[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 27 (Friday, February 9, 2007)]
[Page 6238]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-2183]
Workshop on Assessment of Health Science for the Review of the
NAAQS for Nitrogen (NOx) and Sulfur Oxides (SOx)
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Notice of workshop.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing that a
workshop on Assessment of Health Science for the Review of the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Nitrogen (NOX) and
Sulfur Oxides (SOX) is being organized by EPA's National
Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA), in conjunction with the
Office of Air Quality Standards (OAQPS), and will be held on February
26-28, 2007. The workshop will be open to attendance by interested
public observers. Space is limited, and reservations will be accepted
on a first-come, first-served basis.
DATES: The workshop will be held on February 26-28, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information regarding registration
and logistics for the workshop please contact Kristin Wheeler, SAIC
Conference Coordinator at 703-318-4535, facsimile: 703-318-4755, e-
mail: wheelerkr@saic.com, or 11251 Roger Bacon Drive, Reston, VA 20190.
For information regarding the scientific and technical aspects of the
workshop please contact Dr. Anu Mudipalli at 919-541-0413, facsimile:
919-541-1818, e-mail: Mudipalli.anu@epa.gov or Dr. Paul Reinhart at
919-541-1456, facsimile: 919-541-1818, e-mail: reinhart.paul@epa.gov.
I. Summary of Information About the Workshop/Document
The U.S. Clean Air Act requires EPA to carry out periodic reviews
of the NAAQS for major ``criteria'' air pollutants and to retain or
revise the NAAQS for a given pollutant, as appropriate. EPA recently
instituted a number of changes to the NAAQS review process to help
improve the EPA the efficiency of the process while ensuring that EPA's
decisions on the NAAQS are informed by the best science available. As
part of the NAAQS reviews NCEA, within EPA's Office of Research and
Development (ORD), will assess newly available scientific information
in Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) documents (formerly known as
Criteria Documents). The ISA will be supported by a more detailed and
comprehensive Science Assessment Support Document (SASD). The
assessments in these documents will provide the scientific basis for
the reviews of the NAAQS. EPA's OAQPS will prepare risk and exposure
assessment analyses, as appropriate, drawing upon the scientific
evidence summarized in the ISA. Subsequently, the EPA will prepare a
policy assessment that discusses, in part, the findings of the science
and risk/exposure assessments related to the adequacy of the standards
and describes a range of options for revising or retaining the NAAQS.
NCEA is holding this workshop to inform the Agency's assessment
process of the existing scientific evidence for the review of the NAAQS
for the criteria pollutants NOX and SOX. The
workshop will address various issues involved in the preparation of the
draft material for the ISA and SASD and issues involved in the
integration of health evidence from both animal and human toxicology
and epidemiology studies, along with key information from atmospheric
science and exposure studies. This workshop is planned to help ensure
that the SASD provides an up-to-date, state of the art scientific basis
for the review of the NAAQS for these criteria pollutants. Workshop
discussions will be focused on identifying and integrating policy
relevant health findings in the ISA and for future risk and exposure
A second workshop will be announced in the next several months to
discuss environmental effects related to the review of the NAAQS for
NOX and SOX and the preparation of the draft ISA.
Dated: February 5, 2007.
George Alapas,
Director, National Center for Environmental Assessment.
[FR Doc. E7-2183 Filed 2-8-07; 8:45 am]