[Congressional Bills 111th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 3456 Placed on Calendar Senate (PCS)]

                                                       Calendar No. 416
  2d Session
                                S. 3456

     To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for military 
                 construction, and for other purposes.



                              June 4, 2010

    Mr. Levin, from the Committee on Armed Services reported, under 
 authority of the order of the Senate of May 28 (legislative day, May 
26), 2010, the following original bill; which was read twice and placed 
                            on the calendar


                                 A BILL

     To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for military 
                 construction, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Military Construction Authorization 
Act for Fiscal Year 2011''.


    The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.
Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees.

Sec. 2001. Short title.
Sec. 2002. Expiration of authorizations and amounts required to be 
                            specified by law.
Sec. 2003. Funding tables.
                            TITLE XXI--ARMY

Sec. 2101. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2102. Family housing.
Sec. 2103. Improvements to military family housing units.
Sec. 2104. Authorization of appropriations, Army.
Sec. 2105. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2008 
Sec. 2106. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
                            2009 project.
Sec. 2107. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
                            2010 project.
                            TITLE XXII--NAVY

Sec. 2201. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2202. Family housing.
Sec. 2203. Improvements to military family housing units.
Sec. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy.
Sec. 2205. Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2008 
Sec. 2206. Technical amendment to carry out certain fiscal year 2010 
                         TITLE XXIII--AIR FORCE

Sec. 2301. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2302. Family housing.
Sec. 2303. Improvements to military family housing units.
Sec. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force.
Sec. 2305. Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2007 
                      TITLE XXIV--DEFENSE AGENCIES

               Subtitle A--Defense Agency Authorizations

Sec. 2401. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land 
                            acquisition projects.
Sec. 2402. Energy conservation projects.
Sec. 2403. Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies.
Sec. 2404. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
                            2010 project.
          Subtitle B--Chemical Demilitarization Authorizations

Sec. 2411. Authorization of appropriations, chemical demilitarization 
                            construction, defense-wide.
Sec. 2412. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 
                            2000 project.

Sec. 2501. Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO.

Sec. 2601. Authorized Army National Guard construction and land 
                            acquisition projects.
Sec. 2602. Authorized Army Reserve construction and land acquisition 
Sec. 2603. Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve 
                            construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2604. Authorized Air National Guard construction and land 
                            acquisition projects.
Sec. 2605. Authorized Air Force Reserve construction and land 
                            acquisition projects.
Sec. 2606. Authorization of appropriations, National Guard and Reserve.
Sec. 2607. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2008 

Sec. 2701. Authorization of appropriations for base closure and 
                            realignment activities funded through 
                            Department of Defense Base Closure Account 
Sec. 2702. Authorized base closure and realignment activities funded 
                            through Department of Defense Base Closure 
                            Account 2005.
Sec. 2703. Authorization of appropriations for base closure and 
                            realignment activities funded through 
                            Department of Defense Base Closure Account 

 Subtitle A--Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing 

Sec. 2801. Extension of temporary, limited authority to use operation 
                            and maintenance funds for construction 
                            projects outside the United States.
        Subtitle B--Real Property and Facilities Administration

Sec. 2811. Limitation on enhanced use leases of non-excess property.
                      Subtitle C--Energy Security

Sec. 2821. Enhancement of energy security activities of the Department 
                            of Defense.
Sec. 2822. Permanent authority to accept and use landing fees charged 
                            to use of domestic airfields by civil 
                      Subtitle D--Land Conveyances

Sec. 2831. Land conveyance, Fort Knox, Kentucky.
Sec. 2832. Land conveyances, Naval Support Activity (West Bank), New 
                            Orleans, Louisiana.
Sec. 2833. Authority for use of unobligated funds for construction of a 
                            replacement fire station at Fort Belvoir, 
                          Subtitle E--Reports

Sec. 2841. Limitation on availability of funds pending reports 
                            regarding construction of a new outlying 
                            landing field (OLF) in North Carolina and 
                       Subtitle F--Other Matters

Sec. 2851. Further enhancements to Department of Defense Homeowners 
                            Assistance Program.
Sec. 2852. Lease of Airborne and Special Operations Museum facility.
Sec. 2853. Sense of the Senate on the proposed extension of the Alaska 
                            Railroad corridor across Federal land in 
Sec. 2854. Sense of Congress on military housing for the Air Force.

Sec. 2901. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2902. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition 
                       DIVISION D--FUNDING TABLES

Sec. 4001. Authorization of amounts in funding tables.

Sec. 4501. Military construction.
Sec. 4502. 2005 base realignment and closure round fiscal year 2011 
                            project listing.
Sec. 4503. Military construction for overseas contingency operations.


    For purposes of this Act, the term ``congressional defense 
committees'' has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(16) of 
title 10, United States Code.



    This division may be cited as the ``Military Construction 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011''.

              SPECIFIED BY LAW.

    (a) Expiration of Authorizations After Three Years.--Except as 
provided in subsection (b), all authorizations contained in titles XXI 
through XXVII for military construction projects, land acquisition, 
family housing projects and facilities, and contributions to the North 
Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program (and 
authorizations of appropriations therefor) shall expire on the later 
            (1) October 1, 2013; or
            (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds 
        for military construction for fiscal year 2014.
    (b) Exception.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to authorizations 
for military construction projects, land acquisition, family housing 
projects and facilities, and contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization Security Investment Program (and authorizations of 
appropriations therefor), for which appropriated funds have been 
obligated before the later of--
            (1) October 1, 2013; or
            (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds 
        for fiscal year 2014 for military construction projects, land 
        acquisition, family housing projects and facilities, or 
        contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 
        Security Investment Program.


    (a) In General.--The amounts authorized to be appropriated by 
sections 2104, 2204, 2304, 2404, 2411, 2502, and 2606 shall be 
available in the amounts specified in the funding table in section 
    (b) Base Closure and Realignment Activities.--The amounts 
authorized to be appropriated by section 2703 shall be available in the 
amounts specified in the funding table in section 4502.
    (c) Overseas Contingency Operations.--The amounts authorized to be 
appropriated by sections 2901 and 2902 shall be available in the 
amounts specified in the funding table in section 4503.

                            TITLE XXI--ARMY


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2104(1), the 
Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installations or locations inside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                         Army: Inside the United States
                    State                                  Installation or Location                   Amount
Alabama.....................................  Fort Rucker......................................      $69,650,000
Alaska......................................  Fort Greely......................................      $26,000,000
                                              Fort Richardson..................................     $113,238,000
                                              Fort Wainwright..................................     $173,000,000
California..................................  Presidio of Monterey.............................     $140,000,000
Colorado....................................  Fort Carson......................................     $106,350,000
Florida.....................................  Eglin Air Force Base.............................       $6,900,000
                                              Miami-Dade County................................      $41,000,000
Georgia.....................................  Fort Benning.....................................     $145,400,000
                                              Fort Gordon......................................      $12,250,000
                                              Fort Stewart.....................................     $125,250,000
Hawaii......................................  Fort Shafter.....................................      $81,000,000
                                              Schofield Barracks...............................     $212,000,000
                                              Tripler Army Medical Center......................      $28,000,000
Kansas......................................  Fort Leavenworth.................................       $7,100,000
                                              Fort Riley.......................................      $57,100,000
Kentucky....................................  Fort Campbell....................................     $150,200,000
                                              Fort Knox........................................      $36,800,000
Louisiana...................................  Fort Polk........................................      $72,450,000
Maryland....................................  Aberdeen Proving Ground..........................      $14,600,000
                                              Fort Meade.......................................      $32,600,000
Missouri....................................  Fort Leonard Wood................................     $111,700,000
New Mexico..................................  White Sands......................................      $29,000,000
New York....................................  Fort Drum........................................     $236,400,000
                                              U.S. Military Academy............................     $132,324,000
North Carolina..............................  Fort Bragg.......................................     $310,900,000
Oklahoma....................................  Fort Sill........................................      $13,800,000
                                              McAlester Army Ammunition Plant..................       $3,000,000
South Carolina..............................  Fort Jackson.....................................      $91,000,000
Texas.......................................  Fort Bliss.......................................     $149,950,000
                                              Fort Hood........................................     $145,050,000
                                              Fort Sam Houston.................................      $22,200,000
Virginia....................................  Fort A.P. Hill...................................      $93,600,000
                                              Fort Eustis......................................      $18,000,000
                                              Fort Lee.........................................      $18,400,000
Washington..................................  Fort Lewis.......................................     $171,800,000
                                              Yakima Firing Range..............................       $3,750,000

    (b) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2104(2), the 
Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installations or locations outside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                         Army: Outside the United States
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Germany.......................................  Ansbach........................................      $31,800,000
                                                Grafenwoehr....................................      $75,500,000
                                                Rhine Ordnance Barracks........................      $35,000,000
                                                Sembach Air Base...............................       $9,100,000
                                                Wiesbaden Air Base.............................     $126,500,000
Korea.........................................  Camp Walker....................................      $19,500,000


    (a) Construction and Acquisition.--Using amounts appropriated 
pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2104(5)(A), 
the Secretary of the Army may construct or acquire family housing units 
(including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the 
installations or locations, in the number of units, and in the amounts 
set forth in the following table:

                                              Army: Family Housing
                Country                    Installation or Location              Units                Amount
Alaska.................................  Fort Wainwright............  110.......................     $21,000,000
Germany................................  Baumholder.................  64........................     $34,329,000

    (b) Planning and Design.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2104(5)(A), the 
Secretary of the Army may carry out architectural and engineering 
services and construction design activities with respect to the 
construction or improvement of family housing units in an amount not to 
exceed $2,040,000.


    Subject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using 
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in 
section 2104(5)(A), the Secretary of the Army may improve existing 
military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $35,000,000.


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for military construction, land 
acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of 
the Army in the total amount of $4,407,307,000, as follows:
            (1) For military construction projects inside the United 
        States authorized by section 2101(a), $3,059,112,000.
            (2) For military construction projects outside the United 
        States authorized by section 2101(b), $206,400,000.
            (3) For unspecified minor military construction projects 
        authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, 
            (4) For architectural and engineering services and 
        construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United 
        States Code, $259,636,000.
            (5) For military family housing functions:
                    (A) For construction and acquisition, planning and 
                design, and improvement of military family housing and 
                facilities, $92,369,000.
                    (B) For support of military family housing 
                (including the functions described in section 2833 of 
                title 10, United States Code), $518,140,000.
            (6) For the construction of increment 4 of a brigade 
        complex operations support facility at Vicenza, Italy, 
        authorized by section 2101(b) of the Military Construction 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (division B of Public 
        Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 505), $25,000,000.
            (7) For the construction of increment 4 of a brigade 
        complex barracks and community support facility at Vicenza, 
        Italy, authorized by section 2101(b) of the Military 
        Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (division B 
        of Public Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 505), $26,000,000.
            (8) For the construction of increment 2 of the Command and 
        Battle Center at Wiesbaden, Germany, authorized by section 
        2101(b) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for 
        Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110-417; 122 Stat. 
        4662), $59,500,000.
            (9) For the construction of increment 1 of the Aviation 
        Task Force Complex at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, authorized by 
        section 2101(a) of this Act, $92,650,000.
            (10) For the construction of increment 1 of the Sensitive 
        Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) at Weisbaden, 
        Germany, authorized by section 2101(b) of this Act, 


    (a) Extension.--Notwithstanding section 2002 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (division B of 
Public Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 503), authorizations set forth in the 
table in subsection (b), as provided in section 2101 of that Act (122 
Stat. 504), shall remain in effect until October 1, 2011, or the date 
of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction 
for fiscal year 2012, whichever is later.
    (b) Table.--The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows:

                                 Army: Extension of 2008 Project Authorizations
             State/Country              Installation or Location               Project                  Amount
Georgia...............................  Fort Stewart............  Unit Operations Facilities.......  $16,000,000
Hawaii................................  Schofield Barracks......  Tactical Vehicle Wash Facility...  $10,200,000
                                                                  Barracks Complex-Wheeler 205.....  $51,000,000
Louisiana.............................  Fort Polk                 Brigade Headquarters.............   $9,800,000
                                                                  Child Care Facility..............   $6,100,000
Missouri..............................  Fort Leonard Wood         Automated Multipurpose Machine      $4,150,000
                                                                   Gun Range.......................
Oklahoma..............................  Fort Sill                 Multipurpose Machine Gun Range...   $3,300,000
Washington............................  Fort Lewis                Alternative Fuel Facility........   $3,300,000

              2009 PROJECT.

    The table in section 2101(b) of the Military Construction 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110-
417; 122 Stat. 4662) is amended by striking ``Katterbach'' and 
inserting ``Grafenwoehr''.

              2010 PROJECT.

    In the case of the authorization contained in the table in section 
2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2010 (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2628) for Fort Riley, 
Kansas, for construction of a Brigade Complex at the installation, the 
Secretary of the Army may construct up to a 40,100 square-feet brigade 
headquarters consistent with the Army's construction guidelines for 
brigade headquarters.

                            TITLE XXII--NAVY


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(1), the 
Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installations or locations inside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                            Inside the United States
                     State                                  Installation or Location                  Amount
Alabama.......................................  Mobile.........................................      $29,082,000
Arizona.......................................  Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma.................     $285,060,000
California....................................  Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton..............     $362,124,000
                                                Naval Base, Coronado...........................      $67,160,000
                                                Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar..............     $190,610,000
                                                Naval Station, San Diego.......................     $108,414,000
                                                Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego..........       $9,950,000
                                                Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms............      $53,158,000
Connecticut...................................  Naval Submarine Base, New London...............      $12,930,000
Florida.......................................   Blount Island Command.........................      $74,620,000
                                                Naval Support Activity, Panama City............       $5,960,000
                                                Tampa..........................................       $2,300,000
Georgia.......................................  Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay................      $60,664,000
Hawaii........................................  Marine Corps Base, Camp Smith..................      $29,960,000
                                                Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe Bay.................     $109,660,000
                                                Naval Station, Pearl Harbor....................     $129,612,000
                                                Pacific Missile Range Facility.................       $9,100,000
Maine.........................................  Portsmouth Naval Shipyard......................      $17,240,000
Maryland......................................  Naval Support Facility, Indian Head............      $47,048,000
                                                Naval Air Station, Patuxent River..............      $42,211,000
Mississippi...................................  Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport..      $11,870,000
North Carolina................................  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune................     $789,393,000
                                                Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point.........      $65,510,000
Pennsylvania..................................  Naval Support Activity, Mechanicsburg..........      $13,560,000
Rhode Island..................................  Naval Station, Newport.........................      $44,127,000
South Carolina................................  Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort.............     $129,410,000
Virginia......................................  Naval Station, Norfolk.........................      $12,435,000
                                                Marine Corps Base, Quantico....................     $143,632,000
                                                Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren.........       $9,730,000
Washington....................................  Bangor.........................................      $56,893,000

    (b) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(2), the 
Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installation or location outside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                         Navy: Outside the United States
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Bahrain.......................................  Southwest Asia..................................    $213,153,000
Djibouti......................................  Camp Lemonier...................................     $51,631,000
Guam..........................................  Naval Activities, Guam..........................     $66,730,000
Japan.........................................  Atsugi Naval Air Facility.......................      $6,908,000
Spain.........................................  Naval Station, Rota.............................     $23,190,000


    (a) Construction and Acquisition.--Using amounts appropriated 
pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(5)(A), 
the Secretary of the Navy may construct or acquire family housing units 
(including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the 
installations or locations, in the number of units, and in the amounts 
set forth in the following table:

                                              Navy: Family Housing
                Location                      Installation or Location              Units             Amount
Cuba...................................  Guantanamo Bay...................  71                       $37,169,000

    (b) Planning and Design.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(5)(A), the 
Secretary of the Navy may carry out architectural and engineering 
services and construction design activities with respect to the 
construction or improvement of family housing units in an amount not to 
exceed $3,255,000.


    Subject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using 
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in 
section 2204(5)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may improve existing 
military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $146,020,000.


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for military construction, land 
acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of 
the Navy in the total amount of $4,263,210,000, as follows:
            (1) For military construction projects inside the United 
        States authorized by section 2201(a), $2,998,765,000.
            (2) For military construction projects outside the United 
        States authorized by section 2201(b), $361,612,000.
            (3) For unspecified minor military construction projects 
        authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, 
            (4) For architectural and engineering services and 
        construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United 
        States Code, $140,050,000.
            (5) For military family housing functions:
                    (A) For construction and acquisition, planning and 
                design, and improvement of military family housing and 
                facilities, $186,444,000.
                    (B) For support of military family housing 
                (including functions described in section 2833 of title 
                10, United States Code), $366,346,000.
            (6) For the construction of increment 7 of a limited area 
        production and storage complex at Bangor, Washington, 
        authorized by section 2201(a) of the Military Construction 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (division B of Public 
        Law 108-375; 118 Stat. 2106), $19,116,000.
            (7) For the construction of increment 2 of a ship repair 
        pier replacement at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Virginia, 
        authorized by section 2201(a) of the Military Construction 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (division B of Public 
        Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2633), $100,000,000.
            (8) For the construction of increment 2 of a wharves 
        improvement at Apra Harbor, Guam, authorized by section 2201(b) 
        of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
        2010 (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2633), 
            (9) For the construction of increment 2 of a tertiary water 
        treatment plant at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, 
        California, authorized by section 2201(a) of the Military 
        Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (division B 
        of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2632), $30,000,000.


    (a) Extension.--Notwithstanding section 2002 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (division B of 
Public Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 503), the authorization set forth in the 
table in subsection (b), as provided in section 2201(c) of that Act 
(122 Stat. 511), shall remain in effect until October 1, 2011, or the 
date of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for fiscal 
year 2012, whichever is later.
    (b) Table.--The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows:

                                 Navy: Extension of 2008 Project Authorization
              State/Country                  Installation or Location             Project               Amount
Worldwide................................  Various....................  Host Nation Infrastructure.   $2,700,000


    Section 2204(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2010 (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2635) is 
amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(14) For the construction of the first increment of a 
        tertiary water treatment plant at Marine Corps Base Camp 
        Pendleton, California, authorized by section 2201(a), 

                         TITLE XXIII--AIR FORCE


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2304(1), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out 
military construction projects for the installations or locations 
inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the 
following table:

                                       Air Force: Inside the United States
                     State                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Alabama........................................   Maxwell Air Force Base.....................        $13,400,000
Alaska.........................................  Eielson Air Force Base......................        $28,000,000
                                                 Elmendorf Air Force Base....................        $36,874,000
Arizona........................................  Davis-Monthan Air Force Base................        $48,500,000
                                                 Fort Huachuca...............................        $11,000,000
California.....................................  Edwards Air Force Base......................        $15,500,000
Colorado.......................................  Buckley Air Force Base......................        $22,160,000
                                                 Peterson Air Force Base.....................        $24,800,000
                                                 U.S. Air Force Academy......................        $27,600,000
District of Columbia...........................  Bolling Air Force Base......................        $13,200,000
Delaware.......................................  Dover Air Force Base........................         $3,200,000
Florida........................................  Eglin Air Force Base........................        $11,400,000
                                                 Hurlburt Field..............................        $34,670,000
                                                 Patrick Air Force Base......................       $166,009,000
Louisiana......................................  Barksdale Air Force Base....................        $18,140,000
Montana........................................  Malmstrom Air Force Base....................         $8,000,000
Nebraska.......................................  Offutt Air Force Base.......................        $11,000,000
Nevada.........................................  Creech Air Force Base.......................        $11,710,000
                                                 Nellis Air Force Base.......................        $63,040,000
New Jersey.....................................  McGuire Air Force Base......................        $26,440,000
New Mexico.....................................  Cannon Air Force Base.......................        $38,050,000
                                                 Holloman Air Force Base.....................        $37,970,000
                                                 Kirtland Air Force Base.....................        $28,802,000
New York.......................................  Fort Drum...................................        $20,440,000
North Dakota...................................  Grand Forks Air Force Base..................        $16,500,000
                                                 Minot Air Force Base........................        $18,770,000
Oklahoma.......................................  Tinker Air Force Base.......................        $23,300,000
South Carolina.................................  Charleston Air Force Base...................        $15,000,000
South Dakota...................................  Ellsworth Air Force Base....................        $12,400,000
Texas..........................................  Dyess Air Force Base........................         $4,080,000
                                                  Ellington Field............................         $7,000,000
                                                 Lackland Air Force Base.....................       $127,280,000
                                                 Randolph Air Force Base.....................        $13,000,000
Utah...........................................  Hill Air Force Base.........................        $10,100,000
Virginia.......................................  Langley Air Force Base......................         $8,800,000
Washington.....................................  McChord Air Force Base......................        $10,400,000
Wyoming........................................  Camp Guernsey...............................         $4,650,000

    (b) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2304(2), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out 
military construction projects for the installations or locations 
outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the 
following table:

                  Air Force: Outside the United States
                                     Installation or
            Country                     Location              Amount
Bahrain........................  Shaikh Isa Air Base...      $45,000,000
Germany........................  Kapaun................      $19,600,000
                                 Ramstein Air Base.....      $22,354,000
                                 Vilseck...............      $12,900,000
Guam...........................  Andersen Air Force          $50,300,000
Italy..........................  Aviano Air Base.......      $29,200,000
Korea..........................  Kunsan Air Base.......       $7,500,000
Qatar..........................  Al Udeid Air Base.....      $62,300,000
United Kingdom.................  RAF Mildenhall........      $15,000,000

    (c) Unspecified Worldwide.--Using the amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2304(4), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out 
military construction projects for unspecified installations or 
locations in the amounts set forth in the following table:

                                        Air Force: Unspecified Worldwide
                    Location                                   Installation or Location                 Amount
Worldwide Unspecified...........................  F-35 Squadron OPS Facility.......................  $10,260,000
                                                  F-35 Flight Simulator Facility...................  $12,190,000
                                                  F-35 Academic Training Center....................  $54,150,000


    Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of 
appropriations in section 2304(6)(A), the Secretary of the Air Force 
may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction 
design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of 
family housing units in an amount not to exceed $4,225,000.


    Subject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using 
amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in 
section 2304(6)(A), the Secretary of the Air Force may improve existing 
military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $73,750,000.


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2009, for military construction, land 
acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of 
the Air Force in the total amount of $1,974,942,000, as follows:
            (1) For military construction projects inside the United 
        States authorized by section 2301(a), $838,026,000.
            (2) For military construction projects outside the United 
        States authorized by section 2301(b), $264,154,000.
            (3) For unspecified minor military construction projects 
        authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, 
            (4) For the military construction projects at unspecified 
        worldwide locations authorized by section 2301(c), $76,600,000.
            (5) For architectural and engineering services and 
        construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United 
        States Code, $86,336,000.
            (6) For military family housing functions:
                    (A) For construction and acquisition, planning and 
                design, and improvement of military family housing and 
                facilities, $78,025,000.
                    (B) For support of military family housing 
                (including functions described in section 2833 of title 
                10, United States Code), $513,792,000.
            (7) For the construction of increment 1 of the Air Force 
        Technical Application Center at Patrick Air Force Base, 
        Florida, as authorized by section 2101(a) of this Act, 


    (a) Extension.--Notwithstanding section 2701 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (division B of 
Public Law 109-364; 120 Stat. 2463), the authorization set forth in the 
table in subsection (b), as provided in section 2302 of that Act (120 
Stat. 2455) and extended by section 2306 of the Military Construction 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (division B of Public Law 111-
84; 123 Stat. 2639), shall remain in effect until October 1, 2011, or 
the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military 
construction for fiscal year 2012, whichever is later.
    (b) Table.--The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows:

                               Air Force: Extension of 2007 Project Authorizations
                 State                    Installation or  Location            Project                Amount
Idaho..................................  Mountain Home Air Force      Replace Family Housing        $107,800,000
                                          Base......................   (457 units).............

                      TITLE XXIV--DEFENSE AGENCIES

               Subtitle A--Defense Agency Authorizations


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2403(1), the 
Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installations or locations inside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables:

                                           Defense Education Activity
                    State                                   Installation or Location                  Amount
Georgia......................................  Fort Benning.....................................      $2,800,000
New York.....................................  U.S. Military Academy............................     $27,960,000
North Carolina...............................  Fort Bragg.......................................     $45,086,000
                                               Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune..................     $16,646,000
Virginia.....................................  Marine Corps Base, Quantico......................     $47,355,000

                                       Defense Information Systems Agency
                     State                                   Installation or Location                 Amount
Illinois.......................................  Scott Air Force Base...........................      $1,388,000

                                           Defense Intelligence Agency
                     State                                   Installation or Location                 Amount
District Of Columbia...........................  Bolling Air Force Base.........................      $3,000,000

                                            Defense Logistics Agency
                    State                                   Installation or Location                  Amount
California...................................  Naval Base, Ventura City (Point Mugu)............      $3,100,000
Georgia......................................  Hunter Air National Guard Station................      $2,400,000
Hawaii.......................................  Hickam Air Force Base............................      $8,500,000
Idaho........................................  Mountain Home Air Force Base.....................     $27,500,000
Maryland.....................................  Andrews Air Force Base...........................     $14,000,000
Ohio.........................................  Defense Supply Center, Columbus..................      $7,400,000
Pennsylvania.................................  Defense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland.......     $96,000,000
Virginia.....................................  Craney Island....................................     $58,000,000

                                            National Security Agency
                     State                                  Installation or Location                  Amount
Georgia.......................................  Augusta.........................................     $12,855,000
Maryland......................................  Fort Meade......................................    $219,360,000

                                           Special Operations Command
                     State                                  Installation or Location                  Amount
Arizona.......................................  Yuma Proving Ground.............................      $8,977,000
Colorado......................................  Fort Carson.....................................      $3,717,000
Florida.......................................  Eglin Air Force Base............................      $6,030,000
Georgia.......................................  Fort Benning....................................     $24,065,000
                                                Hunter Army Airfield............................      $3,318,000
Hawaii........................................  Naval Station, Pearl Harbor.....................     $28,804,000
Kentucky......................................  Fort Campbell...................................     $41,695,000
Mississippi...................................  Stennis Space Center............................     $17,000,000
New Mexico....................................  Cannon Air Force Base...........................    $116,225,000
North Carolina................................  Fort Bragg......................................    $134,696,000

                                           TRICARE Management Activity
                    State                                   Installation or Location                  Amount
Georgia......................................  Fort Stewart.....................................     $35,100,000
Maryland.....................................  Bethesda National Naval Medical Center...........     $80,000,000
                                               Fort Detrick.....................................     $45,700,000
Massachusetts................................  Hanscom Air Force Base...........................      $2,900,000
New Mexico...................................  White Sands Missile Range........................     $22,900,000
Texas........................................  Lackland Air Force Base..........................    $162,500,000
Virginia.....................................  Fort Belvoir.....................................      $6,300,000
Washington...................................  Fort Lewis.......................................      $8,400,000

                                        Washington Headquarters Services
                    State                                   Installation or Location                  Amount
Virginia.....................................  Pentagon Reservation.............................     $63,324,000

    (b) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2403(2), the 
Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installations or locations outside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables:

                                            Defense Education Agency
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Belgium.......................................  Brussels........................................     $67,311,000
Germany.......................................  Panzer Kaserne..................................     $48,968,000
Puerto Rico...................................  Fort Buchanan...................................     $58,708,000
United Kingdom................................  Royal Air Force Alconbury.......................     $30,308,000

                                            Defense Logistics Agency
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Japan.........................................  Kadena Air Base.................................      $3,000,000
United Kingdom................................  RAF Mildenhall..................................     $15,900,000

                                            National Security Agency
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Qatar.........................................  Al Udeid Air Base...............................      $1,961,000
United Kingdom................................  Menwith Hill Station............................      $2,000,000

                                       North Atlantic Treaty Organization
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Belgium.......................................  NATO Headquarters...............................     $31,863,000

                                           TRICARE Management Activity
                    Country                                 Installation or Location                  Amount
Germany.......................................  Katterbach......................................     $37,100,000
                                                Vilseck.........................................     $34,800,000


    Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of 
appropriations in section 2403(6), the Secretary of Defense may carry 
out energy conservation projects under chapter 173 of title 10, United 
States Code, in the amount of $290,000,000.


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for military construction, land 
acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of 
Defense (other than the military departments) in the total amount of 
$3,270,719,000, as follows:
            (1) For military construction projects inside the United 
        States authorized by section 2401(a), $1,88,394,000.
            (2) For military construction projects outside the United 
        States authorized by section 2401(b), $331,919,000.
            (3) For unspecified minor military construction projects 
        under section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, 
            (4) For contingency construction projects of the Secretary 
        of Defense under section 2804 of title 10, United States Code, 
            (5) For architectural and engineering services and 
        construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United 
        States Code, $451,617,000.
            (6) For energy conservation projects under chapter 173 of 
        title 10, United States Code, $290,000,000.
            (7) For military family housing functions:
                    (A) For support of military family housing 
                (including functions described in section 2833 of title 
                10, United States Code), $50,464,000.
                    (B) For credits to the Department of Defense Family 
                Housing Improvement Fund under section 2883 of title 
                10, United States Code, and the Homeowners Assistance 
                Fund established under section 1013 of the 
                Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act 
                of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 3374), $17,611,000.
            (8) For the construction of increment 5 of the Army Medical 
        Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Stage I at Fort 
        Detrick, Maryland, authorized by section 2401(a) of the 
        Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 
        (division B of Public Law 109-364; 120 Stat. 2457), 
            (9) For the construction of increment 3 of replacement fuel 
        storage facilities at Point Loma Annex, California, authorized 
        by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authorization 
        Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (division B of Public Law 110-181; 122 
        Stat. 521), as amended by section 2406 of the Military 
        Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (division B 
        of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2646), $20,000,000.
            (10) For the construction of increment 3 of the United 
        States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense 
        replacement facility at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, 
        authorized by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public 
        Law 110-417; 122 Stat. 4689), $105,000,000.
            (11) For the construction of increment 3 of a National 
        Security Agency data center at Camp Williams, Utah, authorized 
        as a Military Construction, Defense-Wide project by the 
        Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009 (Public Law 111-32; 123 
        Stat. 1888), $398,358,000.
            (12) For the construction of increment 2 of the hospital at 
        Fort Bliss, Texas, authorized by section 2401(a) of the 
        Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 
        (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2642), 
            (13) For the construction of increment 2 of a hospital at 
        Naval Activities, Guam, authorized by section 2401(b) of the 
        Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 
        (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2643), $70,000,000.
            (14) For the construction of increment 1 of the Ambulatory 
        Care Center at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, authorized by 
        section 2401(a) of this Act, $120,000,000.

              2010 PROJECT.

    (a) Modification.--The table relating to the Missile Defense Agency 
in section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2010 (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2641) is 
amended by inserting after the item relating to Redstone Arsenal, 
Alabama, the following:

Hawaii......................  Pacific Missile Range          $68,500,000

    (b) Conforming Amendments.--
            (1) Authorization of appropriations.--Section 2404(a)(1) of 
        that Act (123 Stat. 2644) is amended by striking 
        ``$1,048,783,000'' and inserting ``$1,117,283,000''.
            (2) Funding tables.--The table in section 4501 of the 
        National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public 
        Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2812) is amended by inserting after the 
        item relating to TFI--F-22 Parking Apron and Taxiways at Hickam 
        Air Force Base, Hawaii, a Defense-Wide account item for an 
        Aegis Ashore Test Facility at the Pacific Missile Range 
        Facility, Hawaii, for which funds were made available by title 
        I of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related 
        Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 (division E of Public Law 
        111-117; 123 Stat. 3286) under the heading ``Military 
        Construction, Defense-Wide''.

          Subtitle B--Chemical Demilitarization Authorizations


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for military construction and land 
acquisition for chemical demilitarization in the total amount of 
$124,971,000, as follows:
            (1) For the construction of phase 12 of a chemical 
        munitions demilitarization facility at Pueblo Chemical 
        Activity, Colorado, authorized by section 2401(a) of the 
        Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997 
        (division B of Public Law 104-201; 110 Stat. 2775), as amended 
        by section 2406 of the Military Construction Authorization Act 
        for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of Public Law 106-65; 113 
        Stat. 839), section 2407 of the Military Construction 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of Public 
        Law 107-314; 116 Stat. 2698), and section 2413 of the Military 
        Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B 
        of Public Law 110-417; 122 Stat. 4697), $65,569,000.
            (2) For the construction of phase 11 of a munitions 
        demilitarization facility at Blue Grass Army Depot, Kentucky, 
        authorized by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction 
        Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of Public 
        Law 106-65; 113 Stat. 835), as amended by section 2405 of the 
        Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 
        (division B of Public Law 107-107; 115 Stat. 1298), section 
        2405 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal 
        Year 2003 (division B of Public Law 107-314; 116 Stat. 2698), 
        and section 2414 of the Military Construction Authorization Act 
        for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110-417; 122 
        Stat. 4697), and section 2412 of this Act, $59,402,000.

              2000 PROJECT.

    (a) Modification.--The table in section 2401(a) of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of 
Public Law 106-65; 113 Stat. 835), as amended by section 2405 of the 
Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (division 
B of Public Law 107-107; 115 Stat. 1298), section 2405 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of 
Public Law 107-314; 116 Stat. 2698), and section 2414 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of 
Public Law 110-417; 122 Stat. 4697), is amended--
            (1) in the item relating to Blue Grass Army Depot, 
        Kentucky, by striking ``$492,000,000'' in the amount column and 
        inserting ``$746,000,000''; and
            (2) by striking the amount identified as the total in the 
        amount column and inserting ``$1,203,920,000''.
    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 2405(b)(3) of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of 
Public Law 106-65; 113 Stat. 839), as amended by section 2405 of the 
Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (division 
B of Public Law 107-107; 115 Stat. 1298), section 2405 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of 
Public Law 107-314; 116 Stat. 2698), and section 2414 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of 
Public Law 110-417; 122 Stat. 4697), is further amended by striking 
``$469,200,000'' and inserting ``$723,200,000''.



    The Secretary of Defense may make contributions for the North 
Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program as provided in 
section 2806 of title 10, United States Code, in an amount not to 
exceed the sum of the amount authorized to be appropriated for this 
purpose in section 2502 and the amount collected from the North 
Atlantic Treaty Organization as a result of construction previously 
financed by the United States.


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for contributions by the Secretary 
of Defense under section 2806 of title 10, United States Code, for the 
share of the United States of the cost of projects for the North 
Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program authorized by 
section 2501, in the amount of $258,884,000.



    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(1), the 
Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the Army National Guard locations inside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                  Army National Guard: Inside the United States
                    State                                          Location                           Amount
Alabama.....................................  Fort McChelan....................................       $5,635,000
Arizona.....................................  Florence.........................................      $16,500,000
Arkansas....................................  Camp Robinson....................................      $30,000,000
                                              Fort Chafee......................................      $25,000,000
California..................................  Camp Roberts.....................................      $19,000,000
Colorado....................................  Colorado Springs.................................      $20,000,000
                                              Fort Carson......................................      $40,000,000
                                              Gypsum...........................................      $39,000,000
                                              Windsor..........................................       $7,500,000
Connecticut.................................  Windsor Locks....................................      $41,000,000
Delaware....................................  New Castle.......................................      $27,000,000
Georgia.....................................  Cumming..........................................      $17,000,000
                                              Dobbins Air Reserve Base.........................      $10,400,000
Hawaii......................................  Kalaeloa.........................................      $38,000,000
Idaho.......................................  Gowen Field......................................      $17,500,000
                                              Mountain Home....................................       $6,300,000
Illinois....................................  Springfield......................................      $15,000,000
Iowa........................................  Camp Dodge.......................................       $5,700,000
Kansas......................................  Wichita..........................................      $67,000,000
                                              Topeka Army Aviation Support Facility............       $9,036,000
Kentucky....................................  Burlington.......................................      $19,500,000
Louisiana...................................  Fort Polk........................................       $5,500,000
                                              Minden...........................................      $28,000,000
Maryland....................................  St. Inigoes......................................       $5,500,000
Massachusetts...............................  Hanscom Air Force Base...........................      $23,000,000
Michigan....................................  Camp Grayling Range..............................      $37,697,000
Minnesota...................................  Arden Hills......................................      $29,000,000
                                              Camp Ripley......................................       $8,750,000
Missouri....................................  Fort Leonard Wood................................      $13,800,000
Nebraska....................................  Lincoln..........................................       $3,300,000
                                              Mead.............................................      $11,400,000
New Hampshire...............................  Pembroke.........................................      $36,000,000
New Mexico..................................  Farmington.......................................       $8,500,000
North Carolina..............................  High Point.......................................       $1,551,000
North Dakota................................  Camp Grafton.....................................      $11,200,000
Rhode Island................................  East Greenwich...................................      $27,000,000
South Dakota................................  Watertown........................................      $25,000,000
Texas.......................................  Camp Maxey.......................................       $2,500,000
                                              Camp Swift.......................................       $2,600,000
Washington..................................  Tacoma...........................................      $25,000,000
West Virginia...............................  Moorefield.......................................      $14,200,000
                                              Morgantown.......................................      $21,000,000
Wisconsin...................................  Madison..........................................       $5,700,000
Wyoming.....................................  Laramie..........................................      $14,400,000

    (b) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(1), the 
Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the Army National Guard locations outside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                 Army National Guard: Outside the United States
                    Country                                         Location                          Amount
Guam..........................................  Barrigada......................................      $19,000,000
Virgin Islands................................  St. Croix......................................      $25,000,000
Puerto Rico...................................  Santiago.......................................      $95,100,000

    (c) Unspecified Worldwide.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(1), the Secretary 
of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the 
amounts set forth in the following table:

                                               Army National Guard
                   Location                                 Location or Installation                  Amount
Worldwide Unspecified.........................  Unspecified Worldwide Locations................      $37,063,000


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(2), the 
Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the Army Reserve locations inside the United 
States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                                  Army Reserve
                     State                                          Location                          Amount
California....................................  Fairfield......................................      $26,000,000
                                                Fort Hunter Liggett............................      $52,000,000
Florida.......................................  Miami..........................................      $13,800,000
                                                Orlando........................................      $10,200,000
                                                West Palm Beach................................      $10,400,000
Georgia.......................................  Macon..........................................      $11,400,000
Illinois......................................  Quincy.........................................      $12,200,000
                                                Rockford U.S. Army Reserve Center..............      $13,000,000
Indiana.......................................  Michigan City..................................      $15,500,000
Iowa..........................................  Des Moines.....................................       $8,175,000
Massachusetts.................................  Devens Reserve Forces Training Area............       $4,700,000
Missouri......................................  Kansas City....................................      $11,800,000
New Mexico....................................  Las Cruces.....................................      $11,400,000
New York......................................  Binghamton.....................................      $13,400,000
Texas.........................................  Dallas.........................................      $12,600,000
                                                Fort Hood......................................      $15,500,000
                                                Rio Grande.....................................       $6,100,000
                                                San Marcos.....................................       $8,500,000
Virginia......................................  Fort A.P. Hill.................................      $15,500,000
                                                Roanoke........................................      $14,800,000
                                                Virginia Beach.................................      $11,000,000
Wisconsin.....................................  Fort McCoy.....................................      $19,800,000

    (b) Unspecified Worldwide.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(2), the Secretary 
of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the 
amounts set forth in the following table:

                                                  Army Reserve
                   Location                                 Location or Installation                  Amount
Worldwide Unspecified.........................  Unspecified Worldwide Locations................      $28,900,000


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(3), the 
Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve 
locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in 
the following table:

                                      Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve
                     State                                          Location                          Amount
California....................................  Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms............       $5,991,000
Louisiana.....................................  New Orleans....................................      $16,281,000
Virginia......................................  Williamsburg...................................      $21,346,000
Washington....................................  Yakima.........................................      $13,844,000

    (b) Unspecified Worldwide.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(3), the Secretary 
of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the 
amounts set forth in the following table:

                                      Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve
                   Location                                 Location or Installation                  Amount
Worldwide Unspecified.........................  Unspecified Worldwide Locations................       $4,095,000


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(4), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out 
military construction projects for the Air National Guard locations 
inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the 
following table:

                                               Air National Guard
                     State                                          Location                          Amount
Alabama.......................................  Montgomery Regional Airport (ANG)..............      $14,972,000
Alaska........................................  Eielson Air Force Base.........................       $6,500,000
Arizona.......................................  Davis Monthan Air Force Base...................       $4,650,000
Arkansas......................................  Little Rock Air Force Base.....................      $10,400,000
Delaware......................................  New Castle County Airport......................      $10,200,000
Florida.......................................  Jacksonville International Airport.............       $6,700,000
Georgia.......................................  Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport.....       $7,450,000
Hawaii........................................  Hickam Air Force Base..........................      $71,450,000
Illinois......................................  Capital Municipal Airport......................      $16,700,000
Indiana.......................................  Hulman Regional Airport........................       $4,100,000
Iowa..........................................  Des Moines.....................................       $4,700,000
Maryland......................................  Martin State Airport...........................      $11,400,000
Massachusetts.................................  Barnes Municipal Airport.......................       $6,000,000
Michigan......................................  Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center........       $9,600,000
New Jersey....................................  Atlantic City..................................       $8,500,000
New York......................................  Fort Drum......................................       $2,500,000
New York......................................  Stewart International Airport..................      $14,250,000
North Carolina................................  Stanly County Airport..........................       $2,000,000
Ohio..........................................  Toledo Express Airport.........................       $7,300,000
Oregon........................................  Kingsley Field Air National Guard Base.........       $7,000,000
Pennsylvania..................................  State College Air National Guard Station.......       $4,100,000
Rhode Island..................................  Quonset State Airport..........................       $1,800,000
South Carolina................................  McEntire.......................................       $9,100,000
South Dakota..................................  Joe Foss Field.................................      $12,800,000
Tennessee.....................................  McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base...........       $6,500,000
                                                Nashville International Airport................       $5,500,000
Vermont.......................................  Burlington International Airport...............      $11,000,000
West Virginia.................................  Yeager Air Force Base..........................      $19,250,000
Wisconsin.....................................  General Mitchell International Airport.........       $8,300,000

    (b) Unspecified Worldwide.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(4), the Secretary 
of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the 
amounts set forth in the following table:

                                               Air National Guard
                   Location                                 Location or Installation                  Amount
Worldwide Unspecified.........................  Unspecified Worldwide Locations................      $17,214,000


    (a) Inside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(5), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out 
military construction projects for the Air Force Reserve location 
inside the United States, and in the amount, set forth in the following 

                                                Air Force Reserve
                     State                                          Location                          Amount
Florida.......................................  Patrick Air Force Base.........................       $3,420,000

    (b) Unspecified Worldwide.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant to 
the authorization of appropriations in section 2606(5), the Secretary 
of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the 
amounts set forth in the following table:

                                                Air Force Reserve
                   Location                                 Location or Installation                  Amount
Worldwide Unspecified.........................  Unspecified Worldwide Locations................       $4,412,000


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for the costs of acquisition, 
architectural and engineering services, and construction of facilities 
for the Guard and Reserve Forces, and for contributions therefor, under 
chapter 1803 of title 10, United States Code (including the cost of 
acquisition of land for those facilities), in the following amounts:
            (1) For the Department of the Army, for the Army National 
        Guard of the United States, $963,030,000.
            (2) For the Department of the Army, for the Army Reserve, 
            (3) For the Department of the Navy, for the Navy and Marine 
        Corps Reserve, $61,557,000.
            (4) For the Department of the Air Force, for the Air 
        National Guard of the United States, $336,086,000.
            (5) For the Department of the Air Force, for the Air Force 
        Reserve, $7,832,000.


    (a) Extension.--Notwithstanding section 2701 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (division B of 
Public Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 531), the authorization set forth in the 
tables in subsection (b), as provided in section 2601 and 2604 of that 
Act, shall remain in effect until October 1, 2011, or the date of the 
enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for 
fiscal year 2012, whichever is later.
    (b) Table.--The tables referred to in subsection (a) are as 

                          Army National Guard: Extension of 2008 Project Authorization
                 State                  Installation or Location               Project                  Amount
Pennsylvania..........................  East Fallowfield          Readiness Center (SBCT)..........  $ 8,300,000

                           Air National Guard: Extension of 2008 Project Authorization
                 State                  Installation or Location               Project                  Amount
Vermont...............................  Burlington..............  Base Security Improvements.......  $ 6,600,000



    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for base closure and realignment 
activities, including real property acquisition and military 
construction projects, as authorized by the Defense Base Closure and 
Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX of Public Law 101-510; 10 
U.S.C. 2687 note) and funded through the Department of Defense Base 
Closure Account 1990 established by section 2906 of such Act, in the 
total amount of $360,474,000 , as follows:
            (1) For the Department of the Army, $73,600,000.
            (2) For the Department of the Navy, $162,000,000.
            (3) For the Department of the Air Force, $124,874,000.


    Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of 
appropriations in section 2703, the Secretary of Defense may carry out 
base closure and realignment activities, including real property 
acquisition and military construction projects, as authorized by the 
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX 
of Public Law 101-510; 10 U.S.C. 2687 note) and funded through the 
Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005 established by section 
2906A of such Act, in the amount of $2,354,285,000.


    Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 
beginning after September 30, 2010, for base closure and realignment 
activities, including real property acquisition and military 
construction projects, as authorized by the Defense Base Closure and 
Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX of Public Law 101-510; 10 
U.S.C. 2687 note) and funded through the Department of Defense Base 
Closure Account 2005 established by section 2906A of such Act, in the 
total amount of $2,354,285,000 , as follows:
            (1) For the Department of the Army, $1,012,420,000.
            (2) For the Department of the Navy, $342,146,000.
            (3) For the Department of the Air Force, $127,255,000.
            (4) For the Defense Agencies, $872,464,000.


 Subtitle A--Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing 

              THE UNITED STATES.

    (a) Extension of Authority to Area of Responsibility of United 
States Africa Command.--Subsection (a) of section 2808 of the Military 
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (division B of 
Public Law 108-136; 117 Stat. 1723), as most recently amended by 
section 2806 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2010 (division B of Public Law 111-84; 123 Stat. 2663), is amended 
by striking ``United States Central Command area of responsibility'' 
and inserting ``area of responsibility of the United States Central 
Command or that portion of the area of responsibility of the United 
States Africa Command formerly within the area of responsibility of the 
United States Central Command''.
    (b) One-year Extension of Authority.--Such section is further 
            (1) in subsection (c)(2), by striking ``fiscal year 2010'' 
        and inserting ``fiscal year 2011''; and
            (2) in subsection (h)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``September 30, 
                2010'' and inserting ``September 30, 2011''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``fiscal year 
                2011'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2012''.

        Subtitle B--Real Property and Facilities Administration


    (a) In General.--Section 2667(b)(7) of title 10, United States 
Code, is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting ``, or 
otherwise commit the Secretary concerned or the Department of Defense 
to annual payments in excess of such amount.''.
    (b) Armed Forces Retirement Home.--Section 1511(i)(2) of the Armed 
Forces Retirement Home Act of 1991 (24 U.S.C. 411(i)(2)) is amended--
            (1) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``; and'' and 
        inserting a semicolon;
            (2) in subparagraph (E), by striking the period at the end 
        and inserting ``; and''; and
            (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
            ``(F) may not provide for a leaseback by the Retirement 
        Home with an annual payment in excess of $100,000, or otherwise 
        commit the Retirement Home or the Department of Defense to 
        annual payments in excess of such amount.''.

                      Subtitle C--Energy Security

              OF DEFENSE.

    (a) Energy Performance Master Plan.--
            (1) Enhancement of energy performance plan to master 
        plan.--Subsection (b) of section 2911 of title 10, United 
        States Code, is amended to read as follows:
    ``(b) Energy Performance Master Plan.--(1) The Secretary of Defense 
shall develop a comprehensive master plan for the achievement of the 
energy performance goals of the Department of Defense.
    ``(2) The master plan shall include the following:
            ``(A) A separate master plan, developed by each military 
        department and Defense Agency, for the achievement of energy 
        performance goals.
            ``(B) A baseline standard for the measurement of energy 
        consumption by transportation systems, support systems, 
        utilities, and facilities and infrastructure.
            ``(C) A method of measurement of reductions or conservation 
        in energy consumption that provides for the taking into account 
        of changes in the current size of fleets, number of facilities, 
        and overall square footage of facility plants.
            ``(D) Metrics to track annual progress in meeting energy 
        performance goals.
            ``(E) A description of specific requirements, and proposed 
        investments, in connection with the achievement of energy 
        performance goals reflected in the budget of the President for 
        each fiscal year (as submitted to Congress under section 
        1105(a) of title 31).
    ``(3) The Secretary shall submit a current version of the master 
plan to Congress each year at or about the time at which the budget of 
the President is submitted to Congress in such year under section 
1105(a) of title 31.''.
            (2) Conforming amendments.--Such section is further amended 
        by striking ``plan'' each place it appears and inserting 
        ``master plan''.
            (3) Heading amendment.--The heading of such section is 
        amended to read as follows:
``Sec. 2911. Energy performance goals and master plan for the 
              Department of Defense''.
    (b) Expansion of Facilities for Which Use of Renewable Energy and 
Energy Efficient Products Is Required.--
            (1) Renewable energy.--Subsection (a) of section 2915 of 
        title 10, United States Code, is amended
                    (A) in the heading, by striking ``Encouraged'';
                    (B) by striking ``encourage the'' and inserting 
                ``prescribe guidance to ensure the maximum 
                    (C) by inserting ``and facility repairs and 
                renovations'' after ``military family housing 
                projects)''; and
                    (D) by striking ``energy performance plan'' and 
                inserting ``energy performance master plan''.
            (2) Consideration in design.--Subsection (b)(1) of such 
        section is amended by striking ``the design'' and all that 
        follows and inserting ``the design for the construction, 
        repair, or renovation of facilities (including family housing, 
        back-up power generation facilities, and temporary or 
        expeditionary facilities in support of contingency operations) 
        incorporates, to the maximum extent practicable, energy systems 
        using solar energy or other renewable forms of energy.''.
            (3) Energy efficient products.--Subsection (e) of such 
        section is amended--
                    (A) by striking the heading and inserting the 
                following: ``Use of Energy Efficient Products in 
                    (B) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) by striking ``new facility 
                        construction'' and inserting ``construction, 
                        repair, or renovation of facilities''; and
                            (ii) by striking ``energy performance 
                        plan'' and inserting ``energy performance 
                        master plan'';
                    (C) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph 
                (3); and
                    (D) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following 
                new paragraph (2):
    ``(2) For purposes of this subsection, energy efficient products 
shall include the following:
            ``(A) Roof-top solar thermal, photovoltaic, and energy 
        reducing coating technologies.
            ``(B) Energy management control and supervisory control and 
        data acquisition systems.
            ``(C) Energy efficient heating, ventilation, and air 
        conditioning systems.
            ``(D) Thermal windows and insulation systems.
            ``(E) Electric meters.
            ``(F) Lighting, equipment, and appliances that are designed 
        to use less electricity.
            ``(G) Hybrid vehicle plug-in charging stations.
            ``(H) Solar-power collecting structures to shade vehicle 
        parking areas.''.
            (4) Heading amendment.--The heading of such section is 
        amended to read as follows:
``Sec. 2915. Facilities: use of renewable forms of energy and energy 
              efficient products''.
    (c) Other Amendments.--
            (1) Conforming amendments.--Section 2925(a) of title 10, 
        United States Code, is amended by striking ``energy performance 
        plan'' each place it appears and inserting ``energy performance 
        master plan''.
            (2) Clerical amendments.--The table of sections at the 
        beginning of subchapter I of chapter 173 of such title is 
                    (A) by striking the item relating to section 2911 
                and inserting the following new item:

``2911. Energy performance goals and master plan for the Department of 
                            Defense.''; and
                    (B) by striking the item relating to section 2915 
                and inserting the following new item:

``2915. Facilities: use of renewable forms of energy and energy 
                            efficient products.''.


    Section 377 of the Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization 
Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law 105-261; 10 U.S.C. 113 note) is 
            (1) in the section heading, by striking ``pilot program 
            (2) in subsection (a)--
                    (A) in the heading, by striking ``Pilot Program 
                Authorized'' and inserting ``Authority''; and
                    (B) by striking ``may carry out a pilot program to 
                demonstrate the use of landing fees'' and inserting 
                ``may use landing fees'';
            (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``of the pilot 
        program''; and
            (4) by striking subsections (d) and (e).

                      Subtitle D--Land Conveyances


    (a) Conveyance Authorized.--The Secretary of the Army may convey, 
without consideration, to the Department of Veterans Affairs of the 
Commonwealth of Kentucky (in this section referred to as the 
``Department'') all right, title, and interest of the United States in 
and to a parcel of real property, including any improvements thereon, 
consisting of approximately 194 acres at Fort Knox, Kentucky, for the 
purpose of permitting the Department to establish and operate a State 
veterans home and future expansion of the adjacent State veterans 
cemetery for veterans and eligible family members of the Armed Forces.
    (b) Reversionary Interest.--If the Secretary determines at any time 
that the real property conveyed under subsection (a) is not being used 
in accordance with the purpose of the conveyance specified in such 
subsection, all right, title, and interest in and to the property shall 
revert, at the option of the Secretary, to the United States, and the 
United States shall have the right of immediate entry onto the 
property. Any determination of the Secretary under this subsection 
shall be made on the record after an opportunity for a hearing.
    (c) Payment or Costs of Conveyance.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary shall require the Department 
        to cover costs to be incurred by the Secretary, or to reimburse 
        the Secretary for costs incurred by the Secretary, to carry out 
        the conveyance under subsection (a), including costs related to 
        environmental documentation and other administrative costs. 
        This paragraph does not apply to costs associated with the 
        environment al remediation of the property to be conveyed.
            (2) Treatment of amounts received.--Amounts received as 
        reimbursements under paragraph (1) shall be credited to the 
        fund or account that was used to cover the costs incurred by 
        the Secretary in carrying out the conveyance. Amounts so 
        credited shall be merged with amounts in such fund or account 
        and shall be available for the same purposes, and subject to 
        the same conditions and limitations, as amounts in such fund or 
    (d) Description of Property.--The exact acreage and legal 
description of the real property to be conveyed under subsection (a) 
shall be determined by a survey satisfactory to the Secretary.
    (e) Additional Terms and Conditions.--The Secretary may require 
such additional terms and conditions in connection with the conveyance 
under subsection (a) as the Secretary considers appropriate to protect 
the interests of the United States.

              ORLEANS, LOUISIANA.

    (a) Conveyance Authorized.--
            (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary of 
        the Navy may convey to the Algiers Development District, all 
        right, title, and interest of the United States in the real 
        property comprising the Naval Support Activity (West Bank of 
        the Mississippi River), including any improvements, facilities 
        and available personal property located on such real property 
        and excepting and excluding from such conveyance the real 
        property defined in this section as--
                    (A) the Secured Area, which shall remain subject to 
                the Lease; and
                    (B) Quarters A.
            (2) Timing.--The authority to convey property under 
        subsection (a) may only be exercised after--
                    (A) the Secretary determines that the property is 
                no longer needed by the Department of the Navy; and
                    (B) the Algiers Development District has delivered 
                the full consideration as required by Article 3 of the 
    (b) Condition of Conveyance.--The conveyance authorized by 
subsection (a) shall include a condition that expressly prohibits any 
use of the property that would interfere or otherwise restrict 
operations of the Department of the Navy in the Secured Area as 
determined by the Secretary.
    (c) Additional Conveyances.--
            (1) Quarters a site.--If at any time the Secretary 
        determines that the Department of the Navy no longer has a 
        continuing requirement for general officers quarters to be 
        located on the Quarters A site or the Department of the Navy 
        elects or offers to transfer, sell, lease, assign, gift, or 
        otherwise convey, any or all of the Quarters A site, or any 
        improvements thereon, to any third party, the Secretary may 
        convey to the Algiers Development District the Quarters A site 
        and the land underlying such facilities.
            (2) Marine forces reserve headquarters.--If at any time the 
        Secretary determines and notifies the Algiers Development 
        District that the Department of the Navy no longer has a 
        continuing requirement to occupy or otherwise control the 
        Secured Area to support the mission of the Marine Forces 
        Reserve or other comparable Marine Corps use, the Secretary may 
        convey to the Algiers Development District the Secured Area and 
        any improvements thereon.
    (d) Description of Property.--The exact acreage and legal 
description of the real property to be conveyed under subsection (a) 
shall be determined by a survey satisfactory to the Secretary.
    (e) Additional Terms and Conditions.--The Secretary may require 
such additional terms and conditions in connection with the conveyance 
of property under this section, consistent with the Lease, as the 
Secretary considers appropriate to protect the interest of the United 
    (f) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) Algiers development district.--The term ``Algiers 
        Development District'' means the Algiers Development District, 
        a local political subdivision of the State of Louisiana.
            (2) Lease.--The term ``Lease'' means that certain Real 
        Estate Lease for Naval Support Activity New Orleans, West Bank, 
        New Orleans, Louisiana, Lease No. N47692-08-RP-08P30, by and 
        between the United States of America, acting by and through the 
        Department of the Navy, and the Algiers Development District, 
        dated September 30, 2008.
            (3) Quarters a.--The term ``Quarters A'' means the land and 
        buildings commonly referred to as Quarter A and located at 
        Sanctuary Drive and as determined by a survey satisfactory to 
        the Secretary.
            (4) Secured area.--The term ``Secured Area'' means the land 
        and improvements located within the approximately 29 acre area 
        described in the Lease.


    Section 2836(d) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2002 (division B of Public Law 107-107; 115 Stat. 1314), as 
most recently amended by section 2849 of the John Warner National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109-364; 120 
Stat. 2486), is further amended--
            (1) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``through a project for 
        construction of an Army standard-design, two-company fire 
        station at Fort Belvoir, Virginia,'' after ``Building 191''; 
            (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
            ``(3) The Secretary may use up to $3,900,000 of available, 
        unobligated Army military construction funds appropriated for a 
        fiscal year before fiscal year 2011, in conjunction with the 
        funds provided under paragraph (1), for the project described 
        in paragraph (2).''.

                          Subtitle E--Reports


    (a) Findings.--Congress makes the following findings:
            (1) The Navy has studied the feasibility and potential 
        locations of a new Outlying Landing Field (OLF) on the East 
        Coast since 2001.
            (2) Since January 2008, the Navy has studied five potential 
        sites in North Carolina and Virginia, whose communities have 
        expressed opposition. The local governments of the North 
        Carolina counties where the sites under consideration are 
        located have taken formal action in opposition by resolution 
        and correspondence to the Navy and congressional officials.
            (3) In April 2009, the North Carolina General Assembly 
        unanimously passed an amendment to General Statute 104-7 
        (Federal Enclave), which clearly states that North Carolina 
        does not consent to acquisition of land by the Federal 
        Government in any county which does not already have a military 
        installation ``for the purpose of establishing an outlying 
        landing field to support training and operations of aircraft 
        squadrons stationed at or transient to military bases or 
        military stations located outside of the State''.
            (4) In response to this law and its constitutional 
        significance, the Attorney General of North Carolina is 
        monitoring the OLF siting process and all related legal 
            (5) The Commissioner of Agriculture and the Superintendent 
        of Public Instruction of North Carolina have stated formal 
        opposition to locating an OLF at the two North Carolina sites 
        as detrimental to the education of children and destructive of 
        a vibrant agricultural economy.
    (b) Limitation on Funds Pending Reports.--
            (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Navy may not obligate 
        or expend funds for the study or development of a new OLF in 
        North Carolina or Virginia after fiscal year 2011 until the 
        Secretary has provided the congressional defense committees a 
        report on the Navy's efforts with respect to the OLF.
            (2) Elements of report.--The report required under 
        paragraph (1) shall include the following:
                    (A) A description of the actual training 
                requirements and completed training events involving 
                Fleet Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) operations at 
                Naval Air Station Oceana and Naval Auxiliary Landing 
                Field Fentress for the previous 10 years, to include 
                statistics for the current fiscal year.
                    (B) An assessment of the aviation training 
                requirements and completed aviation training events 
                conducted on all existing OLFs and installations in the 
                Navy's inventory located on the East Coast, to include 
                statistics for the current fiscal year.
                    (C) An assessment of the suitability of all Naval 
                installations on the East Coast to conduct Fleet 
                Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) operations, including 
                necessary facility modifications and requirements to 
                de-conflict with current operations at each 
                    (D) A description of the estimated funding 
                necessary to construct a new OLF at each of the five 
                sites under current consideration, and a cost 
                comparison analysis between construction of a new OLF 
                versus rehabilitation of an existing facility.
                    (E) A description of all completed or pending 
                environmental studies conducted on any of the five 
                sites currently under consideration, including the 
                methodology, conclusions, and recommendations.
                    (F) A description of all contacts by the Navy with 
                local governments and citizens groups at all five sites 
                currently under consideration.
                    (G) Criteria for the basing of the Joint Strike 
                Fighter F-35C aircraft and a description of the OLF 
                facilities that will be required to support its 
                training requirements.

                       Subtitle F--Other Matters


    (a) Homeowners Assistance Related to Closed Military 
Installations.--Subsection (c)(1)(A) of section 1013 of the 
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (42 
U.S.C. 3374) is amended--
            (1) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``elect 
        either--'' and inserting ``elect to receive either of the 
            (2) in clause (i)--
                    (A) by striking ``to receive a cash payment'' and 
                inserting ``A cash payment'';
                    (B) by striking ``the difference between--'' and 
                inserting ``the greater of the following:''; and
                    (C) by striking subclauses (I) and (II) and 
                inserting the following:
                                    ``(I) The amount of the difference 
                                            ``(aa) 95 percent of the 
                                        fair market value of their 
                                        property (as such value is 
                                        determined by the Secretary of 
                                        Defense) prior to public 
                                        announcement of intention to 
                                        close all or part of the 
                                        military base or installation; 
                                            ``(bb) the fair market 
                                        value of such property (as such 
                                        value is determined by the 
                                        Secretary of Defense) at the 
                                        time of the sale.
                                    ``(II) The amount of the difference 
                                            ``(aa) the amount of the 
                                        outstanding mortgages; and
                                            ``(bb) the fair market 
                                        value of such property (as such 
                                        value is determined by the 
                                        Secretary of Defense) at the 
                                        time of the sale.''; and
            (3) in clause (ii), by striking ``to receive, as purchase 
        price'' and inserting ``As purchase price''.
    (b) Homeowners Assistance for Wounded Individuals and Their 
Spouses.--Subsection (c)(2)(A) of such section is amended--
            (1) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``elect 
        either--'' and inserting ``elect to receive either of the 
            (2) in clause (i)--
                    (A) by striking ``to receive a cash payment'' and 
                inserting ``A cash payment'';
                    (B) by striking ``the difference between--'' and 
                inserting ``the greater of the following:''; and
                    (C) by striking subclauses (I) and (II) and 
                inserting the following:
                                    ``(I) The amount of the difference 
                                            ``(aa) 95 percent of prior 
                                        fair market value of their 
                                        property (as such value is 
                                        determined by the Secretary of 
                                        Defense); and
                                            ``(bb) the fair market 
                                        value of such property (as such 
                                        value is determined by the 
                                        Secretary of Defense) at the 
                                        time of the sale.
                                    ``(II) The amount of the difference 
                                            ``(aa) the amount of the 
                                        outstanding mortgages; and
                                            ``(bb) the fair market 
                                        value of such property (as such 
                                        value is determined by the 
                                        Secretary of Defense) at the 
                                        time of the sale.''; and
            (3) in clause (ii), by striking ``to receive, as purchase 
        price'' and inserting ``As purchase price''.
    (c) Homeowners Assistance for Permanently Reassigned Individuals.--
Subsection (c)(3)(A) of such section is amended--
            (1) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``elect 
        either--'' and inserting ``elect to receive either of the 
            (2) in clause (i)--
                    (A) by striking ``to receive a cash payment'' and 
                inserting ``A cash payment'';
                    (B) by striking ``the difference between--'' and 
                inserting ``the greater of the following:''; and
                    (C) by striking subclauses (I) and (II) and 
                inserting the following:
                                    ``(I) The amount of the difference 
                                            ``(aa) 95 percent of prior 
                                        fair market value of their 
                                        property (as such value is 
                                        determined by the Secretary of 
                                        Defense); and
                                            ``(bb) the fair market 
                                        value of such property (as such 
                                        value is determined by the 
                                        Secretary of Defense) at the 
                                        time of the sale.
                                    ``(II) The amount of the difference 
                                            ``(aa) the amount of the 
                                        outstanding mortgages; and
                                            ``(bb) the fair market 
                                        value of such property (as such 
                                        value is determined by the 
                                        Secretary of Defense) at the 
                                        time of the sale.''; and
            (3) in clause (ii), by striking ``to receive, as purchase 
        price'' and inserting ``As purchase price''.


    (a) In General.--Chapter 449 of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by inserting after section 4772 the following new section:
``Sec. 4773. Lease of Airborne and Special Operations Museum facility
    ``(a) Authorization of Lease.--Under such terms and conditions as 
the Secretary of the Army considers appropriate, the Secretary may 
lease portions of the facility of the Airborne and Special Operations 
Museum to the Airborne and Special Operations Museum Foundation to be 
used by the Foundation, consistent with the purpose of the Museum, 
            ``(1) generating revenue for activities of the Museum 
        through rental use by the public, commercial and nonprofit 
        entities, State and local governments, and other Federal 
        agencies; and
            ``(2) such administrative purposes as may be necessary for 
        the support of the Museum.
    ``(b) Limitation on Annual Consideration for Lease.--The annual 
amount of consideration paid to the Secretary of the Army by the 
Airborne and Special Operations Museum Foundation for a lease under 
subsection (a) may not exceed an amount equal to the actual cost, as 
determined by the Secretary, of the annual operations and maintenance 
of the Airborne and Special Operations Museum.
    ``(c) Use of Proceeds of Lease.--Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, the Secretary of the Army shall use amounts paid 
under subsection (b) to cover the costs of operation of the Airborne 
and Special Operations Museum.''.
    (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of 
chapter 449 of such title is amended by inserting after the item 
relating to section 4772 the following new item:

``4773. Lease of Airborne and Special Operations Museum facility.''.


    (a) Finding.--The Senate finds that the Alaska Railroad proposes 
the extension of its railroad corridor over approximately 950 acres of 
land located south and east of North Pole, Alaska, including lands 
located near or adjacent to the Chena River spillway, Eielson Air Force 
Base, Tanana Flats Training Area (Fort Wainwright), Donnelly Training 
Area (Fort Wainwright), and Fort Greely.
    (b) Sense of Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that the 
Department of the Army and the Department of the Air Force should 
explore means of accommodating this expansion using existing 
authorities that will not adversely impact military missions, 
operations, and training.


    (a) Finding.--Congress makes the following findings:
            (1) In the mid-1990s, the Department of Defense became 
        concerned that inadequate and poor quality housing was hurting 
        quality of life and readiness by contributing to 
        servicemembers' decisions to leave the military.
            (2) At that time, the Department of Defense designated 
        about 180,000 houses, or nearly two-thirds of its domestic 
        family housing inventory, as inadequate, needing repair or 
        complete replacement.
            (3) The Department of Defense believed that it would need 
        about $20,000,000,000 in appropriated funds and would take up 
        to 40 years to eliminate poor quality military housing through 
        new construction or renovation using its traditional military 
        construction approach.
            (4) In 1996, Congress enacted the Military Housing 
        Privatization Initiative to provide the Department of Defense 
        with a variety of authorities to obtain private sector 
        financing and management for the repair, renovation, 
        construction, and management of military family housing.
            (5) The United States Air Force has used those authorities 
        to award 27 projects at 44 military bases to improve over 
        37,000 homes.
            (6) The Air Force has received $7,100,000,000 in total 
        development investment from the private sector for new housing 
        with a taxpayer contribution of approximately $425,000,000, 
        representing a 15 to 1 leveraging of taxpayer dollars.
            (7) The Air Force, like the other military services, has 
        been able to leverage varying conditions of housing at military 
        bases into fiscally viable projects by packaging housing 
        inventories at multiple bases into one transaction.
            (8) Congress has approved transactions involving the 
        packaging of multiple bases as a critical tool to maximize the 
        efficient use of taxpayer funds.
            (9) Congress supports the goal of the Air Force to complete 
        transactions for the repair, renovation, construction, and 
        management of 100 percent of their military family housing 
        inventory in the United States by the end of 2010.
            (10) The Air Force currently has 6 project solicitations 
        prepared for open competition at 22 Air Force installations to 
        improve over 15,000 homes.
    (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that the 
Secretary of the Air Force should use existing authority to carry out 
solicitations for the 6 military housing projects involving the 
packaging of 22 bases consistent with the goal of improving 15,000 
homes for Air Force personnel and their families by the end of 2010.



    (a) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in subsection (b)(1), the 
Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military 
construction projects for the installations or locations outside the 
United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table:

                                         Army: Outside the United States
                    Country                                  Installation or Location                 Amount
Afghanistan....................................  Bagram Air Base................................    $333,630,000
                                                 Dwyer..........................................     $71,900,000
                                                 Frontenac......................................      $8,400,000
                                                 Kabul..........................................     $24,000,000
                                                 Kandahar.......................................     $80,000,000
                                                 Maywand........................................      $7,000,000
                                                 Shank..........................................     $88,400,000
                                                 Sharana........................................     $12,400,000
                                                 Tarin Kowt.....................................     $28,200,000
                                                 Tombstone/Bastion..............................    $109,000,000
                                                 Various locations..............................     $40,000,000
                                                 Wolverine......................................     $47,200,000

    (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--Funds are hereby authorized 
to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2010, 
for military construction, land acquisition, and military family 
housing functions of the Department of the Army in the total amount of 
$1,028,176,000 as follows:
            (1) For military construction projects outside the United 
        States authorized by subsection (a), $850,130,000.
            (2) For unspecified minor military construction projects 
        under section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, 
            (3) For architectural and engineering services and 
        construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United 
        States Code, $99,716,000.


    (a) Outside the United States.--Using amounts appropriated pursuant 
to the authorization of appropriations in subsection (b)(1), the 
Secretary of the Air Force may acquire real property and carry out 
military construction projects for the installations or locations 
outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the 
following table:

                                      Air Force: Outside the United States
                    Country                                  Installation or Location                 Amount
Afghanistan....................................  Bagram Air Base................................     $42,960,000
                                                 Kandahar.......................................     $14,500,000
                                                 Shindand.......................................     $15,800,000
                                                 Tombstone/Bastion..............................      $2,500,000

    (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--Funds are hereby authorized 
to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2010, 
for military construction, land acquisition, and military family 
housing functions of the Department of the Air Force in the total 
amount of $193,766,000, as follows:
            (1) For military construction projects outside the United 
        States authorized by subsection (a), $75,760,000.
            (2) For architectural and engineering services and 
        construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United 
        States Code, $18,422,000.
            (3) For unspecified minor military construction projects 
        under section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, 



                                                     MILITARY CONSTRUCTION (In Thousands of Dollars)
                                                                                                            FY 2011                           Senate
         Account              State or Country           Installation              Project Title            Request      Senate  Change     Authorized
AF Res                     FL                      PATRICK AFB              WEAPONS MAINTENANCE                  3,420                             3,420
AF Res                     ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......           1,653                             1,653
AF Res                     ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        UNSPECIFIED MINOR                    2,759                             2,759
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Air Force Reserve..           7,832                 0           7,832
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
Air NG                     AL                      MONTGOMERY REGIONAL      FUEL CELL AND CORROSION              7,472                             7,472
                                                    AIRPORT (ANG) BASE       CONTROL HANGAR.
Air NG                     AL                      MONTGOMERY REGIONAL      Replace Squad Ops Facility                             7,500           7,500
                                                    AIRPORT (ANG) BASE
Air NG                     AK                      EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE   Add/Alter Communications                               6,500           6,500
Air NG                     AZ                      DAVIS MONTHAN AFB        TFI-PREDATOR FOC-ACTIVE              4,650                             4,650
                                                                             DUTY ASSOCIATE.
Air NG                     AR                      LITTLE ROCK AFB          Fuel Cell and Corrosion                               10,400          10,400
                                                                             Control Hangar.
Air NG                     DE                      NEW CASTLE COUNTY        JOINT FORCES OPERATIONS              1,500                             1,500
                                                    AIRPORT                  CENTER.
Air NG                     DE                      NEW CASTLE COUNTY        C-130 Aircraft Maintenance                             8,700           8,700
                                                    AIRPORT                  Shops, Ph 2.
Air NG                     FL                      JACKSONVILLE IAP         SECURITY FORCES TRAINING             6,700                             6,700
Air NG                     GA                      SAVANNAH/HILTON HEAD     RELOCATE AIR SUPT OPERS              7,450                             7,450
                                                    IAP                      SQDN (ASOS) FACILITY.
Air NG                     HI                      HICKAM AFB               TFI-F-22 BEDDOWN                     5,950                             5,950
                                                                             INTRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT.
Air NG                     HI                      HICKAM AFB               TFI-F-22 UPGRADE MUNITIONS          17,250                            17,250
Air NG                     HI                      HICKAM AFB               TFI-F-22 HANGAR, SQUADRON           48,250                            48,250
                                                                             OPERATIONS AND AMU.
Air NG                     IL                      CAPITAL MAP              TFI-CNAF BEDDOWN-UPGRADE            16,700                            16,700
Air NG                     IN                      HULMAN REGIONAL AIRPORT  TFI-ASOS BEDDOWN-UPGRADE             4,100                             4,100
Air NG                     IA                      DES MOINES               Corrosion Control Hangar..                             4,700           4,700
Air NG                     MA                      BARNES MUNICIPAL         Additions and Renovations                              6,000           6,000
                                                    AIRPORT                  to Building 15.
Air NG                     MD                      MARTIN STATE AIRPORT     REPLACE OPS AND MEDICAL             11,400                            11,400
                                                                             TRAINING FACILITY.
Air NG                     MI                      ALPENA COMBAT READINESS  Replace Troop Quarters, Ph                             9,600           9,600
                                                    TRAINING CENTER          II.
Air NG                     NJ                      177TH FIGHTER WING,      Fuel Cell and Corrosion                                8,500           8,500
                                                    ATLANTIC CITY            Control Hanger.
Air NG                     NY                      FORT DRUM                TFI REAPER INFRASTRUCTURE            2,500                             2,500
Air NG                     NY                      STEWART IAP              BASE DEFENSE GROUP BEDDOWN          14,250                            14,250
Air NG                     NC                      STANLY COUNTY AIRPORT    UPGRADE ASOS FACILITIES...           2,000                             2,000
Air NG                     OH                      TOLEDO EXPRESS AIRPORT   Replace Security Forces                                7,300           7,300
Air NG                     OR                      KINGSLEY FIELD ANG BASE  Replace Fire Station......                             7,000           7,000
Air NG                     PA                      STATE COLLEGE ANGS       ADD TO AND ALTER AOS                 4,100                             4,100
Air NG                     RI                      QUONSET STATE AIRPORT    C-130 Parking Apron.......                             1,800           1,800
Air NG                     SC                      MCENTIRE                 Training/Operations Center                             9,100           9,100
Air NG                     SD                      JOE FOSS FIELD           Aircraft Maintenance Shops                            12,800          12,800
Air NG                     TN                      MCGHEE TYSON ANG BASE    Hobbs Road Acquisition....                             6,500           6,500
Air NG                     TN                      NASHVILLE IAP            TFI-RENOVATE INTEL                   5,500                             5,500
                                                                             SQUADRON FACILITIES.
Air NG                     VT                      BURLINGTON               Upgrade Taxiways and                                  11,000          11,000
                                                    INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT    Replace Arm/Disarm Pads.
Air NG                     WV                      YEAGER AFB               Force Protection/                                     13,000          13,000
Air NG                     WV                      YEAGER AFB               Communications Training                                6,250           6,250
Air NG                     WI                      GENERAL MITCHELL         Replace Fire Station......                             8,300           8,300
                                                    INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
Air NG                     ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MINOR CONSTRUCTION........           8,000                             8,000
Air NG                     ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING & DESIGN.........           9,214            14,150          23,364
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Air National Guard.         176,986           159,100         336,086
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
AF                         AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          CONSOLIDATED RIGGING                 9,900            -9,900               0
AF                         AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          FIGHTER HANGAR............          16,480           -16,480               0
AF                         AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          MEDEVAC RAMP EXPANSION/             16,580           -16,580               0
                                                                             FIRE STATION.
AF                         AL                      MAXWELL AFB              ADAL AIR UNIVERSITY                 13,400                            13,400
AF                         AK                      ELMENDORF AFB            ADD/ALTER AIR SUPPORT                4,749                             4,749
                                                                             OPERATIONS SQUADRON
                                                                             TRAINING FACILITY........
AF                         AK                      ELMENDORF AFB            F-22 ADD/ALTER WEAPONS              10,525                            10,525
                                                                             RELEASE SYSTEMS SHOP &
AF                         AK                      ELMENDORF AFB            CONSTRUCT RAILHEAD                  15,000                            15,000
                                                                             OPERATIONS FACILITY.
AF                         AK                      ELMENDORF AFB            DOD Joint Regional Fire                                6,600           6,600
                                                                             Training Facility.
AF                         AK                      EIELSON AFB              REPAIR CENTRAL HEAT PLANT           28,000                            28,000
                                                                             & PWR PLANT BOILERS......
AF                         AZ                      DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB        HC-130 AGE MAINTENANCE               4,600                             4,600
AF                         AZ                      DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB        HC-130J PARTS STORE.......           8,200                             8,200
AF                         AZ                      DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB        HC-130J AERIAL CARGO                10,700                            10,700
AF                         AZ                      FORT HUACHUCA            TFI-PREDATOR LRE BEDDOWN..          11,000                            11,000
AF                         AZ                      DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB        AMARG HANGAR..............          25,000                            25,000
AF                         BI                      SW ASIA                  NORTH APRON EXPANSION.....          45,000                            45,000
AF                         CA                      EDWARDS AFB              Flightline Fire Station...                            15,500          15,500
AF                         CO                      BUCKLEY AFB              SECURITY FORCES OPERATIONS          12,160                            12,160
AF                         CO                      PETERSON AFB             RAIDRS SPACE CONTROL                24,800                            24,800
AF                         CO                      U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY    CENTER FOR CHARACTER &             27,600                            27,600
                                                                             LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT...
AF                         CO                      BUCKLEY AFB              Land Acquisition..........                            10,000          10,000
AF                         DE                      DOVER AFB                C-5M/C-17 MAINTENANCE                3,200                             3,200
                                                                             TRAINING FACILITY, PH 2.
AF                         DC                      BOLLING AFB              JOINT AIR DEFENSE                   13,200                            13,200
                                                                             OPERATIONS CENTER.
AF                         FL                      HURLBURT FIELD           ADD TO VISITING QUARTERS             4,500                             4,500
                                                                             (24 RM).
AF                         FL                      HURLBURT FIELD            SPECIAL OPERATIONS SCHOOL           6,170                             6,170
AF                         FL                      EGLIN AFB                F-35 FUEL CELL MAINTENANCE          11,400                            11,400
AF                         FL                      HURLBURT FIELD           BASE LOGISTICS FACILITY...          24,000                            24,000
AF                         FL                      PATRICK AFB              AIR FORCE TECHNICAL                158,009           -58,000         100,009
                                                                             APPLICATION CENTER, INC 1.
AF                         FL                      PATRICK AFB              Relocate Main Gate........                             8,000           8,000
AF                         GY                      RAMSTEIN AB              DEICING FLUID STORAGE &              2,754                             2,754
                                                                             DISPENSING FACILITY......
AF                         GY                      RAMSTEIN AB              CONSTRUCT C-130J FLIGHT              8,800                             8,800
                                                                             SIMULATOR FACILITY.
AF                         GY                      RAMSTEIN AB              UAS SATCOM RELAY PADS &             10,800                            10,800
AF                         GY                      VILSECK                  AIR SUPPORT OPERATIONS              12,900                            12,900
                                                                             SQUADRON (ASOS)..........
AF                         GY                      KAPAUN                   DORMITORY (128 RM)........          19,600                            19,600
AF                         GU                      ANDERSEN AFB             PRTC--RED HORSE                      8,000                             8,000
AF                         GU                      ANDERSEN AFB             GUAM STRIKE OPS GROUP &              9,100                             9,100
                                                                             TANKER TASK FORCE
AF                         GU                      ANDERSEN AFB             PRTC--COMBAT                         9,200                             9,200
                                                                             COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS
AF                         GU                      ANDERSEN AFB             PRTC- COMMANDO WARRIOR              11,800                            11,800
                                                                             OPEN BAY STUDENT BARRACKS
AF                         GU                      ANDERSEN AFB             GUAM STRIKE SOUTH RAMP              12,200                            12,200
                                                                             UTILITIES, PHASE 1.
AF                         IT                      AVIANO AB                AIR SUPPORT OPERATIONS              10,200                            10,200
                                                                             SQUADRON (ASOS) FACILITY.
AF                         IT                      AVIANO AB                DORMITORY (144 RM)........          19,000                            19,000
AF                         KR                      KUNSAN AB                CONSTRUCT DMT FLIGHT                 7,500                             7,500
                                                                             SIMULATOR FACILITY.
AF                         LA                      BARKSDALE AFB            WEAPONS LOAD CREW TRAINING          18,140                            18,140
AF                         MT                      MALMSTROM AFB            Physical Fitness Center,                               8,000           8,000
                                                                             Phase II.
AF                         NE                      OFFUTT AFB               Kenney/Bellevue Gates.....                            11,000          11,000
AF                         NV                      CREECH AFB               UAS AIRFIELD FIRE/CRASH             11,710                            11,710
                                                                             RESCUE STATION.
AF                         NV                      NELLIS AFB               F-35 ADD/ALTER FLIGHT TEST           1,900                             1,900
                                                                             INSTRUMENTATION FACILITY.
AF                         NV                      NELLIS AFB               F-35 ADD/ALTER 422 TEST              7,870                             7,870
                                                                             EVALUATION SQUADRON
AF                         NV                      NELLIS AFB               F-35 FLIGHT SIMULATOR               13,110                            13,110
AF                         NV                      NELLIS AFB               F-35 MAINTENANCE HANGAR/            28,760                            28,760
AF                         NV                      NELLIS AFB               Communication Network                                 11,400          11,400
                                                                             Control Center.
AF                         NJ                      MCGUIRE AFB              BASE OPS/COMMAND POST                8,000                             8,000
                                                                             FACILITY (TFI).
AF                         NJ                      MCGUIRE AFB              DORMITORY (120 RM)........          18,440                            18,440
AF                         NM                      CANNON AFB               DORMITORY (96 RM).........          14,000                            14,000
AF                         NM                      CANNON AFB               UAS SQUADRON OPS FACILITY.          20,000                            20,000
AF                         NM                      HOLLOMAN AFB             UAS ADD/ALTER MAINTENANCE           15,470                            15,470
AF                         NM                      HOLLOMAN AFB             UAS MAINTENANCE HANGAR....          22,500                            22,500
AF                         NM                      KIRTLAND AFB             AERIAL DELIVERY FACILITY             3,800                             3,800
AF                         NM                      KIRTLAND AFB             ARMAMENT SHOP.............           6,460                             6,460
AF                         NM                      KIRTLAND AFB             H/MC-130 FUEL SYSTEM                14,142                            14,142
                                                                             MAINTENANCE FACILITY.
AF                         NM                      KIRTLAND AFB             Family Support Center.....                             4,400           4,400
AF                         NM                      CANNON AFB               Military Working Dog                                   4,050           4,050
AF                         NY                      FORT DRUM                20TH AIR SUPPORT                    20,440                            20,440
                                                                             OPERATIONS SQUADRON
AF                         ND                      MINOT AFB                CONTROL TOWER/BASE                  18,770                            18,770
                                                                             OPERATIONS FACILITY.
AF                         ND                      GRAND FORKS AFB          Central Deployment Center.                            16,500          16,500
AF                         OK                      TINKER AFB               UPGRADE BUILDING 3001               14,000                            14,000
                                                                             INFRASTRUCTURE, PH III.
AF                         OK                      TINKER AFB               Air Traffic Control Tower.                             9,300           9,300
AF                         QA                      AL UDEID                 BLATCHFORD-PRESTON COMPLEX          62,300                            62,300
                                                                             PH III.
AF                         SC                      CHARLESTON AFB           CIVIL ENGINEER COMPLEX              15,000                            15,000
                                                                             (TFI)--PHASE 1.
AF                         SD                      ELLSWORTH AFB            Maintenance Training                                  12,400          12,400
AF                         TX                      DYESS AFB                C-130J ADD/ALTER FLIGHT              4,080                             4,080
                                                                             SIMULATOR FACILITY.
AF                         TX                      ELLINGTON FIELD          TFI-UPGRADE UAV                      7,000                             7,000
                                                                             MAINTENANCE HANGAR.
AF                         TX                      LACKLAND AFB             ONE-COMPANY FIRE STATION..           5,500                             5,500
AF                         TX                      LACKLAND AFB             RECRUIT/FAMILY                      21,800                            21,800
                                                                             INPROCESSING & INFO
AF                         TX                      LACKLAND AFB             BMT SATELLITE CLASSROOM/            32,000                            32,000
                                                                             DINING FAC NO 2.
AF                         TX                      LACKLAND AFB             RECRUIT DORMITORY, PHASE 3          67,980                            67,980
AF                         TX                      RANDOLPH AFB             Fire Crash Rescue Station.                            13,000          13,000
AF                         UK                      RAF MILDENHALL           EXTEND TAXIWAY ALPHA......          15,000                            15,000
AF                         UT                      HILL AFB                 Consolidated                                           7,300           7,300
                                                                             Facilities, Phase I.
AF                         UT                      HILL AFB                 F-22 T-10 ENGINE TEST CELL           2,800                             2,800
AF                         VA                      LANGLEY AFB              F-22 ADD/ALTER HANGAR BAY            8,800                             8,800
                                                                             LO/CR FACILITY--TF.
AF                         WA                      FAIRCHILD AFB            Precision Measurement                                  4,850           4,850
                                                                             Equipment Laboratory
                                                                             (PMEL) Facility.
AF                         WA                      MCCHORD AFB              Chapel Center.............                            10,400          10,400
AF                         WY                      CAMP GUERNSEY            NUCLEAR/SPACE SECURITY               4,650                             4,650
                                                                             TACTICS TRAINING CENTER..
AF                         ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        F-35 SQUADRON OPERATIONS            10,260                            10,260
AF                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    F-35 FLIGHT SIMULATOR               12,190                            12,190
AF                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UNSPECIFIED MINOR                   18,000                            18,000
AF                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    F-35 ACADEMIC TRAINING              54,150                            54,150
AF                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING & DESIGN.........          66,336            20,000          86,336
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Air Force..........       1,311,385            71,740       1,383,125
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
Chem Demil                 KY                      BLUE GRASS ARMY DEPOT    AMMUNITION                          59,402                            59,402
                                                                             DEMILITARIZATION, PH XI.
Chem Demil                 CO                      PUEBLO DEPOT             AMMUNITION                          65,569                            65,569
                                                                             FACILITY, PH XII.
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Chemical                    124,971                 0         124,971
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
A Res                      CA                      FORT HUNTER LIGGETT      GRENADE LAUNCHER RANGE....           1,400                             1,400
A Res                      CA                      FORT HUNTER LIGGETT      HAND GRENADE                         1,400                             1,400
                                                                             FAMILIARIZATION RANGE
A Res                      CA                      FORT HUNTER LIGGETT      LIGHT DEMOLITION RANGE....           2,700                             2,700
A Res                      CA                      FORT HUNTER LIGGETT      TACTICAL VEHICLE WASH RACK           9,500                             9,500
A Res                      CA                      FORT HUNTER LIGGETT      ECS WAREHOUSE.............          15,000                            15,000
A Res                      CA                      FORT HUNTER LIGGETT      ECS TACTICAL EQUIPMENT              22,000                            22,000
                                                                             MAINT FACILITY.
A Res                      CA                      FAIRFIELD                ARMY RESERVE CENTER.......          26,000                            26,000
A Res                      FL                      ORLANDO                  ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          10,200                            10,200
A Res                      FL                      WEST PALM BEACH          ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          10,400                            10,400
A Res                      FL                      MIAMI                    ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          13,800                            13,800
A Res                      GA                      MACON                    ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          11,400                            11,400
A Res                      IL                      QUINCY                   ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          12,200                            12,200
A Res                      IL                      ROCKFORD USARC           Army Reserve Center.......                            13,000          13,000
A Res                      IN                      MICHIGAN CITY            ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          15,500                            15,500
A Res                      IA                      DES MOINES               ARMY RESERVE CENTER.......           8,175                             8,175
A Res                      MA                      DEVENS RESERVE FORCES    AUTOMATED RECORD FIRE                4,700                             4,700
                                                    TRAINING AREA            RANGE.
A Res                      MO                      KANSAS CITY              ARMY RESERVE CENTER.......          11,800                            11,800
A Res                      NM                      LAS CRUCES               ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          11,400                            11,400
A Res                      NY                      BINGHAMTON               ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          13,400                            13,400
A Res                      TX                      RIO GRANDE               ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..           6,100                             6,100
A Res                      TX                      SAN MARCOS               ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..           8,500                             8,500
A Res                      TX                      DALLAS                   ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          12,600                            12,600
A Res                      TX                      FORT HOOD                Army Reserve Center.......                            15,500          15,500
A Res                      VA                      VIRGINIA BEACH           ARMY RESERVE CENTER.......          11,000                            11,000
A Res                      VA                      ROANOKE                  ARMY RESERVE CENTER/LAND..          14,800                            14,800
A Res                      VA                      FORT A.P. HILL           ARMY RESERVE CENTER.......          15,500                            15,500
A Res                      WI                      FORT MCCOY               AT/MOB BILLETING COMPLEX             9,800                             9,800
                                                                             PHASE I.
A Res                      WI                      FORT MCCOY               NCO ACADEMY PHASE II......          10,000                            10,000
A Res                      ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UNSPECIFIED MINOR                    3,000                             3,000
A Res                      ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......          25,900             5,000          30,900
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Army Reserve.......         318,175            33,500         351,675
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
Army NG                    AZ                      FLORENCE                 READINESS CENTER..........          16,500                            16,500
Army NG                    AL                      FORT MCCLELAN            Live Fire Shoot House.....                             5,635           5,635
Army NG                    AR                      FORT CHAFFEE             LIVE FIRE SHOOT HOUSE.....           2,500                             2,500
Army NG                    AR                      FORT CHAFFEE             COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE            19,000                            19,000
                                                                             TRAINING FACILITY.
Army NG                    AR                      CAMP ROBINSON            COMBINED SUPPORT                    30,000                            30,000
                                                                             MAINTENANCE SHOP.
Army NG                    AR                      FORT CHAFFEE             Convoy Live Fire/Entry                                 3,500           3,500
                                                                             Control Point Range.
Army NG                    CA                      CAMP ROBERTS             COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE            19,000                            19,000
                                                                             TRAINING FACILITY.
Army NG                    CO                      WINDSOR                  READINESS CENTER..........           7,500                             7,500
Army NG                    CO                      COLORADO SPRINGS         READINESS CENTER..........          20,000                            20,000
Army NG                    CO                      GYPSUM                   HAATS/AASF................          39,000                            39,000
Army NG                    CO                      FORT CARSON              REGIONAL TRAINING                   40,000                            40,000
Army NG                    CT                      WINDSOR LOCKS            READINESS CENTER                    41,000                            41,000
Army NG                    DE                      NEW CASTLE               ARMED FORCES RESERVE                27,000                            27,000
                                                                             CENTER (JFHQ).
Army NG                    GA                      DOBBINS ARB              READINESS CENTER ADD/ALT..          10,400                            10,400
Army NG                    GA                      CUMMING                  READINESS CENTER..........          17,000                            17,000
Army NG                    GU                      BARRIGADA                COMBINED SUPPORT MAINT              19,000                            19,000
                                                                             SHOP, PH 1.
Army NG                    HI                      KALAELOA                 COMBINED SUPPORT                    38,000                            38,000
                                                                             MAINTENANCE SHOP.
Army NG                    ID                      MOUNTAIN HOME            TACTICAL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT           6,300                             6,300
                                                                             SYSTEM FACILITY.
Army NG                    ID                      GOWEN FIELD              BARRACKS (ORTC)PH1........          17,500                            17,500
Army NG                    IL                      SPRINGFIELD              COMBINED SUPPORT                    15,000                            15,000
                                                                             MAINTENANCE SHOP ADD/ALT.
Army NG                    IA                      CAMP DODGE               Combined Arms Collective                               5,700           5,700
                                                                             Training Facility.
Army NG                    KS                      WICHITA                  FIELD MAINTENANCE SHOP....          24,000                            24,000
Army NG                    KS                      WICHITA                  READINESS CENTER..........          43,000                            43,000
Army NG                    KA                      TOPEKA ARMY AVIATION     Taxiway, Parking Ramps and                             9,036           9,036
                                                    SUPPORT FACILITY         Hanger Alterations.
Army NG                    KY                      BURLINGTON               READINESS CENTER..........          19,500                            19,500
Army NG                    LA                      FORT POLK                TACTICAL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT           5,500                             5,500
                                                                             SYSTEM FACILITY.
Army NG                    LA                      MINDEN                   READINESS CENTER..........          28,000                            28,000
Army NG                    MD                      ST INIGOES               TACTICAL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT           5,500                             5,500
                                                                             SYSTEM FACILITY.
Army NG                    MA                      HANSCOM AFB              ARMED FORCES RESERVE                23,000                            23,000
                                                                             CENTER (JFHQ), PH 2.
Army NG                    MI                      CAMP GRAYLING RANGE      COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE            19,000                            19,000
                                                                             TRAINING FACILITY.
Army NG                    MI                      CAMP GRAYLING RANGE      Barracks Replacement,                                 17,102          17,102
                                                                             Phase II.
Army NG                    MI                      CAMP GRAYLING RANGE      Light Demolition Range....                             1,595           1,595
Army NG                    MN                      CAMP RIPLEY              INFANTRY SQUAD BATTLE                4,300                             4,300
Army NG                    MN                      CAMP RIPLEY              TACTICAL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT           4,450                             4,450
                                                                             SYSTEM FACILITY.
Army NG                    MN                      ARDEN HILLS              FIELD MAINTENANCE SHOP....          29,000                            29,000
Army NG                    MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        Regional Training                                     13,800          13,800
Army NG                    NE                      LINCOLN                  READINESS CENTER ADD/ALT..           3,300                             3,300
Army NG                    NE                      MEAD                     READINESS CENTER..........          11,400                            11,400
Army NG                    NV                      NEVADA NATIONAL GUARD    Las Vegas Field                                       22,998          22,998
                                                                             Maintenance Shop.
Army NG                    NH                      PEMBROKE                 BARRACKS FACILITY                   15,000                            15,000
                                                                             (REGIONAL TRAINING
Army NG                    NH                      PEMBROKE                 CLASSROOM FACILITY                  21,000                            21,000
                                                                             (REGIONAL TRAINING
Army NG                    NM                      FARMINGTON               READINESS CENTER ADD/ALT..           8,500                             8,500
Army NG                    NC                      HIGH POINT               READINESS CENTER ADD/ALT..           1,551                             1,551
Army NG                    ND                      CAMP GRAFTON             READINESS CENTER ADD/ALT..          11,200                            11,200
Army NG                    PR                      CAMP SANTIAGO            LIVE FIRE SHOOT HOUSE.....           3,100                             3,100
Army NG                    PR                      CAMP SANTIAGO            MULTIPURPOSE MACHINE GUN             9,200                             9,200
Army NG                    RI                      EAST GREENWICH           UNITED STATES PROPERTY &            27,000                            27,000
                                                                             FISCAL OFFICE.
Army NG                    SD                      WATERTOWN                READINESS CENTER..........          25,000                            25,000
Army NG                    TX                      CAMP MAXEY               COMBAT PISTOL/MILITARY               2,500                             2,500
                                                                             PISTOL QUALIFICATION
Army NG                    TX                      CAMP SWIFT               URBAN ASSAULT COURSE......           2,600                             2,600
Army NG                    VI                      ST. CROIX                READINESS CENTER (JFHQ)...          25,000                            25,000
Army NG                    WA                      TACOMA                   COMBINED SUPPORT                    25,000                            25,000
                                                                             MAINTENANCE SHOP.
Army NG                    WV                      MOOREFIELD               READINESS CENTER..........          14,200                            14,200
Army NG                    WV                      MORGANTOWN               READINESS CENTER..........          21,000                            21,000
Army NG                    WI                      MADISON                  AIRCRAFT PARKING..........           5,700                             5,700
Army NG                    WY                      LARAMIE                  FIELD MAINTENANCE SHOP....          14,400                            14,400
Army NG                    ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UNSPECIFIED MINOR                   11,400                            11,400
Army NG                    ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......          25,663            10,000          35,663
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Army National Guard         873,664            89,366         963,030
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          JOINT DEFENSE OPERATIONS             2,800            -2,800               0
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          ENTRY CONTROL POINT.......           7,500            -7,500               0
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          EASTSIDE ELECTRICAL                 10,400           -10,400               0
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          CONSOLIDATED COMMUNITY              14,800           -14,800               0
                                                                             SUPPORT AREA.
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          BARRACKS..................          18,000           -18,000               0
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          ARMY AVIATION HQ                    19,000           -19,000               0
Army                       AF                      BAGRAM AIR BASE          EASTSIDE UTILITIES                  29,000           -29,000               0
Army                       AL                      FORT RUCKER              TRAINING AIDS CENTER......           4,650                             4,650
Army                       AL                      FORT RUCKER              AVIATION COMPONENT                  29,000                            29,000
                                                                             MAINTENANCE SHOP.
Army                       AL                      FORT RUCKER              AVIATION MAINTENANCE                36,000                            36,000
Army                       AK                      FORT WAINWRIGHT          URBAN ASSAULT COURSE......           3,350                             3,350
Army                       AK                      FORT RICHARDSON          MULTIPURPOSE MACHINE GUN            12,200                            12,200
Army                       AK                      FORT GREELY              FIRE STATION..............          26,000                            26,000
Army                       AK                      FORT WAINWRIGHT          AVIATION TASK FORCE                 27,000                            27,000
                                                                             COMPLEX, PH 2B (COF).
Army                       AK                      FORT WAINWRIGHT          AVIATION TASK FORCE                 30,000           -30,000               0
                                                                             COMPLEX, PH 1 INC 2.
Army                       AK                      FORT RICHARDSON          SIMULATIONS CENTER........          34,000                            34,000
Army                       AK                      FORT RICHARDSON          BRIGADE COMPLEX, PH 1.....          67,038                            67,038
Army                       AK                      FORT WAINWRIGHT          AVIATION TASK FORCE                142,650           -50,000          92,650
                                                                             COMPLEX, PH 2A INC 1.
Army                       CA                      PRESIDIO MONTEREY        SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS            38,000                            38,000
Army                       CA                      PRESIDIO MONTEREY        GENERAL INSTRUCTION                 39,000                            39,000
Army                       CA                      PRESIDIO MONTEREY        ADVANCED INDIVIDUAL                 63,000                            63,000
                                                                             TRAINING BARRACKS.
Army                       CO                      FORT CARSON              AUTOMATED SNIPER FIELD               3,650                             3,650
                                                                             FIRE RANGE.
Army                       CO                      FORT CARSON              BATTALION HEADQUARTERS....           6,700                             6,700
Army                       CO                      FORT CARSON              SIMULATIONS CENTER........          40,000                            40,000
Army                       CO                      FORT CARSON              BRIGADE COMPLEX...........          56,000                            56,000
Army                       FL                      EGLIN AFB                CHAPEL....................           6,900                             6,900
Army                       FL                      US ARMY GARRISON MIAMI   COMMISSARY................          19,000           -19,000               0
Army                       FL                      MIAMI-DADE COUNTY        COMMAND AND CONTROL                 41,000                            41,000
Army                       GA                      FORT BENNING             LAND ACQUISITION..........          12,200                            12,200
Army                       GA                      FORT BENNING             TRAINING BATTALION                  14,600                            14,600
                                                                             COMPLEX, PH 2.
Army                       GA                      FORT BENNING             TRAINING BATTALION                  14,600                            14,600
                                                                             COMPLEX, PH 2.
Army                       GA                      FORT BENNING             MUSEUM OPERATIONS SUPPORT           32,000           -32,000               0
Army                       GA                      FORT BENNING             TRAINEE BARRACKS, PH 2....          51,000                            51,000
Army                       GA                      FORT BENNING             VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP..          53,000                            53,000
Army                       GA                      FORT GORDON              TRAINING AIDS CENTER......           4,150                             4,150
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             MODIFIED RECORD FIRE RANGE           3,750                             3,750
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             AUTOMATED INFANTRY PLATOON           6,200                             6,200
                                                                             BATTLE COURSE.
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             TRAINING AIDS CENTER......           7,000                             7,000
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             GENERAL INSTRUCTION                  8,200                             8,200
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             AUTOMATED MULTIPURPOSE               9,100                             9,100
                                                                             MACHINE GUN RANGE.
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             BATTALION COMPLEX.........          18,000                            18,000
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             SIMULATIONS CENTER........          26,000                            26,000
Army                       GA                      FORT STEWART             AVIATION UNIT OPERATIONS            47,000                            47,000
Army                       GA                      FORT GORDON              Qualification Training                                 8,100           8,100
Army                       GY                      WIESBADEN AB             CONSTRUCT NEW ACP.........           5,100                             5,100
Army                       GY                      SEMBACH AB               CONFINEMENT FACILITY......           9,100                             9,100
Army                       GY                      ANSBACH                  PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER...          13,800                            13,800
Army                       GY                      GRAFENWOEHR              BARRACKS..................          17,500                            17,500
Army                       GY                      ANSBACH                  VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP..          18,000                            18,000
Army                       GY                      GRAFENWOEHR              BARRACKS..................          19,000                            19,000
Army                       GY                      GRAFENWOEHR              BARRACKS..................          19,000                            19,000
Army                       GY                      GRAFENWOEHR              BARRACKS..................          20,000                            20,000
Army                       GY                      WIESBADEN AB             INFORMATION PROCESSING              30,400                            30,400
Army                       GY                      RHINE ORDNANCE BARRACKS  BARRACKS COMPLEX..........          35,000                            35,000
Army                       GY                      WIESBADEN AB             COMMAND AND BATTLE CENTER,          59,500                            59,500
                                                                             INC 2.
Army                       GY                      WIESBADEN AB             SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED             91,000           -45,500          45,500
                                                                             INFORMATION FAC, INC 1.
Army                       HI                      FORT SHAFTER             FLOOD MITIGATION..........          23,000                            23,000
Army                       HI                      SCHOFIELD BARRACKS       TRAINING AIDS CENTER......          24,000                            24,000
Army                       HI                      TRIPLER AMC              BARRACKS..................          28,000                            28,000
Army                       HI                      FORT SHAFTER             COMMAND AND CONTROL                 58,000                            58,000
                                                                             FACILITY, PH 1.
Army                       HI                      SCHOFIELD BARRACKS       BARRACKS..................          90,000                            90,000
Army                       HI                      SCHOFIELD BARRACKS       BARRACKS..................          98,000                            98,000
Army                       HO                      SOTO CANO AB             BARRACKS..................          20,400           -20,400               0
Army                       IT                      VICENZA                  BDE COMPLEX--OPERATIONS             25,000                            25,000
                                                                             SPT FAC, INC 4.
Army                       IT                      VICENZA                  BDE COMPLEX--BARRACKS/              26,000                            26,000
                                                                             COMMUNITY, INC 4.
Army                       KS                      FORT LEAVENWORTH         VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP..           7,100                             7,100
Army                       KS                      FORT RILEY               AUTOMATED INFANTRY SQUAD             4,100                             4,100
                                                                             BATTLE COURSE.
Army                       KS                      FORT RILEY               KNOWN DISTANCE RANGE......           7,200                             7,200
Army                       KS                      FORT RILEY               AUTOMATED QUALIFICATION/            14,800                            14,800
                                                                             TRAINING RANGE.
Army                       KS                      FORT RILEY               BATTALION COMPLEX, PH 1...          31,000                            31,000
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            AUTOMATED SNIPER FIELD               1,500                             1,500
                                                                             FIRE RANGE.
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            URBAN ASSAULT COURSE......           3,300                             3,300
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            RAPPELLING TRAINING AREA..           5,600                             5,600
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP..          15,500                            15,500
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            COMPANY OPERATIONS                  25,000                            25,000
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            UNIT OPERATIONS FACILITIES          26,000                            26,000
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            BRIGADE COMPLEX...........          67,000                            67,000
Army                       KY                      FORT KNOX                ACCESS CORRIDOR                      6,000                             6,000
Army                       KY                      FORT KNOX                MOUT COLLECTIVE TRAINING            12,800                            12,800
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            Infantry Squad Battle                                  3,000           3,000
Army                       KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            Shoot House...............                             3,300           3,300
Army                       KY                      FORT KNOX                Rail Head Upgrade.........                            18,000          18,000
Army                       KR                      CAMP WALKER              ELECTRICAL SYS UPGRADE &            19,500                            19,500
                                                                             NATURAL GAS SYS.
Army                       LA                      FORT POLK, LOUISIANA     HEAVY SNIPER RANGE........           4,250                             4,250
Army                       LA                      FORT POLK, LOUISIANA     LAND ACQUISITION..........           6,000                             6,000
Army                       LA                      FORT POLK, LOUISIANA     LAND ACQUISITION..........          24,000                            24,000
Army                       LA                      FORT POLK, LOUISIANA     BARRACKS..................          29,000                            29,000
Army                       LA                      FORT POLK, LOUISIANA     Emergency Services Center.                             9,200           9,200
Army                       MD                      FORT MEADE               INDOOR FIRING RANGE.......           7,600                             7,600
Army                       MD                      ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND  AUTO TECH EVALUATE                  14,600                            14,600
                                                                             FACILITY, PH 2.
Army                       MD                      FORT MEADE               WIDEBAND SATCOM OPERATIONS          25,000                            25,000
Army                       MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        GENERAL INSTRUCTION                  7,000                             7,000
Army                       MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS......          12,200                            12,200
Army                       MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        INFORMATION SYSTEMS                 15,500                            15,500
Army                       MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        TRAINING BARRACKS.........          19,000                            19,000
Army                       MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        BARRACKS..................          29,000                            29,000
Army                       MO                      FORT LEONARD WOOD        TRANSIENT ADVANCED TRAINEE          29,000                            29,000
                                                                             BARRACKS, PH 2.
Army                       NM                      WHITE SANDS              BARRACKS..................          29,000                            29,000
Army                       NY                      U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY    URBAN ASSAULT COURSE......           1,700                             1,700
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                INFANTRY SQUAD BATTLE                8,200                             8,200
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                AIRCRAFT FUEL STORAGE               14,600                            14,600
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE                16,500                            16,500
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                TRAINING AIDS CENTER......          18,500                            18,500
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                BRIGADE COMPLEX, PH 1.....          55,000                            55,000
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                TRANSIENT TRAINING                  55,000                            55,000
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                BATTALION COMPLEX.........          61,000                            61,000
Army                       NY                      U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY    SCIENCE FACILITY, PH 2....         130,624                           130,624
Army                       NY                      FORT DRUM                Railhead Loading Area.....                             7,600           7,600
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP..           7,500                             7,500
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               DINING FACILITY...........          11,200                            11,200
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               COMPANY OPERATIONS                  12,600                            12,600
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               STAGING AREA COMPLEX......          14,600                            14,600
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               MURCHISON ROAD RIGHT OF             17,000                            17,000
                                                                             WAY ACQUISITION.
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               STUDENT BARRACKS..........          18,000                            18,000
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               BRIGADE COMPLEX...........          25,000                            25,000
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP..          28,000                            28,000
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               BATTALION COMPLEX.........          33,000                            33,000
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               BRIGADE COMPLEX...........          41,000                            41,000
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               BRIGADE COMPLEX...........          50,000                            50,000
Army                       NC                      FORT BRAGG               COMMAND AND CONTROL                 53,000                            53,000
Army                       OK                      MCALESTER                IGLOO STORAGE, DEPOT LEVEL           3,000                             3,000
Army                       OK                      FORT SILL                MUSEUM OPERATIONS SUPPORT           12,800           -12,800               0
Army                       OK                      FORT SILL                GENERAL PURPOSE STORAGE             13,800                            13,800
Army                       SC                      FORT JACKSON             TRAINING AIDS CENTER......          17,000                            17,000
Army                       SC                      FORT JACKSON             TRAINEE BARRACKS..........          28,000                            28,000
Army                       SC                      FORT JACKSON             TRAINEE BARRACKS COMPLEX,           46,000                            46,000
                                                                             PH 1.
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               LIGHT DEMOLITION RANGE....           2,100                             2,100
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               URBAN ASSAULT COURSE......           2,800                             2,800
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               SQUAD DEFENSE RANGE.......           3,000                             3,000
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               LIVE FIRE EXERCISE                   3,150                             3,150
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               HEAVY SNIPER RANGE........           3,500                             3,500
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               AUTOMATED MULTIPURPOSE               6,700                             6,700
                                                                             MACHINE GUN RANGE.
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               VEHICLE BRIDGE OVERPASS...           8,700                             8,700
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               INDOOR SWIMMING POOL......          15,500                            15,500
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               SCOUT/RECCE GUNNERY                 15,500                            15,500
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               THAAD BATTERY COMPLEX.....          17,500                            17,500
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               COMPANY OPERATIONS                  18,500                            18,500
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               DIGITAL MULTIPURPOSE                22,000                            22,000
                                                                             TRAINING RANGE.
Army                       TX                      FORT BLISS               TRANSIENT TRAINING COMPLEX          31,000                            31,000
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                LIVE FIRE EXERCISE                   2,100                             2,100
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                URBAN ASSAULT COURSE......           2,450                             2,450
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                CONVOY LIVE FIRE..........           3,200                             3,200
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                COMPANY OPERATIONS                   4,300                             4,300
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                BRIGADE COMPLEX...........          38,000                            38,000
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                BATTALION COMPLEX.........          40,000                            40,000
Army                       TX                      FORT HOOD                UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEM              55,000                            55,000
                                                                             (UAS) HANGAR.
Army                       TX                      FORT SAM HOUSTON         TRAINING AIDS CENTER......           6,200                             6,200
Army                       TX                      FORT SAM HOUSTON         SIMULATIONS CENTER........          16,000                            16,000
Army                       VA                      FORT A.P. HILL           KNOWN DISTANCE RANGE......           3,800                             3,800
Army                       VA                      FORT A.P. HILL           LIGHT DEMOLITION RANGE....           4,100                             4,100
Army                       VA                      FORT A.P. HILL           INDOOR FIRING RANGE.......           6,200                             6,200
Army                       VA                      FORT A.P. HILL           1200 METER RANGE..........          14,500                            14,500
Army                       VA                      FORT A.P. HILL           MOUT COLLECTIVE TRAINING            65,000                            65,000
Army                       VA                      FORT EUSTIS              WARRIOR IN TRANSITION               18,000                            18,000
Army                       VA                      FORT LEE                 COMPANY OPERATIONS                   4,900                             4,900
Army                       VA                      FORT LEE                 TRAINING AIDS CENTER......           5,800                             5,800
Army                       VA                      FORT LEE                 AUTOMATED QUALIFICATION              7,700                             7,700
                                                                             TRAINING RANGE.
Army                       VA                      FORT LEE                 MUSEUM OPERATIONS SUPPORT           30,000           -30,000               0
Army                       WA                      YAKIMA                   SNIPER FIELD FIRE RANGE...           3,750                             3,750
Army                       WA                      FORT LEWIS               RAPPELLING TRAINING AREA..           5,300                             5,300
Army                       WA                      FORT LEWIS               REGIONAL LOGISTIC SPT               16,500                            16,500
                                                                             COMPLEX WAREHOUSE.
Army                       WA                      FORT LEWIS               BARRACKS COMPLEX..........          40,000                            40,000
Army                       WA                      FORT LEWIS               BARRACKS..................          47,000                            47,000
Army                       WA                      FORT LEWIS               REGIONAL LOGISTIC SUPPORT           63,000                            63,000
Army                       ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MINOR CONSTRUCTION FY11...          23,000                            23,000
Army                       ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    HOST NATION SUPPORT FY11..          28,000                            28,000
Army                       ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN FY11..         221,636            10,000         231,636
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Army...............       4,078,798          -282,000       3,796,798
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
Navy                       AL                      MOBILE                   T-6 SOLO CAPABLE OUTLYING           29,082                            29,082
                                                                             LANDING FIELD.
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     VAN PAD COMPLEX RELOCATION          15,590                            15,590
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE            21,480                            21,480
                                                                             ACTIVITY FACILITY........
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     SIMULATOR FACILITY........          36,060                            36,060
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE                40,600                            40,600
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     UTILITIES INFRASTRUCTURE            44,320                            44,320
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE                63,280                            63,280
Navy                       AZ                      YUMA                     COMMUNICATIONS                      63,730                            63,730
                                                                             INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADE.
Navy                       BI                      SW ASIA                  OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT              60,002                            60,002
Navy                       BI                      SW ASIA                  WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT, PH          63,871                            63,871
Navy                       BI                      SW ASIA                  NAVCENT AMMUNITION                  89,280                            89,280
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           SMALL ARMS MAGAZINE--EDSON           3,760                             3,760
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           MARINE CORPS ENERGY                  9,950                             9,950
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           NORTH REGION TERT TREAT             30,000                            30,000
                                                                             PLANT (INCREMENTED).
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           BEQ--LAS FLORES...........          37,020                            37,020
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           BEQ--13 AREA..............          42,864                            42,864
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           MALS-39 MAINTENANCE HANGAR          48,230                            48,230
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           TRUCK COMPANY OPERATIONS            53,490                            53,490
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           CNATT/FRS--AVIATION                 66,110                            66,110
                                                                             TRAINING AND BEQ.
Navy                       CA                      CAMP PENDLETON           CONVEYANCE/WATER TREATMENT         100,700                           100,700
Navy                       CA                      CORONADO                 ROTARY HANGAR.............          67,160                            67,160
Navy                       CA                      MIRAMAR                  HANGAR 4..................          33,620                            33,620
Navy                       CA                      MIRAMAR                  PARKING APRON/TAXIWAY               66,500                            66,500
Navy                       CA                      MIRAMAR                  AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE                90,490                            90,490
Navy                       CA                      SAN DIEGO                MARINE CORPS ENERGY                  9,950                             9,950
Navy                       CA                      SAN DIEGO                BEQ, HOMEPORT ASHORE......          75,342                            75,342
Navy                       CA                      SAN DIEGO                BERTHING PIER 12 REPL &            108,414                           108,414
                                                                             DREDGING, PH 1.
Navy                       CA                      TWENTYNINE PALMS         BEQ AND PARKING STRUCTURE.          53,158                            53,158
Navy                       CN                      NSB NEW LONDON           Submarine Group 2                                     12,930          12,930
Navy                       DJ                      CAMP LEMONIER            PAVE EXTERNAL ROADS.......           3,824                             3,824
Navy                       DJ                      CAMP LEMONIER            GENERAL WAREHOUSE.........           7,324                             7,324
Navy                       DJ                      CAMP LEMONIER            CAMP LEMONIER HQ FACILITY.          12,407                            12,407
Navy                       DJ                      CAMP LEMONIER            HORN OF AFRICA JOINT                28,076                            28,076
                                                                             OPERATIONS CENTER.
Navy                       FL                      NAVSUP PANAMA CITY       Land Acquisition..........                             5,960           5,960
Navy                       FL                      TAMPA                    JCSE VEHICLE PAINT                   2,300                             2,300
Navy                       FL                      BLOUNT ISLAND            CONTAINER STORAGE LOT.....           4,910                             4,910
Navy                       FL                      BLOUNT ISLAND            CONTAINER STAGING AND                5,990                             5,990
                                                                             LOADING LOT.
Navy                       FL                      BLOUNT ISLAND            WASHRACK EXPANSION........           9,690                             9,690
Navy                       FL                      BLOUNT ISLAND            CONSOLIDATED WAREHOUSE              17,260                            17,260
Navy                       FL                      BLOUNT ISLAND            HARDSTAND EXTENSION.......          17,930                            17,930
Navy                       FL                      BLOUNT ISLAND            PAINT AND BLAST FACILITY..          18,840                            18,840
Navy                       GA                      KINGS BAY                WATERFRONT EMERGENCY POWER          15,660                            15,660
Navy                       GA                      KINGS BAY                SECURITY ENCLAVE & VEHICLE          45,004                            45,004
Navy                       HI                      CAMP SMITH               PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER...          29,960                            29,960
Navy                       HI                      KANEOHE BAY              WATERFRONT OPERATIONS               19,130                            19,130
Navy                       HI                      KANEOHE BAY              BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS          90,530                            90,530
Navy                       HI                      PEARL HARBOR             CTR FOR DISASTER MGT/                9,140                             9,140
                                                                             HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE.
Navy                       HI                      PEARL HARBOR             JOINT POW/MIA ACCOUNTING            99,328                            99,328
Navy                       HI                      PEARL HARBOR             Welding School Shop                                    8,500           8,500
Navy                       HI                      PACIFIC MISSILE RANGE    Replace North Loop                                     9,100           9,100
                                                    FACILITY                 Electrical Distribution
Navy                       HI                      PEARL HARBOR             Pre-Fab Bridge Nohili                                  3,560           3,560
Navy                       HI                      PEARL HARBOR             Fire Station, West Loch...                             9,084           9,084
Navy                       JA                      ATSUGI                   MH-60R/S TRAINER FACILITY.           6,908                             6,908
Navy                       ML                      GUAM                     APRA HARBOR WHARVES IMP.            40,000                            40,000
                                                                             (PH 1, INC).
Navy                       ML                      GUAM                     DEFENSE ACCESS ROAD                 66,730                            66,730
Navy                       ML                      GUAM                     AAFB NORTH RAMP UTILITIES           79,350           -79,350               0
                                                                             (PH 1, INC 2).
Navy                       ML                      GUAM                     AAFB NORTH RAMP PARKING             93,588           -93,588               0
                                                                             (PH 1, INC 2).
Navy                       ML                      GUAM                     FINEGAYAN SITE PREP AND            147,210          -147,210               0
Navy                       MD                      INDIAN HEAD              AGILE CHEMICAL FACILITY,            34,238                            34,238
                                                                             PH 2.
Navy                       MD                      PATUXENT RIVER           BROAD AREA MARITIME                 42,211                            42,211
                                                                             SURVEILLANCE T & E
Navy                       MD                      NSWC, INDIAN HEAD        Advanced Energetics                                   12,810          12,810
                                                                             Research Lab Complex
                                                                             Phase 2.
Navy                       ME                      PORTSMOUTH               Consolidation of                                      17,240          17,240
                                                                             Structural Shops.
Navy                       MS                      NCBC GULFPORT            Branch Health Clinic......                            11,870          11,870
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             MESS HALL ADDITION--                 2,553                             2,553
                                                                             COURTHOUSE BAY.
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             EOD ADDITION--2ND MARINE             7,420                             7,420
                                                                             LOGISTICS GROUP.
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             MARINE CORPS ENERGY                  9,950                             9,950
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             ARMORY--II MEF-WALLACE              12,280                            12,280
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             MOTOR TRANSPORTATION/COMM.          18,470                            18,470
                                                                             MAINT. FACILITY.
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             MESS HALL--FRENCH CREEK...          25,960                            25,960
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             MAINTENANCE/OPS COMPLEX--           36,100                            36,100
                                                                             2ND ANGLICO.
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--COURTHOUSE BAY.......          40,780                            40,780
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--COURTHOUSE BAY.......          42,330                            42,330
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--FRENCH CREEK.........          43,640                            43,640
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--WALLACE CREEK NORTH..          46,290                            46,290
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--CAMP JOHNSON.........          46,550                            46,550
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--WALLACE CREEK........          51,660                            51,660
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             BEQ--RIFLE RANGE..........          55,350                            55,350
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             UTILITY EXPANSION--FRENCH           56,050                            56,050
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             UTILITY EXPANSION--HADNOT           56,470                            56,470
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             HANGAR....................          73,010                            73,010
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             MAINTENANCE HANGAR (HMLA).          74,260                            74,260
Navy                       NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             2ND INTEL BN MAINTENANCE/           90,270                            90,270
                                                                             OPS COMPLEX.
Navy                       NC                      CHERRY POINT MCAS        MARINERS BAY LAND                    3,790                             3,790
Navy                       NC                      CHERRY POINT MCAS        STATION INFRASTRUCTURE               5,800                             5,800
Navy                       NC                      CHERRY POINT MCAS        MISSILE MAGAZINE..........          13,420                            13,420
Navy                       NC                      CHERRY POINT MCAS        BEQ.......................          42,500                            42,500
Navy                       PA                      NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY   North Gate Security                                    5,930           5,930
                                                    MECHANICSBURG            Improvements.
Navy                       PA                      NAVSUPPACT               Quiet Propulsion Load                                  7,630           7,630
                                                    MECHANICSBURG            House.
Navy                       RI                      NEWPORT                  ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSOR              27,007                            27,007
Navy                       RI                      NEWPORT                  Submarine Payloads                                    12,170          12,170
                                                                             Integration Laboratory.
Navy                       RI                      NEWPORT                  Gate Improvements.........                             4,950           4,950
Navy                       SC                      BEAUFORT                 PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER...          15,430                            15,430
Navy                       SC                      BEAUFORT                 AICUZ LAND ACQUISITION....          21,190                            21,190
Navy                       SC                      BEAUFORT                 TRAINING AND SIMULATOR              46,240                            46,240
Navy                       SC                      BEAUFORT                 AIRCRAFT HANGAR--VMFAT-502          46,550                            46,550
Navy                       SP                      ROTA                     AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER.          23,190                            23,190
Navy                       VA                      NORFOLK                  PIERS 9 AND 10 UPGRADES              2,400                             2,400
                                                                             FOR DDG 1000.
Navy                       VA                      NORFOLK                  PIER 1 UPGRADES TO BERTH            10,035                            10,035
                                                                             USNS COMFORT.
Navy                       VA                      QUANTICO                 ACADEMIC FACILITY                   12,080                            12,080
Navy                       VA                      QUANTICO                 BACHELOR ENLISTED                   37,810                            37,810
Navy                       VA                      QUANTICO                 RESEARCH CENTER ADDITION--          37,920                            37,920
Navy                       VA                      QUANTICO                 STUDENT OFFICER QUARTERS--          55,822                            55,822
Navy                       VA                      PORTSMOUTH               SHIP REPAIR PIER                   100,000                           100,000
                                                                             REPLACEMENT (INC).
Navy                       VA                      DAHLGREN NSWC            Building 1200-Missile                                  9,730           9,730
                                                                             Support Facility
                                                                             Replacement Phase 1.
Navy                       WA                      BANGOR                   LIMITED AREA EMERGENCY              15,810                            15,810
Navy                       WA                      BANGOR                   CSDS-5 LABORATORY                   16,170                            16,170
                                                                             EXPANSION, PH 1.
Navy                       WA                      BREMERTON                LIMITED AREA PRODUCT/STRG           19,116                            19,116
                                                                             CMPLX (INC).
Navy                       WA                      BANGOR                   WATERFRONT RESTRICTED AREA          24,913                            24,913
                                                                             EMERGENCY POWER.
Navy                       ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UNSPECIFIED MINOR                   20,877                            20,877
Navy                       ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......         120,050            20,000         140,050
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Navy and Marine           3,879,104          -168,684       3,710,420
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
Naval Res                  CA                      TWENTYNINE PALMS,        TANK VEHICLE MAINTENANCE             5,991                             5,991
                                                    CALIFORNIA               FACILITY.
Naval Res                  LA                      NEW ORLEANS              JOINT AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL           16,281                            16,281
Naval Res                  VA                      WILLIAMSBURG             NAVY ORDNANCE CARGO                 21,346                            21,346
                                                                             LOGISTICS TRAINING
Naval Res                  WA                      YAKIMA                   MARINE CORPS RESERVE                13,844                            13,844
Naval Res                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......           1,857                             1,857
Naval Res                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MCNR UNSPECIFIED MINOR               2,238                             2,238
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Navy Reserve.......          61,557                 0          61,557
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
DW                         DC                      BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE   REPLACE PARKING STRUCTURE,           3,000                             3,000
                                                                             PHASE 1.
DW                         IL                      SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE     FIELD COMMAND FACILITY               1,388                             1,388
DW                         PA                      DEF DISTRIBUTION DEPOT   REPLACE HEADQUARTERS                96,000                            96,000
                                                    NEW CUMBERLAND           FACILITY.
DW                         CA                      POINT MUGU               AIRCRAFT DIRECT FUELING              3,100                             3,100
DW                         JA                      MISAWA AB                HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM.......          31,000           -31,000               0
DW                         UK                      RAF MILDENHALL           RPL HYDRANT FUEL                    15,900                            15,900
                                                                             DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.
DW                         CA                      POINT LOMA ANNEX         REPLACE STORAGE FACILITY            20,000                            20,000
                                                                             INCR 3.
DW                         HI                      HICKAM AFB               ALTER FUEL STORAGE TANKS..           8,500                             8,500
DW                         ID                      MOUNTAIN HOME AFB        REPLACE POL FUEL STORAGE            27,500                            27,500
DW                         MD                      ANDREWS AFB              REPLACE FUEL STORAGE &              14,000                            14,000
                                                                             DISTRIBUTION FACILITY.
DW                         GA                      HUNTER ANGS              FUEL UNLOAD FACILITY......           2,400                             2,400
DW                         JA                      KADENA AB                INSTALL FUEL FILTERS-                3,000                             3,000
DW                         VA                      CRANEY ISLAND            REPLACE FUEL PIER.........          58,000                            58,000
DW                         OH                      COLUMBUS                 REPLACE PUBLIC SAFETY                7,400                             7,400
DW                         BE                      BRUSSELS                 REPLACE SHAPE MS/HS.......          67,311                            67,311
DW                         GA                      FORT BENNING             DEXTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL             2,800                             2,800
                                                                             CONSTRUCT GYM.
DW                         GY                      PANZER KASERNE           REPLACE BOEBLINGEN HS.....          48,968                            48,968
DW                         NY                      U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY    WEST POINT MS ADD/ALT.....          27,960                            27,960
DW                         NC                      CAMP LEJEUNE             TARAWA TERRACE I ES                 16,646                            16,646
                                                                             REPLACE SCHOOL.
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               MURRAY ES REPLACE SCHOOL..          22,000                            22,000
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               MCNAIR ES--REPLACE SCHOOL.          23,086                            23,086
DW                         PR                      FORT BUCHANAN            ANTILLES ES/IS--REPLACE             58,708                            58,708
DW                         UK                      ROYAL AIR FORCE          ALCONBURY ES REPLACEMENT..          30,308                            30,308
DW                         VA                      QUANTICO                 NEW CONSOLIDATED ELEMETARY          47,355                            47,355
DW                         UK                      MENWITH HILL STATION     MHS PSC CONSTRUCTION--               2,000                             2,000
                                                                             GENERATORS 10 & 11.
DW                         MD                      FORT MEADE               NORTH CAMPUS UTILITY               219,360           -54,107         165,253
                                                                             PLANT, INC 1.
DW                         QA                      AL UDEID, QATAR          QATAR WAREHOUSE...........           1,961                             1,961
DW                         UT                      CAMP WILLIAMS            CNCI DATA CENTER, INC 2...         398,358                           398,358
DW                         GA                      AUGUSTA                  NSA/CSS GEORGIA TRAINING            12,855                            12,855
DW                         AZ                      YUMA                     SOF MILITARY FREE FALL               8,977                             8,977
DW                         CO                      FORT CARSON              SOF TACTICAL UNMANNED                3,717                             3,717
                                                                             AERIAL VEHICLE HANGAR.
DW                         FL                      EGLIN AFB                SOF GROUND SUPPORT                   6,030                             6,030
                                                                             BATTALION DETACHMENT.
DW                         GA                      FORT BENNING             SOF MWD KENNEL COMPLEX....           3,624                             3,624
DW                         GA                      HUNTER ARMY AIRFIELD     SOF TEMF EXPANSION........           3,318                             3,318
DW                         GA                      FORT BENNING             SOF COMPANY SUPPORT                 20,441                            20,441
DW                         HI                      PEARL HARBOR             NSWG3 COMMAND AND                   28,804                            28,804
                                                                             OPERATIONS FACILITY.
DW                         KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            SOF BATTALION OPS COMPLEX.          38,095                            38,095
DW                         KY                      FORT CAMPBELL            Landgraf Hangar Addition,                              3,600           3,600
                                                                             160th SOAR.
DW                         NM                      CANNON AFB               SOF HANGAR/AMU (MC-130J)..          24,622                            24,622
DW                         NM                      CANNON AFB               SOF AIRCRAFT PARKING APRON          12,636                            12,636
DW                         NM                      CANNON AFB               SOF C-130 PARKING APRON,            26,006                            26,006
                                                                             PH 1.
DW                         NM                      CANNON AFB               SOF OPERATIONS AND                  39,674                            39,674
                                                                             TRAINING COMPLEX.
DW                         NM                      CANNON AFB               SOF ADD/ALT SIMULATOR               13,287                            13,287
                                                                             FACILITY FOR MC-130.
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF OPERATIONAL                     11,000                            11,000
                                                                             COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY.
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF ADMIN/COMPANY                   10,347                            10,347
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF OPERATIONS ADDITIONS..          15,795                            15,795
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF JOINT INTELLIGENCE              32,000                            32,000
                                                                             BRIGADE FACILITY.
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF C4 FACILITY--JSOC.....          41,000                            41,000
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF OPERATIONS SUPPORT              13,465                            13,465
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF Baffle Containment for                             7,200           7,200
                                                                             Range 19C.
DW                         NC                      FORT BRAGG               SOF Medical Support                                    3,889           3,889
DW                         MS                      STENNIS SPACE CENTER     SOF Western Maneuver Area,                             9,000           9,000
                                                                             Ph 2.
DW                         MS                      STENNIS SPACE CENTER     SOF Western Maneuver Area,                             8,000           8,000
                                                                             Ph 3.
DW                         MD                      BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL  NNMC PARKING EXPANSION....          17,100                            17,100
DW                         MD                      FORT DETRICK             INFORMATION SERVICES                 4,300                             4,300
                                                                             FACILITY EXPANSION.
DW                         VA                      FORT BELVOIR             DENTAL CLINIC REPLACEMENT.           6,300                             6,300
DW                         MA                      HANSCOM AFB              MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC                 2,900                             2,900
DW                         WA                      FORT LEWIS               PREVENTIVE MEDICINE                  8,400                             8,400
DW                         KR                      CAMP CARROLL             HEALTH/DENTAL CLINIC                19,500           -19,500               0
DW                         NM                      WHITE SANDS              HEALTH AND DENTAL CLINICS.          22,900                            22,900
DW                         GY                      VILSECK                  HEALTH CLINIC ADD/ALT.....          34,800                            34,800
DW                         GA                      FORT STEWART             HEALTH CLINIC ADDTION/              35,100                            35,100
DW                         GY                      KATTERBACH               HEALTH/DENTAL CLINIC                37,100                            37,100
DW                         MD                      FORT DETRICK             CONSOLIDATED LOGISTICS              23,100                            23,100
DW                         GU                      AGANA NAVAL AIR STATION  HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT, INC           70,000                            70,000
DW                         TX                      FORT BLISS               HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT INC 2         147,100                           147,100
DW                         TX                      LACKLAND AFB             AMBULATORY CARE CENTER, PH         162,500           -42,500         120,000
                                                                             2 INC 1.
DW                         MD                      BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL  TRANSIENT WOUNDED WARRIOR           62,900                            62,900
DW                         MD                      FORT DETRICK             NIBC SECURITY FENCING AND            2,700                             2,700
DW                         MD                      FORT DETRICK             SUPPLEMENTAL WATER STORAGE           3,700                             3,700
DW                         MD                      FORT DETRICK             WATER TREATMENT PLANT               11,900                            11,900
                                                                             REPAIR & SUPPLEMENT.
DW                         MD                      FORT DETRICK             USAMRIID STAGE I, INC 5...          17,400                            17,400
DW                         MD                      ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND  USAMRICD REPLACEMENT, INC          105,000                           105,000
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    CONTINGENCY CONSTRUCTION..          10,000            10,000          20,000
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    ENERGY CONSERVATION                120,000           170,000         290,000
                                                                             IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM.
DW                         BE                      BRUSSELS                 NATO HEADQUARTERS FACILITY          31,863                            31,863
DW                         VA                      PENTAGON                 POWER PLANT MODERNIZATION,          51,928                            51,928
                                                                             PH 3.
DW                         VA                      PENTAGON                 SECURE ACCESS LANE-REMOTE            4,923                             4,923
                                                                             VEHICLE SCREENING.
DW                         VA                      PENTAGON                 PENTAGON METRO & CORRIDOR            6,473                             6,473
                                                                             8 SCREENING FACILITY.....
DW                         ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        PLANNING AND DESIGN.......          79,763                            79,763
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......           1,988                             1,988
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......          28,239                            28,239
DW                         ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        PLANNING AND DESIGN.......          30,836                            30,836
DW                         ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        PLANNING AND DESIGN.......         230,300                           230,300
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......          54,221            20,000          74,221
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING AND DESIGN.......           6,270                             6,270
DW                         ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        UNSPECIFIED MINOR                    5,258                             5,258
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UNSPECIFIED MINOR                   13,841                            13,841
DW                         ZU                      VARIOUS WORLDWIDE        UNSPECIFIED MINOR                    7,663                             7,663
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    EXERCISE RELATED                     8,210                             8,210
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MINOR CONSTRUCTION........           4,884                             4,884
DW                         ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UNSPECIFIED MINOR                    3,000                             3,000
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Defense-Wide.......       3,118,062            84,582       3,202,644
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
FHIF                       ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    FAMILY HOUSING IMPROVEMENT           1,096                             1,096
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Family Housing                1,096                 0           1,096
                                                                             Improvement Fund.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
NATO SIP                   ZU                      NATO SECURITY            NATO SECURITY INVESTMENT           258,884                           258,884
                                                    INVESTMENT PROGRAM       PROGRAM.
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, NATO Security               258,884                 0         258,884
                                                                             Investment Fund.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
HAP                        ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    HOMEOWERS ASSISTANCE                16,515                            16,515
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Homeowners                   16,515                 0          16,515
                                                                             Assistance Program.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UTILITIES ACCOUNT.........          89,245                            89,245
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT.......          35,399                            35,399
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT........           1,561                             1,561
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT........          54,633                            54,633
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT.....           1,710                             1,710
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    SERVICES ACCOUNT..........          19,974                            19,974
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    LEASING...................          95,143                            95,143
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    LEASING ACCOUNT...........             528                               528
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MAINTENANCE (RPMA & RPMC).         159,725                           159,725
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT.......           1,971                             1,971
FHOps, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    HOUSING PRIVATIZATION.....          53,903                            53,903
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Family Housing,             513,792                 0         513,792
                                                                             O&M, Air Force.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
FHCon, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    CLASSIFIED PROJECT........              50                                50
FHCon, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    CONSTRUCTION IMPROVMENTS..          73,750                            73,750
FHCon, AF                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PLANNING & DESIGN.........           4,225                             4,225
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Family Housing,              78,025                 0          78,025
                                                                             Construction, Air Force.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
FHCon, Army                AK                      FORT WAINWRIGHT          FAMILY HOUSING REPLACEMENT          21,000                            21,000
                                                                             CONSTRUCTION (110 UNITS).
FHCon, Army                GY                      BAUMHOLDER               FAMILY HOUSING REPLACEMENT          34,329                            34,329
                                                                             CONSTRUCTION (64 UNITS)..
FHCon, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS           35,000                            35,000
                                                                             (235 UNITS).
FHCon, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    FAMILY HOUSING P&D........           2,040                             2,040
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Family Housing,              92,369                 0          92,369
                                                                             Construction, Army.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
FHOps, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UTILITIES ACCOUNT.........          69,655                            69,655
FHOps, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT.....           1,201                             1,201
FHOps, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    OPERATIONS................          96,142                            96,142
FHOps, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    LEASING...................         203,184                           203,184
FHOps, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MAINTENANCE OF REAL                120,899                           120,899
FHOps, Army                ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    PRIVATIZATION SUPPORT               27,059                            27,059
                           ......................  .......................  TOTAL, Family Housing,             518,140                 0         518,140
                                                                             O&M, Army.
                           ......................  .......................
                           ......................  .......................
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT.......           4,501                             4,501
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    LEASING...................          34,124                            34,124
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UTILITIES ACCOUNT.........             297                               297
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT.......              18                                18
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT........             365                               365
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    SERVICES ACCOUNT..........              29                                29
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MAINTENANCE OF REAL                    707                               707
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    UTILITIES ACCOUNT.........              10                                10
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    OPERATIONS................              50                                50
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    LEASING...................          10,293                            10,293
FHOps, DW                  ZU                      UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE    MAINTENANCE OF REAL                     70                                70