[Congressional Bills 115th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1101 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1101

Affirming the historical relationship between the United States and the 
 Kingdom of Morocco, condemning the recent provocative actions of the 
Polisario Front and its foreign supporters, and encouraging efforts by 
the United Nations to reach a peaceful resolution of the Western Sahara 



                           September 28, 2018

   Mr. Wilson of South Carolina (for himself, Mr. Connolly, and Mr. 
   Curbelo of Florida) submitted the following resolution; which was 
              referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs



Affirming the historical relationship between the United States and the 
 Kingdom of Morocco, condemning the recent provocative actions of the 
Polisario Front and its foreign supporters, and encouraging efforts by 
the United Nations to reach a peaceful resolution of the Western Sahara 

Whereas the Kingdom of Morocco was the first country to formally recognize the 
        United States in 1777 and remains a strong ally and partner for peace in 
        the Middle East and North Africa;
Whereas the lack of resolution to conflict in the Western Sahara for more than 
        40 years inhibits the regional security and economic prosperity of North 
Whereas Morocco has long sought a resolution of the Western Sahara conflict 
        through a negotiated process that creates autonomy for the region under 
        Moroccan sovereignty;
Whereas for over 10 years and across three Administrations, United States 
        officials have characterized the proposal for autonomy under Moroccan 
        sovereignty as both ``serious and credible'';
Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 2414 (2018), proposed and 
        supported by the United States, criticized provocative actions by the 
        Polisario Front in the Western Sahara territory and called for the 
        ``immediate withdrawal'' of the Polisario Front from portions of the 
        Western Sahara and for the group ``to refrain from [any] destabilizing 
Whereas, on May 1, 2018, Morocco announced it was severing diplomatic ties with 
        Iran due to its purported support, along with that of the Lebanon-based 
        Hezbollah militia, for the Polisario Front;
Whereas the Government of Iran has provided monetary and other forms of material 
        support to terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah;
Whereas the United States has designated Hezbollah in its entirety as a foreign 
        terrorist organization;
Whereas the efforts of Iran and Hezbollah to maintain influence in North Africa 
        runs counter to the national security objectives of the United States; 
Whereas the United States has a significant national security interest in the 
        stability and economic prosperity of North Africa: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) reaffirms its support for the Kingdom of Morocco as our 
        oldest ally and as a partner in combating terrorism and 
        promoting stability and prosperity in North Africa;
            (2) condemns the provocative actions taken by the Polisario 
        Front in Western Sahara;
            (3) condemns any action by the Government of Iran or by 
        Hezbollah that promotes instability in North Africa;
            (4) reaffirms that Morocco's autonomy plan is serious, 
        realistic, and credible, and represents a path forward to 
        satisfy the aspirations of the people in the Western Sahara to 
        run their own affairs in peace and dignity; and
            (5) calls on President Trump, the Secretary of State, and 
        the Ambassador to the United Nations, to assist the United 
        Nations in supporting a peaceful agreement to the Western 
        Sahara conflict that is consistent with the United States 
        position and will be enduring and enforceable.