[Congressional Bills 117th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 2446 Introduced in House (IH)]


  1st Session
                                H. R. 2446

    To award three Congressional Gold Medals to the law enforcement 
officers and those who protected American cities during the Black Lives 
             Matter (BLM) riots beginning on May 26, 2020.



                             April 12, 2021

    Mrs. Greene of Georgia introduced the following bill; which was 
referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the 
  Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently 
   determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such 
 provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

    To award three Congressional Gold Medals to the law enforcement 
officers and those who protected American cities during the Black Lives 
             Matter (BLM) riots beginning on May 26, 2020.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    The Congress finds the following:
            (1) Every day, police officers around the United States put 
        their lives in danger in order to protect the American public.
            (2) On May 26, 2020, violent riots broke out in 
        Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparking copycat riots in cities across 
        the country.
            (3) The sacrifice and courage of heroes including more than 
        2,000 law enforcement officers who sustained injuries exemplify 
        the patriotism and the commitment of police officers, and those 
        of other law enforcement agencies, to risk their lives in 
        service of our country.
            (4) At least 25 Americans died following the violent riots, 
        and more than 2,000 law enforcement officers suffered physical 
            (5) The desecration of American cities including the 
        destruction of over 700 buildings in Minneapolis alone, over 
        2,385 incidents of looting, the arrest of 16,200 for riot-
        related crimes, and the millions of dollars of damage done are 
        horrors that will forever stain our Nation's history.


    (a) Presentation Authorization.--The Speaker of the House of 
Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate shall make 
appropriate arrangements for the presentation, on behalf of the 
Congress, of three gold medals of appropriate design to the Minneapolis 
Police Department, the Portland Police Department, and those who 
protected American cities during the violent BLM riots during the 
summer of 2020.
    (b) Design and Striking.--For the purposes of the award referred to 
in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter in this Act 
referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall strike gold medals with 
suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the 
    (c) Disposition of Medals.--Following the award of the gold medals 
under subsection (a):
            (1) Minneapolis police department headquarters.--One gold 
        medal shall be given to the Minneapolis Police Department, so 
        that the medal may be displayed at the headquarters of the 
        Minneapolis Police Department and made available for display.
            (2) Portland police department headquarters.--One gold 
        medal shall be given to the Portland Police Department, so that 
        the medal may be displayed at the headquarters of the Portland 
        Police Department and made available for display.
            (3) Smithsonian institution.--
                    (A) In general.--One gold medal shall be given to 
                the Smithsonian Institution, where it shall be 
                available for display as appropriate and available for 
                    (B) Plaque.--In displaying the gold medal given 
                under subparagraph (A), the Smithsonian Institution 
                shall display the medal with a plaque that lists the 
                other law enforcement agencies that participated in 
                protecting the American people during the BLM riots 
                beginning on May 26th.
                    (C) Sense of the congress.--It is the sense of the 
                Congress that the Smithsonian Institution should make 
                the gold medal given under subparagraph (A) available 
                for display elsewhere, particularly at appropriate 
                locations associated with the protection of American 
                cities during the BLM riots beginning on May 26th.


    The Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold 
medals struck pursuant to section 2 under such regulations as the 
Secretary may prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost 
thereof, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and 
overhead expenses.


    It is the sense of the Congress that the United States Mint should 
expedite production of the gold medals and duplicate medals under this 
Act, so that the sacrifices of fallen officers and their families, and 
the contributions of other law enforcement agencies who answered the 
call of duty during the BLM riots beginning on May 26th can be 
recognized and honored in a timely manner.


    (a) National Medals.--The medals struck pursuant to this Act are 
national medals for purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States 
    (b) Numismatic Items.--For purposes of section 5134 of title 31, 
United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be 
considered to be numismatic items.


     The Secretary of the Treasury shall take such actions as may be 
necessary to ensure that the minting and issuing of coins under this 
Act will not result in any net cost to the United States Government.