[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 1657 Engrossed in House (EH)]

  2d Session
                                H. R. 1657


                                 AN ACT

    To provide for a land exchange in the Chippewa National Forest, 
                   Minnesota, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Lake Winnibigoshish Land Exchange 
Act of 2024''.


    In this Act:
            (1) BWLT.--The term ``BWLT'' means Big Winnie Land and 
        Timber, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Corporation.
            (2) Map.--The term ``Map'' means the map entitled ``Heig 
        Land Exchange'' and dated December 14, 2023.
            (3) Federal land.--The term ``Federal land'' means the 
        approximately 17.5 acres of Federal land in Itasca County, 
        Minnesota, generally depicted as the ``Federal Parcel'' on the 
            (4) Non-federal land.--The term ``non-Federal land'' means 
        the approximately 36.7 acres of non-Federal land in Itasca 
        County, Minnesota, generally depicted as the ``Non-Federal 
        Parcel'' on the Map.
            (5) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
        of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service.


    (a) Exchange Authorized.--Subject to the provisions of this Act, if 
BWLT offers to convey the non-Federal land to the United States, the 
Secretary shall, not later than 1 year after the date on which such 
offer is made--
            (1) accept the offer;
            (2) convey to BWLT all right, title, and interest of the 
        United States in and to the Federal land, excepting and 
        reserving an easement for road access to National Forest System 
        land west of the Federal Parcel; and
            (3) accept from BWLT all right, title, and interest of BWLT 
        in and to the non-Federal land.
    (b) Requirements.--The exchange under subsection (a) shall be--
            (1) conditioned on title approval for the non-Federal land 
        by the Secretary in accordance with subsection (e);
            (2) conditioned on a cash equalization payment made by BWLT 
        to the United States in accordance with subsection (c) if, 
        under the appraisals conducted in accordance with this Act, it 
        is determined that the value of the Federal land exceeds the 
        value of the non-Federal land;
            (3) conditioned on the satisfactory completion of a Phase I 
        Environmental Site Assessment by BWLT, provided to the 
        Secretary, in advance of the acceptance of the non-Federal 
            (4) subject to valid existing rights; and
            (5) subject to any other terms and conditions the Secretary 
        determines appropriate.
    (c) Equal Value and Cash Equalization.--
            (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
        exchange under subsection (a) shall be for equal value or the 
        values shall be equalized by a cash payment.
            (2) Exception.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
        if the appraised value of the non-Federal land to be conveyed 
        to the United States exceeds the appraised value of the Federal 
        land, a cash equalization payment by the United States to BWLT 
        is hereby waived and the amount of such waived payment shall be 
        considered a donation by BWLT to the United States for all 
        purposes of law.
    (d) Appraisals.--
            (1) In general.--The value of the land to be exchanged 
        under this Act shall be determined by appraisals conducted by 
        an independent and qualified appraiser mutually agreed to by 
        the Secretary and BWLT.
            (2) Appraisal standards.--The Secretary shall complete 
        appraisals of the land to be exchanged under this Act in 
        accordance with--
                    (A) the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal 
                Land Acquisitions; and
                    (B) the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal 
    (e) Format.--Title to the non-Federal land to be conveyed to the 
United States under this Act shall be found sufficient by the Secretary 
pursuant to section 3111 of title 40, United States Code.
    (f) Management of Acquired Land.--The non-Federal land acquired by 
the United States under subsection (a) shall be--
            (1) added to, and managed as part of, the Chippewa National 
        Forest; and
            (2) managed in accordance with the laws, rules, and 
        regulations pertaining to National Forest System lands.
    (g) Map and Legal Descriptions.--
            (1) In general.--As soon as practicable after the date of 
        enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall finalize the Map and 
        legal descriptions of all land to be conveyed under this Act.
            (2) Controlling document.--In the case of a discrepancy 
        between the Map and a legal description, the Map shall control.
            (3) Corrections.--The Secretary and BWLT, by mutual 
        agreement, may correct any minor errors in the Map or in the 
        legal descriptions, including with respect to the boundaries of 
        the Federal land and the non-Federal land.
            (4) Map on file.--The Map and legal descriptions shall be 
        on file and available for public inspection in appropriate 
        offices of the Forest Service.
    (h) Closing Costs.--As a condition for the exchange under 
subsection (a), BWLT shall pay all closing costs associated with the 
exchange, including for--
            (1) title insurance and title search;
            (2) any applicable inspection fees, escrow fees, attorneys 
        fees, and recording fees; and
            (3) any environmental analysis or resource survey required 
        under Federal law, regulation, or policy, including a Phase I 
        Environmental Site Assessment of the non-Federal land.
    (i) Survey.--
            (1) In general.--The exact acreages and legal descriptions 
        of the Federal and non-Federal land to be exchanged under 
        subsection (a) shall be determined by surveys satisfactory to 
        the Secretary.
            (2) Costs of survey.--BWLT shall bear all costs associated 
        with the surveys under paragraph (1).

            Passed the House of Representatives September 24, 2024.



  2d Session

                               H. R. 1657


                                 AN ACT

    To provide for a land exchange in the Chippewa National Forest, 
                   Minnesota, and for other purposes.