[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8237 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8237

To require a report relating to the provision of certain information in 
   connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting 
                   conflict, and for other purposes.



                              May 2, 2024

Ms. Sherrill (for herself, Mr. Himes, Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Mr. Quigley, 
 and Ms. Tokuda) introduced the following bill; which was referred to 
the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on 
Armed Services, and Intelligence (Permanent Select), for a period to be 
subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration 
  of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee 


                                 A BILL

To require a report relating to the provision of certain information in 
   connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting 
                   conflict, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Defense Information Sharing Review 
and Regional Tailoring Act of 2024''.


    Congress finds the following:
            (1) The purposeful, targeted, and properly authorized 
        dissemination of covered information contributed to negating 
        the plans and intentions of the Russian Federation in its 
        unjust conflict with Ukraine, saved Ukrainian lives, and led to 
        a unified transatlantic alliance.
            (2) The purposeful, targeted, and properly authorized 
        dissemination of covered information by the Secretary of 
        Defense facilitated the provision of defense articles and 
        economic support to Ukraine and other foreign partners of the 
        United States in Europe, steeling such countries against the 
        Russian invasion of Ukraine occurring on February 24, 2022.
            (3) The sharing of defense information to foreign partners 
        of the United States is a high-impact tool to provide decision 
        advantage to the United States and its foreign partners in 
        times of rising tensions, while aligning such partners to 
        better leverage the support of, and to share economic, 
        military, and diplomatic burdens with, such partners.
            (4) The sharing of information on emerging threats, 
        technology disruption and innovation, and adversarial plans 
        empowers foreign partners of the United States to take 
        coordinated action and expands the coalition of such partners, 
        particularly in peacetime or prior to any type of conflict.
            (5) Risk-conscious, timely information sharing practices 
        are in place with foreign partners of the United States before 
        a crisis erupts. Such practices should ensure the proper 
        control and protection of the shared information and allow for 
        the familiarization and integration of the shared information 
        into the defense enterprise of the partner country.
            (6) The sharing of defense and security information deepens 
        collaboration and provides a basis for new joint initiatives 
        and the increasing competency of the security forces of 
        partners of the United States.
            (7) Future conflicts will inevitably have economic, 
        technological, and social factors that merit the sharing of new 
        forms of tailored information to secure the support of foreign 
        partners of the United States and support the objectives of the 
        United States and such partners.
            (8) Strategic competition encompasses all factors of United 
        States national security, and foreign partners of the United 
        States require tailored information needs delivered in a 
        timely, mission-focused manner from peacetime to conflict.


    (a) Report.--
            (1) Submission.--Not later than 120 days after the date of 
        the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, in 
        coordination with the Secretary of State and the Director of 
        National Intelligence, shall submit to the appropriate 
        congressional committees a report on the use and effectiveness 
        of covered information lawfully provided by the United States 
        Government to the Government of Ukraine and the governments of 
        other partner countries in Europe in connection with the 
        Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting conflict.
            (2) Matters.--The report under paragraph (1) shall address, 
        in particular, the use and effectiveness of classified, 
        unclassified, and downgraded covered information in written, 
        verbal, and visual forms, respectively, provided by the United 
        States Government to the foreign governments referred to in 
        such paragraph and shall include, at a minimum, the following:
                    (A) An assessment of the effect and value of the 
                covered information so provided since September 2021 in 
                achieving the national security, national defense, and 
                foreign policy objectives of the United States with 
                respect to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the 
                resulting conflict.
                    (B) An assessment of--
                            (i) whether such provision by the United 
                        States Government of covered information to, or 
                        use of such provided covered information by, 
                        such foreign governments has resulted in 
                        tangible national security, national defense, 
                        or foreign policy benefits to the United States 
                        or the foreign partners of the United States, 
                        including any improved international relations, 
                        new bilateral or multilateral programs, or 
                        other actions demonstrating acceptance of 
                        United States foreign policy objectives, such 
                        as through participation in security assistance 
                        and cooperation efforts, coordination of new 
                        policies, or issuing compatible statements 
                        regarding foreign relations;
                            (ii) the effect and value of the lawful 
                        provision of covered information by the United 
                        States Government with respect to the success 
                        of the Government of Ukraine (including the 
                        Armed Forces of Ukraine and the intelligence 
                        services of Ukraine) in making decisions 
                        regarding the response to, responding to, and 
                        defending against the Russian invasion of 
                        Ukraine and the resulting conflict; and
                            (iii) the ability of, and methods used by, 
                        the Government of Ukraine and other countries 
                        supporting Ukraine to safeguard covered 
                        information and any new insights derived from 
                        the passage of information during the Russian 
                        invasion of Ukraine and the resulting conflict.
                    (C) An assessment of--
                            (i) best practices regarding the 
                        dissemination of covered information by the 
                        United States Government to the foreign 
                        governments referred to in paragraph (1) over 
                        the course of the Russian invasion of Ukraine 
                        and resulting conflict and how such best 
                        practices may be applied to future crises 
                        outside of Europe; and
                            (ii) any plans or recommendations by the 
                        Secretary of Defense regarding the future 
                        provision of covered information to the 
                        Government of Ukraine in connection with such 
                        invasion and resulting conflict.
                    (D) An assessment of the internal processes and 
                procedures of the Department of Defense, Department of 
                State, and elements of the intelligence community, 
                respectively, governing the dissemination of covered 
                information to the Government of Ukraine and partner 
                countries in Europe, including a description of--
                            (i) the specific types of materials 
                        disseminated; and
                            (ii) how, if at all, such processes, 
                        procedures, and types of information 
                        disseminated changed over the course of the 
                        Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting 
                        conflict to meet the national security, 
                        national defense, and foreign policy objectives 
                        of the United States.
                    (E) An assessment of the applicability of such 
                processes, procedures, and types of covered information 
                to be used by combatant commands other than the United 
                States European Command, and any recommendations by the 
                Secretary of Defense to support the development of a 
                repeatable, secure, and appropriately expeditious 
                process for similar dissemination efforts during 
                peacetime, in the lead-up to a conflict, and in the 
                immediate stages of a future conflict in Europe or in 
                the areas of responsibility of such other combatant 
                    (F) An assessment of--
                            (i) how open-source covered information 
                        provided to the Government of Ukraine has 
                        supported the objectives of such Government 
                        vis-a-vis the Russian invasion of Ukraine and 
                        the resulting conflict;
                            (ii) how the Secretary of Defense reviews 
                        and selects open-source covered information for 
                        use and prepares such information to be 
                        provided to the Government of Ukraine; and
                            (iii) how the review, selection, and use of 
                        open-source information for provision to 
                        foreign partners of the United States might 
                        differ in a future crisis.
                    (G) A description of any new authorities or 
                resources, or improvements to existing authorities or 
                resources, that may further address any of the matters 
                under subparagraphs (A) through (F).
            (3) Form.--The report under paragraph (1) may be submitted 
        in classified form, but if so submitted, shall include an 
        unclassified annex.
    (b) Briefing.--
            (1) Briefing required.--Not later than 180 days after the 
        date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense 
        shall provide to the appropriate congressional committees a 
        briefing on the matters covered by the report under paragraph 
            (2) Closed nature.--Any briefing under this subsection may 
        be a closed briefing, consistent with the protection of 
        intelligence sources and methods.
    (c) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' 
                    (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee 
                on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee 
                on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and
                    (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee 
                on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on 
                Intelligence of the Senate.
            (2) The term ``covered information'' means any information, 
        regardless of whether such information is classified or 
        unclassified, that relates to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 
        the resulting conflict, or other associated matters (including 
        such information originating from the Department of Defense and 
        intelligence information) and is provided by the United States 
        Government for the purpose of supporting any national security, 
        national defense, or foreign policy objective of the United 
        States vis-a-vis such invasion, resulting conflict, or 
        associated matters.
            (3) The term ``intelligence community'' has the meaning 
        given that term in section 3 of the National Security Act of 
        1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003).