[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1474 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1474

    Supporting the designation of September 19, 2024, as ``National 
Stillbirth Prevention Day'', recognizing tens of thousands of families 
 in the United States that have endured a stillbirth, and seizing the 
 opportunity to keep other families from experiencing the same tragedy.



                           September 19, 2024

    Mrs. Hinson (for herself and Ms. Adams) submitted the following 
 resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce



    Supporting the designation of September 19, 2024, as ``National 
Stillbirth Prevention Day'', recognizing tens of thousands of families 
 in the United States that have endured a stillbirth, and seizing the 
 opportunity to keep other families from experiencing the same tragedy.

Whereas, approximately 21,000 pregnancies in the United States end in stillbirth 
        each year, and the lack of access to maternal health care services has 
        exacerbated the crisis;
Whereas racial disparities persist in birth outcomes, with Black, American 
        Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 
        and Hispanic families at the greatest risk of losing a baby to 
Whereas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the annual 
        number of stillbirths far exceeds the number of deaths among children 
        under 15 years of age due to sudden infant death syndrome, car 
        accidents, drowning, guns, fire, poison, and flu combined;
Whereas stillbirths are devastating and have a profound and lifelong impact on 
        the families who endure them;
Whereas losing a baby to stillbirth is linked to an increased risk of maternal 
        morbidity and mortality;
Whereas, with increased awareness and better data collection, the United States 
        will be able to better understand why stillbirths in the United States 
        are happening at an alarming rate and identify what can be done to 
        combat this crisis;
Whereas proven stillbirth prevention efforts have the power to save thousands of 
        babies every year, and innovations in stillbirth prevention could save 
        thousands of additional families nationwide every year from the 
        heartache of losing a baby;
Whereas recognizing ``National Stillbirth Prevention Day'' is an opportunity to 
        increase awareness, support evidence-based prevention efforts, promote 
        research, encourage improved data collection and greater understanding, 
        and provide support to those who have experienced a stillbirth; and
Whereas ``National Stillbirth Prevention Day''--

    (1) celebrates the passage of the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth 
Prevention Act (Public Law 118-69; 138 Stat. 1485), which opens up more 
Federal resources for stillbirth prevention activities and research; and

    (2) calls on the President and all other Federal officials to use their 
authority to take action to help reduce stillbirths and to ensure every 
expectant family is educated on how to reduce the risk of losing a baby to 
stillbirth: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) supports the goals and ideals of ``National Stillbirth 
        Prevention Day'';
            (2) understands the importance of advancing evidence-based 
        prevention efforts; and
            (3) requests that the President issue a proclamation 
        calling upon the people of the United States to observe 
        ``National Stillbirth Prevention Day'' with appropriate 
        awareness programs and activities.