[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 278 Introduced in House (IH)]


  1st Session
H. RES. 278

Expressing support for the designation of April 10, 2023, as ``Venture 
                          Smith Freedom Day''.



                             April 6, 2023

  Ms. DeLauro (for herself and Mr. Courtney) submitted the following 
   resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and 



Expressing support for the designation of April 10, 2023, as ``Venture 
                          Smith Freedom Day''.

Whereas, in about 1729, Venture Smith was born free in West Africa and, in 1739, 
        was seized from his home and enslaved in New England;
Whereas 258 years ago, in the year 1765, Venture Smith, at the age of 36, 
        purchased his freedom;
Whereas Venture Smith went on to free his family from the bondage of slavery;
Whereas Venture Smith became a successful landowner, businessman, and author in 
        the United States;
Whereas, in November 1798, Venture Smith was the first African American to write 
        and publish his own autobiography;
Whereas Venture Smith was the first person to write and publish the phrase, ``My 
        freedom is a privilege which nothing else can equal'';
Whereas Venture Smith died a free man on September 19, 1805, in Connecticut; and
Whereas April 10 would be an appropriate date to designate as ``Venture Smith 
        Freedom Day'': Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives supports the 
designation of ``Venture Smith Freedom Day'', which would recognize the 
258th anniversary of Venture Smith purchasing his freedom and going on 
to become a landowner, businessman, and author in Connecticut.