[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 42 Introduced in House (IH)]


  1st Session
H. RES. 42

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Citizens' 
  Stamp Advisory Committee, as an entity of the United States Postal 
  Service, should issue a commemorative stamp in honor of Congressman 
                          Elijah E. Cummings.



                            January 17, 2023

  Mr. Mfume (for himself, Mr. Sarbanes, Ms. Norton, Mr. Connolly, Mr. 
Kildee, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. Grijalva, Mrs. Napolitano, Mr. Johnson 
   of Georgia, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Doggett, Ms. Williams of 
  Georgia, Ms. Sewell, Mr. Ruppersberger, Mr. Payne, Mrs. Beatty, Mr. 
Garcia of Illinois, Mr. Pascrell, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. Trone, Mr. 
 Lynch, Mr. Ivey, Mr. Cardenas, Mr. DeSaulnier, Mr. Davis of Illinois, 
  Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Ms. Titus, Ms. Matsui, Mr. Evans, Ms. 
Kamlager-Dove, Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Tonko, Mr. Costa, Ms. Meng, 
 Ms. Clarke of New York, Ms. Wilson of Florida, Mr. Hoyer, Mr. Raskin, 
  Mr. Carson, Mr. Bishop of Georgia, Mr. Horsford, Mr. Garamendi, Ms. 
 Pressley, Ms. Brown, Ms. Jayapal, Mr. Allred, Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Mr. 
  Scott of Virginia, and Ms. Blunt Rochester) submitted the following 
   resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and 



Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Citizens' 
  Stamp Advisory Committee, as an entity of the United States Postal 
  Service, should issue a commemorative stamp in honor of Congressman 
                          Elijah E. Cummings.

Whereas Congressman Cummings was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on January 18, 
        1951, to Ruth and Robert Cummings, former sharecroppers from Clarendon 
        County, South Carolina, who moved their family to Baltimore as part of 
        the ``Great Migration'';
Whereas Congressman Cummings began his education as a student in a lower-income, 
        segregated Baltimore public elementary school;
Whereas the work ethic of Congressman Cummings led him to be an honors graduate 
        of Baltimore City College high school, a Phi Beta Kappa honors graduate 
        of Howard University, and a juris doctor graduate of the University of 
        Maryland School of Law;
Whereas, throughout his adult life, Congressman Cummings worked tirelessly to 
        inspire America's young people to strive for excellence through the 
        example of his own early life;
Whereas, early in his distinguished legal career, Congressman Cummings was 
        elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, where his dedication to the 
        public, personal credibility, and respectful relationships with other 
        delegates from both major political parties over nearly 14 years led to 
        his rise to the position of Speaker pro tempore, the first African 
        American in Maryland history to attain that position;
Whereas, in April of 1996, Elijah Cummings won a special election to succeed 
        Congressman Kweisi Mfume as the Member of Congress for Maryland's 7th 
        Congressional District, where he brought his unyielding passion, 
        diligence, and integrity to our national government until his untimely 
        passing on October 17, 2019, at the age of 68;
Whereas, for more than 23 years, the long and productive service of Congressman 
        Cummings in the House of Representatives encompassed the terms of four 
        Presidents from both political parties;
Whereas Congressman Cummings' sense of fairness, respect for others, and 
        tireless efforts to empower the American people gained the respect and 
        affection of his colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure, 
        Armed Forces and Oversight and Reform Committees, as well as the 
        Congress as a whole;
Whereas Congressman Cummings was a champion for the people who expanded benefits 
        for Federal employees including healthcare coverage, leave time, and 
        protection from discriminatory practices;
Whereas Congressman Cummings worked closely with his colleagues to pass the 
        Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006, 
        which included the provisions of the Dawson Family Act to provide 
        funding to protect witnesses;
Whereas, while serving as Chair of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime 
        Transportation, Congressman Cummings also led the passage of the Coast 
        Guard Authorization Act of 2010;
Whereas Congressman Cummings was elected amongst his peers to serve as Chairman 
        of the Oversight and Reform Committee in 2019;
Whereas Congressman Cummings served as Chairman for 10 months, during which he 
        presided over landmark hearings, mentored freshman members, and made a 
        tremendous impact;
Whereas, as Chairman, he led numerous investigations regarding the 
        pharmaceutical industry and the committee ultimately released a report 
        including the recommendation that the House pass the Elijah E. Cummings 
        Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which was successfully passed by the House of 
        Representatives in December 2019;
Whereas Congressman Cummings' tenure as Chairman exemplified both his passionate 
        dedication to the well-being of the American people and his respect for 
        the humanity and political viewpoints of his colleagues in both 
        political parties;
Whereas Congressman Cummings led efforts to address the financial stability of 
        the Postal Service, including introducing legislation intended to 
        support universal service;
Whereas Congressman Cummings' congressional leadership, strong advocacy, and his 
        efforts toward bipartisan consensus were both exemplary and legendary; 
Whereas Chairman Elijah Cummings' admonition of conscience that we must be 
        ``better than this'' is a legacy worthy of both our national reflection 
        and our commemoration: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives 
            (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a postage 
        stamp honoring Congressman Elijah E. Cummings; and
            (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend 
        to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.