[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. Res. 164 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  1st Session
S. RES. 164

     Honoring the Heritage Foundation on the occasion of its 50th 



                             April 19, 2023

 Mr. Lee submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the 
                       Committee on the Judiciary



     Honoring the Heritage Foundation on the occasion of its 50th 

Whereas, in 1972, the Heritage Foundation was conceived by Dr. Edwin J. Feulner 
        and Paul Weyrich to deliver timely and persuasive research to Congress 
        with facts, data, and sound arguments on behalf of conservative 
Whereas, on February 16, 1973, the Heritage Foundation opened its doors with the 
        support of the Coors, Noble, and Scaife families and grew to become the 
        most influential and most broadly supported conservative think tank in 
        the United States;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation has played a critical role in many great 
        legislative successes in the United States over the past 5 decades;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation published the 1,093-page ``Mandate for 
        Leadership'' in 1981, which served as a ``policy bible'' for President 
        Ronald Reagan, including the 1981 tax cuts that ignited the biggest 
        economic boom in United States history;
Whereas, in 1982, the Heritage Foundation published the first comprehensive 
        study outlining a missile defense system to defend the United States 
        from nuclear missile attack, and 6 months later, President Ronald Reagan 
        made his historic speech calling for a strategic defense initiative to 
        protect the United States;
Whereas, in 1988, the Heritage Foundation authored its first candidate briefing 
        book, which has become an essential tool to help frame policy debates;
Whereas, in 1995, the Heritage Foundation hosted its first ``New Member 
        Conference'' to educate freshmen members of Congress, a program that 
        takes place every 2 years before the new Congress takes office;
Whereas research by the Heritage Foundation formed the basis of welfare reform 
        in the 1990s that would result in more than 5,000,000 people in the 
        United States leaving welfare and finding work, and reducing African-
        American child poverty to historic lows;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation created the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial 
        Studies, headed by former Attorney General Ed Meese, to create greater 
        appreciation for the role of the Constitution of the United States, and, 
        in 2005, published ``The Heritage Guide to the Constitution'', which was 
        the first examination of each and every line of the Constitution of the 
        United States since the definitive study of Joseph Story in the mid-19th 
Whereas the Heritage Foundation has promoted an originalist judicial philosophy, 
        and trained and supported lawyers and judges with an originalist 
        approach to the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation established the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis 
        Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy to provide expert 
        research and analysis of issues dealing with foreign policy, 
        international relations, global economics, and national security;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation has published such influential indexes as--

    (1) the Index of United States Military Strength;

    (2) the Index of Economic Freedom;

    (3) the Election Integrity Scorecard; and

    (4) the Education Freedom Report Card;

Whereas the Heritage Foundation has consistently fought to defend the dignity of 
        every human life, for marriage, the family (the foundation of society), 
        and religious liberty;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation works tirelessly to grow and serve the 
        conservative movement through programs like the Young Leaders Program 
        and the Resource Bank, created in 1977 to forge a national network of 
        conservative policy groups and experts and, most recently, the 
        Innovation Prize;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation supports conservative organizations across the 
        country and works to set the agenda and advance conservative policies 
        through its 2025 Presidential Transition Project;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation launched its own news site, the Daily Signal, 
        and has constantly expanded its reach on social media to convey 
        conservative views to the widest possible audience;
Whereas the Heritage Foundation launched its sister organization, Heritage 
        Action for America, to turn the conservative policy proposals of the 
        Heritage Foundation into reality on Capitol Hill and build a grassroots 
        community of over 20,000 sentinels and 2,000,000 activists that hold 
        elected representatives accountable to the founding principles of the 
        United States;
Whereas the Board of Trustees of the Heritage Foundation has provided sound 
        guidance since the establishment of the Heritage Foundation and 
        strengthened strategic planning within the organization;
Whereas Barb Van Andel-Gaby, the chairman of the Board, has continued the legacy 
        of service in her family with grace and distinction and has been a 
        trusted advisor to the leadership of the Heritage Foundation; and
Whereas for 50 years, the Heritage Foundation has worked tirelessly to build a 
        United States where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society 
        flourish, knowing the people of the United States are best served by a 
        government that understands, honors, and respects virtuous self-
        governance: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
            (1) honors the Heritage Foundation on the occasion of its 
        50th anniversary; and
            (2) expresses profound gratitude for the unfailing service 
        of the Heritage Foundation to the United States.