[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. Res. 183 Agreed to Senate (ATS)]


  1st Session
S. RES. 183

            Celebrating the 151st anniversary of Arbor Day.



                             April 27, 2023

Mr. King (for himself, Mr. Risch, Mr. Brown, Ms. Collins, Ms. Baldwin, 
Mr. Boozman, Mr. Manchin, Mr. Crapo, Mrs. Shaheen, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mr. 
 Wicker, and Mr. Murphy) submitted the following resolution; which was 
                        considered and agreed to



            Celebrating the 151st anniversary of Arbor Day.

Whereas Arbor Day was founded on April 10, 1872, to recognize the importance of 
        planting trees;
Whereas Arbor Day is a time to recognize the importance of trees and an 
        opportunity for communities to gather and plant for a greener future;
Whereas Arbor Day is observed in all 50 States and across the world;
Whereas participating in Arbor Day activities promotes civic participation and 
        highlights the importance of planting and caring for trees and 
Whereas such activities provide an opportunity to convey to future generations 
        the value of land and stewardship;
Whereas working forests have contributed to an increase in the number of trees 
        planted in the United States and are sustainably managed, with less than 
        2 percent of working forests nationally harvested each year;
Whereas a key factor in preventing forest conversion and deforestation is 
        keeping forests productive;
Whereas working forests are a critical part of a nature-based solution to 
        climate change, and by providing a continuous cycle of growing, 
        harvesting, and replanting, active forest management maximizes the 
        ability to sequester and store carbon and improves forest resilience;
Whereas private forests play an important role in conserving at-risk and 
        declining species, and collaborative conservation efforts can benefit 
        species while also helping to keep forests as forests;
Whereas sustainably grown wood can be used in a wide variety of resilient 
        infrastructure and building applications--from traditional timber 
        framing to high-tech mass timber--and as a natural, renewable, and 
        biodegradable material, the significant use of wood building materials 
        in buildings and bridges helps decrease global carbon emissions;
Whereas the Arbor Day Foundation and the Tree City USA program have been 
        committed to greening cities and towns across the country since 1976, 
        and, in that time, more than 3,600 communities have made the commitment 
        to becoming Tree City USA communities;
Whereas Tree City USA communities are home to more than 153,000,000 individuals 
        in the United States who are dedicated to core standards of sound urban 
        forestry management and who dedicate resources and time to urban 
        forestry initiatives, which helps make their communities and our country 
        a better place to live;
Whereas National Arbor Day is observed on the last Friday of April each year; 
Whereas April 28, 2023, marks the 151st anniversary of Arbor Day: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
            (1) recognizes April 28, 2023, as ``National Arbor Day'';
            (2) celebrates the 151st anniversary of Arbor Day;
            (3) supports the goals and ideals of National Arbor Day; 
            (4) encourages the people of the United States to 
        participate in National Arbor Day activities.