1993-1994 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY S. Pub. 103-8 1993-1994 OFFICIAL CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY 103D CONGRESS Raf LARA ER 2 A ZS Convened January 5, 1993 Joint Committee on Printing United States Congress United States Government Printing Office Washington, DC ® Printed on recycled paper COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING WENDELL H. FORD, SENATOR FROM KENTUCKY, Chairman CHARLIE ROSE, REPRESENTATIVE FROM NORTH CAROLINA, Vice Chairman DENNIS DECONCINI, SENATOR FROM ARIZONA HARLAN MATHEWS, SENATOR FROM TENNESSEE TED STEVENS, SENATOR FROM ALASKA MARK O. HATFIELD, SENATOR FROM OREGON SAM GEJDENSON, REPRESENTATIVE FROM CONNECTICUT GERALD D. KLECZKA, REPRESENTATIVE FROM WISCONSIN PAT ROBERTS, REPRESENTATIVE FROM KANSAS NEWT GINGRICH, REPRESENTATIVE FROM GEORGIA John Chambers, Staff Director John D. Merritt, Deputy Staff Director Office of the Congressional Directory EDITORS Duane Nystrom Leslie Mason JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING Room SH-818, Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-6650 Phone, (202) 224-5241. FAX: (202) 224-1176 OFFICE OF THE CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY Room SH-808, Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-6650. Phone, (202) 224-6810 Capitol Telephone Exchange Senate: (202) 224-3121. House: (202) 225-3121 All Washington addresses listed in the Congressional Directory are northwest, unless otherwise indicated. Federal Telephone System (FTS) numbers are listed only if different from commercial telephone numbers. Otherwise, one may assume that the FTS and commmercial numbers are the same. For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 Paper Cover ISBN 0-16-041175-0 Casebound Nonindexed ISBN 0-16-041176-9 Casebound Thumbindexed [|SBN 0-16-041177-7 NOTES Closing date for compilation of the Congressional Directory was June 25, 1993. [Democrats in roman, Republicans in italic] The following changes occurred in the membership of the 102d Congress after the election of November 6, 1990: Name Resigned Successor Sworn in SENATORS Gordon Humphrey, NH ! Dec. 4, 1990.... Robert C. Smith 2 Dec. 7, 1990 Pete Wilson, CA 3 Jan. 7, 1991 John Seymour * .| Jan. 10, 1991 John Heinz, PA Apr.4, 1991 .... Harris Wofford ® | May 9, 1991 Sept. 3, 1992... Jocelyn Burdick © Sept. 16, 1992 REPRESENTATIVES Silvio O. Conte, 1st MA John W. Olver June 18, 1991 Edward Madigan, 15th IL 7. Mar. 8, 1991.... Thomas W. Ewing 8 July 10, 1991 Steve Bartlett, 3d TX ° Mar. 11, 1991.. Sam Johnson 1° .| May 22, 1991 Morris K. Udall, 2d AZ May 4, 1991 .... Ed Pastor !! Oct. 3, 1991 William H. Gray, 2d PA Sept. 11, 1991. Lucien Blackwell 12 Nov. 13, 1991 D. French Slaughter Nov. 4, 1991... George Allen 13 Nov. 12, 1991 Jaime B. Fuster, PR Mar. 3, 1992... Antonio Colorado 4 Mar. 4, 1992 Ted Weiss, 17th NY Sept. 14, 1992.. Jerrold Nadler !5.... .| Jan. 5, 1993 Walter B. Jones, 1st NC Sept. 15, 1992.. Eva Clayton © Jan. 5, 1993 Byron L. Dorgan, At Lge., Dec. 14, 1992... Earl Pomeroy Jan. 5, 1993 ND 17, ! Resigned to take a seat in the New Hampshire legislature. 2 Elected to this seat on November 6, 1990; appointed by the Governor on December 7, 199 3 Resigned to take office as Governor of California. 4 Appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy, and served until defeated in the special election on November 3, 1992. 5 Appointed by the Governor on May 8, 1991 to fill the vacancy. Subsequently elected to complete the term. 8 Appointed by the Governor, Sept. 12, 1992 to fill the vacancy until an election could be held on Dec. 4, 1992. 7 Resigned to become Secretary of Agriculture. 8 Elected by special election on July 2, 1991. 9 Resigned to run for a mayoral office in Texas. 10 Elected by special election May 8, 1991. 11 Elected by special election Sept. 24, 1991. 12 Elected by special election Nov. 5, 1991. 13 Elected by special election Nov. 5, 1991. 14Elected by special election on Feb. 21, 1992. 15 Elected by special election Nov. 3, 1992; also elected to the 103d Congress. 16 Elected by special election Nov. 3, 1992; also elected to the 103d Congress. 17 Appointed by the Governor to fill the seat vacated by Senator Kent Conrad, already having been elected to the Senate seat on Nov. 3, 1992. The following. changes occurred in the membership of the 103d Congress after the election of November 3, 1992: Name Resigned Successor Sworn in SENATORS John Seymour, CA Nov. 3, 1992... Dianne Feinstein ! Nov. 10, 1992 Jocelyn Burdick, ND .| Dec. 4, 1992... Kent Conrad 2... Dec. 14, 1992 Kent Conrad, ND .| Dec. 14, 1992.. Byron Dorgan 2.. Dec. 14, 1992 Harlan Mathews 5 Jan. 5, 1993 Lloyd Bentsen, TX © | Jan. 20, 1993... Bob Krueger 7 Jan. 21, 1993 Bob Krueger, TX June 5, 1993 .... Kay Bailey Hutchison 8 .. June 14, 1993 REPRESENTATIVES Les Aspin, 1st WI? Jan. 20,1993... June 8, 1993 Leon Panetta, 17th CA 1! Jan. 21,1993... June 16, 1993 Mike Espy, 2d MS 13 .| Jan. 22,1993... Bennie Thompson 4 Apr. 20, 1993 Willis Gradison, 2d OH Jan. 31,1993... Rob Portman '5 May 5, 1993 ! Elected by special election Nov. 3, 1992 to fill the unexpired term of Senator Pete Wilson. 2 Elected by special election on Dec. 4, 1992 to complete the unexpired term of Senator Quentin Burdick. 3 Appointed by the Governor to complete the unexpired term of Senator Kent Conrad. 4 Resigned to take office as Vice President. 5 Appointed by the Governor January 3, 1993 until a special election can be held in Nov. 1994. 6 Resigned to take office as Secretary of the Treasury. 7 Appointed by the Governor until a special election was held on June 5, 1993. 8 Elected on June 5, 1993 to fill the unexpired term of Lloyd Bentsen. ® Resigned to take office as Secretary of Defense 10 Elected by special election May 4, 1993. 11 Resigned to take office as Director of the Office of Management and Budget 12 Elected by special election June 8, 1993. 13 Resigned to take office as Secretary of Agriculture 14 Elected by special election Apr. 13, 1993. 15 Elected by special election May 4, 1993. FOREWORD The 103d Congress brings us many new Members and the new Clinton Administration. The purpose of this publication is to provide a single resource of who's who in the Federal Government. Although a number of vacancies currently exist, particularly in the Executive Branch, again this year we attempt to provide the most accurate information that was available at the time of publication. The Congressional Directory is one of the oldest working handbooks in our Govern-ment, having been in continuous publication since the 16th Congress (1821). It is printed under the authority of Title 44, Section 721. The Joint Committee continues to signifi-cantly reduce the printing costs of this publication, largely through the use of automated printing technology, less expensive recycled papers, and consolidation of editorial materi-als. The Joint Committee on Printing is particularly grateful to the Members and their staff, the offices of the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms, the Clerk of the House, and the Architect of the Capitol for their contributions. WENDELL H. FORD CHARLIE ROSE Chairman Vice Chairman ABRIDGED CONTENTS (Please see detailed contents on pages IX through XXVIII) Biographical sketches of Members, office lists, Congressional district descriptions, and district ZIP codes Boards, commissions, and advisory organizations Capitol officers and officials Committee assignments Committees: Health and Human Services Diplomatic: Foreign representatives and consular offices in the United U.S. representatives and consular offices District of Columbia Independent Agencies Index of individual names Maps of Congressional districts Members of the 103d Congress: Alphabetical Lists Biographies, Congressional district descriptions Committee assignments State delegations Terms and dates of service Press Galleries: Periodical press galleries Press galleries Press photographers’ gallery Radio and television correspondents’ galleries White House News Photographers’ Association Statistical information CONTENTS (For list of individuals, see Name Index on p. 1193) A Page Academy of Sciences, Engineering, Institute of Med-icine, and National Research Council 897 Accounting Office, General 630 855 Administration— Aging (HHS) 806 Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health (HHS)... 810 Drug Enforcement (Justice) 734 Economic Development (Commerce)... 785 Employment and Training (Labor) Employment Standards (Labor) Farm Credit Farmers Home (Agriculture) Federal Aviation (DOT) Federal Highway (DOT) Federal Railroad (DOT) Federal Transit (DOT) Food and Drug (HHS). General Services Health Resources and Services (HHS). Health Care Financing (HHS) International Trade (Commerce) Mine Safety and Health (Labor)... Maritime (DOT) National Aeronautics and Space National Archives and Records National Credit Union National Highway Traffic Safety (DOT) National Oceanic and Atmospheric (Commerce) .... Occupational Safety and Health (Labor) Packers and Stockyards (Agriculture). Pension and Welfare Benefits (Labor).. Research and Special Programs (DOT) Rural Electrification (Agriculture) Small Busi Social Security (HHS) Technology (Commerce) U.S. Travel and Tourism (Commerce) Administrative Conference of the United States ......... Administrative Office, U.S. Courts...................... Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD)...... Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela- tions.. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, U.S Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National African Art, Museum of. African Development Foundation Agency— Advanced Research Projects (DOD) Arms Control and Disarmament, U.S....... Central Intelligence. Defense Commissary (DOD) Defense Contract Audit (DOD) Defense Finance and Accounting Service Defense Information Systems (DOD).... Defense Intelligence (DOD) Agency——Continued Defense Legal Services (DOD) Defense Logistics (DOD) Defense Mapping (DOD) Defense Nuclear (DOD) Defense Security Assistance (DOD).. Environmental Protection Federal Emergency Management International Development, U.S..........ccccocoiiinnnnnnn. On-Site Inspection (DOD) U.S. Information Aging, Administration on (HHS). Aging, Federal Council on the Aging, Senate Special Committee on AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF: Administration. ‘ Administrative Law Judgee $iss Advocacy and Enterprise... iii... iiiimiciom Board of Contract Appeals .........ccccoeouveereriereecinn. Finance and Management Information Resources Management. Operations..... Personnel ECONOINICS 1 cir. hess cies iinst et mdb St bait ida siesta oS Economic Research Service.. National Agricultural Statistics Sehvicen: World Agricultural Outlook Board Food and Consumer Services Food and Nutrition Service Human Nutrition Information Service. Office of the Consumer Advisor General Counsel Inspector General International Affairs and Commodity Programs...... Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Commodity Credit Corporation Foreign Agricultural Service General Sales Manager Office of the Administrator Trade Policy and Agricultural Affairs.............. International Cooperation and Development Marketing and Inspection Services .... Agricultural Cooperative Service... Agricultural Marketing Service Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Management and Budget Animal Damage Control Biotechnology, Biologics and Environmental Protection Contents AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Marketing and Inspection Services—Continued Food Safety and Inspection Service—Continued International Programs Science and Technology Packers and Stockyards Administration Natural Resources and Environment Forest Service Administration National Forest System Programs and Legislation Research State and Private Forestry Soil Conservation Service Public Affairs Science and Education Agricultural Research Service Cooperative State Research Service Extension Service National Agricultural Library Small Community and Rural Development .. Farmers Home Administration Management Program Operations Rural Development Administration Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Rural Electrification Administration Agricultural Research Service Air and Space Museum, National Air Force Academy, Board of Visitors to the AIR FORCE, DEPARTMENT OF THE: Air Staff Major Commands— Continental Cc Overseas Cc Office of— Acquisition Administrative Assistant to the Secretary Financial Manag t General Counsel Inspector General Legislative Liaison Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and the Environment Public Affairs Space Air Force Liaison Office, Capitol Airlines Ticket Offices, Combined Airmen’s Home, U.S. Soldiers’ and Air Systems Command, Naval Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Adminis- tration (HHS) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Bureau of (Treas- ury) American Art, Archives of American Art, National Museum of American Battle Monuments Commission .. American History, National Museum of...................... American Red Cross American Samoa, Deleg: Anacostia Museum Animal Damage Control (Agriculture) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Antitrust Division (Justice) Appalachian Regional Commission Appeals— Board of Contract (Agriculture) Board of Immigration, (Justice).. District of Columbia, Court of Military, U.S. Court of U.S. Court of, for District of Columbia Circuit U.S. Court of, for the Federal Circuit U.S. Courts of, Federal Circuit Apportionment of Representatives by States, under each census Page 775 775 776 776 776 776 776 773 777 777 777 769 778 778 778 779 779 769 769 769 770 770 771 771 778 992 547 719 627 709 810 684 920 923 858 923 Appraisal, Office of Program (Navy) Architect of the Capitol Archives and Records Administration, National Archives of American Art Armory Board, District of Columbia Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, U.S. Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus ARMY, DEPARTMENT OF THE: Army Reserve Army Staff and Selected Agencies Army Center of Military History Army Community and Family Support Center... Army Intelligence Agency Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency Army Visual Information Center Chief of Chaplains Corps of Engineers Judge Advocate National Guard Bureau Surgeon General Walter Reed Medical Center Assistant Secretary of the Army for— Civil Works Installations, Logistics, and Environment Manpower and Reserve Affairs Research, Development, and Acquisition Office of the— Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army Auditor General Chief of Legislative Liaison Chief of Public Affairs General Counsel Inspector General Secretary of the Army Under Secretary of the Army Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of. Army Liaison Office, Capitol Art— Archives of American Freer Gallery of Museum of African, National Museum of American, National National Gallery Art, U.S. Senate, Commission on Arts— Commission of Fine John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing National Council on National Endowment for. Arts and the Humanities, Federal Council Assembly, North Atlantic Assessment Advisory Council, Technology Assessment Board, Technology Assessment, Office of Technology Assistant Republican Leader (Senate) Association— Former Members of Congress, U.S...........ccccceoneunee Government National Mortgage (HUD) International Development White House News Photographers...........cc.ccce....... Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Atomic Energy Agency, International (UN) Attending Physician at the Capitol Attorney General Aviation Administration, Federal (DOT) Award, The Congressional Bank— Export-Import, of the United States Inter-American Development International Reconstruction and Development Congressional Directory Page Bank——Continued Business Administration, Small International Reconstruction and Development— Continued Basin Commission, Delaware River Battle Monuments Commission, American . Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Pension Cabinet members, list of Bicentennial of the Senate Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Bird Conservation Commission, Migratory Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Blind and Severely Disabled, Committee for Pur- Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group chase From Cancer Institute, National (HHS) Boards: Capital Planning Commission, National Architectural Consultants for the Old Georgetown Capitol: Act Airlines Ticket Offices, Combined Armory, District of Columbia.. Architect of the Capitol Police Attending Physician Contract Appeals (Agriculture) Botanic Garden Correction of Naval Records Buildings and Grounds: Decorations and Medals (Navy) Capitol Grounds Education (District of Columbia) Capitol Power Plant Elections and Ethics (District of Columbia) .. House Office Buildings Farm Credit Administration Senate Office Buildings Federal Housing Finance U.S. Capitol Federal Retirement Thrift Investment... Commission on the West Central Front of. Foreign-Trade Zones Congressional Budget Office Governors, Federal Reserve System Congressional Daily Digest: Inter-American Defense House section International Broadcasting . Senate section .. Library of Congress Trust Fund. Diagrams of the Capitol: Merit Systems Protection, U.S .... Basement, terrace, and courtyard floor plan National Archives Trust Fund. First (ground) floor plan National Labor Relations Fourth (attic) floor plan National Mediation Hall of the House National Science Seating arrangement in the Senate Chamber National Transportation Safety Directory of the Senate Naval Council of Personnel Second (principal) floor plan On Defense, Permanent Joint, Canada-U.S. Third (gallery) floor plan Parole (District of Columbia) General Accounting Office Railroad Retirement, U.S. Government Printing Office Regents (Smithsonian Institution) History and description of the Technology A House Page School World Agricultural Outlook Liaison Offices: Boards and Commissions (District of Columbia) Air Force Boards of Visitors: Army Air Force Academy Coast Guard Coast Guard Academy General Accounting Office Merchant Marine Academy Navy/Marine Corps Military Academy Office of Personnel Management Naval Academy Veterans Affairs, Congressional Botanic Garden Library of Congress Broadcasting, Board for International Congressional Research Service Budget and Program Analysis (Agriculture) Divisions Budget Office, Congressional Research Services Budget, Office of M Senior Specialists Building Commission, House Office .. Collection Services Building Commission, Senate Office.. Constituent Services Buildings and Grounds, Capitol Copyright Office Bureaus: Cultural Affairs Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (Treasury) Federal Library and Information Center Com- Census (Commerce) mittee Economic Analysis (Commerce)... Human Resources Engraving and Printing (Treasury)... Law Library 2 Export Administration (Commerce).. Library Distribution Services ........cc.cccevveevverreennes Indian Affairs (Interior) National Library Service for the Blind and International Labor Affairs (Labor).. Physically Handicapped Investigation, Federal (Justice) Office of the Librarian. Justice Assistance Public Service and Collections Management 1 Justice Statistics Public Service and Collections Management II... Labor Statistics (Labor) .. Special Projects Office Land Management (Interior) Trust Fund Board Medicine and Surgery (Navy). Office of Technology Assessment Mines (Interior)... Director, Office of the Mint (Treasury) Divisions: Prisons (Justice) Energy, Materials, and Security Public Debt (Treasury)... Health and Life Sciences Reclamation (Interior) Operations Standards, National (Commerce) Science, Information, and Natural Resources... Contents Capitol—Continued Office of Technology Assessment—Continued Technology Assessment Advisory Council Technology Assessment Board Officers and Officials of the House: Chaplain Clerk, Office of the Director of Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Doorkeeper, Office of the House Document Room Publications Distribution Service Law Revision Counsel Legislative Counsel, Office Of..........c.cceoerveuernennn. Majority and Minority Printers Majority Leader Majority Whip Minority Floor A Parliamentarian, Office of the Republican Leader Republican Whip Sergeant at Arms, Office of the Speaker, Office of the Officers and Officials of the Senate: Chaplain Democratic Whip Legislative Counsel Majority Leader Republican Leader Secretary Sergeant at Arms President (Vice President of the United States)... President Pro Tempore Police Board Police, Capitol Bureau Commanders Bureaus: Employee Development Protective Services Uniform Services Railroad Ticket Office Senate Page School Telephone Exchange Western Union Telegraph Co Census Bureau (Commerce) Centers: Disease Control (HHS) Federal Judicial (Judiciary) Federal Law Enforcement Training (Treasury) Fogarty International (HHS) Human Genome Research (HHS) Nursing Research (HHS) Research Resources (HHS) Central Intelligence Agency Central Security Service, National Security Agency (Defense) Chaplain of the House of Representatives Chaplain of the Senate Child Care Center, House of Representatives Child Care Center, Employees (Senate) Civil Aviation Organization, International (UN) Civil Rights Commission, U.S Claims Settlement Commission, Foreign (Justice) Clerk, House of Representatives Coast Guard Academy, Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Liaison Office Coast Guard, U.S. (DOT) Major Field Commands (DOT) Combined Airlines Ticket Office Command, Control, Communications and Intelli- gence (Defense) Commerce Commission, Interstate COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF: Assistant Secretary for— Administration Export Administration Page COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Assistant Secretary for——Continued Export Enforcement Import Administration International Economic Policy Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs. Technology Policy Techology Administration Trade Development Bureau of— Census Economic Analysis Export Administration Building and Fire Research Laboratory Computing and Applied Mathematics Laboratory.. International Trade Administration Minority Business Development Agency National Institute of Standards and Technology National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Telecommunications and Information Administration National Technical Information Service Office of— Inspector General Deputy Secretary General Counsel Technology Policy Patent and Trademark Office Under Secretary for— Economic and Statistical Administration Trade Administration Technology Administration U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration Commissions: American Battle Mo t Appalachian Regional Art, U.S. Senate, on the Bicentennial of the Senate Civil Rights, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Congressional Mailing Standards, House Consumer Product Safety Delaware River Basin Employment Policy, National, for Equal Employment Opportunity Executive Exchange, President’s on ... Federal Communications Federal Election Federal Maritime Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Federal Trade Fine Arts Foreign Claims Settlement (Justice) Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial House Office Building Inter-American Tropical Tuna Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory International Boundary, United States and Canada. 1010 International Boundary and Water, United States and Mexico International Joint, United States and Canada International Pacific Halibut, United States and Canada International Trade, U.S Interstate Commerce Japan-United States Friendship Libraries and Information Science, National Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Migratory Bird Conservation National Capital PI g National Historical Publications and Records Nuclear Regulatory, U.S Occupational Safety and Health Review Panama Canal Parole, U.S Congressional Directory Page Page Commissions—Continued Postal Rate 8909 Public Diplomacy, U.S. Advisory on....................... 928 Public Service (District of Columbia) 999 Securities and Exchange 911 Security and Cooperation in Europe 550 Senate Office Building 556 South Pacific 1023 Susquehanna River Basin 760, 927 West Central Front of the U.S. Capitol.................... 551 White House Fellowships, President’s...................... 910 Commissions, Boards and (District of Columbia)........ 1000 Committee assignments: Representatives, Resident Commissioner, and Del-egates 507 Senators.......... 490 Committees: Executive and Advisory— Administrative, of the Federal Register................ 892 Advisory, International Cotton 1011 For Purchase From the Blind and Severely Dis-abled Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund, Perma-nent Committee for President’s, on Employment of People With Disabilities President’s, on Mental Retardation........................ House of Representatives— Special and Select— Democratic Congressional Campaign Democratic Steering and Policy (House)... 480, Intelligence National Republican Congressional Republican Policy Standing— Agriculture Appropriations Armed Services Banking, Finance ar.d Urban Affairs Budget District of Columbia Education and Labor Energy and Commerce Foreign Affairs Government Operations House Administration Judiciary Merchant Marine and Fisheries Natural Resources Post Office and Civil Service...........cocevrrueneen Public Works and Transportation...................... Rules Science, Space, and Technology 466 Small Busi 469 Standards of Official Conduct 471 Veterans’ Affairs 471 Ways and Means © 482 Joint— Economic 488 Library 485 Printing 485 Congressional Record Index Office............... 485 Taxation 486 Senate— Select and Special— Aging 414 Conference of the Minority..........c.cccceveerenernnnnne. 417 Democratic Policy 414 Democratic Senatorial Campaign 415 Ethics 413 Intelligence 413 National Republican Senatorial..............cccovnee. 416 Republican Policy 417 Standing— Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry................. 385 Appropriations 387 Committees—Continued Senate——Continued Standing——Continued ATE] SCYVICRS i ih nd nisi ten rinse 391 Banking, Housing; and Urban Affairs ............... 392 Budget 394 Commerce, Science, and Transportation .......... 395 Energy and Natural Resources.............. -Environment and Public Works...........cccccevennen. Finance Foreign Relations Governmental Affairs Indian Affairs Judiciary Labor and Human Resources...........ccccevrvueennn. Rules and Administration Small Business............. Veterans’ Affairs Commodity Credit Corporation (Agriculture)............. Commodity Futures Trading Commission ............c...... Commodity Programs and International Affairs (Ag-riculture) 765 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: Governor of. 608 Resident Commissioner of ..........ccouveeveerineineennns 363, 536 Communications and Intelligence, Command, Con-trol (Defense) 690 Communications Commission, Federal 868 Community and Rural Development, Small (Agri-culture) 769 Community Planning and Development (HUD) 830 Community Relations Service (Justice) 751 Comptroller of the Currency (Treasury)..........ccceeun.e. 686 Conciliation Service, Federal Mediation and... 880 Conference of the Minority (Senate).............c.cc.... 612 Conference of the United States, Administrative ........ 855 Conference, Environmental and Energy Study........... 563 Congressional: Apportionment, by States 604 AWAIT ete irierrsr corsesscaniris iat toners aoktstesmssthescs rane 548 Boards and Caucuses: Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus 558 Arts Caucus 558 Automotive Caucus 558 BIaCKRICAUCUS oovsavitenssmttani csrshreaiosmssassansrirssssnsssisns 558 Border Caucus 559 Budget Office 630 California Democratic Congressional Delegation 558 Caucus for Women’s Issues 559 Clearinghouse on the Future 559 Club 560 Committee, Democratic Campaign ... 478 Committee, National Republican.................. 481 Daily Digest (Senate and House Sections)........... 627 Delegations, by States 341 Democratic Study Group..........ccoceenueneisinsninanis 488 Districts, maps of 1137 Environmental and Energy Study Conference .... 563 Export Task Force 563 Federal Government Service Task Force. ............ 489 Hispanic Caucus 559 House Wednesday Group 564 Human Rights Caucus 560 Mailing Standards, House Commission on ........... 552 New York State Congressional Delegation.......... 564 Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition ........ 564 Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation................ 565 Populist Caucus 561 President's Committee on Mental Retardation... 565 President’s Export Council 566 Republican Study Committee ..........ccocecviiniiieiuennnne 566 Rural Caucus : ne 56) Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Con- HO) ci iraiisisiiuaiornss 567 SPACE CAUCUS cri corr ri ira iii insteirmn mis tstesesssiasipaeas 561 (X111) Contents Congressional —Continued Boards and Caucuses—Continued Steel Caucus Sunbelt Caucus Textile Caucus U.S. Association of Former Members of Con-gress U.S. Capitol Historical Society U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus. U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board.. Congressional offices. Please see Capitol; Commit-tees; House of Representatives, Members of Congress; Senate. Conservation Analytical Laboratory (Smithsonian)... Conservation Service, Agricultural Stabilization......... Conservation Service, Soil (Agriculture) Constituent Services (Library of Congress) Consular Offices and Diplomatic Representatives, Foreign, in the United States Consular Offices, United States Diplomatic and.......... Consumer Advisor, Office of (Agriculture)..... ke Consumer Affairs, Office of (HHS) .......cc.ccooevvvviieveens Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Department of (District of Columbia) Consumer Product Safety Commission Consumer Services, Food and (Agriculture) . Continental Commands (Air Force) Continuous Service of Senators Contract Appeals, Board of (Agriculture) Contract Audit Agency, Defense..........cc.ccccceerueeeneeenne Control, Communications and Intelligence, Com- mand (Defense) Cooperation in Europe, Commission on Security and Cooper-Hewitt Museum Copyright Office (Library of Congress)...........ccccuuc.. Copyright Royalty Tribunal Corporation Counsel, Office of (District of Colum- bia) Corporation Finance Division (SEC) ........c.ccccccecunueuen. Corporations: Commodity Credit (Agriculture)..........cccoeeveruennnnnen. Federal Crop Insurance (Agriculture) ...................... Federal Deposit Insurance International Finance Legal Services Overseas Private Investment Pennsylvania Avenue Development.......................... Pension Benefit Guaranty.............c..cc.ccrospisanssarssios St. Lawrence Seaway Development (Transporta- tion) Correction of Naval Records, Board of ....................... Corrections, Department of (District of Columbia) .... Correspondents Committee, Press Galleries.......... Correspondents’ Galleries, Radio and Television. i Cotton, International, Advisory Committee................. Council— Advisory, on Historic Preservation Aging, Federal, on the District of Columbia Economic Advisers, of Environmental Quality, on Holocaust Memorial, U.S Homeless, Interagency on National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, Insti- tute of Medicine, and National Research...... National, on Disability National Security President’s Export President's, on Physical Fitness and Sports.............. Court of Impeachment, Senate Courts, District of Columbia: Court of Appeals District, United States Probate, and Register of Wills Superior Court Courts, U.S.: Administrative Office of the Page 561 562 562 567 568 568 569 Courts, U.S.—Continued Courts of Appeals Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia........ Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit................. District Court for the District of Columbia............. Federal Claims International Trade Court Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation................. Military Appeals Court Supreme Court Tax Court Veterans Appeals Counsel, Office of the Special Credit Administration, Farm Credit Corporation, Commodity .........ccceeervuniririnrnnnne Credit Union Administration, National..............cccee. Criminal Division (Justice) or Cultural Affairs (Library of Congress)..........ccccecevnineee Currency, Office of the Comptroller of the................. Customs Service, U.S. (Treasury)..........cccoceercerrnennsnees D Decorations and Medals, Board of (Navy) Defense Board, Inter-American 1005 Defense College, Inter-American...........cccoccevvniiinnnnnns DEFENSE, DEPARTMENT OF: Assistant Secretaries of Defense— Acquisition and Technology ...........c.ccceevnrinrnennnne. Command, Control, Communications and Intel- ligence Comptroller Intelligence Oversight Legislative Affairs Personnel on Readiness 690 Public Affairs 691 Reserve Affairs Central Imagery Office 693 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency........ 693 Defense Commisary Agency 693 Defense Contract Audit Agency .........cceeeeeerernrunnnne 693 Defense Finance and Accounting Service.. i Defense Information Systems Agency...........cccoueuee. Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence College Defense Investigative Service Defense Legal Services Agency......cccocevivvinvineninnnen 694 Defense Mapping Agency 694 Defense Nuclear Agency Defense Security Assistance Agency...........coccoeveiuene Director for— Defense Research and Engi ing 686 Economic Adjustment 692 Net A t 691 Operational Test and Evaluation.............cccceenunee Program Analysis and Evaluation...........ccccoevuneee 697 Washington Service Headquarters...........cccccoueuenen. 692 Executive Secretariat 689 Field Activities— American Forces Information Service.................. Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services 692 Defense Technology Security Administration ..... Dependents Schools Medical Programs Activity Medical Systems Support Center Office of Economic. Adjustment 692 Field Operations Directorate 698 Finance and Administrative Directorate 698 General Counsel Inspector General Joint Chiefs of Staff 692 National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Congressional Directory Page DEFENSE, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued National Security Agency/Central Security Serv-ELNR NC SC NY, NES Sart 7 708 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and TCCNOIOBY wiertrri sn nivisr cine suite sbius ie sssoss 689 Under Secretary of Defense for Policy . 689 Washington Headquarters Services.............. 692 Defense, Permanent Joint Board on, Canada-United A PRA En 996 Delaware River Basin Commission......................... 760, 863 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ....... 478 Democratic Policy Committee (Senate).................. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Democratic Steering and Policy Committee 13 00 SR AR Sy SE Ss i A 480, 616 Democratic Study Group (House)..........c.cccccccvverunnnnn. 562 Departments: AI CMITE rndeietss rita siuinsataqs eiren 761 Fo 1:8 su SER en SR LES Se a 712 Army 696 Commerce 780 Defense 689 BACON i i er sve aeatedataraes 849 Energy....... 847 Health and Human Services. 803 Housing and Urban Development............c.cccoovunnnne. 827 Interior .. 753 Justice lo... {011 RL Em eh Navy State i 675 TranSportation.-........crvu sian 835 GRE A Dn I RTE Kn des a 2 679 Veterans’ Affairs 853 Development Cooperation, Agency for International, erste re rt a re etme to mae su ames 931 Development and Economic Cooperation, Organiza-Hon or a Wes 1020 Development and Reconstruction, International Bank for.... 1008 Development, Research and Acquisition (Army)........ 697 Development Bank, Inter-American............ccccooveeunn.nn. 1006 Development Corporation, Pennsylvania Avenue. Development Foundation, African ..............ccecvevevvennn. 857 Diagrams of the Capitol— Basement, terrace and courtyards of the Capitol..... 652 First floor of the Capitol.. 6 Fourth floor of the Capitol ..........ccoccoeuriieunnnne Hall of the House a Seating arrangement in the Senate Chamber............ Second floor of the Capitol Third floor of the Capitol Digest, Congressional Daily Diplomatic and Consular Offices, United States, Diplomatic Representatives and Consular Offices, Foreign, in United States...............cceeuereeuennn. 1031 Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of Small and: F551 A re Sl AN Sov Fe I 700 NASA. iit dc itiiaiioBonothaninesion 888 Disability, National Council on..........ccccecevveverercrennenn. Disarmament and Arms Control Agency, United RE I vee Be re EI oD Disease “ontrol, Centers for GIS) A rans bensive District of Columbia Board: of EQUCHHION. 3 viii io veilivicisssmvinseianinmi sate reds diss Board of Elections and Ethics.. Board.of Parole.............ccins Boards and Commissions. City Administrator ........ City Council Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs... 995 Department of Corrections ..........cc.ccccecvuenennen. 995 Department of Employment Services ve 996 FINANCE. cariesiors Bs verted sins RENO 996 11,0 RN A I I 1h OR EY A A RSPR oF Page District of Columbia—Continued Department of Human Services ..........ccccccccoviinnnnnn. 997 Department of Public Works.........ccccccoveciiniiccnnne. 999 Department of Recreation and Parks........................ 999 District Government 2003 Exceutive Agencies... x. i tn 994 Executive Office..........icmda he i ok 994 Fire Department..........0.0.000 998 Metropolitan Police Department. 998 Office of Corporation Counsel ........ 995 Office of Emergency Preparedness 996 Office of Management ............... 996 Office of the People’s Counsel. ad EH I BeeS a SE IA Public Service’ COMMISSION ........s 5 assess omnes sirssmsnrsii Washington City Post Office. ove Classified SIatlons.cx.... tr ie tot arti: District of Columbia Armory Board ........ccccccoeuennnnnen. 863 District of Columbia Courts: Court of Appeals......... 971 District of Columbia COURS... ....ci ueuivsserissgsersursersn 991 Register of Wills and Clerk of the Probate Court... 992 SUPCTIOT COUE tests anise soiernsioatessasmessigaesooieisirsiievsn 992 District of Columbia Delegate........................ 363, 532, 585 Districts, Maps of Congressional...........c.ccceccevveniereniane. 1137 Document Room, House....... 620 Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives .............. 619 Document Room Publications Distribution Service Drug Administration, Food and (HHS) ..........c............ 814 Drug Enforcement Administration (Justice)................ 734 E Economic Advisers, Council of..........ccecevvruerevrerrrernnnn. 671 Economic Committee, Joint 488 Economic Cooperation and Development, Organiza- tion for 1020 Economics (Agriculture) 764 Education, Board of (District of Columbia)................. 1000 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF: Office of— Bilingual Education and Minority Language Af- fairs: i 852 CIIERIgtS c.f 849 Deputy Secretary 849 Educational Research and Improvement.............. 851 Elementary and Secondary Education.. 852 General Counsel... ii ahiiiimeie 850 ...c..a Human Resources and Administration. 851 Inspector General... imomhmiitities: 850 Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs 850 Legislation and Congressional Affairs.......... 850 Management and Budget..................... 850 Policy and Planning......... . 849 Postsecondary Education ...........cccceveeeerernneneennnnen. 851 SECTEIAIY rival ities desea std A aber rns 849 Special Education and Rehabilitative Services .... 850 Vocational and Adult Education.............. 852 Election Commission, Federal.......... .. 876 Election: Satstes........io. i. cilmbiliniiin nibiiig 571 Elections and Ethics, Board of (District of Colum- tr) SIR Br ML ARNE AR em NE Ee 1000 Electrification Administration, Rural......... 771 Emergency Management Agency, Federal...... 141876 Employee Standards Administration (Labor) .............. 796 Employment and Training Administration (Labor) .... 800 Employment of People With Disabilities, President's Committee ON... i Bin iii aia: 910 Employment Opportunity Commission, Equal ... 866 Employment Policy, National Commission for .. 554 Endowment for the Arts, National .................. 894 Endowment for the Humanities, National.................... 895 ENERGY, DEPARTMENT OF: Energy Technology Centers:.............ii iin 848 (XV) Contents Page ENERGY, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Federal Energy Regulatory Cc ission 847 Naval Reactors 848 Naval Petroleum Reserves 848 Operations Offices 848 Power Marketing Administration..............ccccccouruunee 848 Secretary 847 Energy, Office of (Agriculture). 765 Energy Study Conference, Environmental and........... 563 Enforcement Administration, Drug (Justice) .. 134 Engineering Command, Naval Facilities....................... 710 Engineering, National Academy of............ccccccoeuuruen..n. 897 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of (Treasury).. 23.3081 Environmental and Energy Study Conference............ 563 Environment and Natural Resources (Agriculture) .... 776 Environmental Protection Agency .........c.cccoevueurennncne. 863 Environmental Quality, Council on....... 671 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ... .. 866 Equal Opportunity and Fair Housing (HUD).............. 829 Ethics, Board of Elections and (District of Colum-bia) 1000 Ethics, Select Committee on, Senate ..........ccoeuuee...... 413 European Space Agency (E.S.A.)...cccooeeererieereninnne 1005 Europe, Commission on Security and Cooperation in 552 Executive Office for Immigration Review (Justice).... 748 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT: Cabinet Officers. 667 Central Intelligence Agency 672 Chief of Staff 667 Communications 667 Correspondence 668 Council of Economic Advisers 671 Council on Environmental Quality .........cc.cccouvenenee 671 Counsel to the President 668 First Lady 668 Legislative Affairs 669 National Economic Counsel 669 National Security Council 672 National Service 670 Office of Administration 672 Office of Management and Budget 672 Office of National Drug Control Policy................... 673 Office of Science and Technology Policy................ 673 Office of the U.S. Trade Representative .................. 674 Political Affairs 670 Presidential Personnel 670 Schedule and Advance 671 Vice President 670 White House Military Office 671 Executive Office (District of Columbia)............ccc........ 994 Executive Secretariat (Defense) 689 Expiration of terms of Senators, by classes.............. 367-69 Export Council, President’s 566 Export-Import Bank of the United States .................... 867 Extension Service (Agriculture) 779 F Facilities Engineering Command, Naval ...................... 710 Family Nutrition Programs (Agriculture) .................. 769 Farm Credit Administration (Agriculture) 868 Farmers Home Administration (Agriculture) Federal Aviation Administration (Transportation)...... 839 Federal Bureau of Investigation (Justice).........cccc....... 743 Federal Cc ications Co ission 868 Common Carrier Bureau 871 Field Operations Bureau 872 Mass Media Bureau 872 Private Radio Bureau 873 Federal Council on the Aging 875 Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities........ 880 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation..... Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Election Commission Federal Emergency M t Agency Federal Government Service Task Force.................... Federal Grain Inspection Service (Agriculture).......... Federal Highway Administration (Transportation)... Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation............ Federal Housing Finance Board Federal Judicial Center Federal Labor Relations Authority............ccocevvnunnnnn. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (Treas-ury) Federal Library and Information Center Committee (Library of Congress) Federal Maritime Cc ission Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service................ Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Federal Prison Industries, Education and Vocational Training (Justice) Federal Railroad Administration (Transportation)...... Federal Register, Administrative Committee of the.... Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors............ Federal Supply Service, Office of (GSA) .................... Federal Trade Commission Finance and Management (Agriculture)....................... Finance (District of Columbia) Fine Arts, Commission of (Interior) .......cc.cceceevvevvrnnenne Firearms, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and (Treas- ury) Fire Department (District of Columbia)....................... Fitness and Sports, President’s Council on Physical... Floor plans, Capitol Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and Consumer Services (Agriculture) ................ Food and Drug Administration (HHS) ........................ Food and Nutrition Service (Agriculture) ................... Foreign Agricultural Service Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (Justice)........ Foreign Diplomatic Representatives and Consular Offices in the United States............cccoceevennene Foreign Policy Caucus, Arms Control and.................. Foreign-Trade Zones Board Forestry, State and Private (Agriculture) .................... Forest Service (Agriculture) Former Members of Congress, U.S. Association......... Foundation— African Development Harry S. Truman Scholarship Inter-American National, on the Arts and Humanities..............c.ccc.... National Science Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission..... Freer Gallery of Art (Smithsonian) .............. Friendship Commission, Japan-United States... ’ Futures Trading Commission, Commodity .................. G Galleries (Capitol Press): Periodical Press Press Press Photographers Radio and Television Correspondents ...................... Gallery of Art— Freer (Smithsonian) National Portrait (Smithsonian).........cccccceceecieinninennne Garden, Botanic General Accounting Liaison Office (Capitol).............. General Accounting Office Overseas Offices Regional Offices General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)... General Assembly (United Nations) .........cccceeceeiriennennne General Counsels: Agriculture Air Force Army Defense 1117 1061 1082 1094 922 924 629 628 630 631 631 1030 1023 768 717 698 690 Congressional Directory Page General Counsels—Continued Education 850 Energy 847 EPA 864 FCC 870 Federal Maritime Commission 879 GSA 884 HHS. 804 HUD 828 NASA. 888 Navy 705 NLRB 896 OPM S01 SEC. 911 Smithsonian 918 Transportation 835 Treasury 697 General Services Administration 882 Geological Survey (Interior) 759 Government Ethics, Office of 900 Government National Mortgage Association (HUD). 831 Government Printing Office Bookstores Regional Printing Plants Regional Printing Procurement Offices.................... Governors of the States and Territories....................... Grain Inspection Service, Federal (Agriculture) Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Guam, Delegat 363, 507 H Halibut Commission, International Pacific, United States and Canada 1019 Handicapped, Committee for Purchase From the Blind and Other Severely Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF: Administration for— Aging Children, Youth and Families............ocococuvvunenennne Developmental Disabilities Native Americans Substance Abuse, and Mental Health Inspector General General Counsel Assistant Secretary for Public Health Service... Social Security Administration (HHS) Office of— Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Assistant Secretary for Legislation Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administra- tion Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Centers for Disease Control Civil Rights Consumer Affairs Family Assistance Food and Drug Administration Health Care Financing Administration Health Care Policy and Reserve 815 Health Resources and Services Administration ... 815 Indian Health Service 823 National Institutes: Aging 820 Allergy and Infectious Diseases 822 Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Dis- eases 820 Cancer Institute 818 Child Development and Human Development 820 Deafness and Other Communcations Disor- ders 823 Dental Research 821 Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases... 819 Page HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF— Continued Office of ——Continued National Institutes—Continued Environmental Health Sciences.........c..c..ccocue... 821 Eye, National General Medical Sciences Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Neurological Disorders Refugee Resettlement Health, National Institutes of (HHS) Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Review Commission— Federal Mine Safety and Occupational Safety and Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National (HHS) Highway Administration, Federal (Transportation)... Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (Smithso- nian) Historical Publications and Records Commission, Historical Society, U.S. Capitol Historic Preservation, Advisory Council on History and description of the Capitol History, National Museum of American (Smithsoni- an) Holiday Commission, Martin Luther King, Jr., Fed- Holocaust Memorial Council, U.S Home Administration, Farmers (Agriculture) . : Home, Soldiers’ and Airmen’s, U.S.........ccccceeviiinnnnn. Housing Finance Board, Federal House Chamber, diagram of House Committees: Assignments to Membership of. Select and Special Standing House Document Room House Office Building Commission House Office Buildings (Architect) House of Representatives: Chaplain Child Care Center Director of Non-Legislative and Finance Systems.. Majority and Minority Rooms Members’ Biographies Minority Floor Assistants Officers of Page School Personnel of— Office of the— Clerk of the House Doorkeeper Document Room Publications Distribution Service Historian Legislative Counsel Majority Leader Majority Whip Parliamentarian Sergeant at Arms Speaker Republican Leader Republican Whip Select and Special Committees.............cccocvevereeurnnenn. Standing Committees House Periodical Press Gallery House Press Gallery House Radio and Television Gallery HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF: (XVII) Contents HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT orF—Continued Field Offices General Counsel Government National Mortgage Association Office of— Administration Chief Financial Officer Community Planning and Development Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity GSA General Counsel Housing—FHA Commissioner Inspector General Interagency Counsel on the Homeless Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations.. NASA OPM Policy Development and Research Public Affairs Public and Indian Housing SEC Secretary Housing—FHA Commissioner (HUD) Humanities, National Council on Humanities, National Endowment for Humanities, National Foundation on the Arts and Human Nutrition Information Service (Agriculture).. Human Services, Department of Health and Immigration and Naturalization Service (Justice) Immigration Appeals, Board of Immigration Judge, Office of the Chief. Immigration Review, Executive Office for Impeachment trials by the Senate Import-Export Bank of the United States Inaugurations, list Independent Agencies Index Office, Congressional Record Indian Affairs, Bureau of (Interior).... Indian Affairs, Senate Committee on. Indian Health Service (HHS) Indian Housing, Public and (HUD) Information Agency, U.S. Information Center (UN) Information Resources Management (Agriculture) Information Science, National Commission on Li- braries and Inspectors General: Agriculture Air Force Commerce Defense Education Federal Maritime Commission Federal Reserve Transportation Treasury VA Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Dis-eases, National Institute of Justice, National Institute, National Cancer (HHS) Ve Institute, National Heart, Lung, and Blood (HHS) Institute of Medicine Institutes of Museum Services Institutes of Health, National. Institution, Smithsonian Bureaus Under Direction of Insurance Corporation, Federal Crop (Agriculture)... Insurance Corporation, Federal Deposit Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence, Command, Control, Communications and (Defense). Intelligence Command, Naval Intelligence, Permanent Select Committee on (House) Intelligence, Select Committee on (Senate) Inter-American Defense Board Chiefs of Delegations Defense College Inter-American Development Bank Board of Executive Directors Officers Inter-American Foundation 5 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc ission Intergovernmental Agencies Related to the United Nations International Maritime Organization Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission ON. INTERIOR, DEPARTMENT OF THE: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Bureau of— Indian Affairs Land Management Mines... Reclamation Commission on Fine Arts Delaware River Basin Commission Geological Survey Minerals Management Service.. National Park Service Office of— Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Man-agement Assistant Secretary for Policy, Budget, and Ad-ministration Assistant Secretary for Territorial and Interna- tional Affairs Assistant Secretary for Water and Science Cc ications Congressional and Legislative Affairs Executive Secretariat Inspector General Secretary Solicitor Surface Mining—Reclamation and Enforcement. Field Offices Susquehanna River Basin Commission U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Internal Revenue Service (Treasury). International Affairs and Commodity Programs (Ag- riculture) International Atomic Energy Agency (UN)... International Bank for Reconstruction and Develop: ment.. International Boundzry and Water Commission, United States and Mexico International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada International Broadcasting, Board for (XVIII) Congressional Directory Page International Civil Aviation Organization 1029 International Cotton Advisory Committee... . 1011 International Court of Justice (UN) 1026 International Development Cooperation, U.S. Agency for 931 International Development Association 1011 International Economic Policy (Commerce) 786 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1014 International Labor Affairs, Bureau of (Labor) 795 International Labor Organization 1029 International Monetary Fund 1029 International Narcotics Control, Senate Caucus on .... 567 International Organizations 1005 European Space Agency (E.S.A.)...cccoccouerueuererrnnneen. 1005 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1029 Inter-American Defense Board 1005 Inter-American Development Bank 1005 Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission . 1007 International Organization for Migration 1017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel-opment 1011 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico 1010 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada 1010 International Civil Aviation Organization... «1029 International Cotton Advisory Committee... «1011 International Development Association . 1011 International Finance Corporation 1011 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1014 International Labor Organization 1028 International Monetary Fund 1029 Organization for Economic Cooperation and De- velopment 1020 Organization of American States 1019 Pan American Health Organization 1021 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada- United States 1022 South Pacific Cc ission 1023 United Nations 1023 Intergovernmental Agencies Related to the United Nations 1028 International Telecommunication Union 1029 International Trade Administration (Commerce) 785 International Trade Commission, U.S.................. 916 International Trade, U.S. Court of...... 951 Interparliamentary Group, Canada-U.S..... 550 Interparliamentary Group, Mexico-U.S.........c.cccoeeuue... 553 Interparliamentary Union 556 Interpol-U.S. National Central Bureau 748 Interstate Commerce Cc ission 886 Investigation, Federal Bureau of 743 Investigative Service (DOD) 693 Investment Corporation, Overseas Private 931 Investment Management (SEC) 912 J Japan-United States Friendship Cc ission Joint Board on Defense, Permanent, Canada-United States Joint Boards of Visitors, Congressional Joint Chiefs of Staff (Defense) Joint Commissions; International, United States and Canada Joint Committees: Economic Library Organization of Congress Printing Taxation Joint meetings, sessions, and inagurations of Con-gress Joint Service Schools Armed Forces Staff College Defense Intelligence College (DIC) Defense Systems Management College Industrial College of the Armed Forces Information Resources Management College National Defense University National War College Uniformed Services University of the Health Sci- ences (USUHS) Joint Staff (Defense) Judge, Advocate General (Army) Judge, Advocate General (Navy) Judge, Office of Chief, Immigration Judicial Center, Federal Judiciary: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts District of Columbia Courts: Court of Appeals District of Columbia Courts Superior Court Federal Judicial Center Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Register of Wills and Clerk of the Probate Divi- sion Supreme Court of the United States U.S. Claims Court U.S. Court of Appeals U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Colum-bia Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit U.S. Court of International Trade U.S. Court of Military Appeals...........ccocceueuennee U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia U.S. Tax Court Veterans Appeals JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF: Antitrust Division Board of Immigration Appeals Bureau of Justice Assistance Bureau of Justice Statistics Bureau of Prisons Civil Division Civil Rights Division Community Relations Service Criminal ‘Division Drug Enforcement Administration Environmental and Natural Resources .. Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys.. Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreign Claims Settlement Commission... Immigration and Naturalization Service Immigration Review, Executive Office for Interpol-U.S. National Central Bureau Justice Management Division National Institute of Justice Office of— Associate Attorney General Attorney General Chief Administrative Hearing Officer Chief Immigration Judge Deputy Attorney General Inspector General Intelligence Policy and Review Justice Programs Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Legal Counsel Legislative Affairs Pardon Attorney Policy Development Professional Responsibility Public Affairs Solicitor General Tax Division U.S. Marshals Service Contents Page JusTiCE, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued U.S. Parole Commission 748 U.S. Trustees 749 Justices, Judges, and Officers: Claims Court, U.S 971 Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, U.S 960 Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, U.S. Court of International Trade, U.S.................. 966 Court of Military Appeals, U.S District Court for District of Columbia, U.S 960 District of Columbia Court of Appeals Superior Court of the District of Columbia 991 Supreme Court, U.S Tax Court, U.S King, Jr., Martin Luther, Federal Holiday Commis-sion LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF: Bureau of International Labor Affairs Bureau of Labor-Management Relations and Co- operative Programs Bureau of Labor Statistics Department of Labor Academy Employee Standards Administration Employment and Training Administration. Employment Standards Administration... Labor-Management Standards Mine Safety and Health Administration and Occupational Safety and Health Administration Office of— Administration and Management, Assistant Sec- retary for Administrative Appeals American Workplace Congressional Affairs Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Information and Public Affairs Inspector General Pension and Welfare Benefit Programs....... Policy, Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs Secretary, the Solicitor, the Regional Offices Women’s Bureau Veteran's Employment and Training Labor-Management Standards, Office of (Labor) Labor-Management Relations and Cooperative Pro- grams, Bureau of (Labor) Labor Organization, International Labor Relations Authority, Federal Labor Relations Board, National Labor Statistics, Bureau of. Land Management, Bureau of (Interior) Law, Administrative Judges (Agriculture) Law Enforcement Training Center, Consolidated Federal Law Library (Library of Congress) Law Revision Counsel Leaders, Congressional: House: Majority Republican Senate: Majority Republican Legal Counsel (Justice) Legal Counsel (Senate) Legal Services Corporation Legislative Affairs, Office of: Air Force Army Commerce Defense. Education Energy HHS HUD Interior Justice Labor Navy Transportation Treasury Veterans’ Affairs White House Legislative Counsel: House Senate Liaison Offices at Capitol— Air Force Army Coast Guard General Accounting Office Navy/Marine Office of Personnel M Veterans’ Affairs Libraries and Information Science, National Com- mission on Library, Joint Committee on the Library, National (Agriculture) Library of Congress Collection Services Congressional Research Service Divisions Senior Specialists Copyright Office Law Library Office of the Librarian Public Service and Collections Management I Public Service and Collections Management 11 Trust Fund Board Library of Medicine, National Library, Public (District of Col Logistics Agency (Defense) Logistics and Installations (Army) Lung, and Blood Institute, National Heart (HHS) M Mailing Standards, House Commission on Congres-sional Major Air Commands (Air Force)— Continental Overseas Majority and Minority Secretaries, Senate Majority Leader, Office of: House Senate Majority and Minority Printers (House) Majority Whip, Office of (House) t Agency, Federal Emergency. Management and Budget, Office of t and Finance (Agriculture) Mramgeent College, Defense Systems Management (Foreign Agricultural Service) Management, Office of Personnel Management Service, Financial (Treasury)... Manpower and Reserve Affairs (Air Force) Manpower and Reserve Affairs (Army) Manpower and Reserve Affairs (Navy) Mapping Agency (DOD) Maps of Congressional Districts Marine Barracks (XX) Congressional Directory Marine Corps, U.S. Headquarters (Navy) Maritime Administration Maritime Commission, Federal Market Regulation (SEC) Marketing and Inspection Services Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commis- sion Mass Transportation Administration, Urban Medals and Decorations, Board of (Navy) Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federal Mediation Board, National Medical Command, Naval Medicine, Institute of. Medicine, National Library of Members of the Cabinet, list of Members of Congress: Alphabetical List (House) Alphabetical List (Senate) Biographies Committee assig t Political classification of State delegations. 341-351 Terms of service 367-383 Membership: House Committees 419 Senate Committees 385 Membership changes in the 102d and 103d Congress- es | Memorial Commission, Franklin Delano Roosevelt... 551 Memorial Council, U.S. Holocaust 929 Mental Retardation, President’s Committee on 565 Merchant Marine Academy, Board of Visitors we 548 Merit Systems Protection Board, U.S.........c.ccceueueuun... 933 Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Washington 990 Metropolitan Police Department 998 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group 557 Migration, Intergovernmental Committee for 1008 Migratory Bird Conservation Cc issi 554 Military Academy, Board of Visitors 548 Military Appeals, U.S. Court of 984 Military Personnel Command, Naval 723 Military Sealift Command (Navy) «710 Mine Safety and Health Administration (Labor)......... 801 Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Feder- al 880 Mines, Bureau of 759 Minority and Majority Printers (House) 622 Minority and Majority Secretaries (Senate) 614 Minority Business Development Agency (Com- merce) 787 Minority Floor Assistants (House) 622 Minority Leader, Office of (House) 617 Minority Whip, Office of (House) Mint, U.S. (Treasury) Miscellaneous Officials, Capitol Monetary Fund, International Monument Society, Washington National Monuments Commission, American Battle Mortgage Association, Government National (HUD) Museum of— African Art American Art, National American History, National American Indian, National Anacostia Neighborhood Cooper-Hewitt Hirshhorn, and Sculpture Garden National Air and Space Natural History N Narcotics Control, Senate Caucus on International .... National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council—Continued Institute of Medicine National Academy of Engineering National Academy of Sciences National Research Council National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of— Administrator Aeronautics and Space Technology Commercial Programs Comptroller Equal Opportunity Programs External Relations Field Installations General Counsel Inspector General M nt Procurement Safety, Reliability, Maintainability and Quality Assurance Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Space Space Science and Applications National Agricultural Library National Air and Space Museum National Archives and Records Administration Administrative Committee of the Federal Register. National Archives Trust Fund Board National Historical Publications and Records Commission National Archives Trust Fund Board National Cancer Institute (HHS) National Capital Planning Commission National Centers for Disease Control (HHS) ... National Commission for Employment Policy National Commission on Libraries and Information Science National Council on— Arts, the Disability Humanities, the National Credit Union Administration........... National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities... National Council on the Arts National Council on the Humanities....... : National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities... National Museum Services Board ds, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HHS) National Historical Publications and Records Com-mission National Institute of— Aging Allergy and Infectious Diseases ee Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Cancer Institute Child Development and Human Development Deafness and Other Communcations Disorders Dental Research Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Environmental Health Sciences Eye, National General Medical Sciences Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Justice National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Neurological Disorders National Institutes of Health National Labor Relations Board General Counsel, Office of the (XXI1) Contents National Library of Medicine National Library Service for the Blind and Physical-ly Handicapped : National Mediation Board National Monument Society, Washington National Mortgage Association, Government (HUD) National Museum of— American Art American History American Indian Natural History National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration... National Park Service Regional Directors National Portrait Gallery National Republican Congressional Committee National Republican Senatorial Committee National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineer-ing, Institute of Medicine, and National Science Board National Science Foundation National Security Agency/Central Security Service (Defense) National Security Council National Technical Information Service. National Transportation Safety Board National Zoological Park Nations, United Natural History, Museum of Natural Resources and Environment (Agriculture) .... Natural Resources Division, Land and . ” Naturalization Service, Immigration and... Naval Academy, Board of Visitors Naval Academy, United States Naval Air Systems Command Naval Civilian Personnel Center Naval District, Washington, Headquarters Naval Facilities Engineering Command Naval Hospital Naval Intelligence Command Naval Investigative Service Command Naval Legal Service Command Naval Medical Command Naval Military Personnel Command Naval Operations, Office of Chief of Naval Records, Board for Correction of. Naval Research, Office of the Chief of Naval Sea Systems Command Naval Security Group Command Naval Space Command Naval Supply Systems Command Naval Telecommunications Command NAVY, DEPARTMENT OF THE: Board for Correction of Naval Records Board of Decorations and Medals Headquarters, Naval District Washington Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps Marine Barracks Military Sealift Cc d.: Naval Air Systems Command Naval Civilian Personnel Center Naval Council of Personnel Boards Naval Facilities Engineering Cc Office of— Chief of Naval Operations Chief of Naval Research Comptroller Financial Manag t General Counsel Information Judge Advocate General of the Navy Legislative Affairs Program Appraisal Research, Engineering, and Systems Secretary of the Navy NAVY, DEPARTMENT OF THE—Continued Office of——Continued Under Secretary of the Navy U.S. Naval Academy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Navy/Marine Corps Liaison Office Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Networks, stations, and services represented Radio-Television Galleries News Photographers’ Association, White House Newspapers represented in Press Gallery North Atlantic Assembly Members, U.S. Delegation Officers Nuclear Agency, Defense Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. .........ccccoueuvenns Nutrition and Food Service (Agriculture) (0) Observatory, Astrophysical Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Labor) Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 900 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National... 787 Office of— Administrative Law Judges (Agriculture) Administrative Law Judges (SEC) Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator (GSA) Administrator (NASA) Administrator, Rural Electrification Administra- tion Advocacy and Enterprise (Agriculture) Architect of Capitol Attending Physician, Capitol Attorney General Chief of Naval Operations Clerk of the House Comptroller of the Currency Congressional Record Index Doorkeeper, House Emergency Preparedness (District of Columbia) .... Executive Administration (OPM) Federal Supply Service (GSA) General Accounting Government Ethics Government Printing Human Development (HHS) Historian (House) Justice Programs Legislative Counsel: House Senate Librarian (Library of Congress) Majority and Republican Leaders, House Majority and Minority Whips, House Majority Secretary (Senate) Manag t and Budget Minority Secretary (Senate) Naval Research Parliamentarian, House Patent and Trademark Personnel Manag t Physician, Attending, Capitol Postmaster General President of the United States Science and Technology Policy Secretary of— Agriculture Air Force Army Commerce Defense Education Congressional Directory Office of ——Continued Secretary of ——Continued Energy Health and Human Services Housing and Urban Development Interior Labor Navy Senate Transportation Treasury Veterans Affairs Sergeant at Arms, House Sergeant at Arms, Senate Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of, NASA Speaker, House Special Counsel Technology Assessment U.S. Trade Representative (Executive) U.S. Trustees (Justice) Office of Personnel Manag t Administration Group Career Entry Group Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee Office of— Congressional Relations Director General Counsel Inspector General . International Affairs Investigations Group Personnel Systems and Oversight Group Regional Offices Retirement and Insurance Group Washington Area Service Center Officials, miscellaneous, Capitol Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund, Permanent Committee for Operations, Office of (Agriculture) Operations, Office of Chief of Naval Organization for Economic Cooperation and Devel- opment OECD Center Secretariat Organization, International Labor Organization of American States General Secretariat The Council Organization, Pan American Health Organization, Strategic Defense Initiative.... Outlook Board, World Agricultural Overseas Commands (Air Force) Overseas Private Investment Corporation P Pacific Halibut Commission, International, United States and Canada Packers and Stockyards Administration Page Board, House of Representatives Page Schools: House Senate Pan American Health Organization Centers Field Offices Sanitary Bureau Panama Canal Commission Pardon Attorney (Justice) Park, National Zoological Park Service, National Parliamentarian (House), Office of the Parole, Board of (District of Columbia) Parole Commission, U.S Page 847 803 827 753 793 705 613 835 679 853 619 614 887 616 906 639 639 749 901 902 903 901 901 901 901 901 902 905 903 906 904 906 625 555 763 708 1020 1020 1020 1029 1019 1020 1019 1021 708 764 723 915 Patent and Trademark Office Peace Corps Director's Staff M t Regional Offices Volunteer Recruitment and Selection Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (Labor) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Advisory Committee Board of Directors Officials Periodical Press Galleries Executive Committee House Periodical Press Gallery Members entitled to admission Periodicals represented Rules governing admission to Senate Periodical Press Gallery Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (House) Personnel Management, Office of Personnel, Office of (Agriculture) Personnel, Office of (District of Columbia) Photographers Association, White House News Photographers Gallery, Press Physical Fitness and Sports, President's Council on... Physician at the Capitol, Attending Planning Commission, National Capital ... Plant and Animal Health Inspection Service (Agri- culture) Police: Capitol, United States Metropolitan Police Board, Capitol Policy Committee, Democratic (Senate) Policy Committee, Republican (Senate) Policy Development and Research (HUD) Political Classification of Congress Portrait Gallery, National Postal Rate Commission Postal Service, U.S Postal Union, Universal Postal ZIP Codes, Nine-Digit: House Senate Postmaster General, Office of. Post Office of the House Post Office, Annex 2 Post Office, Cannon Office Building Post Office, Capitol Post Office, Longworth Office Building Post Office, Rayburn Office Building Post Office, City, Washington Preservation, Advisory Council on Historic President, Executive Office of President of the Senate President of the United States, biography of President pro tempore of the Senate Presidents and Vice Presidents and the Congresses coincident with their terms. President’s Commission on White House Fellowships President's Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities President's Committee on Mental Retardation President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.... President’s Export Council Press Galleries House Press Gallery Members entitled to admission to Newspapers represented in (XX111) Contents Press Galleries—Continued Regular and special sessions of Congress, list of Rules governing admission to Regulatory Affairs, Department of Consumer and Senate Press Gallery (District of Columbia) Standing Committee of Correspondents. Regulatory Commission, U.S. Nuclear Press Galleries, Periodical Representatives: Press Photographers Gallery Apportioned to the several States under each Members entitled to admission census Rules governing gallery Assignment of, tO cOmmittees..........cocevurvvririiiinenne 507 Services represented Standing Committee of Press Photographers Printing, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Joint Committee on Printing Office, Government Biographies of. Delegates, and Senators serving Congresses Service of, showing Congresses been rendered in in the 1st-103d which it has 373-383 Prison Industries, Inc., Federal (Justice) State, list of 341 Prisons, Bureau of (Justice) Private Investment Corporation, Overseas Votes cast for Republican Congressional Committee, National 512 481 Probate Court, Register of Wills and Clerk of . Republican Policy Committee (Senate) 483 Product Safety Commission, Consumer Republican Policy Committee (House) 417 Program Analysis and Budget (Agriculture) Program Analysis and Evaluation (Defense) Program Appraisal, Office of (Navy) Program Operations (Agriculture) Programs and Legislation (Agriculture).. Programs, Office of Justice Protection Board, U.S. Merit Systems Pro tempore, President, of Senate Public Affairs (Air Force) Public Affairs (Defense) Public Affairs (HUD) Public and Indian Housing (HUD) Publications Distribution Service, House Doorkeeper Public Debt, Bureau of the (Treasury) Public Diplomacy, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Library (District of Columbia) Public Service and Collections Management I (Li-brary of Congress) Public Service Commission (District of Columbia) 620 Republican Senatorial Committee, National Research, Development and Aquisition (Army) Research, Engineering and Systems (Navy) Research Council, National, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and Na-tional Academy of Sciences Research, Office of the Chief of Naval Research Service, Agricultural Research Service, Congressional (Liorary of Con-gress) Research Service, Economic (Agriculture) Reserve System, Federal Resolution Trust Corporation Oversight Board Retardation, Mental, President’s Committee on Retirement Board, Railroad Revenue Service, Internal (Treasury) Rights Division, Civil (Justice) River Basin Commission, Susquehanna 416 697 707 Public Works, Department of (District of Columbia). 999 Roosevelt Memorial Commission, Franklin Delano.... Puerto Rico, Commonwealth Governor of of: 608 Royalty Tribunal, Copyright Rural Electrification Administration Resident Commissioner, 363, 507 S Q Safety and Health Administration, Mine (Labor) Safety and Health Review Commission, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Occupation-R al Safety Board, National Transportation Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Executive Committee Scholarship Foundation, Harry S. Truman House Radio and Television Gallery Schools, Page: Members entitled to admission House Networks, stations, services represented Senate Rules governing admission Science and Education (Agriculture) Senate Radio and Television Gallery Science and Technology Policy, Office of Railroad Administration, Federal Science Board, National Railroad Retirement Board Science Foundation, National Railroad Ticket Office, Capitol Sciences, National Academy of. Rate Commission, Postal Sealift Command, Military (Navy) Reconstruction and Development, International Seating Arrangement in the Senate Chamber Bank for Seating Plan of House Chamber Record, Congressional, Index Office Seaway Development Corporation, St. Lawrence Records Administration, National Archives and. Secretariat (OECD) Recreation Department (District of Columbia) Secretariat (South Pacific Commission) Red Cross, American Secretariat (United Nations) Regional Administrators (GSA) Secret Service, United States (Treasury) Regional Commissions, Appalachian Securities and Exchange Commission Regional Directors, Federal Mediation and Con-Division of Corporation Finance ciliation Service Division of Enforcement Regional Offices (GAO) Division of Investment M Regional Offices (Federal Highway Administration).. 891 Division of Market Regulation Regional Offices (Labor) 795 Office of— Regional Printing Plants (GPO) 633 Administrative Law Judges Regional Printing Procurement Offices (GPO) 633 Applications and Reports Services Register of Wills and Clerk of Probate Court 992 Chief Accountant Quality, Council on Environmental (XXIV) Congressional Directory Page Securities and Exchange Commission—Continued Sergeant at Arms—Continued Office of ——Continued Senate Comptroller 913 Service and terms in Congress: Consumer Affairs and Information Services 913 Delegate of— Economic Analysis Edgar Management Executive Director General Counsel Information Systems Personnel Secretary Regional Offices Security Administration, 911 American Samoa 898 District of Columbia 911 Guam 911 Virgin Islands Management 898 Representatives 898 Resident Commissioner 911 Senators: 913 Continuous service Social (HHS) 825 Expiration of terms Security and Cooperation in Europe, Commission on 550 Service Commission, Public Security Agency/Central Security Service, National Service— (Defense) Agricultural Cooperative Security Assistance Agency, Defense Agricultural Marketing Security Council (United Nations) Agricultural Research Security Council, National Agriculture Stabilization Security Group Command, Naval Animal and Plant Health Select and special committees: Community Relations (Justice) House Economic Research (Agriculture) Senate Federal Grain Inspection (Agriculture)... Select Committee on Ethics (Senate) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Select Committee on Intelligence, Permanent Financial Management (Treasury) (House) Food and Consumer (Agriculture) Select Committee on Intelligence (Senate) Selective Service System Senate: Caucus on International Narcotics Chaplain Commission on Art Commission on the Bicentennial of Court of Impeachment Office Building Commission Officers of the Personnel of— Office of the— Democratic Whip Legal Counsel Legislative Counsel Majority Leader Majority Secretary Minority Secretary Republican Leader Secretary Sergeant at Arms President of. President pro tempore Special sessions of Senate Committees: Assignments to Meeting days of’ Membership of. Special and select Staffs of Standing Subcommittees of Senate Employees’ Child Care Center Smithsonian Institution Senate Office Building Commission Board of Regents, Personnel Senate Office Buildings (Architect) Bureaus under the direction Senate Page School Anacostia Neighborhood Senate Periodical Press Gallery Archives of American Art Senate Press Gallery Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Senate Radio and Television Gallery Astrophysical Observatory Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic... Cooper-Hewitt Museum Senatorial Committee, National Republican Freer Gallery of Art 370-(District of Columbia)... and Conservation Inspection (Agriculture). Food and Nutrition Foreign Agricultural Forest (Agriculture) Control General Administration Human Nutrition Information (Agriculture) Immigration and Naturalization (Justice) the Indian Health (HHS) Internal Revenue (Treasury) Investigative Service (DOD) Marketing and Inspection (Agriculture) National Agricultural Statistics (Agriculture) National Park (Interior) 3 National Technical Information (Commerce) Office of Management and Finance (Agriculture)... Soil Conservation (Agriculture) U.S. Customs (Treasury) U.S. Fish and Wildlife (Interior) U.S. Postal U.S. Secret (Treasury) Service System, Selective Sessions of Congress, Joint Meetings and Sessions of Congress, list of Sessions of the Senate, special, dates of Severely Handicapped, Committee for Purchase From the Blind and Other Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of— Army Defense. NASA Small Business Administratior of of— Museum Senators: Assignments to committees Biographies of. Continuous service of. Expiration of terms of service, Delegates, and Representatives 103d Congresses State list of Sergeant at Arms: Board of Trustees Officers of the Board Hirshhorn 370-372 Museum by groups 367-369 National serving in the Ist- National 606 National 341 National National Museum and Sculpture Garden of African Art Air and Space Museum Gallery of Art Museum of American Art Museum of American History.. Museum of the American Indian House of Representatives 619 National Museum of Art Cc ission Contents Page Smithsonian Institution—Continued Bureaus under the direction of——Continued National Museum of Natural History................i... 923 National Portrait Gallery . 924 National Zoological Park ...........cccccervuriniinnninanns 924 Office of: Exhibits Central 924 Horticulture 924 Museum Programs 924 Resident Associate Program ............ccceceeevueerveenens 909 Tropical Research Institute.........ccccovvccrveerunununnenee 925 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 926 Council Members 917 Establishment, Personnel of 916 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.. 925 Office of: Assistant Secretaries for: Administration 917 Museums 902 Public Service 919 Research 902 General Counsel 918 Secretary 917 Under Secretary 917 Social Security Administration (HHS) ..........cccoccenenee. 825 Soil Conservation Service (Agriculture) ..........c.ccceeee. 777 Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home, U.S 938 Board of Commissioners 938 Officers of the Home 938 Solicitor General (Justice). 725 Solicitor, Office of (Labor) 798 South Pacific Cc ission 1023 Space (Air Force) 717 Space Administration, National Aeronautics and........ 887 Space and Air Museum, National 922 Space Agency, European (E.S.A.).......ccccoevinnninnnnnnne. 1005 Space Flight, Office of (NASA) 888 Space Science and Applications (NASA) .................... 889 Speaker of the House of Representatives..................... 616 Special and select committees: House 477 Senate 414 Special Committee on Aging (Senate)..........ccceveumnnne 414 Special Counsel, Office of the 906 Special Missions, U.S. Diplomatic and Consular Of- fices 1050 Special Sessions of the Senate, dates Of .............cccoueu.. 591 Sports, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and... 910 Stabilization and Conservation Service (Agriculture). 766 Staff, Air (Air Force) 719 Staff, Army 700 Staff, Joint Chiefs of (Defense) 692 Staffs of House committees 421 Staffs of Senate committees 386 Standing committees: House 419 Senate 385 STATE, DEPARTMENT OF: 675 Ambassadors-at-Large 675 BUTRAUS. ico siniie dian i rarienda 677 Office of the Secretary 675 Offices 675 Under Secretary for— Economic and Agricultural Affairs... e076 International Security Affairs.........ccccovviinvncninnnnns 676 Manag t 676 Political Affairs 0% 676 State and Private Forestry (Agriculture) .... +777 State delegations in CONGIess ........covisvinrnrnsvnncissssiiivinids 341 State Research Service and Cooperative (Agricul ture) hii 778 States and Territories, Governors of the .. 608 States, Organization of American.... . 1019 Statistical Information 571 Court.of Impeachment... al. iiiinniiiineg. 605 Statistical Information—Continued Governors of the States and Territories ................... Presidents and Vice Presidents and the Congresses coincident with their terms..........cccccccenuennnn. Representatives Under Each Apportionment........... Sessions of Congress Special sessions of the Senate ..........cccceveeureireeenennne Votes Cast for Representatives, Resident Commis- sioner, and Delegates in 1986, 1988, and 1990 Votes Cast for Senators in 1986, 1988, and 1990..... Statistics, Labor, Bureau of. Steering and Policy Committee, Democratic (House) Stockyards and Packers Administration...........cccc.c...... Study Conference, Environmental and Energy. 563 Superior Court of the District of Columbia... uu 99] Supply Systems Command, Naval ...........cccoocrveninnnne 709 Supreme Court, United States 941 Officers of the Supreme Court ...........ceevrensarserarisares 945 Survey, Geological (Interior) Susquehanna River Basin Cc System— Federal Reserve Selective Service Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Systems Management College, Systems Protection Board, U.S. T Taxation, Joint Committee on Tax Court of the United States Technical Information Service, National (Com- merce) Technology Assessment, Office Of .........c.cccevvvnirnenennnen. Technology A t Board Telecommunication Union, International Telecommunications Command (Navy) Telecommunications and Information (Commerce) .... 791 Telegraph Office, Capitol 627 Telephone Exchange (Capitol) 627 Television and Radio Correspondents’ Galleries......... 1094 Tennessee Valley Authority 927 Terms of Presidents and Vice Presidents..................... 609 759 ission 760, 927 859 915 709 709 Naval Warfare............ 709 Defense ....... sep i098 Merit...........ccccennenee. 933 486 976 Terms of Service: Representatives. Senators Territories and States, Governors Ticket Offices, Capitol: Airlines, Combined ......... Railroad Tobacco, and Firearms, Bureau ury) Trade Commission, Federal 373-383 367-372 of ..........cccceevieerunnnen 608 of Alcohol (Treas- 627 627 684 881 Trade, U.S. Court of International..........c.cccocuvnnrnnnnn. 966 Trading Commission, Commodity Futures......... sri) S02 Traffic Safety Administration, National Highway rkatd 843 Training Administration, Employment and (Labor)... 800 Transit Authority, Washington Metropolitan Area..... 940 Transportation Administration, Urban Mass................ 835 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF: 835 Federal Aviation Administration 839 Field Organizations 840 Federal Highway Administration...........ccccceeveeueniene 841 Regional Offices 841 Federal Railroad Administration..........c.cceceevieniennnen 842 Regional OIICeS:..c..couiveimsainseniiisarsaends 842 Maritime Administration 845 Field: Activities............. hai. 845 Transportation Safety Institute ............ccccceeveenennane. 846 Volpe National Transportation Systems Center... 846 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration... 843 Regional Offices... uu Ai eeieticsitneessesse 843 (XXVI) Congressional Directory TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF—Continued Office of Inspector General Office of the Secretary Research and Special Programs Administration St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation... U.S. Coast Guard (DOT) Major Field Commands Urban Mass Transportation Administration Regional Offices Travel and Tourism (Commerce) TREASURY, DEPARTMENT OF THE: Bureau of: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Engraving and Printing Public Debt Federal Law Enforcement Training ury) Financial Management Service Internal Revenue Service Office of: Comptroller of the Currency Departmental Finance and M Domestic Finance Economic Policy Enforcement Finance Fiscal Assistant Secretary General Counsel Inspector General International Affairs Legislative Affairs M ‘ Policy Development Public Affairs and Public Secretary Tax Policy Thrift Supervision Liaison Treasurer of the United States Under Secretary for International United States Customs Service United States Mint uU Under Secretaries: Agriculture Air Force Army Commerce Defense Navy State Treasury Veterans Affairs Union, Interparliamentary United Nations Economic and Social Council Economic Commission of— Africa Asia and the Pacific Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Western Asia General Assembly Intergovernmental Agencies Related Nations. Center (Treas- Affairs .. United States Savings Bonds Division United States Secret Service Trials by Court of Impeachment, Senate Tropical Research Institute, Smithsonian.... Tropical Tuna Commission, Inter-American.. Truman Scholarship Foundation, Harry S Trust Fund Boards: Library of Congress National Archives Trusteeship Council (United Nations) Tuna Commission, Inter-American Tropica wr . 765, 782, 785, Page 2 835 835 846 B44 838 838 835 835 792 679 684 681 682 684 682 686 686 685 682 682 683 682 682 679 680 681 680 677 678 680 679 683 687 680 681 684 681 680 684 605 2928 1007 885 638 891 769 712 696 787 689 705 676 681 854 556 1023 1025 1028 1020 1028 1028 1028 1023 1028 Page United Nations—Continued Intergovernmental Agencies Related to the United Nations—Continued Food and Agricultural Organization 1029 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Intergovernmental Maritime Organization International Atomic Energy Agency International Bank for Reconstruction and De-velopment International Civil Aviation Organization International Development Association International Finance Corporation International Labor Organization. . 895, 906 International Monetary Fund 1015, 1029 International Telecommunication Union United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul-tural Organization United Nations High Commissioner for Refu-gees United Nations Information Centre Universal Postal Union World Health Organization World Meteorological Organization International Court of Justice Secretariat Security Council Trusteeship Council U.S. Administrative Conference U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency U.S. Capitol Buildings and Grounds U.S. Capitol Police U.S. Capitol, Commission on the of the U.S. Federal Claims Court Officers of U.S. Coast Guard (DOT) Major Field Commands (DOT) U.S. Commission on Civil Rights U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Officers of West Central Front Columbia Residences of judges and officers Senior Circuit Judges U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit U.S. Court of International Trade Officers of U.S. Court of Military Appeals Residences of judges and officers U.S. Courts, Administrative Office of U.S. Courts of Appeals U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit U.S. Customs Service (Treasury) U.S. Diplomatic and Consular Offices Special Missions U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Residences of judges, retired judges, and officers ... U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Interior) U.S. Foreign Diplomatic Representatives and Con-sular Offices in the U.S. Friendship Commission, Japan and U.S. Capitol Historical Society U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council U.S. Information Agency U.S. Agency for International Development Overseas Private Investment Corporation U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. International Trade Cc Interparliamentary Group, Canada Interparliamentary Group, Mexico Marine Corps, Headquarters Marshals Service Merit Systems Protection Board Mint National Central Bureau, Interpol Naval Academy to the United (XXVIII) Contents U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Parole Cc ission Regional Offices U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors Office of Postmaster General Human Resources Marketing and Communications U.S. Railroad Retirement Board U.S. Secret Service U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Tax Court Officers of Special Trial Judges U.S. Trade Representative, Office of (Executive) U.S. Travel and Tourism (Commerce) U.S. Trustees (Justice) Universal Postal Union Vv Valley Authority, Tennessee VETERANS’ AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF: Office of the— Acquisition and Facilities Congressional and Public Affairs Finance and Information Resources Manage- ment Human Resources and Administration National Cemetery System Veterans Benefits Admi Veterans Health Services and Research Administration Policy Planning Public and Intergovernmental Affairs Secretary Veteran's Employment and Training (Labor) Vice President of the United States, biography Vice Presidents and the Congresses coincident with their terms Virgin Islands, Delegat Visitors, Boards of, to Academies Votes cast for 1988, 1990, and 1992: D 1 2 ry Representatives Resident Commissioner Senators Ww Washington City Post Office Classified Stations Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Washington National Monument Society Washington Naval District, Headquarters Water Commission and International Boundary, United States and Mexico Welfare Benefits Administration, Pension and (Labor) West Central Front of the U.S. Capitol, Commission on the Western Union Telegraph Co. at Capitol Whips (Majority and Republican, House) White House News Photographers Association Members represented Officers White House Fellowships, President's Commission .... White House Office Wills, Register of, and Clerk of Probate Court Women’s Bureau (Labor) Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars .. Works, Department of Public (District of Columbia). World Agriculture Outlook Board World Health Organization World Meteorological Organization Zz ZIP Codes, Nine-Digit Postal: House Senate Zones Board, Foreign-Trade Zoological Park, National (XXVIII) 103d Congress* THE VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE, Democrat, of Carthage, TN; born March 31, 1948; graduated Harvard University, 1969, with honors; attended Vanderbilt School of Religion, 1971-72; Van-derbilt Law School, 1974-76; engaged in homebuilding business; former investigative reporter and editorial writer; served in the U.S. Army, 1969-71; Vietnam veteran; member: Jaycees, American Legion, VFW, Farm Bureau; married to the former Tipper Aitcheson, 1970; four children: Karenna, Kristin, Sarah, and Albert, III; elect-ed to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to three succeeding Congress-es; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 6, 1984, for the term expiring January 3, 1991; reelected November 6, 1990; elected Vice President, November 3, 1992; re-signed Senate seat on January 1, 1993; took oath of office January 20, 1993. The Ceremonial Office of the Vice President is S-212 in the Capitol. The Vice President has offices in the Dirksen Office Building and the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) as well as in the White House (West Wing) Chief of Staff.—John M. (Jack) Quinn, OEOB, Room 272, 456-6606. Director of Communications.—Marla E. Romash, OEOB, Room 280, 456-7035. National Security Adviser.—Leon S. Fuerth, OEOB, Room 294, 395-4213. Deputy Counsel and Director of Administration.—Todd J. Campbell, OEOB, Room 266, 456-7022. Deputy Counsel and Director of Legislative Affairs.—Thurgood Marshall, Jr., OEOB, Room 269, 456-7022; The Capitol, S-211, 224-8391. Special Assistant and Chief of Staff to Mrs. Gore.—Skila S. Harris, OEOB, Room 200, 456-6640. Domestic Policy Adviser.—Greg C. Simon, OEOB, Room 286, 456-6222. Domestic Policy Assistant. —Elaine C. Kamarck, OEOB, Room 273, 456-2816. Director of Scheduling.Anthony T. Wilson, OEOB, Room 281, 395-4245. — Director of Advance and Deputy Director of Scheduling. —Dennis W. Alpert, OEOB, Room 283, 456-7935. Executive Assistant.—N. Beth Prichard, West Wing, 456-2326. *Biographies are based on information furnished or authorized by the respective Senators and Representatives. Congressional Directory ALABAMA ALABAMA (Population, 1990 census, 4,062,608) SENATORS HOWELL HEFLIN, Democrat, of Tuscumbia, AL; born June 19, 1921; son of Rever-end Marvin R. Heflin and Louise D. Strudwick Heflin; graduated Colbert County High School, Leighton, AL; B.A., Birmingham Southern College; J.D., University of Alabama School of Law; nine honorary degrees; major, U.S. Marine Corps, 1942-46, wounded twice and awarded the Silver Star Medal; lawyer; Heflin, Rosser-& Munsey, Tuscumbia, AL; admitted to the Alabama bar, 1948; commenced practice in Tuscumbia, AL until 1971, returned to the law practice in his hometown following the completion of his term as chief justice; chairman, Alabama Ethics Commission, 1969-71; chief justice, Alabama Supreme Court, 1971-77; president, Alabama State Bar Association, 1965-66; fellow: American College of Trial Lawyers, International Academy of Trial Lawyers; Interna-tional Society of Barristers; International Academy of Law & Science; and American Bar Foundation; Alabama Citizen of the Year, 1973, 1975, and 1982; selected Most Outstand-ing Appellate Judge in the United States by Association of Trial Lawyers of America, 1976; highest award of American Judges Association, 1975; chairman, National Confer-ence of Chief Justices, 1976-77; Tazewell Taylor Visiting Professor at William & Mary College; member of faculty, University of Alabama and University of North Alabama; fellow: American College of Trial Lawyers Association; International Academy of Trial Lawyers; awards: corecipient of James Madison Award with Eric Severeid by National Broadcast Editorial Association; Distinguished American Award, National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame; Justice Award, and Harley Award, American Judicature Society; Outstanding Service to Science from National Association of Biomedical Re-search; National Veterans Award; Henry Jackson Senate Leadership Award; Wernher von Braun Space Award; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; reelected November 6, 1984 and November 6, 1990. Office Listings 728 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0101 224-4124 Administrative Assistant.—Stephen Raby. Legislative Director.—Mansel Long. Press Secretary.—Tom McMahon. Federal Courthouse, B-29, 15 Lee Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 (205) 834-2823 P.O. Box 228, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 (205) 381-7060 Chief of Staff.—Bill Gardiner. 355 Federal Building, 1800 5th Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203 (205) 731-1500 437 Federal Courthouse, Mobile, AL 36602 (205) 432-7715 RICHARD C. SHELBY, Democrat, of Tuscaloosa, AL; born in Birmingham, AL on | May 6, 1934; attended the public schools; A.B., University of Alabama, 1957; LL.B., Uni-versity of Alabama School of Law, 1963; attorney; admitted to the Alabama bar, 1961; commenced practice in Tuscaloosa; member, Alabama State Senate, 1970-78; former law clerk, Supreme Court of Alabama, 1961-62; city prosecutor, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1963-71; U.S. Commissioner, Northern District of Alabama, 1966-70; special assistant attorney general, State of Alabama, 1968-70; chairman, Legislative Council of Alabama Legisla-ture, 1977-78; former president, Tuscaloosa County Mental Health Association; member of Alabama Code Revision Committee, 1971-75; member: Phi Alpha Delta; legal fraterni-ty; Tuscaloosa County; Alabama and American Bar Associations; First Presbyterian Church of Tuscaloosa; Exchange Club; American Judicature Society; and Alabama Law Institute; married to the former Annette Nevin of Kinston, AL in 1960; two children: Richard C., Jr. and Claude Nevin; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978, and reelected to the three succeeding Congresses; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 4, 1986; reelected on November 3, 1992. ALABAMA 103d Congress Office Listings 509 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0103 224-5744 Administrative Assistant.—Tom Young. FAX: 224-3416 Personal Secretary/Appointments.—Anne Caldwell. Press Secretary.—Tricia Primrose. P.O. Box 2570, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 (205) 759-5047 Federal Building, Room 321, 1800 5th Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203 (205) 731-1384 438 U.S. Court House, 113 St. Joseph Street, Mobile, AL 36602 (205) 694-4164 B28-A U.S. Courthouse, 15 Lee Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 (205) 223-7303 Huntsville International Airport, 1000 Glenn Hearn Boulevard, Box 20127, Huntsville, AL 35824 (205) 772-0460 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT SONNY CALLAHAN, Republican, of Mobile, AL; born in Mobile, September 11, 1932; attended Oakdale Elementary School, Mobile; graduated McGill Institute (high school), Mobile, 1950; University of Alabama, Mobile, (night school), 1959-60; served in U.S. Navy, seaman, 1952-54; businessman, The Finch Companies, 1964-84; membership, Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce; elected Alabama House of Representatives, 1970-78; elected Alabama State Senate, 1978-82; married to the former Karen Reed; six chil-dren: Scott, Patrick, Shawn, Chris, Cameron, and Kelly; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress; serves on the Committee on Appropriations. Office Listings 2418 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0101 225-4931 Chief of Staff/Press Secretary.—Jo Bonner. FAX: 225-0562 Legislative Director.—Nancy Tippins. Personal Secretary.—Helen Vulevich. Suite 126, 2970 Cottage Hill Road, Mobile, AL 36606 (205) 690-2811 District Representative.—Taylor Ellis. FAX: (205) 473-4750 Counties: Baldwin, Clarke, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, and Washington. Population (1990), 577,226. ZIP Codes: 36425-27, 36431, 36439, 36441, 3644445, 36449, 36451, 36456-58, 36460-61, 36470-71, 36475, 36480-81, 36482 (part), 36483, 36501-02, 36504-05, 36507, 36509-13, 36515, 36518, 36521-23, 36525-30, 36532-33, 36535-36, 36538-45, 36547-51, 36553, 36555-56, 36558-62, 36564, 36567-69, 36571-72, 36574-76, 36578-87, 36590, 36601-19, 36633, 3664041, 36652, 36660, 36663, 36670-71, 36685, 36688-89, 36691, 36693, 36695, 36784 (part) SECOND DISTRICT TERRY EVERETT, Republican, of Enterprise, AL; born February 15, 1937, in Dothan, AL; attended Enterprise State Junior College; journalist; president: Premium Home Builders, Everett Land Development Company, Union Springs Newspapers, Inc.; owner and operator, Hickory Ridge Farms; chairman, board of directors, Dothan Federal Savings Bank; Alabama Press Association; chairman of the board, Union Springs News-papers, Inc.; married to Barbara Gail Pitts; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Congressional Directory ALABAMA Office Listings 208 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0102 225-2901 Administrative Assistant.—H. Clay Swanzy. Legislative Director.—Bill Stiers. Press Secretary.—Mike Lewis. Personal Secretary.—Joanna Varoutsos. 3001 Zelda Road, Montgomery, AL 36106 ... (205) 277-9113 Federal Building, 100 West Troy Street, Dothan, AL 36303 (205) 794-9680 116 South Main Street, Suite No. 211, Enterprise, AL 36330 (205) 393-2996 City Hall Building, Main Street, Opp, AL 36467 (205) 493-9253 Counties: Autauga, Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Coffee, Conecuh, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Elmore, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Montgomery, and Pike. Population (1990), 577,227. ZIP Codes: 36001, 36003-06, 36007-10, 36012, 3601318, 36020, 36022, 36024-27, 36028-30, 36033-38, 36041-42, 36046 (part), 36048-49, 36051-54, 36057, 36061-62, 36064, 36067, 36069 (part), 36071-72, 36078, 36080-81, 36089, 36092, 36104 (part), 36105 (part), 36106 (part), 36107 (part), 36108 (part), 36109, 36110 (part), 36111-12, 36113 (part), 36114-16, 36117 (part), 36120-21, 36123-25, 36301-04, 36310-14, 36315-23, 36330-31, 36340, 36343-46, 36348, 36349-53, 36360-63, 36370-71, 36073-74, 36076, 36079, 36373-76, 36401, 36420, 36429, 36432, 36442, 36453-56, 36467, 36468-69, 36473-78, 36483, 36749 THIRD DISTRICT GLEN BROWDER, Democrat, of Jacksonville, AL; born in Sumter, SC on January 15, 1943; married to Sara Rebecca Browder; daughter: Jenny Rebecca; attended elemen-tary schools in Sumter; graduated, Edmunds High School, Sumter, 1961; B.A., history, Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC, 1965; M.A., Ph.D., political science, Emory Universi-ty, Atlanta, GA, 1971; public relations assistant, Presbyterian College, 1965; sportswriter, Atlanta Journal, 1966; investigator, Civil Service Commission, Atlanta, GA, 1966-68; pro-fessor, political science, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL, 1971-present (on leave of absence); elected, Alabama House of Representatives, 1982-86; elected Alabama Secretary of State, 1987-89; elected to the 101st Congress by special election, April 4, 1989, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of William F. Nichols; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1221 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0103 225-3261 Executive Assistant.—William Killough. Personal Secretary.—Deborah McBride. Press Secretary.—Robert McNeil. Federal Building, Anniston, AL 36202 (205) 236-5655 Federal Building, Opelika, AL 36801 (205) 745-6222 115 East Northside Street, Tuskegee, AL 36083 (205) 727-6490 Counties: Bibb, Calhoun, Chambers, Chilton, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Lee, Macon, Randolph, Russell, St. Clair, Talladega and Tallapoosa. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Moody, Alexander City, Alpine, Bon Air, Brent, Brierfield, Centerville, Childersburg, Clanton, Cropwell, Goodwater, Green Pond, Hissop, Hillins, Jemison, Kellyton, Leeds, Lincoln, Margaret, Odenville, Pell City, Ragland, Riverside, Rockford, Springville, Sycamore, Sylacauga, Talla-dega, Thorsby, Wattsville, Weogufka, West Blockton, Woodstock, Midfield, Ashville, Steele, Armstrong, Autauga-ville, Billingsley, Booth, Central, Coosada, Deatsville, East Tallassee, Equality, Fort Davis, Hardaway, Kent, Shorter, Tallassee, Titus, Tuskegee, Institute, Verbena, Anniston, Oxford, Blue Mountain, Alexandria, Ashland, Bynum, Choccolocco, Cragford, Daviston, DeArmanville, Delta, Eastaboga, Edwardsville, Fruithurst, Graham, Heflin, Jacksonville, Lineville, Millerville, Munford, Muscadine, Newell, Ohatchee, Piedmont, Ranburne, Roanoke, Wadley, Weaver, Wedowee, Wellington, Woodland, Jones, Maplesville, Stanton, Randolph, Lawley, Opelika,’ Auburn, University, Camp Hill, Cottonton, Cusseta, Dadeville, valley, Five Points, Fort Mitchell, Hatchechubbee, Holy Trinity, Hurtsboro, Jackson’s Gap Lafayette, Lanett, Langdale, Loachapoka, Notasulga, Phenix City, Pitts-ville, River View, salem, Seale, Shawmut, Smiths, Standing Rock, Waverly, Fiarfax, Fort McClellan, Hobson City, Rock Mills. Population (1990), 577,227. ZIP Codes: 35004, 35010, 35014, 35032, 35034-35, 35040, 35042, 35044-45, 35052, 35054, 35072, 35074, 35081-82, 35084-85, 35089, 35094 (part), 35096, 35112, 35115 (part), 35120-21, 35125, 35131, 35133, 35135-36, 35146 (part), 35149-50, 35160, 35171, 35173 (part), 35182-84, 35188, 35228, 35905, 35953, 35972, 35987, 36002-03, 36006, 36008, 36013 (part), 36014, 36021-23, 36026, 36027 (part), 36031, 36039, 36045, 36075, 36078, 36080, 36083, 36087-88, 36091, 36201-06, 36250-51, 36253-58, 36260-74, 36276-80, 36749, 36750, 36769, 36790, 36792-93, 36801-03, 36830-31, 36849, 36850-56, 36858-89, 36860-64, 36865-69, 36871-72, 36874-76, 36877-79 103d Congress FOURTH DISTRICT TOM BEVILL, Democrat, of Jasper, AL; born in Townley, AL, March 27, 1921; graduate of Walker County High School; graduate of School of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Alabama, B.S. degree; graduate of University of Alabama School of Law, LL.B. degree; University of Alabama, LL.D. (honorary) degree; Living-ston University, LL.S. (honorary) degree; University of North Alabama Doctor of Humane Letters (honorary) degree; Troy State University, Doctor of Laws (honorary) degree; Alabama Academy of Honor; U.S. Army, attained rank of Captain, served 18 months in European Theater of Operations; lawyer by profession; practiced 18 years in Jasper, AL; member, Alabama and American Bar Associations; member, Baptist Church; married Lou Betts of Margaret, AL; three children: Susan Betts, Donald Herman, and Patricia Lou; elected to the 90th Congress, November 8, 1966; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress, receiving overwhelming votes of confidence in each election; chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, of the House Appropriations Com-mittee, 1977-present; served as regional Democratic whip, 1967-72; served as Democratic whip at large, 1974-present; Deputy Whip, 1989-present; served on House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, 1973-74, 1981-84; National Democratic Advisory Coun-cil of Elected Officials, 1972-76; 1976 National Democratic Convention Committee on Rules; 1984 and 1988 National Democratic Platform Committees; awards: National Homebuilders Institute 1989 Policymaker of the Year; Southeastern Tourism Society Out-standing Legislator Award; Alabama Lions’ Aubrey D. Green Award; University of Ala-bama School of Commerce and Business Administration Achievement in Government Award, 1989; National Rural Electric Cooperative’s 1992 Distinguished Service Award. Office Listings 2302 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Donald R. Smith. DC 20515-0104 225-4876 Executive Secretary/Office Manager.—Gayle Woody. Executive Assistant.—MargaretAnn Corbett. 1710 Alabama Avenue, Room 247, Jasper, AL 35501 107 Federal Building, Gadsden, AL 35901 102 Federal Building, Cullman, AL 35055 (205) (205) (205) 221-2310 546-0201 734-6043 Counties: Blount, Cherokee, Cullman, DeKalb, Etowah, Fayette, Franklin, Lamar, part of Lawrence, Marion, Marshall, Pickens (part), Walker, and Winston. Population (1990), 577,227. ZIP Codes: 35006 (part), 35013, 35016, 35019, 35031, 35033, 35038, 35049, 35053, 35055-56, 35062 (part), 35063 (part), 35070, 35077, 35079, 35083, 35087, 35097-98, 35121, 35126 (part), 35130, 35133, 35139, 35148, 35172, 35175, 35179, 35180 (part), 35403 (part), 35442, 35447, 35461, 35466, 35481, 35501-02, 35540-46, 35548-55, 35559-60, 35563-65, 35570-82, 35584-87, 35592-94, 35619 (part), 35621-22, 35643 (part), 35650-51, 35653, 35672 (part), 35747, 35755, 35760, 35768, 35776, 35901-06, 35950, 35952, 35954, 35957, 35959-64, 3596€4-67, 35971-76, 35978, 35980-81, 35983 84, 35986, 35988-90, 35999, 36275 FIFTH DISTRICT BUD CRAMER, Democrat, of Huntsville, AL; born in Huntsville, August 22, 1947, attended public schools in Madison County; graduated, Huntsville High School, 1965; B.A., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1969; J.D., University of Alabama School of Law, Tuscaloosa, 1972; profession: attorney; instructor, University of Alabama School of Law, Tuscaloosa, director of clinical studies program, 1972-73; assistant district attorney, Madison County, AL, 1973-75; private law practice, Huntsville, AL, 1975-80; district at-torney, Madison County, Alabama, 1981-90; member: Alabama District Attorneys Asso-ciation; National District Attorneys Association; National Children’s Advocacy Center, Huntsville Alabama (past president); National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (secretary); American Bar Association, 1975-present; State of Alabama Bar Association, 1972-present; American Bar Association’s National Legal Resource Center for Child Ad-vocacy and Protection; awards and honors: received certificate of appreciation, presented by President Ronald Reagan, for outstanding dedication and commitment in promoting safety and well-being of children from the President’s Child Safety Partnership, 1957; 1986 recipient of the Vincent De Francis Award, presented by the American Humane Association; selected as National Public Citizen of the Year, 1984; Alabama District At-torneys Investigators Association, “District Attorney of the Year, 1986”; Methodist; wid-ower; one daughter: Hollan C. Gaines, 24; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, Congressional Directory ALABAMA 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress; member: Committee on Public Works and Trans-portation, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Office Listings 1318 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0105 .............. 225-4801 Administrative Assistant.—Mike Adcock. Executive Assistant.—Stephanie Ortel. Legislative Assistants: Wendell Chambliss; John Hay. 403 Franklin Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 (205) 551-0190 District Coordinator.—Lynne Berry. : Morgan County Courthouse, Box 668, Decatur, AL 3560 (205) 355-9400 727 East Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 (205) 381-3450 Counties: Colbert, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, and Morgan. Population (1990), 577,227. ZIP Codes: 35087, 35601-03, 35610-11, 35615-18, 35619 (part), 35620-22, 35630-31, 35633, 35640, 35643 (part), 35645-49, 35652-53, 35660-62, 35670-71, 35672 (part), 35673-74, 35677, 35739-42, 35744-46, 35748-52, 3575455, 35758-68, 35771-76, 35801-08, 35810-12, 35814-16, 35824, 35958, 35966, 35971, 35978-79 SIXTH DISTRICT SPENCER BACHUS, Republican, of Birmingham, AL; born in Birmingham, AL, De-cember 28, 1947; graduated from Auburn University, 1969, B.A., University of Alabama, 1972, J.D.; law firm, Bachus, Dempsey, Carson, and Steed, senior partner; elected to the 103d Congress, November 3, 1992; member: Lakeside Baptist Church, Cerebral Palsy of Alabama, United Way of Central Alabama, Children’s Hospital of Alabama, Save the Children (International Food Fund), Alabama Congress of Parents and Teachers; three children, Warren, Stuart, and Elliott. Office Listings 216 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0106....................... 225-4921 Administrative Assistant.—Larry Lavender. Legislative Director.—Jennifer Oldham. Executive Assistant. —Gerry Cashin. Press Secretary.—Stuart Sechriest. Suite 107, 1900 International Park Drive, Birmingham, AL 35243...................... (205) 969-2296 P.O. Drawer 569, 3500 McFarland Boulevard, Northport, AL 35476................. (205) 333-9894 Counties: Bibb, Jefferson, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adamsville, Alabaster, Argo, Brookside, Brookwood, Calera, Cardiff, Columbiana, County Line, Fultondale, Gardendale, Graysville, Harpersville, Helena, Homewood, Hoover, Hueytown, Irondale, Kimberly, Leeds, Maytown, Montevallo, Morris, Mountain Brook, Mulga, North Johns, Northport, Pelham, Pleasant Grove, Sumiton, Sylvan Springs, Trafford, Trussville, Vestavia Hills, Vincent, Warrior, West Blocton, West Jefferson, Wilsonville, Wilton, and portions of Bessemer, Birmingham, Tarrant, Tuscaloosa, and West Blocton. Population (1990), 577,226. ZIP Codes: 35005, 35006 (part), 35007, 35015, 35023 (part), 35035-36, 35040-41, 35043, 35048, 35051, 35060, 35061 (part), 35062 (part), 35063 (part), 35068, 35071, 35073, 35078, 35080, 35091, 35094 (part), 35111 (part), 35114, 35115 (part), 35116-19, 35123-24, 35126 (part), 35127, 35137, 3514244, 35146 (part), 35147, 35172, 35173 (part), 35176, 35178, 35180 (part), 35181, 35185-87, 35205 (part), 35206 (part), 35207 (part), 35209-10, 35211 (part), 35212 (part), 35213, 35214 (part), 35215 (part), 35216, 35217 (part), 35219-20, 35222 (part), 35223, 35224 (part), 35226, 35231, 35233 (part), 35235-36, 35238, 35242-44, 35253, 35255-56, 35294, 35298, 35401 (part), 35404 (part), 35405 (part), 35406 (part), 35444, 35446, 35452, 35457-58, 35463, 35468, 35476 (part), 35478, 35480 (part) ALABAMA 103d Congress SEVENTH DISTRICT EARL F. HILLIARD, Democrat, of Birmingham, AL; born in Birmingham, AL on April 9, 1942, son of the late William Nelson and Iola Hilliard; attended public schools of Birmingham; B.A., Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA, 1964; J.D., Howard University, Washington, DC, 1967; M.B.A., Atlanta University School of Business, Atlanta, GA, 1970; married Mary Franklin of Atlanta, GA; two children: Alesia and Earl, Jr; attorney, admitted to the Alabama bar, 1968; commenced practice in Birmingham, AL; member of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Pratt City; member of the National Bar Association; member of the State of Alabama Bar Association; member of the Tuskegee University Trustee Board, 1986-92; member of the Miles College Law School Trustee Board, 1982-92; elect-ed: Alabama House of Representatives, 1974 and 1978; elected: First Chairman of Ala-bama Black Legislative Caucus, 1975; elected: Alabama State Senate, 1980-83, 1986 and 1990; chairman, Senate Commerce, Transportation and Utility Committee, 1990-92; chair-man, Jefferson County Senate Delegation, 1986-92; chairman, Senate Judiciary Commit-tee, 1982-86; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1007 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0107 225-2665 Chief of Staff.—Theta Shipp. FAX: 225-0175 Legislative Assistant.—Tunstall Wilson. Office Manager.—Rachel Farris. Legislative Director.—Stephen Bell. Federal Building, Room 204, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (205) 752-3578 District Office Manager.—China Davis. FAX: (205) 349-2450 Vance Federal Building, 1800 5th Avenue N., Birmingham, AL 35203 (205) 328-2841 District Office Manager.—Elvira Willoughby. FAX: (205) 251-6817 Federal Building, Selma, AL 36701 (205) 872-2684 District Office Manager.—Betty Calloway. FAX: (205) 875-8270 Federal Building, 15 Lee Street, Room 301, Montgomery, AL 36104 (205) 263-4338 District Office Manager.—Robert Lane. Counties: BiBB COUNTY; city of Eoline. CHOCTAW COUNTY; cities and townships of Bolinger, Butler, Choctaw, Cromwell, Gilbertown, Halsell, Jachin, Lavaca, Lisman, Melvin, Needham, Pennington, Pushmataha, Riderwood, Silas, Cullomburg, Toxey, and Yantley. DALLAS COUNTY; cities and townships of Browns, Marion Junction, Minter, Orrville, Plantersville, Safford, Sardis, and Selma. GREENE COUNTY; cities and townships of Boligee, Clinton, Eutaw, Knoxville, Mantua, and West Greene. HALE COUNTY; cities and townships of Akron, Gallion, Greensboro, Moundville, Newbern, Sawyerville, and Stewart. JEFFERSON COUNTY; cities and townships of Besse-mer, Birmingham, Dolomite, Fairfield, McCalla, and Tarrant. LOWNDES COUNTY; cities and townships of Benton, Burkeville, Farmersville, Fort Deposit, Hayneville, Letohatchee, and Lowndesboro. MARENGO COUNTY; cities and townships of Dayton, Demopolis, Dixons Mills, Faunsdale, Jefferson, Linden, Magnolia, Myrtlewood, Nanafalia, Putnam, Shortleaf, Sweet Water, and Thomaston. MONTGOMERY COUNTY; cities and townships of Boylston, Montgomery, Ramer, and West Side. PERRY COUNTY; cities and townships of Marion, Sprott, Suttle, and Uniontown. PICKENS COUNTY; cities and townships of Aliceville, Carrollton, Ethelsville, Gordo, McShan, and Reform. SUMTER COUNTY; cities and townships of Bellamy, Coatopa, Cuba, Emelle, Epes, Gainesville, Geiger, Livingston, Panola, Sumterville, Ward, Whitfield, and York. TUSCALOOSA COUNTY; cities and townships of Coaling, Cottondale, Duncanville, Tuscaloosa, and Vance. WILCOX COUNTY; cities and townships of Alberta, _ Annemanie, Arlington, Boykin, Camden, Catherine, Coy, Furman, Lamison, Lower Peachtree, McWilliams, Millers Ferry, Oak Hill, Pineapple, Pine Hill, Prairie, and Snow Hill. Population (1990), 577,227. ZIP Codes: 35020-21, 35023 (part), 35034, 35042, 35061 (part), 35064, 35111 (part), 35201-04, 35205 (part), 35206 (part), 35207 (part), 35208, 35211 (part), 35212 (part), 35214 (part), 35215 (part), 35217 (part), 35218, 35221, 35222 (part), 35224 (part), 35228, 35232, 35233 (part), 35234, 35237, 35259, 35263, 35283, 35291-92, 35401 (part), 35402, 35403 (part), 35404 (part), 35405 (part), 35406 (part), 35440-43, 35449, 35453, 35456, 35459-64, 35469-71, 35474, 35476 (part), 35477, 35480 (part), 35485-87, 35490-91, 36032, 36040, 36043, 36046 (part), 36047, 36069 (part), 3610103, 36104 (part), 36105 (part), 36106 (part), 36107 (part), 36108 (part), 36110 (part), 36113 (part), 36117 (part), 36435- 36, 36446, 36482 (part), 36524, 36570, 36701-03, 36720, 36722-23, 36726-28, 36732, 36736, 36738, 36740, 36742, 36744, 36748-49, 36751 (part), 36752-54, 36756, 36758-59, 36761-65, 36767-69, 36773, 36775-76, 36779, 36782-83, 36784 (part), 36785-86, 36901, 36903-04, 36906-08, 36910-13, 36916, 36919, 36921-22, 36925 Congressional Directory ALASKA ALASKA (Population, 1990 census, 551,947) SENATORS TED STEVENS, Republican, of Girdwood, AK; born in Indianapolis, IN, November 18, 1923; graduated UCLA, 1947; Harvard Law School, 1950; served as first lieutenant (pilot), 1943-46; 14th Air Force in China, 1944-45; practiced law in Washington, DC, and Fairbanks, AK, 1950-53; U.S. attorney, Fairbanks, 1953-56; legislative counsel, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1956-57; assistant to the Secretary of the Interior (Fred Seaton), 1958-59; appointed solicitor of the Department of the Interior by President Eisenhower, 1960; opened law office, Anchorage, Alaska, 1961; elected to Alaska House of Represent-atives, 1964-68; has served in U.S. Senate since December 24, 1968; assistant Republican Leader, 1977-85; married Catherine Chandler of Anchorage, one daughter; five children with first wife, Ann Cherrington (deceased, 1978); member American, Federal, California, Alaska, and District of Columbia Bar Associations; member: Rotary, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Office Listings 522 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0201 Chief of Staff.—Lisa Sutherland. Legislative Director.—Earl Comstock. Administrative Director.—Carol M. White. Scheduling Director.—DeLynn Henry. Press Secretary.—Mitch Rose. 222 West 7th Avenue, No. 2, Anchorage, AK 99513 (907) 271-5915 Federal Building, Room 206, Box 4, 101 12th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 ... (907) 456-0261 Federal Building, Room 965, Box 020149, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 586-7400 130 Trading Bay Road, Suite 350, Kenai, AK 99611 (907) 283-5808 109 Main Street, Ketchikan, AK 99901 (907) 225-6880 FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, Republican, of Fairbanks, AK; born in Seattle, WA, March 28, 1933; attended Ketchikan, AK, public schools; graduated, Ketchikan High School, 1951; attended University of Santa Clara, 1951-53; B.A., economics, Seattle Uni-versity, 1955; U.S. Coast Guard, active duty, 1955-56; banker; Alaska Commissioner of Economic Development, 1966-70; president, Alaska Bankers Association, 1972; president, Alaska Chamber of Commerce, 1977; president, Alaska National Bank of the North, 1971-80; member: Elks, Lions, Pioneers of Alaska, Young Presidents Organization, NRA; married to the former Nancy Rena Gore, 1954; six children: Carol, Lisa, Michael, Eileen, Mary, and Brian; and 8 grandchildren; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980, for the 6-year term beginning January 5, 1981; elected to 2d term November 4, 1986; reelect-ed November 3, 1992. Office Listings 706 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0202 Administrative Assistant. —Gregg Renkes. Communications Director.— Chuck Kleeschulte. Legislative Director.—David Guhse. Executive Assistant/Scheduling.—Janet Klinger. U.S. Federal Building, 222 West 7th Avenue, Box 1, Anchorage, AK 99513-7570 (907) 271-3735 U.S. Federal Building, 101 12th Avenue, Box 7, Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 456-0233 U.S. Federal Building, P.O. Box 1647, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 586-7400 130 Trading Bay Road, Box 260, Kenai AK, 99611 (907) 283-5808 109 Main Street, Ketchikan AK 99901 (907) 225-6880 ALASKA 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE DON YOUNG, Republican, of Fort Yukon, AK; born in Meridian, CA, on June 9, 1933; graduate of Chico State College, Chico, CA; elected member of the State house of representatives, 1966-70; elected member of the State senate, 1970-73; served on the Fort Yukon City Council for 6 years, serving 4 years as mayor; educator for 9 years; river boat captain; member: National Education Association, Elks, Lions, Jaycees; married Lula Fredson of Fort Yukon; two children: Joni and Dawn; elected to the 93d Congress, in a special election March 6, 1973, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Congress-man Nick Begich; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Natural Resources, vice chairman: Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment; Vice Chairman, Post Office and Civil Service Committee, Subcommittee on Postal Personnel and Modernization. Office Listings 2331 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0201 225-5765 Administrative Assistant.—Lloyd Jones. Press Secretary.—Steve Hansen. Staff Director.—Pamela Kish. Executive Secretary.—Jennifer Wise. ; 222 West Seventh Avenue No. 3, Room 200, Anchorage, AK 99513 (907) 271-5978 101 12th Avenue, Box 10, Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 456-0210 401 Federal Building, Box 1247, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 586-7400 109 Main Street, Ketchikan, AK 99902 (907) 225-6880 Suite 260, 120 Trading Bay Road, Kenai, AK 99611 : ... (907) 283-5808 Population (1990), 551,947. ZIP Codes: 99501-24, 99540, 99549-59, 99561, 99563-69, 99571-81, 99583, 99585-90, 99599, 99602-15, 99619-22, 99624 28, 99630-36, 99639, 99641, 99643-45, 99647-52, 9965455, 99657-59, 99661-65, 99667-72, 99674, 99676-79, 99681-84, 99686-89, 99691, 99693-94, 99701-12, 99714, 99716, 99720-27, 99729-30, 99732-34, 99736-53, 99755-73, 99775, 99777-78, 99780-86, 99788-89, 99791, 99801-03, 99811, 99820-21, 99824-27, 99829-30, 99832-33, 99835-36, 99840-41, 99901, 99918-19, 99921-23, 99925-29 Congressional Directory ARIZONA ARIZONA (Population, 1990 census, 3,677,985) SENATORS DENNIS DECONCINI, Democrat, of Tucson, AZ; born in Tucson, May 8, 1937; at-tended the public schools of Tucson and Phoenix; graduated, Tucson Senior High School, 1955; University of Arizona, B.A., political science, 1959, LL.B., 1963; admitted to the bar in 1963 and commenced practice in Tucson; served in U.S. Army, 1959-60; Army Reserves, 1960-67; served as special council to Arizona Governor, 1965; adminis-trative assistant to Governor, 1965-67; Pima County (AZ) attorney, 1973-76; appointed administrator, Arizona Drug Control District, 1975; member, numerous political, profes-sional, and fraternal organizations; member, Roman Catholic Church; member: Appro-priations Committee and the Judiciary Committee; and member of Veteran Affairs, and Rules and Administration; chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence; married to the former Susan Hurley; three children: Denise, Christine, and Patrick; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976; reelected to the U.S. Senate November 2, 1982, and Novem-ber 8, 1988. Office Listings 328 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0302 224-4521 Administrative Assistant. —Gene Karp. TDD: 224-6966 Administrative Aide/Press Secretary.—Bob Maynes. Legislative Director.—Mary Hawkins. 323 West Roosevelt Building, C-100, Phoenix, AZ 85003-1366 (602) 379-6756 State Director.—Barry Dill Suite 160, 2730 East Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85716 (602) 670-6831 Suite 110, 40 North Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201 (602) 379-4998 JOHN MCCAIN, Republican, of Phoenix, AZ; born in Panama Canal Zone on August 29, 1936; graduated Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA, 1954; graduated, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, 1958; National War College, Washington, DC, 1973; retired Captain (pilot), U.S. Navy, 1958-81; military awards: Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, and Distinguished Flying Cross; married to the former Cindy Hens-ley; eight children: Doug, Andy, Sidney, Meghan, Jack, Jim, Cari, and Bridget; elected on November 1, 1982 to the U.S. House of Representatives; reelected to the 99th Con-gress in 1984; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 4, 1986; reelected on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 111 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0303 224-2235 Chief of Staff. —Deb Amend. TDD: 224-7132 Legislative Counsel.—Brad Belt. 2 Press Secretary.—Scott Celley. Personal Secretary.—Diane McClellan. Office Manager.—Debbie Paul. 2400 East Arizona Biltmore Circle, Suite 1150, Building No. 1, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 640-2567 151 North Centennial Way, Suite 1000, Mesa, AZ 85201 (602) 835-8994 450 West Paseo Redondo, Tucson, AR 85701 .... (602) 670-6334 ARIZONA 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT SAM COPPERSMITH, Democrat, of Phoenix, AZ; born in Johnstown, PA on May 22, 1955; attended Westmont Hilltop Elementary School, Johnstown, 1960-69; graduated, Westmont Hilltop High School, Johnstown, 1972; A.B., magna cum laude, Harvard Uni-versity, Cambridge, MA, 1976; foreign service officer, U.S. Department of State, Port of Spain, Trinidad, and Washington, DC., 1977-79; J.D., Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, 1982; attorney; admitted to the California bar, 1982; admitted to the Arizona bar, 1983; shareholder and director, Bonnett, Fairbourn, and Friedman, P.C., Phoenix, AZ; member and chair, City of Phoenix Board of Adjustment; director and past president, Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona; member, Maricopa County Bar Association; married to Beth Joan Schermer, 1983; three children: Sarah Bernice, 1986, Benjamin Evans, 1988, and Jacob Louis, 1991; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1607 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0301 225-2635 Administrative Assistant.—Andy Gordon. FAX: 225-2607 Scheduler.—Sue Sherry. Press Secretary.—Gordon Helm. 404 South Mill Avenue, No. C-201, Temple, AZ 85281 (602) 921-5500 District Director/Scheduler.—Christa Severns. FAX: (602) 921-5438 County: MARICOPA COUNTY; cities and townships of Phoenix (part), Scottsdale (part), Tempe, Mesa (part), Chandler (part), and Gilbert (part). Population (1990), 610,872. ZIP Codes: 85003 (part), 85004 (part), 85006 (part), 85007 (part), 85008 (part), 85010-11, 85012 (part), 85013 (part), 85014 (part), 85016 (part), 85018 (part), 85034 (part), 85036, 85038, 85040 (part), 85044 (part), 85062, 85066, 85071 72, 85075, 85082, 85201 (part), 85202, 85203 (part), 85205 (part), 85210 (part), 85211, 85213 (part), 85214, 85224 (part), 85225 (part), 85226 (part), 85234 (part), 85244, 85248 (part), 85249 (part), 85251 (part), 85252, 85256 (part), 85257 (part), 85261, 85269, 85271, 8527475, 85280-82, 85283 (part), 8528485 SECOND DISTRICT ED PASTOR, Democrat, of Phoenix, AZ; born in Claypool, AZ, on June 28, 1943; attended public schools in Miami, AZ; graduate of Arizona State University; received B.A. in chemistry, 1966; earned J.D., Arizona University, 1974; member, Governor Raul Castro’s staff; taught chemistry, North High School, served deputy director of Guadalupe Organization Inc.; elected supervisor, board of supervisors, Maricopa County; served 3 terms in Congress; served, board of directors for the National Association of Counties; vice chairman, Employment Steering Committee; president, Arizona’s County Supervi-sors Association; member, executive committee of the Arizona Association of Counties; resigned, May, 1991; elected by special election September 24, 1991 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Morris K. Udall; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress; appointed Democratic Steering and Policy Committee; member, Appropriations Committee; member, subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, subcommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture and Related Agencies; member, subcommittee on Re-tirement Income and Employment; subcommittee on Health and Long-Term Care; sub-committee on Human Services; member, Hispanic Caucus; Travel and Tourism Caucus; Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, Arts Caucus; married to the former Verma Mendez, two daughters, Yvonne and Laura; board of directors, Phoenix Town Hall, Neighborhood Housing Services of America, National Association of Latino Elected Of-ficials; director at large, ASU Alumni Association; ASU Los Diablos Alumni Association, founding board member; served on board of directors for National Council of La Raza, Arizona Joint Partnership Training Council, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Friendly House, Chicanos Por La Causa, Phoenix Economic Growth Corporation, Sun Angel Foundation; vice president, Valley of the Sun United Way; advisory member, Boys Club of Metropolitan Phoenix. Congressional Directory ARIZONA Office Listings 408 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0302 Administrative Assistant.—Gene Fisher. 332 East McDowell, Suite 10, Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602) 256-0551 District Director.—Ron Piceno. 2432 East Broadway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85719 (602) 624-9986 Southern Arizona District Director.—Linda Leatherman. Suite 117, 281 West 24th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364... (602) 726-3324 District Representative.—Charlene Fernandez. Counties: Maricopa (part), Pima (part), Pinal (part), Santa Cruz, and Yuma. Population (1990), 610,871. ZIP Codes: 85001-02, 85003 (part), 85004 (part), 85005, 85006 (part), 85007 (part), 85008 (part), 85009 (part), 85013 (part), 85017 (part), 85019 (part), 85025, 85030-31, 85033 (part), 85034 (part), 85035 (part), 85040 (part), 85041, 85043 (part), 85044 (part), 85063, 8507374, 85222 (part), 85223, 85230, 85283 (part), 85301 (part), 85311, 85318, 8532122, 85323 (part), 85326 (part), 85333, 85336-37, 85338 (part), 85339 (part), 85341, 85347, 85349-50, 85352, 85353 (part), 85356, 85364-66, 85611, 85614 (part), 85624, 85628, 85634, 85637 (part), 85639-40, 85645 (part), 85646, 85648, 85701-02, 85705 (part), 85706 (part), 85711 (part), 85713 (part), 85714, 85716 (part), 85717, 85719 (part), 85722, 85733, 85735-36, 85745 (part), 85746 (part) THIRD DISTRICT BOB STUMP, Republican, of Tolleson, AZ; born in Phoenix, AZ, April 4, 1927; grad-uated, Tolleson High School, 1947; B.S., Arizona State University, 1951; cotton farmer; served in the U.S. Navy, 1943-46; served in Arizona House of Representatives, 4 terms, 1959-67; Arizona Senate, 5 terms, 1967-76, served as president of Arizona Senate, 1975-76; three children: Karen, Bob, and Bruce; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Committees on Armed Services, and Veterans’ Affairs. Office Listings 211 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0303 225-4576 Administrative Assistant.—Lisa Jackson. FAX: 225-6328 Appointment Secretary.—Dolores Dunn. Federal Building, Room 2001, 230 North First Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85025 (602) 379-6923 Supervisor Constituent Caseworker.—Dorothy J. Munoz. FAX: (602) 271-0611 District Assistant.—Arlene Y. Lassila. Counties: Coconino (part), La Paz, Maricopa (part), Mohave, Navajo (part), and Yavapai. Population (1990), 610,871. ZIP Codes: 85023 (part), 85024 (part), 85027 (part), 85033 (part), 85035 (part), 85037, 85039, 85043 (part), 85301 (part), 85302 (part), 85303, 85304 (part), 85305, 85306 (part), 85307-08, 85310, 85312, 85320, 85323 (part), 85324-25, 85326 (part), 85328, 85332, 8533435, 85338 (part), 85340, 85342-46, 85348, 85351, 85353 (part), 85354-55, 85357-63, 85371-75, 85380-82, 85390, 86001 (part), 86002-03, 86004 (part), 86015-16, 86018, 86020-23, 86030, 86034, 86036, 86039, 86042-44, 86046, 86301-04, 86312-14, 86320-27, 86329-35, 86336 (part), 86337-38, 86340-43, 86401-03, 86405, 86411-12, 86427, 86430-38, 86440-44 FOURTH DISTRICT JON KYL, Republican, of Phoenix, AZ; son of former Congressman John H. Kyl born in Oakland, NE on April 25, 1942; graduated Bloomfield High School, Bloomfield, IA, 1960; B.A., University of Arizona, Tucson, 1964 (Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi); L.L.B., University of Arizona, 1966; attorney; admitted to the Arizona bar, 1966; former partner in Phoenix law firm of Jennings, Strouss & Salmon; chairman, Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (1984-85); member: Crime Victim Foundation, Phoenix Memorial Presbyte-rian Church, Arizona State Bar; married to the former Caryll Louise Collins; two chil-dren: Kristine and John; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Armed Services Committee; Government Operations Committee; Standards of Official Conduct. 103d Congress Office Listings 2440 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0304 225-3361 Chief of Staff.—Ted Maness. Scheduler.—Sherry Jackson. Director of Communications.—Kate Watson. Senior Legislative Assistant.—Tim Glazewski. Suite 140-K, 4250 East Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 840-1891 District Representative.—Pamela T. Barbey. County: MARICOPA COUNTY; cities and townships of Phoenix, Glendale, and Scottsdale. Population (1990), 610,871. ZIP Codes: 85007 (part), 85009 (part), 85012 (part), 85013 (part), 85014 (part), 85016 (part), 85017 (part), 85018 (part), 85019 (art), 85023 (part), 85024 (part), 85027 (part), 85032 (part), 85250 (part), 85251 (part), 85254 (part), 85258 (part), 85260 (part), 85301 (part), 85302 (part), 85304 (part), 85306 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT JIM KOLBE, Republican, of Tucson, AZ; born in Evanston, IL, June 28, 1942; attend-ed Patagonia public schools; graduated, U.S. Capitol Page School, Washington, DC, 1960; B.A., political science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1965; M.B.A., eco-nomics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1967; study abroad program, International School of America, 1962-63; served in U.S Navy, lieutenant, Vietnam, 1967-69; lieuten-ant commander, U.S. Naval Reserves (inactive); vice president, Wood Canyon Corp., Sonoita, AZ; consultant, real estate development and political affairs; Arizona State Sena-tor, 1977-82, served on Appropriations, Education, and Agriculture Committees, chair-man of Judiciary Committee; special assistant to Governor Ogilvie of Illinois, 1972-73; board of directors, Arizona Foundation for Children; Presidential appointment, Commis-sion on Presidential Scholars; director of operations, Vietnam Orphans Airlift, San Fran-cisco, 1975; member: Appropriations Committee; Budget Committee; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 405 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0305 225-2542 Administrative Assistant.—Laurie Fenton. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Jill Haddad. Suite 112, 1661 North Swan, Tucson, AZ 85711.. a (602) 881-3588 District Director.—Patricia Klein. Suite B-160, 77 Calle Portal, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 (602) 459-3115 Counties: Cochise, Graham (part), Pima (part), and Pinal (part). Population (1990), 610,871. ZIP Codes: 85222 (part), 85231 (part), 85245, 85531, 85535-36, 85543, 85546, 85548, 85551-52, 85602-10, 85613, 85614 (part), 85615-17, 85619-23, 85625-27, 85629 (part), 85630, 85631 (part), 85632-33, 85635-38, 85641, 8564344, 85645 (part), 85652-55, 85670-71, 85703-04, 85705 (part), 85706 (part), 85708 (part), 85710 (part), 85711 (part), 85712, 85713 (part), 85714 (part), 85715, 85716 (part), 85718, 85719 (part), 85725-26, 85730-32, 85734, 85737-38, 85740-43, 85745 (part), 85746 (part), 8574749, 85751 SIXTH DISTRICT KARAN ENGLISH, Democrat, of Flagstaff, AZ; born on March 23, 1949 in Berkley, CA; attended Shasta Junior College, 1968-69; attended University of California, Santa Barbara, 1970; B.A. University of Arizona, Tucson, 1976; dendrochronology; director, Bashas’ Supermarkets conservation program; political consultant; supervisor, Coconino County, 1980-86; Arizona House of Representatives, 1986-90; Arizona State Senate, 1990-92; member: Arizona Academy, Town Hall; married in 1992 to Robert Elliott; to-gether they have five children: Stacy English, David English, Anthea Elliott, Alexandra Elliott, Adam Elliott; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1024 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Vicki J. Hicks. Office Manager.—Connie J. Koehmstedt. District Director.—Ed Delaney. DC 20515-0306 225-2190 Legislative Director.—Jo Lynn Gentry-Lewis. 117 East Aspen Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (602) 774-1314 Pinal (part). Population (1990), 610,872. Counties: Apache, Coconino (part), Gila, Graham (part), Greenlee, Maricopa (part), Navajo (part), and ZIP Codes: 85024 (part), 85027 (part), 85032 (part), 85044 (part), 85076, 85201 (part), 85203 (part), 85204, 85205 (part), 85206-08, 85210 (part), 85213 (part), 85216-17, 85219-21, 85222 (part), 85224 (part), 85225 (part), 85226 (part), 85227-28, 85231 (part), 85232, 85234 (part), 85235-37, 85239, 85242, 85247, 85248 (part), 85249 (part), 85250 (part), 85254 (part), 85255, 85256 (part), 85257 (part), 85258 (part), 85259, 85260 (part), 85262-64, 85268, 85272-73, 85278, 85290-92, 85329, 85331, 85339 (part), 85353 (part), 85377, 85501-02, 85530, 85532-34, 85539-42, 8554445, 85547, 85550, 8555354, 85618, 85631 (part), 85901, 85911-12, 85920, 8592242, 86001 (part), 86004 (part), 86017, 86024— 25, 86028-29, 86031-33, 86035, 86038, 86040, 86045, 86047, 8605354, 86336 (part), 86502-08, 86510-12, 86514-15, 86535, 86538, 86540, 8654445, 86547, 86549, 86556 ARKANSAS 103d Congress ARKANSAS (Population, 1990 census, 2,362,239) SENATORS DALE BUMPERS, Democrat, of Charleston, AR; born in Charleston, August 12, 1925; attended the public schools of Arkansas, University of Arkansas, Northwestern Uni-versity, J.D., degree, 1951; admitted to Arkansas bar, 1952; served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1943-46, staff sergeant; past president, Charleston Chamber of Commerce; past president: Charleston School Board, Franklin County Board of Education; past chairman: United Fund, Boy Scout Fund, and Cancer Fund; Governor of Arkansas, 1970-74; married to the former Betty Flanagan, 1949; three children: Brent, Bill, and Brooke; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 5, 1974, for the term ending January 3, 1981; reelected November 4, 1980; reelected November 4, 1986; reelected November 3, 1992. Office Listings 229 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0401 224-4843 Administrative Assistant. —Mary E. Davis. Executive Secretary.—Jo Nobles. Legislative Director.—Rich Glick. Scheduler.—Rosiland Smith. 2527 Federal Building, Little Rock, AR 72201 0 . (501) 324-6286 x %*x *x DAVID PRYOR, Democrat, of Camden, AR; born in Camden, AR, August 29, 1934; attended the public schools; graduated from Camden High School, 1952; attended Hen-derson State University; B.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1957; LL.B., Univer-sity of Arkansas School of Law, 1964; admitted to the Arkansas bar, 1964; commenced practice in Camden, AR; lawyer; established the newspaper, Ouachita Citizen, in Camden, AR, 1957, and published it for 4 years; elected State representative of Ouachita County, 1960; reelected in 1962 and 1964; delegate, Democratic National Convention, 1968-76; Presbyterian; Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Blue Key; Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity; honorary member, Delta Theta Phi; married to the former Barbara Lunsford, of Fayetteville, 1957; three children: David, Jr., Mark, and Scott; elected to the 89th, 90th, 91st, and 92d Congresses; elected Governor of Arkansas, 1975-79; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; re-elected on November 6, 1984; reelected on November 6, 1990. Office Listings 267 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0402 224-2353 Administrative Assistant.—Frank Thomas. Deputy Administrative Assistant.—Pate Felts. Legislative Director.—Kirk Robertson. Personal Secretary.—Leslie Chalmers. 3030 Federal Building, Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 324-6336 Administrative Assistant.—Frank Thomas. REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT BLANCHE M. LAMBERT, Democrat, of Helena, AR; born on September 30, 1960 in Helena, AR; graduate of Helena Central High School; daughter of Jordan Bennett Lam-bert, Jr., and Martha Kelly Lambert; B.A. Randolph Macon Women’s College, Lynch-burg, VA, 1982; legislative representative, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chi Omega so-rority; volunteer, American Red Cross; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress; member of Energy and Commerce, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, and Agricul-tural Committees. / Congressional Directory ARKANSAS Office Listings 1204 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0401 225-4076 Executive Assistant.—Sandy Webster. FAX: 225-4654 Chief of Staff.—Russ Orban. District Representative.—Earline Norwood. Press Secretary.—Kelly Rucker. Federal Building, Room 211-A, Main Street, Jonsson 2 72401 (501) 972-4600 AR Suite 211, 615 South Main, Jonesboro, AR 72401 (501) 972-4600 Counties: Arkansas, Clay, Cleburne, Craighead, Crittenden, Cross, Fulton, Greene, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Lawrence, Lee, Lonoke, Mississippi, Monroe, Phillips, Poinsett, Prairie, Randolph, St. Francis, Searcy, Sharp, Stone, and Woodruff. Population (1990), 588,588. ZIP Codes: 72003-07, 72014, 72017, 72020-21, 72023-24, 72026, 72029, 72031, 72036-38, 7204044, 72046, 72048, 72051, 72055, 72059-60, 72064, 72066-67, 72069, 72072-75, 72083, 72086, 72101, 72108, 72112, 72121 (part), 72123, 72130-31, 72134, 72137, 72140, 72153, 72160, 72165-66, 72169-70, 72176, 72179, 72301, 72303, 72310-13, 72315-17, 72319-22, 72324-33, 72335, 72338-42, 72346-48, 72350-55, 72358-60, 72364-70, 72372-74, 72376-77, 72381, 72383-84, 72386-87, 72389-92, 72394-97, 72401-03, 72410-17, 72419, 72421-22, 72424-38, 7244045, 72447, 72449-51, 72453 62, 72464-67, 72469-76, 72478-79, 72482, 72501, 72503, 72512-13, 72515-17, 72519-34, 72536, 72538-40, 72542-43, 72546, 72550, 72553-57, 72560-62, 72564-69, 72571-73, 72575-79, 72581, 72583-85, 72587, 72610, 72617, 72633, 72636, 72639, 72645, 72650, 72663, 72669, 72675, 72679-80, 72686 SECOND DISTRICT RAY THORNTON, Democrat, of Little Rock, AR; born in Conway, AR, July 16, 1928; graduated from Sheridan, AR, High School, 1945; B.A. international relations, Yale University, 1950; J.D., University of Arkansas School of Law, 1956; lieutenant, U.S. Navy, (active duty) 1951-54; private practice attorney, Little Rock, AR, 1956-70; deputy prosecuting attorney for Perry and Pulaski Counties, 1956-57; Arkansas attorney general, 1971-73; directed the Ouchita Baptist University/Henderson State University Joint Edu-cational Consortium, Arkadelphia, AR, 1979-80; president, Arkansas State University, 1980-84; president, University of Arkansas System, 1984-89; married to the former Betty Jo Mann; three daughters: Nancy Thornton, Mary Jo Thornton Hays, and Stephanie Thornton; elected to the 93d Congress on November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress; appointed to House Judiciary Committee during Watergate Hearings, Agri-culture Committee, and Science and Technology Committee, and served as chairman, House Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Technology; reelected to the 102d Con-gress on November 6, 1990; appointed to the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, Government Operations Committee, and Science, Space, and Technology Committee; ap-pointed to Appropriations Committee in 103d Congress. Office Listings 1214 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0402 225-2506 Staff Director.—Ed Fry. Executive Assistant.—Lauren Gaddy. 1527 Federal Building, 700 West Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 324-5941 District Assistants: Julie Speed; Barbara McBryde. Counties: Conway, Faulkner, Perry, Pulaski, Saline, Van Buren, White, and Yell. Population (1990), 587,412. ZIP Codes: 71909, 72001-02, 72010-13, 72015-16, 72020, 72022-23, 72025, 72027-28, 72030-32, 72039, 72045-47, 72052-53, 72058, 72060-61, 72063, 72065, 72067-68, 72070, 72076, 72080-82, 72085, 72088-89, 72099, 72101-04, 72106-07, 72110-11, 72113-20, 72121 (part), 72122, 72125-27, 72131, 72135-37, 72139, 72141-43, 72153, 72156-57, 72164, 72167, 72173, 72178, 72180-81, 72183, 72201-07, 72209-12, 72214-17, 72219, 72221, 72225, 72231, 72295, 72629, 72645, 72824, 72827-29, 72833-34, 72838, 72841-42, 72853, 72857, 72860 ARKANSAS 103d Congress 17 THIRD DISTRICT TIM HUTCHINSON, Republican, of Bentonville, AR; born in Bentonville, on August 11, 1949; attended Gravette Elementary School, Gravette, AR, 1963; graduated from Springdale High School, Springdale, AR, 1967; B.A., Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC, 1972; M.A, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 1990; college instructor, John Brown University; co-owner, KBCV radio station, 1982-89; minister; elected to the Ar-kansas State Legislature, 1985-92; member: Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce, Our Farm Board; Northwest Community College Foundation, Rogers Museum Commission, Rogers Community Facilities Committee, Immanuel Baptist Church, married to the former Donna Jean King, 1970; three children, Timothy and Jeremy (twins), 1974, and Joshua, 1978; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1541 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0403 225-4301 Chief of Staff.—Ray Reid. FAX: 225-7492 Executive Assistant.—Dorothy English. Legislative Director.—Randi Fredholm. Federal Building, Fayetteville, AR 72701 (501) 442-5258 Federal Building, Harrison, AR 72601 (501) 741-6900 Downtown Post Office Building, P.O. Box 1624, Fort Smith, AR 72701 (501) 782-7787 Counties: Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Madison, Marion, Newton, Polk, Pope, Scott, Sebastian, and Washington. Population (1990), 589,523. ZIP Codes: 71740, 71932, 71937, 71944-46, 71953, 71972-73, 72063, 72080, 72519, 72531, 72537-38, 72544, 72601-02, 72611, 72613, 72615-19, 72623-24, 72626, 72628, 72630, 72632-35, 72638, 72640-42, 72644-45, 72648, 72651, 72653, 72655, 72658, 72660-62, 72666, 72668, 72670, 72672, 72675, 72677, 72679, 72682-83, 72685-87, 72701-03, 72711-12, 72714, 72717-19, 72721-22, 72727-30, 72732-42, 72744-45, 72747, 72749, 72751-53, 72756-57, 72760-62, 72764-66, 72768-70, 72773-76, 72801, 72820-21, 72823, 72826-27, 72830, 72832-35, 72837-43, 72845-47, 72851-52, 72854-56, 72858, 72863, 72865, 72901-04, 72906, 72913-14, 72916-17, 72921, 72923-24, 72926-28, 72930, 72932-38, 72940-41, 72943-52, 72955-56, 72958-59 FOURTH DISTRICT JAY DICKEY, Republican, of Pine Bluff, AR; born in Pine Bluff on December 14, 1939; attended Trinity Luthern School; graduated, Pine Bluff High School; graduated University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR (B.A. 1961, J.D. 1963); owner, Condray Sign Company; two Taco Bell Restaurants; Adventure Travel; state chairman, Christian Legal Society; past president, Pine Bluff Jaycees; recipient, Distinguished Service Award of the Jaycees; former board member, Bank of Bearden, Guaranty Savings and Loan Associa-tion, Pine Bluff Chamber of Commerce; member, Pillars Club of the United Way, Centu-ry Club of the Boy Scouts; four children, John, 1966, Laura, 1969, Ted, 1970, and Rachel, 1975; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1338 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0404 225-3772 Executive Assistant.—Bob Brooks. Legislative Director.—Jim Huska. Scheduler.—Suzanne Michel. 201 Federal Building, El Dorado, AR 71730 (501) 862-0236 Room 2521, 100 East 8th Avenue, Pine Bluff, AR 71601 (501) 536-3376 District Director.—Richard Bearden. Suite 201, 100 Reserve, Hot Springs, AR 71901... (501) 623-5363 Counties: Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Clark, Cleveland, Columbia, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Garland, Grant, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Howard, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Little River, Miller, Montgomery, Nevada, Ouachita, Pike, Sevier, and Union. Population (1990), 585,202. ZIP Codes: 71601-03, 71611, 71613, 71630-31, 71635, 71638-40, 71642-44, 71646-47, 71649, 71651-56, 71658-63, 71665-67, 71670-71, 71674-78, 71701, 71720-22, 71724-26, 71728, 71730-31, 71740, 7174245, 71747-53, 71758-59, 71762-66, 71768, 71770, 71772, 71801, 71820, 71822-23, 71825-28, 71831-42, 71845-47, 71851-53, 71855, 71857-62, 71864 66, 71901-02, 71909, 71913-14, 71921-23, 71929, 71933, 71935, 71940-43, 71949-52, 71956-62, 71964-65, 71968-71, 71998-99, 72004, 72046, 72057, 72072-73, 72079, 72084, 72087, 72104-05, 72128-29, 72132-33, 72150, 72152, 72168, 72175, 72182, 72379, 75502 Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA (Population, 1990 census, 29,839,250) SENATORS DIANNE FEINSTEIN, Democrat, of San Francisco, born June 22, 1933 in San Fran-cisco; B.A., Stanford University, 1955; elected San Francisco Board of Supervisors, 1970 78; president of Board of Supervisors: 1970-71, 1974-75, 1978; mayor of San Francisco, 1978-88; candidate for Governor, 1990; recipient: Distinguished Woman Award, San Francisco Examiner, Achievement Award, Business and Professional Women’s Club, 1970; Golden Gate University, LL.D. (hon.), 1979; SCOPUS Award for Outstanding Public Service, American Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; University of Santa Clara, D.P.S. (hon.); University of Manila, D.P.A. (hon.), 1981; Antioch University, LL.D. (hon.), 1983; Los Angeles Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith’s Distinguished Service Award, 1984; French Legion d’Honneur from President Mitterand, 1984; Mills College, LL.D. (hon.), 1985; U.S. Army’s Commander’s Award for Public Service, 1986; Brotherhood/Sisterhood Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1986; Paul-ist Fathers Award, 1987; Episcopal Church’s Award for Service, 1987; U.S. Navy Distin-guished Civilian Award, 1987; Silver Spur Award for Outstanding Public Service, San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Association, 1987; “All Pro Management Team Award” for No. 1 Mayor, City and State Magazine, 1987; Community Service Award Honoree for Public Service, 1987; American Jewish Congress, 1987; President’s Award, St. Ignatius High School, San Francisco, 1988; CORO Investment in Leadership Award Honoree, 1988; President’s Medal, University of California at San Francisco, 1988; Uni-versity of San Francisco, D.H.L. (hon.), 1988; Member: CORO Foundation, Fellowship, 1955-56; California Women’s Board of Terms and Parole, 1960-66, Executive Committee; U.S. Conference of Mayors, 1983-88; Mayor’s Commission on Crime, San Francisco; di-rector, Bank of California, 1988-89; San Francisco Education Fund’s Permanent Fund, 1988-89; Japan Society of Northern California, 1988-89; Inter-American Dialogue, 1988-present; Trilateral Commission, 1988; Biderberg Foreign Policy Conference, Baden Ger-many, 1991; married to Dr. Bertram Feinstein (dec.); married January 20, 1980 to Richard C. Blum; one child; three stepchildren; Jewish; elected to the Senate by special election, November 3, 1992, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Pete Wilson for the term ending on January 3, 1995. Office Listings 331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0504 224-3841 Chief of Staff.—Michael McGill. Legislative Director.—Susan Elving. Press Secretary.—Bill Chandler. Suite 1030, 750 B Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 231-9712 Room 4015, Federal Office Building, 1130 O Street, Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 485-7430 Suite 305, 1700 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 249-4777 Suite 915, 11111 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 914-7300 * * * BARBARA BOXER, Democrat, of Greenbrae, CA; born in Brooklyn, NY, November 11, 1940; graduated, 1962, Brooklyn College, B.A., major in economics; stockbroker and economic researcher with securities firms on Wall Street, 1962-65; journalist and associ-ate editor, Pacific Sun newspaper, 1972-74; congressional aide, Fifth Congressional Dis-trict, California. 1974-76; elected Marin County Board of Supervisors, 1976-82; first woman president, Marin County Board of Supervisors: married to Stewart Boxer, 1962; two adult children; Doug and Nicole; elected November 2, 1982 to 98th Congress: re-elected to the 99th-102d Congresses: member: Government Operations Committee, Armed Services Committee, Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, Budget Committee (1985-90), Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, House Whip at Large; elected to the Senate on November 3, 1992 for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993; member: Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs, Committee on Environment and Public Works, Committee on the Budget, Joint Economic Committee, Senate Health Care Task Force, Senate Deputy Whip for the Western Region, Chairwoman of the In-terparliamentary Union. CALIFORNIA 103d Congress Office Listings 112 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0501 224-3553 Administrative Assistant.—Karen Olick. Policy Director/Counsel.—Drew Littman. Legislative Director.—Liz Tankersley. Press Secretary.—Linda Marson. Suite 240, 1700 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 403-0100 Chief of Staff.—Sam Chapman. Suite 545, 2250 East Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 414-5700 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT DAN HAMBURG, Democrat, of Ukiah, CA; born in St. Louis, MO, on October 6, 1948; attended Flynn Park School, St. Louis, 1953-59; graduated, Horton Watkins High School, St. Louis, 1966; B.A., Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 1966; M.A. in philoso-phy and religion, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA, 1992; found-er, Mariposa School, Ukiah; director, Ukiah Valley Development Center; executive direc-tor, North Coast Opportunities, Inc.; Cultural Studies Program Director in China; elected Mendocino County Supervisor, 1981-85; Ukiah Planning Commisssioner, 1976-80; member: Rotary Club, Ukiah Men’s Softball Association; married to Carrie; four children: Laura, 1964, Kirt, 1965, Elizabeth, 1967, and Matthew, 1970; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 114 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0501 225-3311 Administrative Assistant. —Meg Ryan O’Donnell. Legislative Assistant.—Kate Anderton. Press Secretary.—Sharon McGill. District Director.—Dave Nelson. > 299 I Street, Suite 12, Crescent City, CA 95531 : (707) 465-0112 1040 Main Street, Suite 103 Napa, CA 94559.. (707) 254-8508 817 Missouri Street, Suite 3, Fairfield, CA 94533 : (707) 426-0401 910 A Waugh Lane, Ukiah, CA 95482 (707) 462-1716 Counties: Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, and Solaro (part). SONOMA COUNTY; all except the cities of Cotati, Petaluma, Sonoma and part of Santa Rosa. Population (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 92250, 94508, 94515, 94533, 94535, 94558-59, 94562, 94567, 94573-74, 94576, 94581, 94585 (part), 94589 (part), 94590 (part), 94599, 95402, 95403 (part), 95404 (part), 95406, 95409 (part), 95410, 95415, 95417-18, 95420, 95422-29, 95432, 95435, 95436 (part), 95437, 95441, 95443, 95445, 95448 (part), 95449, 95451, 95453-54, 95456-61, 95463-64, 95466, 95468-70, 95481-82, 95485, 95488, 95490, 95492 (part), 95493-94, 95501-03, 95511, 95514, 95521, 95524-26, 95528, 95531, 95534, 95536-38, 95540, 95542-43, 95545-51, 95553-56, 95558-60, 95562, 95564-65, 95567, 95569-71, 95573, 95585, 95587, 95589, 95620 (part), 95687 (part), 95688 (part), 95696 SECOND DISTRICT WALLY HERGER, Republican, of Marysville, CA; born in Sutter County, CA, May 20, 1945; attended Sutter County Public Schools; graduated East Nicolaus High School; attended California State University, Sacramento, CA; cattle rancher; small businessman; member, East Nicolaus High School Board of Trustees, 1977-80; California State Assem-blyman, 1980-86; member, National Federation of Independent Businessmen, Sutter County Taxpayers Association, Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau, California Cattlemen’s Asso-ciation, California Chamber of Commerce, Big Brothers/Big Sisters Board of Directors, South Yuba Rotary Club; married to the former Pamela Sargent; eight children; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA Office Listings 2433 Suite Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0502 Administrative Assistant.—John P. Magill. Legislative Director/Press Secretary.—Roger Mahan. Special Assistant/Scheduler.—Pamela Mattox. 104, 55 Independence Circle, Chico, CA 95926 (916) 225-3076 893-8363 Suite District Director.—Fran Peace. 410, 2400 Washington Avenue, Redding, CA 96001 (916) 241-9568 Counties: BUTTE COUNTY; cities of Bangor, Berry Creek, Biggs, Butte Meadows, Chico, Clipper Mills, Cohasset, Durham, Feather Falls, Forbestown, Forest Ranch, Magalia, Nelson, Oroville, Palermo, Paradise, Pulga, Richard-son Springs, Richvale, and Stirling City. LASSEN COUNTY; cities of Bieber, Doyle, Herlong, Janesville, Madeline, Nubieber, Ravendale, Standish, Susanville, Termo, Wendel, and Westwood. MoDoC COUNTY; cities of Adin, Alturas, Canby, Cedarville, Eagleville, Fort Bidwell, Lake City, Likely, Litchfield, and Lookout. NEVADA COUNTY; cities of Floriston, Grass Valley, Nevada City, North San Juan, Penn Valley, Rough and Ready, and Truckee. PLUMAS COUNTY; cities of Beckwourth, Belden, Blairsden, Canyon Dam, Chester, Chilcoot, Clio, Crescent Mills, Cromberg, Graegle, Greenville, Keddie, Meadow Valley, Portola, Quincy, Spring Garden, Storrie, Taylorsville, Twain, and Vinton. SHASTA COUNTY; cities of Anderson, Bella Vista, Big Bend, Burney, Cassel, Castella, Central Valley, Cottonwood, Fall River Mills, French Gulch, Glenburn, Hat Creek, Igo, Lakehead, Manzanita Lake, McArthur, Millville, Montgomery Creek, Oak Run, O’Brien, Old Station, Ono, Palo Cedro, Platina, Project City, Redding, Round Mountain, Shingletown, Summit City, Whiskeytown, and Whitmore. SIERRA COUNTY; cities of Alleghany, Calpine, Downieville, Goodyear Bar, Loyalton, Sattley, Sierra City, and Sierraville. Siskiyou COUNTY; cities of Callahan, Cecilville, Dorris, Dunsmuir, Edgewood, Enterprise, Etna, Forks of Salmon, Fort Jones, Gazelle, Greenview, Grenada, Happy Camp, Hilt, Hornbrook, Horse Creek, Kamath River, Macdoel, McCloud, Montague, Mount Hebron, Mount Shasta, Pondosa, Sawyers Bar, Scott Bar, Seiad Valley, Shasta, Somes Bar, Tulelake, Weed, and Yreka. TRINITY COUNTY; cities of Bir Bar, Burnt Ranch, Denny, Douglas City, Forest Glen, Hayfork, Helena, Hyampom, Island Mountain, Junction City, Lewiston, Mad River, Ruth, Salyer, Trinity Center, Weaverville, and Zenia. YUBA COUNTY; cities of Beale A.F.B., Browns Valley, Browns-ville, Camptonville, Challenge, Dobbins, Marysville, Olivehurst, Oregon House, Rackerby, Smartville, Strawberry Valley, and Wheatland. Population (1990), 573,322. ZIP Codes: 95478, 95495, 95526-27, 95535, 95552, 95563, 95568, 95595, 95692, 95712, 95724, 95728, 95901, 959C3, 95910, 95914-16, 95917 (part), 95918-19, 95921-25, 95926 (part), 95927-30, 95934-36, 95938, 95940-42, 95944-47, 95948 (part), 95949, 95952, 95954 (part), 95956, 95958-62, 95965-69, 95971-78, 95980-81, 95983-84, 95986, 96001-03, 96006-11, 96013-17, 96019-20, 96022-25, 96027-28, 96030-36, 96037-43, 96044-52, 96054, 96056-60, 96062, 96064 66, 96067-7173, 96076-77, 96079, 96084-89, 96091, 96093-97, 96099, 96101, 96103-06, 96108-19, 96121-96126, 96128-30, 96132, 96134-37, 96160-62 THIRD DISTRICT VIC FAZIO, Democrat, of West Sacramento, CA; born in Winchester, MA, October 11, 1942; attended the public schools of New Jersey; B.A., Union College, Schenectady, NY, 1965; graduate work in public administration, California State University, Sacramen-to, CA; Coro Foundation Fellow; congressional and legislative consultant, 1966-75; member, California State Assembly, 1975-78; former director, Assembly majority staff; former assistant to the speaker of the Assembly; former member: Sacramento County Charter Commission, Sacramento County Planning Commission, and National Conference of State Legislatures; former vice president, Planning and Conservation League; co-founder, California Journal magazine; member: UNICO, Air Force Association, Navy League, Democratic State Central Committee; married to the former Judy Kern; four children: Dana, Anne, Kevin, and Kristie; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress; committee assignments: Appropriations, chairman, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch; Appropriations Committee; vice chair-man, Energy and Water Development; Military Construction; member: Democratic Steering and Policy Committee; majority whip at large; vice chair, Democratic Caucus; chairman, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Office Listings 2113 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0503 225-5716 Chief of Staff.—Sandra Stuart. Legislative Director.—Roger Gwinn. Administrative and Communications Director.—Linda Reiff. Executive Assistant.— Vicki Baird. 722B Main Street, Woodland, CA 95695-3407 (916) 666-5521 District Director.—Richard Harris. 332 Pine Street, No. F, Red Bluff, CA 96080-3312 (916) 529-5629 951 Live Oak Boulevard, Suite 11, Yuba City, CA 95991-3446 (916) 673-5596 CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 21 Counties: Colusa, Glenn, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo, the eastern portion of Solano County, the northern portion of Sacramento County, the southern portion of Butte County. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Arbuckle, Artois, Birds Landing, Broderick, Brooks, Butte, Capay, Carmichael (part), Citrus Heights (part), Clarksburg, College, Colusa, Corning, Cottonwood, Dairyville, Davis, Dixon, Dunnigan, East Nicolaus, El Macero, Elk Creek, Elmira, Elverta, Esparto, Fair Oaks, Flournoy, Gerber, Glenn, Gridley, Grimes, Guinda, Hamilton, Knights Landing, Live Oak, Lodoga, Los Molinos, Madison, Manton, Maxwell, McClellan AFB, Meridian, Mill Creek, Mineral, Nicolaus, North Highlands, Orland, Paskenta, Paynes Creek, Pleasant Grove, Princeton, Proberta, Red Bluff, Rio Linda, Rio Oso, Rio Vista, Robbins, Rumsey, Sacramento, Sites, Stonyford, Sutter, Sycamore, Tehama, Trowbridge, Tudor, ane: Vina, West Sacramento, Williams, Willows, Winters, Woodland, Yolo, Yuba, and Zamora. Population , 571,374. ZIP Codes: 94512, 94571 (part), 94585 (part), 95605-07, 95608 (part), 95609, 95610 (part), 95612, 95616-18, 95620 (part), 95621 (part), 95622, 95625-27, 95628 (part), 95637, 95645, 95653, 95659-60, 95668, 95671, 95673 (part), 95674, 95676, 95679, 95687 (part), 95688 (part), 95691, 95694-95, 95697-98, 95776, 95798-99, 95821 (part), 95834 (part), 95835-36, 95837 (part), 95838 (part), 95841, 95842 (part), 95860, 95864 (part), 95912-13, 95917 (part), 95920, 95926 (part), 95931-32, 95937, 95939, 95943, 95948 (part), 95950-51, 95953, 95955, 95957, 95963, 95970, 95979, 95982, 95987-88, 95991-93, 96021-22, 96029, 96035, 96055, 96059, 96061, 96063, 96074-75, 96078, 96080, 96090, 96092 FOURTH DISTRICT JOHN T. DOOLITTLE, Republican, of Rocklin, northern California; born in Glen-dale, CA, October 30, 1950; attended Rio Vista Elementary School and Colfax Elementa-ry School in North Hollywood, CA; Walter Reed Junior High School, North Holly-wood, CA; graduated Cupertino High School, Cupertino, CA, 1968; University of Cali-fornia at Santa Cruz, 1972; University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, 1978; lawyer; member: State bar of California; elected to the California State Senate, 1980; re-elected 1984 and 1988; served as chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus, May 1987-April 1990; married to the former Julia Harlow, 1979; one child: John, Jr., 1979; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress in 1992 to newly-drawn 4th Congressional District. Office Listings 1524 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0504 225-2511 Executive Assistants: Natalie Zoll, Martha Franco. FAX: 225-5444 District Coordinator.—Richard Robinson. Washington Staff Ccordinator.—Tracey St. Pierre. Suite 260, 1624 Santa Clara Drive, Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 786-5560 Administrative Assistant.—David Lopez. FAX: (916) 786-5444 Counties: Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Mono, Placer, Sacramento (part), and Tuolumne. CITIES OF: Angels, Arnold, Auburn, Cameron Park, Carmichael (part), Citrus Heights (part), Columbia, Diamond Springs, East Sonora, El Dorado Hills, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Groveland-Big Oak Flat, Ione, Jackson, Jamestown, Kings Beach, Lincoln, Loomis, Mammoth Lakes, Meadow Vista, Mono Vista, Murphys, North Auburn, Orangevale, Phoenix Lake-Cedar Ridge, Placerville, Pollock Pines, Rockin, Roseville, San Andreas, Shingle Springs, Sonora, Soulsby-ville, South Lake Tahoe, Sunnyside-Tahoe City, Sutter Creek, Tuolumne City, and Twain Harte. Population (1990), 571,033. ZIP Codes: 93512, 93517, 93529, 93541, 93546, 95221-25, 95228-29, 95232-33, 95245-52, 95254-55, 95257, 95305, 95309-10, 95321-22, 95327, 95329, 95335, 95346-47, 95364, 95370, 95372-73, 95375, 95379, 95383, 95601-04, 95610 (part), 95611, 95613-14, 95619, 95621 (part), 95623, 95628 (part), 95629-31, 95633-36, 95640, 95642-43, 95646, 95648, 95650-51, 95654, 95656, 95658, 95661-67, 95669, 95672, 95675, 95677-78, 95681-82, 95684-85, 95689, 95699, 95701, 95703, 95709, 95713-15, 95717, 95720-22, 95726, 95735-36, 95746-47, 95762-63, 95765, 95842 (part), 95954 (part), 96107, 96120, 96133, 96140, 96142-43, 96145-46, 96148, 96150-58 FIFTH DISTRICT ROBERT T. MATSUI, Democrat, of Sacramento, CA; born in Sacramento, CA, Sep-tember 17, 1941; attended the public schools; graduated, C.K. McClatchy High School, 1959; A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1963; J.D., Hastings College of Law, Uni-versity of California, 1966; admitted to the California bar, 1967; commenced practice in Sacramento; Sacramento City Council, District 8, 1971-75; reelected, 1975-78; chairman, budget-finance committee, 1976-78; vice mayor, 1977; chairman, law and legislative com-mittee, 1978; chairman, U.S. Congressman John E. Moss reelection campaign committee; Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA member, California Democratic Central Committee, 1973-78; president, Active 20-30 Club, 1972; vice president, Sacramento Safety Council; board member, United Crusade and Sacramento Rotary Club; officer and director, Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce; Jaycee Young Man of the Year, 1973; married to the former Doris K. Okada, 1966; one child, Brian Robert; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Ways and Means Committee. Office Listings 2311 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0505................... 225-7163 Administrative Assistant.—Tom Keaney. FAX: 225-0566 Executive Assistant.—Shirley Queja. 8058 Federal Building, 650 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814..............ceuu.... (916) 551-2846 District Director.—Collette Johnson/Shulke. County: SACRAMENTO COUNTY; City of Sacramento (part): Population (1990), 573,684. ZIP Codes: 94207, 94274, 94299, 95608 (part), 95624 (part), 95673 (part), 95758 (part), 95812-20, 95821 (part), 95822-25, 95826 (part), 95827 (part), 95828, 95829 (part), 95831, 95832 (part), 95833, 95834 (part), 95837 (part), 95838 (part), 95851-53, 95864 (part), 95865-66 SIXTH DISTRICT LYNN WOOLSEY, Democrat, of Petaluma, CA; born in Seattle, WA, on November 3, 1937; attended West Woodland Elementary School, Seattle; graduated from Lincoln High School, Seattle; B.S., University of San Francisco, 1981; president and founder, Woolsey Personnel Service, 1980-92; human resources manager, Harris Digital Tele-phone Systems, 1969-80; elected member, Petaluma City Council, 1984-92, vice mayor, 1989 and 1992; member: Sonoma County National Women’s Political Caucus, chair; Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women, chair; Business and Professional Women; National Organization for Women; Sierra Club; Sonoma County Hazardous Ma-terials Management Commission, Chair; Association of Bay Area Governments, Regional Hazardous Materials Representative; CAL Energy Commission, Advisory Committee; four children: Joseph Critchett, 1962, Michael Woolsey, 1962, Ed Critchett, 1964, Amy Critchett, 1966; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 439 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0506...........c..ccoc..... 225-5161 Administrative Assistant.—Mark Isaac. Legislative Director.—Danielle Tinman. Press Secretary.—Patrick Kowalczyk. Redwood Business Park, 1301 Redwood Way, Suite 205, Petaluma CA 94954...... & AS .... (707) 795-1462 District Director.—Elmy Bermejo. Counties: Marin County and Sonoma County; southern part, including cities of Santa Rosa, Sebastapol, Cotati, Petaluma, and Sonoma to Golden Gate Bridge. Population (1990), 571,227. ZIP Codes: 94901, 94903-04, 94912-15, 94920, 94922-25, 94927-31, 94933, 94937-42, 94945-57, 94960, 9496366, 94970 73, 94975-79, 95401, 95403 (part), 95404 (part), 95405, 95407, 95409 (part), 95412, 95416, 95419, 95421, 95430-31, 95433, 95436 (part), 95439, 95442, 95444, 95446, 95448 (part), 95450, 95452, 95462, 95465, 95471-73, 95476, 95480, 95486-87, 95492 (part), 95497 SEVENTH DISTRICT GEORGE MILLER, Democrat, of Martinez, CA; born in Richmond, CA, May 17, 1945; attended Martinez public schools; Diablo Valley College; graduated, 1968, San Francisco State College; J.D., 1972, University of California at Davis School of Law; member: California State bar, Davis Law School Alumni Association; served 5 years as CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 23 legislative aide to Senate majority leader, California State Legislature; past chairman and member of Contra Costa County Democratic Central Committee; past president of Marti-nez Democratic Club; married to the former Cynthia Caccavo, of Martinez; two children: George and Stephen; committees: Natural Resources, chairman; Subcommittee on Over-sight and Investigations, chairman; and Education and Labor; elected to the 94th Con-gress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2205 Rayburn House Office Building, Waslungion, DC 20515-0507 ..........coeuuueu. 225-2095 Administrative Assistant.—Daniel Weiss. Personal Secretary.—Sylvia Arthur. Room 14, 367 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill, Os 94523... (510) 602-1880 District Administrator.—Mary Lansin Room 281, 3220 Blume Drive, Richmond, Ta. 94806 (510) 262-6500 Counties: Contra Costa ), Concord (part), Crockett, El Sobrante, Martinez, Pacheco, Pinole, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Port Costa, Richmond, Rodeo, San Pablo, West Pittsburg, Vallejo, Benicia. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Benicia, Concord, Cordelia Village (part), Crockett, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Hercules, Kensington, Martinez, Pinole, Pittsburg, Port Costa, Richmond, Rodeo, San Pablo, Suisun City (part), and Vallejo. Population (1990), 526,191. ZIP Codes: 94510, 94518 (part), 94519, 94520 (part), 94521 (part), 94522, 94523 (part), 94524-25, 94527, 94530, 94547 (part), 94549 (part), 94553 (part), 94564 (part), 94565 (part), 94569, 94572 (part), 94585 (part), 94589 (part), 94590 (part), 94591-92, 94596 (part), 94598 (part), 94801-02, 94803 (part), 9480408, 94820 EIGHTH DISTRICT NANCY PELOSI, Democrat, of San Francisco, CA; born in Baltimore, MD, March 26, 1940; daughter of the late Representative Thomas D’ Alesandro, Jr., of MD; attended the Institute of Notre Dame Grammar School, Baltimore, 1954; graduated, Institute of Notre Dame High School, 1958; B.A., Trinity College, Washington, DC (major, Political Science; minor, history), 1962; northern chair, California Democratic Party, 1977-81; State chair, California Democratic Party, 1981-83; chairman, 1984 Democratic National Convention Host Committee; finance chair, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 1985-86; member: Democratic National Committee; California Democratic Party Execu-tive Committee; San Francisco Library Commission; Board of Trustees, LSB Leakey Foundation; married to Paul F. Pelosi, 1963; five children: Nancy Corinne, Christine, Jac-queline, Paul, Jr., and Alexandra; elected by special election, June 2, 1987, to the 100th Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sala Burton; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 240 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0508....................... 225-4965 Administrative Assistant.—Judith K. Lemons. FAX: 225-8259 Legislative Director.—Carolyn Bartholomew. Room 13407, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102..................... (415) 556-4862 District Representative.—Michael Yaki. County and City of San Francisco: That part not contained in the Sixth District. Population (1990), 573,247. ZIP Codes: 94014 (part), 94102-11, 94112 (part), 94114 (part), 94115, 94117 oa, 94118-21, 94123-26, 94128-30, 94131 (part), 94132 (part), 94133-35, 94139-42, 9414447, 94152, 94159, 94164,94 NINTH DISTRICT RONALD V. DELLUMS, Democrat, of Oakland, CA; born in Oakland, CA, Novem-ber 24, 1935; educated at McClymonds High School and Oakland Technical High Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA School; Oakland City College, A.A., 1958; San Francisco State College, B.A., 1960; Uni-versity of California, M.S.W., 1962; honorary doctor of law, Wilberforce University, 1975; served in U.S. Marine Corps, 2 years active duty, honorable discharge; member, Berkeley City Council, 1967-71; psychiatric social worker, Department of Mental Hy-giene, 1962-64; program director, Bayview Community Center, 1964-65; associate direc-tor, then director, Hunters Point Youth Opportunity Center, 1965-66; planning consult-ant, Bay Area Social Planning Council, 1966-67; director, Concentrated Employment Program, San Francisco Economic Opportunity Council, 1967-68; senior consultant, Social Dynamics, Inc. (specializing in manpower programs), 1968-70; part-time lecturer, San Francisco State College, University of California, and Berkeley Graduate School of Social Welfare; married Leola (Roscoe) Higgs; three children; elected to the 92d Con-gress November 3, 1970; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2108 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0509................... 225-2661 Administrative Assistant.—Carlottia A.W. Scott. FAX: 225-9817 Legislative Director.—Charles Stephenson. Suite 105, 201 13th Street, Oakland, CA 94612... (415) 763-0370 General Counsel and District Director.—H. Lee Halterman. District Director.—Sandre Swanson. Counties: ALAMEDA COUNTY; cities of Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Kensington, and Piedmont. OAKLAND COUNTY; (part). Population (1990), 573,458. ZIP Codes: 94501 (part), 94601-02, 94603 (part), 94604, 94605 (part), 94606-10, 94611 (part), 94612-13, 94618-20, 94621 (part), 94623-24, 94661-62, 94701-10, 94720 TENTH DISTRICT BILL BAKER, Republican, of Walnut Creek, CA; born in Oakland, CA, July 14, 1940; attended public schools; graduated, Oakland High School, Oakland; received Bach-elor of Science in Business and Industrial Management; San Jose State University, 1963; Coast Guard reserve, 8 years; member, California Assembly, 1980-92; executive vice president, Contra Costa Taxpayers Association; budget analyst, California Department of Finance; married to the former Joanne Atack; four children: Todd, Mary, Billy, and Robby; elected to the 103d Congress, November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1724 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0510.............. 225-1880 Administrative Assistant.—John Walker. Press Secretary.—Alex Novak. Executive Assistant. —Robin Mack. 1801 North California Boulevard, Walnut Creek, CA 94596............cceevvvruvrninunene (510) 932-8899 Dublin City Hall, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 829-0813 Counties: Contra Costa (part), Alameda (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Alamo, Antioch, Blackhawk, Bethel Island, Brentwood, Byron, Castro Valley (part), Clayton, Concord (part), Danville, Diablo, Discovery Bay, Dublin, Hayward (part), Lafayette, Livermore, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon, San Leandro (part), San Lorenzo (part), Sunol, and Walnut Creek. Population (1990), 572,008. ZIP Codes: 94506-07, 94509, 94511, 94513-14, 94516-17, 94518 (part), 94521 (part), 94523, 94525-26, 94528, 94546 (part), 94548, 94549 (part), 94550-51, 94552 (part), 94556, 94561, 94563, 94566, 94568, 94575, 94578 (part), 94580 (part), 94583, 94586, 94588, 94595, 94596, 94598, 95209 CALIFORNIA 103d Congress ELEVENTH DISTRICT RICHARD W. POMBO, Republican, of Tracy, CA: born in Tracy, CA, January 8, 1961; attended California State University at Pomona, previously served as city council-man in Tracy, CA, 1991-92; elected to 103d Congress; assigned to the House Agriculture, House Merchant Marine and Fisheries, and the House Natural Resources Committees, subcommittee assignments include areas covering specialty crops, domestic and interna-tional agricultural marketing, livestock, farm credit, water policy, mining, and navigation; co-founder, San Joaquin County Citizen’s Land Alliance; member, Tracy Rotary Club; married to Annette Pombo, 1983; two children: Richard Jr. and Rena; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1519 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0511 225-1947 Administrative Assistant.—Matthew Miller. Legislative Director.—Dennis Stephens. Press Secretary.—Mike Hardiman. District Director.—Steve Ding. 2321 West March Lane, Suite 205, Stockton, CA 95707 (209) 951-3091 Counties: Sacramento (part), San Joaquin. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Stockton, Rancho Cordova, Galt Lodi, Manteca, and Tracy. Population (1990), 571,772. ZIP Codes: 94571 (part), 95201-10, 95212-13, 95215, 95219-20, 95227, 95231, 95234, 95236-37, 95240-42, 95253, 95258, 95267, 95269, 95304, 95320, 95330, 95336 (part), 95361 (part), 95366 (part), 95376 (part), 95378, 95385, 95608 (part), 95615, 95624 (part), 95632, 95638-39, 95641, 95655, 95670, 95680, 95683, 95686, 95690, 95693, 95741-42, 95758 (part), 95759, 95826 (part), 95827 (part), 95829 (part), 95830, 95832 (part) TWELFTH DISTRICT TOM LANTOS, Democrat, of San Mateo, CA; born in Budapest, February 1, 1928; during World War II active in anti-Nazi underground; came to the United States in 1947 on academic scholarship; B.A., University of Washington, 1949; M.A., University of Washington, 1950; Ph.D., University of California, 1953, Phi Beta Kappa; professor of economics; consultant, TV news analyst and commentator; member, Millbrae Board of Education, 1950-66; administrative assistant, economic and foreign policy adviser, U.S. Senate; married to Annette Tillemann; two married daughters: Annette Tillemann-Dick and Katrina Lantos-Swett; 14 grandchildren; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Committees on Foreign Affairs; Chairman, Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations and Human Rights; Government Operations; Select Committee on Aging; chairman of the permanent U.S. Congressional Delegation to the European Parliament and European Common Market, cochairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, member, U.S. Holocaust Council. Office Listings 2182 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0512 225-3531 Administrative Assistant. —Robert R. King. Office Manager.—Brigid H. Davis. Suite 820, 400 El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA 94402 (415) 342-0300 District Representative.—Evelyn Szelenyi. Office Manager.—Trudy Gottlieb. Counties: SAN MATEO COUNTY; cities of Brisbane, Burlingame, Colma, Daly City, Foster City, Hillsborough, Millbrae, Montara, Moss Beach, Pacifica, Redwood Shores, San Bruno, San Mateo, and South San Francisco. SAN FRANCIS-co CouNTy; city of San Francisco. Population (1990), 571,535. ZIP Codes: 94002 (part), 94005, 94010 (part), 94011, 94014 (part), 94015-17, 94030, 94037-38, 94044, 94065 (part), 94066, 94080, 94112 (part), 94114 (part), 94116, 94117 (part), 94122, 94127, 94131 (part), 94132 (part), 94401-04 Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA THIRTEENTH DISTRICT FORTNEY PETE STARK, Democrat, of Hayward, CA; born in Milwaukee, WI, No-vember 11, 1931; graduated from Wauwatosa, WI, High School, 1949; Massachusetts In-stitute of Technology, B.S., 1953; University of California, Berkeley, M.B.A., 1960; East Bay Skills Center, Oakland, G.E.D. (honorary), 1972; served in U.S. Air Force, 1955-57, captain; banker, founder, and president, Security National Bank, Walnut Creek, CA, 1963-72; trustee, California Democratic Council; chairman, board of trustees, Starr King School for the Ministry, Berkeley; trustee, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley; spon-sor, Northern California American Civil Liberties Union; director, Common Cause, 1971-72; four children: Jeffrey Peter, Beatrice Ann, Thekla Brumder, and Sarah Gallun; mar-ried to Deborah Roderick; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 239 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0513 225-5065 Administrative Assistant.—William K. Vaughan. Personal Assistant.—Ella M. Mumphard. Press Assistant.—Perry R. Plumart. Suite 500, 22320 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94541... (415) 635-1092 District Administrator.— Annie Zatlin. County: ALAMEDA COUNTY; communities of Castro Valley (part), Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, cities of Oakland (part), Union City, Fremont, Newark, Milpitas, and San Jose (part). Population (1990), 572,441. ZIP Codes: 94089 (part), 94536-45, 94546 (part), 94552 (part), 94555, 94557, 94560, 94577, 94578 (part), 94579-80, 94587, 94603 (part), 94605 (part), 94614, 94621 (part), 95002, 95035 (part), 95131 (part), 95132 (part), 95134 (part), 95143 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT ANNA G. ESHOO, Democrat, of Atherton, CA; born, December 13, 1942 in New Britain, CT; attended Canada College; San Mateo County supervisor, 1983-92; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1505 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff.—John Flaherty. Executive Assistant.—Karen Chapman. Legislative Assistant.—Jill Ehrlich. 698 Emerson Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 District Director.—Bruce Ives. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Lisa Presta. DC 20515-0514 (415) 225-8104 323-2984 Counties: San Mateo, Santa Clara. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood Shores, Redwood City, Woodside, Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley, Half Moon Bay, La Honda, East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Stanford, Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Sunnyvale, and Cupertino. Population (1990), 571,131. ZIP Codes: 94002 (part), 94010 (part), 94018, 94019 (part), 94020-28, 94035, 9403943, 94060-64, 94065 (part), 94070 (part), 94074, 94086 (part), 94087-88, 94089 (part), 94301-06, 94309, 95014 (part), 95015-16, 95030 (part), 95051 (part), 95070 (part), 95129 (part) CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 27 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT NORMAN Y. MINETA, Democrat, of San Jose, CA; born in San Jose, November 12, 1931; attended public schools in San Jose; B.S., business administration, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1953; served in the U.S. Army, 1953-56; member: San Jose Human Relations Commission; San Jose Housing Authority; San Jose councilman, 1967-71; Japanese-American Citizens League; San Jose Chamber of Commerce; vice mayor, 1969-71; mayor, 1971-74; board of directors, Santa Clara County Boy Scout Council; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress; committee assignments: Public Works and Transportation, Chair: Ex officio member, Public Works Subcommittees; Aviation, Economic Development, Investigations and Oversight, Public Buildings and Grounds, Surface Transportation, Water Resources and Environment; Surface Transportation Subcommittee, 1989-92; Aviation Subcommittee, 1981-88; Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee, 1979-80, Public Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee, 1977-78; Budget Committee, 1977-82; Post Office and Civil Service Committee, 1975-76; Science, Space and Technology Committee, 1983-92; Select Committee on Intelligence, 1977-84; appointed deputy whip at large, 97th Congress; member: Board of Regents, Smithsonian, 1979; Board of Regents, Santa Clara University; Board of Directors, Technology Center of Silicon Valley; married to Danealia Mineta; fo sons from previous marriage, David and Stuart, and two stepsons, Bob and Mark rantner. Office Listings 2221 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0515................... 225-2631 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Diane D. Evans. Legislative Director.—Christopher Strobel. Press Secretary.—Emil Guillermo. Suite 310, 1245 South Winchester Boulevard, San Jose, CA 95128..........cccccuu... (408) 984-6045 Chief of Staff.—Susan Fitts. (408) 438-4819 Counties: Santa Clara, Santa Cruz. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Brookdale, Burbank, Cambrian Park, Campbell, Cupertino (part), Davenport, Felton, Holy City, Lexington Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Mt. Hermon, Redwood Estates, San Jose (part), Santa Clara (part), Santa Cruz (part), Saratoga (part), Scotts Valley, Soquel, Sunnyvale (part), and Watsonville (part). Population (1990), 572,485. ZIP Codes: 94086 (part), 94089 (part), 95005-09, 95011, 95014 (part), 95017-18, 95026, 95030 (part), 95031-32, 95041, 95044, 95050 (part), 95051 (part), 95052, 95054-56, 95060 (part), 95061, 95065 (part), 9506667, 95070 (part), 95071, 95073 (part), 95076 (part), 95110 (part), 95117-20, 95123 (part), 95124, 95125 (part), 95126 (part), 95128 (part), 95129 (part), 95130, 95136 (part), 95138 (part), 95139, 95141 (part), 95153-55, 95157-60, 95170 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT DON EDWARDS, Democrat, of San Jose, CA; district offices: 1042 West Hedding Street, No. 100, San Jose; born in San Jose, CA; attended public schools in San Jose and graduated Stanford University; Stanford Law School, 1936-38; admitted California State bar; special agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1940-41; U.S. Navy, 1942-45, Naval Intelligence and gunnery officer; occupation, businessman; married to Edith B. Wilkie; member, Veterans’ Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Judiciary Committees; chairman, Civil and Constitutional Rights Subcommittee; elected to the 88th Congress, November 6, 1962; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2307 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0516................... 225-3072 Administrative Assistant.—Roberta Haeberle. Legislative Director.—Scott Nelson. Office Manager.—Doris Barnes. Room 100, 1042 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 345-1711 District Coordinator.—Terry Poché. County: SANTA CLARA COUNTY; most of the City of San Jose, the southernmost portion of the City of Milpitas, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, San Martin and unincorporated portions of southern Santa Clara County. Population (1990), 571,551. Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA ZIP Codes: 95013, 95020 (part), 95021, 95023 (part), 95035 (part), 95036-38, 95042, 95046, 95050 (part), 95103, 95106, 95108-69, 95110 (part), 9511-13, 95115-16, 95121-22, 95123 (part), 95125 (part), 95126 (part), 95127, 95128 (part), i uz (part), 95133, 95134 (part) 95135, 95136 (part), 95138 (part), 95140, 95141 (part), 95148, 95150-52, 72-1 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT SAM FARR, Democrat, of Carmel, CA; born July 4, 1941, attended Carmel public schools; B.S., biology, Willamette University, Salem, OR; studied at the Monterey Insti-tute of International Studies; served in the Peace Corps for 2 years Colombia, South America; worked as a consultant and employee of the California Assembly; elected to the California Assembly, 1980-93; member: Committees on Education, Insurance, and Natural Resources; married to Shary Baldwin; one daughter: Jessica; elected by special election on June 8, 1993 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Leon Panetta. Office Listings 1216 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0517 225-2861 Administrative Assistant.—[Vacant.] Legislative Director.—[Vacant.] Press Secretary.—[Vacant.] 380 Alvarado Street, Monterey, CA 93940 : (408) 649-3555 District Representative.—[Vacant.] 701 Ocean Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 : (408) 429-1976 Chief of Staff. —Donna Blitzer. 100 West Alisal, Salinas, CA 93901 .... (408) 424-2229 1160 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 541-0143 Counties: Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz (southern half), San Luis Obispo County ard) inoinding coastal strip extending south to Los Osos and including San Luis Obispo City. Population (1990), 570,981 ZIP Codes: 93426 (part), 93450, 93451 (part), 93901-02, 93905-08, 93912, 93915, 93920-28, 93930, 93932-33, 93940-44, 93950, 93953-55, 93960, 93962, 95001, 95003-04, 95010, 95012, 95019, 95020 (part), 95023 (part), 95024, 95039, 95043, 95045, 95060 (part), 95062-64, 95065 (part), 95073 (part), 95075, 95076 (part), 95077 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT GARY A. CONDIT, Democrat, of Ceres, CA; born April 21, 1948; attended Modesto Junior College; B.A., political science, California State University, Stanislaus, 1972; elect-ed to Ceres City Council, 1972-76; mayor, Ceres, 1974-76; Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors, 1976-82, serving as chairman, 1980; California State Assembly, 1983-89; former Assembly Assistant Majority Leader; former chairman and vice-chairman, Assem-bly Governmental Organization Committee and chairman of the Subcommittee on Sports and Entertainment; past chair, Assembly Rural Caucus; Legislator of the Year for Cali-fornia Narcotic Officers Association, 1986; Legislator of the Year for California Rifle and Pistol Association, 1986, 1988; member, Agriculture; Elections Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments; Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials; International Trade and Intergovernmental Relations; Human Services; Governmental Organization; Revenue and Taxation; Ways and Means; Ways and Means Subcommittee on Education; Joint Committee on States Economy; Joint Committee on Fairs Allocation and Classifica-tion; Special Committee on Community Colleges and Select Committee on California Youth; member, House Agriculture Committee and Subcommittees on Livestock, General Farm Commodities, and Specialty Crops and Natural Resources; House Government Op-erations Committee and Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, Transporta-tion, and Agriculture; elected to the 101st Congress by special election on September 12, 1989 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Tony Coelho; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 29 Office Listings 1123 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0518 .............. 225-6131 Legislative Assistants: Mike Dayton, Robert Guenther, Steve Jones, Ken Tyndal. 1601 1 Street, Suite C, Modesto, CA 95354 ...............c...cinvniinsinitsonusienmsisioten (209) 527-1914 Chief of Staff. —Mike Lynch. 415 West: 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340).........000emimcimicternminiiismersissitonive (209) 383-4455 Counties: Merced, Stanislaus. FRESNO COUNTY; city of Firebaugh. MADERA COUNTY; city of Madera. SAN JOAQUIN CouNTY; city of Ripon. Population (1990), 571,393. ZIP Codes: 92634, 93242, 93610 (part), 93616 (part), 93620, 93622 (part), 95301, 95303 (part), 95312-13, 95321 (part), 95333-34, 95340-42, 95344-48, 95350-52, 95354-56, 95360, 95361 (part), 95363, 95365, 95367-69, 95374, 95380-81, 95384, 95386-88, 95389 (part), 93637, 95366 NINETEENTH DISTRICT RICHARD H. LEHMAN, Democrat, of North Fork, CA; born in Sanger, CA, July 20, 1948; attended Lone Star Elementary School in Sanger; graduated Sanger High School, 1966; A.A., Fresno City College, 1968; California State University, Fresno, 1969; received BA in political science, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1986; California National Guard, 1970-76; administrative aide to California State Assemblyman George N. Zenovich, 1969-76; elected to the California Assembly, 1976-82; assistant majority leader, 1980-82; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; whip-at-large; chairman, Natural Resources, subcommittee on Energy and Min-eral Resources. Office Listings 1226 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0519 .............. 225-4540 Administrative Assistant.—Scott Nishioki. Executive Assistant.—Jill Cunningham. Legislative Director.—Janice Morris. 2377 West Shaw, Suite 105, Fresno CA 93711 (209) 248-0800 District Representative.—Dave Brodie. Counties: FRESNO COUNTY; cities and townships of Auberry, Big Creek, Clovis (part), Del Rey (part), Dinuba (part), Dunlap, Fowler (part), Fresno, Friant, Hume, Huntington Lake, Kerman, Kings Canyon, Lakeshore, Miramonte, Orange Cove (part), Piedra, Pinedale, Prather, Reedley (part), Sanger (part), Shaver Lake, Squaw Valley, Tollhouse, and Wishon. MADERA COUNTY; cities and townships of Ahwahnee, Bass Lake, Chowchilla (part), Coarsegold, Madera (part), Mono Hot Springs, North Fork, Oakhurst, O’Neals, and Raymond. MARIPOSA COUNTY; cities and townships of Fish Camp, Cathey’s Valley (part), Coulterville (part), El Portal, Mariposa, Midpines, and Yosemite National Park. TULARE COUNTY; cities and townships of Badger, Dinuba (part), Exeter (part), Ivanhoe, Kaweah, Lemoncove, Lindsay (part), Orosi (part), Sequoia National Park, Three Rivers, Visalia (part), and Woodlake. Population (1990), 573,043. ZIP Codes: 93221 (part), 93235, 93237, 93244, 93247 (part), 93262, 93271, 93277 (part), 93286, 93291 (part), 93292 (part), 93601-05, 93610 (part), 93611-14, 93616 (part), 93618 (part), 93621, 93623, 93625 (part), 93626, 93629, 93630 (part), 93633-34, 93637 (part), 93638-39, 93641, 9364345, 93646 (part), 93647 (part), 93649-51, 93653, 93654 (part), 93657 (part), 93664, 93667, 93669, 93675, 93701 (part), 93702 (part), 93703-05, 93706 (part), 93710-11, 93720, 93722 (part), 93725 (part), 93726-29, 93744, 93747, 93755, 93790-94, 95306, 95311, 95318, 95338, 95345, 95389 TWENTIETH DISTRICT CALVIN M. DOOLEY, Democrat, of Visalia, CA; born in Hanford, CA, January 11, 1954; M.S. in management, Sloan Fellow at Stanford University, 1986-87; B.S. in Agri-cultural Economics, University of California at Davis; administrative assistant to State Senator Rose Ann Vuich; past vice president, Tulare County Farm Bureau; state delegate from Tulare County; member: California State Labor Policy Committee; Tulare County board of directors, Agricultural Leadership Associates; Agricultural Issues and Outlook Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA Symposium; Outstanding Farmers of America; Visalia Chamber of Commerce; chairman, Tulare County University of California Campus Expansion Task Force; founder, Visalia Senior Gleaners; member: founding board of directors of Tulare County Food Resources; Tulare County Environmental Affairs Committee; Steering Committee, Visalians Orga-nized to Improve our Children’s Education, Rotary, Visalia County Center; Visalia Uni-fied School District Facilities Task Force; state president, California Association of the Future Farmers of America, 1972-73; member, Class 13, Agricultural Leadership Pro-gram; selected as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America, 1985; state winner and national runner-up in 1985 Farm Bureau Discussion Contest; selected by Jaycees as 1985 Outstanding Young Farmer in California; regional finalist, 1987 White House Fellowship Program; married the former Linda Phillips; two children: Brooke and Emily; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1227 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0520............... 225-3341 Administrative Assistant.—Lisa Quigley. Legislative Director.—Joe Raeder. Press Secretary.—Tim Miller. 224 West Lacey Boulevard, Hanford, CA 93230 ......ccccccevurnvenrerernnenn (209) 585-8171 (800) 464-4294 Counties: Kings County. FRESNO COUNTY; western portion not in the Nineteenth District including western part of Fresno. KERN COUNTY; western portion not in the Twenty First District including western part of Bakersfield. TULARE COUNTY; western portion not in Nineteenth or Twenty First District including western part of Visalia and Tulare. Population (1990), 573,282. ZIP Codes: 93201-02, 93203 (part), 93204, 93206, 93210, 93212, 93215-17, 93219-20, 93227, 93230, 93232, 93234, 93239, 93241-42, 93245, 93249-50, 93256, 93257 (part), 93261, 93263 (part), 93266, 93270 (part), 93272, 93274 (part), 93275, 93277 (part), 93280, 93282, 93291 (part), 93305 (part), 93306 (part), 93307 (part), 93308 (part), 93309 (part), 93311 (part), 93312 (part), 93313 (part), 93382-83, 93606-09, 93615, 93616 (part), 93618 (part), 93622 (part), 93624, 93625 (part), 93627, 93630 (part), 93631, 93640, 93646 (part), 93647 (part), 93648, 93652, 93654 (part), 93656, 93657 (part), 93660, 93662, 93666, 93668, 93670, 93673, 93701 (part), 93702 (part), 93706 (part), 93707-09, 93712, 93714-18, 93721, 93722 (part), 93725 (part), 93745, 93771-79 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT BILL THOMAS, Republican, of Bakersfield, CA; born in Wallace, ID, December 6, 1941; attended public schools in San Pedro and Garden Grove; graduated, Garden Grove High School, 1959; A.A., Santa Ana Community College, 1961; B.A., San Francisco State University, 1963; M.A., San Francisco State University, 1965; professor, Bakersfield Community College, 1965-74; served in California State Assembly, 1974-78; member: ag-riculture, revenue and taxation, and rules committees; selected by the American Council of Young Political Leaders as a delegate to the Soviet Union, 1977; member: Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Trade; ranking member, Subcommittee on Health; House Ad-ministration Committee, ranking Republican; married to the former Sharon Lynn Hamil-ton, 1968; two children: Christopher and Amelia; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2209 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0521 ................... 225-2915 Administrative Assistant.—Cathy Abernathy. Legislative Director.—Robert S. Winters. Executive Assistant.—Cynthia O’Hanlon. Office Manager.—Sheri Lee Norris. Press Secretary.—Bill Pierce. Suite 220, 4100 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93309......cccovvrreervirrreerineennnnnn. (805) 327-3611 319 West Murray Street, Visalia, CA 93201 ..........ccicccsinnrmnsnsnsssamssmssniimsissie (209) 627-6549 Counties: KERN COUNTY; cities and townships of Arvin, Bakersfield, Bodfish, Boron, Buttonwillow, Caliente, California City, Cantil, China Lake, Edison, Edwards, Fellows, Frazier Park, Glennville, Havilah, Inyokern, Keene, Kern-ville, Lake Isabella, Lebec, Maricopa, McKittrick, Mojave, Monolith, North Edwards, Onyx, Randsberg, Ridge-crest, Rosamond, Taft, Tehachapi, Tupman, Weldon, Willow Springs, Wofford Heights, and Woody. TULARE CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 31 COUNTY; cities and townships of California Hot Springs, Camp Nelson, Ducor, Farmersville, Lindsay, Porterville, Posey, Springville, Strathmore, Terra Bella, Tulare, and Visalia. Population (1990), 571,300. ZIP Codes: 93203 (part), 93205-08, 93218, 93220, 93222-26, 93238, 93240, 93247 (part), 93251-52, 93255, 93257 (part), 93258, 93260, 93265, 93267-68, 93270 (part), 93274 (part), 93275-76, 93277 (part), 93278-79, 93283, 93285, 93287, 93291 (part), 93301-04, 93305 (part), 93306 (part), 93307 (part), 93308 (part), 93309 (part), 93310, 93311 (part), 93312 (part), 93313 (part), 93380-89, 93501-02, 93504-05, 93516, 93518-19, 93523-24, 93527, 93531, 93554, 93555 (part), 93556, 93560-61, 93596 TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT MICHAEL HUFFINGTON, Republican, of Santa Barbara, CA; born in Dallas, TX, on September 3, 1947; attended Condit Elementary School, Houston TX, 1961-65; grad-uated from the Culver Military Academy, Culver, IN; B.A., Stanford University, Stan-ford, CA, 1970; B.S., Stanford University, 1970; M.B.A., Harvard Business School, 1970; chairman, Crest Films, Ltd.; member: University of California at Santa Barbara Founda-tion Board of Trustees, The Culver Educational Foundation, The Aspen Institute, Santa Barbara Zoological Foundation; Trustee and Regent, Cathedral of St. John the Divine; married to the former Arianna Stassinopoulos, 1986; two children, Isabella Diana, 1991, and Christina Sophia, 1989; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 113 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0522 225-3601 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Wootton. Press Secretary.—Christina Martin. 1819 State Street, Suite D, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 682-6600 District Director.—David Gray. 1060 Palm Street, Suite A, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 542-0426 District Assistant.—Brian Nestande. 910 East Stowell Rd., Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 349-9357 District Assistant.—Shannon Larrabee. Counties: SAN Luis OBispo COUNTY; cities and townships of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Avila Beach, Bradley, Cambria, Cayucos, Cholame, Creston, California Valley, Grover Beach, Halcyon, Harmony, Los Osos, Morro Bay, Nipomo, Oceano, Paso Robles, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo, San Miguel, San Simeon, Santa Margarita, Shandon, Pozo, and Templeton. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY; cities and townships of Buellton, Casmalia, Cuyama, Ellwood, Gaviota, Goleta, Guadalupe, Isla Vista, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Los Alamos, Montecito, Santa Barbara, rr) Maria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Summerland, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Orcutt, and Ballard. Population 1990), 572,891. ZIP Codes: 93013 (part), 93014, 93067, 93101-03, 93105-11, 93116-18, 93120-21, 93130, 93140, 93150, 93160, 93190, 93214, 93254, 93401-03, 93405-10, 93412, 93420-24, 93426 (part), 93427-38, 93440-49, 93451 (part), 93452-57, 93460-61, 93463-65, 93483, 95930 TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT ELTON GALLEGLY, Republican, of Simi Valley, CA; born in Huntington Park, CA, March 7, 1944; graduated Huntington Park High School, 1962; attended Los Ange-les State College; businessman; member Simi Valley City Council, 1979; mayor, city of Simi Valley, 1980-86; Congressional Human Rights Caucus; House Republican Research Committee, task force on Crime and SDI; Congressional Fire Services Caucus; chairman, Task Force on Urban Search and Rescue; former vice-chairman and chairman, Ventura County Association of Goverments; former member, Board of Directors, Moorpark Col-lege Foundation; delegate, 1988 Republican National Convention; married to the former Janice L. Shrader, 1974; four children: Shawn G., Shawn P., Kevin, and Shannon; elect-ed to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA Office Listings 2441 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0523 225-5811 Administrative Assistant.—Paul W. Bateman. Legislative Director.—Lisa Boepple. Press Secretary.—John Frith. Office Manager.—Tricia Evans. 300 Esplanade Drive, Suite 1800, Oxnard, CA 93030-1262 (805) 485-2300 District Assistant.—Paula Sheil. (800) 423-0023 Counties: VENTURA COUNTY; cities and townships of Bell Canyon, Camarillo, Fillmore, Meiners Oaks, Moorpark, Oak View, Ojai, Oxnard, Piru, Point Mugu, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula, Santa Susana, Saticoy, Simi Valley, Somis, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY; city of Carpinteria. Population (1990), 571,483. ZIP Codes: 90265 (part), 91304 (part), 91307 (part), 91311 (part), 91361 (part), 91362 (part), 93001-07, 93010-12, 93013 Cart) 93015-16, 93020, 93021-24, 93030-35, 93040-44, 93060-63, 93065-66, 93093, 93222 (part), 93225 (part), 93252 (part TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT ANTHONY C. BEILENSON, Democrat, of Woodland Hills, CA; born in New Ro-chelle, NY, October 26, 1932; graduated, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA, 1950; A.B., Harvard College, 1954; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1957; member, California Assembly, 1963-66; California Senate, 1967-76; married to the former Dolores Martin, 1959; three children: Peter, Dayna, and Adam; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; re-elected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2465 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0524 225-5911 Administrative Assistant.—Janet Faulstich. Appointment Secretary.—Amadie Hutner. Press Assistant.—Kaye Edwards Davis. 21031 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1010, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 999-1990 200 North Westlake Boulevard, Suite 211, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 496-4333 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Agoura, Calabasas, Canoga Park, Encino, Hidden Hills, Malibu, Reseda, Tarzana, Topanga, West Hills, Westlake Village, Woodland Hills, and parts of Chatsworth, North Hollywood, Northridge, Sherman Oaks, and Van Nuys. VENTURA COUNTY; cities of Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, Westlake, and parts of Bell Canyon, and Lake Sherwood. Population (1990), 572,563. ZIP Codes: 90049 (part), 90264, 90265 (part), 90290 (part), 91301-03, 91304 (part), 91305, 91306 (part), 91307 (part), 91308-09, 91311 (part), 91316, 91320 (part), 91324 (part), 91325 (part), 91335, 91337, 91356-59, 91360 (part), 91361 (part), 91362 (part), 91364-65, 91367, 91372, 91376, 91385, 91401 (part), 91403 (part), 91404, 91406 (part), 91408, 91411 (part), 91416, 91423 (part), 91436, 91604 (part), 91607 (part), 93021 (part), 93023 (part) TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT HOWARD P. (BUCK) McKEON, Republican, of Santa Clarita, CA; born in Los An-geles, CA, on September 9, 1938; graduated Verdugo Hills High School, Tujunga, CA; B.S., Brigham Young University; owner, Howard and Phil’s Western Wear; mayor and city councilman, Santa Clarita, 1987-92; member: board of directors, Canyon Country Chamber of Commerce; Santa Clarita Valley Small Business Development Center; Cali-fornia Republican State Central Committee; district committee, Boy Scouts of America; chairman and trustee, William S. Hart School District, 1979-87; chairman and director, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, 1983-87; chairman and founding director, Va-lencia National Bank, 1987-92; honorary chairman, Red Cross Community Support Cam-paign, 1992, Lukemia Society Celebrity Program, 1990; married to the former Patricia Kunz, 1962; six children: Tamara, 1963, Howard D., 1965, John Matthew, 1966, Kimber- CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 33 ly, 1969, David Owen, 1973, and Tricia, 1975; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 307 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0525..........ccceoouue.e.. 225-1956 Chief of Staff. —Bob Cochran. FAX: 226-0683 Executive Assistant/Appointments.—Barbara Reynolds. District Director/Press Secretary.—Armando Azarloza. 23929 W Valencia Boulevard, Suite 410, Santa Clarita, CA 91355.........ccocoeue... (805) 254-2111 1008 West Avenue, M4, Suite D, Palmdale, CA 93551 .. (805) 948-7833 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Acton, Canyon Country, Canyon Country/Acqua Dulce, Castaic, Castaic/Saugus/Val Verde, Chatsworth, Granada Hills, Lake Hughes/Elizabeth, Lake Los Angeles. Lancaster, Lancaster/Quartz Hills, Little Rock, Llano, Neenach, Newhall, North Hills/Sepulveda, Northridge, as aTudle/Leons Valley, Pearblossom, Stevenson Ranch, Valencia, Valyermo, West Hills. Population ZIP Codes: 91304 (part), 91306 (part), 91310, 91311 (part), 91313, 91321 (part), 91324 (part), 91325 (part), 91326-28, 91342 (part), 91343 (part), 91344 (part), 91345 (part), 91350 (part), 91351, 91354-55, 91380-81, 91384, 91386, 91393 94, 93243, 93510, 93532, 93534-36, 93539, 9354344, 93550-53, 93584, 93586, 93590-91 TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT HOWARD L. BERMAN, Democrat, of Panorama City, CA (representing the San Fernando Valley and parts of Los Angeles); born April 15, 1941 in Los Angeles; B.A, international relations, UCLA, 1962; LL.B., UCLA School of Law, 1965; California As-sembly Fellowship Program, 1965-70; Vista Volunteer, 1966-67; admitted to the bar of the State of California, 1966; practiced law until election to California Assembly in 1972; named assembly majority leader in first term; served as chair of the Assembly Democrat-ic Caucus and the policy research management committee of the Assembly; member: re-gional board of the Anti-Defamation League, board of the Center for Law in the Public Interest; past president, California Federation of Young Democrats; Distinguished Alum-nus of UCLA, 1977; married to the former Janis Schwartz; two children: Brinley and Lindsey; elected to the 98th Congress on November 2, 1982 and reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress; member, Budget Committee, Judiciary Committee, and the Foreign Affairs Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on International Operations. Office Listings 2201 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0526................... 225-4695 Administrative Assistant. —Gene Smith. Legislative Director.—Bari Schwartz. Personal Secretary.—Nancy Milburn. Suite 506, 14600 Roscoe Boulevard, Panorama City, CA 91402 ..............cccoueuue. (818) 891-0543 Administrative Assistant.—Rose Casteneda. County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; portions of the city of Los Angeles, including all or part of the communities of Arleta, Lakeview Terrace, Mission Hills, North Hollywood, North Hills, Pacoima, Panorama City, Sepulveda, Sun Valley, Sylmar, and Van Nuys; and the city of San Fernando. Population (1990), 571,523. ZIP Codes: 91040 (part), 91331, 91340, 91342 (part), 91343 (part), 91344 (part), 91345 (part), 91352 (part), 91395, 91401 (part), as, 91406 (part), 91411 (part), 91504 (part), 91505 (part), 91601 (part), 91602 (part), 91605 (part), 91606, 91607 ) TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT CARLOS J. MOORHEAD, Republican, of Glendale, CA; born in Long Beach, CA, May 6, 1922; attended Glendale public schools; graduated University of California at Los Angeles, B.A., 1943, University of Southern California School of Law, J.D., 1949; enlist- Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA ed in U.S. Army Reserve in June 1942, served 3% years during World War II, presently Judge Advocate (ret.) with rank of lieutenant colonel; practicing attorney; directed Law-yer’s Reference Service of the Glendale Bar Association; admitted to practice before Su-preme Court; California State Assemblyman, 1967-72; member, California Law Revision Commission, 1969-72; board of directors, Glendale La Crescenta Camp Fire Girls, Inc.; past president, Glendale Hi-Twelve Club, Glendale Bar Association, 43d District Repub-lican Assembly, and Glendale Young Republicans; member, Los Angeles County and California State bar, Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, B.P.O.E., Masons, Shrine, Ver-dugo Hills Council Boy Scouts, Los Angeles County Republican Central Committee, and State Republican Central Committee; married Valery Joan Tyler; 5 children: Theresa, Catharine, Steven, Teri, and Paul; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; re-elected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2346 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0527 225-4176 Administrative Assistant.—G. Maxine Dean. Press/Legislative Assistant.—J. David Joergenson. Legislative Assistant.—Leslie E. Adlam. Receptionist/Appointments Secretary.—Maria Springer. 420 North Brand Boulevard, Glendale, CA 91203 (818) 247-8445 301 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91101 (818) 792-6168 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Glendale, La Crescenta, Burbank, Pasadena, San Marino, South Pasadena, La Canada Flintridge, Altadena, Montrose, Sunland (part), Saugus (part), Sun Valley (part), Tujunga, Mt. Wilson. Population (1990), 571,483. ZIP Codes: 90039 (part), 90041 (part), 90065 (part), 90068 (part), 91001-03, 91011-12, 91017, 91020-21, 91023, 91030 (part), 91031, 91040 (part), 91041-43, 91046, 91101-04, 91105 (part), 91106, 91107 (part), 91108-09, 91114-15, 91117-18, 91201-10, 91214, 91221-22, 91224-26, 91321 (part), 91322, 91342 (part), 91350 (part), 91352 (part), 91353, 91501-03, 91504 (part), 91505 (part), 91506-08, 91510, 91801 (part) TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT DAVID DREIER, Republican, of La Verne, CA; born in Kansas City, MO, July 5, 1952; Claremont McKenna College, B.A. (cum laude), political science, 1975; Claremont Graduate School, M.A., American Government, 1976; Winston S. Churchill Fellow; Phi Sigma Alpha; director, corporate relations, Claremont McKenna College, 1975-78; member: board of governors, James Madison Society; Republican State Central Commit-tee of California; Los Angeles Town Hall; named Outstanding Young Man of America and Outstanding Young Californian, 1976 and 1978; director, marketing and government affairs, Industrial Hydrocarbons, 1979-80; vice president, Dreier Development, 1985-present; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 411 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0528 225-2305 Administrative Assistant.—Bradley W. Smith. Legislative Director.—Vince Randazzo. Scheduler/Projects.—Janice McKinney. 112 North Second Avenue, Covina, CA 91723 . (818) 339-9078 Field Representative.—Mark Harmsen. (909) 592-2857 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Arcadia, Azusa, Bradbury, Claremont, Covina, Duarte, Glendora, Industry, LaPuente, La Verne, Los Angeles Forest, Monrovia, Pasadena, Pomona, Rowland Heights, San Dimas, San Gabriel, Sierra Madre, Temple City, Valinda, Walnut, West Covina. Population (1990), 572,927. ZIP Codes: 91006 (part), 91007, 91009, 91010 (part), 91016 (part), 91024-25, 91066, 91077, 91107 (part), 91116, 91702 (part), 91711, 91722 (part), 91723-24, 91731 (part), 91740 (part), 91744 (part), 91748 (part), 91750, 91767 (part), 91768 (part), 91773, 91775 (part), 91776 (part), 91780, 91788, 91789 (part), 91790 (part), 91791, 91792 (part), 91793 CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 35 TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT HENRY A. WAXMAN, Democrat, of Los Angeles, CA; born in Los Angeles, Sep-tember 12, 1939; B.A., political science, UCLA, 1961; J.D., School of Law; admitted to the California State bar, 1965; served three terms as California State Assemblyman; former chairman, California Assembly Health Committee, Select Committee on Medical Malpractice, and Committee on Elections and Reapportionment; president, California Federation of Young Democrats, 1965-67; member: Guardians of the Jewish Home for the Aged, American Jewish Congress, Sierra Club; married to the former Janet Kessler, 1971; two children: Carol Lynn and Michael David; elected to the 94th Congress, No-vember 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2408 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0529.................... 225-3976 Administrative Assistant.—Philip M. Schiliro. Legislative Assistant.—Patricia Delgado. Personal Secretary/Office Manager.—Norah Lucey Mail. Suite 600, 8436 West Third Street, Los Angeles, CA 90048 (213) 651-1040 Administrative Assistant.—Howard Elinson. Coordinator.—Keiko Shimabukuro. County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Los Angeles (part), North Hollywood (part), and Sherman Oaks (part). Population (1990), 571,566. ZIP Codes: 90004 (part), 90005 (part), 90010 (part), 90020 (part), 90024-25, 90026 (part), 90027 (part), 90028 (part), 90029 (part), 90035 (part), 90036 (part), 90038 (part), 90039 (part), 90046, 90048 (part), 90049 (part), 90064 (part), 90067, 90068 (part), 90069, 90072-73, 90077-78, 90093, 90209-13, 90265 (part), 90272, 90290 (part), 90401-04, 90405 (part), 90406-11, 91010 (part), 91403 (part), 91413, 91423 (part), 91601 (part), 91602 (part), 91604 (part), 91607 (part), 91608, 91610, 91614 THIRTIETH DISTRICT XAVIER BECERRA, Democrat, of Los Angeles, CA; born in Sacramento, CA, on January 26, 1958; attended Hollywood Park Elementary School, Sacramento, CA; grad-uated McClatchy High School, Sacramento, 1976; B.A., Stanford University, 1980; J.D., Stanford Law School, 1984; admitted to California bar, 1985; attended Universidad de Salamanca, 1978-79; staff attorney “Reggie Fellow”, Legal Assistance Corporation of Central Massachusetts, 1984-85; Administrative Assistant for State Senator Art Torres, California State Legislature, 1986; Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Attorney Gen-eral, State of California, 1987-90; Assemblyman, California State Legislature, 1990-92; member: Mexican American State Legislators Policy Institute; member: Mexican Ameri-can Bar Association; chairperson: Hispanic Employee Advisory Committee to the State Attorney General, 1989; honorary member: Association of California State Attorneys and Administrative Law Judges; former member: Steering Committee, Greater Eastside Voter Registration Project; Construction and General Laborers Union, Local 185 (Sacramento); married to Dr. Carolina Reyes; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1710 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0530 .............. 225-6235 Administrative Assistant.—Elsa Marquez. FAX: 225-2202 Press Secretary.—Krista Atteberry. District Administrator.—Henry Lozano. Suite 200, 2435 Colorado Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90041 .............cceccevvenene (213) 550-8962 FAX: (213) 550-1440 Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA County: Los ANGELES COUNTY (part); city of Los Angeles (part). Population (1990), 572,538. ZIP Codes: 90004 (part), 90005 (part), 90006 (part), 90010 (part), 90012 (part), 90019 (part), 90020 (part), 90023 (part), 90026 (part), 90027 (part), 90028 (part), 90029 (part), 90031, 90032 (part), 90033 (part), 90038 (part), 90039 (part), 90041 (part), 90042, 90050, 90057 (part), 90063 (part), 90065 (part), 90070 THIRTY-FIRST DISTRICT MATTHEW G. MARTINEZ, Jr., Democrat, of Alhambra, CA; born in Walsenburg, CO, February 14, 1929; attended Breed Street School and Euclid Street School, Los An-geles, CA; graduated, Roosevelt High School, Los Angeles, 1949; received certificate of competence, Los Angeles Trade Technical School, 1959; served in U.S. Marine Corps, private first class, 1947-50; small businessman and building contractor; appointed: Monte-rey Park Planning Commission, 1971-74; elected: mayor, Monterey Park, 1974-75; city councilman, Monterey Park, 1974-80; California State Legislature, 1980-82; member: His-panic American Democrats, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Offi-cials, Communications Workers of America, VFW, American Legion, Latin Business As-sociation, Monterey Park Chamber of Commerce, the Navy League; board, San Gabriel Valley YMCA; and past president of the Rotary Club; children: Matthew, Diane, Susan, Michael, and Carol Ann; elected to the 97th Congress by special election, July 13, 1982, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of George Danielson; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2231 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0531 225-5464 Administrative Assistant/Chief of Staff. —Maxine A. Grant. FAX: 225-5467 320 South Garfield Avenue, Suite 214, Alhambra, CA 91801 (818) 458-4524 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Alhambra, Azusa, Baldwin Park, El Monte, South El Monte, Irwindale, Monterey Park, Rosemead, San Gabriel, South San Gabriel, and portions of East Los Angeles, East San Gabriel, Citrus CDP, Glendora, Industry City, Los Angeles, Temple City, Vincent CDP, and West Covina. Population (1990), 572,643. ZIP Codes: 90022 (part), 90032 (part), 90063 (part), 91006 (part), 91010 (part), 91016 (part), 91030 (part), 91702 (part), 91706 (part), 91722 (part), 91731 (part), 91732-34, 91740 (part), 91754, 91770 (part), 91775 (part), 91776 (part), 91778, 91790 (part), 91801 (part), 91802-03 THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT JULIAN C. DIXON, Democrat, of Los Angeles, CA; born in Washington, DC, August 8, 1934; attended the public schools; graduated, Dorsey High School, Los Ange-les, CA, 1953; B.S., Los Angeles State College, 1962; LL.B., Southwestern University, Los Angeles, CA, 1967; served in U.S. Army, sergeant, 1957-60; member of the Califor-nia State Assembly, 1972-78; chairman, Democratic Caucus; member: Assembly Commit-tee on Criminal Justice, Ways and Means, Select Committee on Corrections, Joint Com-mittee on the Revision of the Penal Code; vice chairman, Assembly Select Committee on Health Sciences Education; former chairman, Legislative Black Caucus; secretary, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Task Force; member: National Conference of State Legislature Executive Committee; Committee on Appropriations; member, Subcommittee on Defense, Military Construction; chairman: Subcommittee on the District of Columbia; member, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; member, Democratic Steering and Policy; chairman, Congressional Black Caucus, 98th Congress; married: Betty Lee Dixon; one child: Cary Cordon; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. CALIFORNIA 103d Congress Office Listings 2400 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0532 225-7084 Administrative Assistant.—Andrea (Tracy) Holmes. FAX: 225-4091 Appointment Secretary.—Deanne R. Clarke. Legislative Director.—Gwendolyn Brown. La Cienega Slauson Business Park, Suite 208, 5100 West Goldleaf Circle, Los Angeles, CA 90056 (213) 678-5424 Administrative Assistant.—Patricia Miller. County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Culver City, Los Angeles City (part), communities of Crenshaw, West Adams, Mid City, Leimert Park, Exposition Park, South Central (part), Baldwin Hills, Mar Vista, Beverlywood, Palms, Rancho Park (part), Cheviot Hills, and unincorporated communities of Windsor HIlls, View Park and Ladera Heights. Population (1990), 572,595. ZIP Codes: 90005 (part), 90006 (part), 90007 (part), 90008, 90010 (part), 90016, 90018, 90019 (part), 90034, 90035 (part), 90036 (part), 90037 (part), 90043, 90044 (part), 90045 (part), 90047 (part), 90048 (part), 90056, 90062, 90064 (part), 90066 (part), 90075-76, 90082, 90089, 90230 (part), 90231-33, 90291 (part), 90292 (part), 90302 (part), 90405 (part) THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD, Democrat, of Los Angeles, CA; born on June 12, 1941 in Los Angeles, CA; daughter of former Congressman Edward R. Roybal; B.A., California State University, Los Angeles, 1965; elected to the California State Assembly, 1987-92; 1992 Environmental Achievement Award, California Sierra Club; 1992 Feminist of the Year Award, The Feminist Majority Foundation; 1991 Legislator of the Year Award, National Organization for Women; 1991 Star Legislator Award, Los Angeles Women’s Legislative Coalition; 1990 and 1991, Highest Legislative Rating, California League of Conservation Voters; 1990 Legislator of the Year, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Governing Board; 1990 Assembly member of the Year, University of California Student Association; Humanitarian Award, Los Angeles Commission on As-saults Against Women; Public Service Award, Asian Business Association; Public Service Award (three time winner), East Los Angeles Jaycees; Outstanding Achievement Award, National Association of Hispanic CPAs; Hispanic Women of the ’80’s Award, Mexican American Women’s National Association; President’s Award, Latin American Profession-al Women’s Association; Award for Work on Domestic Violence, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; The President’s Public Service Award, County of Los Angeles; married in 1981 to Edward T. Allard III; four children: Lisa Marie, 1966; Ricardo, 1969; Angela, 1970; and Guy Mark, 1976; elected on November 3, 1993 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 324 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0533 225-1766 Chief of Staff.—Henry J. Contreras. FAX: 226-0350 Legislative Director.—Maria Luisa Ochoa. Press Secretary.—Roger Salazar. District Administrator.—Yolanda Chavez. Suite 1860, 255 East Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334 (213) 628-9230 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Bell, Bell Gardens, Boyle Heights, Commerce, Cudahy, Downtown Los Angeles, East Los Angeles, Florence, Huntington Park, Maywood, Paramount, Pico Union, South Gate, Vernon, Walnut Park, and Westlake. Population (1990), 572,595. ZIP Codes: 90001 (part), 90005 (part), 90006 (part), 90007 (part), 90011 (part), 90012 (part), 90013-15, 90017, 90020 (part), 90021, 90022 (part), 90023 (part), 90026 (part), 90030, 90033 (part), 90040 (part), 90051, 90053-55, 90057 (part), 90058 (part), 90060, 90063 (part), 90071, 90079, 90086-87, 90091, 90201, 90255 (part), 90262 (part), 90270, 90280 (part), 90301 (part) Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT ESTEBAN EDWARD TORRES, Democrat, of Valinda, CA; born in Miami, AZ, January 27, 1930; moved to East Los Angeles in 1936 and attended public schools; grad-uated from James A. Garfield High School, 1949; studied under GI Bill, Los Angeles Art Center, 1953; East Los Angeles College, 1959; California State University at Los Angeles, 1963, education; post graduate studies, University of Maryland, 1965, economics; Ameri-can University, 1966, international relations; Honorary Doctorate Degree, National Uni-versity, San Diego, 1987; married the former Arcy Sanchez of Los Angeles, January 22, 1955; five children: Carmen (Ms. Raul Garcia), Rena, Camille, Selina, and Esteban; enlist-ed in U.S. Army, 1949; honorably discharged as a Korean conflict veteran in 1953 (sta-tioned in Germany) with the rank of sergeant first class; employed by the Chrysler Corp., Los Angeles, 1954; elected chief shop steward, 1958, United Auto Worker’s UAW Local 230; appointed UAW organizer western region 6; appointed international representative, UAW, Washington, DC, office, 1963; director, UAW Inter-American Bureau for Carib-bean and Latin American Affairs, 1964-68; returned to Los Angeles, cofounded the East Los Angeles Community Union TELACU; served as chief executive officer, TELACU, 1968-74; member, Los Angeles County Commission on Economic Development, 1970-72; commissioner, Mexican American Education Commission, 1970-72; president, Congress Mexican American Unity, 1969-70; president, Plaza de la Raza Cultural Center, 1973; vice president, National Congress for Community Economic Development, 1974; board of visitors, School of Architecture, UCLA, 1973-74; resigned TELACU; candidate for U.S. Congress, 30th Congressional District, 1974, San Gabriel Valley, CA; consultant, Committee to Incorporate East Los Angeles; member, Citizens National Committee on Broadcasting, 1975; appointed by UAW President Leonard Woodcock as assistant direc-tor of UAW International Affairs Department, Washington, DC; delegate and consultant to international trade union conferences, Latin America and Western Europe; delegate to IMF Central Committee meetings, Geneva, Switzerland; consultant, U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1976; Presidential appointment and U.S. Senate confirmation as U.S. Permanent Representative to United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], with rank of Ambassador, Paris, France, 1977; chairman, Geneva Group, 1978; delegate and vice president to UNESCO General Conference, Paris, 1978; elected to UNESCO Executive Board, 1978; appointed special assistant to President Jimmy Carter; Director, White House Office of Hispanic Affairs, 1979; affili-ations include: trustee, American College in Paris; trustee, Florida International Universi-ty School of Business and Organizational Sciences; U.S. Commission for UNESCO; U.S. Committee for UNICEF; Pan-American Development Foundation; Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW Post 6315, Pico Rivera, CA; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, 1987; appointed official observer, Geneva Arms Reduction Talks, 1986-90; Democratic Deputy Whip; member, Committee on Appropriations; Subcommittee on HUD, VA, In-dependent Agencies, Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs. Office Listings 1740 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0534 225-5256 Chief of Staff.—Albert S. Jacquez. FAX: 225-9711 Legislative Director/Systems Manager.—Phil Alperson. Press Secretary.—Roderic Olvera Young. Executive Assistant.—Mary Ann Bloodworth. 8819 Whittier Boulevard, Pico Rivera, CA 90660 (310) 695-0702 Chief of Staff. —James Casso. FAX: (310) 692-2216 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Bassett, Industry, East Los Angeles, Hacienda Heights, Los Nietos, La Puente, Montebello, Norwalk, Pico Rivera, Santa Fee Springs, Valinda, and Whittier. Population (1990), 573,047. ZIP Codes: 90022 (part), 90040 (part), 90063 (part), 90601, 90602 (part), 90604 (part), 90605 (part), 90606-08, 90610, 90638 (part), 90640, 90650 (part), 9065152, 90659, 90660 (part), 90661, 90665, 90670 (part), 90701 (part), 91706 (part), 91715-16, 91744 (part), 91745 (part), 91746-47, 91748 (part), 91749, 91770 (part), 91790 (part), 91792 (part) CALIFORNIA 103d Congress THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT MAXINE WATERS, Democrat, of Los Angeles, CA; born in St. Louis, MO, August 31, 1938; B.A., California State University; honorary degrees, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, North Carolina A&T State University; elected to California State Assembly, 1976; reelected every 2 years thereafter; member, Assembly Democratic Caucus, chairperson; Way and Means Subcommittee on State Administration, chair; Joint Committee on Public Pension Fund Investments, chair; Joint Legislative Budget Committee; Assembly Judici-ary Committee; Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee; Natural Resources Committee; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics; Select Committee on Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault; California Commission on the Status of Women; married to Sydney Williams; two children: Karen and Edward; founding member, National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament; member, Bhopal Justice Campaign Advisory Board; California Peer Counseling Association Advi-sory Committee; Center for Study of Sport in Society Advisory Board; Advisory Council of the Los Angeles Women’s Foundation; Women’s Legislative Lobby; member of the board, Center for National Policy; Clara Elizabeth Jackson Carter Foundation (Spelman College); Council of State Governments; International Children’s Center; Jobs With Peace; Minority AIDS Project; Women for Meaningful Summits; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress; member, Banking, Fi-nance and Urban Affairs Committee; Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Office Listings 1207 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0535 225-2201 Legislative Director.—Bill Zavarello. Legislative Assistant.—Jim Key. Personal Secretary.—Betty Freeland. 4509 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90037 (213) 233-0733 District Director.—Rod Wright. County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; census tracts: 2244-46, 2264, 2265, 2267, 2281-89, 2291-94, 2311, 2317-19, 2321-23, 2325-28, 2371-79, 2381-86, 2391-99, 2401-09, 2411, 2412, 2421-29, 2431, 5325, 5326.01, 5326.02, 5327-30, 5331-30, 5331.01, 5331.02, 5332, 5335, 5345, 5347-50, 5351.01, 5351.02, 5352, 5353, 5355, 5356.01, 5356.02, 5357, 5358.01, 5358.02, 5359-62, 5505-08, 6001, 6002.01, 6002.02, 6003.01, 6003.02, and 6004; partial census tracts: 2312 (blocks 104, 107, 204, and 212), 2316 (block groups 1, 2, and 3, and blocks 501, 502, and 503), 2266 (blocks 207 and 213), 5324 (portions not contained in the Thirtieth District), 5354 (all except portions in the city of Lynwood), and 5514 (portions not contained in the Thirty-Second District). Population (1990), 570,882. ZIP Codes: 90001 (part), 90002 (part), 90003 (part), 90007 (part), 90011 (part), 90037 (part), 90044 (part), 90045 (part), 90047 (part), 90058 (part), 90061 (part), 90247 (part), 90248 (part), 90249 (part), 90250 (art), 90251, 90255 (part), 90260 (part), 90262 (part), 90301 (part), 90302 (part), 90303-10, 90312 THIRTY-SIXTH DISTRICT JANE HARMAN, Democrat, of Marina Del Rey, CA; born in New York, NY; at-tended Warner Avenue Elementary School, Los Angeles, CA, 1950-56; graduated, Uni-versity High School, Los Angeles, 1962; B.A., Smith College, Northampton, MA, 1966; J.D., Harvard University Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1969; attorney; admitted to the District of Columbia bar, 1969; of counsel, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; director, secre-tary, and outside general counsel, Harman International Industries; special counsel, De-partment of Defense, 1979; member, L.A. County High Technology Committee; founding member, South Bay Alliance for Choice; board member and former vice chair, Center for National Policy; board member, International Human Rights Law Group; member, Visit-ing Committee, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; married to Sidney Harman, 1980; four children: Brian Lakes Frank, 1975, Hilary Lakes Frank, 1975, and Daniel Geier Harman, 1982, Justine Leigh Harman, 1984; elected on November 3, 1992 to-the 103d Congress. Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA Office Listings 325 5200 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0536 Administrative Assistant.—Bill Black. Legislative Director.—Eric Altshule. Office Manager/Scheduler/Executive Assistant. —Vera Lou DurW Century Boulevard, Suite 960, Los Angeles, CA 90045 igon. (310) 225-8220 348-8220 3031 District Director.—Judy Sitzer. Torrance Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 787-0767 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY (part); cities of Avalon, El Segundo, Hawthorne (part), Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, Lomita, Los Angeles (part), Manhattan Beach, Marina del Rey, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates, Torrance, and West Carson. Population (1990), 573,663. ZIP Codes: 90009, 90045 (part), 90066 (part), 90080, 90083, 90230 (part), 90245, 90247 (part), 90248 (part), 90249 (part), 90250 (part), 90254, 90260 (part), 90266, 90274, 90277-78, 90291 (part), 90292 (part), 90293-96, 90405 (part), 90501 (part),oe (part), 90503-05, 90507-10, 90704, 90710 (part), 90717 (part), 90731 (part), 90732, 90734, 90744 (part), 90803 (part) THIRTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT WALTER R. TUCKER III, Democrat, of Compton, CA; born in Los Angeles, CA, on May 28, 1957; attended Escuela de Montessori, 1965-69; graduated, Compton High School, Compton, 1974; attended Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1974-76; attended University of Southern California, 1976-78; attended Georgetown Law School, 1978-81; admitted to the California bar, 1984; mayor, City of Compton, 1991-92; married to the former Robin Marie Smith, 1985; two children: Walter Rayford, IV, 1986; and Autumn Monét, 1988; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 419 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0537 225-7924 Administrative Assistant.—Marcus Mason. FAX: 225-7926 Legislative Director.—Larry Risley. Communication Director.—Kris Bailey. District Administrator.—Audrey Gibson. 145 West Compton Boulevard, Compton, CA 90221 (310) 884-9989 FAX: (310) 884-9023 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Carson, Compton, East Compton, Florence-Graham (part), Long Beach (part), Los Angeles (part), Lynwood, West Compton and Willowbrook. Population (1990), 572,049. ZIP Codes: 90002 (part), 90003 (part), 90044 (part), 90059, 90061 (part), 90220-24, 90247 (part), 90248 (part), 90262 (part), 90280 (part), 90501 (part), 90502 (part), 90710 (part), 90717 (part), 90723 (part), 90744 (part), 90745-46, 9074849, 90801, 90805 (part), 90806 (part), 90807 (part), 90810 (part), 90813 (part), 90888 * * xX THIRTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT STEVE HORN, Republican, of Long Beach, CA; born in Gilroy, CA, May 31, 1931; attended San Juan Union School, San Juan Bautista, CA, 1935-49; graduated, San Benito County High School, Hollister, CA; A.B., cum laude, political science, Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, 1953; M.P.A., Harvard University, 1955; Ph.D., political science, Stanford Uni-versity, 1958; Strategic Intelligence Reserve, SP-7 U. S. Army, 1954-62; congressional fellow, American Political Science Association, 1958-59; administrative assistant to Secre-tary of Labor James P. Mitchell, 1959-60; legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Thomas H. Kuchel (R-CA), 1960-66; senior fellow in governmental studies, The Brookings Institu-tion, 1966-69; dean of graduate studies and research, The American University, 1969-70; president, California State University, Long Beach, CA, 1970-88; trustee professor of po-litical science, California State University, Long Beach, 1988-93; vice chairman/member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1969-82; member, National "Institute of Corrections, 1970-88, chairman, 1985-87; author, The Cabinet and Congress, 1960; Unused Power: The CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 41 Work of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, 1970; co-author, Congressional Ethics: The View JSrom the House, 1975; lecturer on human rights, education, and American govern-ment in 15 countries for USIA, 1975-79; Fellow, National Academy of Public Adminis-tration, 1986-; chairman, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1985-86, named “one of the 100 most effective university presidents in the United States”, 1986; married to the former Nini Moore; two children: Marcia, 1955, and Stephen, 1960; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1023 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0538 225-6676 Administrative Assistant.—James Dykstra. FAX: 226-1012 Legislative Director.—Susan Lockard. Press Secretary.—Alexandra Pratt. District Administrator.—Richard Jones. 4010 Watson Plaza Drive, Suite 160, Lakewood, CA 90712 ; (310) 425-1336 " FAX: (310) 425-4591 County: Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Bellflower, Downey, Lakewood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, (San Pedro), Paramount, and Signal Hill. ‘Population (1990), 572,657. ZIP Codes: 90239-42, 90280 (part), 90660 (part), 90706-07, 90711-12, 90713 (part), 90714, 90723 (part), 90731 (part), 90733, 90802, 90803 (part), 90804, 90805 (part), 90806 (part), 90807 (part) 90808 (part), 90809, 90810 (part), 90813 (part), 90814, 90815 (part), 90822, 90831-32, 90840, 90842, 90844-48, 90853 THIRTY-NINTH DISTRICT ED ROYCE, Republican, of Fullerton, CA; born on October 12, 1951 in Los Angeles, CA; B.A, California State University, Fullerton, 1977; small business owner; controller; corporate tax manager; elected to the California State Senate, 1982-92; member: Fullerton Chamber of Commerce, Literacy Volunteers of America; board member, California Inter-scholastic Athletic Foundation, board of advisers; married to Marie Therese Porter, 1985; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1404 305 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC Chief of Staff.—Joan Bates Korich. Legislative Director.—John Doherty. North Harbor Boulevard, Suite 300, Fullerton, CA Administrative Assistant.—Marcia Gilchrist. 92632 20515-0539 (714) 225-4111 992-8081 Counties: ORANGE COUNTY; the north and west part including the cities of Anaheim (part), Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Buena Park, Cypress, La Palma, Stanton, Los Alamito, Seal Beach. Los ANGELES COUNTY; cities of Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, La Habra Heights, La Mirada, Lakewood, and Whittier. Population (1990), 573,574. ZIP Codes: 90602 (part), 90603, 90604 (part), 90605 (part), 90609, 90620 (part), 90621-24, 90630 (part), 90631 (part), 90632-33, 90637, 90638 (part), 90639, 90650 (part), 90670 (part), 90680 (part), 90701 (part), 90702-03, 90713 (part), 90715-16, 90720 (part), 90721, 90740 (part), 90808 (part), 90815 (part), 92601, 92621 (part), 92631, 92632 (part), 92633-35, 92670 (part), 92686 (part), 92801 (part), 92805 (part), 92806 (part) FORTIETH DISTRICT JERRY LEWIS, Republican, of Redlands, CA; a lifelong resident of southern Califor-nia, born October 21, 1934; attended San Bernardino public schools; graduated, San Ber-nardino High School, 1952; B.A., UCLA, 1956; graduate intern in public affairs, Coro Foundation; life underwriter; former member, San Bernardino School Board; served in California State Assembly, 1968-78; married to Arlene Willis; seven children; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA Office Listings 2312 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0540 225-5861 Administrative Assistant.—Arlene Willis. FAX: 225-6498 Associate Staff/Appropriations Committee.—Letitia S. Hoadley. Press Secretary.—Dave LesStrang. Suite 104, 1826 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands, CA 92373 A (714) 862-6030 District Representative.—Marilyn F. Glick. Counties: Inyo, San Bernardino. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adelanto, Amboy, Angelus Oaks, Apple Valley, Argus, Arrowbear Lake, Baker, Barstow, Big Bear City, Big Bear Lake, Big Pine, Bishop, Blue Jay, Bryn Mawr, Big River, Cadiz, Cedar Glen, Cedar Pines Park, Cima, Colton, Crestline, Crest Park, Daggett, Death Valley, Earp, East Highlands, Highland, Essex, Etiwanda, Fawnskin, Forest Falls, Ft. Irwin, George AFB, Green Valley Lake, Guasti, Havasu Lake, Helendale, Hesperia, Hinckley, Independence, Joshua Tree, Kelso, Lake Arrowhead, Landers, Loma Linda, Lone Pine, Lucerne Valley, Ludlow, Mentone, Morongo Valley, Mountain Pass, Mt. Baldy, Needles, Newberry Springs, Nipton, Olancha, Oro Grande, Parker Dam, Phelan, Pinon Hills, Pioneertown, Redlands, Rimforest, Running Springs, San Bernardino, Shoshone, Skyforest, Sugarloaf, Trona, 29 Palms, Twin Peaks, Victorville, Vidal, Westend, Wrightwood, Yermo, Yucaipa, Yucca Valley. Population (1990), 573,625. ZIP Codes: 91739, 91743, 91759, 92242, 92252, 92256, 92267-68, 92277-78, 92280, 92284-85, 92301, 92304-05, 92307, 92309-12, 92314-15, 92317-19, 92321-28, 92332-33, 92338, 92339, 92341-42, 92345-47, 92351-52, 92354, 92356, 92359, 92363-66, 92368, 92371-75, 92378, 92382, 92384, 92386, 92389, 92391-92, 92394, 92397-99, 92404, 92407-10, 93513-15, 93526, 93545, 93549, 93562, 93564 FORTY-FIRST DISTRICT JAY KIM, Republican, of Diamond Bar, CA; born on March 27, 1939 in Seoul, Korea; B.A, civil engineering, University of Southern California, 1967; M.P.A., California State University, 1979; served, Republic of Korean Army, 1959-61; civil engineer; member, city council, Diamond Bar, CA, 1990-91; mayor, Diamond Bar, CA, 1991-92; married to June Kim, 1961; three children: Richard, 1962, Kathy, 1963, Eugene, 1970; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 502 Cannon Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0541 225-3201 Administrative Direstor.—Susan Gerrick. FAX: 226-1485 Chief of Staff/Press Secretary.—Sandra Garner. Legislative Director.—Matt Reynolds. Suite 160A, 1131 West 6th Street, Ontario, CA 91762 (909) 988-1055 Suite 203A, 18200 Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 572-8574 Counties: Los Angeles (part), Orange (part), and San Bernardino (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Anaheim (part), Brea (part), Chino, Chino Hills, Diamond Bar, Hacienda Heights (part), La Habra Heights (part), Montclair, Ontario (part), Placentia (part), Pomona (part), Rowland Heights (part), San Antonio Heights, Upland, Yorba Linda (part) and Walnut (part). Population (1990), 572,663. ZIP Codes: 90631 (part), 91701 (part), 91708-10, 91720 (part), 91730 (part), 91745 (part), 91748 (part), 91761 (part), 91762 (part), 91763, 91764 (part), 91765-66, 91767 (part), 91768 (part), 91769, 91785, 91786 (part), 91789 (part), 92621 (part), 92622, 92670 (part), 92686 (part), 92687, 92806 (part), 92807 (part), 92808 (part) FORTY-SECOND DISTRICT GEORGE E. BROWN, Jr., Democrat, of San Bernardino, CA; born in Holtville, CA, March 6, 1920; graduated from University of California at Los Angeles with B.A. in in-dustrial physics; employed by city of Los Angeles for 12 years in personnel, engineering, and management positions; management consultant; second lieutenant, infantry, World War II; mayor and city councilman, Monterey Park, 1954-58; State assemblyman, 1959-62; elected to the 88th Congress, November 6, 1962; reelected to the 89th, 90th, and 91st Congresses; unsuccessfully sought election to U.S. Senate in 1970; elected to the 93d Con-gress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Agriculture Committee; chairman, Science, Space, and Technology Committee; member, Technology Assessment Board. CALIFORNIA 103d Congress Office Listings 2300 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0542 225-6161 Administrative Assistant.—Dave Contarino. Legislative Director.—J. William Goold. Executive Assistant.—Ruth Hogue. 657 La Cadena Drive, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 825-2472 District Administrator.—Wilmer D. Carter. County: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY (part); Census tracts: 10-12, 14-16, 18, 23-26, 28-70, 74.01, 75-77; partial census tracts: 3, 4, 6.01, 17, and 21, all have portions in the city of Ontario; 13, 20, portions in the city of Fontana; 22, portions in the cities of Fontana and Ontario; 27, portions in the city of Rialto, except for the noncontiguous portion; 71, all except portions south of Fern Street and its southwesterly extension to an intersection within the city limits of Grand Terrace and portions in the city of Grand Terrace; 72, all except portions in the city of Loma Linda and blocks 324 and 326 and the portion of block 401 in the city of Redlands; 73, portions in the cities of Colton and San Bernardino; 74.02, all except the unincorporated portions of block groups 1-3; 79, 101, and 102.02, and Rancho Cucomongo. Population (1990), 571,844. ZIP Codes: 91701 (part), 91729, 91730 (part), 91737, 91739, 91743, 91758, 91761 (part), 91762 (part), 91764 (part), 91786 (part), 92310 (part), 92316, 92324 (part), 92334-35, 92336 (part), 92346 (part), 92376 (part), 92377, 92401-02, 92404 (part), 92405-06, 92407 (part), 92408 (part), 92410 (part), 92411, 92414, 92416, 92418, 92507 (part) FORTY-THIRD DISTRICT KEN CALVERT, Republican, of Corona, CA; born June 8, 1953 in Corona; House service, January 3, 1993 to present; rank, 77th (1 of 108); Chaffey College (CA), A.A. 1973; San Diego State University (CA); B.A. in economics, 1975. Congressional aide to Rep. Victor V. Veysey, CA; General Manager, Jolly Fox Restaurant, Corona, 1975-79; Marcus W. Meairs Co., Corona, 1979-81; President and General Manager, Ken Calvert Real Properties, 1981-92; County Youth Chairman, Rep. Veysey’s District, 1970, then 43d District, 1972; Corona/Norco Youth Chairman, for Nixon, 1968 and 1972; Reagan-Bush Campaign Worker, 1980; co-chair, Wilson for Senate Campaign, 1982; Riverside Republican Party, chmn., 1984-88; co-chairman, George Deukmejian election 1978, 1982 and 1986; co-chairman, George Bush election, 1988; co-chairman, Pete Wilson Senate elections, 1982 and 1988; co-chairman, Pete Wilson for Governor election, 1990; member: Riverside Co. Republican Winners Circle, charter member; Corona/Norco Republican Assembly, former vice-president; Lincoln Club of Riverside Co., chairman and charter member, 1986-90; Corona Rotary Club, President, 1991; Corona Elks; Navy League of Corona/Norco; Corona Chamber of Commerce, past president, 1990; Norco Chamber of Commerce; Co. of Riverside Asset Leasing, chairman; Corona/Norco Board of Realtors; Monday Morning Group; Corona Group, past chairman; Economic Development Part-nership, executive board; Corona Community Hospital Corporate 200 Club; Silver Eagles (March AFB Support Group), charter member; Corona Airport Adv. Commission; Temescal/El Cerrito Community Plan Adv. Com.; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1523 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0543 225-1986 Administrative Assistant.—Ed Slevin. FAX: 225-2004 Legislative Director.—David Ramey. Press Secretary.—Lee Raudonis. District Administrator.—Sue Miller. 3400 Central Avenue, Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92506 (909) 784-4300 County: RIVERSIDE COUNTY; cities and townships of Canyon Lake, Corona, El Cerrito, Glen Avon, Highgrove, Home Gardens, Lake Elsinore, Lakeland Village, March AFB, Mira Loma, Moreno Valley, Murrieta, Murrieta Hot Springs, Norco, Pedley, Perris, Quail Valley, Riverside, Rubidoux, Sedco Hills, Sunnyslope, Temecula, Wildomar, and Woodcrest. Population (1990), 571,231 ZIP Codes: 9171819, 91720 (part), 91752, 91760, 92501-06, 92507 (part), 92508-09, 92513-19, 92530-32, 92543 (part), 92545 (part), 92553 (part), 92557 (part), 92562 (part), 92563 (part), 92564, 92570 (part), 92571 (part), 92572, 92584 (part), 92586 (part), 92587 (part), 92590 (part), 92591 (part), 92592 (part), 92595, 92596 (part) Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA FORTY-FOURTH DISTRICT ALFRED A. (AL) McCANDLESS, Republican, of La Quinta, CA; born in Brawley, CA, July 23, 1927; attended Los Angeles City school system; B.A., political science, public administration, UCLA, 1951; graduate, General Motors Institute, Flint, MI, certifi-cate in dealership management; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1945-46, in the Pacific, China, and Japanese occupation; served in the Korean theater, released with the rank of captain, 1950-52; business executive, General Motors auto-truck dealership, Indio, CA, 1953-75; member, Riverside County Board of Supervisors, 1971-82, chairman, 4 years; founding member, South Coast Air Quality Management District, 1975-82, chairman, 1975-81; member, Riverside County Housing Authority, chairman, 1974-82; founding member: Sunline Transit Agency, chairman, 1977-82, and Coachella Valley Association of Governments; member, executive committee and board of directors, County Supervi-sors Association of California, 1971-74; past president, Indio Rotary Club; honorary life member, Indio Chamber of Commerce; member, Greater Riverside Chamber of Com-merce; married to the former Gail W. Glass; five adult children: Cristina, Alfred A. II, Craig, Blaine, and Ward; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2422 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0544 Chief of Staff.—Signy S.S. Ellerton-Cale. Appointment Secretary.—Patricia V. Rinaldi. Legislative Director.—Andrew P. Leyden. 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 112, Palm Desert, CA 92260 District Director.—Patricia Cross. 22690 Cactus Avenue, Suite 155, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 (619) (909) 225-5330 340-2900 656-1444 County: RIVERSIDE COUNTY; that part not contained in the forty-third District, cities and townships of Aguanga, Anza, Banning, Bermuda Dunes, Beaumont, Blythe, Cabazon, Calimesa, Cathedral City, Cherry Valley, Coachella, Desert Center, Desert Hot Springs, Gilman Hot Springs, Hemet, Homeland, Idyllwild, Indian Wells, Indio, La Quinta, Mecca, part of Menifee, most of Moreno Valley, Mountain Center, part of Murrieta, North Palm Springs, North Shore, Nuevo, Oasis, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Perris, Pinyon Pines, Rancho Mirage, Romoland, Salton City, San Jacinto, part of Sun City, part of Temecula, Thermal, Thousand Palms, Whitewater and Winchester. Population (1990), 571,583. ZIP Codes: 92060, 92201-02, 92210, 92220, 92223, 92225-26, 92230, 92234-36, 92239-40, 92253, 92255, 92258, 9226064, 92270, 92272, 92274 (part), 92276, 92282, 92320, 92324 (part), 92373 (part), 92375, 92399 (part), 92536 (part), 92539, 92543 (part), 92544, 92545 (part), 92548-49, 92552, 92553 (part), 92554-56, 92557 (part), 92561, 92563 (part), 92567, 92570 (part), 92571 (part), 92581-83, 92584 (part), 92585, 92586 (part), 92587 (part), 92591 (part), 92592 (part), 92593, 92596 (part) FORTY-FIFTH DISTRICT DANA ROHRABACHER, Republican, of Huntington Beach, CA; born in Coronado, CA, on June 21, 1947; graduated Palos Verdes High School, CA, 1965; attended, Los Angeles Harbor College, Wilmington, CA, 1965-67; B.A., Long Beach State College, CA, 1969; M.A., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1975; writer/journalist; speechwriter and Special Assistant to the President, The White House, Washington, D.C., 1981-88; Assistant Press Secretary, Reagan/Bush Committee, 1980; reporter, City News Service/Radio News West and editorial writer, Orange County Register, 1972-80; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1027 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0545 225-2415 Legislative Director.—Richard T. (Rick) Dykema. FAX: 225-0145 Chief of Staff.—Gary Curran. Communications Director.—Tony Rudy. 16162 Beach Boulevard, Suite 304, Huntington Beach, CA 92647-3813 (714) 847-2433 District Director.—Kathleen M. Hollingsworth. FAX: (714) 847-5153 CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 45 County: ORANGE COUNTY; communities of Stanton, Mid'vay City, Westminster, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach (part), Costa Mesa, Cypress (part), Garden Grove (part), Fountain Valley, Buena Park (part), Anaheim (part), Surfside, Seal Beach and Sunset Beach. Population (1990), 570,874. ZIP Codes: 90620 (part), 90630 (part), 90680 (part), 90720 (part), 90740 (part), 90742-43, 92605, 92615, 92626 (part), 92627 (part), 92628, 92641 (part), 92644 (part), 92645-49, 92655, 92659, 92660 (part), 92661-62, 92663 (part), 92683 (part), 92684, 92704 (part), 92707 (part), 92708 (part), 92728, 92801 (part), 92804 (part) FORTY-SIXTH DISTRICT ROBERT K. DORNAN, Republican, of Garden Grove, CA; born in New York City, April 3, 1933; Loyola High School, Los Angeles, CA, 1946-50; Loyola University, Los Angeles, 1950-53; served in the U.S. Air Force, 1953-58, fighter pilot (world’s first super-sonic wing); broadcaster-journalist and combat photographer in Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia, commercial pilot, helicopter pilot, TV producer; won two Emmys, 1968-69, for hosting 4-hour, live, daily “Tempo” show, KHJ-TV; produced and hosted “The Robert K. Dornan Show”, KTLA-TV, 1969-73; active in civil and human rights; POW/MIA ac-tivities, originator of POW bracelet; member: American Legion, Reserve Officers Asso-ciation; Association of Former Intelligence Officers, Air Force Association, Navy League, Knights of Columbus, and numerous other civic and fraternal organizations; mar-ried to the former Sallie Hansen; five children: Robin Marie Griffin, Robert Kenneth II, Theresa Ann Cobban, Mark Douglas, and Kathleen Regina Penn; eight grandchildren: Richard K. Cobban, Tara K. Cobban, Kevin Gary Griffin, Colin Robert Griffin, Anna Victoria Cobban, Erin Mary Griffin, Haley Olivia Dornan, and Robert K. Dornan III; member, Committee on Armed Services; California State co-chairman, Bush for Presi-dent; Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control; elected from the 27th District of California to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to the 96th and 97th Congresses; elected from the 38th District of California to the 99th Congress on Novem-ber 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2402 Suite Rayburn House Office Building, Chief of Staff. —Joe Eule. Senior Leg. Asst.—Bill Fallon. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Diana 360, 300 Alicante Plaza, Garden District Office Manager.—Patricia Washington, Merrifield. Grove, CA Fanelli. DC 20515-0546 92640 (714) 225-2965 971-9292 County: ORANGE COUNTY; cities of Anaheim (west and north-south Anaheim Stadium-Disneyland corridor), Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Irvine, Orange, Santa Ana, Stanton, Tustin, and Westminster (north of San Diego Freeway). Population (1990), 571,380. ZIP Codes: 92626 (part), 92632 (part), 92640, 92641 (part), 92642-43, 92644 (part), 92668 (part), 92680 (part), 92683 (part), 92701 (part), 92702-03, 92704 (part), 92705 (part), 92706 (part), 92707 (part), 92708 (part), 92710-12, 92714 (part), 92716-17, 92799, 92801 (part), 92802-03, 92804 (part), 92805 (part), 92806 (part), 92812, 92814-15, 92817 * * * FORTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER COX, Republican, of Newport Beach, CA; born in St. Paul, Ramsey County, MN, October 16, 1952; attended St. Gregory’s School, St. Paul, MN, 1957-66; graduated, St. Thomas Academy, St. Paul, MN, 1970; B.A., University of Southern Cali-fornia, Los Angeles, 1973; J.D., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1977; M.B.A,, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1977; attorney; admitted to the California bar, 1978; commenced practice in Los Angeles; law clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals, San Fran-cisco, CA, and Honolulu, HI, 1977-78; associate, Latham and Watkins, Newport Beach, CA, 1978-84; cofounder, Context Corporation, St. Paul, MN, 1984-86; partner, Latham and Watkins, Newport Beach, CA, 1984-86, senior associate counsel to the President, The White House, 1986-88; member: Republican Associates, California Republican As-sembly, Rotary Club of Orange County; married, Rebecca Gernhardt Cox; one child: Charles; elected November 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA Office Listings 206 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0547 225-5611 Chief of Staff.—Jan Fujiwara. Scheduler/Secretary.—Susi Kulda. Suite 430, 4000 MacArthur Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 756-2244 District Representative.—Diego Ruiz. Scheduler/Secretary.—Linda Hansen. County: ORANGE COUNTY; that part not contained in the Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth, Forty-second, and Forty-third Districts, includes Aliso Viejo (part), Anaheim (part), Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo (part), Newport Beach (part), Orange, Portola Hills, Santa Ana (part), Tustin, and Villa Park. Population (1990), 571,380. ZIP Codes: 92610, 92613, 92625, 92626 (part), 92627 (part), 92630 (part), 92650-52, 92653 (part), 92654, 92656 (part), 92658, 92660 (part), 92663 (part), 92664-67, 92668 (part), 92669, 92670 (part), 92676, 92677 (part), 92679 (part), 92680 (part), 92681, 92691 (part), 92701 (part), 92705 (part), 92706 (part), 92707 (part), 92709, 92713, 92714 (part), 92715, 92718, 92720, 92730, 92805 (part), 92806 (part), 92807 (part), 92808 (part), 92816, 92825 FORTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT RON PACKARD, Republican, of Oceanside, CA; born in Meridian, ID, on January 19, 1931; attended Meridian elementary school; graduated, Meridian High School, 1948; attended: Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1948-50; Portland State University, Portland, OR, 1952-53; D.M.D., University of Oregon Dental School, Portland, OR, 1953-57; U.S. Navy Dental Corps, 1957-59; dentist; Carlsbad School District Board, 1960-72; director, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, 1972-76; member: Carlsbad Planning Commission, 1974-76; Carlsbad City Council, 1976-78; Carlsbad chairman of the Boy Scouts of America, 1977-79; mayor of Carlsbad, 1978-82; member: North County Armed Services, YMCA; North County Transit District; San Diego Association for Govern-ment; Coastal Policy Committee and Transportation Policy Committee; California League of Cities; president, San Diego Division of the League of California Cities; Mormon Church; married to the former Jean Sorenson; seven children: Chris, Debbie, Jeff, Vicki, Scott, Lisa, and Theresa; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2162 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0548 225-3906 Administrative Assistant.—David Coggin. Legislative Director.—Ray Mock. Office Manager.—Susan McColley. 221 East Vista Way, Suite 205, Vista, CA 92084 (619) 631-1364 629 Camino del los Mares, Suite 204, San Clemente, CA 92673 (714) 496-2343 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, CA 92590 (909) 694-1989 District Director.—Michael Eggers. Counties: ORANGE COUNTY; census tracts: 320.02, 320.03, 320.06, 320.08-10, 320.12-15, 421.01-04, 422.01, 422.02, 423.10-14, 524.09, and 524.11; partial census tracts: 320.07 (all except block group 3 and blocks 237, 244, and 252-260), 423,03 (portions in the city of San Juan Capistrano), 524.08 (unincorporated portion southeast of the city of Irvine city limits except blocks 227, 314-318, and 325), and 524.10 (unincorporated portions southeast of the city of Irvine city limits). SAN DIEGO COUNTY; census tracts: 171.02, 174.01, 174.02, 175-177, 178.01, 178.03, 178.04, 179-183, 183.99, 184, 185.01, 185.02, 185.04-06, 186.01, 186.03-05, 187, 188, 189.01, 189.02, 190, 191.01, 191.02, 192.01 192.02, 193-199, 200.02-05, 201.01, 201.02, 202.01-05, 203.01-03, 205, 206.01, and 206.02; partial census tracts: 170.16 (portions not contained in the Forty-first District), 171.01 and 173.02 (portions not contained in the Forty-first District), 204 (portions not contained in the Forty-first District), 207.01 (portions not contained in the Forty-fifth District), 207.03 (all except portions in the city of San Diego and the unincorporated parts of blocks 908, (portions not contained in the Forty-fifth District). Population (1990), 572,928. ZIP Codes: 92003, 92008 (part), 92026 (part), 92028, 92036 (part), 92049, 92051-52, 92054, 92056 (part), 92057-59, 92061, 92065 (part), 92066, 92068, 92069 (part), 92070, 92082 (part), 92083 (part), 92084 (part), 92085-86, 92088, 92536 (part), 92562 (part), 92589, 92590 (part), 92591 (part), 92592 (part), 92607, 92624, 92629, 92630 (part), 92653 (part), 92656 (part), 92672-75, 92677 (part), 92678, 92679 (part), 92688, 92690, 92691 (part), 92692-93 CALIFORNIA 103d Congress 47 FORTY-NINTH DISTRICT LYNN SCHENK, Democrat, of San Diego, CA; born in New York City, NY; Attend-ed Beth Jacob School for Girls of the East Bronx, New York; graduated from Hamilton High School, Los Angeles, CA, 1962; B.A., University of California at Los Angeles, 1967; J.D., University of San Diego, 1970; attended London School of Economics, Eng-land, 1970-71; attorney; admitted to the California bar, 1971; California Deputy Secretary of Business, Transportation, and Housing, 1978-80; California Secretary of Business, Transportation, and Housing, 1980-83; Commissioner, San Diego Unified Port District, 1990-92; vice chair, San Diego Unified Port District, 1992-present; San Diego Jaycees, “Outstanding Young Citizen Award,” 1975; One of ten “Outstanding Young Women in America,” 1975; White House Fellow, 1976-77; Japanese Society Fellow, 1987-88; co-founder: California Women Lawyers; Lawyers Club of San Diego; The Women’s Bank of San Diego; member: Center of National Policy Board of Directors; board member, Edmund G. “Pat” Brown Institute of Government Affairs at California State University, Los Angeles; board member, Energy Education Council; trustee, Claremont University Center and Graduate School; NWPC; Lawyer's Club of San Diego; San Diego County Bar Association; Dimensions of San Diego; Business and Professional Women; married to C. Hugh Friedman; three stepchildren: Marcia Peniche, 1956; Paul Friedman, 1958; and Greg Friedman, 1961; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 315 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0549 Administrative Assistant.—Fran Callanan. -Legislative Director.— William Bold. Suite 200, 3900 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 291-1430 District Administrator.—Laurie Black. County: SAN DIEGO COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 573,362. ZIP Codes: 91932 (part), 91933, 91942 (part), 92014 (part), 92037, 92038-39, 92101, 92102 (part), 92103, 92104 (part), 92105 (part), 92106-12, 92113 (part), 92115 (part), 92116-18, 92119 (part), 92120 (part), 92121 (part), 92122 (part), 92123, 92124 (part), 92133, 92135, 92137-38, 92140, 92160, 92163-64, 92166-69, 92171, 92175-78, 92186, 92188-90, 92192-95, 92197 FIFTIETH DISTRICT BOB FILNER, Democrat, of San Diego, CA; born, September 4, 1942, in Pittsburgh, PA; B.A. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1963; M.A. University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 1969; Ph.D. Cornell University, 1973; professor, San Diego State University, 1970-92; San Diego Board of Education, 1979-83; San Diego City Council, 1987-92; member: Sierra Club, NAACP, Navy League, Gray Panthers, Economic Conversion Council, Common Cause, ACLU, ADL, NWPC, MAPA; married in 1985 to Jane Merrill Filner; two children: Erin, 1969, and Adam, 1973; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress. Office Listings 504 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0550 225-8045 Administrative Assistant.—Bob Alcock. FAX: 225-9073 Systems Manager/Legislative Assistant.—Victor G. Castillo. Executive Assistant.—Cynthia Jasso-Routunno. District Administrator.—Vincent H. Hall. 333 F. Street, Suite A, Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 422-5963 County: SAN DIEGO COUNTY (part); cities of Bonita, Chula Vista, Lemon Grove (part), National City, San Diego (part) and Spring Valley (part). Population (1990), 573,463. ZIP Codes: 91902, 91908-15, 91932 (part), 91941 (part), 91945 (part), 9194748, 9195051, 91977 (part), 92102 (part), 92104 (part), 92105 (part), 92113 (part), 92114 (part), 92115 (part), 92136, 92139, 92143, 92149, 92153-54, 92162, 92165, 92170, 92173-74 Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA FIFTY-FIRST DISTRICT RANDY (DUKE) CUNNINGHAM, Republican, of San Diego, CA; born in Los An-geles, CA, December 8, 1941; Graduated Shelbina High School, Shelbina, MO; Universi-ty of Missouri, B.S. in education, 1964, and M.S. in education, 1965; coached swim teams at Hinsdale and at the University of Missouri, training 36 All Americans, 2 Olympic gold and silver medalists; member: Naval Aviation Hall of Fame, 1986-present; Golden Eagles, 1985-present; Miramar Aviation Hall of Fame, 1974-present; American Fighter Aces Association, 1972-present; author of “Fox Two,” on his experiences as a naval avia-tor, and produced “Top Gun—The Story Behind the Story” video about his career as a fighter pilot instructor at Miramar NAS; joined the Navy at the age of 25 and became one of the most highly decorated fighter pilots in the Vietnam war; retired with the rank of commander, 1987; married the former Nancy Jones; three children: Randall Todd, ApH, and Carrie; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d ngress. Office Listings 117 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0551 225-5452 Chief of Staff. —Frank C. Collins IIL Legislative Director.—W. Lindsay Lloyd III. Press Secretary.—Frank Purcell. 613 West Valley Parkway, Suite 320, Escondido, CA 92025 (619) 737-8438 District Director.—Kathy Stafford-Taulbee. County: SAN DIEGO COUNTY; city of San Diego, in part or in whole the communities of San Carlos, Sorrento Valley, Tierrasanta, Mira Mesa, Rancho Bernardo, Penasquitos, Carmel Valley and Scripps Ranch. Also in part or in whole the cities of Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, Poway, Solana Beach, San Marcos, Valley Center, Vista Raindora and Rancho Santa Fe. Population (1990), 572,982. ZIP Codes: 92007, 92008 (part), 92009, 92014 (part), 92018, 92023-25, 92026 (part), 92027, 92029-30, 92033, 92040 (part), 92056 (part), 92064 (part), 92065 (part), 92067, 92069 (part), 92071 (part), 92074-75, 92079, 92082 (part), 92083 (part), 92084 (part), » 92119 (part), 92120 (part), 92121 (part), 92122 (part), 92124 (part), 92126-31, 92142, 92145, 92159, 92172, 92191, 92196, 92198 FIFTY-SECOND DISTRICT DUNCAN HUNTER, Republican, of El Cajon, CA; born in Riverside, CA; May 31, 1948; attended Pedley Public Schools; graduated, Rubidoux High School, 1966; J.D., Western State University, 1976; first lieutenant, U.S. Army, airborne, 1969-71; trial lawyer; admitted to the California bar, 1976; commenced practice in San Diego; member: Baptist Church; Navy League; married to the former Lynne Layh, 1973; two sons: Duncan, Duane, and Robert Samuel; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 133 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0552 225-5672 Administrative Assistant/Legislative Director.— Victoria Middleton. FAX: 225-0235 Office Manager/Appointment Secretary.—Melinda Patterson. Press Secretary.—Patrick Buechner. 366 South Pierce Street, El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 579-3001 Suite G, 1101 Airport Road, Imperial, CA 92251... wr .. (619) 353-5420 Suite C, 1410 Main Street, Ramona, CA 92065 ... (619) 788-3630 Counties: Imperial County, San Diego County. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Alpine, Bard, Barona I.R., Borrego Springs, Boulder Park, Boulevard, Brawley, Calexico, Calipatria, Campo, Chula Vista, Descanso, Dulzura, El Centro NAF, El Cajon, El Centro, Guatay, Indian Res., Jacumba, Jamul, Lakeside, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Mount Laguna, Pine Valley, Potrero, Ramona, San Diego, Santee, Seeley, Spring Valley, Tecate, Glamis, Heber, Holtville, Imperial, Mecca, Niland, Ocotillo, Palo Verde, Plaster City, Thermal, Westmoreland, and Winterhaven. Population (1990), 573,203. ZIP Codes: 91901, 91903, 91905-06, 91916-17, 91931, 91934-35, 91941 (part), 91942 (part), 9194344, 91945 (part), 91946, 91962-63, 91976, 91977 (part), 91978-80, 91987, 91990-91, 92004, 92019-22, 92036 (part), 92040 (part), 92064 (part), 92065 (part), 92071 (part), 92072, 92090, 92114 (part), 92115 (part), 92119 (part), 92120 (part), 92222, 92227, 92231-33, 9224344, 92249-51, 92254, 92257, 92259, 92266, 92273, 92274 (part), 92281, 92283 COLORADO 103d Congress COLORADO (Population, 1990 census, 3,307,912) SENATORS HANK BROWN, Republican, of Greeley, CO, born in Denver, CO, February 12, 1940; B.S., University of Colorado, 1961; graduate study in public administration, Univer-sity of Colorado, 1962; J.D., University of Colorado, 1969; Master of Law (Tax), George Washington University, 1986; accredited as C.P.A., March 1988, lieutenant, U.S. Navy, 1962-66, including service as a forward air controller in Vietnam; awarded Air Medal with two gold stars, Vietnam Service Medal, Naval Unit Citation, and National Defense Medal; tax accountant for Arthur Anderson & Co., 1968-69; admitted to the Colorado State bar, 1969; vice president, Monfort of Colorado, 1969-80; Colorado State Senate, 1972-76; assistant majority leader of State Senate, 1974-76; University of Colorado Out-standing Leadership Award, 1961; Distinguished Service Award, Greeley Jaycees, 1972; Outstanding Young Men of America, 1972; named one of the “Outstanding Young Men in Colorado” by State Jaycees, 1973; 1978 University of Colorado Distinguished Business Alumnus Award; Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, 1978 and 1979; past service as board member of Colorado State University Foundation, U.S. Meat Exporters Federa-tion; member, National Cattlemen’s Association Foreign Trade Committee; married to the former Nan Morrison, Springfield, CO, 1967; three children: Harry, Christy, and Lori; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; member: Committee on the Judiciary, Committee on Foreign Relations, Committee on the Budget; reelected to the four suc-ceeding Congresses; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 6, 1990. Office Listings 717 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0604 224-5941 Chief of Staff.—Bill Brack. Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Joel D. Kassiday. Legislative Director.—Roxie Burris. Scheduler/Personal Secretary.—Susan V. Riley. Suite 2727, 1200 17th Street, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 844-2600 State Director.—Gary D. Hickmon. Suite 106, 228 North Cascade, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 634-6071 215 Federal Building, 400 Rood Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501 (303) 245-9553 Suite 201, 1100 10th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 (303) 352-4112 411 Thatcher Bldg., 5th & Main Street, Pueblo CO 81003 (719) 634-6071 * x * BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL, Democrat, of Ignacio, CO; born in Auburn, CA, on April 13, 1933; attended New England Mills Grammar School, Weimar, CA; attended Placer High School, Auburn, CA, 1951; quit high school to join Air Force (where he got his GED); in 1991 attended Placer High School’s graduation exercises and received a di-ploma; B.A., San Jose State, 1957; attended Meiji University in Toyko, Japan, as special research student, 1960-64; served in U.S. Air Force in Korea, airman second class, 1951-53; jewelry designer who has won more than 200 first-place and best-of-show awards; rancher who raised, trained, and showed horses; All-American in judo, captained the U.S. Olympic Judo Team, 1964; won the gold medal in the Pan-American Games of 1963; elected to Colorado State Legislature in 1982, serving 1983-86 on the Agriculture and Natural Affairs and Business and Labor Committees; appointed adviser to the Colorado Commission on International Trade and Colorado Commission on the Arts and Human-ities; voted by colleagues one of “Ten Best Legislators” in the Denver Post-News Center survey, 1984; “1984 Outstanding Legislator” award from Colorado Bankers Association; inducted into the Council of 44 Chiefs, Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe; member of Du-rango Chamber of Commerce, American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association, American Brangus Association, American Indian Education Associa-tion, Colorado Pilots Association, Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association, senior technical adviser, U.S. Judo Association; married July 23, 1966, to Linda Price; two children: Colin, and Shanan; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress; appointed to Committees on Agriculture, Interior and Insular Af-fairs, and Small Business; elected to the Senate on November 3, 1992 for the 6-year term " beginning January 3, 1993. Congressional Directory COLORADO Office Listings 380 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0605 224-5852 Chief of Staff.—Ken Lane. Legislative Director.—Dan McAuliffe. Executive Assistant.—Jane Wilson. Office Manager.—Mary Waltsak. Press Secretary.—Carol Knight. 1129 Pennsylvania Street, Denver, CO 80203 (303) 866-1900 145 Grand Avenue, No. E Grand Junction, CO 81501 (303) 241-6631 835 2d Avenue, Suite 228, Durango, CO 81301 (303) 247-1609 720 North Main Street, Suite 210, Pueblo, CO 81003 (719) 542-6987 19 Old Town Square, Suite 238, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 (303) 224-1909 105 East Vermijo, Suite 600, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 636-9092 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT PATRICIA SCHROEDER, Democrat, of Denver, CO; born in Portland, OR, July 30, 1940; educated in public schools; B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, University of Minnesota, 1961; J.D., Harvard Law School, 1964; admitted to Colorado bar, 1964; field attorney, National Labor Relations Board (Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah), 1964-66; practicing attorney; lecturer and law instructor, Community College of Denver, 1969-70, University of Colorado, Denver Center, 1969, and Regis College, 1970-72; hearing offi-cer, Colorado Department of Personnel, 1971-72; former legal counsel, Planned Parent-hood of Colorado; co-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues; member: Environmental Study Conference; Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus; Congres-sional Clearinghouse on the Future; majority at-large whip; member: Armed Services Committee, chairs Military Research and Technology Subcommittee; Judiciary Commit-tee; Post Office and Civil Service Committee; member: American Bar Association and League of Women Voters; married James W. Schroeder, 1962; two children: Scott and Jamie; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 2208 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0601 225-4431 Administrative Assistant.—Daniel Buck. FAX: 225-5842 Appointment Secretary.—Bertha M. Ramlow. Press Secretary.—Andrea Camp. 1600 Emerson Street, Denver, CO 80218 (303) 866-1230 District Administrator.—Kip Cheroutes. Counties: Adams (part), Arapahoe (part), Denver, Jefferson (part). Population (1990), 549,068. ZIP Codes: 80010 (part), 80011 (part), 80014 (part), 80022 (part), 80024, 80037, 8004042, 80045, 80110 (part), 80111 (part), 80112 (part), 80123 (part), 80201-11, 80212 (part), 80214 (part), 80216-20, 80221 (part), 80222-25, 80226 (part), 80227 (part), 80229 (part), 80230, 80231 (part), 80232 (part), 80235 (part), 80236 (part), 80237-39, 80243-44, 80248-52, 8025456, 80259, 80261-66, 80270-71, 80273-75, 80279-81, 80290-95 SECOND DISTRICT DAVID E. SKAGGS, Democrat, of Boulder, CO; born in Cincinnati, OH, on Febru-ary 22, 1943; B.A., Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 1964; LL.B., Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, 1967, served in the U.S. Marine Corps, captain, 1968-71; U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, 1971-77, promoted to major, 1975; attorney; admitted to the New York State bar, 1968, and the Colorado State bar, 1971, and commenced practice in Boulder; administrative assistant to former Congressman Timothy Wirth, 1975-77; elected to the Colorado House of Representatives, 1980-86; House Minority Leader, 1982-85; married to the former Laura Locher, 1987; one son: Matthew; two stepchildren: Clare COLORADO 103d Congress 51 and Will; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress. Office Listings 1124 Longworth House Office Chief of Staff.—Stephen Executive Assistant.—Joyce Press Secretary.—Brooke Suite 130, 9101 Harlan Street, District Director.—Susan Building, Saunders. Edelson. Anderson. Westminster, Damour. Wa shinCO gton, DC 80030 20515-0602 : (303) 225-2161 650-7886 Counties: Adams (part), Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Jefferson (part). Population (1990), 549,072. ZIP Codes: 80001, 80002 (part), 80003-06, 80020 (part), 80021, 80025-28, 80030, 80033 (part), 80034, 80038, 80212 (part), 80214 (part), 80215 (part), 80221 (part), 80229 (part), 80233 (part), 80234 (part), 80241 (part), 80301-04, 80306-10, 80314, 80321-22, 80328-29, 80401 (part), 80403 (part), 80422, 80427, 80436, 80438, 80439 (part), 80444, 80452, ag 30458, 80471, 80474, 80476, 80481, 80501 (part), 80502-04, 80510, 80516, 80533, 80540 (part), 80544, 80601 (part), 80614 THIRD DISTRICT SCOTT MCINNIS, Republican, of Glenwood Springs; born and raised in Glenwood Springs; graduated from Glenwood Springs High School; attended Mesa College in Grand Junction; received B.A. in business administration from Fort Lewis College in Du-rango; earned law degree from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio; worked as police officer in Glenwood Springs (1976); director of the Valley View Hospital; director of Personnel at Holy Cross Electric Association; served in the Colorado legislature; chaired the Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources; served on the Judici-ary, Local Government and Appropriations Committee for ten years; House Majority Leader, 1990-92; was only elected official ever to receive the Florence Sabin Award for contributions to rural health care and received several awards from the United Veterans Commission of Colorado; member: Colorado Tourism Board; Colorado Ski Country’s Legislator of the Year and Legislative Achievement of the Decade; received the Lee Atwater Leadership aware for outstanding contributions and extraordinary achievements in public service; twice received the National Federation of Independent Business, Guard-ian of Small Business award; married to the former Lori Smith; three children: Daxon (1978), Tessa (1979), and Andrea (1982); elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress; serves on the Committee on Natural Resources, including the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Committee on Small Business. Office Listings 512 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0603 225-4761 Administrative Assistant.—Stephannie Finley. FAX: 226-0622 Legislative Director.—Anthi Jones. Press Secretary.—Audrey Jouflas. District Administrator.—Steve Arveschoug. 327 North 7th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 (303) 245-7107 FAX: (303) 245-2194 134 West B Street, Pueblo, CO 81003 (719) 543-8200 : FAX: (719) 543-8204 Old Main Post Office-Professional Building, 1060 Main Avenue, Suite 107, Durango, CO 81301 (303) 259-2754 FAX: (303) 259-2762 Hotel Colorado, 526 Pine Street, Suite 111, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (303) 928-0637 FAX: (303) 928-0630 Counties: Alamosa, Archuleta, Chaffee, Conejos, Costilla, Custer, Delta, Dolores, Douglas (part), Eagle, Fremont (part), Garfield, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Jackson, Jefferson (part), Lake, La Plata, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Park, Pitkin, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Rio Grande, Routt, Saguache, San Juan, San Miguel, and Summit. Population (1990), 549,062. Congressional Directory COLORADO ZIP Codes: 80104 (part), 80118 (part), 80127 (part), 80131, 80135 (part), 80420-21, 80423-24, 80426, 80428-30, 80432, 80433 (part), 80434-35, 80440-43, 8044649, 80451, 80456, 80459, 80461, 80463, 80467-69, 80470 (part), 80473, 80475, 80477-80, 80482-83, 80487-88, 80498, 80816, 80820, 80827, $1001-08, 81019, 81022-23, 81025, 81040, 81055, 81066, 81069, 81089, 81101, 81120-38, 81140-41, 81143-44, 81146-49, 81151-55, 81157, 81201 (part), 81210-11, 81212 (part), 81215, 81220, 81224-25, 81228, 81230, 81232, 81233 (part), 81235-37, 81239, 81241-43, 81247-49, 81251-52, 81253 (part), 81301-02, 81320-21, 81323-35, 81401-02, 81410-11, 81413-16, 81418-20, 81422-35, 81501-06, 81520-27, 81601-02, 81610-12, 81615, 81620-21, 81623-26, 81628, 81630-33, 81635-43, 81645-50, 81652-58 FOURTH DISTRICT WAYNE ALLARD, Republican, of Loveland, CO; born in Fort Collins, CO, Decem-ber 2, 1943; attended Jackson County Junior High School; graduated, Fort Collins High School; graduate and post graduate, Colorado State University; appointed health officer, city of Loveland, 1970-78; chairman, Board of Health, 1980; Colorado State senator; chairman, Health, Environment, Welfare and Institutions Committee; chairman, Majority Caucus; member: National Federation of Independent Business, Loveland Rotary Club, American Legislative Exchange Council, National Conference of State Legislatures, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners—Companion Animal; Loveland Chamber of Commerce; married to the former Joan Elizabeth Malcolm, 1968; children: Christine Anne, 1968, and Cheryl Lynn, 1971; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 422 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0604 225-4676 Administrative Assistant.—Roy Palmer. FAX: 225-8630 Legislative Director.—Doug Benerento. Scheduler.—Jeff Woodhouse. Rocky Mountain Building, Suite 307, 315 West Oak, Fort Collins, CO 80521... (303) 493-9132 District Director.—Mike Bennett. Counties: Adams (part), Arapahoe (part), Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Crowley, Elbert, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Larimer, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Otero, Phillips, Prowers, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld, and Yuma. Population (1990), 549,070. ZIP Codes: 80011 (part), 80013 (part), 80015 (part), 80016 (part), 80018 (part), 80022 (part), 80101-03, 80105, 80106 (part), 80107, 80117, 80134 (part), 80136-37, 80229 (part), 80234 (part), 80241 (part), 80511-15, 80517, 80520-26, 80530, 80532, 8053443, 80545-50, 80601 (part), 80610-12, 80615, 80620-24, 80631-34, 80640, 80642-46, 8064854, 80701, 80720-23, 80726-29, 80731-37, 80740-47, 80749-51, 8075455, 80757-59, 80801-02, 8080407, 80810, 80812, 80815, 80818, 8082125, 80828, 80830, 8083436, 80861-62, 81020-21, 81024, 81027-30, 81032-34, 81036, 81038-39, 81041-47, 81049-50, 81052, 81054, 81057-59, 81062-64, 81067, 81070-71, 81073-74, 81076-77, 81081-82, 81084, 81087, 81090-92 FIFTH DISTRICT JOEL HEFLEY, Republican, of Colorado Springs, CO; born in Ardmore, OK, on April 18, 1935; graduated, Classen High School, Oklahoma City, OK, 1953; B.A., Okla-homa Baptist University, Shawnee, 1957; M.A., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1962; Gates Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1984; executive director, Com-munity Planning and Research Council, 1966-86; elected to Colorado State House of Representatives, 1977-78; elected to Colorado State Senate, 1979-86; married to the former Lynn Christian, 1961; three children; Janna, Lori, and Juli; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. COLORADO 103d Congress 53 Office Listings 2442 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0605 ................... 225-4422 Scheduler.—Anna Osborne. FAX: 225-1942 104 South Cascade Avenue, Suite 105, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.................. (719) 520-0055 District Director.—Connie Scott Solomon. 9605 Maroon Circle, Suite 220, Englewood, CO 80112.........ccovvuvenreruncrinrunsennens (303) 792-3923 Office Manager.—Angela D’Aurio. Counties: Arapahoe (part), Douglas (part), El Paso, Fremont (part), and Teller. Population (1990), 549,066. ZIP Codes: 80015 (part), 80016 (part), 80104 (part), 80106 (part), 80111 (part), 80112 (part), 80116, 80118 (part), 80120 (part), 80121 (part), 80122 (part), 80124-26, 80132-33, 80134 (part), 80135 (part), 80161, 80808-09, 80813-14, 80816- 17, 80819, 80827, 80829, 8083133, 8084041, 80860, 80863-64, 80866, 80901, 8090311, 80913-22, 80925-26, 80928- 37, 80949, 80960, 80962, 81201 (part), 81212 (part), 81221-23, 81226, 81233 (part), 81240, 81244, 81253 (part) SIXTH DISTRICT DAN SCHAEFER, Republican, of Lakewood, CO; born on January 25, 1936, in Gut-tenberg, IA; B.A., Niagara University, Niagara, NY, 1961; public relations consultant, 1967-83; elected to Colorado General Assembly, 1977-78; elected to Colorado State Senate, 1979-83; member: Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, Century Club, Chatfield YMCA, Chatfield Jaycees; Honorary Doctor of Laws (1986), Niagara University, Niaga-ra, NY; married to the former Mary Lenney, 1959; four children: Danny, Darren, Joel, and Jennifer; elected, by special election, on March 29, 1983, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Congressman-elect John L. Swigert; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 2448 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0606................... 225-7882 Chief of Staff. —Holly Propst. Legislative Director.—David Eck. Press Secretary.—Tricia Sheahan. Suite 101, 3615 South Huron Street, Englewood, CO 80110........cccccevvverurninnnns (303) 762-8890 District Director.—Andree Krause. Counties: Arapahoe (part) and Jefferson (part). Population (1990), 549,056. -ZIP Codes: 80002 (part), 80010 (part), 80011 (part), 80012, 80013 (part), 80014 (part), 80015 (part), 80017, 80018 (part), 80033 (part), 80044, 80110 (part), 80111 (part), 80120 (part), 80121 (part), 80122 (part), 80123 (part), 80127 (part), 80150-51, 80154-55, 80160 (part), 80162, 80212 (part), 80214 (part), 80215 (part), 80226 (part), 80227 (part), 80228, 80231 (part), 80232 (part), 80235 (part), 80236 (part), 80401 (part), 80402, 80403 (part), 80419, 80433 (part), 80439 (part), 80453-54, 80457, 80465, 80470 (part) Congressional Directory CONNECTICUT CONNECTICUT (Population, 1990 census; 3,295,669) SENATORS CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Democrat, of East Haddam, CT; born in Willimantic, CT, May 27, 1944; son of Thomas J. and Grace Murphy Dodd; graduated, Georgetown Preparatory School, 1959-62; B.A., English literature, Providence College, 1963-66; J.D., University of Louisville School of Law, 1970-72; admitted to Connecticut bar, 1973; served in U.S. Army, 1969-75; Peace Corps Volunteer, Dominican Republic, 1966-68; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to the 95th and 96th Congress-es; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1981; reelected November 4, 1986, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1987; re-elected November 3, 1992 for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993; appointed to Senate Foreign Relations Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs; Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Securities; Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Senate Budget Committee; Senate Rules Committee. Office Listings 444 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0702 224-2823 Administrative Assistant.—Douglas B. Sosnik. Legislative Director.—Diana Huffman. Putnam Park, 100 Great Meadow Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109 (203) 240-3470 State Director.—Joan Hogan Gillman. JOSEPH 1. LIEBERMAN, Democrat, of New Haven, CT; born in Stamford, CT, on February 24, 1942; attended Stamford public schools; B.A., Yale College, 1964; law degree, Yale Law School, 1967; elected to the Connecticut State Senate, 1970-80; majori-ty leader, 1974-80; honorary degrees: Yeshiva University, University of Hartford; Con-necticut’s 21st Attorney General, 1983; reelected in 1986; author of “The Power-Broker” (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1966), a biography of the late Democratic Party chairman, John M. Bailey; “The Scorpion and the Tarantula” (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970), a study of early efforts to control nuclear proliferation; “The Legacy” (Spoonwood Press, 1981), a history of Connecticut politics from 1930-80; and “Child Support in America” (Yale University Press, 1986); married to Hadassah Lieberman; children: Matthew, Re-becca, Ethan, and Hana; member of the following Senate committees: Armed Services; Environment and Public Works; Governmental Affairs; and Small Business; chairman: Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity; Subcommittee on Regulation and Govern-ment Information; Gulf Pollution Task Force; vice-chairman, Democratic Leadership Council; elected on November 8, 1988 to the U.S. Senate for the 6-year term beginning on January 3, 1989. Office Listings 502 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0703 Administrative Assistant.—William Andresen. FAX: 224-9750 Executive Assistant.—Carleen Overstreet. Legislative Director.—William B. Bonvillian. Press Secretary.—Jim Kennedy. One Commercial Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103 (203) 240-3566 State Director.—Sherry Brown. CONNECTICUT 103d Congress 55 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT BARBARA B. KENNELLY, Democrat, of Hartford, CT; born in Hartford, July 10, 1936; daughter of John M. and Barbara Leary Bailey; graduated, Mount St. Joseph Acad-emy, West Hartford, CT; B.A., economics, Trinity College, Washington, DC; certificate of completion, Harvard-Radcliffe Program in Business Administration, Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA; masters degree in government, Trinity College, Hartford; hon-orary doctorates: Sacred Heart University, Bridgeport, CT, 1981; Mount Holyoke Col-lege, South Hadley, MA, 1984; University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT, 1985; St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN, 1986; served: Secretary of the State of Connecticut, 1979-82; Hartford Court of Common Council, 1975-79; member: board of trustees, Trini-ty College, Hartford, CT; member: House Ways and Means Committee and its Subcom-mittee on Trade, House Budget Committee; House Committee on Administration; mar-ried James J. Kennelly; four children: Eleanor Bride, Barbara Leary, Louise Moran, and John Bailey; elected to the 97th Congress, January 12, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 201 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0701..........c.c......... 225-2265 Administrative Assistant.—Ross Brown. FAX: 225-1031 Appointment/Personal Secretary.—Emma Lee Harrell. One Corporate Center, Hartford, CT 06103 : (203) 278-8888 District Director.—Robert Croce. District Caseworker.—Gerald Martin. Counties: Hartford (part), Middlesex (part), and Tolland (part). Population (1990), 548,016. ZIP Codes: 06001 (part), 06002, 06016, 06023, 06025, 06026 (part), 06028, 06033, 06037, 06040, 06043 (part), 06045, 06049, 06064, 06066 (part), 06067, 06073-74, 06088, 06095, 06102-06, 06107 (part), 06108-12, 06114-15, 06117-20, 06123, 06126-29, 06131-34, 06137-38, 06140-47, 06231 (part), 06232, 06248 (part), 06414, 06415 (part), 06416, 06424 (part), 06447, 06456, 06480 SECOND DISTRICT SAM GEJDENSON, Democrat, of Bozrah, CT; born in Eschwege, Germany, in an American displaced persons camp, May 20, 1948; attended Fields Memorial School; grad-uated, Norwich Free Academy, Norwich, 1966; A.S., Mitchell Junior College, New London, 1968; B.A., University of Connecticut, Storrs, 1970; farmer; broker, FAI Trad-ing Co.; chairman, Bozrah Town Committee, 1973; member, Connecticut House of Rep-resentatives, 1974-78; member, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut and Bozrah Grange; past member, Norwich Quinebaug Cancer Society; one daughter, Mia; and one son, Ari; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2416 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0702................... 225-2076 Administrative Assistant. —Bob Baskin. FAX: 225-4977 Press Secretary.—JoAnne Goldman. Scheduler.—Reece Painter. P.O. Box 2000, NOTWICH, CT 00300... coe heeds reivit i iresensusresesinsannsssnssvursiosssn (203) 886-0139 District Director.—Naomi Otterness. 94 Court Street, MIBAICIOWDN, CT B0457 ..........iivccicmivirisinrssinsnmssssnissussesensisssioansuvass (203) 346-1123 Counties: Middlesex (part), New London, Tolland (part), and Windham. Population (1990), 548,041. ZIP Codes: 06029, 06043 (part), 06066 (part), 06071 (part), 06075, 06076-77, 06084, 06226, 06230, 06231 (part), 06233-35, 06237-39, 06241-47, 06248 (part), 06249-51, 06254-56, 06258-60, 06262-68, 06277-82, 06320, 06330-37, 06339-40, 06349-51, 06353-55, 06357, 06359-60, 06365, 06370-80, 06382-85, 06387-89, 06409, 06412, 06415 (part), 06417 (part), 06419 (part), 06420, 06423, 06424 (part), 06426, 06438-39, 06441-42, 06457, 06469, 06475, 06498 Congressional Directory CONNECTICUT THIRD DISTRICT ROSA L. DELAURO, Democrat, of New Haven, CT; born in New Haven, CT, March 2, 1943; attended St. Louis Grammar School and graduated Laurelton Hall High School; attended London School of Economics, Queen Mary College, London, 1962-63; B.A., Marymount College, NY, 1964; B.A., Columbia University, NY, 1966; executive as-sistant to Mayor Frank Logue, city of New Haven, 1976-77; executive assistant/develop-ment administrator, city of New Haven, 1977-78; chief of staff, Sen. Christopher Dodd, 1980-87; executive director, Countdown ’87, 1987-88; executive director, Emily’s List, 1989-90; married to Stanley Greenberg; three children: Anna, Kathryn, and Jonathan; elected to the 102d Congress November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 327 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0703...........ccccunen... 225-3661 Administrative Assistant.—Paul Frick. Legislative Director.—Rick Frost. Press Secretary.—Maureen Driscoll. . 265 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510 (203) 562-3718 District Director.—Marlene Woodman. Counties: Fairfield (part), Middlesex (part), and New Haven (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Clinton, Deep River, Durham, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Killingworth, Madison, Middlefield, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, Northford, North Haven, Orange, Rockfall, Stratford, Trumbull, Walling-ford, West Haven, and Woodbridge. Population (1990), 547,765. ZIP Codes: 06405, 06410 (part), 06413, 06417 (part), 06419 (part), 06422, 06437, 06443, 06455, 06460, 06471-73, 06477, 06481, 06492, 06497 (part), 06501-21, 06524 (part), 06525 (part), 06530-36, 06611 (part), 06648 FOURTH DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Republican, of Stamford, CT; born in Stamford on October 18, 1945; graduated, Darien High School, Darien, CT, 1964; B.A., Principia College, Elsah, IL, 1968; M.B.A.,, New York University Graduate School of Business, 1974; M.P.A., New York University Graduate School of Public Administration, 1978; member, Peace Corps, Fiji Islands, 1968-70; business consultant; college instructor; realtor; execu-tive aide, Trumbull First Selectman, 1971-72; State representative, Connecticut House of Representatives, 1974-87; married Betsi Shays, 1968; one daughter, Jeramy; elected by special election, August 18, 1987, to the 100th Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Stewart B. McKinney; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1034 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0704 .............. 225-5541 Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Betsy Wright-Hawkings. FAX: 225-9629 Executive Assistant.—Diana White. 2d Floor, 888 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 357-8277 10 Middle Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604 (203) 579-5870 125 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851 (203) 866-6469 County: FAIRFIELD COUNTY (part); cities of Bridgeport, Darien, Norwalk, Stamford, Trumbull and Westport. Popula-tion (1990), 547,765. CONNECTICUT 103d Congress 57 ZIP Codes: 06430, 06432, 06436, 06468, 06490, 06601-02, 06604-08, 06610, 06611, 06807, 06820, 06829-31, 06836, 06840, 06850-56, 06870, 06878, 06880, 06881, 06901-07, 06911-12 FIFTH DISTRICT GARY A. FRANKS, Republican, of Waterbury, CT; born in Waterbury, CT, Febru-ary 9, 1953; graduated, Sacred Heart High School, Waterbury, CT, 1971; B.A., sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1975; real estate entrepreneur; president, GAF Realty, Waterbury, CT; member: Board of Aldermen, city of Waterbury, 1985-90, Waterbury Chamber of Commerce, American Red Cross, Greater Waterbury YMCA, Boys Club of America; Conservative Opportunities Society; married to the former Donna Williams, 1990; two children: Azia, 6, Jessica Lynn, 2; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992; member: Congressional Black Caucus, Committee on Energy and Commerce. Office Listings 435 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, Legislative Director.—Shane Schriefer. Press Secretary.—Jeff Muthersbaugh. Room 210, 135 Grand Street, Waterbury, CT Chief of Staff.—Richard L. Genua. DC 06701 20515-0705 FAX: (203) 225-3822 225-5085 573-1418 Counties: Fairfield (part) amd New Haven (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Botsford, Bethany, Bethel, Brookfield, Cheshire, Danouny, Derby, Easton, Georgetown, Huntington, Meriden, Monroe, Middlebury, Newtown, Naugatuck, New Fairfield, Oxford, Prospect, Redding, Ridgefield, Sandy Hook, Seymour, Shelton, Soe): Union City, Woodbridge, Waterbury, Weston, West Redding, Wilton, and Wolcott. Population (1990), 47,764. ZIP Codes: 06401, 06403-04, 06410 (part), 06418, 06430 (part), 06440, 06450, 06454, 06468 (part), 06470 (part), 06478, 06482-83, 06484 (part), 06488 (part), 06489 (part), 06497 (part), 06524 (part), 06525 (part), 06611 (part), 06612, 06702, 06704-06, 06708, 06710, 06712, 06716, 06720-26, 06762 (part), 06770, 06784 (part), 06801, 06804, 06810-13, 06875-77, 06880 (part), 06883, 06896, 06897 (part) SIXTH DISTRICT NANCY L. JOHNSON, Republican, of New Britain, CT; born in Chicago, IL, on Jan-uary 5, 1935, daughter of Gertrude (Smith) and Noble W. Lee (deceased); attended, Uni-versity of Chicago, Laboratory School, 1951; University of Chicago, 1953; B.A., Radcliff College, cum laude, Cambridge, MA, 1957; attended, University of London, [English Speaking Union Scholarship], 1958; elected to the Connecticut State Senate, 1977-82; member, board of directors, United Way of New Britain; president, Sheldon Community Guidance Clinic; Unitarian Universalists Society of New Britain; founding president, Friends of New Britain Public Library; member: board of directors, New Britain Bank & Trust; New Britain Museum of American Art; adjunct professor [political science], Cen-tral Connecticut State College; married Dr. Theodore Herbert Johnson, 1958; three chil-dren: Lindsey, Althea, and Caroline; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 343 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0706 225-4476 Administrative Assistant.—Eric Thompson. FAX: 225-4488 Legislative Director.—Ronald Lefrancois. Press Secretary.—Stacy Baum. Executive Assistant.—Margo Nousen. Suite 200, 480 Myrtle Street, New Britain, CT 06053 (203) 223-8412 District Director.—Cheryl Lounsbury. 276 Hazard Avenue, Enfield, CT 06082 (203) 745-5722 Congressional Directory CONNECTICUT Counties: Fairfield (part), Hartford (part), Litchfield New Haven (part), and Tolland (part). Population (1990), 547,765. ZIP Codes: 06001 (part), 06010-11, 06013, 06018-22, 06024, 06026 (part), 06027, 06031-32, 06034-35, 06039, 06050-53, 06057-63, 06065, 06068-70, 06071 (part), 06072, 06078-79, 06081-83, 06085, 06089-94, 06096, 06098, 06107 (part), 06444, 06467, 06479, 06487, 06488 (part), 06489 (part), 06750-59, 06762 (part), 06763, 06776-79, 06781-83, 06784 (part), 06785-87, 06790-91, 06793-96, 06798 DELAWARE 103d Congress DELAWARE (Population, 1990 census, 668,696) SENATORS WILLIAM V. ROTH, Jr., Republican, of Wilmington, DE; born in Great Falls, MT, July 22; 1921; educated in public schools; B.A. degree, University of Oregon; M.B.A., Harvard Business School; LL.B., Harvard Law School; enlisted as private in U.S. Army, 1943; served in Pacific; Bronze Star, discharged in 1946 as captain; married to Jane K. Richards; two children: William V. Roth III, born October 19, 1966, and Katharine Kel-lond Roth, born August 18, 1969; Episcopalian; member, Delaware and California bars, admitted to practice before U.S. Supreme Court; chairman of Delaware Republican State Committee, 1961-64; Republican National Committee, 1961-64; elected as U.S. Repre-sentative-at-Large from Delaware to the 90th Congress November 8, 1966; reelected to the 91st Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 3, 1970, for the term ending January 3, 1977; subsequently appointed January 1, 1971; reelected November 2, 1976, November 2, 1982, and November 2, 1988. Office Listings 104 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0801 224-2441 Administrative Assistant.—John M. Duncan. FAX: 224-2805 Scheduling Secretary.—Elizabeth G. Martin. Press Secretary.—Verna Wilkins Hensley. 3021 Federal Building, 844 King Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 573-6291 2215 Federal Building, 300 South New Street, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 674-3308 12 The Circle, Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 856-7690 * Xx x JOSEPH R. BIDEN, Jr., Democrat, Wilmington, DE; born in Scranton, PA, Novem-ber 20, 1942; educated at St. Helena’s School, Wilmington, DE, Archmere Academy, Claymont, DE; A.B. degree in history and political science, University of Delaware; J.D., Syracuse University College of Law; married to Jill Tracy Biden; three children: Joseph R. Biden III, born February 3, 1969, Robert Hunter Biden, born February 4, 1970, Ashley Blazer Biden, born June 8, 1981; admitted to the bar, December 1968, Wilming-ton, DE; engaged in private practice until November 1972; served on New Castle County Council, 1970-72; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 1972, for the term ending Janu-ary 3, 1979; reelected to U.S. Senate, November 1978, November 1984, and November 1990; committee assignments: Democratic Steering; Foreign Relations; Judiciary (chair-man). Office Listings 221 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0802 224-5042 Chief of Staff.—Ted Kaufman. FAX: 224-0139 Executive Assistant.—Marianne Baker. J.C. Boggs Federal Building, 844 King Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 573-6345 J. Allen Frear Building, 300 South New Street, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 678-9483 Georgetown Professional Center, Suite 108, 600 South DuPont Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 856-9275 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE MICHAEL N. CASTLE, Republican, of Wilmington, DE; born on July 2, 1939 in Wilmington; graduate of Tower Hill School, 1957; B.S., economics, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, 1961; J.D., Georgetown University Law School, 1964; attorney; admitted to the District of Columbia and Delaware bars, 1964; commenced practice in Wilmington; elected to Delaware House of Representatives, 1966-67; Delaware Senate, 1968-76; Lieu-tenant Governor of Delaware, 1981-85; Governor, 1985-92; awarded honorary degrees: Congressional Directory DELAWARE Wesley College, 1986; Widener College, 1986; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, 1992; active in the National Governors’ Association, serving 3 years as the chairman of the Human Resources Committee; co-vice chairman for NGA’s Task Force on Health Care with President Clinton; past president of the Council of State Governments; past chairman of the Southern Governors’ Association; chaired the Republican Governors’ Association, 1988; awarded American Diabetes Association’s C. Everett Koop Award for Health Promotion and Awareness, June, 1992; member: Delaware Bar Association; Amer-ican Bar Association; former member: National Governor’s Association; Republican Gov-ernors’ Association; National Assessment Governing Board; Council of State Governors; Southern Governors’ Association; current House Committee memberships: Banking, Fi-nance and Urban Affairs Committee; subcommittee: Housing and Community Develop-ment, Consumer Credit and Insurance, International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy; Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; subcommittees: Coast Guard and Navigation, Environment and Natural Resources; Task Force on Health Care Reform, Federal Mandate, Education, Tobacco and Health; was selected as one of seven Regional Whips for the 110-member freshman class; married Jane DiSabatino May 23, 1992; elected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992; sworn in on January 5, 1993. Office Listings 1205 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0801 225-4165 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Ratchford. FAX: 225-2291 Communications Director.—Claire Dematteis. Legislative Director.—Paul Leonard. 3 Christina Centre, 201 North Walnut Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 428-1902 Office Director.—Jeff Dayton. FAX: (302) 428-1950 J. Allen Frear Federal Building, 300 South New Street, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 736-1666: FAX: (302) 736-6580 Counities: Kent, New Castle, and Sussex. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Brookside, Camden, Claymont, Delaware City, Dover, Edgemoor, Elsmere, Georgetown, Harrington, Highland, Acres, Kent Acres, Laurel, Lewes, Middletown, Milford, Millsboro, New Castle, Newark, Pike Creek, Rising Sun-Lebanon, Rodney Village, Seaford, Smyrna, Stanton, Talleyville, Wilmington, Wilmington Minor, and Woodside East. Population (1990), 666,696. ZIP Codes: 19701-03, 19706-11, 19713-15, 19720, 19730-34, 19736, 19801-10, 19850, 19899, 19901, 19903, 19930-31, 19933-34, 19936, 19938-47, 19950-56, 19958, 19960-64, 19966-71, 19973, 19975, 19977, 19979-80 FLORIDA 103 d Congr ess 61 FLORIDA (Population, 1990 census, 13,003,362) SENATORS BOB GRAHAM, Democrat, of Miami Lakes, FL; born in Coral Gables, FL, on No-vember 9, 1936; attended public schools in Dade County, FL; graduated, Miami High School, FL, 1955; B.S., University of Florida, Gainesville, 1959; LL.B., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1962; lawyer; admitted to the Florida State bar, 1962; builder and cattleman; elected to the Florida State House of Representatives, 1966; elected to the Florida State Senate, 1970-78; Governor of Florida, 1979-86; married to the former Adele Khoury, 1959; four children: Gwendolyn Patricia, Glynn Adele, Arva Suzanne, and enaal Elizabeth; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 4, 1986; reelected on No-vember 3, 1992. Office Listings 524 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0903 ...........cccccouruurnecn. 224-3041 Administrative Assistant.—Samuel R. Shorstein. TDD: 224-5621 Legislative Director.—Leslie Woolley. Press Secretary.—Mary Byrne. P.O. Box 3050, Tallahassee, FL 32315 . (904) 681-7726 Director of Constituency Services.—Mary Chiles. Suite 3145, 101 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33602...........c.cccccevererenene. (813) 228-2476 Suite 1715, 44 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33130 (305) 536-7293 ok CONNIE MACK, Republican, of Cape Coral, FL; born in Philadelphia, PA, on Octo-ber 29, 1940; attended St. Francis Xavier School, Fort Myers, FL; graduated, Fort Myers High School, 1959; B.A. (marketing), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1966; banker, 1966-82; member: Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, board of directors, Palmer Drug Abuse Center, Fort Myers Rotary; appointed to Federal Reserve Board (Miami Branch); married to the former Priscilla Hobbs, 1960; two children: Debbie and Connie IV; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; elected on November 8, 1988 to the U.S. Senate for the term begin-ning January 3, 1989; member: Committee on Appropriations. Office Listings 517 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-0904 ...............cccceu.... 224-5274 Administrative Assistant.—Mitch Bainwol. FAX: 224-8022 Legislative Director.—Bob Mottice. Suite 704, 777 Brickell, Miami FL 33131 (305) 530-7100 Suite 602, 600 North Westshore Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33609...............ccccceunen. (813) 225-7683 Suite 27, 1342 Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers, FL 33907 (813) 275-6252 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT EARL HUTTO, Democrat, of Pensacola, FL; born in Midland City, AL, May 12, 1926; attended the public schools; graduated Dale County High School, Ozark, AL, 1945; B.S., Troy State University, Troy, AL, 1949 (president, Kappa Delta Pi, Troy State Uni-versity); graduate work in broadcasting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1951; served in U.S. Navy, 1944-46; former owner and president, Earl Hutto Advertising Agency; founder and former president, WPEX-FM, Pensacola, FL; former sports direc-tor, WEAR-TV, Pensacola, FL, WSFA-TV, Montgomery, AL, and WJHG-TV, Panama City, FL; elected to Florida House of Representatives, 1972 and reelected in 1974 and 1976; awards: Golden Bulldog Award, Watchdogs of the Treasury, Inc., 1980, 1986, 1988, and 1990; 1992 Alumnus of the Year Award for Business and Government, Troy State University, 1980; Eagle of Freedom Award, American Security Council, Congressional Directory FLORIDA 1982-87, 1990-92, American Security Council 1992 Legislator of the year; Guardian of Small Business Award, National Federation of Independent Business, 1986, 1988, and 1990; Distinguished Service Award, U.S. Navy League, 1988; Life Values Award, Ameri-can Coalition for Life, 1988; Christian Coalition Friend of the Family, 1992; Legislative Award, National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, 1988; Nathan Hale Award, Florida Reserve Officers Association, 1988; Spirit of Enterprise Award, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1989; Baptist (deacon, First Baptist Church, Panama City, FL); married to the former Nancy Myers of Oviedo, FL; two children: Lori Keeffe and Amelia Ann; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress; committees: Armed Services (chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness; Sub-committee on Research and Technology) and Merchant Marine and Fisheries Manage-ment and the Subcommittee on Environment Natural Resources; Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation; Subcommittee on Fisheries Management). Office Listings 2435 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0901 ................... 225-4136 Administrative Assistant.—Gary P. Pulliam. FAX: 225-5785 Executive Secretary.—Cathie McCarley. Legislative Director.—DeLisa L. Harmon. Press Secretary.—E.R. Gregory. PO. Box 17639, Pensacola, FL. 32522... i iii ietgn sien asies (904) 478-1123 Counties: Bay (part), Escambia, Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton. Population (1990), 577,226. ZIP Codes: 32401 (part), 32405 (part), 32407-08, 32409 (part), 32413, 32422, 32425, 32427, 32433-34, 32439, 32452, 32454-55, 32459, 32464, 32466 (part), 32501, 32503-08, 32513-14, 32516, 32520-24, 32526, 32530-31, 32533-38, 32540-42, 32544, 32547-49, 32560-83, 32588-98 SECOND DISTRICT PETE PETERSON, Democrat of Marianna, FL; born in Omaha, NE; June 26, 1935; graduated National War College, 1975; B.S., University of Tampa, 1976; attended Univer-sity of Michigan, 1977; served in U.S. Air Force, 1954-80; after enlisting rose to rank of Colonel; was North Vietnamese POW 6%: years; founded CRT Computers, 1983; elected 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress; member: Committee on Appropriations; Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; married the former Carlotta Ann Neal; three children. Office Listings 426 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0902...................... 225-5235 Administrative Assistant.—Suzanne Farmer. FAX: 225-1586 Executive Assistant.—Kathleen Semmel. Appropriations Associate.—Eve Alexander Young. Suite 101, 930 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303 (904) 561-3979 District Manager—Tom Pitcock. Room 203, 30 West Government Street, Panama City, FL 32401 ....................... (904) 785-0812 Staff Assistant.—Alexa Pleas. Counties: Baker (part), Bay (part), Calhoun, Columbia (part), Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Hamilton, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Suwannee, Taylor, Wakulla, and Washington. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Alford, Altha, Apalachicola, Bascom, Blountstown, Bonifay, Branford, Bristol, Campbellton, Carrabelle, Caryville, Chatta-hoochee, Chipley, Clarksville, Cottondale, Crawfordville, Cypress, Day, Eastpoint, Ebro, Fountain, Graceville, Grand Ridge, Greensboro, Greenville, Greenwood, Gretna, Havana, Hosford, Jasper, Jennings, Kinard, Lake City, Lamont, Lanark Village, Lee, Live Oak, Lloyd, Lynn Haven, MacClenny, Madison, Malone, Marianna, Mayo, McAlpin, Mexico Beach, Miccosukee, Midway, Monticello, Mount Pleasant, O’Brien, Olustee, Panacea, Panama City, Pinetta, Port St. Joe, Quincy, Saint Marks, Salem, Sanderson, Shady Grove, Sneads, Sopchoppy, Steinhat-chee, Sumatra, Sunnyside, Tallahassee, Telogia, Trenton, Vernon, Wacissa, Wausau, Wellborn, Wewabhitchka, White Springs, Woodville, and Youngstown. Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 32008, 32013, 32052-53, 32055 (part), 32056, 32059-60, 32062, 32063 (part), 32066, 32071-72, 32087, 32094, 32096, 32301-04, 32307-17, 32320-24, 32326-37, 32340, 32343-44, 32346-47, 32350-53, 32355-62, 32399, 32401 (part), 32402-04, 32405 (part), 32406, 32409 (part), 32410-11, 32417, 32420-21, 32423-28, 32430-32, 32437-38, 32440, 32442-47, 32449, 32456, 32460-63, 32465, 32466 (part), 32693 FLORIDA 103d Congress THIRD DISTRICT CORRINE BROWN, Democrat, of Jacksonville, FL; born in Jacksonville on Novem-ber 11, 1946; B.S., Florida A & M University, 1969; Master’s, Florida A & M University, 1971; undergraduate studies, University of Florida; Counselor, Florida Community Col-lege at Jacksonville, 1977-92; Owner, Springfield Travel Agency; Florida House of Rep-resematives, 1982-92; one child, Shantrel, 1965; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d ongress. Office Listings 1037 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0903 225-0123 Administrative Assistant. —E. Ronnie Simmons. FAX: 225-2256 Appointment Secretary.—Darla E. Smallwood. Executive Assistant.—Carolyn Wilson Newton. Legislative Director.—Adam Hollingsworth. Suite 275, 815 South Main Street, IBM Building, Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 398-8567 Counties: Alachua (part), Baker (part), Clay (part), Columbia (part), Duval (part), Flagler (part), Lake (pany, |Jovy (part), Marion (part), Orange (part), Putnam (part), St. Johns (part), Seminole (part), and Volusia (part).Ci AND TOWNSHIPS: Alachua (part), Altamonte Springs (pany), AsorkaA (part), Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace ar, Bunnell (part), Crescent City, Daytona Beach (part),De d (part), East Palatka, Eatonville, Fairview Shores (part), Gainesville (part), Green Cove Springs (part), High Springs (part), Holden Heights (part), Jacksonville (part), Lake City (part), Lockhart (part), Macclenny (part), Maitland (part), Mount Dora (part), Oak Ridge (part), Ocala (part), Orange Park (part), Orlando (part), Orlovista (part), Palatka (part), Pierson (part), Pine Hills (part), Sanford (part), South Apopka (part), St Augustine (part), Tangelo Park, Watertown (part), Wekiva Springs (part), West De Land (part), Williston (part), Winter Garden (part), and Winter Park (part), Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 32033 (part), 32038, 32043 (part), 32055 (part), 32061, 32063 (part), 32073 (part), 32084 (part), 32086 (part), 32092 (part), 32095 (part), 32112 (part), 32114 (part), 32117 (part), 32124 (part), 32130 (part), 32131, 32137 (part), 32139, 32177 (part), 32180 (part), 32190 (part), 32201, 32202 (part), 32203, 32204 (part), 32205 (part), 32206, 32207 (part), 32208-09, 32210 (part), 32211 (part), 32212, 32216 (part), 32217 (part), 32218 (part), 32219 (part), 32220 (part), 32225 (part), 32230-32, 32234, 32236, 32244 (part), 32246 (part), 32247, 32254 (part), 32255, 32256 (part), 32257 (part), 32258 (part), 32601 (part), 32602, 32609 (part), 32615 (part), 32617, 32618 (part), 32634, 32640, 32643 (part), 32654, 32658, 32662-64, 32686 (part), 32696 (part), 32701 (part), 32703 (part), 32704, 32707 (part), 32710, 32712 (part), 32713 (part), 32714 (part), 32720 (part), 32721-23, 32724 (part), 32746 (part), 32750 (part), 32751 (part), 32757 (part), 32763 (part), 32768, 32771 (part), 32773 (part), 32777, 32779 (part), 32789 (part), 32794, 32801 (part), 32804 (part), 32805 (part), 32808 (part), 32810 (part), 32811 (part), 32818 (part), 32819 (part), 32835 (part), 32839 (part), 32855, 32858, 32861, 32869, 34761 (part), 34787 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT TILLIE FOWLER, Republican, of Jacksonville, FL; born, December 23, 1942 in Mil-ledgeville, Georgia; B.A., J.D. Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1964, 1967; attorney, ad-mitted to Georgia bar, 1967; legislative assistant, Congressman Robert G. Stevens, Jr., 1967-70; general counsel, deputy counsel, associate director of legislative affairs, White House Office of Consumer Affairs, 1970-71; member, Jacksonville City Council, Jackson-ville, FL, 1985-92; president, Jacksonville City Council, Jacksonville, FL, 1989-90; member: Emory University Alumni Board of Governors; Civil justice Reform Act Advi-sory Group for the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, American Red Cross, Northeast Florida Chapter; honorary member, St. Vincent’s Health Care System Advisory Board; married to L. Buck Fowler, 1968; two children: Tillie, 1973, Elizabeth, 1975; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 413 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0904 225-2501 Administrative Assistant.—David Gilliland. FAX: 225-9318 Legislative Director.—Beth Lavach. Scheduler/Executive Assistant.—Tina Burke. 4452 Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 739-6600 . 533 North Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (904) 672-0754 Counties: DUVAL COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bryceville and Jacksonville. FLAGLER COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bunnell, Flagler Beach, Hastings, and Palm Coast. NAssaAu COUNTY; cities and townships of Callahan, Fernandina Beach, Hilliard, and Yulee. ST. JOHNS COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Ponte Verda 64 Congressional Directory FLORIDA Beach, and Saint Augustine. VOLUSIA COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Pierson, and Seville. Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 32004, 32009, 32011, 32033 (part), 32034, 32035, 32046, 32082, 32084 (part), 32085, 32086 (part), 32092 (part), 32095 (part), 32097, 32105, 32110, 32114 (part), 32117 (part), 32118 (part), 32124 (part), 32130 (part), 32135-36, 32137 (part), 32145, 32173-76, 32180 (part), 32190 (part), 32202 (part), 32204 (part), 32205 (part), 32207 (part), 32210 (part), 32211 (part), 32215, 32216 (part), 32217 (part), 32218 (part), 32223-24, 32225 (part), 3222629, 32233-3 32237, 32239-41, 32244 (part), 32245, 32246 (part), 32250, 32256 (part), 32257 (part), 32258 (part), 32259, 32266- FIFTH DISTRICT KAREN L. THURMAN, Democrat, of Dunnellon, FL; born in Rapid City, SD, on January 12, 1951; attended South Canyon Elementary School, Rapid City; graduated, Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, FL, 1969; Santa Fe Community College, 1969-71; B.A., University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, 1973; attended University of Florida Gradu-ate School, 1973; mathematics teacher, Dunnellon Middle School, Dunnellon; Florida State Senate, 1982-92; Dunnellon City Council, 1975-82; elected mayor, City of Dunnel-lon, 1979-81; member: State Sentencing Guidelines Commission; Future Farmers of America, board of directors; State Public Service Commission; Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority; Regional Energy Action Committee; Coastal Impact Study; chairman, Job Training Partnership Act Coordinating Council; Comprehensive Plan; Na-tional Conference of State Legislators; Southern Regional Education Board; married to John Patrick Thurman, 1973; two children: McLin, 1977; and Liberty Lee, 1978; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 130 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0905.................c..... 225-1002 Administrative Assistant.—Nora Matus. Scheduler.—Dee Dee Keenan. Legislative Director.—Robert Dobek. District Administrator.—Anne Morgan. No. 1 Courthouse Square, Room 102, Inverness, FL 34450 (904) 344-3044 Suite 425, 5700 S.W. 34th Street, Gainesville, FL 32608 (904) 336-6614 Suite 206, 5623 U.S. 19 South, New Port Richey, FL 34652 (813) 849-4496 Counties: Alachua (part), Citrus, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hernando, Levy (part), Marion (part), Pasco (part), and Sumter. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Alachua (part), Bayonet Point (part), Beacon Square, Beverly Hills, Brookridge, Brooks-ville, Bushnell, Chiefland, Citrus Springs, Cross City, Crystal River, Dunnellon, Elfers (part), Floral City, Gaines-ville (part), Hernando, Hernando Beach, High Point, High Springs (part), Holiday, Homosassa, Homosassa Springs, Hudson (part), Inverness, Jasmine Estates, Lake Panasoffkee, New Port Richey, New Port Richey East, Newberry, Ocala (part), Port Richey, Ridge Manor, South Brooksville, Spring Hill, Sugarmill Woods, Timber Pines, Wild-wood, and Williston (part). Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 32137 (part), 32159 (part), 32356, 32359, 32601 (part), 32603-08, 32609 (part), 32610-11, 3261314, 32615 (part), 32618 (part), 32619, 32621, 32625-26, 32628, 32631, 32633, 32639, 32643 (part), 32648, 32667-69, 32680, 32683, 32686 (part), 32692-94, 32696 (part), 3351314, 33521, 33525 (part), 33538, 33540 (part), 33585, 33597, 34423, 34428-29, 34431-34, 34436, 34442, 34445-53, 34460-61, 3446465, 34484, 34487, 34498, 34601-02, 34605-07, 34608 (part), 34609, 34610 (part), 34613-14, 34636, 34652 (part), 34653 (part), 34654 (part), 34656, 34661, 34667 (part), 34668, 34669 (part), 34673-74, 34680, 34690 (part), 34691, 34731 (part), 34748 (part), 34785 SIXTH DISTRICT CLIFF STEARNS, Republican, of Ocala, FL; born in Washington, DC, April 16, 1941; attended Hearst Elementary School, Washington, DC, 1946-52; graduated, Wood-row Wilson High, Washington, DC, 1959; bachelor’s degree, electrical engineering, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1963; graduate work, University of California, Los Angeles, 1965; served, U.S. Air Force, captain, 1963-67; businessman; member: Marion County/Ocala Energy Task Force, Tourist Development Council, Ocala Board of Realtors, American Hotel/Motel Association in Florida, American Hotel/Motel Association of the United States, Grace Presbyterian Church; board of directors, Boys Club of Ocala; married to the former Joan Moore; three children: Douglas, Cliff, Jr., and FLORIDA 103d Congress 65 Scott; elected November 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 332 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0906....................... 225-5744 Administrative Assistant.—Jack Seum. FAX: 225-3973 Legislative Director.—Pam Stilson. Executive Assistant.—Marcia Summers. Suite 125, 501 Southeast 26th Court, Ocala, FL 34471 (904) 351-8777 District Manager.—Sharon Brooks. FAX: (904) 351-8011 Counties: Baker (part), Bradford, Clay (part), Duval (part), Lake (part), Marion (part), Putnam (part), and Union. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ocala, Leesburg, Orange Park, and Jacksonville (part). Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 32007, 32030, 32040, 32042, 32043 (part), 32044, 32050, 32054, 32058, 32063 (part), 32065, 32067-68, 32073 (part), 32079, 32083, 32091, 32102, 32111, 32112 (part), 32113, 32133-34, 32138, 32140, 3214749, 32157-58, 32159 (part), 32160, 32177 (part), 32178-79, 32181-82, 32185, 32187, 32189, 32192-93, 32195, 32210 (part), 32219 (part), 32220 (part), 32221-22, 32234, 32238, 32244 (part), 32254 (part), 32622, 32656, 32666, 32681, 32697, 32702, 32720 (part), 32726, 32727, 32735, 32757 (part), 32767, 32776, 32778, 32784, 34420, 34421, 34471-72, 34476, 34480, 34488-89, 34705, 34711-12, 34729, 34731 (part), 34736-37, 34748 (part), 34749, 34753, 34755-56, 34762, 34787 (part), 34788-89, 34797 SEVENTH DISTRICT JOHN L. MICA, Republican, of Winter Park, FL; born in Binghamton, NY, on Janu-ary 27, 1943; attended Horace Mann Elementary, Binghamton; graduated, Miami-Edison High School, Miami, FL; B.A., University of Florida, 1967; president, MK Development; managing general partner, Cellular Communications; former government affairs consult-ant, Mica, Dudinsky & Associates; executive director, Local Government Study Commis-sions, Palm Beach County, 1970-72; executive director, Orange County Local Govern-ment Study Commission, 1972-74; elected to the Florida State House of Representatives, 1976-80; Administrative Assistant, U.S. Senator Paula Hawkins, 1980-85; Florida State Good Government Award, 1973; One of 5 Florida Jaycees Outstanding Young Men of America, 1978; Member: Kiwanis; Crime Line Board; Tiger Bay Club; Beth Johnson Mental Health Board; PTA Board; Association Board of Florida Symphony; Chamber of Commerce; Florida Blue Key; brother of former Congressman Daniel A. Mica; married to the former Patricia Szymanek, 1972; two children; D’Anne Leigh, 1975; and John Clark, 1979; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 427 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0907............cccoeu... 225-4035 Administrative Assistant.—Russell L. Roberts. -FAX: 226-0821 Legislative Director/Press Secretary.—Sharon Pinkerton. 237 Fernwood Boulevard, Fern Park, FL 32730 (407) 339-8080 840 Deltona Boulevard, Deltona, FL 32725 (407) 860-1499 1396 Dunlawton Avenue Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 (904) 756-9798 Counties: ORANGE COUNTY; city of Apopka (part). SEMINOLE COUNTY; cities and townships of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Chuluota, Fern Park, Forest City, Geneva, Heathrow, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford (part), Tuscawilla, and Winter Springs. VOLUSIA COUNTY; cities and townships of Daytona Beach (part), Daytona Beach Shores, Deland (part), Deltona, Edgewater, Lake Helen, New Smyrna Beach, Oak Hill, Orange City, Ponce Inlet, Port Orange, and South Daytona. Population, (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 32114 (part), 32115-16, 32118 (part), 32119-23, 32124 (part), 32127, 32129, 32130 (part), 32132, 32141, 32168-70, 32701 (part), 32703 (part), 32706, 32707 (part), 32708, 32712 (part), 32713 (part), 32714 (part), 32715-16, 32718-19, 32720 (part), 32724 (part), 32725, 32728, 32730, 32732, 32738, 32744, 32746 (part), 32747, 32750 (part), 32751 (part), 32752, 32754 (part), 32759, 32763 (part), 32764-66, 32771 (part), 32772, 32773 (part), 32774, 32779 (part), 32791, 32792 (part), 32795, 32808 (part), 32810 (part), 32818 (part), 32860 Congressional Directory FLORIDA EIGHTH DISTRICT BILL McCOLLUM, Republican, of Orlando, FL; born in Brooksville, FL, July 12, 1944; attended Brooksville public schools; graduated, Hernando High School, 1962; B.A., 1965, J.D., 1968, University of Florida, Gainesville; U.S. Navy, 1969-72 (active duty), reserve, commander; lawyer; admitted to the Florida bar, 1968; commenced practice in Orlando, 1973; former partner, Pitts, Eubanks & Ross; member: American, Florida, and Orange County Bar Associations; Florida Blue Key, Phi Delta Phi, and Omicron Delta Kappa; Kiwanis; Sertoma Club of Apopka; American Legion; Who’s Who in America; Reserve Officers Association; Naval Reserve Officers Association; Military Order of World Wars; former chairman, Seminole County Republican Executive Committee; mar-ried to the former Ingrid Seebohm, 1971; three sons: Douglas, Justin, and Andrew; elect-ed to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Judiciary Committee; the Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee; Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Deals With Iran; elected to House Republi-can leadership post of vice chairman of Republican Conference. Office Listings 2266 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0908 225-2176 Chief of Staff.—Vaughn Forrest. FAX: 225-0999 Legislative Assistant. —Don Morrissey. Office Manager.—Mary Reed. 605 East Robinson Street, No. 650 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 872-1962 District Representative.—John Ariale. Counties: Orange (part) and Osceola (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Apopka, Belle Isle, Bithlo, Christmas, Edgewood, Oakland, Ocoee, Orlando, Maitland, Winter Park, Windermere, Winter Garden, Zellwood, Lake Buena Vista, Taft, Tangerine, Kissimmee, and Buena Ventura Lake. Population (1990), 711,689. ; ZIP Codes: 32703 (part), 32709, 32712 (part), 32733, 32745, 32751 (part), 32757 (part), 32789 (part), 32790, 32792 (part), 32793, 32798, 32801 (part), 32802-03, 32804 (part), 32805 (part), 32806-07, 32808 (part), 32809, 32810 (part), 32811 (part), 32812, 32814, 32817, 32818 (part), 32819 (part), 32820-33, 32835 (part), 32836-37, 32839 (part), 32853-54, 32856-57, 32859, 32862, 32867-68, 32872, 33848, 34734, 34740, 34741 (part), 34742-43, 34744 (part), 34745, 34760, 34761 (part), 34771 (part), 34777, 34786, 34787 (part) NINTH DISTRICT MICHAEL BILIRAKIS, Republican, of Palm Harbor, FL; born July 16, 1930, in Tarpon Springs, FL; raised in western Pennsylvania; B.S. in engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1955-59; accounting, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1959-60; J.D., University of Florida, Gainesville, 1961-63; 4 years of military service during Korean war; attorney and small businessman, petroleum engineer, aerospace contract ad-ministrator, geophysical engineer (offshore oil exploration), steelworker, and judge of var-ious courts for 8 years; honors in college include Phi Alpha Delta Annual Award for Outstanding Law Graduate and president of the student body of School of Engineering and Mines; honors after college, civil activities, and organizations include Citizen of the Year Award for Greater Tarpon Springs, 1972-73; founder and charter president of Tarpon Springs Volunteer Ambulance Service; past president and 4-year director of Greater Tarpon Springs Chamber of Commerce; past president of Rotary Club of Tarpon Springs, board of governors of Pinellas Suncoast Chamber of Commerce, board of devel-opment of Anclote Manor Psychiatric Hospital, AHEPA; elected commander Post 173 American Legion, Holiday, FL (1977-79, two terms); 33d degree Mason and Shriner; member: West Pasco Bar Association, American Judicature Society, Florida Bar and American Bar Associations, University of Florida Law Center Association and Gator Booster, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars; holds college level doctorate teaching certificate; member: Elks, Eastern Star and White Shrine of Jerusalem, Royal Order of Jesters of Egypt Temple Shrine District, Air Force Association; former member: Clearwater Bar Association, National Contract Management Association, Amer-ican Society of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers, and Creative Education FLORIDA 103d Congress 67 Foundation; married to the former Evelyn Miaoulis, 1959; two children: Manual and Gus; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2240 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Robert Meyers. Press Secretary.—Steve Cohen. DC 20515 -0909 FAX: 225-5755 225-4085 Suite 4111 Scheduler.—Mary Kouvelis. 1600, 1100 Cleveland Street, Clearwater, FL 34615 Director of District Operations.—Pat Faber. Land O’Lakes Boulevard, Suite 306, Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 (813) (813) 441-3721 996-7441 Counties: Hillsborough (part), Pasco (part), and Pinellas (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Aripeka, Bearss, Brandon, Brooksville, Carrollwood Village, Clearwater, Countryside, Crystal Springs, Dade City, Dale Mabry, Dunedin, Eastlake Woodlands, Elfers, Feather Sound, Holiday, Howard Franklin, Hudson, Hunters Green, Land O’Lakes, Lutz, New Port Richey, Odessa, Oldsmar, Ozona, Palm Harbor, Plant City, Quail Hollow, Safety Harbor, San Antonio, Seffner, Seven Springs Veterans Village, Smitter, St. Leo, St. Pete, Tarpon Springs, Thonotosassa, Valrico, Wesley Chapel, and Zephyrhills. Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 33510 (part), 33525 (part), 33540 (part), 33541, 33543-44, 33549 (part), 33556, 33565 (part), 33576 (part), 33584 (part), 33592, 33594 (part), 33613 (part), 33618 (part), 33624-26, 33637 (part), 33647, 33694, 33702 (part), 33716 (part), 34608 (part), 34610 (part), 34615, 34616 (part), 34617-19, 34620 (part), 34621, 34622 (part), 34623, 34624 (part), 34625, 34629, 34630 (part), 34639, 34652 (part), 34653 (part), 34654 (part), 34655, 34660, 34667 (part), 34669 (part), 34677, 34679, 34681-85, 34688-89, 34690 (part), 34695, 34697-98 TENTH DISTRICT C.W. BILL YOUNG, Republican, of Indian Rocks Beach, FL; born in Harmarville, PA, December 16, 1930; elected Florida’s only Republican State senator in 1960; reelect-ed, 1964, 1966, 1967 (special election), and 1968; serving as minority leader from 1963 to 1970; national committeeman, Florida Young Republicans, 1957-59; State chairman, Flor-ida Young Republicans, 1959-61; member, Florida Constitution Revision Commission, 1965-67; married and has three adult children and he and his wife, Beverly, have three sons; elected to the 92d Congress, November 3, 1970; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress; member: Committee on Appropriations; Republican Executive Committee on Com- mittees. Office Listings 2407 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0910 225-5961 Executive Assistant.—Douglas M. Gregory. FAX: 225-9764 Office Manager.—Kevin S. Hardcastle. Legislative Director.—Harry Glenn. Suite 627, 144 First Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (813) 893-3191 Administrative Assistant. —George N. Cretekos. Suite 606, 801 West Bay Drive, Largo, FL 33640 (813) 581-0980 County: PINELLAS COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 33504, 33701, 33702 (part), 33703-15, 33716 (part), 33731, 33733-34, 33736-43, 33784, 34616 (part), 34620 (part), 34622 (part), 34624 (part), 34630 (part), 34635, 34640-44, 34646-49, 34664-66 ELEVENTH DISTRICT SAM GIBBONS, Democrat, of Tampa, FL; born in Tampa, January 20, 1920, son of Gunby Gibbons and Jessie Kirk Cralle Gibbons; educated in public schools of Tampa; received J.D. degree from the University of Florida; named to the University’s Hall of Fame and to its honor society, Florida Blue Key; member of Alpha Tau Omega Fraterni-ty; married to the former Martha Hanley; they have three sons: Clifford, 1950; Mark, Congressional Directory FLORIDA 1952; and Timothy, 1958; four grandchildren; elected to the Florida House of Representa-tives in 1952 and served for 6 years; elected to the Florida Senate in 1958 and served for 4 years; named one of the top 10 members of each body; named Tampa’s Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1954; received Chamber of Commerce president’s award; Distin-guished Alumnus Award, University of Florida, 1973; deacon, First Presbyterian Church of Tampa; first president and member of University of South Florida Foundation; served in U.S. Army 5 years during World War II with 501st Parachute Infantry, 101st Airborne Division; awarded Bronze Star; was in initial assault force landing before D-Day in Europe; took part in other major combat actions, including operations at Bastogne; re-leased from active duty as major; elected to the 88th Congress, November 6, 1962; re-elected to each succeeding Congress; member and vice chairman of Ways and Means Committee and chairman of Subcommitte on Trade; member, Joint Committee on Tax-ation; official U.S. adviser to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Office Listings 2204 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0911 225-3376 Office Manager.—Barbara Toffling. Scheduler/Chief Legislative Assistant.—Flora Sullivan. Suite 260, 2002 North Lois Avenue, Tampa, FL 33607 (813) 870-2101 Office Manager.—Gregory F. Wonders. 201 South Kings Avenue, Brandon, FL 33511 .. (813) 689-2847 Staff Assistant.—Lana Lueiro. County: HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY (part); cities of Apollo Beach (part), Bloomingdale (part), Brandon (part), Carroll-wood, Del Rio, East Lake-Orient Park, Egypt Lake, Gibsonton, Lake Magdalene (part), Mango (part), Palm River-Clair Mel, Riverview, Tampa (part), Temple Terrace, Town ‘n’ Country, University West and West Park. Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33509, 33510 (part), 33511 (part), 33534, 33549 (part), 33550, 33569 (part), 33572 (part), 33584 (part), 33587, 33594 (part), 33601-12, 33613 (part), 3361417, 33618 (part), 33619, 33621-23, 33629-31, 33634-35, 33637 (part), 33672-75, 33677, 33679-82, 33684-88, 33690, 33695, 33697 * %x *x TWELFTH DISTRICT CHARLES T. CANADY, Republican, of Lakeland, FL; born June 22, 1954 in Lake-land; House service, January 3, 1993 to present; rank, 77th (1 of 108); Haverford Coll. (PA), B.A., 1976; Yale Law School, J.D., 1979. Attorney, Lakeland, 1979-92; member, Florida House of Representatives, 1984-90; Recipient: President’s Award, FL Public Li-brary Association, 1988; Crime Fighters Award, FL Department of Law Enforcement, 1989; member: Volunteers in Service to the Elderly, Board of Directors; HUG (home for unwed mothers), Board of Directors; Community Council on Substance Abuse; United Qeropeal Palsy Board; Boy Scout’s Adv. Council; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d ongress. Office Listings. 1107 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0912 225-1252 Administrative Assistant.—Clark Reid. FAX: 225-2279 Legislative Director.—Andy LaVigne. Press Secretary.—Keith Rupp. District Administrator.—Sue Loftin. Federal Building, 124 South Tennessee Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801 (813) 688-2651 FAX: (813) 683-4453 Counties: DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands (part), Hillsborough (part), Pasco (part), and Polk (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Arcadia, Auburndale, Avon Park (part), Bartow, Bowling Green, Brandon (part), Combee Settlement, Dade City, Dade City North, Dover, Dundee, Eagle Lake, Fort Meade, Frostproof, Haines City (part), Highland City, Kathleen, Lacoochee, Lake Alfred, Lake Wales, Lakeland, Mulberry, Plant City (part), Southeast Arcadia, Wauchula, Winter Haven and Zephyrhills (part). Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33503, 33509-10, 33511 (part), 33524, 33525 (part), 33526-27, 33530, 33537, 33539, 33540 (part), 33547 (part), 33564, 33565 (part), 3356667, 33569 (part), 33574, 33576 (part), 33593, 33594 (part), 33801-13, 33820-21, 33823 (part), 33825 (part), 33827, 33830 (part), 33834-35, 33838-43, 33844 (part), 33847, 33849, 33850 (part), 33851-52, 33853 (part), 33854-60, 33863-65, 33867, 33868 (part), 33870 (part), 33873, 33880-85, 33890 FLORIDA 103d Congress * Xx * THIRTEENTH DISTRICT DAN MILLER, Republican, of Bradenton, FL; born in Highland Park, MI, on May 30, 1942; graduated Manatee High School, Bradenton, 1960; B.S.B.A., University of Flor-ida, Gainsville, FL, 1964; M.B.A., Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1965; Ph.D., Louisi-ana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1970; partner, Miller Enterprises; Pier Restau-rant; Courtyard Retirement Residence; GulfCoast Corporate Park; Bradenton Pier and Yacht Basin; Segrest Farms; Riverview Center; Barnett Center; Continental Plastics; Don Miller Development; Suncoast Manor Nursing Center; past chairman, Manatee Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, past chairman, Mote Marine Laboratory Board of Directors; Judicial Nominating Commission; Manatee Glens Advisory Board; past member of Board of Directors: Manatee Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; past chair, Manatee Task Force on Substance Abuse; Manatee Mental Health Center Board of Directors; Manatee Council on Aging Board of Directors; Manatee County Blood Bank Board of Directors; Manatee Players, past president; Manatee Symphony Guild, past president; Junior Achievement Project Business; Judicial Grievance Committee; Florida West Coast Symphony Board of Directors; St. Stephen’s Episcopal School Board of Directors; re-ceived Brotherhood Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc., 1984; mar-ried to the former Glenda Darsey, 1968; two children: Daniel Darsey, 1970; and Kathryn C., 1972; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. i Office Listings 510 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0913 225-5015 Administrative Assistant.—Katharine Wood. FAX: 226-0828 Legislative Director.—Liz Mehl. Press Secretary.—Kevin Borland. District Administrator.—Ralph DeVitto. 1751 Mound, Suite A-2, Sarasota, FL 34236 (813) 951-6643 2424 Manatee Avenue, Suite 104, Bradenton, FL 34205 (813) 747-9081 Counties: Charlotte (part), Hillsborough (part), Manatee, and Sarasota. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Anna Maria, Apollo Beach (part), Bayshore Gardens, Bee Ridge, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, Cortez, Desoto Lakes, Ellenton, Englewood (part), Fruitville, Gulf Gate Estates, Holmes Beach, Kensington Park, Lake Sarasota, Lauer], Long-boat Key, Memphis, Nokomis, North Port, North Sarasota, Osprey, Palmetto, Plantation, Port Charlotte (part), Ridge Wood Heights, Ruskin, Samoset, Sarasota, Sarasota Springs, Siesta Key, South Bradenton, South Gate Ridge, South Sarasota, South Venice, Southgate, Sun City Center, The Meadows, Vamo, Venice, Venice Gardens, Warm Mineral Springs, West Bradenton, West Samoset, Whitfield and Mimauma. Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 33547 (part), 33569 (part), 33570-71, 33572 (part), 33573, 33586, 33598, 33948 (part), 33952 (part), 33953 (part), 33954 (part), 33980 (part), 34201-03, 34205-10, 34215-22, 34223 (part), 34224 (part), 34228-43, 34250-51, 34264, 34270, 34272, 34274-78, 34280-82, 34284-85, 34287, 34292-93, 34295 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT PORTER J. GOSS, Republican, of Sanibel, FL; born in Waterbury, New Haven County, CT, November 26, 1938; attended Fessenaen School, West Newton, MA; grad-uated, Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, CT, 1956; B.A., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1960; served, U.S. Army, lieutenant, 1960-62; clandestine services officer, CIA, 1962-72; businessman, investor; councilman/mayor, city of Sanibel, 1974-82; chairman, Lee County Commission, 1985-86; commissioner, Lee County, District 1, 1983-88; director, National Audubon Society; chairman, State Advisory Committee on Coastal Manage-ment; vice chairman, West Coast Inland Navigational District; past chairman, Metropoli-tan Planning Organization; port commissioner, Southwest Florida Regional Airport; member: Southwest Florida Mental Health District Board, Canterbury School, Lee County Mental Health Center, Sanibel-Captive Conservation Foundation, Westminster Presbyterian Church; married to the former Mariel Robinson; four children: Leslie, Chauncey, Mason, and Gerrit; elected November 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 330 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0914 225-2536 Congressional Directory FLORIDA Chief of Staff.—Sheryl Wooley. FAX: 225-6820 Communications Director.—Wendy Donath. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Maggie Knutson. Suite 303, Barnett Center, 2000 Main Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901 (813) 332-4677 Suite 212, Bldg F, 3301 Tamiam: Trail East, Naples, FL 33962 (813) 774-8060 FAX: (813) 774-7262 75 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (813) 639-0051 Counties: Charlotte (part), Collier, and Lee. Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 33901-19, 33920 (part), 33921-29, 33931-34, 33936-43, 33945-47, 33948 (part), 33949-51, 33952 (part), 33953 (part) 33954 (part), 33955-57, 33959, 33961-64, 33969-71, 33980 (part), 33981-83, 33990-91, 33999, 34223 (part), (part) FIFTEENTH DISTRICT JIM BACCHUS, Democrat, of Merritt Island, FL; born in Nashville, TN, June 21, 1949; graduated, Lyman High School, Longwood, FL, 1967; B.A., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1971; M.A., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1973; J.D., Florida State Law School, 1978; admitted to the Miami bar, 1979; senior partner, Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A.; journalist, Orlando Sentinel, 1969-73; deputy press secretary and chief speechwriter to Florida Governor Reubin Askew, 1974-76; Special Assistant to U.S. Trade Representative Askew in Executive Office of the President; general counsel, Flor-ida’s State Comprehensive Plan Committee, 1986-87; chairman, Civic Action Campaign “Goals 2000”, 1987-89; member: board of directors, Florida Endowment and the Human-ities, 1986-90; board of directors, Florida Space Business Roundtable, 1988-90; vice presi-dent and board member, Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce, 1987-90; winner of Silver Gavel Award of American Bar Association for Outstanding Public Service in Journalism, 1973; and other journalist awards; married the former Rebecca McMillan; two children: Joseph, 1980, and Jamey, 1991; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 432 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0915 225-3671 Administrative Assistant.—Linda O. Hennessee. FAX: 225-9039 Executive Assistant.—Elizabeth C. DeMato. Legislative Director.— Vince Willmore. District Director.—Dale Ketcham. 900 Dixon Boulevard, Cocoa, FL 32922 (407) 632-1776 Counties: Brevard, Indian River, Osceola (part), and Polk (part). Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 32754 (part), 32775, 32780-83, 32796, 32815, 32901-10, 32920, 32922-27, 32931-32, 32934-37, 32940-41, 32948-68, 32970-71, 32976, 32978, 33402 (part), 33420 (part), 33823 (part), 33830 (part), 33837, 33844 (part), 33845, 33850 (part), 33851, 33853 (part), 33858, 33868 (part), 33877, 34739, 34741 (part), 34744 (part), 34746-47, 34758-59, 34769-70, 34771 (part), 34772-73, 34972 (part) SIXTEENTH DISTRICT TOM LEWIS, Republican, of Palm Beach Gardens, FL; born in Philadelphia, PA, Oc-tober 26, 1924; son of Thomas F. and Jeanette Lewis; attended Palm Beach Junior Col-lege, 1956-57 and University of Florida, 1958-59; honorary doctorate, Florida Institute of Technology, 1985; served in the U.S. Air Force, 1943-54; veteran of World War II and Korean conflict; corporate executive, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, 1957-73; mayor/council-man of North Palm Beach, FL, 1964-71; Florida House of Representatives, 1972-80; served as house minority floor leader, 1978-80; Florida Senate, 1980-82; elected by col-leagues as “Most Effective First Term Senator” (prestigious Allen Morris Award); recipi-ent of over 50 Outstanding Legislator Awards, notably: Community Appreciation, North- FLORIDA 103d Congress 71 ern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce, 1980; Palm Beach County Bar Associa-tion, Liberty Bell Award, 1981; and Legislative Service Award from the Florida Associa-tion of Community Colleges, 1982; Guardian of the Treasury, Golden Bulldog Award, 1983-84, 85-86, 87-88; National Security Council Guardian of Peace Award, 1983-84, 85-86, 87-88; Child Advocate of the Year-Childkeyppers’ International E.K. Morris Award-Outstanding Contribution of Boys & Girls Clubs, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Dis-tinguished Service Award, Family and Freedom Award-Christian Voice, 1988, Aviation Weekly & Space Technology Laurel, 1988, 1989; director, Boy Scouts of America, Gulf Stream Council; founding member and director of Forum Club of Palm Beach County; member: Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Loyal Order of Moose, Northern Palm Beaches Exchange Club, Florida Association of Realtors, Northwood Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, Amara Shrine, Court of Jesters No. 179, and North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens Chambers of Commerce; married to the former Marian Vastine of Middleton, PA; three grown children: Nancy Heins, Thomas Lewis III, and Mrs. Mi-chele Bowman; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2351 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0916 225-5792 Administrative Assistant.—Karen L. Hogan. Legislative Director.—Mary Jane Rose. Suite 406, 4440 PGA Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (407) 627-6192 District Representative.—Ed Chase. Barnett Bank Building, Suite 200, 7601 South U.S. Highway No. 1, Port Lucie, FL 33452 (407) 283-7989 District Representative.—Ann Lyons Decker. Counties: Glades, Hendry (part), Highlands (part), Martin (part), Okeechobee (part), Palm Beach (part), and St. Lucie (part). Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33401 (part), 33403 (part), 33404 (part), 33406 (part), 33407 (part), 33409 (part), 33410 (part), 33411 (part), 33412, 33413 (part), 33414 (part), 33415 (part), 33417-18, 33430 (part), 33437 (part), 33440 (part), 33455, 33458, 33461 (part), 33463 (part), 33467 (part), 3346869, 33470 (part), 33471, 33475, 33477-78, 33498 (part), 33825 (part), 33852, 33857, 33870 (part), 33871-72, 33920 (part), 33930, 33935, 33944, 33960, 34945 (part), 34946 (part), 34947 (part), 34949, 34950 (part), 34951 (part), 34952-53, 34957-58, 34972 (part), 34973, 34974 (part), 34981 (part), 34982- 85, 34986 (part), 34987 (part), 34990, 34992, 34994-97 : * x * SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT CARRIE P. MEEK, Democrat, of Miami, FL; born in Tallahassee, FL, on April 29, 1926; attended Florida A&M Laboratory School, Tallahassee; graduated from Florida A&M High School, Tallahassee, 1943; B.S., Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, 1946; M.S., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1948; Ed.D., Florida Atlantic Uni- versity Boca Raton, FL; instructor, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee; instructor, Be-thune Cookman-College, Daytona Beach, FL; professor, Miami-Dade Community Col-lege; planner, Dade County Model City Program; elected to the Florida House of Repre-sentatives, 1979-82; elected to the Florida Senate, 1982-92; special assistant to the vice president, Miami-Dade Community College; member: State Advisory Council on Com-munity Education; Florida Commission on Taxation and Budget Reform; Florida Asso-ciation of Community Education; National Association of Community Educators Board of Directors, 1975-78; National Park & Recreation Association Trustee, 1973-76; League of Women Voters; National Organization of Women; NAACP; Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce; North Dade Chamber of Commerce; Women’s Chamber of Commerce; Miami Chapter Top Ladies of Distinction; Business and Professional Women’s Club; Spanish American League Against Discrimination; Urban League of Greater Miami; Dade County United Way Board; Florida Memorial College Board; Metro Miami Action Plan Board; Home Intensive Care Board; First Union National Bank Advisory Board, Community Action Agency Board; Homes for South Florida Board; Dade County Hous-ing and Urban Development’s Housing Resource Team; Southern Regional Council Ex-ecutive Committee; Florida Democratic Party’s Central Committee; Florida Democratic Black Caucus; Afro-American Democratic Club (founder and president, 1987-88); Florida Association of Community Relations Professionals; Habitat for Humanity Board; Housing Advisory Board; Family Health Center Board; secretary, National Black Caucus of State Congressional Directory FLORIDA Legislators; National Order of Women Legislators; Phi Delta Kappa; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; three children: Lucia Davis Raiford, 1953; Sheila Davis Kinui, 1956; and Ken-drick Meek, 1966; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 404 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0917 225-4506 Administrative Assistant.—Peggy Demon. FAX: 226-0777 Legislative Director.—Adele Liskov. Press Secretary.—Tola Thompson. District Administrator.—Guy Forchio 25 West Flagler Street, Suite 1015, Miami, FL 33130 ‘ .... (305) 381-9541 County: DADE COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Allapattah, Andover, Belle Meade, Biscayne Gardens, Biscayne Park (part), Brownsville (part), Bunche Park, Carol City (part), Coconut Grove (part), Coral Gables (part), Crestview, Cutler Ridge (part), El Portal, Florida City (part), Gladeview, Glenvar Heights, Golden Glades, Goulds (part), Hialeah (part), Homestead (part), Homestead AFB, Howard, Kendall (part), Lake Lucerne, Leisure City (part), Lemon City, Liberty City, Little Haiti, Little River, Miami (part), Miami Shores (part), Morningside, Naranja, Norland (part), North Miami (part), North Miami Beach (part), Norwood, Ojus (part), Opa-locka, Opa-locka North, Overtown, Palmetto Estates, Perrine (part), Pinewood, Princeton (part), Richmond Heights (part), Rolling Oaks, Scott Lake, South Miami (part), South Miami Heights (part), Washington Park, West Little River, Westview and Wynwood. Population (1990), 570,981. ZIP Codes: 33012 (part), 33013 (part), 33014 (part), 33030 (part), 33032 (part), 33033 (part), 33034 (part), 33039, 33054, 33055 (part), 33056, 33090, 33101, 33125 (part), 33127, 33128 (part), 33129 (part), 33130 (part), 33132 (part), 33133 (part), 33136 (part), 33137 (part), 33138 (part), 33142 (part), 33143 (part), 33145 (part), 33146 (part), 33147 (par), 33150 (part), 33151, 33153, 33155 (part), 33156 (part), 33157 (part), 33160 (part), 33161 (part), 33162 (part), 33164 33167-68, 33169 (part), 33170 (part), 33176 (part), 33177 (part), 33179 (part), 33180 (part), 33181 (part), 33186 (part), 33188, 33189 (part), 33190 (part), 33238, 33242, 33261 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, Republican, of Miami, Dade County, FL; born July 15, 1952 in Havana, Cuba; B.A., English, Florida International University; M.S., Educational Leadership, Florida International University; doctoral candidate in education, University of Miami; certified Florida school teacher; founder and former owner, Eastern Academy; elected to Florida House of Representatives, 1982; elected to Florida State Senate, 1986; former president, Bilingual Private School Association; regular contributor to leading Spanish language newspaper; during House tenure, married then-State Representative Dexter Lehtinen; two daughters: Amanda Michelle and Patricia Marie; elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on August 29, 1989, 101st Congress, in a special election to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Claude Pepper; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 127 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0918 225-3931 Administrative Assistant.—Mauricio Tamargo. FAX: 225-5620 Legislative Director.—Arthur Estopinan. Press Secretary.—Mauricio Tamargo. Appointment Secretary.—Ingrid E. Sanchez. Suite 240, 5757 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, FL 33126 .. (305) 262-1800 County: DADE COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Coral Gables, Florida City, Homestead, Key Biscayne, Miami, Miami Beach, South Miami, and West Miami. Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33030 (part), 33031 (part), 33032 (part), 33033 (part), 33034 (part), 33035 (part), 33092, 33109, 33111, 33114, 33116, 311, 33122 (part), 33124, 33125 (part), 33126 (part), 33128 (part), 33129 (part), 33130 (part), 33131, 33132 (part), 33133 (part), 33134-35, 33136 (part), 33139 (part), 33142 (part), 33143 (part), 33144 (part), 33145 (part), 33146 on 33149, 33155 (part), 33156 (part), 33157 (part), 33158 (part), 33165 (part), 33170 (part), 33173 (part), 33174 (part), 33175 (part), 33176 (part), 33177 (part), 33186 (part), 33189 (part), 33190 (part), 33197, 33233, 33243, 33245, 33255, 33257, 33283, 33296, 33299 FLORIDA 103d Congress 73 * Xx x NINETEENTH DISTRICT HARRY A. JOHNSTON, Democrat, of Boynton Beach, FL; born in West Palm Beach on December 2, 1931; graduated from Palm Beach High School, 1949; B.A., Vir-ginia Military Institute, Lexington, 1953; LL.B., University of Florida, Gainesville, 1958; served U.S. Army, Fort Hood, Texas, 1953-55; attorney; admitted to the Florida bar, 1958; commenced practice in West Palm Beach; elected to the Florida State Senate, 1974-86; president, Florida State Senate, 1984-86; member: American and Florida Bar Associations; Governor’s Special Task Force on Prison Reform; Supreme Court Commit-tee on Sentencing; Presbyterian Church; president: Rotary Club of West Palm Beach; Palm Beach County Bar Association; United Way of Palm Beach County; Chamber of Commerce of Greater West Palm Beach; director: Norton Art Gallery and Palm Glades Girl Scout Council; married to the former Mary Otley; two children: Victoria J. Middle-brooks and Rebecca J. Fitzgerald; three grandchildren: Amanda Leigh Middlebrooks, John Otley Middlebrooks, and Ryan Holden Fitzgerald; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress Office Listings 204 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0919....................... 225-3001 Chief of Staff.—Suzanne Stoll. FAX: 225-8791 Press Secretary.—Brian Geiger. Suite 250, 1501 Corporate Drive, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (407) 732-4000 District Administrator.—Diane Birnbaum. Margate City Hall, 5790 Margate Boulevard, Margate, FL 33063....................... (305) 972-6454 Counties: Broward (part) and Palm Beach (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Aberdeen, Atlantis, Boca Del Mar, Boca Pointe, Boca Raton (part), Boca West, Boynton Beach (part), Broadview-Pompano Park (part), Coconut Creek (part), Coral Springs, Country Club Trail, Deerfield Beach (part), Delray Beach (part), Fort Lauderdale (part), Greenacres City (part), Hamptons at Boca Raton, High Point (Palm Beach Co.), Kings Point, Lake Worth (part), Lantana (part), Lauderdale Lakes (part), Lauderhill (part), Margate (part), North Lauderdale (part), Palm Springs (part), Parkland, Pompano Beach (part), Sandalfoot Cove, Sun Valley, Sunrise (part), Tamarac (part), Villages of Oriole and Whisper Walk. Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33063, 33064 (part), 33065-67, 33068 (part), 33069 (part), 33071, 33073 (part), 33075-77, 33309 (part), 33319 (part), 33320-21, 33351 (part), 33424-28, 33431 (part), 33432 (part), 33433-34, 33435 (part), 33436, 33437 (part), 33442 (part), 33444 (part), 33445 (part), 33446, 33460 (part), 33461 (part), 33462 (part), 33463 (part), 3346566, 33467 (part), 33481, 33484, 33486 (part), 33487 (part), 33496, 33498 (part) TWENTIETH DISTRICT PETER DEUTSCH, Democrat, of Tamarac, FL; born in New York, NY on April 1, 1957; Attended, Public School 24, Public School 26, Junior High School 141, New York; graduated, Horace Mann School, New York City, 1975; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1979; J.D., Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, 1982; attorney; admitted to Florida bar, 1983; elected to the Florida State House, 1982; member, Jewish Foundation Board of Directors; married to the former Lori Ann Coffino, 1989; two children: Johnathan Michael, 1990, and Danielle Brooke, 1992; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 425 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0920....................... 225-7931 Administrative Assistant.—Henry Ellenbogen. FAX: 225-8456 Legislative Director.—Stephen Silberfarb. Scheduler/Project Coordinator.—Alicia Lepler. District Administrator.—Juliana Walsh. 10100 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 (305) 437-3936 : FAX: (305) 437-4776 Congressional Directory FLORIDA Counties: Broward (part), Dade (part), and Monroe. Population (1990), 562,518. ZIP Codes: 33001, 33021 (part), 33023 (part), 33024, 33025 (part), 33026-29, 33030 (part), 33031 (part), 33032 (part), 33033 (part), 33034 (part), 33035 (part), 33036-37, 3304045, 33050-52, 33070, 33081-82, 33084, 33156 (part), 33157 (part), 33158 (part), 33170 (part), 33177 (part), 33187 (part), 33189 (part), 33190 (part), 33196 (part), 33256, 33301 (par), Sk (part), 33313 (part), 33314, 33315 (part), 33317 (part), 33318, 33319 (part), 33322-26, 33328-32, 33338, (part), 33388 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART, Republican, of Miami, FL; born in Havana, Cuba on August 13, 1954; graduated, American School of Madrid, Spain, 1972; B.A., New College of the University of South Florida, Sarasota, FL, 1976; J.D., Case Western Reserve Uni-versity Law School, 1979; attorney; admitted to the Florida bar, 1979; partner, Fowler, White, Burnett, Hurley, Banick & Strickroot, P.A., Miami; elected to the Florida State House, 1986-89; elected to the Florida State Senate, 1989-92; founding member, Miami-Westchester Lions Club; member, Organization for Retarded Citizens; married to the former Cristina Fernandez, 1976; two children: Lincoln Gabriel, 1983, and Daniel, 1985; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 509 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0921..............c........ 225-4211 Chief of Staff/Administrative Assistant.—Jeffrey S. Bartel. Legislative Director.—Stephen D. Vermillion, III. Press Secretary.— Yanik M. Fenton. 8525 NW 53 Terrace, Suite 102, Miami, FL 33166 (305) 470-8555 District Director.—Ana M. Carbonell. County: DADE COUNTY (part); cities of Carol City (part), Country Club, Doral, Hammocks, Hialeah (part), Hialeah Gardens, Kendale Lakes, Kendall (part), Kendall Lakes West, Lindgren Acres, Miami Lakes, Miami Springs, Palm Springs North, Sunset (part), Sweetwater, Tamiami and Virginia Gardens. Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33010-11, 33012 (part), 33013 (part), 33014 (part), 33015-17, 33055 (part), 33102, 33122 (part), 33126 (part), 33142 (part), 33144 (part), 33147 (part), 33152, 33159, 33165 (part), 33166, 33172, 33173 (part), 33174 (part), 33175 (part), 33176 (part), 33177 (part), 33178, 33182-85, 33186 (part), 33187 (part), 33193, 33196 (part), 33247, 33265-66 TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT E. CLAY SHAW, Jr., Republican, of Fort Lauderdale, FL; born in Miami, FL, April 19, 1939; attended the Miami public schools; graduated, Miami Edison Senior High School, 1957; B.A., Stetson University, Deland, FL, 1961; M.A., accounting, University of Alabama, 1963; J.D., Stetson University College of Law, 1966; former certified public accountant; lawyer; admitted to the Florida State bar, 1966; commenced practice in Fort Lauderdale; admitted to practice before the Federal court in the Southern District of + Florida and the U.S. Supreme Court; assistant city attorney, Fort Lauderdale, 1968; chief city prosecutor, 1968-69; associate municipal judge, 1969-71; city commissioner, 1971-73; vice mayor, 1973-75; mayor, 1975-81; member: executive committee, U.S. Conference of Mayors; executive committee, Republican National Committee; president, National Con-ference of Republican Mayors; U.S. special ambassador, Papua, New Guinea (President Ford); director, Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce; vice chairman, Sun Belt Mayor’s Task Force; Broward County Charter Commission; national vice chairman, Mayors for Reagan, 1980; member, St. Anthony’s Church; married to the former Emilie Costar, 1960; four children: Emilie W., Jennifer C., Clay, III, and John C.; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. FLORIDA 103d Congress Office Listings 2267 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0922 225-3026 Administrative Assistant.—Lee Johnson. FAX: 225-8398 Legislative Director.—Scott Spear. Personal Secretary.—Mary Kay McClure. Press Secretary.—Amy Stromberg. 1512 East Broward Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (305) 522-1800 Counties: Broward (part), Dade (part), and Palm Beach (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Biscayne Park, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Briny Breezes, Cloud Lake, Dania, Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Glen Ridge, Golden Beach, Gulf Stream, Hallandale, Highland Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Hollywood, Hypoluxo, Indian Creek, Juno Beach, Lake Park, Lake Worth, Lantana, Lauderdale by the Sea, Lazy Lake, Lighthouse Point, Manalapan, Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Shores, North Bay Village, North Miami, North Miami Beach, North Palm Beach, Oakland Park, Ocean Ridge, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Shores, Pembroke Park, Pompano Beach, Riviera Beach, Sea Ranch Lakes, South Palm Beach, Surfside, West Palm Beach, and Wilton Manors. Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33004 (part), 33009 (part), 33019, 33020 (part), 33022, 33023 (part), 33060 (part), 33061-62, 33064 (part), 33072, 33132 (part), 33137 (part), 33138 (part), 33139 (part), 33140-41, 33150 (part), 33154, 33160 (part), 33161 (part), 33162 (part), 33163, 33169 (part), 33179 (part), 33180 (part), 33181 (part), 33280, 33301 (part), 33302-03, 33304 (part), 33305 (part), 33306-08, 33309 (part), 33310, 33311 (part), 33316 (part), 33334 (part), 33335, 33339, 33349, 33394, 33401 (part), 33403 (part), 33404 (part), 33405, 33406 (part), 33408 (part), 33410 (part), 33420 (part), 33429, 33431 (part), 33432 (part), 33435 (part), 33441 (part), 33443, 33444 (part), 33460 (part), 33462 (part), 33480, 33483 (part), 33487 (part) TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT ALCEE L. HASTINGS, Democrat, of Miramar, FL; born in Altamonte, FL, on Sep-tember 5, 1936; attended Rosenwald Elementary School, Altamonte Springs, 1949; grad-uated, Crooms Academy, Sanford, FL, 1953; B.A., Fisk University, Nashville, TN, 1958; J.D., Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, 1963; attorney; admitted to the Florida bar, 1963; Circuit Judge, U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of Florida; member: African Methodist Episcopal Church, N.A.A.C.P, Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce, Family Christian Association, A.C.L.U., Southern Poverty Law Center; Na-tional Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, Women and Children First, Inc., Sierra Club, Consteau Society, Broward County Democratic Executive Committee, Dade-County Democratic Executive Committee, Lauderhill Democratic Club, Holly-wood Hills Democratic Club, Pembroke Pines Democratic Club, Urban League, National Bar Association, Florida Chapter of the National Bar Association T.J. Reddick Bar Asso-ciation, National Conference of Black Lawyers, Simon Wisenthal Center, The Furtivist Society; Progressive Black Police Officers’ Club, International Black Firefighters Asso-ciation; three children: Alcee Lamar II, 1965, Chelsea, 1978, and Leigh, 1979; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1039 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-0923 225-1313 Administrative Assistant.—Trey Coleman. FAX: 226-0690 Legislative Director.—Ann Jacobs. Press Secretary.—Trey Coleman. District Administrator.—Arthur W. Kennedy. 2701 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 (305) 733-2800 Counties: Broward (part), Dade (part), Hendry (part), Martin (part), Okeechobee (part), Palm Beach (part), and St. Lucie (part). Population (1990), 562,519. ZIP Codes: 33004 (part), 33008, 33009 (part), 33020 (part), 33021 (part), 33023 (part), 33025 (part), 33060 (part), 33064 (part), 33068 (part), 33069 (part), 33073 (part), 33074, 33083, 33169 (part), 33179 (part), 33269, 33301 (part), 33304 (part), 33305 (part), 33309 (part), 33311 (part), 33312 (part), 33313 (part), 33315 (part), 33316 (part), 33317 (part), 33319 (part), 33334 (part), 33340, 33345, 33401 (part), 33402 (part), 33403 (part), 33404 (part), 33406 (part), 33407 (part), 33408 (part), 33409 (part), 33411 (part), 33413 (part), 33414 (part), 33415 (part), 33416, 33419, 33430 (part), 33431 (part), 33432 (part), 33435 (part), 33438-39, 33440 (part), 33441 (part), 33442 (part), 33444 (part), 33445 (part), 33447, 33459, 33460 (part), 33461 (part), 33462 (part), 33470 (part), 33476, 33483 (part), 33486 (part), 33487 (part), 33491, 33493, 34945 (part), 34946 (part), 34947 (part), 34948, 34950 (part), 34951 (part), 34954, 34956, 34972 (part), 34974 (part), 34979, 34981 (part), 34986 (part), 34987 (part), 34988 Congressional Directory GEORGIA GEORGIA (Population, 1990 census, 6,508,419) SENATORS SAM NUNN, Democrat, of Perry, GA; born in Perry, September 8, 1938; educated in public schools; attended Georgia Institute of Technology, 1956-59; graduated Emory University, A.B., 1962 and LL.B., 1962; served as seaman in U.S. Coast Guard, 1959-60; Reserve, 1960-68; attorney; farmer; member, Georgia House of Representatives, 1968-72; served on the administrative board of Perry United Methodist Church; married Colleen Ann O’Brien, 1965; two children: Mary Michelle and Samuel Brian; elected to the United States Senate, November 7, 1972, to complete the unexpired term of the late Senator Richard B. Russell and to a 6-year term; reelected 1978, 1984, and again in 1990 for the term ending in 1996. Office Listings 303 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1001 .............c........ 224-3521 Administrative Assistant.—Robert H. Hurt. Legislative Director.—Rocky Rief. Executive Assistant.—Rose Johnson. Press Secretary.—Scott Williams. Suite 1700, 75 Spring Street SW., Atlanta, GA 30303 NEEL A ed (404) 331-4811 Director.— Tommy Dortch. Federal Building, Room 130, Gainesville, GA 30501 ....................... .... (404) 532-9976 Federal Building, 600 East First Street, P.O. Box 6193, Rome, GA 30161......... (706) 291-5696 U.S. Post Office, Room 101, Columbus, GA 31902 (706) 327-3270 915 Main Street, Perry, OA TOD ns it ra (912) 987-1458 120 Barnard Street, Savannah, GA 31401. (912) 652-4300 *o kk PAUL COVERDELL, Republican, of Atlanta, GA; born January 20, 1939 in Des Moines, IA; was graduated from Lee’s Summit High School, Lee’s Summit, MO, 1957; B.S., journalism, University of Missouri, 1961; served as an officer, U.S. Army in Okina-wa, Taiwan and Korea, 1962-64; founder and chairman of the board, Coverdell & Com-pany, Inc.; elected to the Georgia State Senate, 1970-89; elected chairman, Georgia Re-publican Party, 1985-87; Director, U.S. Peace Corps, 1989-91; recognitions and awards: Good Government Award, Atlanta Jaycees, 1976; Ten Leading State Legislators, Atlanta Journal/Constitution, 1980; NRLA Legislator of the Year, 1982; Liberty Bell Award, At-lanta Bar Association, 1982; the Honorable William E. Brock Award, 1984; the Hermione Weil Alexander Fund Award of Appreciation, 1984, for the battle against drunk driving; the Atlanta Fulton County League of Women Voters, second Sidney Marcus Public Service Award, 1985; Leadership Atlanta, Leadership Georgia; the 1989 Distinguished Service Award—Georgia Republican Party; Georgia Institute of Technology Distin-guished Service Award, 1989; Distinguished Service Award from the Georgia Associa-tion for Retarded Citizens, 1984; married to Nancy Nally Coverdell; elected to the U.S. Senate in a runoff election, November 24, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993. Office Listings 200 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1004 ....................... 224-3643 Chief of Staff.—Earl McClure. Administrative Director.—Molly Dye. Legislative Director.—Terri Delgadillo. Director of Constituent Services.—Shirley Puchalski. Suite 300, 100 Coloney Square, 1175 Peachtree Sires; Atlanta, GA 30361 ....... (404) 347-2202 Suite 1208, 669 Broad Street, Augusta, GA 30901 ........ccccocervimrieneriienerrenrerrenrennens (706) 722-0032 GEORGIA : 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JACK KINGSTON, Republican, of Savannah, GA; born on April, 24, 1955 in Bryon, TX; attended Michigan State University, 1973-74; attended University of Georgia, 1975-77; insurance salesman; vice-president, Palmer and Cay/Carswell; Georgia State Legisla-ture, 1985-93; member: Rotary Club, Solomons Lodge F & AM, Savannah Sports Fish-ing Club, Ducks Unlimited, Savannah Olympic Committee; married to Elizabeth Morris Kingston, 1979; four children: Betsy, 1983, John, 1985, Ann, 1988, Jim, 1990; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1229 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1001 225-5831 Administrative Assistant.—Paul L. Powell. FAX: 226-2269 Executive Assistant.—Karleen Mahn. Legislative Director.—Cliff Humphrey. Press Secretary.—Robyn Ridgley. 6605 Abercorn Street, Suite 102, Savannah, GA 31405 (912) 352-0101 Statesboro Federal Building No. 220, Statesboro, GA 30458 (912) 489-8797 208 Tebeau Street, Waycross, GA 31501 (912) 287-1180 Federal Building, Room 304, Brunswick, GA 31520 (912) 265-9010 Counties: Appling, Bacon, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham (part), Effingham (part), Emanuel, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Montgomery, Pierce, Tattnall, Toombs, Ware, and Wayne. Population (1990), 589,546. ZIP Codes: 30401, 30410, 30412, 30414-15, 30417, 30420-21, 30423, 30425, 30427, 30429, 30436, 30438-39, 30441, 30445, 30447-48, 30450-53, 30457-58, 30464, 30466, 30470-71, 3047374, 30606, 30738, 31002, 31030 (part), 31049, 31301-05, 31307-09, 31312-14, 31316, 31318-24, 31326-29, 31331, 31333, 31401 (part), 31403, 31404 (part), 31405 (part), 31406 (part), 31407, 31408 (part), 31409, 31410 (part), 31411, 31416, 31418-20, 31501-03, 31510, 31513, 31516, 31518, 31520-22, 31525, 31527, 31537, 31539, 31542-43, 31545, 31548, 31550-58, 31560-61, 31563-66, 31568-69, 31631, 31646 SECOND DISTRICT SANFORD BISHOP, Democrat, of Columbus, GA.; born on February 4, 1947 in Mobile, AL; attended Mobile County public schools; B.A., Morehouse College, 1968; J.D., Emory College, 1971; attorney; admitted to the Georgia bar and Alabama bar; elect-ed to the Georgia House of Representatives, 1977-91; elected to the Georgia Senate, 1991-93; former member: executive board, Chattahoochee Council; Boy Scouts of Amer-ica; YMCA; Sigma Pi Phi fraternity; Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity; 32d degree Mason, and a Shriner; member: Fourth Street Baptist Church, Columbus, GA; committee assign-ments: Agriculture; Post Office and Civil Service; Veterans’ Affairs; elected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1632 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1002 .. 225-3631 Administrative Assistant.—Sylvia McCoy. FAX: 225-1117 Legislative Director.—Nadine Chatman. Press Secretary.—Debra Elliott-Tenort. District Director.—Hobby Stripling. Room 201, 225 Pine Avenue, Albany, GA 31701 (912) 439-8067 The Rankin, 17 Tenth Street, Columbus, GA 31901 (706) 323-6894 101 S Main, City Hall, Dawson, GA 31742 (912) 995-3991 Southern Trust Building, 682 Cherry Street, Suite 1113, Macon, GA 31201 (912) 741-2221 Room 211, 401 North Patterson, Valdosta, GA 31601 (912) 247-9705 Congressional Directory GEORGIA Counties: Baker, Bibb (part), Brooks, Calhoun, Chattahoochee, Clay, Colquitt (part), Crawford (part), Crist (part), Decatur, Dooly (part), Dougherty (part), Early, Grady, Houston (part), Lee (part), Lowndes ), Macon, Marion, Meriwether (part), Miller, Mitchell, Muscogee (part), Peach (part), Quitman, Randolph, Schley, Seminole, Stewart, Sumter, Talbot, Taylor, Terrell, Thomas, and Webster. Population (1990), 591,699. ZIP Codes: 30021 (part), 30066 (part), 30218, 30222, 30251, 30293, 30354 (part), 30572, 30646 (part), 30669, 31006-07, 31008 (part), 31013, 31015 (part), 31025, 31028 (part), 31030 (part), 31036 (part), 31039, 31041, 31051, 31057-58, 31063, 31066 (part), 31068, 31069 (par) 31070, 31076, 31078, 31081, 31088 (part), 31091-92, 31093 (part), 31098 , 31201 (part), 31204 (part), 31206 (part), 31210 (part), 31211 (part), 31601 (part), 31602 (part), 31625-26, 31629, 31638, 31643, 31701 (part), 31702-03, 31705 (part), 31706, 31707 (part), 31709, 31711, 31713, 31715-17, 31720, 31723226, 31728-30, 31732, 3173443, 31745-46, 3175154, 31756, 31759, 3176162, 31763 (part), 3176467, 31768 (part), 31770, 31773, 31777-80, 31784-87, 31792, 31797, 31799, 31801 (part), 31803, 31805-06, 31810, 31812, 31814-15, 31816 (part), 31821, 31824-25, 31827, 31832, 31836, 31901 (part), 31902-03, 31904 (part), 31905, 31906 (part), 31907 (part), 3190 THIRD DISTRICT MAC COLLINS, Republican, of McDonough, GA; born in Jackson, on October 14, 1944; attended Jackson Elementary School, Jackson; graduated, Jackson High School, 1962; owner, Collins Trucking Company, Inc.; elected to the Georgia State Senate, 1989-92; chairman, Butts County County Commission, 1977-80; chairman, Butts County Re-publican Party, 1981-82; director, Georgia Forestry Association; 32d degree Mason; member: American Legislative Exchange Council; National Conference of State Legisla-tors; married to the former Julie Watkins, 1964; four children: Crystal, 1966, Mike, 1967, Andy, 1969, and April, 1972; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. ; Office Listings 1118 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1003 .............. 225-5901 Chief of Staff.—Jay Morgan. FAX: 225-2515 Legislative Director.—Betty Monro. Senior Legislative/Assistant.—Bo Bryant. Executive Assistant.—Anne Deroven Jasien. 173 North Main Street, Jonesboro, GA 30336 (404) 603-3395 District Administrator.—Ronnie Chance. Suite 200, 5704 Beallwood Connector, Columbus, GA 31904 ............cceceervverrrvanne (706) 327-7229 Counties: Baldwin (part), Clayton (part), Coweta, Crawford (part), Fayette, Harris, Henry (part), Jones (part), Lamar, Meriwether (part), Monroe, Muscogee (part), Peach (part), Pike, Spalding, and Upson. Population (1990), 591,328. ZIP Codes: 30027 (part), 30049 (part), 30050 (part), 30051, 30204-06, 30212, 30213 (part), 30214, 30220, 30223-24, 30228 (part), 30229, 30233 (part), 30234 (part), 30236-37, 30244 (part), 30248 (part), 30249 (part), 30250, 30253 (part), 30256-60, 30263-66, 30268 (part), 30269, 30273, 30274 (part), 30275-77, 30281 (part), 3028487, 30289-90, 30292, 30295, 30296 (part), 30337 (part), 30349 (part), 30354 (part), 31004, 31008 (part), 31016, 31029, 31030 (part), 31031 (part), 31032, 31033 (part), 31038 (part), 31046, 31050, 31052 (part), 31061 (part), 31066 (part), 31086, 31097, 31210 ), 31211 (part), 31801 (part), 31804, 31807-08, 31811, 31816 (part), 31820, 31822 (part), 31823, 31826, 31829-31, 31833 (part), 31901 (part), 31904 (part), 31906 (part), 31907 (part), 31909, 30002 (part), 30021 (part), 30030 (part), 30031, 30032 (part), 30033 (part), 30035 (part), 3003637, 30049 (part), 30058 (part), 30061, 30065, 3007, (part), 30072, 30074, 30079 (part), 30083 (part), 30084 (part), 30085-86, 30087 (part), 30088 (part), 30091, 30093, 30136 (part), 30174 (part), 30207 (part), 30208 (part), 30209, 30221 (part), 30226, 30243 (part), 30244 (part), 3024 (part), FOURTH DISTRICT JOHN LINDER, Republican, of Atlanta, GA; born on September 9, 1942 in Itasca, MN; B.S. and D.D.S., University of Minnesota; former dentist; president, Linder Finan-cial Corperation; Georgia State Representative, 1975-80, 1983-90; member: Georgia GOP, Rotary Club, American Legion; married to Lynne Peterson Linder in September 1963; two children: Matt, 1972, Kristine, 1967; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. GEORGIA 103d Congress Office Listings 1605 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1004 225-4272 Chief of Staff.—Rick Holcomb. Legislative Director.—Lisa Chapman. Scheduler.—Ellen Gober. 3003 Chamblee Tucker Road, Suite 140, Atlanta, GA 30341 (404) 936-9400 Director of constituent services.—Barbara Sekowksi. Executive Director.—Robert Varga. Counties: DeKalb (part), Fulton (part), Gwinnett (part), and Rockdale. CITIES: Atlanta (part), Avodale Estates, Chamblee, Conyers, Decatur, Doraville, Druid Hills, Duluth (part), Lawrenceville (part), Liburn, Loganville (part), Mountain Park, Norcross, North Atlanta, North Decatur, North Druid Hills, Scottdale (part), Snellville, Stone Mountain and Tucker. Population (1990), 588,293. ZIP Codes: 30002 (part), 30021 (part), 30030 (part), 30031, 30032 (part), 30033 (part), 30035 (part), 30036-37, 30049 (part), 30058 (part), 30061, 30065, 30071 (part), 30072, 30074, 30079 (part), 30083 (part), 30084 (part), 30085-86, 30087 (part), 30088 (part), 30091, 30093, 30136 (part), 30174 (part), 30207 (part), 30208 (part), 30209, 30221 (part), 30226, 30243 (part), 30244 (part), 30245 (part), 30246-47, 30249 (part), 30253 (part), 30278, 30281 (part), 30305 (part), 30306 (part), 30307 (part), 30309 (part), 30317 (part), 30319 (part), 30322, 30324 (part), 30326 (part), 30329, 30340, 30341 (part), 30345, 30347, 30359, 30360 (part), 30362, 30366, 30376, 31119 FIFTH DISTRICT JOHN LEWIS, Democrat, from Atlanta, GA; born in Pike County, AL on February 21, 1940; attended Dunn’s Chapel Elementary School, Troy, AL; graduated Banks Junior High School and Pike County Training School, Brundidge, AL, 1957; B.A., American Baptist Theological Seminary, Nashville, TN, 1961; B.A., Fisk University, Nashville, TN, 1963; civil rights leader; elected to the Atlanta City Council, 1982-86; member: Martin Luther King Center for Social Change, African American Institute, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial; married to the former Lillian Miles, 1968; one child: John Miles Lewis; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Committee on Ways and Means, DC Committee, Select Committee on Aging, appointed Chief Deputy Majority Whip in the 102d Congress; reappointed each succeed-ing Congress. Office Listings 329 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1005 225-3801 Administrative Assistant.—Linda Earley Chastang. FAX: 225-0351 Suite 1920, 100 Peachtree Street SW., Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 659-0116 District Chief of Staff.—James Waller. Counties: Clayton (part), Cobb (part), DeKalb (part), and Fulton (part). Population (1990), 586,485. ZIP Codes: 30001 (part), 30030 (part), 30032 (part), 30050 (part), 30059 (part), 30213 (part), 30268 (part), 30272, 30274 (part), 30291, 30296 (part), 30301-04, 30305 (part), 30306 (part), 30307 (part), 30308, 30309 (part), 3031014, 30315 (part), 30316 (part), 30317 (part), 30318 (part), 30319 (part), 30320-21, 30324 (part), 30325, 30326 (part), 30327-28, 30330-34, 30336, 30337 (part), 30338 (part), 30339 (part), 30342-44, 30348, 30349 (part), 30350 (part), 30353, 30354 (part), 30355, 30357-58, 30361, 30364, 30367, 30370-71, 30374, 30377-79, 31131 SIXTH DISTRICT NEWT GINGRICH, Republican, of Marietta, GA; born in Harrisburg, PA, June 17, 1943; attended U.S. Army schools in Kansas, France, and Germany; graduated from Baker High School, Columbus, GA, 1961; B.A., Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1965; M.A., Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 1968 and Ph.D., European History, 1971; teacher, West Georgia College, Carrollton, 1970-78; member: Kiwanis, Georgia Conser-vancy, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the World Futurist Society; cofounder and member, Conservative Opportunity Society (COS); general chair- Congressional Directory GEORGIA man, GOPAC; married to the former Marianne Ginther; two daughters: Kathy and Jackie Sue; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress; elected House Republican Whip, March 1989. Office Listings 2428 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1006................... 225-4501 Administrative Assistant.—Annette E. Thompson. FAX: 225-4656 Legislative Director.—Greg Wright. Press Secretary.—Tony Blankley. Executive Assistant.—Rachel Phillips. 3823 Roswell Road, Suite 200, Marietta, GA 30062 (404) 565-6398 FAX: (404) 565-6824 Counties: Cherokee (part), Cobb (part), DeKalb (part), Fulton (part), and Gwinnett (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Doraville, Dunwoody, Marietta, Norcross, Roswell, South Springs, and Smyrna. Population (1990), 587,118. ZIP Codes: 30007, 30059 (part), 30060 (part), 30062 (part), 30064 (part), 30066 (part), 30067-68, 30071 (part), 30073 (part), 30075 (part), 30076-77, 30080 (part), 30081, 30082 (part), 30101 (part), 30114 (part), 30132 (part), 30136 (part), 30144 (part), 30174 (part), 30188 (part), 30201 (part), 30202 (part), 30239, 30243 (part), 30245 (part), 30318 (part), 30319 (part), 30338 (part), 30339 (part), 30341 (part), 30346, 30350 (part), 30356, 30360 (part), 30518 (part) SEVENTH DISTRICT GEORGE (BUDDY) DARDEN, Democrat, of Marietta, GA; born in Hancock County, GA, on November 22, 1943; graduated Sparta High School, 1961; A.B., Univer-sity of Georgia, Athens, 1965; J.D., University of Georgia, 1967; lawyer, admitted to the Georgia State bar, 1968; assistant district attorney, Cobb County, 1968-72; district attor-ney, 1973-77; former aide to the late U.S. Senator Richard B. Russell, 1962; admitted to practice in the Supreme Court; elected to the Georgia House of Representatives, 1980-83; First United Methodist Church of Marietta; married to the former Lillian Budd; two chil-dren: George and Christy; elected to the 98th Congress, on November 8, 1983, by special election; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2303 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1007 Sein 225-2931 Administrative Assistant.—Robert E. Gaylor, Jr. Legislative Director.—Catherine Eaton (5-2933). 376 Powder Springs Street, Marietta, GA 30064 : (404) 422-4480 Chief of Staff.—Paul R. Ervin. Office Manager/Caseworker.—Jane E. Cook. Room 301, Federal Building, 600 East First Street, Rome, GA 30161................ (706) 291-7777 315 Bradley Street, Carrollton, GA 30117 (404) 832-0553 200 Ridley Avenue, City Hall, LaGrange, GA 30240. (706) 882-4578 Counties: Bartow, Carroll, Chattooga, Cobb (part), Douglas, Floyd, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk, and Troup. Population (1990), 588,071. ZIP Codes: 30001 (part), 30020, 30057, 30059 (part), 30060 (part), 30062 (part), 30064 (part), 30073 (part), 30080 (part), 30082 (part), 30101 (part), 30102-05, 30108-10, 30113, 30117, 30120, 30123-25, 30129, 30132 (part), 30133-35, 30137-41, 30144 (part), 30145, 30147, 30150, 30153, 30161-62, 30164-65, 30170-73, 30176, 30178-80, 30182, 30183 (part), 30184-85, 30187, 30217, 30230, 3024041, 30253 (part), 30261, 30730-31, 30733, 30747, 30753, 31822 (part), 31833 (part) GEORGIA 103d Congress 81 EIGHTH DISTRICT J. ROY ROWLAND, Democrat, of Dublin, GA; born in Wrightsville, GA, on Febru-ary 3, 1926; awarded Combat Infantry Badge and Bronze Star for valor during service in the European Theater Operation [ETO], U.S. Army, 1944-46; graduated from the Medi-cal College of Georgia, 1952; family physician, 1953-82; served in Georgia House of Rep-resentatives, 1977-82; married to former Luella Price; three children: Mary Lou, Jane Carol, and James Roy III; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Energy and Commerce Committee; Veterans Af-pi Commies; Democratic Steering and Policy Committee; National Commission on Office Listings 2134 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1008.................... 225-6531 Staff Director.—Barbara Schlein. Legislative Director.—Kathy Hennemuth. Press Assistant.—Selby McCash. P.O. Box 2047, Dublin, GA 31040 (912) 275-0024 P.O. Box 6258, Macon, GA 31208 (912) 474-0150 District Coordinator.—Willard (Bill) Stembridge. 1810 North Ashley Street, Suite 5, Valdosta, GA 31602 (912) 333-0118 District Representative.—Jimmy Brooks. 2410 Westgate Boulevard, Suite 109, Albany, GA 31707 (912) 889-9040 Coffee County Courthouse, Douglas, GA 31533 (912) 384-6275 County Administration Building, Tifton, GA 31794 (912) 388-0400 200 Carl Vinson Parkway, Warner Robbins, GA 31088 (912) 328-6404 Counties: Atkinson, Ben Hill, Berrien, Bibb (part), Bleckley, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt (part), Cook, Crisp (part), Dodge, Dooly (part), Dougherty (part), Echols, Houston (part), Irwin, Jeff Davis, Johnson, Jones (part), Lanier, Laurens, Lee (part), Lowndes (part), Pulaski, Telfair, Tift, Treutlen, Turner, Twiggs (part), Wheeler, Wilcox, and Worth. Population (1990), 591,615. ZIP Codes: 30352, 30411, 30428, 30454, 30457, 31001-02, 31005, 31009, 31011-12, 31014, 31015 (part), 31019, 31020 (part), 31021-23, 31028 (part), 31036 (part), 31037, 31040, 31044 (part), 31047, 31049, 31052 (part), 31055, 31060, 31065, 31066 (part), 31069 (part), 31071, 31072-73, 31075, 31077, 31079, 31083-84, 31088 (part), 31092, 31093 (part), 31095-96, 31098 (part), 31099, 31150, 31156, 31201 (part), 31202-03, 31204 (part), 31205, 31206 (part), 31207-09, 31210 (part), 31211 (part), 31212-13, 31294, 31297-98, 31512, 31519, 31532-33, 31539, 31544, 31549, 31554, 31567, 31601 (part), 31602 (part), 31603-04, 31620, 31622-24, 31627, 31630-32, 31634-35, 31636 (part), 31637, 31639, 31641-42, 31645, 31647-50, 31699, 31701 (part), 31703-04, 31705 (part), 31707 (part), 31712, 31714, 31722, 31727, L140] a 31747, 31749-50, 31760, 31763 (part), 31768 (part), 31769, 31771-72, 31774-76, 31781-83, 31789-91, 793-96, 31798 NINTH DISTRICT NATHAN DEAL, Democrat, of Lula, GA; born in Millen, GA on August 25, 1942; attended Sandersville Elementary School, Sandersville, GA, 1948-59; graduated, Wash-ington County High School, Sandersville, 1960; B.A., Mercer University, Macon, GA, 1964; J.D., Mercer University, Walter F. George School of Law, Macon, 1966; admitted to the Georgia bar, 1966; Captain, U.S. Army, 1966-68; elected to the Georgia State Senate, 1981-92, president pro tempore, 1991-92; married to the former Emilie Sandra Dunagan, 1966; four children: Jason, 1968, Mary Emily, 1969, Carrie, 1976, and Katie, 1978; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1406 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1009 .............. 225-5211 Chief of Staff. —David Cook. Executive Assistant.—Susan Bowers. Communications Director.—Jackie Sosby. 109 North Main Street, Lafayette, GA 30728 (706) 638-7042 District Coordinator.—Don Parks. P.O. Box 1015, Gainesville, GA 30503 (404) 535-2592 307 Selvidge Street, Dalton, GA 30720 (706) 226-5320 Congressional Directory GEORGIA Counties: Catoosa, Cherokee (part), Dade, Dawson, Fannin, Forsyth, Gilmer, Gordon, Habersham, Hall, Lumpkin, Murray, Pickens, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, Union, Walker, White, and Whitfield. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adairs-ville, Alpharetta (part), Alto, Baldwin, Ball Ground, Blairsville, Blue Ridge, Calhoun, Canton, Chatsworth, Cherry Log, Chestnut Mountain, Chickamauga, Cisco, Clarkesville, Clayton, Clermont, Cleveland, Cohutta, Crandall, Cumming, Dahlonega, Dalton, Dawsonville, Demorest, Dillard, East Ellijay, Eastanollee, Ellijay, Epworth, Eton, Fairmount, Flintsone, Flowery Branch, Fort Oglethorpe, Gainesville, Gillsville, Habersham, Helen, Hiawassee, Holly Springs, Jasper, LaFayette, Lakemont, Lebanon, Lookout Mountain, Lula, Marble Hill, Martin, McCays-ville, Mineral Bluff, Morgantown, Mount Airy, Mountain City, Murrayville, Nelson, Oakman, Oakwood, Plain-ville, Rabun Gap, Ranger, Resaca, Ringgold, Rising Fawn, Rock Spring, Rocky Face, Rossville, Sautee, Suches, Sugar Valley, Talking Rock, Tallulah Falls, Tate, Tennga, Tiger, Toccoa, Toccoa Falls, Trenton, Tunnel Hill, Waleska, Wildwood, Wiley, Woodstock, and Young Harris. Population (1990), 586,222. ZIP Codes: 30103, 30107, 30114 (part), 30130-31, 30136 (part), 30139, 30142-43, 30146, 30148, 30151, 30174 (part), 30175, 30177, 30183 (part), 30188 (part), 30201 (part), 30202 (part), 30501-04, 30506-07, 30510 (part), 30511-13, 30518 (part), 30522-23, 30525, 30527-28, 30531, 30533-35, 30537-46, 30548 (part), 30552, 30554-55, 30557, 30559-60, 30562-64, 30566-68, 30571-73, 30575-77, 30580-82, 30598, 30641, 30665, 30701, 30703, 30705, 30707-08, 30710-11, 30720-22, 30724-26, 30728, 30731-36, 30738-42, 30746, 30750-53, 30755-57, 31636 (part), 31707 (part) TENTH DISTRICT DON JOHNSON, Democrat, of Royston, GA; born in Atlanta, GA, on January 30, 1948; attended Royston Elementary School, Royston; graduated, Franklin County High School; B.A., University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 1970; J.D., University of Georgia School of Law, 1973; LL.M., London School of Economics, England, 1978; served as Captain, United States Air Force, 1973-77; attorney; admitted to the Georgia bar and District of Columbia bar, 1973; admitted to the Illinois bar, 1978; elected to the Georgia State Senate, 1987-92; member, Board of Governors, Georgia Bar Association; past presi-dent, Royston-Franklin Springs Chamber of Commerce; member: Royston Baptist Church (Deacon and Trustee); Rotary Club; vice president, University of Georgia Alumni Board of Managers; State committee member, Democratic Party of Georgia; married to the former Suzanne Spratlin, 1971; three children: Clete, 1974, Anna, 1980, and Alex, 1987; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 226 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1010 225-4101 Administrative Assistant.—Beverly Bell. FAX: 226-1466 Legislative Director.—Theresa Hooper. Press Secretary/District Director.—Jane Kidd. 220 College Avenue, Suite 400, Athens, GA 30601 (706) 353-6444 2050 Walton Way, Suite 212, Augusta, GA 30904 (706) 736-3373 Counties: Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Columbia, Elbert, Franklin, Gwinnett (part), Hart, Jackson, Lincoln, McDuffie, Madison, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Richmond (part), Walton, and Wilkes (part). Population (1990), 591,644. ZIP Codes: 30174 (part), 30203, 30207 (part), 30208 (part), 30209, 30211, 30221 (part), 30235, 30243 (part), 30245 (part), 30249 (part), 30255, 30262 (part), 30267, 30270, 30279, 30306 (part), 30467, 30510 (part), 30511, 30516-17, 30518 (part), 30520-21, 30529, 30543, 30547, 30548 (part), 30549, 30553, 30558, 30565, 30567, 30575, 30601, 30603-08, 30610, 30612-13, 30619-25, 30627-30, 30633-35, 30638-39, 30641, 30643, 30645, 30646 (part), 30647-48, 30650, 30655, 30660 (part), 30662-63, 30666-68, 30671, 30673 (part), 30677, 30680, 30683, 30802, 30805-06, 30808-09, 30812-14, 30815 (part), 30817, 30824, 30901 (part), 30904 (part), 30905 (part), 30906 (part), 30907, 30909 (part), 30910, 30914, 30916-17, 30919 ELEVENTH DISTRICT CYNTHIA McKINNEY, Democrat, of Lithonia, GA; born in Atlanta, GA, on March 17, 1955; attended St. Paul of the Cross Elementary School, Atlanta; graduated St. Joseph High School, Atlanta; A.B., University of Southern California, 1978; attended Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; currently enrolled in Ph.D program; elected to the Geor-gia State House of Representatives, 1988-92; member, NAACP; one child, Coy Gran-dison, Jr., 1985; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. GEORGIA 103d Congress Office Listings 124 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1011 Chief of Staff. —Andrea Young. Scheduler/Executive Assistant.—Gary S. Cox. Press Secretary/Legislative Assistant.—Susie Rodriguez. District Administrator.—QOuida R. Lamer. 225-1605 One S Dekalb Center, Suite 9, 2853 Candler Road, Decatur, GA 30034 (404) 244-9902 Counties: Baldwin (part), Burke, Butts, Chatham (part), DeKalb (part), Effingham (part), Glascock, Greene, Hancock, Henry (part), Jasper, Jefferson, Jenkins, Putnam, Richmond (part), Screven, Taliaferro, Twiggs (part), Warren, Washington, Wilkes (part), and Wilkinson. Population (1990), 586,195. ZIP Codes: 30002 (part), 30021 (part), 30027 (part), 30030 (part), 30032 (part), 30033 (part), 30034, 30035 (part), 30038, 30049 (part), 30058 (part), 30079 (part), 30083 (part), 30084 (part), 30087 (part), 30088 (part), 30207 (part), 30216, 30233 (part), 30234 (part), 30248 (part), 30253 (part), 30262 (part), 30281 (part), 30315 (part), 30316 (part), 30317 (part), 30413, 30424, 30426, 30434, 30441-42, 30446, 30449, 30455-56, 30477, 30631, 30642, 30650, 30660 (part), 30664-65, 30669, 30673 (part), 30678, 30803, 30805, 30807-08, 30810, 30815 (part), 30816, 30818-23, 30828, 30830, 30833, 30901 (part), 30903, 30904 (part), 30905 (part), 30906 (part), 30909 (part), 30911, 30913, 30999, 31003, 31017 (part), 31018, 31020, 31024, 31031 (part), 31033 (part), 31034-35, 31038 (part), 31042, 31044 (part), 31045, 31054, 31061 (part), 31062, 31064, 31067, 31082, 31085, 31087, 31089, 31090, 31094, 31401 (part), 31402, 31404 (part), 31405 (part), 31406 (part), 31408 (part), 31410 (part), 31412, 31414, 31498-99 Congressional Directory HAWAII HAWAII (Population, 1990 census, 1,115,274) SENATORS DANIEL K. INOUYE, Democrat, of Honolulu, HI; born in Honolulu, HI; September 7, 1924; A.B. degree in government and economics, University of Hawaii, 1950; J.D. degree, George Washington University Law School, 1952; majority leader, Territorial house of representatives, 1954-58; Territorial senate, 1958-59; enlisted as private, 442d In-fantry Regimental Combat Team, 1943; battlefield commission, second lieutenant, 1944; served in France and Italy; retired captain, U.S. Army; Methodist; married the former Margaret Shinobu Awamura of Honolulu; one son, Daniel Ken Inouye, Jr.; elected July 28, 1959, to the 86th Congress; reelected to the 87th Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 6, 1962, for the term ending January 3, 1969; reelected November 5, 1968; re-elected November 5, 1974, for the term ending January 3, 1981; reelected November 4, 1980, for the term ending January 3, 1987; reelected November 4, 1986; reelected Novem-ber 3, 1992. Office Listings 722 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1102 224-3934 Administrative Assistant.—Patrick H. DeLeon. TDD: 224-1233 Office Manager.—Beverly MacDonald. Personal Secretary.—Sally Watanabe. Legislative Director.—Margaret Cummisky. Suite 7325, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96850 (808) 541-2542 Hilo Auxiliary Office, 101 Aupuni Street, No. 204, Hilo, HI 96720 (808) 935-0844 * Xx % DANIEL K. AKAKA, Democrat, of Honolulu, HI; born in Honolulu, HI, September 11, 1924; graduated, Kamehameha High School, 1942; University of Hawaii, 1948-66; bachelor of education, professional certificate, master of education; served in the U.S. Army, 1945-47; teacher, 1953-60; vice principal, 1960; principal, 1963-71; program spe-cialist, 1968-71; director, 1971-74; director and special assistant in Human Resources, 1975-76; member, Kawaiahao Church; board of directors, Hanahauoli School; Act 4 Edu-cational Advisory Commission; Library Advisory Council; Na Hookama O Pauahi schol-arship committee, Kamehameha Schools; commissioner, manpower and full employment commission; minister of music, Kawaiahao Church; married to the former Mary Mildred Chong; five children: Millannie, Daniel, Jr., Gerard, Alan, and Nicholas; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress; elected No-vember 6, 1990 to the U.S. Senate to complete the unexpired term of the late Senator Spark Matsunaga. Office Listings 720 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1103 224-6361 Administrative Assistant.—James Sakai. FAX: 224-2126 Legislative Director.—Patrick O. McGarey. Office Manager/Personal Secretary.—Patricia L. Hill. Room 3104, Prince Kuhio Building, P.O. Box 50144, Honolulu, HI 96850 (808) 541-2534 District Coordinator.—Michael T. Kitamura. REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT NEIL ABERCROMBIE, Democrat, of Honolulu, HI; born in Buffalo, NY, June 26, 1938; graduated from Williamsville High School, Williamsville, NY; B.A., Union College, 1959; Ph.D., University of Hawaii, 1974; candidate for election to the U.S. Senate, 1970; elected to the Hawaii House of Representatives, 1974-78; elected to Hawaii State Senate, 1978-86; elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on September 20, 1986, to fill the HAWAII 103d Congress 85 vacancy caused by the resignation of Cecil Heftel; elected to the Honolulu City Council, 1988-90; member: board of directors, Epilepsy Foundation of America; board of direc-tors, Hawaii Special Olympics; married to Nancie Caraway; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1440 Room Longworth House Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff.—Pat McCain. Legislative Director.—Alan Yamamoto. Communications Director.—Mike Slackman. 4104, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Honolulu, HI District Director.—Steve Beaudry. DC 96850 20515-1101 (808) 225-2726 541-2570 County: HONOLULU COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Aiea Pearl City, Ewa Beach, Honolulu, Mililani (part), and Waipahu (part). Population (1990), 554,119. ZIP Codes: 96701, 96706, 96782, 96789, 96801-28, 96830, 96835-39, 96850, 96898 SECOND DISTRICT PATSY T. MINK, Democrat of Honolulu, born Patsy Matsu Takemoto on December 6, 1927, in the village of Paia on Maui; graduated from Maui High School, 1944; attended Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA; University of Nebraska; B.A., University of Hawaii, 1948; J.D., University of Chicago Law School, 1951; attorney, practicing in Hawaii; lec-turer, University of Hawaii, 1952-56 and 1959-62; elected to the Hawaii House of Repre-sentatives, 1956-58; Hawaii Senate, 1958-59, 1962-64; elected to the U.S. House of Rep-resentatives, 89th-94th Congresses, 1965-77; unsuccessful candidate to the U.S. Senate in 1976; Assistant Secretary of State, 1977-78; president, Americans for Democratic Action, 1978-82; elected to the Honolulu city council, 1983-87; elected to the U.S. House 101st Congress by special election on September 22, 1990 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Daniel Akaka; reelected to the 102d Congress and the 103d Congress; mar-ried to John Francis Mink; one daughter, Gwendolyn. Office Listings 2135 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1102 225-4906 Legislative Director.—Laura Efurd. FAX: 225-4987 Office Manager.—Helen Lewis. Room 5104, Prince Kuhio Federal Building, P.O. Box 50124, Honolulu, HI 96850 ; li (800) 541-1986 Administrator Assistant.—Joan Manke. FAX: (808) 538-0233 Counties: Hawaii, Honolulu (part), Kalawao, Kauai, and Maui. Population (1990), 554,110. ZIP Codes: 96703-05, 96707-08, 96710, 96712-22, 96725-34, 96738-86, 96788, 96790-93, 96795-97, 96862 86 Congressional Directory IDAHO IDAHO (Population, 1990 census, 1,011,986) SENATORS LARRY E. CRAIG, Republican, of Payette, ID; born July 20, 1945, at Council, ID, son of Elvin and Dorothy Craig; attended Midvale public schools; graduated, University of Idaho; student body president, University of Idaho, 1968-69; graduate work in eco-nomics and the politics of developing nations, George Washington University, 1970; na-tional vice president, Future Farmers of America, 1966-67; State senator, Payette and Washington Counties, three terms; chairman, senate commerce and labor committee; member: National Foundation for Defense Analysis; Idaho State Republican Executive Committee, 1976-78; president, Young Republican League of Idaho, 1976-77; chairman, Republican Central Committee, Washington County, 1971-72; board member, National Rifle Association; policy chairman, Republican Study Committee, 1990; farmer-rancher, Midvale area, for 10 years; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 6, 1990; married to the former Suzanne Scott; three children. Office Listings 302 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1203 ...........cccccoereeunene 224-2752 Chief of Staff. —Gregory S. Casey. FAX: 224-2573 Executive Assistant.—Heather Harwell. Legislative Director/Counsel.—Brooke M. Roberts. Press Secretary.—David Fish. Room 149, 304 North Eighth Street, Boise, ID 83702.......c.ccceceruererierereruererrennnnes (208) 342-7985 FAX: (208) 343-2458 103 North 4th Street, Coeur D’Alene, ID 83814................ccveeecieeereecienricranniiens (208) 667-6130 FAX: (208) 765-1743 846 Main Street, Lewiston, TD 83501 .......0iciiinissisisrmsianisiossnsstitssmpisstsanssoassiiy (208) 743-0792 FAX: (208) 746-7275 250 South 4th Street, Pocatello, ID 83201 ............o iii iiiniiit cinsiisasions (208) 236-6817 FAX: (208) 236-6820 1292 Addison Avenue East, Twin Falls, ID 83301 ........ccccooiiiiiiiiriiiireeeeeeececnnnnens (208) 734-6780 FAX: (208) 734-3905 DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Republican, of Boise, ID, born October 29, 1951 in San Diego, CA; B.A., University of Idaho, 1975; student body president, University of Idaho, 1974-75; executive assistant to the Director, Idaho Department of Lands, 1976-78; execu-tive vice president, Idaho Home Builders Association, 1978-81; Idaho Public Affairs Manager, FMC Corporation, 1983-86; chairman, USCM first vice president Association of Idaho Cities, 1991-93; mayor, City of Boise, ID, 1986-93; U.S. Conference of Mayors Advisory Board, 1991-93; Board of Directors, Parents and Youth Against Drug and Al-cohol Abuse (PAYADA); honary chairman, Working Partners LTD; married to the former Patricia Merrill of Boise; two children; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 3, 1992, for 6-year term beginning January 5, 1993. Office Listings 367 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1202...................... 224-6142 Legislative Director.—W.H. (Buzz) Fawcett. FAX: 224-5893 Special Assistant and Scheduler.—Salle Uberuaga. TDD: 224-8523 Press Secretary.—Mark Snider. Office Manager.—Stephanie Schisler. 304 North 3th Street, Room 338, Boise, ID'83700........cciiivieiiirsiiriissisnesssasnrenssosts (208) 334-1776 Chief of Staff.—Phil Reberger. 118 North Second Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814..........cccoovirieeeviinreeeiinnieeinnes (208) 664-5490 2539 Channing Way, Room 240, Idaho Falls, ID 83404............cccceevvvevvienrecrnnnnen. (208) 522-9779 401 Second Street North, Room 106, Twin Falls, ID 83301 .......c.ccccoevuvenenunene. (208) 734-2515 250 Seuth-4th, Room 207, Pocatello, TD:83201.............o..ocnita srsvsnssmmssnesnaionins ri (208) 236-6775 613 D. Street, Room E, Lewiston, TD: 83501 incre insdta ris siininnstinsatostons (208) ............c..ccc 743-1492 IDAHO 103d Congress 87 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT LARRY LAROCCO, Democrat, of McCall, ID; born August 25, 1946; B.A., Universi-ty of Portland, Portland, OR, 1967; M.S., School of Public Communications, Boston Uni-versity, Boston, MA, 1969; Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 1968-69; captain, military intelligence, U.S. Army, 1969-72; stockbroker; vice president, Piper Jaffray & Hopwood, and Shearson Lehman Hutton; married to Christine (Chris) Bideganeta, 1967; two children: Anna, 1968; Matthew, 1969; elected to the 102d Con-gress, reelected on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1117 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1201 .............. 225-6611 Chief of Staff. —Garry V. Wenske. FAX: 226-1213 Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Cherie Slayton. Room 136, 304 North 8th Street, Boise, ID 83702 (208) 343-4211 District Representative/Press Tom Secretary.— Knappenberger. Suite G, 621 Main Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 746-6694 Suite 206, 408 Sherman Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 (208) 667-2110 109 South Kimball Avenue, Caldwell, Idaho 83606 (208) 459-2362 Counties: Ada (part), Adams, Benewah, Boise, Bonner, Boundary, Canyon, Clearwater, Gem, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, Owyhee, Payette, Shoshone, Valley, and Washington. Population (1990), 503,357. ZIP Codes: 83501, 83520, 83522-26, 83530-31, 83533-49, 83551-55, 83602, 83604-06, 83610-12, 83615-17, 83619-20, 83622, 83624, 83626-32, 83634-39, 83641-45, 83650-57, 83660-61, 83666, 83669-72, 83676-77, 83680, 83686-87, 83702 (part), 83703 (part), 83704, 83705 (part), 83706 (part), 83709, 83711, 8371415, 83728, 83731-32, 83744, 83788, 83801-06, 83808-14, 83816, 83821-27, 83830, 83832-37, 83839-43, 83845-58, 8386062, 83864-74, 83876 SECOND DISTRICT MICHAEL D. CRAPO, Republican, of Idaho Falls, ID; born in Idaho Falls on May 20, 1951; attended public schools in Idaho Falls; graduated from Idaho Falls High School, 1969; B.A., Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1973; J.D., Harvard University Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1977; attorney; admitted to the California bar, 1977; admitted to the Idaho bar, 1979; law clerk, Honorable James M. Carter, Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, San Diego, CA, 1977-78; associate attorney, Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher, San Diego, 1978-79; attorney, Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, 1979-92, partner, 1983-92; elected to the Idaho State Senate, 1984-92, assistant majority leader, 1987-89, president pro tempore, 1989-92; member: American Bar Association; Boy Scouts of America; former member, Idaho Falls Rotary Club, 1984-88; married to the former Susan Diane Hasleton, 1974; five children: Michelle, 1978, Brian, 1981, Steph-anie, 1983, Lara, 1984, and Paul, 1986; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress. Office Listings 437 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1202....................... 225-5531 Administrative Assistant.—Jane Wittmeyer. FAX: 225-8216 Executive Assistant.—Dorothy Boger. : Press Secretary.—Susan Hawkes. Suite 444, 304 North 8th Street, Boise, ID 83702 (208) 334-1953 Chief of Staff. —John Hoehne. Counties: Ada (part), Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Blaine, Bonneville, Butte, Camas, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Lemhi, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Power, Teton, and Twin Falls. Population (1990), 503,392. 88 Congressional Directory IDAHO ZIP Codes: 83201-06, 83209-15, 83217-18, 83220-21, 83223, 83226-30, 83232-39, 83241, 83243-46, 83250-56, 83260-63, 83271-72, 83274, 83276-78, 83280-81, 83283, 83285-87, 83301-03, 83311-14, 83316, 83318, 83320-28, 83330, 83332-38, 8334044, 83346-50, 83352-55, 83401-06, 83420-25, 83427-29, 83431, 83433-38, 83440, 83442-46, 83448-52, 83454-55, 83462-69, 83601, 83623-24, 83627, 83633, 83647-48, 83701, 83702 (part), 83703 (part), 83705 (part), 83706 (part), 83707, 83712, 83720-27, 83729-30, 83733, 83735, 83756-57 ILLINOIS 103d Congress ILLINOIS (Population, 1990 census, 11,466,682) SENATORS PAUL SIMON, Democrat, of Makanda, IL; born, Eugene, OR, November 29, 1928, son of Reverend and Mrs. Martin (Ruth) Simon; attended public schools of Eugene, OR, University of Oregon, Dana College, Blair, NE; at the age of 19, purchased the Troy Tribune, Troy, IL, becoming the youngest editor-publisher in the Nation; expanded news-paper business to chain of 14 weeklies, sold in 1966 to devote full time to writing and public service; U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps, 1951-53, assigned as a special agent in Europe along the Iron Curtain; elected to Illinois House of Representatives at the age of 25 in 1954, reelected in 1956, 1958, and 1960; elected to Illinois Senate, 1962, reelected in 1966; elected Illinois Lieutenant Governor, 1968, serving from January 1969, to January 1973; taught at Sangamon State University, Springfield, IL, 1972-73, and at John F. Kennedy Institute of Politics, Harvard University, 1973; received Best Legislator Award of Independent Voters of Illinois seven times, more than any other State legisla-tor; a leader in government reform, he has disclosed his income, assets, and liabilities every year since 1954; author of 14 books, “A Hungry World”, “Lovejoy—Martyr to Freedom”, “Lincoln’s Preparation for Greatness”, “You Want To Change the World? So Change It”, “The Tongue-Tied American”, “Once And Future Democrats”, “The Glass House” and coauthor of “Protestant-Catholic Marriages Can Succeed” (with his wife Jeanne) and “The Politics of World Hunger” (Harper’s Magazine Press, 1973, with his brother, Rev. Arthur Simon); “Beginnings” (Continuum, 1986), “Let’s Put America Back To Work” (Bonus Books, 1986), “Winners and Losers” (Continuum, 1989); “Advice and Consent” (National Press Books, 1992), “Freedom’s Champion: Elijah Lovejoy” (South-ern Illinois Press, 1994); 37 honorary degrees; married to the former Jeanne Hurley of Wilmette, IL, on April 21, 1960, when both were serving in the Illinois House of Repre-sentatives, making them the only husband-wife team in the history of the general assem-bly; two children: Sheila, March 13, 1961, and Martin, May 21, 1964; Lutheran; home, Makanda, IL; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to four succeed-ing Congresses; elected on November 6, 1984 to the U.S. Senate for the term expiring January 3, 1991; reelected November 6, 1990. Office Listings 462 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1302 224-2152 Administrative Assistant.—Jeremy Karpatkin. FAX: 224-0868 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Ray Johnsen. Press Secretary.—David Carle. Legislative Director.—Vicki Otten. Room 3892, 230 South Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 353-4952 Suite 1, 3 West Old Capitol Plaza, Springfield, IL 62701 (217) 492-4960 Room 115-B, 250 West Cherry Street, Carbondale, IL 62203 (618) 457-3653 * * *x CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN, Democrat, of Chicago, IL, born August 16, 1947 in Chicago; J.D., University of Chicago Law School, 1972; other career experience: pros-ecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s office for 3 years; elected to the Illinois House of Repre-sentatives, 1978-87, elected as first woman and first African-American to serve as assist-ant majority leader of the Illinois House; elected as Cook County Recorder of Deeds, 1987-92, she was the first woman and first African-American to hold executive office in Cook County; one child; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 3, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993; committee memberships: Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Judiciary; Small Business. 90 Congressional Directory ILLINOIS Office Listings 320 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1303 .........c.ccceceeuennee. 224-2854 Chief of Staff.—Michael Frazier. Legislative Director.—Bill Mattea. Press Secretary.—Lynnette Moten. Administrative Director.—Paul Stilp. Suite 3996, Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 South Dearborn Street, Chica- LO, HL GOBDE-1000)....c0vorionvcisinsssmrisahisirnsdiisosses trenton vans sssossars rsa isssss (312) tanssonssivssissanuss 353-5420 Executive Assistant.—Jill Zwick. 117 Federal Building, 600 East Monroe Street, Springfield, IL 62701................. (217) 492-7875 105 South Sixth Street, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864...................ccivinnenninnrcessinscssiensns (618) 244-6703 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT BOBBY RUSH, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; born on November 23, 1946 in Georgia; served in U.S. Army, 1963-68; B.A., with honors, Roosevelt University, Chicago; attend-ed University of Illinois, Chicago; Democratic Ward Committeeman, second ward, Chi-cago, IL, 1984, 1988; Democratic State Central Committeeman of Illinois’ First Congres-sional District, 1990; deputy chairman, Illinois Democratic Party, 1990; Department of Commerce and Community Affairs Illinois Enterprise Zone Award; Operation PUSH Outstanding Young Man award; Henry Booth House Outstanding Community Service Award; South End Jaycee Outstanding Business and Professional Achievement award; Chicago Black United Communities Distinguished Political Leadership Award; founder, Illinois Black Panther Party; married to Carolyn Rush; five children; elected on Novem-ber 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1725 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1301 .............. 225-4372 Administrative Assistant.—Maurice Daniel. FAX: 226-0333 Legislative Director.—Robert Walsh, Esq. Legislative Assistant.—Charisse Hodges, Esq. 655 East 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60619 (312) 224-6500 District Administrator.—Thomas Gray. FAX: (312) 224-9624 County: Cook COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Alsip, Blue Island (part), Chicago (part), Evergreen Park, Merrionette Park, and Oak Lawn (part). Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60406 (part), 60453 (part), 60609 (part), 60615 (part), 60616 (part), 60617 (part), 60619, 60620 (part), 60621 (part), 60628 (part), 60629 (part), 60632 (part), 60636 (part), 60637 (part), 60642, 60643 (part), 60649 (part), 60652 (part), 60653 (part), 60655, 60658 (part) SECOND DISTRICT MEL REYNOLDS, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; born on January 8, 1952 in Mound Bayou, MS; attended Chicago City Colleges and the University of Illinois at Champaign; Rhodes Scholar; J.D., Oxford University, England; M.P.A., Kennedy School of Govern-ment, Harvard; assistant professor, Roosevelt University, Chicago; executive director, Community Economic Development and Education Foundation; radio talk show host; member, executive committee, Chicago Chapter of the NAACP; special assistant to the vice president, Academic Affairs, University of Illinois; founder and former president, American Scholars Against World Hunger; married to Marisol Concepcion, 1990; one child, Corean Prather Concepcion Reynolds, 1991; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. ILLINOIS 103d Congress Office Listings 514 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1302 225-0773 Chief of Staff.—Charles Kelly. FAX: 225-0774 Legislative Director.—Jim Schufreider. Press Secretary.—Kim Williams. Legislative Aide.—Paul Silver. 525 East 103d Street, Chicago, IL 60628 (312) 568-7900 County: Cook COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Blue Island, Calumet City, Calumet Park, Chicago (part), Chicago Heights, Country Club Hills Crestwood, Dixmoor, Dolton, East Hazel Crest, Flossmoor, Ford Heights, Glenwood, Harvey, Hazelcrest, Homewood, Markham, Matterson, Midlothian, Oak Forest, Olympia Fields, Park Forest, Phoenix, Posen, Riverdale, Robbins, South Holland. Population (1990), 571,530. (part), 60409 (part), 60411 (part), 60419, 60422, 60423 (part), 60425 ), 60426 (part), 60429, 60430 (part), 60443 (part), 60445 (part), 60452 (part), 60461, 60466 (part), 60469, 60472, 60473 (part), 60477 (part), 60478 = 60617 (part), 60620 (part), 60621 (part), 60627, 60628 (part), 60633 (part), 60636 (part), 60643 (part), 60649 THIRD DISTRICT WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; born in Chicago on December 22, 1937; graduated Blessed Sacrament School in Chicago; graduated, St. Patrick High School, Chicago, 1956; attended, Loras College, Dubuque, IA, 1956-57; served in U.S. Army Reserves, 1961-67; alderman, Chicago City Council, 1975-83; chairman, City Council Education Committee; delegate, Democratic National Convention, 1976, 1984, and 1988; past president, Kiwanis Club; member: Polish National Alliance, Chicago His-torical Society; 23d Ward Democratic Committeeman, 1974-present; married to the former Rose Marie Lapinski, 1962; two children: Laura and Dan; award: Man of the Year, area 4, Chicago Park District, January 1983; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1501 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1303 225-5701 Legislative Director.—Christopher Tebo. Legislative Assistants: Mark Callon. Executive Assistant.—Beverly Griffin. 5832 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638 (312) 886-0481 Administrative Assistant.—George Edwards. County: Cook COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Alsip, Argo, Bedford Park, Berwyn, Bridgeview, Burr Ridge, Chicago, Chicago Ridge, Cicero, Countryside, Crestwood Midlothian, Forest Park, Hickory Hills, Hinsdale, Hometown, Hodgkins, Indian Head Park, Justice Burbank, LaGrange, Lyons, McCook, North Riverside, Oak Forest, Oak Lawn, Oak Park, Orland Park, Palos Heights, Palos Hills, Palos Park, Proviso, Riverside, Stickney, Summit Brookfield, Tinley Park, Western Springs, Willow Springs, and Worth. Population (1990), 571,531 ZIP Codes: 60130 (part), 60304 (part), 60402, 60415, 60426 (part), 60445 (part), 60452 (part), 60453 (part), 60454-56, 60457 (part), 60458-59, 60462 (part), 60463, 60464 (part), 60465 (part), 60477 (part), 60478 (part), 60480 (part), 60482, 60499, 60501, 60513 (part), 60521 (part), 60525 (part), 60534 (part), 60546 (part), 60558 (part), 60629 (part), 60632 (part), 60638, 60644 (part), 60650 (part), 60652 (part), 60658 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; born on December 10, 1953, in Chicago, IL; B.A., Northeastern Illinois University, 1974; alderman; social worker, State of Illinois; Teacher; married to Soraida Arocho Gutierrez, 1977; two children: Omaira and Jessica; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Congressional Directory ILLINOIS Office Listings 1208 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1304 225-8203 Chief of Staff. —Doug Scofield. Legislative Director.—Jennice Fuentes. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Maggie Muir. Senior Policy Adviser/Communications Director.—Enrique Fernandez. 3181 North Elston Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618 (312) 509-0999 County: Cook COUNTY (part); cities of Berkeley (part), Brookfield (part), Chicago (part), Ciero (part), Elmwood Park (part), Forest Park (part), Hillside (part), Maywood (part), Melrose Park (part), Northlake (part), Oak Park (part), Stickney (part), Stone Park (part), and Westchester (part). Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60130 (part), 60141, 60153 (part), 60154 (part), 60160 (part), 60162 (part), 60163 (part), 60164 (part), 60165 (part), 60304 (part), 60513 (part), 60608 (part), 60609 (part), 60612 (part), 60614 (part), 60616 (part), 60618 (part), 60622 (part), 60623 (part), 60625 (part), 60629 (part), 60632 (part), 60635 (part), 60636 (part), 60639 (part), 60641 (part), 60644 (part), 60647 (part), 60650 (part), 60651 (part), 60657 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT DAN ROSTENKOWSKI, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; educated at St. John’s Military Academy and Loyola University; served as State representative in the 68th General As-sembly and as State senator from the 33d senatorial district in the 69th and 70th General Assemblies; served 2 years in the Infantry in Korea; member of: Knights of Columbus, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Northwest Town Kiwanis Club; married LaVerne Pirkins and has four daughters; elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, and 1976; elected to the 86th Congress on November 4, 1958; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, Democratic Caucus, 90th and 91st Congresses; chief deputy majority whip, 95th and 96th Congresses; chairman, Committee on Ways an] Means and Joint Committee on Taxation; member, Democratic Steering and Policy ommittee. Office Listings 2111 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1305 Administrative Assistant.—Virginia C. Fletcher. FAX: 225-4064 Legislative Assistant.—Chuck Pizer. 818 West Fullerton, Chicago, IL 60614 (312) 276-6000 Suite 101, 4849 No. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630 (312) 481-0111 County: Cook COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Chicago, Franklin Park, River Grove, Harwood Heights, Norridge, Schiller Park (part), Elmwood Park (part), Melrose Park (part), Maywood, and Northlake. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60131 (part), 60153 (part), 60160 (part), 60161, 60164 (part), 60165 (part), 60171, 60176 (part), 60197-98, 60610 (part), 60611 (part), 60613 (part), 60614 (part), 60618 (part), 60622 (part), 60625 (part), 60630 (part), 60631 (part) 60634, 50533 (part), 60639 (part), 60640 (part), 60641 (part), 60646 (part), 60647 (part), 60656 (part), 60657 SIXTH DISTRICT HENRY J. HYDE, Republican, of Bensenville, IL; born in Chicago, IL, April 18, 1924; graduated St. George High School, Evanston, IL, 1942; B.S.S., Georgetown Uni-versity, 1947; J.D., Loyola University School of Law, Chicago, IL, 1949; ensign, U.S. Navy, 1944-46; commander, U.S. Naval Reserve (retired); admitted to the Illinois bar, January 9, 1950; State representative in Illinois General Assembly, 1967-74; majority leader, Illinois House of Representatives, 1971-72; married to the late Jeanne Simpson of Bridgeport, CT, and Arlington, VA, November 8, 1947; three sons: Henry, Jr., Robert, and Anthony; and one daughter, Laura; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. ILLINOIS 103d Congress Office Listings 2110 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1306 225-4561 Administrative Assistant.—Judy Wolverton. FAX: 226-1240 Press Secretary.—Sam Stratman. Suite 200, 50 East Oak Street, Addison, IL 60101 (708) 832-5950 Executive Assistants: Patrick Durante; Alice Horstman. Counties: Cook County (part) and DuPage (part). CITIES: Addison, Bensenville, Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Des Plaines, Elk Grive Village, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn, Glendale Heights, La Grange Park, Lombard, Park Ridge, Roselle, Schiller Park, Villa Park, Westchester, Wheaton. TowNsHIPs: Addison, Bloomingdale, Elk Grove, Leyden Proviso, Maine, Milton and York. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60005 (part), 60007 (part), 60008 (part), 60009, 60016 (part), 60017-19, 60025 (part), 60056 (part), 60068, 60101, 60103 (part), 60106, 60108, 60126, 60131 (part), 60137 (part), 60138-39, 60143, 60148 (part), 60154 (part), 60157 (part), 60162 (part), 60172 (part), 60173 (part), 60176 (part), 60181 (part), 60187 (part), 60188 (part), 60191, 60513 (part), 60515 (part), 60521 (part), 60525 (part), 60558 (part), 60559 (part), 60631 (part), 60666, 60714 (part) SEVENTH DISTRICT CARDISS COLLINS, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; born in St. Louis, MO, September 24, 1931; moved to Detroit, MI, at age of 10 and attended Bishop and Lincoln Elementa-ry Schools; after graduation from Detroit’s High School of Commerce, moved to Chica-go; attended Northwestern University; began her career as a stenographer with Illinois Department of Labor; promoted to secretary with Illinois Department of Revenue, then accountant, eventually moving into position of revenue auditor and served in this capac-ity until announcing her candidacy; actively engaged in the successful campaigns of her late husband, George Collins; committeewoman of Chicago’s 24th Ward; former vice president, Lawndale Youth Commission; member: Friendship Baptist Church of Chicago, NAACP, Links, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, The Black Women’s Agenda, Na-tional Council of Negro Women, Alpha Gamma Pi Sorority, and board member, Greater Lawndale Conservation Commission; one son, Kevin; elected to 93d Congress, by special election, June 5, 1973, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairwoman, Congressional Black Caucus 96th Congress; treasurer, Congressional Black Caucus, 99th and 100th Congresses; chairwoman, Congres-sional Black Caucus Communications Braintrust; Democratic National Committee; member, Committee on Government Operations and former chairwoman, Subcommittee on Government Activities and Transportation; member: Committee on Energy and Com-merce; member: Subcommittee on Oversight and current Chairwoman of Subcommittee, Commerce, Consumer Protection and Competitiveness; member, Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control. Office Listings 2308 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1307 Administrative Assistant.—Bud Myers. FAX: 225-8396 Senior Legislative Director.—John Gray. Room 3880, 230 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60605. (312) 353-5754 District Administrator.—James B. Garrett. 328 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 (708) 383-1400 Executive District Administrator.—Robert J. Kettlewell. -County: Cook COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bellwood, Berkley, Broadview, Chicago, Forest Park, Hillside, Maywood, Oak Park, River Forest, Westchester and Elmwood Park. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60104, 60130 (part), 60153 (part), 60154 (part), 60160 (part), 60162 (part), 60163 (part), 60301-03, 60304 (part), 60305, 60425 (part), 60546 (part), 60601-07, 60608 (part), 60609 (part), 60610 (part), 60611 (part), 60612 (part), 60614 (part), 60615 (part), 60616 (part), 60621 (part), 60622 (part), 60623 (part), 60624, 60635 (part), 60637 (part), 60639 (part), 60644 (part), 60650 (part), 60651 (part), 60653 (part), 60654 00661, 60664, 60680-81, 60690 Congressional Directory ILLINOIS EIGHTH DISTRICT PHILIP M. CRANE, Republican, of Mount Prospect, IL; born in Chicago, IL, No-vember 3, 1930; educated at DePauw University, Hillsdale College, University of Michi-gan, and University of Vienna, and received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Indiana Uni-versity; honorary doctor of laws, Grove City College, Grove City, PA, 1973; honorary doctor of political science, Francisco Marroquin University, Guatemala, 1979; served with the U.S. Army, on active duty, 1954-56; 2 years, advertising manager, Hopkins Syn-dicate, Inc.; taught at Indiana University for 3 years before moving to Bradley Universi-ty, Peoria, IL, in 1963, where he taught United States and Latin American history until 1967; served as director of schools, Westminster Academy, Northbrook, IL, 1967-68; in 1962, employed by the Republican Party as a public relations expert; in 1964, served as director of research for the Illinois Goldwater Organization; at the request of Richard Nixon, served as one of his advisers and researchers on political and national issues, 1964— 68; in 1976 served as chairman of Illinois Citizens for Reagan Committee; trustee of Hills-dale College; chairman, American Conservative Union, 1977-79; director of the Intercol-legiate Studies Institute; serves with more than 60 U.S. Senators and Representatives on the National Advisory Board of Young Americans for Freedom; chairman of Republican Study Committee, 1983; appointed by President Reagan to the Commission on the Bicen-tennial of the United States Constitution; married Arlene Catherine Johnson of Chicago; seven girls, one boy: Catherine Anne, Susanna Marie, Jennifer Elizabeth, Rebekah Caro-line, George Washington V, Rachel Ellen, Sarah Emma, and Carrie Esther; elected to the 91st Congress, by special election, November 25, 1969, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Com-mittee on Ways and Means. Office Listings 233 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1308.............ccc.c..... 225-3711 Administrative Assistant.—Robert C. Coleman. Executive Secretary.—Kathryn N. Bell. Press Secretary.—Robert F. Foster. 1450 South New Wilke Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (708) 394-0790 District Representative.—Jack McKenney. 300 North Milwaukee Avenue, Suite C, Lake Villa, IL 60046.............cccceeuveneean. (708) 265-9000 Counties: Cook COUNTY; cities of Barrington, Hanover, Palatine, Schaumburg, part of Elk Grove and part of Wheeling. LAKE COUNTY; cities of Antioch, Avon, Cuba, Ela, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa, Newport, Warren and Wauconda. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60002, 60004 (part), 60005 (part), 60006, 60007 (part), 60008 (part), 60010 (part), 60011, 60013 (part), 60020, 60030 (part), 60031, 60041, 60042 (part), 60046-47, 60048 (part), 60050 (part), 60056 (part), 60060 (part), 60067, 60073-75, 60078, 60081 (part), 60083, 60084 (part), 60085 (part), 60087 (part), 60092, 6009495, 60099 (part), 60103 (part), 60107, 60120 (part), 60159, 60168, 60172 (part), 60173 (part), 60192-96 NINTH DISTRICT SIDNEY R. YATES, Democrat, of Chicago, IL; born in Chicago, IL, August 27, 1909; educated in public elementary and high school in Chicago; received the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy from the University of Chicago, 1931; the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Chicago, 1933; served in the U.S. Navy for 26 months; released from active duty with the rank of lieutenant; attorney at law since 1933; assistant attorney for Illinois State bank receiver, 1935-37; assistant attorney general at-tached to Illinois Commerce Commission as traction attorney, 1937-40; editor of “Bulle-tin of Decalogue Society of Lawyers,” 1947; married Adeline J. Holleb of Chicago, 1935; has one son, Stephen R. Yates; member: American Bar Association, American Veterans’ Committee, Chicago Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, City Club of Chicago, Decalogue Society of Lawyers, Kennedy Center trustee, regent emeritus, Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Coun-cil; elected to the 81st Congress on November 2, 1948; reelected to the 82d, 83d, 84th, 85th, 86th, and 87th Congresses; U.S. representative to Trusteeship Council of the United Nations with rank of Ambassador, 1963-64; elected to the 89th Congress, November 3, 1964; reelected to each succeeding Congress. ILLINOIS 103d Congress Office Listings 2109 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1309 225-2111 Administrative Assistant.—Mary Anderson Bain. -FAX: 225-3493 Room 3920, 230 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 353-4596 Room 2700, 2100 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201 (708) 328-2610 County: Cook COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60025 (part), 60053, 60076-77, 60201-04, 60613 (part), 60614 (part), 60625 (part), 60626, 60630 (part), 60631 (part), 60640 (part), 60645, 60646 (part), 60656 (part), 60657 (part), 60659 (part), 60660, 60714 (part) * % % TENTH DISTRICT JOHN EDWARD PORTER, Republican, of Wilmette, IL; born in Evanston, IL, June 1, 1935; attended public schools and graduated from Evanston Township High School, 1953; attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1953-54; B.S.B.A., Northwestern University School of Business, Evanston, IL, 1957; J.D. with dis-tinction, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI, 1961 (Michigan Law Review); served in U.S. Army Signal Corps (Reserves), 1958-64; engaged in the practice of law in Evanston, IL; admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, U.S. Court of Claims, and the Illinois State bar; honor law graduate attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, 1961-63; member, Illinois State Legislature, 1973-79; member or officer of many civic and philanthropic organizations; member since 1981 of the Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee: Ranking Member, Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education, Foreign Operations, founder and cochairman, Con-gressional Human Rights Caucus; married to the former Kathryn Suzanne Cameron, 1974; five children: John, David, Donna, Robyn, and Ann; elected to the 96th Congress, by special election, January 22, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1026 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1310 225-4835 Administrative Assistant.—Robert Bradner. FAX: 225-0157 Legislative Director.—Robert Gustafson. Scheduler.—Lynn Gubhse. Suite 102, 200 Wilmot Road, Deerfield, IL 60015 (708) 940-0202 Executive Assistant.—Ginny Hotaling. Press Secretary.—David Kohn. 601-A County Building, 18 North County Street, Waukegan, IL 60085 (708) 662-0101 1650 Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (708) 392-0303 Counties: Cook (part) and Lake (part). Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60004 (part), 60005 (part), 60015, 60016 (part), 60022, 60025 (part), 60026, 60029, 60030 (part), 60035, 60037, 60040, 60043-45, 60048 (part), 60056 (part), 60060 (part), 60061-62, 60064-65, 60069-70, 60079, 60082, 60085 (part), 60087 (part), 60088-91, 60093, 60096, 60099 (part) ELEVENTH DISTRICT GEORGE E. SANGMEISTER, Democrat, of Mokena, IL; born in Joliet, Will County, IL, February 16, 1931; attended, Frankfort Grade School District 157, IL; grad-uated, Joliet Township High School, IL, 1949; attended, Joliet Junior College, 1951; B.A., Elmhurst College, IL, 1957; LL.B. and JJD; 1986 Citation of Merit/Distinguished Alumnus Award; Elmhurst College Alumni Merit Award, 1988; John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL, 1960; Degree of Doctorate of Humanities, Honoris Causa, Lewis University, 1993; served, U.S. Army, rank sergeant, 1951-53; attorney; admitted to Illi-nois bar, 1960; commenced practice in Frankfort and Joliet; magistrate, Will County Cir-cuit Court, 1961-64; State attorney, Will County, 1964-68; served, Illinois House of Rep- 96 Congressional Directory ILLINOIS resentatives, 1972-76, and Illinois Senate, 1976-87; Will County Bar Association, Police Chiefs Association of Will County, American Legion Post 1098, Old Timer’s Baseball As-sociation, Mokena Chamber of Commerce, Frankfort Chamber of Commerce, Frankfort Lions Club; Silver Cross Hospital Foundation Board, Joliet/Will County Center for Eco-nomic Development; chairman, Will County Emergency Housing Development Corpora-tion; member of Joliet Jr. College Foundation Board; married to the former Doris M. Hinspeter; two children: George Kurt and Kimberly Ann; elected November 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1032 Longworth House Office Bang, Washington, DC 20515-1311 225-3635 Legislative Director.—DavidW Office Manager/Personal tiny — Nancy Drake. 101 North Joliet Street, Joliet, IL 60431 (815) 740-2028 Administrative Assistant. —Emma Bechler. Counties: Cook (part), Grundy, Kankakee (part), La Salle (part), and Will (part). Population (1990), 571,528. ZIP Codes: 60401, 6040708, 60409 (part), 60410, 60411 (part), 60416-17, 60421, 60423 (part), 60424, 60425 (part), 60430 (part), 60431-34, 6043s (part), 60436 (part), 60437-38, 60441 (part), 60442, 60443 (part), 60444, 60447 (part), 60448 49, 60450 (part),60451, 60466 (part), 60468, 60470-71, 60473 (part), 60474-76, 60477 (part), 60479, 60481, 60541 (part), 60549, 60551, rs 60559 (part), 60617 (part), 60633 (part), 60901 (part), 60910, 60913-15, 60935, 60940, 60944, 60950, 60954, 60964 (part), 61301 (part), 61316, 61321 (part), 61325, 61332, 61334 (part), 61341, 61342 (part), 61348, 61350, 61354 (part), 61358 (part), 61360, 61364 (part), 61370 (part), 61372-73, 61377 (part) TWELFTH DISTRICT .JERRY F. COSTELLO, Democrat, of Belleville, IL; born in East St. Louis, St. Clair County, IL on September 25, 1949; attended Holy Angels Grammar, East St. Louis, 1964; graduated, Assumption High, East St. Louis, 1968; A.A., Belleville Area College, IL, 1970; B.A., Maryville College of the Sacred Heart, St. Louis, MO, 1973; law enforcement official, 1970-80; elected chairman of the County Board, St. Clair County, IL, 1980-88; member: East-West Gateway Coordinating Council, Metro Counties of Illinois, South-western Illinois Leadership Council, Southwestern Illinois Small Business Finance Alli-ance, Light Rail Transit Committee; chairman, the St. Clair, IL, Heart Fund drive, and United Way drive, 1985; cochairman, the St. Clair County March of Dimes, 1988; mar-ried to the former Georgia Jean Cockrum, 1968; three children: Jerry II, Gina Maria, and John Patrick; elected by special election to the 100th Congress on August 9, 1988, to fill the vacancy by the death of Charles Melvin Price; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. ; Office Listings 119 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1312 225-5661 Administrative Assistant.—Brian Lott. FAX: 225-0285 1363 Niedringhaus Avenue, Granite City, IL 62040 (618) 451-7065 Suite 210, 8787 State Street, East Saint Louis, IL 62203 (618) 397-8833 327 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62220 (618) 233-8026 Counties: Alexander, Jackson, Madison (part), Monroe, Perry, Randolph, St. Clair, Union, and Williamson (part). Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60457 (part), 62002 (part), 62010 (part), 62018 (part), 62024 (part), 62035 (part), 62040 (part), 62048, 62059 60, 62071, 62084, 62087, 62090, 62095, 62201-08, 62214, 62217, 62220-23, 62225, 62232-33, 62234 (part), 6223644, 62246, 62248, 62254-62, 62264-65, 62268-69, 62272, 62274, 62277-80, 62282, 62285-86, 62288-89, 62292, 62293 (part), 62294 (part), 62295, 62297-98, 62831-32, 62883, 62888, 62901-03, 62905-07, 62912-16, 62918, 62920, 62924, 62926-27, 62929, 62932, 62940, 62942, 62949-950, 62952, 62957-58, 62961-62, 62966, 62969, 62971, 62975, 62988, 62990, 62992-94, 62997-98 ILLINOIS 103d Congress 97 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT HARRIS W. FAWELL, Republican, of Naperville, IL; born in West Chicago, March 25, 1929; graduated from West Chicago Community High School; undergraduate, North Central College, Naperville, IL, 1947-49; LL.D., Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chica-g0, IL, 1949-52; engaged in private practice of law, Fawell, James & Brooks, Naperville, 1954-84; member, Du Page County, IL, and American Bar Associations; U.S. District Court Trial bar; Illinois and American Trial Lawyers Associations; American Judicature Society; highest legal ability rating “A” of Martindale-Hubbell law directory; general counsel, Illinois Association of Park Districts, 1977-84; member, Illinois State Senate, 1963-77; former chairman, Education and Public Welfare-Health Committees, Illinois Senate; former member, Illinois Commission on Children, 1967-77; former chairman, School Law Section Council, Illinois State Bar Association; active in many civic associa-tions; elected, Fellow of the Chicago-Kent College of Law Honor Council “for contribu-tion to the College of Law and high standards of legal profession”, 1981; former assistant State’s attorney, DuPage County, IL; married to the former Ruth Johnson; three chil-dren: Richard, Jane, and John; member, Wesley Methodist Church, Naperville, IL; elect-ed to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2342 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1313 .................... 225-3515 Chief of Staff.—Alan Mertz. FAX: 225-9420 Executive Assistant. —Holly Spofford. Suite 100, 115 West 55th Street, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 (708) 655-2052 Assistant District Director.—Terry Pocius. District Director.—Barbara Graham. Counties: Cook (part), DuPage (part), and Will (part). Population (1990), 571,531. ZIP Codes: 60137 (part), 60148 (part), 60181 (part), 60187 (part), 60435 (part), 60436 (part), 60439-40, 60441 (part), 60457 (part), 60462 (part), 60464 (part), 60465 (part), 60477 (part), 60480 (part), 60504 (part), 60514, 60515 (part), 60516-17, 60519, 60521 (part), 60522, 60532, 60540, 60544 (part), 60559 (part), 60561, 6056367 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT J. DENNIS HASTERT, Republican, of Yorkville, IL; born in Aurora, IL, on January 2, 1942; attended Oswego Elementary School, IL; graduated, Oswego High School, 1960; B.A., Wheaton College, IL, 1964; M.S., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 1967; teacher/coach, Yorkville High School; partner, family restaurant business; member, Illi-nois General Assembly House of Representatives, 1980-86; Republican spokesman for the Appropriations II Committee; chairman, Joint Committee on Public Utility Regulation; member, Legislative Audit Commission; named as one of Illinois’ 20 top legislators in 1985 by Chicago Sun-Times; member, Yorkville Lions Club; board of directors, Aurora Family Support Center; married to the Former Jean Kahl, 1973; two children: Joshua and Ethan; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2453 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1314................... 225-2976 Chief of Staff.—Scott Palmer. FAX: 225-0697 Office Manager/Scheduler.—Sam Lancaster. Legislative Director.—S. Tandi Thomas. 27 North River Street, Batavia, IL 60510.............ccccin iii iiensnsiissrssssns (708) 406-1114 Office Manager.—Lisa Post. 1007 Main Stret, Mendota, IL 61342 (815) 538-3322 Counties: DeKalb, DuPage (part), Kane, Kendall, La Salle (part), Lee. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS Amboy, Ashton, Aurora, Barrington Hills (part), Bartlett (part), Batavia, Big Rock, Bristol, Burlington, Carol Stream (part), Carpentersville, Clare, Compton, Cornell, Cortland, DeKalb, Dixon, Dundee, East and West, Earlville, Elburn, Elgin, Esmond, Forreston, Franklin Grove, Geneva, Genoa, Gilberts, Hampshire, Harmon, Hinckley, Kaneville, Kingston, Kirkland, Lee, Leland, Malta, Maple Park, Mendota, Millbrook, Millington, Minooka (part), Montgom- Congressional Directory ILLINOIS ery, Mooseheart, Nelson, Newark, North Aurora, Oswego, Paw Paw, Plano, Plato Center, St. Charles, Sandwich, Shabbona, Sleepy Hollow, Somonauk, South Elgin, Steward, Sublette, Sugar Grove, Sycamore, Virgil, Warren-ville (part), Wasco, Waterman, Wayne, West Brooklyn, West Chicago, Wheaton (part), Winfield, Yorkville. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60010 (part), 60103 (part), 60109, 60110-12, 60115, 60118-21, 60123, 60129, 60134-36, 60140, 6014446, 60150-51, 60170, 60174-75, 60177-78, 60182-85, 60187 (part), 60188 (part), 60190, 60447, 60504-07, 60510-12, 60518, 60520, 60530-31, 60536-39, 60542-43, 60545, 60548, 60550, 60552-56, 60560, 61006, 61021, 61030-31, 61042, 61058, 61310, 61318-19, 61342, 61353, 61367, 61378 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT THOMAS W. EWING, Republican, of Pontiac, IL, born September 19, 1935, in At-lanta, IL; attended Atlanta public schools, B.S., Milikin University, 1957; awarded Juris Doctorate degree, John Marshall Law School, 1968; Illinois House of Representatives, 17 years; Assistant Republican Minority Leader, 1982-90; Minority Leader, 1990; member: delegate, Republican National Convention, 1980, 1984, and 1988; secretary, Illinois Dele-gation; Delegation Floor Whip, 1984; named “National Legislator of the Year” by Na-tional Republican Legislators Association, 1988; farm owner and businessman; Congress-man Ewing and his wife Connie, reside in Pontiac, Illinois. They are the parents of six children. Elected by special election on July 2, 1991 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Edward Madigan; reelected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1317 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1315............... 225-2371 Chief of Staff. —Mike Stokke. Legislative Director.—Eric Nicoll. Executive Assistant.—Kate Neumiller. 210 West Water Street, Pontiac, IL 61764 (815) 844-7660 Deputy Chief of Staff.—Aaron Quick. 2401 East Washington Street, Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 662-9371 Suite 200, 70 Meadowview Center, Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 937-0875 Room 307, 102 East Main Street, Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 328-0165 Suite 503-504, 4 North Vermilion, Danville, IL 61832 (217) 431-8230 Counties: Champaign, De Witt, Douglas, Edgar, Ford, Iroquois, Kankakee (part), Livingston, McLean (part), Piatt, and Vermilion. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Pontiac, Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana, Danville, and Kankakee. Population (1990), 571,532. ZIP Codes: 60420, 60460, 60901 (part), 60911-12, 60917-22, 60924, 60926-34, 60936, 60938-39, 60941-42, 60945-46, 60948-49, 60951-53, 60955-57, 60959-63, 60964 (part), 60966-70, 60973-74, 61311, 61313, 61319, 61321 (part), 61333, 61364 (part), 61701-02, 61704, 61720, 61722, 61724, 61726-28, 61730-31, 61735-37, 61739-41, 61743, 61744 (part), 61745 (part), 61748 (part), 6174950, 61752-53, 61758, 61761 (part), 61764, 61769-70, 61773, 61775-78, 61801, 61810-18, 61820-21, 61824-26, 61830-34, 61839-59, 61862-66 61870-78, 61880, 61882-84, 61910, 61911 (part), 61913, 61917, 61919, 61924, 61929-30, 61932-33, 61936, 6194042, 61944, 61949, 61953, 61955-56, 62423, 62474, 62512, 62552 (part) SIXTEENTH DISTRICT DONALD MANZULLO, Republican, of Egan, IL; born on March 24, 1944 in Rock-ford, IL; B.A., American University, Washington, DC, 1987; J.D., Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, WI, 1970; president, Ogle County Bar Association, 1971-73; ad-viser, Oregon Ambulance Corperation; founder, Oregon Youth, Inc., admitted to Illinios bar, 1970; member: State of Illinios and City of Oregon Chamber of Commerce, Friends of Severson Dells, Natural land Institute of Ogle County Historic Society, Northern Illin-ios Alliance for the Arts, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Ogle County Pilots As-sociation, Kiwanis International, Illinios Farm Bureau, Ogle County Farm Bureau, Na-tional Federal Independent Business, Citizens Against Government Waste; married to Freda Teslik Manzullo, 1982; three children: Noel A., 1985, Neil A., 1983, Katherine G., 1988; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. ILLINOIS 103d Congress Office Listings 506 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff.—James Thacker. Suite 1, 3929 Broadway, Rockford, IL 61108 Press Secretary.—Christopher Hamrick. District Director.—Pamela Bunting. 181 Virginia Avenue, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 DC 20515-1316 45 (815) (815) 225-5676 394-1231 356-9800 Caseworker.—Kathleen McNally. Counties: Boone, Jo Daviess, McHenry, Ogle (part), Stephenson, and Winnebago. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 60012, 60013 (part), 60014, 60021, 60033-34, 60039, 60042 (part), 60050 (part), 60051, 60071-72, 60080, 60081 (part), 60084 (part), 60097-98, 60102, 60113, 60129 (part), 60142, 60152, 60180, 61001, 61006 (part), 61007 (part), 61008, 61010-13, 61015-16, 61018-20, 61024-25, 61027-28, 61030 (part), 61031 (part), 61032, 61036, 61038-39, 61041, 61043-45, 61047-50, 61052, 61053 (part), 61054 (part), 61059, 61060, 61061 (part), 61062-63, 61065, S)0et, 61068 (part), 61070, 61072-73, 61075-77, 61078 (part), 61079-80, 6108485, 61087-89, 61101-12, 61114-15, 1125-26, 61130-32 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT LANE EVANS, Democrat, of Rock Island, IL; born in Rock Island on August 4, 1951; attended Sacred Heart School, Rock Island; graduated, Alleman High School, Rock Island, 1969; B.A., Augustana College, Rock Island, 1974; J.D., Georgetown Uni-versity Law Center, Washington, DC, 1978; admitted to Illinois bar, 1978; commenced practice in Rock Island; served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1969-71; attorney for the Western Illinois Legal Foundation, 1978-79; joined the national staff of the Kennedy for President campaign, 1980; entered private practice as a partner in the Community Legal Clinic, 1982; legal representative for ACLU, APRI, and LULAC, 1979; awards, Vietnam Veter-ans of America “National Legislator of the Year” (1985), President’s Award for Out-standing Achievement, 1990; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelect-ed to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2335 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1317 225-5905 Administrative Assistant.—Dennis King. FAX: 225-5396 Office Manager.—Eda Robinson. Press Secretary.—Steve Vetzner. Room $5, 1535 47th Avenue, Moline IL 61265 (309) 793-5760 District Representative.—Phil Hare. Maclan Plaza, 121 Scotland, Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 837-5263 1640 North Henderson, Galesburg, IL 61401 . (309) 342-4411 Monmouth City Hall, Monmouth, IL 61462 (309) 734-9304 Counties: Adams (part), Bureau, Carroll, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Knox, McDonough, Mercer, Ogle (part), Rock Island, Warren, and Whiteside. Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 61007 (part), 61014, 61017, 61021 (part), 61030 (part), 61037, 61046, 61051, 61053, 61054 (part), 61061 (part), 61064 (part), 61071, 61074, 61078 (part), 61081, 61091, 61201, 61204, 6123044, 61250-52, 61254, 61256-65, 61270, 61272-79, 61281-85, 61301 (part), 61312, 61314-15, 61317, 61320, 61322-23, 61328-30, 61337-38, 61342 (part), 6134446, 61349, 61354 (part), 61356, 61359, 61361-62, 61368, 61374, 61376, 61379, 61401-02, 61410-20, 61422-23, 61425, 61427-28, 61430-43, 61447-50, 61452-55, 61458-60, 61462, 61465-78, 61480, 61482, 61484-86, 61488-90, 61501, 61519-20, 61524, 61529, 61531, 61542-44, 61553, 61563, 61572, 62301 (part), 62311, 62313, 62316, 62318, 62320-21, 62325-27, 62329-30, 62334, 62336, 62338-39, 62341, 62346, 62348-49, 62351, 62354, 62358-59, 62367, 62373-74, 62376, 62379-80, 62422, 62624, 62644 100 Congressional Directory ILLINOIS EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT ROBERT H. MICHEL, Republican, of Peoria, IL; born March 2, 1923, in Peoria, IL; graduate of Peoria public schools and Bradley University, B.S., 1948, Business Adminis-tration; distinguished alumnus award, Bradley University, 1961; honorary degrees: Brad-ley University, Illinois Wesleyan, Lincoln College, Illinois College, and Bellarmine Col-lege; served in the enlisted ranks during World War II as combat infantryman in Eng-land, France, Belgium, and Germany; wounded by machinegun fire and discharged as a disabled veteran after being awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and four battle stars; administrative assistant to predecessor, Congressman Harold Velde, during his service in the House, 1949-56; elected to 85th-103d Congresses; elected Republican Leader, 97th-103d Congresses; elected minority whip December 1974; delegate 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988 to the Republican National Conventions; chairman, Subcommittee on Human Concerns, 1972 Platform Committee; deputy floor leader of President Ford’s nomination effort in 1976; permanent chairman, 1984, 1988 and 1992 Conventions; past chairman, National Republican Congressional Committee; members, President’s Commis-sion on Olympic Sports; trustee, Bradley University; past president, Illinois State Society; life member, VFW, Military Order Purple Heart; AMVETS; member: American Legion, DAYV, Cosmopolitan International, Illinois Valley Press Club, honorary member, Rotary International, Orpheus Club, Creve Coeur Council Boy Scouts, YMCA, Peoria Associa-tion of Commerce, Ad Club, Order of AHEPA, Sigma Nu, and Pi Kappa Delta Fraterni-ties; married former Corinne Woodruff, December 26, 1948; four children: Scott, Bruce, Laurie, and Robin; three grandchildren; residing at 1029 North Glenwood, Peoria, IL. Office Listings 2112 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1318................... 225-6201 Executive Assistant.—Diane Liesman. FAX: 225-9249 Room 107, 100 Monroe Street NE., Peoria, IL 61602 (309) 671-7027 Chief of Staff.—Ray La Hood. FAX: (309) 671-7309 236 West State Street, Jacksonville, IL 62650 (217) 245-1431 Staff Assistant.—Craig Findley. FAX: (217) 243-6852 Counties: Cass, Logan, McLean (part), Macon (part), Marshall, Mason, Menard, Morgan, Peoria, Putnam, Sangamon (part), Stark, Tazewell, and Woodford. Population (1990), 571,580. 3 ZIP Codes: 61314, 61326-27, 61334 (part), 61335-36, 61340, 61345, 61358 (part), 61363, 61369, 61370 (part), 61375, 61377 (part), 61421, 61424, 61426, 61449, 61451, 61479, 61483, 61489, 61491, 61516-18, 61523, 61525-26, 61528-30/ 61532-37, 61539-41, 61545-48, 61550, 61552, 61554-55, 61559-62, 61564-65, 61567-71, 61601-07, 61611-15, 61650 56, 61721, 61723, 61725, 61729, 61732-34, 61738, 61742, 61744 (part), 61745 (part), 61747, 61748 (part), 61749, 61751, 61754-55, 61759-60, 61761 (part), 61771-72, 61774, 61778, 62082, 62512, 62515, 62518-20, 62524, 62526 (part), 62535, 62539, 62541, 62543, 62545, 62548, 62551, 62561, 62563, 62573, 62601, 62611-13, 62615, 62617-18, 62622, 62625, 62627-28, 62629 (part), 62631, 62633-35, 62638, 6264244, 62650-51, 62655-56, 6266061, 6266468, 62670-71, 62673, 62675, 62677, 62682, 62684, 62688-89, 62691-95, 62702 (part), 62704 (part), 62707 (part) NINETEENTH DISTRICT GLENN POSHARD, Democrat, of Marion, IL; born in Herald, White County, IL, October 30, 1945; attended, Herald Elementary School, 1950-58; graduated, Carmi Township High School, Carmi, IL, 1962; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, B.S., 1970, M.S., 1974, Ph.D., 1984; served, U.S. Army, Specialist 5, 1962-65; farmer, teacher, school administrator; served, Illinois State Senate, 1984-88; member: Lions Club, VFW, American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, AMVETS; married to the former Jo Roetzel; two children: Dennis and Kris; elected November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress, reelected to each succeeding Congress. ILLINOIS 103d Congress 101 Office Listings 107 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1319 225-5201 Administrative Assistant.—David Stricklin. FAX: 225-1541 New Route 13 West, Marion, IL 62959 : (618) 993-8532 District Office Manager.—Judy Hampton. Counties: Christian (part), Clark, Clay, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Edwards, Effingham, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamil-ton, Hardin, Jasper, Johnson, Lawrence, Macon (part), Massac, Moultrie, Pope, Pulaski, Richland, Saline, Shelby, Wabash, Wayne, White, and Williamson (part). Population (1990), 571,530. ZIP Codes: 61756, 61911 (part), 61912-14, 61920, 61925, 61928, 61931, 61937-38, 61943, 61951, 61957, 62080, 62083 (part), 62401, 62410-11, 62413-15, 62417, 62419-22, 62424-28, 62431-34, 62436, 62438-52, 62454, 62458-69, 62473 81, 62501, 62510, 62513-14, 62521-23, 62525, 62526 (part), 62532, 62534, 62537, 62544, 62547, 62549-50, 62552 (part), 62553-55, 62557, 62565, 62567, 62568 (part), 62571, 62574, 62805-06, 62809-12, 62814-15, 62817-25, 62827-30, 62833-46, 62849-52, 62854-56, 62858-63, 62865, 6286769, 62871, 62874, 62878-79, 62884, 62886-87, 62890-91, 62895-97, 62899, 62908, 62910, 62912, 62917, 62919, 62921-23, 62926, 62928, 62930-35, 62938-39, 62941, 62943-44, 62946-48, 62951, 62953-56, 62959-60, 62963-65, 62967, 62970, 62972-74, 62976-77, 62979, 62982-85, 62987, 62991-92, 62995-96, 62999 TWENTIETH DISTRICT RICHARD J. DURBIN, Democrat, of Springfield, IL; born in East St. Louis, IL, No-vember 21, 1944; son of William and Ann Durbin; B.S.F.S., Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, Washington, DC, 1966; J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, 1969; admitted to the bar, State of Illinois, 1969; legal counsel to Lt. Gov. Paul Simon (now U.S. Senator Paul Simon), 1969-72; legal counsel to Illinois Senate judiciary committee, 1972-82; parliamentarian, Illinois State Senate, 1969-82; elected president, New Members Democratic Caucus, 98th Congress; associate professor of Medical Humanities, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL; married to the former Loretta Schaefer, 1967; three children: Christine Ann, Paul Doug-las, and Jennifer Marie; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Committee on Appropriations; chairman of Subcom-mittee on Agriculture and Urban Development. Office Listings . 2463 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1320 225-5271 Administrative Assistant.—Edward Greelegs. Legislative Director.—Tom Faletti. Personal Secretary.—Kathy Brooks. 525 South 8th Street, Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 492-4062 District Director.—Mike Daly. Suite 106, 221 East Broadway, Centralia, 11. 62801 (618) 532-4265 District Director.—Patti Henry. Counties: Adams (part), Bond, Brown, Calhoun, Christian (part), Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Jefferson, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison (part), Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Sangamon (part), Schuyler, Scott, and Washington. Population (1990), 571,480. ZIP Codes: 61452, 62001, 62002 (part), 62006, 62009, 62010 (part), 62011-17, 62018 (part), 62019, 62021-23, 62024 (part), 62025-28, 62030-34, 62035 (part), 62036-37, 62040 (part), 62044-47, 62049-54, 62056, 62058, 62061-63, 62065, 62067, 62069-70, 62074-82, 62083 (part), 62085-86, 62088-89, 62091-94, 62097, 62214-16, 62218-19, 62230-31, 62234 (part), 62245-47, 62249-50, 62252-53, 62262-63, 62265-66, 62268, 62271, 62273, 62275, 62281, 62283-84, 62293 (part), 62294 (part), 62301 (part), 62305-06, 62312, 62314, 62319, 62323-24, 62332, 62340, 62343-47, 62352-53, 62355-57, 62360-63, 62365-66, 62370, 62372, 62375, 62378, 62418, 62458, 62471, 62511, 62517, 62530-31, 62533, 62536, 62538, 62540, 62546, 62556, 62558, 62560, 62568 (part), 62570, 62572, 62610, 62621, 62624, 62626, 62629 (part), 62630, 62639-40, 62649, 62663, 62667, 62672, 62674, 62676, 62681, 62683, 62685-86, 62690, 62694, 62701, 62702 (part), 62703, 62704 (part), 62705, 62707 (part), 62708, 62718, 62791, 62801, 62803, 62807-08, 62810, 62814, 62816, 62830-31, 62838, 62846, 62848-49, 62853-54, 62857, 62864, 62866, 62870, 62872, 62875-77, 62880-83, 62885, 62889, 62892-94, 62898 102 Congressional Directory INDIANA INDIANA (Population, 1990 census, 5,564,228) SENATORS RICHARD G. LUGAR, Republican, of Indianapolis, IN; born in Indianapolis, April 4, 1932; attended the public schools of Indianapolis; graduated, Shortridge High School, 1950; B.A., Denison University, Granville, OH; Rhodes Scholar, B.A., M.A., Pembroke College, Oxford, England, 1956; served in the U.S. Navy, 1957-60; businessman; treasur-er, Lugar Stock Farms, Inc., a livestock and grain operation; vice president and treasurer, 1960-67, Thomas L. Green & Co., manufacturers of food production machinery; member, Indianapolis Board of School Commissioners, 1964-67; mayor of Indianapolis, 1968-75; member, advisory board, U.S. Conference of Mayors, 1969-75; National League of Cities, advisory council, 1972-75, president, 1971; Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1969-75, vice chairman, 1971-75; board of trustees, Denison University and the University at Indianapolis; advisory board, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indi-anapolis; visiting professor of political science, director of public affairs, Indiana Central University; 29 honorary doctorates; recipient of Fiorello LaGuardia Award, 1975; GOP National Convention Keynote Speaker, 1972; SFRC chairman, 1985-86; NRSC chairman, 1983-84; member, St. Luke’s Methodist Church; married to the former Charlene Smeltzer, 1956; four children; ranking member, Agriculture Committee; member, Senate Intelligence Committee, Arms Control Observer Group; and Senate Foreign Relations Committee; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 4, 1977; reelected on November 2, 1982, and November 8, 1988. Office Listings 306 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1401 .............cccccccue... 224-4814 Administrative Assistant.—Martin W. Morris. Legislative Director.—Dan Diller. Press Secretary.—Kevin Shaw Kellems. Scheduler.—Hilary Newlin. 10 West Market Street Room 1180, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 226-5555 Federal Building, Room 122, 101 N.W. Martin Luther King Boulevard, Evansville, IN 47708 (812) 465-6313 Federal Building, Room 3158, 1300 South Harrison Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3487 (219) 422-1505 5530 Sohl Avenue, Room 103, Hammond, IN 46320 (219) 937-5380 Federal Center, Room 103, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132....... (812) 288-3377 DAN COATS, Republican, of Fort Wayne, IN; born in Jackson, MI, May 16, 1943; attended Griswold Elementary School; graduated, Jackson High School, 1961; B.A., Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, 1965; J.D., Indiana University School of Law, 1971; staff sergeant, U.S. Army, 1966-68; lawyer, admitted to the Indiana State bar, 1972; com-menced practice in Fort Wayne; district representative, U.S. Congressman Dan Quayle, 1976-80; president, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Fort Wayne, 1978-80; church elder, Com-munity Christian Reformed Church; board member: Anthony Wayne Rehabilitation Center; Historic River Cruises of Fort Wayne; Allen County Bar Association; Quest Club; married to the former Marcia Anne Crawford, 1965; three children: Laura, Lisa, and Andrew; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress; appointed by the Governor, January 3, 1989 to the U.S. Senate seat vacat-ed by Vice President-elect Dan Quayle; elected November 6, 1990 to complete the term ending January 3, 1993; member, Senate Committee on Armed Services and ranking member on the Subcommittee on Industry and Technology; member, Labor and Human Resources Committee and ranking member on the Subcommittee on Children, Families, Drugs, and Alcoholism. INDIANA 103d Congress 103 Office Listings 404 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1403 224-5623 Administrative Assistant.—Dave Gribbin. Policy Director.—Mike Gerson. Legislative Director.—Sharon Soderstrom. 1180 Market Tower, 10 West Market Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204.................. (317) 226-5555 State Director.—Curt Smith. Room 103, 5530 Sohl Avenue, Hammond, IN 46320 (219) 937-5380 Federal Building, Room 3158, 1300 South Marrison Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 (219) 422-1505 Building No. 66, Room 103, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132 (812) 288-3377 101 NW. 7th Street, Evansville, IN 47708 (812) 465-6313 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT PETER J. VISCLOSKY, Democrat, of Merrillville, IN; born in Gary, IN, on August 13, 1949; attended St. Mark’s elementary school, Gary; Holy Cross Seminary, La Crosse, WI, 1963-65; graduated, Andrean High School, Merrillville, 1965-67; B.S., accounting, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, 1970; J.D., University of Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame, IN, 1973; LL.M,, international and comparative law, Georgetown Universi-ty Law Center, Washington, DC, 1982; attorney, 1974-76; admitted to Indiana State bar, 1974, the District of Columbia bar, 1978, and the U.S. Supreme Court bar, 1980; associate staff, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, 1977-80, Committee on the Budget, 1980-82; practicing attorney, Merrillville law firm, 1983-84; married to Anne Marie O'Keefe; two children: John Daniel and Timothy Patrick; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2464 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1401 : 225-2461 Administrative Assistant.—Charles Brimmer. FAX: 225-2493 Legislative Director.—Cameron Griffith. Press Assistant.—Jeff O’Mara. 215 West 35th Avenue, Gary, IN 46408.. (219) 884-1177 District Director.—Adam Adams. 166 Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN 46383 . (219) 464-0315 6070 Central Avenue, Portage, IN 46368 (219) 763-2904 Counties: Lake (part) and Porter (part). Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46302, 46303 (part), 46304, 46307 (part), 46311 (part), 46312, 46319-25, 46327, 46341 (part), 46342, 46347 (part), 46348 (part), 46355, 46360 (part), 46368, 46373 (part), 46375 (part), 46383-84, 46391 (part), 46393-94, 46401 05, 46406 (part), 46407-11 SECOND DISTRICT PHILIP R. SHARP, Democrat, of Muncie, IN; born in Baltimore, MD, July 15, 1942; son of Riley and Florence Sharp; graduate of Elwood (IN) High School, 1960; B.S., Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, 1964, cum laude; graduate study, Exeter College, Oxford University, summer, 1966; Ph.D., in government, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1974; legislative aide to Senator Vance Hartke, 1964-69; as-sistant and associate professor of political science, Ball State University, Muncie, 1969-74; member: College Avenue United Methodist Church; married to the former Marilyn Kay Augburn, 1972; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress; member: Committee on Energy and Commerce and Committee on In-terior and Insular Affairs; chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power. 104 Congressional Directory INDIANA Office Listings 2217 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1402 ................... 225-3021 Administrative Assistant.—Ron Gyure. Executive Assistant.—Trish Wickens. Press Secretary.—Sharon Souther. Room 101, 2900 West Jackson, Muncie, IN 47304 (317) 747-5566 Main Post Office, Richmond, IN 47374 (317) 966-6125 331 Franklin Street, Suite A, Columbus, IN 47201 (812) 372-3637 Counties: Bartholomew (part), Decatur, Delaware, Henry (part), Jay (part), Madison, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, and Wayne. Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46001, 46011-18, 46036, 46040, 46044, 46048, 46051, 46056, 46063-64, 46070, 46104, 46110, 46115, 46124, 46126-27, 46130, 46144, 46146, 46148 (part), 46150, 46155-56, 46161, 46173, 46176, 46182, 47201 (part), 47202, 47203 (part), 47225-26, 47234, 47240, 47244, 4724647, 47263, 47272, 47280, 47283, 47302-08, 47320, 47324, 47327, 47330, 4733442, 47344-46, 47351-52, 4735458, 47360-62, 47366-70, 47371 (part), 47373-75, 47380-83, 4738486, 47388, 47390, 47392-94, 47396 THIRD DISTRICT TIMOTHY J. ROEMER, Democrat, of South Bend, IN; born in South Bend, IN, Oc-tober 30, 1956; attended Schmucker Middle School, Mishawaka, IN; graduated, Penn High School, Mishawaka, IN, 1975; B.A., political science, University of California, San Diego, CA, 1979; M.A. and Ph.D. international relations, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 1985; staff assistant, Congressman John Brademas, U.S. Congress; de-fense, trade, and foreign policy adviser to Senator Dennis DeConcini; adjunct professor, the American University; married to the former Sarah Lee Johnston, 1989; elected to the 102d Congress, reelected November 3, 1992. Office Listings 415 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1403.............cccceucee. 225-3915 Administrative Assistant.—Bernie Toon. FAX: 225-6798 Legislative Director.—Carole Sulsger. Press Secretary.—Desiree Gree 217 North Main Street, South Bend, "IN 46601 (219) 288-3301 District Director.—Patricia Lodyga. Counties: Elkhart, Kosciusko (part), La Porte, St. Joseph, and Starke (part). Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46301, 46340, 46341 (part), 46345-46, 46348 (part),: 46350, 46360 (part), 46365, 46371, 46382, 46390, 46391 (part), 46502, 46506 (part), 46507, 46514-17, 46526, 46530, 46531 (part), 46532, 46536, 46538, 46540, 46542-46, 46550, 46552-54, 46556, 46561, 46567 (part), 46573, 46574 (part), 46580 (part), Jessi, 46590, 46595, 46601, 46604, 46612-17, 46619-20, 46624, 46626, 46628-29, 46634-35, 46637, 46660, 46680, 4673 2 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT JILL L. LONG, Democrat, of Larwill, IN, born in Warsaw, IN on July 15, 1952; at-tended Etna-Troy Elementary School in Whitley County, IN; graduated from Columbia City Joint High School; B.S., Valparaiso University, IN, 1974; M.B.A. (1978), Ph.D. (1984), Indiana University; farmer and college professor; assistant professor, Valparaiso University; adjunct assistant professor, Indiana Purdue University, Fort Wayne; elected to the Valparaiso City Council, 1984-86; unsuccessful candidate for election to the U.S. Senate, 1986, and to the U.S. House of Representatives, 1988; elected by special election on March 28, 1989 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dan Coats; reelected to each succeeding Congress. INDIANA 103d Congress 105 Office Listings 1513 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1404 225-4436 Administrative Assistant.—Inga Smulkstys. Legislative Director.—Bart Chilton. Press Secretary.—David Early. Scheduler.—Laura Pendergrass. 1300 South Harrison, Room 3105, Fort Wayne, IN 46805.............c.cccceevreeverennnns (219) 424-3041 Counties: Adams, Allen, De Kalb, Huntington, Jay (part), Lagrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells, and Whitley. Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46540, 46562 (part), 46565, 46571, 46701-06, 46710-11, 4671314, 46720-21, 46723, 46725, 46730-31, 46732 (part), 46733, 46737-38, 46740-43, 46745-48, 46750, 46755, 46759-61, 46763-67, 46769-74, 46776-89, 46791-99, 46801-09, 46815-16, 46818-19, 46825, 46835, 46845, 46850-69, 46885, 46895-96, 46898-99, 46952, 47326, 47371 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT STEVE BUYER, Republican, of Monticello, IN; born in Rensselaer, on November 26, 1958; graduated from North White High School, 1976; B.S., The Citadel, 1980; J.D., Val-paraiso University School of Law, 1984; 1984-86: U.S. Army active duty-Special Assist-ant to the U.S. Attorney, Judge Advocate General Corps; 1986-88; Deputy to the Attor-ney General of Indiana; 1988-92: Family law practice; 1990-91: U.S. Army active duty, Legal counsel for the 22d Theatre Army in Operations Desert Shield & Desert Storm. 1991-present: Major, U.S. Army reserve. Married to the former Joni Lynn Geyer, two children: Colleen and Ryan. Elected to 103d Congress, November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1419 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1405 225-5037 Administrative Assistant.—Kelly Craven. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Eveie Green. Legislative Director.—Myrna Dugan. Press Secretary.—Pat Hinton. 120 East Mulberry Street, Kokomo, IN 46901 (317) 454-7551 District Director.—Linda Worsham-Ameen. 302 Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN 46383 (219) 642-6499 Counties: Benton, Blackford, Carroll, Cass, Fulton, Grant, Howard, Jasper, Kosciusko (part), Lake (part), Marshall, Miami, Newton, Porter (part), Pulaski, Starke (part), Vermillion (part), Wabash, Warren, and White. Population (1990), 554,415. ZIP Codes: 46065, 46068, 46076, 46303 (part), 46307 (part), 46310, 46311 (part), 46341 (part), 46347 (part), 46349, 46356, 46366, 46372, 46373 (part), 46374, 46375 (part), 46376-77, 46379-81, 46392, 46399, 46406 (part), 46410, 46501, 46504, 46506, 46508, 46510-11, 46513, 46524, 46534, 46537, 46539, 46555, 46562 (part), 46563, 46566, 46567 (part), 46570, 46572, 46574 (part), 46580 (part), 46732, 46778, 46901-04, 46910-17, 46919-23, 46925-26, 46928-33, 46935-43, 46945-47, 46950-53, 46957-62, 46965, 46967-68, 46970-71, 46974-75, 46977-80, 46982-92, 46994-96, 46998, 47336, 47348, 47359, 47842 (part), 47847, 47854, 47875, 47917, 47921-23, 47925-26, 47928-29, 47942-44, 47946, 47948, 47950-51, 47957, 47959-60, 47963-64, 47966, 47970 (part), 47971, 47973-78, 47980, 47982, 47984, 47986, 47991, 47993, 47995, 47997 SIXTH DISTRICT DAN BURTON, Republican, of Indianapolis, IN; born in Indianapolis, on June 21, 1938; attended Indianapolis public schools; graduated, Shortridge High School, 1956, In-diana University, 1956-57; Cincinnati Bible Seminary, 1958-60, served in the U.S. Army, 1956-57; U.S. Army Reserves, 1957-62; businessman, insurance and real estate firm owner since 1968; elected to Indiana House of Representatives, 1967-68 and 1977-80; elected to Indiana State Senate, 1969-70 and 1981-82; president: Volunteers of America, Indiana Christian Benevolent Association, Committee for Constitutional Government, and Family 106 Congressional Directory INDIANA Support Center; member, Jaycees; married to the former Barbara Jean Logan, 1959; three children: Kelly, Danielle Lee, and Danny Lee II; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2411 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1406................... 225-2276 Administrative Assistant.—Kevin Binger. FAX: 225-0016 Executive Assistant.—Leah Tolson. Office Manager.—Suzanne Dickey. Press Secretary.—Sean Moran. Suite 1050, 8900 Keystone at the Crossing, Indianapolis, IN 46240..................... (317) 848-0201 Counties: Boone (part), Clinton, Hamilton, Hancock, Henry (part), Johnson (part), Marion (part), Morgan (part), and Tipton. Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46030-35, 46038—41, 46045, 46047, 46049-50, 46055, 46057-58, 46060, 46065, 46067-68, 46069 (part), 46072, 46074, 46076, 46077 (part), 46106, 46107 (part), 46113 (part), 46117, 46129, 46131 (part), 46140, 46142-43, 46148 (part), 46151 (part), 46154, 46158 (part), 46160 (part), 46162 (part), 46163 (part), 46164 (part), 46181, 46184, 46186 87, 46203 (part), 46214 (part), 46217 (part), 46219 (part), 46220 (part), 46222 (part), 46224 (part), 46227 (part), 46229 (part), 46230, 46231 (part), 46234 (part), 46236 (part), 46237 (part), 46239 (part), 46240, 46241 (part), 46247, 46250, . 46236 (part) 46259 (part), 46260 (part), 46268 (part), 46278 (part), 46280, 46290, 46936, 46979 (part), 47201 (part), part SEVENTH DISTRICT JOHN T. MYERS, Republican, of Covington, IN; born February 8, 1927, and has re-sided there all his life; attended grade and high schools in Covington; B.S., Indiana State University, 1951; during World War II, served in the U.S. Army in Europe; cashier and trust officer, The Fountain Trust Co.; member of the American Legion, Veterans of For-eign Wars, Masonic orders, Elks, Lions, Wabash Valley Association, Reserve Officers Association, Sigma Pi, Chamber of Commerce, and the Episcopal Church; married the former Carol Carruthers of Chicago, IL; two daughters: Carol Ann and Lori Jan; elected to the 90th Congress, November 8, 1966; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2372 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1407.................... 225-5805 Administrative Assistant.—Ronald L. Hardman. Executive Secretary.—Sallie S. Davis. 107 Federal Building, Terre Haute, IN 47808...........cccccocitcsereriertinsinnnserses (812) 238-1619 District Representative.—Lynn Nicoson. 107 Halleck Federal Building, Lafayette, IN 47901 .........ccoccovvrninviinniiinnninneinne (317) 423-1661 Staff Assistant.—Jane R. Long. Counties: Boone (part), Clay, Fountain, Hendricks, Monroe (part), Montgomery, Morgan (part), Owen, Parke, Putnam, Tippecanoe, Vermillion (part), and Vigo. Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46052, 46058, 46069 (part), 46071, 46075, 46077 (part), 46102-03, 46105, 46111-12, 46113 (part), 46118, 46120-21, 46122, 46125, 46128, 46135, 46147, 46149, 46151 (part), 46157, 46158 (part), 46165-68, 46170-72, 46175, 46180, 46231 (part), 46234 (part), 46278 (part), 47403 (part), 47404 (part), 47407, 47408 (part), 47427, 47429, 47431, 47433, 47438, 47455-56, 47459, 47460 (part), 47464, 47471, 47802-05, 47807-09, 47811, 47830-34, 47836-37, 47840 41, 47842 (part), 47845-46, 47850-51, 47853, 47856-60, 47862-63, 47866, 47868-72, 47874, 47876-78, 47880-81, 47884-85, 47901-07, 47916, 47918, 47920, 47924, 47930-33, 47940-41, 47949, 47952, 47954-55, 47958, 47962, 47965, 47967-69, 47981, 47983, 47985, 47987-90, 47992, 47994 EIGHTH DISTRICT FRANK MCcCLOSKEY, Democrat, of Smithville, IN; born in Philadelphia, PA, June 12, 1939; attended St. Agatha Elementary School, West Philadelphia, PA; graduate of Bishop Kenrick High School, Norristown, PA, 1957; served 4 years in U.S. Air Force, honorably discharged June 11, 1961; A.B., government, Indiana University, Bloomington, INDIANA 103d Congress 107 1968; J.D., Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington, 1971; member, board of edi-tors, Indiana Law Journal, 1970-71; admitted to Indiana bar, September 1971; former newspaperman; elected mayor of Bloomington, November 1971; reelected twice as mayor through December 31, 1982; president of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns, 1981-82; married to the former Roberta Ann Barker; two children: Helen and Mark; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; member of the Committees on Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, and Post Office and Civil Service; reelected to each succeeding ongress. Office Listings 306 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1408 225-4636 Legislative Director.—Paul Weber. FAX: 225-4688 Communications Director.—Melissa Merz. One City Centre, Suite 208, 120 North Seventh Street, Bloomington, IN 47404 . (812) 334-1111 Administrative Assistant.—Melinda Plaisier. Federal Building, Room 124, 101 NW. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Evansville, IN 47708 (812) 465-6484 Area Director.—Carolyn Johnson-Millender. (800) 392-6269 Counties: Daviess, Gibson, Greene, Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe (part), Orange, Pike, Posey, Sullivan, Vander-burgh, and Warrick. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Avoca, Bedford, Bicknell, Bloomfield, Bloomington, Bloomington/ New Unionville, Boonville, Bruceville, Buckskin, Cannelburg, Carlisle, Chandler, Clear Creek, Crane, Cynthiana, Decker, Dugger Fairbanks, Edwardsport, Elberfeld, Elnora, Emison, Evansville, Farmersburg, Folsomville, Fort Branch, Fort Ritner, Fransisco, Freelandville, French Lick, Graysville, Griffin, Harrodsburg, Haubstadt, Hazelton, Heltonville, Huron, Hymera, Inglefield, Jasonville, Koleen, Linton, Loogootee, Lynnville, Lyons, Mackey, Merom, Midland, Mitchell, Monroe City, Montgomery, Mount Vernon, New Harmony, New Lebanon, Newberry, Newburgh, Oakland City, Oaktown, Odon, Oolitic, Orleans, Otwell, Owensburg, Owensville, Paoli, Patoka, Paxton, Petersburg, Plainville, Poseyville, Princeton, Ragsdale, Sandborn, Scotland, Shoals, Smithville, Solsberry, Somerville, Springville, Spurgeon, Stendal, Stewartsville, Sullivan, Switz City, Tennyson, Tunnelton, Unionville, Velpen, Vincennes, Wadesville, Washington, West Baden Sp@ags, Westphalia, Wheatland, Williams, Winslow, and Worthington. Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 47108, 47116, 47118, 47125, 47140, 47264 (part), 47401 (part), 47402, 47403 (part), 47404 (part), 47405-06, 47408 (part), 47420-21, 47424, 47426, 47430, 47432, 47434, 47436-38, 47441, 47443, 47445-46, 47449, 47451-54, 47457-59, 47460 (part), 47462-63, 47465, 47467, 47468 (part), 47469-71, 47501, 47512, 47516, 47519, 47522, 47523 (part), 47524, 47527-30, 47535, 47537, 47553, 47557-58, 47561-62, 47564, 47567-68, 47573, 47578, 47581, 4758485, 47590-91, 47596-98, 47601, 47610, 47612-14, 47616, 47618-20, 47629-31, 47633, 47637-40, 47647-49, 47654, 47660, 47665-66, 47670, 47683, 47701-06, 47708, 47710-16, 47719-20, 47724, 47728, 47730-38, 47848-50, 47852, 47855, 47858, 47861, 4786465, 47879, 47882 NINTH DISTRICT LEE H. HAMILTON, Democrat, of Nashville, IN; born in Daytona Beach, FL, April 20, 1931; graduated, Central High School, 1948, Evansville, IN; B.A., DePauw Universi-ty; attended Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, 1952-53; J.D., Indiana University School of Law, 1956; lawyer; marriedto the former Nancy Ann Nelson; three children: Tracy Lynn Souza, Deborah Lee Hamilton, and Douglas Nelson Hamilton; elected to the 89th Congress, November 3, 1964; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2187 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1409 225-5315 Executive Assistant.—Jonathan Friedman. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Nora Coulter. Press Secretary.—Christopher Mehl. Room 107, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 288-3999 Toll Free in Indiana: : (800) 892-3232 Administrative Assistant.—Wayne Vance. Counties: Bartholomew (part), Brown, Clark, Crawford, Dearborn, Dubois, Fayette (part), Floyd, Franklin (part), Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Perry, Ripley, Scott, Spencer, Switzerland, Union, Washington, and Wayne (part). Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46127, 46133, 46160 (part), 46164 (part), 46173, 46181, 47001, 47006, 47010-12, 47016-25, 47030-43, 47060, 47102, 47104, 47106-08, 47110-12, 47114-20, 47122-26, 47129-31, 47135-43, 47145-47, 47150-51, 47160-67, 47170, 108 Congressional Directory INDIANA 47172, 47174-75, 47177, 47199, 47201 (part), 47203 (part), 47220, 47223-24, 47227-32, 47235-36, 47240, 47243, 47245, 47249-50, 47260, 47262, 47264 (part), 47265, 47270, 47273-74, 47281-82, 47283 (part), 47322, 47325, 47327, 47331, 47352 (part), 47353, 47387 (part), 47401 (part), 47435, 47448, 47452, 47468 (part), 47513-15, 47520-21, 47523 (part), 47525, 47527, 47531-32, 47536-37, 47541-42, 47545-47, 47550-52, 47555-56, 47574-77, 47579-80, 47586, 47588, 47590, 47601, 47611, 47615, 47617, 47634 TENTH DISTRICT ANDREW JACOBS, Jr., Democrat, of Indianapolis, IN; born in Indianapolis, IN, February 24, 1932; graduated from Shortridge High School, 1949; served U.S. Marine Corps, combat infantry in Korea, 1951; member: Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion; police officer, Marion County (Indianapolis) 1954-58; Indiana University, B.S. 1955; LL.B., 1958; practiced law, 1958-65 and 1973-74; married to Kim Hood Jacobs; two sons: H.B. James Andrew (Andy), born August 31, 1989, and B.N. Steven Michael, born March 21, 1991; elected to the Indiana House of Representatives, 1959-60; member: House Ways and Means Committee; elected to the 89th Congress, November 8, 1964; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2313 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1410 225-4011 Administrative/Legislative Assistant.—David Sayre Wildes. LA/Appointment Secretary.—Dee Elder. Staff Assistant.—Marjorie Guggenheim. Room 441-A, 46 East Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204-1982 (317) 226-7331 District Office Manager.—Loretta Raikes. County: MARION COUNTY; city of Indianapolis (part), township of Center, parts of the townships of Decatur, Lawrence, Perry, Pike, Warren, Washington, and Wayne, included are the cities of Beech Grove and Lawrence (part). Population (1990), 554,416. ZIP Codes: 46107 (part), 46201-02, 46203 (part), 46204-05 46208, 46214 (part), 46216, 46217 (part), 46218, 46219 (part), 46220 (part), 46221, 46222 (part), 46224 (part), 46225, 46226 (part), 46227 (part), 46229 (part), 46231 (part), 46234 (part), 46236 (part), 46237 (part), 46239 (part), 46241 (part), 46254, 46256 (part), 46260 (part), 46268 (part), 46278 (part) 103d Congress IOWA (Population, 1990 census, 2,787,424) SENATORS CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, Republican, of Cedar Falls, IA; born in New Hartford, September 17, 1933; graduated, New Hartford Community High School, 1951; B.A., Uni-versity of Northern Iowa, 1955; M.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1956; doctoral stud-ies, University of Iowa, 1957-58; farmer; member, Iowa State Legislature, 1959-74; Farm Bureau, State, and County Historical Society, Masons, Baptist Church, and International Association of Machinists, 1962-71; married to the former Barbara Ann Speicher, 1954; five children: Lee, Wendy, Robin Lynn, Michele Marie, and Jay Charles; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to the 95th and 96th Congresses; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1981; re-elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1986, for the 6-year term beginning January 6, = Feelecied to U.S. Senate, November 3, 1992 for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993. Office Listings 135 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1501 224-3744 Chief of Staff.—Robert J. Ludwiczak. FAX: 224-6020 Press Secretary.—Caran McKee. Legislative Director.—Ken Cunningham. 721 Federal Building, 210 Walnut Street, Des Moines, IA 50309-2140 (515) 284-4890 IA Administrator.—Henry C. Wulff. 206 Federal Building, 101 First Street SE., Cedar Rapids, 1A 52401-1227 (319) 363-6832 103 Federal Courthouse Building, 320 6th Street, Sioux City, 1A 51101-1244... (712) 233-1860 210 Waterloo Building, 531 Commercial Street, Waterloo, 1A 50701-5497 (319) 232-6657 116 Federal Building, 131 East 4th Street, Davenport, IA 52801-1513 (319) 322-4331 307 Federal Building, 8 South 6th Street, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 (712) 322-7103 * x = TOM HARKIN, Democrat, of Cumming, IA; born in Cumming, IA, November 19, 1939; attended elementary school in Cumming, graduated from Dowling High School, Des Moines; B.S., Iowa State University, Ames, 1962; LL.B., Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1972; U.S. Navy, 1962-67; LCDR, U.S. Naval Reserve; ad-mitted to the bar, 1972, Des Moines; married to the former Ruth Raduenz, 1968; two daughters: Amy and Jenny; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to four succeeding Congresses; elected November 6, 1984 to the U.S. Senate; reelected No-vember 6, 1990 for the term expiring January 3, 1997. Office Listings 531 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1502 224-3254 Administrative Assistant.—Dan Smith. TDD: 224-4633 Legislative Director.—Peter Reinecke. Press Secretary.—Jodie Silverman. Federal Building, Room 733, 210 Walnut Street, Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 284-4574 Lindale Mall, Suite 101, 4444 First Avenue, Cedar Rapids, IA 52407 (319) 393-6374 Federal Building, Room 314-B, 131 East 4th Street, Davenport, IA 52801 (319) 322-1338 Federal Building, Room 110, 320 6th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101 (712) 252-1550 Federal Building, Room 315, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 (319) 582-2130 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JAMES A. LEACH, Republican, of Davenport, IA; born in Davenport, October 15, 1942; graduated, Davenport High School, 1960; B.A., Princeton University, 1964; M.A., School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University, 1966; further graduate studies at the London School of Economics, 1966-68; member of staff of U.S. 110 Congressional Directory IOWA Congressman Donald Rumsfeld, 1965-66; Foreign Service Officer assigned to the Depart-ment of State, 1968-69; administrative assistant to the Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, 1969-70; Foreign Service Officer assigned to the Arms Control and Disar-mament Agency, 1970-73; member, U.S. delegation to the Geneva Disarmament Confer-ence, 1971-72; member, U.S. delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, 1972; member, U.S. delegation to the United Nations Conference on Natural Resources, 1975; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs, 1975-76; member, Federal Home Loan Bank Board of Des Moines, 1975-76; president, Flamegas Companies, Inc., family business, 1973-76; member: Bettendorf Chamber of Commerce; National Federation of Independent Business; Davenport Elks, Moose, Rotary; Episcopal Church; married to the former Elisabeth Foxley; one son, Gallagher; one daughter, Jenny; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee; Ripon society; member: Arms Control and For-eign Policy Caucus; Rural Caucus; Arts Caucus; Northeast-Midwest Coalition; House Wednesday Group; Congressional Human Rights Caucus; Environmental and Energy Study Conference; Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues. Office Listings 2186 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1501 ................... 225-6576 Administrative Assistant.—Bill Tate. FAX: 226-1278 209 West Fourth Street, Davenport, IA 52801 (319) 326-1841 District Administrative Assistant.—Linda Weeks. 102 South Clinton, 505, Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 351-0789 District Staff Assistant.—Ginny Burrus. 308 10th Street SE., Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 (319) 363-4773 District Staff Assistant.—Tom Cope. Counties: Cedar, Clinton, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Louisa, Muscatine, and Scott. Population (1990), 555,229. ZIP Codes: 52037, 52070, 52202, 52205, 52207, 52212-14, 52216, 52218-19, 52226-28, 52230, 52233, 52235, 52240-42, 52244-46, 52252-55, 52302, 52305-06, 52310, 52312, 52314, 52317, 52319-24, 52328, 52331, 52333, 52336-38, 52340-41, 52343-44, 52350, 52352, 52358, 52362, 52401-10, 52499, 52640, 52646, 52653, 52701, 52720-22, 52726-33, 52736-39, 52742, 52745-61, 52765-69, 52771-74, 52776-78, 52801-09 SECOND DISTRICT JIM NUSSLE, Republican, of Manchester, IA; born in Des Moines, IA, June 27, 1960; graduated, Carl Sandburg High School, 1978; attended Ronshoved Hojskole, Denmark, 1978-79; Luther College, Decorah, IA, 1983; Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Ia, 1985; admitted to the bar, January 1986; Delaware County attorney, 1986-90; married to the former Leslie Jeanne Harbison, 1986; two children: Sarah, 1988, and Mark, 1991; elected to the 102d Congress, reelected on November 3, 1992; committee assignments: Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Internation-al Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy; Committee on Agriculture Gener-al Farm Commodities; Environment, Credit and Rural Development. Office Listings 308 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1502.............cccceueuu. 225-2911 Chief of Staff.—Steve Greiner. FAX: 225-9129 Press Secretary.—Cathy Gately. Legislative Director.—Rich Meade. 3356 Kimball Avenue, Waterloo, IA 50702 (319) 235-1109 District Director.—Scott Krebsbach. 2300 John F. Kennedy Road, Dubuque, IA 52002 (319) 557-7740 1825 Fourth Street S.W., Mason City, IA 50401 (515) 423-0303 223 West Main Street, Manchester, IA 52057 (319) 927-5141 IOWA 103d Congress 111 Counties: Allamakee, Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Butler, Cerro Gordo, Chickasaw, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Floyd, Grundy, Howard, Iowa, Jackson, Mitchell, Tama, Winneshiek, and Worth. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Asbury, Belle Plaine, Bellevue, Cascade (part), Cedar Falls, Charles City, Clear Lake, Cresco, Decorah, Denver, Dubuque, Dyersville, Elkader, Evansdale, Grundy Center, Guttenberg, Hudson, Independence, Jesup, La Porte City, Manchester, Maquoketa, Marengo, Mason City, Monona, New Hampton, Nora Springs, Northwood, Oelwein, Osage, Parkersburg, Reinbeck, Sumner, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Vinton, Waterloo, Waukon, Waverly, West Union and Williamsburg. Population (1990), 555,494. ZIP Codes: 50173, 50401, 50426, 50428, 50433-35, 50440, 50444, 50446, 50448, 50454-61, 50464, 50466-69, 50471-72, 50475-717, 50479, 50481-82, 50601-09, 50611-13, 50616, 50619-32, 50634-36, 50638, 50641-45, 50647-55, 5065762, 50664-71, 50673-77, 50680-82, 50701-04, 50706-07, 51246, 52001-04, 52030-33, 52035-36, 52038-50, 52052-57, 52060, 52064-66, 52068-79, 52101, 52130-36, 52140-44, 52146-47, 52149-51, 52154-66, 52168-72, 52175, 52203, 52206-10, 52215, 52217, 52220, 52223-25, 52228-29, 52236-37, 52249, 52251, 52257, 52301, 52307-09, 52313, 52315-16, 52318, 52325-26, 52329-30, 52332, 52334, 52339, 52342, 52345-49, 52351, 52354, 52361, 52731 THIRD DISTRICT JIM LIGHTFOOT, Republican, of Shenandoah, IA; born in Sioux City, IA, Septem-ber 27, 1938; adopted at the age of 3 months by Elmer and Altha Lightfoot; raised on a farm near Farragut, IA; graduated from Farragut High School, 1956; served in the U.S. Army and Army Reserve, 1956-64; managed a farm equipment plant in Corsicana, TX, 1970-76; served on Corsicana City Commission, 1974-76; businessman, radio broadcaster, and farm editor in Shenandoah, IA, for 12 years; 4-H leader; past Jaycees and Kiwanis Club member; Roman Catholic; fundraiser for Shenandoah Memorial Hospital; gold seal flight instructor’s rating; Federal Aviation Administration Volunteer Safety Counselor; awards: Federal Aviation Administration Outstanding Flight Safety Service Award, 1984; NAMA Agriculture Spokesman of the Year, 1979; “Oscar” in agriculture award, 1978; 4-H Alumni Award, 1977; married to the former Nancy E. Harrison, May 14, 1976; four children: Terri, Jamie, Allison, and James, Jr.; member: House Appropriations Commit-tee; Subcommittee on Foreign Operations; Export Financing and Related Programs; rank-ing Republican member, Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, General Govern-ment; co-chair, Republican Health Care Task Force; Republican Task Force on Rural Communities; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2444 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1503 225-3806 Administrative Assistant.—Barbara Millunzi. FAX: 225-6973 Legislative Director.—Christie Cohen. Communications Director.—Linda Phillips. Appointment Secretary.—Kathy Nelson. 501 West Lowell, Shenandoah, IA 51601-1213 (712) 246-1984 413 Kellogg, Ames, IA 50010-6225 (515) 232-1288 347 East Second Street, Ottomwa, IA 52501-3001 (515) 683-3551 311 North Third Street, Burlington, IA 52601-5311 (319) 753-6415 220 West Salem Avenue, Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 961-0591 Counties: Adams, Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Des Moines, Henry, Jasper, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Page, Poweshiek, Ringgold, Story Taylor, Union, Van Buren, Wapello, Warren, Washington, and Wayne. Population (1990), 555,299. ZIP Codes: 50001, 50005, 50008, 50010-13, 50027-28, 50030, 50044, 50046-47, 50049, 50051-52, 50054-57, 50060-62, 50065, 50067-68, 50074, 50078, 50103-06, 50108, 50112, 50116, 50118-20, 50123-25, 50127, 50133-45, 50147-51, 50153-54, 50157-58, 50160-63, 50165-66, 50168, 50170-72, 50174, 50201, 50207-08, 50210-11, 50213-14, 50219, 50221-22, 50225, 50228-29, 50232, 50234, 50236, 50238-42, 50244, 50247-48, 50251-56, 50258, 50262, 50264, 50268, 50272, 50275, 50278, 50609, 50621, 50637, 50801, 50830-31, 50833, 50835-36, 50839-42, 50844-45, 50848, 50850-52, 50854, 50857, 50859-63, 51601, 51630-32, 51636-38, 51646-47, 51651, 51656, 52201, 52211, 52222, 52231-32, 52247-48, 52250, 52327, 52335, 52353, 52355-56, 52359, 52404, 52501, 52530-31, 52533-38, 52540, 52542-44, 52548-56, 52560-63, 52565-77, 52580-81, 52583-86, 52588, 52590-91, 52593-95, 52601, 52619-21, 52623-27, 52630-32, 52635, 52637-39, 52641, 52644-45, 52647-52, 52654-60 Congressional Directory FOURTH DISTRICT NEAL SMITH, Democrat, of Altoona, IA; born March 23, 1920, at Hedrick, IA; mar-ried Beatrix Havens; two children: Douglas and Sharon; farmer and lives on farm near Altoona, IA; practiced law in Des Moines, IA, graduated Drake University Law School; attended Missouri University College of Liberal Arts and Syracuse University Schools of Public and Business Administration; 4-H Club member and leader for 10 years, farm op-erator since 1937 except for time in armed services and some of the time in college; spent 4 years in World War II, citations include 9 battle stars, Air Medal, 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, and Order of the Purple Heart; elected National President, Young Democratic Clubs of America, 1953—served usual 2-year term, 1953 to 1955; former chairman, Polk County Board of Social Welfare (a nonpaying civic board which distributed several million dol-lars per year to needy families and elder citizens); former assistant county attorney for Polk County, IA; practiced law, Des Moines, IA, 1950-59; member of Disabled Ameri-can Veterans, Masonic Order, and various farm, school, and service organizations; elected to the 86th Congress, November 4, 1958; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2373 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC Administrative Assistant.— Thomas H. Dawson. Appointment Secretary/Office Manager.—Nancy 544 Insurance Exchange Boulevard, Des Moines, IA 5Staff Assistant.—Kay Bolton. 40 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs, IA 51503 Staff Assistant.—Jane Bell. 20515-1504 Simplicio. 0309 (515) (712) 225-4426 284-4634 323-5976 Counties: ADAIR COUNTY; cities and townships of Adair, Bridgewater, Fontanelle, Greenfield, and Orient. AUDUBON COUNTY; cities and townships of Audubon, Brayton, Exira, Gray, and Kimballton. Cass COUNTY; cities and townships of Anita, Atlantic, Cumberland, Griswold, Lewis, Marne, Massena, and Wiota. DALLAS COUNTY; cities and townships of Adel, Bouton, Dallas Center, DeSoto, Dexter, Granger, Linden, Minburn, Perry, Redfield, Van Meter, Waukee, and Woodward. FREMONT COUNTY; cities and townships of Farragut, Hamburg, Imogene, Randolph, Riverton, Sidney, Tabor, and Thurman. GUTHRIE COUNTY; cities and townships of Bagley, Bayard, Casey, Guthrie Center, Jamaica, Menlo, Panora, Stuart, and Yale. HARRISON COUNTY; cities and townships of Dunlap, Little Sioux, Logan, Magnolia, Mo. Valley, Modale, Mondamin, Persia, Pisgah, and Woodbine. MADISON COUNTY; cities and townships of Bevington, Earlham, East Peru, Macksburg, Patterson, St. Charles, Truro, and Winterset. MiLLs COUNTY; cities and townships of Emerson, Glenwood, Hastings, Henderson, Malvern, Pacific Junction, and Silver City. MONTGOMERY COUNTY; cities and townships of Elliot, Grant, Red Oak, Stanton, and Villisca. PoLk COUNTY; cities and townships of Alleman, Altoona, Ankeny, Bondurant, Clive, Des Moines, Elkhart, Grimes, Johnston, Mitchellville, Pleasant Hill, Polk City, Runnells, Sheldahl, Urbandale, West Des Moines, and Windsor Heights. POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY; cities and townships of Avoca, Carson, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Hancock, Macedonia, McClelland, Minden, Neola, Oakland, Treynor, and Underwood, Walnut. SHELBY CouNnTy; cities and townships of Defiance, Earling, Elkhorn, Harlan, Irwin, Kirkman, Panama, Portsmouth, Shelby, Tennant, and Westphalia. Population (1990), 555,276. ZIP Codes: 50002-03, 50007, 50009, 50020-22, 50025-26, 50029, 50032-33, 50035, 50038-39, 50042, 50048, 50061, 50063, 50066, S0069-70, 50072-73, 50076, 50109-11, 50115, 50117, 50128, 50131, 50146, 50149, 50155, 50164, 50167, 50169, 50216, 50218, 50220, 50222, 50226, 50228, 50233, 50237, 50240, 50243, 50250, 50257, $0261, 50263, 50265-66, 50273 74, 50276-717, 50301-06, 50309-17, 50320-22, 50325, 50333, 50393-94, 50837, 50843, 50846-47, 50849, 50853, 50858, 50864, 5144647, 51454, 51501-03, 51510, 51521, 51525-37, 51540-46, 51548-57, 51559-66, 51570-71, 51573-79, 51639-40, 51645, 51648-50, 51652-54 FIFTH DISTRICT FRED GRANDY, Republican, of Sioux City, IA; born June 29, 1948 in Sioux City, IA; attended Sioux City public elementary schools; graduated Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1966; graduated Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1970; aide to Iowa Sixth District Congressman Wiley Mayne, 1970-71; professional enter-tainer, 1971-85; member: St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Sioux City, IA; active in other civic organizations; serves on Ways and Means Committee and Committee on Standards of Official Conduct; married to Catherine Mann, March 28, 1987; one daughter: Monica; two children from previous marriage: Marya and Charles; elected to 100th Congress No-vember 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 103d Congress Office Listings 418 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1505 225-5476 Administrative Assistant.—Craig W. Tufty. Press Secretary.—Charles Robbins. Scheduler.—Nancy Sheppard. Suite 21, 4501 Southern Hills Drive, Sioux City, 1A 51106 (712) 276-5800 14 West 5th Street, Spencer, 1A 51301 ... (712) 262-6480 No. 102, 822 Central Avenue, Ft. Dodge, 1A 50501 (515) 573-2738 Counties: Boone, Buena Vista, Calhoun, Carroll, Cherokee, Clay, Crawford, Dickinson, Emmet, Franklin, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Humboldt, Ida, Kossuth, Lyon, Monona, O’Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Sac, Sioux, Webster, Winnebago, Woodbury, and Wright. Population (1990), 555,457. ZIP Codes: 50006, 50010, 50031, 50034, 50036, 50039-41, 50043, 50050, 50058-59, 50064, 50071, 50075, 50101-02, 50107, 50122, 50126, 50129-30, 50132, 50152, 50156, 50206, 50212, 50217, 50223, 50227, 50230-31, 50235, 50244, 50246, 50249, 50258-59, 50269, 50271, 50420-21, 50423-24, 50427, 50430-32, 50436, 50438-39, 50441, 50446-47, 50449-53, 50465, 50470, 50473, 50475, 50478, 50480, 50483-84, 50501, 50510-11, 50514-25, 50527-33, 50535-36, 50538-46, 50548, 50551-54, 50556-63, 50565-71, 5057383, 50585-88, 50590-95, 50597-99, 50601, 50627, 50633, 50640, 50672, 50680, 51001-12, 51014-20, 51022-31, 51033-41, 51044-63, 51101-11, 51201, 51230-32, 51234-35, 51237-50, 51301, 51330-31, 51333-34, 51338, 51340-47, 51349-51, 51354-55, 51357-58, 51360, 51363-66, 51401, 51430-33, 51436, 51439-45, 51448-55, 51458-63, 51465-67, 51520, 51523, 51527-28, 51558, 51572 114 Congressional Directory KANSAS KANSAS (Population, 1990 census, 2,485,600) SENATORS ROBERT DOLE, Republican, of Russell, KS; born in Russell, KS, July 22, 1923, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doran R. Dole; married Mary Elizabeth Hanford, December 6, 1975; one daughter, Robin, from a previous marriage; graduate of Russell public schools; at-tended University of Kansas, Lawrence; A.B., Washburn Municipal University, Topeka, 1952; LL.B., Washburn, 1952; enlisted, U.S. Army, 1943; served 5% years in World War IT as 10th Mountain Division platoon leader in Italy; twice wounded and twice decorated for “heroic achievement”; discharged with rank of captain, 1948; at age 26, elected to Kansas Legislature, 1951-53; elected four terms as Russell County attorney, 1953-61; elected to U.S. House of Representatives, 1960; reelected 1962, 1964, and 1966; elected to U.S. Senate in 1968; reelected 1974, 1980, 1986, and 1992; elected Senate majority leader, November 1984; elected Senate minority leader, January 3, 1987; reelected November 29, 1988, November 13, 1990, and November 3, 1992; Republican candidate for Vice Presi-dent of the United States, 1976; Republican National Committee chairman, 1971-73; ad-viser, U.S. delegation to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Conference, Rome, Italy, 1975; member, Congressional delegation to survey food crisis in India at re-quest of President Johnson, 1966; Congressional delegation to study Arab refugee prob-lem, Middle East, 1967; past president, Washburn Alumni Association and Kansas County Attorneys Association; past lieutenant governor, Kiwanis; member: State, and American Bar Associations, 4-H Fair Association, B.P.O.E., Masons, Isis Shrine, Chamber of Com-merce, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Disabled American Veterans; National Board of Sponsors of the American Medical Center, Denver, CO; member of the board for National Society of Autistic Children; member, advisory committee of the National Association for Retarded Children; Advisory Council on Scouting for the Handicapped; Board of Directors, Rehabilitation International, U.S.A; advisory commit-tee, Kansas Kiwanis Foundation; Kansas Easter Seal Society; member, American Heart Association; Advisory Board, Center for Strategic and International Studies; chairman of the board, Dole Foundation; member: Finance Committee and Agriculture Committee. Office Listings 141 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1601 ..............ccccceeuee. 224-6521 Administrative Assistant.—Dan Stanley. Deputy Administrative Assistant. —Greg Schnacke. Executive Assistant/Appointment Secretary.— Yvonne Hopkins. Suite 392, 444 Southeast Quincy, Topeka, KS 66603............c.cecererurrurienrenrrereenenes (913) 295-2745 636 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101 .. (913) 371-6108 Fourth Financial Center, 100 North Broadway, Wichita, KS 67202 ................... (316) 263-4956 PO. Box:339, Piisburg, KS06760 .........c.otv i iin isistassisnnmsinsinsiipanssiasisoras (316) 232-2030 State Director.—Dave Spears. NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM, Republican, of Burdick, KS; born in Topeka, KS, July 29, 1932, the daughter of Governor Alfred M. and Theo Landon, 1936 Presidential nominee; attended Topeka public schools; B.A., University of Kansas, 1954; M.A., Uni-versity of Michigan, 1956; former director-vice president, KFH Radio, Wichita, KS; public service activities: Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission; Kansas Committee for the Humanities; chairperson, Women’s Division, United Fund; Maize School Board; presi-dent, Women’s Association, Institute of Logopedics; president, Wichita Young Adults Projects, Senior Services Board; served on Washington staff of Kansas Senator James B. Pearson; patron member of Kansas Press Women’s Association; 4-H Leader; four chil-dren: John, Linda, Richard, and William; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; subsequently appointed by the Governor December 23, 1978, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator James B. Pearson; reelected on November 6, 1984 and again November 6, 1990; member: Foreign Relations Committee; ranking member, Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans, and Environment; Subcommittee on African Affairs; Subcommittee on European Affairs; ranking minority member, Labor and Human Resources; Children, Family, Drugs, and Alcoholism Subcommittee; Education, Arts, and Humanities Subcom- KANSAS 103d Congress 115 mittee; Labor Subcommittee; Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress; Select Committee on Indian Affairs. Office Listings 302 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1602 224-4774 Administrative Assistant.—David Bartel. Press Secretary.—Mike Horak. Executive Assistant.—Ann Shirley. 911 North Main, Garden City, KS 67846 (316) 276-3423 Suite 152, 4200 Somerset, Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 648-3103 State Administrative Assistant.—Mike Harper. Box 51, 444 Southeast Quincy, Topeka, KS 66683 (913) 295-2888 Suite 120, 155 North Market, Wichita, KS, 67202 (316) 296-6251 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT PAT ROBERTS, Republican, of Dodge City, KS; born in Topeka, KS, April 20, 1936; attended the public schools; graduated, Holton High School, 1954; B.A., Kansas State University, Manhattan, 1958; U.S. Marine Corps, 1958-62; publist r, Litchfield Park, AZ, 1962-67; administrative assistant, U.S. Senator Frank Carlson, 1967-68; administrative as-sistant, U.S. Congressman Keith Sebelius, 1968-80; member: Committees on Agriculture (ranking minority member); House Administration; Joint Committee on Printing; married to the former Franki Fann, 1970; three children: David, Ashleigh, and Anne-Wesley; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1126 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1601 225-2715 Administrative Assistant.—D. Leroy Towns. FAX: 225-5375 Executive Assistant.—Merry M. Tobin. Agricultural Assistant.—Tom Hemmer. Press Assistant.—Lisa Gagnon. P.O. Box 550, Dodge City, KS 67801 (316) 227-2244 P.O. Box 1334, Salina, KS 67402 (913) 825-5409 P.O. Box 128, Norton, KS 67654 (913) 877-2454 P.O. Box 1128 Hutchinson, KS 67504 (316) 665-6138 Counties: Barber, Barton, Chase, Cheyenne, Clark, Clay, Cloud, Comanche, Decatur, Dickinson, Edwards, Ellis, Ellsworth, Finney, Ford, Gove, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Haskell, Hodgeman, Jewell, Kearny, Kiowa, Lane, Lincoln, Logan, Lyon, McPherson, Marion (part), Marshall, Meade, Mitchell, Morris, Morton, Ness, Norton, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Pratt, Rawlins, Reno, Republic, Rice, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, Scott, Seward, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Thomas, Trego, Wabaunsee, Wallace, Washington, and Wichita. Population (1990), 619,370. ZIP Codes: 66401, 66403, 6640607, 66411-12, 66423, 66427, 66431, 66433, 66438, 66501, 66507-08, 66518, 66526, 66541, 66544, 66548, 66610, 66801, 66830, 66833-35, 66838, 66840 (part), 66843, 66845-46, 66849-851, 66854, 66858-62, 66864-65, 66866 (part), 66868-69, 66872-73, 66901, 66930-33, 66935-46, 66948-49, 66951-53, 66955-56, 66958-64, 66966-68, 66970, 67015, 67021, 67028-29, 67035, 67053-54, 67057, 67059, 67063, 67065-66, 67070-71, 67073, 67104, 67107-09, 67112, 67117, 67124, 67127, 67134, 67138, 67143, 67155, 67401-02, 67410, 67414, 67416-18, 67420, 67422-23, 67425, 67427-32, 67436-39, 67441-52, 67454-60, 67463-70, 67472-76, 67478-85, 67487-88, 67490-92, 67501-02, 67504-05, 67510-26, 67529-30, 67543-48, 67550, 67552-54, 67556-57, 67559-70, 67572-79, 67581-85, 67601, 67621-23, 67625-32, 67634-54, 6765661, 67663-65, 67667, 67669-76, 67701, 67730-41, 67743-45, 67747-49, 67751-53, 67755-59, 67761-62, 67764, 67801, 67831, 67834-44, 67846, 67849-51, 67853-65, 67867-71, 67874, 6787680, 67882, 67901, 67905, 67950-54 SECOND DISTRICT JIM SLATTERY, Democrat, of Topeka, KS; born August 4, 1948, in community of Good Intent, Atchison County, KS; graduated, Maur Hill High School, 1966; graduated, Washburn University, B.S., political science, 1970; graduated, Washburn University, J.D., 1974; attended Netherlands School of International Economics and Business, 1969-70; real estate and development, Brosius, Slattery & Meyer, Inc.; Kansas House of Represent- 116 Congressional Directory KANSAS atives, 1972-78; chairman of Democratic policy group; speaker pro tem of Kansas House; acting secretary of revenue, 1979; member: Downtown Topeka Rotary; board of direc-tors, Highland Park Bank & Trust, Topeka; former member board of regents, Washburn University; married Linda Smith; two children: Jason and Michael; elected to 98th Con-gress, November 7, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2243 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515­ 1602 225-6601 Administrative Assistant.—Howard P. Bauleke. Executive Assistant.—Rebecca S. Banta-Kuhn. Suite 803, 700 S.W. Jackson, Topeka, KS 66603 (913) 233-2503 Suite C, 1001 North Broadway, P.O. Box 1306, Pittsburg, KS 66762 (316) 231-6040 District Director/Press Secretary.—Jim McLean. Couniies: Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Cherokee, Coffey, Crawford, Doniphan, Douglas (part), Franklin, Geary, Jackson, Jefferson, Labette, Leavenworth, Linn, Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Pottawatomie, Riley, Shawnee, Wilson, and Woodson. Population (1990), 619,391. ZIP Codes: 66002, 66006 (part), 66007-08, 66010, 66014-17, 66020, 66023-24, 66025 (part), 66027, 66032-33, 66035, 66039-43, 66044 (part), 66048, 66050, 66052, 66054, 66056, 66058, 66060, 66066-67, 66070, 66072-73, 66075-80, 66086-88, 66090-91, 66092 (part), 66093-95, 66097, 66401-04, 6640609, 66413-20, 66422, 66424-26, 66428-29, 66431-32, 66434-36, 66439-42, 66449-51, 66502, 66509-10, 66512, 66514-17, 66520-24, 66527-28, 66531-40, 66542-43, 66546-52, 66554, 66601, 66603-12, 66614-19, 66647, 66667, 66675, 66683, 66701, 66710-14, 66716-17, 66720, 66724-25, 66727-28, 66732-36, 66738-43, 66746, 66748-49, 66751, 66753-62, 66767, 66769-73, 66775-83, 66834, 66839, 66849, 66852, 66854, 66856-57, 66870-72, 67330, 67332, 67336-37, 67341-42, 67351, 67354, 67356-57, 67487 THIRD DISTRICT JAN MEYERS, Republican, of Overland Park, KS; born in Lincoln, NE, July 20, 1928; daughter of Howard and Lenore Crilly; attended public schools, Superior, NE; honor graduate with associate in fine arts [A.F.A.], William Woods College, Fulton, MO; B.A., communications, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 1951; honorary Lit.D., Wil-liam Woods College, honorary Doctor of Laws, Baker University (1993); assistant, adver-tising and public relations, radio station KFAB, and retail sales, Lincoln, NE; elected to Kansas Senate, 1972-84; chairman, public health and welfare committee and local govern-ment committee; vice chairman, transportation and utilities committee and reapportion-ment committee; city councilwoman, Overland Park City Council, 1967-72; president, city council, 1970-72; president, League of Kansas Municipalities; chairman, Mid-Amer-ica Regional Council, Kansas City Region; board of directors: National League of Cities, United Community Services of Johnson County, and Johnson County Mental Health As-sociation; member, Johnson County Community College Foundation Board; president, Johnson County League of Women Voters; married to Louis (Dutch) Meyers; two chil-dren: Valerie and Philip; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: House Foreign Affairs Committee; Ranking Republi-can Member; House Small Business Committee; House Vice Chairman, Environmental and Energy Study Conference; at-large member: House Republican Policy Committee. Office Listings 2338 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1603 225-2865 Administrative Assistant.—Brian Gaston. FAX: 225-0554 Personal Secretary/Office Manager.—Bonnie Matles. Federal Building, Suite 204, 812 North 7th Street, Kansas City, KS 66101 (913) 621-0832 "Administrative Assistant.—Michael Murray. Suite 217, 7133 West 95th Street, Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 383-2013 District Representative.—Lori Phillips. 708 West Ninth Street, Lawrence, KS 66044 (913) 842-9313 District Representative.—Ann Wiklund. KANSAS 103d Congress 117 Counties: Douglas (part), Johnson, Miami, and Wyandotte. Population (1990), 619,439. ZIP Codes: 66006 (part), 66012, 66013, 66018-19, 66021, 66025 (part), 66026, 66030-31, 66036, 66044 (part), 66046-47, 66049, 66051, 66053, 66061-64, 66071, 66083, 66085, 66092 (part), 66101-06, 66109-13, 66115, 66117-19, 66160, 66201-27, 66282, 66285 FOURTH DISTRICT DAN GLICKMAN, Democrat, of Wichita, KS; born in Wichita, November 24, 1944; graduated, Southeast High School, 1962; B.A., University of Michigan, 1966; J.D., George Washington University, 1969; admitted to the bar in Kansas, 1969, and in Michi-gan, 1970; commenced practice in Washington, DC; attorney and businessman; trial attor-ney, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1969-70; partner in the law firm of Sar-gent, Klenda & Glickman, 1973-76; served on Wichita School Board, 1973-76 and presi-dent of the Wichita School Board, 1975-76; member: American Bar Association, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Arthritis Foundation, Big Brothers; married to the former Rhoda Yura, 1966; two children: Jonathan and Amy; elected to the 95th Con-gress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2371 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1604 ................... 225-6216 Administrative Assistant/Legislative Counsel. —Marc A. Pearl. FAX: 225-5398 District Director.—Melissa Gregory. Press Secretary.—Jim Petterson. Personal Secretary/Scheduler.—Carole Angle. Suite 134, 401 North Market, Wichita, KS 67201 (316) 262-8396 Counties: Butler, Chautauqua, Cowley, Elk, Greenwood, Harper, Harvey, Kingman, Marion (part), Montgomery, Sedgwick, and Sumner. Population (1990), 619,374. ZIP Codes: 66840 (part), 66842, 66853, 66855, 66860, 66863, 66866 (part), 66870, 67001-05, 67008-10, 67012-13, 67016-20, 67022-26, 67030-32, 67035-39, 67041-42, 67045, 67047, 67049-52, 67055-56, 67058, 67060-62, 67067-68, 67072, 67074, 67101-03, 67105-08, 67110-12, 67114, 67117-20, 67122-23, 67128, 67131-33, 67135, 67137, 67140, 67142, 67144, 67146-47, 67149-52, 67154, 67156, 67159, 67201-20, 67223, 67226-28, 67230-33, 67235-36, 67275, 67277-78, 67301, 67333-35, 67337, 67340, 67344-47, 67349, 67351-53, 67355, 67360-61, 67363-64 Congressional Directory KENTUCKY KENTUCKY (Population, 1990 census, 3,698,969) SENATORS WENDELL H. FORD, Democrat, of Owensboro, KY; born in Daviess County, KY, September 8, 1924; attended public schools of Daviess County, University of Kentucky; served in the U.S. Army, 1944-46, Kentucky National Guard, 1949-62; was a partner in the firm of E.M. Ford and Company Insurance; held the position of chief assistant to the Governor of Kentucky; State senator, 1965-67; Lieutenant Governor, 1967-71; Governor, 1971-74; Senate assistant majority leader, 1991-; president of the Kentucky and National Jaycees; Junior Chamber of Commerce; chairman, National Democratic Governors’ Caucus, 1973-74; member, Democratic National Committee, 1976; member of Carter-Mondale Steering Committee and chairman of National Democratic Campaign Commit-tee, 1976; chairman, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee; recipient of awards from the March of Dimes, Veterans of Foreign Wars, U.S. National Guard Association, American Legion, Boy Scouts of America, National Cancer Society, Kentucky Educa-tional Television, Kentucky Housing Corporation, National Association of Regional Councils, Kentucky Council of Area Development Districts; son of late Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Ford; holds honorary degrees from Universities of Kentucky, Morehead, Eastern Kentucky, Murray State, Kentucky Wesleyan, Spalding University, Union College, and Brescia College; married the former Jean Neel, 1943; two children: Shirley (Mrs. William Dexter) and Steven; five grandchildren; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 5, 1974, for the term ending January 3, 1981; reelected November 4, 1980, for the term ending January 3, 1987; reelected November 4, 1986 for the term ending January 3, 1993; reelect-ed November 3, 1992 for the term ending January 3, 1999; elected Majority Whip on November 13, 1990; reelected November 10, 1992. Office Listings 173A Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1701 224-4343 Administrative Assistant.—James T. Fleming. Executive Assistant.—Martha Moloney. Executive Secretary.—Missy Smith. Press Secretary.—Mark L. Day. Room 1072, 600 Martin Luther King Jr. Place, Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 582-6251 Room 204, 343 Waller Avenue, Lexington, KY 40504 (606) 233-2484 305 Federal Building, Owensboro, KY 42301 (502) 685-5158 19 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse, Covington, KY 41011 (606) 491-7929 MITCH McCONNELL, Republican, of Louisville, KY; born in Colbert County, AL, February 20, 1942; attended public schools in Louisville; graduated Manual High School, Louisville, 1960; president of the student body of the College of Arts and Sciences; B.A. with honors, University of Louisville, 1964, president of the student council; J.D., Uni-versity of Kentucky Law School, 1967, president of student bar association, outstanding oral advocate; attorney, admitted to the Kentucky bar, 1967; chief legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Marlow Cook, 1968-70; Deputy Assistant U.S. Attorney General, 1974-75; elected judge/executive of Jefferson County, KY, 1977, reelected 1981; president, Ken-tucky Association of County Judge/Executives, 1982; named Outstanding Young Man in Jefferson County, KY, 1974; named Outstanding Young Man in Kentucky, 1977; named Conservationist of the Year by the League of Kentucky Sportsmen, 1983; founder and chairman, Kentucky Task Force on Exploited and Missing Children, 1982; cochairman, National Child Tragedies Coalition, 1981; advisory board member, National Institute of Justice, 1982-84; member of the Crescent Hill Baptist Church, Louisville, KY; father of three children: Elly, Claire, and Porter; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 6, 1984, for the term expiring January 3, 1991; reelected November 6, 1990, for the term expiring Jan-vary 3, 1997. KENTUCKY 103d Congress 119 Office Listings 120 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1702 224-2541 Administrative Assistant.—Steven J. Law. FAX: 224-2499 Personal Secretary/Scheduler.—Mary A. Barham. Press Secretary.—Scott Sowry. Room 451, 600 Federal Place, Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 582-6304 State Director.—Larry Cox. Federal Building, Room 307, Covington, KY 41101 (606) 261-6304 Suite N, 1501 South Main Street, London, KY 40740 (606) 864-2026 Irving Cobb Building, 602 Broadway Street, Paducah, KY 42001 (502) 442-4554 155 East Main, Room 210, Lexington, KY 40507 (606) 252-1781 Federal Building, Room 102, 241 Main Street, Bowling Green, KY 42101 (502) 781-1673 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT TOM BARLOW, Democrat, of Paducah, KY; born in Washington, DC, on August 7, 1940; B.A., Haverford College, Haverford, PA, 1962; Assistant Vice-President, Fidelity Bank, Philadelphia, PA, 1960’s; Senior Staff, Natural Resources Defense Council, Wash-ington, D.C., 1970’s; Director of Sales, Central Service Co., Kevin, KY, 1980’s-90’s; United Methodist Church, Barlow, KY: former President, Secretary and Program Chair-man of the Methodist’s Men’s Club, Sunday school teacher and member of the choir; former President, Kentucky Lakes Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society of America; Director and Kiwanian of the Year, 1991, Downtown Kiwanis Club, Paducah, KY; Secretary, Executive Committee, River City Mission, Paducah, KY; Director, Ducks Unlimited, McCracken County; member: Chamber of Commerce, Barlow, KY, Loyal Order of the Moose, Paducah, K.Y., Travelers Protection Association, Paducah, KY, Cross at the Confluence Committee, Ballard County; married to Shirley Jean Barlow, 1988; five children: Allison, 1962, Edward, 1962, Gerri, 1956, Elaine, 1962, and Thomas, 1966; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1533 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1701 225-3115 Administrative Assistant.—Bobby Miller. FAX: 225-2169 Legislative Director.—Roland H. Myers III. Press Secretary.—Russell H. Walker. 1 Executive Boulevard, Paducah, KY 42001 (502) 444-7216 District Director.—Bob Buchanan. FAX: (502) 443-9048 P.O. Box 2052, 222 First Street, Henderson, KY 42420 (502) 831-1834 Field Representative.—Charlene Powell. FAX: (502) 831-1809 1315 South Virginia Street, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 3 y (502) 886-5821 Field Representative.—Tim Havrilek. FAX: (502) 886-5627 P.O. Box 525, 201 North Main Street, Scottsville, KY 42164 (502) 237-4108 Field Representative.—Steve Foster. FAX: (502) 237-4203 P.O. Box 471, 295 South Main Street, Madisonville, KY 42431 (502) 821-3343 Field Representative.—Charlene Powell. FAX: (502) 821-3046 Simpson County Courthouse, Franklin, KY 42134 Counties: Adair (part), Allen, Ballard, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Christian, Clinton, Crittenden, Cumberland, Fulton, Graves, Henderson, Hickman, Hopkins, Livingston, Logan, Lyon, McCracken, McLean, Marshall, Monroe, Muhlenberg, Ohio, Russell, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, Union, and Webster. Population (1990), 614,226. ZIP Codes: 42001-03, 42020-29, 42031-33, 42035-41, 42044-51, 42053-56, 42058-61, 42063-64, 42066, 42069-71, 42076, 42078-79, 42081-88, 42120, 42122, 42129 (part), 42133-35, 42140, 42153, 42155, 42157, 42164, 42167, 42170, 42201-02, 42204, 42206, 42209, 42211, 42215-17, 42219-21, 42223, 42232, 42234, 42236, 42240-41, 42251-52, 42254, 42256, 42261-62, 42265-68, 42273-76, 42280, 42283, 42286-88, 42320-28, 42330, 42332-33, 42337-39, 42343-45, 42347, 42349-50, 42352, 42354, 42357-58, 42361, 42365-67, 42369-72, 42374, 42376, 42378, 42403-04, 42406, 42408-11, 42413, 42420, 42431, 42436-37, 42440-42, 42444-45, 42450-53, 42455-64, 42565, 42601-02, 42629, 42642, 42711, 42714-15, 42717, 42723 (part), 42728 (part), 42730, 42731 (part), 42735, 42741, 42742 (part), 42752-53, 42759, 42761, 42768 120 Congressional Directory KENTUCKY SECOND DISTRICT WILLIAM H. NATCHER, Democrat, of Bowling Green, Warren County, KY; born in Bowling Green on September 11, 1909; educated in the public schools of Bowling Green and high school at Ogden Preparatory Department; A.B., Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green; LL.B., Ohio State University; married Miss Virginia Reardon, of Bowling Green, KY, on June 17, 1937; two daughters: Celeste Jirles and Louise Murphy; practicing attorney, Bowling Green, since March 18, 1934; Federal Conciliation Commissioner, 1936-37, for Western District of Kentucky; elected county attorney of Warren County, 1937, and served three 4-year terms; elected Commonwealth attorney of the Eighth Judicial District, composed of Allen and Warren Counties, in 1951 and served until August 15, 1953, having been elected to Congress; sworn in as a Member of Con-gress on January 6, 1954, and never missed a day or a vote since being sworn in as a Member; Baptist; past president of the Young Democratic Clubs of Kentucky; during World War II served in the U.S. Navy from October 1942 to December 1945; elected to the 83d Congress on August 1, 1953; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Committee on Appropriations; home address, 638 East Main, Bowling Green, KY; dis-trict office: 414 East 10th Street. Office Listings 2333 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1702 225-3501 Staff Assistants: Diane Rihely; Nancy A. Garrett. 414 East Tenth Street, Bowling Green, KY 42101 .... (502) 842-7376 Staff Assistant.—Paula Stevenson. Suite No. 4, 312 North Mulberry Street, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 (502) 765-4360 Staff Assistant.—Kathryn C. Poyner. : Counties: Adair (part), Barren, Breckinridge, Bullitt, Casey, Daviess, Edmonson, Grayson, Green, Hancock, Hardin, Hart, Jefferson (part), Larue, Lincoln (part), Marion, Meade, Metcalfe, Nelson, Spencer, Taylor, Warren, and Washington. Population (1990), 614,833. ZIP Codes: 40004, 40008-09, 4001213, 40020, 40023, 40028, 40033, 40037, 40040, 40046-48, 40051-52, 40060, 4006263, 40069, 40071, 40076, 40078, 40104, 40106-11, 40114-15, 40117, 40118 (part), 40119, 40121, 40140, 40142-46, 40150, 40152-53, 40155, 40157, 40159-62, 40164-65, 40170-71, 40175-78, 40214 (part), 40219 (part), 40223 (part), 40228 (part), 40229, 40243 (part), 40245 (part), 40253, 40269, 40272 (part), 40291 (part), 40299 (part), 40328, 40330, 40437 (part), 40442, 40448, 40484 (part), 40489 (part), 42101-04, 42122-24, 42127-28, 42129 (part), 42130-31, 42141-42, 42151-52, 42154, 42156, 42159-60, 42163, 42166, 42169-71, 42207, 42210, 42214, 42235, 42250, 42257, 42259, 42270, 42274-75, 42284-85, 42301-03, 42334, 42348, 42351, 42355-56, 42361, 42366, 42368, 42375-76, 42378, 42516, 42528, 42539, 42541, 42566, 42567 (part), 42701-02, 42712-13, 42716, 42718-19, 42721-22, 42723 (part), 42724, 42726, 42728 (part), 42729, 42731 (part), 42732-33, 42736, 42740, 42742 (part), 42743, 42746, 42748-49, 42754-55, 42757- 58, 42762, 42764-65, 42776, 42782-84, 42787-88 THIRD DISTRICT ROMANO L. MAZZOLI, Democrat, of Louisville, KY; born in Louisville, Jefferson County, KY, November 2, 1932; education at St. Xavier High School, Louisville, KY; University of Notre Dame, B.S. in business administration (magna cum laude), 1954; Uni-versity of Louisville Law School, J.D., 1960; U.S. Army, 1954-56; admitted to the Ken-tucky bar, 1960; Louisville and Nashville Railroad Co. Law Department, 1960-62; private practice of law, 1962-70; lecturer in business law, Bellarmine College, Louisville, 1963-67; elected to Kentucky State Senate, November 1967; named Outstanding Freshman Senator, 1968 session; named Best Senator from the Public Standpoint, 1970 session; member: Louisville, Kentucky State, and American Bar Associations; Notre Dame Club of Kentucky; Notre Dame Club of Washington; married the former Helen Dillon, 1959; two children: Michael and Andrea; elected to 92d Congress November 3, 1970; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: House Committee on Judiciary; House Committee on Small Business; Regional Whip, Zone 11. KENTUCKY 103d Congress 121 Office Listings 2246 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1703 225-5401 Staff Director.—Jane Kirby. Personal Secretary.—Reneé Benjamin. Legislative Assistant.—Michael Long. Room 216, Federal Building, 600 Martin Luther King, Jr. Place, Louisville, KY 40202-2267 (502) 582-5129 Chief of Staff. —Charles Mattingly. County: JEFFERSON (part); city of Louisville. Population (1990), 613,603. ZIP Codes: 40018, 40025, 40027, 40059 (part), 40118 (part), 40201-13, 40214 (part), 40215-18, 40219 (part), 40220, 40222, 40223 (part), 40224, 40228 (part), 40231-33, 40241-42, 40243 (part), 40245 (part), 40250-52, 40255-59, 40261, 40268, 40270, 40272 (part), 40280, 40291 (part), 40299 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT JIM BUNNING, Republican, of Southgate, KY; born in Southgate, KY, October 23, 1931; attended St. Thiresa School, Southgate; graduated, St. Xavier High School, Cincin-nati, OH, 1949; B.S., Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, 1953; professional baseball player; investment broker and agent; president, Jim Bunning Agency, Inc.; member of Kentucky State Senate (minority floor leader), 1979-83; member: Ft. Thomas City Coun-cil, 1977-79; appointed member, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Regional Council of Gov-ernments, Cincinnati, OH; National Committeeman, Republican National Committee, 1983-92; appointed member, President’s National Advisory Board on International Edu-cation Programs, 1984-88; member: board of directors of Kentucky Special Olympics, Ft. Thomas (KY) Lions Club, Brighton Street Center Community Action Group; married to the former Mary Catherine Theis, 1952; nine children: Barbara, Jim and Joan, Cathy, Bill and Bridgett, Mark, David and Amy; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2437 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1704 225-3465 Administrative Assistant.—David A. York. Legislative Director.—Mary Anne Gee. Office Manager/Executive Secretary.—Joan L. Manning. Suite 160, 1717 Dixie Highway, Fort Wright, KY 41011 (606) 342-2602 District Administrator.—Debbie McKinney. Suite 236, Federal Building, 1405 Greenup Avenue, Ashland, KY 41101 (606) 325-9898 Suite 219, 704 W Jefferson St., La Grange, KY 40031 (502) 222-2188 Counties: Boone, Boyd, Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Elliott, Fleming, Gallatin, Grant, Greenup, Henry, Kewton, Lawrence (part), Lewis, Mason, Nicholas (part), Oldham, Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, Rowan, Shelby, and Trimble. Population (1990), 614,245. ZIP Codes: 40003, 40006-07, 40010-11, 40014, 40019, 40022, 40026, 40031, 40036, 40045, 40050, 40055-58, 40059 (part), 40065-68, 40070, 40075-77, 40245 (part), 40311 (part), 40313, 40317, 40319, 40327, 40351, 40355, 40359, 40363, 40379 (part), 40389, 41001-02, 41004-12, 41014-18, 41022, 41030, 41033-35, 41037, 41039-46, 41048-49, 41051-53, 41055-56, 41059, 41061-64, 41071-76, 41080, 41083, 41085-86, 41091-98, 41101-02, 41105, 41121, 41124, 41127-29, 41131-32, 41135, 41137, 41139, 41141-44, 41146, 41149, 41156, 41159 (part), 41160, 41163-64, 41166, 41168-71, 41173-75, 41177, 41179-81, 41183, 41189, 41230 (part), 41631, 42133 FIFTH DISTRICT HAROLD ROGERS, Republican, of Somerset, KY; born in Barrier, KY, December 31, 1937; attended Ramsey and Monticello public schools; graduated, Wayne County High School, 1955; attended Western Kentucky University, 1956-57; A.B., University of 122 Congressional Directory KENTUCKY Kentucky, 1962; LL.B., University of Kentucky Law School, 1964; lawyer; admitted to the Kentucky State bar, 1964; commenced practice in Somerset; member, North Carolina and Kentucky National Guard, 1957-64; associate, Smith & Blackburn, 1964-67; private practice, 1967-69; Commonwealth Attorney, Pulaski and Rockcastle Counties, KY, 1969-80; delegate, Republican National Convention, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, and 1988; Republi-can nominee for Lt. Governor, KY, 1979; past president, Kentucky Commonwealth At-torney’s Association; member and past president, Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce and Pulaski County Industrial Foundation; founder, Southern Kentucky Eco-nomic Development Council, 1986; member, Chowder and Marching Society, 1981-present; member, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 1981-82; member, House Appropriations Committee, 1983-present; married to the former Shirley McDowell, 1957; three children: Anthony, Allison, and John Marshall; elected to the 97th Congress, No-vember 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2468 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1705 225-4601 Administrative Assistant.—Kevin Fromer. FAX: 225-0940 Legislative Director.—Irene Schindler. Office Manager.—Julia Casey. Press Secretary.—Tony Williams. 203 East Mount Vernon Street, Somerest, KY 42501 (606) 679-8346 District Administrator.—Robert L. Mitchell. i (606) 439-0794 (606) 432-4388 Counties: Bell, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Knox, Laurel, Lawrence (part), Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, McCreary, Menifee, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Wayne, Whit- ley, and Wolfe. Population (1990), 614,119. ZIP Codes: 40316, 40322, 40336, 40341, 40345-46, 40365, 40387, 40402-03, 40409, 40417, 40419 (part), 40420, 40434, 40445, 40447, 40456, 40460, 40481, 40486, 40488, 40492, 40701-02, 40729-30, 40734, 40737, 40740-43, 40745, 40754 SS, 40759, 40763, 40769, 40771, 40801, 40803, 40806-08, 40810, 40813, 40815-16, 40818-20, 40823, 40825-31, 40840, 40843-47, 40849, 40854-56, 40858, 40861 63, 40865, 40867-68, 40870, 40873-74, 40902-03, 40906, 40913-15, 40921, 40923, 40927, 40930, 40932, 40935, 40939-41, 40943-44, 40946, 40949, 40953, 40955, 40958, 40962, 40964-65, 40972, 40977, 40979, 40982-83, 40988, 40995, 40997, 40999, 41159 (part), 41201, 41203-04, 41214-16, 41219, 41222, 41224, 41226, 41228, 41230 (part), 41231-32, 41234, 41237-38, 41240, 41250, 41254-58, 41260, 41262-69, 41271, 41274, 41301, 41306, 41310-11, 41314-15, 41317, 41321, 41327-28, 41331-33, 41338-40, 41342-44, 41346, 41348, 41351, 41357-58, 41360, 41363-70, 41377, 41385-86, 41390, 41396-97, 41406-09, 41412-13, 41419, 41421-22, 41425-26, 41441, 41443, 41451, 41457, 41464-66, 41472, 41474, 41477, 41501-03, 41512-14, 41517-20, 41522, 41524, 41527-29, 41531, 41534-40, 41542-49, 41551, 41553-55, 41557--72, 41574, 41601-07, 41612, 41614-16, 41619, 41621-22, 41626-27, 41629-33, 41635-37, 41639-40, 41642-43, 41645, 41647, 41649-51, 41653, 41655, 41659-60, 41663, 41666-69, 41701-02, 41712-14, 41719-23, 41725, 41727-33, 41735-36, 41739-40, 41743, 41745-46, 41749, 41751, 41754, 41756, 41759-60, 41762-66, 41771-78, 41801, 41804-05, 41810-12, 41815, 41817, 41819, 41821-26, 41828-29, 41831-40, 41843-45, 41847-49, 41855, 41858-59, 41861-62, 42501-02, 42518-19, 42532-33, 42536, 42544, 42553, 42558, 42564, 42567 (part), 42603, 42607, 42611, 42613, 42631, 42633-35, 42638, 42640, 42643, 42647, 42649, 42653, 42655 SIXTH DISTRICT SCOTTY BAESLER, Democrat, of Lexington, KY; born in Athens, KY on July 9, 1941; B.S. University of Kentucky, Lexington, 1963; captain, University of Kentucky Bas-ketball Team, 1963; J.D., University of Kentucky College of Law, 1966; served in the U.S. Army Reserves as Staff Sergeant, 1966-72; attorney; elected Vice-Mayor, Lexing-ton, KY, 1974-77, District Judge, Fayette County, 1978-81, and Mayor, Lexington, KY, 1982-92; member, National League of Cities; member, U.S. Conference of Mayors; member, Kentucky League of Cities; awards: Preservation Award (Historic Commission), 1984, Greek Hellenic Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews Brotherhood Award, Carl D. Perkins Memorial Award, 1986, William Booth D.C.L. Award (Salva-tion Army), 1986, Distinguished Member, Kentucky Academy of Science, 1988, Henry T. Duncan Memorial Award (Fayette County Bar Association), 1988, Governor’s Arts Award, 1989, Better Life Award, Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities, 1989, Citizen Planner of the Year, 1990; married to Alice Dudley Woods Baesler, 1963; two children: Scott, 1967, and Ashley, 1970; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress. KENTUCKY 103d Congress 123 Office Listings 508 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1706 225-4706 Chief of Staff.—Chuck Atkins. Legislative Director.—Cheryl Brownell. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Sharyn Alexander. Suite 103, 444 East Main Street, Lexington, KY 40507 (606) 253-1124 District Office Manager.—Bob Wiseman. Room 104, Franklin County Courthouse, Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 875-1512 Caseworker.—Phyllis Highley. Counties: Anderson, Bath, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Estill, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Lincoln (part), Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Nicholas (part), Powell, Scott, and Woodford. Population (1990), 614,270. ZIP Codes: 40306, 40310, 40311 (part), 40312, 40324, 40330, 40334, 40336-37, 40339-40, 40342, 40346-48, 40350, 40353, 40356-58, 40360-62, 40366, 40370-72, 40374, 40376, 40379 (part), 40380, 40383, 40385, 40390-92, 40403, 40410, 40415, 40419 (part), 40422-23, 40426, 40437 (part), 40440, 40444, 40452, 40461, 40464, 40468, 40471-72, 40475-76, 40484 (part), 40489 (part), 40501-05, 4050717, 40522-24, 40533, 40544, 40555, 40574-96, 40601-04, 41003, 41031, 42567 (part) 124 Congressional Directory LOUISIANA LOUISIANA (Population, 1990 census, 4,238,216) SENATORS J. BENNETT JOHNSTON, Democrat, of Shreveport, LA; born in Shreveport, LA, June 10, 1932; attended public schools, Washington and Lee University, U.S. Military Academy, Louisiana State University Law School, 1956, LL.B.; 1st lieutenant, U.S. Army, 1956-59; State house of representatives, 1964-68; State senate, 1968-72; attorney; married Mary Gunn of Natchitoches; four children: Bennett, Hunter, Mary, and Sally; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1972; reelected November 7, 1978 and Novem-ber 6, 1984; chairman, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 1975-77; member, Committee on Appropriations; chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Develop-ment; chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; member, Committee on the Budget; member, Committee on Aging; member, Select Committee on Intelligence. Office Listings 136 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1802 ...........cccccecvueuenne. 224-5824 Administrative Assistant.—John Lynn. Legislative Director.—Laura Hudson. Executive Assistant.—Patsy J. Guyer. Press Secretary.—Scott Trahan. Hale Boggs Federal Building, Room 1010, 501 “Mogazing Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 589-2427 Joe D. Waggonner, Jr. Federal Building, Suite 7A12, 500 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 71101-3086 (318) 676-3085 Suite 1510, One American Place, Baton Rouge, LA 70825 (504) 389-0395 * x os JOHN BREAUX, Democrat, of Crowley, LA; born in Crowley on March 1, 1944; graduated, St. Michael’s High School, Crowley, 1961; B.A., University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, 1965; J.D., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1967; law partner, Brown, McKernan, Ingram & Breaux, 1967-68; legislative assistant to Congress-man Edwin W. Edwards, 1968-69; district assistant to Congressman Edwards, 1969-72; member: Louisiana Bar Association and Acadia Parish Bar Association; board of direc-tors, International Rice Festival Association; member: Crowley Jaycees; Crowley Cham-ber of Commerce; Pi Lambda Beta, prelaw fraternity; Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity; Lambda Chi Alpha, social fraternity; Student Bar Association, L.S.U.; U.S.L. tennis team; Moot Court finalist, L.S.U., 1966; winner, American Legion Award; married to the former Lois Gail Daigle, 1964; four children: John, Jr., William Lloyd, Elizabeth Andre, and Julia; elected to the 92d Congress in special election, September 30, 1972; reelected to the seven succeeding Congresses; chairman, Subcommittee on the Conservation of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Environment, 1979-86; elected to U.S. Senate November 4, 1986; chairman, Subcommittee on Merchant Marine; chairman, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 1989-90; member, chairman, Democratic Leadership Council (1991-), elected Chief Deputy Whip, 103d Congress, reelected to second Senate term No-vember 3, 1992; Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; member, Com-mittee on Finance; member, Special Committee on Aging. Office Listings 516 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1803 .............c.ccvueunene 224-4623 Chief of Staff. —David M. Strauss. Legislative Director.—Marcia A. Jones. Executive Assistant.—Susie Owens. Press Secretary.—Betty Phelan. Federal Building, Room 103, 705 Jefferson Street, Lafayette, LA 70501............ (318) 264-6871 One American Place, Suite 2030, Baton Rouge, LA 70825 (504) 382-2050 Room 102-A, 211 North Third Street, Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 325-3320 Hale Boggs Federal Building, Suite 1005, 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 589-2531 LOUISIANA 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT BOB LIVINGSTON, Republican, of Metairie, LA; born in Colorado Springs, CO, April 30, 1943; graduated, St. Martin’s High School, New Orleans, 1960; B.A., econom-ics, Tulane University, 1967; J.D., Tulane University Law School, 1968; admitted to the Louisiana bar, 1968; commenced practice in New Orleans; practiced law as a trial attor-ney in the law firm of Livingston & Powers; served in the U.S. Navy, 1961-63; graduate, Loyola Institute of Politics, 1973; Assistant U.S. attorney, deputy chief, Criminal Divi-sion, 1970-73; received special achievement award as “Outstanding Assistant U.S. Attor-ney,” 1973: chief special prosecutor and chief, Armed Robbery Division, Orleans Parish district attorney’s office, 1974-75; chief prosecutor, organized crime unit, Louisiana attor-ney general’s office, 1975-76; member, various business, civic, veterans, and bar associa-tions; married to the former Bonnie Robichaux, 1965; four children: Robert L., III, Rich-ard Godwin, David Barkley, and SuShan Alida; elected to the 95th Congress, August 27, 1977, in a special election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Richard A. Tonry; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Appropriations Committee. Office Listings 2368 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1801 225-3015 Administrative Assistant.—J. Allen Martin. FAX: 225-0739 Legislative Assistant.—Paul Cambon. Executive Secretary.—Jane Graham. 111 Veterans Boulevard, Metairie, LA 70005 . (504) 589-2753 District Representative.—Rick Legendre. 2055 Second Street, Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 643-7733 3101 East Causeway Approach, Mandeville, LA 70448 (504) 626-3144 428 East Boston Street, Convington, LA 70433 % (504) 892-7304 300 East Thomas Street, Hammond, LA 70401 (504) 542-9617 Parishes: St. Tammany Parish, Jefferson Parish (part), Orleans Parish (part), ashing Parish, Livingston Parish (part), Tangipahoa Parish (part), and St. Helena Parish (part). Population (1990), 602,8 ZIP Codes: 70001 (part), 70002, 70003 (part), 70004-06, 70009-11, 70033, 70055, 70058 (part), 70059, 70062 (part), 70064, 70065 (part), 70072 (part), 70094 (part), 70115 (part), 70118 (part), 70119 (part) 70121 (part), 70122 (part), 70123 (part), 70124, 70181, 70183-84, 70401 (part), 70403 (part), 70404, 70420, 70422 (part), 70426-27, 70429, 70431, 70433-34, 70437-38, 70442, 70443 (part), 70444 (part), 70445-52, 70454-55, Tons 6 70469-70, 70711, 70726 (part), 70733, 70744, 70754 SECOND DISTRICT WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON, Democrat, of New Orleans, LA; born in Lake Provi-dence, LA, March 14, 1947; attended East Carroll Parish Training School, Lake Provi-dence, LA; graduated, G.W. Griffin High School in Lake Providence, LA, 1965; B.A., political science and English, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA, 1969; J.D., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1972; admitted to the bar, New Orle-ans, LA, 1972; attorney, Jefferson, Bryan, Jupiter, Lewis & Blanson, New Orleans, LA; first lieutenant, U.S. Army, J.A.G. Corps, 1975; member, board of trustees, Greater St. Stephen Baptist Church; Urban League of Greater New Orleans; Southern University Foundation Board; elected to the Louisiana State Senate, March, 1990-January 2, 1991; married to the former Andrea Green, 1970; five children: Jamila E., 1972; Jalila E., 1975; Jelani F., 1979; Nailah A., 1981; and Akilaha, 1984; elected to the 102d Congress; reelect- ed November 3, 1992. Office Listings 428 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1802 225-6636 Administrative Assistant.—Lionel Collins. FAX: 225-1988 Executive Secretary/Scheduler.—Kristin Spoerl. Communications Director.—Jean LaPlace. 1012 Boggs Federal Building, 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70120... (504) 589-2274 District Office Manager.—Stephanie Edwards. 126 Congressional Directory LOUISIANA Parish: New Orleans Parish (part). Population (1990), 602,689. ZIP Codes: 70001 (part), 70003 (part), 70053-54, 70056 (part), 70058 (part), 70062 (part), 70063, 70065 (part), 70067 (part), 70072 (part), 70073, 70094 (part), 70096, 70112-14, 70115 (part), 70116-17, 70118 (part), 70119 (part), 70121 (part), 70122 (part), 70123 (part), 70125-31, 70139, 70141, 70150-4, 7015658, 70160-61, 70163, 70165, 70170, 70172, 70174-79, 70182, 70185-87, 70189-90 THIRD DISTRICT W.J. (BILLY) TAUZIN, Democrat, of Thibodaux, LA; born in Chackbay, LA, June 14, 1943; graduated, Thibodaux High School, 1961; B.A, history, prelaw, Nicholls State University, 1964; honor student, Hall of Fame graduate, student body president, 1962-64; J.D., Louisiana State University, 1967, while serving 4 years in Louisiana State Senate, legislative aide; lawyer; admitted to the Louisiana State bar, 1968; commenced practice in Houma, LA; law partner, Marcel, Marcel, Fanguy & Tauzin, 1968-72; private practice, 1972; partner, Sonnier & Tauzin, 1976; five children: Kristie René, W.J. (Billy) III, John Ashton, Thomas Nicholas, and Michael James; elected to the 96th Congress, May 22, 1980, in a special election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of David C. Treen; reelected to the 97th Congress, September 13, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; Freshman Representative, Democratic Steering and Policy Committee; member: Energy and Commerce and Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committees; Demo-cratic Steering and Policy Committee. Office Listings 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1803................... (202) 225-4031 Administrative Assistant.—Ellen Hollis. 1041 Hale Boggs Building, 501 Magazine, New Orleans, LA 70130.................... (504) 589-6366 District Coordinator.—Peggy Bourgeois. Federal Building, Suite 107, Houma, LA 70360 (504) 876-3033 District Representative.—Patrick Bell. 210 East Main Street, New Iberia, LA 70560 (318) 367-8231 District Representative.—Jan Viator. Ascension Parish Courthouse East, 828 South Irma Boulevard, Gonzales, LA 70737 : (504) 621-8490 District Representative.—Ina Smiley. Parishes: Assumption, Iberia, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Mary, and Terrebonne. JEFFERSON PARISH: That part not contained in the First District and the Second District. Ascension, St. James, St. John the Baptist, Iberville (Precinct 4 only). ST. MARTIN PARISH: District 1 (precincts 2 and 5). Population (1990), 602,950. ZIP Codes: 70030-32, 7003641, 70043-44, 7004647, 70049-52, 70056 (part), 70057, 70058 (part), 70066, 70067 (part), 70068-71, 70075-76, 70078-80, 70082-87, 70090-92, 70301-02, 70339-46, 70352-61, 70363-64, 70372-75, 70377, 70380-81, 70390-95, 70397, 70421, 70513-14, 70518 (part), 70522-23, 70538, 70540, 70544, 70552, 70560, 70562, 70569, 70582 (part), 70707, 70716, 70718, 70723, 70725, 70728, 70734 (part), 70737 (part), 70738, 70743, 70763, 70769 (part), 70774, 70778, 70788 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT CLEO FIELDS, Democrat, of Baton Rouge, LA; born, November 22, 1962 in Baton Rouge, LA; B.A., J.D. Southern University, Baton Rouge, 1984, 1987; attorney; chair-man, College Students for the state-wide Voter Registration/Education March; founder and executive director, Young Adults for Positive Action; Junior Deacon, Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church; Louisiana State Senate, 1986-92; married to Debra Horton; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. LOUISIANA 103d Congress 127 Office Listings 513 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1804 225-8490 Administrative Assistant.—Sandi Jackson. FAX: 225-8039 Press Secretary.—Cynthia Nickerson. 700 North 10th Street, Baton, Rouge 70802 (504) 343-9773 District Manager.—Johnny Anderson. 610 Texas Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 221-9924 Parishes: Ascension (part), Avoyelles (part), Bossier (part), Caddo (part), Claiborne (part), Concordia (part), East Baton Rouge (part), East Carroll, East Feliciana, Iberville (part), Lafayette (part), Lincoln (part), Livington (part), Madison (part), Morehouse (part), Ouachita (part), Pointe Coupee (part), Rapides (part), St. Helena (part), St. Laundry (part), St. Martin (part), Tangipahoa (part), Tensas, Union (part), Webster (part), West Baton Rouge (part), West Carroll (part) and West Feliciana. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Alexandria, Amite, Angola, Baker, Bastrop, Batchelor, Baton Rouge, Belcher, Benton, Bernice, Bonita, Bossier City, Brusly, Bunkie, Carville, Chen-eyville, Clayton, Clinton, Collinston, Ctn. Valley, Denham Springs, Dubach, Echo, Ethel, Evergreen, Ferriday, Ganzales, Grambling, Grand Coteau, Greensburg, Greenwell Sprgs, Geismar, Gilliam, Hammond, Haynesville, Homer, Hosston, Independence, Innis, Jackson, Jones, Kentwood, Lafayette, Lebeau, Lecompte, Leonville, Letts-worth, Lisbon, Lk. Providence, Marion, Mer Rouge, Mooringsport, Monroe, Monterey, Morganza, Morrow, Newellton, New Roads, Norwood, Oak Ridge, Opelousas, Palmetto, Plaquemine, Pl. Dealing, Pine Grove, Port Allen, Prairieville, Pride, Rosa, Roseland, Ruston, Sarepta, Scott, Shreveport, Simmesport, Slaughter, Sondheimer, Spearsville, Springhill, St. Francisville, St. Gabriel, St. Joseph, St. Martinville, Summerfield, Tallulah, Transylva-ga, ig Vidalia, Wakefield, Walker, Washington, Watson, Weyanoke, White Castle, Wilson, Waterproof, and ZIP Codes: 70401 (part), 70403 (part), 70422 (part), 70436, 70441, 70443 (part), 70444 (part), 70453, 70456, 70501 (part), 70502, 70506 (part), 70509, 70541, 70551, 70570 (part), 70571, 70582 (part), 70583 (part), 70589, 70598, 70712, 70714 (part), 70715, 70719 (part), 70721-22, 70726 (part), 70727, 70730, 70734 (part), 70737 (part), 70739 (part), 7074748, 70753, 70759-61, 70764 (part), 70767 (part), 70769 (part), 70770 (part), 70775-77, 70782, 70784, 70785 (part), 70786- 87, 70788 (part), 70789, 70791 (part), 70801, 70802 (part), 70803-05, 70806 (part), 70807, 70808 (part), 70809 (part), 70810 (part), 70811 (part), 70812, 70814 (part), 70815 (part), 70820 (part), 70821, 70874, 70884, 70892-94, 71004, 71006 (part), 71018 (part), 71029, 71038, 71040 (part), 71043 (part), 71048, 71060 (part), 71064 (part), 71071, 71075 (part), 71079, 71101 (part), 71103, 71104 (part), 71106 (part), 71107 (part), 71108 (part), 71109 (part), 71111 (part), 71120, 71130, 71133, 71151, 71153-54, 71156, 7116166, 71201 (part), 71202 (part), 71203 (part), 71220 (part), 71221, 71222 (part), 71223, 71229, 71235 (part), 71245, 71250, 71254, 71260-61, 71264 (part), 71270 (part), 71273, 71276-77, 71282 (part), 71286, 71301 (part), 71302 (part), 71322 (part), 71325, 71326, 71330, 71333, 71334 (part), 71345-46, 71354, 71356-58, 71364, 71366, 71369 (part), 71373 (part), 71375 FIFTH DISTRICT JIM McCRERY, Republican, of Shreveport, LA; born in Shreveport, Caddo Parish, LA, September 18, 1949; attended, Leesville Elementary, LA, 1955-58, and Pine Shad-ows Elementary, Houston, TX, 1958-61; graduated Leesville Jr. and Sr. High, LA, 1967; B.A., Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, 1971; J.D., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1975; attorney; admitted to the Louisiana bar, 1975; commenced practice in Lees-ville, LA; private law practice, Jackson, Smith and Ford, Leesville, 1975-78; assistant city attorney, Shreveport, LA, 1979-80; district manager, U.S. Representative Buddy Roemer, 1981-82; legislative director, U.S. Representative Buddy Roemer, 1982-84; board of directors, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, 1986-87; chairman, Regulatory Affairs Committee, Louisiana Forestry Association, 1987; regional manager for Government Affairs, Georgia-Pacific Corp, 1984-88; elected by special election to the 100th Congress, April 16, 1988, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Charles E. (Buddy) Roemer; reelected to each succeeding Congress. : Office Listings 225 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1805 225-2777 Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Grace Wiegers. FAX: 225-8039 6425 Youree Drive, Sheeveport, LA 71105.. (318) 798-2254 Western District Manager.—Richard Hunt. 2400 Forsythe, Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 388-6105 Eastern District Manager.—Lee Fletcher. Parishes: Bienville, Bossier (part), Caddo (part), Claiborne (part), DeSoto, Franklin, Jackson, Lincoln (part), Madison (part), Morehouse (part), Natchitoches, Ouachita (part), Red River, Richland, Union (part), Webster (part), West Carroll (part). and Winn (part). Population (1990), 602,816. 128 Congressional Directory LOUISIANA ZIP Codes: 71001-03, 71006 (part), 71007-09, 71014, 71016, 71018 (part), 71019-21, 71023-25, 71027-28, 71030-34, 71036-37, 71039, 71040 (part), 71043 (part), 71044-47, 71049-52, 71055, 71058-59, 71060 (part), 71061, 71063, 71064 (part), 71066-70, 71072-73, 71075 (part), 71078, 71080, 71082, 71101 (part), 71104 (part), 71105, 71106 (part), 71107 (part), 71108 (part), 71109 (part), 71110, 71111 (part), 71112-13, 71115, 71118-19, 71129, 71134-39, 71148-49, 71152, 71171-72, 71201 (part), 71202 (part), 71203 (part), 71207-08, 71210-11, 71213, 71218-19, 71220 (part), 71222 (part), 71225-27, 71230, 71232-33, 71234 (part), 71235 (part), 71237-43, 71247, 71249, 71251, 71253, 71256, 71259, 71263, 71264 (part), 71266, 71268-69, 71270 (part), 71275, 71279-81, 71282 (part), 71284, 71291-92, 71294-95, 71324, 71336, 71378, 71404 (part), 71410-12, 71414, 71416, 71419 (part), 71420-21, 71422 (part), 71427 (part), 71428, 71434, 71436, 71447 (part), 71450 (part), 71452, 71456-58, 71468-69, 71471, 71483 (part), 71497 SIXTH DISTRICT RICHARD H. BAKER, Republican, from Baton Rouge, LA; born in New Orleans, LA on May 22, 1948; attended Southdowns Elementary School: graduated, University High School; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA; real estate broker; elected to Louisiana House of Representatives, 1972-86; chairman, Committee on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works, 1980-86; member: Southern Legislative Conference, ALEC, Central Area Homebuilders, East Baton Rouge Airport Commission, Baton Rouge Lodge No. 372 Central Region Planning Commission; married to the former Kay Carpenter, 1969; two children: Brandon and Julie; elected to the 100th Congress on No-vember 4, 1986; reelected November 8, 1988; reelected November 6, 1990; reelected No-vember 3, 1992; member of Natural Resources, Small Business Committee and Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committees, 103d Congress. Office Listings 434 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1806....................... 225-3901 Legislative Director.—Duane Duncan. FAX: 225-7313 Scheduler.—Lynn Kirk. Suite 104, 5757 Corporate Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.................c......... (504) 929-7711 Administrative Assistant.— Tim Carpenter. 3406 Rosalino Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 445-5504 100 East Texas Street, Leesville, LA 71446 (318) 238-5443 Parishes: Avoyelles (part), Caldwell, Catahoula, Concordia (part), East Baton Rouge, Evangeline (part), Grant, Iberville (part), Lasalle, Livingston (part), Pointe Coupee (part), Rapides (part), Sabine, St. Landry (part), Vernon, West Baton Rouge (part), Winn (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Addis, Aimwell, Alexandria, Anococo, Baker, Ball, Baton Rouge, Belmont, Bentley, Big Bend, Bordelonville, Boyce, Brusly, Bueche, Bunkie, Calvin, Center Point, Cheneyville, Clarks, Colfax, Columbia, Converse, Cottonport, Denham Springs, Deville, Dodson, Dry Prong, Dupont, Echo, Effie, Elizabeth, Enterprise, Erwinville, Evans, Evergreen, Ferriday, Fisher, Florien, Fordoche, Forest Hill, Fullerton, Georgetown, Glenmora, Goudeau, Grayson, Greenwell Springs, Gosse Tete, Hamburg, Harrisonburg, Hebert, Hessmer, Hicks, Hineston, Hornbeck, Jarreau, Jena, Jonesville, Kelly, Krotz Springs, Kurthwood, Lacamp, Lakeland, Larto, Leander, Leesville, Libuse, Livonia, Lottie, Mansura, Many, Maringouin, Marksville, Melville, Monterey, Montgomery, Moreauville, Morganza, Negreet, New Llano, New Roads, Noble, Olla, Opelousas, Oscar, Pineville, Pitkin, Plaquemine, Plaucheville, Pleasant Hill, Pollock, Port Allen, Port Barre, Rhinehart, Rosedale, Rosepine, Rougon, Ruby, Sicily Island, Sikes, Simmesport, Simpson, Slagle, St. Gabriel, St. Landry, Tioga, Torbert, Trout, Tullos, Urania, Ventress, Verda, Vick, Ville Platte, Washington, Watson, Wildsville, Winnfield, Woodworth, Zachary, and Zwolle. Population (1990), 602,854. ZIP Codes: 70570-71, 70577, 70586, 70589, 70638 (part), 70639, 70642, 70656, 70659, 70704, 70710, 70719-20, 70726-27, 70729, 70732, 70739-40, 70749-50, 70752, 70755-57, 70759-60, 70762, 70764-65, 70767, 70772-73, 70776, 70781, 70783, 70786, 70791, 70802, 70806, 70808-10, 70814-19, 71301-03, 71309, 71318, 71320, 71322-23, 71325 (part), 71327, 71328 (part), 71329, 71330 (part), 71331, 71333-34, 71338-44, 71348, 71350-51, 71353-55, 71360 (part), 71361-63, 71365, 71368-69, 71371-72, 71377, 71401, 71403, 71405-07, 71410, 71415, 71417-19, 71422-23, 71425-26, 71429-30, 71432--33, 71435-39, 71441, 71443-46, 71449, 71454, 71459-62, 71465, 71467, 71473-75, 71477, 71479-81, 71483, 71485-86, 71496 SEVENTH DISTRICT JAMES A. HAYES, Democrat, of Lafayette, LA; born in Lafayette on December 21, 1946; attended Hamilton Training School, Lafayette; graduated, Lafayette High School, 1964; B.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, 1967; J.D., Tulane Law School, New Orleans, LA, 1970; member of Louisiana Air National Guard, sergeant, 1968-74; attorney; admitted to the Louisiana State bar, 1970, and commenced practice in New Orleans; real estate developer; assistant district attorney; commissioner, Financial In-stitutions for the State of Louisiana; member: American Cancer Society, University of LOUISIANA 103d Congress 129 Southwestern Louisiana Alumni, Tulane University Alumni, March of Dimes, Our Lady of Fatima School, The Family Tree, Fine Arts Foundation, Lafayette Chamber of Com-merce; married to the former Leslie Owen, 1967; three children: Owen, Christopher, and Jonathan; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress. Office Listings 2432 103 East Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff. —John Doyle. Scheduler.—Lynn Hargroder. Vermilion, Lafayette, LA 70501 DC 20515-1807 FAX: : (318) 225-2031 225-8976 233-4773 Suite Executive Director.—Louis Perret. 402, 901 Lake Shore Drive, Lake Charles, Staff Assistant.—Sheryl Ann Sinegal Nixon. LA 70601 & (318) 433-1613 Parishes: Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Evangeline, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, St. Landry, Vermil-ion. ST. MARTIN PARIsH: That part not contained in the Third District. Population (1990), 602,921. ZIP Codes: 70501 (part), 70503-05, 70506 (part), 70507-08, 70510-12, 70515-17, 70518 (part), 70519-21, 70525-29, 70531-35, 70537, 70542-43, 70546, 70548-50, 70554-56, 70558-59, 70570 (part), 70575, 70578, 70580-81, 70582 (part), 70583 (part), 70584, 70586 (part), 70591-93, 70601-02, 70605-06, 70609, 70611-12, 70616, 70629-34, 70637 38, 70640, 7064348, 70650-55, 70656 (part), 70657-58, 7066064, 70668-69, 71234 (part), 71367, 71433 (part), 71463 130 Congressional Directory MAINE MAINE (Population, 1990 census, 1,233,223) SENATORS WILLIAM S. COHEN, Republican, of Bangor, ME; born in Bangor, ME, August 28, 1940; graduated from Bangor High School, 1958; B.A., cum laude, Bowdoin College, 1962; LL.B., cum laude, Boston University Law School, 1965; assistant editor-in-chief, American Trial Lawyers Association; admitted to the bar, 1965, began practice in Bangor, ME; former partner in law firm of Paine, Cohen, Lynch, Weatherbee & Kobritz; instructor, University of Maine, department of business; assistant county attorney for Pe-nobscot County, 1968-70; elected vice president, Maine Trial Lawyers Association, 1970 72; member: Judicial Selection Advisory Committee, Maine Trial Lawyers Association; trustee, Unity College, Unity, ME; member: Bangor City Council, 1969-72; mayor of Bangor, 1971-72; member: Bangor School Board, 1971-72; Fellow: John F. Kennedy In-stitute of Politics, 1972; member: Unitarian-Universalist Church; Board of Overseers, Bowdoin College; Board of Visitors, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 1973; two sons: Kevin and Christopher; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to the 94th and 95th Congresses; named 1 of the Jaycees’ 10 outstanding young men, January 1975; awards: Boston University Alumni Association Award for Distinguished Public Service, 1976; Non-Commissioned Officers Association’s L. Mendel Rivers Award for Service to Military Personnel, 1983; New England Association of School Superintendents’ “Presi-dent’s Award” for improvements to public education, 1984; National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Silver Anniversary Award, 1986; author: “Of Sons and Seasons,” 1978, “Roll Call,” 1980, “Getting the Most Out of Washington,” 1982; “The Double Man” (co-author, Senator Gary Hart), 1985, “A Baker’s Nickel,” 1986; “Men of Zeal,” (coauthor, Senator George Mitchell), 1988; “One-Eyed Kings,” 1991; “Murder in the Senate,” 1993; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; reelected on November 6, 1984; reelected November 6, 1990. Office Listings 322 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1901 ...........c.ccceeuenenee. 224-2523 Administrative Assistant.—-Robert S. Tyrer. Personal Secretary.—Cynthia W. Waters. Press Secretary.—Kathryn W. Gest. Legislative Director.—Robert P. Savitt. 150 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME 04330 (207) 622-8414 Federal Building, Room 204, 202 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401 ................. (207) 945-0417 10 Moulton Street, Portland, ME 04101........... (207) 780-3575 £.* # GEORGE J. MITCHELL, Democrat, of South Portland, ME; born in Waterville, ME, August 20, 1933; attended St. Joseph’s grammar school, and graduated from Water-ville High School, 1950; B.A., Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, 1954; served in the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps, Berlin, Germany, 1954-56; LL.B., Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, 1960; lawyer; trial attorney, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, Washington, DC, 1960-62; executive assistant to U.S. Senator Edmund S. Muskie, 1962-65; Democratic State chairman for Maine, 1966-68; partner, law firm of Jensen, Baird, Gardner, Donovan, & Henry, Portland, ME, 1965-77; Demo-cratic national committeeman, 1969-77; assistant county attorney, Cumberland County, ME, 1971; Democratic candidate for Governor, 1974; U.S. Attorney for Maine, 1977-79; U.S. District Judge for Maine, 1979; appointed by Gov. Joseph E. Brennan, U.S. Senator, May 17, 1980, to fill the unexpired term of Senator Edmund S. Muskie; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1982, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1983; reelected on November 8, 1988; elected Senate majority leader in November 1988 for the 101st Congress; reelected Senate majority leader, November 1990 for the 102d Congress, and November 1992 for the 103d Congress. 103d Congress Office Listings 176 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-1902 224-5344 Administrative Assistant. —Mary McAleney. TDD: 224-0208 Office Manager.—Donna Beck. State Press Secretary.—David Bragdon. Room 101-C, P.O. Box 5248, 40 Western Avenue, Augusta, ME 04332 (207) 622-8292 P.O. Box 1237, 202 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 945-0451 231 Main Street, Biddeford, ME 04005 (207) 282-4144 157 Main Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 784-0163 P.O. Box 8300, 537 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04104 (207) 874-0883 Chief Field Representative.—Larry Benoit. 541 Main Street, Suite B, Presque Isle, ME 04769 (207) 764-5601 Main and Winter Streets, Rockland, ME 04841 (207) 596-0311 P.O. Box 786, 33 College Avenue, Waterville, ME 04901 (207) 873-3361 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT THOMAS H. ANDREWS, Democrat, of Portland, ME; born in North Easton, MA, March 22, 1953; attended North Easton Grammar School; graduated from North Easton High School; B.A., religion/philosophy, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, 1976; envi-ronmental activist; director, Maine Association of Handicapped Persons, 1981; director, Maine Studies Institute, 1987-90; State representative, 1982-84; State senator, 1984-90; Senate Chair, Committee on Economic Development; Senate Chair, Committee on Tax-ation; married to the former Debra Johnson, 1990; elected to the 102d Congress; reelect-ed November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1530 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1901 225-6116 Administrative Assistant.—Craig S. Brown. FAX: 225-9065 Special Assistant.—Jana Kollias. . Office Manager.—Kimberly J. Monaghan. 136 Commercial Street, Portland, ME 04101 (207) 772-8240 District Director.—Joseph W. Cowie. Press Secretary.—Dennis M. Bailey. Counties: Cumberland, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Waldo (part), and York. Population (1990), 591,442. ZIP Codes: 03901-11, 04001-09, 04011, 04014-15, 04017, 04019-21, 04024, 04027-30, 04032, 04038-40, 04042-43, 04046 50, 04053-57, 04060-64, 04066-67, 04069-79, 04082-87, 04090-96, 04098, 04101-08, 04110, 04112, 04116, 04259-60, 04265, 04284, 04287 (part), 04330, 04332, 04338, 04341-55, 04357-61, 04363-64, 04530, 04535-39, 04541, 0454344, 04547-48, 04551-56, 04558, 04562-65, 04567-68, 04570-76, 04578-79, 04645, 04841, 04843, 04846-65, 04901, 04903, 04910, 04917-18, 04922, 04926-27, 04935, 04937, 04941, 04949, 04952, 04962-63, 04973, 04987-89 SECOND DISTRICT OLYMPIA J. SNOWE, Republican, of Auburn, ME; born in Augusta, ME, February 21, 1947; Edward Little High School, Auburn, ME, 1965; B.A., University of Maine, Orono, 1969; served in Maine House of Representatives, 1973-76; Maine Senate, 1977-78; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 132 Congressional Directory Office Listings 2268 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-1902 225-6306 Administrative Assistant.—Judith Butler. Press Secretary.—Nicholas Graham. Office Manager.—Carol Gardner. Two Great Falls Plaza, Auburn, ME 04210 (207) 786-2451 Suite 306, One Cumberland Place, Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 945-0432 District Representative.—Kevin Raye. 169 Academy Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769 (207) 764-5124 Counties: Androscoggin, Aroostook, Franklin, Hancock, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo (part), and Washington. Population (1990), 591,442. ZIP Codes: 04010, 04016, 04022, 04037, 04041, 04051, 04058, 04064, 04068, 04080-81, 04088, 04210-12, 04216-17, 04219-21, 04223-28, 04230-31, 04234, 04236-41, 04243, 04250-58, 04261-63, 04266-68, 04270-71, 04273-76, 04278-83, 04285-86, 04287 (part), 04288-92, 04294, 04401-02, 04406, 04408, 04410-19, 04421-24, 04426--31, 04433-35, 04438, 04441-44, 04446, 04448-51, 04453, 04455-64, 04467-68, 04471-76, 04478-79, 04485, 04487-93, 04495-97, 04605-09, 04611-19, 04622-31, 04634-35, 04637-38, 04640, 04642-44, 04646, 04648-50, 04652-62, 04664-69, 04671-81, 04683 85, 04690-94, 04730, 04732-40, 04742-47, 04749-51, 04756-69, 04772-77, 04779-87, 04911-12, 04915, 04920-21, 04923-25, 04927-30, 04932-33, 04936, 04938-39, 04942-45, 04947, 04950-51, 04953-58, 04961, 04963-67, 04969-72, 04974-76, 04978-79, 04981-86, 04992 MARYLAND 103d Congress MARYLAND (Population, 1990 census, 4,798,622) SENATORS PAUL S. SARBANES, Democrat, of Baltimore, MD; born in Salisbury, MD, Febru-ary 3, 1933, son of Spyros and Matina Sarbanes; attended the public schools of Salisbury, MD, graduating from Wicomico Senior High School, June 1950; A.B., Princeton Univer-sity, June 1954, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Rhodes scholar, Balliol College, Oxford, England, 1954-57, first-class B.A. honours in School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics; LL.B., cum laude, Harvard Law School, June 1960; admitted to practice by Maryland Court of Appeals, October 1960; law clerk to Judge Morris A. Soper, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, 1960-61; associate in Baltimore law firms, Piper & Marbury, 1961-62, and Venable, Baetjer & Howard, 1965-70; administrative assistant to Walter W. Heller, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, 1962-63; executive director, Charter Revision Commission of Baltimore City, 1963-64; elected to the Mary-land House of Delegates in November 1966, serving from 1967-71; member, Greek Or-thodox Cathedral of the Annunciation, Baltimore, MD; married Christine Dunbar of Brighton, England; three children: John Peter, Michael Anthony, and Janet Matina; elect-ed to 92d Congress on November 3, 1970; reelected to 93d and 94th Congresses; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected November 2, 1982, and November 8, 1988. Office Listings 309 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2002 224-4524 Administrative Assistant.—Marvin Moss. FAX: 224-1651 Legislative Director.—Julie Kehrli. TDD: 224-3452 Appointment Secretary.—Elise Gillette. Press Secretary.—Bruce Frame. 1518 Federal Office Building, 31 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21201 (301) 962-4436 1110 Bonifont Street, Suite 450, Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 589-0797 141 Baltimore Street, Cumberland, MD 21502 (301) 724-0695 111 Baptist Street, Suite 115, Salisbury, MD 21801 (410) 860-2131 P.O. Box 331, 47 South East Crain, Cobb Island, MD 20625 (301) 259-2404 BARBARA A. MIKULSKI, Democrat, of Baltimore, MD; born in Baltimore on July 20, 1936; graduated with a B.A. degree from Mount St. Agnes College, 1958; received her M.S.W. from the University of Maryland School of Social Work, 1965; worked as a social worker for Catholic Charities and city of Baltimore; served as adjunct professor, Department of Sociology, Loyola College; elected to Baltimore City Council, 1971; Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in 1974, winning 43 percent of vote; elected to U.S. Congress in 1976; first woman appointed to Energy and Commerce Committee; served on Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee; elected to U.S. Senate in November 1986 with 61 percent of the vote; reelected to U.S. Senate in November 1992 with 71 percent of the vote; became first woman representing the Democratic Party to be elected to a Senate seat not previously held by her husband and the first Democratic woman ever to serve in both Houses of Congress; appointed to: Appropriations (chair of VA-HUD & Independent Agencies Appropriation Subcommittee), Labor and Human Resources (chair of Aging Subcommittee), Ethics Committee. Office Listings 709 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2003 224-4654 Chief of Staff.—Lynne A. Battaglia. TDD: 224-5223 Legislative Director.—Daryl Plevy. Director of Operations.—Janice L. Angevine. World Trade Center, Suite 253, Baltimore, MD 21202 (301) 962-4510 State Director.—Janice Teeter. Suite 202, 60 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 .. (301) 263-1805 Suite 207, 9658 Baltimore Boulevard, College Park, MD 20740 (301) 345-5517 134 Congressional Directory MARYLAND REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT WAYNE T. GILCHREST, Republican, of Kennedyville, MD; born on April 15, 1946, in Rahway, NJ; graduated from Rahway High School, 1964; attended Wesley College, Dover, DE; B.A. in history, Delaware State College, Dover, DE, 1973; graduate studies, Loyola University, Baltimore, MD, 1984-present; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1964-68; awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Unit Cita-tion, and others; teacher, Kent County High School, 1973-present; as teacher of Govern-ment and History; member: Kent County Teachers’ Association, American Legion, Vet-erans of Foreign Wars, Order of the Purple Heart, Kennedyville Methodist Church; mar-ried to the former Barbara Rawley; three children: Kevin, Joel, and Katie; elected to the 102d Congress; reelected on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 412 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2001..............ceeuue.. 225-5311 Administrative Assistant.—Tony Caligiuri. FAX: 225-0254 Office Manager/Scheduler.—Stacy Robert. Legislative Director.—Dan Walsh. 335 High Street, Chestertown, MD 21620 (410) 778-9407 One Plaza East, Salisbury, MD 21801 (410) 749-3184 Arundel Center North, 101 Crain Highway, NW., Suite 509, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 760-3372 District Director.—Emmett Duke. Counties: Anne Arundel (part), Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Qeen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worces-ter, and Baltimore city (part). Population (1990), 597,684. ZIP Codes: 20755 (part), 21012 (part), 21032 (part), 21037 (part), 21054 (part), 21060, 21061 (part), 21076 (part), 21108 (part), 21113 (part), 21114 (part), 21122 (part), 21144 (part), 21146 (part), 21225 (part), 21226, 21240, 21401 (part), 21402-04, 21601, 21607, 21610, 21612-13, 21617, 21619-20, 21622-23, 21625-26, 21628-29, 21631-32, 2163441, 21643-55, 21657-73, 21675-79, 21801-03, 21810-11, 21813-14, 21817, 21821-22, 21824, 21826, 21829-30, 21835-38, 21840-42, 21849-53, 21856-57, 2186167, 21869, 21871-72, 21874-75, 21901-04, 21911-22, 21930 SECOND DISTRICT HELEN DELICH BENTLEY, Republican, of Lutherville, MD; born in Ruth, NV; B.J., with honors, University of Missouri School of Journalism; honorary degrees in doctor of laws from University of Michigan, University of Maryland, University of Alaska, Long Island University, and Goucher College; also, honorary degrees in doctor of humane letters, University of Portland (OR), Villa Julie College (MD) and Bryant Col-lege of Business Administration (Providence, RI); reporter and maritime editor, The Sun, Baltimore, 1945-69; television producer, 1950-65; appointed chairman, Federal Maritime Commission, 1969-75; international business consultant, 1975-84; committee assignments: Appropriations; Subcommittee on Labor, H.H.S., and Education; Military Construction; Merchant Marine and Fisheries; married to William Roy Bentley; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1610 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2002 .............. 225-3061 Administrative Assistant.—Pat Wait. Legislative Director.—Chris Griffin. Legislative Assistants: Beverly Selby; Wilson von Kressler. 200 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286 (410) 337-7222 7458 German Hill Road, Dundalk, MD 21222 (410) 285-2747 45 North Main Street, Bel Air, MD 21014 (410) 838-2517 4513-R Mountain Road, Pasadena, MD 21122 (410) 437-5189 MARYLAND 103d Congress Counties: Anne Arundel (part), Baltimore (part), and Harford. Population (1990), 597,683. ZIP Codes: 21001, 21005, 21009-10, 21012 (part), 21013-15, 21017-18, 21021, 21023-24, 21027-28, 21030-31, 21034, 21040, 21047, 21050-53, 2105657, 21074 (part), 21078, 21082, 21084-85, 21087, 21092, 21093 (part), 21101, 21105, 21107 (part), 21108 (part), 21111, 21117 (part), 21120, 21122 (part), 21128 (part), 21130-32, 21136 (part), 21139, 21146 (part), 21152-54, 21155 (part), 21156, 21160-62, 21204 (part), 21206 (part), 21212 (part), 21219-21, 21222 (part), 21224 (part), 21234 (part), 21236 (part), 21237 (part), 21239 (part), 21284-86 THIRD DISTRICT BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Democrat, of Baltimore, MD, born in Baltimore, October 5, 1943; attended Baltimore public schools; graduated Baltimore City College, 1961; B.A., University of Pittsburgh, PA, 1964 (cum laude); LL.B., University of Maryland, Balti-more, 1967 (Ist in class); attorney; admitted to Maryland bar, November 1967; began practice in Baltimore; member of the Maryland House of Delegates, 1966-86; Speaker of House of Delegates, 1979-86; chairman, Ways and Means Committee, 1975-78; vice-chairman, Ways and Means Committee, 1971-73; member, Presidential Advisory Commit-tee on Federalism; chairman, State Federal Assembly, National Council of State Legisla-tors, 1980-81; member, National Council of State Legislators, Executive Committee; member, Council of State Governments, Executive Committee, 1979-86; co-chairman, Legislative Policy Committee, Maryland General Assembly, 1979-86; trustee, Baltimore Museum of Art; member, Baltimore Jewish Community Relations Council; trustee, Balti-more Council on Foreign Affairs; member, Associated Jewish Charities Welfare Fund; trustee, St. Mary’s College; chairman, Maryland Legal Services Corporation; MACO Legislator of the Year Award, 1984; married to the former Myrna Edelman, 1966; two children, Michael and Deborah; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; re-elected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 227 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2003 225-4016 Administrative Assistant.—David Koshgarian. Office Manager.—Marli Pasternak. Scheduler.—Amy Daiger. Suite 201, 540 East Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21212 (410) 433-8886 District Office Director.—Bailey Fine. Press Secretary.—Suan Sullam. Counties: Anne Arundel (part), Baltimore (part), Howard (part), and Baltimore city (part). Population (1990), 597,680. ZIP Codes: 20755 (part), 20794 (part), 21042 (part), 21043 (part), 21044 (part), 21045 (part), 21046, 21055, 21061 (part), 21076 (part), 21090, 21093 (part), 21113 (part), 21117 (part), 21128 (part), 21133 (part), 21136 (part), 21144 (part), 21150, 21201 (part), 21202 (part), 21204 (part), 21205 (part), 21206 (part), 21207 (part), 21208 (part), 21209 (part), 21210 (part), 21211 (part), 21212 (part), 21213 (part), 21214 (part), 21215 (part), 21218 (part), 21222 (part), 21223 (part), 21224 (part), 21225 (part), 21227 (part), 21228 (part), 21229 (part), 21230, 21231 (part), 21234 (part), 21236 (part), 21237 (part), 21239 (part), 21244 (part), 21281 FOURTH DISTRICT ALBERT R. WYNN, Democrat, of Largo, MD; born in Philadelphia, PA, on Septem-ber 10, 1951; attended Lincoln Elementary School, Lanham, MD, 1959-64; graduated DuVal High School, Lanham, 1969; B.S., University of Pittsburgh, PA, 1973; attended Howard University Graduate School of Political Science, 1974; J.D., Georgetown Uni-versity Law School, Washington DC, 1977; attorney; admitted to the Maryland bar, 1979; elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, 1983-86; elected to the Maryland State Senate; 1987-92; executive director, Prince George’s County Consumer Protection Com-mission, 1979-82; member: Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Associa-tion; board of directors, Consumer Credit Counseling Service; Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation; Ploughman and Fisherman; delegate to the Demo-cratic National Convention, 1984 and 1988; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. 136 Congressional Directory MARYLAND Office Listings 423 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 -2004 225-8699 Administrative Assistant.—Luis A. Navarro. Legislative Director.—James C. Ballentine. Press Secretary.—Sandra A. Moore. Suite 307, 8700 Central Avenue, Landover, MD 20785 (301) 350-5055 Chief Suite 201, of Staff.—Bill Boston. 8601 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 588-7328 Counties: Montgomery (part) and Prince Georges (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adelphi, Bladensburg, Bowie, Brentwood, Burtonsville, Camp Springs, Capital Heights, Clinton, District Heights, Forestville, Fort Washington, Glenarden, Glenn Dale, Hyattsville, Landover, Lanham, Marlow Heights, Mitchellville, Mount Rainier, Oxon Hill, Riverdale, Seabrook, Seat Pleasant, Silver Spring, Suitland, Takoma Park, Temple Hills, and Upper Marlboro. Population (1990), 597,690. ZIP Codes: 20706 (part), 20710 (part), 20712, 20720 (part), 20721 (part), 20722 (part), 20731, 20735 (part), 20737 (part), 20743-47, 20748 (part), 20749-50, 20752-53, 20757, 20769 (part), 20772 (part), 20781 (part), 20782 (part), 20783 (part), 20784 (part), 20785, 20789, 20791, 20866 (part), 20901 (part), 20903 (part), 20904 (part), 20905 (part), 20906 (part), 20907-08, 20910 (part), 20911-14, 20916, 20918 FIFTH DISTRICT STENY H. HOYER, Democrat, of Mitchellville, MD; born in New York, NY, June 14, 1939; attended Suitland High School; B.S., University of Maryland, 1963, J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, 1966; Honorary Doctor of Public Service, Universi-ty of Maryland, 1988; admitted to the Maryland Bar Association, 1966; practicing attor-ney, 1966-90; Maryland State Senate, 1967-79; vice chairman, Prince George’s County Senate delegation, 1967-69; chairman, Prince George’s County Senate delegation, 1969-75; president, Maryland Senate, 1975-79; member, State Board for Higher Education, 1978-81; chairman, Subcommittee on Treasury Postal/General Government; married to the former Judith Pickett, June 17, 1961; three children: Susan, Stefany, and Anne; elect-ed to the 97th Congress, May 19, 1981, by special election; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member of the Appropriations Committee and House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee; chair, Democratic Caucus; Chair, Commission on Security and Coop-eration in Europe (Helsinki Commission). Office Listings 1705 Longworth House Office Building, Chief of Staff. —Sam Wynkoop. Washington, DC 20515-2005 225-4131 Suite Suite Administrative Assistant.—Betsy Bossart. Legislative Director.—John Berry. 403, One Town Center, 4201 Northview Drive, 101, 21 A Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, MD Bowie, 20602 MD 20716 (301) (301) 464-6440 843-1577 Counties: Anne Arundel (part), Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s (part), and St. Mary's. Population (1990), 597,681. ZIP Codes: 20601-04, 20606-13, 20615-26, 20628-30, 20632, 20634, 20636-37, 20639-40, 20643, 20645-46, 20650, 20653, 20656-62, 20664, 20667, 20670, 20674-78, 20680, 20684-90, 20692-93, 20695, 20703-05, 20706 (part), 20707 (part), 20708-09, 20710 (part), 20711, 20714-19, 20720 (part), 20721 (part), 20722 (part), 20724-26, 20732-33, 20735 (part), 20736, 20737 (part), 20738, 2074041, 20748 (part), 20751, 20754, 20755 (part), 20758, 2076465, 20768, 20769 (part), 20770-71, 20772 (part), 20773, 2077576, 2077879, 20781 (part), 20782 (part), 20783 (part), 20784 (part), 20787-88, 20794 (part), 20903 (part), 21032 (part), 21035, 21037 (part), 21054 (part), 21106, 21113 (part), 21114 (part), 21140, 21401 (part) SIXTH DISTRICT ROSCOE G. BARTLETT, Republican, of Frederick, MD; born June 3, 1926 in More-land, KY; House service, January 3, 1993 to present; rank, 77th (1 of 108); University of MARYLAND 103d Congress 137 Maryland, PhD.; retired teacher; engineer; married to Ellen; 10 children; elected on No-vember 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 312 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2006 225-2721 Administrative Assistant.—Tim Woodford. FAX: 225-2193 Deputy Administrative Assistant.—James Lafferty. Legislative Director.—Debbie Royal. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Susan Knight. 100 West Franklin Street, Hagerstown, MD (301) 797-6043 5831 Buckeystown Pike, Suite E, Frederick, MD (301) 694-3030 15 Main Street, Suite 110, Wesminister, MD (410) 857-1115 Counties: Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Howard (part), and Washington. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ballenger Creek, Boonsboro, Braddock Heights, Bridgeport, Brunswick, Clover Hill, Columbia (part), Cresaptown-Bel Air, Cumberland, Discovery-Spring Garden, Eldersburg, Ellicott City (part), Emmitsburg, Frederick, Frostburg, Green Valley, Hagerstown, Halfway, Hampstead, Hancock, Jessup (part), La Vale, Linganore-Bartonsville, Long Meadow, Manchester, Middletown, Mount Aetna, Mount Airy, Mountain Lake Park, North Laurel (part), Oakland (Carroll Co.), Oakland (Garrett Co.), Savage-Guilford (part), Sykesville, Taneytown, Thurmont, Walkersville, Westernport, Westminister, Westiminister South and Williamsport. Population (1990), 597,688. ZIP Codes: 20701, 20723, 20759, 20763, 20777 (part), 20794 (part), 20833 (part), 20838 (part), 20839, 20841, 20842 (part), 20850 (part), 20854 (part), 20855 (part), 20871 (part), 20872 (part), 20874 (part), 21029, 21036, 21041, 21042 (part), 21043 (part), 21044 (part), 21045 (part), 21048, 21074 (part), 21079 (part), 21080, 21088, 21102, 21104 (part), 21107 (part), 21136 (part), 21155 (part), 2115758, 21163 (part), 21183 (part), 21227 (part), 21501-05, 21520-24, 21528-32, 21536, 21538-43, 21545, 21550, 21555-57, 21560-62, 21623, 21629, 21701-05, 21710-11, 21713-14, 21716-23, 21725, 21727, 21733-34, 21737-38, 21740-42, 21750, 21754-59, 21762, 21764, 21766-70, 21771 (part), 21773-80, 21782-84, 21787-88, 21790-95, 21797-98, 26726 (part) SEVENTH DISTRICT KWEISI MFUME, Democrat, of Baltimore, MD; born in Baltimore, October 24, 1948; attended Baltimore city public schools; B.S. (magna cum laude), Morgan State University, Baltimore, 1976; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1984; member, Baltimore city council, 1979-86; assistant professor, Morgan State University; program director, WEAA-FM Radio; member: Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Honor Society, NAACP, and Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs; very active in civil affairs and recipient of numerous community awards; divorced; five sons: Donald, Kevin, Keith, Ronald, and Michael; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2419 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2007 225-4741 Administrative Assistant.—Tammy Hawley. Appointment Secretary.—Nancy McCormick. 3000 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 ... (301) 367-1900 District Director.—Ruth Simms. 2203 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 (301) 235-2700 Suite 106, 1825 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD 21207... (301) 298-5997 County: Baltimore County (part) and Baltimore city (part). Population (1980), 527,485. ZIP Codes: 21043 (part), 21104 (part), 21117 (part), 21133 (part), 21136 (part), 21163 (part), 21201 (part), 21202 (part), 21203, 21205 (part), 21206 (part), 21207 (part), 21208 (part), 21209 (part), 21210 (part), 21211 (part), 21212 (part), 21213 (part), 21214 (part), 21215 (part), 21216-17, 21218 (part), 21223 (part), 21224 (part), 21227 (part), 21228 (part), 21229 (part), 21231 (part), 21235, 21239 (part), 21241, 21244 (part), 21270, 21297-98 138 Congressional Directory MARYLAND EIGHTH DISTRICT CONSTANCE A. MORELLA, Republican, of Bethesda, MD; born in Somerville, MA. February 12, 1931; graduated, Somerville High School, 1948; A.B., Boston Universi-ty, 1954; M.A., The American University, Washington, DC, 1967; professor, Montgomery College, 1970-86; delegate, Maryland General Assembly, 1979-86; trustee, Capitol Col-lege, Laurel MD.; member, Montgomery United Way Council; member, Advisory Coun-cil of the Montgomery Hospice Society; chair, Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus; member of the National Council on Public Service; member of Global Legislators for a Balanced Environment; married to Anthony C. Morella, 1954; 3 children: Paul, Mark, and Laura; guardian of 6 children of late sister: Christine, Catherine, Louise, Paul, Rachel, and Ursula; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 223 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2008....................... 225-5341 Administrative Assistant.—David Nathan. FAX: 225-1389 Executive Assistant.—Patricia Donnelly. Legislative Director.—Cindy Hall. 51 Monroe Street, No. 507, Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 424-3501 District Director.—Mary Z. Brown. FAX: (301) 424-5992 Assistant Director.—Minnie Anderson. County: MONTGOMERY COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Ashton, Barnesville, Beallsville, Bethesda, Boyds, Brinklow, Brookeville, Burtonsville, Cabin John, Chevy Chase, Clarksburg, Damascus, Derwood, Dickerson, Gaithersburg, Garrett Park, Germantown, Glen Echo, Highland, Kensington, Mount Airy (part), Olney, Pooles-ville, Potomac, Rockville, Sandy Spring, Silver Spring (part), Spencerville, and Wheaton (part). Population (1990), 597,682. ZIP Codes: 20707 (part), 20777 (part), 20812, 20813-18, 20824-25, 20827, 20830, 20832, 20833 (part), 20837-39, 20841, 20842 (part), 20847-55, 20858-62, 20866 (part), 20868, 20871 (part), 20872, 20874-80, 20882, 20884-86, 20891, 20895-96, 20898, 20901 (part), 20902, 20904 (part), 20905 (part), 20906 (part), 20910 (part), 20915, 21771 (part) MASSACHUSETTS 103d Congress MASSACHUSETTS (Population, 1990 census, 6,029,051) SENATORS EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Democrat, of Barnstable, MA; born in Boston, MA, Feb-ruary 22, 1932, son of Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy; Milton Academy, 1950; A.B, Harvard College, 1956; International Law School, The Hague, the Netherlands, 1958; LL.B., University of Virginia Law School, 1959; enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private and served in France and Germany, 1951-53; elected to the Senate, November 6, 1962, to fill unexpired term of his brother, John F. Kennedy; reelected November 3, 1964, No-vember 3, 1970, November 2, 1976, November 2, 1982, and November 8, 1988; chairman, Labor and Human Resources Committee; member: Judiciary, Armed Services, and Joint Economic Committees; married to Victoria Reggie Kennedy; children: Kara, Edward M. Jr., Patrick J., Curran, and Caroline. Office Listings 315 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2101 224-4543 Administrative Assistant.—Paul Donovan. FAX: 224-2417 Legislative Director.—Carey Parker. TDD: 224-1819 John F. Kennedy Federal Building, 2400-A, Boston, MA 02203 (617) 565-3170 Administrative Assistant.—Barbara Souliotis. * Xx % JOHN F. KERRY, Democrat, of Boston, MA; born in Denver, CO, December 11, 1943; graduated, St. Paul’s School, Concord, NH, 1962; graduated, Yale University, New Haven, CT, B.A., 1966; graduated, Boston College Law School, Boston, MA, J.D., 1976; served, U.S. Navy, discharged with rank of lieutenant, decorations: Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat “V”, three Purple Hearts, various theatre campaign decorations; attor-ney, admitted to Massachusetts bar, 1976; appointed first assistant district attorney, Mid-dlesex County, 1977; elected, Lieutenant Governor, Massachusetts, 1982; elected to the U.S. Senate November 6, 1984 for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1985; reelected November 1990 for 6-year term. Office Listings 421 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2102 224-2742 Administrative Assistant.—David J. Leiter. Legislative Director.—Scott Bunton. Personal Secretary.—Patricia Ferrone. One Bowdoin Square, 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02114 (617) 565-8519 143 State Street, Springfield, MA 01103 (413) 785-4610 Suite 264, 53 North 6th Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 (508) 994-7651 Suite 311, 222 Milliken Place, Fall River, MA 02722 (508) 677-0522 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JOHN W. OLVER, Democrat, of Amherst, MA,; born on September 3, 1936 in Honesdale, PA; graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.S., chemistry, 1955; received M.A., chemistry, Tufts University, 1956; taught for two years at Franklin Tech-nical Institute, Boston, MA then received Ph.D., chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961; prior to being elected to the Massachusetts House in 1968, he was a chemistry professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst; member: Committee on Appropriations; Subcommittee on Foreign Operations; Export Financing and Related Programs; Subcommittee on Treasury-Postal Service-General Government; co-sponsor, Higher Education Reauthorization Act; Congressman Olver resides in Amherst with his wife, Rose, and their daughter, Martha; became first Democrat since the Spanish-Ameri-can War to represent the First Congressional District, 1991; elected by special election on 140 Congressional Directory MASSACHUSETTS June 4, 1991 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Silvio Conte; elected on Novem-ber 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1323 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2101 225-5335 Administrative Assistant.—Jonathan D. Klein. Legislative Director.—Maureen E. Keck. Press Secretary.—David Plouffe. 881 Main Street, Room 223, Fitchburg, MA 01420 (508) 342-8722 187 High Street, Holyoke, MA 01040 (413) 532-7010 78 Center Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 (413) 442-0946 Counties: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden (part), Hampshire (part), Middlesex (part), and Worcester (part). Population (1990), 601,643. ZIP Codes: 01002, 01004-05, 01007-08, 01011-12, 01026-27, 01029, 01031-34, 01037-41, 01050, 01054, 01059, 01066, 01068, 01070-74, 01075 (part), 01077, 01082 (part), 01084-86, 01088-90, 01093-94, 01096-98, 01201-03, 01220, 01222-23, 01225-27, 01229-30, 01235-38, 01240, 0124245, 01247, 01252-60, 01262, 01264, 01266-67, 01270, 01301-02, 01330-31, 01337-44, 01346-47, 01349-51, 01354-55, 01360, 01364, 01366-68, 01370, 01373, 01375-76, 01378-80, 01420, 01430-31, 01436, 01438, 0144041, 01452-53, 01462 (part), 01466, 01468-69, 01473-75, 01477, 01531, 01535, 01585 SECOND DISTRICT RICHARD E. NEAL, Democrat, of Springfield, MA; born in Springfield, on Febru-ary 14, 1949; attended public school system, Springfield; graduated, Springfield Technical High School, 1968; B.A., American International College, Springfield, 1972; M.A., Uni-versity of Hartford Barney School of Business and Public Administration, CT, 1976; in-structor and lecturer; assistant to mayor of city of Springfield, 1973-78; elected member of Springfield City Council, 1978-84; elected mayor, city of Springfield, 1984-88; member: Massachusetts Mayors’ Association; Adult Education Council; American Inter-national College Alumni Association; Boys’ Club Alumni Association; Emily Bill Athletic Association; Cancer Crusade; John Boyle O’Reilly Club; United States Conference of Mayors; Valley Press Club; Solid Waste Advisory Committee for the State of Massachu-setts; Committee on Leadership and Government; Mass Jobs Council; trustee: Springfield Libraries and Museums Association; Springfield Red Cross, Springfield YMCA; married to the former Maureen Conway; four children: Rory Christopher, Brendan Conway, Maura Katherine, and Sean Richard; elected on November 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress Office Listings 131 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2102 225-5601 Administrative Assistant. —Morgan Broman. FAX: 225-8112 Executive Assistant.—Ann Brozek. Press Secretary.—Bill Tranghese. Federal Building, Room 309, 1550 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103-1422 ... (413) 785-0325 District Manager.—James Leydon. 4 Congress Street, Milford, MA 01757 (508) 634-8198 Counties: Hampden (part), Hampshire (part), Norfolk (part), and Worcester (part). Population (1990), 601,642. ZIP Codes: 01001, 01009-10, 01013-14, 01020-22, 01028, 01030, 01035-36, 01053, 01056-57, 01060-61, 01063, 01069, 01075 (part), 01079-81, 01082 (part), 01083, 01092, 01095, 01101-09, 01115-16, 01118-19, 01128-29, 01138-39, 01151, 01501 (part), 01504, 01506-09, 01515-16, 01518, 01521, 01524, 01526-27, 01529, 01537-38, 01540, 01542, 01550, 01562, 01566, 01569-71, 01586, 01588 (part), 01590, 01611, 01747, 01756, 01757 (part), 02019 (part), 02038 (part) MASSACHUSETTS 103d Congress 141 THIRD DISTRICT PETER I. BLUTE, Republican, of Shrewsbury, MA; born in Worchester, MA, on January 28, 1956; attended St. Mary’s Elementary School, Shrewsbury; graduated St. John’s Preparatory, Shrewsbury, 1974; B.A., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, 1978; marketing representative; elected to the Massachusetts State Legislature, 1986-92; member, Knights of Columbus; married to the former Roberta Crudale, 1986; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1029 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2103 225-6101 Administrative Assistant. —Robert Marsh. Appointment Secretary.—Marc DeCourcey. 1079 Mechanics Tower, Worcester, MA 01608 ; (508) 752-6789 District Director.—Mary Jane McKenna. 1039 South Main Street, Fall River, MA 02724 (508) 675-3400 District Office Manager.—Lou Cabral. 7 North Main Street, Room 200, Attleboro, MA 02703.. (508) 223-3100 District Office Manager.—Gary Moran. Counties: Bristol (part), Middlesex (part), Norfolk (part), and Worcester (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Attleborough, North Attleborough, Auburn (part), Berlin, Boylston, West Boylston, Clinton, Dartmouth, Fall River, Foxbor-ough, Franklin, Grafton, Holden, Holliston, Hopkinton, Lancaster, Mansfield, Medway, Northborough, North-bridge, Paxton, Plainville, Princeton, Rutland, Seekonk, Shrewsbury, Somerset, Sterling, Swansea, Upton, West-borough, Westport, Worcester, and Wrentham. Population (1990), 601,642. ZIP Codes: 01501 (part), 01503, 01505, 01510, 01517, 01519-20, 01522-23, 01532, 01534, 01536, 01539, 01541, 01543, 01545, 01560-61, 01564, 01568, 01580-83, 01587, 01588 (part), 01601-10, 01612-15, 01655, 01721 (part), 01746, 01748, 01752 (part), 01757 (part), 01784, 02019 (part), 02031, 02035 (part), 02038 (part), 02048 (part), 02053, 02070, 02093, 02703 (part), 02714, 02721 (part), 02722, 02723 (part), 02724-26, 02740 (part), 02747 (part), 02748 (part), 02760-63, 02766 (part), 02771, 02777, 02790 (part), 02791 FOURTH DISTRICT BARNEY FRANK, Democrat, of Newton, MA; born in Bayonne, NJ, March 31, 1940; attended the public schools; graduated, Bayonne High School, 1957; B.A., Harvard College, 1962; graduate student in political science, Harvard University, 1962-67; teach-ing fellow in Government, Harvard College, 1963-66; J.D., Harvard University, 1977; ad-mitted to the Massachusetts bar, 1979; executive assistant to Mayor Kevin White of Boston, 1968-71; administrative assistant to U.S. Congressman Michael F. Harrington, 1971-72; member, Massachusetts Legislature, 1973-80; elected to the 97th Congress, No-vember 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2404 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2104 225-5931 Administrative Assistant.—Peter Kovar. FAX: 225-0182 Office Manager/Personal Secretary.—Maria Giesta. 29 Crafts Street, Newton, MA 02158 ; (617) 332-3920 District Director.—Dorothy Reichard. 222 Milliken Place, Third Floor, Fall River, MA 02721.. (508) 674-3551 89 Main Street, Bridgewater, MA 02324 (508) 697-9403 558 Pleasant Street, Room 309, New Bedford, MA 02740 (508) 999-6462 Counties: Bristol (part), Middlesex (part), Norfolk (part), and Plymouth (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Acushnet, Berkeley, Bridgewater, Brookline, Carver, Dighton, Dover, East Bridgewater, Easton (part), Fairhaven, Fall River (part), Foxboro (part), Freetown, Halifax, Hanson, Lakeville, Mansfield (part), Marion, Mattapoisett, Middlebor-ough, Millis, New Bedford, Newton, Norfolk, Norton, Pembroke, Plympton, Raynham, Rehoboth, Rochester, Rockland (part), Sharon, Sherborn, Wareham, Wellesley, and West Bridgewater. Population (1990), 601,642. ZIP Codes: 01770, 02030, 02035 (part), 02048 (part), 02054, 02056, 02067, 02146-47, 02158-62, 02164-68, 02181, 02195, 02324, 02327, 02330, 02333, 02337-38, 02341, 02346-47, 02350, 02356 (part), 02358-59, 02366-67, 02370 (part), 02375 (part), 02379, 02532 (part), 02538, 02571, 02576, 02702, 02712, 02715, 02717, 02719-20, 02721 (part), 02723 (part), 02738-46, 02764, 02766 (part), 02767-70, 02779-80, 02790 (part) 142 Congressional Directory MASSACHUSETTS FIFTH DISTRICT MARTIN T. MEEHAN, Democrat, of Lowell, MA; born in Lowell, on December 30, 1956; graduated from Lowell High School, 1974; B.A., University of Lowell, 1978; M.P.A., Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 1981; J.D., Suffolk University Law School, 1986; attorney; admitted to the Massachusetts bar, 1986; First Assistant District Attorney for Middlesex County; Deputy Secretary of State; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1223 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2105 .............. 225-3411 Administrative Assistant.—Steve Joncas. Press Secretary.—Patty McCafferty. 11 Kearney Square, Lowell, MA 01852 (508) 459-0101 Bay State Building, Suite 806, 11 Lawrence Street, Lawrence, MA 01840........ (508) 681-6200 Walker Building, Room 102, 255 Main Street, Mastborough, MA 01752............ (508) 460-9292 Counties: Essex (part), Middlesex (part), and Worcester (part). Population (1990), 601,643. ZIP Codes: 01432-33, 01450-51, 01460, 01462 (part), 01463-64, 01467, 01471-72, 01525, 01718-20, 01721 (part), 01730 (part), 01740-41, 01742 (part), 01745, 01749, 01752 (part), 01754, 01772, 01773 (part), 01775-76, 01778 (part), 01810, 01821-22, 01824, 01826-27, 01840-43, 01844 (part), 01850-54, 01862-63, 01865-66, 01876, 01879, 01886, 02193 (part) SIXTH DISTRICT PETER G. TORKILDSEN, Republican, of Danvers, MA; born January 28, 1958 in Milwaukee, WI; born January 28, 1958 in Milwaukee, WI; B.A. political science, Univer-sity of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1980; M.P.A., Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 1990; service coordinator, Visiting Nurse Association of Boston, 1982-84; elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1985-90; commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries, 1991-92; recipient: Guardian Member Award; Boy Scouts of America; member: Danvers Council on Aging, 1987-91; Essex County Chamber of Commerce, 1989-91; Weld for Governor and Cellucci for Lt. Gov-ernor Commmittee, 1990; elected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 120 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2106...............c.c..... 225-8020 Administrative Assistant.—Steven Sutton. FAX: 225-8037 Executive Assistant.—Ann Keough. 70 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970.................cccciniiniemmenssissisermssssssssssenssos (508) 741-1600 District Manager.—Judy Cypret. Counties: Essex (part), Middlesex (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Amesbury, Bedford, Beverly, Boxford, Burlington, Danvers, Essex, Georgetown, Glouster, Groveland, Hamilton, Ipswich, Lynn, Lynnfield, Manchester, Marblehead, Merrimac, Middletown, Nahant, Newbury (part), North Andover, North Reading, Peabody, Reading, Rockport, Rowley, Salem, Salisbury, Sangus, Swampscott, Topsfield, Wenham, West Newbury, and Wilmington. Population (1990), 601,643. ZIP Codes: 01730 (part), 01731, 01803 (part), 01830-35, 01844 (part), 01845, 01860, 01864, 01867 (part), 01885, 01887, 01901-08, 01913, 01915, 01921-23, 01929-31, 01936-38, 01940, 01944-45, 01949-52, 01960-61, 01965-66, 01969-71, 01982--85 MASSACHUSETTS 103d Congress 143 SEVENTH DISTRICT EDWARD J. MARKEY, Democrat, of Malden, MA; born in Malden, July 11, 1946; graduated, Malden Catholic High School, 1964; B.A., Boston (MA) College, 1968; J.D., Boston College Law School, 1972; lawyer; served in the U.S. Army Reserves, 1968-73; member, Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1973-76; elected to the 94th Congress, November 2, 1976, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Representative Torbert H. Macdonald, and at the same time elected to the 95th Congress; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress. Office Listings 2133 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2107 225-2836 Administrative Assistant.—Dan Rabinovitz. Executive Assistant.—Nancy Morrissey. Legislative Director.—David Memtzow. 5 High Street, Suite 101, Medford, MA 02155 wo. (617) 396-2900 Counties: Middlesex (part) and Suffolk (part). Population (1990), 601,642. ZIP Codes: 01701 (part), 01721 (part), 01742 (part), 01760, 01773 (part), 01778 (part), 01801, 01803 (part), 01867 (part), 01880, 01888, 01890, 02140 (part), 02144 (part), 02145 (part), 02148, 02149 (part), 02150 (part), 02151 (part), 02152, 02154 (part), 02155 (part), 02172 (part), 02173-76, 02180, 02181 (part), 02193 (part), 02254 * Xx *x EIGHTH DISTRICT JOSEPH P. KENNEDY II, Democrat, of Boston, MA; born in Brighton, MA, on September 24, 1952; son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York; nephew of Presi-dent John F. Kennedy; nephew of Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts; grad-uated University of Massachusetts, Boston, 1976; businessman; chairman, Canadian Robert F. Kennedy Memorial; two children: Joseph P., III, and Matthew; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1210 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2108 225-5111 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Powell. Scheduler/Personal Secretary.—Beth Kelly. Press Secretary.—Brian O’Connor. The Schrafft Center, Suite 605, 529 Main Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 (617) 242-0200 Counties: Middlesex (part) and Suffolk (part). CIIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Belmont, Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Somerville, and Watertown. Population (1990), 601,643. ZIP Codes: 02108 (part), 02112, 02114 (part), 02115, 02116 (part), 02117, 02118 (part), 02119 (part), 02120, 02121 (part), 02122 (part), 02123, 02124 (part), 02125 (part), 02126 (part), 02128-29, 02130 (part), 02131 (part), 02133-35, 02136 (part), 02138-39, 02140 (part), 02141-43, 02144 (part), 02145 (part), 02146 (part), 02149 (part), 02150 (part), 02151 (part), 02155 (part), 02163, 02172 (part), 02178-79, 02199, 02208-09, 02215 (part), 02238, 02258, 02272 * * x NINTH DISTRICT JOHN JOSEPH MOAKLEY, Democrat, of South Boston, MA; born April 27, 1927; graduated from Suffolk University Law School, 1956 with doctor of jurisprudence; served in the U.S. Navy, 1943-46; member: Massachusetts and District of Columbia bar; began the practice of law in Boston, MA, 1957; elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1952, and served as Democratic majority whip, 1957; elected to the Mas-sachusetts State Senate, 1964; member, Boston City Council, 1971; honorary doctorate, public administration from Suffolk University, 1977; honorary doctorate of laws, New England School of Law; honorary doctorate, political science, Northeastern University; married Evelyn Duffy of Cambridge, MA, 1957; elected to the 93d Congress, November 144 Congressional Directory MASSACHUSETTS 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, Rules Committee; deputy whip. Office Listings 235 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2109 225-8273 Administrative Assistant.—John Weinfurter. FAX: 225-7804 Personal Assistant.—James McGovern. Office Manager.—Kelly Timilty. World Trade Center, Suite 220, Boston, MA 02110 .. (617) 565-2920 District Manager.—Roger Kineavy. Crocker Building, 4 Court Street, Taunton, MA 02780 (617) 824-6676 Counties: Bristol (part), Norfolk (part), Plymouth (part), and Suffolk (part). Population (1990), 601,643. ZIP Codes: 02021, 02026, 02030 (part), 02032, 02052, 02062, 02071-72, 02081 (part), 02090, 02101-07, 02108 (part), 02109-11, 02113, 02114 (part), 02116 (part), 02118 (part), 02119 (part), 02121 (part), 02122 (part), 02124 (part), 02125 (part), 02126 (part), 02127, 02130 (part), 02131 (part), 02132, 02136 (part), 02137, 02153, 02156, 02177, 02184, 02186 (part), 02187, 02190 (part), 02192, 02194, 02203, 02205, 02210, 02212, 02222, 02269, 02334, 02356 (part), 02357, 02368 (part), 02375 (part), 02401 (part), 02402 (part), 02403-05, 02718, 02767 (part), 02780 (part) TENTH DISTRICT GERRY E. STUDDS, Democrat, of Cohasset, MA; born in Mineola, NY, May 12, 1937; attended public schools in Cohasset and Derby Academy in Hingham, MA; Yale University, B.A. in American studies, 1959; M.A.T. in history, 1961; Foreign Service Of-ficer, Department of State, 1961-62; member, President Kennedy’s White House staff, 1962-63 serving as executive assistant to William R. Anderson, the Presidential Consult-ant for a Domestic Peace Corps; legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Harrison A. Wil-liams, Jr., 1964; taught American history, government, and politics at St. Paul’s School, Concord, NH, 1965-69; delegate, 1968, Democratic National Convention; Office of the President, University of Massachusetts, 1971; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, ° 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Office Listings 237 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2110 225-3111 Administrative Assistant.—Steven Schwadron. FAX: 225-2212 146 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 (508) 771-0666 Regional Representative.—Mark Forest. 1212 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02169 , (617) 770-3700 Regional Representatives: Gerard Dhooge and Mary Lou Butler. Federal Building, 166 Main Street, Brockton, MA 02401 (508) 584-6666 225 Water Street, Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 747-5500 Counties: Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket, Norfolk (part), and Plymouth (part). Population (1990), 601,642. ZIP Codes: 02018, 02020, 02025, 0204041, 02043, 02045, 02047, 02050-51, 02055, 02059-61, 02065-66, 02169-71, 02186 (part), 02188-89, 02190 (part), 02191, 02322, 02331-32, 02338 (part), 02339, 02343, 02345, 02351, 02360-62, 02364, 02368 (part), 02370 (part), 02371, 02381-82, 02401 (part), 02402 (part), 02532 (part), 02534-37, 02539-43, 02552-54, 02556-57, 02559, 02561-65, 02568, 02573-75, 02584, 02601, 02630-39, 02641-53, 02655, 02657, 02659-64, 02666-73, 02675, 02703 (part), 02713 MICHIGAN 103d Congress MICHIGAN (Population, 1990 census, 9,328,784) SENATORS DONALD W. RIEGLE, Jr., Democrat, of Flint, MI; born February 4, 1938; attended Flint public schools; graduate of Flint Central High School; attended Flint Junior College and Western Michigan University; B.A. in business administration and economics, Univer-sity of Michigan, 1960; M.B.A. in finance, Michigan State University, 1961; doctoral stud-ies at Harvard Business School in business/government relations, 1964-66; employed by IBM Corp., 1961-64; former faculty member of Michigan State University, Boston Uni-versity, Harvard University, and University of Southern California; married to Lori Hansen; father of five children; author of “O Congress,” with T. Armbrister, Doubleday & Co., Inc., June 23, 1972; elected as a Republican to the 90th Congress, November 8, 1966, reelected to the 91st, 92d, 93d, and 94th Congresses, changed party affiliation to Democrat on February 27, 1973; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; appointed December 30, 1976, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Philip A. Hart; reelected November 2, 1982, and November 8, 1988; chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; also member of Fi-nance Committee (chairman, Subcommittee on Health for Families and Uninsured); and Budget Committee. Office Listings 105 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2201 224-4822 Administrative Assistant.—David Krawitz. FAX: 224-8834 Press Secretary.——Mike Casey. Scheduler.—Steve Feldman. 1155 Brewery Park Boulevard, Suite 343, Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 226-3188 Third Floor, 30800 Van Dyke, Warren, MI 48093 ... (313) 573-9017 352 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48502 (313) 766-5115 800 Washington Square Building, 109 West Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933.. (517) 377-1713 716 Federal Building, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 4 (616) 456-2592 State Director.—Vondie M. Woodbury. 309 East Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49685 ... (616) 946-1300 Suite 323, 200 West Washington, Marquette, MI 49855 (906) 228-7457 CARL M. LEVIN, Democrat, of Detroit, MI; born in Detroit, June 28, 1934; was graduated from Central High School, Detroit, 1952; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA., 1956; Harvard Law ‘School, Boston, MA, 1959; lawyer; Grossman, Hyman & Gross-man, Detroit, MI, 1959-64; assistant attorney general and general counsel for Michigan Civil Rights Commission, 1964-67; chief appellate defender for city of Detroit, 1968-69; counsel, Schlussel, Lifton, Simon, Rands & Kaufman, 1971-73; counsel, Jaffe, Snider, Raitt, Garratt & Heuer, 1978-79; admitted to the Michigan bar, 1959; member, City Council of Detroit, 1970-73; president, City Council of Detroit, 1974-77; member: Con-gregation T’Chiyah; American, Michigan, and Detroit Bar Associations; former instructor at Wayne State University and the University of Detroit; married to the former Barbara Halpern, 1961; three daughters: Kate, Laura, and Erica; elected to the U.S. Senate, No-vember 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; reelected November 6, 1984, and November 6, 1990. 146 Congressional Directory MICHIGAN Office Listings 459 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2202 224-6221 Administrative Assistant. —Gordon Kerr. Legislative Director.—Chuck Cutolo. Executive Secretary.—Helen Galen. Press Secretary.—Willie Blacklow. McNamara Building, Room 1860, 477 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 .... (313) 226-6020 Federal Building, Room 134, 110 Michigan Avenue, NW, Grand Rapids, MI (616) 456-2531 (517) 377-1509 Suite 200, 623 Ludington Street, Escanaba, MI 49282 (906) 789-0052 P.O. Box 817, Saginaw, MI 48607 (517) 754-2494 Federal Building, Room 102, 145 Water Street, Alpena, MI 49707 (517) 354-5520 Room 114, 24580 Cunningham Street, Warren, MI 48091 (313) 759-0477 15100 Northline Road, Room 107A, Southgate, MI 48195 (313) 285-8596 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT BART T. STUPAK, Democrat, of Michigan Shores, MI; born in Milwaukee, WI, cn February 28, 1952; graduated, Gladstone High School, Gladstone, MI, 1970; B.S., Sagi-naw Valley State College, 1977; J.D., Thomas Cooley Law School, 1981; attorney; ad-mitted to the Michigan bar, 1981; elected to the Michigan State House of Representatives, 1989-90; member: Elks Club; State Employees Retirement Association; Sons of the American Legion; Wildlife Unlimited; National Rifle Association; Knights of Columbus; national committeeman, Boy Scouts of America; married to the former Laurie Ann Olsen; two children: Ken, 1980; and Bart, Jr., 1982; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 317 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2201 225-4735 Chief of Staff. —Ann Beser. FAX: 225-0072 Legislative Director.—John Wyma. Press Secretary.—Eric Hoffman. District Administrator.—Scott Schloegel. Federal Building, Room 669, 231 West Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 961-5670 FAX: (313) 226-2085 160 E State, Traverse City, MI 49684 (616) 929-4711 2501 14th Avenue South, Escanaba, MI 49829 (906) 786-4504 1229 West Washington, Marquette, MI 49855 (906) 228-3700 111 W Chisholm, Alpena, MI 49707 (517) 356-0690 Counties: Alger, Alpena, Antrim, Baraga, Benzie, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Crawford (part), Delta, Dickin-son, Emmet, Gogebic, Grand Traverse, Houghton, Iron, Kalkaska, Keweenaw, Leelanau, Luce, Mackinac, Mar-quette, Menominee, Montmorency, Ontonagon, Otsego, Presque Isle, and Schoolcraft. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48619, 49610-13, 49615-17, 49620-22, 49627-30, 49633, 49635-37, 49640, 49643, 49646-50, 49653-54, 49659, 49664, 49666, 49670, 49673-74, 49676, 49680, 49682, 49683 (part), 49684-85, 49690, 49701, 49705-07, 49709-13, 49715-30, 49733, 49735-37, 49738 (part), 49740, 49743-49, 49751-53, 49755, 49756 (part), 49757, 49759-62, 49764— 66, 49768-70, 49774-77, 49779-83, 49788-93, 49795-97, 49799, 49801-02, 49805-08, 49812-22, 49825-27, 49829, 49831, 4983341, 49843, 49845, 49847-49, 49852-55, 49858, 49861-64, 49866, 49868-74, 49876-81, 49883-87, 49890 96, 49901-03, 49905, 49908, 49910-13, 49915-22, 49924-25, 49927, 49929-31, 49934-35, 49938, 49942-43, 49945-48, 49950, 49952-53, 49955, 49958-65, 49967-71 MICHIGAN 103d Congress SECOND DISTRICT PETER HOEKSTRA, Republican, of Holland, MI; born in Groningen, Netherlands, on October 30, 1953; attended Holland Christian School, Holland, MI; graduated, Hol-land Christian High School; B.A., Hope College, Holland, 1975; M.B.A., University of Michigan, 1977; vice president for product management, Herman Miller, Inc.; married to the former Diane Johnson; three children: Erin, 1982, Allison, 1985, and Bryan, 1988; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1319 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2202 Chief of Staff. —Douglas Koopman. FAX: 226-0779 District Director.—Jim Johnson. Press Secretary.—Jon Brandt. Legislative Counsels: Karen Campbell Bloch, Amy Sandgren Plaster. 42 West 10th Street, Holland, MI 49423 (616) 395-0030 900 Third Street, Suite 203, Muskegon, MI 40440 (616) 722-8386 120 West Harris Street, Cadillac, MI 49601 (616) 775-0050 Counties: Allegan (part), Barry (part), Lake, Manistee, Mason, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Ottawa, and Wexford. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48462 (part), 49010 (part), 49035, 49046 (part), 49058 (part), 49060 (part), 49070, 49078 (part), 49080 (part), 49303-04, 49307, 49309, 49311-14, 49315 (part), 49318, 49323 (part), 49327-28, 49330, 49333 (part), 49335, 49337-38, 49344, 49348 (part), 49349, 49401-06, 49408-12, 49415-31, 49434-37, 49440-46, 49448-49, 49451-61, 49463-64, 49504, 49601, 49613-14, 49618-20, 49623, 49625-26, 49634, 49638, 49642, 4964445, 49649, 49656-57, 49660, 49663 (part), 49668, 49675, 49683 (part), 49689 THIRD DISTRICT PAUL B. HENRY, Republican, of Grand Rapids, MI; born in Chicago, IL, July 9, 1942; graduated Pasadena High School, Pasadena, CA, 1959; B.A., Wheaton College, IL, 1963; M.A., Duke University, Durham, NC, 1968; Ph.D., Duke University, 1970; U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Liberia and Ethiopia, 1963-65; instructor in political science at Duke University, 1969-70; professor of political science at Calvin College, 1970-78; member: Michigan State Board of Education, 1975-78; Michigan State House of Repre-sentatives, 1979-82; Michigan State Senate, 1983-84; former chairman, Kent County Re-publican Party; former chairman, Fifth District Republican Party; member, LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church, married to the former Karen Anne Borthistle, 1965; three children: Kara Elizabeth, Jordan Mark, and Megan Anne; elected to the 99th Con-gress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1526 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2203 225-3831 Administrative Assistant.—Mary Lobisco. Office Manager.—Loraine Kehl. 166 Federal Building, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 .. (616) 451-8383 District Administrator.—Anne Knox. Counties: Barry (part), Ionia, and Kent. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ada, Alto, Bailey (part), Belding, Belmont, Byron Center, Caledonia, Cedar Springs, Comstock Park, Clarksville, Conklin, Delton (part), Dorr, Fenwick (part), Freeport, Gowen, Grandville, Grand Rapids, Greenville (part), Hastings, Hubbardston (part), Ionia, Kent City, Kentwood, Lake Odessa, Lowell, Lyons, Marne, Middleville, Muir, Nashville, Orleans, Palo, Pewamo, Portland, Rockford, Sand Lake, Saranac, Smyrna, Sparta, Sunfield, Wayland, Woodland, and Wyoming. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48809, 48815, 48834, 48838, 48845-46, 48849 (part), 48851, 48860, 48865, 48870, 48873, 48875, 48881, 48887, 48890, 48897, 49046 (part), 49058 (part), 49073 (part), 49301-03, 49306, 49315 (part), 49316, 49319, 49321, 49323 (part), 49325-26, 49330-31, 49333 (part), 49341, 49343, 49345, 49348 (part), 49403, 49418, 49435, 49468, 49501, 49503-10, 49512, 49514, 49516, 49518, 49523, 49546, 49548, 49555, 49588 148 Congressional Directory MICHIGAN FOURTH DISTRICT DAVE CAMP, Republican, of Midland, MI; born in Midland, MI, July 9, 1953; at-tended St. Brigid’s Elementary School, Midland; graduated, HHH. Dow High School, Midland, MI, 1971; B.A., Albion College, Albion, MI, 1975, magna cum laude; ; J.D., University of California in San Diego, 1978; attorney, member of the State bar of Michi-gan, the State bar of California, the District of Columbia bar, U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan; and Southern District of California; Midland County Bar Association; law practice, Midland, MI, 1979-91; Special Assistant Attorney General, 1980-84; licensed real estate broker; administrative assistant to Congressman Bill Schuette, Michigan’s 10th Congressional District, 1985-87; elected State Representative, Michigan’s 102d district, 1989-91; vice chairman, Committee on House Oversight; assist-ant minority whip; member, House Committee on Education, Economic Development and Energy; member, Committee on State Affairs; member, House Republican Policy Committee; member, House Republican Task Force on Children at Risk; member, House Republican Task Force on Drunk Driving; member, Midland Foundation; former member, Great Lakes Junior College Advisory Committee, Council on Domestic Vio-lence; member, board of directors of the David Reece Home; former president of the Young Business People’s Group; former member, Michigan’s 10th Congressional District Republican Executive Committee; precinct delegate, Midland County Board of Canvass-ers; member, Midland County Republican Executive Committee; elected to 102d Con-gress, November 6, 1990; appointed to House Committee on Agriculture, Committee on Small Business; reelected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 137 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2204 225-3561 Administrative Assistant.—John Guzik. FAX: 225-9679 Communications Director.—Bob Schellhas. Legislative Director.—Elizabeth Harkins. Scheduler.—Gloria Kelter. 135 Ashman Street, Midland, MI, 48640 (517) 631-2552 308 West Main Street, Owosso, MI 48867 (517) 723-6759 3508 West Houghton Lake Dr., Houghton Lake, MI 48629 (517) 366-4922 Counties: CLARE COUNTY; cities of Clare, Farwell, Harrison, Lake, and Lake George. CLINTON COUNTY; cities of Bath, DeWitt, Eagle, Elsie, Eureka, Fowler, Maple Rapids, Ovid, St. Johns, and Westphalia. CRAWFORD COUNTY; city of Grayling. GLADWIN COUNTY; cities of Beaverton, Bentley, Gladwin, and Rhodes. GRATIOT COUNTY; cities of Alma, Ashley, Bannister, Breckenridge, Elm Hall, Elwell, Ithaca, Middleton, North Star, Perrinton, Pompeii, Riverdale, Sumner, St. Louis, and Wheeler. ISABELLA COUNTY; cities of Blanchard, Mt. Pleasant, Rosebush, Shepherd, Weidman, and Winn. MECOSTA COUNTY; cities of Big Rapids, Mecosta, Morley, Paris, Remus, Rodney, and Stanwood. MIDLAND COUNTY; cities of Coleman, Edenville, Laporte, Midland, North Bradley, Poseyville, and Sanford. MISSAUKEE COUNTY; cities of Falmouth, Lake City, McBain, Merritt, and Moorestown. MONTCALM COUNTY; cities of Alger, Amble, Butternut, Carson City, Cedar Lake, Coral, Crystal, Edmore, Entrican, Fenwick, Gowen, Greenville, Howard City, Lakeview, Langston, Maple Hill, McBride, Pierson, Sand Lake, Sheridan, Sidney, Six Lakes, Stanton, Trufant, Vestaburg, and Vickeryville. OGEMAW COUNTY; cities of Lupton, Oakley, Prescott, Rose City, Skidway Lake, South Branch, and West Branch. OsCEOLA COUNTY; cities of Evart, Hersey, LeRoy, Reed City, Sears, and Tustin. OscopA COUNTY; cities of Comins, Fairview, Lovells, Luzerne, Mio, and Red Oak. RoscoMMON COUNTY; cities of Higgins Lake, Houghton Lake, Houghton Lake Heights, Prudenville, Roscommon, and St. Helen. SAGINAW COUNTY; cities of Bridgeport, Burt, Chesaning, Fosters, Freeland, Hemlock, Merrill, Oakley, Shields, and University Center. SHIAWASSEE COUNTY; cities of Bancroft, Chapin, Corunna, Henderson, Laingsburg, Morrice, New Lothrup, Owosso, Perry, and Shaftsburg. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48414 (part), 48415 (part), 48417 (part), 48433 (part), 48449 (part), 48457 (part), 48460 (part), 48601 (part), 48603 (part), 48604 (part), 4860810, 48612, 48614-22, 48623 (part), 48624-30, 48632-33, 48635-37, 4864042, 4864 48649, 48651-57, 48661-62, 48722 (part), 48724, 48728, 48743, 48756, 48761, 48801, 48804, 48806-08, 48811-Ho 48817 (part), 48818, 48820, 48822, 4882935, 4837-38, 48840-41, 48845, 4884748, 48850, 48852-53, 48856, 48857 (part), 48858, 48862, 48866, 48867 (part), 48871, 48872 (part), 48873-75, 48877-80, 48882-86, 48888-89, 48891, 48893-94, 48896, 48906, 49305, 49307, 49310, 49320, 49322, 49326, 49329, 49332, 49336, 4933840, 49342-43, 49346 47, 49631-32, 49639, 49651, 49655, 49657, 49663 (part), 49665, 49667, 49677, 49679, 49688, 49738 (part), 49756 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT JAMES A. BARCIA, Democrat, of Bay City, MI; born in Bay City, MI on February 25, 1952; B.A. Saginaw Valley State University; Staff Assistant to U.S. Senator Philip Hart; Ex-officio member of the Saginaw Valley State University Board of Control; Cali-fornia State Senator, 1983-92; as a State Senator, he served as Assistant Democratic Whip, Vice-Chairperson, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee and MICHIGAN 103d Congress 149 the Technology and Energy Committee, and member of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee; co-founder Coalition of Michigan Sportsmen; member, Bay Area Chamber of Commerce; life member, Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home; member, National Rifle Association; member, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Gladwin Co. Aerie No. 3292; hon-orary lay member, The Michigan Association of Osteopathic physicians and Surgeons; Michigan Jacees Top Five LM.P.A.C.T. award; the Bay City Jacees Distinguished Serv-ice Award; Safari Club International’s “Legislator of the Year”; AMVETS award; elect-ed on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1717 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2205 225-8171 Administrative Assistant.—Tom Pazzi. FAX: 225-9679 Legislative Director.—Paul DeGiusti. Appointment Secretry.—Lakon Holloway. 301 Earl Genesee, Suite 502, Saginaw, MI 48607 (517) 754-6075 3741 East Wilder Road, Bay City, MI 48706 (517) 667-0003 5409 Pierson Road, Flushing, MI 48433 (313) 732-7501 Counties: Alcona, Arenac, Bay, Genesee (part), Huron, Iosco, Lapeer (part), Saginaw (part), Sanilac, and Tuscola. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48032, 48097 (part), 48401, 48410, 48412 (part), 48413, 48415 (part), 48416 (part), 48417 (part), 48419-22, 48423 (part), 4842627, 48430 (part), 48432, 48433 (part), 48434-35, 48437, 48441, 48444 (part), 48445, 48446 (part), 48450, 4845354, 48456, 48457 (part), 48458, 48460 (part), 48461, 48463-72, 48475, 48504 (part), 48505 (part), 48506 (part), 48531, 48601 (part), 48602, 48603 (part), 48604 (part), 48605-07, 48610-11, 48613, 48623 (part), 48631, 48634, 48642, 48650, 48652, 48658-59, 48701, 48703, 48705-08, 48720-21, 48722 (part), 48723, 48725-50, 4875355, 48757 70, 49747 SIXTH DISTRICT FRED UPTON, Republican, of St. Joseph, MI; born in St. Joseph on April 23, 1953; attended St. Joseph public schools; graduated, Shattuck School, Fairbault, MN, 1971; B.A., journalism, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1975; field manager, Dave Stock-man Campaign, 1976; staff member, Congressman Dave Stockman, 1976-80; legislative assistant, Office of Management and Budget, 1981-83; deputy director of Legislative Af-fairs, 1983-84; director of Legislative Affairs—OMB, 1984-85; member: First Congrega-tional Church, Emil Verban Society; married to the former Amey Rulon-Miller, 1983; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 2439 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2206 225-3761 Administrative Assistant.—Joan Hillebrands. FAX: 225-4986 Executive Assistant.—Liz Pavlich. 421 Main Street, St. Joseph, MI 49085 (616) 982-1986 535 South Burdick, Suite 225, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (616) 385-0039 Counties: Allegan (part), Berrien, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, and Van Buren. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Allegan, Augusta, Bangor, Baroda, Benton Harbor, Berrien Springs, Berrien Center, Bloomingdale, Breedsville, Bridgman, Buchanan, Burr Oak, Cassopolis, Centreville, Climax, Coloma, Colon, Comstock, Constantine, Covert, Decatur, Delton, Dowagiac, Eau Claire, Edwardsburg, Fulton, Galesburg, Galien, Gobles, Grand Junction, Hagar Shores, Harbert, Hartford, Hickory Corners, Jones, Kalamazoo, Kendall, Lacota, Lakeside, Lawrence, Lawton, Leonidas, Marcellus, Mattawan, Mendon, Nazareth, New Troy, New Buffalo, Niles, Nottawa, Oshtemo, Otsego, Paw Paw, Plainwell, Portage, Pullman, Richland, Riverside, Sawyer, Schoolcraft, Scotts, Sodus, South Haven, St. Joseph, Stevensville, Sturgis, Three Oaks, Three Rivers, Union Pier, Union, Vandalia, Vicksburg, Watervliet, and White Pigeon. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 49001-09, 49010 (part), 49012-13, 49019, 49022-23, 49026-27, 49030 (part), 49031-32, 49034 (part), 49038-39, 49040 (part), 49041-43, 49045, 49046 (part), 49047, 49052 (part), 49053, 49055-57, 49060 (part), 49061-67, 49071-72, 49074-75, 49077, 49078 (part), 49079, 49080 (part), 49081, 49083-85, 49087-88, 49090-91, 49093, 49095, 49097-99, 49101-03, 49106-07, 49111-13, 49115-17, 49119-20, 49125-30, 49450 50. Congressional Directory MICHIGAN SEVENTH DISTRICT NICK SMITH, Republican, of Addison, MI; born in Addison, on November 5, 1934; attended Addison Community Schools; B.A., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1957; M.S., University of Delaware, 1959; served as a captain, military intelligence, U.S. Air Force, 1959-61; elected to the Addison Township as trustee, supervisor, and county board member; member: Addison Community Hospital Board; State chairman, Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service; director, Michigan Farm Bureau; Na-tional Director of Energy for the U.S. Department of Agriculture; elected to the Michi-gan House of Representatives, 1978-82; elected to the Michigan State Senate, 1982-92; member: National Delegation on U.S.-Soviet Cooperation and Trade; awards: Kellogg Foundation Fellow; Outstanding Young Men of America; married to the former Bonna-lyn Atwood, 1960; four children: Julianna Smith Bellinger, 1957; Bradley LeGrand, 1961; Elizabeth Smith Burnette, 1962; and Stacia Kathleen, 1965; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1708 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2207 .............. 225-6276 Administrative Assistant. —Rob Hartwell. Legislative Director.—Jon Gauthier. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Mary Christ. 209 East Washington, Suite 200D, Jackson, MI 49201 (517) 783-4486 121 South Cochran Avenue, Charlotte, MI 48813 .............c.ccu.u...... (517) 543-0055 118 West Church Street, Adrian, MI 49221 . (517) 265-5012 Counties Barry (part), Branch, Calhoun, Eaton, Hillsdale, Jackson, Lenawee, and Washtenaw (part). Population (1990), 0,957. ZIP Codes: 48115, 48118 (part), 48158 (part), 48176 (part), 48813, 48821, 48827, 48837, 48849 (part), 48861, 48876, 48890, 48906-08, 48911, 48917, 49011, 49015-18, 49020-21, 49028-29, 49030 (part), 49033, 49034 (part), 49036, 49038, 49040 (part), 49046 (part), 49050-51, 49052 (part), 49058 (part), 49068, 49073 (part), 49076, 49082, 49089, 49092, 49094, 49096, 49201-04, 49220-21, 49224, 49227-28, 49229 (part), 49230, 49232-42, 49245-50, 49252-59, 49261-69, 49271-72, 49274-84, 49285 (part), 49286-89 EIGHTH DISTRICT BOB CARR, Democrat, of East Lansing, MI, born in Janesville, WI, on March 27, 1943; attended public schools of Janesville; graduated, Janesville High School, 1961; B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1965; J.D., University of Wisconsin Law School, 1968; attended Michigan State University, 1968-69; attorney, admitted to Wisconsin bar, 1968; to Michigan bar, 1969 practiced law in Michigan; staff of State senate minority leader, 1968-69; administrative assistant to State attorney general, 1969-70; assistant State attor-ney general, 1970-72; counsel to Special Joint Committee on Legal Education, Michigan Legislature, 1972; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to the 95th and 96th Congresses; unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the 97th Congress; elected to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2347 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2208................... 225-4872 Chief of Staff. —Howard Edelson. FAX: 225-1260 Appropriations Associates: Mark Miller, Diane Blagman. Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Beverly Swain. Suite 1, 2848 East Grand River, East Lansing, MI 48823 ...........ccccccouvvinennrennne. (517) 351-7203 3487 South Linden Road No. D, Flint, MI 48507......... A (313) 230-0873 Counties: Genesee (part), Ingham, Livingston, Oakland (part), Shiawassee (part), and Washtenaw (part). Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48103 (part), 48105 (part), 48106, 48108 (part), 48113, 48116, 48118 (part), 48130 (part), 48137, 48139, 48143, 48158 (part), 48169, 48176 (part), 48178 (part), 48189, 48197 (part), 48350 (part), 48353 (part), 48357 (part), 48380 (part), 48414 (part), 48418, 48429-30, 48433 (part), 48436, 48439 (part), 48442 (part), 48449 (part), 48451, 48473, 48476, 48503 (part), 48504 (part), 48507 (part), 48532 (part), 48805, 48816, 48817 (part), 48819, 48823-26, 48827 MICHIGAN 103d Congress 151 (part), 48836, 48840 (part), 48842-44, 48854, 48857 (part), 48863-64, 48867. (part), 48872 (part), 48892, 48895, 48901, 48906 (part), 43909-10, 48911 (part), 49912, 48915, 48917 (part), 48933, 49251, 49264 (part), 49285 (part) NINTH DISTRICT DALE E. KILDEE, Democrat, of Flint, MI; born in Flint, September 16, 1929; grad-uated, St. Mary High School, 1947; B.A., Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit, 1952; M.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1961; graduate studies in history and political sci-ence, University of Peshawar, Pakistan, under Rotary Foundation Fellowship; teacher, University of Detroit High School, 1954-56; Flint Central High School, 1956-64; served as State representative, 1965-74; State senator, 1975-77; member: Optimists, Urban League, Knights of Columbus, Phi Delta Kappa national honorary fraternity, American Federation of Teachers; life member, National Association for the Advancement of Col-ored People; married to the former Gayle Heyn, 1965; three children: David, Laura, and Paul; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 2239 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2209................... 225-3611 Administrative Assistant.—Christopher J. Mansour. FAX: 225-6393 Legislative Director.—Larry Rosenthal. Business Manager/Personal Secretary.—Dolores A. Nouhan. 316 West Water Street, Flint, MI 48503...........c.ccooovvnunenennennnnnnennee . (313) 239-1437 District Director.—Gary L. Sullenger, Ph.D. FAX: (313) 239-1439 1829 North Perry Street, Pontiac, MI 48340 (313) 373-9337 Deputy District Director.—Christopher Gill. FAX: (313) 373-6955 Counties: GENESEE COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Atlas, Burton, Davison, Flint (part), Goodrich, Grand Blanc, Grand Blanc Township (part), and Holly (Groveland Township only). LAPEER COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Almont, Attica, Dryden, Hadley, Imlay City, Lapeer, and Metamora. OAKLAND COUNTY; cities and townships of Auburn Hills, Clarkston, Davisburg, Drayton Plains (part), Lake Orion, Lakeville, Leonard, Oakland, Ortonville (Brandon Township), Oxford, Pontiac, Rochester, Rochester Hills, Utica (part), Waterford, West Bloomfield (part), and White Lake (part). Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48003, 48306 (part), 48307-09, 48316 (part), 48324 (part), 48326, 48327 (part), 48328-30, 48340, 48341 (part), 48342-43, 4834648, 48350 (part), 48359-63, 4836667, 4837071, 48383 (part), 48386 (part), 48411, 48412 (part), 48423 (part), 48428, 48438, 48439 (part), 48440, 48442 (part), 48444 (part), 48446 (part), 48455, 48462 (part), 48501- 02, 48503 (part), 48504 (part), 48505 (part), 48506 (part), 48507 (part), 48509, 48519, 48529, 48532 (part) TENTH DISTRICT DAVID E. BONIOR, Democrat, of Mount Clemens, MI; born in Detroit, MI, June 6, 1945; attended elementary schools in Detroit; graduated, Notre Dame High School, 1963; B.A., University of Iowa, 1967; M.A., history, Chapman College (CA), 1972; served in the U.S. Air Force, 1968-72; member, Michigan House of Representatives, 1973-77; author, “The Vietnam Veteran: A History of Neglect”; two children: Julie and Andy; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2207 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2210................... 225-2106 Legislative Director.—Jim Callow. Suite 305, 59 North Walnut Street, Mount Clemens, MI 48043-5659.................. (313) 469-3232 Admistrative Assistants: Edward Bruley; Christine Koch. 101 Federal Building, 526 Water Street, Port Huron, MI 48060.......................... (313) 987-8889 152 Congressional Directory MICHIGAN Counties: Macomb (part) and St. Clair. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48001-02, 48004-06, 48014, 48021 (part), 48022-23, 48026-28, 48032, 48035-36, 48038-51, 48054, 48059-65, 48066 (part), 48074, 48079-82, 48094, 48096, 48097 (part), 48236 (part), 48306 (part), 48314 (part), 48315 (part), 48316 (part), 48317 (part), 48318, 48416 (part), 48444 (part) ELEVENTH DISTRICT JOE KNOLLENBERG, Republican, of Bloomfield Hills, MI; born in Mattoon, IL, November 28, 1933; graduated Eastern Illinois University, B.S.; operated family insurance agency; Troy Chamber of Commerce, past vice chairman; Birmingham Cable TV Com-munity Advisory Board, past member; St. Bede’s Parish Council, past president and board member; Evergreen School PTA, past president; Bloomfield Glens Homeowners Association, past president; Cranbrook Homeowners Association, past president; South-field Ad Hoc Park and Recreational Development Committee, past coordinator; South-field Mayor’s Wage and Salary Committee, past member; married to the former Sandra Moco; two sons, Martin and Stephen; elected on November 3, 1992, to the 103d Con-gress; member of the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs; member of the Committee on Small Business; elected to the Freshman Class Leadership, liaison to the National Republican Congressional Committee. Office Listings 1218 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2211 .............. 225-5802 Chief of Staff.—Paul Welday. FAX: 226-2356 Legislative Director.—John Carson. Press Secretary.—Terri Hauser. 30833 Northwestern Highway, Suite 214, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 .............. (313) 851-1366 15439 Middlebelt, Livonia, MI 48154 (313) 425-7557 Counties: Oakland (part) and Wayne (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Beverly Hills, Birmingham, Birmingham Farms, Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Township, Commerce Township, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Franklin, Highland, Keego Harbo, Lathrup Village, Livonia (part), Lyon Township, Milford, New Hudson, Northville (part), Novi, Orchard Lake Village, Redford, South Lyon, Southfield (part), Sylvan Lake, Union Lake, Walled Lake, West Bloomfield Township, White Lake, Wixom and Wolverine Lake. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48009 (part), 48012, 48025, 48034, 48037, 48075 (part), 48076, 48086, 48150 (part), 48151-53, 48154 (part), 48165, 48167 (part), 48178 (part), 48239 (part), 48240 (part), 48301-04, 48320, 48322-23, 48324 (part), 48325, 48331- 36, 48356, 48357 (part), 48374-77, 48380 (part), 48381-82, 48383 (part), 48386 (part), 48390, 48393 TWELTH DISTRICT SANDER M. LEVIN, Democrat, of Southfield, MI; born in Detroit, MI on Septem-ber 6, 1931, attended Roosevelt Elementary School and Durfee Intermediate School, De-troit, MI; graduated, Central High School, Detroit, 1949; B.A., University of Chicago, 1952; M.A., Columbia University, New York, NY, 1954; LL.B., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1957; attorney, admitted to the Michigan bar, 1958; commenced practice in Detroit, MI; member: Oakland Board of Supervisors, 1961-64; elected to Michigan Senate, 1965-70; Democratic floor leader in State senate; served on the Advisory Com-mittee on the Education of Handicapped Children in the Department of Health, Educa-tion, and Welfare, 1965-68; chairman, Michigan Democratic Party, 1968-69; Democratic candidate for Governor, 1970 and 1974; fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Insti-tute of Politics, Harvard University, 1975; assistant administrator, Agency for Internation-al Development, 1977-81; married to the former Victoria Schlafer, 1957; four children: Jennifer, Andrew, Madeleine, and Matthew; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. MICHIGAN 103d Congress 153 Office Listings 106 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2212 225-4961 Legislative Director.—John Griffin. Press Secretary.—Diane Reis. Suite 130, 2107 East 14 Mile Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (313) 268-4444 District Administrator.—Dan Mulhern. Couples. Macomb County (part) and Oakland County (part). CITIES: Collins, Bonior and Levin. Population (1990), 56. ZIP Codes: 48007, 48009 (part), 48015, 48017, 48021 (part), 48030, 48066 (part), 48067-73, 48075 (part), 48083, 48084 (part), 48089-93, 48098-99, 48220, 48234, 48237, 48310-13, 48314 (part), 48315 (part), 48317 (part), 48318 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT WILLIAM D. FORD, Democrat, of Ypsilanti, MI; born in Detroit, MI, August 6, 1927; educated Henry Ford Trade School, Melvindale High School, Wayne State Univer-sity, Nebraska State Teachers Coilege, University of Denver (B.S. and J.D.); honorary doctorates from Eastern Michigan University, Westfield State College, The Grand Valley State Colleges, Wayne State University, Northern Michigan University, Michigan State University, Central Michigan University, the University of Detroit, the University of Michigan, Cleary College, Long Island University, Northeastern University, Columbia College, Madonna College, St. Edwards University, Peru State College, University of Denver, and Western Michigan University; served in the U.S. Navy, 1944-46, and U.S. Air Force Reserve, 1950-58, and discharged as first lieutenant (legal officer); married to Mary L. Whalen; three children: William D., Jr., Margaret, and John; attorney since 1951; justice of the peace, Taylor Township, 1955-57; city attorney, Melvindale, MI, 1957-59; attorney, Taylor Township, 1957-64; Michigan Constitutional Convention dele-gate, 19th Representative District, 1961-62; member, State Senate, 1962-64; member: Michigan Bar Association, Downriver Bar Association, American Bar Association, Eagles, Elks, Moose, and Rotary International Distinguished Service Award, Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1962; elected to the 89th Congress, November 3, 1964; reelected to subsequent Congresses; chairman, Education and Labor Committee; Democratic Na-tional Whip at Large. Office Listings 2107 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2213 225-6261 Administrative Assistant.—David W. Geiss. FAX: 225-0489 Executive Assistant.—Janice W. Macdonald. Legislative Director.—Sally Budd. Press Secretary.—Mike Russell. : Federal Building, Wayne, MI 48184 (313) 722-1411 31 South Huron, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (313) 482-6636 106 East Washington, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 741-4210 Counties: Washtenaw (part) and Wayne (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Township, Augusta Township, Belleville, Canton Township, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Huron Township, Inkster, Livonia, Northville, Northville Township, Pittsfield Township, Plymouth, Plymouth Township, Romulus, Salem Township, Scio Township, Sumpter Township, Superior Township, Van Buren Township, Wayne, Westland, Ypsilanti, and Ypsilanti Township. Population (1990), 580,967. ZIP Codes: 48103 (part), 48104, 48105 (part), 48107, 48108 (part), 48109, 48111-12, 48125 (part), 48134 (part), 48135-36, 48141, 48150 (part), 48154 (part), 48164 (part), 48167 (part), 48170, 48174 (part), 48175, 48178 (part), 48184-85, 48187-88, 48190, 48191 (part), 48197 (part), 48198, 48242 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT JOHN CONYERS, Jr., Democrat, of Detroit, MI; born May 16, 1929, in Detroit, MI, son of John and Lucille Conyers; educated in Detroit public school system; B.A., Wayne 154 Congressional Directory MICHIGAN State University, 1957; LL.B., Wayne State Law School, June 1958; served as officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, served 1 year in Korea; awarded combat and merit citations; married to Monica Esiers-Conyers; engaged in many civil rights and labor ac-tivities; legislative assistant to Congressman John D. Dingell, December 1958 to May 1961; appointed Referee for the Workmen’s Compensation Department, State of Michi-gan, by Governor John B. Swainson in October 1961; former vice chairman of Americans for Democratic Action; vice chairman of National Advisory Council of A.C.L.U.; elected to 89th Congress, November 3, 1964; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, Committee on Government Operations; member, Judiciary Committee; chairman, Sub-committee on Legislation and National Security. Office Listings 2426 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2214................... 225-5126 Staff Director.—John Gorman. FAX: 225-0072 Office Manager.—Gloria Long. Legislative Director.—Greg Moore. Federal Building, Room 669, 231 West Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226................. (313) 961-5670 FAX: (313) 226-2085 County: WAYNE COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48075 (part), 48127 (part), 48203, 48205 (part), 48211 (part), 48212 (part), 48213 (part), 48219, 48221, 48223, hn (part), 48225, 48227 (part), 48228 (part), 48234 (part), 48235, 48236 (part), 48238 (part), 48239 (part), 48240 art), 48265, 48288 E FIFTEENTH DISTRICT BARBARA-ROSE COLLINS, Democrat, of Detroit, MI; born in Detroit, MI, April 13, 1939; graduated Detroit public school system; attended Wayne State University; member, Region I School Board, 1971-73; member, Michigan State Legislature, 1975-82; member, Detroit City Council, 1982-90; member: Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc.; American Business Women’s Association, chairwoman, Subcommittee on Postal Oper-ations and Services; National Political Congress of Black Women, Detroit Symphony Or-chestra—former board member; mother of two children: Cynthia Simpson and Christo-pher Collins; proud grandmother of Amber Rose Simpson and Bruce Simpson, Jr., Shaina Simpson and Kwame Collins; member of the Shrine of the Black Madonna (Pan-African Orthodox Christian) Church; listed in Who’s Who In Black America; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1108 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2215 .............. 225-2261 Chief of Staff.—Miniard Culpepper. FAX: 225-6645 406 Cannon Building, Washington, DC 20515 225-9124 Staff Director.—Meredith Cooper. Suite 353, 1153 Brewery Park Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 567-2233 FAX: (3131) 567-6029 County: WAYNE COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48201-02, 48204, 48205 (part), 48206-10, 48211 (part), 48212 (part), 48213 (part), 48214-18, 48224 (part), 48226, 48227 (part), 48228 (part), 48229-32, 48236 (part), 48238 (part), 48243-44, 48254-55, 48260, 48264, 4826669, 48272, 48274, 48277-79, 48295 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT JOHN D. DINGELL, Democrat, of Trenton, MI; born in Colorado Springs, CO, July 8, 1926; B.S., Georgetown University, 1949; J.D., Georgetown University Law School, MICHIGAN 103d Congress 155 1952; World War II veteran; assistant Wayne County prosecutor, 1953-55; elected to the 84th Congress in a special election to fill the vacant seat of his late father, the Honorable John D. Dingell, December 13, 1955; reelected to the 85th and all succeeding Congresses; chairman, Energy and Commerce Committee; member, Technology Assessment Board of the Office of Technology Assessment; member, Migratory Bird Conservation Commis-sion; married to the former Deborah Insley. Office Listings 2328 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2216................... 225-4071 Administrative Assistant.—Marda J. Robillard. Legislative Counsel. —Walter Sanders. Office Manager.—Shirley Harris. 5465 Schaefer Road, Dearborn, MI 48126. ............c.cccooverninsursnsnssssssessessssssnsnsassssen (313) 846-1276 Suite 105, 214 East Elm Avenue, Monroe, MI 48161 ............cccocoevvnrnveniccrenierann (313) 243-1849 Counties: WAYNE COUNTY(part); cities and townships of Allen Park, Brownstown Township, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights (part), Flat Rock, Gibraltar, Grosse Ile Township, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, Riverview, Rockwood, Southgate, Taylor, Trenton, Woodhaven, and Wyandotte. MONROE COUNTY; cities and townships of Azalia, Carleton, Dundee, Erie, Ida, Lambertville, LaSalle, Luna Pier, Maybee, Milan (part), Monroe, Newport, Ottawa Lake, Petersburg, Samaria, South Rockwood, and Temperance. Population (1990), 580,956. ZIP Codes: 48101, 48110, 48117, 48120-22, 48124-26, 48127 (part), 48128, 48131, 48133-34 (part), 48138, 48140, 48144 46, 48157, 48159, 48160 (part), 48161, 48166, 48173, 48177, 48179-80, 48182-83, 48192, 48195, 49267, 49270 [3 156 Congressional Directory MINNESOTA MINNESOTA (Population, 1990 census, 4,387,029) SENATORS DAVE DURENBERGER, Republican, of Avon, MN; born in St. Cloud, MN, August 19, 1934; B.A., St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN, 1955; Army, 1955-56; J. D., Uni-versity of Minnesota Law School, 1959; executive secretary, Minnesota Governor Harold LeVander, 1967-71; four children: Charles, David, Michael, and Daniel; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, to complete the unexpired term of Hubert H. (and Muriel) Humphrey ending January 3, 1983; assumed office on November 8, 1978; reelect-ed November 2, 1982; and November 8, 1988; member: Committee on Environment and Public Works; Committee on Labor and Human Resources and Finance. Office Listings 154 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2301 ....................... 224-3244 Administrative Assistant.—Rick Evans. FAX: 224-9931 Legislative Director.—Pat Eveland. TDD: 224-9522 Plyimoces Building, Suite 1020, 12 South 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402... (612) 370-3382 Director.—Bill Fritts. Director of Policy Development.—Jon Schroeder. * *x * PAUL D. WELLSTONE, Democrat, of St. Paul, MN; born in Washington, DC, July 21, 1944; attended Charles A. Stuart Grammar School and Wakefield and Yorktown High Schools, Arlington, VA; B.A., political science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1965; Ph.D., political science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1969; professor of political science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN, 1969-90; director of the Minnesota Community Energy Program; member, Democratic Farmer Labor Party and numerous peace and justice organizations; publisher of two books: “How the Rural Poor Got Power” and “Powerline”; also, several articles published; married to the former Sheila Ison; three children: David, ’ Marcia, Mark; elected to the U.S. Senate, No-vember 6, 1990 for the 6-year term beginning on January 3, 1991. Office Listings 702 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2303 ............c.ccceueuenene 224-5641 Administrative Assistant.—Kari J. Moe. Office Manager.—Kevin Lane. Legislative Director.—Mike Epstein. Court International Building, 2550 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55114-1025 (602) 645-0323 State Director.—Jeff Blodgett. 105 2d Avenue South, Virginia, MN 55792 (218) 741-1074 417 Litchfield Avenue, SW, Willman, MN (612) 231-6041 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT TIMOTHY J. PENNY, Democrat, of New Richland, MN; born in Freeborn County, MN, November 19, 1951; 1969 graduate of Keister High School; 1974 honor graduate from Winona State University; graduate work in Public Affairs at the University of Min-nesota, Minneapolis; elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 1976, reelected in 1980; member of Trinity Lutheran Church, New Richland; member: New Richland Jaycees, Waseca PALS, Waseca County Association of Retarded Citizens, Freeborn County Asso-ciation of Retarded Citizens; married the former Barb Christianson, 1975; four children: Jamison, Joseph, Molly, and Marcus; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. MINNESOTA 103d Congress 157 Office Listings 436 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2301.............c......... 225-2472 Administrative Assistant.—Steven Bosacker. FAX: 225-0051 Legislative Director.—Joseph A. Theissen. Press Secretary.—Teresa McFarland. 108 West Park Square, Owatonna, MN 55060............cccccuvceriiininncrnsnesnnsnncsnesnennns (507) 455-9151 District Office Manager.—James Hagerty. 800-862-8632 Counties: Blue Earth, Dakota (part), Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Le Sueur, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Scott (part), Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, and Winona. Population (1990), 546,887. ZIP Codes: 55009-10, 55018-21, 55024 (part), 55026-27, 55030, 55031 (part), 55033 (part), 55041, 55044 (part), 55046, 55047 (part), 55049, 55052-54, 55057, 55060, 55065-66, 55087-88, 55089 (part), 55372 (part), 55901-06, 55909-10, 55912, 55917-27, 55929, 55931-36, 55938-47, 55949-57, 55959-65, 55967-79, 55981-83, 55985-88, 55990-92, 56001-02, 56007, 56009-10, 56011 (part), 56013-14, 56016-17, 56020, 56023-29, 56031-37, 56042-43, 56045-48, 56050-52, i, SS 56061, 56063-65, 56067-70, 56071 (part), 56072, 56076-78, 56080, 56082, 56089-93, 56096-98, 219, 56257 SECOND DISTRICT DAVID MINGE, Democrat, of Montevideo, MN; born in Clarkfield, MN, March 19, 1942; attended St. Olaf College, 1964; B.A. in history, Northfield, MN; J.D. University of Chicago, 1967; professor, University of Wyoming Law School, 1970-77; attorney, 1977-92; Montevideo School Board member; married to Karen Aaker Minge; two children: Erik and Olaf; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1508 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2302 .............. 225-2331 Chief of Staff.—Miniard Culpepper. Office Manager/Staff Assistant. —Georgia M. Dickens. Press Secretary.—Sharon McGill. 542 First Street South, Montevideo, MN 56205 ...........ccocerninrunrnninnrensrensncsansaenss (612) 269-9311 P.O. Box 367, 108 East Third Street, Chaska, MN 55318.......cccccevvinininnnnnnnnnne. (612) 448-6567 938 Fourth Avenue, Windom, MN 56101...................ccccnciinnisnrrcsrnscsssssssssnssssssssns (507) 831-0015 District Director.—Norma Brick-Samuelson. Counties: Big Stone, Brown, Carver, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Hennepin (part), Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Martin, Meeker, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Scott (part), Sibley, Swift, Watonwan, Wright, and Yellow Medicine. Population (1990), 546,887. ZIP Codes: 55301-02, 55307, 55310, 55312-15, 55317-18, 55320 (part), 55321-22, 55324-25, 55328-29, 55330 (part), 55331 (part), 55332-36, 55338-39, 55342, 55349-50, 55352-55, 55358, 55359 (part), 55360, 55362-63, 55366-68, 55370, 55372 (part), 55373 (part), 55374 (part), 55376 (part), 55379-81, 55382 (part), 55383, 55385-90, 55393-97, 55399, 55442 (part), 55473, 55583, 56003, 56011 (part), 56019, 56021-22, 56030-31, 56039, 56041, 56044, 56053-54, 56056, 56058, 56060, 56062, 56071 (part), 56073-75, 56081-85, 56087-88, 56101, 56110-23, 56125-29, 56131-34, 56136-45, 56147, 56149-53, 56155-62, 56164-76, 56178-81, 56183, 56185-87, 56201, 56207-12, 56214-16, 56218, 56220, 56222-33, 56237-41, 56243, 56245-47, 56249-58, 56260, 56262-66, 56270-73, 56276-89, 56291-95, 56297, 56312, 56362 THIRD DISTRICT JIM RAMSTAD, Republican, of Minnetonka, MN; born in Jamestown, ND, May 6, 1946; University of Minnesota, B.A., Phi Beta Kappa, 1968; George Washington Univer-sity, J.D. with honors, 1973; First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Reserve, 1968-74; elected to the Minnesota Senate, 1980; reelected 1982, 1986; assistant minority leader; attorney; ad-junct professor; board member; United Handicapped Federation; Children’s Heart Fund; Lake Country Food Bank; Hazelden Foundation National Advisory Council; and Vio-lence Against Women Coalition; member: Judiciary, Small Business and Joint Economic Committees; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Con-gress. 158 Congressional Directory MINNESOTA Office Listings 322 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2303...........cc.cco...... 225-2871 Chief of Staff. —Maybeth Christensen. Legislative Director/Press Secretary.—Dean Peterson. Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Jensine Frost. Room 152, 8120 Penn Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55431 ............c.cccoeueeen. (612) 881-4600 District Director.—Erik Paulsen. Counties: Dakota (part), Hennepin (part), Scott (part) and Washington (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Apple Valley, Bloomington, Burnsville, Coates, Coctage Grove, Credit River Township, Deephaven, Denmark Township, Eagan, Eden Prarie, Edina, Empire, Farmington, Fort Snelling, Grey Cloud Island Township, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Lilydale, Marshan, Mendota, Mendota Heights, Minnetonka, Newport, Nininger Town-ship, Ravenna Township, Richfield, Rosemount, Savage, Saint Paul Park, South Saint Paul, Sun Fish Lake, Vermillion, Vermillion Township, Wayzata, Woodland, and Woodbury. Population (1990), 546,888. ZIP Codes: 55001, 55016, 55024 (part), 55031 (part), 55033 (part), 55044 (part), 55055, 55068, 55071, 55075 (part), 55076 77, 55085, 55089 (part), 55111, 55118 (part), 55120-24, 55125 (part), 55150, 55331 (part), 55337, 55343 (part), 55344 47, 55372 (part), 55378, 55391 (part), 55392, 55410 (part), 55417 (part), 55420, 55423 (part), 55424 (part), 55425, 55431, 55435, 55436 (part), 55437-39, 55450 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT BRUCE F. VENTO, Democrat-Farmer-Labor, of St. Paul, MN; born in St. Paul, Oc-tober 7, 1940; graduated, Johnson High School, St. Paul, 1958; A.A., University of Min-nesota, 1961; B.S., with honors, Wisconsin State University, 1965; graduate work, Univer-sity of Minnesota; teacher; served in Minnesota House of Representatives, 1971-76, assist-ant majority leader and committee chairman; activities include Minnesota Education Council, Commission on Minnesota’s Future, Merrick Day Activity Center Board of Re-tarded, Target Area “C” Advisory Council poverty program, Phalen Area Community Council, YMCA; member, Presentation Church; three sons: Michael, Peter, and John; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2304 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2304.................... 225-6631 Administrative Assistant. —Lawrence Romans. Appointment Secretary.—Mary Ann Daly. Room 727, 175 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 ...........cccoeorevnvninnnencnrinne (612) 224-4503 District Director.—Cathy Hope. Appointment Secretary.—Linda Wason. Counties: Dakota (part), Ramsey, and Washington (part). Population (1990), 546,887. ZIP Codes: 55042 (part), 55075 (part), 55101-09, 55110 (part), 55112-14, 55116-17, 55118 (part), 55119, 55125 (part), 55126-27, 55128 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT MARTIN OLAV SABO, Democratic-Farmer-Labor, of Minneapolis, MN; born in Crosby, ND, February 28, 1938; attended the Alkabo public schools; graduated Alkabo High School, ND, 1955; B.A., Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN, 1959; graduate stud-ies, University of Minnesota, 1960; served in the Minnesota House of Representatives, 1961-78; served as house D.F.L. minority leader, 1969-73; speaker of the house, 1973-78; Presidential appointee on the National Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela-tions; president, National Conference of State Legislatures; president, National Legislative Conference; chairman, Intergovernmental Relations Committee of the N.C.S.L.; Nuclear Test Ban Leadership Award, 1992; Arms Control Leadership Award, 1988; Honorary Lifetime Member, Hospital and Nursing Home Employees Union, Local No. 113, SEIU AFL-CIO; Minneapolis Jaycees Man of the Year Award, 1973-74; Augsburg College MINNESOTA 103d Congress 159 Distinguished Alumnus Citation; Lloyd M. Short Merit Award of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration; chairman, Budget Committee; Appro-priations Committee; deputy majority whip; married to the former Sylvia Lee, 1963; two children: Karin and Julie; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2336 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2305 225-4755 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Erlandson. Legislative Director.—Charles Monfort. Scheduler.—Bonnie Gottwald. 462 Federal Courts Building, 110 South 4th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 348-1649 County: HENNEPIN COUNTY (part); cities of Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Edina (part), Golden Valley, Hopkins, Minne-apolis, New Hope, Robbinsdale, St. Anthony (part) and St. Louis Park. Population (1990), 546,887. ZIP Codes: 55343, 55401-19, 55421 (part), 55422, 55424 (part), 55426-30, 55440, 55454-55 SIXTH DISTRICT ROD GRAMS, Republican, of Ramsey, MN; born on February 4, 1948 in Princeton, MN; attended Brown Institute Radio and Television Broadcasting; homebuilder; land de-veloper, chief executive officer, Sun Ridge Builders, Inc.; married to Laurel Annette Ser-vaty Grams, 1967; four children: Michelle, 1967, Tammy, 1970, Rhiannon, 1976, Morgan, 1978; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1713 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2306 225-2271 Executive Assistant.—Chris Erikstrup. FAX: 225-9802 Legislative Director.—Darrell McKigney. Suite 414, 277 Coon Rapids Boulevard NW., Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (612) 780-5801 2013 Second Avenue North, Anoka, MN 55303 (612) 427-5921 Chief of Staff. —Leon Oistad. FAX: (612) 427-8872 District Director.—Barb Sykora. : Counties: Anoka, Hennepin (part), Sherburne (part), Washington (part), and Wright (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Afton, Andover, Anoka, Bayport, Blaine, Brooklyn Park, Centerville, Champlin, Circle Pines, Columbia Heights, Coon Rapids, Corcoran, Dayton (part), Deephaven (part), East Bethel, Elk River (part), Excelsior, Forest Lake, Fridley, Ham Lake, Hugo, Independence, Lake Elmo (part), Lakeland, Lexington, Lino Lakes, Long Lake, Mahtomedi, Maple Grove, Maple Plain, Medina, Mound (part), Oak Park Heights, Oakdale (part), Orono, Osseo, Plymouth, Ramsey, Rockford (part), Shorewood, Spring Lake Park (part), Spring Park, St. Francis, Stillwater, and White Bear Lake (part). Population (1990), 546,888. ZIP Codes: 55001, 55003, 55005, 55011, 55014, 55025 (part), 55038, 55042 (part), 55043, 55047, 55070, 55073 (part), 55079 (part), 55082-83, 55090, 55092 (part), 55110 (part), 55115, 55128 (part), 55303-04, 55311, 55316, 55323, 55327, 55330 (part), 55331 (part), 55340-41, 55356-57, 55359 (part), 55361, 55364 (part), 55369, 55373 (part), 55374 (part),55375, 55376 (part), 55384, 55391 (part), 55421 (part), 55428 (part), 55429 (part), 55430 (part), 55432 (part), 5543 55434 (part), 55441-49 SEVENTH DISTRICT COLLIN C. PETERSON, Democrat, of Detroit Lakes, MN; born in Fargo, ND, June 29, 1944; graduated from Glyndon MN, High School, MN, 1962; B.A., Moorhead State University, 1966: (business administration and accounting); U.S. Army National Guard, 1963-69; C.P.A., owner and partner; Minnesota State senator, 1976-86; member: Ducks Unlimited, American Legion, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, Cormorant Lakes Sportsmen Club; three children: Sean, Jason, and Elliott; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. 160 Congressional Directory MINNESOTA Office Listings 1133 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2307 .............. 225-2165 Assistants: Dave Rinebolt, Emily Baker, Deb Allery, Nick Gerten. Lake Avenue Plaza Building, Suite 107, 714 Lake Avenue, Detroit Lake MN SOS0L iii ii iia rans br Beas bridal a .... (218) 847-5056 Midtown Square, 3333 West Division, Suite 210, St. Cloud, MN 56301............. (612) 259-0559 Minnesota Wheat Growers Building, 2603 Wheat Drive, Red Lake, MN i Ee Re I ee AO (218)253-4356 Counties: Becker, Beltrami, Benton (part), Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Morrison (part), Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stearns, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena, and Wilkin. Population (1990), 546,888. ZIP Codes: 55320 (part), 55329, 55353, 55382 (part), 55440 (part), 56207, 56219, 56221, 56226, 56235-36, 56244, 56248, 56267, 56274, 56296, 56301-03, 56304 (part), 56307-12, 56314-16, 56318-21, 56323-28, 56331-32, 56334-36, 56339-41, 56343, 56345, 56347, 56349, 56352, 56354-56, 56360-62, 56367 (part), 56368-69, 56371, 56374-76, 56377 (part), 56378, 56379 (part), 56380-82, 56384-85, 56387, 56389, 56433-35, 56437-38, 56440, 56443, 56446, 56453, 56458, 56460-61, 56464, 56466-67, 56470, 56475, 56477, 56479, 56481-82, 56501-02, 56510-11, 56513-25, 56527-29, 56531, 56533-38, 56540-54, 56556-57, 56560-61, 56565-81, 56583-94, 56601, 56619, 56621, 56623, 56630, 56633-34, 56644, 56646-47, 56650-52, 56661, 56663, 56665-67, 56670-71, 56673-74, 56676, 56678, 5668387, 56701, 56710-16, 56720-29, 56731-38, 56740-42, 56744, 56748, 56750-51, 56754-63 EIGHTH DISTRICT JAMES L. OBERSTAR, Democrat-Farmer-Labor, of Chisholm, MN; born in Chis-holm, September 10, 1934; graduated, Chisholm High School, 1952; B.A., summa cum laude, French and political science, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, 1956; M.A, European area studies, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, 1957; served as administra-tive assistant to the late Congressman John A. Blatnik, 1963-74; administrator of the House Public Works Committee, 1971-74; married to the former Jo Garlick (deceased); four children: Thomas Edward, Katherine Noelle, Anne-Therese, and Monica Rose; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2366 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2308.................... 225-6211 Deputy Administrative Assistant. —William Richard. Office Manager.—Jill K. Beatty. Legislative Director.—Chip Gardiner. 231 Federal Building, Duluth, MN 55802 .........ccceceenunenrereneenncnnenee . (218) 727-7474 Administrative Assistant. —Tom R. Reagan. Chisholm City Hall, 316 West Lake Street, Chisholm, MN 55719............ccecue..e. (218) 254-5761 Brainerd City Hall, 501 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN 56401.................. (218) 828-4400 Elk River City Hall, 13065 Orono Pkwy., Elk River, MN 55330 (612) 241-0188 Counties: Aitkin, Benton (part), Carlton, Cass, Chisago, Cook, Crow Wing, Isanti, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Mille Lacs, Morrison (part), Pine, St. Louis, and Sherburne (part). Population (1990), 546,887. ZIP Codes: 55002, 55004, 55006-08, 55012-13, 55017, 55025 (part), 55029-30, 55032, 55036-37, 55040, 55045, 55051, 55056, 55063, 55067, 55069, 55072, 55073 (part), 55074, 55079-80, 55084, 55092, 55308-09, 55319, 55330 (part), 55371, 55377, 55398, 55601-07, 55609, 55612-16, 55701-13, 55716-27, 55729-36, 55738, 55741-42, 55744, 55746-58, 55760-69, 55771-73, 55775, 55777-99, 55801-08, 55810-12, 55814-16, 56304 (part), 56313, 56317, 56329-30, 56333, 56338, 56342, 56344, 56350, 56353, 56357-59, 56363-64, 56367 (part), 56377 (part), 56379 (part), 56386, 56401, 56425, 56430-31, 56435, 56441-42, 56444, 56447-50, 56452, 56455-56, 56459, 56463, 56465-66, 56468-69, 56472-74, 56477, 56481, 56484-85, 56623, 56626-33, 56636-37, 56639, 56641, 56649, 56653-55, 56657-62, 56668-69, 56672, 56679-81, 56688 MISSISSIPPI 103d Congress 161 MISSISSIPPI (Population, 1990 census, 2,586,443) SENATORS THAD COCHRAN, Republican, of Jackson, MS; born in Pontotoc, MS, December 7, 1937; graduated, Byram High School, 1955; B.A., University of Mississippi, 1959; J.D., University of Mississippi Law School, 1965; received a Rotary Foundation Fellowship and studied international law and jurisprudence at Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland, 1963-64; served in U.S. Navy, 1959-61; admitted to Mississippi bar, 1965; board of directors, Jackson Rotary Club, 1970-71; Outstanding Young Man of the Year Award, Junior Chamber of Commerce in Mississippi, 1971; president, young lawyers section of Mississippi State bar, 1972-73; married to the former Rose Clayton of New Albany, MS, 1964; two children: Clayton and Katherine; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to 94th and 95th Congresses; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; subsequently appointed by the Gov-ernor December 27, 1978, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator James O. Eastland; reelected November 6, 1984; reelected November 6, 1990 without opposi-tion; elected chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, 1990; reelected chairman, 1992. Office Listings 326 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2402 ....................... 224-5054 Chief of Staff. —M.D.B. Carlisle. Administrative Assistant.—Haley Fisackerly. Legislative Director.—Jack Hoggard. Suite 614, 188 East Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39201 .........ccccecvvvrvnrnnnninrinennnns (601) 965-4459 Administrative Assistant. —Wiley Carter. TRENT LOTT, Republican, of Pascagoula, MS; born October 9, 1941, in Grenada, MS; son of Chester P. and Iona (Watson) Lott; graduate of Pascagoula public schools and the University of Mississippi, B.P.A., 1963; J.D., 1967; served as field representative for the University of Mississippi, 1963-65; acting law alumni secretary of the Ole Miss Alumni Association, 1966-67; practiced law in Pascagoula in 1967 with Bryan & Gordon law firm; administrative assistant to Congressman William M. Colmer, 1968-72; member: Sigma Nu social fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity, Jackson County Bar Asso-ciation, American Bar Association, the Masons, First Baptist Church of Pascagoula; mar-ried Patricia E. Thompson of Pascagoula, December 27, 1964; two children: Chester T., Jr., and Tyler Elizabeth; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Judiciary Committee, Merchant Marine and Fisher-ies, 93d Congress; Committee on Rules, Post Office and Civil Service Committee, 94th Congress and 95th Congress; member, Committee on Rules; chairman, House Republican Research Committee, 96th Congress; House Republican whip, Committee on Rules, 97th-100th Congresses; member, Committee on Small Business, 101st Congress; member, Com-mittee on Budget, 102d Congress; chairman, Republican Committee on Committees, 102d Congress; member, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Joint Committee on the Reorganization of Congress, Secretary of The Republican Conference, 103d Con-gress; member, Committee on Ethics, 101st and 102d Congresses; member, Committee on Armed Services, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, 101st-103d Con-gresses; elected on November 8, 1988 to the U.S. Senate for the term beginning January 3, 1989. 162 Congressional Directory MISSISSIPPI Office Listings 487 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2403 ............ccecvuuen. 224-6253 Administrative Assistant.—John Lundy. FAX: 224-2262 Executive Secretary.—Susan W. Wells. Press Secretary.—Bruce Lott. Legislative Director.—Sam Adcock. 245 East Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39201 ........... cotinineism (601) 965-4644 3100 South Pascagoula Street, Pascagoula, MS 39567..........ccccevuvunerrerueruruneerenens (601) 762-5400 One Government Plaza, Gulfport, MS 39502...........cccocninernrenrnninienensesisanessnsenes (601) 864-1988 101 South Lafayette, Starkville, MS. 39739 sont (601) 323-1414 ..........ccocnnrisscssiammsmtenssssssssssiesssssrs 911 Jackson Avenue, OXord,;-MS 38655..............ccometnisenirsssvassinssrsrassassassrsroriss (601) 234-3774 20 East Washington Street, Greenwood, MS 38930......... ; .... (601) 453-5681 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JAMIE L. WHITTEN, Democrat, of Charleston, MS; born at Cascilla, MS; married to Miss Rebecca Thompson, of Saltillo, MS; two children: James Lloyd and Beverly Rebec-ca; member of Presbyterian Church, Masonic Order, Rotarian, Lions Club, Phi Alpha Delta and Beta Theta Pi fraternities; educated in the public schools of Cascilla and Charleston, MS; attended both literary and law departments of the University of Missis-sippi and has since practiced law at Charleston, MS; served 1 year as school principal; elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives when 21 years of age and served one session; elected district attorney, at the age of 23, of the 17th District of Mississippi (Tal-lahatchie, Yalobusha, Panola, Tate, and De Soto Counties); reelected district attorney twice and served in that capacity until elected to the 77th Congress at a special election; reelected to the 78th and each succeeding Congress, now serving 27th term; Senior Member, House Committee on Appropriations; Chairman of Appropriations Committee, 1979-92; dean of the U.S. House of Representatives; author: “That We May Live,” 1966. Office Listings 2314 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2401 ................... 225-4306 Staff Assistant.—Hal DeCell. Post Office Building, Charleston, MS 38921 (601) 647-2413 Field Office Assistant.—Marion F. (Buddy) Bishop. P.O: BOR 007, 10X01, MIS 3805S coir iis tstsnstiansinsssninstossninstisssessasssissivssmdnsane (601) 234-9064 P.O. Box 1482, Tupelo, MS 38802 (601) 844-5437 Staff Assistant.—MTrs. Billy Ballard. Counties: Alcorn, Benton, Calhoun, Chickasaw, Choctaw, DeSoto, Grenada (part), Itawamba, Lafayette, Lee, Marshall, Monroe, Montgomery (part), Oktibbeha (part), Panola (part), Pontotoc, Prentiss, Tallahatchie (part), Tate, Tippah, Tishomingo, Union, Webster, and Yalobusha. Population (1990), 514,548. ZIP Codes: 38601-03, 38606 (part), 38610-11, 38618-20, 38625, 38627, 38629, 38632-35, 38637-38, 38641-42, 38647-52, 38654-55, 38658-59, 38661, 38663, 38665, 38668, 38671, 38673-74, 38677, 38679-80, 38683, 38685, 38801-03, 38820-21, 38824-29, 38833-34, 38838-39, 38841, 38843-44, 38846-52, 38855-60, 38862-66, 38868-71, 38873-74, 38876-80, 38913-16, 38920, 38921 (part), 38922, 38925 (part), 38927, 38929 (part), 38948-49, 38951, 38953, 38955, 38961-62, 38965, 38967 (part), 39730, 39735, 39737, 39740, 3974446, 39747 (part), 39750-52, 39756, 39767, 39769, 39771-72, 39776 MISSISSIPPI 103d Congress SECOND DISTRICT BENNIE THOMPSON, Democrat, of Bolton, MS; born in Bolton, January 28, 1948; B.A., Tougaloo College, 1968; M.S., Jackson State University, 1972; teacher; Bolton Board of Aldermen, 1969-73; mayor of Bolton, 1973-79; Hinds County supervisor, 1980-93; married to the former London Johnson; one daughter: BendaLonne; elected on April 13, 1993 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mike Espy; committee assign-ments: Agriculture; Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Small Business; member: Congres-sional Black Caucus; Sunbelt Caucus; Rural Caucus; Progressive Caucus. Office Listings 1408 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 225-5876 Administrative Assistant/Press Relations.—David F. Claxton. Executive Assistant.—Marsha G. McCraven. Office Administrator.—Sandra F. Peaches. Legislative Director.—Delbert K. Rigsby. 107 West Madison Street, P.O. Box 610, Bolton, MS 39041-0610 (601) 866-9003 District Director.—Charles Horhn. 221 West Market Street, Suites 5, 7, 9, Greenwood, MS 38930 (601) 455-9300 900 Washington Avenue, Second Floor, Washington County Courthouse, Greenville, MS 38701 (601) 335-9003 Counties: Attala (part), Bolivar, Carroll, Claiborne, Coahoma, Grenada (part), Hinds (part), Holmes, Humphreys, Issaquena, Jefferson, Leake (part), Leflore, Madison (part), Montgomery (part), Panola (part), Quitman, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie (part), Tunica, Warren, Washington, and Yazoo. Population (1990), 514,845. ZIP Codes: 38606 (part), 38609, 38614, 38617, 38619, 38621-23, 38626, 38630-31, 38639, 38643-46, 38657, 38662, 38664, 38666, 38669-70, 38676, 38701-04, 38720-23, 38725-26, 38730-33, 38736-40, 3874446, 38748, 38751, 38753-56, 38758-65, 38767-69, 38771-74, 38776, 38778, 38780-82, 38901, 38912, 38917, 38921 (part), 38923-24, 38925 (part), 38926, 38928, 38929 (part), 38930, 38940-41, 38943-47, 38950, 38952, 38954, 38957-59, 38963-64, 38966, 38967 (part), 39038-40, 39041 (part), 39045, 39046 (part), 39049, 39051 (part), 3905455, 39056 (part), 39060-61, 39063-64, 39066 (part), 39069-71, 39079, 39081, 39086, 39088, 39090 (part), 39095-97, 39110 (part), 39113, 39115, 39130, 39144, 39146, 39150, 39154 (part), 39156, 39159-60, 39162-63, 39166, 39169, 39171-73, 39175 (part), 39176-77, on 39192, 39194, 39206 (part), 39209 (part), 39213 (part), 39216 (part), 39352, 39653, 39661, 39668, 39747 art THIRD DISTRICT G.V. (SONNY) MONTGOMERY, Democrat, of Meridian, MS.; born in Meridian; B.S., Mississippi State University; served in World War II and Korean conflict; retired major general, Mississippi National Guard, having served more than 35 years in the mili-tary; recipient of Legion of Merit, Bronze Star for Valor, Meritorious Service Award Commendation Medal, and Mississippi Magnolia Cross Award; Combat Infantry Badge, Congressional Award by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Silver Helmet Congressional Award from AMVETS of World War II; the highest award given by the National Guard Association of the United States: the Harry S. Truman Award, for “constant and out-standing support and counsel in behalf of National Guard personnel,” and Distinguished Service Citation by Reserve Officers Association of United States; member, Episcopal Church; member of Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, 40 and 8, Shrine, Masons, Scottish Rite and York Rite, past president of Mississippi State University Alumni Association, Mississippi Heart Association, and Mississippi National Guard Asso-ciation; owned and operated Montgomery Insurance Agency prior to being elected to U.S. Congress; served in Mississippi State Senate representing Lauderdale County, 1956-66; elected to 90th Congress, November 8, 1966; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member of House Armed Services Committee and Veterans’ Affairs Committee (chair-man); served as chairman of House Select Committee on Missing Persons in Southeast Asia in 94th Congress, and chairman, Special House Committee on Southeast Asia in 95th Congress; he has made a total of 13 trips to Vietnam; former president of Congressional Prayer Breakfast group. In May 1984, he was asked by President Reagan to head a House delegation to observe the presidential elections in El Salvador. He was appointed in June 1984 by the Speaker of the House to lead the official House contingent to the 40th anni-versary of the D-Day invasion at Normandy; was asked to be the first Member of Con-gress to lead the pledge of allegiance when it became a permanent part of daily oper-ations in the House on September 13, 1988. 164 Congressional Directory MISSISSIPPI Office Listings 2184 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2403 225-5031 Administrative Assistant.—Andre Clemandot, Jr. Personal Secretary.—Louise D. Medlin. Caseworker.—Bo Maske. Press Secretary/Legislative Director.—Kyle T. Steward. P.O. Box 5618, Meridian, MS 39302 (601) 693-6681 110-D Airport Road, Pearl, MS 39208 (601) 932-2410 Golden Triangle Airport, Columbus, MS 39701 (601) 327-2766 Counties: Attala (part), Clarke, Clay, Jasper, Jones (part), Kemper, Lauderdale, Leake (part), Lowndes, Madison (part), Pires Newton, Noxubee, Oktibbeha (part), Rankin, Scott, Smith, Wayne (part), and Winston. Population , 515,314. ZIP Codes: 39042-44, 39046 (part), 39047, 39051 (part), 39057, 39067, 39073-74, 39076, 39080, 39087, 39090 (part), 39092, 39094, 39098, 39107-09, 39110 (part), 39114, 39116-17, 39119, 39145, 39148, 3915153, 39157 (part), 39158, 39161, 39167-68, 39189, 39193, 39208, 39211 (part), 39213 (part), 39218, 39283, 39288, 39298, 39301-05, 39307, 39320, 39323, 39325-28, 39330, 39332, 39335-39, 39341-42, 39345-48, 39350, 39352-56, 39358-61, 39363-67, 39422, 39439, 39440 (part), 39441-42, 39460, 39477, 39480-81, 39701-05, 39736, 39739, 39741, 39743, 39753-55, 39759 (part), 39762, 39766, 39773 FOURTH DISTRICT MIKE PARKER, Democrat, of Brookhaven, MS; born in Laurel, Jones County, MS, on October 31, 1949; son of Rev. and Mrs. Milton Paul Parker; graduated, Franklin High School, Meadville, MS, 1967; B.A., William Carey College, Hattiesburg, MS, 1970; small businessman; member, Faith Presbyterian Church; married to the former Rosemary Prather; three children: Michael Adrian, Marisa, and Thomas Welch; elected on Novem-ber 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; serves on the Committee on Public Works and Transportation (Subcommittees on Aviation; Economic Development; and Water Resources); member, House Budget Committee, Task Force of Budget Process, Reconciliation and Enforcement; member, Committee on Economic Policy, Protections and Revenues. Office Listings 1410 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2404 225-5865 Administrative Assistant/Legislative Director.—Arthur Rhodes. FAX: 225-5886 Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Pat Stewart-Holland. 245 East Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 965-4085 Executive Administrative.—Ed Cole. FAX: (601) 965-4695 Counties: Adams, Amite, Copiah, Covington, Franklin, Hinds (part), Jefferson Davis, Jones (part), Lawrence, Lincoln, Marion, Pike, Simpson, Walthall, and Wilkinson. Population (1990), 513,853. ZIP Codes: 39041 (part), 39044, 39049, 39056 (part), 39059, 39062, 39066 (part), 39077-78, 39082-83, 39086, 39111-12, 39114, 39119-22, 39140, 39144, 39149, 39154 (part), 39157 (part), 39165, 39168, 39170, 39174, 39175 (part), 39190- 91, 39201-05, 39206 (part), 39207, 39209 (part), 39211 (part), 39212, 39213 (part), 39215, 39216 (part), 39225, 39236, 39269, 39282, 39284, 39286, 39289, 39296, 39401 (part), 39421, 39427-29, 39436-37, 39440 (part), 39459, 39464, 39470, 39474, 39478-80, 39482-84, 39601, 39629-33, 39635, 39638, 39641, 30643, 39645, 39647-48, 39652-54, 39656- 57, 39661-69, 39759 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT GENE TAYLOR, Democrat, of Bay St. Louis, MS; born in New Orleans, LA on Sep-tember 17, 1953; attended Catholic schools in New Orleans, Bay St. Louis, Baton Rouge, LA; graduated from De LaSalle High School, New Orleans, LA, 1971; B.A., Tulane Uni-versity, New Orleans, LA, 1974; graduate studies in business and economics, August 1978-April 1980; former sales representative, Stone Container Corporation, 1977-89; city councilman, Bay St. Louis, 1981-83; State senator, 1983-89; member: Conservative Dem-ocrat Forum, Sunbelt Caucus, and Democratic Leadership Conference; married to the MISSISSIPPI 103d Congress 165 former Margaret Gordon, 1978; three children: Sarah, Emily, Gary; elected to the 101st Congress, by special election, on October 17, 1989, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Larkin Smith; reelected to each succeeding Congress. *» 166 Congressional Directory MISSISSIPPI Office Listings 215 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2405....................... 225-5772 Administrative Assistant.—Wayne Weidie. Legislative Director.—Stephen Peranich. Executive Secretary/Scheduler.—Molly Burns. 2424 Fourtheenth Street, Gulfport, MS 39501 (601) 864-7670 District Representative.—Beau Gex. 215 Federal Building, 701 Main Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 .............cccc........ (601) 582-3246 District Manager.—Jerry Martin. 706 Watts Avenue, Pascagoula, MS 39567 (601) 762-1770 Counties: Forrest, George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Lamar, Pearl River, Perry, Stone, and Wayne (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Biloxi, Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Pascagoula. Population (1990), 514,656. ZIP Codes: 38827, 39322, 39324, 39362, 39367, 39401 (part), 39402-03, 39406-07, 39423, 39425-26, 39451-52, 39455-57, 39461-66, 39470, 39475-76, 39482, 39501-03, 39505-07, 39520-22, 39525, 39529-35, 39552-53, 39555-56, 39558, 39560-65, 39567-69, 39571-74, 39576-77, 39581 MISSOURI 103d Congress MISSOURI (Population, 1990 census, 5,137,804) SENATORS JOHN C. DANFORTH, Republican, of Newburg, MO; born in St. Louis, MO, Sep-tember 5, 1936; graduated, St. Louis Country Day School, 1954; A.B., Princeton Univer-sity, 1958; B.D., LL.B., Yale University, 1963; admitted to the bar, 1963; commenced practice in New York, N.Y., until 1966 when he returned to St. Louis, MO., to practice law; ordained clergy, Episcopal Church; served as Missouri attorney general, 1969-76; member, Yale Corp., 1973-79; trustee, Princeton University; married to the former Sally Dobson; five children: Eleanor, Mary, D.D., Jody, and Tom; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected November 2, 1982, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1983; reelected November 8, 1988, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 249 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2502 224-6154 Administrative Assistant.—Robert McDonald. TDD: 224-7071 Personal Secretary.—Judith H. Dassira. News Secretary.—Stephen W. Hilton. Appointments.—Julie Biesemeyer. 1233 Jefferson Street, Jefferson City, MO 65109 (314) 635-7292 U.S. Courthouse, Suite 943, 811 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 426-6101 8000 Maryland Avenue, Suite 440, Clayton, MO 53105 (314) 725-4484 Plaza Towers, Suite 705, 1736 East Sunshine, Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 881-7068 Room 214, 339 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 (314) 334-7044 * x =» CHRISTOPHER S. BOND, Republican, of Mexico, MO; born March 6, 1939, in St. Louis; B.A., cum laude, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs of Princeton University, 1960; J.D., valedictorian, University of Virginia, 1963; held a clerk-ship with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit until 1964; practiced law in Washington, DC, and returned to Missouri, 1967; assistant attorney general of Missouri, 1969; elected: State auditor, 1970; Governor of Missouri, 1973-77, 1981-85; U.S. Senator, November 4, 1986; reelected on November 3, 1992; member, Appropriations Committee; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Budget; and Small Business Committees; married to Carolyn Reid of Owensboro, Kentucky, 1967; one son, Samuel Reid Bond, born in 1981. Office Listings 293 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2503 224-5721 Administrative Assistant.—Warren Erdman. FAX: 224-8149 Legal Counsel.—Brent Franzel. : Legislative Director.—Julie Dammann. Scheduling Secretary.—Anne Ekern. Rivergate Business Center, 600 Broadway, Suite 420, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 471-7141 312 Monroe Street, Jefferson City MO 65101 (314) 634-2488 Suite 1050, 8000 Maryland, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 727-7773 Room 705, 1736 Sunshine, Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 881-7068 Federal Building, Room 214, 339 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, MO (314) 334-7044 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, Democrat, of St. Louis, MO; born in St. Louis, MO, April 30, 1931; B.S., St. Louis University, 1953, history and political science, real estate broker; manager, life insurance company, 1959-61; alderman, 26th Ward, St. Louis, MO., 1959-64, wrote and sponsored Fair Employment Law; 1963; developed agenda and workshops, & 168 Congressional Directory MISSOURI and attended Summer White House Conference, 1966, as delegate from Missouri; married Carol A. Johnson; three children: Vicki, William, Jr., and Michelle; elected to the 91st Congress, November 5, 1968; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, House Committee on Education and Labor; chairman, House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Administration Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Libraries and Memorials; Congressional Black Caucus; and the Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee. Office Listings 2306 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2501 225-2406 Administrative Assistant.—Harriet C. Pritchett. FAX: 225-1725 Legislative Assistant.—Michele Bogdanovich. 6197 Delmar, St. Louis, MO 63112 (314) 725-5770 District Assistant.—Pearlie Evans. 49 Central City, Shopping Center North, St. Louis, MO 63136 (314) 388-0321 District Coordinator.— Virginia Cook. FAX: (314) 388-0503 Counties: St. Louis County (part) and St. Louis City (part). Population (1990), 568,285. ZIP Codes: 63031 (part), 63033 (part), 63034, 63042 (part), 63074 (part), 63101, 63102 (part), 63103, 63104 (part), 63105-08, 63110 (part), 63112-13, 63114 (part), 63115, 63117 (part), 63118 (part), 63119 (part), 63120-21, 63122 (part), 63124 (part), 63130, 63132 (part), 63133, 63134 (part), 63135-38, 63140 (part), 63143 (part), 6314445, 63147, 63155-56, 63166, 63169, 63177-79, 63182, 63188, 63197 SECOND DISTRICT JAMES M. TALENT, Republican, of Chesterfield, MO; born in St. Louis, MO, on October 18, 1956; attended Des Peres School, Kirkwood, MO; graduated from Kirkwood High School, 1973; B.A., Washington University, St. Louis, 1978; J.D., University of Chi-cago Law School, 1981; attorney; admitted to the Missouri bar, 1981; clerk for Judge Richard Posner, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit; associate, Moller, Talent, Kuelthau, and Welch; of counsel, Lashly and Baer; elected to the Missouri State House of Repre-sentatives, 1985-92, elected Minority Leader, 1989-92; member: West County Chamber of -Commerce; Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce; Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church; related to Congressman Richard A. Gephardt; married to the former Brenda Lyons, 1984; two children: Michael, 1990; and and Kathleen, 1992; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1022 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2502 225-2561 Administrative Assistant.—Mark Strand. FAX: 225-2563 Office Manager.—Michelle Blotevogel. Legislative Director.—Michael McLaughlin. 820 South Maine Street, Suite 206, Saint Charles, MO 63301 (314) 949-6826 District Director.—Barbara Cooper. 555 North New Ballas Road, Suite 315, St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 872-9561 Counties: St. Charles (part) and St. Louis (part). Population (1990), 568,306. ZIP Codes: 63005 (part), 63006, 63011, 63017, 63021-22, 63025 (part), 63026 (part), 63031 (part), 63032, 63033 (part), 63038, 63040, 63042 (part), 63043-45, 63069 (part), 63074 (part), 63088, 63114 (part), 63117 (part), 63119 (part), 63122 (part), 63124 (part), 63127 (part), 63128 (part), 63131, 63132 (part), 63134 (part), 63140 (part), 63141, 63146, 63301-02, 63303 (part), 63304 (part), 63338, 63366 (part), 63373, 63376 (part), 63386 MISSOURI 103d Congress 169 THIRD DISTRICT RICHARD A. GEPHARDT, Democrat, of St. Louis, MO.; born in St. Louis, January 31, 1941; graduated, Southwest High School, 1958; B.S., Northwestern University, 1962; J.D., University of Michigan Law School, 1965; admitted to the bar, 1965; commenced practice in St. Louis; attorney, partner, Thompson & Mitchell law firm, 1965-77; served in Missouri Air National Guard, 1965-71; chairman, Young Lawyer’s Section, the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, 1971-73; Democratic Committeeman of 14th Ward, city of St. Louis, MO, 1971-77; member: Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, MO, Kiwanis, Boy Scouts of America, Children’s United Research Effort, Missouri Bar Asso-ciation, and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis; married to the former Jane Ann Byrnes, 1966; three children: Matthew, Christine, and Katherine; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Budget Committee; member, House Steering and Policy Committee; member, Democratic Caucus; ex officio member, Select Committee on Intelligence; past chairman, Democratic Leadership Council; majority leader; was the first Democrat Presidental candidate to an-nounce in the 1988 national election. Office Listings 1432 Longworth House Office. Building, Washington, DC 20515-2503 .............. 225-2671 Administrative Assistant.—Rod Sippel. Legislative Director.—James Hawley. Office Manager.—Barbara Davis. 9959 Gravois, St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-9959 District Director.—Mary Renick. Counties: Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, St. Louis (part), and St. Louis City (part). Population (1990), 568,326. ZIP Codes: 63010, 63012, 63016, 63019-20, 63023, 63025 (part), 63026 (part), 63028, 63030, 63041, 63047-53, 63065-66, 63069 (part), 63070, 63087, 63102 (part), 63104 (part), 63109, 63110 (part), 63111, 63116, 63117 (part), 63118 (part), 63119 (part), 63122 (part), 63123, 63125-26, 63127 (part), 63128 (part), 63129, 63139, 63143 (part), 63151, 63157-58, 63163, 63627, 63640, 63661, 63670, 63673 FOURTH DISTRICT IKE SKELTON, Democrat, of Lexington, MO; born in Lexington, Lafayette County, MO, December 20, 1931; graduated, Lexington High School, 1949; attended Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, MO; graduated, University of Missouri: A.B., 1953; LL.B,, 1956; attended University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 1953; lawyer; admitted to the Missou-ri bar, 1956; commenced practice in Lexington; elected to the State senate, 1970; reelect-ed, 1974; prosecuting attorney, Lafayette County, 1957-60; special assistant attorney gen-eral, 1961-63; member: Phi Beta Kappa honor society, Missouri Bar Association, Lions, Elks, Masons, Boy Scouts, First Christian Church; married to the former Susan B. Anding, 1961; three children: Ike, James, and Page; elected to the 95th Congress, Novem-ber 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2227 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2504.................... 225-2876 Administrative Assistant.—Jack Pollard. Appointments.—Heather Richwine. Legislative Director.—Lara Battles. 514-B North 7 Highway, Blue Springs, MO 64014 (816) 228-4242 District Representative.—Robert Hagedorn. 319 South Lamine, Sedalia, MO 65301 (816) 826-2675 1616 Industrial Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101 (314) 635-3499 219 North Adams, Lebanon, MO 65536 (417) 532-7964 170 Congressional Directory MISSOURI Counties: Bates, Benton, Camden, Cass, Cole, Dallas, Henry, Hickory, Jackson (part), Johnson, Laclede, Lafayette, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage, Pettis, Pulaski, St. Clair, Saline, Vernon, and Webster. Population (1990), 569,146. ZIP Codes: 63548, 64001, 64011-12, 64014 (part), 64015 (part), 64017, 64019-22, 64029 (part), 64034 (part), 64037, 64040, 64061, 64063 (part), 64067, 64070-71, 64074, 64075 (part), 64076, 64078, 64080, 64082 (part), 64083, 64090, 64093, 64096.97, 64147 (part), 64701, 64720, 64722-26, 64728, 64730, 64733-35, 6473843, 64744 (part), 64745-47, 64750- 52, 64760-61, 64763, 64765, 64767, 64770-72, 64776, 64778-81, 64783, 64784 (part), 64788, 64790, 65001, 65011, 6501314, 6501618, 65020, 65023-26, 65032, 65034-35, 65037-38, 65040, 65042, 65046-55, 65058, 6506162, 65064— 65, 65072, 65074-76, 65078-79, 65081-85, 65101-02, 65109-10, 65287, 65301-02, 65305, 65320-21, 65323-27, 65329- 30, 65332-40, 65344-45, 65347-51, 65354-55, 65360, 65443, 65452, 65457, 65459, 65461-63, 65470, 65473, 65486, 65534, 65536, 65550, 65552, 65556, 65567, 65572, 65580, 65582-83, 65590-91, 65622, 65632, 65634, 65636, 65644, 65648, 65650, 65652, 65662, 65668, 65674, 65685, 65706, 65713, 65722, 65724, 65727, 65732, 65735, 65742, 65746, 65757, 65764, 65767, 65774, 65779, 65783, 65786-87 FIFTH DISTRICT ALAN WHEAT, Democrat, of Kansas City, MO; born in San Antonio, TX on Octo-ber 16, 1951; attended schools in the Midwest and Seville, Spain; graduated, Airline High School, Bossier City, LA, 1968; B.A., Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA, 1972; economist, Department of Housing and Urban Development and Mid-America Regional Council, 1973-74; married to the former Yolanda Townsend, 1990; one daughter, Alynda; aide, Jackson County, MO, Legislature, 1975-76; elected to the Missouri General Assembly, Pe elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding ongress. Office Listings 2334 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2505 Administrative Assistant.—Margaret E. Broadaway. Appointment Secretary.—Teresa DeLaCruz. Legislative Director/Press Secretary.—Darrek Porter. Room 935, 811 Grand, Kansas City, MO 64106-1997 District Director.—Gerard Grimaldi. Room 221, 301 West Lexington, Independence, MO 64050-3724 FAX: ... (816) (816) 225-4535 225-5990 842-4545 833-4545 County: JACKSON COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Grandview, Greenwood, Independence, Lee’s Summit, Raytown, and Sugar Creek. Population (1990), 569,130. ZIP Codes: 64015 (part), 64016 (part), 64030, 64034 (part), 64050, 64052-55, 64056 (part), 64057 (part), 64058 (part), 64063 (part), 64064 (part), 64065, 64081, 64082 (part), 64100-02, 64105-06, 64108-14, 64120, 64123-34, 64136-39, 6414545, "64147 (part), 64148-49, 64196, '64198-99 SIXTH DISTRICT PAT DANNER, Democrat, of Smithfield, MO; born January 13, 1934, in Louisville, KY; public schools in Bevier, MO; graduated cum laude from Northeast Missouri State University; B.A. Political Science; appointed to subcabinet position, Carter Administra-tion, 1977-81; first and only woman to serve as chair of a regional planning commission; elected to the Missouri Senate 1982, 1986, 1990: Committees, Transportation; Chairman: Education, Vice Chairman: Aging, Families, and Mental Health; Gubernatorial Missouri Scholars Academy Commission; married to C. Markt Meyer; four children: Stephen, Stephanie, Shane, Shavonne; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1217 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2506 (202) 225-7041 Administrative Assistant.—Doug Gray. FAX: 225-8221 Legislative Director.—Pat McInerney. 5754 North Broadway, Building 3, Suite 2, Kansas City, MO 64118 (816) 455-2256 District Administrator.—Lou Carson. FAX: (816) 255-4153 U.S. Post Office, 201 South 8th Street, St. Joseph, MO 64501 (816) 233-9818 District Administrator.—Rosie Haertling. FAX: (816) 233-9848 MISSOURI 103d Congress 171 Counties: Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Carroll, Chariton, Clay, Clinton, Cooper, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Howard, Jackson (part), Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Putnam, Ray, Schuyler, Sullivan, and Worth. Population (1990), 569,131. ZIP Codes: 63535-36, 63541, 63544-46, 63548, 63551, 63556-61, 63565-67, 64013, 64014 (part), 64015 (part), 64016 (part), 64017-18, 64024, 64028, 64029 (part), 64035-36, 64048, 64056 (part), 64057 (part), 64060, 64062, 64066, 64068, 64072-73, 64075 (part), 64077, 64079, 64084-85, 64088 (part), 64089, 64092, 64098, 64116-19, 64150-58, 64161, 64163-68, 64192, 64195, 64401-02, 64420-24, 64426-49, 64451-59, 64461, 64463, 64465-71, 64473-87, 64489-94, 64496-99, 64501-08, 64601, 64620-25, 64628, 64630-33, 64635-61, 64664-65, 64667-68, 64670-74, 64676-77, 64679, 64681-83, 64686-89, 65025, 65046, 65068, 65230, 65233, 65236-37, 65244, 65246, 65248, 65250, 65254, 65256 57, 65261, 65274, 65276, 65279, 65281, 65286-87, 65322, 65347-48, 65354 SEVENTH DISTRICT MEL HANCOCK, Republican, of Springfield, MO; born in Cape Fair, Stone County, MO on September 14, 1929; graduated, Senior High School, Springfield, MO, 1947; B.S,, Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, 1951; served: U.S. Air Force, 1951-53; U.S. Air Force Reserve, second lieutenant, 1953-65; businessman; member: Farm Bureau, National Rifle Association, American Legion; chairman, Taxpayers Survival Association; married to the former “Sug” McDaniel; three children: S. Lee, D. Kim, and Lu Ann; elected November 8, 1988; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 129 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2507 225-6536 Administrative Assistant.—Duncan Haggart. FAX: 225-7700 Appointment Secretary.—Tiffany Gleason. Press Secretary.—Sam Coring. 2840 East Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 862-4317 302 Federal Building, Joplin, MO 64801 (417) 781-1041 Counties: Barry, Barton, Cedar, Christian, Dade, Douglas, Greene, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Ozark, Polk, Stone, and Taney. Population (1990), 568,017. ZIP Codes: 64728, 64744 (part), 64748, 64755-56, 64759, 64803, 64830-36, 64840-44, 64847-50, 64854-59, 64861-70, 64873-74, 65436, 65463, 65470, 65536, 65543, 65572, 65590, 65632, 65636, 65644, 65654, 65660, 65662, 65667, 65670, 65672, 65674, 65604-05, 65607-14, 65616-20, 65622-27, 65629-31, 65633, 65635, 65637-38, 6564041, 65646-50, 65652-53, 65655-59, 65661, 65663-64, 65666, 65669, 65672, 65674-76, 65679-82, 65685-86, 65701-02, 65704-08, 65707-08, 65710-15, 65717-18, 65720-23, 65725-34, 65737-42, 6574445, 65747, 65751-62, 65764-73, 65775, 65781, 65784-85, 65790, 65793, 65801-10 EIGHTH DISTRICT BILL EMERSON, Republican, of Cape Girardeau, MO; born in St. Louis, MO, Janu-ary 1, 1938; raised in Hillsboro, Jefferson County, where he attended the public schools; in 1953 was appointed a page in the U.S. House of Representatives by the Honorable Thomas B. Curtis and received his high school diploma in 1955 from the U.S. Capitol Page School; B.A., Westminster College, Fulton, MO, 1959; LL.B., University of Balti-more, 1964; special assistant to U.S. Representative Robert F. Ellsworth, 1961-65; admin-istrative assistant to U.S. Representative/Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., 1965-70; di-rector, Government relations, Fairchild Industries, 1970-73; director, public affairs, Inter-state Natural Gas Association, 1974-75; executive assistant to the chairman, Federal Elec-tion Commission, 1975; director, Federal relations, TRW, Inc., 1975-79; president, Wil-liam Emerson & Associates, Government relations consultants, 1979-80; captain, USAF Res.; Presbyterian; married to the former Jo Ann Hermann; two daughters: Victoria and Katharine; two daughters by previous marriage, Elizabeth and Abigail; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 172 Congressional Directory : MISSOURI Office Listings 2454 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2508.................... 225-4404 Chief of Staff. —Lloyd Smith. FAX: 225-9621 Legislative Director.—Kelly Hughes. Communications Director.—Pete Jeffries. Personal Assistant/Office Manager.—Tricia Schade. Federal Building, 339 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.................ccecccu.... (314) 335-0101 612 Pine, Rolla, MO 65401 ...................... (314) 364-2455 Counties: Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Carter, Crawford, Dent, Dunklin, Howell, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Oregon, Pemiscot, Perry, Phelps, Reynolds, Ripley, St. Francois, Scott, Shannon, Stoddard, Texas, Washington, Wayne, and Wright. Population (1990), 568,385. ZIP Codes: 63036, 63071, 63601, 63620-26, 63628-33, 63636-38, 63640, 63645-46, 63648, 63650-51, 63653-56, 63660, 63662-65, 63674-75, 63701-02, 63730, 63732-33, 63735-36, 63738-40, 63742-45, 63747-48, 63750-53, 63755, 63758, 63760, 63763-67, 63769-71, 63774-75, 63779-87, 63801, 63820-30, 63833-34, 63837-41, 63845-53, 63855, 63857, 63860, 63862-63, 63866-71, 63873-82, 63901, 63931-37, 63939-45, 63947, 63950-57, 63960-67, 65014, 65401, 65433, 65436, 65438-41, 65444, 65446, 65449, 65453, 65456-57, 65459, 65462, 65464, 65466, 65468, 65470, 65479, 65483-84, 65501, 65529, 65535, 6554043, 65548, 65550, 65552, 65555, 65557, 65559-60, 6556466, 65570-71, 65573, 65586, 65588-89, 65606, 65609, 65626, 65637, 65660, 65662, 65667, 65688-90, 65692, 65702, 65704, 65706, 65711, 65713, 65717, 65775, 65777-78, 65788-91, 65793 NINTH DISTRICT HAROLD L. VOLKMER, Democrat, of Hannibal, MO; born in Jefferson City, MO, April 4, 1931; educated in the St. Peter’s High School, Jefferson City Junior College, St. Louis University School of Commerce and Finance, and received LL.B. from University of Missouri School of Law, Columbia, 1955; admitted to the bar in 1955, and appointed assistant attorney general of Missouri; served in the U.S. Army, 1955-57; prosecuting at-torney of Marion County, MO, 1960-66; served in Missouri House of Representatives, 1966-76, during the 78th general assembly served as chairman of the Judiciary Commit-tee, and as a member of the Revenue and Economics Committee, and as a member of the Third State Reorganization Commission; elected to the 95th U.S. Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, House Agriculture Committee and House Science and Technology Committee; member: Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Hannibal; 10th Judicial Circuit Bar Association; Missouri Bar Association; Han-nibal Lions Club; and Knights of Columbus; recipient of Hannibal Junior Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Award and received the St. Louis Globe-Democrat Award for Meritorious Public Service in the 76th and 77th Missouri General Assemblies; married Shirley Ruth Braskett of Kokomo, IN, August 20, 1955; three children: Jerry Wayne, John Paul, and Elizabeth Ann. Office Listings 2409 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2509.................... 225-2956 Administrative Assistant.—Jim Spurling. FAX: 225-7834 Scheduler.—Paula Lyng. Office Manager.—Jeanne Frederick. Federal Building, Room 370, Hannibal, MO 63401.............cccccccouriuininininnninnniinns (314) 221-1200 District Administrator.—Lee J. Viorel. 12) Botrke, Macon, MIO B38, i ree ncnsiiei teasusrs tanta Rantiasrwssnnes (816) 385-5615 912 East Walnut, Columbia, MO 65201................ccueu..... Arh. (314) 449-5111 317 Lafayette, P.O. Box 229, Washington, MO 63090 (314) 239-4001 Counties: Adair, Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Clark, Franklin, Gasconade, Knox, Lewis, Lincoln, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, Randolph, St. Charles (part), Scotland, Shelby, and Warren. Population (1990), 568,347. ZIP Codes: 63001, 63005 (part), 63013-15, 63037, 63039, 63055-56, 63060-61, 63068, 63069 (part), 63072, 63077, 63079-80, 63084, 63089-91, 63303 (part), 63304 (part), 63330, 63332-34, 63336, 63339, 63341-53, 63357, 63359, 63361-65, 63366 (part), 63367, 63369-70, 63376 (part), 63377, 63379, 63381-85, 63387-90, 63401, 63430-43, 63445-48, 63450 54, 63456-74, 63501, 63530-40, 63543-44, 6354647, 63549, 63552, 63555, 63558-59, 63563, 65010, 65014, 65022, 65036, 65039, 65041, 65043, 65059, 65061-63, 65066-67, 65069, 65077, 65080, 65201-03, 65205, 65231-32, 65239-40, 65243-44, 65247, 65251, 65255-60, 6526265, 65270, 65275, 65278-80, 65282-85 MONTANA 103d Congress 173 MONTANA (Population, 1990 census, 803,655) SENATORS MAX BAUCUS, Democrat, of Missoula, MT; born in Helena, MT, December 11, 1941; graduated, Helena High School, 1959; B.A. in economics, Stanford University, 1964; LL.B., Stanford University Law School, 1967; attorney, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1967-71; attorney, George & Baucus law firm, Missoula, MT; married to the former Wanda Minge; one child: Zeno; member: Montana and District of Columbia Bar Associa-tions; served in Montana House of Representatives, 1973-74; elected to the 94th Con-gress, November 5, 1974; reelected to the 95th Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate, No-vember 7, 1978 for a 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; subsequently appointed De-cember 15, 1978, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Paul Hatfield; reelected November 6, 1984 and November 6, 1990; member: Finance Committee; Agri-culture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee; Select Committee on Intelligence; Joint Com-mittee on Taxation; chairman, Environment and Public Work Committee. Office Listings 511 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2602 ..............c..c........ 224-2651 Administrative Assistant.—Greg Mastel. Legislative Director/General Counsel.—Mark Smith. Press Secretary.—Caleb Marshall. 202 Fratt Building, 2817 Second Avenue North, Billings, MT 59101.................. (406) 657-6790 State Director.—Sharon Peterson. : (800) 332-6106 P.O. Box 1689, Bozeman, MT 59771 (406) 586-6104 Silver Bow Center, 125 West Granite, Butte, MT 59701 (406) 782-8700 107 5th Street North, Great Falls, MT 59401 (406) 761-1574 715 North Main, Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 756-1150 23 South Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 449-5480 Room 102, 211 North Higgins, Missoula, MT 59802 (406) 329-3123 * * 0% CONRAD BURNS, Republican, of Billings, MT; born in Gallatin, Daviess County, MO, on January 25, 1935; attended Pleasant Grove School District 60, Gallatin, MO, 1940-48; graduated, Gallatin High School, 1952; attended, University of Missouri, Colum-bia, 1953-54; served, U.S. Marine Corps, corporal, 1955-57; farm broadcaster and auc-tioneer; county commissioner, Yellowstone County, 1986; member: Rotary, American Legion, National Association of Farm Broadcasters, American Association of Farm Broadcasters, Atonement Lutheran Church; married to the former Phyllis Kuhlmann; two children: Keely, 21, and Garrett, 17; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 1988, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 183 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2603...................... 224-2644 Administrative Assistant.—Jack Ramirez. Senior Legislative Director.—Tom Fulton. Scheduler.—Kathy Didawick. Office Manager.—Margo Rushing. Suite 202-A, 208 North Montana Avenue, Helena, MT 59601................ccoueuueuee (406) 449-5401 2708 First Avenue North, Billings, MT 59101 (406) 252-0550 321 First Avenue North, Great Falls, MT 59401 (406) 452-9585 415 North Higgins, Missoula, MT 59802 (406) 329-3528 324 West Towne, Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 365-2391 Federal Building, Room 106, 10 East Babcock, Bozeman, MT 59715................. (406) 586-4450 Suite 211, 125 West Granite, Butte, MT 59701 (406) 723-3277 Suite 101, 575 Sunset Boulevard, Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 257-3360 174 Congressional Directory MONTANA REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE PAT WILLIAMS, Democrat, of Helena, MT; born in Helena, MT, October 30, 1937; attended the public schools; graduated, Butte High School, 1956; attended University of Montana, 1956-57; B.A., University of Denver, 1961; U.S. Army, 1960-61; Colorado and Montana National Guard, 1962-69; educator; served in the Montana House of Represent-atives, 1967; executive director, Hubert Humphrey Presidential campaign, Montana, 1968; Montana House of Representatives, 1969; executive assistant to U.S. Congressman John Melcher, 1969-71; member, Governor’s employment and training council, 1972-78; member, Montana Legislative Reapportionment Commission, 1973; cochairman, Jimmy Carter Presidential campaign, Montana, 1976; coordinator, Montana Family Education Program, 1971-78; member, Montana Manpower Council, 1973-78; member, Montana Federation of Teachers; married to the former Carol Griffith, 1965; three children: Griff, Erin, and Whitney; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2457 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2601 ................... 225-3211 Staff Director.—James P. Foley. Executive Assistant.—Mary B. Flanagan. Press Secretary.—David E. Roach. Legislative Assistants: Diane Hill, Dave Martin and Dave Blair. Room 443, 316 North Park, P.O. Box 1681, Helena, MT 59624 .......................... (406) 443-7878 Room 306, 305 West Mercury, Butte, MT 59701 (406) 723-4404 302 West Broadway, Missoula, MT 59802 (406) 549-5550 214 North 29th Street, Billings, MT 59101 (406) 256-1019 Room 101, Courthouse Annex, 325 Second Avenue N., Great Falls, MT 59401 (406) 771-1242 Counties: Beaverhead, Big Horn, Blaine, Broadwater, Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Deer Loge, Fallon, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Garfield, Glacier, Golden Valley, Granite Hill, Jefferson, Judith Basin, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Mussellshell Park, Petroleum, Phillips, Pondera, Powder River, Powell, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sand-ers, Sheridan, Silver Bow, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Teton, Toole, Treasure, Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellow-stone, and Yellowstone National Park. Population (1990), 803,655. ZIP Codes: 59001-03, 59006-08, 59010-20, 59022, 5902439, 59041, 59043-44, 59046-47, 59050-55, 59057-59, 59061-72, 59074-79, 59081-83, 59085-89, 59101-08, 59111-12, 59114-17, 59201, 59211-15, 59217-19, 59221-26, 59230-31, 59240-45, 59247-48, 59250, 59252-63, 59270, 59273-76, 59301, 59311-19, 59322-24, 59326-27, 59330, 59332-33, 59336-39, 59341-45, 59347-49, 59351, 59353-54, 59401, 59403-06, 59410-12, 59414, 59416-22, 59424-25, 59427, 59430, 59432-36, 59440-48, 59450-54, 59456-57, 59460-69, 59471-474, 59477, 59479-80, 59482-87, 59489, 59501, 59520-32, 59535, 59537-38, 59540, 59542, 5954447, 59601, 59604, 59624, 59626, 59631-36, 59638-45, 59647-48, 59701-03, 59710-11, 59713-17, 59720-22, 59724-25, 59727-33, 59735-36, 59739-41, 59743, 59745-52, 59754-56, 59758-62, 59771-72, 59801-03, 59806-07, 59820-21, 59823-37, 59840-48, 59851-56, 59858-60, 59863-68, 59870-75, 59901, 59903-04, 59910-23, 59925-37 NEBRASKA 103d Congress NEBRASKA (Population, 1990 census, 1,584,617) SENATORS J. JAMES EXON, Democrat, of Lincoln, NE; born in Geddes, Charles Mix County, SD, August 9, 1921; son of John James Exon, Sr. and Luella; education, Lake Andes, SD public elementary and secondary schools; attended University of Omaha, Omaha, NE, 1939-41; enlisted U.S. Army, 1942; 2 years overseas: New Guinea, Philippines and Japan; honorable discharge, 1945, as master sergeant; small business and agriculture background; married to the former Omahan Patricia Ann Pros; three children: Stephen James, Pamela Ann, and Candace Lee; eight grandchildren: Stephen, Heather and Jessica Exon, Amy and Colin Bricker, and Lindsay, Evan James, and Anna Wolf; branch manager, Universal Finance Corp., 1945-53; president, Exons, Inc., engaged in office equipment and furnish-ings, 1953-71; elected Governor of Nebraska, 1970, and reelected to second 4-year term 1974; elected, U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; reelected to a second 6-year term in the U.S. Senate beginning January 3, 1985; reelected to a third 6-year term beginning January 3, 1991; former vice chairman and national com-mitteeman, Nebraska Democratic Party; Democratic National Conventions, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1988 and 1992; as Governor, was member of Education Commission of the States, chaired Midwest Governors’ Conference and Old West Regional Commission; served on executive committee and as first chairman of the agriculture committee of the National Governors’ Association; member: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church of Lincoln, Masonic Orders, Eagies, Elks, Optimist International, American Legion, and Veterans’ of Foreign Wars; recipient of Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, Creighton University in Omaha, 1991. Office Listings 528 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2702 224-4224 Chief of Staff.—Greg Pallas. Press Secretary.—Dorothy Pritchard Endacott. Appointment Secretary.—Adele Hanson. 275 Federal Building, North Platte, NE 69101 (308) 534-2006 287 Federal Building, 100 Centennial Mall, North, Lincoln, NE 68508 (402) 437-5591 State Coordinator.—Mark Bowen. Suite 700, 1623 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102 (402) 341-1776 2106 First Avenue, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 632-3595 * %* = J. ROBERT KERREY, Democrat, of Omaha, NE; born in Lincoln, Lancaster County, NE, on August 27, 1943; attended Bethany Grade School, Lincoln, 1948-55; graduated, Northeast High School, Lincoln, 1961; B.S. degree in Pharmacy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1966; served, U.S. Navy, Lt. (J.G), 1966-69; restaurateur; Governor of Nebras-ka, 1983-87; member: VFW, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chamber of Commerce, Medal of Honor Society, First Plymouth Congregational Church; two children: Benjamin and Lindsey; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 1988, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 303 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2704 224-6551 Administrative Assistant.—Paul Johnson. Legislative Director.—Sheila Murphy. Press Secretary.—Beth Gonzales. Scheduler.—Cindy Dwyer. 7602 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 391-3411 Federal Building, Room 294, 100 Centennial Mall North, Lincoln, NE 68508... (402) 437-5109 2106 First Avenue, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 632-3595 Congressional Directory NEBRASKA REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT DOUG BEREUTER, Republican, of Lincoln, NE; born in York, NE, October 6, 1939, son of Rupert and Evelyn Bereuter; attended St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Utica, NE, 1953; graduated, Utica High School, Utica, NE, 1957; B.A., University of Nebraska, Lin-coln, NE, 1961; distinguished military graduate; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; M.C.P., Harvard University, 1966; M.P.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1973; counterintelligence officer, First Infantry Division, U.S. Army, 1963-65; urban development consultant in States surrounding Nebraska; associate professor at University of Nebraska and Kansas State University; visiting lecturer, Harvard University; State senator, Nebraska Unicamer-al Legislature, 1975-78; vice chairman, Appropriations Committee and Committee on Ad-ministrative Rules and Regulations, 1977-78; chaired the Urban Development Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures, 1977-78; member, Select Committee on Post-Secondary Education Coordination, 1977-78; Legislative Conservationist of the Year Award by the Nebraska and National Wildlife Federation in 1980; division director, Ne-braska Department of Economic Development, 1967-68; director, State Office of Plan-ning and Programming, 1968-70; appointive, Federal-State relations coordinator for Ne-braska State Government, 1967-70; member: State crime commission, Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; board of trustees, Nebraska Wesleyan University; member, State Department Commission on Security and Economic Assistance (1983-84); member, National Commis-sion on Agricultural Trade and Export Policy (1985-86); congressional delegate to the United Nations, 1987; elected to the 96th Congress and each succeeding Congress; member: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; House Foreign Af-fairs Committee; Select Committee on Intelligence; and Select Committee on Hunger. | Office Listings 2348 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2701 225-4806 Administrative Assistant.—Susan Olson. Office Manager.—Robin Evans. Appointment/Personal Secretary.—Marcia Smith. 1045 K Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 (402) 438-1598 District Office Manager.—Jim Barr. 502 North Broad Street, Fremont, NE 68025 (402) 727-0888 District Office Manager.—David Heineman. Counties: Burt, Butler, Cass (part), Cedar, Colfax, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Gage, Johnson, Lancaster, Madison, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Richardson, Saline, Saunders, Seward, Stanton, Thurston, Washington, Wayne, and York. Population (1990), 526,297. ZIP Codes: 68001-04, 68008, 68014-20, 68023, 68025, 68029-31, 68033, 6803642, 68044-45, 68047, 68050, 68055, 68057 58, 68061-63, 68065-68, 68070-73, 68301, 68304-05, 68307, 68309-10, 68313-14, 68316-21, 68323-24, 68328-33, 68336-37, 68339, 68341, 68343-49, 68355, 68357-60, 68364, 68366-68, 68371-72, 68374, 68376, 68378-82, 68401-05, 68407, 68409-10, 6841315, 68417-23, 68428, 68430-34, 68437-39, 68441-43, 68445-48, 68450, 68453-58, 68460-67, 68500-510, 68512, 68514, 68516-17, 68520-24, 68526-29, 68531-32, 68542, 68621, 68624, 68626, 68629, 68632-33, 68635, 68641, 68643, 68648-50, 68657-59, 68661, 68664, 68667, 68669, 68701, 68710, 68715-17, 68723, 68727-28, 68731-33, 68738-41, 68743, 68745, 68748-49, 68751-52, 68757-58, 68762, 68768, 68770-71, 68774, 68776, 68779, 68781, 6878485, 68787-88, 68790-92 SECOND DISTRICT PETER HOAGLAND, Democrat, from Omaha, NE; born on November 17, 1941; at-tended Harrison and Dundee elementary schools, Omaha; graduated, Omaha Central High School; graduated, Stanford University, International relations, 1963; Yale Universi-ty Law School, 1968; lieutenant, U.S. Army, 1964-65; clerked for a Federal judge upon graduation from law school; returned to Omaha to practice law; elected to the Nebraska legislature, 1978-86; married to Barbara Hoagland; children: Elizabeth, Katie, David, Christopher, and Nicholas; member: Ways and Means Committee; elected to the 101st Congress on November 8, 1988; reelected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; re-elected to 103d Congress, November 3, 1992. NEBRASKA 103d Congress 177 Office Listings 1113 Longworth House Office Building, Administrative Assistant.—Kathleen Executive Assistant.—Susan Carey. Senior Legislative Counsel. —Roger Press Secretary.—Russ Rader. 8424 Zorinsky Federal Building, Omaha Washington, Ambrose. Blauwet. NE 68102 DC 20515--2702 : (402) 225-4155 344-8701 Counties: Cass (part); Douglas; Sarpy. Population (1990), 526,567. ZIP Codes: 68005, 68007, 68010, 68022, 68028, 68046, 68048 (part), 68056, 68059, 68064, 68069, 68101-14, 68117-20, 68122-24, 68127-28, 68130-38, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154-55, 68157, 68164 THIRD DISTRICT BILL BARRETT, Republican, of Lexington, NE; born in Lexington on February 9, 1929; graduate of Lexington High School; B.A., Hastings College, Hastings, NE, 1951; classes at Universities of Connecticut, Nebraska, and Colorado; served in the U.S. Navy, 1951-52; career in real estate and insurance since 1956; president, Barrett-Housel and As-sociates, Inc., 1970-90; appointed to Nebraska Unicameral Legislature in 1979; elected to Nebraska Legislature in 1980, 1984, 1988; elected Speaker of the Nebraska Legislature, 1987-90; named Legislator of the Year by the National Republican Legislators Associa-tion, 1990; named one of the five most influential State legislators by the Lincoln Star, 1988; member, Lexington School Board, 1962-68; Lexington Planning Commission; Lex-ington Airport Authority; Greater Lexington Development Corporation; organizational memberships: Nebraska Association of Insurance Agents; National Association of Insur-ance Agents; past president, Dawson County Board of Realtors; past treasurer, Nebraska Realtors Association; Realtors National Marketing Institute; American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers; National Association of Realtors; National Association of Realtors’ honorary fraternity, Omega Tau Rho; certified instructor, Nebraska Real Estate Commis-sion; member: Nebraska Jaycees (past president); Lexington Rotary Club (past president); American Legion; elder, Presbyterian Church; trustee, Hastings College; married to Elsie Carlson Barrett, 1952; four children: William, David, Elizabeth, and Jane; elected to the 102d Congress November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1213 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2703 225-6435 Administrative Assistant.—Jeralyn P. Finke. Press Secretary.—Julie Ryan. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Anna Castner. 312 West Third Street, Grand Island, NE 68801 (308) 381-5555 Suite 2, 1501 Second Avenue, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308) 632-3333 Counties: Adams; Antelope; Arthur; Banner; Blaine; Boone; Box Butte; Boyd; Brown; Buffalo; Chase; Cherry; Chey-enne; Clay; Custer; Dawes; Dawson; Deuel; Dundy; Fillmore; Franklin; Frontier; Furnas; Garden; Garfield; Gosper; Grant; Greeley; Hall; Hamilton; Harlan; Hayes; Hitchcock; Holt; Hooker; Howard; Jefferson; Kearney; Keith; Keya Paha; Kimball; Knox; Lincoln; Logan; Loup; McPherson; Merrick; Morrill; Nance; Nuckolls; Pierce; Perkins; Phelps; Pierce; Platte; Polk; Red Willow; Rock; Scotts Bluff; Sheridan; Sherman; Sioux; Thayer; Thomas; Valley; Webster; Wheeler. Population (1990), 525,521. ZIP Codes: 68303, 68315-16, 68322, 68325-27, 68335, 68338, 6834042, 68350-52, 68354, 68361-62, 68365, 68367, 68370 71, 68375, 68377, 68401, 68406, 68416, 68424, 68429, 68436, 68440, 68444, 68452-53, 68464, 68601-02, 68620, 68622 23, 68625, 68627-28, 68630-31, 68634, 68636-38, 68640, 6864244, 68647, 68651-55, 68660, 68662-63, 68665-66, 68711, 68713-14, 68718-20, 68722, 68724-26, 68729-30, 68734-35, 68737-38, 68742, 6874647, 68752-53, 68755-56, 68758-61, 68763-67, 68769, 68771-73, 68777-78, 68780-81, 68783, 68786, 68789, 68801-03, 68810, 68812-29, 68831-38, 6884044, 6884648, 68850, 68852-56, 68858-66, 68868-76, 68878-83, 68901-02, 68920, 68922-30, 68932-52, 68954-61, 68963-64, 6896667, 68969-82, 69001, 69020-46, 69101, 69103, 69120-23, 69125, 69127-35, 69138, 69140 57, 69161-63, 69165-71, 69201, 69210-12, 69214, 69216-21, 69301, 69331, 69333-37, 69339-41, 69343, 69345-58, 69360-61, 69363, 69365-67 Congressional Directory NEVADA NEVADA (Population, 1990 census, 1,206,152) SENATORS HARRY REID, Democrat, of Searchlight, NV; born in Searchlight, NV, on Decem-ber 2, 1939; attended Searchlight Elementary School; graduated, Basic High School, Hen-derson, NV, 1957; associate degree in science, Southern Utah State College, 1959; B.S., Utah State University, Phi Kappa Phi, 1961; J.D., George Washington School of Law, Washington, DC, 1964; admitted to the Nevada State bar, 1963, a year before graduating from law school; while attending law school, worked as a U.S. Capitol police officer; city attorney, Henderson, 1964-66; member and chairman, South Nevada Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, 1967-69; elected: Nevada State Assembly, 1969-70; Lieutenant Gover-nor, State of Nevada, 1970-74; served, executive committee, National Conference of Lieutenant Governors; chairman, Nevada Gaming Commission, 1977-81; member: Nevada State, Clark County, and American Bar Associations; American Board of Trial Advocates; board of directors: American Cancer Society; Legal Aid Society, YMCA; and Operation Life, a community development corporation; judge, Nevada State Athletic Commission; served, Executive Reserve of the U.S. Office of Emergency Planning; awards: Nevada Jaycees Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1970; named Man of the Year by the City of Hope, 1977; recipient of the National Jewish Hospital/National Asthma Center Humanitarian Award, 1984; married to the former Landra Gould in 1959; five children: Lana, Rory, Leif, Josh, and Key; elected to the 98th Congress on Novem-ber 2, 1982, and reelected to the 99th Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 4, 1986; reelected November 3, 1992; committee assignments: Appropriations; Environ-ment and Public Works; and Special Committee on Aging; Indian Affairs; and Joint Com-mittee on the Organization of Congress. Office Listings 324 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2803 224-3542 Personal Secretary.—Janice Shelton. FAX: 224-7327 Administrative Assistant.—Reynaldo L. Martinez. Legislative Director.—Larry Werner. Press Secretary.—Susan McCue. Room 302, 600 East Williams, Carson City, NV 89701 des (702) 882-7343 Suite 7, 500 South Rancho Road, Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 388-6545 300 Booth Street, Reno, NV 89509 (702) 784-5568 #% * % RICHARD H. BRYAN, Democrat, of Las Vegas, NV, born on July 16, 1937 in Wash-ington, DC; attended Las Vegas High School, Las Vegas, NV, 1951-55; B.A., University of Nevada, Reno, 1959; LL.B., University of California Hastings College of Law, 1963; second lieutenant, U.S. Army, 1959-60; served in U.S. Army Reserve; attorney, began practice in Nevada, 1963; appointed public defender, 1966-68; elected to the Nevada State Assembly, 1968-72; elected Nevada State Senate, 1972-78; elected Nevada attorney general, 1979-83; elected Governor of Nevada, 1983-89; married to the former Bonnie Fairchild, 1962; three children: Richard, Jr., Leslie, and Blair; member: Committees on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Commerce, Science, and Technology (chairman, Consumer Subcommittee); Aviation Subcommittee; Intelligence Committee; chairman of Ethics Committee; Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee; member, Democratic Steering Committee; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 1988 for the 6-year term commencing January 3, 1989. Office Listings 364 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2804 224-6244 Administrative Assistant.—Jean Neal. FAX: 224-1867 Personal Secretary.—Jackie Bradford. Legislative Counsel. —Tim Hay. Legislative Director.—Andrew Vermilye. Suite 2014, 300 Booth Street, Reno, NV 89509 (702) 784-5007 600 East Williams Street, Carson City, NV 89701 (702) 885-9111 Suite 1110, 300 Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 388-6605 NEVADA 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JAMES H. BILBRAY, Democrat of Las Vegas, NV; born in Las Vegas, NV, in 1938; graduated from Las Vegas High School; attended the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and served as student body president, 1959-60; A.B., American University, 1962: J.D., Washington College of Law, American University, 1964; served in Nevada National Guard, 1955-63 and currently holds rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in Nevada National Guard Reserve; attorney; former Deputy District Attorney and Alternate Municipal Judge for the city of Las Vegas; serves on the Armed Services and Small Business Com-mittees; chairman: Small Business Subcommittee on Procurement, Taxation, and Tourism; member, Energy and Agriculture; Exports, Tourism and Special Problems; House Select Committee on Intelligence; member on caucuses: Travel and Tourism; Human Rights; Arts; member, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; Democratic Leadership Council; married: Michaelene Bilbray; children: Bridget, Erin, and Shannon; elected to Congress November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2431 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2801 225-5965 Administrative Assistant/Legislative Director.—Mike Talisnik. FAX: 225-8808 Press Secretary.—Gordon Absher. Suite 445, 1785 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89104 (702) 792-2424 District Director.—Rene Diamond. County: CLARK COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 600,957. ZIP Codes: 03032, 03034, 03036-38, 03040-42, 03044-45, 03053-54, 03077, 03101-02, 03103 (part), 03104-05, 03106 (part), 03108-10, 03218, 03220, 03225-27, 03234, 03237, 03246-47, 03253-54, 03256, 03259, 03261, 03263, 03276 rt), 03289-91, 03801-02, 03804, 03809-10, 03811 (part), 03812-20, 03824-27, 03830, 03832-33, 03835-42, 03844-, 03862, 03864-65, 03867-69 SECOND DISTRICT BARBARA F. VUCANOVICH, Republican, of Reno, NV; born in Camp Dix, NJ, on June 22, 1921; graduated, Albany Academy for Girls, Albany, 1938; attended Manhattan-ville College of Sacred Heart, New York, NY, 1939; businesswoman; district representa-tive for Senator Paul Laxalt for northern Nevada, 1974-82; member: Nevada Federation of Republican Women, Republican Women’s Club of Reno, Saint Mary’s Hospital Guild, Soroptimist, Emblem Club, Civil Air Patrol, and Washoe Medical Center Women’s League; married to George J. Vucanovich, 1965; five children: Patty, Mike, Ken, Tom, and Susie; 15 grandchildren; 2 greatgrandchildren; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2202 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515­ 2802 225-6155 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Pieper. FAX: 225-2319 Legislative Director.—Dennis Parobek. Press Secretary.—Tina Kreisher. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Sarah Willis. 300 Booth Street, Reno, NV 89509 : (702) 784-5003 Suite 509, 6900 Westcliff, Las Vegas, NV 89128 .. (702) 255-6470 700 Idaho Street, Elko, NV 89701 . : (702) 738-4064 Counties: Churchill, Clark (part), Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, White Pine, and Carson City. Population (1990), 600,876. ZIP Codes: 89001, 89003-10, 89013, 89015 (part), 89017-25, 89028-29, 89030 (part), 89031 (part), 89036, 89039-43, 89045-47, 89049, 89103 (part), 89107 (part), 89108 (part), 89111, 89113, 89115 (part), 89117 (part), 89118 (part), 89122 (part), 89124 (part), 89128 (part), 89129, 89130 (part), 89131, 89133-34, 89301, 89310-11, 89314-19, 89402-15, 89418-34, 89436, 89438-40, 89442, 8044445, 89447-51, 89501-07, 89509-13, 89515, 89520, 89523, 89550, 89557, 89564, 89570, 89701-06, 89721, 89801-03, 8982026, 89828, 89830-35, 89883 Congressional Directory NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW HAMPSHIRE (Population, 1990 census, 1,113,915) SENATORS ROBERT C. SMITH, Republican, of Tuftonboro, NH; born in Trenton, NJ, March 30, 1941; B.S., government and history, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, 1965; served, U.S. Navy, 1965-67, 1 year of duty in Vietnam, 5 years, U.S. Naval Reserve; teacher, realtor; married to the former Mary Jo Hutchinson; three children: Jennifer, Robert, Jr., and Jason; elected to the U.S. House, 1985-90; served on Armed Services Committee, Science and Technology Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee, Small Business Committee, and the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families; elected to U.S. Senate, Novem-ber 6, 1990; appointed to the Armed Services Committee, the Environment and Public Works Committee, and the Select Committee on Ethics. Also serves as deputy whip for the Senate minorty leadership. Office Listings 332 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2903 224-2841 Administrative Assistant.—Patrick J. Pettey. Legislative Director.—James M. Krey. Press Secretary.—Lisa B. Stocklan. Office Manager.—John M. Pettey. The Gateway Building, Second Floor, 50 Phillippe Cote Street, Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 634-5000 State Director.—Mark Aldrich. One Harbour Place, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 433-1667 46 South Main Street, Concord, NH 03301 .. (603) 228-0453 136 Pleasant Street, Berlin, NH 03570 (603) 752-7351 * x * JUDD GREGG, Republican, of Greenfield, NH; born in Nashua, NH, February 14, 1947; attended Nashua public schools; graduated Phillips Exeter Academy, 1965: A.B., Columbia University, New York City, 1969; J.D., 1972 and LL.M., 1975; Boston Univer-sity; attorney; admitted to the New Hampshire bar, 1972; commenced practice in Nashua; practiced law, 1975-80; member, Governor's executive council, 1978-80; president, Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Foundation; married to the former Kathleen MacLel-lan, 1973; three children: Molly, Sarah, and Joshua; elected to the 97th Congress, Novem-ber 4, 1980 and reelected to the 98th-100th Congresses; elected Governor of New Hamp-shire, 1988-92; elected to the Senate, November 3, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993. Office Listings 393 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-2902 224-3324 Administrative Assistant.—Martha Austin. Office Manager.—Suzanne Hoffman. Legislative Adviser.—Pat Rich. State Director.—Joel Maioia. 125 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 225-7115 28 Webster Street, Manchester, NH 03104 (603) 622-7979 99 Pease Boulevard, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 431-2171 136 Pleasant Street, Berlin, NH 03570 (603) 752-2604 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT BILL ZELIFF, Jr., Republican, of Jackson, NH; born in East Orange, NJ, June 12, 1936; graduated from Milford High School, Milford, CT, 1954; B.S., business administra-tion, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 1959; served, U.S. Army National Guard, 1958-64; sales and marketing manager, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.; innkeeper and NEW HAMPSHIRE 103d Congress 181 small business owner; past vice-chairman and board member, Business & Industry Asso-ciation; past member, Jackson Planning Board; past president and current member, Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce; past board member and current member, New England Innkeepers Association; past treasurer and board member, New England USA; past president and board member: New Hampshire Hospitality Association; New Hampshire/Ohio Citizens Task Force on Acid Rain; High Level Nuclear Waste Task Force; New Hampshire Council on the Arts; member for 10 years, New Hampshire Pri-vate Industry Council, CETA and Job Training Council; past president and board member, New Hampshire Travel Council; delegate, White House Conference on Small Business, 1986; and New Hampshire Innkeeper of the Year, 1988-89; married to the former Sydna Taylor, 1959; three children: James, Michael, and William III; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 224 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2901.............c...c..... 225-5456 Chief of Staff. —Marshall Cobleigh. FAX: 225-4370 Senior Legislative Assistant.—Marshall Cobleigh. Director of Communications.—Barbara Riley. Executive Assistant. —Ann McCain. 340 Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 669-6330 FAX: (603) 669-6446 601 Spaulding Turnpike, Suite 28, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 433-1601 Couniies Belimp (part), Carroll, Hillsborough (part), Merrimack (part), Rockingham (part), and Strafford. Population 990), 554,360. ZIP Codes: 03032, 03034, 03036-38, 0304042, 03044-45, 03053-54, 03077, 03101-02, 03103 (part), 03104-05, 03106 (part), 03108-10, 03218, 03220, 03225-27, 03234, 03237, 03246-47, 03253-54, 03256, 03259, 03261, 03263, 03276 (part), 03289-91, 03801-02, 03804, 03809-10, 03811 (part), 03812-20, 03824-27, 03830, 03832-33, 03835-42, 03844 60, 03862, 0386465, 03867-75, 03878, 03882-87, 03890, 03894, 03896 ; SECOND DISTRICT DICK SWETT, Democrat, of Bow, NH; born in Bryn Mawr, PA, May 1, 1957; at-tended Humiston Elementary School, Meredith, NH, graduated from Laconia High School, Laconia, NH, 1975; B.A. in architecture, Yale University, 1979; architect/alterna-tive energy development; honorary degrees: Doctor of Laws, Franklin Pierce College, 1993, Daniel Webster College, 1993; Yale Club; captain, Yale track team; holder, Yale University decathlon record; member: American Institute of Architects; named as one of the “Ten Outstanding Young Americans” by the National U.S. Junior Chamber of Com-merce, 1993; awarded the Presidential Citation by the American Institute of Architects; selected by New Hampshire Business Magazine’s as one of the ten most influential people in New Hampshire for 1993; Chairman of the New Hampshire U.S. Olympic Committee; Honorary Chair of the Greater Nashua Housing and Development Foundation Fundrais-ing Drive; married to the former Katrina Lantos; six children: Chelsea Britannia, 1983; Sebastian Amadeus, 1984; Keaton Parkhurst, 1986; Chanteclaire Esprit, 1988; Kismet Canterbury, 1990; Atticus Omega, 1992; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992; member: Committee on Transportation and Public Works, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Aviation and Economic Development; Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Energy; and Technolo-gy, Environment and Aviation; Executive Committee of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus; member of the permanent U.S. Congressional Delegation to the European Parlia-ment of the European Community, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, the North-east Agricultural Caucus, the Rural Health Care Coalition, the New England Congres-sional Energy Causus, the Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus, the Congressional Arts Caucus, Action for Soviet Jewry, and the Congressional Advisory Board of the Congressional Human Rights Foundation. 182 Congressional Directory NEW HAMPSHIRE Office Listings 230 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2902 225-5206 Administrative Assistant/Press Contact. —Kay A. King. District Director.—Shireen Tilley. Executive Director.—Jeff Woodburn. Legislative Director.—Joe Freeman. 18 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-6621 5 Coliseum Avenue, Nashua, NH 03063 127 Main Street, Littleton, NH 03561 (603) . (603) 880-6142 444-1321 Counties: Belknap (part); Cheshire; Coos; Grafton; Hillsborough (part); Merrimack (part); Rockingham (part); Sullivan. Population (1990), 554,892. ZIP Codes: 03031, 03033, 03043, 03047-49, 03051, 03055, 03057, 03060-63, 03070-71, 03073, 03076, 03079, 03082, 03084, 03086-87, 03103 (part), 03106 (part), 03215-17, 03221-24, 03229-33, 03235, 03238, 03240-45, 03251-52, 03255, 03257, 03260, 03262, 03264-66, 03268-69, 03272-75, 03276 (part), 03278-82, 03284-85, 03287, 03293, 03301-04, 03431, 03440-52, 03455-58, 03461-62, 03464-70, 03561, 03570, 03574-76, 0357985, 03588-90, 03592, 03595, 03597-98, 03601-09, 03740-41, 03743, 03745-46, 03748-55, 03765-66, 03768-74, 03777, 03779-82, 03784-85, 03811 (part), 03263 (part) NEW JERSEY 103d Congress 183 NEW JERSEY (Population, 1990 census, 7,748,634) SENATORS BILL BRADLEY, Democrat, of Denville, NJ; born in Crystal City, MO, July 28, 1943; attended Crystal City Elementary and Palm Beach private schools; graduated Crys-tal City High School, 1961; B.A., American history, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1965; M.A., Oxford University (Rhodes Scholar), Oxford, England, 1965-68; first licuten-ant, USAF Reserve, 1967-78; author: “The Fair Tax” and “Life on the Run”; business-man; professional basketball player with New York Knicks, 1967-77; member; Finance, Energy and Natural Resources Committees, Special Committee on Aging, married to Er-nestine Schlant, 1974; one daughter: Theresa Anne; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; reelected November 6, 1984 and again on November 6, 1990. Office Listings 731 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3001 ..........ccccccerururnene. 224-3224 Senior Counselor.—Anita Dunn. FAX: 224-8567 Legislative Director.—Trudy Vincent. Special Assistant.—Leslie Hatamiya. Personal Secretary.—Marina Gentilini. Executive Assistant.—Diane Ellison. One Newark Center, 16th Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102 ...........ccceevvevueennnnne (908) 688-0960 Suite 303, One Greentree Centre, Route 73, Marlton, NJ 08053 (609) 983-4143 FRANK R. LAUTENBERG, Democrat, of Secaucus, NJ, born in Paterson, NJ, on January 23, 1924; attended Elementary School 21, Paterson; Nutley High School, Nutley, NJ, 1941; B.S., economics, Columbia University School of Business, New York, NY, 1949; U.S. Army Signal Corps, 1942-46; data processing firm founder and CEO, 1952-82; commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 1978-82; commission-er, New Jersey Economic Development Authority; member: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, Advisory Council of the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, member, Helsinki Commission; member, Environment and Public Works Committee; chairman, Superfund, Recycling, and Solid Waste Management Toxic Substances, Re-search & Development, Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife. Subcommittee; member, Budget Committee; Appropriations Committee; chairman, Transportation Subcommittee; member: Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary and related agencies; Defense, Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies; Foreign Operations Subcommittees; . Small Business Committee; four children: Ellen, 36, Nan, 34, Lisa, 28, and Joshua 25; elected to the U.S. Senate November 2, 1982, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1983; appointed by the Governor on December 27, 1982, to complete the unexpired term of Nicholas F. Brady; reelected November 8, 1988. Office Listings 506 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3002 .........cc.ccccoveruennen. 224-4744 Administrative Assistant.—Eve Lubalin. FAX: 224-9707 Legislative Director.—Ian Spait. Schedulers.—Scott Schaible; Priscilla Gordon. State Director.—Kathryn Forsythe. Suite 1001, One Gateway Center, Newark, NJ 07102 ........ccceccevveerinreenenreeneiennenns (201) 645-3030 Barrington Commons, Suites 18-19, 208 White Horse Pike, Barrington, NJ LL nt Os RR ee Ss, Si (609) 757-5353 Congressional Directory NEW JERSEY REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT ROBERT E. ANDREWS, Democrat, of Bellmawr, NJ; born in Camden, NJ, August 4, 1957; attended Bellmawr Elementary School; graduated from Triton High School, Runnemede, NJ, 1975; B.S., political science, Bucknell University, Phi Beta Kappa, Lewisburg, PA, 1979; J.D., Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY, 1982; Camden County Freeholder, 1986-90; Camden County Freeholder Director, 1988-90; elected by special election on November 6, 1990 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Florio; elected at the same time to the 102d Congress; reelected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1005 16 S Longworth House Office Building, WashinChief of Staff. —Lynn Kmiec. Legislative Director.—Ken Holdsman. Press Secretary.—Jeff Steen. omerdale Square, Somerdale, NJ 08083 Office Manager.—Steve Shriver. gton, DC 20515-3001 (609) 225-6501 627-9000 Counties: BURLINGTON COUNTY; cities and townships of Maple Shade, Palmyra, Riverton. CAMDEN COUNTY: cities and townships of Audubon, Audubon Park, Barrington, Bellmawr, Berlin, Berlin Township, Brooklawn, Camden, Chesilhurst, Clementon, Collingswood, Gibbsboro, Gloucester City, Gloucester Township, Haddon Heights, Haddon Township (part), Hi-Nella, Laurel Springs, Lawnside, Lindenwold, Magnolia, Mt. Ephraim, Oaklyn, Pennsauken, Pine Hill, Pine Valley, Runnemede, Somerdale, Stratford, Tavistock, Voorhees, Winslow, Wood-lynne. GLOUCESTER COUNTY: cities and townships of Deptford, East Greenwich, Greenwich, Logan Township, Mantua (part), Monroe, National Park, Paulsboro, Washington Township, and Wenonah. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 08002 (part), 08003 (part), 08004 (part), 08007, 08009 (part), 08012, 08014, 08020-21, 08026-27, 08029-32, 08033 (part), 08035, 08037 (part), 08039, 08043 (part), 08045, 08049, 08051 (part), 08052 (part), 08056 (part), 08059, 08061, 08063, 08065 (part), 08066, 08077 (part), 08078, 08080 (part), 08081, 08083-84, 08085 (part), 08086, 08089 (part), 08090-91, 08093, 08094 (part), 08096 (part), 08097, 08099, 08101-07, 08108 (part), 08109 (part), 08110 SECOND DISTRICT WILLIAM J. HUGHES, Democrat, of Ocean City, NJ; born in Salem, NJ, October 17, 1932; son of William W. Hughes (deceased) and Pauline Hughes Mehaffey (deceased); graduated Penns Grove (New Jersey) Regional High School, 1950; A.B., Rutgers Univer-sity, 1955; J.D., Rutgers Law School, 1958; admitted to practice before New Jersey Su-preme Court and Federal district courts, 1959; U.S. Supreme Court, 1963; first assistant prosecutor, Cape May County, NJ, 1960-70; member: American Bar Association; board of trustees, New Jersey Bar Association; past president, Cape May Bar Association; direc-tor, New Jersey Prosecutors Association; National District Attorneys Association; direc-tor, New Jersey State Exchange Clubs; past master, Ocean City Lodge 171, F.&A.M,; director, Chamber of Commerce of Ocean City; director, Cape May Drug Abuse Coun-cil; past warden, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Ocean City; appointed by New Jersey Supreme Court to Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics, 1972; married to the former Nancy L. Gibson, 1956; four children: Nancy Lynne, Barbara Ann Sullivan, Tama Beth Ceniccola, and William J., Jr.; elected to 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelect-ed to each succeeding Congress. NEW JERSEY 103d Congress 185 Office Listings 241 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3002 225-6572 Administrative Assistant.—Mark Brown. FAX: 225-8530 Staff Assistant.—Mary E. Minutes. Central Park East, Building 4, Suite 5, 222 New Road, Linwood, NJ 08221 (609) 927-9063 Staff Assistants: John H. Mruz; Jessie Simmons. 151 North Broadway, P.O. Box 248, Pennsville, NJ 08070 (609) 678-3333 Staff Assistant.—Bernice Willadsen. Counties: ATLANTIC. Cities and townships: Absecon, Atlantic City, Brigantine, Buena, Cardiff, Collings Lake, Cologne, Corbin City, Dorothy, Egg Harbor, Estell Manor, Galloway, Hammonton, Landisville, Leeds Point, Linwood, Longport, Margate, Mays Landing, Milmay, Minotola, Mizpah, Newtonville, Northfield, Oceanville, Pleasantville, Pomona, Port Republic, Richland, Somers Point, Ventnor. BURLINGTON COUNTY. Cities and townships: Chats-worth, New Gretna. CAPE MAY County. Cities and townships: Avalon, Bargaintown, Beesley’s, Belleplain, Burleigh, Cape May, Cap May C.H., Cape May Point, Cold Springs, Del Haven, Dennisville, Dias Creek, Eldora, Erma, Fishing Creek, Goshen, Green Creek, Greenfield, Marmora, Ocean City, Ocean View, Rio Grande, Sea Isle, South Dennis, South Seaville, Stone Harbor, Strathmere, Tuckahoe, Villas, Whitesboro, Wildwood, Woodbine. CUMBERLAND County. Cities and townships: Bridgeton, Cedarville, Centerton, Deerfield, Delmont, Dividing Creek, Dorchester, Elwood, Fairton, Fortescue, Greenwich, Heislerville, Hopewell, Leesburg, Mauricetown, Millville, Newport, Port Elizabeth, Port Norris, Rosenhayn, Shiloh, Vineland. GLOUCESTER COUNTY. Cities and townships: Clayton, Ewan, Franklinville, Glassboro, Harrisonville, Malaga, Mantua, Mickleton, Mullica Hill, Newfield, Pitman, Richwood, Sewell, Swedesboro, Williamstown, Woodbury. SALEM CouNTY. Cities and town-ships: Alloway, Carney’s Point, Daretown, Deepwater, Elmer, Elsinboro, Hancocks Bridge, Monroeville, Norma, Pedricktown, Penns Grove, Pennsville, Quinton, Salem, and Woodstown. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 08001, 08018-19, 08023, 08025, 08028, 08037 (part), 08038, 08051 (part), 08056 (part), 08062, 08067, 08069-72, 08074, 08079, 08080 (part), 08085 (part), 08094 (part), 08095, 08096 (part), 08098, 08201-04, 08210, 08212-15, 08217-21, 08223-26, 08230-32, 08240-48, 08250-52, 08260, 08270, 08302, 08310-24, 08326-30, 08332, 08340-50, 08352-53, 08360, 08401-04, 08406 : THIRD DISTRICT JIM SAXTON, Republican, of Mt. Holly, NJ; born in Nicholson, PA, January 22, 1943; attended, Nicholson Elementary School; graduated, Lackawanna Trail High School, Factoryville, PA, 1961; B.A., education, East Stroudsburg State College, PA, 1965; graduate courses in elementary education, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 1968; public school teacher, 1965-68; realtor, owner of Jim Saxton Realty Co., 1968-85; elected: New Jersey General Assembly, 1976-81; State senate, 1982-84; chairman, State Republican Platform Committee; member: Chamber of Commerce, Elks, Association of the U.S. Air Force, Leadership Foundation of New Jersey, Boy Scouts of America; Rotary International, American Cancer Committee, chairman; married to the former Helen J. Gadomski; two children: Jennifer Ann and J. Martin; elected to the 98th Con-gress by special election on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 438 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3003 225-4765 Administrative Assistant.—Bill Jarrell. FAX: 225-0778 Press Secretary.—Claire Hedley. Executive Assistant.—Jennifer Balinsky. 100 High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 (609) 261-5800 District Representative.—Sandra Condit. 1 Maine Avenue, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 7 (609) 428-0520 7 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ 08753 ; i . (908) 914-2020 Counties: BURLINGTON COUNTY; that part not contained in the First and Fourth Districts. CAMDEN COUNTY; munici-palities of Audubon Borough, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Merchantville, Voorhees, and Waterford. OCEAN COUNTY; that part not contained in the Third and Fourth Districts. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 08002 (part), 08003 (part), 08004 (part), 08005-06, 08008, 08009 (part), 08010 (part), 08011, 08015, 08033 (part), 08034, 08036, 08042, 08043 (part), 08046 (part), 08048, 08050, 08052 (part), 08053-55, 08057, 08060 (part), 08064, 08065 (part), 08068 (part), 08073, 08075, 08077 (part), 08087-88, 08089 (part), 08092, 08108 (part), 08109 (part), 08511, 08562 (part), 08640 (part), 08641 (part), 08721-22, 08731-32, 08734-35, 08740-41, 08751-54, 08755 (part), 08756, 08757 (part), 08758, 08759 (part) 186 Congressional Directory NEW JERSEY FOURTH DISTRICT CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH, Republican, of Robbinsville, NJ; born in Rahway, NJ, March 4, 1953; B.A., Trenton State College, 1975; attended Worcester College, England, 1974; businessman; executive director, New Jersey Right to Life Committee, Inc., 1976-78; member: Committee on Foreign Affairs, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and Select Committee on Aging; appointed to Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1983; cochairman, Congressional Pro-Life Caucus; married to the former Marie Hahn, 1976; two daughters: Melissa and Elyse, and two sons: Christopher and Michael; Catho-lic; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 2353 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3004.................... 225-3765 Administrative Assistant.—Martin J. Dannenfelser. FAX: 225-7768 Chief of Staff.—Mary McDermott. Press Secretary.—David Kush. Office Manager.—Patricia Coll. 1720 Greenwood Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609 (609) 890-2800 Regional Director.—Joyce Golden. Room 1, 427 High Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-5534 38-A, Whiting Shopping Center, Whiting, NJ 08759 (908) 350-2300 Regional Director.—Loretta Charbonneau. Counties: BURLINGTON COUNTY; municipalities of Bordentown City, Bordentown Township, Burlington City, Burling-ton Township, Chesterfield, Eastampton, Fieldsboro, Florence, Mansfield, North Hanover, Springfield, Westamp-ton, and Wrightstown (part). MERCER COUNTY; municipalities of East Windsor, Hamilton, Highstown, Trenton, and Washington Township. MONMOUTH COUNTY; municipalities of Allentown, Brielle, Farmingdale, Howell, Manasquan, Millstone Township, Roosevelt, Spring Lake Hits. (part), Upper Freehold, Wall. OCEAN COUNTY; municipality of Bay Head, Brick, Dover Township (part), Jackson, Lakehurst, Lakewood, Manchester, Mantolok-ing, Plumstead, Pt. Pleasant, and Pt. Pleasant Beach. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 07719 (part), 07726 (part), 07727, 07728 (part), 07731, 07753 (part), 07762 (part), 08010 (part), 08016, 08022, 08041, 08046 (part), 08060 (part), 08068 (part), 08501, 08505, 08510, 08512 (part), 0851415, 08518, 08520 (part), 08526-27, 08533, 08535, 08554-55, 08561, 08562 (part), 0860111, 08618 (part), 08619 (part), 08620, 08629, 08638 (part), 08640 (part), 08641 (part), 0864547, 08648 (part), 08650, 08666, 08677, 08690 (part), 08691 (part), 08695, 08701, 08720, 08723-24, 08730, 08733, 08736 (part), 08738-39, 08742, 08750 (part), 08755 (part), 08757 (part), 08759 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT MARGE ROUKEMA, Republican, of Ridgewood, NJ; born on September 19, 1929; graduated, Montclair State College in New Jersey with B.A., political science and Eng-lish; pursued interests in government by studying urban and regional planning at Rutgers University; married, Dr. Richard W. Roukema; three children: Greg, Todd (deceased), and Meg; teacher, history, and English, Livingston and Ridgewood, NJ; trustee and vice president, Ridgewood Board of Education, 1970-73; chairman, Ridgewood Better Gov-ernment Committee; member: Mayor's Advisory Charter Study Commission; New Jersey Business and Professional Women; College Club of Ridgewood; Distributive Education Clubs of American Congressional Advisory Board; active member, board of directors of such public service organizations: Ridgewood Family Counseling Service; Leukemia So-ciety of Northern New Jersey; Ridgewood Senior Citizens Housing Corp. (cofounder); Spring House, residential center for the treatment of alcoholism; Spectrum for Living; awards: Citizen of the Year, West Bergen Mental Center, 1981; Citizen of the Year, Bergen County Professional Engineers; Citizens Award, North Jersey Homebuilders As-sociation; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; committee member: Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Education and Labor. NEW JERSEY 103d Congress 187 Office Listings 2244 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3005.................... 225-4465 Administrative Assistant.—Steve Wilson. FAX: 225-9048 Press Secretary.—Jeff Dekorte. Scheduler.—Nancy Fox. 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue, NJ 07450 i ; (201) 447-3900 District Administrator.—Frank Covelli. FAX: (201) 447-3749 1500 Rt. 517, Allamuchy, NJ 07820 (908) 850-4747 FAX: (908) 850-3406 Counties: BERGEN COUNTY; cities and townships of Allendale, Alpine, Bergenfield, Closter, Cresskill, Demarest, Dumont, Emerson, Fair Lawn, Franklin Lakes, Glen Rock, Harrington Park, Haworth, Hillsdale, Hohokus, Mahwah, Midland Park, Montvale, Northvale, Norwood, Oakland, Old Tappan, Oradell, Paramus, Park Ridge, Ramsey, Ridgewood, River Vale, Rochelle Park, Rockleigh, Saddle River, Tenafly, Upper Saddle River, Wald-wick, Washington, Westwood, Woodcliff Lake, and Wyckoff. Passaic COUNTY; cities and townships of Haskell, Hawthorne, Hewitt, Newfoundland, North Haledon, Oak Ridge, Wanaque, and West Milford. SUSSEX COUNTY; cities and townships of Andover Borough, Andover Township, Agusta, Branchville, Frankford, Franklin, Fredon, Glenwood, Green, Hamburg, Hampton, Hardyston, Highland Lakes, Lafayette, Layton, McAfee, Montague, Newtown, Sandyston, Stillwater (Middleville), Stockholm, Sussex, Swartswood, Tranquility, Vernon, Walpack Center, and Wantage. WARREN COUNTY; cities and townships of Allamuchy, Alpha, Belvidere, Blairstown, Buttzville, Columbia, Franklin, Frelinghuysen, Greenwich, Hackettstown, Hardwick, Harmony, Hope, Independ-ence, Knowlton, Landing, Liberty, Lopatcong, Mansfield, Oxford, Pahaquarry, Phillipsburg, Pohatcong, Washing-ton Borough, Washington Township, White. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 07401, 07410 (part), 07416-23, 07424 (part), 07428, 07430, 07432, 07435-36, 07438 (part), 07446, 07450-51, 07452 (part), 07456 (part), 07458, 07460 (part), 07461-63, 07465 (part), 07480-81, 07495, 07506, 07507, 07508 (part), 07620-21, 07624, 07626-28, 07630, 07640-42, 07645, 07647-48, 07649 (part), 07652-53, 07656, 07662 (part), 07670 (part), 07675, 07820, 07821 (part), 07822-23, 07825-27, 07829-33, 07837-40, 07844, 07846, 07848, 07850, 07851 part) 07855, 07860 (part), 07863, 07865, 07874 (part), 07875, 07877, 07879-82, 08802, 08804, 08808, 08827, 08865, SIXTH DISTRICT FRANK PALLONE, JR., Democrat, of Long Branch, NJ; born in Long Branch, Oc-tober 30, 1951; attended Long Branch Schools; B.A., Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, 1973; M.A, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1974; J.D., Rutgers University School of Law, 1978; member of the bar: Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey; attorney, Marine Advisory Service; assistant professor, Cook College, Rutgers University, Sea Grant Extension Program; counsel, Monmouth County, NJ, Protective Services for the Elderly; instructor, Monmouth College; elected to the Long Branch City Council, 1982-88; elected to the New Jersey State Senate, 1983-88; elected by special election on November 8, 1988 to the 100th Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the Honorable James J. Howard; married the former Sarah Hospodor, 1992; re-elected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 420 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 -3006 225-4671 Administrative Assistant.—Russell McGurk. FAX: 225-9665 Office Manager.—Rosalie Chorbajian. Press Secretary.—Ted Loud. District Director.—Mike Beson. Suite 118, 540 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ 07740 : (908) 571-1140 FAX: (908) 870-3890 67/69 Church Street, Kilmer Square, New Brunswick, NJ (908) 249-8892 FAX: (909) 249-1335 Room 33, LEI. Airport Plaza, Highway 36, Hazlet, NJ (908) 264-9104 FAX: (908) 739-4668 Counties: MONMOUTH COUNTY; cities and townships of Aberdeen, Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Atlantic Highlands, Avon-by-the-Sea, Belford, Belmar, Bradley Beach, Deal, Hazlet, Highlands, Keansburg, Keyport, Leonardo, Loch Arbour, Long Branch, Matawan, Middletown, Monmouth Beach, Navesink, Neptune, Neptune City, Ocean Grove, Red Bank, Sea Birght, Sea Girt, South Belmar, Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights, Union Beach. MIDDLESEX COUNTY; cities and townships of Dunellen, Edison, Highland Park, Metuchen, Milltown, New Brunswick, North Brunswick, Old Bridge, Parlin, Piscataway, Sayerville, South Amboy, South River, Spotswood. 188 Congressional Directory NEW JERSEY ZIP Codes: 07080 (part), 07701 (part), 07711 (part), 07712 (part), 07716-18, 07719 (part), 07720-21, 07722 (part), 07723 (part), 07730 (part), 07732, 07734 (part), 07735, 07737, 07740 (part), 07747 (part), 07748 (part), 07750, 07752, 07753 (part), 07754, 07756, 07758, 07760 (part), 07762 (part), 08736 (part), 08750 (part), 08812 (part), 08816 (part), 08817 18, 08820 (part), 08824 (part), 08831 (part), 08837 (part), 08840 (part), 08846 (part), 08850 (part), 08854 (part), iy 08857, 08859, 08871-72, 08873 (part), 08878-79, 08882, 08884 (part), 08899, 08901, 08902 (part), 08903-04, , 08988-89 SEVENTH DISTRICT BOB FRANKS, Republican, of New Providence, NJ; born, September 21, 1951 in Hackensack, NJ; B.A. DePauw University, Indiana, 1973; J.D. Southern Methodist Uni-versity, Dallas, Texas, 1976; board of directors, Intrenet, East Brunswick, NJ; elected to New Jersey General Assembly, 1979-92; assembly majority conference leader, 1986-89; assembly policy chairman, 1992; member: Long-term Planning Committee, Overlook Hos-pital Association, 1982-present, Children’s Specialized Board of Managers, 1982-present, Hands Across America Domestic Task Force, 1986; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 429 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3007.............ccc....... 225-5361 Administrative Assistant.—Gregg Edwards. FAX: 225-9460 Appointment Secretary/Office Manager.—Karen Cologne. Legislative Director.—Michael Harrington. District Director/Press Assistant.—Janet Thompson. 2333 Morris Avenue, Suite B17, Union, NJ 07083 (908) 686-5576 FAX: (908) 688-7390 Suite 4, 73 Main Street, Woodbridge, NJ 07095 (908) 602-0075 Counties: Essex COUNTY; municipalities Maplewood (part) and Millburn (part). MIDDLESEX COUNTY; municipalities of Edison (part), Middlesex (part), South Plainfield, and Woodbridge (part). SOMERSET COUNTY; municipalities of Bound Brook, Bridgewater (part), Franklin, Hillsborough, Green Brook, Manville, Millstone, North Plainfield, South Bound Brook, Warren, and Watchung. UNION COUNTY. Municipalities of Berkeley Heights, Fanwood, Garwood, Kenilworth, Linden (part), Mountainside, New Providence, Plainfield, Roselle Park, Scotch Plains, Springfield, Summit, Union (part), Westfield, and Winfield. Population (1990), 594,629. ZIP Codes: 07001, 07008 (part), 07016, 07023, 07027, 07033, 07036 (part), 07040 (part), 07041, 07059 (part), 07060-63, 07064 (part), 07066 (part), 07067, 07076, 07078 (part), 07080 (part), 07081, 07083 (part), 07088 (part), 07090-92, 07095, 07203 (part), 07204, 07208 (part), 07901-02, 07920 (part), 07922, 07974, 08502 (part), 08528, 08540 (part), 08805, 08807 (part), 08812 (part), 08820 (part), 08821, 08823, 08830, 08832, 08835-36, 08837 (part), 08840 (part), 08846 (part), 08853, 08854 (part), 08861 (part), 08863, 08873 (part), 08875, 08876 (part), 08880, 08890 ‘EIGHTH DISTRICT HERBERT C. KLEIN, Democrat, of Clifton, NJ; born on June 24, 1930 in Newark, NJ; B.A. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1947; J.D., Harvard Law School, 1953; L.L.M., New York University, 1958; served, U.S. Air Force, 1st Lieutenant, 1954-56; senior partner in law firm, Klein, Chapman, Clifton, NJ; admitted to the District of Columbia bar, 1953; admitted to the New Jersey bar, 1956; began practice in New Jersey, 1956; member, New Jersey General Assembly, 1971-74; Assistant Democratic Whip, 1972-73; assistant majority leader, Democratic Conference Chairman, 1973-75; member: board of trustees, Rutgers University, executive committee, New Jersey Israel Commis-sion; trustee, Daughters of Miriam Home for the Aged; trustee and past president, Beth Israel Hospital, Passaic, NJ; married to Jaqueline Krieger Klein, 1952; one child: Roger M., 1957; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. NEW JERSEY 103d Congress 189 Office Listings 1728 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, Assistant Administrator.—Joe Hansen. Office Manager.—Tricia Grondin. Press Secretary.—Marsha McVicker. DC 20515-3008 FAX: 225-5751 226-2273 200 Federal District Plaza, Room 500, Paterson, NJ Coordinator.—Pete Rendina. 07505 (201) 523-5152 U.S. Post Office Building, 13 Municipal Plaza, Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (201) 645-6299 Counties: Passaic COUNTY; cities of Clifton, Haledon, Little Falls, North Haledon, Passaic, Paterson, Pompton Lakes, Prospect Park, Totowa, W. Paterson, Wayne. ESSEX COUNTY; cities of Belleville, Bloomfield, Cedar Grove, Glen Ridge, Maplewood, Montclair, Nutley, South Orange, Verona, and W. Orange. Population (1990), 594,629. ZIP Codes: 07003, 07009 (part), 07011-13, 07014 (part), 07015, 07028 (part), 07040 (part), 07042 (part), 07043, 07044 (part), 07052 (part), 07055, 07079 (part), 07107 (part), 07109-10, 07424 (part), 07442, 07465 (part), 07470, 07474, 07501-05, 07508 (part), 07509, 07511-14, 07522, 07524, 07533, 07538, 07543-44 NINTH DISTRICT ROBERT G. TORRICELLI, Democrat, of Englewood, NJ, born in Paterson, NJ, on August 26, 1951; attended, Franklin Lakes Elementary School, Franklin Lakes, NJ, 1965; graduated, Storm King High School, Cornwall on the Hudson, NY, 1970; B.A., Rutgers College, New Brunswick, NJ, 1974; J.D., Rutgers School of Law, 1977; M.P.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1980; admitted to New Jersey bar, 1978; commenced prac-tice in Washington, DC, 1981; deputy legislative counsel, office of Governor Brendan T. Byrne, 1975-77; counsel to Vice President Walter F. Mondale, 1978-81; member: New Jersey and American Bar Associations, board of governors, Rutgers University, 1977-83; chairman, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs; serves on the Foreign Affairs and Science, Space, and Technology Committees; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2159 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3009 225-5061 AA Legislative Director.—Rob Henken. Scheduler/Personal Assistant.—Liz Loomis. Court Plaza, 25 Main Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) 646-1111 District Administrator.—Lynne Hurwitz. District Scheduler.—Georgiana Mundy. Counties: BERGEN CouNTY. Cities and towns of Bogota, Carlstadt, Cliffside Park, East Rutherford, Edgewater, Elmwood Park, Englewood, Englewood Cliffs, Fair Lawn (part), Fairview, Fort Lee, Garfield, Hackensack, Hasbrouck Heights, Leonia, Little Ferry, Lodi, Lyndhurst, Maywood, Moonachie, New Milford, North Arlington, Palisades Park, Ridgefield, Ridgefield Park, River Edge, Rutherford, Saddle Brook, South Hackensack, Teaneck, Teterboro, Wallington, and Wood Ridge. HUDSON County. Cities and towns of Kearny (ward 1: districts 1, 2, and 6; ward 3; and ward 4: districts 5-7), Secaucus, North Bergen, and Jersey City. Population (1990), 594,63C. ZIP Codes: 07010, 07014 (part), 07020, 07022, 07024, 07026, 07029 (part), 07031, 07032 (part), 07047 (part), 07057, 07070--75, 07087 (part), 07094, 07096, 07306 (part), 07307-08, 07310 (part), 07407, 07410 (part), 07452 (part), 07601-08, 07631-32, 07643-44, 07646, 07649 (part), 07650, 07657, 07660-61, 07662 (part), 07666, 07670 (part) TENTH DISTRICT DONALD M. PAYNE, Democrat, of Newark, NJ; born in Newark, Essex County, NJ, July 16, 1934; attended Elliot Street School, Newark, 1948; graduated, Barringer High School, Newark, 1952; B.A., Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, 1957; busi-nessman; elected to the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, 1972-78; elected to the Newark Municipal Council, 1982-88; president, YMCA of the USA, 1970-73; member; NAACP, Bethlehem Baptist Church; serves on the board of directors of the U.S. Committee for UNICEF, New Jersey Council on Adult Education and Literacy; past chairman, New Jersey Hospital Rate Setting Commission; widower; two children: 190 Congressional Directory NEW JERSEY Donald, Jr. and Wanda; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 417 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3010....................... 225-3436 Administrative Assistant.—Maxine James. FAX: 225-4160 Legislative Director/Press Secretary.—Kerry McKenney. 970 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102 (201) 645-3213 District Representative.—Richard T. Thigpen. FAX: (201) 645-5902 Counties: Essex COUNTY. municipalities of East Orange, Irvington, Maplewood (districts 5, 9, 12, 21), Montclair (ward 3 (districts 1-8), ward 4 (districts 2-7)), Newark (wards South, East (districts 22, 25, 29, 30, 32-34), West (districts 3,6,7,9, 10, 11, 13, 15-43, 45), Central (districts 1-13, 15-24, 28, 29, 32, 34-42)), Orange, South Orange (districts 2, 12), West Orange (ward 2 (districts 3, 4), ward 3, ward 5 (districts 1, 2, 4, 5)). HUDSON COUNTY; municipalities of Bayonne (ward 3 (districts 13-15, 18, 19), Jersey City (ward A (districts 1-8, 10, 14-17, 19-32), ward B (districts 11-15), ward E (district 27), ward F (districts 2, 3, 14, 16-21, 23-26)). UNION COUNTY; municipalities of Elizabeth (ward 1 (district 6), ward 2 (districts 2-6, 8, 10), ward 3, ward 4 (districts 1-3, 5-12), ward 5 (districts 1-2, 4-11), ward 6 (districts 6, 8, 10, 12)), Hillside, Linden (ward 1 (districts 1-3), wards 2-6, ward 8 (districts 1, 3), ward 9 (district 5), ward 10 (districts 2-4)), Rahway, Roselle, Union (districts 7, 8, 38). Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 07002 (part), 07017-19, 07028 (part), 07036 (part), 07040 (part), 07042 (part), 07044 (part), 07050-51, 07052 (part), 07065, 07066 (part), 07079 (part), 07083 (part), 07088 (part), 07101, 07102 (part), 07103, 07105 (part), 07106, 07107 (part), 07108, 07111-12, 07114 (part), 07201 (part), 07202 (part), 07203 (part), 07205, 07206 (part), 07207, 07208 (part), 07304 (part), 07305 (part) ELEVENTH DISTRICT DEAN A. GALLO, Republican, of Parsippany, NJ; born in Hackensack, NJ, Novem-ber 23, 1935; attended Parsippany grade schools, NJ; graduated, Boonton High School, Boonton, NJ, 1954; realtor; New Jersey General Assembly, 1976-84; Assembly Republi-can Leader, 1982-84; director, Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, 1973-75; president, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council, 1970; former trustee, County College of Morris; member: B.P.O.E. [Eiks], Jaycees; awards: Outstanding Young Man of the Year, Jaycees, 1966; Legislator of the Year, National Republican Legislators Association, 1982; member: Appropriations Committee; Eastern Regional Republican Whip, 1987-Executive Committee member, Congressional Coalition on Soviet Jewry; two children: Susan and Robert; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2447 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3011................... 225-5034 Chief of Staff. —Donna Mullins. Executive Assistant.—Lorraine Genovese. Legislative Director.—Bob Bostock. Press Secretary.—Robert B. LeGrand. 1 Morris Street, Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 984-0711 22 North Sussex Street, Dover, NJ 07801 (201) 328-7413 3 Fairfield Avenue, West Caldwell, NJ 07006 (201) 228-9262 Counties: Essex COUNTY. Cities and townships: Caldwell, Essex Fells, Fairfield Township, Livingston, Millburn (part), North Caldwell, Roseland, West Caldwell. MORRIS COUNTY. Cities and townships: Bernardsville, Municipalities of Boonton Town, Boonton Township, Brookside, Budd Lake, Butler, Califon, Cedar Knolls, Chatham Borough, Chaptham Township, Chester Borough, Chester Township, Convent Station, Denville, Dover Town, East Hano-ver, Flanders, Florham Park, Gillette, Green Pond, Green Village, Hanover, Harding, Hibernia, Ironia, Jefferson, Kenvill, Kinnelon, Lake Hiawatha, Lake Hopatcong, Landing, Ledgewood, Lincoln Park, Long Valley, Madison, Mendham Borough, Mendham Township, Millington, Mine Hill, Montville, Morris Plains, Morris Township, . Morristown, Mount Arlington, Mountain Lakes, Mount Olive, Mount Tabor, Netcong, Newfoundland, New Vernon, Oak Ridge, Parsippany-Troy Hills, Passaic Township, Pequannock, Picatinny, Pine Brook, Randolph, Riverdale, Rockaway Borough, Rockaway Township, Roxbury, Schooley’s Mountain, Stanhope, Stirling, Succa-sunna, Towaco, Victory Gardens, Washington Township, Wharton, and Whippany. Passaic COUNTY. Blooming-dale. SOMERSET COUNTY. Cities and townships: Bernards Township, Bridgewater (part), Raritan Borough, and Somerville. Sussex CouNnTy. Cities and townships: Byram, Hopatcong, Ogdensburg, Sparta, and Stanhope. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 07004-07, 07009 (part), 07021, 07034-35, 07039, 07045-46, 07052 (part), 07054, 07058, 07059 (part), 07068, 07078 (part), 07082, 07403, 07405, 07438 (part), 07439-40, 07444, 07456 (part), 07457, 07460 (part), 07801-02, 07821 NEW JERSEY 103d Congress 191 (part), 07826-28, 07834, 07836, 07840, 07842-43, 07845, 07847, 07849-50, 07851 (part), 07852-53, 07856-57, 07860 (part), 07866, 07869-71, 07874 (part), 07876, 07878, 07885, 07920 (part), 07924 (part), 07926-28, 07930, 07932-33, 07935-36, 07938-40, 07945-46, 07950, 07960-63, 07970, 07976, 07980-81, 08807 (part), 08869, 08876 (part) TWELFTH DISTRICT DICK ZIMMER, Republican, of Flemington, NJ; born in Newark, NJ, August 16, 1944; attended Fairview Elementary School, Bloomfield, NJ; graduated from Glen Ridge High School, 1962; B.A., political science, Yale University, 1966; LL.B., Yale University, 1969; board of editors, Yale Law Journal; associate, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, 1969-75; general attorney, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ, 1975-90; admitted to the bar: New York City, 1970; New Jersey, 1975; U.S. Supreme Court, 1980; chairman, New Jersey Common Cause, 1974-77; Hunterdon Hospice, Inc., 1981-86; chairman, Hunterdon County March of Dimes Walk America, 1984-86; chairman, National Council for Clean Indoor Air, 1986-present; trustee, Center for Analysis of Public Issues; incorporator and trustee, Natural Resources Education Foundation of New Jersey, Inc.; member: Fleming-ton Kiwanis Club, New Jersey Bar Association, New Jersey-Israel Commission; elected to New Jersey Assembly, 1981-87; elected to unexpired State Senate term, March 1987; reelected to full term, 1987; counsel, Kean For Governor Committtee, 1977, 1981, 1985; chairman, Assembly State Government Committee, 1986-87; chairman, New Jersey Re-publican Platform Committee; former member: New Jersey Study Commission on Regu-latory Efficiency, Governor’s Council on Emergency Medical Services, Federal Budget Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures; married on December 27, 1965, to Marfy Goodspeed; two children: Carl William, 1966; Benjamin Goodspeed, 1971; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992; member: Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Subcommittees on Environment and Space; Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittees on Commerce, Con-sumer and Monetary Affairs; Transportation; Committee on Legislation and National Se-curity. Office Listings 228 Cannon House Office Building 20510-3012 ..........cccocevivuineniininninnienininreniennnes 225-5801 Chief of Staff.—David Karvelas. District Representative.—Thomas J. Blakely. Press Secretary.—David Barnes. Special Assistant.—Suzy Chambers. 133 Franklin Corner Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648...........cccccevvuveeniirernceensneenne (609) 895-1559 Suite 201, 36 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728.........ccccoveenriienninennieenneennne (908) 303-9020 119 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 08822 .............c.ccccuiinnirreisssvmensinsissiosronssanivncests (908) 788-1922 Counties: HUNTERDON COUNTY; cities and towns of Alexandria, Bethlehem, Bloomsbury, Califon, Clinton Town, Clinton Township, Delaware, East Amwell, Flemington, Franklin, Frenchtown, Glen Gardner, Hampton, High Bridge, Holland, Kingwood, Lambertville, Lebanon Borough, Lebanon Township, Milford, Raritan, Readington, Stockton, Tewksbury, Union, West Amwell. MERCER COUNTY part; cities and townships of Ewing, Hopewell Borough, Hopewell Township, Lawrence, Pennington, Princeton Borough, Princeton Township, West Windsor. MIDDLESEX COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Cranbury, East Brunswick, Helmetta, Jamesburg, Monroe, Plainsboro, South Brunswick. MONMOUTH COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Colts Neck, Eatontown, Englishtown, Fair Haven, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Holmdel, Interlaken, Little Silver, Manalapan, Marlboro, Middletown (part), Ocean, Oceanport, Rumson, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, West Long Branch. SOMERSET COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bedminster, Bernardsville, Branch-burg, Far Hills, Montgomery, Peapack-Gladstone, and Rocky Hill. Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 07701 (part), 07702-04, 07711 (part), 07712 (part), 07722 (part), 07723 (part), 07724, 07726 (part), 07728 (part), 07730 (part), 07733, 07734 (part), 07738-39, 07740 (part), 07746, 07747 (part), 07748 (part), 07751, 07753 (part), 07755, 07757, 07760 (part), 07763-65, 07830, 07921, 07924, 07931, 07934, 07977-79, 08502 (part), 08504, 08512, 08520 (part), 08525, 08528, 08530, 08534, 08536, 08540 (part), 08542-44, 08550-51, 08553, 08556-60, 08618 (part), 08619 (part), 08625, 08628, 08638 (part), 08648 (part), 08690 (part), 08691 (part), 08801-04, 08807 (part), 08809-10, 08816, 08822, 08824-29, 08831, 08833-34, 08848, 08850 (part), 08852, 08858, 0886768, 08870, 08876 (part), 08884 (part), 08885, 08887-89, 08902 (part) THIRTEENTH DISTRICT ROBERT MENENDEZ, Democrat, of Union City, NJ; born in New York City, NY, ~ on January 1, 1954; graduated, Union Hill High School, Union City, 1972; B.A., St. 192 Congressional Directory NEW JERSEY Peter’s College, Jersey City, NJ, 1976; J.D., Rutgers Law School, Newark, NJ, 1979; at-torney; admitted to the New Jersey bar, 1980; elected to the Union City Board of Educa-tion, 1974-78; elected Mayor of Union City, 1986-92; elected to the New Jersey Assem-bly, 1987-91; elected to the New Jersey State Senate, 1991-92; chairman, New Jersey Hispanic Leadership Program; member: New Jersey Hispanic Elected Officials Organiza-tion; New Jersey Mayors Coalition; New Jersey State Employment and Training Com-mission; president and co-founder, Alliance Civic Association; married to the former Jane Jacobsen, 1976; two children: Alicia, 1983; and Robert, 1985; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1531 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3013 (202) 225-7919 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Hutton. FAX: 226-0792 Legislative Assistant.—Pedro Pablo Permuy. District Administrator.—Patricia McGuire. 911 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306 a (201) 222-2828 FAX: (201) 222-0188 654 Avenue C, Bayonne, NJ 07002 (201) 823-2900 275 Hobart Street, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 (908) 324-6212 Counties: Essex (part), Hudson (part), Middlesex (part), and Union (part). Cities and townships: Amboy, Bayonne (part), Carteret, East Newark, Elizabeth (part), Guttenberg, Harrison Township, Hoboken, Jersey City (part), Kearny (part), Linden (part), North Bergen (part), Perth, Union City, Errhseken, West New York, Woodbridge (part). Population (1990), 594,630. ZIP Codes: 07002 (part), 07008 (part), 07029 (part), 07030, 07032 (part), 07036 (part), 07047 (part), 07064 (part), 07077, 07087 (part), 07093, 07102 (part), 07104, 07105 (part), 07107 (part), 07114 (part), 07201 (part), 07202 (part), 07206 (part), 07208 (part), 07302-03, 07304 (part), 07305 (part), 07306 (part), 07309, 07310 (part), 07311, 08861 (part), 08862 NEW MEXICO 103d Congress NEW MEXICO (Population, 1990 census, 1,521,779) SENATORS PETE V. DOMENICI, Republican, of Albuquerque, NM; born in Albuquerque, May 7, 1932; graduate of St. Mary’s High School; University of New Mexico, B.S., Denver University, LL.D., 1958; admitted to New Mexico bar, 1958; elected to Albuquerque City Commission, 1966; chairman (ex-officio mayor), 1967; married Nancy Burk, 1958; eight children: Lisa, Peter, Nella, Clare, David, Nanette, Helen, and Paula; elected to the U.S. Soi: November 7, 1972, for the term ending January 3, 1979; reelected 1978, 1984, and Office Listings 427 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3101 224-6621 Administrative Assistant.—Charles Gentry. FAX: 224-7371 Legislative Director.—Kay Davies. Press Secretary.—Ari Fleischer. Personal Secretary.—Angela Raish. Federal Building, Suite 120, 625 Silver S.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 766-3481 Federal Building, Suite I, 1065-D South Main Street, Las Cruces, NM 88005.. (505) 526-5475 New Post Office Building, Room 307, South Federal Place, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 988-6511 Federal Building, Room 104, Roswell, NM 88201 (505) 623-6170 * x x JEFF BINGAMAN, Democrat, of Santa Fe, NM; born in El Paso, TX, October 3, 1943; raised in Silver City, NM; graduate of Western High (now Silver High), in 1961; B.A., government, Harvard College, 1965; J.D., Stanford Law School, 1968; served in the U.S. Army Reserve, 1968-74; served as assistant New Mexico attorney general, 1969, as counsel to the State constitutional convention; private practice, 1970-78; served as New Mexico attorney general, 1979-82; elected to the U.S. Senate November 2, 1982, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1983; reelected for a second 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989; member of the Methodist Church; married to the former Anne Kovaco-vich; one son: John. Office Listings 110 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3102 224-5521 Administrative Assistant.—Patrick Von Bargen. TDD: 224-1792 Personal Assistant.—Virginia White. Legislative Director.—Mitch Foushee. Press Secretary.—Roberta Heine. Loretto Town Centre, Suite 148, 505 South Main, Las Cruces, NM 88001 (505) 523-6561 Suite 130, 625 Silver Avenue SW., Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 766-3636 Suite 103, 114 East Fourth Street, Roswell, NM 88201 (505) 622-7113 Suite 101, 119 East Marcy, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 988-6647 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT STEVEN SCHIFF, Republican, from Albuquerque, NM; born in Chicago, IL on March 18, 1947; B.A., University of Illinois, Chicago, political science, 1968; J.D, Univer-sity of New Mexico Law School, 1972; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force Reserve; As-sistant District Attorney of Bernalillo County, NM, 1972-77; trial attorney, 1977-79; as-sistant city attorney and counsel for Albuquerque Police Department, 1979-81; elected district attorney, Bernalillo County, 1980-88; member: Civitan International, New Mexico and National District Attorneys Association, Albuquerque Lodge of B’nai B’rith, Albu-querque Humane Society; married to the former Marcia Lewis; two children: Jaimi and Daniel; elected the 101st Congress on November 8, 1988. 194 Congressional Directory NEW MEXICO Office Listings 1009 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3101 .............. 225-6316 Administrative Assistant.—Peter Rintye. FAX: 225-4975 Legislative Director.—Mary Martinek. Scheduler.—Louis Vega. Suite 140, 625 Silver Avenue SW., Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 766-2538 District Director.—Mary Martinek. Counties: Bernalillo (part), Sandoval (part), Santa Fe (part), Torrance, Valencia (part). Population (1990), 505,491. ZIP Codes: 87002 (part), 87008-09, 87016, 87031 (part), 87032, 87035-36, 87043, 87047, 87057, 87059, 87061, 87063, 87068 (part), 87070, 87102-04, 87105 (part), 87106-13, 87114 (part), 87116, 87118-23, 87124 (part), 87125, 87153-54, 87176, 87184, 87190-92, 87194-99, 88319, 88321 SECOND DISTRICT JOE SKEEN, Republican, of Picacho, NM; born in Roswell, NM, June 30, 1927; at-tended public and parochial schools; B.S., engineering, Texas A&M University, 1950; served in the U.S. Navy, 1945-46; U.S. Air Force Reserve, 1949-52; soil and water engi-neer, Zuni and Ramah Navajo Indians, 1951, returning to the family sheep ranching oper-ation in Lincoln County, NM, which was purchased from his grandmother; operated a flying service, Ruidoso, NM; member, New Mexico State Senate, 1960-70, 6 years of which he was minority leader; served 3 years as State Republican chairman; Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor, 1970, and GOP nominee for Governor, 1974 and 1978; elected to Congress from New Mexico’s Second District as a write-in candidate, 1980, after the incumbent died in office and the Republican Party was denied a place on the ballot by the courts; member: New Mexico Woolgrowers Association; New Mexico Cattle Growers Association; New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau; Conquistadore Council, Boy Scouts of America; Elks; Eagles; married to the former Mary Helen Jones, 37 years; two children: Lisa and Mike; Catholic; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2367 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3102................... 225-2365 Administrative Assistant.—Suzanne Eisold. FAX: 225-9599 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Lin Rhode. Press Secretary.—Sherry Kiesling. Federal Building, Room 257, Roswell, NM 88201 (505) 622-0055 1065-B, South Main, Suite A, Las Cruces, NM 88005 (505) 527-1771 Counties: Bernalillo (part), Catron, Chaves, Cibola (part), DeBaca, Dona Ana, 5) Grant, Guadalupe, Hidalgo, Lea, Lincoln, Luna, Otero, Sierra, Socorro, and Valencia (part). Population (1990), 504,659. ZIP Codes: 87002 (part), 87006-07, 87011, 87014, 87020 (part), 87022-23, 87026, 87028, 87031 (part), 87034, 87038, 87040, 87042, 87049-51, 87055, 87060, 87062, 87068 (part), 87105 (part), 87185, 87711, 87724, 87801, 87815, 87820-21, 87823-25, 87827-32, 87901, 87930-33, 87935-37, 87939-43, 88001-06, 88008-09, 88020-33, 88036, 88038-49, 88051-56, 88058, 88061-63, 88065, 88072, 88114, 88119, 88134, 88136, 88201-02, 88210-11, 88220-21, 88230-32, 88240-41, 88250, 88252-56, 88260, 88262-68, 88301, 88310-12, 88314, 88316-18, 88322-25, 88330, 88336-54, 88417, 88431-32, 88435 THIRD DISTRICT BILL RICHARDSON, Democrat, of Santa Fe, NM; born in Pasadena, CA, on No-vember 15, 1947; attended school in Mexico City, Mexico; graduated, Middlesex School, Concord, MA, 1966; B.A., Tufts University, Medford, MA, 1970; M.A., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, MA, 1971; staff member, U.S. House of Representa-tives, 1971-72; U.S. Department of State, 1973-75; U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Com-mittee staff, 1975-78; executive director, New Mexico State Democratic Party and execu-tive director, Bernalillo County Democratic Party, 1978; businessman, 1978-82; unsuc- NEW MEXICO 103d Congress 195 cessful candidate for Congress, 1980; member: Big Brother/Big Sister of Santa Fe, Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Council on Foreign Affairs, Santa Fe Jaycees, American G.I. Forum; married to the former Bar-bara Flavin, 1972; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2349 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3103................... 225-6190 Administrative Assistant.—Isabelle Watkins. Legislative Director.—Scott Wiener. Press Secretary.—Stu Nagurka. 411 Paseo de Peralta, Sante Fe, NM 87501.. ... (505) 988-7230 District Staff Director.—Sam Taylor. Gallup City Hall, Second and Aztec, Gallup, NM 87301 ........cccooevverenrinievenvunnnne (505) 722-6522 San Miguel County Courthouse, P.O. Box 1805, Las Vegas, NM 87701 ............ (505) 425-7270 602 Mitchell Street, Clovis, NM 88101 .... (505) 769-3380 Counties: Bernalillo (part), Cibola (part), Colfax, Curry, Harding, Los Alamos, McKinley, Mora, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, Sandoval (part), San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe (part), Taos, and Union. Population (1990), 504,919. ZIP Codes: 87001, 87004-05, 87010, 87012-13, 87015, 87017-18, 87020 (part), 87021, 87024-25, 87027, 87029, 87037, 87041, 8704446, 87048, 87052-53, 87056, 87064, 87072, 87083, 87114 (part), 87124 (part), 87174, 87301, 87305, 87310-13, 87315-17, 87319-28, 87347, 87357, 87364-65, 87375, 87401-02, 87410, 87412-13, 87415-21, 87455, 87461, 87499, 87501-02, 87504-06, 87510-16, 87518-25, 87527-33, 87535, 87537, 87539-40, 87544, 87547-53, 87556-58, 87560, 87562-67, 87569, 87571, 87573-75, 87577-83, 87701, 87710, 87712-15, 87718, 87722-23, 87725, 87728-36, 87740, 87742-43, 87745-47, 87749-50, 87752-53, 88101-03, 88111-13, 88115-16, 88118, 88120-26, 88130, 88132-33, 88135, 88401, 88410-12, 88414-16, 88418-19, 88421-24, 88426-27, 88429-30, 88434, 88436-37, 88439 196 Congressional Directory NEW YORK NEW YORK (Population, 1990 census, 18,044,505) SENATORS DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN, Democrat, of Oneonta, NY; born in Tulsa, OK, March 16, 1927; attended public and parochial schools of New York City and City Col-lege of New York; served in the U.S. Navy, 1944-47, gunnery officer U.S.S. Quirinus; Tufts College, B.N.S., 1946; B.A. (cum laude), 1948; Fletcher School of Law and Diplo-macy, M.A,, 1949, Ph.D., 1961, LL.D., 1968; Fulbright Fellow, London School of Eco-nomics and Political Science, 1950-51; assistant to Gov. Averell Harriman of New York, 1955-58; delegate to the Democratic National Conventions, 1960, 1976; served as a cabi-net or subcabinet officer to Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford: Ambassador to India, 1973-75; U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1975-76; member, National Commission to Reform Social Security; member, National Economic Commission; member, President’s Science Advisory Committee; director, American Asso-ciation for the Advancement of Science; member, American Academy of Arts and Sci-ences, American Philosophical Society, National Academy of Public Administration; teacher of government at Russell Sage College, Cornell University School of Industrial Relations, Syracuse University, Harvard University; honorary degrees from 59 colleges and universities; Meritorious Service Award, U.S. Department of Labor, 1965; Arthur S. Flemming Award as “an architect of the Nation’s program to eradicate poverty”, 1965; International League for Human Rights, 1975 Award; Syracuse University Centennial Medal; recipient: 1986 Encyclopedia Britannica Award; Seal Medallion of the Central In-telligence Agency; married to the former Elizabeth Brennan; three children: Timothy Patrick, Maura Russell, and John McCloskey; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for a 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected November 2, 1982, for a 6-year term beginning January 3, 1983; reelected November 8, 1988, for a 6-year term be-ginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 464 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3201 ............. Slinsuen 224-4451 Administrative Assistant.—Richard K. Eaton, Esq. FAX: 228-3815 Press Secretary.—Brian F. Connolly. TDD: 224-6821 Legislative Director.—Andrew Samet. Suite 4101, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10174 (212) 661-5150 28 Church Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 (716) 846-4097 214 Main Street, Oneonta, NY 13820 (607) 433-2310 * % 3» ALFONSE M. D'AMATO, Republican, of Island Park, NY; born in Brooklyn, NY, August 1, 1937; attended Island Park public schools; graduated, Chaminade High School, Mineola, NY, 1955; B.S., Syracuse University, College of Business Administration, 1959; J.D., Syracuse Law School, 1961; Honorary Doctor of Laws, New York Law School, 1982; attorney; admitted to the New York State bar, 1962; Nassau County Public Admin-istrator, 1965-68; Town of Hempstead, NY, receiver of taxes, 1969; Hempstead town su-pervisor, 1971-77; presiding supervisor, Town of Hempstead, and vice chairman, Nassau County Board of Supervisors, 1977-80; honors: National Council of Young Israel, Hu-manitarian Award; New York State Order Sons of Italy, “Man of the Year”; member: Knights of Columbus; Island Park Volunteer Fire Department, Lions Club, Sons of Italy, and Sacred Heart R.C. Church; Distinguished Lecturer, C.W. Post College of Long Island University; married to the former Penelope Ann Collenberg, 1960; four children: Lisa, Lorraine, Daniel, and Christopher; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980; reelected November 3, 1992, for a 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993. NEW YORK 103d Congress 197 Office Listings 520 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3202 224-6542 Administrative Assistant.—Michael Kinsella. FAX: 224-5871 Personnel Director.—Claudia Breggia. Scheduler.—Lecia Corbisiero. Special Assistant. —Kevin Dulsky. Seven Penn Plaza, Suite 600, 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10001 (212) 947-7390 Leo O’Brien Office Building, Room 420; Albany, NY 12207 (518) 472-4343 Federal Building, Room 620, 111 West Huron Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 (716) 846-4111 304 Federal Building, 100 State Street, Rochester, NY 14614 (716) 263-5866 1259 Federal Office Building, P.O. Box 7216, 100 South Clinton Street, Syracuse, NY 13261-7216. (315) 423-5471 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT GEORGE J. HOCHBRUECKNER, Democrat, of Coram, NY; born in Long Island, NY on September 20, 1938; attended State University, Stony Brook, NY, and Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY; served in the U.S. Navy; trained as an aerospace “mustang” engineer; elected to New York State Assembly, 1974-84; member: Parish Council of St. Gerard Majella Catholic Church, and School-Community Relations Committee of Middle Country School District No. 1; married to Carol Ann Hochbrueckner, 1961; four chil-dren; member: Committees on Armed Services, and Merchant Marine and Fisheries; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. ; Office Listings 229 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3201 225-3826 Administrative Assistant.—Tom Downs. FAX: 225-0776 Executive Assistant.—Kimberly Harris. Suite 213, 3771 Nesconset Highway, Centereach, NY 11720 (516) 689-6767 District Manager.—Ellen Joyce. Press Secretary.—Mary Ann Weber. Bagshaw Office Building, 437 East Main Street, Riverhead, NY 11901 (516) 727-2152 County: SUFFOLK COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Smithtown, Southampton, and Southold. Population (1990), 580,338. ZIP Codes: 06390, 11706, 11713, 11715 (part), 11719-20, 11727, 11733, 11738, 11741 (part), 11742 (part), 11754 (part), 11755, 11763-64, 11766-67, 11770, 11772, 11776-78, 11779 (part), 11780, 11782, 11784, 11786, 11787 (part), 11788 (part), 11789-90, 11792, 11901, 11930-35, 11937, 11939-42, 11944, 11946-65, 11967-73, 11975-78, 11980 SECOND DISTRICT RICK A. LAZIO, Republican, of Brightwaters, NY; born on March 13, 1958 in Am-ityville, NY; A.B. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 1980; J.D. American University, Washington College of Law; partner, Glass, Lazio, and Glass, Attorneys at Law; admit-ted to New York bar, 1984; legislator, Suffolk County Legislature, 1989-92; married to Patricia Ann Moriarty Lazio, 1990; one child, Molly Ann, 1992; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. 198 Congressional Directory NEW YORK Office Listings 314 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3202...........ceeccuuue. 225-3335 Chief of Staff. —Ronald S. Boster. FAX: 225-4669 Administrative Assistant.—Philip Boyle. Office Manager.—Amanda Perkins. 126 West Main Street, Babylon, NY 11702 (516) 893-9010 County: SUFFOLK COUNTY (part); cities of Amityville, Babylon, Bay Shore, Bayport, Baywood, Bohemia, Brentwood, Brightwaters, Central Islip, Commack (part), Copiague, Deer Park, Dix Hills (part), East Farmingdale, East Islip, Elwood (part), Greenlawn (part), Hauppauge (part), Holbrook (part), Holtsville (part), Huntington (part), Hunting-ton Station (part), Islandia,hy Jeli, Islip Terrace, Lindenhurst, Melville (part), North Amityville, North Babylon, North Bay Shore, North Great River, North Lindenhurst, Oakdale, Ronkonkoma, Sayville, South Huntington So, bis Sabylon, West Bay Shore, West Islip, West Sayville, Wheatley Heights and Wyandanch. Population 7 ZIP Codes: 11701-07, 11715 (part), 11716-18, 11722, 11725 (part), 11726, 11729-30, 11731 (part), 11735 (part), 11739, 11740 (part), 11741 (part), 11742 (part), 11743 (part), 11746 (part), 11747 (part), 11751-52, 11757, 11769-70, 11779 (part), 11782, 11788 (part), 11795-96, 11798 THIRD DISTRICT PETER T. KING, Republican, of Seaford, NY; born on April 5, 1944 in Manhattan, New York, NY; B.A. St. Francis College, NY, 1965; J.D. University of Notre Dame Law School, IN, 1968; served, U.S. Army Reserve National Guard, Spec 5, 1968-73, admitted to New York bar, 1968; attorney; Deputy Nassau County Attorney, 1972-74, Executive Assistant to the Nassau County Executive, 1974-76; General Counsel Nassau Off-Track Betting Corporation, 1977; Hempstead Town Councilman, 1978-81; Nassau County Comptroller, 1981-92; member: Ancient Order of Hiberians, Long Island Committee for Soviet Jewry, Sons of Italy, Knights of Columbus, 69th Infantry Veterans Corps, Ameri-can Legion; married to Rosemary Wiedl King, 1967; two children: Sean, 1970, Erin, 1973; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 118 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3203............cccceueneue (202) 225-7896 Administrative Assistant.—Jonathan Hymes. FAX: 226-2279 Executive Assistant/Personal Secretary.—Carolyn Radcliff. Press Assistant.—Daniel Michaelis. 1003 Park Boulevard, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 (516) 541-4225 Executive Assistant.—Randolph Yunker. FAX: (516) 541-6602 County: Nassau COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Albertson (part), Baldwin (part), Bellmore, Bethpage, Brook-ville, Cove Neck, East Norwich (part), East Rockaway, Farmingdale, Flower Hill (part), Freeport (part), Glen Cove (part), Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Greenvale (part), Hewlett (part), Hicksville, Island Park, Jericho, Levittown (part), Lido Beach, Locust Valley, Long Beach, Lynbrook (part), Manhasset (part), Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Matinecock, Merrick, Mill Neck, Muttontown, North Bellmore (part), North Massapequa, North Merrick (part), North Wantagh, Oceanside, Old Bethpage, Old Brookville, Old Westbury, Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay Cove, Plainedge, Plainview (part), Plandome, Point Lookout, Port Washington (part), Sea Cliff, Seaford, Searing-ows =: Syosset (part), Upper Brookville, Wantagh, Westbury (part), Woodbury (part). Population (1990), 7. ZIP Codes: 11030 (part), 11050 (part), 11507 (part) 11510 (part), 11518, 11520 (part), 11542 (part), 11545, 11547, 11548 (part), 11558, 11560-61, 11563 (part), 11566 (part), 11568-69, 11572, 11576 (part), 11578-79, 11590 (part), 11710 (part), 11714, 11732 (par) 11735, 11753, 11756 (part), 11762, 11765, 11771, 11783, 11791 (part), 11793, 11797 (part), 11801, 11803 (part), FOURTH DISTRICT DAVID A. LEVY, Republican, of Baldwin, NY; born on December 18, 1953 in Franklin, IN; B.A. and J.D. Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 1974, 1979; counsel to the Nassau County Republican Committee; executive assistant and press secretary to the Hempstead Presiding Supervisor; admitted to New York bar, 1980; Hempstead Town NEW YORK 103d Congress 199 Councilman, 1989-92; married to Tracy Burgess Levy, 1989; two children from previous marriage: Samantha Lynn, 1980, Jessica Sue, 1984; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 116 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3204....................... 225-5516 Administrative Assistant.—Arthur J. DeCelle. FAX: 225-3057 Legislative Director.—John Falardeau. : Scheduler.—Kathy Palmateer. 203 Rockaway Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 872-9550 FAX: (516) 872-2959 Counties: NASSAU (part); cities and townships of Atlantic Beach, Baldwin (part), Bellerose, Carle Place, Cedarhurst, East Meadow, East Williston, Elmont, Floral Park, Franklin Square, Freeport (part), Garden City, Garden City Park, Hempstead, Herricks, Hewlett, Hewlett Harbor, Hewlett Neck, Inwood, Lakeview, Lawrence, Levittown (part), Lynbrook, Malverne, Mineola, New Cassel, New Hyde park, North Bellmore (part), North Merrick, North Woodmere, Rockville Centre, Roosevelt, South Hempstead, Stewart Manor, Uniondale, Valley Stream, Valley Sean (part), Wantagh (part), Westbury, West Hempstead, Williston Park, and Woodmere. Population (1990), ZIP Codes: 11001 (part), 11002-03, 11010, 11040 (part), 11501, 11509 (part), 11510 (part), 11514, 11516, 11520 (part), 11530, 11535, 11550-54, 11557 (part), 11559, 11561 (part), 11563 (part), 11565, 11566 (part), 11570 (part), 11575, 11580-83, 11590 (part), 11596, 11598, 11696, 11710 (part), 11756 (part), 11793 (part), 11801 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT GARY L. ACKERMAN, Democrat, of Queens, NY; born in Brooklyn, NY, on No-vember 19, 1942; attended New York City public schools; graduate, Queens College, Flushing, NY; attended St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY; public school teacher; news-paper editor; businessman; elected to New York State Senate, 1979-83; married to the former Rita Tewel; three children: Lauren, Corey, and Ari; elected by special election, on March 1, 1983, to the 98th Congress, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Benja-min Rosenthal; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2445 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3205................... 225-2601 Administrative Assistant.—Jedd Moskowitz. Personal Secretary.—Betsy Francisco. 218-14 Northern Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 423-2154 District Office Administrator.—Arthur Flug. 229 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743 (516) 423-2154 Suffolk Administrator.—Anne McShane. Counties: Nassau (part), Queens (part), Suffolk (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Asharoken, Auburndale, Bay Terrace, Bayside, Bayville, Bell Park Gardens, Bell Park Manor, Centerport, Centre Island, Clearview, Cold Spring Harbor, Commack, Deepdale, Douglaston, Douglaston Manor, East Commack, East Hills, East Northport, Eatons Neck, Electchester, Elwood, Flushing, Fort Salonga, Fresh Meadows, Glen Oaks, Glen Cove, Great Neck, Great Neck Estates, Great Neck Gardens, Great Neck Plaza, Greenlawn, Greenvale, Halesite, Herricks, Hillcrest, Hollis Court Gardens, Hollis Hills, Huntington, Huntington Bay, Huntington Manor, Huntington Station, Kensington, Kew Gardens Hills, Kings Point, Lake Success, Lattingtown, Laurel Hollow, Little Neck, Lloyd Harbor, Lloyd Neck, Lower Melville, Manor Haven, Melville, Middleville, North Shore Towers, Northport, Oakland Gardens, Plain-view, Pomonok, Port Washington, Port Washington North, Queensboro Hill, Roslyn, Roslyn Estates, Roslyn Harbor, Roslyn Heights, Russell Gardens, Saddle Rock, Saddle Rock Estates, Sands Point, Searington, Smithtown, Thomaston, University Gardens, Vernon Valley, West Hills, West Neck, Windsor Park, Woodbury. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 11004 (part), 11005, Lloz0-25, 11027, 11030 (part), 11040 (part), 11042 (part), 11050 (part), 11051, 11054, 11351-52, 11354 (part), 11355 (part), 11357 (part), 11358-59, 11360 (part), 11361-64, 11365 (part), 11366 (part), 11367 (part), 11386, 26 ak 11427 (part), 11507 (part), 11542 (part), 11548 (part), 11560 (part), 11576 (part), 11577 (part), 11579 (part), 11709, 11721, 11724, 11725 (part), 11731 (part), 11740 (part), 11743 (part), 11746 (part), 11747 (part), 11754 (part), 11768, 11771 (part), 11787 (part), 11788 (part), 11791 (part), 11797 (part), 11803 (part) Congressional Directory NEW YORK SIXTH DISTRICT FLOYD H. FLAKE, Democrat, of Rosedale, Queens, NY; born in Los Angeles, CA on January 30, 1945; attended Garden City Elementary School, Houston, TX; graduated G.W. Carver High School, Houston, TX, 1962; B.A., Wilberforce University, Wilber-force, OH, 1967; B.A., Payne Theological Seminary, Wilberforce, OH, 1970; attended, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 1974-76; attended, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY, 1980-84; pastor of Allen A.M.E. Church, Jamaica, NY, 1976-present; chairman and C.E.O.: Allen Housing Development Fund Corp., Allen Christian School and Multi-Pur-pose Center, Allen Home Care Agency, Allen Housing Corp., Allen Neighborhood Pres-ervation and Development Corp.; member, Regional Plan Association, Greater Jamaica Development Corp., NAACP; married to the former Margaret Elaine McCollins, 1975; four children: Aliya, Nailah, Rasheed, and Hasan; elected to the 100th Congress on No-vember 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1035 Longworth House Office Building, Washi ngton, DC 20515-3206 225-3461 Administrative Assistant.—Edwin Reed. Legislative Director.—Maureen Nagle. Office Manager.—Pat Fisher. Legislative Assistant.—Chris Henry. 196-06 Linden Boulevard, St. Albans, NY 11412 20-08 Seagirt Boulevard, Far Rockaway, NY 11691 FAX: (718) (718) 226-4169 949-5600 327-9791 County: QUEENS COUNTY (part). Cities and townships of Arverne, Bellrose, Broad Channel, Cambria Heights, Central Station, Edgemere, Far Rockaway, Floral Park, Hammels, Hollis, Jamaica, JFK Airport, Kew Gardens, Laurelton, New Hyde Park, North Floral Park, Ozone Park, Queens Village, Richmond Hill, Rochdale Village, Rockaway Beach, Rosedale, St. Albans, South Ozone Park, Springfield Gardens, and Woodhaven (part). Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 11001 (part), 11004 (part), 11040 (part), 11411-13, 11415 (part), 11416 (part), 11417 (part), 11418 (part), 11419-20, 11421 (part), 11422 (part), 11423 (part), 11426 (part), 11427 (part), 11428-30, 11432 (part), 11433-34, 11435 (part), 11436, 11690, 11691 (part), 11692 (part), 11693 (part) SEVENTH DISTRICT THOMAS J. MANTON, Democrat, of Sunnyside, Queens, NY; born of Irish immi-grant parents in Manhattan, New York City on November 3, 1932; graduated from St. Joseph’s School, Astoria, NY, 1946; St. John’s Prep, Brooklyn, NY, 1950; St. John’s Uni-versity, 1958, B.B.A.; St. John’s Law School (nights), 1962, L.L.B.; served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1951-53; member, New York City Police Department, 1955-60; marketing repre-sentative, IBM Corp., 1960-64; admitted to bar of New York State, 1963; private practice of law, 1964-84; member: New York City Council, 1970-84, Queens County Bar Associa-tion Catholic War Veterans, Post 870; past president, St. Patrick’s Society of Queens; elected chairman, Queens County Democratic Organization, Executive Committee, 1986; married to former Diane Schley; four children: Catherine, Thomas, John, and Jeanne; elected to the 99th Congress, November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 203 Cannon House Office Building 20510-3207 225-3965 Administrative Assistant.—Steven Vest. Legislative Assistants: Jim Mathews; Elaine Simek. Office Manager.—John Olmsted. 46-12 Queens Boulevard, Sunnyside, NY 11104 (718) 706-1400 District Chief of Staff. —Fran Kraft. 2114 Williamsbridge Road, Bronx, NY 10461 (718) 931-1400 NEW YORK 103d Congress 201 Counties: Bronx (part), Queens (part). Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10460 (part), 10461 (part), 10462 (part), 10465 (part), 10467 (part), 10469 (part), 11101 (part), 11102 (part), 11103 (part), 11104, 11106, 11354 (part), 11356, 11357 (part), 11368 (part), 11369 (part), 11370 (part), 11371, 11372 (part), 11373 (part), 11377 (part), 11378 (part), 11379 (part), 11380, 11385 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT JERROLD NADLER, Democrat, of New York, NY; born in Brooklyn, NY, on June 13, 1947; attended Crown Heights Yeshiva, Brooklyn, 1961; graduated from Stuyvesant High School, 1965; B.A., Columbia University, 1970; J.D., Fordham University, 1978; elected to the New York State Assembly, 1977-92; member: American Jewish Congress; ACLU; National Abortion Rights Action League; AIPAC; National Organization for Women; married 1976; one child, 1985; elected to the 102d Congress on November 3, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Congressman Ted Weiss; at the same time elected to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 424 Cannon House Office Building 20515 225-5635 Administrative Assistant.—Amy Green. FAX: 225-6923 Legislative Director.—David Lachmann. 1841 Broadway, Suite 800, New York, NY 10023 (212) 489-3530 Chief of Staff.—Neil Goldstein. FAX: (212) 977-3546 Counties: Kings (part), New York (part). Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10001 (part), 10003 (part), 10004-08, 10010 (part), 10011 (part), 10012 (part), 10013 (part), 10014, 10016 (part), 10018 (part), 10019 (part), 10023 (part), 10024 (part), 10025 (part), 10036 (part), 10038 (part), 10041, 10048, 10101, 10103 (part), 10104-05, 10106 (part), 10107 (part), 10108, 10113, 10118 (part), 10119-23, 10129, 10249, 10268, 10270-72, 10274, 10276, 10278-81, 11204 (part), 11214 (part), 11215 (part), 11218 (part), 11219 (part), 11220 (part), 11223 (part), 11224 (part), 11230 (part), 11231 (part), 11232 (part), 11235 (part) NINTH DISTRICT CHARLES E. SCHUMER, Democrat, of Brooklyn and Queens, NY; born in Brook-lyn, November 23, 1950; attended local schools; graduated valedictorian Madison High School; Harvard College, magna cum laude, 1971; J.D. with honors, Harvard Law School, 1974; admitted to the New York State bar, 1975; elected to the New York State Assembly, 1974; served on judiciary, health, education, and cities committees; chairman subcommittee on city management and governance, 1977; chairman, committee on over-sight and investigation, 1979; reelected to each succeeding legislative session until Decem-ber 1980; married to Iris Weinshall, 1980; two children: Jessica Emily and Alison Emma; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; member on committees: Banking, Fi-nance and Urban Affairs: Housing and Community Development, Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance; Judiciary: International Law, Immigration and Refugees; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration; chairman, Crime and Crimi-nal Justice; Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East, Economic Policy, Trade and the Environment; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2412 Rayburn House Office. Building 20515-3209 225-6616 Administrative Assistant.—Marcus Kunian. Director of Commnunications.—John Wolf. ; 73-15 Yellowstone Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718) 268-8200 90-16 Rockaway Beach Boulevard, Rockaway, NY 11693 (718) 945-9200 1628 King’s Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11229 (718) 965-5400 District Administrator.—Florence Stachel. 202 Congressional Directory NEW YORK Counties: KINGs COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bergen Beach, Brighton Beach, Canasie, Flatbush, Flatlands, Gerritsen Beach, Georgetowne, Kensington, Manhattan Beach, Marine Park, Midwood, Mill Basin, Park Slope, Parkville, Sheepshead Bay, Windsor Terrace. QUEENS COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Belle Harbor, Breezy Point, Briarwood (parts of), Broad Channel, Far Rockaway, Forest Hills, Glendale, Hamilton Beach, Howard Beach, Kew Gardens, Lindenwood, Middle Village, Neponsit, Ozone Park, Rego Park, Richmond Hill, Ridgewood, Rockway Point, Roxbury, West Lawrence, and Woodhaven. Population (1990), 580,338. ZIP Codes: 11204 (part), 11210 (part), 11215 (part), 11218 (part), 11223 (part), 11224 (part), 11226, 11229, 11230 (part), 11234 (part), 11235 (part), 11236 (part), 11239, 11374 (part), 11375 (part), 11379 (part), 11385 (part), 11414, 11415 (part), J 1416 (part), 11417 (part), 11418 (part), 11421 (part), 11435 (part), 11691 (part), 11692 (part), 11693 (part), , 11697 TENTH DISTRICT EDOLPHUS TOWNS, Democrat, of Brooklyn, NY; born in Chadbourn, NC, on July 21, 1934; graduated, West Side High School, Chadbourn, 1952; B.S., North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, 1956; master of social work, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, 1973; U.S. Army, 1956-58; teacher, Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, NY, and also for the New York City public school system; deputy hospital administrator, 1965-71; deputy president, Borough of Brooklyn, 1976-82; member: Kiwanis, Boy Scouts Advisory Council, Salvation Army, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; married to the former Gwendolyn Forbes, 1960; two children: Darryl and Deidra; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2232 Rayburn House Office Building 20515-3210 225-5936 Administrative Assistant.—Brenda Pillors. FAX: 225-1018 Scheduler.—Josie Wiltshire. : 2d Floor, 545 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206 (718) 387-8696 Special Assistant.—Jennifer Joseph. : FAX: (718) 387-8045 16 Court Street, Suite 1505, Brookyln, NY 11241 (718) 855-8018 District Director.—Karen Johnson. County: KINGS COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 580,335. ZIP Codes: 11201 (part), 11202, 11203 (part), 11205 (part), 11206 (part), 11207 (part), 11208 (part), 11210 (part), 11211 (part), 11212 (part), 11213 (part), 11215 (part), 11216 (part), 11217 (part), 11218 (part), 11219 (part), 11221 (part), 11231 (part), 11233 (part), 11234 (part), 11236 (part), 11238 (part), 11239-42, 11247 ELEVENTH DISTRICT MAJOR R. OWENS, Democrat, of Brooklyn, NY; born in Memphis, TN, on June 28, 1936; attended Hamilton High School, Memphis, TN; B.A., graduated with high honors from Morehouse College, 1956; M.S., Atlanta University, 1957; chairman, Brooklyn Con-gress of Racial Equality; vice president, Metropolitan Council of Housing, 1964; commu-nity coordinator, Brooklyn Public Library, 1965; executive director, Brownsville Commu-nity Council, 1966; commissioner, New York City Community Development Agency, 1968-73; director, community media library program at Columbia University, 1974; elect-ed to the New York State Senate, 1974-82; chairman, senate democratic operations com-mittee; ranking member, child care committee; member: finance, education, housing, and community development and social services committees; Brooklyn borough president de-clared September 10, 1971, “Major R. Owens Day”; served on International Commission on Ways of Implementing Social Policy to Ensure Maximum Public Participation and Social Justice for Minorities at The Hague, the Netherlands, 1972; published author and lecturer on library science; featured speaker, White House Conference on Libraries, 1979; recognized authority in community development; married to Maria A. Owens of New York City; the children of their blended family are: Christopher, Geoffrey, Millard, Carlos, and Cecelia; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress; appointed chairman of the House Subcommittee on Select Educa-tion, 1987; appointed chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus Higher Education Braintrust from the 98th Congress to the present. NEW YORK 103d Congress 203 Office Listings 2305 Rayburn House Office Building 20510-3211 Administrative Assistant.—Jacqueline A. Ellis. FAX: 225-6231 226-0112 Legislative Director.—Braden Goetz. Press Secretary.—Marian Douglas. 289 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11213. District Office Director.—Theda Zawaiza. (718) 773-3100 County: KINGs COUNTY (part). Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 11201 (part), 11203 (part), 11205 (part), 11210 (part), 11212 (part), 11213 (part), 11215 (part), 11216 (part), 11217 (part), 11218 (part), 11225-26, 11230 (part), 11233 (part), 11234 (part), 11236 (part), 11238 (part), 11243 TWELFTH DISTRICT NYDIA M. VELAZQUEZ, Democrat, of New York City, NY; born in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, March 28, 1953; University of Puerto Rico, B.A. in political science, 1974; New York University, M.A. in political science, 1976; faculty member, University of Puerto Rico, 1976-81; adjunct professor, Hunter College of the City University of New York, 1981-83; special assistant to Congressman Ed Towns, 1983; member, City Council of New York City, 1984-86; National Director of Migration Division Office, Department of Labor and Human Resources of Puerto Rico, 1986-89; director, Department of Puerto Rican Community Affairs in the United States, 1989-92; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 132 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 225-2361 Administrative Assistant.—Karen Ackerman. FAX: 226-0327 Legislative Director.—Eduardo Castell. Press Secretary.—Patricia Lynch. 815 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206 (718) 599-3658 District Administrator.—Manuel Rosa. FAX: (718) 599-4537 Counties: Kings (part), New York (part), Queens (part). Population (1990), 580,340. ZIP Codes: 10002 (part), 10003 (part), 10009 (part), 10012 (part), 10013 (part), 10038 (part), 10110 (part), 10158 (part), 11101 (part), 11201 (part), 11205 (part), 11206 (part), 11207 (part), 11208 (part), 11211 (part), 11215 (part), 11217 (part), 11219 (part), 11220 (part), 11221 (part), 11222 (part), 11231 (part), 11232 (part), 11237, 11368 (part), 11369 (part), 11370 (part), 11372 (part), 11373 (part), 11377 (part), 11378 (part), 11385 (part) THIRTEENTH DISTRICT SUSAN MOLINARI, Republican, of Staten Island, NY; born in Staten Island, NY, March 27, 1958; graduated from St. Joseph Hill Academy, Staten Island, 1976; B.A., cum laude, State University of New York, Albany, NY, 1980; M.A., with honors, State Uni-versity of New York, Albany, NY, 1981; member, New York City Council, 1985-90; mi-nority leader, New York City Council; daughter of Representative Guy V. Molinari; elected to the 101st Congress by special election on March 20, 1990 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Guy Molinari; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 204 Congressional Directory NEW YORK Office Listings 123 Cannon House Office Building 20515-3213 225-3371 Administrative Assistant.—Steve Kelmar. FAX: 225-1272 Office Manager.—Jody Triandiflou. 14 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306 (718) 987-8400 Chief of Staff.—Barbara Palumbo. 9818 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. 11209..........coiiniiias omissions (718) 630-5277 Constituent Representatives: Eileen Long and Rosemarie O'Keefe. County: KINGS COUNTY (part); city of Richmond. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10301-14, 11204 (part), 11209, 11214 (part), 11219 (part), 11220 (part), 11223 (part), 11228 * Xx % FOURTEENTH DISTRICT CAROLYN B. MALONEY, Democrat, of New York City, NY; born on February 19, 1948 in Greensboro, NC; B.A. Greensboro College, Greensboro, NC, 1968; various posi-tions, New York City Board of Education, 1970-77; legislative aide, New York State As-sembly, Senior Program Analyst, 1977-79; executive director of advisory council, 1979-82; director of special projects, New York State Senate Office of the Minority Leader; New York City Councilmember, 1982-93; chairperson, New York City Council Commit-tee on Contracts; member: Council Committee on Aging, National Organization of Women, Common Cause, Sierra Club, Americans for Democratic Action, New York City Council Committee on Housing and Buildings, Citizens Union, Grand Central Busi-ness Improvement District, Harlem Urban Development Corporation (1982-91), Commis-sion on Early Childhood Development Programs, Council of Senior Citizen Centers of New York City, 1982-87; married to Clifton H.-W. Maloney, 1976; two children, Virginia Marshall Maloney, 1987, Christina Paul Maloney, 1980; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1504 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515............cc.c...... (202) 225-7944 Chief of Staff. —John Wade. FAX: 225-4709 Administrative Assistant.—Jeremy Rabinovitz. Legislative Director.—Andrew Lowenthal. 950 Third Avenue, 19th Floor (at 57th Street), New York, NY 10022............... (212) 832-6531 28-11 Astoria Boulevard, Long Island City, NY 11102 (718) 932-1804 619 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 349-1260 “ Counties: Kings (part); New York (part); Queens (part). Cities and townships: Astoria, Brooklyn (part), Greenpoint, Manhattan (part), Queens (part), Roosevelt Island. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10001 (part), 10002 (part), 10003 (part), 10009 (part), 10010 (part), 10011 (part), 10016 (part), 10017, 10018 (part), 10019 (part), 10020-22, 10023 (part), 10024 (part), 10025 (part), 10026 (part), 10028, 10029 (part), 10036 (part), 10044, 10055, 10103 (part), 10106 (part), 10107 (part), 10110 (part), 10111-12, 10118 (part), 10126, 10128, 10131, 10150-57, 10158 (part), 1015961, 10162-63, 10165-78, 10185, 11102 (part), 11103 (part), 11105 (part), 11206 (part), 11211 (part), 11222 (part), 11370 (part) FIFTEENTH DISTRICT CHARLES B. RANGEL, Democrat-Liberal, of New York City, NY; born in Harlem, New York, NY, June 11, 1930; attended the public schools in Harlem, P.S. 89 (now P.S. 175), Junior High School 139, and DeWitt Clinton High School; enlisted and served in the U.S. Army, 1948-52; awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star for Valor, U.S. and Korean Presidential Citations and three battle stars while serving in combat with the Second Infantry Division in Korea; honorably discharged with rank of staff sergeant; after military duty, completed high school, 1953; graduated from New York University School of Commerce, as dean’s list student under the G.I. bill, 1957; graduated from St. John’s University School of Law, dean’s list student under a full 3-year scholarship, 1960; NEW YORK 103d Congress 205 lawyer; admitted to practice in the courts of the State of New York, U.S. Federal Court, Southern District of New York, and the U.S. Customs Court; appointed assistant U.S. attorney, Southern District of New York, 1961; legal counsel, New York City Housing and Redevelopment Board, Neighborhood Conservation Bureau; general counsel, Nation-al Advisory Commission on Selective Service, 1966; served 2 terms in the New York State Assembly, 1966-70; active in 369th Veterans Association, Community Education Program, and Martin Luther King Democrats; married Alma Carter; one son, Steven; one daughter, Alicia; elected to 92d Congress, November 3, 1970; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2252 Rayburn House Office Building 20510-3215 225-4365 Executive Assistant.—Patricia O. Bradley. FAX: 225-0816 Tax Counsel.—Jon Sheiner. ‘ 163 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027 (212) 663-3900 District Administrator.— Vivian E. Jones. 601 West 181st Street, New York, NY 10033 (212) 927-5333 2110 First Avenue, New York, NY 10029 (212) 348-9630 Counties: Bronx (part), New York (part), and Queens (part). Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10024 (part), 10025 (part), 10026 (part), 10027, 10029 (part), 10030-35, 10037, 10039-40, 10115-16, 10463 (part), 11105 (part) SIXTEENTH DISTRICT JOSE E. SERRANO, Democrat, of Bronx, NY; born in Mayagiiez, PR, October 24, 1943; attended PS-43, elementary school, Bronx, NY; Dodge Vocational High School, Bronx, NY; attended Lehman College, City University of New York, NY; served the with U.S. Army Medical Corps, 1964-66; employed by the Manufacturers Hanover Bank, 1961-69; Community School District 7, 1969-74; New York State Assemblyman, 1974-90; chairman, Consumers Affairs Committee, 1979-83; chairman, Education Committee, 1983-90; married to the former Mary Staucet, 1979; five children: Lisa Trapenese, Jose Marco, Benjamin, Jonathan Brucker, and Justine Brucker; elected to the 101st Congress by special election March 28, 1990 to fill the vacancy caused by the resigination of Robert Garcia; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 336 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3216 225-4361 Special Counsel/Chief of Staff.—Ellyn Toscano. Executive Office Manager.—Pichy Marty. Senior Legislative Assistant.—Louis Davis. 890 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451-2828 (212) 538-5400 District Director.—Caridad Pena. County: BRONX COUNTY (part). Cities and townships: Bronx. Population (1990), 580,338. ZIP Codes: 10451 (part), 10452 (part), 10453 (part), 10454-56, 10457 (part), 10458 (part), 10459, 10460 (part), 10461 (part), 10462 (part), 10465 (part), 10467 (part), 10468 (part), 1047274 x x x SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT ELIOT L. ENGEL, Democrat, of Bronx, NY; born in Bronx, NY, on February 18, 1947; attended Bronx public schools; B.A., Hunter-Lehman College, 1969; M.A., City University of New York, 1973; New York Law School, 1987; married to Patricia Ennis Engel, 1980; children: Julia and Jonathan; teacher and counselor in the New York City public school system, 1969-77; elected to the New York legislature, 1977-88; Committee on Foreign Affairs; Committee on Education and Labor; Long Island Sound Coalition; 206 Congressional Directory NEW YORK Human Rights Caucus; Ethiopian Jewry Caucus; Congressional Space Caucus; Ad Hoc Committee on Irish Affairs; Hudson River Caucus; Democratic Study Group; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1433 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3217 .............. 225-2464 Administrative Assistant.—John F. Calvelli. Office Manager.—Pamela K. Segal. Director of Communications.—Frank M. Pizzurro. 3655 Johnson Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463 (718) 796-9700 Chief of Staff.—Arnold I. Linhardt. Counties: Bronx (part), Westchester (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Parts of Bronx, Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle and Pelham. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10451 (part), 10452 (part), 10453 (part), 10457 (part), 10458 (part), 10463 (part), 10466, 10467 (part), 10468 (part), 10469 (part), 10470-71, 10475 (part), 10550 (part), 10551, 10552 (part), 10553 (part), 10701 (part), 10702, 10703 (part), 10704 (part), 10705 (part), 10710 (part), 10801 (part), 10802, 10803 (part), 10804 (part), 10805 (part) * Xx x EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT NITA M. LOWEY, Democrat, of Harrison, NY; born in New York, NY, July 5, 1937; attended P.S. 114, New York City; graduated, Bronx High School of Science, 1955; B.S., Mount Holyoke College, 1959; assistant to secretary of state for Economic Development and Neighborhood Preservation, and deputy director, Division of Economic Opportunity, 1975-85; assistant secretary of state, 1985-87; member: Board of Directors of Close-Up Foundation, Board of Directors of Effective Parenting Information for Children, Down-state (New York Region), Board of Directors Windward School, Westchester Jewish Conference, Westchester Opportunity Program, National Committee of the Police Corps; Women’s Network of the YWCA, Legal Awareness for Women, National Women’s Po-litical Caucus of Westchester, American Jewish Committee of Westchester; married to Stephen Lowey, 1961; three children: Dana, Jacqueline, and Douglas; elected on Novem-ber 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1424 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3218 .............. 225-6506 Administrative Assistant.—Scott Fleming. FAX: 225-0546 Legislative Director.—Jim Townsend. Executive Assistant.—Kristine Burnham. Suite 310, 222 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605.............cccoverennee. (914) 428-1707 District Administrator.—Deborah Bohren. Counties: Bronx (part), Queens (part), Westchester (part). Cities and townships; Harrison, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Mount Vernon, Port Chester, Rye Brook, Purchase, Rye, Scarsdale, White Plains, Yonkers, Tuckahoe, Cresh-wood, Bronxville, Eastchester, New Rochelle, Pelham, City Island, Country Club, Edgewater, Locust Point, Spencer Estates, Throggs Neck, Flushing, Holliswood, Jamaica Estates, Kew Garden Hills, Lefrak City, Queens Valley, West Cunningham Park, Fresh Meadows, and Rego Park. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10464, 10465 (part), 10469 (part), 10475 (part), 10528, 10530 (part), 10538, 10543, 10550 (part), 10552 (part), 10553 (part), 10573, 10577, 10580, 10583 (part), 10601 (part), 10602, 10604 (part), 10605 (part), 10606 , 10607 (part), 10701 (part), 10703 (part), 10704 (part), 10705 (part), 10706 (part), 10707 (part), 10708-09, 10710 (part), 10801 (part), 10803 (part), 10804 (part), 10805 (part), 11354 (part), 11355 (part), 11357 (part), 11360 (part), 11365 (part), 11366 (part), 11367 (part), 11368 (part), 11373 (part), 11374 (part), 11375 (part), 11379 (part), 11423 (part), 11427 (part), 11431, 11432 (part), 11435 (part), 11439 NINETEENTH DISTRICT HAMILTON FISH, Jr., Republican, of Millbrook, NY; born in Washington, DC, June 3, 1926; married Mary Ann Knauss, December 31, 1988; four children; graduate of Kent School, Kent, CT; A.B., Harvard College, 1949; LL.B., New York University School of NEW YORK 103d Congress 207 Law, 1957; attended John F. Kennedy School of Public Administration, Cambridge, MA; admitted to New York bar; enlisted in USNR, 1944-46; served in Ireland as vice consul, 1951-53; U.S. Foreign Service; counsel, New York State Assembly Judiciary Committee, 1961; elected to the 91st Congress, November 5, 1968; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress; ranking member, House Committee on the Judiciary; Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; Board of Visitors to the U.S. Military Academy, West Point; Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Commission; board of directors of the New York State Martin Luther King, Jr. Institute for Nonviolence; cochairman, Ad Hoc Congressional Committee for Irish Affairs; Environmental and Energy Study Conference; Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition; Congressional Human Rights Caucus; Congressional Clearing House on the Future; Congressional Caucus on Women’s Issues; Congressional Arts Caucus; awards: ACLU’s Congressional Civil Liberties Award, 1990; Eleanor Roo-sevelt Valkill Medal, 1990; Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association Award, 1990; Com-puter and Business Manufacturers Association Public Policy Award, 1990; NAACP Walter White Award, 1989; Distinguished Public Servant Award from New York Uni-versity School of Law, 1974; awarded Honorary LL.D. from Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 1977; Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 1978, and St. Thomas Acquinas, Sparkill, NY, 1981; Honorary Doctor of Human Letters, Mt. St. Mary College, New-burgh, NY, 1989; other memberships: New York State and Dutchess County Bar Associa-tions; Sons of the Revolution, New York State; Poughkeepsie Elks Lodge No. 275; American Legion Lafayette Post 37, VFW Post No. 1928; Oak Grove Grange No. 873; Dutchess, Ulster and Green Counties, Newburgh, VanCortandtville Historical Societies; Dutchess County Council, B.S.A; Dutchess County Shrine Club; Triune Lodge F&AM No. 782; Valley of Albany Masonic Temple; Cyprus Temple AAONMS; Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Putnam County; Haddassah Associates; Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Valkill; Steuben Society of America Unit 167; IORM, Mawenawasigh Tribe 479; Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County. Office Listings 2354 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3219 225-5441 Administrative Assistant.—Nicholas Hayes. Legislative Assistant.—Debbie Reilly. Personal Secretary/Office Manager.—Grace Washbourne. 1 Vink Drive, Carmel, NY 10512 (914) 225-5200 2 Church Street, Ossining, NY 10562 (914) 762-7561 Executive District Director.—Janice Ann Traber. 1440 Route 9, Suite 209, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (914) 297-5711 Counties: DUTCHESS COUNTY; cities and townships of Amenia, Beekman, Castle Point, Chelsea, City of Poughkeepsie, Dover, Dover Plains, East Fishkill, Fishkill (not including City of Beacon), Glenham, Holmes, Hopewell Junction, Hughsonville, LaGrange (part), Millbrook, New Hamburg, Pawling, Poughquag, Stormville, Unionvale, Verbank, Wappinger, Wappingers Falls, Washington, Wassiac, Wingdale. Post Offices: Billings (part of Town of Union Vale, East Fiskkill), Clinton Corners (part of Town of Washington), LaGrangeville (part of Town of Unionvale), Pleasant Valley (part of LaGrange, Union Vale), Salt Point (part of Town of Washington). ORANGE COUNTY; cities and townships of Campbell Hall, Cornwall, Cornwall-on-Hudson, Ft. Montgomery, Hamptonburgh, High-lands, Highland Falls, Mountainville, New Windsor, Rock Tavern, Vails Gate, West Point. Post Offices: Bear Mountain (part of Town of Highlands), Central Valley (part of Town of Highlands), Montgomery (part of Town of Hamptonburgh), Newburgh (part of Town of New Windsor), Salisbury Mills (part of Town of Cornwall), Washingtonville (part of New Windsor, Hamptonburgh). PUTNAM COUNTY; cities and townships of Baldwin Place, Brewster, Carmel, Cold Spring, Garrison, Kent, Lake Peekskill, Mahopac, Mahopac Falls, Patterson, Philipstown, Putnam Valley, Southeast. WESTCHESTER COUNTY; cities and townships of Amawalk, Armonk, Baldwin Place, Bedford, Bedford Hills, Briarcliff Manor/Scarborough, Buchanan, Chappaqua, city of Peekskill, city of White Plains (North Part), Cortlandt, Crompound, Cross River, Croton Falls, Croton-on-Hudson, Golden’s Bridge, Granite Springs, Hawthorne, Jefferson Valley, Katonah, Lewisboro, Lincolndale, Maryknoll, Millwood, Mohegan Lake, Montrose, Mount Kisco, Mount Kisco, Mount Pleasant, New Castle, North Castle, North Salem, North Tarrytown, Ossining, Peekskill, Pleasantville, Pound Ridge, Purdys, Shenorock, Shrub Oak, Somers, South Salem, Thornwood, Valhalla, Verplanck, Waccabuc, Yorktown, and Yorktown Heights. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 10501, 10504-07, 10509-12, 10514, 10516-21, 10524, 10526-27, 10532, 10535-37, 10540-42, 10545-49, 10560, 10562, 10566, 10570, 10576, 10578-79, 10587-90, 10591 (part), 10594, 10595 (part), 10596-98, 10601 (part), 10603 (part), 10604 (part), 10605 (part), 10916, 10922, 10928, 10953, 10992 (part), 10996-97, 12501, 12508 (part), 12510-12, 12518, 12520, 12522, 12524, 12531, 12533, 12537, 12540 (part), 12543 (part), 12545, 12550 (part), 12553, 12563-64, 12570, 12575 (part), 12577 (part), 12582, 12585, 12590 (part), 12592, 12594, 12601 (part), 12602, 12603 (part) 208 Congressional Directory NEW YORK TWENTIETH DISTRICT BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, Republican, of Middletown, NY; born in Poughkeepsie, NY, December 6, 1922; educated in the public schools of Middletown and graduated from Middletown High School, 1941; B.S., Wharton School of Business and Finance, University of Pennsylvania, 1946; LL.B., New York Law School, 1950; veteran of World War II, 20th Air Force, 19th Bomb Group; awarded Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal for 35 missions over Japan; appointed assistant attorney general, New York State Department of Law, 1953; formed the law firm of Gilman & Gilman, 1955, in Middle-town, NY; attorney for New York State’s Temporary Commission on the Courts; served for 3 terms in the New York State Assembly from the 95th District, 1967-72; member: Southeastern Water Commission; Middletown, Orange County, New York State, and American Bar Associations; the Association of the Bar of the City of New York; New York Trial Lawyers Association, and the American Trial Lawyers Association; also a member of Orange County Republican Committee, American Legion, V.F.W., Masonic War Veterans Beth El Post No. 29, J.W.V. (national legislative chairman), B.P.O.E. No. 1097, Hoffman Lodge of F.&A.M., A.A.O.N.M.S. of Cyprus Temple (Albany), Interna-tional Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, Otisville Grange, Hudson-Delaware Boy Scout Council, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Advisory Council, advisory committee of NYS Division of Youth’s Start Center, past president of Capitol Hill Shrine Club, former board chairman of Middletown Little League, vice president of Orange County Mental Health Association, and Orange County Heart Association; Lt. Col. Civil Air Patrol, Congressional Branch; member: Le Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux; Colonel, New York Guard; married to Rita Gail Gilman, 1984; Mr. Gilman’s children: Jonathan, Harrison, Susan, David, and Ellen (deceased Nov. 10, 1976); Mrs. Gilman’s children: Alan and Eric Kelhoffer; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member of Foreign Affairs Committee, Post Office, Energy Security Working Group, Select Committee on Narcot-ics Abuse and Control, Select Committee on Hunger, Congressional Delegate to United Nations General Assembly, 11th Special Session (1981); member: U.S.-Ukraine Famine Commission; U.S.-Mexican Interparliamentary Conference; cochairman, U.S.-European Interparliamentary Conference; Congressional Advisor to Law of the Sea Conference; United States Military Academy Board of Visitors, 1973-83; Presidential Commission on World Hunger; task force on the Handicapped, cochairman, ad hoc committee on Irish Affairs; vice chairman, House task force on POW’s and MIA’s; Foundation for Better Health; Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, NY; Board of Directors, World Hunger Year. Office Listings 2185 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3220 225-3776 Administrative Assistant.—Nancy L. Colandrea. Legislative Director.— Thomas McConnell. Press Assistant.—Andrew Zarutskie. P.O. Box 358, 44 East Avenue, Middletown, NY 10940-0358 (914) 343-6666 District Office Manager.—Amalia Aumick. 377 Route 59, Monsey, NY 10954-3498 (914) 357-9000 32 Main Street, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706-1602 (914) 478-5550 Counties: Orange (part); Rockland; Sullivan (part); Westchester (part). Population (1990), 580,338. ZIP Codes: 10502-03, 10522-23, 10530 (part), 10533, 10583 (part), 10591 (part), 10595 (part), 10603 (part), 10606 (part), 10607 (part), 10706 (part), 10707 (part), 10710 (part), 10901, 10910-15, 10917-21, 10923-27, 10930-33, 10940, 10950, 10952, 10954, 10956, 10958-60, 10962-65, 10968-70, 10973-77, 10979-90, 10992 (part), 10993-94, 10998, 12543 (part), 12549, 12550 (part), 12566 (part), 12575 (part), 12577 (part), 12586 (part), 12719-21, 12726-27, 12729, 12732, 12734, 12737, 12739, 12743, 12746, 12748-49, 12752, 12762, 12764, 12769-71, 12775 (part), 12777-78, 12780, 12781 (part), 12783, 12785-86, 12790, 12792 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT MICHAEL R. McNULTY, Democrat, of Green Island, NY; born in Troy, Rensselaer County, NY, September 16, 1947; graduated from St. Joseph’s Grammar School, Green Island, NY, 1961; attended LaSalle Institute, Troy, NY, 1961-64; graduated St. Joseph’s Institute, Barrytown, NY, 1965; attended, Loyola University, Rome Center, Rome, Italy, 1967-68; B.A., Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, 1969; attended Hill School of Insur- NEW YORK 103d Congress 209 ance, New York City, 1970; insurance broker; elected: town supervisor, Town of Green Island, NY, 1969-77; mayor, Village of Green Island, 1977-83; New York State Assem-bly, 1983-88; member: Albany County Democratic Executive Committee, Green Island Democratic Committee, New York State Democratic Committee; board of directors, Capital Region Technology Development Council; delegate, Democratic National Con-vention, 1972; married to the former Nancy Ann Lazzaro, 1971; four children: Michele M., Angela E., Nancy T., and Maria L.; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Con-gress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 217 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3221............cccceve... 225-5076 Chief of Staff.—Lana R. Helfrich. FAX: 225-5077 Press Secretary.—Charles Segal. Legislative Director.—Jim Glenn. Leo W. O’Brien Federal Building, Albany, NY 12207 (518) 465-0700 U.S. Office, Schenectady, NY 12305 (518) 374-4547 33 Second Street, Troy, NY 12180 (518) 271-0822 9 Market Street, Amsterdam, NY 12010 (518) 843-3400 Counties: Albany, Montgomery (part), Rensselaer (part), Saratoga (part), and Schenectady. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 12007-09, 12010 (part), 12019 (part), 12023, 12027 (part), 12041, 12045-47, 12053-56, 12059, 12061 (part), 12066-67, 12068 (part), 12069, 12070 (part), 12072, 12077, 12083-85, 12086 (part), 12087, 12107, 12110, 12120, 12122 (part), 12128, 12137, 12141, 12143-44, 12147, 12148 (part), 12150, 12157 (part), 12158-59, 12161, 12163, 12166, 12177, 12180 (part), 12182 (part), 12183, 12186, 12188 (part), 12189, 12193, 12198 (part), 12200-12, 12220, 12224-25, 12260, 12300-09, 12325, 12345, 12469 (part), 12508 (part), 12550 (part), 13317 (part) TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT GERALD B.H. SOLOMON, Republican, of Glens Falls, NY; born in Okeechobee, FL, August 14, 1930; attended the public schools; graduated from Bethlehem Central High School, Delmar, NY; attended Siena College, Albany, NY, and St. Lawrence Uni-versity, Canton, NY; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1951-52; founding partner of in-surance and investment firm; member, New York State Assembly, 1973-78; Queensbury town supervisor and Warren County legislator, 1968-72; member: First Presbyterian Church, Masons, Kiwanis, Grange, Farm Bureau, Marine Corps League, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans; married to the former Freda Parker of Mononga-hela, PA, 1955; five children: Susan, Daniel, Robert, Linda, and Jeffrey; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2265 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3222 ................... 225-5614 Administrative Assistant.—Herb Koster. FAX: 225-6234 Personal Secretary.—Dorothy Cook. Press Secretary.—Dan Amon. Gaslight Square, Saratoga Springs, NY 12801 (518) 587-9800 21 Bay Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801 (518) 792-3031 329 Fairview Avenue, Hudson, NY 12534 (518) 828-0181 Counties: Columbia, Dutchess (part), Essex (part), Greene, Rensselaer (part), Saratoga (part), Schoharie (part), Warren, Washington. Population (1990), 582,340. ZIP Codes: 12015, 12017-18, 12019 (part), 12020, 12022, 12024, 12026, 12027 (part), 12028-29, 12033, 12035, 12037, 12040, 12042, 12050-52, 12057-58, 12060, 12061 (part), 12062-63, 12065, 12073-76, 12082-83, 12087, 12089-90, 12092, 12094, 12106, 12114-15, 12118, 12121, 12122 (part), 12123-25, 12130-33, 12135-36, 12138, 12140, 12148 (part), 12151, 12153-54, 12156, 12157 (part), 12162, 12165, 12167 (part), 12168-70, 12172-74, 12176, 12180 (part), 12181, 12182 (part), 12184-85, 12188 (part), 12192, 12195-96, 12198 (part), 12405, 12407, 12413-15, 12418, 12422-24, 12427, 12430-31, 12436, 12439, 12442, 12444, 12450-52, 12454, 12460, 12463, 12468, 12469 (part), 12470, 12473, 12482, 12485, 12492, 12496, 12502-04, 12506-07, 12513-14, 12516-17, 12521, 12523, 12526, 12529-30, 12534, 12538, 210 Congressional Directory NEW YORK 12540 (part), 12541, 12544, 12546, 12565, 12567, 12569, 12571-72, 12574, 12578, 12580-81, 12583, 12590 (part), 12593, 12601 (part), 12603 (part), 12801, 12803-04, 12808-11, 12814-17, 12819-24, 1282628, 12831-39, 12841, 12843-46, 12848-63, 12865-66, 12870-74, 12878-79, 12883-87, 12913 (part), 12928, 12932, 12942-43, 12946, 12956, 12960-61, 12964, 12974, 12983 (part), 12987, 12997-98 TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT, Republican, of New Hartford, NY; born in Utica, Sep-tember 28, 1936; graduated from Roosevelt School, Utica; Whitesboro Central High School; A.B., Utica College, 1961; served in the U.S. Army, 1956-58; Wyandotte Chemi-cals Corp., 1961-64; chief of staff for Congressman Alexander Pirnie, 1964-72; chief of staff for Congressman Donald J. Mitchell, 1973-79; past president, Administrative Assist-ants Association, U.S. House of Representatives; elected 1979, Oneida County Executive; member: board of directors, Utica College Foundation, St. John The Evangelist Church, New Hartford; Utica College Alumni Achievement Award, Special Service Citation from the American Society of Military Engineers, the Distinguished Service Award from the Council on the Disabled, Man of the Year Award Mohawk Valley Economic Develop-ment District; married to the former Marianne Willey, four children; elected on Novem-ber 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeding Congress; member: Com-mittee on Science, Space, and Technology; Committee on Public Works and Transporta-tion, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. Office Listings 1127 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3223 .............. 225-3665 Administrative Assistant.—Dan Costello. Executive Secretary.—Margaret Moore. Legislative Director.—Dean D’Amore. Alexander Pirnie Federal Office Building, Room 200, 10 Broad Street, Utica, NY 13501 (315) 793-8146 District Director.—Randy Wilcox. Counties: Broome (part), Chenango, Delaware (part), Herkimer (part), Madison, Montgomery (part), Oneida, Otsego, and Schoharie (part). Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 12031, 12036, 12043, 12064, 12071, 12093, 12113, 12116, 12149, 12155, 12160, 12167 (part), 12175, 12187, 12194, 12197, 12421, 12434, 12438, 12455, 12459, 12474, 12724, 12776, 13030 (part), 13032, 13035 (part), 13037 (part), 13040 , 13042 (pa rt), 13043, 13052 (part), 13054, 13061, 13072, 13082, 1308S, 13122 (part), 13123-24, 13133-34, 13136, 13155, 13157, 13162-63, 13301, 13303-04, 13308-10, 13313-15, 13316 (part), 13317 (part), 13318-23, 13326, 13328, 13329 (part), 13332-38, 13339 (part), 13340-42, 13346, 13348-50, 13352, 13354-55, 13357, 13361-65, 13401-03, 13406-11, 13413, 13415, 13417-18, 13421, 13424-25, 13428-29, 13431-32, 13434-35, 13438-40, 13442, 13450, 13452, 13455-57, 13459-61, 13464-66, 13468-69, 13471, 13475-80, 13482, 13483 (part), 13484-92, 13494-95, 13501-05, 13730, 13731 (part), 13733, 13739-40, 1374447, 13750-53, 13755, 13757-58, 13775-78, 13780, 13782, 13786-88, 13796, 13801, 13804, 13806-10, 13813 (part), 13814-15, 13820, 13825, 13830, 13832-34, 13837-39, 13841 (part), 13842-44, 13846-49, 13856, 13859-61, 13862 (part), 13901 (part) -TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT JOHN M. McHUGH, Republican, of Pierrepont Manor, NY; born in Watertown, NY, on September 29, 1948; graduated from Watertown High School, 1966; B.A., Utica Col-lege of Syracuse University; M.A., Nelson A. Rockefeller Graduate School of Public Af-fairs; assistant to the city manager, Watertown; liaison with local governments for New York State Senator H. Douglas Barclay; elected to the New York State Senate, 1984-92; member: American Society of Young Political Leaders; Jefferson County Farm Bureau; B.P.O.E. of Watertown; National Conference of State Legislators; Council of State Gov-ernments’ Eastern Regional Conference Committee on Fiscal Affairs; U.S. Trade Repre-sentative’s Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee on Trade; married to Katie McHugh; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. NEW YORK 103d Congress 211 Office Listings 416 Cannon House Office Buildeg Washington, DC 20515-3224....................... 225-4611 Chief of Staff.—CaryR. Brick. Administrative Secretary. les M. Bell. 104 West Utica Street, Oswego, NY 13126-2196. (315) 342-5664 104 Federal Building, Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2938 (518) 563-1406 404A Key Bank Building, 200 Washington Street, Watertown, NY 13601- TS LE SRI LE (315) 782-3150 Counties: Clinton, Essex (part), Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer (part), Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego, St. Lawrence. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adams, Adams Center, Akwesasne, Albion, Alexandria Bay, Altmar, Altona, Amboy, Amsterdam (part), Antwerp, Arietta, Ausable Chasm, AuSable Forks, Balmat, Bangor, Barnes Corners, Batcheller-ville, Beaver Falls, Beaver River, Beekmantown, Belfort, Belleville, Bellmont, Benedict, Benson, Bernhards Bay, Big Moose, Black Brook, Black River, Bleecker, Blue Mountain Lake, Bluff Point, Bombay, Boonville (part), Bouquet, Boysen Bay, Boylston, -Brainardsville, Brandon, Brandeth Park, Brantingham, Brasher Falls, Brasier Corners, Brier Hill, Brighton, Broadalbin, Brownville, Brushton, Burke, Cadyville, Calcium, Canada Lake, Canton, Cape Vincent, Caroga Lake, Carthage, Castorland, Cedar River, Central Square, Champion, Champlain, Chase Mills, Chasm Falls, Chateaugay, Chaumont, Chazy, Chesterfield, Childwold, Chippewa Bay, Churubusco, Clare, Clayburg, Clayton, Cleveland, Cliffhaven, Clifton, Clinton, Clintonville, Cold Brook, Colton, Constable, Constable-ville, Constantia, Coopersville, Copenhagen, Cork Center, Cranberry Lake, Crary Mills, Crater Club, Croghan, Crystaldale, Dannemora, Dart’s Lake, Deerland, Deer River, Deferiet, Degrasse, DeKalb, DeKalb Junction, Denmark, Depauville, DePeyster, Dexter, Diana, Dickinson, Dickinson Center, Dolgeville, Duane, Eagle Bay, Eagle’s Nest, Edwards, Ellenburg, Ellenburg Center, Ellenburg Corners, Ellenburg Depot, Ellisburg, Elmdale, Emeryville, Ephratah, Essex, Evans Mills, Felts Mills, Fine, Fineview, Fishers Landing, Flackville, Fonda (part) (R.R. No. 1), Fort Covington, Fort Drum, Fort Jackson, Fort Johnson (part), Fort Plain (part), Fowler, Franklin, Frontenanc, Fullerville, Fulton, Gabriels, Glen Park, Glenfield, Gloversville, Gouverneur, Granby, Great Bend, Green Lake, Greig, Grenell, Grindstone Island, Hagaman (part), Hailesboro, Hammond, Hannawa Falls, Hannibal, Harkness, Harrietstown, Harrisburg, Harrisville, Hastings, Helena, Henderson, Henderson Harbor, Hermon, Her-rings, Heuvelton, Higgins Bay, High Market, Hoffmeister, Hogansburg, Hope, Hopkinton, Hounsfield, Indian Lake, Ingraham, Inlet, Irona, Jay, Jericho, Joe Indian Pond, Johnstown, Keeseville, Kirschnerville, Knapps, Lacona, LaFargeville, Lake Clear, Lake Ozonia, Lake Pleasant, Lawrence, Lawrenceville, Le Ray, Lewis, Leyden, Limekiln, Limerick, Lisbon, Lobdell, Long Lake, Loon Lake, Lorraine, Louisville, Lowville, Lycoming, Lyme, Lyon Mountain, Lyonsdale, Lyons Falls, Macomb, Madrid, Mallory, Malone, Mannsville, Maple View, Martinsburg, Martville (part), Massawepie, Massena, Mayfield, Meco, Merrill, Mexico, Minetto, Moffittsville, Moira, Montague, Mooers, Mooers Forks, Morehouse, Morley, Morrisonville, Morristown, Moss Lake, Mountain Lake, Mountain View, Murray Island, Natural Bridge, Naumburg, New Bremen, New Haven, Newkirks, Newton Falls, Nicholville, Norfolk, North Bangor, Northampton, North Bush, North Lawrence, North Stockholm, North-ville, Norway, Norwood, Ogdensburg, Ohio, Old Forge, Onchiota, Oppenheim, Orleans, Orwell, Osceola, Oswe-gatchie, Oswego, Otter Lake, Owls Head, Oxbow, Oxbow Lake, Palermo, Pamelia, Parish, Parishville, Paul Smiths, Peasleeville, Peck’s Park, Pennellville, Perth, Perrys Mills, Peru, Petries Corners, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Piercefield, Pierrepont, Pierrepont Manor, Pinckney, Pine Lake, Piseco, Pitcairn, Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh AFB, Plessis, Point-Au-Roche, Point Vivian, Port Douglas, Port Kent, Port Leyden, Potsdam, Pulaski, Purdy’s Mills, Pyrites, Rainbow Lake, Raquette Lake, Ray Brook (part), Raymondville, Reber, Redfield, Redford, Redwood, Rensselaer Falls, Richland, Richville, Riverview, Rodman, Rooseveltown, Rosiere, Rossie, Round Island, Rouses Point, Russell, Russia, Rutland, Sabael, Sabattis, Sackets Harbor, St. Johnsville, St. Regis Falls, St. Regis Indian Reservation, Salisbury Center, Salmon River, Sammonsville, Sand Ridge, Sandy Creek, Sanfordville, Santa Clara, Saranac, Saranac Inn, Saranac Lake (part), Schroeppel, Schuyler Falls, Scriba, Sciota, Silver Lake, Smithville, Somerville, South Colton, South Rutland, Speculator, Spy Lake, Standish, Star Lake, Sterling, Stockholm, Stratford, Sunmount, Swastika, Thendara, Theresa, Thousand Island Pk., Three Mile Bay, Trout River, Tupper Lake, Turin, Union Falls, Unionville, Upper Jay, Upper St. Regis, Valcour, Vermontville, Volney, Waddington, Wadhams, Wanakena, Watertown, Waverly, Watson, Webb, Wellesley Island, Wells, West Bangor, West Chazy, West Leyden, West Monroe, Westport, West Stockholm, Westville, Whallonsburg, Wheelerville, Whippleville, Williamstown, Willsboro, Wilna, Winthrop, Woodville, and Worth. Population (1990), 580,338. ZIP Codes: 11220 (part), 11231 (part), 11234 (part), 12010 (part), 12025, 12032, 12068 (part), 12070 (part), 12078, 12086 (part), 12095, 12108, 12117, 12134, 12139, 12164, 12190, 12812, 12842, 12847, 12864, 12901, 12910-12, 12913 (part), 12914-24, 12926-27, 12929-30, 12933-37, 12939-41, 12944-45, 12949-50, 12952-53, 12955, 12957-59, 12962, 12965-70, 12972-73, 12975-81, 12983 (part), 12985-86, 12989-90, 12992-96, 13028, 13036, 13042 (part), 13044, 13069 (part), 13074, 13076, 13083, 13093, 13103, 13107, 13111 (part), 13114-15, 13121, 13126, 13131-32, 13135, 13142, 1314445, 13156 (part), 13167, 13302, 13305, 13309, 13312, 13316 (part), 13324-25, 13327, 13329 (part), 13331, 13339 (part), 13343, 13345, 13353, 13360, 13367-68, 13404, 13416, 13420, 13426, 13433, 13436-37, 13452, 13454, 13470-73, Iss po as, 13493, 13601, 13603, 13605-08, 13610-28, 13630-43, 13645-52, 13654-62, 13664-85, 13687-88, 13690-97, 13699 TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT JAMES T. WALSH, Republican, of Syracuse, NY; born in Syracuse, Onondaga County, NY, June 19, 1947; son of U.S. Representative William F. Walsh; attended St. Patrick’s School, Syracuse, NY; graduated, Christian Brothers Academy, Syracuse, 1966; B.A., St. Bonaventure Univeritys, Olean, NY, 1970; marketing executive; president, Syra-cuse Common Council; member: Syracuse Board of Estimate; Board of Trustees of Erie Canal Museum, Advisory Council of the Catholic Schools Drug-Free Schools and Com-munities Consortium, Valley Men’s Club, South Side Businessmen’s Club, Nine Mile Re-publican Club, Onondaga Anglers Association, Oneida Lake Association, Otisco Lake As-sociation; married to the former Diane Elizabeth Ryan, 1974; three children: James (Jed), 212 Congressional Directory NEW YORK Benjamin, and Maureen; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1330 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3225 .............. 225-3701 Administrative Assistant.—Art Jutton. FAX: 225-4042 Scheduler.—Michelle Grabda. Legislative Assistant.—Martha Carmen. P.O. Box 7306, Syracuse, NY 13261 (315) 423-5657 District Representative.—John McGuire. 1 Lincoln Street, Auburn, NY 13021 (315) 255-0649 Counties: BROOME COUNTY; cities and townships of Bible School Park, Johnson City, Killawog, Lisle, Maine, Whitney Point; CAYUGA COUNTY; cities and townships of Auburn, Cato, Fair Haven, Martville, Meridian, Montezuma, Port Byron, Sterling, Weedsport; CORTLAND COUNTY; cities and townships of Blodgett Mills, Cincinnatus, Cortland, Cuyler, East Freetown, East Homer, Harford, Homer, Little York, Marathon, McGraw, Preble, Truxton, Willet; Ti0GA COUNTY: cities and townships of Berkshire, Newark Valley, Richford; ONONDAGA COUNTY: cities and townships of Apulia Station, Baldwinsvile, Brewerton, Camillus, Cicero, Clay, Delphi Falls, DeWitt, East Syra-cuse, Elbridge & Hart Lot, Fabius, Fayetteville, Jamesville, Jordan, Kirkville, Lafayette, Liverpool, Lysander, Manlius, Marcellus, Marietta, Mattydale, Memphis, Minoa, Mottville, Nedrow, North Syracuse, Onondaga, Oran, Plainville, Pompey, Salina, Skaneateles, Skaneateles Falls, Solvay, Tully, Warners. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 13020, 13021 (part), 13022 (part), 13027, 13029, 13031, 13033, 13039-41, 13045, 13050-51, 13055-57, 13060, 13063-64, 13066, 13077-78, 13080, 13082, 13084, 13087-90, 13094, 13101, 13104, 13108, 13110-13, 13116-17, 13119-20, 13125, 13137-38, 13140-41, 13152-53, 13156, 13158-59, 13164, 13166, 13201-07, 13208-12, 13214-15, 13217, 13220-21, 13250, 13261, 13736-38, 13784, 13790, 13794, 13797, 13802-03, 13811, 13835, 13862-63 TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT MAURICE D. HINCHEY, Democrat, of Saugerties, NY; born in New York, NY, on October 27, 1938; attended St. Mary’s of Snows, Saugerties; graduated, Saugerties High School, Saugerties, 1956; B.S., State College, New Paltz, N.Y., 1968; M.A, State College, New Paltz, 1969; seaman first class, U.S. Navy, 1956-59; teacher, public administrator; elected to the New York State Assembly, 1975-92; member: New York Council of State Governments, National Conference of State Legislators; married to the former Ilene Marner; three children (including two sons by previous marriage): Maurice Scott, Josef, and Michelle Rebecca, 1987; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1313 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3226............... 225-6335 Administrative Assistant.—Eleanor Nash-Brown. Legislative Director.—Christopher Arthur. Press Secretary.—Deborah Dietrich. District Director.—Jean McPheeters. 291 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (914) 331-4466 Federal Building, Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 773-2768 Carriage House—Terrace Hill, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-1388 Counties: BROOME COUNTY; towns of Binghamton, Chenango (part), Conklin, Dickinson, Kirkwood, Sanford, Union, and Vestal; city of Binghamton. DELAWARE COUNTY; towns of Deposit, Hancock, and Tompkins. DUTCHESS COUNTY; city of Beacon. ORANGE COUNTY; town and city of Newburgh. SULLIVAN COUNTY; towns of Callicoon, Delaware, Fallsburg, Fremont, Liberty, Neversink, Rockland, and Thompson (part). TIoGA COUNTY; towns of Barton, Candor, Nichols, Owego, Spencer, and Tioga. TOMPKINS COUNTY; towns of Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, and Ithaca; city of Ithaca. ULSTER COUNTY; towns of Denning, Esopus, Gardiner, Hardenburgh, Hurley, Kingston, Lloyd, Marbletown, Marlborough, New Paltz, Olive, Plattekill, Rochester, Rosendale, Saugerties, Shandaken, Shawangunk, Ulster, Wawarsing, and Woodstock; city of Kingston. Population (1990), 580,338. ZIP Codes: 12401, 12404, 12406, 12409-12, 12416-17, 1241920, 12428-29, 12432-33, 12435, 12440-41, 12443, 12446, 12448-49, 12453, 12456-58, 12461, 12464-66, 12471-72, 12475, 12477, 12480-81, 12483-84, 12486-87, 12489-91, 12493-95, 12498, 12508 (part), 12515, 12525, 12527-28, 12542, 12547-48, 12550 (part), 12551-52, 12561, 12566 (part), 12568, 12575 (part), 12584, 12586 (part), 12588-89, 12701, 12722-23, 12725, 12733, 12736, 12738, 12740-42, 12745, 12747, 12750-51, 12753-54, 12758-60, 12763, 12765-68, 12775 (part), 12779, 12781 (part), 12782, 12784, 12787-89, 12791, 13053 (part), 13062, 13068 (part), 13731 (part), 13732, 13734, 13743, 13748-49, 13754, 13756, 13760, 13774, 13783, 13790 (part), 13795, 13812, 13813 (part), 13826-27, 13840, 13845, 13850-51, 13864-65, 13901 (part), 13902-04, 13905 (part), 14817 (part), 14850 (part), 14851-53, 14859 (part), 14881, 14883 (part), 14886 (part), 14892 (part), 14896 NEW YORK 103d Congress 213 TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT BILL PAXON, Republican, of Williamsville, NY; born in Buffalo, NY, April 29, 1954; attended Akron Central Elementary, NY; graduated, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Buffalo, NY, 1968; B.A., Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, 1977; Erie County legislator, 1978-82; elected to New York State Assembly, 1982-88; member: Energy Commerce Committee and serves on the Health and Environment subcommittee and the Transporta-tion and Hazardous Materials subcommittee; Chairman of the Nation Republican Con-gressional Committee; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to the 102d and 103d Congress. Office Listings 1314 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3227 225-5265 Chief of Staff.—Michael Hook. FAX: 225-5910 Appointments Secretary.—Marilyn Abel. Legislative Director.—David Marventano. Press Secretary.—Eric Cote 5500 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221 (716) 634-2324 10 East Main Street, Victor, NY 14564 (716) 742-1600 268 West Genesee Street, Auburn, NY 13021, (by appointment) (800) 453-8330 216 East Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020, (by appointment) (800) 453-8330 131 Main Street, Geneseo, NY 14454, (by appointment) (800) 453-8330 10 Leach Road, Lyons, NY 14489, (by appointment) (800) 453-8330 117 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148, (by appointment) (800) 453-8330 36 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569, (by appointment) (800) 453-8330 Counties: Cayuga (part), Erie (part), Genesee, Livingston, Monroe (part), Ontario, Seneca (part), Wayne, and Wyo-ming. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 13021 pa, 13034, 13065, 13143, 13146, 13148 (part), 13154, 13156 (art), 13165 (part), 14001 (part), 14003, 14004 (part), 14005, 14009, 14011 , 14013, 14020-21, 14024, 14030 (part), 14031, 14032 (part), 14036-40, 14042, 14051, 14052 (part), 14054, 14056, '14058, 14059 (part), 14066, 14068, 14082-83, 14086 (part), 14102, 14113, 14125, 14130, 14139 (part), 14143, 14145, 14167, 14169, 14215 (part), 14221 (part). 14225 (part), 14226 (part), 14228 (part), 14231, 14413-14, 14416 (part), 14422-25, 14427, 14428 (part), 14432-33, 14435, 14437, 14443-44, 14449, 14450 (part), 14453-54, 14456 (part), 14461-63, 14466, 14469, 14471-72, 14474-75, 14480-82, 14485-89, 14502 (part), 14504-06, 14510-13, 14514 (part), 14516-20, 14522, 14525, 14530, 14532-33, 14534 (part), 14536-39, 14541 (part), 14542, 14543 (part), 14544-51, 14554-58, 14560-61, 14563, 14564 (part), 14568-69, 14572, 14580 (part), 14584-85, 14586 (part), 14589-92, 14623 (part), 14624 (part), 14822, 14836, 14846 TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT LOUISE MCINTOSH SLAUGHTER, Democrat, of Fairport, NY; born in Harlan County, KY, August 14, 1929; graduated from University of Kentucky with a B.S. in Bacteriology; master’s degree in Public Health; elected to Monroe County legislature, two terms, 1976-79; elected to New York State Assembly, two terms, 1982-86; Woman of the Year, 1987, Rochester Women’s Political Caucus; married to Robert Slaughter; three daughters; two grandchildren; elected to 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; re-elected to each succeeding Congress; majority whip at-large; member: Committee on Rules; Committee on the Budget; Select Committee on Aging. Office Listings 2421 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3228 225-3615 Chief of Staff. —Monica Mills. Legislative Director.—Thomas Bantle. Press Secretary.—Elaine Ryan. Federal Building, Room 311, Rochester, NY 14614 (716) 232-4850 Special Assistant.—Chris Rumfola. County: MONROE COUNTY (part). Cities and townships: Brighton, East Rochester, Greece, Hennitta, Irondequoit, Penfield, Perinton, Pittsford, Rochester, Webster. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 13901 (part), 14445, 14450 (part), 14467, 14468 (part), 14502 (part), 14515, 14526, 14534 (part), 14543 (part), 14564 (part), 14580 (part), 14586 (part), 14601-05, 14606 (part), 14607-12, 14613 (part), 14614-22, 14623 (part), 14624 (part), 14625-26, 14660, 14692 Congressional Directory NEW YORK TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT JOHN J. LAFALCE, Democrat, of Tonawanda, NY; born in Buffalo, October 6, 1939; graduated from Canisius High School, Canisius College, B.S. 1961, Villanova Law School, J.D. 1964; captain, U.S. Army, 1965-67; law clerk, Office of General Counsel, Department of the Navy, 1963; former lecturer on law, George Washington University, 1965-66; practiced law in Buffalo, member, New York State Senate, 1971-72; member, New York State Assembly, 1973-74; elected to 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; re-elected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, House Committee on Small Business; i ig Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; married Patricia isher, 1979. Office Listings 2310 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3229 225-3231 Administrative Assistant.—Ronald J. ®4aselka. Communications Director.—Gary A. Luczak. Legislative Assistant.—Susan Lubick. Main U.S. Post Office, 615 Main Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14302 (716) 284-9976 Federal Building, 111 West Huron Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 (716) 846-4056 Federal Building, 100 State Street, Rochester, NY 14614 (716) 263-6424 Counties: Niagara, Orleans. ERIE COUNTY; cities and townships of Buffalo (part), Grand Island, Tonawanda.. MONROE Pirsig ities and townships of Clarkson, Gates, Hamlin, Ogden, Parma, Rochester and Sweden. Population 1990), 580,336. ZIP Codes: 14001, 14008, 14012, 14028, 14067, 14072, 14092, 14094, 14098, 14102, 14105, 14107-09, 14120, 14126, 14131- 32, 14144, 14150, 14172, 14174, 14201 (part), 14202 (part), 14203 (part), 14204 (part), 14205 (part), 14207, 14209, 14213, 14214 (part), 14215 (part), 14217, 14222 (part), 14223, 14301-06, 14410 (part), 14411, 14420, 14428 (part), 14429, 14430 (part), 14442, 14452, 14464, 14468, 14470, 14473, 14476-77, 14479, 14508, 14514 (part), 14559, 14571, 14606 (part), 14624 (part) THIRTIETH DISTRICT JACK QUINN, Republican, of Hamburg, NY; born on April 13, 1951 in Buffalo, NY; B.A. Siena College, Loudonville, NY, 1973; M.A, State University of New York, Buffa-lo, 1978; teacher; councilman, Hamburg, 1982-84; town supervisor, Hamburg, 1985-92; founder, DARE, 1984; married to the former Mary Beth McAndrews, 1974; two chil-dren: Jack, III, 1978; and Kara Elizabeth, 1982; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 331 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3230 225-3306 Executive Assistant.—Kevin Igoe. FAX: 226-0347 Legislative Director.—Earl Whipple. Legislative Assistants: Michael Zabel; Kara Austin; Cassandra McClam. Scheduler/DC.—Paulette Toellner. Brisbane Building, 403 Main Street, Suite 510, Buffalo, NY 14203-2199 (716) 845-5257 Administrative Assistant.—Mary Lou Palmer. FAX: (716) 847-0323 County: ERIE COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Boston, Brant, Buffalo (part), Cheektowaga, Colden, Concord, Collins, East Aurora, Eden, Elma, Evans, Farnham, Glenwood, Hamburg, Holland, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lawtons, North Boston, North Collins, Orchard Park, Sardinia, Springville, and West Seneca. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 14004 (part), 14006, 14010, 14025-27, 14030 (part), 14033-35, 14043, 14047, 14052 (part), 14055, 14057, 14059 (part), 14061, 14069, 14070 (part), 14075, 14079-80, 14081 (part), 14085, 14086 (part), 14091, 14110-12, 14127, 14134, 14139 (part), 14140, 14141 (part), 14170, 14201 (part), 14202 (part), 14203 (part), 14204-06, 14208, 14209 (part), 14210-12, 14214 (part), 14215 (part), 14216 (part), 14218-20, 14221 (part), 14223 (part), 14224, 14225 (part), 14226 (part), 14227, 14240 NEW YORK 103d Congress THIRTY-FIRST DISTRICT AMO HOUGHTON, Republican, of Corning, NY; born in Corning on August 7, 1926; grandson of former Congressman Alanson B. Houghton of New York; attended Corning Free Academy, NY; graduated, St. Paul’s School, Concord, NH; B.A., Harvard Universi-ty, Cambridge, MA, 1950; M.A., Harvard Business School, 1952; honorary doctoral de-grees: Alfred University, NY, 1963; Albion College, MI, 1964; Centre College, Danville, KY, 1966; Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, NY, 1968; Elmira College, NY, 1982; Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY, 1983; Houghton College, NY, 1983; St. Bonaven-ture University, NY, 1987; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1945-46; executive officer, Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY, 1951-86; member: Grace Commission, Business Council of New York State, Business Advisory Commission for Governor of New York, Labor-Industry Coalition for International Trade, Corning Chamber of Commerce, Cor-ning Rotary Club; trustee, Brookings Institution; married to Priscilla Dewey Houghton; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 1110 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3231 225-3161 Staff Director.—Brian Fitzpatrick. FAX: 225-5574 Office Manager.— Vickie M. Austin. Legislative Director.—Marijo Gorney. 32 Denison Parkway West, Corning, NY 14830 .. (607) 937-3333 Federal Building, Room 122, Jamestown, NY 14701 (716) 484-0252 Westgate Plaza, West State Street, Olean, NY 14760 (716) 372-2127 268 Genesee Street, Auburn, NY 13021 (315) 255-3045 Counties: Allegany; Cattaraugus; Cayuga (part); Chautauqua; Chemung; Schuyler; Seneca (part); Steuben; Tompkins (part); Yates. Population (1990), 580,337. ZIP Codes: 13021 (part), 13026, 13045 (part), 13068 (part), 13071, 13073, 13081, 13092, 13102, 13118, 13139, 13147, 13148 (part), 13152 (part), 13160, 13165 (part), 14029, 14041-42, 14048, 14060, 14062-63, 14065, 14070 (part), 14081 (part), 14101, 14129, 14133, 14135-36, 14138, 14141 (part), 14166, 14168, 14171, 14173, 14415, 14418, 14441, 14456 (part), 14478, 14507, 14521, 14527, 14529, 14541 (part), 14572, 14588, 14701-02, 14706-12, 14714-24, 14726-33, 14735-45, 14747-60, 14766-67, 14769-70, 14772, 14774-75, 14777-79, 14781-88, 14801-10, 14812-16, 14818-27, 14830, 14837-45, 14847, 14850 (part), 14854-58, 14859 (part), 14860-61, 14863-65, 14867-74, 14876-80, 14882, 14883 (part), 14884-85, 14886 (part), 14887-89, 14891, 14892 (part), 14893-95, 14897-98, 14901-05 Congressional Directory NORTH CAROLINA NCRTH CAROLINA (Population, 1990 census, 6,657,630) SENATORS JESSE HELMS, Republican, of Raleigh, NC; born in Monroe, NC, October 18, 1921; attended Wingate College and Wake Forest College; U.S. Navy, 1942-45; former city editor, Raleigh Times; administrative assistant to U.S. Senator Willis Smith, 1951-53, and to U.S. Senator Alton Lennon, 1953; executive director, North Carolina Bankers Associa-tion, 1953-60; executive vice president, WRAL-TV and Tobacco Radio Network, 1960-72; member: Raleigh City Council and chairman of Law and Finance Committee, 1957-61; deacon and Sunday School teacher, Hayes Barton Baptist Church, Raleigh; recipient of two Freedoms Foundation awards for radio-television editorials; recipient of annual citizenship awards from North Carolina American Legion, North Carolina Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Raleigh Exchange Club; recipient of Outstanding Service Award of the Council Against Communist Aggression; the Richard Henry Lee Award; and the Order of Lafayette Freedom Award; former trustee, Meredith College, John F. Kennedy College, the Delaware Law School, Campbell University and Wingate College; president, Raleigh Rotary Club, 1969-70; 33° Mason, Grand Orator, Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, 1964-65, 1982, 1991; member, board of directors, North Carolina Cere-bral Palsy Hospital; member, board of directors of Camp Willow Run, a Youth Camp for Christ at Littleton, NC; married Dorothy Jane Coble of Raleigh, October 31, 1942; three children: Jane (Mrs. Charles R. Knox), Nancy (Mrs. John C. Stuart), and Charles; seven grandchildren; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1972, for the term ending January 3, 1979; reelected in 1978, 1984, and 1990. Office Listings 403 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3301 224-6342 Administrative Assistant.—Darryl D. Nirenberg. Personal Secretary.—Patricia H. Devine. (919) 856-4630 Post Office Building, P.O. Box 2944, Hickory, NC 28603 (704) 322-5170 Staff Director.—Josephine R. Murray. LAUCH FAIRCLOTH, Republican, of Clinton, NC; born January 14, 1928 on a farm in Sampson County, NC; farmer, businessman; North Carolina State Highway Commis-sion, chairman; North Carolina Secretary of Commerce, six years; one child; elected to the Senate, November 3, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993; committee member: Armed Services; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Environment and Public Works. Office Listings 702 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3305 224-3154 Administrative Assistant.—Victor Barfield. Legislative Director.—John Preyer. Scheduler.—Celeste Cooke. 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 366, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 856-4791 401 West Trade Street, Suite 219, Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 375-1993 37 Battery Park, Suite 16, Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 254-3069 251 Main Street, Suite 422, Winston Salem, NC 27101 (919) 631-5313 NORTH CAROLINA 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT EVA CLAYTON, Democrat, of Littleton, NC, born on September 16, 1934 in Savan-nah, GA; B.S, biology, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC, 1955; M.S., biology and general science, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC, 1965; executive di-rector, Soul City Foundation; director, North Carolina Health Manpower Development Programs, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; founder, Technical Resources Ltd., 1981; elected Warren County Commissioner, 1982-90; member: Association of County Officials; Housing Assistance Council; former member; North Carolina Housing Finance Agency; Fair Housing Commission; and Judicial Compensation Commission; member: Committee on Agriculture; and Committee on Small Business; married to Theaoseus T. Clayton, Sr.; four children: Joanne, 1958; Theaoseus, Jr., 1959; Martin, 1962; and Reuben, 1966; elected to the 102d Congress by special election on November 3, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Walter B. Jones; also elected on Novem-ber 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 222 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3301 225-3101 Administrative Assistant.—Lenwood Long. Executive Assistant.—Jean Chippel. Legislative Director.—Kate Refine. Press Secretary/Legislative Assistant.—Janice Crump. 400 West 5th Street, Greenville, NC 27838 (919) 758-8800 134 North Main Street, Warrenton, NC 27589 . (919) 257-4800 Counties: Beaufort (part), Bertie, Bladen (part), Chowan, Columbus (part), Craven (part), Cumberland (part), Duplin (part), Edgecombe (part), Gates, Greene, Halifax (part), Hertford, Jones (part), Lenoir (part), Martin (part), Nash (part), New Hanover (part), Northampton, Pasquotank (part),), Pender Dart) Perquimans, Pitt (part), Vance (part), Warren, Washington, Wayne (part), Wilson (part). Population (1990), 552,394. ZIP Codes: 27536 (part), 27551, 27553, 27556, 27563, 27570, 27584, 27589, 27594, 27801 (part), 27802, 27803 (part), 27804 (part), 27805-06, 27811-14, 27817-18, 2782021, 27822 (part), 27823, 27827-29, 27831-32, 27834 (part), 27835, 27837 (part), 27838-45, 2784749, 27850 (part), 27853-55, 27857, 27858 (part), 27859, 27860 (part), 27861-62, 27863 (part), 27866-67, 27869, 27870 (part), 27871-74, 27876-77, 27881, 27883 (part), 27884, 27886 (part), 27887-88, 27889 (part), 27890-91, 27892 (part), 27893 (part), 2789495, 27897, 27909 (part), 27910, 27919, 27922, 27924, 27926, 27928, 27930, 27932, 27935, 27937-38, 27942, 27944, 27946, 27957, 27962, 27967, 27969-70, 27979-80, 27983, 27985 86, 28105 (part), 28301 (part), 28302, 28303 (part), 28304 (part), 28305 (part), 28306 (part), 28311 (part), 28337 (part), 28349, 28390 (part), 28398-99, 28401 (part), 28402, 28403 (part), 28405 (part), 28421, 28423-24, 28429 (part), 28431 (part), 28433-34, 28435 (part), 28436, 28448, 28453 (part), 28454 (part), 28456 (part), 28472 (part), 28501 (part), 28502-03, 28513 (part), 28523, 28526, 28530, 28532 (part), 28538, 28551, 28554, 28560 (part), 28562 (part), 28573, 28580, 28585 (part), 28715 (part) SECOND DISTRICT TIM VALENTINE, Democrat, of Nashville, NC; born in Nashville on March 15, 1926; attended Nashville Elementary School; graduated, Nashville High School, 1943; B., the Citadel, Charleston, SC, 1948; LL.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1952; attorney, admitted to the North Carolina bar, 1952; commenced practice in Nashville; served in the U.S. Air Force, 1944-46; elected to North Carolina House of Representatives, 1955-60; legal adviser to Governor, 1965; legislative counsel to Gover-nor, 1967; chairman, North Carolina Democratic Executive Committee, 1966-68; member: Morning Star Lodge No. 85, A.F.&A.M., Nashville, NC; Nashville Baptist Church [past deacon and now trustee]; American Legion; North Carolina Bar Associa-tion; Seventh Judicial District Bar Association; Nash-Edgecombe Bar Association [past president]; American Bar Association; North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers; past member, North Carolina Courts Commission; Science, Space and Technology; subcom-mittees: chairman, Technology, Environment, and Aviation; Energy; Public Works and Transportation Subcommittees: Aviation, Surface Transportation; married Barbara Reyn-olds Valentine, 1987; four children: Stephen, Mark, Philip, and Beth; three stepchildren: Mark, Vaughn, and Bryan; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 218 Congressional Directory NORTH CAROLINA Office Listings 2229 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant. —Edward C. Nagy. DC 20515-3302 FAX: 225-4531 225-1539 Personal Secretary.—Patricia A. Lawrence. Press Secretary.—Charles H. Carr. 3310 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 302, Durham, NC 27705 District Administrative Assistant.—A.B. Swindell IV. 101 Triangle Court, Nashville, NC 27856 (919) (800) (919) 383-9404 541-3456 459-8881 Counties: Durham (part), Edgecombe (part), Franklin, Granville (part), Halifax (part), Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore (part), Nash (part), Vance (part), Wake (part), and Wilson (part). Population (1990), 552,378. ZIP Codes: 27281 (part), 27330-31, 27376, 27501, 27504-06, 27508-09, 27514 (part), 27520 (part), 27521-22, 27524-25, 27526 (part), 27529 (part), 27536 (part), 27542-43, 27544 (part), 27546, 27549, 27552, 27555, 27557, 27560 (part), 27564, 27565 (part), 2756869, 2757677, 27581 (part), 27587 (part), 27589 (part), 27591 (part), 27592 (part), 27593, 27596 (part), 27597 (part), 27603 (part), 27701 (part), 27702, 27703 (part), 27704 (part), 27705 (part), 27706 (part), 27707 (part), 27708, 27712 (part), 27713 (part), 27715, 27801 (part), 27803 (part), 27804 (part), 27807, 27809, 27816, 27819, 27822 (part), 27850 (part), 27851-52, 27856, 27864, 27868, 27870 (part), 27878, 27880, 27882, 27886 (part), 27893 (part), 28315 (part), 28323, 28326, 28327 (part), 28334 (part), 28335, 28339, 28350, 28355, 28356 (part), 28368, 28373-74, 28387 (part), 28388, 28390 (part), 28394 THIRD DISTRICT H. MARTIN LANCASTER, Democrat, of Goldsboro, NC; born in Patetown Com-munity, March 24, 1943; attended Pikeville School, NC; graduated, Pikeville High School, NC, 1961; A.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1965; J.D., University of North Carolina Law School, Chapel Hill, 1967; served in the U.S. Navy, lieutenant, 1967-70; serves in U.S. Naval Reserve, commander, 1970-87; attorney; admitted to the North Carolina bar, 1967; Staff Judge Advocate on U.S.S. Hancock, 1968-70; commenced law practice in Goldsboro, 1970; served in the North Carolina House of Representatives, 1978-86; chairman, highway safety committee, 1981-83; chairman, judiciary committee, 1983-86; chairman: North Carolina Arts Council, 1977-81; Wayne County Public Library Trustees, 1978-79; Goldsboro/Wayne Bicentennial Commission, 1974-76; Wayne Chapter of American Red Cross, 1978-79; deacon, First Presbyterian Church, 1972-75; elder, First Presbyterian Church, 1980-87; member: Mason, Shriner, Elks, Wayne County His-torical Society, Wayne County Bar Association, Eighth Judicial District Bar Association, North Carolina Bar Association, Board of Governors of North Carolina Bar Association, American Bar Association, N.C. Academy of Trial Lawyers, Association of Trial Law-yers of America, Kiwanis Club, Advisory Board of Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation; awards: 1987 4-H Club National Alumnus of the Year Award; 1986 4-H Club North Carolina Alumnus of the Year Award; 1985 Special Award, Governor’s Advocacy Coun-cil for Persons with Disabilities; 1985 Valand Award (Mental Health Association of North Carolina); 1983 Wayne County Great American Family Award (National Finalist); 1978 and 1980 Outstanding Reserve Judge Advocate of the Year (Tactical Air Com-mand); 1977 Distinguished Service Award (Goldsboro Jaycees); married to the former Alice Matheny, 1975; two children: Ashley Elizabeth and Mary Martin; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress; serves on Committee on Armed Services, Committee on Small Business, and Committee on Mer-chant Marine and Fisheries. Office Listings 2436 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3303 225-3415 Administrative Assistant.—Charles R. Rawls. FAX: 225-0666 Director of Legislation.—Susan N. Carr. Executive Assistant.—Polly A. Lamberth. Federal Building, Room 103, 134 North John Street, Goldsboro, NC 27530..... (919) 736-1844 District Administrative Assistant.—D. Warren Hepler. Counties: Beaufort (part), Camden, Carteret, Craven (part), Currituck, Dare, Duplin (part), Hyde, Jones (part), Lenoir (part), Martin (part), Onslow (part), Pamlico, Pasquotank (part), Pender (part), Pitt (part), Sampson, Tyrrell, and Wayne (part). Population (1990), 552,387. NORTH CAROLINA 103d Congress 219 ZIP Codes: 27530, 27532-34, 27808, 27810, 27824-26, 27830, 27834 (part), 27836, 27837 (part), 27846, 27858 (part), 27860 (part), 27863 (part), 27865, 27875, 27879, 27883 (part), 27885, 27889 (part), 27892 (part), 27906-07, 27909 (part), 27915-17, 27920-21, 27923, 27925, 27927-29, 27936, 27939, 27941, 27943, 27947-50, 27953-54, 27956, 27958 60, 27964-66, 27968, 27972-74, 27976, 27978, 27981-82, 28318, 28325, 28328, 28333, 28334 (part), 28341, 28344 . (part), 28365-66, 28382, 28385, 28393, 28425, 28435 (part), 28441, 28443 (part), 28444, 2844647, 28453 (part), 28454 (part), 28457-58, 28464, 28466, 28471, 28478, 28501 (part), 28508-12, 28513 (part), 28515-16, 28518-22, 28524-25, 28527-29, 28531, 28532 (part), 28537, 28540 (part), 28541, 28544 (part), 28546 (part), 28552-53, 28555-57, 28560 (part) 28561, 28562 (part), 28563-64, 28570-72, 28574-75, 28577-79, 28581-84, 28585 (part), 28586-87, 28589-90, 94 FOURTH DISTRICT DAVID E. PRICE, Democrat, of Chapel Hill, NC; born in Johnson City, TN on August 17, 1940; graduated, Unicoi County High School, Erwin, TN; attended, Mars Hill College, NC, 1957-59; B.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1961; B.D., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1964; Ph.D., Yale University (Political Science), 1969; pro-fessor, Political Science and Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1973-86; member, Democratic National Committee, 1983-88; chairman, North Carolina Democrat-ic Party, 1983-84; staff director, Commission on Presidential Nomination, Democratic National Committee, 1981-82; executive director, North Carolina Democratic Party, 1979-80; legislative aide to Senator E.L. Bartlett (D.-AK), 1963-67; member: Phi Beta Kappa, American Political Science Association, Order of the Golden Fleece (UNC-CH); Society for Values in Higher Education, Chapel Hill Kiwanis Club, Binkley Memorial Baptist Church; recipient of President’s Medallion, Louisburg College; author of four books, “Bringing Back the Parties,” “The Commerce Committees,” “Who Makes the Laws?”; and “The Congressional Experience: A View from the Hill”; married to the former Lisa Kanwit, 1968; two children: Karen Elizabeth and Michael Edmond; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2458 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3304 225-1784 Administrative Assistant.—Gene Conti. FAX: 225-6314 Executive Assistant.—Jean-Louise Beard. Legislative Director.—Paul Feldman. Suite 330, 225 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 856-4611 District Manager.—Joan Ewing. Suite 202, 1777 Chapel Hill-Durham Boulevard, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 967-8500 Counties: Chatham, Orange (part), Wake (part). Cities and townships of Angier, Apex, Bear Creek, Bennett, Bonlee, Bynum, Carrboro, Cary, Cedar Grove, Efland, Chapel Hill, Clayton, Creedmoor, Eagle Rock, Fuquay-Varina, Garner Goldston, Gulf, Hillsborough, Mebane, Pittsboro, Sanford, Siler City, Snow Camp, Holly Springs, Hurdle Mills, Knightdale, Middlesex, Moncure, Morrisville, New Hill, Rolesville, Timberlake, Wake Forest, Wendell, Willow Spring, Zebulon, and Raleigh. Population (1990), 552,387. ZIP Codes: 27207, 27208 (part), 27213, 27228, 27231, 27243, 27252, 27256, 27278 (part), 27302 (part), 27312, 27344 (part), 27349 (part), 27502, 27510-13, 27514 (part), 27515-16, 27519, 27520 (part), 27526 (part), 27529 (part), 27540, 27541 (part), 27545, 27559, 27560 (part), 27562, 27571, 27587 (part), 27588, 27591 (part), 27592 (part), 27596 (part), 27597 (part), 2761-02, 27603 (part), 2760415, 27619-20, 2762229, 27636, 27650, 27658, 27661, 27705 (part), 27707 (part) FIFTH DISTRICT STEPHEN L. NEAL, Democrat, of Winston-Salem, NC; born in Winston-Salem, No-vember 7, 1934; educated in North Carolina, California, and Hawaii (A.B. in psychology); previous occupations: newspaper publisher, and small business owner; chairman, Subcom-mittee on Financial Institutions, Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance of Com-mittee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Presbyterian; married to the former Rachel Landis Miller, June 13, 1963; two children: Mary Piper and Stephen Lybrook Neal, Jr.; elected to 94th Congress, November 5, 1974, reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. 220 Congressional Directory NORTH CAROLINA Office Listings 2469 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3305 225-2071 Administrative Assistant.—Robert E. Wrigley. FAX: 225-4060 Legislative Assistant.—Lisa Garfinkle. Executive Assistant.—June H. Hunnicutt. Legislative Director.—Corky Collins. 2000 West First Street, Piedmont Plaza Two, Room 508, Winston-Salem, NC 27104 : (919) 631-5125 District Staff Director.—Jim Phillips. Counties: Alleghany, Ashe, Burke (part), Caldwell (part), Caswell, Forsyth (part), Granville (part), Guilford (part), Person, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes (part). Population (1990), 552,386. ZIP Codes: 27007, 27009-11, 27016-17, 27019, 27021-22, 27024-25, 27027, 27030-31, 27041-43, 27045 (part), 27046-49, 27050 (part), 27051-53, 27101 (part), 27103 (part), 27104 (part), 27105 (part), 27106 (part), 27107 (part), 27109, 27113-16, 27127 (part), 27212, 27214 (part), 27217 (part), 27244 (part), 27249 (part), 27284 (part), 27285, 27288-89, 27291, 27301 (part), 27302 (part), 27305, 27311, 27314-15, 27320, 27323, 27326, 27343, 27357 (part), 27358, 27375, 27379, 27507, 27541 (part), 27544 (part), 27565 (part), 27572 (part), 27573, 27582-83, 27586, 28604, 28605 (part), 28606-08, 28615,. 28617-19, 28621 (part), 28623, 28626-29, 28631, 28640, 28643-44, 28645 (part), 28654 (part), 28655, 28659 (part), 28663, 28668, 28675-76, 28679, 28683-84, 28691-95, 28697 (part), 28698, 28801 (part) SIXTH DISTRICT HOWARD COBLE, Republican, of Greensboro, NC; born in Greensboro, March 18, 1931; attended the public schools of Guilford County, NC; attended Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, 1949-50; A.B., history, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, 1958; J.D., University of North Carolina School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC, 1962; enlisted in U.S. Coast Guard as a seaman recruit, 1952; active duty, 1952-56 and 1977-78; reserve duty, 1960-82; presently holds rank of captain; last reserve duty assignment, commanding officer, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Unit, Wilmington, NC; attorney; passed State bar, 1966; field claim representative and superintendent, auto insurance, 1961-67; elected to North Carolina House of Representives, 1969; assistant U.S. attorney, Middle District of North Carolina, 1969-73; Commissioner (secretary), North Carolina Department of Reve-nue, 1973-77; elected to North Carolina House of Representatives, 1979-83; practiced law with law firm of Turner, Enochs & Sparrow, Greensboro, NC, 1979-84; member: Ala-mance Presbyterian Church; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States; Lions Club; Greensboro Bar Association; North Carolina Bar Association, North Carolina State Bar; North Carolina State cochairman, American Legislative Exchange Council, 1983-84; elected to 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 403 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3306 225-3065 Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Ed McDonald. Legislative Director.—Blaine Merritt. Executive Assistant. —Kimberly Culler. Suite 247, 324 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 (919) 333-5005 Office Manager.—Chris Beaman 510 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, ‘NC 27262 (919) 886-5106 P.O. Box 814, Graham, NC 27253 (919) 229-0159 P.O. Box 1813, Lexington, NC 27293 (704) 246-8230 Suite 101, 241 Sunset Avenue, Asheboro, NC 27203 (919) 626-3060 Counties: Alamance (part), Davidson (part), Davie (part), Guilford (part), Randolph, Rowan (part). Population (1990), 52,385. 27302’ (part), 27310, 27313, 27316-17, 27325 (part), 27340, 27341 2 27355, 27357 (part), 27358-59, 27360 (part), 27361, 27370-71, 27373, 27377 (part), 27401 (pa A 27405 (part), 27406 (part), 27407 (part), 27408 (part), 27409-10, 27413, 27416, 27419, 27425, 27427, 27429, 27435, . 28023 (part), 28071 (part), 28137 (part), 28138 (part), 28144 (part), 28146 (part) NORTH CAROLINA 103d Congress SEVENTH DISTRICT CHARLIE ROSE, Democrat, of Fayetteville, NC; born in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, NC, August 10, 1939; educated at Haymount School, Fayetteville, NC; graduat-ed from Fayetteville Senior High School, 1957; A.B., Davidson College, Davidson, NC, 1961; LL.B., University of North Carolina Law School, 1964; lawyer; admitted to the bar, 1964, began practice in Raleigh, NC; chief district court prosecutor for the 12th Judi-cial District, 1967-70; one son, Charles G., 4th, two daughters, Sara Louise and Kelly Josephine; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member of House Agriculture Committee, chairman of Subcommittee on Spe-cialty Crops and Natural Resources; chairman, Committee on House Administration, vice chairman, Joint Committee on Printing; chairman, Special Committee on the House Re-cording Studio; chairman, Speaker’s Special Committee on Broadcasting; chairman, House Delegation of North Atlantic Assembly; married to former Joan Teague, of Win-ston-Salem, NC. Office Listings 2230 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3307 225-2731 Administrative Assistant.—Andrea Turner-Scott. Caseworker.— Vivian Lipford. Legislative Director.—Bob Henshaw. FAX: 225-0345 Executive Assistant.—M.K. Robin 218 Federal Building, Fayetteville, NC 208 Post Office Building, Wilmington, Garwood 28301 NC 28401 Sterling. .. (919) (919) 323-0260 343-4959 Counties: Bladen (part), Brunswick, Columbus (part), Cumberland (part), New Hanover (part), Onslow (part), Pender (part), and Robeson (part). Population (1990), 552,386. ZIP Codes: 28301 (part), 28303 (part), 28304 (part), 28305 (part), 28306 (part), 28307 (part), 28311 (part), 28314 (part), 28319-20, 28324, 28332, 28337 (part), 28340, 28342, 28344 (part), 28348, 28356 (part), 28358-59, 28362, 28369, 28372, 28375, 28383, 28390 (part), 28391, 28392, 28395, 28401 (part), 28403 (part), 28405 (part), 28406-07, 28409, 28412, 28420, 28422, 28428, 28429 (part), 28430, 28431 (part), 28432, 28438-39, 28442, 28443 (part), 28445, 28449 52, 28455, 28456 (part), 28459-63, 28465, 28467-70, 28472 (part), 28479-80, 28539, 28540 (part), 28542-43, 28544 (part), 28546 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT W.G. (BILL) HEFNER, Democrat, of Concord, NC; born in Elora, TN, April 11, 1930; professional career: president, radio station WRKB; member, North Kannapolis Baptist Church; wife’s name, Nancy; two children: Stacye and Shelly; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member of Appro-priations Committee; member, Defense Appropriations Subcommittee; chairman, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction; Congressional Textile Caucus; Democratic Study Group; appointed deputy whip for the 100th Congress, and each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2470 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3308 225-3715 Administrative Assistant.—Bill McEwen. FAX: 225-4036 Legislative Director: Irene Schecter. Executive Assistant.—Maddie L. Preston. P.O. Box 385, 101 South Union Street, Concord, NC 28026 (704) 786-1612 P.O. Box 4220, 507 West Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 (704) 636-0635 P.O. Box 1503, 230 East Franklin Street, Rockingham, NC 28379 (919) 997-2070 P.O. Box 372, Cartharge, NC 28327 (919) 949-2912 District Administrator.—J. Elvin Jackson. 222 Congressional Directory NORTH CAROLINA Counties: Anson, Cabarrus, Cumberland (part), Hoke, Iredell (part), Mecklenburg (part), Montgomery, Moore (part), Richmond, Robeson (part), Rowan (part), Scotland, Stanly, Union. Population (1990), 552,387. ZIP Codes: 27008, 27013 (part), 27209, 27229, 27242, 27247, 27251, 27259, 27281 (part), 27306, 27325 (part), 27341 (part), 27356, 27371, 28001-02, 28007, 28009, 28023 (part), 28025-27, 28031, 28036 (part), 28041, 28071 (part), 28072, 28075, 28078 (part), 28079, 28081-83, 28088, 28091, 28097, 28102-03, 28105 (part), 28107-12, 28115 (part), 28119, 28124-25, 28127-29, 28133, 28135, 28137 (part), 28138 (part), 28144 (part), 28145, 28146 (part), 28163, 28170, 28173-74, 28213 (part), 28215 (part), 28262 (part), 28303 (part), 28304 (part), 28306 (part), 28307 (part), 28309, 28314 (part), 28315 (part), 28327 (part), 28330-31, 28338, 28343, 28345, 28347, 28351-53, 28357, 28361, 28363-64, 28367, 28371, 28376-79, 28384, 28386, 28387 (part), 28390 (part), 28396 NINTH DISTRICT J. ALEX McMILLAN, Republican, of Charlotte, NC; born in Charlotte, May 9, 1932; attended Charlotte public schools, 1938-46; graduated, Woodberry Forest School, VA, 1950; B.A., history, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1954; U.S. Army, intelli-gence, special agent, 1954-56; graduate work, M.B.A., Darden School, University of Vir-ginia, Charlottesville, 1956-58; officer, Ruddick Corp., 1976-77; president, Harris-Teeter Super Markets, 1977-83; Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners, 1972-74; board member and chairman, Mecklenburg Board of Social Services, 1974-77; vice chairman, administrative study committee, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 1978-79; chairman, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Broadcasting Authority (WTVI), Charlotte’s public tel-evision station, 1978-83; chairman, two major divisions and board member, United Com-munity Services, 1973; chairman, planning committee and director, Charlotte Speech and Hearing Center, 1974-77; director, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Arts and Science Council, 1974-79; principal organizer and president, Spirit Square, 1975-83; president, alumni board and sponsor trustee, executive committee, Darden School, University of Virginia, 1977; chairman, finance and executive committees, board of trustees, Woodberry Forest School, 1978; vice chairman, board of trustees, Union Theological Seminary, VA, 1978; member, Greater Charlotte Chamber of Commerce Board, 1980-82; director, Greater Charlotte Economic Development Council, 1980-82; advisory board, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC, 1981; director, organization to identify and develop minority leadership, Inroads, Inc., 1982; board of visitors, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, 1983; member, elder, and deacon, Myers Park Presbyterian Church; member, University of North Carolina Center for Public Broadcasting, 1986; married to the former Caroline Houston; two children: Elizabeth Hagood and John A., IV; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 401 Room Suite Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3309 Chief of Staff.—Frank H. Hill. Director of Communications.—Ray Shepherd. Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Pat Hinshaw. 214, 401 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 H, 224 South New Hope Road, Gastonia, NC 28054 225-1976 (704) 372-1976 (704) 861-1976 Counties: Cleveland (part); Gaston (part); Mecklenburg (part). Population (1990), 552,387. ZIP Codes: 28006 (part), 28012 (part), 28016-17, 28020, 28021 (part), 28032, 28034, 28036 (part), 28042, 28052 (part), 28053, 28054 (part), 28056, 28073, 28077, 28078 (part), 28086 (part), 28090 (part), 28098 (part), 28101, 28105 (part), 28106, 28114 (part), 28115 (part), 28120, 28126, 28130, 28134 (part), 28150 (part), 28152 (part), 28164 (part), 28169, 28202 (part), 28203 (part), 28204 (part), 28205 (part), 28207 (part), 28208 (part), 28209 (part), 28210 (part), 28211 (part), 28212, 28213 (part), 28214 (part), 28215 (part), 28216 (part), 28217 (part), 28218, 28220-22, 28224-27, 28229- 37, 28247, 28256, 28262 (part), 28269 (part), 28270, 28273 (part), 28277-78, 28283, 28297, 28299, 28532 (part) NORTH CAROLINA 103d Congress TENTH DISTRICT CASS BALLENGER, Republican, of Hickory, NC; born in Hickory, December 6, 1926; attended Oakwood Elementary school, Hickory; graduated, Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA, 1944; attended University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1944-45; B.A., Amherst College, MA, 1948; served in U.S. Naval Air Corps, Aviation Cadet, 1944-45; founder and president, Plastic Packaging, Inc.; served, North Carolina House of Repre-sentatives, 1974-76; served, North Carolina Senate, 1976-86; member: Catawba County Board of Commissioners, Advisory Budget Commission, White House Advisory Commit-tee, Community Ridge Day Care Center, Hickory Rotary Club, Hickory United Fund, Lenoir-Rhyne College Board of Development, Salvation Army Board of Directors, Flor-ence Crittenton Home Board of Directors, Greater Hickory Chamber of Commerce (di-rector); sustaining member, North Carolina School of the Arts; patron: North Carolina Symphony, North Carolina Arts Society; married to the former Donna Davis, 1952; three children: Lucinda Ballenger-Brinkley, Melissa Ballenger Jordan, and Davis Ballenger Weaver; two grandsons: Matthew Jordan and William Eriksen Jordan; elected to the 99th Congress, November 4, 1986, to complete the unexpired term of James Broyhill; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2238 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3310 225-2576 Administrative Assistant.—Patrick M. Murphy. -FAX: 225-0316 Legislative Director.—Ashley Rehr. Executive Assistant.—Angela Bollinger. P.O. Box 1830, Hickory, NC 28603 .... (704) 327-6100 District Director.— Tommy Luckadoo. P.O. Box 1881, Clemmons, NC 27012 (919) 766-9455 District Representative.—Marsha Sucharski. Counties: Alexander, Avery, Buncombe (part), Burke (part), Caldwell (part), Catawba, Davie (part), Forsyth (part), Henderson (part), Iredell (part), Lincoln, McDowell (part), Mitchell, Polk (part), Rutherford (part), Wilkes (part), and Yadkin. Population (1990), 552,386. ZIP Codes: 27006, 27011-12, 27018, 27020, 27023, 27028 (part), 27040, 27045 (part), 27050 (part), 27055, 27103 (part), 27104 (part), 27105 (part), 27106 (part), 27127 (part), 28006 (part), 28010, 28018, 28021 (part), 28033, 28037, 28080, 28092-93, 28115 (part), 28123, 28139 (part), 28164 (part), 28166 (part), 28167 (part), 28168, 28601-04, 28605 (part), 28609-14, 28616, 28621 (part), 28622, 28624, 28630, 28634-38, 28641-42, 28645 (part), 28646-53, 28654 (part), 28657-58, 28659 (part), 28660-62, 28664-67, 28669-71, 28673, 28677 (part), 28678, 28681-83, 28685, 28688-90, 28696, 28697 (part), 28699, 28704 (part), 28705, 28711 (part), 28720, 28730, 28732, 28742 (part), 28746, 28752 (part), 28756 (part), 28760, 28765, 28777, 28792 (part), 28803 (part), 28804 (part) ELEVENTH DISTRICT CHARLES H. TAYLOR, Republican, of Brevard, NC; born in Brevard, on January 23, 1941; graduated from Brevard High School; B.A., Wake Forest University, 1963; J.D., Wake Forest University, 1966; tree farmer; member: North Carolina Board of Transportation; North Carolina Energy Policy Council; vice chairman, Western North Carolina Environmental Council; chairman, North Carolina Parks and Recreation Coun-cil; member, North Carolina State House, 1967-73; minority leader, 1969-73; North Caro-lina State senator and minority leader, 1973-75; married to the former Elizabeth Owen; three children: Owen, Bryan, Charles Robert, elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress; committee assignments: House Republican Re-search Committee; chairman, Task Force on Environmental Balance; vice chairman, Energy Task Force; co-chairman, Financial Institution Task Force; chairman, Cancer Task Force; Committee on Appropriations; Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisher-ies; Subcommittee on Legislative Branch; Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary. 224 Congressional Directory NORTH CAROLINA Office Listings 516 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3311...........cc0eueuun. 225-6401 Administrative Assistant. —Roger France. FAX: 225-0519 Press Secretary.—Jim Dornan. Suite 330, 22 South Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 251-1988 106 North Main Street, Rutherfordton, NC (704) 286-8750 211 7ih'Avenive W-, HendersonVIlIe, INC... cress rsiosrissraasast aisarassssesasss (704) 697-8539 Cherokee County Courthouse, Murphy, NC (704) 837-3249 200 South Lafayette Street, Shelby, NC : (704) 484-6971 District Director.—Bruce Briggs. Counties: Buncombe (part), Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland (part), Graham, Haywood, Henderson (part), Jackson, MeDowe Sam), Macon, Madison, Polk (part), Rutherford (part), Swain, Transylvania, Yancey. Population N ,387. ZIP Codes: 28019, 28024, 28038, 28040 (part), 28043, 28074, 28076, 28086 (part), 28089, 28090 (part), 28114 (part), 28136, 28139 (part), 28150 (part), 28151, 28152 (part), 28160, 28167 (part), 28701-03, 28704 (part), 28707-10, 28711 (part), 28712-14, 28715 (part), 28716-19, 28721-29, 28731, 28733-41, 28742 (part), 28743, 28745, 28747-51, 28752 (part), 28753-55, 28756 (part), 28757-58, 28761-63, 28766, 28768, 28770-76, 28778-84, 28786-90, 28792 (part), 28793, 28801 (part), 28802, 28803 (part), 28804 (part), 28805-06, 28813-16, 28901-06, 28909 TWELTH DISTRICT MELVIN WATT, Democrat, of Charlotte, NC; born in Charlotte, on August 26, 1945; attended Plato Price School, Charlotte; graduated, York Road High School, Charlotte, 1963; B.S., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1967; J.D., Yale University Law School, New Haven, CT, 1970; attorney; admitted to the District of Columbia bar, 1970; admitted to the North Carolina Bar, 1971; attorney, Ferguson, Stein, Watt, Wallas, and Adkins; elected to the North Carolina State Senate, 1985-86; member: Mount Olive Presbyterian Church; Mecklenburg County Bar Association, past president; Johnston C. Smith University Board of Visitors; Central Piedmont Community College Foundation; North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers; North Carolina Association of Trial Law-yers; Legal Aid of Southern Piedmont; NationsBank Community Development Corpora-tion; Charlotte Chamber of Commerce; Sports Action Council; Auditorium-Coliseum-Civic Center Authority; United Way; Mint Museum; Inroads,Inc.; Family Housing Serv-ices; Public Education Forum; Dilworth Community Development Association; Cities in Schools; West Charlotte Business Incubator; Housing Authority Scholarship Board; Morehead Scholarship Selection Committee, Forsyth Region; married to the former Eulada Paysour, 1968; two children: Brian Vincent, 1968; and Jason Nkosi, 1973; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1232 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3312 .............. 225-1510 Administrative Assistant.—Joan Kennedy. FAX: 225-1512 Legislative Director.—Zach Silverstein. Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Julia Kennedy-White. 214 North Church Street, Suite 130, Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 344-9950 315 East Chapel Hill, Suite 202, Durham, NC 27702 (919) 688-3004 FAX: (919) 688-0940 301 South Green Street, Suite 212, Greensboro, NC 27402...........cceevevnveeenrunnannns (919) 379-9403 District Director.—Don Baker. FAX: (919) 379-9429 Counties: ALAMANCE COUNTY; cities and townships of Altamahau, Burlington, Elon College, Graham, Haw River, and Mebane. DAVIDSON COUNTY; cities of Lexington, Rougemont, and Welcome. DURHAM COUNTY; cities of Bahama and Durham. FORSYTH COUNTY; cities of Kernersville and Winston-Salem. GASTON COUNTY; cities of Gastonia and Lowell. GUILFORD COUNTY; cities and townships of Gibsonville, Greensboro, High Point, Jamestown, McLeansville, and Whitsett. IREDELL COUNTY; cities and townships of Mooresville, Troutman, and Statesville. MECKLENBURG COUNTY; cities and townships of Charlotte, Davidson, Huntersville, and Pineville. ORANGE COUNTY; city of Hillsborough. ROWAN COUNTY; cities and townships of Cleveland, East Spencer, Salisbury, Spencer, Thomasville, and Woodleaf. PERSON COUNTY; city of Hurdle Mills. Population (1990), 552,387. ZIP Codes: 27013 (part), 27054, 27101 (part), 27102, 27105 (part), 27107 (part), 27108, 27120, 27127 (part), 27202, 27217 (part), 27244 (part), 27249 (part), 27253 (part), 27258 (part), 27260 (part), 27262 (part), 27265 (part), 27278 (part), NORTH CAROLINA 103d Congress 225 27282 (part), 27284 (part), 27292 (part), 27293, 27301 (part), 27302 (part), 27360 (part), 27374, 27377 (part), 27401 (part), 27402, 27403 (part), 27405 (part), 27406 (part), 27407 (part), 27408 (part), 27415, 27417, 27420, 27438, 27455, 27503, 27541 (part), 27572 (part), 27701 (part), 27703 (part), 27704 (part), 27705 (part), 27706 (part), 27707 (part), 27709, 27712 (part), 27713 (part), 27717, 27722, 28012 (part), 28036 (part), 28039, 28052 (part), 28054 (part), 28078 (part), 28098 (part), 28115 (part), 28134 (part), 28144 (part), 28146 (part), 28159, 28166 (part), 28202 (part), 28203 (part), 28204 (part), 28205 (part), 28206, 28207 (part), 28208 (part), 28209 (part), 28210 (part), 28211 (part), 28213 (part), 28214 (part), 28215 (part), 28216 (part), 28217 (part), 28219, 28241, 28244, 28246, 28262 (part), 28266, 28269 (part), 28273 (part), 28280-81, 28284, 28677 (part) 226 Congressional Directory NORTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA (Population, 1990 census, 641,364) SENATORS KENT CONRAD, Democrat, of Bismarck, ND; born in Bismarck on March 12, 1948; attended Roosevelt School, Bismarck; graduated Wheelus High School, Tripoli, Libya, 1966; attended University of Missouri, Columbia, 1967; B.A., Stanford University, CA, 1971; M.B.A., George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1975; assistant to tax commissioner, Bismarck, 1974-80; director, Management Planning and Personnel, North Dakota Tax Department, March 1980-December 1980; tax commissioner, State of North Dakota, 1981-86; married to Lucy Calautti, February 1987; one child by former marriage: Jessamyn Abigail; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 4, 1986; member: Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Budget, Finance, and the Select Committee on Indian Affairs; was not a candidate for a second term to Senate seat he had won in 1986; subsequently he was elected by special election on December 4, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Quentin Burdick, whose term will expire January 3, 1995; took the oath of office on December 14, 1992; his Senate service continues without interruption. Office Listings 724 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3403 ...............ccccucu.e. 224-2043 ° Chief of Staff. —Mary Wakefield. FAX: 224-7776 Legislative Director.—Kent Hall. Communications Director.—Laurie Boeder. Federal Building, Room 228, Third and Rosser, Bismarck, ND 58501................ (701) 258-4648 State Director.—Lynn Clancy. Federal Building, Suite 104, 102 North Fourth Street, Grand Forks, ND 58203 (701) 775-9601 Federal Building, Room 306, 657 Second Avenue North, Fargo, ND 58102..... (701) 232-8030 TDD: (701) 232-2139 Suite 105, 100 First Street SW., Minot, ND 58701 (701) 852-0703 * xk BYRON L. DORGAN, Democrat, of Bismarck, ND; born in Dickinson, ND, May 14, 1942; graduated, Regent High School, 1961; B.S., University of North Dakota, 1965; M.B.A., University of Denver, 1966; North Dakota State Tax Commissioner, 1969-80, the only elected State tax commissioner in the Nation; received 80 percent of the vote in 1976 tax commissioner reelection bid; chairman, multi-State Tax Commission, 1972-74; executive committee member, National Association of Tax Administrators, 1972-75; se-lected by the Washington Monthly as one of the outstanding State officials in the United States, 1975; chosen by one of North Dakota’s leading newspapers as the one individual with the greatest influence on State government, 1977; elected to Congress, 1980; elected president of Democratic freshman class during first term; reelected, 1982 with 72 percent of the vote; reelected to Congress in 1984 with 78.5 percent, setting three election records in North Dakota—largest vote ever received by a statewide candidate, largest vote by a U.S. House candidate and largest majority by U.S. House candidate; his 242,000 votes in 1984 were the most received anywhere in the Nation by an opposed House candidate; served on three congressional committees during first term in Congress: Agriculture, Small Business, and Veterans Affairs; named to the Ways and Means Committee, January 1983; called the real successor to Bill Langer—and the State’s most exciting office holder in generations, by the 1983 Book of America; 1990 New York Times editorial said, “Mr. Dorgan sets an example for political statesmanship;” named to Select Committee on Hunger in 1985; chairman, International Task Force on Select Committee on Hunger; re-elected in 1986; reelected in 1988 with 71 percent of the votes; reelected again in 1990; elected to the Senate on November 3, 1992, first sworn in December 15, 1992 to fill re-mainder of term in North Dakota's open Senate seat, then sworn in January 5, 1993 for 6-year term; currently serves on Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Gov-ernment Affairs Committee, Joint Economic Committee and Indian Affairs Committee; four children; Scott, Shelly, Brendon, and Haley. NORTH DAKOTA 103d Congress 227 Office Listings 713 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3405 224-2551 Administrative Assistant.—Lucy Calautti. FAX: 224-1193 Press Secretary.—Marc Kimball. Office Managers: Joann Cox, Marlene Eide. State Coordinator.—Bob Valeu. 112 Roberts Street, Fargo, ND 58107 (701) 239-5389 FAX: (701) 239-5512 102 North 4th Street, Room 108, Grand Forks, ND 58201 (701) 746-9126 FAX: (701) 746-9122 100 First Street South West, Suite 105, Minot, ND 58701 (701) 852-0703 FAX: (701) 838-8196 (701) 250-4618 FAX: (701) 250-4484 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE EARL RALPH POMEROY, Democrat-NPL, of Valley City, ND; born on September 2, 1952 in Valley City, ND; B.A. and J.D., University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, 1975, 1979; attended University of Durham, England, 1975-76; attorney; admitted to North Dakota bar, 1979; elected to the North Dakota House of Representatives, 1981-84; insurance commissioner of North Dakota, 1985-92; president, National Association of In-surance Commissioners, 1990; married to Laurie Kirby, 1986; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 318 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3401 225-2611 Administrative Assistant.—Karen Frederickson. FAX: 226-0893 Legislative Director.—Bruce McKay. Press Secretary.—Donald Marshall. Room 376, Federal Building, 220 East Rosser Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501.... (701) 224-0355 Room 266, Federal Building, 657 Second Avenue North, Fargo, ND 58012 (701) 235-9760 State Director.—Gail Skaley. Population (1990), 641,364. ZIP Codes: 56548 (part), 56744 (part), 57255 (part), 57260 (part), 57270 (part), 57430 (part), 57632 (part), 57634 (part), 57638 (part), 57648 (part), 57660 (part), 58001-18, 58020-21, 58023-24, 58027, 58029, 58030 (part), 58031, 58032 (part), 58033, 58035-40, 58041 (part), 58042-43, 58045-49, 58051-52, 58053 (part), 58054, 58056-65, 58067-69, 58071-72, 58075, 58077-79, 58081, 58102-03, 58105, 58107-09, 58201-02, 58205-06, 58210, 58212-16, 58218-20, 58222-24, 58225 (part), 58227-31, 58233, 58235-41, 58243-46, 58248-51, 58253-62, 58264-67, 58269-70, 58271 (part), 58272-79, 58281-82, 58301, 58310-11, 58313, 58315-25, 58327-33, 58335, 58337-39, 58341-46, 58348, 58351-53, 58355-57, 58359-63, 58365-74, 58377, 58379-82, 58384-86, 58401-02, 58411-12, 58413 (part), 58415-18, 58420-33, 58436 (part), 58438, 58439 (part), 58440-45, 58447-48, 58450-52, 58454-56, 58458, 58460-61, 58463-67, 58469, 58471-84, 58486-90, 58492, 58494-97, 58501-02, 5850405, 58520-21, 58523-24, 58528-33, 58535, 58537-38, 58540-42, 58544-45, 58547, 58549, 58551-55, 58558-66, 58568-73, 58575-77, 58579-81, 58601-02, 58620-22, 58623 (part), 58625-27, 58630-32, 58634, 58636, 58637 (part), 58638-47, 58649-57, 58701-02, 58704, 58710-16, 58718, 58720-23, 58725, 58727-28, 58730-41, 58744, 58746-50, 58752, 58755-63, 58765, 58768-73, 58775-76, 58778-79, 58781-85, 58787-90, 58792-95, 58801-02, 58830-33, 58835, 58838, 58843-45, 58847, 58849-50, 58852-56, 59221 (part), 59270 (part), 59275 (part) Congressional Directory OHIO (Population, 1990 census, 10,887,325) SENATORS JOHN GLENN, Democrat, of Columbus, OH; born in Cambridge, OH, July 18, 1921; graduated New Concord (OH) High School, 1939; B.S., Muskingum College; military: U.S. Marine Corps, colonel (retired), 1942-65; combat World War II and Korean war (awards and decorations); NASA astronaut, 1959-65, first American to orbit the Earth [Friendship 7, 1962]; member, board of trustees, Muskingum College; business, vice presi-dent, Royal Crown, 1966-68; president, Royal Crown International, 1967-69; board of di-rectors, Questor Corp., 1970-74; member, numerous United States and international avia-tion, aeronautic, and scientific organizations; religion: Presbyterian (elder); married to the former Anna Margaret Castor, 1942; two children: David and Lyn; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 5, 1974, for the term ending January 3, 1981; reelected November 4, 1980; reelected November 4, 1986, for the term ending January 3, 1993; reelected Novem-ber 3, 1992 for term ending January 3, 1999. Office Listings 503 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3501 224-3353 Administrative Assistant.—Mary Jane Veno. Executive Assistant.—Celia Gainer. Legislative Director.—Ron Grimes. Room 600, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 469-6697 Courthouse Building, 201 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 522-7095 Federal Building, Suite 10407, 550 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 684-3265 234 North Summit Street, Room 726, Toledo, OH 43604 (419) 259-7592 HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, Democrat, of Lyndhurst, OH; born in Cleveland, OH, June 4, 1917; B.A, Ohio State University, 1939; LL.D., Ohio State University School of Law, 1941; Ohio House of Representatives, 1943-46; Ohio State Senate, 1947-50; campaign manager for Senator Stephen M. Young (D.-OH) in 1958 and 1964; founder, Metzenbaum, Gaines, Finley & Stern Co., L.P.A.; cofounder and chairman of the board, Airport Parking Co. of America, (APCOA) which merged with International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. and became ITT Consumer Services Corp.; chairman of the board, ComCorp, Inc., a chain of suburban newspapers; married to the former Shirley Turoff, August 8, 1946; four daughters: Barbara (Mrs. John Sherwood), Susan (Mrs. Joel Hyatt), Shelley (Mrs. Steven Kelman), and Amy (Mrs. Joel Yanowitz); board member, American Cancer Society (Cleveland); Cystic Fibrosis; Northern Ohio Children’s Performing Music Foundation, Inc. (The Singing Angels); fellow, Brandeis University; Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate, 1970; appointed U.S. Senator, January 4, 1974, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of William B. Saxbe, and served until December 23, 1974; un-successful candidate for renomination in 1974; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected November 2, 1982, and again on November 8, 1988. Office Listings 140 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3502 224-2315 Administrative Assistant.—Joel Johns in. FAX: 224-6519 Communications Director.—Nancy Coffey. Room 2915, 1240 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44199 (216) 522-7272 Suite 405, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 469-6774 10411 Federal Building, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 684-3894 Room 722, 234 Summit Street, Toledo, OH 43603 .... (419) 259-7536 Room 510, City Center One, Ltd, 100 Federal Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44503 (216) 746-1132 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT DAVID MANN, Democrat, of Cincinnati, OH; born on September 25, 1939 in Cincin-atti, OH; B.A. Harvard College, 1961; L.L.B. Harvard Law School, 1968; served U.S. Navy, 1961-65, Lieutenant; attorney, partner Dinsmore & Shohl, 1968-83; Taliaferro & Mann, 1983-present; admitted to Ohio bar, 1968, member, Cincinnati City Council, 1974-92; Mayor, Cincinnati, 1981-82, 1991; married to Elizabeth Taliaferro Mann, 1963; three children: Michael, 1967, Deborah, 1969, Marshall, 1973; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 503 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3501 225-2216 Administrative Assistant.—Hannah Margetich. Legislative Assistant.—Valerie Van Dopp. Appointment Secretary.—Andi Stamp. 2210 Kroger Building, 1014 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 648-2723 General Counsel.—Tim Riker. County: HAMILTON COUNTY (part); cities of Bridgetown North, Cheviot, Cincinnati (part), Cleves, Covedale, Deer Park (part), Dent, Elmwood Place, Finneytown, Forest Park, Glendale (part), Golf Manor, Greenhills, Groesbeck, Lincoln Heights, Lockland, Mack North, Mack South, Monfort Heights East, Monfort Heights South, Mount Healthy, Mount Healthy Heights, North College Hill, Northbrook, Northgate, Pleasant Run (part), Pleasant Run Farm (part), Silverton, St. Bernard, White Oak, White Oak East, White Oak West and Woodlawn. Population (1990), 570,900. ZIP Codes: 45001-02, 45033, 45051-52, 45200 (part), 45201, 45202, 45203 (part), 45204-05, 45206 (part), 45207 (part), 45208 (part), 45210, 45211, 45212 (part), 45213 (part), 45214 (part), 45215 (part), 45216, 45217 (part), 45218, 45219 (part), 45220 (part), 45221-24, 45225 (part), 45227 (part), 45229 (part), 45231-33, 45236 (part), 45237-38, 45239, 45240 (part), 45243 (part), 45246-48, 45250, 45251-52, 45254, 45258, 45262 SECOND DISTRICT ROB PORTMAN, Republican, of Cincinnati, OH; born December 19, 1955 in Cincin-nati; attended Kilgour Elementary School; Cincinnati Country Day School; B.A., Dart-mouth College, 1979; J.D., University of Michigan Law School, 1984; attorney, private practice; married to June Dudley Portman, 1986; two children, Jed, 1990; Will, 1991; elected by special election on May 4, 1993 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of William Gradison. Office Listings 238 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3502 225-3164 Chief of Staff.—John M. Bridgland. Executive Assistant.—Melissa W. Schultz. Staff Assistant.—Neil Benner. Legislative Director.—Jonathan Petuchowski. Federal Office Building, 550 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 684-2456 District Representative.— Freeman. Allen 230 Congressional Directory OHIO Counties: Adams; Brown; Clermont; Hamilton (part); Warren (part). Population (1990), 570,902. ZIP Codes: 45101 (part), 45102-03, 45106, 45107 (part), 4511113, 45115, 45118 (part), 45119-21, 45122 (part), 45130-31, 45133 (part), 45140 (part), 45142 (part), 45144 (part), 45145, 45147, 45148 (part), 45150, 45153, 45154 (part), 45156 57, 45160, 45162 (part), 45166-68, 45171 (part), 45174, 45176, 45200 (part), 45201, 45203 (part), 45206-07, 45208 (part), 45209-10, 4521213, 45214 (part), 45215 (part), 45217 (part), 45219 (part), 45220 (part), 45225 (part), 45226- 28, 45229 (part), 45230, 45236, 45239, 45240 (part), 45242-45, 45249 (part), 45255, 45697 (part) * %* =% THIRD DISTRICT TONY P. HALL, Democrat, of Dayton, OH; born in Dayton, OH, January 16, 1942; attended public school, graduated from Fairmont High School, Kettering, OH, 1960; A.B., Denison University, Granville, OH, 1964; named Little All-American in football; most valuable player, OH Conference; Peace Corps volunteer, 1966-67; realtor; member, Ohio General Assembly—State representative, 1969-72, State senator, 1973-78; member: Montgomery County Democratic Party; board of managers, Air Force Museum Founda-tion; board of trustees, Holiday Aid; board of advisers, Aviation Trail, Inc.; advisory committee, Emergency Resource Bank of the Dayton Area Chapter of the American Red Cross; awards: U.S. AID Presidential End Hunger Award; Distinguished Service Against Hunger Award from Bread of the World; Tree of Life Award from the Jewish National Fund; Golden Apple Award from the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Serv-ices Programs; NCAA Silver Anniversary Award; Freedom Award from the Asian Pa-cific American Chamber of Commerce; 1992 Silver World Food Day medal from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; married to the former Janet Dick, 1972; two children: Jyl and Matthew; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2264 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3503 ................... 225-6465 Administrative Assistant.—Murray D. Rapp. Legislative Director/Rules Committee Associate Staff.—Gail M. Amid- zich. Personal Secretary/Office Manager.—Bonnie Ruestow. 501 Federal Building, 200 West Second Street, Dayton, OH 45402 .................... (513) 225-2843 District Director.—William A. “Bear” Monita. County: MONTGOMERY COUNTY. All of Montgomery County with the exception of the western portion of German Township. Population (1990), 570,901. . ZIP Codes: 45309, 45315, 45322, 45325, 45327 (part), 45342-43, 45345, 45354, 45370 (part), 45377, 45401-10, 45414-20, 45422-24, 45426-29, 45430 (part), 45431 (part), 45432 (part), 45433 (part), 45439, 45440 (part), 45449, 45458 (part), 45459 (part), 45469, 45479 FOURTH DISTRICT MICHAEL G. OXLEY, Republican, of Findlay, OH; born in Findlay, OH, February 11, 1944, son of George Garver and Marilyn Maxine; attended Findlay city schools; grad-uated, Findlay Senior High School, 1962; B.A., government, Miami University, Oxford, OH, 1966; J.D., Ohio State University College of Law, Columbus, 1969; FBI special agent, Washington, DC, Boston, and New York City, 1969-72; attorney, Oxley, Malone, Fitzgerald, Hollister, 1972-81; elected to Ohio House of Representatives, 1972, from 82d District which includes all or parts of four northwestern Ohio counties; reelected, 1974, 1976, 1978, and 1980; member: financial institutions committee and State government committee; ranking minority member, judiciary and criminal justice committee; member: Trinity Lutheran Church, Findlay, OH; American, Ohio, and Findlay Bar Associations; Sigma Chi Fraternity; Omicron Delta Kappa Men’s Honorary Fraternity; the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI; Rotary International; the Ohio Association of Town-ship Trustees and Clerks; the Ohio Farm Bureau; and Findlay Area Chamber of Com-merce; married to the former Patricia Pluguez of Philadelphia, 1971; one son, Chadd; elected to the 97th Congress, June 25, 1981, in a special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Tennyson Guyer; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: OHIO 103d Congress 231 Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittees on Telecommunications and Finance, Transportation and Hazardous Materials (ranking Republican). Office Listings 2233 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3504 225-2676 Administrative Assistant.—Jim Conzelman. Legislative Assistant.—Beverly Marshall. Press Secretary.—Peggy Peterson. Office Manager/Personal Secretary.—Debi Deimling. 3121 West Elm Plaza, Lima, OH 45805-2516 (419) 999-6455 100 East Main Cross Street, Findlay, OH 45840-3311 (419) 423-3210 Room 314, 24 West Third Street, Mansfield, OH 44902-1299 (419) 522-5757 Counties: Allen, Auglaize (part), Crawford, Hancock, Hardin, Knox (part), Logan (part), Marion, Morrow, Richland, and Wyandot. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 43005-06, 43011 (part), 43014, 43019 (part), 43022, 43028, 43037, 43048 (part), 43050, 43302 (part), 43310 (part), 43316 (part), 43323, 43326, 43330, 43331 (part), 43337 (part), 43340 (part), 43343 (part), 43345 (part), 43346, 43347 (part), 43351-59, 43822 (part), 43843 (part), 44628 (part), 44802 (part), 44809, 44813 (part), 44818 (part), 44820, 44822-23, 44825, 44827, 44830 (part), 44833 (part), 44843, 44844 (part), 44849, 44853, 44856, 44860, 44862, 44875, 44878, 44881-82, 44887, 44900 (part), 44901, 44902 (part), 44903 (part), 44904, 44906-07, 45302, 45306, 45317 (part), 45318 (part), 45333-34, 45336, 45340, 45353, 45356 (part), 45360, 45363, 45365 (part), 45373 (part), 45380 (part), 45383 (part), 45801-02, 45804-10, 45812, 45814, 45816, 45817 (part), 45819-20, 45830 (part), 45833 (part), 45835-36, 45839-41, 45843 (part), 45845, 45846 (part), 45850, 45854, 45856 (part), 45858 (part), 45859, 45865, 45867, 45868 (part), 45869 (part), 45870-71, 45872 (part), 45877 (part), 45881, 45884, 45885 (part), 45887 (part), 45888-90, 45894 (part), 45895 (part), 45896-97 FIFTH DISTRICT PAUL E. GILLMOR, Republican, of Old Fort, OH; born in Tiffin, Seneca County, OH, February 1, 1939; graduated, Old Fort High School, Old Fort, OH, 1957; B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, 1961; J.D., University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, 1964; served in the U.S. Air Force, captain, 1965-66; attorney; admitted to the Ohio bar, 1965; commenced practice in Tiffin, OH; elected, Ohio State Senate, 1967-88; minority leader and president, Ohio State Senate; married to the former Karen Lako, 1983; three children: Linda, Julie, and Paul Michael; elected to the 101st Congress on November 8, 1988; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1203 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3505 Administrative Assistant.—Mark Wellman. Executive Assistant.—Karen Parker. 120 Jefferson Street, 2d Floor, Port Clinton, OH 43452 (419) 734-1999 608 North Clinton Street, Defiance, OH 43512 (419) 782-1996 148 East South Boundary Street, Perrysburg, OH 43551 (419) 872-2500 County Administration Building, Norwalk, OH 44857 (419) 668-0206 Counties: Defiance, Erie, Henry, Huron, Lorain (part), Mercer (part), Ottawa (part), Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert, Williams, Wood (part). Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 43316 (part), 43402, 43406-08, 43410, 43412 (part), 43413-14, 43416, 43420, 43430-33, 43435-43, 43445 (part), 43446, 43447 (part), 43448-52, 43456-58, 43462-64, 43465 (part), 43466-69, 43501-02, 43505-06, 43510-12, 43516-21, 43522 (part), 43523-27, 43529-32, 43534-36, 43541, 43543, 43545, 43548-51, 43553-57, 43565, 43567 (part), 43569-70, 44089 (part), 44801, 44802 (part), 44803-04, 44807, 44811 (part), 44814-15, 44817, 44818 (part), 44824, 44828-29, 44830 (part), 44836-37, 44839, 44841, 44844 (part), 44845-46, 44847 (pari), 44850, 44854-55, 44861, 44867, 44870, 44883, 44890 (part), 45813, 45815, 45817 (part), 45821, 45827, 45830 (part), 45831, 45832 (part), 45833 (part), 45837, 45844 (part), 45848-49, 45851, 45853, 45855, 45856 (part), 45858 (part), 45861, 45864, 45868 (part), 45872 (part), 45873, 45875-76, 45877 (part), 45879-80, 45886 (part), 45893 SIXTH DISTRICT TED STRICKLAND, Democrat, of Lucasville, OH; born in Lucasville, on August 4, 1941; attended McDermott Elementary School, 1951-58; graduated from Northwest High 232 Congressional Directory OHIO School, Lucasville, 1959; B.A., Asbury College, Wilmore, KY, 1963; M.A., University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, 1967; Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1980; minister; psychologist and assistant professor of psycholo-gy, Shawnee State University; elected Sixth District Committeeman, 1988, 1990; member: American Psychological Association; Ohio Psychological Association; married to the former Frances Smith; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1429 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3506 225-5705 Chief of Staff. —Frances Strickland. FAX: 226-0331 Office Manager.—Beverly Strean. Communications Director.—Ron Sylvester. 1236 Gallia Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662 (614) 353-5171 District Executive Assistant.—Carolyn Andrews. FAX: (614) 355-2124 706 Pike Street, Marietta, OH 45750. (614) 373-5427 Counties: Athens, Clinton, Gallia, Highland, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike, Ross (part), Scioto, Vinton, Warren (part), and Washington. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 43101, 43106 (part), 43111, 43115, 43127, 43135 (part), 43137 (part), 43138, 43142, 43144, 43145 (part), 43149, 43152, 43154 (part), 43158, 43160 (part), 43164 (part), 43766 (part), 45005, 45032, 45034, 45036 (part), 45039- 41, 45054, 45065-66, 45068 (part), 45101 (part), 45105, 45107 (part), 45110, 45114, 45118 (part), 45122 (part), 45123, 45132, 45133 (part), 45135, 45138, 45140 (part), 45142 (part), 45144 (part), 45146, 45148 (part), 45152, 45154 (part), 45155, 45158-59, 45162 (part), 4516465, 45169 (part), 45171 (part), 45172, 45177, 45327 (part), 45342 (part), 45458, 45459 (part), 45601, 45611-12, 45613 (part), 4561618, 4562022, 45624, 45626, 45628, 45629 (part), 45630, 45633 34, 45636, 45638 (part), 45640, 45642, 45644 (part), 45646-48, 45650-54, 45656 (part), 45657, 45660-62, 45670-73, 45677, 45679, 45681-84, 45685 (part), 45687, 45690, 45692-93, 45694 (part), 45697 (part), 45698, 45701 (part), 45710 (part), 45716-17, 45732 (part), 45741 (part), 45761 (part), 45764 (part), 45766 (part) SEVENTH DISTRICT DAVID L. HOBSON, Republican, of Springfield, OH; born in Cincinnati, OH, Octo-ber 17, 1936; attended Bond Hill Elementary School, Cincinnati; graduated from With-row High School, Cincinnati, 1954; B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, 1958; J.D., Ohio State College of Law, Columbus, OH, 1963; admitted to the Kentucky bar, 1965; airman, Ohio Air National Guard, 1958-62; businessman; member: VFW Post No. 1031; Springfield Rotary, Shrine Club No. 5121, Moose No. 536, Elks No. 51; member: boards of Urbana University, Ohio Wesleyan University, Wilberforce Universi-ty; appointed to Ohio State Senate, 1982; elected Ohio State senator, 1984-90; majority whip, 1986-88; president pro tempore, 1988-90; married to the former Carolyn Alexan-der, 1958; three children: Susan Marie, 1963; Lynn Martha, 1965; Douglas Lee, 1968; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1507 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3507 225-4324 Chief of Staff. —Mary Beth Carozza. Press Secretary.—Joyce McGarry. Legislative Director.—Kenny Kraft. Washington Schedule.—Ginny Gano. : Room 220, Post Office Building, 150 North Limestone Street, Springfield, OH 45501-1121 (513) 325-0474 (614) 654-5149 Counties: Champaign, Clark, Fairfield, Fayette, Greene, Logan (part), Pickaway (part), Ross (part), Union. Population (1990), 570,902. ZIP Codes: 43007, 43009-10, 43017 (part), 43029 (part), 43036, 43040 (part), 43044 (part), 43045, 43047, 43048 (part), 43060, 43061 (part), 43064 (part), 43067, 43070, 43072 (part), 43077-78, 43083-84, 43103-04, 43106 (part), 43113, 43116-17, 43128, 43135 (part), 43140 (part), 43143, 43145 (part), 43146 (part), 43151," 43153, 43156, 43160 (part), 43164 (part), 43302 (part), 43310 (part), 43311, 43314 (part), 43315 (part), 4331819, 43322, 43324, 43331 (part), 43332-33, 43335-36, 43337 (part), 43340 (part), 43341, 43342 (part), 43343 (part), 43344, 43345 (part), 43347 (part), 43348, 43356 (part), 43357-58, 43360, 44833 (part), 45068 (part), 45169 (part), 45301, 45305, 45307, 45314, 45316, 45317 (part), 45319, 45323-24, 45335, 45341, 45344 (part), 45349, 45365 (part), 45368-69, 45370 (part), 45372, OHIO 103d Congress 233 45384-85, 45387, 45389, 45420 (part), 45430, 45431 (part), 45432-33, 45459 (part), 45469, 45500-06, 45644 (part), 45843 (part), 45895 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT JOHN A. BOEHNER, Republican, of West Chester, OH; born in Reading, OH, No-vember 17, 1949; attended Saint Peter Paul Elementary School, Reading; graduated, Moeller High School, Cincinnati, OH, 1968; B.S., Xavier University, 1977; president, Nucite Sales, Inc.; Ohio House of Representatives, 1984-90; ranking Republican member, Commerce and Labor Committee; Energy and Environment Committee; Judiciary and Criminal Justice; elected, Union Township Trustees, 1981; elected, president, Union Township Board of Trustees, 1984; member: St. John Catholic Church, Ohio Farm Bureau, Lakota Hills Homeowners Association, Knights of Columbus, Pope John XXIII; Union Chamber of Commerce, American Heart Association Board, Butler County Mental Health Association, co-chair, YMCA Capital Campaign, Union Elementary School PTA, Middletown Chamber of Commerce, American Legion Post 218 of Middletown, Butler County Trustees and Clerks Association; married to the former Deborah Gunlack, 1973; two children: Lindsay M., 1978; Tricia A., 1980; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1020 Longworth House Office Building, Administrative Assistant.—Barry JaLegislative Director.— Thom Stohler. Press Secretary.—John Czwartacki. 5617 Liberty Fairfield Road, Hamilton, Washington, ckson. OH 45011 DC 20515-3508 FAX: (513) 225-6205 225-0704 894-6003 12 District Director.—Sue Clark. South Plum Street, Troy, Ohio 45373 (513) 339-1524 Counties: Auglaize (part), Butler, Darke, Mercer (part), Miami, Montgomery (part), Preble, and Shelby. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 43072 (part), 45003 (part), 45004, 45011-15, 45030 (part), 45036 (part), 45042, 45044, 45050, 45053 (part), 45055--56, 45061-64, 45067, 45069-70, 45240 (part), 45303, 45304 (part), 45308, 45309 (part), 45310-12, 45317 (part), 45318 (part), 45320-21, 45322 (part), 45326, 45327 (part), 45328-32, 45337-39, 45344 (part), 45345-48, 45350-52, 45356 (part), 45358-59, 45361-62, 45371 (part), 45373 (part), 45378, 45380 (part), 45381 (part), 45382, 45383 (part), 45388, 45390, 45416, 45417 (part), 45426, 45822, 45826, 45828, 45832 (part), 45838, 45844 (part), 45846 (part), 45860, 45862-63, 45866, 45869 (part), 45874, 45882-83, 45885 (part), 45886 (part), 45887 (part), 45891, 45894 (part), 45898-99, 47390 (part) NINTH DISTRICT MARCY KAPTUR, Democrat, of Toledo, OH; born in Toledo on June 17, 1946; Roman Catholic; attended Little Flower School, Toledo; graduated, St. Ursula Academy, Toledo, 1964; B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968; Master of Urban Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974; attended, University of Manchester, England, 1974; urban planner; assistant director for urban affairs, domestic policy staff, White House, 1977-79; member: American Planning Association and American Institute of Cer-tified Planners, board of directors, National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs, advisory committee, Gund Foundation, board of directors, University of Michigan Urban Planning Alumni Association, NAACP, Urban League, Polish Museum, Polish American Histori-cal Association, Lucas County Democratic Party Executive Committee, Democratic Women’s Campaign Association, Lucas County Democratic Business and Professional Women’s Club, Fulton County Democratic Women’s Club, Little Flower Parish Church; member: Appropriations Committee; co-chair: Congressional Competitiveness Caucus, and House Auto Parts Task Force; co-chair Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. : 234 Congressional Directory OHIO Office Listings 2104 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3509.................... 225-4146 Chief of Staff.—Fariborz S. Fatemi. Press Secretary.—Robin Buckley. Office Manager.—Norma Olsen. Legislative Director.—Roberta Jeanquart. Federal Building, Room 719, 234 Summit Street, Toledo, OH 43604.................. (419) 259-7500 Counties: Fulton; Lucas; Ottawa; Wood. Cities and townships: Archbold, Berkey, Bowling Green, Bono, Curtice, Clay Center, Delta, Dunbridge, Elmore, Fayette, Genoa, Grand Rapids, Graytown, Harbor View, Holland, Lemoyne, Luckey, Lyons, Maumee, Martin, Metamora, Millbury, Monclova, Neapolis, Northwood, Oak Harbor, Oregon, Pemberville, Perrysburg, Pettisville, Portage, Rossford, Rocky Ridge, Stony Ridge, Swanton, Sylvania, Toledo, Walbridge, Waterville, Wauseon, Whitehouse, Williston, and Woodville. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 43402 (part), 43408, 43412, 43416 (part), 43430, 43432, 43434, 43441, 43443 (part), 43445, 43447, 43449 (part), 43450 (part), 43451 (part), 43458, 43460 (part), 43463, 43465, 43468, 43469 (part), 43502, 43504, 43515, 43521, 43522 (part), 43528, 43533, 43537, 43540, 43542, 43547, 43551 (part), 43552-53, 43558, 43560, 43566-67, 43571, 43602-20, 43623-24, 43635, 43682, 43697, 43699 TENTH DISTRICT MARTIN R. HOKE, Republican, of Lakewood, OH; born Lakewood, OH, on May 18, 1952; attended Lorain Public Schools; graduated, Western Reserve Academy, 1969; B.A., Amherst College, 1973; J.D., Case Western Reserve University, 1980; admitted to the Ohio bar, 1980; founder and president, Red Carpet Cellular; three children: Elizabeth, Christopher, and Peter; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 212 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3510............ccecceuc. 225-5871 Administrative Assistant.—Ed Cassidy. FAX: 226-0994 Legislative Director.—Pat McCartan. Press Secretary.—Mike Connell. Scheduler/Office Manager.—Kathy Kamionek. District Office, 21270 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126............ccccu..... (216) 356-2010 FAX: (216) 356-1441 County CUYAHOGA COUNTY(part); cities and townships of Bay Village, Berea, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights, Cleveland, Cuyahaga Heights, Fairview Park, Lakewood, Newberg Heights, North Olmsted, Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Town-ship, Parma, Rocky River, Seven Hills, Strongsville, Westlake. Population (1990), 570,903. ZIP Codes: 44017, 44070, 44102, 44105, 44107, 44109, 44111, 44113-16, 44125-26, 44129-31, 44134-36, 44138, 44140, 44144-45 ELEVENTH DISTRICT LOUIS STOKES, Democrat, of Shaker Heights, OH; born in Cleveland, February 23, 1925, son of Charles and Louise Stokes, both deceased; educated at Cleveland College of Western Reserve University, 1946-48; Cleveland Marshall Law School, 1948-53, juris doctor degree; veteran of U.S. Army, 1943-46, honorably discharged; practicing attorney in Cleveland, OH, since 1954; admitted to practice before Supreme Court of the United States; recipient of numerous civic awards including Cleveland Branch, NAACP, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: past chairman, Ohio State Bar Association Criminal Justice Committee; past chairman, Congressional Black Caucus; past president, Congres-sional Black Caucus Foundation, Board of Trustees, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change, and Executive Committee—Cuyahoga County Democratic Party; lec-tured and written articles for universities and bar associations; member of numerous civic and legal organizations; Methodist, St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church; married Jeanette (Jay) Francis; four children: Shelley, Angela, Louis C., and Lorene; brother of Carl B. Stokes, former mayor of Cleveland, OH and currently judge for the Cleveland Municipal Court; OHIO 103d Congress 235 elected to 91st Congress, November 5, 1968; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittees on Labor/HHS/Education, Dis-trict of Columbia; former chairman, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; chairman, House ‘Committee on Standards of Official Conduct; former chairman, House Select Committee on Assassinations. Office Listings 2365 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3511 225-7032 Administrative Assistant. —Reginald Gilliam. FAX: 225-1339 Personal Secretary.—Barbara Brown. Room 2947, 1240 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44199 (216) 522-4900 District Manager.—Jewell Gilbert. Suite 211, 2140 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 (216) 522-4907 Office Manager. — Juanita Connor--Phillips. County: CUYAHOGA COUNTY (part). CITIES: Beachwood (part), Bedford Heights, Brooklyn (part), Cleveland (part), Cleveland Heights, East Cleveland, Euclid, Garfield Heights (part), Linndale, Maple Heights (part), Oakwood (part), Orange, Richmond Heights (part), Shaker Heights, South Euclid, University Heights, Warrensville Heights, and Woodmere. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 44022 (part), 44100 (part), 44103-04, 44105 (part), 44106. 44107 (part), 44108, 44109 (part), 44110, 44111 (part), 44112, 44113 (part), 44114 (part), 44115, 44117, 44118-20, 44121 (part), 44122 (part), 44123 (part), 44124 (part), 44125 (part), 44127 (part), 44128, 44132, 44135 (part), 44137, 44143 (part), 44146, 44199 TWELFTH DISTRICT JOHN R. KASICH, Republican, of Westerville, OH; born in McKees Rocks, Pa., May 13, 1952; attended the public schools in McKees Rocks; graduated, Sto-Rox High School, McKees Rocks, 1970; B.A., political science, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1974; ad-ministrative assistant to State Senator Donald Lukens, 1975-77; elected, Ohio State Legis-lature, 1979-82; chairman, health and human services committee; member: board of trust-ees, Concord Counseling Service, Westerville, OH; awards: Outstanding Young Men in America Award, 1976, Watchdog of the Treasury Award, 1979; Watchdog of the Treas-ury’s “Golden Buildog Award,” 1983-92; Northland Community Council President’s Award, 1981-82; American Security Council’s Leadership Award, Guardian of Small Business Award, 1983-92; Spirit of Enterprise Award, Taxpayer’s Friend Award, 1989-91; Ohio Health Care Association’s “Buckeye Award;” elected to 98th Congress and each succeeding Congress; member House Armed Services Committee and House Budget Committee. Office Listings 1131 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3512 225-5355 Chief of Staff/Legislative Director.—Don Thibaut. Executive Assistant. —Mimi McCarthy. Press Secretary.—Bruce A. Cuthbertson. Suite 500, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 469-7318 Office Manager.—Sally A. Testa. Counties: Delaware; Franklin (part); Licking (part). Population (1990), 570,902. ZIP Codes: 43001, 43003 (part), 43004, 43011 (part), 43013, 43015, 43017-18, 43021, 43023, 43031-33, 43035, 43054, 43055 (part), 43061-62, 43065-66, 43071, 43073-74, 43080-81, 43201 (part), 43205 (part), 43206 (part), 43207 (part), 43209, 43211 (part), 43213, 43224 (part), 43227 (part), 43232 (part), 43235 (part) THIRTEENTH DISTRICT SHERROD BROWN, Democrat, of Chippewa Lake, OH; born on November 9, 1952, in Mansfield, OH; B.A. Yale University, 1974; M.A. Ohio State University, 1979; Masters 236 Congressional Directory OHIO of Public Administration, Ohio State University, 1981; Ohio House of Representatives, 1975-83; Secretary of State of Ohio, 1583-91; two children: Emily and Elizabeth; elected November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1407 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3513 225-3401 Chief of Staff/Legislative Director.—Rhod Shaw. Press Secretary.—Steve Fought. 5201 Abbe Rd., Elyria, OH 44035 (216) 934-5100 District Representative.—Deanna Hill. Medina County Administration Bldg., 144 North44256 15561 West High Street, Middlefield, OH 44062 Broadway, Medina, OH (216) (216) 722-9262 632-3913 Counties: CuYAHOGA COUNTY (part); cities and townships of North Royalton, Brecksville, Broadview Heights. GEAUGA COUNTY (part); townships of Auburn, Burton, Bainbridge, Chardon, Hambden, Munson, Chester, Clari-don, Huntsburg, Middlefield, Montville, Newbury, Russell, Parkman, Thompson Troy. LORAIN COUNTY (part); cities of Amherst, Avon, Avon Lake, Elyria, North Ridgeville, Lorain, Sheffield Lake, Oberlin; townships of Amherst, Columbia, Elyria, Eaton, Carlisle, Sheffield, Russia. MEDINA COUNTY (part); cities of Brunswick, Medina, Wadsworth; townships of Brunswick Hills, Chatham, Hinckley, Homer, Westfield, Litchfield, Harrisville, Granger, LaFayette, Medina, Montville, York, Guilford, Sharon, Spencer, Liverpool, Wadsworth. PORTAGE COUNTY (part); city of Aurora; townships of Atwater, Garretsville, Nelson, Hiram, Mantua, Shalersville, Charles-town, Edinburg, Rootstown, Windham, Deerfield, Freedom, Palmyra, Paris, Randolph. SUMMIT COUNTY (part); cities of Macedonia, Twinsburg; townships of Northfield, Northfield Center, Sagamore Hills, Twinsburg, Remin-derville. TRUMBULL COUNTY (part); city of Newton Falls; townships of Bristol, Mesopotamia, Braceville, Newton, Bloomfield, Southington, Champion, Farmington. Population (1990), 570,894. ZIP Codes: 44001, 44011-12, 44028 (part), 44035, 44039, 44044, 44049-50, 44052-55, 44074, 44089 (part), 44090, 44212, 44214 (part), 44215, 44217 (part), 44230 (part), 44233, 44235, 44251, 44253-54, 44256, 44258, 44270 (part), 44273 (part), 44274-75, 44280, 44281 (part), 44287 (part), 44321 (part), 44638 (part), 44691 (part), 44805, 44811 (part), 44816, 44826, 44838, 44840, 44842, 44847 (part), 44848, 44851, 44857, 44859, 44864-66, 44874, 44880, 44889, 44890 (part), 44900 (part), 44902 (part), 44903 (part), 44905 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT THOMAS C. SAWYER, Democrat, of Akron, OH; born in Akron on August 15, 1945; attended the Rankin School, Akron; graduated Buchtel High School, Akron, 1963; B.A., University of Akron, OH, 1968; M.A., University of Akron, OH, 1970; former public school teacher; adminstrator, State school for delinquent boys; legislative agent, Public Utilities Commission; elected to Ohio House of Representatives (chairman, Educa-tion Committee and member, Ohio Board of Regents), 1977-83; mayor of the city of Akron, 1984-86; married to the former Joyce Handler, 1968; one child: Amanda; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1414 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3514 225-5231 Administrative Assistant.—Rochelle Dornatt. FAX: 225-5278 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Dianne Tomasek. Legislative Director.—Sara Platt Davis. 411 Wolf Ledges Pkwy, Suite 105, Akron, OH 44311 (216) 375-5710 Office Administrator.—Judi Shapiro. TDD: (216) 375-5443 Counties: Portage (part), Stark (part), Summit (part). Population (1990), 570,900. ZIP Codes: 44141 (part), 44203 (part), 44210, 44216 (part), 44221-24, 44230 (part), 44236 (part), 44240, 44250, 44260 (part), 44262, 44264, 44266, 44278, 44281 (part), 44286, 44301-14, 44319, 44320-21, 44325, 44328, 44333-34, 44372, 44614 (part), 44685 (part), 44720 (part) 103d Congress FIFTEENTH DISTRICT DEBORAH PRYCE, Republican, of Columbus, OH; born on July 29, 1951 in Warren, OH; B.A,, cum laude, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1973; J.D., Capital University Law School, Columbus, OH, 1976; attorney; admitted to the Ohio bar, 1976; administra-tive law judge, Ohio Department of Insurance, 1976-78; first assistant city prosecutor, senior assistant city attorney, and assistant city attorney, Columbus City Attorney’s Office, 1978-85; judge, Franklin County Municipal Court, 1985-92; attorney, Hamilton, Kramer, Myers & Cheek, 1992; member, Ohio Supreme Court Committee on Dispute Resolution; chairperson, Municipal Court Subcommittee; member: Jail Capacity Manage-ment Board, Domestic Violence Task Force, Ohio Municipal Court Judges Association, Ohio Judicial Conference, Corrections Planning Board, Alliance for Cooperative Justice Policy Board, Franklin County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services (ADAMH) Advisory Committee, Columbus Bar Association, Women Lawyers of Frank-lin County, Columbus Area Women’s Political Action Committee, Franklin County Elected Women (FEW), Columbus Inns of Court; member, American Council of Young Political Leaders, delegate to Australia, 1986; member: Action for Children Assisting Board, Capitol Law School Alumni Association, Ohio State University Alumni Associa-tion, Ohio Judicial College; session member, former Deacon and stewardship chair, In-diancla Presbyterian Church; Victims of Crime Award; married to Randy Walker, 1980; two children: step-son, Kelly, 1968; and Caroline, 1990; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 128 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3515 225-2015 Chief of Staff.—Tom Wolfe. FAX: 226-0986 Legislative Director.—Jean Perih. Room 400, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 469-5614 District Representative.—Marcee McCreary. Counties: Franklin (part), Madison, Pickaway (part). Population (1990), 570,902. ZIP Codes: 43002, 43017 (part), 43026, 43064 (part), 43065 (part), 43085 (part), 43110, 43119, 43123, 43125-26, 43137, 43140, 43146 (part), 43162, 43201-02, 43204, 43205 (part), 43206 (part), 43207, 43210, 43212, 43214, 43215 (part), 43216 (part), 43220-23, 43227 (part), 43228, 43232 (part), 43235. * * * SIXTEENTH DISTRICT RALPH REGULA, Republican, of Navarre, OH; born in Beach City, Stark County, OH, December 3, 1924; educated in the public schools of Beach City, OH; B.A., Mount Union College, Alliance, OH, 1948; LL.B., William McKinley School of Law, Canton, OH, 1952; U.S. Navy, 1944-46; attorney at law; admitted to Ohio bar and began practice in Navarre, OH, 1952; served in the Ohio House of Representatives, 1965-66, and Ohio Senate, 1967-72; member: Ohio State Board of Education, 1960-64; Saint Timothy Epis-copal Church, Massillon, OH; board of trustees, Mount Union College; honorary member, board of advisers, Walsh College; Kiwanis; Grange; and trustee, Stark County Historical Society; married Mary Ann Rogusky, 1950; three children: Martha, David, and Richard; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2309 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3516 225-3876 Executive Secretary.—Sylvia Snyder. Appropriations.—Barbara Wainman. Legal Counsel/Aging.—Mark Benedict. Press Secretary.—Connie Jones. 4150 Belden Village Street NW., Canton, OH 44718 (216) 489-4414 District Office Manager.—Jeannette Griffin. Counties: Ashland; Holmes; Knox (part); Stark (part); Wayne. Population (1990),'570,902. 238 Congressional Directory OHIO ZIP Codes: 44214 (part), 44216 (part), 44217 (part), 44230 (part), 44270 (part), 44276, 44287 (part), 44601 (part), 44606, 44608 (part), 44610-11, 44612 (part), 44613, 44614 (part), 44615 (part), 44617-18, 44626 (part), 44627, 44628 (part), 44630, 44632 (part), 44633, 44634 (part), 44636, 44637 (part), 44638 (part), 44640-41, 44643 (part), 4464446, 44648, 44650, 44652, 44654 (part), 44657 (part), 44659-62, 44666-67, 44669-70, 44676-77, 44687, 44688 (part), 44689-90, 44691 (part), 44701-11, 44714, 44718, 44720 (part), 44721, 44730, 44735 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT JAMES A. TRAFICANT, Jr., Democrat, of Poland, OH; born in Youngstown, OH, May 8, 1941; son of James A., Sr., and Agnes Traficant; attended St. Matthias Elementa-ry School, Youngstown, OH; attended Woodrow Wilson High School, Youngstown, OH, 1956-57; graduated, Cardinal Mooney High School, Youngstown, OH, 1959; B.S., educa-tion, University of Pittsburgh, 1963; M.S., administration, 1973, and M.S., counseling, Youngstown State University, 1976; sheriff, Mahoning County, Youngstown, OH, 1981-85; executive director, Mahoning County Drug Program, Inc., 1971-81; consumer finance director, Youngstown Community Action Program; instructed classes on drug and alco-hol, Youngstown State University and Kent State University; national lecturer, drug and alcohol abuse and juvenile problems; instructor, drug and alcohol abuse, Ohio Peace Offi-cer Training Institute and Ohio State Highway Patrol; State manager, Girard Life Insur-ance; chairman, Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds; married to the former Patricia Coppa; two children: Robin and Elizabeth; elected to the 99th Congress on No-vember 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2446 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3517............ccc..... 225-5261 Chief of Staff. —H. West Richards. FAX: 225-3719 Lepuaive Assistants.—Dan Blair; Lucia Iannandrea. ice of Manager.—Charles McCrudden. 11 Overhill Road, Youngstown, OH 44512 (216) 788-2414 Suite 2685, 5555 Youngstown-Warren Rd., Niles, OH 44406 (216) 652-5649 East Liverpool Office, 109 West Third St., East Liverpool, OH 43920.............. (216) 385-5921 Counties: Columbiana, Mahoning, Trumbull (part). Population (1990), 570,900. ZIP Codes: 44401, 44403-06, 44408 (part), 44410 (part), 44412 (part), 44416, 44417 (part), 44418, 44420, 44422, 44424-25, 44427 (part), 44429 (part), 44431 (part), 44436-38, 44440, 44442, 44443 (part), 44444 (part), 44446, 44449 (part), 44451-53, 44454 (part), 44460 (part), 44471, 44473, 44481 (part), 44483 (part), 44484-85, 44490 (part), 44491 (part), © 44500-07, 44509-12, 44514-15, 44601 (part), 44609 (part), 44619, 44625 (part), 44634 (part), 44657 (part), 44665, 44672 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT DOUGLAS APPLEGATE, Democrat, of Steubenville, OH; born in Steubenville, March 27, 1928; educated in Steubenville public schools; graduated, Steubenville High School, 1947; engaged in real estate business; served in Ohio House of Representatives, 1961-69; Ohio Senate, 1969-77; member: Steubenville Community Club, Young Demo-crats, Elks, Eagles, Catholic Community Center, Polish Athletic Club, Polish National Alliance, and numerous other civic and fraternal organizations; member, Steubenville Presbyterian Church; married to the former Betty Jean Engstrom, 1950; two children: Kirk and David; two granddaughters: Rebecca and Sara; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2183 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3518................... 225-6265 Administrative Assistant.—James R. Hart. FAX: 225-3087 Personal Secretary.—Paula Leonaro. Ohio Valley Tower, Room 610, Steubenville, OH 43952 (614) 283-3716 Assistant District Office Manager.—Julie Ellen. 46060 National Road West, St. Clairsville, OH 43950......... (614) 695-4600 225 Underwood Street, Zanesville, OH 43701 : (614) 452-7023 OHIO 103d Congress 239 1330 Fourth Street NW., New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (216) 343-9112 Counties: Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana (part), Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Jefferson, Licking (part), Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, and Tuscarawas. Population (1990), 570,900. ZIP Codes: 43710-11, 43713, 43716-19, 43722-23, 43724 (part), 43725 (part), 43729, 43732 (part), 43733, 43736, 43747, 43749-50, 43752, 43754-55, 43757, 43759, 43768, 43772-73, 43778-80, 43784, 43786, 43788-89, 43793, 43803, 43804 (part), 43805, 43811, 43812 (part), 43821 (part), 43822 (part), 43824, 43828, 43832, 4383637, 43840, 43842 (part), 43843 (part), 43844-45, 43901-03, 43905-10, 43912-17, 43920, 43925-28, 4393035, 43937-48, 43950-53, 4396064, 43966-68, 43970-74, 43976-77, 43979, 43981, 43983-86, 4393889, 44408 (part), 44413, 44415, 44423, 44427 (part), 44431 (part), 44432, 44441, 44443 (part), 44445, 44454 (pari), 44455, 44460 (part), 44490 (part), 4492-93, 44607, 44608 (part), 44609 (part), 44612 (part), 44615 (part), 44620-22, 44624 (part), 44625 (part), 44626 (part), 44629, 44631, 44637 (part), 44639, 44643 (part), 44651, 44653, 44654 (part), 44656, 44657 (part), 44663, 44671, 44675, 44678-79, 44680 (part), 44681 (part), 44682-83, 44686, 44688 (part), 44693, 44695, 44697, 44699, 45715 (part), 45727, 45730, 45734, 45744 (part), 45745-46, 45767, 45768 (part), 45774, 45789 NINETEENTH DISTRICT ERIC D. FINGERHUT, Democrat, of Mayfield Heights, OH; born on May 6, 1959 in University Heights, OH; B.A. Northwestern University, 1981; J.D. Stanford University, 1984; attorney; staff attorney, Older Persons Law Office of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, 1984-85; chairperson, Common Cause/Ohio, 1986-88; associate director, Cleveland Works, 1987-89; special assistant, Mayor of Cleveland, 1989; elected to Ohio State Senate, 1990-92; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 431 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3519..........c.cc.cc..... 225-5731 Chief of Staff.—David Fleshler. FAX: 225-9114 Legislative Director.—Sharon K. Gang. No. 385, 2550 Som Center Road, Willoughby Hills, OH 440% ........................... (216) 943-1919 District Administrator.—Robert Triozzi. FAX: (216) 943-5516 Deputy District Director.—Jan Papez. Counties: Ashtabula, Cuyahoga (part), Lake. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Beachwood, Bedford, Brecksville, Broadview Hts., Highland Hts., Independence, Lyndhurst, Maple Hts., Mayfield Hts., Middleburg Hts., North Royalton, Parma Hits., Pepper Pike, Richmond Hts., Solon, Strongsville, Bentleyville Village, Chagrin Falls Village, Gates Mills Village, Glenwillow Village, Hunting Valley Village, Mayfield Village, Moreland Hills Village, Oakwood Village, Valley View Village, Walton Hills Village, Chagrin Falls Township, Eastlake City, Kirtland City, Mentor City, Mentor/Lake City Painesville City, Wickliffe City, Willoughby Hills City, Willowick City, Concord Town-ship Fairport Harbor Village, Grand River Village, Lakeline Village, Leroy Township, Madison Village, Madison Township, Painesville Township North Perry Village, Perry Village Perry Township, Timberlake Village, and Walte Hill Village. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 43146 (part), 44003-04, 44010, 44017 (part), 44022 (part), 44024, 44026, 44030, 44032, 44040 (part), 44041, 44045, 44047-48, 44057, 4406061, 44062 (part), 44068, 44076 (part), 44077, 44081-82, 44084-86, 44088, 44092-95, 44099, 44105 (part), 44117 (part), 44121 (part), 44122 (part), 44124 (part), 44125 (part), 44130 (part), 44131 (part), 44133 (part), 44136 (part), 44137 (part), 44139 (part), 44141 (part), 44142 (part), 44143 (part), 44146 (part), 44147 (part), 44428 (part) Congressional Directory OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA (Population, 1990 census, 3,157,604) SENATORS DAVID L. BOREN, Democrat, of Seminole, OK; born in Washington, DC, April 21, 1941; attended public schools in Seminole, OK; graduated Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 1959; B.A., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1963; M.A., Oxford University (Rhodes Scholar), England, 1965; J.D., University of Oklahoma College of Law, Norman, OK, 1968; captain, 6 years, Oklahoma National Guard; lawyer; chairman, de-partment of government, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK, 1970-74; admitted to the Oklahoma bar 1968; commenced practice in Seminole, OK; chairman, elections committee, and member, Oklahoma House of Representatives, 1967-75; Governor of Oklahoma, 1975-79; member: Methodist Church, Phi Beta Kappa, 45th Infantry Division Association; named 1 of 10 Outstanding Young Men in the United States by the U.S. Jay-cees, 1976; married to the former Molly Wanda Shi, November 27, 1977; two children: Carrie Christine and David Daniel; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; reelected November 6, 1984 and November 6, 1990. Office Listings 453 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3601 224-4721 Administrative Assistant.—David Cox. Executive Assistant.—Beth Byrd. Legislative Director.—Joe Harroz. Press Secretary.—Dan Webber. 2 621 North Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 231-4381 Suite 1820, 409 South Boston, Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 581-7785 211 East Oak, Seminole, OK 74868 (405) 382-6480 DON NICKLES, Republican, of Ponca City, OK; born in Ponca City, OK, December 6, 1948; attended Ponca City public schools; graduated, Ponca City High School, 1967; business administration, Oklahoma State University, 1971; served in National Guard, 1970-76; vice president and general manager, Nickles Machine Corp.; served in Oklaho-ma State Senate, 1979-80; cofounder and member, Oklahoma Coalition for Peace Through Strength; served on the boards of: Ponca City United Way, St. Mary’s Catholic Church Parish Council, Chamber of Commerce, Kay County Council for Retarded Chil-dren; chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1988-90; chairman, Re-publican Policy Committee, 1991-93; member: Rotary Club, Fellowship of Christian Ath-letes; married to the former Linda Lou Morrison; four children: Donny, Jenny, Kim, and Robyn; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980, for the 6-year term beginning Jan-uary 3, 1981; November 4, 1986; reelected November 3, 1992 for the 6-year term begin-ning January 3, 1993. Office Listings 713 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3602 224-5754 Administrative Assistant.—Les Brorsen. Communications Director.—Ernie Schultz. Legislative Director.—Bret Bernhart. Scheduler.—Janel Goode. 1820 Liberty Tower, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 231-4941 National Bank Building, Suite 201, 601 D Avenue, Lawton, OK 73501 (405) 357-9878 3310 Mid-Continent Tower, 409 South Boston, Tulsa, OK 74103-4007 (918) 581-7651 1916 Lake Road, Ponca City, OK 74604 (405) 767-1270 OKLAHOMA 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JAMES M. INHOFE, Republican, of Tulsa, OK; born in Des Moines, IA on Novem-ber 17, 1934; attended Tulsa public schools; graduated Central High School, Tulsa, OK, 1953; B.A., University of Tulsa, OK, 1959; served in the U.S. Army, SP 3d class, 1955-56; businessman; president, Quaker Life Insurance Company; elected to the Oklahoma House of Representatives, 1967-69; elected to the Oklahoma State Senate, 1969-77; mayor of Tulsa, 1978-84; married to the former Kay Kirkpatrik; four children: Jim, Perry, Molly, and Katy; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 442 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3601 225-2211 Chief of Staff. —V. Bruce Thompson. Legislative Director.—Kirk Fordham. Executive Assistant.—Dottie Brown. Suite 530, 1924 South Utica, Tulsa, OK 74104 > (918) 581-7111 Counties: Tulsa, Wagoner (part). Population (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 74001-02, 74003 (part), 74008 (part), 74009, 74011, 74012 (part), 74013, 74015 (part), 74020 (part), 74021 (part), 74033, 74035, 74037, 74039 (part), 74041, 74043, 74047 (part), 74050-51, 74054, 74055 (part), 74056, 74060-61, 74063 (part), 74066 (part), 74070, 74073, 74082-84, 74100-01, 74103-07, 74108 (part), 74110, 74112, 74114-17,74119-20, 74126-28, 74129 (part), 74130-34, 74135 (part), 74136 (part), 74137 (part), 74145-50, 74152-53, 74155-59, 74169-70, 74601 (part), 74633 (part), 74637 (part) SECOND DISTRICT MIKE SYNAR, Democrat, of Muskogee, OK; born in Vinita, OK, October 17, 1950; attended the public schools of Muskogee; graduated from Muskogee Central High School, 1968; BBA, University of Oklahoma, 1972; J.D., University of Oklahoma, 1977; Rotary International scholarship, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (economics), 1974; M.S., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1973; rancher, real estate broker, lawyer; admitted to the Oklahoma bar, 1977; recipient of 4-H Club and agricultural honors; chosen 1 of 10 Outstanding Young Men of America, 1980; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2329 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3602 225-2701 Administrative Assistant.—Debbie Wesslund. FAX: 225-2796 Senior Legislative Assistants: Peter Jacoby; Vivek Varma. 2B22 Federal Building, 125 South Main, Muskogee, OK 74401 (918) 687-2533 District Office Manager.—Gene Wallace. Counties: Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Haskell, McIntosh, Mayes, Muskogee, Nowata, Okfuskee, Okmul-gee, Osage (part), Ottawa, Pawnee (part), Rogers, Sequoyah, and Wagoner (part). Population (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 74001-02, 74010, 74014-18, 74021, 74027-28, 74030-31, 74035-36, 74039, 74041-42, 74044, 74046-48, 74052 56, 74060, 74063, 74066-68, 74070-72, 74080, 74083-84, 74106, 74108, 74116, 74126-27, 74131-32, 74149, 74301, 74330-33, 74335, 74337-40, 74342-44, 74346-47, 74349-50, 74352-55, 74358-70, 74401-03, 74421-23, 74426-29, 74431-32, 74434-38, 74440-41, 74444-47, 74450-52, 74454-72, 74477, 74552, 74637, 74829, 74833, 74835, 74845, 74859, 74860, 74862, 74880, 74882, 74931, 74936, 74941, 74943-46, 74948, 74954-55, 74960, 74962, 74964-65 Congressional Directory OKLAHOMA THIRD DISTRICT BILL BREWSTER, Democrat, of Marietta, OK; born in Ardmore, OK, November 8, 1941; graduated, Petrolia, TX, high school, 1959; B.S. in pharmacy, Southwestern Okla-homa State University, 1964; owner-operator, Colleyville Drug, Inc., Colleyville, TX, 1964-77; cattleman, Brewster Angus Farms, 1968-; U.S. Army Reserve, 1968-71; Oklaho-ma House of Representatives, 1982-89; chairman, Economic Development Committee, 1985-86; chairman, Business and Commerce Committee, 1987-88; chairman, Tourism and Recreation Committee, 1988-89; vice chairman, Education Appropriations Committee; member, Appropriations Committee; member, Oklahoma Legislatures Special Joint Com-mittee on International Development; South/West Energy Council, vice-chairman, 1987-88; chairman, 1988-89; Executive Committee, 1982-; National Conference of State Legis-lators, Oklahoma delegate, 1983-; chairman, Energy Committee, 1989-90; Oil Marketers Association, “Legislator of Year”; Southwestern Oklahoma State University, “Distin-guished Alumni”; INCA Board for Community Action; Recreational Vehicle Industry’s Golden Telephone Award; married to the former Mary Sue (Suzie) Nelson, 1963; three children: daughter, Balynda Karel; another daughter, Betsy Kecia, and a son, Bradley Kent, lost their lives in a tragic accident in early 1990; elected to 102d Congress, Novem-ber 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992; member: Committee on Ways and Means. Office Listings 1727 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3603 225-4565 Chief of Staff.—Pat Raffaniello. Press Secretary/Staff Director.—Jim Pate. Legislative Director.—Leslie Belcher. Legislative Assistants: Janna Little; Colin Chapman; Buffy White. 232 Post Office Building, Ada, OK 74820 (405) 436-1980 101 West Main Street, Ardmore, OK 73401 (405) 226-6300 118 Carl Albert Federal Building, McAlester, OK 74501 (918) 423-5951 123 West 7th Avenue, Suite 206, Stillwater, OK 74074 (405) 743-1400 Counties: Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Choctaw, Coal, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, Le Flore, Lincoln, Love, McCurtain, Marshall, Murray, Pawnee (part), Payne, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, and Seminole. Popula-tion (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 73027 (part), 73030, 73032, 73045 (part), 73046 (part), 73054 (part), 73063 (part), 73073 (part), 73081 (part), 73086-88, 73098 (part), 73401-03, 73430, 73432, 73435-37, 73438 (part), 73439-41, 73443, 73446-50, 73452-53, 73455, 73456 (part), 73458-61, 73463, 74020, 74023 (part), 74026, 74030 (part), 74032 (part), 74038, 74045, 74058-59, 74062, 74074 (part), 74075-76, 74079 (part), 74085 (part), 74425, 74430, 74432 (part), 74442, 74501-02, 74521-23, 74525-26, 74528-31, 74533-36, 74538, 74540, 74542-43, 74545-49, 74553-60, 74561 (part), 74562-63, 74565, 74567, 74569-72, 74574, 74576-78, 74650, 74701-02, 74720-24, 74726-31, 74733-38, 74740-41, 74743, 74745, 74747-48, 74750, 74752-56, 74759-61, 74763-64, 74766, 74801-02, 74818, 74820-21, 74824-27, 74829 (part), 74830, 74831 (part), 74832, 74833 (part), 74834, 74835 (part), 74836-38, 74839 (part), 74840, 74842-44, 74848-50, 74851 (part), 74852, 74854-56, 74857 (part), 74859 (part), 74863-64, 74865 (part), 74866-69, 74871, 74872 (part), 74873, 74875, . 74878, 74881 (part), 74883 (part), 74884, 74901-02, 74930, 74932, 74935, 74937, 74939-40, 74941 (part), 74942, 74947, 74949, 74951, 74953, 74956-57, 74959, 74963, 74966 FOURTH DISTRICT DAVE McCURDY, Democrat, of Norman, OK; born in Canadian, TX, March 30, 1950; attended Yukon, OK, public schools; graduated, Yukon High School, 1968; B.A., 1972, J.D., 1975, University of Oklahoma; Rotary graduate fellow, University of Edin-burgh, Scotland, international economics, 1977-78; major, U.S. Air Force Reserve; lawyer; admitted to the Oklahoma State bar, 1975; commenced practice as an assistant attorney general, State of Oklahoma, 1975-77; member, firm of Luttrell, Pendarvis & Rawlinson, 1978-79; private practice, 1979-80; member: Rotary; Jaycees; Chamber of Commerce; Oklahoma Bar Association; University Lutheran Chapel; 1 of 10 Outstanding Young Men of America by United States Jaycees, 1984; cochairman, Congressional Sun-belt Caucus; vice chairman, Democratic Leadership Council; married to the former Pamela Mary Plumb, M.D., 1971; three children: Joshua David, Cydney Marie, and Shannon Rose; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. OKLAHOMA 103d Congress 243 Office Listings 2344 Rayburn House Office Building, Wa shington, DC 20515-3604 225-6165 Administrative Assistant.—Stephen K. Patterson. FAX: 225-9746 Appointment Secretary.—Amy Prich ard. Legislative Director.—Stephanie W. Reed. Office Manager.—Daniela Newville. P.O. Box 1265, 330 West Gray, No. 110, Norman, OK 73070 (405) 329-6500 District Administrative Assistant. —W. Vaughn Clark. 103 Federal Building, Lawton, OK 73501 (405) 357-2131 805 Main, Duncan, OK 73533 (405) 252-1434 Counties: Cleveland, Commanche, Cotton, Garvin, Grady, Jackson, Jefferson, McClain, Oklahoma (part), Stephens, and Tillman. Population (1990), 524,265. ZIP Codes: 73002, 73004, 73010-12, 73018-19, 73023, 73025-26, 73031, 73035, 73039, 73046, 73051-52, 73055, 73057, 73059 (part), 73065, 73067-72, 73074-76, 73079-80, 73082, 73089, 73091-93, 73095, 73098, 73110 (part), 73130 (part), 73135, 73139 (part), 73145, 73149 (part), 73150, 73159 (part), 73160 (part), 73165, 73169 (part), 73170, 73173, 73442, 73456, 73501-03, 73505-07, 73520-21, 73526-34, 73537-43, 73546, 73548-49, 73551-53, 73555-57, 73560-62, 73565, 73567-70, 73572-73, 74831, 74872 FIFTH DISTRICT ERNEST J. ISTOOK, JR., Republican, of Oklahoma City, OK; born in Fort Worth, TX, on February 11, 1950; graduated, Castleberry High School, Ft. Worth, 1967; B.A., Baylor University, 1971; J.D., Oklahoma City University, 1976; attorney; admitted to the Oklahoma bar, 1977; reporter, WKY, KOMA, 1972-77; city councilman, Warr Acres, 1982-86; library board chairman, Oklahoma City, 1985-86; director, Warr Acres Cham-ber of Commerce, 1986-92; elected to the Oklahoma State House of Representatives, 1986-92; married to the former Judy Bills, 1973; five children, Butch, 1974, Chad, 1976, Amy, 1978, Diana, 1979, and Emily, 1981; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress. Office Listings 1116 Suite Fifth Suite Longworth House Office Building, Administrative Assistant/Legislative Office Manager/Scheduler.—Sue CoPress Secretary.—Steve Jones. 505, 5400 North Grand Boulevard, and Grand, Ponca City, OK 74601 205, First Court Place, Bartlesville, Washington, DC Director.—Brian rnick. Oklahoma City, OK 74003 20515-3605 Lopina. OK 73112 FAX: (405) (405) (918) 225-2132 226-1463 942-3636 762-6778 336-5546 Counties: Canadian (part); Kay; Logan; Noble; Oklahoma (part); Osage (part); Washington. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Bartlesville, Bethany, Edmond, Cashion, Choctaw, Collinsville, Crescent, Glencoe, Edmond, El Reno, Guthrie, Harrah, Jones, Luther, Marshall, Meridian, Mustang, Norman, Orlando, Stillwater, Perry, Piedmont, Talala, Yale, Yukon, Oklahoma City, Ponca City, Billings, Blackwell, Cordell, Fairfax, Kaw City, Nardin, Newkirk, Raiston, Red Rock, Shidler, Tonkawa, Enid, Newalla, Wellston. Population (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 73007-08, 73013, 73020 (part), 73027, 73028, 73034 (part), 73044, 73045 (part), 73049 (part), 73050, 73054, 73056, 73058, 73061, 73063, 73064 (part), 73073 (part), 73077, 73078 (part), 73083, 73084 (part), 73085, 73099 (part), 73103, 73106-08, 73109 (part), 73111, 73112, 73114, 73116 (part), 73118, 73119 (part), 73120, 73121, 73122 (part), 73123, 73127-28, 73131, 73132, 73134, 73137, 73142, 73146-48, 73151, 73156-57, 73162, 73177-79, 73184, 73757, 74003-06, 74009, 74022, 74029, 74051, 74056, 74061, 74070, 74601-04, 74630-33, 74641, 74644, 74646-47, 74651-53, 74857 (part) SIXTH DISTRICT GLENN ENGLISH, Democrat, of Cordell, OK; born in Cordell, November 30, 1940; graduated, Cordell High School, 1959; graduated, Southwestern State College, 1964, Weatherford, OK; served in U.S. Army Reserves, 1965-71, staff sergeant; business: oil and gas leasing, petroleum landman; exiensive experience in government; executive direc- 244 Congressional Directory OKLAHOMA tor, Oklahoma State Democratic Party; married to the former Jan Pangle, 1970; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2206 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3606................... 225-5565 Appointment Secretary.—Lee Elliott. FAX: 225-8698 Press Secretary.—Greg Tucker. Special Assistant.—Scott B. Ingham. 109 Old Post Office Building, 215 Dean A. McGee Avenue, Oklahoma City, J SEE Le a EP TS a UE (405) 231-5511 Administrative Assistant.—Gary Dage. Federal Building, P.O. Box 3612, Enid,;OK 73701 ...............ccicnmitenenniisrenstsrensenss (405) 233-9224 P.O. Box 1927, 1007 Main Street, Woodward, OK 73802 .... (405) 256-5752 Counties: Alfalfa, Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian (part), Cimarron, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Garfield, Grant, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Major, Oklahoma (part), Roger Mills, Texas, Washita, Woods, and Woodward. Population (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 73001, 73005, 73006 (part), 73009, 73014-15, 73016 (part), 73017 (part), 73021-22, 73024, 73028 (part), 73029, 73033, 73036, 73038, 73040-43, 73047-48, 73053, 73056 (part), 73059 (part), 73062, 73064, 73073 (part), 73078 (part), 73079 (part), 73085, 73090, 73092 (part), 73094, 73096, 73099, 73101-02, 73103 (part), 73104-06, 73109 (part), 73111 (part), 73115, 73117 (part), 73119 (part), 73121, 73124-26, 73129 (part), 73132 (part), 73133, 73135-36, 73139 (part), 73143-44, 73146, 73149 (part), 73152, 73154-55, 73159, 73160 (part), 73169, 73176, 73179 (part), 73190, 73541 (part), 73544, 73547, 73550, 73552 (part), 73554 (part), 73559 (part), 73564, 73566 (part), 73571, 73601, 73620, 73622, 73624-28, 73632, 73638-39, 73641-42, 73644-48, 73650-51, 73654-56, 73658-64, 73666-69, 73673, 73701-03, 73706, 73716-20, 73722-31, 73733-39, 73741-44, 7374647, 73749-50, 73753-56, 73757 (part), 73758-64, 73766, 73768, 73770-73, 73801-03, 73832, 73834-35, 73838, 73840-44, 73847-49, 73851-53, 73855, 73857-60, 73901, 73931-33, 73935, 73937-39, 73942, 73944-46, 73947 (part), 73948-51, 74630 (part), 74636, 74640, 74643, 74646 (part) OREGON 103d Congress OREGON (Population, 1990 census, 2,853,733) SENATORS MARK O. HATFIELD, Republican, of Portland, OR; born July 12, 1922, Dallas, OR; Willamette University (OR), B.A., 1943; Stanford University (CA), A.M., 1948; military service: U.S. Navy, lieutenant (jg.); commanded landing craft at Iwo Jima and Okinawa; duty during occupation of Japan and China Civil War; profession: education—associate professor, political science, 1949-56; dean of students, 1950-56, Willamette University (OR), numerous honorary degrees; political: State representative, Marion County, 1950-54; State senator, 1954-56; Secretary of State, 1956-58; Governor, 1958-66; delegate, Na-tional Republican Conventions, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, and 1976; Temporary Chair-man and Keynote Speaker, 1964 Republican National Convention; author: “Not Quite So Simple” (1967), “Conflict and Conscience” (1971), “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” (1976); coauthor: “Amnesty: The Unsettled Question of Vietnam” (1973), “The Causes of World Hunger” (1982), “Freeze! How You Can Help Prevent Nuclear War” (1982), “What About the Russians” (1984); ranking minority member, Senate Appropriations Committee; member: Senate Rules and Administration Committee, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Joint Committee on Printing, Joint Committee on the Li-brary, FDR Memorial Commission, Kennedy Center Board of Trustees, U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission; married Antoinette Kuzmanich; four children: Elizabeth, Mark O., Jr., Theresa, and Charles Vincent (Visko); elected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 1966; reelected 1972, 1978, 1984, and 1990. Office Listings 711 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3701 224-3753 Administrative Assistant.—Steve Nousen. Legislative Director.—Sue Hildick. Personal/Appointment Secretary.—Brenda Hart. Press Secretary.—Bill Calder. One World Trade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 1420, Portland, OR 97204... (503) 326-3386 Special District Center, 727 Center SE., Suite 305, Salem, OR 97301 (503) 588-9510 BOB PACKWOOD, Republican, of Portland, OR; born in Portland, September 11, 1932; greatgrandson of William H. Packwood, Oregon pioneer and member of the Oregon Constitutional Convention held in 1857; graduated from Portland public schools; B.A., Willamette University, Salem, OR, 1954; president, Beta Theta Pi, social fraternity; LL.B., New York University School of Law, 1957; Root-Tilden Scholar and student body president; law clerk to former Oregon Supreme Court Justice Harold J. Warner, 1957-58; married Georgie Oberteuffer, November 25, 1964; a son, Bill, born January 14, 1967; a daughter, Shyla, born December 1, 1970; elected to the State of Oregon Legisla-ture, 1962; reelected in 1964 and 1966; elected to the U.S. Senate in 1968; reelected in 1974, 1980, 1986, and 1992; Senate committees: ranking Republican and former chairman, of the Senate Finance Committee; member, and former chairman, of the Senate Com-merce, Science, and Transportation Committee; ranking Republican on the Communica-tions Subcommittee; member: Foreign Commerce and Tourism Subcommittee; Surface Transportation Subcommittee and the National Ocean Policy Study. 246 Congressional Directory OREGON Office Listings 259 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3702........................ 224-5244 Communications Director.—Julia Brim-Edwards. Office Manager.—Jackie Wilcox. Suite 240, 101 SW. Main, Portland, Oregon 97204 .............ccccoeueurreererereereeeresnenns (503) 221-3370 Chief of Staff.—Elaine Franklin. Director.—Karen Belding. REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT ELIZABETH FURSE, Democrat, of Hillsboro, OR; born on October, 13, 1936 in Nairobi, Kenya; B.A. Evergreen State College, Washington, 1974; attended, Northwest-ern School of Law, Portland, OR, 1978-79; community activist; co-owner, Helvetia Vine-yards, Hillsboro, OR; founder, Oregon Peace Institute retail store; community organizer, self-sufficiency projects for low-income women, Watts, LA, 1964-66; director, American Friends Service Committee, Western Washington Indian Program, 1975-77; manager, Oregon Nuclear Weapons Freeze Ballot Manager, 1982; director, Restoration Program for Native American Tribes, Oregon Legal Services, 1980-86; director, Oregon Peace In-stitute, 1986-91; member and founder, National Coalition to Support Indian Treaties; member: Rotary International, Downtown Portland, District 510 Preserve Planet Earth Committee, Orgonians Against Gun Violence; writer and narrator, The Klamath Tribe: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, video production; co-producer, Our Hearts Beat As One, the story of Oregon’s Trail of Tears, multi-media; Matrix “Woman of Achievement” Annual Award, 1975; Durfee Award, an international award for the effective use of the legislative process to benefit a community, 1986; American Leadership Forum Fellow, 1991; married to John Platt, 1980; two children: Amanda, 1958, John, 1960; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 316 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3701...................... 225-0855 Administrative Assistant.—Jennie Kugel. FAX: 225-9497 Legislative Director.—Marina Chang. Office Manager.—Gwen Robbins. Press Secretary.—Mary Fetsch. 860 Montgomery Park, 2701 NW Vaughn Street, Portland, OR 97210.............. (503) 326-2901 Counties: Clackamas (part), Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah (part), Washington, and Yamhill. Population (1990), 524,264. ZIP Codes: 97005-07, 97016, 97018, 97034 (part), 97035 (part), 97048, 97051, 97053-54, 97056, 97062 (part), 97064, 97075-77, 97101-03, 97106-19, 97121-25, 97127-28, 97130-31, 97132 (part), 97133-36, 97138, 97140 (part), 97141, 97143-49, 97200-01, 97203 (part), 97204-05, 97207-10, 97219 (part), 97221, 97223-25, 97228-29, 97231, 97240, 97258, 97304 (part), 97338 (part), 97341, 97343-44, 97361 (part), 97364-69, 97371 (part), 97372, 97376, 97378, 97380, 97388, 97390 (part), 97391, 97394, 97498 (part) SECOND DISTRICT ROBERT F. (BOB) SMITH, Republican, of Burns, OR; born in Portland, OR on June 16, 1931; attended Burns Elementary School; graduated, Burns High School, 1949; B.A., Willamette University, Salem, OR, 1953; rancher-owner; elected to the Oregon Legisla-ture, 1960-72; house majority leader and speaker pro tem, 1964-66; speaker of the house, 1968-72; elected to Oregon State Senate, 1972-82; Senate Republican leader, 1978-82; ap-pointed Oregon’s representative on President’s Public Land Law Review Commission, 1965-69; chairman of Oregon’s Legislature’s Public Lands Interim Committee, 1965-69; chairman of House Committee on State and Federal Affairs, 1965-69; member: Harney County Chamber of Commerce, Willamette University board of trustees, Masons, Elks; married to the former Kaye Tomlinson, 1966; three children: Christopher, Matthew, and Tiffany; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 103d Congress Office Listings 108 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3702 225-6730 Administrative Assistant.—Paul R. Unger. FAX: 225-3129 Personal Secretary/Office Manager.—Roberta J. Clark. Press Secretary.—David S. Redmond. Legislative Director.—Andy Moore. Suite E, 259 Barnett Road, Medford, OR 97504 (503) 776-4646 771 Ponderosa Village, Burns, OR 97720 (503) 573-6112 Counties: Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine (part), Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler. Population (1990), 568,464. ZIP Codes: 97001, 97014 (part), 97021, 97029, 97031, 97033, 97037, 97039-41, 97044, 97050, 97057-58, 97063, 97065, 97425, 97501-04, 97520, 97522-24, 97525 (part), 97526 (part), 97527, 97530-31, 97532 (part), 97533-34, 97535 (part), 97536-40, 97541 (part), 97543-44, 97601-04, 97620-27, 97630, 97632-41, 97701-02, 97707-08, 97710-12, 97720-22, 97730-41, 97750-54, 97756, 97758-61, 97801, 97810, 97812-14, 97817-21, 97823-28, 97830-31, 97833-46, 97848, 97850, 97856-57, 97859, 97861-62, 97864-65, 97867-70, 97872-77, 97880, 97882-86, 97901-09, 97910 (part), 97911, 97913-14, 97917-20 THIRD DISTRICT RON WYDEN, Democrat, of Portland, OR; born in Wichita, KS, May 3, 1949; attend-ed Garland Public School, Palo Alto, CA; graduated, Palo Alto High School, 1967; A.B, political science, with distinction, Stanford University, 1971; J.D., University of Oregon School of Law, 1974; lawyer; Iowa and American Bar Associations; director, Oregon Legal Services for the Elderly; public member, Oregon State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators; cofounder and codirector, Oregon Gray Panthers, 1974-80; married to the former Laurie Oseran, 1978; two children: Adam David and Lilly Anne; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1111 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3703 225-4811 Administrative Assistant. —Wendy Horwitz. Legislative Director/Counsel.—Josh Kardon. Executive Assistant.—Bruce Ehrle. Suite 250, 500 NE. Multnomah, Portland, OR 97232 (503) 231-2300 District Administrative Assistant.—Lou Savage. Counties: CLACKAMAS COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Boring (part), Brightwood, Clackamas (part), Govern-ment Camp, Gresham (part), Milwankie (part), Sandy, Welches. MULTNOMAH COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bridal Veil, Corbett, Fairview, Gresham (part), Rhododendron, Troutdale. Population (1990), 619,439. ZIP Codes: 97009 (part), 97010-11, 97015 (part), 97019, 97024, 97028, 97030, 97049, 97055, 97060, 97067, 97080, 97202 03, 97206, 97210 (part), 97211-20, 97222, 97227, 97229 (part), 97230-33, 97236, 97242, 97266, 97267 (part) FOURTH DISTRICT PETER A. DEFAZIO, Democrat, of Springfield, OR; born in Needham, MA, May 27, 1947; B.A., Tufts University, 1969; M.S., University of Oregon, 1977; aide to Representa-tive Jim Weaver, 1977-82; Lane County Commissioner, 1983-86; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 248 Congressional Directory OREGON Office Listings 1233 Suite Suite P.O. Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3704 Administrative Assistant.—Penny Dodge. Legislative Director.—Jeff Stier. 287, 211 East 7th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 District Coordinator.—Betsy Boyd. 212, 215 South Second Street, Coos Bay, OR 97420 Box 2460, Roseberg, OR 97470 (503) (800) (503) (503) 225-6416 465-6732 944-9603 269-2609 440-3523 Counties: Benton (part), Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine (part), Lane, Linn. Population (1990), 568,465. ZIP Codes: 97321, 97324, 97326-27, 97329, 97330 (part), 97333, 97335-36, 97339, 97345 (part), 97348, 97350 (part), 97355, 97358 (part), 97360, 97370, 97374 (part), 97377 (part), 97386, 97389, 97390 (part), 97401-07, 97409-17, 97419-20, 97423-24, 97426-32, 97434-44, 97446-70, 97472-73, 97476-82, 97484, 97486-96, 97499, 97526 (part), 97532 FIFTH DISTRICT MIKE KOPETSKI, Democrat, of Salem, OR; born in Pendleton, OR, October 27, 1949; graduated, Pendleton High School, 1967; B.A., The American University, Washing-ton, DC, 1971; J.D., Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark College, 1978; congressional aide to Senate Watergate Committee, 1973-74; committee administrator, Oregon State Legislature, 1977-79, 1981; labor, management, and education consultant, 1981-84; community organizer for Oregon Law Education Project, 1986; vice president, Currier-McCormick Communications, 1989-90; page at the Democratic National Conven-tion. 1968; delegate to Democratic National Convention, 1976, 1992; State representative, Oregon State Legislature (representing portions of Marion and Polk Counties), 1984-88; one son: Matthew; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress; member: Committee on Ways and Means, 1993; vice president, Congres-sional Freshman Class, 1991, president, 1992. Office Listings 218 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3705 225-5711 Administrative Assistant.—Phil Rotondi. FAX: 225-9477 Press Secretary.—Rod Porsche. Executive Assistant.—Penny Gross. Suite 340, 530 Center Street NE., Salem, OR 97301 (503) 588-9100 District Director.—Lisa Howard. Counties: Benton (part); Clackamas (part); Lincoln; Marion; Polk; Tillamook. Population (1990), 568,466. ZIP Codes: 97002, 97004, 97009 (part), 97013, 97015, 97017, 97020, 97022-23, 97026 (part), 97027 (part), 97032, 97034 (part), 97035-36, 97038, 97042, 97045, 97055, 97062 (part), 97068 (part), 9707071, 97107-08, 97112, 97118, 97122, 97130-31, 97134-37, 97141, 97143, 97147, 97149, 97222, 97267 (part), 97268 (part), 97301-03, 97304 (part), 97305- 06, 97308-09, 97321 (part), 97325 (part), 97326, 97330-31, 97333, 97338 (part), 97341-47, 97350 (part), 97351 (part), 97352, 97357, 97359-60, 97361 (part), 97362, 97364-73, 97375-76, 97378, 97380-81, 97383-85, 97390-94, 97498 PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress PENNSYLVANIA (Population, 1990 census, 11,924,710) SENATORS ARLEN SPECTER, Republican, of Philadelphia, PA; born in Wichita, KS, February 12, 1930; attended College Hill elementary school, Wichita; graduated, Russell High School, Russell, KS, 1947; University of Pennsylvania, 1951, B.A., international relations, Phi Beta Kappa; Yale Law School, LL.B., 1956; board of editors, Law Journal; served in U.S. Air Force, 1951-53, attaining rank of first lieutenant; member, law firm of Dechert, Price & Rhoads before and after serving two terms as district attorney of Philadelphia, 1966-74; married the former Joan Levy, who was elected to the city council of Philadel-phia in 1979; two sons: Shanin and Stephen; served as assistant counsel to the Warren Commission, 1964; served on Pennsylvania's State Planning Board, The White House Conference on Youth, The National Commission on Criminal Justice, and the Peace Corps National Advisory Council; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980, for the 6-year term beginning January 5, 1981; member: Committee on Appropriations, Subcom-mittee on Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies, Subcommittee on De-fense, Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, ranking member, Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies; Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Competitiveness, Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development, Subcommittee on Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights, Subcommit-tee on Technology and the Law, ranking member; Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; Spe-cial Committee on Aging. Office Listings 530 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3802 224-4254 Administrative Assistant.—Barry Caldwell. FAX: 224-1893 Legislative Director.—Doug Loon. Office Manager.—Pamela Weddle. Press Secretary.—Dan McKenna. Suite 9400, 600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 597-7200 Federal Building, Suite 2017, Liberty Avenue/Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. (412) 644-3400 Federal Building, Room 118, 6th and State Streets, Erie, PA 16501 (814) 453-3010 Federal Building, Room 1159, 228 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 782-3951 Post Office Building, Room 201, 5th and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, PA (215) 434-1444 Park Plaza, Suite 503, 225 North Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503 (717) 346-2006 South Main Towers, Room 306, 116 South Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA . (717) 826-6265 HARRIS WOFFORD, Democrat, of Bryn Mawr, Montgomery County, PA; born April 9, 1926 in New York City; B.A., University of Chicago, 1948; LL.B., Yale Univer-sity, 1954; J.D., Howard University, 1954; admitted to the District of Columbia bar, 1954; practiced law, 1954-58; legal assistant, Civil Rights Commission, 1958-59; law professor, Notre Dame University, 1959-60; special assistant to Senator and later President Kenne-dy, 1960-62; Peace Corps, 1962-66; president, College of Old Westbury, 1966-70; presi-dent, Bryn Mawr College, 1970-78; practiced law, 1976-86; chairman, Pennsylvania State Democratic Party, 1986; Pennsylvania secretary of labor and industry, 1987-91; appointed by the Governor, May 8, 1991 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Heinz; member, Labor and Human Resources, Environment and Public Works, Foreign Rela-tions, and Small Business Committees. 250 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Office Listings 283 Russell Office Building, 20510-3803 224-6324 Administrative Assistant.—Steve Schutt. Executive Assistant.—Russell Redding. Legislative Director.—John Gomperts. Communications Director.—David Stone. W.J. Green Federal Building, Room 9456, 600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 597-9914 1306 Liberty Center, 1001 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 562-0533 Box 55, Federal Square Station, Harrisburg, PA 17108 (717) 233-5849 116 North Washington Avenue, Suite 3K, Kane Bu ilding, Scranton, PA 18503 (717) 347-2341 Federal Building, Room 107, 617 State Street, Erie, PA 16501 (814) 454-7114 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT THOMAS M. FOGLIETTA, Democrat, of Philadelphia, PA; born in Philadelphia, December 3, 1928; graduated, South Catholic High School, 1945; B.A., St. Joseph’s Col-lege, 1949; J.D., Temple University School of Law, 1952; lawyer; member: Supreme Court of the United States; Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; Courts of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County; Municipal Court of Philadelphia; youngest city councilman in Phila-delphia’s history, 1955; minority leader of Philadelphia’s City Council; regional director, U.S. Department of Labor, 1976; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; re-elected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 341 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3801 225-4731 Administrative Assistant/Counsel.—Anthony Green. FAX: 225-0088 Executive Assistant.—Keith M. Harrington. Legislative Director.—Keith G. Morrison. William J. Green Building, Room 10402, 600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 : (215) 925-6840 1806 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148 (215) 463-8702 4835 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141 (215) 324-9410 Counties: Delaware (part); Philadelphia (part). Cities and townships: Chester City (part), Eddystone Borough, Colwyn Borough, Tinicum Township, Darby Township (part), Folcroft Borough, Darby Township (part), Glenolden Borough, Darby Township (part). Population (1990), 565,842. ZIP Codes: 19013 (part), 19015 (part), 19023 (part), 19029, 19032, 19036 (part), 19074 (part), 19079 (part), 19102 (part), 19106 (part), 19107 (part), 19108, 19112-13, 19120 (part), 19121 (part), 19222 (part), 19123 (part), 19124 (part), 19125 (part), 19126 (part), 19129 (part), 19130 (part), 19132 (part), 19133 (part), 19134 (part), 19138 (part), 19140 (part), 19141, 19142 (part), 19143 (part), 19144 (part), 19145 (part), 19146 (part), 19147 (part), 19148, 19150 (part), 19153, 19160 SECOND DISTRICT LUCIEN E. BLACKWELL, Democrat, of Philadelphia, PA; born August 1, 1931; at-tended Philadelphia public schools; service in U.S. Army in Korea, earning unit commen-dation medal with two bronze stars; won welterweight boxing title, 25th Infantry Divi-sion; labor union member, foreman, trustee, vice president, business agent, and president of Local 1332, International Longshoreman’s Association, AFL-CIO; elected to the Penn-sylvania House of Representatives, 1973-75; elected to the Philadelphia City Council, 1975-91; former member, Delaware River Port Authority Commission; former director, Port Corporation; former chairman, Philadelphia Gas Commission; former member, Gov-ernor’s Infrastructure Task Force; married to Jannie L. Blackwell, who is a Philadelphia City Councilwoman; elected on November 5, 1991 to fill the vacancy caused by the res-ignation of William H. Gray III; reelected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress Office Listings 410 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3802 Chief of Staff.—Corliss Clemonts-James. Legislative Director/Senior Counsel. —Johnny Barnes. 3901 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104... ... (215) 387-2543 District Office Director.—Maurice Floyd. Counties: Delaware (part), Philadelphia (part). Population (1990), 565,650. ZIP Codes: 19101 (part), 19102 (part), 19103 (part), 19104 (part), 19119 (part), 19121, 19126 (part), 19129, 19130 (part), 19131-32, 19138-39, 19140 (part), 19141 (part), 19143 (part), 19144, 19146 (part), 19150, 19151 (part) THIRD DISTRICT ROBERT A. BORSKI, Democrat, of Philadelphia, PA; born in Philadelphia on Octo-ber 20, 1948; graduated, Frankford High School, Philadelphia, 1966; B.A., University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, 1971; former stockbroker; member, Philadelphia Stock Ex-change; elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1976, 1978, and 1980; four children: Jill, Dorothy, Jennifer and Robert; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2161 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3803 225-8251 Administrative Assistant.—Alan Slomdwitz. FAX: 225-4628 Scheduler.—Danielle Pettine. 7141 Frankford Avenue, Philadephia, PA 19135 (215) 335-3355 District Director.—John F. Dempsey. Counties: Philadelphia (part). Population (1990), 565,860. ZIP Codes: 19106 (part), 19107 (part), 19111, 19114-16, 19120 (part), 19122 (part), 19123 (part), 19124, 19125 (part), 19126 (part), 19133 (part), 19134 (part), 19135-37, 19147 (part), 19149, 19152, 19154 FOURTH DISTRICT RON KLINK, Democrat, of Jeannette, PA; born September 23, 1951, in Canton, OH; graduated Meyersdale High School, 1969; reporter and anchorman, KDKA-TV, Pitts-burgh, PA; awards: Associated Press, Golden Quill; member: Youngwood (PA) Volun-teer Fire Department; board member, Forbes Road Vocational technical School, Monroe-ville, PA; partner, Dagwood’s Restaurant; married the former Linda Hogan, August 27, 1977; two children, Matthew and Juliana; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress. 252 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Office Listings 1130 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3804 225-2565 Administrative Assistant.— Brent Ayer. FAX: 226-2274 Executive Assistant.—Mary K. Flanagan. Legislative Director.— Peter Madaus. North Huntingdon Towaship: 11279 Center Highway, North Huntingdon, PA 15642 (800) 453-5078; (412) 864-8681 Suite 305, Beaver Trust Building, 250 Insurance Street, Beaver, PA 15009-+ 2761 (412) 728-3005 Cranberry Township Municipal Building, 2700 D Rochester Road, Mars, PA 16046 (412) 772-6080 The Castleton, 134 North Mercer Street, New Castle, PA 16101-3715 (412) 654-9036 2692 Leechburg Road, Lower Burrell, PA 15068-0343 (412) 335-4518 Counties: Allegheny (part), Beaver, Butler (part), Lawrence, Westmoreland (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adams, Aliquippa, Allegheny, Ambridge, Arnold Baden, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bessemer, Big Beaver, Brackenridge, Bradford Woods, Bridgewater, Brighton, Buffalo, Center, Cheswick, Chippewa, Clinton, Conway, Cranberry, Darlington, Daugherty, Delmont, East Deer, East Rochester, East Vandergrift, Eastvale, Economy, Ellport, Ellwood City, Enon Valley Export, Fallstown, Fawn, Frankfort Spring, Franklin, Frazer, Freedom, Georgetown Glasgow, Greene, Hanover, Harmony, Harrison, Hickory, Homewood, Hookstown, Hopewell, Hyde Park, Inde-pendence, Industry, Irwin, Jackson, Jeannette, Koppel, Little Beaver, Lower Burrell, Mahoning, Manor, Marion, Mars, Marshall Middlesex, Midland, Monaca, Murrysville, Neshannock, New Beaver, New Brighton, New Castle, New Galilee, New Kensington, New Sewickley, New Wilmington, North Beaver, North Huntingdon, North Irwin North Sewickley, Ohioville, Patterson, Patterson Heights, Penn, Perry, Pine, Plain Grove, Plum, Potter, Pulaski, Raccoon, Richland, Rochester, S.N.P.J., Salem, Saxonburg, Scott, Seven Fields, Shenango, Shippingport, Slippery Rock, South Beaver, South Heights, South New Castle, Taylor, Tarentum, Trafford, Union, Upper Burrell, Valencia, Vandergrift, Vanport Volant, Wampum, Washington, Wayne, West Deer, West Mayfield, White, Wil-mington, Zelienople. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 15001, 15003, 15005, 15009-10, 15014-15, 15024, 15026-27, 15030, 15042-44, 15050, 15052, 15059, 15061, 15065-66, 15068, 15074, 15076-77, 15081, 15084-86, 15090, 15239, 15340, 15343, 15601, 15613, 15623, 15626, 15629, 15636, 15641-42, 15644, 15656, 15665, 15668, 15675, 15690, 16001, 16037, 16046, 16055-56, 16059, 16063, 16101-02, 16105, 16112, 16115, 16117, 16120, 16123, 16132, 16136, 16141-43, 16156-57, 16160, 16650 FIFTH DISTRICT WILLIAM F. CLINGER, JR., Republican, of Warren, PA; born in Warren, PA, April 4, 1929, son of William F., Sr. and Lella May Clinger; attended the public schools of Warren; graduated from The Hill School, Pottstown, PA, 1947; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1951; LL.B., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1965; served in the U.S. Navy with rank of lieutenant, 1951-55; admitted to the Pennsyl-vania bar, 1965; commenced practice in Warren, PA; lawyer; Chief Counsel, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, May 1975 to March 1977; delegate, Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention, 1967; assistant to Republican county chairman, 1958-62; State committeeman, Pennsylvania Republican Committee, 1968-75; delegate, Republican National Convention, 1972; vice chairman, Warren County Republi-can Party, 1977-78; delegate, GOP National Convention, 1972, 1988; member: Jaycees, First Presbyterian Church, Warren Library Association; boards of directors of: Warren County Historical Society, Northwest Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation, Warren Gener-al Hospital; chairman, Kinzua Dam dedication committee; member: American, Pennsylva-nia, and Warren County Bar Associations; admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and District Court for the Western District of Penn-sylvania; married to the former Julia Whitla of Sharon, PA, 1952; four children: Elea-nore, William F., III, James, and Julia; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2160 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3805 225-5121 Administrative Assistant.—James L. Clarke. FAX: 225-4681 Executive Secretary.—Nancy Scott. Suite 116, 315 South Allen ey State College, PA 16801 (814) 238-1776 Office Manager.—Rebecca M. Mills. Integra Bank Building, Room 605, Warren, PA 16365 (814) 726-3910 District Administrator.—Richard James Pel z. PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress 253 Counties: ARMSTRONG COUNTY part; Widnoon. CAMERON COUNTY; cities and townships of Driftwood, Emporium, Sinnamahoning. CENTRE COUNTY; cities and townships of Aaronsburg, Bellefonte, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Centre Hall, Coburn, Fleming, Howard, Hublersburg, Julian, Lemont, Madisonburg, Milesburg, Millheim, Mingoville, Moshannon, Penn Furnace, Pine Grove Mills, Rebersburg, Spring Mills, State College, University Park, Warriors Marx, Woodward, Wingate. CLARION COUNTY; cities and townships of Callensburg, Clarion, Crown, Curllsville, East Brady, Fairmont City, Fisher, Foxburg, Fryburg, Hawthorne, Huey, Knox, Kossuth, Lamartine, Leeper, Lickingville, Limestone, Lucinda, Marble, Mayport, Rimersburg, Saint Petersburg, Shippenville, Sligo, Snyders-burg, Strattanville, Turkey City, Tylersburg, Vowinckel. CLINTON COUNTY; cities and townships of Avis, Beech Creek, Castanea, Lamar, Lock Haven, Loganton, Mackeyville, McElhatten, Northbend, Renovo, Salona, Tylers-ville, Westport, Woolrich, Farrandsville, Hyner. CRAWFORD COUNTY; cities and townships of Centerville, Coch-ranton, Hydetown, Riceville, Spartansburg, Titusville, Townville. ELK COUNTY; cities and townships of Benezette, Brandy Camp, Brockport, Byrnedale, Dagus Mines, DeYoung, Force, James City, Johnsonburg, Kersey, Portland Mills, Ridgeway, St. Marys, Weedville, Wilcox. FOREST COUNTY; cities and townships of Clarington, Cooksburg, East Hickory, Endeavor, Marienville, Tionesta, West Hickory. JEFFERSON COUNTY; cities and townships of Anita, Big Run, Brockway, Brookville, Coolspring, Corsica, DeLancey, Falls Creek, Hamilton, Hazen, Knox Dale, Oliveburg, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Ringgold, Sigel, Sprankle Mills, Stump Creek, Summerville, Sykesville, Timblin, Valier, Westville, Walston, Worthville. LYCOMING COUNTY; cities and townships of Antes Fort, Cammel, Cedar Run, Jersey Mills, Jersey Shore, Lindon, Nisbet, Slate Run, Waterville. MCKEAN COUNTY; cities and townships of Bradford, Crosby, Custer City, Cyclone, Derrick City, Duke Center, East Smethport, Eldred, Gifford, Hazel Hurst, Kane, Lewis Run, Ludlow, Mount Jewett, Port Allegaiy, Rew, Rixford, Smethport, Turtlepoint. POTTER COUNTY; cities and townships of Austin, Coudersport, Cross Fork, Galeton, Gennessee, Harrison Valley, North Bingham, Roulette, Shinglehouse, Ulysses. TIoGA COUNTY; cities and townships of Arnot, Blossburg, Covington, Cowanesque, Elkland, Gaines, Knoxville, Lawrenceville, Liberty, Little Marsh, Mainesburg, Mansfield, Middlebury Center, Millerton, Morris, Morris Run, Nelson, Osceola, Roaring Branch, Sabinsville, Tioga, Troy, Wellsboro, Westfield. UNION COUNTY; cities and townships of Allenwood, Hartleton, Laurelton, Lewisburg, Mifflinburg, Milton, Millmont, New Berlin, New Columbia, Vicksburg, Weikert, West Milton, Win-field, White Deer. VENANGO COUNTY; cities and townships of Clintonville, Cooperstown, Cranberry, Emlenton, Franklin, Kennerdell, Oil City, Pleasantville, Polk, Reno, Rouseville, Seneca, Utica, Venus. WARREN COUNTY; cities and townships of Bear Lake, Chandlers Valley, Clarendon, Columbus, Garland, Grand Valley, Irvine, Pittsfield, Russell, Sheffield, Spartansburg, Spring Creek, Sugargrove, Tidioute, Tiona, Warren, Youngsville. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 15711, 15715, 15730, 15733, 15740, 15744, 15763, 15764, 15767, 15770, 15772, 15776, 15778, 15780-81, 15784, 15801 (part), 15821-25, 15827-29, 15831-32, 15834, 15840-41, 15845-47, 15851, 15853, 15857, 15860-61, 15863-65, 15868, 15870, 16035-36, 16038, 16049, 16054, 16058, 16127 (part), 16153, 16213-14, 16216-17, 16220-25, 16230, 16232-35, 16239-40, 16242 (part), 16248, 16253-55, 16257-61, 6301, 16311-14, 16317, 16319, 16321-23, 16326-29, 16331-34, 16335 (part), 16340-47, 16350-54, 16360-62, 16364-65, 16370-75, 16402, 16404-05, 16407 (part), 16416, 16420, 16434, 16436, 16438 (part), 16701, 16720, 16724-35, 16738, 16740, 16743-46, 16748-51, 16801-05, 16820, 16822-23, 16826-28, 16832, 16841, 16848, 16851-54, 16856, 16864, 16865 (part), 16868, 16871-72, 16875, 16877 (part), 16882, 16901, 16911-12, 1691415, 16917-18, 16920-23, 16925, 16927-30, 16932-33, 16935-43, 16946-48, 16950, 17701 (part), 17721, 17724 (part), 17726, 17729, 17740, 17744 (part), 17745, 17747-48, 17750-51, 17760, 17764, 17765 (part), 17767, 17776, 17778-79, 17810, 17835, 17837, 17844-45, 17855-56, 17870, 17883, 17885-87, 17889 SIXTH DISTRICT TIM HOLDEN, Democrat, of St. Clair, PA; born in Pottsville, PA, on March 5, 1957; attended St. Mary’s Elementary School, St. Clair; attended St. Clair High School, St. Clair; attended Fork Union Military Academy; attended University of Richmond, Rich-mond, VA; B.A. Bloomsburg State College, 1980; Sheriff of Schuylkill County, PA, 1985-93; licensed insurance broker and real estate agent, John J. Holden Insurance Agency and Holden Realty Co., St. Clair; member, Pennsylvania Sheriff’s Association, Fraternal Order of Police, St. Clair Fish and Game Association, Benevolent and Protec-tive Order of the Elks Lodge 1533; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1421 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3806 225-5546 Administrative Assistant.—Tom Gajewski. FAX: 226-0996 Legislative Director.—Dale Morris. Communications Director.—Trish Reilly. Projects Director.— Bill Hanley. Berks County Services Center, 633 Court Street, Reading, PA 19601 (215) 371-9931 Room 303, Meridian Bank Building, 101 North Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (717) 622-4212 Market Square, Northumberland County Court House, Sunbury, PA 17801 (717) 988-1902 Counties: Berks, Schuylkill, Montgomery (Pottstown area), Northumberland (parts). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Andreas, Ashland, Auburn, Burton, Barnesville, Beaver Meadows, Bechtelsville, Bernville, Bethel, Birdsboro, Blandon, Bowers, Bowmansville, Boyertown, Branch Dale, Brockton, Centerport, Coaldale, Cressona, Cumbola, Deer Lake, Delano, Donaldson, Douglassville, Earlville, East Earl, Fleetwood, Frackville, Friedensburg, Geigertown, Gilber-ton, Girardville, Goodyville, Gordon, Hamburg, Hegins, Helfenstein, Hereford, Joliett, Junedale, Kaska, Kelayres, Kempton, Kenhorst, Klingerstown, Kutztown, Landingville, Lansford, Laureldale, Lavelle, Leesport, Lenharts-ville, Limekiln, Lincoln Park, Llewellyn, Locustdale, Lost Creek, Lyon Station, Mahanoy City, Mahanoy Plane, Mar Lin, Mary D, Maxatawny, McAdoo, Mertztown, Middleport, Minersville, Mohnton, Mohrsville, Monocacy 254 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Station, Morea, Morgantown, Mount Aetna, Mount Penn, Muir, Narvon, New Berlinville, New Holland, New Philadelphia, New Ringgold, Nuremberg, Oley, Oneida, Orwigsburg, Palo Alto, Pennside, Pine Forge, Pine Grove, Pitman, Port Carbon, Port Clinton, Poitsville, Ravine, Reading, Reamstown, Rehrersburg, Reinholds, Ringtown, Robesonia, Sacramento, Saint Clair, Shartlesville, Shenandoah, Sheppton, Shillington, Shoemakersville, Shuylkill Haven, Sinking Spring, Spring Glen, Stevens, Stony Run, Strausstown, Summit Hill, Summit Station, Tamaqua, Temple, Terre Hill, Topton, Tower City, Tremont, Tuscarora, Valley View, Virginville, Wernersville, West Lawn, West Reading, Womelsdorf, Wyomissing, Zion Grove; PosT OFFICES: Dalmatia, Danville, Dornsife, Herndon, Leck Kill, McEwensville, Milton, Montandon, Northumberland, Pitman, Pottstown, Riverside, Sunbury, Syndertown, Turbotville, Watsontown. Population (1990), 570,901. ZIP Codes: 17578,17868, 17877, 17967-68, 17970, 17972, 17978-83, 18248, 18250, 18252,19550-51, 19554-55, 19557, 19559-60, 19601-11, 17017, 17507, 17519, 17528, 17555, 17557, 17569, 17581, 17749, 17772, 17777, 17821, 17823, 17830, 17836, 17847, 17850, 17857, 17901, 17921-23, 17925, 17929-31, 17933-36, 17938-39, 17941-46, 17948-49, 17951-55, 17957, 17959-61, 17963-66, 17981, 17985, 18056, 18211, 18214, 18216, 18218, 18220, 18230-32, 18237, 18241-42, 18245, 19464, 19503-04, 19505-08, 19510-12, 19516, 19518, 19519, 19522-23, 19526, 19529-30, 19533, 19535-36, 19538-43, 19545, 19547-49, 19562, 19564, 19565, 19567, 19601-07, 19609-11 SEVENTH DISTRICT CURT WELDON, Republican, of Aston, PA; born in Marcus Hook, PA, on July 22, 1947; attended, Marcus Hook Grammar School, PA; graduated, Media High School, PA, 1965; B.A., West Chester State College, PA; 1969; graduate work, Cabrini College, Wayne, PA; Temple and St. Joseph’s Universites, Philadelphia, PA; administrator and teacher; mayor of Marcus Hook Borough, 1977-82; member, Delaware County Council, 1981-86; chairman, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission; member: Lower Delco Lions Club, United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, American Red Cross in Media, Marcus Hook Fire Company, Viscose Fire Company, Sacred Heart Medical Center, Neumann College, Delaware County Industrial Development Authority, Dela-ware County Community Action Agency, Delaware County Hero Scholarship Fund, Boy Scout Troop No. 418, Darby-Colwyn-William Penn School District Education Asso-ciation; awards: 1984 Man of the Year from Delaware County Irish-American Associa-tion; 1984 Man of the Year from the Chester Business and Professional Association; mar-ried to the former Mary Gallagher, 1972; five children: Karen, Kristen, Kimberly, Curt, and Andrew; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2452 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3807 ................... 225-2011 Administrative Assistant.— Doug Ritter. FAX: 225-8137 Executive Assistant.—Abby Page. Legislative Director.—Nancy Lifset. 1554 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082 .........c... cn iiinsirmssin (215) sunsssnispisn 259-0700 District Representative.— Dennis Lynch. 300° Sonth' Valley Road, Pack, PA=19301..........ci ionic eisraiomsesminesitsntennsansusersass (215) 640-9064 Counties: Chester (part), Delaware (part), Montgomery (part). Population (1990), 565,746. ZIP Codes: 19003 (part), 19008, 19010 (part), 19013 (part), 19014 (part), 19015 (part), 19018, 19022-23, 19026 (part), 19028-29, 19032-33, 19036-37, 19039, 19041 (part), 19043, 19050, 19063-65, 19070, 19073 (part), 19074, 19076, 19078-79, 19081-82, 19083 (part), 19087 (part), 19094, 19113, 19142 (part), 19143 (part), 19153, 19342 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT JAMES C. GREENWOOD, Republican, of Erwinna, PA; born on May 4, 195], in Philadelphia, PA; B.A. Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, 1973; legislative assistant, Penn-sylvania State Representative John S. Renninger, 1972-76; head house parent, The Woods Schools, 1974-76; campaign coordinator, Renninger for Congress Committee, 1976; caseworker, Bucks County Children and Youth Social Service Agency, 1977-80; -elected Pennsylvania State Representative, 1980-86; Pennsylvania State Senator, 1987-92; chairman, Joint State Government Commission Task Force on Services to Children and Youth; Chairman, Pennsylvania Legislative Children’s Caucus; member, Joint State Gov- PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress 255 ernment Commission Task Force on Commonwealth Efficiency Study; vice-chairman, Assembly on the Legislature of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL); Board of Directors: Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, Pennsylvania Energy De-velopment Authority, Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency; member: Chil-dren, Families, and Social Services Committee of NCSL, Committee on Federal Budget and Taxation of the State/Federal Assembly of the NCSL, Governor’s Commission for Children and Families, Children’s Trust Fund Board, Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, Committee on the Environment of the Eastern Regional Conference of the Council of State Governments, Permanency Planning Task Force, Advisory Board to About Face U.S.A.; Board of Directors: Bucks County Council on Alcoholism, Parents Anonymous, Today Inc., The Woods Schools; honorary member, board of directors: Bucks County Association for Retarded Citizens, Big Broth-ers/Big Sisters of Bucks County, Inc.; member: Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, Keystone State Head Injury Foundation Advisory Committee, Head Trauma Family Net-work Advisory Committee, League of Women Voters, Sierra Club; former member, Board of Directors, The Exchange Club Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse of Bucks County, Inc.; State Public Affairs Committee of the Junior League of Pennsylva-nia, Advocacy Award, 1991; National Association of Social Workers, Philadelphia and Brandywine Division, Public Citizen of the Year, 1990; Pennsylvania Chapter of the Na-tional Federation of Independent Businesses, Guardian of Small Business Award, 1989 and 1991; Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Citizens, Outstanding Legislator, 1989; Progressive Education for Rubella Children Award, 1987; Pennsylvania Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Distinguished Service Award, 1987; National Head Injury Foun-dation, Award of Appreciation, 1986; Humane Society of the United States, Award, 1983; Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs, Inc., Outstanding Legislative Work, 1983; member: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; married to the former Christina Paugh; four children: Robert, Andrew, Laura, Kathryn; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. . Office Listings 515 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3808 225-4276 Administrative Assistant.—Judy Borger. FAX: 225-9511 Scheduler.—Mary Cavanagh. Legislative Director.—Susan Cobb. 69 East Oakland Avenue, Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-7511 District Director.—Linda Franklin. Suite 800, One Oxford Valley, Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 752-7711 Counties: Bucks, Montgomery (part). Population (1990), 565,787. ZIP Codes: 18036 (part), 18039, 18041 (part), 18054 (part), 18055 (part), 18073 (part), 18077, 18081, 18901, 18910-13, 18914, 18915 (part), 18916-17, 18920-23, 18925-31 18932 (part), 18933-35, 18936 (part), 18938, 18940, 18942-44, 18946-47, 18949-50, 18951 (part), 18953-56, 18960, 18962-63, 18964 (part), 18966, 18968, 18969 (part), 18970, 18972, 18974, 18976-77, 18980-81, 19002 (part), 19006 (part), 19007, 19020-21, 19030, 19040 (part), 19044 (part), 19047, 19053-59, 19067, 19090 (part), 19440 (part), 19446 (part), 19454 (part) NINTH DISTRICT BUD SHUSTER, Republican, of Everett, PA; born in Glassport, PA, January 23, 1932; B.S., University of Pittsburgh; M.B.A., Duquesne University; Ph.D., American Uni-versity; served in the U.S. Army (Infantry and Counterintelligence); former vice presi-dent of RCA’s computer division and founder and chairman of a computer software com-pany (NYSE); member: Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Chi (Significant Sig Award), ODK, Chowder and Marching Society; married Patricia Rommel; five children: Peg, Bill, Deb, Bob, and Gia; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; elected president of the 46-member GOP freshman class; reelected to each succeeding Congress, winning both Republican and Democratic nominations (1976, 1980, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992); delegate, Republican National Convention (1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992); elected chairman of the Republican Policy Committee for the 96th Congress; appointed member of House Budget Committee; elected as ranking member of Full Public Works and Transportation Commit-tee; serves on Public Works and Transportation Committee; served on Select Intelligence Committee; elected chairman of the National Transportation Policy Study Commission; 256 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA authored award winning book; “Believing In America” (Wm. Morrow), 1983; paperback edition (Berkley), 1984; member, The Authors Guild. Office Listings 2188 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3809 225-2431 Chief of Staff. —Ann M. Eppard. Office Manager.—Carol M. Wood. Legislative Assistant. —Scott Bosworth. Press Secretary.—Ann M. Eppard. RD 2, Box 711, Altoona, PA 1660] (814) 946-1653 179 East Queen Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-8308 Counties: Bedford, Blair, Centre (part), Clearfield (part), Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry (part), Snyder. Population (1990), 565,803. ZIP Codes: 15521-22, 15533, 15534 (part), 15535-37, 15539, 15540 (part), 15545 (part), 15550, 15554, 15559 (part), 15714 (part), 15721, 15722 (part), 15724 (part), 15738, 15742 (part), 15753, 15757 (part), 15767 (part), 15801 (part), 15848, 15866, 15868 (part), 15926 (part), 15946 (part), 16601-03, 16611, 16613 (part), 16614-17, 16619-23, 16625, 16627, 16631, 16633-40, 16641 (part), 16644-48, 16650-52, 16655-57, 16659-65, 16666 (part), 16667, 16668 (part), 16669-74, 16675 (part), 16678-85, 16686 (part), 16689, 16691-95, 16821, 16830 (part), 16833-34, 16838-40, 16847, 16849, 16858 (part), 16860 (part), 16861, 16863 (part), 16865 (part), 16866 (part), 16870 (part), 16876, 16877 (part), 16878 (part), 16879, 17002, 17004, 17007, 17009, 17013 (part), 17014, 17021, 17029, 17035 (part), 17044, 17045 (part), 17049, 17051-52, 17053 (part), 17054, 17056, 17058-60, 17062 (part), 17063, 17066, 17075-76, 17082, 17084, 17086, 17094, 17099, 17201, 17210-15, 17217-25, 17228-29, 17231-33, 17235-40, 17241 (part), 17243-44, 17246-47, 17249-57, 17260-68, 17270-72, 17324 (part) TENTH DISTRICT JOSEPH M. McDADE, Republican, of Clarks Summit, PA; born in Scranton, Septem-ber 29, 1931, son of John B. and Genevieve McDade; attended St. Paul’s School and Scranton Preparatory School; graduated with honors from the University of Notre Dame, 1953, B.A., major in political science; graduated from University of Pennsylvania, 1956, LL.B. degree; honorary LLL.D., St. Thomas Aquinas College; honorary doctor of laws, University of Scranton; Marywood College Presidential Medal; L.H.D., Misricordia College, 1981; H.H.D., Kings College, 1981; LL.D., Mansfield State College, 1982; clerk-ship in office of Chief Federal Judge John W. Murphy, Middle District of Pennsylvania; engaged in general practice of Jaw; served as city solicitor of city of Scranton, January 1962 to December 1962; married to former Sarah Scripture, Rome, NY; one child: Jared; four children by previous marriage: Joseph, Aileen, Deborah, and Mark; member: James Wilson Law Club, Knights of Columbus, Elks Club, Scranton Chamber of Commerce; American, Pennsylvania, and 1.ackawanna County Bar Associations; elected to the 88th Congress, November 6, 1962; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2370 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3810 225-3731 Administrative Assistant.--Deborah A. Weatherly. FAX: 225-9594 Appointment Secretary.--Carol Berg. Legislative Director.—John Enright. 514 Scranton Life Building, Scranton, PA 18503 (717) 346-3834 Field Representative.—Michael Russen. Herman Schneebeli Federal Building, 240 West Third Street, Suite 230, Williamsport, PA 17701 she (717) 327-8161 Staff Assistant. —Ruth Calistri. Counties: Bradford, Lackawanna, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming. LYCOMING COUNTY; city of Williamport and townships of Armstrong, Brady, Cascade, Clinton, Eldred, Fairfield, Franklin, Gamble, Hepburn, Jackson, Jordan, Lewis, Loyalsock, Lycoming, McIntyre, McNett: Mill Creek, Moreland, Muncy, Muncy Creek, Old Lycoming, Penn, Plunketts Creek, Shrewsbury, Upper Fairfield, Wolf, and Woodward, and the boroughs of Duboistown, Hughesville, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, Picture Rocks, and South Williamsport. MONROE CouNTY; townships of Barrett, Coolbaugh, Jackson, Middle Smithfield, Paradise, Pocono, Price and Smithfield and the boroughs of Delaware Water Gap, East Stroudsburg (part districts 2 and 3) and Mt. Pocono. Population (1990), 565,681. PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress 257 ZIP Codes: 16910, 16914, 16925-26, 16945, 16947, 17701, 17703, 17724, 17728, 17731, 17735, 17737, 17742-44, 17752, 17754, 17756, 17758-59, 17762-63, 17765, 17768, 17770-71, 17774, 18301, 18320, 18323-28, 18332, 18335-37, 18340-42, 18344, 18349-50, 18355-57, 18360, 18370-72, 18403, 18405, 18407, 18410-11, 18413-17, 18419-21, 18424-28, 18430-31, 18433-41, 18443-47, 18449, 18451-66, 18469-73, 18501-10, 18512, 18517-19, 18612, 18614-16, 18618-19, 18623, 18625-26, 18628-30, 18632, 18636, 18641, 18653, 18657, 18801, 18810, 18812-18, 18820-34, 18837, 18839-40, 18842-48, 18850-51, 18853-54 ELEVENTH DISTRICT PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Democrat, of Nanticoke, PA; born in Nanticoke, April 2, 1937; attended Nanticoke public schools; U.S. Capitol Page School, Washington, DC, 1954; attended, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, PA; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle, PA; served in U.S. Army, private, 1960-61; attorney, admitted to Pennsylvania State bar, 1966; began practice in Wilkes-Barre, PA, November 7, 1966; member: House Banking Committee; Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv-ice; chairman: Economic Growth and Credit Formation Subcommittee (Banking Commit-tee); married to the former Nancy Marie Hickerson; one daughter, Nancy; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2429 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff. —Karen Feather. Legislative Director.—Mike Radway. Executive Assistant.—Liz Roberts. DC 20515-3811 225-6511 10 Press Secretary.—Eva Malecki. East South Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 (717) 825-2200 Counties: Carbon, Columbia, Luzerne, Monroe (part), Montour, Northumberland (part). Population (1990), 565,913. ZIP Codes: 17724 (part), 17731, 17737 (part), 17758 (part), 17768, 17770, 17772 (part), 17774 (part), 17814-15, 17820, 17821 (part), 17824 (part), 17826, 17828, 17832, 17834, 17839-40, 17846 (part), 17851, 17858-59, 17866, 17872 (part), 17878, 17884, 17920, 17921 (part), 17927, 18012, 18030, 18058 (part), 18071, 18201 (part), 18210, 18211 (part), 18212, 18219, 18221-25, 18229, 18234, 18235 (part), 18239, 18241 (part), 18243-44, 18246-47, 18249, 18251, 18255 (part), 18256, 18323, 18325 (part), 18326 (part), 18334, 18341, 18344, 18346-50, 18352, 18424 (part), 18466 (part), 18601-03, 18610-12, 18614 (part), 18615 (part), 18616-17, 18618 (part), 18619, 18621-22, 18624, 18626-28, 18631-32, 18634-35, 18636 (part), 18637, 18640 (part), 18641 (part), 18642-44, 18651, 18654-56, 18660-61, 18700-10, 18773, 18833 (part) TWELFTH DISTRICT JOHN P. MURTHA, Democrat, of Johnstown, PA; graduated, Ramsey High School, Mount Pleasant, PA; Kiskiminetas Spring School; B.A. in economics, University of Pitts-burgh; graduate study at Indiana University of Pennsylvania; married Joyce Bell; three children: Donna Sue and twin sons, John and Patrick; served in Marine Corps as an en-listed Marine who was commissioned as an officer; discharged as a first lieutenant; main-tained active reserve officer status; volunteered for 1 year of active duty in Vietnam as a major; served with 1st Marines, a Marine infantry regiment, 1966-67, south of Danang; awarded Bronze Star Medal with combat “V”, two Purple Heart Medals, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, and service medals; retired colonel, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve; elected to Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1969; served continuously until elect-ed to U.S. House of Representatives; recipient of Pennsylvania Distinguished Service Medal and Pennsylvania Meritorious Service Medal (the Commonwealth’s two highest honors); for his work during the 1977 Johnstown Flood received awards from the Ameri-can Legion, adjutant general of Pennsylvania, Salvation Army, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and creation of the John P. Murtha Award for student assistance at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; received Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Mount Aloysius Junior College; Man of the Year, Johnstown Jaycees, 1978; Congressional Breakfast, Boy Scout Award, 1977; Person of the Year, Greater Johnstown Regional Central Labor Council, 1978; elected to 93d Congress, February 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, House Appropriations Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on De-fense Appropriations; chairman, Congressional Steel Caucus. 258 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Office Listings 2423 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3812................... 225-2065 Executive Assistant. —William N. Allen. Administrator.— Winifred Frederick. Scheduling Coordinator.—Colette Marchesini. P.O. Box 780, Johnstown, PA 15907 (814) 535-2642 District Administrative Assistant.—John Hugya. Counties: ARMSTRONG COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Adrian, Apollo, Cadogan, Cowansville, Dayton, Distant, Edmon, Elderton, Ford City, Ford Cliff, Freeport, Kittanning, Leechburg, Manorville, McGrann, North Apollo, NuMine, Oak Ridge, Parker, Rural Valley, Sagamore, Schenley, Seminole, Shelocta, Spring Church, Templeton, Worthington, Yatesboro. CAMBRIA COUNTY; cities and townships of Ashville, Barnesboro, Beaverdale, Belsano, Blandburg, Carrolltown, Cassandra, Chest Springs, Colver, Coupon, Cresson, Dunlo, Dysart, Ebensburg, Elmora, Elton, Emeigh Fallentimber, Flinton, Gallitzin, Glasgow, Hastings, Johnstown, Lilly, Loretto, Marsteller, Mineral Point, Nanty Glo, Nicktown, Parkhill, Patton, Portage, Revloc, Saint Benedict, Saint Boniface, Saint Michael, Salix, Sidman, South Fork, Spangler, Summerhill, Twin Rocks, Wilmore. CLARION COUNTY (part); cities and townships of East Brady, Mayport, New Bethlehem. FAYETTE COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Chalkhill, Chestnut Ridge, Connellsville, Dickerson Run, Dunbar, Fairchance, Farmington, Gibbon Glade, Hopwood, Lei-senring, Lemont Furnace, Markleysburg, Mill Run, Mount Braddock, Ohiopyle, Oliver, Smithfield, Uniontown, Vanderbilt. INDIANA COUNTY; cities and townships of Alverda, Arcadia, Armagh, Aultman, Beyer, Black Lick, Blairsville, Brush Valley, Chambersville, Cherry Tree, Clarksburg, Clune, Clymer, Commodore, Coral, Creekside, Dilltown, Dixonville, Ernest, Gipsy, Glen Campbell, Heilwood, Hillsdale, Home, Homer City, Indiana, Josephine, Juneau, Kent, Lucernemines, Marchand, Marion Center, McIntyre, Mentlce, New Florence, North Point, Penn Run, Plumville, Robinson, Rochester Mills, Rossiter, Saltsburg, Seward, Smicksburg, Starford, Strongstown, Vintondale, West Lebanon. SOMERSET; cities and townships of Acosta, Addison, Berlin, Boswell, Boynton, Cairnbrook, Central City, Confluence, Davidsville, Fairhope, Fort Hill, Friedens, Garrett, Glencoe, Gray, Hidden Valley, Hollsopple, Hooversville, Jenners, Jennerstown, Jerome, Kantner, Listie, Markleton, Meyersdale, New Baltimore, Quecreek, Rockwood, Salisbury, Seanor, Shanksville, Sipesville, Somerset, Springs, Stoystown, Tire Hill, Ursina, Wellersburg, West Salisbury, Windber. WESTMORELAND COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Alverton, Avonmore, Bolivar, Bradenville, Calumet, Champion, Derry, Donegal, East Vandergrift, Greensburg, Hostetter, Jones Mills, Latrobe, Laughlintown, Ligonier, Loyalhanna, Luxor, Mammoth, Mount Pleasant New A exndria New Derry, Norvelt, Pleasant Unity, Rector, Ruffs Dale, Salina, Scottdale, Slickville. Population (1 , 565,794. ZIP Codes: 15401 (part), 15411, 15421, 15424, 15425 (part), 15430-31, 15436-37, 15440, 15455-56, 15459, 15464-65, 15470, 15472, 15478, 15485, 15501-02, 15520, 15530-32, 15538, 15540-42, 15544, 15546-49, 15551-53, 15555, 15557-38, 15560-65, 15601 (part), 15610, 15612, 15613 (part), 15618, 15620-22, 15627-28, 15629 (part), 15630, 15638, 15646, 15650, 15655-56, 15658, 15661-62, 15664, 15666, 15670-71, 15673-74, 15676-77, 15679-82, 15683 (part), 15684-89, 15690 (part), 15693, 15696, 15701, 15710, 15712-14, 15716-17, 15720, 15722-25, 15727-29, 15731-32, 15734, 15736-39, 15741-42, 15745-48, 15750-52, 15754, 15756-62, 15765, 15771-75, 15777, 15779, 15783, 15901-02, 15904-07, 15909, 15920-31, 15934-38, 15940, 15942-46, 15948-49, 15951-63, 16028 (part), 16201, 16210-12, 16218, 16222, 16226, 16228, 16229 (part), 16236, 16238, 16240, 16242 (part), 16244-46, 16249-50, 16256, 16262-63, 16613, 16619, 16624, 16627 (part), 16629-30, 16636, 16639-41, 16644, 16646, 16668, 16675 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT MARIJORIE MARGOLIES-MEZVINSKY, Democrat, of Narberth, PA; born in Philadelphia, PA, on June 21, 1942; attended Arlington Elementary School, Baltimore, MD, 1954; graduated from Forest Park High School, Baltimore, 1959; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1963; CBS News Foundation Fellow, Columbia University, 1969-70; television journalist: WCAU-TV, Philadelphia, 1967-71; NBC-TV, 1971-92; member: Penn Valley PTA; University of Pennsylvania Women’s Trustee Council; Amer-ican Federation of Television and Radio Artists; Women’s American ORT; American Council of Nationalities Services International Social Services; married to former Con-gressman Ed Mezvinsky (D.-lowa, Ist District), 1975; eleven children: Andrew Margolies Mezvinsky, 1982; Marc Margolies Mezvinsky, 1977; Vu Pham, 1975; Eve Mezvinsky, 1969; Holly Margolies, 1967; Elsa Mezvinsky, 1967; Simon Duong, 1967; Peter Duong, 1964; Vera Mezvinsky Ovadia, 1964; Lee Heh Margolies, 1964, and Margot Mezvinsky Sarch, 1962; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1516 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3813 .............. 225-6111 Administrative Assistant.—Jim Pearthree. FAX: 226-0798 Legislative Director.—Bradley Edgell. Press Secretary.—Jake Tapper. One Presidential Boulevard, Suite 200, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 ........................ (215) 667-3666 Chief of Staff.—Linda August. FAX: (215) 667-3223 P.O. Box 639 (Rte. 73 & 113), Skippack, PA 19474 (215) 287-5666 12 East Butler Avenue, Ambles, PA 19002 (215) 542-7666 PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress 259 County: MONTGOMERY COUNTY; cities and townships of Abington, Ambler, Ardmore, Audubon, Bala Cynwyd, Blue Bell, Bryn Athyn, Bryn Mawr, Cheltenham, Collegeville, Conshohocken, East Norriton, Eagleville, Elkins Park, Elroyboro, Erdenheim, Flourtown, Fort Washingotn, Franconia, Gladwyn, Glenside, Gwynedd, Gwynedd Valley, Harleysville, Hatboro, Hatfield Haverford, Huntingdon Valley, Jenkintown, Kulpsville, Lafayette Hills, Lansdale, Limerick, Lower Frederick, Lower Gwynedd, Lower Merion, Lower Moreland, Lower Pottsgrove, Lower Providence, Lower Salford, Malborough, Maple Glen, Meadowbrook, Melrose Park, Merion, Miguion, Montgom-ery, Narberth, Norristown, North Wales, Oaks, Penlyn, Plymouth, Perkiomen, Plymouth Meeting, Pottstown, Oreland, Radnor, Rockledge, Rosemont, Roslyn, Rydal, Salford, Schwenksville, Skippack, Souderton, Springfield, Springhouse, Swarthmore, Telford, Towamencin, Trappe, Villanova, Upper Dublin, Upper Gwynedd, Upper Merion (part), Upper Moreland, Upper Providence, Upper Salford, West Conshohocken, West Norriton, West Point, White Marsh, Whitpain, Willow Grove, Worcester, Wyncote, Wyndmoor. Population (1990), 565,793. ZIP Codes: 18914 (part), 18915 (part), 18936 (part), 19001, 19002 (part), 19003 (part), 19004, 19006 (part), 19010 (part), 19012, 19025, 19031, 19034-35, 19038, 19040 (part), 19041 (part), 19044 (part), 19046 (part), 19066, 19072, 19075, 19083 (part), 19085 (part), 19087 (part), 19090 (part), 19095-96, 19111 (part), 19117, 19118 (part), 19119 (part), 19126 (part), 19127-28, 19131 (part), 19144 (part), 19151 (part), 19401 (part), 19403 (part), 19404-06, 19422-23, 19426 (part), 19428, 19436-38, 19440 (part), 19443-44, 19446 (part), 19450-52, 19454, 19462, 19473 (part), 19477, FOURTEENTH DISTRICT WILLIAM J. COYNE, Democrat, of Pittsburgh, PA; born in Pittsburgh, PA, August 24, 1936; graduated, Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, 1954; graduated, Robert Morris College, Pittsburgh, PA; served in U.S. Army, 1955-57, Korea; member: Pennsyl-vania State Legislature, 1970-72; Pittsburgh City Council, 1974-80, Pittsburgh Housing Authority, and Governor's Justice Commission; chairman, public works committee; board member: OIC [Opportunities Industrialization Center]; elected to the 97th Congress, No-vember 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, House Ways and Means Committee (Trade Subcommittee), and House Budget Committee; Democratic Study Group, Congressional Steel Caucus, Environmental and Energy Study Conference, and serves on the Steering Committee for the Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition; he is also a member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Office Listings 2455 2009 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC Administrative Assistant. —Coleman J. Conroy. Federal Building, 1009 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, District Administrator.—James P. Rooney. 20515PA -3814 15222 FAX: (412) 225-2301 225-1844 644-2870 County: ALLEGHENY COUNTY; cities of Aleppo, Avalon, Bell Acres, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights, Crafton, Edgewood, Emsworth, Franklin Park, Greentree, Homestead, Ingram, Leetsdale, McKees Rocks, Mount Oliver, Pittsburgh, Rosslyn Farms, Sewickley Heights, Sewickley Hills, Thornburg, West View; townships of Collier, Hanon Kennedy, Kilbuck, Leet, McCandless, Neville, Ohio, Pennsybury, Robinson, Ross, Stowe. Population 990), 565,787. ZIP Codes: 15003 (part), 15017 (part), 15044 (part) 15056, 15090 (part), 15091, 15101 (part), 15106 (part), 15108 (part), 15136 (part), 15201, 15203-04, 15205 (part), 15206-09, 15210 (part), 15211-15, 15216 (part), 15217, 15218 (part), 15219, 15220 (part), 15221 (part), 15222, 15224-25, 15226 (part), 15230, 15232-33, 15240, 15242 (part), 15245, 15290, 15299 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT PAUL McHALE, Democrat, of Bethlehem, PA; born on July 26, 1950, in Bethlehem; B.A., Phi Beta Kappa, Lehigh University, PA, 1972; J.D., Georgetown University Law School, Washington, DC, 1977; attorney; admitted to the Pennsylvania bar, 1977; served U.S. Marine Corps, 1972-74; served in U.S. Marine Corps Reserve; served on active duty in Persian Gulf, August-October, 1990; volunteered for Desert Storm duty, January-April, 1991; awarded Navy Commendation Medal; currently serves in 157th IMA De-tachment; attorney in private practice, 1977-82, and 1991-93; elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1982-91; married to Kathy McHale, who was elected to his vacant seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives; three children: Matthew, 260 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Mary, and Luke; committee memberships: Committee on Armed Services and the Com-ities on Science, Space, and Technology; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d ongress. Office Listings 511 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3815 225-6411 Administrative Assistant.—Herbert V. Giobbi. FAX: 225-5320 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Nancy McCloskey. Legislative Director.—Cristin Carty. 26 East Third Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015-1392 (215) 866-0916 District Administrator.—Arlene Lund. FAX: (215) 867-8210 Hamilton Financial Center, One Center Square, Allentown, PA 18101-2192 (215) 439-8861 FAX: (215) 439-0598 168 Main Street, Pennsburg, PA 18073-1398 (215) 541-0614 / FAX: (215) 541-0617 Counties: ALLENTOWN COUNTY; city of Wescosville. LEHIGH COUNTY; cities of Alburtis, Allentown, Breinigsville, Catasauqua, Center Valley, Coopersburg, Coplay, East Texas, Emmaus, Fogelsville, Germansville, Laury’s Station, Lehigh Valley, Macungie, New Tripoli, Old Zionsville, Orefield, Schnecksville, Slatedai¢, Slatington, Trexlertown, Whitehall, Zionsville. MONTGOMERY COUNTY; cities of East Greenville, Gilbertsville, Palm, Pennsburg, Red Hill. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY; cities of Bangor, Bath, Bethlehem, Cherryville, Danielsville, Easton, Freemansburg, Hellertown, Martins Creek, Mount Bethel, Nazareth, Northampton, Pen Argyl, Portland, Roseto, Stockertown, Tatamy, Treichlers, Walnutport, and Wind Gap. Population (1990), 565,810. ZIP Codes: 18002, 18013, 18013-18, 18031-32, 18034-38, 18041-44, 18046, 18049, 18051-53, 18055, 18059, 18062-64, 1806670, 18072-73, 18076, 18078-80, 18083, 18085-88, 18091-92, 18101-06, 18343, 18351, 19525 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT ROBERT S. WALKER, Republican, of East Petersburg, PA; born in Bradford, PA, December 23, 1942; graduated Penn Manor High School, Millersville, 1960; attended Col-lege of William and Mary, 1960-61; B.S., education, Millersville University, 1964; M.A, University of Delaware, 1968; teacher; served in the Pennsylvania National Guard, 1967-73; legislative assistant, 1967-74, and administrative assistant, 1974-76, to U.S. Representa-tive Eshleman; member, Presbyterian Church; married to the former Sue Albertson, 1968; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2369 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3816 225-2411 Administrative Assistant.—Connie L. Thumma. Executive Assistant.—Peter Holran. Press Secretary.—Melissa Sabatine. Lancaster County Court House, 50 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17603-9987 : (717) 393-0666 Administrative Assistant.—Marc T. Phillips. 595 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 19341-2453 (215) 363-8409 Counties: LANCASTER (part); cities and townships of Adamstown, Bart, Bausman, Bird-in-Hand, Blue Ball, Bowmans-ville, Brownstown, Christiana Conestoga, Denver, Drumore, East Earl, East Petersburg, Ephrata, Martindale, Gap, Goodville, Gordonville, Holtwood, Intercourse, Kinzers, Kirkwood, Lampeter, Lancaster, Landisville, Salunga, Leola, Lititz, Rothsville, Manheim, Millersville, Narvon, New Holland, New Province, Paradise, Peach Bottom, Pequea, Quarryville, Reamstown, Refton, Rohrerstown, Reinholds, Ronks, Smoketown, Stevens, Strasburg, Tal-mage, Terre Hill, West Willow, Willow Street, Witmer. CHESTER (part); cities and townships of Atglen, Avondale, Brandamore, Chadds Ford, Chatham, Chester Springs, Cheyney, Coatesville, Cochranville, Downingtown, Elver-son, Exton, Glen Mills, Glenmoore, Honey Brook, Kelton, Kemblesville, Kennett Square, Landenberg, Lewisville, Lincoln University, Lionville, Lyndell, Malvern, Mendenhall, Modena, New London, Nottingham, Oxford, Parker Ford, Parkesburg, Phoenixville, Pottstown, Pocopson, Pomeroy, Sadsburyville, Saint Peters, Soudersburg, Spring City, Steelville, Suplee, Thorndale, Toughkenamon, Unionville, Uwchland, Wagontown, West Chester, Westtown. Population (1990), 565,804. ZIP Codes: 17503-09, 17516 (part), 17517-20, 17522, 17527-29, 17532, 17534-37, 17538, 17540, 17543, 17545 (part), 17551 (part), 17555, 17557, 17560, 17562-69, 17572, 17576-85, 17601 (part), 17602, 17603 (part), 17604-08, 19310-11, 19316, 19317 (part), 19318-20, 19330, 19335, 19341, 19342 (part), 19343-44, 19346-48, 19350-54, 19355 (part), PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress 261 19357-58, 19360, 19362-63, 19365-67, 19369-72, 19374-76, 19380-83, 19390, 19395, 19425, 19457, 19460 (part), 19464 (part), 19470, 19475 (part), 19480, 19501, 19520 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT GEORGE GEKAS, Republican, of Harrisburg, PA; born in Harrisburg on April 14, 1930; graduated, William Penn High School, 1948; B.A., Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, 1952; LL.B. and J.D., Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle, 1958; served as corporal in U.S. Army, 1953-55; attorney, admitted to the Pennsylvania bar, 1959; and commenced practice in Harrisburg; served as assistant district attorney, Dauphin County, PA, 1960-66; elected to Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1966-74; elected to the Pennsylva-nia Senate, 1976-82; member: American Judicature Society; Harrisburg Historical Socie-ty; board of trustees, Orthodox Church of Greater Harrisburg; Police Athletic League; March of Dimes Campaign; Cancer Crusade; United Church of Harrisburg; married to the former Evangeline Charas, 1971; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2410 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3817 225-4315 Administrative Assistant.—Allan Cagnoli. FAX: 225-8440 Executive Assistant.—Sheilah Borne. Press Secretary.—Brian Sansoni. Legislative Director.—Gregg Jerome. Governor’s Plaza North, Building 1, Suite 302, 2101 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110... o (717) 232-5123 Elizabethtown District Office: 222 South Market Street, Suite 102-A, Eliza- bethtown, PA 17022 (717) 367-6669 FAX: (717) 367-6602 Lebanon District Office: 108-B Municipal Building, 400 South 8th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042-6794 FAX: ( 717) (717) 273-1451 273-1673 Counties: Cumberland (part), Dauphin, Lancaster (part), Lebanon, and Perry (part). Population (1990), 565,742. ZIP Codes: 16930 (part), 16938 (part), 17005-06, 17017-18, 17020, 17022 (part), 17023-24, 17028 (part), 17030-32, 17033 (part), 17034, 17035 (part), 17036-37, 17040, 17045 (part), 17047-48, 17053 (part), 17057, 17061, 17062 (part), 17068-69, 17071, 17074, 17078 (part), 17080, 17090, 17097-98, 17100-05, 17108-13, 17502 (part), 17701, 17703, 17720, 17722-23, 17724 (part), 17727-28, 17730, 17737 (part), 17739, 17740 (part), 17742, 17744, 17749, 17752, 17754, 17756, 17758 (part), 17759, 17761-63, 17765 (part), 17769, 17771, 17772 (part), 17774 (part), 17776-77, 17801, 17810, 17812-13, 17821 (part), 17823, 17824 (part), 17827, 17829-31, 17833, 17835-37, 17841-45, 17846 (part), 17847, 17850, 17853, 17855-57, 17860-62, 17864-65, 17867-68, 17870, 17872 (part), 17876-77, 17880-83, 17885-89, 17941 (part), 17978 (part), 17980 (part) EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT RICK SANTORUM, Republican, of Mount Lebanon, PA; born in Winchester, VA, May 10, 1958; graduated Butler High School, 1976; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1980; M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1981; J.D., Dickinson School of Law, 1986; ad-mitted to the practice of law in Pennsylvania; member: Rotary, Italian Sons & Daughters of America (Bella Vista Lodge), Italian Heritage Society; board member, Mount Lebanon Extended Day Program; 1981-86, administrative assistant to State Senator J. Doyle Corman (R.-Centre); 1982-86, director of the Senate Local Government Committee; 1984-86, director of the Senate Transportation Committee; associate attorney, Kirkpatrick and Lockhart, Pittsburgh, PA, 1986-89; married to Karen Anne Garver, of Penn Hills, PA, 1990; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Con-gress. 262 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Office Listings 1222 606 Longworth House Office Administrative Assistant. Press Secretary.—Tony FWeyman Rd., Pittsburgh, Building, —Mark Roratto. PA 15236 Washindgers. gton, DC 20515-3818 (412) 225-2135 882-3205 County: ALLEGHENY: (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Aspinwall, Baldwin Borough, Baldwin Township, Blawnox Borough, Braddock Borough, Braddock Hills, Brentwood Borough, Carnegie Borough, Castle Shannon, Chalfant Borough, Churchill Borough, Clairton City, Dormont Borough, Dravosburg Borough, Duquesne City, East McKeesport, East Pittsburgh, Elizabeth Borough, Elizabeth Township, Heldelberg Borough, Indiana Township, Jefferson Borough, Liberty Borough, Lincoln Borough, Mckeesport Cty, Millvale Borough, Monroevill Borough, Mt. Lebanon Munhall Borough, North Braddock, North Versailles, Oakmont Borough, O’Hara Township, Penn Hills Township, Pitcarin Borough, Pleasant Hills, Port Vue Borough, Rankin Borough, Reserve Township, Scott Township, Shaler Township, Sharpsburg, South Park Township, South Versailles, Springdale Borough, Springdale Township, Swissvale Borough, Trafford Borough, Turtle Creek, Verona Borough, Versailles Borough, Wall Borough, West Elizabeth, West Homestead, West Mifflin, Whitaker Borough, Whitehall Borough, White Oak Borough, Wilkins Township, Wilkinsburg Borough, and Wilmerding. Population (1990), 565,781. : ZIP Codes: 15017-18, 15020, 15024-25, 15028, 15034-35, 15037, 15045, 15047, 15049, 15051, 15063, 15075, 15085, 15088, 15101, 15104, 15106, 15110, 15112, 15116, 15120, 15122, 15129, 15131-33, 15135, 15137, 15139, 15144-48, 15209, 15212, 15215-16, 15218, 15221, 15223, 15226-28, 15234-36, 15238 NINETEENTH DISTRICT WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Republican, of Jacobus, PA; born in Loganville, PA; graduated from William Penn Senior High School, York, PA; B.S. degree, University of Maryland; master’s degree, Western Maryland College; doctoral studies, Pennsylvania State University; various teaching positions including principal, West York Area High School; supervisor of student teachers for Pennsylvania State University; superintendent, Spring Grove area schools; president, Dallastown area School Board; military service, 1946-48; member: Lions, various health associations, and Loganville United Methodist Church; married to the former Hilda Wright; two children: Todd and Jennifer; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2263 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3819 225-5836 Administrative Assistant.—Pete Tartline. Communications Director.—Julie Williams. Personal Secretary.—Gretchen Gipson. Federal Building, 200 South George Street, York, PA 17405 (717) 843-8887 2020 Yale Avenue, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 763-1988 District Coordinator.—Nancy Newcomer. Room 301, 140 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-3430 212 North Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 243-5432 Counties: ADAMS COUNTY; cities of Abbottstown, Arendtsville, Aspers, Bendersville, Biglerville, East Berlin, Fairfield, Gardners, Gettysburg, Littlestown, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, New Oxford, Orrtanna. CUMBERLAND CouNTY: cities of Boiling Springs, Carlisle, Camp Hill, Dickinson, Enola, Grantham, Lemoyne, Mechanicsburg, Mt. Holly Springs, Newburg, New Cumberland, Newville, Shippensburg, Shiremanstown, Summerdale, Walnut Bottom, West Fairview, Wormleysburg; townships of Cooke, Dickinson, Hampden (Part, Precincts 01 North and 01 South), Hopewell, Lower Allen, Lower Frankford, Lower Mifflin, Middlesex, Monroe, North Middleton, North Newton, Penn, Shippensburg, South Middleton, South Newton, Southamption, Upper Allen, Upper Frank-ford, Upper Mifflin and West Pennsboro and the Boroughs of Camp Hill, Carlisle, Lemoyne, Mt. Holly Springs, New Cumberland, Newburg, Newville, Shippensburg (Cumberland County Portion), West Fairview and Worm-leysburg. YORK COUNTY; cities and townships of Airville, Brodbecks, Brogue, Dallastown, Delta, Dillsburg, Dover, Emigsville, East Prospect, Etters, Felton, Fawn Grove, Glen Rock, Hanover, Hellam, Jacobus, Lewis-berry, Loganville, Manchester, Mount Wolf, New Freedom, New Park, Red Lion, Spring Grove, Shrewsbury, Stewartstown, Seven Valleys, Thomasville, Wellsville, Windsor, Wrightsville, York, York Haven, York New Salem, Yoe, York Springs. Population (1990), 565,831. ZIP Codes: 17008, 17011 (part), 17013, 17019, 17025, 17027, 17043, 17055 (part), 17065, 17070, 17072, 17081, 17093, 17241, 17301-04, 17306-07, 17309-23, 17324-25, 17327, 17329, 17331, 17337, 17339-40, 17342-47, 17349-50, 17352-56, 17358, 17360-66, 17368, 17370-72, 17400-07, 17415 PENNSYLVANIA 103d Congress ; 263 TWENTIETH DISTRICT AUSTIN J. MURPHY, Democrat, of Monongahela, PA; born in North Charleroi, June 17, 1927; graduated, Charleroi High School, 1944; B.A., Duquesne University, Pitts-burgh, 1949; LL.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1952; J.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1972; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1944-46; Marine Corps Reserve, 1948-50; admitted to the Pennsylvania bar, 1953; commenced practice in Washington, PA; attorney, admitted before all Federal and State courts; held offices of borough auditor, councilman, solicitor, and school board member; Democratic committeeman and assistant district attorney, Washington County, 1956-57; member: University of Pittsburgh Law Review staff; chair-man, Pennsylvania Local Government Commission; executive board member, Pennsylva-nia State Association of Boroughs; served in Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1959-71; State senate, 1971-77; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2210 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3820 225-4665 Administrative Assistant.—Fred McLuckie. FAX: 225-4772 Press Secretary.—Joe Wise. Executive Assistant.—Marissa Creager. Legislative Assistant.—Ron Ungvarsky. 306 Fallowfield Avenue, Charleroi, PA 15022 : (412) 489-4217 93 High Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370 (412) 627-7611 96 North Main Street, Washington, PA 15301 : (412) 228-2777 R.D. 3 Box 352-BB, Uniontown, PA 15401 (412) 438-1490 8 South 4th Street, Youngwood, PA 15697 (412) 925-1370 260 Millers Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017 (412) 221-2129 Counties: Greene, Washington. ALLEGHENY COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Crescent, Findlay, Moon, North Fayette, South Fayette and Upper St. Clair, Boroughs of Bethel Park, Bridgeville, Coraopolis, Edgeworth, Glenfield, Haysville, McDonald (Allegheny County Portion), Oakdale, Osborne and Sewickley. FAYETTE COUNTY (part); city of Uniontown, townships of Brownsville, Bullskin, Franklin, German, Jefferson, Lower Tyrone, Luzerne, Menallen, Nicholson, Perry, Redstone, Saltlick, South Union, Springhill, Upper Tyrone and Washington and the Boroughs of Belle Venon, Brownsville, Dawson, Everson, Fayette City, Masontown, Newell, Perryopolis, Point Marion. WESTMORELAND COUNTY (part); cities of Greensburg, Monessen, townships of Hempfield, Ros-traver, Sewickley, South Huntingdon, Boroughs of Adamsburg, Arona, Hunker, Madison, New Stanton, North Belle Vernon, Smithton, South Greensburg, Southwest Greensburg, Sutersville, West Newton, and Youngwood. Population (1990), 565,815. ZIP Codes: 15001 (part), 15003 (part), 15004, 15012 (part), 15017 (part), 15019, 15021-22, 15026 (part), 15028-29, 15031, 15033, 15036, 15038, 15042 (part), 15043 (part), 15050 (part), 15052 (part), 15053-56, 15057 (part), 15059 (part), 15060-61, 15063 (part), 15064, 15066 (part), 15067, 15071 (part), 15074 (part), 15078, 15081, 15106 (part), 15108, 15126 (part), 15142, 15301, 15310-17, 15320-25, 15327, 15329-31, 15332 (part), 15333-34, 1533642, 15344-54, 15356-68, 15370, 15376 (part), 15377 (part), 15378-80, 15401, 15410, 15412-13, 15415-17, 15419-23, 15424 (part), 15425, 15427-40, 15442-51, 15454-56, 15458-70, 15472-78, 15479 (part), 15480, 15482-84, 15485 (part), 15486, 15488-90, 15492, 15557 (part), 15610 (part), 15622 (part), 15631, 15666 (part), 15683 (part), 26525 (part) TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT THOMAS J. RIDGE, Republican, of Erie, PA; born in Munhall, PA, on August 26, 1945; attended St. Andrew’s School in Erie; graduated, Cathedral Prep High School, Erie, 1963; B.A., Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, 1967; J.D., Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle, PA, 1972; staff sergeant, U.S. Army Infantry, Vietnam, 1968-70; admitted to Pennsylvania bar, 1972; commenced practice in Erie; served as assistant district attor-ney for Erie County, PA; member: Erie County Republican Party, board of directors of St. Mary’s Home of Erie, Cathedral Prep Alumni Association, Greater Erie Community Action Committee, Greater Erie Charity Golf Classic; married to the former Michele Moore, 1979; executive director of the Erie Charity County Library; elected on Novem-ber 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 264 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA Office Listings 1714 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3821 Administrative Assistant.—Mark Campbell. Office Manager.—Leslie A. Fitting. Press Secretary.—Lauren Cotter. Legislative Council. —Charles Zogby. 108 Federal Office Building, Erie PA 16501 305 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335 91 East State Street, Sharon, PA 16146 327 North Main Street, Butler PA 16001 225-5406 FAX: 225-1081 (814) 456-2038 (814) 724-8414 (412) 981-8440 (412) 285-7005 Counties: Butler (part), Crawford (part), Erie, and Mercer. Population (1990), 565,802. ZIP Codes: 16051 (part), 16057 (part), 16105 (part), 16110-11, 16113-14, 16121, 16123 (part), 16124-25, 16127 (part), 16130-31, 16133-34, 16137, 16142 (part), 16143 (part), 16145-46, 16148, 16150-51, 16153-54, 16156 (part), 16159 (part), 16161, 16311 (part), 16314 (part), 16316, 16317 (part), 16327-28, 16335, 16342 (part), 16354 (part), 16360, 16362 (part), 16401, 16403-04, 16405 (part), 16406, 16407 (part), 16410-13, 16415, 16416 (part), 16417, 16421-24, 16426-28, 16430, 16432-33, 16434 (part), 16435, 16438, 1644043, 16500-12, 16514-15 RHODE ISLAND 103d Congress 265 RHODE ISLAND (Population, 1990 census, 1,005,984) SENATORS CLAIBORNE PELL, Democrat, of Newport, RI; born November 22, 1918, in New York City, son of Congressman Herbert Claiborne and Matilda (Bigelow) Pell; St. George’s School, Middletown, RI, 1933-36; Princeton University, 1940, A.B., cum laude; Columbia University, A.M.; 46 honorary degrees; married Nuala O’Donnell, December 1944; children: Herbert III, Christopher, Dallas, and Julia; five grandchildren; business executive, investments; entered Coast Guard as enlisted man prior to World War II, re-leased as lieutenant, now captain, USCGR (ret.), author, “Megalopolis Unbound” (1966), “Power and Policy” (1972), and coauthor, “Challenge of Seven Seas” (1966); special as-sistant at San Francisco United Nations Conference; served 7 years in U.S. Foreign Serv-ice and State Department; decorated by the Kingdom and the Republic of Italy, France, Sweden, Greece, Liechtenstein, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg, and Knights of Malta; Society of the Cincinnati; U.S. delegate to Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Or-ganization in London, 1959; U.S. delegate to 25th General Assembly of United Nations, 1970; until election in 1960, vice president of International Rescue Committee, member of National Council of Refugees, treasurer of American Immigration Conference; Democrat-ic national registration chairman, 1956; chief delegation tally clerk, Democratic National Conventions, 1956, 1960, 1964, and 1968; consultant, Democratic National Committee, 1953-60; executive assistant to Rhode Island Democratic State chairman, 1952 and 1954; first unendorsed candidate ever to win statewide primary election in Rhode Island; elect-ed to the U.S. Senate November 8, 1960; reelected November 8, 1966; reelected Novem-ber z 1972; reelected November 7, 1978; reclected November 6, 1984; reelected Novem- er 6, 1990. Office Listings 335 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-3901 .............cc....... 224-4642 Chief of Staff.—Thomas G. Hughes. Legislative Director.—Orlando B. Potter. Appointment Secretary.—Susan Cameron. Press Secretary.—William F. Bryant. 1 Exchange Terrace, 418 Federal Courthouse, Providence, RI 02903-1757 ....... (401) 528-5456 JOHN H. CHAFEE, Republican, of Warwick, RI, born in Providence, RI, October 22, 1922; graduated, Deerfield Academy, 1940; entered Yale University, 1940 and left in February 1942 to enlist in U.S. Marine Corps; served in original landing on Guadalcanal, August 1942; commissioned second lieutenant, participated in fighting in Okinawa; B.A., Yale University, 1947; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1950; and admitted to bar in Rhode Island, 1950; recalled to active duty in Marines in Korean conflict, 1951; served in Korea as rifle company commander; discharged with rank of captain, 1952; total active duty time in Marine Corps, 5% years; practiced law in Providence, 1952-63; member, Rhode Island House of Representatives, 1957-63; minority leader, 1959-63; Governor of Rhode Island, 1963-69; chairman, Republican Governors Association, 1968; Secretary of the Navy, January 1969 to May 1972; Chubb fellow, Yale University, 1966; board of visitors, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1969-72; Yale University, board of trustees, 1972-78; honorary degrees: Brown University, Providence College, University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, Roger Williams College, Salve Regina. College, Suffolk University, Jacksonville University, Bryant College; Legislator of the Year Award; National League of Women Voters, 1992; and Environmental Law Institute Award, 1991; 1992 Audubon Medal; 1992 Excellence in Health Care Award; married to the former Virginia Coates; five children: Zechariah, Lincoln, John, Jr., Georgia, and Quentin; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977, first Republican Senator elected from Rhode Island in 46 years; reelect-ed November 2, 1982; reelected November 8, 1988; Senate committees: ranking minority, Environment and Public Works; Finance; Small Business; Select Committee on Intelli-gence; and Senate Arms Control Observer Group. 266 Congressional Directory RHODE ISLAND Office Listings 567 10 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff.—David A. Griswold. Personal/Appointment Secretary.—Donna Press Secretary.—Edward J. Quinlan. Dorrance Street, Suite 221, Providence, RI Director.—Michael F. Ryan. DC 20510-3902 V. Davis. 02903 (401) 224-2921 528-5294 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT RONALD K. MACHTLEY, Republican, of Portsmouth, RI; born in Johnstown, PA, July 13, 1948; attended Geistown School, Johnstown, PA; graduated, Richland Junior and Senior High School, Johnstown, PA, 1966; B.S., U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, 1970; J.D., Suffolk University Law School, Boston, MA, 1978; served, U.S. Navy, lieutenant, 1970-75; served, U.S. Naval Reserves, commander, 1975-85; attorney; admit-ted to the Rhode Island bar, 1978; commenced practice in Newport; member: Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Florida, and American Bar Associations; former member, board of directors of Save the Bay; honorary member, Rotary Club; life member, U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association; former trustee, Newport Hospital; former financial advis-er, Townsend Fund for Aged; elder, First Presbyterian Church; married to the former Kati Alexandra Croft, 1971; two children: Erin, 17, and Todd, 12; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; appointed to the House Armed Services Committee, Government Operations Committee, Small Business Committee, Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. : Office Listings 326 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3901 225-4911 Chief of Staff. —Rowdy Yeates. FAX: 225-4417 Press Secretary.—Donna DePetro. Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Louise Rosarbo. 268 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence, RI 02916 (401) 431-6100 District Director.—Marc Palazzo. FAX: (401) 434-9055 127 Social Street, Suite 172, Woonsocket, RI 02895 (401) 762-4052 320 Thames Street, Newport, RI 02840. (401) 848-7920 FAX: (401) 848-7931 Counties: Bristol, Newport, Providence. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Barrington, Bristol, Burrillville, Central Falls, Cum-berland, East Providence, Jamestown, Lincoln, Little Compton, Middleton, Newport, North Providence, North Smithfield, Providence, Pawtucket, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Tiverton, Warren, Woonsocket. Population (1990), 501,677. ZIP Codes: 02801-02, 02806, 02809, 02828 (part), 02833, 02835, 02837-38, 02840, 02860-65, 02871-72, 02876, 02878, 02885, 02895, 02903 (part), 02904, 02906, 02908 (part), 02911-12, 02914-18, 02940 SECOND DISTRICT JACK REED, Democrat, of Cranston, RI; born in Providence, RI, November 12, 1949; attended St. Matthew’s Elementary School, Cranston, RI; graduated, La Salle Academy, Providence, RI, 1967; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1971; M.P.P., Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1973; J.D., Harvard Law School, 1982; served in the U.S. Army, 1967-79; associate professor, Department of Social Sciences, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1978-79; 2d BN (Abn) 504th INF, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC; platoon leader, company commander, bat-talion staff officer, 1973-77; military awards: Army commendation medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, ranger, senior parachutist, jumpmaster, expert infantryman’s badge; lawyer; ad-mitted to the Washington, DC bar, 1983; elected to the Rhode Island State senate, 1985-90; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress. RHODE ISLAND 103d Congress 267 Office Listings 1510 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-3902............... 225-2735 Administrative Assistant.—J.B. Poersch. Office Manager.—Heidi Glenn. Press Secretary.—Todd Andrews. Garden City Center, 100 Midway Place, Suite 5, Cranston, RI 02920 UR (401) 943-3100 District Director.—Raymond Simone. Counties: Kent, Providence (part), Washington. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Ashaway, Bradford, Cranston, Johnston, Kingston, Narragansett Pier, Providence (part), Wakefield-Peacedale, Warwick, West Warwick and Westerly. Population (1990), 501,787. ZIP Codes: 02804, 02807-08, 02812-16, 02818, 02821-27, 02828 (part), 02829-32, 02836, 02839, 02852, 02854, 02857-59, 02873-75, 02877, 02879-83, 02886-89, 02891-94, 02898, 02903 (part), 02905, 02907, 02908 (part), 02909-10, 02919-20 Congressional Directory SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA (Population, 1990 census, 3,505,707) SENATORS STROM THURMOND, Republican, of Aiken, SC; attorney and educator; committees: senior member, Judiciary; ranking member, Armed Services; senior member, Veterans’ Affairs; and member, Labor and Human Resources. Family: born December 5, 1902, in Edgefield, SC; son of John William and Eleanor Gertrude (Strom) Thurmond; married Jean Crouch of Elko, SC, November 7, 1947 (deceased January 6, 1960); married Nancy Moore of Aiken, SC, December 22, 1968; four children: Nancy Moore, James Strom II, Juliana Gertrude, and Paul Reynolds. Education: 1923 graduate of Clemson University; studied law at night under his father, admitted to South Carolina bar, 1930; admitted to practice in all Federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. Professional career: teacher and athletic coach (1923-29), county superintendent of education (1929-33), city attorney and county attorney (1930-38), State senator (1933-38), circuit judge (1938-46), Governor of South Carolina (1947-51), serving as chairman of Southern Governors’ Con-ference (1950); practiced law in Edgefield, SC (1930-38) and in Aiken, SC (1951-55); ad-junct professor of political science at Clemson University and distinguished lecturer at the Strom Thurmond Institute; and member, President’s Commission on Organized Crime, and Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Military service: Reserve officer for 36 years; while serving as judge volunteered for active duty in World War II the day war was declared against Germany; served with Headquarters First Army (1942-46), American, European, and Pacific theaters; participated in Normandy invasion with 82d Airborne Division and landed on “D” day; awarded 5 battle stars and 18 decorations, medals, and awards, including the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star Medal with “V”, Purple Heart, Belgian Order of the Crown, and French Croix de Guerre; major general, U.S. Army Reserve. Honors and awards: past national president of Reserve Officers Association (ROA) of the United States (1954-55); Clemson University Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award (1961), Clemson Medallion (1981), and Clemson University Athletic Hall of Fame (1983); Disabled American Veterans Outstand-ing and Unselfish Service Awards (1964 and 1981); Military Order of World Wars Distin-guished Service Award (1964); Order of AHEPA Dedicated Public Service Award (1968); WIS Radio-TV (Columbia, SC) “South Carolinian of the Year” (1968); 33° Mason (1969); first president of ROA to receive “Minuteman of the Year Award” (1971); Non-commissioned Officers Association L. Mendel Rivers Award for Legislative Action (1971); Congressional Medal of Honor Society National Patriot’s Award (1974); The Re-tired Officers Association Distinguished Service Award (1974); Association of U.S. Army Distinguished Service Citation (1974); American Legion Distinguished Public Service Award (1975) and Distinguished Service Medal (1984); Military Order of the Purple Heart Congressional Award (1976); AMVETS Silver Helmet Congressional Award (1977); Veterans of Foreign Wars Dwight D. Eisenhower Service Award (1977), and Congressional Award (1985); Touchdown Club of Washington, DC, “Mr. Sam” Award for contributions to sports (1978); South Carolina Trial Lawyers Association Service Award (1980); Navy League of U.S. Meritorious Service Citation (1980); American Judges Association Distinguished Service Citation (1981); South Carolina Hall of Fame (1982); Audie Murphy Patriotism Award (1982); National Guard Association of United States, Harry S. Truman Distinguished Service Award (1982); NY Board of Trade “Tex-tile Man of the Year” (1984); Napoleon Hill Gold Medal Humanitarian Achievement Award (1985); Order of the Palmetto Award; Presidential Citizens Medal by President Ronald Reagan, 1989; Non-Commissioned Officers Association Lifetime Legislative Achievement Award, 1990; Adjutants General Association of the United States, George Washington Freedom Award, 1991; U.S. Marshals Service America’s Star Award, 1991; ROA; Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George Bush, 1992; over 20 honorary degrees; and numerous Watchdog of the Treasury Awards and Guardian of Small Busi-ness Awards. International awards: Order of Distinguished Diplomatic Service Merit Medal, South Korea (1974); Order of Kim Khanh Award, Republic of Vietnam (1975); Grand Cross in the Order of Orange-Nassau, Netherlands (1982); Medal of the Knesset, Israel (1982); and numerous other distinctions. Named in his honor: Thurmond Hall at Winthrop College, SC (1939); Strom Thurmond High School, Edgefield County, SC (1961); Strom Thurmond Student Center, Charleston Southern University at Charleston, SC (1972); Strom Thurmond Federal Building, Columbia, SC (1975); The Strom Thur-mond Institute of Government and Public Affairs at The Strom Thurmond Center for Excellence in Government and Public Service at Clemson University, Clemson, SC (1981); Strom Thurmond Chairs and Scholarships (1981), and Strom Thurmond Auditori- SOUTH CAROLINA ; 103d Congress 269 um (1982) at University of South Carolina School of Law, Columbia, SC; life-sized statue erected on Edgefield town square by people of Edgefield County, SC (1984); and streets in several South Carolina cities; Strom Thurmond Lake, Dam and Highway, Clarks Hill, SC, 1987; Strom Thurmond Mall, Columbia, SC, 1988; has endowed 52 scholarships at 45 colleges and universities, established the Strom Thurmond Foundation, which assists in educating 80 to 100 needy, worthy students annually; Strom Thurmond Soldier Service Center, Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C., 1991; Strom Thurmond Room, U.S. Capitol, 1991; Strom Thurmond Highway (Interstate 20 from the Georgia Line to Florence, S.C.), 1992; Memberships and affiliations: Baptist; Shriner; South Carolina and American Bar Associa-tions; numerous defense; veterans, civic, fraternal, and farm organizations. Political activi-ties: States Rights Democratic candidate for president of the United States (1948), carry-ing four States and receiving 39 electoral votes; delegate to six Democratic National Con-ventions (chairman of South Carolina delegation and national committeeman, 1948); switched from Democratic to Republican Party (September 16, 1964); delegate to five Republican National Conventions (chairman of South Carolina delegation, 1984); elected to the U.S. Senate November 2, 1954, as a write-in candidate (first person in U.S. history elected to a major office in this manner) for term ending January 3, 1961; resigned as U.S. Senator April 4, 1956, to place the office in a primary, pursuant to a promise made to the people during the 1954 campaign; renominated and reelected to the Senate in 1956, re-suming duties on November 7, 1956; renominated and reelected in 1960, 1966, 1972, 1978, 1984, and again in 1990 for the term beginning January 3, 1991; served as President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, 1981-87. Office Listings 217 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4001 224-5972 Chief of Staff.—R.J. (Duke) Short. Executive Assistant.—Holly Richardson. Press Secretary.—Susan Pelter. 3 Thurmond Federal Building, 18365 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 765-5494 State Director.—Warren Abernathy. Federal Building, 211 York Street NE., Aiken, SC 29801 (803) 649-2591 Federal Building, 334 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29501 (803) 727-4596 McMillan Federal Building, 401 West Evans Street, Florence, SC 29501 (803) 662-8873 * x % ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, Democrat, of Charleston, SC; born in Charleston, SC, Jan-vary 1, 1922; son of Wilhelmine Meyer and Adolph G. Hollings; attended public schools, Charleston, SC; graduated, The Citadel, B.A. 1942; the University of South Carolina, LL.B, 1947; LL.D. conferred by The Citadel, June 1959; lawyer; member of Charleston County, South Carolina, and American Bar Associations; admitted to practice before South Carolina Supreme Court, U.S. District Court, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Customs Court, and U.S. Supreme Court; member, St. John’s Lutheran Church; member, Court of Adjudication, Lutheran Church in America; Armed Forces, 1942-45, served overseas from Africa to Austria, 33 months; 353d Antiaircraft Artillery; 3d, 36th, and 45th Divisions, captain; member, highest honor society at The Citadel—The Round Table; president of the alumni (the Association of Citadel Men), 1954; at the Uni-versity of South Carolina Law School—member, Honor Society, Wig and Robe, South Carolina Law Review, and president of Law Federation; honorary doctor of letters degree, Benedict College, Columbia, SC, 1971; Charleston Junior Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Award as Young Man of the Year, 1953; U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1 of 10 Outstanding Young Men of the United States, 1954; South Carolina Veteran of the Year, 1957; member, Hibernian Society, Arion Society, Sertoma Club; Charleston Rifle Club; Mason, LeCandeur No. 36, A.F.M.; Shriner, Omar Temple; B.P.O.E. Lodge No. 242; American Legion, Post No. 10; Charleston Chamber of Com-merce; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Capt. John L. Weeks Post No. 3142; elected to South Carolina General Assembly from Charleston County, 1948, 1950, and 1952; chairman, Charleston County legislative delegation; speaker pro tempore, South Carolina House of Representatives; elected twice by unanimous vote, 1951, 1953; elected Lieutenant Gover-nor, November 2, 1954; elected Governor, November 4, 1958; served as Governor, 1959-63; appointed to Hoover Commission May 15, 1955; appointed by President Eisenhower to Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, December 1959; reappointed by President Kennedy February 1962; chairman, Regional Advisory Council on Nuclear Energy; instituted technical training program in South Carolina, Nuclear Space Commis-sion, and Commission on Higher Education; married to the former Rita Louise Liddy of 270 Congressional Directory SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston, SC; four children: Michael Milhous, October 1, 1950; Helen Hayne, June 24, 1952; Patricia Salley, February 8, 1957; and Ernest Frederick Hollings III, March 8, 1959; author of “The Case Against Hunger—A Demand for a National Policy,” 1970; elected November 8, 1966, to complete the unexpired term of the late Senator Olin D. Johnston; elected to full 6-year term November 5, 1968; reelected 1974, 1980, 1986 and 1992; chair-man, Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee; other committee assign-ments: Appropriations, Budget, Office of Technology Assessment. Office Listings 125 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4002 ....................... 224-6121 Administrative Assistant.—David Rudd. Executive Assistant.—Karen Kollmansperger. Home Secretary.—Sam B. King, III. Appointment Secretary.—Mary Winton Hughes. Room 1551, 1835 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 765-5731 Custom House, Suite 112, 200 East Bay Street, Charleston, SC 29401................ (803) 727-4525 103 Federal Building, Spartanburg, SC 29301 (803) 585-3702 126 Federal Building, Greenville, SC 29603 (803) 233-5366 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT ARTHUR RAVENEL, Jr., Republican, of Mount Pleasant, SC; born March 29, 1927, at Charleston, SC; son of Mary (Boykin) Ravenel of Charleston and the late Arthur Ra-venel, Sr.; graduated St. Andrews High School, Charleston, SC, 1944; B.S., College of Charleston, 1950; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1945-46; retired general contractor, realtor, cattleman; past president: Trident Homebuilders Association, South Carolina As-sociation of Retarded Citizens; member: South Carolina House, 1953-58; South Carolina Senate, 1980-86; member, French Huguenot Church; married Jean Rickenbaker of Union; six children; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress. Office Listings 231 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4001..............c..c..... 225-3176 Legislative Director.—Adina Siegel. Office Manager.—Delores DaCosta. Suite 640, Federal Building, 334 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403.............. (803) 727-4175 Administrative Assistant.—Sharon Chellis. 206 Laurel Street, Conway, SC 29526 (803) 248-2660 829 East Front Street, Georgetown, SC 29440 (803) 527-6868 Staff Assistant.—Elma Harrelson. Counties: Berkeley (part), Charleston (part), Dorchester (part), Georgetown, Horry. Population (1990), 581,125. ZIP Codes: 29018 (part), 29081 (part), 29082 (part), 29401-12, 2941415, 29417-18, 29426-27, 29429, 29432 (part), 29433, 29435, 29437-39, 29445-49, 29451-52, 29455-56, 29458, 29460, 29463-64, 29470-71, 29472 (part), 29474-75, 29477, 29481 (part), 29482, 29483 (part), 29484, 29487-88, 29493-94, 29902-05, 29910-11, 29913-16, 29918, 29920-24, 29927-29, 29931-36, 29939-41, 2994345 SECOND DISTRICT FLOYD SPENCE, Republican, of Lexington, SC; born in Columbia, SC, April 9, 1928, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson (Addie Jane Lucas) Spence; on July 3, 1988, married the former Deborah E. Williams of Lexington, SC; father of four sons with the late Lula Hancock Drake Spence: David, Zach, Benjamin, and Caldwell; educated: Lexington High School, Lexington, SC, student body president, All-State Football and member of 1947 Shrine Bowl Team; University of South Carolina; A.B. in English, 1952, president of student body, president of South Carolina Association of Student Govern-ments, junior class president, battalion subcommander of USN-ROTC, captain of track SOUTH CAROLINA 103d Congress 271 team, member of Kappa Alpha social fraternity, honor council honor board, student council, football team, basketball team, and YMCA; named to Omicron Delta Kappa hon-orary leadership fraternity, Kappa Sigma Kappa honorary service fraternity, dean’s list, Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, and selected Out-standing Senior and recipient of Algernon-Sydney Sullivan Award as outstanding male student at University of South Carolina in 1952, Silver Beaver Award, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, U.S. Supreme Court Bar, author and lecturer on “Communism and National Defense”, coauthor, the “Case Against the Reckless Congress”, “Who’s Who in America”, and “Who’s Who in American Politics”, Outstanding Personality of the South; attended college on football scholarship; University of South Carolina Law School, J.D., 1956; editor of South Carolina Law Quarterly; chief justice of Phi Alpha Delta legal fra-ternity and vice president of the Law Federation; enlisted as a recruit in Naval Reserve when in high school, commissioned upon graduation from college, served aboard U.S.S. Carter Hall (LSD-3), and U.S.S. LSM-397 in European, Arctic, Atlantic, and Caribbean Theaters of Operations, retired as captain; present rank, captain, U.S. Naval Reserve; former group commander, all Naval Reserve units, Columbia, SC, area; elected to South Carolina House of Representatives, 1956-62; elected to South Carolina Senate in 1966, and reelected in 1968; minority leader of South Carolina Senate, 1966-70; chairman of Joint Senate-House Internal Security Committee in South Carolina, 1967-70; lawyer; former partner in law firm of Callison & Spence, West Columbia, SC; former Sunday school teacher and council member, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church; first president of Lex-ington County Historical Society; former county chairman and member of board of direc-tors of Mid-Carolina Mental Health Association; Sons of Confederate Veterans, com-mander of Wade Hampton Camp; advisory board of Civil Air Patrol; former circuit vice president and counselor-at-large, University of South Carolina Alumni Association; exec-utive board member of the Indian Waters Council of the Boy Scouts of America; member of Farm Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Lexington Voiture, 40 & 8 Society, Reserve Officers Association, Naval Reserve Associa-tion, Lexington County, South Carolina, and American Bar Associations, American Judi-cature Society, American Trial Lawyers Association, South Carolina Historical Society, South Carolina Society, Columbia Carillon, Archeological Society of South Carolina, University of South Carolina Association of Lettermen; graduate of Defense Strategy Seminar at National War College, graduate of National Security Seminar of Industrial College of the Armed Forces; elected to the 92d Congress in November 1970; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2405 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4002 225-2452 Administrative Assistant.—Kenneth L. Black. FAX: 225-2455 Executive Assistant.—Caroline S. Bryson. . Legislative Director.—Miriam E.A. Wolff. 220 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 202, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 254-5120 1681 Chestnut Street, NE, P.O. Box 1609, Orangeburg, SC 29115 (803) 536-4641 916 Bay Street, P.O. Box 1538, Beaufort, SC 29902 (803) 521-2530 66 East Railroad Avenue, P.O. Box 550, Estill, SC 29918 (803) 625-3177 Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 (803) 842-7212 Counties: Aiken (part), Allendale, Barnwell, Beaufort (part), Calhoun (part), Colleton (part), Hampton, Jasper, Lexing-ton, Orangeburg (part), Richland (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS OF Aiken, Allendale, Ballentine, Barnwell, Batesburg, Beaufort, Blackville, Bluffton, Blythewood, Brunson, Cayce, Chajan, Columbia, Cordova, Early Branch, Eastover, Elgin, Elko, Estill, Fairfax, Fillman, Furman, Garnett, Gaston, Gifford, Gilbert, Hampton, Hardeville, Hilda, Hilton Head Island, Hopkins, Irmo, Jackson, Kline, Leesville, Lexington, Little Mountain, Livington, Lodge, Luray, Martin, Miley, Neeseo, North, Norway, Olar, Orangeburg, Pelion, Perry, Pineland, Port Royal, Ridgeland, Ruffin, Salley, Scotia, Springfield, St. Helena Island, St. Matthews, State Park, Swansea, Sycamore, Ulmer, Varnville, Wagener, Walterboro, West Columbia, White Rock, Williston, Windsor, Yemassee, Population (1990), 581,111. ZIP Codes: 29002-03, 29006 (part), 29016 (part), 29018 (part), 29030, 29033, 29036 (part), 2903839, 29042, 29044, 29045 (part), 29047-48, 29050, 29052-54, 29059 (part), 29061, 29063, 29070 (part), 29072, 29075 (part), 29076-77, 29078 (part), 29081 (part), 29082 (part), 29107, 29112-13, 29115-16, 29123, 29130 (part), 29133, 29135, 29137 (part), 29142, 29146 (part), 29147, 29160, 29163, 29169, 29171, 29177, 29180 (part), 29200-12, 29221, 29223-24, 29230, 29240, 29250, 29260, 29290, 29432 (part), 29436 (part), 29481 (part), 29843 272 Congressional Directory SOUTH CAROLINA THIRD DISTRICT BUTLER C. DERRICK, Jr., Democrat, of Edgefield, SC; born September 30, 1936, son of Mary English (Scott) Derrick and the late Butler Carson; attended University of South Carolina; LL.B., University of Georgia, 1962-65; admitted to South Carolina bar, 1965; partner, law firm of Derrick & Byrd; member, South Carolina House of Represent-atives, 1969-74; president, 94th caucus; awards: 1977 National Conservationist of the Year, National Wildlife Federation; South Carolina Conservationist of the Year, South Carolina Wildlife Federation; 1977 Distinguished Rivers Conservation Award, American Rivers Conservation Council; 1980 named one of “Our Ten Best Friends in Congress”, Outdoor Life magazine; “Guardian of Small Business”, 99th and 101st Congress, National Federation of Independent Business; honorary Doctor of Laws Degree: University of South Carolina, 1986; Lifetime member of the Green Berets—Special Forces Association; Spirit of Enterprise Award from U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1989 and 1991; honorary Degrees: University of South Carolina, Lander College, Erskine College, Derrick Schol-ars, Program established at Piedmont Technical College; vice chairman of the House Rules Committee (chairman, Subcommittee on the Legislative Process); Chief Deputy Majority Whip; House Administration Committee; Democratic Steering and Policy Com-mittee; Congressional Textile Caucus; Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Medical Uni-versity of South Carolina, 1988; senior warden, Trinity Episcopal Church; married to Beverly Grantham, 1988; two children: Lydia Gile Wherry and Butler Carson III; elected to 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 221 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4003 225-5301 Administrative Assistant.—Lynne Richardson. FAX: 225-5383 Executive Assistant.—Connie Jameson. Press Secretary.—Carrie Rowell. 101 Federal Building, P.O. Box 4126, Anderson, SC 29622 (803) 224-7401 District Manager.—Wayne Adams. 129 Federal Building, Greenwood, SC 29646 (803) 223-8251 5 Federal Building, 211 York Street NE., Aiken, SC 29801 (803) 649-5571 Counties: ABBEVILLE COUNTY; cities and townships of Abbeville, Calhoun Falls, Donalds, Due West, Lowndesville. AIKEN COUNTY; cities and townships of Aiken, Bath, Belvedere, Clearwater, Graniteville, Gloverville, Jackson, Langley, Monetta, New Ellenton, North Augusta, Ridge Spring, Vaucluse, Ward, Warrenville. ANDERSON COUNTY; Anderson, Belton, Honea Path, Iva, LaFrance, Pelzer, Pendleton, Sandy Springs, Starr, Townville, Williamston, Piedmont. EDGEFIELD COUNTY; cities and townships of Edgefield, Johnston, Modoc, Trenton. GREENWOOD COUNTY; cities and townships of Bradley, Callison, Greenwood, Hodges, Ninety Six, Shoals Junc-tion, Troy, Ware Shoals. LAURENS COUNTY; cities and townships of Clinton, Cross Hill, Gray Court, Joanna, Laurens, Mountville, Waterloo, Fountain Inn, Enoree. MCCORMICK COUNTY; cities and townships of Clarks Hill, McCormick, Modoc, Mt. Carmel, Parksville, Plum Branch, Willington. OCONEE COUNTY; cities and townships of Fair Play, Long Creek, Madison, Mountain Rest, Newry, Richland, Salem, Seneca, Tamassee, Walhalla, Westmin-ister, West Union. PICKENS COUNTY; cities and townships of Cateechee, Central Dacusville, Easley, Easley P.O., Liberty, Norris, Pickens, Six Mile, Sunset, Clemson, Clemson University. SALUDA COUNTY; cities and townships of Monetta, Ridge Spring, Saluda, Ward. Population (1990), 581,104. ZIP Codes: 29006 (part), 29037 (part), 29059 (part), 29070 (part), 29105, 29124, 29127 (part), 29129, 29137 (part), 29138, 29146 (part), 29164, 29166, 29620-25, 29627 (part), 29628, 29630-33, 29635 (part), 29638-41, 29643, 2964649, 29648, 29653, 29654 (part), 29655-59, 29661 (part), 29664-67, 29669 (part), 29671, 29673 (part), 29675-79, 29682, 2968486, 29689, 29691, 29692 (part), 29693-94, 29696-97, 29801, 29809-10, 29812-14, 29816-17, 29819, 29821-22, 29824, 29826-29, 29831-32, 29834-36, 29838-41, 29844-51, 29853, 29856, and 29650, 29802 FOURTH DISTRICT BOB INGLIS, Republican, of Greenville, SC; born in Savannah, GA, on October 11, 1959 (hometown Bluffton, SC); attended Bluffton Elementary School; graduated, May River Academy, Bluffton, SC, 1977; A.B., Duke University, Durham, NC, 1981; J.D., University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA, 1984; attorney; admitted to the South Carolina bar, 1984; formerly shareholder, Leatherwood, Walker, Todd, and Mann, P.C.; Fourth District Chairman, South Carolinians to Limit Congressional Terms; Lead-ership Greenville; United Way Loaned Executive; Second Presbyterian Church; married to the former Mary Anne Williams, 1982; three children, Robert Durden, Jr., 1985, Mary Ashton, 1987, and Anne McCullough, 1990; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. SOUTH CAROLINA 103d Congress : 273 Office Listings 1237 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4004 225-6030 Administrative Assistant.—Jeff Fedorchak. FAX: 226-1177 Executive Secretary.—Cherie Sveiven. Legislative Director.—Paul Anderson. Press Secretary.—Jill Gerber. P.O. Box 1330, Spartanburg, SC 29304 . . .... (803) 582-6422 P.O. Box 10183, Federal Station, Greenville, SC 29603 (803) 232-1141 405 West Main Street, McDade & Fant Building, Union, SC 29379 (803) 427-2205 Counties: Greenville, Laurens (part), Spartanburg, Union. Population (1990), 581,113. ZIP Codes: 29031 (part), 29178 (part), 29301-05, 29316, 29318, 29320-22, 29323 (part), 29324, 29329, 29330 (part), 29331, 29333-36, 29338, 29346, 29348-49, 29353, 29356, 2936465, 29368-69, 29372 (part), 29373-79, 29385-86, 29388 (part), 29601, 29602 (part), 29603-11, 29613, 29615, 29627 (part), 29635 (part), 29636, 29644 (part), 29651-52, 29654 (part), 29661 (part), 29662, 29669 (part), 29670, 29673 (part), 29674, 29681, 29683, 29687-88, 29690 FIFTH DISTRICT JOHN M. SPRATT, Jr., Democrat, of York, SC; born in Charlotte, NC, November 1, 1942; graduated, York High School, 1960; A.B., Davidson College, 1964; president of stu-dent body and Phi Beta Kappa, Davidson College; M.A., economics, Oxford University, Corpus Christi College (Marshall Scholar), 1966; LL.B., Yale Law School, 1969; admit-ted to South Carolina bar, 1969; active duty U.S. Army, 1969-71, discharged as captain, served as member of Operations Analysis Group, Office of the Assistant Secretary of De-fense (Comptroller), received Meritorious Service Medal; in private practice of law, 1971-82, with Spratt, McKeown & Spratt in York, SC; York County attorney, 1973-82; president, Bank of Fort Mill, 1973-82; president, Spratt Insurance Agency, Inc.; presi-dent, York Chamber of Commerce; chairman, Winthrop College Board of Visitors; chair-man, Divine Saviour Hospital Board; board of visitors, Davidson and Coker Colleges; president, Western York County United Fund; board of directors, Piedmont Legal Serv-ices; House of Delegates, South Carolina Bar; elder, First Presbyterian Church, York; member: House Armed Services Committee; Subcommittee on Military Acquisition; chairman, Military Application of Nuclear Energy Panel; Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations; Subcommittee on Procurement and Military Nuclear Systems Defense Policy Panel; House Government Operations Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs; caucuses: cochairman, Bearing; Textile; Rural; Sunbelt; Travel and Tourism; Environment and Energy; Arms Control and For-eign Policy: Arts; married to Jane Stacy Spratt, 1968; three daughters: Susan, Sarah, and Catherine; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1536 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4005 Administrative Assistant.—Ellen Buchanan. FAX: 225-5501 225-0464 P.O. 39 East P.O. Press Secretary.—Chuck Fant. Box 350, Rock Hill, SC 29731 District Administrator.—Robert Hopkins. Calhoun Street, Sumter, SC 29150 Box 25, Darlington, SC 29532-0025 : .. (803) (803) (803) 327-1114 773-3362 393-3998 Counties: Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Darlington (part), Dillon, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Lee (part), Marl-boro, Newberry, Sumter (part), and York. Population (1990), 581,131. ZIP Codes: 29001 (part), 29009-10, 2901415, 29016: (part), 29017, 29020, 29031 (part), 29032, 29036 (part), 29037 (part), 29040, 29045 (part), 29046, 29051 (part), 29055, 29058, 29062, 29065, 29067 (part), 29074, 29075 (part), 29078 (part), 29080, 29101 (part), 29102 (part), 29104, 29106, 29108, 29114 (part), 29122, 29125 (part), 29126, 29127 (part), 29128, 29130 (part), 29131 (part), 29132, 29134, 29145, 29150-52, 29154, 29162 (part), 29168, 2917576, 29178 (part), 29180 (part), 29183, 29323 (part), 29325, 29330 (part), 29332, 29340, 29342, 29351, 29355, 29360, 29370, 29372 (part), 29384, 29388 (part), 29520, 29550 (part), 29584, 29593 (part), 29644 (part), 29645, 29654 (part), 29692 (part), 29702- 06, 29709-10, 29712, 29714-15, 29717-20, 29724, 29726-31, 29733, 29741-45 Congressional Directory SOUTH CAROLINA SIXTH DISTRICT JAMES E. CLYBURN, Democrat, of Columbia, SC; born in Sumter, SC, on July 21, 1940; attended Liberty Street Elementary School, Sumter; graduated, Mather Academy, Camden, SC, 1957; B.S., South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, SC, 1962; attended University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, 1972-74; South Carolina State Human Affairs Commissioner; assistant to the Governor for Human Resource Develop-ment; executive director, South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers, Inc.; director, Neighborhood Youth Corps and New Careers; counselor, South Carolina Employment Security Commission; member: NAACP, lifetime member; Southern Regional Council; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; Arabian Temple, No. 139; Nemiah Lodge No. 51 F&AM; married to the former Emily England; three children: Mignon, 1962, Jennifer, 1969, and Angela, 1973; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 319 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4006 225-3315 Chief of Staff.—Bill DeLoach. FAX: 225-2313 Legislative Director.—Margaret Bethea McHenry. Press Secretary.—Debra Derr. Office Manager/Appointments.—Lisa Toporek. 1703 Gervais Street, Post Office Box 11449, Columbia, SC 29211 (803) 799-1100 FAX: (803) 771-0911 181 East Evans Street, Suite 314, Post Office Box 6286, Florence, SC 29502... (803) 662-1212 . FAX: (803) 662-8474 Non Charleston City Hall, 4900 LaCrosse Road, North Charleston, SC 8 (803) 747-9660 FAX: (803) 745-1050 Counties: BAMBERG COUNTY; cities and townships of Bamberg, Denmark, Erhardt, Olar. BERKELEY COUNTY; cities and townships of Bethera, Cross, Huger, Jamestown, Pineville, Russellville, Saint Stephen, Wando. CALHOUN COUNTY; city of Cameron (part). CHARLESTON COUNTY; cities and townships of Adams Run, Charleston (part), Edisto Island, Hollywood, Johns Island (part), Ravenel (part), Wadmalaw Island (part). CLARENDON; cities and townships of Alcolu, Davis Station, Gable, Manning, New Zion, Rimini, Summerton, Turbeville. COLLECTON COUNTY; cities and townships of Cottageville, Green Pond, Jacksonboro, Lodge (part), Round O, Saint George, Smoaks, Walter-boro (part), Williams. COLUMBIA COUNTY; city of Columbia (part). DARLINGTON COUNTY; cities and townships of Darlington (part), Lamar (part). DORCHESTER COUNTY; cities and townships of Dorchester, Harleyville, Reeves-ville. FLORENCE COUNTY; cities and townships of Coward, Effingham, Florence, Johnsonville, Lake City, Olanta, Pamplico, Scranton, Timmonsville. MARION COUNTY; cities and townships of Centenary, Gresham, Marion, Mullins, Nichols, Rains, Sellers. LEE COUNTY; cities and townships of Bishopville (part), Elliott, Lynchburg. ORANGEBURG COUNTY; cities and townships of Bowman, Branchville (part), Cope (part), Elloree, Eutawville, Holly Hill, Orangeburg (part), Rowesville, Santee, Vance. RICHLAND COUNTY; cities and townships of Blythewood, Eastover, Gadsden, Hopkins (part). SUMTER COUNTY; cities and townships of Mayesville, Pinewood, Rembert, Sumter (part), Wedgefield. WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY; cities and townships of Cades, Greeleyville, Hem-ingway, Kingstree, Lane, Nesmith, Salters, Trio. Population (1990), 581,133. ZIP Codes: 29001, 29003, 29010 (part), 29016 (part), 29018, 29030 (part), 29038 (part), 29041-42, 29044, 29046-48, 29051-52, 29056, 29059, 29061 (part), 29069 (part), 29080-81, 29082 (part), 29102, 29104, 29111, 29114-15, 29116 (part), 29125, 29128, 29131, 29133, 29142, 29148, 29150 (part), 29151, 29153-54, 29161-63, 29168, 29201-05, 29206 (part), 29209, 29211, 29223, 29240, 29401 (part), 29403, 29405, 29407, 29411-12, 29415, 29426, 29430, 29432 (part), 29435-38, 29446, 29448-50, 29452-53, 29455 (part), 29468 29470 (part), 29471, 29474, 29476-77, 29479, 29481, 29487 ), 29488 (part), 29492-93, 29501-06, 29518-19, 29530, 29532 (part), 29541, 29546, 29554-56, 29560, 29564, 29571, 29574, 29580-81, 29583, 29589-92, 29595, 29843 SOUTH DAKOTA 103d Congress SOUTH DAKOTA (Population, 1990 census, 699,999) SENATORS LARRY PRESSLER, Republican, of Humboldt, SD; born in Humboldt, March 29, 1942, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Pressler; farmer/lawyer; B.A., University of South Dakota, 1964, president, student body; Phi Beta Kappa; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford Univer-sity, England, Oxford diploma, M.A., Harvard, Kennedy School of Government; J.D., Harvard Law School, 1971; five honorary doctorates; lieutenant, U.S. Army, 1966-68 served in Vietnam, first Vietnam veteran elected to the U.S. Senate; State and national 4-H awards; wife’s name, Harriet; daughter, Laura; serves on five committees in U.S. Senate: Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Foreign Relations; Judiciary; Small Business (ranking member); and Special Committee on Aging; twice U.S. Senate Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly (41st General Assembly, 1986 and 47th General Assembly, 1992); Board of Visitors: U.S. Coast Guard Academy (1993); U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (1979; 1989-90); U.S. Military Academy (1993); and Air Force Acade-my (1987-89); member: U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations (1993); member: American Association of Rhodes Scholars, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America, Phi Beta Kappa National Asso-ciation, American Bar Association, elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; re-elected to the 95th Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, reelected to the U.S. Senate, November 6, 1984, and November 6, 1990; election margins to House (81%) and Senate (75%), setting all-time South Dakota records for any office. Author of two books: Star Wars: The Strategic Defense Initiative Debates In Congress, (Praeger, 1986); U.S. Senators From The Prairie, (University of South Dakota Press, 1982). Office Listings 133 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4101 224-5842 Chief of Staff.—Douglas L. Miller. FAX: 224-1630 Legislative Director.—Robert Hoffman. Press Secretary.—Kristi Sommers. State Director.—Darrell Sawyer. Suite 105-A, 1923 Sixth Avenue SE, Aberdeen, SD 57402-1566 (605) 226-7471 P.O. Box 1372, 309 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57102-1372 (605) 335-1990 Rushmore Mall, Room 112, Rapid City, SD 57701 (605) 341-1185 THOMAS A. DASCHLE, Democrat, of Aberdeen, SD; born in Aberdeen on Decem-ber 9, 1947; attended private and public schools; B.A., South Dakota State University, 1969; served in U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command, first lieutenant, 1969-72; repre-sentative for financial investment firm; legislative assistant to former South Dakota Sena-tor James Abourezk; member: American Legion, Catholic Church, South Dakota Jay-cees; awards: only the third South Dakotan in 43 years to received the “Ten Outstanding Young Men” from the U.S. Jaycees (1981), “National Commander’s Award” by the Dis-abled American Veterans (1980), “Person of the Year” by the National Association of Concerned Veterans, “Eminent Service Award” by East River (South Dakota) Electric Power Cooperative, “Friend of Education” by the South Dakota Education Association; founder, American Grown Foundation (1987); board member, “Rural Voice”; serves on 6 committees in U.S. Senate: Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; Commit-tee on Finance; Select Committee on Indian Affairs; Select Committee on Ethics; chair-man, Subcommittee on Agricultural Research and General Legislation; Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry; co-chairman, Democratic Policy Committee (the chairman-ship previously was held exclusively by the majority leader); assistant deputy whip for the Midwest region; married to the former Linda Hall, 1984; three children: Kelly, Nathan, and Lindsay; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978, and reelected to the three succeeding Congresses; elected Rocky Mountain regional whip (1979), served as “Whip-At-Large” (1982-86), elected to the House Steering and Policy Committee (1983); elected to the Senate on November 4, 1986; reelected on November 3, 1992. 276 Congressional Directory SOUTH DAKOTA Office Listings 317 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4103 ............c.c.cccuee.... 224-2321 Administrative Assistant.—Peter M. Rouse. Scheduler.—Nancy Erickson. Press Secretary.—Ranit Schmelzer. 810 South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (605) 334-9596 615 South Main Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401 (605) 225-8823 816 Sixth Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 .. (605) 348-7551 REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE TIM JOHNSON, Democrat, of Vermillion, SD; born in Canton, SD; December 28, 1946; attended public schools; B.A. University of South Dakota, 1969; Phi Beta Kappa; M.A, political science, University of South Dakota, 1970; studied in post graduate politi-cal science program, Michigan State University, 1970-71; J.D., University of South Dakota, 1975; married Barb Brooks, 1969; three children: Brooks, Brendan, and Kelsey Marie; Lutheran; worked as budget adviser to the Michigan State Senate Appropriations Committee, 1971-72; began private law practice in Vermillion, 1975; served as Clay County Deputy State’s Attorney, 1985; elected to the South Dakota House of Represent-atives, 1978; reelected, 1980; elected to the South Dakota State Senate, 1982; reelected, 1984; served on the Joint Appropriations Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee; named Outstanding Citizen of Vermillion (1983); received South Dakota Education Asso-ciation’s “Friend of Education” Award (1983); Billie Sutton Award for Legislative Achievement (1984); member: House Agriculture Committee and Natural Resources Committee; Delegate, Democratic National Convention, 1988-92; chairman, Subcommit-tee on General Farm Commodities; Assistant Deputy Majority Whip; elected to the 100th Congress, November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress. - Office Listings 2438 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4101 ................... 225-2801 Administrative Assistant.—Drey Samuelson. FAX: 225-2427 Legislative Director.—Mark Rubin. Press Secretary.—John Devereaux. 515 South Dakota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57102... (605) 332-8896 District Director.—Sharon Bertram. Suite 104, 809 South Street, Rapid City, SD 57709 .......cccceevererercrerrurunne (605) 341-3990 615 South Main, Aberdeen, SD 57401...... vend (605) 226-3440 Population (1990), 699,999. ZIP Codes: 51001 (part), 51023 (part), 56138 (part), 56164 (part), 56219 (part), 57001-04, 57005 (part), 57006-07, 57010, 57012-25, 57026 (part), 57027-29, 57030 (part), 57031-33, 57034 (part), 57035-48, 57049 (part), 57050-59, 57060 (part), 57061-67, 57068 (part), 57069-77, 57078 (part), 57100-07, 57115-16, 57118, 57201-02, 57210, 57212-27, 57229-39, 57241-52, 57255 (part), 57256-59, 57260 (part), 57261-66, 57268-69, 57270 (part), 57271-74, 57276, 57278-79, 57301, 57310-17, 57319, 57321-25, 57328-32, 57334-42, 57344-46, 5734850, 57353-59, 57361-71, 57373 76, 57379-86, 57401-02, 57420-29, 57430 (part), 57432-42, 57445-46, 57448-53, 57454-57, 57460-63, 57465-77, 57479, 57481, 57483, 57501, 57520-23, 57526-29, 57531-34, 57536-38, 57540-45, 57547-48, 57551-53, 57555, 57557, 57559-60, 57562-64, 57566-72, 57574, 57576-81, 57584-85, 57601, 57620-23, 57625-26, 57628-31, 57632 (part), 57633, 57634 (part), 57636, 57638 (part), 57639-47, 57648 (part), 57649-54, 57656-58, 57660 (part), 57661, 57701-02, 57706, 57708-09, 57714-20, 57722, 57724 (part), 57725, 5772930, 57732, 57735-38, 57741-42, 57744-45, 5774748, 57750-52, 5775467, 57769-70, 57772-80, 57782-85, 57787-88, 57790-95, 58030 (part), 58032 (part), 58041 (part), 58053 (part), 58413 (part), 58436 (part), 58439 (part), 58623 (part), 58637 (part), 68719 (part), 69201 (part), 69211 (part), 69212 (part), 69216 (part), 69218 (part), 69337 (part), 69343 (part) TENNESSEE 103d Congress TENNESSEE (Population, 1990 census, 4,896,641) SENATORS JIM SASSER, Democrat, of Nashville, TN; born in Memphis, TN, September 30, 1936; attended University of Tennessee, 1954-55; B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1958; J.D., Vanderbilt Law School, 1961; Honorary Doctor of Law degree, Tusculum College, Greeneville, TN; admitted to the Tennessee bar, 1961; commenced practice in Nashville; served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, 1957-63; partner, law firm of Goodpasture, Carpenter, Woods & Sasser; chairman, Tennessee Democratic Party, 1973-76; married to the former Mary Gorman; two children: Gray and Elizabeth; Methodist; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected on November 2, 1982; reelected on November 8, 1988; Senate committees: Appropria-Hows, Budget (chairman), Governmental Affairs, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- airs. Office Listings 363 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4201 224-3344 Chief of Staff.—John Callahan. TDD: 224-1911 Legislative Director.—Jeff Lane. Personal Secretary.—Linda Kinkead Graham. Press Secretary.—James Pratt. 5469 U.S. Courthouse, Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 736-7353 403 Federal Office Building, 169 North Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103 (901) 544-4187 320 U.S. Post Office, Knoxville, TN 37902 (615) 545-4264 B-8 Federal Building, Jackson, TN 38301 (901) 424-6600 239 Federal Building, Chattanooga, TN 37402 (615) 756-8836 Tri-City Airport, Blountville, TN 37617 (615) 323-6207 HARLAN MATHEWS, Democrat, of Nashville, TN; born January 17, 1927, in Sumi-ton, AL, where he attended public schools; B.A., business, Jacksonville State College, Alabama; M.A., public administration, Vanderbilt University; LL.B. Nashville School of Law, 1962; served in the Navy in World War II; began his career in Tennessee State government in 1950 as a member of the planning staff of Governor Gordon Browning; named to the budget staff of Frank Clement, 1954 and rose to post of commissionor of the Department of Finance and Administration, 1961; served as commissioner under Clement and Governor Buford Ellington for 10 years; left State government in 1971 to work as senior vice president of multi-family housing development for Amcon Interna-tional Inc. of Memphis; returned to Nashville in 1973 to become legislative assistant to State Comptroller William Snodgrass; elected State Treasurer, 1974-87; joined the staff of Governor Ned McWherter; held the post of Deputy to the Governor, serving as secre-tary of the cabinet until January 1993, appointed by Governor McWherter on January 3, 1993 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Al Gore; appointment will continue until a special election on November 8, 1994, in which the voters will elect, in a Statewide general election, a Senator to complete the final 2 years of the term; married to Patsy Jones; children: Stanley and Lester. Office Listings 506 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4201 224-4944 Administrative Assistant.—Eshe W. Harris. TDD: 224-4802 Legislative Director.—Jim Hall. Press Secretary.—Dana McDermott. Suite 120, 3322 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 736-5129 403 Federal Building, Memphis, TN 38103 ... (901) 544-4224 315 Post Office Building, Knoxville, TN 37902 (615) 673-4595 B-9 Federal Building, 109 South Highland Street, Jackson, TN 38301 (901) 424-0505 256 Federal Building, 900 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 34792 (615) 756-1328 Tri-City Regional Airport, Blountville, TN 37617 (615) 323-6216 278 Congressional Directory TENNESSEE REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JAMES H. (JIMMY) QUILLEN, Republican, of Kingsport, TN; born near Gate City, Scott County, VA, January 11, 1916, son of the late John A. and Hannah Chapman Quil-len; moved to Kingsport at an early age; graduated from Dobyns-Bennett High School, Kingsport; honorary doctor of law degree from Milligan College, Tennessee; served in U.S. Navy, 1942-46; former newspaper publisher in Kingsport and Johnson City, TN; married Cecile Cox of Kingsport, 1952; elected member, Tennessee House of Representa-tives, 1954-62; minority floor leader, 1959; nominated in 1957 and 1961 as Republican speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives; member of Tennessee Legislative Council, 1957, 1959, and 1961; delegate at large to the GOP National Conventions in San Francisco in 1956 and 1964; delegate to GOP National Conventions in Miami Beach in 1968 and 1972; delegate to GOP National Convention in Kansas City in 1976; parliamen-tarian, GOP National Convention, Detroit, 1980; parliamentarian, GOP National Conven-tion, Dallas, 1984; parliamentarian, GOP National Convention, New Orleans, 1988; past president of Kingsport Lions Club; member of the Methodist Church; James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, named in his honor; Tennessee Statesman of the Year, 1986; Interstate 181 from Virginia to North Carolina line named James H. Quillen Parkway, 1989; Outstanding Service Award by Southeastern Hospital Conference, 1990; AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, SAR Award, Na-tional Rifle Association; Rating of 100 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Watchdog of the Treasury, Inc., 27 consecutive Golden Bulldog Awards; Sound Dollar Award, the 1990 Eagle of Freedom Award and the American Farm Bureau Federation Golden Plow Award, the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars; citations and awards: Distinguished Service Award, Americans for Constitutional Action; National Bicentennial Medal; Guardian of Small Business Award; National Security Leadership Award; George L. Carter Award from East Tennessee State University, 1993; Silver Helmet Award, 1993; Christian Citizenship Award, 1993; The Pride of Tennessee Award, 1993; elected to the 88th Congress, November 6, 1962; reelected to each succeeding Congress; Republican Chairman Emeritus, House Rules Committee. Office Listings 102 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4201....................... 225-6356 Administrative Assistant.—Frances Light Currie. FAX: 225-7812 Executive Secretary.—Dolores C. Kefalas. Federal Building, Room 157, First Floor, Kingsport, TN 37662.......................... (615) 247-8161 Officer Manager.—-Betty Vaughn. FAX: (615) 247-8164 Executive Secretary.—Karen Alvis. Counties: CARTER COUNTY: cities and townships of Blue Springs, Carter Elizabethton (County Seat), Hampton, Hunter, Milligan College, Roan Mountain, Shell Creek, Tiger Valley, Watauga, Watauga Valley; COCKE COUNTY: cities and townships of Bridgeport, Bybee, Cosby, Del Rio, Denton, French Broad, Harmony Grove, Hartford, High Point, Newport (County Seat), Parrottsville, Rankin Sardis, Sardis, Wolf Creek; GREENE COUNTY: cities and townships of Afton, Albany, Baileyton, Beulah, Camp Creek, Caney Branch, Cedar Creek, Cedar Lane, Chuckey, Cross Anchor, Greeneville (County Seat), Jearoldstown, Midway, Mohawk, Mosheim, Pine Grove, Pine Springs, Radar, Rheatown, Romeo, Tusculum College, Union Temple, Warrensburg; HAWKINS COUNTY: cities and town-ships of Blossom, Bulls Gap, Church Hill, Eidson, Lee County, McCloud, Mooresburg, Mount Carmel, New Canton, New Hope, Okalona, Persia, Pressman’s Home, Rogersville (County Seat), St. Clair, Stoneypoint, Sur-goinsville, White Horn; JEFFERSON COUNTY: cities and townships of Baneberry, Dandridge (County Seat), Four Points, Jefferson City, New Market, Piedmont, Strawberry Plains, Talbott, White Pine; JOHNSON COUNTY: cities and townships of Butler, Laurel Bloomery, Mountain City (County Seat), Neva, Shady Valley, Shouns, Trade; HANcock COUNTY: cities and townships of Kyles Ford, Sneedville (County Seat), Treadway; SEVIER COUNTY: cities and townships of Boyds Creek, Chadwick, Elkmont, Gatlinburg, Jones Cove, Kodak, Laurel Grove, Pigeon Forge, Pleasand Hill, Sevierville (County Seat), Seymour, Union Grove, Wear Valley; SULLIVAN COUNTY: cities and townships of Blountville (County Seat), Bristol, Emmett, Holston Valley, Indian Springs, Kingsport, Piney Flats, Silvacola, Sullivan Gardens; UNicol COUNTY: cities and townships of Banner Elk, Ernestville, Erwin (County Seat), Flag Pond, Limestone Cove, Marbleton, Unicoi; WASHINGTON COUNTY: cities and townships of Embreeville, Fall Branch, Johnson City, Jonesborough (County Seat), Limestone, Mountain Home, Telford; KNOX CouNTY PRECINCTS: Carter and Skaggston. Population (1990), 541,875. ZIP Codes: 37601-05, 37614-18, 37620-21, 37625, 37640-45, 37650, 37656-60, 37662-65, 37669, 37680-84, 37686-88, 37690-92, 37694, 37711, 37713, 37721 (part), 37722, 37725, 37727, 37731, 37738, 37743-44, 37753, 37760, 37764 (part), 37765, 37806 (part), 37809-11, 37818, 37820-21, 37843, 37857, 37862-65, 37868-69, 37871 (part), 37873, 37877, 37881, 37883, 37890, 37920 (part), 37924 (part) TENNESSEE 103d Congress SECOND DISTRICT JOHN J. DUNCAN, JRr., Republican, of Knoxville, TN; born in Lebanon, TN, July 21, 1947; attended public schools in Knoxville and graduated from the University of Ten-nessee with a B.S. Degree in Journalism, 1969; graduated from National Law Center, George Washington University with a J.D. Degree, 1973; served in both the Army Na-tional Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve, retiring with the rank of captain; was in private practice of law in Knoxville, 1973-81; appointed as State Trial Judge by Governor Lamar Alexander in 1981 and was elected to a full 8-year term in 1982 without opposition, re-ceiving the highest number of votes of any candidate on the ballot for that year; member: American Legion, 40&8, Elks, Sertoma Club, Masons, Scottish Rite & Shrine; serves or has served in the past on the boards of Red Cross, Girl’s Club, YWCA, Sunshine Center for the Mentally Retarded, the Beck Black Heritage Center, Knoxville Union Rescue Mission, Senior Citizens Home Aid Service, and others; active Elder at Eastminster Pres-byterian Church; married to the former Lynn Hawkins; four children: Tara, Whitney, John J. III, and Zane; elected to both the 100th Congress (special election), and the 101st Congress in separate elections held on November 8, 1988; serves on the House Public Works and Transportation, and Natural Resources Committees, reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 115 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4202 225-5435 Administrative Assistant.—Judy Whitbred. FAX: 225-6440 Press Secretary.—Jim Easton. Legislative Director.—Jim Coon. Scheduling Secretary.—Leslie Gwyn. Suite 318, 501 West Main Street, Knoxville, TN 37902 % (615) 523-3772 Suite 419, 200 East Broadway, Maryville, TN 37801 (615) 984-5464 Courthouse, Athens, TN 37303 (615) 745-4671 Counties: Blount, Bradley (part), Knox (part), Loudon, McMinn, Monroe. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Alcoa, Athens, Cleveland (part), Eagleton Village, Englewood, Etowah, Farragut, Halls (Knox Co.), Hopewell, Knoxville, Lenoir City, Loudon, Madisonville, Maryville, Powell, Seymour (part), South Cleveland (part), Sweetwater, and Wild-wood Lake (part). Population (1990), 541,864. ZIP Codes: 37303-04, 37309, 37310 (part), 37311 (part), 37312 (part), 37314, 37322 (part), 37325-26, 37329, 37331, 37354, 37358 (part), 37370-71, 37385, 37701, 37705 (part), 37709 (part), 37721 (part), 37737, 37742, 37754 (part), 37764 (part), 37771 (part), 37774 (part), 37777, 37779 (part), 37801-04, 37806 (part), 37807 (part), 37826 (part), 37830 (part), 37846 (part), 37849 (part), 37853, 37865 (part), 37871 (part), 37874 (part), 37878, 37880 (part), 37882, 37885-86, 37900-02, 37909, 37912, 37914-17, 37918 (part), 37919 (part), 37920 (part), 37921-23, 37924 (part), 37927-30, 37931 (part), 37932 (part), 37933, 37938 (part), 3793940, 37950, 37995-98 * %x x%x THIRD DISTRICT MARILYN LLOYD, Democrat, of Chattanooga, TN; born in Fort Smith, AR, Janu-ary 3, 1929; Shorter College, Rome, GA, owned and operated Radio Station WTTI, Dalton, GA, member Church of Christ; active in civic and professional clubs and organi-zations; member: House Armed Services Committee; House Science, Space, and Technol-ogy Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Energy; chairman, Armed Services Panel to the North Atlantic Assembly (parliamentary body of NATO); TVA Caucus; Textile Caucus; elected to the 94th Congress, November 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2406 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4203 225-3271 Administrative Assistant.—Sue S. Carlton. FAX: 225-6974 Legislative Director.—Jim Anton. Press Secretary.—Eddie Patterson. Office Manager.—Claudia M. Collins. 253 Jay Solomon Federal Office Building, Chattanooga, TN 37401 (615) 267-9108 1211 Federal Office Building, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (615) 576-1977 280 Congressional Directory TENNESSEE Counties: Anderson, Bledsoe, Bradley (part), Grundy, Hamilton, Marion, Meigs, Morgan, Polk, Roane, Sequatchie, Van Buren. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Chattanooga, Cleveland, Oak Ridge, Pikeville, Dunlap, Jasper, South Pittsburg, Tracy City, Decatur, Wartburg, Benton, Kingston, Harriman, Spencer. Population (1990), 541,866. ZIP Codes: 37110, 37301-02, 37305, 37307-08, 37310 (part), 37311 (part), 37312 (part), 37313, 37315-17, 37320, 37322-23, 37326-27, 37333, 37336, 37338-41, 37343, 37347, 37350-51, 37353, 37356-57, 37361-67, 37369, 37373-74, 37377, 37379-80, 37387, 37391, 37396-97, 37401-12, 37415-16, 37419, 37421-22, 37450, 37705, 37710, 37716-17, 37719, 37726, 37748, 37754 (part), 37763, 37769-70, 37828-31, 37840, 37845, 37849 pare), 37852, 37854, 37872, 37880, 37887, 37919 (part), 37931 (part), 38581, 38585 FOURTH DISTRICT JIM COOPER, Democrat, of Shelbyville, TN; born on June 19, 1954 and raised in Shelbyville, TN; graduated with highest honors from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1972-75; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University, 1975-77; Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1980; admitted to Tennessee bar, 1980; commenced practice in Nashville; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress; member of Committees on Energy and Commerce; Budget; married to the former Martha Bryan Hayes; two children, Mary and Jamie. Office Listings 125 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4204 225-6831 Administrative Assistant.—David Withrow. FAX: 225-4520 Legislative Director.—Thomas Fields. Personal Secretary.—Cheryl Montgomery. 210 East Depot Street, Shelbyville, TN 37160 (615) 684-1114 City Hall, 7 South High Street, Winchester, TN 37398 (615) 967-4150 208 East First North Street, Morristown, TN 37814 (615) 587-9000 P.O. Box 845, Crossville, TN 38555 (615) 484-1864 Counties: Bedford, Campbell, Claiborne, Coffee, Cumberland, Fentress, Franklin, Giles, Grainger, Hamblen, Hardin, Knox (part), Lawrence, Lincoln, Moore, Pickett, Rhea, Scott, Union, Warren, Wayne, White. Population (1990), 541,868. ZIP Codes: 37018, 37020 (part), 37026 (part), 37034 (part), 37037 (part), 37047 (part), 37060 (part), 37091 (part), 37110 (part), 37144 (part), 37153 (part), 37160, 37166 (part), 37180 (part), 37183, 37190 (part), 37306, 37318, 37321, 37324, 37327-28, 37330, 37332, 37334-35, 37337-38, 37342, 37345, 37348, 37352, 37355, 37357, 37359-60, 37365 (part), 37367, 37372, 37375-76, 37378, 37379 (part), 37381-82, 3738889, 37394-95, 37397 (part), 37398, 37705 (part), 37707-08, 37709 (part), 37711 (part), 37714, 37715 (part), 37719, 37721 (part), 37723-24, 37726, 37729-30, 37731 (part), 37732-33, 37748 (part), 37752, 37754 (part), 37755-57, 37762, 37765-66, 37769 (part), 37770, 37773, 37778, 37779 (part), 37806 (part), 37807 (part), 37811 (part), 37813 (part), 37814 (part), 37815-16, 37819, 37825, 37829, 37840 (part), 37841-42, 37843 (part), 37845, 37847-48, 37851-52, 37854 (part), 37860-61, 37866-67, 37869 (part), 37870, 37872, 37877 (part), 37879, 37881 (part), 37887-88, 37890 (part), 37891 (part), 37892, 38449 (part), 38451 (part), 38453, 38455-57, 38459-60, 38463 (part), 38464 (part), 38468-69, 38472 (part), 38473, 38474 (part), 38477-78, 38481, 38483 (part), 38486 (part), 38488, 38504 (part), 38549 (part), 38550, 38553 (part), 38555, 38556 (part), 38559, 38565, 38570 (part), 38574 (part), 38577 (part), 38578-79, 38581 (part), 38583 (part), 38585, 38587, 38589 FIFTH DISTRICT BOB CLEMENT, Democrat, of Nashville, TN; born in Nashville, September 23, 1943; attended Glendale Elementary School, Nashville, 1958; graduated, Hillsboro High School, Nashville, 1962; B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1967; MBA, Memphis State University, TN, 1968; served in U.S. Army, Ist lieutenant, 1969-71; served in Ten-nessee Army National Guard, lieutenant colonel, 1971-present; member, Tennessee Public Service Commission, 1973-79; TVA Board Member, 1979-81; partner, Charter Equities, 1981-83; president, Cumberland University, Lebanon, TN, 1983-87; Tennessee chairman, American Heart Association, 1989; member: American Legion, Girl Scouts of America, Jaycees, Lions Club, Rotary Club, United Way; member: Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee, Veterans’ Affairs Committee; chairman, Congressional TVA Caucus; secretary/treasurer, Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus; married to the former Mary Carson, 1976; four children: Greg, Jeff, Elizabeth, and Rachel; elected to the 100th Congress by special election January 19, 1988, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- TENNESSEE 103d Congress 281 tion of Bill Boner; reelected to the 101st Congress, November 8, 1988; 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; 103d Congress, November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1230 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4205 225-4311 Administrative Assistant.—David Flanders. Executive Assistant.—Carolyn Waugh. Legislative Director.—Jay Hansen. 552 U.S. Courthouse, Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 736-5295 Administrative Assistant.—Dottie Moore. Suite 103, 2701 Jefferson Street, Nashville, TN 37208 (615) 320-1363 Suite 201, 101 5th Avenue West, Springfield, TN 37172 “3 (615) 384-6600 Counties: Davidson (part), Robertson (part); cities of Belle Meade, Forest Hills, Goodlettsville (Davidson County portion), Greenbrier, Lakewood, Millersville (part), Nashville-Davidson (part), Oak Hill, Springfield (part) and White House (part). Population (1990), 541,909. ZIP Codes: 37010, 37013, 37015 (part), 37027 (part), 37032 (part), 37035 (part), 37048 (part), 37049 (part), 37072 (part), 37073, 37076 (part), 37080 (part), 37082 (part), 37086 (part), 3711516, 37122 (part), 37135 (part), 37138 (part 37141, 37143, 37146 (part), 37148 (part), 37152, 37154, 3717172, 37188 (part), 37189, 37191 (part), 37201-04, Pros (part), 37206-22, 37228-29, 37232, 37235, 37250 SIXTH DISTRICT BART GORDON, Democrat, of Murfreesboro, TN; born January 24, 1949, Murfrees-boro; attended Hobgood Elementary School, Murfreesboro; graduated Central High School, Murfreesboro, 1967; B.S. (cum laude), Middle Tennessee State University, Mur-freesboro, 1971; J.D., University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN, 1973; ad-mitted to the Tennessee State bar, 1974; opened private law practice in Murfreesboro, 1974; elected to the Tennessee Democratic Party’s executive committee, 1974; appointed as executive director of the Tennessee Democratic Party, 1979; elected the first full-time chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party, 1981; resigned chairmanship, 1983, to suc-cessfully seek congressional seat; member, St. Mark’s Methodist Church, Murfreesboro; past chairman: Rutherford County United Givers Fund and Rutherford County Cancer Crusade; served as member of Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce board of direc-tors; served as member of board of directors MTSU Foundation; elected to the 99th Con-gress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Rules Com-mittee and Budget Committee. Office Listings 103 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4206 225-4231 Administrative Assistant.—John F. (Jeff) Whorley. FAX: 225-6887 Legislative Director.—Harrison Wadsworth. Scheduler.—Ellen Helm. P.O. Box 1986, 106 South Maple Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37133 (615) 896-1986 District Administrative Assistant.—Kent Syler. P.O. Box 1140, 17 South Jefferson, Cookeville, TN 38501 (615) 528-5907 Counties: Cannon, Clay, Davidson (part), DeKalb, Jackson, Macon, Marshall, Overton, Putnam, Rutherford, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, Williamson, Wilson. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Murfreesboro, Hendersonville, Gallatin, Mt. Juliet, Lebanon, Brentwood, Franklin, Lewisburg, Cookeville, Livingston, and Lafayette. Population (1990), 541,977. ZIP Codes: 37012, 37014, 37016, 37019, 37022, 37024, 37026 (part), 37027 (part), 37030-31, 37034 (part), 37037, 37046, 37047 (part), 37048 (part), 37049 (part), 37057, 37059-60, 37062-66, 37068, 37071, 37072 ), 37074-75, 37076 (part), 37077, 37083, 37085-88, 37091 (part), 37095, 37110 (part), 37118-19, 37122, 38129-30, 37132-33, 37135 (part), 37136, 37138 (part), 37144 (part), 37145, 37148 (part), 37149-51, 37153, 37166-67, 37179, 37184, 37186, 37188 (part), 37190 ), 37211 (part), 37220 (part), 37221 (part), 38472 (part), 38501-03, 38505, 38541-45, 38547-48, 38551-52, 38554, 38560, 38562-64, 38567-69, 38570 (part), 38573, 38574 (part), 38575, 38580, 38582, 38588 Congressional Directory TENNESSEE SEVENTH DISTRICT DON SUNDQUIST, Republican, of Memphis, TN; born in Moline, IL, on March 15, 1936; attended McKinley Elementary School, Moline; graduated, Moline High School, 1954; Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, 1957; served, U.S. Navy, petty officer, 3d class, 1957-59; businessman; president, Graphic Sales of America, Corp., Memphis, TN; chairman, Tennessee Young Republican Federation, 1969-70; Republican member and secretary, County Election Commission, 1968-70; middle Tennessee coordinator, Brock for Senate Campaign, 1970; national chairman, Young Republican National Federation, 1971-73; member, Republican National Committee, executive committee, 1971-73; member, Young Voters for the President Committee, 1972; State adviser, Winston for Governor Campaign, 1974; alternate delegate, Republican National Convention, 1976; chairman, Shelby County Republican Party, 1975-77; west Tennessee chairman, Robin Beard for Congress, 1978; cochairman, Morris for Shelby County Mayor, 1978; national campaign manager, Baker for President, 1979; alternate delegate, Republican National Convention, 1980; director of campaign operations, Republican National Convention, 1980; chairman, Robin Beard Campaign, 1980; member: U.S. delegation, study tour of Soviet Union, 1975; U.S. delegation, study tour of People’s Republic of China, 1978; board of directors, United States Youth Council, 1972-75; board of directors, American Council of Young Political Leaders, 1972-74; DECA National Advisory Board; board of governors, Charles Edison Memorial Youth Fund, Washington, DC; Kiwanis; Associa-tion of United States Army; National Rifle Association; married to the former Martha Swanson, 1959; three children: Tania, Andrea, and Donald, Jr.; elected to the 98th Con-gress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 339 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4207 225-2811 Administrative Assistant.—Thomas J. McNamara. FAX: 225-2814 Executive Assistant.—P.K. Rehbein. Suite 213, 5909 Shelby Oaks Drive, Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 382-5811 District Office Director.—Gwen Hurd. 117 South Second Street, Clarksville, TN 37040 (615) 552-4406 District Office Director.—Kathy Higinbotham. Counties: Cheatham, Chester, Decatur, Dickson, Fayette, Hardeman, Henderson, Hickman, Lewis, McNairy, Maury, Montgomery, Perry, Robertson (part), Shelby (part). Population (1990), 541,937. ZIP Codes: 37015 (part), 37025 (part), 37029, 37032 (part), 37033 (part), 37035 (part), 37036, 37040-41, 37042 (part), 37043-44, 37050 (part), 37051-53, 37054-55, 37061, 37062 (part), 37078, 37079 (part), 37080 (part), 37082 (part), 37096-98, 37101, 37134, 37137, 37140, 37142, 37146 (part), 37147, 37165, 37175 (part), 37178 (part), 37181, 37185, 37187, 37191 (part), 38002, 38008, 38010, 38014, 38017 (part), 38018, 38028-29, 38036, 38039, 38042-46, 38048, 38049 (part), 38052, 38057, 38060-61, 3806668, 38074, 38075 (part), 38076, 38115, 38116 (part), 38118 (part), 38125, 38128 (part), 38130, 38134, 38138, 38163, 38168, 38175, 38181, 3818384, 38187, 38237-38, 38305 (part), 3831011, 38313 (part), 38315, 38321 (part), 3832629, 38332, 38334, 38339-40, 38341 (part), 38345, 38347, 38351-52, 38356 (part), 38357, 38359, 38361, 38363, 38365, 38366 (part), 38367-68, 38370-72, 3837477, 38379-81, 38387 (part), 38388, 38390 (part), 38392 (part), 38393, 38425, 38450, 38452, 38454 (part), 38458, 38461 (part), 38463 (part), 38464 (part), 38471, 38475, 38476 (part), 38485 (part), 38486 (part), 38487 (part), 42223 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT JOHN S. TANNER, Democrat, of Union City, TN; born at Dyersburg Army Air Base in Halls, TN, on September 22, 1944; attended elementary and high school in Union City; B.S., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1966; J.D., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1968; served, U.S. Navy, lieutenant, 1968-72; Tennessee Army National Guard, lieutenant colonel, 1974-present; attorney; admitted to the Tennessee bar, 1968; commenced practice in Union City; member, Elam, Glasgow, Tanner & Acree Law Firm; businessman; elected to Tennessee House of Representatives, 1976-86; chairman, House Committee on Commerce, 1987-89; member: Obion County Chamber of Com-merce, Obion County Cancer Society, Union City Rotary Club, Obion County Bar Asso-ciation, American Legion, Masons, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Union City; married to the former Betty Ann Portis; two children: Elizabeth Ann and John Portis; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. TENNESSEE 103d Congress 283 Office Listings 1427 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4208 .............. 225-4714 Administrative Assistant.—Kelly M. Sharbel, Jr. FAX: 225-1765 Legislative Director.—Vickie Walling. Personal Secretary.—Kathy Becker. P.O. Box 629, Union City, TN 38261 (901) 885-7070 District Director.—Joe Hill. Federal Building, Room B-7, Jackson, TN 38301 (901) 423-4848 3179 North Watkins Street, Memphis, TN 38127..........cccooerreerrererrnrereereraeresaesanns (901) 358-4094 Counties: Benton, Carroll, Crockett, Dyer, Gibson, Haywood, Henry, Houston, Humphreys, Lake, Lauderdale, Madi-son, Obion, Shelby (part), Stewart, Tipton, and Weakley. Population (1990), 541,907. ZIP Codes: 37023, 37028, 37050 (part), 37058, 37079 (part), 37155, 37175 (part), 37178 (part), 37191 (part), 38001, 38004, 38006-07, 38011-12, 38015, 38017 (part), 38019, 38021, 38023-25, 38030, 38033-34, 38037, 38040-41, 38047, 38049 (part), 38050, 38053-54, 38056, 38058-59, 38063, 38069-71, 38075 (part), 38077, 38079 (part), 38080, 38104 (part), 38107 (part), 38108, 38118 (part), 38119 (part), 38127, 38128 (part), 38133 (part), 38134 (part), 38201, 38220-27, 38229-33, 38235-36, 38240-42, 38251, 38253-56, 38258-61, 38271, 38301-03, 38305 (part), 38308, 38313 (part), 38314, 38316-18, 38320, 38321 (part), 38324, 38330-31, 38333, 3833638, 38341 (part), 38342-44, 38346, 3834849, 38355, 38356 (part), 38358, 38362, 38366 (part), 38369, 38378, 38382, 38387 (part), 38389, 38390 (part), 38391, 38392 (part), 42041 (part), 72350 (part) NINTH DISTRICT HAROLD E. FORD, Democrat, of Memphis, TN; born in Memphis, May 20, 1945; son of Newton J. and Vera Ford; received M.B.A., business administration, Howard Uni-versity; B.S., business administration, Tennessee State University, Nashville, 1967; gradu-ate work, Tennessee State University, Nashville, 1968; John Gupton Mortuary, 1969; member of Tennessee House of Representatives: 87th Congress, ways and means commit-tee; majority whip for house secretary of rules committee, 88th Congress; chairman, spe-cial legislative committee to investigate rates and practices of utilities across the State; married Dorothy Bowles Ford, 1969; three children: Harold, Jr., Newton Jake, and Sir Isaac; Baptist, member of Mount Moriah Baptist Church; member, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital National Advisory Board and metropolitan board of directors, YMCA of Memphis; trustee, Rust College; trustee, Fisk University; elected to 94th Congress, No-vember 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member of Ways and Means Aging Caucus; chairman, Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources. Office Listings 2211 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4209................... 225-3265 Administrative Assistant.—Gerald Delk. FAX: 225-9215 Legislative Director.—Terri Winston. Tax Counsel.—Leigh Adams Slaughter. Federal Office Building, Suite 369, 167 North Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103 (901) 544-4131 District Office Administrator.—Mildred Horne. County: SHELBY COUNTY; city of Memphis. Population (1990), 541,981. ZIP Codes: 38100-01, 38103, 38104 (part), 38105-06, 38107 (part), 38109, 38111-15, 38116 (part), 38117, 38119 (part), 38120 (part), 38122, 38124, 38126, 38127, 38128 (part), 38131-32, 38141 (part), 38152, 38173-74, 38182, 38186 284 Congressional Directory TEXAS TEXAS (Population, 1990 census, 17,059,805) SENATORS PHIL GRAMM, Republican, of College Station, TX; born in Fort Benning, GA, July 8, 1942; son of Sergeant and Mrs. Kenneth M. Gramm; B.B.A. and Ph.D., economics, University of Georgia, Athens, 1961-67; professor of economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, 1967-78; author of several books including: “The Evolution of Modern Demand Theory” and “The Economics of Mineral Extraction’; coauthor of the Gramm-Latta I Budget, the Gramm-Latta II Omnibus Reconciliation Act and the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings balanced budget bill; elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1978, 1980, and 1982; resigned from the House on January 5, 1983 upon . being denied a seat on the House Budget Committee; reelected as a Republican in a spe-cial election on February 12, 1983; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 6, 1984; re-elected in 1990; elected chairman, National Republican Senatorial Committee for the 1991-92 term and reelected for the 1993-94 term; Episcopalian; married to Dr. Wendy Lee Gramm, of Waialua, HI, 1970; two sons: Marshall and Jeff. Office Listings 370 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4302. ...........c.cceeueun. 224-2934 Chief of Staff.—Ruth Cymber. Legislative Director.—Richard Ribbentrop. Press Secretary.—Lawrence A. Neal. State Director.—Steve Moss. Suite 1500, 2323 Bryan, Dallas, TX 75201 er (214) 767-3000 222 East Van Buren, Harlingen, TX 78550.... (512) 423-6118 712 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002 REECE I LER (713) 229-2766 * The Centre, 123 Pioneer Plaza, El Paso, TX 79901 (915) 534-6896 113 Federal Building, 1205 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79401.........ccccccceeueueee. (806) 743-7533 Interfirst Plaza, 102 North College, Tyler, TX 75702 (903) 593-0902 Suite 565, 9311 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 366-9494 * kx KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON, Republican, of Dallas, TX, raised in La Marque, TX; graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and University of Texas School of Law; elected to the Texas House of Representatives, 1972-76; appointed vice-chair of the Na-tional Transportation Safety Board, 1976; senior vice-president and general counsel, Re-publicBank Corp., and later co-founded Fidelity National Bank of Dallas; owned McCraw Candies, Inc.; political and legal correspondent for KPRC-TV, Houston; Epis-copalian, married to Ray Hutchison; member: development boards of SMU and Texas A&M schools of business; trustee of The University of Texas Law School Foundation; elected Texas State Treasurer, 1990; elected by special election on June 5, 1993 to the U.S. Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lloyd Bentsen. Office Listings 703 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4303 ............ccceceveneene. 224-5922 Executive Assistant.—Jay Velasquez. Special Assistants: Lana Guiler; Lindsay Howe. Administrative Assistant.—CIiff Shannon. 961 Federal Building, 300 East 8th Street, Austin, TX 78701 (512) 482-5834 State Director.—Dale Laine. TDD: (512) 482-5444 1100 Commerce Street, Room 7C14, Dallas, TX 75242.........ccoevueerevreevrerrerereennn (214) 767-0577 FAX: (214) 767-0579 1919 Smith Street, Suite 800, Houston, TX 77002........cccceeeevueeerrereereeecrsessssesssseases (713) 653-3456 FAX: (713) 653-3459 103d Congress REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JIM CHAPMAN, Democrat, of Sulphur Springs, TX; born in Washington, DC, on March 8, 1945; attended Lamar Elementary School, Sulphur Springs; graduated, Sulphur Springs High School, 1963; B.B.A. in accounting, University of Texas, Austin, 1968, J.D., Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas, TX, 1970; attorney, admitted to the Texas State bar, 1970, and commenced practice in Sulphur Springs; district attorney, 8th Judicial District, 1977-84; senior partner, Chapman, Price, Hughes & Bauer, P.C., 1985-present; member: First United Methodist Church; State Bar of Texas; married to the former Betty Brice, 1971; two children, Jennifer and Trey; elected to the 99th Congress by special election on August 3, 1985 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Sam B. Hall, Jr; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Committee on Appropria-tions. Office Listings 2417 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4301 225-3035 Administrative Assistant.—William K. Moore. FAX: 225-7265 Legislative Director.—Karen Greenwood. Executive Assistant.—Leslie L. Schindel. P.O. Box 538, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 (903) 885-8682 District Administrator.—Bill Brannon. U.S. Federal Building, G-15, 100 East Houston, Marshall, TX 75671 (903) 938-8386 Bowie County Courthouse, New Boston, TX 75570 (903) 628-5594 Counties: Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Franklin, Gregg (part), Harrison, Hopkins, Hunt (part), Lamar, Marion, Morris, Nacogdoches (part), Panola, Red River, Rusk, Titus, Upshur, Wood. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75031 (part), 75072, 75124 (part), 75143 (part), 75147 (part), 75148, 75163, 75401 (part), 75411-12, 75415-17, 75420 (part), 75421, 75422 (part), 75423 (part), 75425-26, 75428, 75431 (part), 75432-37, 75439, 75440 (part), 75441, 75446 (part), 75448, 75450, 75451 (part), 75452 (part), 75453 (part), 75455, 75457, 75460, 75468-70, 75471 (part), 75472 (part), 75473, 75477 (part), 75478, 75480 (part), 75481-82, 7548687, 75492-93, 75494 (part), 75496 (part), 75501 (part), 7550305, 75550-51, 75554-74, 75601 (part), 75602 (part), 75603 (part), 75605 (part), 75630-31, 75633, 75636-40, 75642-43, 75644 (part), 75647 (part), 7565053, 75656-59, 75661, 75662 (part), 75666-71, 75680-83, 75684 (part), 75685, 75686 (part), 75687-89, 75691-92, 75694, 75751 (part), 75755, 75756 (part), 75757 (part), 75758 (part), 75759, 75760 (part), 75763 (part), 75764, 75765 (part), 75766, 75770 (part), 75772, 75778 (part), 75780, 75782, 75784 85, 75789 (part), 75853 (part), 75925, 75929, 75930 (part), 75935, 75946 (part), 75954, 75969 (part), 75972 (part), 75973-76 : SECOND DISTRICT CHARLES WILSON, Democrat, of Lufkin, TX; born in Trinity, TX, June 1, 1933; attended public schools of Trinity, TX, graduating from Trinity High School, 1951; while a student at Sam Houston State University at Huntsville, TX, was appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy; graduated from the Academy, 1956, with B.S. degree; served in the U.S. Navy, 1956-60, with rank of lieutenant; elected to the Texas House of Representa-tives, 1960-66; elected to the Texas Senate, 1966-72; lumber yard manager; elected to the 93d Congress, November 7, 1972; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2256 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4302 225-2401 Administrative Assistant.—Peyton Walters. FAX: 225-1764 Legislative Director.—Larry Murphy. Office Manager.—Amy Trites. Room 201, 701 North First Street, Lufkin, TX 75901 (409) 637-1770 District Director.—Shaun Davis. Counties: Angelina, Cherokee, Grimes, Hardin, Houston, Jasper, Liberty, Montgomery (part), Nacogdoches (part), Newton, Orange, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler, Walker. Population (1990), 566,217. 286 Congressional Directory TEXAS ZIP Codes: 75751 (part), 75760 (part), 75763 (part), 75770 (part), 75778 (part), 75779, 75788, 75801-02, 75832, 75834-35, 75839, 75844-45, 75847, 75849, 75851, 75852 (part), 75853 (part), 75856, 75858, 75861-62, 75865, 75901-03, 75926, 75928, 75930 (part), 75931-34, 75936-39, 75941-44, 75946 (part), 75947-49, 75951, 75956-63, 75966, 75968, 75969 (part), 75970, 75972 (part), 75977-80, 77301 (part), 77302, 77326, 77327 (part), 77328, 77331-32, 77334-35, 77340-41, 77350-51, 77337 (part), 77358 (part), 77359-60, 77364, 77365 (part), 77367-69, 77371, 77372 (part), 77374, 77376, 77378 (part), 77519, 77533, 77535, 77538, 77561, 77564, 77575, 77582, 77585, 77611-12, 77614-16, 77624-26, 77630 31, 77639, 77656, 77659-60, 77662-64, 77711, 77830 (part) THIRD DISTRICT SAM JOHNSON, Republican, of Dallas, born San Antonio, TX, October 11, 1930; re-ceived B.S., business administration, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 1951; M.A, international affairs, George Washington University, Washington, DC; served in Air Force, 29 years: Korea and Vietnam (POW in Vietnam, 6 years and 10 months); di-rector, Air Force Fighter Weapons School; flew with Air Force Thunderbirds’ Precision Flying Demonstration Team; graduate of Armed Services Staff College and National War College; military awards received: 2 Silver Stars, 2 Legions of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, 1 Bronze Star with Valor, 2 Purple Hearts, four Air Medals, and 3 Out-standing Unit Awards; ended career with rank of colonel and Air Division commander; retired, 1979; opened homebuilding company, 1979; member: Executive Board of Dedman College, Southern Methodist University; Associated Texans Against Crime; Texas State Society; married the former Shirley L. Melton, September 1, 1950; 3 children, Dr. James Robert Johnson, Shirley Virginia (Gini) Mulligan, Bevery Johnson; elected Texas State house of representatives, 1984; elected by special election on May 18, 1991 to fill the va-cancy caused by the resignation of Steve Bartlett; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1030 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4303 225-4201 Administrative Assistant.—Shannon Smith. Legislative Director.—Jimmy Glotfelty. Deputy Press Secretary.—Mindy Tucker. District Director.—Mary Lynn Murrell. Suite 610, 9400 North Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 739-0182 Suite 204, 1912 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 (214) 423-2017 Counties: Collin (part), Dallas (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75002, 75023 (part), 75025 (part), 75026, 75040 (part), 75041 (part), 75042 (part), 75043 (part), 75044, 75045, 75047, 75048 (part), 75069 (part), 75074 (part), 75075 (part), 75080 (part), 75081 (part), 75082 (part), 75084, 75085, 75086, 75088 (part), 75094, 75098 (part), 75149 (part), 75150 (part), 75159 (part), 75181 (part), 75182 (part), 75205 (part), 75206 (part), 75209 (part), 75214 (part), 75218 (part), 75219 (part), 75220 (part), 75225 (part), 75228 (part), 75229 (part), 75230 (part), 75231 (part), 75234 (part), 75238 (part), 75240 (part), 75243 (part), 75244 (part), 75252 (part), 75253 (part), 75275, 75283, 75284, 75355, 75359, 75367, 75372, 75378, 75382, 75391 FOURTH DISTRICT RALPH M. HALL, Democrat, of Rockwall, TX; born in Fate, TX, May 3, 1923; at-tended Fate and Rockwall public schools; graduated, Rockwall High School, 1941; at-tended Texas Christian University, University of Texas, and received LL.B., Southern Methodist University, 1951; lieutenant (senior grade), U.S. Navy, carrier pilot, 1942-45; lawyer; admitted to the Texas bar, 1951; commenced practice in Rockwall; former presi-dent and chief executive officer, Texas Aluminum Corp.; past general counsel, Texas Ex-trusion Co., Inc.; past organizer, chairman, board of directors, now chairman of board, Lakeside National Bank of Rockwall (now Lakeside Bancshares, Inc.); past chairman board of directors, Lakeside News, Inc.; past vice chairman, board of directors, Bank of Crowley; president, North & East Trading Co.; vice president, Crowley Holding Co.; county judge, Rockwall County, 1950-62; member, Texas State Senate, 1962-72; member: First Methodist Church; American Legion Post 117; VFW Post 6796, and Rockwall Rotary Club; married to the former Mary Ellen Murphy, 1944; three sons: Hampton, Brett, and Blakeley; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 103d Congress Office Listings 2236 Ray burn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4304 225-6673 Admi nistrative Assistant.—James D. Cole. FAX: 225-3332 Legi slative Assistant.—Martin Edwards. 104 North San Jacinto Street, Rockwall, TX 75087-2508 (214) 771-9118 District Assistant. —E.K. Slaughter. FAX: (214) 722-0907 119 Federal Building, Sherman, TX 75090-5917 (903) 892-1112 District Assistant.—E.T. Allen. FAX: (903) 868-0264 211 Federal Building, Tyler, TX 75072-7222 (903) 597-3729 District Assistant.—Martha Glover. FAX: (903) 597-0726 Counties: COLLIN COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Anna, Blue Ridge, Celina, Copeville, Farmersville, Howe, Josephine, Lavon, McKinney (part), Melissa, Nevada, Princeton, Westminister, Weston, Wylie. COOKE COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Callisburg, Era, Gainesville, Lake Kiowa, Lindsay, Muenster, Myra, Valley View. DALLAS COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Rowlett (part), Sachse (part), Sunnyvale (part). DENTON COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Aubrey, Denton (part), Krum, Little Elm, Pilot Point, Sanger. FANNIN COUNTY; cities and townships of Bailey, Bonham, Dodd City, Ector, Gober, Honey Grove, Ivanhoe, Ladonia, Leonard, Ravenna, Savoy, Telephone, Trenton, Windom. GRAYSON COUNTY; cities and townships of Bells, Collinsville, Denison, Dorchester, Gordonville, Gunter, Pottsboro, Sadler, Sherman, Southmayd, Tioga, Tom Bean, Van Alstyne, Whitesboro, Whitewright. GREGG COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Easton Gladewater, Judson, Kilgore, Longview (part), White Oak. HUNT COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Caddo Mills, Celeste, Greenville (part), Quinlan. KAUFMAN COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Crandall, Elmo, Forney, Kaufman, Kemp, Mabank, Terrell. RAINS COUNTY ; cities and townships of East Tawakoni, Emory, Point. ROCKWALL COUNTY; cities and townships of Fate, Heath, Rockwall, Royse City. SMITH COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Bullard, Flint, Lindale, Troup, Tyler (part), Whitehouse, Winona. VAN ZANDT COUNTY; cities and townships of Ben Wheeler, Canton, Edgewood, Fruitvale, Grand Saline, Van, Wills Point. Population, 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75009, 75020-21, 75030, 75048, 75058, 75069 (part), 75070 (part), 75076, 75087, 75088 (part), 75090-91, 75097, 75098 (part), 75103, 75114 (part), 75117-18, 75121, 75126-27, 75132, 75135 (part), 75140, 75142, 75143 (part), 75147 (part), 75159 (part), 75160, 75169, 75182 (part), 75189, 75200 (part), 75401 (part), 75403, 75404 (part), 75407, 75409, 75413-14, 75418, 75423-24, 75438, 75439, 75440, 75442-43, 75446-47, 75449, 75452, 75453 (part), 75454, 75458, 75459, 75472, 75474-16, 75479, 75488-91, 75492 (part), 75494 (part), 75495, 75601 (part), 75602 (part), 75603 (part), 75604 (part), 75605 (part), 75606-08 (part), 75610-11, 75613, 75641, 75647 (part), 75660, 75662 (part), 75663 (part), 75693, 75701 (part), 75702 (part), 75703, 75704 (part), 75705 75708 (part), 75710, 75711 (part), 75712, 75713, 75750, 75754, 75757 (part), 75758 (part), 75762, 75771, 75789 (part), 75790-92, 76201, 76202, 76203, 76204, 76233 (part), 76240, 76241, 76245, 76249, 76250, 76252, 76258, 16264, 76266, 76268, 76271, 76272, 16273 FIFTH DISTRICT JOHN BRYANT, Democrat, of Dallas, TX; born in Lake Jackson, TX, on February 22, 1947; graduated, Brazosport High School, 1965; graduated, Southern Methodist Uni-versity with a B.A. degree in 1969; Southern Methodist University School of Law, 1972; admitted to the Texas bar, 1972; partner in law firm of Stanford & Bryant; served as chief counsel to the Texas Senate subcommittee on consumer affairs, 1973; elected to Texas House of Representatives in a special election, January 24, 1974; reelected in general elec-tion, 1974; reelected in 1976, served as chairman of House Study Group; reelected in 1978, served second term as chairman of House Study Group; reelected in 1980; member: White Rock United Methodist Church, Old Scyene Historical Society, Historical Preser-vation Society of Dallas, Dallas Bar Association, Mesquite Chamber of Commerce; board member of Deaf Action Center of Dallas; lifetime member of Lions Club Eye Bank; mar-ried to the former Janet Watts; three children: Amy, John, Jr., and Jordan; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 205 Suite Cannon House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant. —Randy White. Legislative Director.—Barbara A. Crapa. Press Assistant.—Carlton Carl. 518, 8035 East R.L. Thornton, Dallas, TX District Administrative Assistant.—Norma DC 20515-4305 75228 R. Minnis. FAX: (214) 225-2231 225-9721 767-6554 Counties: Anderson, Brazos (part), Dallas (part), Freestone, Henderson, Kaufman (part), Leon, Limestone, Madison, Robertson, Smith (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Athens, Bremond, Brownsboro, Bryan, Buffalo, Calvert, Cayuga, Centerville, Chandler, Concord, Coolidge, Crandall, Cuney, Dallas, Donie, Elkhart, Eustace, Fairfield, Ferris, Flynn, Franklin, Frankston, Groesbeck, Gun Barrel City, Hearne, Jewett, Kaufman, Kemp, Kirvin, Kose, Larue, Leona, Mabank, Garland, Lancaster, Hutchins, Seagoville, Mesquite, Madisonville, Malakoff, Marquez, Mart, 288 Congressional Directory TEXAS Mexia, Midway, Montalba, Mount Calm, Munford, Murchison, New Baden, Normangee, North Zulch, Oakwood, Palestine, Poyner, Prairie Hill, Rosser, Scurry, Streetman, Teague, Tehuacana, Tennessee Colony, Thornton, Tinidad, Tyler, Wheelock, Wortham. Population (1990), 566,217. 3 ZIP Codes: 75040 (part), 75041 (part), 75042 (part), 75043 (part), 75046 (part), 75114, 75124-25, 75134 (part), 75141, 75142 (part), 75143 (part), 75147 (part), 75148, 75149 (part), 75150 (part), 75157-58, 75159 (part), 75163, 75180 (part), 75181 (part), 75185 (part), 75187 (part), 75201 (part), 75204 (part), 75205 (part), 75206 (part), 75207 (part), 75209 (part), 75214 (part), 75217 (part), 75218 (part), 75219 (part), 75221, 75223 (part), 75226 (part), 75227 (part), 75228 (part), 75235 (part), 75238 (part), 75239 (part), 75241 (part), 75246 (part), 75253 (part), 75371, 75701 (part), 75702 (part), 75704 (part), 75708 (part), 75709, 75712 (part), 75751, 75756, 75758-59, 75763, 75770, 75782, 75801-02, 75831-33, 75838-40, 75846, 75848, 75850, 75852-53, 75855, 75859-61, 75865, 76629, 76635, 76642, 76653, 76664, 76667, 76673, 76678, 76686-87, 76693, 77801 (part), 77802 (part), 77803 (part), 77806, 77822, 77837, 77850, 77855-56, 77859, 77864, 77870-72 SIXTH DISTRICT JOE BARTON, Republican, of Ennis, TX; born in Waco, TX, September 15, 1949; attended Travis Elementary School, Bryan, TX; graduated Waco High School, 1968; B.S., industrial engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 1972; M.S., in-dustrial administration, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 1973; plant manager, as-sistant to the vice president, Ennis Business Forms, Inc., 1973-81; awarded White House Fellowship, 1981-82; served as aide to James B. Edwards, Secretary, Department of Energy; member, Natural Gas Decontrol Task Force in the Office of Planning, Policy and Analysis, worked with the Department of Energy task force in support of the Presi-dent’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control; natural gas decontrol and project cost con-trol consultant, Atlantic Richfield Co.; cofounder, Houston County Volunteer Ambulance Service, 1976; vice president, Houston County Industrial Development Authority, 1980; chairman, Crockett Parks and Recreation Board, 1979-80; vice president, Houston County Chamber of Commerce, 1977-80; member, Dallas Energy Forum; married to Janet Sue Winslow Barton; three children: Brad, Alison, and Kristin; Methodist; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1514 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4306 225-2002 Administrative Assistant.—Cathy Gillespie. FAX: 225-3052 Communications Director.—Craig Murphy. Executive Assistant.—Elizabeth D. Cardle. Legislative Director.—Jeff MacKinnon. Scheduler.—Sharla Metze. Suite 101, 303 West Knox, Ennis, TX 75119-3942 (817) 543-1000 Suite 103, 3509 Hulen, Fort Worth, TX 76107-6811. FAX: (817) 225-3248 Suite 100, 2019 East Lamar Boulevard, Arlington, TX 76006 (817) 543-1000 Counties: Dallas (part), Ellis (part), Johnson (part), Parker (part), Tarrant (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Aledo, Anneta, Anneta North, Anneta South, Azle (part), Bedford, Benbrook (part), Briar Oaks, Burleson (part), Colley-ville, Coppell (part), Crowley (part), Dallas (part), Dalworthington Gardens (part), Ennis (part), Euless, Flower Mound (part), Fort Worth (part), Grand Prairie (part), Grapevine, Haltom City (part), Haslet (part), Hudson Oaks, Hurst, Irving (part), Joshua (part), Keene (part), Keller, Mansfield (part), Midlothian (part), Newark (part), North Richland Mills, Oak Leaf, Ovilla, Pantego (part), Pecan Hill (part), Red Oak (part), Richland Hills (part), Sonthiake (part), Watauga, Waxahachie (part), Weatherford (part), Westlake (part), Willow Park. Population (1990), 566,217. . ZIP Codes: 75019 (part), 75050 (part), 75052 (part), 75063 (part), 75119 (part), 75154 (part), 75165 (part), 76008, 76013 (part), 76015 (part), 76016, 76017 (part), 76018 (part), 76020 (part), 76021, 76022 (part), 76028 (part), 76034 (part), 76036 (part), 76039 (part), 76040 (part), 76051 (part), 76052 (part), 76053 (part), 76054 (part), 76058, 76059 (part), 76063 (part), 76065 (part), 76086 (part), 76092, 76095, 76103 (part), 76109 (part), 76110 (part), 76112 (part), 76116 (part), 76117 (part), 76118 (part), 76123 (part), 76126 (part), 76132 (part), 76133 (part), 76148, 76179 (part), 76248 (part), 76262 : SEVENTH DISTRICT BILL ARCHER, Republican, of Houston, TX; born in Houston, TX, March 22, 1928; graduated from St. Thomas High School, salutatorian, 1945; attended Rice University, 1945-46; University of Texas, B.B.A., LL.B. (with honors), 1946-51; served in the U.S. Air Force, 1951-53; captain, USAF Reserve; councilman and mayor pro tempore, city of TEXAS 103d Congress 289 Hunters Creek Village, 1955-62; elected to Texas House of Representatives, 1966; reelect-ed, 1968; attorney and businessman; president, Uncle Johnny Mills, Inc., 1953-61; member of Saint Anne’s Catholic Church; member, Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity; chosen Hous-ton S.A.E. Man of the Year; St. Thomas High School Alumnus Award; Houston B’nai B'rith “Man of the Year” Award; member, Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity; life member, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo; N.F.I.B. “Guardian of Small Business” Award; N.A.B. “Watchdog of the Treasury” Award; National Alliance of Senior Citizens “Golden Age Hall of Fame” Award; president, Texas State Society of Washington, DC, 1974-75; Spring Branch-Memorial Chamber of Commerce “Most Representative Citizen” Award; Brotherhood Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews; University of Texas 1981 Distinguished Alumnus Award; five children, two step-children, and seven grandchildren; married to the former Sharon Sawyer; elected to 92d Congress, November 3, 1970; reelected to each succeeding Congress; ranking Republican, Committee on Ways and Means; ranking House Republican, Joint Committee on Taxation; official Congres-sional Trade Adviser; member, White House Commission on Regulatory Reform, 1975-76; chairman, Republican Study Committee Task Force on Regulatory Reform, 1975-76; member, National Commission on Social Security Reform, 1982-83; member, Republican Leadership’s Task Force on Health, 1992-93; chairman, Leader’s Economic Task Force, 1993; awards, Free Congress Foundation’s Sound Dollar, 1992; Golden Bulldog Award, from Watchdog of the Treasury; The Jefferson Award, Citizens for a Sound Economy, 1992; The National Association of Private Enterprise; Entrepreneurs Perfect Partner Award, 1993; American Society of Association Executives, Beacon Award, 1992; and American Business Council of the Gulf Countries, Open Door to the Middle East Award, 1993. Office Listings 1236 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4307 .............. : 225-2571 Administrative Assistant.—Don Carlson. FAX: 225-4381 Legislative Director.—Donna Steele Flynn. Appointment Secretary.—Linda Figura. Press Secretary.—Linda Mills. Suite 311, 1003 Wirt Road, Houston, TX 77055-6832 (713) 467-7493 District Director.—Anne Clutterbuck. FAX: (713) 461-6289 County: HARRIS COUNTY; cities of Barker, Cypress, Houston (part), Katy (part), Tomball (part), and Waller (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77005 (part), 17707 (part), 77014 (part), 77019 (part) 77024 (part), 77027 (part), 77040 (part), 77041 (part), 77042 (part), 77043 (part), 77046, 77055 (part), 77056 (part), 77057 (part), 77063 (part), 77064 (part), 77065, 77066 (part), 77067 (part), 77068 (part), 77069 (part), 77070 (part), 77072 (part), 77077 (part), 77079, 77080 (part), 77082 (part), 77083 (part), 77084 (part), 77086 (part), 77088 (part), 77090 (part), 77091 (part), 77092 (part), 77094-95, 77098 (part), 77099 (part), 77218-19, 77224, 77227, 77240-42, 77244, 77250, 77256-57, 77269, 77279-80, 77282, 77284, 77375 (part), 77413, 77429, 77433, 77447 (part), 77449 77450 (part), 77484 (part), 77491-92, 77493 (part), 77494 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT JACK M. FIELDS, Jr. Republican, of Humble, TX; born in Humble, February 3, 1952; educated Humble Independent Schools, graduated, Humble High School, 1970; B.A., Baylor University, 1974; J.D., Baylor University Law School, 1977; vice president, Rosewood Memorial Funeral Home and Cemetery, a family-owned business; attorney in Humble since 1977; school honors: student body president, Humble High School; student body president, Baylor University, junior and senior years; outstanding sophomore and senior man at Baylor University; listed in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Univer-sities in junior and senior years; current memberships include: First Bapist Church of Humble; elected to 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. 290 Congressional Directory Office Listings 2228 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4308 225-4901 Administrative Assistant.—Robert E.H. Ferguson. Legislative Director.—Gail Giblin. News Secretary.—Bryan H. Wirwicz. Personal Secretary.—Judy D. Alvarez. Suite 165, Deerbrook Plaza, 9810 FM 1960 Bypass West, Humble, TX 77338-3599 (713) 540-8000 District Administrative Assistant.—Jim Finley. (800) 568-0808 Counties: Austin (part), Brazos (part), Harris (part), Montgomery (part), Waller (part), Washington. CITIES AND TOWN-sHIPS: Houston, Conroe, Cut and Shoot, Kingwood, Dobbin, Huffman, Humble, Montgomery, New Caney, Pinehurst, Plantersville, Porter, Splendora, Spring, Tomball, Klein, The Woodlands, Bellville, Chapel Hill, Hemp-stead, Hockley, San Felipe, Sealy, Waller, Bryan, Brenham, Burton, College Station, Kurten, Millican, Washing-ton, Wellborn, Blieblerville, and Industry. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77014 (part), 77066 (part), 77068 (part), 77069 (part), 77070 (part), 77073 (part), 77090 (part), 77301 (part), 77302, 77303 (part), 77304, 77325, 77327 (part), 77333, 77336, 77338 (part), 77339, 77345, 77346 (part), 77347, 77355-57, 77362, 77363 (part), 77365, 71372-73, 77375 (part), 77379-81, 7738486, 77388-89, 77396 (part), 77418, 77426, 77445 (part), 77447 (part), 77473, T7474 (part), 77484 (part), 77532 (part), 77801 (part), 77802 (part), 77803 (part), 77806, 77833, 77834, 77835, 77840, 77841-44 77862, 77866, 77880-81, 78931, 78944, 77862 "NINTH DISTRICT JACK BROOKS, Democrat, of Beaumont, TX; born December 18, 1922; attended Lamar College; University of Texas, B.J., 1943, J.D., 1949; U.S. Marine Corps, World War II; member, Texas Legislature, 1946-50; elected to 83d and succeeding Congresses; married Charlotte Collins, December 15, 1960; son, Jack Edward Brooks, born July 16, 1967; daughter, Katherine Inez Brooks, born January 21, 1970; daughter, Kimberly Grace Brooks, born October 1, 1973. Office Listings 2449 201 U.S. Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4309 Administrative Assistant.—D. Sharon Matts. Office Manager.—Marcia A. Murphy. Appointment Secretary.—Pamela A. Mays. Legislative Director.—Louis Jenny. Federal Building, Beaumont, TX 77701 Post Office Building, Room 216, Galveston, TX 77550 FAX: (409) (409) 225-6565 225-1584 839-2508 766-3608 Counties: Chambers, Galveston, Harris (part), Jefferson. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77044 (part), 77049 (part), 77058 (part), 77062 (part), 77346 (part), 77396 (part), 77510, 77511 (part), 77514, 77517-18, 77520 (part), 77521 (part), 77532 (part), 77539, 77546 (part), 77550-55, 77560, 77562 (part), 77563, 77565, 77568, 77573-74, 17579-80, 77590-92, 77597, 77598 (part), 77613, 77617, 77619, 77622-23, 17627, 77629, 11640-43, 77650-51, 77655, 77661, 77665, 7770110, 77713, 77720, 77726 TENTH DISTRICT J.J. PICKLE, Democrat, of Austin, TX; born October 11, 1913, Roscoe, Nolan County, TX, son of J.B. and Mary Pickle; educated in public schools of Big Spring, TX; graduate of the University of Texas, B.A. degree; area director, National Youth Adminis-tration, 1938-41, resigning to enter Navy during World War II, serving 3% years in Pa-cific; after discharge from Navy entered radio business as one of coorganizers of Radio Station KVET, Austin, TX; later entered public relations and advertising business; direc-tor of Texas State Democratic Executive Committee, 1957-60; appointed member Texas Employment Commission, 1961, resigning September 27, 1963, to be candidate for the Congress; elected in special election December 17, 1963, to the 88th Congress; reelected TEXAS 103d Congress 291 to each succeeding Congress; married the former Beryl Bolton McCarroll; three children: Peggy Pickle, Dick McCarroll, and Graham McCarroll. Office Listings 242 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4310 225-4865 Administrative Assistant.—Barbara A. Pate. Executive Secretary.—Molly S. Kellogg. Press Secretary.—Eddie Reeves. 763 Federal Building, Austin, TX 78701 (512) 482-5921 District Administrator.—Paul E. Hilgers. County: TRAVIS COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Anderson Mill (part), Austin (part), Jollyville (part), Lakeway (part), Lost Creek, Onion Creek, Pflugerville, Tanglewood Forest, Wells Branch, West Lake Hills and Windemere. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 73301, 73344, 78600, 78602, 78605 (part), 78606, 78610-12, 78616-17, 78619-20, 78621 (part), 78622, 78635, 78636 (part), 78640, 78641 (part), 78644, 78648 (part), 78650-53, 78654 (part), 78655 (part), 78656, 78659 (part), 78660-63, 78665, 78666 (part), 78667, 78669, 78676, 78700-05, 78710-13, 78716-39, 78741-69, 78771-74, 78776, 78778-89, 78941 (part), 78942 (part), 78953, 78957 (part), 78959 (part) ELEVENTH DISTRICT CHET EDWARDS, Democrat, of Waco, TX; born in Corpus Christi, TX, November 24, 1951; attended Wilson Elementary; graduated Memorial High School, Houston, TX, 1970; B.A., Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 1974; M.B.A., Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 1981; served as legislative assistant to Texas Congressman Olin “Tiger” Teague, 1974-77; marketing representative, Trammell Crow Company, 1981-85; president, Edwards Communications, Inc.; member, Texas State Senate, 1983-90; member of the Waco Chamber of Commerce; married to the former Lea Ann Wood; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6th, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992. Office Listings 328 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4311 225-6105 Administrative Assistant.—Jay Neel. FAX: 225-0350 Legislative Director.—Ned Michalek. Press Secretary.—Vance Gore. 710 University Tower, 700 South University Parks Drive, Waco, TX 76706-1093 (817) 752-9600 District Director.—Jim Haddox. FAX: (817) 752-7769 Counties: Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Hamilton, Hill, Lampasas, McCulloch (part), McLennan, Milam, Mills, San Saba. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 76043 (part), 76432 (part), 76433 (part), 76436 (part), 76442 (part), 76443 (part), 76457 (part), 76471 (part), 76501-04, 76511-13, 76517-20, 76522-26, 76527 (part), 76528, 76530-31, 76533-34, 76537-44, 76550, 76552, 76554 59, 76561, 76564-66, 76567 (part), 76569-71, 76573, 76576, 76577 (part), 76579-80, 76621 (part), 76624 (part), 76630, 76632-34, 76637-38, 76640, 76643, 76649 (part), 76652, 76653 (part), 76654-57, 76661, 76664 (part), 76665, 76671, 76673 (part), 76675, 76677, 76680, 76682, 76684-85, 76687 (part), 76689, 76690 (part), 76691 (part), 76700-08, 76710-12, 76714, 76716, 76801, 76803-04, 76823 (part), 76824, 76827, 76832, 76844, 76853, 76857, 76864, 76870, 76871 (part), 76872 (part), 76877, 76880, 76890 (part), 77857, 77859 (part), 78605 (part), 78608, 78613, 78639 (part), 78641 (part), 78642, 78645, 78673-74, 78947 (part) TWELFTH DISTRICT PETE GEREN, Democrat, of Fort Worth, TX; born in Fort Worth, TX, January 29, 1952; graduated from Arlington Heights High School, Fort Worth, 1970; attended Geor-gia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 1970-73; B.A., University of Texasat Austin, 1974; J.D., Univer-sity of Texas Law School, 1978; attorney, admitted to the Texas bar, 1978; practiced in Houston, 1978-80; in Fort Worth, TX, 1980-84, and 1986-89; member: board of visitors, 292 Congressional Directory TEXAS University of Texas Law School; American Bar Association; board of directors, Mental Health Advisory Committee, John Peter Smith Hospital; Arts Caucus; Fire Caucus; mar-ried to the former Rebecca Ray; two daughters: Tracy Elizabeth, 1989, Sarah Anne, 1993; elected by special election to the 101st Congress on September 20, 1989 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Jim Wright; reelected to the 102d Congress on No-vember 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1730 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4312 .............. 225-5071 Administrative Assistant.—Laura Redding. FAX: 225-2786 Legislative Director.—Pete Rose. Executive Assistant.—Dorothy Wing. Press Secretary.—Michele Mitchell. Suite 500, 100 East 15th Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 338-0909 Counties: Johnson (part), Parker (part), Tarrant (part). Population (1990), 566,277. ZIP Codes: 76008, 76015 (part), 76017 (part), 76020 (part), 76022 (part), 76052, 76053 (part), 76054, 76060, 76063 (part), 76100-04, 76105 (part), 76106-08, 76110 (part), 76111, 76112 (part), 76113-14, 76115 (part), 76116 (part), 76117-19, 76121-22, 76126 (part), 76127, 76131, 76133 (part), 76134 (part), 76135-37, 76140, 76147-48, 76161, 76179-81, 76248 (part), 76262 (part) THIRTEENTH DISTRICT BILL SARPALIUS, Democrat, of Amarillo, TX, born in Los Angeles on January 10, 1948; grew up on Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch near Amarillo, TX; president of Texas Future Farmers of America upon graduation from Boys Ranch; associate degree from Clarendon College, 1970; B.A., Texas Tech University, 1972; M.A., West Texas State University, 1978; worked at Boys Ranch as a staff assistant and teacher; profession: agribusiness in-dustry; member of the Texas State Senate, 1981-89; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected to the 103d Congress on November 3, 1992; member: Committee on Agriculture; Committee on Small Business; chairman, Subcommittee on Development of Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Office Listings 126 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4313....................... 225-3706 Chief of Staff.—Phil C. Duncan. FAX: 225-6142 Executive Assistant.—Tricia Wilson. Legislative Director.—Debbie Miller. Press Secretary.—Dana Hagerty. 801 South Fillmore, No. 400, Amarillo, TX 79101 (806) 371-8844 FAX: (806) 371-0651 1000 Lamar, Room 208, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 (817) 767-0541 FAX: (817) 766-0570 1112 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 763-8608 1104 North Locust Street, Denton, TX 76201 (817) 898-1564 Counties: ARCHER COUNTY; cities of Archer City, Holliday, Megarel, Scotland, and Windhorst. ARMSTRONG COUNTY; cities of Claude and Wayside. BAYLOR COUNTY; cities of Red Springs and Seymour. BRISCOE COUNTY; cities of Quitaque and Silverton. CARSON COUNTY; cities of Carson, Nazareth, Panhandle, Skellytown, and White Deer. CASTRO COUNTY; cities of Dimmitt and Hereford. CHILDRESS COUNTY; cities of Carey, Childress, Kirkland, and Tell. CLAY COUNTY; cities of Bellevue, Bluegrove, Byers, Henrietta, and Petrolia. COLLINGSWORTH COUNTY; cities of Dodson, Quail, Samnorwood, and Wellington. COTTLE COUNTY; cities of Cee Vee, Chalk, and Paducah. CRrosBY COUNTY; Cone, Crosbyton, Lorenzo, and Ralls. DENTON COUNTY; cities of Denton and Krum. DICKENS COUNTY; cities of Afton, Dickens, Mcadoo, and Spur. DONLEY COUNTY; Clarendon, Hedley, and Lelia Lake. FLoYyD COUNTY; cities of Aiken, Dougherty, Floydada, Lakeview, Lockney, and South Plains. FOARD COUNTY; city of Crowell. GARZA COUNTY; cities of Justiceburg and Post. GRAY COUNTY; cities of Lefors, McLean, and Pampa. HALE COUNTY; cities of Abernathy, Cotton Center, Edmonson, Happy, Plainview, Petersburg, and Quail. HALL COUNTY; cities of Estelline, Memphis, and Turkey. HARDEMAN COUNTY; cities of Chillicothe and Quanah. HEMPHILL COUNTY; city of Canadian. HUTCHINSON COUNTY; cities of Borger, Fritch, Sanford, and Stinnett. KING CouNTY; cities of Dumont and Guthrie. KNox COUNTY; cities of Benjamin, Goree, Knox City, Munday, Truscott, and Vera. LAMB COUNTY; Amherst, Earth, Fieldton, Lamb, Littlefield, Olton, Spade, Springlake, and Sudan. LipscoMB COUNTY; cities of Booker, Darrouzett, Follett, Higgins, and Lipscomb. LUBBOCK COUNTY; cities of Lubbock and Slaton. LYNN COUNTY; cities of New Home, O’Donnell, Tahoka, and Wilson. MONTAGUE COUNTY; TEXAS 103d Congress 293 cities of Bowie, Forestburg, Montague, Nocona, Ringgold, and Saint Jo. MOTLEY COUNTY; cities of Flomot, Matador, Northfield, and Roaring Springs. POTTER COUNTY; cities of Amarillo, and Bushland. WHEELER COUNTY; cities of Allison, Briscoe, Mobeetie, Shamrock, Twitty, and Wheeler. ROBERTS COUNTY; city of Miami. SWISHER CouNTy; cities of Happy, Kress, and Tulia. WICHITA COUNTY; Burkburnett, Electra, Towa Park, Kamay, Sunset, and Wichita Falls. WILBARGER COUNTY; city of Vernon. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 76201, 76228 , 76230, 76239, 76249, 76251, 76255, 76261, 76265, 76270, 76301-11, 76351-52, 76354, 76357, 76360, 76363-67, 76369 71, 76377-80, 76383-84, 76389, 79003, 79005, 79007-08, 79011-12, 79014, 79019, 79021, 79024, 79027, 79031-32, 79034, 79036, 79039, 79041-43, 79046, 79051-52, 79054, 79056-57, 79059, 79061, 76063-66 79068, 79072-73, 79077-80, 79082-83, 79085, 79088, 79090, 79094-97, 7910111, 79114, 79117-22, 79124, 79159-60, 79201, 79220-27, 79229-41, 79243-46, 79248, 79250-52, 79255-61, 79311-12, 79321-22, 79326, 79330, 79339, 79343, 79351, 79356-57, 79364, 79369-71, 79373, 79381, 79383, 79401, 79403-04, 79415, 79505, 79529 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT GREG LAUGHLIN, Democrat, of West Columbia, TX; born in Bay City, Matagorda County, TX, January 21, 1942; attended West Columbia Public School, TX; graduated West Columbia High School, 1960; B.A., Texas A&M University, College Station, 1964; LLB, University of Texas Law School, Austin, 1967; served, U.S. Army, captain, 1968-70; served, U.S. Army Reserves, lieutenant colonel, 1970-88; attorney; admitted to the Texas bar, 1967; commenced practice in Houston; assistant district attorney, Harris County, TX, 1970-74; private practice, Griggs, Griggs and Laughlin, West Columbia, TX, 1986-89; member: board of directors, West Columbia Chamber of Commerce; chair-man, West Columbia Drainage Commission; Columbia-Brazoria 1.S.D. Study Committee; member: Board of Directors State Bar of Texas, 1981-84; American Legion Post No. 503 of West Columbia; Rotary Club of West Columbia; West Columbia United Methodist Church; married to the former Ginger Jones; two children: Mary, 18, and Brad, 10; elect-ed on November 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 236 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4314 225-2831 Administrative Assistant.—Bob Grasso. Appointment Secretary.—Melisa Horbst. Press Secretary.—Erin Kelly. 312 South Main Street, Victoria, TX 77901 (512) 576-1231 111 North 10th Street, West Columbia, TX 77486 (409) 345-1414 Annex 3, 102 North LBJ, San Marcos, TX 78666 (512) 396-1400 District Director.—Linda Collingsworth. Counties: Aransas, Austin (part), Bastrop, Blanco, Brazoria gar), Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, Colorado, Fayette, Gonzales, Hays, Jackson, Lavaca, Lee, Matagorda, Refugio, Travis (part), Victoria, Waller (part), Wharton, Williamson (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 76527 (part), 76567 (part), 76574, 76577 (part), 76578, 77412, 77414-15, 77418-19, 77420 (part), 77422 (part), 77423 (part), 77426, 77428, 77431-32, 77434, 77435 (part), 77436-37, 77440, 77442-43, 77445-46, 77447 (part), 77448, 77452-58, 77460, 77462-63, 77465-68, 77470, 77473-75, 77480, 77482-83, 77484 (part), 77485 (part), 77486 (part), 77488, 77833, 77835-36, 77838-39, 77852-53, 77863, 77878-80, 77901-05, 77950-52, 77954, 77957, 77960-64, 77967-179, 77982-91, 77993-95, 78071 (part), 78102-04, 78107, 78108 (part), 78115, 78119 (part), 78122-25, 78130 (part), 78140 (part), 78141-42, 78145-46, 78154-56, 78159, 78162, 78164, 78336 (part), 78340, 78358, 78368 (part), 78377, 78382, 78387 (part), 78389, 78391, 78393, 78603-04, 78614-15, 78621 (part), 78626-29, 78632, 78634, 78638, 78648 (part), 78655 (part), 78658, 78659 (part), 78664, 78666 (part), 78670, 78677, 78680-81, 78931-35, 78938, 78940, 78941 (part), 78942 (part), 78943-46, 78947 (part), 78948-52, 78954, 78956, 78957 (part), 78959 (part), 78960-64 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT E (KIKA) DE LA GARZA, Democrat, of McAllen, TX; born in Mercedes, TX, Sep-tember 22, 1927; educated at Mission High School, Edinburg Jr. College, and St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX; LL.B, J.D., 1952, St. Mary’s Law School; during World War II enlisted in the U.S. Navy, age 17; served in the U.S. Army, 37th Division Artil-lery, as an officer, 1950-52; attorney; married the former Lucille Alamia of Edinburg, TX; three children: Jorge, Michael, and Angela; seven grandchildren: Christina de la Garza, Jorge Luis de la Garza, Jr., Jennifer Farias, Philip Luis Farias, Mariel Adrianna de la Garza, Michael de la Garza, Jr., Laura de la Garza; Catholic; served in the Texas 294 Congressional Directory TEXAS Legislature for 12 years; elected to the 89th Congress, November 3, 1964; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chairman, Committee on Agriculture since January 1981. Office Listings 1401 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4315 .............. 225-2531 Administrative Assistant.—Bernice McGuire. FAX: 225-2534 Legislative Assistant.—Anton Papich. 1418 Beech Street, McAllen, TX 78501 (210) 682-5545 Staff Assistant.—Norma B. Rodriguez. Counties: Bee, Brooks, DeWitt, Goliad, Hidalgo, Jim Wells (part), Karnes, Kleberg (part), Live Oak, San Patricio, and Willacy (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 78001, 78002 (part), 78005, 78007-08, 78011-12, 78014, 78017, 78019-22, 78026, 78050, 78052-53, 78057 (part), 7 2, 78064-65, 78067, 78071 (part), 78072, 78073 (part), 78075-76, 78101 (part), 78111, 78113 14, 78116-18, 78119 (part), 78121, 78140 (part), 78143-44, 78147, 78151, 78153, 78160-61, 78332-33, 78336 (part), 78341-42, 78349-50, 78352-53, 78355, 78357, 78359-62, 78368 ), 78370, 78372, 78374 (part), 78375-76, 78383-84, 78387 (part), 78390, 78410 (part), 78501-04, 78516, 7853 , 78543, 78545, 78547-49, 78557-58, 78560, 78562 65, 78569 (part), 78570, 78572, 78576-77, 78579, 78582, 78584-85, 78588-89, 78591, 78595-96 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT RONALD D. COLEMAN, Democrat, of El Paso, TX, born in El Paso on November 29, 1941; attended public schools of El Paso; graduated, Austin High School, El Paso, 1959; BA. University of Texas at El Paso, 1963; J.D., University of Texas School of Law, 1967: attended University of Kent, Canterbury, England, 1981; admitted to the Texas bar, 1969; attorney; teacher, El Paso public schools, 1967; served in US. Army, captain, 1967-69, Army Commendation Medal; assistant county attorney, 1969; first assist-ant county attorney, 1971; elected to Texas Legislature, 1973-82; member: American and El Paso Associations; delegate: Texas Constitutional Convention, 1974, State Democratic ~ Convention, four times; honors and awards: State Bar of Texas Administration of Justice * Award, 1973, Environmental Award—Sierra Club, 1977, Texas Association of School Administrators and School Boards Award for Education, 1977, Texas Compensatory Education Association Certificate of Recognition, 1979, State Bar of Texas State Bar Legislative Award, 1979; married to the former Amy Crandus, three children: Kimberly Michelle, Michael Robert, and Travis Brett; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 440 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4316....................... 225-4831 Chief of Staff.—Paul Rogers. TDD: 225-1904 Administrative Assistant, Legislative Affairs.—Jose Luis Sanchez. Office Manager/Personal Secretary.—Karen Brooke. Federal Building, Room C-723, 700 East San Antonio, El Paso, TX 79901....... (915) 534-6200 District Director.—Luis Mata. County: EL PAso COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Anthony, Canutillo, Clint, El Paso (part), Fabens, Fort Bliss (part), San Elizario, Socorro, Tornillo, and Westway. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: Tos, 79827, 79835, 79836, 79838, 79901-08, 79912, 79915-16, 79918, 7992, 79924-25, 79927, 79930, 79932, 79934-3 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT CHARLES W. STENHOLM, Democrat, of Avoca, TX; born in Stamford, TX, Octo-ber 26, 1938; attended Stamford public schools; graduated, Stamford High School, 1957; graduated, Tarleton State Junior College, 1959; B.S., Texas Tech University, 1961; M.S., TEXAS 103d Congress 295 Texas Tech University, 1962; honorary doctor of laws, McMurry University; farmer; past president, Rolling Plains Cotton Growers and Texas Electric Cooperatives; former member, Texas State ASC Committee; former State Democratic executive committee-man, 30th senatorial district; member, Stamford Exchange Club and Lions Club; past president: Stamford Chamber of Commerce, United Way, and Little League; member, Bethel Lutheran Church; married to the former Cynthia (Cindy) Ann Watson; three chil-dren: Chris, Cary, and Courtney Ann; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1211 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4317 .............. 225-6605 Administrative Assistant.—Lois Auer. FAX: 225-2234 Legislative Director.—Becca Tice. Press Assistant.—John Haugen. P.O. Box 1237, Stamford, TX 79553 (915) 773-3623 District Manager.—Bill Longley. P.O. Box 1101, Abilene, TX 79604 (915) 673-7221 Counties: Borden, Brown, Callahan, Coke, Coleman, Comanche, Concho, Dawson, Eastland, Erath, Fisher, Haskell, Hood, Howard, Jack, Jones, Kent, Martin, Mitchell, Nolan, Palo Pinto, Runnels; Scurry, Shackelford, Somervell, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, Throckmorton, Tom Green (part), Wise, Young. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 76048-49, 76068, 76424, 76426-27, 76429, 76431, 76438, 76449-50, 76456, 76458-60, 76481, 76483-84, 76486, 76491, 76801-04, 76827, 76857, 76901 (part), 76902, 76903 (part), 76905 (part), 79377, 79518, 79550 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Democrat, of Houston, TX; born in Longview, TX, on October 12, 1941; attended Houston and Galena Park public schools; attended Brock Ele-mentary School, Houston, TX, 1947-51, graduated, Fidelity Elementary School, Galena Park, TX, 1952; attended Fidelity Junior High, Galena Park, TX, 1955; graduated, Fideli-ty Manor High School, Galena Park, TX, 1958; biology graduate, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX, 1966; graduated, J.D., Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX, 1969; represented the 86th district in the Texas House of Representatives, 1973-82; chairman of the Local Government Committee in the Texas Constitutional Convention, 1974; chairman of the Texas House Select Committee on Prairie View A&M University, 1973-74; chairman of the Texas House Criminal Juris-prudence Committee, 64th Texas Legislature; chairman, Texas House Social Services Committee, 65th Texas Legislature; chairman, Texas House Human Services Committee, 66th and 67th Texas Legislatures; Speaker pro tempore of the Texas House, 67th Texas Legislature; chairman of the Texas House Harris County delegation, 65th legislature; chairman of the Texas House Legislative Black Caucus, 65th legislature; represented the 13th district in the Texas State Senate, 1982-90; Texas Senate president pro tempore, 71st legislature, Second-Called Session; served as Governor of Texas for a day, January 20, 1990; elected December 9, 1989 by special election to the 101st Congress to fill the va-cancy caused by the death of Mickey Leland, taking his seat on January 23, 1990; reelect-ed to each succeeding Congress; elected whip-at-large of the Democratic Whip Organiza-tion, 102d Congress; elected regional representative to the Democratic Study Group Ex-ecutive Committee, 102d Congress; member: Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Drug Control; member: Committee on Education and Labor; Subcommittee on Elementa-ry, Secondary and Vocational Education; Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education; Subcommittee on Labor Management Relations; Committee on the Judiciary; Subcommit-tee on Civil and Constitutional Rights; Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice; member: Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, Democratic Study Group, Congressional Border Caucus; five children: Craig Anthony Washington II, born January 23, 1967; Chival Antoinette Washington, born September 12, 1972; Alexander Haller Washington, born November 16, 1985; Cydney Alexandra Washington, born December 2, 1986; and Christopher Alfred Washington, born March 23, 1989. 296 Congressional Directory TEXAS Office Listings 1711 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4318............... 225-3816 Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Licia Green. Legislative Director.—James Williams. Appointments Secretary.—Doyle Smart. Suite 820, 1919 Smith, Houston, TX 77002 (713) 739-7339 Counsel/District Administrator.—Sidney Braquet. County: Harris County (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77001-08, 77010, 77016, 77018-23, 77026-29, 77032-33, 77037-39, 77041, 77047-52, 77054-56, 77060-61, TTS, 77070, 77076, 77078, 77080-81, 77086-88, 77091-93, 77098, 77210, 77228, 77255, 77266, 77293, 77396, NINETEENTH DISTRICT LARRY COMBEST, Republican, of Lubbock, TX; borh in Memphis, TX, March 20, 1945; graduated from Panhandle High School, 1963; B.B.A., West Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1969; farmer, Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service of U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1971; legislative assistant to U.S. Senator John Tower of Texas, 1971-78; State treasurer for Senator Tower’s reelection, 1978; owner, Combest Distributing Co., 1978-84; teacher, 1970; member: St. John’s Methodist Church; Lubbock Historical Society; “Who’s Who in American Politics”, 1971; “Personalities of the South”, 1972; married to the former Sharon McCurry; two children: Tonya and Haydn; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 1511 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4319 .............. 225-4005 Administrative Assistant.—Robert Lehman. FAX: 225-9615 Office Manager.—Lynn E. Cowart. Federal Building, Room 613, 1205 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79401 ............. (806) 763-1611 District Representative.—Jimmy D. Clark. No. 205, 3800 East 42d Street, Odessa 79762 (915) 362-2631 Office Manager.—Jenny Welch. No. 114, 511 West Ohio, Midland TX 79701 (915) 687-0926 Office Manager.—Susan Webb. No. 205, 5809 South Western, Amarillo, TX 79110 (806) 353-3945 Office Manager.—Margo Colquitt. Counties: Andrews, Bailey, Cochran, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Ector (part), Gaines, Hansford, Hartley, Hockley, Lubbock (part) Midland (part), Moore, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Randall, Sherman, Terry, Yoakum. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 79001, 79009-10, 79013, 79015-16, 79018, 79022, 79025, 79029, 79033, 79035, 79040, 79044-45, 79051, 79053, 79058, 79062, 79070, 79081, 79084, 7908687, 79091-93, 79098, 79103, 79106 (part), 79109 (part), 19110, 79114, 79118-20, 79121 (part), 79159-60, 79189, 79311, 79313-14, 79316, 79320, 79323,-25, 79329, 79336, 79338, 79342, 79344-47, 79350, 79353, 79355, 79358-60, 79363, 79364 (part), 79366 (part), 79367, 19372, 79376, 79378-80, 79382, 79401, 79403 (part), 79404 (part), 79405-07, 7941011, 79412 (part), 79413, 79414, 79415 (part), 79416 (part), 79423- 24, 79452-53, 79464, 79489-91, 79493, 79499, 79701 (part), 79703, (part), 79705 (part), 79707-09, 79714, 79741, 79758-59, 79761 (part), 79762 (part), 79763 (part) 79764-65, 7976768, 719776 TWENTIETH DISTRICT HENRY B. GONZALEZ, Democrat, of San Antonio, TX; born in San Antonio, May 3, 1916, son of Leonides (deceased) and Genevieve Gonzalez (deceased), descendants of the original colonists of the State of Durango in northern Mexico, who fled their country TEXAS 103d Congress 297 as the result of the revolution and moved to San Antonio in 1911; attended the San Anto-nio public schools, San Antonio College, University of Texas, and St. Mary’s University School of Law (J.D. and LL.B.) which conferred on him an honorary doctor of laws degree in 1965; honorary doctor of humanities degree, Our Lady of the Lake College, 1973; honorary doctor of laws degree, University of the District of Columbia, 1984; first elected to public office in 1953; served 3 years on the San Antonio City Council, serving as mayor pro tem part of the second term; served as chief probation officer of Bexar County Juvenile Court; worked for bilingual publications, San Antonio Housing Author-ity, and once taught math and citizenship classes in the veterans training program; elected to the State senate of Texas in 1956 and reelected in 1960; married Bertha Cuellar in 1940 and they have four boys and four girls; Henry, Rose Mary (Mrs. Ramos), Charles, Bertha (Mrs. Terry Denzer), Stephen, Genevieve (Mrs. Ochoa), Francis, and Anna Maria (Mrs. Mark Ihle), and 21 grandchildren; elected to the 87th Congress on November 4, 1961, to fill the unexpired term of Paul J. Kilday; reelected to each succeeding Congress; chair-man, Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee; chairman, Subcommittee on Hous-ing and Community Development; previously served as chairman, ad hoc Subcommittee on Robinson-Patman Act, antitrust legislation, and related matters; member, Select Com-mittee on the Missing in Action in Southeast Asia; House Select Committee on Assassina-tions, vice chairman, 94th Congress; has served seven times as a House delegate to the U.S.-Mexico Interparliamentary Conference; member, National Commission on Consumer Finance (terminated December 1972); Majority Whip Organization. Office Listings 2413 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4320 225-3236 Legislative Director.—Jennifer C. Sada. Scheduler/Executive Secretary.—Christine Ochoa. (512) 229-6195 County: BEXAR COUNTY (part); cities of Alamo Heights (part), Balcones Heights, Castle Hills (part), Lackland AFB, Leon Valley (part), Lytle (part), San Antonio (part), and Terrell Hills (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 78002 (part), 78052 (part), 78054, 78069 (part), 78073 (part), 78201, 78202 (part), 78203 (part), 78204 (part), 78205 (part), 78206-07, 78208 (part), 78209 (part), 78210 (part), 78211 (part), 78212 (part), 78213 (part), 78215 (part), 78216 (part), 78217 (part), 78218 (part), 78219 (part), 78225 (part), 78226-29, 78230 (part), 78233 (part), 78234, 78236-37, 78238 (part), 78240 (part), 78242, 78245 (part), 78250 (part), 78251 (part), 78252, 78268, 78279, 78291 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT LAMAR SMITH, Republican, of San Antonio, TX; born in San Antonio on Novem-ber 19, 1947; graduated from Texas Military Institute, San Antonio, 1965; B.A., Yale Uni-versity, New Haven, CT, 1969; management intern, Small Business Administration, Wash-ington, 1969-70; Business and Financial writer, The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, MA, 1970-72; J.D., Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas, TX, 1975; ad-mitted to the State bar of Texas, 1975, and commenced practice in San Antonio with the firm of Maebius & Duncan, Inc., elected chairman of the Republican Party of Bexar County, TX, 1978 and 1980; elected District 57-F State Representative, 1981; elected Precinct 3 Commissioner of Bexar County, TX, 1982 and 1984; partner, Lamar Seeligson Ranch, Jim Wells County, TX; married to Beth Schaefer; two children: Nell Seeligson and Tobin Wells; elected to the 100th Congress on November 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress, Committees: Judiciary; Budget; Policy Committee; House G.O.P. Economic Task Force. 298 Congressional Directory Office Listings 2443 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4321 225-4236 Administrative Assistant.—John Lampmann. FAX: 225-8628 Press Secretary.—Scot Montrey. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Jennifer Young. First Federal Building, Suite 640, 1100 Northeast Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 821-5024 District Director.—QO’Lene Stone. Suite 318, 221 East Main, Round Rock, TX 78664 (512) 218-4208 Suite 104, 201 West Wall Street, Midland, TX 79701 (915) 687-5232 Suite 302, 33 East Twohig Street, San Angelo, TX 76903 (915) 653-3971 1006 Junction Highway, Kerrville, TX 78028 (512) 895-1414 Counties: Bandera, Bexar (part), Burnet, Comal, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Irion, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Mason, a part), Menard, Midland (part), Real, Schleicher, Sterling, Tom Green (part), Williamson. Population td » 1 ZIP Codes: 76527, 76537, 76820, 76825, 76831, 76841-42, 76848-49, 76854, 76856, 76859, 76869, 76874, 76885, 76901-06, 76930, 76934-36, 76941, 76951, 76955, 76957-58, 78003-4, 78006, 78010, 78013, 78023-25, 78027-29, 78055, 78058, 78063, 78070, 78074, 78108, 78115, 78123, 78130-33, 78148, 78154-56, 78163, 78209, 78212-13, 78216-18, 78230-32, 78239, 78247, 78258-59, 78261, 78265-66, 78270, 78278, 78283, 78292-99, 78605-09, 78611, 78613, 78618, 78623-24, 78626-28, 78631, 78634, 78638-39, 78641-43, 78654, 78664, 78669-75, 78680-81, 78717, 78727-29, 78750, 78833 78873, 78879, 78885, 79701-05, 79707, 78710-11, 79739 TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT TOM DELAY, Republican, of Sugar Land, TX; born in Laredo, TX, April 8, 1947; graduated Calallan High School, Corpus Christi, 1965; attended Baylor University, Waco, TX, 1967; B.S., University of Houston, Houston, TX, 1970; businessman; elected to the Texas House of Representatives, 1979-84; member: Oyster Creek Rotary, Fort Bend 100 Club; Chamber of Commerce; board member, Youth Opportunities Unlimited; married to the former Christine Furrh; one child: Danielle; elected to the 99th Congress on Novem-ber 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 407 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4322 225-5951 Administrative Assistant.—Ken Carroll. Appointment Secretary.—Lori Soika. Press Secretary.—Trish Brink. Legislative Assistants/Committee on Appropriations: Glenn LeMunyon. Suite 285, 12603 Southwest Freeway, Stafford, TX 77477 (713) 240-3700 Counties: BRAZORIA COUNTY; city and townships of Alvin, Angleton, Danbury, Lake Jackson, Liverpool, Manvel, Rosharon, Pearland. FORT BEND; city and townships of Beasley, Fulshear, Guy, Katy, Kindleton, Missouri C, Needville, Orchard, Richmond, Rosenberg, Simonton, Stafford, Sugarland, Thompson, Fresno, Houston. HARRIS COUNTY; cities and townships of Bellaire, Friendswood, Houston, LaPorte, Seabrook. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77005, 77012, 77025, 77035-36, 77041-42, 77045-46, 77055, 77058-59, 77062-63, 77072, 77074-75, 77077, 77081-84, 77089, 77096, 77098-99, 77417, 17440-41, 77444, 77450, 77457, 77459, 77461, 77464, 77469, 77471, 77476 79, 77481, 77489, 77511-12, 7751S, 77534, 77545-46, 77566, 77571, 77577-78, 77581, 77583 84, 77586 TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT HENRY BONILLA, Republican, of San Antonio, TX; born in San Antonio on Janu-ary 2, 1954; attended Dwight Middle School, San Antonio; graduated South San Antonio High School, 1972; B.J., University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1976; Executive Producer for Public Affairs, KENS-TV, San Antonio; Executive News Producer, KENS-TV, San An-tonio; Member, San Antonio Library Foundation; Member, Crimestoppers; Member, Uni- TEXAS 103d Congress 299 versity of Texas Women’s Athletics Advisory Council; married to the former Deborah JoAnn Knapp, 1981; two children: Alicia Knapp, 1985, and Austin Elliott, 1988; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress; Committee: Appropriations. Office Listings 1529 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4323 225-4511 Administrative Assistant.—Steve Ruhlen. FAX: 225-2237 11120 Wurzbach, Suite 300, San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 697-9055 District Director.—Phil Ricks. 1300 Matamoros St., Room 113B, Laredo, TX 78040 (210) 726-4682 Federal Courthouse Building, Room 101, 111 East Broadway, Del Rio, TX 78840 3 (210) 774-6547 4400 North Big Spring, No. 211, Midland, TX 79705 (915) 686-8833 Counties: BEXAR COUNTY (part); cities and townships of San Antonio, Helotes, Fair Oaks Ranch. BREWSTER COUNTY; cities and townships of Alpine, Marathon, Big Bend National Park, Terlingua, Lajitas. CRANE COUNTY; city of Crane. CROCKETT COUNTY; city of Ozona. CULBERSON COUNTY; cities and townships of Van Horn, Kent, Lobo, Pine Springs. DIMMIT COUNTY; cities and townships of Carrizo Springs, Big Wells, Brundage, Asherton, Catarina. Ector COUNTY (part); city of Odessa. EDWARDS COUNTY; cities and townships of Rock Springs, Barksdale. EL PAso COUNTY (part); cities and townships of El Paso, Horizon City, Fort Bliss. HUDSPETH COUNTY; cities and townships of Dell City, Allamoore, Sierra Blanca, McNary Fort Hancock, Salt Flat. JEFF DAvis COUNTY; cities and townships of Fort Davis, Valentine. KINNEY; cities and townships of Brackettville, Fort Clark Springs, Spofford. LOVING COUNTY; city of Mentone. MAVERICK COUNTY; cities and townships of Eagle Pass, Normandy, Quemado, El Indio. MEDINA COUNTY; cities and townships of Hondo, Castroville, La Coste, Devine, D’Hanis, Natalia, Yancey, Riomedina, Mico. MIDLAND COUNTY (part); city of Midland. PEcos COUNTY; cities and town-ships of Fort Stockton, Iraan, Sheffield, Bakersfield, Coyanosa, Girvin, Imperial. PRESIDIO COUNTY; cities and townships of Presidio, Marfa, Shafter, Redford. REAGAN COUNTY; cities and townships of Big Lake, Best. REEVES COUNTY; cities and townships of Pecos, Toyah, Saragosa, Balmorhea, Orla, Toyahvale. SUTTON COUNTY; city of Sonora. TERRELL COUNTY cities and townships of Dryden, Sanderson. UPTON; cities and townships of McCamey, Rankin, Midkiff. UVALDE COUNTY; cities and townships of Uvalde, Sabinal, Knippa, Concan, Utopia. VAL VERDE COUNTY; cities and townships of Del Rio, Comstock, Langtry, Juno, Loma Alta. WARD.; cities and townships of Monahans, Barstow, Wickett, Grandfalls, Pyote, Royalty. WEBB COUNTY; cities and townships Laredo, Bruni, Mirando City, Oilton. WINKLER COUNTY; cities Kermit, Wink. ZAVALA COUNTY; cities and townships of Crystal City, La Pryor, Batesville. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 78002 (part), 78009, 78016, 78023 (part), 78039-44, 78054, 78057 (part), 78059 (part), 78066, 78069, 78073 (part), 78101 (part), 78108 (part), 78109, 78112, 78148, 78150, 78152, 78203 (part), 78210 (part), 78211 (part), 78214 (part), 78217 (part), 78218 (part), 78219, 78220 (part), 78221 (part), 78222, 78224 (part), 78227 (part), 78229 (part), 78232 (part), 78233 (part), 78235, 78236 (part), 78237 (part), 78238-39, 78240 (part), 78242, 78244-45, 78247 (part), 78250 (part), 78251-53, 78263-64, 78268, 78344, 78369, 78371, 78801-02, 78827, 78829-30, 78832, 78834, 78836-42, 78850, 78852-53, 7886061, 78870-72, 78877, 78881, 78884, 78886 TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT MARTIN FROST, Democrat, of Dallas, TX; born in Glendale, CA, January 1, 1942; attended the public schools; graduated R.L. Paschal High School, Fort Worth, TX, 1960; B.A. and B.J., University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1964; J.D., Georgetown Law Center, Washington, DC, 1970; served in U.S. Army Reserve, 1966-72; lawyer; law clerk for Federal Judge Sarah T. Hughes; legal commentator for channel 13; vice president and board member, Dallas Democratic Forum, 1976-77; admitted to the Texas bar, 1970; commenced practice in Dallas, TX; very active leader in civic, community, and political affairs; board member, Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce, American Cancer Society, and Oak Cliff Conservation League; member: Oak Cliff Lions Club, American Jewish Com-mittee, Temple Emanu-El in Dallas, Dallas and Texas Bar Associations; staff writer for the Congressional Quarterly Weekly, 1965-67; married to the former Valerie Hall of Fort Worth, TX, 1976; three daughters: Alanna, Mariel, and Camille; elected to the 96th Con-gress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: House Admin-istration and Rules Committees; floor whip; chairman, Special Task Force on Developing Parliamentary Institutions in Eastern Europe; chairman, IMPAC 2000. 300 Congressional Directory Office Listings 2459 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4324 225-3605 Administrative Assistant.—Matt Angle. FAX: 225-4951 Press Secretary.—Susan McAvoy. Executive Secretary.—Delane McHone. 3020 Southeast Loop 820, Fort Worth, TX 76140 (817) 293-9231 District Director.—Cinda Crawford. 1319 NCNB Oak Cliff Tower, 400 South Zang Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75208... (214) 948-3401 318 West Main Street, Room 102, Arlington, TX 76010 (817) 795-3291 Counties: Dallas (part), Ellis (part), Navarro, Tarrant (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Duncanville, Grand Prairie, DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Mansfield, Kennedale, Waxahachi, Ennis, Corsicana, Red Oak, Cockrell Hill, Glenn Heights, Lancaster, Wilmer, Maypearl, Milford, Avalon, Italy, Forreston, Ferris, Nash, Boyce, Palmer, Rockett, Bardwell, Rice, Chatfield, Kerens, Forest, Dawson, Richland, Purdon, Barry, Blooming Grove, Powell, Emhouse, Roane. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75050 (part), 75051 (part), 75052 (part), 75053-54, 75101-02, 75104 (part), 75105, 75110, 75115 (part), 75116, 75119-20, 75125, 75134, 75137 (part), 75138 (part), 75144, 75146 (part), 75151-53, 75154 (part), 75155, 75165 (part), 75172, 75203 (part), 75207 (part), 75208, 75211, 75212 (part), 75216, 75224 (part), 75233 (part), 75235 (part), 75236, 75247 (part), 75249, 75376, 75859 (part), 76006 (part), 76010-11, 76012 (part), 76013 (part), 76014, 76015 (part), 76017 (part), 76018 (part), 76041, 76050 (part), 76060, 76063 (part), 76064, 76065 (part), 76084 (part), 76103 (part), 76104 (part), 76105 (part), 76110 (part), 76112 (part), 76115 (part), 76119, 76134 (part), 76140 (part), 76623, 76626, 76639, 76641, 76651, 76666 (part), 76670 (part), 76679, 76681 TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT MICHAEL A. ANDREWS, Democrat, of Houston, TX; born in Houston, TX, Febru-ary 7, 1944; attended the public schools of Fort Worth, TX, graduated from Arlington Heights High School, 1962; B.A., University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1967; J.D., Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas, TX, 1970; admitted to the Texas bar, 1971; law clerk for U.S. district judge for the Southern District of Texas, 1971-72; assistant district attorney, Harris County, TX, 1972-76; commenced private practice in Houston, 1976; member: State Bar of Texas, Houston and American Bar Associations; member: St. John’s Episcopal Church; married to former Ann Bowman of Houston, TX; two daugh-ters: Caroline and Emily; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress; serves on Ways and Means Committee; member, Subcommit-tee on Health; Comittee on the Budget; Joint Economic Committee. Office Listings 303 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff. —Ann Rowan. Press Secretary.—Jeff Patterson. Executive Assistant.—Lori Huffman. Federal Building, Suite 12102, 515 Rusk Street, Suite 810, 1001 East Southmore, Pasadena, TX DC 205Houston, 77504 15-4325 TX 77002 (713) (713) 225-7508 229-2244 473-4334 Counties: Fort Bend (part), Harris (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77004 (part), 77005 (part), 77012 (part), 77017 (part), 77021 (part), 77025, 77030, 77033, 77034 (part), 77035 (part), 77045 (part), 77047-48, 77051, 77053 (part), 77054 (part), 77058 (part), 77059, 77061, 77062 (part), 77075 (part), 77085 (part), 77087 (part), 77096 (part), 77207, 77217, 77225, 77231, 77233-35, 77245, 77254, 77265, 77275, 77287, 77289, 77501-08, 77536, 77571, 77586-87 TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT DICK ARMEY, Republican, of Lewisville, TX; born in Cando, ND, on July 7, 1940; attended Cando Public School; graduated Cando High School, 1958; B.A., Jamestown College, Jamestown, ND, 1963; M.A., University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, 1964; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1968; faculty, economics, University of Mon-tana, 1964-65; assistant professor, West Texas State University, 1967-68; assistant profes- TEXAS 103d Congress 301 sor, Austin College, 1968-72; associate professor, North Texas State University, 1972-77; chairman, department of economics, North Texas State University, 1977-83; economic consultant and adviser; Distinguished Fellow of the Fisher Institute, Dallas, TX; Omicron Delta Epsilon, economics honor society; Southwestern Social Sciences Association; Mis-souri Valley Economics Association; former deacon, Presbyterian Church; married to the former Susan Byrd; five children: Kathryn, David, Chip, Scott, and Scott; elected to the 99th Congress on November 6, 1984; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 301 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4326....................... 225-7772 Administrative Assistant.—Brian Gunderson. FAX: 225-7614 Legislative Director.—Horace Cooper. Press Secretary.—Pat Shortridge. 9901 Valley Ranch Parkway E, No. 3050, Irving, TX 75063 (214) 556-2500 District Director.—Jean Campbell. Counties: Collin (part), Dallas (part), Denton (part), Tarrant (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Addison (part), Argyle, Carrollton, Coppell (part), Corinth, Dallas (part), Denton (part), Double Oak, Farmers Branch (part), Flower Mound, Frisco (part), Grand Prairie (part), Grapevine (part), Hickory Creeks, Highland Village, Irving (part), Lake Dallas, Lewisville (part), McKinney (part), Plano (part), Richardson (part), Roanoke, Southlake (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75001, 75006-08, 75010-11, 75015-16, 75019, 75023-25, 75028-29, 75034, 75038-39, 75050, 75053, 75056-57, 75060-63, 75065, 75067-70, 75075, 75078, 75080-81, 75083-85, 75093, 75220, 75229, 75234, 75240, 75243, 75244, 75248, 75251, 75252, 75253, 75287, 75379, 75380, 75381, 76051, 76201. TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT SOLOMON P. ORTIZ, Democrat, of Corpus Christi, TX; born in Robstown, TX, on June 3, 1938; attended Robstown High School; attended Del Mar College, Corpus Chris-ti; officers certificate, Institute of Applied Science, Chicago, IL., 1962; officers certificate, National Sheriffs’ Training Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 1977; served in U.S. Army, Sp4c. 1960-62; insurance agent; Nueces County constable, 1965-68; Nueces County commis-sioner, 1969-76; Nueces County sheriff, 1977-82; member: Congressional Hispanic Caucus (Chairman, 102d Congress); Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (Chairman of the Board, 102d Congress); Army Caucus; Depot Caucus; Democratic Study Group; Con-gressional Sunbelt Caucus; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas, National Sheriffs’ Association, the Corpus Christi Rotary Club, the American Red Cross, the United Way; honors: Who’s Who among Hispanic Americans, Man of the Year, International Order of Forest-ers, 1981, Conservation Legislator of the Year for the Sportsman Clubs of Texas (1986), the Boss of the Year by the American Businesswomen Association (1980); National Gov-ernment Hispanic Business Advocate, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (1992); Lead-ership Award, Latin American Management Association (1991); National Security Lead-ership Award, American Security Council (1992), Tree of Life Award, Jewish National Fund (1987); two children: Yvette and Solomon, Jr.; elected on November 2, 1982 to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2136 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4327 ................... 225-7742 Administrative Assistant.—Florencio H. Rendon. FAX: 226-1134 Executive Assistant/Scheduling.—Dayna Hassell. Legislative Director.—Jo Sherman. Press Secretary.—Cathy Travis. Suite 510, 3649 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408 (512) 883-5868 Suite 200, 3505 Boca Chica Boulevard, Brownsville, TX 78521 ......................... (210) 541-1242 Counties: Cameron; Kenedy; Kleberg (part); Nueces; Willacy (part). Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 78330, 78338-39, 78343, 78347, 78351, 78363, 78373, 78374 (part), 78379-80, 78385, 78400-09, 78410 (part), 78411-19, 78469-71, 78473-78, 78520-23, 78526, 78535, 78550-52, 78559, 78561, 78566-68, 78569 (part), 78575, 78578, 78580, 78583, 78586, 78590, 78592-94, 78597-98 302 Congressional Directory TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT FRANK M. TEJEDA, Democrat, of San Antonio, TX; born in San Antonio, on Octo-ber 2, 1945; attended St. Leo’s Catholic School; attended Harlandale High School; B.A., St. Mary’s University; J.D., University of California at Berkeley; M.P.A., Harvard Uni-versity; LL.M., Yale Law School; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, 1963-67; attorney; admitted to the Texas bar, 1974; elected to the Texas State House of Representatives, 1977-87; elected to the Texas State Senate, 1987-92; member: Veterans of Foreign Wars; Military Order of the Purple Heart; Catholic War Veterans; First Marine Division; NAACP; Marine Corps League; Lions Club; American Legion; Alamo Silver Wings; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Southside Chamber of Commerce; Non-Commissioned Officers Assn.; three children: Marissa, 1973; Soyna, 1975; and Frank, III, 1982; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 323 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4328 Senior Legislative Assistant.—Marc Ehudin. Administrative Assistant.—Jeff Mendelsohn. Executive Assistant/Scheduling.—Bianca Peiialver. Press Secretary.—Clara C. Pizaia. Suite 115, 1313 Southeast Military Drive, San Antonio, TX 78214-2851 (210) 924-7383 District Director.—Frances Ruiz. Counties: ATAscosA COUNTY; city and township of Jourdanton, Charlotte, Christine, Pleasanton, Poteet. BEXAR COUNTY (part); city and township of San Antonio (part), Elmendorf, St. Hedwig, Kirby, China Grove, Converse, Live Oak (part), Universal City (part), Schertz (part), Selma (part). CoMAL COUNTY (part); city and township of New Braunfels (part). DuvAL COUNTY; city and township of Freer, Benavides, San Diego. Frio COUNTY; city and township of Pearsall, Dilley. GUADALUPE COUNTY (part); city and township of Marion, New Berlin (part), Seguin (part). Jim HoGG COUNTY; city and township of Hebbronville. JIM WELLS COUNTY ); city and township of Alice (part), Premont. LA SALLE COUNTY; city and township of Cotulla, Encinal. MCMULLEN COUNTY; city and township of Tilden. STARR COUNTY; city and township of Rio Grande City, La Grulla, Garciasville, Delmita, Roma. WILSON COUNTY; city and township of Floresville, La Vernia, Poth, Stockdale. ZAPATA COUNTY; city and township of Zapata, San Ygnacio, Lopeno. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75566, 78011, 78012, 78014, 78017, 78019, 78026, 78061, 78064, 78065, 78067, 78069 (part), 78072, 78073 (part), 78076, 78101, 78108, 78109, 78112, 78114, 78121, 78130 (part), 78147, 78148, 78152, 78154 (part), 78155, 78160, 78202 (part), 78203 (part), 78204 (part), 78205 (part), 78210 (part), 78211, 78214, 78217, 78218 (part), 78219 (part), 78220, 78221, 78222, 78223, 78224 (part), 78225 (part), 78233, 78235, 78239, 78241 (part), 78244, 78247, 78263, 78332, 78333, 78341, 78357, 78361, 78375, 78384, 78536, 78547-48, 78564, 78582, 78584 TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT GENE GREEN, Democrat, of Houston, TX; born on October 17, 1947 in Houston, TX; B.A., University of Houston, 1971; admitted Texas bar, 1977; business manager, at-torney; Texas State Representative, 1973-85; Texas State Senator, 1985-92; member: Houston Bar Association, Communications Workers of America, Aldine Optimist Club, Gulf Coast Conservation Association, Texas Historical Society, Lindale Lions Club; mar-ried on January 23, 1970 to Helen Albers; two children: Angela, 1974, Christopher, 1976; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1004 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4329 225-1688 Administrative Assistant.—Moses Mercado. FAX: 225-9903 Executive Assistant/Scheduling.—Ella Wong-Rusinko. Legislative Assistants:—Robert Scott, Carol Alvarado. 5502 Lawndale, Houston, TX 77023 (713) 923-9961 FAX: (713) 923-4758 County: HARRIS COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Houston, Humble (part), Pasadena (part), Baytown (part), Channelview (part), Deer Park (part), Galena Park (part), La Porte (part), South Houston. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77002 (part), 77003 (part), 77004 (part), 77006 (part), 77007 (part), 77008 (part), 77009, 77011-12, 77013 (part), 77015 (part), 77016 (part), 77017 (part), 77018 (part), 77019 (part), 77020 (part), 77021 (part), 77022 (part), TEXAS 103d Congress 303 77023 (part), 77024 (part), 77026 (part), 77028 (part), 77029 (part), 77032 (part), 77034 (part), 77037 (part), 77038 (part), 77039 (part), 77043 (part), 77048 (part), 77050 (part), 77055 (part), 77060 (part), 77061 (part), 77075 (part), 77076 (part), 77078 (part), 77080 (part), 77087 (part), 77091-93, 77093 (part). 77204-05, 77207 (part), 77213 (part), 77217, 77221-23, 77233, 77228 (part), 77229 (part), 77234 (part), 77241 (part), 77248 (part), 77249, 77250, 77255 (part), 77261-62, 77266 (part), 77268 (part), 77270-71, 71275 (part), 77279 (part), 77280 (part), 77287 (part), 77288 (part), 77292 (part), 77293 (part), 77297, 77298 (part), 77299 (part), 77315 (part), 77396 (part), 77501 (part), 77502 (part), 77503 (part), 77504 (part), 77506 (part), 77520 (part), 77521 (part), 77522 (part), 77530 (part) 77536 (part), 77547, 77580 (part), 77587 (part). THIRTIETH DISTRICT EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, Democrat, of Dallas, TX; born on December, 3, 1935 in Waco, TX; Nursing Diploma, St. Mary’s at Notre Dame, 1955; B.S. Nursing, Texas Christian, 1967; M.P.A, Southern Methodist, 1976; proprietor, Eddie Bernice Johnson and Associates consulting and airport concession management; Texas House of Representa-tives, 1972-77; Carter Administration Appointee, 1977-81; Texas State Senate, 1986-92; member, St. John Baptist Church, Dallas, TX; member, American Nurses Association; member, Links, Inc., Dallas Chapter; member, Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce; life member, NAACP; member, Charter 100 of Dallas; member, Girlfriends, Inc.; honorary member, Delta Kappa Gama Society International Women Educators Organization, Epsi-lon Chapter; life member, YWCA; executive committee member, United Way of Metro-politan Dallas; member, Women’s Council of Dallas; member and past president, National Council of Negro Women; member, Democratic Women of Dallas County; member, Dallas Urban League; member, Dallas County Democratic Progressive Voters League; member, past national vice-president and past national secretary, National Order of Women Legislators; member, National Black Nurses Association; member, Goals for Dallas; Emma V. Kelly Achievement Award, Grant Temple Daughters of IBPOE of W, 1973; first woman to chair a major House committee in the Texas Legislature; Libertarian of the Year, A.C.L.U., 1978; Women Helping Women Award, Soroptimist International of Dallas and Southwest Region, 1979; Outstanding Citizenship Award, National Confer-ence of Christians and Jews, 1985; NAACP Juanita Craft Award in Politics, NAACP Dallas Chapter, 1989; Legislative Action Award, Texas Association of Community Action Agencies, 1989; “She Knows Where She is Going”, Girls Inc., 1990; Distin-guished Public Service Award, Prairie View A&M University, 1990; Eartha M.M. White Award, outstanding achievement as a businesswoman, National Business League, 1990; Outstanding Service Award, KKDA Radio, 1991; National Association of Negro Busi-ness and Professional Women and Clubs Achievement in Government, 1991; Outstanding Service Award, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, 1991; Certificate of Commendation, City of Dallas, 1991; Outstanding Service Award, the Child Care Group, 1991; “Legislator of the Year” award, Dallas Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 1991; one child, Dawrence Kirk, 1958; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1721 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4330 225-8885 Administrative Assistant.—Florrie Eubanks. FAX: 226-1477 Legislative Director.—Yvette Meftah. Press Secretary.—Peter Woolfolk. 2515 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1565, Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 922-8885 District Manager.—Lisa Hembry. Counties: Collin (part), Dallas (part), Tarrant (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Arlington, Dallas, De Soto, Duncanville, Farmer’s Branch, Grand Prairie, Irving, Lancaster, Plano, Richardson. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 75014, 75016, 75019 (part), 75023 (part), 75038 (part), 75039 (part), 75042 (part), 75050 (part), 75051 (part), 75060 (part), 75061 (part), 75062 (part), 75063 (part), 75074 (part), 75075 (part), 75080 (part), 75081 (part), 75082 (part), 75104 (part), 75115 (part), 75116 (part), 75134 (part), 75137 (part), 75146 (part), 75149 (part), 75180 (part), 75201, 75202, 75203 (part), 75204 (part), 75206 (part), 75207 (part), 75208 (part), 75209 (part), 75210, 75211 (part), 75212 (part), 75214 (part), 75215, 75216, 75217 (part), 75220 (part), 75223 (part), 75224 (part), 75225 (part), 75226 (part), 75227 (part), 75228 (part), 75229 (part), 75230 (part), 75231 (part), 75232, 75233 (part), 75234 (part), 75235 (part), 75236 (part), 75237, 75238 (part), 75239 (part), 75240 (part), 75241 (part), 75242, 75243 (part), 75244 (part), 75245, 75246 (part), 75247 (part), 75250, 75251 (part), 75258, 75261, 75266, 75270, 75277, 75285, 75286, 75303, 75310, 75313, 75315, 75326, 75339, 75350, 75353, 75354, 75356, 75364, 75373, 75374, 75376, 75387, 75388, 75392, 75393, 75394, 75395, 75396, 75397, 76010 (part) Congressional Directory UTAH (Population, 1990 census, 1,727,784) SENATORS ORRIN G. HATCH, Republican, of Salt Lake City, UT; born in Pittsburgh, PA, March 22, 1934; B.S., Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1959; LL.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1962; practiced law in Salt Lake City and Pittsburgh, PA; senior partner, Hatch & Plumb law firm, Salt Lake City; worked his way through high school, college, and law school at the metal lathing building trade; member, AFL-CIO; holds “av” rating in Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory; member, Salt Lake County Bar Association, Utah Bar Association, American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association, Allegheny County Bar Association, numerous other professional and fraternal organizations; member, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; bishop; board of directors, Ballet West; honorary National Ski Patroller; Help Eliminate Litter and Pollution [HELP] As-sociation; author of numerous national publications; married to Elaine Hansen of Newton, UT; six children: Brent, Marcia, Scott, Kimberly, Alysa, and Jess; elected to the U.S. Senate November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected on November 2, 1982; reelected to 6-year term November 8, 1988; author: “The Equal Rights Amendment Extension: A Critical Analysis” in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and “Should the Capital Vote in Congress? A Critical Analysis of the D.C. Representation Amendment” in the Fordham Urban Law Journal; “Alternative Dispute Resoultion in the Federal Government: A View from Congress,” Touro Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, Fall, 1987; “The First Amendment and Our National Heritage,” Oklahoma City University Law Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, Fall, 1987; “Avoidance of Constitutional Conflicts,” University of Pittsburgh Law Review, Vol. 48, No. 4, Summer, 1987; “The Role of Congress in Sentencing: The United States Sentencing Commission, Mandatory Minimum Sentences, and the Search for a Certain and Effective Sentencing System,” by Senator Orrin Hatch, Wake Forest Law Review, Volume 28, Number 2, Summer 1993. Office Listings 135 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4402 224-5251 Administrative Assistant. —Wendy Higginbotham. Press Secretary.—J. Paul Smith. 8402 Federal Building, Salt Lake City, UT 84138 (801) 524-4380 State Director.—Ronald Madsen. 1410 Federal Building, Ogden, UT 84401 .... (801) 625-5672 109 Federal Building, Provo, UT 84601.. ne (801) 375-7881 * x %x ROBERT F. BENNETT, Republican, of Salt Lake City, UT, born September 18, 1933 in Salt Lake City; B.A., University of Utah, 1957; Chief Executive officer, Franklin Quest, Salt Lake City, Chief Congressional Liaison, U.S. Department of Transportation Chairman, Utah Education Strategic Planning Commission; awards: “Entrepreneur of the Year”, Inc. Magazine, 1989, “Light of Learning Award,” 1989; author, Gaining Control; married to Joyce McKay; children: James, Julie, Robert, Wendy, Heather, and Heidi; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 3, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993. Office Listings 241 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4403 Administrative Assistant.—Greg Hopkins. Legislative Director.—James Barker. Office Manager.—Carrie Lowe. 4225 Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, 125 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84138-1188... (801) 524-5933 State Director.—Dixie Minson. 1410 Federal Building, 324 25th Street, Ogden, UT 84401-2310 (801) 625-5675 310 Old Courthouse Building, 51 South University Avenue, Provo, UT 84601-4424 (801) 379-2525 22 Federal Building, 196 E. Tabernacle Street, St. George, UT 84770-3474 (801) 628-5514 UTAH 103d Congress 305 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT JAMES V. HANSEN, Republican, of Farmington, UT; born in Salt Lake City, UT, August 14, 1932; B.S., University of Utah, 1961; U.S. Navy, 1951-55; president, James V. Hansen Insurance Agency; president, Woodland Springs Development Co.; member, Utah House of Representatives, 1973-80, last term, Speaker of the Utah House; recipient, “Legislator of the Year Award”, 1980; member, Rotary Club; recipient, “Citizen of the Year Award”; member, Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints “Mormon”; married to the former Ann Burgoyne, 1958; five children: Susan, Joseph James, David Burgoyne, Paul William, and Jennifer; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congresses. \ Office Listings 2466 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4401 ................... 225-0453 Administrative Assistant.—Nancee W. Blockinger. FAX: 225-5857 1017 Federal Building, 324 25th Street, Ogden, UT 84401 (801) 393-8362 State District Director.—Peter Jenks. 435 East Tabernacle, St. George, UT 84770 (801) 628-1071 Field Office Representative.—Rick Arial. Counties: Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Iron, Juab, Millard, Rich, Salt Lake (part), Tooele, Washington, and Weber. Population (1990), 574,286. ZIP Codes: 83254 (part), 84010, 84014-16, 84018, 84022, 84025, 84028-29, 84037-39, 84041, 84050, 84054, 84056, 84064, 84067, 84069, 84071, 84074, 84077, 84080, 84083, 84086-87, 84301-02, 84304-21, 84325-26, 84328-40, 84400-05, 84409, 84624, 84628, 84630-31, 84635-36, 84638-40, 84644-45, 84648-49, 84656, 84710, 84712-20, 84722-23, 84725-26, 84728-29, 84731-38, 84740-43, 84745-47, 84749-53, 84755-65, 84767, 84770, 84772-76, 84779-80 SECOND DISTRICT KAREN SHEPHERD, Democrat, of Salt Lake City, UT; born in Silver City, NM; attended Polk Elementary School, Ogden, UT; graduated, Provo High School, Provo, UT; B.A., University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1962; M.A., Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1963; director of development, David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah; president, Webster Publishing; director, Salt Lake County Social Services, 1975-77; instructor, Brigham Young University; elected to the Utah State Senate, 1991-92; co-chair, Utah Democratic Health Policy Commission, 1991-92; member: Planned Parent-hood Board of Directors, 1988-92; Coalition for Utah’s Future/Project 2000 Board of Di-rectors, 1987-92; U.S. West Executive Advisory Board, 1986-90; United Way Advisory Board, 1988-90; Westminster College Board of Trustees, 1987-89; co-chair, Utah Demo-cratic Policy Committee; chair, Advisory Board to the Graduate School of Social Work, University of Utah, 1982-88; Women Concerned About Nuclear War Board of Directors, 1983-88; Business Council, University of Utah Graduate School of Business; married to Vincent P. Shepard; two children: Heather E., 1968; and Dylan V., 1971; elected on No-vember 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 414 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4402....................... 225-3011 Administrative Assistant.—Mike Burke. FAX: 226-0354 Legislative Director.—Ann Goode. Executive Assistant. —Wendy Ware. 125 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84138 (801) 524-4394 County: SALT LAKE COUNTY (part); cities of Bluffdale, Canyon Rim, Cottonwood Heights, Cottonwood West, Draper, East Millcreek, Granite, Holladay-Cottonwood, Kearns (part), Little Cottonwood Creek Valley, Midvale, Mill-creek, Mount Olympus, Murray, Oquirrh, Riverton, Salt Lake City (part), Sandy, South Jordan, South Salt Lake, Taylorsville-Bennion (part), Union, West Jordan, West Valley City (part) and White City. Population (1990), 574,241. 306 Congressional Directory UTAH ZIP Codes: 84020 (part), 84044 (part), 84047, 84049, 84070, 84091-92, 84100-06, 84107 (part), 84108-17, 84119 (part), 84120 (part), 84121-27, 8413045, 8414748, 84150-52, 84180, 84184, 84189, 84199 THIRD DISTRICT BILL ORTON, Democrat, of Provo, UT, born in Ogden, UT on September 22, 1948; B.S., Brigham Young University, 1973; J.D., Brigham Young University, 1979; attorney; adjunct law professor; past board chairman, Real Estate Tax Institute, Washington, DC; founder and charter member, American Inns of Court; member: American Bar Associa-tion; committee assignments: Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, Committee on the Budget, elected on November 6, 1990 to the 102d Congress; reelected November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1122 Longworth House Office Building, WashinAdministrative Assistant.—Sheldon Kinsel. Legislative Director.—Scott Olson. Staff Director.—George Krumbhaar. Press Secretary.—Joel Lawson. Legislative Assistant.—Dave Lemmon. Room 317, 51 South University Drive, Provo, gton, DC UT 84601 20515-4403 FAX: (801) 225-7751 226-1223 379-2500 Counties: Carbon, Daggett, Duchesne, Emery, Garfield, Grand, Kane, Morgan, Piute, Salt Lake (part), San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Uintah, Utah, Wasatch, and Wayne. Population (1990), 574,323. ZIP Codes: 84001-03, 84006-07, 84012-13, 84017, 84020 (part), 84021, 84023-24, 84026-27, 84030-36, 84043, 84044, 84046, 84050-53, 84055, 84057-58, 84060-63, 84065-66, 84068, 84072-73, 84076, 84078-79, 84082, 8408485, 84088, 84104, 84107 (part), 84117-18, 84119 (part), 84120 (part), 84123 (part) 84327, 84501, 84510-13, 84515-16, 84518, 84520-23, 84525-32, 84534-37, 84539-40, 84542, 84601-04, 84620-23, 84626-27, 84629, 84632-34, 84637, 84642-43, 84646-47, 84650-55, 84657, 84660, 84662-63, 84665, 84667, 84701, 84711-12, 84715-18, 84723-24, 84726, 84729-30, 84732, 84734-36, 84739, 84740-41, 84743-44, 84746-47, 84749-50, 84754-55, 84758-59, 84764, 84773, 84775-76, 84784 VERMONT 103d Congress 307 VERMONT (Population, 1990 census, 564,964) SENATORS PATRICK J. LEAHY, Democrat, of Burlington, VT; born in Montpelier, VT, March 31, 1940; son of Howard and Alba Leahy; graduate of St. Michael’s High School, Mont-pelier, 1957; B.A., St. Michael's College, 1961; J.D., Georgetown University, 1964; las7yer, admitted to the Vermont bar, 1964; admitted to the District of Columbia bar, 1979; admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, 1968; the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York, 1966; the Federal District Court of Vermont, 1965, and the Vermont Supreme Court, 1964; State’s attorney, Chittenden County, 1966-74; vice president, National District Attorneys Association, 1971-74; married to the former Mar-celle Pomerleau, 1962; three children: Kevin, Alicia, and Mark; first Democrat and youngest person in Vermont to be elected to the U.S. Senate, November 5, 1974, reelect-ed November 6, 1986, for the term ending January 3, 1993; reelected to a fourth term on November 3, 1992; committee assignments: Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, chair-man; Appropriations Committee: Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, chairman; Sub-committee on HUD-Independent Agencies, Senior Democrat; Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies; Subcommittee on Defense; Judiciary Committee: Subcommittee on Technology and the Law and Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks, chairman. Office Listings 433 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4502 .............c.c....... 224-4242 Chief of Staff.—Ellen McCulloch Lovell. Legislative Director.—Luke Albee. Press Secretary.—Joe Jamele. Federal Building, Room 338, Montpelier, VT 05602.........ccccocererirurruerenerusrunennes (802) 229-0569 Legislative Assistant. —Robert G. Paquin. 199 Main Street, Courthouse Plaza, Burlington, VT 05401..........ccccccevvevvvrruennennnn. (802) 863-2525 Director.— Thomas C. Davis. JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Republican, of Shrewsbury, VT; born in Rutland, VT, May 11, 1934; attended public schools in Rutland; received B.S.I.A. degree from Yale, New Haven, CT, 1956; graduate work, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, 1962, LL.B.; served in the U.S. Navy as lieutenant (jg.); captain, U.S. Naval Reserve (retired June 1990); admitted to the bar, 1962, and began practice in Rutland; State senator, 1967-68; attorney general, State of Vermont, 1969-73; national director of American Judicature Society; congres-sional adviser to Law of the Sea Negotiations; co-founder and co-chairman, Congression-al Arts Caucus; co-chairman, Northeast Midwest Senate Coalition; vice-chairman, Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus; Republican Task Force on Energy; advisory member, National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics; married to Elizabeth Daley; two children: Leonard and Laura; elected to the 94th Congress, Novem-ber 5, 1974; reelected to each succeeding Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 8, 1988, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 530 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4503...................... 224-5141 Administrative Assistant.—Susan Boardman Russ. FAX: 224-8330 Legislative Director.—Mark E. Powden. Office Manager/Personal Secretary.—Lorraine F. Benedini. Scheduler.—Trecia Bickford. 58 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05600 ......... 0... coris csierecressissarniotrsasssisassavransrs (802) 223-5273 Lindholm Building, Second Floor, 2 South Main Street, Rutland, VT 05701.... (802) 773-3875 Suite 100, 93: St. Panl Street, Burlington, VT 0540) ........ccrirrsnminsiassinsisersirsense (802) 658-6001 Congressional Directory VERMONT REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE BERNARD SANDERS, Independent, of Burlington, VT; born Brooklyn, NY, Sep-tember 8, 1941; attended P.S. 197, Brooklyn, NY; graduated from Madison High School, Brooklyn, NY; B.S., political science, University of Chicago, 1964; carpenter, writer, col-lege professor; mayor, Burlington, VT, 1981-89; married to the former Jane O'Meara, 1988; four children: Levi, 1969; Heather, 1971, Carina, 1974, David, 1975; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected on November 3, 1992. Office Listings 213 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Doug Boucher. Legislative Director.—Jeff Weaver. DC 20515-4501 FAX: 225-4115 225-6790 Press Secretary.—Debbie Bookchin. 1 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401... (802) 862-0697 Population (1990), 564,964. ZIP Codes: 05001, 05030-56, 05058-62, 05065, 05067-77, 05079, 05081, 05083-86, 05088, 05089, 05091, 05101, 05141-44, 05146, 05148-56, 05158-59, 05161, 05201, 05250-55, 05257, 05260-62, 05301, 05302, 05303, 05304, 05340-46, 05350-63, 05401-05, 05406, 05407, 05440-48, 05449, 05450-66, 05468-74, 05476-78, 05481-83, 05485-92, 05494-95, 05601, 05602, 0564041, 05647-58, 05660-70, 05672-82, 05701, 05702, 05730-53, 05757-70, 05772-78, 05819-30, 05832-33, 05836-43, 05845-51, 05853, 05855, 05857-63, 05866-68, 05871-75, 05901-07 VIRGINIA 103d Congress 309 VIRGINIA (Population, 1990 census, 6,216,568) SENATORS JOHN W. WARNER, Republican, of Atoka Farm, Middleburg, Fauquier County, VA; owner and operator cattle farm, 1961-present; born February 18, 1927; grandson of John W. and Mary Tinsley Warner of Amherst County, VA, son of the late Dr. John W. Warner and Martha Budd Warner; left high school, 1944, to serve in the U.S. Navy, re-leased from active duty, third-class electronics technician, July 1946; graduated from Washington and Lee University (engineering), 1949; entered University of Virginia Law School, 1949; U.S. Marine Corps, served in Korea as first lieutenant, communications offi-cer, Ist Marine Air Wing, September 1950-May 1952; received LL.B. from University of Virginia, 1953; law clerk to E. Barrett Prettyman, late chief judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. Circuit, 1953-54; private law practice, 1954-56; assistant U.S. attorney, 1956-60; private law practice, 1960-69; trustee, Protestant Episcopal Cathedral, Mount St. Albans, 1967-72; member, board of trustees, Washington and Lee University, 1968-79; Presidential appointments: Under Secretary, U.S. Navy, February 1969-April 1972; Sec-retary, U.S. Navy, May 1972-April 1974; Department of Defense Delegate to Law of Sea Conferences, 1969-72, head of U.S. delegation for Incidents at Sea Conference, treaty signed in Moscow, May 1972; Administrator, American Revolution Bicentennial Adminis-tration, April 1974-October 1976; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, took oath of office in Richmond, VA, January 2, 1979; maintained 100-percent rollcall vote attendance in 96th Congress, and a 98-percent rollcall vote attendance in 97th Congress; 99.8-percent rollcall vote attendance in 99th Congress; awarded the Golden Gavel May 20, 1982 for presiding over the U.S. Senate 100 hours during 97th Congress; member: Armed Services Committee; Select Committee on Intelligence, (ranking) member; Com-mittee on Environment and Public Works; Rules Committee; member, Senate Tourism Caucus; and member, Senate Coal Caucus; U.S. Delegate to the 12th special session of the U.N. General Assembly devoted to disarmament, 1982; appointed 1985 as Senate ob-server to Geneva arms control talks with the Soviet Union; reelected to the U.S. Senate on November 6, 1984, and again on November 6, 1990. Office Listings 225 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4601 .............cccu.n. 224-2023 Administrative Assistant.—Susan Magill. Executive Assistant/Scheduler.—Kathleen Dorn. Press Secretary.—Tracey Smith. Staff Director.—Grayson Winterling. 235 Federal Building, 180 West Main Street, Abingdon, VA 24210.................... (703) 628-8158 600 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 771-2579 4900 World Trade Center, Norfolk, VA 23510 (804) 441-3079 Dominion Bank Building, 213 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24011 ....... (703) 982-4676 * * *% CHARLES S. ROBB, Democrat, of McLean, VA, born on June 26, 1939 in Phoenix, AZ; was graduated from Mount Vernon High School, Fairfax, VA, 1957; B.B.A., Uni-versity of Wisconsin, Madison, 1961; J.D., University of Virginia, 1973; served U.S. Marine Corps, 1961-70; law clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1973-74; associate, law firm of Williams, Connelly & Califano, 1974-77; partner, Hunton & Williams. 1986-88; elected Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, 1978-82; elected Governor of Virginia, 1982-86; member: American Bar Association; Virginia Bar Association; Virginia State Bar; Council on Foreign Relations; Coalition for a Democratic Majority; Trilateral Commission; Na-tional Leadership Commission on Health Care, 1986-89; Chairman, Democratic Leader-ship Council, 1986-88; National Commission on the Public Service, 1987-89; chairman, Jobs for America’s Graduates, Inc., 1987-90; Center for Strategic and International Stud-ies; Center for Democratic Institutions; Center for Democracy; assistant Senate Demo-cratic whip for the South; cochairman, Business Roundtable; member: Committee on For-eign Relations, Member, Senate Armed Services Committee, Member, Joint Economic Committee, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Technology, Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, Vice Chairman of the Democratic Policy Committee, Congression-al Competitiveness Committee, Congressional Arts Caucus; Chairman, Democratic Sena- 310 Congressional Directory VIRGINIA torial Campaign Committee, 1991-92; married to the former Lynda Bird Johnson, 1967; children: Lucinda, Catherine, and Jennifer; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 1988 for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 493 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, Chief of Staff.—Thomas J. Lehner. Legislative Director.—Ridge Schuyler. Press Secretary.—Peggy Wilhide. 1001 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 State Director.—Christine O. Bridge. DC 20510-4603 FAX: (804) FAX: (804) 224-4024 224-8689 771-2221 771-8313 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT HERBERT H. BATEMAN, Republican, of Newport News, VA; born in Elizabeth City, NC, August 7, 1928; educated at College of William and Mary, B.A., 1949; George-town University Law Center, J.D., 1956; attorney; married to the former Laura Yacobi, 1954; two children: Herbert H., Jr. and Laura Margaret; teacher at Hampton High School, 1949-51; enlisted in USAF, 1951, discharged First Lieutenant, 1953; law clerk for Judge Walter M. Bastian, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 1956-57; elected and reelected to the Virginia State Senate in 1967, 1971, 1975, and 1979; commit-tee assignments: Military Acquisition, Readiness (Armed Services); vice chair, Merchant Marine; Coast Guard (Merchant Marine & Fisheries); finance, courts of justice, transpor-tation, and rehabilitation and social service; former member and chairman, agriculture, conservation and natural resources; member: joint legislative audit and review commis-sion; coal and energy study commission, 1979-82; chairman: consumer credit study com-mittee, 1970-74; study of Virginia milk commission, 1972-74; public positions: board of commissioners, Peninsula Ports Authority of Virginia, 1968-73; chairman, Peninsula Arena-Auditorium Authority; civic activities: board of directors, Peninsula Economic De-velopment Council; general legal counsel, U.S. Jaycees, 1964-65; president, Virginia Jay-cees, 1962-63; board of directors, Newport News Chapter, American Red Cross; presi-dent and campaign chairman, Peninsula United Fund; Braxton-Perkins Post, American Legion; professional and fraternal affiliations: Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha, and American Judicature Society; elected to the 98th Congress, November 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2350 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4 601 225-4261 Administrative Assistant.—Daniel Scandling. Executive Assistant.—Margaret C. Haar. Legislative Director.—Paul Nardo. Suite 803, 739 Thimble Shoals Boulevard, Newport News, VA 23606 (804) 873-1132 District Director.—Dolores Benton. : 4712 Southpoint Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (703) 898-2975 Box 447, Accomac, VA 23301 ... (804) 787-7836 Counties: Accomack, Caroline, Gloucester, Hanover (part), James City (part), King George, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Spotsylvania (part), Stafford, Westmoreland, York. CITIES AND TOWN-SHIPS: Accomac, Achilles, Alfonso, Ark, Assawoman, Ashland, Atlantic, Bavon, Beaverdam, Beaverlett, Bellamy, Belle Haven, Bena, Birdsnest, Blakes, Bloxom, Bohannon, Bowling Green, Brooke, Burgess, Callao, Cape Charles, Capeville, Cheriton, Chincoteague, Craddockville, Coles Point, Colonial Beach, Corbin, Cardinal, Christchurch, Church View, Cobbs Creek, Dahlgren, Davis Wharf, Deltaville, Diggs, Dogue, Doswell, Dutton, Eastville, Exmore, Edwardsville, Foster, Franktown, Fredericksburg, Garrisonville, Gloucester, Gloucester Point, Green-backville, Greenbush, Grimstead, Gwynn, Hacksneck, Hague, Hallwood, Hampton, Hanover, Harborton, Hardy-ville, Hartfield, Hartwood, Haynes, Heathsville, Horntown, Hudgins, Hyacinth, Irvington, Jamaica, James Store, Jamestown, Jamesville, Jenkins Bridge, Jersey, Kilmarnock, King George, Kinsale, Keller, Lackey, Ladysmith, Lancaster, Laneview, Lanexa, Lee Mont, Lewisetta, Lightfoot, Lively, Locust Hill, Locustville, Lottsburg, Machipongo, Mappsville, Marionville, Maryus, Mathews, Mechanicsville, Mears, Melfa, Merry Point, Miles, Milford Mobjack, Modest Town, Mollusk, Montross, Moon, Morattico, Mount Holly, Nassawadox, Naxera, Nelsonia, New Church, New Point, Newport News, Ninde, Norge, North, Nuttsville, Oak Hall, Oldhams, Onancock, Onemo, Onley, Ophelia, Ordinary, Oyster, Painter, Parksley, Partlow, Port Haywood, Port Royal, Pungoteague, Quinby, Rappahannock Academy, Redart, Reedville, Regina, Rescue, Rollins Fork, Ruby, Ruther Glen, Saluda, Sanford, Saxis, Schley, Seaford, Sealston, Seaview, Severn, Shiloh, Sparta, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Studley, Susan, Tangier, Tasley, Temperanceville, Toano, Topping, Townsend, Urbanna, Wachapreague, Wake, Wardtown, Ware Neck, Warner, Warter View, Wattsville, Weems, Weirwood, Westmoreland, White Marsh, VIRGINIA 103d Congress 311 White Stone, Wicomico, Wicomico Church, Williamsburg, Willis Wharf, Withams, Woodford, Woods Cross Roads, Yorktown, Zacata, and Zanoni. Population (1990), 562,758. ZIP Codes: 22401-08, 22421, 22427, 22430-32, 22435, 22442-43, 22446, 22448, 22451, 22456, 22463, 22469, 22471, 22473, 22477, 22480-82, 22485, 22488, 22501, 22503-05, 22507, 22511, 22513-14, 22517, 22520, 22523-24, 22526, 22528-30, 22534-35, 22538-40, 22544, 22545-47, 22549, 22552-55, 22576-81, 23001, 23003, 23005, 23013, 23015-18, 23020-21, 23025, 23031-32, 23035, 23043, 23045, 23047, 23050, 23056, 23061-62, 23064, 23066, 23069, 23070-72, 23076, 23079-81, 23089-90, 23092, 23107, 23109, 23111, 23114, 23118-19, 23122, 23125, 23127-28, 23130-31, 23138, 23142, 23149, 23154-55, 23162-63, 23168-69, 23175-76, 23178-79, 23180, 23183-85, 23187-88, 23190-91, 23301-03, 23306-08, 23310, 23313, 23316, 23336-37, 23341, 23345, 23347, 23350, 23354, 23356-59, 23389, 23395-96, 23398-99, 23401, 23403-05, 23407-10, 23412-23, 23426-27, 23429, 23440-43, 23480, 23482-84, 23486, 23488, 23601-07, 23651, 23661-66, 23669, 23690-94, 23696 SECOND DISTRICT OWEN B. PICKETT, Democrat, of Virginia Beach, VA; born in Richmond, VA, on August 31, 1930; attended Doswell Elementary School, VA; graduated, Henry Clay High School, Ashland, VA, 1947; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1952; LL.B., University of Richmond Law School, VA, 1955; attorney (former senior partner in Pickett, Lyle, Siegel, Drescher and Croshaw, Virginia Beach, VA); admitted to the Virginia State bar, 1955; commenced practice in Richmond; certi-fied public accountant; served in the Virginia House of Delegates, 1972-86; committee assignments: finance; appropriations; privileges and elections; health, welfare and institu-tions; and Chesapeake and its tributaries; chairman, appropriations subcommittee on re-tirement; chairman, appropriations subcommittee on public education; chairman, health, welfare and institutions subcommittee on health standards; chairman, privileges and elec-tions subcommittee on election laws; chairman, Virginia Democratic State central com-mittee, 1980-82; chairman, Second Congressional District Democratic Committee, 1978-82; chairman, Democratic City Committee of Virginia Beach, 1967-72; executive commit-tee, Southern Growth Policies Board; member: Virginia State Bar, Virginia Bar Associa-tion, District of Columbia Bar Association, American Bar Association, Virginia Beach Bar Association (former president), Norfolk-Portsmouth Bar Association, Health Lawyers General Counsel Association, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference, Hampton Roads Maritime Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Oceana Lions Club, Princess Anne Ruritan Club (former president), Prin-cess Anne Rotary Club (honorary member), Meals on Wheels Advisory Board, Mason, Scottish Rite, Shrine and Jesters; married the former Sybil Catherine Kelly, 1952; three daughters: Laura, Karen, Mary; six grandchildren; elected to the 100th Congress on No-vember 4, 1986; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Committee on Armed Services; Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Office Listings 2430 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4602 225-4215 Staff Director.—Jeanne Evans. Legislative Director.—Albert A. Oetken. Finance and Systems Director.—Donna T. Wooten. Communications Director.—Paul J. Reagan. 112 East Little Creek Road, Suite 216, Norfolk, VA 23505 (804) 583-5892 2710 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (804) 486-3710 Counties: Norfolk (part), Virginia Beach (part). Population (1990), 562,276 ZIP Codes: 23450, 23451 (part), 23452, 23454-55, 23456 (part), 23457-59, 23462, 23464 (part), 23466-67, 23503, 23504 (part), 23505 (part), 23507 (part), 23508 (part), 23509 (part), 23510 (part), 23511, 23513 (part), 23517 (part), 23518, 23521 312 Congressional Directory VIRGINIA THIRD DISTRICT ROBERT C. (BOBBY) SCOTT, Democrat, of Newport News, VA; born in Washing-ton DC, on April 30, 1947; attended Booker T. Washington Elementary School; graduat-ed from Groton High School; B.A., Harvard University; J.D., Boston College Law School; served in the Massachusetts National Guard; attorney; admitted to the Virginia bar; elected to the Virginia House of Representatives, 1978-83; elected to the Virginia State Senate, 1983-92; member: Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity; Peninsula Chamber of Com-merce; NAACP; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; March of Dimes Board of Directors; Pe-Hinsila Legal Aid Center Board of Directors; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d ongress. Office Listings 501 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4603 225-8351 Legislative Director.—Tamara Lucas Copeland. Press Secretary/Scheduler.—Laurence Dillard. Legislative/Staff Assistant.—Deborah Hurley. 2600 Washington Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607 (804) 380-1000 FAX: (804) 928-6694 501 North Second Street, Richmond, VA 23219-1321 (804) 644-4845 FAX: (804) 644-5106 Counties: Charles City, Essex, Henrico (part), James City (part), King and Queen, King William, New Kent, Prince George (part), Richmond, and Surry. CiTiEs: Hampton (part), Hopewell (part), Newport News (part), Norfolk (part), Petersburg (part), Portsmouth (part), Richmond (part), and Suffolk (part). Population (1990), 562,431. ZIP Codes: 22070 (part), 22436-39, 22454, 22460, 22472, 22476, 22504, 22509, 22548, 22559-60, 22570, 22572, 23009, 23011, 23023, 23029-30, 23060 (part), 23069, 23075 (part), 23085-86, 23089 (part), 23091, 23106, 23108, 23110, 23111 (part), 23115, 23124, 23126, 23140-41, 23147-48, 23150 (part), 23156, 23161, 23177, 23181, 23185 (part), 23201-19, 23220 (part), 23221 (part), 23222 (part), 23223 (part), 23224 (part), 23225 (part), 23227 (part), 23228 (part), 23231 (part), 23234 (part), 23240-41, 23260-61, 23435 (part), 23501, 23502 (part), 23504 (part), 23505 (part), 23506, 23507 (part), 23508 (part), 23509 (part), 23510 (part), 23513 (part), 23514, 23517 (part), 23518 (part), 23523, 23601 (part), 23602 (part), 23603 (part), 23604, 23605 (part), 23607 (part), 23612, 23661 (part), 23663 (part), 23664 (part), 23666 (part), 23669 (part), 23670, 23701 (part), 23702 (part), 23703 (part), 23704 (part), 23707 (part), 23803 (part), 23805 (part), 23839, 23846, 23860 (part), 23875 (part), 23881 (part), 23883, 23899 FOURTH DISTRICT NORMAN SISISKY, Democrat, of Cavalier Farms, Petersburg, VA; born June 9, 1927; a native of Richmond; educated at John Marshall High School, Richmond, VA, Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S. in business administration, 1949; married to the former Rhoda Brown, 1949; four sons: Mark, Terry, Richard, and Stuart; served in the U.S. Navy, 1945-46; elected to Virginia House of Delegates, 1974-82; committee assign-ments: appropriations; health, welfare and institutions; labor and commerce; finance; and Chesapeake and its tributaries; former owner and former president, Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Petersburg, Inc.; former chairman of the board, National Soft Drink Association; past president, Appomattox Industrial Development Corp.; former member, Virginia State University Board of Visitors; former trustee, Virginia State University Foundation; former commissioner, Petersburg Hospital Authority; former director, Southside Virginia Emergency Crew and Community Resource Development Board; former member, Quad Cities Beautification Committee; recipient of Outstanding Service to Children in Virginia Award, 1978; honorary doctor of laws, Virginia State University; honorary doctor of humane letters, Virginia Commonwealth University; elected to the 98th Congress, No-vember 2, 1982; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2352 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4604 225-6365 Administrative Assistant.—Jan Faircloth. FAX: 226-1170 Legislative Director.—Kelly Ross. Executive Assistant.—Neil Snyder. 309 County Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704 ... (804) 393-2068 District Representative.— Therese Camp. 43 Rives Road, Petersburg, VA 23805 (804) 732-2544 Emporia Executive Center, 425 H South Main Street, Emporia, VA 23847 (804) 634-5575 VIRGINIA 103d Congress 313 Counties: Amelia, Brunswick, Chesterfield (part), Dinwiddie, Goochland, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Louisa, Nottoway, Powhatan, Prince George (part). Southampton, Sussex; cities and townships of Chesapeake, Colonial Heights, Emporia, Franklin, Hopewell (part), Petersburg (part), Portsmouth (part), Suffolk (part), Virginia Beach (part). Population (1990), 562,466. ZIP Codes: 22942 (part), 22947, 23002, 23024 (part), 23038 (part), 23039, 23054, 23063, 23065, 23067, 23083, 23084 (part), 23093, 23101-03, 23105, 23113 (part), 23117, 23120 (part), 23129, 23139, 23146 (part), 23153, 23160, 23170, 23233 (part), 23304, 23314-15, 23320-23, 23324 (part), 23325 (part), 23326-28, 23397, 23424, 23430, 23432-34, 23435 (part), 23436-39, 23456 (part), 23464 (part), 23481, 23487, 23523 (part), 23700, 23701 (part), 23702 (part), 23704 (part), 23705, 23707 (part), 23801, 23803 (part), 23804, 23805 (part), 23821-22, 23824 (part), 23827-30, 23831 (part), 23832 (part), 23833, 23834 (part), 23837, 23840-45, 23847, 23850-51, 23856-57, 23859, 23860 (part), 23866-68, 23870, 23872-74, 23875 (part), 23876, 23878-79, 23881 (part), 23882, 23884-85, 23887-90, 23893-94, 23897-98, 23920 (part), 23922, 23930, 23938, 23955, 23966 FIFTH DISTRICT LEWIS F. PAYNE, Jr., Democrat, of Nellysford, VA; born in Amherst, Amherst County, VA, on July 9, 1945; attended Amherst Elementary School, VA; graduated, Am-herst High School, 1963; B.S., Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, 1967; M.B.A., Uni-versity of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1973; served, U.S. Army, Ist Lt.,, 1969-70; served, U.S. Army Reserves, Ist. Lt., 1971-73; businessman; president, Wintergreen Develop-ment, Inc., 1976-85; chairman of the board, Wintergreen Development, Inc., 1985-88; member: Urban Land Institute; Nelson County Community Development Foundation; Young President Organization; Economic Development Commission; board of directors: Piedmont Virginia Community College Foundation; University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation; Nelson County Chamber of Commerce; Greater Charlottesville Area Devel-opment Corporation; married to the former Susan King, 1980; four children: Graham F., Hunter E., Sara V,, and Anna E.; elected to the 100th Congress by special election, June 14, 1988, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dan Daniel; reelected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office L istings 1119 Longworth House Office Building, WashingAdministrative Assistant.—Jim Johnson. Legislative Director.—Maria Freese. Communications Director/Scheduler.—Ellis Suite 301, 700 Main Street, Danville, VA 24541 103 South Main Street, Farmville, VA 23901 103 East Water Street, Suite 302, Charlottesville, ton, WooVA DC 20515-4605 dward. 22902 FAX: (804) (804) (804) 225-4711 226-1147 792-1280 392-8331 295-6372 Counties: ALBEMARLE COUNTY; cities and townships of Charlotteville, Batesville, Covesville, Esmont, Greenwood, Hatton, Ivy, Keene, Keswick, North Garden, Scottsville. APPOMATTOX COUNTY; cities and townships of Appo-mattox, Evergreen, Pamplin, Spout Spring. BEDFORD COUNTY; cities and townships of Bedford, Big Island, Goodview, Coleman Falls, Forest, Goode, Huddleston, Lowry, Thaxton. BUCKINGHAM COUNTY; cities and townships of Andersonville, Arvonia, Buckingham, Dillwyn, Buckingham, New Canton. CAMPBELL COUNTY; cities and townships of Altavista, Brookneal, Concord, Evington, Gladys, Long Island, Lynch Station, Naruna, Rustburg. CHARLOTTE COUNTY; cities and townships of Barnesville, Charlotte Court House, Cullen, Drakes Branch, Keysville, Phenix, Randolph, Red House, Red Oak, Saxe, Wylliesburg. CUMBERLAND COUNTY; cities and townships of Carterville, Cumberland. DANVILLE COUNTY; city of Danville. FLUVANNA COUNTY; cities and townships of Bremo Bluff, Bybee, Carysbrook, Columbia, Fort Union, Kents Store, Palmyra, Troy. FRANKLIN COUNTY; cities and townships of Boones Mill, Callaway, Ferrum, Glade Hill, Henry, Redwood, Penhook, Rocky Mount, Union Hall, Waidsboro, Wirtz. HALIFAX COUNTY; cities and townships of Alton, Clover, Cluster Springs, Crystal Hall, Denniston, Halifax, Ingram, Lennig, Mayo, Nathalie, Republican Grove, Scottsburg, Turbeville, Vernon Hill, Virgilina. HENRY COUNTY; cities and townships of Axton, Bassett, Collinsville, Fieldale, Ridgeway, Spencer, Stanleytown. LUNENBURG COUNTY; cities and townships of Tamworth, Dundas, Fort Mitchell, Ken-bridge, Lunenburg, Rehoboth, Victoria. MARTINSVILLE COUNTY; city of Martinsville. MECKLENBURG COUNTY; cities and townships of Baskerville, Blackridge, Boydton, Bracey, Chase City, Clarksville, Forksville, LaCross, Palmer Springs, Skipwith, South Hill, Union Level Buffalo Junction, Nelson. NELSON COUNTY; cities and town-ships of Afton, Arrington, Faber, Lovingston, Massies Mill, Nellysford, Montebello, Gladstone, Norwood, Piney River, Roseland, Schuyler, Shipman, Tye River, Tyro, Wingina. PATRICK COUNTY; cities and townships of Ararat, Claudville, Critz, Meadows of Dan, Patrick Springs, Stuart, Vesta, Woolwine. PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY; cities and townships of Blairs, Callands, Cascade, Chatham, Pittsville, Sandy Level, Dry Fork, Gretna, Hurt, Java, Keeling, Ringgold, Sutherlin. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY; cities and townships of Green Bay, Farmville, Darlington, Heights, Green Bay, Hampden-Sydney, Meherrin, Prospect, Rice, South Boston. Population (1990), 562,268. ZIP Codes: 22920 (part), 22922 (part), 22938 (part), 22942 (part), 22949, 22951 (part), 22952 (part), 22954, 22958, 22963 64, 22967 (part), 22969 (part), 22971, 22974 (part), 22976, 23004, 23022, 23027, 23038 (part), 23040, 23055, 23083 (part), 23084, 23123, 23822, 23901, 23911, 23915, 23916 (part), 23917, 23919 (part), 23920 (part), 23921, 23923-24, 23927, 23934-44, 23947, 23950, 23952, 23954, 23957-60, 23962-64, 23966-68, 23970, 23973-74, 23976, 24053-55, 24059 (part), 24065, 24067, 24069, 24076-78, 24079 (part), 24082, 24088-89, 24092, 24095, 24101 (part), 24102, 24104, 24105 (part), 24112-15, 24120 (part), 24121-22, 24133, 24137, 24139, 24146, 24148, 24151, 24161, 24165, 24168, 24171, 24174, 24176 (part), 24177-78, 24179 (part), 24184-85, 24312 (part), 24317, 24325, 24328, 24333 (part), 314 Congressional Directory VIRGINIA 24343, 24348 (part), 24351-52, 24380 (part), 24381, 24464, 24501 (part), 24502 (part), 24503 (part), 24517, 24520, 24521 (part), 24522-23, 24526-31, 24534-36, 24538-41, 24549-51, 24553 (part), 24554, 24556-58, 24563-66, 24568-71, 24576-77, 24580-81, 24585-86, 24588-89, 24590 (part), 24592-94, 24596-99 SIXTH DISTRICT ROBERT W. (BOB) GOODLATTE, Republican, of Roanoke, VA; born on Septem-ber 22, 1952 in Holyoke, MA; B.A. Bates College, Lewiston, ME, 1974; J.D. Washington and Lee University, 1977; Massachusetts bar, 1977; Virginia bar, 1978; commenced prac-tice in Roanoke, VA, 1979; district attorney for Congressman M. Caldwell Butler, 1977-79; attorney, sole practitioner, 1979-81, partner, 1981-92; chairman, sixth district, Virginia Republican Committee, 1983-88; member, Civitan Club of Roanoke, president, 1989-90; member, Building Better Boards Advisory Council; member, Parent Teachers Associa-tion, Fishburn Park Elementary School; married to Maryellen Flaherty, 1974; two chil-dren: Jennifer, 1983, Robert, 1986; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 214 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4606....................... 225-5431 Administrative Assistant.—Tim Phillips. FAX: 225-9681 Legislative Director.—Elizabeth Frazee. Legislative Assistant.—Rob Van Renterghem. 540 Crestar Plaza, 10 Franklin Street SE., Roanoke, VA 24011 .............ccccunuee. (703) 342-1470 District Director.—Steve Landes. FAX: (703) 982-4675 919 Main Street, Suite 300, Lynchburg, VA 24504 (804) 845-8306 FAX: (804) 845-8245 114 North Central Avenue, Staunton, VA 24401 (703) 885-3861 FAX: (703) 885-3930 2 South Main Street, 1st Floor, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801...................... (703) 432-2391 FAX: (703) 432-6593 Counties: Alleghany, Amherst, Augusta, Bath, Bedford (part), Botetourt, Highland, Roanoke (part), Rockbridge, and Rockingham (part). CITIES: Buena Vista, Clifton Forge, Covington, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Lynchburg, Roa-noke, Salem, Staunton, and Waynesboro. Population (1990), 562,572 ZIP Codes: 22801, 22811-12, 22815, 22820-21, 22827 (part), 22830-34, 22840-41, 22843, 22846, 22848, 22849 (part),22850 (part), 22853 (part), 22920 (part), 22922 (part), 22939, 22951 (part), 22952 (part), 22967 (part), 22980, 24001~ 20, 24022-38, 24051 (part), 24059 (part), 24064, 24066, 24070 (part), 24077, 24079 (part), 24083, 24085, 24090, 24101 (part), 24130, 24153, 24175, 24176 (part), 24179 (part), 24401, 24411-13, 24415-16, 24420-22, 24426 (part), 24430-33, 24435, 2443742, 24444-45, 24448-50, 24457-60, 24463, 24465, 24467-69, 24471-77, 24479, 24482-87, 24501 (part), 24502 (part), 24503 (part), 24504-06, 24521 (part), 24533, 24553 (part), 24555, 24572, 24574, 24578-79, 24595, 26807 (part) SEVENTH DISTRICT THOMAS J. BLILEY, Jr, Republican, of Richmond, VA; born in Chesterfield County, January 28, 1932; educated in parochial schools, Benedictine High School, 1948; B.A., history, Georgetown University, 1952; married to the former Mary Virginia Kelley, 1957; two children: Mary Vaughan and T.J. (Jerry) III; served 3 years in the U.S. Navy, leaving active duty with the rank of lieutenant; elected to Richmond City Council, 1968; appointed vice mayor, 1968; reelected to council and appointed mayor, 1970 to March 1977; former board member, National League of Cities; past president, Virginia Municipal League; former board member, Metropolitan Richmond Chamber of Commerce; board member, Central Richmond Association; former board member, Crippled Children’s Hos-pital; former member, board of visitors, Virginia Commonwealth University; former board member, Southern Bank & Trust Co.; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress. VIRGINIA 103d Congress 315 Office Listings 2241 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Linda Pedigo. Legislative Director.—James Derderian. DC 20515-4607 225-2815 Suite 101, 4914 Fitzhugh Avenue, Richmond, VA 23230 District Office Representative.—Karen Marcus. Suite 207, Culpeper Office Park, 763 Madison Road, Culpeper, District Office Representative.—Anita Essalih. VA 22701 (804) (703) 771-2809 825-8960 Counties: Albemarle (part), Chesterfield (part), Culpeper, Greene, Hanover (part), Henrico (part), Madison, Orange, Spotsylvania (part). City: Richmond (part). Population (1990), 652,643. ZIP Codes: 22407 (part), 22433, 22508, 22534, 22542, 22553 (part), 22565, 22567-68, 22701, 22709, 22711, 22713-15, 22718-19, 22721-27, 22729-33, 22735-38, 22740 (part), 22741, 22743, 22748, 22901 part) 22903 ), 22923, 22929, 22931-32, 22935-37, 22940, 22942 (part), 22943, 22945-48, 22953, 22957, 22959-60, 22965, 22968, 22972-73, 22987, 22989, 23005 (part), 23015, 23060 (part), 23075 (part), 23111 (part), 23112, 23113 (part), 23120 (part), 23146 (part), 23150 (part), 23192, 23220 (part), 23221 (part), 23222 (part), 23223 (part), 23224 ), 23225 (part), 23226, 23227 (part), 23228 (part), 23229-30, 29231 (part), 23233 (part), 23234 (part), 23235-37, 23250, 23255, 23288, 23294, 23831 (part), 23832 (part), 23834 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT JAMES P. MORAN, Democrat, of Alexandria, VA; born May 16, 1945, in Buffalo, NY; College of Holy Cross, B.A.; Bernard Baruch Graduate School of Finance—City University of New York, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and Inter-national Affairs, M.P.A.; University of Southern California Graduate School, Urban Policy and Management; formerly an investment broker with A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.; staff member on Senate Appropriations Committee; budgetary and fiscal policy spe-cialist for Library of Congress; comptroller for the U.S. Department of Health, Educa-tion and Welfare; auditor, accountant, and senior budget analyst for U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare; served on City Council of Alexandria, 1979-82; vice mayor of Alexandria, 1982-84; mayor, 1985-90; elected to the 102d Congress, November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 1992; married to the former Mary Howard; three sons: James, Michael, and Patrick; and two daughters: Mary and Dorothy. Office Listings 430 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4608 225-4376 Chief of Staff. —Mame Reiley. FAX: 225-0017 Legislative Director.—Jonathan Gaffney. Scheduling Secretary.—Mary Miller. 5115-G Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22302 (703) 971-4700 District Manager.—Susie Warner. Counties: Arlington, Fairfax (part). CITIES: Alexandria, Falls Church. Population (1990), 562,484. ZIP Codes: 22003 (part), 22013 (part), 22014 (part), 22015, 22020 (part), 22021 (part), 22024, 22026, 22030 (part), 22031 (part), 22039, 22060, 22079, 22110 (part), 22121-22, 22123 (part), 22125, 22134-35, 22150-53, 22172, 22191-94, 22301-10, 22311 (part), 22312 (part), 22313-14, 22320, 22401 (part), 22430, 22463, 22545, 22554 (part) NINTH DISTRICT RICK BOUCHER, Democrat, of Abingdon, VA; born in Washington County, VA, August 1, 1946; graduated from Abingdon High School, 1964; B.A., Roanoke College, 1968; J.D., University of Virginia School of Law, 1971; associate, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, New York, NY; partner, Boucher & Boucher, Abingdon, VA; elected to the Virginia State Senate in 1975 and reelected in 1979; former chairman of the Oil and Gas Subcommittee of the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission; former member: Virgin-ia State Crime Commission, the Virginia Commission on Interstate Cooperation, and the 316 Congressional Directory VIRGINIA Law and Justice Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures; member: the Board of Directors of the First Virginia Bank, Damascus; Abingdon United Method-ist Church; Kappa Alpha order; Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity; American Bar Asso-ciation, Virginia Bar Association; Association of the Bar of the City of New York; recipi-ent of the Abingdon Jaycees 1975 Outstanding Young Businessman Award; elected to the 98th Congress on November 2, 1982, reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Committee on Energy and Commerce, assistant majority whip; Committee on the Judi-ciary; Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Office Listings 2245 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4609 225-3861 Administrative Assistant.—Ridge Schuyler. FAX: 225-0442 Press Secretary.—Elizabeth Matheny. 188 East Main Street, Abingdon, VA 24210 (703) 628-1145 District Administrator.—Donna M. Stanley. 311 Shawnee Avenue East, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 (703) 523-5450 P.O. Box 1268, 112 North Washington Avenue, Pulaski, VA 24301 (703) 980-4310 Counties: Bland, Buchanan, Carroll, Craig, Dickenson, Floyd, Giles, Grayson, Lee, Montgomery, Pulaski, Roanoke (part), Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, Wythe. CITIES: Bristol, Galax, Norton, and Radford. Population (1990), 562,380. ZIP Codes: 24051 (part), 24058, 24059 (part), 24060, 24068, 24070 (part), 24072-73, 24079 (part), 24084, 24086-87, 24091, 24093-94, 24105 (part), 24108, 24111, "24120 (part), 24124, 24126-29, 24131-32, 24134, 24136, 24138, 24141-43, 24147, 24149-50, 24162, 24167, 24201, 24210, 24215-21, 24224-26, 24228, 24230, 24236-37, 24239, 24243246, 24248-51, 24256, 24258, 24260, 24263, 24265-66, 24269-73, 24277, 24279-83, 24285, 24289, 24292-93, 24301, 24311, 24312 (part), 24313-16, 24318-19, 24321-24, 24326-27, 24329-30, 24333 (part), 24340, 24347, 24348 (part), 24350, 24354, 24360-61, 24363, 24366, 24368, 24370, 24373-75, 24377-79, 24380 (part), 24382, 24601-09, 24611-14, 24616, 24618-20, 24622, 24624, 24627-28, 24630-31, 24633-35, 24637, 24639-41, 24646-47, 24649, 24651, 24655-59 TENTH DISTRICT FRANK R. WOLF, Republican, of Vienna, VA; born in Philadelphia, PA, January 30, 1939; attended the Philadelphia public schools; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1961; LL.B., Georgetown University Law School, 1965; served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps (Reserves); lawyer, admitted to the Virginia State bar; legislative assistant for former U.S. Congressman Edward G. Biester, Jr., 1968-71; Assistant to Secretary of the Interior, Rogers C.B. Morton, 1971-74; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legisla-tive Affairs, Department of the Interior, 1974-75; member, Vienna Presbyterian Church; married to the former Carolyn Stover; five children: Frank, Jr., Virginia, Anne, Brenda, and Rebecca; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeed-ing Congress. Office Listings 104 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4610 225-5136 Administrative Assistant.—Charles White. FAX: 225-0437 Legislative Director.—Janet Shaffron. Appropriations Associate Staff. —Jan Powell; Chris Walker. 13873 Park Center Road, Suite 130, Herndon, VA 22071 (703) 709-5800 110 North Cameron Street, Winchester, VA 22601 (703) 667-0900 Counties: Clarke, Fairfax (part), Fauquier, Frederick, Loudoun, Page, Prince William (part), Rappahannock, Rocking-ham (part), Shenandoah, Warren. CITIES: Manassas, Manassas Park, and Winchester. Population (1990), 562,664. ZIP Codes: 20041 (part), 20301-01, 22003 (part), 22010-11, 22012 (part), 22020 (part), 22021 (part), 22027, 22030 (part), 22031 (part), 22032-33, 22037-38, 22040-44, 22046, 22066-68, 22070-71, 22075, 22078, 22080-81, 22090-91, 22094, 22101-03, 22106, 22109, 22116, 22117 (part), 22124, 22129, 22130 (part), 2131-32, 22141, 22170, 22176 (part), 22180, 22190, 22201-07, 22209-13, 22215-16, 22311 (part), 22312 (part) VIRGINIA 103d Congress ELEVENTH DISTRICT LESLIE L. BYRNE, Democrat, of Falls Church, VA; born in Salt Lake City, UT, on October 27, 1946; attended Woodrow Wilson Elementary School; graduated, Olympus High School, Salt Lake City; attended University of Utah; co-founder and president, Quintech Associates, Inc., 1984-92; elected to the Virginia House of Delgates, 1985-92; member: Fair Campaign Practices Commission, Fairfax County, 1977-80; President, Fair-fax Area League of Women Voters, 1982-83; League of Women Voters Lobby Corps, U.S. Congress, 1981-82; PTA Legislative Director, Fairfax County Elementary and Inter-mediate Schools, 1982-84; Washington DC Metro Housing Authority Board of Directors; Substance Abuse Task Force, Fairfax County Public Schools; Human Relations Advisory Council, Fairfax County Public Schools; Fairfax County United Way Board of Directors; Washington Metro Area Conference of Christians and Jews Advisory Task Force; Fair-fax Committee of 100; Dulles Advisory Task Force; National Womens Political Caucus; Falls Church Business and Professional Women; Annandale Chamber of Commerce; Mer-rifield Business Association; Falls Church Chamber of Commerce; married to Larry Byrne, 1965; two children: Alexis, 1965, and Jason, 1969; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1609 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC Administrative Assistant.—Maggi Luca. Legislative Director.—Bill O’Neil. Press Secretary.—Julia Lyman. District Administrator.—Jan Reeves. 20515-4611 FAX: 225-1492 225-2274 7620 Little River Turnpike, Suite 203, Annandale, VA 22003 FAX: (703) (703) 750-1992 750-2888 Counties: Fairfax (part), Prince William (part). CiTiES: Reston, Herndon, Vienna, Fairfax City, Annandale, Burke, Fairfax Station, Occoquan, Woodbridge, Lake Ridge, Dale City, Dumfries, Quantico. Population (1990), 562,497. ZIP Codes: 22003, 22009, 22015 (part), 22020 (part), 22024 (part), 22026 (part), 22027, 22030 (part), 22031-32, 22035, 22038, 22039 (part), 22041 (part), 22042 (part), 22043 (part), 22044 (part), 22046 (part), 22070 (part), 22071 (part), 22079 (part), 22090-91, 22094, 22102 (part), 22111 (part), 22116, 22124 (part), 22125, 22134, 22151 (part), 22152 (part), 22172, 22180, 22181 (part), 22182 (part), 22183, 22191, 22192 (part), 22193 (part), 22194, 22302 (part), 22311 (part), 22312 (part) Congressional Directory WASHINGTON WASHINGTON (Population, 1990 census, 4,887,941) SENATORS SLADE GORTON, Republican, of Seattle, WA; born January 8, 1928, Chicago, IL; graduated high school, Evanston, IL, 1945; enlisted U.S. Army, 1945-46; A.B., interna-tional relations, Dartmouth, 1950; LL.B., with honors, Columbia University Law School, New York, 1953; admitted to bar, Washington State, 1953; service in U.S. Air Force, 1953-56, retired colonel, USAF Reserve; married Sally Clark of Selah, WA, 1958; son, Tod, born April 7, 1959, daughters Sarah Jane, born June 28, 1960, and Rebecca Lynn, born February 24, 1962; elected Washington State House of Representatives, 46th Dis-trict, Seattle, 1958; reelected 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, majority leader, 1967-68; elected Washington State attorney general, 1968, reelected 1972, 1976; member, National Associa-tion of Attorneys General, 1969-80, president, 1976-77; Wyman award winner, 1980; member, President’s Consumer Advisory Council, 1975-77; member, Washington State Law and Justice Commission, 1969-80, chairman, 1969-70; member, State Criminal Jus-tice Training Commission, 1969-80, chairman, 1969-76; elected to the U.S. Senate, No-vember 4, 1980, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1981; unsuccessful candidate for reelection, November 4, 1986; elected on November 8, 1988 to the U.S. Senate for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 730 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4701 224-3441 Administrative Assistant.—Jack McRae. FAX: 224-9393 Legislative Director.—Sam Spina. Press Secretary.—Deborah Brunton. 3206 Jackson Federal Building, Seattle, WA 98174 ... (206) 442-0350 State Director.—Veda Jellen. 697 U.S. Courthouse, Spokone, WA 99201 ; (509) 353-2507 Federal Office Building, Vancouver, WA 98660 (206) 696-7838 3206 Jackson Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, Washingion, .. (206) 553-0350 697 U.S. Courthouse, West 920 Riverside, Spokane, Washington 99201 (509) 353-2507 Federal Office Building, 500 West 12th Street, Vancouver, Washington 98660 . (206) 696-7838 Room 119, Morris Building, 23 South Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee, Washington 98801 (509) 663-2118 Box 4083, 402 East Yakima Avenue, Yakima, Washington 98901 . (509) 248-8084 Suite 212, 1530 Grandridge Boulevard, Kennewick, Washington 99336. (509) 783-0640 Suite 300, 15600 Redmond Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 (206) 883-6072 PATTY MURRAY, Democrat, of Seattle, WA, born October 11, 1950 in Seattle, WA; B.A., Washington State University, 1972; teacher, lobbyist; school board member, 19985-89; elected to Washington State Senate, 1988-92; Shoreline Community Cooperative School, parent volunteer, 1977-84; Shoreline Community College, Parent Education In-structor for Crystal Sprngs, 1984-87; Citizen Lobbyist for environmental and educational issues, 1983-88; elected: Board of Directors, Shoreline School District, 1985-89; two-term president and legislative representative; Washington State Senate, first district, 1988-92; Washington State Legislator of the Year, 1990; Democratic Whip, 1990-92; member: Education, Ways & Means; Commerce and Labor Committees; Domestic Timber Proc-essing select committee; Domestic Timber Processing, and Open Government select com-mittee; chairperson: School Transportation Safety Task Force; married Rob Murray, 1972; two children: son Randy, 16 and daughter Sara, 13; elected to the U.S. Senate, No-vember 3, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993; serves on Appropriations, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and Budget Committees. WASHINGTON 103d Congress 319 Office Listings 302 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4704 224-2621 Chief of Staff.—Michael Timmeny. FAX: 224-0238 Legislative Director.—Carole Grunberg. TDD: 224-4430 Press Secretary.—Patricia Akiyama. 2988 Jackson Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98174 (206) 553-5545 State Director.—Michael Temple. 140 Federal Building, S00 West 12th, Vancouver, WA 98660 (206) 696-7797 W. 601 First Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 624-9515 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT MARIA CANTWELL, Democrat, of Mountlake Terrace, WA; born in Beach Grove, IN, on October 13, 1958; attended St. Catherine’s of Siena, Indianapolis, IN; graduated, Manual High School, Indianapolis, 1973; B.A., Miami University, Miami, Ohio; Washing-ton State Representitves, 1986-92; Member, South Snohomish County Chamber of Com-merce; Member, Alderwood Rotary; Snohomish County Displaced Homemakers Board; Member, Bothell-Woodinville BPW; Member, Mountlake Terrace Friends of the Library; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1520 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4701 225-6311 Chief of Staff/Administrative Assistant/Legislative Director.—Lisa Piccione. Executive Assistant.—Annette Booth. Press Secretary.—Larry West. 21905 64th Avenue West, Suite 101, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 (206) 640-0233 Director.—Mike Deller. P.O. Box 185, Poulsbo, WA 98370 (206) 697-3112 Counties: King (part); Kitsap (part); Snohomish (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Bainbridge Island; Bellevue; Bothell; Bremerton; Edmonds; Everett; Hansville; Indianola; Keyport; Kingston; Kirkland; Lynnwood; Mountlake Terrace; Port Gamble; Poulsbo; Redmond; Seabeck; Seattle; Silverdale; Suquamish; Woodinville; Medina. Population (1990), 540,745. ZIP Codes: 98004 (part), 98005 (part), 98007 (part), 98008 (part), 98009, 98011, 98012 (part), 98020, 98021 (part), 98026, 98033-34, 98036, 98037 (part), 98039, 98041, 98043, 98046, 98052 (part), 98061, 98072 (part), 98073, 98083, 98103 (part), 98110, 98117 (part), 98133 (part), 98155 (part), 98177, 98204 (part), 98208 (part), 98272 (part), 98275 (part), 98290 (part), 98310 (part), 98312 (part), 98314-15, 98340, 98342, 98345-46, 98364, 98370, 98380 (part), 98383, 98392-93 SECOND DISTRICT AL SWIFT, Democrat, of Bellingham, WA; born in Tacoma, WA, September 12, 1935; attended the public schools; graduated, Lincoln High School, Tacoma, 1953; attend-ed Whitman College, 1953-55; graduated, Central Washington University, 1957; broad-caster; news and public affairs director KVOS-TV; administrative assistant to U.S. Con-gressman Lloyd Meeds, 1965-69, and 1977; member, Bellingham City Charter Revision; chairman and member, Bellingham Public School Citizens’ Advisory Committee; member, Bellingham Housing Authority; recipient of many awards for his community programing efforts; married to the former Paula Jean Jackson, 1956; two children: Amy and Lauri; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 320 Congressional Directory WASHINGTON Office Listings 1502 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Janet Thiessen. DC 20515-4702 FAX: 225-2605 225-2608 Press Secretary.—Shawn Hanson. Legislative Director.—Mark Rother. Executive Assistant.—Mickey A. Hombacher. Federal Building, Room 201, 3002 Colby Avenue, Everett, WA Federal Building, Room 308, 104 West Magnolia, Bellingham, 98201 WA 98225 (206) (206) 252-3188 733-4500 Counties: Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish (part), and Whatcom. Population (1990), 540,739. ZIP Codes: 98101, 98116 (part), 98200 (part), 98201, 98203 (part), 98204-07, 98208 (part), 98220-23, 98225-27, 98230, 98232-33, 98235-41, 98243-53, 98255-64, 98266-68, 98270, 98272-73, 98276-81, 98283-84, 98286-87, 98290 (part), 98292-95, 98297, 98305, 98320, 98324-26, 98331, 98334, 98339, 98343, 98350, 98357-58, 98362, 98365, 98368, 98376, 98381-82, 98520 (part), 98524, 98526, 98535-36, 98541 (part), 98546, 98548, 98550 (part), 98552, 98557, 98560, 98562-63, 98566, 98569, 98571, 98575, 98583-84, 9858788, 98592 THIRD DISTRICT JOLENE UNSOELD, Democrat, of Olympia, WA; born Jolene Bishoprick in Corval-lis, OR, December 3, 1931; attended primary schools in Shanghai, China, 1938-40 and in Portland, OR, 1941-45; was graduated from Vancouver High School, Vancouver, WA, 1949; attended Oregon State University, Corvallis, 1951; married to Willi Unsoeld (de-ceased), 1951; children: Regon, Devi (deceased), Krag, and Terres; director, English Lan-guage Institute in Nepal; lobbyist; elected to Washington legislature, 1985-89; member: American Alpine Club; Nepal-American Society; Beyond War; elected on November 8, 1988 to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1527 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4703 225-3536 Administrative Assistant.— Dan Evans. FAX: 225-9095 Legislative Director.—Jim Hoff. Press Secretary.—Doug Levy. Scheduler.—Chris Cozadd. 1110 Capitol Way S., Olympia, WA 98501 (206) 753-9528 601 Main Street, Suite 505, Vancouver, WA 98660 (206) 696-7942 Counties: CLARK COUNTY; cities and townships of Amboy, Ariel, Battle Ground, Brush Prairie, Camas, Heisson, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, Woodland, Yacolt. CowLITZ COUNTY; cities and townships of Car-rolls, Castle Rock, Cougar, Kalama, Kelso, Longview, Ryderwood, Silverlake, Toutle. GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Cosmopolis, Elma, Grayland, McCleary, Malone, Oakville, Satsop, Westport. KLICKITAT COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Appleton, Dallesport, Husum, Klickitat, Lyle, Trout Lake, White Salmon, Wishram. LEWIS COUNTY; cities and townships of Adna, Centralia, Chehalis, Cinebar, Curtis, Doty, Ethel, Galvin, Glenoma, Mineral, Morton, Mossyrock, Napavine, Onalaska, Packwood, Pe Ell, Randle, Salkum, Silver Creek, Toledo, Vader, Winlock. PACIFIC COUNTY; cities and townships of Bay Center, Chinook, Ilwaco, Lebam, Long Beach, Menlo, Nahcotta, Naselle, Ocean Park, Oysterville, Raymond, Seaview, South Bend, Tokeland. PIERCE COUNTY; township of Elbe. SKAMANIA COUNTY; cities and townships of Carson, North Booneville, Stevenson, Underwood. THURSTON COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Littlerock, Olympia. WAHKIAKUM COUNTY; cities and townships of Cathlamet, Grays River, Rosburg, Skamokawa. Population (1990), 540,745. ZIP Codes: 98330, 98336, 98355-56, 98361, 98377, 98501-03, 98506, 98522, 98527, 98531-33, 98537-39, 98541-42, 98544, 98547, 98554, 98556-57, 98559, 98561, 98564-65, 98568, 98570, 98572, 98577, 98579 98581-83, 98585-86, 98590-91, 98593, 98595-96, 98601-04, 98606, 98607, 98609-12, 98614, 98616-17, 98621-26, 98628-29, 98631-32, 98635 98637-45, 98647-51, 98660-66 98668, 98671-75, 98682, 98684-86 FOURTH DISTRICT JAY INSLEE, Democrat, of Selah, WA; born in Seattle, WA, on February 9, 1951; graduated, Ingraham High School, Seattle, 1969; B.A., University of Washington, Seattle, 1972; J.D., Willamette University, Salem, OR, 1976; attorney; admitted to the Washington bar, 1976; elected to the Washington State Legislature, 1988-92; married to the former WASHINGTON 103d Congress 321 Trudi Anne Tindall, 1972; three children, Jack, 1976, Connor, 1979, and Joseph, 1986; elected to the 103d Congress, November 3, 1992. Office Listings 1431 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4704 ; 225-5816 Administrative Assistant.—Lisa Garza. FAX: 225-1137 Scheduler/Secretary.—Etta Becker. News Secretary.—Mark Walker. 3311 West Clearwater, Suite 105, Kennewick, WA 99336 for (509) 783-0310 FAX: (509) 735-9573 701 North First Street, Suite B, Yakima, WA 98901..... Je (509) 452-3243 FAX: (509) 452-3438 112 North Mission Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 662-4294 FAX: (509) 662-4295 800-759-1817 Counties: ADAMS COUNTY; city of Othello. BENTON COUNTY; cities and townships of Benton City, Kennewick, Paterson, Plymouth, Prosser, Richland, West Richland. CHELAN COUNTY; cities and townships of Ardenvoir, Cashmere, Chelan, Chelan Falls, Dryden, Entiat, Leavenworth, Malaga, Manson, Monitor, Peshastin, Stehekin, Wenatchee. DOUGLAS COUNTY; cities and townships of Bridgeport, Leahy, Mansfield, Orondo, Palisades, Rock Island, Waterville, Wenatchee. FRANKLIN COUNTY; cities and townships of Connell, Eltopia, Kahlotus, Mesa, Pasco, Windust. GRANT COUNTY; cities and townships of Beverly, Coulee City, Electric City, Ephrata, George, Grand Coulee, Hartline, Marlin, Mattawa, Moses Lake, Quincy, Royal City, Soap Lake, Stratford, Warden, Wilson Creek. KITTITAS COUNTY; cities and townships of Cle Elum, Easton, Ellensburg, Hyak, Kittitas, Ronald, Roslyn, South Cle Elum, Thorp, Vantage. KLICKITAT COUNTY; cities and townships of Alderdale, Appleton, Bickleton, Bingen, Centerville, Dallesport, Glenwood, Goldendale, Husum, Klickitat, Lyle, Roosevelt, Trout Lake, White Salmon, Wishram. OKANOGAN COUNTY; cities and townships of Brewster, Carlton, Conconully, Coulee Dam, Elmer City, Loomis, Malott, Methow, Nespelem, Okanogan, Omak, Oroville, Pateros, Riverside, Tonasket, Twisp, Wauconda, Winthrop. YAKIMA COUNTY; cities and townships of Brownstown, Buena, Cowiche, Grandview, Granger, Harrah, Mabton, Moxee, Naches, Outlook, Parker, Selah, Sunnyside, Tieton, Toppenish, Wapato, White Swan, Yakima, Zillah. Population (1990), 540,744. ZIP Codes: 98068, 98605, 98613, 98619, 98620, 98801-02, 98807, 98811-17, 98819, 98821-24, 98826-34, 98836-37, 98840— 41, 98843-53, 98855-60, 98862, 98901-04, 98907-09, 98920-23, 98925-26, 98930, 98932-44, 98946-48, 98950-53, 99115-16, 99123-24, 99133, 99135, 99155, 99301-02, 99320-22, 99326, 99330, 99335-37, 99343, 99344 (part), 99345-46, 99350, 99352, 99356-57 FIFTH DISTRICT THOMAS S. FOLEY, Democrat, of Spokane, WA; born in Spokane, March 6, 1929, son of Hon. Ralph E. and Helen Foley; married to Heather Strachan of Washington, DC; graduated from Gonzaga High School, the University of Washington (B.A., 1951), and the University of Washington Law School (LL.B., 1957); associated with the firm of Hig-gins & Foley in the practice of law, 1957; appointed deputy prosecuting attorney of Spo-kane County in 1958; instructor in constitutional law at Gonzaga University Law School; appointed assistant attorney general, State of Washington, 1960; served as assistant chief clerk and special counsel of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the U.S. Senate, 1961-63; elected to the 89th Congress, November 3, 1964; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress; chairman, Committee on Agriculture, January 1975 to January 1981; chairman, House Democratic Caucus, December 1976 to December 1980; appointed House majority whip, December 8, 1980, and reappointed for the 98th and 99th Con-gresses; elected majority leader for the 100th Congress; reelected to the 101st and 102d Congresses; member: Committees on the Budget and Permanent Select Intelligence; elect-ed Speaker of the House June 6, 1989; reelected as Speaker for the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1201 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4705 Administrative Assistant.—Susan Moos. Appointment Scheduler.—Mary Beth Schultheis. Chief of Staff. —Heather Foley. Press Secretary.—Jeff Biggs. Second Floor West, West 601 First Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 353-2155 28 West Main Street, Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 522-6372 12929 East Sprague, Spokane, WA 99216 ats (509) 926-4434 322 Congressional Directory WASHINGTON Counties: Adams (part), Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln; Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman. Population (1990), 540,744. ZIP Codes: 99001, 99003-06, 99008-09, 99011-14, 99016-23, 99025-27, 99029-34, 99036-37, 99039-40, 99101-02, 99103 (part), 99104-05, 99107, 99109-11, 99113-14, 99117-19, 99121-22, 99124-26, 99128 (part), 99129-31, 99133 (part), 99134, 99136-41, 99143-44, 99146-54, 99156 (part), 99157-61, 99163, 99165-67, 99169-71, 99173-74, 99176, 99179-3 brig hg 99218-20, 99223, 99228, 99323-24, 99327-29, 99332-33, 99341, 99344 (part), 99347-48, 99359- SIXTH DISTRICT NORMAN D. DICKS, Democrat, of Bremerton, WA; born in Bremerton, WA, De-cember 16, 1940; graduated, West Bremerton High School, 1959; B.A., political science, University of Washington, 1963; J.D., University of Washington School of Law, 1968; admitted to Washington State bar, 1968; joined the staff of Senator Warren G. Magnuson in 1968 as legislative assistant and appropriations assistant, named administrative assistant in 1973 and held that post until he resigned to campaign for Congress in February 1976; in Congress he received a first-term appointment to the House Appropriations Commit-tee; and he currently serves as a member of its Subcommittees on Defense (vice chair-man), Interior, and Military Construction; appointed to Permanent House Select Commit-tee on Intelligence, 1991; chair, Subcommittee on Oversight and Evaluation House Intelli-gence Committee; he is a member of several congressional task forces, including: Federal Government Service Task Force (vice chairman), Energy & Environment Study Group, Democratic Study Group, Democratic Caucus, Congressional Arts Caucus, Congression-al Caucus for Women’s Issues, Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus; member of Washington, DC and Washington State bars; serves on the Board of Visitors of the U.S. Air Force Academy and is a member of the Puget Sound Naval Bases Association and the Navy League of the United States; married to the former Suzanne Callison, 1967; two sons: David and Ryan; elected to the 95th Congress and reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2467 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4706 225-5916 Legislative Director.—Terry Freese. Press Secretary.—George Behan. Suite 2244, 1717 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98402 (206) 593-6536 District Representative.—Tim Zenk. Suite 301, 500 Pacific Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98310 (206) 479-4011 District Representative.—Cheri Fitz. Counties: CLALLAM COUNTY: cities and townships of Forks, Port Angeles, La Push, Sequim, Sekiu, Neah Bay. GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY: cities and townships of Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Montesano, Ocean City, Ocean Shores, Moclips. JEFFERSON COUNTY: cities and townships of Port Townsend, Quilcene. Kitsap COUNTY: cities and townships of Bremerton (part), Port Orchard, Gorst. MASON COUNTY: cities and townships of Shelton, Belfair, Allyn, Union. PIERCE COUNTY: cities and townships of Tacoma (part), Gig Harbor, Lakebay, Lakewood. Population (1990), 540,742. ZIP Codes: 98303, 98305, 98310 (part), 98312 (part), 98320, 98322, 98324-26, 98329, 98331-35, 98337, 98339, 98343, 98349, 98350-51, 98353, 98357-59, 98362, 98365-66, 98368, 98376, 98378, 98380 (part), 98381-82, 98384, 98386, 98388, 98394-95, 98401, 98402 (part), 98403, 98404 (part), 98405-07, 98408 (part), 98409 (part) 98411-12, 98415, 98421 (part), 98442, 98444 (part), 98464-67, 98492, 98494, 98497, 98498 (part), 98499 (part), 98520, 98524, 98528, 98535-36, 98537 (part) 98546, 98548, 98550, 98552, 98555, 98560, 98562-63, 98566, 98569, 98571, 98584, 98587-88, 98592 SEVENTH DISTRICT JIM McDERMOTT, Democrat, of Seattle, WA; born in Chicago, Cook County, IL, on December 28, 1936; attended public schools in Downers Grove, IL; B.S., Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, 1958; M.D., University of Illinois Medical School, Chicago, 1963; residency in adult psychiatry, University of Illinois Hospitals, 1964-66; residency in child psychiatry, University of Washington Hospitals, Seattle, 1966-68; served, U.S. Navy Medical Corps, lieutenant commander, 1968-70; psychiatrist; elected to Washington State House of Representatives, 1970-72; elected to Washington State Senate, 1974-87; Demo- WASHINGTON 103d Congress 323 cratic nominee for Governor, 1980; regional medical officer, U.S. Foreign Service, 1987-88; practicing psychiatrist and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, 1970-83; member: Washington State Arts Commission; Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect; Executive Committee and Education Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures; Washington State Medical Association; King County Medical Society; American Psychiatric Association; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Seattle; two grown children: Katherine and James; elected on Novem-ber 8, 1988, to the 101st Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Com-mittee on Ways and Means; Committee on District of Columbia; Chairman, Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. Office Listings 1707 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4707 225-3106 Administrative Assistant.—Charles M. Williams. Executive Assistant. —Wilda E. Chisolm. Suite 1212, 1809 7th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101-1313 (206) 553-7170 District Administrator.—Nancy F. James. County: KING COUNTY (part); cities and townships of Lake Forest Park, North City, Renton (part), Sea-Tac, Seattle (part), Sheridan Beach, Tukwila (part), White Center. Population (1990), 540,747. ZIP Codes: 98031 (part), 98032 (part), 98055 (part), 98056 (part), 98057, 98058 (part), 98100, 98102-04, 98106, 98107 ), 98108, 98109 (part), 98111-12, 98114, 98115 (part), 98116 (part), 98117-18, 98119 (part), 98121-22, 98124, 98126, 98133 (part), 98134, 98136, 9814446, 98148 (part), 98154, 98158, 98161, 98164, 98166, 98168, 98171, 98174, 98177 (part), 98178, 98188, 98198 EIGHTH DISTRICT JENNIFER DUNN, Republican, of Bellevue, WA; born July 29, 1941 in Seattle, WA; B.A. Stanford University, 1963; chairman, Washington State Republican Party, 1981-92; member, Republican National Committee; vice-chairman, Western Region, RNC; U.S. delegate to the 30th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 1984, 1990; member, Preparatory Commission for the 1985 World Conference on the Status of Women; presidential appointee: President’s Advisory Council on Voluntary Services, President’s Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Executive Committee of the SBA Advisory Council; received Shavano Summit Award for Excellence in National Leader-ship, Hillsdale College, 1984; member: Seattle Junior League, Board of Epiphany School, Advisory Board for KUOW-FM (National Public Radio), Metropolitan Opera National Council; two children: Bryant, Reagan; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Con-gress. Office Listings 1641 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4708 225-7761 Chief of Staff/Press Secretary.—Phil Bond. FAX: 225-8673 Office Manager/Scheduler.—Linda Suter. Legislative Director.—Tim Hugo. Suite 201, 50 116th Avenue SE., Bellevue, WA 98004 (206) 450-0161 District Manager.—Dick Larsen. Counties: KING COUNTY; cities and townships of Auburn, Baring, Beaux Arts Village, Bellevue, Black Diamond, Carnation, Duvall, Enumclaw, Fall City, Issaquah, Kent, Mercer Island, Maple Valley, North Bend, Preston, Redmond, Renton, Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Summit. PIERCE COUNTY; cities and townships of Ashford, Bonney Lake, Buckley, Carbonado, Eatonville, Elbe, Graham, Orting, Puyallup (part), Roy, South Prairie, Sumner, Wilkeson. Population (1990), 540,742. ZIP Codes: 98001-03, 98004 (part), 98005-10, 98013, 98014 (part), 98020 (part), 98022-25, 98027, 98031 (part), 98032 (part), 98033 (part), 98038, 98040, 98042, 98045, 98047, 9805051, 98052 (part), 98053 (part), 98054, 98055 (part), 98056 (part), 98058 (part), 98062-65, 98068, 9807071, 98072 (part), 98073, 98148 (part), 98321, 98323, 98338 (part), 98344, 98352, 98360 (part), 98371 (part), 98373 (part), 98374 (part), 98385, 98390 (part), 98396-98, 98409 (part), 98444 (part), 98445 (part), 98446 (part) Congressional Directory WASHINGTON NINTH DISTRICT MIKE KREIDLER, Democrat, of Olympia, WA; born on September 28, 1943 in Tacoma, WA; B.S. Pacific University, Oregon, 1967; D.O., College of Optometry, Pacific University, Oregon, 1969; M.P.H. (Master of Public Health), University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1972; U.S. Army Reserve, 1969 to present, Lieutenant Colonel; optom-etrist, bank director; Washington State Representative, 1977-85; Washington State Sena-tor, 1985-92; North Thurston School Board, 1973-77; member: Lacey Rotary, United Churches, Harmony Masonic Lodge, Thurston County Shrine, United Way Board, Com-munity Action Council, Olympia Rain Runners; member, Governor’s Health Care Cost Control and Access Commission; January-April, 1991, U.S. Army Reserve Hospital Unit called to active duty in support of operation Desert Storm; married to Lela Lopez Kreidler, 1967; three children: Kelli, 1967; Michael, 1974; and Lora, 1974; elected on No-vember 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1535 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, Administrative Assistant.—Bob Crane. Legislative Director.—Dick Van Wagenen. Scheduler.—Stephanie Henley. District Manager.—Evan Simpson. 312 4th SE., Puyallup, WA 98371 DC 20515-4709 (206) 225-8901 840-5688 31919 First Avenue So., Suite 140, Federal Way, WA 98003 (206) 946-0553 Counties: King (part); Pierce (part); Thurston (part). Population (1990), 540,744. ZIP Codes: 98001, 98002 (part), 98003, 98023, 98031 (part), 98032 (part), 98047, 98054, 98055 (part), 98056 (part), 98058 (part), 98062-63, 98071, 98106 (part), 98108 (part), 98118 (part), 98126 (part), 98138, 98146 (part), 98148, 98158, 98160, 98166, 98168 (part), 98178 (part), 98188, 98198, 98327, 98328 (part), 98338 (part), 98354, 98371, 98372 (part), 98373 (part), 98387 (part), 98390 (part), 98402 (part), 98404 (part), 98408 (part), 98409 (part), 98421 (part), 98422, 98424, 98433, 98438-39, 98443, 98444 (part), 98445, 98446 (part), 98498 (part), 98499 (part), 98501 (part), 98503 (part), 98506 (part), 98507, 98513, 98516, 98530, 98540, 98558, 98576, 98580 (part), 98589, 98597 WEST VIRGINIA 103d Congress 325 WEST VIRGINIA (Population, 1990 census, 1,801,625) SENATORS ROBERT C. BYRD, Democrat, of Sophia, Raleigh County, WV; born November 20, 1917; Baptist; married Erma Ora James; two daughters: Mrs. Mohammad (Mona Byrd) Fatemi and Mrs. Jon (Marjorie Byrd) Moore; six grandchildren: Erik, Darius, and Fre-drik Fatemi, and Michael (deceased), Mona, and Mary Anne Moore. Office Listings 311 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4801 ............cccceuruennneee 224-3954 Chief of Staff.—Barbara Videnieks. Administrative Assistant.—Joan Drummond. Press Secretary.—Ann Adler. Suite 1019, 500 Quarrier Sireet, Charleston, WV 25301 .......c.cccccceevuevuennene (304) 342-5855 State Liaison.—Anne Barth. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER 1V, Democrat, of Charleston, WV; born in New York City, NY, June 18, 1937; graduated, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH, 1954, A.B., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1961; honorary degrees: J.D.: West Virginia Uni-versity, Marshall University, Davis and Elkins College, Dickinson College, University of Alabama, University of Cincinnati; doctor of humanities: West Virginia Institute of Tech-nology; doctor of public service: Salem College; VISTA volunteer, Emmons, WV, 1964; elected to the West Virgina House of Delegates, 1966-68; elected secretary of state of West Virginia, 1968; president, West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1973-76; elected Gover-nor of West Virginia, 1976-84; married to the former Sharon Percy; four children: John, Valerie, Charles, and Justin; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 6, 1984, for the term expiring January 3, 1991; reelected November 6, 1990. Office Listings 109 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4802 ............c.ccccucuuen.e. 224-6472 Administrative Assistant.—R. Lane Bailey. FAX: 224-1689 Press Secretary.—Laura Quinn. TDD: 224-6719 Legislative Director.—Tamera M. Stanton. 405 Capitol Street, Suite 608, Charleston, WV 25301..........cccccuvvuerunne .... (304) 347-5372 207. Prince Street, Beckley, WV 25801...........c cies crisiniarrssenesssanesens .. (304) 253-9704 200 Adams Street, Fairmont, WV 26554 Smee eka (304) 367-0122 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT ALAN B. MOLLOHAN, Democrat, of Fairmont, WV; born in Fairmont on May 14, 1943; son of former Congressman Robert H. Mollohan and Helen Holt Mollohan; grad-uated, Greenbrier Military School, Lewisburg, WV, 1962; A.B., College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 1966; J.D., West Virginia University, College of Law, Morgan-town, WV, 1970; captain, U.S. Army Reserves, 1970-83; admitted to the West Virginia bar, 1970; commenced practice in Fairmont; admitted to the District of Columbia bar, 1975; member, First Baptist Church, Fairmont; married to the former Barbara Whiting, 1976; five children: Alan, Robert, Andrew, Karl, and Mary Kathryn; elected on Novem-ber 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. 326 Congressional Directory WEST VIRGINIA Office Listings 2242 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4801. ................... 225-4172 Administrative Assistant.—Mary McGovern. Personal Secretary.—Ann Marie Packo. Press Secretary.—Ron Hudok. 209 P.O. Box 1400, Post Office Building, Clarksburg, WV 26302-1400.............. (304) 623-4422 P.O. Box 720, Federal Building, Morgantown, WV 26507-0720 .. (304) 292-3019 1117 P.O. Box 145, Federal Building, Parkersburg, WV 26101-0145 (304) 428-0493 316 Federal Building, Wheeling, WV 26003-2900 (304) 232-5390 Counties: Barbour, Brooke, Doddridge, Grant, Hancock, Harrison, Marion, Marshall, Mineral, Monongalia, Ohio, Pleasants, Preston, Ritchie, Taylor, Tucker, Tyler, Wetzel, Wood. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Albright, Alma, Alvy, Anmoore, Arthur, Arthurdate, Auburn, Aurora, Barrackville, Baxter, Bayard, Beech Bottom, Belington, Belleville, Belleville, Bellview, Belmont, Bens Run, Benwood, Berea, Bethany, Big Run, Blacksville, Blandville, Booth, Brandonville, Bretz, Bridgeport, Bristol, Brownton, Bruceton Mills, Burlington, Burnt House, Burton, Cabins, Cairo, Cameron, Carolina, Cassville, Center Point, Central Station, Century, Chester, Clarksburg, Coburn, Colfax, Colliers, Core, Corinth, Cove, Cuzzart, Dallas, Davis, Davisville, Dawmont, Dellslow, Dorcas, Eglon, Elk Garden, Ellenboro, Elm Grove, Enterprise, Eureka, Everettville, Fairmont, Fairview, Farmington, Flemington, Follansbee, Folsom, Fort Ashby, Fort Neal, Four states, Friendly, Galloway, Glen Dale, Glen Easton, Goffs, Gormania, Grafton, Grant Town, Granville, Greenwood, Gypsy, Hambleton, Harrisville, Hastings, Haywood, Hazelton, Hebron, Hendricks, Hepzibah, Highland, Hundred, Idamay, Independence, Industrial, Jacksonburg, Jere, Jordan, Junior, Keyser, Kingmont, Kingwood, Knob Fork, Lahmansville, Lima, Littleton, Lost Creek, Lumber-port, MacFarlan, Mahone, Maidsville, Mannington, Masontown, Maysville, McMechen, McWhorter, Meadow-brook, Medley, Metz, Middlebourne, Mineralwells, Moatsville, Monongah, Montana Mines, Morgantown, Mounds-ville, Mount Clare, Mount Storm, Mountain, New Creek, New Cumberland, New England, New Manchester, New Martinsville, New Milton, Newburg, Newell, North Parkersburg, Nutter Fort, Osage, Owings, Paden City, Parkersburg, Parsons, Pennsboro, Pentress, Petersburg, Petroleum, Philippi, Piedmont, Pine Grove, Porters Falls, Proctor, Pullman, Pursglove, Rachel, Reader, Red Creek, Reedsville, Reynoldsville, Riegeley, Rivesville, Rocket Center, Rockport, Rosemont, Rowlesburg, Saint George, Saint Marys, Salem, Shinnston, Shirley, Short Creek, Simpson, Sistersville, Smithburg, Smithfield, Smithville, Spelter, Stonewood, Terra Alta, Thomas, Thornton, Toll Gate, Triadelphia, Tunnelton, Valley Grove, Vienna, Volga, Wadestown, Walker, Wallace, Wana, Warwood, Washington, Watson, Waverly Weirton, Wellsburg, Wendel, West Liberty, West Milford, West Union, Westover, Wheeling Wick, Wilbur, Wiley Ford, Wileyville, Williamstown, Wilson, Wilsonburg, Windsor Heights, Wolf Summit, Worthington, Wyatt. Population (1990), 598,056. ZIP Codes: 15376 (part), 15377 (part), 26003, 26030-41, 26047, 26050, 26055-56, 26058-60, 26062, 26070, 26074-75, 26101-05, 26130 (part), 26133 (part), 26134-35, 26142, 26143 (part), 26144, 26146, 26148-50, 26155, 26159, 26161-62, 26167, 26169-70, 26175, 26178, 26180-81, 26184-87, 26190, 26301-02, 26320, 26322-23, 26325, 26327-28, 26330 (part), 26332, 26336-37, 26339, 26344, 26346, 26347 (part), 26348, 26354, 26360-62, 26366-67, 26369, 26375, 26377, 26378 (part), 26383, 26385-86, 26401-02, 26404, 26407-08, 26411, 26415, 26419, 26421-22, 26424, 26426, 26431, 26434-38, 26440 (part), 26442, 26448, 26451, 26456, 26459, 26461-63, 26554-55, 26559-63, 26566, 26568, 2657072, 26574-176, 26578, 26581, 26582 (part), 26585-88, 26589 (part), 26591 SECOND DISTRICT ROBERT E. WISE, JRr., Democrat, of Clendenin, WV; born in Washington, DC, on January 6, 1948; attended Holtz Elementary School, Charleston; graduated, George Washington High School, 1966; A.B., Duke University, Durham, NC, 1970; B.A., Tulane University College of Law, New Orleans, LA, 1975; attorney, admitted to West Virginia State bar, 1975; commenced practice in Charleston; legislative counsel, Judiciary Commit-tee of the West Virginia House of Delegates, 1977-78; director, West Virginians for Fair and Equitable Assessment of Taxes, Inc., 1977-80; elected to West Virginia Senate, 1980-82; member: American Bar Association, West Virginia State Bar; elected on November 2, 1982, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2434 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4802................... 225-2711 Administrative Assistant.—Lowell Johnson. Legislative Director.—Roger Goodman. Press Secretary.—Rod Blackstone. Special Assistant.—Stephanie A. Blaydes. 107 Pennsylvania Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302 (304) 342-7170 102 East Martin Street, Martinsburg, WV 25401 (304) 264-8810 Counties: Berkeley, Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Gilmer, Hampshire, Hardy, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lewis, Mason, Morgan, Nicholas, Pendleton, Putnam, Randolph, Roane, Upshur, and Wirt. Population (1990), 597,921. WEST VIRGINIA 103d Congress 327 ZIP Codes: 25003, 25005, 25008 (part), 25009-13, 25015, 25018-19, 25021, 25024-26, 25028, 25030, 25033, 25034 (part), 25035, 25037, 25039, 25043, 25045-46, 25047 (part), 25049-54, 25059 (part), 25061, 25063-64, 25067, 25070-71, 25075, 25079-84, 25086, 25088, 25093, 25095, 25102-03, 25105-14, 25122-26, 25130, 25132-34, 25136 (part), 25141-43, 25147-50, 25154, 25156, 25158, 25159 (part), 25160, 25162-66, 25168-69, 25172, 25177, 25181-82, 25187, 25193, 25201-06, 25208-10, 25211 (part), 25212-14, 25231, 25234, 25235 (part), 25237, 25239-40, 25241 (part), 25242-53, 25255-62, 25264-68, 25270-72, 25274-76, 25279-81, 25283, 25285-87, 25300-04, 25306, 25309, 25311-15, 25320-39, 25357, 25360, 25362, 25501-03, 25506, 25508 (part), 25510 (part), 25513, 25515, 25520 (part), 25521, 25523, 25524 (part), 25526, 25529, 25536, 25540, 25541 (part), 25544, 25546, 25550, 25557, 25560, 25563-65, 25567-69, 25570 (part), 25571 (part), 25572-73, 26130 (part), 26133 (part), 26136-39, 26141, 26143 (part), 26145, 26147, 26151-53, 26158, 26160, 26164, 26173, 26179, 26202, 26205, 26207, 26261, 26321, 26335, 26338, 26342-43, 26350-51, 26372, 26376, 26378 (part), 26384, 26409, 26412, 26423, 26430, 26439, 26443, 26445-47, 26452, 26504, 26601, 26610-12, 26616-21, 26623-27, 26629, 26631, 26633-34, 26636, 26638-41, 26651, 26656 (part), 26660, 26662, 26667, 26671, 26675-76, 26678-79, 26681 (part), 26683-84, 26688, 26690-91 THIRD DISTRICT NICK RAHALL II, Democrat, of Beckley, WV; born in Beckley, May 20, 1949; grad-uated, Woodrow Wilson High School (Beckley), 1967; A.B., Duke University, Durham, NC, 1971; graduate work, George Washington University, Washington, DC; colonel in U.S. Air Force Civil Air Patrol; president of the West Virginia Society of Washington, DC; business executive; sales representative, WWNR radio station; president, Mountain-eer Tour & Travel Agency, 1974; president, West Virginia Broadcasting; named: “Coal Man of the Year”, Coal Industry News, 1979; “Young Democrat of the Year”, Young Democrats, 1980; 1984 West Virginia American Legion Distinguished Service Award re-cipient; delegate, Democratic National Conventions, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984; member, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; member: Rotary, Elks, Moose, Eagles, NAACP, National Rifle Association, A.F. & A.M., R.A.M., Mount Hope Commandery, Shrine Club, Benie Kedeem Temple in Charleston, Beckley Presbyterian Church; chair-man and founder, Congressional Coal Group; member: Democratic Leadership Council, Congressional Black Caucus, Democratic Study Group, Energy and Environment Study Conference, Congressional Arts Caucus, Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus, Con-gressional Textile Caucus, Congressional Truck Caucus, Congressional Steel Caucus, Automobile Task Force, Congressional Rural Caucus; chairman, Surface Transportation Subcommittee, Chairman; serves on: Natural Resources, Public Works and Transporta-tion Committees; three children: Rebecca Ashley, Nick Joe III, and Suzanne Nicole; elected to the 95th Congress, November 2, 1976; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2269 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4803 ................... 225-3452 Administrative Assistant. —Kent Keyser. FAX: 225-9061 Press Secretary.—Stephen Spina. Legislative Assistants: Birdie Kyle; Jacquelyn Duclos. 815 Fifth Avenue, Huntington, WV 25701 (304) 522-6425 110% Main Street, Beckley, WV 25801 (304) 252-5000 RK Building, Logan, WV 25601 (304) 752-4934 1005 Federal Building, Bluefield, WV 24701 (304) 325-6222 101 North Court Street, Lewisburg, WV 24901 (304) 647-3228 Counties: Boone, Cabell, Fayette, Greenbrier, Lincoln, Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Monroe, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summers, Wayne, Webster, and Wyoming. Population (1990), 597,500. ZIP Codes: 24701, 24710, 24712, 24714-17, 24719, 24724, 24726-27, 24729, 24731-33, 24735-40, 24747, 24751, 24801, 24807-11, 24813, 24815-32, 24834-36, 24839, 24841-62, 24866-74, 24877-84, 24886-92, 24894-99, 25004, 25007, 25008 (part), 25022, 25044, 25047 (part), 25048, 25060, 25062, 25076, 25121, 25135, 25140, 25159 (part), 25174, 25180, 25183, 25188-89, 25211 (part), 25235 (part), 25241 (part), 25504-05, 25507, 25508 (part), 25510 (part), 25511-12, 25514, 25517, 25519, 25520 (part), 25524 (part), 25530, 25534-35, 25537, 25541 (part), 25545, 25547, 25555, 25559, 25562, 25570 (part), 25571 (part), 25601, 25606-08, 25611-12, 25614, 25617-21, 25623-25, 25628-39, 25642-54, 25661 (part), 25663, 25665-67, 25669-72, 25674, 2567678, 25682, 2568488, 25690-94, 25696-97, 25699, 25701-29, 25770-79, 25801-02, 25810-11, 25813, 25816-18, 25820, 25823, 25825 (part), 25826-28, 25832, 25836, 25839, 25841, 25843-45, 25847-49, 25851, 25853, 25856-57, 25860, 25865, 25870-71, 25873, 25875-78, 25880 (part), 25882, 25902, 25905-09, 25911, 25913, 25915-16, 25918-22, 25926-28, 25932-34, 25939, 25943, 25951 (part), 25969 (part), 25971, 25979 (part), 25989 (part), 26681 (part) Congressional Directory WISCONSIN WISCONSIN (Population, 1990 census, 4,906,745) SENATORS HERB KOHL, Democrat, of Milwaukee, WI; born in Milwaukee on February 7, 1935; attended Sherman Elementary, Milwaukee; graduated, Washington High School, Milwau-kee, 1952; B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1956; M.B.A., Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Cambridge, MA, 1958; LL.D., Cardinal Stritch Col-lege, Milwaukee, WI, 1986 (honorary); served, U.S. Army Reserves, 1958-64; business-man; president, Herbert Kohl Investments; owner, Milwaukee Bucks NBA basketball team; past chairman, Milwaukee’s United Way Campaign; State chairman, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, 1975-77; honors and awards: Pen and Mike Club Wisconsin Sports Personality of the Year, 1985; Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Joe Killeen Memorial Sportsman of the Year, 1985; Greater Milwaukee Convention and Visitors Bureau Lam-plighter Award, 1986; Wisconsin Parkinsons Association Humanitarian of the Year, 1986; Kiwanis Milwaukee Award, 1987; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 8, 1988, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1989. Office Listings 330 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4903 224-5653 Legislative Director.—Bob Seltzer. Administrative Assistant.—Cris Coffin. Communications Director.—Dan Walter. Executive Secretary.—Arlene Branca. 205 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 297-4451 Suite 312, 14 West Mifflin Street, Madison, WI 53703 (608) 264-5338 Suite 206, 402 Graham Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701 (715) 832-8424 Room 303, 625 52d Street, Kenosha, WI 53140 ; (414) 657-7719 Suite 235, 4321 West College Avenue, Appleton, WI 54914 (414) 738-1640 RUSSELL FEINGOLD, Democrat, of Middleton, WI; born March 2, 1953 in Janes-ville, WI; graduated from Craig High School, Janesville, WI, 1971; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University, 1977; J.D., Harvard Law School, 1979; practicing attorney with Foley & Lardner and with LaFollette & Sinykin, both in Madison, WI, 1979-85; Wisconsin State Senate, January 1983 to January 1993; married to Mary Feingold; four children: daughters Jessica, and Ellen, stepsons Sam Speerschneider, and Ted Speerschneider; elected to the Senate, November 3, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1993. Office Listings 502 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4904 224-5323 Administrative Director.—Ruth Larocque. Legislative Director.—Susanne Martinez. Personal Secretary.—Mary Murphy. Communications Director.—Bob Decheine. 517 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 276-7282 8383 Greenway Boulevard, Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 828-1200 State Coordinator.—Moira Harrington. 317 First Street, Suite 107, Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 848-5660 WISCONSIN 103d Congress 329 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT PETER BARCA, Democrat, of Kenosha, WI; born August 7, 1955; graduated from Mary D. Bradford High School; B.S. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1977; M.A,, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982; attended graduate school at Harvard University; elected to the Wisconsin Assembly, 1984-93; majority caucus leader, 1991-93; honored by the Council for Exceptional Children “For Leadership, Dedication and Concern for the Handicapped,” 1988; “Legislator of the Year,” 1989; received “Governor’s Leadership Award,” 1990; married to Kathleen Hau Barca, 1979; two children: Abrianna, 1988, Peter Joseph, 1992; elected in a special election on May 4, 1993 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Les Aspin. Office Listings 1719 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515.............ccucu..... 225-3031 Executive Assistant.—Jodie A. Leu. 1661 Douglas Avenue, Racine, WI 53403 (414) 632-4446 20 South Main Street, Suite 20, Janesville, WI 53545 (608) 752-9074 Counties: Green (part), Jefferson (part), Kenosha, Racine, Rock, Walworth, Waukesha (part). Population (1990), 543,530. ZIP Codes: 53101-02, 53104-05, 53108-09, 53114-15, 53119 (part), 53120-21, 53125-26, 53128, 53130 (part), 53138-42, 53147-48, 53149 (part), 53152, 53157-59, 53167-68, 53170-71, 53176-77, 53179, 53181-82, 53184-85, 53186 (part), 53190 (part), 53191-92, 53194-95, 53400, 53402-06, 53501-02, 53505, 53508 (part), 53511, 53520, 53521 (part), 53522 (part), 53525, 53528 (part), 53534 (part), 53536-37, 53542, 53545-46, 53550, 53563 (part), 53566 (part), 53570 (part), 53574 (part), 53576, 53585 (part) SECOND DISTRICT SCOTT KLUG, Republican, from Madison, WI; born on January 16, 1953 in Milwau-kee, WI; attended grammar schools in West Allis, WI; graduated from Marquette Univer-sity High School, 1971; B.A., Lawrence University, Appleton, WI, 1975; M.A, journal-ism, Northwestern University School of Journalism, 1976; M.B.A, University of Wiscon-sin, Madison, 1990; news reporter and news anchor for WKOW-TV; investigative report-er for WILA-TV; married to the former Theresa Mary Summers; three children: Keefe, Brett and Collin; elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected on No-vember 3, 1992. Office Listings 1224 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4902 .............. 225-2906 Chief of Staff.—Brandon Scholz. Legislative Director.—Pat Browne. Press Secretary.—Jackie Dailey. Office Manager/Scheduler.—Lisa Deininger. Room 600, 16 North Carroll Street, Madison, WI 53703.........cccccerviimnnricucnruennnns (608) 257-9200 District Director.—Judy Lowell. Counties: Columbia, Dane, Dodge (part), Green (part), Iowa, Jefferson (part), Lafayette, Richland, and Sauk. Popula-tion (1990), 543,532. ZIP Codes: 53016, 53032, 53034, 53035 (part), 53039, 53059 (part), 53078 (part), 53094 (part), 53503-04, 53506-07, 53508 (part), 53510, 53515-17, 53521 (part), 53522 (part), 53523 (part), 53526-27, 53528 (part), 53529-33, 53534 (part), 53535, 53540-41, 53543 (part), 53544, 53553, 53554 (part), 53555-58, 53559 (part), 53560-62, 53565, 53566 (part), 53569 (part), 53570 (part), 53571-72, 53573 (part), 53574 (part), 53575, 53577-80, 53581 (part), 53582-84, 53585 (part), 53586-88, 53589 (part), 53590, 53593, 53594 (part), 53597-99, 53700-01, 5370308, 53711, 53713-19, 53803, 53807 (part), 53811 (part), 53817, 53818 (part), 53901, 53910 (part), 53911-13, 53916, 53923 (part), 53924 (part), 53925, 53926 (part), 53928, 53932-33, 53935, 53936 (part), 53937, 53940-44, 53948 (part), 53951, 53954 (part), 53955, 53956 (part), 53959-62, 53963 (part), 53965 (part), 5398 (part), 53969, 54634 (part), 61001 (part), 61060 (part), 61075 (part), 61087 (part), 61089 (part) 330 Congressional Directory WISCONSIN THIRD DISTRICT STEVE GUNDERSON, Republican, of Osseo, WI; born in Eau Claire, WI, May 10, 1951; attended Pleasantville grade school, Pleasantville, WI; graduated, Whitehall High School, Whitehall, WI, 1969; B.A., political science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1973; graduated, Brown School of Broadcasting, 1974; elected, Wisconsin State Legisla-ture, 1975-79; legislative director, U.S. Congressman Toby Roth, 1979-80; member: Agri-culture Committee; Education and Labor Committee; Grace Lutheran Church; Lions Club; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Con-gress. Office Listings 2235 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4903.................... 225-5506 Administrative Assistant.—Kristine A. Deininger. Legislative Director.—John Anelli. Press Secretary.—Susan Irby. P.O. Box 247, 622 East State Highway 54, Black River Falls, WI 54615 ........... (715) 284-7431 District Director.—Marlene Hanson. Counties: Barron, Buffalo, Chippewa (part), Clark (part), Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire (part), Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe (part), Pepin, Pierce, Polk (part), St. Croix, Trempealeau, and Vernon. Population (1990), 543,533. ZIP Codes: 53518, 53543 (part), 53554 (part), 53569 (part), 53573 (part), 53581 (part), 53589 (part), 53801-02, 53804-06, 53807 (part), 53808-10, 53811 (part), 53812-13, 53816, 53818 (part), 53820-21, 53824-27, 53924 (part), 53929 (part), 53968 (part), 54001-05, 54007-17, 54020-28, 54082, 54420 (part), 54436, 54446, 54456, 54465 (part), 54466 (part), 54601-03, 54610-12, 5461417, 54619 (part), 54621-26, 54627 (part), 54628, 54629 (part), 54630-32, 54634 (part), 54635-36, 54638 (part), 54639-40, 54642 (part), 5464445, 54650-52, 54653 (part), 54654-55, 54656 (part), 54657-59, 54661, 5, 54667, 54669, 54701-03, 54720-23, 54725, 54726 (part), 54727 (part), 54728 (part), 54730 (part), 54733-38, 54739 (part), 54740-44, 54746-47, 54749-51, 54754-56, 54757 (part), 54758-65, 54767, 54768 (part), 54769-70, 54771 (part), 54772-73, 54805, 54810, 54812, 54813 (part), 54818, 54822, 54824, 54826, 54829 (part), 54841, 54857, 54866, 54868, 54889 FOURTH DISTRICT GERALD D. KLECZKA, Democrat, of Milwaukee, WI; born in Milwaukee, WI, November 26, 1943; graduated Don Bosco High School, Milwaukee, 1961; attended Uni-versity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; served in the Wisconsin Air National Guard, 1963-69; served in Wisconsin Assembly, 1969-74; Wisconsin Senate, 1975-84; member: Environ-mental and Energy Study Conference, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, Con-gressional Arts Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Arms Control and Foreign Policy caucus, Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition, Democratic Study Group, LaFarge Lifelong Learning Institute, Thomas More Foundation, Polish National Alli-ance-Milwaukee Society, Polish American Congress, 19th Assembly District Democratic Party Unit, State and Milwaukee County Democratic Party; married to the former Bonnie L. Scott, 1978; elected by special election, April 3, 1984, to the 98th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2301 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4904 ................... 225-4572 Administrative Assistant.—Monica Zoltanski. Press Secretary.—Steven Radke. 5032 West Forest Home Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53219 (414) 297-1140 Wisconsin Director.—Kathryn Hein. 414 West Moreland Boulevard, Suite 105, Waukesha, WI 53186............cccuueu..... (414) 549-6360 Counties: Milwaukee (part), Waukesha (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Milwaukee (part), Waukesha (part), Pewaukee (part), Big Bend Cudahy, Greendale, Hales Corners, Franklin, New Berlin, Mukwonago, Vernon, Muskego, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, West Allis, West Milwaukee, St. Francis, and Greenfield. Population (1990), 543,527. WISCONSIN 103d Congress 331 ZIP Codes: 53072 (part), 53103, 53110, 53129, 53130 (part), 53132, 53146, 53149 (part), 53150-51, 53154, 53172, 53186 (part), 53187-88, 53193, 53202 (part), 53204, 53207, 53214 (part), 53215, 53219-21, 53227-28, 53233 FIFTH DISTRICT THOMAS M. BARRETT, Democrat, of Milwaukee, WI; born December 8, 1953 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1976; J.D. with honors, University of Wisconsin, Madison Law School, 1980; attorney; Wisconsin State Assem-bly, 1984-89; Wisconsin State Senate, 1989-92; member Wisconsin State bar; Board of Directors, Shalom High School and Transcenter Home for. Youth; Board of Directors, Sojourner Truth House; married to Kristine Mansfield Barrett, 1991; one child, Thomas John, 1992; elected on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 313 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4905...........cccceueuuee 225-3571 Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Janet Piraino. FAX: 225-1396 Executive Assistant.—Jan Miller. Legislative Director.—Achieng Akumu. Suite 618, 135 West Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414) 297-1331 District Director.—Anne DeLeo. Counties: Milwaukee County (part): CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Bayside; Brown Deer; Fox Point; Glendale; River Hills; Shorewood; Wauwatosa & Whitefish Bay. Population (1990), 543,530. ZIP Coles: 53200-01, 53202 (part), 53203, 53205-06, 53208-10, 53211 (part), 53212-13, 53214 (part), 53216, 53217 (part), 53218, 53222-26 SIXTH DISTRICT THOMAS E. PETRI, Republican, of Fond du Lac, WI; born in Marinette, WI, May 28, 1940; educated in the public schools of Fond du Lac; graduated, Lowell P. Goodrich High School, 1958; B.A., Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, 1962; and J.D., Harvard Law School, 1965; admitted to the Wisconsin State and Fond du Lac County Bar Asso-ciations, 1965; commenced practice in Fond du Lac in 1970; lawyer; law clerk to Federal Judge James Doyle, 1965; Peace Corps volunteer, 1966-67; White House aide, 1969; elected to the Wisconsin State Senate in 1972, reelected in 1976 and served until April 1979; married; one daughter; elected to the 96th Congress, by special election, April 3, 1979, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of William A. Steiger; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 2262 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4906.................... 225-2476 Administrative Assistant/Legislative Director.—Joseph Flader. Communications Director.—Neil Wright. Legislative Assistant/Office Manager.—Julie Pfister. 14 Western Avenue, Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (414) 922-1180 District Director.—Sue Kerkman. 105 Washington Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 231-6333 Counties: Adams; Brown (part); Calumet (part); Fond du Lac (part); Green Lake; Juneau; Manitowoc (part); Marquette; Monroe (part); Outagamie (part); Sheboygan (part); Waupaca; Waushara; Winnebago. CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Adams, Adrian, Algoma, Alto, Angelo (part), Armenia, Ashford (part), Auburn, Aurora, Bear Creek, Berlin, Big Falls, Big Flats, Black Wolf, Bloomfield, Brandon, Brillion, Brooklyn, Brothertown, Buchanan, Buffalo, Byron, Byron, Caledonia, Calumet, Camp Douglas, Campbellspot, Cascade, Cato, Centeville, Charleston, Chilton, Chitton, Clayton, Clearfield, Cleveland, Clifton, Clintonville, Colburn, Coloma, Combined Locks, Cooperstown (part), Crystal Lake, Cutler, Dakota, Dayton, Deerfield, Dell Prairie, Douglas, DuPont, Easton, Eaton, Eden, Eldorado, Elkhart Lake, Elroy, Embarras, Empire, Endeavor, Fairwater, Farmington, Finley, Fond du Lac, Forest, Foun-tain, Francis Creek, Franklin, Fremont, Friendship, Germantown, Gibson Kossuth, Glenbeulah, Glendale, Grant, Green Lake, Greenbush, Greenfield, Hancock, Harris, Harrison, Helvetia, Hilbert, Holland, Hustler, Iola, Jackson, 332 Congressional Directory WISCONSIN Jefferson (part), Kellnersville, Kendall, Kiel, Kildare, Kimberly, Kingston, Lafayette (part), LaGrange, Lamartine, Larabee, Lebanon, Lemonwier, Leola, Leon, Liberty, Lima, Lincoln, Lind, Linding, Lisbon, Little Chute, Little Wolf, Lohrville, Lyndon, Lyndon Station, Mackford, Manchester, Manitowoc, Maple Grove, Maribel, Marion, Markesan, Marquette, Marshfield, Matteson, Mauston, Mecan, Meeme, Menasha, Menasha, Metomer, Mishicot, Mitchel, Monroe, Montello, Moundville, Mount Morris, Mukwa, Munawa, Munitowoc, Necedah, Neerah, Nekimi, Nepeuskon, Neshkoro, New Chester, New Haven, New Holstein, New Lisbon, New London, New Lyme (part), Newton, North Fon du Lac, Norwalk, Oakdale, Oakfield, Oakfield, Oasis, Ogdensburg, Omro, Orange, Osceola, Oshkosh, Oxford, Packwaukee, Plainfield, Plymouth, Potter, Poygan, Poysippi, Preston, Princeton, Quincy, Ran-toul, Redgranite, Reedsville, Rhine, Richfield, Richford, Ridgeville, Ripon, Rockland, Rome, Rose, Rosendale, Royalton, Rushford, Russell, Saxeville, Scandinavia, Schleswig, Scott, Seneca, Sheboygan Falls, Sheldon, Sher-wood, Shields, Springfield, Springvale, Springville, Springwater, St. Cloud, St. Lawrence, St. Marie, St. Nazianz, Stockbridge, Strongs Prairie, S it, Taycheedah, Tomah, Tomah Seven Mile Creek, Two Creeks, Two Rivers, Union, Union Center, Utica, Valders, Vinland, Waldo, Warren, Waupaca, Waupun, Wautoma, Wellington, Wells (part), Westfield, Weyauwega, Whitelaw, Wild Rose, Wilton, Winchester, Winnecome, Wolf River, Wonewoc, Woodville, Wrightstown (part), Wyeville, Wyoming. Population (1990), 543,652. ZIP Codes: 53006 (part), 53009, 53010 (part), 53011 (part), 53014-15, 53019-20, 53023, 53026, 53031, 53040 (part), 53042, 53044, 53048 (part), 53049, 53057, 53061-63, 53065, 53070 (part), 53073 (part), 53079, 53081 (part), 53083 (part), 53085, 53088, 53093 (part), 53910 (part), 53919-21, 53923 (part), 53926 (part), 53927, 53929 (part), 53930-31, 53934, 53936 (part), 53939, 53945-47, 53948 (part), 53949-50, 53952-53, 53954 (part), 53956 (part), 53963 (part), 53964, 53965 (part), 54110 (part), 54123, 54126 (part), 54129, 54130 (part), 54160, 54169, 54170 (part), 54206 (part), 54207, 54208 (part), 54214, 54215 (part), 54220, 54227-28, 54230, 54232, 54240-41, 54245, 54247, 54413, 54457 (part), 54466 (part), 54486 (part), 54613, 54618, 54619 (part), 54620, 54627 (part), 54629 (part), 54637, 54638 (part), 54641, 54642 (part), 54643, 54646, 54648-49, 54653 (part), 54656 (part), 54660, 54662, 54666, 54670-71, 54901-04, 54909 (part), 54911 (part), 54915, 54921 (part), 54922 (part), 54923, 54926-27, 54929-30, 54932-36, 54940 (part), 54941, 54943, 54945-47, 54949, 54950 (part), 54952, 54956 (part), 54957, 54960, 54961 (part), 54962-65, 54966 (part), 54967-68, 54970-71, 54974-77, 54979-80, 54981 (part), 54982-86, 54990 SEVENTH DISTRICT DAVID R. OBEY, Democrat, of Wausau, WI; born in Okmulgee, OK, October 3, 1938; graduated Wausau High School, 1956; M.A. degree in political science, University of Wisconsin, 1960 (graduate work in Russian government and foreign policy); elected to tke Wisconsin Legislature from Marathon County’s 2d District at the age of 24; reelected three times; assistant Democratic floor leader; married Joan Lepinski of Wausau, WI, 1962; two sons: Craig David and Douglas David; elected to the 91st Congress by special election, April 1, 1969, to fill vacancy created by resignation of Melvin R. Laird; reelect-ed to each succeeding Congress; member: House Committee on Appropriations, Subcom-mittees on Labor-HEW, chairman, Foreign Operations, and chairman, Joint Economic Committee. Office Listings 2462 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4907 ................... 225-3365 Staff Director.—Joseph R. Crapa. Executive Assistant/Personal Secretary.—Carly M. Burns. Press Secretary.—Jack Kole. Federal Building, 317 First Street, Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 842-5606 District Representative.—Jerry Madison. Counties: Ashland; Bayfield; Burnett; Chippewa (part); Clark (part); Douglas; Eau Claire (part); Iron; Lincoln; Mara-thon; Oneida (part); Polk (part); Portage; Price; Rusk; Sawyer; Taylor; Washburn; Wood. Population (1990), 543,529. ZIP Codes: 54006, 54024 (part), 54401-02, 54405-07, 54408 (part), 54409 (part), 54410-12, 54413 (part), 54414 (part), 54415, 54417, 54419, 54421-23, 54425-26, 54427 (part), 54429, 54432-34, 54435 (part), 54443, 54447-49, 54451-55, 54457 (part), 54458-60, 54463 (part), 54466 (part), 54467, 54469-71, 54473-76, 54479-81, 54484, 54487-90, 54494, 54498, 54499 (part), 54501 (part), 54513-15, 54517, 54524-30, 54532, 54534, 54536-37, 54546 (part), 54547-50, 54552, 54555-56, 54559, 54563-65, 54702 (part), 54703 (part), 54724, 54726 (part), 54727 (part), 54729, 54731-32, 54739 (part), 54745, 54748, 54757 (part), 54766, 54768 (part), 54771 (part), 54801, 54806, 54813 (part), 54814, 54815, 54816-17, 54819-21, 54824 (part), 54825, 54827-28, 54829 (part), 54830, 54832, 54833, 5483440, 54842-51, 54852, 54853-56, 54858-59, 54861-62, 54864-65, 54867, 54870-76, 54880, 54888, 54890-91, 54893-96, 54909 (part), 54921 (part) EIGHTH DISTRICT TOBY ROTH, Republican, of Appleton, WI; born in Strasburg, ND, on October 10, 1938; B.A., Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 1961; first lieutenant, U.S. Army Re-serve, 1962-69; realtor; elected to Wisconsin Legislature, 1972, reelected 1974 and 1976; WISCONSIN 103d Congress 333 selected as “Wisconsin Legislator of the Year” by Wisconsin Towns Association, 1978; former member and president, Northside Businessmen’s Association; American Legion Post 38; honorary member, Optimists; former chairman, Outagamie County Young Re-publicans; former member, Jaycees, Fox Valley Board of Realtors, Wisconsin Exchange Club; married to the former Barbara Fischer, 1964; three children: Toby, Jr., Vicky, and Barbie; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member: Foreign Affairs Committee and Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee, Sportsmen’s Caucus, Republican Study Committee and Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus. Office Listings 2234 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4908................... 225-5665 Administrative Assistant.—Joseph Western. FAX: 225-0087 Legislative Director.—Mark R. Evans. Press Secretary.—Frank Maisano. 2301 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 ...........cocoerercenirnrensenvnninrsseenns (414) 433-3931 126 North Oneida Street, Appleton, WI 5491 1...........ccininssnnimasmimeissimerser (414) 739-4167 Senior District Staff Assistant.—John Fink. Counties: Brown (part); Calumet (part); Door; Florence; Forest; Kewaunee; Langlade; Manitowoc (part); Marinette; Menominee; Oconto; Oneida (part); Outagamie (part); Shawano; Vilas. Population (1990), 543,404. ZIP Codes: 49935 (part), 49936, 54101-04, 54106-08, 54110 (part), 54111-15, 54119-21, 54124-25, 54126 (part), 54127- 28, 54130 (part), 54131, 54135-41, 54143, 54149-54, 54155 (part), 5415657, 54159, 54161-62, 54164-66, 54170 (part), 54171-77, 54180, 54182, 54201-02, 54204-05, 54206 (part), 54208 (part), 54209-13, 54215 (part), 5421617, 54226, 54229, 54231, 54234-35, 54246, 54300-08, 54324, 54408 (part), 54409 (part), 54414 (part), 54416, 54418, 54424, 54427 (part), 54428, 54430, 54435 (part), 54444-45, 54450, 54462, 54463 (part), 54464, 54465 (part), 54485, 54486 (part), 54491, 54499 (part), 54501 (part), 54511-12, 54516, 5451921, 54531, 54538 (part), 54539-42, 54545, 54546 (part), 54554, 54557, 54558 (part), 54560-62, 54566-67, 54568 (part), 54911 (part), 54912-14, 54922 (part), 54928, 54931, 54940 (part), 54942, 54944, 54948, 54950 (part), 54951, 54956 (part), 54961 (part), 54969, 54978 NINTH DISTRICT F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JRr., Republican, of Menomonee Falls, WI; born in Chicago, IL, June 14, 1943; graduated from Milwaukee Country Day School, 1961; A.B., Stanford University, 1965; J.D., University of Wisconsin Law School, 1968; admitted to the Wisconsin bar, 1968; commenced practice in Cedarburg, WI; admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, 1972; attorney; elected to the Wisconsin Assembly in 1968, reelected in 1970, 1972, and 1974; elected to Wisconsin Senate in a special election in 1975 and reelected in 1976, serving as assistant minority leader; staff member of former U.S. Congressman J. Arthur Younger of California, 1965; member: Waukesha County Re-publican Party, Wisconsin Bar Association, Riveredge Nature Center, Friends of Museum, and American Philatelic Society; married to the former Cheryl Warren, March 26, 1977; two sons: Frank James III, born December 21, 1981; and Robert Alan, born January 21, 1984; elected to the 96th Congress, November 7, 1978; reelected to each suc-ceeding Congress. Office Listings 2332 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4909................... 225-5101 Administrative Assistant. —Todd R. Schultz. Legislative Director.—Brian Dean. Office Manager.—Arlene 1. Davis. Press Secretary.—John Krueger. Room 154, 120 Bishops Way, Brookfield, WI 53005 .........cccceerrrerrrinniciicnninnnenne. (414) 784-1111 Home Secretary.—Tom Schreibel. 334 Congressional Directory WISCONSIN Counties: Dodge (part), Fond du Lac (part), Jefferson (part), Ozaukee, Sheboygan (part), Washington, Waukesha (part). Population (1990), 543,532. ZIP Codes: 53002-09, 53010 (part), 53012-13, 53016-18, 53021-22, 53024, 53027, 53029, 53032-39, 53040 (part), 53044 (part), 53045-48, 53050-52, 53056, 53058-60, 53064, 53066, 53069, 53070 (part), 53072 (part), 53074-78, 53080-82, 53083 (part), 53085 (part), 53086, 53089, 53091-92, 53094-95, 53099, 53118, 53119 (part), 53122, 53127, 53137, 53153, 53156 (part), 53178, 53183, 53186 (part), 53188 (part), 53217 (part), 53224 (part), 53523 (part), 53538 (part), 53549, 53551, 53557, 53579, 53594 (part), 53916, 53922, 53963 (part) WYOMING 103d Congress WYOMING (Population, 1990 census, 455,975) SENATORS MALCOLM WALLOP, Republican, of Big Horn, WY; born in New York, NY, Feb-ruary 27, 1933; attended Big Horn elementary schools; graduated, Cate School, Carpin-teria, CA, 1950; B.A., English, Yale University, 1954; served in the U.S. Army, 1955-57; rancher and businessman; served in Wyoming House of Representatives, 1969-72; Senate, 1973-76; member: Wyoming Stockgrowers Association, Farm Bureau, National Cattle-men’s Association, American Legion, Episcopal Church; married to the former French Carter Gamble; five children: Malcolm, Matthew, Amy, Paul, and Scott; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 2, 1976, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1977; reelected November 2, 1982; reelected November 8, 1988. Office Listings 237 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-5001 Administrative Assistant.—Patricia McDonald. Legislative Director.—Michael Hoon. Press Secretary.—Janis Budge. 2009 Federal Center, Cheyenne, WY 82001 : (307) 634-0626 State Representative.—Byra Kite. 2201 Federal Building, Casper, WY 82601 (307) 261-5415 P.O. Box 1014, Post Office Building, Lander, WY 82520 .... (307) 332-2293 2515 Foothill Boulevard, Rock Springs, WY 82901 (307) 382-5127 40 South Main, Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 672-6456 ALAN K. SIMPSON, Republican, of Cody, WY; son of former Senator Milward Simpson; born in Denver, CO, September 2, 1931; attended the public schools of Cody, WY; graduated Cody High School, 1949; B.S.L., University of Wyoming, Laramie, 1954, and J.D., 1958; served in the U.S. Army, 1954-56; lawyer; admitted to the Wyoming State bar, 1958; commenced practice in Cody, WY; partner, law firm of Simpson, Kepler, Simpson & Cozzens; assistant attorney general of Wyoming, 1958-59; city attorney, Cody, WY, and U.S. Commissioner, 1959-69; member, Wyoming House of Representa-tives, 1964-77; member, American Bar Association, Association of Trial Lawyers of America; admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, 1964; member, boards of trustees: Buffalo Bill Historical Center (Cody, WY), Gottsche Foundation Rehabilitation Center (Thermopolis, WY); member: Episcopal Church, VFW, Rotary Club, Eagles, B.P.O.E., various Masonic bodies and the Shrine, also active in various other civic and community organizations; married to the former Ann Schroll, 1954; three children: Wil-liam Lloyd, Colin Mackenzie, and Susan Lorna; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 7, 1978, for the 6-year term beginning January 3, 1979; subsequently appointed by the Gov-ernor, January 1, 1979, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Clifford P. Hansen; reelected on November 6, 1984 and again in November 6, 1990; elected assist-ant majority leader of the Senate, November 29, 1984; elected assistant Republican leader of the Senate, 1987, reelected Assistant Republican Leader of the Senate, 1992. Office Listings 261 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-5002 224-3424 Chief of Staff.—Donald L. Hardy. Scheduler.—Laurie Birleffi Rosen. Legislative Director.—Brent Erickson. Press Secretary.—Stan Cannon. Suite 1, 1737 East Sheridan, Cody, WY 82414 (307) 527-7121 2632 Foothill Boulevard, No. 104, Rock Springs, WY 82901 (307) 382-5079 3201 Federal Building, Casper, WY 82601 (307) 261-5172 2007 Federal Office Building, Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 772-2477 2120 Grand Avenue, Laramie, WY 82070 (307) 745-5303 P.O. Box 3155, Gillette, WY 82716 (307) 682-7091 1120 Maple Way, Suite C, Jackson, WY 83001 (307) 739-9507 Congressional Directory WYOMING REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE CRAIG THOMAS, Republican, of Casper, WY; born February 17, 1933 in Cody, WY; B.A., University of Wyoming, 1955; served in the U.S. Marine Corps, captain, 1955-59; small businessman; vice president, Wyoming Farm Bureau, 1959-66; general manager, American Farm Bureau, 1966-75; general manager, Wyoming Rural Electric Association, 1975-89; elected to the Wyoming House of Representatives, 1985-88; married to Susan Thomas; four children; elected by special election April 25, 1989 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dick Cheney; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 1019 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-5001 Administrative Assistant.—Elizabeth Brimmer. Office Manager.—Dan Kunsman. Press Secretary.—Tad Segal. Room 4003, Federal Building, Casper, WY 82601-1969 Room 2015, Federal Building, Cheyenne, WY 82001-3631 ... Suite 101, 2632 Foothill Boulevard, Rock Springs, WY 82901 FAX: (307) (307) (307) 225-2311 225-0726 261-5413 772-2451 362-5012 Population (1990), 455,975. ZIP Codes: 59030 (part), 59311 (part), 69352 (part), 69358 (part), 82001, 82003, 82007, 82009, 82050-55, 82057, 82059-63, 82070-71, 82080-84, 82190, 82201, 82210, 82212-15, 82217-25, 82227-29, 82240, 82242-44, 82301, 82310, 82321-25, 82327, 82329, 82331-32, 82334-36, 82401, 82410-12, 82414, 82420-23, 82425-28, 82430, 82431 (part), 82432-35, 82440-43, 82450, 82501, 82510, 82512-16, 82520, 82523-24, 82601-02, 82604, 82609, 82615, 82620, 82630-31, 82633, 82635-40, 82642-44, 8264849, 82701, 82710-16, 82720-21, 82723-25, 82727, 82729-32, 82801, 82831, 82832 (part), 82833-40, 82842, 8284445, 82901-02, 82922-23, 82925-26, 82929-30, 82932-39, 82941-45, 83001, 83011-14, 83025, 83101, 83110-16, 83118-24, 83126-28 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 103d Congress 337 AMERICAN SAMOA (Population, 1990 Census, 46,773) DELEGATE ENI FH. FALEOMAVAEGA, Democrat, of Vailoatai, Pago Pago, AS, graduate of Kahuku High School, Hawaii, 1962; B.A., Brigham Young University, 1966; J.D., Uni-versity of Houston Law School, 1972; LL.M., University of California, Berkeley, 1973; enlisted U.S. Army, 1966-69, Vietnam veteran; Captain USAR, Judge Advocate General Corps, 1982-92; adminstrative assistant to American Samoa’s Delegate to Washington, 1973-75; staff counsel, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 1975-81; deputy attor-ney general, American Samoa, 1981-84; elected Lieutenant Governor, American Samoa, 1984-89; member: Committee on Foreign Affairs, Committee on Natural Resources, Committee on Education and Labor, Congressional ‘Human Rights Caucus, Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus, Democratic Study Group, Congressional Arts Caucus, Con-gressional Hispanic Caucus, admitted to U.S. Supreme Court and American Samoa Bars; member: National Conference of Lieutenant Governors, National Association of Secretar-ies of State, VFW, Navy League of the United States, National Indian American Prayer Breakfast Group, Pago Pago Lions Club; married to Hinanui Bambridge Cave of Tahiti; five children; elected as the American Samoan Delegate to the 101st Congress, November 8, 1988; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings 109 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-5201....................... 225-8577 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Nancy Leong. FAX: 225-8757 Legislative Director.—Martin Yerick. Public Affairs Coordinator.—Ali’imau Scanlan. P.O. Drawer X, Pago Pago, AS 96799 (684) 633-1372 FAX: (684) 633-2680 Population (1990), 46,773. ZIP Codes: 96799 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Population, 1990 census, 606,900) DELEGATE ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, Democrat, of Washington, DC; born in Washing-ton, DC, June 13, 1937; attended public schools, graduating from Dunbar High School, 1955; B.A., Antioch College, 1960; M.A., Yale Graduate School, 1963; J.D., Yale Law School, 1964; honorary degrees: Tougalvo University (1992); University of Southern Connecticut (1992), Fisk (1991), University of Hartford (1990); Ohio Wesleyan University (1990); Wake Forest University (1990); Colgate University (1989); Drury College (1989); Florida International University (1989); St. Lawrence University (1989); University of Wisconsin (1989); Rutgers University (1988); St. Joseph’s College (1988); University of Lowell (1988); Sojourner-Douglas College, (1987); Salem State College (1987); Haverford College (1986); Lesley College (1986); New Haven University (1986); University of San Diego (1986); Bowdoin College (1985); Antioch College (1985); Tufts University (1984); University of Massachusetts (1983); Smith College (1983); Medical College of Pennsylva-nia (1983); Spelman College (1982); Syracuse University (1981); Yeshiva University (1981); Lawrence University (1981); Emanuel College (1981); Wayne State University (1980); Gallaudet College (1980); Denison University (1980); New York University (1978); Howard University (1978); Brown University (1978); Wilberforce University (1978); Georgetown University (1977); City College of New York (1975); Marymount College (1974); Princeton University (1973); Bard College (1971); Cedar Crest College 338 Congressional Directory GUAM (1969); chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (1977-81); professor of law, Georgetown University (1982-90); chair, New York Commission on Human Rights (1970-76); executive assistant to the mayor of New York City (concurrent appointment); law clerk, Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Federal District Court, 3d Circuit; attorney, ad-mitted to practice by examination in the District of Columbia and Pennsylvania and in the U.S. Supreme Court; One Hundred Most Important Women (Ladies Home Journal, 1988); One Hundred Most Powerful Women in Washington (The Washingtonian Maga-zine, September 1989); Ralph E. Shikes Bicentennial Fellow, Harvard Law School (Fall 1987); Visiting Phi Beta Kappa Scholar (1985); Visiting Fellow, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government (Spring 1984); Distinguished Public Service Award, Center for National Policy (1985); Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecturer, University of California Law School (Boalt Hall) at Berkeley (Fall 1981); Yale Law School Association Citation of Merit Medal to the Outstanding Alumnus of the Law School (1980); Harper Fellow, Yale Law School (1976 (for “a person . . . who has made a distinguished contri-bution to the public life of the nation. . . .””). Rockefeller Foundation, trustee (1982-90); Community Foundation of Greater Washington, board; Yale Corporation, (1982-88); Council on Foreign Relations; Overseas Development Council; U.S. Committee to Moni-tor the Helsinki accords; Carter Center, Atlanta, Georgia; boards of Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change and Environmental Law Institute; Workplace Health Fund; vice chair, Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Committee on Public Works and Transportation; member: Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment, Public Works and Transportation; Chair, Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits and Postal Operations; Post Office and Civil Service Committee; member of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs and Health; and vice chairman, Subcommittee on Judici-ary and Education, District of Columbia Committee; divorced; two children: John and Rathenine, elected to the 102d Congress on November 6, 1990; reelected November 3, 2 Office Listings 1415 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-5100 225-8050 Administrative Assistant/Press Secretary.—Donna Brazile. FAX: 225-3002 Legislative Director.—Michele Booth. Executive Assistant.—Michele Edmondson. Staff Assistant.—IL Moore. ouis Population (1990): 606,900. ZIP Codes: 20000-13, 20015-20, 20024, 20026, 20029-30, 20032-33, 20035-40, 20041 (part), 20042, 2004453, 20055-60, 20062-71, 20073-76, 20080-82, 20084, 20088, 20090, 20097-98, 20201-31, 20233-35, 2023942, 20244-45, 20250-51, 20260-61, 20265-66, 20268, 20305-07, 20310, 20314-15, 20317-19, 20324, 20330, 20332-38, 20350, 20360-63, 20370 76, 20380, 20388-89, 20391, 20401-16, 20418-25, 20427-31, 20433, 20435-36, 20439-42, 20444, 20451, 20453, 20456, 20460, 20463, 20468-70, 20472, 20500-07, 20510, 20515, 20520-21, 20523-27, 20530-44, 20546-55, 20557-60, 20565-66, 20570-73, 20575-81, 20585-86, 20590-91, 20593-95, 20597, 20599 GUAM (Population, 1990 census, 133,152) DELEGATE ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD, Democrat, of Baza Gardens, GU; born in Tamuning, Guam, July 13, 1948; graduated from John F. Kennedy High School, 1965; B.A. (1969) and M.A. (1971), history, California State University; D.Ed., University of Southern Cali-fornia, 1987; administrator and curriculum writer in Guam public schools, 1972-76; re-tired as a full professor of education, University of Guam, 1992; director, a bilingual edu-cation service center for Micronesia, Dean of the College of Education and Academic Vice President; chair, Chamorro Language Commission, 1977-89; member: Guam Review Board for Historical Preservation; board member: Guam Council on the Human-ities; married to the former Lorraine Aguilar; five children: Sophia, Roberto, Ricardo, Ramon and Raphael; elected to the House of Representatives on November 7, 1992; member: House Committee on Armed Services and Natural Resources. PUERTO RICO 103d Congress 339 Office Listings 507 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-5301 225-1188 Administrative Director.—Terri Schroeder. FAX: 226-0341 Legislative Director.—Staci Williams. Office Manager.—Myat M. Khaing. Press Secretary.—Keith Parsky. Scheduler.—Angie Borja. 190 Hernan Cortez Street, Suite 106, Agana, GU 96910 (671) 477-4272 FAX: (671) 477-2587 Population, (1990) census, 133,152. ZIP Codes: 96910-19, 96921-31 PUERTO RICO (Population, 1990 census, 3,522,037) RESIDENT COMMISSIONER CARLOS ROMERO-BARCELO, Democrat, of San Juan, Puerto Rico; born on Sep-tember 4, 1932 in San Juan, Puerto Rico; B.A., Yale University; LL.B., J.D., University of Puerto Rico, 1956; attorney; president, Citizens for State 51, 1965-67; elected mayor, San Juan, PR, 1969-77; member, board of directors, U.S. Conference of Mayors and Na-tional League of Cities, 1973-74; president, National League of Cities, 1974-75; president, New Progressive Party, 1974-85 and 1989-92; elected Governor of Puerto Rico, 1977-85; chairman, Southern Governors’ Association, 1980-81; elected to the Senate of Puerto Rico, 1986-89; honorary degree, LL.D., University of Bridgeport, 1977; awards: U.S. At-torney General’s Medal for Eminent Public Service, U.S. Department of Justice, 1981; Special Gold Medal Award, Achievements in Bilingual Education, Spanish Institute, New York, 1979; James J. & Jane Hoey Award for Interracial Justice, Catholic Interra-cial Council, New York, 1977; Outstanding Young Man of the Year, Jaycees, 1968; author, “Statehood is for the Poor,” New Progressive Party, 1978; author, article, “U.S.A.: The Case for Statehood,” Foreign Affairs, 1980; married to Kathleen R. Don-nelly, 1966; four children: Carlos, Andrés, Juan Carlos, and Melinda; elected as a Demo-crat/New Progessive Party candidate on November 3, 1992 to the 103d Congress. Office Listings 1517 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC Administrative Assistant.—Pedro Rivera-Casiano. 20515-5401 FAX: 225-2615 225-1959 P.O. Press Secretary.—Kenneth C. Oliver. Legislative Assistant.—Juan Carlos Iturregui. Office Manager.—Alba Bernart. Box 4751, Old San Juan, PR 00902 % . (809) 225-5046 225-5038 723-6333 Population (1990), 3,522,037. ZIP Codes: 00601-05, 00607-13, 00615-23, 00625-35, 00638-40, 00642-48, 00650, 00652-62, 00664-73, 00701, 00706-09, 00715-21, 00723-24, 00731-34, 00740-55, 00757-68, 00901-31, 00934, 00936, 00938, 00940, 00949-50 Congressional Directory VIRGIN ISLANDS VIRGIN ISLANDS (Population, 1990 census, 101,809) DELEGATE RON bE LUGO, Democrat, of St. Croix, Virgin Islands; born August 2, 1930; educat-ed at Saints Peter and Paul School, St. Thomas, VI, and Colegio San Jose in Puerto Rico; served in the Armed Services, 1948-50; program director and announcer, Armed Services Radio, 1948; WSTA Radio, St. Thomas, VI, 1950; WIVI Radio, St. Croix, 1955; founder of Virgin Islands Carnival, 1952; at large Senator, Virgin Islands Legislature, 1956-66; delegate, Democratic National Conventions, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968; elected Democratic National Committeeman, 1959; Administrator, St. Croix, VI, 1961; elected first Washington Representative for the Virgin Islands, 1968-72; delegate, Virgin Islands Constitutional Convention, 1971-72; elected to 93d Congress as first delegate from the Virgin Islands, November 1972; reelected to successive terms as Delegate, 1974 and 1976; defeated as Democratic candidate for Governor of the Virgin Islands; elected to the 97th Congress, November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Congress; member, Territorial Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Travel and Tourism Caucus, Congressional Human Rights Caucus, associate member of Black Caucus; chairman, Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs; vice chairman, Subcommittee on Aviation, Committee on Public Works and Transportation; married, Sheila Paiewonsky Chamorro. Office Listings 2427 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-5501 225-1790 Administrative Assistant.—Sheila Ross. FAX: 225-9392 Legislative Director.—Hazel Ross-Robinson. Office Manager.—Marlon G. Rogiers. Press Secretary.—Page Stull. Federal Building, Suite 256, St. Thomas, VI 00801 ... (809) 774-4408 U.S. Federal Building, Suite 313, 3031 Golden Rock, St. Croix, VI 00820- 4355 (809) 778-5900 District Supervisor.—Sam Bough. Cities and townships: Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Cruz Bay, St. John, Cristiansted, St. Croix, Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Population (1990), 101,809. Zip Codes: 00801-04, 00820-21, 00830-31, 00840-41, 00850-51. STATE Number which precedes name Democrats in roman; Howell Heflin DELEGATIONS of Representative designates congressional district. Republicans in italic; Independent in bold. ALABAMA SENATORS Richard C. Shelby REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 4; Republicans, 3] 1. Sonny Callahan 4. Tom Bevill 7. Earl F. Hilliard 2. Terry Everett 5. Bud Cramer 3. Glen Browder 6. Spencer Bachus ALASKA SENATORS Ted Stevens Frank H. Murkowski REPRESENTATIVE [Republican, 1] At Large—Don Young ARIZONA SENATORS Dennis DeConcini John McCain REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 3; Republicans, 3] 1. Sam Coppersmith 3. Bob Stump 5. Jim Kolbe 2. Ed Pastor 4. Jon Kyl 6. Karan English ARKANSAS SENATORS Dale Bumpers David Pryor REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 2; Republicans, 2] 1. Blanche M. Lambert 3. Tim Hutchinson 2. Ray Thornton 4. Jay Dickey Congressional Directory CALIFORNIA SENATORS Dianne Feinstein Barbara Boxer REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 30; Republicans, 22] . Dan Hamburg 20. Calvin M. Dooley . Steve Horn . Wally Herger 21. Bill Thomas . Ed Royce Vic Fazio 22. Michael Huffington . Jerry Lewis . John T. Doolittle 23. Elton Gallegly . Jay Kim Robert T. Matsui 24. Anthony C. Beilenson . George E. Brown, Jr. Lynn Woolsey 25. Howard P. (Buck) . Ken Calvert . George Miller McKeon . Alfred A. (Al) . Nancy Pelosi 26. Howard L. Berman McCandless . Ronald V. Dellums 27. Carlos J. Moorhead . Dana Rohrabacher . Bill Baker 28. David Dreier . Robert K. Dornan . Richard W. Pombo 29. Henry A. Waxman . Christopher Cox . Tom Lantos 30. Xavier Becerra . Ron Packard . Fortney Pete Stark 31. Matthew G. Martinez . Lynn Schenk . Anna G. Eshoo 32. Julian C. Dixon . Bob Filner . Norman Y. Mineta 33. Lucille Roybal-Allard . Randy (Duke) . Don Edwards 34. Esteban Edward Torres Cunningham . Sam Farr 35. Maxine Waters . Duncan Hunter . Gary A. Condit 36. Jane Harman . Richard H. Lehman 37. Walter R. Tucker III COLORADO SENATORS Hank Brown Ben Nighthorse Campbell REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 2; Republicans, 4] . Patricia Schroeder 3. Scott McInnis 5. Joel Hefley . David E. Skaggs 4. Wayne Allard 6. Dan Schaefer CONNECTICUT SENATORS Christopher J. Dodd Joseph I. Lieberman REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 3; Republicans, 3] . Barbara B. Kennelly 3. Rosa L. DeLauro 5. Gary A. Franks . Sam Gejdenson 4. Christopher Shays 6. Nancy L. Johnson DELAWARE SENATORS William V. Roth, Jr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. REPRESENTATIVE [Republican 1] At Large—Michael N. Castle State Delegations FLORIDA SENATORS Bob Graham Connie Mack REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 10; Republicans, 13] . Earl Hutto . Michael Bilirakis . Carrie Meek . Pete Peterson . C.W. Bill Young . Ileana Ros-Lehtinen . Corrine Brown . Sam Gibbons . Harry A. Johnston . Tillie Fowler . Charles T. Canady . Peter Deutsch . Karen L. Thurman . Dan Miller . Lincoln Diaz-Balart . Cliff Stearns . PorterJ. Goss . E. Clay Shaw, Jr. . John L. Mica . Jim Bacchus . Alcee L. Hastings . Bill McCollum . Tom Lewis GEORGIA SENATORS Sam Nunn Paul Coverdell REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 7; Republicans, 4] . Jack Kingston 5. John Lewis 9. Nathan Deal Sanford Bishop 6. Newt Gingrich 10. Don Johnson . Mac Collins 7. George (Buddy) Darden 11. Cynthia McKinney . John Linder 8. J. Roy Rowland HAWAII SENATORS Daniel K. Inouye Daniel K. Akaka REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 2] 1. Neil Abercrombie 2. Patsy T. Mink IDAHO SENATORS Larry E. Craig Dick Kempthorne REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republican, 1] 1. Larry LaRocco 2. Michael D. Crapo ILLINOIS SENATORS Paul Simon Carol Moseley-Braun REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 12; Republicans, 8] . Bobby L. Rush . Philip M. Crane . Thomas W. Ewing . Mel Reynolds Sidney R. Yates . Donald Manzullo . William O. Lipinski John Edward Porter . Lane Evans . Luis V. Gutierrez . George E. Sangmeister . Robert H. Michel . Dan Rostenkowski Jerry F. Costello . Glenn Poshard . Henry J. Hyde . Harris W. Fawell . Richard J. Durbin . Cardiss Collins . J. Dennis Hastert Congressional Directory Richard G. Lugar . Peter J. Visclosky 5. . Philip R. Sharp 6. . Timothy J. Roemer 7. . Jill L. Long 8. Charles E. Grassley . James A. Leach 3. . Jim Nussle 4. Robert Dole . Pat Roberts 3. . Jim Slattery 4. Wendell H. Ford . Tom Barlow 3. . William H. Natcher 4. J. Bennett Johnston . Bob Livingston 4. . William J. Jefferson 5. . W.J. (Billy) Tauzin 6. William S. Cohen 1. Thomas H. Andrews INDIANA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 7; Republicans, Steve Buyer Dan Burton John T. Myers Frank McCloskey IOWA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republicans, Jim Lightfoot Neal Smith KANSAS SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 2; Republicans, Jan Meyers Dan Glickman KENTUCKY SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 4; Republicans, Romano L. Mazzoli Jim Bunning LOUISIANA SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats 4; Republicans, Cleo Fields Jim McCrery Richard H. Baker MAINE SENATORS REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republican, Dan Coats 3] 9. Lee H. Hamilton 10. Andrew Jacobs, Jr. Tom Harkin 4] 5. Fred Grandy Nancy Landon Kassebaum 2] Mitch McConnell 2] 5. Harold Rogers 6. Scotty Baesler John B. Breaux 3] 7. James A. Hayes George J. Mitchell 1] 2. Olympia J. Snowe State Delegations . Jamie L. Whitten 3. G.V. (Sonny) 4. Mike Parker . Bennie Thompson Montgomery 5. Gene Taylor WN NBN = WIN MARYLAND SENATORS Paul S. Sarbanes Barbara A. Mikulski REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 4; Republicans, 4] . Wayne T. Gilchrest 4. Albert R. Wynn 7. Kweisi Mfume . Helen Delich Bentley S. Steny H. Hoyer 8. Constance A. Morella . Benjamin L. Cardin 6. Roscoe G. Bartlett COJO\W MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS Edward M. Kennedy John F. Kerry REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 8; Republican, 2] . John W. Olver . Martin T. Meehan 9. John Joseph Moakley . Richard E. Neal . Peter G. Torkildsen 10. Gerry E. Studds . Peter I. Blute . Edward J. Markey . Barney Frank . Joseph P. Kennedy II MICHIGAN SENATORS Donald W. Riegle, Jr. Carl Levin REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 10; Republicans, 6] . Bart Stupak 7. Nick Smith 13. William D. Ford . Peter Hoekstra 8 . Bob Carr 14. John Conyers, Jr. . Paul B. Henry 9. Dale E. Kildee 15. Barbara-Rose Collins . Dave Camp 10 . David E. Bonior 16. John D. Dingell James A. Barcia 11 . Joseph Knollenberg . Fred Upton . Sander M. Levin MINNESOTA SENATORS Dave Durenberger Paul David Wellstone REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 6; Republicans, 2] . Timothy J. Penny 4. Bruce F. Vento 7. Collin C. Peterson . David Minge S Martin Olav Sabo 8. James L. Oberstar . Jim Ramstad 6. Rod Grams MISSISSIPPI SENATORS Thad Cochran Trent Lott REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 5] 346 Congressional Directory MISSOURI SENATORS John C. Danforth Christopher S. Bond REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 6; Republicans, 3] 1. William (Bill) Clay 4. Ike Skelton 7. Mel Hancock 2. James M. Talent 5. Alan Wheat 8. Bill Emerson 3. Richard A. Gephardt 6. Pat Danner 9. Harold L. Volkmer MONTANA SENATORS Max Baucus Conrad Burns REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1] At Large—Pat Williams NEBRASKA SENATORS J. James Exon J. Robert Kerrey REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republicans, 2] 1. Doug Bereuter 2. Peter Hoagland 3. Bill Barrett NEVADA SENATORS Harry Reid Richard H. Bryan REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republican, 1] 1. James H. Bilbray 2. Barbara F. Vucanovich NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS Robert C. Smith Judd Gregg REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republican, 1] 1. Bill Zeliff 2. Dick Swett NEW JERSEY SENATORS Bill Bradley Frank R. Lautenberg REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 7; Republicans, 6] 1. Robert E. Andrews 6. Frank Pallone, Jr. 11. Dean A. Gallo 2. William J. Hughes 7. Bob Franks 12. Dick Zimmer 3. Jim Saxton 8. Herbert C. Klein 13. Robert Menendez 4. Christopher H. Smith 9. Robert G. Torricelli 5. Marge Roukema 10. Donald M. Payne Po NIEWN CONAN fa State Delegations NEW MEXICO SENATORS Pete V. Domenici Jeff Bingaman REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republicans, 2] . Steven H. Schiff 2. Joe Skeen 3. Bill Richardson NEW YORK SENATORS Daniel P. Moynihan Alfonse M. D’Amato REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 18; Republicans, 13] . George J. . Major R. Owens . Gerald B.H. Solomon Hochbrueckner . Nydia M. Velazquez . Sherwood L. Boehlert . Rick A. Lazio . Susan Molinari . John M. McHugh . Peter T. King . Carolyn B. Maloney . James T. Walsh . David A. Levy . Charles B. Rangel . Maurice D. Hinchey Gary L. Ackerman . José E. Serrano . Bill Paxon Floyd H. Flake . Eliot L. Engel . Louise M. Slaughter Thomas J. Manton . Nita M. Lowey . John J. LaFalce . Jerrold Nadler . Hamilton Fish, Jr. . Jack Quinn . Charles E. Schumer . Benjamin A. Gilman . Amo Houghton . Edolphus Towns . Michael R. McNulty NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS Jesse Helms Lauch Faircloth REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 8; Republicans, 4] . Eva Clayton . Stephen L. Neal 9. J. Alex McMillan . Tim Valentine . Howard Coble 10. Cass Ballenger . H. Martin Lancaster . Charlie Rose 11. Charles H. Taylor . David E. Price . W.G. (Bill) Hefner 12. Melvin Watt NORTH DAKOTA SENATORS Kent Conrad Byron L. Dorgan REPRESENTATIVE [Democrat, 1] At Large—Earl Pomeroy OHIO SENATORS John Glenn Howard M. Metzenbaum REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 10; Republicans, 9] . David Mann . John A. Boehner . Deborah Pryce . Rob Portman . Marcy Kaptur . Ralph Regula . Tony P. Hall . Martin R. Hoke . James A. Traficant, Jr. . Michael G. Oxley . Louis Stokes . Douglas Applegate . Paul E. Gillmor . John R. Kasich . Eric D. Fingerhut . Ted Strickland . Sherrod Brown . David L. Hobson . Tom Sawyer Congressional Directory OKLAHOMA SENATORS David L. Boren Don Nickles REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 4; Republicans, 2] . James M. Inhofe 3. Bill Brewster 5. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. . Mike Synar 4. Dave McCurdy 6. Glenn English OREGON SENATORS Mark O. Hatfield Bob Packwood REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 4; Republican, 1] . Elizabeth Furse 3. Ron Wyden 5. Mike Kopetski . Robert F. Smith 4. Peter A. DeFazio PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS Arlen Specter Harris Wofford REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 11; Republicans, 10] 1 . Thomas M. Foglietta . Bud Shuster . Robert S. Walker 2 Lucien E. Blackwell . Joseph M. McDade . George W. Gekas 3. Robert A. Borski . Paul E. Kanjorski . Rick Santorum 3 Ron Klink . John P. Murtha . William F. Goodling 5 . William F. Clinger, Jr. . Marjorie Margolies-. Austin J. Murphy 6 . Tim Holden Mezvinsky . ThomasJ. Ridge 7 . Curt Weldon . William J. Coyne 8 . James C. Greenwood . Paul McHale RHODE ISLAND SENATORS Claiborne Pell John H. Chafee REPRESENTATIVES [Democrat, 1; Republican, 1] 1. Ronald K. Machtley 2. Jack Reed SOUTH CAROLINA SENATORS Strom Thurmond Ernest F. Hollings REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 3; Republicans, 3] 1. Arthur Ravenel, Jr. 3. Butler Derrick 5. John M. Spratt, Jr. 2. Floyd Spence 4. Bob Inglis 6. James E. Clyburn SOUTH DAKOTA SENATORS Larry Pressler Thomas A. Daschle REPRESENTATIVE [Democrat, 1] At Large—Tim Johnson [— LN CLONAL State Delegations TENNESSEE SENATORS Harlan Mathews REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 6; Republicans, 3] . James H. (Jimmy) 4. Jim Cooper 8. John S. Tanner Quillen 5. Bob Clement 9. Harold E. Ford . John J. Duncan, Jr. 6. Bart Gordon . Marilyn Lloyd 71. Don Sundquist TEXAS SENATORS Phil Gramm Kay Bailey Hutchison REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 21; Republicans, 9] . Jim Chapman 11. Chet Edwards . Lamar S. Smith . Charles Wilson 2. Pete Geren Tom DeLay . . Sam Johnson . Bill Sarpalius . Henry Bonilla . Ralph M. Hall . Greg Laughlin . Martin Frost John Bryant . E (Kika) de la Garza . Michael A. Andrews . Joe Barton . Ronald D. Coleman . Dick Armey . Bill Archer . Charles W. Stenholm . Solomon P. Ortiz . Jack Fields . Craig A. Washington . Frank Tejeda . Jack Brooks . Larry Combest . Gene Green . J.J. Pickle . Henry B. Gonzalez . Eddie Bernice Johnson UTAH SENATORS Orrin G. Hatch Robert F. Bennett REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 2; Republican, 1] . James V. Hansen 2. Karen Shepherd 3. Bill Orton VERMONT SENATORS Patrick J. Leahy James M. Jeffords REPRESENTATIVE [Independent, 1] At Large—Bernard Sanders VIRGINIA SENATORS John W. Warner Charles S. Robb REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 7; Republicans, 4] . Herbert H. Bateman 5. Lewis F. Payne, Jr. 8. James P. Moran . Owen B. Pickett 6. Robert W. (Bob) 9. Rick Boucher . Robert C. (Bobby) Scott Goodlatte 10. Frank R. Wolf . Norman Sisisky 7. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. 11. Leslie L. Byrne Congressional Directory WASHINGTON SENATORS Slade Gorton Patty Murray REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 8; Republican, 1) . Maria Cantwell 4. Jay Inslee 7. Jim McDermott . Al Swift 5. Thomas S. Foley 8. Jennifer Dunn . Jolene Unsoeld 6. Norman D. Dicks 9. Mike Kreidler WEST VIRGINIA SENATORS Robert C. Byrd John D. Rockefeller IV REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 3] . Alan B. Mollohan 2. Robert E. Wise, Jr. 3. Nick J. Rahall II WISCONSIN SENATORS Herb Kohl Russell Feingold REPRESENTATIVES [Democrats, 4; Republicans, 5] . Peter Barca 5. Thomas M. Barrett 9. F. James Sensenbrenner, . Scott L. Klug 6. Thomas E. Petri Jr. . Steve Gunderson 7. David R. Obey . Gerald D. Kleczka 8. Toby Roth WYOMING SENATORS Malcolm Wallop Alan K. Simpson REPRESENTATIVE [Republican, 1] At Large—Craig Thomas State Delegations AMERICAN SAMOA DELEGATE [Democrat, 1] Eni F.H. Faleomavaega DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DELEGATE [Democrat, 1] Eleanor Holmes Norton GUAM DELEGATE [Democrat, 1] Robert A. Underwood PUERTO RICO RESIDENT COMMISSIONER [Democrat, 1] Carlos Romero-Barceld VIRGIN ISLANDS DELEGATE [Democrat, 1] Ron de Lugo CLASSIFICATION SENATE 56 Democrats 44 Republicans Independent ALPHABETICAL LIST SENATORS Alphabetical list of Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioner, showing home post office and political alignment. SENATORS Democrats in roman (56); Republican in italic (44); total, 100 Name Residence Akaka, Damiel RK ii. co. acer siimpmiorsuisbnsshvsusssmesiiss ivs Honolulu, HI Baucus, MAX .........ccccciainriivriiiandds iadeisdevesransanns Missoula, MT Bennett, Robert Fu.......ccvisvisiipionssvnsssainstrssnssssssonsosrssssssos Salt Lake City, UT Biden, Joseph R., Jr.....ccorircrrncisrstssrssisnsisitrinivisiesinns Wilmington, DE Bingaman, Jeff. cco ioniniernmmerssdisnieimatinisionniboreiin Santa Fe, NM Bond, CRVISIODIOES ....c.ciniserrnisisoniiiisnsiisBintsasismiimnssisns Mexico, MO Boren, David LL... iri iidiiniiviiniiiseemesiiieisssesavess Seminole, OK BOXer; Barbarn vi.........cc.cviiiiiionsisd sia testa ts nnsnie Greenbrae, CA Bradley, Bill... oi. citniiinramiinissssin sterispmisississtons Denville, NJ Breau JON Bli ce tant asnannces sess irennmnnss Crowley, LA BOWE, Halk... i i ih inn iis dei iis siiuinvinins sso nshaionioniestiots Greeley, CO Bryan, Richard H.........cc..ccoiinnnsinimmeeidiicirisdesescision Las Vegas, NV BUMPETS, Dale... cciviiccriresirnsisrmissesrrisemsnsisvsstsmsiinnpenses Charleston, AR BUNS, COMI is irriiiiosiiciansssiiisgisssisitmssionsirmissisiointanssniny Billings, MT BYP, RODRIL C ...ociiiii oii hclsioniivssiodumisess oameinisssosinatosts ~ Sophia, WV Campbell, Ben Nighthorse ...............cccmenrresssnsssmannsssases Ignacio, CO Chafee, JOIN H .......corivseirssassmissnisssiommisirisisirssssntontrris Warwick, RI COOLS, DIAN so sicivinstisnminiitosinirrmiiorsnsiiniicin isateiniasutnssssssss Fort Wayne, IN COCIIar;: Thad. ci. 3 oh ib ti tn Avitnininainsinset ats he ve Jackson, MS Colon, IHENE S ,....ocoiiivimiviniosrinsilosimsimatrinsrmisats Bangor, ME Comat), Rel... ra loi ve iiss ict sssanasnnssssessvrhsnons Bismarck, ND Coverdell Paul ci... ii... ..iivi sits intesnmrisiessoisssnsonsssosnsisons Atlanta, GA Craig, LAITY E ciressssisisinsessssinsinisessisiaasastasditsadsssssctnspbnrors Payette, ID D'Amato, Alfonse M ........covciiiiniiiid iismemnsisssssecsess Island Park, NY DanfOrt, JONI Co... c conn errscrsspsonsirineiivtsmniiormsrisanpsiinseniion Newburg, MO Daschle, THOMA A.......c...oviciticcieesinisinmrsnsinstonmonmitaramnnen Aberdeen, SD DeConcCing, DENNIS. i..iv. icici si cireressstsorsassrnsinssdonssanson Tucson, AZ Pod, CINISIOPREr J.....cttiseersissinsssssensssersasirrisssrsssannprss East Haddam, CT DOIe, RODert. ci... ci iisiiiiineitsesisiessctinessprniniiiivends Russell, KS Domenicl, Pete V..........couisivimsiusseiirsinstsserseseionsesentrsnsisessncs Albuquerque, NM Dorgan, BYTON cite iuiiniiisnicisumnmseisnnyseiitisessmiese Bismarck, ND Durenberger, Dave .......o sieismsscisssrisosssstionsasboioromsanints Avon, MN IEXON-T. JANES .....ccocrninevravansssivsmivsnsansasvssnnssnntitorsnorsssnnin Lincoln, NE FaIrcloth, LIAUCH.... .cvievvimimississrisssvaskasunseresosssnssimessonessossn Clinton, NC Feingold, Russell.............ci.cis iiedeiinivrmisnssissssssitinsiont Middleton, WI Feinstein, DIANNE voiccieciciisieisiicsssstiomsrarsassnmarhunssennnsitis San Francisco, CA 352 Alphabetical List—Senate Residence Ford, Wendell H Owensboro, KY Glenn, John Columbus, OH Gorton, Slade Seattle, WA Graham, Bob Miami Lakes, FL Gramm, Phil College Station, TX Grassley, Charles E Cedar Falls, IA Gregg, Judd Greenfield, NH Harkin, Tom Cumming, IA Salt Lake City, UT Hatfield, Mark O Portland, OR Heflin, Howell Tuscumbia, AL Helms, Jesse Raleigh, NC Hollings, Ernest F Charleston, SC Hutchison, Kay Bailey Dallas, TX Inouye, Daniel K Honolulu, HI Jeffords, James M Shrewsbury, VT Johnston, J. Bennett Shreveport, LA Kassebaum, Nancy Landon Burdick, KS Kempthorne, Dirk Boise, ID Kennedy, Edward M Barnstable, MA Kerrey, J. Robert Omaha, NE Kerry, John F Boston, MA Kohl, Herb Milwaukee, WI Lautenberg, Frank R Secaucus, NJ Leahy, Patrick J Burlington, VT Levin, Carl Detroit, MI Lieberman, Joseph I New Haven, CT Lott, Trent Pascagoula, MS Lugar, Richard G Indianapolis, IN Mack, Connie Cape Coral, FL Mathews, Harlan Nashville, TN McCain, John Phoenix, AZ McConnell, Mitch Louisville, KY Metzenbaum, Howard M Lyndhurst, OH Mikulski, Barbara A Baltimore, MD Mitchell, George J South Portland, ME Moseley-Braun, Carol Chicago, IL Moynihan, Daniel P Oneonta, NY Murkowski, Frank H Fairbanks, AK Murray, Patty Seattle, WA Nickles, Don Ponca City, OK Perry, GA Packwood, Bob Portland, OR Pell, Claiborne Newport, RI Pressler, Larry Humboldt, SD Pryor, David Camden, AR Reid, Harry Searchlight, NV Riegle, Donald W., Jr Flint, MI Robb, Charles S McLean, VA Rockefeller, John D., IV Charleston, WV Roth, William V., Jr Wilmington, DE Congressional Directory Residence Sarbanes, Paul S Baltimore, MD Sasser, Jim Nashville, TN Shelby, Richard C Tuscaloosa, AL Simon, Paul Makanda, IL Simpson, Alan K Smith, Robert C Tuftonboro, NH Specter, Arlen Philadelphia, PA Stevens, Ted Girdwood, AK Thurmond, Strom Aiken, SC Wallop, Malcolm Big Horn, WY Warner, John W Middleburg, VA Wellstone, Paul David St. Paul, MN Wofford, Harris Bryn Mawr, PA Alphabetical List— House 355 REPRESENTATIVES SPemoctats in roman (258); Republicans Name Abercrombie, Neil Ackerman, Gary L Allard, Wayne Andrews, Michael A Andrews, Robert E Andrews, Thomas H Applegate, Douglas Archer, Bill Armey, Dick Bacchus, Jim Bachus, Spencer Baesler, Scotty Baker, Bill Baker, Richard H Ballenger, Cass Barca, Peter Barcia, James A Barlow, Tom Barrett, Bill Barrett, Thomas M Bartlett, Roscoe G Barton, Joe Bateman, Herbert H Becerra, Xavier Beilenson, Anthony C Bentley, Helen Delich Bereuter, Doug Berman, Howard LL Bevill, Tom Bilbray, James H Bilirakis, Michael Bishop, Sanford Blackwell, Lucien E Bliley, Thomas J., Jr Blute, Peter I Boehlert, Sherwood L Boehner, John A Bonilla, Henry Bonior, David E Borski, Robert A Boucher, Rick Brewster, Bill K Brooks, Jack Browder, Glen Brown, Corrine Brown, George E., Jr Brown, Sherrod in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, Residence Honolulu, HI (1st) Queens, NY (5th) Loveland, CO (4th) Houston, TX (25th) Bellmawr, NJ (1st) Portland, ME (1st) Steubenville, OH (18th) Houston, TX (7th) Lewisville, TX (26th) Merritt Island, FL (15th) Burmingham, AL (6th) Lexington, KY (6th) Walnut Creek, CA (10th) Baton Rouge, LA (6th) Hickory, NC (10th) Kenosha, WI (1st) Bay City, MI (5th) Paducah, KY (Ist) Lexington, NE (3d) Milwaukee, WI (5th) Frederick, MD (6th) Ennis, TX (6th) Newport News, VA (Ist) Los Angeles, CA (30th) Woodland Hills, CA (24th) Lutherville, MD (2d) Lincoln, NE (1st) Panorama City, CA (26th) Jasper, AL (4th) Las Vegas, NV (Ist) Palm Harbor, FL (9th) Columbus, GA (2d) Philadelphia, PA (2d) Richmond, VA (7th) Shrewsbury, MA (3d) New Hartford, NY (23d) West Chester, OH (8th) San Antonio, TX (23d) Mount Clemens, MI (10th) Philadelphia, PA (3d) Abingdon, VA (9th) Marietta, OK (3d) Beaumont, TX (9th) Jacksonville, AL (3d) Jacksonville, FL (3d) San Bernardino, CA (42d) Chippewa Lake, OH (13th) Congressional Directory Residence Bryant, John Dallas, TX (5th) Bunning, Jim Southgate, KY (4th) Burton, Dan Indianapolis, IN (6th) Buyer, Steve Monticello, IN (5th) Byrne, Leslie L Falls Church, VA (11th) Callahan, Sonny Mobile, AL (1st) Calvert, Ken Corona, CA (43d) Midland, MI (4th) Canady, Charles T Lakeland, FL (12th) Cantwell, Maria Mountlake Terrace, WA (1st) Cardin, Benjamin L Baltimore, MD (3d) Carr, Bob East Lansing, MI (8th) Castle, Michael N....ci......icvcisiiiiviccsisitn Wilmington, DE (At Lge.) Chapman, Jim Sulphur Springs, TX (1st) Clay, William (Bill) St. Louis, MO (1st) Clayton, Eva Littleton, NC (1st) Clement, Bob Nashville, TN (5th) Clinger, William F., Jr Warren, PA (5th) Clyburn, James E Columbia, SC (6th) Coble, Howard Greensboro, NC (6th) Coleman, Ronald D El Paso, TX (16th) Collins, Barbara-Rose Detroit, MI (15th) Collins, Cardiss Chicago, IL (7th) Collins, Mac McDonough, GA (3d) Combest, Larry Lubbock, TX (19th) Condit, Gary A Ceres, CA (18th) Conyers, John, Jr Detroit, MI (14th) Cooper, Jim Shelbyville, TN (4th) Coppersmith, Sam Phoenix, AZ (1st) Costello, Jerry F Belleville, IL (12th) Cox, Christopher Newport Beach, CA (47th) Coyne, William J Pittsburgh, PA (14th) Cramer, Bud Huntsville, AL (5th) Crane, Philip M Mount Prospect, IL (8th) Crapo, Michael D Idaho Falls, ID (2d) Cunningham, Randy (Duke) San Diego, CA (51st) Danner, Pat Smithville, MO (6th) Darden, George (Buddy) Marietta, GA (7th) Deal, Nathan Lula, GA (9th) DeFazio, Peter A Springfield, OR (4th) de la Garza, E (Kika) McAllen, TX (15th) DeLauro, Rosa LL New Haven, CT (3d) DeLay, Tom Sugar Land, TX (22d) Dellums, Ronald V Oakland, CA (9th) Derrick, Butler Edgefield, SC (3d) Deutsch, Peter Lauderhill, FL (20th) Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Miami, FL (21st) Dickey, Jay Pine Bluff, AR (4th) Dicks, Norman D Bremerton, WA (6th) Dingell, John D Trenton, MI (16th) Dixon, Julian C Los Angeles, CA (32d) Alphabetical List—House Name Residence Dooley, Calvin M ... Visalia, CA (20th) Doolittle, John T Rocklin, CA (4th) Dornan, Robert K Garden Grove, CA (46th) Dreier, David La Verne, CA (28th) Duncan, John J., Jr Knoxville, TN (2d) Dunn, Jennifer Bellevue, WA (8th) Durbin, Richard J Springfield, IL (20th) Edwards, Chet Waco, TX (11th) Edwards, Don San Jose, CA (16th) Emerson, Bill Cape Girardeau, MO (8th) Engel, Eliot L Bronx, NY (17th) English, Glenn Cordell, OK (6th) English, Karan Flagstaff, AZ (6th) Eshoo, Anna G Atherton, CA (14th) Evans, Lane Rock Island, IL (17th) Everett, Terry Enterprise, AL (2d) Ewing, Thomas W Pontiac, IL (15th) Carmel, CA (17th) Fawell, Harris W Naperville, IL (13th) Fazio, Vic West Sacramento, CA (3d) Fields, Cleo Baton Rouge, LA (4th) Fields, Jack Humble, TX (8th) Filner, Bob San Diego, CA (50th) Fingerhut, Eric D Mayfield Heights, OH (19th) Fish, Hamilton, Jr Millbrook, NY (19th) Flake, Floyd H Rosedale, NY (6th) Foglietta, Thomas M Philadelphia, PA (1st) Foley, Thomas S Spokane, WA (5th) Ford, Harold E Memphis, TN (9th) Ford, William D Ypsilanti, MI (13th) Fowler, Tillie Jacksonville, FL (4th) Frank, Barney Newton, MA (4th) Franks, Bob New Providence, NJ (7th) Franks, Gary A Waterbury, CT (5th) Frost, Martin Dallas, TX (24th) Furse, Elizabeth Hillsboro, OR (1st) Gallegly, Elton Simi Valley, CA (23d) Gallo, Dean A Parsippany, NJ (11th) Gejdenson, Sam Bozrah, CT (2d) Gekas, George W...........udh iii Harrisburg, PA (17th) Gephardt, Richard A St. Louis, MO (3d) Geren, Pete Fort Worth, TX (12th) Gibbons, Sam Tampa, FL (11th) Gilchrest, Wayne T..ii.....c.idiciiiniiiiiin Kennedyville, MD (1st) Gillmor, Paul E Old Fort, OH (5th) Gilman, Benjamin A Middletown, NY (20th) Gingrich, Newt Marietta, GA (6th) Glickman, Dan Wichita, KS (4th) Gonzalez, Henry B San Antonio, TX (20th) Goodlatte, Robert W. (Bob) Roanoke, VA (6th) Goodling, William F Jacobus, PA (19th) 358 Congressional Directory Name Cordon, Bart i... 0. lilihie ris inisidaisto GOSS, POHIEE J ...cceiisiviviesiceiiioumaisitingions Grams, Rod .......oiibiii icine Grandy, Fred.........c.uhiiii iis ivinsmsstisicessn Green, Gene... an EE Greenwood, James C................ccuvueeeenn... Gunderson, Steve.............c.iiviiivmivsie Gutierrez, LUIS V ........ot0iiunniindecnioiihins Hall, Ralph M...........cociiid. siiosmieivsusses Ball, TONY. P..ciiiiinniiitivensciiiicimitbiiden: Hamburg, Dan............uiivnmuibinniig Hamilton, Lee H..........in viii. Hancock, Mel .............oul00 cinta Hansen, James V......cccviaiiimiiisiviososocis Harman, Jane iusuis ........ciiiisoiuioinsiigioiins Hastert, J. Dennis:..c...oiiisd issn Hastings, Alcee L.........o0cc ininiiiisisiiin Hayes, James A .........ci5ounanbgdesivione 0c Helle, JOeks......oiiviosvivioiiciisiotns siinn inion Hefner, W.G. (Bill)...........cciiciiiiieciinm Henry, Paul B...... 500 coudidiimnsivisiins Horgel, Wally co.cc ciniiiviisivinsinisiiiin Hilliard, Barl........c...0dnmnsivetoiine 0 Hinchey, Maurice D ...........ccoivivinnsnnnss Hoagland, Peter.........cc...hiniiimnmee Hobson, David L ...........cci.0aiiiiai Hochbrueckner, George J ..................... Hoekstra, Peter ........cciuiiiiviniiensioninn Hoke, Martin R.......5..ciummmmsoiiosis Holden, TiM........ccoriiictrrisissirsiseios sbokihiss HONE SIEVE ........oco0cicitsiinissbenstssstinsisimadess Houghton, AMO ........saaidnsviinmdio Hoyer, Steny H ............coiiinininiioiiins Huffington, Michael. ......................cccc.... Hughes, WHliam J.........cconciiiinssisinins Hunter, DunCai .........oviiinisionvivisinscn Hutchinson, Tim. i...coimmiesivivivinmasinnizins Huo, Barl...........0.00 visser sittites Hide, Henry J .......cocovsessicsontormmoniosissioss TOBHS, BOD cssoensisiiitoinrsismininmsisisniisniogsss Inhofe, James M .......coanissisissniinssss Inslee, Jay i. civ BassarsioBimnstinstinn ISIOOK, Ernest Jo, JT ....orviicinistriirassinninii Jacobs, Andrew, Jr ........ccceviiiiiiiiiinnnne Jefferson, William J.............ccccevnnennnnn. JONNSON, PION... ftir ion stisinsi iri teseasns Johnson, Eddie Bernice............cccueuue..... JORNSon, INGRCY L.......coitnisscorssssisiiintoint JORPISON, SUIL.....iil0nsienamnsssbisisimsnntissisnk JONSON, TIM .......cccciririisnssriirnivinisdiseiie Johnston, Harry A ....c..ccommeiiainesssinn Residence Murfreesboro, TN (6th) Sanibel, FL (14th) Ramsey, MN (6th) Sioux City, IA (5th) Houston, TX (20th) Erwinna, PA (8th) Osseo, WI (3d) Chicago, IL (4th) Rockwall, TX (4th) Dayton, OH (3d) Ukiah, CA (Ist) Nashville, IN (9th) Springfield, MI (7th) Farmington, UT (lst) Marina Del Rey, CA (36th) Yorkville, IL (14th) Miramar, FL (23d) Lafayette, LA (7th) Colorado Springs, CO (5th) Concord, NC (8th) Grand Rapids, MI (3d) Marysville, CA (2d) Birmingham, AL (7th) Saugerties, NY (26th) Omaha, NE (2d) Springfield, OH (7th) Coram, NY (Ist) Holland, MI (2d) Lakewood, OH (10th) St. Clair, PA (6th) Long Beach, CA (38th) Corning, NY (31st) Mitchellville, MD (5th) Santa Barbara, CA (22d) Ocean City, NJ (2d) El Cajon, CA (52d) Bentonville, AR (3d) Panama City, FL (1st) Bensenville, IL (6th) Greenville, SC (4th) Tulsa, OK (1st) Selah, WA (4th) Oklahoma City, OK (5th) Indianapolis, IN (10th) New Orleans, LA (2d) Royston, GA (10th) Dallas, TX (30th) New Britain, CT (6th) Dallas, TX (3d) Vermillion, SD (At Lge.) Boynton Beach, FL (19th) Alphabetical List—House Name Residence Kanjorski, Paul E Nanticoke City, PA (11th) Kaptur, Marcy Toledo, OH (9th) Kasich, John R Westerville, OH (12th) Kennedy, Joseph P., II Boston, MA (8th) Kennelly, Barbara B Hartford, CT (Ist) Kildee, Dale E Flint, MI (9th) Diamond Bar, CA (41st) King, Peter T Seaford, NY (3d) Kingston, Jack Savannah, GA (1st) Kleczka, Gerald D Milwaukee, WI (4th) Klein, Herbert C Clifton, NJ (8th) Klink, Ron Jeannette, PA (4th) Klug, Scott L Madison, WI (2d) Knollenberg, Joe Bloomfield Hills, MI (11th) Kolbe, Jim Tucson, AZ (5th) Kopetski, Mike Salem, OR (5th) Kreidler, Mike Olympia, WA (9th) Phoenix, AZ (4th) Tonawanda, NY (29th) Helena, AR (lst) Goldsboro, NC (3d) San Mateo, CA (12th) LaRocco, Larry McCall, ID (1st) Laughlin, Greg West Columbia, TX (14th) Lazio, Rick A Brightwaters, NY (2d) Leach, James A Davenport, IA (1st) Lehman, Richard H North Fork, CA (19th) Levin, Sander M Southfield, MI (12th) Levy, David A Baldwin, NY (4th) Lewis, Jerry Redlands, CA (40th) Lewis, John Atlanta, GA (5th) Lewis, Tom Palm Beach Gardens, FL (16th) Lightfoot, Jim Shenandoah, IA (3d) Linder, John Atlanta, GA (4th) Lipinski, William O Chicago, IL (3d) Livingston, Bob Metairie, LA (1st) Lloyd, Marilyn Chattanooga, TN (3d) Long, Jill L Larwill, IN (4th) Lowey, Nita M Harrison, NY (18th) Machtley, Ronald K Portsmouth, RI (1st) Maloney, Carolyn B New York City, NY (14th) Mann, David Cincinnati, OH (1st) Manton, Thomas J Queens, NY (7th) Manzullo, Donald Egan, IL (16th) Margolies-Mezvinsky, Marjorie Narberth, PA (13th) Markey, Edward J Malden, MA (7th) Martinez, Matthew G Alhambra, CA (31st) Matsui, Robert T Sacramento, CA (5th) Mazzoli, Romano L Louisville, KY (3d) McCandless, Alfred A. (Al).. La Quinta, CA (44th) McCloskey, Frank Smithville, IN (8th) Congressional Directory Residence McCollum, Bill Orlando, FL (8th) McCrery, Jim Shreveport, LA (5th) McCurdy, Dave Norman, OK (4th) McDade, Joseph M Clarks Summit, PA (10th) McDermott, Jim Seattle, WA (7th) McHale, Paul Bethlehem, PA (15th) McHugh, John M Pierrepont, Manor, NY (24th) McInnis, Scott Glenwood Springs, CO (3d) McKeon, Howard P. (Buck) Santa Clarita, CA (25th) McKinney, Cynthia Lithonia, GA (11th) McMillan, J. Alex Charlotte, NC (9th) McNulty, Michael R Green Island, NY (21st) Meehan, Martin T Lowell, MA (5th) Meek, Carrie Miami, FL (17th) Menendez, Robert Union City, NJ (13th) Meyers, Jan Overland Park, KS (3d) Mfume, Kweisi Baltimore, MD (7th) Mica, John L Winter Park, FL (7th) Michel, Robert H Peoria, IL (18th) Miller, Dan Bradenton, FL (13th) Miller, George Martinez, CA (7th) Mineta, Norman Y San Jose, CA (15th) Minge, David Montevideo, MN (2d) Mink, Patsy T Honolulu, HI (2d) Moakley, John Joseph Boston, MA (9th) Molinari, Susan Staten Island, NY (13th) Mollohan, Alan B Fairmont, WV (lst) Montgomery, G.V. (Sonny) Meridian, MS (3d) Moorhead, Carlos J Glendale, CA (27th) Moran, James P Alexandria, VA (8th) Morelia, Constance A Bethesda, MD (8th) Murphy, Austin J Monongahela, PA (20th) Murtha, John P Johnstown, PA (12th) MPCTS, JOR Toco.ccivnnnrsiicdasinnessivminsisioess Covington, IN (7th) Nadler, Jerrold New York City, NY (8th) Natcher, William H Bowling Green, KY (2d) Neal, Richard E Springfield, MA (2d) Neal, Stephen L Winston-Salem, NC (5th) Nussle, Jim Manchester, IA (2d) Oberstar, James L Chisholm, MN (8th) Obey, David R Wausau, WI (7th) Olver, John W Ambherst, MA (1st) Ortiz, Solomon P Corpus Christi, TX (27th) Orton, Bill Provo, UT (3d) Owens, Major R Brooklyn, NY (11th) Oxley, Michael G Findlay, OH (4th) Packard, Ron Oceanside, CA (48th) Pallone, Frank, Jr Long Branch, NJ (6th) Parker, Mike Brookhaven, MS (4th) Pastor, Ed Phoenix, AZ (2d) Paxon, Bill Williamsville, NY (27th) Alphabetical List—House Name Residence Payne, Donald M Newark, NJ (10th) Payne, Lewis F., Jr Nellysford, VA (5th) Pelosi, Nancy San Francisco, CA (8th) Penny, Timothy J New Richland, MN (1st) Peterson, Collin C Detroit Lakes, MN (7th) Peterson, Pete Marianna, FL (2d) Petri, Thomas E Fond du Lac, WI (6th) Pickett, Owen B Virginia Beach, VA (2d) Pickle, J.J.....c eins iid i iti i Beats Austin, TX (10th) Pombo, Richard W Tracy, CA (11th) Pomeroy, Earl Valley City, ND (At Lge.) Porter, John Edward Wilmette, IL (10th) Portman, Rob Cincinnati, OH (2d) Poshard, Glenn Marion, IL (19th) Price, David E Chapel Hill, NC (4th) Pryce, Deborah Columbus, OH (15th) Quillen, James H. (Jimmy) Kingsport, TN (1st) Quinn, Jack Hamburg, NY (30th) Rahall, Nick J., II Beckley, WV (3d) Ramstad, Jim Minnetonka, MN (3d) Rangel, Charles B New York City, NY (15th) Ravenel, Arthur, Jr Mt. Pleasant, SC (1st) Reed, Jack Cranston, RI (2d) Regula, Ralph Navarre, OH (16th) Reynolds, Mel Chicago, IL (2d) Richardson, Bill Santa Fe, NM (3d) Ridge, Thomas J Erie, PA (21st) Roberts, Pat Dodge City, KS (1st) Roemer, Tim South Bend, IN (3d) Rogers, Harold Somerset, KY (5th) Rohrabacher, Dana Huntington Beach, CA (45th) Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana Miami, FL (18th) Rose, Charlie Fayetteville, NC (7th) Rostenkowski, Dan Chicago, IL (5th) Roth, Toby Appleton, WI (8th) Roukema, Marge Ridgewood, NJ (5th) Rowland, J. Roy Dublin, GA (8th) Roybal-Allard, Lucille Los Angeles, CA (33d) Fullerton, CA (39th) Rush, Bobby L Chicago, IL (1st) Sabo, Martin Olav Minneapolis, MN (5th) Sanders, Bernard Burlington, VT (At Lge.) Sangmeister, George E Mokena, IL (11th) Santorum, Rick Mt. Lebanon, PA (18th) Sarpalius, Bill Amarillo, TX (13th) Sawyer, Tom Akron, OH (14th) Saxton, Jim Mt. Holly, NJ (3d) Schaefer, Dan Lakewood, CO (6th) Schenk, Lynn San Diego, CA (49th) Schiff, Steven H Albuquerque, NM (1st) Schroeder, Patricia Denver, CO (1st) 362 Congressional Directory Name Schumer, Charles E .............ciiiiiid Scott, Robert C. (Bobby)..........cccueeun. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr.................... Serrano, JOSE, EB.........civciiiiiiiiidiiicid Sharp, Philip R.........ii iin dina, Shaw, .E. Clay, Jr aii ..........ivointie Shays, Christopher ....................couevueene... Shepherd, Karen .......i...i.iiuiiinniniv Shuster, Bud 500 indi wiiiiid .............. Sisisky, NOIIaN.........o.iiieiniticdun onion i Skaggs, David E..............0 ulin inivinnie Sheen, JOO........orivincdiiiitindiestonssissrsoiioioss Skelton, Ike...ih nis. LLG Slattery, JHn............oociidiiamiciiusissiniions Slaughter, Louise M.............ccccovuvrneeenne. Smith, Christopher H ............................. Sith, Lamar S.........cccovondeciieiibiisimes Smith, Neal............n.. niin Smith, Nick ..............Lia wiiiee Smith, Robert F ........coniviiidioniniiids Snowe, Olympia J.................cciiciviivnnininns Solomon, Gerald B.H........................... Spence, Floyd ............c..miiiariniiiiiiinios Spratt, John M., Jr........ohaniis bh Stark, Fortney Pete......c......... os, Stearns, CHI 0h ii fen coiviicbuionsis ..c.......c..is Stenholm, Charles WW ........................0. Stokes, Louis ....... 00a AL idan ind Strickland, Ted...... 0... iniiiadiig Studds, Gerry E............i.o inn, Sump, BOD... cs... cio tii civinniiiiies tess Stupak, Bart .......... co aia Sundguist, Don lito iisiviioniiniin .......iccc Swell, DICK coi di imitates. ..............o SWI, Al...Ban ini Synar, MIke ......... 000 ni dn dali Talent, JOIMES M..........oiiisiiicmbuinitisiiin Tanner, John 8... ot ninniiiiniia. Tauzin, W.J. (Billy).....cccccoevuvrirvinrreeennnn. Taylor, Charles H........coo.cociiamiviissisi Taylor, Gene ......ciccntrinniimnninsihes Tejeda, Pranki..........ioccceriisieniisabiionns Thomas, Bill .............i00ieiinbboiivrisicins Thompson, Bennie... Thomas, Craig .........c.coiivivessoimmrmsiisisss Thornton, Ray............0n 000i aa Thurman, Karen L..........coueuiiininneiiii Torkildsen, Peter G ........iviviiiiiiidiinsinn Torres, Esteban Edward........................ Torricelli, Robert G...i......ciioiiiivnidivee Towns, Edolphus ..................c.io Residence Brooklyn, NY (9th) Newport News, VA (3d) Menomonee Falls, WI (9th) Bronx, NY (16th) Muncie, IN (2d) Fort Lauderdale, FL (22d) Stamford, CT (4th) Salt Lake City, UH (2d) Everett, PA (9th) Petersburg, VA (4th) Boulder, CO (2d) Picacho, NM (2d) Lexington, MO (4th) Topeka, KS (2d) Fairport, NY (28th) Robbinsville, NJ (4th) San Antonio, TX (21st) Altoona, IA (4th) Addison, MI (7th) Burns, OR (2d) Auburn, ME (2d) Glens Falls, NY (22d) Lexington, SC (2d) York, SC (5th) Hayward, CA (13th) Ocala, FL (6th) Avoca, TX (17th) Shaker Heights, OH (11th) Lucasville, OH (6th) Cohasset, MA (10th) Tolleson, AZ (3d) Michigan Shores, MI (1st) Memphis, TN (7th) Bow, NH (2d) Bellingham, WA (2d) Muskogee, OK (2d) Chesterfield, MO (2d) Union City, TN (8th) Thibodaux, LA (3d) Brevard, NC (11th) Bay St. Louis, MS (5th) San Antonio, TX (28th) Bakersfield, CA (21st) Bolton, MS (2d) Casper, WY (At Lge.) Little Rock, AR (2d) Dunnellon, FL (5th) Danvers, MA (6th) Valinda, CA (34th) Englewood, NJ (9th) Brooklyn, NY (10th) Alphabetical List—House Name Residence Traficant, James A., Jr Poland, OH (17th) Tucker, Walter R., III Compton, CA (37th) Unsoeld, Jolene Olympia, WA (3d) Upton, Fred St. Joseph, MI (6th) Valentine, Tim Nashville, NC (2d) Velazquez, Nydia M Brooklyn, NY (12th) Vento, Bruce F St. Paul, MN (4th) Visclosky, Peter J Merrillville, IN (1st) Volkmer, Harold L Hannibal, MO (9th) Vucanovich, Barbara F............................ Reno, NV (2d) Walker, Robert S Walsh, James T Washington, Craig A Waters, Maxine Watt, Melvin Waxman, Henry Weldon, Curt Wheat, Alan Whitten, Jamie Williams, Pat Wilson, Charles A L Wise, Robert E., Jr Wolf, Frank R Woolsey, Lynn Wyden, Ron Wynn, Albert R Yates, Sidney R Young, C.W. Bill de Lugo, Ron Faleomavaega, Eni F.H Norton, Eleanor Holmes Underwood, Robert A East Petersburg, PA (16th) Syracuse, NY (25th) Houston, TX (18th) Los Angeles, CA (35th) Charlotte, NC (12th) Los Angeles, CA (29th) Aston, PA (7th) Kansas City, MO (5th) Charleston, Helena, MT Lufkin, TX Clendenin, Vienna, VA MS (1st) (At Lge.) (2d) WV (2d) (10th) Petaluma, CA (6th) Portland, OR (3d) Largo, MD (4th) Chicago, IL Indian Rocks Fort Yukon, Jackson, NH Flemington, DELEGATES (9th) Beach, FL (10th) AK (At Lge.) (1st) NJ (12th) Residence St. Croix, VI Vailoatai, AS District of Columbia Baza Gardens, GU RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Name Residence Romero Barcel, Carlos San Juan, PR One Hundred Third Congress Nine-Digit Postal ZIP Codes SENATE Senate Post Office (20510): The four-digit numbers in these tables were assigned by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. Mail to all Senate offices is delivered by the main Post Office in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Senate Committees Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- Committee on Finance estry -6000 Committee on Foreign Relations Committee on Appropriations -6025 Committee on Governmental Affairs Committee on Armed Services —6050 Committee on Indian Affairs Commiliee airs. on Banking, Housing, and Urban 6075 - Commitee hi Resources Committee on the Budget -6100 Commitee on Rules fd minisiration Committee on Commerce, Science, and Trans- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs portation -6125 Committee on Aging (Special)... Committee on Energy and Natural Resources... -6150 Committee on Ethics (Select) Committee on Environment and Public Works.. 6175 Committee on Intelligence (Sele Joint Committees Offices on the Senate Side Joint Economic Committee Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Committee on the Library Joint Committee on the Organization of Con-Joint Committee on Printing gress Senate Leadership Offices President Pro Tempore Democratic Policy Committee Chaplain Republican Conference Majority Leader Secretary to the Republican Conference Assistant Majority Leader Republican Policy Committee Secretary for the Majority Republican Steering Committee . Republican Leader Arms Control Observer Group Assistant Republican Leader Central American Negotiations Secretary for the Minority Group Senate Officers Secretary of the Senate Facilities and Financial M Curator of Art and Antiquities Finance Division Disbursing Office Barber Shop Document Room Beauty Shop Historian . . Capitol Guides Interparliamentary Services Parking Senate Library Human Resources Grice of Seale Security Health Promotion / Employee Assistance r Program ik Placement / Seminars / Personnel Adminis- U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission tration . . Office of Conservation and Preservation Photographic Studio Senate Gift Shop Capitol Police Legal Counsel, Employment Management Senate Post Office Relations Senate Recording Studio Senate Sergeant at Arms Senate Service Department General Counsel Telecommunications Computer Center. Congressional Special Services Office Other Offices on the Senate Side Senate Legal Counsel Periodical Press Gallery Senate Legislative Counsel Press Gallery Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices 9060 Press Photo Gallery Architect of the Capitol Radio and TV Gallery Superintendent of Senate Buildings Restaurant Office of Technology Assessment Defense Liaison Amtrak Ticket Office Social Security Liaison Airlines Ticket Office (CATO) Veterans Liaison Senate Child Care Center Western Union Senate Credit Union Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices 364 House ZIP Codes: 20515 + 4 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House Post Office (20515): The four-digit numbers in these tables were assigned by the Postmaster of the House of Representatives. Mail to all House offices is delivered by the main Post Office in the Longworth House Office Building. Committees, Leadership, and Officers U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Cannon House Office Building.. i Committee on Foreign Affairs Rayburn House Office Building .... i Committee on Government Operations Longworth House Office Building... 3 Committee on House Administration.O'Neill House Office Building ws Committee on the Judiciary... sce Ford House Office Building Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries... The Capitol Committee on Natural Resources... : C to Apricult Committee on Post Office and Civil Service ommitice.on Agncuiure Committee on Public Works and Transporta- Committee on Appropriations tion Committee on Armed Services Committee on Rules Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Af-Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. fairs Committee on Small B Committee on the Budget Committee on Standards of Official Conduct Committee on the District of Columbia Committee on Veterans’ Affairs a Committee on Education and Labor Committee on Ways and Means.. Select Committee Select Committee on Intelligence -6415 Joint Committee Offices on the House side Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Committee on the Organization of Con-gress Majority Leadership Office of the Speaker -6501 Deputy Majority Whip Bill Richardson Office of the Majority Leader -6502 Democratic Caucus Office of the Majority Whip os -6503 Democratic Congressional Campaign Commit-Office of the Deputy Majority Whip .. —6504 tee Deputy Majority Whip Butler Derrick -6504 Democratic Personnel Committee Deputy Majority Whip Barbara B. Kennelly.. -6505 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Deputy Majority Whip John Lewis -6506 Democratic Cloakroom Minority Leadership Office of the Republican Leader Republican Congressional Committee, National. Office of the Minority Whip . Republican Personnel Committee House Republican Committee on Committees... Republican Policy Committee House Republican Conference : : House Republican Research Committee Republican Study Commitice Legislative Digest (Republican Conference) Republican Cloakroum House Officers Office of the Clerk Periodical Press Gallery Legislative Operations Press Gallery Reporters of Debates Publication Distribution Reporters to Committees Radio-TV Correspondents Gallery Legislative Information Democratic Pages House Library Republican Pages Office of Printing Services Office of the Sergeant at Arms. Records and Registration are Office of the Chaplain Office of Telecommunications A Office of the Director of Non-Legislative and Office of Fair Employment Practices Financial Services House Recording Studio Office of Finance Legislative Computer Syst: Office Systems Management Office of Employee Assistance Office Furnishing Office of the Doorkeeper Office Supply Service House Document Room Postal Operations Office of Photography House Placement Office Congressional Directory House Commissions and Offices Commission on Security and Cooperation in Architect of the Capitol Europe Attending Physician Commission on Congressional Mailing Stand-Congressional Budget Office ards Congressional Publications Office (Congression-Office of the Law Revision Counsel al Directory) Office of the Legislative Counsel Daily Digest Office of the Parli arian Document Room General Counsel Executive Cc ications House Historian Federal Election Commission (Clerk) House Legislative Service Organizations and Caucuses Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus.......... Congressional Territorial Caucus California Democratic Congressional Delega-Congressional Textile Caucus tion Democratic Study Grou Congressional Arts Caucus Environmental wd Boy Study Conference... Congressional Automotive Caucus a Export Task Force Congressional Black Caucus 3 Federal Government Service Task Force Congressional Border Caucus House Wednesday Group oon Caucus for Science and Technol-Long Island Congressional Caucus : } Military Reform Caucus Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues : Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future New England Congressional Caucus...... i ; 3 New York State Congressional Delegation Congressional Hispanic Caucus : ; ; Congressional Human Rights Caucus. i Ninety-Eighty Democratic New Members Congressional Populist Caucus Caucus... : a Congressional Port Caucus 5 Northwest-Midwest Congressional Coalition Congressional Rural Caucus... Pennsylvania Delegation Steering Committee.... Congressional Space Caucus U.S. Travel and Tourism Caucus Congressional Steel Caucus .... o House Fair Employment Practices Committee... Congressional Sunbelt Caucus Congressional Truck Caucus Liaison Offices Air Force -6854 Navy Army -6855 Office of Personnel Management Coast Guard -6856 Veterans’ Administration TERMS OF SERVICE EXPIRATION OF THE TERMS OF SENATORS CLAss . —SENATORS WHOSE TERMS OF SERVICE EXPIRE IN 1995 [33 Senators in this group: Democrats, 20; Republicans, 13] Name Party Residence Akaka, Daniel K. ! Honolulu, HI. FAR RURURTRURTTD AR RUUUUUR URUURUUUDUR Bingaman, Jeff Santa Fe, NM. Bryan, Richard H Las Vegas, NV. Burns, Conrad Billings, MT. Byrd, Robert C Sophia, WV. Chafee, John H Warwick, RI. Conrad, Kent 2 Bismarck, ND. Danforth, John C Newburg, MO. DeConcini, Dennis Tucson, AZ. Durenberger, Dave Avon, MN. Feinstein, Dianne 3 San Francisco, CA. Gorton, Slade Seattle, WA. Hatch, Orrin G Salt Lake City, UT. Hutchison, Kay Bailey * Dallas, TX. Jeffords, James M Shrewsbury, VT. Kennedy, Edward M Barnstable, MA. Kerrey, J. Robert Omaha, NE. Kohl, Herb Milwaukee, WI. Lautenberg, Frank R Secaucus, NJ. Lieberman, Joseph I New Haven, CT. Lott, Trent Pascagoula, MS. Lugar, Richard G Indianapolis, IN. Mack, Connie Cape Coral, FL. Metzenbaum, Howard M Lyndhurst, OH. Mitchell, George J South Portland, ME. Moynihan, Daniel P Oneonta, NY. Riegle, Donald W., Jr Flint, MI. Robb, Charles S McLean, VA. Roth, William V., Jr Wilmington, DE. Sarbanes, Paul S Baltimore, MD. Sasser, Jim Nashville, TN. Wallop, Malcolm Big Horn, WY. Wofford, Harris ° Bryn Mawr, PA. ! Senator Akaka was appointed Apr. 28, 1990 by the Governor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Spark M. Matsunaga, and took the oath of office on May 16, 1990. He was elected in a special election, on Nov. 6, 1990, for the remainder of the unexpired term. 2 Senator Conrad resigned his term from Class III after winning a special election on Dec. 4, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Quentin Burdick. Senator Conrad’s seniority in the Senate continues without a break in service. He took the oath of office on Dec. 15, 1992. 3 Senator Feinstein won the special election held on Nov. 3, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Pete Wilson. She took the oath of office on Nov. 10, 1992. This seat was filled pending the election by gubernatorial appointee, Senator John Seymour. 4 Senator Hutchison won the special election held on June 5, 1993 to fill remainder of the term of Senator Lloyd Bentsen. She took the oath of office on June 14, 1993. She won the seat from Senator Bob Krueger, who had been appointed, ad interim, on Jan. 21, 1993 by the Governor. 5 Senator Wofford was appointed by the Governor, May 8, 1991 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator John Heinz; he took the oath of office on May 9, 1991. He was elected by special election on Nov. 5, 1991 to complete the unexpired term. 367 368 Congressional Directory Crass II.—SENATORS WHOSE TERMS OF SERVICE EXPIRE IN 1997 [33 Senators in this group: Democrats, 17; Republicans, 16] Name Party Residence Baucus, Max... nd iii Civgasasain: D. Missoula, MT. Biden, Joseph R., Jr....i ecm cmneesiorses D. Wilmington, DE. Boren, David L...........c.icicifiitisviomssiond D. Seminole, OK. Bradley, Bill.............ccvcccovempisvinsossiviesassss D. | Denville, NJ. Brown, Hank. .............c.ccomdivisissnninrrass R. Greeley, CO. Cochran, Thad........i.iiniatiows: R. Jackson, ch MS. Cohen, William S ..........c.occneisrsssiversacns R. Bangor, ME. Craig, Larry. B..i.coiicimissisessanniots R. Payette, ID. Domenic, Pete V........ccoccinirisrrmrisin R. Albuquerque, NM. EXON, J. James. ........ciciirernsrrivoieisissornsre D. Lincoln, NE. Gramm, Phil...csiviciiein R. College Station, TX. iii Barkin, TOM... cc iv.civiidanireiismivoists D. Cumming, IA. Hatfield, Mark O........cc...incciiiicsieiioisin R. Portland, OR. Heflin, Howell.........c.....ccoocoisiierssiaiesn, D. Tuscumbia, AL. Hels, JeSSe. i R. Raleigh, NC. vieradn Johnston, J. Bennett.........couuuveveiiiiineeennns D. Shreveport, LA. Kassebaum, Nancy Landon................... R. Burdick, KS. Kerry, JOhn F...... civ csmsssmstisionsonsais D. Boston, MA. evn, ar) i ih i diese D. Detroit, MI. Mathews, Harlan 1............cccoovuuvevevnnneen. D. Nashville, TN. McConnell, MItCh.....ccc...civereeisnenernnieions R. Louisville, KY. NUM, SAMY. 500 cei asiss D. Perry, locidliicciovisinieiens GA. Pell, ClaibOTNe ........ ive. ieviieasiaiurssiiiniseiines D. Newport, RI. Pressler, Larry ........ccioeiiinmistoieste R. Humboldt, SD. Pryor, David........o.oicainiatihumn. D. Camden, AR. Rockefeller, John D., IV ...................... D. Charleston, WV. Simon, Paul... 0 ani adi bin. D. Makanda, IL. Simpson, Alan K..........i0 cine R. Cody, WY. Smith, Robert C......i..iviivmnilivisicioeiss R. Tuftonboro, NH. Stevens, Ted... lili cuiivdiimmimmiisg R. Girdwood, AK. Thurmond, StrOM.......iciiiveeeiiciseisinscesioin R. Aiken, SC. Warner, John W......0..... Lisi indi R. Middleburg, VA. Wellstone, Paul David..............cceuue...... D. St. Paul, MN. 1 Senator Mathews was appointed by the Governor Jan. 3, 1993, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Al Gore. Terms of Service 369 CLAss IIL.—SENATORS WHOSE TERMS OF SERVICE EXPIRE IN 1999 [34 Senators in this group: Democrats, 19; Republicans, 15] Name Party Residence Bennett, Robert F Salt Lake City, UT. Bond, Christopher S Mexico, MO. Boxer, Barbara Greenbrae, CA. Breaux, John B Crowley, LA. Bumpers, Dale Charleston, AR. Campbell, Ben Nighthorse Ignacio, CO. Coverdell, Paul ? D’Amato, Alfonse M Daschle, Thomas A Dodd, Christopher J Dole, Robert Dorgan, Byron 2 Faircloth, Lauch Feingold, Russell Ford, Wendell H Glenn, John Graham, Bob Grassley, Charles E Gregg, Judd Hollings, Ernest F Inouye, Daniel K Kempthorne, Dirk Leahy, Patrick J McCain, John Mikulski, Barbara A Moseley-Braun, Carol Murkowski, Frank H Murray, Patty Nickles, Don Packwood, Bob Reid, Harry Shelby, Richard C Specter, Arlen ! Senator Coverdell was elected 993. 2 Senator Dorgan was elected Governor Dec. 14, 1992 to fill the Fort Wayne, IN. Atlanta, GA. Island Park, NY. Aberdeen, SD. East Haddam, CT. Russell, KS. Bismarck, ND. Clinton, NC. Middleton, WI. Owensboro, KY. Columbus, OH. Miami Lakes, FL. Cedar Falls, IA. Greenfield, NH. Charleston, SC. Honolulu, HI. Boise, ID. Burlington, VT. Phoenix, AZ. Baltimore, MD. Chicago, IL. Fairbanks, AK. Seattle, WA. Ponca City, OK. Portland, OR. Searchlight, NV. Tuscaloosa, AL. Philadelphia, PA. in a runoff election on Nov. 24, 1992, for the 6-year term beginning on Jan. 3, to a 6-year term on Nov. 3, 1992, and subsequently was appointed by the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Kent Conrad. Congressional Directory CONTINUOUS SERVICE OF SENATORS [Democrats in roman (56); Republicans in italic (44); total, 100] £ =— HE WN ONAN Name Thurmond, Strom 1! Byrd, Robert C.7 .......cccicsecaseess Pell, Claiborne Kennedy, Edward M.2............. Inouye, Daniel K..................... Hollings, Ernest F.3 .................. Hatfield, Mark O Stevens, Ted 4 Dole, Robert Packwood, Bob Roth, William V., Jr.T 5 Johnston, J. Bennett 7 Biden, Joseph R., Jr Domenici, Pete Helms, Jesse Glenn, John 8 Ford, Wendell Bumpers, Dale Leahy, Patrick Danforth, John Metzenbaum, Howard Chafee, John H Riegle, Donald W., Jr.} DeConcini, Dennis Hatch, Orin GT «..ccissiinasressessts Lugar, Richard G Moynihan, Daniel Sarbanes, Paul S.7 Sasser, Jim \Wallop, Malcolm Durenberger, Dave Baucus, Max T 14 Kassebaum, Nancy Cochran, Thad 1 16 Simpson, Alan K.17 Warner, John W.18 Boren, David L Bradley, Bill Cohen, William S.T Heflin, Howell T Levin, Carl Pressler, Larry Pryor, David { V H.C .................... J C.1° P .....ccooevveeennnn '3 Landon 1° Mitchell, George J.1° D’Amato, Alfonse M Dodd, Christopher J.T Grassley, Charles E. Murkowski, Frank H Nickles, Don Specter, Arlen Lautenberg, Frank R.2° M.11! 12 .............. State South Carolina West Virginia Rhode Island Massachusetts Delaware Georgia Louisiana Delaware Kentucky Arkansas Maryland Tennessee Wyoming Minnesota Mississippi Wyoming Virginia South Dakota Arkansas Pennsylvania New Jersey Beginning of present service Now. 7, 1956. ¥ Jan. 3, 1959. Jan. 3, 1961. Now. 7, 1962. & Jan. 3, 1963. Nov. 9, 1966. % Jan. 10, 1967. Dec. 24, 1968. fan. 3,:1969. Jan. 1, 1971. Nov. 8, 1972. % Nov. 14, 1972. Jan. 3, 1973. Dec. 24, 1974. Dec. 28, 1974. Lan. 3, 1975. Dec. 27, 1976. Dec. 29, 1976. | Dec. 30, 1976. \Jan. 3, 1977. "Nov. 8, 1978. Dec. 15, 1978. Dec. 23, 1978. Dec. 27, 1978. Jan. 1, 1979. Jan. 2, 1979. Man. 3, 1979. May 19, 1980. Jan. 3, 1981. Dec. 27, 1982. Terms of Service CONTINUOUS SERVICE OF SENATORS—CONTINUED [Democrats in roman (56); Republicans in italic (44); total, 100] Rank Name State Beginning of presentcetvice 31: Bingaman, Jeff ...........co.cicrennsssons New Mexico............ Jan. 3, 1983. 32 Kerry, John F.21 ..........iiviviiin Massachusetts .......... Jan. 2, 1985. GIaMIN, PHI Fceeniviciviinrnssisssnsres TEXAS. nirerirrareases Harkin, Tom T.......cciicoiiiiniinin IOWA iiiiiiiiiiivivis 33 McConnell, Mitch............... Kentucky ....oiceavees Jan. 3, 1985. Simon, Paul Tica HHAROIS ...cocieciiivinaiia 34 | Rockefeller, John D., IV 22... West Virginia .......... Jan. 15, 1985. (Bond, Christopher S.................... MiSSOUT] .....o0ovvrevnenns Breau, John Bl iii ieniansion LoulSitma........ciccvivres Conrad, Kent .....ic..c..cooeiiinceinnnits North Dakota.......... Daschle, Thomas A.T.........ccee.ue.n. South Dakota .......... 35.8 Graham, BoD. ....coviooooeciiccrsveonssossin Florida.........h...iii Jan. 6, 1987. McCain, JORR TT iicciciiivciiniciiaienes ATIZONG 00 iiiientn Mikulski, Barbara A.7.................. Maryland.................. Reid, Harry {....iiiitianin.a Nevada ..............c.iiiee Shelby, Richard C.7......ccoonrernnnee Alabama.......cccccinin. Bryan, Richard H.................... Nevada.................... Barns, Conrad ....i..ci.ccsecieiniinisine Montana........c.ccoeneer Coats, Dam T.23 ..ivivid ions Indiana ..i.......nhin Gorton, Slade 24... iegrisasmissn Washington.............. Jeffords, James M........ccsivussiiein Vermont.................. 36 {tRerrey, J. Robert ........... ciel: Nebraska.....0 0... Jan. 3, 1989. KOhl, Herb.....oiit vivian saison WISCONSHL..corvsiviviaries Lieberman, Joseph I..................... Connecticut ............. LOU, TrONL TY risciniveisscsssssssnsnrnisons Mississippi .....cc.eeeenee. Mack, Connie T..c.oivivniiisiiinicsds Florida... aii RODD, Charles S.........ccccicerserencnser Virginia .......oorevsiesnees 37 | Akaka, Daniel K.T 25................... Hawail...........0no00.. Apr. 28, 1990. 38 | Smith, Robert C.T 2%6..................... New Hampshire ...... Dec. 7, 1990. Brown, Hanky .......ii.cviiiiieisisiesin Colorado ........i...cvans 30 RCTaig, Larry BE. vv: ivisminsirrsisve IanO. icra Jan. 3, 1991. Wellstone, Paul D............ceccoeevine. Minnesota................. 40.1 Wofford, Harris 27 ..........i0iieinis Pennsylvania............ May 8, 1991. 41 | Feinstein, Dianne 28...................... California.........cine Nov. 10, 1992.% 42 | Dorgan, Byron f 29...................... North Dakota.......... Dec. 14, 1992. Bennett, Robert F........cocoiivviecion tah. Boxer, Barbara .......c.cimiinn Calfformia........o...x Campbell, Ben Nighthorsef ........ Colorado ..........5..... Coverdell, Paul 3%........o.icinieivice Georgia..........omvissenss Fatroloth, Lanuch ........iviiiiieenens North Carolina........ 43 Feingold, Russell.......................... WISCONSIN :iuveveionneeenss »Jan. 3, 1993. Gregg, JUddF ou.ivicniisiisiiiinpiosin New Hampshire ...... Kempthorne, Dirk.........c...coecornseenn Yahoo ssiciiiinn Mathews, Harlan 31 ..................... Tennessee................. Moseley-Braun, Carol .................. HInoIs iii Murray, Patty ......ccoreisivniirssnrasenns Washington.............. 44 | Hutchison, Kay Bailey 32 ............. ROXAS cutstoa sretiinas: June 5, 1993. 1 Served in the House of Representatives previous to service in the Senate. I Senators elected to complete unexpired terms begin their terms on the day following the election. 1 Senator Thurmond also served in the Senate by appointment from Dec. 24, 1954, to Jan. 3, 1955; was elected Nov. 2, 1954, as a write-in candidate for the term ending Jan. 3, 1961, and served from Jan. 3, 1955, until his resignation Apr. 4, 1956; reelected Nov. 6, 1956, to fill the vacancy caused by his own resignation; switched from the Democratic to Republican party Sep. 16, 1964. 2 Senator Kennedy was elected Nov. 6, 1962, to complete the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Senator John F. Kennedy. 372 Congressional Directory 3 Senator Hollings was elected Nov. 8, 1966, to complete the unexpired term caused by the death of Senator Olin D. Johnston. 4 Senator Stevens was appointed Dec. 23, 1968 by the Governor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Edward L. Bartlett. Senator Roth was appointed Jan. 1, 1971 by the Governor to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator John J. Williams. 6 Senator Nunn was elected Nov. 7, 1972, to complete the unexpired term caused by the death of Senator Richard B. Russell, and also elected to a 6-year term. 7 Senator Johnston was elected Nov. 7, 1972, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1973; subsequently appointed Nov. 14, 1972 to complete the unexpired term caused by the death of Senator Allen Ellender. 8 Senator Glenn was elected Nov. 5, 1974, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1975; subsequently appointed Dec. 24, 1974, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum. 9 Senator Ford was elected Nov. 5, 1974, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1975; subsequently appointed Dec. 28, 1974, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Marlow W. Cook. Senator Danforth was elected Nov. 2, 1976, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1977; subsequently appointed Dec. 27, 1976, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Stuart Symington. 11 Senator Metzenbaum was appointed Jan. 4, 1974 by the Governor to complete the unexpired term caused by sue resi Enation of Senator William Saxbe; resigned on Jan. 23, 1974 to allow the appointment of Senator-elect ohn Glenn. 12 Senator Riegle was elected Nov. 2, 1976, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1977; subsequently appointed Dec. 30, 1976 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Philip A. Hart. 13 Senator Durenberger was elected Nov. 7, 1978, to complete the unexpired term caused by the death of Senator Hubert Humphrey. 14 Senator Baucus was elected Nov. 7, 1978, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1979; subsequently appointed Dec. 15, 1978, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Paul Hatfield. Senator Kassebaum was elected Nov. 6, 1978, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1979; subsequently appointed Dec. 23, 1978, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator James Pearson. 16 Senator Cochran was elected Nov. 6, 1978, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1979; subsequently appointed Dec. 27, 1978, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator James Eastland. 17 Senator Simpson was elected Nov. 6, 1978, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1979; subsequently appointed Jan. 1, 1979, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Clifford Hansen. 18 Senator Warner was elected Nov. 6, 1978, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1979; subsequently appointed Jan. 2, 1979, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator William Scott. 19 Senator Mitchell was appointed May 14, 1980 by the Governor to complete the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Senator Edmund S. Muskie. Senator Lautenberg was elected Nov. 2, 1982, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1983; subsequently appointed Dec. 27, 1982, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Nicholas F. Brady. 21 Senator Kerry was elected Nov. 6, 1984, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1985; subsequently appointed Jan. 2, 1985, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Paul E. Tsongas. 22 Senator Rockefeller was elected Nov. 6, 1984, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1985; did not take his seat until Jan. 15, 1985. 23 Senator Coats was appointed Jan. 3, 1989 by the Governor. Senator Coats won a special election in November 1990 for the remainder of Senator Dan Quayle’s unexpired term. 24 Senator Gorton also served a six-year term from Jan. 3, 1981-Jan. 3, 1987. Senator Akaka was appointed Apr. 28, 1990 by the Governor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Spark M. Matsunaga. Subsequently elected on Nov. 6, 1990 to complete the unexpired term. 26 Senator Smith was elected Nov. 6, 1990, for the 6-year term commencing Jan. 3, 1991; subsequently appointed Dec. 7, 1990, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Gordon J. Humphrey. 27 Senator Wofford was appointed May 8, 1991 by the Governor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator John Heinz. He subsequently was elected on Nov. 5, 1991 to complete the term ending Jan. 3, 1995. 28 Senator Feinstein was elected on Nov. 3, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Pete Wilson. She replaced appointed Senator John Seymour when she took the oath of office on Nov. 10, 1992. 29 Senator Dorgan was elected to a 6-year term on Nov. 3, 1992 and subsequently was appointed by the Governor on Dec. 14, 1992 to complete the unexpired term of Senator Kent Conrad. Senator Coverdell was elected in a runoff election on Nov. 24, 1992. 31 Senator Mathews was appointed by the Governor on Jan. 3, 1993 to serve until a general election is held in November 1994 for the remainder of the unexpired term of Senator Al Gore. 32 Senator Hutchison won a special election on June 5, 1993 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Lloyd Bentsen. She won the seat from Senator Bob Krueger, who had been appointed on Jan. 21, 1993 by the Governor. Terms of Service 373 CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman Name State 27 terms, consecutive Whitten, Jamie L............. MS 22 terms, not consecutive Yates, Sidney R ............... IL 21 terms, consecutive Brooks; Jack...................; TX Natcher, William H......... KY 20 terms, consecutive Dingell, John D............... MI 19 terms, consecutive Michel, Robert H.............. IL 18 terms, consecutive Rostenkowski, Dan ......... IL Smith, Neal ..................... IA 17 terms, consecutive . Gonzalez, Henry B.......... TX 16 terms, consecutive Edwards, Don.................. CA Gibbons, Samy.................. FL McDade, Joseph M ........... PA Pickle, 3. ..c.iii....avi TX Quillen, James H. TN (Jimmy). 15 terms, consecutive Conyers, John, Jr............. MI de la Garza, E (Kika)...... TX Foley, Thomas S ............. WA Ford, William D.............. MI Hamilton, Lee H.............. IN 15 terms, not consecutive Brown, George E., Jr ..... CA 14 terms, consecutive Bevill, Tomy.......coccivo inves AL Montgomery, G.V. MS (Sonny). Myers, John T..........icc0000n IN 14 terms, not consecutive Jacobs, Andrew, Jr.......... IN OF PRESENT SERVICE (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Beginning of present District Congresses (inclusive) service 151 *T7th 10°103d ........an Now. 4, 1941. 9 | 81st to 87th, 89th to Jan. 3, 1965. 103d. 9. 83d t0 103d o.iiecoreveininei Jan. 3, 1953. 2. *R3diwo103d.cnivi Aug. 1, 1953. 16 | *34thto°103d ............... Dec. 13, 1955. 18-1 85th 10:103d................. Jan. 3, 1957. 5: 86thto103d.......5cc.cend Jan. 3, 1959. 4-| 86th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1959. 20: 1. *S7th1t0:103d ............... Nov. 4, 1961. 16. | 88th 10 103d...........0..ce Jan. 3, 1963. 11-1 8%thi10103d..........c..... Jan. 3, 1963. 10 | 88thto 103d..........ccenee Jan. 3, 1963. 10-| *38thi1o0'1034................ Dec. 21, 1963. 1: ‘88th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1963. 14: "89th 10:103d.......0.... Jan. 3, 1965. 15: | 3%th 10 103d.......cccoceeis Jan. 3, 1965. 5 839th to 103d ...........5.... Jan. 3, 1965. 13=| 39th 10 103d...........%.. Jan. 3, 1965. 0:11 89h to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1965. 42 | 88th to 91st, 93d to Jan. 3, 1973. 103d. 4 190thto103d................ Jan. 3, 1967. 31 9%thto103d................. Jan. 3, 1967. 7.:1.90th {01030 ....cocaviees Jan. 3, 1967. 10 | 89th to 92d, 94th to Jan. 3, 1975. 103d. 374 | Congressional Directory CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats Name 13 terms, consecutive Clay, William (Bill) ......... Crane, Philip M ................ Fish, Hamilton, Jr ............ Obey, David R................. Stokes, Louis........c..coorrrer 12 terms, consecutive Archer, Bill. i iiiiniiiiios Dellums, Ronald V.......... Mazzoli, Romano L......... Rangel, Charles B............ Spence, Floyd ................... Young, CW. Bill .............. 11 terms, consecutive Collins, Cardiss................ Gilman, Benjamin A......... Moakley, John Joseph..... Moorhead, Carlos J .......... Murtha, John P................ Regula, Ralph................... Rose, Charlie.................... Schroeder, Patricia.......... Shuster, Bud .......cicociiine. Stark, Fortney Pete......... Studds, Gerry E .............. Wilson, Charles................ Young, Don.........cviisiiniiin 10 terms, consecutive Derrick, Butler............... English, Glenn................. Ford, Harold E................ Goodling, William ............ Hefner, W.G. (Bill).......... Hughes, William J ........... Hyde, Henry. ..cnccsmsisees LaFalce, John J................ Lloyd, Marilyn ................ Markey, Edward J........... Miller; George :i..cc...iiivnie: Mineta, Norman Y........... Neal, Stephen L................ Oberstar, James L............ Sharp, Philip R ................ Waxman, Henry A .......... 9 terms, consecutive Applegate, Douglas......... Beilenson, Anthony C..... in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] State District Congresses (inclusive) Beginning of present MO 1+ {91st 10 1034... cnivesioess Jan. 3, 1969. IL 8-1 201st to 103d.........c...-. Nov. 25, 1969. NY 19 | 91stto 103d................. Jan. 3, 1969. WI 7 { ist to 103d............... Apr. 1, 1969. OH 11 {9ist10 103d..........ivvia Jan. 3, 1969. TX 7 192d to’ 103d... nr Jan. 3, 1971. CA 9. 192d 10 103d.........5..0. Jan. 3, 1971. KY 31.92 to: 103d .........i0 000i Jan. 3, 1971. NY 15:4 92d to 103d...........cns.... Jan. 3, 1971. SC 2 192d to 103d... Jan. 3, 1971. FL 10:1 92d 1t0:103d ......ccicenivnni Jan. 3, 1971. IL 7.:1%93d 10. 103d...» 000m June 5, 1973. NY 20 193d to 103d...............«¢ Jan: 3, 1973. MA 9 193d to:103d...0......2.500 Jan. 3, 1973. CA 27 193d 10°103d onl Jan. 3, 1973. PA 12 1 *93d to 103d................ Feb. 5, 1974. OH 16. 193d to 103d ....occcvneiinneie Jan. 3, 1973. NC 7 1934.10 103d... 0k Jan. 3, 1973. CO 1. 193d 10:103d.......000000000 Jan. 3, 1973. PA 9. {93d 10 103d ............... Jan. 3, 1973. CA 13:1 93d to 103d ........ ln Jan. 3, 1973. MA 10 {93d:to. 103d ..........5...05, Jan. 3, 1973. TX 2+ 193d to°103d rin Jan. 3, 1973. AK |AtT. | *93d to 103d :.........00in.: Mar. 6, 1973. SC 3 {9htol03d.........ici... Jan. 3, 1975. OK 6 9thto 103d..........ccons Jan. 3, 1975. TN 9 | 94th 'to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. PA 19 | 94th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. NC 8 {9%ihto 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. NJ 2 [94th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1975. IL 6 {9th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. NY 20 (94th to 103d.......cc.cevvner Jan. 3, 1975. TN 3 {94th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. MA 7: | *94th't0103d............... Now. 2, 1976. CA 7 Sh to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. CA 15:1 9%ith 10 103d :..........ccon0 Jan. 3, 1975. NC 5. 1 94th 10: 103d ....c.oieniesd Jan. 3, 1975. MN 8 194th to 103d... Jan. 3, 1975. IN 2 | 9%thto 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1975. CA 29 {94th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1975. OH 18: 4 95th 10 103d.......5 vee Jan. 3,'1977. CA 24 | 95th to 103d................. Jan. 3. 1977. Bonior, David E............... MI 10 11 95th to: 103d .....00 vinnie Jan. 3, 1977. Terms of Service CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District 9 terms, consecutive—cont. Dicks, Norman D Gephardt, Richard A Glickman, Dan Kildee, Dale E Leach, James A —wa Sound Livingston, Bob Murphy, Austin J Rahall, Nick Joe, II Skelton, Ike Stump, Bob Vento, Bruce F Volkmer, Harold L Walker, Robert S 9 terms, not consecutive Carr, Bob Mink, Patsy 8 terms, consecutive Bereuter, Doug Clinger, William F., Jr Dixon, Julian C Fazio, Vic Frost, Martin Gingrich, Newt Hall, Tony P Hutto, Earl Lewis, Jerry Matsui, Robert T Petri, Thomas E Porter, John Edward Roth, Toby Sabo, Martin Olav Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. Snowe, Olympia J Solomon, Gerald B.H Stenholm, Charles W Swift, Al Synar, Mike Tauzin, W.J. (Billy) Thomas, Bill Williams, Pat 8 terms, not consecutive Dornan, Robert K A $a No — ND (=) Cmwooann vue Beginning of present Congresses (inclusive) vice 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. *95th to 103d Aug. 27, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 95th to 103d Jan. 3, 1977. 94th to 96th, 98th to | Jan. 3, 1983. 103d. 89th to 94th, *101st Sept. 22, 1990. to 103d. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. *96th to 103d Apr. 3, 1979. *96th to 103d Jan. 22, 1980. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. *96th to 103d May 17, 1980. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 96th to 103d Jan. 3, 1979. 95th to 97th, 99th to | Jan. 3, 1985. 103d. 376 Congressional Directory CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District Congresses (inclusive) Begining of present 7 terms, consecutive Bliley, Thomas J., Jr......... VA 7 {97th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Coyne, William J............. PA 14: 797th to 103d........ccoienee Jan. 3, 1981. Dreier. David..................... CA 28 | 97th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Emerson, Billv.......cciucin MO 3 [97th to 103d......ccccenenss Jan. 3, 1981. Fields, JAK viceieiicinicies TX 3 [97th to 103d.......... si... Jan. 3, 1981. Foglietta, Thomas M....... PA 1 97th 10° 103d...cisivines Jan. 3, 1981. Frank, Barney .................. MA 4 | 97th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Gejdenson, Sam............... CT 2: {97th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Gunderson, Steve .............. WI 3 97th to 103d...........5.ce. Jan. 3, 1981. Hall, Ralph M.................. TX 4: 97th 10103d ...c.covsnnee Jan. 3, 1981. Hansen, James V .............. UT 1 97th to 10343...............-Jan. 3, 1981. Hoyer, Steny H ............... MD 5: | *97th to '1034d............... May 19, 1981. Hunter, Duncan.............. CA 52: 97th t0:103d.............:.« Jan. 3, 1981. Kennelly, Barbara B........ CT 1 | *07th'to103d............. Jan. 12, 1982. Lantos; TOM vcuiviivinss CA 12 197th to 103d................: Jan. 3, 1981. Martinez, Matthew G...... CA 31 {*O7thto 103d.............. July 13, 1982. McCollum, Bill................. FL 8:1 97th to 103d.......ccccnnnns Jan. 3, 1981. McCurdy, Dave............... OK 4 [97th 10 103d ................ Jan. 3, 1981. Oxley, Michael G.............. OH 4. *97th 10:103d.......... coon June 25, 1981. Roberts, Pat.:....coccevienniine KS 1 197th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Rogers, Harold.................. KY 5 | 97th to 103d.......0000000:0r Jan. 3, 1981. Roukema, Marge.............. NJ 5.1 97th 10 103d.........cco00enie Jan. 3, 1981. Schumer, Charles E......... NY 9 | 97th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr.............. FL 22 [97th to 103d.......c0e00ii.. Jan. 3, 1981. Skeet, JOB ..coviii.ciiciiiiinions NM 2: (9th 1o0:103d ........0c0seee Jan. 3, 1981. Smith, Christopher H........ NJ 4 | 97th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1981. Wolf, Frank R .................. VA 100 {97th 10. 103d ....oo00inrn-Jan. 3, 1981. Wyden, Ron..c.......ovsnsiines OR 3: 107th to103d .......conniiens Jan. 3, 1981. 6 terms, consecutive Ackerman, Gary L.......... NY 5 | *98th to 103d............... Mar. 1, 1983. Andrews, Michael A. ....... TX 25 °98th to 103d...........c...s Jan. 3, 1983. Bateman, Herbert H......... VA 1: 98th to 103d.............000. Jan. 3, 1983. Berman, Howard L ......... CA 26" | 98th to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1983. Bilirakis, Michael.............. FL 9 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Boehlert, Sherwood L........ NY 23 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Borski, Robert A ............. PA 3 {98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Boucher, Rick.................. VA 9 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Bryant, John..................... TX 5 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Burton, Dani........ cccceeericen IN 6: | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Coleman, Ronald D......... TX 16 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Cooper, JiMu....cccorsecivrnrens TN 4 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Darden, George GA 7 | *98th to:103d........ccerene Nov. 8, 1983. (Buddy). Durbin, Richard J............ IL 20° ; 98th to 1034d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Evans, Lane.................... IL 17: 1 98th'to 103d ....ceccinuociv. Jan. 3, 1983. Gekas, George W .............. PA 17 098th to 103Q.........0iecieine Jan. 3, 1983. Johnson, Nancy L............. CT 6 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Kaptur, Marcy ................. OH 9 | 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Kasich, John R.................. OH 12 1 98th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1983. Terms of Service CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District Congresses (inclusive) Beginning of preseat 6 terms, consecutive—cont. Kleczka, Gerald D .......... WI 4 | *98th to 103d Apr. 3, 1984. Lehman, Richard H ........ CA 19 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Levin, Sander M.............. MI 12 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Lewis Tom coils FL 16 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Lipinski, William O......... IL 3 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Meglio Alfred A. CA 44 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Al). McCloskey, Frank........... IN 8 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Mollohan, Alan B............ wv 1 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Ortiz, Solomon P............. TX 27 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Owens, Major R............... NY 11 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Packard, Ron .........c.coveine CA 48 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Penny, Timothy J............ MN 1 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Richardson, Bill............... NM 3 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Ridge, Thomas J............... PA 21 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Rowland, J. Roy.............. GA 8 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Saxton, Jim ..........c0ii0i NJ 3 | *98th to 103d Nov. 6, 1984. Schaefer, Dan ................... CO 6 | *98th to 103d Mar. 29, 1983. Sisisky, Norman............... VA 4 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Slattery, Jim.............c.consn KS 2 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Smith, Robert F. .............. OR 2 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Spratt, John M,, Jr ........... SC 5 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Sundquist, Don ................ TN 7 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Torres, Esteban CA 34 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Edward. Torricelli, Robert G........ NJ 9 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Towns, Edolphus............. NY 10 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. Valentine, Tim................. NC 2 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Vucanovich, Barbara F..... NV 2 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Wheat, Alani.........cosrisenr MO 5 | 98th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1983. Wise, Robert E., Jr.......... wv 2 | 98th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1983. 5 terms, consecutive Armey, Dick. ..........i.oieims: TX 26 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Ballenger, Cass ................. NC 10 | *99th to 103d Now. 4, 1986. Barton, JOB.....covevuuiviciiinisi TX 6 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Bentley, Helen Delich....... MD 2 | 99th to 103d........... Jan. 3, 1985. Callahan, Sonny ............... AL 1 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Chapman, Jim. .................. TX 1 | *99th to 103d Aug. 3, 1985. Coble, Howard. .................. NC 6 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Combest, Larry................. TX 19 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Delay, Tom..........coviiinrrrs TX 22 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Fawell, Harris W .............. IL 13 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Gallo. Dean A........ooiiieieis NJ 11 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Gordon, Bart..........c...cei. TN 6 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Henry; Paul B......cccicveinid MI 3 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Kanjorski, Paul E ............ PA 11 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Kolbe, Jim cooueueueiiiiiniiiniin AZ 5 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Lightfoot, Jim ................... IA 3 | 99th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. Manton, Thomas J........... NY 7 199th to 103d.......... Jan. 3, 1985. 378 Congressional Directory CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District Congresses (inclusive) Beginning of presen 5 terms, consecutive—cont. McMillan, J. Alex............. NC 9" 199th 10 103d ........oovdds. Jan. 3, 1985. Meyers, Jan ............ccccvinsns KS 3 [99th to 103d.........cii. Jan. 3, 1985. Traficant, James A. Jr... OH 17 | 99th to 103d......c.c.vense Jan. 3, 1985. Visclosky, Peter J............ IN 1 | 99th to 103d................. Jan. 3, 1985. 5 terms, not consecutive Thornton, Ray. ................. AR 2 | 93d to 95th, 102d to Jan. 3, 1991. 103d. 4 terms, consecutive Baker, Richard H ............. LA 6 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Bilbray, James H ............. NV I: 100th t0 103d ....cc..vivs Jan. 3, 1987. Bunning, Jim .................... KY 4: | 100th t0103d.............. Jan. 3, 1987. Cardin, Benjamin L......... MD 3° :-100th'to 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1987. Clement, Bob................... TN 5 | *100th to 1034d............. Jan. 25, 1988. Costello, Jerry F.............. IL 12 .{-*100th t0:103d.........--. Aug. 11, 1988. DeFazio, Peter A ............ OR 4.1 100th 10-103d ............. Jan. 3, 1987. Duncan, John J., Jr.......... TN 2.51 *100th to. 103d............. Nov. 9, 1988. Flake, Floyd H................. NY 6 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Gallegly, Elton.................. CA 23... 1:100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Grandy, Fred .................... IA 5 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Hastert, J. Dennis............. IL 14. | 100th 10:103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Hayes, James A ............... LA 7. | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Hefley, Joek.....coicosiicionns CO 5: 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Herger, Wally.................... CA 2: | 100th 10:103d............ Jan. 3, 1987. Hochbrueckner, George | NY 1 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. J. Houghton, Amo.................. NY 31 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Inhofe, James M. ............... OK 1:1 100th to:103d....cconennes Jan. 3, 1987. Johnson, Tim ................... SD AtL. | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Kennedy, Joseph P., II... MA 8 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. KYL JON .ciovosiiirissscirnssornenia AZ 4 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Lancaster, H. Martin....... NC 3 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Lewis, John................ccun. GA 5 100th t0:103d................ Jan. 3, 1987. McCrery; Jim.............coinss: LA 5 | *100th 10:103d.............. Apr. 26, 1988. Mfume, Kweisi ................ MD 7 1 100th to103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Morella, Constance A ....... MD 8 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Pallone, Frank, Jr............ NJ 6 1 *100thto103d............. Nov. 9, 1988. Payne, Lewis F., Jr.......... VA 5. |-*100th to.103d ............. June 21, 1988. Pelosi, Nancy................... CA 8 | *100th to 103d............. June 9, 1988. Pickett, Owen B .............. VA 2. | 100th to 1034..............: Jan. 3, 1987. Price, David E................. NC 4 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Ravenel, Arthur, Jr........... SC 1 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Sawyer, Tome........oceeeseees OH 14 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Shays, Christopher ............ CT 4 | *100th to 103d............. Sep. 9, 1987. Skaggs, David E.............. CO 2 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Slaughter, Louise M........ NY 28 | 100th to 103d............... Jan. 3, 1987. Smith, Lamar S................ TX 21 1 100th'10:103d..............: Jan. 3, 1987. Terms of Service CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District Congresses (inclusive) Beginning of Dlesent 4 terms, consecutive—cont. Upton, Frederick S............ MI 6 | 100th to 1034................ Jan. 3, 1987. Weldon, Curt.................... PA 7: 100th10.1034d............... Jan. 3, 1987. 3 terms, consecutive Andrews, Robert E......... NJ 1: :*101st to 103d............- Nov. 7, 1990. Browder, Glen................. AL 3 1 *101st t0-103d......5..... Apr. 4, 1989. Condit, Gary A................ CA 18 | *101st to 103d.............. Sept. 12, 1989. Cox, Christopher............... CA 47 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Engel, ERot'L.....ivoiimmes NY 17 | 101st t0 103d:......co0crmses Jan. 3, 1989. Geren, Pete...................... TX 12 [*101st to 103d.............. Sept. 12, 1989. Gillmor, Paul E .......coone. OH 5: 101st 10: 103d ........0...4 Jan. 3, 1989. GOSS, Porter'd ......ccorrsnem FL 14 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Hancock, Mel.................... MO 7. { 101st 10.103d............... Jan. 3, 1989. Hoagland, Peter............... NE 2. 101st to: 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Johnston, Harry A........... FL 19 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Laughlin, Greg................. TX 14 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Long, lL... IN 4 | *101st t0.103d.............. Mar. 28, 1989. Lowey, Nita M................ NY 18 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Machtley, Ronald K ......... RI I 101stto 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. McDermott, Jim.............. WA 7 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. McNulty, Michael R ....... NY 21. -101st to 163d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Molinari, Susan................. NY 13:1 *101st to. 103d.............. Mar. 20, 1990. Neal, Richard E............... MA 2 101stto 103d........cccie.n: Jan. 3, 1989. Parker, Mike..................... MS 4 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Payne, Donald M ............ NJ 10 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Baxon,; Dill ..0..ciieiiieiind NY 27° 1 101st to 103d.....00ciein. Jan. 3, 1989. Poshard, Glenn................ IL 19 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Rohrabacher, Dana. .......... CA 45 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana ........ FL 18 | *101st to 103d.............. Aug. 29, 1989. Sangmeister, George E...| IL 11: | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Sarpalius, Bill................... TX 13 ‘| 101st 10 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Schiff, Steven H ................ NM 1:1 101st 10 103d....ccoiennie Jan. 3, 1989. Serrano, José, E............... NY 16 | *101st to 103d.............. Mar. 20, 1990. Stearns, Cliff :....csiccoiiiinen FL 6. 101st to: 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Tanner, John S................. TN 8 | 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Taylor, Gene.............coeunns MS 5-4 *101st t0'1034d............. Oct. 18, 1989. Thomas, Craig .................. WY |AtL. | *101st to 103d.............. Apr. 26, 1989. Unsoeld, Jolene................ WA 3 101st 10 1034................ Jan. 3, 1989. Walsh, James T ................ NY 25... ~101st-10.103d.....i5i Jan. 3, 1989. Washington, Craig A ...... TX 18: *101st 10. 103d............ Dec. 9, 1989. 3 terms, not consecutive Abercrombie, Neil........... HI 1 | *99th, 102d and 103d ..| Jan. 3, 1991. 2 terms Allard, Wapyne................... CO 4 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Andrews, Thomas H....... ME 1 | 102d and 1034d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Bacchus, Jim. ......c....ccicunn. FL 15. | 102d and 103d............. Jan. 3, 1991. Barrett, Bill.......c..coioneiiii NE 3 {102d and 103d............. Jan. 3, 1991. Blackwell, Lucien E........ PA 2 | 2102d and 103d........... Now. 5, 1991. 380 Congressional Directory CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District Congresses (inclusive) Beginning of presentservice 2 terms, consecutive—cont. Boehner, John A................ OH 8.-{102d.and .103d............. Jan. 3, 1991. Brewster, Bill................... OK 3 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Camp, Dave ........cciconiviin. MI 4 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Clayton, Eva.................... NC 1 | *102d and 103d............ Nov. 4, 1992. Collins, Barbara-Rose...... MI 15. | 102d and 1034d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Cramer, Bud...........c.?000 AL 5.1102d and;103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Cunningham, Randy CA 51 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. (Duke). DeLauro, Rosa L ............ CT 3 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Dooley, Calvin M............ CA 20 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Doolittle, John T............... CA 4. | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Edwards, Chet................. TX 11. | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Ewing, Thomas W ............ IL 15. | *102d and:103d............ July 2, 1991. Franks, Gary A................. CT 5 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Gilchrest, Wayne T ........... MD 1 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. . Hobson, David L............... OH 7 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Jefferson, William J......... LA 2.1 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. JORNSON, SAMY .oovvvevineisererens TX 3. 1*102d and: 103d............ May 18, 1991. Klug, Scott Loi.covovariniiinn WI 2 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Kopetski, Mike................. OR 5: | 102d-and.103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. LaRocco, Larry............... ID 1 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Moran, James P............... VA 8 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Nadler, Jerrold................. NY 8 | *102d and 1034............ Now. 4, 1992. NUSSIE, JIE Ji.viiieirennserensones IA 2-1'102d and 1034.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Olver, John W ................. MA 1. | *102d and 103d............ June 4, 1991. Orton, Blll..........c..... 0... UT 3. | 102d and-103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Pastor; Bd... .5......oill AZ 2 | *102d and 103d............ Sep. 24, 1991. Peterson, Collin C........... MN 7: | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Peterson, Pete.................. FL 2. | 102d:-and .103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Ramstad, Jim.................... MN 3 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Reed, Jack................. iia RI 2. {102d and -103d.............: Jan. 3, 1991. Roemer, Timothy J ......... IN 3. | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Sanders, Bernard .............. VT [Atl. | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Santorum, Rick................. PA 18: | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Swett, DicK.....ccevvvevreennnnn. NH 2 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Taylor, Charles H............. NC 11 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Waters, Maxine................ CA 35. 102d:and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. ZelIT: BH .ougesesisisicarssnsivins NH 1 | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Zimmer, Dick ................... NJ 12: | 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. 1 term Bachus, Spencer ................ AL 0. 103d... RR Jan. 3, 1993. Baesler, Scotty ..........c...... KY 0 1 103d..coiiieioe renters Jan. 3, 1993. Baker, Bill.....cciviviiniciidion CA 10:0 103d 4 ined sisieni Jan. 3, 1993. Barca, Peter......c.coenuuennn WI Ei 210d iin May 4, 1993. Barcia, James A................ MI 8 103d Lh ann Jan. 3, 1993. Barlow, Tom........c.c.c.cseons KY 1 103d... Jan. 3, 1993. Barrett, Thomas M.......... WI S: 303d. da iiistinieens Jan. 3, 1993. Bartlett, Roscoe G............. MD 6H 103d .....0.0 nina Jan. 3, 1993. Becerra, Xavier................ CA 30 £103d.....00 nahin Jan. 3, 1993. Terms of Service CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] 1 term—cont. Bishop, Sanford Blute, Peter I Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Ww WwW [5] Bonilla, Henry Brown, Corrine Brown, Sherrod Buyer, Steve Byrne, Leslie LL Calvert, Ken Canady, Charles T............ Jan. 3, 1993. dl Na No DN WO Jan. 3, 1993. WO Jan. 3, 1993. pos Jan. 3, 1993. 1 Jan. 3, 1993. mt Jan. 3, 1993. QO Jan. 3, 1993. Cantwell, Maria Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Bm Castle, Michael N = Clyburn, James E Collins, Mac Coppersmith, Sam Crapo, Michael D Danner, Pat Deal, Nathan Deutsch, Peter Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Dickey, Jay Dunn, Jennifer Jan. 3, 1993. English, Karan Eshoo, Anna G Everett, Terry [SN Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. Jan. 3, 1993. June 8, 1993. Hil LN HL HA OO Fields, Cleo Jan. 3, 1993. Filner, Bob Jan. 3, 1993. Fingerhut, Eric D Jan. 3, 1993. Fowler, Tillie Jan. 3, 1993. Franks, Bob Jan. 3, 1993. =) NWO = pO O DN ON == J Furse, Elizabeth Jan. 3, 1993. Goodlatte, Robert W. Jan. 3, 1993. (Bob). Jan. 3, 1993. Green, Gene Jan. 3, 1993. No Greenwood, James C Jan. 3, 1993. Gutierrez, Luis V Jan. 3, 1993. Hamburg, Dan Jan. 3, 1993. Harman, Jane Jan. 3, 1993. No No Ww Hastings, Alcee L Jan. 3, 1993. Hilliard, Earl F Jan. 3, 1993. Hinchey, Maurice D Jan. 3, 1993. Hoekstra, Peter Jan. 3, 1993. Hoke, Martin R Jan. 3, 1993. Holden, Tim Jan. 3, 1993. Horn, Steve Jan. 3, 1993. Huffington, Michael Jan. 3, 1993. Hutchinson, Tim Jan. 3, 1993. Inglis, Bob Jan. 3, 1993. Inslee, Jay Jan. 3, 1993. Istook, Ernest J., Jr Jan. 3, 1993. 382 Congressional Directory CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Name State District 1 term—cont. Johnson, Don.................. GA 10 Johnson, Eddie Bernice ..| TX 30 KG Jai soriivnirssssiiveres CA 41 King, Peter T...oioorviviviines NY 3 Kingston, Jack............ciin.. GA 1 Klein, Herbert C.............. NJ 8 Rhnk, Roni ......coocionriins PA 4. Knollenberg, Joseph .......... MI PH Kreidler, Mike. ................. WA 0-1 Lambert, Blanche............ AR 4 Lazio Rick A.......ccooeriseins NY 2 Levy, David A..........cccecin. NY 4 Linder, JohR.........coiceeiiisnn GA 451 Maloney, Carolyn B........ NY 145 Mann, David.................... OH Vo Manzullo, Donald............. IL 16: Margolies-Mezvinsky, PA 13: Marjorie. McHale, Paul................... PA 15 McHugh, John M ............. NY 24 McInnis, Scott....ccccevvennnee CO 3: McKeon, Howard P. CA 25-4 (Buck). McKinney, Cynthia......... GA Id Meehan, Martin T ........... MA § Meek, Carrie ............ceuue... FL 17 Menendez, Robert ........... NJ 13: Mica, John Li....ccoeeieriens FL 7 Miller, Dan......oeeeveiven.. FL 13.1 Minge, David................... MN 2 Pombo, Richard W ........... CA 11 Pomeroy, Earl.................. ND ALE Portman, Rob...............s.. OH 2 Pryce, Deborah.................. OH 15 Ouinm, Jack. ou. ciiviicorins NY 30-1 Reynolds, Mel.................. IL 2" Roybal-Allard, Lucille..... CA 33: ROYee; Bd. .lovicoiiscrvinsivions CA 39: Rush, Bobby-L................. IL Po Schenk, Lynn.................. CA 49: Scott, Robert C. VA 3 (Bobby). Shepherd, Karen.............. UT 25:1 Smith, Nick.......c.ooconssiiiions MI 7. Strickland, Ted ................ OH 6] Stupak, Bart..........cooeiinn MI 1 Talent, James M................ MO 2 Tejeda, Frank..........cic.uivs TX 28 Thompson, Bennie........... MS 2: Thurman, Karen L .......... FL Sf Torkildsen, Peter G........... MA 6 Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Beginning of present Congresses (inclusive) SETAC 10348... ada. Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... iid Jan. 3, 1993. | 103d.....c00 nin, Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d... iii ines Jan. 3, 1993. 1303d.....ccciiiiitiiiiniii Jan. 3, 1993. 03d... niin Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d.....ccnii niin Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... inns Jan. 3, 1993. 103d......cc.ciciviviiiin Jan. 1993. iiiives 3, 103d... hh sini Jan. 3, 1993. 103d...i niin Jan. 3, 1993. 1103d.......00000000000000 Jan. 3, 1993. 303d 0000 nian Jan. 3, 1993. 1103d oii ii, Jan. 3, 1993. 303d hin Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d.....o00 niin Jan. 3, 1993. T103d....... nis Jan. 3, 1993. { 103d.......c0hiiiiiiniiitie Jan. 3, i 1993. 1 103d......5 cian Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d.....00 en Jan. 3, 1993. 103d ......ccenv sviiiirvivicress Jan. 3, 1993. 103d ......iiinniini, Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... idan Jan. 3, 1993. (103d co. i ein Jan. 3, 1993. :1103d ..........o avin Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... en Jan. 3, 1993. 103d...........coinceiviiineis Jan. 3, 1993. 1 A03d .... a0 ibe ini Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... vein, Jan. 3, 1993. 103... vinaniid Jan. 3, 1993. VL MO3d. hie May 4, 1993. 1 103d........ich mini Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... iin Jan. 3, 1993. 1-103... iii Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... men Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d... niin Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... cond avin, Jan. 3, 1993. | 103d .......cconsiiiivnitisitivia Jan. 3, 1993. 103d.......... visi, Jan. 3, 1993. 103d .......00 nied an Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d... iin Jan. 3, 1993. 103d........annciisisiviniiiin Jan. 3, 1993. 103d......c00.0. indy Jan. 3, 1993. 1 103d... Jan. 3, 1993. 103d nian ini, Jan. 3, 1993. 1 *103d... din Apr. 13, 1993. M03. nie Jan. 3, 1993. 103d... 200 aii Jan. 3, 1993. Terms of Service CONGRESSES IN WHICH REPRESENTATIVES HAVE SERVED, WITH BEGINNING OF PRESENT SERVICE—CONTINUED [* Elected to fill a vacancy; Democrats in roman (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Name State District Congresses (inclusive) Beginning oF present 1 term—-cont. Tucker, Walter R., III..... CA 37 103d oc nn Jan. 3, 1993. Velazquez, Nydia M........ NY 12 11038 rn aS Jan. 3, 1993. Watt, Melvin.................... NC 12001030 onl Rn Jan. 3, 1993. Woolsey, Lynn ................ CA 6 1 103d ii is Jan. 3, 1993. Wynn, Albert R............... MD 7a he ET BR Jan. 3, 1993. RESIDENT COMMISSIONER Romero-Barceld, Carlos. PR |........... 103d et irate Jan. 3, 1993. DELEGATES Underwood, Robert A... GU |........... 103d ina Jan. 3, 1993. de Lugo, Ron.......ccoinnens VI eid 93d to 95th, 97th to Jan. 3, 1981. 103d. Faleomavaega, Eni F.H.| AS |.......... 101st to 103d................ Jan. 3, 1989. Norton, Eleanor DC Leica 102d and 103d.............. Jan. 3, 1991. Holmes. NoTE: Members elected by special election are considered to begin service on the date of the election, except for those elected after a sine die adjournment. If elected after the Congress has adjourned for the session, Members are considered to begin their service on the day after the election. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE [Democrats in roman, Republicans in italic] [Room numbers beginning with SD are in the Dirksen Building, SH are in the Hart Building, and SR are in the Russell Building; Capitol numbers begin with S] Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (Suite SR-328A, phone 224-2035, meets first and third Wednesdays of each month) Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. David Pryor, of Arkansas. Robert Dole, of Kansas. David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Max Baucus, of Montana. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. SUBCOMMITTEES AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Max Baucus, of Montana. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND STABILIZATION OF PRICES David Pryor, of Arkansas. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Max Baucus, of Montana. Robert Dole, of Kansas. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, CONSERVATION, FORESTRY AND GENERAL LEGISLATION Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MARKETING AND PRODUCT PROMOTION David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. David Pryor, of Arkansas. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Max Baucus, of Montana. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. 386 Congressional Directory NUTRITION AND INVESTIGATIONS Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. David Pryor, of Arkansas. Robert Dole, of Kansas. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND RURAL ELECTRIFICATION Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Robert Dole, of Kansas. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. STAFF Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (SR-328), 224-2035. Majority Staff Director.—Charles Riemenschneider. Chief Clerk.—Christine M. Sarcone. Chief Counsel. —James M. Cubie. Deputy Chief Counsel. —Edward J. Barron. Counsels: Lynnett Wagner; Michael Knipe. Administrative/Financial Clerk.—Robert E. Sturm. Hearing Clerk.—Valerie Callands. Chief Economist.—Patrick Westhoff. Deputy Press Secretary.—Alicia Bambara. Documents Clerk.—Mary P. Kinzer. Economist.—Thomas R. Hebert. GPO Printer.—Donald Finch. Legislative Staff Assistants: Steve Lacey; Cindy Squires. Professional Staff: Doug O’Brien; Brian Ellis; Ted Sullivan; Suzette M. Dittrich; Mark Halverson; Charles D. Penry; Suzanne Smith; Thomas Tuchmann; Tom Cosgrove; Michael Fernandez. Special Counsel. —Kenneth D. Ackerman. Staff Assistants: Amy Benoit; Andrew Landis. Minority Staff Director.—Charles Connor. Professional Staff: Robert Breen; Terri Nintemann; Pat Donnelly. Staff Assistants: Terri Snow (SD-636), 4-0619; Deborah Schwertner (SR-328), 4-0619. Staff Economist.—Andy Morton (SD-639). Counsel. —Brent Baglien (SR-278), 4-6923. Committees of the Senate Appropriations (Suite S-128, The Capitol; phone 224-3471, meets upon call of the chairman) Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Connie Mack, of Florida. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Patty Murray, of Washington. Dianne Feinstein, of California. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees of which they regular members.] AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Dianne Feinstein, of California. COMMERCE, JUSTICE, STATE, AND JUDICIARY Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. DEFENSE Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Don Nickles, Oklahoma. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Patty Murray, of Washington. Connie Mack, of Florida. Dianne Feinstein, of California. are not 388 Congressional Directory ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. FOREIGN OPERATIONS Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Connie Mack, of Florida. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Dianne Feinstein, of California. INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Patty Murray, of Washington. LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, AND EDUCATION Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Connie Mack, of Florida. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Patty Murray, of Washington. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Harry Reid, of Nevada. Connie Mack, of Florida. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Patty Murray, of Washington. MILITARY CONSTRUCTION Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. TRANSPORTATION AND RELATED AGENCIES Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Committees of the Senate TREASURY, POSTAL SERVICE, AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. VA-HUD-INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Dianne Feinstein, of California. STAFF Committee on Appropriations (SD-136), 224-3471. Staff Director.—James H. English (S-128), 4-7200. Deputy Staff Director.—Terrence E. Sauvain (SD-131), 4-0338. Chief Clerk.—Mary S. Dewald (S-128), 4-7292. Professional Staff: John J. Convay i 4-7222; Robert W. Putnam (SD-114), SD, 4-7221; Marsha Berry (S-205), 4-06 Counsel for International and Lan Yn Policies.—C. Richard D’Amato (SD-23), 4-3088. Staff Asrmmy Anita J. Skadden (S-128), 4-2582; Joanna S. Capps (SD-114), 4-7223. Editorial and Printing: Richard L. Larson (SD-126); 4-7265; Clarence E. Erney, 4-7266; Robert M. Swartz, 4-7217; Bernard F. Babik, 4-7267. Telephone Office Staff: Rheda Ann Freeman (SD-118), 4-7268; Nancy L. Brandel (SD-118), 4-7282. J Assistants: Norman L. Edwards (SD-128), 4-7264; Joseph C. Chase (SD-28), 4-0331. Minority Staff Director.—J. Keith Kennedy (SD-135), 4-7335. Professional Staff: Mark van de Water (SD-150), 4-7241; Juanita Rilling (SD-135), 4-7251; Ginny James (SD-150), 4-7350. Staff Assistant. —Virginia James (SD-150), 4-7350. Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies (SD-140), 4-7240. Clerk.—Rocky L. Kuhn, 4-7202. Professional Staff Member.—Daniel T. Dager (SD-142), 4-7252. Staff Assistant. —Carole Geagley (SD-140), 4-7240. Minority Clerk.—Rebecca Davies (SD-152), 4-7219. Staff Assistant.—[Vacant.] Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary (S-146A), 4-7277. Clerk.—Scott Gudes. Professional Staff Member.—Dorothy Seder, 4-7244. Staff Assistant. —Elizabeth K. Blevins, 4-4403. Minority Clerk.—John G. Shank (SD-152), 4-7243. Staff Assistant. —[Vacant.] Subcommittee on Defense (SD-119), 4-7255. Clerk.—Richard Collins (SD-119), 4-7205. Professional Staff: Charles J. Houy (SD-122), 4-7293; Jay Kimmitt (SD-122), 4-7206; Peter D. Lennon (SD-123), 4-7207; C. Richard D’Amato (Counsel for Defense and International Security Policy) (SD-123), 4-3088; Mary C. Marshall (SD-119), 4-6817; David Morrison (SD-125), 4-7296. Staff Assistant. —Mazie R. Mattson, 4-7204. Minority Clerk.—Steven J. Cortese (SD-117), 4-2739. Professional Staff Member.—Jim Morhard (SD-157) 4-7271. Staff Assistant. —Dona L. Pate, 4-7246. Subcommittee on District of Columbia (S-205), 4-2731. Clerk.—B. Timothy Leeth. Staff Assistant.—Lula Joyce, 4-7236. Minority Clerk. —Mark van de Water (SD-150), 4-7271. Staff Assistant. —Dona L. Pate (SD-157), 4-7246. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development (SD-132), 4-7260. Clerk.—Proctor Jones. Professional Staff Members:W. David Gwaltney; Gloria Butland. 390 Congressional Directory Committee on Appropriations (SD-136), 224-3471 —CONTINUED Minority Clerk.—Mark D. Walker (SD-153), 4-7261. Staff Assistant. —Dorothy Pastis, 4-7234. Subcommittee on Foreign Operations (SD-137), 4-7284. Clerk.—Eric D. Newsom. Professional Staff Member.—Tim Rieser (SD-136), 4-0334. Staff Assistant. —Fred Kenney, 4-7209. Minority Clerk.—Jim Bond (SD-135), 4-7274. Professional Staff Member.—Juanita Rilling (SD-135), 4-7251. Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies (SD-127), 4-5271. Clerk.—Sue E. Masica. Professional Staff: Rusty Mathews, 4-7257; Kathleen Wheeler, 4-5102. Staff Assistant. —Ellen Donaldson, 4-7233. Minority Clerk.—Cherie Cooper (SD-134), 4-7262. Staff Assistant.—Ginny James (SD-150), 4-7350. Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (SD-186), 4-7288. Clerk.—Ed Long. Professional Staff: James J. Sourwine, 4-7256; Carol C. Mitchell, 4-7225; Margaret Stuart, 4-8154. Staff Assistants: Gladys Clearwaters, 4-7270; Susan A. McGovern, 4-7226. Minority Clerk.—Craig Higgins (SD-196), 4-7643. Professional Staff Member.—Bettilou Taylor, 4-7216. Staff Assistant. —Meg Snyder, 4-7230. Subcommittee on Legislative Branch (SD-132), 4-7338. Clerk.—Jerry Bonham. Staff Assistant.—Lula Joyce (5-205), 4-7236. Minority Clerk.—J. Keith Kennedy (SD-135), 4-7335. Staff Assistant.—Ginny James (SD-150), 4-7350. Subcommittee on Military Construction (SD-131), 4-7276. Clerk.—Mike Walker. Staff Assistant.—Mary C. Marshall (SD-119), 4-6817. Minority Clerk.—Jim Morhard (SD-157), 4-7271. Staff Assistant. —Dona L. Pate (SD-157), 4-7246. Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies (SD-156), 4-0330. Clerk.—Patrick J. McCann. Professional Staff Member.—Peter Rogoff (SD-156), 4-7245. Staff Assistant. —Joyce C. Rose, 4-7281. Minority Clerk.—Anne Miano (SD-153), 4-7213. Staff Assistant.—Dorothy Pastis, 4-7234. Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government (SD-190), 4-6280. Clerk.—Patty Lynch. Staff Assistant. —Cybele Cobb, 4-8271. Minority Clerk.—Chuck Parkinson (SD-150), 4-7337. Staff Assistant.—[Vacant.] Subcommittee on VA-HUD-Independent Agencies (SD-142), 4-7231. Clerk.—Kevin F. Kelly. Professional Staff Member.—Carolyn E. Apostolou, 4-7238. Staff Assistant.—Juanita Griffin, 4-7211. Minority Clerk.—Stephen H. Kohashi (SD-157), 4-7253. Staff Assistant.—Dona L. Pate (SD-157), 4-7246. Committees of the Senate Armed Services (Suite SR-228, phone 224-3871, meets each Thursday) Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Carl Levin, of Michigan. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. John McCain, of Arizona. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. John Glenn, of Ohio. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Bob Graham, of Florida. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees.) NUCLEAR DETERRENCE, ARMS CONTROL AND DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE J. James Exon, of Nebraska. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Carl Levin, of Michigan. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. John Glenn, of Ohio. COALITION DEFENSE AND REINFORCING FORCES Carl Levin, of Michigan. John W. Warner, of Virginia. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. William S. Cohen, of Maine. John Glenn, of Ohio. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Bob Graham, of Florida. REGIONAL DEFENSE AND CONTINGENCY FORCES Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. William S. Cohen, of Maine. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Bob Graham, of Florida. John McCain, of Arizona. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY, ACQUISITION, AND INDUSTRIAL BASE Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Carl Levin, of Michigan. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Bob Graham, of Florida. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Joseph 1. Lieberman, of Connecticut. MILITARY READINESS AND DEFENSE INFRASTRUCTURE John Glenn, of Ohio. John McCain, of Arizona. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. :Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. 392 Congressional Directory FORCE REQUIREMENTS AND PERSONNEL Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. John McCain, of Arizona. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. STAFF Committee on Armed Services (SR-228), 224-3871. Staff Director.—Arnold L. Punaro. General Counsel. —Andrew S. Effron. Chief Clerk.—Christine E. Cowart. Assistant Chief Clerk.—Marie Fabrizio Dickinson. Special Assistant for the Majority.—Kathryn E. Bognovitz. Counsels: Madelyn R. Creedon; Richard D. DeBobes. System Manager.—David W. Fuchs. Research Assistants: Lucia M. Chavez; Julie W. Kemp; Elizabeth I. Solomon. Printing and Documents Clerk.—Richard E. Caswell. Professional Staff: Robert E. Bayer; Richard E. Combs, Jr.; Richard D. Finn, Jr; Creighton Greene; John J. Hamre; William E. Hoehn, Jr.; David S. Lyles; T. Kirk McConnell; Michael J. McCord; Frederick F.Y. Pang; John W. Douglass. Staff Assistants: Barbara L. Braucht; Barbara Gallo; Camden Jones Flick; Lisa H. Kettlewell; Mary J. Kyle; Cindy Pearson; Kelli J. Corts; Debra W. Crnkovic; Mickie Jan Wise; Diane E. Schratz; Susana C. Wigdale. Receptionist. —Debra F. Duncan. Minority Staff Director.—Anthony J. Principi. Deputy Minority Staff Director.—Romie L. Brownlee. Minority Professional Staff: Jonathan L. Etherton; Ronald P. Kelly; George W. Lauffer; John E. Mansfield, Durwood W. Ringo, Jr.; Mark B. Robinson; Charles S. Abell; Thomas G. Moore. Minority Counsel. —William H. Wisecarver III. Staff Assistant.—Melinda M. Koutsoumpas. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (Suite SD-534, phone 224-7391, meets last Tuesday of each month) Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Connie Mack, of Florida, Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Barbara Boxer, of California. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. Patty Murray, of Washington. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio, nonvoting members of all subcommittees] HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Connie Mack, of Florida. Barbara Boxer, of California. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Committees of the Senate INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AND MONETARY POLICY Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Connie Mack, of Florida. Patty Murray, of Washington. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Barbara Boxer, of California. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. SECURITIES Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Phil Gramm, of Texas. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Patty Murray, of Washington. ECONOMIC STABILIZATION AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT . Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Phil Gramm, of Texas. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Connie Mack, of Florida. Richard C. Bryan, of Nevada. STAFF Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (SD-534), 224-7391. Staff Director and Chief Counsel. —Steven B. Harris. Minority Staff Director.—Howard A. Menell. Deputy Republican Staff Director.—Ira Paull. Senior Counsel and International Affairs Adviser. —Patrick A. Mulloy. Republican General Counsel. —Raymond Natter. Senior Counsel. —Richard S. Carnell. Chief Economist.—Patrick J. Lawler. Staff Director and Chief Counsel, Securities.—Martha L. Cochran. Deputy Staff Director, Securities.—Michael J. Stein. Staff Director, Housing and Urban Affairs.—Paul N. Weech. Staff Director, Economic Stabilization and Rural Development.—Christin Givhan. Counsels: Lori Bamberger; Kevin G. Chavers; Clem Dinsmore; Mitchell Feuer; Cheryl Fox; Martin J. Gruenberg; Timothy McTaggart; Mattew D. Roberts. Republican Counsels: Douglas R. Nappi; Laura S. Unger. Republican Economist —Wayne A. Abernathy. Financial Institutions Specialist. —Gillian G. Garcia. Financial Policy Analyst. —Taegan D. Goddard. Professional Staff: Eileen Gallagher; Jeannine S. Jacokes; Kenan P. Jarboe. Republican Professional Staff: Fallie Bolen; Mary Margaret Fisher; Pamela Ray Strunk; Saul Singer; Cheryl Washington. Legislative Assistants: Laura Marcus; Kris D. Warren. Republican Legislative Aide.—Shellie R. Berlin. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Tara S. Law. Executive Assistant to the Minority.—Becky M. Chapman. Computer Systems Administrator.—Sharon A. Bauman. Chief Clerk.—Lory G. Breneman. Press Secretary.—Tamara Lee Boyer. Staff Assistants: Sheila Duffy; Sarah Frazier; Emily Frydrych; Joe Hepp; Teresa Ho; Amy Kostanecki; Stefani Lako; Cynthia Lasker; Tim Mitchell. Editor.—Edward M. Malan. 394 Congressional Directory Budget (Room SD-621, phone 224-0642, meets first Thursday of each month) Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. Phil Gramm, of Texas. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Barbara Boxer, of California. Patty Murray, of Washington. (No Subcommittees) STAFF Committee on Budget (SD-621), 224-0642. Majority Staff Director.—Larry Stein (SD-602A), 4-0553. Deputy Staff Director.—John Callahan (SR-606), 4-6854. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Lisa Bartko (SD-602B), 4-0646. Assistant to the Deputy Director.—Louise Echols (SD-607), 4-5231. Reserach Assistant.—Angeline Nicholas-Costalas (SD-612), 4-0530. Economist.—Charles Marr (SD-603), 4-0556. Assistant Director.—Doug Olin (SD-610), 4-0835. Assistant Director for National Defense.—Randy DeValk (SD-601), 4-0572. Assistant Director for Physical and Natural Resources.—Dave Williams (SD-624A), 4-0544. Analyst for Transportation.—Kip Banks (SD-618), 4-0552. Senior Analyst for Energy and Environment.—Matt Greenwald (SD-617), 4-0538. Assen Director and Counsel Financial Affairs.—Gordon Stoddard (SD-623), 9547. Senior Analyst for Housing and Credit.—Paul Weech (SD-624B), 4-0532. Junior Analyst for Financial Affairs.—Amy Kestnbaum (SD-624), 4-0535. Research Analyst/Speedwriter.—Tony Dresden (SD-624A), 4-0837. Assistant Director for Human Resources.—Kathy Deignan (SD-615), 4-9284. Chief Counsel. —Bill Dauster (SD-614), 4-3961. Counsel.—Agnes Bundy (SD-614), 4-1458. Budget Issues Correspondent.—Ann Driscoll (SD-609), 4-0838. Director of Budget Review.—Sue Nelson (SD-613), 4-0560. Analyst for Budget Review.—Jennie MacGregor (SD-611), 4-0563. Computer Systems Administrator.—Diane Bath. GPO Printing Clerks: Buck White (SH-820), 4-3024; Alex Green (SH-820), 4-0855. Chief Clerk.—Anne Willis Hill (SD-619), 4-0191. Assistant Chief Clerk.—Beth Kirk (SD-619), 4-0547. Press Secretary.—Bob McCarson (SD-612), 4-9587. Staff Assistants: Meg Duncan (SD-621), 4-0565; Kelly Dimock (SD-621), 4-7925; Bert Gilliam (SD-621), 4-0796. Minority Staff Director.—G. William Hoagland (SD-634A), 4-0769. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Betsy Paul (SD-634B), 4-6988. Director of Appropriations Activities. —Carole McGuire (SD-635), 4-0537. Senior Analyst for— Budget Review.—Anne Miller (SD-631), 4-5398. Social Security, Medicare and Health.—Jim Capretta (SD-627), 4-0797. Budget Process, Energy.—Austin Smythe (SD-633), 4-0539. Natural Resources, Agriculture.—Ricardo Rel (SD-625), 4-6588. Commerce and Housing.—Adele Obermayer (SH-625), 4-0564. Income Security and Transportation.—Lynne Daghlian (SD-627), 4-0857. International Affairs.—Charlie Flickner (SD-626), 4-0834. National Defense.—Roy Phillips (SD-629), 4-0529. Economist and Senior Analyst for Revenues.—Cheri Reidy (SD-633), 4-0557. Staff Assistants:—Andrea Gatta (SD-626), 4-2574; Kevin Mitchell (SD-630), 4-0536. Analyst for Veterans Affairs, Legal Assistant.—Melissa Longoria (SD-630), 4-6815. Chief Economist.—Peter Taylor (SD-631), 4-0566. Committees of the Senate 395 Counsel and Senior Analyst for Science.—Denise Ramonas (SD-626), 4-0543. Budget Analyst.—Tony DelBalzo (SH-622), 4-1964. Special Assistant.—Robert Stevenson (SD-629), 4-5289. Commerce, Science, and Transportation (Suite SD-508, phone 224-5115, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month) Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. John McCain, of Arizona. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Conrad Burns, of Montana. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees.) AVIATION Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. John McCain, of Arizona. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. COMMUNICATIONS Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. J. James Exon, of Nebraska. John McCain, of Arizona. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Conrad Burns, of Montana. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Slade Gorton, of Washington. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. CONSUMER Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. John McCain, of Arizona. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. Conrad Burns, of Montana. FOREIGN COMMERCE AND TOURISM John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. MERCHANT MARINE John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. 396 Congressional Directory SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SPACE John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. SURFACE TRANSPORTATION J. James Exon, of Nebraska. John McCain, of Arizona. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Conrad Burns, of Montana. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY STUDY ! Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina Ted Stevens, of Alaska. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. STAFF Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation (SD-508), 224-5115. Chief Counsel and Staff Director.—Kevin G. Curtin. General Counsel. —Linda Morgan. Republican Staff Director.—Jon Chambers. Minority Deputy Staff Director.—Mary Pat Bierle. Staff: Susan Adams Robert L. Foster Steven O. Palmer L.A. Bauroth Michelle E. Fox Yvonne F. Portee Leslie G. Blosse Emily J. Gallop Gretchen S. Post David A. Bohley Nancy L. Garnett Randolph Pritchard Joan A. Bowers Yvonne T. Gowdy Cynthia Propster Moses Boyd Mary Pat Graman Michelle A. Provaznik Barbara Bryant Gerri L. Hall Joseph P. Riley Thelma Campbell Lila H. Helms Ivan A. Schlager Carol J. Carmody Donald M. Itzkoff Arlene M. Sidell Sylvia A. Cikins E. Vanessa Jones Claudia A. Simons Jeanette L. Cole Kevin M. Joseph Claire Suen Antoinette D. Cook Sherman Joyce Caroline C. Teasdale Harold Creel, Jr. Regina M. Keeney Mary L. Turek Rebecca A. Cull Joyce Kennedy Roslyne D. Turner Penelope D. Dalton Rebecca A. Kojm Joani K. Wales Richard D. D’Amato Susan H. MacDonald Sheryl W. Washington Kevin M. Dempsey Alan D. Maness Andriette D. Watson Martha E. Denney Mary P. McManus Samuel E. Whitehorn James S.W. Drewry John A. Moran Louis C. Whitsett Alberta E. Easter Lori A. Navetta Deral E. Willis Donna J. Ferril Mike Nelson Patrick H. Windham Pamela C. Foggin Valerie A. Nicholas John D. Windhausen, Jr. ! Not a subcommittee, but investigative and study group. Committees of the Senate 397 Energy and Natural Resources (Suite SD-304, phone 224-4971, meets on third Wednesday of each month) J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees.] ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. MINERAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. PUBLIC LANDS, NATIONAL PARKS AND FORESTS Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. RENEWABLE ENERGY, ENERGY EFFICIENCY, AND COMPETITIVENESS Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. WATER AND POWER Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. STAFF Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (SD-304), 224-4971; FAX: 224-6163. Majority Staff Director.—Benjamin Cooper. 398 : Congressional Directory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (SD-304), 224-4971; FAX: 224- 6163—CONTINUED Assistant Calendar Clerk/Assistant Computer Administrator.—Chris Kimball. Calendar Clerk.—Mia Miranda. Chief Clerk.—Vicki Thorne. Chief Counsel. —D. Michael Harvey. Computer Systems Administrator.—Paul Mann. Counsels: Paul Barnett; David Brooks; Dana Sebren Cooper; Sam Fowler; Erica Rosenberg; Don Santa; Lisa Vehmas. Director of Communications.—Tony Garrett. Executive Assistant to— Chief Counsel. —Becky Murphy. Staff Director.—Raymond Paul. Financial Clerk.—Nancy Blush. Printer/Editor.—Al Astrin. Printer.—Richard Smit. Professional Staff: Leslie Black Cordes; Mary Louise Wagner. Senior Counsels: Patricia Beneke; Bill Conway. Special Assistant. —Celeste Miller. Staff Assistants: Diane Balamoti; Jason Dilg; Wanda Freeman; Marjorie Gordner; Ann Goshorn; Heather Hart; Pat Temple. Staff Assistant/Documents Clerk.—Craig Ward. Minority Staff Director.—Rob Wallace (SD-312), 224-1017; FAX: 224-4068. Chief Counsel. —Gary Ellsworth. Executive Assistant/Office Manager.—Carol Craft. Professional Staff: Marian Marshall; Jim O’Toole; Howard Useem. Senior Counsel. —Jim Beirne. Senior Professional Staff Member.—Richard Grundy. Special Assistant.—Gerry Hardy. Staff Assistant.—Kelly Fischer. Counsel. —Judy Pensebene. Environment and Public Works (Suite SD-456, phone 224-6176, meets first and third Thursdays of each month) Max Baucus, of Montana. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Barbara Boxer, of California. SUBCOMMITTEES WATER RESOURCES, TRANSPORTATION, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. John W. Warner, of Virginia. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Barbara Boxer, of California. Committees of the Senate 399 SUPERFUND, RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Bob Graham, of Florida. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Barbara Boxer, of California. TOXIC SUBSTANCES, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Harry Reid, of Nevada. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Barbara Boxer, of California. CLEAN WATER, FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Bob Graham, of Florida. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. CLEAN AIR AND NUCLEAR REGULATION Joseph 1. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Bob Graham, of Florida. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. STAFF Committee on Environment and Public Works (SD-456), 224-6176. Majority Staff Director.—Peter L. Scher. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Rhonda Van Diest. Deputy Staff Director.—Tom Sliter. General Counsel. —Mike Evans. Counsels: Dan Berkowitz; Bill Leary; Monica Medina; Leonard Shen. Financial Clerk.—Judy Campbell. Editorial Director.—Paul Chimes. Professional Staff: JoEllen Darcy; Robert Davison; Roy Kienitz; Jeff Peterson; Jerry Reynoldson; Cliff Rothenstein; Kathryn Ruffalo. Staff Assistants: Emily Berman; Janet Burrell; Jennifer Cooper; Ann Ingold; Karen Spence; Karen Unger. Minority Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —Stephen J. Shimberg (SD-410), 4-7854. Minority Counsel. —Claudia McMurray; Lori Williams. Minority Professional Staff: Jean Lauver; Jimmie Powell; Richard Innes; John Grze- bien; John Zirschky. Staff Assistants: Irene Sarate; Donna Campbell; Carolyn Streeter; Marie Balderson. 400 Congressional Directory Finance (Suite SD-20S, phone 224-4515, meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month) Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Max Baucus, of Montana. Robert Dole, of Kansas. David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. David Pryor, of Arkansas. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Tom Daschle, of South Dakota. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees) DEFICITS, DEBT MANAGEMENT AND LONG-TERM ECONOMIC GROWTH Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. ENERGY AND AGRICULTURAL TAXATION Tom Daschle, of South Dakota. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. Robert Dole, of Kansas. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. HEALTH FOR FAMILIES AND THE UNINSURED Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. INTERNATIONAL TRADE Max Baucus, of Montana. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. = Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. Tom Daschle, of South Dakota. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. MEDICARE AND LONG-TERM CARE John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. = Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Max Baucus, of Montana. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Robert Dole, of Kansas. David Pryor, of Arkansas. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Tom Daschle, of South Dakota. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. PRIVATE RETIREMENT PLANS AND OVERSIGHT OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE David Pryor, of Arkansas. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Committees of the Senate SOCIAL SECURITY AND FAMILY POLICY John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Robert Dole, of Kansas. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. TAXATION David L. Boren, of Oklahoma. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Max Baucus, of Montana. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. David Pryor, of Arkansas. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. STAFF Committee on Finance (SD-205), 224-4515. Majority Staff Director.—Lawrence O’Donnell, Jr. Budget Economist.—Charles Konigsberg. Chief International Trade Counselor.—Marcia Miller. Chief Health/ Welfare Counselor.—Paul Offner. Chief Tax Counsel. —Joseph H. Gale. Deputy Staff Director.—Eduard Lopez. Executive Assistant to the Staff Director.—Jodie Taylor. Hearing Clerks: Mark Blair; Kerri Goshorn; Darcell Savage. Legislative Assistant.—Rob Connor. Office Manager/Administrative Assistant.—Annette Nielsen. Press Secretary.—Paul Bledsoe. Printing Specialists: Wayne Hosier; Eric Mayer; Bob Merulla (SH-231A). Professional Staff: Bruce Anderson (printing—SH-231A); Jane Horvath (health); Kathy King (health); Margaret Malone (social welfare); Barbara Wynn (health). Receptionists: Sharon Battle; Theodore Godbout; Genie McCreery. Research Assistants: Maya Bermingham; Tim Bernstein; Kevin Farrell. Secretaries: Gayle Fralin; Donna Ridenour; Jeanne Roby. Senior Health Counselor.—Faye Drummond. Systems Administrator/Analyst.—Janet Blum. Tax Counsels: Robert Hanson; Susan Himes; Patricia McClanahan; William Sollee, Jr. Trade Counsels: Eric Biel; Deborah Lamb. Minority Chief of Staff.—Edmund J. Mihalski (SH-203), 4-5315. Professional Staff: Julie James (health); Kathy Leonard (income security); Susan Nestor (health); Roy Ramthun (health). Deputy Chief of Staff/Chief Tax Counsel. —Lindy Paull. Tax Counsels: Rick Grafmeyer; Greg Powell; Mark Prater. Chief Trade Counsel. —Brad Figel. Trade Counsel. —Eric Autor. Office Manager.—Joyce Harris. Press Secretary.—Josephine Martin. Receptionist. —Gail Galvan. Staff Assistants: Edwina Gray; Craig Kennedy. Foreign Relations (Suite SD-446, phone 224-4651, meets each Tuesday) Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. 402 Congressional Directory SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees.] EUROPEAN AFFAIRS Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY, TRADE, OCEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. of Delaware. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. WESTERN HEMISPHERE AND PEACE CORPS AFFAIRS Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. TERRORISM, NARCOTICS AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. AFRICAN AFFAIRS Paul Simon, of Illinois. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. NEAR EASTERN AND SOUTH ASIAN AFFAIRS Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. EAST ASIAN AND PACIFIC AFFAIRS Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. STAFF Committee on Foreign Relations (SD-446), 224-4651. Staff Director.—Geryld B. Christianson. Deputy Staff Director.—John B. Ritch III. Minority Staff Director.—James W. Nance. Chief Counsel. —Edwin K. Hall. Minority Chief Counsel. —William C. Triplett II. Chief Clerk.—Barbara F. Allem. Committees of the Senate Professional Staff: George W. Ashworth Stephen C. Jordan James P. Rubin Steven K. Berry Elizabeth G. Lambird Randall J. Scheunemann Kristin M. Brady Sandra S. Mason Frank A. Sieverts Thomas J. Callahan Michelle C. Maynard Anne V. Smith Peter M. Cleveland Richard L. McCall, Jr. Nancy H. Stetson Deborah L. DeMoss Janice M. O’Connell Marcia M. Verville Adwoa Dunn-Mouton George A. Pickart Richard J. Kessler Peter W. Galbraith Danielle M. Pletka Steven M. Polansky Robert S. Gillcash, Jr. Stephen A. Rickard William H. Woodward G. Garrett Grigsby Lynn B. Rohrer Support Staff: Beatriz G. Alonso Elizabeth J. DeMoss Mary Beth Markey Kathleen C. Amelia Kathleen M. Donahue Ursula H. McManus Yael S. Aronoff Sandra Gibson Karen E. O’Callaghan Jacqueline C. Aronson Mary Jane Hatcher Dawn L. Ratliff Christopher A. Boris David P. Hauck Nancy N. Ray Thomas C. Brown Deborah M. Johnson Riley R. Sikes Nadereh Chahmirzadi Zamira Korff Mary M. Stakem Gail M. Coppage Michelle R. Landon Kathryn M. Taylor Kathleen Crowley Sara H. Lanza Joanna Woodard Governmental Affairs (Suite SD-340, phone 224-4751, meets first Thursday of each month) John Glenn, of Ohio. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Carl Levin, of Michigan. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. David Pryor, of Arkansas. John McCain, of Arizona. Joseph 1. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees.] FEDERAL SERVICES, POST OFFICE, AND CIVIL SERVICE David Pryor, of Arkansas. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. GENERAL SERVICES, FEDERALISM, AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. John McCain, of Arizona. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT Carl Levin, of Michigan. William S. Cohen, of Maine. David Pryor, of Arkansas. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. John McCain, of Arizona. Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. 404 Congressional Directory PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS Sam Nunn, of Georgia. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. John Glenn, of Ohio. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Carl Levin, of Michigan. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. David Pryor, of Arkansas. John McCain, of Arizona. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. REGULATION AND GOVERNMENT INFORMATION Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Sam Nunn, of Georgia. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Carl Levin, of Michigan. John McCain, of Arizona. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. STAFF Committee on Governmental Affairs (SD-340), 224-4751. Staff Director.—Leonard Weiss. Minority Chief Counsel/Staff Director.—Franklin G. Polk (SD-350), 4-2627. Chief Clerk.—Michal Sue Prosser. Minority Deputy Staff Director.—Susanne Marshall. Deputy Staff Director.—Bob Harris. General Counsel. —Lorraine Lewis. Counsels: Tom Sisti; Betty Ann Soiefer; Brian Dettelbach; David Plocher; Steve Katz. Assistant Counsel. —Doris Clanton. Minority Counsel. —Sean Woo; J.C. Boggs. Professional Staff: Bob Alvarez; Eileen Choffnes; Randy Rydell; Jane McFarland; Michael Slater. Subcommittee on Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service (SH-601), 4-2254. Staff Director.—Ed Gleiman. Minority Staff Director.—Pat Raymond (SH-601), 4-4551. Subcommittee on General Services, Federalism, and the District of Columbia (SH-432), 4-4718. Chief Counsel. —John Belferman. Minority Staff Director.—Mark Buse (SH-613A), 4-4508. Chief Clerk.—Becky Stratton. Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management (SH-442), 4-3682. Chief Counsel/Staff Director.—Linda Gustitus. Minority Staff Director.—Kim Corthell (SH-439), 4-5538. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (SR-100), 4-3721. Staff Director.—Eleanore Hill. Minority Staff Director.—Daniel Rinzel. Minority Counsels: Stephen Levin; Leighton Lord (SR-193), 4-9157. Subcommittee on Regulation and Government Information (SH-605), 4-9000. Staff Director.—John T. Nakahata. Minority Staff Director.—Forest Thigpen (SH-446), 4-8798. Committees of the Senate 405 Indian Affairs [Created pursuant to S. Res. 4, 95th Congress; amended by S. Res. 71, 103d Congress] Room SH-838. Phone, 224-2251 (meets first Wednesday) Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. John McCain, of Arizona. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico Paul Simon, of Illinois. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. STAFF Committee on Indian Affairs (SH-838), 224-2251; FAX: 224-2309. Staff Director/Chief Counsel.—Patricia M. Zell. Minority Staff Director.—Daniel N. Lewis. Minority Counsel. —Eric Eberhard. Senior Counsel. —Virginia Boylan. Counsels: Lenna Aoki; John Bushman; Patricia Trudell Gordon; June Lorenzo; Noelle Kahanu. Special Assistant to the Vice-Chairman.—Michael D. Jackson. Professional Staff: Ronald D. Arnold; Yvette Joseph Fox; Kathleen B. Hooker. Chief Clerk.—Elva Arquero. Deputy Clerk.—Renee Lewis. Office Manager.—Marilyn Bruce. Deputy Office Manager.—Hawley Manwarring. Systems Administrator.—Irene Herder. Special Assistant to Minority Staff Director—Eleanor McComber. Receptionist. —Earlene Havatone. Printer/Editor.—John Mogavero. Judiciary (Suite SD-224, phone 224-5225, meets upon call of chairman) Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Paul Simon, of Illinois. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Dianne Feinstein, of California. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. SUBCOMMITTEES ANTITRUST, MONOPOLIES AND BUSINESS RIGHTS Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Paul Simon, of Illinois. CONSTITUTION Paul Simon, of Illinois. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. 406 Congressional Directory COURTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE PRACTICE Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE AFFAIRS Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Paul Simon, of Illinois. JUVENILE JUSTICE Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKS Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Dianne Feinstein, of California. TECHNOLOGY AND THE LAW Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Dianne Feinstein, of California. STAFF Committee on the Judiciary (SD-224), 224-5225. Chief Counsel. —Cynthia Hogan. Chief Clerk.—Sally Shafroth. Deputy Chief Clerk.—Rick Mihills. Professional Staff —Chris Putala. Special Counsel.—Victoria Nourse. Counsels: Kathleen Clark; James Cooper. Chief Nominations Counsel. —Guy Molock. Nominations Counsels: Mark Schwartz; Melanie Sloan. Nominations Clerk.—Amy Nash. Investigator.—Mary DeOreo. Staff Assistants: David Long; Kathy Malowney; Mary Peters; Steve Segaloff; Nancy Solomon; Jennifer Vollen. Documents Clerk.—Phil Shipman. GPO Printers: Heinz Mohle; Walter Jung. System Administrator.—Ben Turner. Legislative Correspondence Manager.—Lisa Monaco. Legislative Correspondent.—Mark Parsons. Legislative Aide.—Kevin Howard. Press Secretary.—Larry Spinelli. Research Assistant.—Joel Vengrin. Special Assistant.—Bob Cunningham. Minority Staff Director.—Mark Disler (SD-147), 224-7703. Deputy Clerk.—Rebecca South. Assistant Staff Director.—Anna Escobedo Cabral. Chief Counsel. —Sharon Prost. Counsels: M. Miller Baker; Victor Cabral; Manus Cooney; Darrell Panethiere; Ed Whelan. Investigator.—Brad White. Receptionist. —Stacey Vargecko. Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights (SH-308), 224-5701. Chief Counsel. —Bill Corr. Committees of the Senate 407 Counsels: Pam Banks; Chris Harvie; Mindy Hatton; Gail Laster; Brian McTigue. Chief Clerk and Legislative Correspondent.—Erin O’Connor. Legislative Correspondent.—Jamie Dolin. Staff Assistant.—Meg Weems. Minority Chief Counsel/Staff Director—Thad Strom (SH-229), 224-9494. Chief Clerk.—Melinda Koutsoumpas. Legislative Assistant.—Helena Huntley Mell. General Counsel/Antitrust.—Patty Vaughan. Investigations.—Melissa Riley. Subcommittee on the Constitution (SD-524), 224-5573. Staff Director/General Counsel.—John Trasvina. Chief Counsel. —Susan Kaplan. Counsels: Jayne Jerkins; Aaron Rappaport. Chief Clerk.—Amy Isbell. Staff Assistants: Syrena Case; Katie Van Heuven. Minority Chief Counsel. —John Bliss (SD-162), 224-8254. Counsel.—Tracey Carnes. Subcommittee on Courts and Administrative Practice (SH-223), 224-4022. Chief Counsel. —Winston Lett. Counsels: Jeffery Hartley; Matt Pappas. Chief Clerk.—Rebecca Ward. Minority Chief Counsel. —Melissa Patack (SH-325), 224-6736. Counsels: Fred Ansell; Chris Brown. Staff Assistant.—Eric Winterbauer. Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Affairs (SD-518), 224-7878. Chief Counsel. —Jeff Blattner. Staff Director.—Jerry Tinker. Counsels: Judy Applebaum; Michael Myers. Chief Clerk.—Laverne Walker. Private Bill Clerk.—Robert Lange. Staff Assistants: Rubye Connaster; Kristine Sandek. Minority Chief Counsel/Staff Director.—Dick Day (SH-807), 224-6098. Counsels: Warren Schaeffer; Cordia Strom. Chief Clerk.—Helen York. Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks (SH-327), 224-8178. Chief Counsel. —Karen Robb. Counsels: Dennis Burke; Janis Long. Legislative Assistant.—Cecilia Swensen. Staff Assistant.—Mary Magner. Subcommittee on Technology and the Law (SH-518), 224-3407. Chief Counsel. —Ann Harkins. Counsels: Tristram Coffin; Cathy Russell; Todd Stern. Legislative Correspondent.—Peter Schmalz. Staff Assistants: Debra Waxman; Maggie Whitney. Minority Chief Counsel.—Richard Hertling (SD-161), 224-6791. Counsels: Barry Caldwell; Staci Williams. Chief Clerk.—Melissa Perez. Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice (SH-305), 224-4933. Chief Counsel /Staff Director.—Jon Leibowitz. Counsel. —Matt McCoy. Professional Staff. —Marsha Renwanz. Staff Assistants: Joel Haubrich; Michael Handelman. Congressional Directory Labor and Human Resources (Suite SD-428, phone 224-5375, meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month) Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member are ex offico members of all subcommittees. Both also are voting members of the subcommittees listed below.] LABOR Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. EDUCATION, ARTS, AND HUMANITIES Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. EMPLOYMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY Paul Simon, of Illinois. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. DISABILITY POLICY Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Paul Simon, of Illinois. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. CHILDREN, FAMILY, DRUGS AND ALCOHOLISM Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Committees of the Senate AGING Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire. Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Dave Durenberger, of Minnesota. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. STAFF Commliies on Labor and Human Resources (SD-428), 224-5375; FAX: 224-5188; TDD: 1975. Staff Director and Chief Counsel. —Nick Littlefield, 4-5465. General Counsel —Ronald H. Weich, 4-3657. Counsel.—Mark B. Childress, 4-0767. Staff Director for Health. —David H. Nexon (SH-527), 4-7675. Senior Health Policy Adviser.—Van H. Dunn, M.D., 4-5362. Chief Counsel, Poverty and Disability Policy.—Michael E. Iskowitz, 4-6572. Senior Policy Adviser for Health and Poverty.—Marsha J. Simon, 4-6745. Health Analyst.—Deborah von Zinkernagel, 4-6060. Chief Education Adviser—Ellen Guiney (SH-632), 4-5501. Education Counsel. —Suzanne Ramos, 4-5501. Chief Labor Counsel. —Sara Fox (SH-404), 4-5441. Assistant Press Secretary.—Kevin Winston. Administrative Assistant.—Nadine R. Arrington, 4-3656. Legislative Clerk.—Beth Winnick, 4-5407. Editor/Publications.—Uwe Timpke (SH-132), 4-7657. Minority Staff: Staff Director—Susan K. Hattan (SH-835), 4-6770. General Counsel.—Dan Bolen, 4-6770. Investigator.—Robert Stokes, 4-6770. Health Policy Coordinator.—Andrew Patzman, 4-3191. Health Policy Advisers: Mary Sieg-Ross, M.D., 4-3191; Jane Williams. Chief Education Counsel.—Lisa Ross, 4-6770. Children’s Policy Coordinator.—Kimberly Barnes-O’Connor, 4-3191. Chief Labor Adviser—Ted Verheggen, 4-6770. Labor Counsel. —Stephen Sola, 4-6770. Assistant Labor Counsel. —Carla Widener, 4-6770. Rules and Administration [Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946] (Suite SR-30S, phone 224-6352, meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month) Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Robert Dole, of Kansas. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Dianne Feinstein, of California. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. (No Subcommittees) STAFF Committee on Rules and Administration (SR-305), 224-6352. Staff Director.—James O. King (SR-311), 4-6352. Chief Counsel. —John L. Sousa (SR-307), 4-5648. Counsel. —Thomas E. Zoeller (SR-318), 4-0279. Senior Adviser.—William McWhorter Cochrane (SR-325B), 4-0275. Chief Clerk.—Gail S. Martin (SR-309), 4-0299. Director, Information Systems and Technology.—Robert D. Harris (SR-318), 4-0285. Minority Staff Director.—Al McDermott (SR-479), 4-8923. 410 Congressional Directory Committee on Rules and Administration (SR-305), 224-6352—CONTINUED Minority Counsel. —Mark C. Mackie (SR-479), 4-8923. Minority Legislative Assistant.—Christine Ciccione (SR-479), 4-8923. Minority Staff Assistant.—Laura Doogan (SR-479), 4-8923. Minority Executive Secretary.—Susan Oursler (SR-479), 4-8923. Assistant Chief Clerk.—Carole J. Blessington (SR-309), 4-0278. Senior Auditor.—Christopher D. Shunk (SH-144), 4-0277. Auditors: Kimberly J. Austin; Brian Raines (SH-144), 4-5188. Senior Systems Analysts: Patrick B. Sarman (SR-318), 4-0288; John N. McConnell (SR-318), 4-2233. Professional Staff Members: Lana R. Slack (SR-B04), 4-0296; Gary A. Winters (SR-318), 4-6686. Staff Assistants: Connie Friedman (SR-318), 4-8977; Jennifer J. Nelson (SR-318), 4-6355; Kathleen M. Kern (SR-305), 4-3870; Jerry T. Verkler (SR-305), 4-4833. Secretary.—Carole A. Stevenson (SR-318), 4-0294. Parliamentarian Emeritus.—Floyd M. Riddick (SR-325A), 4-9137. Small Business [Created pursuant to S. Res. 58, 81st Congress] (Suite SR-428A, phone 224-5175, FAX: 4-5619, meets first Wednesday of each month) Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Conrad Burns, of Montana. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Connie Mack, of Florida. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. SUBCOMMITTEES COMPETITIVENESS, CAPITAL FORMATION AND ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Connie Mack, of Florida. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. EXPORT EXPANSION AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING AND PAPERWORK REDUCTION Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. INNOVATION, MANUFACTURING AND TECHNOLOGY Carl Levin, of Michigan. Conrad Burns, of Montana. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Committees of the Senate RURAL ECONOMY AND FAMILY FARMING Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. URBAN AND MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Sam Nunn, of Georgia. Connie Mack, of Florida. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Harris Wofford, of Pennsylvania. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. STAFF Committee on Small Business (Sp a1%a) 224-5175; FAX: 224-5619. Staff Director/Chief Counsel.—John W. Ball. Tax Counsel. —Stan Fendley. Procurement Policy Counsel. —William B. Montalto. Counsels: Galen Fountain; Patricia R. Forbes. Executive Assistant.—Polly Ragon. Press Assistant.—John Lyford. Chief Clerk.—Susan Sherk. Hearing Clerk.—Laura Lecky. Calendar Clerk/Systems Administrator.—Ann Logan. Legislative Assistants: Tracy Alderson; Nancy Kelley. Staff Assistants: Jennifer Rhodes; Gerri Ellen Christian; David Johnson. Minority Staff Director.—Thomas G. Hohenthaner (SR-438), 4-8485. Executive Assistant. —Cindy Creager. Professional Staff.—Kent Knutson. Economist. —Ann Rehfuss. Legislative Assistants: Jafar Karim; Stephanie Lindquist. Congressional Directory Veterans’ Affairs (Suite SR-414, phone 224-9126) John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. ~~ Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Bob Graham, of Florida. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. (No Subcommittees) STAFF Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (SR-414), 224-9126. Majority Chief Counsel/Staff Director.—Jim Gottlieb. General Counsel. —William E. Brew. Counsels: Michael W. Cogan; Charles F. Lee; Margaret M. Morrow. Professional Staff.—Peter H. Dougherty. Special Projects Director.—Charlotte Moreland. Chief Clerk.—Dennis G. Doherty. Executive Assistant.—Elinor P. Tucker. Legislative Assistant: Janet M. Coffman. Legislative Aides: Todd Houchins; Kim Lipsky. Legislative Clerk and Systems Administrator.—Tawanda Richardson. Receptionist. —Rosalie L. Ducosin. Staff Assistant. —Daniel G. Rauh. Editorial Director.—Roy Smith. Minority Staff (SH-202), 224-2074. Minority Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —John H. Moseman. Minority Deputy Staff Director.—Charles C. Yoder. Minority General Counsel —William F. Tuerk. Minority Chief Clerk.—Kathryn W. Post. Minority Legislative Assistant. —Carrie J. Gavora. Minority Staff Assistant.—Tracy Coombe. SELECT AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE Select Committee on Ethics [Created pursuant to S. Res. 4, 95th Congress] Room SH-220. Phone, 224-2981 Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Robert C. Smith, of New Hampshire. STAFF Select Committee on Ethics (SH-220), 224-2981; FAX: 224-7416. Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —Victor McE. Baird (acting). Counsels.—Karen L. Bovard; Elizabeth A. Ryan. Chief Clerk.—Annette Gillis. Professional Staff.—Marie Mullis. System Administrator.—Sharon Washington. Staff Assistants: Ruth A. Anderson; Jeannine Fielding; Felicia Lopez; Rebecca Fleis- chaker; Graham Bouchoux. Select Committee on Intelligence [Created pursuant to S. Res. 400, 94th Congress] Room SH-211, Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-1700 Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. John W. Warner, of Virginia. Howard M. Metzenbaum, of Ohio. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. John Glenn, of Ohio. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. J. Robert Kerrey, of Nebraska. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Bob Graham, of Florida. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Max Baucus, of Montana. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. EX OFFICIO George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Robert Dole, of Kansas. STAFF Select Committee on Intelligence (SH-211), 224-1700. Staff Director.—Norman K. Bradley. General Counsel. —L. Britt Snider. Chief Clerk.—Kathleen P. McGhee. Minority Staff Director/Counsel. —David S. Addington. Congressional Directory Special Committee on Aging [Reauthorized pursuant to S. Res. 4, 95th Congress] Room SD G-31. Phone, 224-5364 David Pryor, of Arkansas. William S. Cohen, of Maine. John Glenn, of Ohio. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. Bill Bradley, of New Jersey. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa. J. Bennett Johnston, of Louisiana. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. James M. Jeffords, of Vermont. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. John McCain, of Arizona. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Dave Durenburger, of Minnesota. Bob Graham, of Florida. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania. STAFF Special Committee on Aging (SD G-31), 224-5364; FAX: 224-9926. Staff Director.—Theresa M. Forster. Chief Clerk.—Christine V. Drayton. Counsel.—Gregory Smith. Press Secretary.—Ann Trinca. Senior Health Policy Analyst.—John Coster. Professional Staff: Jonathan Adelstein; Holly Bode; Bonnie Hogue; Mia Masten. Investigator.—Katherine Kellenberg. CMS Operator.—Jennifer Green. Systems Administrator.—Zandra Chestnut. Legislative Correspondents: Andrea Boldon (press); Michael Langan; Kirkley Thomas (research). Secretary.—Eileen Oberman. Staff Assistant.—Johnna Thomas. Staff Assistant/Receptionist.—Eva Madison. GPO Printer.—Daniel Tuite. Minority Staff (SH-628), 224-1467; FAX: 224-8669. Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —Mary Berry Gerwin. Investigator.—Helen Albert. Professional Staff: Victoria Blattner; Katherine DeCoster; Priscilla Hanley; Stacey Hughes. Staff Assistant.—Joseph Hanley. Democratic Policy Committee Suites S-118 and S-318, The Capitol. Phone, 224-5551 and 4-2939 Suites SH-419, SH-512, SH-619 and SH-712, Hart Senate Office Building. Phones, 4-5554, 4-7358, 4-3232, 4-1430 Chairman.—George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Co-Chairman.— Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Vice Chairmen: Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. John Glenn, of Ohio. Members: Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Claiborne Pell, of Rhode Island. Dale Bumpers, of Arkansas. Howell Heflin, of Alabama. Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey. Donald W. Riegle, Jr., of Michigan. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. Carol Moseley-Braun, of Illinois. Select and Special Committees of the Senate Russell Feingold, of Wisconsin. Ex Officio: Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky (Whip). David Pryor, of Arkansas (Secretary of Conference). STAFF Democratic Policy Committee (S-118, The Capitol), 224-5551. Deputy Staff Director.—Greg Billings (SH-619), 4-3232. Communications Director.—Diane Dewhirst (S-318, The Capitol), 4-2939. Director of Outreach.—Debra Silimeo (SH-619), 4-3232. Chief Clerk.—Marian Bertram (SH-419), 4-5554. Floor Staff's Office (S-118, The Capitol), 4-5551; Martin P. Paone; Lula Davis; Art eron; Nancy Iacomini; Brad Austin. Communications Office (S-318, The Capitol), 4-2939: Mary Ann Hill; Mary Helen Fuller; James Manley; John Byrne. Broadcast Services Office (ST-50, The Capitol), 4-1278: Kevin McManus; Clare Flood; Kevin Kelleher; Mark Marchione; Christine Deckel. Domestic Policy Office (SH-619), 4-3232. Staff: Paul Carliner; David Corbin; Heather Drinan; Russell Dunn; Trish Moreis; Tony Morgan (chief economist); Chris Moseley; Mike Mozden; Kelly Paisley; Amy Pressman; Michael Werner. Foreign and Defense Policy Office (SH-712), 4-1430: Edward King; Brett O’Brien; Leah Titerence; Michael Ceurvorst. Voting Records and Publications Office (SH-419), 4-5554: Douglas Connolly; Colleen Stephenson; Clare Amoruso; Vonzell Brown; Marguerite Beck-Rex; Lynn Terp-stra; Lauren Burke. Television Services Office (SH-512), 4-7358; Lisa Plante; Jeff Pray. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 430 South Capitol Street SE 20003. Phone, 224-2447 Chairman.—Bob Graham, of Florida. Program Chairs: Majority Trust: Jay D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Leadership Circle: Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Max Baucus, of Montana. Business Roundtable: David Pryor, of Arkansas. Patty Murray, of Washington. Labor Council: Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado. Women’s Council: Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Barbara Boxer, of California. Past Chairs: Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Ex Officio: George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, 20003, 224-2447; FAX: 485-3120. Executive Director.—Donald J. Foley. General Counsel. —Robert Bauer, 887-9030. Administrative Assistant to Senator Graham.—Bud Shorstein. National Finance Chairman.—Hugh Westbrook. Deputy Executive Director and Press Secretary.—Ken Klein. Executive Assistant.—Jody Buccanno. Personal Assistant. —Jodie Saunders. 416 Congressional Directory Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, 20003, 224-2447; FAX: 485-3120—CONTINUED Political Director.—Gail Stolz. Deputy Political Director.—Jim Morgan. Political Assistant. —Courtney Gerber. Research Director.—Peter Lindstrom. Research Associate.—Patty Gaul. Finance Director—Kate Carr. Labor Liaison.—Dick Murphy. Director of Membership Programs.—David Gasson. Women’s Council Director.—Nancy Kisshner. National Fundraising Program Staff: Richard Sullivan; Lisa Blanchet. Director, Business Roundtable.—Laura Young. Finance Assistants: Pamela Barkley; Nancy Peterson. Director of Computer Operations.—Jeff Ferguson. Deputy Director.—Tim Nelson. Director of Direct Mail. —Debra Davey. Deputy Comptrollers: Darlene Setter; Mabel Squire. National Republican Senatorial Committee 425 Second Street NE. 20001. Phone, 675-6000 Chairman.—Phil Gramm, of Texas. Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. Hank Brown, of Colorado. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Dan Coats, of Indiana. Paul Coverdell, of Georgia. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. Lauch Faircloth, of North Carolina. Slade Gorton, of Washington. Dirk Kempthorne, of Idaho. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Connie Mack, of Florida. John McCain, of Arizona. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. John W. Warner, of Virginia. STAFF National Republican Senatorial Committee: 675-6000; FAX: 675-6058. Executive Director.—Bill Harris. Deputy Executive Director.—David Carney. Legal Counsel. —Jay Velasquez. Communications Director.—Gary Koops. Political Services Director.—Paul Curcio. Treasurer/Comptroller.—Sonya Vasquez. Finance Director.— Albert Mitchler. Deputy Finance Director/Director of Financial Services.—Carla Eudy. Director of Administration.—Alan Hill. Research Director—Don Todd. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL COMMITTEE STAFF Felicia Allard Will Black Tom Donovan Kristin Allen Link Browder Rob Douglas Mike Anton Stuart Canzeri Christopher Dube Brett Babson-Dess Dave Carney Carla Eudy Trevor Baer James Cecil Susan Ferguson Lance Baird Dave Coray Amy Ford Tim Barnes Eric Criss Jeff Gardner Kathy Bell Paul Curcio Craig Goldman Claudia Bessey Aaron Deer Richard Green Elizabeth Binion Melanie Donohue Therese Groh Select and Special Committees of the Senate Lana Guiler Margaret Lauderback Lynn Robinson Rob Guthrie Jon Littlejohn Robert Rogers Todd Hammer Matt Lowe Stuart Roy Liz Harris Tim McClung Sonny Scott William Hay Kevin Madden Christina Sloan Donna Henderson Jack Milne Rod Smith Jeb Hensarling Al Mitchler Emily Stenger Alan Hill Lesliee Negash Bill Thorne Gary Hoitsman Susan Nelson Don Thorson Mike Hudome Vanessa Novak Don Todd Robert Irvin Liz Owen Sonya Vasquez Marisa Joye Charles Peruchini Jay Velasquez Susie Karas Janet Peterson Derby Watkins Brett Kidd Patrick Pyles Laura Whitten Gary Koops Joe Quigley Katie Williams Semmes Kost Ed Rahal Jeff Willis Thomas Ladd Teresa Rhodes Conference of the Minority Room SH-405, Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2764 Chairman.—Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Secretary.—Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Committee Chairmen: Policy.—Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. Campaign.—Phil Gramm, of Texas. Committees.—Conrad Burns, of Montana. STAFF Conference of the Minority (SH-405), 224-2764. Staff Director.—Will Feltus. Deputy Staff Director.—Vertell Floyd Simmons. Assistant Staff Director.—Mitchell B. Kugler. Art Director.—Karen L. Portik. Controller.—Scott Vachal. Assistant to Staff Director.—Renee Flynt. Television Technical Director.—Kenneth Ryland. Television Services Director.—Cynthia Sisco. Media Coordinator.—Elizabeth Morra. Radio Service Director.—David K. Hodgdon. Senior Radio Producer.—Chris Devaney. Photographers: Henry Peterson; Jurandir De Menezes. Associate Producers: Howard Opinsky; Bryan Rager. Hispanic Media Coordinator.—Carlos Gonzalez. Senior Graphic Designer.—Christopher Angrisani. Graphic Designer.—Howard A. Bagley. Staff Assistant.—Anna Katherine Campbell. Secretary of the Conference Staff (SD-513), 4-1326. Staff Director—Dave Hoppe. Deputy Staff Director.—Rick Dearborn. Republican Policy Committee Room SR-347, Russell Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2946 Chairman.—Don Nickles, of Oklahoma. John H. Chafee, of Rhode Island. Thad Cochran, of Mississippi. Alfonse M. D’Amato, of New York. John C. Danforth, of Missouri. Robert Dole, of Kansas. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. 418 Congressional Directory Republican Policy Committee—CONTINUED Phil Gramm, of Texas. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Jesse Helms, of North Carolina. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, of Kansas. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Larry Pressler, of South Dakota. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Alan K. Simpson, of Wyoming. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina. Malcolm Wallop, of Wyoming. John W. Warner, of Virginia. STAFF Republican Policy Committee (SR-347), 224-2946. Staff Director.—Kelly Johnston. Assistant Staff Director.—Doug Badger. Executive Director.—Cheri A. Allen. Office Manager.—Wes Harris. Analysts: Yvonne Bartoli Lincoln Oliphant Mark Whitenton Kim Jatras Judy Myers Paschall Professional Staff: Jack Clark Joe Lieber Tom Pulju Ken Foss Debbie Price Eric Ueland Carrie Lammers Judy Gorman Prinkey Erica Ward STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE (Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independent in SMALL CAPS; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface) [Room numbers beginning with H are in the Capitol, with CHOB are in the Cannon House Office Building, with LHOB are in the Longworth House Office Building, with RHOB are in the Rayburn House Office Building, with H1 are in O'Neill House Office Building, and with H2 are in Ford House Office Building] Agriculture (1301 LHOB, phone 225-2171; FAX: 225-8510; meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 27/19 ! E de la Garza, of Texas. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. George E. Brown, Jr., of California. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Glenn English, of Oklahoma. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. Larry Combest, of Texas. Harold L. Volkmer, of Missouri. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Timothy J. Penny, of Minnesota. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Bill Sarpalius, of Texas. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Jill L. Long, of Indiana. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. Gary A. Condit, of California. John T. Doolittle, of California. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. David Minge, of Minnesota. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Earl Pomeroy, of North Dakota. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. Bennie Thompson, of Mississippi. Sam Farr, of California. Pat Williams, of Montana. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. Two Democrats, Mr. Williams of Montana, and Ms. Lambert of Arkansas, hold temporary assignments to this committee. 419 Congressional Directory SUBCOMMITTEES ’ [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees.) GENERAL FARM COMMODITIES Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Larry Combest, of Texas. Harold L. Volkmer, of Missoui. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Jill L. Long, of Indiana. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. David Minge, of Minnesota. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. Earl Pomeroy, of North Dakota. John T. Doolittle, of California. Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Glenn English, of Oklahoma. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. Bill Sarpalius, of Texas. Gary A. Condit, of California. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. Pat Williams of Montana. LIVESTOCK Harold L. Volkmer, of Missouri. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Gary A. Condit, of California. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Jill Long, of Indiana. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. SPECIALTY CROPS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. John T. Doolittle, of California. George E. Brown, Jr., of California. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. Gary A. Condit, of California. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. Richard W. Pombo, of California. David Minge, of Minnesota. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Earl Pomeroy, of North Dakota. Glenn English, of Oklahoma. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Committees of the House DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS AND NUTRITION Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. George E. Brown, Jr., of California. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Bill Sarpalius, of Texas. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Glenn English, of Oklahoma. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. Harold L. Volkmer, of Missouri. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. ENVIRONMENT, CREDIT, AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Glenn English, of Oklahoma. Larry Combest, of Texas. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Jill L. Long, of Indiana. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. David Minge, of Minnesota. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. Earl Pomeroy, of North Dakota. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. Timothy J. Penny, of Minnesota. Bill Sarpalius, of Texas. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. FOREIGN AGRICULTURE AND HUNGER Timothy J. Penny, of Minnesota. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. John T. Doolittle, of California. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. Earl Pomeroy, of North Dakota. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. STAFF Committee on Agriculture (1301 LHOB), 225-2171. Staff Director.—Dianne Powell, 5-0317. Chief Council and Legislative Director.—Laverne Hubertt (1301 LHOB), 5-0420. Deputy Chief Counsel. —Fred Clark (1305 LHOB), 5-1663. Assistant Counsels: Julia Paradis (1305 LHOB), 5-9381; Andrew Baker, 5-9384. Associate Counsel.—Joseph Muldoon (1305 LHOB), 5-9199. Press Secretary.—Jim Davis (1301 LHOB), 5-3556. Assistant Press Secretary.—Joe Dugan (1305 LHOB), 5-8513. Staff Economist. —Howard Conley (1041 LHOB), 5-2349. Printing Editor.—Gerald C. DuVal (1303 LHOB), 5-4050. Hearing Clerk.—Glenda L. Temple, 5-2171. Receptionist.—Christine Gavin (1336 LHOB), 5-2171. Scheduler.—Rika Clark (1301 LHOB), 5-6872. Staff Assistants: Anita Brown (1301 LHOB), 5-8389; Irene Buentello (1301 LHOB), 5-2171; Brenda Connolly (1301 LHOB), 5-8248; Perri D’Armond (1336 LHOB), 5-4652; Xavier Equihua (1301 LHOB), 5-5615; Brenda Hatton (1301A LHOB), 5-8407; Susan Houser (1002 LHOB), 5-2342; Leila Kempner (1336 LHOB), 5- 422 Congressional Directory Committee on Agriculture (1301 LHOB), 225-2171 —CONTINUED 1130; Jacqueline Jennings (1336 LHOB), 5-1867; Anne Keys, 5-9986; Diane Keyser (1304 LHOB), 5-0022; Julia Kogut (1301 LHOB), 5-0421; Lena Lawrence (1336 LHOB), 5-1867; Marshall Livingston (1301 LHOB), 5-6878; James R. Lyons (1301-A LHOB), 5-6395; Curt Mann (1303 LHOB), 5-6871; Sam Masseli (1336 LHOB), 5-9320; Scott McCoy (1304 LHOB), 5-0020; James McDonald (1430 LHOB) 5-3863; Daniel McGrath (1336 LHOB), 5-1867; William McGuire (1336 LHOB), 5-1130; John Riley (1301 LHOB), 5-7987; Joan Teague Rose (105 CHOB), 5-8906; Jan Rovecamp (1430 LHOB), 5-0301; Debbie Smith (1305 LHOB), 5-9384; Margaret Wetherald (1301A LHOB), 5-1495; Charlotte Whited (1002A-LHOB), 5-0171; Rob Wight (1301A LHOB), 5-8406; Wanda Worsham (1002 LHOB), 5-2342; Mervin Yetley (1303 LHOB), 5-2183. Staff Consultants: Dave Ebersole (1002 LHOB), 5-2342; Lynn F. Gallagher (1002 LHOB), 5-2342; Neil Moseman (1002 LHOB) 5-0171; Pete Thomson (1002 LHOB), 5-0171; Stacy Steinitz (1002 LHOB), 5-0171. Subcommittee Consultants: Benjamin Baker (1430 LHOB), 5-0301; Timothy P. De-Coster (1336 LHOB), 5-1867; Greg Frazier (1430 LHOB), 5-1494; Keith Pitts (105 CHOB), 5-8906; Stan Ray (1301A LHOB), 5-1496; Jane Shey (1336 LHOB), 5-1867. Minority Staff Director—Gary Mitchell (1304 LHOB), 5-0023. Counsel.—John E. Hogan (1304 LHOB), 5-0025. Minority Policy Coordinator.—William O’Conner (1304 LHOB), 5-0021. Minority Legislative Coordinator.—Dale Moore (1304 LHOB), 5-0026. Committees of the House 423 Appropriations (H-218, The Capitol, phone 225-2771, meets William H. Natcher, of Kentucky. Jamie L. Whitten, of Mississippi. Neal Smith, of Iowa. Sidney R. Yates, of Illinois. David R. Obey, of Wisconsin. Louis Stokes, of Ohio. Tom Bevill, of Alabama. John P. Murtha, of Pennsylvania. Charles Wilson, of Texas. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. Martin Olav Sabo, of Minnesota. Julian C. Dixon, of California. Vic Fazio, of California. W.G. (Bill) Hefner, of North Carolina. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Bob Carr, of Michigan. Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois. Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. Alan B. Mollohan, of West Virginia. Jim Chapman, of Texas. Marcy Kaptur, of Ohio. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. David E. Price, of North Carolina, Nancy Pelosi, of California. Peter J. Visclosky, of Indiana. Thomas M. Foglietta, of Pennsylvania. Esteban Edward Torres, of California. George (Buddy) Darden, of Georgia. Nita M. Lowey, of New York. Ray Thornton, of Arkansas. José E. Serrano, of New York. Rosa L. DeLauro, of Connecticut. James P. Moran, of Virginia. Pete Peterson, of Florida. John W. Olver, of Massachusetts. Ed Pastor, of Arizona. Carrie Meek, of Florida. first Wednesday of each month and on call of the chairman) Ratio: 37/23 Joseph M. McDade, of Pennsylvania. John T. Myers, of Indiana. C.W. Bill Young, of Florida. Ralph Regula, of Ohio. Bob Livingston, of Louisiana. Jerry Lewis, of California. John Edward Porter, of Illinois. Harold Rogers, of Kentucky. Joe Skeen, of New Mexico. Frank R. Wolf, of Virginia. Tom DeLay, of Texas. Jim Kolbe, of Arizona. Dean A. Gallo, of New Jersey. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. Jim Lightfoot, of Iowa. Ron Packard, of California. Sonny Callahan, of Alabama. Helen Delich Bentley, of Maryland. James T. Walsh, of New York. Charles H. Taylor, of North Carolina. David L. Hobson, of Ohio. Ernest J. Istook, Jr., of Oklahoma. Henry Bonilla, of Texas. SUBCOMMITTEES [Under Committee rules, the chairman minority member is an ex AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois. Jamie L. Whitten, of Mississippi. Marcy Kaptur, of Ohio. Ray Thornton, of Arkansas. Rosa L. DeLauro, of Connecticut. Pete Peterson, of Florida. Ed Pastor, of Arizona. Neal Smith, of Iowa. is a member of each subcommittee and the ranking officio member of each subcommittee.] FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES Joe Skeen, of New Mexico. John T. Myers, of Indiana. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. James T. Walsh, of New York. 424 Congressional Directory COMMERCE, JUSTICE, STATE, AND JUDICIARY Neal Smith, of Iowa. Harold Rogers, of Kentucky. Bob Carr, of Michigan. Jim Kolbe, of Arizona. Alan B. Mollohan, of West Virginia. Charles H. Taylor, of North Carolina. James P. Moran, of Virginia. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. David E. Price, of North Carolina. DEFENSE John P. Murtha, of Pennsylvania. Joseph M. McDade, of Pennsylvania. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. C.W. Bill Young, of Florida. Charles Wilson, of Texas. Bob Livingston, of Louisiana. W.G. (Bill) Hefner, of North Carolina. Jerry Lewis, of California. Martin Olav Sabo, of Minnesota. Joe Skeen, of New Mexico. Julian C. Dixon, of California. Peter J. Visclosky, of Indiana. George (Buddy) Darden, of Georgia. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Julian C. Dixon, of California. James T. Walsh, New York. Louis Stokes, of Ohio. Ernest J. Istook, Jr., of Oklahoma. Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois. Henry Bonilla, of Texas. Marcy Kaptur, of Ohio. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. Nancy Pelosi, of California. ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT Tom Bevill, of Alabama. John T. Myers, of Indiana. Vic Fazio, of California. Dean A. Gallo, of New Jersey. Jim Chapman, of Texas. Harold Rogers, of Kentucky. Pete Peterson, of Florida. Ed Pastor, of Arizona. Carrie Meek, of Florida. FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT FINANCING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS David R. Obey, of Wisconsin. -Bob Livingston, of Louisiana. Sidney R. Yates, of Illinois. John Edward Porter, of Illinois. Charles Wilson, of Texas. Jim Lightfoot, of Iowa. John W. Olver, of Massachusetts. Sonny Callahan, of Alabama. Nancy Pelosi, of California. Esteban Edward Torres, of California. Nita M. Lowey, of New York. José E. Serrano, of New York. INTERIOR Sidney R. Yates, of Illinois. Ralph Regula, of Ohio. John P. Murtha, of Pennsylvania. Joseph M. McDade, of Pennsylvania. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. Jim Kolbe, of Arizona. Tom Bevill, of Alabama. Ron Packard, of California. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. Committees of the House LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, AND EDUCATION William H. Natcher, of Kentucky. John Edward Porter, of Illinois. Neal Smith, of Iowa. C.W. Bill Young, of Florida. David R. Obey, of Wisconsin. Helen Delich Bentley, of Maryland. Louis Stokes, of Ohio. Henry Bonilla, of Texas. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Nancy Pelosi, of California. Nita M. Lowey, of New York. José E. Serrano, of New York. Rosa L. DeLauro, of Connecticut. LEGISLATIVE Vic Fazio, of California. C.W. Bill Young, of Florida. James P. Moran, of Virginia. Ron Packard, of California. David R. Obey, of Wisconsin. Charles H. Taylor, of North Carolina. John P. Murtha, of Pennsylvania. Bob Carr, of Michigan. Jim Chapman, of Texas. MILITARY CONSTRUCTION W.G. (Bill) Hefner, of North Carolina. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. Thomas M. Foglietta, of Pennsylvania. Sonny Callahan, of Alabama. Carrie Meek, of Florida. Helen Delich Bentley, of Maryland. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. David L. Hobson, of Ohio. Julian C. Dixon, of California. Vic Fazio, of California. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. TRANSPORTATION Bob Carr, of Michigan. Frank R. Wolf, of Virginia. Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois. Tom DeLay, of Texas. Martin Olav Sabo, of Minnesota. Ralph Regula, of Ohio. David E. Price, of North Carolina. Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. Thomas M. Foglietta, of Pennsylvania. TREASURY, POSTAL SERVICE, AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Jim Lightfoot, of Iowa. Peter J. Visclosky, of Indiana. Frank R. Wolf, of Virginia. George (Buddy) Darden, of Georgia. Ernest J. Istook, Jr., of Oklahoma. John W. Olver, of Massachusetts. Tom Bevill, of Alabama. Martin Olav Sabo, of Minnesota. VA, HUD, AND INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Louis Stokes, of Ohio. Jerry Lewis, of California. Alan B. Mollohan, of West Virginia. Tom DeLay, of Texas. Jim Chapman, of Texas. Dean A. Gallo, of New Jersey. Marcy Kaptur, of Ohio. Esteban Edward Torres, of California. Ray Thornton, of Arkansas. STAFF Committee on Appropriations (H-218, The Capitol), 225-2771. Clerk and Staff Director.—Frederick G. Mohrman. Staff Assistants: Gregory R. Dahlberg. Dennis M. Kedzior. 426 Congressional Directory Committee on Appropriations (H-218, The Capitol), 225-2771 —CONTINUED John R. Mikel. George P. Arnold (B-305 RHOB), 5-2718. Michael S. Weinberger (B-305 RHOB), 5-2718. Kenneth M. Marx (B-305 RHOB), 5-2718. Timothy J. Buck (B-305 RHOB), 5-2718. Administrative Assistant.—Gerard J. Chouinard. Administrative Aides: Diann Kane. Margo Rees. Jeanne Parsons (B-305 RHOB), 5-2718. Office Assistant.—Theodore Powell. Editor.—Ron J. Miller (H-303), 5-2851. Administrative Aide.—Cathy Edwards. Minority Staff Director.—James W. Kulikowski (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Administrative Assistant.—Donald M. McKinnon. Administrative Aides: Stacy McNeal; Merrill Levy. Surveys and Investigations Staff (H2-283 FHOB), 5-3881. Chief.—R.W. Vandergrift, Jr. Deputy Chief. —George C. Baird. Assistant Directors: Joseph M. Stehr III; Thomas L. Vanderslice; H.C. Young. Investigators: Jimmie R. Buckles; Michael O. Glynn; Richard A. Helmer; Robert A. Jaxel; Dennis K. Lutz; Ben Alan Weaver; Vernon Westbrook, Jr. Administrative Officer.—Ann M. Stull. Secretaries: Victoria V. Decatur; Betty Freeland; Johannah P. O’Keeffe; Tracey E. Russell; Joyce C. Stover; Tracey S. Weldon; Dorothy M. Williams. Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies (2362 RHOB), 5-2638. Staff Assistants: Robert B. Foster; Timothy K. Sanders; Carol A. Novak. Administrative Aide.—Toni Savia. Minority Staff Assistant. —William Warfield (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies (H-309), 5-3351. Staff Assistants: John G. Osthaus; George H. Schafer; Sally A. Chadbourne. Minority Staff Assistant.—Elizabeth Dawson (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Defense (H-144), 5-2847. Staff Assistants: Donald E. Richbourg. David F. Kilian. John G. Plashal. Robert V. Davis. Marcia L. Matts. David W. Roberts. Sandra A. Gilbert. Juliet Pacquing. Gregory J. Walters. Alicia Jones. Timothy L. Peterson. J. David Willson. Administrative Aides: Lee Ann Lehner; Michele Sentiger. Minority Staff Assistant. —Kevin Roper (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on the District of Columbia (H-302), 5-5338. Staff Assistant.—Americo S. Miconi. Minority Staff Assistant. —Deborah Weatherly (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development (2362 RHOB), 5-3421. Staff Assistants: Hunter L. Spillan; Aaron D. Edmondson; Robert A. Schmidt; Jeanne L. Wilson. Administrative Aide.—Lori Whipp. Minority Staff Assistant. —Michelle Mrdeza (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs (H-307), 5-2041. Staff Assistants: Terry R. Peel; William E. Schuerch; Mark W. Murray. Administrative Aide.—Lorinda Maes. : Minority Staff Assistant.—James W. Kulikowski (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies (B-308 RHOB), 5-3081. Staff Assistants: Neal Sigmon; Kathleen R. Johnson; Robert S. Kripowicz; Loretta C. Beaumont. Administrative Aide.—Angie Perry. Minority Staff Assistant. —Deborah Weatherly (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (2358 RHOB), 5-3508. Staff Assistants: Michael A. Stephens; Robert L. Knisely; Susan E. Quantius; Mark J. Mioduski. Administrative Aide.—Joanne L. Orndorff. Committees of the House 427 Minority Staff Assistant. —John Blazey (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Legislative (H-302), 5-5338. Staff Assistant. —Edward E. Lombard. Minority Staff Assistant. —Elizabeth Dawson (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Military Construction (B-300 RHOB), 5-3047. Staff Assistants: William A. Marinelli; Henry E. Moore. Administrative Aide: Mary Arnold. Minority Staff Assistant.—Kevin Roper (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Department of Transportation and Related Agencies (2358 RHOB), 5-2141. Staff Assistants: Delacroix Davis; Richard E. Efford; Cheryl L. Smith. Administrative Aide.—Linda J. Muir. Minority Staff Assistant. —John Blazey (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government (H-164), 5-5834. Staff Assistants: C. William Smith; Elizabeth Phillips; Robyn C. Bason. Administrative Aide.—Jennifer Mummert. Minority Staff Assistant.—Michelle Mrdeza (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies (H-143), 5-3241. sey Assistants: Richard N. Malow; Paul E. Thomson; Michelle M. Burkett; Daniel A. antu. Minority Staff Assistant. —William Warfield (1016 LHOB), 5-3481. Armed Services (2120 RHOB, phone 225-4151; FAX: 225-9077, meets every Tuesday) Ratio: 33/22? Ronald V. Dellums, of California. Floyd Spence, of South Carolina. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery, of Mississippi. Bob Stump, of Arizona. Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Duncan Hunter, of California. Earl Hutto, of Florida. John R. Kasich, of Ohio. Ike Skelton, of Missouri. Herbert H. Bateman, of Virginia. Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. James V. Hansen, of Utah. Marilyn Lloyd, of Tennessee. Curt Weldon, of Pennsylvania. Norman Sisisky, of Virginia. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. John M. Spratt, Jr., of South Carolina. Arthur Ravenel, Jr., of South Carolina. Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Robert K. Dornan, of California. Solomon P. Ortiz, of Texas. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. George J. Hochbrueckner, of New York. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Lane Evans, of Illinois. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Steve Buyer, of Indiana. John S. Tanner, of Tennessee. Peter G. Torkildsen, of Massachusetts. Glen Browder, of Alabama. Tillie K. Fowler, of Florida. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. John M. McHugh, of New York. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. James M. Talent, of Missouri. Thomas H. Andrews, of Maine. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Chet Edwards, of Texas. Roscoe G. Bartlett, of Maryland. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. David Mann, Ohio. Bart Stupak, of Michigan. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. Jane Harman, of California. Paul McHale, of Pennsylvania. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Pete Geren, of Texas. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. Congressional Directory SUBCOMMITTEES MILITARY ACQUISITION Ronald V. Dellums, of California. Floyd Spence, of South Carolina. Marilyn Lloyd, of Tennessee. Herbert H. Bateman, of Virginia. John M. Spratt, Jr., of South Carolina. Curt Weldon, of Pennsylvania. Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Arthur Ravenel, Jr., of South Carolina. Lane Evans, of Illinois. Robert K. Dornan, of California. John S. Tanner, of Tennessee. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Thomas H. Andrews, of Maine. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. David Mann, of Ohio. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Bart Stupak, of Michigan. Paul McHale, of Pennsylvania. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Pete Geren, of Texas. Norman Sisisky, of Virginia. RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Bob Stump, of Arizona. George J. Hochbrueckner, of New York. Steve Buyer, of Indiana. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. Peter G. Torkildsen, of Massachusetts. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. James M. Talent, of Missouri. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Roscoe G. Bartlett, of Maryland. Chet Edwards, of Texas. Duncan Hunter, of California. Don Johnson, of Georgia. John R. Kasich, of Ohio. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. James V. Hansen, of Utah. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Jane Harman, of California. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Earl Hutto, of Florida. Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. READINESS Earl Hutto, of Florida. John R. Kasich, of Ohio. Solomon P. Ortiz, of Texas. Herbert H. Bateman, of Virginia. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. Curt Weldon, of Pennsylvania. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Robert K. Dornan, of California. Lane Evans, of Illinois. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Glen Browder, of Alabama. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. Paul McHale, of Pennsylvania. Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. MILITARY FORCES AND PERSONNEL Ike Skelton, of Missouri. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery, of Mississippi. Arthur Ravenel, Jr., of South Carolina. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. Steve Buyer, of Indiana. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Tillie K. Fowler, of Florida. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. James M. Talent, of Missouri. Bart Stupak, of Michigan. Roscoe G. Bartlett, of Maryland. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. Jane Harman, of California. Committees of the House MILITARY INSTALLATIONS AND FACILITIES Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery, of Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Solomon P. Ortiz, of Texas. George J. Hochbrueckner, of James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Glen Browder, of Alabama. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. Chet Edwards, of Texas. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. Mississippi. New York. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. OVERSIGHT Norman Sisisky, of Virginia. John M. Spratt, Jr., of South Carolina. John S. Tanner, of Tennessee. Glen Browder, of Alabama. Chet Edwards, of Texas. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. David Mann, of Ohio. Jane Harman, of California. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. AND Duncan Hunter, of California. Tillie K. Fowler, of Florida. John M. McHugh, of New York. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Bob Stump, of Arizona. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Peter G. Torkildsen, of Massachusetts. INVESTIGATIONS James V. Hansen, of Utah. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. John M. McHugh, of New York. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Robert K. Dornan, of California. STAFF Committee on Armed Services (2120 RHOB), 225-4151. Staff Director—Marilyn A. Elrod. Deputy Staff Director—Lawrence J. Cavaiola, 5-4004. Professional Staff: Nancy Jones Rita D. Argenta William D. Price Georgia C. Osterman Alma B. Moore Brenda J. Wright Williston B. Cofer, Jr. Karen S. Heath Robert E. Schafer Archie D. Barrett Warren L. Nelson Peter M. Steffes Douglas H. Necessary Nora Slatkin Andrew K. Ellis Robert S. Rangel Ronald J. Bartek Steven A. Thompson Cathleen D. Garman John D. Chapla (5-9647). Michael R. Higgins (5-7560). Staff Assistants: Joyce C. Bova Kathleen A. Lipovac Frank A. Barnes Sharon A. Daugherty Betty B. Gray Margaret M. Cosseboom Ernest B. Warrington, Jr. Diane W. Bowman Sharon V. Storey Robert W. DeGrasse, Jr. (5-5501). Thomas William Chris D. Jean D. Stephen Joel B. Gary P. Jeanine M. Garwin (5-3633). J. Andahazy (5-6527). Aldridge (5-7740). Reed (5-5540). O. Rossetti, Jr. (5-9645). Resnick (5-1240). Pulliam V. Esperne Christopher A. Williams Carey D. Ruppert Joan B. Rohlfing Stuart J. Ishimaru Sally L. Rebecca Douglas Charles Terence Robert George Deanna Newman K. Hersman C. Roach L. Tompkins J. Costello B. Brauer O. Withers M. Kirtman Mary E. Cotton Anne E. Forster Tracy A. Finck Mary C. Redfern Matthew C. Sander Mary Ann Cappiello Vicki A. Siegel David A. Johnson Barbara J. O'Meara 430 Congressional Directory Committee on Armed Services (2120 RHOB), 225-4151—CONTINUED Receptionists: Shawne M. Harrington; Martha A. Westwater Counsels: Henry J. Schweiter; Ariel R. David Secretaries: James G. Murphy; Mia C. Baca Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs (2129 RHOB, phone 225-4247, meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 30/20/1 Henry B. Gonzalez, of Texas. James A. Leach, of Iowa. Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Bill McCollum, of Florida. John J. LaFalce, of New York. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Bruce F. Vento, of Minnesota. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Toby Roth, of Wisconsin. Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless, of California. Joseph P. Kennedy II, of Massachusetts. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Floyd H. Flake, of New York. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Maxine Waters, of California. Sam Johnson, of Texas. Larry LaRocco, of Idaho. Deborah Pryce, of Ohio. Bill Orton, of Utah. John Linder, of Georgia. Jim Bacchus, of Florida. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. Rick Lazio, of New York. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama. Luis V. Gutierrez, of Illinois. Michael Huffington, of California. Bobby L. Rush, of Illinois. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. Peter T. King, of New York. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Melvin Watt, of North Carolina. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. SUBCOMMITTEES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Henry B. Gonzalez, of Texas. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Bruce F. Vento, of Minnesota. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. John J. LaFalce, of New York. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Maxine Waters, of California. Sam Johnson, of Texas. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Rick Lazio, of New York. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. Luis V. Gutierrez, of Illinois. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama. Bobby L. Rush, of Illinois. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. Deborah Pryce, of Ohio. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Melvin Watt, of North Carolina. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. Committees of the House 431 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS SUPERVISION, REGULATION AND DEPOSIT INSURANCE Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Bill McCollum, of Florida. John J. LaFalce, of New York. James A. Leach, of Iowa. Bruce F. Vento, of Minnesota. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. Sam Johnson, of Texas. Joseph P. Kennedy II, of Massachusetts. Deborah Pryce, of Ohio. Floyd H. Flake, of New York. John Linder, of Georgia. Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Rick Lazio, of New York. Larry LaRocco, of Idaho. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. Bill Orton, of Utah. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama. Jim Bacchus, of Florida. Michael Huffington, of California. Maxine Waters, of California. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, FINANCE, TRADE AND MONETARY POLICY Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless, of California. John J. LaFalce, of New York. Bill McCollum, of Florida. Joseph P. Kennedy II, of Massachusetts. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Maxine Waters, of California. Sam Johnson, of Texas. LaRocco, of Idaho. Michael Huffington, of California. Bill Orton, of Utah. Peter T. King, of New York. Jim Bacchus, of Florida. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Henry B. Gonzalez, of Texas. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Bobby L. Rush, of Illinois. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Melvin Watt, of North Carolina. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND CREDIT FORMATION Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Bill McCollum, of Florida. John J. LaFalce, of New York. Toby Roth, of Wisconsin. Bill Orton, of Utah. Jim Nussle, of Iowa. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Peter T. King, of New York. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. 432 Congressional Directory CONSUMER CREDIT AND INSURANCE Joseph P. Kennedy Henry B. Gonzalez, LaRocco, of Luis V. Gutierrez, Bobby L. Rush, of II, of Massachusetts. of Texas. Idaho. of Illinois. Illinois. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Melvin Watt, of North Carolina. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. Floyd H. Flake, of New York. Maxine Waters, of California. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless, of California. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Peter T. King, of New York. Deborah Pryce, of Ohio. John Linder, of Georgia. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Rick Lazio, of New York. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. GENERAL OVERSIGHT, INVESTIGATIONS, AND THE RESOLUTION OF FAILED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Floyd H. Flake, of New York. Toby Roth, of Wisconsin. Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. STAFF Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs (2129 RHOB), 225-4247. Clerk and Staff Director.—Kelsay Meek. General Counsel. —Briget Polichene, 5-4548. Minority Staff Director/Counsel. —Anthony Cole. Committees of the House 433 Budget (H1-A214 O'Neill HOB, 20515-6065, phone 226-7200, meets first Wednesday of each month) Ratio: 26/17 Martin Olav Sabo, of Minnesota. John R. Kasich, of Ohio. Richard A. Gephardt, of Missouri. J. Alex McMillan, of North Carolina. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. Jim Kolbe, of Arizona. Anthony C. Beilenson, of California. Christopher Shays, of Connecticut. Howard L. Berman, of California. Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine. Robert E. Wise, Jr., of West Virginia. Wally Herger, of California. John Bryant, of Texas. Jim Bunning, of Kentucky. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. Lamar S. Smith, of Texas. Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Christopher Cox, of California. Jim Cooper, of Tennessee. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Louise McIntosh Slaughter, of New York. David L. Hobson, of Ohio. Mike Parker, of Mississippi. Dan Miller, of Florida. William J. Coyne, of Pennsylvania. Rick Lazio, of New York. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. Bob Franks, of New Jersey. Michael A. Andrews, of Texas. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Alan B. Mollohan, of West Virginia. Bob Inglis, of South Carolina. Bart Gordon, of Tennessee. Martin R. Hoke, of Ohio. David E. Price, of North Carolina. Jerry F. Costello, of Illinois. Harry Johnston, of Florida. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. Bill Orton, of Utah. Lucien E. Blackwell, of Pennsylvania. Earl Pomeroy, of North Dakota. Glen Browder, of Alabama. Lynn C. Woolsey, of California. STAFF Committee on the Budget (H1-214 OHOB), 226-7200. Chief of Staff.—Eileen M. Baumgartner. Administrative Officer.—Beth E. Vilsack. Manager, Central Office Staff, Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. —Hilda Amyx. Special Assistant to the Chairman.—Nicholas Masters. Director for— Special Policy Studies.—Richard Kogan. Budget Priorities. —Shirley Ruhe. Senior Analysts: LaVarne Addison; Patrick Bogenberger; Edward Brigham; Kenneth Leventhal; Michael Telson; Charles Thomas. Analysts: Rochelle Amdur; Karen Flaherty; Joe! Friedman; Martha Grundmann. Chief Counsel. —David Reich. Deputy Chief Counsel. —Scheryl Portee. Counsels: Jennifer Smith; Audie Woolsey. Press Secretary.—Patrick Collins. Director of Press.—Neil Strawser. Printer.—Joe Patterson. Economists: Albert Davis; Cornelia Strawser; John Ridgway Multop. Research Assistant.—Tali Levine-Kamis. Republican Staff Director.—Richard May (H2-278 FHOB), 6-7270. Chief Minority Counsel. —James Bates. Analysts: Al Drummond; Marie Gilliland; Greg Hampton; Pat Knudsen; Art Sauer; Wayne Struble; Joan Kois Woodward. 434 Congressional Directory District of Columbia (1310 LHOB, phone 225-4457, meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 7/4 Fortney Pete Stark, of California. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., of Virginia. Alan Wheat, of Missouri. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Jim McDermott, of Washington. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Columbia. John Lewis, of Georgia. William J. Jefferson, of Louisiana. SUBCOMMITTEES FISCAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Jim McDermott, of Washington. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. William J. Jefferson, of Louisiana. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Alan Wheat, of Missouri. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Columbia. GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND METROPOLITAN AFFAIRS Alan Wheat, of Missouri. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Fortney Pete Stark, of California. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. John Lewis, of Georgia. William J. Jefferson, of Louisiana. JUDICIARY AND EDUCATION Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of = Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Columbia. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. John Lewis, of Georgia. Fortney Pete Stark, of California. Jim McDermott, of Washington. STAFF Committee on District of Columbia (1310 LHOB), 5-4457. Staff Director.—D. Johnson Broderick. Senior Staff Counsels: David Julyan (239 CHOB), 5-5065; Dale Mclver; Ann Raf- faelli (239 CHOB), 5-5065. Senior Legislative Associate.—Dietra L. Ford. Administrative Assistant.—Grace DeMaio. Administrative Assistant for Legislation.—Linda L. White. Administrative Officer.—Joan V. Middleton. Research Assistants: Michelle C. Cole; Louise H. Winston. Staff Assistants: Tracey Dean; Marvin R. Eason (1210 LHOB), 5-4535; Charles C. Stephenson, Jr. (2108 RHOB), 5-2661. Minority Staff Director.—Dennis Smith (1307 LHOB), 5-7158. Minority Staff Counsel. —David Anderson. Staff Assistants: Laurie Bink (324 CHOB) 5-4765; Ellen Brown; James E. Derderian (2241 RHOB), 5-2815; Richard T. Dykema (1027 LHOB), 5-2415; Matthew Farley (1307 LHOB), 5-7158; Ron Hamm; Ashley Rehr (2238 RHOB), 5-2576. Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. Committees of the House 435 Education and Labor (2181 RHOB, phone 225-4527, FAX: 225-9070, meets first and fourth Tuesdays) Ratio: 24/15 William D. Ford, of Michigan. William F. Goodling, of Pennsylvania. William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. George Miller, of California. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. Richard K. Armey, of Texas. Pat Williams, of Montana. Harris W. Fawell, of Illinois. Matthew G. Martinez, of California. Paul B. Henry, of Michigan. Major R. Owens, of New York. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. Susan Molinari, of New York. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Dan Miller, of Florida. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. Xavier Becerra, of California. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. Gene Green, of Texas. Lynn C. Woolsey, of California. Carlos Romero-Barceld, of Puerto Rico. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Karan English, of Arizona. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Ron de Lugo, of the Virgin Islands. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Samoa. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. SUBCOMMITTEES POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING William D. Ford, of Michigan. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Pat Williams, of Montana Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. Dan Miller, of Florida. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. Paul B. Henry, of Michigan. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. . Richard K. Armey, of Texas. Robert C. Scott, of Virginia. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Karan English, of Arizona. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Xavier Becerra, of California. Gene Green, of Texas. Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. 436 Congressional Directory LABOR STANDARDS, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. Harris W. Fawell, of Illinois. William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. George Miller, of California. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Samoa. ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. William F. Goodling, of Pennsylvania. George Miller, of California. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. Major R. Owens, of New York. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. Susan Molinari, of New York. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Dan Miller, of Florida. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Xavier Becerra, of California. Gene Green, of Texas. Lynn C. Woolsey, of California. Karan English, of Arizona. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Carlos Romero-Barceld, of Puerto Rico. LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS Pat Williams, of Montana. Marge Roukema, of New Jersey. William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. Richard K. Armey, of Texas. George Miller, of California. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Major R. Owens, of New York. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Matthew G. Martinez, of California. Harris W. Fawell, of Illinois. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. Xavier Becerra, of California. Gene Green, of Texas. Lynn C. Woolsey, of California. Carlos Romero-Barceld, of Puerto Rico. HUMAN RESOURCES Matthew G. Martinez, of California. Paul B. Henry, of Michigan. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. Susan Molinari, of New York. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. Dan Miller, of Florida. Lynn C. Woolsey, of California. Carlos Romero-Barceld, of Puerto Rico. Major R. Owens, of New York. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. Committees of the House SELECT EDUCATION AND CIVIL RIGHTS Major R. Owens, of New York. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Harris W. Fawell, Illinois. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. STAFF Committee on Education and Labor (2181 RHOB), 225-4527; TDD: (202) 226-3372. Staff Director.—Patricia F. Rissler, 5-4527. Deputy Staff Director/Labor Standards.—Adrienne Fields, 5-6916. Chief Counsel.—J. Pierce Myers, 5-4527. General Counsel for— Labor.—Steve Yokich, 5-4527. Human Resources/Civil Rights.—Alan Lopatin, 5-4527. Education.—John F. Jennings, 5-6808. Counsel for— Labor Relations/Health and Safety.—Randy Rabinowitz, 5-0850. Civil Rights.—Reginald C. Govan, 5-3388. Education Regulations/Select Education/Indian Education.—Al Lovesee, 5-3372. Training. —Omer Waddles, 6-3681. Education Office: Legislative Associate. —Diane Stark, 5-4625. . Legislative Specialist. —Kristin Gilbert, 5-3372. Budget Counsel (Budget and Appropriations).—Eugene F. Sofer, 5-4527. Legislative Analyst for Labor.—Philene Taormina, 5-4527. Correspondence: Labor/Legislative Analyst.—MaryEllen Driscoll, 5-8818. Education.—Marilyn Marsh, 5-8818. Administration/Support Office: Administrative Assistant (Finance).—Lydia Fox, 5-4527. Administrative Assistant (Legislation).—Lelia Beall, 5-6916. Documents Coordinator.—Peter M. Schott, 5-6916. Legislative Calendar Clerk and Systems Coordinator.—Cynthia Fox von Gogh, 5-4944. Press Office: Information Director.—Michael Russell, 5-5306. Computer Systems Assistant.—Michael Moye, 5-5306. Staff Assistants: Adam J. Messersmith, 5-4527; Kathi Barnes, 5-4527; Regina Gilbert, 5-4527. Administrative Assistant/Secretary.—Mary Shuler, 5-9328. Assistants to the General Counsel for— Legislative Analyst (Labor).—Ernest Mannino, 5-0213. Legislative Associate (Human Resources).—Rebecca Franck, 5-4527. Chief Administrative Officer.—Mary Paul, 5-4527. Legislative Coordinator.—Patricia Perdue, 5-4527. Public Information Associate.—Bennett Minton, 5-5306 Human Resources/Civil Rights.— Anita Johnson, 5-1080. Education.—Toni Painter, 5-6808. Executive Assistant to the Chairman.—Janice MacDonald, 5-6261. Special Assistant to the Staff Director.—Mary Paul, 5-4527. Special Assistant to the Chairman.—David Geiss, 5-6261. Administrative Specialist. —Barbara Morrison, 5-4944. Administrative Assistant/Room Scheduler.—Mary Sykes, 5-4527. Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education (2451 RHOB), 6-3681. Staff Director.—Tom Wolanin. Staff: Maureen Long; Gloria Gray-Watson; Colleen McGinnis. Congressional Directory Energy and Commerce (2125 Rayburn House Office Building, phone 225-2927, meets fourth Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 27/17 John D. Dingell, of Michigan. Carlos J. Moorhead, of California. Henry A. Waxman, of California. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., of Virginia. Philip R. Sharp, of Indiana. Jack Fields, of Texas. Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Michael G. Oxley, of Ohio. Al Swift, of Washington. Michael Bilirakis, of Florida. Cardiss Collins, of Illinois. Dan Schaefer, of Colorado. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Joe Barton, of Texas. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. J. Alex McMillan, of North Carolina. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Ralph M. Hall, of Texas. Fred Upton, of Michigan. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Cliff Stearns, of Florida. Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Bill Paxon, of New York. John Bryant, of Texas. Paul E. Gillmor, of Ohio. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. Scott L. Klug, of Wisconsin. Jim Cooper, of Tennessee. Gary A. Franks, of Connecticut. J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. James C. Greenwood, of Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Michael D. Crapo, of Idaho. Edolphus Towns, of New York. Gerry E. Studds, of Massachusetts. Richard H. Lehman, of California. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Lynn Schenk, of California. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of Pennsylvania. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio members, with vote, of all subcommittees. ] OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS John D. Dingell, of Michigan. Dan Schaefer, of Colorado. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. Carlos J. Moorhead, of California. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of Fred Upton, of Michigan. Pennsylvania. Paul E. Gillmor, of Ohio. Henry A. Waxman, of California. Cardiss Collins, of Illinois Ron Wyden, of Oregon. John Bryant, of Texas. Committees of the House HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT Henry A. Waxman, of California. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., of Virginia. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Michael Bilirakis, of Florida. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. J. Alex McMillan, of North Carolina. Ralph M. Hall, of Texas. J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Fred Upton, of Michigan. John Bryant, of Texas. Bill Paxon, of New York. J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. Scott Klug, of Wisconsin. Edolphus Towns, of New York. Gary A. Franks, of Connecticut. Gerry E. Studds, of Massachusetts. James C. Greenwood, of Pennsylvania. Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Jim Cooper, of Tennessee. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. ENERGY AND POWER Philip R. Sharp, of Indiana. Michael Bilirakis, of Florida. Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Joe Barton, of Texas. Richard H. Lehman, of California. J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Cliff Stearns, of Florida. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. Scott L. Klug, of Wisconsin. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. Gary A. Franks, of Connecticut. Al Swift, of Washington. Michael D. Crapo, of Idaho. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. Ralph M. Hall, Texas. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. Jim Cooper, of Tennessee. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND FINANCE Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Jack Fields, of Texas. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., of Virginia. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. Michael G. Oxley, of Ohio. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Dan Schaefer, of Colorado. Richard H. Lehman, of California. Joe Barton, of Texas. Lynn Schenk, of California. J. Alex McMillan, of North Carolina. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Pennsylvania. Paul E. Gillmor, of Ohio. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Ralph M. Hall, of Texas. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Jim Slattery, of Kansas. John Bryant, of Texas. Jim Cooper, of Tennessee. TRANSPORTATION AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Al Swift, of Washington. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. Michael G. Oxley, of Ohio. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. Jack Fields, of Texas. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. Dan Schaefer, of Colorado. J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. Fred Upton, of Michigan. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Bill Paxon, of New York. Gerry E. Studds, of Massachusetts. Paul E. Gillmor, of Ohio. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. Michael D. Crapo, of Idaho. Lynn Schenk, of California. Philip R. Sharp, of Indiana. Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. 440 Congressional Directory COMMERCE, CONSUMER PROTECTION, AND COMPETITIVENESS Cardiss Collins, of Illinois. Cliff Stearns, of Florida. Edolphus Towns, of New York. J. Alex McMillan, of North Carolina. Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Bill Paxon, of New York. J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. James C. Greenwood, of Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Richard H. Lehman, of California. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. STAFF Committee on Energy and Commerce (2125 RHOB), 225-2927. Staff Director/Chief Counsel.—Alan J. Roth. Deputy Staff Director/Communications Director—Dennis Fitzgibbons. Chief Clerk/Administrative Assistant.—Sharon E. Davis. Counsels: David B. Finnegan; Richard A. Frandsen; Janet Potts; Donald E. Shriber; David G. Tittsworth; Consuela M. Washington. Professional Staff Members: David Leach; Michael T. Woo. Policy Analyst.—Lisa Kountoupes. Information Systems Manager.—Candace E. Butler. Budget Analyst—Raymond R. Kent. Research Assistants: Michelle Mundt; Martha T. Oliver. Printing Editor.—Michael P. Flanigan. Executive Assistant.—Shannon Hooks Hartnett. Press Assistant.—Hans G. Hiemstra. Assistant Clerk.—Melodie Pickett. Special Assistant.—Trudi Sandmeier. Senior Secretaries: Charlotte E. Berryman; Linda Good; Carla Van’t Hoff. a dssisanis Cecilia Y. Johnson; Chris Orlando; Florence C. Pickard; Joshua R. and. Minority Chief Counsel/Staff Director—Margaret Durbin (2322 RHOB), 5-3641. Minority Counsels: Douglas F. Bennett; Stephen Blumenthal; Howard Cohen; Keith Cole; Mary-Moore Hamrick; Charles Ingebretson; Nandan Kenkeremath; Jessica Laverty; Mary M. McGrane; Thomas Montgomery; Michael Regan; Catherine Reid; Peter D. Rich; H. Glenn Scammel; Catherine Van Way; Dennis B. Wilson. Minority Counsel/Press Secretary.—John J. Hambel. Legislative Assistant.—Darlene G. McMullen. Office Manager (Annex).—June Cassidy. Research Assistants: Hugh N. Halpern; Melody Hughson; Justin Lilley; Kathleen Ritzman. Administrative Assistant.—Frieda M. Depe. Legislative Secretary.—Anne-Whitney Powers. Staff Assistants.—Tracy Lee Ackerman; Diane Untiedt-Hudson. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (2323 RHOB), 5-4441. Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —Reid P.F. Stuntz. Research Analysts: Jeffrey L. Hodges; Peter D.H. Stockton. Counsels: John B. Chesson; Debra Ann Jacobson; Janina A. Jaruzelski. Special Assistants: Claudia P. Beville; Bruce F. Chafin; Jeffrey C. Crater; Matthew D. Lyons; D. Ann Murphy; Robert L. Roach. Administrative Assistant. —Candace L. Martin. Research Assistant/Clerks: Cheri A. Flynn; Donna Elaine Sheets; Gretchen Tickle. Staff Assistants: Patricia M. McBain; Rebecca J. Roth. Subcommittee on Health and the Environment (2415 RHOB), 5-4952. Staff Director.—Karen Nelson. Counsels: Philip Barnett; Ruth J. Katz; Andreas G. Schneider; William Schultz; Timothy Westmoreland; Gregory S. Wetstone. Senior Staff Associates: E. Ripley Forbes; Michael M. Hash. Staff Assistant/Press.—Julia Fortier. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Anne P. Lebbon. Staff Assistants: Kristen A. Ebeler; Deborah Anne Finn; Rachel A. Kogan; Alan Schlobohm. Subcommittee on Energy and Power (H2-331 FHOB), 6-2500. Staff Director.—John A. Riggs. Counsels: Tom S. Runge; Sue D. Sheridan. Professional Staff Members: John Berner; Richard H. Counihan; Judi Greenwald; Wesley Warren. Committees of the House Assistant to the Chairman for Policy.—Shelley N. Fidler. Office Manager.—Judith A. Quinn. Staff Assistants: Lisa E. Burton; Susan Miller; Judith O’Brien. Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance (H2-316 FHOB), 6-2424. Staff Director.—David H. Moulton. Senior Counsel/Mass Media.—Larry Irving. Counsels: Timothy J. Forde; Elise J. Hoffman; Gerard Waldron. Telecommunications Policy Analysts: Colin Crowell; Mark Horan; Kristan Van Hook. Professional Staff Member.—Jeffrey Duncan; David Nemtzow. Legislative Assistant.—Dolores Daly. Press Relations.—Michael Connolly. Administrative Assistant.—Sara W. Morris. Staff Assistants: Winifred A. Loeffler; Lisa Tanaka. Subcommittee on Transportation and Hazardous Materials (H2-324 FHOB), 5-9304. Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —Arthur (Skip) Endres. Counsel. —Len Barson. Professional Staff Members: Scott Cooper; Frank J. Cumberland; Anne Forristall. Legislative Assistant.—George Hull. Press Secretary.—Shawn Marie Hanson. Administrative Assistant.—Barbara S. Bjornson. Executive Assistant.—Karen Ann Flanigan. Hearings Coordinator.—Shannon Braddock. Research Assistant.—Walter V. King. / Staff Assistant.—Mickey Hornbacher. Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness (H2-151 FHOB), 6-3160. Staff Director/Chief Counsel. —David Schooler. Professional Staff Members: Donovan Gay; M. Bruce Gwinn; Jean K. Rosales; John White. Counsels: Richard L. Huberman; Angela Jackson; Bradford Ross Kane. Office Manager.—Cecelia Morton. Staff Assistants: Rosa Reeder; Tina L. Harrison. Congressional Directory Foreign Affairs (2170 RHOB, phone 225-5021, meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 26/18 ! Lee H. Hamilton, of Indiana. Benjamin A. Gilman, of New York. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. William F. Goodling, of Pennsylvania. Tom Lantos, of California. James A. Leach, of Iowa. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Toby Roth, of Wisconsin. Howard L. Berman, of California. Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine. Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. Henry J. Hyde, of Illinois. Harry Johnston, of Florida. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Dan Burton, of Indiana. Samoa. Jan Meyers, of Kansas. James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. Elton Gallegly, of California. Matthew G. Martinez, of California. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Florida. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. David A. Levy, of New York. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. Donald A. Manzullo, of Illinois. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, of Florida. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. Ed Royce, of California. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. Don Edwards, of California. Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. SUBCOMMITTEES [Note: The chairman and ranking minority member of the full committee may attend the meetings and participate in the activities of all subcommittees except for voting and being counted for a quorum.] EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST Lee H. Hamilton, of Indiana. Benjamin A. Gilman, of New York. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. William F. Goodling, of Pennsylvania. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Jan Meyers, of Kansas. Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. Elton Gallegly, of California. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. David A. Levy, of New York. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. James A. Leach, of Iowa. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Tom Lantos, of California. ECONOMIC POLICY, TRADE, AND ENVIRONMENT Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. Toby Roth, of Wisconsin. James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. Donald A. Manzullo, of Illinois. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Jan Meyers, of Kansas. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Harry Johnston, of Florida. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. Committees of the House 443 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, AND HUMAN RIGHTS Tom Lantos, of California. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Howard L. Berman, of California. Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine. Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey. Matthew G. Martinez, of California. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. WESTERN HEMISPHERE AFFAIRS Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Florida. James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. Cass Ballenger, of North Carolina. Cynthia A. McKinney, of Georgia. Elton Gallegly, of California. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS Howard L. Berman, of California. Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Henry J. Hyde, of Illinois. Samoa. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, of Florida. Matthew G. Martinez, of California. David A. Levy, of New York. Robert E. Andrews, of New Jersey. Donald A. Manzullo, of Illinois. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. Tom Lantos, of California. Harry Johnston, of Florida. Don Edwards, of California. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. James A. Leach, of Iowa. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Sam oa. Ed Royce, of California. Matthew G. Martinez, of California. Toby Roth, of Wisconsin. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. AFRICA Harry Johnston, of Florida. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, of Florida. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Ed Royce, of California. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Don Edwards, of California. Eliot L. Engel, of New York. STAFF Committee on Foreign Affairs (2170 RHOB), 225-5021. Chief of Staff.—Michael H. Van Dusen, 5-3408. Director for— Regional/Security Policy.—Christopher Kojm, 5-7376. Global Policy. —Robert Michael Finley, 5-5973. Economic Policy. —George M. Ingram, 5-6360. Public Affairs. —Christopher Madison, 5-4598. Committee Liaison.—Stanley Ron: E28 Legal Counsel. —Mara Rudman,5- Professional Staff Members: Ka %% Boyer, 5-6852; Peter A. Abbruzzese (2177 RHOB, 5-5043; Nancy M. Carman, 5-9198; Ivo J. Spalatin (2401A RHOB), 5-8926; Margaret Goodman, 5-5608; F. Marian Chambers, 5-6854; Susan McCartan Andross, 5-9185; Toni G. Verstandig, 5-5941; David Paul Barton (2401A RHOB), 5-8926; Janey W. Hatcher (2401A RHOB), 5-8926; Richard Bush (2255 RHOB), 5-5782; 444 Congressional Directory Committee on Foreign Affairs (2170 RHOB), 225-5021—CONTINUED Beth Ford, 5-2494; Bert D. Hammond (808 O’Neill), 5-5043; Richard W. McBride, 5-9186;, Martin Sletzinger (B-359 RHOB), 5-3345; Robert M. Hathaway (707 O’Neill), 6-7801; Michael Poloyac II (2401A RHOB), 5-8926; David Weiner, 5-6851; Eric N. Hamburg (2187 RHOB), 5-5510; Maryanne Murray (2401A RHOB), 5-8926; Michele A. Manatt (808 O’Neill), 5-5180; Christopher Mehl (2187 RHOB), 5-5315. Administrative Assistants: Constance Pride Yesh, 5-5809; William M. Cox, 5-0516. Travel/O’Neill Office Coordinator.—Jeanne M. Salvia (710 O’Neill) 5-6855. Budget/Fiscal Affairs Officer.—Shelly S. Livingston (2177 RHOB), 5-4291. Protocol Officer.—Elizabeth Daoust (2177 RHOB), 5-8095. Assistant Protocol Officer.—Donna D. Needham (2177 RHOB), 5-8097. Systems Manager.—Emily Claire Norman (B-301B RHOB), 5-1045. Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff.—XKristine Willie, 5-3408. Legistnive Information Systems Coordinator.—Catherine L. Zimmer (B-301B RHOB), 5-5808. Special Assistants: Dennis J. DuBrowa, 5-5515; Lloyd Bishop, 5-7802. Staff Associates: Mina F. Paddock, 5-2490; Gwendolyn Strand, 5-5069; Carol G. Doherty, 5-7081; Sherry Blankenship (708 O’Neill), 5-7841; Dara M. Schlieker, 5-1046; Elizabeth Bergere, 5-5068; Milagros Martinez, 5-2480; Patricia Ravalgi, 5-7789; Suzanne Hartley Abbot, 5-7845. Minority Office.—(B-360 RHOB), 5-6735. Chief of Staff.—Richard J. Garon. Chief Counsel. —Stephen G. Rademaker. Deputy Counsel.—Stephen N. Abrams. Investigative Counsel. —John Mackey. Senior Professional Staff Members: Francis C. Record; John Walker Roberts. Professional Staff Members: Paul Berkowitz; Dan Fisk; Mark Gage; Kristen Gilley; John Herzberg. Director of Communications.—Gerald Lipson. Administrative Director.—Nancy Shuba Bloomer. Research Associate.—Sara Winslow. Senior Staff Associate.—Laura L. Byrne. Staff Associate.—Beth A. West. Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East (B-359 RHOB), 5-3345. Staff Director.—Katherine A. Wilkens. Professional Staff Member.—Martin Sletzinger. Staff Associate. —Deborah Burns. Minority Professional Staff Member.—Deborah Bodlander. Subcommittee on Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment (702 O’Neill), 6-7820. Staff Director.—John Scheibel. Professional Staff Members: Kathleen Bertelsen; Donna La Torre; Peter Yeo. Staff Associate. —Anne Grey. Minority Professional Staff Member. —Edmund B. Rice. Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations and Human Rights (B-358 RHOB), 5-7825. Staff Director.—Robert King. Professional Staff Member.—Kenneth R. Timmerman. Staff Associate.—Jo Weber. Minority Professional Staff Member.—Michael Ennis. Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs (705 O’Neill), 6-7812. Staff Director.— Victor C. Johnson. Professional Staff Members: Michele A. Manatt; Larry McDonnell; Richard Nuccio; Patricia Weir. Staff Associate.— Abigail Aronson. Minority Professional Staff Member.—Dorothy Taft. Subcommittee on International Operations (2103 RHOB), 5-3424. Staff Director.—Bradley Gordon. Professional Staff Members: Eric Lief; Graham Cannon. Staff Associate.—Bernadette Jenkins. Minority Professional Staff Member.—Kenneth Peel. Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific (107 O’Neill), 6-7801. Staff Director.—Russell J. Wilson. Professional Staff Members: David S. Adams; Lisa C. Berkson; Robert M. Hathaway. Staff Associate. —Mickey Harmon. Minority Professional Staff Member.—James McCormick. Subcommittee on Africa (7109 O’Neill), 6-7807. Committees of the House Staff Director.—Clifford Kupchan. Professional Staff Members: Anne-Marea Griffin; Bert D. Hammond. Staff Associate.—Deborah Hickey. Minority Professional Staff Member.—Gilead Kapen. Government Operations (2157 RHOB, phone 225-5051, meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 25/16/1 John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. William F. Clinger, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Cardiss Collins, of Illinois. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless, of California. Glenn English, of Oklahoma. J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Henry A. Waxman, of California. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Christopher Shays, of Connecticut. Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Steven Schiff, of New Mexico. Tom Lantos, of California. Christopher Cox, of California. Major R. Owens, of New York. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Edolphus Towns, of New York. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Florida. John M. Spratt, Jr., of South Carolina. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. Gary A. Condit, of California. Dick Zimmer, of New Jersey. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Bill Zeliff, of New Hampshire. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. John M. McHugh, of New York. Bobby L. Rush, of Illinois. Stephen Horn, of California. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Deborah Pryce, of Ohio. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. John L. Mica, of Florida. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Floyd H. Flake, of New York. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. Corrine Brown, of Florida. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of Pennsylvania. Lynn Woolsey, of California. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees on which they do not hold a regular assignment.] LEGISLATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless, of California. Cardiss Collins, of Illinois. William F. Clinger, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Glenn English, of Oklahoma. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. Stephen L. Neal, of North Carolina. Dick Zimmer, of New Jersey. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Tom Lantos, of California. Corrine Brown, of Florida. ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY, AND NATURAL RESOURCES Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. John M. McHugh, of New York. Carolyn B. Maloney, of New York. Deborah Pryce, of Ohio. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. John L. Mica, of Florida. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Edolphus Towns, of New York. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. 446 Congressional Directory HUMAN RESOURCES AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Edolphus Towns, of New York. Steven Schiff, of New Mexico. Henry A. Waxman, of California. Stephen Horn, of California. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. John L. Mica, of Florida. Donald M. Payne, of New Jersey. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. BERNARD SANDERS, of Vermont. COMMERCE, CONSUMER, AND MONETARY AFFAIRS John M. Spratt, Jr., of South Carolina. Christopher Cox, of California. Bobby L. Rush, of Illinois. Christopher Shays, of Connecticut. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of Bill Zeliff, of New Hampshire. Pennsylvania. Cardiss Collins, of Illinois. INFORMATION, JUSTICE, TRANSPORATION, AND AGRICULTURE Gary A. Condit, of California. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Major R. Owens, of California. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Florida. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. Stephen Horn, of California. Lynn Woolsey, of California. EMPLOYMENT, HOUSING, AND AVIATION Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. Tom Lantos, of California. Christopher Shays, of Connecticut. Bobby L. Rush, of Illinois. John M. McHugh, of New York. Floyd H. Flake, of New York. Karen L. Thurman, of Florida. Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. STAFF Committee on Government Operations (2157 RHOB), 225-5051. Staff Director.—Julian Epstein. Deputy Staff Director.—Donald F. Goldberg. Senior Policy Adviser.—Frank Clemente. Chief Investigator.—Charles C. Wheeler III. Associate Counsels: Carol Bergman; Benjamin I. Cohen; Kevin H. Cronin; Sherille Ismail; Robin Jackson; Miles Romney. Professional Staff Members: Laurie Cody; Doug Frost; Daniel T. Mullaney. Financial Administrator.—Bethanna B. Gibson. Chief Clerk.—Ellen P. Rayner. Office Manager.—Brenda Adams. Staff Assistants: Ann Marie Carrington; Brian C. Cooper; Mechita Crawford; Carolyn C. Donnelly; Marilyn F. Jarvis; Theresa N. Sheh; Frances C. Terrell; Judge N. Williams. Minority Staff Director—Matthew R. Fletcher (2153 RHOB), 5-5074. Minority Deputy Staff Director.—Judith Blanchard. Minority Counsel. —Kevin Sabo. Minority Professional Staff Members.—Ellen Brown; Jane O. Cobb; Brian Jones; Kristine I. Mamula; Mary Tripp Wolfensberger, B-350 RHOB, 5-2738. Minority Press Assistant. —Edmund Amorosi. Minority Office Manager.—Robin Walls. Minority Staff Assistants: Victoria Odinotskaya; Cherie L. Tillett. Minority Professional Staff (assigned to subcommittees): (B-350 RHOB), 5-2738: Legislation and National Security.—Mary Tripp Wolfensberger. Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources.—Charlie Coon. Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations.—Martha B. Morgan. Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs.—Marc Rose. Information, Justice, Transportation, and Agriculture. —Daniel T. Naatz. Committees of the House 447 Employment, Housing, and Aviation.—Michael D. Nannini. Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security (B-377 RHOB), 5-5147. Deputy Staff Director—Robert J. Kurz. Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (B-371B-C RHOB), 5-6427. Staff Director—Sandy Z. Harris. Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations (B-372 RHOB), 5-2548. Staff Director—Ronald A. Stroman. Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs (B-377 RHOB), 5-4407. Staff Director.—Theodore J. Jacobs. Subcommittee on Information, Justice, Transportation, and Agriculture (B-349B-C RHOB), 5-3741. Staff Director.—[Vacant.] Subcommittee on Employment, Housing, and Aviation (B-349-A RHOB), 5-6751. Staff Director.—Edith Holleman. House Administration (H-326, The Capitol, phone 225-2061, meets first Wednesday of each month) Ratio: 12/7 Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Bill Thomas, of California. Al Swift, of Washington. Newt Gingrich, of Georgia. William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. Bob Livingston, of Louisiana. Martin Frost, of Texas. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. Butler Derrick, of South Carolina. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. SUBCOMMITTEES ELECTIONS Al Swift, of Washington. Bob Livingston, of Louisiana. Martin Frost, of Texas. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. LIBRARIES AND MEMORIALS William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Martin Frost, of Texas. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Butler Derrick, of South Carolina. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. OFFICE SYSTEMS Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. John A. Boehner, Ohio. Martin Frost, of Texas. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. 448 Congressional Directory ACCOUNTS Martin Frost, of Texas. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Al Swift, of Washington. Newt Gingrich, of Georgia. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Dale E. Kildee, of Michigan. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. PERSONNEL AND POLICE Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Bob Livingston, of Louisiana. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. Butler Derrick, of South Carolina. ADMINISTRATIVE OVERSIGHT Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Bill Thomas, of California. William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. STAFF Committee on House Administration (H-326, The Capitol), 225-2061. Staff Director.—Robert E. Shea. Special Counsel to the Chairman.—Heidi M. Pender. Chief Counsel. —Charles T. Howell. Chief Auditor and Chief Finance Officer.—Mark Perkins. General Counsel. —Eric F. Kleinfeld. Executive Assistant. —M.K. Robin Garwood Sterling. Administrative Officer.—Kathleen R. Frank. Information Officer on Regulations and Allowances.—Ellen A. McCarthy. Executive Assistant to the Staff Director.—Marian Holt. Professional Assistant to the Information Officer.—Sonjia Williams. Accounting Clerks: Garrett S. Sullivan; Timothy Magrath; Richard Koenig. District Office Coordinator.—Brenda O’Lenick. Investigator.—Richie Powers. Professional Assistants: Mary Sterling; Rebecca Harrington; Hilary Lieber; Amy Cole- man; Lance Koonce; Jodi Jeremiah; Kelli Ray; Kurt Abendschein; Frank Hurley. Professional Staff.—Tom Strzemienski. Professional Assistant to the Chief Counsel. —Constance Goode. Minority Staff Director.—Mary Sue Englund (H-330), 5-8281. Minority General Counsel. —Roman Buhler. Assistant Minority Counsel. —Daniel F.C. Crowley. Professional Staff.—Peggy Maughlin. Staff Assistants: Christopher Wright; Becca Aslin; Valerie Kazanjian; Jim Kaplan. Subcommittee on Elections (H1-802 OHOB), 6-7616. Staff Director.—Herbert S. Stone. Legislative Assistant.—Julie R. Klein. Staff Assistant/Clerk.—Dee Dee Sigler. Subcommittee on Libraries and Memorials (H1-612 OHOB), 6-2307. Staff Director.—John Bass. Senior Legislative Assistant.—LaQuietta J. Hardy-Davis. Staff Assistant.—Shirley Scott. Subcommittee on Office Systems (H1-722 OHOB), 5-1608. Staff Director.—Perry Pockros. Staff Assistants: Robert Baskin; Donald Mazeau; Reece E. Painter; Lisa Brown. Subcommittee on Accounts (H1-611 OHOB), 6-7540. Director.—Robert Mansker. Chief Counsel. —Scott Gordon. Staff Assistants: Jenny Delane McHone; Alexandra V. Hanson. Subcommittee on Personnel and Police (H1-720 OHOB), 6-7641. Staff Director.—Steve Vest. Legislative Assistants: Ann Fleischman; Peter Prager. Committees of the House 445 HOUSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SEE HOUSE OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS, PAGE 623) Judiciary (2138 RHOB, phone 225-3951, meets every Tuesday) Ratio: 21/14 Jack Brooks, of Texas. Don Edwards, of California. John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. Romano L. Mazzoli, of Kentucky. William J. Hughes, of New Jersey. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Howard L. Berman, of California. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. John Bryant, of Texas. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. David Mann, of Ohio. Melvin L. Watt, of North Carolina. Xavier Becerra, of California. Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York. Carlos J. Moorhead, of California. Henry J. Hyde, of Illinois. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., of Wisconsin. Bill McCollum, of Florida. George W. Gekas, of Pennsylvania. Howard Coble, of North Carolina. Lamar S. Smith, of Texas. Steven Schiff, of New Mexico. Jim Ramstad, of Minnesota. Elton Gallegly, of California. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Bob Inglis, of South Carolina. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. SUBCOMMITTEES ECONOMIC Jack Brooks, of Texas. John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Howard L. Berman, of California. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. David Mann, of Ohio. Melvin L. Watt, of North Carolina. AND COMMERCIAL LAW Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York. Elton Gallegly, of California. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Bob Inglis, of South Carolina. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Carlos J. Moorhead, of California. CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Don Edwards, of California. Henry J. Hyde, of Illinois. Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Howard Coble, of North Carolina. Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. INTERNATIONAL LAW, IMMIGRATION, AND REFUGEES Romano L. Mazzoli, of Kentucky. Bill McCollum, of Florida. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Lamar S. Smith, of Texas. John Bryant, of Texas. Elton Gallegly, of California. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Charles T. Canady, of Florida. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. Xavier Becerra, of California. 450 Congressional Directory INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION William J. Hughes, of New Jersey. Carlos J. Moorhead, of California. Don Edwards, of California. Howard Coble, of North Carolina. John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York. Romano L. Mazzoli, of Kentucky. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., of Wisconsin. Mike Synar, of Oklahoma. Bill McCollum, of Florida. : Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Steven Schiff, of New Mexico. Howard L. Berman, of California. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Xavier Becerra, of California. CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE Charles E. Schumer, of New York. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., of Wisconsin. Don Edwards, of California. Lamar S. Smith, of Texas. John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. Steven Schiff, of New Mexico. Romano L. Mazzoli, of Kentucky. Jim Ramstad, of Minnesota. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. George W. Gekas, of Pennsylvania. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Craig A. Washington, of Texas. David Mann, of Ohio. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS John Bryant, of Texas. George W. Gekas, of Pennsylvania. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Jim Ramstad, of Minnesota. Barney Frank, of Massachusetts. Bob Inglis, of South Carolina. Howard L. Berman, of California. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. David Mann, of Ohio. Melvin L. Watt, of North Carolina. STAFF Committee on the Judiciary (2138 RHOB), 225-3951. General Counsel. —Jonathan R. Yarowsky. Deputy General Counsel. —Robert H. Brink. Minority Chief Counsel —Alan F. Coffey, Jr. (B-351C RHOB), 5-6906. Counsel/Parliamentarian.—Daniel M. Freeman. Counsels: Marie McGlone; Allen Erenbaum. Minority Counsel. —Roger T. Fleming. Investigator.—John D. Cohen. Senior Research Analyst. —C. Don Stephens (B-353), 5-2825. Research Analyst. —Victor Lang. Legislative Analyst.—Chris P. Cooper. Administrative Assistant to the General Counsel. —Linda Jo Shelton. Administrative Assistant to the Deputy General Counsel. —Ellen L. Jones. Administrative Staff Member.—Mary V. Heuer. Systems Coordinator.—Ralph Doty. Financial Clerk.—James B. Farr. Calendar Clerk.—Lynn Alcock (B-336 RHOB), 5-5026. Administrative Aides: Christine E. Jarvis; Paula Williams. Research Assistant.—Teresa Vest. Publications Clerk.—Joseph McDonald (B-29 CHOB), 5-0408. Assistant Publications Clerk.—Kenneth Prater (B-29 CHOB), 5-0408. Minority Secretaries: Annelie Webber (B-351C RHOB), 5-6906; Sheila Wood (2142 RHOB), 5-6504; Audray Clement (111 CHOB), 5-7087; Susana Gutierrez (B-351C, RHOB), 5-6906; Peggy Carmichael (B-351C RHOB) 5-6906. Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law (B-353 RHOB), 5-2825. Counsel. —Cynthia W. Meadow. Assistant Counsels: Perry Apelbaum; Carrie Bedwell; George P. Slover. Research Assistant.—Catherine S. Cash. Office Manager.—Deloris L. Cole. Secretary.—Suzanne Young. Minority Counsels (B-351C RHOB): Alan F. Coffey, Jr., 5-6906; Charles E. Kern II, 5-7195; Peter J. Levinson, 5-5025. Committees of the House 451 Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights (H1-806 OHOB), 6-7680. Counsel. —Catherine A. LeRoy. Assistant Counsels: Melody orien, Ivy Davis-Fox; James Dempsey; Virginia Sloan. Secretaries: Jancelyn Pegues; Deborah Ward. Minority Counsel. —Kathryn A Hazeem (B-351C RHOB), 5-7195. Subcommittee on International Law, Immigration, and Refugees, (B-370B RHOB), 5-5727. Counsel. —Eugene Pugliese. Assistant Counsels: Kevin Anderson; Leslie Megyeri. Research Assistant. —Katherine Urban. Secretaries: Lizzie Daniels; Judy Knott. Minority Counsel. —Carmel Fisk (B-351C RHOB), 5-4480. Subcommittee on Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration (207 CHOB), 5-3926. Counsel. —Hayden Gregory. Assistant Counsels: Jarilyn Dupont; Edward H. O’Connell; William F. Patry. Secretaries: Veronica Eligan; Linda C. Hall; Phyllis Henderson. Minority Counsels: Thomas E. Mooney; Joseph V. Wolfe Qi) RROD), 5-6504. Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice (H2-362 FHOB),6-Counsel. — Andrew Fois. Assistant Counsels: Paul R. Beaulieu; Daniel Cunningham; Gabrielle G. Gallegos; David Yassky. Clerk. — Rachel L. Jacobson. Secretary.—Lisa Lawler. Minority Counsel —Lyle Nirenberg (111 CHOB), 5-7087. Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations (B-351A RHOB), 5-5741. Counsel. —Paul J. Drolet. Assistant Counsel. —David Naimon. Clerk.—Peter Owen. Secretary.—Cynthia Blackston. Minority Counsel. —Raymond Smietanka (111 CHOB), 5-7087. Merchant Marine and Fisheries (1334 LHOB, phone 225-4047, meets first Wednesday of each month) Ratio: 28/18 ! Gerry E. Studds, of Massachusetts. Jack Fields, of Texas. William J. Hughes, of New Jersey. Don Young, of Alaska. Earl Hutto, of Florida. Herbert H. Bateman, of Virginia. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. Howard Coble, of North Carolina. Solomon P. Ortiz, of Texas. Curt Weldon, of Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. Arthur Ravenel, Jr., of South Carolina. George J. Hochbrueckner, of New York. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. Tillie Fowler, of Florida. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Peter T. King, of New York. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, of Florida. Thomas H. Andrews, of Maine Richard W. Pombo, of California. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Lynn Schenk, of California. Gene Green, of Texas. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Dan Hamburg, of California. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. Bart Stupak, of Michigan. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Peter Deutsch, of Florida. Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. Congressional Directory SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio members, with vote, of all subcommittees of which they are not designated as chairman or ranking minority member. The chairman and ranking minority member of each subcommittee are ex officio members, with vote, of the Oversight Subcommittee.] MERCHANT MARINE William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. Herbert H. Bateman, of Virginia. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Thomas H. Andrews, of Maine. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. Lynn Schenk, of California. Tillie K. Fowler, of Florida. Gene Green, of Texas. Peter T. King, of New York. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, of Florida. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Bart Stupak, of Michigan. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Gerry E. Studds, of Massachusetts. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. George J. Hochbrueckner, of New York. Don Young, of Alaska. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. Curt Weldon, of Pennsylvania. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Arthur Ravenel, Jr., of South Carolina. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Elizabeth Furse, of Oregon. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Dan Hamburg, of California. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Earl Hutto, of Florida. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. Solomon P. Ortiz, of Texas. FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Don Young, of Alaska. William J. Hughes, of New Jersey. Howard Coble, of North Carolina. Jolene Unsoeld, of Washington. Arthur Ravenel, Jr., of South Carolina. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Dan Hamburg, of California. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Earl Hutto, of Florida. OCEANOGRAPHY, GULF OF MEXICO, AND THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Solomon P. Ortiz, of Texas. Curt Weldon, of Pennsylvania. Gene Green, of Texas. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Lynn Schenk, of California. Committees of the House COAST GUARD AND NAVIGATION W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, of Louisiana. Howard Coble, of North Carolina. William J. Hughes, of New Jersey. Herbert H. Bateman, of Virginia. Earl Hutto, of Florida. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Tillie K. Fowler, of Florida. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. Michael N. Castle, of Delaware. Bart Stupak, of Michigan. Peter T. King, of New York. William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, of Florida. Owen B. Pickett, of Virginia. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. George J. Hochbrueckner, of New York. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey. : Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Lynn Schenk, of California. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Blanche M. Lambert, of Arkansas. Gene Taylor, of Mississippi. STAFF Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries (1334 LHOB), (202) 225-4047; FAX: 225-7094. Staff Director.—Jeffrey R. Pike. Chief Counsel. —William W. Stelle, Jr. Chief Clerk/Administrator.—Mary J. Fusco Kitsos. Assistant Chief Clerk/Finance Officer.—Eleanor P. Mohler (1339 LHOB), 5-6785. Administrative Assistant to Chief Counsel/Calendar Clerk. —Ann Vogt (1332 LHOB), 5-6282. Administrative Assistant to Staff Director.—Linda Livingston. Press Secretary.—Sue Waldron. Staff Assistants: Ruth Freesland; Joan Coyle. Legislative Clerk.—Kathleen T. Denson (1339 LHOB), 5-6785. Assistant Finance Officer/Systems Manager.—Pamela Bullard (1339 LHOB), 5-6785. Senior Policy Analyst.—Thomas R. Kitsos (1339A LHOB), 5-2429. Research Assistant.—Shelley Cole (1339 LHOB), 5-2429. GPO Editor.—Marion Tucker (H2-550 FHOB), 6-3529. General Counsel for Maritime Policy.—Edmund B. Welch (H2-532 FHOB), 6- 3500. Professional Staff. —John Cullather (H2-532 FHOB), 6-3504. Counsel. —Carl Bentzel (H2-532 FHOB), 6-3504. Legislative Clerk.—Ann Mueller (H2-532 FHOB), 6-3500. Senior Counsel/Coast Guard and Navigation.—Joan Bondareff (H2-531 FHOB), 6-3500. Professional Staff: Lee Crockett; Tom Lyons (H2-531 FHOB), 6-3500. Administrative Assistant. —Elnora Harvey (H2-531 FHOB), 6-3500. Senior Professional Staff/Appropriations and Budget.—Janice Oliver (H2-547 FHOB), 6-3324. Professional Staff/Appropriations and Budget.—Chris Mann (H2-547 FHOB), 6-3324. Senior Professional Staff: Dan Ashe (H2-544 FHOB), 6-3543; Gina DeFerrari (H2- 545 FHOB), 6-3547. Professional Staff —Jean Flemma (H2-544 FHOB), 6-3543. Administrative Assistant.—Marv Zeeb (H2-544 FHOB), 6-3543. Minority Staff Director. —Harry F. Burroughs (1337 LHOB), 5-2650. Minority Chief Counsel. —Cynthia M. Wilkinson (1337 LHOB), 5-2650. Minority Chief Clerk.—Judy Alvarez (1337 LHOB), 5-2650. Staff Assistant.—Lisa Rulli (1337 LHOB), 5-2650. Counsel for— Coast Guard.—Rebecca F. Dye (H2-538 FHOB), 6-3552. Oceanography.—Lisa Pittman (H2-538 FHOB), 6-3552. Professional Staff for— Merchant Marine.—Kip Robinson (H2-577 FHOB), 6-3492. Environment and Natural Resources: Thomas O. Melius; JayneAnne Rex (H2-537 FHOB), 6-3540. Fisheries Management: Jill Brady; John Rayfield (H2-540 FHOB), 6-3520. Panama Canal/Outer Continental Shelf—Dave Whaley (H2-537 FHOB), 6-3540. Staff Assistants: Marsha Canter (H2-577 FHOB), 6-3492; Kathleen A. Miller (H2-539), 6-3556; Margherita Woods (H2-539 FHOB), 6-3556. 454 Congressional Directory Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries (1334 LHOB), (202) 225-4047; FAX: 225-7094—CONTINUED Subcommittee Professional Staff for— Coast Guard and Navigation.—Ed Lee (H2-577 FHOB), 6-3492. Environment and Natural Resources.—Laurel Bryant (H2-577 FHOB), 6-3492. Fisheries Management.—Rodney H. Moore, Jr. (H2-540 FHOB) 6-3520. Sea Grant Fellow.—Julie Roberts (H2-540 FHOB), 6-3520. Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf.—Eunice Groark (H2-538 FHOB), 6-3552. Merchant Marine.—Hugh N. Johnston (H2-577 FHOB), 6-3492. Subcommittee on Environment and Natural Resources (H2-545 FHOB), 6-3547. Senior Professional Staff. —Karen Steuer. Professional Staff.—Barbara Jean Polo. Research Assistant.—Lesli Gray. Legislative Clerk.—Leigh Clayton. Subcommittee on Fisheries Management (H2-579 FHOB), 6-3514. Staff Director.—Jim Mathews. Counsel. —Gregory Lee Lambert. Legislative Clerk.—Lori Rosa. Subcommittee on Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico and Outer Continental Shelf —(H2-547 FHOB), 6-2460. Staff Director.—Sheila Clark McCready (H2-574), 6-2460. Professional Staff.—Robert Wharton (H2-574), 6-2460. Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation (H2-541 FHOB), 6-3587. Staff Director/Counsel.—Elizabeth Megginson. Counsel. —Laurie Wilkerson. Professional Staff: Jim Adams; Rusty Savoie; Bill Wright. Legislative Clerk.—Catherine Gibbens. Subcommittee on Merchant Marine. (H2-543 FHOB), 6-3533. Staff Director.—Keith Lesnick. Chief Counsel. —Cher (Sharon) Brooks. Professional Staff.—David Honness. Legislative Clerk.—Randy Morris. Committees of the House Natural Resources (1324 LHOB, phone 225-2761, meets every other Wednesday) Ratio: 24/15! George Miller, of California. Don Young, of Alaska. Philip R. Sharp, of Indiana. James V. Hansen, of Utah. Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. Elton Gallegly, of California. Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. Bruce F. Vento, of Minnesota. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Pat Williams, of Montana. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. Ron de Lugo, of the Virgin Islands. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. John T. Doolittle, of California. Richard H. Lehman, of California. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. Ken Calvert, of California. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Scott McInnis, of Colorado. Samoa. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Larry LaRocco, of Idaho. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Carlos Romero-Barceld, of Puerto Rico. Karan English, of Arizona. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. Sam Farr, of California. Lane Evans, of Illinois. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are non-voting ex officio members of all subcommittees on which they do not hold a regular assignment.) OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS George Miller, of California. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. James V. Hansen, of Utah. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. Philip R. Sharp, of Indiana. John T. Doolittle, of California. Bruce F. Vento, of Minnesota. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Richard H. Lehman, of California. Ken Calvert, of California. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Karan English, of Arizona. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. Lane Evans, of Illinois. Thomas M. Barrett, of Wisconsin. Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. 456 Congressional Directory NATIVE AMERICAN AFFAIRS Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Pat Williams, of Montana. Don Young, of Alaska. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Tul F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Ken Calvert, of California. amoa. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. Karan English, of Arizona. NATIONAL PARKS, FORESTS, AND PUBLIC LANDS Bruce F. Vento, of Minnesota. James V. Hansen, of Utah. Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Robert F. Smith, of Oregon. Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Pat Williams, of Montana. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. John T. Doolittle, of California. Larry LaRocco, of Idaho. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Neil Abercrombie, of Hawaii. Ken Calvert, of California. Carlos Romero-Barcelo, of Puerto Rico. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Karan English, of Arizona. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Patsy T. Mink, of Hawaii. INSULAR AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Ron de Lugo, of the Virgin Islands. Elton Gallegly, of California. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, of American Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. Samoa. Carlos Romero-Barceld, of Puerto Rico. Robert A. Underwood, of Guam. Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. George Miller, of California. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Richard H. Lehman, of California. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. Philip R. Sharp, of Indiana. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Austin J. Murphy, of Pennsylvania. John T. Doolittle, of California. Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Scott McInnis, of Colorado. Larry Larocco, of Idaho. Richard Pombo, of California. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. Tom Barlow, of Kentucky. STAFF Committee on Natural Resources (1324 LHOB), 225-2761. Staff Director.—John Lawrence. General Counsel. —Richard Meltzer. Special Assistant to the Chairman.—Daniel Weiss. Counsel to the Chairman.—Jeffrey Petrich. Counsel to the Chairman.—Stanley Scoville. Professional Staff Members: J. Stevens Lanich; Charlene Dougherty; Lori Sonken; Dan Adamson; Mark Trautwein; Gail Mukaihata; John Leshy; Julie Petro. Legislative Calendar Clerk.—Mary Stowe Boyd. Documents Clerk.—John (Tobey) Peterson. Finance Clerk/Printing Coordinator.—Sharon Kirby. Committees of the House 457 Staff Assistants: Joycelyn Johnson; Ann Owens; Carrie Yourd; Carolyn Gibson. Clerk.—Linda Gordon Stevens. Republican Staff Director.—Daniel Val Kish (1329 LHOB), 225-6065. Consultant on Insular Affairs.—Manase Mansur. Consultant on Public Lands.—Kurt Christensen. Consultant on Mining and Natural Resources.— William Condit. Counsel on Lands and Forestry.—D. Lee Forsgren. Consultant on Public Lands.—John Forehand. Consultant.—Cynthia Ahwinona. General Counsel to the Republicans.—David Dye. Consultant on Energy.—Christopher B. Kearney. Consultant on Oversight and Investigations.—Frank Kalisiak. Counsel on Indian Affairs.—Richard Houghton. Clerk /Senior Staff Assistant.—Christine Kennedy. Staff Assistants: Dawn Zollinhofer; Deborah Callis; Sharon (Cherie) Girard; Brian Miller. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Ford Building H2-483), 226-0200. Staff Director.—John Lawrence. Chief Counsel. —Linda Chase. Counsel. —Elizabeth S. Birnbaum. Professional Staff.—Celia Boddington. Staff Assistant.—Elizabeth McMillan. Subcommittee on Native American Affairs (1522 LHOB), 226-7393. Staff Director and Chief Counsel. —Tadd Johnson. Counsel. —Steven J.W. Heeley. Professional Staff.—Marie Howard. Clerk.—Barbara Robles. Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands (O’Neill Building H1-A812), 226-7736. Staff Director.—Richard Healy. Counsel. —C. Stanley Sloss. Professional Staff: James Bradley; Heather A. Huyck; Alexander (Sandy) Scott; Amy Lin Holley. Staff Assistant.—Gwyn Fletcher. Clerk.—Charlene Seamens. Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs (1626 LHOB), 225-9297. Staff Director.—Jeffrey L. Farrow. Professional Staff: Virginia Sablan; Hazel Ross-Robinson; Brian Modeste. Clerk.—Daisy Minter. Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources (O’Neill Building H1-815, A819), 225- 8331. Staff Director—Deborah Lanzone. Counsel—Dean Tousley. Professional Staff.—Grey Staples. Staff Assistant.—Sherry Showell. Clerk.—Lauren Sharfman. Congressional Directory Post Office and Civil Service (309 CHOB, phone 225-4054, meets first and fourth Wednesdays of each month) Ratio: 14/9! William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. John T. Myers, of Indiana. Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Benjamin A. Gilman, of New York. Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Don Young, of Alaska. Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. Constance A. Morella, of Maryland. Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Columbia. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Leslie L. Byrne, of Virginia. Melvin L. Watt, of North Carolina. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio voting members of all legislative subcommittees on which they do not hold a regular assignment.] OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS William (Bill) Clay, of Missouri. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. CIVIL SERVICE Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Patricia Schroeder, of Colorado. Constance A. Morella, of Maryland. Paul E. Kanjorski, of Pennsylvania. CENSUS, STATISTICS, AND POSTAL PERSONNEL Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Frank McCloskey, of Indiana. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Albert R. Wynn, of Maryland. COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Constance A. Morella, of Maryland. Columbia. Don Young, of Alaska. Gary L. Ackerman, of New York. Leslie L. Byrne, of Virginia. POSTAL OPERATIONS AND SERVICES Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. Don Young, of Alaska. Melvin L. Watt, of North Carolina. Benjamin A. Gilman, of New York. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. STAFF Committee on Post Office and Civil Service (309 CHOB), 225-4054. Staff Director.—Gail Weiss. General Counsel. —Robert E. Lockhart. ! Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. Committees of the House Deputy General Counsels: Kevin Bruns; Gerald E. Cerasale Deputy Staff Director.—Doris H. Moore-Glenn. Public Information Director.—Betty Lee. Executive Assistant to the Staff Director.—Patricia Mansfield. Counsel for Investigations.—Carl E. Anderson. Legislative Associate.—Peter Rutledge. Special Assistant.—Denise Wilson. Document Clerk.—Elizabeth Curtis. Administrative Officer.—Kathleen O’Hara. Correspondence Coordinator.—Cassandra Duda. Staff Assistants: Shirley Brown; Hope L. Lindsay; Robin M. Schwartzman. Receptionist.—Jodie Hansen. Minority Staff Director.—Joseph A. Fisher. General Counsel. —Dan G. Blair (H1-A602 OHOB), 6-7536. Staff Assistants: George Conant (H1-A602 OHOB), 5-7536; Dan Costello (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370; Daniel Moll (H2-176B FHOB), 6-0165; George Omas (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370; Susan Sturman (304A CHOB), 5-0073; Curtis Thayer (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370; Heea Vazirani-Fales (H1-602 OHOB), 6-7536; Steven Williams (304A CHOB), 5-0073. Secretaries: Mary Geiger (304A CHOB), 5-0073; Jean W. Gilligan (H1-602 OHOB), 6-7536; Jane W. Hatcherson (H2-176B FHOB), 6-0165. Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards. Staff Director.—Julie Tagen. Staff Assistants: John Baker; Edison Ross. Minority Staff Assistants: Karen S. Buehler; Jack Dail. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (219 CHOB), 5-6295. Staff Director.—Cheryl Johnson. General Counsel. —Carl E. Anderson. Staff Assistants: Kay Bradby; Jaime A. Delgado. Investigator.—Stephen Comeau. Minority Staff Assistant.—Dan Costello (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370. Subcommittee on Civil Service (122 CHOB), 5-4025. Staff Director.—Debbie Kendall. Counsel. —Nathan Zitlow. Deputy Staff Director.—Wendy Lowengrub. Professional Staff.—Paul Weber. Minority Staff Assistants: Heea Vazirani-Fales (H1-602 OHOB), 6-7536; Jeff Schaffner (H1-A602 OHOB), 6-7536. Subcommittee on Census, Statistics and Postal Personnel (H1-515 OHOB), 6-7523. Staff Director.—TerriAnn Lowenthal. Professional Staff.—Mary Anne Walsh. Legislative Associates: Janet L. Chisholm-King; John Gadd. Legislative and Research Associate.—Shelly Wilkie Martinez. Staff Assistant.—Chris Collins. Minority Staff Assistants: George Conant (H1-A602 OHOB), 6-7536; George Omas (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370. Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits (209 CHOB), 6-7546 Staff Director.—Cedric Hendricks. Legislative Associate.—Julia Hudson. Legislative Assistant.—Brian Seward. Minority Staff Assistants: Heea Vazirani-Fales (H1-602 OHOB), 6-7536; Curtis Thayer (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370. Subcommittee on Postal Operations and Services (406 CHOB), 5-9124. Staff Director.—Meredith Cooper. Deputy Staff Director.—Eugene T. Austin. Staff Assistant.—Tonette Fleming. Minority Staff Assistants: Daniel R. Moll (H2-176B FHOB), 6-0165; Curtis Thayer (B-27 CHOB), 5-9370; Steven Williams (304A CHOB), 5-0073. Congressional Directory Public Works and Transportation (2165 RHOB, phone 225-4472; FAX: 226-0921, meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 37/24 ! Norman Y. Mineta, of California. James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. Ron de Lugo, of Virgin Islands. Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. Robert E. Wise, Jr., of West Virginia. James A. Traficant, Jr., of Ohio. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. Jerry F. Costello, of Illinois. Mike Parker, of Mississippi. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Pete Geren, of Texas. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Glenn Poshard, of Illinois. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Columbia. Lucien E. Blackwell, of Pennsylvania. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. Leslie L. Byrne, of Virginia. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Pat Danner, of Missouri. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Corrine Brown, of Florida. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Dan Hamburg, of California. Bob Filner, of California. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. Peter Barca, of Wisconsin. Bud Shuster, of Pennsylvania. William FE. Clinger, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. Susan Molinari, of New York. Bill Zeliff, of New Hampshire. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Bill Baker, of California. Mac Collins, of Georgia. Jay Kim, of California. David A. Levy, of New York. Stephen Horn, of California. Bob Franks, of New Jersey. Peter Blute, of Massachusetts. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. John L. Mica, of Florida. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. Jack Quinn, of New York. Ratio does not include Resident Commissioner or Delegates. Committees of the House SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and the ranking minority member of the committee are ex officio members of all subcommittees.) AVIATION James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. William F. Clinger, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Ron de Lugo, of the Virgin Islands. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Pete Geren, of Texas. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. Mac Collins, of Georgia. Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. Jay Kim, of California. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. David A. Levy, of New York. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. Stephen Horn, of California. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. Jerry F. Costello, of Illinois. John L. Mica, of Florida. Mike Parker, of Mississippi. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Lucien E. Blackwell, of Pennsylvania. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Pat Danner, of Missouri. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. Corrine Brown, of Florida. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Robert E. Wise, Jr., of West Virginia. Susan Molinari, of New York. Lucien E. Blackwell, of Pennsylvania. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Bill Baker, of California. Bob Filner, of California. Mac Collins, of Georgia. James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. Jay Kim, of California. Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Bob Franks, of New Jersey. William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. Peter Blute, of Massachusetts. James A. Traficant, Jr., of Ohio. John L. Mica, of Florida. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. Jerry F. Costello, of Illinois. Jack Quinn, of New York. Mike Parker, of Mississippi. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. Pat Danner, of Missouri. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. Corrine Brown, of Florida. Dan Hamburg, of California. 462 Congressional Directory INVESTIGATIONS AND OVERSIGHT Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Barbara-Rose Collins, of Michigan. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. Robert E. Wise, Jr., of West Virginia. Susan Molinari, of New York. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Bill Zeliff, of New Hampshire. Lucien E. Blackwell, of Pennsylvania. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. Leslie L. Byrne, of Virginia. Bill Baker, of California. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Bob Filner, of California. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS James A. Traficant, Jr., of Ohio. John J. Duncan, Jr., of Tennessee. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Columbia. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. William F. Clinger, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Jerry F. Costello, of Illinois. Bill Zeliff; Jr., of New Hampshire. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Glenn Poshard, of Illinois. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. Bill Baker, of California. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Mac Collins, of Georgia. Peter A. DeFazio, of Oregon. Jay Kim, of California. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. David A. Levy, of New York. Leslie L. Byrne, of Virginia. Bob Franks, of New Jersey. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. Peter Blute, of Massachusetts. Pat Danner, of Missouri. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, of California. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Dan Hamburg, of California. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. Ron de Lugo, of the Virgin Islands. William O. Lipinski, of Illinois. James A. Traficant, Jr., of Ohio. Committees of the House WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. William F. Clinger, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Mike Parker, of Mississippi. Thomas E. Petri, of Wisconsin. Karen Shepherd, of Utah. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Corrine Brown, of Florida. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. Susan Molinari, of New York. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Bill Zeliff, of New Hampshire. Bob Filner, of California. Thomas W. Ewing, of Illinois. James L. Oberstar, of Minnesota. Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland. Nick J. Rahall II, of West Virginia. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Robert E. Wise, Jr., of West Virginia. Stephen Horn, of California. Pete Geren, of Texas. Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Jack Quinn, of New York. Glenn Poshard, of Illinois. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of Columbia. Jerrold Nadler, of New York. Leslie L. Byrne, of Virginia. Robert Menendez, of New Jersey. Dan Hamburg, of California. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. STAFF Committee on Public Works and Transportation (2165 RHOB), 225-4472; FAX: 226-0921. Chief of Staff.—Paul Schoellhamer. Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff.—Suzanne Sullivan. Chief Counsel. —Sante Esposito. Administrator.—Joy B. Bryson. Director of Communications.—Erik K. Federing, FAX: 6-4270. Editor.—Joseph A. Italiano. Chief Economist.—Arthur H. Chan. Legislative Calendar Clerk.—Joan H. Botuck. Office Manager.—Margaret J. Mount. Director of Committee Transportation.—Jimmy Miller. Executive Staff Assistant/Computer Systems Manager.—Sheila R. Lockwood. Executive Staff Assistants: Jady Windham; Maureen Dubia; Pamela S. Keller. Administrative Staff Assistant.—Florence E. Thompson. Senior Staff Assistant.—Sterlyn B. Carroll. Staff Assistants: Robert S. Russell; Betty J.R. Williams. Research Assistants: Antoinette Ambro; Judy Hafner. Travel Clerk.—Arlene M. Farlow. Editorial Staff Assistant.—Gilda Shirley. Minority Chief Counsel and Staff Director.—Jack L. Schenendorf (2163 RHOB), 225-9446; FAX: 225-6782. Deputy Minority Chief Counsel. —Robert Alan Bergman. Minority Professional Staff for Budget and Economic Development.—William J. Hughes. Minority Administrator.—Erla S. Youmans. Minority Director of Public Affairs.—David A. Fuscus, FAX: 225-6782. Minority Professional Staff Member.—Jeffrey D. Shoaf. Minority Executive Assistant.—Barbara S. Bannister. Minority Staff Assistant.—Kathi Brumbaugh. Subcommittee on Aviation (2251 RHOB), 225-9161; FAX: 225-4629. Counsel. —David Heymsfeld. Assistant Counsel. —Mary Walsh. Professional Staff: David F. Traynham; Caroline Gabel. Staff Assistants: Mary Beth Gairin; Gretchen Biery. Minority Counsel. —David Schaffer, 6-3220. Minority Professional Staff Members: Edward G. Feddeman; Donna McLean. Minority Staff Assistant. —Linda Burdett. Subcommittee on Economic Development (B-376 RHOB), 225-6151; FAX: 225-4627. Staff Director and Counsel. —Carl J. Lorenz. Professional Staff: Martha E. Downie; Lee R. Godown. 464 Congressional Directory Committee on Public Works and Transportation (2165 RHOB), 225-4472; FAX: 226-0921—CONTINUED Staff Assistant.—Marjorie M. Dowling. Minority Professional Staff.—Paul A. Lobo (2167-A RHOB), 5-3014. Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight (H2-585 FHOB), 225-3274; FAX: 225-0922. Staff Director.—John V. Wells. Counsel. —Randolph W. Deitz. Staff Engineer.—Richard V. Tearle. Professional Staff: Vincent F. Fabrizio; Cheri Lee Roe; David Smallen. Staff Assistant.—Linda D. Scott. Research Assistant.—Laura Yarosh. Minority Counsel. —Charles C. Ziegler, 5-5504. Minority Professional Staff.—Ruth Van Mark. Minority Staff Assistant. —Melanie Jordan Seiter. Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds (B-376 RHOB), 225-9961; FAX: 225-4627. Staff Director.—Susan F. Brita. Counsel.—James A. Kutcher. Assistant Counsel. —Charlotte Crawford. Professional Staff Member.—Paul P. Marcone. Staff Assistant.—Toby J. Mullvain. Minority Professional Staff: Richard C. Barnett; James C. Easton (B-375 RHOB), 225-6715. Subcommittee on Surface Transportation (B-376 RHOB), 225-9989; FAX: 225-4627. Chief Professional. —Kenneth House. Counsel. —John F. Fryer. Professional Staff: Caryll F. Rinehart; Aleathea E. Riley; Roger Slagle; Kathleen Hoffman; James Zoia. Staff Assistants: Duane M. Lakich; Eunice Goldring. Minority Counsels: Becky L. Weber; Roger Nober (B-375 RHOB), 225-6715; FAX: 225-4623. Minority Professional Staff.—Debra A. Gebhardt. Minority Staff Assistant.—Cheryl McCullough. Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment (B-370A RHOB), 225-0060; FAX: 225-4627. Counsel. —Errol L. Tyler. Assistant Counsels: Kenneth J. Kopocis; Scott Lee Slesinger. Professional Staff Member.—John L. Kerekes. Research Assistant.—Kevin O'Hara. Staff Assistants: Karen D. Rose; Rose M. Hamlin. Minority Counsel. —Gabe J. Rozsa (B-375 RHOB), 225-4360; FAX: 225-4623. Assistant Minority Counsel. —Benjamin H. Grumbles. Minority Professional Staff.—Jeffrey T. More. Minority Staff Assistant. —Dorothy E. Chepp. Rules (H-312, The Capitol. Phone, 225-9486, meets every Tuesday) Ratio: 9/4 John Joseph Moakley, of Massachusetts. Gerald B.H. Solomon, of New York. Butler Derrick, of South Carolina. James H. (Jimmy) Quillen, of Tennessee. Anthony C. Beilenson, of California. David Dreier, of California. Martin Frost, of Texas. Porter J. Goss, of Florida. David E. Bonior, of Michigan. Tony P. Hall, of Ohio. Alan Wheat, of Missouri. Bart Gordon, of Tennessee. Louise McIntosh Slaughter, of New York. Committees of the House SUBCOMMITTEES RULES OF THE HOUSE Anthony C. Beilenson, of California. David Dreier, of California. David E. Bonior, of Michigan. Gerald B.H. Solomon, of New York. Tony P. Hall, of Ohio. Louise McIntosh Slaughter, of New York. John Joseph Moakley, of Massachusetts. THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS Butler Derrick, of South Carolina. James H. (Jimmy) Quillen, of Tennessee. Martin Frost, of Texas. Porter J. Goss, of Florida. Alan Wheat, of Missouri. Bart Gordon, of Tennessee. John Joseph Moakley, of Massachusetts. STAFF Committee on Rules (H-312, The Capitol), 225-9486. Staff Director.—George C. Crawford. Assistant to the Chairman.—Deborah M. Spriggs (H-152), 5-9091. Administrator.—Shirley A. Kalich. Assistant to the Staff Director.—John Marshall. Press Secretary.—George C. Crawford. Professional Staff: John A. Daniel; Alison Harrington; Sophie Hayford; Jeffrey Lock- wood; James P. McGovern (235 CHOB), 5-1535; David Pomerantz; Robert Kevin Ryan; Leanita Shelby. Staff Assistants: Peter Hamm; Marie Hollis; Montha Ok (H-152), 5-9091. GPO Representative.—Ben Byrd (421 CHOB), 5-8922. Minority Staff Director.—Donald Wolfensberger (H-305), 5-9191. Minority Chief Counsel. —William D. Crosby (H-305), 5-9191. Minority Staff: Mark Gage; Daniel Keniry (B-346B RHOB), 5-7985; Vernonica Rolocut (B-346B RHOB), 5-7985; Nancy Trifiro (B-346B RHOB), 5-7985; Celeste Jones West. Associate Staff: Laurie Harrison [Mr. Derrick] (221 CHOB), 5-5301; Kaye Edwards Davis [Mr. Beilenson] (2465 RHOB), 5-5911; Kristi E. Walseth [Mr. Frost] (2459 RHOB), 5-3605; Miles Lackey [Mr. Bonior] (H-107), 5-3130; Gail M. Amidzich [Mr. Hall] (2264 RHOB), 5-6465; Jan Hoeferkamp [Mr. Wheat] (1627 LHOB), 5-8656; John Hoel [Mr. Gordon] (103 CHOB), 5-4231; Thomas L. Bantle [Mrs. Slaughter] (2421 RHOB), 5-3615; Geoffrey Gleason [Mr. Solomon] (B346B RHOB), 5-7985; Peter McNally [Mr. Quillen] (101 CHOB), 5-3734; Brian F. Bieron [Mr. Dreier] (411 CHOB), 5-2305; Wendy Donath [Mr. Goss] (330 CHOB), 5-2536. Subcommittee on Rules of the House (1628 LHOB), 5-9588. Staff Director.—Melissa Kuckro (2465 RHOB), 5-3792. Staff Assistants.—Navy Dy; David Caskey. Minority Counsel. —Vincent Randazzo (411 CHOB), 5-2305. Subcommittee on the Legislative Process (1629 LHOB), 5-1037. Staff Director.—Michael L. Harrison. Staff Assistant. —Kris Pratt. Minority Counsel. —Sheryl Bonifer (101 CHOB), 5-3734. Congressional Directory Science, Space, and Technology (2320 RHOB, phone 225-6371; FAX: George E. Brown, Jr, of California. Marilyn Lloyd, of Tennessee. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Harold L. Volkmer, of Missouri. Ralph M. Hall, of Texas. Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Rick Boucher, of Virginia. James A. Traficant, Jr., of Ohio. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. John S. Tanner, of Tennessee. Pete Geren, of Texas. Jim Bacchus, of Florida. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. Paul McHale, of Pennsylvania. Jane Harman, of California. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. David Minge, of Minnesota. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. Xavier Becerra, of California. Peter Barca, of Wisconsin. 225-8280, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month) Ratio: 33/22 Robert S. Walker, of Pennsylvania. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., of Wisconsin. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Paul B. Henry, of Michigan. Harris W. Fawell, of Illinois. Constance A. Morella, of Maryland. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Steven H. Schiff, of New Mexico. Joe Barton, of Texas. Dick Zimmer, of New Jersey. Sam Johnson, of Texas. Ken Calvert, of California. Martin R. Hoke, of Ohio. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Ed Royce, of California. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. John Linder, of Georgia. Peter Blute, of Massachusetts. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Bill Baker, of California. Roscoe G. Bartlett, of Maryland. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio members, with vote, of all subcommittees.] ENERGY Marilyn Lloyd, of Tennessee. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott, of Virginia. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. Paul McHale, of Pennsylvania. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. Harris W. Fawell, of Illinois. Steven H. Schiff, of New Mexico. Bill Baker, of California. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. Roscoe G. Bartlett, of Maryland. Committees of the House 467 SPACE Ralph M. Hall, of Texas. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., of Wisconsin. Harold L. Volkmer, of Missouri. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Dick Zimmer, of New Jersey. James A. Traficant, Jr., of Ohio. Sam Johnson, of Texas. Jim Bacchus, of Florida. Martin R. Hoke, of Ohio. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Ed Royce, of California. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. Eric Fingerhut, of Ohio. Steven H. Schiff, of New Mexico. James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. Ken Calvert, of California. John S. Tanner, of Tennessee. Pete Geren, of Texas. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Jane Harman, of California. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Dave McCurdy, of Oklahoma. TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, AND AVIATION Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Constance A. Morella, of Maryland. Pete Geren, of Texas. Ken Calvert, of California. Tim Roemer, of Indiana. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Dick Swett, of New Hampshire. Rod Grams, of Minnesota. Herbert C. Klein, of New Jersey. John Linder, of Georgia. Paul McHale, of Pennsylvania. Peter Blute, of Massachusetts. Jane Harman, of California. Roscoe G. Bartlett, of Maryland. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Dana Rohrabacher, of California. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. Dick Zimmer, of New Jersey. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Martin R. Hoke, of Ohio. Jay Inslee, of Washington. Ed Royce, of California. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. David Minge, of Minnesota. Nathan Deal, of Georgia. Xavier Becerra, of California. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Jim Bacchus, of Florida. SCIENCE Rick Boucher, of Virginia. Sherwood L. Boehlert, of New York. Ralph M. Hall, of Texas. Joe Barton, of Texas. Tim Valentine, of North Carolina. Sam Johnson, of Texas. James A. Barcia, of Michigan. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Peter Blute, of Massachusetts. Anna G. Eshoo, of California. Eddie Bernice Johnson, of Texas. David Minge, of Minnesota. INVESTIGATIONS AND OVERSIGHT James A. Hayes, of Louisiana. Paul Henry, of Michigan. John S. Tanner, of Tennessee. Constance A. Morella, of Maryland. Marilyn Lloyd, of Tennessee. Joe Barton, of Texas. Don Johnson, of Georgia. Sam Coppersmith, of Arizona. STAFF Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (2320 RHOB), 225-6371; FAX: 225-0891. Chief of Staff.—Radford Byerly, Jr., 5-6375. Administrative Assistant.—Gail L. Mathias, 5-6375. 468 Congressional Directory Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (2320 RHOB), 225-6371; FAX: 225-0891 —CONTINUED Assistant to the Chairman.—Ruth G. Hogue, 5-6161. Chief Clerk.—Carolyn C. Greenfeld, 5-1067. Chief Counsel. —Michael Rodemeyer, 5-4538. Chief Engineer.—Ronald E. Williams, 5-1178. Counsels: Frances M. D’Amico, 5-2912; Eith A. Holleman, 5-4494; Elizabeth A. Inadomi, 6-2191; Bradford A. Penney, 5-5996. Deputy Chief of Staff. —Pete Didisheim, 5-2910. Director of Communications.—Patricia G. Garfinkel, 5-2919. Engineering Advisor.—Harry S. Dawson, Jr., 5-7858. Finance Clerk.—Lisa A. Irwin, 5-6372. GPO Printers: Anthony P. Antonelli, Sr., 5-5079; Robert C. Antonelli, 5-5030. Hearings Coordinators: Patti D. Hartle, 5-8056; Sherri L. Stone, 5-9662; Monica Wroblewski, 5-4494. International Advisor.—Michael D. Quear, 5-6917. Legislative Clerk.—Vivian A. Tessieri, 5-8121. Legislative Director.—William A. Stiles, 5-8483. Press Secretary.—Rick E. Borchelt, 5-3359. Professional Staff Members: Carrye B. Brown, 5-4161; Anthony S. Clark, 5-8115; Peter Cunniffe, 5-4860; Barry D. Gold, 5-2626; J. William Goold, 5-6161; Gerald J. Hane, 5-8640; Mark Harkins, 6-6980; Nancy J. Jeffery, 5-1624; Stephen Kear-ney, 5-4494; Eileen Lee, 6-6980; James Paul, 6-3639; Rick S. Piltz, 5-4497; Carol J. Pompliano, 5-3343; Curtis L. Stanford, 6-6980; Katherine Van Sickle, 5-4492; Caroline Wagner, 5-5245; Katherine Wallace-Smith, 5-3975; Christine M. Wegman, 6-3651. Receptionist/Staff Assistant.—Laura H. Geer, 5-6372. Science Consultants: Richard M. Oberman, 5-4482; Daniel Sarewitz, 5-2913; James D. Wilson, 5-2634. Senior Policy Coordinator.—Robert E. Palmer, 6-3636. Senior Staff Assistant.—Mary A. Sanchez, 5-6375. Staff Assistants: Brenda M. Ali, 5-6372; Susan O. DeLany, 5-6375; Cheryl A. Faunce, 5-4275; Donna L. Faunce, 6-6980; Earley T. Green, 5-8844; Kathryn R. Holmes, 5-8056; Mary Beth Horner, 5-7858; Virginia O. Lindsey, 5-9662; Terese B. McDonald, 6-6375; Martha L. Ralston, 5-8844; Shirley L. Watson, 5-4494. Subcommittee Staff Directors: Keith E. Laughlin, 5-4494; Francis X. Murray, 5-2884; Grace L. Ostenso, 5-1060; William S. Smith, Jr., 5-4439; James H. Turner, 5-8128. Systems Manager.—Sharon L. Hammersla, 5-4414. Technical Consultants: Cheryl Mendonsa, 5-3326; Grace E. Warren, 5-6673. Minority Chief of Staff.—David D. Clement, 5-8772. Minority Deputy Chief of Staff.—Anne Marcantognini, 5-2157. Minority Administrative Assistant.—Patricia S. Schwartz, 5-8772. Minority General Counsel. —Barry Beringer, 5-8500. Minority Legislative Director.—Christopher J. Wydler, 5-6684. Minority Legislative Assistants and Counsels: Shana Dale, 5-2656; Mason Wiggins, 5-6928. Minority Legislative Assistants: William J. Kilroy, 5-1546; Patric Link, 6-1371; Chris-topher Roosa, 5-5848. Minority Professional Staff.—Rachel Halterman, 5-4320. Minority Special Assistants: Robert Filka, 5-4024; Nick Fuhrman, 5-8152; James C. Greene, 5-8110; Daniel Pearson, 6-3641; Harlan Watson, 5-8056. Minority Staff Assistants: Jeannie Bonner, 5-8772; Gloria J. Dunderman 5-6949; Donna K. Fox, 5-8056; Karen H. Pearce, 5-8844; JuliAnna Potter, 5-7858. Committees of the House Small Business (2361 Rayburn House Office Building, John J. LaFalce, of New York. Neal Smith, of Iowa. Ike Skelton, of Missouri. Romano L. Mazzoli, of Kentucky. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Norman Sisisky, of Virginia. John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Floyd H. Flake, of New York. Bill Sarpalius, of Texas. Glenn Poshard, of Illinois. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Pat Danner, of Missouri. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of Pennsylvania. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. H. Martin Lancaster, of North Carolina. Thomas H. Andrews, of Maine. Maxine Waters, of California. Bennie Thompson, of Mississippi. phone 225-5821, meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 27/18 Jan Meyers, of Kansas. Larry Combest, of Texas. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. Jim Ramstad, of Minnesota. Sam Johnson, of Texas. Bill Zeliff, , of New Hampshire. Mac Collins, of Georgia. Scott McInnis, of Colorado. Michael Huffington, of California. James M. Talent, of Missouri. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Jay Kim, of California. Donald A. Manzullo, of Illinois. Peter G. Torkildsen, of Massachusetts. Rob Portman, of Ohio. SUBCOMMITTEES SBA LEGISLATION John J. LaFalce, of New York. Neal Smith, of Iowa. Romano L. Mazzoli, of Kentucky. Glenn Poshard, of Illinois. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, of Pennsylvania. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. REGULATION, BUSINESS Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Ike Skelton, of Missouri. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Thomas H. Andrews, of Maine. Norman Sisisky, of Virginia. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Martin T. Meehan, of Massachusetts. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. AND THE GENERAL ECONOMY Jan Meyers, of Kansas. Bill Zeliff, , of New Hampshire. Mac Collins, of Georgia. Michael Huffington, of California. James M. Talent, of Missouri. Jim Ramstad, OPPORTUNITIES, AND Larry Combest, Sam Johnson, Jay Dickey, of of Minnesota. TECHNOLOGY of Texas. of Texas. Arkansas. Jay Kim, of California. Peter G. Torkildsen, of Massachusetts. Michael Huffington, of California. 470 Congressional Directory PROCUREMENT, TAXATION, AND TOURISM James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Richard H. Baker, of Louisiana. Norman Sisisky, of Virginia. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Ron Klink, of Pennsylvania. MINORITY ENTERPRISE, FINANCE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Ronald K. Machtley, of Rhode Island. John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan. James M. Talent, of Missouri. Floyd H. Fake, of New York. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. Nydia M. Velazquez, of New York. Jay Dickey, of Arkansas. Walter R. Tucker III, of California. Cleo Fields, of Louisiana. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. RURAL ENTERPRISES, EXPORTS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT Bill Sarpalius, of Texas. Joel Hefley, of Colorado. Eva Clayton, of North Carolina. Jim Ramstad, of Minnesota. Pat Danner, of Missouri. Donald A. Manzullo, of Illinois. Glenn Poshard, of Illinois. Mac Collins, of Georgia. Ted Strickland, of Ohio. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. STAFF Committee on Small Business (2361 RHOB), 225-5821; FAX: 225-7209. Staff Director.—Jeanne M. Roslanowick. Counsels: Jon Baron; James P. Marion; Thomas G. Powers. Special Counsel. —George Randels. Chief Clerk.—Patricia Lord. Professional Staff: Patricia R. Hennessy, 5-4351; Pamela Reid, 5-6020; Dean Sagar, 5-4351; Joseph F. Sobota, 5-6020. Chief Economist.—Marilyn Seiber. Press Director.—Bradford Fitch. Staff Assistants: Brenda Jackson; Kathleen Lynch; Amy Schmidt. Minority Staff Director.—Stephen Lynch, B-343C RHOB, 226-3420. Minority Policy Director.—Jenifer Loon, 225-4038. Minority Counsels: C. Edward Rowe; Harry Katrichis. Minority Clerk.—Nancy M. Piper. Minority Professional Staff.—Ted Smoots. Minority Press Assistant.—Rebecca Anderson. Minority Staff Assistant.—Amy Kurtz. Subcommittee on SBA Legislation and the General Economy (2361 RHOB), 225-5821. Subcommittee on Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology (B-363 RHOB), 225-7797. Staff Director.—Steven Jenning. Counsel. —Graydon Forrer. Professional Staff.—David Schulke. Minority Professional Staff.—Robert Lehman, 5-4005. Subcommittee on Procurement, Taxation and Tourism (B-363 RHOB), 225-9368. Staff Director.—John Fadgen. Staff Assistants: Felix Martinez; Franklin Simpson. Minority Professional Staff.—Duane Duncan, 5-3901. Subcommittee on Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development (H2-568A FHOB), 225-7673. Staff Director.—Bruce Gamble. Professional Staff.—Debbie Smith. Staff Assistant. —Lynelle Hamilton. Committees of the House 471 Minority Professional Staff.—Allison Baird, 5-4911. Subcommittee on Rural Enterprises, Exports and the Environment (B-363 RHOB), 225-8944. Staff Director.—Christopher Mattson. Professional Staff: Deborah Miller; Patricia Wilson. Minority Professional Staff.—Brian Reardon, 5-4422. Standards of Official Conduct (HT-2, The Capitol, phone 225-7103, meets first Wednesday of each month) Ratio: 7/7 Jim McDermott, of Washington. Fred Grandy, of Iowa. George (Buddy) Darden, of Georgia. Nancy L. Johnson, of Connecticut. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. Jim Bunning, of Kentucky. Nancy Pelosi, of California. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. Kweisi Mfume, of Maryland. Porter J. Goss, of Florida. Robert A. Borski, of Pennsylvania. David L. Hobson, of Ohio. Thomas C. Sawyer, of Ohio. Steven H. Schiff, of New Mexico. (No Subcommittees) STAFF Standards of Official Conduct (HT-2, The Capitol), 225-7103; FAX: 225-7392. Chief Counsel. —Bernard Raimo, Jr. Administrative Assistant. —Mattie Joanne White. Counsels: Mark J. Davis; David J. McCarthy; Charles J. Willoughby; Ronald C. Crump; Edward W. Hosken, Jr.; Ellen L. Weintraub. Professional Staff Assistant. —Peggy Murphy. Secretary.—Linda R. Shealy. Staff Assistant. —Scott Engelman. Veterans’ Affairs (355 CHOB, phone, 225-3527; FAX: 225-5486; meets first Tuesday of each month) Ratio: 21/14 G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery, of Mississippi. Bob Stump, of Arizona. Don Edwards, of California. Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey. Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Lane Evans, of Illinois. Michael Bilirakis, of Florida. Timothy J. Penny, of Minnesota. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. Floyd Spence, of South Carolina. Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Joseph P. Kennedy II, of Massachusetts. Terry Everett, of Alabama. George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Steve Buyer, of Indiana. Jill L. Long, of Indiana. Jack Quinn, of New York. Chet Edwards, of Texas. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama. Maxine Waters, of California. John Linder, of Georgia. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. Bob Filner, of California. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. Luis V. Gutierrez, of Illinois. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. Corrine Brown, of Florida. 472 Congressional Directory SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio members of all subcommittees. ] EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery, of Mississippi. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Timothy J. Penny, of Minnesota. Bob Stump, of Arizona. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. Jack Quinn, of New York. Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. COMPENSATION, PENSION, AND INSURANCE Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Michael Bilirakis, of Florida. Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Lane Evans, of Minols,. v7 (i. 6 ——— —~—— George E. Sangmeister, of Illinios. @ @ —m—HF ——— Chet Edwards, of Texas. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS Lane Evans, of Illinois. Thomas J. Ridge, of Pennsylvania. Maxine Waters, of California. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama. Bob Filner, of California. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Luis V. Gutierrez, of Illinois. Jack Quinn, of New York. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CARE J. Roy Rowland, of Georgia. Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey. Douglas Applegate, of Ohio. Bob Stump, of Arizona. Joseph P. Kennedy II, of Massachusetts. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Jill L. Long, of Indiana. Michael Bilirakis, of Florida. Chet Edwards, of Texas. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Bob Clement, of Tennessee. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Bob Filner, of California. Steve Buyer, of Indiana. Frank Tejeda, of Texas. John Linder, of Georgia. Luis V. Gutierrez, of Illinois. Scotty Baesler, of Kentucky. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. Corrine Brown, of Florida. HOUSING AND MEMORIAL AFFAIRS George E. Sangmeister, of Illinois. Dan Burton, of Indiana. Sanford Bishop, of Georgia. Floyd Spence, of South Carolina. Corrine Brown, of Florida. Steve Buyer, of Indiana. Mike Kreidler, of Washington. STAFF Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (335 CHOB), 225-3527; FAX: 225-5486. Staff Director and Chief Counsel. —Mack Fleming. Deputy Chief Counsel.—Patrick Ryan. Administrative Assistant.—Arlene Burnett, 5-9165. Legislative Assistant.—Candis Sniffen, 5-9112. Professional Staff: Jim Holley (public affairs), 5-3664; Eugene Brickhouse (335 CHOB), 5-3527. Printing Clerk.—Jerry Tan, 5-3535. Committees of the House 473 Financial Assistant.—Mary McDermott, 5-8557. Consultants: Ralph Casteel; William A. Moon; Jerome C. Peckarsky. Staff Assistants: Al Bemis (2184 RHOB), 5-5031; Kathryn Brown, 5-9111; Pat Tip-pett, 5-3527; Kelly Walter, 5-3527. Executive Secretary.—Debbie Smith, 226-3660. Minority Chief Counsel and Staff Director.—Carl Commenator (333 CHOB), 5-9756; FAX: 5-2034. Minority Deputy Chief Counsel and Staff Director.—Kingston Smith, 5-9756. Minority Staff Assistant. —Amy Golombek (333 CHOB), 5-9756. Subcommittee on Hospitals and Health Care (338 CHOB), 5-9154. General Counsel to Full Committee.—Ralph J. Ibson. Executive Assistant.—Barbara Daniel. Professional Staff: Greg Matton (338 CHOB), 5-9154; Cynthia Purkiss (2134 RHOB), 5-6531. Minority Staff Director.—Tina Alvarado (333 CHOB), 5-9756. Minority Professional Staff.—Sarah Boyd (333 CHOB), 5-9756. Subcommittee on Compensation, Pension, and Insurance (337 CHOB), 5-3569. Staff Director/Counsel.—John Brizzi. Professional Staff.—Janet Murguria (2243 RHOB), 5-6601. Executive Staff Assistant.—Jean Richardson. Minority Staff Director.—Sue Forrest (333 CHOB), 5-9756. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (335 CHOB), 5-3541. Staff Director.—Mike Durishin. Professional Staff: Dennis King (1121 LHOB), 5-5905; Jeff Lande (1121 LHOB), 5-5905. Executive Assistant.—Pam Parker, 5-9044. Minority Staff Director.—Pat Donohue (333 CHOB), 5-9756. Subcommittee on Education, Training, and Employment (335 CHOB), 5-9166. Staff Director.—Jill Cochran (337A CHOB), 5-9166. Professional Staff.—Winsome Packer (337A CHOB), 5-9166. Executive Assistant.—Beth Kilker (337A CHOB), 5-9166. Associate Counsel.—Joe Womack (337A CHOB), 5-9166. Minority Counsel. —Kingston Smith (333 CHOB), 5-9756. Subcommittee on Housing and Memorial Affairs (337 CHOB), 5-9164. Staff Director.—Gloria Royce. Professional Staff: Dave Burden (1032 LHOB), 5-3635; David Wilke (1032 LHOB), 5-3635. Executive Assistant. —Cynthia Jones. Congressional Directory Ways (1102 LHOB, phone Dan Rostenkowski, of Illinois. Sam Gibbons, of Florida. J.J. Pickle, of Texas. Charles B. Rangel, of New York. Fortney Pete Stark, of California. Andrew Jacobs, Jr., of Indiana. Harold E. Ford, of Tennessee. Robert T. Matsui, of California. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. William J. Coyne, of Pennsylvania. Michael A. Andrews, of Texas. Sander M. Levin, of Michigan. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. Jim McDermott, of Washington. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. John Lewis, of Georgia. L.F. Payne, of Virginia. Richard E. Neal, of Massachusetts. Peter Hoagland, of Nebraska. Michael R. McNulty, of New York. Mike Kopetski, of Oregon. William J. Jefferson, of Louisiana. Bill K. Brewster, of Oklahoma. Mel Reynolds, of Illinois. and Means 225-3625, meets first Wednesday) Ratio: 24/14 Bill Archer, of Texas. Philip M. Crane, of Illinois. Bill Thomas, of California. E. Clay Shaw, Jr., of Florida. Don Sundquist, of Tennessee. Nancy L. Johnson, of Connecticut. Jim Bunning, of Fred Grandy, of Amo Houghton, Wally Herger, of Jim McCrery, of Mel Hancock, of Rick Santorum, Kentucky. Iowa. of New York. California. Louisiana. Missouri. of Pennsylvania. Dave Camp, of Michigan. SUBCOMMITTEES Sam Gibbons, of Florida. Dan Rostenkowski, of Illinois. Robert T. Matsui, of California. Barbara B. Kennelly, of Connecticut. William J. Coyne, of Pennsylvania. L.F. Payne, of Virginia. Richard E. Neal, of Massachusetts. Peter Hoagland, of Nebraska. Michael R. McNulty, of New York. J.J. Pickle, of Texas. Harold E. Ford, of Tennessee. Charles B. Rangel, of New York. William J. Jefferson, of Louisiana. Bill K. Brewster, of Oklahoma. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. John Lewis, of Georgia. SELECT Charles B. Rangel, of New York. L.F. Payne, of Virginia. Richard E. Neal, of Massachusetts. Peter Hoagland, of Nebraska. Michael R. McNulty, of New York. Mike Kopetski, of Oregon. Andy Jacobs, Jr., of Indiana. TRADE Philip M. Crane, of Illinois. Bill Thomas, of California. E. Clay Shaw, Jr., of Florida. Don Sundquist, of Tennessee. Nancy L. Johnson, of Connecticut. OVERSIGHT Amo Houghton, Wally Herger, of Mel Hancock, of Rick Santorum, REVENUE MEASURES Mel Hancock, of of New York. California. Missouri. of Pennsylvania. Missouri. Don Sundgquist, of Tennessee. Jim McCrery, of Louisiana. Dave Camp, of Michigan. Committees of the House 475 HEALTH Fortney Pete Stark, of California. Bill Thomas, of California. Sander M. Levin, of Michigan. Nancy L. Johnson, of Connecticut. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. Fred Grandy, of Iowa. Michael A. Andrews, of Texas. : Jim McCrery, of Louisiana. Jim McDermott, of Washington. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. John Lewis, of Georgia. SOCIAL SECURITY Andrew Jacobs, Jr., of Indiana. Jim Bunning, of Kentucky. J.J. Pickle, of Texas. Philip M. Crane, of Illinois. William J. Jefferson, of Louisiana. Amo Houghton, of New York. Bill K. Brewster, of Oklahoma. Mel Reynolds, of Illinois. HUMAN RESOURCES Harold E. Ford, of Tennessee. Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania. Robert T. Matsui, of California, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., of Florida. Jim McDermott, of Washington. Fred Grandy, of Iowa. Sander M. Levin, of Michigan. Dave Camp, of Michigan. Mike Kopetski, of Oregon. Mel Reynolds, of Illinois. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. STAFF Committee on Ways and Means (1102 LHOB), 225-3625. Chief Counsel and Staff Director.—Janice Mays. Assistant Staff Director.—Charles M. Brain. Chief Tax Counsel. —Don Longano (1105 LHOB), 5-6649. Assistant to the Chairman.—Deborah A. Colton. Assistant to the Chairman.—Charles J. Mellody (H-157), 5-2622. Press Secretary.—Jim Jaffe (1101 LHOB), 5-8933. Professional Assistants: David Abernethy (1114 LHOB), 5-7785; Tom Arnold (1135 LHOB), 5-5522; Susan Athy (1135 LHOB), 5-5522; Patrick Heck (1135 LHOB), 5-5522; Yvette Chocolaad (B317 RHOB), 5-1025; Jayne Fitzgerald (1104 LHOB), 5-6649; Jeff Fox (1135 LHOB), 5-5522; Elaine Fultz (B-316 RHOB), 5-9263; Joseph Grant (1135 LHOB), 5-5522; Kathleen Nilles (1135 LHOB), 5-6649; Rich-ard A. Hobbie (B-317 RHOB), 5-1025; Tricia Newman (1114 LHOB), 5-7785; Cathy Noe (B-316 RHOB), 5-9263; Kathryn Olson (B-316 RHOB), 5-9263; Frank Phifer (1136 LHOB), 5-3943; James Reuter (1114 LHOB), 5-7785; Michael Thorn-ton (1135 LHOB), 5-6649; Mary Jane Wignot (1136 LHOB), 5-3943. Staff Assistants: Laura Cook; Ralph Birch (1128A LHOB), 5-4318; Gloria Bryant (1111 LHOB), 5-6649; Gwen Clinton; Tammy Cramer (1135 LHOB), 5-6649; William T. Crippen; Walter Gorski (1114 LHOB), 5-7785; Gwen McFadden (1135 LHOB), 5-6649; Reggie Greene (1201-B LHOB), 5-9397; Shari Jenifer (B-316 RHOB), 5-9263; Dianne Johnson (1139C LHOB), 5-6671; Janet Jones (1135 LHOB), 5-6649; Diane Kirkland, 5-1721; Harriet Lawler, 5-1721; Joyce Lynn (1105 LHOB), 5-5522; Trish Nelson (H-157), 5-2622; Anna Pineda (1136 LHOB), 5-3943; Karen Ponzurick; Maureen Pritchard; David Savercool; Stacey Speaker (1102 LHOB); Chela Sullivan (1136 LHOB), 5-3943; Judy Talbert; Jennifer Thompson; Elleanor Ware (1105 LHOB), 5-5522; Martin Whalen; Kim Wilson (B-316 RHOB), 5-9263. Minority Chief of Staff. —Phil Moseley (1106 LHOB), 5-4021. Minority Professional Assistants: Thelma Askey (1139A LHOB); Paul Auster (1139B LHOB); Andrew Bush (1106 LHOB); Nancy Carlton (H1-520 OHOB); Meredith Broadbent (1139A LHOB); James Clark (1139B LHOB); Timothy Hanford (1139B LHOB); John Harrington (1139B LHOB); Ron Haskins (1240 LHOB); Margaret Hostetler (1139A LHOB); Chip Kahn (H1-521 OHOB); Norah Moseley (1139B LHOB); Christopher Smith (1139A LHOB); Michael Superata (1139B LHOB); Karen Worth (H1-521 OHOB). 476 Congressional Directory Committee on Ways and Means (1102 LHOB), 225-3625—CONTINUED Minority Staff Assistants: Traci Altman; Karen Humbel; Sean Mulvaney; Nancy Runge; Margaret Pratt; Charles Ubelhart. Subcommittee on Tax (1105 LHOB), 5-6649. Chief Tax Counsel —Don Longano. Staff Assistants: Corinne Chocolaad; Tammy Cramer; Gwendolyn McFadden; Kathryn H. O’Neill. Professional Assistants: Jayne Fitzgerald; Carol Kulish; Kathleen Nilles; Kathleen O’Connell; Michael Thornton; Mildeen Worrell. Subcommittee on Trade (1136 LHOB), 5-3943. Staff Director.—George Weise. Staff Assistants: Anna Pineda; Chela Sullivan; Jennifer Thompson. Professional Assistants: Mary Latimer; Frank Phifer; Mary Jane Wignot; Bruce Wilson. Subcommittee on Oversight (1135 LHOB), 5-5522. Staff Director—Beth Kuntz Vance. Staff Assistants: Joyce Lynn; Elleanor Ware. Professional Assistants: Tom Arnold; Susan Athy; Jeff Fox; Joseph Grant; Patrick Heck; George Miller. Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures (1105 LHOB), 5-9710. Staff Director.—Don Longano. Staff Assistant.—Gloria Bryant. Professional Assistant.—Jayne Fitzgerald. Subcommittee on Health (1114 LHOB), 5-7785. Staff Director.—Brian Biles. Staff Assistants: Walter Gorski; Helene Krasnoff. Professional Assistants: David Abernethy; Ellen Magrini; Tricia Neuman; Jamie Reuter. Subcommittee on Social Security (B-316 RHOB), 5-9263. Staff Director—Sandy Casber Wise. Staff Assistants: Daniel Ezrow; Shari Jenifer. Professional Assistants: Elaine Fultz; Cathy Noe; Kathryn Olson. Subcommittee on Human Resources (B-317 RHOB), 5-1025. Staff Director.—Wendell Primus. Staff Assistants: Marcy Carlson; Corinne Hess; Victoria Jacobs. Professional Assistants: Yvette J. Chocolaad; Richard A. Hobbie. SELECT AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (H-405, The Capitol. Phone, 225-4121) [Created pursuant to H. Res. 658, 95th Congress] Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Larry Combest, of Texas. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. Robert K. Dornan, of California. Julian C. Dixon, of California. C.W. Bill Young, of Florida. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. George W. Gekas, of Pennsylvania. Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. James V. Hansen, of Utah. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. Jerry Lewis, of California. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Nancy Pelosi, of California. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. SUBCOMMITTEES LEGISLATION Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. George W. Gekas, of Pennsylvania. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. James V. Hansen, of Utah. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Jerry Lewis, of California. Nancy Pelosi, of California. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. OVERSIGHT AND EVALUATION Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. C.W. Bill Young, of Florida. Nancy Pelosi, of California. James V. Hansen, of Utah. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Ronald D. Coleman, of Texas. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. PROGRAM AND BUDGET AUTHORIZATION Dan Glickman, of Kansas. Larry Combest, of Texas. Bill Richardson, of New Mexico. Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Julian C. Dixon, of California. Robert K. Dornan, of California. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Jerry Lewis, of California. David E. Skaggs, of Colorado. James H. Bilbray, of Nevada. Greg Laughlin, of Texas. Bud Cramer, of Alabama. STAFF Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (H-405), 225-4121. Chief Counsel. —Michael W. Sheehy. Minority Counsel. —Stephen D. Nelson, 5-8246. Auditor.—Virginia S. Callis. Executive Assistant/Chief Clerk.—Jeanne M. McNally. Office Manager/Assistant Clerk.—Sharon D. Curcio. 478 Congressional Directory Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (H-405), 225-4121—CONTINUED Clerk.—Michael J. O’Neill. Policy Analysts: Catherine D. Eberwein; Gregory M. Frazier. Staff Assistant. —Karen W. Schindler. Chief of: Registry.—Mary Jane Maguire. Security.—Merritt R. Clark. Subcommittee on Legislation: (5-7311) Senior Counsels: L. Christine Healey; Louis H. Dupart. Counsel. —Calvin R. Humphrey. Subcommittee on Oversight and Evaluation: (5-5658). Senior Professional Staff Member.—Richard H. Giza. Professional Staff: William T. Fleshman, Jr.; Diane S. Roark. Subcommittee on Program and Budget Authorization (5-7690). Professional Staff: Kenneth M. Kodama; Larry D. Cox; Terry M. Ryan. Staff Assistant. —Judith A. Wynne. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 430 South Capitol Street SE. 20003. Phone, 863-1500 Chairman.—Vic Fazio, Representative from California. Vice Chairman.—Dan Rostenkowski, Representative from Illinois. Ex Officio Members: Thomas S. Foley, Representative from Washington. Dick Gephardt, Representative from Missouri. David Bonior, Representative from Michigan. Steny H. Hoyer, Representative from Maryland. Butler Derrick, Representative from South Carolina. Barbara B. Kennelly, Representative from Connecticut. John Lewis, Representative from Georgia. Bill Richardson, Representative from New Mexico. Cochairs, Full Committee: Bud Cramer, Representative from Alabama. Benjanin L. Cardin, Representative from Maryland. Barney Frank, Representative from Massachusetts. Bart Gordon, Representative from Tennessee. Greg Laughlin, Representative from Texas. Thomas J. Manton, Representative from New York. John P. Murtha, Representative from Pennsylvania. Jim Slattery, Representative from Kansas. Nancy Pelosi, Representative from California. Oversight Subcommittee, At-Large Members: Howard L. Berman, Representative from California. John D. Dingell, Representative from Michigan. Martin Frost, Representative from Texas. Martin H. Lancaster, Representative from North Carolina. Martin Olav Sabo, Representative from Minnesota. Mike Synar, Representative from Oklahoma. Speaker’s Appointments: Rosa L. DeLauro, Representative from Connecticut. Lee H. Hamilton, Representative from Indiana. David R. Obey, Representative from Wisconsin. Lynn Schenk, Representative from California. Charles W. Stenholm, Representative from Texas. WJ. (Billy) Tauzin, Representative from Louisiana. Maxine Waters, Representative from California. Ron Wyden, Representative from Oregon. Vice Chairs, Speaker’s Club: Norman Y. Mineta, Representative from California. John Joseph Moakley, Representative from Massachusetts. Cochairs, Chairmen’s Council: Jack Brooks, Representative from Texas. John D. Dingel, Representative from Michigan. Chairwoman, Business Forum: Select and Special Committees of the House Nita M. Lowey, Representative from New York. Cochair, House and Senate Council: Robert G. Torricelli, Representative from New Jersey. State Representatives: Tom Bevill, Representative from Alabama. Karan English, Representative from Arizona. Ray Thornton, Representative from Arkansas. Calvin M. Dooley, Representative from California. Patricia Schroeder, Representative from Colorado. Barbara B. Kennelly, Representative from Connecticut. Pete Peterson, Representative from Florida. George (Buddy) Darden, Representative from Georgia. Neil Abercrombie, Representative from Hawaii. Larry LaRocco, Representative from Idaho. Richard J. Durbin, Representative from Illinois. Frank McCloskey, Representative from Indiana. Neal Smith, Representative from Iowa. Dan Glickman, Representative from Kansas. Tom Barlow, Representative from Kentucky. William J. Jefferson, Representative from Louisiana. Thomas H. Andrews, Representative from Maine. Kweisi Mfume, Representative from Maryland. Richard E. Neal, Representative from Massachusetts. John D. Dingell, Representative from Michigan. James L. Oberstar, Representative from Minnesota. Mike Parker, Representative from Mississippi. Harold L. Volkmer, Representative from Missouri. Pat Williams, Representative from Montana. Peter Hoagland, Representative from Nebraska. James H. Bilbray, Representative from Nevada. Dick Swett, Representative from New Hampshire. Frank Pallone, Jr., Representative from New Jersey. Bill Richardson, Representative from New Mexico. Gary L. Ackerman, Representative from New York. W.G. (Bill) Hefner, Representative from North Carolina. Earl Pomeroy, Representative from North Dakota. Eric D. Fingerhut, Representative from Ohio. Bill K. Brewster, Representative from Oklahoma. Mike Kopetski, Representative from Oregon. John P. Murtha, Representative from Pennsylvania. Jack Reed, Representative from Rhode Island. John M. Spratt, Jr., Representative from South Carolina. Tim Johnson, Representative from South Dakota. John S. Tanner, Representative from Tennessee. Craig A. Washington, Representative from Texas. Bill Orton, Representative from Utah. Rick Boucher, Representative from Virginia. Norman D. Dicks, Representative from Washington. Alan B. Mollohan, Representative from West Virginia. Thomas M. Barrett, Representative from Wisconsin. Eni Faleomavaega, Delegate from American Samoa. Robert Underwood, Delegate from Guam. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate from the District of Columbia. Carlos Romero-Barceld, Delegate from Puerto Rico. Ron de Lugo, Delegagte from Virgin Islands. STAFF Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE. 20003, 863-1500. Executive Director.—Genie Norris. Assistant to Executive Director.—Elena McCoy. Labor Liaison.—Dick Murphy. COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Director of Communications.—Michael Meehan. Deputy Director of Communications.—Kerry Gurtler. 480 Congressional Directory POLITICAL DIVISION Political Director. —Monica Maples. Assistant to the Political Director.—Lauren Goldenstein. Director for— Strategic Planning and Communications.—David Dixon. Field Operations.—Tom Jurkovich. Financial Services.—Julie Tippens. Consultants: Rob Engel; Mark Gersh. RESEARCH DIVISION Research Director.—Beth Scovitch. Deputy Research Director.—Brenda Costello. FINANCE DIVISION Finance Director.—Judy Fazio. Director, Speaker’s Club.—Barbara Jackier. Staff Assistant.—Sharon Miller. Director, Chairmen’s Council.—Jennifer Pharaoh. Staff Assistant.—Shannon Bell. Director, Regional Fundraising.—Don Schimanski. Staff Assistant. —Edward Malin. Special Assistant to Chairman.—Eric Wilson. DIRECT MAIL Direct Mail Director.— Anil Mammen. Staff Assistant.—Todd Galner. Consultant.—Hal Malchow. ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Chief Financial Officer/Director of Administration.—Suzanne Abele-Ebanks. Office Administrator.—Jacqueline Vaughn. Account Manager.—Jimmia Hammond. Deputy Administrator.—Tricia Kammerer. Administrative Assistant.—Barbara Queen. Receptionist. —Claudette Street. COMPUTER RESOURCES DIVISION Computer Consultant.—Mark Spenik. Programmer.—Don Burdick. User and Technical Support Assistant.—Patt Patterson-Jones. HARRIMAN COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Director.—Dennis Hayden. Production Manager.—Nicole Lamboley. Business Manager.—Claudette Washington. Senior Video Editors: Alyson Curcio; Dennis Ballard. Assistant Editor.—Carol Rachou. General Technician.—Kevin Greenberg. Engineer.—Steve Rosen. DEMOCRATIC HOUSE AND SENATE COUNCIL Executive Director.—Berry Trimble. Staff Assistant. —Michael Kaplan. Consultant.—Susanne Haessler. Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Room H-226, The Capitol. Phone, 225-8550; FAX: 225-3738 Chairman.—Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House. Vice Chairman.—Richard A. Gephardt, Majority Leader. Second Vice Chairman.—Steny H. Hoyer, Chairman of the Democratic Caucus. Ex Officio Members: Vic Fazio, Representative from California, Caucus Vice Chairman; Chairman, Con-gressional Campaign Committee. Select and Special Committees of the House David E. Bonior, Representative from Michigan, Democratic Whip. Butler Derrick, Representative from South Carolina, Chief Deputy Whip. Barbara B. Kennelly, Representative from Connecticut, Chief Deputy Whip. John Lewis, Representative from Georgia, Chief Deputy Whip. Bill Richardson, Representative from New Mexico, Chief Deputy Whip. William H. Natcher, Representative from Kentucky, Chairman, Appropriations. John Joseph Moakley, Representative from Massachusetts, Chairman, Rules. Dan Rostenkowski, Representative from Illinois, Chairman, Ways and Means. Appointed by the Speaker: Al Swift, Representative from Washington. Dan Glickman, Representative from Kansas. John Murtha, Representative from Pennsylvania. Alan Wheat, Representative from Missouri. John Dingell, Representative from Michigan. Maria Cantwell, Representative from Washington. Ed Pastor, Representative from Arizona. Mel Watt, Representative from North Carolina. David R. Obey, Representative from Wisconsin. E de la Garza, Representative from Texas. Elected by Region: Julian C. Dixon, Representative from California. Patsy Mink, Representative from Hawaii. Gerald D. Kleczka, Representative from Wisconsin. Richard Durbin, Representative from Illinois. Mike Synar, Representative from Oklahoma. Jack Brooks, Representative from Texas. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, Representative from Louisiana. J. Roy Rowland, Representative from Georgia. Benjamin L. Cardin, Representative from Maryland. Ron Klink, Representative from Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Manton, Representative from New York. Sam Gejdenson, Representative from Connecticut. STAFF Democratic Steering and Policy Committee (H-226, The Capitol). Executive Director—George Kundanis (H-209), 5-2204. Deputy Director—Mimi McGee-O’Hara (H-209). Counsel. —Michael O’Neil (H-226), 5-8550. Legislative Assistants: Dorothy Jackson; Bonnie Lowrey; Lucia Magarian; Nathan Mar- ceca; Kathleen Miller; Jeff Swedberg. National Republican Congressional Committee 320 First Street SE. 20003. Phone, 479-7000 Chairman.—Bill Paxon, Representative from New York. Members: Sonny Callahan, Representative from Alabama. Don Young, Representative from Alaska. Jim Kolbe, Representative from Arizona. Tim Hutchinson, Representative from Arkansas. Ed Royce, Representative from California. Dan Schaefer, Representative from Colorado. Gary Franks, Representative from Connecticut. Michael N. Castle, Representative from Delaware. Michael Bilirakis, Representative from Florida. Mac Collins, Representative from Georgia. Michael D. Crapo, Representative from Idaho. Harris Fawell, Representative from Illinois. Dan Burton, Representative from Indiana. Jim Nussle, Representative from Iowa. Pat Roberts, Representative from Kansas. Jim Bunning, Representative from Kentucky. Bob Livingston, Representative from Louisiana. 482 Congressional Directory National Republican Congressional Committee—CONTINUED Olympia J. Snowe, Representative from Maine. Constance A. Morella, Representative from Maryland. Peter G. Torkildsen, Representative from Massachusetts. Dave Camp, Representative from Michigan. Jim Ramstad, Representative from Minnesota. Jim Talent, Representative from Missouri. Bill Barrett, Representative from Nebraska. Barbara F. Vucanovich, Representative from Nevada. Bill Zeliff, Representative from New Hampshire. Christopher H. Smith, Representative from New Jersey. Joe Skeen, Representative from New Mexico. Sherwood Boehlert, Representative from New York. Howard Coble, Representative from North Carolina. John A. Boehner, Representative from Ohio. Jim Inhofe, Representative from Oklahoma. Robert F. Smith, Representative from Oregon. Bud Shuster, Representative from Pennsylvania. Ron Machtley, Representative from Rhode Island. Bob Inglis, Representative from South Carolina. Don Sundquist, Representative from Tennessee. Jack Fields, Representative from Texas. Jim Hansen, Representative from Utah. Frank Wolf, Representative from Virginia. Jennifer Dunn, Representative from Washington. Jim Sensenbrenner, Representative from Wisconsin. Craig Thomas, Representative from Wyoming. 102d Class Representative.—Thomas W. Ewing, Representative from Illinois. 103d Class Representatives: Ed Royce, Representative from California. Joe Knollenberg, Representative from Michigan. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman.—Bill Paxon, Representative from New York. Chief Vice Chairs: Jim Saxton, Representative from New Jersey. Susan Molinari, Representative from New York. Rick Santorum, Representative from Pennsylvania. Vice Chairs: Bob Livingston, Representative from Louisiana. Nancy L. Johnson, Representative from Connecticut. John A. Boehner, Representative from Ohio. John T. Doolittle, Representative from California. Jim Nussle, Representative from Iowa. Deborah Pryce, Representative from Ohio. Ex-Officio/Leaders: Robert H. Michel, Representative from Illinois. Newt Gingrich, Representative from Georgia. Dick Armey, Representative from Texas. Bill McCollum, Representative from Florida. Tom Delay, Representative from Texas. Henry J. Hyde, Representative from Illinois. Duncan Hunter, Representative from California. Members: : Robert S. Walker, Representative from Pennsylvania. Olympia J. Snowe, Representative from Maine. Gerald B.H. Solomon, Representative from New York. Pat Roberts, Representative from Kansas. Barbara F. Vucanovich, Representative from Nevada. Dan Schaeffer, Representative from Colorado. Helen Delich Bentley, Representative from Maryland. Jim Bunning, Representative from Kentucky. Dennis J. Hastert, Representative from Illinois. Jon Kyl, Representative from Arizona. Christopher Cox, Representative from California. Select and Special Committees of the House Steven H. Schiff, Representative from New Mexico. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Representative from Florida. Dave Camp, Representative from Michigan. Scott L. Klug, Representative from Wisconsin. Spencer Bachus, Representative from Alabama. Jennifer Dunn, Representative from Washington. Bob Franks, Representative from New Jersey. John Linder, Representative from Georgia. Ed Royce, Representative from California. James M. Talent, Representative from Missouri. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS National Vice Chairs: Henry Bonilla, Representative from Texas. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Representative from Florida. Jan Meyers, Representative from Kansas. Jay Kim, Representative from California. Marge Roukema, Representative from New Jersey. Thomas W. Ewing, Representative from Illinois. Deputy National Vice Chairs: Tillie K. Fowler, Representative from Florida. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, Representative from California. Michael Huffington, Representative from California. Cass Ballenger, Representative from North Carolina. John R. Kasich, Representative from Ohio. Dana Rohrabacher, Representative from California. Peter T. King, Representative from New York. Vice Chairs: Region 1. Rick A. Lazio, Representative from New York. Region 2. [Vacant.] Region 3. Terry Everett, Representative from Alabama. Region 4. Richard H. Baker, Representative from Louisiana. Region 5. Martin R. Hoke, Representative from Ohio. Region 6. Rod Grams, Representative from Minnesota. Region 7. Larry Combest, Representative from Texas. Region 8. Doug Bereuter, Representative from Nebraska. Region 9. Wally Herger, Representative from California. Deputy Vice Chairs: Region 1. Peter I. Blute, Representative from Massachusetts. Region 2. Robert W. (Bob) Goodlatte, Representative from Virginia. Region 3. Jack Kingston, Representative from Georgia. Region 4. Jim McCrery, Representative from Louisiana. Region 5. Steve Buyer, Representative from Indiana. Region 6. Donald Manzullo, Representative from Illinois. Region 7. Sam Johnson, Representative from Texas. Region 8. Wayne Allard, Representative from Colorado. Region 9. Bill Baker, Representative from California. OFFICERS AND STAFF National Republican Congressional Committee 320 First Street, SE. 20003. Executive Director.—Maria Cino, 479-7020. Legal and Administration Division.—479-7025. Executive Division.—479-7020. Finance Division.—479-7030. Campaign Division.—479-7050. Communications Division.—479-7070. Redistricting Division.—479-7007. Republican Policy Committee Room 1616 LHOB, phone, 225-6168 (meets each Tuesday and Thursday) Chairman.—Henry J. Hyde, of Illinois. Republican Leader.—Robert H. Michel, of Illinois. 484 Congressional Directory Republican Whip.—Newt Gingrich, of Georgia. Chairman of Republican Conference.—Dick Armey, of Texas. Chairman of Republican Research Committee.—Duncan Hunter, of California. Vice Chairman of Republican Conference.—Bill McCollum, of Florida. Secretary of Republican Conference.—Tom DeLay, of Texas. Chairman of National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee.—Bill Paxon, of New York. Designated Leadership: Ranking Republican Member— Ways and Means Committee.—Bill Archer, of Texas. Appropriations Committee.—Joseph M. McDade, of Pennsylvania. Budget Committee.—John R. Kasich, of Ohio Rules Committee.—Gerald B.H. Solomon, of New York. Freshmen Leader.—Mike Crapo, of Idaho. Regional Representatives: Region I: Ed Royce, of California. Region II: Lamar S. Smith, of Texas. Region III: Mel Hancock, of Missouri. Region IV: Floyd Spence, of South Carolina. Region V: Steve Buyer, of Indiana. Region VI: Michael G. Oxley, of Ohio. Region VII: William F. Goodling, of Pennsylvania. Region VIII: Nancy L. Johnson, of Connecticut. Congressional Class Representatives: 102d Class: John A. Boehner, of Ohio; Gary A. Franks, of Connecticut. 103d Class: Tillie K. Fowler, of Florida; Peter Hoekstra, of Michigan. Members-at-Large: Doug Bereuter, of Nebraska. Dean Gallo, of New Jersey. Steve Gunderson, of Wisconsin. J. Dennis Hastert, of Illinois. Ernest J. Istook, Jr., of Oklahoma. Tom Lewis, of Florida. Jan Meyers, of Kansas. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Florida. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Barbara F. Vucanovich, of Nevada. STAFF Republican Policy Committee (1620 LHOB), 225-6168. Executive Director.—Tom Smeeton. Senior Policy Analyst.—William Gribbin. Senior Counsel. —Gardner Peckham. Staff Consultant.—Philip Christenson. Office Manager/Committee Coordinator.—Kristin Larson Doyle. Legislative Counsel. —George Fishman. Research Analyst/Policy Assistant.—Cynthia Herrle. Press Secretary.—Sam Stratman. JOINT COMMITTEES OF THE CONGRESS Joint Committee of Congress on the Library Room H1-A103, O'Neill House Office Building 20515-6439. Phone, 226-7633 [Created by Act of August 2, 1946 (60 Stat., 838 OHOB); U.S. Code 2, section 132b] MEMBERS Chairman.—Charlie Rose, Representative from North Carolina. Vice Chairman.—Claiborne Pell, Senator from Rhode Island. HOUSE SENATE gqCommittee members not elected at press ~~ Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. time. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, of New York Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Staff Director.—J. Hilary Lieber (H1-A 103 OHOB), 6-7633. Deputy Staff Director.— William McWhorter Cochrane, SR-305, 4-0275. Joint Committee on Printing Room SH-818, U.S. Senate 20510-6606. Phone, 224-5241; FAX: 224-1176 [Created by act of Aug. 3, 1846 (9 Stat. 114); U.S. Code 44, section 101] MEMBERS Chairman.—Wendell H. Ford, Senator from Kentucky. Vice Chairman.—Charlie Rose, Representative from North Carolina. SENATE HOUSE ! Dennis DeConcini, of Arizona. Sam Gejdensen, of Connecticut. Harlan Mathews, of Tennessee. Gerald D. Kleczka, of Wisconsin. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Mark O. Hatfield, of Oregon. Newt Gingrich, of Georgia. STAFF Joint Committee on Printing (SH-818), 224-5241. Staff Director.—John Chambers. Deputy Staff Director.—John D. Merritt. Assistant Staff Director.—Gail P. Davis. General Counsel. —Sara C. Jones. Minority Staff: Linda Kemp (House); Shirley Woodrow (Senate). Professional Staff: James C. Bradley, 4-5951. Bernadine Abbott Hoduski, 4-5953. Ann B. Chambers, 4-1992. Mary Beth Lawler, 4-0737. Fletcher L. Herring, Jr., 4-5950. Leslie Mason, 4-6812. Secretary/Staff Assistants: Amelia Fields; Gloria Weihs. Systems Administrator.—Craven Rand. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD INDEX OFFICE U.S. Government Printing Office, Room C-738, North Capitol and H Streets 20401. Phone, 512-0275 Director.—Lawrence J. Long, 512-0072. Deputy Director.—Theresa M. Furey, 512-0288. Senior Editors: Michael J. McCabe, 512-0286; Duane Nystrom, 224-6810. Under U.S.C. 44, section 102, committee members continue to serve until replaced. House members were not designated for the 103d Congress at press time. 486 Congressional Directory Joint Committee on Printing (SH-818), 224-5241 —CONTINUED Historian of Bills. —Barbre Brunson. Administrative Assistant.—Patricia J. Slater. Indexers: Alan M. Bruns Maurice H. Martin Ytta B. Carr Mark R. McCabe Kimberly M. Coleman Marcia Oleszewski Grafton J. Daniels Karl M. Operle William (Buck) Ennis Michael Sardone Patrick D. Foster William L. Sawyer Philip C. Hart Joint Committee on Taxation [Created by Public Law 20, 69th Congress] Room 1015, Longworth House Office Building 20515-6453. Phone, 225-3621 MEMBERS Chairman.—Dan Rostenkowski, Representative from Illinois. Vice Chairman.—Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator from New York. HOUSE SENATE Sam Gibbons, of Florida. Max Baucus, of Montana. J.J. Pickle, of Texas. David Boren, of Oklahoma. Bill Archer, of Texas. Bob Packwood, of Oregon. Philip M. Crane, of Illinois. Robert Dole, of Kansas. STAFF Joint Committee on Taxation (1015 LHOB), 225-3621. Chief of Staff. —Harry L. Gutman. Associate Chief of Staff/Law.—Mary M. Schmitt (H1-A 108 OHOB), 6-3270. Associate Chief of Staff/Revenue Analysis.—Bernard A. Schmitt (H1-A621 OHOB), 6- 7575. Administrative Assistant. —Marcie B. McConaghy (LHOB 1015), 5-3621. Special Assistant. —Leon W. Klud (1013 LHOB), 5-6641. Accountants: Joseph M. Mikrut; Kyle Bibb (SH-836), 4-0494. Special Counsel. —Laurie A. Matthews (1011 LHOB), 5-3780. Senior Legislation Counsels: H. Benjamin Hartley (1012 LHOB), 5-7377. Harold E. Hirsch (1013 LHOB), 5-6641. Melvin C. Thomas (1012 LHOB), 5-7377. Legislation Counsels: Steven D. Arkin (H1-A 105 OHOB), 6-3270. Daniel M. Berman (SD-204), 4-5561. Harrison J. Cohen (1011 LHOB), 5-3780. Judy L. Kavjian (1012 LHOB), 5-7377. Joseph W. Nega (1012 LHOB), 5-7377. Cecily W. Rock (1013 LHOB), 5-6641. Steven M. Rosenthal (1011 LHOB), 5-3780. Carolyn E. Smith (H1-A 104 OHOB), 6-3270. William L. Sollee (SH-836), 4-0494. Jonathan Talisman (1011 LHOB), 5-3780. Barry L. Wold (SD-204), 4-5561. Economists: Thomas A. Barthold (1010 LHOB), 5-6801. Thomas R. Bowne (SD-204), 4-5561. Thomas E. Clifford (H1-A619 OHOB), 6-7575. Patrick A. Driessen (H1-A620 OHOB), 6-7575. Dan S. Holik (H1-A620 OHOB), 6-7575. Ronald A. Jeremias (H1-A622 OHOB), 6-7575. Cathy M. Koch (H1-A618), 6-7575. Thomas F. Koerner (H1-A618 OHOB), 6-7575. Mark J. Mazur (1010 LHOB), 5-6801. Pamela H. Moomau (H1-A621 OHOB), 6-7575. John F. O’Hare (H1-A618 OHOB), 6-7575. Joint Committees of the Congress Charles N. Saunders (H1-A622 OHOB), 6-7575. Louise M. Sheiner (1010 LHOB), 5-6801. William T. Sutton (H1-A620 OHOB), 6-7575. Michael A. Udell (H1-A622 OHOB), 6-7575. Alan D. Viard (1010 LHOB), 5-6801. Laura A. Wheeler (H1-A619 OHOB), 6-7575. Judy Xanthopoulos (H1-A619 OHOB), 6-7575. Revenue Analyst.—Xe Van Nguyen (H1-A622 OHOB), 6-7575. Statistical Analyst.—Frances M. Sobolewski (HI-615 OHOB), 6-7575. Senior Refund Counsel. —Roland W. Ford (3565 IRS), 2-3580. Refund Counsels: (3565 IRS), 2-3580. James L. Billinger. Norman J. Brand. Robert C. Gotwald. Librarians: (H1-A614 OHOB), 6-7575. Michael E. Boren. Georgia S. Plopa. Secretaries: Carolyn P. Abraham (1012 LHOB), 5-7377. Yvonne K. Alston (SD-204), 4-5561. Jean B. Best (H1-A615 OHOB), 6-7575. Debbie D. Davis (H1-A615 OHOB), 6-7575. Sherrie M. Fast (1015 LHOB), 5-3621. Dzidra Germanis (3565 IRS), 2-3580. Patricia A. Gies (1011 LHOB), 5-3780. Theresa S. Grimes (H1-A107 OHOB), 6-3270. Julie M. Mitchell (SH-836), 4-0494. Josephine G. Piraneo (1013 LHOB), 5-6641. Lucia J. Rogers (H1-A615 OHOB), 6-7575. Betty P. Schock (3565 IRS), 2-3580. Chris J. Simmons (1010 LHOB), 5-6801. Joanne Yanusz (1015 LHOB), 5-3621. Computer Specialists: William J. Dahl (H1-A106 OHOB), 6-3270. Diana L. Nelson (H1-A106 OHOB), 6-3270. Systems Manager.—John H. Bloyer (1013A LHOB), 5-2647. Staff Assistants: Jane M. Dye (H1-A614 OHOB), 6-7575. Debra L. McMullen (1013A LHOB), 5-2647. Neval E. McMullen (SD-204), 4-5561. Thomas A. St. Clair (1013A LHOB), 5-2647. Richard L. Scott (1013A LHOB), 5-2647. Minority (1106 LHOB), 5-4021. Chief of Staff. —Phil Moseley. Staff Assistants: Traci Altman; Karen Humbel; Margaret Pratt; Nancy Runge; Charles Ubelhart. Professional Assistants: Telma Askey; Paul Auster; Meredith Broadbent; Andrew Bush; James Clark; Timothy Hanford; John Harrington; Ron Haskins; Margaret Hostetler; Chip Kahn; Rob Mercker; Norah Moseley; Chris Smith; Michael Super-ata; Karen Worth. 488 Congressional Directory Joint Economic Committee (Room SD-GO1 Dirksen Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-5171) [Created pursuant to sec. 5(a) of Public Law 304, 79th Congress] MEMBERS Chairman.—David R. Obey, Representative from Wisconsin. Vice Chairman.—Paul S. Sarbanes, Senator from Maryland. HOUSE SENATE Lee H. Hamilton, of Indiana. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Fortney H. (Pete) Stark, of California. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Kweisi Mfume of Maryland. Richard H. Bryan, of Nevada. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Charles S. Robb, of Virginia. Michael A. Andrews, of Texas. Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota. Richard K. Armey, of Texas. William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware. Jim Saxton, of New Jersey. Connie Mack, of Florida. Christopher C. Cox, of California. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Jim Ramstad, of Minnesota. ; Robert F. Bennett, of Utah. SUBCOMMITTEES Subcommittees of the Joint Economic Committee were not formed at press time. STAFF Joint Economic Committee (SD-GO1), 4-5171. Executive Director.—Stephen Quick, 4-5171. General Counsel. —Richard Kaufman, 4-0377. Senior Economists: Steve Baldwin (1537 LHOB), 6-3231; Bill Buechner (SD-GO1), 4-0378; Jim Klumpner (SH-802), 4-9532; Susan Lepper (SD-G02), 4-0365; David Podoff (1537 LHOB), 6-3231; Lee Price (SD-GO01), 4-0384; Charles Stone (SD-GO1), 4-2989; Stephen Rose (SH-802), 4-3183; George Foy (SH-802), 4-0366. Professional Staff: Lucy Gorham (SD-GO1), 4-5171; Ken Nelson (2187 RHOB), -5315. Research Assistant. —Frankie King (1537 LHOB), 6-3231. Senior Analyst. —Orhan Yildiz (SH-804), 4-0368. Finance Director.—Colleen Healy (SD-GO1), 4-0370. Director of Services.—Mike Musto, 4-3582. Staff Assistants: Debbie Blagburn (SD-GO01), 4-5174; Richard Giragosian (SD-GO1), 4-0363; Nancy Speights (1537 LHOB), 6-3231; Eric Freeman (SD-GO1), 4-7683; Geff Tibbetts (SD-GO1), 4-0367. Policy Director.—Glen Rosselli (SD-GO01), 4-6771. Editing and Publishing Manager.—Linda Brockman (SD-GO1), 4-0378. Minority Staff: Minority Staff Director.—Larry Hunter, (SH-805), 4-0374. Minority Senior Economists: Dolores Martin (H2-357 FHOB), 4-5171; Edward Hud- gins (H2-358 FHOB), 5-6028; Mark Forman, 4-4322, also (H2-357 FHOB), 6-2490; Chris Frenze (SH-805), 4-0373. Minority Economist.—Stephen Moore (H2-359 FHOB), 4-6066. Minority Professional Staff.—Mary Irace (SH-104), 4-4396. Joint Committees of the Congress Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress [Created pursuant to H. Con. Res. 192, 102d Congress] Room H2-175D FHOB. Phone 226-0650; FAX: 226-0651 SENATE HOUSE David L. Boren, of Oklahoma, Co-Lee H. Hamilton, of Indiana, Co-Chairman Chairman David R. Obey, of Wisconsin. Jim Sasser, of Tennessee. Al Swift, of Washington. Wendell H. Ford, of Kentucky. Sam Gejdenson, of Connecticut. Harry Reid, of Nevada. John M. Spratt, Jr., of South Carolina. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Eleanor Holmes Norton, of the District of David Pryor, of Arkansas. Columbia. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico, Co-Vice -David Dreier, of California, Co-Vice Chairman Chairman ; Nancy L. Kassebaum, of Kansas. Robert S. Walker, of Pennsylvania. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Gerald B.H. Solomon, of New York. Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Bill Emerson, of Missouri. William S. Cohen, of Maine. Wayne Allard, of Colorado. Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana. Jennifer Dunn, of Washington. EX OFFICIO EX OFFICIO George J. Mitchell, of Maine. Richard A. Gephardt, of Missouri. Robert Dole, of Kansas. Robert H. Michel, of Illinois. STAFF Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.—(Room H2-175D FHOB), 6-0650. Staff Director.—C. Kim Wincup. Policy Director.—Walter Oleszek. Chief Clerk.—Kelly L. Cordes. Professional Staff Members: John F. Deeken; Lawrence C. Evans; Philip W. Grone; Nicholas P. Wise. APSA Fellow.—Maureen Groppe. CRS Policy Analysts: Carol Hardy Vincent; James Saturno. Special Assistants: Mary Lou Smullen; Shelley Gough; Stacey Spevak. ASSIGNMENTS OF SENATORS TO COMMITTEES [Democrats ROMAN (56); Republicans in italic (44); total, 100] Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Senator Subcommittees BAucus ..... BENNETT... Indian Affairs, chairman. Energy and Natural Resources: Mineral Resources Development and Production; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Effi-ciency, and Competitiveness. Governmental Affairs: Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service; General Serv-ices, Federalism, and the District of Columbia; Oversight of Government Management. Veterans’ Affairs. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Credit; Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promo-tion. Environment and Public Works, chairman. Finance: International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care; Taxation. Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Committee on Taxation. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; International Finance and Monetary Policy. Energy and Natural Resources: Mineral Resources Development and Production; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Water and Power. Small Business: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology. Joint Economic Committee. Foreign Relations: East Asian and Pacific Affairs; European Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment. Judiciary, chairman: Juvenile Justice. Armed Services: Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure; Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Labor and Human Resources: Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Disability Policy; Edu-cation, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity. Joint Economic Committee. 490 Senator BRADLEY .........ccociin BREAUX Senate Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Defense; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government; VA-HUD-Independ-ent Agencies. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Housing and Urban Affairs; International Finance and Monetary Policy; Securities. Budget. Small Business: Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity; Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Credit; Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promo-tion. Finance: Energy and Agricultural Taxation; International Trade; Taxation. Joint Committee on Taxation. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, co-chairman. ‘Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Housing and Urban Affairs; International Finance and Monetary Policy. Budget. Environment and Public Works: Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Toxic Sub-stances, Research and Development; Water Resources, Trans-portation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Energy and Natural Resources: Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness; Water and Power. Finance: Deficits, Debt Management and Long-Term Economic Growth; Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade. Special Committee on Aging. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Merchant Marine; Surface Transportation. Finance: Energy and Agricultural Taxation; International Trade; Social Security and Family Policy. Special Committee on Aging. Budget. Foreign Relations: European Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Judiciary: Constitution; Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; Housing and Urban Affairs; Securities. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Consumer; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Science, Technology, and Space. Select Committee on Ethics, chairman. Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Economic Committee. Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and BUMPERS Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Com- merce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Mineral Resources Develop- ment and Production; Public Lands, National Parks and For- ests. Small Business, chairman: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology; Rural Economy and Family Farming. . Appropriations: District of Columbia; Interior and Related Agencies; Legislative Branch; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Communications; Consumer; Science, Technology, and Space; Surface Transportation. Conference of the Minority. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Small Business: Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology; Rural Economy and Family Farming. Special Committee on Aging. Appropriations, chairman: Defense; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Transportation and Related Agencies. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Force Requirements and Per- sonnel. Rules and Administration. CAMPBELL Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; International Finance and Monetary Policy. Energy and Natural Resources: Mineral Resources Development and Production; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Water and Power. Indian Affairs. Veterans’ Affairs. CHAFEE Environment and Public Works: Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife. Finance: Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care. Small Business: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development. Select Committee on Intelligence. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Force Requirements and Per- sonnel. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity. Senate Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and COCHRAN Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry and General Legislation; Do-mestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Defense; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agen-cies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Governmental Affairs: Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service; Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommittee on Inves-tigations; Regulation and Government Information. Indian Affairs. Rules and Administration. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Regional Defense and Contin-gency Forces. Governmental Affairs: Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommit-tee on Investigations; Regulation and Government Information. Judiciary: Courts and Administrative Practice; Juvenile Justice. Special Committee on Aging. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. CONRAD Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Credit; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Prod-uct Promotion; Rural Development and Rural Electrification. Budget. Finance: International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care; Taxation. Indian Affairs. COVERDELL Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Credit; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Prod-uct Promotion; Rural Development and Rural Electrification. Foreign Relations: Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations; Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs. Small Business: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Rural Econo-my and Family Farming. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Credit; Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry and General Legislation. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Mineral Resources Develop-ment and Production; Public Lands, National Parks and For-ests. Special Committee on Aging. Joint Economic Committee. D’AMATO Appropriations: Defense; Foreign Operations; Transportation and Related Agen-cies; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Select Committee on Intelligence. Senator DANFORTH DASCHLE DECONCINI DOMENICI Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Finance: Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade; Taxation. Select Committee on Intelligence. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry and General Leg-islation; Agricultural Credit; Rural Development and Rural Electrification. Indian Affairs. Select Committee on Ethics. Veterans’ Affairs. Finance: Energy and Agricultural Taxation; International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care. Appropriations: Defense; Energy and Water Development; Foreign Operations; Interior and Related Agencies; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government. Indian Affairs. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Constitution; Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. Rules and Administration. Veterans’ Affairs. Select Committee on Intelligence, chairman. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. Joint Committee on Printing. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; Housing and Urban Affairs; Securities. : Budget. Foreign Relations: International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations; Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Labor. Rules and Administration. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Nutrition and Investigations; Rural Development and Rural Electrification. Finance: Energy and Agricultural Taxation; Medicare and Long-Term Care; Social Security and Family Policy. Rules and Administration. Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Committee on Taxation. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agencies; Transpor-tation and Related Agencies. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Housing and Urban Affairs; Securities. Budget. Energy and Natural Resources: Senator DORGAN DURENBERGER FAIRCLOTH FEINGOLD FEINSTEIN Senate Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Energy Research and Development; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Indian Affairs. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Consumer; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Surface Transporta-tion. Governmental Affairs: Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommit- tee on Investigations; Regulation and Government Information. Indian Affairs. Joint Economic Committee. Environment and Public Works: Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Finance: Health for Families and the Uninsured; Medicare and Long-Term Care; Social Security and Family Policy. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Disability Policy; Education, Arts, and Humanities. Special Committee on Aging. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and: Reinforcing Forces; Nudieot Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence; Regional Defense and Contingency Forces. Budget. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Surface Transportation. Armed Services: Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Force Requirements and Personnel; Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; Housing and Urban Affairs; Securities. Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Toxic Substances, Research and Development. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion; Nutrition and Investigations. Foreign Relations: African Affairs; European Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment. Special Committee on Aging. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; District of Columbia; Foreign Operations; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Judiciary: Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks; Technology and the Law. Rules and Administration. Congressional Directory Senator GORTON... GRAHAM . GRASSLEY Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Consumer. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Mineral Resources Develop- ment and Production; Water and Power. Rules and Administration, chairman. Joint Committee on Printing, chairman. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure; Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence. Governmental Affairs, chairman: Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Select Committee on Intelligence. Special Committee on Aging. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Military Construction. Budget. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Commu ni cations; Consumer. Indian Affairs. Select Committee on Intelligence. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Regional Defense and Contin-gency Forces; Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management. Veterans’ Affairs. : Select Committee on Intelligence. Special Committee on Aging. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Com-merce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Foreign Oper-ations; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; International Finance and Monetary Policy; Securities. Budget. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Credit; Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promo-tion. Budget. Finance: International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care; Private Retirement Plans and Oversight of the Internal Revenue Serv-ice. Judiciary: Courts and Administrative Practice; Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. Special Committee on Aging. Senate Committee Assignments 497 Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and GREGG ..v........ iis BARRIN..................... HATCH... iver viiniins HATAELD................ CHERLINL Gains HELMS. ...co.cccocinicicinn Budget. Foreign Relations. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry and General Legislation; Nu-trition and Investigations. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Defense; Foreign Operations; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Transportation and Related Agencies. Labor and Human Resources: Disability Policy; Education, Arts, and: Humanities; Employment and Productivity; Labor. : Small Business: Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity; Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction. Finance: Energy and Agricultural Taxation; International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Constitution; Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. Labor. and Human Resources: Disability Policy; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity; Labor. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Transportation and Relat-ed Agencies. Energy and Natural Resources: Public ‘Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness; Water and Power. Indian Affairs. Rules and Administration. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. Joint Committee on Printing. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion; Rural Devel-opment and Rural Electrification. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Courts and Adminis-trative Practice; Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. Small Business: Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology; Rural Economy and Family Farming. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion; Nutrition and Investigations. Foreign Relations: International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations; Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs. Senator HOLLINGS HurcHISON INOUYE JEFFORDS JOHNSTON KASSEBAUM KEMPTHORNE Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Rules and Administration. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Budget. Commerce, Science, and Transportation, chairman: Communications; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Science, Technology, and Space. Armed Services. Commerce, Science, and Transportation Small Business. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Foreign Oper-ations; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Military Construction. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Merchant Marine; Surface Transpor- tation. Indian Affairs, chairman. Rules and Administration. Foreign Relations: African Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Labor and Human Resources: Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Disability Policy; Edu- cation, Arts, and Humanities; Labor. Veterans’ Affairs. Special Committee on Aging. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Defense; Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agen-cies; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Budget. Energy and Natural Resources, chairman. Select Committee on Intelligence. Special Committee on Aging. Foreign Relations: African Affairs; European Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment. Indian Affairs. Labor and Human Resources: Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Labor. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence. Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Small Business: Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology; Rural Economy and Family Farming. Senate Committee Assignments 499 Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and KENNEDY .....ccccouvnuee. KERREY i... KERRY 2%. vines ROBE... LLAUTENBERG............ Armed Services: Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Force Requirements and Personnel; Regional Defense and Contingen-cy Forces. Judiciary: Constitution; Immigration and Refugee Affairs; Patents, Copy-rights and Trademarks. Labor and Human Resources, chairman: Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Labor. Joint Economic Committee. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry and General Leg-islation; Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Nutrition and Investigations. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Com-merce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Energy and Water Devel-opment; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Select Committee on Intelligence. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; Housing and Urban Affairs; International Finance and Monetary Policy. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Science, Technology, and Space. Foreign Relations: East Asian and Pacific Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations. Small Business: Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology; Urban and Minori-ty-owned Business Development. Select Committee on Intelligence. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; District of Columbia; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Educa-tion; Military Construction. Judiciary: Courts and Administrative Practice; Juvenile Justice; Technology and the Law. Small Business: Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction; Rural Econ-omy and Family Farming. Special Committee on Aging. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Foreign Oper-ations; Transportation and Related Agencies; VA-HUD-Inde-pendent Agencies. Budget. Environment and Public Works: Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Toxic Substances, Research and Development. Small Business: Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity; Export Expansion and Agricultural Development. Congressional Directory Senator LIEBE RMAN............... Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, chairman. Appropriations: Defense; Foreign Operations; Interior and Related Agencies; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Judiciary: Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks; Technology and the Law. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence. Governmental Affairs: Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommit-tee on Investigations; Regulation and Government Information. Small Business: Innovation, Manufacturing and Technology; Rural Economy and Family Farming. Armed Services: Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Force Requirements and Personnel; Regional Defense and Contingen-cy Forces. Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Toxic Substances, Research and Development. Governmental Affairs: General Services, Federalism, and the District of Columbia; Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcom-mittee on Investigations; Regulation and Government Informa-tion. Small Business: Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity; Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction. Armed Services: Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence; Regional Defense and Contingency Forces. Budget. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Merchant Marine; Science, Technology, and Space; Surface Transportation. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Foreign Relations: East Asian and Pacific Affairs; European Affairs; Western Hemi- sphere and Peace Corps Affairs. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Appropriations: District of Columbia; Foreign Operations; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Legislative Branch. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; Housing and Urban Affairs; International Finance and Monetary Policy. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Small Business: Senator MATHEWS McCONNELL METZENBAUM MIKULSKI MITCHELL Senate Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity; Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development. Joint Economic Committee. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Mineral Resources Develop-ment and Production; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Foreign Relations: East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs. Rules and Administration. Joint Committee on Printing. Armed Services: Force Requirements and Personnel; Military Readiness and De-fense Infrastructure; Regional Defense and Contingency Forces. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Consumer; Surface Transportation. Governmental Affairs: General Services, Federalism, and the District of Columbia; Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcom-mittee on Investigations; Regulation and Government Informa-tion. Indian Affairs; Banking Minority Members. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Special Committee on Aging. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion; Nutrition and Investigations. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Energy and Water Development; Foreign Operations; Military Construction. Rules and Administration. Select Committee on Ethics. Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Constitution; Courts and Administrative Practice. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Disability Policy; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Labor. Select Committee on Intelligence. Appropriations: Foreign Operations; Legislative Branch; Transportation and Re-lated Agencies; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Govern-ment; VA-HUD-Independent Agencies. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity. Select Committee on Ethics. Environment and Public Works: Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Water Resources, Transpor-tation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Finance: Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN MOYNIHAN MURKOWSKI MURRAY INICKLES ..ociviiieiiiiin. Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care. Veterans’ Affairs. Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Housing and Urban Affairs; Securities. Judiciary: Courts and Administrative Practice; Juvenile Justice. Small Business: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Urban and Minority-owned Business Development. Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Finance, chairman: International Trade; Private Retirement Plans and Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service; Social Security and Family Policy. Foreign Relations: African Affairs; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Terror-ism, Narcotics and International Operations. Rules and Administration. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. Joint Committee on Taxation. Energy and Natural Resources: Mineral Resources Development and Production; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Effi-ciency, and Competitiveness. Foreign Relations: East Asian and Pacific Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations. Indian Affairs. Veterans’ Affairs. Appropriations: District of Columbia; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Legislative Branch. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: International Finance and Monetary Pclicy; Securities. Budget. Appropriations: Interior and Related Agencies; Defense; Energy and Water De-velopment; Foreign Operations; VA-HUD-Independent Agen-cies. Budget. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy and Water Development; Mineral Resources Develop-ment and Production; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Indian Affairs. Armed Services, chairman. Governmental Affairs: Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommit-tee on Investigations; Regulation and Government Information. Small Business: Senate Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction; Rural Econ-omy and Family Farming; Urban and Minority Owned Busi-ness Development. PAckwooD Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Communications; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Surface Transportation. Finance: International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care; Taxation. Joint Committee on Taxation. gForeign Relations, chairman: Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities. Rules and Administration. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. PRESSLER Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Science Technology, and Space. Foreign Relations: Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Judiciary. Juvenile Justice; Technology and the Law; Small Business: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Rural Econo-my and Family Farming; Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development. Special Committee on Aging. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices; Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion; Nutrition and Investigations. Finance: Medicare and Long-Term Care; Private Retirement Plans and Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service; Taxation. Governmental Affairs: Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service; Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommittee on Inves-tigations. Special Committee on Aging, chairman. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Appropriations: Energy and Water Development; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Legislative Branch; Military Construction. Environment and Public Works: Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Toxic Substances, Research and Development; Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Indian Affairs. Special Committee on Aging. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. RIEGLE Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, chairman. Budget. Finance: Deficits, Debt Management and Long-Term Economic Growth; Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade. Senator ROCKEFELLER SARBANES SASSER SHELBY Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Armed Services: Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure; Regional Defense and Contingency Forces. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Communications; Science, Technology, and Space; Surface Transportation. Foreign Relations: East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs. Joint Economic Committee. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Communications; Foreign Commerce and Tourism; Science, Technology, and Space; Surface Transportation. Finance: Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade; Medicare and Long-Term Care. Veterans’ Affairs, chairman. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Housing and Urban Affairs; International Finance and Monetary Policy; Securities. Finance: Health for Families and the Uninsured; International Trade; Taxation. Governmental Affairs: Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Joint Economic Committee. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Housing and Urban Affairs; International Finance and Monetary Policy. Budget. Foreign Relations: : European Affairs; International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Joint Economic Committee. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Energy and Water Development; Military Construction; Transportation and Related Agencies. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: International Finance and Monetary Policy; Securities. Budget, chairman. Governmental Affairs: Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service; General Serv-ices, Federalism, and the District of Columbia; Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Force Requirements and Personnel; Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Economic Stabilization and Rural Development; Securities. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Special Committee on Aging. Senator SPECTER STEVENS Senate Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Foreign Relations: African Affairs; European Affairs; Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations. Indian Affairs. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Constitution; Immi-gration and Refugee Affairs. Labor and Human Resources: Disability Policy; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity. Environment and Public Works: Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Toxic Substances, Research and Development. Judiciary: Immigration and Refugee Affairs; Patents, Copyrights and Trade-marks. Veterans’ Affairs. Special Committee on Aging. Armed Services: Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Defense Technology, Acquisition, and Industrial Base; Military Readiness and De-fense Infrastructure. Environment and Public Works: Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Toxic Sub-stances, Research and Development; Water Resources, Trans-portation, Public Buildings and Economic Development. Select Committee on Ethics. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies; Defense; Foreign Operations; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Transportation and Related Agencies. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Technology and the Law. Special Committee on Aging. Veterans’ Affairs. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Defense; Interior and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Military Construction. Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation; Communications; Merchant Marine. Governmental Affairs: Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service; General Serv-ices, Federalism, and the District of Columbia; Oversight of Government Management; Permanent Subcommittee on Inves-tigations. Rules and Administration. Select Committee on Ethics. Select Committee on Intelligence. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. Joint Committee on Printing. Senator THURMOND WALLOP WARNER WELLSTONE WOFFORD Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Armed Services. Labor and Human Resources: Children, Family, Drugs, and Alcoholism; Education, Arts and Humanities; Employment and Productivity; Labor. Judiciary: Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights; Courts and Adminis-trative Practice. Veterans’ Affairs. Energy and Natural Resources. Finance: Deficits, Debt Management and Long-Term Economic Growth; Energy and Agricultural Taxation; International Trade. Small Business: Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction; Rural Econ-omy and Family Farming. Select Committee on Intelligence. Armed Services: Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence; Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces; Regional Defense and Contingency Forces. Environment and Public Works: Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Econom-ic Development; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Man-agement; Toxic Substances, Research and Development. National Republican Senatorial Committee. Rules and Administration. Select Committee on Intelligence. Energy and Natural Resources: Energy Research and Development; Public Lands, National Parks and Forests; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Competitiveness. Indian Affairs. Labor and Human Resources: Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Labor. Small Business: Rural Economy and Family Farming; Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development. Environment and Public Works: Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife; Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management; Toxic Substances, Research and Development. Foreign Relations: International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment; Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs; Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs. Labor and Human Resources: Aging; Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism; Education, Arts, and Humanities; Employment and Productivity. Small Business: Export Expansion and Agricultural Development; Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development. ASSIGNMENTS OF REPRESENTATIVES TO COMMITTEES [Democrats in ROMAN (258); Republicans in italic (176); Independent in bold (1); total, 435] Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and ABERCROMBIE Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Natural Resources: Military Installations and Facilities. National Affairs; Parks, Forests, and Public Oversight and Investigations. Lands; Native American ACKERMAN Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; International Security, zations, and Human Rights. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Merchant Marine. Post Office and Civil Service: Compensation and Employee Benefits. International Organi- ALLARD Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agriculture and Hunger. Budget. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Oversight and Investigations. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. ANDREWS, Texas. of Budget. Ways and Means: Health. Joint Economic Committee. ANDREWS, of New Education and Labor: Jersey. Human Resources; Labor Standards, Occupational Health Safety; Postsecondary Education and Training. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East; International Operations. and ANDREWS, Maine. of Armed Services: Military Acquisition. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Merchant Marine. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. APPLEGATE Public Works and Transportation: Public Buildings Resources and Veterans’ Affairs: and Grounds; Environment. Surface Transportation; Water Compensation, Care. Pension, and Insurance; Hospitals and Health ARCHER Ways Joint and Means. Committee on Taxation. 508 Congressional Directory Representative BACCHUS, of Florida. BACHUS, of Alabama. BAESLER BAKER, of California. BAKER, of Louisiana. BALLENGER Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Education and Labor: Labor-Management Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Joint Economic Committee. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mone-tary Policy. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Techno'ogy, Environment, and Aviation. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Veterans’ Affairs: Oversight and Investigations. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agricul-ture and Hunger; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Education and Labor: Human Resources. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Investigations and Oversight; Surface Transportation. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu--nity Development; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs. Small Business: Procurement, Taxation, and Tourism. District of Columbia: Fiscal Affairs and Health; Judiciary and Education. Education and Labor: Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Select Education and Civil Rights. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Public Works and Transportation. Space, Science, and Technology. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Space. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agricul-ture and Hunger; General Farm Commodities. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Representative BARRETT,of Nebraska. BARRETT,of Wisconsin. BARTLETT BARTON BERMAN House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Coast Guard and Navigation. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities. Education and Labor: Human Resources; Labor-Management Relations; Select Educa-tion and Civil Rights. House Administration: Administrative Oversight; Libraries and Memorials; Office Sys-tems. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Government Operations: Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Natural Resources: Oversight and Investigations. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Research and Technology. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Telecommunications and Finance. Science, Space, and Technology: Investigations and Oversight; Science. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Readiness. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Judiciary: Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Science, Space, and Technology: Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Budget. Rules: Rules of the House. Appropriations: Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Military Construction. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; International Securi-ty, International Organizations, and Human Rights. Permanent Select Oversight and Committee Evaluation; on P Intelligence: rogram and Budget Authorization. Budget. Foreign Affairs: Congressional Directory Representative BEVILL BILBRAY BILIRAKIS BISHOP BLACKWELL.............. BLILEY BOEHILERT BOEHNER BONILLA Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees International Operations; International Security, International Or-ganizations, and Human Rights. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Economic and Commercial Law; Intellectual Property and Judicial Adminis-tration. Appropriations: Energy and Water Development; Interior; Treasury, Postal Serv-ice, and General Government. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Military Installations and Facili-ties; Research and Technology. Small Business: Procurement, Taxation, and Tourism; Regulation, Business Op-portunities, and Technology. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Program and Budget Authorization. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment. Veterans’ Affairs: : Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Hospitals and Health Care. Agriculture: ; Department Operations and Nutrition; General Farm Commod-ities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Post Office and Civil Service: Postal Operations and Services. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care; Housing and Memorial Affairs. Budget. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Investigations and Oversight. District of Columbia. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Telecommunications and Finance. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Post Office and Civil Service: Oversight and Investigations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Water Resources and Envi-ronment. Science, Space, and Technology: Science. Agriculture: General Farm Commodities; Livestock. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations. House Administration: Accounts; Office Systems. Appropriations: District of Columbia; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Representative BONIOR BORSK1 BOUCHER BROWN, of Florida... BROWN, of California. BROWN, of Ohio BRYANT BUNNING BURTON House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Rules of the House. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Standards of Official Conduct. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Telecommunications and Finance; Transpor-tation and Hazardous Materials. Judiciary: Economic and Commercial Law. Science, Space, and Technology: Science. Ways and Means: Oversight; Social Security. Judiciary, chairman: Economic and Commercial Law. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Oversight and Investigations; Readiness. Budget. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Water Resources and Envi-ronment. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care; Housing and Memorial Affairs. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Specialty Crops and Natu-ral Resources. Science, Space, and Technology, chairman. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Oversight and Investigations. Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; Europe and the Middle East. Post Office and Civil Service. Budget. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Oversight and Investigations; Tele-communications and Finance. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Budget. Starslards of Official Conduct. Ways and Means: Social Security. Foreign Affairs: Africa; International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights. Post Office and Civil Service: Civil Service. Veterans’ Affairs: 512 Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Hospitals and Health Care; Housing and Memorial Affairs. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Research and Technology. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care; Housing and Memorial Affairs. Post Office and Civil Service: Compensation and Employee Benefits. Public Works and Transportation: Investigations and Oversight; Surface Transportation; Water Re-sources and Environment. CALLAHAN Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Military Construction. CALVERT Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs; Oversight and Investigations. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Select Revenue Measures. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Foreign Agriculture and Hunger. Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional Rights; Economic and Commercial Law; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. CANTWELL Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Fisheries Management. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation. House Administration: Accounts; Elections. Standards of Official Conduct. Ways and Means: Health; Human Resources. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Legislative; Transporta-tion. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re-sources. Appropriations: Energy and Water Development; Legislative; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Education and Labor: Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety; Labor-Man-agement Relations. House Administration: Representative CLAYTON CLEMENT CLINGER COLEMAN COLLINS, of Michigan. CoLLINS, of Illinois COLLINS, of Georgia. COMBEST House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Administrative Oversight; Libraries and Memorials; Personnel and Police. Post Office and Civil Service, chairman: Oversight and Investigations. Agriculture: : Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Small Business: Procurement, Taxation, and Tourism; Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Hospitals and Health Care. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation; Water Resources and Environ-ment. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Public Buildings and Grounds; Surface Transportation. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Oversight and Investiga-tions. Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional Rights; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Fisheries Management. Appropriations: Interior; Military Construction; Transportation. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Oversight and Evaluation. Government Operations: Employment, Housing, and Aviation; Legislation and National Security. Post Office and Civil Service: Postal Operations and Services. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Investigations and Oversight. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Over-sight and Investigations. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security; Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Small Business: Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment; SBA Legisla-tion and the General Economy. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities. Small Business: 514 Congressional Directory Representative CONDIT CONYERS COOPER COPPERSMITH DANNER Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Program and Budget Authorization. Agriculture: General Farm Commodities; Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Government Operations: Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Government Operations, chairman. Legislation and National Security. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; Economic and Commercial Law; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development. Budget. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment; Telecommuni-cations and Finance. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Investigations and Oversight; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Budget. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Joint Economic Committee. Budget. Government Operations: Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs. Budget. Ways and Means: Trade. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Space. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Program and Budget Authorization. Ways and Means: Social Security; Trade. Joint Committee on Taxation. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Readiness. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Postsecond-ary Education and Training. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Merchant Marine. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Small Business: Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Representative DEFAzIO DE LA GARZA DELAURO DIAZ-BALART............ DICKEY House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Appropriations: Defense; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government. Standards of Official Conduct. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Oversight and Investigations. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Water Resources and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investigations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation. Agriculture, chairman. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Serv-ices, and Education. Appropriations: Transportation; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Armed Services, chairman. Military Acquisition. Education and Labor. Natural Resources: Insular and International Affairs. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation. House Administration: Libraries and Memorials; Personnel and Police. Rules: The Legislative Process. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Foreign Affairs: Africa; International Operations. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Small Business: : Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; Regula-tion, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Appropriations: Defense; Interior; Military Construction. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Oversight and Evaluation. 516 Congressional Directory ‘Representative DOOLITTLE DREIER DUNCAN DURBIN EDWARDS, of Texas. EDWARDS, of California. Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Energy and Commerce, chairman. Oversight and Investigations. Appropriations: Defense; District of Columbia; Military Construction. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Program and Budget Authorization. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; General Farm Commod-ities; Livestock. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation. Natural Resources: Oversight and Investigations. Agriculture: Foreign Agriculture and Hunger; General Farm Commodities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investigations. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations; Readiness. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Program and Budget Authorization. Rules: Rules of the House. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Investigations and Oversight; Public Buildings and Grounds. House Administration: Accounts; Elections; Personnel and Police. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Science, Space, and Technology: Space. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; District of Columbia; Transporta-tion. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Oversight and Investigations; Research and Technology. Veterans’ Affairs: Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Hospitals and Health Care. Foreign Affairs: Africa; International Operations. Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional Rights; Crime and Criminal Justice; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Veterans’ Affairs. House Committee Assignments 517 Representative EMERSON................... ENGLISH, of Oklahoma. ENGLISH, of Arizona. FALEOMAVAEGA....... Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; General Farm Commod-ities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Public Works and Transportation: Public Buildings and Grounds; Surface Transportation; Water Resources and Environment. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations. Foreign Affairs: Africa; Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Europe and the Middle East; International Operations. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Postsecond-ary Education and Training. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs; Oversight and Investigations. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Readiness. Natural Resources: Oversight and Investigations. Veterans’ Affairs: Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Oversight and Investiga-tions. Agriculture. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Oversight and Investigations. Veterans’ Affairs: Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Hospitals and Health Care; Oversight and Investigations. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Water Resources and Envi-ronment. Education and Labor: Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety. Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; International Operations. Natural Resources: Insular and International Affairs; Native American Affairs. Agriculture. Natural Resources. 518 Congressional Directory Representative FAWELL........5..00.: PAZIO....x......ocensisioes FIELDS, of Louisiana. FIELDS, of Texas....... FILNER ,....cocitdeesssienns FOGLIETTA................ ForpD, of Tennessee.. FORD, of Michigan... FOWLER..........0.....5. Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Education and Labor: Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Select Education and Civil Rights. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy. Appropriations: Energy and Water Development; Legislative; Military Construc-tion. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Energy and Commerce: Telecommunications and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care; Oversight and Investigations. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; International Develop-ment, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Foreign Affairs: : Asia and the Pacific; Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Space. Judiciary: Economic and Commercial Law; Intellectual Property and Judi-cial Administration. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; General Oversight, Investigations, and the Resolution of Failed Financial Institu-tions. Government Operations: Employment, Housing, and Aviation. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development. Appropriations: Military Construction; Transportation. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Oversight. Education and Labor, chairman: Postsecondary Education and Training. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Military Installations and Facili-ties. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Representative FRANKS, of New Jersey. FRANKS, of Connecticut. GALLEGLY ....cocoocoineves House Committee Assignments 519 Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mone-tary Policy. Budget. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Civil and Con-stitutional Rights; Intellectual Property and Judicial Adminis-tration. Budget. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment. House Administration: Accounts; Elections; Libraries and Memorials; Office Systems. Rules: The Legislative Process. Armed Services: Research and Technology. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Merchant Marine. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Judiciary: Economic and Commercial Law; International Law, Immigra-tion, and Refugees. Natural Resources: Insular and International Affairs. Appropriations: Energy and Water Development; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment. House Administration: Accounts; Office Systems. Natural Resources: Native American Affairs; Oversight and Investigations. Joint Committee on Printing. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Crime and Criminal Justice. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation. Budget. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Armed Services: Military Acquisition. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Water Resources and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. (Standing, Joint, Special, 520 Congressional Directory Committees and Select) and GIBBONS............0h GILCHREST ................ GILLMOR.................... GILMAN. .........ccoriimine GINGRICH .........00 0000s GLICKMAN ................ GONZALEZ ................ GOODLATIE .............. GOODLING.................. GORDON. ........cccuvennne GOSS...coovveivenriininvinie GRAMS i. coins GRANDY ....coivunsnieniinns Ways and Means: Trade. Joint Committee on Taxation. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re-sources. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Energy and Commerce: Oversight and Investigations; Telecommunications and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East. Post Office and Civil Service: Postal Operations and Services. House Administration: Accounts. Joint Committee on Printing. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; General Farm Commod-ities. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Crime and Criminal Justice; Economic and Commercial Law. Science, Space, and Technology: Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, chairman: Program and Budget Authorization. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, chairman. Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Agriculture: Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Economic and Commercial Law. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East. Budget. Rules: ~The Legislative Process. Rules: The Legislative Process. Standards of Official Conduct. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Standards of Official Conduct. Ways and Means: House Committee Assignments 521 Representative HALL, of Texas HALL, of Ohio Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Health; Human Resources. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Merchant Marine; Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Health and the Environment. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Livestock. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care; Oversight and Investigations. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment; Telecommuni-cations and Finance. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Space. Rules: Rules of the House. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Fisheries Management. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface Transportation; Water Re-sources and Environment. Foreign Affairs, chairman: Europe and the Middle East. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, co-chairman. Joint Economic Committee. Ways and Means: Oversight; Select Revenue Measures. Armed Services: Oversight and Investigations; Research and Technology. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Oversight and Evaluation. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Oversight and Investigations; Research and Technology. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment; Telecommuni-cations and Finance. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. (Standing, Joint, Special, 522 Congressional Directory Committees and Select) and HASTINGS .................. HAYES ..........oniian.s HEFLEY ........ivivesild HEENER ...5.coccvniiennnss HENRY ........oceinen 5 HERGER.............co0012: HILLIARD.................. HINCHEY .......ccocuuunneee HOAGLAND................ HOBSON ............c..0ovses HOCHBRUECKNER...... HOEKSTRA.................. Foreign Affairs: Africa; Europe and the Middle East. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Post Office and Civil Service: Oversight and Investigations. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Water Resources and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Investigations and Oversight; Space. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Small Business: Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Appropriations: Defense; Military Construction. Education and Labor: Human Resources; Postsecondary Education and Training. Science, Space, and Technology: Investigations and Oversight. Budget. Ways and Means: Oversight. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Livestock. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; Procure-ment, Taxation, and Tourism; Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; General Oversight, Investigations, and the Resolution of Failed Financial Institu-tions. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Ways and Means: Select Revenue Measures; Trade. Appropriations: Military Construction. Budget. Standards of Official Conduct. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Research and Technology. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re-sources. Education and Labor: Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Public Works and Transportation: Representative HUFFINGTON HUGHES HUNTER HUTCHINSON INGLIS INHOFE House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Economic Development; Water Resources and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Livestock. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations. Government Operations: Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations; Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Water Resources and Environment. Ways and Means: Oversight; Social Security. Appropriations: Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Military Construction; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Govern-ment. House Administration: Accounts; Elections. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mone-tary Policy. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology; SBA Legis-lation and the General Economy. Judiciary: Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Fisheries Management. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Research and Technology. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface Transportation; Water Re-sources and Environment. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Hospitals and Health Care. Armed Services: Readiness; Research and Technology. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re-sources; Fisheries Management. Foreign Affairs: International Operations. Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional Rights. Budget. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Economic and Commercial Law. Armed Services: 524 Congressional Directory Representative INSEEE.........o.....00 ISTOOR ........0ii.00 oii JACOBS... ....oc.civtivevind JEFFERSON................ JOHNSON, of Georgia. JOHNSON, EDDIE BERNICE, of Texas. JOHNSON, of Connecticut. JOHNSON, SAM, of Texas. JOHNSON, of South Dakota. JOHNSTON.........c....... KANJORSKI............... Committees (Standing; Joint, Special, and Select) and ubcommittees Military Acquisition; Readiness. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Appropriations: District of Columbia; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government. Ways and Means: Social Security; Select Revenue Measures. District of Columbia: Fiscal Affairs and Health; Government Operations and Metropol-itan Affairs. Ways and Means: Oversight; Social Security. Armed Services: ; Military Installations and Facilities; Oversight and Investigations; Research and Technology. Science, Space, and Technology: Investigations and Oversight; Science; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Public Works and Transportation: Investigations and Oversight; Public Buildings and Grounds; Surface Transportation. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Standards of Official Conduct. Ways and Means: Health; Trade. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; Housing and Community Development; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Space. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs. Budget. Foreign Affairs: : Africa; Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; International Operations. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Representative House Committee Assignments 525 Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Consumer Credit and Insurance; Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Post Office and Civil Service: Civil Service. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; District of Columbia; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Armed Services: Readiness; Research and Technology. Budget. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; International Develop-ment, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care. Budget. House Administration: Accounts; Libraries and Memorials; Office Systems. Ways and Means: Trade. Budget. Education and Labor: : Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Human Re-sources; Labor-Management Relations; Postsecondary Educa-tion and Training. House Administration: Accounts. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Economic Growth and Credit Formation; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Specialty Crops and Natu-ral Resources. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Fisheries Management; Merchant Marine. House Administration: Elections; Office Systems; Personnel and Police. Ways and Means: Health; Oversight. Joint Committee on Printing. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Community Development. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Congressional Directory Representative KOPETSKI .................. KREIDLER.................. LAMBERT .vouneiicionsiniee LANCASTER............... Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation. Education and Labor: Labor-Management Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Small Business: Procurement, Taxation, and Tourism; SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; Procure-ment, Taxation, and Tourism. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Interior. Budget. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Select Revenue Measures. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment. Veterans’ Affairs: : Hospitals and Health Care; Housing and Memorial Affairs; Over-sight and Investigations. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Oversight and Investigations. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. Standards of Official Conduct. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Community Development; International Development, Fi-nance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Small Business, chairman: SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Merchant Marine Coast Guard and and Fisheries: Navigation; Environment and Natural Re- sources. Armed Services: Military Forces nology. Merchant Marine and and Personnel; Fisheries: Readiness; Re search and Tech- Coast Guard and Navigation; Fisheries Management. Small Business. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East; International Operations; Interna-tional Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights. Government Operations: House Committee Assignments 527 Representative EAROCCO. 5... 55m LAUGHLIN.........o0.0s LAZIO... iii: LEACH ii iicirieseienes LEHMAN.........c0.cci0ine LEVIN... iin: LEVY iii aniinis LEwis, of California. LEwIs, of Georgia 4 LEwis, of Florida..... LIGHTFOOT Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Employment, Housing, and Aviation; Legislation and National Security. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; International Develop-ment, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re-sources; Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Conti-nental Shelf. Post Office and Civil Service: Oversight and Investigations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Investigations and Oversight; Surface Transportation. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Program and Budget Authorization. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Budget. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance. Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; Europe and the Middle East. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Energy and Power; Telecommunications and Finance. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Oversight and Investigations. Ways and Means: Health; Human Resources. Foreign Affairs: Europe and the Middle East; International Operations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation. Appropriations: Defense; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Program and Budget Authorization. District of Columbia: Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs; Judiciary and Education. Ways and Means: Health; Oversight. Agriculture: Foreign Agriculture and Hunger; Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Science, Space, and Technology: Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Appropriations: 528 Congressional Directory Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and LANDER i....cciiociviiiieid LIPINSEL ...concnsiragreiaes LIVINGSTON .............. LEOYD.........c000c ii LONG oo 0s saris LOWEY............ 5... MACHTLEY .............i; MALONEY .......ccecuiun.ee MARN............cinuiis MANTON..........cconueeeu. Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance. Science, Space, and Technology: : Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation. Appropriations: Defense; Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs. House Administration: Elections; Personnel and Police. Armed Services: Military Acquisition. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Investigations and Oversight. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities; Livestock. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Military Installations and Facilities. Government Operations: : Employment, Housing, and Aviation. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources; Legislation and National Security. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Crime and Criminal Justice; Economic and Commercial Law. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Tele-communications and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. House Administration: Personnel and Police. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Fisheries Management; Merchant Marine. Representative MANZULLO................ MARGOLIES-MEZVINSKY. MARKEY oi..cccrvienieiiees McCoLLUM............... House Committee Assignments 529 Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; International Oper-ations. Small Business: Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Energy and Commerce: Oversight and Investigations; Telecommunications and Finance. Government Operations: Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs. Small Business: SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Telecommunications and Finance; Transpor-tation and Hazardous Materials. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Education and Labor: Human Resources; Labor-Management Relations. Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; International Operations; International Se-curity, International Organizations, and Human Rights. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Trade. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Small Business: SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; International Development, Fi-nance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Military Installations and Facilities. Foreign Affairs: International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights. Post Office and Civil Service: Census, Statistics, and Postal Personnel; Civil Service. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Judiciary: Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Ways and Means: Health; Select Revenue Measures. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Readiness; Research and Technology. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Space. Appropriations: (Standing, Joint, Special, 530 Congressional Directory Committees and Select) and MCDERMOTT ............ McHALE.................... McHUGH..............-... MCINNES.................... McKEon.................... MCKINNEY................ McMILLAN................ McNuLTY................. MEEHAN...........cceun.... MEER i. ivie iin ensionssinns MENENDEZ................ MEYERS..........o0000000us MEBUME.......... cine Defense; Interior. District of Columbia: Fiscal Affairs and Health; Judiciary and Education. Standards of Official Conduct, chairman. Ways and Means: Health; Human Resources. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Readiness. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Oversight and Investigations. Government Operations: Employment, Housing, and Aviation; Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources. Small Business. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agriculture and Hunger. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Budget. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Health and the Environment; Telecommunications and Finance. Ways and Means: Select Revenue Measures; Trade. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Readiness; Research and Tech-nology. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology; SBA Legis-lation and the General Economy. Appropriations: Energy and Water Development; Military Construction. Foreign Affairs: International Operations; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface Transportation; Water Re-sources and Environment. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Europe and the Middle East. Small Business: SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: House Committee Assignments 531 Representative MICHEL....... MILLER, of Florida... MILLER, of California. MOAKLEY... MOLINARI... Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; Housing and Community Development. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; Procure- ment, Taxation, and Tourism. Standards of Official Conduct. Joint Economic Committee. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources; Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Budget. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Human Re-sources; Postsecondary Education and Training. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor Stand-ards, Occupational Health and Safety; Labor-Management Re-lations. Natural Resources, chairman. Insular and International Affairs; Oversight and Investigations. Public Works and Transportation, chairman. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Budget. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Rules, chairman: Rules of the House; The Legislative Process. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Human Re-sources. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; VA, HUD, and Inde-pendent Agencies. Budget. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Military Installations and Facili-ties. Veterans’ Affairs, chairman. Education, Training and Employment. Energy and Commerce: Oversight and Investigations. Judiciary: Congressional Directory Representative NATCHER................. NEAL, of Massachusetts. NEAL, of North Carolina. NORTON...............% OBERSTAR ............... Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Economic and Commercial Law; Intellectual Property and Judi-cial Administration. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Legislative. Post Office and Civil Service: Civil Service; Compensation and Employee Benefits. Science, Space, and Technology: Investigations and Oversight; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. : Education and Labor: Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety; Labor-Man-agement Relations. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Insular and International Affairs; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Appropriations: Defense; Interior; Legislative. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development. Post Office and Civil Service. Judiciary: ; Civil and Constitutional Rights; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface Transportation; Water Re-sources and Environment. Appropriations, chairman: Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Ways and Means: Select Revenue Measures; Trade. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; General Over-sight, Investigations, and the Resolution of Failed Financial Institutions; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. District of Columbia: Fiscal Affairs and Health; Judiciary and Education. Post Office and Civil Service: Compensation and Employee Benefits. Public Works and Transportation: Public Buildings ‘and Grounds; Water Resources and Environ-ment. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Foreign Affairs: House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Affairs. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Water Western Hemisphere Resources and Envi- ronment. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Legisla-tive. Joint Economic Committee, chairman. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, Treasury, Postal Service, and General and Related Government. Programs; Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Readiness. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Oceanography, Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf. Gulf of Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Budget. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Human sources; Labor-Management Relations; Select Education Civil Rights. Government Operations: Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Re-and Energy and Commerce: Telecommunications Materials. and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous PACKARD Appropriations: Interior; Legislative. PALLONE Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Health and the Environment; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re- sources. Budget. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; ronment. Water Resources and Envi- Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural tion, and Related Development, Food and Drug Administra-Agencies; Energy and Water Development. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer and the Environment; Protection, and Transportation Competitiveness; Health and Hazardous Materials. PAYNE, of Jersey. New Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Select Education and Civil Rights. Foreign Affairs: Africa. Congressional Directory Representative PAYNE, of Virginia... PELEOST......i rim iinseers PETERSON, of Minnesota. PETERSON, of Florida. POMEROY......ccceeevunnnn. PORTER ......ic.ivviveiiionie Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Government Operations: Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Ways and Means: Select Revenue Measures; Trade. Appropriations: District of Columbia; Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Standards of Official Conduct. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Legislation; Oversight and Evaluation. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agricul-ture and Hunger. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities; Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Re-sources. Government Operations: Employment, Housing, and Aviation. Appropriations. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Postsecond-ary Education and Training. Post Office and Civil Service: Census, Statistics, and Postal Personnel. Public Works and Transportation: Public Buildings and Grounds; Surface Transportation; Water Resources and Environment. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Readiness; Research and Tech-nology. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Ways and Means: Oversight; Social Security. Joint Committee on Taxation. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Livestock; Spe-cialty Crops and Natural Resources. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation. Natural Resources: Oversight and Investigations; Energy and Mineral Resources. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agricul-ture and Hunger; General Farm Commodities; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Budget. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Representative PORTMAN POSHARD RAMSTAD REGULA REYNOLDS RICHARDSON House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Small Business. Public Works and Transportation: Surface Transportation; Water Resources and Environment. Small Business: Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment; SBA Legisla-tion and the General Economy. Appropriations: Commerce, J ustice, State, and Judiciary; Transportation. Budget. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Rules: The Legislative Process. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Water Resources and Environment. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Oversight and Investiga- tions. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Public Lands. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Surface sources and Environment. National Transp Parks, ortation; Forests, Water and Re- Judiciary: Administrative Law Criminal Justice. Small Business: and Governm ental Relations; Crime and Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment; SBA Legisla-tion and the General Economy. Joint Economic Committee. Ways and Means: Oversight; Select Revenue Measures. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Military Forces and Personnel. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Fisheries Management. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Postsecond-ary Education and Training. Judiciary: Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Merchant Marine. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Oversight and Evaluation. Appropriations: Interior; Transportation. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Social Security. Energy and Commerce: Congressional Directory Representative ROBERTS ROEMER ROGERS ROHRABACHER ROMERO-BARCELSO ROSTENKOWSKI Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Health and the Environment; Telecommunications and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Program and Budget Authorization. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; General Oversight, Investigations, and the Resolution of Failed Financial Institu-tions; Housing and Community Development. Post Office and Civil Service: Census, Statistics, and Postal Personnel. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Oversight and Investiga-tions. Agriculture. House Administration: Accounts; Elections; Libraries and Memorials. Joint Committee on Printing. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Postsecond-ary Education and Training. : Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Energy and Water Development. District of Columbia: Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs; Judiciary and Education. Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. ... Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Human Re-sources; Labor-Management Relations. Natural Resources: Insular and International Affairs; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Foreign Affairs: Western Hemisphere Affairs. Government Operations: Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Foreign Agriculture and Hunger; General Farm Commodities; Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. House Administration, chairman: Administrative Oversight. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library, chairman. Joint Committee on Printing. Ways and Means, chairman: Trade. Joint Committee on Taxation, chairman. Representative ROUKEMA ROWLAND ROYBAL-ALLARD SANGMEISTER SANTORUM House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; General Oversight, Investigations, and the Resolution of Failed Financial Institu-tions. Foreign Affairs: Asia and the Pacific; Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Economic Growth and Credit Formation; Housing and Commu-nity Development; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Health and the Environment; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Hospitals and Health Care. : Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; SBA Legislation and the General Economy. Foreign Affairs: Africa; Asia and the Pacific. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Government Operations: Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs; Employment, Housing, and Aviation. Appropriations: Defense; Transportation; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government. Budget, chairman. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources; Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Water Resources and Environment. Veterans’ Affairs: Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Housing and Memorial Affairs. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Oversight. Congressional Directory Representative SARPALIUS SAWYER SAXTON SCHAEFER SCHENK SCHIFF SCHROEDER SCHUMER Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; General Farm Commodities. Small Business: Rural Enterprises, Exports, and the Environment. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Postsecond-ary Education and Training; Select Education and Civil Rights. Foreign Affairs: International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights. Post Office and Civil Service: Census, Statistics, and Postal Personnel. Standards of Official Conduct. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Military Installations and Facilities. District of Columbia: Fiscal Affairs and Health; Government Operations and Metropol-itan Affairs. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf. Post Office and Civil Service: Oversight and Investigations. Joint Economic Committee. Energy and Commerce: Oversight and Investigations; Telecommunications and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Energy and Commerce: Telecommunications and Finance; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine; Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf. Government Operations: Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Space. Standards of Official Conduct. Armed Services: Research and Technology. Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional Rights; Economic and Commercial Law. Post Office and Civil Service: Civil Service. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; Housing and Community Development. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Europe and the Middle East. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Representative SHUSTER SISISKY House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Education and Labor: Human Resources; Select Education and Civil Rights. Judiciary: Economic and Commercial Law. Science, Space, and Technology: Energy. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration. Science, Space, and Technology: Space. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Oversight and Investigations. Ways and Means: Human Resources; Trade. Budget. Government Operations: Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs; Employment, Housing, and Aviation. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Water Resources and Envi-ronment. Public Works and Transportation. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations. Small Business: Procurement, Taxation, and Tourism; Regulation, Business Op-portunities, and Technology. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; District of Columbia; Interior. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Oversight and Evaluation; Program and Budget Authorization. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; Defense. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Health and the Environment; Telecommunications and Finance. Veterans’ Affairs: Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Education, Training and Employment. SLAUGHTER Congressional Directory Representative SMITH, of New Jersey. SmiTH, of Texas SMITH, of Iowa SMITH, of Michigan SMITH, of Oregon SOLOMON SPENCE STEARNS STENHOLM Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Rules: Rules of the House. Foreign Affairs: International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Veterans’ Affairs: Hospitals and Health Care. Budget. Judiciary: Crime and Criminal Justice; International Law, Immigration, and Refugees. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Small Business: SBA Legislation and the General Economy. . Budget. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; General Farm Commod-ities; Livestock. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Budget. Foreign Affairs: International Operations; International Security, International Or-ganizations, and Human Rights. Rules: Rules of the House. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Armed Services: Military Acquisition. Veterans’ Affairs: Housing and Memorial Affairs. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations. Government Operations: Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. District of Columbia, chairman: Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs; Judiciary and Education. Ways and Means: Health. Joint Economic Committee. Energy and Commerce: Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Energy and Power. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; Foreign Agriculture and Hunger; General Farm Commodities; Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Budget. House Committee Assignments : Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Representative i STOKES Appropriations: District of Columbia; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. STRICKLAND Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor Stand-ards, Occupational Health and Safety; Postsecondary Educa-tion and Training. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology; Rural En-terprises, Exports, and the Environment. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Transportation and Hazardous Ma-terials. Merchant Marine and Fisheries, chairman: Environment and Natural Resources. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Research and Technology. Veterans’ Affairs: Education, Training and Employment; Hospitals and Health Care. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Military Forces and Personnel. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Merchant Marine. Ways and Means: Select Revenue Measures; Trade. Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Economic Development; Surface Transportation, Science, Space, and Technology: Energy; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Transportation and Hazardous Materials. House Administration: Accounts; Elections. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment; Telecommuni-cations and Finance. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Judiciary: Economic and Commercial Law; Intellectual Property and Judi-cial Administration. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Research and Technology. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; SBA Legislation and the General Economy. TANNER Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Oversight and Investigations. Science, Space, and Technology: Investigations and Oversight; Space. TAUZIN Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Telecommunications and Finance; Transpor-tation and Hazardous Materials. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Congressional Directory Representative TAYLOR, of North Carolina. TAYLOR, of Mississippi. TEJEDA THOMAS, of California. THOMAS, of Wyoming. THOMPSON THORNTON THURMAN TORKILDSEN TORRES TORRICELLI Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Coast Guard and Navigation; Environment and Natural Re-sources. Appropriations: Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary; Legislative. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Military Installations and Facilities. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Coast Guard and Navigation; Fisheries Management; Merchant Marine. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Oversight and Investigations; Research and Technology. Veterans’ Affairs: Compensation, Pension, and Insurance; Hospitals and Health Care. House Administration: Administrative Oversight. Ways and Means: Health; Trade. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development. Government Operations: Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs. Agriculture. Small Business. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Agriculture: Environment, Credit, and Rural Development; Foreign Agricul-ture and Hunger; Livestock; Specialty Crops and Natural Resources. Government Operations: Employment, Housing, and Aviation; Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources; Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Armed Services: Military Installations and Facilities; Research and Technology. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies. Foreign Affairs: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Oversight and Evaluation; Program and Budget Authorization. Energy and Commerce: Representative TRAFICANT TUCKER UNDERWOOD VISCLOSKY VOLKMER House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness; Health and the Environment. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources; Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Public Buildings and Grounds; Surface Transportation. Science, Space, and Technology: Space. Public Works and Transportation: Public Buildings and Grounds; Surface Transportation; Water Resources and Environment. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development; Regula-tion, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Armed Services: Military Forces and Personnel; Military Installations and Facili-ties; Readiness. Natural Resources: Insular and International Affairs; National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education; Labor-Man-agement Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Fisheries Management. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Transportation and Hazardous Oversight Materials. and Investigations; Public Works and Transportation: Aviation; Surface Transportation; Water Resources and Environ-ment. Science, Space, and Technology: Science; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Economic Growth and Credit Formation; General Oversight, Investigations, and the Resolu-tion of Failed Financial Institutions; Housing and Community Development. Small Business: Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insur-ance; Housing and Community Development. Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Oversight and Investi-gations. Appropriations: Defense; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government. Agriculture: Department Operations and Nutrition; General Farm Commod-ities; Livestock. Science, Space, and Technology: Space. Congressional Directory Representative VUCANOVICH WATERS WHITTEN WILLIAMS Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; Military Construction. Natural Resources: Energy and Mineral Resources; Insular and International Affairs; Oversight and Investigations. Science, Space, and Technology. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies; District of Columbia. Energy and Commerce: Energy and Power; Health and the Environment. Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources; Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional Rights; Crime and Criminal Justice. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Financial Institutions Supervi-sion, Regulation and Deposit Insurance; Housing and Commu-nity Development; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy. Small Business. Veterans’ Affairs: Oversight and Investigations. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment; International Development, Finance, Trade and Mon-etary Policy. Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Economic and Commercial Law. Post Office and Civil Service: Postal Operations and Services. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Oversight and Investigations. Government Operations: Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations. Armed Services: Military Acquisition; Readiness. Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf. District of Columbia: Fiscal Affairs and Health; Government Operations and Metropol-itan Affairs. Rules: The Legislative Process. Appropriations: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra-tion, and Related Agencies. Agriculture: General Farm Commodities. Education and Labor: Labor-Management Relations; Postsecondary Education and Training. Representative YouNG, of Florida... YOUNG, of Alaska ZELIFF House Committee Assignments Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, and Select) and Subcommittees Natural Resources: National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands; Native American Affairs. Appropriations: Defense; Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs. Budget. Public Works and Transportation: Economic Development; Investigations and Oversight; Water Resources and Environment. Appropriations: Transportation; Treasury, Postal Service, and General Govern-ment. Budget. Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education, Human Re-sources; Labor-Management Relations. Government Operations: Information, Justice, Transporation, and Agriculture. Energy and Commerce: Health and the Environment; Oversight and Investigations; Tele-communications and Finance. Small Business: Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology. Joint Economic Committee. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Consumer Credit and Insurance; Housing and Community Devel-opment. Foreign Affairs: Economic Policy, Trade, and Environment; Western Hemisphere Affairs. Post Office and Civil Service: Census, Statistics, and Postal Personnel. Appropriations: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Interior. Appropriations: Defense; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; Legislative. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Oversight and Evaluation._ Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Environment and Natural Resources; Fisheries Management. Natural Resources: Native American Affairs. Post Office and Civil Service: Compensation and Employee Benefits; Postal Operations and Services. Government Operations: Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs. Public Works and Transportation: Investigations and Oversight; Surface Transportation; Water Re-sources and Environment. Small Business: SBA Legislation and the General Economy; Surface Transporta-tion. 546 Congressional Directory Represeniative Committees (Standing, Joint, Special, Subcommittees and Select) and ZIMMER Government Operations: Legislation and National Security. Science, Space, and Technology: Space; Technology, Environment, and Aviation. BOARDS BOARD FOR INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING Created by Public Law 93-129 Suite 400, 1201 Connecticut Avenue 20036. Phone, 254-8040; FAX: 254-3929. Chairman.—Daniel A. Mica, (202) 624-2122. Members: Karl Rove, (512) 479-6601. Cheryl Halpern. Lane Kirkland, 637-5231. Michael Novak, 862-5838. Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, (914) 241-5444. Barry Zorthian. Richard Penn Kemble, 296-5101. Ex Officio Member.—E. Eugene Pell, RFE/RL, Inc. Executive Director.—Mark G. Pomar, 254-8040. Executive Secretary.—Barbara J. Floyd. Administrative Officer.—Kay L. Ainsworth. General Counsel. —John A. Lindburg. Program Officer.—Patricia M. Sowick. Director of Financial and Congressional Affairs.—Patricia H. Schlueter. Budget Analyst.—Cecelia Roots. Budget Analyst (Israel).—Aida Garner. Inspector General. —Brian Conniff. Auditor.—James Davies. Director, Program Review.—Gregory Garland. Program Specialist. —Bianca McHugh. Secretaries: Regina Shepherd; Mary Callanan. BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE AIR FORCE ACADEMY Title 10, U.S.C, Section 9355(a) Norman D. Dicks, Representative from Washington. Doug Barnard, Jr., Representative from Georgia. Joel Hefley, Representative from Colorado. Tom DeLay, Representative from Texas. Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi. Ernest F. Hollings, Senator from South Carolina. James J. Exon, Senator from Nebraska. Conrad Burns, Senator from Montana. BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE COAST GUARD ACADEMY Title 14, U.S.C, Section 194(a) Sam Gejdenson, Representative from Connecticut. Nancy L. Johnson, Representative from Connecticut. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, Representative from Louisiana. William J. Hughes, Representative from New Jersey. Robert W. Davis, Representative from Michigan. Ernest F. Hollings, Senator from South Carolina. Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska. Larry Pressler, Senator from South Dakota. Congressional Directory BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY Title 46, U.S.C., Section 1295b(h) Peter T. King, Representative from New York. Thomas J. Manton, Representative from New York. Herbert H. Bateman, Representative from Virginia. William O. Lipinski, Representative from Illinois. Gary L. Ackerman, Representative from New York. Gerry E. Studds, Representative from Massachusetts. John Breaux, Senator from Louisiana. Ernest F. Hollings, Senator from South Carolina. Judd Gregg, Senator from New Hampshire. Dave Durenberger, Senator from Minnesota. BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE MILITARY ACADEMY Title 10, U.S.C., Section 4355(a) W.G. (Bill) Hefner, Representative from North Carolina. Greg Laughlin, Representative from Texas. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Representative from New York. Larry Pressler, Senator from South Dakota. Alfonse M. D’Amato, Senator from New York. Harry Reid, Senator from Nevada. Richard C. Shelby, Senator from Alabama. BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE NAVAL ACADEMY Title 10, U.S.C., Section 6968(a) Ronald K. Machtley, Representative from Rhode Island. Joe Skeen, Representative from New Mexico. Helen Delich Bentley, Representative from Maryland. Barbara A. Mikulski, Senator from Maryland. Mark O. Hatfield, Senator from Oregon. Paul S. Sarbanes, Senator from Maryland. John McCain, Senator from Arizona. CONGRESSIONAL AWARD Created by Public Law 96-114; amended by Public Law 102-457 6520 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101. Phone, (703) 761-6150; FAX: (703) 761-6154 Honorary Co-Chairmen: Howard H. Baker, Jr. Mike Mansfield. Chairman.—W. Russell King, Freeport-McMoRan, Inc., (202) 737-1400. Vice Chairmen: Ray N. Ivey, Consolidated Natural Gas Company, (412) 227-1185. Charles F. Smithers, Jr., Paine Webber Incorporated, (202) 370-8710. Secretary.—Edwin S. Jayne, AFSCME, (202) 429-1000. Treasurer.—Candice Shy Hooper, Hooper, Hooper Owen & Gould, (202) 638-7780. National Director.—Kendall S. Hartman, The Congressional Award Foundation, (703) 761-6150. Members: Frank H. Arlinghaus, Jr., Physician, Red Bank, NJ, (908) 747-1180. Max Baucus, Senator from Montana, (202) 224-2651. " David Bell, Bozell Inc., (212) 727-5000. Thomas Hale Boggs, Jr., Esquire, Patton, Boggs & Blow, (212) 457-6040. Thomas D. Campbell, Thomas D. Campbell & Assoc., Inc., (703) 683-0773. Tony Coelho, Wertheim Schroder Investment Services, (212) 492-6423. Stephen R. Conafay, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue, (202) 879-4672. John C. Danforth, Senator from Missouri, (202) 224-6154. Roderick A. DeArment, Covington & Burling, (202) 662-5900. Merlin E. Dewing, KPMG Peat Marwick, (212) 872-5539. Ralph B. Everett, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, (202) 223-9000. Congressional Boards and Commissions John M. Falk, Esquire, Falk Law Firm, (202) 872-8123. Glen D. Gaddy, Johns Hopkins University, (301) 467-2036. Robert B. Harding, Groom & Nordberg, (202) 857-0620. Mary L. Howell, Textron Inc., (202) 637-3800. David W. Hunt, Esquire, Legal Counsel, Swidler & Berlin, (202) 424-7639. George R. Layne, Fairfax Station, VA, (703) 250-8471. Tom Lewis, Representative from Florida, (202) 225-5792. Michael L. Lunceford, Mary Kay Foundation, (214) 905-5730. Ian A. Martin, Grand Metropolitan Incorporated, 44-071-321-6000. Mary E. McAuliffe, Union Pacific Corporation, (202) 662-0110. Eugene Moos, Department of Agriculture, (202) 720-3111. Sir James Murray K.C.M.G., New York, NY, (718) 852-3320. Walker F. Nolan, Edison Electric Institute, (202) 508-5400. Donald Payne, Representative from New Jersey, (202) 225-3436. Murriel F. Price, Burke, VA, (703) 764-2741. Oliver G. Richard, III, New Jersey Resources Corporation, (908) 938-1071. Michael A. Reza, Funders Mortgage Corporation, (818) 915-8351. LaBrenda Garrett Stodghill, Liz Robbins Associates, (202) 544-6093. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAGE BOARD Established by House Resolution 611, 97th Congress Room H-154, The Capitol. Phone, 225-3505 Chairman.—Dale E. Kildee, Representative from Michigan. Members: Edolphus Towns, Representative from New York. Bill Emerson, Representative from Missouri. James T. Molloy, Doorkeeper of the House. Donnald K. Anderson, Clerk of the House. Werner W. Brandt, Sergeant at Arms of the House. George M. White, Architect of the Capitol. Staff Contacts: Karen J. Soltys, Office of the Doorkeeper. Christopher J. Mansour, Chief of Staff to Congressman Kildee (2239 RHOB), 225- 3611. 550 Congressional Directory COMMISSIONS CANADA-UNITED STATES INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP Created by Public Law 86-42, 22 U.S.C., 1928a-1928d, 276d-276g Room S-208, The Capitol. Phone, 224-3047 Senate Delegation: Chairman.—Howard M. Metzenbaum, Senator from Ohio. Vice Chairman.—Frank H. Murkowski, Senator from Alaska. Member.—Charles E. Grassley, Senator from Iowa. House Delegation: Chairman.—Harry Johnston, Representative from Florida. Vice Chairman.—[Vacant.] Members: John J. LaFalce, Representative from New York. James L. Oberstar, Representative from Minnesota. Sam Gibbons, Representative from Florida. Collin C. Peterson, Representative from Minnesota. Alcee Hastings, Representative from Florida. Jim Kolbe, Representative from Arizona. Staff: Jan Paulk, Director of Interparliamentary Services (SH-231B), 224-3047. George Ingram, Committee on Foreign Affairs (2170 RHOB), 225-5021. COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE Created by Public Law 94-304; amended by Public Law 99-7 Room H2-237, House Office Building, Annex 2, Third and D Streets SW 20515. Phone, 225-1901 Chairman.—Dennis DeConcini, Senator from Arizona. Cochairman.—Steny H. Hoyer, Representative from Maryland. Appointed by the President of the United States: Vacant], Department of Defense. [Vacant], Department of Commerce. [Vacant], Department of State. Appointed by the House: Edward J. Markey, Representative from Massachusetts. Bill Richardson, Representative from New Mexico. Christopher H. Smith, Representative from New Jersey. Frank R. Wolf, Representative from Virginia. John Edward Porter, Representative from Illinois. [Vacant.] [Vacant.] [Vacant.] Appointed by the Senate: Frank R. Lautenberg, Senator from New Jersey. Harry Reid, Senator from Nevada. Bob Graham, Senator from Florida. Barbara Mikulski, Senator from Maryland. Alfonse M. D’ Amato, Senator from New York. Arlen Specter, Senator from Pennsylvania. Charles E. Grassley, Senator from Iowa. Connie Mack, Senator from Florida. Staff Director.—Samuel G. Wise. Deputy Staff Director/General Counsel.—Jane S. Fisher. Consultant.—R. Spencer Oliver. Senior Advisor.—David Evans. Staff Assistants: Mike Amitay Robert Hand Jeanne McNaughton Patricia M. Carley Heather Hurlburt Michael J. Ochs Orest Deychakiwsky Jesse Jacobs Erika B. Schlager John Finerty Ronald McNamara Vinca Showalter Receptionist. —Brenda G. Collier. Printing Clerk.— Thomas Murphy. Congressional Boards and Commissions Press Secretary.—James Ridge. Administrative Assistant.—Corinne Zaccagnini. COMMISSION ON THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE SENATE Created by Senate Resolution 352, 99th Congress Chairman.—Robert C. Byrd, Senator from West Virginia. Vice Chairman.—Robert Dole, Senator from Kansas. Members: George J. Mitchell, Senator from Maine. Wendell H. Ford, Senator from Kentucky. Paul Simon, Senator from Illinois. Strom Thurmond, Senator from South Carolina. Mark O. Hatfield, Senator from Oregon. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, Senator from Kansas. Executive Secretary.—Walter J. Stewart, Secretary of the Senate. COMMISSION ON THE WEST CENTRAL FRONT OF THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL Created by Public Law 95-94 (91 Stat. 653, 681-682) Chairman.—Al Gore, Vice President of the United States. Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House of Representatives. George J. Mitchell, Majority Leader of the Senate. Robert Dole, Republican Leader of the Senate. Richard A. Gephardt, Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Robert H. Michel, Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT-U.S CONGRESS MEETING GROUP Co-Chairmen (House): Tom Lantos, Representative from California. Sam Gibbons, Representative from Florida. Benjamin Gilman, Representative from New York. Staff Contact.—Elizabeth Daoust, Committee on Foreign Affairs, 225-8095. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL COMMISSION Created by Public Law 94-371 SH-825A Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 228-2491; FAX: (202) 228-1010 Co-Chairs: Mark O. Hatfield, Senator from Oregon. Daniel K. Inouye, Senator from Hawaii. Commissioners Appointed by the President: Irving Berlin from Chicago, IL. Doris McClory from Washington, DC. Carol Palmer from Washington, DC. David Roosevelt from Westport, CT. Appointed by the Senate: Alfonse D’Amato Senator from New York. Mark O. Hatfield, Senator from Oregon. Daniel K. Inouye, Senator from Hawaii. Carl M. Levin, Senator from Michigan. Appointed by the House: George Darden, Representative from Georgia. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Representative from New York. Maurice Hinchey, Representative from New York. Susan Molinari, Representative from New York. Executive Director.—Dorann H. Gunderson. Congressional Directory HOUSE COMMISSION ON CONGRESSIONAL MAILING STANDARDS Created by Public Law 93-191 Room 305, Cannon House Office Building. Phone, 225-0436 Chairman.—William (Bill) Clay, Representative from Missouri. Stephen J. Solarz, Representative from New York. William D. Ford, Representative from Michigan. Frank Horton, Representative from New York. Don Young, Representative from Alaska. Pat Roberts, Representative from Kansas. General Counsel. —Gerald E. Cerasale (309 CHOB), 255-4054. Staff Director.—Julie Tagen. Staff Assistants: John Baker; Edison Ross. Minority Staff Director.—Joseph A. Fisher (304-A CHOB), 255-0073. Minority Staff Assistant.—Jack Dail (304-A CHOB), 255-0073. HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING COMMISSION Title 40, U.S.C. 175 Room H-209, The Capitol. Phone, 225-2204 Chairman.—Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Richard A. Gephardt, House Majority Leader. Robert H. Michel, House Minority Leader. JAPAN-UNITED STATES FRIENDSHIP COMMISSION Created by Public Law 94-118 Suite 3416, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue 20004. Phone: 275-7712; FAX: 275-7413 Chairman.—Dr. Kenneth B. Pyle, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. Executive Director.—Dr. Eric J. Gangloff. Program Officer.—Margaret P. Mihori. CULCON Program Officer.—Pamela L. Fields. Members: Assistant Secretary for Higher Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. Hon. Winston Lord, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State. Chairman, National Endowment for the Arts. Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities. Director, United States Information Agency. Hon. Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House. David I. Hitchcock, Chevy Chase, MD. Hon. Frank H. Murkowski, U.S. Senate. Pauline C. Naftzger, Beverly Hills, CA. Hon. Thomas Petri, U.S. House of Representatives. Hon. John D. Rockefeller, IV, U.S. Senate. David F. Sexton, Senior Executive Vice-President, Yamaichi International America, Inc. Dr. John Tsu, Regent, John F. Kennedy University. Robert E. Tyrrell, Editor, The American Spectator. Dr. Robin W. Winks, Department of History, Yale University. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., FEDERAL HOLIDAY COMMISSION Created by Public Law 98-399 Department of HUD, Suite 5182, 451 Seventh Street SW. 20410. Phone, 755-1005 Chairperson.—Coretta Scott King, Chief Executive Officer, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., (404) 524-1956. Vice Chairperson.—Ralph Regula, Representative from Ohio, 225-3876. Commissioners: Congressional Boards and Commissions 553 John Cox, Vice President, Community Affairs, Delta Air Lines and Secretary, Board of Directors, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, (404) 524-1946. John C. Danforth, Senator from Missouri, 224-6154. Wiliam Darnell, Executive Director, The Harbor Festival Foundation, (212) 435- Reverend Richard Deats, Fellowship of Reconciliation, (914) 358-4601. Robert Dole, Senator from Kansas, 224-3135. Mike Espy, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, 720-3631. Christine King Farris, Senior Vice President/Treasurer, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc. Gary A. Franks, Representative from Connecticut, 225-3822. Keith Geiger, President, National Education Association, 822-7000. Alexis M. Herman, Director of Public Liaison, White House, Office, 456-7620. Jesse Hill, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the King Center and President, Atlanta Life Insurance Co., (404) 659-2100. Ernest F. Hollings, Senator from South Carolina, 224-6121. Benjamin Hooks, Vice President, Chapman Company (901) 527-9193. Sharon Pratt Kelly, Mayor, District of Columbia, 727-6424. Edward M. Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts, 224-4543. Dexter King, King Estate, (404) 524-1946. Yolanda King, Director, Cultural Affairs, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Non- violent Social Change, (404) 524-1946. Stacy Leyton, President, United States Student Association, 347-8772. Reverend Joseph E. Lowery, President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, (404) 522-1420. Sitar Catherine T. McNamee, President, National Catholic Educational Association, 7-6232. Carole Miller, National Spiritual Assembly-BAHA’I, (404) 255-6523. W. Stewart Minton, President, Unidex Reports, (404) 434-4314. Constance Berry Newman, Smithsonian Institute, 357-3258. Thomas C. Sawyer, Representative from Ohio, 225-5231. William S. Sessions, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 324-3444. Jack Sheinkman, President, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union, AFL- CIO, (212) 242-0700. David J. Stern, Commissioner, National Basketball Association, (212) 826-7000. Paul Tagliabue, Commissioner, National Football League, (212) 758-1500. Jose Velez, President, League of United Latin American Citizens, (702) 792-8160. Joe Watkins, President, Kinslore, (703) 356-4850. Alan Wheat, Representative from Missouri, 225-4535. Maynard I. Wishner, Chairman, National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, (312) 899-5524. Stevie Wonder, Entertainer/Composer, Steveland Morris Music, (213) 877-8383. Executive Director.—Lloyd Davis, (404) 730-3155. MEXICO-UNITED STATES INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP Created by Public Law 82-420, 22 U.S.C. 276h-276k Room S-208, The Capitol. Phone, 224-3047 Senate Delegation: Chairman.—Christopher J. Dodd, Senator from Connecticut. Vice Chairman.—Phil Gramm, Senator from Texas. House Delegation: Chairman.—E (Kika) de la Garza, Representative from Texas. Vice Chairman.—Robert Torricelli, Representative from New Jersey. Staff: Jan Paulk, Director of Interparliamentary Services (SH-231B), 224-3047. Michele A. Manatt, Professional Staff, Committee on Foreign Affairs, 225-5180. Janice O’Connell, Professional Staff, Committee on Foreign Relations, 224-4651. Javier Equihua, Staff Assistant, Committee on Agriculture, (1301 LHOB), 225-2171. Congressional Directory MIGRATORY BIRD CONSERVATION COMMISSION Created by act of February 18, 1929, 16 U.S.C. 715a Department of the Interior Building 20240. Phone, (703) 358-1716; FAX: (703) 358-2223 Chairman.—Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior. David Pryor, Senator from Arkansas. Thad Cochran, Senator from Mississippi. John D. Dingell, Representative from Michigan. Curt Weldon, Representative from Pennsylvania. Mike Espy, Secretary of Agriculture. Carol M. Browner, Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency. Secretary.—Geoffrey L. Haskett, Chief, Division of Realty, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv-ice. NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR EMPLOYMENT POLICY Created by Public Law 97-300 Suite 300, 1522 K Street 20005. Phone, 724-1550 Chairman.—John Gartland, Director of Washington Affairs, Amway Corporation, 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE., Suite 210 Washington, DC 20002, (202) 547-5005; FAX: 547-5008. Members: Eduardo Aguirre, Jr., International Private Banking Executive, Nations Bank, 700 E ouision Street, 7th Floor, Houston, TX 77002, (713) 247-6226; FAX: (713) 247-736. Charles C. Bakaly, Jr., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers, 400 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2899, (213) 669-6030; FAX: (213) 669-6678. Mark D. Cowan, Chief Executive Officer, The Jefferson Group, 1341 G Street, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 638-3535; FAX: (202) 737-1185. Donald W. Jones, Partner, Hulston, Jones, Gammon & Marsh, 2060 E. Sunshine, Springfield, MO 63801, (417) 887-1858; FAX: (417) 887-3029. James J. Lack, State Senator, 2nd Senatorial District, 612 Legislative Office Build-ing, Albany, NY 12247, (318) 455-2071; FAX: (318) 455-3234. Melanie M. Lackland, Deputy Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, Ohio Depart-ment of Transportation, 25 South Front Street, Room 708, Columbus, OH 43216, (614) 466-1163; FAX: (614) 466-8484. J. Michael Levesque, President, Levesque Associates, Ltd., 100 Fountain Street, Providence, RI 02903, (401) 521-2391; FAX: (401) 521-3337. Margot E. Machol, President, Chesapeake Associates, 2717 Chesapeake Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008, (202) 966-4471; FAX: (202) 966-4456. Shirley V. Peterson, Corporate Vice President of Ethics and Business Conduct, Northrop Corporation, 1840 Century Park East, 122-C, Los Angeles, CA 90067, (310) 201-3345; FAX: (310) 553-2076. Henri S. Rauschenbach, State Senator, Cape and Islands District, Room 315, State House, Boston, MA 02133, (617) 722-1570; FAX: (617) 367-3426. Robert D. Rowe, President, Rowe Industries, 9711 Covington Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804, (219) 436-9711; FAX: (219) 432-8573. Robert O. Snelling, Sr., Chairman of the Board & CEO, Snelling & Snelling, Inc., 12801 North Central Expressway, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75243, (214) 239-7575; FAX: (214) 239-6881. Roger J. Whyte, President, Jefferson Group Executive Search, 1341 G Street, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 638-3535; FAX: (202) 638-3536. Director.—Barbara C. McQuown. NORTH ATLANTIC ASSEMBLY Created by Public Law 84-689, 22 U.S.C., 19282 Headquarters: Place du Petit Sablon 3, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OFFICERS OF THE ASSEMBLY President.—Loic Bouvard, France. Vice Presidents: Doug Bereuter, United States. Congressional Boards and Commissions 5535 Panayotis Skandalakis, Greece. Karsten Voigt, Germany. Treasurer.—Robert Laucournet, France. Secretary-General. —Peter Corterier, Germany. MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES DELEGATION Senate Delegation: Chairman and U.S. Member, Standing Committee. —Howell Heflin, Senator from Ala-bama. Vice Chairman.— William V. Roth, Jr., Senator from Delaware. (Senate delegation not made at closing date of compilation.) House of Representatives Delegation: Chairman and U.S. Member, Standing Committee.—Charlie Rose, Representative from North Carolina. Vice Chairman.—Charlie Rose, Representative from North Carolina. Jack Brooks, Representative from Texas. Lee H. Hamilton, Representative from Indiana. Ronald V. Dellums, Representative from California. Ralph Regula, Representative from Ohio. Gerald B.H. Solomon, Representative from New York. J. Alex McMillan, Representative from North Carolina. Doug Bereuter, Representative from Nebraska. Staff: Peter A. Abbruzzese, secretary, House delegation, Committee on Foreign Affairs, 2170 Rayburn House Office Building 20515, 225-5043. John B. Ritch, secretary, Senate delegation, Committee on Foreign Relations, SD-419, U.S. Senate 20510, 224-4651. Jan Paulk, Director of Interparliamentary Services, Office of the Secretary of the Senate, SH-231B, U.S. Senate 20510, 224-3047. PERMANENT COMMITTEE FOR THE OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES DEVISE FUND Created by act of Congress approved Aug. 5, 1955 (Public Law 246, 84th Congress), to administer Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund, established by same act Library of Congress, 20540. Phone, 707-5383 Chairman Ex Officio.—James H. Billington. Editor in Chief —Stanley N. Katz, President, American Council of Learned Societies, 228 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017. Administrative Officer for the Devise.—James H. Hutson, 707-5383. SENATE ARMS CONTROL OBSERVER GROUP SH-637, Hart Senate Office Building, 20510. Phone, 224-2162 Reauthorized by House Resolution 105, 101st Congress Cochairman: Claiborne Pell, Senator from Rhode Island. Cochairman: Sam Nunn, Senator from Georgia. Cochairman: Richard Lugar, Senator from Indiana. Members: Administrative Co-Chairman.—Robert C. Byrd, Jr., Senator from West Virginia. George J. Mitchell, Senator from Maine. Edward Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator from New York. Paul Sarbanes, Senator from Maryland. Dale Bumpers, Senator from Arkansas. Carl Levin, Senator from Michigan. Administrative Co-Chairman.—Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska. Robert Dole, Senator from Kansas. Malcolm Wallop, Senator from Wyoming. John Warner, Senator from Virginia. Don Nickles, Senator from Oklahoma. John Chafee, Senator from Rhode Island. Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi. 556 Congressional Directory SENATE ARMS CONTROL OBSERVER GROUP—CONTINUED Staff.—Monica Chavez. SENATE CENTRAL AMERICAN NEGOTIATIONS OBSERVER GROUP Reauthorized by S. Res. 35, 102d Congress Chairman.—Christopher J. Dodd, Senator from Connecticut. Co-Chairman.—John McCain, Senator from Arizona. Members: Staff: Bob Dockery (Senator Dodd), 224-2823; Mark Salter (Senator McCain), 224- 2235. SENATE OFFICE BUILDING COMMISSION Created by the act of April 28, 1904 (33 Stat. 481), as amended by the act of July 11, 1947 (61 Stat. 307), the act of August 1, 1953 (67 Stat. 328), and the act of August 3, 1956 (70 Stat. 966) Chairman.—J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., Senator from Louisiana. Members: Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator from New York. Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska. Jesse Helms, Senator from North Carolina. Thad Cochran, Senator from Mississippi. THE INTERPARLIAMENTARY UNION Created by 49 Stat. 425, 22 U.S.C., 276a Room S-208, The Capitol. Phone, 224-3047 OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES GROUP FOR THE 103D CONGRESS President.—Barbara Boxer, Representative from California. Vice Presidents: Conrad Burns, Senator from Montana. [Vacant.] [Vacant.] Secretary.—[Vacant.] Treasurer.—[Vacant.] At Large Members of Executive Committee: [Vacant.] [Vacant.] [Vacant.] Honorary Members: Edward J. Derwinski; Robert T. Stafford. Executive Secretary.—Walter J. Stewart, Secretary of the Senate. Administrative Secretary.—Donald K. Anderson, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Staff Contacts: Michelle A. Manatt, Professional Staff, Committee on Foreign Affairs, 225-5180. Beth Bergere, Staff Assistant, Committee on Foreign Affairs, 225-5068. U.S. CAPITOL PRESERVATION COMMISSION Created pursuant to Public 101-696 Co-Chairmen: Robert C. Byrd, Senate President Pro Tempore. Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House. House Members: Richard A. Gephardt, Majority Leader. Robert H. Michel, Minority Leader. Vic Fazio, Bicentenary Chairman (or Speaker’s appointment). Charlie Rose, Chairman, House Administrative Committee. Bill Thomas, Ranking Member, House Administrative Committee. Butler Derrick, Chairman, Joint Committee on the Library Designee. Jane Harman, (Speaker’s Appointment). C.W. Bill Young, Minority Leader Appointment. Congressional Boards and Commissions 557 Senate Members: George J. Mitchell, Majority Leader. Robert Dole, Minority Leader. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Bicentennial Chairman (Designee). Wendell H. Ford, Chairman, Rules Committee. Ted Stevens, Ranking Member, Rules Committee. Claiborne Pell, Chairman, Joint Committee on the Library. Harry Reid, President Pro Tempore Appointment. Mark O. Hatfield, Minority Leader Appointment. Architect of the Capitol. —George M. White. Advisory Board Members: Lindy Boggs, Co-Chairperson. Preston Robert Tisch, Co-Chairperson. Dwayne O. Andreas. Robert M. Bass. Richard H. Jenrette. William Murray. Franklin A. Thomas. William L. Weiss. Diane Wolf. Executive Secretary.—Walter J. Stewart, Secretary of the Senate, S-208, Capitol, 224-2215. U.S. SENATE COMMISSION ON ART Created by Public Law 100-696 Room S-411, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2955 Chairman.—George J. Mitchell, Senator from Maine. Vice Chairman.—Robert Dole, Senator from Kansas. Members: Robert C. Byrd, Senator from West Virginia. Wendell H. Ford, Senator from Kentucky. Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska. Executive Secretary.—Walter J. Stewart. Curator.—James R. Ketchum. Associate Curator.—Melinda Y. Frye. Registrar.—John B. Odell. Assistant Registrar.—Melinda K. Smith. Museum Specialist. —Scott M. Strong. Curatorial Assistant.—Richard L. Doerner. 558 Congressional Directory ADVISORY ORGANIZATIONS ARMS CONTROL AND FOREIGN POLICY CAUCUS Room H2-501, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3440; FAX: 225-0081 Chairman.— Constance A Morella, Representative from Maryland. Vice Chairmen: Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Senator from Delaware. James M. Jeffords, Senator from Vermont. Secretary-Treasurer.—Jim McDermott, Representative from Washington. Steering Committee: Anthony C. Beilenson, Representative from California. Howard L. Berman, Representative from California. John Conyers, Jr., Representative from Michigan. Mark O. Hatfield, Senator from Oregon. Paul B. Henry, Representative from Michigan. James A. Leach, Representative from Iowa. Carl Levin, Senator from Michigan. Thomas E. Petri, Representative from Wisconsin. Paul Simon, Senator from Illinois. Executive Director—Edith B. Wilkie. Policy Analysts: Mauren Leed; Todd Stein. Executive Assistant. —Joseph Vanname. CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION H1-503, O'Neill House Office Building. Phone, 226-2313 Chairman.—Don Edwards, Representative from California. Recorder.—Walter R. Tucker III, Representative from California. Treasurer.—Jane Harman, Representative from California. Executive Director, California Delegation.—Pamela Barry. Associate Director, California Delegation.—Leslie Geisenberg. CONGRESSIONAL ARTS CAUCUS H2-345, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-2456 Chairman.—Louise M. Slaughter, Representative from New York. Vice Chairman.—James M. Jeffords, Senator from Vermont. Secretary.—Jim Leach, Representative from Iowa. Treasurer.—David Pryor, Senator from Arkansas. Membership Liaisons: Robert T. Matsui, Representative from California. Mitch McConnell, Senator from Kentucky. Executive Director.—Rhoda Glickman. Legislative Director.—Joel Flatow. Project Director.—Jenny Smulson. CONGRESSIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CAUCUS 2239 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-3611 Co-chairmen: Dale E. Kildee, Representative from Michigan. Bud Shuster, Representative from Pennsylvania. Coordinator.—Larry Rosenthal. CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS H2-344, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-7790 Chairman.—Kweisi Mfume, Representative from Maryland. Executive Director.—Amelia L. Parker. Legislative Assistant.—Kevin Parker. Assistant to the Executive Director.—Cormelia Sanford. Congressional Boards and Commissions CONGRESSIONAL BORDER CAUCUS 440 Cannon House Office Building. Phone, 225-4831 Chairman.—Ronald D. Coleman, Representative from Texas. Vice Chairman.—Joe Skeen, Representative from New Mexico. Administrative Assistant.—Jose Luis Sanchez. Legislative Assistant.—Cherie Harder. CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUS FOR WOMEN'S ISSUES 2471 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-6740 Co-Chairwomen: Patricia Schroeder, Representative from Colorado. Olympia J. Snowe, Representative from Maine. Secretary.—Cardiss Collins, Representative from Illinois. Treasurer.—Marcy Kaptur, Representative from Ohio. Executive Committee: Barbara Boxer, Senator from California. Barbara-Rose Collins, Representative from Michigan. Rosa L. DeLauro, Representative from Connecticut. Nancy L. Johnson, Representative from Connecticut. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, Senator from Kansas. Barbara B. Kennelly, Representative from Connecticut. Marilyn Lloyd, Representative from Tennessee. Jill Long, Representative from Indiana. Nita M. Lowey, Representative from New York. Jan Meyers, Representative from Kansas. Barbara A. Mikulski, Senator from Maryland. Patsy Mink, Representative from Hawaii. Susan Molinari, Representative from New York. Constance A. Morella, Representative from Maryland. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Representative from District of Columbia. Nancy Pelosi, Representative from California. Louise M. Slaughter, Representative from New York. Jolene Unsoeld, Representative from Washington. Maxine Waters, Representative from California. Deputy Director.—Laura Lorenzen. Staff Assistant.—Libby Mullin. Executive Director.—Lesley Primmer. Science Advisor.—Susan Wood. CONGRESSIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE ON THE FUTURE H2-555, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3434 Chairman.—Stephen L. Neal, Representative from North Carolina. Vice Chairmen: James M. Jeffords, Representative from Vermont. Constance A. Morella, Representative from Maryland. Thomas A. Daschle, Senator from South Dakota. Executive Committee: William F. Clinger, Representative from Pennsylvania. Newt Gingrich, Representative from Georgia. Ron Wyden, Representative from Oregon. Advisory Committee: Anthony C. Beilenson, Representative from California. William S. Cohen, Senator from Maine. Jim Cooper, Representative from Tennessee. Christopher J. Dodd, Senator from Connecticut. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Representative from New York. Thomas S. Foley, Representative from Washington. Barbara A. Mikulski, Senator from Maryland. Claiborne Pell, Senator from Rhode Island. Henry Waxman, Representative from California. Staff Director.—Elaine Wicker. 560 Congressional Directory ARMS CONTROL AND FOREIGN POLICY CAUCUS—CONTINUED Office Manager.—Irene Mangan. Projects/Financial Director.—Barbara Bailey. CONGRESSIONAL CLUB 2001 New Hampshire Avenue 20009. Phone, 332-1155 President.—Tricia Lott (Mrs. Trent). Vice Presidents: (1st) Barbara Valentine (Mrs. Tim). (2d) Carollyn Hobson (Mrs. David). (3d) Lois Breaux (Mrs. John). (4th) Mariel Goss (Mrs. Porter) (5th) Chris LaRocco (Mrs. Larry). Treasurer.—Harriet Pressler (Mrs. Larry). Recording Secretary.—Pam Herger (Mrs. Wally). Corresponding Secretary.—Mary Clement (Mrs. Bob). Committee Cochairs: Program: Pat Oxley (Mrs. Michael); Suzie Brewster (Mrs. Bill). Membership: Tricia Lott (Mrs. Trent); Barbara Valentine (Mrs. Tim). First Lady’s Luncheon: Emilie Shaw (Mrs. Clay); Mary Clement (Mrs. Bob). Ways and Means: Mary Regula (Mrs. Ralph); Carol Williams (Mrs. Pat). Community Service: Barbara Lent (Mrs. Norman); Nancy Hughes (Mrs. William). Founder's Day: Bonnie Livingston (Mrs. Bob); Barbara Valentine (Mrs. Tim). Diplomatic Reception: Pat Oxley (Mrs. Michael); Elizabeth Heflin (Mrs. Howell). Special Events: Tricia Lott (Mrs. Trent); Sylvia Sabo (Mrs. Martin). Hospitality: Priscilla Mack (Mrs. Connie); Bonnie Bryan (Mrs. Richard). CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS H2-557, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3430 Chairman.—José E. Serrano. Vice Chairman.—[Vacant.] Secretary/Treasurer.—[Vacant.] Executive Committee: Edward R. Roybal, Representative from California. Bill Richardson, Representative from New Mexico. Esteban Blaz, Delegate from Guam. Ron de Lugo, Delegate from Virgin Islands. E (Kika) de la Garza, Representative from Texas. Ed Pastor, Representative from Arizona. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Representative from Florida. Executive Director.—Richard Lopéz. Legislative Assistants: Esther Aguilera; Julia Carmen Rodriguez-Walker. Office Manager.—Mary Alice Rendén. CONGRESSIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS CAUCUS H2-590, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-4040 Co-chairmen: Tom Lantos, Representative from California. John Edward Porter, Representative from Illinois. Executive Committee: Neil Abercrombie, Representative from Hawaii. Gary L. Ackerman, Representative from New York. Helen Delich Bentley, Representative from Maryland. James H. Bilbray, Representative from Nevada. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Representative from Virginia. Dan Burton, Representative from Indiana. John Conyers, Jr., Representative from Michigan. Christopher Cox, Representative from California. Robert K. Dornan, Representative from California. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Representative from New York. Congressional Boards and Commissions Thomas M. Foglietta, Representative from Pennsylvania. Thomas S. Foley, Representative from Washington. Benjamin A. Gilman, Representative from New York. Tony P. Hall, Representative from Ohio. Paul B. Henry, Representative from Michigan. John R. Kasich, Representative from Ohio. Joseph P. Kennedy II, Representative from Massachusetts. Barbara B. Kennelly, Representative from Connecticut. Sander M. Levin, Representative from Michigan. John Lewis, Representative from Georgia. Ron Machtley, Representative from Rhode Island. Thomas J. Manton, Representative from New York. Matthew G. Martinez, Representative from California. Michael R. McNulty, Representative from New York. James P. Moran, Representative from Virginia. Constance A. Morella, Representative from Maryland. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate from District of Columbia. Donald M. Payne, Representative from New Jersey. Nancy Pelosi, Representative from California. Dana Rohrabacher, Representative from California. Charlie Rose, Representative from North Carolina. George E. Sangmeister, Representative from Illinois. Louise M. Slaughter, Representative from New York. Dick Swett, Representative from New Hampshire. Curt Weldon, Representative from Pennsylvania. Alan Wheat, Representative from Missouri. Frank R. Wolf, Representative from Virginia. Co-Directors: Alexandria Arriaga, 225-3531; Karen Davis, 225-4835. Program Officer.—Heidi Gaasch. CONGRESSIONAL POPULIST CAUCUS 2335 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-5905 Senate Chairman.—Tom Harkin, Senator from Iowa. Senate Vice Chairman.— Thomas A. Daschle, Senator from South Dakota. House Chairman-Treasurer.—Lane Evans, Representative from Illinois. House Vice Chairman.—[Vacant.] Legislative Director.—Randy Slovic. CONGRESSIONAL RURAL CAUCUS H2-175B, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 225-8242 Chairwoman.—Jill L. Long, Representative from Indiana. Co-Vice Chairmen: [Vacant.] Co-Directors: Amy Sobel; James L. Watkins. CONGRESSIONAL SPACE CAUCUS 2221 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-2631 Co-Chairmen: Norman Y. Mineta, Representative from California. Herbert H. Bateman, Representative from Virginia. Legislative Assistant.—Ken Stram; Melinda Dobson. CONGRESSIONAL STEEL CAUCUS H2-556, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 225-2065 Chairman.—John P. Murtha, Representative from Pennsylvania. Vice-Chairman.—Ralph Regula, Representative from Ohio. Secretary.—Nick J. Rahall, II, Representative from West Virginia. Treasurer.—Douglas Applegate, Representative from Ohio. Executive Board: Peter J. Visclosky, Representative from Indiana. 562 Congressional Directory CONGRESSIONAL STEEL CAUCUS—CONTINUED Helen Delich Bentley, Representative from Maryland. Tom Bevill, Representative from Alabama. George E. Brown, Jr., Representative from California. Alan B. Mollohan, Representative from West Virginia. James L. Oberstar, Representative from Minnesota. Executive Director.—Jack Andresen. CONGRESSIONAL SUNBELT CAUCUS H2-561, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-2374 Co-Chairmen: Dave McCurdy, Representative from Oklahoma. E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Representative from Florida. Vice Chairmen: Tom Delay, Representative from Texas. Greg Laughlin, Representative from Texas. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery, Representative from Mississippi. Harold Rogers, Representative from Kentucky. J. Roy Rowland, Representative from Georgia. Executive Director.—Joseph W. Westphal. Deputy Director.—Deborah Matthews. Legislative Analyst.—Paul D’Amato. Legislative Director.—Nancy Thorne. CONGRESSIONAL TEXTILE CAUCUS 1536 Longworth House Office Building. Phone, 225-5501 Chairman.—John M. Spratt, Jr., Representative from South Carolina. Vice Chairman.— Duncan Hunter, Representative from California. Secretary/Treasurer.—Marilyn Lloyd, Representative from Tennessee. Legislative Assistant.—Paul Snyder. DEMOCRATIC STUDY GROUP 1422 Longworth House Office Building. Phone, 225-5858. Chairman.—Mike Synar, Representative from Oklahoma. Vice Chairmen: Glen Browder, Representative from Alabama. David E. Skaggs, Representative from Colorado. Jolene Unsoeld, Representative from Washington. Craig A. Washington, Representative from Texas. Secretary.— Thomas C. Sawyer, Representative from Ohio. Whip.—Rosa L. Delauro, Representative from Connecticut. Deputy Whips: Michael McNulty, Representative from New York. Nancy Pelosi, Representative from California. Bruce F. Vento, Representative from Minnesota. Pat Williams, Representative from Montana. Executive Committee: Neil Abercrombie, Representative from Hawaii. Peter DeFazio, Representative from Oregon. Chet Edwards, Representative from Texas. Bob Filner, Representative from California. Peter Hoagland, Representative from Nebraska. Jay Inslee, Representative from Washington. Harry A. Johnston, Representative from Florida. Mike Kreidler, Representative from Washington. Sander M. Levin, Representative from Michigan. Nita M. Lowey, Representative from New York. Carolyn B. Maloney, Representative from New York. Frank McCloskey, Representative from Indiana. Michael R. McNulty, Representative from New York. Paul McHale, Representative from Pennsylvania. Congressional Boards and Commissions Carrie Meek, Representative from Florida. James P. Moran, Representative from Virginia. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate from District of Columbia. Ed Pastor, Representative from Arizona. Earl Pomeroy, Representative from North Dakota. Tim Roemer, Representative from Indiana. Carlos Romero-Barceld, Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico. Bobby L. Rush, Representative from Illinois. Karen Shepherd, Representative from Utah. Executive Director.—Scott Lilly. ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY STUDY CONFERENCE Room H2-515, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3300 Chairmen: Robert E. Wise, Jr., Representative from West Virginia. John McCain, Senator from Arizona. Vice Chairs: Jan Meyers, Representative from Kansas. Christopher J. Dodd, Senator from Connecticut. House: Anthony C. Beilenson, Representative from California. Bill K. Brewster, Representative from Oklahoma. George E. Brown, Jr., Representative from California. Jim Cooper, Representative from Tennessee. Peter A. DeFazio, Representative from Oregon. Harris W. Fawell, Representative from Illinois. Dean A. Gallo, Representative from New Jersey. Steve Gunderson, Representative from Wisconsin. Scott L. Klug, Representative from Wisconsin. Jim Kolbe, Representative from Arizona. Bob Livingston, Representative from Louisiana. Jan Meyers, Representative from Kansas. Frank Pallone, Jr., Representative from New Jersey. Gerry E. Studds, Representative from Massachusetts. Mike Synar, Representative from Oklahoma. Craig Thomas, Representative from Wyoming. Robert E. Wise, Jr., Representative from West Virginia. Ron Wyden, Representative from Oregon. Senate: John H. Chafee, Senator from Rhode Island. Christopher J. Dodd, Senator from Connecticut. Patrick J. Leahy, Senator from Vermont. John McCain, Senator from Arizona. Bob Packwood, Senator from Oregon. Claiborne Pell, Senator from Rhode Island. Staff: Staff Director.—Linda Cartwright. Editor.—Steve Gorman. Executive Assistant.—Dan Riedinger. Special Assistant. —Rich Hayes. Staff Writers: Leslie Ann Duncan; Steve Cook; Steve Daniels; Lucy Harvey; Erin McNeill. Printing Manager.—Ken Sharp. EXPORT TASK FORCE H2-337, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3480 Co-Chair: Ron Wyden, Representative from Oregon. Nancy L. Johnson, Representative from Connecticut. Director.—Alfred S. Raider. 564 Congressional Directory FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE TASK FORCE H2-301, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-2494 Co-Chairmen: Norman D. Dicks, Representative from Washington. Vic Fazio, Representative from California. Steny H. Hoyer, Representative from Maryland. James P. Moran, Representative from Virginia. Paul S. Sarbanes, Senator from Maryland. Vice Chair: Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate from the District of Columbia. Lucien Blackwell, Representative from Pennsylvania. Executive Board: Daniel K. Akaka, Senator from Hawaii. Robert T. Matsui, Representative from California. Barbara A. Mikulski, Senator from Maryland. Constance A. Morella, Representative from Maryland. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate from District of Columbia. Executive Director.—Nicholas J. Nolan. Legislative Assistants: Guyler Gutstein; Mark Gable. HOUSE WEDNESDAY GROUP H2-386, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3236 Chairman.—[Vacant.] Executive Committee: Doug Bereuter, Representative from Nebraska. William F. Clinger, Jr., Representative from Pennsylvania. Nancy L. Johnson, Representative from Connecticut. Bill Thomas, Representative from California. Executive Assistant.—Katherine Mottley. Research Associates: Brian Faughnan; Heather Hanson. NEW YORK STATE CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION 2252 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-4365 Chairman.—Charles B. Rangel, Representative from New York. Vice Chairman.— Hamilton Fish, Jr., Representative from New York. Secretary.—Gary L. Ackerman, Representative from New York. Treasurer.—Charles E. Schumer, Representative from New York. Assistant Secretary.—Amo Houghton, Representative from New York. Assistant Treasurer.—Jack Quinn, Representative from New York. Administration Assistant.—Frank Jasmine. NORTHEAST-MIDWEST CONGRESSIONAL COALITION H2-530, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 226-3920 Co-Chair: Dean A. Gallo, Representative from New Jersey. Marcy Kaptur, Representative from Ohio. Vice Chairmen: William F. Goodling, Representative from Pennsylvania. Jim Leach, Representative from Iowa. James L. Oberstar, Representative from Minnesota. Louise M. Slaughter, Representative from New York. Executive Director.—Dick Munson. Legislative Director.—Merrill Wegner. Press Secretary.—Martha Quinn. Lesiglative Assistants: Lara Thyagarajan; Marc Gaden. Congressional Boards and Commissions PENNSYLVANIA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION 2423 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-1145 Chairman.—John P. Murtha, Representative from Pennsylvania. Steering Committee: Austin J. Murphy, Representative from Pennsylvania. William J. Coyne, Representative from Pennsylvania. Joseph M. McDade, Representative from Pennsylvania. Bud Shuster, Representative from Pennsylvania. Director.—Colette Dawn Marchesini. PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE ON MENTAL RETARDATION 330 Independence Avenue SW. 20201. Phone, 245-7634 Chairperson.—Donna E. Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services. Committee Members: Albert L. Anderson, D.D.S., 1540 Garrison Place, San Diego, CA 92106. Kenneth L. Barun, Ronald McDonald children’s Charities, Kkrok Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60521. Robert E. Brown, P.O. Box 462, Put-In-Bay, Ohio 43456. Patricia A. Caggiano, 6909 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11228-1821. Dorothy Corbin Clark, R.N., 1075 East Elm Avenue, Provo, UT 84604-2841. Edwina Dalton, P.O. Box 29795, Richmond, VA 23229. Jack T. Dulworth, 3009 Avalon, Houston, TX 77019-5903. Linda Felner, 1 Well House Close, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. Ruth Govorchin, 5442 Brookhill Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92686. Vincent C. Gray, Executive Director, D.C. Association for Retarded Citizens, 900 Varnum Street NE. 20017-2145. Matthew J. Guglielmo, 1122 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108-1217. Jean G. Gumerson, 6206 Waterford Boulevard, No. 50, Oklahoma City, OK 73118- 1109. Thomas Gunnings, Ph.D., 2614 Cochies, Okemos, MI 48864. William Kerby Hummer, M.D., St. John’s Medical Plaza, Suite 270, 1301 20th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404-2050. Dagne B. Olsen, Rural Route 1, Box 37, Manvel, ND 58256. Betty B. Osman, 36 Fenimore Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583. B. Dean Owens, Route 6, Box 150, Ellensburg, WA 98926. J. Alfred Rider, M.D., Ph.D., Parnassus Heights Medical Building, Suite 900, 350 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94117-3608. E. Duane Thompson, 205 Oakwood, Geneva, IL 60134. George M. Wilson, 1425 West 28th Street, No. 621, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Ex-Officio Members and Representatives: Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States. Robert B. Reich, Secretary of Labor. Henry G. Cisneros, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Gary Kowalczyk, Director (acting), ACTION. Richard Riley, Secretary of Education. Executive Committee Vice Chairperson.—Albert L. Anderson, D.D.S. First Vice Chairperson.—Vincent C. Gray. Secretary.—Dorothy C. Clark, R.N. Family and Community Services Subcommittee Chairperson.—Matthew Guglielmo. Staff.—Ashot P. Mnatzakanian, 619-3636. Full Citizenship Subcommittee Chairperson.—Dagne B. Olsen. Staff.—George Bouthilet, Ph.D., 619-3636. Prevention Subcommittee Chairperson.— William Kerby Hummer, M.D. Staff —Laverdia T. Roach, 619-3636. Public Awareness Subcommittee Chairperson.—Kenneth L. Barun. Executive Director.—[Vacant], 619-0634. Deputy Executive Director.—James J. Colarusso. Congressional Directory PRESIDENT’S EXPORT COUNCIL Authorized by Executive Orders 12131 (May 1979), 12534 (September 1985) and 12551 (February 1986), and 12610 (September 1987) Room 2015-B, United States Department of Commerce 20230. Phone, (202) 482-1124. Chairman.—Heinz C. Prechter, Chairman and Chief Executive, ASC Incorporated. Vice Chairman.—Beverly F. Dolan, Retired, Chairman of the Board, Textron Inc. Private Sector Members: Donald T. Bollinger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bollinger Machine Shop & Shipyard. Carol Brookins, President and Chief Executive Officer, World Perspectives, Inc. Donna F. Cole, President, Cole Chemical & Distributing Inc. Barry Diller, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fox Inc. Doctor Richard Douglas, Senior Vice President, Sun-Diamond Growers of Califor- nia. Susan Engeleiter, Vice President and Staff Executive Officer, Honeywell Inc. Max M. Fisher, Founding Chairman, Detroit Renaissance. Patricia Harrison, Founding Partner, E. Bruce Harrison Company. John M. Hennessy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, C.S. First Boston, Inc. Steven P. Jobs, President, NEXT Computer, Inc. Robert W. Johnson, IV, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Johnson Com- pany, Inc. Michael H. Jordan, Partner, Clayton Dubilier. Jonathan T. Kaji, President, Kaji & Associates. Henry R. Kravis, Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Kenneth L. Lay, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Enron Corp. David M. Mulcahy, Editor, Daily News, Standard & Poor’s Corporation. John N. Palmer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mobile Telecommunica- tions. Gerald L. Parsky, Chairman, WSGP Partners L.P. Harold A. Poling, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Ford Motor Company. Miguel R. San Juan, President and Chief Operating Officer, World Trade Division, Greater Houston Partnership. Bill Spiegel, President, Spiegel Enterprises. G. Lee Thompson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Smith Corona Corp. J. Lawrence Wilson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rohm and Haas Co. Joseph R. Wright, Jr., Vice Chairman, W.R. Grace & Co. John N. Yochelson, Vice President, International Business and Economics, CSIS. Congressional Members: Max Caucus, Senator from Montana. Bill Bradley, Senator from New Jersey. Conrad Burns, Senator from Montana. John C. Danforth, Senator from Missouri. Sam Gejdenson, Representative from Connecticut. Thomas J. Ridge, Representative from Pennsylvania. Dan Rostenkowski, Representative from Illinois. Executive Branch Members: Ronald H. Brown, Secretary of Commerce. Mike Espy, Secretary of Agriculture. Robert B. Reich, Secretary of Labor. Warren M. Christopher, Secretary of State. Lloyd M. Bentsen, Secretary of the Treasury. Kenneth D. Brody (nominee), President and Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the United States. Michael Kantor, United States Trade Representative. Staff: Executive Director—Timothy J. Hauser, Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. Staff Director/Executive Secretary.—Wendy H. Smith. REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE 433 Cannon House Office Building. Phone, 225-0587 Chairman.—Dan Burton, Representative from Indiana. Congressional Boards and Commissions Vice Chairmen: Dick Armey, Representative from Texas. John T. Doolittle, Representative from California. Robert K. Dornan, Representative from California. Ron Packard, Representative from California. Robert S. Walker, Representative from Pennsylvania. Executive Committee: Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Representative from Virginia. Jim Bunning, Representative from Kentucky. Christopher Cox, Representative from California. Philip M. Crane, Representative from Illinois. David Dreier, Representative from California. Jack Fields, Representative from Texas. George W. Gekas, Representative from Pennsylvania. Newt Gingrich, Representative from Georgia. Mel Hancock, Representative from Missouri. Wally Herger, Representative from California. Duncan L. Hunter, Representative from California. Sam Johnson, Representative from Texas. Jon Kyl, Representative from Arizona. Bob Livingston, Representative from Louisiana. Al McCandless, Representative from California. Carlos J. Moorhead, Representative from California. Dana Rohrabacher, Representative from California. H. James Saxton, Representative from New Jersey. Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr., Representative from Wisconsin. Gerald B. Solomon, Representative from New York. Don Sundquist, Representative from Tennessee. Barbara Vucanovich, Representative from Nevada. Bill Zeliff, Representative from New Hampshire. Chief of Staff.—Grace L. Crews. Executive Director.—Ed Buckham. Staff Assistant.—Nelson Ebaugh. Policy Analysts: Jim Backlin; Jim Hagan; Christine Mulholland. Communications Director.—Bill Himpler. SENATE CAUCUS ON INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL Created by Public Law 99-151 SD-224, Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510. Phone, 224-5225 Chairman.—Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Senator from Delaware. Co-Chairman.— Alfonse M. D’Amato, Senator from New York. Members: Dennis DeConcini, Senator from Arizona. Bob Graham, Senator from Florida. Frank H. Murkowski, Senator from Alaska. Staff Director.—Chris Putala. U.S. ASSOCIATION OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Suite 422, 1755 Massachusetts Avenue 20036. Phone, 332-3532; FAX: 543-7145 President.—Clarence J. Brown from Ohio. Vice President.—James W. Symington from Missouri. Treasurer.—Philip E. Ruppe from Michigan. Secretary.—Lindy Boggs from Louisiana. Immediate Past President.—William D. Hathaway from Maine. Honorary Co-chairmen: Gerald R. Ford from Michigan; Edmund S. Muskie from Maine. 568 Congressional Directory U.S. ASSOCIATION OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED Executive Director.—Jed Johnson, Jr. from Oklahoma. Counselors: J. Glenn Beall, Jr. from Maryland; Elford A. Cederberg from Michigan; Edward J. Derwinski from Illinois; John S. Monagan from Connecticut; Frank E. Moss from Utah; James M. Quigley from Pennsylvania; Carlton R. Sickles from Maryland. U.S. CAPITOL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Congressional Charter, October 20, 1978, Public Law 95-493, 95th Congress, 92 Stat. 1643 200 Maryland Avenue NE. 20002. Phone, 543-8921 Officers: President. —Clarence J. Brown, of Ohio. Vice Presidents: Robert L. Breeden; David L. Boren; Ralph G. Newman; James D. “Mike” McKevitt; Joanne Hanson. General Counsel.—J. Dennis Molloy. Treasurer.—L. Neale Cosby. Recording Secretary.—Joanne Hanson. Chairman, Honorary Board of Trustees.—Gerald R. Ford. Executive Committee: David L. Boren, Senator from Oklahoma. Robert L. Breeden. Florian Thayn. L. Neale Cosby. Executive Secretary.—Cornelius W. Heine. Chief Historian.—Donald R. Kennon. Associate Historian.—Rebecca Rogers. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM CAUCUS H2-246, Ford House Office Building. Phone, 225-3935 Chairman.—James L. Oberstar, Representative from Minnesota. Vice Chairman.— Toby Roth, Representative from Wisconsin. Secretary/Treasurer.—Bob Clement, Representative from Tennessee. Steering Committee: Neil Abercrombie, Representative from Hawaii. Jim Bacchus, Representative from Florida. Tom Bevill, Representative from Alabama. James H. Bilbray, Representative from Nevada. Bill Brewster, Representative from Oklahoma. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Senator from Colorado. Bob Carr, Representative from Michigan. Bob Clement, Representative from Tennessee. Ron de Lugo, Delegate from Virgin Islands. George W. Gekas, Representative from Pennsylvania. Benjamin A. Gilman, Representative from New York. Ralph M. Hall, Representative from Texas. Mel Hancock, Representative from Missouri. Mike Kopetski, Representative from Oregon. H. Martin Lancaster, Representative from North Carolina. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate from District of Columbia. Nick Joe Rahall, II, Representative from West Virginia. George E. Sangmeister, Representative from Illinois. Joe Skeen, Representative from New Mexico. Craig Thomas, Representative from Wyoming. Barbara Vucanovich, Representative from Nevada. Bill Zeliff, Representative from New Hampshire. Executive Director.—Halle Czechowski. Staff Assistant. —Katy Ruth. Congressional Boards and Commissions U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FINE ARTS BOARD Room H-326, the Capitol. Phone, 225-2061 (Created by Public Law 101-696) Chairman.—Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Members: Joe Kolter, of Pennsylvania. Thomas J. Manton, of New York. Bill Barrett, of Nebraska. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Staff contact. —Robert Shea, Staff Director, Committee on House Administration, 225-2061. STATISTICAL INFORMATION VOTES CAST FOR SENATORS IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992 [The figures show the vote for the Democratic and official statistics. Figures in the last column, for the 1988 Democrat | Republican Alabama 660,403 478,060 4,061,122 4,837,300 688,499 678,454 92,378 151,115 2,016,553 2,051,071 Hawaii 247,941 66,987 Idaho Illinois Indiana 668,778 1,430,525 Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisi 452,581 104,164 2 617,537 Massachusetts 884,267 Michigan 1,348,219 i 1,176,210 510,380 1,407,416 ,445 278,250 175,548 161,336 New Hampshire New Jersey 1,599,905 1,349,937 New Mexico a 321,983 186,579 3,907,178 1,686,558 171,899 112,937 Ohio 2,480,038 1,872,716 Oklahoma Pennsylvania sad 1,416,764 2,901,715 Rhode Island in 180,717 217,273 South Carolina South Dakota 541,033 2,129,228 430,089 163,183 593,652 944,359 West Virginia... 5 223,564 Wisconsin nl 1,030,440 Wyoming 91,143 Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Compiled from 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown.] Total vote 1990 1992 cast in 1992 | Democrat | Republican | Democrat | Republican 717814 1,022,698 522,015 1,577,799 61,152 127,163 239,714 . 771,395 1,382,051 493910 % 366,373 920,008 4,644,182 | 10,799,703 4,093,501 |! 10,782,743 425,746 662,893 1,552,289 577,662 572,036 112918 3,245,565 1,716,505 1,033,439 1,073,282 635,114 188,901 97,928 122,295 ; 270,468 2,115,377 2,126,833 696,639 1,267,972 535975 899,761 207,491 ; 706,246 437976 476,604 1,330,858 a(2) €°) 201,053 319,167 1,307,610 533,688 1,841,298 1,321,712 992,917 1,055,695 911,99 864,375 274,244 1,057,967 1,221,901 2,354,916 217,563 93,836 349,179 243,013 253,150 199,413 495,887 91,299 189,792 234,982 249,591 518,170 977,810 918,874 110,033 296,712 2,943,001 2,652,822 981,573 1,087,331 1,194,015 179,347 103,246 2,444,419 735,684 148,814 494,350 507,743 590,095 639,851 2,224,966 225,105 138,947 244,112 482,032 591,030 554,175 1,180,438 116,127 135,682 217,095 108,733 334,495 530,898 233,703 1,429,986 2,302,357 301,228 420,069 758,479 154,762 123,854 285,739 876,782 1,197,973 1,020,829 2,218,802 276,234 128,071 1,290,662 1,129,599 2,455,124 56,848 100,784 ¢ Under Louisiana State law, a candidate receiving at least 51 percent of the vote cast in the primary election is elected to the congressional seat. 1 A special election was held on November 3, 1992 for the unexpired term of Senator Alan Cranston. 2 A runoff election was held on November 24, 1992. The November 3d election for the Senate seat did not produce a winner with a clear majority. 3 A special election was held on December 4, 1992 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Quentin Burdick. 571 Congressional Directory VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992 [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 election results.] State Vote cast in 1988 State Vote cast in 1990 State Vote cast in 1992 Total andtepitdistrict Demo-oral | Repub-oan andSiridistrict Demo-oral | Repub-aru andiapoldistrict Demo-oat | Repub-ican | vote cast in 1990 77,670 115,173 82,185 78,742 | 128,874 214,204 120,408 83,243 87,649 109,335 112,906 228,160 117,514 101,923 36,317 119,175 73,800 197,604 131,880 129,872 157,907 66,934 230,523 120,142 64,491 113,047 55,326 1 77,951 244,133 138,920 68,788 134,412 126,062 | 146,599 280,139 136,074 63,372 127,490 53,258 144,320 36,086 207,773 71,881 | 120,595 91,677 99,003 102,378 | 111,849 239,116 71,388 | 184,639 166,223 130,715 113,613 254,789 99,895 36,309 76,549 39,586 X 41,257 137,378 72,417] 174,453 103,018 | 134,279 88,830 158,906 258,503 206,248 89,395| 141,843 70,572 | 156,330 264,066 78,115| 164,462 75,642 | 138,975 77,256 | 172,867 259,813 124,251 97,074 234,372 2 101,026 56,071 149,558 64,618 214,176 168,889 33,475 103,471 67,800 154,946 53,978 208,924 54,767 | 161,623 54,332| 129,876 117,775 | 125,295 249,494 129,508 57,658 110,365 42,130 102,918 | 113,009 215,927 159,815 72,189 96,468 99,782 119,676 | 113,266 251,206 91,088 | 139,010 65,333 | 133,315 71,780 | 167,247 256,556 183,470 74,296 132,143 76,148 122,149 96,092 238,685 181,184 115,090 82,738 129,489 | 141,155 283,365 133,530 33,692 120,633 35,671 158,250 58,698 230,560 176,645 64,174 137,306 64,402 190,322 98,171 291,786 170,006 78,478 121,080 79,031 153,320 54,822 217,982 163,221 76,531 119,645 75,544 191,906 25,693 232,691 152,866 56,656 94,739 67,412 164,265 53,707 228,467 142,500 81,875 48,747 134,635 | 145,702 280,429 145,484 50,050 105,029 45,818 90,539 94,453 198,490 121,523 | 136,384 69,270 | 125,157 157,205 53,278 228,407 143,980 63,959 97,286 59,773 123,795 64,953 205,516 103,899 | 173,876 120,742 | 128,309 146,873 | 101,202 259,222 118,710 47,957 97,147 49,634 168,617 82,875 265,370 177,452 48,375 134,236 39,885 96,661 49,843 155,883 51,730 129,568 82,611 68,848 151,565 49,947 210,367 125,715 54,034 98,804 139,704 165,011 112,033| 116,026 76,991 94,599 101,619 | 100,590 216,640 62,037| 162,779 65,101 | 112,962 72,679 39,388 112,067 75,739| 181,413 68,921 | 118,326 68,058 | 127,758 195,965 61,555| 164,699 61,630 108,634 87,328 | 131,242 249,926 147,858 77,184 103,141 57,118 88,225| 115,504 212,881 112,038 36,835 71,562 26,607 141,742 99,835 255,267 85,378 48,120 17,021 72,233 | 113,611 218,715 126,930 53,518 78,031 44,492 73,807 36,453 120,908 148,814 65,307 90,857 58,140 83,805| 105,521 212,450 109,801 28,645 69,482 21,245 76,525] 122,353 209,382 88,169 14,543 51,350 12,054 160,312 67,141 261,486 72,253 43,833 45,456 28,914 48,800 20,034 83,543 100,919 36,017 56,394 27,593 68,324 40,873 109,197 114,666 50,710 68,268 42,692 . 172,812 57,586| 151,704 49,981 | 101,336 32,010 15,428 50,779 92,087 50,954 55,646 36,024 91,738 50,907 149,718 71,186| 181,203 66,100 121,602 102,941 17,417 124,776 103,493 81,413 72,409 64,961 125,751 109,684 259,757 A! 174,284 103,961 | 115,469 97,159 113,337 52,399 87,690 43,693 60,561 82,108 92,038 189,321 52,162 169,360 53,670| 113,849 81,728 | 122,472 213,684 80,782 | 181,269 68,087 | 142,299 63,881 | 129,563 205,283 88,192 | 187,380 93,586 | 105,723 58,777| 101,753 170,666 78,778 | 153,280 67,189 109,353 79,780 69,251 157,455 72,499 | 202,478 151,206 88,468 88,987 190,639 90,796 55,511 48,712 50,377 81,693| 110,333 203,541 54,012 166,451 123,591 88,508 | 123,731 227,016 45,435 55,659 110,806 76,924| 165,004 254,257 67,415] 140,935 230,495 127,280 | 106,170 248,898 77,293 39,531 136,626 Statistical Information VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992-CONTINUED [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 clection results.] State Vote cast in 1988 State Vote cast in 1990 Vote cast in 1992 State ki: Total and and and vote cast district Demo-| Repub-district Demo-| Repub-district Demo-| Repub-| %, "900 crat lican crat lican crat lican 85,148 | 141,890 252,995 88,076 | 112,995 213,784 133,922 57,587 82,176 46,802 156,629 70,902 227,531 147,437 87,578 ween] $105,248) 5 68,226 cenrenseneny: 164,790 88,470 271,361 169,284 47,625 cee 124,487 49,961 . ...| 114,480 | 143,293 261,964 57,552 | 156,202 iin. £75,901 89,285 weenie = 101,957. 21139,884 241,841 60,116 181,612 wna in 57,776{7:127,740 carerierna) 62,5501 £173,006 243,415 77,158 | 136,487 57,961] 105,312 91,073 | 142,021 233,097 176,463 51,985 126,566 112,838 75,113 245,430 143,326 81,965 svvesetnnif 2 105,085 5 weir], 07:83,1977:119,416 242,707 147,394 74,275 neinedin £090,772 y wd 132,022 84,952 247,531 55,751 | 147,843 Ge 2¢32,353 ceeeennns| 58,666 | 147,816 219,615 58,612 | 163,729 enerinend] 25:8 5,803 : erie) 574,791] 50:104,891 240,283 78,814 | 157,020 48,628 | 141,105 60,373 | 166,967 239,597 158,338 76,179 : | 116,274 58,037 : | 117,426 | 153,037 276,124 FL: FL: 142,449 70,534 88,416 118,941 | 100,349 228,632 134,269 veresiiven} 103,032 smveerineef 21 167,215 60,425 227,726 . everson = 54,280 Srseirimteit 91,918 63,114 155,029 124,817 | 125,608 cieernieinl 67 95,320 1i103,53157: 135,883 239,471 2) wecnresnett 003,253 waiedeine] 1: 129,698: :1114,356 263,549 118,756 | 136,415 deriiniens an 95,42 | > 176,419 | 144,195 220,614 a 99,464 ’ y 125,823 223,023 62,539| 169,165 *) erpancdrees 141,977 207,122 223,925 102,503 hin 158,028 268,163 56,536 | 156,563 Seririrersd (2) iE : 149,606 264,415 168,390 | 108,373 A! A BY 77,640 191,354 a : {= 2 100,484 192,830 93,700| 231,170 Sesenintats {%.) cttasveres 158,881 274,648 173,292 | 142,635 SRA : deadittets 220,351 268,511 67,746 | 132,090 : ox renee). 532,412 1. 128,873 261,285 153,032 67,461 : 3 fd) AE serie 105,237) $157,322 258,559 Ld i rnin 102,784 102,799 (2) : 3 , irestreies] 3 2 32,142 156,897 135,355 51,628 87, 696 53,796 reer) 1TTA23 281,294 eens) + 130,959 3 237,889 a {=) ; 247,088 84,249 143,935 46,552 80,515 32,532 75,808 5 179,740 52,807 -ot 11,910: ¢=28,781 ; ont 293,759 150,382 erefie2 72,961 42,561 fapervimndd. 294,274 ” 208,378 96,526 87,569 Reessitnes) 1 123,819 86,037 27,781 ceneeennns| 147,445 «| 77,794] 78,768 sordeeneinty 2116,196 73, 425 . 395,817 63,588 ceremnise A374 ‘ ..| 81,344] 36,980 ceineusenve) 51108,472 71,905 : wef: 296,197 76,121 = | 113,024 118, 156 66,521 89,683 64,184 wren 108,426 120,168 76,394| 96,848) 97,622| 629821 129,332 ; 177,476 144,802 118,155 54,625 131.454 180,955 70,328 | 135,221 ¢ 85,054| 75,406 140,985 4 242,790 127,956 68,226 coef 98,008 56,044 81,450 139,783 229,957 164,125 100,890 6,708 43,453 252,711 138,256 > seensetenny > 80,2451 2 23,350 sts d 31,957 132,111 Whredinereery 5100, 5827< 45,299 Shorr iiovint 93,128 91,282 eriveneand i 77,3901 4. 53,258 38 . 26,154 93,567 ctuearires] 2 TOO 34,440 Gis : 90,738 54,804 Sesntusuren : : 165,009 135,331 visrctifieh 35,346 107,728 PAE £% : 132,887 135,583 ett tnres : . 3 60,187 RAE tit ‘ 155,230 131,753 ensighiusis th 107,860 54,769 165, 913 113, 081 168, 762 68,115 236, 877 574 Congressional Directory VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992—CONTINUED [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 election results.] Vote cast in 1988 Vote cast in 1990 Vote cast in 1992 Total State State State and and and vote cast Demo-| Repub-Demo-| Repub-Sars Demo-| Repub-in district 1990 district district crat lican crat lican crat lican 74,424 | 174,992 13th........] 60,305| 116,048 82,985| 179,257 262,255 57,482 | 161,146 14th... 485,592] +112,383 seiiserenret i 01 5,29401 155,271 230,624 55,260 | 140,171 158thir..n. 119,812 serra] t 297,190 142,167 239,586 72,431 | 128,365 T6th.......... x 69,105 eeiarereaer: °113,555:1:71142,388 255,943 132,130 71,560 17th 102,062 51,380 cenenas 156,233°0-103,719 259,952 94,763 | 114,458 18th 105,693 wees] 114,413 | 156,533 270,976 132,889 73,981 wave) 3: 113,958 55,680 srsssernneer 1:187,156 83,526 270,685 153,341 69,303 werner) 130,114 66,433 154,869 | 119,219 274,088 105,836 95,385 95,208 48,949 139,392 75,462 138,425 138,251 o 68,920 35,450 147,054 211,824 116,915 cenit] 93,495 63,980 7, ves z 229,295 97,934 > vesrinreranet > 480,740 77,911 5 oF 211,103 80,915 tered]: 799,347 64,415 WE 217,375 116,240 drreinat 2 81,373 71,750 dedserisy 220,465 71,447 cee] 67,024 | 116,470 idl iin 258,455 80,738 65,248 88,598 wevinithin 217,194 141,355 97,465 80,645 evades , 238,397 147,193 107,526 48,325 TAN % : 231,037 105,846 68, 978 69,362 183,831 112,746 261,309 113,543 267,892 74,682 Pan > 257,276 62,056 158,610 257,593 117,761 h 196, 942 198,366 69, 614 | 125,859 112,333 168,700 102,974 83,620 | 194,912 285,297 135,694 49,498 NE Fn 58,643 1 ..| 151,019] 109,801 268,806 53,959 | 150,223 Wrrisnidres 88,725 3 ..| 110,071] 169,929 292,791 122,777 69,165 eivimia ly 46,283 143,671 117,070 278,016 54,327 | 127,722 stikivedal> 5462.2 90,555 117,288 , ie 128,524 83,088 212,574 92,184 ; cebderniins k 39,624 , 79,684 206,578 131,981 . : y 55,188 ws 132,689 280,770 50,575 101,680 areieinsis ¢ 139,634 226,524 wid 64,660 kediensrvie 115,255 211,015 45,339 en 76,859 F 223,450 96,946 68, 165 Terstseiere) 201,330 59,377 *) 105,853 ¢) 153,501 245,178 88,564 | 116,241 190,989 | 111,125 IS rereriies 167,623 | 110,836 232,696 | 125,236 358,148 85,346 | 167,226 weiseet: 116,798 0+ -121,704 130,824 | 153,022 311,433 94,588 cmriaiatt 67,518 88,920 112,771 | 120,084 232,855 157,956 niet) 39,7854 115,398 2) ..| 88,658 49,733 . 82,545 35,841 -..| 163,354 59,688 85,601 59,846 cevrven [£136,902 3 renee] 84,747 20,314 eoserdrniees 118,382 54,528 werner] 106,502 56,479 veers] 106,224 went. 59,628 10,529 ernirieinast: 152,689 102,478 | 172,619 39,343 | 130,059 77,042 203, 377 280, 419 38,907 | 186,356 coeenens| 43,611] 150,748 135,049 | 113,828 262,120 156,262 134,152 131,215 191,005 150,992 115,587 169,729 71,661 wrens] 143,473 75,454 wien) 182,633 181,860 110,232 101,017 : 133,844 177,643 77,186 cones 149,284 80,177 ciivenenes) 130,248 188,647 sieturrert = 155,380 cine) iC 174,837 78, 262 165,745 40,316 cwnbentel 125,479 39,310 casnernienr 149,903 160,799 cone 124,534 175,550 54,291 253, 634 Statistical Information VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992—CONTINUED [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 election results.] Vote cast in 1988 Vote cast in 1990 Vote cast in 1992 State State Total d and vote cast Demo-| Repub-ang Demo-| Repub-ok Demo-| Repub-. crat lican district crat lican district crat lican in 1990 187,178 93,564 137,805 120,217 189,342 | 75,887 311,650 169,692 40,277 145,480 M . 127,800 10,979 76,556 144,857 | 117,056 268,619 98,290| 120,070 server) 249,678 5 seamed 2 286,265) 155,577 246,761 112,605 83,769 dered Seerennd 2 795,9271:5162,451 264,948 54,428 | 132,270 Sadne ¥ essen] 87,573: 157,337, 251,539 62,868 | 166,569 “ & wees] 147,618 93,098 244,992 120,581 81,079 3 o) 7 ies | 89,020| 144,083 233,112 150,832 47,071 raat or : 133,972 152,868 139,904 54,195 oo v % ws | 135,517] 131,906 284,707 64,843 | 149,748 4 % eerie 133,956 111,798 249,530 55,398 | 152,646 -vs i ; wind 138,193] $114,918 260,213 86,526 ¥ 3 coven] 117,725 168,940 293,098 108,158 -ve 3 > winnenn 137,314 155119,357 261,349 99,751 . -. y > eerie 127,642 <105,169 245,888 111,612 . “ weerennry £105,496]: 732,036 200,879 104,596 i 7 .“ eens] 148,908 31,849 184,964 132,775 : B 5 : 156,964 75,694 240,936 135,493 “ 57,643 t x 126,629 161,118 156,749 43,856 206,369 279,430 96,016 oe «77,9351 126,367 eiimuinents 2132,156 276,403 99,770 v 96,395] 195,833 coven 104,606 314,731 181,227 2 treenreienttc1143,153 77,639 cerarsnenel2159,796 277,956 174,416 60,646 » .| 144,682 53,720 174,139 277,094 169,486 .| 164,816) 90,138 100,016 301,023 101,011 - .| 107,126 92,876 133,886 265,524 165,656 56,630 151,145 56,068 167,104 | 83,823 283,031 137,445 38,381 43,668 23,650 121,664| 82,952 204,616 112,401 59,827 ox -y::7359,303 11,224 133,361 41,248 174,609 164,651 20,759 ssidnennly 49,16) 162,864| 37,710 200,574 110,184 88,433 2, ela 37,137 13,754 130,927 43,705 194,544 82,034 100,185 89,926 20,588 120,766 67,619 191,058 140,751 53,109 158,693 74,482 233,175 91,645| 186,450 ~ 4 148,729 | 157,594 150,205 86,763 i &@ 3 174,000 5 166,480 65,393 e 5 176,977 74,475 149,166 60,453 5 hs 151,014| 93,562 93,128 | 135,883 5 oe] 3 es 148,887 | 119,637 111,244 | 127,939 ~ 3 83,609 ve 99,762 | 160,303 84,801 | 117,601 . o ahs 86,730 147,398 160,872 76,008 69,514 124,694| 118,811 261,335 115,278 74,405 100,409 63,837 g ..| 203,711] 189,570 403,735 78,069 97,465 56,739 96,449 72,167 | 146,231 70,587 | 129,654 1 96,309 | 142,713 239,108 112,174 109,193 3 14111,903 80,845 seveannnrl 119,512 (113,828 233,372 45,183 | 170,302 94,234| 98,607 67,457 170,857 238,355 101,764|75.163 | 53,588105,981 84,650|59,581 | 47,377103,508 128,278|117.199] 84,217|129,575| 221,488270,461 86,623 | 131,824 1 66,176 81,684 1 108,578 | 135,936 255,681 89,677| 119,742 74,866 | 67,225 157,328 91,126 255,088 141,988 : 272415]97.698 57,299 153,525|132,465| 65,123]98.315| 228,072237,027 77,866 151,368 255,798 54,961 = - 149,095 241,225 35,010 7 o 196,198 274,371 63,745 > % % 100,949 226,093 31,099 - 132,174 248,082 55,797 % no 84,674 205,828 82,535 w - 88,179 238,704 42,106 > 5 30,160 149,632 4 | 47,414 k % 188,165 268,436 165,918 52,256 | 107,851 83,035! 174,216 272,757 576 Congressional Directory VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992—CONTINUED [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 election results.] Vote cast in 1988 Vote cast in 1990 Vote cast in 1992 State Total Demo-| Repub-vote cast Demo-| Repub-and Demo-| Repub-crat lican district crat lican crat lican in 1990 167,470 3 67,587 99,688 93,670 44,529 145,714 47,293 56,455 24,870 89,985 TH, 3 97,375 76,600 | 128,426 205,214 100,324 ; 80,677 re 073,187 94,838 168,170 124,938 45,954 3d. 35,751 122,850 54,569 182,217 103,511 87,812 St...ou RZ 46,380 111,908 87,248 257,043 104,765 $5,773 ; " 31,808 yo yr 191,320 94,208 232,997 128,336 80,398 3d. ; 45,699 di: .| 116,915] 108,574 293,639 57,435| 135,173 63,838 w | 97,007 98,723 261,812 68,930 122,058 : Ny J; 59,568 & .| 105,953 90,196 13,224 “ y= 96,972 89,105 |.. ; es 5b o afi 12,280 96,045 |.. . aes 3, x of 132,172 72,851 A ge 5 5 | 111,424 102,727 58,673 3s 1 93,801 70,973 ao 3 % | 76,724 69,063 knsRutee 3 er 58,926 77,988 : S 3th.. .| 68,738 56,088 . 64,425 95,227 148,089 73,168 74,613 102,235 47,294 54,312 145,040 62,177 52,010| 133,758 247,194 119,552 63,013 Sl. ieiiiin y 116,078 54,457 173,262 | 113,693 93,893 211,569 101,739 80,759 187,050 171,299 89,345 265,060 117,835] 102,086 223,683 67,200 162,822 230,022 92,414 66,536 163,101 113,162 71,842 195,451 74,583 | 153,650 228,245 79,206 | 149,033 235,127 108,003 | 130,158 238,161 127,262 49,402 180,824 ; ND: 212,583 84,475 | 152,530 81,443 169,273 | 117,442 297,898 OH: OH 117,682 90,738 weseneeie] +1 1:83,932 80,362 120,190 234,433 J 58,637] 153,162 . | 57,345] 103,817 75,924 | 177,720 253,651 141,953 42,664 38 iii? 116,797 146,072 98,733 244,811 Rs 160,099 ween] 64,467 | 103,897 92,608 | 147,346 80,472 123,838 wivsen] 341,693 ) 187,860 52,635| 152,235 ivtianlin 47,418 : 122,720 119,252 50,423 | 142,597 wishin] 259,349 cranmaeiens) 112966,237 1.» 164,195 49,084 | 154,164 wreennene) + 03,584 smsene) 152 62,033 1 176,362 157,557 -J 117,681 cennnecre] 1:1 18,879 53,011 56,893 “ J: 561,656 ween 103,788 | 136,433 124,600 y wn 111,923 rnseery 154,718 43,866 50,782 nmnienl 250,784 wrermnsna = 68,761:4.9170,297 137,074 y avereenl 493,431 925 ceeenes| 134,486 88,889 148,951 wna. 97,878 ciseesieare)t 105,335 78,659 51,172 5th..........1: 68,510 weneecese} + 94,907 1 110,390 43,3561 158,824 70,5161 101,097 90,2241 158,489 248,713 Statistical Information VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992—CONTINUED [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 election results.] Vote cast in 1988 State Vote cast in 1990 Vote cast in 1992 Total Demo- | Repub- dZne Demo- | Repub- 3 ed Demo- | Repub- vote castin 1990 crat lican district crat lican crat lican 162,526 | 47,929 133,207 38,199 216,503 40,743 257,246 151,306 43,628 cerry 120,782 1 41,823 enerserans) is 106,189 77,229 243,418 168,065 70,359 sereneriienye 132,951 72,315 138,465 | 124,606 263,083 146,715 30,944 cere] 109,390 | 39,749 148,388 24,804 103,338 103,458 75,618 106,619 | 119,211 225,830 73,659 57,331 : ....| 118,542 87,657 213,513 26,261 155,934 51,725 207,659 36,232 coer 140,841 199,076 139,182 114,608 107,579 230,816 122, 887 45,239 110, 100| 27,540 134,734 64,06 198,802 179,915 78,626 Prone 150,290 1c" 73,382 152,917 4 294,154 74,700 | 125,366 ; | 60,131 127,998 90,036 274,478 190,684 169,731| 40,216 208,028 269,879 108,483 42,220 162,494 199,372 ) 279,299 110,782 | 111,489 124,610 101,650 174,443 272,944 128,076 y 19,018 150,172 : 185,591 8,118 ....| 164,355 213,927 59,901 ....| 130,828 58,469 186,684 75,097 56,093 108,312 105,868 91,623 65,100 114,095 106,632 113,490 138,875 50,007 erirenrecns)” 166,916 152,191 89,577 cenit 127,685] 7 126,312 36,719 30,497 165,633 61,311 106,951 77,178 111,419 99,520 136,944 43,849| 85,596 74,741 | 137,823 166,289 110,317 weenernet 05,881] $150,158 80,975 80,880| 85,697 96,655 | 154,024 145,381 96,336 74,798 98,599 82,080 43,054 114,898 | 111,591 141,832 92,732 70,802 | 150,729 221, 531 47,039 78,375| 45,509 105,575 werent. 853,405 | © 78,189 105,506 73,131 ; : 48,092 135,982 194,089 145,218 108,818 144,450 | 49,998 204,413 101,572 42,555 59,908 | 121,938 184,549 2d 169,670 72,561 119,119 194,864 81,927 ssssiese : 198,410 sresrerer OL, TTS trope 183,086 120,719 94,121 184,871 223,759 88,157 ..| 173,814 oi ; 89,375 332,902 TN: TN: 29,469 | 119,526 114,797 170,158 170,576 +:92,929 30,088 77,540 99,631 148,377 108,264 | 80,372 Serrcosvio 102,763 94,129 gocivized arsenite 50,340 155,068 senensaiate hoy 3 49,417 123,652 38,033 Stites vo . 86,289 35,237 | 142,025 dari Gesancitnt 125,101 94,571 56,893 virion Nueioerniss 126,280 123,276 212, 755 122,566 | 74,357 , 152,209 152,209 145,614 118,625 211,350 50,627 | 227,882 : 234,139 139,379 67,337 essisivin 128,008 220,333 95,376 59,877 reriisd : i | 98,567 3 167,330 78,786 | 164,692 73,933 263,073 48,8241 185,203 114, 254 169; 407 169,407 578 Congressional Directory VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992—CONTINUED [The figures, compiled from official statistics by the Clerk of the House, show the votes for the Democratic and Republican nominees, except as otherwise indicated. Figures in the last column, for the 1992 election, may include totals for more candidates than the ones shown. Population changes reflected in the 1990 census caused the reapportionment of congressional districts; those changes are reflected in the 1992 election results.] Vote cast in 1988 Vote cast in 1990 Vote cast in 1992 Total State State State and and and vote cast th Demo-| Repub-mt Demo-| Repub-Pap Demo-| Repub-| district rat ki district oral lican district ofat Yan in 1990 90,503 60,603 53,473| 179,349 232,822 137,270 79,786 58,399 118,690 96,270 221,361 232,213 152,784 73,766 PERURS BG lr 68,646 261,892 134,207 73,810 64,269 inital £119,999 58,033 178,032 135,459 98,026 39,438 cnet] 325,492 74,432 199,924 98,345 sireirrne so. 8 1,815 63,045 rere 117,892 77,514 195,406 111,395 89,251 75,098 severe] 135,930 54,412 199,671 93,672 rr 2,461 eeivasmilzs 80,351 56,549 142,900 104,514 teenie 02,855 ceeriieney. io 00,73] 61,870 128,601 149,064 104,100 renal 336,213 69,958 206,171 94,408 werent 54,477 wesenennel-311,422 56,080 172,208 53,932 83,795 ssid. 47,325 {162,057 209,382 94,527 56,318 sessions) 4 2303,755 103,755 48,585 | 144,570 sensed 762,827 [190,979 264,653 58,471 eremnnedy £537,721 93,425 serseareereny 2 <07,81214:4150,221 218,033 116,423 71,052 40,856 viral 03,797 98,259 166,347 135,794 Abr 86,297 PAE 70,042 174,216 113,499 AN 67,427 REdirtviren A 73,192 176,877 86,490 kits 62,158 | 147,856 Soketvedel , 150,209 205,531 105,085 62,822 Ghesebein F 66,853 156,844 140,585 34,609 98,673 37,853 150,747 87,976 | 130,893 69,491 82,746 68,712 | 160,037 245,254 112,129 80,212 . 85,167 58,869 -..| 127,738] 118,307 252,969 60,018 | 129,951 79,163 49,452 135,029 84,019 229,061 VT: : 45,330 98,937 At large... 6,315 82,938 SEE ay) 86,901 281,626 VA: VA: 49,614 | 135,937 69,194 72,000 89,814 | 133,537 232,051 106,666 62,564 reresrrertes 005,379 99,253 77,7197 177,133 187,354 erent 0430,253 77,125 132,432 35,780 168,473 134,786 nether] 571,081 convenes] 147,649 68,286 215,960 97,242 78,396 66,532 133,031 60,030 193,084 118,369 66,935 errpinne 292,968 84,618 | 127,309 212,087 136,988 weaned 58,684 81,688 211,618 255,375 93,561 | 154,761 wenn = 88,478 76,367 138,542 | 102,717 247,126 113,309 65,410 Srenivgert = 207,218 nee) t133,284 717,985 211,295 88,284 | 188,550 57,249 | 103,761 cee] 15,775 | 144,471 227,191 114,172 | 103,119 228,272 122,646 | 152,265 92,447| 100,339 148,844 | 113,897 271,274 175,191 92,837 75,669 o ..| 133,207 107,365 255,920 109,412 | 108,794 95,645 82,269 ..| 138,043| 108,583 246,626 48,850 . res 44,241 | 106,545 cee] 106,556 | 103,028 209,584 160,654 — 110,234 49,965 ween] 135,965 | 110,443 246,408 125,904 Foe 79,079 49,786 cesirena 1 1152,933 66,664 238,162 173,809 Fe 106,761 35,511 coven] 222,604 54,149 283,950 71,920 174,942 75,031 96,323 . ..| 87,611| 155,874 258,171 110,902 91,910 212,919 119,256 40,732 72,849 35,657 172,924 172,924 118,356 63,174 50,708 143,988 59,102 203,090 120,192 41,478 75,327 122,279 64,012 186,291 78,812 49,753 39,948 36,946 158,552 49,620 93,961 147,495 | 104,352 256,280 151,501 | 107,457 seins 289,156 96,938 108,291 | 183,366 292,898 72,935| 157,513 ereeeririien). 560,409) 94,509 . ..| 108,664 | 146,903 260,335 177,283 96,981 43,001 reresimare) 037 3,482 84,872 263,803 140,518 78,307 71,557 31,255 eens] 162,344 71,085 234,176 57,552 | 165,923 111,036 ween] 128,232 143,875 272,137 142,197 86,077 100,069 60,961 cerned] 166,200 91,772 257,982 72,708 | 167,275 83,199 95,902 wenn 02 81,7921 191,704 273,532 62,003 | 185,093 117,967 rman] 577,362" £192,808 276,787 56,527| 118,350] Atlarge..| 70977| 87,078] Atlarge..| 77,418] 113882 196,977 Statistical Information VOTES CAST FOR REPRESENTATIVES, RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND DELEGATES IN 1988, 1990, AND 1992 Vote 1988 1990 1992 Total vote Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: cast in Popular New Popular Popular New 1992 Demo- Progres- Demo- Demo- Progres- crat sive crat crat sive Resident Commissioner (4-year term) 864,396 891,176 904,067 Total vote 1988 1990 1992 Washington, DC cast in 1992 Demo-Republi-Republi-Demo-Republi-crat can can crat can Delegate at Large 121,817 22,936 41,999 166,808 20,108 196,754 Total vote 1988 1990 1992 cast in 1992 Demo-Republi-Demo-Republi-Demo-Republi-crat can crat can crat can Delegate at Large 13,426 16,185 16,437 21,390 18,462 14,921 33,383 Total vote 1988 1990 1992 Virgin Islands cast in 1992 Demo-Republi-Republi-Demo-Inde-crat crat pendent Delegate at Large 14,573 14,084 8,913 Total vote 1988 1990 1992 American Samoa cast in 1992 Demo-Republi-Demo-Republi-Demo-Republi-crat crat can crat can Delegate at Large 4,427 6,049 2,567 7,955 2,263 12,355 ¢ Unop ® Under Louisiana State law, a candidate receiving at least 51 percent of the vote cast in the primary election is elected to the congressional seat. ! For the unexpired term ending Jan. 3, 1989. 2 Also elected by special election to fill the vacancy in the seat for the remainder of the 101st Congress. SESSIONS OF CONGRESS [Closing date for this table was June 8, 1993. See additional notes at end of the table.] MEETING DATE OF CONGRESS: The Constitution (Article I, section 4) originally provided that “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.” Pursuant to a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation in 1788, the first session of the First Congress under the Constitutionconvened March 4, 1789. Up to and including May 20, 1820, 18 acts were passed providing for the meeting of Congress on other days in the year. The Congress met regularly on the first Monday in December until 1934, when the 20th amendment to the Constitution became effective, changing the meeting of Congress to January 3. Please see note 3, at the end of this table, concerningextraordinary sessions of the Congress, as well as the next table about special sessions of the Senate. The first and second sessions of the First Congress were held in New York City; subsequently,including the first session of the Sixth Congress, Philadelphia was the meeting place; since then Congress has convened in Washington. Recesses Con-Date of Date of Length President pro tempore of the Senate ! Speaker of the House of Representatives gress beginning adjournment in days Sept. 29, 1789... John Langdon, 2 of New Hampshire Frederick A.C. Muhlenberg, of Pennsyl- vania. Aug. 12, 1790.... Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia Jonathan Trumbull, of Connecticut.John Langdon, of New Hampshire.do Frederick A.C. Muhlenberg, of Pennsyl-Ralph Izard, of South Carolina vania. Mar. 3, 1795 Henry Tazewell, of Virginia. June 1, 1796 do Jonathan Dayton, of New Jersey. Samuel Livermore, of New HampshireMar. 3, 1797 William Bingham, of Pennsylvania.| July 10, 1797 William Bradford, of Rhode Island Do. July 16, 1798 Jacob Read, of South Carolina George Dent, of Maryland. + Theodore Sedgwick, of MassachusettsJohn Laurence, of New York. James Ross, of Pennsylvania.Samuel Livermore, of New Hampshire .... Theodore Sedgwick, of Massachusetts.Uriah Tracy, of ConnecticutDec. 23-Dec. 30, 1800 Dec. 23-Dec. 30, 1800 John E. Howard, of Maryland. James Hillhouse, of Connecticut.May 3, 1802 Abraham Baldwin, of Georgia Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina. Mar. Stephen R. Bradley, of Vermont. Mar. John Brown, of Kentucky Do. Jesse Franklin, of North Carolina Mar. Joseph Anderson, of Tennessee.Apr. Samuel Smith, of Maryland Do. Mar. 3 d Apr. Joseph B. Varnum, of Massachusetts.Mar. 3, 1 Stephen R. Bradley, of Vermont. John Milledge, of Georgia. Andrew Gregg, of Pennsylvania Do. John Gaillard, of South Carolina. John Pope, of Kentucky. William H. Crawford, of Georgia Henry Clay, of Kentucky. 44019 241,1(J |PUO1SS243UO, 0D May 24, 1813 do Do. Joseph B. Varnum, of Massachusetts. Langdon Cheves, * of South Carolina. Henry Clay, of Kentucky. Dec. 24-Dec. 29, 1817 Dec. 24-Dec. 29, 1817 do Do. James Barbour, of Virginia. John Gaillard, of South Carolina Do. do John W. Taylor, ® of New York. do Philip P. Barbour, of Virginia. do do Henry Clay, of Kentucky. do Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina John W. Taylor, of New York. do | May 26, 1828 .... Samuel Smith, of Maryland Andrew Stevenson, of Virginia. | Mar. 3, 1829 Dec. 24-Dec. 29, 1828 | Dec. 24-Dec. 29, 1828 do do Do. Little ti on Waller Tazewell, of Virginia. d o Do. Hugh Lawson White, of Tennessee. George Poindexter, of Mississippi Do. John Tyler, of Virginia ..| John Bell, 7 of Tennessee. William R. King, of Alabama James K. Polk, of Tennessee. do do Do. do do do Robert M.T. Hunter, of Virginia. do Samuel L. Southard, of New Jersey John White, of Kentucky. Willie P. Mangum, of North Carolina. do do John W. Jones, of Virginia. do David R. Atchison, of Missouri John W. Davis, of Indiana. do do Robert C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts. do William R. King, of Alabama Howell Cobb, of Georgia. do do Linn Boyd, of Kentucky. David R. Atchison, of Missouri. do Do. Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana. Lewis Cass, of Michigan. Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana Nathaniel P. Banks, of Massachusetts. do James M. Mason, of Virginia. Thomas J. Rusk, of Texas. June your Dec. 23, 1857-Jan. 4, 1858.. Dec. 23, 1857-Jan. 4, 1858.. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama | James L. Orr, of South Carolina. Mar. 3, 1859 Dec. 23, 1858-Jan. 4, 1859.. Dec. 23, 1858-Jan. 4, 1859.. do > c w ¥ FEEXRRRRARERRAS PRTRIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREY uonpwofur 1D21SIDIS 44030241] [DUOISS248U0D) SESSIONS OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED [Closing date for this table was June 8, 1993. See additional notes at end of the table.) MEETING DATE OF CONGRESS: The Constitution (Article I, section 4) originally provided that “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Mondayin December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.” Pursuant to a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation in 1788, the first session of the First Congress under the Constitution convened March 4, 1789. Up to and including May 20, 1820, 18 acts were passed providing for the meeting of Congress on other days in the year. The Congress met regularly on the first Monday in December until 1934, when the 20th amendment to the Constitution became effective, changing the meeting o Congress to January 3. Please see note 3, at the end of this table, concerningextraordinary sessions of the Congress, as well as the next table about special sessions of the Senate. The first and second sessions of the First Con, gress were held in New York City; subsequently, including the first session of the Sixth Congress, Philadelphia was the meeting place; since then Congress has convened in Washington. Recesses Con-Ses-Date of Date of Length gress sion beginning adjournment in days President pro tempore of the Senate ! Speaker of the House of Representatives 36th *.. June 25, 1860.... 202 Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama William Pennington, of New Jersey. Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana. Mar. 3, 1861 93 Solomon Foot, of Vermont. 37th =. Aug. 6, 1861 34 do Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania. July 17, 1862 228 do Mar. 3, 1863 93 . 23, 1862-Jan. 5, 1863.. Dec. 23, 1862-Jan. 5, 1863 .. do 38th *.. July 4, 1864 209 . 23, 1863-Jan. 5, 1864.. Dec. 23, 1863-Jan. 5, 1864.. Solomon Foot, of Vermont Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. Daniel Clark, of New Hampshire...Mar. 3, 1865 89 . 22, 1864-Jan. 5, 1865.. Dec. 22, 1864-Jan. 5, 1865.. do 39th *.. July 28, 1866 237 . 6-Dec. 11, 1865 Dec. 6-Dec. 11, 1865 Lafayette S. Foster, of Connecticut Do. . 21, 1865-Jan. 5, 1866.. Dec. 21, 1865-Jan. 5, 1866.. Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio Mar. 3, 1867 91 . 20, 1866-Jan. 3, 1867.. Dec. 20, 1866-Jan. 3, 1867.. do 40th *.. Dec. 1, 1867 273 Mar. 30-July 3, 1867 do Do. July 20-Nov. 21, 1867 Nov. 10, 1868.... 345 ..| Dec. 20, 1867-Jan. 6, 1868 .. July 27-Sept. 21, 1868 Sept. 21-Oct. 16, 1868 Oct. 16-Nov. 10, 1868 — Ne WNW N= WwW = § FF FY -] ¥ FEF ho BE Loh ud dh geadh -op = Mar. 3, 1869 Dec. 21, 1868-Jan. 5, 1869.. Dec. 21, 1868-Jan. 5, 1869.. do Theodore M. Pomeroy, ® of New York. Apr. 10, 1869.... Henry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island James G. Blaine, of Maine. July 15, 1870 Dec. 22, 1869-Jan. 10, Dec. 22, 1869-Jan. 10, do 1870. 0. Mar. 3, 1871 Dec. 23, 1870-Jan. 4, 1871.. . 22, 1870-Jan. 4, 1871.. do Apr. 20, 1871 .... do Do. June 10, 1872... Dec. 21, 1871-Jan. 8, 1872.. . 21, 1871-Jan. 1872.. do Mar. 3, 1873 Dec. 20, 1872-Jan. 6, 1873.. . 20, 1872-Jan. 1873.. do June 23, 1874 .... Dec. 19, 1873-Jan. 5, 1874.. . 19, 1873-Jan. 1874... Matthew H. Carpenter, of Wisconsin Do. Mar. 3, 1875 Dec. 23, 1874-Jan. 5, 1875.. . 23, 1874-Jan. 1875.. doHenry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island. Aug. 15, 1876.... Dec. 20, 1875-Jan. 5, 1876.. . 21, 1875-Jan. 1876.. Thomas W. Ferry, of Michigan Michael C. Kerr, ? of Indiana. Samuel S. Cox, 1° of New York, pro tempore.Milton Sayler, '! of Ohio, pro tempore. 7 do Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylvania. do Do. 1877-Jan. 10, 15, 1877-Jan. 10, do Ty 3. 1879 78 20, 1878-Jan. 7, 8. 20, 1878-Jan. weef July 1, 1879 . do Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio Do. { June io, Ta30 19, 1879-Jan. 19, 1879-Jan. 6, 0 Mar.3, 1881 23, 1880-Jan. 23, 1880-Jan. §, do Aug. 8, 1882 22, 1881-Jan. §, 22, 1881-Jan. §, | Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware J. Warren Keifer, of Ohio. Add ¥: EEF¥¥EE. FEF § FRRRRE FRRRREIX WY 7 RNRERRY ROY NF David Davis, of Illinois. George F. Edmunds, of Vermont. 24, 1883-Jan. 24, 1883-Jan. do John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky. 24, 1884-Jan. § do 24, 1884-Jan. §, 21, 1885-Jan. 22, 1886-Jan. 4, 22, 1887-Jan. 4, 21, 1888-Jan. 2, 21, 1889-Jan. §, | John Sherman, of Ohio Do. 21, 1885-Jan. 22, 1886-Jan. ..| John J. Ingalls, of Kansas. 22, 1887-Jan. Do. 21, 1888-Jan. 2, 21, 1889-Jan. Thomas B. Reed, of Maine. Charles F. Manderson, of Nebraska. Aug. 5, 1892 do Charles F. Crisp, of Georgia. Mar. 3, 1893 22, 1892-Jan. 22, 1892-Jan. . Isham G. Harris, of Tennessee. lO Nov. 3, 1893 do Aug. 28, 18%... 21, 1893-Jan. Do. Mar. 3, 1895 23, 1894-Jan. 4 Matt W. Ransom, of North Carolina. | Isham G. Harris, of Tennessee. | June 11, 1896... William P. Frye, of Maine Thomas B. Reed, of Maine. 1896-Jan. 22, 1896-Jan. S, do Mar. 3, 1897 , Do. 18, 1897-Jan. 21, 1898-Jan. 20, 1902-Jan. David B. Henderson, of Iowa. Do. .| July 24, 1897 July 8, 1898 1897-Jan. 1898-Jan. , 1899-Jan. 3, 1900-Jan. , 1901-Jan. , 1902-Jan. Joseph G. Cannon, of Illinois. 1903-Jan. 19, 1903-Jan. 1904-Jan. 21, 1905-Jan. 4, 20, 1906-Jan. 21, 1907-Jan. 19, 1908-Jan. 21, 1904-Jan. 4, 21, 1905-Jan. 20, 1906-Jan. 3, 21, 1907-Jan. 19, 1908-Jan. Aug. 5 1911... Aug. 26, 1912... 21, 1909-Jan. 21, 1909-Jan. 21, 1910-Jan. 21, 1910-Jan. 12 Champ Clark, of Missouri. 21, 1911-Jan. 21, 1911-Jan. | Bacon, 12 Brandegee, 14 Curtis, !* Gal- linger, '® Lodge. ! Mar. 3, 1913 19, 1912-Jan. 19, 1912-Jan. ..| Bacon, !® Gallinger. '°® > BC [= XXXERERRERE uoypwiIOfuf [DIISUDIS — NN = BN re LI DD mt DD bt BD it LO DD rt IN) et BN) et Ld IN) ee ND) Z PERRET 8 FIFVERRRREF Zz 4) < 77 7IY Dec. 1, 191 rk Dec. 217, O15 Jan. y sie Dec. James P. Clarke, of Arkansas Do. Oct. 24, 1914 23, 1913-Jan. 23, 1913-Jan. Mar. 3, 1915 Sept. 8, 1916 23-Dec. 2 4 23-Dec. 28, 1914 17, 1915-Jan. 4, 1916.. SESSIONS OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED [Closing date for this table was June 8, 1993. See additional notes at end of the table.] MEETING DATE OF CONGRESS: The Constitution (Article I, section 4) originally provided that “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.” Pursuant to a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation in 1788, the first session of the First Congress under the Constitutionconvened March 4, 1789. Up to and including May 20, 1820, 18 acts were passed providing for the meeting of Congress on other days in the year. The Congress met regularly on the first Monday in December until 1934, when the 20th amendment to the Constitution became effective, changing the meeting of Congress to January 3. Please see note 3, at the end of this table, concerningextraordinary sessions of the Congress, as well as the next table about special sessions of the Senate. The first and second sessions of the First Congress were held in New York City; subsequently,including the first session of the Sixth Congress, Philadelphia was the meeting place; since then Congress has convened in Washington. Recesses Son Ses 2 et 0 Iki 1 Leng Ee ho) President pro tempore of the Senate ! | Speaker of the House of Representativesuse 2 | Dec. 4, 1916........ Mar. 3, 1917...... 90 | Dec. 22, 1916-Jan. 2, 1917..| Dec. 22, 1916-Jan. 2, 1917.. Willard Saulsbury, of Delaware. 65th * 1 Apr. 2, 19178... Oct. 6, 1917....... FE TR NG RR EE Se CL IE Ne ELS ESE Se do Champ Clark, of Missouri. 2 i PDec. 3,917... Nov. 21, 1918....] 354 | Dec. 18, 1917-Jan. 3, 1918..| Dec. 18, 1917-Jan. 3, 1918.. do 3 {Dec.2, 1918... Mar. 3, 1919...... 92 do 66th ..... 1 | May 19, 1919 3....| Nov. 19, 1919....] 185 | July 1-July 8, 1919............... July 1-July 8, 1919............... Albert B. Cummins, of IoWa.........ccceeruenens | Frederick H. Gillett, of Massachusetts.2 | Dec. 1, 1919........ June 5, 1920...... 188 | Dec. 20, 1919-Jan. 5, 1920..| Dec. 20, 1919-Jan. 5, 1920.. do 3 | Dec. 6, 1920........ Mar. 3, 1921...... 88 do 67th * 1 | Apr. 11, 1921 3....| Nov. 23, 1921... 227 do Do. 2 | Dec. 5,'1921......... Sept. 22, 1922... 292 | Dec. 22, 1921-Jan. 3, 1922..| Dec. 22, 1921-Jan. 3, 1922.. do 3 | Nov. 20, 1922 2 ...| Dec. 4, 1922...... 15 do 4 | Dec. 4, 7 Mar. 3, 1923...... 90 do 68th ..... 1 | Dec. 3, 1923........ June 7, 1924...... 188 | Dec. 20, 1923-Jan. 3, 1924..| Dec. 20, 1923-Jan. 3, 1924... do Do. 2 | Dec. 1, 1924... Mar. 3, 1925...... 93 | Dec. 20-Dec. 29, 1924......... Dec. 20-Dec. 29, 1924......... do 69th * 1 | Dec. 7, 1925........ July 3, 1926....... 209 | Dec. 22, 1925-Jan. 4, 1926..| Dec. 22, 1925-Jan. 4, 1926..| George H. Moses, of New Hampshire...... Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio. 2 | Dec. 6, 1926......... Mar. 4, 1927...... 88 | Dec. 22, 1926-Jan. 3, 1927..| Dec. 22, 1926-Jan. 3, 1927. ...... do 70th... I '['Dec..S, 1927. cr. May 29, 1928... 177 | Dec. 21, 1927-Jan. 4, 1928..| Dec. 21, 1927-Jan. 4, 1928..| George H. Moses, of New Hampshire...... Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio. 2 |Dec.3,1928..... Mar. 3, 1929...... 91 | Dec. 22, 1928-Jan. 3, 1929..| Dec. 22, 1928-Jan. 3, 1929.. do Tlist * 1 | Apr. 15, 1929 3...| Nov. 22, 1929... 222 | June 19-Aug. 19, 1929......... June 19-Sept. 23, 1929......... do Do. 2 | Dec. 2, 199......... July 3, 1930....... 214 | Dec. 21, 1929-Jan. 6, 1930..| Dec. 21, 1929-Jan. 6, 1930.. do 3 93 | Dec. 20, 1930-Jan. 5, 1931..| Dec. 20, 1930-Jan. 5, 1931.. do 724... 1 223 | Dec. 22, 1931-Jan. 4, 1932..| Dec. 22, 1931-Jan. 4, 1932.. do John N. Garner, of Texas. 2 89 do 73d * 1 » Key Pittman, of Nevada.........c.ccccoueueeunnnenne Henry T. Rainey, 2! of Illinois. 2 1 do 74th ..... 1 236 do Joseph W. Byrns, 22 of Tennessee.2 170 | June 8-June 15, 1936........... June 8-June 15, 1936...........| ...... do William B. Bankhead, 23 of Alabama.75th ..... 1 229 do Do. 2 ae , 37 do 3 | Jan..3,1938.......... June 16, 1938....] 165 do 76th ..... 1 | Jan. 3, 1939.......... Aug. 5, 1939...... 215 do Do. 24 2 | Sept. 21, 1939 3...| Nov. 3, 1939 ..... 44 do 3 | Jan. 3, 1940.......... Jan. 3, 1941 ....... 366 | July 11-July 22, 1940........... July 11-July 22, 1940...........| ...... do. 28 Sam Rayburn, 2¢ of Texas. William H. King, 27 of Utah Thth..... 1 Jan. 3,:1941.......... Jan. 2, 1942....... 365 Pat Harrison, 2® of Mississippi; Carter Do. Glass, 2? of Virginia. 2 Jan. 5, 1942.......... Dec. 16, 1942... 346 Carter Glass, of Virginia. A4032241(7 [vu 0155248U0 0 ¥8¢ Dec. 21, 1943... | July 8-Sept. 14, 1943 | July 8-Sept. 14, 1943.. Dec. 19, 1944... | Apr. 1-Apr. 12, 1944 | Apr. 1-Apr. 12, 1944 June 23-Aug. 1, 1944 { June 23-Aug. 1, 194 | Sept. 21-Nov. 14, 1944 Sept. 21-Nov. 14, 1944 Dec. 21, 1945... { Aug. 1-Sept. 5, 1945 July 21-Sept. 5, 1945 Do. | Apr. 18-Apr. 30, 1946 { July 27-Nov. 17, 1947 3° July 27-Nov. 17, 1947 3° Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of Massachusetts.Dec. 31, 1948... { June 20-July 26, 1948 30 i June 20-July 26, 1948 30 | Aug. 7-Dec. 31, 1948 | Aug. 7-Dec. 31, 1948 Oct. 19, 1949 | sam Rayburn, of Texas. Jan. 2, 1951 | Sept. 23-Nov. 27-1950 | Apr. 6-Apr. 18, 1950.........| Sept. 23-Nov. 27, 1950 Oct. 20, 1951 | Mar. 22-Apr. 2, 1951 Do. | Aug. 23-Sept. 12, 1951 July 7, 1952 . 10-Apr. 22, 1952 Aug. 3, 1953...... . 2-Apr. 13, 1953.. Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of Massachusetts.Dec. 2, 1954 Aug. 20-Nov. 8, 1954 _ 15-Apr. 22, 1954 .. Nov. 18-Nov. 29, 1954 | Adjourned sine die Aug. | | 20, Aug. 2, 1955...... Apr. 4-Apr. 13, 1955.......... | Apr. a 13, 1958 ....ered Sam Rayburn, of Texas. July 27, 1956.....| Mar. 29-Apr. 9, 1956.... | Mar. 29-Apr. 9, 1956........... | | Aug. 30, 1957... Apr. 18-Apr. 29, 1957... . 18-Apr. 29, 1957 | Do. ..| Aug. 24, 1958... Apr. 3-Apr. 14, 1958 .... . 3-Apr. 14, 1958 .... Sept. 15, 1959.... Mar. 26-Apr. 7, 1959... | Mar. 26-Apr. 7, 1959.... Do. Apr. 14-Apr. 18, 1960 i Apr. 14-Apr. 18, 1960 .. May 27-May 31, 1960 | May 27-May 31, 1960 July 3-Aug. 8, 1960 | July 3-Aug. 15, 1960 Sept. 27, 1961..... | Mar. 30-Apr. 10, 1961 ....... | Do. 3! Oct. 13, 1962 | Apr. 19-Apr. 30, 1962 John W. McCormack.32 of Massachu-setts. | Apr. 11-Apr. 22, 1963 Do. { July 10-July 20, 1964 | Mar. 26-Apr. 6, 1964 { Aug. 21-Aug. 31, 1964 ! July 2-July 20, 1964 | Aug. 21-Aug. 31, 1964 . 4, 1965 . 10, 1966........ | Oct. 22, 1966 "Apr. 7-Apr. 13, 1966 | Apr. 7-Apr. 18, 1966 { June 30-July 11, 1966 | June 30-July 11, 1966 . 10, 1967 | Mar. 23-Apr. 3, 1967 | June 29-July 10, 1967 { June 29-July 10, 1967 Aug. 31-Sept. 11, 1967 Aug. 31-Sept. 11, 1967 { Nov. 22-Nov. 27, 1967 | Nov. 22-Nov. 27, 1967 . 15, 1968 i Apr. 11-Apr. 17, 1968 i Apr. 11-Apr. 22, 1968 | May 29-June 3, 1968 . May 29-June 3, 1968 { June 3-July 8, 1968 | June 3-July 8, 1968 | Aug. 2-Sept. 4, 1968 | Aug. 2-Sept. 4, 1968 uoypwofur [DI1SIDIS MEETING DATE OF CONGRESS: in December, unless they convened March 4, 1789. in December until 1934, extraordinary sessions of including the first session Date ofbeginning . 19, 1970 . 21, 1971 SESSIONS OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED [Closing date for this table was June 8, 1993. See additional notes at end of the table.) The Constitution (Article I, section 4) originally provided that “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday shall by law appoint a different day.” Pursuant to a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation in 1788, the first session of the First Congress under the ConstitutionUp to and including May 20, 1820, 18 acts were passed providing for the meeting of Congress on other days in the year. The Congress met regularly on the first Monday when the 20th amendment to the Constitution became effective, changing the meeting of Congress to January 3. Please see note 3, at the end of this table, concerningthe Congress, as well as the next table about special sessions of the Senate. The first and second sessions of the First Congress were held in New York City; subsequently,of the Sixth Congress, Philadelphia was the meeting place; since then Congress has convened in Washington. Recesses Date of Length adjournment in days President pro tempore of the Senate * Speaker of the House of RepresentativesSenate House Dec. 23, 1969... 355 Feb. 7-Feb. 17, 1969 Feb. 7-Feb. 17, 1969 Richard B. Russell, of Georgia John W. McCormack, of Massachusetts.Apr. 3-Apr. 14, 1969 Apr. 3-Apr. 14, 1969 July 2-July 7, 1969 May 28-June 2, 1969 Aug. 13-Sept. 3, 1969 July 2-July 7, 1969 Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 1969 Aug. 13-Sept. 3, 1969 Nov. 6-Nov. 12, 1969 Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 1969 Jan. 2, 1971 Feb. 10-Feb. 16, 1970 Feb. 10-Feb. 16, 1970 Mar. 26-Mar. 31, 1970 Mar. 26-Mar. 31, 1970 Sept. 2-Sept. 8, 1970 May 27-June 1, 1970 Oct. 14-Nov. 16, 1970 July 1-July 6, 1970 Nov. 25-Nov. 30, 1970 Aug. 14-Sept. 9, 1970 Dec. 22-Dec. 28, 1970 Oct. 14-Nov. 16, 1970 Nov. 25-Nov. 30, 1970 Dec. 22-Dec. 29, 1970 Dec. 17, 1971... Feb. 11-Feb. 17, 1971 Feb. 10-Feb. 17, 1971 33 Carl B. Albert, of Oklahoma.Apr. 7-Apr. 14, 1971 Apr. 7-Apr. 19, 1971 May 26-June 1, 1971 May 27-June 1, 1971 June 30-July 6, 1971 July 1-July 6, 1971 Aug. 6-Sept. 8, 1971 Oct. 7-Oct. 12, 1971 Nov. 24-Nov. 29, 1971 Oct. 21-Oct. 26, 1971 Nov. 19-Nov. 29, 1971 Oct. 18, 1972 Feb. 9-Feb. 14, 1972 Feb. 9-Feb. 16, 1972 35 Mar. 30-Apr. 4, 1972 Mar. 29-Apr. 10, 1972 May 25-May 30, 1972 May 24-May 30, 1972 June 30-July 17, 1972 June 30-July 17, 1972 Aug. 18-Sept. 5, 1972 Aug. 18-Sept. 5, 1972 Dec. 22, 1973... Feb. 8-Feb. 15, 1973 Feb. 8-Feb. 19, 1973 Apr. 18-Apr. 30, 1973 Apr. 19-Apr. 30, 1973 May 23-May 29, 1973 May 24-May 29, 1973 June 30-July 9, 1973 June 30-July 10, 1973 Aug. 3-Sept. 5, 1973 Aug. 3-Sept. 5, 1972 Oct. 18-Oct. 23, 1973 Oct. 4-Oct. 9, 1973 Nov. 21-Nov. 26, 1973 Oct. 18-Oct. 23, 1973 Nov. 15-Nov. 26, 1973 A1030241(F [vU 015S243U0 0 . 21, 1974 Dec. 20, 1974... Feb. 8-Feb. 18, 1974 Feb. 7-Feb. 13, 1974 Mar. 13-Mar. 19, 1974 Apr. 11-Apr. 22, 1974 Apr. 11-Apr. 22, 1974 May 23-May 28, 1974 May 23-May 28, 1974 Aug. 22-Sept. 11, 1974 Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 1974 Oct. 17-Nov. 18, 1974 Oct. 17-Nov. 18, 1974 Nov. 26-Dec. 3, 1974 Nov. 26-Dec. 2, 1974 . 14, 1975 Dec. 19, 1975... Mar. 26-Apr. 7, 1975 Mar. 26-Apr. 7, 1975 May 22-June 2, 1975 May 22-June 2, 1975 June 27-July 7, 1975 June 26-July 8, 1975 Aug. 1-Sept. 3, 1975 Aug. 1-Sept. 3, 1975 Oct. 9-Oct. 20, 1975 Oct. 9-Oct. 20, 1975 Oct. 23-Oct. 28, 1975 Oct. 23-Oct. 28, 1975 Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 1975 Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 1975 . 19,:1976........ Oct. 1, 1976 Feb. 6-Feb. 16, 1976 Feb. 11-Feb. 16, 1976 Apr. 14-Apr. 26, 1276 Apr. 14-Apr. 26, 1976 May 28-June 2, 1976 May 27-June 1, 1976 July 2-July 19, 1976 July 2-July 19, 1976 Aug. 10-Aug. 23, 1976 Aug. 10-Aug. 23, 1976 Sept. 1-Sept. 7, 1976 Sept. 2-Sept. 8, 1976 Dec. 15, 1977... Feb. 11-Feb. 21, 1977 Feb. 9-Feb. 16, 1977 Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr, of Massachu-Apr. 7-Apr. 18, 1977 Apr. 6-Apr. 18, 1977 setts. May 27-June 6, 1977 May 26-June 1, 1977 July 1-July 11, 1977 June 30-July 11, 1977 Aug. 6-Sept. 7, 1977 Aug. 5-Sept. 7, 1977 Oct. 6-Oct. 11, 1977 Oct. 15, 1978 Feb. 10-Feb. 20, 1978 Feb. 9-Feb. 14, 1978 Mar. 23-Apr. 3, 1978 Mar. 22-Apr. 3, 1978 May 26-June 5, 1978 May 25-May 31, 1978 June 29-July 10, 1978 June 29-July 10, 1978 Aug. 25-Sept. 6, 1978 Aug. 17-Sept. 6, 1978 Jan. 3, 1980 Feb. 9-Feb. 19, 1979 Feb. 8-Feb. 13, 1979 Apr. 10-Apr. 23, 1979 Apr. 10-Apr. 23, 1979 May 24-June 4, 1979 May 24-May 30, 1979 June 27-July 9, 1979 June 29-July 9, 1979 Aug. 3-Sept. 5, 1979 Aug. 2-Sept. 5, 1979 Nov. 20-Nov. 26, 1979 Nov. 20-Nov. 26, 1979 Adjourned sine die, Dec. Adjourned sine die, Jan. 3, 20, 1979 1980 Dec. 16, 1980.... Apr. 3-Apr. 15, 1980 Feb. 13-Feb. 19, 1980 do May 22-May 28, 1980 Apr. 2-Apr. 15, 1980 Milton Young, of North Dakota 37 July 2-July 21, 1980 May 22-May 28, 1980 Aug. 6-Aug. 18, 1980 July 2-July 21, 1980 Aug. 27-Sept. 3, 1980 Aug. 1-Aug. 18, 1980 Oct. 1-Nov. 12, 1980 Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 1980 Nov. 25-Dec. 1, 1980 Oct. 2-Nov. 12, 1980 Nov. 21-Dec. 1, 1980 Dec. 16, 1981... Feb. 6-Feb. 16, 1981 Feb. 6-Feb. 17, 1981 Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina Apr. 10-Apr. 27, 1981 Apr. 10-Apr. 27, 1981 June 25-July 8, 1981 June 26-July 8, 1981 Aug. 3-Sept. 9. 1981 Aug. 4-Sept. 9, 1981 Oct. 7-Oct. 14, 1981 Oct. 7-Oct. 13, 1981 Nov. 24-Nov. 30, 1981 Nov. 23-Nov. 30, 1981 uonpwLIofur [DIUSYDIS SESSIONS OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED [Closing date for this table was June 8, 1993. See additional notes at end of the table.] MEETING DATE OF CONGRESS: The Constitution (Article I, section 4) originally provided that “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.” Pursuant to a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation in 1788, the first session of the First Congress under the Constitutionconvened March 4, 1789. Up to and including May 20, 1820, 18 acts were passed providing for the meeting of Congress on other days in the year. The Congress met regularly on the first Monday in December until 1934, when the 20th amendment to the Constitution became effective, changing the meeting of Congress to January 3. Please see note 3, at the end of this table, concerningextraordinary sessions of the Congress, as well as the next table about special sessions of the Senate. The first and second sessions of the First Congress were held in New York City; subsequently,including the first session of the Sixth Congress, Philadelphia was the meeting place; since then Congress has convened in Washington. Recesses Con-| Ses-Date of Date of Length President pro tempore of the Senate ! Speaker of the House of Representatives gress | sion beginning adjournment in days Senate House . 25, 1982 Dec, 23,:1982.... 333 Feb. 11-Feb. 22, 1982 Feb. 10-Feb. 22, 1982 Strom Thurmond, of South Carolina Apr. 1-Apr. 13, 1982 Apr. 6-Apr. 20, 1982 May 27-June 8, 1982 May 27-June 2, 1982 July 1-July 12, 1982 July 1-July 12, 1982 Aug. 20-Sept. 8, 1982 Aug. 20-Sept. 8, 1982 Oct. 1-Nov. 29, 1982 Oct. 1-Nov. 29, 1982 Nov. 18, 1983... Jan. 3-Jan. 25, 1983 Jan. 6-Jan. 25, 1983 Thomas P. O'Neill, of Massachusetts.Feb. 3-Feb. 14, 1983 Feb. 17-Feb. 22, 1983 Mar. 24-Apr. 5, 1983 Mar. 24-Apr. 5, 1983 May 26-June 6, 1983 May 26-June 1, 1983 June 29-July 11, 1983 June 30-July 11, 1983 Aug. 4-Sept. 12, 1983 Aug. 4-Sept. 12, 1983 Oct. 7-Oct. 17, 1983 Oct. 6-Oct. 17, 1983 Oct. 12, 1984 Feb. 9-Feb. 20, 1984 Feb. 9-Feb. 21, 1984 Apr. 12-Apr. 24, 1984 Apr. 12-Apr. 24, 1984 May 24-May 31, 1984 May 24-May 30, 1984 June 29-July 23, 1984 June 29-July 23, 1984 Aug. 10-Sept. 5, 1984 Aug. 10-Sept. 5, 1984 Dec. 20, 1985... Jan. 7-Jan. 21, 1985 Jan. 3-Jan. 21, 1985 Feb. 7-Feb. 18, 1985 Feb. 7-Feb. 19, 1985 Apr. 4-Apr. 15, 1985 Mar. 7-Mar. 19, 1985 May 9-May 14, 1985 Apr. 4-Apr. 15, 1985 May 24-June 3, 1985 May 23-June 3, 1985 June 27-July 8, 1985 June 27-July 8, 1985 Aug. 1-Sept. 9, 1985 Aug. 1-Sept. 4, 1985 Nov. 23-Dec. 2, 1985 Nov. 21-Dec. 2, 1985 . 21, 1986 Oct. 18, 1986 Feb. 7-Feb. 17, 1986 | Feb. 6-Feb. 18, 1986 Mar. 27-Apr. 8, 1986 Mar. 25-Apr. 8, 1986 May 21-June 2, 1986 May 22-June 3, 1986 June 26-July 7, 1986 June 26-July 14, 1986 Aug. 15-Sept. 8, 1986 Aug. 16-Sept. 8, 1986 A4030241(F oU 0D 100th ... Jan. Dec. 22, 1987... 351 Jan. 6-Jan. 12, 1987.............. | Jan. 8-Jan. 20, 1987.............. | John C. Stennis, of MissisSippi.........ccconue James C. Wright, Jr., of Texas. Feb. 5-Feb. 16, 1987 Feb. 11-Feb. 18, 1987 Apr. 10-Apr. 21, 1987 Apr. 9-Apr. 21, 1987 May 21-May 27, 1987 May 21-May 27, 1987 July 1-July 7, 1987 July 1-July 7, 1987 Aug. 7-Sept. 9, 1987 July 15-July 20, 1987 Nov. 20-Nov. 30, 1987 Aug. 7-Sept. 9, 1987 Nov. 10-Nov. 16, 1987 Nov. 20-Nov. 30, 1987 Jan. Oct. 22, 198 272 Feb. 4-Feb. 15, 1988............ Feb. 9-Feb. 16, 1988 do Mar. 4-Mar. 14, 1988 Mar. 31-Apr. 11, 1988 Mar. 31-Apr. 11, 1988 May 26-June 1, 1988 Apr. 29-May 9, 1988 June 30-July 7, 1988 May 27-June 6, 1988 July 14-July 26, 1988 June 29-July 6, 1988 Aug. 11-Sept. 7,1988 July 14-July 25, 1988 Aug. 11-Sept. 7, 1988 101st.... Jan. Nov. 22, 1989.... 324 Jan. 4-Jan. 20, 1989.............. Jan. 4-Jan. 19, 1989.............. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia............. Do. Jan. 20-Jan. 25, 1989 Feb. 9-Feb. 21, 1989 Thomas S. Foley, *® of Washington.Feb. 9-Feb. 21, 1989 Mar. 23-Apr. 3, 1989 Mar. 17-Apr. 4, 1989 Apr. 18-Apr. 25, 1989 Apr. 19-May 1, 1989 May 25-May 31, 1989 May 18-May 31, 1989 June 29-July 10, 1989 June 23-July 11, 1989 Aug. 5-Sept. 6, 1989 Aug. 4-Sept. 6, 1989 Jan. 260 Feb. 8-Feb. 20, 1990............ Feb. 7-Feb. 20, 1990 do Mar. 9-Mar. 20, 1990 Apr. 4-Apr. 18, 1990 Apr. 5-Apr. 18, 1990 May 25-June 5, 1990 May 24-June $5, 1990 June 28-July 10, 1990 June 28-July 10, 1990 Aug. 4-Sept. 5, 1990 Aug. 4-Sept. 10, 1990 Jan. 365 Feb. 7-Feb. 19, 1991............ Feb. 6-Feb. 19, 1991 do Mar. 22-Apr. 9, 1991 Mar. 22-Apr. 9, 1991 Apr. 25-May 6, 1991 May 23-May 29, 1991 May 24-June 3, 1991 June 27-July 9, 1991 June 28-July 8, 1991 Aug. 2-Sept. 11, 1991 Aug. 2-Sept. 10, 1991 Nov. 27, 1991-Jan. 3, 1992 Nov. 27, 1991-Jan. 3, 1992 Jan. Oct. 9, 1992 sessene 281 Jan. 3-Jan. 22, 1992 do Feb. 7-Feb. 18, 1992 Apr. 10-Apr. 28, 1992 Apr. 10-Apr. 28, 1992 May 21-May 26, 1992 May 21-June 1, 1992 July 2-July 7, 1992 July 2-July 20, 1992 July 9-July 21, 1992 Aug. 12-Sept. 8, 1992 Aug. 12-Sept. 9, 1992 Jan. Jan. 7-Jan. 20, 1993.............. Jan. 6-Jan. 20, 1993 do Feb. 4-Feb. 16, 1993 Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 1993 Apr. 7-Apr. 19, 1993 Feb. 4-Feb. 16, 1993 May 28-June 7, 1993 Apr. 7-Apr. 19, 1993 May 27-June 8, 1993 * Indicates that a special session of the Senate was convened during a Congress. Please see the following table, SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE, for more information. uo pwLIOfuf [DIUSDIS ! For many years the appointment or election of a President pro tempore was held by the Senate to be for the occasion only, so that more than one appear in several sessions and in others none was Shou. Since Mar. 12, 1890, they have served until “the Senate otherwise ordered.” Since 1949, the position has gone to the most senior member of the majority (see note 37 for a minority party exception).Elected to count the vote for President and Vice President, which was done Apr. 6, 1789, a quorum of the Senate then appearing for the first time. John Adams, Vice President, appeared Apr. 21, 1789, and took his seat as President of the Senate. 3 Article II, section 3 of the Constitution provides that the President “may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them.” This procedure occurs only if the Congress is convened by presidential proclamation. Extraordinary sessions have been called by the Chief Executive to urge the Congress to focus on important national issues. These are separate sessions of Congress, unless otherwise noted. 4 Elected Speaker pro tempore for Apr. 20, 1798, and again for May 28, 1798. S Elected Speaker Jan. 19, 1814, to succeed Henry Clay, of Kentucky, who resigned Jan. 19, 1814. 6 Elected Speaker Nov. 15, 1820, to succeed Henry Clay, of Kentucky, who resigned Oct. 28, 1820. 7 Elected Speaker June 2, 1834, to succeed Andrew Stevenson, of Virginia, who resigned. 8 Elected Speaker Mar. 3, 1869, and served 1 day. 9 Died Aug. 19, 1876. 10 Appointed Speaker pro tempore Feb. 17, May 12, June 19. 11 Appointed Speaker pro tempore June 4. 12 Resigned as President pro tempore Apr. 27, 1911. 13 Elected to serve Jan. 11-17, Mar. 11-12, Apr. 8, May 10, May 30 to June 1 and 3, June 13 to July 5, Aug. 1-10, and Aug. 27 to Dec. 15, 1912. 14 Elected to serve May 25, 1912. 15 Elected to serve Dec. 4-12, 1911. 16 Elected to serve Feb. 12-14, Apr. 26-27, May 7, July 6-31, Aug. 12-26, 1912. 17 Elected to serve Mar. 25-26, 1912. 18 Elected to serve Aug. 27 to Dec. 15, 1912, Jan. 5-18, and Feb. 2-15, 1913. 19 Elected to serve Dec. 16, 1912, to Jan. 4, 1913, Jan. 19 to Feb. 1, and Feb. 16 to Mar. 3, 1913. 20 Died Oct. 1, 1916. 21 Died Aug. 19, 1934. 22 Died June 4, 1936. 23 Elected June 4, 1936. 24 Died Sept. 15, 1940. 28 Died Nov. 10, 1940. 26 Elected Sept. 16, 1940. 27 Elected Nov. 19, 1940. 28 Elected Jan. 6, 1941; died June 22, 1941. 29 Elected July 10, 1941. 30Extraordinary session of the Congress called by President Harry Truman. The extraordinary session was convened after a recess period, and it did not begin a new session. 31 Died November 16, 1961. 32 Elected Jan. 10, 1962. 33 Died Jan. 21, 1971. 34 Elected Jan. 22, 1971. 35 Died July 27, 1972. 36 Elected July 28, 1972. 37 Milton Young, of North Dakota, was elected president pro tempore for one day, Dec. 5, 1980, which was at the end of his 36-year career in the Senate. He was Republican, which was the minority party at that time. 38 Elected Speaker June 6, 1989, to succeed James C. Wright, Jr., of Texas, who resigned. A1030041(F [vU 0155243U0 0 06¢ Statistical Information SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE From 1789 to 1933 presidential and congressional terms began on March 4, although the Congress generally did not meet until the first Monday in December. When a new President was to take office, his predecessor would call the Senate into special session to confirm the nominations for the Cabinet and other significant posts. Special sessions also were convened to consider the ratification of treaties. Incumbent presidents also called special sessions from time to time to allow Senators to consider vacancies and other executive business. Special sessions are called by presidential proclamation. [Except as noted below, all special sessions were convened to consider executive nominations.) Date of beginning Date of adjournment Friday, March 4 Friday, March 4. Monday, March 4 Monday, March 4. Monday, June 8 ? Friday, June 26. Saturday, March 4 Saturday, March 4. Tuesday, July 17 Thursday, July 19. Wednesday, March 4 Thursday, March 5. Saturday, March 4 Tuesday, March 7. Monday, March 4 Wednesday, March 6. Friday, March 4 Wednesday, March 9. Wednesday, March 4 | Tuesday, March 17. Saturday, March 4 | Friday, March 10. Thursday, March 4 Monday, March 15. Tuesday, March 4 Thursday, March 20. Monday, March § Friday, March 23. Tuesday, March 4 Thursday, March 13. Friday, March 4 Monday, April 11. Wednesday, March 4 Saturday, March 14. Tuesday, June 15 Wednesday, June 16. Friday, March 4 Thursday, March 10. Tuesday, June 26 2 Thursday, June 28. Monday, March 4 Thursday, March 28. Wednesday, March 4 Saturday, March 14. Saturday, March 4 Saturday, March 11. Monday, April 1 Saturday, April 20. Monday, April 12 Thursday, April 22. Wednesday, May 10 3 Saturday, May 27. Tuesday, March 4 Wednesday, March 26. Friday, March 5 Wednesday, March 24. Monday, March 5 Saturday, March 17. Friday, March 4 Friday, May 20. Monday, October 10 Saturday, October 29. Wednesday, March 4 Thursday, April 2. Monday, March 4 Tuesday, April 2. Saturday, March 4 Friday, April 15. Thursday, March 4 Wednesday, March 10. Monday, March 4 Saturday, March 9. Thursday, March 5 Thursday, March 19. Saturday, March 4 Saturday, March 18. Thursday, March 4 Saturday, March 6. Tuesday, March 4 Monday, March 17. Monday, March 5 Friday, March 16. Friday, March 4 Tuesday, March 15. Wednesday, March 4 Wednesday, March 18. Monday, March 4 Tuesday, March S. Monday, July 7 4 Monday, July 21. Saturday, March 4 Monday, March 6. ! To consider the Jay Treaty. 2 To consider treaties. 3 To consider the Washington Treaty. 4 To consider the Naval Arms Treaty. Congressional Directory JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS 1st-103d CONGRESSES, 1789-1993 ! The parliamentary difference between a joint session and a joint meeting has evolved over time. In recent years the distinctions have become clearer: a joint session is more formal, and occurs upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution; a joint meeting occurs when each body adopts a unanimous consent agreement to recess to meet with the other legislative body. The Speaker of the House of Representatives usually presides over joint sessions and meetings; however, the President of the Senate does preside over counts of the electoral votes, as required by the Constitution. In the earliest years of the Republic, 1789 and 1790, when the national legislature met in New York City, joint gatherings were held in the Senate Chamber in Federal Hall. In Philadelphia, when the legislature met in Congress Hall, such meetings were held in the Senate Chamber, 1790-1793, and in the Hall of the House of Representatives, 1794 1799. Once the Congress moved to the Capitol in Washington in 1800, the Senate Chamber again was used for joint gatherings through 1805. Since 1809, with few excep-tions, joint sessions and meetings have occurred in the Hall of the House. Presidential messages on the state of the Union were once known as “annual mes-sages,” but since the 80th Congress have been called “State of the Union Addresses.” After President Adams’ annual message on November 22, 1800, these addresses were read by clerks to the individual bodies until President Wilson resumed the practice of deliver-ing them to joint sessions on December 2, 1913. In some instances more than one joint gathering has occurred on the same day. For example, on January 6, 1941, Congress met in joint session to count electoral votes for President and Vice President, and then met again in joint session to receive President Roosevelt’s annual message. Congress has hosted inaugurations since the first occasion in 1789. They always have been formal joint gatherings, and sometimes they also were joint sessions. Inaugurations were joint sessions when both houses of Congress were in session, and they processed to the ceremony as part of the business of the day. In many cases, however, one or both houses were not in session or were in recess at the time of the ceremony. In the table below, inaugurations that were not joint sessions are listed in the second column. Those that were joint sessions are so identified and described in the third column. JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS 1st-103d CONGRESSES, 1789-1993 [See notes at end of table] Name and position of dignitary (where Congress & Date Occasion, topic, or location applicable) NEW YORK CITY 1st CONGRESS Counting electoral votes N.A. Apr. 30, 1789 d Inauguration and church service 2 President George Washington; Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, Senate- appointed Chaplain. Jan. 8, 1790. Annual 2 President George Washington. PHILADELPHIA Do. Oct. 25, 1791 do Do. Nov. 6, 1792 do Do. Feb. 13, 1793 Counting electoral votes N.A. 3d CONGRESS Inauguration Senate Chamber President George Washington. Joint session Annual Do. Nov. 19, 1794 do Do. 4th CONGRESS Dec. 8, 1795 Do. Statistical Information JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Name and position of dignitary (where Congress & Date Type Occasion, topic, or location applicable) Dec. 7, 1796 Annual President George Washington. Feb. 8, 1797 Counting electoral VOLES... N.A Sth CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1797 Inauguration Hall of the House President John Adams. May 16, 1797 Joint session Relations with France Do. Nov. 23, 1797 Annual Do. Dec. 8, 1798 do Do. S 6th CONGRESS do Do. Dec. 26, 1799 Funeral procession and oration in Representative Henry Lee. memory of George Washington 3. WASHINGTON Nov. 22, 1800 Annual message President John Adams. Feb. 11, 1801 Counting electoral votes * N.A. 7th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1801 Inauguration Senate Chamb President Thomas Jefferson. 8th CONGRESS Feb. 13, 1805 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A. 9th CONGRESS Mar. 5, 1805......... Inauguration Senate Chamber President Thomas Jefferson. 10th CONGRESS Feb. 8, 1809 Joint session Counting electoral votes ............cceueuues N.A. 11th CONGRESS Inauguration Hall of the House President James Madison. 12th CONGRESS Feb. 10, 1813........ Joint session Counting electoral votes............cccoou.nue N.A. 13th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1813 Inauguration Hall of the House President James Madison. 14th CONGRESS Feb. 12, 1817 Joint session Counting electoral votes ® N.A. 15th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1817 Inauguration In front of Brick Capitol President James Monroe. 16th CONGRESS Feb. 14, 1821 Joint session Counting electoral votes © NA. 17th CONGRESS Mar. 5, 1821 Inauguration Hall of the House President James Monroe. 18th CONGRESS Dec. 10, 1824 Joint meeting Address [ is 1 Henry Clay; General Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. Feb. 9, 1825 Joint session Counting electoral votes ? N.A. 19th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1825 Inauguration Hall of the House President John Quincy Adams. 20th CONGRESS Feb. 11, 1829 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A. 21st CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1829 Inauguration East Portico ® President Andrew Jackson. 224 CONGRESS Feb. 13, 1833 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A. Inauguration Hall of the House ? President Andrew Jackson. Joint session Lafayette eulogy Representative and former President John Quincy Adams; ceremony at-tended by President Andrew Jackson. 24th CONGRESS Feb. 8, 1837 Counting electoral votes N.A. Congressional Directory JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Name and position of dignitary (where Congress & Date Type Occasion, topic, or location applicable) 25th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1837......... Inauguration ...... East Portico President Martin Van Buren. 26th CONGRESS Feb. 10, 1841........ Joint session....... Counting electoral votes...................... N.A. 27th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1841......... Inauguration ...... East Portico President William Henry Harrison. 28th CONGRESS Feb. 12, 1845........ Joint session....... Counting electoral votes...................... N.A. 29th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1845......... Inauguration ...... East Portico President James Knox Polk. 30th CONGRESS Feb. 14, 1849........ Joint session....... Counting electoral votes.............cc..... N.A. 31st CONGRESS Mar. §, 1849......... Inauguration ...... East Portico President Zachary Taylor. July 10, 1850........ Joint session....... Oath of office to President Millard | N.A. Fillmore 1°. 32d CONGRESS Feb. 9, 1853.........| ...... ss PRICY, Counting electoral votes ..............c..... N.A. 33d CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1853......... Inauguration ...... East Portico President Franklin Pierce. 34th CONGRESS Feb. 11, 1857 Joint session. Counting electoral votes N.A. 35th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1857 Inauguration East Portico President James Buchanan. 36th CONGRESS Feb. 13, 1861 Joint session. Counting electoral votes N.A. 37th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1861 Inauguration East Portico President Abraham Lincoln. Feb. 22, 1862........ Joint session. Reading of Washington's farewell John W. Forney, Secretary of the address. Senate. 38th CONGRESS Feb. 8, 1865 Counting electoral votes N.A. 39th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1865 Inauguration East Portico President Abraham Lincoln. Joint session Memorial to Abraham Lincoln George Bancroft, historian; ceremony attended by President Andrew John-son. 40th CONGRESS Feb. 10, 1869 Counting electoral votes N.A. 41st CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1869 Inauguration East Portico President Ulysses S. Grant. 42d CONGRESS Feb. 12, 1873 Joint session Counting electoral votes !! N.A. Inauguration East Portico President Ulysses S. Grant. Joint meeting Reception of King Kalakaua of Speaker James G. Blaine; David Kala-Hawaii. kaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands.!? Joint session Counting electoral votes 3 N.A. . 2, 1877 Statistical Information JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED Congress & Date 45th CONGRESS Mar. 5, 1877......... 46th CONGRESS Feb. 9, 1881.......... 47th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1881 Feb. 27, 1882........ 48th CONGRESS Feb. 11, 1885........ Feb. 21, 1385........ 49th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1885......... 50th CONGRESS Feb. 13, 1889........ 51st CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1889 Dec. 11, 1889 52d CONGRESS Feb. 8, 1893.......... 53d CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1893......... 54th CONGRESS Feb. 10, 1897........ 55th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1897 56th CONGRESS Dec. 12, 1900 Feb. 13, 1901 57th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1901 58th CONGRESS Feb. 8, 1905.......... 59th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1905 60th CONGRESS Feb. 10, 1909........ 61st CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1909 62d CONGRESS Feb. 12,.1913........ Type Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint session....... Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint meeting Joint session Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint session [See notes at end of table] Occasion, topic, or location East Portico Counting electoral votes East Portico Memorial to James A. Garfield Counting electoral votes Completion of Washington Monu-ment. East Portico Counting electoral votes East Portico Centennial of George Washington's first inauguration. Counting electoral votes East Portico Counting electoral votes In front of original Senate Wing of Capitol. Centennial of the Capital City Counting electoral votes East Portico Memorial to William McKinley.......... Counting electoral votes...................... East Portico Counting electoral votes Senate Chamber 13 Counting electoral votes Name and position of dignitary (where applicable) President Rutherford B. Hayes. N.A. President James A. Garfield. James G. Blaine, former Speaker, Sena-tor, and Secretary of State; ceremony attended by President Chester A. Arthur. N.A. Representative John D. Long; Repre-sentative-elect John W. Daniel 4; ceremony attended by President Chester A. Arthur. President Grover Cleveland. N.A. President Benjamin Harrison. Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States; ceremony attended by President Benjamin Harrison. N.A. President Grover Cleveland. N.A. President William McKinley. Representatives James D. Richardson and Sereno E. Payne, and Senator George F. Hoar; ceremony attended by President William McKinley. N.A. President William McKinley. John Hay, Secretary of State; ceremony attended by President Theodore Roo-sevelt and Prince Henry of Prussia. N.A. President Theodore Roosevelt. N.A. President William Howard Taft. N.A. 596 Congressional Directory JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Congress & Date Type Occasion, topic, or location Name and position of dignitary (where applicable) Feb. 15, 913........ Joint session....... Memorial for Vice President James | Senators Elihu Root, Thomas S. Martin, S. Sherman 18. Jacob H. Gallinger, John R. Thorn-ton, Henry Cabot Lodge, John W. Kern, Robert M. LaFollette, John Sharp Williams, Charles Curtis, Albert B. Cummins, George T. Oliver, James A. O'Gorman; Speaker Champ Clark; President William Howard Taft. 63d CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1913......... Inauguration ...... East Portico resident Woodrow Wilson. Apr. 8, 1913 Joint session....... Tariff message Do. June 23, 1913........ Currency and bank reform message ... Do. Aug. 27, 1913....... Mexican affairs message............cccoeue.. Do. Dec. 2, 1913 Annual g Do. Jan. 20, 1914 Trusts g Do. Mar. 5, 1914 Panama Canal tolls ............ccccvvvrininnnnne. Do. Apr. 20, 1914 ......| ...... do Mexico 2 Do. Sept. 4,-194.......3....... do War tax g Do. Dec. 8,-1914..... 1... do Annual g Do. 64th CONGRESS Dec. 7, 1918 ........ J... do do Do. Aug. 29, 1916.......| ...... do... Railroad message (labor-manage-Do. ment dispute). Dec.'5,'1916............... do Annual 2g Do. Feb. 3, 1917...5.....0 5... LL A ha Severing diplomatic relations with Do. Germany. Feb. 14,1917 ......4 ...... ARE Counting electoral votes..............ccoue. N.A. Feb. 26, 1917.......00... 0s iis diario) Arming of merchant ships ..........c....... President Woodrow Wilson. 65th CONGRESS Mar. §, 1917 Inauguration ...... East Portico Do. Apr. 2, 1917 Joint session....... War with Germany ..........ccccevcevivnnene Do. Dec. 4, 1917........J ...... do Annual ge/War with Austria-Do. Hungary. Jan. 4, 1918.........1 inves do Federal operation of transportation Do. systems. Jan. 8, 1918........... Program for world’s peace.................. Do. Feb. 11, 1918........ Peace message Do. May 27, 1918........ .| War finance g Do. Nov. 11: 1918... Terms of armistice signed by Ger-Do. many. Dec. 2,-1918........ 00.4 do Annual g Do. Feb. 9, 1919...c.icnuiienres 0s corse verses Memorial to Theodore Roosevelt....... Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr.; cere- mony attended by former President William Howard Taft. 66th CONGRESS Aug.’8, 919........{ -...} GO ues isnenstint Cost of living message ...........ccecccvinnne President Woodrow Wilson. Sept. 18, 1919........ ...... BGirieriirsrsaiians Address................. President pro tempore Albert B. Cum- mins; Speaker Frederick H. Gillett; Representative and former Speaker Champ Clark; General John J. Per-shing. Feb. 9, 1921.........1 «...s 7 A SA Counting electoral votes............ceeuene. N.A. 67th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1921......... Inauguration ...... East Portico President Warren G. Harding. Apr. 12, 192} ....... Joint session....... Federal problem g Do. Dec. 6, 1921........ ees do Annual 2! Do. Feb. 28, 1922........| ...... BO nie Maintenance of the merchant marine. Do. Aug: 18, 1922.......1 ...... 80. Coal and railroad message................... Do. Nov.:21, 1922.......0...... do Promotion of the American mer-Do. chant marine. Dec. 8,:1922.........J «il do Annual 2 Do. Feb.” 7,:1923..cvef viens 00. ior ccriinin British debt due to the United States. Do. 68th CONGRESS Dec, 6, 1923.5... 4... do Annual g President Calvin Coolidge. Reb. 27, 1924........} ....o; AO ivii Memorial to Warren G. Harding........ Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State; ceremony attended by Presi-dent Calvin Coolidge. Congress & Date Dec. 15, 1924 Feb. 11, 1925 69th CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1925 Feb. 22, 1927 70th CONGRESS Feb. 13, 1929 71st CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1929 72d CONGRESS Feb. 22, 1932 Feb. 6, 1933 Feb. 8, 1933 73d CONGRESS Mar. 4, 1933 Jan. 3, 1934 May 20, 1934 74th CONGRESS Jan. 4, 1935......... May 22, 1935... Jan. 3, 1936 75th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1937 76th CONGRESS Jan. 4, 1939 Mar. 4, 1939. June 9, 1939 Sept. 21, 1939 Jan. 3, 1940... May 16, 1940 77th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1941 Do Jan. 20, 1941 Dec. 26, 1941 Jan. 6, 1942 78th CONGRESS 79th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1945 JOINT Type Inauguration Joint session Inauguration Joint session Joint meeting Joint session Inauguration .| Joint session A Statistical Information SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Name and position of dignitary (where Occasion, topic, or location applicable) Memorial to Woodrow Wilson Dr. Edwin Anderson Alderman, Presi-dent of the University of Virginia; ceremony attended by President Calvin Coolidge. Counting electoral votes N.A. East Portico President Calvin Coolidge. George Washington birthday mes-Do. sage. Counting electoral votes N.A. East Portico President Herbert Hoover. Bicentennial of George Washing-Do. ton’s birth. Memorial to Calvin Coolidge Arthur Prentice Rugg, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa-chusetts; ceremony attended by Presi-dent Herbert Hoover. Counting electoral votes N.A. East Portico President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Annual D 0. 100th anniversary, death of Lafay-André de Laboulaye, Ambassador of ette. France; President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; ceremony attended by Count de Chambrun, great-grandson of Lafayette. Annual President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Veto Do. Annual Do. Counting electoral votes Annual 2 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. East Portico President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Vice President John Nance Garner.” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Do. Sesquicentennial of the 1st Congress. Do. Reception #8 George VI and Elizabeth, King and Queen of the United Kingdom. Neutrality address President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Annual Do. National defense message Do. Counting electoral votes N.A. Annual President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Inauguration, ‘East Portico President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Vice President Henry A. Wallace. War with Japan President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Address !° Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Annual President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Annual Do. Address Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Moscow Conference Cordell Hull, Secretary of State. Counting electoral votes N.A. Annual S President Roosevelt was not present. His message was read before the Joint Session of Congress. Congressional Directory JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Name and position of dignitary (where Congress & Date Type Occasion, topic, or location applicable) — PERCICAEE aia Jan. 20, 1945......... South Portico, The White House 2°... President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Vice President Harry S. Truman. Mar. 1, 1945......... Yalta Conference ..| President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Apr. 16, 1945 ....... d Prc of the Wi ..| President Harry S. Truman. May 21, 1945........ : Bestowal of Congressional Medal of General George C. Marshall, Chief of Honor on Tech. Sgt. Jake Wil. Staff, U.S. Army; President Harry S. liam Lindsey. Truman. June 18, 1945 Address General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Su-preme Commander, Allied Expedi-tionary Force. do Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Command- er-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet. Oct. 23, 1945 Universal military training message... President Harry S. Truman. Nov. 13, 1945...... Address Clement R. Attlee, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. May 25, 1946. Railroad strike message President Harry S. Truman. July 1, 1946 Memorial to Franklin Delano Roo-John Winant, U.S. Representative on sevelt. the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations; ceremony attend-ed by President Harry S. Truman and Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 80th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1947 State of the Union Address President Harry S. Truman. Greek-Turkish aid policy Do Joint meeting Address Miguel "Aleman, President of Mexico. Joint session Aid to Europe message President Harry S. Truman. Jan. 7, 1948 d State of the Union Address................. Do. Mar. 17, 1948 National security and conditions in Do. Europe. Apr. 19, 1948 50th anniversary, liberation of Cuba... President Harry S. Truman; Guillermo Belt, Ambassador of Cuba July 27, 1948 Inflation, housing, and civil rights...... President Harry S. Truman. 81st CONGRESS State of the Union Address................. Do. .| Counting electoral votes... | N.A. Inauguration, East Portico................... President Harry S. Truman; Vice Presi-dent Alben W. Barkley. May 19, 1949 Joint meeting... Address Evurico Gaspar Dutra, President of Brazil. Jan. 4, 1950.......... Joint session State of the Union Address................. President Harry S. Truman. May 31, 1950 Joint meeting Address Dean Acheson, Secretary of State. 82d CONGRESS Jan. 8, 1951.......... State of the Union Address................. President Harry S. Truman. Feb. 1, 1951 North Atlantic Treaty Organization... General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Apr. 2, 1951 .| Address Vincent Auriol, President of France. Apr. 19, 1951 Return from Pacific Command General Douglas MacArthur. June 21, 1951 Address Galo Plaza, President of Ecuador. Sept. 24, 1951...... do Alcide de Gasperi, Prime Minister of Italy Jan. 9, 1952 Joint session State of the Union Address President Harry S. Truman. Jan. 17, 1952 Joint meeting Address Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Apr. 3, 1952... do ..| Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands. May 22, 1952... Korea General Matthew B. Ridgway. June 10, 1952 Steel industry disp President Harry S. Truman. 83d CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1953 Counting electoral votes N.A. Jan. 20, 1953 Inauguration, East Portico President Dwight D. Eisenhower; Vice President Richard M. Nixon. Feb. 2, 1953 State of the Union Address President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Jan. 7, 1954 do Do. Jan. 29, 1954 Address Celal Bayar, President of Turkey. May 4, 1954 do Vincent Massey, Governor General of Canada. May 28, 1954 do Haile Selassie 1, Emperor of Ethiopia. July 28, 1954 do Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea. 84th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1955 President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Jan. 27, 1955 Paul E. Magliore, President of Haiti. Giovanni Gronchi, President of Italy. May 17, 1956...... Dr. Sukarno, President of Indonesia. Statistical Information JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] AND Congress & Date Type Occasion, topic, or location Name and position of dignitary applicable) (where Middle East message President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Counting electoral votes... N.A. State of the Union Address... ..| President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Inauguration, East Portico President Dwight D. Eisenhower; Vice President Richard M. Nixon. Address Ngo Dinh Diem, President of Vietnam. State of the Union Address President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Address Theodor Heuss, President of West Ger- many. do Carlos F. Garcia, President of the Phil-ippines. State of the Union Address President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Address Arturo Frondizi, President of Argenti-na. Sesquicentennial of Abraham Lin-Fredric March, actor; Carl Sandburg, coln’s birth. poet. Address Jose Maria Lemus, President of El Sal- vador. do Sean T. O'Kelly, President of Ireland. do Baudouin, King of the Belgians. Joint session State of the Union Address President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Joint meeting Address Alberto Lleras-Camargo, President of Colombia. do Charles de Gaulle, President of France. do Mahendra, King of Nepal. do Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand. Counting electoral votes... | N.A. Inauguration, East Portico President John F. Kennedy; Vice Presi-dent Lyndon B. Johnson. State of the Union Address President John F. Kennedy. Joint meeting Address Habib Bourguiba, President of Tunisia. Joint session Urgent national needs: foreign aid, President John F. Kennedy. defense, civil defense, and outer space. Address Mohammad Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan. do M 1 Prado, President of Peru. Joint session State of the Union Address President John F. Kennedy. Joint meeting Friendship 7: Ist United States or-Lt. Col. John H. Glenn, Jr., USMC; bital space flight. Friendship 7 astronaut. Address Joao Goulart, President of Brazil. do Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Sha-hanshah of Iran. State of the Union Address President John F. Kennedy. Flight of Faith 7 Spacecraft Maj. Gordon L. Cooper, Jr., USAF, Faith 7 astronaut. Assumption of office .| President Lyndon B. Johnson. State of the Union Address Do Address Antonio Segni, President of Italy. do Eamon de Valera, President of Ireland. State of the Union Address President Lyndon B. Johnson. Counting electoral votes N.A Inauguration, East Portico | President Lyndon B. Johnson; Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. Voting rights President Lyndon B. Johnson. Flight of Gemini 5 Spacecraft Lt. Col. Gordon L. Cooper, Jr., USAF; and Charles Conrad, Jr, USN; Gemini 5 astronauts. Joint session State of the Union Address President Lyndon B. Johnson. Joint meeting Address Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the Philippines. Joint session State of the Union Address President Lyndon B. Johnson. Joint meeting Vietnam policy General William C. Westmoreland. d Address Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, President of Mexico. State of the Union Address President Lyndon B. Johnson. Jan. Jan. May Jan. June Mar. May Apr. Apr. June 10, 21, 9, 9, 5, 18, 12, 25, 28, 29, 1957.. 1957 1957. 1958.... 1958 1959 1959. 1960 1960 1960. 87th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1961... 1961........ 1961 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 Jan. 20, Jan. May July Sept. Jan. Feb. Apr. Apr. 30, 25, 12, 21, 11, 26, 4, 1962 12, 1962........ 88th CONGRESS Jan. May Jan. Jan. Mar. Sept. Apr. Oct. Jan. 14, 1963 21, 1963 6, 1965... 20, 1965 15, 1965 14, 1965 28, 1967 27, 1967 17, 1968 Congressional Directory JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Name and position of dignitary (where Congress & Date Occasion, topic, or location applicable) 91st CONGRESS Joint session Counting electoral votes 2 N.A. Joint ti Apollo 8: 1st flight around the | Col. Frank Borman, USAF; Capt. moon. James A. Lowell, Jr., USN; Lt. Col. William A. Anders, USAF; Apollo 8 astronauts. Jan. 14, 1969 State of the Union Address................. President Lyndon B. Johnson. Jan. 20, 1969 do Inauguration, East Portico President Richard M. Nixon; Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. Sept. 16, 1969 Apollo 11: 1st lunar landing Neil A. Armstrong; Col. Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr, USAF; and Lt. Col. Mi-chael Collins, USAF; Apollo 11 as-tronauts. Jan. 22, 1970 Joint session.......| State of the Union Address................. President Richard M. Nixon. Feb. 25, 1970 Joint meeting Address Georges Pompidou, President of France. June 3, 1970 do Dr. Rafael Caldera, President of Ven-ezuela. Sept. 22, 1970 Report on prisoners of war Col. Frank Borman, Representative to the Presidert on Prisoners of War. 92d CONGRESS Jan. 22, 1971 State of the Union Address................. President Richard M. Nixon. Sept. 9, 1971 d Economic policy Do. Do Apollo 15: lunar mission Col. David R. Scott, USAF; Col. James B. Irwin, USAF; and Lit. Col. Alfred M. Worden, USAF; Apollo 15 astro- nauts. Jan. 20, 1972 State of the Union Address President Richard M. Nixon. June 1, 1972 ......... d European trip report Do. June 15, 1972 Address | Luis Echeverria Alvarez, President of Mexico. 93d CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1975........... Joint session Counting electoral votes...........cccuueneee N.A. Jan. 20, 1973......... Inauguration ......| East Portico President Richard M. Nixon; Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. Dec. 6, 1973......... Joint meeting Oath of office to Vice President | Vice President Gerald R. Ford; cere-Gerald R. Ford. mony attended by President Richard M. Nixon. Jan. 30 1974 State of the Union Address................. President Richard M. Nixon. Aug. 12, 1974....... d Assumption of office President Gerald R. Ford. Oct. 8, 1974 Economy Do. 94th CONGRESS Jan. 15, 1975......... State of the Union Address................. President Gerald R. Ford. Apr. 10, 1975 ....... State of the World message Do. June 17, 1975........ Address Walter Scheel, President of West Ger- many. Now. §, 1975 do Anwar El Sadat, President of Egypt. Jan. 19, 1976.........| Joint session State of the Union Address...........c..... President Gerald R. Ford. Jan. 28, 1976 Joint Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel. Mar. 17, 1976 do Liam Cosgrave, Prime Minister of Ire- land. May 18, 1976 do w Valery Giscard d’Estaing, President of France. June 2, 1976 do Juan Carlos 1, King of Spain. Sept. 23, 1976 do Dr. William R. Tolbert, Jr., President of Liberia. 95th CONGRESS Counting electoral votes.............cucuc.e. N.A. State of the Union Address................. President Gerald R. Ford. East Portico President Jimmy Carter; Vice President Walter F. Mondale. Address Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. Energy President Jimmy Carter. .| State of thc Union Address Do. Middle East Peace agreements State of the Union Address Salt 11 agr t Jan. 23, 1980. State of the Union Address 97th CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1981 Counting electoral votes Statistical Information JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] AND Congress & Date Type Occasion, topic, or location Name and position of dignitary applicable) (where Jan. 20, 1981 Joint session 22, Inauguration, West Front President Ronald Reagan; Vice Presi- dent George Bush. Feb. 18, 1981 Economic recovery President Ronald Reagan. Apr. 28, 1981 .. Economic recovery—inflation. Do. Jan. 26, 1982. State of the Union Address Do. Jan. 28, 1982 Centennial of birth of Franklin Dr. Arthur Schlesinger, historian; Sena- Delano Roosevelt. tor Jennings Randolph; Representa-tive Claude Pepper; Averell Harri-man, former Governor of New York; 2¢ former Representative James Roosevelt, son of President Roose-velt. Apr. 21, 1982 Address Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands. 98th CONGRESS Jan. 25, 1983 State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan.Apr. 27, 1983 ....... Central America Do Oct. 5, 1983 Address Karl Carstens, President of West Ger- many. Jan. 25, 1984......... Joint session State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan. Mar. 15, 1984 Joint meeting Address Dr. Garett FitzGerald, Prime Minister of Ireland. Mar. 22, 1984 do Francois Mitterand, President of France. May 8, 1984. Centennial of birth of Harry S. Representatives Ike Skelton and Alan Truman. Wheat; former Senator Stuart Sy-mington; Margaret Truman Daniel, daughter of President Truman; and Senator Mark Hatfield. May 16, 1984 Address Miguel de la Madrid, President of Mexico. 99th CONGRESS Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A. Inauguration Rotunda 25 President Ronald Reagan; Vice Presi- dent George Bush. Feb. 6, 1985 State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan. Feb. 20, 1985 Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Mar. 6, 1985 Bettino Craxi, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy. Mar. 20, 1985 Raul Alfonsin, President of Argentina. June 13, 1985... Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India. Oct. 9, 1985 Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore.Nov. 21, 1985 Geneva S President Ronald Reagan.Feb. 4, 1986 State of the Union Address Do.Sept. 11, 1986 Jose Sarney, President of Brazil.Sept. 18, 1986 .| Corazon C. Aquino, President of the Philippines. 100th CONGRESS Jan. 27, 1987 Joint session State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan. Nov. 10, 1987 Joint meeting Address .| Chaim Herzog, President of Israel. Jan. 25, 1988 Joint session State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan. Apr. 27, 1988 Address Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada. June 23, 1988 do Robert Hawke, Prime Minister of Aus-tralia. 101st CONGRESS Jan. 4, 1989 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A. Jan. 20, 1989 Inauguration West Front President George Bush; Vice President Dan Quayle. Feb. 9, 1989 Joint session Building a Better America President George Bush. Mar. 2, 1989 Joint meeting Bicentennial of the Ist Congress President Pro Tempore Robert C. Byrd; Speaker James C. Wright, Jr.; Repre-sentatives Lindy Boggs, Thomas S. Foley, and Robert H. Michel; Sena-tors George Mitchell and Robert Dole; Howard Nemerov, Poet Laure-ate of the United States; David McCullough, historian; Anthony M. Frank, Postmaster General; former Senator Nicholas Brady, Secretary of the Treasury. position of dignitary Congressional Directory JOINT SESSIONS, JOINT MEETINGS, AND INAUGURATIONS—CONTINUED [See notes at end of table] Name and (where June 7, 1989 i i Address Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Paki- stan. Oct. 4, 1989 do Carlos Salinas de Gortari, President of Mexico. Oct. 18, 1989 do Reh Tae Woo, President of South orea. Nov. 15, 1989 Address Lech Walesa, chairman of Solidarnoéé labor union, Poland. Jan. 31, 1990......... i i State of the Union Address President George Bush. Feb. 21, 1990 Address Vaclav Havel, President of Czechoslo- ia. do do. Giulio Andreotti, President of the Coun- cil of Ministers of Italy. Joint meeting Centennial of birth of Dwight D. | Senator Robert Dole; Walter Cronkite, Eisenhower. television journalist; Winston S. Churchill, member of British Parlia- ment and grandson of Prime Minister Churchill; Clark M. Clifford, former Secretary of Defense; James D. Rob- inson III, chairman of Eisenhower Centennial Foundation; Arnold Palmer, professional golfer; John S.D. Eisenhower, former Ambassador to Belgium and son of President Eisen- hower; Representatives Beverly Byron, William F. Goodling, and Pat Roberts. June 26, 1990........ Address Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, South Africa. Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq President George Bush. State of the Union Address Do. ..| Conclusion of Persian Gulf War Do. Address Violeta B. de Chamorro, President of Nicaragua. ....do do. Elizabeth 11, Queen of the United King-dom. do do Carlos Saul Menem, President of Ar- gentina. Joint session State of the Union Address President George Bush. Joint meeting Address Richard von Weizsicker, President of Germany. do Boris Yeltsin, President of Russia. 103d CONGRESS Jan. 6, 1993........... Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A. Jan. 20, 1993......... Inauguration West Front President William J. Clinton; Vice President Al Gore. Feb. 17, 1993 Joint session Economic Address Presid William J. Clinton. ! Closing date for this table was June 5, 1993. 2 The oath of office was administered to George Washington outside on the gallery in front of the Senate Chamber, after which the Congress and the President returned to the chamber to hear the inaugural address. They then proceeded to St. Paul’s Chapel for the “divine service” performed by the Chaplain of the Congress. Adjournment of the ceremony did not occur urtil the Congress returned to Federal Hall. 3 Funeral oration was delivered at the German Lutheran Church in Philadelphia. 4 Because of a tie in the electoral vote between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, the House of Representatives had to decide the election. Thirty-six ballots were required to break the deadlock, with Jefferson’s election as President and Burr's as Vice President on February 17. The Twelfth Amendment was added to the Constitution to prevent the 1800 problem from recurring. 5 During most of the period while the Capitol was being reconstructed following the fire of 1814, the Congress met in the “Brick Capitol,” constructed on the site of the present Supreme Court building. This joint session took place in the Representatives’ chamber on the 2d floor of the building. © The joint session to count electoral votes was dissolved because the House and Senate disagreed on Missouri's status regarding statehood. The joint session was reconvened the same day and Missouri's votes were counted. 7 Although Andrew Jackson won the popular vote by a substantial amount and had the highest number of electoral votes from among the several candidates, he did not receive the required majority of the electoral votes. The responsibility for choosing the new President therefore devolved upon the House of Representatives. As soon as the Senators left the chamber, the balloting proceeded, and John Quincy Adams was elected on the first ballot. 8 The ceremony was moved outside to accommodate the extraordinarily large crowd of people who had come to Washington to see the inauguration. ® The ceremony was moved inside because of cold weather. 10 Following the death of President Zachary Taylor, Vice President Millard Fillmore took the presidential oath of office in a special joint session in the Hall of the House. Statistical Information 11 The joint session to count electoral votes was dissolved three times so that the House and Senate could resolve several electoral disputes. 12 Because of a severe cold and hoarseness, the King could not deliver his speech, which was read by former Representative Elisha Hunt Allen, then serving as Chancellor and Chief Justice of the Hawaiian Islands. 13 The contested election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden created a constitutional crisis. Tilden won the popular vote by a close margin, but disputes concerning the electoral vote returns from four states deadlocked the proceedings of the joint session. Anticipating this development, the Congress had created a special commission of five Senators, five Representatives, and five Supreme Court Justices to resolve such disputes. The Commission met in the Supreme Court Chamber (the present Old Senate Chamber) as each problem arose. In each case, the Commission accepted the Hayes’ electors, securing his election by one electoral vote. The joint session was convened on 15 occasions, with the last on March 2, just 3 days before the inauguration. 14 The speech was written by former Speaker and Senator Robert C. Winthrop, who could not attend the ceremony because of ill health. !5 Because of a blizzard, the ceremony was moved inside, where it was held as part of the Senate's special session. President William Howard Taft took the oath of office and gave his inaugural address after Vice President James S. Sherman’s inaugural address and the swearing-in of the new senators. 16 Held in the Senate Chamber. 17This was the first inauguration held pursuant to the Twentieth Amendment, which changed the date from March 4 to January 20. The Vice Presidential oath, which previously had been given earlier on the same day in the Senate Chamber, was added to the inaugural ceremony as well, but the Vice Presidential inaugural address was discontinued. 18 A joint reception for the King and Queen of the United Kingdom was held in the Rotunda, authorized by Senate Concurrent Resolution 17, 76th Congress. Although the concurrent resolution was structured to establish a joint meeting, the Senate, in fact, adjourned rather than recessing as called for by the resolution. 19 Delivered in the Senate Chamber. 20 The oaths of office were taken in simple ceremonies at the White House because the expense and festivity of a Capitol ceremony were thought inappropriate because of the war. The Joint Committee on Arrangements of the Congress was in charge, however, and both the Senate and the House of Representatives were present. 2! An informal meeting in the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library of Congress. 22 According to the Congressional Record, the Senate adjourned prior to the inaugural ceremonies, even though the previously-adopted resolution had stated the adjournment would come immediately following the inauguration. The Senate Journal records the adjournment as called for in the resolution, hence this listing as a joint session. 23 The joint session to count electoral votes was dissolved so that the House and Senate could resolve the dispute regarding a ballot from North Carolina. The joint session was reconvened the same day and the North Carolina vote was counted. 24 Because the Governor had laryngitis, his speech was read by his wife, Pamela. 25 The ceremony was moved inside because of extremely cold weather. Congressional Directory REPRESENTATIVES UNDER EACH APPORTIONMENT Constitutionalrtionment Second Census,Third Census,Fourth Census,Fifth Census,Sixth Census,Seventh Census,Eighth Census,Ninth Census,Tenth Census, NUE ROBO m= Eleventh Census,Twelfth Census,Thirteenth Census,Fifteenth Census,Sixteenth Census, Census, 1950 New Hampshire . ‘New Jersey New Mexico 9) CU=HON-—~ CO=ArHLWwINBonesNRNON 00d Wm 00» 19 =O Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin. Wyoming ! No apportionment was made in 1920. 2 The following representation was added after the several census apportionments indicated when new States were admitted and is included in the above table: First. Tennessee, 1. Second. Ohio, 1. Third. Alabama, 1; lllinois, 1; Indiana, 1; Louisiana, 1; Mississippi, 1. Fifth. Arkansas, 1; Michigan, 1. Sixth. California, 2; Florida, 1; Iowa, 2; Texas, 2; Wisconsin, 2. Seventh. Minnesota, 2; Oregon, 1. Eighth. Nebraska, 1; Nevada, 1. Ninth. Colorado, 1. Tenth. Idaho, 1; Montana, 1; North Dakota, 1; South Dakota, 2; Washington, 1; Wyoming, 1. Eleventh. Utah, 1. Twelfth. Oklahoma, 5. Thirteenth. Arizona, 1; New Mexico, 1. Seventeenth. Alaska, 1; Hawaii, 1. 3 Twenty Representatives were assigned to Massachusetts, but 7 of them were credited to Maine when that area became a State —— -— Nol & w —-— rr Ro — o wn ——PANONNOOWWAW& fd — ~ 9) -— —— [*] wn OO O=N=ONAN RuoBu=d _HBN=UANWSNONNAAWRONONNIN FN — —— L-] 1940 EA SeventeenthEighteenth Census, It N No = ks — -—— Baolnn “w w NEN=BN=A OOH JWR = AN OO — w ~ —-OANO=NNONAN+ — ~N ~N = tt — “0 NN + — pet Ww FN =ANUAN=WNOWRONON OG WN —_-OUMNO=NWONANS 1960 w wufe A i. N I) —_OHUNO=NERONAN PRODNo—— ww — ot —— = GE JWK ONUN=WNCOCWUR ONIN NNOWVW=OUVWEAE= w ON WA ON — ~N ~ Ne — — OOOO Eo SNM WKN ND L000 00N 00 WU FUER WI Ot wnEA mt = NNOWVO=OO NEN 1980 N-N — vat w [= — wv Twenty-First w AD UW \D NY et JE IF WWNNW= OWNER OONIOASWL — BomoanNuad NN wn» ww COURT OF IMPEACHMENT The Senate has sat as a Court of Impeachment in the cases of the following accused officials, with the result stated, for the periods named: WILLIAM BLOUNT, a Senator of the United States from Tennessee; charges dis-missed for want of jurisdiction: Monday, December 17, 1798, to Monday, January 14, 1799. JOHN PICKERING, judge of the United States district court for the district of New Hampshire; removed from office; Thursday, March 3, 1803, to Monday, March 12, 1804. SAMUEL CHASE, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; acquitted; Friday, November 30, 1804, to Friday, March 1, 1805. JAMES H. PECK, judge of the United States district court for the district of Missouri; acquitted; Monday, April 26, 1830, to Monday, January 31, 1831. WEST H. HUMPHREYS, judge of the United States district court for the middle, eastern, and western districts of Tennessee; removed from office; Wednesday, May 7, 1862, to Thursday, June 26, 1862. ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States; acquitted; Tuesday, February 25, 1868, to Tuesday, May 26, 1868. WILLIAM W. BELKNAP, Secretary of War; acquitted; Friday, March 3, 1876, to Tuesday, August 1, 1876. CHARLES SWAYNE, judge of the United States district court for the northern district of Florida; acquitted; Wednesday, December 14, 1904, to Monday, February 27, 1905. ROBERT W. ARCHBALD, associate judge, United States Commerce Court; removed from office; Saturday, July 13, 1912, to Monday, January 13, 1913. GEORGE W. ENGLISH, judge of the United States district court for the eastern district of Illinois; resigned office November 4, 1926; Court of Impeachment adjourned to December 13, 1926, when, on request of House managers, impeachment proceedings were dismissed. HAROLD LOUDERBACK, judge of the United States district court for the northern district of California; acquitted; Monday, May 15, 1933, to Wednesday, May 24, 1933. HALSTED L. RITTER, judge of the United States district court for the southern district of Florida; removed from office; Monday, April 6, 1936, to Friday, April 17, 1936. HARRY E. CLAIBORNE, judge of the United States district court of Nevada; removed from office; Tuesday, October 7, 1986, to Thursday, October 9, 1986. ALCEE L. HASTINGS, judge of the United States district court for the southern district of Florida; removed from office; Wednesday, October 18, 1989, to Friday, October 20, 1989. WALTER L. NIXON, judge of the U.S. district court for the southern district of Mississippi; removed from office; Wednesday, November 1, 1989, to Friday, November 3, 1989. 605 Congressional Directory DELEGATES, REPRESENTATIVES, AND SENATORS SERVING IN THE 1st-103d CONGRESSES ! As of the convening of the 103d Congress, 11,357 individuals have served: 9,546 in the House of Representatives, 1,208 in the Senate, and 603 in both Houses. Total serving in the House of Representatives (including individuals serving in both bodies) is 10,149. Total for Senate (including individuals serving in both bodies) is 1,811.2 Repre-Total, Not Date Became Both State Date Entered Union sentatives Including Territory Houses Delegates —te Mar. 3, 1817 Dec. 14, 1819 (22d)... Aug. 24, 1912... Jan. 3, 1959 (49th) Arizona.. ..| Feb. 24, 1863... Feb. 14, 1912 (48th).... Arkansas .| Mar. 2, 1819 June 15, 1836 (25th)... California Sept. 9, 1850 (31st) Colorado Feb. 28, 1861... Aug. 1, 1876 (38th) Connecticut Jan. 9, 1788 (5th) Delaware Dec. 7, 1787 (Ist) Mar. 30, 1822... Mar. 3, 1845 (27th) Jan. 2, 1788 (4th) June 14, 1900.... Aug. 21, 1959 (50th)... Mar. 3, 1863 ..... July 3, 1890 (43d) BIHNOIS cocoon ruruinivins Dec. 3, 1818 (21st) Indiana Dec. 11, 1816 (19th)... Dec. 28, 1846 (29th)... May 30, 1854... Jan. 29, 1861 (34th)... Kentucky June 1, 1792 (15th) Louisiana Mar. 24, 1804 ... Apr. 30, 1812 (18th)... Maine Mar. 15, 1820 (23d) Maryland Apr. 28, 1788 (7th) Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788 (6th) Michigan Jan. 11, 1805..... Jan. 26, 1837 (26th)... ’ na May 11, 1858 (32d) Apr. 17, 1798... Dec. 10, 1817 (20th)... Missouri June 4, 1812 Aug. 10, 1821 (24th)... Montana May 26, 1864... Nov. 8, 1889 (41st) Nebraska May 30, 1854.... Mar. 1, 1867 (37th) Nevada Mar. 2, 186] Oct. 31, 1864 (36th).... New Hampshire June 21, 1788 (9th) New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787 (3d) New Mexico Jan. 6, 1912 (47th) New York July 26, 1788 (11th) North Carolina Nov. 21, 1789 (12th)... North Dakota 3 Nov. 2, 1889 (39th)... Ohio 4 Mar. 1, 1803 (17th) Oklahoma May 2, 1890 Nov. 16, 1907 (46th)... Oregon | Aug. 14, 1848... Feb. 14, 1859 (33d) Pennsylvania .| Dec. 12, 1787 (2d) Rhode Island May 29, 1790 (13th) South Carolina May 23, 1788 (8th) South Dakota 2 Nov. 2, 1889 (40th)... June 1, 1796 (16th) Dec. 29, 1845 (28th) Jan. 4, 1896 (45th) Vermont Mar. 4, 1791 (14th) Virginia June 25, 1788 (10th) Washington Mar. 2, 1853... Nov. 11, 1889 (42d).... West Virginia June 20, 1863 (35th) Wisconsin .. .| Apr. 20, 1836.... May 29, 1848 (30th)... Wyoming July 25, 1868 .... July 10, 1890 (44th)... 1 March 4, 1789 until January 1993. 2 Some of the larger States split into smaller States as the country grew westward (e.g., part of Virginia became West Virginia); hence, some individuals represented more than one State in the Congress. 3 North and South Dakota were formed from a single territory on the same date, and they shared the same delegates before statehood. 3 The Territory Northwest of the River Ohio was established as a district for purposes of temporary government by the Act of July 13, 1787. Virginia ceded the land beyond the Ohio River, and delegates representing the district first came to the 6th Congress, March 4, 1799. NoTE: Information was supplied by the Congressional Research Service. Statistical Information POLITICAL DIVISIONS OF THE U.S. SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM 1855 (34th CONGRESS) TO 1993 (103d CONGRESS) [All Figures Reflect 1855-1857 1857-1859 1859-1861 1861-1863 1863-1865 1865-1867 1867-1869 1869-1871 1871-1873 1873-1875 1875-1877 1877-1879 1879-1881 1881-1883 1883-1885 1885-1887 1887-1889 1889-1891 1891-1893 1893-1895 1895-1897 1911-1913 1913-1915 1915-1917 1917-1919 1919-1921 1921-1923 1923-1925 1925-1927 1927-1929 1929-1931 1931-1933 1933-1935 1935-1937 1937-1939 1939-1941 1941-1943 1943-1945 1945-1947 1947-1949 1949-1951 1951-1953 1953-1955 1955-1957 1957-1959 1959-1961 1961-1963 1963-1965 1965-1967 1967-1969 1969-1971 1971-1973 1973-1975 1975-1977 1977-1979 1979-1981 1981-1983 1983-1985 1985-1987 1987-1989 1989-1991 1991-1993 1993-1995 Immediate Result of Elections. Figures supplied by the Clerk of the House] SENATE HOUSE Other Demo-crats par- ties State issued August 21, 1959. ¥) J ! Democrats organized House with help of other parties. 2 Democrats organized House due to Republican deaths. 3 Proclamation declaring Alaska a State issued January 3, 1959. Proclamation declaring Hawaii a GOVERNORS OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES SOB ENIDEIEEINIDIDIEDIEEEINIIEIIDILDIIIILI Ibid bbdbdbans Congressional Directory State or territory Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky .. Louisiana .. Maine New Hampshire. New Jersey New Mexico. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota | .| | ...| .| ..| ..| .| id Tennessee..........cceeeuvene. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming .. COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico TERRITORIES Northern Mariana Islands. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. @ Cannot succeed .| .| Capital Little Rock... Sacramento... Ux ® CUR UR 22 0r000m» 000000 UrCUO0URUU RC 00020000 ANNAN TT DANA NAN Anas 9% %NN TATA ATA NNAN TTT | TA RAD OT AMM 1 Use of executive mansion and fund for maintenance and expenses. 2 Executive mansion furnished. 3 No executive mansion; nominal appropriation for expenses. 4 Replaced Guy Hunt, who was removed from office on April 27, 1993. 5 Replaced William J. Clinton, who resigned Dec. 12, 1992. ¢ Replaced George S. Mickelson, who was killed in an aircraft accident in April 19, 1993. 7 New Progressive Party/Democrat. 8 By Secretarial Order 3119, July 10, 1987, the position of High Commissioner of the Trust Territories was abolished and the duties were transferred to the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Territorial and International Affairs. The only remaining part of the original Trust Territory is the island of Palau. Atlanta Honolulu Boise Springfield Indianapolis Des Moines Carson City Concord... Trenton Santa Fe. Col Ta .. Oklahoma City............. Salem Harrisburg Providence Columbi Pierre Nashville Austin Salt Lake City Montpelier .... Richmond. Cheyenne.. San Juan Saipan, Marianas....... Palau Island himself. ® No limit. terms. ¢ Can serve 4 consecutive terms. ..| ..| -..| ..| ..| ..| ..| ..| ..| ..| ...| ..| ..| ..| ..| ..| | .| ...| ...| .| . Governor James E. Felsom, Jr 4 Walter J. Hickel......... Fife Symington Jim Guy Tucker ® Pete Wilson Roy Romer Lowell Weicker, Jr Thomas R. Carper. Lawton Chiles... Zell Miller .............. John D. Waihee 111.. Cecil D. Andrus..... Jim Edgar Evan Bayh Terry E. Branstad.. Joan Finney Breretan C. Jones... Br 3 Edwin W. Edwards............. John R. McKernan, Jr William Donald Schaefer.... William F. Weld John Engler Arne H. Carlson.. Kirk Fordice.... Mel Carnahan.. Marc Racicot Benjamin Nelson RobertJ. Miller Stephen Merrill ... Jim Florio Bruce King Mario M. Cuomo... James B. Hunt, Jr.. Edward T. Schafer... George V. Voinovich David Walters............ Barbara Roberts.. Robert P. Casey.. Bruce G. Sudlun Carroll A. Campbell, Jr Walter D. Miller © Ned Ray McWherter. Ann Richards............. Michael O. Leavitt Douglas Wilder... Mike Lowry Gaston Caperton Tommy G. Thompson. — Mike Sullivan Pedro Rossell6 Joseph F. Ada Alexander A. Farrelly Peter Tali Coleman Lorenzo Iglesias Deleon Guerrero. Leslie Turner ® ¢ Can serve 2 consecutive Expiration 1587913 terms. 4 Can serve 3 consecutive / Can serve no more than 8 years in a 12-year period. Statistical Information 609 PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS AND THE COINCIDENT WITH THEIR TERMS CONGRESSES President Vice President Service George Washingt John Adams 1789-Mar. John Adams Thomas Jefferson 1797-Mar. Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr 1801-Mar. George Clinton 1805-Mar. James Madison do. ! 1809-Mar. Do Elbridge Gerry 2 1813-Mar. — — — WWWWwW WwWw WWF LULWWWWLWWWW ww ww LWh WW > Mad adh NORV Y- N N0 S FN FO NT PN OF Ev By A PT PAT Harry S. Truman 1945-Apr. 12, 1945 Harry S. Truman , 1945-Jan. 20, 1949 Do : Alben W. Barkley 1949-Jan. 20, 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower... Richard M. Nixon .. 1953-Jan. 20, 1961 John F. Kennedy * Lyndon B. Johnson , 1961-Nov. 22, 1963 Lyndon B. Johnson , 1963-Jan. 20, 1965 Hubert H. Humphrey , 1965-Jan. 20, 1969 Spiro T. Agnew !! 1969-Oct. 10, 1973 1973-Dec. 6, 1973 Gerald R. Ford '2 1973-Aug. 9, 1974 Gerald R. Ford 3 1974-Dec. 19, 1974 Do 1974-Jan. 20, 1977 James Earl (Jimmy) Carter. 1977-Jan. 20, 1981 Ronald Reagan George Bush 1981-Jan. 20, 1989 97, 98, 99, 100. George Bush Dan Quayle 1989-Jan. 20, 1993 101, 102. William J. Clinton Al Gore 1993-103. James Monroe Daniel D. Tompkins John Quincy Adams. .| John C. Calhoun Andrew Jackson o. 3 Do Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison 4 John Tyler John Tyler George M. Dallas Zachary Taylor *... Millard Fillmore 1817-Mar. 1825-Mar. 1829-Mar. 1833-Mar. 1837-Mar. 1841-Apr. 1841-Mar. 1845-Mar. 1849-July 16, 17, 18. Millard Fillmore 1850-Mar. Abraham Lincoln Do.* Andrew Johnson.... Ulysses S. Grant Do Rutherford B. Hayes James A. Garfield * William R. King 3 John C. Breckinridge. Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson © William A. Wheeler Chester A. Arthur 1853-Mar. 1857-Mar. 1861-Mar. 1865-Apr. 1865-Mar. 1869-Mar. 1873-Mar. 1877-Mar. 1881-Sept. Chester A. Arthur 1881-Mar. — [3 1d oS Grover Cleveland 7 Thomas A. Hendricks 8 1885-Mar. Benjamin Harrison.... Levi P. Morton 1889-Mar. Grover Cleveland 7 .. Adlai E. Stevenson 1893-Mar. William McKinley.... Garret A. Hobart 1897-Mar. D 4 Theodore Roosevelt... 1901-Sept. 1901-Mar. Charles W. Fairbanks 1905-Mar. James S. Sherman 19.. 1909-Mar. 61, 62. Thomas R. Marshall... 1913-Mar. 63, 64, 65, 66. Warren G. Harding * Calvin Coolidge 1921-Aug. 67. Calvin Coolidge 1923-Mar. Do Charles G. Dawes 1925-Mar. Charles Curtis 1929-Mar. John N. Garner.... , 1933-Jan. 20, 1941 1941-Jan. 20, 1945 Do.... Henry A. Wallace ... , ! Died Apr. 20, 1812. 2 Died Nov. 23, 1814. 3 Resigned Dec. 28, 1832, to become United States Senator. 4 Died in office. 5 Died Apr. 18, 1853. é Died Nov. 22, 1875. 7 Terms not consecutive. 8 Died Nov. 25, 1885. ? Died Nov. 21, 1899. 10 Died Oct. 30, 1912. 11 Resigned Oct. 10, 1973. 12 First Vice President nominated by the President and confirmed by the Congress pursuant to the 25th amendment to the Constitution of the United States. 13 Succeeded to the Presidency upon the resignation of Richard M. Nixon on Aug. 9, 1974. 14 Nominated to be Vice President by President Gerald R. Ford on Aug. 20, 1974; confirmed by the Senate on Dec. 10, 1974; confirmed by the House and took the oath of office on Dec. 19, 1974. CAPITOL OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS OF THE SENATE Capitol Telephone Directory, 244-3121 Senate room prefixes: Capitol, S-; Russell Senate Office Building, SR-; Dirksen Senate Office Building, SD-; Hart Senate Office Building, SH-. Senate telephone numbers are prefixed, 224- PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.—Al Gore. The Ceremonial Office of the Vice President is S-212 in the Capitol. The Vice President has offices in the Dirksen Office Building and the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) as well as in the White House (West Wing) Chief of Staff.—John M. Quinn, OEOB, Room 272, 456-6606. Director of Communications.—Marla E. Romash, OEOB, Room 280, 456-7035. National Security Adviser.—Leon S. Fuerth, OEOB, Room 294, 395-4213. Deputy Counsel and Director of Administration.—Todd J. Campbell, OEOB, Room 266, 456-7022. Deputy Counsel and Director of Legislative Affairs.—Thurgood Marshall, Jr., OEOB, Room 269, 456-7022; The Capitol, S-211, 224-8391. Special Assistant and Chief of Staff to Mrs. Gore.—Skila S. Harris, OEOB, Room 200, 456-6640. Domestic Policy Adviser.—Greg C. Simon, OEOB, Room 286, 456-6222. Domestic Policy Assistant.—Elaine C. Kamarck, OEOB, Room 273, 456-2816. Director of Scheduling. —Anthony T. Wilson, OEOB, Room 281, 395-4245. Director of Advance and Deputy Director of Scheduling. —Dennis W. Alpert, OEOB, Room 283, 456-7935. Executive Assistant. —N. Beth Prichard, West Wing, 456-2326. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Room S-128, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2848 President Pro Tempore of the Senate.—Robert C. Byrd. CHAPLAIN Room SH-204A, Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2510; FAX: 224-9686 RICHARD C. HALVERSON, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate; born in Pingree, ND, February 4, 1916; B.S., Wheaton College, 1939; Th.B., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1942; LL.D., Wheaton College, 1958; assistant minister: Lynwood Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO, 1942-44 and First Presbyterian Church of Coalinga, CA, 1944-47; minister, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, CA, 1947-56; associate, international prayer breakfast movement, Washington, DC, 1956-present; minister, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD, 1958-81; Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, 1981-present; member: Board of World Vision/United States, 1956-83 (chairman, 1966-83); advisory board of African Enterprise; Campus Crusade for Christ; Navigators; Radio of Free Asia; Today’s Hope for Every Youth, Inc.; Christian College Consortium; married to Doris Grace Seaton; three children; nine grandchildren. 612 Congressional Directory Chaplain of the Senate.—Rev. Richard C. Halverson, LL.D., D.D. Executive Assistant.—Martie L. Kinsell. DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP Majority Leader Room S-221, The Capitol. Phone, 224-5556 Majority Floor Leader.—George J. Mitchell. Chief of Staff —John Hilley. Executive Assistant.—Pat Sarcone. Special Assistant. —Alice Aughtry. Press Secretary.—Diane Dewhirst, 4-2939. Office Manager.—Donna Beck, 4-5344. Professional Staff.—Lisa Nolan. Staff Assistant.—Ross LaJeunesse. Democratic Whip Room S-148, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2158 Democratic Whip.—Wendell H. Ford. Executive Assistant.—Missy Smith. Staff Assistant.—Joe Hart. Receptionists/Secretaries.—Terri Ayres and Helen Walker. Press.—Mark L. Day. Counsel.—Rob Mangas. REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP Republican Leader Room S-230, The Capitol. Phone, 224-3135 Republican Floor Leader.—Robert J. Dole. Chief of Staff-—Sheila P. Burke. Deputy Chief of Staff.—James Whittinghill. Counsels to the Republican Leader.—Jim McMillan; Nina Oviedo. Assistants to the Republican Leader.—Mira Baratta; Vicki Hart; Kathy Ormiston; David Taylor; Bill Wisecarver. Press Secretary to the Republican Leader.—Walt Riker. Deputy Press Secretary.—Clarkson Hine. Press Assistant.—Kristin Hyde. Office Manager.—Joyce McCluney. Consultants.—Bob Dove; Terry Tymchuk. Staff Assistants.—Jon Lynn Kerchner; Meghan McMurtrie; Jason Miles; Paul Redifer; Marilyn Sayler; Pat Wade. Deputy Director, Office of National Security.—John J. Ziolkowski. Assistant Republican Leader Room S-229, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2708. Assistant Republican Leader.—Alan K. Simpson. Chief Counsel. —Michael Tongour. Deputy to Chief Counsel.—James Link. Scheduler.—Laurie Birleffi Rosen. Executive Assistant.—Gina Madia. Staff Assistant.—Jon Hiles. Conference of the Minority Room SH-40S, Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2764 Chairman.—Thad Cochran, Senator from Mississippi. Secretary.—Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi. Officers and Officials of the Senate Committee Chairmen: Campaign.—Phil Gramm, Senator from Texas. Committees.—Conrad Burns, Senator from Montana. Policy.—Don Nickles, Senator from Oklahoma. Staff Director.—Will Feltus. Staff Director for the Secretary.—Dave Hoppe, Room SD-513, 4-1326. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Room S-208, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2115 WALTER J. JOE) STEWART was elected and sworn in as Secretary of the Senate for the 100th Congress, January 6, 1987, and was reelected for the 101st Congress on January 3, 1989; previously served as Secretary to the Majority of the Senate, 1979-81; Secretary for the Minority, January-August 1981; joined Sonat Inc., Vice President of Government Affairs, 1981-86; born in Waycross, GA, and grew up in Jacksonville, FL; attended George Washington University undergraduate school; LL.B., American Univer-sity, Washington, DC; admitted to the District of Columbia Bar, 1963; chairman, develop-mental committee, American University Law School, 1982-present; named Distinguished Alumni at American University’s 1986 commencement ceremony; member, Dean’s Advi-sory Council. Secretary of the Senate.—Walter J. (Joe) Stewart, 4-3622. Assistant Secretary of the Senate.—Jeri Thomson (S-312), 4-2114. Administrative Assistant to the Secretary.—Michelle Haynes, 4-3626. Executive Assistant for Boards and Commissions.—Muriel A. Anderson, 4-3627. Special Assistant for Information Systems.—Ray Strong (S-312), 4-2020. Office Manager.—Linda Roberts (S-312), 4-7099. General Counsel. —Tom Gonzales (S-312), 4-8789. Parliamentarian.—Alan Frumin (S-132), 4-6128. First Assistant Parliamentarian.—Kevin Kayes. Legislative Clerk.—Scott Bates (S-312A), 4-4350. Assistant Legislative Clerk.—David J. Tinsley, 4-3630. Journal Clerk.—William D. Lackey, Jr. (S-135), 4-4650. Assistant Journal Clerk.—Mark Lacovara, 4-3629. Bill Clerk.—Kathleen Alvarez (S-220), 4-2120. Assistant Bill Clerk.—Mary Anne Moore, 4-2118. Captioning Services, Director.—Katie-Jane Teel (ST-54), 4-4321. Curator of Art.—James R. Ketchum (S-411), 4-2955. Associate Curator.—Melinda Frye. Historian.—Richard A. Baker (SH-201), 4-6900. Associate Historian.—Donald A. Ritchie, 4-6816. Public Records Office, Superintendent.—Pamela B. Gavin (SH-232), 4-0322. Assistant Superintendent.—Robert Gibbons, 4-0757. Lobby Registrar.—Shirley S. Tucker, 4-0758. Ethics Assistant, Public Records Office.—Susan Morgan, 4-0763. Federal Election Commission, Special Deputy.—David Gartner, 999 E Street 20463, 219-4130. Interparliamentary Services, Director.—Jan Paulk (SH-231B), 4-3047. Assistant Director.—Sally Walsh. Office of Senate Security, Director.—Michael P. DiSilvestro (S-406), 4-5632. Deputy Director.—Jerry Garland. Enrolling Clerk.—Brian G. Hallen (S-139), 4-6250. Assistant Enrolling Clerk.—Thomas J. Lundregan. Executive Clerk.—Gerald A. Hackett (S-134), 4-4341. Assistant Executive Clerk.—David G. Marcos. Financial Clerk.—Stuart F. Balderson (SH-127), 4-3205. Assistant Financial Clerk.—Timothy S. Wineman, 4-3208. Printing Services, Director.—Barry Wolk (ST-41), 4-0205. Document Room, Superintendent.—Jeanie Bowles (SH-B04), 4-7701. Assistant Superintendent. —Doug Bowers. Keeper of Stationery.—Stephen G. Bale (SD-B42), 4-0581. Senate Gift Shop, Director.—Ernie LePire (SR-180), 4-7308. Librarian.—Roger K. Haley (S-332), 4-2976. Assistant Librarian.—Ann C. Womeldorf, 4-7106. Office of Conservation and Preservation, Director.—Richard F. Young (S-410), 4-4550. 614 Congressional Directory OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY—CONTINUED Office Services, Special Assistant.—Daniel W. Pelham (S-220), 4-6110. Chief Reporter, Official Reporters of Debates.—C.J. Reynolds (S-219), 4-3152. Assistant Chief Reporter.—Scott Sanborn. Morning Business Editor.—Ken Dean (S-220), 4-3960. Daily Digest Editor.—Thomas G. Pellikaan (ST-58), 4-2658. Assistant Editor.—Linda E. Sebold. Preservation Activities, Director.—Jeanine Drysdale Lowe (S-418A), 4-6632. OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS Room S-321, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2341; FAX: 224-7690 MARTHA S. POPE, Sergeant at Arms, U.S. Senate; born in New Castle, PA; grew up in Bethany, CT; graduate of University of Connecticut, 1967 (major: Sociology/Anthro-pology, minor: art); art instructor, 1967-75; staff assistant, Senator Gary Hart, 1975-77; professional staff, National Wildlife Federation, 1977-79; professional staff, Senate Com-mittee on Environment and Public Works, 1979-85; legislative director, Senator George Mitchell, 1985-87; administrative assistant, Senator George Mitchell, 1987-89; chief of staff, Office of the Majority Leader, 1989-90; elected Sergeant at Arms, January 3, 1991. Sergeant at Arms.—Martha S. Pope. Deputy Sergeant at Arms.—Robert Bean. Confidential Assistant.—Cristina Krasow. Executive Assistants: Loretta Fuller-Symms; Patty McNally. Director of— Facilities. —Loretta Fuller-Symmes. Financial Management.—Chris Dey (Postal Square), 4-1693. Human Resources.—Patty Fitzgibbons (ST-47), 4-2889. Senate Computer Center.—Michael Bartell (Postal Square), 4-1305. Senate Service Department.—Russell Jackson (SD-G#84), 4-2705. Senate Telecommunications.—Robert McCormick (SD-180), 4-4300. Senate Recording and Photographic Studio.—James Grahne (ST-71), 4-4977. Photographic Studio.—(Postal Square), 4-0184. Postmaster.—Gayle Cory (SD-B17), 4-5353. Chief of— U.S. Capitol Police. —Gary Abrecht, 4-9806. Capitol Guide Service. —Frances Rademaekers, (S-102), 5-6827. OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY SECRETARY Room S-309, The Capitol. Phone, 224-3735 Secretary for the Majority.—C. Abbott Saffold. Assistant Secretary for the Majority.—Martin P. Paone. Administrative Assistant to the Secretary.—Sue Ann Spatz. Executive Assistant to the Secretary.—Jerri Davis. Cloakroom Assistants: Katherine Drummond; Lenny Oursler; Gary Myrick; Paul Clou- tier. Receptionist. —Maura Farley. OFFICE OF THE MINORITY SECRETARY Room S-337, The Capitol. Phone, 224-3835 Secretary for the Minority.—Howard O. Greene, Jr. Assistant Secretary for the Minority.—John L. Doney, S-226, 4-6191. Administrative Assistant.—Constance M. Angus. Republican Cloakroom, S-226. Phone, 4-6191 Cloakroom Assistants: Brad Holsclaw; David J. Schiappa; Laura C. Dove. Republican Legislative Scheduling, S-123. Phone, 4-5456 Floor Assistant. —Elizabeth B. Greene. Legislative Assistant.—Barbara Holsclaw. Officers and Officials of the Senate OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Room SD-668, Dirksen Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-6461; FAX: 224-0567 Legislative Counsel. —Francis L. Burk, Jr. Senior Counsels.—James W. Fransen; Robert C. Louthian; Arthur J. Rynearson. Assistant Counsels: Elizabeth Aldridge; Charles E. Armstrong; William R. Baird; Corne- lia A. Burr; Anthony C. Coe; Polly W. Craighill; Gary L. Endicott; Susan Sokup Fauver; William F. Jensen; Janine L. Johnson; Mark J. Mathiesen; Laura J. McNul-ty; Gregory A. Scott; Mark S. Sigurski; Timothy D. Trushel; Henry C. Wiggles-worth. Staff Attorneys.—Robin D. Burrell; Valerie Flapan; Mary K. Korb; Julie B. Simon. Office Manager.—Suzanne Pearson. Assistant Office Manager.—Joanne T. Cole. Senior Staff Assistant.—Donna M. Erwin. Staff Assistants: Susan Baird; Tammy S. Hughes; Donna L. Deanell; Erin K. Scanlon. File Clerk.—Tate Jones. Receptionist.—Patricia Quinn Cowart. OFFICE OF SENATE LEGAL COUNSEL Room SH-642, Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-4435; FAX: 224-3391 Senate Legal Counsel.—Michael Davidson. Deputy Senate Legal Counsel. —Ken U. Benjamin, Jr. Assistant Senate Legal Counsel.—Morgan J. Frankel. Assistant Senate Legal Counsel. —Claire M. Sylvia. Administrative Assistant.—Kathleen M. Parker. Systems Administrator.—Barbara L. Thoreson. Legal Assistant.—Sara Fox Jones. OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS OF THE HOUSE Capitol Telephone Directory, 225-3121 House room prefixes: Capitol, H-; Cannon House Office Building, CHOB; Longworth House Office Building, LHOB; Rayburn House Office Building, RHOB; O’Neill House Office Building, OHOB H1-; Ford House Office Building, FHOB H2-. House telephone numbers are prefixed, 225-and 226- SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEAKER’S OFFICE Room H-204, The Capitol. Phone, 225-5604 The Speaker.— Thomas S. Foley. Chief of Staff (unpaid).—Heather S. Foley. Press Secretary.—Jeffrey R. Biggs. Scheduler.—Mary Beth Schultheis. Assistant.—Michael J. O'Neill. Legislative Assistants: Maxine Cooke; Judy Crowe; Tom Lafauci; Kathy Momot; Char- lene Robins. Press Aide.—Robin Webb. SPEAKER’S ROOMS Room H-209, The Capitol. Phone, 225-2204 Staff Director of Democratic Steering and Policy Committee.—George Kundanis. Deputy Director.—Mimi McGee-O’Hara. Legislative Assistant.—Kathleen Miller. SPEAKER'S CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES Room 1201, Longworth House Office Building. Phone, 225-2006 Administrative Assistant.—Susan Moos. Deputy Administrative Assistant.—Carolyn Scott. Legislative Assistants: Nick Ashmore; Michelle Denton; Dana Gjelde; Temora Jones; Lionel Lawson; Dwayne Malloy; Sandy Mathieson; Debbie O’Brien; Patrick Ormsby; Bryce Quick; Andrew Valuchek; Matthew Veazey; Nancy Virtue. DEMOCRATIC STEERING AND POLICY COMMITTEE Room H-226, The Capitol. Phone, 225-8550 Staff Director.—George Kundanis. Deputy Director.—Mimi McGee-O’Hara. Legislative Assistants: Dorothy Jackson; Bonnie M. Lowrey; Nathan A. Marceca; Lucia Marigan; Jeff Swedberg. OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENTARIAN Room H-209, The Capitol. Phone, 225-7373 Parliamentarian.—William H. Brown. Deputy Parliamentarian.—Charles W. Johnson. Assistant Parliamentarians.— Thomas G. Duncan; Muftiah M. McCartin; John V. Sulli- van. Clerk.—Gay S. Topper. CHAPLAIN Room HB-25, The Capitol. Phone, 225-2509 JAMES DAVID FORD, D.D., Chaplain of the House of Representatives, first elected Chaplain by the 96th Congress, reelected by succeeding Congresses; graduated from 616 Officers and Officials of the House Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN; M. Div. from Augustana Seminary, Rock Island, IL; Doctor of Divinity from Wagner College, New York City; served as pastor of Lutheran Church, Ivanhoe, MN and Cadet Chaplain of U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY for 18 years. Chaplain of the House.—Rev. James David Ford, D.D. OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY LEADER Room H-148, The Capitol. Phone, 225-0100 Majority Leader.—Richard A. Gephardt. Chief of Staff.—Tom O’Donnell. Administrative Assistant.—Steve Elmendorf. Executive Assistant.—Sharon Jordan. Executive Floor Assistant. —Craig Hanna. Floor Assistant.—Marti Thomas. General Counsel. —Mike Wessel. Policy Director.—Andie King. Foreign Policy Adviser. —Margie Sullivan. Research Director.—Bill Frymoyer. Deputy Press Secretary.—Karen Beimdiek. Special Assistants: Nina Planck; Dan Turton. Assistant to the Chief of Staff.—Jennifer Burton. Staff Assistants: Andy Dodson; Charles Jefferson. OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY WHIP Room H-107, The Capitol. Phone, 225-3130; FAX: 225-0465 Majority Whip.—David E. Bonior. Administrative Assistant.—Sarah Dufendach. Executive Floor Assistant.—Kathleen Gille. Floor Assistant.—Jerry Hartz. Deputy Floor Assistant. —Matthew Gelman. Press Secretary.—John Schelble. Speech Writer.—Robert Lehrman. Rules Associate/Research Director.—Miles Lackey. Office Manager.—Sarah Rasmussen. Staff Assistants: Judy Bonior; Gretchen Kline; Cheri Wallace. OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN LEADER Room H-232, The Capitol. Phone, 225-0600 Republican Leader.—Robert H. Michel. Chief of Staff. —Ray LaHood. Floor Assistant.—William R. Pitts, Jr. Deputy Floor Assistant.—Bob Okun. Special Assistant.—William Gavin. Press Secretary.—Missi Tessier. Administrative Assistant/Appointments.—Sharon Yard. Legislative Director.—David Kehl. General Counsel. —Ted Van Der Meid. Counsel and Assistant Legislative Director.—Karen Buttaro. Special Assistant-Committee on Committees.—Sue Bell. Staff Assistants: Juanita Braxton; Anne Dressendorfer; John Feehery; Carol Goodwillie; Karen Haas; Linda Nave; Lee Prouty; Shelly White. Deputy Press Secretary.—Kerri Hanley. CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES Room 2112, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-6201 Executive Assistant.—Diane Liesman. Legislative Assistant.—Kathleen Donahue. 618 Congressional Directory OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN LEADER—CONTINUED Staff Assistants: Steve Gumplo; Joan Mitchell; Dean Owens; Paul Vinovich. District Office: Room 107, 100 Northeast Monroe, Peoria, IL 61602. Phone, (309) 671-7027. Chief of Staff. —Ray LaHood. Staff Assistants.—Kristen Engermann; Sheri Lemaster; Carol Merna; Shirley Ringness; Kristen Shaner. District Office: 236 West State Street, Jacksonville, IL 62650. Phone, (217) 245-1431 District Assistant.—Craig Findley. Staff Assistants.—Earlene Castleberry; Sally Dahman. OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN WHIP Room H-219, The Capitol. Phone, 225-2800 Room 1620, Longworth House Office Building. Phone, 225-0197 Republican Whip.—Newt Gingrich. Chief of Staff.—Dan Meyer. Floor Assistant.—Leonard Swinehart. Office Manager.—Christy Surprenant. Scheduler.—Hardy Lott. CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES Room 2428, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-4501 Administrative Assistant.—Annette E. Thompson. Legislative Director.—Greg Wright. District Office: 3823 Roswell Road, Suite 200, Marietta, GA 30062. Phone, (404) 565-6398 District Director.—Jeff T. Wansley. OFFICE OF THE CLERK Room H-105, The Capitol. Phone, 225-7000 DONNALD K. ANDERSON, Clerk of the House of Representatives; born in Sacra-mento, CA, October 17, 1942; appointed Page in the 86th Congress, January 5, 1960, by Representative John E. Moss; operated elevators in the Capitol and House Office Build-ings under appointments of Representatives George H. Mahon and James H. Morrison; appointed assistant enrolling clerk and clerk in the Finance Office by Representative Hale Boggs; appointed assistant manager of the Democratic Cloakroom by Speaker John W. McCormack; appointed Majority Floor Manager by Speaker Carl Albert in 1972; contin-ued to serve under appointment of Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.; nominated for Clerk by the House Democratic Caucus and elected Clerk of the House for the 100th Congress on January 6, 1987; reelected Clerk for the 101st, 102d and 103d Congresses. Clerk.—Donnald K. Anderson. Deputy Clerk.—W. Raymond Colley. Assistants to the Clerk: Dallas L. Dendy, Jr; William R. Long. Special Deputy for Federal Election Commission.—Douglas J. Patton. Administrative Assistant.—Ann Fletcher. Executive Secretary.—Sharman Brown. Senior Secretaries: Mary Kevin Tegler; Amy Perkinson. Receptionist. —Debbie Braun. Legislative Operations, Chief.—John P. Jenkins (HT-13), 5-7925. Enrolling Clerk. —Charles Gary Bogart. Assistant Enrolling Clerk. —Eve Jarvis. Bill Clerk.—Joe Braun. Assistant Bill Clerk.— Mark Hoffman. Journal Clerk.—Hugh Hart. Assistant Journal Clerks: A. Wayne Fowler; Trish Madson; Dorothy M. Stukes. Reading Clerks: Mary E. Goetz; Paul Hays. Officers and Officials of the House Tally Clerk.—Theron E. Morris. Assistant Tally Clerks.—Mark D. O'Sullivan; Kevin J. Kennedy. Legislative Clerk.—Thomas Kevin Hanrahan. Assistant Legislative Clerks: Leland AuCoin; Roderick Blair; Mary-Alyce F. Jones; Robert V. Rota, Jr.; Barbara Shaffer; David A. Schaefer. Official Reporters of Debates, Chief Reporter.—Charles Gustafson (HT-60), 5-5621. Deputy Chief Reporter.—Susan Hanback. Chief Clerk. —Edward White. Official Reporters to House Committees, Chief Reporter.—Ray A. Boyum (1718 LHOB), 5-2627. Deputy Chief Reporter.—Dennis A. Dinkel. Chief Clerk.—Jo Ann Hooks. Office of Employee Assistance, Director.—Bernard E. Beidel, (FHOB H2-172), 5-2400. pe, Fair Employment Practices, Director.—William X. Baranowski (OHOB H1- 01), 5-0880. Legislative Computer Systems, Chief.—Thomas J. Hawk (2401 RHOB), 5-1182. Legislative Information Office, Chief.—Deborah Jo Turner (FHOB H2-696), 5-1772. Assistant Chief.—Robert J. O’Neill. Library, Chief —Emanuel Raymond Lewis (B18 CHOB), 5-0462. Printing Services, Chief.—S. Joseph Simpson (B-26 CHOB), 5-1908. Assistant Chief.—Gail Ridgway. Recording Studio, Director.—William C. Moody (B-310 RHOB), 5-3941. Assistant Directors.—Christian L. Walker; Richard A. Van Winkle. Records and Registration, Director.—Patricia A. Bias (1036 LHOB), 5-1300. Assistant Director.—Robert A. Templeton. Telecommunications, Director.—Susan L. Zeleniak (FHOB H2-259A) 6-4101. Assistant Director.—William T. Kinter. Telephone Exchange, Assistant Chiefs.—Joan Ann Sartori; Patricia Scott. OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS Room H-124, The Capitol. Phone, 225-2456; FAX: 225-3233 WERNER W. BRANDT, Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives; born on August 29, 1938 in New York City; married June 29, 1963 in New York City to V. Martha Brandt; children: Nicholas C. and K. Alyssa; B.A., history, Hamilton College, 1956-1960; career record: foreign service officer, Department of State, 1962-72; legisla-tive assistant to Representative Thomas S. Foley, 1972-81; assistant to House Majority Whip; 1981-86; assistant to House Majority Leader, 1987-89; executive assistant to Speak-er of the House, Thomas S. Foley, 1989-92; appointed the 35th Sergeant at Arms by the Speaker on March 12, 1992; elected on January 5, 1993, for the 103d Congress. Sergeant at Arms.—Werner W. Brandt. Deputy Sergeant at Arms.—Kevin Peterson. Directors: Police Services/Security Operations.—Tom Keating. Special Events/Protocol. —Donald T. Kellaher. Staff Assistant.—Kevin Brennan. Member Services.—Caroline F. Klemp. Staff Assistants: Linda Miller; Juanita Conkling. Identification Services.—Robert H. Cooksey. Staff Assistants: Melissa Franger; Vernon Greene. Assistants to Sergeant at Arms: Stefany Hemmer; Harold E. Nichols. Pair Clerk to the Majority.—Kathleen Raftery. Manager, Appointments/Public Information Center.—Karen Forriest. Staff Assistant. —Theodore Lancaster. Assistant for Special Projects/Studies.—Robert J. Conner. OFFICE OF THE DOORKEEPER Room H-154, The Capitol. Phone, 225-3505; FAX: 225-9475 JAMES T. MOLLOY, Doorkeeper; born in Buffalo, NY, June 3, 1936; son of Mat-thew and Catherine Hayden Molloy; graduate of Canisius College, Buffalo; attended St. John’s Law School, Brooklyn, NY; married to Roseann Tonucci of Lackawanna; one daughter, Amy; served as a Marine Fireman with the Buffalo Fire Department; school- 620 Congressional Directory OFFICE OF THE DOORKEEPER—CONTINUED teacher in Buffalo and Lackawanna; worked as a longshoreman, member of International Brotherhood of Longshoremen, Local 1622, AFL-CIO; administrative assistant to the district attorney, Erie County; president, South Side Democratic Club, 1966-69; chair-man, second ward, city of Buffalo; appointed Chief, Office of Finance of the House in 1969; elected Doorkeeper by Democratic Caucus, 94th Congress, December 2, 1974; reelected 95th through 103d Congresses. Doorkeeper.—James T. Molloy. Deputy Doorkeeper.—Robert J. O'Malley. Assistant to the Doorkeeper.—Ann H. Thornburg. Legislative Assistant.—James J. Kaelin. Office Manager.—Karen J. Soltys. Receptionist. —Ann F. O’Connor. General Clerks: Jeff Gans; Sam Jeffries; Marcus Cinquegrani; Luke Cusack. Floor Assistant.—Fred Gortler. Director of Doormen.—William P. Sims. Chief Doorman, House Gallery.—Jim Jenkins. Chief Doorman, House Floor.—Gary Heuer. House Floor Services: Majority Manager.—Barry K. Sullivan, 5-7330. Majority Assistants: Robert V. Fischer; Charles Timothy Friedman, 5-7330. Minority Manager.—Timothy J. Harroun, 5-7350. Minority Assistants: Joelle K. Hall; James A. Oliver, 5-7350. Chief of Pages: Majority.—Lenore Donnelly, 5-7330. Minority.—Peggy C. Sampson, 5-7350. Receptionists: Congresswomen’s Suite.—Ann R. Murphy, 5-4196. Members’ Family Suite.—Anna Christakos, 5-6369. Docent-in-Charge of Chapel. —Kathryn A. Hoye, 5-8070. HOUSE DOCUMENT ROOM Room FHOB H2-B18. Phone, 225-3456 Director.—Gerard P. Walsh, Jr. Assistant Director.—Prentice Maxwell. Supervisor.—Harry Parker, Jr. Clerk.— William Tolson. PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION SERVICE Room B-241, Longworth House Office Building. Phone, 225-4355 Director.—Patrick J. McDonough. Deputy Director.—Helen Rose Elias. DIRECTOR OF NON-LEGISLATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Room HC-02, The Capitol. Phone, 225-6900 [Authorized by House Resolution 423, 102d Congress, enacted April 9, 1992] LEONARD P. WISHART III, Director of Non-Legislative and Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives; born in Newark, NJ, September 24, 1934; son of Leonard P. Wishart, Jr, and Mabel D. (Womsley) Wishart; B.S., graduate of U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1957; M.S., nuclear physics, University of Virginia, 1966; married to Sandra F. DeVito of Trenton, NJ; two sons, Leonard and Scott; commis-sioned, second lieutenant (infantry), U.S. Army, 1957; served two tours of duty in Vietnam, as a battalion commander, with the First Cavalry Division, 1970-71; multiple tours of duty in Germany; commanded First Infantry Division, Fort Riley, KS, 1986-88 and Combined Arms Command, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 1988-91; retired from active military duty, October 1991; engaged in private business until appointed as the first Director of Non-Legislative and Financial Services of the House of Representatives, December 28, 1992. Director.—Leonard P. Wishart III. Executive Assistant.—Georgia A. Abraham. Administrative Assistant.—Silini I. Herrmann. Officers and Officials of the House Receptionist/Clerk Typist.—Nicole Tucker. HOUSE POSTAL OPERATIONS Room B-225, Longworth House Office Building. Phone: 225-3856 Director, House Postal Operations.—Michael J. Shinay. Executive Assistant.—Nancy Auerbach Collins. Assistant Directors: Window Operations.—Terrence J. McAndrew. Mail Operations.—Paul F. Lozito. Administration.—David N. Dunn. Security and Accountability.—William E. Lawson. POST OFFICE, LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Clerk in Charge.—Trent Coleman, LHOB B-224, 226-0764. POST OFFICE, CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Clerk in Charge.—Michael Lupo, CHOB 202, 225-3855. POST OFFICE, RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Clerk in Charge.—Lorena Marshall, RHOB 2106, 225-6776. POST OFFICE, CAPITOL Clerk in Charge.—Nancy Burton, H-101, U.S. Capitol, 225-3525. POST OFFICE, FORD HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Clerk in Charge.—June Boydston, FHOB H2-121, 225-6543. OFFICE SUPPORT OPERATIONS HB-1A, U.S. Capitol. Phone: 225-8000 Director.—Jacqueline Byrd. Senior Secretary.—Jeanne Mershon. OFFICE OF FINANCE 263 Cannon House Office Building. Phone: 225-6514 Chief.—Michael Heny. Assistant Chiefs: Art Smith; Odette Parker. DEPARTMENT OF OFFICE FURNISHINGS H2-105 Ford House Office Building. Phone: 226-2421 Chief.—John M. Kostelnick. Assistant Chief —Cosmo Quattrone. OFFICE SUPPLY SERVICE B217 Longworth House Office Building. Phone: 225-3321 Chief —Ray M. Young. Assistant Chief.—Nancy C. Glorius. OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT B215 Longworth House Office Building. Phone: 225-3994 Chief —Mary Ann Wise. Assistant Chief.—Helene Flanagan. Congressional Directory BARBERSHOP B-323 Rayburn House Office Building. Phone: 225-7024 Supervisor.—Eugene Kuser. HOUSE PLACEMENT OFFICE H2-219 Ford House Office Building. Phone: 226-6731 Chief.—John A. McDermott. BEAUTY SHOP 139 Cannon House Office Building. Phone: 225-4008 Manager.—Vincent Marvaso. HOUSE CHILD CARE CENTER 501 First Street SE. 20003. Phone: 225-9684 Director.—Natalie Gitelman. HOUSE RESTAURANT SYSTEM B-339A Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-7108 Director.—[Vacant.] Assistant Director.—John T. Saile, 226-0765. Administrative Officer.—Marco Terango, B-361 RHOB, 225-3374. Managers: Capitol Restaurant.—Gerald Scott, 225-3300. Capitol Coffee Shop.—Doris Jackson, HB-9, 225-4045. Rayburn Cafeteria.—Ann Jemison, RHOB B-357, 225-6764. Rayburn Carry Out Food Service.—Ruthine Clarke, RHOB B-326, 225-6768. Rayburn Pizza Plus.—Connie Winston. Longworth Cafeteria. —Odessa Mhoon, LHOB B-223, 225-4460. Longworth Carry Out Food Service.—Linda Barber, 225-4054. Cannon Carry Out Food Service.—Sally Cadogan, 225-6230. Ford Cafeteria.—Jordan Skenteris, FHOB H2-135, 225-2238. Congressional Catering Office, Director.—Lou Lawrence, Capitol H-123A, 225-2374. Rayburn Catering, Director.—Betty Thomas, RHOB B-339A, 225-1403. Rayburn Catering, Sales Manager.—Geri Cassidy, RHOB B-339A, 225-1403. Purchasing. —Bob Martin, RHOB G-322A, 225-5473. Vending Operations.—Lauren Smith, 225-7820. FLOOR ASSISTANTS TO THE MINORITY Floor Assistants to the Leader: William R. Pitts, Jr., H-228, 5-5555. Ronald W. Lasch, HB-13, 5-4768. Jay Pierson, HB-13, 5-4768. MAJORITY AND MINORITY PRINTERS Room WA-29, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-5371 Majority Printer.—David L. Andrukitis. Room WA-26, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-2641 Republican Printer.—[Vacant.] OFFICE OF THE HISTORIAN Room 138, Cannon House Office Building. Phone, 225-1153; FAX: 225-6178 Historian.—Raymond W. Smock. Associate Historian.—Bruce A. Ragsdale. Assistant Historian.—Cynthia Pease Miller. Research Assistant.—Joel D. Treese. Secretary.—Carol A. Staszewski. Officers and Officials of the House OFFICE OF THE LAW REVISION COUNSEL Room H2-304, Ford House Office Building, Second and D Streets SW. 20515-6711. Phone, 226-2411; FAX: 225-0010 Law Revision Counsel —Edward F. Willett, Jr. Deputy Law Revision Counsel.—Lawrence A. Monaco, Jr. Assistant Counsels: Jerald J. Director; Jane W. Lawrence; Peter G. LeFevre; John R. Miller; Kenneth I. Paretzky; Ralph V. Seep; Richard B. Simpson; Alan G. Skutt; Deborah Z. Yee. say fissianes Mary A. Cannon; Debra L. Johnson; William M. Short; Dulcie M. iolette. Computer Systems Manager.—James H. McGee. Printing Editors.—Wayne W. Grigsby; Robert A. Prather. OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Room 136, Cannon House Office Building. Phone, 225-6060 Legislative Counsel. —David E. Meade. Deputy Legislative Counsel. —Roger D. Young. Assistant Counsels: Wade Ballou; Pope Barrow; Douglass Bellis; Timothy Brown; John Buckley; Paul C. Callen; Sherry Chriss; Steven Cope; Robert Cover; Ira Forstater; Rosemary Gallagher; Pete Goodloe; Stanley Grimm; Edward Grossman; James Grossman; Curt C. Haensel; Jean Harmann; Yvonne Haywood; Lawrence Johnston; Gregory M. Kostka; Edward Leong; David Mendelsohn; William Mohrman; Eliza-beth Piekarczyk; Hank Savage; Willoughby G. Sheane, Jr.; Sandra Strokoff; Mark A. Synnes; Robert Weinhagen; James Wert; Judy Wilkinson; Noah L. Wofsy. Law Assistant.—Susan Fleishman. Office Administrator.—Lynne Richardson. Assistant Office Administrator.—Renate Stehr. Staff Assistants: Scott D. Anderson; Debra Birch; Michael J. Gallagher; Nancy M. Hobson; Patricia A. Kennedy; Samantha Pillar; M. Elaine Sagman; Craig A. Sterkx; Sybil T. Trader. Publications Coordinator.—Frederick Dichter. Assistant Publications Coordinator.—Carroll White. OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL [Authorized under House Resolution 5, 103d Congress] Room 112, The Capitol. Phone, 225-9700 General Counsel. —[Vacant.] Deputy General Counsel.—Charles Tiefer. Senior Assistant Counsel. —Michael Leo Murray. Assistant Counsel. —Richard Stanton. Office Administrator.—Jane C. Aufdem-Brinke. Law Clerk.—Lenore Dick. Paralegal. —Dina Green. Legal Secretaries: Kyle Jones Beatty; Patricia A. Jones. HOUSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS H2-631 FHOB, Second and D Streets SW., 20515. Phone, 225-7017; FAX: 226-3482 Director.—Hamish L. Murray. Deputy Director.—Terry L. Nugent. Manager for— Administrative Systems.—Samuel Orlando (H2-607B FHOB), 5-0217. Communication Services.—Paul Savercool (H2-686C FHOB), 6-6280. Computer Center.—Martin Hughes (H2-619B FHOB), 5-0271. Customer Applications Group.—Michael Dougherty (H2-643C FHOB), 5-0268. Customer Services Group.—Mary Watts (H2-674 FHOB), 5-0542. Information Resource Systems.—Jack Belcher (H2-644C FHOB), 5-0801. Controller.—Walter Haggerty (H2-630B FHOB), 5-9276. Information Resource Officer.—Gerald Murphy (H2-630C FHOB), 5-9276. 624 Congressional Directory HOUSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS—CONTINUED Officer for— Budget. —Thomas Leonardo (H2-632 FHOB), 5-9276. Personnel. —Alfredda Horton (H2-629A FHOB), 5-9276. Technical Assessment.—William Freeman (H2-661 FHOB), 5-9276. Communications.—Henry Collins (H2-627 FHOB), 5-9276. Planning. —Elaine Pulas (H2-628 FHOB), 5-9276. Security.—Rickey Stephens (H2-615 FHOB), 5-9276. MISCELLANEOUS OFFICIALS AND LEGISLATIVE BRANCH AGENCIES ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL ARCHITECTS OFFICE Room SB-15, The Capitol. Phone, 225-1200; FAX: 225-3167 Architect of the Capitol. —George M. White. Assistant Architect of the — William L. Ensign, 5-1221. Capitol. Administrative Assistant.—William F. Raines, Jr., 5-1207. Budget Officer.—Emanuele Crupi, 5-1225. Director of Engineering.—J. Raymond Carroll, 5-4781. Executive Officer.—Herbert M. Franklin, 5-1206. General Counsel. —Ben C. Wimberly, 5-1210. Supervising Engineer (Capitol).—Ural T. Ward, 5-1218. Landscape Architect. —Paul Pincus, 4-6645. Air Conditioning Engineer.—Scott Birkhead, 6-3180. Chief Engineer (Power Plant).—Robert Husemann, 5-4380. Electrical Engineer.—Vinod K. Wadhwa, 6-3470. Electronic Engineer.—Richard Brandon, 4-9827. SENATE OFFICE BUILDINGS Room SD-G45, Dirksen Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-3141; FAX: 224-0899 Superintendent.—Lawrence Stoffel. Deputy Superintendent.—Peter Huber. Assistant Superintendents: Chester Kirk; Jerry Shaw. HOUSE OFFICE BUILDINGS Room B-341, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-4141; FAX: 225-3003 Superintendent.—Robert Miley. Deputy Superintendent.—Robert Gleich. Assistant Superintendents: Margaret Donnelly; Bill Wood. OFFICE OF THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Room H-166, The Capitol. Phone, 5-5421 (If no answer, call Capitol Operator 4-2145) Attending Physician.—Dr. Robert C.J. Krasner (after office hours, (202) 364-8806). Administrative Assistant.—Robert F. Moran (after office hours, (703) 521-0641). U.S. CAPITOL POLICE BOARD Martha S. Pope, Sergeant at Arms, U.S. Senate. Werner W. Brandt, Sergeant at Arms, U.S. House of Representatives. George M. White, Architect of the Capitol. Congressional Directory U.S. CAPITOL POLICE 119 D Street NE. 20510 Office of the Chief: 224-9806 Communications: 224-5155 Emergency: 224-0911 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF Chief of Police. —Gary L. Abrecht. Administrative Assistant.—Sgt. Timothy J. Connors. Assistant Chief of Police. —Robert K. Langley. Administrative Assistant.—Lt. Mark G. Herbst. General Counsel. —John T. Caulfield. Administrative Assistant.—Sgt. William H. Emory. Internal Affairs Commander.—Capt. Marsha E. Krug. Assistant Commander.—Lt. David F. Callaway. Office of Financial Management.—Inspector Johnnie R. Gross. Public Information Officer.—Sgt. Daniel R. Nichols. BUREAU COMMANDERS Administrative Services. —Deputy Chief Franklin C. Shelton. Employee Development.—Dr. Terry Eisenberg. Protective Services.—Deputy Chief John E. Daniels. Uniform Services.—Deputy Chief Robert R. Howe. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BUREAU Planning/Inspections Division.—Lt. Frank M. Ziemba. Property Management Division.—Lt. Paul L. Lund. Information Management Division.—Kevin D. Collins. EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT BUREAU Personnel Division.—Capt. William E. Uber. Training Division.—Capt. Christopher M. McGaffin. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.—Lt. Stanley J. Grochowski. Recruit Training Section—Lt. Dale J. Monno. Firearms Training Section.—Lt. Lawrence K. Morgan. PROTECTIVE SERVICES BUREAU Executive Officer.—Inspector Michael E. Hupp. Criminal Investigations Division.—Capt. Joseph M. Alukonis. Dignitary Protection Division.—Capt. Mack A. Kennedy. Technical Security Division.—Capt. Gilman Udell. UNIFORM SERVICES BUREAU Capitol Division Commander.—Inspector Steven D. Bahrns. Capt. Joseph J. Parisi Lt. Robert V. Howse Capt. Caroline J. Fields Lt. Edward F.Lopez Lt. Patrick J. Kerrigan Lt. Michael C. Preloh Lt. Edward L. Bailor Lt. Thomas H. Noord House Division Commander.—Inspector Ronald F. Reginaldi. Capt. Lawrence R. Hill Lt. Mark A. Sullivan Lt. William G. Kaval Lt. James W. Proctor Lt. Michael G. Komara Patrol Division Commander.—Inspector Fentress A. Hickman. Capt. David A. Curry Lt. Robert L. Dicks Lt. Joseph L. Whittington Lt. Vickie L. Frye Lt. Charles L. Shelton Senate Division Commander.—Inspector Stephen W. Ring. Capt. Rayburn O. Jenkins Lt. Lawrence F. Loughery Lt. Kenneth D. Riggin Lt. Larry D. Thompson Lt. Stephen P. Istvan Operations Division Commander.—Inspector Michael J. Boyle. Inspector Richard W. Micer. Capt. Price S. Goldston. Inspector James P. Rohan. Capt. Alan J. Yaworske. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAGE SCHOOL Room LJ-AS, Library of Congress 20540-9996. Phone, 225-9000; FAX: 225-9001 Principal. —Robert F. Knautz. Administrative Assistant.—Shirley A. Alexander. English. —Randall R. Mawer. Guidance.—Patricia A. Caulfield. Languages.—Linda G. Miranda. Mathematics.—Barbara R. Bowen. Science.—Robert S. Nelson. Social Studies.—Ronald L. Weitzel. SENATE PAGE SCHOOL Jefferson Building, Third Floor, Library of Congress 20540. Phone, 224-3926. Director.—Blanche E. Williams. English.—Martha A. Moore. Mathematics.— Zachary C. Jeffers. Science.—Launcelot C. Redway. Social Studies.—Jerry Ainsfield. CONGRESSIONAL DAILY DIGEST HOUSE SECTION Room HT-13, The Capitol. Phone, 225-3153 Editor.—Charles Gary Bogart. SENATE SECTION Room ST-58, The Capitol. Phone, 224-2658; FAX: 224-2120 Editor.—Thomas G. Pellikaan. Assistant Editor.—Linda E. Sebold. COMBINED AIRLINES TICKET OFFICES (CATO) Suite 801, 1925 North Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209. Phone, (703) 522-8664; FAX: (703) 522-0616 General Manager.—Charles A. Dinardo. Assistant General Manager.—Susan B. Marshall. Room B-222, Longworth House Office Building. Phone, (703) 522-2286 Supervisor.—Becky Reeder. Room SR-B06, Russell Senate Office Building. Phone, (703) 522-2286 Supervisor.—Sonja Noll. CAPITOL TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Room SD-180, Dirksen Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2145 Manager.—Martha Pridgen. Supervisors: Joan Sartori; Patricia Scott; Barbara Broce. RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE Room S-101, The Capitol. Phone, 224-5948 Manager (Amtrak).—Robert E. Scolaro. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Room 242-A, Cannon House Office Building. Phone, 225-4553/4554; FAX: 225-5499 Manager.—Roth H. Coleman. Congressional Directory CHILD CARE CENTERS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CHILD CARE CENTER 501 First Street SE. 20003. Phone, 225-9684; FAX: 225-6908 Director.—Natalie Gitelman. SENATE EMPLOYEES’ CHILD CARE CENTER 190 D Street NE. 20510. Phone, 224-1461 Director.—Shirley Varner. LIAISON OFFICES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Room B-332, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-4955 or 632-6296 Director.—Charlene E. Luskey. Civil Service Representatives: Bobbie A. Harden; Elnora E. Lewis; Donna M. Quinta. Administrative Assistant.—Timothy S. Percival. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Room 7025, 441 G Street 20548. Phone, 275-5388/5739 Director.—M. Thomas Hagenstad. Legislative Attorney.—T. Vincent Griffith, 275-6307. Legislative Advisers: William A. Gerkens, 275-6303; Richard P. Roscoe, 275-6305; Richard M. Stana, 275-6301. Associate Legislative Adviser.—Connie D. Wilson, 275-5456. VETERANS’ AFFAIRS HOUSE Room B-328, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-2280; FAX: 453-5225 Chief —Philip R. Mayo. Assistant Chief. —Linda E. Jurvelin. Liaison Assistant.—Pamela L. Mugg. Representatives: Paul Downs; Margaret Phillips; Robin Sumner. SENATE Room SH-321, Hart Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-5351; FAX: 453-5218 Chief —Edwin L. Arnold. Liaison Assistant.—Joan C. Lee. Representatives: Patricia J. Covington; Alexa Jensen. Secretary.—Reo J. Johnson. ARMY HOUSE Room B-325, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-3853; FAX: 475-1561 Chief.—Col. Melvin J. Littig. Liaison Officers: Lt. Col. Richard Elliott; Lt. Col. Linda Jellen; Lt. Col. Vincent Knapp; Lt. Col. Alfonso Maldon; Lt. Col. Frank Prindle. Administrative Assistant.—Sgt. Carol Reid. Chief Congressional Caseworker.—Ethel McCann. Congressional Caseworkers: Cindy Swift-Dojcak; Barbara Yeager. SENATE Room SR-183, Russell Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2881; FAX: 475-9051 Chief.—Col. Frank K. Hurd. Deputy Chief.—Lt. Col. William B. Loper. Liaison Officer.—Maj. Joseph Pallone. Chief, Casework Liaison.—Margaret T. Tyler. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies 629 Casework Liaison Officers: Joan E. Goodale; Mrs. Brigitte H. Hanes; Sgt. Kirsten Kler. AIR FORCE HOUSE Room B-322, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-6656; FAX: 475-0680 Chief-—Col. Casmier Jaszczak. Deputy Chief.—Maj. Bob Nunnally. Action Officers: Maj. Kim Dougherty; Maj. Randy O’Boyle. Legislative Liaison Specialist. —Ms. Diana L. Kadi. Secretary.—Beatriz Pleasants. SENATE Room SR-182, Russell Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2481; FAX: 475-0854 Chief.—Col. Don G. Cook. Deputy Chief. —Lt. Col. Nicki J. Watts. Liaison Officer.—Maj. Gregory Feest. Legislative Liaison Specialists: Cheryl S. Cromwell. NAVY/MARINE CORPS HOUSE Room B-324, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 225-7124 Director.—Capt. Kraige M. Kennedy, USN. Deputy Director.—Lt. Comdr. William R. Burke, USN. USN Liaison Officers: Lt. Comdr. Douglas S. Roark (contracts), USN; Lt. Joe Sixeas, USN; Lt. Nancy S. Fitzgerld, USN; Lt. Bart Roper, USN. Yeoman.—Yn2 Keith R. DeVries, USN. Director USMC.—Lt. Col. John F. Sattler, USMC. USMC Liaison Officer.—Capt. Scott Buran, USMC. Administrative Clerk.—Sgt. S. DeAnn Izquierdo, USMC. SENATE Room SR-182, Russell Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-4681 Principal Deputy.—Capt. Richard G. Kirkland, USN. Assistant Deputy.—Comdr. John Fogarty, USN. USN Liaison Officers.—Lt. Jon H. Finkelstein, USN; LCDR Desiree Melynchenko, USN. USMC Liaison Officer.—Lt. Col. Terrence Paul. Assistant Liaison Officers: YN1 Julie R. Tucker, USN; Sgt. William Hatch, USMC. COAST GUARD HOUSE Room B-320, Rayburn House Office Building. Phone, 255-4775; FAX: 426-6081 Liaison Officer.—Comdr. Woody Lee. Assistant Liaison Officers: Lt. Len Murphy; Lt. Bill Strong. SENATE Room SR-183, Russell Senate Office Building. Phone, 224-2913 Liaison Officer.—Comdr. Steve Froehlich. Liaison Assistant.—Liz Moses. BOTANIC GARDEN 245 First Street SW. 20024 Public Information Recording, 225-7099; FAX: 225-1561. Acting Director.—George M. White, Architect of the Capitol, 5-1200. Executive Director.—Jeffrey P. Cooper-Smith, 5-8333. Assistant Executive Director—Holly Shimizu. Office Assistant.—Mary C. McKendree, 5-8333. Botanist.—Monica L. Kilby, 6-4082. 630 Congressional Directory BOTANIC GARDEN—CONTINUED Conservatory Manager.—Rob Pennington, 5-6646 or 5-6647. Maintenance Foreman.—Kenneth L. Murphy. Production Facility Manager.—Carla Pastore. CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE (Created by Public Law 93-344) H2-493 Ford House Office Building, Second and D Streets SW. 20515. Phone, 226-2621 Director.—Robert D. Reischauer, 6-2700. Deputy Director.—James L. Blum, 6-2702. General Counsel. —Gail Del Balzo, 5-1971. Director, Office of Intergovernmental Relations.—Stanley L. Shas 6-2600. Assistant Director for— Macroeconomic Analysis Division.—Robert A. Dennis, 6-2784. Budget Analysis.—C.G. Nuckols, 6-2800. National Security.—Robert F. Hale, 6-2900. Tax Analysis.—Rosemary D. Marcuss, 6-2687. Human Resources and Community Development.—Nancy M. Gordon, 6-2669. Natural Resources and Commerce.—Jan Paul Acton, 6-2784. Special Studies.—Robert W. Hartman, 6-2606. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE General Accounting Office Building, 441 G Street 20548 Comptroller General of the United States.—Charles A. Bowsher, 512-5500; FAX: 512-5507. Deputy Comptroller General of the United States.—[Vacant.] Special Assistant to the Comptroller General. —Milton J. Socolar, 512-5600; FAX: 512-6722. Counselor to the Comptroller General —Ted Barreaux, 512-4200; FAX: 512-7703. Assistant Comptroller General for— Operations.—James L. Howard, 512-5800; FAX: 512-5548. Planning and Reporting. —Donald J. Horan, 512-5900; FAX: 512-5725. Assistant Comptroller General. —Harry S. Havens, 512-5700; FAX: 512-5507. OFFICES Assistant Comptroller General for Policy.—Werner Grosshans, 512-6100, FAX: 512-4844. Director, Office of— Affirmative Action Plans.— Arnold P. Jones, 512-7797. Chief Economist.—Sidney G. Winter, 512-6209; FAX: 512-5366. Congressional Relations.—M. Thomas Hagenstad, 512-4400; FAX: 512-7919. Counseling and Career Development.—Howard N. Johnson, 512-8992; FAX: 512-4276. General Counsel. —James F. Hinchman, 512-5400; FAX: 512-7703. Information Management and Communications.—F. Kevin Boland, 512-6623; FAX: 512-6742. Internal Evaluation.—Joe E. Totten, 512-5748. International Audit Organization Liaison.—Peter V. Aliferis, 512-4707; FAX: 512-4021. Joint Financial Management Improvement Program.—Virginia B. Robinson, 376-5415; FAX: 376-5396. Public Affairs.—Cleve E. Corlett, 512-4800; FAX: 512-7726. Program Planning.— William J. Gainer, 512-6190; FAX: 512-1068. Recruitment.—Frances Garcia, 512-4900; FAX: 512-2539. Special Investigations.—Richard Stiener, 512-7455; FAX: 371-2442. Director of— Civil Rights Office.—Nilda I. Aponte, 512-6388; FAX: 512-4818. General Services and Comptroller.—Susan B. Burtner, 512-3909; FAX: 512-3496. Personnel. —Felix R. Brandon II, 512-4500; FAX: 512-8869. Personnel Appeals Board, Chair.—Alan S. Rosenthal, 512-6137; FAX: 512-7525. Quality Management Group.—Bemie Ungar, 512-5862; FAX: 512-2787. GAO Training Institute. —Terry Hedrick, 512-8674; FAX: 512-8947. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies 631 DIVISIONS Assistant Comptroller General, Division of— Accounting and Financial Management.—Donald Chapin, 512-2600; FAX: 512-9193. Directors: Abraham Akresh, 512-3097; David L. Clark 512-9507; David M. Connor, 512-9095; Brian P. Crowley, 512-9450; Gene L. Dodaro, 512-9459; Robert W. Gramling, 512-9406; John W. Hill, Jr., 512-8549; Barry S. Kaufman, 512-2850; Richard C. (Casey) LaVelle, 512-9507; David O. Nellemann, 512-9095; Paul L. Posner, 512-9573; Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, 512-9454; Donald R. Wurtz, 512-2850. General Government.—Johnny C. Finch, 512-2700; FAX: 512-3938. Directors: James L. Bothwell, 512-3206; J. William Gadsby, 512-8387; Mary Hamil-ton, 512-7802; William M. Hunt, 512-4403; Nancy Kingsbury, 512-5074; Rosslyn S. Kleeman, 512-9204; Allen I. Mendelowitz, 512-5889; Craig A. Simmons, 512-NE Jennie S. Stathis, 512-5407; L. Nye Stevens, 512-8676; Henry Wray, 512-5156. Human Resources.—Lawrence H. Thompson, 512-6806; FAX: 336-6607. Directors: David P. Baine, 512-7101; Joseph F. Delfico, 512-7215; Edward A. Dens-more, 512-6805; Sally Frazier Jaggar, 512-6807; Linda G. Morra, 512-7014; Janet L. Shikles, 512-7119. Lnforssion Management and Technology.—Ralph V. Carlone, 512-6410; FAX: 512- Directors: Samuel W. Bowlin, 512-6240; Jack L. Brock, 512-6406; Michael Gryszkowiec, 512-6412; Jayetta Hecker, 512-6416; Frank Reilly, 512-6408; Howard G. Rhile, 512-6418. National Security and International Affairs.—Frank C. Conahan, 512-2800; FAX: 512-8900 Directors: Neal P. Curtin, 512-6152; Richard A. Davis, 512-6504; Mark E. Gebicke, 512-5140; Arthur R. Goldbeck, 512-6226; Donna M. Heivilin, 512-8412; Henry L. Hinton, Jr., 512-6152; Jim Johnson, 512-5790; Joseph E. Kelley, 512-4128; Paul F. Math, 512-7683; Louis J. Rodrigues, 512-4841. Program Evaluation and Methodology.—Eleanor Chelimsky, 512-2854; FAX: 512-0622. Directors: Kwai Chan, 512-3092; Ronald Lauve, 512-6113; Richard L. Linster, 512-2854; Robert L. York, 512-5885. Resourves Community and Economic Development.—J. Dexter Peach, 512-3200; FAX: 512-8774. Directors: James Duffus III, 512-7756; Judy England-Joseph, 512-7631; Harry R. Finley, 512-5187; Keith O. Fultz, 512-3678; John Harman, 512-5138; Richard L. Hembra, 512-6111; Kenneth M. Mead, 512-6001; Victor S. Rezendes, 512-3841. OVERSEAS OFFICES Director, Office of— Europe.—William J. Anderson, ACG—Frankfurt, Unit 25401 (GAO), APO AE 09213, 011-49-69-7535-3100; FAX: 9-011-49-69-7535-3621. Far East.—Martin M. Ferber, P.O. Box 50187, Honolulu, HI 96850, (808) 541-1250; FAX: (808) 541-1253. REGIONAL OFFICES Managers: Atlanta.—James D. Martin, Suite 2000, 101 Marietta Tower, Atlanta, GA 30323, (404) 332-1900; FAX: (404) 332-1819. Boston.—John M. Ols, Jr., Room 575, 10 Causeway Street, Boston, MA 02222, (617) 565-7500; FAX: (617) 565-5909. Chicago.—John H. Luke, Suite 700, 200 W. Adams Street, Chicago, IL 60606, (312) 220-7600; FAX: (312) 220-7726. Cincinnati.—C. William Moore, Cincinnati Commerce Center, 600 Vine Street, Suite 2100, Cincinnati, OH 45202-2430, (513) 684-7120; FAX: (513) 684-7115. Dallas.—Robert A. Peterson, Suite 1500, 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75202, (214) 855-2600; FAX: (214) 855-2758. Denver.—Thomas J. Brew, Suite 800, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Denver, CO 80204-3581, (303) 572-7306; FAX: (303) 572-7433. Detroit. —John H. Luke, Suite 865, Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building, 477 Michi-gan Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226, (313) 256-8000; FAX: (313) 256-8015. Kansas City.—James R. Watts, Suite 600, Broadmoor Place, 5799 Broadmoor, Mission, KS 66202-2400, (913) 384-7400; FAX: (913) 384-7517. Los Angeles.—Victor Ell, Los Angeles World Trade Center, 350 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1010, Los Angeles, CA 90071, (213) 346-8000; FAX: (213) 346-8142. 632 Congressional Directory GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE—CONTINUED New York.—Franklin Frazier, 7 World Trade Center, Floor 25, New York, NY 10048-1102, (212) 264-0730; FAX: (212) 264-5154. Norfolk. —Wilbur D. Campbell, Suite 300, 5029 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, (804) 552-8100; FAX: (804) 552-8197. Philadelphia. —Frank D. Etze (acting), Suite 760, 841 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, (215) 574-4000; FAX: (215) 574-4082. San Francisco.—Thomas P. McCormick, Suite 1200, 301 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1420, (415) 904-2000; FAX: (415) 904-2144. Seattle—James K. Meissner, Jackson Federal Building, Room 1992, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98174, (206) 287-4800; FAX: (206) 287-4872. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE North Capitol and H Streets 20401. Phone, 512-0000 Public Printer.—Michael F. DiMario (acting), 512-2034; FAX: 512-1347. Deputy Public Printer.—Michael F. DiMario, 512-2036. Staff Assistant. —Andrew M. Sherman, 512-0115. General Counsel. —Anthony J. Zagami, 512-0033. Deputy General Counsel. —Drew Spalding, 512-0033. Director, Congressional, Legislative and Public Affairs.—Frank Biden, 512-1991; FAX: 512-1293. Administrative Law Judge.—Stuart M. Foss, 512-0008. Inspector General. —Lewis L. Small, 512-0039. Director, EEO and Labor/Employee Relations Staff.—Patricia R. Gardner. Director, Equal Employment Opportunity.—Claudette Bouldin, 512-2014. Director, Labor and Employee Relations.—Neal Fine, 512-0198. Director, IRM Policy and Coordination Staff.—[Vacant.] Director, Office of Budget. —William M. Guy, 512-0832. Director, Policy Coordination Staff.—Vincent F. Arendes, 512-0263. Director, Customer Services.—James N. Joyner, 512-0111. Superintendents: Congressional Printing Management.—Charles C. Cook, Sr., 512-0224; FAX: 512-1101. Departmental Account Representative.—Robert G. Cox, 512-0224; FAX: 512-0238. Typography and Design.—John W. Sapp, 512-2011. Director, Institute for Federal Printing and Publishing. —Lois Schutte, 512-1116. Director, Procurement Services.—[Vacant], 512-0082. Director for— Analysis and Review Staff —John D. Chapman, 512-0376. Materials Management Servicc.— Thomas M. Hughes, 512-0935. Manager for— ; Printing Procurement Department.—James T. Smith, 512-0327. Quality Control and Technical Department.—George J. Collins, 512-0766. Superintendent for— Contract Management.—Lewis W. Gardner, Jr., 512-0485. Purchase Division.—[Vacant], 512-0528. Director for Regional Operations.—Meredith L. Arneson, 512-0412; FAX: 512-0380. Eastern Regional Operations.—Douglas R. MacBride, 512-0412. Western Regional Operations.—M. Clive Walker, 512-0412. Director, Production Services.—Glenn H. Rottmann, 512-0707. Manager, Production Department.—[Vacant], 512-0707. Superintendents: Production Planning Division.—Philip J. Markett, Jr., 512-0233. Electronic Photocomposition.—Robert E. Schwenk, 512-0625. Press.—William E. Moore, 512-0673. Binding.—Charles M. Enterline, 512-0593. Manager for— Electronic Systems Development.—Chester Szymczak, 512-0682. Graphic Systems Development—Russell A. Duncan, Jr., 512-0731. Superintendent of Documents.—Wayne P. Kelley, Jr., 512-0571; FAX: 512-1434. Director for— Documents Sales.—James D. Young, 512-2332. Library Programs.—James D. Young (acting), 512-1114. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies 633 Marketing. —Charles B. McKeown, 512-2258. Electronic Information Dissemination Service.—Judith Russell (acting), 512-1622. Director, Office of Administration.—Burkey W. Boggs, 512-2073; FAX: 512-1520. Office of Financial Management/Comptroller—Robert B. Holstein, 512-2073. Director for— Engineering Service.—Joseph Palank, 512-1031. Information Resources Management.—Raymond J. Pluto, 512-0191. Occupational Health and Environmental Services.—William T. Harris, 512-1211. Office of Planning.— Thomas J. Muldoon, 512-2073. Personnel Service.—Lawrence W. Gardner, 512-1142. Security and Support Services.—Manuel M. Brito, 512-1336. REGIONAL PRINTING PROCUREMENT OFFICES Region 1: Manager.—Roger S. White, 28 Court Square, Boston, MA 02108-2504, (617) 720-3680; FAX: (617) 720-0281. Region 2 (I): Manager.—James T. Reingruber, Southampton Office Park, Suite A-190, Ss Jaymore Road, Southampton, PA 18966-3820, (215) 364-6465; FAX: (215) 364- Assistant Manager.—Andrew Morgan, GPO Satellite Printing Procurement Office, Moorhead Federal Office Building, Room 501, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4000, (412) 644-2858; FAX: (412) 644-4846. Region 2 (II): Manager.—Francis P. Dillon, 201 Varick Street, Room 709, New York, NY 10014-4879, (212) 620-3321; Fax: (212) 620-3378. Region 3 (I): Assistant Manager.—Chris J. Brown, Government Printing Office, Rapid Response Center (Procurement), Building 136, Washington Navy Yard, First and N Streets SE. 20403, 755-2110; FAX: 472-2575. Region 3 (II): Manager.—Robert M. Blake, 11836 Canon Boulevard, Suite 400, Newport News, VA 23606-2555, (804) 873-2800; FAX: (804) 873-2805. Region 4: Manager.—Douglas M. Faour, 1888 Emery Street, Suite 110, 2 Park Place, Atlanta, GA 30318-2542, (404) 605-9160; FAX: (404) 605-9185. Assistant Manager.—James A. Wainscott, GPO Satellite Printing Procurement Office, L. Mendel Rivers Federal Building, Room 122, 334 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403-6417, (803) 723-9379; FAX: (803) 723-0534. Region 5 (I): Manager.—Thomas E. Nepi, 200 West Adams Street, Room 1460, Chicago, IL 60606-5299, (312) 353-3916; FAX: (312) 886-3163. Region 5 (II): Manager.—David G. Sever, 1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B, Columbus, OH 43215-7034, (614) 488-4616; FAX: (614) 488-4577. Region 6: Manager.—Rolf A. Beike, Old Post Office Building, Room 328, 815 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63101, (314) 241-0349; FAX: (314) 241-4154. Region 7: Manager.—Richard W. Wildbrett, U.S. Courthouse and Federal Office Build-ing, Room 3D4, 1100 Commerce Street, Dallas, TX 75242-1001, (214) 767-0451; FAX: (214) 767-4101. Assistant Manager.—Lowell W. Borton, GPO Satellite Printing Procurement Office, Building 1552, Door No. 2, Kelley Air Force Base, TX 78241-5000; FAX: (210) 924-4848. Assistant Manager.—J. David Robb, GPO Satellite Printing Procurement Office, U.S. Customs Building, Room 310, 423 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130-2352, (504) 589-2538; FAX: (504) 589-2542. Assistant Manager.—Timothy J. Ashcraft, GPO Satellite Printing Procurement Office, Building One, L-55, Tinker Air Force Base, OK 73145-5000, (405) 231-4146; FAX: (405) 231-4125. Region 8: Manager.—Judy Ruehle, Denver Federal Center, Building 53, Room D-1010, Denver, CO 80225-0347, (303) 236-5292; FAX:(303) 236-5304. Region 9 (I): Manager.—James A. Davidson, 3950 Paramount Boulevard, Room 220, Lakewood, CA 90712-4139, (213) 982-1130; FAX: (213) 982-1147. Assistant Manager.—Eileen P. Hall-Splendorio, GPO Satellite Printing Procurement Office, Valley Center Office Building, 2221 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108-3609, (619) 497-6050; FAX: (619) 497-6054. Region 9 (II): Manager.—John J. O’Connor, Building 99, Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA 94130-9991, (415) 677-0340; FAX: (415) 677-0352. Region 10: Manager.—Michael J. Atkins, Federal Center South, 4735 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, WA 98134-2397, (206) 764-3726; FAX: (206) 764-3301. REGIONAL PRINTING PLANTS Chicago: Manager.—Thomas E. Nepi, 433 West Van Buren Street, Room 300-D, Chica-go, IL 60607-4597, (312) 353-2943; FAX: (312) 886-4276. 634 Congressional Directory Denver: Manager.—Judy Ruehle, Denver Federal Center, Building 53, Room D-1010, Denver, CO 80225-0347, (303) 236-5952; FAX: (303) 236-5304. New York: Manager.—Francis P. Dillon, 201 Varick Street, Seventh Floor, New York, NY 10014-4879, (212) 620-3327; FAX: (212) 620-3378. San Francisco: Manager.—John J. O’Connor, Building 99, Treasure Island San Francisco, CA 94130-9991, (415) 677-0340; FAX: (415) 677-0352. Seattle: Manager.—Michael J. Atkins, Federal Center South, 4735 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, WA 98134-2397, (206) 764-3726; FAX: (206) 764-3301. BOOKSTORES Mail orders: Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402 Washington, DC area: Main Bookstore, U.S. Government Printing Office, 710 North Capitol Street NW., Washington, DC 20401, (202) 512-0132. McPherson Square Bookstore: 1510 H Street NW., Washington, DC 20005, (202) 653-5075. Warehouse Sales Outlet: 8660 Cherry Lane, Laurel, MD 20707, (301) 953-7974, (301) 792-0262. Alabama: O’Neill Building, 2021 Third Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203, (205) 731-1056. California: Los Angeles Bookstore, ARCO Plaza, C-Level, 505 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071, (213) 239-9844. San Francisco Bookstore: Room 1023, Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, (415) 252-5334. Colorado: Room 117, Federal Building, 1961 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80294, (303) 844-3964. Pueblo Bookstore: Norwest Banks Building, 201 West 8th Street, Pueblo, CO 81003, (719) 544-3142. Pueblo Distribution Center: Public Documents Distribution Center, P.O. Box 4007, Pueblo, CO 81003, (719) 948-3335. Florida: Room 100, Federal Building, 400 W. Bay Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202, (904) 353-0569. Georgia: 120 First Union Plaza, 999 Peachtree Street, NE., Atlanta, GA 30309, (404) 347-1900. Illinois: One Congress Center, Room 124, 401 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60605, (312) 353-5133. Massachusetts: Thomas P. O’Neill Building, 10 Causeway Street, Room 169, Boston, MA 02222, (617) 720-4180. Michigan: Suite 160, Federal Building, 477 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226, (313) 226-7816. Missouri: No. 120 Bannister Mall, 5600 East Bannister Road, Kansas City, MO 64137, (816) 767-8225. New York: Room 110, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278, (212) 264-3825. Ohio: Room 1653, Federal Building, 1240 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44199, (216) 522-4922. Columbus Bookstore: Room 207, Federal Building, 200 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215, (614) 469-6956. Oregon: 1305 SW. First Avenue, Portland, OR 92701-5801, (503) 221-6217. Pennsylvania: Robert Morris Building, 100 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215) 597-0677. Pittsburgh Bookstore: Room 118, Federal Building, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, (412) 644-2721. Texas: Room 1C50, Federal Building, 1100 Commerce Street, Dallas, TX 75242, (214) 767-0076. Houston Bookstore: Texas Crude Building, 801 Travis Street, Suite 120, Houston, TX 77002, (713) 228-1187. Washington: Room 194, Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98174, (206) 533-4270. Wisconsin: Room 190, Federal Building, 517 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202, (414) 297-1304. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 10 First Street SE. 20540. Phone, 707-5000; FAX: 707-5844 OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN Librarian of Congress.—James H. Billington, 707-5205. Deputy Librarian.—Daniel P. Mulhollan (acting), 707-5215. Legislative Liaison Office.—[Vacant], 707-6577. Congressional Services Team.—[Vacant], 707-5215. Chief of Staff.—Suzanne Thorin, 707-5220. General Counsel. —John J. Kominski, 707-6316. Inspector General. —John W. Rensbarger, 707-5189. Director, Financial Services.—John D. Webster, 707-5189. Budget Officer.—John O. Hemperley, 707-5186. Personnel Security Officer.—Cynthia Wilkins, 707-5618. COLLECTIONS SERVICES Phone, 707-6240 Associate Librarian.—Winston Tabb. Chief for— Automation Planning and Liaison Office.—Sally H. McCallum (acting). Network Development and MARC Standards Office.—Sally H. McCallum. Technical Processing and Automation Instruction Office.—Judith P. Cannan. Director for— Technical Processes Research Office. —Glen A. Zimmerman. Acquisitions.—Mary S. Price. Chiefs: Acquisitions Bibliographic Support Project. —Susan M. Hayduchok. Copyright Acquisitions.—Laila Mulgaokar. Exchange and Gift. —Donald P. Panzera. Order.—Michael W. Albin. Overseas Operation.—Judy C. McDermott. Serial Record.—Kimberly Dobbs. Cataloging.—Sarah E. Thomas. Chiefs: Arts and Sciences.—Beacher J.E. Wiggins. Cataloging in Publication.—John P. Celli. Cataloging Policy and Support.—Glen R. Zimmerman (acting). Decimal Classification.—David A. Smith. Enhanced Cataloging.—Gloria H. Hsia. History and Literature.—Jeffrey Heynen. Regional and Cooperative Cataloging.—John D. Byrum, Jr. Social Sciences.—Susan H. Vita. Special Materials.—Patricia Hines (acting). Preservation.—Kenneth E. Harris. Chiefs: Binding Office.—William H. Underdue. Conservation Office.—Doris A. Hamburg (acting). National Preservation Program Office. —Kenneth E. Harris. Preservation Microfilming Office —Tamara Swora. Preservation Research and Testing.—Chandru J. Shahani. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT I Phone 707-5325 Director.—Deanna Marcum, 707-5325. Chiefs: African and Middle Eastern Division.—George N. Atiyeh (acting). Asian Division.—Warren Tsuneishi. Geography and Map Division.—Ralph E. Ehrenberg. Manuscript Division.—James H. Hutson. Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.—David Francis. Music Division.—James W. Pruett. Prints and Photographs.—Stephen E. Ostrow. 636 Congressional Directory LIBRARY OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED Rare Book and Special Collections.—Larry Sullivan. CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE Phone, 707-5700 OFFICES Director.—Joseph E. Ross, 707-5775. Deputy Director.—William H. Robinson, 707-5775. Associate Directors: Operations.—Susan C. Finsen, 707-5770. Special Programs.—Nancy A. Davenport, 707-6464. Policy.—Hugh L. Elsbree, 707-8924. Research Planning and Coordination.—P. Royal Shipp, 707-6759. Management Studies.— Thomas W. Novotny, 707-6070. Resource Development.—Ruth Ann Stewart, 707-1515. Senior Specialist in Soviet Economics.—John P. Hardt, 707-8888. DIVISIONS Division Chiefs: American Law.—Richard C. Ehlke, 707-6006. Assistant Chief.—Kent M. Ronhovde. Congressional Reference.—Catherine Ann Jones, 707-5741. Assistant Chief.—[Vacant.] Economics.—Donald W. Kiefer, 707-7800. Assistant Chief.—Roger S. White. Education and Public Welfare.—Earl Canfield, 707-6228. Environment and Natural Resources Policy.—John L. Moore, 707-7232. Assistant Chief. —John E. Blodgett, 707-7230. Foreign Affairs and National Defense.—Charlotte P. Peece (acting), 707-5064. Assistant Chief.—[Vacant.] Government.—Robert G. Sutter (acting), 707-4257. Assistant Chief.—[Vacant.] Library Services.—[Vacant.] Assistant Chief —William R. Gigax, 707-5804. Science Policy Research.—Richard E. Rowberg, 707-7040. Assistant Chief.—Jane Bortnick Griffith, 707-9547. SENIOR SPECIALISTS American National Government.—Thomas H. Novotny, 707-6070. American National Government: Stanley Ira Bach, 707-8669. Louis Fisher, 707-8676. Walter J. Oleszek, 707-7854. Frederick H. Pauls, 707-7852. American Public Law: Raymond J. Celada, 707-5037. Charles Doyle, 707-5037. Johnny H. Killian, 707-7224. Agricultural Policy.—Charles E. Hanrahan, 707-7235. Arts and Humanities.—Ruth Ann Stewart, 707-1515. Conservation and Energy.—Warren H. Donnelly, 707-7226. Economic Policy: William A. Cox, 707-7842. Jane G. Gravelle, 707-7829. Environmental Policy.—David E. Gushee, 707-7228. Housing.—Morton J. Schussheim, 707-7843. International Affairs (National Defense).—John M. Collins, 707-7618. International Security Policy.—Stanley R. Sloan, 707-1011. Soviet Economics.—John P. Hardt, 707-8888. Taxation and Fiscal Policy.—Harry G. Gourevitch, 707-5042. Transportation.—Leon M. Cole, 707-7800. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies 637 U.S. Foreign Policy.—Mark M. Lowenthal, 707-7617. CONSTITUENT SERVICES Phone, 707-5543 Associate Librarian.—Donald C. Curran. Executive Officer.—Carolyn H. Sung. PUBLIC SERVICE AND COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT II Phone, 707-1579 Director.—Ellen Hahn. Assistant to the Director.—Charles V. Stanhope. Chiefs: Children’s Literature Center.—Sybille Jagusch. Collections Management Division.—Steven J. Herman. European Division.—Michael Haltzel. Hispanic Division.—Georgette M. Dorn (acting). Humanities and Social Sciences Division.—Stephen James. Loan Division.—L. Christopher Wright. Science and Technology Division.—John F. Price (acting). Serial and Government Publications Division.—Karen Renninger. Visitor Services Office.—John Henry Hass (acting), 707-5458. LIBRARY DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Phone, 707-5543 Director.—Laura E. Campbell. Chiefs: Cataloging Distribution Service.—Susan M. Tarr. Federal Research Division.—Louis R. Mortimer. National Translations Center.—Karl Green. Photoduplication Services. —Nancy Eichacker (acting). Retail Marketing Office.—Anna Lee. NATIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE FOR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Phone, 707-5100 Director.—Frank Kurt Cylke. FEDERAL LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER COMMITTEE Phone, 707-4810 Executive Director.—Mary B. Levering. INTEGRATED SUPPORT SERVICES Phone, 707-1393 Director.—James R. Trew. Chiefs: Contract and Logistics Services.—Patricia Gardner (acting). Office Systems Services.—Elizabeth M. Zaic. COPYRIGHT OFFICE Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20559. Phone, 707-8350. Register of Copyrights.—Ralph Oman. Associate Register for: Management.—Michael R. Pew. Legal Affairs: General Counsel. —Dorothy Schrader. Assistant General Counsel. —Marilyn Kretsinger. Policy Planning Advisers: Lewis I. Flacks; Marybeth Peters; Eric Schwartz. Division Chiefs: Cataloging. —William Collins. Examining. —Harriet Oler. Information and Reference.—Joan Doherty, 707-6800. Licensing. —Walter D. Sampson, Jr. 638 Congressional Directory LIBRARY OF CONGRESS—CONTINUED Receiving and Processing. —Orlando L. Campos. CULTURAL AFFAIRS Phone, 707-6587 Associate Librarian.—Carolyn T. Brown. Special Assistants: Roberta A. Stevens; John J. Kozar. Director for: American Folklife Center.—Alan Jabbour, 707-6590. Center for the Book.—John Y. Cole, 707-5221. Senior Editor/Director of Communications.—Peter Braestrup, 707-1535. Public Affairs Officer.—1Jill D. Brett, 707-2905. Publishing Office.—Dana J. Pratt, 707-6027. Global Library Project. —Christine Glidden, 707-6201. Development Office.—Norma Baker (acting), 707-2777. Office of Educational Programs.—Mary Jack Wintle (acting), 707-3302. Interpretive Programs Officer.—Irene Burnham, 707-5233. Scholarly Programs.—Prosser Gifford, 707-1517. Special Assistant in Poetry.—Jennifer Rutland, 707-5394. Special Events Officers: Kim Moden; Nancy Mitchell, 707-5218. HUMAN RESOURCES Phone, 707-6080 Associate Librarian.—Lloyd A. Pauls (acting). Director.—Ben Benitez. LAW LIBRARY Phone, 707-5065 Law Librarian.—Mary Kathleen Price. Special Assistant to the Law Librarian.—Keith Ann Stiverson. Director of Law Library Operations.—Margaret Whitlock. Division Chiefs: American-British Law.—Robert L. Nay. European Law.—Ivan Sipkov. Far Eastern Law.—Tao-tai Hsia. Hispanic Law.—Rubens Medina. Near Eastern and African Law.—Anton Wekerle. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION Phone, 707-6928 Associate Librarian.—William W. Ellis. Director for Information Technology Services. —Herbert S. Becker. SPECIAL PROJECTS OFFICE Phone, 707-5560 Director.—Rhoda W. Canter. Executive Assistant.—Vivian Crump. Special Assistant.—Dennis Hanratty. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TRUST FUND BOARD [A quasi corporation, created by an act of Congress approved March 3, 1925, with perpetual succession and “all the usual powers and obligations of a trustee,” including the power to “invest, reinvest, and retain investments,” and, specifically, the authority to “accept, receive, hold, and administer such gifts, bequests, or devises of property for the benefit of, or in connection with, the Library, its collections, or its service, as may be approved by the board by the Joint Committee on the Library.”] Chairman.—James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress. Secretary of the Treasury.—Lloyd Bentsen. Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library.—Representative Charlie Rose, of North Carolina. Marguerite S. Roll, of Arizona, term expires 1995. Adele Hall, of Kansas, term expires 1995. Edwin L. Cox, of Texas, term expires 1996. Arthur Ortenberg, of New York, term expires 1997. Miscellaneous Officials and Legislative Branch Agencies John Kluge, of Virginia, terms expires 1998. OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (Created by Public Law 92-484) 600 Pennsylvania Avenue SE. Publications R TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD Chairman.—Edward M. Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts. Vice Chairman.—Don Sundquist, Representative from Tennessee. Appointed by the Senate: Edward M. Kennedy, Senator from Massachusetts. Ernest F. Hollings, Senator from South Carolina. Claiborne Pell, Senator from Rhode Island. Orrin G. Hatch, Senator from Utah. Charles E. Grassley, Senator from Iowa. Dave Durenberger, Senator from Minnesota. Appointed by the House: George E. Brown, Representative from California. John D. Dingell, Representative from Michigan. Jim McDermott, Representative from Washington. Amo Houghton, Representative from New York. Michael G. Oxley, Representative from Ohio. TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Chairman.—Joshua Lederburg, Rockefeller University. Vice Chairman.—Neil E. Harl, Iowa State University. Members: Charles A. Bowsher, U.S. Comptroller General. Lewis Branscomb, Harvard University. Michel T. Halbouty, Michel T. Halbouty Energy Co. James C. Hunt, University of Tennessee. Joseph E. Ross, Director, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. John F.M. Sims, Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. Marina V.N. Whitman, Professor, University of Michigan. Herbert D. Doan, President, DOW Chemical Co., retired. Max Lennon, President, Clemson University. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Director.—Roger C. Herdman, 224-3695. Executive Assistant to the Director.—Barbara Linkins, 224-3695. Director of Congressional Affairs.—James Jensen, 224-9241. Congressional Relations Officer.—Eugenia Ufholz, 224-9241. Director of Press Affairs.—Jean K. McDonald, 228-6204. ENERGY, MATERIALS, AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION Assistant Director.—Peter O. Blair, 228-6750. Program Managers: Energy and Materials.—Peter D. Blair (acting), 228-6260. Industry, Technology, and Employment.—Audrey B. Buyrn, 228-6340. International Security and Commerce.—Alan Shaw, 228-6420. HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION Assistant Director.—Roger C. Herdman (acting), 228-6500. Program Managers: Biological and Behavorial Sciences.—Michael Gough, 228-6670. Food and Renewable Resources.—Walter E. Parham, 228-6510. Health.—Clyde J. Behney, 228-6590. SCIENCE, INFORMATION, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION Assistant Director.—John P. Andelin, 228-6750. Program Managers: Telecommunications and Computing Technologies.—John Curlin, 228-6760. Oceans and Environment.—Robert W. Niblock, 228-6840. 640 Congressional Directory OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT—CONTINUED Science, Education, and Transportation.—Nancy C. Carson, 228-6920. OPERATIONS DIVISION Personnel Officer.—William J. Norris, 224-8713. Budget and Finance Officer.—Jack Boertlein, 228-6230. Contracts Officer—Karen Cox, 228-6060. Information Management and Publishing Services.—Martha Dexter, 228-6233. Manager, Publishing Services.—Mary Lou Higgs, 224-2507. CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS UNITED STATES CAPITOL AN OVERVIEW OF THE BUILDING AND ITS FUNCTION The United States Capitol is among the most architecturally impressive and symbolical-ly important buildings in the world. It has housed the meeting chambers of the Senate and the House of Representatives for almost two centuries. Begun in 1793, the Capitol has been built, burnt, rebuilt, extended, and restored; today, it stands as a monument not only to its builders but also to the American people and their government. As the focal point of the government’s legislative branch, the Capitol is the centerpiece of the Capitol Complex, which includes the six principal Congressional office buildings and three Library of Congress buildings constructed on Capitol Hill in the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition to its active use by Congress, the Capitol is a museum of American art and History: Each year, it is visited by an estimated 7-10 million people from around the world. A fine example of 19th-century neoclassical architecture, the Capitol combines function with aesthetics. Its designs derived from ancient Greece and Rome evoke the ideals that guided the Nation’s founders as they framed their new republic. As the building was expanded from its original design, harmony with the existing portions was carefully maintained. Today, the Capitol covers a ground area of 175,170 square feet, or about 4 acres, and has a floor area of approximately 16% acres. Its length, from north to south, is 751 feet 4 inches; its greatest width, including approaches, is 350 feet. Its height above the base line on the east front to the top of the Statue of Freedom is 287 feet 5% inches; from the basement floor to the top of the dome is an ascent of 365 steps. The building contains approximately 540 rooms and has 658 windows (108 in the dome alone) and approximate-ly 850 doorways. The building is divided into five levels. The first floor is occupied chiefly by committee rooms and the spaces allocated to various congressional officers. The areas accessible to visitors on this level include the Hall of Columns, the Brumidi Corridor, the restored Old Supreme Court Chamber, and the Crypt beneath the rotunda, where historical exhibits are presented. The second floor holds the Chambers of the House of Representatives (in the south wing) and the Senate (in the north wing) as well as the offices of the congressional leadership. This floor also contains three major public areas. In the center under the dome is the rotunda, a circular ceremonial space that also serves as a gallery of paintings and sculpture depicting significant people and events in the Nation’s history. The rotunda is 96 feet in diameter and rises 180 feet 3 inches to the canopy. The semicircular chamber south of the rotunda served as the Hall of the House until 1857; now designated National Statuary Hall, it houses part of the Capitol’s collection of statues donated by the States in commemoration of notable citizens. The Old Senate Chamber northeast of the rotunda, which was used by the Senate until 1859, has been returned to its mid-19th-century appearance. The third floor allows access to the galleries from which visitors to the Capitol may watch the proceedings of the House and the Senate when Congress is in session. The rest of this floor is occupied by offices, committee rooms, and press galleries. The fourth floor and the basement/terrace level of the Capitol are occupied by offices, machinery rooms, workshops, and other support areas. THE LOCATION OF THE CAPITOL The Capitol is located at the eastern end of the Mall on a plateau 88 feet above the level of the Potomac River, commanding a westward view across the Capitol Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument 1.4 miles away and the Lincoln Memorial 2.2 miles away. The geographic location of the head of the Statue of Freedom that surmounts the Capitol dome is described by the National Geodetic Survey as latitude 38°53'23.31098" north and longitude 77°00'32.62262" west. 641 642 Congressional Directory Before 1791 the Federal Government had no permanent site. The early Congresses met in eight different cities: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Lancaster, York, Princeton, Annapolis, Trenton, and New York City. The subject of a permanent capital for the government of the United States was first raised by Congress in 1783; it was ultimately addressed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution (1787), which gave the Congress legislative authority over “such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States . . .” In 1788 the State of Maryland ceded to Congress “any district in this State, not exceeding ten miles square,” and in 1789 the State of Virginia ceded an equivalent amount of land. In accordance with the “Residence Act” passed by Congress in 1790, President Washington in 1791 selected the area that is now the District of Columbia from the land ceded by Maryland (private landowners whose property fell within this area were compensated by a payment of £ 25 per acre); that ceded by Virginia was not used for the capital and was returned to Virginia in 1846. Also under the provisions of that Act, he selected three Commissioners to survey the site and oversee the design and construction of the capital city and its government buildings. The Commissioners, in turn, selected the French engineer Pierre Charles L’Enfant to plan the new city of Washing-ton. L’Enfant’s plan, which was influenced by the gardens at Versailles, arranged the city’s streets and avenues in a grid overlaid with baroque diagonals; the result is a functional and aesthetic whole in which government buildings are balanced against public lawns, gardens, squares, and paths. The Capitol itself was located at the elevated east end of the Mall, on the brow of what was then called Jenkins’ Hill. The site was, in L’Enfant’s words, “a pedestal waiting for a monument.” THE SELECTION OF A PLAN L’Enfant was expected to design the Capitol and to supervise its construction. Howev-er, he refused to produce any drawings for the building, claiming that he carried the design “in his head”; this fact and his refusal to consider himself subject to the Commis-sioners’ authority led to his dismissal in 1792. In March of that year the Commissioners announced a competition, suggested by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, that would award $500 and a city lot to whoever produced “the most approved plan” for the Capitol by mid-July. None of the 17 plans submitted, however, was wholly satisfactory. In October, a letter arrived from Dr. William Thornton, a Scottish-trained physician living in Tortola, British West Indies, requesting an opportunity to present a plan even though the competition had closed. The Commissioners granted this request. Thornton’s plan depicted a building composed of three sections. The central section, which was topped by a low dome, was to be flanked on the north and south by two rectangular wings (one for the Senate and one for the House of Representatives). Presi-dent Washington commended the plan for its “grandeur, simplicity and convenience,” and on April 5, 1793, it was accepted by the Commissioners; Washington gave his formal approval on July 25. A BRIEF CONSTRUCTION HISTORY 1793-1829 The cornerstone was laid by President Washington in thg building’s southeast corner on September 18, 1793, with Masonic ceremonies. Work progressed under the direction of three architects in succession. Stephen H. Hallet (an entrant in the earlier competition) and George Hadfield were eventually dismissed by the Commissioners because of inap-propriate design changes that they tried to impose; James Hoban, the architect of the White House, saw the first phase of the project through to completion. Construction was a laborious and time-consuming process: the sandstone used for the building had to be ferried on boats from the quarries at Aquia, VA; workers had to be induced to leave their homes to come to the relative wilderness of Capitol Hill; and funding was inadequate. By August 1796 the Commissioners were forced to focus the entire work effort on the building’s north wing so that it at least could be ready for government occupancy as scheduled. Even so, some third-floor rooms were still unfin-ished when the Congress, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, and the courts of the District of Columbia occupied the Capitol in late 1800. In 1803 Congress allocated funds to resume construction. A year earlier, the office of the Commissioners had been abolished and replaced by a Superintendent of the City of Washington. To oversee the renewed construction effort, Benjamin Henry Latrobe was appointed architect. The first professional architect and engineer to work in America, Latrobe modified Thornton’s plan for the south wing to include space for offices and committee rooms; he also introduced alterations to simplify the construction work. Latrobe began work by removing a squat, oval, temporary building known as “the Capitol Buildings and Grounds 643 Oven,” which had been erected in 1801 as a meeting place for the House of Representa-tives. By 1807 construction on the south wing was sufficiently advanced that the House was able to occupy its new legislative chamber, and the wing was completed in 1811. In 1808 as work on the south wing progressed, Latrobe began the rebuilding of the north wing, which had fallen into disrepair. Rather than simply repair the wing, he redesigned the interior of the building to increase its usefulness and durability; among his changes was the addition of a chamber for the Supreme Court. By 1811 he had complet-ed the eastern half of this wing, but funding was being increasingly diverted to prepara-tions for a second war with Great Britain. By 1813 Latrobe had no further work in Washington and so he departed, leaving the north and south wings of the Capitol connected only by a temporary wooden passageway. The War of 1812 left the Capitol, in Latrobe’s later words, “a most magnificent ruin”: on August 24, 1814, British troops set fire to the building, and only a sudden rainstorm prevented its complete destruction. Immediately after the fire, Congress met for one session in Blodget’s Hotel, which was at Seventh and E Streets, NW. From 1815 to 1819, Congress occupied a building erected for it on First Street, NE, on part of the site now occupied by the Supreme Court Building. This building later came to be known as the Old Brick Capitol. Latrobe returned to Washington in 1815, when he was rehired to restore the Capitol. In addition to making repairs, he took advantage of this opportunity to make further changes in the building’s interior design (for example, an enlargement of the Senate Chamber) and introduce new materials (for example, marble discovered along the upper Potomac). However, he came under increasing pressure because of construction delays (most of which were beyond his control) and cost overruns; finally, he resigned his post in November 1817. On January 8, 1818, Charles Bulfinch, a prominent Boston architect, was appointed Latrobe’s successor. Continuing the restoration of the north and south wings, he was able to make the chambers for the Supreme Court, the House, and the Senate ready for use by 1819. Bulfinch also redesigned and supervised the construction of the Capitol’s central section. The copper-covered wooden dome that topped this section was made higher than Bulfinch considered appropriate to the building’s size (at the direction of President James Monroe and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams). After completing the last part of the building in 1826, Bulfinch spent the next few years on the Capitol’s decoration and landscaping. In 1829 his work was done and his position with the government was terminated. In the 20 years following Bulfinch’s tenure, the Capitol was entrusted to the care of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. 1830-1868 The Capitol was by this point already an impressive structure. At ground level, its length was 351 feet 7% inches and its width was 282 feet 10% inches. Up to the year 1827-records from later years being incomplete-the project cost was $2,432,851.34. Im-provements to the building continued in the years to come (running water in 1832, gas lighting in the 1840s), but by 1850 its size could no longer accommodate the increasing numbers of senators and representatives from newly admitted States. The Senate there-fore voted to hold another competition, offering a prize of $500 for the best plan to extend the Capitol. Several suitable plans were submitted, some proposing an eastward extension of the building and others proposing the addition of large north and south wings. However, Congress was unable to decide between these two approaches, and the prize money was divided among five architects. Thus, the tasks of selecting a plan and appointing an architect fell to President Millard Fillmore. Fillmore’s choice was Thomas U. Walter, a Philadelphia architect who had entered the competition. On July 4, 1851, in a ceremony whose principal oration was delivered by Secretary of State Daniel Webster, the President laid the cornerstone for the northeast corner of the House wing in accordance with Walter’s plans. Over the next 14 years, Walter supervised the construction of the extensions, ensuring their compatibility with the architectural style of the existing building. However, because the Aquia Creek sandstone used earlier had already deteriorated noticeably, he chose to use marble for the exterior. For the veneer, Walter selected marble quarried at Lee, MA, and for the columns he used marble from Cockeysville, MD. Walter faced several significant challenges during the course of construction. Chief among these was the steady imposition by the government of additional tasks without additional pay. Aside from his work on the Capitol extensions and dome, Walter designed the wings of the Patent Office building, extensions to the Treasury and Post Office buildings, and the Marine barracks in Pensacola and Brooklyn. When the Library of Congress in the Capitol’s west central section was gutted by a fire in 1851, Walter was commissioned to restore it. He also encountered obstacles in his work on the Capitol 644 Congressional Directory extensions. His location of the legislative chambers was changed in 1853 at the direction of President Franklin Pierce, based on the suggestions of the newly appointed supervising engineer, Captain Montgomery C. Meigs. In general, however, the project progressed rapidly: the House of Representatives was able to meet in its new chamber on December 16, 1857, and the Senate first met in its present chamber on January 4, 1859. The old House chamber was later designated National Statuary Hall. In 1861 most construction was suspended because of the Civil War, and the Capitol was used briefly as a military barracks, hospital, and bakery. In 1862 work on the entire building was resumed. As the new wings were constructed, more than doubling the length of the Capitol, it became apparent that the dome erected by Bulfinch no longer suited the building’s proportions. In 1855 Congress voted for its replacement based on Walter’s design for a new, fireproof cast-iron dome. The old dome was removed in 1856, and 5,000,000 pounds of new masonry was placed on the existing rotunda walls. Iron used in the dome construction had an aggregate weight of 8,909,200 pounds and was lifted into place by steam-powered derricks. In 1859 Thomas Crawford’s plaster model for the Statue of Freedom, designed for the top of the dome, arrived from the sculptor’s studio in Rome. With a height of 19 feet 6 inches, the statue was almost 3 feet taller than specified, and Walter was compelled to make revisions to his design for the dome. When cast in bronze by Clark Mills at his foundry on the outskirts of Washington, it weighed 14,985 pounds. The statue was lifted into place atop the dome in 1863, its final section being installed on December 2 to the accompaniment of gun salutes from the forts around the city. The work on the dome and the extensions was completed under the direction of Edward Clark, who had served as Walter’s assistant and was appointed Architect of the Capitol in 1865 after Walter’s resignation. In 1866 the Italian-born artist Constantino Brumidi finished the canopy fresco, a monumental painting entitled The Apotheosis of George Washington. The Capitol extensions were completed in 1868. 1869-1902 Clark continued to hold the post of Architect of the Capitol until his death in 1902. During his tenure, the Capitol underwent considerable modernization. Steam heat was gradually installed in the Old Capitol. In 1874 the first elevator was installed, and in the 1880s electric lighting began to replace gas lights. Between 1884 and 1891, the marble terraces on the north, west, and south sides of the Capitol were constructed. As part of the grounds plan devised by landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, these terraces not only added over 100 rooms to the Capitol but also provided a broader, more substantial visual base for the building. On November 6, 1898, a gas explosion and fire in the original north wing dramatically illustrated the need for fireproofing. The roofs over the Statuary Hall wing and the original north wing were reconstructed and fireproofed, the work being completed in 1902 by Clark’s successor, Elliott Woods. In 1901 the space in the west central front vacated by the Library of Congress was converted to committee rooms. 1903-1962 During the remainder of Woods’ service, which ended with his death in 1923, no major structural work was required on the Capitol. The activities performed in the building were limited chiefly to cleaning and refurbishing the interior. David Lynn, the Architect of the Capitol from 1923 until his retirement in 1954, continued these tasks. Between July 1949 and January 1951, the corroded roofs and skylights of both wings and the connect-ing corridors were replaced with new roofs of concrete and steel, covered with copper. The cast-iron and glass ceilings of the House and Senate chambers were replaced with ceilings of stainless steel and plaster, with a laylight of carved glass and bronze in the middle of each. The House and Senate chambers were completely remodeled, improve-ments such as modern air conditioning and lighting were added, and acoustical problems were solved. During this renovation program, the House and Senate vacated their chambers on several occasions so that the work could progress. The next significant modification made to the Capitol was the east front extension. This project was carried out under the supervision of Architect of the Capitol J. George Stewart, who served from 1954 until his death in 1970. Begun in 1958, it involved the construction of a new east front 32 feet 6 inches east of the old front, faithfully reproducing the sandstone structure in marble. The old sandstone walls were not de-stroyed; rather, they were left in place to become a part of the interior wall and are now buttressed by the addition. The marble columns of the connecting corridors were also moved and reused. Other elements of this project included repairing the dome, construct-ing a subway terminal under the Senate steps, reconstructing those steps, cleaning both wings, birdproofing the building, providing furniture and furnishings for the 90 new Capitol Buildings and Grounds 645 rooms created by the extension, and improving the lighting throughout the building. The project was completed in 1962. 1963-PRESENT Work in the 1960s was concentrated chiefly on the maintenance and repair of the Capitol. Since the 1971 appointment of the present Architect of the Capitol, George M. White, FAIA, the building has been both modernized and restored. Electronic voting equipment was installed in the House chamber in 1973; facilities were added to allow television coverage of the House and Senate debates in 1979 and 1986, respectively; and improved climate control, electronic surveillance systems, and new computer and com-munications facilities have been added to bring the Capitol up to date. The Old Senate Chamber, National Statuary Hall, and the original Supreme Court Chamber, on the other hand, were restored to their mid-19th-century appearance by 1976 for the Nation’s Bicentennial celebration. In 1983 work began on the strengthening, renovation, and preservation of the west front of the Capitol. The need for this work had become apparent by the 1960s. Structural problems had developed over the years because of defects in the original foundations, deterioration of the porous Aquia Creek sandstone used as the facing materi-al, alterations to the basic building fabric (a fourth-floor addition and channeling of the walls to install interior utilities), and damage from the fires of 1814 and 1851 and the gas explosion of 1898. However, debate about the best solution to the problem delayed action until a portion of the sandstone veneer collapsed in 1983. To strengthen the structure, over one thousand stainless steel tie rods were set into the building’s masonry. More than 30 layers of paint were removed, and damaged stonework was repaired or replaced with new carvings made from casts or models of the original. Ultimately, 40% of the sandstone blocks were replaced with compatible Indiana lime-stone. The stone walls were treated with a special consolidant and then. painted to match the marble wings as closely as possible. Windows were replaced with energy-efficient double panes in historically accurate sashes, and several doors were replicated. The entire project was completed in 1987, well ahead of schedule and under budget. The latest modification to the Capitol was completed in early 1993. This project repaired and restored the Olmsted terraces, which had been subject to damage from settling. Also, the courtyards in the terraces were converted into several thousand square feet of meeting space. HOUSE OFFICE BUILDINGS CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING An increased membership of the Senate and House resulted in a demand for additional rooms for the accommodations of the Senators and Representatives. On March 3, 1903, the Congress authorized the erection of a fireproofed office building for the use of the House Members. It was designed by the firm of Carrere & Hastings of New York City in the Beaux Arts style. The first brick was laid July 5, 1905, in square No. 690, and formal exercises were held at the laying of the cornerstone on April 14, 1906, in which President Theodore Roosevelt participated. The building was completed and occupied January 10, 1908. A subsequent change in the basis of congressional representation made necessary the building of an additional story in 1913-14. The total cost of the building, including site, furnishings, equipment, and the subway connecting the House Office Building with the U.S. Capitol, amounted to $4,860,155. This office building contains about 500 rooms, and was considered at the time of its completion fully equipped for all the needs of a modern building for office purposes. Pursuant to authority in the Second Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1955, and subsequent action of the House Office Building Commission, remodeling of the Cannon Building began in 1966. The estimated cost of this work, $5,200,000, was included in total appropriation of $135,134,000 for the additional House Office Building project. Pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 87-453, approved May 21, 1962, the building was named in honor of the late Honorable Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois, who was serving as Speaker at the time the building was constructed. LoNGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Under legislation contained in the authorization act of January 10, 1929, and in the urgent deficiency bill of March 4, 1929, provisions were made for an additional House Office Building, to be located on the west side of New Jersey Avenue (opposite the first 646 Congressional Directory House Office Building). The building was designed by the Allied Architects of Washing-ton in the Neoclassical Revival style. The cornerstone was laid June 24, 1932, and the building was completed and ready for beneficial occupancy April 20, 1933. It contains 251 two-room suites and 16 committee rooms. Each suite and committee room is provided with a storeroom. Eight floors are occupied by Members. The basement and subbasement contain shops and mechanics needed for the proper maintenance of the building. The cost of this building, including site, furnishings, and equipment, was $7,805,705. Pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 87-453, approved May 21, 1962, the building was named in honor of the late Honorable Nicholas Longworth of Ohio, who was serving as Speaker when the second House Office Building was constructed. RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING AND OTHER RELATED CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS Under legislation contained in the Second Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1955, provision was made for construction of an additional fireproofed office building, and other appurtenant and necessary facilities for the use of the House of Representatives; for acquisition of real property located south of Independence Avenue in the vicinity of the Capitol Grounds for purposes of construction of such building and facilities and as additions to the Capitol Grounds; for changes to the present House Office Buildings; and for changes or additions to the subway systems. All work was carried forward by the Architect of the Capitol under the direction of the House Office Building Commission at an authorized limit of cost to be fixed by such Commission. Appropriations totaling $135,279,000 were provided to carry forward this project. Under this program, property consisting of eight city squares was acquired. Contracts were let for necessary architectural and engineering services for reconstruction of a section of Tiber Creek sewer running through the site for excavations and foundations, structural steel, superstructure, furniture and furnishings for the new building; for a cafeteria in the courtyard of the existing Longworth House Office Building; for remodel-ing of the Cannon House Office Building; for improved lighting and other improvements in the Longworth House Office Building; and for an underground garage in the court-yard of the Cannon House Office Building and two underground garages in squares 637 and 691 south of the Rayburn and Longworth Buildings. The Rayburn Building is connected to the Capitol by a subway from the center of the Independence Avenue upper garage level to the southwest corner of the Capitol. Designs for the building were prepared by the firm of Harbeson, Hough, Livingston & Larson of Philadelphia, Associate Architects. The building contains 169 congressional suites; full-committee hearing rooms for 9 standing committees, 16 subcommittee hearing rooms, committee staff rooms and other committee facilities; a large cafeteria and other restau-rant facilities; an underground garage accommodating 1,600 automobiles; and a variety of liaison offices, press and television facilities, maintenance and equipment shops or rooms, and storage areas. This building has nine stories and a penthouse for machinery. The cornerstone was laid May 24, 1962, by the Honorable John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives. President John F. Kennedy participated in the cornerstone laying and delivered the address. A portion of the basement floor was occupied beginning March 12, 1964, by House of Representatives personnel moved from the George Washington Inn property. Full occu-pancy of the Rayburn Building, under the room-filing regulations, was begun February 23, 1965, and completed April 2, 1965. Pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 87-453, approved May 21, 1962, the building was named in honor of the late Honorable Sam Rayburn of Texas, who was serving as Speaker at the time the third House Office Building was constructed. Two buildings have been purchased and adapted for office use by the House of Representatives. The eight-story Congressional Hotel across from the Cannon on C Street SE was acquired in 1957 and subsequently altered for office use and a dormitory for the Pages. It has 124,000 square feet. It was known as House Office Building Annex No. 1, until it was named the “Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. House of Representatives Office Building” in honor of the former Speaker of the House, pursuant to House Resolution 402, approved September 10, 1990. House Office Building Annex No. 2, named the “Gerald R. Ford House of Representatives Office Building” by the same resolution, was acquired in 1975 from the General Services Administration. The structure, located at Second and D Streets SW, was built in 1939 for the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a fingerprint file archives. This building has approximately 432,000 square feet of space. Capitol Buildings and Grounds SENATE OFFICE BUILDINGS RICHARD BREVARD RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING The demand for an office building for the Representatives was greater because of their larger membership, and the Senate had been supplied with additional office space by the purchase of the Maltby Building, then located on the northwest corner of B Street and New Jersey Avenue NW. This building provided only a temporary need, and when it was condemned as an unsafe structure, the requirement arose for the Senators to have safer and more commodious office space. Under authorization of the Act of April 28, 1904, square 686 on the northeast corner of Delaware Avenue and B Street NE was purchased as a site for the Senate Office Building. The plans for the House Office Building were adapted for the Senate Office Building by the firm of Carrere & Hastings, with the exception that the side of the building fronting on First Street NE was tempo-rarily omitted. The cornerstone was laid without special exercises on July 31, 1906, and the building was occupied March 5, 1909. In 1931, the completion of the fourth side of the building was commenced. In 1933, it was completed, together with alterations to the C Street facade, and the construction of terraces, balustrades, and approaches. The cost of the completed building, including the site, furnishings, equipment and the subway connecting the Senate Office Building with the United States Capitol, was $8,390,892. The building was named the “Richard Brevard Russell Senate Office Building” by Senate Resolution 296, 92d Congress, agreed to October 11, 1972, as amended by Senate Resolution 295, 96th Congress, agreed to December 3, 1979. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING Under legislation contained in the Second Deficiency Appropriations Act, 1948, Public Law 80-785, provision was made for an additional office building for the United States Senate with limits of cost of $1,100,000 for acquisition of the site and $20,600,000 for constructing and equipping the building. The authorized limit of cost for construction and equipment of the building was increased to $23,446,000 by the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1958, and Public Law 85-85 and to $24,196,000 by the Second Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1959, Public Law 86-30. All work was carried forward by the Architect of the Capitol under the direction of the Senate Office Building Commission. The New York firm of Eggers & Higgins served as the consulting architects. The site was acquired and cleared in 1948-49 at a total cost of $1,011,492. A contract for excavation, concrete footings and mats for the new building was awarded in January 1955, in the amount of $747,200. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held January 26, 1955. A contract for the superstructure of the new building was awarded September 9, 1955, in the amount of $17,200,000. The cornerstone was laid July 13, 1956. As a part of this project, a new underground subway system was installed from the Capitol to both the Old and New Senate Office Buildings. An appropriation of $1,000,000 for furniture and furnishings for the new building was provided in the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1958, Public Law 85-170. An addition-al appropriation of $283,550 was provided in the Second Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1959, Public Law 86-30. The building was accepted for beneficial occupancy October 15, 1958. The building was named the “Everett McKinley Dirksen Senate Office Building” by Senate Resolution 296, 92d Congress, agreed to October 11, 1972 and Senate Resolution 295, 96th Congress, agreed to December 3, 1979. PHILIP A. HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING Construction of an extension to the Dirksen Senate Office Building was authorized by the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1973, Public Law 92-607, approved October 31, 1972; legislation enacted in subsequent years (ending with Public Law 96-69, approved September 16, 1979) increased the scope of the project and esablished a total cost ceiling of $137,700,400. The firm of John Carl Warnecke & Associates served as Associate Architect for the project. Senate Resolution 525, passed August 30, 1976, amended by Senate Resolution 295, 96th Congress, agreed to December 3, 1979, provided that upon completion of the extension it would be named the “Philip A. Hart Senate Office Building” to honor the Senator from Michigan. 648 Congressional Directory The contract for clearing of the site, piping for utilities, excavation, and construction of foundation was awarded in December 1975. Groundbreaking took place January 5, 1976. The contract for furnishing and delivery of the exterior stone was awarded in February 1977, and the contract for the superstructure, which included wall and roof systems and the erection of all exterior stonework, was awarded in October 1977. The contract for the first portion of the interior and related work was awarded in December 1978. A contract for interior finishing was awarded in July 1980. The first suite was occupied on Novem-ber 22, 1982. Alexander Calder’s mobile/stabile Mountains and Clouds was installed in the building’s atrium in November 1986. CAPITOL POWER PLANT During the development of the plans for the Cannon and Russell Buildings, the question of heat, light, and power was considered. The Senate and House wings of the Capitol were heated by separate heating plants. The Library of Congress also had in use a heating plant for that building. Finally it was determined that the need for heating and lighting, with power for elevators, could be adequately met by the construction of a central power plant to furnish all heat and power, as well as light, for the Capitol group of buildings. Having determined the need for a central power plant, a site was selected in Garfield Park, bounded by New Jersey Avenue, South Capitol Street, Virginia Avenue, and E Street SE. Since this park was a Government reservation, an appropriation of money was not required to secure title. The determining factors leading to the selection of this site were its nearness to the tracks of the now Penn Central Railroad and its convenient distance to the river and to the buildings to be served by the plant. The dimensions of the Capitol Power Plant, which was constructed under authoriza-tion of the act of April 28, 1904, and completed and placed in operation in 1910, were 244 feet 8 inches by 117 feet. There are two radial brick chimneys 174 feet in height (reduced from 212 feet to 174 feet in 1951-52) and 11 feet in diameter at the top. The buildings originally served by the Capitol Power Plant were connected to it by a reinforced-concrete steam tunnel 7 feet high by 4% feet wide, with walls approximately 12 inches thick. This tunnel originated at the Capitol Power Plant and terminated at the Senate Office Building, with connecting tunnels for the Cannon House Office Building, the Capitol, and the Library of Congress. Subsequently it was extended to the Govern-ment Printing Office and the Washington City Post Office, with steam lines extended to serve the Longworth House Office Building, the Supreme Court Building, the John Adams Building of the Library of Congress, and the Botanic Garden. In September 1951, when the demand for electrical energy was reaching the maximum capacity of the Capitol Power Plant, arrangements were made to purchase electrical service from the local public utility company and to discontinue electrical generation. The heating and cooling functions of the Capitol Power Plant were expanded in 1935, 1939, 1958, 1973, and 1980. U.S. CAPITOL GROUNDS A DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUNDS Originally a wooded wilderness, the U.S. Capitol Grounds today provide a park-like setting for the Nation’s Capitol, offering a picturesque counterpoint to the building’s formal architecture. The grounds immediately surrounding the Capitol cover an area of 58.8 acres, bounded by Independence Avenue on the south, Constitution Avenue on the north, First Street NE/SE on the east, and First Street NW/SW on the west. Over 100 varieties of trees and bushes are planted around the Capitol, and thousands of flowers are used in seasonal displays. Benches along the paths offer pleasant spots for visitors to appreciate the building, its landscape, and the surrounding vistas, most notably the Mall to the west. The grounds were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903), who planned the expansion and landscaping of the area that was carried out from 1874 to 1892. Olmsted, who also designed New York’s Central Park, is considered the greatest American land-scape architect of his day. He was a pioneer in the development of public parks in America, and many of his designs were influenced by his studies of European parks, gardens, and estates. In describing his plan for the Capitol grounds, Olmsted noted that “The ground is in design part of the Capitol, but in all respects subsidiary to the central structure.” Therefore, he was careful not to group trees or other landscape features in any way that would distract the viewer from the Capitol. The use of sculpture and other ornamentation has also been kept to a minimum. Capitol Buildings and Grounds 649 Many of the trees on the Capitol grounds have historic or memorial associations. Among the oldest is the “Cameron Elm” near the House entrance. This tree was named .in honor of the Pennsylvania Senator who ensured its preservation during Olmsted’s landscaping project. Other trees commemorate members of Congress and other notable citizens, national organizations, and special events. In addition, over 30 States have made symbolic gifts of their state trees to the Capitol grounds. Many of the trees on the grounds bear plaques that identify their species and their historic significance. At the East Capitol Street entrance to the Capitol Plaza are two large rectangular stone fountains. The bottom levels now contain plantings, but at times in the past they have been used to catch the spillover from the fountains. At other times, both levels have held plantings. Six massive red granite lamp piers topped with light fixtures in wrought- iron lanterns, and 16 smaller bronze light fixtures, line the paved plaza. Seats are placed at intervals along the sidewalks. Three pavilions with benches and wrought-iron railings and grilles were originally shelters for streetcar passengers. In the northwest corner of the grounds, a small brick structure named the Summer House contains shaded benches, a central ornamental fountain, and three public drinking fountains. In a small grotto on the eastern side of the Summer House, a stream of water flows and splashes over rocks to create a pleasing sound and cool the summer breezes. Two massive stone towers in the western portion of the grounds contain air shafts for the Capitol ventilation system. The southern tower provides air for the House Chamber area; the northern tower supplies the Senate. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE GROUNDS BEFORE OLMSTED The land on which the Capitol stands was part of the territory occupied by subtribes of the Algonquin Indians. Early settlers reported that these tribes occasionally held councils not far from the foot of the hill. At the time of its acquisition by the Federal Government the land was owned by Daniel Carroll of Duddington. The “Residence Act” of 1790 provided that the Federal Government should be estab- lished in a permanent location by the year 1800. In early March 1791 the Commissioners of the City of Washington, who had been appointed by President George Washington, selected the French engineer Pierre Charles L’Enfant to plan the new federal city. L’Enfant decided to locate the Capitol at the elevated east end of the Mall (on what was then called Jenkins’ Hill); he described the site as “a pedestal waiting for a monument.” At this time the site of the Capitol was a relative wilderness partly overgrown with scrub oak. Oliver Wolcott, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, described the soil as an “exceedingly stiff clay, becoming dust in dry and mortar in rainy weather.” A muddy creek with swampy borders flowed at the base of the hill, and an alder swamp bordered by tall woods occupied the place where the Botanic Garden now stands. The city’s builders expected that the capital would grow to the east, leaving the Capitol and the White House essentially on its outskirts. For some years the land around the Capitol was regarded as a common, crossed by roads in several directions and intended to be left as an open area. In 1825 the grounds were divided into flat, rectangular grassy areas bordered by trees, flower beds, and gravel walks. The growth of the trees, however, soon deprived the other plantings of nourishment, and the design became increasingly difficult to maintain in light of sporadic and small appropriations. John Foy, who had charge of the grounds during most of this period, was ‘superseded for political reasons,” and the area was then maintained with little care or forethought. Many rapidly growing but short-lived trees were introduced and soon depleted the soil; a lack of proper pruning and thinning left the majority of the area’s vegetation ill-grown, feeble, or dead. Virtually all of it had been removed by the early 1870s, either to make way for building operations during Thomas U. Walter’s enlargement of the Capitol or as required to accommodate the new work on the building or the surrounding streets. THE OLMSTED PLAN The mid-19th-century extension of the Capitol, in which the House and Senate wings and the new dome were added, required also that the Capitol grounds be enlarged, and in 1874 Frederick Law Olmsted was commissioned to plan and oversee the project. In addition, he addressed an architectural problem that had persisted for some years: from the west-the direction in which the city was clearly growing-the earthen terraces at the building’s base made it seem inadequately supported at the top of the hill. The solution, Olmsted believed, was to construct marble terraces on the north, west, and south sides of the building, thereby causing it to “gain greatly in the supreme qualities of stability, endurance, and repose.” He submitted his design for these features in 1875, and after extensive study it was approved. 650 Congressional Directory Work on the grounds began in 1874, concentrating first on the east side and then progressing to the west, north, and south sides in 1875. First, the ground was reduced in elevation. Almost 300,000 cubic yards of earth and other material was eventually re-moved, and over 200 trees were transplanted. New sewer, gas, and water lines were installed. The soil was then enriched with fertilizers to provide a suitable growth medium for new plantings. Paths and roadways were graded and their foundations were laid. By 1876, gas and water service was completed for the entire grounds, and electrical lamp-lighting apparatuses had been installed. Stables and workshops had been removed from the northwest and southwest corners. A streetcar system north and south of the west grounds had been relocated farther from the Capitol, and ornamental shelters were in place at the north and south car-track termini. The granite and bronze lamp piers and ornamental bronze lamps for the east plaza area were completed. Work accelerated in 1877. By this time, according to Olmsted’s report, “altogether 7,837 plants and trees [had] been set out.” However, not all had survived: hundreds were stolen or destroyed by vandals, and, as Olmsted explained, “a large number of cattle [had] been caught trespassing.” Other work met with less difficulty. Foot-walks were laid with artificial stone, a mixture of cement and sand, and approaches were paved with concrete. An ornamental iron trellis had been installed on the northern east-side walk, and another was under way on the southern walk. An underground air duct for ventilating the Hall of the House was laid to a temporary opening in the west side of the hill. The 1878 appointment of watchmen to patrol the grounds was quite effective in preventing further vandalism, allowing the lawns to be completed and much shrubbery to be added. Also in that year, the roads throughout the grounds were paved. Most of the work required on the east side of the grounds was completed by 1879, and effort thus shifted largely to the west side. The Pennsylvania Avenue approach was virtually finished, and work on the Maryland Avenue approach had begun. The stone walls on the west side of the grounds were almost finished, and the red granite lamp piers were placed at the eastward entrance from Pennsylvania Avenue. In the years 1880-82, many features of the grounds were completed. These included the perimeter walls, the approaches and entrances, the House air tower, and the Summer House. The terraces were begun in 1884 and completed in 1892. In 1885 Olmsted retired from superintendency of the terrace project; he continued to direct the work on the grounds until 1889. Landscaping work was performed to adapt the surrounding areas to the new construction, grading the ground, and planting shrubs at the bases of the walls, as the progress of the masonry work allowed. Some trees and plants were removed, either because they had decayed or as part of a careful thinning-out process. In 1886 Olmsted recommended that the Senate side of the Capitol be supplied with fresh air through a duct and tower similar to those on the House side. This project was completed in 1889-90. In 1888, the wrought-iron lamp frames and railings were placed at the Maryland Avenue entrance, making it the last to be completed. In 1892, the streetcar track that had extended into grounds from Independence Avenue was removed. THE GROUNDS AFTER OLMSTED In the last years of the 19th century, work on the grounds consisted chiefly of maintenance and repairs as needed. Trees, lawns, and plantings were tended, pruned, and thinned to allow their best growth. This work was quite successful: by 1894, the grounds were so deeply shaded by trees and shrubs that Architect of the Capitol Edward Clark recommended an all-night patrol by watchmen to ensure public safety. A hurricane in September 1896 damaged or destroyed a number of trees, requiring extensive removals in the following year. Also in 1897, electric lighting replaced gas lighting in the grounds. Between 1910 and 1935, 61.4 acres north of Constitution Avenue were added to the grounds. Approximately 100 acres were added in subsequent years, bringing the total area to 274 acres. Since 1983, increased security measures have been put into effect, including the installation of barriers at vehicular entrances. However, the area still functions in many ways as a public park, and visitors are welcome to use the walks to tour the grounds. Demonstrations and ceremonies are often held on the grounds. During the summer, many high-school bands perform in front of the Capitol, and a series of evening concerts by the National Symphony Orchestra and the bands of the armed forces is offered free of charge. ROOM ASSIGNMENTS IN THE CAPITOL AND SENATE AND HOUSE CHAMBERS ROOMS IN BASEMENT, TERRACE, AND COURTYARDS OF THE CAPITOL HOUSE SIDE SENATE SIDE BASEMENT BASEMENT HB-1. House Sergeant at Arms. SB-7. Senate Restaurant. Kitchen. HB-1A. Clerk of the House. SB-8. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Recording studio. HB-4. Library of Congress station. SB-9. Senate Sergeant at Arms. HB-5, 6. General Counsel of the House. SB-10. Senate Restaurant. Carry-Out. HB-9, 10. House Restaurant. Coffee shop. SB-11, 12. Architect of the Capitol. Senate engineers. HB-13, 13B. Minority Clerk. SB-13, 13A, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21. Architect of the Capitol. HB-15. Architect of the Capitol. House engineers. SB-20. Secretary of the Senate. HB-16, 17, 18. Committee on Appropriations. SB-22. Architect of the Capitol. Masonry shop. HB-19. Architect of the Capitol. Custodial service. SB-23. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Custodial service. HB-21, 22, 23, 24. House Restaurant. Kitchen. SB-36. Secretary of the Senate. Newspaper room. HB-25. House Chaplain. HB-26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 32A, 33. Architect of the Capitol.TERRACE TERRACE HT-1. Committee on House Administration. ST-1,3,5,7,9, 11, 17, 18, 48. Capitol Police. HT-2, 2M, 4, 4M, 6, 6M. Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. ST-13. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Special Services. HT-3, 5, 7. Architect of the Capitol. Curator. ST-15. Capitol Guide Service. HT-8, 10. Doorkeeper of the House, Pages. ST-16. Architect of the Capitol. Insulation shop. HT-9, 13, 15, 17. Clerk of the House. Legislative Operations. ST-19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 49, 52, 59, 61, 68. Architect of the Capitol. Mechanical rooms. HT-12, 14, 16, 18. Architect of Capitol. Flag office. ST-20, 60, 62. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Custodial service. HT-20, 23, 25, 26, 49, 62. Architect of the Capitol. Mechanical rooms. ST-21. Hallway. HT-30, 32, 34, 36. Architect of the Capitol. Sheetmetal shop. ST-34, 36, 38. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Senate television control. HT-33. Architect of the Capitol. Carpenter’s key shop. ST-41, 44. Secretary of the Senate. Printing Services. HT-35, 37, 39. Architect of the Capitol. Elevator shop. ST-43, 45, 70. Senate Sergeant at Arms. HT-38, 40, 41. Architect of the Capitol. Electrical shop. ST-47. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Human Resources. HT-42, 44. Architect of the Capitol. : ST-50. Democratic Policy Committee. HT-43. Architect of the Capitol. Paint shop. ST-51, 52, 64, 66. Architect of the Capitol. Paint shop. HT-45, 47. Architect of the Capitol. Laborers’ shop. ST-54. Secretary of the Senate. Captioning services. HT-46. Architect of the Capitol. Plumbers’ shop. ST-56, 58. Secretary of the Senate. Daily Digest. HT-50, 52. Doorkeeper of the House. Document Room. ST-57. Republican Policy Committee. HT-53, 55, 57. House television control. ST-71, 73. Senate Sergeant at Arms. Recording studio (old Senate subway tunnel). HT-54. Non-Legislative and Financial Services. HT-58, 59, 60, 61. Clerk of the House. Official Reporters of Debates. HT-65, 66, 67. Committee on Appropriations. COURTYARD COURTYARDHC-1, 2, 3. Director of Non-Legislative and Financial Services. SC-5. Foyer. HC-5. Foyer. SC-5A, 5B. Conference / Hearing room. HC-5A, 5B. Conference / Hearing room. SC-5C. Kitchen. HC-5C. Kitchen. cece MORGAN MARSHALL DEKALB MARION WINSTON 4 CULLMAN BLOUNT [ETOWAH R WALKER “ FAYETTE RST. 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NORTH SLOPE NORTHWESTARCTIC FAIRBANKSNORTH STAR NOME YUKON-KOYUKUK SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS VALDEZ- CORDOVA HA N NCHORAGE HAINES wae SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOON JUNEAU BETHEL AH Sn WRANGELL -LN SBURG 4: NENTPETERSBUR(3 (5 ENAI [7ra 5) &3 sn \) > PENINSULA PRINCE OF WALES-~ sy OUTER KETCHIKAN Sp KODIAK "4 , ISLAND KETCHIKAN GATEWAY < G oe : we 8 LAKE AND ~~ Z| PENINSULA poS ° g ALEUTIANS yest N IR i ta MAP LEGEND State SCALE ERIE Borough or Census Area 0 100 200 300 400 500 Kilometers L 1 ala {At | TEN Shoreline0 100 200 300 400 Miles Renee 1 1 1 ene Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 19 0 (Bae IV PLISIO 3au(Q)—SaI8[J PAIS PUB ‘SBAIY SNSUI)) ‘syBnoiog ‘PLISI(] [BUOISSIBUO)—VYSV'IV S10143S1(J [PUOISS243u0)) Jo sdopy 6¢11 1140 Congressional Directory ARIZONA —Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(6 Districts) MOHAVE COCONINO NAVAJO APACHE YAVAPAI Porn f MARICOPA 2 GRAHAM 9 COCHISE 2 Congressional District International State ERIE County Note: Congresional districts effective May 6, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990 SCALE 7S 50 1 100 Kilometers 75 Miles J BENTON CARROLL FULTON CLAY [ BAXTER RANDOLPH BOONE MARION SHARP GREENE WASHINGTON | MADISON LAWRENCE NEWTON SEARCY STONE INDEPENDENCE CRAIGHEAD MISSISSIPPI 1 FRANKLIN JOHNSON VAN BUREN POINSETT CLEBURNE JACKSON CONWAY §& FAULKNER 2 L) ST. FRANCIS LONOKE PRAIRIE PULASKI LEE MONROE SALINE MONTGOMERY] GARLAND POLK PHILLIPS ARKANSAS HOT SPRING GRANT JEFFERSON MAP LEGEND PIKE =z, ia 2 Congressional District % sevier { 5, State (4 DALLAS L CLEVELAND LINCOLN ERIE County Note: Congresional districts effectiveHEMPSTEAD 4 April 10, 1991; all other boundaries and RIVER NEVADA names are as of January1, 1990. LITTLE CALHOUN OUACHITA MILLER BRADLEY 80 Kilometers & $ & CHICOT COLUMBIA ASHLEY 60 Miles & J > (SPIISIJ $)—S308]d PAINS PUB ‘SARUN0)) ‘SOLISI( [BUOISSAIBUO)—SVSN VIA 1014381 [DU 015524310 0) Jo sdopy MAP LEGEND SISKiYyou AH 2 Congressional District International State ERIE County | TRINITY SHASTA LASSEN Zz DS Shoreline Note: Songresions) districts effective [ YEHAMA / January 2 92; all other Rounderies and names are as of Januaryl, 0. _] r } PLUMAS \ } MENDOCINO SIERRA L S % <2 Na S c. {YUBA[ & PLACER LAKE COLUSA = A Ed oy YOLO £L Reh DORADO STALPINE Hog BN N 7 LE 4 4 MONO 6% / ARI TUOLUMNE CONTRA SAN . OSTA _& JOAQUIN 8 R LAMEDA 5 SAN FRANCISCO a MARIPOSA oy SAN MATEO SANTA ° 188 CLARA MADERA 2 MERCED 7-10,” SANTA 3 12-16 CRUZ oF a = FRESNO dE | MONTEREY © TULARE Soni pn, go 21 “i KERN {22 a \ SAN BERNARDINO LOS ANGELES : - oT (pt) . SANTA BARBARA (pt) VENTURA (pt) a pip RIVERSIDE 44 SANTA BARBARA (pt.) 4 X,™) ween Ny pulp 9 1 VENTURA(ot) % gd t fe 52 pl.) “= 75 100 Kilometers Maps of Congressional Districts 1143 COLORADO —Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(6 Districts) SEDGWICK MORGAN RIO BLANCO . 2 DENVER WASHINGTON : ADAMS ARAPAHOE GARFIELD KIT CARSON ELBERT PITKIN LAKE PARK po LINCOUNf pit ee en MONTROSE | 3 GUNNISON &&&NCQ Pe WS | 2, ® FREMONT EL PASO — CROWLEY 4 CHEYENNE SAN MIGUEL SAGUACHE CusIER PUEBLO PROWERS DOLORES r= RIO GRANDE|s, AMOSA HUERF ANO MONTEZUMA MAP LEGEND Rd 2 Congressional District wo Kilometers maui SERIE State County 7 Miles Note: Congresional districts effective March 24, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. Places—(6 Districts) f TOLLAND WINDHAM p LITCHFIELD { HARTEORD a5 N i \ . { bw 24 SE dhe NEW LONDON MIDDLESEX =)! \ FAIRFIELD 'S 3 A 1a NEW HAVEN A | $ ) Hh HT X pe AE mat Ba MAP LEGEND A 2 Congressional District State ERIE County Shoreline SCALE 0.3 Ww Kilometer Note: Congresional districts effective H 0 nM. i Sea November 27, 1991; all other boundaries and 0 Sn IN names are as of January, 1990. a Maps of Congressional Districts 1145 DELAWARE—Congressional District, Counties, and Selected Places—(One District At Large) NEW CASTLE MAP LEGEND State ERIE County /~\—— shoreline SUSSEX Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. SCALE 1 20 Kilometers 10 15 Miles 1 J Ai on nowes JACKSON WALTON CADSDIN > HAUILTON 5) & £ MADISON (SPLISI £7)—S398[J PAIIIIAS PUE ‘SaNuno)) 44010241 [pu ‘s)ousi(y [EuoissaIBuo)—yaro1A DD WAKULLA nT TAYLOR (dr = he our FRANKLIN a SUMTER ff } HERNANDO HARDEE 4 3, i 12 4 orso10 \ SARASOTA > \ a © CHAR: [ARI MAP LEGEND [) Py I 1 2 Congressional District State ERIE County TN Shoreline 17-19, 21, 22 SCAL Note: Congresional districts effective 0 25 50 75 100 Kilometers May 14, 1992; all other boundaries and 7 oa Miles names are as of January1, 1990. RE 50 ! 0 Maps of Congressional Districts 1147 GEORGIA—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(11 Districts) MAP LEGEND GORDON |picke NS CHER OKEE BARTOW . 0 2 2? Congressional District State se ERIE County Shoreline Note: Congresional districts effective April 3, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. / CARROLL LIBERTY » UeiNToSHS2") \/ COLQUITT BERRIEN GLYNN 7 \ Cook DECATUR GRADY THOMAS BROOKS XH CLINCH CHARLTON CAMDEN £ ff & & ~ SCALE. 60 80 Kilometers 40 50 Miles 1 J 0 %» F-— HONOLULU T Q (pt.) =] - 0m = [+] wn 2)=.[=] = ® ==) = @ -> = [) — -Q =]I== --=o \HAWAI 4 > [+] ,-Ps > J bo =[= 7] [+] = [3 e --> [+] (=9 oc) 0 [<} MAP LEGEND ®I’ L 2 Congressional District ~N S Count = SCALE ERIE y @» 200 300 Kilometers 7 Nr Shoreline ->j== 8 [) 100 200 Miles 7o> ed | we Note: Congresional districts effective July 27, 1991; all other bounadries and names are as of January1, 1990. Maps of Congressional Districts 1149 BOUNDARY BONNER MAP LEGEND ey 2 Congressional District KOOTENAI International State Rr 4 ERIE County SHOSHONE BENEWAH Note: Congresional districts effective nt =] . March 2, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. CLEARWATER SCALE 75 100 Kilomelers 50 15 Miles 1 VALLEY FREMONT a ELMORE BLAINE JEFFERSON BINGHAM | yanison & Q » ASN BONNEVILLE LINCOLN OWYHEE TWIN FALLS CASSIA 1150 Congressional Directory ILLINOIS—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(20 Districts) JO DAVIESS WINNEBAGO & § TEPHENSON S$$ MCHENRY | | agp | { Ne [ SN TT 1 T1913 foekas : Co0K § WHITESIDE pe) | 19 MERCER N[> & S$s x |WARREN] 17 KNOX | + : IROQUOIS HANCOCK FULTON Va 18 CHAMPAIGN VERMILION DOUGLAS CALHOUN A \ | cReEENE os MACOUPIN ¥ SHELBY COLES CUMBERLAND JERSEY 20 | FAYETTE EFFINGHAM| JASPER 19 CRAWFORD ST. CLAIR CLINTON MARION CLAY No L MONROE WASHINGTON| jr rerson MAP 2 LEGEND Congressional State District RANDOLPH| PERRY | FRANKLIN 12 JACKSON ERIE /~—— County shoreline Note: Congresional districts effective November 6, 1991; all other boundaries names are as of January1, 1990. and Q de 80 SCALE » 50 I 100 Kilometers 75 Miles NEA Maps of Congressional Districts 1151 INDIANA—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(10 Districts) DE KALB MARSHALL STARKE KOSCIUSKO JASPER PULASKI FULTON ha WABASH CASS ADAMS BENTON CARROLL HOWARD WARREN L CLINTON TIPTON =Ae) MADISO! RANOOLPH § HAMILTON pi HANCOCK an A WAYNE PUTNAM $7 & [union 4 SHELBY | x FRANKLIN id 5) -oo DECATUR a GSs SULLIVAN wll ty RIPLEY | oF GREENE MONROE “1 JENNINGS JACKSON 9 oo LAWRENCE § SWITZER-8 JEFFERSON | LAND KNOX DAVIESS [MARTIN Scot WASHINGTON ORANGE CLARK GIBSON 0uBOIS CRAWFORD fon MAP LEGEND HARRISON 4, woe Congressional District POSEY 24 SPENCER) TERRY State 9%, | WARRICK ERIE County Shoreline SCALE Note: Con resional districts effective 60 80 Kilometers June 13, 1991; allal other boundaries and ) names are as of January1, 1990. 40 60 Miles 1 ) LYON OSCEOLA | DICKINSON WINNEBAGO MITCHELL HOWARD WINNE SHIEK ALLAMAKEE KOSSUTH ) SI0UX O'BRIEN PALO ALTO HANCOCK CHICKASAW FAYETTE CLAYTON { PLYMOUTH HUMBOLDT BREMER CHEROKEE WRIGHT FRANKLIN BUTLER 2 BUCHANAN i DUBUQUE ( WOODBURY WEBST ER IDA SAC CALHOUN HAMILTON HARDIN GRUNDY JACKSON JONES 50 BENTON y MONONA CRAWFORD CARROLL GREENE BOONE STORY MARSHALL CLINTON GUTHRIE DALLAS POLK JASPER POWESHIEK JOHNSON MUSCATINE ADAIR MADISON WARREN MARION MAHASKA KEOKUK 4 POTTAWATTAMIE CASS 3 LOUISA \ ! MILLS le | ADAMS CLARKE MONROE WAPELLO JEFFERSON Wo! * b FREMONT PAGE TAYLOR VAN BUREN RINGGOLD DECATUR APPANOOSE MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State ERIE County SCALE60 80 Kilometers J Note: Congresional districts effectiveMay 30, 1991; all other boundaries and 40 60 Miles names are as of Januaryt, 1990. N sd A40122.41(T [DU 0D Maps of Congressional Districts 1153 KANSAS—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(4 Districts) CHEYENNE RAWLINS DECATUR | NORTON | PHILLIPS JEWELL | REPUBLIC |wasmingion | MARSHALL SHERMAN THOMAS | SHERIDAN | RAWAM osgoRNg | MITCHELL POTTAWATOMIE RILEY OTTAWA LINCOLN WALLACE RUSSELL GEARY FwaBAUNSEE SALINE DOUGLAS ELLSWORTH MORRIS FRANKLIN GREELEY | wiCHITA RUSH BARTON McPHERSON MARION CHASE Fonts PAWNEE y COFFEY [ANDERSON HAMILTON | KEARNY HODGEMAN STAFFORD HARVEY EDWARDS BUTLER GREENWOOD ALLEN | BOURBON STANTON HASKELL KINGMAN SEDGWICK 4 NEOSHOEOSHO | crawrons MAP LEGEND Baa 2 Congressional District State 50 75 Miles names are as of January1, 1990 d J HICKMAN 3 Ria a MAP LEGEND wi ; 2 Congressional District SCALE : 75 100 Kilometers ———————— State 50 75 Miles — ERIE County Note: Congresional districts effectiveDecember 20, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of Januaryi, 1990. (SIPLISIY 9)—S3IB[J PIIIRAS PUB ‘SAIUNO)) ‘SPILSI( [BU0ISSAIBUO)— XNININAN 44012241] [DUOISS243UO0D) Maps of Congressional Districts 1155 LOUISIANA —Congressional Districts, Parishes, and Selected Places—(7 Districts) 1 CLAIBORNE 30SSIER WEBSTER, BIENVILLE 5 DE 5010 RED RIVER JACKSON MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State ERIE Parish Shoreline’ Note: Congresi onal districts effective June 1, 1992; ; all | other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. NATCHITOCHES pr’ GRANT 6 LA SALLE 0 0 20 Leal 0 w[FS 3 SCALE 40 50 Kilomelers » Miles VERNON RAPIDES BEAUREGARD ( EAST FELICIANA EAST BATON ROUGE he Hi WASHINGTON CALCASIEY CAMERON ST. BERNARD 2A TERREBONNE 1156 Congressional Directory MAINE—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(2 Districts) ARQOSTOOK PISCATAQUIS SOMERSET PENOBSCOT WASHINGTON HANCOCK OXFORD E kennesec ~_£ CUMBERLAND % LINCOLN 2 7%,2 2Eo bh 4) ol f SH 5 rl. : : MAP LEGEND 2 ast 2 Congressional District International State ERIE County SCALE iin, PR liShoreline 601 80 KilometersJ Note: :Congresional Tvdistricts ieffective 40 1 60 J Miles March names 28, 1983; are as of all other boundaries January1, 1990. and MONTGOMERY 3 3 I fed]5. [«] g MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District InternationalState ERIE County ; ALE Salem Independent City 0 50 Kilometers l 1 7 shoreline 30 40 Miles " J Note: Congresional districts effectiveOctober 23, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. PAIRS JAI PUB ‘AIL Judpuadapu] ‘SIRUN0)) ‘SILISI( [BUOISSAIBUO)—ANVIAYVIN S10141S1(T [DU 015S243U0 0) Jo sdopy 1158 Congressional Directory FRANKLIN 4 BERKSHIRE } HAMPDEN BARNSTALE > J MAP LEGEND Maps of Congressional Districts 1159 MICHIGAN—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(16 Districts) | a KEWEENAw (pL) et fe noun — = (pr), Le ~~] nOuEHION t 0 hs ly COCEBIC MARQUETIL ALGER CHPPERA SCHOOLCRATY kon VRE onal -_— D2 TENT -i ND v 2 RN wenowmit {/ *S {weer \ / $2 ~\ cnisovean | — J) - 3 re PRESQUE 1511 CHARLE VON rem t oN # 15160 : oa ARENA pe 7 ANTRIM or [Tetianav — Joi CRAWFORD KALRASKA 05C00A ALCON (Cou TRAVERSE Loe ] { 105¢0 AMS wix/ORD WISSAUKEL | ROSCOMMON OClMAw . — id CLARE moc A ro | wason LAKE OSCEOLA 4 GLADWIN 5 a -A / BAY HURON 1 OCEANA NEWAYGO MECOSTA | 1SABELLA | WOLAND Nees iA \ 2 15C01A 5 SAMIAC | oyun cranor | SAGAw \ MUSKEGON MAP LEGEND wnstc | wrues \ ty os a 10 o11AWA 3 10MA CLNTON bh Rd du 2 Congressional District ] 5 3 Bi uacows | International its ey ie % LIVINGSTON State S——— ERIE County 6 3 & re 7. Yrs & /~N\——— Shoreline oa ag | A ABA200 IACKSON Note: Congresional districts effective BERN 16 BRANC April 8, 1992; all other boundaries and J BASS 1% Joscn Rt BPanchis | imasome | asmanee names are as of Januaryi, 1980. ionack SCALE 0 25 5 75 100 Kilometers Eh aaa EE 0 2 50 7 Miles 1160 Congressional Directory MINNESOTA —Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(8 Districts) KITTSON : MARSHALL KOOCHICHING — PENNINGTON BELTRAMI POLK fe ( ti fT] Ss N ITASCA ST. Louis » w NORMAN & Ss < hy «* 8 3 S $ CLAY Ea > CASS PT —— x $ crow 4 AITKIN | capiTon WILKIN] OTTER TAL |&¥ WING J tooo [8 | [ies o| ewe GRANT | DOUGLAS & & & $ ENS AJ BENTON w STEVENS pg" : POPE STEARNS % G suergumne | ISANTI | 7, 7, > , swt $ ANOKA Wh | & |ucexer| WRIGHT AS A wasuncion oul \CHIPPEWA & : PARLE MCLEOD [CARVE 3 YELLOW MEDICINE, RENVILLE : DAKOTA 5 scot. 2 SIBLEY N REDWOOD SS$ Ten 2 COLL SUEUR ree | SUOME ROW 1 WABASHA PIPE - el. STONE| MURRAY ICOTTON-BLUE | & | S$ ousten woop [YATONE eartn [| | ont ROCK | NOBLES ; oS8 | JACKSON warn fries FREEBORN| MOWER | FILLMORE 1 EN MAP LEGEND ——_—— 2 Congressional District Bn International ? SCALE — State 6 20 40 &0 80 Kilometers ERIE County 0 20 ‘0 60 80 Miles Shoreline . [PT 1 1 lh J Note: Congresional districts effective February 19, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. Maps of Congressional Districts 1161 MISSISSIPPI—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(5 Districts) a DESOTO Seton S 3 MARSHALL TIPPAH HN Ea2 TATE oS3 Tunica EY UNION LAFAYETTE COAHOMA 1 [pontoroc BOLIVAR Wd LEFLORE| © » < LOWNDES $ MONTGOMERY FF |CHOCTAW x 2 fT * & HOLMES = winston | NOXuBEE NE & RR Sf & v {Xx g |S YAZ00 NESHOBA g & HINDS . NEWTON | LAUDERDALE (\S ? * RANKIN oo _—-==] swith | JASPER | CLARKE or COPIAH JEFFERSON 4% incon | & Ry Aoaus | pram | HNCON] & GES | MARION Py GREENE WILKINSON AMITE PIKE LANAR & | Perey ge WAL THALL < 5 GEORGE MAP LEGEND STONE PEARL RIVER ongressional District JACKSON State HARRISON HANCOCK ERIE County ¢ oH 5 Nr Shoreline 0 20 40 60 Miles 1162 Congressional Directory MISSOURI—Congressional Districts, Counties, Independent City, and Other Selected Places—(9 Districts) 0 25 50 £3 100 Kilometers ceed 50 75 Miles SEEE JOUNKL IN DANIELS | SHERIDAN LINCOLN GLACIER BLAINE VALLEY ROOSEVELT FLATHEA PHILLIPS LATHEAD PONDERA RICHLAND CHOUTEAU TETON SANDERS CASCADE $ “ N SS JUDITHBASIN RD) MEAGHER MUSSELSHELL T WHEATLAND GOLDE FALLON VALLEY ROSEBUD CARTER BIG HORN POWDER RIVER BEAVERHEAD CARBON YELLOWSTONENATIONAL PARK MAP LEGEND International EE —— State 150 Kilometers ERIE County or an equivalent entity J for statistical purposes 100 Miles J Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. (33xe7] Jy LISI 3U(Q)—SB[J PAIS PUB ‘Yied [BUOHEBN ‘SOpUNO)) ‘PLISI(] [BUOISSAIBUO)—VYNV.INOW S10143S1(J [DU 0155243U0 1) Jo sdopy KEYA PAHA | ~3o CEDAR [oo SHERIDAN CHERRY BROWN | rock & S 0X BUTTE PIERCE foray WAYNE (Thug Scotts $ GRANT EX THOMAS | BLAINE E WHEELER ADISON| | cumin B) J CUSTER < KIMBALL CHEYENNE BUTLER S, KEITH HOWARD MERRICK LINCOLN eS PERKINS DAWSON | BUFFALO ~ Q' SEWARD CHASE HAYES rome | 9 LS PHELPS [KEARNEY] ADANS oS cy SALINE oo INEMAHA 9 MAP LEGEND Kad 2 Congressional District State ERIE County Note: Sengresional districts effective SCALE H 100 Kilometers June 10, 1991; all other boundaries and —t— names are as of January1, 1990. 75 Miles Atteebesde— (SPLSI £)—S5308]J PAIS PUB ‘SIPUNCY) ‘SPLISI( [BUOISSAIBUO)—VHSVHTAN d4030041(F [vu 01SS243U0 0 Maps of Congressional Districts 1165 NEVADA—Congressional Districts, Counties, Independent City, and Other Selected Places—(2 Districts) HUMBOLDT WASHOE PERSHING EUREKA 5 Carson C CHURCHILL WHITE PINE MINERAL ESMERALDA LINCOLN MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State ERIE County Salem Independent City Note: Congresional districts effective June 20, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. . SCALE 75 i a 50 100 Kilomelers J 75 Miles 1166 Congressional Directory NEW HAMPSHIRE—Congressional Districts, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Selected Places—(2 Districts) MAP LEGEND Nii 2 Congressional District International State ERIE County ON Shoreline 1 Note: Congresional districts effective GRAFTON March 27, 1892; aM other boundaries and CARROLL names are as of Januaryt, y 1 . 1 E 30 40 Kilometers 1 J 20 30 Miles J CHESHIRE HI USED ROUGH Maps of Congressional Districts 1167 NEW JERSEY—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(13 Districts) 2 SCALE 30 10 Kilometers 10 20 30 Miles 1 — MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State ERIE County Shoreline CUMBERLAND Note: Congresional districts effective March 20, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. 1168 Congressional Directory NEW MEXICO—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(3 Districts) SAN JUAN RIO ARRIBA TAOS COLFAX UNION | MORA HARDING McKINLEY SAN MIGUEL 3 CIBOLA SR GUADALUPE QUAY - TORRANCE CURRY 1 DEBACA CATRON SOCORRO ROOSEVELT LINCOLN CHAVES SIERRA Sa LEA GRANT OTERO EDDY DONA ANA LUNA HIDALGO MAP LEGEND Nae 2 Congressional District International SCALE : 0 25 50 75 wo Kilometers State 0 25 50 75 Miles ERIE County Note: Congresional districts effective S December 18, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. CLINTON FRANKLIN ST. LAWRENCE 24 JEFFERSON = 7 h A) ©)G&LWARREN GRY 128 Nn ~ osweco -ORLEANS 3. NIAGARA IE 29 | Po : ) CHAUTAUQUA | CATTARAUGUS 31 STEUBEN EM] 3 ALLEGANY NY i ow WW ‘ 3 oF § TIOGA IDE Broome | DUTCHESS_ MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District 20 PUTNAM International SCALE ORANGE 47 State 0 1020 30 40 30 Kilometers MRO t 0 20 30 40 50 Miles ERIE County 051 0 ; TN Shoreline BRONX NEW YORK AST) Note: Congresional districts effectiveJune 9, 1992; all other boundaries and A) SA AD names are as of January1, 1990. 9 3-12,14-18 & bo l/ RICH oN. 2) BN QUEENS 13 KINGS (SPLUSIA [£)—S3B|J PAIRS PUB ‘SIRUNC) ‘SIILSI [BUOISSAIBUO)—NYOX MAN 6911 1014351 [DU 015S243U0 ALLEGHANY STOKES ROCKINGHAM CASWELL PERSON spusiq Z1)—S3%8|d PAIINI[AS PUB ‘SIPUN0)) ‘PLS [BU0ISSIBU0)—YNITOAVI HLION A40322.41(] |PUOISS248U0D) # JOHNSTON CHEROKEE MACON CLAY MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State ERIE CountyShoreline ALE Note: Congresional districts effective 100 Kilometers February 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. 75 100 Miles 1 J Maps of Congressional Districts 1171 NORTH DAKOTA—Congressional District, Counties, and Selected Places—(One District At Large) BOTTINEAV ROLETTE CAVALIER PEMBINA TOWNER WILLIAMS MOUNTRAIL NELSON GRAND FORKS McKENZIE EDDY MeLEAN SHERIDAN WELLS FOSTER GRIGGS STEELE TRAILL MERCER BILLINGS BURLEIGH KIDDER STUTSMAN GOLDEN VALLEY MORTON LAMOURE RANSOM | RICHLAND HETTINGER BOWMAN MCINTOSH DICKEY SARGENT MAP LEGEND ET — International ARR. State 80 Kilometers ERIE County 60 Miles Note: Ail boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. oad 19 ASHTABULA wiLLiAus § FULTON DEFIANCE 2 SANDUSKY = 5 : TRUMBULL PAULDING SENECA ’ PUTNAM HANCOCK ’ J oi MAHONING ? YANDOT \ We VAN ‘WERT ; y CRAWFORD © 4 COLUMBIANA ALLEN RICHLAND : HARDIN ard CARROLL AUGLAIZE MARION HOLMES MERCER MORROW O)IN) TUSCARAWAS & x & SHELBY UNION DELAWARE KNOX COSHOCTON HARRISON |S CHAMPAIGN 12 LICKING 18 GUERNSEY BELMONT 5 MUSKINGUM MADISON | FRANKLIN NOBLE PREBLE § yo FAIRFIELD Sp PERRY MONROE BUTLER HOCKING WASHINGTON CLINTON ROSS ATHENS VINTON HIGHLAND 6 JACKSON HAMILTON MAP LEGEND ADAMS Scioto GALLIA 2 Congressional District LAWRENCE International State ERIE County /~ —~ shoreline SCALE 80 80 Kilometers Congresional districts effective : Note: J (SSI 9)—SE[J PIII[AS PUB ‘SIRUN0)) ‘SPLSI(] [BUOISSAIBUO)—VINOHV TIO 1014181 [DU 0155248U0 CIMARRON BEAVER HARPER 2 OSAGE. WOODWARD GARFIELD § NOBLE Lr, Yer . DEWEY ] wh CREEK BLAINE J Loca § J & \& CUSTER OKLAHOMA | LINCOLN } && MUSKOGEE CANADIAN = xs, SEQUOYAH v Aq te. l_Tucintosn 8 NgNa WASHITA E Er ht . > GARVIN COMANCHE STEPHENS presses MURRAY PUSHMATAHA CARTER JOHNSTON MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State 100 Kilometers ERIE County 2d 75 Miles Note: Congresional districts effectiveMay 27, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. McCURTAIN 1174 Congressional Directory OREGON—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(5 Districts) Ns 7,Tas, HOOD “Wf ob 4 RIVER UMATILLA UALLOWA 2 fH MORROW lf cLackauas § WASCO BE: S MARION J iP ui JEFFERSON WHEELER LINN crook 2D LANE J veschutes DOUGLAS MALHEUR HARNEY KLAMATH LAKE CURRY, a JOSEPHINE JACKSON Ha MAP LEGEND Rid 2 Congressional District State SCALE 0 25 so 75 100 Kilometers ERIE County Perit A CA 0 25 5 75 Miles /~ \—— Shoreline ; Note: Congresional districts effective December 18, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. Bra Sn ERIE TIOGA BRADFORD SUSQUEHANNA Mc KEAN POTTER WARREN i WAYNE 21 CRAWFORD WYOMING 4, FOREST | SULLIVAN KS VENANGO ELK CAMERON %,4, PIKE 4 F LYCOMING MERCER CLINTON ro LUZERNE MONROE hg p 11 f COLUMBIA CLARION [JEFFERSON | LAWRENCE d CLEARFIELD UNION | wi BUTLER Ss CENTRE -i SNYDER SCHUYLKILL \ My oF » 4 SUSTAIN i \ o H NORTHUMBERLAND g By \ CUMBERLAND WASHINGTON 19 [A 16 Ve, 2 : 3 SOMERSET BEDFORD £1! FULTON/ FRANKLIN YORK ” § CHESTER Ho g ~H= ADANS GREENE in MAP LEGEND a 2 Congressional District State County ERIE SCALE /~ \——— shoreline I Jw, shila iat 0 20 40 60 Miles L 1 1 J Note: Congresional districts effective March 3, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. (SISK 17)—S38[d PAIRS PUB ‘SAPUNO)) ‘SPLISI(Y [BUOISSAIBUO)—VINVATASNNAL SLIT S1014381(J [DU 0155243U0 1) Jo sdopy 1176 Congressional Directory RHODE ISLAND—Congressional Districts, Counties, County Subdivisions (Towns), and Places—(2 Districts) MAP LEGEND A—— 2 Congressional District State ERIE County Shoreline PROVIDEN Vv - Note: Congresional districts effective DENCE > ©. May 22, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. WASHINGTON (pt.) SCALE 0123456780910 Kilometers [A | SA Jat gd i U0 a 0 I A Maps of Congressional Districts 1177 SOUTH CAROLINA—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(6 Districts) CHEROKEE LANCASTER 4 State ERIE County Shoreline SCALE y 0 Ww 20 30 40 50 Kilometers RNAECy ee May 1, 1992; all other boundaries names are as of January1, 1990. and 0 0| SPER A 20 JS 30 «0 MilesSN | 1178 Congressional Directory SOUTH DAKOTA—Congressional District, Counties, and Selected Places—(One District At Large) HARDING — PERKINS ACH2IEBAC ZonSon eZ ad DEWEY STANLEY CAMPBELL POTTER PNcPHERSON EDMUNDS . AULK HYDE | HAND grows Som : BEADLE MARSHALL ROBERTS, 1... | DAY GRANT CODINGTON CLARK DEVEL HAMLIN KINGSBURY | BROOKINGS PENNINGTON S BUFFALO || JERAULD SANBORN | MINER LAKE | MOODY CUSTER Een FALL RIVER SHANNON JACKSON BENNETT MELLETTE 1000 TRIPP BRULE GREGORY 4 Cd :| AURORA $ ANSON] McCOOK x > HUTCHINSON CHARLES MIX | MINNEWANA MAP LEGEND EE —— State ERIE ~County Note: All boundaries and names as of January 1, 1990. are 0 0 25 50 25 ALE 75 50A 100 Kilometers 75 Mites; (SRSA 6)—S398[d PIIIIIAS PUB ‘SIPUNC) ‘SLISI( [BUOISSAIBUO)—FASSANNAL S10143S1(] [puoissaiduo)) Jo sdopyy 6L11 Bi HANCOCK SULLIVAN E ROBERTSON JF MACON CLAY CLAIBORNE | A HAWKINS SUMNER scott CAMPBELL GIBSON CARROLL of | 4 =] Moy ® MCMING 1 L BRADLEY FAYETTE | WARDEMAN I= \\ ey i Baro wArhE | Lawrence | ones LINCOLN : FRANKLIN gion HAMILTON | POLK i MAP LEGEND 2 Congressional District State ERIE County SCALE ; : 25 50 75 100 Kilometers L 1 id Maps of Congressional Districts 1181 UTAH—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(3 Districts) MAP LEGEND BOX ELDER Congressional District 2 State ERIE County SS N— Shoreline Note: Congresional districts effective January 1, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January, 1990. DAGGETT SUMMIT | TOOELE WASATCH DUCHESNE UINTAH SANPETE MILLARD SEVIER BEAVER GARFIELD SAN JUAN WASHINGTON SCALE 40 60 80 Kilometers 20 40 60 Miles I 1 | 1182 Congressional Directory VERMONT—Congressional District, Counties, County Subdivisions, and Places—(One District At Large) GRAND ISLE FRANKLIN . ORLEANS : ESSEX CHITTENDEN WASHINGTON RUTLAND MAP LEGEND a AHL International J State ERIE County /~N—— shoreline Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990 BENNINGTON WINDHAM ’ RINE SCALE 30 40 Kilometers 0 10 20 30 Miles [ FEET 1 css ro -—rd ~No 12345678910112131415161718192021 LEE SCOTT INDEPENDENT AlexandriaBedlordBristolBueno VisloCharlottesvilleChesapeakeClifton Forge Colonial HeightsCovingtonDanvilleEmporioFairfoxFalls ChurchFranklinFredericksburgGalaxHomplonHorrisonburgHopewellLexingtonLynchburg CITIES Monossas Monossas Park Mor tinsville Newpor! News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Rodlord Richmond Roanoke Salem South Boston Staunton Suffolk AUGUSTA ESTMORLLANDVirginio BeochWaynesboroWilliamsburg Ra NORTHUMBERLAND Winchester PITTSYLVANIA HALIFAX | J BRUNSWICK CARROLL ol F 1" fiviv i EY * FP men qr . a’? MECKLENBURG | OZ SouTnaur1on e— £ S/N | REENSVILLE MAP LEGEND Congressional District SCALE ; State 0 25 50 75 100 Kilometers ERIE County 0 25 50 75 Miles Salem Independent City Shoreline Note: Congresional districts effective April 15, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. (SPS [1)—S0ed PAIIIPRS IPO PUB ‘SARL Juapuadopu] ‘sIUNC) ‘SPLSI [BUOISSAIBUO)—VINIDUIA 015S243U0 1) Jo sdopy SAN JUAN WHATCOM 98S \ RD OKANOGAN STEVENS SKAGIT nd i \ N 2 ISLAND CLALLAM Q SNOHOMISH DOUGLAS LINCOLN SPOKANE 4 GRAYS HARBOR uso _f 4 { WHITMAN PIERCE PACIFIC YAKIMA FRANKLIN GARFIELD ¢ BENTON ASOTIN COLUNBIA cowLITZ WALLA WALLA SKAMANIA KLICKITAT pr LEGEND Congressional District InternationalStateCounty SCALE so 80 Kilometers Shoreline 40 60 Miles din J Note: Congresional districts effectiveFebruary 12, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. (SPLYSI(J 6)—S3IB[J PIAS puB ‘sauUN0)) ‘SPLYSI( [BU0ISSABUO)—NOLINIHSYM 44012241] |DUOISS24BUOD) Maps of Congressional Districts 1185 WEST VIRGINIA —Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(3 Districts) 5 Cres MAP LEGEND — 2 Congressional District State ERIE County Note: Congresional districts effective October 11, 1991; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. SCALE 60 80 Kilometers 40 60 Wiles i J 1186 Congressional Directory WISCONSIN—Congressional Districts, Counties, and Selected Places—(9 Districts) 0s YE eo BAYFIELD DOUGLAS IRON ASHLAND & VILAS & SAWYER 9 R\ BURNELY'. | OF 7 FLORENCE ONEIDA PRICE . FOREST POLK RUSK . BARRON LINCOLN & LANGL ADE 8 1 x [ rion MARINETTE ST-choN CHIPPEWA / ; MENOMINEE — NT — r{ : RATIO 0CONTO DUNN i to CLARK SHAWANO / /000R | PIERCE = PEPIN | EAU CLAIRE i $ Wr) 3 31 — W000 |PORTAGE o A or A BROWN | && § N Pr JACKSON 3 ; 3 s : SIS «© & & WAUSHARA SNE ADAMS & ol BK LA & &° 2 » AUKESHA. & DANE & MILWAUKEE 10WA & GRANT a 45 : | RACINE £3 NN LAFAYETTE | & ROCK 1 ol & KENOSHA MAP LEGEND pe 2 Congressional District SCALE : State 0 2 50 75 Wo Kilomelers ERIE County 0 25 50 75 Miles Shoreline Note: Congresional districts effective May 12, 1992; all other boundaries and names are as of January1, 1990. Maps of Congressional Districts 1187 WYOMING—Congressional District, Counties, and Selected Places—(One District At Large) "SHERIDAN CROOK BIG HORN CAMPBELL JOHNSON NESTON HOT SPRINGS WASHAKIE CONVERSE NIOBRARA SUBLETTE FREMONT NATRONA PLATTE GOSHEN LINCOLN AR ALBANY SWEETWATER CARBON L8 | LARAMIE a MAP LEGEND 0 25 :0Subniin 50 L251 SCALE75 2 50f 100 Kilometers ’ 75\ Miles ERIE State County Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990 © SWAINS ISLAND MAP LEGEND ERIE District or Island Nm Shoreline Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. SCALE 020 30 40 50 Kilometers 10 20 30 40 50 Miles 1 | 1 1 J (981 Jy 2)8B2PR( AUQ)—SPUBIS] PUB ‘SPLISIT PMISIA A8IPA—VOINVS NVIIITINY d40102.41(F [oU 0D EASTERN ped pi WESTERN ROSE ISLAND Maps of Congressional Districts 1189 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—Delegate District, Quadrants, and Place—(One Delegate At Large) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MAP LEGEND SCALE 4 Kilomelers ——— ERIE District 3 /~N\——— Shoreline 2 3 Miles s F J Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. Maps of Congressional Districts 1191 PUERTO RICO—Resident Commissioner District, Municipios, and Selected Places—(One Resident Commissioner At Large) 9 = & MAP LEGEND ERIETNb » > wn = i s eo SS NY I E Ss wy—-— eo -- << o = [SJ wv Pe od 2 — 0 ae] nt Ps ] od od 1192 Congressional Directory MAP LEGEND RE —-—,eeat SPA International ERIE Island /~—— Shoreline Note: All boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990. SCALE 6 7 8 9 10 Miles {re DR WTA E00 | ST. CROIX NAME INDEX [Please see subject listings in the CONTENTS, on page 1x] Page A Abbenante, Donna M., Office of the Secretary, HUD 828 Abbenhaus, Colleen D., Maritime Administration, Transportation 846 Abbot, Suzanne Hartley, Foreign Affairs Committee. 444 Abbott, John M., International Monetary Fund.......... 1016 Abbruzzese, Peter A.: Foreign Affairs Committee #4 North Atlantic Assembly 555 Abdel-Rahman, Faisal, International Labor Organi- zation 1015 Abel, Marilyn, Rep. Bill Paxon 213 Abele-Ebanks, Suzanne, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Abeles, Ronald, National Institute on Aging, HHS .... 821 Abell, Charles S., Armed Services Committee............ 392 Abendschein, Kurt, House Administration Commit- tee 444 Abercrombie, Neil (Representative from Hawaii): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 84 Congressional Human Rights Caucus............c.c....... 560 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Democratic Study Group "562 Natural Resources Committee..............ccceerererererennnnes 455 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Abernathy, Cathy, Rep. Bill Thomas...........c.cceoevrenenee 30 Abernathy, Kathleen Q., Federal Communications Affairs Committee 393 Abernethy, David, Ways and Means Committee... 475, 476 Aboussie, Richard T.: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ................... 876 Resolution Trust Corporation 910 Abraham, Carolyn P., Joint Committee on Taxation.. 487 Abraham, Georgia A., Non-Legislative and Finan- cial Services 620 Abrahamson, George R., Chief of Staff, Air Force.... 721 Abrahamson, Joan, Commission of Fine Arts.............. 861 Abramidis, Clarisse, Civil Division, Justice.................. 730 Abrams, Alvin, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS 816 Abrams, Lori, Correspondence, Office of the Presi-ent 668 Abrams, Neil E., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Abrams, Rhoda, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS 816 Abrams, Stephen N., Foreign Affairs Committee ....... 444 Abramson, Albert, United States Holocaust Memori- al Council 929 Abramson, Ronald D., Smithsonian Institution ........... 923 Abrecht, Gary L.: Office of the Sergeant at Arms 614 U.S. Capitol Police 626 Abromovage, Barry, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture..........ccccocovuverirucune 766 Absher, Gordon, Rep. James H. Bilbray...................... 179 Abshire, Robert T., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 Accardi, Thomas C., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 840 Acheson, Eleanor D., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice 726 Achtenberg, Roberta, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD................ 829 Page Commission 868 Abernathy, Warren, Sen. Strom Thurmond................. 269 Abernathy, Wayne A., Banking, Housing, and Urban Ackerman, Charles S., United States Holocaust Me- morial Council 929 Ackerman, Gary L. (Representative from New York): Biography 199 Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade- my 548 Congressional Human Rights Caucus............cccccu.u... 560 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 New York State Congressional Delegation.. Post Office and Civil Service Committee..... Ackerman, Karen, Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez Ackerman, Kenneth D., Agriculture, Nutrition, For- estry Committee Ackerman, Kenneth M., Federal Communications Ackerman, Tracy Lee, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Acord, Bob R., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Acree, Carolyn P., Office of Administration, Com- merce Acton, Jan Paul, Congressional Budget Office............ Adamkus, Valdas V., Environmental Protection Agency Adamovich, Shirley Gray, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science .............c.c........ Adams, Adam, Rep. Peter J. Visclosky........cc.cocevureuenne Adams, Brenda, Government Operations Committee. Adams, Charles J., Office of the Secretary, Army...... Adams, Daniel F., International Finance Corporation Adams, David S., Foreign Affairs Committee............. Adams, Donald B., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve Syst Adams, Duane A., Advanced Research Projects, efense Adams, Gordon, Office of Management and Budget.. Adams, J. Calvin, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Adams, Jim, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee Adams, Mike, United States Marshals Service, Jus- tice Adams, Nancy J., Office of U.S. Trade Representa- tive Adams, Nolan J., Assistant Secretary for Installa- tions, Logistics and Environment, Army.............. Adams, Robert McCormick: National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities 8 96 Smithsonian Institution 917, 921-926 Adams, Sarah, Office of Personnel Management 906 Adams, Susan: Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Equal Employment Opportunity Commission... 866, Adams, Wayne, Rep. Butler C. Derrick, Jr Adams, William D., Office of the Assistant Adminis- trator, HHS Adamson, Dan, Natural Resources Committee Adamson, Edward A., United States Marshals Serv- ice, Justice Adamson, Richard, National Cancer Institute, HHS .. Adcock, Mike, Rep. Bud Cramer..........ccocevcunvereenennene Adcock, Sam, Sen. Trent Lott Addington, David S., Select Committee on Intelli- gence Addison, Francis, III, Washington National Monu-ment iety Addison, LaVarne, Budget Committee 1194 Congressional Directory Page Adelberg, Sheldon, U.S. Parole Commission............... 936 Adelstein, Jonathan, Special Committee on Aging..... 414 Aderibigbe, John O., International Monetary Fund.... 1017 Adkins, Charles, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor 800 Adkins, John, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior ............cccooeurennene 758 Adkins, Paul, Securities and Exchange Commission... 911 Adkisson, Perry L., National Science Foundation...... 898 Adlam, Leslie E., Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead we 5234 Adler, Ann, Sen. Robert C. Byrd...mvisioins 325 iii Ady, Howard P. III, Defense Techology Security, Defense 691 Affens, Steven C., White House News Photogra-hers’ Association 1090 Affleck-Smith, Joan, Assistant Secretary for Domes-tic Affairs, Treasury 683 Africk, Jack, United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Agnew, James E., Jr., International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture............ccceeuu.n. 766 Ago, Roberto, United Nations 1026 Agresta, Robert J., Office of Personnel Management. 906 Aguilera, Esther, Congressional Hispanic Caucus....... 560 Aguirre, Eduardo, Jr., National Commission for Em- ployment Policy 554 Aguirre, Hank, Administration for Native Ameri- cans, HHS 808 Ahmad, Anees, International Labor Organization....... 1015 Ahmed, Meekal A., International Monetary Fund...... 1017 Ahmed, Osman S., International Finance Corpora- tion Ahmed, Rafeeuddin, Secretariat, United Nations........ Ahmed, Syed Aftab, International Finance Corpora- tion Ahrens, A. Michael, Economics, Agriculture Ahwinona, Cynthia, Natural Resources Committee.... Aikens, Antonell K., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Aikens, Joan D., Federal Election Commission Aime, Jean Claude, Secretariat, United Nations rs Ainsfield, Jerry, Senate Page School..........ccccccoveurunee. Ainsworth, Kay L., Board for International Broad- casting, Ajibola, Bola, United Nations Akaka, Daniel K. (Senator from Hawaii): Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela- tions Biography Democratic Policy Committee ...........cceecervernirenrenne Energy and Natural Resources Committee Federal Government Service Task Force... - Governmental Affairs Committee ..........cccevuervvuenceene Indian Affairs Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Akhter, Mohammad, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 997 Akiyama, Patricia, Sen. Patty Murray.........cccccccooceuruene 319 Akresh, Abraham, General Accounting Office ........... 631 Akturk, Nurcan, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development 010 Akumu, Achieng, Rep. Thomas M. Barrett................. 331 Al-Assaf, Ibrahim A., International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 1009 Al-Ghannam, Ahmed, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 1009 Al-Jasser, Muhammad, International Monetary Fund. 1016 Al-Khaled, Faisal Abdulrazak, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development................... 1009 Al-Samarrie, Ahmad, Office of Management and Budget 673 Al-Sultan, Fawzi Hamad, International Agencies Re- lated to the United Nations 1029 Al-Tuwaijri, Abdulrahman A., International Mone- tary Fund 1016 Albanese, Eileen, Export Administration, Commerce. 784 Albee, Luke, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy ud Albert, Helen, Special Committee on Aging Albertson, Johnnie, Small Business Administration..... 916 Albin, Michael W., Library of Congress...........c...c...... 635 Albornoz, Leo, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 999 Albrecht, William F., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 771 Albrectt, William P., Commodity Futures Trading 5 2 Alba Raymond J., Export-Import Bank of the Page Albright, Stanley T., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 756 Alcock, Bob, Rep. Bob Filner 47 Alcock, Lynn, Judiciary Committee............cccoevrveuennnne 450 Alden, William F., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 734 Alderson, Tracy, Small Business Committee ............... 411 Aldrich, Arnold D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Aldrich, Mark, Sen. Robert C. Smith...........ccceeeneenn.en 180 Aldridge, Chris D., Armed Services Committee......... 429 Aldridge, Elizabeth, Office of the Legislative Coun-om sel 1 Alegria, Fernando, Jr., Securities and Exchange Cc ission 913 Alejandro, M. Katherine, Office of Policy, Labor...... 799 Alexander, Agnes M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 999 Alexander, Bill, U.S. Alternative Fuels Council.......... 567 Alexander, Boyd, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 Alexander, Duane F., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS ............... 820 Alexander, John D., Office of Research, Develop-ment, and Acquisition, Navy ........ccccceceverenrernennns 707 Alexander, LeAudrey, Federal Communications i” Cc ion 7 Alexander, Michael W., Office of the Secretary, Ag- riculture 761 Alexander, Sharyn, Rep. Scotty Baesler ...................... 123 Alexander, Shirley A., House of Representatives Page School 627 Alexandrenna, Louis, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1030 Alfonzo-Lasso, Inez, Office of Justice Programs, Jus-tice 752 Alfred, Rayfield, Executive Agencies, District of lumbia 998 Ali, Brenda M., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Aliferis, Peter V., General Accounting Office............. 630 Alisbah, Bilael, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development 1009 Alito, Samuel H., Jr., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit ..........cccceeveueennereennnne 946 Alizai, M. Azam K., International Finance Corpora-tion 1013 Allan, Jennifer, Cabinet Affairs, Office of the Presi- ent 667 Allan, Richard, Office of the Secretary, HUD............ 827 Allard, Wayne (Representative from Colorado): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 52 Budget Committee 433 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 National Republican Senatorial Committee..... .. 416 Natural Resources Committee................... i453 Allegra, Francis M., Tax Divison, Justice.................... 732 Allely, Ronald, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture 770 Allem, Barbara F., Foreign Relations Committee........ 402 Allen, Boyd W., General Counsel, Air Force....... i Allen, Cheri A., Republican Policy Committee Allen, E.T., Rep. Ralph M. Hall Allen, Frederick W., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Allen, Gary R., Tax Divison, Justice 732 Allen, Gary W., Civil Division, Justice............cccccceneue 729 Allen, Cw Executive Agencies, District of Co- Gwen, oh Allen, Sieg Under Secretary for Political Af- fairs, State 676 Allen, Kristin, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 416 Allen, Marilyn S., Environmental Protection Agency 866 Allen, Melissa J., Office of Administration, Trans- portation 837 Allen, Rae N., National Capital Planning Commis- sion 892 Allen, Richard C., National Service, Office of the ob Presid 0 Allen, Richard D., Economics, Agriculture ................ 765 Allen, Robert E., National Labor Relations Board..... 897 Allen, Robert P., Office of the Secretary, HUD......... 827 Allen, Rosalind K., Federal Communications Com- United States 867 mission 873 Name Index 1195 Page Allen, Susan Au, Administrative Conference of the United States Allen, Teddy G., Defense Security Assistance Agency, Defense Allen, Thomas, Office of Land and Minerals Man-agement, Interior Allen, Virginia, Panama Canal Commission Allen, William N., Rep. John P. Murtha.... Allery, Deb, Rep. Collin C. Peterson Alleyne, George A.O., Pan American Health Orga-nization Allgeier, Peter F., Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive Allison, Theodore E., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Allison, Edward E., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop-ment Corporation Allison, Gary B., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Allison, Graham, Policy, Defense Allison, Larry, General Services Administration Allison, Linda, National Council on Disability... Alliston, James R., General Counsel, Treasury Almany, Patricia A., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Almeter, Sue A., United States Marshals Service, Justice Alonso, Beatriz G., Foreign Relations Committee Alpern, Stephen Ebbert, Administrative Conference of the United States Alperson, Phil, Rep. Esteban Edward Torres Alpert, Dennis W.: Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Alpert, Lori, Smithsonian Institution Alsobrook, David E., National Archives and Records Administration Alston, Donald, Office of the Secretary, Air Force ... Alston, Sherri Y., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Alston, Yvonne K., Joint Committee on Taxation Alt, Konrad S., Comptroller of the Currency, Treas- ury Altenhofen, Jane E., U.S. International Trade Com-mission Altenstadler, Shelley G., Assistant Secretary for En-forcement, Treasu Alter, Bruce W., Office of Policy, Labor Althaus, William A., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Altimari, Frank X., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Altman, Roger C.: Office of the Secretary, Treasury Resolution Trust Corporation Thrift Depositor Oversight Protection Board Altman, Traci: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Altobelli, Frank D., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Altshule, Eric, Rep. Jane Harman Alukonis, Joseph M., U.S. Capitol Police Alvarado, Carol, Rep. Gene Green Alvarado, Susan E., U.S. Postal Service Alvarado, Tina, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Alvarez, Bob, Governmental Affairs Committee Alvarez, Judy D.: Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Rep. Jack M. Fields, Jr Alvarez, Kathleen, Office Alvarez, Scott G., Board al Reserve System Alvis, Karen, Rep. James Amador, Antonio C., U.S. Board Amato, Joanne, Office of HHS Amaya, Janet S., Federal Sion Ambre, Joan, Peace Corps of the Secretary of Governors of the Feder- H. (Jimmy) Quillen Merit Systems Protection Management and Budget, Communications Commis- Ambro, Antoinette, Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Ambrogne, John R., Jr.,, Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Ambrose, Kathleen, Rep. Peter Hoagland Page Ambrose, Michael, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Ambur, Owen, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Amdur, Rochelle, Budget Committee Amelia, Kathleen C., Foreign Relations Committee... Amend, Deb, Sen. John McCain Amer, Howard A., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Ames, Alpha H., Jr, Maritime Administration, Transportation Ames, Richard A., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Amidzich, Gail M.: Rep. Tony P. Hall Rules Committee Amitay, Mike, Commission on Security and Coop-eration In Europe Ammerman, James E., Assistant Secretary for Inter-national Affairs, Treasury Amon, Dan, Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon.... Amontree, Tom, Public Affairs, Agricultur Amorosi, Edmund, Government Operations Com-mittee Amoruso, Clare, Democratic Policy Committee Amoruso, Philip D., National Cancer Institute, HHS. Amyx, Hilda, Budget Committee Anaya, Mario Rolon, Organization of American States Anbender, Julie, Office of the Attorney General, Justice Andahazy, William J., Armed Services Committee.... Andelin, John P., Office of Technology Assessment .. Andelman, David H., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice Andemicael, Berhanykun, International Agencies Re-lated to the United Nations Anderson, Albert L., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Anderson, Barry B., Office of Management and Budget Anderson, Bernard, Employee Standards Adminis-tration, Labor. Anderson, Brooke, Rep. David E. Skaggs Anderson, Bruce, Finance Committee Anderson, Carl A., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Anderson, Carl E., Post Office and Civil Service Committee Anderson, Curtis M., Farm Credit Administration rd Anderson, Darwin C., AFIS, Defense Anderson, David J., Civil Division, Justice Anderson, David T., Office of the Secretary, HUD... Anderson, David, District of Columbia Committee... Anderson, Dean W., Smithsonian Institution Anderson, Donnald K. (Clerk of the House): Federal Election Commission House of Representatives Page Board Office of the Clerk Anderson, Elizabeth McKee, American Red Cross... Anderson, Geneal, Federal Maritime Commission Anderson, George S., Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Anderson, H. Loy, Jr., American Red Cross Anderson, Jack, Public Health Service, HHS Anderson, James C., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Anderson, Johnny, Rep. Cleo Fields Anderson, Keith, Federal Trade Commission.. Anderson, Kevin, Judiciary Committee Anderson, Minnie, Rep. Constance A. Morella... Anderson, Muriel A., Office of the Secretary Anderson, Paul, Rep. Bob Inglis Anderson, R. Lanier, III, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Anderson, Ralph K., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Anderson, Rebecca, Small Business Committee Anderson, Robert M., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce . Anderson, Ruth A., Select Committee on Ethics Anderson, Scott D., Office of the Legislative Coun- sel Anderson, Stanley R., Federal Maritime Commission Anderson, Stephen H., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Anderson, William J., General Accounting Office 1196 Congressional Directory Page Anderson, William O., Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD................ 29 Anderton, Kate, Rep. Dan Hamburg..............c.c.ccoenne. 19 Andewelt, Roger B., United States Court of Federal Claims 974 Andre, Pamela, National Agricultural Library, Agri- culture 779 Andreas, D. Inez, American Red Cross.........c..ccoouu.... 858 Andreas, Dwayne O Smithsonian Institution 926 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission.............cc..... 557 Andreoni, Alan J., Defense Medical Systems, De- fense 691 Andres, Reubin, National Institute on Aging, HHS.... H 820 Andresen, Jack, Congressional Steel Caucus.. 15562 Andresen, William, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman. 54 Andress, Collier, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President 667 Andreuccetti, Eugene E., Natural Resources and En- vironment, Agriculture 777 Andrews, Carolyn, Rep. Ted Strickland...........c..ceuue. 232 Andrews, Iona, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 995 Andrews, Jimmy H., Office of Personnel Manage-ment 901 Andrews, John, Office of the Assistant Administra-tor, HHS 814 Andrews, Michael A. (Representative from Texas): Biography 300 Budget Committee 433 Joint Economic Committee 488 Ways and Means Cc 474 Andrews, Robert E. (Representative from New Jersey): Biography 184 Education and Labor Committee ...........ccccoervrraerenene 435 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Andrews, Thomas H. (Representative from Maine): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 131 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Small Busi Committee 469 Andrews, Todd, Rep. Jack Reed ............cccovvvrircinnurnnnene 267 Andrews, William F., American Red Cross. 858 Andrews-Smith, Michelle, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury 680 Andross, Susan McCartan, Foreign Affairs Commit- tee 443 Andrukitis, David L., Majority Printer .........ccoocevurenes 622 Anelli, John, Rep. Steve Gunderson............ccccccinvuennnae 330 Angel, Sylvester C., Assistant Secretary for Commu- nity Planning and Development, HUD ................ 830 Angell, John, Office of Management and Budget ....... 672 Angell, Wayne D., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System 860 Angevine, Janice L., Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski........... 133 Angioletti, Thomas J., Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration, Justice. 34, 735 Angle, Anthony, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 717 Angle, Carole, Rep. Dan Glickman.............cccceerunnene 117 Angle, Matt, Rep. Martin Frost 300 Angrisani, Christopher, Conference of the Minority .. 417 Angueira, Marta A., Office of the Secretary, HUD.... 828 Angus, Constance M., Office of the Minority Secre- tary 614 Angus, James S., Civil Rights Division Division, Jus- tice 730 Anholt, Glenn, Office of Personnel Management ....... 902 Anjaria, Shailendra J., International Monetary Fund . 1015 Ankrum, G. Ted, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 890 Annable, Richard I., General Services Administra- tion 885 Annan, Kofi, Secretariat, United Nations.............cco.... 1027 Annear, Craig B., Environmental Protection Agency 864 Anschutz, Philip F., Smithsonian Institution................ 925 Ansell, Fred, Judiciary COmMMIttee ........cocevvereeriinenrnenne 407 Anson, George E., Jr., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 938 Anthony, Joel, Office of Financial Management, HHS 806 Anthony, Sheila F., Office of the Attorney General, Justice 727 Antoine, Guy, International Finance Corporation ...... 1014 Anton, Jim, Rep. Marilyn Lloyd 279 Page Anton, Mike, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Antonelli, Anthony P., Sr., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Antonelli, Robert C., Science, Space, and Technolo-gy Committee 468 Antos, Joseph R., Health Care Financing Adminis-tration, HHS 824 Antunano, Francisco Lopez, Pan American Health Organization 1021 Aoki, Lenna, Indian Affairs Committee............cccueunun. 405 Apelbaum, Perry, Judiciary Committee ...............co.u.... 450 Apfel, Kenneth S., Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Apol, David, Office of Policy, Labor... 799 Aponte, Jose, American Red Cross ............. 859 Aponte, Nilda I., General Accounting Office 630 Apostolou, Carolyn E., Appropriations Committee.... 390 App, Steven O., Office of the Secretary, HUD........... 828 Apple, James G.. Federal Judicial Center Applebaum, Judy, Judiciary Committee...............ccoce... Applebaum, Richard A., U.S. Coast Guard, Trans-portation 838 Applegate, Douglas (Representative from Ohio): Biography 238 Congressional Steel Caucus 561 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Applegate, Michele, Public Health Service, HHS....... 810 Appleman, Daniel, Smithsonian Institution.................. 919 Aquilano, Arnold, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 840 Aquilina, Nick C., Major Field Organizations, Energy 848 Aquilino, Thomas J., Jr., United States Court of International Trade 967 Aramaki, Suzan J., Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia 994 Arce-Garcia, Sylvia, Office of the Secretary, HUD... 827 Archambault, Mrs. Bennett, Smithsonian Institution.. 925 Archer, Bill (Representative from Texas): Biography 288 Joint Committee on Taxation 486 Republican Policy Committee ............ccceccvvevruccrurnnes 484 Ways and Means Committee 474 Archer, Glenn L., Jr., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit............ccccooeeuenenen. 947, 954 Archuleta, Katherine L., Office of the Secretary, Transportation 835 Arena, Drew C., Office of the Attorney General, Justice 724 Arendes, Vincent F., Government Printing Office ..... 632 Argenta, Rita D., Armed Services Committee ............ 429 Arial, Rick, Rep. James V. Hansen 305 Ariale, John, Rep. Bill McCollum ............cccevrurinennen 66 Arkin, Steven D., Joint Committee on Taxation......... 486 Arky, M. Elizabeth, Office of the Secretary, HUD.... 827 Arlinghaus, Frank H., Jr., Congressional Award ........ 548 Arlotto, Guy A., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion 935 Armendariz, Tony, Federal Labor Relations Author-ity 878 Armey, Dick (Representative from Texas): Biography 300 Education and Labor Committee ............cccceecerurinrnnae 435 Joint Economic Committee 488 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 Republican Policy Committee .............cccoeeveuernrnenenene. 484 Republican Study Committee 567 Armknecht, Paul, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor.. 802 Arms, Abigail, Securities and Exchange Commission. 912 Armstrong, Aileen, National Labor Relations Board.. 897 Armstrong, Anne L., Smithsonian Institution.............. 917 Armstrong, Bob, Office of Land and Minerals Man- t, Interior 757 Armstrong, Charles E., Office of the Legislative Counsel 615 Armstrong, Daniel M., Federal Communications Cc nm 870 Armstrong, Robert B.,, Armed Forces Retirement Home 939 Armstrong, Spence M., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Arnesen, John H., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture 771 Arneson, Meredith L., Government Printing Office... 632 Arnold, Edwin L., Liaison Offices .........ccccceerveerurerneens 628 Name Arnold, George P., Appropriations Committee.. Arnold, Mary, Appropriations Committee Arnold, Morris S., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Arnold, Richard S., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Arnold, Ronald D., Indian Affairs Committee Arnold, Tom, Ways and Means Committee Aronoff, Yael S., Foreign Relations Committee. Aronson, Abigail, Foreign Affairs Committee a Aronson, Jacqueline C., Foreign Relations Commit-tee Arora, G.K., International Monetary Fund Arquero, Elva, Indian Affairs Committee Arriaga, Alexandria, Congressional Human Rights Caucus Arrington, Nadine R., Labor and Human Resources Committee Arriola, Frederico R., International Cotton Advisory Committee 1011 Arthur, Christopher, Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey Arthur, John B., Office of Management and Budget .. Arthur, Stanley R., Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Arthur, Sylvia, Rep. George Miller Arveschoug, Steve, Rep. Scott McInnis Arvin, William, Export Administration, Commerce ... Ashaigh, Ratheys, Securities and Exchange Com- Aart "Robert L., Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice Ashcraft, Timothy J., Government Printing Office .... Ashe, Dan, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commit- tee Ashe, Oliver R., Office of the Under Secretary, avy Ashe, Victor H., Advisory Commission on Intergov-ernmental Relations Asher, W. Russell, Federal Emergency Management Agency Ashley, Ivan, U.S. International Development Coop-eration Agency Ashline, Nelson F., Office of Policy and Planning, Education Ashmore, Nick, Speaker of the House of Representa-tives Ashmore, Perryn B., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Ashton, Donald L., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Ashton, Richard M., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Ashton, S.S., Office of Justice Programs, Justice Ashworth, George W., Foreign Relations Committee Ashworth, Jeffrey C., Assistant Secretary for Acqui- sition, Air Force Ashworth, Warren R., Science and Education, Agri-culture Askew, Delphine, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Askey, Telma, Joint Committee on Taxation Askey, Thelma, Ways and Means Committee ... Aslin, Becca, House Administration Committee Aspin, Les (Secretary of Defense): Biography Cabinet National Capital Planning Cc National Security Council Smithsonian Institution Assal, Kenneth K., International Finance Corpora- tion Astrin, Al, Energy and Natural Resources Commit-t ee Aten, Carol, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Atherton, Charles H., Commission of Fine Arts... 760, 861 Athy, Susan, Ways and Means Committee. Atiyeh, George N., Library of Congress Atkin, Michael J., International Finance Corporation 1012 Atkins, Chuck, Rep. Scotty Baesler 123 Atkins, Michael J., Government Printing Office... 633, 634 Atkins, Robert D., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 Atkinson, Barbara, Office of the Secretary, Interior... 753 Atkinson, Jay M., Federal Communications Commis- sion Atsatt, Marilynn B., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Atteberry, Krista, Rep. Xavier Becerra Index 1197 Page Attridge, Patrick J., United States District Court for the District of Col 965 Atwood, J. Brian: Under Secretary for Management, State U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Atwood, John G., United States Naval Home AuCoin, Leland, Office of the Clerk Auer, Lois, Rep. Charles W. Stenholm Aufdem-Brinke, Jane C., Office of the General Counsel Aughtry, Alice, Democratic Leadership August, Linda, Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky.. Augustine, Norman R., American Red Cross Augustson, Kent, Public Health Service, HHS Augustyn, Noel J., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Aulenbach, Barbara B., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Aultman, Mims C., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Aumick, Amalia, Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman Auster, Paul: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Austin, Brad, Democratic Policy Committee Austin, Eugene T., Post Office and Civil Service C 4 Austin, Kara, Rep. Jack Quinn Austin, Kimberly J., Rules and Administration Com-mittee Austin, Martha, Sen. Judd Gregg Austin, Vickie M., Rep. Amo Houghton Auten, George R., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Auten, John H., Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Treasury Autor, Eric, Finance Cc Avdrukonis, Tom, Export Administration, Com- merce Avent, Loretta, Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the President Avery, Daryl L., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Aviles, Dionel E., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Axelrad, Jeffery, Civil Division, Justice Ayales, Edgar, Inter-American Development Bank.... Ayer, Brent, Rep. Ron Klink Ayers, Ed L., Jr, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Ayres, Terri, Democratic Leadership Ayres, Tyrone, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury .. Ayres-Rabb, Priscilla, U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency Aytes, Michael L., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Azarloza, Armando, Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon Azcuenaga, Mary L.: Administrative Conference of the United States Federal Trade Commission Azvedo, Ingrid C., Federal Council on the Aging B Baake, Jon H., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora-tion Baars, Patricia, Council of the District of Columbia... Babbit, Alan P., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Babbitt, Bruce (Secretary of the Interior): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Biography Cabinet Delaware River Basin Cc ission Migratory Bird Conservation Cc ission National Capital Planning Cc issi National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities. Susquehanna River Basin Cc Smithsonian Institution Babbitt, Hattie, Organization of American States Babcock, Lawrence B., Jr., Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 1198 Congressional Directory Page Babcock, Mary L., General Services Administration. 884 Babcock, Stephen, General Counsel, Agriculture ....... 768 Babera, Charles F., Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration 876 Babers, Clarence (Donald), Regional and Field Of- fices, D 833 Babers, Sonna, Federal Communications Commission 869 Babik, Bernard F., Appropriations Committee ............ 389 Babson-Dess, Brett, National Republican Senatorial Committee 416 Baca, Jim, Office of Land and Minerals Manage- ment, Interior 757 Baca, Mia C., Armed Services Committee 430 Bacchus, Jim (Representative from Florida): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 70 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Bach, Christopher L., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce 782 Bach, Stanley Ira, Library of Congress...........c.ccoevnee 636 Bachtel, Susanne, Office of Science and Technology Policy 674 Bachus, Spencer (Representative from Alabama): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 6 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Bacigalupi, James L., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 903 Back, James D., Inspector General, Commerce .......... 781 Backley, Richard V., Federal Mine Safety and Health Review CommiSssion.............ceeeevvverererernenee 880 Backlin, Jim, Republican Study Committee................. 567 Backus, Richard, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 774 Bacon, Carol, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior .......... 756 Bacon, W. Edward, Public Health Service, HHS....... 813 Baden, Laurence M., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities 894 Badger, Doug, Republican Policy Committee............. 418 Badger, Frederick C., American Battle Momuments >C ission 858 Badgley, Ann, Office of the Secretary, Interior .......... 753 Baena Soares, Joao Clemente, Organization of American States 1020 Baer, David C., Farm Credit Administration Board... 868 Baer, Howard S., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Baer, Martin E., Social Security Administration, HHS 826 Baer, Trevor, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Baesler, Scotty (Representative from Kentucky): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 122 Education and Labor Committee...............ccccoeueunne.n. 435 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Baffa, John, Office of Acquisition and Facilities, Veterans Afffairs 853 Bagdy, Zoltan, Occupational Safety and Health Ad- ministration, Labor 800 Bagley, Howard A., Conference of the Minority........ 417 Baglien, Brent, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 Bagnell, Francis J., American Battle Momuments Cc ission 858 Bahler, Brent, National Transportation Safety Board. 899 Bahls, Donna L., Selective Service System.................. 915 Bahrns, Steven D., U.S. Capitol Police.........coiuivesernres 626 Bailey, Amos, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Bailey, Barbara, Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future 560 Bailey, Claude E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Bailey, Dennis M., Rep. Thomas H. Andrews............ 131 Bailey, James, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President Bailey, Kent, Office of Personnel Management. sid Bailey, Kris, Rep. Walter R. Tucker III ...................... Bailey, LeRoy R., Jr, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Bailey, Milton, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 997 Bailey, R. Lane, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV ............ Page Bailey, William, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Bailie, Michael W., Executive Office for U.S. Attor- neys, Justice 728 Bailor, Edward L., U.S. Capitol Police.........c..ccoeuuec.. 626 Baily, George B., Office of Administration and Man- agement, Labor 797 Bain, Mary Anderson, Rep. Sidney R. Yates............... 95 Bainbridge, William G., Armed Forces Retirement Home 939 Baine, David P., General Accounting Office............... 631 Baines, Jean, Office of Land and Minerals Manage- ment, Interior 757 Bainwol, Mitch, Sen. Connie Mack ........c.ccceevevvveneenen. 61 Bair, Sheila C.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 855 Commodity Futures Trading Commission ........ .. 862 Baird, Allison, Small Business Committee...... 471 Baird, George C., Appropriations Committee ...... .. 426 Baird, Iain S., Export Administration, Commerce ...... 784 Baird, Lance, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 416 Baird, Richard D., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board .. 938 Baird, Susan, Office of the Legislative Counsel .......... 615 Baird, Vicki, Rep. Vic Fazio 20 Baird, Victor McE., Select Committee on Ethics....... 413 Baird, William R., Office of the Legislative Counsel. 615 Baity, William F., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice 749 Bajuk, Andrés, Inter-American Development Bank.... 1006 Bakaly, Charles C., Jr., National Commission for Employment Policy 554 Bakely, Robert, U.S. International Development Co- operation Agency 931 Baker, Andrew, Agriculture Committee ............c......... 421 Baker, Becky, National Credit Union Administration. 894 Baker, Benjamin, Agriculture Committee .................... 422 Baker, Beverly G., Federal Communications Com- mission 873 Baker, Bill (Representative from California): Biography 24 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Public Works and Transportation Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... Baker, Bob, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 756 Baker, C. Steve, Federal Trade Commission................ 882 Baker, David N., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities 895 Baker, Don, Rep. Melvin Watt 224 Baker, Donald J., National Oceanic and Atmospher- ic Administration, COMMErce.............oceeverrueeruerenes Baker, Dorothea A., Administration, Agriculture....... Baker, Edward L., Public Health Service, HHS... Baker, Emily, Rep. Collin C. Peterson................ Baker, Howard H., Jr., Congressional Award.... -: Baker, James A., III, Smithsonian Institution .............. Baker, John: House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 552 Post Office and Civil Service Commiittee................. 459 Baker, K. Scott, Federal Housing Finance Board....... 877 Baker, M. Miller, Judiciary Committee........ 406 Baker, Marianne, Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.. 59 Baker, Merri I., Senate Press Gallery....... .. 1061 Baker, Norma, Library of Congress .........ccecovuvunreruennes 638 Baker, Obediah, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture 770 Baker, Priscilla R., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Baker, Richard A., Office of the Secretary.................. 613 Baker, Richard H. (Representative from Louisiana): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 128 National Republican Congressional Commiittee....... 483 Natural Resources Committee ..........coceeverrueruerseesunene 455 Small B Committee 469 Baker, Richard L., Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cc n 880 Baker, Robert P., Federal Mediation and Concilia- tion Service 880 Baker, Warren J., National Science Foundation.......... 898 Bakjaji, Sabah, United Nations 1028 Balakos, John N., Inspector General, Treasury........... 680 Balamoti, Diane, Energy and Natural Resources Bailey, Vickey, Office of the Secretary, Energy......... Committee Name Index 1199 Page Balasco, Patricia, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 998 Balderson, Marie, Environment and Public Works Balderson, Stuart F., Office of the Secretary............... Baldock, Bobby R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Baldwin, J.A., Joint Service Schools, Defense............. 695 Baldwin, Phillip B., United States Court of Appeals.. 959 Baldwin, Robert J., Public Health Service, HHS........ 811 Baldwin, Steve, Joint Economic Committee................ 488 Baldwin, Wendy H., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS ............... Baldyga, Leonard J., U.S. Information Agency .......... Bale, Richard L., Science and Education, Agricul- ture. Bale, Stephen G., Office of the Secretary.................... 613 Bales, Virginia S., Public Health Service, HHS. .......... 812 Balester, Jeanne, Office of the Secretary, Treasury... 679 Balinsky, Jennifer, Rep. Jim Saxton...........ccccceerviennnnes 185 Ball, Albert E., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Ball, Gerald D., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Ball, James L., Federal Communications Commission 873 Ball, James W., Army Staff and Selected Agencies... 702 Ball, John W., Small Busi Cc i 411 Ballantyne, Harry C., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS Ballard, Dennis, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee Ballard, Donna R., Office of Personnel Management. Ballard, Mrs. Billy, Rep. Jamie L. Whitten.................. Ballard, Rose, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 999 Ballas, Henry J., United States Marshals Service, Justice 748 Belong, Cass (Representative from North Caroli- na): Biography 223 District of Columbia Committee Education and Labor Committee... 435 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Ballenger, David R., Panama Canal Commission........ 907 Ballentine, James C., Rep. Albert R. Wynn........... Ballou, Wade, Office of the Legislative Counsel Balsam, Stephen, Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture 763 Balutis, Alan P., Office of Administration, Com- merce 781 Balven, Terry, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force 713 Bam, Christopher, International Finance Corporation 1013 Bambara, Alicia, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Cc i Bamberger, Lori, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs Committee Bandurski, Bruce, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Bane, Mary Jo, Administration for Children and Families, HHS Bane, Timothy, United States Marshals Service, Jus- tice 747 Banerjee, Amitava, International Finance Corpora- tion 1014 Bangart, Richard L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 935 Bange, Gerald A., Economics, Agriculture ................. Banister, G. Huntington, Selective Service System .... Banister, Judith, Bureau of the Census, Commerce..... 783 Bankins, Cecilia J., Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Banks, Brenda S., National Archives and Records Administration 891 Banks, Kip, Budget Committee 394 Banks, Pam, Judiciary Committee 407 Banks, Samuel, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Treasu 684 Bannister, Barbara S., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee 463 Banscher, Roland, Smithsonian Institution................... 917 Banta-Kuhn, Rebecca S., Rep. Jim Slattery................. 116 Bantle, Thomas L.: Rules Committee 465 Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter.............cccccocvuvurenenne 213 Baquet, Claudia, Public Health Service, HHS............. 809 Page Barager, James V., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force 713 Baranowski, William X., Office of the Clerk............... 619 Baratta, Mira, Republican Leadership..........ccccoevueunnes 612 Barazarte, Juan Jose Ferrer, Inter-American Defense Board Barb, Paul F., Jr., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Barbachano, Ruben, Inter-American Defense Board .. Barber, Edwin L. III, Assistant Secretary for Inter- national Affairs, Treasury Barber, Jean M., Office of Personnel Management... Barber, Linda, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Barber, Wilson, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Barbey, Pamela T., Rep. Jon Kyl Barbosa, Carlos de Souza, Inter-American Defense Boar: d Barbosa, Jorge R., Organization of American States... Barbour, Galen, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs............ccccouennenee. 854 Barca, Peter (Representative from Wisconsin): Biography 329 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Barcia, James A. (Representative from Michigan): Biography 148 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Barclay, H. Douglass, U.S. International Develop-ment Cooperation Agency 932 Bardos, Paul R., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion 932 Barfield, Victor, Sen. Lauch Faircloth.............ccccuu.... 216 Barger, Teresa C., International Finance Corporation 1012 Barham, Mary A., Sen. Mitch McConnell ................... 119 Barile, Vincent, Office of Human Resources and Ad- ministration, Veterans Affairs ..........cccceeevuneeeinnenn. 854 Barker, Betty L., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce 782 Barker, E.W., Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Navy 710 Barker, James, Sen. Robert F. Bennett.............cccceuen. 304 Barkley, James, Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc ission 900 Barkley, Pamela, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 416 Barksdale, A. Lois, Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor 797 Barksdale, Rhesa H., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit ..........ccccocevvinencrunnene 946 Barlow, Earl, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior........... 756 Barlow, Elizabeth T., Inspector General, Commerce. 781 Barlow, Ralph M., Federal Communications Com- mission 875 Barlow, Tom (Representative from Kentucky): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 119 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Natural Resources Committee 455 Barlowe, Russell G., Economics, Agriculture............. 764 Barna, David, Office of Water and Science, Interior.. 759 Barnard, Doug, Jr., Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy 547 Barnes, David, Rep. Dick Zimmer ..........cocceccunrurununune 191 Barnes, Donald A., Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ury 686 Barnes, Donald G., Environmental Protection gency 864 Barnes, Doris, Rep. Don Edwards 27 Barnes, Edd G., Treasurer of the United States, Treasu 681 Barnes, Frank A., Armed Services Committee............ 429 Barnes, Janet L., International Trade Administration, Commerce 786 Barnes, Johnny, Rep. Lucien E. Blackwell.................. 251 Barnes, Kathi, Education and Labor Committee......... 437 Barnes, Markalee D., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 703 Barnes, Melody, Judiciary Cc i 451 Barnes, Tim, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Barnes-O’Connor, Kimberly, Labor and Human Re-sources Committee 409 Barnett, James C., United States Naval Home ............ 940 Barnett, John H., Small Business Administration ........ 915 Barnett, Paul, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee 398 1200 Congressional Directory Page Barnett, Philip, Energy and Commerce Committee.... Barnett, Richard C., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Barnette, Curtis H., Administrative Conference of the United States Barnwell, Richard B., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Baron, Franklin A., Organization of American States Baron, Jon, Small Business Committee................c.coo.... Baroody, William J., Jr., Smithsonian Institution........ Barr, Jim, Rep. Doug Bereuter Barr, Robert D., White House Military Office............ Barreaux, Ted, General Accounting Office ........ Barreaux, Theodore C., Smithsonian Institution Barreda, William E., Assistant Secretary for Interna- tional Affairs, Treasury Barrett, Andrew C., Federal Communications Com- mission Barrett, Archie D., Armed Services Committee ......... Barrett, Bernard M., Jr., Federal Council on the Aging Barrett, Bill (Representative from Nebraska): Agriculture Committee Biography Education and Labor Committee House Administration Committee National Republican Congressional Committee....... U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board...... Barrett, Clyde B., Office of Administration and Man- agement, Labor Barrett, Fred S., Economics, Agriculture.................... Barrett, Jeremiah J., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Barrett, Joyce, Standing Committee of Correspond-ents. Barrett, Lake, Office of the Secretary, Energy ........... Barrett, Lawrence E., Small Business Administration Barrett, Thomas M. (Representative from Wiscon- sin): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... Government Operations Committee ............cccccecuene Natural Resources Committee ...........ccceuevuevriecrraennns Barrett, Vera M., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Barrett, William E. (Bill), Representative from Ne-braska, Biography Barrett, Yvette P., Federal Communications Com-mission Barron, Edward J., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Barron, William G., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Barrow, Pope, Office of the Legislative Counsel........ Barry, Don, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Barry, Elizabeth A., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Barry, Marion, Jr., Council of the District of Colum-bia Barry, Pamela, California Democratic Congressional Delegation Barshefsky, Charlene, Office of U.S. Trade Repre- sentative Barson, Len, Energy and Commerce Committee........ Barsotti, Deborah, Office of the Assistant Adminis- trator, HHS Bart, Kenneth, Public Health Service, HHS................ Barte, Ann, Office of Administration and Manage- ment, Labor Bartek, Ronald J., Armed Services Committee.. Bartel, David, Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum.. Bartel, H. Deam, Chief of Staff, Air Force ..... Bartel, Jeffrey S., Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart ........ Bartell, Michael, Office of the Sergeant at Arms... Barth, Anne, Sen. Robert C. Byrd........ccccocevviveennnuenns Barth, R. Michael, International Finance Corpora- tion Barthold, Thomas A., Joint Committee on Taxation.. Bartholomew, Carolyn, Rep. Nancy Pelosi ................. Bartholomew, Robert, III, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army................. Bartholow, Steven A., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board 440 464 856 832 1019 470 926 681 868 429 875 419 178 435 447 482 569 797 765 902 1061 847 916 430 331 479 445 455 716 177 868 386 801 623 755 701 994 558 674 441 814 809 797 325 1013 486 23 697 937 Bartlett, Roscoe G. (Representative from Maryland): Armed Services Committee Biography Science, Space, and Technology Committee Bartoli, Yvonne, Republican Policy Committee.......... Barton, David Paul, Foreign Affairs Committee Barton, Jimmy F., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Barton, Joe (Representative from Texas): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee............ccoerurrueunans Science, Space, and Technology Committee Barton, William R., General Services Administration Bartuska, Ann, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Barun, Kenneth L., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Baseman, Leroy T., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Bashor, Mark, Office of the Assistant Administrator, HHS Basiotis, Peter, Food and Consumer Services, Agri-culture Baskin, Robert: House Administration Committee ...........ccccecvrurruranne Rep. Sam Gejdenson Bason, Robyn C., Appropriations Committee.............. Bass, Ellen, Office of Inspector General, Education... Bass, John, House Administration Committee.............. Bass, Michael T., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Bass, Robert M., U.S. Capitol Preservation Commis- sion Bass, Robert R., Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Basset, Irving A., Jr., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor Bassett, Keith, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Bassford, Wallace O., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Bassily, Fady P., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Bassoff, Alyce L., Economics, Agriculture.................. Bastian, Walter, International Trade Administration, Commerce Basu, Arun C., Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Batalla, Pedro, International Finance Corporation...... Batavia, Andrew I., National Council on Disability ... Batchelder, Alice M., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit...........cccoeecvvnuinnrerennes Bateman, Donald, Executive Agencies, District of lumbia 996 Bateman, Herbert H. (Representative from Virginia): Armed Services Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade- my Congressional Space Caucus Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. Bateman, Paul W., Rep. Elton Gallegly.........c.c.ccoeuunee. Bates, James, Budget Committee Bates, Kenneth, Office of Personnel Management ...... Bates, Melinda N., Visitor’s Office, Office of the President Bates, Scott, Office of the Secretary.........c.cocecererurnene Bath, Diane, Budget Committee Batie, Patricia, Legal Services Corporation................. Battaglia, Lynne A., Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski ........... Battista, Thomas M., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Battle, Dolores, Employment and Training Adminis- tration, Labor. Battle, Ernestine S., Team 21, Labor.........ccccceevuvrrnnnnne Battle, Sharon, Finance Committee Battles, Lara, Rep. Ike Skelton Baucus, Max (Senator from Montana): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............ Biography Congressional Award Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee........... Environment and Public Works Committee............. Finance Committee Joint Committee on Taxation Bartko, Lisa, Budget Committee............cocovvruinuniiruccnes 394 Select Committee on Intelligence Name Index 1201 Page Bauer, Henry A., Administration, Agriculture............. 762 Bauer, Lee Ann, Office of Justice Programs, Justice.. 752 Bauer, Robert, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Bauer, Sam, Food and Consumer Services, Agricul-ture. Bauer, William J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Bauerlein, Joan W., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Baugh, William E., Jr., Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion, Justice Bauleke, Howard P., Rep. Jim Slattery............cc.c........ Baum, Bruce J., National Institute of Dental Re- search, HHS Baum, Stacy, Rep. Nancy L. Johnson...........ccccouueee. Bauman, Sharon A., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Baumann, Susan, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Baumgaertner, Martin, U.S. Merit Systems Protec- tion Board Baumgartner, Eileen M., Budget Committee............... Bauroth, L.A. Commerce, Science, and Transporta- tion Committee Bausch, Carl, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Bavis, John J., Jr., National Mediation Board Baxter, Terry, National Transportation Safety Board. Bay, Ann, Smithsonian Institution Bay, Donald M., Economics, Agriculture Bayer, Robert E., Armed Services Commiittee............ Bayless, Robert A., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Bayne, Christine S., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Bayrer, Ralph L., Assistant Secretary for Domestic Affairs, Treasury Bayse, William A., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Bazhaw, Jack W., Federal Communications Commis- sion Bazzle, Diane N., Environmental Protection Agency Beach, A. Bill, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Beach, Chester Paul, Jr., Office of the General Counsel, Navy Beach, John W., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Beach, Mary E.T., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Beach, Milo C., Smithsonian Institution................. 919, 922 Beaird, Richard C., Bureau of Communications and Information Policy, State Beal, Richard, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Beale, Arthur, National Foundation on the Arts and the H Beale, Richard E., Jr.: Army Staff and Selected Ag Defense Commissary Agency, Defense ............c....... Beall, J. Glenn, Jr., U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress Beall, Lelia, Education and Labor Committee Beam, Clarence Arlen, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit ...........ccoeusernsessersrenes Beaman, Chris, Rep. Howard Coble Beamish, Richard J., International Pacific Halibut Commission, United States and Canada................ Bean, Robert, Office of the Sergeant at Arms..... Bear, Dinah, Council on Environmental Quality Beard, Jean-Louise, Rep. David E. Price.. , Beard, Larry W., Economics, Agriculture................... Beard, M. Craig, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Beardall, Chuck, Civil Division, Justice............cceueenuu.. Bearden, Richard, Rep. Jay Dickey.........c.cccoouverrirnnnnnes Beardsley, Bruce M., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Beasley, Henty R., Inter-American Tropical Tuna Bosses, J. Lamar, Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Beatley, C.W., Office of Personnel Management Beattie, Molly, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Beattie, Phillip R., Public Health Service, HHS Beatty, Jill K., Rep. James L. Oberstar...........ccccoeunuee. Beatty, Kyle Jones, Office of the General Counsel..... Beauchamp, Craig L., Inspector General, Agricul-ture. Beauchamp, Stephen P., Office of the Attorney Gen-eral, Justice Beaudette, Daniel C., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 840 Beaudry, Steve, Rep. Neil Abercrombie...........ccceuue. 85 Beaulieu, Paul R., Judiciary Committee.............ccocu.... 451 Beaulieu, Phyllis, ACTION 855 Beaumont, Loretta C., Appropriations Committee ..... 426 Beaven, Vida, National Institute of Health, HHS ....... 817 Becerra, Xavier (Representative from California): Biography 35 Education and Labor Committee .............cccocrvvrrernnee. 435 Judiciary Committee 449 Science, Space, and Fechnology Committee EIA 466 Bechet, Leon J., Small Busi dministration 916 Bechler, Emma, Rep. George E. Sangmeister.............. 96 Bechtel, Thomas F., Major Field Organizations, Energy 848 Becich, Raymond B., Clinical Center, HHS ................ 822 Beck, Donna: Democratic Leadership 612 Sen. George J. Mitchell 131 Beck, Mary Ann, Civil Division, Justice..........ccccerune 730 Beck-Rex, Marguerite, Democratic Policy Commit- tee 415 Becker, Brandon, Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 913 Becker, Edward R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Becker, Etta, Rep. Jay Inslee 321 Becker, Herbert S., Library of Congress...........cccevenu. 638 Becker, Jerry L., Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy. 706 Becker, Kathy, Rep. John S. Tanner...........ccccocuvcveunuen. 283 Becker, Ralph E., Smithsonian Institution. 926 Becker, William, Smithsonian Institution ..................... 925 Beckington, Herbert L., U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency 931 Beckjord, Eric S., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion 935 Beckloff, Theodore R., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 841 Beckman, Stephen M., Administrative Office of the .S. Courts 991 Beckwith, R.L., Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy 708 Becraft, James, Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Bedjaoui, Mohammed, United Nations............ccccceuuunen. 1026 Bednarz, Shirley A., National Labor Relations Board 897 Bedwell, Carrie, Judiciary Committee 450 Beecher, Donna, Office of Personnel Management..... 903 Beeler, Art, Bureau of Prisons, Justice............ccceeeuenn 733 Beer, F.R., Office of Installations and Environment, Navy 708 Beers, Thomas J., Federal Communications Commis-sion 871 Beese, J. Carter, Jr.: Securities and Exchange Commission..............cu...... 911 U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency 932 Beezer, Robert R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Beggett, Joan N., Political Affairs, Office of the President 670 Beghe, Renato, United States Tax Court ..........c.c....... 979 Behan, George, Rep. Norman D. Dicks...........ccceuue.. 322 Beheler, Claude J., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 998 Behney, Clyde J., Office of Technology Assessment.. 639 Behrens, Werner, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 030 Behrer, Carol, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS 808 Beidel, Bernard E., Office of the Clerk........c.cccvenueneen 619 Beike, Rolf A., Government Printing Office ............... 633 Beilenson, Anthony C. (Representative from Califor- nia): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... 558 Biography 32 Budget Committee 433 Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future............. 559 Environmental and Energy Study Conference........ 563 Rules Committee 464 Beimdiek, Karen, Office of the Majority Leader has 617 1202 Congressional Directory Page Beirne, Jim, Energy and Natural Resources Commit-tee Bekelman, Judith E., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor-poration Belcher, Jack, House Information Systems Belcher, Leslie, Rep. Bill K. Brewster Beld, M. Louisa, Office of Water and Science, Interi-or Belding, Karen, Sen. Bob Packwood Beldon, William R., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Belen, F., Office of Installations and Environment, avy Belfer, Myron, Public Health Service, HHS Belferman, John: Governmental Affairs Committee National Capital Planning Cc issi Belger, Monte, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Bell, Beverly, Rep. Don Johnson Bell, David: Congressional Award International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Bell, Donna M., Rep. John M. McHugh Bell, Gary, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Bell, Hubert T., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Bell, Jane, Rep. Neal Smith Bell, John E., Office of Personnel Management Bell, Karl E., Technology Administration, Com-merce Bell, Kathryn N., Rep. Philip M. Crane Bell, Kathy, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Bell, Linda, National Foundation on the Arts and the Hi ities Bell, Merle G., Office of Program Appraisal, Navy... Bell, Patrick, Rep. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin Bell, Richard, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Bell, Shannon, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Bell, Stephen, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard Bell, Sue, Office of the Republican Leader Bell, Theodore O., Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture Bellamy, Thomas, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army Beller, Melanie, Office of the Secretary, Interior Bellis, Douglass, Office of the Legislative Counsel Bellisario, Peter C., Chief of Staff, Air Force ............. Bellomo, Joseph P., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Belluzzo, Larry A., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Belmar, Warren, Administrative Conference of the United States Belt, Brad, Sen. John McCain Belt, Regina, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Belvin, Lauren J., Federal Communications Commis- sion Bembry, Lawrence, Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Bement, Arden L., Jr., National Science Foundation. Bemis, Al, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Benadom, Brenda L., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Benavides, Bert, Office of the Secretary, HUD .......... Bender, Robert E., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Bender, Thomas R., Public Health Service, HHS Benderly, Jordan, Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture Benedict, Mark, Rep. Ralph Regula Benedini, Lorraine F., Sen. James M. Jeffords Beneke, Patricia J., Office of the Secretary, Interior.. Benenson, Charles, Smithsonian Institution Benerento, Doug, Rep. A. Wayne Allard Benhocine, Mohamed, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development Benhua, Wei, International Monetary Fund Benitez, Ben, Library of Congress Benjamin, Ken U., Office of Senate Legal Counsel .... Benjamin, Peter, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Benjamin, Reneé, Rep. Romano L. Mazzoli Benner, Neil, Rep. Rob Portman Bennett, Charles W., Board Federal Reserve Bennett, David M.: Board for Decorations and Chief of Naval Operations Bennett, Douglas F., Energy mittee Bennett, Douglas Joseph, Jr., Page of Governors of the Medals, Navy and Commerce Com-Bureau of International Organization Affairs, State Bennett, Edwin H., National Labor Relations Board . Bennett, James H., Federal Communications Com- mission Bennett, Judson E., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Bennett, Louis G., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Bennett, Marion T., United States Court of Appeals.. Bennett, Mary Lou, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Bennett, Mike, Rep. A. Wayne Allard Bennett, Robert F. (Senator from Utah): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Energy and Natural Resources Committee Joint Economic Committee National Republican Senatorial Committee Small Busi Committee Benoit, Amy, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Com-mittee Benoit, Larry, Sen. George J. Mitchell Benson, B. Allen, National Labor Relations Board Benson, Bruce D., National Foundation on the Arts and the Hi iti ties Benson, James L., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Benson, James S., Food and Drug Administration, HHS Benson, Sumner, Defense Techology Security, De-ense Bentley, Helen Delich (Representative from Mary- land): Appropriations Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy Congressional Human Rights Caucus Congressional Steel Caucus National Republican Congressional Committee Benton, Bryant, Bureau of the Census, Commerce Benton, Charles, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Benton, Dolores, Rep. Herbert H. Bateman Bentsen, Lloyd M. (Secretary of the Treasury): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation American Red Cross Biography Cabinet Foreign-Trade Zones Board Library of Congress Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation President’s Export Council Resolution Trust Corporation Thrift Depositor Oversight Protection Board Smithsonian Institution Bentson, O. Bryant, Bureau of the Census, Com-merce Bentzel, Carl, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee Berendes, Heinz W., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS Beres, Allan W., General Services Administration Beretta, Julius C., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Bereuter, Doug (Representative from Nebraska): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Foreign Affairs Committee House Wednesday Group National Republican Congressional Committee North Atlantic Assembly Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Republican Policy Committee Berezowsky, Lyndon, Export Administration, Com- merce Berg, Carol, Rep. Joseph M. McDade Berg, E. Olena, Pension and Welfare Benefits Ad- ministration, Labor Name Index Berg, James D., U.S. International Development Co- operation Agency Berg, Joel, Public Affairs, Agriculture Berger, Patricia W., Technology Administration, Commerce Berger, Samuel (Sandy) R., National Security Coun- Bergere, Elizabeth, Foreign Affairs Committee Bergeron, Robert E.,, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Bergman, Carol, Government Operations Committee Bergman, Robert Alan, Public Works and Transpor- tation Committee Bergmann, Larry E., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Bergsman, Marc, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Beringer, Barry, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Berkelman, Ruth, Public Health Service, HHS Berkenwald, Carl, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Berkowitz, Dan, Environment and Public Works Committee 399 Berkowitz, Francine, Smithsonian Institution... . 920, 924 Berkowitz, Paul, Foreign Affairs Committee . 44 Berkson, Lisa C., Foreign Affairs Committee Berlin, Irving, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial pa 5 A m Berlin, Shellie R., Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Berman, Barbara B., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Berman, Daniel M., Joint Committee on Taxation Beran, Emily, Environment and Public Works Berman, Howard L. (Representative from Califor- nia): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus Biography Budget Committee Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.. Foreign Affairs Committee Judiciary Committee Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group.... Natural Resources Committee Bermant, Gordon, Federal Judicial Center Bermejo, Elmy, Rep. Lynn Woolsey Bermel, Peter F., Office of Water and Science, Inte- rior Bermingham, Barry, Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Bermingham, Maya, Finance Committee rose Bernal, Richard, Organization of American States Bernard, Norman R.V., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Bernardino, Cell, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Bernart, Alva, Resident Commissioner Carlos Romero-Barcel6 Berner, John, Energy and Commerce Committee Bernero, Robert M., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Bernhart, Bret, Sen. Don Nickles Berning, Michael, ACTION Berns, Phillip A., Civil Division, Justice Bernstein, Caryl S., Administrative Conference of the United States Bernstein, Edwin S., Administration, Agriculture Bernstein, Liz, Communications, Office of the Presi- dent Bernstein, Norman, Smithsonian Institution Bernstein, Sheldon L., National Foundation on the Arts and the | ities Bernstein, Stuart A., Smithsonian Institution Bernstein, Tim, Finance Cc Bernthal, Frederick M., National Science Founda- tion Berreth, Donald A., Public Health Service, HHS Berrie, James H., Jr., Federal Communications Com-mission Berry, Deborah F., Federal Communications Com-mission Berry, Dorothy H., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Berry, John, Rep. Steny H. Hoyer Berry, Joyce T., Administration on Aging, HHS Berry, Lynne, Rep. Bud Cramer Berry, Marsha, Appropriations Committee Berry, Mary Frances: Smithsonian Institution U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Berry, Max N., Smithsonian Institution... Berry, Pamela C., Tax Divison, Justice Berry, Peter T., Army Staff and Selected Agencies... Berry, Steven K., Foreign Relations Committee Berry, William C., Federal Communications Com- mission Berry, William, American Red Cross Berryman, Charlotte E., Energy and Commerce Committee Bertelsen, Kathleen, Foreign Affairs Committee Bertelsmeier, Wolfgang, International Finance Cor- poration Bertini, Catherine Ann, Secretariat, United Nations... Bertini, Judith E., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Bertram, Marian, Democratic Policy Committee Bertram, Sharon, Rep. Tim Johnson Bertucci, Theresa C., Executive Office for U.S. At- torneys, Justice Beser, Ann, Rep. Bart T. Stupak Beshoar, John M., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture Beson, Mike, Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr.. Bessey, Claudia, National Republican Senatorial Committee Besson, Frank S., III, Army Staff and Selected Agencies Best, Jean B., Joint Committee on Taxation Bestgen, John G., Jr., Federal Highway Administra- tion, Transportation Bethea, Juliette, Administration, Agriculture Bethea, Martha C., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve Syst Bethea, Vivian H., Office of Personnel Management . Bevacqua, Frank, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Beverly, Gerald M., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Bevilacqua, Robert, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Bevill, Tom (Representative from Alabama): Appropriations Committee Biography ke Steel Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Beville, Claudia, Energy and Commerce Committee.. Beza, Sterie T., International Monetary Fund Bezgek) Roger H., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas- Bianchy, Robert, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Bias, Patricia A., Office of the Clerk Bibb, David, General Services Administration. Bibb, Kyle, Joint Committee on Taxation Bibles, Dean, Office of Land and Minerals Manage- ment, Interior Bickerton, Thomas W., Economics, Agriculture Bickford, Trecia, Sen. James M. Jeffords Biden, Frank, Government Printing Office... Biden, Joseph R., Jr. (Senator from Delaware): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus Biography Foreign Relations Committee Judiciary Cc itt North Atlantic A bly Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control . Bieber, Robert J., United States Court of Military Appeals Biel, Eric, Finance Committee Bierbaum, Philip J., Public Health Service, HHS Bierle, Mary Pat, Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Biermann, Leonard J., Employee Standards Admin-istration, Labor Biern, Herbert A., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Bieron, Brian F., Rules Committee Biesecker, James E., Office of Water and Science, Interior Bi yer, Julie, Sen. John C. Danforth 1204 Congressional Directory Page Biggi, Robert, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-tion, and Enforcement, Interior ..........c.ccoceucvennn. 758 Biggs, Jeff: Rep. Thomas S. Foley 321 Speaker of the House of Representatives ................ 616 Bignell, Constance E., International Boundary Com-mission, United States and Canada........................ 1010 Bilbray, James H. (Representative from Nevada): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus...........c.......... 560 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 Small B Committee 469 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Biles, Brian, Ways and Means Committee.................... 476 Bilirakis, Michael (Representative from Florida): Biography 66 Energy and Commerce Committee National Republican Congressional Commi Veterans’ Affairs Committee Billbrough, Sylvester B., Drug Enforcement Admin- istration, Justice 739 Billinger, James L., Joint Committee on Taxation ...... Billings, Greg, Democratic Policy Committee Billingsley, F. William, Smithsonian Institution Billingsley, Kassie A., Equal Employment Opportu- nity Commission Billington, James H. (Librarian of Congress): Library of Congress. 635, 638 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 893 National Foundation on the Arts and the Human-ities. 896 Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund 555 Smithsonian Institution 926 Bills, H. Matthew, Environmental Protection Agency 866 Binford, Elmer C., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 833 Bingaman, Anne, Antitrust Division, Justice ............... 728 Bingaman, Jeff (Senator from New Mexico): Armed Services Committee 391 Biography 193 Democratic Policy Committee ..............cccccruruenrruannnn. 414 Energy and Natural Resources Committee.............. 397 Joint Economic Committee 488 Labor and Human Resources Commiittee................. 408 Binger, Kevin, Rep. Dan Burton 106 Binion, Elizabeth, National Republican Senatorial Committee 416 Bink, Laurie, District of Columbia Committee............ 434 Binkley, John I., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.... 928 Binnendijk, Johannes, Deputy Secretary, State............ Binney, David G., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice 744 Binns, W. Gordon, Jr., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Biondi, Walter B., United States Marshals Service, Justice 747 Biondo, Ramona, Social Security Administration, HHS 825 Birch, Debra, Office of the Legislative Counsel.......... 623 Birch, Ralph, Ways and Means Committee Birch, Stanley F., Jr., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit ..........c.cccovsceremineness 947 Birchby, James E., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 Bird, Paul E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 934 Birkenheier, John E., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 Birkhead, Scott, Architect of the Capitol..................... 625 Birnbaum, Diane, Rep. Harry Johnston ....................... 73 Birnbaum, Elizabeth S., Natural Resources Commit- tee 57 Bischoff, Donald C., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation.................. 843 Bisco, Sharon E., Technology Administration, Com-merce 790 Bishop, Belle Minge, Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Bishop, Carl A., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 54 Bishop, Ferial S., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Bishop, James K., Bureau of Human Rights and Hu-manitarian Affairs, State 678 Bishop, Lloyd, Foreign Affairs Committee................. 444 Page Bishop, Marion F. (Buddy), Rep. Jamie L. Whitten... 162 Bishop, Sanford (Representative from Georgia): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 77 Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. 458 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Bishop, Wayman, Office of the Secretary, Navy 705 Bisney, John, Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries.................... 1094 Bither, Eve M., Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Education 851 Bittner, Mamie, National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities 895 Bittner, Mary Ellen R., Drug Enforcement Adminis-tration, Justice 734 Bizer, David S., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 911 Bjornson, Barbara S., Energy and Commerce Com-mittee 441 Black, Bill, Rep. Jane Harman 40 Black, Daniel R., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury 684 Black, David L., Federal Retirement Thrift Invest-ment Board 881 Black, Douglas, Indian Health Service, HHS.............. 823 Black, Kenneth L., Rep. Floyd Spence... WER Black, Laurie, Rep. Lynn Schenk.........cccocevunneenueiinns 47 Black, Phyllis M., Office of Justice Programs, Justice 752 Black, Susan H., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Black, Will, National Republican Senatorial Commit-26 tee Black, William K., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury 687 Blackburn, James R., Chief of Staff, Air Force........... 722 Blackburn, Robert B., Securities and Exchange Cc ission 91 Blackburne, Anna E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Blackley, Ronald H., Office of the Secretary, Agri-culture 761 Blacklow, Willie, Sen. Carl M. Levin ........ccccocevvevvennne 146 Blackman, Judy, Maritime Administration, Transpor-tation 845 Blackmer, L. Paul, Jr., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Blackmun, Harry A.: National Archives and Records Administration...... 891 Supreme Court of the United States..........ccoceeueuruee 941 United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Blackston, Cynthia, Judiciary Committee ........ i Blackstone, Rod, Rep. Robert E. Wise, Jr.......c.ccceuuuu. Blackwell, Jack, Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Blackwell, Lucien E. (Representative from Pennsyl-vania): Biography Budget Committee Federal Government Service Task Force................ Public Works and Transportation Committee.... Blagburn, Debbie, Joint Economic Committee Blagman, Diane, Rep. Bob Carr Blaha, James L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Blair, Dan G., Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Blair, Dan, Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr........cc.ceceeuvnnne Blair, Dave, Rep. Pat Williams Blair, Louis H., Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foun- dation Blair, Mark, Finance Committee ...........ccccocervenreviirurnnnne Blair, Peter O., Office of Technology Assessment Blair, Roderick, Office of the Clerk ~. Blair, Thomas D., Smithsonian Institution ................... Blair, Warren E., Securities and Exchange Commis- sS10n Blake, Robert M., Government Printing Office . Blakely, Thomas J., Rep. Dick Zimmer.......... Blakeman, Bradley A., United States Holocaus e- morial Council Blalock, Jane, President’s Council on Physical Fit-ness and Sports Blanchard, Bruce, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Blanchard, Janet, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President Name Page Blanchard, Judith, Government Operations Commit-tee 446 Blanchard, Willard H., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 772 Blanchet, Lisa, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 416 Blanck, Ronald: Army Staff and Selected Agencies 704 U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Blankenship, Benjamin R., Jr., Economics, Agricul-ture 765 Blankenship, James, Office of Surface Mining, Recla- mation, and Enforcement, Interior Blankenship, Sherry, Foreign Affairs Committee Blankley, Tony, Rep. Newt Gingrich Blanks, Randolph, Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Blatch, Lyn, Securities and Exchange Commission.. Blattner, Dave, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury .. Blattner, Jeff, Judiciary Committee Blattner, Victoria, Special Committee on Aging. Blauwet, Roger, Rep. Peter Hoagland Blaydes, Stephanie A., Rep. Robert E. Wise, Jr Blaylock, Kenneth L, White House News Photogra- phers’ Association 1 Blayney, Paul M., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation. Blaz, Esteban, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Blazey, John, Appropriations Committee Bledsoe, Paul, Finance Committee Bledsoe, Ralph C., National Archives and Records Administration Blessington, Carole J., Rules and Administration Committee Blevins, Elizabeth K., Appropriations Committee i 3 Thomas J., ir. (Representative from Virgin- ia Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus District of Columbia Committee Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Study Committee Blinder, Alan S., Council of Economic Advisers Bliss, John, Judiciary Committee Biss, Sally B., National Foundation on the Arts the I ties Blitzer, Charles, Smithsonian Institution 921, 922, 926 Blitzer, Donna, Rep. Sam Farr 28 Blix, Hans, International Agencies Related to the United Nations Bloch, Karen Campbell, Rep. Peter Hoekstra Block, Abby L., Office of Personnel Management Blockinger, Nancee W., Rep. James V. Hansen.. Blodgett, Jeff, Sen. Paul D. Wellstone Blodgett, John E., Library of Congress Blondin, Carmen, National Oceanic and Atmospher-ic Administration, Commerce Bloodworth, Mary Ann, Rep. Esteban Edward Torres Bloom, Harold, Office of the Secretary, Interior Bloom, James D., Public Health Service, HHS Bloom, Michael J.: Federal Trade Commission Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury .... Bloom, Robert, Federal Retirement Thrift Invest-ment Board Bloomberg, Burton, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Bloomer, Nancy Shuba, Foreign Affairs Committee .. Bloomfield, Sara, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Blosse, Leslie G., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee Blotevogel, Michelle, Rep. James M. Talent Blount, Milton, Jr., Office of the Secretary, Labor Blount, Stephen B., Public Health Service, HHS Bloyer, John H., Joint Committee on Taxation Bluhm, Raymond K., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Blum, “Carolyn C., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Blum, J. Lawrence, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture Blum, James L., Congressional Budget Office Blum, Janet, Finance Committee Blumenthal, Norman B., Federal Communications Cc mn Blumenthal, Ronnie, Equal Employment Opportuni-ty Commission Index 1205 Page Blumenthal, Stephen, Energy and Commerce Com-mittee Blush, Nancy, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee Blute, Peter I. (Representative from Massachusetts): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Bly, Richard P., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Boadwine, June L., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Boatright, James F., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Boccia, Carlo A. Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Boddington, Celia, Natural Resources Committee Bode, Holly, Special Committee on Aging Bodine, Barbara, Secretary of State, State Bodlander, Deborah, Foreign Affairs Committee Bodron, Ellis B., National Council on Disability Boe, Nils A., United States Court of International Trade Boeder, Laurie, Sen. Kent Conrad Boehlert, Sherwood L. (Representative from New York): Biography National Republican Congressions| Committee Post Office and Civil ServiceC Public Works and Franporation Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Boehly, William A., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Boehm, Kenneth, Legal Services Corporation Boehne, Kenneth P., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Boehner, James C., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board.. Boehner, John A. (Representative from Ohio): Agriculture Committee Biography Education and Labor Committee House Administration Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Policy Committee Boepple, Lisa, Rep. Elton Gallegly Boertlein, Jack, Office of Technology Assessment Boetticher, Helene, Office of Policy, Labor Bogart, Charles Gary: Congressional Daily Digest Office of the Clerk Bogdanovich, Michele, Rep. William (Bill) Clay Bogenberger, Patrick, Budget Committee Boger, Bruce A., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- Sion Boger, Dorothy, Rep. Michael D. Crapo Boggs, Burkey W., Government Printing Office Boggs, Corinne C. (Lindy): U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission Boggs, Danny J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Boggs, J.C., Governmental Affairs Committee... Boggs, Thomas Hale, Jr., Congressional Award Bognovitz, Kathryn E., Armed Services Committee.. Bogsch, Arpad, International Agencies Related to the United Nations Bohac, Barry A., Federal Communications Commis- sion Bohley, David A., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Bohren, Deborah, Rep. Nita M. Lowey Bohrer, Richard, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS Boi, Kathy, Smithsonian Institution Boland, F. Kevin, General Accounting Office Bold, William, Rep. Lynn Schenk Boldon, Andrea, Special Committee on Aging... Boldon, Virginia, Office of the Secretary, HHS Bolen, Dan, Labor and Human Resources Commit- "gd Fallie, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Boles, BillyJ. Armed Foros: Retirement Home Chief of Staff, Air Force 1206 Congressional Directory U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Bollinger, Angela, Rep. Cass Ballenger...............ccoine Bollinger, Donald T., President’s el Council Bolton, Claude M., Ir. Joint Service Schools, De- fense Bolton, Helen, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury... Bolton, Kay, Rep. Neal Smith Bombaugh, Robert L., Civil Division, Justice............. Bonachea, Rolando, U.S. Information Agenc Bonar, Donna, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Bond, Christopher S. (Senator from Missouri): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Budget Committee Small Busi Committee. Bond, Daniel L., Export-Import Bank of the United States Bond, Enriqueta, Institute of Medicine Bond, Jim, Appropriations Committee Bond, Phil, Rep. Jennifer Dunn Bondareff, Joan, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Bonfield, Arthur E., Administrative Conference of the United States Bonham, Jerry, Appiopristions Committee Bonifer, Sheryl, RulesC Bonilla, Henry (Representative from Texas): Appropriations Committee Biography National Republican Congressional Committee....... Bonior, David E. (Representative from Michigan): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Office of the Majority Whip Rules Committee Bonior, Judy, Office of the Majority Whip................. Bonkowski, Casimir, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD Bonner, Jeannie, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Bonner, Jo, Rep. Sonny Callahan Bonner, Robert C., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Bonneville, Linwood, Office of Personnel Manage- ment Bonsall, Penelope, Federal Election Commission........ Bonvillian, William B., Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman....... Bonzom, Philippe, International Monetary Fund........ Boockholdt, Kathy L., Assistant Secretary for Ac- quisition, Air Force Booher, Harold R., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Booher, John W., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Bookchin, Debbie, Rep. Bernard Sanders Booker, Johnnie B., Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration Bookey, Jack H., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Boomer, Walter E., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters Boorman, John T., International Monetary Fund Boorstin, Robert, Communications, Office of the President Booth, Annette, Rep. Maria Cantwell Booth, Carolyn, Office of the Deputy Secretary, HH Booth, Henry H., General Counsel, Treasury ............. Booth, Jerry J., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Booth, Michele, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Boothby, Colleen, Federal Communications Com- mission 872 Boots, Andrew J., Justice Management Division, Justice 727 Boozé, Dawn, U.S. Parole Commission, Justice.... 748, 936 Bopp, John F., Federal Communications Commis- sion Borchelt, Rick E., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Bordeaux, JoAnn J., Civil Division, Justice................ Borden, Leroy, White House Military Office.............. Bordes, Paul, Office of Policy and Evaluation, HHS . Bordogna, Joseph, National Science Foundation Boren, David L. (Senator from Oklahoma): tice 751 Boris, Christopher A., Foreign Relations Committee. 403 Borja, Angie, Del. Robert A. Underwood “ Borland, Kevin, Rep. Dan Miller..........c.cccoeuvuennennnnne. Bormolini, Ann M., Office of the Secretary, Trans- Page Biography 240 Finance Committee 400 Joint Committee on Taxation 486 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 U.S. Capitol Historical Society..........c.coerueueeruneraenans 568 Boren, Michael E., Joint Committee on Taxation....... 487 Borger, Judy, Rep. James C. Greenwood.................... 255 Borgquist, Daryl, Community Relations Service, Jus- portation 835 Borne, Sheilah, Rep. George Gekas .............cccceueuenenene. 261 Borochoff, Irving D., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 912 Borrero, Maria, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 996 Borski, Robert A. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Biography 251 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Standards of Official Conduct Committee.... r: Borst, Linda, Inter-American Foundation.................... Borton, Lowell W., Government Printing Office ....... 633 Borwick, Anthony S., General Services Administra- tion 883 Bosacker, Steven, Rep. Timothy J. Penny................... 157 Bosch-Strasse, Robert, European Space Agency ........ 1005 Bose, Alakadri K., International Finance Corpora- tion 1013 Bosecker, R. Ronald, Economics, Agriculture............ 765 Bossart, Betsy, Rep. Steny H. Hoyer.............ccceo....... 136 Bost, Eric, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 998 Boster, Mark, Small Community and Rural Develop- ment, Agriculture 770 Boster, Ronald S., Rep. Rick A. Lazio ..........ccccceuenene. 198 Bostock, Bob, Rep. Dean A. Gallo...........cccceenernenne. 190 Boston, Bernie, White House News Photographers’ Association 1090 Boston, Bill, Rep. Albert R. Wynn.........ccccoeevvveeeninnnnns 136 Boswell, Eric, Under Secretary for Management, State 676 Bosworth, Scott, Rep. Bud Shuster .............cccccueneeen. 256 Botbyl, Linda A., Federal Communications Commis- sion 868 Bothwell, James L., General Accounting Office......... 631 Botkin, Edson C, ‘Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc 900 Botto de Barros, adwaldo Cardoso, International Agencies Related to the United Nations............... 1 Bottum, John S., Extension Service, Agriculture Botuck, Joan H., Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Botwin, Brad, Export Administration, Commerce...... 785 Bouchard, Carroll J., African Development Founda-tion 858 Boucher, Doug, Rep. Bernard Sanders ........................ 308 Boucher, LeRoy P., General Services Administra-tion 884 Boucher, Rick (Representative from Virginia): Biography 315 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Energy and Commerce Committee.........cc.c.evvuunen. 438 Judiciary Cc 449 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Boucher, Virgil S., Federal Council on the Aging...... 875 Bouchoux, Graham, Select Committee on Ethics....... 413 Boucree, Catherine M., Pennsylvania Avenue Devel- opment Corporation 908 Boudin, Michael, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Bough, Sam, Del. Ron de Lugo 340 Bouldin, Claudette, Government Printing Office........ 632 Bounpane, Peter A., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce 783 Bourdon, Reginald A., Maritime Administration, Transportation 845 Bourgeois, Peggy, Rep. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin................ 126 Bourgoin, Robert D., Federal Maritime Commission. 879 Bourhane, Ali, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development 1009 Bourn, Guy M., Office of the Secretary, Army .......... 696 Bourne, Christopher M., U.S. Marine Corps Head- Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............ quarters 710 Name Page Bouthilet, George, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, Secretariat, United Nations .. Bouvard, Loic, North Atlantic Assembly Bova, Joyce C., Armed Services Committee Bovard, Karen L., Select Committee on Ethics Bowden, William P., Jr., Comptroller of the Curren-cy, Treasury Bowen, Barbara R., House of Representatives Page School Bowen, Brent L., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Bowen, G. Stephen, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS. 815, Bowen, Gary P., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo-ration Bowen, Jerry W., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs Bowen, Mark, Sen. J. James Exon Fore Bower, Glen L., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Bower, Michael E., Environmental Protection Agency Bowers, Doug, Office of the Secretary Bowers, Joan A., Commerce, Science, and Transpor-tation Committee Bowers, Kelly C., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Bowers, Susan, Rep. Nathan Deal Bowers, William T., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Bowes, William C., Naval Air Systems Command, Navy Bowie, Rosemarie G., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Bowie, Washington B., United States Tax Court Bowker, Deborah K., U.S. Postal Service Bowland, Debra, Office of Policy, Labor Bowland, Jack, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Com- mission Bowles, Erskine B., Small Business Administration .... Bowles, Jeanie, Office of the Secretary Bowles, John R., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Bowlin, Samuel W., General Accounting Office Bowman, Diane W., Armed Services Committee Bowman, John E. Administrative Conference of the United States General Counsel, Treasury Bowman, Michael L.: Chief of Naval Operations Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy Bowman, Pasco M., II, United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Bowman, Richard E., Maritime Administration, Transportation Bowman, Tracy, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Bowné, Shirlee P.: National Credit Union Administration Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Bowne, Thomas R., Joint Committee on Taxatio Bowsher, Charles A. (Comptroller General): General Accounting Office Office of Technology Assessment Bowyer, Liz, Communications, Office of the Presi-dent Boxer, Barbara (Senator from California): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Budget Committee Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.. Environment and Public Works Committee.. The Interparliamentary Union Boxx, Dennis R., Office of Public and Intergovern- mental Affairs, Veterans Afffairs Boyd, Betsy, Rep. Peter A. DeFazio Boyd, John H., International Trade Administration, Commerce Boyd, Karen Johnson, Smithsonian Institution Boyd, Katherine E., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Boyd, Mary Stowe, Natural Resources Committee .... Boyd, Moses, Commerce, Science, and Transporta- tion Committee Boyd, Sarah, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Boyd, Thomas M., Administrative Conference of the United States Index 1207 Page Boyd, Thomas, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Boyd, W. Garrett, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1030 Boyd, Willard L., National Foundation on the Ans and the H ies 895, 896 Boydston, June, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices 621 Boyer, Robert K., Foreign Affairs Committee Boyer, Robert R., Federal Emergency Management Agency Boyer, Tamara Lee, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Boylan, Virginia, Indian Affairs Committee Boyle, Michael J., U.S. Capitol Police Boyle, Philip, Rep. Rick A. Lazio Boyle, Regis R., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Boyum, Ray A., Office of the Clerk Bozin, William, Office of Financial Management, Navy Bozzi, Carmine, Public Health Service, HHS Bracht, Angelena V.: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Brack, Bill, Sen. Hank Brown Brack, Dennis, Standing Committee of Press Photog- raphers Bradby, Kay, Post Office and Civil Service Commit- Sey Shannon, Energy and Commerce Com-mittee Brader, Charles R., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Bradford, Jackie, Sen. Richard H. Bryan Bradford, Phillip, Federal Communications Commis- sion Bradford, Windell, Public Health Service, HHS Bradley, Bill (Senator from New Jersey): Biography Energy and Natural Resources Committee Finance Committee President’s Export Council Special Committee on Aging Bradley, David E., Foreign Claims Settlement Com- mission, Justice Bradley, Eileen, Office of the General Counsel, HHS Bradley, Harry E., Jr. Office of Administration, Commerce Bradley, James C., Joint Committee on Printing, Bradley, James, Natural Resources Committee.. Bradley, John A., Chief of Staff, Air Force.. Bradley, Norman K., Select Committee on Intelli- gence Bradley, Patricia O., Rep. Charles B. Rangel Bradner, Robert, Rep. John Edward Porter Bradtke, Robert A., Bureau of Legislative Affairs, State Brady, Jill, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commit-tee Brady, John L., Assistant Secretary for Housing— Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Brady, Kristin M., Foreign Relations Committee Brady, Paul L., Occupational Safety and Health Review C« nm Brady, Robert L., Inspector General, Treasury Brady, Surell, Office of the Attorney General, Jus- tice Braestrup, Peter, Library of Congress.................. Bragdon, David, Sen. George J. Mitchel Brailsford, Nancy, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Brain, Charles M., Ways and Means Committee Braithwaite, Gordon, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Braley, George A., Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture Brammer, Carolyn M., Office of the Attorney Gen- eral, Justice Branca, Arlene, Sen. Herb H. Kohl Brand, Norman J., Joint Committee on Taxation Brand, Phil, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury... Brandel, Nancy L., Appropriations Committee Brandon, Felix R., General Accounting Office Brandon, Richard, Architect of the Capitol 1208 Congressional Directory Brandt, A.E., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters Brandt, Jon, Rep. Peter Hoekstra Brandt, Werner W. (Sergeant at Arms of the House): House of Representatives Page Board Office of the Sergeant at Arms U.S. Capitol Police Board.......: Brandtner, Martin L., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense .. Brannon, Bill, Rep. Jim Ch Branscomb, Lewis, Office “of Technology Assess- ment Branson, Robert E., Federal Communications Com-mission Branstoll, Eugene: Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Brantley, Larry A., Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture Braquet, Sidney, Rep. Craig A. Washington Brasel, Myron, United States Marshals Service, Jus- tice Braslow, Judith B., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Braswell, C. Bruce, Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force Bratt, Robert K., Criminal Division, Justice Bratton, Brenda F., National Council on Disability... Braucht, Barbara L., Armed Services Committee Brauer, Robert B., Armed Services Committee Braun, Beverly, House Radio and Television Gallery Braun, Debbie, Office of the Clerk Braun, Joe, Office of the Clerk Braun, Paul, Food and Consumer Services, Agricul- ture. Braxton, Juanita, Office of the Republican Leader Bray, Frank, Defense Techology Security, Defense... Brazil, Harold, Council of the District of Columbia... Brazile, Donna, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Breaux, John B. (Senator from Louisiana): Biography Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade-my Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Finance Committee Special Committee on Aging Breaux, Lois, Congressional Club Brechbiel, Richard L., Mine Safety and Health Ad-ministration, Labor Bredhoff, Elliott, Administrative Conference of the United States Breeden, Robert L., U.S. Capitol Historical Society .. Breen, Robert, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Bregger, John E., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor.. Breggia, Claudia, Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato Breithaupt, Deidre, Maritime Administration, Trans- portation Brelsford, Theresa A., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Brendsel, Leland C., Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Breneman, Lory G., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Brennan, Hugh L., Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled Brennan, Hugh L., Office of Administration, Com- merce Brennan, Kevin, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Brennan, William J., Jr., Supreme Court of the United States Brenner, Robert D., Environmental Protection Agency Brent, Jerry H., Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture Bresnahan, Ken, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture Bresnick, Arnold, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor.. Brett, Jill D., Library of Congress Breuer, Luis E., International Monetary Fund. Breunig, Robert G. National Foundation on he Arts and the } Brew, Thomas J., General Accounting Office Brew, William E, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Brewster, Bill K. (Representative from Oklahoma): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Environmental and Energy Study Conference U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Ways and Means Cc Brewster, Suzie, Congressional Club Breyer, Stephen G., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Breznay, George B., Office of the Secretary, Energy Brice, Maurice O., Social Security Administration, HH Brick, Cary R., Rep. John M. McHugh Brick-Samuelson, Norma, Rep. David Minge.... Brickhouse, Eugene, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Bridbord, Kenneth, Fogarty International Center, HHS Bridge, Christine O., Sen. Charles S. Robb Bridge, Galen S., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Bridge, Ian J., International Finance Corporation Bridge, Karen, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Bridge, Raymond L., Economics, Agriculture Bridges, Clayton 1., Sr., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Bridgewater, Bradley, Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice Bridgham, Paula L., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Bridgland, John M.,, Rep. Rob Portman Brigagliano, James A., Securities and Exchange Cc ission Briggs, Bruce, Rep. Charles H. Taylor Brigham, Edward, Budget Committee Bright, Donald W., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Brightwell, James K., Assistant Secretary for En-forcement, Treasury Brim-Edwards, Julia, Sen. Bob Packwood Brimmer, Charles, Rep. Peter J. Visclosk Brimmer, Clarence A., Jr., Judicial Panel on Multi- district 1 itigation Brimmer, Elizabeth, Rep. Craig Thomas Brinck, Richard C., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Brink, Robert H., Judiciary Cc Brink, Trish, Rep. Tom DeLay Brinley, Floyd J., Jr., National Institute of Neurolog-ical Disorders and Stroke, H Brisbin, Charles E., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Briskin, Manuel, Policy, Defense Bristol, Daniel S., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force Bristow, William M., Natural Resources and Envi-ronment, Agriculture Brita, Susan F., Public Works and Transportation Brito, Manuel M., Government Printing Office Britten, Gerald H., Office of Planning and Evalua-tion, HHS Britten, Scott, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Brivion, Los J., Executive Agencies, District ofLorraine Columbia Brizzi, John, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Broad, Eli, Smithsonian Institution Broadaway, Margaret E., Rep. Alan Wheat Broadbent, Meredith: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Broadman, Harry G., Office of U.S. Trade Repre-sentative Broadnax, Walter, Office of the Deputy Secretary, HHS Broaduax, Hazel, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Broce, Barbara, Capitol Telephone Exchange Broce, Fred, Federal Communications Commission ... Brock, Jack L., General Accounting Office Brock, Nina, National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti Brock, William E., III, United States Holocaust Me-morial Council Brockenborough, Bland T., Fiscal Assistant Secre-tary, Treasury Brockman, Linda, Joint Economic Committee Name Index 1209 Page Brodecki, Joseph M., United States Holocaust Me-morial Council 930 Broder, Betsy, Federal Trade Commission .................. 882 Broder, Samuel, National Cancer Institute, HHS........ 818 Broderick, Anthony J., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 840 Broderick, D. Johnson, District of Columbia Com-mittee 434 Brodie, Dave, Rep. Richard H. Lehman...................... 29 Brodie, M.J.,, Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 908 Brodsky, Arnold B., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force 715 Brodsky, Lewis C., Selective Service System ............. 915 Brody, Kenneth D.: Export-Import Bank of the United States................. 867 President's Export Council 566 Broedling, Laurie, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Broeren, Katie, Small Business Administration ........... 915 Brogile, William F., Health Care Financing Adminis-tration, HHS 824 Broida, Edward R., Smithsonian Institution ................ 921 Brolin, Edson C., Office of the Secretary, Energy ..... 847 Broman, Morgan, Rep. Richard E. Neal...................... 140 Bromery, Robert, Federal Communications Commis-sion 870 Brooke, Karen, Rep. Ronald D. Coleman.................... 294 Brookhart, Larry L., U.S. International Trade Com-mission 932 Brookins, Carol, President’s Export Council ............... 566 Brooks, Bob, Rep. Jay Dickey 17 Brooks, Cher (Sharon), Merchant Marine and Fish-eries Committee 454 Brooks, David, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee 398 Brooks, Elmer T., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Brooks, Gary: National Archives and Records Administration ...... 890 Office of Personnel Management ............cc.ccouvuvennnene 902 Brooks, Gwendolyn, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS .........c..ccoccovvveinnns 819 Brooks, Howard, Science and Education, Agricul-ture 778 Brooks, Irene B., Delaware River Basin Commis-sion , 863 Brooks, Jack (Representative from Texas): Biography 290 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ 481 Judiciary Committee 449 North Atlantic Assembly 555 Brooks, Jimmy, Rep. J. Roy Rowland... ip Brooks, Kathy, Rep. Richard J. Durbin........c.cccccvuenue. 101 Brooks, Ronald E., Office of Personnel Management. 906 Brooks, Sharon, Rep. Clifford B. Stearns..................... 65 Brooks, Stephen M., Office of the Secretary, Interior 753 Brooks, Thos R., Washington Headquarters Services, Defense 692 Broome, Claire V., Public Health Service, HHS... 810, 813 Brophy, Susan, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President 669 Brorby, Wade, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Brorsen, Les, Sen. Don Nickles 240 Brosius, Matthew, Organization for Economic Coop-eration and Development 1020 Brossard, Mike, Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States 1022 Broun, Elizabeth, Smithsonian Institution.............. 919, 923 Browder, Glen (Representative from Alabama): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 4 Budget Committee 433 Democratic Study Group 562 Browder, Link, National Republican Senatorial Committee 416 Brown, Anita, Agriculture Committee.............ccceuneve 421 Brown, Barbara E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Brown, Barbara, Rep. Louis Stokes 235 Brown, Bernadine, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 997 Brown, Billy Ross, Farm Credit Administration Board 868 Page Brown, Broadine, United States Marshals Service, Justice 747 Brown, Carolyn T., Library of Congress..............cueu... 638 Brown, Carrye B., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Brown, Chris J., Government Printing Office............. Brown, Chris, Judiciary Committee............ccecurrinirnnnnns Brown, Clarence J.: U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. U.S. Capitol Historical Society............ccccevunrreruerunnans Brown, Claudine, Smithsonian Institution................... Brown, Corrine (Representative from Florida): Biography Government Operations Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Brown, Craig S., Rep. Thomas H. Andrews............... Brown, David S., Office of Water and Science, Inte-rior Brown, Doris T., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Brown, Dottie, Rep. James M. Inhofe Brown, Elisabeth, Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives Brown, Ellen: District of Columbia Committee Government Operations Committee ... Brown, Ernest J., Tax Divison, Justice....... Brown, Frederick, Smithsonian Institution Brown, George C., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Brown, George E., Jr. (Representative from Califor- nia): Agriculture Committee Biography Congressional Steel Caucus Environmental and Energy Study Conference Office of Technology Assessment ............cceeuen. Science, Space, and Technology Committee ... Brown, George W., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 996 Brown, Gwendolyn, Rep. Julian C. Dixon.................. 37 Brown, Hank (Senator from Colorado): Biography 49 Budget Committee 394 Foreign Relations Committee 401 Judiciary Committee 405 National Republican Senatorial Commiittee.............. 416 Brown, Harvey E., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies 700 Brown, J. Carter: Commission of Fine Arts 760, 861 Smithsonian Institution 926 Brown, Jerry, U.S. International Development Co-operation Agency 931 Brown, Jesse (Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs): Biography 853 Cabinet 666 National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities 896 Brown, JoAnne, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 997 Brown, Joan Martin, United Nations.........c..cccovureernnenn 1028 Brown, June Gibbs, Office of Inspector General, HHS 825 Brown, Kathryn, Veterans’ Affairs Committee ........... 473 Brown, Kent, Antitrust Division, Justice .............eceununn 729 Brown, L. Jackson, National Institute of Dental Re- search, HHS 821 Brown, Larry, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 997 Brown, Larry, Jr., National Council on Disability...... 893 Brown, Lee P.: Cabinet 666 Office of National Drug Control Policy.........ccccccu.. 673 Brown, Linda N., National Archives and Records Administration 890 Brown, Lisa, House Administration Committee.......... 448 Brown, Mark E.: Office of Administration, Commerce...........cccovvernene 781 Rep. William J. Hughes 185 Brown, Mary Z., Rep. Constance A. Morella............. 138 Brown, MaryEllen A., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 Brown, Paul K., Office of Personnel Management ..... 904 Brown, Priscilla A., National Capital Planning Com- mission 1210 Congressional Directory Page Brown, Richard H., Assistant Secretary for Commu-nity Planning and Development, HUD 830 Brown, Robert E., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Brown, Robert F., Smithsonian Institution Brown, Robert W., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Brown, Ronald H. (Secretary of Commerce): Biography Cabinet Foreign-Trade Zones Board National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation President’s Export Council Smithsonian Institution Brown, Ross, Rep. Barbara B. K 11 Brown, Rudy, Environmental Protection Agency Brown, Sharman, Office of the Clerk Brown, Sherrod (Representative from Ohio): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Foreign Affairs Committee Post Office and Civil Service Committee... Brown, Sherry, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman Brown, Shirley, Post Office and Civil Service Com-mittee Brown, Stuart L., Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ury Brown, Thomas C., Foreign Relations Committee Brown, Timothy, Office of the Legislative Counsel... Brown, Vonzell, Democratic Policy Committee Brown, William H., Office of the Parliamentarian Browne, H.A,, Jr., Naval Space Command, Navy Browne, Michael H., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force Browne, Pat, Rep. Scott Klug Browne, T. Christopher, Securities and Exchange Brownell, Carlton Kerns, American Red Cross Brownell, Cheryl, Rep. Scotty Baesler Browner, Carol M.: Cabinet Environmental Protection Agency Migratory Bird Conservation Commission Browning, James R., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Browning, Stephen C., Office of Administration, mmerce Browning, Thomas L., International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Brownlee, James W., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Brownlee, Michael B., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Brownlee, Romie L., Armed Services Committee Brownstein, Charles N., National Science Founda- tion Broyles, Phillip L., Federal Trade Commission Broyles, William L., Assistant Secretary for Finan- cial Management, Army Brozek, Ann, Rep. Richard E. Neal Brubaker, Ray, Office of Land and Minerals Man- 2! t, Interior Brubeck, Edwin D., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority Bruce, Dale J., General Services Administration........ Bruce, Marilyn, Indian Affairs Committee Bruce, Preston, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Brucia, James A., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Bruckmann, Donald, Smithsonian Institution Brue, Theodore J., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Bruggink, Eric G., United States Court of Federal Claims Bruh, Brian M., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Bruley, Edward, Rep. David E. Bonior Brumbaugh, Kathi, Public Works and Transportation Committee Brunelle, Philip, National Foundation on the Arts and the | Brunetti, Melvin, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Bruns, Alan M., Joint Committee on Printing Bruns, Eugene J., Office of Personnel Management ... Bruns, Joseph B., U.S. Information Agency Bruns, Kevin, Post Office and Civil Service Commit- tee Brunsdale, Anne E.: Administrative Conference of the United States. U.S. International Trade Commission Brunson, Barbre, Joint Committee on Printing... Brunton, Deborah, Sen. Slade Gorton Brush, Peter N., Office of the Secretary, Energy . Bryan, Bonnie, Congressional Club Bryan, Gerald A., Environmental Protection Agency Bryan, Joseph (Ken), Justice Management Division, Justice Bryan, Richard H. (Senator from Nevada): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Joint Economic Cc Select Committee on Ethics Select Committee on Intelligence Bryant, Barbara, Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Bryant, Bo, Rep. Mac Collins. Bryant, Curtis L., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Bryant, Donnie L., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Bryant, Gloria, Ways and Means Committee Bryant, J. Howard, Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Bryant, John (Representative from Texas): Biography Budget Committee Energy and Commerce Committee Judiciary Committee Bryant, Laurel, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Cc it Bryant, Stephen N., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Bryant, William Benson, United States District Court for the District of Columbia Bryant, William F., Sen. Claiborne Pell Bryden, Robert A., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Brydges, Dennis, Food and Agriculture Organiza- tion of the United Nations Bryson, Caroline S., Rep. Floyd Spence Bryson, Dennis T., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Bryson, Joy B., Public Works and Transportation Committee Bryson, William C., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Buccanno, Jody, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Buchanan, Bob, Rep. Tom Barlow 111 Buchanan, Ellen, Rep. John M. Spratt, Jr Buck, Daniel, Rep. Patricia Schroeder Buck, Gerald E., Smithsonian Institution. Buck, Robert T., Smithsonian Institution Buck, Timothy J., Appropriations Committee Buckham, Ed, Republican Study Committee Buckhorn, Robert, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Buckles, Jimmie R., Appropriations Committee Buckley, Helen A., United States Tax Court Buckley, James L.: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Buckley, John, Office of the Legislative Counsel Buckley, Robin, Rep. Marcy Kaptur Budd, Marjorie, Office of Personnel Management Budd, Sally, Rep. William D. Ford Budge, Janis, Sen. Malcolm Wallop Buechner, Bill, Joint Economic Committee Buechner, Patrick, Rep. Duncan Hunter Buehler, Karen S., Post Office and Civil Service Committee Bueno, Irene, Office of Legislation, HHS Buentello, Irene, Agriculture Committee Buethe, Robert A., Jr., Chief of Staff, Air Forc Buff, Gary, Office of Policy, Labor Buffington, J.E., Naval Facilities Engineering Com-mand, Navy Page 906 930 864 392 178 1005 714 Name Index 1211 Page Page Buffington, John D., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Burman, Allan V., Office of Management and Parks, Interior Budget Bugenhagen, Roger H., Bureau of the Census, Com-Burmeister, Edward J., AFIS, Defense 691 merce Burnett, Arlene, Veterans’ Affairs Committee 472 Buhler, Roman, House Administration Committee Burnett, David G., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-Bullard, Pamela, Merchant Marine and Fisheries tion, Air Force Committee Burnett, Robert F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- Bullock, Carol, Office of Personnel Management mission Bullock, J. Jerome, Office of the Attorney General, Burnett, Roger, Office of Naval Research, Navy Justice Burnette, Alice Greene, Smithsonian Institution Bullock, Jane A., Federal Emergency Management Burnette, Kenneth, Executive Agencies, District of Agency Columbia Bumgardner, Layne L., National Credit Union Ad- Burnette, Thomas N., Jr., Office of the Secretary, ministration Army Bumgarner, Fred, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Burnham, Irene, Library of Congress Air Force Burnham, Kristine, Rep. Nita M. Lowey Bumpers, Dale (Senator from Arkansas): Burnley, James H., Administrative Conference of the Appropriations Committee United States Biography Burns, Carly M., Rep. David R. Obey Democratic Policy Committee Burns, Conrad (Senator from Montana): Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Appropriations Committee Senate Arms Control Observer Group Small Busi Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy Bunch, Peter A., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation... Bundy, Agnes, Budget Committee Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- Bunger, Allen D., Assistant Secretary for Financial tee Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Conference of the Minority Bunker, Emma C., Smithsonian Institution National Republican Senatorial Committee Bunning, Jim (Representative from Kentucky): President’s Export Council Biography Republican Leadership Budget Committee Small Busi Committee National Republican Congressional Committee... Special Committee on Aging The Interparliamentary Union Republican Study Committee Burns, Deborah, Foreign Affairs Committee Standards of Official Conduct Committee Burns, Dennis G., Natural Resources and Environ-Ways and Means Committee ment, Agriculture Bunting, Pamela, Rep. Donald Manzullo. Burns, Molly, Rep. Gene Taylor Bunton, Scott, Sen. John F. Kerry Burns, Robert E., Securities and Exchange Commis-Buran, Scott, Liaison Offices sion Burch, Gary, Executive Agencies, District of Co-Burns, Robert, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia lumbia Burch, Ramona L., Office of the Secretary, Interior... Burns, Stephen G., Nuclear Regulatory Commis-Burchill, William R., Jr., Administrative Office of sion the U.S. Courts Burns, Vince, General Services Administration Burden, Dave, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Burr, Cornelia A., Office of the Legislative Counsel.. Burdett, Linda, Public Works and Transportation Burrell, Benjamin F., Justice Management Division, Committee Justice Burdick, Don, Democratic Congressional Campaign Burrell, Janet, Environment and Public Works Com- Committee mittee Burdon, Skip, Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy Burrell, Robin D., Office of the Legislative Counsel.. Burgasser, George C., Criminal Division, Justice Burris, Roxie, Sen. Hank Brown Burge, David, Office of Policy Planning, Veterans Burroughs, Harry F., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Affairs Committee Burger, Warren E.: Burroughs, James D., Occupational Safety and Supreme Court of the United States Health Review Commission Washington National Monument Society Burrows, James H., Technology Administration, Burgess, Karen Buck, Securities and Exchange Com- Commerce mission Burrus, Ginny, Rep. James A. Leach Burgess, Quentin, Federal Aviation Administration, Burruss, Dorothy B., Inter-American Foundation Transportation Burse, Luther, Natural Resources and Environment, Burgess, Roger K., Internal Revenue Service, Treas- Agriculture ury Bursenos, Stephanie, Fogarty International Center, Burgoyne, John, National Labor Relations Board HHS Burk, Francis L., Office of the Legislative Counsel... Burt, Janet, Administration, Agriculture Burk, Robert S., Interstate Commerce Commission.... Burt, John A. Federal Aviation Administration, Burke, Bernard F., National Science Foundation.. Transportation Burke, Dennis, Judiciary Committee Burt, John, Natural Resources and Environment, Burke, J. Austin, Office of Water and Science, Inte- Agriculture rior Burke, John, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Burtle, JameS R., Federal Communications Commis- Burke, Lauren, Democratic Policy Committee sion Burke, Mike, Rep. Karen Shepherd Burtner, Susan B., General Accounting Office Burke, Patrick, Marketing and Inspection Services, Burton, Benjamin, National Institute of Diabetes and Agriculture Digestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS Burke, Paul Bud, Advisory Commission on Inter- Burton, Dan (Representative from Indiana): governmental Relations Biography Burke, Sheila P., Republican Leadership Congressional Human Rights Caucus Burke, Tina, Rep. Tillie Fowler Foreign Affairs Committee Burke, Vincent C., Jr., Washington National Monu-National Republican Congressional Committee ment Society Post Office and Civil Service Committee Burke, William R., Liaison Offices Republican Study Committee Burkett, Michelle M., Appropriations Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Burkhalter, Barbara L., Assistant Secretary for Burton, Gay, Office of the Secretary, Treasury Public and Indian Housing, HUD Burton, Irving F., Smithsonian Institution Burkhardt, Frederick, National Commission on Li-Burton, Jennifer, Office of the Majority Leader braries and Information Science Burton, Lisa E., Energy and Commerce Committee .. Burleigh, A Peter, Under Secretary for Manage-Burton, M. Faith, Office of the Attorney General, ment, State Justice 1212 Congressional Directory Page Burton, Mack M., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve ‘Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force 716 Burton, Nancy, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices 621 Burton, Robert E., Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-poration 876 Burton, William (Bill), Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President 667 Busch, Barbara, Peace Corps 907 Buse, Mark, Governmental Affairs Committee............ 404 Bush, Andrew: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Ways and Means Committee 475 Bush, Jennifer C., Federal Communications Commis- sion 873 Bush, Mrs. George, Smithsonian Institution ............... 925 Bush, Nate, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, Dis- trict of Columbia 1000 Bush, Richard, Foreign Affairs Cc itt 443 Bush, Robert D., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 760, 857 Bush, Zoe, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, Dis- trict of Columbia 1000 Bushman, John, Indian Affairs Committee................... 405 Butland, Gloria, Appropriations Committee................ 389 Barnes Candace E., Energy and Commerce Commit- But David J., Health Care Financing Administra- tion, HHS 824 Butler, Donald H., Federal Maritime Commission...... 880 Butler, Jerome M, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior. 755 Butler, John, United States Marshals Service, Justice 747 Butler, Judith, Rep. OlympiaJ. Snowe..........ccccocenn.. 132 Butler, Malcolm, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Butler, Mary Lou, Rep. Gerry E. Studds.................... Butler, I National Foundation on the Arts Patrick, and the H Butler, Ruth A, United States Court of Appeals........ Butler, Wilson A., Jr, Securities and Exchange 913 Butler Truesdale, Sandra, Offices, Boards, and Com-missions, District of Columbia.............ccccoueeerreenee. 1000 Buto, Kathleen A., Health Care Financing Adminis- tration, HHS 824 Buttaro, Karen, Office of the Republican Leader....... 617 Butterworth, Bruce R., Federal Aviation Adminis- tration, Transportation 839 Butts, James D., Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 997 Butz, William P., Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 782 Buyer, Steve (Representative from Indiana): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 105 National Republican Congressional Committes....... 483 Republican Policy 1Committee .........ocurnccuscucnnicnnnne. 424 Veterans’ AffairsC 471 Buyrn, Audrey B., Office of Technology Assessment 639 Buzzard, George, ‘Indian Health Service, HHS Buzzi, Frank, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Bye, Raymond E., Jr., National Science Foundation.. 898 Byerly, Radford, Jr., Science, Space, and Technolo- gy Committee 467 Byers, Austin L., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 912 Byers, James B., Smithsonian Institution................ 919, 920 Byram, Kenneth, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 840 Byrd, Ben, Rules Committee 465 Byrd, Beth, Sen. David L. Boren 240 Byrd, Bill, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, Dis- trict of Columbia 1000 Byrd, Harry F., Jr., Washington National Monument Society BYR): JeJacqueline, Non-Legislative and Financial 2 Byrd, Robert C. (Senator from West Virginia): Appropriations Cc 387 Armed Services Committee 391 Biography 325 Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate........ 551 President Pro Tempore 61 Rules and Administration Committee............cccceeuun.e Senate Arms Control Observer Group... U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission... th U.S. Senate Commission On Art .......c..ccceeeeeeciiecunes Page Byrne, Gary C., Farm Credit Administration Board.. 868 Byrne, John, Democratic Policy Committee.. 415 Byrne, Laura L., Foreign Affairs Committee... 444 Byrne, Leslie L. (Representative from Virginia): Biography 317 Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. 458 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Byrne, Mary, Sen. Bob Graham 61 Byrne, Thomas A., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Byrne, Thomas G., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 734 Byrum, John D., Jr., Library of Congress................... 635 C Cabezas, Fernando, International Finance Corpora-tion 1013 Cables, Herbert S., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Cabral, Anna Escobedo, Judiciary Committee............ 406 Cabral, Lou, Rep. Peter I. Blute 141 Cabral, Victor, Judiciary Committee............c.ccceuenne... 406 Cacheris, Elaine M., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 914 Cadogan, Sally, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices 622 Caffey, Ronald B., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 774 Caffrey, James A., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Caffrey, Ronald J., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 734 Cafritz, Mrs. William, Smithsonian Institution............. 925 Caggiano, Patricia A., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Caginavanua, Fusi, South Pacific Commission............ 1023 Cagnoli, Allan, Rep. George Gekas 261 Cahill, Ann, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President 670 Cahill, John, Office of Personnel Management 904 Cahill, Kathy, Public Health Service, HHS................. 811 Cahill, Sheila M., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- ration 876 Cahn, Robert A., Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Liti-gation Cain, Archie W., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture 771 Cain, James D., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior....... 756 Cain, James E., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Calagno, Carla C., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Calahan, Richard B., Office of Inspector sei £35 Calas pt International Finance Corporation...... 1012 Calautti, Lucy, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan.............. SRN i Calder, Bill, Sen. Mark O. Hatfield ......... 245 Caldwell, Anne, Sen. Richard C. Shelby 3 Caldwell, Barry: y Cc i 407 Sen. Arn Specter 249 Caldwell, James L., United States Court of Veterans Appeals, 990 Caldwell, James M., United States Naval Home......... 939 Cales, Gloria J., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Calhoun, Roger W., Office of Surface Mining, Rec-lamation, and Enforcement, Interior..................... 758 Calhoun-Senshop, Keith, Office of Secretary, Com-merce 7 Calibo, Ann C., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Caligiuri, Tony, Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest................... 134 Calistri, Ruth, Rep. Joseph M. McDade....................... 256 Callahan, John: Budget Committee 394 Sen. Jim Sasser 277 Callahan, Sonny (Representative from Alabama): Appropriations Cc 423 Biography 3 National Se Congressional Committee....... 481 Callahan, Thomas J., Foreign Relations Committee... 403 Callan, L. Joe, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission D3 Callanan, Fran, Rep. Lynn Schenk...........ccccccverinnnnnns Name Index 1213 Page Callanan, Mary, Board for International Broadcast-ing Callands, Valerie, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Callas, Stephen G., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Callastrom, Ray, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Callaway, David F., U.S. Capitol Police Callear, Mildred O., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Callen, Paul C,, Office of the Legislative Counsel Callender, Eugene S., Federal Council on the Aging. Callis, Deborah, Natural Resources Committee Callis, Patricia W., Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Callis, Virginia S., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Callon, Anna, Peace Corps Callon, Mark, Rep. William O. Lipinski Callow, Jim, Rep. David E. Bonior Calloway, Betty, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard Callwood, Kevin, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Calvelli, John F., Rep. Eliot L. Engel Calvert, Ian A., Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce Calvert, Ken (Representative from California): Biography Natural Resources Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Camacho, Albert C., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Camacho, José E., International Finance Corpora- tion Camara, Irene, Organization of American States Camara, J.S., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Cambarrel, Lydia, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Cambon, Paul, Rep. Bob Livingston Cambray, Claude, Inter-American Development Bank 1 Camdessus, Michel: International Agencies Related to the United Na-tions International Monetary Fund Camero, Philip V., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Cameron, Art, Democratic Policy Committee Cameron, Richard D., Army Staff and Selected A gencies Cameron, Susan, Sen. Claiborne Pell Caminos, Hugo, Organization of American States Cammack, E., Office of Installations and Environ-ment, Navy Camp, Andrea, Rep. Patricia Schroeder Camp, Dave (Representative from Michigan): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee... Ways and Means Committee Camp, Joseph D., White House Military Office, Office of the President Camp, Therese, Rep. Norman Sisisky Campbell, A., Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Campbell, Anna Katherine, Conference of the Mi-nority Campbell, Barry, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (Senator from Colorado): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Democratic Policy Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Energy and Natural Resources Committee Indian Affairs Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Veterans’ Affairs Committee Campbell, D. Scot, Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture Campbel] Daniel D., National Transportation Safety oard Campbell, Dean, Executive Office for U.S. Attor-neys, Justice Campbell, Donald A., Office of the Secretary, Agri-culture Campbell, Donald E., Office of Government Ethics .. Campbell, Donna, Environment and Public Works Committee Campbell, Jean, Rep. Dick Armey Campbell, Jim, Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture Campbell, John D., American Red Cross Campbell, Judy, Environment and Public Works Committee Campbell, Kurt, Under Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury Campbell, Laura E., YN hroe of Congress Campbell, Mark, Rep. ThomasJ. Ridge Campbell, Thelma, Commerce, Soy and Trans-portation Committee Campbell, Thomas D., Congressional Award Campbell, Todd J.: Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Campbell, W. Glenn, National Science Foundation... Campbell, Wilbert, Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture Campbell, Wilbur D., General Accounting Office Campbell, William P., American Battle Momuments Cc issi Campos, Mauricio de Maria Y., International Agen-cies Related to the United Nations Campos, Orlando L., Library of Congress Campt, Douglas D., Environmental Protection Agency Canady, Charles T. (Representative from Florida): Agriculture Committee Biography Judiciary Committee Canary, John J., Office of Policy, Labor Canavan, Mary J., Environmental Protection Agency Canby, William C., Jr., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Cancel, Luis R., Smithsonian Institution Cznery, Sandra J., Federal Communications Com-mission Canfield, Earl, Library of Congress Canfield, H. Spofford, IV, i Commerce Shon “Gerald A., Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy Cannan, Judith P., Library of Congress Cannon, Graham, Foreign Affairs Committee Cannon, Jonathan Z., Environmental Protection Agency Cannon, Joseph A., United States Holocaust Memo-rial Council Cannon, Mary A., Office of the Law Revision Coun-sel Cannon, Stan, Sen. Alan K. Simpson Canny, Joseph F., Office of Policy and International Affairs, Transportation Canoles, John D., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation .. Canter, Marsha, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Canter, Rhoda W., Library of Congress Cantrel, Francis J., United States Tax Court Cantrell, Walter H., Space and Naval Warfare Sys-tems Command, Navy Cantu, Daniel A., Appropriations Committee Cantu, Norma V., Office of Civil Rights, Education.. Cantwell, Maria (Representative from Washington): Biography Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Foreign Affairs Committee Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Canzeri, Stuart, National Republican Senatorial Committee Capaka, Colonel J. Richard, Sesquehanna River Basin Commission Caplan, James, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture es Cappiello, Mary Ann, Armed Services Committee. Capps, Joanna S., Appropriations Committee. Capretta, Jim, Budget Committee Capute, Allan A., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Caputo, Guy P., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Page 900 399 301 770 859 1214 Congressional Directory Page Capo, Lisa, First Lady's Office, Office of the Carabello, J.M., Joint Service Schools, Defense Carassa, F., European Space Agency.................. Caraveo, Joseph R., U.S. Postal Service.......... Carbonell, Ana M., Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart Carbonneau, Robert, Office of Personnel Manage- ment 903 Card, James C., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation... 838 Cardamone, Richard J., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit c......ocoovrvosoovveerore 946 Cardenas, Leo, Community Relations Service, Jus- tice 751 Cardillo, Raymond F., Jr.,, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Conlin, Beniatin L. (Representative from Mary- and): Biography 135 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Democratic Steering and Policy Commiittee............ 481 House Administration Committee. .................. 447 Standards of Official Conduct Committee 471 Ways and Means Committee 474 Cardle, Elizabeth D., Rep. Joe Barton..........c...cccveen.ne 288 Cardoze, Lic. Roy E., Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc ission 1008 Carey, Ann E., Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture 777 Carey, Leo, Occupational Safety and Health Admin- istration, Labor 800 Carey, Nadine; Office of the Secretary, Navy 705 Carey, PaulR., Legislative Affairs, Office. of the Presid 669 Carey, Susan, Rep. Peter Hoagland. 177 Carl, Carlton, Rep. John Bryant ............ccceeeverennrenens 287 Carle, David, Sen. Paul Simon 89 Carleton, Michael, Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Carleton, Norman K., Assistant Secretary for Do-mestic Affairs, Treasury 683 Carley, Patricia M., Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe 551 Carliner, Paul, Democratic Policy Committee. 415 Carlisle, M.D.B., Sen. Thad Cochran................ es 16% Carlone, Ralph V., General Accounting Office........... 631 Carlson, Don, Rep. Bill Archer 289 Carlson, E. Dean, Federal Highway Administration, Transportation 841 Carlson, Marcy, Ways and Means Committee............. 476 Carlson, Ronald H., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 815 Carlson, William D., Science and Education, Agri-culture 779 Carlton, Bruce J., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation 845 Carlton, Dennis P., Federal Communications Com- mission Carlton, Nancy, Ways and Means Committee Carlton, Sue S., Rep. Marilyn Lloyd................. Carman, Ann, Inspector General, Commerce.............. Carman, Brian P., Management—Chief Financial of. ficer, Treasury 685 Carman, Gregory W., United States Court of Inter- national Trade 966 Carman, Nancy M., Foreign Affairs Committee ......... 443 Carmen, Martha, Rep. James T. Walsh....................... 212 Carmichael, David B., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 840 Carmichael, H.St.G.T., United States Court of Vet- erans Appeals Carmichael, J. Alan, Tennessee Valley Authority ...... 927 Carmichael, Peggy, Judiciary Committee..................... 450 Carmody, Carol J., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee 396 Carmon, Dwight A., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 771 Carneiro, Fernando, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development 1009 Carnell, Richard S., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Carnes, Bruce M., Office of National Drug Control Policy 673 Carnes, Edward E., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Carnes, Tracey, Judiciary Committee...........ccceevcuennne 407 Carnevale, Richard A., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Page Carney, Dave, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Carney, Kenneth G., National Library of Medicine, HHS Carney, Thomas P.: Armed Forces Retirement Home..........c.cccceovniiueunes Army Staff and Selected Agencies Carns, Michael P.C., Chief of Staff, Air Force........... Caroff, Marc L., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Carolan, Philip E., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury 685 Carozza, Mary Beth, Rep. David L. Hobson. .............. 232 Carpenter, Margaret, Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 Carpenter, Richard, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc ission 1008 Carpenter, S., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army 696 Carpenter, Tim, Rep. Richard H. Baker .............ccc...... 128 Carpentieri, Fernando, Inter-American Development Bank 1007 Carr, Bob (Representative from Michigan): Appropriations Cc 423 Biography 150 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Carr, Carolyn K., Smithsonian Institution 924 Carr, Charles H., Rep. Tim Valentine.............cccouruuune. 218 Carr, Kate, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mittee 416 Carr, Pat, Environmental Protection Agency 866 Carr, Susan N., Rep. H. Martin Lancaster wraals Carr, Ytta B., Joint Committee on Printing.................. 486 Carrier, Joyce, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury.. 680 Carrington, Ann Marie, Government Operations Committee 446 Carrington, Dora E., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor 796 Carro, Anthony N., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 890 Carro, Richard S., General Counsel, Treasury............ 679 Carroll, Elliott, Commission of Fine Arts...... .. 861 Carroll, J. Raymond, Architect of the Capitol............ 625 Carroll, Karen Maria, General Services Administra- tion 884 Carroll, Ken, Rep. Tom DeLay 298 Carroll, Sterlyn B., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee 463 Carroll, William J., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Carroll, William, U.S. Merit Systems Protection ard 933 Carson, Carol S., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce 782 Carson, John, Rep. Joe Knollenberg ........c.cccevvuueeee 152 Carson, Lou, Rep. Pat Danner 170 Carson, Nancy C., Office of Technology Assessment 640 Carter, Ashton B., Policy, Defense 690 Carter, Donald D., Office of Policy, Labor................. 799 Carter, Joye, Executive Agencies, District of Colum- bia Carter, Judy 1, U.S. Parole Commission............... 748, 936 Carter, Mrs. Jimmy, Smithsonian Institution ............... 925 Carter, Roy L., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Carter, Thomas B., Federal Trade Commission 882 Carter, Wiley, Sen. Thad Cochran .........c.ccccceueune 161 Carter, Wilmer D., Rep. George E. Brown, Jr 43 Carter, Zelia, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1000 Cartusciello, Neil S., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice 731 Cartwright, Linda, Environmental and Energy Study Conference 563 Cartwright, Mary, Tennessee Valley Authority.......... 927 Carty, Cristin, Rep. Paul McHale............c.ccccuvivcuvnnene 260 Caruana, Patrick P., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force 713 Carvatta, Roy J., National Mediation Board ............... 897 Carver, H. Allen, National Credit Union Administra- tion 894 Carver, Robert J., Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ury 687 Casazza, Charles S., United States Tax Court ............. 983 Casco, Sergio Martinez, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc nm 1008 Name Index Case, Mary, Smithsonian Institution Case, Syrena, Judiciary Committee Casey, Charlotte, National Transportation Safety Board Casey, Daniel W., National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Casey, Gregory S., Sen. Larry E. Craig Casey, Joseph P., Federal Communications Commis- sion Casey, Julia, Rep. Harold Rogers Casey, Mary L., Inspector General, Commerce. Casey, Mike, Sen. Donald W. Riegle, Jr Cash, Catherine S., Judiciary Committee Cash, Thomas V., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Cashin, Gerry, Rep. Spencer Bachus Cashin, Sheryll D., National Economic Council, Office of the President Cashman, Peter A., International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce Casimir, Jean, Organization of American States Caskey, David, Rules Committee Cass, Ronald A., Administrative Conference of the United States Cassady, John H.: Administrative Conference of the United States Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation... Cassata, Donna, Standing Committee of Correspond- ents. Cassidy, Ed, Rep. Martin R. Hoke Cassidy, Esther C., Technology Administration, Commerce Cassidy, Geri, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices Cassidy, June, Energy and Commerce Committee Cassidy, Robert, Office of U.S. Trade Representative Cassman, Marvin, National Instituteof General Medi-cal Sciences, HHS Casso, James, Rep. Esteban Edward Torres Casstevens, Kay, Office of Legislation and Congres-sional Affairs, Education Casteel, Ralph, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Casteel, Steve W., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Castell, Eduardo, Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez Castell, Frederick R., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Castellanos, Francisco, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Castellanos, Gabriel R., International Bank for Re-construction and Development Casteneda, Rose, Rep. Howard L. Berman.. Castillo, Victor G., Rep. Bob Filner Castle, Michael N. (Representative from Delaware): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Castle, Wendell, Smithsonian Institution Castleberry, Don H., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Castleberry, Earlene, Office of the Republican Leader Castner, Anna, Rep. William E. (Bill) Barrett Castro, Alejandro Castillo, Organization of Ameri-can States Castulovich, Juan Manuel, Inter-American Develop-ment Bank Caswell, Richard E., Armed Services Committee Catchings, Jean, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis-trict of Columbia Cates, George L., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters... Cates, Willard, Jr., Public Health Service, HHS Cates, William N., National Labor Relations Board... Catlett, D. Mark, Office of Finance and Information Resources Management, Veterans Affairs Catoe, Bette L., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1 Cattalini, Ann, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Catterson, Cathy, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Caucus, Max, President’s Export Council Caulfield, John T., U.S. Capitol Police Caulfield, Patricia A., House of Representatives Page School Cavaiola, Lawrence J., Armed Services Committee... Cavallaro, Lawrence S., Administration, Agriculture Cavanagh, Mary, Rep. James C. Greenwood Cavanaugh, Francis X., Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Cavanaugh, Susan M., Civil Division, Justice Caviglia, Mario V., Office of Personnel Management Cavitt, William H., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Cea, Eugene J., Federal Communications Commis- sion Ceci, Thomas s., Office of Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Navy Cecil, James, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Cecula, Adolph F., Jr., Bureau of the Census, Com-merce Cederberg, Elford A., U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress Cehelsky, Marta, National Science Foundation Ceilley, Bernie M., American Red Cross Celada, Raymond J., Library of Congress Celeste, Colgan, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. Celley, Scott, Sen. John McCain Celli, John P., Library of Congress Celli, Marco Tulio Bruni, Organization of American States Cerasale, Gerald E.: House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards Post Office and Civil Service Committee Cerda, Clarissa, Counsel to the President, Office of the President Ceroni, Andrew J., Inspector General, Air Force Certo, Richard T., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Cesar, Niles C., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Cesca, Robert P., Inspector General, Treasury Ceurvorst, Michael, Democratic Policy Committee ... Chabot, Herbert L., United States Tax Court Chabrier, Paul, International Monetary Fund Chace, Jonathan, Community Relations Service, Jus- tice Chacon, Dolores L., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Chadbourne, Sally A., Appropriations Committee...... Chafee, John H. (Senator from Rhode Island): Biography Environment and Public Works Committee Environmental and Energy Study Conference Finance Committee Republican Policy Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Arms Control Observer Group Small Busi Committee Chafer, Anne E., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Chafin, Bruce F., Energy and Commerce Committee Chahmirzadi, Nadereh, Foreign Relations Committee Chairs, Vice, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chaisson, Lloyd, Thrift Depositor Oversight Protec-tion Board Chalmers, Jane H., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Chalmers, Leslie, Sen. David Pryor Chamberlin, Guy W., Jr., Technology Administra- tion, Commerce Chamberlin, John C., Environmental Protection Agency Chambers, Ann B., Joint Committee on Printing Chambers, F. Marian, Foreign Affairs Committee Chambers, John, Joint Committee on Printing Chambers, Jon, Commerce, Science, and Transporta- tion Committee Chambers, Matthew A., Securities and Exchange po = m Chambers, Suzy, Rep. Dick Zimmer Chambliss, Mary T., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture Chambliss, Wendell, Rep. Bud Cramer. pet Chamlee, Donald L., Administrative Office of th U.S. Courts Chamness, Charles M., Federal Housing Finance ard Chamochumbi, Carlos, Inter-American Defense ard 1216 Congressional Directory Page Page Chan, Arthur H., Public Works and Transportation Chepp, Dorothy E., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Chan, Kwai, General Accounting Office. ............cceoce... Cherian, Joy, Equal Employment Opportunity Com-Chance, Ronnie, Rep. Mac Collins........ 78 mission 867 Chandler, Bill, Sen. Dianne Feinstein 18 | Cheroutes, Kip, Rep. Patricia Schroeder ..................... 50 Chandler, Dennis, U.S. International Development Cherrington, Stephen, National Foundation on the Cooperation Agency 931 Arts and the H iti 895 Chandler, James G., International Joint Commission, Chesbrough, Geoffrey L., Chief of Naval Operations 710 United States and Canada 1014 | Ch sre, Ronald G., Food and Drug Administra- Chang, Marina, Rep. Elizabeth Furse...............ccccooeee... 246 tion, HHS 814 Chang, Ming E., Office of the Inspector General, 706 Chesser, Aaron H., U.S. International Trade Com- avy mission 932 Chaozhu, Ji, Secretariat, United Nations me AERA 5 1027 Chesson, John B., Energy and Commerce Commit-Chapin, Christopher M., Assistant Secretary for tee 440 Space, Air Force Chestnut, Zandra, Special Committee on Aging......... 414 Chapin, Donald, General Accounting Office.............. Chiaruttini, G.A., Small Business Administration........ 916 Chapla, John D., Armed Services Committee Chiechi, Carolyn P., United States Tax Court............. 979 Chaplin, James Ey Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 Chilcoat, Richard A.: Chapman, Ann, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-Inter-American Defense Board 1006 tion, and Enforcement, Interior ...........coocuuvcvuuunnce 758 | Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-Chapman, Becky M., Banking, Housing, and Urban United States 1022 Affairs Committee 393 | Childress, James S., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- Chapman, Beth A., Patent and Trademark Office, tion, Air Force 713 mmerce 789 H R Chapman, Colin, Rep. Bill K. Brewster ..............c..... 242 Childress, Maske. 8. Lsbor and Homan: Resources 409 Chapman, Jim (Representative from Texas): Cl Richard K., U.S. International Develop-Bp atoms Committee f2s ment Cooperation ‘Agency 931 i } Grah 61 Chapman, John D., Government Printing Office........ 632 eS ay, Sen Bob Graham Chapman, Karen, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo i260 1 Nnclear Regulatory CommisHon 899 Chapngn, Lis, Rep. John A SG ” U.S. Nuclear Regulatory COMMISSION ............ccoccoce. 934 pman, > eau gislative Allairs, 678 Chilton, Bart, Rep. Jill Long +1105 Chilton-Odell, Shirley R., Federal Retirement Thrift Chapman, Ray C., Office of the Under Secretary, Investment Board 881 Air Force 712 : : : i Chapman, Sam, Sen. Barbara Boxer ............. 19 Chimes, Past, Environment and Public Works Com 399 Charbonneau, Loretta, Rep. Christopher H. 186 Chinery-Hesse, Mary, International Labor Organiza- Charles, Kathleen J., Under Secretary for Interna-Son > 2 1015 tional Security Affairs, State.........ccceeeeevenrivaencennen 676 : : g Charles, Keith, Assistant Secretary for Research, Cink. Matthew RoAssingn Sireiary Sor Manpows Development, and Acquisition, Army ................ 698 ? . 2 2 3 : ment, Air Force 716 Charrow, Veda R., Federal Retirement Thrift In-Chippel, Jean, Rep. Eva Clayton 217 Sant DOMES 881 i , Jean, ; AA SER Charters, David H., U.S. Postal Service ................. gy ChholnJane L, Post Otice anid Civ Sey. = Rime, ii Chase, Ed, Rep. Tom Lewis 71 3 ; : Chase, Henri B., Office of the Comptroller, Navy...... 708 Csi, iia Es Rep. Jim McDermott.................... 323 Chass Jom rs migration and" Naturalieation 745 General Services Administration..........coc.cevueeinnns 885 Chase, Joseph C., Appropriations Comnmittee.............. 389 Toy Copial Planning 5 M FAR Ne Chase, Linda, Natural Resources Committee............... 457 a, 1y anes ays ap d Sans on oe ja 475 Chase, Thomas S., Management—Chief Financial ocoiagd, SY veiled. ays an Sans tommijiee:. 476 Officer, Treasury 685 . i Chastang, Linda Earley, Rep. John Lewis................... 79 hopes, Eileen, Sovermenta 3 Afar Commies » 404 Chatah, Mohamad B., International Monetary Fund.. 1017 0X81, De erahion ane, lop Neocon: 1009 Chatfield-Taylor, Adele, Commission of Fine Arts..... 861 struction and Development Chatman, Nadine, Rep. Sanford Bishop..........cccc.ccoe.e.. 77 | Chorbajian, Rosalie, Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr............... 187 Chatterton, Alfred F., III, Office of Personnel Man-Chics Slson. Theodere, Federal Mediation and Con-$80 agement 902 5 pres E Chaudhry, M. Rafiq, International Cotton Advisory Sonal, bei BERLE ig Copmies a 426 Committee 1011 Bo 3 Chaudhry, Vijay K., International Finance Corpora-Ce Office of the Legislative Counsel i tion 1013 1 » a Legislative Counsel ....... Chavers, Kevin G., Banking, Housing, and Urban ish Mary; Rep. Nick Sowh CRE ik Affairs Committee 393 ristakos, Anna, Office Doo sessstrensesiste Chaves, Mary E., Assistant Secretary for Interna-Christenbury, Ed, Tennessee Valley Authority.......... 927 tional Affairs, Treasury 681 | Christensen, G. Norman, Federal Bureau of Investi- Chavez, Fred L., Securities and Exchange Commis-gation, Justice -743 sion 914 | Christensen, Kurt, Natural Resources Committee....... 457 Chavez, Gilbert, Community Relations Service, Jus-Christensen, Linda, Internal Revenue Service, Treas-oi tice 751 ury 5 Chavez, John, Office of Public Affairs, Labor............ 795 | Christensen, Maybeth, Rep. Jim Ramstad.................... 158 Chavez, Lucia M., Armed Services Committee .......... 392 | Christensen, Michael D., National Aeronautics and Chavez, Monica, Senate Arms Control Observer Ch {Space Aan FE Hg 888 Group 556 ristensen, Sally H., Office of Management an Chavez, Yolanda, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard............ 37 _Budget/Chief Financial Officer, Education.... 850, 851 Chavous, Kevin P., Council of the District of Co-Chrigensen; Thomas M.P., Maritime Administration, $45 lumbia 994 ransportation Cheatham, Linda D., Assistant Secretary for Hous-Christenson, Philip, Republican Policy Committee... 434 ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD......... 830 | Christian, Gerri Ellen, Small Business Committee ...... 411 Cheatham, Linda M., Executive Agencies, District Christianson, Geryld B., Foreign Relations Commit- of Columbia tee Chee-Won, Hon, International Monetary Fund........... Christie, Chris A., Federal Aviation Administration, Chelimsky, Eleanor, General Accounting Office........ _Transportation Chellis, Sharon, Rep. Arthur Ravenel, Jr ................... Christopher, Warren M. (Secretary of State): Chen, Philip S., National Institute of Health, HHS .... 817 Biography 675 Chen, Vivian, Health Resources and Services Ad-Cabinet 666 ministration, HHS 816 National Security Council 672 Cheney, Wallace H., Bureau of Prisons, Justice.......... 733 President’s Export Council 566 Name Index Page Page Smithsonian Institution 916, 926 Chuchla, Joseph, Export Administration, Commerce. 784 Chudovan, John A., Federal Communications Com- mission 873 Chun, Sun W., Major Field Organizations, Energy .... 848 Chuppe, Terry M., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 911 Church, Nancy, Naval Council of Personnel Boards, Navy 707 Ciancaglini, David E., U.S. Coast Guard, Transpor- tation 838 Cianciolo, August M., Smithsonian Institution............. 922 Cicala, Rose, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury ........ 680 Ciccarello, Nicholas J.,, Army Staff and Selected Agencies 701 Ciccione, Christine, Rules and Administration Com- mittee 410 Cicconi, James W., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Cicio, Kristen K., National Security Council .............. 672 Cikins, Sylvia A., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee 396 Cimino, Ronald A., Tax Divison, Justice..................... 732 Cimko, John, Jr., Federal Communications Commis- sion Cincinnati, Edward F., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice Cinciotta, Linda A., Justice Management Division, Justice Cindrich, Joseph M., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation.................. 843 Cino, Maria, National Republican Congressional Committee 483 Cinquegrani, Marcus, Office of the Doorkeeper ......... 620 Cipolla, Ronald D., General Counsel, Agriculture ..... 769 Cippa, Roberto F., International Monetary Fund ....... 1016 Cisneros, Henry G. (Secretary of Housing and Urban Development): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation............. 857 Biography 827 Cabinet 666 Federal Housing Finance Board............ccccceourereuenne 877 National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities 896 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation................ 899 President’s Committee on Mental Retardation......... 565 Smithsonian Institution 916 Cisneros, Marc A., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. 699 Cissel, Edwin I., International Affairs and Commodi-ty Programs, Agriculture 767 Cissel, Robert F., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 Claffey, Barbara A., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 772 Clagett, William H., IV, Major Field Organizations, Energy 848 Clair, Edward P., Office of Policy, Labor.................... 799 Clance, Lawrence R., Federal Communications Cc ission 872 Clancy, Lynn, Sen. Kent Conrad 226 Clanton, Doris, Governmental Affairs Committee...... 404 Clapp, Charles E., II, United States Tax Court........... 977 Clapp, Charles L., Postal Rate Commission ................ 909 Clapper, James R., Jr.: Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense ..................... 693 Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense 692 Clark, Anthony S., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Clark, Barbara A., Federal Trade Commission ........... 881 Clark, Cynthia Z.F., Economics, Agriculture ... i765 Clark, D., General Services Administration................. 885 Clark, David A., Washington City Post Office, Dis- trict of Columbia 1002 Clark, David L., General Accounting Office .............. 631 Clark, Diane E., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury 682 Clark, Donald E., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS.............cccoeuvunne 820 Clark, Donald S., Federal Trade Commission............. 881 Clark, Dorothy C., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Clark, Eleanor M., Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD......... 830 Clark, Fred, Agriculture Committee 421 Clark, Geraldine, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board..... 937 Clark, Ginger, Federal Communications Commission 868 Clark, Jack, Republican Policy Committee.................. 418 Clark, James: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Ways and Means Committee. 475 Clark, Jane C., National Labor Relations Board ......... 897 Clark, Jeannine Smith: Commission of Fine Arts 861 Smithsonian Institution 917, 924 Clark, Jerald P., Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Clark, Jimmy D., Rep. Larry Combest ........ Clark, John L., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Clark, Kevin J., Federal Emergency Management Agency Clark, M. Thomas, Office of the Attorney General, Justice Clark, Melvin, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Clark, Merritt R., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Clark, Michael, Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture Clark, Patricia, Occupational Safety and Health Ad- ministration, Labor Clark, Rika, Agriculture Committee...........ccccoevceuerrnne Clark, Roberta J., Rep. Robert F. (Bob) Smith........... Clark, Roger, Occupational Safety and Health Ad- ministration, Labor Clark, Sophie, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Clark, Stephen J., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Clark, Sue, Rep. John A. Boehner..........cceceevurvivrucnnene Clark, W. Vaughn, Rep. Dave McCurdy. Clark, Willard, Smithsonian Institution Clark, William D., Assistant Secretary for Manpow- er and Reserve Affairs, Arm Clark, Willistine M., Justice Management Division, Justice Clarke, Alisone M., Federal Retirement Thrift In- vestment Board Clarke, Deanne R., Rep. Julian C. Dixon .......ccccceuueee Clarke, Floyd I., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Clarke, James L., Rep. William F. Clinger, Jr............. Clarke, Jeffrey, Army Staff and Selected Agencies... Clarke, John R., Smithsonian Institution...................... Clarke, Regina M., Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cc issi Clarke, Ruthine, Non-Legislative and Financial Services Clarke, William D., Under Secretary for Internation- al Security Affairs, State Claxton, David F., Rep. Bennie Thompson................. Clay, Jasper R., Jr., U.S. Parole Commission........ 748, 936 Clay, Jesse P., Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Clay, William (Bill) (Representative from Missouri): Biography Education and Labor Committee... ate House Administration Committee ...........ccceerverruennnen House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards Post Office and Civil Service Commiittee................. Clay, William H., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture Clayton, Eva (Representative from North Carolina): Agriculture Committee Biography Small Busi Committee Clayton, Kenneth C., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Clayton, Leigh, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Clearwaters, Gladys, Appropriations Committee ........ Cleary, Patrick J., National Mediation Board.............. Cleghorn, Rudolph H., Federal Council on the Aging Cleland-Hamnett, Wendy, Environmental Protection Agency Clemandot, Andre, Jr, Rep. G.V. (Sonny) Mont- gomery Clement, Audray, Judiciary Committee ...........cccccveuenne Clement, Bob (Representative from Tennessee): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 1218 Congressional Directory Page Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Clement, David D., Science, Space, and Technology 468 Clement, Donna, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Clement, Mary, Congressional Club............ccccoeeuernenee. Clemente, Frank, Government Operations Commit- tee Clements, John A., Federal Highway Administra-tion, Transportation Clements, William L., Export Administration, Com-merce Clemons, Ashland, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Clemonts-James, Corliss, Rep. Lucien E. Blackwell... Clendenin, John L., American Red Cross.................... Clerkin, Patrick, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture. Cleveland, Hilary P., International Joint Commis-sion, United States and Canada Cleveland, Peter M., Foreign Relations Committee... Clevenger, Raymond C., III: United States Court of Appeals..........cccccceunurernrunne United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Clifford, Maurice C., III, Community Relations Service, Justice Clifford, Susan, Small Business Administration........... Clifford, Thomas E., Joint Committee on Taxation.... Climo, Beth L., Federal Housing Finance Board........ Clinard, David, U.S. Arms Control and Disarma- ment Agency Cline, William, Federal Communications Commis- sion Clinger, William F., Jr. (Representative from Penn- sylvania): Biography Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future. Government Operations Committee House Wednesday Group Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Clinton, Charles J., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Clinton, Gwen, Ways and Means Commiittee.............. Clinton, Hillary Rodham: First Lady’s Office, Office of the President Smithsonian Institution Clinton, J. Jarret, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Clinton, William J. (President of the United States): American Red Cross Biography National Security Council Smithsonian Institution Washington National Monument Society ................. Clogston, Michael D., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Clokey, Darrell O., General Services Administration. Close, Carl C., Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior...........c..ccceeevuennenn. Closner, John J., Chief of Staff, Air Force.................. Cloud, Kenneth G., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Cloutier, Paul, Office of the Majority Secretary ......... Clune, Christopher G., Federal Railroad Administra- tion, Transportation Clune, Leslie, Office of the General Counsel, HHS.... Clutterbuck, Anne, Rep. Bill Archer...........ccccccuuuneee. Clyburn, James E. (Representative from South Caro- lina): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Veterans’ Affairs Cc itt, Coady, E. Patrick, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Coats, Dan (Senator from Indiana): Armed Services Committee Biography Labor and Human Resources Commiittee................. National Republican Senatorial Committee.. Cobb, Cybele, Appropriations Committee Cobb, Jane O., Government Operations Committee... Cobb, Susan, Rep. James C. Greenwood Cobb, DosR M., Social Security Administration, Cobbs, Charles, Federal Communications Commis- sion Page Coble, Howard (Representative from North Caroli- na): Biography Judiciary C Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee National Republican Congressional Committee....... Cobleigh, Marshall, Rep. Bill Zeliff, Jr ........................ Cocci, Erman J., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Cochran, Bob, Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon 33 Cochran, Jill, Veterans’ Affairs Committee ................. 473 Cochran, Martha L., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Cochran, Thad (Senator from Mississippi): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............. 385 Appropriations Committee 387 Biography 161 Conference of the Minority 417 Governmental Affairs Committee. ........c.cccoeriiennninnas 403 Indian Affairs Cc i 405 Migratory Bird Conservation Commission............... 554 Republican Leadership 612 Republican Policy Committee ............ccocereernerninenannes 417 Rules and Administration Committee . 409 Senate Office Building Commission .........cccccueveeennne 556 Cochrane, William McWhorter: Joint Committee of Congress on the Library........... 485 Rules and Administration Committee ...........cccocueuene 409 Cockey, Alex M., Jr., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 771 Cody, Laurie, Government Operations Committee .... 446 Coe, Anthony C., Office of the Legislative Counsel .. 615 Coelho, Tony, Congressional Award ...........c.ccceuerennen 548 Cofer, Williston B., Jr., Armed Services Committee... 429 Coffey, Alan F., Jr., Judiciary Committee................... 450 Coffey, John L., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Coffey, Nancy, Sen. Howard M. Metzenbaum............ 228 Coffey, Paul E., Criminal Division, Justice.................. 731 Coffin, Cris, Sen. Herb H. Kohl 328 Coffin, Tristram, Judiciary Committee..............ccceeurnue 407 Coffman, James, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Coffman, Janet M., Veterans’ Affairs Committee........ 412 Cogan, Charles S., Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, HUD 829 Cogan, Michael W., Veterans’ Affairs Committee...... 412 Coggin, David, Rep. Ron Packard ...........cccccoevneuennnnene. 46 Cogswell, Ronald M., Office of Management and Budget 72 Cohan, Lawrence S., General Services Administra- tion 884 Cohan, William A., Jr., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Cohen, Aaron S., Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries............. 1094 Cohen, Aaron, National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration 889 Cohen, Alan, Counselor to the Secretary and Chief of Staff, Treasury 679 Cohen, Barry M., Bureau of the Census, Commerce.. 783 Cohen, Benjamin 1, Government Operations Com- mittee 446 Cohen, Bonnie R., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 754 Cohen, Bruce, Office of Policy, Labor...........ccccouvunune 799 Cohen, Christie, Rep. Jim Lightfoot..............ccccoennnnee. 111 Cohen, David M., Assistant Secretary for Communi- ty Planning and Development, HUD.................... 830 Cohen, David M., Civil Division, Justice.............cc..o... 729 Cohen, Gene D., National Institute on Aging, HHS.. 820 Cohen, Harrison J., Joint Committee on Taxation...... 486 Cohen, Howard, Energy and Commerce Committee. 440 Cohen, Irwin C., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Cohen, Isaac, United Nations 1028 Cohen, James A., U.S. Postal Service ..........ccoceevivreinns 937 Cohen, Jay M., Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy.... 706 Cohen, John D., Judiciary Committee ...........ccccorurnes 450 Cohen, Jonathan S., Tax Divison, Justice ...........cceeunus 732 Cohen, Kenneth E., General Counsel, Agriculture..... 769 Cohen, Lois, National Institute of Dental Research, HHS 821 Cohen, Mary Ann, United States Tax Court............... 977 Cohen, Mitchell L., Public Health Service, HHS ....... 813 Cohen, Philip, Office of Water and Science, Interior. 759 Name Index 1219 Page Cohen, Richard E., Executive Committee of Corre-spondents 1117 Cohen, Robert H., Postal Rate Commission 909 Coker, Steve, Communications, Office of the Presi-ent Cohen, Steve, Rep. Michael Bilirakis Cohen, Steven R., Office of Personnel Management.. Cohen, William M., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice Cohen, William S. (Senator from Maine): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future.. Governmental Affairs Committee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Judiciary Committee Special Committee on Aging Cohn, Walter I, International Finance Corporation... 1013 Colaianni, Lois Ann, National Library of Medicine, HHS 818 Colandrea, Nancy L., Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman 208 Colarusso, James J., President's Committee on Mental Retardation Colato, Jose Maria Pineda, Inter-American Defense Board Colberg, Magda, Office of Personnel Management Colborn, Fay) P., Office of the Attorney General, Caley. “Davi W., National Capital Planning Com- Colby, "Robert L.D., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Cole, Alan A., Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-tion, and Enforcement, Interior Cole, Anthony, Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee Cole, Bruce, National Foundation on the Arts and the H Cole, Darrell, Science and Education, Agriculture Cole, Deloris L., Judiciary Committee Cole, Donna F., President’s Export Council Cole, Ed, Rep. Mike Parker Cole, Isaac W., Office of Administration and Man- agement, Labor Cole, James D., Rep. Ralph M. Hall Cole, James L., Chief of Staff, Air Force Cole, Jeanette L., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Cole, Joanne T., Office of the Legislative Counsel Cole, John Y., Library of Congress Cole, Johnetta B., Smithsonian Institution Cole, Kay, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Re- serve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Cole, Keith, Energy and Commerce Committee. Cole, Leon M., Library of Congress Cole, Michelle C., District of Columbia Committee... Cole, Roger T., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Cole, Shelley, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee Cole-Misch, Sally, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Coleman, Amy, House Administration Committee Coleman, Carole K., National Labor Relations Board Coleman, Gail V., Office of Policy, Labor Coleman, James, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Coleman, John J.,, Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Coleman, John V., Office of Policy and International Affairs, Transportation Coleman, Kimberly M., Joint Committee on Printing Coleman, Robert C., Rep. Philip M. Crane Coleman, Ronald D. (Representative from Texas): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Border Caucus Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group... Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Coleman, Roth H., Western Union Telegraph Co. ..... Coleman, Sandra S., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice Coleman, Trent, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices Coleman, Trey, Rep. Alcee L. Hastings Page Colgan, Celeste, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 895 Colgan, James S., Regional and Field Offices, HUD.. 833 Colgate, Stephen R., Justice Management Division, Justice Colgrove, Ann, Equal Employment Opportunity Cc i i m 8 Colgrove, Gary S., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Coll, Patricia, Rep. Christopher H. Smith Collazo, Veronica O., U.S. Postal Service Collazo-Valencia, Gladys O., Equal Employment Opportunity Cc on Colley, Chad, President's Committee on Employ- ment of People with Disabilities Colley, W. Raymond, Office of the Clerk Collier, Brenda G., Commission on Security and Co- operation In Europe Collier, L.W., Jr., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior.. Collier, Tom, Office of the Secretary, Interior Colling, Kenneth L., United States Marshals Service, Justice Collingsworth, Linda, Rep. Greg Laughlin Collingwood, John E., Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion, Justice Collins, Barbara-Rose (Representative from Michi- gan): Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Government Operations Committee Post Office and Civil Service Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Collins, Cardiss (Representative from Illinois): Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Energy and Commerce Committee Government Operations Committee . Collins, Chris, Post Office and Civil Service Com- Collie, din M., Rep. Marilyn Lloyd Collins, Corky, Rep. Stephen L. Neal Collins, Frank C., III, Rep. Randy (Duke) Cun- Collins, George J., Government Printing Office Collins, Henry, House Information Systems Collins, James D., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- ratio Collins, as S.. Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc n Collins, Jill, National Foundation on the Arts and the Hunanitics Collins, John M., Library of Congress Collins, Katherine E., Office of Budget and Pro- grams, Transportation Collins, Kathleen J., Federal Communications Com- mission Collins, Kay G., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Collins, Keith J.: Economics, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Collins, Kenneth A., Fogarty International Center, HHS Collins, Kevin A., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Collins, Kevin D., U.S. Capitol Police Collins, Lionel, Rep. William J. Jefferson Collins, Mac (Representative from Georgia): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Small Busi Committee Collins, Mark M., Jr., International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Collins, Mary Ann Mobley, National Council on Disability Collins, Michael, Smithsonian Institution Collins, Nancy Auerbach, Non-Legislative and Fi- nancial Services Collins, Patrick, Budget Committee Collins, Richard, Appropriations Committee Collins, Ronald R., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Collins, Samuel J., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Collins, William, Library of Congress Collison, Ronald W., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 1220 Congressional Directory Collodny, Edwin I., Smithsonian Institution................ Cologne, Karen, Rep. Bob Franks............cccccoceunnnen. Colombo, Robert N., Employment and Training Ad- ministration, Labor Colon, Gilbert, Office of Legislative and Intergov-ernmental ‘Affairs, Commerce Colonna, Richard A., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Colquitt, Margo, Rep. Larry Combest ............ccccoc....... Colson, Frank J., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Colton, Deborah A., Ways and Means Comnmittee...... Colvin, Bill D., National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration Colvin, John O., United States Tax Court................... Comaner, Joan, Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Combest, Larry (Representative from Texas): Agriculture Committee Biography National Republican Congressional Committee....... Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence........... Small Busi Committee. Combs, Alvin D., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. Combs, Richard E., Jr., Armed Services Committee.. Come, Newton J., National Labor Relations Board ... Comes, Robert F., United States Court of Veterans Comeau, Stephen, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Comiez, Maynard S., Assistant Secretary for Eco- nomic Policy, Treasury Comley, Suzanne, House Press Gallery....................... Commenator, Carl, Veterans’ Affairs Committee........ Compton, Dale L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Compion, Richard W., Regional and Field Offices, Comstock, Amy, Office of Inspector General, Edu- cation Comstock, Earl, Sen. Ted Stev Comstock, Thomas E., U.S. Marine Corps Head- quarters Conafay, Stephen R., Congressional Award................ Conahan, Frank C., General Accounting Office......... Conant, George, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Conaty, Joseph, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Education Conaway, John B.: Army Staff and Selected Agencies. Chief of Staff, Air Force Condayan, John, U.S. Information Agency................. Condit, Gary A. (Representative from California): Agriculture Cc Biography Government Operations Committee .... Condit, Sandra, Rep. Jim Saxton ................... Condit, William, Natural Resources Committee.......... Congel, Frank J., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Conkling, Juanita, Office of the Sergeant at Arms...... Conley, Howard, Agriculture Commiittee.................... Conley, Michael, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Conley, Sidney M., Office of Personnel Management Connaster, Rubye, Judiciary Committee ...................... Connaughton, Kevin A., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc Connell, Mary ‘Ellen, U.S. Information Agency.......... Connell, Mike, Rep. Martin R. Hoke. Connelly, Donald R., Office of Justice Programs, Justice Connelly, Kathleen, Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Connelly, William, Rep. Stephen L. Neal.................... Conner, Robert J., Office of the Sergeant at Arms..... Conners, James S., Office of Personnel Management . Conniff, Brian, Board for International Broadcasting. Connolly, Brenda, Agriculture Committee .................. Connolly, Brian F., Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan .... Connolly, Douglas, Democratic Policy Committee... Connolly, Michael, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Connolly, Thomas F., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Page Connolly, William, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army 696 Connor, Charles, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Connor, David M., General Accounting Office.......... Connor, Maurice L., Jr., Office of the Judge Advo-cate General, Navy Connor, Rob, Finance Committee ........c.ccceevereerueunnnene Connor-Phillips, Juanita, Rep. Louis Stokes................ Connors, Dennis R., Technology Administration, Commerce Connors, Henry L., Jr, General Services Adminis-tration Connors, John J., Office of the Secretary, HUD. Connors, Timothy J., U.S. Capitol Police.................... Conover, Philip L., Federal Housing Finance Board . Conrad, J. Lyle, Public Health Service, HHS............. Conrad, Kent (Senator from North Dakota): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............. Biography Budget Committee Finance Committee Indian Affairs Committee Conroy, Coleman J., Rep. William J. Coyne............... Consenstin, Danny, Office of the Secretary, Interior.. Constable, Elinor G., Bureau of Oceans and Interna-tional Environmental and Scientific Affairs, State Constance, John A., National Archives and Records Administration Contarino, Dave, Rep. George E. Brown, Jr.............. Contee, Martha E., Federal Communications Com- mission Conti, Gene, Rep. David E. Price Contreras, Henry J., Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard........ Contreras, Marco Tulio Espinosa, Inter-American Defense Board 1 Conway, Bill, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee Conway, Frank H., Foreign Claims Settlement Com- mission, Justice Conway, John J., Appropriations Commiittee.............. Conway, Patrick M., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force Conway, Roger, Economics, Agriculture.................... Conway, Thomas V., Commodity Credit Corpora- tion, Agricultur Conyers, John, Jr. (Representative from Michigan): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus....................... Government Operations Committee ............c.ceeeunene y Cc Small Busi Cc Smithsonian Institution Conzelman, Jim, Rep. Michael G. Oxley ..................... Cook, Antoinette D., Commerce, Science, Transportation Committee Cook, Carvin, Employee Standards Administration, bor Cook, Catherine C., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Cook, Charles C., Government Printing Office........... Cook, Daniel, Export Administration, Commerce ...... Cook, David L., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Cook, David N., Administrative Conference of the United States. Cook, David, Rep. Nathan Deal Cook, Don G., Liaison Offices Cook, Donald C., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... Cook, Donald G., Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force Cook, Dorothy, Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon ............... Cook, Elizabeth A., Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc Cook, J.L., AFIS, Defense Cook, Jane E., Rep. George (Buddy) Darden Cook, John E., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Cook, Joseph, Office of Management and Budget, HHS Cook, Kevin, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Cook, Laura, Ways and Means C: i Cook, Lodwrick M., American Red Cross.................. Name Page Cook, Michael B., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Cook, Morley H., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 774 Cook, Steve, Environmental and Energy Study Con-ference Cook, Virginia, Rep. William (Bill) Clay ..................... Cook, William Holmes, United States Court of Mili-tary Appeals Cooke, Celeste, Sen. Lauch Faircloth..........cccunue...... Cooke, David O.: Public Affairs, Defense Washington Headquarters Services, Defense........... Cooke, Emily, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Cooke, Maxine, Speaker of the House of Representa-tives Cooke, Michele C., Federal Communications Com-mission Cooke, Nola, Environmental Protection Agency........ Cookmat, Aubrey O., American Battle Momuments A mn Cooksey, Janie F., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Cooksey, Robert H., Office of the Sergeant at Arms. Cooksie, Carolyn, Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Coon, Charlie, Government Operations Committee ... Coon, Eugene L., United States Marshals Service, Justice Coon, Jim, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr.........cc.ccerereriuenenn. Cooney, Manus, Judiciary Committee...............coeuneee Coonley, Donald G., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Coonts, John, Assistant Secretary for Housing Fed: eral Housing Commissioner, HUD... Cooper, Barbara, Rep. James M. Talent .. Cooper, Benita A., National Aeronautics an pace Administration Cooper, Benjamin, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Cogper, Brian C., Government Operations Commit- Coon Charles J., Administrative Conference of the United States Cooper, Cherie, Appropriations Committee .. 2% Cooper, Chris P., Judiciary Committee...............cc...... Cooper, Clark F., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Cooper, Dana Sebren, Energy and Natural Re- sources Committee Cooper, E. Faye, American Red Cross............ccoceeunee. Cooper, Frederick R., Administration, Agriculture... Cooper, Glennon, Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Cooper, Horace, Rep. Dick Armey.........cccoceeevueurinuene Cooper, James, Judiciary Committee Cooper, Jennifer, Environment and Public Works Committee Cooper, Jim (Representative from Tennessee): Biography Budget Committee Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future............. Energy and Commerce Committee............. Environmental and Energy Study Conference. Cooper, Kent C., Federal Election Commission ......... Cooper, Matthew T., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar-ters Cooper, Meredith: Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. Rep. Barbara-Rose Collins Cooper, Richard W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Cooper, Roger M., Justice Management Division, Justice Cooper, Scott, Energy and Commerce Committee..... Cooper, Stephen K., Executive Committee of Corre- spondents Cooper, Susan, National Archives and Records Ad- ministration Cooper-Smith, Jeffrey P., Botanic Garden................... Cope, Charles W., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Cope, J. David, Office of Personnel Management ...... Cope, Steven, Office of the Legislative Counsel Cope, Tom, Rep. James A. Leach.........coceveuceninrucnnnne Copeland, Cary H., Office of the Attorney General, Index 1221 Page Copeland, Ronald G., Office of Civil Rights, HHS.... 804 Copeland, Tamara Lucas, Rep. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott Copenhaver, Julie L., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force 714 Coplan, Seth M., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion 934 Coppage, Gail M., Foreign Relations Committee ....... 403 Coppersmith, Sam (Representative from Arizona): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Coppinger, Paul L., Food and Drug Administration, HHS Coppola, John, Smithsonian Institution.................. 919, 924 Copps, Jim, Bureau of Prisons, Justice..........ccceeuveuennen 733 Copson, Donna G., Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor Coray, Dave, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Corbett, MargaretAnn, Rep. Tom Bevill ..................... Corbin, David, Democratic Policy Committee . vas Corbisiero, Lecia, Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato.............. Corcoran, Andrea M., Commodity Futures Trading Ce A Corcoran, Howard F., Environmental Protection Agency Corcoran, Karla S., Inspector General, Treasury ....... Corcoran, Thomas E. Inter-American Defense Board Cordes, Kelly L., Joint Committee on the Organiza-tion of Congress Cordes, Leslie Black, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Corell, Robert W., National Science Foundation........ Corey, Kathleen, Peace Corps 907 Coring, Sam, Rep. Mel Hancock .........ccceeveveniinncnnnns Corlett, Cleve E., General Accounting Office ............ Corley, Angie K., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1 000 Corn, Milton, National Library of Medicine, HHS..... 818 Corn, Wanda M., Smithsonian Institution..........c..c...... 923 Corn-Revere, Robert, Federal Communications 3 Cx ission 868 Cornell, Dianne J., Federal Communications Com- mission 871 Cornell, Robert A., Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development 1020 Cornett, Nina, Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy 708 Cornick, Sue, Rep. Ernest J. Istook, Jr........cccccoveuennnne 243 Coro, Alicia, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Education 852 Coronado, David, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 997 Corr, Bill, Judiciary Committee 406 Corr, John C., Federal Maritime Commission............. 879 Correll, David L., Smithsonian Institution............. 918, 926 Corrigan, Francis, Office of Elementary and Second- ary Education, Education 852 Corrigan, Michael L., General Services Administra- tion 884 Corterier, Peter, North Atlantic Assembly .................. 555 Cortese, Steven J., Appropriations Committee............ 389 Cortez, Miguel J., Jr., United States Courts of Ap: peals for the Federal CirCuit ..............owr.cooe 947 Corthell, Kim, Governmental Affairs Committee 404 Cortines, Ramon, Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs, Education 850 Corts, Kelli J., Armed Services Commiittee................. 392 Cory, Gayle, Office of the Sergeant at Arms... .. 614 Cosby, L. Neale, U.S. Capitol Historical Society........ 568 Cosgarea, Andrew, Jr., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury Cosgrove, John H., International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 1 Cosgrove, Tom, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Cosgrove, William, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 773 Cosseboom, Margaret M., Armed Services Commit- tee 429 Costa, Robert J., Federal Election Commission.......... 876 Costello, Brenda, Democratic Congressional Cam- Justice paign Committee 1222 Congressional Directory Page Costello, Dan: Post Office and Civil Service Commiittee................. 459 Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert Costello, Francis J., Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II......... Costello, Jerry F. (Representative from Illinois): Biography 96 Budget Committee 433 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Costello, John J., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 914 Costello, Terence J., Armed Services Committee....... 429 Coster, John, Special Committee on Aging................. 414 Costiglio, Lawrence U., Federal Housing Finance Board 877 Cote, Eric, Rep. Bill Paxon 213 Cothen, Grady C., Jr., Federal Railroad Administra-tion,L, Yiansoonation 842 Cotter,B. Paul, Jr., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission 899, 934 Cotter, Lauren, Rep. Thomas J. Ridge ............cccevueeee 264 Cotton, F. Albert, National Science Foundation......... 898 Cotton, Mary E., Armed Services Committee 429 Cottos, James M, Inspector General, Treasury... 680 Couchard, B. Carlton, Social Security Administra. tion, HHS 826 Coughenour, Kelvin L., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 703 Coughlin, Michael S., U.S. Postal Service.................. 937 Coughlin, Susan M., National Transportation Safety. 898 Coulter, K. Jane, Science and Education, Agricul- ture. 779 Coulter, Nora, Rep. Lee H. Hamilton...................c....... 107 Coune, Alain, International Monetary Fund................ 1016 Counihan, Richard H., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee 440 Courington, Timothy H., Assistant Secretary for Ac-quisition, Air Force 712 Courtland, Sherry L., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Cousins, Thomas G., Smithsonian Institution .... Couvillion, D. Irvin, United States Tax Court.. Covaleski, Jack, Office of Government Ethics Covelli, Frank, Rep. Marge Roukema Cover, Robert, Office of the Legislative Counsel ....... 623 Coverdell, Paul (Senator from Georgia): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............ 385 Biography 76 Foreign Relations Committee 401 National Republican Senatorial Committee.............. 416 Small B Committee 410 Covington, Frank M., Environmental Protection Agency 864 Covington, Patricia J., Liaison Offices............ccccceenueu.. Cowan, Mark D., National Commission for Employ- ment Policy 554 Cowart, Christine E., Armed Services Committee ..... 392 Cowart, Lynn E., Rep. Larry Combest 296 Cowart, Patricia Quinn, Office of the Legislative Counsel 615 Cowell, Sharon, Technology Administration, Com-merce 790 Cowen, Robert E., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Cowen, Wilson, United States Court of Appeals ........ 956 Cowie, Joseph W., Rep. Thomas H. Andrews............ 131 Cowles, Ronald E., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs.............ccccoerenee. 854 Cox, Carl E., Office of Economic and Statistical Administration, Commerce 782 Cox, Christopher (Representative from California): Biography 45 Budget Committee 433 Congressional Human Rights Caucus..........ccceeuueneue 560 Government Operations Committee ...........cceeeuunee 445 Joint Economic Committee 488 National Republican Congressional Committee........ 482 Republican Study Committee 567 Cox, David, Sen. David L. Boren 240 Cox, Edwin L., Library of Congress..........ccccoovvecunnee 638 Cox, Emmett Ripley, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit........c..c.cocevvereiecucnnne Cox, Gary S., Rep. Cynthia McKinney.. at Cox, Joann, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan Cox, John, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Cc mn 553 Cox, Karen, Office of Technology Assessment........... 640 Cox, Larry D.: Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence........... Sen. Mitch McConnell Cox, Mark, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury......... Cox, Michael H., Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force 718 Cox, Robert G., Government Printing Office ............. 632 Cox, Ross C., Public Health Service, HHS ................. 811 Cox, Walter Thompson, III, United States Court of Military Appeals 984 Cox, William A., Library of Congress 636 Cox, William M., Foreign Affairs Committee 444 Coy, Robert E., Office of the Secretary, Veterans Afffairs 853 Coyer, Robert A., Employment and Training Ad-ministration, Labor 800 Coyle, Deborah, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President 670 Coyle, Joan, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee 453 Coyne, Joseph R., Board of Governors of the Feder-al Reserve System 860 Coyne, William J. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Biography 259 Budget Committee 433 Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation ..........c.c...... 565 Ways and Means Cc 474 Cozadd, Chris, Rep. Jolene Unsoeld 320 Cracco, Andre J., International Finance Corporation 1012 Craft, Carol, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee 398 Crafton, Richard D., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Crafts, Donald, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury 681 Cragin, Charles, Office of the Secretary, Veterans A fffairs 853 Craig, Charics W., Federal Communications Com- mission 874 Craig, Jerry D., Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce 788 Craig, John W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion 935 Craig, Larry E. (Senator from Idaho): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............. 385 Biography 86 Energy and Natural Resources Committee............... 397 Joint Economic Committee 488 Special Committee on Aging 414 Craig, Marian, United States Holocaust Memorial Council 930 Craighill, Polly W., Office of the Legislative Coun-els se Cramer, Bud (Representative from Alabama): Biography 5 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 477 Public Works and Transportation Committee 460 Science, Space, and Technology Committee . .. 466 Cramer, Tammy, Ways and Means Committee..... 475, 476 Crandall, Jeffrey C., Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, Labor 801 Crandell, John H., Office of Personnel Management... 906 Crane, Bob, Rep. Mike Kreidler ............ccccceevvnnncrennnen. 324 Crane, Philip M. (Representative from Illinois): Joint Committee on Taxation 486 Biography 94 Republican Study Committee 567 Ways and Means Commit 474 Cranford, Gerald F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 934 Crank, Sandy, Social Security Administration, HHS.. 826 Crapa, Barbara A., Rep. John Bryant.............ccccuvnnnee. 287 Crapa, Joseph R., Rep. David R. Obey...........cccuuueue. 332 Crapo, Michael D. (Representative from Idaho): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee.............cccceueuennne National Republican Congressional Committee....... Republican Policy Committee ............ccceeuerurinrerrenene Crater, Jeffrey C., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee 440 Craven, Kelly, Rep. Steve Buyer...........coceecrncrcrernnnn 105 Crawford, Carol T., U.S. International Trade Com- mission 932 Crawford, Charlotte, Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee 464 Crawford, Cinda, Rep. Martin Frost ...........cccceuvvevennes 300 Crawford, George C., Rules Committee..............cco0ene. 465 Name Index 1223 Page Crawford, Helen G., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ies 895 Crawford, John, Office of Personnel Management ..... Crawford, Lonnie L., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board 933 Crawford, Mechita, Government Operations Com- mittee Crawford, Richard L., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Crawford, Susan J., United States Court of Military Appeals Creager, Cindy, Small Business Committee................. Creager, Marissa, Rep. Austin J. Murphy........... -Creedon, Madelyn R., Armed Services Committee.... Creel, Frank W., International Trade Administration, Commerce Creel, Harold, Jr., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Cremeans, John E., Office of Economic and Statisti- cal Administration, Commerce ...........c.ceouerervrrenns Cretekos, George N., Rep. C.W. Bill Young.. Crew, Spencer, Smithsonian Institution................. Crews, Grace L., Republican Study Committee ......... Crews, John W., Federal Communications Commis- sion 869 Crimmins, Stephen J., Securities and Exchange Cc n 913 Crippen, Robert L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 889 Crippen, William T., Ways and Means Committee...... 475 Crisman, Robert W., Federal Communications Com- mission 872 Criss, Eric, National Republican Senatorial Commit-tee 416 Criss, George W., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force Crist, James W., Export-Import Bank of the United States Crivella, Vincent L., General Services Administra- tion 884 Crnkovic, Debra W., Armed Services Committee...... 392 Croce, Robert, Rep. ‘Barbara B.K 11 55 Crockett, James H., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 735 Crockett, Lee, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee 453 Crockett, Steven F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 934 Croft, Thomas, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS 817 Crofton, Patrick D., Permanent Joint Board on De- fense, Canada-United States............ccceeuervereerernenenne 1022 Cromwell, Cheryl S., Liaison Offices 629 Cronan, Sheila, Office of Policy, Labor.............c........ 799 Crone, Richard, Office of Policy, Labor...................... 799 Cronin, James A., Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc nm 900 Cronin, Kevin H., Government Operations Commit-tee 444 Cronin, Michael C., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Cropp, Linda, Council of the District of Columbia... 994 Crosby, Gary F., Office of National Drug Control Policy 673 Crosby, William D., Rules Committee ..............c..c........ 465 Cross, Donald R., United States Naval Home............. 940 Cross, H. Russell, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 774 Cross, Hampton, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 995 Cross, Leonora S., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury 686 Cross, Meredith, Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 912 Cross, Patricia, Rep. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless........ 44 Cross, Paul S., Interstate Commerce Commission....... 887 Cross, Stephen M., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury 686 Crossman, John W., Office of Administration, Office of the President 672 Crouch, Douglas, Internal Revenue Service, Treas-ury 687 Crowder, Robert M., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Crowe, Judy, Speaker of the House of Representa-tives 616 Crowe, William J., Jr., President's Foreign Intelli-gence Advisory Board, Office of the President... 674 Page Crowell, Colin, Energy and Commerce Committee... 441 Crowell, Craven H., Jr., Tennessee Valley Authority 927 Crowell, Eldon H., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Crowley, Brian P., General Accounting Office........... 631 Crowley, Daniel F.C., House Administration Com-mittee 448 Crowley, Kathleen, Foreign Relations Committee ..... 403 Croyle, Carlton R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 Cruden, John C., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice 731 Cruise, Warren, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1000 Crump, Janice, Rep. Eva Clayton 217 Crump, Ronald C., Standards of Official Conduct Committee 471 Crump, Vivian, Library of Congress...........ccceeeeunruenunee 638 Crupi, Emanuele, Architect of the Capitol .................. 625 Cruse, James C., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Crutcher, John W., Postal Rate Cc ission 909 Crutchfield, Dennis M., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 035 Cc ission Cruz, Arturo J., Inter-American Development Bank.. 1007 Cruz, Ronald J., Inter-American Defense Board..... 1005 Csontos, Stephen J., Tax Divison, Justice.................... 732 Cubie, James M., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 Cuccia, Robert A., Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor 796 Cudahy, Richard D., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit .........cccccocevunenrnnnnnene 946 Culbertson, Robert, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury 686 Cull, Dan R., Army Staff and Selected Agencies....... 701 Cull, Rebecca A., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee 396 Cullather, John, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 453 Cullen, Charles T., National Archives and Records Administration 891 Cullen, Katherine, House Radio and Television Gal- ery 1094 Culler, Kimberly, Rep. Howard Coble 220 Cullinane, Kevin M., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Culpepper, Miniard, Rep. David Minge...........cccccueuue 157 Culvahouse, Arthur B., Jr., Administrative Confer- ence of the United States 856 Culver, Charles G., Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor 800 Cumberland, Frank J., Energy and Commerce Com-mittee 441 Cummings, John W., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 745 Cummings, O.V., Jr, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Cummings, Walter J., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit...........ccoccvunrenennennenne 946 Cummisky, Margaret, Sen. Daniel K. Inouye.............. 84 Cumow, John E., Office of Personnel Management ... Cumrine, J.P., Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture 770 Cunniffe, Peter, Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Cunningham, Bob, Judiciary Committee..............ccueu.. 406 Cunningham, Charles J., Jr., Joint Service Schools, Defense 695 Cunningham, Daniel, Judiciary Cc itt 451 Cunningham, James S., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 929 Cunningham, Jill, Rep. Richard H. Lehman................ 29 Cunningham, John C., Federal Maritime Commission 879 Cunningham, Joni, Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Cunningham, Ken, Sen. Charles E. Grassley............... 109 Cunningham, Mell G., Assistant Secretary for Finan- cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force 715 Cunningham, Randy (Duke) (Representative from California): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 48 Education and Labor Committee ..........ccccecuerurerinnenne 435 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 1224 Congressional Directory Page Cunninghiain; Richard E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory A mn 935 Cuomo, Andrew, Assistant Secretary for Communi- ty Planning and Development, HUD.................... 830 Curcio, Alyson, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee Curcio, Paul, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee Curcio, Sharon D., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Curl, Wesley L., Office of Policy, Labor.................... Curlin, John, Office of Technology Assessment.......... Curran, Donald C., Library of Congress......... Curran, Gary, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher........... a Curran, James W., Public Health Service, HHS.......... Goran, Louise Anne, Senate Periodical Press Gal- ery Curtis, Frances Light, Rep. James H. (Jimmy) Quil- en Curry, David A., U.S. Capitol Police...........ccccerrruneen. Curry, David S., Assistant Secretary for Internation- al Affairs, Treasury Curt, Gregory, National Cancer Institute, HHS.......... Curths, Arthur L., Federal Communications Com- mission Curtin, Kevin G., Commerce, Science, and Trans- rtation Committee Curtin, Neal P., General Accounting Office................ Curtis, Adrian, Justice Management Division, Justice Curtis, Elizabeth, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Curtiss, James R.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ..........ccee.euene Cusack, Luke, Office of the Doorkeeper.............c........ Cushing, Michael C., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Cuthbert, Thomas R., Army Staff and Selected A gencies Cuthbertson, Bruce A., Rep. John R. Kasich.............. Cutler, Barry J., Federal Trade Commission............... Cutler, David, National Economic Council, Office of the President Cutolo, Chuck, Sen. Carl M. Levin.........ccococcivierieeneen Cutsforth, Marshall, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Cutter, Mary E., National Science Foundation........... Cutter, W. Bowman (Bo) W., National Economic Council, Office of the President .............cccoeuuunnen. Cutts, John A., II, United States Court of Military Appeals Cylke, Frank Kurt, Library of Congress..........ccoeenun.n. Cymber, Ruth, Sen. Phil Gramm............cceccevrvurruennenes Cypret, Judy, Rep. Peter G. Torkildsen Cyr, Conrad K., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Cyr, Karen D., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Czechowski, Halle, U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Czwartacki, John, Rep. John A. Boehner.................... D D’Adhemar, David, International Finance Corpora- tion D’Alessandro, Carl V., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury D’Amato, Alfonse M. (Senator from New York): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Board of Visitors to the Military Academy ............ Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. National Republican Senatorial Committee.............. Republican Policy Committee ..........c.cccouerevirinnnen. Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control . D’Amato, C. Richard, Appropriations Committee...... D’Amato, Paul, Congressional Sunbelt Caucus........... D’Amato, Richard D., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee D’Amico, Frances M., Science, Space, and Technol- ogy Committee D’Amore, Dean, Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert............. D’Andrea, Michael R., Federal Communications Administration 887 Dais, Irene, Office of the Secretary, HUD .................. 827 Daisey, Doug, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Page D’Araujo, John R., Jr, Army Staff and Selected A gencies D’Arcy, Rochelle I., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 699 D’Armond, Perri, Agriculture Committee.................... 421 D’Aurio, Angela, Rep. Joel Hefley............cccoeueuunnne. 53 D’Auro, Jorge Capriata, International Labor Organi- zation 1015 DaCosta, Delores, Rep. Arthur Ravenel, Jr................ 270 DaPonte, John J., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce 786 Dade, F. Clayton, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 999 Dadzie, Kenneth, Secretariat, United Nations............. 1027 Daffron, Mary Ellen, Federal Maritime Commission. 879 Dage, Gary, Rep. Glenn English............cccceeunueucunnene. Dager, Daniel T., Appropriations Committee . = Daghlian, Lynne, Budget Committee ............ccccecvvnneue. Dahl, Bjorn, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture 777 Dahl, William J., Joint Committee on Taxation .......... 487 Dahlberg, Gregory R., Appropriations Committee..... 425 Dahman, Sally, Office of the Republican Leader........ 618 Daiger, Amy, Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin..............c.c...... 135 Daigler, Ronald P., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 715 Dail, Jack: House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 552 Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. 459 Dailey, Jackie, Rep. Scott Klug 329 Dailey, James A., Federal Communications Commis- sion 874 Dailey, John R., National Aeronautics and Space Service 880 Dajani, Shoukry, International Labor Organization.... 1015 Dalbello, Richard, Office of Science and Technolo- gy Policy 674 Dale, Shana, Science, Space, and Technology Com-mittee 468 Daley, James M., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 912 Dallmeier, Francisco, Smithsonian Institution ............. 924 Dalrymple, James A.: District of Columbia Armory Board.........ccccccocenneee. 863 Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Co- lumbia 1000 Dalton, Edwina, President's Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Dalton, John, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, HHS................. 823 Dalton, Kenneth V., Bureau of Labor Statistics, bor 802 Dalton, Penelope D., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Daly, Charles U., National Archives and Records Administration 891 Daly, Dolores, Energy and Commerce Committee .... 441 Daly, John J., Office of the Secretary, HUD .............. 828 Daly, Mary Ann, Rep. Bruce F. Vento v Daly, Mike, Rep. Richard J. Durbin ........ccccecervnuenennen Daly, Peter H., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Dalzell-Finger, Heidi, Office of Policy, Labor............ 798 Damaska, Maureen E., Smithsonian Institution........... 923 Damianos, Damianos, International Finance Corpo- ration 1014 Damich, Edward, Copyright Royalty Tribunal .......... 863 Dammann, Julie, Sen. Christopher S. Bond................. 167 Dammon, Ronald, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board... 938 Damour, Susan, Rep. David E. Skaggs................ 51Damtoff, Russell W., Federal Trade Commission ....... Damus, Robert G., Office of Management and Budget 672 Danforth, John C. (Senator from Missouri): Biography 167 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee 395 Congressional Award 548 Finance Committee 400 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation................ 886 Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com- mission 553 Cc n President’s Export Council 566 Name Republican Policy Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Daniel, Barbara, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Daniel, John A., Rules Committee Daniel, Maurice, Rep. Bobby Rush Daniel, Mrs. Margaret Truman, Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Daniel, William, Federal Communications Commis- sion Daniell, Martin H.: Smithsonian Institution U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation Daniels, Anthony E., Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion, Justice Daniels, Grafton J., Joint Committee on Printing Daniels, John E., U.S. Capitol Police Daniels, LeGree S., U.S. Postal Service .. Daniels, Lizzie, Judiciary Committee Daniels, Stephen M., General Services Administra- tion Daniels, Steve, Environmental and Energy Study Conference Daniels, Susan, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, HHS Daniels, Wilbur L., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Daniero, Roger D., General Services Administration Danker, Deborah J., Assistant Secretary for Domes- tic Affairs, Treasury Dannenfelser, Martin J., Rep. Christopher H. Smith.. Danner, Pat (Representative from Missouri): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee Small Business Committee Dapoyich, Sylvia, Equal Employment Opportunity A m Danvers, Rebecca, National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti Danzig, Fred, Office of Administration and Manage- ment, Labor Daoust, Elizabeth, Foreign Affairs Committee Darcy, JoEllen, Environment and Public Works hi ; Darden, George (Buddy) (Representative from Georgia): Appropriations Cc Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. Standards of Official Conduct Committee Darden, William Horace, United States Court of Military Appeals Darling, Joseph M., Press Photographers’ Gallery Darling, Ray H., Jr, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Darnell, William, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Darr, Carol C.: Administrative Conference of the United States Office of Secretary, Commerce Darr, Nancy L., Technology Administration, Com-merce Dart, Justin, Jr., President’s Committee on Employ-ment of People with Disabilities Daschle, Thomas A. (Senator from South Dakota): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Biography Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future Congressional Populist Caucus Democratic Policy Committee ... Finance Committee Indian Affairs Cc i Select Committee on Ethics Veterans’ Affairs Cc itt Dash, Penny, Office of Policy, Labor Daskal, MaryPat, Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Dassira, Judith H., Sen. John C. Danforth Datz, Harold J., National Labor Relations Board Ppauskiace; Tomas Angeles, Inter-American Defense Daub, Cindy, Copyright Royalty Tribunal Daugherty, Kenneth I., Defense Mapping Agency, Defense Daugherty, Sharon A., Armed Services Committee... Dausch, Thomas C., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Index 1 225 Page Dausman, George E., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army.. . 697, 698 Dauster, Bill, Budget Committee 394 Davenjay, John H., General Services Administration 884 Davenport, Howard C., Executive Agencies, Dis- trict of Columbia 999 Davenport, Nancy A., Library of Congress 636 Davenport, Robert H., Securities and Exchange Cc ission Davey, Debra, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cc i David, Antonio, International Finance Corporation... David, Ariel R., Armed Services Committee.... io David, George, American Red Cross David, Irwin T., Administration, Agriculture Davidow, Jeffrey, Bureau of African Affairs, State.... Davidson, David S., National Labor Relations Board Davidson, Douglas J., Office of Policy, Labor Davidson, Edward S., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority Davidson, Gordon M., Environmental Protection Agency Davidson, James A., Government Printing Office Davidson, Jane, Advisory Council on Historic Pres- ervation Davidson, Michael, Office of Senate Legal Counsel... Davidson, Ralph P., Smithsonian Institution Davidson, William A., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Davies, Hugh, Employment and Training Adminis- tration, Labor Davies, James, Board for International Broadcasting . Davies, Kay, Sen. Pete V. Domenici Davies, Rebecca, Appropriations Committee Davies, Tudor T., Environmental Protection Agency Davis, A. Bert, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Davis, Albert, Budget Committee Davis, Arlene I., Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr Davis, Barbara, Rep. Richard A. Gephardt Davis, Beverly, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Davis, Brigid H., Rep. Tom Lantos Davis, Carole A., Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture Davis, Carolyne K., American Red Cross Davis, China, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard Davis, Debbie D., Joint Committee on Taxation . Davis, Delacroix, Appropriations Committee Davis, Donna V., Sen. John H. Chafee Davis, Edward L., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Davis, F. Gary, Office of Government Ethics Davis, Frank L., Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD Davis, Gail P., Joint Committee on Printing Davis, Gail, House Radio and Television Gallery Davis, Harold W., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Davis, Jack, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Davis, James A., Federal Communications Commis- sion Davis, James D., Army Staff and Selected Agencies. Davis, Jeffrey, Securities and Exchange Commission. Davis, Jerri, Office of the Majority Secretary Davis, Jerry W., Chief of Staff, Air Force .... Davis, Jim, Agriculture Committee Davis, Joe H., Public Health Service, HHS Davis, Joseph R., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Davis, Karen, Congressional Human Rights Caucus .. Davis, Kaye Edwards: Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson Rules Committee Davis, Lillie, Science and Education, Agriculture Davis, Linda K., Civil Rights Division Division, Jus-tice Davis, Lloyd, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holi- day Commission Davis, Louis, Rep. José E. Serrano Davis, Lula, Democratic Policy Committee Davis, Lynn E., Under Secretary for International Security Affairs, State Davis, Marilynn, Assistant Secretary for Administra-tion, HUD 1226 Congressional Directory Page Davis, Mark J., Standards of Official Conduct Com-mittee 471 Davis, Marlene, United States Court of Veterans Appeals Davis, Martha L., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice Davis, Mary E., Sen. Dale Bumpers Davis, Michael, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Davis, Pamela, Bureau of International Labor Af-fairs, Labor Davis, Paul K., Federal Trade C« Davis, Peggy C., Smithsonian Institution Davis: oda M.G., Social Security Administration, Davis, Richard A., General Accounting Office Davis, Robert V., Appropriations Committee............. Davis, Robert W., Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy Davis, Roy, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corpora- tion Davis, Russell C., District of Columbia Armory Board Davis, Sallie S., Rep. John T. Myers Davis, Sara Platt, Rep. Thomas C. Sawyer Davis, Sharon E., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Davis, Shaun, Rep. Charles Wilson Davis, Sid, U.S. Information Agency Davis, ySephen H., U.S. Office of Inspector General, Davis, Stewart A., ACTION Davis, Terence J., Office of the General Counsel, HHS Davis, Thomas C., Sen. Patrick J. Leahy Davis, Thomas E., General Services Administration.. Davis, Thurman M., General Services Administra- tion Davis, W. Eugene, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Davis, W.J., Naval District of Washington, Navy Davis, William E., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Davis-Fox, Ivy, Judiciary Committee Davison, Robert, Environment and Public Works Committee Davittee, William B., Chief of Staff, Air Force. Dawkins, Stephen P., Army Staff and Selected A gencies Dawsey, Kenneth F., Environmental Protection Agency Dawsey, Toni, Office of Inspector General, Trans-portation Dawson, Carol G., Consumer Product Safety Com- mission 862 Dawson, Diann, Office of Family Assistance, HHS ... 809 Dawson, Elizabeth, Appropriations Committee... 426, 427 Dawson, Harry S., Jr., Science, Space, and Technol- ogy Committee 468 Dawson, Howard A., Jr., United States Tax Court.... 982 Dawson, Joyce A., Administration, Agriculture 2 Dawson, Lucille, Administration for Native Ameri- cans, HHS Dawson, Mimi Weyforth, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Dawson, Thomas C., II, International Monetary Fund Dawson, Thomas H., Rep. Neal Smith Day, Delphine, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Day, Dick, Judiciary Committee. Day, Evelyn, Office of Personnel Management Day, Mark L.: Democratic Leadership Sen. Wendell H. Ford Day, Thomas B., National Science Foundation Day-Marshall, Maria, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Days, Drew S., Office of the Attorney General, Jus- tice Dayton, Jeff, Rep. Michael N. Castle Dayton, Mike, Rep. Gary A. Condit de Clercq, Guy A., International Finance Corpora- tion 1013 de Falco, Ciro, Inter-American Development Bank... 1007 de Fontenay, Patrick B., International Monetary Fund 1015 de Groote, Jacques, International Monetary Fund 1016 Page de Jimenez, Muni Figueres, Inter-American Devel-opment Bank de Kievit, Cornelis, International Finance Corpora- tion de Leon, Rudy, Office of the Secretary, Defense de Lugo, Ron (Delegate from Virgin Islands): Biography Congressional Hispanic Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Education and Labor Committee Natural Resources Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus de Macedo, Carlyle Guerra: International Agencies Related to the United Na-tions Pan American Health Organization de Marneffe, Mrs. Francis, Smithsonian Institution .... de Marulanda, Nohra Rey, Inter-American Develop- ment Bank De Menezes, Jurandir, Conference of the Minority.... de Soto, Alvaro, Secretariat, United Nations de Talbott, Marlene V., Organization of American States de Zela, Hugo, Organization of American States de la Garza, E (Kika) (Representative from Texas): Agriculture Committee Biography Congressional Hispanic Caucus Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group de la Menardiere, Richard E., Technology Adminis-tration, Commerce DeAngelus, Ralph J., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS DeArment, Roderick A., Congressional Award DeAsis, Pat, Indian Health Service, HHS DeBobes, Richard D., Armed Services Committee.... DeBuhr, Dale H., United States Court of Federal Claims DeCarli, Raymond J., Office of Inspector General, Transportation DeCarolis, Louis R., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation DeCell, Hal, Rep. Jamie L. Whitten DeCelle, Arthur J., Rep. David A. Levy. DeConcini, Dennis (Senator from Arizona): Appropriations Committee Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Indian Affairs Committee Joint Committee of Congress on the Library Joint Committee on Printing Judiciary Committee Rules and Administration Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control . Veterans’ Affairs Committee DeCoster, Katherine, Special Committee on Aging ... DeCoster, Timothy P., Agriculture Committee DeCourcey, Marc, Rep. Peter I. Blute DeDeo, Carol A., Office of Policy, Labor DeFalaise, Louis, Executive Office for U.S. Attor- neys, Justice DeFazio, Peter A. (Representative from Oregon): Biography Democratic Study Group Environmental and Energy Study Conference Natural Resources Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee DeFerrari, Gina, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee DeFrance, James W., Office of Personnel Manage-ment DeGaetano, Dennis N., Federal Aviation Adminis-tration, Transportation DeGeorge, Frank, Inspector General, Commerce DeGiusti, Paul, Rep. James A. Barcia DeGrasse, Robert W., Jr., Armed Services Commit- tee DeHaan, Richard, Executive Office for U.S. Attor-neys, Justice DeHarde, William M., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation DeHart, Clyde M., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Name Index 1227 Page DeJesus, Tony, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS 816 DeLaCruz, Teresa, Rep. Alan Wheat................c.......... 170 DeLaRosa, Julian W., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor 795 DeLany, Susan O., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 DeLauro, Rosa L. (Representative from Connecti-cut): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 56 Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... 559 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Democratic Study Group 562 DeLay, Tom (Representative from Texas): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 298 Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy.......... 547 Congressional Sunbelt Caucus.............cccevuuuunee. 562 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group..... 553 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 Republican Policy Committee. .............ccccoununen. .. 484 DeLeo, Anne, Rep. Thomas M. Barrett..... at DeLeon, Patrick H., Sen. Daniel K. Inouye.. a DeLoach, Bill, Rep. James E. Clyburn...........ccccoe...... 274 DeLuc, Charles J., General Services Administration. 885 DeLury, Bernard E., Federal Mediation and Concil-iation Service 880 DeMaio, Grace, District of Columbia Committee....... 434 DeMarce, James, Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor 796 deMarneffe, Mrs. Francis, Smithsonian Institution...... 921 DeMars, Bruce, Chief of Naval Operations, Navy...... 708 DeMartinis, Louis A., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice 726 DeMato, Elizabeth C., Rep. Jim Bacchus.................... 70 DeMesme, Ruby B., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force 715 DeMoss, Deborah L., Foreign Relations Committee.. 403 DeMoss, Elizabeth J., Foreign Relations Committee.. 403 DeMoss, Harold R., Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit...........c.cccceurrerennn. DeOreo, Mary, Judiciary Committee .......... DePetro, Donna, Rep. Ronald K. Machtley DePeyster, Frances L., Public Health Service, HHS. 810 DeProsero, James L., General Services Administra-tion 883 DeRocco, Thomas C., Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior 757 DeSeve, G. Edward, Office of the Secretary, HUD .. 828 DeValk, Randy, Budget Committee ...........c.coreuereremenes 394 DeVitto, Ralph, Rep. Dan Miller ..........cccceerrunecrinennne 69 DeVore, Jack R., Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury 680 DeVries, Keith R., Liaison Offices.........c.coceerveerreecnnnes 629 DeWire, James E., Assistant Secretary for Installa- tions, Logistics and Environment, Army.............. 697 DeYulia, Garrett J., General Services Administration 884 Deal, Nathan (Representative from Georgia): Biography 81 Natural Resources Committee ..........ccevevuererierreennne 455 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Dean, Brian, Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr............ 333 Dean, Edwin R., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor... 802 Dean, G. Maxine, Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead................ 34 Dean, Hubert L., International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development 1010 Dean, Joe, Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- tration, Labor, 800 Dean, Ken, Office of the Secretary ...........cccceceeerennee. 614 Dean, Tracey, District of Columbia Committee.......... 434 Dean, William L., Office of the Special Counsel 907 Deane, Bonnie St. John, National Economic Coun- cil, Office of the President 669 Deanehan, Regina, Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ury Deanell, Donna L., Office of the Legislative Counsel 615 Dearborn, Philip M., Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations...........ccccvvueniinennene 857 Dearborn, Rick, Conference of the Minority............... 417 Deason, Jonathan, Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 754 Deats, Richard, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission 553 Deavers, Kenneth L., Economics, Agriculture ........... 765 Page Debusk, Robert, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force 714 Decatur, Victoria V., Appropriations Committee........ 426 Decheine, Bob, Sen. Russ Feingold............cc...... 328 Deckel, Christine, Democratic Policy Committee 415 Decker, Ann Lyons, Rep. Tom LeWiS coclitlnimrieont 71 Decker, Deborah, Internal Revenue Service, Treas-ury 687 Decker, John L., National Institute of Health, HHS.. 817 Dedeaux, Andrenne, United States Naval Home ........ 940 Dee, Marilyn, Inspector General, Agriculture............. 769 Deeken, John F., Joint Committee on the Organiza-tion of Congress 489 Deer, Aaron, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Deer, Ada E., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior.......... 756 Dehejia, Makarand V., International Finance Corpo-ration 1011 Deich, Michael, National Economic Council, Office of the President 669 Deignan, Kathy, Budget Committee............cccocruruennee. 394 Deihl, Michael A., Major Field Organizations, Energy 848 Deimling. Debi, Rep. Michael G. Oxley......ccccceeeuene. 231 Deininger, Kristine A., Rep. Steve Gunderson . wer te 330 Deininger, Lisa, Rep. Scott KZ cover rio tmemmiristzssinsionss 329 Deitering, Randy W., President’s Foreign Intelli- gence Advisory Board, Office of the President... 674 Deitz, Randolph W., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee RRs Dekorte, Jeff, Rep. Marge Roukema..........cccevuvnennne 187 Del Balzo, Gail, Congressional Budget Office... . 630 Del Balzo, Joseph M., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 839 del Rio, Teresa Alzam, Office of Personnel Manage-ment 902 Del Rosso, Louis J., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies 704 DelBalzo, Tony, Budget Committee 395 DelVecchio, Joseph E., Chief of Staff, Air Force...... 722 Delahunty, Robert J., Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice 726 Delaney, Ed, Rep. Karan English 14 Delaney, Thomas K., Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Delannoy, Patrick, International Monetary Fund ....... 1016 Delaplane, Charles, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture............ccecervruruennnnn 767 Delaplane, Constance, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture..........cccceeeuene 767 Delattre, Edwin J., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities 895 Delfico, Joseph F., General Accounting Office .......... 631 Delgadillo, Terri, Sen. Paul D. Coverdell.................... 76 Delgado, Jaime A., Post Office and Civil Service Committee 459 Delgado, Patricia, Rep. Henry A. Waxman................. 35 Deliberti, Frank W., Export Administration, Com- merce 785 Delk, Gerald, Rep. Harold E. Ford............ccecovnevnernanae 283 Delk, Mitchell, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor- poration 877 Dell’Acqua, Frank, Office of the General Counsel, HHS 804 Dellara, Charles H., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency 931 Deller, Mike, Rep. Maria Cantwell 319 Dellinger, Walter E., Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice 726 Dellums, Ronald V. (Representative from Califor- nia): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 23 North Atlantic Assembly 555 Delpercio, Michael, Jr., Maritime Administration, Transportation 845 Demarest, John R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Demars, Melvin W., White House Military Office ..... 671 Dematteis, Claire, Rep. Michael N. Castle................... 60 Dembo, Linda K., Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS 815 Dement, John, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, HHS 821 Demetrion, James T., Smithsonian Institution... 919, 921, 923 1228 Congressional Directory Page Demitros, Donald C., Assistant Secretary for Ad-ministration, HUD Demon, Peggy, Rep. Carrie P. Meek ............ccceune... Demory, Mary L., Inspector General, Treasury ......... Dempsey, James, Judiciary Committee ............. Dempsey, John F., Rep. Robert A. Borski Dempsey, Kevin M., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Dempsey, Lawrence J., General Services Adminis-tration Dempsey, Paul J.,, OCHAMPUS, Defense................... Dendy, Dallas L., Office of the Clerk.........c..cceue..... Deneroff, Karen, Internal Revenue Service, Treas-ury Denett, Paul A., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Denham, Barbara O., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Denk, William, Export Administration, Commerce... Denman, Gary L., Advanced Research Projects, De- ense Denney, Martha E., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Denney, Michael J., Office of Policy, Labor............... Dennis, Beverly, III: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Office of the General Counsel, HHS. ............cccocun.... Dennis, Bill, Marketing and Inspection Services, Ag- riculture Dennis, Dean, Office of the Attorney General, Jus-tice Dennis, Jack, Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Dennis, Jill, National Capital Planning Commission ... Dennis, Robert A., Congressional Budget Office........ Dennis, Robert L., United States Marshals Service, Justice Denniston, Scott, Office of the Secretary, Veterans Afffairs Denny, Judith, ACTION Densmore, Edward A., General Accounting Office... Denson, Kathleen T., Merchant Marine and Fisher- ies Committee Denton, Harold R., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Denton, Michelle, Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Deoudes, Katherine, United States Marshals Service, Justice Depe, Frieda M., Energy and Commerce Committee Depenbrock, John F., Office of Policy, Labor............ Depuy, Warner M., Susquehanna River Basin Com- mission Derby, Adele, National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-ministration, Transportation...........cccceveeeinieenenns Derderian, James: District of Columbia Committee ...........ccccoeverecnerennen Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr Derr, Debra, Rep. James E. Clyburn Derrick, Bartlett A., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury Derrick, Butler (Representative from South Caroli- na): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ House Administration Committee ............... Rules Committee U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission.............c.eu.. Derville, Frank D., Office of Finance and Informa-tion Resources Management, Veterans Affairs .... Derwinski, Edward J.: The Interparliamentary Union..........cccoeeeuivninenccnnnn U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. Desai, Nitin Dayalji, Secretariat, United Nations Desler, James, Office of Secretary, Commerce........... Dessler, Marvin J., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Dettelbach, Brian, Governmental Affairs Committee. Dettman, L raine E., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Dettmar, Joseph H., Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Deukmejian, George, United States Holocaust Me-morial Council Deuschl, Dennis E., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Page Deutch, John M., Acquisition and Technology, De- fense 689 Deutsch, Peter (Representative from Florida): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 73 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Devaney, Chris, Conference of the Minority............... 417 Devaney, Dennis M., National Labor Relations ard 896 Devaney, Earl E. Environmental Protection Agency Devereaux, John, Rep. Tim Johnson.........cccecevuvennene Deville, Curt, Extension Service, Agriculture : Devine, Donald W., General Services Administra- tion 883 Devine, James, Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 Devine, Patricia H., Sen. Jesse Helms...........cccceeevvennnn 216 Dewald, Mary S., Appropriations Committee.............. 389 Dewhirst, Diane: Democratic Leadership 612 Democratic Policy Committee ............cceceereruerurnenene 415 Dewhurst, Stephen B., Budget and Program Analy- sis, Agriculture 768 Dewing, Merlin E., Congressional Award................... 548 Dexter, Martha, Office of Technology Assessment .... 640 Dey, Chris, Office of the Sergeant at Arms................. 614 Deychakiwsky, Orest, Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe 551 Dhillon, Bertha L., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority 940 Dhir, Surendra, Export Administration, Commerce... 784 Dhooge, Gerard, Rep. Gerry E. Studds .........c.cccuueue. 144 DiBattiste, Carol, Executive Office for U.S. Attor- neys, Justice 728 DiCarlo, Dominick L., United States Court of Inter-national Trade 966 DiGioia, Anthony V., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 DiGiulian, Mary T., Office of Administration, Com-merce 781 DiGregorio, Elizabeth, Federal Emergency Manage-ment Agency 877 DiLuchio, Robert J., General Services Administra-tion 884 DiMario, Michael F.: Government Printing Office 632 National Archives and Records Administration...... 892 DiNenna, C. Thomas, Bureau of the Census, Com-merce 784 DiPentima, Renato A., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS 826 DiPietro, Vito J., Civil Division, Justice...........c.cceruene 729 DiPrete, Carol K., National Commission on Librar- ies and Information Science ........c.coccevverrverrverunnnen. 893 DiSanto, Emilia, Legal Services Corporation... 889 DiSilvestro, Michael P., Office of the Secretary 613 Diacont, George H., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 913 Dial, Joseph B., Commodity Futures Trading Com-mission 862 Diamond, Bruce M., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Diamond, Paul, National Economic Council, Office of the President 669 Diamond, Rene, Rep. James H. Bilbray....................... 179 Diamondstone, Barry, Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Diaz, Alphonso V., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Diaz, Farouk Yanine, Inter-American Defense Board 1005 Diaz, Nelson, Office of the Secretary, HUD............... 828 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln (Representative from Florida): Biography 74 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 National Republican Congressional Committee 483 Dichter, Frederick, Office of the Legislative Counsel 623 Dick, Lenore, Office of the General Counsel.............. 623 Dickens, Charles H., Office of Science and Technol- ogy Policy 674 Dickens, Georgia M., Rep. David Minge .................... 157 Dickerson, Horace L., Jr., Social Security Adminis- tration, HHS 825 Dickerson, Peter A., International Finance Corpora-tion 1013 Name Page Dickey, G. Edward, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Dickey, Jay (Representative from Arkansas): Agriculture Committee Biography Natural Resources Committee Small B Committee Dickey, Joseph W., Tennessee Valley Authority Dickey, Robyn G., Visitor's Office, Office of the President Dickey, Suzanne, Rep. Dan Burton Dickinson, Kenneth L., Drug Enforcement Adminis-tration, Justice Dickinson, Marie Fabrizio, Armed Services Commit-tee Dickmeyer, James, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Dicks, Nor D. (Representative from Washing-ton): Appropriations Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Federal Government Service Task Force Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .. Dicks, Robert L., U.S. Capitol Police Dickson, Thomas D., Office of the Secretary, Air Force Didawick, Kathy, Sen. Conrad Burns Didisheim, Pete, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Diefeenback, Ann, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, HHS Diegelman, Robert F., Justice Management Division, Justice Diehl, Philip N., Counselor to the Secretary and Chief of Staff, Treasury Dietrich, Deborah, Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey Dilenschneider, Robert I., American Red Cross Dilg, Jason, Energy and Natural Resources Commit-tee Dill, Barry, Sen. Dennis DeConcini Dillard, Laurence, Rep. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott Diller, Barry, President’s Export Council. Diller, Dan, Sen. Richard G. Lugar... Dillman, Robert, Smithsonian Instituti Dillon, Francis P., Government Printing Office... 633, % Dillon, George R., Federal Communications Com-mission Dimock, Kelly, Budget Committee Dimoff, Steven A., International Agencies Related to the United Nations Dinan, Daniel J., United States Tax Court Dinardo, Charles A., Combined Airlines Ticket Of-fices (CATO) Dines, George B., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Ding, Steve, Rep. Richard W. Pombo Dingell, John D. (Representative from Michigan): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee... Energy and Commerce Committee Migratory Bird Conservation Cc i Office of Technology Assessment Dingwall, Ian, Pension and Welfare Benefits Admin- istration, Labor Dinkel, Dennis A., Office of the Clerk Dinneen, Gerald P., National Academy of Engineer- ing Dinneen, John G., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Dinsmore, Clem, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Dippo, Cathryn S., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labo Director, ge J., Office of the Law Revision Counsel Dirksen, Donald, Regional and Field Offices, HUD .. Disler, Mark, Judiciary Committee Dittamo, Hector T., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Dittrich, Suzette M., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forest-ry Committee Divelbiss, Linda, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Dix, Mary Ellen, Administration, Agriculture Index 1229 Page Dixon, Catherine, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Dixon, David, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Dixon, Julian C. (Representative from California): Appropriations Committee Biography Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .. Dixon, Mary, Public Affairs, Agriculture Dixon, Michael, International Finance Corporation ... Dixon, Sharon Pratt: National Capital Planning Cc ission Smithsonian Institution Dixon, Yvonne T., National Labor Relations Board .. Djinis, Peter G., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Dlamini, Barnabas S., International Monetary Fund... Doan, Herbert D., Office of Technology Assessment Dobbins, Albert G., III: National Capital Planning Cc ission Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Co-lumbia Dobbins, Alexander W., Interstate Commerce Com- mission Dobbs, Kimberly, Library of Congress Dobek, Robert, Rep. Karen L. Thurman Dobrzykowski, William E., Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Dobson, Melinda, Congressional Space Caucus Dockery, Bob, Senate Central American Negotia- tions Observer Group Doctor, Bobby D., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Dodaro, Gene L., General Accounting Office Dodd, Christopher J. (Senator from Connecticut): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Budget Committee Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.. Environmental and Energy Study Conference Foreign Relations Committee Labor and Human Resources Committee Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group Rules and Administration Committee Senate Central American Negotiations Observer Group Dodd, Peggy, Office of Management and Budget, S Dodd-Major, Linda, National Capital Planning Com-mission Doddridge, Joseph, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Dodge, Penny, Rep. Peter A. DeFazio Dodson, Andy, Office of the Majority Leader Doerner, Richard L., U.S. Senate Commission on Art Doetsch, Karl H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Doheny, Michael W., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority Doherty, Carol G., Foreign Affairs Committee Doherty, Dennis G., Veterans’ Affairs Committee Doherty, Joan, Library of Congress Doherty, John, Rep. Ed Royce Doherty, Sean, Administration, Agriculture Dola, Steven, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Dolan, Beverly F., President’s Export Council Dolan, Dennis, U.S. International Development Co- operation Agency Dolan, Kay F., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Dolan, Michael P., Internal Revenue Service, Treas-ury Dole, Elizabeth H., American Red Cross Dole, Robert (Senator from Kansas): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Biography Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate Commission on the West Central Front of the United States Capitol Finance Committee Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 1230 Congressional Directory Page Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com-mission Republican Leadership Republican Policy Committee .............coevureerrererenens Rules and Administration Committee ....................... Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Arms Control Observer Group...cowdini: U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission iE U.S. Senate Commission on Art........ Dolin, Jamie, Judiciary Committee... Dolin, Robert W., Regional and Field Offices, HUD. Dombeck, Michael, Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Dombroski, John E., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Dombrowski, i A., Federal Maritime Commis- sion Domenici, Pete V. (Senator from New Mexico): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.. Biography Budget Committee Energy and Natural Resources Committee.............. Indian Affairs Cc Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Republican Policy Committee .............ccoocuvsiinnrrinnee Bomimy, Charles E., Army Staff and Selected Agen- Donte Gerald F., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Donahue, Kathleen M., Foreign Relations Commit- tee Donahue, Kathleen, Office of the Republican Leader Donald, James R., Economics, Agriculture................. Donaldson, Ellen, Appropriations Committee............. Donaldson, Tamara, Environmental Protection Agency Donaldson, Timothy B., Organization of American States Donath, Wendy: Rep. Porter J. Goss Rules Committee Doney, John L., Office of the Minority Secretary...... Donilon, Thomas E., Bureau of Public Affairs, State. Donley, Michael B.: Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.........ccoeenivciniunnnene Secretary of the Air Force, Air Force. Donnell, William C., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Donnelly, _ Carolyn C., Government Operations Com Dons: Cyril A., Supreme Court of the United Donnelly, John F., Defense Investigative Service, Defense Donnelly, Lenore, Office of the Doorkeeper Donnelly, Margaret, Architect of the Capitol Donnelly, Pat, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry C it Donnelly, Patricia, Rep. Constance A. Morella.......... Donnelly, Warren H., Library of Congress................. Donoghue, Cornelius S., Jr., Office of Policy, Labor. Donohue, Agnes H., Public Health Service, HHS...... Donohue, Dennis M., Tax Divison, Justice ................. Donohue, Edward M., National Institute of Neuro- logical Disorders and Stroke, HHS....................... Donohue, Melanie, National Republican Senatorial Committee Donohue, Pat, Veterans’ Affairs Committee................ Donohue, Terrence S., Office of Justice Programs, Justice Donovan, Donald S., United States Marshals Serv-ice, Justice Donovan, James R., Supreme Court of the United States Donovan, Meg, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, State .. Donovan, Paul, Sen. Edward M. Kenned Donovan, Robert, Naval District of Washington, Navy Donovan, Tom, National Republican Senatorial Committee Doody, James M., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Doogan, Laura, Rules and Administration Commit- tee Dooher, John C., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- Page Dooley, Calvin M. (Representative from California): Agriculture Committee 419 Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 29 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.. "479 Natural Resources Committee ........ccevvereriruneruernsnns 455 Doolittle, Elizabeth L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission Doolittle, John T. (Representative from California): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 21 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 Natural Resources Committee ............coerurrernennrcnnenns 455 Republican Study Committee 567 Doran, Anthony, International Finance Corporation.. 1012 Dorgan, Byron (Senator from North Dakota): Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela- tions 856 Biography 226 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Democratic Policy Committee ............ccceerivererurunnenes Governmental Affairs Committee Indian Affairs Cc i Joint Economic C« Dorn, Edwin, Personnel and Readiness, Defense........ 690 Dorn, Georgette M., Library of Congress.......... «1637 Dorn, Jennifer L., American Red Cross... 859 Dorn, Kathleen, Sen. John W. Warner .... 309 Dornan, Jim, Rep. Charles H. Taylor ..........cccccecuue.... 224 Dornan, Robert K. (Representative from California): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 45 Congressional Human Rights Caucus..........cccccucuuu.e. 560 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 Republican Study Committee 567 Dornatt, Rochelle, Rep. Thomas C. Sawyer ............... 236 Dorrell, Tony, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture 777 Dorrington, John, International Monetary Fund......... 1017 Dorsett, John T., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 715 Dorsey, Regina W., Federal Communications Com- mission 869 Dortch, Tommy, Sen. Sam Nunn ..........cccccoeerernenerennnne. 76 Dorval, Christopher, Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Doty, Ralph, Judiciary Committee ...........cccreruruerenene 450 Douchis, Robert J., Federal Communications Com- mission 874 Dougherty, Charlene, Natural Resources Committee. 456 Dougherty, James, Internal Revenue Service, Treas-686 ury 8 Dougherty, Janet L., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force 715 Dougherty, Kim, Liaison Offices..........ccccccerennariinnen 629 Dougherty, Michael, House Information Systems....... 623 Dougherty, Peter H., Veterans’ Affairs Committee.... 412 Douglas, James C., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 754 Douglas, Lewis W., Jr., U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy 928 Douglas, Marian, Rep. Major R. Owens...............c....... 203 Douglas, Nathaniel, Civil Rights Division Division, Justice 730 Douglas, Richard C., President’s Committee on Em- ployment of People with Disabilities Douglas, Richard, President’s Export Council.. Douglas, Rob, National Republican Senatorial ‘Com- mittee Douglass, John W., Armed Services Committee Douglass, William M., Chief of Staff, Air Force......... Dove, Bob, Republican Leadership ..........cccccocvueuennnenne Dove, Laura C., Office of the Minority Secretary Dowd, Ellen, Technology Administration, Com- merce 790 Dowdal, Thomas G., Office of the General Counsel, HHS 824 Dowdeswell, Elizabeth, Secretariat, United Nations .. 1027 Dowdle, Walter R., Public Health Service, HHS... 810, 814 Dowling, Delmar, Social Security Administration, HHS 825 Dowling, Marjorie M., Public Works and Transpor- ment, Treasury tation Committee Name Index Page Page Dowling, Patrick J.,, Internal Revenue Service, reasury 686 Dowling, Shelley, Supreme Court of the United States 945 Dowling, William J., U.S. Postal Service .................... 937 Downer, G.I, Office of Installations and Environ- ment, Navy 708 Downes, Azzedine, Peace Corps 907 Downey, John F., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury 687 Downey, Mary F., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Downey, Mortimer L., Office of the Secretary, Transportation 835 Downie, Martha E., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee 463 Downing, Donald D., Administration, Agriculture.... 763 Downing, Rosemary, Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury 685 Downs, Paul, Liaison Offices 628 Downs, Tom, Rep. George J. Hochbrueckner............. 197 Doyle, Charles, Library of Congress............cccouevveeunnen 636 Doyle, James P., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce 782 Doyle, John, Rep. James A. Hayes...........cccoeruruereurunenen 129 Doyle, Joseph, Securities and Exchange Commission 914 Doyle, Joyce A. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cc i 880 Doyle, Kristin Larson, gr Policy Commit-tee 484 Doyle, Richard H., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Doyle, Robert, Pension and Welfare Benefits Ad-ministration, Labor 796 Doyle, William J., III, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board 937 Doyon, John M., President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Office of the President.............. 674 Dozier, Frank S., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Draggon, Robert O., U.S. International Develop-ment Cooperation Agency 931 Dragonette, Kitty S., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission 934 Dragonetti, John J., Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 Drake, Nancy, Rep. George E. Sangmeister ............... 96 Draper, Gaylord D., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice 730 Draper, Phyllis C., Smithsonian Institution 925 Drayton, Christine, Special Committee on Aging 414 Drayton, Frederick A., Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Drea, Edward J., Army Staff and Selected Agencies. 703 Dreier, David (Representative from California): Biography 34 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group..... 553 Republican Study Committee 567 Rules Committee 464 Drennen, William Miller, United States Tax Court .... 980 Dresden, Tony, Budget Committee ..........c.ccccrurururenane 394 Dresselhaus, Mildred S., National Academy of Sci- ences 897 Dressendorfer, Anne, Office of the Republican Leader 617 Drew, Constance D., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury 685 Drewes, Robert W., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force 713 Drewry, James S.W., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Dreyer, David E., Communications, Office of the President 668 Driessen, Patrick A., Joint Committee on Taxation... 486 Drinan, Heather, Democratic Policy Committee......... 415 Driscoll, Ann, Budget Committee 394 Driscoll, Daniel J., Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 877 Driscol), MaryEllen, Education and Labor Commit- 437 Drisell Maureen, Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro.................. 56 Driskell, David, Smithsonian Institution ...... 923 Droitsch, Roland G., Office of Policy, Labor. .. 798 Drolet, Paul J., Judiciary Committee ..........c..cccccereunennn 451 Drost, Albin F., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- merce 789 Drucker, Daniel C., National Science Foundation...... 898 Drucker, Herbert, American Red Cross.........ccccceervuuens 859 Drummond, Al, Budget Committee 433 Drummond, Faye, Finance Committee ...........ccceeunun. 401 Drummond, James, General Services Administration. 883 Drummond, Joan, Sen. Robert C. Byrd....................... 325 Drummond, Katherine, Office of the Majority Secre- tary 614 Drury, Nancy W., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 Druyun, Darleen A., Assistant Secretary for Acqui-sition, Air Force 712 Druzgal, Thomas, Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. 699 DuBrowa, Dennis J., Foreign Affairs Committee....... 444 DuVal, Gerald C., Agriculture Committee.................. 421 Duarte, E.B., Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice, Justice 746 Dubbert, William, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 775 Dube, Christopher, National Republican Senatorial Committee 416 Duberstein, Kenneth, Smithsonian Institution.............. 925 Dubia, Maureen, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Dubiel, Robert D., Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force 718 Dubina, Joel F., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Dubois, James F., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice 731 Dubroff, James J., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury 683 Duby, Martin H., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Duckett, Margaret P., National Foundation on the Arts and the F ties 895 Duckett, Maurice O., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 904 Duclos, Jacquelyn, Rep. Nick Rahall II....................... 327 Ducosin, Rosalie L., Veterans’ Affairs Committee...... 412 Duda, Cassandra, Post Office and Civil Service Committee 459 Duda, Robert J., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board...... 938 Duderstadt, James J., National Science Foundation... 898 Duesterhaus, Richard L., Natural Resources and En- vironment, Agriculture 777 Dufendach, Sarah, Office of the Majority Whip......... 617 Duff, Declan J., International Finance Corporation... 1013 Duff, James H, National Foundation on the Arts and the | ties. 895 Duffey, Joseph, Smithsonian Institution................. 925, 926 Duffey, Joseph, U.S. Information Agency................... 930 Duffie, R. Dennis: Lx Army Staff and Selected Agencies 701 Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army 698 Duffus, James, General Accounting Office.................. 631 Duffy, Dennis M., Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Veterans Affairs ..........cccoceeveeruennen 853 Duffy, Sheila, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Duffy, William C., Office of Personnel Management. 902 Dugan, J. Brian, Public Health Service, HHS Dugan, Joe, Agriculture Committee................. Dugan, Kate, Office of Public Affairs, Labor... . Dugan, Myrna, Rep. Steve Buyer...........ccccevvnuernrnnnnes Duggan, Ervin S., Federal Communications Com- mission Duggan, Joseph P., Commodity Futures Trading Cc ission 862 Duhe, John M,, Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Duke, Emmett, Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest.................... Dula, Leslie M., Inspector General, Air Force... . Dulsky, Kevin, Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato ...........c...... Dulworth, Jack T., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Dumaresq, Thomas, Small Business Administration... 916 Duna, William Anthony, United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Duncan, Charles, Office of the Secretary, Agricul- ture 761 Duncan, David T., Employment and Training Ad- ministration, Labor 800 Duncan, Debra F., Armed Services Committee.......... 392 Duncan, Duane: Rep. Richard H. Baker 128 1232 Congressional Directory Small B Cc i Duncan, Jeffrey S., Bureau of Prisons, Justice ............ Duncan, Jeffry, Energy and Commerce Committee ... Duna John J., Jr. (Representative from Tennes- see): Biography Natural Resources Committee ...............cco... Public Works and Transportation Committ Duncan, John M., Sen. William V. Roth, Jr Duncan, John P. III, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Duncan, Leslie Ann, Environmental and Energy Study Conference Duncan, Margaret, Maritime Administration, Trans- portation Duncan, Meg, Budget Committee Duncan, Phil C., Rep. Bill Sarpalius Duncan, Russell A., Government Printing Office....... Duncan, Thomas G., Office of the Parliamentarian.... Dunderman, Gloria J., Science, Space, and Technol- ogy Committee Dunford, Joseph E., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar-ters 710 Dunham, Richard S., Executive Committee of Cor-respondents 1117 Dunkel, Arthur, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1030 Dunlap, Judith L., Federal Communications Com-mission 873 Dunlap, Robert M., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force 716 Dunlop, Janet, Office of Policy, Labor .........cccceuune. 798 Dunn, Anita, Sen. Bill Bradley 183 Dunn, Bobbi, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 894 Dunn, David N., Non-Legislative and Financial Services 621 Dunn, Dolores, Rep. Bob Stump .........c..cccceveerrennunene. 12 Dunn, Jennifer (Representative from Washington): Biography 323 House Administration Committee ...............ccourrenenenn 447 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 National Republican Congressional Committee... 482, 483 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Dunn, John R., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 772 Dunn, Judith C., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury 683 Dunn, Loretta L., Office of Legislative and Inter- governmental Affairs, Commerce............ccerureunnene 780 Dunn, Russell, Democratic Policy Commiittee............ 415 Dunn, Sadye, Consumer Product Safety Commission 863 Dunn, Van H., Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee 409 Dunn-Mouton, Adwoa, Foreign Relations Commit- tee 403 Dunne, Linda, Smithsonian Institution................... 919, 921 Dunne, Mary Maguire, United States Marshals Serv- ice, Justice Dunsmore, Dean, Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice 731 Dupart, Louis H., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 478 Dupont, Jarilyn, Judiciary Committee 451 Dupre, Constance L., United States Court of Ap- peals 952 Durant, Joseph L., Office of Personnel Management. 905 Durante, Blaise J., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force 713 Durante, Patrick, Rep. Henry J. Hyde..........cccoeueuuuun. 93 Durbin, Margaret, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee 440 Durbin, Richard J. (Representative from Illinois): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 101 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ 481 Durbin, William J., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury 687 Durenberger, Dave (Senator from Minnesota): Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela- tions 856 Biography 156 Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade- my 548 Page Environment and Public Works Committee............. 398 Finance Committee 400 Labor and Human Resources Cc 408 Office of Technology Assessment..........cccceeuenrrnnnene 639 Special Committee on Aging 414 Durham, Archer L., Office of the Secretary, Energy 847 Durham, Thena M., Public Health Service, HHS....... 813 Durham, Yvonne J., Office of the Secretary, HUD ... 827 Duricka, John, Standing Committee of Press Photog-raphers 1082 Durigon, Vera Lou, Rep. Jane Harman........................ 40 Durishin, Mike, Veterans’ Affairs Committee.. . Durkes, Ronald D., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force 716 Durkin, Mary P., Federal Mediation and Concilia-tion Service 880 Durman, Gene Charles, Environmental Protection Agency 865 Durnil, Gordon K., International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1014 Dusault, Philip A., Office of Management and Budget 673 Duvernay, Terrence R., Office of the Secretary, HUD 827 Dworin, Lowell, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury 683 Dwyer, Cindy, Sen. J. Robert Kerrey........cc.ccecvrvurune 175 Dwyer, John, Correspondence, Office of the Presi-dent 668 Dy, Navy, Rules Committee 465 Dyal, William W., Public Health Service, HHS.......... 812 Dye, David, Natural Resources Committee..... Dye, Jane M., Joint Committee on Taxation -Dye, Molly, Sen. Paul D. Coverdell ..........cccccecurennnee. Dye, Rebecca F., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 453 Dye, Timothy, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 774 Dyer, James E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion 935 Dyer, John M., National Labor Relations Board ........ 896 Dyer, John R., Social Security Administration, HHS 825 Dykema, Richard T. (Rick): Rep. Dana Rohrabacher 44 District of Columbia Committee ..........c.cereerrerrrerrennes 434 Dykema, Scott, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury.. 680 Dykstra, James, Rep. Steve Horn ........cccovueevineccrnnnnnen 41 Dyson, Gene, American Red Cross........c.cceceverrueruennes 858 Dziedzic, Charles, Federal Communications Com- mission 873 E Eads, Larry D., Federal Communications Commis-sion 872 Eames, William A., U.S. Information Agency............. 930 Eargle, William H., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Ad- ministration, HUD 829 Early, David, Rep. Jill Long 105 Early, James, Smithsonian Institution............ccccevveunene 919 Early, Suzanne, Office of U.S. Trade Representative. 674 Early, William B., General Services Administration... 884 Early, William N., United States Court of Military Appeals 986 Easley, Stacia, Office of the Secretary, Air Force...... 712 Eason, Marvin R.: District of Columbia Committee ..........eceeerueruereruenee 434 National Capital Planning Cc ission 892 Eastburn, Gordon, Assistant Secretary for Domestic Affairs, Treasury 683 Easter, Alberta E., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee 396 Easterbrook, Frank H., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit............c.ccoovneviniernnen 946 Eastman, Richard, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS................... 820 Easton, James C., Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 Easton, Jim, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr .....c.ccccecvvvrvniunne 279 Eatmon, James, Office of Information Systems/Child Support Information Systems, HHS..............c...... 807 Eaton, Catherine, Rep. George (Buddy) Darden 80 Eaton, Marilynn M., Administration, Agriculture....... 762 Eaton, Richard K., Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan..... 196 Name Page Eaton, Robert G., Health Care Financing Adminis-tration, HHS Ebaugh, Nelson, Republican Study Committee Ebbesem, Samuel E., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Ebbitt, James R., Inspector General, Agriculture Ebel, David M., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Ebeler, Kristen A., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Eberhard, Eric, Indian Affairs Committee Eberhart, Ralph E., Chief of Staff, Air Force Ebersole, Dave, Agriculture Committee Ebersole, Terry L., Federal Transit Admi Transportation Ebert, James D., National Academy of Sciences Eberwein, Catherine D., Permanent Select Commit- tee on Intelligence Ebneter, Stewart D., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Ebsworth, Barney A., Smithsonian Institution Eccles, Stephen D., International Bank for Recon- struction and Development Echandi, Herbert Nanne, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc ission 1 Echaveste, Maria, Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor Echevarria, Pedro Luis, Inter-American Develop- ment Ban Echols, Louise, Budget Committee Eck, David, Rep. Dan Schaefer Ecker, William J., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation. Eckert, Alan W., Environmental Protection Agency. Eckert, Sue Ellen, Export Administration, Com- merce Eckl, Christopher E., Tennessee Valley Authority Eddy, Barbara, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture Edelman, Lester, Army Staff and Selected Agencies. Edelman, Peter D., Office of the Secretary, HHS Edelson, Gilbert S., Smithsonian Institution Edelson, Howard, Rep. Bob Carr Edelson, Joyce, Rep. David E. Skaggs Eden, Ron, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Edfors, Patricia, Justice Management Division, Jus- tice Edgell, Bradley, Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky Edgell, David L., U.S. Travel and Tourism Adminis- tration, Commerce Edgerly, David E., Technology Administration, Commerce Edles, Gary J., Administrative Conference of the United States Edley, Christopher, Office of Management and Budget Edmondson, Aaron D., Appropriations Committee... Edmondson, J.L., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Edmondson, Michele, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton .. Edmunds, Joseph Edsel, Organization of American tates Edwards, Betty J., Federal Communications Com- Edwards, Brenda, National Cancer Institute, HHS Edwards, Calvin R., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Edwards, Cathy, Appropriations Committee Edwards, Chet (Representative from Texas): Armed Services Committee Biography Democratic Study Group Veterans’ Affairs Committee Edwards, Choice, Regional and Field Offices, HUD. Edwards, Don (Representative from California): Biography California Democratic Congressional Delegation... Foreign Affairs Committee Judiciary Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Edwards, Don A., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Edwards, Gary B., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Edwards, George, Rep. William O. Lipinski Edwards, Gerald A., Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Edwards, Gregg, Rep. Bob Franks Edwards, Harry T.: United States Court of Appeals Index 1233 Page United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Edwards, K. Joyce, Office of Personnel Manage-ment Edwards, Larry W., Farm Credit Administration Board Edwards, Martin, Rep. Ralph M. Hall Edwards, Norman L., Appropriations Committee Edwards, Stephanie, Rep. William J. Jefferson Edwards, Thomas, Peace Corps Edwards, Timothy, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Edwards, William E., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Efford, Richard E., Appropriations Committee Effron, Andrew S., Armed Services Committee Efurd, Laura, Rep. Patsy Mink Egan, James C., Jr., Federal Trade Commission Egbert, Nelson W., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Egeland, Andrew M., Jr., Chief of Staff, Air Force... Egger, Chris, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Eggers, Frederick J., Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD Eggers, Michael, Rep. Ron Packard Egsert, Paul, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Ehlers, John W., Office of Personnel Management .... Ehlert, Norman E., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters Ehlke, Richard C., Library of Congress Ehrenberg, Ralph E., Library of Congress Ehrenkranz, Joel S., Smithsonian Institution Ehrle, Bruce, Rep. Ron Wyden Ehrlich, Jill, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo Ehrnman, Robert, Permanent Joint Board on De-fense, Canada-United States Ehudin, Marc, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda Eichacker, Nancy, Library of Congress... Eicher, James M., Office of Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Navy Eide, Marlene, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan Eiland, Frederick S., Federal Election Commission ... Einaudi, Luigi R., Organization of American States... Einhorn, Jessica, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Development Eisenberg, Marvin, Smithsonian Institution Eisenberg, Terry, U.S. Capitol Police Eisedhite, William M., Bureau of Labor Statistics, bor Eisner, Neil R.: Administrative Conference of the United States. Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Eisold, Suzanne, Rep. Joe Skeen Ekern, Anne, Sen. Christopher S. Bond Ekstrom, Jim, Peace Corps Elalfi-Traynham, Dalia E., Office of Secretary, Commerce Elazar, Daniel J., Advisory Commission on Inter-governmental Relations Elcano, Mary S., U.S. Postal Service Elder, Dee, Rep. Andrew Jacobs, Jr Elder, Eddie, Marketing and .Inspection Services, Agriculture Elder, James R., Environmental Protection Agency .. Eldridge, William B., Federal Judicial Center Elias, Helen Rose, Office of the Doorkeeper Eliason, Richard, International Pacific Halibut Com-mission, United States and Eliasson, Jan, Secretariat, United Nations Eligan, Veronica, Judiciary Committee Elinsky, Emil, Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Elinson, Howard, Rep. Henry A. Waxman Elkins, Charles L., Environmental Protection Agency Ell, Victor, General Accounting Office Ellen, John M., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Ellen, Julie, Rep. Douglas Applegate Ellenbogen, Henry, Rep. Peter Deutsch Eller, Jeff, Communications, Office of the P; Eller, Sharon D., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Ellerman, Don, Science and Education, Agriculture.. Ellerson, John C., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 1234 Congressional Directory Page Ellerton-Cale, Signy S.S., Rep. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless Ellington, Jerel, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice 732 Elliot, Cynthia A., Public Works and Transportation ommittee Elliott, E. Donald, Administrative Conference of the United States. 856 Elliott, Emerson J., Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Education 851 Elliott, Keith, Regional and Field Offices, HUD........ 833 Elliott, Lee Ann, Federal Election Commission.......... 876 Elliott, Lee, Rep. Glenn English 244 Elliott, Richard, Liaison Offices 628 Elliott, Timothy S., Office of the Secretary, Interior. 754 Elliott-Tenort, Debra, Rep. Sanford Bishop ................ 7 Ellis, Andrew K., Armed Services Committee Ellis, Brian, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Com- mittee 386 Ellis, Clarence F., Inter-American Development an 007 Ellis, Jacqueline A., Rep. Major R. Owens ................. 203 Ellis, James R., Army Staff and Selected Agencies.... 701 Ellis, Joann, Food and Consumer Services, Agricul- ture Ellis, L. H., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters... Ellis, Pauline, Office of Personnel Management.. Ellis, Rex, Smithsonian Institution............ceucuu...... Ellis, Richard L., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Ellis, Taylor, Rep. Sonny Callah 3 Ellis, William W., Library of Congress..........cccevuvevee. 638 Ellison, Diane, Sen. Bill Bradley..............c.ccccevvererrnece. 183 Ellsworth, Gary, Energy and Natural Resources Committee 398 Ellwood, David T., Office of Planning and Evalua- tion, HHS 806 Elmendorf, Steve, Office of the Majority Leader-....... 617 Elmer, James, Washington Headquarters Services, Defense 692 Elrod, Marilyn A., Armed Services Committee.......... 429 Elsbree, Hugh L., Library of Congress . 636 Elving, Susan, Sen. Dianne Feinstein ...............c.c........ 18 Elwood, Patricia, National Capital Planning Com- mission 892 Ely, Gerald E., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 772 Emanuel, Rahm, Office of the President..................... 668 Emerson, Bill, Agriculture Committee 419 Emerson, Bill (Representative from Missouri): Biography 171 House of Representatives Page Board............c....c.... 549 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Emerson, John, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President Emerson, Marianne M., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Emery, Stephen J., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Emmerichs, Robert M., Assistant Secretary for Man-power and Reserve Affairs, Army .........c.cooueunne. 697 Emory, William H., U.S. Capitol Police ............cc.e.... 626 Emr, Marian, National Institute of Neurological Dis-orders and Stroke, HHS Emrick, Dan S., Federal Communications Commis- sion 872 Endacott, Dorothy Pritchard, Sen. J. James Exon ..... 175 Enders, Joseph B., United States Marshals Service, Justice Endicott, Gary L., Office of the Legislative Counsel. 615 Endres, Arthur (Skip), Energy and Commerce Com-mittee 441 Engel, Eliot L. (Representative from New York): Biography 205 Education and Labor Committee.............ccccuvuuruernnee 435 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Engel, George, Regional and Field Offices, HUD...... 832 Engel, Rob, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Engeleiter, Susan, President’s Export Council............. 566 Engelman, Richard B., Federal Communications Cc ission Engelman, Scott, Standards of Official Conduct Committee 471 Engelstad, Gary T., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury 685 Enger, Marc, Chief of Staff, Air Force........cccoeucunune 722 Page Engermann, Kristen, Office of the Republican er England, Katherine, Securities and Exchange Com-mission England-Joseph, Judy, General Accounting Office .... English, Dorothy, Rep. Tim Hutchinson ..................... English, Glenn (Representative from Oklahoma): Agriculture Committee Government Operations Committee Oklahoma, Biography English, James H., Appropriations Committee............. English, Karan (Representative from Arizona): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Education and Labor Committee. , Natural Resources Committee ...........ceeuvruccenriniunacns English, Maureen P., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 English, Richard D., Bureau of East Asian and Pa-cific Affairs, State 677 Englund, Mary Sue, House Administration Commit-tee 44% Engman, Lewis A., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Ennis, Ella, Appalachian Regional Commission.......... 859 Ennis, Jerry R., Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-tion, and Enforcement, Interior..........cceceeveerveennenn. 758 Ennis, Michael, Foreign Affairs Committee 444 Ennis, William (Buck), Joint Committee on Printing... 486 Enoch, Hollace J., National Labor Relations Board... 896 Enoff, Louis, Social Security Administration, HHS ... 825 Enos, Donna, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Justice 728 Enright, John, Rep. Joseph M. McDade...........c.......... 256 Enright, Maureen, Federal Trade Commission............ 882 Enright, Thomas J., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation.................. 843 Enright, William B., Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation 987 Ensenat, Donald B., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency 932 Ensign, William L., Architect of the Capitol............... 625 Enterline, Charles M., Government Printing Office... 632 Enzer, Hermann, Office of Water and Science, Inte-rior 759 Eppard, Ann M.,, Rep. Bud Shuster.............ccccccecvuennnnn. 256 Epply, J. Walter, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 Epstein, David J., Office of the Secretary, HUD........ 828 Epstein, David, Civil Division, Justice..........ccccceeuuene. 729 Epstein, Joseph, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 895 Epstein, Julian, Government Operations Committee .. 446 Epstein, Mike, Sen. Paul D. Wellstone 156 Epstein, Tom, Political Affairs, Office of the Presi-dent 670 Equihua, Javier: Agriculture Committee 421 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group.... 554 Erb, Richard D., International Monetary Fund .......... 1015 Erdman, Warren, Sen. Christopher S. Bond................ 167 Erdreich, Benjamin L., U.S. Merit Systems Protec-tion Board 933 Erenbaum, Allen, Judiciary Committee 450 Erickson, Brent, Sen. Alan K. Simpson .........ccceeeunee. 335 Erickson, Nancy, Sen. Thomas A. Daschle... 25 276 Eriksen, Michael P., Public Health Service, HHS ...... 812 Erikstrup, Chris, Rep. Rod Grams 159 Erin, Kelly, Rep. Greg Laughlin ..........ccccccceviinnnnnnnne 293 Erlandson, Michael, Rep. Martin Olav Sabo aa 15g Erlewine, Christopher, Bureau of Prisons, Justice ...... 733 Erney, Clarence E., Appropriations Committee.......... 389 Ertegun, Mrs. Ahmet, Smithsonian Institution ............ 921 Ervin, Paul R., Rep. George (Buddy) Darden............. 80 Ervin, Roger M., African Development Foundation.. 858 Ervin, Sam J., III, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Erwin, Donna M., Office of the Legislative Counsel. 615 Esbensen, Eric T., Federal Communications Com-mission 871 Escanellas, Eladio Moll, Inter-American Defense ar 1006 Eschbacher, Earl W., Jr., General Services Adminis-tration 885 Esdar, Bernd, International Monetary Fund................ 1017 Eshoo, Anna G. (Representative from California): Biography Name Index 1235 Page Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Espenschade, John C., Science and Education, Agri-culture Esperne, Jeanine V., Armed Services Committee........ 429 Espeseth, David, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Esposito, Sante, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Espy, Mike (Secretary of Agriculture): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation............. 857 Biography 761 Cabinet 666 Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com- mission 553 Migratory Bird Conservation Cc ion 554 President’s Export Council Smithsonian Institution Essalih, Anita, Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr Essien, Joyce K., Public Health Service, HHS Esslinger, Patricia, Office of Personnel Management. 903 Essner, Eugene H., Treasurer of the United States, Treasu 681 Estela, Manuel, Inter-American Development Bank... 1007 Estess, Roy S., National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration Estopinan, Arthur, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.............. 72 Estrin, Melvyn J., National Capital Planning Com- mission 892 Estryn, Esther 1., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice 749 Etherton, Jonathan L., Armed Services Committee... 392 Etters, Ronald M., National Mediation Board............. 897 Ettin, Edward C., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System 860 Ettinger, Joel P., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Etze, Frank D., General Accounting Office................ 632 Eubanks, Florrie, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson........... 303 Eubanks, Kenneth L., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 701 Eudy, Carla, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Eule, Joe, Rep. Robert K. Dornan .... 45 Euler, John L., Civil Division, Justice ..... wir 729 Evans, Anne B., Smithsonian Institution...................... 926 Evans, Barbara A., Federal Emergency Management Agency 877 Evans, Betty, Smithsonian Institution.............ccccccrunee 921 Evans, Dan, Rep. Jolene Unsoeld.........c.ccocurvurrerenrnncn. 320 Evans, Daniel F., Jr.: Federal Housing Finance Board.. i877 Office of the Secretary, HUD ...........cccciinviiniiiinnnnns 828 Evans, David, Commission on Security and Coop-eration In Europe 550 Evans, Diane D., Rep. Norman Y. Mineta................... 27 Evans, E.A., International Monetary Fund..... ... 1016 Evans, George A., Inter-American Foundation .......... 886 Evans, Jack, Council of the District of Columbia....... 994 Evans, James H., Smithsonian Institution 925 Evans, Jeanne, Rep. Owen B. Pickett ........c.cccceuevnnnees 311 Evans, Joy, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 895 Evans, Lane (Representative from Illinois): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 99 Congressional Populist Caucus...........ccoeuecvrinierinienans 561 Natural Resources Committee 455 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Evans, Lawrence C., Joint Committee on the Orga-nization of Congress 489 Evans, Mark R., Rep. Toby Roth........cccouvrvnrvrrrenene 333 Evans, Mike, Environment and Public Works Com-mittee 399 Evans, Pearlie, Rep. William (Bill) Clay ..........c.cccucucee. 168 Evans, Rick, Sen. Dave Durenberger....... . 156 Evans, Robin, Rep. Doug Bereuter .................... 176 Evans, Thomas Mellon, Smithsonian Institution 924 Evans, Tricia, Rep. Elton Gallegly...........c.ccovururinuncann 32 Evans, Vince, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 718 Evans, Williard B., Jr, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Eveland, Pat, Sen. Dave Durenberger ............cocceueuen. Evelyn, Douglas, Smithsonian Institution... : Page Everett, David B., Delaware River Basin Commis-sion 863 Everett, Ralph B., Congressional Award..................... 548 Everett, Robinson O., United States Court of Mili-tary Appeals 986 Everett, Terry (Representative from Alabama): Agriculture Cc i 419 Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 3 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Evert, Chris, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 910 Ewers, John Robert, Federal Maritime Commission.. 879 Ewing, Joan, Rep. David E. Price 219 Ewing, Karen D., National Service, Office of the President 670 Ewing, Robert J., Office of Surface Mining, Recla-mation, and Enforcement, Interior...........cceeu.... 758 Ewing, Thomas W. (Representative from Illinois): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 98 National Republican Congressional Committee... 482, 483 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Exon, J. James (Senator from Nebraska): Armed Services Committee 391 Biography 175 Budget Committee 394 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit-tee 395 Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy 547 Exum, Larnell B., Office of the Secretary, Army 696 Ezekiel, Nissim, International Finance Corporation... 1013 Ezell, John T., Office of the Attorney General, Jus-tice 726 Ezra, Peter Ben, Administration, Agriculture.............. 762 Ezrow, Daniel, Ways and Means Committee .............. 476 F Faber, Pat, Rep. Michael Bilirakis ............cccccovenunnnnene 67 Fabian, David R., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. 699 Fabrega, Lawrence Chewning, Organization of American States 019 Fabrizio, Vincent F., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee 464 Facio, Gonzalo J., Inter-American Defense Board ..... 1006 Fadgen, John, Small Business Committee .................... 470 Fagan, Kathleen M., Federal Communications Com- mission 868, 869 Fagg, George G., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Fagin, Robert F., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Commerce 787 Faherty, Stephen J., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor-poration 909 Faigle, John N., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation... 838 Faircloth, Jan, Rep. Norman Sisisky .........ccccovurruerunneee 312 Faircloth, Lauch (Senator from North Carolina): Armed Services Committee 391 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee... 392 Biography 216 Environment and Public Works Committee............. 398 National Republican Senatorial Committee.............. 416 Faithful, Robert W., Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior 757 Falardeau, John, Rep. David A. Levy ......cccveivcnnnnns 199 Falcon, Alex, Office of the Attorney General, Jus-tice 725 Falcone, John P., National Labor Relations Board..... 897 Faleomavaega, Eni F.H (Delegate from American Samoa): Biography 337 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Education and Labor Committee ..........cccccevuerueruennn. 435 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Natural Resources Committee .........ccoevvieruerrreesuenanens 455 Faletti, Tom, Rep. Richard J. Durbin ........ccccccevuvnnennene 101 Faley, Patricia A., U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, HHS 804 Falk, Henry, Public Health Service, HHS................... 812 Falk, John M., Congressional Award.........cccceeuvvueuennee 549 Fall, James H. III, Assistant Secretary for Interna- Evensen, Jens, United Nations tional Affairs, Treasury 681 1236 Congressional Directory Page Fallin, Herbert K., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..........c....... Fallis, Jerre D., Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States Fallon, Bill, Rep. Robert K. Dornan............cccceuennne. Fallon, Claire, Tax Divison, JustiCe.........cccoeeeverrurnennnn Falls, William, Treasurer of the United States, Treas-ury Faltas, Nabil C., International Finance Corporation... Fan, George, Smithsonian Institution ................c......... Fanelli, Joan M., Extension Service, Agriculture Fanelli, Patricia, Rep. Robert K. Dornan Fanning, Nancy, Office of the Territorial and Inter-national Affairs, Interior Fant, Chuck, Rep. John M. Spratt, Jr.......ccoucerrvunene Faour, Douglas M., Government Printing Office ....... Farber, David, Office of Administration, Commerce . Farias, Anna Maria, Team 21, Labor Farina, Richard, Thrift Depositor Oversight Protec-tion Board Farland, William H., Environmental Protection Agency Farlee, Coralie, Fogarty International Center, HHS... Farley, John J., II, United States Court of Veterans Appeals Farley, Matthew, District of Columbia Committee.. Farley, Maura, Office of the Majority Secretary ........ Farlow, Arlene M., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee Farmer, Barbara, Employment and Training Admin- istration, Labor Farmer, Suzanne, Rep. Pete Peterson...........cceecvunnnee Farnham, Stephen M., Federal Council on the Aging Farnsworth, Clyde H., Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Farooq, Arshad, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Farr, James B., Judiciary Committee Farr, Julia, Interstate Commerce Commission............. Farr, Sam (Representative from California): Agriculture Committee Biography Natural Resources Committee ..........ceouerueeennnncinreneas Farran, William A., Jr., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Farrar, John T., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs..........cccoceeverenne. Farrell, Deborah S., International Finance Corpora-tion Farrell, Ellen A., National Labor Relations Board..... Farrell, Joseph T., Federal Maritime Commission...... Farrell, Kevin, Finance Committee ............cccoceeevruennen Farrell, L.P., Jr., Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Farrell, Michael J., National Commission on Librar- ies and Information Science ..........c.cevceeereiirevivennens Farris, Christine King, Martin Luther King, Jr., Fed-eral Holiday Commission Farris, Jerome, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Farris, Rachel, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard Ay Farrow, Jeffrey L., Natural Resources Committee..... Fast, Sherrie M., Joint Committee on Taxation........... Fatemi, Fariborz S., Rep. Marcy Kaptur..................... Fatjo, Thomas J., Jr., President’s Council on Physi- cal Fitness and Sports Fattie, William, Regional and Field Offices, HUD..... Fauci, Anthony S.: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-eases, HHS National Institute of Health, HHS Faughnan, Brian, House Wednesday Group Faulkenberry, Bobby H., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc issi Faulkner, Avery C., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Faulkner, LaForest, Office of Personnel Administra-tion, HHS Faulstich, Janet, Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson............... Faulwell, Bond R., General Services Administration. Faunce, Cheryl A., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Faunce, Donna L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Fauntleroy, Phylicia, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Fauver, Robert E., National Economic Council, Office of the President Page Fauver, Susan Sokup, Office of the Legislative Counsel Fawcett, John T., National Archives and Records Administration 891 Fawcett, W.H. (Buzz), Sen. Dirk Kempthorne ........... 86 Fawell, Harris W. (Representative from Illinois): Biography 97 Education and Labor Committee ..........ccccccovieunrnanns 435 Environmental and Energy Study Conference........ 563 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Fawell, Harris, National Republican Congressional Committee 481 Fay, Peter T., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Fay, Williams M., United States Tax Court................. Fayyad, Salam K, International Monetary Fund........ Fazio, Judy, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Fazio, Ralph D., Office of Land and Minerals Man-agement, Interior 757 Fazio, Vic (Representative from California): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 20 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Democratic Steering and Policy Commiittee............ 480 Federal Government Service Task Force..... we 564 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission...........ccc.euuee. 556 Fears, John, Office of Human Resources and Admin-istration, Veterans Affairs 854 Feaster, H. Walker, Federal Communications Com-mission 868 Feather, Joseph A., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force 716 Feather, Karen, Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski..........c.ccovueeue. 257 Featherston, C. Moxley, United States Tax Court...... 981 Featherstone, William Lynn, U.S. International Trade Commission 932 Fechtel, Vincent J., Jr.,, U.S. Parole Commission... i Feddeman, Edward G., Public Works and Transpor- tation Committee 463 Feder, David L., Federal Labor Relations Authority. 878 Feder, Mrs. Arhtus A., Smithsonian Institution .......... 921 Federing, Erik K., Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Fedkiw, John, Budget and Program Analysis, Agri- culture 768 Fedorchak, Jeff, Rep. Bob Inglis 273 Fedorov, Boris, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development 1009 Fee, John T., United States Tax Court 983 Feehery, John, Office of the Republican Leader 617 Feeney, Richard J., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Feeney, Thomas T., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 Feest, Gregory, Liaison Offices 629 Feidler, Robert E., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Feinberg, Arthur R., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 840 Feinberg, Robert S., Smithsonian Institution ............... 922 Feingold, Russell (Senator from Wisconsin): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............. 385 Biography 328 Democratic Policy Committee ...........c.cceeurrescesnisseness 415 Foreign Relations Committee 401 Special Committee on Aging 414 Feinleib, Manning, Public Health Service, HHS......... 813 Feinstein, Dianne (Senator from California): Appropriations Committee 387 Biography 18 Judiciary Committee 405 Rules and Administration Committee ...........c.ccceeeee. 409 Feith, Dalck, United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Feld, Carol, National Institute of Diabetes and Di-gestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS ...........c.ccceceu.. 820 Felder, Allie C,, Jr., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency 932 Felder, Richard B., Interstate Commerce Commis- sion 887 Feldheim, John R., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board.. 938 Feldman, Alan I., Federal Communications Commis- sion 871 Feldman, Allen H., Office of Policy, Labor................. 800 Name Index 1237 Page Feldman, Arlene B., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 841 Feldman, Jacob J., Public Health Service, HHS 813 Feldman, Paul, Rep. David E. Price 219 Feldman, Steve, Sen. Donald W. Riegle, Jr 145 Feliciangeli, Eduardo, Inter-American Development Ban 1007 Felner, Linda, President’s Committee on Mental Re-tardation 565 Felrice, Barry, National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-ministration, Transportation Felsen, James, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Felsman, Mary Lou, Securities and Exchange Com-mission Felts, Pate, Sen. David Pryor Feltus, Will: Conference of the Minority Republican Leadershi Femino, Lawrence J. (Mickey), General Services Administration Fender, Frank, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Fendley, Stan, Small Busi Committee Fennell, Richard D., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Fenner, Robert M., National Credit Union Adminis- tration Fenton, John H., Federal Labor Relations Authority. Fenton, Laurie, Rep. Jim Kolbe Fenton, Robert, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture Fenton, Yanik M., Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart Ferber, Martin M., General Accounting Office.. Ferch, y Jotun, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Ferdinand, Carlos, Inter-American Development Bank Ferguson, Barbara A., Office of Science and Tech-nology Policy Fergmson, Bobby V. U.S. Railroad Retirement ard Ferguson, Donald J. Maritime Administration, Transportation Ferguson, Jeff, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Ferguson, Robert E.H., Rep. Jack M. Fields, Jr Ferguson, Susan, National Republican Senatorial Committee Ferguson, Thomas A., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury Fern, Alan M., Smithsonian Institution Fernandez, Charlene, Rep. Ed Pastor Fernandez, Enrique, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez Fernandez, Ferdinand F., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Fernandez, Lillian, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Fernandez, Michael, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Fernandez-Duque, Carlos, International Finance ration Fernando, L. Eustace N., International Monetary Fund Ferran, Joaquin, International Monetary Fund Ferrara, L. Joseph, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review C« Ferreira, Paulo, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Development Ferril, Donna J., Commerce, Science, and Transpor-tation Committee Ferris, Richard, Office of Personnel Management Ferrone, Patricia, Sen. John F. Kerry Fesak, George M., Jr., Mine Safety Yi Health Ad-ministration, Labor Fetsch, Mary, Rep. Elizabeth Furse Fetzner, Robert, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Feuer, Mitchell, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Feulner, Edwin J., Jr, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Fiala, Gerri, Employment and Training Administra-tion, Labor Ficca, Stephen A., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Ficerai, John C., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Page Fidler, Shelley N., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Fiechter, Jonathan L.: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation .... Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation. Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Thrift Depositor Oversight Protection Board.. Field, Cynthia, Smithsonian Institution Field, Joanne P., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Fielding, Fred F., Administrative Conference of the United States. Fielding, Jeannine, Select Committee on Ethics Fields, Adrienne, Education and Labor Committee... Fields, Amelia, Joint Committee on Printing Fields, Caroline J., U.S. Capitol Police Fields, Cleo (Representative from Louisiana): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... Biography Small Busi Committee Fields, Earl G., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Fields, Jack (Representative from Texas): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Study Committee Fields, James E. Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury General Counsel, Treasury Fields, Pamela L., ii States Friendship Commission Fields, Thomas, Rep. Jim Cooper Fields, Timothy, Jr., Environmental Protection Agency Figel, Brad, Finance Committee Figley, Paul F., Civil Division, Justice Figueroa, Rosemary P., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Figura, Linda, Rep. Bill Archer Filka, Robert, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Filner, Bob (Representative from California): Biography Democratic Study Group Public Works and Transportation Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Filppu, Lauri S., Civil Division, Justice Finarelli, Margaret G., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Finberg, Jack, National Capital Planning Commis- sion Finch, Donald, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Finch, Johnny C., General Accounting Office Finch, Milton D., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Finck, Tracy A., Armed Services Committee Findley, Craig: Office of the Republican Leader Rep. Robert H. Michel Fine, Bailey, Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin Fine, Lawrence J., Public Health Service, HHS Fine, Neal, Government Printing Office Finerty, John, Commission on Security and Coop- eration In Euro Fingerhut, Eric D. (Representative from Ohio): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Foreign Affairs Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Fink, John, Rep. Toby Roth Fink, Patrick T., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Finke, Fred R., Comptroller of the Currency, Treas- ury Finke, Jeralyn P., Rep. William E. (Bill) Barrett Finkelstein, Jon H., Liaison Offices Finkelstein, Linda J.: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Finley, Harry R., General Accounting Office Finley, Jim, Rep. Jack M. Fields, Jr Finley, Robert Michael, Foreign Affairs Committee.. 1238 Congressional Directory Finley, Stephannie, Rep. Scott McInnis Finn, Brooke, Peace Finn, Deborah Anne, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Finn, Richard D., Jr., Armed Services Committee Finne, Essex E., Jr., Science and Education, Agri- culture Finnegan, David B., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Finsen, Susan C., Library of Congress Fiori, Florence, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS Fiori, Mario P., Major Field Organizations, Energy .. Firestone, Judge Nancy B., Environmental Protec- tion Agency Fisackerly, Haley, Sen. Thad Cochran Fischer, Dennis J.: General Services Administration National Capital Planning Cc ission Fischer, Eugene H., Inspector General, Air Force Fischer, Fritz, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Fischer, Kelly, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee Fischer, Lucas, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Fischer, Robert V., Office of the Doorkeeper Fish, David, Sen. Larry E. Craig Fish, Hamilton, Jr. (Representative from New York): Biography Board of Visitors to the Military Academy Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future.... Congressional Human Rights Caucus Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. Judiciary Committee New York State Congressional Delegation Fishel, Andrew S., Federal Communications Com- mission Fishel, Terry L., Federal Communications Commis- Sion Fisher, Gail F., Public Health Service, HHS Fisher, Gene, Rep. Ed Pastor Fisher, Ivory J., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Fisher, Jane S., Commission on Security and Coop-eration In Euro, Fisher, Joel L., International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Fisher, John, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Fisher, Joseph A.: House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards Post Office and Civil Service Committee Fisher, Llewelyn M., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Fisher, Louis, Library of Congress Fisher, Mary Margaret, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Fisher, Max M.: President’s Export Council Smithsonian Institution Fisher, Pat, Rep. Floyd H. Flake Fisher, Susanne G., Extension Service, Agriculture... Fisher-Hall, Jo, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Fishman, George, Republican Policy Committee Fishman, Ira, Export-Import Bank of the United States Fishman, Michael E., Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture Fisk, Carmel, Judiciary Committee Fisk, Dan, Foreign Affairs Committee Fiske, Patricia, Smithsonian Institution Fiss, Barbara L., Office of Personnel Management Fister, Bruce L., Major Commands, Air Force........... Fitch, Bradford, Small Business Committee Fitch, Michael T.N., Bureau of Communications and Information Policy, State Fiterman, Miles Q., Smithsonian Institution... Fitterman, Mark D., Securities and Exchange ‘Com- mission Fitting, Leslie A., Rep. Thomas J. Ridge.... Fitts, Jerry J National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration Fitts, Susan, Rep. Norman Y. Mineta Fitz, Cheri, Rep. Norman D. Dicks Page Fitzgerald, A. Ernest, Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Fitzgerald, Curtis A., United States Marshals Serv-ice, Justice Fitzgerald, Edmond J., Maritime Administration, Transportation Fitzgerald, Jayne, Ways and Means Committee.... 475, 476 Fitzgerald, Oleta, Office of the Secretary, Agricul-ture. Fitzgerld, Nancy S., Liaison Offices Fitzgibbons, Dennis, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Fitzgibbons, Patty, Office of the Sergeant at Arms.. Fitzkee, Harry H., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Fitzmaurice, J. Michael, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS. Fitzpatrick, Brian, Rep. Amo Houghton Fitzpatrick, Collins T., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Fitzpatrick, Martin F., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Fitzwater, Marlin, Smithsonian Institution Flack, Anthony, National Council on Disability. Flacks, Lewis I, Library of Congress Flader, Joseph, Rep. Thomas E. Petri Flahavan, Richard S., Selective Service System. Flaherty, John, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo Flaherty, Karen, Budget Committee Flake, Floyd H. (Representative from New York): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Government Operations Committee Small B Committee Flamm, Douglas F., Office of Policy and Planning, Education Flanagan, Helene, Non-Legislative and Financial Services Flanagan, Mary B., Rep. Pat Williams Flanagan, Mary K., Rep. Ron Klink Flanagan, Vincent, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Flander, Mervin J., Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled Flanders, David, Rep. Bob Clement Flanders, Steven, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Flanigan, Karen Ann, Energy and Commerce Com-mittee Flanigan, Michael, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Flannery, John, Office of Personnel Management Flannery, Thomas A., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Flano, Nicholas, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Flapan, Valerie, Office of the Legislative Counsel Flatow, Joel, Congressional Arts Caucus Flaum, Joel M., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Fleckner, John, National Archives and Records Ad-ministration Fleetwood, Nancy C., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Fleischaker, Rebecca, Select Committee on Ethics Fleischer, Ari, Sen. Pete V. Domenici Fleischhauer, Carl August, Secretariat, United Na- tions 10 Fleischman, Ann, House Administration Committee.. Fleischman, Joyce N., Office of the Secretary, Inte- rior Fleischman, Lawrence A., Smithsonian Institution Fleishman, Morton R., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fleishman, Susan, Office of the Legislative Counsel .. Fleming, James T., Sen. Wendell H. Ford Fleming, Joan M., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Fleming, Mack, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Fleming, Raymond F., Division of Computer Re- search and Technology, HHS Fleming, Roger T., Judiciary Committee Fleming, Scott, Rep. Nita M. Lowey Fleming, Tonette, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Name Index Page Page Flemma, Jean, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee 453 Flemming, Tom, ACTION 855 Fleshler, David, Rep. Eric D. Fingerhut ..................... 239 Fleshman, William T., Jr., Permanent Select Com- mittee on Intelligence 478 Fletcher, Ann, Office of the Clerk.........c.cceceevrurrerenenen. 618 Fletcher, Arthur A. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 928 Fletcher, Betty B., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Fletcher, Gwyn, Natural Resources Committee.......... 457 Fletcher, Lee, Rep. Jim McCrery........ccoceeuvurrerrerereranas 127 Fletcher, Matthew R., Government Operations Committee 446 Fletcher, Richard, Inter-American Development an 1007 Fletcher, Sharon Barbee, Office of Personnel Man-agement 902 Fletcher, Virginia C., Rep. Dan Rostenkowski ........... 92 Flick, Camden Jones, Armed Services Committee ..... 392 Flickner, Charlie, Budget Committee..............ccccevueenese. 394 Flint, Myles E., Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice 731 Flood, Clare, Democratic Policy Committee .............. 415 Flora, Gary S., Chief of Staff, Air Force.................... 720 Flores, Brian L., Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 880 Florey, Gregory D., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force 719 Flowe, Carol C., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora- tion 909 Flowers, Michael R., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 996 Floyd, Barbara J., Board for International Broad- casting 547 Floyd, Maurice, Rep. Lucien E. Blackwell ................. 251 Flug, Arthur, Rep. Gary L. Ackerman........................ 199 Flynn, Cheri A., Energy and Commerce Committee . Flynn, David K., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice Flynn, Donna Steele, Rep. Bill Archer Flynn, Mark S., Office of Policy, Labor... Flynn, Nancy M.: Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled 862 Office of the Secretary, Labor... 793 Flynn, William E., III, Office of Personnel Manage- ment 904 Flynt, Renee, Conference of the Minority ................... 417 Flyzik, James J., Management—Chief Financial Offi- cer, Treasury 685 Foerstel, Karen, Executive Committee of Corre-spondents 1117 Foertschbeck, Peggy, Social Security Administra- tion, HHS 826 Fogarty, John, Liaison Offices 629 Fogash, Kenneth A., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 911 Fogelman, Ronald R., Major Commands, Air Force.. 722 Foggin, Pamela C., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee 396 Foglietta, Thomas M. (Representative from Pennsyl- vania): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 250 Congressional Human Rights Caucus ...........cccceuee 561 Fois, Andrew, Judiciary Committee.................ccceneu... 451 Foist, Judith C., Maritime Administration, Transpor-tation 846 Foley, Donald J., Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 415 Foley, Gary J., Environmental Protection Agency .... 865 Foley, Heather S.: Rep. Thomas S. Foley 321 Speaker of the House of Representatives ................. 616 Foley, James P., Rep. Pat Williams..........c.ccceeerenneen. 174 Foley, LaVelle M., Federal Emergency Management Agency 876 Foley, Martha C., Office of Management and Budget 672 Foley, Phyllis G., Office of Personnel Management... 904 Foley, Robert F., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 700 Foley, Thomas S. (Representative from Washing- ton): Biography 321 Commission on the West Central Front of the United States Capitol 551 Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future............. 559 Congressional Human Rights Caucus .........c.cccccueuue. 561 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ 480 House Office Building Cc n 552 Japan-United States Friendship Commission............ 552 Speaker of the House of Representatives... .. 616 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission......... .-’: 356 Folger, Mrs. J. Clifford, Smithsonian Institution......... 926 Folkerts, Brian B., Commodity Futures Trading Commission 862 Folsom, Henry R., Postal Rate Commission................ 909 Folsom, Jerry, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior......... 756 Fong, Barbara Jean Hong, Civil Division, Justice ...... 730 Fontes, Brian F., Federal Communications Commis- sion 868 Fooks, Marvin M., Employment and Training Ad-ministration, Labor 801 Forbes, E. Ripley, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee 440 Forbes, Patricia R., Small Business Committee. ........... 411 Forbes, Sandra J., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice 749 Forbes, Wanda L., National Commission on Librar- ies and Information Science ........ccocevervirerrerurreranes 893 Forbush, Wilford J., Public Health Service, HHS. ...... &10 Force, Charles T., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Forchion, Guy, Rep. Carrie P. Meek ........ccccceuerrreunnee 72 Ford, Amy, National Republican Senatorial Commit-te tee 4 Ford, Beth, Foreign Affairs Committee ..........ccoeuenee 444 Ford, Charles, International Trade Administration, Commerce 786 Ford, Dietra L.: District of Columbia Committee .......ccoovruiniunnnnns 434 National Capital Planning Cc ion 892 Ford, Gerald R.: U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. 567 U.S. Capitol Historical Society..........c.coeecrueruercrcrnenn 568 Ford, Harold E. (Representative from Tennessee): Biography 283 Ways and Means Committee. 474 Ford, James David, Chaplain of the House........... 616, 617 Ford, John G., Smithsonian Institution .............ceceeevnn. 922 Ford, Morgan, United States Court of International Trade 970 Ford, Mrs. Gerald R., Smithsonian Institution............ 925 Ford, Roland W., Joint Committee on Taxation......... 487 Ford, Sean, Executive Committee of Correspondents 1117 Ford, Wendell H. (Senator from Kentucky): Biography 118 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee 395 Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate........ 551 Democratic Leadership 612 Democratic Policy Committee ..........c.ccceceruerurreunnene 415 Energy and Natural Resources Committee.............. 397 Joint Committee on Printing 485 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Rules and Administration Committee ..........c.oceeevucne U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission .. U.S. Senate Commission on Art.......... Ford, William D. (Representative from Education and Labor Committee ...........ceceeeruerruerunns 435 House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 552 Biography 153 Forde, Timothy J., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee 441 Fordham, Kirk, Rep. James M. Inhofe 241 Forehand, John, Natural Resources Committee. .......... 457 Foren, Wayne S., Small Business Administration........ Forest, Mark, Rep. Gerry E. Studds................... Foresta, Merry, Smithsonian Institution.... Forman, Mark, Joint Economic Committee............... ¢ 488 Fornataro, James M., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS 826 Forrer, Graydon, Small Business Committee... Forrest, Sue, Veterans’ Affairs Committee .. Forrest, Vaughn, Rep. Bill McCollum. ............. Forriest, Karen, Office of the Sergeant at Arms.......... 619 Forristall, Anne, Energy and Commerce Committee . 441 Forsberg, James N., Assistant Secretary for Commu- nity Planning and Development, HUD ................ 830 Forsgren, D. Lee, Natural Resources Committee ....... 457 Forshey, David R., Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 1240 Congressional Directory Forstater, Ira, Office of the Legislative Counsel......... Forster, Anne E., Armed Services Committee Forster, Theresa M., Special Committee on Aging..... Forster, William H., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Forster, William, Smithsonian Institution Forsythe, Kathryn, Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg........... Forte, Barbara F., Federal Council on the Aging....... Forte, June, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Forte, Timothy, National Transportation Safety ar Fortier, Julia, Energy and Commerce Committee Fortin, Yves, International Monetary Fund......... Fortuno, Victor, Legal Services Corporation... Foss, Ardelle G., Smithsonian Institution...... Foss, Ken, Republican Policy Committee..... sed Foss, Stuart M., Government Printing Office.............. Foster, Henlay, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Foster, James, Occupational Safety and Health Ad- ministration, Labor Foster, Joanne, Smithsonian Institution Foster, Kenneth B., National Science Found Foster, Patrick D., Joint Committee on Printing Foster, Robert B., Appropriations Committee............ Foster, Robert F., Rep. Philip M. Crane...........coeueenc Foster, Robert I. Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Foster, Robert L., Public Health Service, HHS......... Foster, Stanley O., Public Health Service, HHS.. Foster, Steve, Rep. Tom Barlow III.................. ae Foster, Vincent Ww, Counsel to the President, ce of theP Foucart, Brian L., Management and Administration, Office of the President Fouchard, Joseph J.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ion U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission..............ce.. Foudin, Arnold, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Fought, Steve, Rep. Sherrod Brown...........ccccceereeenne. Foulke, Edwin G., Jr.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Occupational Safety and Health Review Commis- sion Foulon, Mark, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, tate Fountain, Galen, Small Business Committee................ Fountain, Gladys, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Foushee, Mitch, Sen. Jeff Bi Fowler, A. Wayne, Office of the Clerk. oil] Fowler, Charles D. III, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Fowler, Jerry, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Fowler, John M., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Fowler, Joseph C., Jr, Army Staff and Selected A gencies Fowler, Kathy A., Federal Communications Com- mission Fowler, Sam, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Fowler, Tillie (Representative from Florida): Armed Services Committee Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee HERAT Republican Policy Committee ............cccccrurueeenininennes Fowler, William W., Jr.,, National Transportation ety Fox, Charles, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force Fox; Sheryl; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs C i Fox, Doma K., Science, Space, and Technology Fox, Douglas R., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Fox, F. Michael, Jr, Armed Forces Retirement Home Fox, Janet, Office of Community Services, HHS........ Fox, Jeff, Ways and Means C 475, Fox, Lydia, Education and Labor Commiittee............. Fox, Lynn S., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 396 811 811 119 668 669 899 934 773 236 856 900 676 411 998 193 618 687 774 , 857 702 873 398 427 63 451 483 484 899 718 . 39 463 782 476 437 860 Page Fox, Marauertie L., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 771 Fox, Marye Anne, National Science Foundation........ 898 Fox, Michelle E., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee 396 Fox, Nancy, Rep. Marge Roukema.........ccccecurrencunuenes 187 Fox, Richard, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 735 Fox, Sara, Labor and Human Resources Committee... 409 Fox, Yvette Joseph, Indian Affairs Committee............ 405 Fox., F. Michael, Jr., United States Naval Home....... 939 Foxman, Abraham H., United States Holocaust Me- morial Council 929 Foxworthy, Darold, Natural Resources and Envi- ronment, Agriculture 776 Foy, George, Joint Economic Committee ................... 488 Fozard, James, National Institute on Aging, HHS...... 821 Fraad, Daniel, Smithsonian Institution................... 921, 923 Fradkin, Hillel G., National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti 895 Fralin, Gayle, Finance COMME... veiitsnmeanssesyiciseres 401 Frame, Bruce, Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes .133 Franca, Bruce A., Federal Communications Commis- sion 870 France, Roger, Rep. Charles H. Taylor....................... 224 Francis, Betty Hager, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 999 Francis, David, Library of Congress...........cccoevururunnns 635 Francis, Norval, International Affairs and Commodi- ty Programs, Agriculture 766 Francisco, Betsy, Rep. Gary L. Ackerman.................. 199 Franck, Rebecca, Education and Labor Committee... 437 Franco, Adolfo A., Inter-American Foundation ......... 886 Franco, Joseph, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Franco, Martha, Rep. John T. Doolittle ...................... 21 Franco, Robert, Administration, Agriculture .............. 762 Francois, Joseph F., U.S. International Trade Com- mission 932 Frandsen, Richard A., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee 440 Franger, Melissa, Office of the Sergeant at Arms........ 619 Frank, Barney (Representative from Massachusetts): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 141 Budget Committee 433 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Judiciary Cc 49 Frank, Harris, President’s Council on Physical Fit-ness and Sports 910 Frank, Kathleen R., House Administration Commit- tee 448 Frank, Newton J., Federal Maritime Commission ...... 879 Frank, Richard H., International Finance Corpora- tion 1011 Frank, Richard, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 735 Frankel, Barry J., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 703 Frankel, Martin, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS 816 Frankel, Morgan J., Office of Senate Legal Counsel.. 615 Frankfort, Charles E., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Frankina, Jan, Pennsylvania Avenue Development rporation 908 Frankle, "Edward A..: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 856 National Aeronautics and Space Administration ..... 888 Franklin, Barbara, Federal Labor Relations Author-" ity 87 Franklin, Daniel T., Office of Policy, Labor............... 798 Franklin, Elaine, Sen. Bob Packwood..........cieninis 246 Franklin, Fatina K., Federal Communications Com- mission 871 Franklin, Gwendolyn, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor 795 Franklin, Hardy R., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 999 Franklin, Herbert M, Architect of the Capitol ........... 625 Franklin, Leo N., y for R h Development, a Acquisition, Army .................. 698 Franklin, Linda, Rep. James C. Greenwood................ 255 Franks, Bob (Representative from New Jersey): Biography 188 Budget Committee 433 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Name Index 1241 Page Franks, Frederick M., Jr., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Franks, Gary A. (Representative from Connecticut): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com- mission Republican Policy Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Fransen, James W., Office of the Legislative Counsel Franzel, Brent, Sen. Christopher S. Bond Franzen, Richard S., Technology Administration, Commerce Fraser, Francis W., Federal Maritime Commission Fraser, John R., Employee Standards Administra- tion, Labor Frater, Jeffrey, United States Marshals Service, Jus- tice Fratto, Tony, Rep. Richard John Santorum Frauens, Sue L., Federal Trade Commission Fraumeni, Joseph, Jr., National Cancer Institute, Frazee, Elizabeth, Rep. Robert W. (Bob) Goodlatte .. Frazier, Franklin, General Accounting Office Frazier, Greg, Agriculture Committee Frazier, Gregory M., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Frazier, Henry B., III, Environmental Protection Agency Frazier, Johnnie E., Inspector General, Commerce... Frazier, Michael, Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun Frazier, Robert E., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Frazier, Sarah, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Frederick, Doyle G., Office of Water and Science, Interior Frederick, Jeanne, Rep. Harold L. Volkmer Frederick, Winifred, Rep. John P. Murtha Frederickson, Karen, Rep. Earl Ralph Pomeroy . Fredholm, Randi, Rep. Tim Hutchinson Free, Mary M., Environmental Protection Agency... Freeland, Betty, Appropriations Committee Freeland, Betty, Rep. Maxine Waters Freeman, Allen, Rep. Rob Portman Freeman, Charles W., Jr., Policy, Defense . Freeman, Daniel M., Judiciary Committee Freeman, Darlene, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Freeman, Eric, Joint Economic Committee Freeman, J. Jerry, Federal Communications Com- mission Freeman, Joe, Rep. Dick Swett Freeman, L. Walter, Washington Headquarters Serv- ices, Defense Freeman, Rheda Ann, Appropriations Committee Freeman, Sandra, Regional and Field Offices, HUD.. Freeman, Ted B., Regional and Field Offices, HUD.. Freeman, Varel, International Finance Corporation... Freeman, Wanda, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Freeman, William, House Information Systems Freeman, Yvonne, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Freese, Maria, Rep. Lewis F. Payne, Jr Freese, Terry, Rep. Norman D. Dicks Freesland, Ruth, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Freeza, Al, Environmental Protection Agency Freilicher, Frederic, National Labor Relations Board Freitag, Merle, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army Fremaux, Emmett H., Jr., Offices, Boards, and Com-missions, District of Columbia Fremson, Ruth, Standing Committee of Press Pho-tographers French, Judson C., Technology Administration, Commerce Frenze, Chris, Joint Economic Committee Fresen, Ileana A., Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs, Education Freudenheim, Tom L. Smithsonian Institution... 9 Frey, Robert B., III, Office of Inspector General, Transportation Frick, Joseph J., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Frick, Paul, Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro Friday, Elbert W., Jr., National Oceanic and Atmos-pheric Administration, Commerce Fridriksson, Ingimundur, International Monetary Fund Friede, John A., Smithsonian Institution Friedersdorf, Max L., Federal Council on the Aging. Friedkin, Dawn M., Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President Friedl, Joe, Jr., Washington Headquarters Services, Defense Friedman, Bonnie, Employment and Training Ad-ministration, Labor Friedman, Charles Timothy, Office of the Doorkeep- A hong Connie, Rules and Administration Com-mittee Friedman, Daniel M., United States Court of Ap-Is Friedman, Joel, Budget Committee Friedman, Jonathan, Rep. Lee H. Hamilton Friedman, Judith G., National Capital Planning 4 Sl Friedman, Lawrence M., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Friedman, Lisa K., Environmental Protection Agenc Friedman, Maria A., Health Care Financing Admin-istration, HHS Friedman, Martin A., Smithsonian Institution Friedman, Michael A., National Cancer Institute, HHS Friedrich, Robert J, Environmental Protection Agency Friel, George E., Army Staff and Selected Agencies. Friendly, Andrew, Executive Office of the President Friends, Duane A., Sesquehanna River Basin Com-mission Friesz, Patricia, Office of Policy, Labor Frith, John, Rep. Elton Gallegly Fritts, Bill, Sen. Dave Durenberger Frodyman, Frank, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor Froe, Dana A., Administration, Agriculture Froehlich, Maryann B., Environmental Protection Agency Froehlich, Steve, Liaison Offices Fromer, Kevin, Rep. Harold Rogers Frommer, Peter, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Frost, Alberta, Food and Consumer Services, Agri-culture Frost, Doug, Government Operations Committee Frost, Ellen, Office of U.S. Trade Representative Frost, Jensine, Rep. Jim Ramstad Frost, Martin (Representative from Texas): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... House Administration Committee Rules Committee United States Holocaust Memorial Council Frost, Phillip, Smithsonian Institution Frost, Rick, Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro ..... Frost, S. David, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Frost, William J., General Services Administration... Frumin, Alan, Office of the Secretary Fry, Ed, Rep. Ray Thornton Fry, James, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army Fry, Ray, Office of Educational Research and Im-provement, Education Frydman, Bernardo, International Finance Corpora-tion Frydrych, Emily, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Frye, Diane M., United States Court of Appeals Frye, Granville H., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture Frye, Melinda Y.: Office of the Secretary U.S. Senate Commission on Art Frye, Vickie L., U.S. Capitol Police Fryer, Edwin S., American Red Cross Fryer, John F., Public Works and Transportation Committee Frymoyer, Bill, Office of the Majority Leader Fuchs, David W., Armed Services Committee 1242 Congressional Directory Page Fudge, Barbara K., Office of Personnel Management 904 Fuentes, Jennice, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez 92 Fuerth, Leon S.: Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Fuerth, Stephen G., Tax Divison, Justice Fugh, John L., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Fuhrman, Nick, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Fuhrman, Ronald B., Federal Communications Com- mission Fujiwara, Jan, Rep. Christopher Cox Fukui, Hiroo, International Monetary Fund .. Fulbright, J. William, Smithsonian Institution...... Fuleihan, Basil R., International Monetary Fund Fulford, Carlton, Marine Training and Education Division Fuller, Barbara, Panama Canal Commission Fuller, Craig L., Smithsonian Institution Fuller, Mary Helen, Democratic Policy Committee... Fuller, Timothy, Peace Corps Fuller-Symms, Loretta, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Fullerton, Raymond W., General Counsel, Agricul-ture. Fulmore, Retha M., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Fulton, Barry, U.S. Information Agency Fulton, James, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior Fulton, Kathryn, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Fulton, Tom, Sen. Conrad Burns Fultz, Chester, Office of Public Affairs, Labor. Fultz, Elaine, Ways and Means Committee... Fultz, Keith O., General Accounting Office Fulwider, William E., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Funk, Sherman M., Secretary of State, State Foul, Susan, Thrift Depositor Oversight Protection r Funkhouser, Dan W., Federal Mediation and Concil- iation Service Fuqua, Dan, Office of Public Affairs, Labor Furey, Frank J., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Education Furey, Joseph, Securities and Exchange Commission. Furey, Theresa M., Joint Committee on Printing Furman, Lynn L., Office of Personnel Management.. Furman, William T., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Furse, Elizabeth (Representative from Oregon): Armed Services Committee Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Furutani, Gordan Y., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Futey, Bohdan A., United States Court of Federal laims Fygi, Eric J., Administrative Conference of the United States Fygi, Eric J., Office of the Secretary, Energy G Gaasch, Heidi, Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Gaaserud, Jon M., Assistant Secretary for Interna-tional Affairs, Treasury 681 Gabel, Caroline, Public Works and Transportation Committee Gabel, Roberta D., Office of the General Counsel, Transportation 835 Gable, Mark, Federal Government Service Task Force Gabor, Robert, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 718 Gadd, John, Post Office and Civil Service Commit- tee 459 Gaddis, Carl K., Major Field Organizations, Energy. 848 Gaddy, Glen D., Congressional Award 549 Gaddy, Lauren, Rep. Ray Thornton Gaden, Marc, Northeast-midwest Congressional Co- alition 564 Gadsby, J. William, General Accounting Office ......... 631 Gadt, Larry O., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 776 Gadziala, Mary Ann, Securities and Exchange Com-missio! Gadniohowski John M.,, Civil Rights Division Divi-sion, Justice Gaede, Mark, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Gaffney, Joan, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Gaffney, Jonathan, Rep. James P. Moran Gaffney, Susan, Office of the Secretary, HUD Gage, Mark: Foreign Affairs Committee Rules Committee Gagel, Barbara, Health Care Financing Administra-tion, HHS Gagnon, Lisa, Rep. Pat Roberts Gaillard, Bernard, Interstate Commerce Commission. Gainer, Celia, Sen. John Glenn Gainer, William J., General Accounting Office Gaines, Betty Jo, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Gaines, Billie Davis, National Foundation on the Arts and the | Gaines, Sanford E., Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive Gairin, Mary Beth, Public Works and Transportation Committee Gaither, Jolinda, Office of the Secretary, HHS Gajewski, Tom, Rep. Tim Holden Galasso, George J., National Institute of Health, HHS Galaty, Carol, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Galbraith, Evan G., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Galbraith, Peter W., Foreign Relations Committee .... Galdo, Julia, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corpora- tion Gale, Joseph H., Finance Committee Gale, Roger, International Finance Corporation Galen, Helen, Sen. Carl M. Levin Galilei, Via Galileo, European Space Agency Galis, Paul L., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Gall, Allan, Office of Refugee Resettlement, HHS Gall, Mary Sheila, Consumer Product Safety Com-mission Gallagher, Eileen, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Gallagher, George J., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Sore Gallagher, Lynn F., Agriculture Committee Gallagher, Michael J., Office of the Legislative Counsel Gallagher, Monica, Office of Policy, Labor Gallagher, Rosemary, Office of the Legislative Counsel Gallay, Joel S., General Services Administration Gallegly, Elton (Representative from California): Biography Foreign Affairs Committee Judiciary Cc Natural Resources Committee Gallegos, Douglas A., Equal Employment Opportu-nity Commission Gallegos, Gabrielle G., Judiciary Committee Gallegos, Jerry L., House Press Gallery Gallegos, Tony E., Equal Employment Opportunity Cc ission Galli, Augusto, Organization of American States Galliart, David R., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Gallin, John I., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS Gallington, Daniel J., Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice Gallo, Barbara, Armed Services Committee Gallo, Dean A. (Representative from New Jersey): Appropriations Committee Biography Environmental and Energy Study Conference Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition Republican Policy Committee Gallop, Emily J., Commerce, Science, and Transpor-tation Committee Name Index 1243 Galloway, Gail A., Supreme Court of the United tates Galloway, Gerald E., Jr., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Gallucci, Robert L., Bureau fairs, State Galner, Todd, Democratic Committee Galpin, Robert A., Office merce Galston, William, Domestic of the President of Politico-Military Af-Congressional Campaign of Administration, Com- Policy Council, Office Galvan, Gail, Finance Committee Galvin, Denis P., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Galvin, Mary, Smithsonian Institution Galvin, Peter D., Office of Policy, Labor Gambino, Robert W., Selective Service System Gamble, Bruce, Small Busi Committee Gamble, Roger R., Bureau of Finance and Manage- ment Policy, State Gamble, Roy, Washington City Post Office, District of Columbia Gamboa, Anthony H., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Gang, Sharon K., Rep. Eric D. Fingerhut Ganglof}, Eric J., Japan-United States Friendship Gangloff, Joseph E., Criminal Division, Justice Gannon, John J., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Gannon, John, National Council on Disability Gannon, Michael, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Gano, Ginny, Rep. David L. Hobson Gans, Erna I, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Gans, Jeff, Office of the Doorkeeper Gans, Michael E., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Ganson, Bryan, Office of Civil Rights, Education Ganzi, Walter J., Jr., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop-ment Corporation Garabedian, Levon H., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Garaltes joseph P.,, Regional and Field Offices, HU Garbarino, Joseph S., Science and Education, Agri- culture Garcia, Frances, General Accounting Office Garcia, Gillian G., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Garcia, Peter, Office of Personnel Management Oana P. Campbell, Office of Public Affairs, 80 Gardiner, Bill, Sen. Howell T. Heflin Gardiner, Chip, Rep. James L. Oberstar... Gardner, Carol, Rep. Olympia J. Snowe Gardner, Edwin I, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Gardner, Jeff, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Gardner, Jerry D., Chief of Staff, Air Force Gardner, Joy, Export Administration, Commerce Gardner, Lawrence W., Government Printing Office Gardner, Lewis W., Government Printing Office Gardner, Patricia R., Government Printing Office Gardner, Patricia, Library of Congress Gardner, William E., Jr., Natural Resources and En- vironment, Agriculture Garfias, Robert: National Foundation on the Arts and the Human-ities Smithsonian Institution Garfinkel, Patricia G., Science, Space, and Technol-ogy Committee Garfinkel, Steven, General Services Administration... Garfinkle, Lisa, Rep. Stephen L. Neal Garfunkel, Sanford, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs Garibotto, Ronald, Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Garland, Gregory, Board for International Broad- casting, Garland, Jerry, Office of the Secretary Garland, Kathy M., Federal Communications Com-mission Garman, Cathleen D., Armed Services Committee .... Page Page Garman, Susan H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Garmon, Steven E., Office of Administration, Com-700 merce Garner, Aida, Board for International Broadcasting... 678 Garner, James 1., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Garner, Jay M., Army Staff and Selected Agencies... Garner, Sandra, Rep. Jay Kim 781 Garnett, Nancy L., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee Garnett, Stanley, Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture Garon, Richard J., Foreign Affairs Committee Garoutte, Katherine E., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Garrett, James B., Rep. Cardiss Collins Garrett, Johnson, Smithsonian Institution Garrett, Joseph G., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Garrett, Lawrence M., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury 1002 Garrett, Nancy A., Rep. William H. Natcher Garrett, Nancy C., Office of Surface Mining, Recla-mation, and Enforcement, Interior Garrett, Robert E., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Garrett, Thaddeus, Jr., National Capital Planning Cc ission Garrett, Tony, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Garrett, William, Regional and Field Offices, HUD .. Garris, Bradley R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Garrity, Jack, International Finance Corporation Gartland, John, National Commission for Employ-ment Policy Gartland, Patrick J., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs Garvey, Robert M., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Garvey, Vincent M., Civil Division, Justice Garvin, Ron, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Garwin, Thomas M., Armed Services Committee Garwood, Griffith L., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Garwood, William L., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Gary, Art, Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Gary, Thomas A., Technology Administration, Commerce Garza, Emilio M., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Garza, Lisa, Rep. Jay Inslee Garza-Laguerva, Mrs. Eugenio, Smithsonian Institu- tion Gasch, Oliver, United States District Court for the District of Columbia Gasiewicz, Philip W., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Gasson, David, Democratic Senatorial Campaign 633 Committee Gaston, Brian, Rep. Jan Meyers Gaston, Marilyn H., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Gately, Cathy, Rep. Jim Nussle Gates, Julius W., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home.. Gathridht, Vera, International Agencies Related to the United Nations Gatons, Anna-Marie Kilmade, Assistant Secretary 917 for Administration, HUD Gatta, Andrea, Budget Committee Gauci, Dennis, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air 883 Force 22 0 | Gaughan, John A., White House Military Office Gaul, Patty, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com-mittee Gauldin, Michael G., Office of the Secretary, Energy Gauthier, Jon, Rep. Nick Smith Gavin, Christine, Agriculture Committee Gavin, Donald J., Tax Divison, Justice Gavin, Frank, Office of Personnel Management 873 Gavin, Pamela B., Office of the Secretary 429 Gavin, William, Office of the Republican Leader 1244 Congressional Directory Page Gavora, Carrie, Veterans’ Affairs Committee.............. 412 Gay, Donovan, Energy and Commerce Committee... 441 Gay, Gerald, Commodity Futures Trading Commis- sion 862 Gaylor, Robert E., Jr, Rep. George (Buddy) Darden Gaynor, Margaret C., Smithsonian Institution... Geagley, Carole, Appropriations Committee Gearan, Mark, Communications, Office of the Presi- dent Geasler, Mitchell, Extension Service, Agriculture Gebbie, Katharine, Technology Administration, Commerce Gebhardt, Debra A., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee Gebicke, Mark E., General Accoummg Office Gee, Mary Anne, Rep. Jim B Geer, Dennis F.: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation... Resolution Trust Corporation Geer, John J., Office of the Judge Advocate Gener-al, Navy Geer, Laura H., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Gehring, Howard B., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta-tion Geier, Paul M, Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Geiger, Brian, Rep. Harry Johnston Geiger, Keith, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Hol- iday Commission Geiger, Mary, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Geisenberg, Leslie, California Democratic Congres-sional Delegation Geisler, Ronald R., Staff Secretary, Office of the President Geiss, David W., Rep. William D. Ford Geiss, David, Education and Labor Committee Gejdenson, Sam (Representative from Connecticut): Biography Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Foreign Affairs Committee House Administration Committee Joint Committee on Printing Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group Natural Resources Committee President’s Export Council Gekas, Dsus W. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Biography Judiciary Committee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Republican Study Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... Gelbard, Robert S., Bureau of Inter-American Af-fairs, State Gelburd, Diane, Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Gellhorn, Ernest, Administrative Conference of the United States Gellhorn, Walter, Administrative Conference of the United States Gellman, David L., Administrative Office of the urts Gelman, Matthew, Office of the Majority Whip Gendell, David S., Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Genega, Stanley G., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Genovese, Lorraine, Rep. Dean A. Gallo Gentilini, Marina, Sen. Bill Bradley Gentry, Charles, Sen. Pete V. Domenici.... Gentry-Lewis, Jo Lynn, Rep. Karan English.. Genua, Richard L., Rep. Gary A. Franks George, Gerald W., National Archives and Records Administration George, Gerald, Environment and Natural Re- sources Division, Justice 732 George, Robert P., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 928 Gephardt, Richard A. (Representative from Missou- ri): Biography 169 Budget Committee 433 Commission on the West Central Front of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee House Office Building Cc Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Office of the Majority Leader U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission Gerardi, Geraldine A., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Gerber, Courtney, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Gerber, Jean-Daniel, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development Gerber, Jill, Rep. Bob Inglis Gerber, Joel, United States Tax Court Geren, Pete (Representative from Texas): Armed Services Committee Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee... Science, Space, and Technology Committee Gerente, Jesus A. Correa G., Inter-American Tropi- cal Tuna Cc ission Gergen, David R., Smithsonian Institution Gergen, David, Executive Office of the President Gerkens, William A., Liaison Offices Gerlich, Rudolph, Jr., Securities and Exchange Cente Thomas, Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture German, Bobby L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Germanis, Dzidra, Joint Committee on Taxation Germanis, Peter, Office of Family Assistance, HHS... Gernhofer, Thomas, Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Gerrick, Suzy, Rep. Jay Kim Gersh, Mark, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Gershowitz, Harold, United States Holocaust Memo-rial Council Gersic, John J., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion Gerson, Mike, Sen. Dan Coats Gerson, Sanders P., Office of Personnel Management Gerst, Jay L., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Gerten, Nick, Rep. Collin C. Peterson Gervasi, Fred, American Red Cross Gerwin, Mary B., Special Committee on Aging Gessaman, Donald E., Office of Management and Budget Gest, Kathryn W., Sen. William S. Cohen Gettinger, Jason R., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Getty, Carol Pavilack: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Parole Commission, Justice Gewehr, Wesley H., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Gex, Beau, Rep. Gene Taylor Gharekhan, Chinmayaz, Secretariat, United Nations.. Gheen, John W., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home.. Ghiletta, Michael, Environment and Natural Re- sources Division, Justice Giacomelli, Giorgio, Secretariat, United Nations Giammo, Salvatore, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Giammo, Thomas P., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Gianviti, Frangois P., International Monetary Fund... Gibbens, Catherine, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Ce ; Gibbons, John H., Office of Science and Technology Policy Gibbons, lenny Office of the Secretary Gibbons, Sam (Representative from Florida): Biography Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee. Gibbs, Barbara, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Gibert, Patricia M., U.S. Postal Service Giblin, Gail, Rep. Jack M. Fields, Jr Gibson, Albert F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission United States Capitol 551 Gibson, Audrey, Rep. Walter R. Tucker III Name Index 1245 Page Page Gibson, Bethanna B., Government Operations Com-mittee Gibson, Carolyn, Natural Resources Committee Gibson, Donald R., Office of Personnel Management Gibson, James A., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Gibson, John D., Federal Election Commission Gibson, John R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Gibson, Marian P., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board.. Gibson, Reginald W., United States Court of Federal aims Gibson, Sandra, Foreign Relations Committee Gierke, H.F. “Sparky”, United States Court of Mili-tary Appeals Gies, Patricia A., Joint Committee on Taxation Giese, Warren K., President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Giesecke, John, Smithsonian Institution Giesta, Maria, Rep. Barney Frank Gifford, Prosser, Library of Congress Gigax, William R., Library of Congress Gilbert, Dora H., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Gilbert, Jewell, Rep. Louis Stokes Gilbert, Kristin, Education and Labor Committee Gilbert, Paige L., Technology Administration, Com-merce Gilbert, Regina, Education and Labor Committee Gilbert, Sandra A., Appropriations Committee Gilbert, Wayne R., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Gilbride, Michael J., Federal Communications Com-mission Gilchrest, Wayne T. (Representative from Mary- land): Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Gilchrist, Marcia, Rep. Ed Royce Gildea, James, International Organization for Migra-tion Gildenhorn, Catherine Zacks, United States Holo-caust Memorial Council Gildenhorn, Mrs. Joseph B., Smithsonian Institution.. Giles, Jane L., Science and Education, Agriculture... Gililland, Robert, Administration, Agriculture Gill, Christopher, Rep. Dale E. Kild Gill, Daniel R., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Gill, Elaine, Office of Personnel Management Gill, Rodman B., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Gill, Vernon S., Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Gill, William A., Jr., National Mediation Board Gillam, Bertha, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Gillcash, Robert S., Jr., Foreign Relations Commit-tee Gille, Kathleen, Office of the Majority Whip Gillelan, Joshua T., II, Office of Policy, Labor Giller, Tom, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Gillers, William H., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Gillespie, Cathy, Rep. Joe Barton Gillespie, Gary L., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Gillespie, George, Smithsonian Institution Gillespie, H. Aldridge, Maritime Administration, Transportation Gillette, Elise, Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes Gilley, Kristen, Foreign Affairs Committee Gilliam, Bert, Budget Committee Gilliam, Dorothy, Smithsonian Institution Gilliam, Reginald, Rep. Louis Stokes Gilligan, Jean W., Post Office and Civil Service Committee Gilligan, Margaret, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Gilliland, Betty Lou W., Science and Education, Ag-riculture Gilliland, David, Rep. Tillie Fowler Gilliland, James: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agriculture ......... Gillingham, Robert F., Assistant Secretary for Eco- nomic Policy, Treasury 682 Gillis, Annette, Select Committee on Ethics Gillman, Joan Hogan, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd. Gillman, Katherine, Office of Science and Technolo- gy Policy Gillman, Mark, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda Gillmor, Paul E. (Representative from Ohio): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Gillum, Charles R.: Inspector General, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Gilman, Benjamin A. (Representative from New York): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Foreign Affairs Committee Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group Post Office and Civil Service Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus United States Holocaust Memorial Council Gilman, Richard L., Office of Policy, Labor Gilman, Stuart C., Office of Government Ethics Gilmore, James S., Jr., President’s Council on Physi- cal Fitness and Sports Gilmour, Dana, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Gilson, Sherry D., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Gindhart, Francis X.: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Gingrich, Newt (Representative from Georgia): Biography Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future House Administration Committee Joint Committee on Printing National Republican Congressional Committee Office of the Republican Whip Republican Policy Committee Republican Study Committee Ginnetti, Neil R., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army Ginsburg, Alan L., Office of Policy and Planning, Education Ginsburg, Douglas Howard: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Ginsburg, Ruth Bader: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Giobbi, Herbert V., Rep. Paul McHale Giordano, Ralph T., Antitrust Division, Justice Gipp, Gerald, Administration for Native Americans, HHS Gipson, Gretchen, Rep. William F. Goodling Giragosian, Richard, Joint Economic Committee Girard, Martha L., National Archives and Records Administration Girard, Sharon (Cherie), Natural Resources Commit- tee Gish, Elden M., Administration, Agriculture Gitchell, G. Thomas, Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration, Justice Gitelman, Natalie: Child Care Centers Non-Legislative and Financial Services Gitenstein, Mark H., Administrative Conference of the United States Giuli, John M., Federal Communications Commis- sion Givhan, Christin, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Giza, Richard H., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Gijelde, Dana, Speaker of the House of Representa- tives 616 Glading, Peter T., General Services Administration... 885 Glagola, Edward M., Jr., Office of Inspector Gener- al, Transportation 836 Glantz, Robin L., International Finance Corporation. 1013 Gilliland, Marie, Budget Committee Glanzer, Seymour, Federal Maritime Commission 1246 Congressional Directory Glaser, Donald R., Office of Water and Science, Interior Glaser, Ronald A., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Glass, Ronald W., Team 21, Labor........ccocovevecvenenenn Glasser, Lynne L., United States Tax Court ............... Glauthier, T.J., Office of Management and Budget .... Glavin, Margaret O’K, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Glazer, David, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Glazewski, Tim, Rep. Jon Kyl Glazkov, Grigori Y., International Monetary Fund.... Gleason, David E., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Gleason, Geoffrey, Rules Committee ..............c.ceuen.e. Gleason, Tiffany, Rep. Mel Hancock ..... Gleich, Robert, Architect of the Capitol....... ary Gleiman, Ed, Governmental Affairs Committee ......... Glendinning, David, Office of the Attorney General, Justice Glenn, Candice, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Glenn, David, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor- poration Glenn, Harry, Rep. C.W. Bill Young......ccceooeueururcunnes Glenn, Heidi, Rep. Jack Reed Glenn, Jim, Rep. Michael R. McNaulty..........ccccovuuecee. Glenn, John (Senator from Ohio): Armed Services Committee Biography Democratic Policy Committee ...........ccceueerecurenerennes Governmental Affairs Committee National Capital Planning Cc Select Committee on Intelligence Special Committee on Aging U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ............c..ceu... Glenn, Patricia, Community Relations Service, Jus-tice Glick, Lawrence B., U.S. Commission on Civil ights Glick, Marilyn F., Rep. Jerry Lewis........cccccceuvvucunnnene Glick, Rich, Sen. Dale Bumpers..........cccceenuierirururunnes Glickman, Dan (Representative from Kansas): Agriculture Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Judiciary Committee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... Science, Space, and Technology Committee Glickman, Rhoda, Congressional Arts Caucus. cy Glidden, Christine, Library of Congress.............ccccc.... Gliksman, Alex, Permanent Select Committee on In- telligence Glorius, Nancy C., Non-Legislative and Financial Services Glosson, Buster C., Chief of Staff, Air Force.............. Glotfelty, Jimmy, Rep. Sam Johnson os Glover, Martha, Rep. Ralph M. Hall Glozer, Kenneth G., Office of Management and Budget Glynn, Mary Ellen, Bureau of Public Affairs, State... Glynn, Michael O., Appropriations Committee Glynn, Patrick J., Civil Division, Justice.................... Glynn, Richard, Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior Glynn, Thomas P., Office of the Secretary, Labor..... Gober, Ellen, Rep. John Linder Gober, Hershel W., Office of the Secretary, Veter- ans Afffairs Godbout, Theodore, Finance Committee..................... Goddard, Taegan D., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Godici, Nichdlas P., Patent and Trademark Office, Commer Godown, oe R. Public Works and Transportation Committee Godsay, Pamela, Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Goebel, Carl F., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Goetten, Mary E., Civil Division, Justice.........ccce..c... Goetz, Barbara, Environmental Protection AZENCY 4 Goetz, Braden, Rep. Major R. Owens. die Goetz, Mary E., Office of the Clerk.........ccceeureurnninn Goetzinger, James D., Board of Governors of the Page Page Goggans, Miles, Office of the Secretary, Agriculture 761 Gohlke, Gene A., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Goines, Sandi, Office of M t, HHS. 807 Goins, C. Gladwyn, Securities and Exchange Com-mission 912 Gold, Barbara George, United States Holocaust Me-morial Council 929 Gold, Barry D., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Gold, Kenneth A., Office of Personnel Management. 906 Gold, Stephen A., Postal Rate Cc ission 909 Goldbeck, Arthur R., General Accounting Office...... 631 Goldberg, Alfred, National Archives and Records Administration 891 Goldberg, David J., Delaware River Basin Commis- SiO n 863 Goldberg, Donald F., Government Operations Com- mittee 446 Goldberg, Helene M., Civil Division, Justice.............. 729 Goldberg, Henry R., Office of the General Counsel, ] HHS 824 Goldberg, Melvin, Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Goldberg, Richard, United States Court of Interna- tional Trade 968 Goldberg, Stanley J., United States Tax Court ........... 983 Goldberg, Steven H., United States Holocaust Me- morial Council 929 Goldberger, Lawrence, Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD 830 Goldbert, Gerald, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 Golden, Joan B., Administration, Agriculture............. 763 Golden, John: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 855 General Counsel, Agriculture 769 Golden, Joyce, Rep. Christopher H. Smith ................. 186 Goldenstein, Lauren, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Goldfarb, Oscar A., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force 713 Goldin, Daniel S., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 887 Goldman, Brooks C., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 839 Goldman, Craig, National Republican Senatorial Committee 416 Goldman, JoAnne, Rep. Sam Gejdenson.................... 55 Goldman, Paul B., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Goldman, Robert L., Federal Council on the Aging.. 875 Goldman, Steve, Export Administration, Commerce. 785 Goldrich, Michael I., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS........c..ccooeeiieeinerennnn 819 Goldring, Eunice, Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 Goldsberry, William D., Securities and Exchange Commission 914 Goldsmith, Barry R., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 913 Goldsmith, Elaine B., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circult........cccoinmuisiirivnns 946 Goldstein, Joseph, Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 912 Goldstein, Melvin, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Goldstein, Michael E., Office of Inspector General, Transportation 836 Goldstein, Murray, National Institute of Neurologi-cal Disorders and Stroke, HHS ............c.cccovinnnns 822 Goldstein, Naomi, Office of Planning and Evalua- tion, HHS 806 Goldstein, Neil, Rep. Jerrold L. Nadler....................... 200 Goldstein, Robert, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS 819 Goldstein, Sidney, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 900 Goldston, Price S., U.S. Capitol Police.............cccoevenie 626 735 Goldstone, Donald, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS 815 Goldstone, Harmon H., Smithsonian Institution.......... 921 Goldthwait, Christopher E: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Federal Reserve System Agriculture Name Page Goldwing, Carolyn M., Employment and Training Administration, Labor Golombek, Amy, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Gomez, Chris, Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture Gomez, Luis Maria, Secretariat, United Nations Gomez, Vernon R., Mine Safety and Health Admin-istration, Labor Gomez-Bennett, Anita, Army Staff and Selected Agencies Gomez-Pompa, Arturo, Smithsonian Institution Gomperts, John, Sen. Harris Wofford Gonchar, Ilizabeth, Political Affairs, Office of the President Gonda, Louis L., United States Holocaust Memorial Council Gonser, Kent R., Army Staff and Selected Agencies. Gonson, Paul, Securities and Exchange Commission.. Gonter, Robert W., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Gonya, Donald, Office of the General Counsel, HHS Gonzales, Beth, Sen. J. Robert Kerrey Gonzales, Tom, Office of the Secretary.. Gonzalez, Alicia, Smithsonian Institution Gonzalez, Carlos, Conference of the Minority Gonzalez, Henry B. (Representative from Texas): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... Biography Gonzalez, Rene, Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs, Education Good, Linda, Energy and Commerce Committee Good, Terry W., Staff Secretary, Office of the Presi- ent Goodale, Joan E., Liaison Offices Goodall, Jerry, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Goode, Ann, Rep. Karen Shepherd Goode, Constance, House Administration Committee Goode, Janel, Sen. Don Nickles Goodlatte, Robert W. (Bob) (Representative from Virginia): Agriculture Committee Biography Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Goodling, William F. (Representative from Pennsyl- vania): Biography Education and Labor Committee Foreign Affairs Committee Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition Republican Policy Committee Goodloe, Pete, Office of the Legislative Counsel Goodman, Alice C., Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration Goodman, Bruce, Copyright Royalty Tribunal Goodman, Margaret, Foreign Affairs Committee Goodman, Mildred, Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia Goodman, Richard A., Public Health Service, HHS.. Goodman, Roger, Rep. Robert E. Wise, Jr Goodman, Roland, ACTION Goodman, Roy M., National Foundation on the Arts and the F ities. Goodman, Sherri, Acquisition and Technology, De- fense Goodrich, Lorin L., U.S. International Trade Com- mission Goodwillie, Carol, Office of the Republican Leader .. Goodwin, Ellie, Office of Personnel Management Goodwin, Larry K., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Goodwin, Robert F., International Joint Commis-sion, United States and Canada Goold, J. William: Rep. George E. Brown, Jr. Science, Space, and Technology Committee Goolkasian, John T., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Goosby, Eric P., Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Gootnick, Margery F., Federal Labor Relations Au-thority Gopinath, Padmanabh, International Labor Organi-zation Gorby, Jack, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Com-mission Index 1247 Page Gorden, Phillip, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and KidneyD , HHS Gordner, Marjorie, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Gordon, Andy, Rep. Sam Coppersmith Gordon, Bart (Representative from Tennessee): Biography Budget Committee Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Rules Committee Gordon, Beryl, Administrative Conference of the United States Gordon, Bradley, Foreign Affairs Committee... Gordon, Charles P., Office of Policy, Labor Gordon, Janetee B., Sesquehanna River Basin Com- missio Gordon, on E., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Gordon, Kathleen M., Environmental Protection Agency Gordon, Mark C., Assistant Secretary for Communi- ty Planning and Development, HUD Gordon, Mitchell H., U.S. Postal Service Gordon, Nancy M., Congressional Budget Office Gordon, Patricia Trudell, Indian Affairs Committee... Gordon, Priscilla, Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg Gordon, Scott, House Administration Committee Gordon, Theodore, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Gore, Al (Vice President of the United States): Biography Commission on the West Central Front of the United States Capitol National Security Council Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Smithsonian Institution Vice President of the United States, Cabinet Gore, Richard C., Delaware River Basin Commis- sion Gore, Vance, Rep. Chet Edwards Gorelick, Jamie S.: Administrative Conference of the United States Defense Legal Services Agency, Defense Policy, Defense Gorham, Deborah L., Counsel to the President, Office of the President Gorham, Lucy, Joint Economic Committee Gorman, Barry, Office of Personnel Management Gorman, John, Rep. John Conyers, Jr Gorman, Matthew, Assistant Secretary of the Treas- ury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treas-ury Gorman, Steve, Environmental and Energy Study Conference Gorney, Marijo, Rep. Amo Houghton Gorrell, Joseph, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Gorski, Walter, Ways and Means Committee Gortler, Fred, Office of the Doorkeeper Gorton, Slade (Senator from Washington): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Indian Affairs Committee National Republican Senatorial Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Goshorn, Ann, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Goshorn, Kerri, Finance Committee Goss, Mariel, Congressional Club Goss, Porter J. (Representative from Florida): Biography Rules Committee Standards of Official Conduct Committee. Gossett, Anne R., Smithsonian Institution Gottesman, Michael, National Center for Genome Research, HHS Gottesman, Uriel, Office of Administration, Com-merce Gottlieb, Michael A., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Gottlieb, Trudy, Rep. Tom Lantos Gottwald, Bonnie, Rep. Martin Olav Sabo Gotwald, Robert C., Joint Committee on Taxation... 1248 Congressional Directory Page Gough, Michael, Office of Technology Assessment... 639 Gough, Shelley, Joint Committee on the Organiza-tion of Congress 489 Gould, Anne, Office of Financial Management, HHS 806 Gould, Stephen J., Smithsonian Institution 924 Goulding, Marrack, Secretariat, United Nations. . 1027 Gourevitch, Harry G., Library of Congress 636 Govan, Reginald C., Education and Labor Commit-tee 437 Govorchin, Ruth, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Gow, W. Douglas, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Gowdy, Yvonne T., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee Gowing, Marilyn K., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Grabda, Michelle, Rep. James T. Walsh Gradick, David R., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture Gradwoh, Judith, Smithsonian Institution Grady, John F., Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Liti- gation Graf) J., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army... Graffam, Robert D., International Finance Corpora- tion Grafmeyer, Rick, Finance Committee Graham, Barbara, Rep. Harris W. Fawell.. Graham, Bob (Senator from Florida): Armed Services Committee Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control . Special Committee on Aging Veterans’ Affairs Committee Graham, Fred, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Graham, Jane, Rep. Bob Livingston Graham, Katherine, Smithsonian Institution. Graham, Linda Kinkead, Sen. Jim Sasser Graham, Nicholas, Rep. Olympia J. Snowe % Graham, Thomas, Jr., U.S. Arms Control and Disar- mament Agency Grahman, Sheila, Office of Information, Navy. Grahne, James, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Graman, Mary Pat, Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Gramling, Robert W., General Accounting Office Gramm, Phil (Senator from Texas): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Budget Committee Conference of the Minority Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group.... National Republican Senatorial Committee Republican Leadership Republican Policy Committee Grams, Rod (Representative from Minnesota): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Granahan, Thomas F., United States Court of Mili- tary Appeal S Grandis, Edward S., National Capital Planning Com- mission Grandy, Fred (Representative from Iowa): Biography Standards of Official Conduct Committee Ways and Means Committee Grano, Jose de Jesus Luevano, International Bound-ary and ‘Water Commission, United States and Mexico Grant, Alexander, Food and Drug Administration, HHS Grant, Cedric Hilburn, Organization of American tates Grant, F. 1, Naval Council of Personnel Boards, Navy Grant, HL, U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Grant, Harold E., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Grant, James, Secretariat, United Nations 1027 Grant, Maxine A., Rep. Matthew G. Martinez, Jr Grant, Nathaniel, Neighborhood Reinvestment Cor-poration Grant, Orlene, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Grant, Robert G., Office of Economic and Statistical Administration, Commerce Granuzzo, A., Chief of Naval Operations Graser, John C., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Grassley, Charles E. (Senator from Iowa): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Biography Budget Committee Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group... Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Finance Committee Judiciary Committee Office of Technology Assessment Special Committee on Aging Grasso, Bob, Rep. Greg 1 hii Gravatt, Cary, Technology Administration, Com-merce Gravelle, Jane G., Library of Congress Graves, Arthur F., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Graves, Howard D., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Gray, Bernard A. Sr., Offices, Boards, and Commis-: sions, District of Col Gray, Betty B., Armed Services Committee Gray, Bobby R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Gray, C. Boyden: Administrative Conference of the United States. Washington National Monument Society Gray, Charles L., Jr, Environmental Protection Agency Gray, D’Wayne, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affaiss..........c.ccccevveerunnns 854 Gray, David, Rep. Michael Huffington Gray, Donald C.J.: Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled General Services Administration Gray, Doug, Rep. Pat Danner Gray, Edwina, Finance Committee Gray, James B., Tennessee Valley Authority Gray, John: Office of Water and Science, Interior Rep. Cardiss Collins. Gray, Joseph G., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs Gray, Joseph R., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Gray, Karen A., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Gray, Kenneth D., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Gray, Lesli, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee 454 Gray, MG Joseph G., Armed Forces Retirement Home 939 Gray, Theron A., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Gray, Thomas, Rep. Bobby Rush Gray, Vincent C., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Gray, Vincent, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Gray-Watson, Gloria, Education and Labor Commit-tee Greaux, Cheryl Prejean, Small Community and Rural Development, Agri Greco, Joseph A., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Greelegs, Edward, Rep. Richard J. Durbin Green, Alex, Budget Committee Green, Amy, Rep. Jerrold L. Nadler Green, Anthony, Rep. Thomas M. Foglietta Green, J., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 911, 912 Green, Cary, Office of Human Resources and Ad-ministration, 851 Green, Daniel A., “Office of Personnel Management... 905 Grant, Joseph, Ways and Means Commiittee......... 475, 476 Green, Deborah K., Office of Policy, Labor Name Green, Desiree, Rep. Tim Roemer Green, Dina, Office of the General Counsel Green, Earley T., Science, Space, and Technology Cc Green, Eveie, Rep. Steve Buyer Green, Gene (Representative from Texas): Biography Education and Labor Committee Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee .. Green, Geoffrey, Federal Trade Commission Green, George R., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Green, Gordon, Bureau of the Census, Commerce Green, Harold W., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Green, James M., Administration, Agriculture Green, James S.: Administrative Conference of the United States Office of Personnel Management ve Green, Jennifer, Special Committee on Aging... - Green, Jeralene B., Environmental Protection Agency Green, Jeri A., Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis-trict of Columbia Green, John R., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Green, Joyce Hens, United States District Court for the District of Columbi Green, June Lazenby, United States District Court for the District of Columt Green, Karl, Library of Congress Green, Keith R., Regional and Field Offices, HUD... Green, Laurence M., Office of the Secretary, HUD .. Green, Leonard, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Green, Licia, Rep. Craig A. Washington Green, Lorraine, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Green, Michael, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Green, Richard, National Republican Senatorial Committee Green, Samuel, Jr., U.S. Postal Service Green, William E., American Red Cross Green, William Vv, Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force Greenberg, Kevin, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Greenberg, Morton I., United States Coarts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Greenberg, Paul L., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Greenberg, Theodore S., Criminal Division, Justice... Greene, Creighton, Armed Services Committee Greene, Elizabeth B., Office of the Minority Secre-tary Greene, Harold H., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Greene, Howard O., Office of the Minority Secre-tary Greene, James C., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Greene, Jerome G., Division of Research Grants, HHS Greene, Jerome, Smithsonian Institution Greene, Karen, Employment and Training Adminis-tration, Labor. Greene, Marjorie Reed, Federal Communications Cc ission Greene, Reggie, Ways and Means Committee Greene, Richard J., Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Greene, Stephen H., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Greene, Vernon, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Greenfeld, Carolyn C., Science, Space, and Technol-ogy Committee Greenfeld, Lawrence A., Office of Justice Programs, Justice Greenlees, John S., Assistant Secretary for Econom-ic Policy, Treasury Greenman, Edward G., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ce ne Greenspan, Alan: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Resolution Trust Corporation Thrift Depositor Oversight Protection Board Index 1249 Page Greenstreet, Willis, Environmental Protection Agency Greenwald, Judi, Energy and Commerce Committee wo Greenwald, Matt, Budget Committee Greenwood, James C. (Representative from Pennsyl-vania): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Greenwood, John T., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Greenwood, Karen, Rep. Jim Chap Greenwood, Mark A., Environmental Protection Agency Greer, John H. (Chris), Office of the Secretary, HUD Greer, John J., U.S. International Trade Commission Greer, Larry, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Gregg, Judd (Senator from New Hampshire): Biography Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade-my Budget Committee Foreign Relations Committee Labor and Human Resources Committee Gregg, Larry L., United States Marshals Service, Assistant Secretary, Gregoire, Michael C. Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Gregory, Billy, Office of the Secretary, Air Force Gregory, Bruce, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Gregory, Douglas M., Rep. C.W. Bill Young Gregory, E.R., Rep. Earl Hutto Gregory, Ernest J., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army Gregory, Frederick D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Gregory, Hayden, Judiciary Committee Gregory, Jackie L., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Gregory, Melissa, Rep. Dan Glickman Gregory, Nora Drew, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Greig, Stanley, International Finance Corporation Greigg, Stanley L., Congressional Budget Office Greiner, Steve, Rep. Jim Nussle Greshan, Robert E., National Capital Planning Com- mission Gresser, James, Civil Division, Justice Gretch, Paul, Office of Policy and International Af- fairs, Transportation Grever, Michael R., National Cancer Institute, HHS. Grey, Anne, Foreign Affairs Committee Gribbin, Dave, Sen. Dan Coats Gribbin, Joseph A., Social Security Administration, HHS Gribbin, William, Republican Policy Committee Grider, Robert J., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Griego, Michael R., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Grier, Barbara A., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Griesemer, John N., U.S. Postal Service Griesemer, Richard A., National Institute of Envi- ronmental Health Sciences, HHS Griever, William, Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Treasury Griffin, Anne-Marea, Foreign Affairs Committee Griffin, Beverly, Rep. William O. Lipinski Griffin, Brian C., Administrative Conference of the United States Griffin, Chris, Rep. Helen Delich Bentley Griffin, Clarence M., Defense Techology Security, Defense Griffin, Jeannette, Rep. Ralph Regula Griffin, John, Rep. SanderM. Levin Griffin, Juanita, Appropriations Committee Griffin, Michael N., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Griffith, Cameron, Rep. Peter J. Visclosky Griffith, Jane Bortnick, Library of Congress Griffith, Reginald W., National Capital Planning Ce 5 1250 Congressional Directory : Page Griffith, Ronald H., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 699 Griffith, T. Vincent, Liaison Offices 628 Griffith-Joyner, Florence, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 910 Griffiths, Phillip A., National Science Foundation ..... 898 Grigg, William, Public Health Service, HHS. .............. 810 Griggs, Bill, Public Health Service, HHS................... 809 Grigoriev, Leonid M., International Bank for Recon-struction and Development 1009 Grigsby, G. Garrett, Foreign Relations Committee.... 403 Grigsby, Wayne W., Office of the Law Revision unsel 623 Grigsby, William H., Jr., Federal Communications 874 Grille Enzo R, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Develop ment 1009 Grimaldi, Gerard, hry Alan Wheat 170 Grime, Jeffrey R., Directorate of Legislative Liai-son, Air Force 717 Grimes, Brian K., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion 935 Grimes, Ron, Sen. John Glenn 228 Grimes, Theresa S., Joint Committee on Taxation...... 487 Grimm, Stanley, Office of the Legislative Counsel..... 623 Grinner, Henry R., Jr., U.S. Parole Commission...748, 936 Gringiead, Darrel, Office of the General Counsel, H Grisby, Alvin Lafayette, Employment and Training ! Administration, Labor Griser, Glenn C., Office of Inspector General, Transportation 836 Grishaw, Letitia J., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice 731 Griswold, David A., Sen. John H. Chafee................... 266 Groark, Eunice, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 454 Grochowski, Michael, Social Security Administra-tion, HHS 825 Grochowski, Stanley J., U.S. Capitol Police ............... 626 Groft, Douglas C., Office of Personnel Management. 904 Groh, Therese, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 416 Grondin, Tricia, Rep. Herbert C. Klein............ccc.c..... 189 Grone, Philip W., Joint Committee on the Organiza-tion of Congress 489 Grooscors, Guido, Organization of American States.. 1020 Groppe, Maureen, Joint Committee on the Organiza-tion of Congress 489 Gross, Johnnie R., U.S. Capitol Police............ccccrunue. 626 Gross, Milton O., Federal Communications Commis-sion 872 Gross, Penny, Rep. Mike Kopetski........cc.cooeevriinnunnee 248 Gross, Roberta, National Archives and Records Ad- ministration 890 Gross, Wendy, Office of Personnel Management........ 905 Gross, William W., Employee Standards Administra- tion, Labor 796 Grosshans, Werner, General Accounting Office......... 630 Grossman, Edward, Office of the Legislative Coun- sel 623 Grossman, James H., Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, Justice 751 Grossman, James, Office of the Legislative Counsel .. 623 Grossman, Marc, Secretary of State, State .................. 675 Grossman, Martin L., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Grosvenor, Gilbert M., Washington National Monu-ment Society 940 Gruden, Peter F.,, Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 741 Grueff, Jim, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture 767 Gruenberg, Martin J., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Gruensfelder, Robert C., Office of the Attorney General, Justice 725 Grumbine, Mary, U.S. International Trade Commis-sion 932 Grumbles, Benjamin H., Public Works and Trans- portation Committee 464 Grumbly, Thomas, Office of the Secretary, Energy... 847 Grunberg, Carole, Sen. Patty Murray ..........ccccoueuennnene Grundmann, Martha, Budget Committee Grendy, Richard, Energy and Natural Resources 398 Page Grzebien, John, Environment and Public Works Committee 399 Gualtieri, William, Office of Personnel Management.. 904 Guard, Patricia, Office of Special Education and Re- habilitative Services, Education 850 Guardia, Gilberto, Panama Canal Commission............ 907 Guarraia, Lenora L., Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD................ 829 Gubin, Kenneth B., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Gubler, Duane J., Public Health Service, HHS .......... 813 Gudes, Scott, Appropriations Committee..................... 389 Guenther, Otto J., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies 700 Guenther, Robert, Rep. Gary A. Condit...................... 29 Guerrero, Larry, Office of Information Systems/ Child Support Information Systems, HHS ........... 806 Guerrina, Allan B., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury 686 Guest, Gerald B., Food and Drug Administration, HHS 815 Guggenheim, Marjorie, Rep. Andrew Jacobs, Jr........ 108 Guglielmo, Frank A., Justice Management Division, Justice 727 Guglielmo, Matthew J., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Guhse, David, Sen. Frank H. Murkowski.................... 8 Guhse, Lynn, Rep. John Edward Porter ..................... 95 Guido, John E., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice 744 Guidry, Matthew, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 910 Guidry, Vernon A., Jr., Public Affairs, Defense......... 691 Guiler, Lana: National Republican Senatorial Commiittee.............. 417 Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison 284 Guillaume, Gilbert, United Nations ..........ccccoueeereeenennns 1026 Guillermo, Emil, Rep. Norman Y. Mineta................... 27 Guimond, Richard J., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Guiney, Ellen, Labor and Human Resources Com-mittee 409 Gultchounts, Andre, International Cotton Advisory Committee 1011 Gumerson, Jean G., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Gumplo, Steve, Office of the Republican Leader ....... 618 Gunaji, Narendra N., International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico.... 1010 Gunderson, Brian, Rep. Dick Armey ........cccccceunveuennee. 301 Gunderson, Dorann H., Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission 551 Gunderson, Steve (Representative from Wisconsin): Agriculture Cc Biography Education and Labor Committee..........ccccccrueuerennnne Environmental and Energy Study Conference Republican Policy Committee ............cccovrurucunveunannnes Gunn, David L., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority 940 Gunn, John W., Jr.,, Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 735 Gunn, Ralph L., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..........c....... 699 Gunn, William D., Inter-American Development an 1007 Gunnings, Thomas, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Gupta, Raj, Equal Employment Opportunity Com- mission 867 Gurley, Rondeau M., Administration, Agriculture ..... 763 Gurtler, Kerry, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 479 Gushee, David E., Library of Congress..........cccceun... 636 Gussis, James M., United States Tax Court. 983 Gustafson, Charles, Office of the Clerk........ccccecceueneer 619 Gustafson, Douglas, International Finance Corpora- tion 1014 Gustafson, Judith, Smithsonian Institution................... 920 Gustafson, Marlys, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS 807 Gustafson, Robert, Rep. John Edward Porter............. 95 Gustitus, Linda, Governmental Affairs Committee..... 404 Gute, William H., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation 846 Gutensohn, Charles J., Drug Enforcement Adminis- Gir mi Michael, General Accounting Office.. 631 tration, Justice Name Page Guthrie, Edward, Interstate Commerce Commission. 887 Guthrie, Rob, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Gutierrez, Gloria A., Office of Administration, Com-merce Gutierrez, Luis V. (Representative from Illinois): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Veterans’ Affairs Committee Gutierrez, Susana, Judiciary Committee Gutman, Harry L., Joint Committee on Taxation Gutstein, Guyler, Federal Government Service Task Force Guttmann, Jack, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Guttmann, Sheldon M., Federal Communications pa ih Guy, David A., Office of the Judge Advocate Gen-eral, Navy Guy, Jack O., American Battle Momuments Com-mission Guy, Ralph B,, Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Guy, William M., Government Printing Office Guyer, Patsy J., Sen. J. B tt Johnston Guyer, Richard M., Administration, Agriculture Guzik, John, Rep. Dave Camp Gwaltney, W. David, Appropriations Committee Gwin, Holly, Office of Science and Technology Policy Gwinn, M. Bruce, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Gwinn, Roger, Rep. Vic Fazio Gwyn, Leslie, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr Gwyn, Valerie, American Red Cross Gyure, Ron, Rep. Philip R. Sharp H Haar, Margaret C., Rep. Herbert H. Bateman Haartz, Janet C., Public Health Service, HHS Haas, Ellen W.: Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agricul Haas, Jerome, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Haas, Karen, Office of the Republican Leader Haas, Rick, Smithsonian Institution Habermann, A. Nico, National Science Foundation... Habermann, Hermann, Office of Management and Budget Hack, Ronald P., Office of Administration, Com- merce Hackett, Gerald A., Office of the Secretary Haddad, Janet, Peace Corps Haddad, Jill, Rep. Jim Kolbe Haddox, Jim, Rep. Chet Edwards Hadley, Connie Q., Federal Council on the Aging Hadlock, Earl C., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture Haeberle, Roberta, Rep. Don Edwards Haensel, Curt C., Office of the Legislative Counsel ... Haertling, Rosie, Rep. Pat Danner Haessler, Susanne, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee Hafner, Judy, Public Works and Transportation Committee Hagan, Jim, Republican Study Committee Hagan, Joseph H., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities. Hagan, William R., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Hagedorn, Robert, Rep. Ike Skelton Hagemann, Kenneth L., Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Hagen, Donald F.: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Chief of Naval rations Hagen, Robert, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-tion, and Enforcement, Interior Hagenstad, M. Thomas: General Accounting Office Liaison Offices Hagerty, Dana, Rep. Bill Sarpalius Hagerty, James, Rep. Timothy J. Penny Haggard, Sidney, Administration, Agriculture Haggart, Duncan, Rep. Mel Hancock Haggerty, Walter, House Information Systems Index 1251 Page Hagy, William F., III, Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Hahn, Andrew, Correspondence, Office of the Presi-dent Hahn, Ellen, Library of Congress Hahn, Geraldine, Office of Personnel Management... Haight, James E., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Haikalis, Ann, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Haines, Diana, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Haines, Milton L., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Hairston, Kenneth W., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Hairston, Pamela, Federal Communications Commis- sion Hairston, Paul T., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Haislip, Gene R., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Hakenson, Donald C., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Halbouty, Michel T., Office of Technology Assess- ment Halcomb, Gloria, Senate Radio and Television Gal-: 1 e Hale, James, American Red Cross Hale, Marcia L., Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President Hale, Peter B., International Trade Administration, ~~ Commerce Hale, Robert F., Congressional Budget Office Hale, Suzanne, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Haley, Emily, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS Haley, George W., Postal Rate Commission Haley, Maria L., Presidential Personnel, Office of the President Haley, Roger K., Office of the Secretary Haley, Susan E., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Halff, Mr. Hugh, Jr., Smithsonian Institution.. Halin, Donald J., Chief of Staff, Air Force Hall, Adele, Library of Congress Hall, Carol, Small Community and Rural Develop-ment, Agriculture Hall, Charles M., Inspector General, Commerce Hall, Cindy, Rep. Constance A. Morella Hall, Cynthia Holcomb, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Hall, David C., International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Hall, Donald, National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti Hall, Douglas K., National Oceanic and Atmospher-ic Administration, Commerce Hall, Edwin K., Foreign Relations Committee Hall, Gerri L., Commerce, Science, and Transporta-tion Committee Hall, Gerri M., Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Hall, J. Blakely, Legal Services Corporation Hall, Jim, Sen. Harlan Mathews Hall, Joe D., Office of Water and Science, Interior... Hall, Joelle K., Office of the Doorkeeper Hall, Joseph T., Federal Communications Commis-sion Hall, Kenneth A., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasu Hall, Kenneth K., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Hall, Kent, Sen. Kent Conrad Hall, Linda C., Judiciary Committee Hall, R. David, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Hall, Ralph M. (Representative from Texas): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Hall, Ramon E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Hall, S.W., Jr., Chief of Staff, Air Force Hall, Thomas F., Chief of Naval Operations 1252 Congressional Directory Hall, Tony P. (Representative from Ohio): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Rules Committee Hall, Veldon, Small Community and Rural Develop- ment, Agriculture Hall, Vincent H., Rep. Bob Filner Hall, William E., Justice Management Division, Jus- tice Hall, Wilma G., National Security Council Hall-Splendorio, Eileen P., Government Printing Office Hallen, Brian G., Office of the Secretary Haller, Harlan T., Maritime Administration, Trans- rtation Haller, Ralph A., Federal Communications Commis- sion Hallion, Richard P., Chief of Staff, Air Force Hallmark, Shelby, Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor Halloway, H. Stephen, International Agencies Relat- ed to the United Nations Halperin, Morton, Policy, Defense Halpern, Cheryl, Board for International Broadcast- ing Halpern, Hugh N., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Halpern, James S., United States Tax Court Halpern, Melvin L., United States Court of Appeals.. Halper, Sam, United States Holocaust Memorial uncil Halphen, Jean-Philippe F., International Finance i 10 ration Halsall, Joel, General Services Administration Halterman, H. Lee, Rep. Ronald V. Dellums Halterman, John E., Bureau of the Census, Com-merce Halterman, Rachel, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Haltzel, Michael, Library of Congress Halverson, Mark, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Halverson, Richard C., Chaplain of the Senate Hambel, John J., Energy and Commerce Committee. Hamblen, Lapsley Walker, Jr., United States Tax Court Hambley, Winthrop P., Board of Governors of the ederal Reserve System Hambrick, Ronald W., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Hamburg, Dan (Representative from California): Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Hamburg, Doris A., Library of Congress Hamburg, Eric N., Foreign Affairs Committee Hamer, Sara, Social Security Administration, HHS.... Hamerow, Theodore S., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Hamid, Javed, International Finance Corporation ...... Hamill, James C., Federal Trade Commission Hamilton, Clyde H., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Hamilton, Donald R., U.S. Information Agency Hamilton, Earl G., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Hamilton, Francis de C., International Finance Cor-poration Hamilton, George, III, Washington National Monu-ment Society Hamilton, Howard N., Bureau of the Census, Com-merce Hamilton, Jeanne, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army Hamilton, Lee H. (Representative from Indiana): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Foreign Affairs Committee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Joint Economic Committee North Atlantic Assembly Hamilton, Lessie P., Office of the Secretary, HUD.... Hamilton, Lynelle, Small Business Committee Hamilton, Mary, General Accounting Office Hamilton, Milton H., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Hamilton, Olivia, Management—Chief Financial Of-ficer, Treasury Page Hamilton, Susan, Smithsonian Institution Hamilton, Thomas E., Natural Resources and Envi-ronment, Agriculture Hamlin, Rose M., Public Works and Transportation Committee Hamm, Peter, Rules Committee Hamm, Ron, District of Columbia Committee Hammer, Norman O., Maritime Administration, Transportation Hammer, Todd, National Republican Senatorial Committee Hammerman, Stephen L., Administrative Conference of the United States. Hammerschmidt, John A., National Transportation Safety Board Hammersla, Sharon L., Science, Space, and Technol- ogy Committee Hammond, Bert D., Foreign Affairs Committee... 444, Hammond, Jimmia, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Hammond, Lawrence, Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Hammond, Trevor A., Chief of Staff, Air Force Hammonds, Garfield, Drug Enforcement Adminis-tration, Justice Hampl, Eric, Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Hampton, Greg, Budget Committee.... Hampton, Judy, Rep. Glenn Poshard Hampton, Leon H., Environmental Agency Hampton, Lionel, Smithsonian Institution Hamre, John J., Armed Services Committee.... Hamrick, Christopher, Rep. Donald Manzullo Hamrick, Mary-Moore, Energy and Commerce Committee Hanak, Elmer W., III, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Hanback, Susan, Office of the Clerk Hancock, Lawrence F., Office of Water and Sci-ence, Interior Hancock, Mel (Representative from Michigan): Biography Republican Policy Committee Republican Study Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Ways and Means Committee. Hancock, Paul F., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice Hancox, Karen L., Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Hand, Patrick, Office of Public Affairs, Labor Hand, Robert, Commission on Security and Coop-eration In Europe Handelman, Michael, Judiciary Committee Handley, F. Gray, Fogarty International Center, HHS Handorf, Karen, Office of Policy, Labor Hane, Gerald J., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Hane, Mikiso, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Hanes, Brigitte H., Liaison Offices Haney, Edward A., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. Hanford, Timothy: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Hankinson, Richard J., Office of the Attorney Gen-eral, Justice Hanks, Loretta R., Environmental Protection Agency Hanlein, Raymond, General Services Administration. Hanley, Bill, Rep. Tim Holden Hanley, Edward J., Environmental Protection Agency Hanley, Joseph, Special Committee on Aging Hanley, Kerri, Office of the Republican Leader. Hanley, Priscilla, Special Committee on Aging Hanlon, James A., Environmental Protection Agency Hanna, C.R., Administration, Agriculture Hanna, Craig, Office of the Majority Leader Hanna, Stephanie, Office of the Secretary, Interior... Hannah, Terry R., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Hannah, Tom, Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture Name Index 1253 Page Hanrahan, Charles E., Library of Congress................. 636 Hanrahan, Thomas Kevin, Office of the Clerk. ws O19 Hanratty, Dennis. Library of Congress........... 638 Hansen, Charles E., Office of Elementary and Sec-ondary Education, Education... 852 Hansen, Christopher, International Finance Corpora-LT I ECR MARRY MPO ln Lt ro Deh EAR 014 Hansen, David R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Hansen, James E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Hansen, James V. (Representative from Utah): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 305 Natural Resources Committee .........c.ccoeverreererererennns 455 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 Hansen, Jay, Rep. Bob Clement 281 Hansen, Jim, National Republican Congressional Committee 482 Hansen, Jodie, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee 459 Hansen, Joe, Rep. Herbert C. Klein .........ccccocuvcennuninnne 18% Hansen, Linda, Rep. Christopher Cox. 46 Hansen, Steve, Rep. Don Young... oe 9 Hansenne, Michel: International Agencies Related to the United Na-tions 1028 International Labor Organization...........ccece.ceveurnenens 1015 Hansler, Gerald M., Delaware River Basin Commis- sion 863 Hanson, Adele, Sen. J. James EX0On.........cccccevvveneninnene 175 Hanson, Alexandra V., House Administration Com- mittee 448 Hanson, Heather, House Wednesday Group ............... 564 Hanson, Jean E., General Counsel, Treasury... ters 3079 Hanson, Joanne, U.S. Capitol Historical Society.. 568 Hanson, Marlene, Rep. Steve Gunderson rere +: 330 Hanson, Robert, Finance Committee...............cccoveeee. 401 Hanson, Shawn Marie, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee 441 Hanson, Shawn, Rep. Al Swift 320 Happer, William, Office of the Secretary, Energy...... 847 Harbottle, James, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Harcharik, David A., Natural Resources and Envi- ronment, Agriculture 777 Hardcastle, Kevin S., Rep. C.W. Bill Young............... 67 Harden, Bobbie A., Liaison Offices ............ 20028 Harder, Cherie, Congressional Border Caucus. 559 Hardiman, Mike, Rep. Richard W. Pombo....... 25 Hardin, Brian, Public Health Service, HHS EY |X Harding, James R., Inter-American Defense Board... 1005 Harding, Richard D. International Trade Adminis- tration, Commerce Harding, Robert B., Congressional Award Hardman, Ronald L., Rep. John T. Myers... vi Hardt, John P., Library of Congress ............ccceucverueunns Hardy, Daryl G., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 996 Hardy, Donald L., Sen. Alan K. Simpson ................... 335 Hardy, Gerry, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee 398 Hardy, Hugh, National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti 895 Hardy, Leonard, Jr., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 769 Hardy, Randall W., Major Field Organizations, Energy 848 Hardy, Robert M., Health Care Financing Adminis-tration, HHS 824 Hardy: -Davis, LaQuietta J., House Administration XC itt 448 Hare, Phil, Rep. Lane Evans 99 Hare, Wilbur E., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Hargett, Alden R., Directorate of Legislative Liai- son, Air Force 718 Hargroder, Lynn, Rep. James A. Hayes...........ccc.ou.... 129 Harkin, Tom (Senator from Iowa): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............ 385 Appropriations Committee 387 Biography 109 Congressional Populist Caucus...........ccceceeurrvrrnrecarune 561 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee .. 415 Labor and Human Resources Committee...... 408 Small Busi Cc 410 Harkins, Ann, Judiciary Committee 407 Harkins, Elizabeth, Rep. Dave Camp..........cccccovueennene 148 Page Harkins, Kenneth R., United States Court of Federal Claims Harkins, Mark, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Harl, Neil E., Office of Technology Assessment......... Harlee, Nan K., Maritime Administration, Transpor- tation 845 Harless, Kathryn F., Justice Management Diyisioh, JUSHCR os on cvsesssarsngess Er YY | Harlow, W., Office of the Secretary, Navy.........c...... 705 Harman, Jane (Representative from California): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 39 California Democratic Congressional Delegation.... 558 Science, Space, and Technology Committee 466 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission......... . 556 Harman, John, General Accounting Office 5033 Harmann, Jean, Office of the Legislative Counsel ...... 623 Harmon, DeLisa L., Rep. Earl Hutto................ Harmon, Mickey, Foreign Affairs Committee Harmon, Robert G., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 815 Harmon, Shirley A., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Harmon, Tom, Securities and Exchange Commission 912 Harmsen, Mark, Rep. David Dreier .........c..cccoenvrunnnns 34 Harper, Charles C., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 Harper, Conrad, Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Harper, Dieter H., Office of Inspector General, Transportation 836 Harper, John C., Advisory Council on Historic Pres- ervation 760, 857 Harper, John D., International Finance Corporation... 1013 Harper, Kirke, Office of Personnel Management ........ 905 Harper, Mike, Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum........... 115 Harper, Robert T., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury 685 Harper, Sallyanne, Environmental Protection Agency 864 Harrell, Emma Lee, Rep. Barbara B. Kennelly 55 Harrelson, Elma, Rep. Arthur Ravenel, Jr .........cco.. 270 Harrelson, Thomas W., Maritime Administration, Transportation 845 Harrill, Edward D., Consumer Product Safety Com-mission 863 Harriman, Constance, Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Harrington, Alison, Rules Committee 465 Harrington, Janis, Executive Office for U.S. Attor- neys, Justice 728 Harrington, John: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Ways and Means Committee 475 Harrington, Keith M., Rep. Thomas M. Foglietta ...... 250 Harrington, Laurence, General Services Administra- tion 884 Harrington, Michael, Rep. Bob Franks 188 Harrington, Moira, Sen. Russ Feingold 328 Harrington, Rebecca, House Administration Com- mittee 448 Harrington, Shawne M., Armed Services Committee. 430 Harris, Barry L., Smithsonian Institution..................... 922 Harris, Bill, National Republican Senatorial Commit-tee 416 Harris, Bob, Governmental Affairs Committee ........... 404 Harris, Carolyn Alston, General Services Adminis-tration 883 Harris, Charles T., Armed Forces Retirement Home. 939 Harris, Clare 1., Science and Education, Agriculture. 778 Harris, David F., U.S. Postal Service..........cccceeeuerrnennn. 937 Harris, Edward T., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 840 Harris, Ellen, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture 763 Harris, Eshe W., Sen. Harlan Mathews........................ 277 Harris, Joyce, Finance Committee.......... have 40} Harris, Kenneth E., Library of Congress............. 38 Harris, Kimberly, Rep. George J. Hochbrueckner...... 197 Harris, Liz, National Republican Senatorial Commit- tee 417 Harris, M.J., AFIS, Defense 691 Harris, Neil, Smithsonian Institution..........c..cccccouveenneee 917 Harris, Patricia, Office of Personnel Managemen 903 Harris, Raymond A., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 1254 Congressional Directory Harris, Richard, Rep. Vic Fazio Harris, Robert D., Rules and Administration Com-mittee Harris, Robert, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Harris, Sandra J., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Harris, Sandy Z., Government Operations Commit-tee Harris, Sharron L., Office of the Secretary, Agricul- ture Harris, Shirley, Office of Personnel Management....... Harris, Shirley, Rep. John D. Dingell Harris, Sidney, U.S. International Trade Commission Harris, Skila S.: Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Harris, Stanley S., United States District Court for the District of Col Harris, Steven B., Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Harris, Wendell R., Federal Communications Com- mission Harris, Wes, Republican Policy Cc Harris, Wesley L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Harris, William C., National Science Foundation Harris, William H., American Red Cross................... Harris, William T., Government Printing Office......... Harris, William, Regional and Field Offices, HUD .. Harrison, Cynthia, Federal Judicial Center.................. Harrison, Dan, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Harrison, Jed, Environmental Protection Agency Harrison, Jerry C., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .. Harrison, Laurie, Rules Committee Harrison, Michael L., Rules Cc Harrison, Monika, Small Business Administration....... Harrison, Patricia, President’s Export Council............ Harrison, Thomas W., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury Harrison, Tina L., Energy and Commerce Commit- Harry Charles W., Standing Committee of Press Photographers. Harrity, David B., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Harroun, Timothy J., Office of the Doorkeeper Harroz, Joe, Sen. David L. Boren Harshaw, Connie M., National Capital Planning Hart, Bennett, ye Staff and Selected Agencies...... Hart, Brenda, Sen. Mark O. Hatfield Hart, Christopher A., National Transportation Safety Hart, Frances M., Equal Employment Opportunity Cc ission Hart, Heather, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee Hart, Hugh, Office of the Clerk Hart, James R., Rep. Douglas Applegat Hart, Joe, Democratic Leadershi Hart. Jon, Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the resident. Hart, Philip C., Joint Committee on Printin Hart, Rosemary A., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Hart, Thomas G., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hart, Thomas H., Veterans’ Affairs Committee .......... Hart, Vicki, Republican Leadership Hart, William T., U.S. Io Trade Commis- sion Hartgraves, Charles R., Natural Resources and Envi-ronment, Agriculture Harlls; Patti D., Science, Space, and Technology Hartley, H. Benjamin, Joint Committee on Taxation.. Hartley, Jeffery, JudiciaryC Hartman, George, Commission of Fine Arts Hartman, James J., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Hartman, Kendall S., Congressional Award Hartman, Robert W., Congressional Budget Office... Hartnett, Daniel M., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury Hartnett, Gabby, Office of the Secretary, Veterans Affairs Page Hartnett, Janet, Office of Policy and Evaluation, HHS Hartnett, Shannon Hooks, Energy and Commerce Committee Hartwell, Rob, Rep. Nick Smith.........ccccceeurerinurcrunnnne Hartz, Jerry, Office of the Majority Whip Hartzell, Anne P., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop-ment Corporation 908 Hartzell, Jon, Comptroller of the Currency, Treas-ury Hartzog, George B, Jr., Washington National Monument Society Harvey, Barbara, Under Secretary for Management,932 tate Harvey, Carol, International Affairs and Commodity 1, 670 Programs, Agriculture 7 611 Harvey, D. Michael, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Harvey, Elnora, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Harvey, Gerald W., International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture............ccccoeuvueurunnne 767 Harvey, Gwendolyn, Washington City Post Office, District of Columbia 1002 Harvey, Jey. Environmental and Energy Study Hit Wilma R,, Offices, Boards, and Commis- sions, District of Col 1000 Harvie, Chris, Judiciary Cc i 407 Harwell, Heather, Sen. Larry E. Craig...........ccceurunee. 86 Harwit, Martin O., Smithsonian Institution............ 919, 922 Harwood, Charles A., Federal Trade Commission ..... 882 Haseltine, Florence P., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS ............... 820 Hash, }Michael M., Energy and Commerce Commit- Hashim, Elinor M., National Commission on Librar-ies and Information SCICNCE cover rrepssrnminsesisoransen 893 Haskell, James E., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 772 Haskett, Geoffrey L., Migratory Bird Conservation Cc ission Haskins, Ron: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 1 082 Ways and Means Cc 475 831 Hass, John Henry, Library of Congress..........cc.ccceuueu.. 637 20 Hassell, Dayna, Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz ..........ccccoeneen 301 Hassinger, William, Federal Communications Com-mission 872 Hasson, Willie R., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1 Hastert, J. Dennis (Representative from Illinois): Biography 97 Energy and Commerce Committee...........ccecerraruenan 438 Government Operations Committee 445 National Republican Congressional Committee........ 482 Republican Policy Committee ............coerrurneuriererenes 484 Hastey, Edward L., Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Hastings, Alcee L. (Representative from Florida): Biography 75 Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group.... 550 Foreign Affairs Committee 440 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Post Office and Civil Service Committee 458 Hatamiya, Leslie, Sen. Bill Bradley ..............cccccoueueuunee. 183 Hatch, Orrin G. (Senator from Utah): Biography 304 Finance Committee 400 Judiciary Cc 405 Labor and Human Resources Committee................. 408 Office of Technology Assessment.......... 639 Republican Policy Committee .................... 418 United States Holocaust Memorial Council ............. 929 Hatch, Thomas D., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 815 Hatch, William, Liaison Offices 629 Hatcher, Aaron P., III, Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration, Justice 735 Hatcher, Janey W., Foreign Affairs Committee.......... 443 Hatcher, Mary Jane, Foreign Relations Committee... 403 Hatcherson, Jane W., Post Office and Civil Service Committee 459 Hatchett, Joseph Woodrow, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 853 Hatfield, Jay, Export Administration, Commerce....... 785 Name Index 1255 Hatfield, Mark O. (Senator from Oregon): Appropriations Committee Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... Biography Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy................. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate......... Energy and Natural Resources Committee.............. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. Indian Affairs Committee Joint Committee of Congress on the Library........... Joint Committee on Printing Republican Policy COMMIEE ...ctvrssrreereorrnrirrren Rules and Administration Committee .............cco....... Smithsonian Institution U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission.............c....... Hathaway, D.L., Office of Installations and Environ- ment, Navy Hathaway, Robert M., Foreign Affairs Committee..... Hathaway, William D. Federal Maritime CoOmmission.............cceveueevareessnens U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress . Hattan, Susan K., Labor and Human Resources Cc Hatton, Brenda, Agriculture Committee. ...................... Hatton, Mindy, Judiciary Committee ...............ccreueuee. Haubrich, Joel, Judiciary Committee Hauck, David P., Foreign Relations Committee.......... Haugen, John, Rep. Charles W. Stenholm................... Haulsey, James R., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Hauptly, Denis J., Federal Judicial Center .................. Hauser, Daniel H, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board .. Hauser, Richard A., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop- ment Corporation Hauser, Robert S., Chief of Staff, Air Force............. A Hauser, Terri, Rep. Joe Knollenberg......cocvcerensiscusrares Hauser, Timothy J.: International Trade Administration, Commerce...... President’s Export Council Hausken, Philip D., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Hausser, D is L., Office of Personnel Management... Havatone, Earlene, Indian Affairs Committee............. Havens, Harry S.. General Accounting Office............ Havenstein, Bill, Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy Havlik, William J., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Havrilek, Tim, Rep. Tom Barlow IlI................cco.c...... Havrylyshyn, Oleh, International Monetary Fund...... Hawbaker, Lloyd S., Federal Communications Com- mission Hawes, Thomas, White House Military Office............ Hawk, Kathleen M., Bureau of Prisons, Justice . i Hawk, Thomas J., Office of the Clerk.............. Hawkes, Susan, Rep. Michael D. Crapo... Hawkins, C. Wayne, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs................... Hawkins, Charles A, Jr., Intelligence Oversight, De- ense Hawkins, Earnest, Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Hawkins, Fred W., Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor Hawkins, James C., Federal Communications Com-mission Hawkins, Mary, Sen. Dennis DeConcini...................... Hawkins, Michael D., Administrative Conference of the United States Hawkins, Robert B., Jr., Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations...........ccc.ccvviveeriennens Hawkins, Wilbur F., Export -Administration, Com- merce Hawley, Bryan, Chief of Staff, Air Force..........c......... Hawley, James, Rep. Richard A. Gephardt. he Hawley, Tammy, Rep. Kweisi Mfume..............cceueu.... Hawley,: Wesley L., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Haworth, Charles O., Assistant Secretary for Do-mestic Affairs, Treasury Hawthorne, Donald W., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Hay, John, Rep. Bud Cramer Hay, Tim, Sen. Richard H. Bryan Hay, William, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee Hayakawa, Sidney, Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Page Page Hayden, Dennis, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee 480 Hayden, Michael B., Federal Communications Com- mission 873 Hayden, Michael V., Chief of Staff, Air Force........... 720 Hayden, Richard, Smithsonian Institution........ % Hayduchok, Susan M., Library of Congress Hayes, Ben B., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 934 Hayes, James A. (Representative from Louisiana): Biography Government Operations Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee. Science, Space, and Technology Committee .. Hayes, Johnny H., Tennessee Valley Authority Hayes, Joseph H., Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Hayes, Mary Sharpe, Tennessee Valley Authority ..... 927 Hayes, Nancy K., Office of the Secretary, Interior... 753 Hayes, Nicholas, Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr..................... 207 Hayes, Patrick A., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior.. 756 Hayes, Paula F., Inspector General, Agriculture........ 769 Hayes, Rich, Environmental and Energy Study Con- ference 563 Hayes, Robert S., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force 713 Hayford, Sophie, Rules Committee 465 Hayman, Russell, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 734 Haynes, Cornelius, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Haynes, John, United States Marshals Service, Jus-tice 747 Haynes, Lawience H., Securities and Exchange oli Cc 1 Haynes, Michelle, Office of the Secretary ................... 613 Hays, Dick, Office of Educational Research and Im- provement, Education 851 Hays, Louis B., Health Care Financing Administra- tion, HHS Hays, Paul, Office of the Clerk 618 Haywood, Yvonne, Office of the Legislative Counsel 623 Hazeem, Kathryn A, Judiciary Committee.................. 451 Hazel, John C., Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Hazelwood, A. Toni, General Services Administra-tion Hazen, Linnea, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Com-merce 782 Hazzard, James, Office of Management and Budget/ Chief Financial Officer, Education............c.cccueuu.. 851 Head, James W., 111, Smithsonian Instituti 917 Headline, William W., Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries. 1094 Healey, L. Christine, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 478 Healy, Bernadine P., National Institute of Health, HHS Healy, Colleen, Joint Economic Committee................ Healy, Richard, Natural Resources Committee Heame, Allan G., Office of Personnel Management ... Hearn, Leslie E., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation 845 Hearn, Mary V., Public Health Service, HHS ............ 812 Hearney, Richard D., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar-oy ters Heath, Edward, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 734 Heath, Karen S., Armed Services Committee ............. 429 Heatwole, Roy E., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 775 Hebert, Thomas R., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Hebner, Robert E., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Hecht, Alan D., Environmental Protection Agency... Heck, Mark, Office of Personnel Management............ Heck, Patrick, Ways and Means Committee.... Hecker, Jayetta, General Accounting Office Hecklinger, Richard, Bureau of Economic and Busi- ness Affairs, State Heckscher, August, Smithsonian Institution Hedetniemi, Janyce, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, HHS Hedetniemi, Joel R., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS Hedges, Daniel C., Federal Aviation Administration, 734 Transportation 1256 Congressional Directory Hedley, Claire, Rep. Jim Saxton ..........ccccocruvennirvrerennns Hedrick, Terry, General Accounting Office................ Heehn, Richard C., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Heelen, J. Patrick, Bureau of the Census, Commerce. Heeley, Steven J.W., Natural Resources Committee.. Hefferan, Colien, Science and Education, Agricul- ture Heffernan, Donald, General Services Administration. Hefferon, Edward F., General Services Administra- tion Heflebower, Charles R., Chief of Staff, Air Force ..... Hefley, Joel (Representative from Colorado): Armed Services Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy.......... Natural Resources Committee ............oooueurrueiiisannenns Small Busi Cc Heflin, Elizabeth, Congressional Club............c.cvencene. Heflin, Howell (Senator from Alabama): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............ Biography Democratic Policy Committee ..........c.cccoveeueinnerenenes Judiciary Committee Small Busi Committee Hefner, W.G. (Bill) (Representative from North Carolina): Appropriations Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Military Academy ............. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Heftel, Cecelia, Indian Health Service, H Hegan, William M., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Heggestad, David, Office of the Territorial and International Affairs, Interior...........coccecuvueciienenen. Hegyeli, Ruth, National Heart, Lung, and Blood In-stitute, HHS Hehl, Charles W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Heifetz, Alan W.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Office of the Secretary, HUD Heilman, Michael J., United States Marshals Service, Justice Hein, Kathryn, Rep. Gerald D. Kleczka...........cc..c..... Heine, Cornelius W., U.S. Capitol Historical Society. Heine, John D., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Heine, Roberta, Sen. Jeff Bingaman... Heineman, David, Rep. Doug Bereuter .. Heinrich, Janet, National Center for Nursing. ‘Re- search, HHS Heise, Carl, Federal Communications Commission..... Heisel, Kristi, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior...........ccccveeevirvennnne Heising, Dewey R., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Heivilin, Donna M., General Accounting Office ........ Heldstab, John C., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Helfrich, Lana R., Rep. Michael R. McNulty ............. Hellman, Kenneth, Office of Policy, Labor................. Helm, Ellen, Rep. Bart Gordon Helm, Gordon, Rep. Sam Coppersmith........................ Helm, James, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury...... Helmer, Richard A., Appropriations Committee......... Helmrich, Steven M., Science and Education, Agri- culture Helms, Cynthia, Smithsonian Institution ...................... Helms, Jesse (Senator from North Carolina): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee ............ Biography Foreign Relations Committee Republican Policy Committee ...........ccccevnineniiiinnnne Rules and Administration Committee . ; Senate Office Building Commission ..........cc..ccvuieeee Helms, Lila H., Commerce, Science, and Transporta-tion Committee Heltemes, Clemens J.,, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission Helwig, Robert D., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force Hembra, Richard L., General Accounting Office....... Hembry, Lisa A., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Hembry, Lisa, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson................ Hemmer, Stefany, Office of the Sergeant at Arms...... Hemmer, Tom, Rep. Pat Roberts. Hemperley, John O., Library of Congress................... Hemphill, Barry R., "U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Hemphill, Eileen, ‘Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Henderson, Dale W., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Henderson, David, Clinical Center, HHS .................... Henderson, Dee W., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Henderson, Donna, National Republican Senatorial A Henderson, Eunice, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Education Henderson, James E., General Services Administra- Henderson, Karen LeCraft: United States Court of Ap United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Henderson, Phyllis, Judiciary Committee .................... Henderson, William J., U.S. Postal Service Henderson, William M., Environmental Protection Agency Hendley, James W., General Services Administration Hendrick, Karen Smagala, Civil Division, Justice ...... Hendricks, Cedric, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Hendricks, William R., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Hendrickson, William, Export Administration, Com-merce Heningburg, Michael, Health Resources and Serv-ices Administration, HHS Heninger, Lynn W., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Henke, Debra, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Henken, Rob, Rep. Robert G. Torricelli Henley, Stephanie, Rep. Mike Kreidler.............. ae Henn, Arthur E., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation .. Hennemuth, Kathy, Rep. J. Roy Rowland .................. Hennesey, Matthew P., Assistant Secretary for Inter- national Affairs, Treasury Hennessee, Linda O., Rep. Jim Bacchus ..........c........... Hennessy, Ellen A., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- ration Hennessy, John M., President’s Export Council.......... Hennessy, Patricia R., Small Business Committee Henney, Jane E., Food and Drug Administration, HHS Henry, Chris, Rep. Floyd H. Flake .........c.cccccoevniiinnne Henry, DeLynn, Sen. Ted Stevens Henry, Harold W., Assistant Secretary for Adminis- tration, HUD Henry, James D., Office of Policy, Labor ................... Henry, Jean, Smithsonian Institution ....... .s Henry, Larry L., Chief of Staff, Air Force. +05 Henry, Patti, Rep. Richard J. Durbin..........c.ccoocucunnenn. Henry, Paul B. (Representative from Michigan): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... Biography .... Congressional Human Rights Caucus.............cccccouee Education and Labor Committee ................ a Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... Henry-May, Hugh, International Finance Corpora- Hensarling, Jeb, National Republican "Senatorial Committee : Henschel, George, Office of Policy, Labor.................. Henshaw, Bob, Rep. Charlie Rose.............ccoouevivnenininnnn Hensley, John E.. Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Hensley, Verna Wilkins, Sen. William V. Roth, Jr..... Henson, Benny R., National Credit Union Adminis- tration Henson, Hobart M., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Henson-Jensen, Alexa, Liaison Offices ........c.ccccciniuinene Heny, Michael, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Hepler, D. Warren, Rep. H. Martin Lancaster............ Hepp, Joe, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Heppel, David, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS 938 995 860 822 905 417 851 Name Index 1257 Page Herbert, Karen Jones, Offices, Boards, and Commis- sions, District of Columbia 1001 Herbert, William V., Organization of American States 1019 Herbst, Mark G., U.S. Capitol Police..........ccceceuvuunee 626 Herder, Irene, Indian Affairs Committee ..................... Herdman, Roger C., Office of Technology Assess- ment Herfkens, Eveline, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 1009 Herger, Pam, Congressional Club...........cccccevveriennenes 560 Herger, Wally (Representative from California): Biography 19 Budget Committee 433 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Republican Study Committee 567 Ways and Means Committee 474 Herlihy, Thomas W., Office of the General Counsel, Transportation 835 Herman, Alexis M., Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission 553 Herman, Judith, Federal Communications Commis-sion 873 Herman, Steven Alan, Environmental Protection Agency 864 Herman, Steven J., Library of Congress..........c.coucinn. 637 Hermsen, Michael Bi Securities and Exchange Com- mission 912 Hernandez, Gilberto Elizalde, International Bounda- ry and Water Commission, United States and Mexico 1010 Hernandez, William H., Jr., Regional and Field Of- fices, HUD 831 Hernreich, Nancy, Executive Office of the President. 667 Hero, Peter deCouncy, National Foundation on the Arts and the } ties 895 Herold, John W., Office of the Secretary, HUD ........ 828 Herr, Richard D, Smithsonian Institution. ................... 922 Herr, Richard D., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation. 838 Herrell, Ileana, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS 816 Herrick, Daniel, Smithsonian Institution ...................... 926 Herrick, Peter W., Federal Communications Com- mission 868 Herring, Fletcher L., Jr., Joint Committee on Print- ing 485 Herring, Richard J., Inter-American Development Bank 1006 Herrle, Cynthia, Republican Policy Committee .......... 484 Herrmann, Silini I., Non-Legislative and Financial Services 620 Herrod, Karen Neal, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Herron, Frank J., Chief of Naval Operations, Navy... Herrcn, William J., Jr., Federal Maritime Commis- sS10Nn. Hersh, Ellen N., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 914 Hershey, Paul, Office of Personnel Management ........ 904 Hersman, Rebecca K., Armed Services Committee... 429 Hertling, Richard, Judiciary Committee .............c........ 407 Hertz, Michael F., Civil Division, Justice.................... Hertzberg, Charles R., Small Business Administra- tion 916 Herz, Charles H., National Science Foundation.......... 898 Herzberg, John, Foreign Affairs Committee...... .. 444 Hess, Charles E., National Science Foundation. wos Hess, Corinne, Ways and Means Committee ............... Hess, David, Standing Committee of Correspondents 1061 Hess, Frederick D., Criminal Division, Justice............ 731 Hess, James K., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Hessel, Dave, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture 777 Hessel, Merrill, Technology Administration, Com- merce 790 Hessenius, Kristin A., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Hesson, Raymond D., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 902 Hester, F. Eugene, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Hetrakul, Kleo-Thong, International Monetary Fund 1016 Heubusch, John, American Red Cross ..........c.cocovvennene 859 Heuer, Gary, Office of the Doorkeeper .. .. 620 Heuer, Mary V., Judiciary Committee............ccccoueeuenn. 450 Heuerman, Allan D., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 904 Page Heumann, Judith, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Education..........cccccceeuueen. 850 Heuson, W. C., Naval Council of Personnel Boards, Navy 707 Heyman, Ira Michael, Smithsonian Institution............. 917 Heyman, William H., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 913 Heyman, William M., Assistant Secretary for Hous-ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ........ 831 Heymann, Philip B., Office of the Attorney General, Justice 724 Heymsfeld, David, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Heynen, Jeffrey, Library of Congress ...........cceccunnnene 635 Heyse, Stephen P., National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS............. 820 Hiatt, Karen, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Treasury 684 Hickey, Deborah, Foreign Affairs Committee. 445 Hickey, Wayne, Rep. Duncan Hunter.............. 48 Hickman, Fentress A., U.S. Capitol Police.................. 626 Hickmon, Gary D., Sen. Hank Brown........c.ccccevuvueen. 49 Hickmott, Robert W., Environmental Protection Agency 864 Hicks, James F., Office of Personnel Management ..... 902 Hicks, John W., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice 744 Hicks, John, U.S. International Development Coop-eration Agency 931 Hicks, Larry G., Management—Chief Financial Offi-cer, Treasury 685 Hicks, Ronald, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Hicks, Vicki J., Rep. Karan English............................. 14 Hidgon, Paul, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 735 Hiemstra, Hans G., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee 440 Higdon, Paul, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 734 Higginbotham, Patrick E., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.............ccceeruiunnnnnas Higginbotham, Wendy, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch .. -Higgins, Craig, Appropriations Committee.................. Higgins, James A., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal CHOU. ..oi. 5 fariaess ies Potiintriiresiastane 946 Higgins, Joan C., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 745 Higgins, John E., Jr, National Labor Relations Boal 896 Higgins, John P., Jr., Office of Inspector General, Education 850 Higgins, Kathryn, Office of the Secretary, Labor....... 793 Higgins, Linda M., Office of Administration, Trans-portation 837 Higgins, Margaret M., Office of Personnel Manage-ment 904 Higgins, Mary Ann, Office of Family Assistance, HHS 809 Higgins, Michael R., Armed Services Committee....... 429 Higgins, Step E. A Secretary for En-forcement, TTCASUTY.........c.cocccusersssssessssrssassssnsnsns 684 Higgs, Mary Lou, Office of Technology Assessment. 640 High, Richard G., Jr., Mine Safety and Health Ad-ministration, Labor 801 Highley, Phyllis: Representative Scotty Baesler 123 Higinbotham, Kathy, Rep. Don Sundquist .................. 282 Higuera, Henry H., National Foundation on the Arts and the H 895 Hilbert, Donald C.: Armed Forces Retirement Home............c.ccccvenninnnen. 939 U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 938 Hildebrandt, Eldon C., International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture... Hildick, Sue, Sen. Mark O. Hatfield .............ccccovvvueennene Hiler, Bruce, Securities and Exchange Commission.... 912 Hiles, Jon, Republican Leadership........cccccccvvniinnnnns 612 Hilgenberg, Eve, Social Security Administration, HHS 826 Hilgers, Paul E., Rep. J.J. Pickle. ..........cccccccvcnrnininnsenns 291 Hill, Alan, National Republican Senatorial Commit- tee 416, 417 Hill, Anne Willis, Budget Committee...............cccrueuene. 394 Hill, Christopher, House Radio and Television Gal- lery 1 1258 Congressional Directory Page Hill, Dale C., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve ‘Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 715 Hill, Daniel, Small Business Administration.. 916 Hill, Deanna, Rep. Sherrod Brown............. 236 Hill, Diane, Rep. Pat Williams 174 Hill, Eleanore, Governmental Affairs Committee....... 404 Hill, Frank H., Rep. J. Alex McMillan..............cccoeunn... 222 Hill, Frederick Wells, Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Hill, Gail, Farm Credit Administration Board............. 868 Hill, James C., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS 819 Hill, James T., International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1029 Hill, James, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1005 Hill, Jesse, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday mn 553 Hill, nies D., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force 717 Hill, Joe, Rep. John S. Tanner 283 Hill, John W., Jr., General Accounting Office............ 631 Hill, Lawrence R, U.S. Capitol Police.................. 626 Hill, Mary Ann, Democratic Policy Committee ......... 415 Hill, Mary, Office of Personnel Management.............. 902 Hill, Michael F., Assistant Secretary for Administra- tion, HUD 829 Hill, Patricia L., Sen. Daniel K. Akaka...............cc....... 84 Hill, Ralph G., Jr., Office of the Secretary, Interior... 753 Hill, Ronald, General Counsel, Agriculture................ 768 Hill, Vern W., Federal Maritime Commission. 880 Hill, Virgil L., Jr., U.S. Naval Academy, Navy......... 710 Hill, William B, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS 817 Hillard, Elaine M., Administration, Agriculture.......... 762 Hillbert, Donald C., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 938 Hillebrands, Joan, Rep. Fred Upton. .........ccoecceveunnnne. 149 Hilley, John, Democratic Leadership..........c..cccecuueuuue. 612 Hilliard, Earl (Representative from Alabama): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 1 Small Busi Committee 469 Hillier, Micha) J., U.S. International Trade Com-miss 932 Hillman, Ts Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive 674 Hills, Howard L., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Hills, Joan, United Nations Hilton, Stephen W., Sen. John C. Danforth ...... Hilyer, Elvin R., Public Health Service, HHS .. Himes, Susan, Finance Commiittee..................... Himmelfarb, Gertrude, Smithsonian Institution pa Himpler, Bill, Republican Study Committee................ Hinch, Gerald K., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs...........ccccceieernenne 854 Hinchey, Maurice D. (Representative from New York): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 212 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. 551 Natural Resources Committee ...........ccoeerreerueinvansnns 455 Hinchey, Paul, International Finance Corporation...... 1012 Hinchman, James F., General Accounting Office....... 630 Hine, Clarkson, Republican Leadership ............ The Hiner, Dick, Office of Information, Navy.. 706 Hines, Charles, Smithsonian Institution... 918 Hines, Patricia, Library of Congress............ 635 Hinkel, James F., Chief of Staff, Air Force... 722 Hinkley, Sidney Ww. Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice 734 Hinks, Frederick P., General Services Administra- tion 884 Hinman, Alan R., Public Health Service, HHS........... 813 Hinman, Ellwood P., III, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Hinshaw, Ada Sue, National Center for Nursing Re- search, HHS Hinshaw, Pat, Rep. J. Alex McMillan Hinteregger, Gerald, Secretariat, United Nation: Hinton, Audrey, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 995 Hinton, David S., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 715 Hinton, Henry L., General Accounting Office............ 31 Page Hinton, Pat, Rep. Steve Buyer 105 Hinz, Richard, Pension and Welfare Benefits Admin-istration, Labor 796 Hirsch, Albert A., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce 782 Hirsch, Harold E., Joint Committee on Taxation........ 486 Hirsh, Daniel, O., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Hitch, Philip M., Office of the Comptroller, Navy..... 708 Hitchcock, David I., Japan-United States Friendship Cc n 552 Hite, Ronald V., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .........ccceeu. 698 Hladecek, James J., American Red Cross.........cccueeuuu. 859 Hnatowski, Thomas C., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Ho, Jsresa, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 363 9 HO William, Civil Rights Division Divi- sion, Justice 730 Hoadley, Letitia S., Rep. Jerry Lewis......c..cccceennnenes 42 Hoagland, G. William, Budget Committee .................. 394 Hoagland, Peter (Representative from Nebraska): Biography 176 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Democratic Study Group 562 Ways and Means Committee 474 Hoard, Ralph G., International Pacific Halibut Com-mission, United States and Canada........................ 1019 Hoban, John G., Maritime Administration, Transpor-tation 845 Hobbie, Richard A., Ways and Means Committee... ~ Hobbins, James M., Smithsonian Institution................. 917 Hobbs, Ira R., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Hobbs, Patty, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Education 851 Hoberman, Marc, Visitor’s Office, Office of the President 671 Hobson, Carollyn, Congressional Club..............cccovueen 560 Hobson, David L. (Representative from Ohio): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 232 Budget Committee 433 Standards of Official Conduct Committee................ 471 Hobson, Nancy M., Office of the Legislative Coun-sel 623 Hobzek, Bruce, Federal Communications Commis-sion 869 Hochberg, Faith S.: Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Treasury ....... 683 Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury ............c........ 687 Hochbrueckner, George J. (Representative from New York): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 197 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Hockman, Lee J., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. 699 Hockman, Molly, Office of Postsecondary Educa- tion, Education 851 Hodapp, Ronald J., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. 938 Hodgdon, David K., Conference of the Minority....... 417 Hodge, Carolyn V., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Hodges, Charisse, Rep. Bobby Rush ..........ccccevernennnne 90 Hodges, Jeffrey L., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee 440 Hodges, M. Wayne, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission 935 Hodges, Robert Hayne, Jr., United States Court of Federal Claims 974 Hoduski, Bernadine Abbott, Joint Committee on Printing 485 Hoecker, James, Office of the Secretary, Energy ....... 847 Hoecker, Robert, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Hoeferkamp, Jan, Rules Committee...........cccoceurrerunnnnnes 465 Hoehn, William E., Jr., Armed Services Committee... 392 Hoehne, John, Rep. Michael D. Crapo..........cccceennee 87 Hoekstra, Peter (Representative from Michigan): Biography Education and Labor Committee ..........cccocuvvirvuriunnne Public Works and Transportation Committee a Republican Policy Committee ...........ccceurureiincnruenines Name Index 1259 Page Hoel, David G., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, HHS Hoel, John, Rules Committee 465 Hoerl, Donald M., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Hoey, Thomas P., Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia Hoff, Jim, Rep. Jolene Unsoeld Hoffeld, J. Terrell, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Hoffman, Dennis F., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Hoffman, Eileen, Federal Mediation and Conciliation TVviCce Hoffman, Elise J., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Hoffman, Eric, Rep. Bart T. Stupak Hoffman, Henry I, Securities and Exchange Com-mission Hoffman, Kathleen, Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Hoffman, Mark, Office of the Clerk Hoffman, Roald, Smithsonian Institution Hoffman, Robert, Sen. Larry Pressler.. Hoffman, Suzanne, Sen. Judd Gregg... Hoffman, William B., General Counsel, Treasury Hoffmann, Robert S., Smithsonian Institution Hogan, Cynthia, Judiciary Committee Hogan, Danny A., Major Field Organizations, Energy Hogan, John E., Agriculture Committee Hogan, John P., Peace Corps Hogan, Karen L., Rep. Tom Lewis Hogan, Kathryn C., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Hogan, Sandra K., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture Hogan, Thomas F., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Hoggard, Jack, Sen. Thad Cochran Hogle, Walter S., Jr., Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force ..: Hogue, Bonnie, Special Committee on Aging Hogue, Ruth G., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Hogue, Ruth, Rep. George E. Brown, Jr Hohein, G. Douglas, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Hohenthaner, Thomas G., Small Business Committee Hoinkes, H. Dieter, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Hoinkes, Mary Elizabeth, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Hoitsman, Gary, National Republican Senatorial Committee Hoke, Martin R. (Representative from Ohio): Biography Budget Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Hoke, Robert J., Office of Personnel Management Holbrook, D. Michael, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Holcomb, Rick, Rep. John Linder Holcroft, John E., National Science Foundation....... Holdaway, Ronald M., United States Court of Vet- erans Appeals Holden, Tim (Representative from Pennsylvania): Agriculture Committee Armed Services Committee Biography Holdren, John P., Smithsonian Institution Holdsman, Ken, Rep. Robert E. Andrews Holecko, Kenneth C., United States Marshals Serv- ice, Justice Holen, Arlene, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cc on Holiday, Cecily C., Federal Communications Com- Holik, Dan S., Joint Committee on Taxation Holik, Susan, National Labor Relations Board Holland, Patricia C., Securities and Exchange Com- Holleman, Edith, Government Operations Commit-tee ee . Page Holleman, Eith A., Science, Space, and Technology 'ommittee Holleran, Thomas M., Federal Communications Commission Holley, Amy Lin, Natural Resources Committee Holley, Jim, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hollings, Ernest F. (Senator from South Carolina): Appropriations Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade-my Budget Committee Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit-tee Democratic Policy Committee Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com-mission Office of Technology Assessment Hollingsworth, Adam, Rep. Corrine Brown Hollingsworth, Jill, Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture HolliAgswor, Kathleen M., Rep. Dana Rohra-bache Soe ern W. Riley, Federal Communications Commission Hollins, Anthony, Jr., Health Resources and Serv-ices Administration, HHS Hollis, Ellen, Rep. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin Hollis, Marie, Rules Committee Hollis, Walter W., Office of the Secretary, Army Hollister, Cullen A., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Holloway, Harry C., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Holloway, Joan, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Holloway, Lakon, Rep. James A. Barcia Holloway, Paul F., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Holman, Larry, Office of Personnel Management Holman, Philip, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis-trict of Columbia Holman, Philip, Office of Refugee Resettlement, HHS Holmes, Andrea (Tracy), Rep. Julian C. Dixon Holmes, Beverly Swihart, United States Marshals Service, Justice Holmes, Christian R., Environmental Protection Agency Holmes, David, House Periodical Press Gallery Holmes, Forrest S., Armed Forces Retirement Home Holmes, Genta Hawkins, Under Secretary for Man- agement, State Holmes, H. Allen, Secretary of State, State Holmes, Kathryn R., Science, Space, and Technolo- gy Committee Holmes, Lee B., Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor-poration Holmes, William M., National Archives and Records Administration Holmes, William R., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Holohan, Thomas V., Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Holran, Peter, Rep. Robert S. Walker Holsclaw, Barbara, Office of the Minority Secretary . Holsclaw, Brad, Office of the Minority Secretary Holsinger, James W., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs Holsopple, Eleanor J., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury Holstein, Elwood (Elgie), National Economic Coun- cil, Office of the President Holstein, Robert B., Government Printing Office Holsten, Michael, Peace Corps Holston, Alfred, Office of Administration and Man- agement, Labor Holston, Sharon Smith, Food and Drug Administra-tion, Holt, Daniel D, National Archives and Records Ad- 1260 Congressional Directory Holt, Marian, House Administration Committee......... Holt, Pamela, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Holt, Regenia, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Holt, Ronald W., American Red Cross.............cccoevuenn. Holt, Valerie, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Holtz, Paul, Office of Water and Science, Interior-..... Holtzman, Terry, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Holum, Donald L., Office of Personnel Management Hombacher, Mickey A. Rep. Al'Swils..............00.. Homer, Laura M., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Honeycutt, Chris, Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force Honness, David, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Hoober, David H., National Archives and Records Administration Hoobler, James F., Small Business Administration ..... Hood, Robert B., Bureau of Prisons, Justice................ Hood, Roger A.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ............c...... Hood, Thomas, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury.. Hoofnagle, Jay, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS Hoogenboom, Ronald H., Office of Inspector Gener- al, Transportation Hook, Michael, Rep. Bill Paxon Hooker, Kathleen B., Indian Affairs Committee.......... Hooks, Benjamin, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Hooks, Jo Ann, Office of the Clerk...........cccoeevvevvenenen Hoon, Michael, Sen. Malcolm Wallop......... “ Hooper, Candice Shy, Congressional Award .............. Hooper, Peter, III, Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Hooper, Richard L., Federal Election Commission... Hooper, Theresa, Rep. Don Johnson Hope, C.C., Jr., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion Hope, Cathy, Rep. Bruce F. Vento .........ccceevurciirunnne Hopf, Richard H., General Services Administration... Hopkins, Greg, Sen. Robert F. Bennett ............ccouu... Hopkins, John, Office of U.S. Trade Representative.. Hopkins, Larry J., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Hopkins, Robert, Rep. John M. Spratt, Jr.......cccccou... Hopkins, Yvonne, Sen. Robert Dole .........cccovueeiivennne Hoppe, Dave: Conference of the Minority Republican Leadership Hopper, Woodrow, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Hopson, Patricia, Office of Postsecondary Educa- tion, Education Horak, Mike, Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum............ Horan, Donald J., General Accounting Office............ Horan, Mark, Energy and Commerce Committee ...... Horan, Michael, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Horanburg, Richard, U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency Horbst, Melisa, Rep. Greg Laughlin Horhn, Charles, Rep. Bennie Thompson.............cccceu... Horn, Donald H., Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Horn, Marian Blank, United States Court of Federal Claims... Horn, Michael T., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Horn, Peter B., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army ...........cc.... Horn, Robert J., United States Holocaust Memorial Council Horn, Steve (Representative from California): Biography Government Operations Committee ..........c..cccvnuveee Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Horn, Vince, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Hornbacher, Mickey, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Hornbeck, John W., National Labor Relations Board Hornburg, Hal M., Chief of Staff, Air Force Page Horne, Mildred, Rep. Harold E. Ford ........c..ccoucunune. 283 Horne, Wilson S., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 775 Horner, Charles A., Major Commands, Air Force ..... 722 Horner, Constance, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 928 Horner, Mary Beth, Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Horowitz, David E., Federal Communications Com-mission 873 Horowitz, Fred, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Horsnby, Andrew, Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture Horstman, Alice, Rep. Henry J. Hyde. ...........ccc........ Horton, Alfredda, House Information Systems Horton, Donald, United States Marshals Service, Justice 747 Horton, Frank, House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards. 552 Horton, Thomas P., Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-poration Horvath, Jane, Finance Committee... Horwitz, Wendy, Rep. Ron Wyden ... Hosier, Wayne, Finance Committee Hosken, Edward W., Jr., Standards of Official Con-duct Committee 471 Hosler, Charles L., National Science Foundation ....... 898 Hosny, Mohamed Wafik, International Bank for Re-construction and Development...........c.ccceceueunenenene 1009 Hospital, Jeremiah D., Federal Maritime Commis-sion 879 Hoss, Larry A. Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc n 900 Hostetler, Margaret: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Ways and Means Committee 475 Hotaling, Ginny, Rep. John Edward Porter................. 95 Hoth, Daniel, National Institute of Allergy and In- fectious Diseases, HHS 819 Hotung, Joseph E., Smithsonian Institution.................. 922 Houghton, Amo (Representative from New York): Biography 215 New York State Congressional Delegation.............. 564 Office of Technology Assessment ...........ccoceeuercruenens 639 Ways and Means Committee. 474 Houghton, Richard, Natural Resources Committee.... 457 Houk, Vernon N., Public Health Service, HHS Houk, Wade B., Bureau of Prisons, Justice......... Houley, J. William P., Chief of Naval Operation: Houpt, James V., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 Houry, Edward, Administration, Agriculture.............. 762 House, Barton R., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 754 House, Kenneth, Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 House, Toni, Supreme Court of the United States...... 945 Houser, Susan, Agriculture Committee .............ccccceuun. 421 Houston, Bruce R., Assistant Secretary for Manpow- er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ- MEM, AIL JROTCR.. civ isiriiveriicmstedind sendsidisisdonsavis 716 Houston, Greta J., Federal Maritime Commission ...... 878 Houston, Whitney, American Red Cross...................... 859 Houstoun, Marion, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor 795 Houtman, Rosyln M., Securities and Exchange Com- mission... 915 Houy, Charles J., Appropriations Committee.............. 389 Hovaguimian, André G., International Finance Cor- POTAUON ..-se secesiiiiaressisisssammessiansitermst eisai sis arir santas 012 Hove, Andrew C., Jr.: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ................... 875 Resolution Trust Corporation..............cccceue. 910 Thrift Depositor Oversight Protection Board... Howard, David H., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System 860 Howard, Jack R., Management—Chief Financial Of- FICEY, TYCABULY .corermimunsisumsuptemsarsitoorsnsssronsativaspssizass 685 Howard, Jacqulyn K., Office of the Secretary, HUD 828 Howard, James L., General Accounting Office .......... 630 Howard, Joseph H., National Agricultural Library, Agriculture 779 Howard, Kenneth T., Mine Safety and Health Ad- ministration, Labor 801 Howard, Kevin, Judiciary Committee.............cececurrurns 406 Howard, Lisa, Rep. Mike Kopetski .................. .. 248 Howard, Marie, Natural Resources Committee........... 457 Name Index 1261 Howard, Mrs. Frances Humphrey, Smithsonian In-stitution Howard, Patricia D., Judicial Panel on Multidistrict itigation Howard, Patricia K., Office of Justice Programs, Justice Howat, John, Smithsonian Institution........ Howe, Lindsey, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison . Howe, Robert R., U.S. Capitol Police.........c.ccervrrrnnnne Howell, Charles T., House Administration Commit-tee Howell, David, Office of Refugee Resettlement, S Howell, Fay S., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities.............. Howell, John E., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Howell, Mary L., Congressional Award............cccoeu.u. Howland, Kenneth E., International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture............cccouevuue. Howse, Robert V., U.S. Capitol Police........... od Hoye, Kathryn A., Office of the Doorkeeper. a Hoyer, Leon, American Red Cross ..........ceccevnvvverarinns Hoyer, Steny H. (Representative from Maryland): Appropriations Committee Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.. Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Federal Government Service Task Force.. 3 House Administration Committee ............cccovvvinrurnnnne Hozempa; Bary; Equal Employment Opportunity 0 866, Hrorm Edward C., National Capital Planning Commission Hsia, Gloria H., Library of Congress...........ccccovivvinune Hsia, Tao-tai, Library of Congress Hsieh, Richard, National Library of Medicine, HHS. Hsu, Ming C., Federal Maritime Commission ............. Hubbard, Susan M., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Hubbell, Webster L., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice Huber, June V., National Capital Planning Commis- S10n Huber, June, General Services Administration............ Huber, Peter, Architect of the Capitol Huberman, Richard L., Energy and Commerce Cc i Hubert, Jean-Paul, Organization of American States.. Hubertt, Laverne, Agriculture Committee Hudak, John R., Federal Communications Commis- sion Hudgins, Edward, Joint Economic Committee ........... Hudnall, William J., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Hudok, Ron, Rep. Alan B. Mollohan.............ccccuevnnene Hudome, Mike, National Republican Senatorial Committee Hudson, Conrad, Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture Hudson, Henry E., United States Marshals Service, Justice Hudson, James L., Smithsonian Institution .................. Hudson, Joel B., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .........c.cceue Hudson, Julia, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Hudson, Laura, Sen. J. Bennett Johnston..................... Hudson, William T., Office of the Secretary, Trans- portation Huerta, Michael P., Office of the Secretary, Trans-portation Huettel, Robin, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Huettner, Charles H., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Huey-Burns, Paul, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Huff, James B., Sr., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Huff, Richard L., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Huffin ton, Michael, Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee Page 923 987 752 921 284 626 44% 809 895 892 625 1019 421 872 488 775 326 747 923 459 124 Page Huffington, Michael (Representative from Califor- nia): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee....... Small B Committee Huffman, Diana, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd................. Huffman, Kenneth D., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Huffman, Lori, Rep. Michael A. Andrews ................. Hug, Procter, Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Hughes, Ann H., International Trade Administration, Commerce Hughes, Charlotte A., Veterans’ Affairs Committee... Hughes, Home: L., Inspector General, Commerce..... Hughes, James M., Public Health Service, HHS......... Hughes, John J., Antitrust Division, Justice... Hughes, Kelly, Rep. Bill Emerson.................... Hughes, Martin, House Information Systems ...... a Hughes, Mary Winton, Sen. Ernest F. Hollings.......... Hughes, Nancy, Congressional Club Hughes, Stacey, Special Committee on Aging ............ Hughes, Tammy S., Office of the Legislative Coun- sel Hughes, Thomas G., Sen. Claiborne Pell..................... Hughes, Thomas M., Government Printing Office ..... Hughes, William J. (Representative from New Jersey): Biography Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Acadeny FACT Judiciary Committee Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee.. Public Works and Transportation Committee. Hughson, Melody, Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Hugler, Edward C., Mine Safety and Health Admin- istration, Labor Hugo, Tim, Rep. Jennifer Dunn Hugya, John, Rep. John P. Murtha........cccccceeevnniennne. Hukill, Craig W., Office of Policy, Labor Hulihan, Terrence J., Export-Import Bank of the United States Hulik, Charles, General Services Administration........ Hull, George, Energy and Commerce Committee....... Humbel, Karen: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Humes, David J., Small Community and Rural De-velopment, periculinie Humes, Richard M., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Hummer, William Kerby, Presidents Committee on Mental Retardation Hummiston, Will, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Humphrey, Calvin R., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Humphrey, Cliff, Rep. Jack Kingston ...........ccccoevuvunene Hung, Stephen C., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Hunger, Frank W., Civil Division, Justice................... Hunkele, Lester M., Office of Acquisition and Facili- ties, Veterans Affairs Hunnicutt, June H., Rep. Stephen L. Neal .................. Hunsucker, Richard G., Employee Standards Ad- ministration, Labor Hunt, Caroline Rose, Smithsonian Institution.............. Hunt, David W., Congressional Award x Hunt, Gilbert, International Finance Corporation....... Hunt, James C., Office of Technology Assessment..... Hunt, James W., Administration, Agriculture ............. Hunt, Richard, Rep. Jim McCrer: Hunt, Thomas R., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Hunt, William M., General Accounting Office............ Hunter, Deloris, Public Health Service, HHS............. Hunter, Duncan (Representative from California): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Textile Caucus National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Policy Committee Republican Study Committee Hunter, Jerry M., National Labor Relations Board .... Hunter, Kenneth J., U.S. Postal Service .........cccecurune Hunter, Kenneth, Under Secretary for Management, tate 1262 Congressional Directory Page Hunter, Nan, Office of the General Counsel, HHS 804 Hunter, Patricia A., Federal Communications Com-mission Huntoon, Ivan A., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Huntress, Wesley T., Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hupp, Michael E., U.S. Capitol Police Hurd, Frank K., Liaison Offices Hurd, Frank, Assistant Secretary for Research, De-velopment, and Acquisition, Army Hurd, Gwen, Rep. Don Sundquist Hurd, Ralph J., Office of Administration, Commerce Huriaux, Richard D., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Hurlburt, Heather, Commission on Security and Co-operation In Europe Hurley, Carol-Lee, U. S. Commission on Civil Rights Hurley, David J., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Hurley, Deborah, Rep. Robert C. (Bobby) Scott Hurley, Frank, House Administration Committee Hurley, John M., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Hurley, Sean, Office of Family Assistance, HHS. Hurt, Robert H., Sen. Sam Nunn Hurwitz, Gerald S., United States Marshals Service, Justice Hurwitz, Lynne, Rep. Robert G. Torricelli Husain, S. Shahid, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Husemann, Robert, Architect of the Capitol Huska, Jim, Rep. Jay Dickey Hussein, Carlessia, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Hussey, Robert, Counselor to the Secretary and Chief of Staff, Treasury Hussey, Thomas W., Civil Division, Justice Huston, Winnie, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Hutagalung, Jannes, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Hutcheson, Donald W., Assistant Secretary for Ac-quisition, Air Force Hutchinson, Carole, General Services Administration Hutchinson, Ira J., Office of the Secretary, Interior... Hutchinson, Jan, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Hutchinson, Tim (Representative from Arkansas): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hutchinson, William D., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Hutchison, Ira J., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Hutchison, Kay Bailey (Senator from Texas): Armed Services Committee Biography Commerce, Science and Transportation Commit-tee Small B Committee. Huther, Bradford R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Hutner, Amadie, Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson Hutson, James H.: Library of Congress Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund Hutson, James, National Archives and Records Ad-ministration Hutson, Kenneth L., Executive Agencies, District of Cc Huttinger, Marissa, Office of Family Assistance, HHS Hutto, Earl (Representative from Florida): Armed Services Committee Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Hutton, E. Jeremy, Office of Personnel Management Hutton, Michael, Rep. Robert M d Hutton, Wally, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury... Huyck, Heather A., Natural Resources Committee .... Hyatt, Catherine B., General Services Administra- tion Hybl, William J.,, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Hyde, Henry J. (Representative from Illinois): Biography Foreign Affairs Committee Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Policy Committee Hyde, James V., Organization of American States Hyde, Kristin, Republican Leadership Hyder, George E., Office of Personnel Management . Hyman, Andrew, Office of the General Counsel, HHS Hyman, Erias A., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Hyman, Melvyn H., Federal Communications Com- mission Hymes, Jonathan, Rep. Peter T. King Hyndman, G. Spencer, Federal Communications Commission Iacomini, Nancy, Democratic Policy Committee Iannaconi, Teresa E., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Iannandrea, Lucia, Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr Iannone, Carol, Smithsonian Institution Ibson, Ralph J., Veterans’ Affairs Committee... Igler, Dawn, Rep. Randy (Duke) Cunningham Iglesias, Enrique V., Inter-American Development Bank Igoe, Kevin, Rep. Jack Quinn Ihde, Daniel C., National Cancer Institute, HHS Iizuka, Maria, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Ikard, Jayne B., Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Ilisley, Thayer V., House Press Gallery Imhof, William A, General Counsel, Agriculture Inadomi, Elizabeth A., Science, Space, and Technol- ogy Committee Inadomi, LeeAnn, Legislative Affairs, Office of the Indelicato, Richard J., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Ingebretson, Charles, Energy and Commerce Com-mittee Ingham, Scott B., Rep. Glenn English Ingle, John E., Federal Communications Commission Inglis, Bob (Representative from South Carolina): Biography Budget Committee Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Ingold, Ann, Environment and Public Works Com- mittee Ingold, David, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury... Ingolia, Joseph N., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Ingram, G.L., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Ingram, George M., Foreign Affairs Committee......... Ingram, George, Canada-United States Interparlia- mentary Group Ingrassia, Anthony F., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Inhofe, James M. (Representative from Oklahoma): Armed Services Committee Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Innes, Richard, Environment and Public Works | Inniss, Gloria, Office of Water and Science, Interior.. Innocenti, John, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Inouye, Daniel K. (Senator from Hawaii): Appropriations Committee Biography Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. Indian Affairs Cc Rules and Administration Committee Inslee, Jay (Representative from Washington): Agriculture Cc Biography Democratic Study Group. Name Index 1263 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... Ippolito, Frank, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture 03763 Irace, Mary, Joint Economic Committee............cccoo.cn. Irby, Susan, Rep. Steve Gunderson...........ccoceceverveananne Ireland, Oliver, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Irvin, Robert, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee Irvin, Virginia, Rep. Stephen L. Neal ..........cccccocvuennene Irvin, William R., Office of Personnel Management... Irving, Clarence L., Jr., Technology Administration, Commerce Irving, Larry, Energy and Cominerce Committee...... Irving, Margaret A., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Irwin, Jack, General Services Administration ............. Irwin, Lisa A., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Irwin, Robert C., Public Health Service, HHS............ Isaac, Frederick M., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Isaac, Mark, Rep. Lynn Woolsey.........cccoeeceerrreneenens Isaac, Robert M., Advisory Commission on Inter- governmental Relations Isacco, Caroline, U.S. Information Agency .........co.... Isbell, Amy, Judiciary Committee Ischer, Duane, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture Isenberg, Jerry A., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Ishikawa, Masahiro, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc ission Ishimaru, Stuart J., Armed Services Committee ......... Iskarpatyoti, Oton (Tony), International Finance Corporation Iskowitz, Michael E., Labor and Human Resources Ci ; Ismael, Abdel Rehman, International Monetary Fund Ismael, J.E., International Monetary Fund .................. Ismail, Serille, Government Operations Committee... Ison, Maurice G., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Israel, Robert A., Public Health Service, HHS........... Istomin, Marta: National Foundation on the Arts and the Human-ities Smithsonian Institution Istook, Ernest J., Jr. (Representative from Oklaho-ma): Appropriations Committee Biography Republican Policy Committee ..........coecerururrruverenenene Istvan, Stephen P., U.S. Capitol Police............ccccvuue.e. Italiano, Joseph A., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Itteilag, Anthony L., Public Health Service, HHS ..... Iturregui, Juan Carlos, Resident Commissioner Carlos Romero-Barcelé Itzkoff, Donald M., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee Ivancie, Francis J., Federal Maritime Commission ..... Ivers, Donald L., United States Court of Veterans Appeals Ives, Bruce, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo Ivey, Ray N., Congressional Award.............cccoceereennen Iwry, Mark, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury 683 Izaguirre, Maritza, Inter-American Development an 1007 Izquierdo, S. DeAnn, Liaison Offices 629 J Jabara, Cathy L., U.S. International Trade Commis-sion 932 Jabbour, Alan, Library of Congress..........ccccocennrrruinens 638 Jabre, Assaad, International Finance Corporation....... 1013 Jackier, Barbara, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee 480 Jackson, Allen, Office of Civil Rights, Education....... 849 Jackson, Angela, Energy and Commerce Committee. 441 Jackson, Arnold A., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce 782, 783 Jackson, Arthur C. (Jack), Public Health Service, HHS y Jackson, B. Jerome, Office of Economic and Statisti- cal Administration, COMMErce ...........cccouverveeernnens Jackson, Barry, Rep. John A. Boehner ........ for Jackson, Brenda, Small Business Committee................ Jackson, Brian, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Justice Jackson, Doris, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices Jackson, Dorothy: Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. Speaker of the House of Representatives .... Jackson, Edward L., Team 21, Labor.......... Jackson, Gwen T., American Red Cross .... a Jackson, J. Elvin, Rep. W.G. (Bill) Hefner.................. Jackson, Jane, Federal Communications Commission. Jackson, Jesse, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior..........ccccevvvevreennene Jackson, Lisa, Rep. Bob Stump Jackson, M. Yvonne, Administration on Aging, HHS Jackson, Mary A., Federal Maritime Commission ...... Jackson, Michael D., Indian Affairs Committee.......... Jackson, Mirinda, General Services Administration... Jackson, Richard H.F., Technology Administration, Commerce Jackson, Robin, Government Operations Committee . Jackson, Russell, Office of the Sergeant at Arms........ Jackson, Sandi, Rep. Cleo Fields .........c.ccceveineennnnee Jackson, Sherry, Rep. Jon Kyl Jackson, Thomas Penfield, United States District Court for the District of Columbia ...........cccenuenee. Jackson, William C., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Jaco, Neal T., Army Staff and Selected Agencies...... Jacobik, Anthony, Jr., Interstate Commerce Com- mission Jacobs, Andrew, Jr. (Representative from Indiana): Biography Ways and Means Committee........ Jacobs, Ann, Rep. Alcee L. Hasting Jacobs, Dennis G., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Jacobs, Eli, Smithsonian Institution Jacobs, Jesse, Commission on Security and Coopera- tion In Europe Jacobs, Jimmy O., Office of the Secretary, Army....... Jacobs, Julian I., United States Tax Court...... Cr Jacobs, Madeleine, Smithsonian Institution.................. Jacobs, Penny G., Administrative Office of the U.S. urts Jacobs, Sharon, Office of the Assistant Administra-tor, H Jacobs, Susan S., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Jacobs, Theodore J., Government Operations Com- mittee Jacobs, Victoria, Ways and Means Commiittee............ Jacobson, Debra Ann, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Jacobson, Peter A., U.S. Postal Service..........c.ceceeuene Jacobson, Rachel L., Judiciary Committee.................. Jacobson, Robert R., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Jacobson, Sabina, Office of Administration and Man- agement, Labor Jacoby, Daniel, Office of Policy, Labor.............ccceuue. Jacoby, Peter, Rep. Mike Synar Jacokes, Jeannine S., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Jacques, Suzanne, International Boundary Commis-sion, United States and Canada Jacquet, Brent M., National Institute of Dental Re- search, HHS Jacquez, Albert S., Rep. Esteban Edward Torres....... Jadlos, James P., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Jaeger, Jerry L., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior...... Jaeger, Ronald, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior ....... Jaffe, Harold W., Public Health Service, HHS ........... Jaffe, Jim, Ways and Means Committee........................ Jaffe, Judith M., Office of Personnel Management ..... Jaggar, Sally Frazier, General Accounting Office....... Jagusch, Sybille, Library of Congress............cccoeurueune Jahnigen, Dennis W., Armed Forces Retirement Home Jain, M. Nuns, Maritime Administration, Transporta- tion 1264 Congressional Directory Page Jalan, Bimal, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1009 Jamele, Joe, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy...........cc.ccccouverrennenee 307 James, Elizabeth M., Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 James, Francine, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1 James, Ginny, Appropriations Committee............. 389, 390 James, John C., Division of Research Grants, HHS... 822 James, John, International Finance Corporation ......... 1013 James, Julie, Finance Committee ..................... .. 401 James, Maxine, Rep. Donald M. Payne... 190 James, Nancy F., Rep. Jim McDermott.............. «323 James, Rae Ellen Frank, Office of Policy, Labor... 798 James, Robert, Federal Communications Commission 871 James, Stephen, Library of Congress........ 637 James, Virginia, ) Appropriations Committ 389 Te oar arfeting and Inspection Services, 775 Po : James, William K., Defense Mapping Agency, De-694 : : Jameson, Connie, Rep. Butler C. Derrick, Jr .............. 272 Jameson, John, Smithsonian Institution........... 920, 924 Jamnik, James, International Monetary Fund.............. 1017 Janecek, John P., General Counsel, Air Force............ 717 Janezic, Joyce A., Naval Council of Personnel Boards, Navy 707 Janezich, Lawrence J., Senate Radio and Television Galler 1094 Janick, Hebert, Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 912 Janis, Michael B., Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD 829 Jansen, Bonnie, Federal Trade Cc ion 881 Jaquish, John E., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force 712 Jaramillo, Juan Carlos, International Monetary Fund. 1016 Jarboe, Kenan P., Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs Committee 393 Jarratt, Albert S., Jr., Federal Communications CK ission 874 Jarrell, Bill, Rep. Jim Saxton 185 Jaruzelski, Janina A., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee 440 Jarvis Chiatiene Drew, Council of the District of 954 olumbia Jarvis, Christine E., Judiciary Committee............c...... 450 Jarvis, Eve, Office of the Clerk : -.. 618 Jarvis, Marilyn F., Government Operations Commit-ites ; 446 Jasien, Anne Deroven, Rep. Mac Collins.................... 78 Jasmine, Frank, New York State Congressional Del-gation i Fil 564 Jasso-Routunno, Cynthia, Rep. Bob Filner.............. Jaszczak, Sammie, Directorate of Legislative Liai-1717 son, Air Force Jatras, Kim, Republican Policy Committee 418 “hg 3 : Ae Javits, Joshua M., National Mediation Board .............. 897 Jaworski, Robert L., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 698 Jaxel, Robert A., Appropriations Committee............... 426 dh DEER er Bank for Recon 1008 Jaye, Robert P., Office of the General Counsel, HHS 824 in S. ional Award ............cou.... 4. bid i al Aly a has Jeffers, Zachary C., Senate Page School...................... 627 Jefferson, Charles, Office of the Majority Leader....... 617 Jefferson, David K., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Jefferson, Michelle, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS 808 Jefferson, Thomas, Jr., Bureau of Equal Employ- ment Opportunity and Civil Rights, State............ 678 Jefferson, William J. (Representative from Louisi-ana): Biography 125 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 District of Columbia Committee ..............ccvevererirnene 434 Ways and Means Committee 474 Jeffery, Nancy J., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Jeffords, James M. (Senator from Vermont): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... 558 Biography 307 ns Arts Caucus 558 Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future............. 559 Foreign Relations Committee 401 Page Labor and Human Resources Commiittee................. 408 | Special Committee on Aging 414 Veterans’ Affairs Cc i 412 Jeffries, Bruce, Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States 1022 Jeffries, Pete, Rep. Bill Emerson..........cccoeevuevnurenunnncs 172 Jeffries, Sam, Office of the DoOrkeeper ...............ooo.. 620 | Jellen, Linda, Liaison Offices 628 | Jellen, Veda, Sen. Slade Gorton 318 | yemison, Ann, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices 622 | Jenifer, Shari, Ways and Means Comnmittee........... 475, 476 | Jenkins, Bernadette, Foreign Affairs Committee......... 444 | Jenkins, Jack D., Bureau of Administration, State ...... 677 | yoru. yi Office of the Doorkeeper 620 inc Toh; Jenkins, John P., Office of the Clerk..... or | Jenkins, Rayburn O., U.S. Capitol Police 626 Jenkins, Rob, Treasurer of the United States, Treas-ury 681 | Jenkins, Robert K., Jr, Executive Agencies, District f Columbia 0 Nh : va : Jenkins ollyam B, General Servioss Administration i | Jenks, Peter, yo hoi : onsen ayes ors net tesserae +70 | Jenning, Steven, Small Business Committee ..... Feder: Jennings, Jack om of Governors of the Feder-560 . J : % jouns Jacquative, Agricuns SOULE pss i | Jenning n we Jennings, Robert Yewdall, United Nations .................. 1026 gs, Vivian M., Extension Service, Agriculture. 779 Jenny, Louis, Rep. Jack Brooks....... : 290 | Jenrette, Richard H., U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission oon 357 Jensen, E. Neil, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion 934 | Jensen, James, Office of Technology Assessment FLAN 639 Jensen, Volmer K., Federal Highway Administra-tion, Transportation 842 Jensen, William F., Office of the Legislative Counsel 615 | Jepsen, Roger W., National Credit Union Adminis-tration 894 Jeremiah, David E., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense..... 692 | Jeremiah, Jodi, House Administration Committee ...... 448 Jeremias, Ronald A., Joint Committee on Taxation... 486 Jerkins, Jayne, Judiciary Committee............coecvurviunnenns 407 | Jernigan, I. Curtis, Jr., Antitrust Division, Justice ...... 728 | Jerome, Anne G., House Periodical Press Gallery ..... 1117 Jerome, Gregg, Rep. George Gekas............coeruirriunses 261 | Jerry, Johnson, Export Administration, Commerce... 784 Jessup, Helen, Smithsonian Institution 921 Jessup, Philip C., Jr., Smithsonian Institution.............. 926 Jimenez, Lorraine, Federal Maritime Commission....... 880 Jobs, Steven P., President's Export Council ................ 66 Jochmans, John J., Maritime Administration, Trans- i | portation : 346 oergenson, J. David, Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead ......... 34 Yoh Richard Re. Mariome : Administration. Frans po fiAtion ” i 846 : A Board of Governors of the Fed | Johns, Lionel S., Office of Science and Technology AR Sci Par Sis n ’ ’ Johnson, Alana, Management—Chief Financial Offi-cer, Treasury i | Johnson, Allan S., Economics, Agriculture ................. Johnson, Anita, Education and Labor Committee ...... | Johnson, Barbara J., Office of Policy, Labor............... Johnson, Barry L., Office of the Assistant Adminis-trator, HHS . : Johnson, Billy G., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 774 Johnson, Brenda J., Administration, Agriculture ........ 763 Johnson, Brenda Vy, Executive Agencies, District of v Col 999 | Johnson, Bruce, Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 783 | Johnson, Cecilia Y., Energy and Commerce Com-on mittee Johnson, Charles W., Office of the Parliamentarian ... 616 | Johnson, Cheryl, Post Office and Civil Service Com-is mittee . aera Johnsen, Danny. L., Executive Agencies, District of oo olumbia | Johnson, David A., Armed Services Committee......... 429 | Johnson, David, Small Business Committee................. 411 | Johnson, Deborah M., Foreign Relations Committee. 403 Name Page Johnson, Debra L., Office of the Law Revision Counsel Johnson, Dianne, Ways and Means Committee Johnson, Don (Representative from Georgia): Armed Services Committee Biography Science, Space, and Technology Committee Johnson, Donald E., National Credit Union Admin-istration Johnson, Donald R., Technology Administration, Commerce Johnson, Earvin “Magic”, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Johnson, Eddie Bernice (Representative from Texas): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Johnson, Elaine M., Public Health Service, HHS Johnson, Gloria P., National Service, Office of the President Johnson, Howard N., General Accounting Office Johnson, James H., Jr., Army Staff and Selected A gencies Johnson, James W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Johnson, Janine L., Office of the Legislative Counsel Johnson, Jed, Jr., U.S. Association of Former Mem- bers of Congress Johnson, Jennifer J., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Johnson, Jim, General Accounting Office Johnson, Jim, Rep. Lewis F. Payne, Jr... Johnson, Jim, Rep. Peter Hoekstra Johnson, Joel, Sen. Howard M. Met Johnson, Joycelyn, Natural Resources Committee Johnson, Judy C., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Johnson, Karen, Rep. Edolphus Towns Johnson, Kathleen R., Appropriations Commit Johnson, Lee, Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr Johnson, Lorrie, Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia Johnson, Lowell, Rep. Robert E. Wise, Jr Johnson, Lynn A., Environment and Natural Re- sources Division, Justice Johnson, Margaret C., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Johnson, Maurice J., Press Photographers’ Gallery .... Johnson, Michelle D., White House Military Office... Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B., Smithsonian Institution Johnson, Nancy E., Smithsonian Institution Sohn Nancy L. (Representative from Connecti- cut): Biography Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy -Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Export Task Force House Wednesday Group National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Policy Committee are Standards of Official Conduct Committee Ways and Means Cc i Johnson, Norma Holloway, United States District Court for the District of Columbia Johnson, Paul Bs Smithsonian Institution Johnson, PaulW., Assistant Secretary for Installa- tions, Logistics and Environment, Army... Johnson, Paul, Sen. J. Robert Kerrey Johnson, Ralph R., Bureau of European and Canadi- -an Affairs, State Johnson, Reo J., Liaison Offices . Johnson, Rick R., Smithsonian Institution Johnson, Robert M., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Johnson, Robert W., 1V, President’s Export Council . Johnson, Roger W., General Services Administration Johnson, Rose, Sen. Sam Nunn Johnson, Russell A., United States Naval Home Johnson, Sam (Representative from Texas): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Study Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Small Busi Committee Smithsonian Institution Johnson, Sara O., Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President Index 1265 Page Johnson, Shirley, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Johnson, Sonia P., International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture Johnson, Stanley L., Regional Administrators, Jus-tice Johnson, Steven M., United States Naval Home Johnson, Tadd, Natural Resources Committee Johnson, Tansill R., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Johnson, Tim (Representative from South Dakota): Agriculture Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.. Natural Resources Committee Johnson, Victor C., Foreign Affairs Committee Johnson, Yyilligm E, Federal Communications Com-missio: Johnson, William H., Federal Communications Com-mission Johnson-Millender, Carolyn, Rep. Frank McCloskey. Johnson-Shulke, Collette, Rep. Robert T. Matsui Johnsrud, Myron D., Extension Service, Agriculture. Johnston, Felton M., Jr., U.S. International Develop-ment Cooperation Agency Johnston, Francis, III, Maritime Administration, Transportation Johnston, Harry A. (Representative from Florida): Biography .... Budget Committee Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group.... Democratic Study Group. Foreign Affairs Committee Johnston, Hugh N., Merchant Marine and Fisheries C ; Johnston, J. Bennett (Senator from Louisiana): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Energy and Natural Resources Committee Senate Office Building Commission Select Committee on Intelligence Special Committee on Aging Johnston, James W., Justice Management Division, Justice Johnston, John B., Federal Communications Com- mission Johnston, Kelly, Republican Policy Committee Johnston, Laurence, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS Johnston, Lawrence, Office of the Legislative Coun- sel Johnston, Sandy, Environmental Protection Agency . Johnstone, William T., U.S. Postal Service Joiner, Leah, National Institute of Allergy and Infec- tious Diseases, HHS Jolly, E. Grady, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Jolly, Richard, Secretariat, United Nations... Jonah, James, Secretariat, United Nations Joncas, Steve, Rep. Martin T. Jones, A. Elizabeth, Secretary of State, State Jones, Alicia, Appropriations Committee Jones, Anita, Acquisition and Technology, Defense... Jones, Anthi, Rep. Scott McInnis Jones, Arnold P., General Accounting Office Jones, Arthur Louis, Communications, Office of the Presid Jones, Barbara L., Office of Personnel Management .. Jones, Brian, Government Operations Committee Jones, Carol Jackson, Executive. Agencies, District of Columbia Jones, Carolyn G., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Jones, Catherine Ann, Library of Congress Jones, Charles D., Bureau of the Census, Commerce. Jones, Connie, Rep. Ralph Regula Jones, Cynthia, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Jones, Donald W.: American Red Cross National Commission for Employment Policy Jones, E. Vanessa, Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Jones, Earl, General Services Administration Jones, Edith Hollan, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Jones, Ellen L., Judiciary Committee 1266 Congressional Directory Page Jones, Eric, National Capital Planning Commission... 892 Jones, Frances P., Sen. Jesse H 216 Jones, Georgi A., Office of the Assistant Administra-tor, HHS Jones, Gerald W., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice Jones, J. Mills, International Monetary Fund Jones, James A., Inter-American Development Bank. Jones, James B., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Jones, James R., American Red Cross Jones, Janet, Ways and Means Committee Jones, Jennifer V., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Jones, John C., Environmental Protection Agency .... Jones, Julie, Justice Management Division, Justice Jones, Kent L., Office of the Attorney General, Jus-tice Jones, Kevin R.: Administrative Conference of the United States Office of the Attorney General, Justice Jones, Lloyd, Rep. Don Young Jones, Marcia A., Sen. John Breaux Jones, Mary-Alyce F., Office of the Clerk. Jones, Nancy, Armed Services Committee Jones, Nathaniel R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Jones, Owen M., Office of the Secretary, HUD Jones, Patricia A., Office of the General Counsel Jones, Phyllis, Council of the District of Columbia.... Jones, Proctor, Appropriations Committee Jones, Reginald M., Jr., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Jones, Richard, Rep. Steve Horn Jones, Robb M., Supreme Court of the United States Jones, Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary for Administra-tion, HUD Jones, Sara C., Joint Committee on Printing Jones, Sara Fox, Office of Senate Lzgal Counsel. Jones, Steve, Rep. Ernest J. Istook, Jr Jones, Steve, Rep. Gary A. Condit Jones, Susan K., International Affairs and Commodi-ty Programs, Agriculture Jones, Tate, Office of the Legislative Counsel Jones, Taylor E., II, Maritime Administration, Transportation Jones, Temora, Speaker of the House of Representa-tives Jones, Thomas C., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Jones, Vivian E., Rep. Charles B. Rangel Jones, William E., Chief of Staff, Air Force Jones, William F.W., Federal Emergency Manage-ment Agency Jones, William R., Board of Governors of the Feder-al Reserve System Jones-Smith, Jacqueline, Consumer Product Safety Cc nm Jonkers, Anthony R., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Jonsdottir, Helga, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Joost, Elaine E., Maritime Administration, Transpor-tation Joost, Robert H., Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Jordan, Cleveland, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Jordan, David L., Internal Revenue Service, Treas-ury Jordan, Edward L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Jordan, Elke, National Center for Human Genome Research, HHS Jordan, Fred, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury Jordan, I. King, President’s Committee on Employ-ment of People with Disabilities Jordan, John Patrick, Science and Education, Agri-culture Jordan, Jon A., General Services Administration Jordan, Jon L., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Jordan, Michael H., President’s Export Council Jordan, Phillip, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Jordan, Rita R., Smithsonian Institution Jordan, Samuel H., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Jordan, Sharon, Office of the Majority Leader Jordan, Stephen C., Foreign Relations Committee Jorgensen, Michael R., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Joseph, Duffey, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. Joseph, Gloria J., National Labor Relations Board Joseph, Jennifer, Rep. Edolphus Towns Joseph, Kevin M., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Joseph, Peter L., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture. Josephson, Diana H., National Oceanic and Atmos-pheric Administration, Commerce Josiah, Timothy W., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Joubert, Pierre, Administrative Assistant to the Sec-retary, Air Force Jouflas, Audrey, Rep. Scott McInnis Jougras, Nicholas, Office of Administration and Management, Labor Joyce, Ellen, Rep. George J. Hochbrueckner Joyce, Jon M., Antitrust Division, Justice .. 2} Joyce, Lula, Appropriations Committee... ... 389, 390 Joyce, Mary Ellen, Advisory Commission on Inter- governmental Relations Joyce, Sherman, Commerce, Science, and Transpor-tation Committee Joye, Marisa, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Joyner, Frederick A., Maritime Administration, Transportation Joyner, James N., Government Printing Office Joyner-Kersee, Jackie, President’s Council on Physi-cal Fitness and Sports Juarrero, Alicia, National Foundation on the Arts and the Hi i 895 ties. Juba, Bruce M., Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury Judycki, Dennis C., Federal Highway Administra-tion, Transportation Julian, Joseph A., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Julyan, David, District of Columbia Committee Junco, Tirso del, U.S. Postal Service Jung, Walter, Judiciary Committee Jungman, Michael A., Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Junz, Helen B., International Monetary Fund Jupinko, Georgia, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Jurkovich, Tom, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Jurvelin, Linda E., Liaison Offices Justh, Bruce F., Office of Policy, Labor.. Jutton, Art, Rep. James T. Walsh K Kaan, Dennis M., Office of the Under Secretary, Air Force Kabbaj, Omar, International Monetary Fund Kadi, Diana L., Liaison Offices Kaelin, James J., Office of the Doorkeeper Kaeser, Daniel, International Monetary Fund Kafentzis, Christian, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Kaffenberger, Wilfried E., International Finance Corporation 10 Kafka, Alexandre, International Monetary Fund Kagalovsky, Konstantin G., International Monetary Fun Kagan, Donald, National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti 1€S. Kahanu, Noelle, Indian Affairs Committee Kabhlor, Kate, Office of the Secretary, Education Kahn, Chip: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Kahn, Thomas K., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Kahoe, Kathleen, Executive Office for U.S. Attor-neys, Justice Kaighn, Robert J., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Kaiser, H. Fred, Jr., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Name Page Kaiser, Robert J., Export-Import Bank of the United States 86 Kaiser, Robert L., Public Health Service, HHS.......... 813 Kaji, Gautan, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 009 Kaji, Jonathan T., President's Export Council ............ 566 Kajunski, Vincent F., Federal Communications Commission............ 874 Kalaris, Georgia T., National Labor Relations Board 896 Kalers, Robert, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 774 Kaleta, Judith S., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation 846 Kalich, Shirley A., Rules Committee 465 Kalil, Thomas, National Economic Council, Office of the President 669 Kalish, Robert P., Assistant Secretary for Housing— Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ................. 831 Kalisiak, Frank, Natural Resources Committee........... 457 Kallaur, Carolita, Office of Land and Minerals Man-agement, Interior 757 Kallemeyn, Norman R., International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture............c......... 767 Kalleres, Michael P., Military Sealift Command, Navy 710 Kallman, Jonathan, Securities and Exchange Com-mission 913 Kalscheur, Kenneth J., General Services Administra-tion 885 Kamarck, Elaine C.: Office of the Vice President 1, 670 President of the Senate 611 Kamihachi, James, Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury 686 Kaminer, Stevenson S., Federal Communications Cc ission 868 Kamionek, Kathy, Rep. Martin R. Hoke ..........c.c........ 234 Kammer, Raymond G., Technology Administration, Commerce 790 Kammer, Robert H., Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Kammerer, Carlton, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission 934 Kammerer, Tricia, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee 480 Kamper, Robert A., Technology Administration, Commerce 790 Kancitis, Indulis, International Affairs and Commod- ity Programs, Agriculture 766 Kane, Allen R., U.S. Postal Service.........c...ccosrvuicersnns 937 Kane, Anthony R., Federal Highway Administra- HON, TYANSPOTIAUION tosses vrseesivabosssssivansny ori arvesirereivs 841 Kane, Bradford Ross, Energy and Commerce Com-mittee Kane, Charles W., Federal Council on the Aging Kane, Diann, Appropriations COMMILIEE ..cvvrieerenrszesers Kane, Vas , National Academy of Engineer- BL Ao CR VI LR I TR ARG EAS 1) 898 Kane ; D.H., Washington National Monument SOCICY nih. in ins istrsrerss eas ivesioniensrenas 940 Kane, Patrick R., Bureau of Prisons, Justice ............... 733 Kane, Paul, Administration, Agriculture.............. 762 Kane, Phillip M., Office of the Secretary, HUD. . 828 Kane, Thomas R., Bureau of Prisons, Justice.............. 733 Kane, William F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion 935 Kang, Helen, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice ......... 732 Kanjorski, Paul E. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 257 Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. 458 Kanne, Michael S., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Kanner, Eric, Federal Communications Commission.. 869 Kanter, William, Civil Division, Justice ............ccoeeun.. 729 Kantor, Michael: Cabinet 666 Office of U.S. Trade Representative...........cccorunne. 674 President’s Export Council 566 Kanyan, Richard J., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 913 Kapen, Gilead, Foreign Affairs Committee ................. 445 Kaplan, Donald A., Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ 830 Kaplan, Jim, House Administration Committee . Kaplan, Linda L., Smithsonian Institution Index 1267 Page Kaplan, Michael, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Kaplan, Peter, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD ..........cccoevnnniinnnn. Kaplan, Sherwin, Office of Policy, Labor.................... Kaplan, Stephen H., Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Kaplan, Susan, Judiciary Committee Kappler, Debbie, Export Administration, Commerce. Kappner, Augusta Souza, Office Vocational and Adult Education, Education Kaptur, Marcy (Representative from Ohio): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition............ Karam, Raymond A., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Karaosmanoglu, Attila, International Bank for Re-construction and Development .............cccocvenvenenee. Karas, Susie, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Karatinos, Nicholas E., National Labor Relations Board Kardon, Josh, Rep. Ron Wyden Karelis, Charles, Office of Postsecondary Education, Education Karim, Jafar, Small Business Committee...............c...... Karlan, Milan D., Tax Divison, Justice............cccueerunes Karlstrom, Paul J., Smithsonian Institution Karman, Myron, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Karmarkar, Vasant H., International Finance Corpo-ration Karousos, John, Federal Communications Commis- Sion Karp, Gene, Sen. Dennis DeConcini........c.ccccoueruruennee Karpatkin, Jeremy, Sen. Paul Simon .... Karr, Roger, Federal Judicial Center Karr, Ronald N., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Karvelas, David, Rep. Dick Zimmer............c.ccccovvnunnnnn Kashiwaya, Koji, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Kasich, John R. (Representative from Ohio): Armed Services Committee Biography Budget Committee Congressional Human Rights CAUCUS stiri isi curt National Republican Congressional Committee....... Republican Policy Committee ............covenrieviiunnnnnen Kassebaum, Nancy Landon (Senator from Kansas): BIOZTAPRY ...... oii isa ia ote nr aiindbrtvsa tii mista tars Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Foreign Relations Committee ..........ccoevvuvnenruenenannes Indian Affairs Committee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Labor and Human Resources Committee................. Republican Policy Committee Kassiday, Joel D., Sen. Hank Brown Kassum, Jemal-ud-din, International Finance Corpo- TLE I i EL PO MANU I Xr We By 0 1 Ea] 1011 Katrichis, Harry, Small Business Committee .... . 470 Katz, Bruce J., Office of the Secretary, HUD............. 827 Katz, Jonathan G., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 911 Katz, Martha F., Public Health Service, HHS...... 810, 811 Katz, Maurice H., Smithsonian Institution................... Katz, Philip H., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion 932 Katz, Ruth J., Energy and Commerce Committee...... 440 Katz, Stanley N., Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund................... 555 Katz, Steve, Governmental Affairs Committee........... 404 Katzen, Sally: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 856 Office of Management and Budget 673 Katzke, Stewart W., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Kaufman, Barry S., General Accounting Office 631 Kaufman, Kenneth M., Smithsonian Institution... 925 Kaufman, Richard, Joint Economic Committee 488 Kaufman, Robert M., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Kaufman, Robert S., U.S. Railroad Retirement BOATA. cn cissinsincbiavansvnisinisinsiusans Sessions ssstiungininianssie 938 1268 Congressional Directory Kaufman, Ted, Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr Kaufmann, Linda, Office of the Secretary, Veterans Afffairs Kausal, Benedict A., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Kaval, William G., U.S. Capitol Police Kavanaugh, John D., Office of the Comptroller, Navy Kavjian, Judy L., Joint Committee on Taxation Kawahara, Yasuyuki, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Kawasaki, Nobi, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Kawecki, Charles, Office of Personnel Management.. Kay, Alan, United States District Court for the Dis-trict of Columbia Kay, Ed, Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Kay, Richard, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Kayes, Kevin, Office of the Secretary Kazanjian, Valerie, House Administration Commit-tee Kean, Gerald S., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Keaney, Tom, Rep. Robert T. Matsui Kearney, Barry J., National Labor Relations Board... Kearney, Burnice T., Washington National Monu-ment Society Kearney, Christopher B., Natural Resources Com-mittee Kearney, Stephen, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Kearse, Amalya Lyle, United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Keating, Tim, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Keating, Tom, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Keatley, Mark B., International Finance Corporation Keck, Maureen E. Rep. John W. Olver Kedzior, Dennis M., Appropriations Committee Keefe, Mary E., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Keefer, Ronald D., Office of Administration, Trans-portation Keegan, James R., Federal Communications Com-mission Keel, Frank, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Keeling, Ernest M., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Keenaghan, Martin J., Federal Maritime Commission Keenan, Dee Dee, Rep. Karen L. Thurman Keenan, Joseph. S., Senate Press Gallery... fos Keene, Kenneth, Pension Benefit Guaranty ‘Corpora- tion Keene, Leslie F., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Keener, Mary Lou, Administrative Conference of the United States Keeney, John C., Criminal Division, Justice Keeney, Regina M., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee Kefalas, Dolores C., Rep. James H. (Jimmy) Quillen . Kehl, David, Office of the Republican Leader Kehl, Loraine, Rep. Paul B. Henry Kehrli, Julie, Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes Keightley, Gerald E., Joint Service Schools, Defense Keightly, James J., Administrative Conference of the United States Keilty, Bryan T., Employment and Training Admin-istration, Labor Keisling, Robert, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Keiss, Ron, Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy Keith, Damon J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Keliher, John G., Office of the Secretary, Energy Kelinson, Norman, National Commission on Librar-ies and Information Science Kellaher, Donald T., Office of the Sergeant at Arms. Kelleher, John J., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Kelleher, Kevin, Democratic Policy Committee Kellems, Kevin Shaw, Sen. Richard G. Lugar....... Kellenberg, Kate, Special Committee on Aging Keller, Pamela Stevens, Public Works and Transpor-tation Committee Keller, Samuel W., Smithsonian Institution Keller, Stephen, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora-tion Kelley, Charles W., Federal Communications Com-mission Kelley, Edward W., Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Kelley, Ellen Kill, Office of Personnel Management. Kelley, Herbert A., Office of Policy, Labor Kelley, Jay W., Major Commands, Air Force. Kelley, Joseph E., General Accounting Office Kelley, Marlene N., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Kelley, Nancy, Small Business Committee Kelley, Paul X., American Battle Momuments Com- mission Kelley, Richard, Office of Administration and Man-agement, Labor Kelley, Robin D.G., National Archives and Records Administration Kelley, Wayne P., Government Printing Office Kelliher, Janet, President's Commission on White House Fellowships Kellogg, Frederic Rogers, Administrative Confer-ence of the United States Kellogg, Molly S., Rep. J.J. Pickle Kelly, Beth, Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II Kelly, Charles, Rep. Mel Reynolds Kelly, Donald G., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Kelly, Donovan B., Office of Water and Science, Interior Kelly, Edward M., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Kelly, Frank J., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Kelly, Henry, Office of Science and Technology Policy Kelly, James Michael, General Counsel, Agriculture. Kelly, John J., Jr.: Chief of Staff, Air Force Securities and Exchange Commission Kelly, Kenneth P.: Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interi-or Office of the Secretary, Interior Kelly, Kevin F., Appropriations Committee Kelly, Lamar C., Jr.,, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Kelly, Lamar C., Resolution Trust Corporation Kelly, Muga M., Environmental Protection Agenc Kelly, re gaents, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Kelly, Michael W., General Counsel, Agriculture Kelly, Pamela S., Public Works and Transportation Committee Kelly, Paul J., Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Kelly, Richard E., United States Marshals Service, Kelly, Ronald P., Armed Services Committee Kelly, Rosalyn, Domestic Policy Council, Office of the President Kelly, Sharon Pratt: District of Columbia Armory Board Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com- mission Kelly, Thomas E., Environmental Protection Agency Kelly, Walter C., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Kelman, Arthur, Science and Education, Agriculture Kelmar, Steve, Rep. Susan Molinari Kelso, prank B., II, Chief of Naval Operations, Nav Kelso, John H., Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Kelso, William M., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Kelter, Gloria, Rep. Dave Camp Kelty, Miriam, National Institute on Aging, HHS Kemble, Richard Penn, Board for International Broadcasting Name Index 1269 Page Page Kemp, Evan J., Jr., Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Kemp, Ira L.: Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled Kemp, Julie W., Armed Services Committee Kemp, Linda, Joint Committee on Printing Kempf, Jennifer, Peace Corps Kempner, Leila, Agriculture Committee Kempthorne, Dirk (Senator from Idaho): Armed Services Committee Biography Environment and Public Works Committee National Republican Senatorial Committee Small Busi Committee Kendall, Debbie, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Kendall, Mrs. Dwight M., Smithsonian Institution Kendig, William L., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Keniry, Daniel, Rules Committee Kenison, Robert S., Office of the Secretary, HUD Kenkeremath, Nandan, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Kennedy, Anthony M.: Supreme Court of the United States United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Kennedy, Arthur W., Rep. Alcee L. Hastings Kennedy, Christine, Natural Resources Committee... Kennedy, Cornelia G., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Kennedy, Craig, Finance Committee Kennedy, Edward M. (Senator from Massachusetts): Armed Services Committee Biography Joint Economic Committee Judiciary Committee Labor and Human Resources Committee Martin Luther King, Jr.,, Federal Holiday Com- mission Office of Technology Assessment Senate Arms Control Observer Group Smithsonian Institution Kennedy, J. Keith, Appropriations Committee Kennedy, Jim, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman Kennedy, Joan, Rep. Melvin Watt Kennedy, John P., Office of the Secretary, HUD Kennedy, Joseph P., II (Representative from Massa- chusetts): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Veterans’ Affairs Committee Kennedy, Joyce, Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Kennedy, Kevin J., Office of the Clerk Kennedy, Kraig M., Office of Legislative Affairs, Nav sake Kennedy, Kraige M., Liaison Offices Kennedy, Mack A., U.S. Capitol Police Kennedy, Maureen, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD Kennedy, Patricia A., Office of the Legislative Counsel Kennedy, Patrick Francis, Bureau of Administration, State Kennedy, Roger, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Kennedy, Stephen C., Social Security Administra-tion, Kennedy, Thomas L., Drug Enforcement Adminis-tration, Justice Kennedy, Weldon L., Federal Bureau of Investiga-tion, Justice Kennedy, William H., Counsel to the President, Office of the President Kennedy-White, Julia, Rep. Melvin Watt Kennelly, Barbara B. (Representative from Connecti- cut): Biography Budget Committee Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Congressional Human Rights Caucus Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. House Administration Committee Ways and Means Committee Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478, Kennett, Douglas, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Kenney, Fred, Appropriations Committee Kennon, Donald R., U.S. Capitol Historical Society. Kennoy, William H., Tennessee Valley Authority Kensinger, Karl A., Federal Communications Com- mission Kent, David F., Office of Inspector General, Trans- portation Kent, Jeff, Senate Radio and Television Gallery Kent, Raymond R., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Keough, Ann, Rep. Peter G. Torkildsen Keough, Paul G., Environmental Protection Agency Keplinger, Michael S., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Kepper, Ernest M., International Finance Corpora- tion Kercheval, Gail, Federal Emergency Management Agency Kerchner, Jon Lynn, Republican Leadership Kerekes, John L., Public Works and Transportation Committee Kerkman, Sue, Rep. Thomas E. Petri Kern, Charles E., II, Judiciary Committee Kern, Dennis J., Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Kern, Kathleen M., Rules and Administration Com-mittee Kernan, Barbara D., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Kerner, Francine, Inspector General, Treasury Kerr, David W., National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, HHS .. Kerr, Gordon, Sen. Carl M. Levin Kerr, James, Executive Agencies, District of Colum- bia Kerrey, J. Robert (Senator from Nebraska): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Appropriations Committee Biography Select Committee on Intelligence Kerrigan, Patrick J., U.S. Capitol Police Kerry, John F. (Senator from Massachusetts): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Foreign Relations Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Small B Committee Kertcher, Judith, Environmental Protection Agency. Kessel, Samuel, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Kessinger, A. Jodi, Sr., Office of the Secretary, Air Kessler, David A, Food and Drug Administration, HHS Kessler, Richard J., Foreign Relations Committee Kestenbaum, E. Louis, United States Holocaust Me- morial Council Kestnbaum, Amy, Budget Committee Ketcham, Dale, Rep. Jim Bacchus... Ketcham, David E., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Ketchum, James R.: Office of the Secretary U.S. Senate Commission on Art Ketter, William E., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Kettlewell, Lisa H., Armed Services Committee Kettlewell, Robert J., Rep. Cardiss Collins Kever, Jerome F., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board ... Key, Jim, Rep. Maxine Waters Keyes, Conrad G., Jr., International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico .... Keys, Anne, Agriculture Committee Keys, J.W., Office of Water and Science, Interior Keyser, Diane, Agriculture Committee.. Keyser, Kent, Rep. Nick Rahall II Keyserlingk, Alexander N., International Corporation Khaing, Myat M., Del. Robert A. Underwood 1270 Congressional Directory Page Khairallah, Daoud L., International Finance Corpo-ration 1013 Khambata, Farida, International Finance Corpora-tion 1012 Khan, Muntaz R., International Finance Corporation 1012 Khan, Sadruddin ‘Aga, Smithsonian Institution... 922 Kiang, Agnes, United States Court of Military Ap-pea 986 Kibler, Eline, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, Dis-trict of Col Kichak, Nancy, Office of Personnel Management ...... Kidd, Brett, National Republican Senatorial Commit-tee Kidd, Jane, Rep. Don Johnson Kidd, Richard A., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Kiefer, Donald W., Library of Congress...........cceun.... Kieffer, Charles E., Office of Management and Budget Kienitz, Roy, Environment and Public Works Com-mittee Kiernan, Peter S., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Kiesling, Sherry, Rep. Joe Skeen..................... Kihune, Robert, Chief of Naval Operation Kiko, Philip G., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Kilberg, William J., Administrative Conference of the United States Kilbourne, Edwin, Public Health Service, HHS......... Kilbourne, James C., Environment and Natural Re- sources Division, Justice Kilby, Maurice D., Executive Agencies, District of Kilby, Michael H., Federal Maritime Commission...... Kilby, Monica L., Botanic Garden ............c.ccooevvvuennen. Kilcoyne, John A., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas- ury Kildee, Dale E. (Representative from Michigan): Biography Budget Committee Congressional Automotive Caucus Education and Labor Committee ...........c.ccocevvivenuneene House Administration Committee .... : House of Representatives Page Board..... Kilian, David F., Appropriations Committee : Kilker, Beth, Veterans’ Affairs Committee .................. Killam, Phillip P., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Killey, Philip G., Chief of Staff, Air Force................. Killfoil, Michael, Internal Revenue Service, Treas- Killian, Johnny H., Library of Congress...........ccccc..... Killian, Kathryn, White House Military Office oh Killinger, George, Bureau of Prisons, Justice... Killough, William, Rep. Glen Browder Kilpatrick, William L., Federal Communications CommiSSION. 7. co 5 man a Ea ii Kilroy, William J., Science, Space, and Technology Commiittee..............0.... Kim, Jay (Representative from California): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee....... Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Small Business Committee............c.cceeevveernnecriniannnnn. Kim, Po Kyung, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Kimball, Chris, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee..... Kimball, Marc, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan.............ccecouu. Kimball, William C., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force Kime, J. William, U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation . Kimlin, Edward C., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. Kimm, Victor J., Environmental Protection Agency. Kimmitt, Jay, Appropriations Committee ........ ce Kinbar, Sheldon A., Federal Transit Administration, TIaAnsPOrtatON Sis si eis tare oerenssn sess eins iors Kincaid, John, Advisory Commission on Intergov-ernmental Relations Kindred, Elliott, Executive Agencies, District of Co-Hoty ARN TE CS RT Cod 0 I CIES vnvven Kineavy, Roger, Rep. John Joseph Moakley King, Andie, Office of the Majority Leader................ Page King, Brenda B., Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture 768 King, Carolyn Dineen, United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit...........cccoiiniainnisana, 946 King, Coretta Scott, Martin Luther King, Jr., Feder- al Holiday Commission King, Craig S., Office of the General Counsel, Navy. King, Deborah Karr, American Red Cross King, Dennis, Rep. Lane Evans...................... King, Dennis, Veterans’ Affairs Committee King, Dexter, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holi- day Commission King, Edward, Democratic Policy Committee............ King, Frankie, Joint Economic Committee King, James B., Office of Personnel Management ...... King, James O., Rules and Administration Commit- tee King, James T., Jr., International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce King, Josh, Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President King, Kathy, Finance Committee ...............ccceierurnennnnnn King, Kay A., Rep. Dick Swett King, Lary, Executive Agencies, District of Colum- bia King, Laura B., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor ..... King, Lonnie J., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture King, Peter T. (Representative from New York): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade- my Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. National Republican Congressional Committee....... King, Robert R., Rep. Tom Lantos.............c.ccuue. a King, Robert, Foreign Affairs Committee King, Roland (Guy) E., Health Care Financing Ad- ministration, HHS King, Sam B,, III, Sen. Ernest F. Hollings .................. King, Thomas D., Antitrust Division, Justice.............. King, Thomas, Office of Personnel Administration, HHS King, Vernon J., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force King, W. Russell, Congressional Award...................... King, Walter V., Energy and Commerce Committee. King, William L., Jr., Office of the Attorney Gener- al; Justice.” ........& King, Yolanda, Martin Luther King, Jr, Federal Holiday nm King-Lh A Andres, Bureau of Prisons, Justice ...... Kingery, Thomas F., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Kinghorn, Morgan, Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ry AN at SPR a RC IR Kingley, Oliver, Jr., Tennessee Valley Authority ....... Kingon, Robert J., Public Health Service, HHS ......... Kingsbury, Nancy, General Accounting Office .......... Kingston, Jack (Representative from Georgia): Agriculture Committee. Biography # Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. National Republican Congressional Committee....... Kingston, M. Ray, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Kingston, Thomas S., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Kinlow, Eugene, Office of Personnel Administration, HHS Kinney, Ann, Smithsonian Institution............ccccceuvvuennn Kinney, Gabriel O., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion. Kinney, Patricia, General Services Administration..... Kinnier, Richard R., OCHAMPUS, Defense .............. Kinsel, Sheldon, Rep. Bill Orton Kinsell, Martie L., Chaplain Kinsella, Michael, Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato.............. Kinsella, Steve, Public Affairs, Agriculture................. Kinsley, Mark M., General Services Administration .. Kinter, William T., Office of the Clerk Kinzer, George C., U.S. Information Agency............. Kinzer, Mary P., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Kirby, Evelyn, Office of Personnel Administration, HHS Name Kirby, Jane, Rep. Romano L. Mazzoli Kirby, Sharon, Natural Resources Committee.... Kirk, Beth, Budget Committee Kirk, Chester, Architect of the Capitol Kirk, Lynn, Rep. Richard H. Baker Kirk, Michael K., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Kirk, William L. (Bud), Legal Services Corporation.. Kirkbride, Joe, Office of Public Affairs, Labo Kirkland, Diane, Ways and Means Committee Kirkland, Lane, Board for International Broadcast-ing Kirkland, Richard G., Liaison Offices Kirkwood, John, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Kirlin, Katherine, Smithsonian Institution Kirsch, Clifford E., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Kirsch, William J., Federal Communications Com-mission Kirschbaum, Elliott A., Social Security Administra-tion, HHS Kirschbaum, Ira, Bureau of Prisons, Justice Kirschstein, Ruth, National Institute General Medi-cal Sciences, HHS Kirsten, Werner H., National Cancer Institute, HHS . Kirtman, Deanna M., Armed Services Committee Kirwin, Elizabeth, Smithsonian Institution Kish, Daniel Val, Natural Resources Committee Kish, Pamela, Rep. Don Young Kisicki, Joseph P., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Kiss, R., Office of Installations and Environment, Navy Kisshner, Nancy, Democratic Senatorial Campaign ~ommittee Kissick, Marie P., Assistant Secretary for Adminis-tration, HUD Kissko, James A. Social Security Administration, HHS Kissman, Henry M., National Library of Medicine, HHS Kistler, Frederick A., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Kitamura, Michael T., Sen. Daniel K. Akaka Kite, Byra, Sen. Malcolm Wallop Kitsos, Mary J. Fusco, Merchant Marine and Fisher-ies Committee Kitsos, Thomas R., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Kittle, John E., Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce Klafehn, Douglas, Administration on = Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Klain, Ronald A., Counsel to the President, Office of the President Klass, Arthur A., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas-ury Klatt, Victor, Office of Legislation and Congression-al Affairs, Education Kleczka, Gerald D. (Representative from Wiscon- sin): Biography Democratic Steering and Policy Committee House Administration Committee Joint Committee on Printing Ways and Means Committee Kleeman, Rosslyn S., General Accounting Office Kleeschulte, Chuck, Sen. Frank H. Murkowski Kleeschulte, Dorothy D., Small Business Adminis-tration Klehm, Henry, Securities and Exchange Commission Klein, Allen D., Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-tion, and Enforcement, Interior Klein, Deborah P., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Klein, Herbert C. (Representative from New Jersey): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee .... Biography Science, Space, and Technology Committee Klein, Jonathan D., Rep. John W. Olver Klein, Julie R., House Administration Committee Klein, Ken, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mittee Klein, Leonard R., Office of Personnel Management. Klein, Patricia, Rep. Jim Kolbe Kleinberg, David K., Office of Management and Budget Index 1271 Page Kleinfeld, Andrew J., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Kleinfeld, Eric F., House Administration Committee. 448 Kleinknecht, Gilbert H., Immigration and Natural-ization Service, Justice Kleinman, Dushanka V., National Institute of Dental Research, HHS Klejna, Dennis, Commodity Futures Trading Com-mission Klem, Jeffrey M., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Klemp, Caroline F., Office of the Sergeant at Arms .. Klepner, Jerry, Office of the Secretary for Legisla-tion, HHS 80. Kler, Kirsten, Liaison Offices Klevan, Morton, Pension and Welfare Benefits Ad-ministration, Labor Kline, Don E., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Kline, Gretchen, Office of the Majority Whip Kline, Norman D., Federal Maritime Commission Klineberg, John M., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Klinger, Ann, Advisory Commission on Intergovern-mental Relations Klinger, Janet, Sen. Frank H. Murkowski Klink, Ron (Representative from Pennsylvania): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Education and Labor Committee Small Busi Committee Klippel, John H., National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS Klitzman, Stephen, Federal Communications Com-mission Klock, David J., Assistant Secretary for Internation-al Affairs, Treasury Klotz, Robert, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Klud, Leon W., Joint Committee on Taxation Klug, Scott L. (Representative from Wisconsin): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Environmental and Energy Study Conference National Republican Congressional Committee Kluge, John, Library of Congress Klugh, Andrew P., Office of Personnel Management Klugh, Jim, Acquisition and Technology, Defense Klugman, Julian, Community Relations Service, Jus- tice Klumpner, Jim, Joint Economic Committee Klurfeld, Jeffrey A., Federal Trade Commission .. Kmiec, Lynn, Rep. Robert E. Andrews Knapp, Edward L., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- ration Knapp, Julius, Federal Communications Commission. Knapp, Mary F., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Knapp, Rosalind A., Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Knapp, Vincent, Liaison Offices Knappenberger, Tom, Rep. Larry LaRocco Knautz, Robert F., House of Representatives Page School Kneff, Kathie A., Federal Communications Commis- sion Kniaz, Leon, Washington Headquarters Services, Defense Knickerbocker, Frederick T., Office of Economic and Statistical Administration, Commerce Knight, Carol, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell Knight, Edward S., Counselor to the Secretary and Chief of Staff, Treasury Knight, George, Neighborhood Reinvestment Cor- poration Knight, Susan, Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett Knipe, Michael, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Knipling, Edward B., Science and Education, Agri-culture Knipmeyer, Mary C., Public Health Service, HHS .... Knisely, Robert A., Office of Transportation Statis-tics, Transportation Knisely, Robert L., Appropriations Committee Knoblock, Darla, Office of the Territorial and Inter-national Affairs, Interior 1272 Congressional Directory Page Knollenberg, Joe (Representative from Michigan): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 152 National Republican Congressional Committee 482 Small Busi Committee 46 Knott, Gregory, General Services Administration Knott, Judy, Judiciary Committee Knouss, Robert F., Pan American Health Organiza- tion Knowles, Donald R., Office of the Secretary, Interi- or Knox, Anne, Rep. Paul B. Henry Knox, Hugh W., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Knudsen, Pat, Budget Committee Knutson, Kent, Small Business Committee . Knutson, Maggie, Rep. Porter J. Goss Koch, Bruce R., U.S. Information Agency Koch, Cathy M., Joint Committee on Taxation Koch, Christine, Rep. David E. Bonior Koch, Christopher L., Federal Maritime Commission Koch, Kathleen Day, Office of the Special Counsel... Koch, Michael E., Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Koch-Weser, Caio, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Kodama, Kenneth M., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Kodera, Kiyoshi, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Development Koehmstedt, Connie J., Rep. Karan English Koenig, Richard, House Administration Committee... Koerner, Thomas F., Joint Committee on Taxation ... Koester, Grace, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Rofl Daniel L., Office of the Attorney General, ustice Kogan, $n, Office of Management and Budget, Kogan, Rachel A., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Kogan, Richard, Budget Committee Kogut, Julia, Agriculture Committee Kohashi, Stephen H., Appropriations Committee Kohl, Herb (Senator from Wisconsin): Appropriations Cc i Biography Judiciary Committee Small B Committee Special Committee on Aging Kohn, Christopher J., Civil Division, Justice Kohn, David, Rep. John Edward Porter Kohn, Donald L., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Koissy, Yves-Marie T., International Monetary Fund Kojm, Christopher, Foreign Affairs Committee Kojm, Rebecca A., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Kolak, Alvin H., Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Roles Casimir J.,.Jr., Regional and Field Offices, UD Kolatch, Barry S., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- ration Kolb, Don, Social Security Administration, HHS Kolb, Ingrid, Office of National Drug Control Policy Kolb, James, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Kolbe, Jim (Representative from Arizona): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group... Environmental and Energy Study Conference National Republican Congressional Committee Kolbe, Lloyd J., Public Health Service, HHS... Kole, Jack, Rep. David R. Obey Kole, Jessica L., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Koll, Donald M., Smithsonian Institution Kollias, Jana, Rep. Thomas H. Andrews Kollins, William J., Environment and Natural Re- sources Division, Justice Kollmansperger, Karen, Sen. Ernest F. Hollings Kolly, Roy E., Federal Communications Commis- Sion Kolstad, Allen C., International Boundary Commis-sion, United States and Canada Page Kolter, Joe, U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board Komara, Michael G., U.S. Capitol Police Komarek, Thomas C., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Komer, Richard D., Office of Civil Rights, Educa- tion Kominoth, Tony P., Federal Maritime Commission ... Kominski, John J., Library of Congress Komiti, Vaasatia Poloma, South Pacific Commission. Komorous, Edward J., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Konigsberg, Charles, Finance Committee Konschnik, David M., Interstate Commerce Com- mission Konz, Kenneth A. Environmental Protection Agency Koonce, Lance, House Administration Commiitee Koopman, Douglas, Rep. Peter Hoekstra Koops, Gary, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 416, 417 Kooutsias, Konstantinos, Executive Agencies, Dis- trict of Columbia 996 Kopacz, Wanda R., General Services Administration 884 Kopanda, Richard T., Public Health Service, HHS.... 810 Kopchik, Charles J., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 903 Kopelman, Arie L., United States Holocaust Memo-rial Council Kopetski, Mike (Representative from Oregon): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Ways and Means Cc i Kopin, Irwin J., National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, HHS Koplan, Jeffrey P., Public Health Service, HHS Kopocis, Kenneth J., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee Kopp, Robert E., Civil Division, Justice Korb, Mary K., Office of the Legislative Counsel Korff, Zamira, Foreign Relations Committee Korich, Joan Bates, Rep. Ed Royce Kornblum, Allan N., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Kornegay, Marjorie R., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury Korner, Jules G., III, United States Tax Court Korologos, Tom C., U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Kors, Alan C., National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti Koshgarian, David, Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin Kosnik, Richard M., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Kost, Semmes, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Kostanecki, Amy, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Kostelnick, John M., Non-Legislative and Financial Services Koster, Herb, Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon Kostka, Gregory M., Office of the Legislative Coun- sel Kotaite, Assad, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1029 Kotati, Besa, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture 767 Kotch, John, Employee Standards Administration, Labor 96, 797 Kotra, Janet P., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commis- sS10Nn Kottman, Sandra M., Science and Education, Agri-culture Kountoupes, Lisa, Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Koutsoumpas, Melinda M., Armed Services Commit- tee Koutsoumpas, Melinda, Judiciary Committee Kouvelis, Mary, Rep. Michael Bilirakis Kovacic, William J., Office of Surface Mining, Rec- lamation, and Enforcement, Interior Kovalick, Walter W., Jr., Environmental Protection Agency Kovar, Peter, Rep. Barney Frank Name Index Page Kowalczyk, Chester A., Committee for Purchase Krug, Marsha E., U.S. Capitol Police From People Who are Blind or Severely Dis-Krugman, Stanley L., Natural Resources and Envi-abled ronment, Agriculture Kowalczyk, Gary: Kruhm, Douglas M., Immigration and Naturalization ACTION Service, Justice President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Krumbhaar, George, Rep. Bill Orton Kowalczyk, Patrick, Rep. Lynn Woolsey Krump, Gary, Office of Acquisition and Facilities, Kowalski, Thomas C., U.S. Parole Commission, Jus-Veterans Afffairs tice Krumsiek, Paul A., Justice Management Division, Kowalski, Tom C., U.S. Parole Commission Justice Kowgios, William G., Health Resources and Serv-Kruse, M. A., Naval Council of Personnel Boards, ices Administration, HHS Navy Kozar, John J., Library of Congress Kryder, Harvey A., Marketing and Inspection Serv-Kozinski, Alex, United States Courts of Appeals for ices, Agriculture the Federal Circuit Krysa, Stanley F., Tax Divison, Justice Koziol, Delores, Clinical Center, HHS Krystnak, Leonard F., Health Resources and Serv-Kraenzle, Charles A., Marketing and Inspection ices Administration, HHS Services, Agriculture Kubasiewicz, Edward R., Patent and Trademark Kraft, Fran, Rep. Thomas J. Manton Office, Commerce Kraft, John, Office of Personnel Management... Kuchera, Madelon A., Federal Communications C td Kraft, Kenny, Rep. David L. Hobson Resnik; Ardis, National Foundation on the Arts and Kuckro, Melissa, Rules Committee the H ities Kuczynski, Irving, International Finance Corpora- Krakora, Joseph J., Smithsonian Institution tion Kramek, Robert E., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- Kuga, Holly A., International Trade Administration, tion mmerce Kramer, Barnett, National Cancer Institute, HHS Kugel, Jennie, Rep. Elizabeth Furse Kramer, Frederick W., Office of the Attorney Gen- Kugelman, Robert F., Export Administration, Com- eral, Justice merce Kramer, George R., Securities and Exchange Com- Kugler, Daniel E., Science and Education, Agricul- mission ture Kramer, Judith E., Office of Policy, Labor Kugler, Mitchell B., Conference of the Minority Kramer, Kenneth B., United States Court of Veter- Kuh, William G., Tennessee Valley Authority ans Appeals Kuhbach, Susan H., International Trade Administra- Kranowitz, Alan M., United States Holocaust Me- tion, Commerce morial Council Kuhn, Fred W., General Counsel, Air Force Krasner, Robert C.J., Office of the Attending Physi- Kuhn, Helen, Smithsonian Institution cian Kuhn, Rocky L., Appropriations Committee Krasnoff, Helene, Ways and Means Committee Kukla, Charlene T., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Krasow, Cristina, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Kukulski, Raymond, Office of Policy, Labor Krass, Errol A., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- Kulasik, Jerry, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury ... merce Kulda, Susi, Rep. Christopher Cox Kratsas, Jamaes K., National Archives and Records Kulik, Bernard, Small Business Administration ........... Administration Kulikowski, James W., Appropriations Committee Kratzke, John, Administration, Agriculture Kulish, Carol, Ways and Means Committee Krause, Andree, Rep. Dan Schaefer Kull, Joseph L., National Science Foundation Krause, Susan F., Comptroller of the Currency, Kump, Joseph, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury... Treasury Kundanis, George: Kravis, Henry R., President’s Export Council Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Kravitch, Phyllis A., United States Courts of Ap- Speaker of the House of Representatives peals for the Federal Circuit Krawitz, David, Sen. Donald W. Riegle, Jr.. Kunian, Marcus, Rep. Charles E. Schumer Krebsbach, Scott, Rep. Jim Nussle Kunin, Madeleine: Kreidler, Mike (Representative from Washington): Office of the Secretary, Education Biography United States Holocaust Memorial Council Democratic Study Group Kunin, Stephen G., Patent and Trademark Office, Energy and Commerce Committee Commerce es Veterans’ Affairs Committee Kunsman, Dan, Rep. Craig Thomas Kreisher, Tina, Rep. Barbara F. Vucanovich Kunsman, Eric, U.S. Arms Control and Disarma-Kreisman, Barbara A., Federal Communications ment Agency pk of Kupasrimonkol, Sakdiyiam, International Finance Corporation Kremer, Cecile B., United States Holocaust Memori- Kupchan, Clifford, Foreign Affairs Committee Kress, Jack, Office of the General Counsel, HHS al Council : Kuperberg, Martin A., Securities and Exchange Kretchmar, Paul, Office of Civil Rights, HHS eve Commission Kretsinger, Marilyn, Library of Congress Kupfer, Carl: Krey, James M., Sen. Robert C. Smith National Eye Institutes, HHS Krimm, Richard W., Federal Emergency Manage-National Institute of Health, HHS ment Agency Kupferer, Eugene A., Immigration and Naturaliza-Krinsky, Paul L., Maritime Administration, Trans-tion Service, Justice portation Kurin, Richard, Smithsonian Institution.. Kripowicz, Robert S., Appropriations Committee Kursh, Gail, Antitrust Division, Justice .. Krips, Richard J., Justice Management Division, Jus-Kurtz, Amy, Small Business Committee tice Kurtz, Michael J., National Archives and Records Kriskovich, David J., Office of the Attorney Gener-Administration al, Justice Kurtzweg, Jerry A., Environmental Protection Kristensen, Chris O., International Trade Adminis-Agency tration, Commerce Kurz, Robert J., Government Operations Committee Kristoff, Sandra J., Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Kuser, Eugene, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-Affairs, State ices Kristy, Jack, Office of Inspector General, Education. Kush, David, Rep. Christopher H. Smith Krizan, Gerald F., Team 21, Labor Kusic, Marta, Office of Policy, Labor Kroll, Stephen R., General Counsel, Treasury Kusnet, David, Communications, Office of the Presi-Kron, Marc, Export Administration, Commerce.. dent Kronheim, Jonathan, Office of Policy, Labor Kutcher, James A., Public Works and Transporta-Krosby, Quincy M., International Monetary Fund tion Committee Kroshus, J. Gerald, Administration, Agriculture.. Kutscher, Ronald E., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Krueger, John, Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr Labor 1274 Congressional Directory Page Kwast, Myron L., Board of Governors of the Feder-al Reserve System Kyl, Jon (Representative from Arizona): Armed Services Committee Biography Government Operations Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Study Committee Standards of Official Conduct Committee Kyle, Birdie, Rep. Nick Rahall 11 Kyle, Frederick W., American Red Cross Kyle, Mary J., Armed Services Committe Kyle, Robert D., National Economic Council, Office of the President L L'Heureux, Robert D., Office of the Special Counsel L’Hevreux, Richard J., Chief of Staff, Air Force....... La Grone, Joe B., Major Field Organizations, Energy La Hood, Ray, Rep. Robert H. Michel La Montagne, John, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS La Torre, Donna, Foreign Affairs Committee .. LaBerge, Cheryl, Smithsonian Institution LaFalce, John J. (Representative from New York): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group.... Small B Committee LaHood, Ray, Office of the Republican Leader... 617, 618 LaJeunesse, Ross, Democratic Leadership 612 Lakich, Duane, Public Works and Transportation Committee LaPlace, Jean, Rep. William J. Jefferson LaRocco, Chris, Congressional Club LaRocco, Larry (Representative from Idaho): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Natural Resources Committee 455 LaRoche, David A., International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 1014 LaRocque, Lawrence J., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board LaVecchia, Louis G., Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission LaVelle, Richard C. (Casey), General Accounting Office LaVigne, Andy, Rep. Charles T. Canady LaWare, John P., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System LaZelle, Azis, Office of Public Affairs, HHS........ 803, Labuda, Laurie, Cabinet Affairs, Office of the Presi- dent Lacey, Daniel J., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor... Lacey, Edward, U.S. Arms Control and Disarma- ment Agency Lacey, Steve, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Com- mittee... Lachance, Janice, Office of Personnel Management... Lachmann, David, Rep. Jerrold L. Nadler Lack, James J., National Commission for Employ- ment Policy Lackey, Miles: Office of the Majority Whip Rules Committee Lackey, William D., Jr., Office of the Secretary. Lackland, Melanie M., National Commission for Em-ployment Policy Laclonen, William F., Jr., Central Imagery Office, Defense Lacovara, Mark, Office of the Secretary Ladd, Florence Cawthorne, Smithsonian Institution .. Ladd, Thomas, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee Laden, Ben E., Assistant Secretary for Policy Devel- opment and Research, HUD Lader, Philip, Office of Management and Budget Lafauci, Tom, Speaker of the House of Representa- tives Lafferty, James, Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett Lafferty, John L., Office of Personnel Management... Lafferty, Linda A., Federal Labor Relations Author- ity Lagomarsino, Bartley A., Defense Independents Schools, Defense Lagomarsino, Robert J., Mexico-Uniied States Inter-parliamentary Group Laine, Mitchell L., Office of Management and Budget/Chief Financial Officer, Education Lainhart, John W., 1V, Office of Inspector General, Transportation Laird, Melvin R., Smithsonian Institution Lake, Anthony, National Security Council Lako, Stefani, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Lam, Roger, Smithsonian Institution Lamb, Deborah, Finance Cc i Lamb, Denis, Organization for Economic Coopera- tion and Development Lamb, James S., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts... Lamb, Robert J., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Lamb, Robert, Jr., Community Relations Service, Justice Lambe, Patricia A., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Lambert, Blanche M. (Representative from Arkan- sas): Agriculture Committee Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Lambert, Gregory Lee, Merchant Marine and Fish- eries Committee Lamberth, Polly A., Rep. H. Martin Lancaster Lamberth, Royce C., United States District Court for the District of Columbi Lambertson, Ronald E., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Lambird, Elizabeth G., Foreign Relations Committee Lambis, Barbara L., Office of Administration, Com- merce Lamboley, Nicole, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee Lamer, Ouida R., Rep. Cynthia McKinney Lammers, Carrie, Republican Policy Committee Lammon, Robert E., Office of Government Ethics... Lamontagne, Robert H., Assistant Secretary for Fi- nancial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Lampen, David A., United States Court of Federal laims Lampmann, John, Rep. Lamar Smith Lancaster, H. Martin (Representative from North Carolina): Armed Services Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Small B Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Lancaster, Sam, Rep. J. Dennis Hastert Lancaster, Theodore, Office of the Sergeant at Arms Lanciotti, Giulio, International Monetary Fund Land, E. Waverly, U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, HHS Landau, Jean-Pierre: International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- opment International Monetary Fund Landberg, Erika, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Lande, Jeff, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Landefeld, John S., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Lander, Walter J., Office of Water and Science, In- terior Landers, John J., General Services Administration .... Landers, John, Office of Personnel Management Landes, Steve, Rep. Robert W. (Bob) Goodlatte Landis, Andrew, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Ce ; Landon, Bruce, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Landon, Michelle R., Foreign Relations Committee... Lane, Brian J., Securities and Exchange Commission. Lane, David, National Economic Council, Office of the President Lane, Diane, Senate Radio and Television Gallery .... Lane, Howard M., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Name Index 1275 Lane, Jeff, Sen. Jim Sasser Lane, John J., Securities and Exchange Commission. Lane, Ken, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbel Lane, Kevin, Sen. Paul D. Welistone............ Lane, Mary Ellen, Smithsonian Institution Lane, Robert A., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Lane, Robert, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard............ccccoeernueeeene Lang, John, Environment and Natural Resources Di- vision, Justice Lang, Victor, Judiciary Committee ..........ccccoureruruennenn. Langan, Michael D., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury Langan, Michael, Special Committee on Aging Lange, Kenneth, Regional and Field Offices, HUD .. Lange, Robert, Judiciary Committee............ccoevurerennene Langenfeld, Cherri, Major Field Organizations, Energy Langenfeld, James A., Federal Trade Commission..... Langer, Mark J., United States Court of Appeals....... Langley, Robert K., U.S. Capitol Police.............. ae Langworthy, Audrey H., American Red Cross........... Lanich, J. Stevens, Natural Resources Comnmittee...... Lanoue, Alcide M., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Lansing, Mary, Rep. George Miller Lanthier, Claude, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Lantos, Tom (Representative from California): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Foreign Affairs Committee Government Operations Committee ............cccovueuenene United States Holocaust Memorial Council . Lanza, Sara H., Foreign Relations Committee Lanzone, Deborah, Natural Resources Committee Lape, Dave, Assistant Secretary for Financial Man- agement, Army Lapp, Douglas, Smithsonian Institution........................ Large, William, Inter-American Development Bank .. Large, William, Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Larkin, Barbara, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, State. Laro, David, United States Tax Court.........c.cecoereueneee Larocque, Ruth, Sen. Russ Feingold............. Larrabee, Shannon, Rep. Michael Huffington. Larsen, Dick, Rep. Jennifer Dunn ...........cccoevvevcreruennee Larson, James A., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Larson, James B., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Larson, Keith, Federal Communications Commission Larson, Leon N., Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Larson, Peter A., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board..... Larson, Richard 'c., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Larson, Richard E., Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, Labor Larson, Richard G., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Larson, Richard L., Appropriations Committee.......... Larson, Richard L., Federal Maritime Commission.... Lasch, Ronald W., Floor Assistants to the Minority .. Lasker, Cynthia, Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs Committee Lasker, Mrs. Albert, Smithsonian Institution............... Laskowski, Stanley L., Environmental Protection Agency Lassila, Arlene Y., Rep. Bob Stump... Laster, Gail, Judiciary Committee ..........c.ccoerereeruennae. Lastres, Julio, International Finance Corporation Latimer, Allie B.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... General Services Ad Latimer, Mary, Ways and Means Committee Latshaw, Paula A., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Lattanzi, Franklin L., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Lattimore, Patricia W., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Lauber, John K., National Transportation Safety Board Lauchs, Manfred, United Nations..............ccccecvuveveruennnne Laucournet, Robert, North Atlantic Assembly Laudato, George, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Page Lauder, Ronald S., United States Holocaust Memori-al Council Lauderback, Margaret, National Republican Senato- rial Committee Lauffer, George W., Armed Services Committee Laughlin, Alexander M., Smithsonian Institution........ Laughlin, Greg (Representative from Texas): Biography Board of Visitors to the Military Academy Congressional Sunbelt Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .. Post Office and Civil Service Commiittee......... Public Works and Transportation Committee Laughlin, Keith E., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Laughter, Robert C., American Battle Momuments Ph Katharine, Naval Computer and Tele-communications Command, Nav Laurence, L. Earl, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS Laurini, Kathleen, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lauro, Mario A, Jr, Office of Inspector General, Transportation Lautenbacher, C., Jr., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense.. Lautenberg, Frank R. (Senator from New Jersey): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Democratic Policy Committee Environment and Public Works Committee............. United States Holocaust Memorial Council Lauve, Ronald, General Accounting Office .... Lauver, Jean, Environment and Public Works Com- mittee Laux, Wolfgang, International Monetary Fund........... Lavach, Beth, Rep. Tillie Fowler...............c....... “io, Lavell, Bill, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior.. Lavender, Larry, Rep. Spencer Bachus Laverty, Jessica, Energy and Commerce Committee . 440 Laverty, Lyle, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Laverty, Raymond P., Panama Canal Commission..... Lavik, A. Roy, Commodity Futures Trading Com- mission Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa J., Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Law, Steven J., Sen. Mitch McConnell........................ Law, Tara S., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Lawing, Jacqueline M., Assistant Secretary for Com- munity Planning and Development, HUD Lawler, Harriet, Ways and Means Committee Lawler, Lisa, Judiciary Committee Lawler, Mary Beth, Joint Committee on Printing ...... Lawler, Patrick J., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Lawrence, Carmen J., Securities and Exchange ce or Lawrence, Cathleen, U.S. Arms Control and Disar- mament Agency Lawrence, Jacob, Smithsonian Institution.................... Lawrence, Jane W., Office of the Law Revision Counsel Lawrence, Jeff, National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration 888 Lawrence, John, Natural Resources Committee... 456, 457 Lawrence, Lena, Agriculture Cc 422 Lawrence, Lou, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Lawrence, Michael, Office of the Special Counsel ..... Lawrence, Patricia A., Rep. Tim Valentine................. Lawrence, Rhoda G., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Lawrence, William, Assistant Secretary for Enforce. ment, Treasury Lawson, Arthuro, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Lawson, Carl D., Federal Communications Commis- sion 1276 Congressional Directory Page Lawson, Elizabeth (Libby), Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia...... 1000 Lawson, Joel, Rep. Bill Orton..........cccoueueiuciererneriiennn. 306 Lawson, Lionel, Speaker of the House of Represent- LL A A I ATR A Lawson, Patricia R., U.S. Railroad Retirement OAT scent ie snr carastiariite iaaisaontrsnnosgrinsmmennsssvanisretaPe 938 Lawson, Rosa Olivia, Inter-American Development TL SC I IRR Ron 1006 Lawson, Sharon, Securities and Exchange Commis IA SRI oOo) 913 Lawson, William E., Services...ate. 621 oa Lawson, William S., Patent and Trademark Office, Bu A A I Bere Wh Fen 789 Lawton, Coyeen R., Office of Administration and Management, Labor. a RD ni 797 Lawton, Mary C., Office of the Attorney General, Justice... i RSE be a Th eid 726 Lawton, Robert, Office of Land and Minerals Man-agement, Interior... 3h alanis 757 Lawver, Kelly, Federal Communications Commis-SION ns a llaedad 873 Lax, Mitchell D., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation 845 Lay, Kenneth L., President’s Export Council.............. 566 Laychak, Robert L., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 698 Layfield, Donald, General Services Administration... 883 Layne, George R., Congressional Award .........cc.co..... 549 Layne, Kingsley, Organization of American States.... 1020 Layton, John C., Office of the Secretary, Energy... 847 Lazio, Rick A. (Representative from New York) Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 197 Budget Committee 433 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Le Bouder, Jean-Pierre, International Bank for Re- construction and Development .............ccccvvennnnenns 1009 LeBlanc, Erik, Senate Radio and Television Gallery. 1094 LeBlanc, W.H. “Trey”, 111, Postal Rate Commission. 909 LeFevre, Peter G., Office of the Law Revision Counsel 623 LeGrand, Robert B., Rep. Dean A. Gallo................... 190 LeMay, Brian W.J., Smithsonian Institution.. . 924 LeMunyon, Glenn, Rep. Tom DeLay..........cccccvonnena. 298 LeNoue, Marvin, Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior 757 LePire, Ernie, Office of the Secretary............cccrurinene 613 LeRoy, Catherine A., Judiciary Committee 451 LeTendre, Mary Jean, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Education ...........c.ccceevuneene. 852 LeVander, Harold, Jr., American Red Cross ............. 859 LeVine, Gary T., Regional and Field Offices, HUD.. 832 Leach, David, Energy and Commerce Committee.... 440 Leach, James A. (Representative from lowa): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... 558 Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography Congressional Arts Caucus... Foreign Affairs Committee Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition. Leaf, Howard W., Chief of Staff, Air Force.... Fi League, Michael R., Smithsonian Institution ............. y Leahy, Patrick J. (Senator from Vermont): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............. Appropriations Committee Biography Environmental and Energy Study Conference........ Judiciary Committee Leahy, William P., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Leamond, Nancy, Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive Leary, Bill, Environment and Public Works Com- mittee Lease, Kenneth A., Office of Personnel Management Leasure, Charles E., Jr., National Institute of Envi- ronmental Health Sciences, HHS Leath, Charles L., United States Court of Federal Claims Leatherman, Linda, Rep. Ed Pastor..........ccoceevvvnenns Leavens, Carolyn D., U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency Leavy, David, Communications, Office of the Presi-dent Leavy, Edward, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Lebbon, Anne P., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Lebowitz, Alan D., Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Labor Lecky, Laura, Small Business Committee.................... Leder: Paul A., Securities and Exchange Commis- Lede Joshua, Office of Technology Assess-ment Ledvina, Thomas, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Lee, Anna, Library of Congress Lee, B. Glen, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture.......... Lee, Betty, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Lee, Carol S., Export-Import Bank of the United 1 RMI fe Se NL SORE 7 TE Lee, Charles F., Veterans’ Affairs Committee Lee, Clarence A., Jr., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts......... Lee, David C., Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Treasury........ : Lee, Deborah R., Reserve Affairs, Defense................. Lee, Deidre A., National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration Lee, Duane R., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Lee, Ed, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee . Lee, Eileen, Science, Space, and Technology Com- mittee Lee, Janice Dunn, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Lee, Joan C., Liaison Offices Lee, Kenneth, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice......... Lee, Lily, Regional and Field Offices, HUD............... Lee, ave Executive Agencies, District of Colum- Lee, Senin R., Public Health Service, HHS................ Les, Richard D., Securities and Exchange Commis- is” Richard. Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS Lee, Sammy, President’s Council on Physical Fitness Sports Lee, Sherman E., Smithsonian Institution.................... Lee, Thomas J., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lee, Woody, Liaison Offices Lee, Young-Hoi, International Monetary Fund........... Leed, Mauren, Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus Leeder, Fred, Office of Information, Navy... Leeds, Lydia Gardner, Office of Policy, Labo ol Leese, William, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Leeth, B. Timothy, Appropriations Committee........... Leffler, Samuel A., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Lefkowitz, Bonnie, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Lefrancois, Ronald, Rep. Nancy L. Johnson............... Legendre, Rick, Rep. Bob Livingston Legowski, Margaret, Peace Cor Lehman, Richard H. (Representative from Califor- nia): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee............ccoeerrirrnnnes Natural Resources Committee Lehman, Robert, Rep. Larry Combest........ Lehman, Robert, Small Business Committee Lehman, William, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Lehner, Lee Ann, Appropriations Committee............. Lehner, Thomas J., Sen. Charles S. Robb.................... Lehr, Dennis J., Administrative Conference of the United States Lehrman, Robert: Office of the Majority Whip Smithsonian Institution Leibowitz, Jon, Judiciary Committee..........ccccoecvrrernenne Leigh, Fredric H., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Leighton, Mark, Standing Committee of Press Pho-tographers Leik, Charles A., Export-Import Bank of the United States Name Index Page Leiter, David J., Sen. John F. Kerry......c.ccccocovuunirurun 139 Leites, Justin, President's Commission on White House Fellowships 910 Leiva, Antonio Escalante, Organization of American States 1019 Leland, Joyce F., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 998 Leland, Walter T., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation 838 Lelchook, Jerry, Office of Administration and Man-agement, Labor 797 Lemaster, Sheri, Office of the Republican Leader-...... 618 Lemen, Richard A., Public Health Service, HHS....... 813 Lemire, Jacqueline, Office of Community Services, HHS 808 Lemmon, Dave, Rep. Bill Orton 306 Lemon, Clarence, Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 773 Lemons, Judith K., Rep. Nancy Pelosi ..........ccccuuee 23 Lempesis, Charles P., Office of the Nuclear Waste Coordinator 900 Lenfant, Claude J.M., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS 818 Lenkin, Melvin, Smithsonian Institution 923 Lennon, Max, Office of Technology Assessment........ 639 Lennon, Peter D., Appropriations Committee... 389 Lent, Barbara, Congressional Club................ 560 Lentz, Thomas, Smithsonian Institution ...............c...... 922 Leon, A. Cynthia, Regional and Field Offices, HUD. 833 Leon, Cynthia, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 995 Leon, Sonia, Health Resources and Services Admin-istration, HHS Leon-Portilla, Miguel, Smithsonian Institution............ Leonard, David, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Leonard, Denise, International Finance Corporation. 1014 Leonard, George M., Natural Resources and Envi-ronment, Agriculture 776 Leonard, Kathy, Finance Committee ............ccccoevevueenen Leonard, Paul, Rep. Michael N. Castle..........c.c.ccucue. Leonard, Veronica, Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy Leonardo, Thomas, House Information Systems -Leonaro, Paula, Rep. Douglas Applegate.................... Leone, Joseph, Export Administration, Commerce .... 785 Leong, Edward, Office of the Legislative Counsel..... 623 Leong, Nancy, Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega .............. 337 Leperi, Karin A., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 773 Lepler, Alicia, Rep. Peter Deutsch.........ccccouevvruernnnen. 73 Lepow, Susan G., Environmental Protection Agency 864 Lepper, Susan, Joint Economic Committee................. 488 Lerman, Miles, United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Lerner, Charles, Pension and Welfare Benefits Ad-ministration, Labor 796 Lerner, Theodore N., United States Holocaust Me-mMOrial. Council. cou... iiss msmintiigb 929 Leroy, David H., Office of the Nuclear Waste Coor-GIRO 20 sara sess sis tonite Ls AH shTha 900 Leroy, David J., Drug Enforcement Administration, JOSUCE hi iii fis ri a evs ve 735 LesStrang, Dave, Rep. Jerry Lewis.........cccoovninnns 42 Leshy, John: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 855 Natural Resources Committee ’ Office of the Secretary, Interior Lesnick, Keith, Merchant Marine and Fisheries COMMER .oo.ivisnnivisiissivviips inate be sarssiins savings ts 454 Lester, Robert, Executive Agencies, District of Co-IID ets he ais a cdunras sess baviiriire Rinne vir rca vase vitaiinn 996 batons Letendre, Carol H., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HES 5... 20 niin di geastensstsossnn 819 Lett, Winston, Judiciary Committee... 407 Leu, Jodie A., Rep. Peter Barca 329 Leutbecker, Kenneth, Community Relations Service, Justice... intiivrisrass 751 Levens, Esther H., United States Holocaust Memori- 12 80 i ER SR VR 929 Leventhal, Carl M., National Institute of Neurologi- cal Disorders and Stroke, HHS ............ccccecveinenn. 822 Leventhal, Kenneth, Budget Committee....................... 433 Leverenz, Ruth A., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 839 Levering, Mary B., Library of Congress...........cceucu. 637 Leverone, Richard, Office of Personnel Management 903 Levesque, J. Michael, National Commission for Em- ployment Policy 554 Levin, Carl (Senator from Michigan): Armed Services Committee Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... Biography Frankiin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. Governmental Affairs Committee Senate Arms Control Observer Group.........c.ccceueuee. Small Busi Committee Levin, Daniel L., Office of the Secretary, Education. Levin, Joseph A., Federal Communications Commis- Sion Levin, Ronald I., International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce Levin, Sander M. (Representative from Michigan): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Democratic Study Group Ways and Means Committee Levin, Stephen, Governmental Affairs Committee..... Levine, Arnold, Office of Policy and International Affairs, Transportation Levine, Arthur S., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS Levine, Lynn I, U.S. International Trade Commis- sion Levine, Mitchell, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas-ury Levine, Robert D., Assistant Secretary of the Treas-ury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treas-ury Levine, Susan B., Assistant Secretary for Interna- tional Affairs, Treasury 681 Levine-Kamis, Tali, Budget Committee............cc.coeuu. 433 Levins, B. Mike, National Transportation Safety Board Levinson, Daniel R., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Levinson, Peter J., Judiciary Committee...........ccocueune. 450 Levinson, Richard Alan, Executive Agencies, Dis- trict of Columbia Levitsky, Melvyn, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters, State Levitz, Kathleen B., Federal Communications Com- mission Levy, Alan D., Smithsonian Institution...........ccccoeceene. Levy, David A. (Representative from New York): Biography Foreign Affairs Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Levy, Doug, Rep. Jolene Unsoeld................c...... Levy, Merrill, Appropriations Committee Levy, Michael B., Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury .... Lew, jacob J. (Jack), National Service, Office of the President................2 Lewandowski, Ron, National Credit Union Adminis- HEATION is ise ovis idea tas cost sede t sss ars Lewinsohn, Jodie, U.S. Information Agency............... Lewis, Carolyn B., Securities and Exchange Com- Lewis, Daniel N., Indian Affairs Committee Lewis, Daniel, Administration on Children, Youth, and"Families, HHS 0.0 i vi cssnerssennrsive Lewis, David Levering, Smithsonian Institution Lewis, David N., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Lewis, David, Office of Personnel Management Lewis, Elnora E., Liaison Offices...........cooccecviuuenns Lewis, Emanuel Raymond, Office of the Clerk Lewis, Eugene, Export Administration, Commerce... Lewis, Helen, Rep. Patsy Mink Lewis, Jerry (Representative from California): Appropriations COmMMmIttee..........occvivvrmvireeiininreniinnnns Biography Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... Executive Agencies, District of Co- Lewis, John (Represen BIOZIaPRY iv... os ariirnss arshiere maim iia hesitant ans an iiapniss sss Congressional Human Rights Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ District of Columbia Committee Ways and Means Committee Lewis, Lorraine, Governmental Affairs Committee.... Lewis, Maxine, Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture... 1278 Congressional Directory Page Lewis, Mike, Rep. Terry Everett 4 Lewis, Norris, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS . 816 Lewis, Patrick Albert, Organization of American States 1019 Lewis, R.W.B., Smithsonian Institution 924 Lewis, Renee, Indian Affairs Committee ..................... 405 Lewis, Reta, Political Affairs, Office of the President 670 Lewis, Robert J., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Lewis, Samuel W., Deputy Secretary, State... wo. 676 Lewis, Sherman L Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 777 Lewis, Sydney, Smithsonian Institution 921 Lewis, Terry, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Lewis, Theresa, Executive lumbia Lewis, Thomas L., Clinical Lewis, Timothy K., United for the Federal Circuit Lewis, Tom (Representative Agriculture Committee Biography Congressional Award 808 Agencies, District of Co- 995 Center, HHS .................... 822 States Courts of Appeals 946 from Florida): Republican Policy Committee .............ccocevvnrruniuennnes Science, Space, and Technology Committee Lewis, William H., Offices, Boards, and Commis-sions, District of Columbia 1000 Lewis, William, Federal Communications Commis-sion 869 Lewkowski, Edward A., Securities and Exchange Commission 914 Ley, Jane S., Office of Government Ethics.. 900 Leyden, Andrew P., Rep. Alfred A. (Al) McCand- less 44 Leyden, Brian S., Smithsonian Institution.................... 923 Leydon, James, Rep. Richard E. Neal ............cccceu.e. 140 Leyton, Stacy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission 553 Lezy, Normand G., Chief of Staff, Air Force... 720 Lezy, Prudence, Office of Legislation and Congres- sional Affairs, Education 850 Li, George S., Federal Communications Commission 871 Liang, W. Walter, American Red Cross .........ccuun.e. 859 Liansheng, Wang, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 010 Libertucci, Arthur J., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury 684 Licht, Renee, Federal Communications C ommission.. 870 Lichtenstein, Harvey, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities..................... 895 Lichtman, Marshall A., American Red Cross.............. 859 Lidsky, Michael, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture............ 773 Lidz, Theodore J., Administrative Office of the U. 5. 60T L ROR A EA SEN Cr Re EOP 991 Lieber, J. Hilary: House Administration Committee ............c.ccovueviveennen 448 Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. .. 485 Lieber, Joe, Republican Policy Committee.................. 418 Lieber, Margery E., National Labor Relations Board 897 Lieber, Sheila M., Civil Division, Justice..........c........ 729 Lieberman, Carolyn, Office of Thrift Supervision, rarivissansromasares 687 DTC aASUTY ir isin stanton anna daa s doamortonsinres Lieberman, Evelyn, First Lady’s Office, Office of RHE President. sis srrimins apis mss rations 669 eiarsivrster Lieberman, James, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission 934 Lieberman, Joseph I. (Senator from "Connecticut): Armed Services Committee ..............oocuervnssrnnnserensnes 391 BIOTADRY i ievsereesvers rey Pints Fuagessissisanraseioisig angst srstavis 54 Environment and Public Works Committee............. 398 Governmental Affairs Committee ............ 2403 Small Business Committee...............ooiienmmsoreros 410 Lieberman, Ronald D., Inspector General, Com- merce 781 Lieberman, Unice, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President............ 669 Liebman, Joseph I., Civil Division, Justice pen 729 Liebman, Martin D., Federal Communications Com- mission......... A TK Lief, Eric, Foreign Affairs Committee ............ccccoceuueee 444 Liesman, Diane: Office of the Republican Leader 617 Rep. Robert H. Michel 100 Liétard, Philippe, International Finance Corporation . 1012 Liff, Diane R., Office of the General Counsel, Trans- portation Lifset, Nancy, Rep. Curt Weldon. ...........cccocevvniiinvinnnen. Lightfoot, Jim (Representative from Iowa): Appropriations Committee Biography Lightfoot, William, Council of the District of Co- lumbia Liikala, Michael, Export Administration, Commerce . Lilja, Janice, Food and Consumer Services, Agricul- ture Lilley, John R., II, Federal Emergency Management Agency Lilley, Justin, Energy and Commerce Committee Lilly, Leon, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Lilly, Sally, Smithsonian Institution.........c..cc.ecvvecenueee Lilly, Scott, Democratic Study Grou Lim, David, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, HHS Lim, Jeanette, Office of Civil Rights, Education Lincoln, Michel, Indian Health Service, HHS............. Lindberg, Donald A.B., National Library of Medi- cine, HHS Lindburg, John A., Board for International Broad-casting Lindeman, David C., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- poration Linder, Dennis G., Civil Division, Justice ...........c....... Linder, John (Representative from Georgia): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography National Republican Congressional Committee....... Science, Space, and Technology Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Lindholm, Mary Lou, Office of Personnel Manage- ment Lindquist, Stephanie, Small Business Committee......... Lindquist, William F., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Lindsay, Hope L., Post Office and Civil Service Committee Lindsay, Robert E., Tax Divison, Justice Lindsey, Alfred W., Environmental Protection Agency Lindsey, Bruce, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President... ausui iia nna Lindsey, David E., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System............ Lindsey, Lawrence B.: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. a AR Ne hood Reinvestment Corporation Lindsey, S. Mark, Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation Lindsey, Virginia O., Science, Space, and Technolo-ZY COMMIRER. i iessisiiornianterinnsstanctantiionss arate Lindstrom, Peter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. ..c.c.ciueenre Lineberger, Joe G., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ- Linhardt, Arnold Ek, on Eliot L. Engel Linhares, Alfonso B., Maritime Administration, Transportation Link, James, Republican Leadership Link, Krzysztof, International Monetary Fund mittee Rn NIE LR PR OAT Si Re Link, Victoria, Office of the Republican Whip ........... Linkins, Barbara, Office of Technology Assessment... Linn, Johannes, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Linn, Peter C., Drug Enforcement Administration, JUSHCE. or on pa Ee Linn, Robert G., Jr., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force... Linster, Richard L., General Accounting Office......... Lionetti, Donald M., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Lipford, Vivian, Ren: Charlie’ ROSE J. cicsci corsassiosunss Lipinski, WilliamO. (Representative from Illinois): Biography.. Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade-m Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. Name Index 1279 Public Works and Transportation Committee Lipka, Douglas A. Environmental Protection Agency Lipman, Deborah S., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Lipovac, Kathleen A., Armed Services Committee... Lipson, Gerald, Foreign Affairs Committee Lipton, Karen S., American Red Cross Liskov, Adele, Rep. Carrie P. Meek Lister, James M., Assistant Secretary for Internation- al Affairs, Treasury Litman, Harry, Office of the Attorney General, Jus- tice Litt, Nahum, Office of the Secretary, Labor Littig, Jim, Assistant Secretary for Research, Devel- opment, and Acquisition, Army Littig, Melvin J., Liaison Offices Little, Charles P., Inspector General, Treasury Little, James R., Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture Little, Janna, Rep. Bill K. Brewster. Littlefield, Nick, Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee Littlejohn, Jon, National Republican Senatorial Committee Littlejohn, Norman W., Federal Maritime Commis- sion Littman, Drew, Sen. Barbara Boxer Littrel, Warren E., Bureau of Administration, State... Liu, Ben-Chieh, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Livingston, Bob (Representative from Louisiana): Appropriations Committee Biography Environmental and Energy Study Conference House Administration Committee National Republican Congressional Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Study Committee Livingston, Bonnie, Congressional Club Livingston, Donald R., Equal Employment Opportu-nity Commission Livingston, George E., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Livingston, Jack, General Services Administration .... Livingston, Linda, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Livingston, Marshall, Agriculture Committee Livingston, Shelly S., Foreign Affairs Committee Llewellyn, Adam L., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Llewellyn, Neil S., Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Llewellyn, Pascoe, Assistant Secretary for Interna-tional Affairs, Treasury Lloyd, David, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Lloyd, Douglas S., Health Resources and Services 2 Administration, HHS Lloyd, Gary, Securities and Exchange Commission... Lloyd, Marilyn (Representative from Tennessee): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Congressional Textile Caucus Science, Space, and Technology Committee Lloyd, Shirley, Office of the Secretary, Interior Lloyd, Virginia N., Employment and Training Ad-ministration, Labor Lloyd, W. Lindsay, III, Rep. Randy (Duke) Cun- ningham Lobisco, Mary, Rep. Paul B. Henry Lobo, Paul A. Public Works and Transportation Committee Locher, James R., Policy, Defense Lock, Judith H., Foreign Claims Settlement Com- mission, Justice Lockard, Susan, Rep. Steve Horn Locke, Robert S., United States Naval Home Locken, Carl M., Jr, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury Lockhart, Annabelle T., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Lockhart, Robert E., Post Office and Civil Service Committee Lockman, Brian, Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries Page Lockskin, Michael, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS Lockwood, Jeffrey, Rules Committee 465 Lockwood, John W., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta-tion 838 Lockwood, Sheila R., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee 463 Lodyga, Patricia, Rep. Tim Roemer 104 Loe, Harald, National Institute of Dental Research, HHS Loeb, Bernard, National Transportation Safety ard Loeffler, Thomas A., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Loeffler, Winifred A., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Loftin, Sue, Rep. Charles T. Canady Loftis, Thomas H., Office of Personnel Management. Loftus, Robert E., National Credit Union Adminis- tration Loftus, Stephen F., Chief of Naval Operations Logan, Ann, Small B Committee Logan, James K., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Logan, John E., Executive Office for United States Trustees, Justice Logsdon, Justin L., Federal Maritime Commission Logue-Kinder, Joan, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury Loh, John M., Major Commands, Air Force Loizeaux, Joan L., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Loken, James B., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Lombard, Alan K., Assistant Secretary for Commu- nity Planning and Development, HUD Lombard, Edward E., Appropriations Committee Lombardi, Joseph E., United States Court of Inter- national Trade. Loney, Glenn E., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Long, David, Judiciary Committee Long, Ed, Appropriations Committee Long, Eileen, Rep. Susan Molinari.. Long, Gloria, Rep. John Conyers, Ir Long, James, E., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Long, Jane R., Rep. John T. Myers Long, Janis, Judiciary Committee Long, Jill L. (Representative from Indiana): Agriculture Committee Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Congressional Rural Caucus Veterans’ Affairs Committee Long, Lawrence J., Joint Committee on Printing Long, Lenwood, Rep. Eva Clayton Long, Mansel, Sen. Howell T. Heflin Long, Maureen, Education and Labor Committee Long, Meredith J., Smithsonian Institution........... Long, Michael, Rep. Romano L. Mazzoli Long, Oliver K., Federal Communications Commis- Long, William R., Office of the Clerk Longanecker, David A., Office of Postsecondary Education, Education Longano, Don, Ways and Means Committee Longest, Henry L., II, Environmental Protection Agency Longhurst, Frank, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Longino, Sharron, Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Longley, Bill, Rep. Charles W. Stenholm Longo, Dan L., National Cancer Institute, HHS Longo, Robert J., Office of Personnel Management... Longoria, Meli Budget Committee Longuemare, Noel, Acquisition and Technology, Defense Loomis, Liz, Rep. Robert G. Torricelli Loon, Doug, Sen. Arlen Specter Loon, Jenifer, Small Business Committee Lopatin, Alan, Education and Labor Committee......... Loper, William B., Liaison Offices Lopes, Fran, Office of Personnel Management Lopez, David, Rep. John T. Doolittle 1280 Congressional Directory Lopez, Eduard, Finance Committee..............c..cc.eeonn... Lopez, Edward F., U.S. Capitol Police.............c.co.e..... Lopez, Euguene, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Lopez, Felicia, Select Committee on Ethics................ Lopez, George M., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Lopez, Kenneth E., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Lopéz, Richard, Congressional Hispanic Caucus........ Lopez, Rose Ann, Secretary of State, State oe Lopina, Brian, Rep. Ernest J. Istook, J1.........ccccoeonu.e. Lorber, John G.: Chief of Staff, Air Force Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada- United States Lord, Leighton, Governmental Affairs Committee..... Lord, Patricia, Small Business Committee . Lord, Robert O., Inspector General, Treasury............ Lord, Winston: Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, State...... Japan-United States Friendship Commission............ Lorenz, Carl J., Public Works and Transportation Committee Lorenz, Laurence, Office of Personnel Management.. Lorenzen, Laura, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Lorenzo, June, Indian Affairs Committee.................... Lorie, Orlando L., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Lorigo, Sebastian L., Office of the Secretary, HUD .. Lorimer, James, President’s Council on Physical Fit- ness and Sports Loschialpo, Ralph, Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Lotarski, Susanne, International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Lott, Brian, Rep. Jerry F. Costello......c.c.cccecevnnrecinancne Lott, Bruce, Sen. Trent Lott Lott, Hardy, Office of the Republican Whip.............. Lott, Trent (Senator from Mississippi): Armed Services Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Air Force Academy.......... Budget Committee Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Conference of the Minority Energy and Natural Resources Committee.............. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Republican Leadership Republican Policy Committee ...........cccooevveiiniriunnenne Senate Arms Control Observer Group. ’ Lott, Tricia, Congressional Club......... Loube, Bob, Executive Agencies, Dis! bia Loud, Ted, Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr........cccccoevviviiiucnnnne Loughery, Lawrence F., U.S. Capitol Police............... Louizou, Thomas M., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation................. Lounsbury, Cheryl, Rep. Nancy L. Johnson............... Lourie, Alan D.: United States Court of Appeals..........cccccevverirrunnes United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Louthian, Robert C., Office of the Legislative Coun-sel Lovan, Robert W., Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture Love, Arthur M., III, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Education ............ccceceeerevinnes Love, Joe Betts, Legal Services Corporation. .............. Love, John L., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- merce Love, Laurence, Administration for Children and Families, HHS 06, Love, Margaret C., United States Marshals Service, Justice Lovejoy, Thomas E., Smithsonian Institution ............. Lovell, Charles N., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Lovell, Ellen McCulloch, Sen. PatrickJ. Leahy Lovesee, Al, Education and Labor Committee...... Lowas, Albert F., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force Lowe, Carl J., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor ....... Lowe, Carol Hill: Executive Agencies, District of Columbia ............... Page 401 626 913 413 861 745 560 722 1022 404 470 680 677 552 463 903 559 405 832 828 210 703 786 96 162 618 391 161 547 394 395 417 397 489 612 999 187 626 843 57 955 947 615 a! 851 889 89 808 748 920 716 801 999 Smithsonian Institution Lowe, Carrie, Sen. Robert F. Bennett.............cccoueuu... Lowe, Felix C., Smithsonian Institution............... Lowe, Jeanine Drysdale, Office of the Secretary... Lowe, Matt, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee Lowe, Richard B., Office of Personnel Management . Lowell, Judy, Rep. Scott Klug Lowenberg, William J., United States Holocaust Me- morial Council Lowengrub, Wendy, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Lowenthal, Andrew, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney . 4 Lowenthal, Mark M., Library of Congress.................. Lowenthal, TerriAnn, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Lowery, Joseph E., Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Lowey, Nita M. (Representative from New York): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Study Group. Lowrance, Sylvia K., Environmental Protection Agency Lowrey, Barbara R., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Lowrey, Bonnie M., Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Lowrey, Bonnie, Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Lowrie, Raymond, Office of Surface Mining, Recla- mation, and Enforcement, Interior.........cccccueeueenn. Loy, James M., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation... Loye, Benjamin, Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc n Lozano, Henry, Rep. Xavier Becerra...........c.ccceuvunne. Lozito, Paul F., Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Lubalin, Eve, Sen. Frank R. Lautenb Lubbers, Jeffrey S., Administrative Gontorence of the United States Lubeck, P. Terry, Antitrust Division, Justice.............. Lubenau, Joel O., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- Sion Lubick, Susan, Rep. John J. LaFalce Luca, Maggi, Rep. Leslie L. Byrne. ...........cccccceeuvuvennnens Lucas, C. Payne, African Development Foundation .. Lucas, Gerald R., Office of Administration, Com- merce Lucci, David D., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board..... Lucero, Joe, United States Marshals Service, Justice. Luchsinger, Donald W., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Luciano, George A., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation.................. Luckadoo, Tommy, Rep. Cass Ballenger... Lucke, Melinda, House Press Gallery ..........cccccueueuen. Luckern, Paul J., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion Lucyk, Christina L., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Luczak, Gary A., Rep. John J. LaFalce...................... Ludolph, Charles, International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Ludolph, Josephine, International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce L3786, 787 .......c.ccccevenervrrivnrunnns Ludwiczak, Robert J., Sen. Charles E. Grassley......... Ludwig, Eugene A.: Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury.................... Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation .... 2 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation. Ludwiszewski, Raymond B., Environmental Protec-tion Agency Luecke, Donald H., Division of Research Grants, HHS Lueckel, Robert G., Administration, Agriculture ....... Luedtke, Tom, National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration Lueiro, Lana, Rep. Sam Gibbons Luers, Wendy W., National Foundation on the Arts and the H Lufrano, Michael, Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President Lugar, Richard G. (Senator from Indiana): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee............ Name Index Biography Foreign Relations Committee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. National Republican Senatorial Committee Republican Policy Committee Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Arms Control Observer Group Luh, Melanie, Environmental Protection Agency Luke, John H., General Accounting Office Lullo, Margaret J., Internal Revenue Service, Treas-ury Lum, Max, Office of the Assistant Administrator, HHS Lunceford, Michael L., Congressional Award . Lund, Arlene, Rep. Paul McHale Lund, Paul L., U.S. Capitol Police Lundregan, Thomas J., Office of the Secretary Lundsager, Margrethe, Assistant Secretary for Inter-national Affairs, Treasury Lundy, John, Sen. Trent Lott Lunsford, Robert E., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Lunsford-Berry, Charlotte, American Red Cross Luoto, Joanne, Public Health Service, HHS Luparello, Stephen, Securities and Exchange Com- mission Lupberger, Kent E., International Finance Corpora-tion Lupo, Michael, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices Luskey, Charlene E.: Liaison Offices Office of Personnel Management Lussier, Norman V., AFIS, Defense Luther, William A., Federal Communications Com-mission Luton, Jean-Marie, European Space Agency Luttig, J. Michael, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Luttner, Mark A., Environmental Protection Agency Lutz, Dennis K., Appropriations Committee Lutz, Julie K., Securities and Exchange Commission. Lux, Roman, ‘Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Re-serve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Luxenberg, Mitchell A., International Trade Admin-istration, Commerce Luzzatto, Anne, Office of U.S. Trade Representative Lybarger, Jeffrey A., Office of the Assistant Admin-istrator, HHS Lyddane, William E., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Lydon, Thomas J., United States Court of Federal laims Lyford, John, Small Business Committee Lyle, James M., Army Staff and Selected Agencies... Lyles, David S., Armed Services Committee Lyman, Julia, Rep. Leslie L. Byrne Lymberopulos, Jorge, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Lynch, Dennis, Rep. Curt Weldon Lynch, Francis, Office of Management, HHS Lynch, Joseph B., Regional and Field Offices, HUD. Lynch, Joseph G., Office of the General Counsel, av Lynch, Kathleen, Small Business Committee Lynch, Mike, Rep. Gary A. Condit Lynch, Patricia, Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez.. Lynch, Patty, Appropriations Committee Lynch, Richard E., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Lynch, Stephen, Small Business Committee .. Lynch, Thomas E., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. Lynch, William S., Criminal Division, Justice Lyng, Paula, Rep. Harold L. Volkmer Lynn, John W., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-tion .- Lynn, John, Sen. J. Bennett Johnston .. Lynn, Joyce, Ways and Means Committee...... Lyon, George, Office of the General Counsel, HHS.. Lyon, Robert B., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Lyons, Clarence, National Archives and Records Administration Lyons, James R., Agriculture Committee Lyons, Jim: Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture .. Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Lyons, Matthew D., Energy and Commerce Com-mittee Lyons, Paul M., White House News Photographers’ Association Lyons, Samuel D., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board .. Lyons, Simcha G., United States Holocaust Memori-al Council Lyons, Tom, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee M MacBride, Douglas R., Government Printing Office.. MacDonald, Beverly, Sen. Daniel K. Inouye MacDonald, George, Permanent Joint Board on De- fense, Canada-United States MacDonald, Janice, Education and Labor Commit- tee MacDonald, Kathleen M., Bureau of Labor Statis-tics, Labor MacDonald, Roland L., International Trade Admin-istration, Commerce MacDonald, Susan H., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee MacDonnell, Vincent L., Smithsonian Institution MacGhee, David F., Chief of Staff, Air Force... MacGregor, Jennie, Budget Committee MacKinnon, George E., United States Court of Ap- als MacKinnon, Jeff, Rep. Joe Barton MacLeod, Bruce, International Finance Corporation. MacNeill, John J., Assistant Secretary for Installa- tions, Logistics and Environment, Army MacRae, C. Duncan, Assistant Secretary for Hous-ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Macaulay, James, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Macchiaroli, Michael A., Securities and Exchange Commission Macdonald, Gordon A., International Finance Cor- Macdonald, Janice W., Rep. William D. Ford Macdonald, Robert C., Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Macherey, Patricia, United States Marshals Service, Machiz, Marc I., Office of Policy, Labor Machol, Margot E., National Commission for Em-ployment Policy . Machtley, Ronald K. (Representative from Rhode Island): Armed Services Committee Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy.. Congressional Human Rights Caucus Government Operations Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Small B Committee Mack, Connie (Senator from Florida): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Joint Economic Committee.. National Republican Senatorial Committ Small Business Committee Mack, Priscilla, Congressional Club Mack, Robin, Rep. Bill Baker Mackaman, Frank H., National Archives and Records Administration Macke, R.C., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Mackey, John, Foreign Affairs Committee Mackey, Peter B., Federal Retirement Thrift Invest- ment Board we Sa Mackie, Bert H., U.S. Postal Service Mackie, Mark C., Rules and Administration Commit- Mackie, Philip L., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture Mackinnon, Glenn A., Office of the Secretary, Army Macklin, James E., Jr., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 1282 Congressional Directory Page Macrae, James B., Jr., Office of Management and Budget 7 Madans, Jennifer, Public Health Service, HHS........... 813 Madaus, Peter, Rep. Ron Klink 252 Maddage, Nick, Export Administration, Commerce... 784 Madden, Florence W., General Counsel, Air Force... 717 Madden, Kevin, National Republican Senatorial Committee 417 Mader, Dave, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury..... 687 Madia, Gina, Republican Leadership...........c..ccccooureuene. 612 Madigan, Brian F., Board of pT, of the Fed- eral Reserve System 860 Madigan, Kimberly A., National Mediation Board..... 897 Madison, Christopher, Foreign Affairs Committee ..... 443 Madison, Eva, Special Committee on Aging............... 414 Madison, Jack, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 718 Madison, Jerry, Rep. David R. Obey.......................... 332 Madfugs-Forti, Olga, Federal Communications mn 871 Madsen, Ronald, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch ......................... 304 Madson, Trish, Office of the Clerk...............ccccoevieuenn. 618 Maehlum, Jorunn, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 1009 Maes, Lorinda, Appropriations Committee.................. 426 Maffey, Alberto Jorge, Inter-American Defense Board 1006 Magarian, Lucia, Democratic Steering and Policy Committee 481 Magaw, John W., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury 684 Magaziner, Ira, Domestic Policy Council, Office of the President 668 Magee, Eamon M., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 816 Mager, Mimi, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis- trict of Columbia 994 Magill, Frank J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Magill, John P., Rep. Wally Herger ........ccc.ccecconunrnenn. Magill, Susan, Sen. John W. Warner. : Magner, Mary, Judiciary Committee Mago, Jane E., Federal Communications Commis- sion 870 Magrath, Timothy, House Administration Committee 448 Magrini, Ellen, Ways and Means Commiittee............... 476 Magruder, Kim M., Press Photographers’ Gallery ..... 1082 Maguire, Francis E., Jr., Comptroller of the Curren- cy, Treasury 686 Maguire, Mary Jane, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 478 Mahan, Clarence E., Environmental Protection Agency 866 Mahan, Roger, Rep. Wally Herger............cccocununnnennee 20 Mahaney, Edward, Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration 876 Mahen, Edward C., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force 713 Maher, Janei, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 996 Maher, William F., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Mahmassani, Maher S., International Finance Corpo- ration 1013 Mahn, Karleen, Rep. Jack Kingston...........ccccccueunnnne. 77 Mahon, Joseph J., U.S. Postal Service .........cccccoeuune.e. 937 Mahoney, Colleen P., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 912 Mahoney, J. Daniel, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Mahoney. John D., National Institute of Health, HHS 817 Mahy, Branchian W.J., Public Health Service, HHS.. 813 Maier, Heribert, International Labor Organization... 1015 Maier, Richard L., Bureau of the Census, Commerce 783 Mail, Norah Lucey, Rep. Henry A. Waxman.............. 35 Maillett, Louise E., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 839 Maines, Bonnie, Office of Personnel Management...... 902 Maioia, Joel, Sen. Judd Gregg 150 Maione-Pricci, Mary C., National Mediation Board ... Maisano, Frank, Rep. Toby Roth 3 Majkowski, Hollace, Administration, Agriculture....... Majkowski, Jesse, Marketing and Inspection Ser - ices, Agriculture 775 Makris, James L., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Malan, Edward M., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Page Malan, Pedro, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Maland, Ellen, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Malandrino, Paul, Inspector General, Air Force......... Malbin, Michael J., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ties. Malchow, Hal, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Malcom, Shirley M., Smithsonian Institution............... Maldon, Alfonso, Liaison Offices Maldon, Alphonse, Jr., Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Malec, William, Tennessee Valley Authority .............. Malecki, Eva, Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski........c.ccocevuiuneee Maletz, Herbert N., United States Court of Interna-tional Trade Maley, Leo, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Com-merce Malich, John F., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board...... Malila, James o, Office of Water and Science, Inte-rior Malin, Edward, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee ........... Mallet, Roger J., Office of Administration, Com-merce Mallett, Robert L., Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia Malley, Rewmeth C., Naval Sea Systems Command, Nav Mallory, Y Sivom C., Jr, Army Staff and Selected Agencies Malloy, Dwayne, Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Malone, Frank M., Assistant Secretary for Hous-ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ Malone, Leslie E., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Malone, Margaret, Finance Committee ..............c.oouuuee. Malone, Merrick T., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Maloney, Carolyn B. (Representative from New York): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Democratic Study Group. Government Operations Committee Maloney, Chris, House Press Gallery Maloney, Patrick W., Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Maloof, F. Michael, Defense Techology Security, Defense Malott, John R., Bureau of South Asian Affairs, State Malow, Richard N., Appropriations Committee ......... Malowney, Kathy, Judiciary Committee..........cocerveenene Malphrus, Stephen R., Board of Governois of the Federal Reserve System Mammen, Anil, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Mamula, Kristine I., Government Operations Com-mittee Manatt, Michele A.: Foreign Affairs Committee Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group..... Mancebo, Noel, International Monetary Fund ............ Mancher, Rhoda R., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs............ccccccueueen. Manchester, Joseph, Office -of ‘Management and Budget, HHS Mancjas; Joseph, Jr., National Capital Planning Mande, Gerald, Food and Drug Administration, HHS Mandel, Ruth B., United States Holocaust Memorial Council Mandel, Steven J., Office of Policy, Labor.................. Mandle, Roger: National Foundation on the Arts and the Human-ities. Smithsonian Institution Maness, Alan D., Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Maness, Ted, Rep. Jon Kyl Maney, J. Randolph, Jr., Tax Divison, Justice............ Mangan, Irene, Congressional Clearinghouse on the uture Name Index 1283 Page Page Mangano, Michael F., U.S. Office of Inspector Gen- Marbury, Martha G., Natural Resources and Envi- eral, ronment, Agriculture 777 Mangas, Rob, Democratic Leadership ...........cccevennen 612 | Marcalus, Vincent, Smithsonian Institution.................. 918 Mangels, John W., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- Marcantognini, Anne, Science, Space, and Technolo- ment, Treasury 683 gy Committee 468 Manger, Vada, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis- Marceca, Nathan A., Speaker of the House of Rep- trict of Columbia 994 resentatives 616 Manion, Daniel A., United States Courts of Appeals Marceca, Nathan, Democratic Steering and Policy for the Federal Circuit 946 Committee 481 Manis, Mark, Marketing and Inspection Services, Marcelino, Juan M., Securities and Exchange Com- Agriculture 775 mission 914 Manke, Joan, Rep. Patsy Mink 85 | Marchant, Byron F., Federal Communications Com- Mankin, Hart T., United States Court of Veterans mission 868 Appeals 989 | Marchesini, Colette Dawn: Manley, Audrey F., Public Health Service, HHS....... 809 | Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation ................... 565 Manley, James, Democratic Policy Committee........... 415 Rep. John P. Murtha 258 Manley, Martin, Office of American Workplace, Marchione, Mark, Democratic Policy Committee ...... 415 Labor 802 | Marcone, Paul P., Public Works and Transportation Mann, Chris, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- Cc i 464 mittee 453 | Marconi, Katherine, Health Resources and Services Mann, Curt, Agriculture Committee............cccceerrerurnne 422 Administration, HHS 816 Mann, David (Representative from Ohio): Marcos, David G., Office of the Secretary.................. 613 Armed Services Committee 427 , Deanna, Library of Congress... . 635 Biography 229 | Marcus, Karen, Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr................... 315 Judiciary Cc i 449 | Marcus, Laura, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mann, John L., Jr., Maritime Administration, Trans- Committee 393 portation 845 | Marcus, Michael J., Federal Communications Com- Mann, Michael D., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 872 mission 913 | Marcuss, Rosemary D., Congressional Budget Office 630 Mann, Paul, Energy and Natural Resources Commit- Marcy, Kristine, United States Marshals Service, tee 398 Justice 747 Mann, Susan O., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- Marder, Robert D., Social Security Administration, merce 789 HHS 826 Mannell, Stephen C., Chief of Staff, Air Force........... 720 | Margetich, Hannah, Rep. David Mann ..............c.cc...... 229 Manney, Richard, Smithsonian Institution ........cccuen.. 921 | Margheim, Gary A., Natural Resources and Envi- Manning, James, Office of Elementary and Second- ronment, Agriculture 777 ary Education, Education 852 | Margolies-Mezvinsky, Marjorie (Representative from Manning, Joan L., Rep. Jim Bunning 121 Pennsylvania): Manning, Nora, ACTION 855 | Biography 258 Mannino, Ernest, Education and Labor Committee.... 437 Energy and Commerce Cc 438 Manoogian, Richard, Smithsonian Institution............... 921 | Government Operations Committee ..............ccoeeeuueee 445 Mansager, David L., Office of the Judge Advocate Small Business Cc 469 General, Navy 706 | Margolis, David, Criminal Division, Justice ................ 730 Manser, Marilyn E., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Margolis, Lawrence S., United States Court of Fed- Labor 802 eral Claims 972 Mansfield, Harvey C., Jr., National Foundation on Margosian, Edward, Federal Transit Administration, the Arts and the Humanities .................... Transportation 844 Mansfield, John E., Armed Services Committ: Marianos, Donald W., Public Health Service, HHS... 813 Mansfield, Mike, Congressional Award Marigan, Lucia, Speaker of the House of Represent- Mansfield, Patricia, Post Office and Civil Service atives 616 Cc i 459 | Marinelli, Eduardo, Inter-American Defense Board... 1006 Mansker, Robert, House Administration Committee .. 448 | Marinelli, William A., Appropriations Committee ...... 427 Mansmann, Carol Los, United States Courts of Ap- Marino, Joseph A., Federal Communications Com- peals for the Federal Circuit..........c.cccoceurrieurererennne 946 mission 871 Mansour, Christopher J.: Marino, Roberto, International Monetary Fund.......... 1016 House of Representatives Page Board...................... Marion, James P., Small Business Commiittee.............. 470 Rep. Dale E. Kildee Marion, Jenny, Office of Personnel Management........ 901 Mansur, Manase, Natural Resources Committee Markendorff, Stephen, Federal Communications Mante, Tei, International Finance Corporation........... Cc ission 871 Mantel, Lewis, Office of Human Resources and Ad- Markett, Philip J., Government Printing Office........... 632 ministration, Veterans Affairs ..........cc.cccoeveverirueanne 854 Markey, Edward J., Commission on Security and Manton, Thomas J. (Representative from New Cooperation In Europe 550 York): Markey, Edward J. (Representative from Massachu- Biography 200 setts): Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade- Biography 143 my 548 Energy and Commerce Committee...........c.ceoernrnrnnne 438 Congressional Human Rights Caucus...........cccoeeeuee 561 Natural Resources Committee 455 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Markey, Howard Thomas, United States Court of Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Appeals 958 Energy and Commerce Committee... Markey, Mary Beth, Foreign Relations Committee.... 403 House Administration Committee ...... Markey, Thomas, Employee Standards Administra- Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commi tion, Labor 796 U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board...... 569 Markham, Carol, Permanent Joint Board on De- Manwarring, Hawley, Indian Affairs Committee........ 405 fense, Canada-United States 1022 Manzullo, Donald (Representative from Illinois): Markland, John J., Office of Personnel Management. 902 Biography 98 Markowitz, Jack N., Indian Health Service, HHS...... 823 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Marks, James S., Public Health Service, HHS ............ 812 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Marks, Marjorie, Office of Personnel Management .... 904 Small Business Committee 469 Marler, Joseph S., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Maples, Monica, Democratic Congressional Cam- Parks, Interior 755 paign Committee 480 Marlow, Robert T., Assistant Secretary for Financial Mapondo, Harry M., International Bank for Recon- Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 struction and Development 1010 Marquardt, Jeffrey C., Board of Governors of the Mapp, George, Executive Agencies, District of Co- Federal Reserve System 861 lumbia 997 Marquez, Elsa, Rep. Xavier Becerra...........ccccocevenerunnnn. 35 Marachi, Denis, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Marquis, Dave, National Credit Union Administra- Board 933 tion 1284 Congressional Directory Marr, Charles, Budget Committee ................ccceuenvnann. Marr, Naomi, Office of Information Systems/Child Support Information Systems, HHS Marrett, Cora B., National Science Foundation........... Marsh, Benjamin F., Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, Justice Marsh, Caryl G., Army Staff and Selected "Agencies . Marsh, Marilyn, "Education and Labor Committee Marsh, Robert, Rep. Peter1. Blute.................... Marshall, Beverly, Rep. Michael G. Oxley. Marshall, Bruce A., Executive Anica District of Columbia Marshall, Donald, Rep. Earl Ralph Pomeroy.............. Marshall, Donnie, Drug Enforcement Administra- HON, JUSTO oo. ies aribnse tales inte ror as Marshall, Era, Smithsonian Institution Marshall, James R., Environmental Protection Agency............. Marshall, John, Rules Committee Marshall, LaVera F., Federal Communications Com- mission Marshall, Lorena, Non-Legislative and Financial Services Marshall, Marian, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Marshall, Mary C., Appropriations Committee..... 389, Marshall, Richard D., Securities and Exchange Com- mission....... Marshall, Sally Kraus, Office of Personne! Manage-ment Marshall, Sherrie P., Federal Communications Com-mission Marshall, Susan B., Combined Airlines Ticket Of- fices (CATO) Marshall, Susanne, Governmental Affairs Committee Marshall, Thurgood, Jr.: Office of the Vice President 1 President of the Senate Marsland, Robert, Indian Health Service, HHS.......... Marson, Linda, Sen. Barbara Boxer.................... os Martel, Isabelle, International Monetary Fund Marti-Volkoff, Serge, Federal Communications Commission....... Martin, Bernard H., Office of Management and Budget Martin, Bob, Non-Legislative and Financial Services. 622 Martin, Boyce F., Jr., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Martin, Brian, Rep. Gene Taylor........ccoeeeiivicnieininnne Martin, Candace L., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Martin, Chris, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture Martin, Christina, Rep. Michael Huffington Martin, Dan E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sS10n Martin, Dave, Rep. Pat Williams Martin, Dawn V., Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Martin, Dolores, Joint Economic Committee Martin, Edward D., Armed Forces Retirement Home Martin, Edward, Office of Management and Budget, HHS Martin, Elizabeth A., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Martin, Elizabeth G., Sen. William V. Roth, Jr.......... Martin, Gail S., Rules and Administration Commit- tee Martin, George R., National Institute on Aging, HHS 820, 821 Martin, Gerald, Rep. Barbara B. Kennelly Martin, lan A., Congressional Award Martin, J. Allen, Rep. Bob Livingston Martin, Jack, Health Care Financing Administration, HHS Martin, James D., General Accounting Office ............ Martin, Jerry L.: National Archives and Records Administration National Foundation on the Arts and the Human-ities Martin, Jerry, Rep. Gene Taylor Martin, John B., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Martin, John C., Environmental Protection Agency.. Martin, John C., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- Page Martin, John L., Criminal Division, Justice................. 731 Martin, Josephine, Finance Committee............... LT 40] Martin, Linda A., Inspector General, Air Force... 719 Martin, Marsha, Office of the Secretary, HUD..... 828 Martin, Mary, Office of Civil Rights, HHS ................. 804 Martin, Maurice H., Joint Committee on Printing ...... 486 Martin, R. Michael, Natural Resources and Environ-menl A SHCUIIYe 4. rn tami aniis 777 Martin, Robert H., Office of the Secretary, HUD ...... 828 Martin, Robert L., Peace Corps........c..cesesecerssssnsenesss 907 Martin, Robert w., General Services Administra-HOR iis imiaiie sions se sideise tte renn renditis ss iotonse , 885 Martin, Robin B., Smithsonian Institution................... 923 Martin, Thomas T., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-MISSION .....coiildimiinnie 935 Martin-Crawford, Linda L., Community Relations Service, Justice TOE 751 Martinek, Mary, Rep. Steven Schiff........ccovvvnviiiennn 194 Martinez, Augusto Duran, Organization of American States 020 Martinez, Felix, Small Business Committee AT TEAS 470 Martinez, Matthew G. (Representative from Califor-nia): Biography 36 Congressional Human Rights Caucus ............c.coe..... 561 Education and Labor Committee...........c.ccocuvruvrnenaes 435 Foreign Affairs Committee . 442 Martinez, Milagros, Foreign Affairs Committee.......... 444 Martinez, Nestor, Inter-American Development Bank 1007 Martinez, Reinaldo, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico .... 1010 Martinez, Reynaldo L., Sen. Harry Reid ..........cc...... 178 Martinez, Robert, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice... 746 Martinez, Shelly Wilkie, Post Office and Civil Serv-ice Committee 459 Martinez, Susanne, Sen. Russ Feingold............c..c........ 328 Martinez, Sylvia C., Federal Housing Finance Board 877 Martinez, Wilda, Science and Education, Agriculture 778 Martinez-Alas, Ernesto, International Monetary Fund 016 Martinez-Alvarez, Francisco J., Federal Labor Rela-tions Authority 878 Martini, Ralph, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS 816 Martins, Jorge, International Finance Corporation ..... 1014 Martinson, Michael G., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Marton, Marilyn S., Smithsonian Institution Martone, William J., Public Health Service, HHS Marty, Pichy, Rep. José E. Serrano Maruca, James P., Office of Secretary, Commerce..... 780 Marvaso, Vincent, Non-Legislative and Financial Services 622 Marventano, David, Rep. Bill Paxon.........ccceccvvnunnnnnns 213 Marx, Kenneth M., Appropriations Committee........... 426 Marx, Robert S., Office of Public Affairs, Transpor-tation 837 Marx, Robert W., Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 783 Mascolino, Thomas A., Office of Policy, Labor ......... 799 Maselka, Ronald J., Rep. John J. LaFalce.......... Masica, Sue E., Appropriations Committee.... Maske, Bo, Rep. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery Mason, Hilda H.M., Council of the District of Co-lumbia 994 Mason, Lawrence N., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Mason, Leslie, Joint Committee on Printing................ 485 Mason, Marcus, Rep. Walter R. Tucker IIl........ 40 Mason, Sandra S., Foreign Relations Committee. ........ 403 Mason, Walter B., Jr., Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 875 Mason, Walter B., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury 688 Mason, William, Office of Information, Navy ............. 706 Massaro, Linda: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture ..... 772 Masseli, Sam, Agriculture Committee Massey, Bill, Office of the Secretary, Energy Massey, Mae C., International Affairs and Commodi-ty Programs, Agriculture 766 Massey, Raymond H., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Massey, Roger M., Regional and Field Offices, merce HUD 833 Name Index Massey, Walter E., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Mastalli, Grace L., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Mastel, Greg, Sen. Max Baucus Masten, Mia, Special Committee on Aging Masters, Nicholas, Budget Committee Mastrapasqua, Dominic, Administration for Native Americans, HHS Masugi, Ken, Equal Employment Opportunity Com-mission 8 Masys, Daniel R., National Library of Medicine, HHS Mata, Luis, Rep. Ronald D. Coleman Matambo, Ontefetse K., International Bank for Re-construction and Development Matchett, Stanley C., Bureau of the Census, Com-merce Matchneer, William W., Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Matera, Eugene R., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force Math, Paul F., General Accounting Office Matheny, Elizabeth, Rep. Rick Boucher Matheson, Elizabeth, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Matheson, Michael J., Secretary of State, State Mathews, David L., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Mathews, Harlan (Senator from Tennessee): Biography Energy and Natural Resources Committee Foreign Relations Committee Joint Committee on Printing Rules and Administration Committee Mathews, Jessica, Secretary of State, State Mathews, Jim: Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Rep. Thomas J. Manton Mathews, Mary K., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Mathews, Rusty, Appropriations Committee Mathews, Sylvia, National Economic Council, Office of the President Mathias, Gail L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Mathias, John J., Office of Administration, Transpor-tation Mathiesen, Mark J., Office of the Legislative Coun-sel Mathieson, Sandy, Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Mathis, Jean D., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Matise, Geraldine, Federal Communications Com-mission Matles, Bonnie, Rep. Jan Meyers Matos, Marilyn A., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Matsui, Robert T. (Representative from California): Biography Congressional Arts Caucus Federal Government Service Task Force Ways and Means Committee Mattavous-Frye, Sandra, Executive Agencies, Dis-trict of Columbia Mattea, Bill, Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun Matteotti, Dennis, Office of Personnel Management.. Matthews, Cynthia C., Equal Employment Opportu- nity Commission Matthews, Deborah, Congressional Sunbelt Caucus... Matthews, Gary, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Matthews, Jim L., Economics, Agriculture Matthews, John W., Assistant Secretary for Man-power and Reserve Affairs, Army Matthews, Laurie A., Joint Committee on Taxation... Matthews, R.L., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Mattice, James J., Assistant Secretary for Acqu si-tion, Air Force Mattingley, George M., Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force Mattingly, Charles, Rep. Romano L. Mazzoli Mattingly, J. Virgil, Jr. Administrative Conference of the United States. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Matton, Greg, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Page Mattox, Pamela, Rep. Wally Herger Matts, D. Sharon, Rep. Jack Brooks Matts, Marcia L., Appropriations Committee Mattson, Christopher, Small Business Committee Mattson, Marie, Smithsonian Institution Mattson, Mazie R., Appropriations Committee .. Matus, Nora, Rep. Karen L. Thurman Maughlin, Peggy, House Administration Committee.. 448 Maupin, Gary J., Office of Administration, Com- merce 781 Maust, Marti, Assistant Secretary for Financial Man- agement and Comptroller of the Air Force Mawdsley, Andres Aguilar, United Nations Mawer, Randall R., House of Representatives Page School Maxwell, Prentice, Office of the Doorkeeper May, Joyce R., Office of Administration, Office of the President May, Laurie J., Environmental Protection Agency .... May, Richard, Budget Committee May, Robert M., Smithsonian Institution May, Thomas E., Management—Chief Financial Of- ficer, Treasury Mayer, Eric, Finance Committee Mayer, H. Robert, United States Court of Appeals.... Mayer, Haldane Robert, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Mayer, Jeffrey L., Office of Economic and Statisti-cal Administration, Commerce Mayer-Whittington, Nancy, United States District Court for the District of Columbia Mayew, W.L., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Mayhew, Kenneth P., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Maymi, Carmen, Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior. 753, 754 Maynard, Michelle C., Foreign Relations Committee 403 Maynes, Bob, Sen. Dennis DeConcini 10 Mayo, Philip R., Liaison Offices 628 Mayor, Federico, International Agencies Related to the United Nations Mayrand, Paul, Employment and Training Adminis- tration, Labor Mays, Janice, Ways and Means Committee Mays, Pamela A., Rep. Jack Brooks Mazeau, Donald, House Administration Committee... Mazek, Warren F., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation Mazur, Mark J., Joint Committee on Taxation Mazzella, Peter, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS Mazzoli, Romano L. (Representative from Ken-tucky): Biography Judiciary Committee Small Busi Committee McAleney, Mary, Sen. George J. Mitchell McAllister, Eugene, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency McAllister, John A., Jr., Major Field Organizations, Energy McAndrew, Terrence J., Non-Legislative and Finan- cial Services McAuliffe, Dan, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell McAuliffe, Mary E., Congressional Award McAuliffe, Therese M., Immigration and Naturaliza- tion Service, Justice McAusland, Randy, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities McAvoy, Susan, Rep. Martin Frost McBain, Patricia M., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee McBay, Shirley M., Smithsonian Institution McBride, Deborah, Rep. Glen Browder McBride, Fred, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts McBride, Richard W., Foreign Affairs Committee McBride, Timothy J., U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency McBryde, Barbara, Rep. Ray Thornton McBurnett, Genie, Office of Research, Develop- ment, and Acquisition, Navy McBurnett, Jenny, Space and Naval Warfare Sys-tems Command, Navy McBurrows, Ted, Justice Management Division, Jus-tice 1286 Congressional Directory McCabe, Mark R., Joint Committee on Printing McCabe, Michael J., Joint Committee on Printing McCabe, Peter G., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts McCafferty, Patty, Rep. Martin T. Meehan McCaffrey, Barry, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense McCaffrey, Shellyn G., U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency McCemeks Thomas C., Executive Agencies, District of Cc bi McCain, Ann, Rep. Bill Zeliff, Jr McCain, John (Senator from Arizona): Armed Services Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Environmental and Energy Study Conference Governmental Affairs Committee Indian Affairs Committee National Republican Senatorial Committee Senate Central American Negotiations Observer Group Special Committee on Aging McCain, Pat, Rep. Neil Abercrombie McCall, Richard L., Jr., Foreign Relations Commit- tee McCall, Thomas W.L., Jr., Environmental Protec-tion Agency McCallum, Judge Ronald L., Environmental Protec- tion Agency McCallum, Sally H., Library of Congress McCally, Robert E., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop- ment Corporation McCamey, William L., Assistant Secretary for Inter- national Affairs, Treasury McCance, Charles R., Public Health Service, HHS ... McCandless, Alfred A. (Al) (Representative from California): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Government Operations Committee Republican Study Committee McCandlish, Harrison E., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce McCann, Ethel, Liaison Offices McCann, Patrick J., Appropriations Committee McCann, Thurma, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS McCarley, Cathie, Rep. Earl Hutto McCarroll, Marilyn, Office of Management and Budget/Chief Financial Officer, Education McCarroll, William G., Assistant Secretary for Fi-nancial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force McCarron, June W., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia McCarson, Bob, Budget Committee McCartan, Pat, Rep. Martin R. Hoke McCarthy, Cathy A., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts McCarthy, David J., Standards of Official Conduct Committee McCarthy, Edward, Federal Communications Com-mission McCarthy, Ellen A., House Administration Commit-tee McCarthy, J. Daniel, Office of the Secretary, Navy .. McCarthy, James E., Chief of Staff, Air Force McCarthy, Jenny, Correspondence, Office of the President McCarthy, John A., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion McCarthy, John F., Administration on Aging, HHS.. McCarthy, John J., Tax Divison, Justice McCarthy, Kathleen, Office of Administration and Management, Labor McCarthy, Mimi, Rep. John R. Kasich McCartin, Muftiah M., Office of the Parliamentarian. McCarty, Charles J., III, Office of Personnel Admin- istration, HHS McCarty, John R., Sesquehanna River Basin Com- mission McCash, Selby, Rep. J. Roy Rowland McCaskey, P.C., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture McCaughran, Donald A., International Pacific Hali-but Commission, United States and Canada McCauley, Donald, Office of Personnel Management McClain, Charles W., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army. McClain, Howard A., Jr., Drug Enforcement Ad- ministration, Justice McClam, Cassandra, Rep. Jack Quinn McClanahan, Patricia, Finance Committee McCleese, Bill, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture McClellan, Diane, Sen. John McCain McClellan, J. Daniel, U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion McClendon, B. Jerald, Health Resources and Serv-ices Administration, HHS McClendon, Samuel, Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia McClenney-Brooker, Cheryl, Smithsonian Institution McClory, Doris, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memo- rial Commission McCloskey, Frank (Representative from Indiana): Armed Services Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Study Group Foreign Affairs Committee Post Office and Civil Service Committee McCloskey, Nancy, Rep. Paul McHale McCluney, Joyce, Republican Leadership McClung, Tim, National Republican Senatorial Committee McClure, Earl, Sen. Paul D. Coverdell McClure, Homer C., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation McClure, James A., Smithsonian Institution McClure, Louise M., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities . McClure, Mary Kay, Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr McClure, Sharon, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture McCluskey, Susan D., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority McColley, Susan, Rep. Ron Packard McCollum, Bill (Representative from Florida): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Policy Committee McComber, Eleanor, Indian Affairs Committee McConaghy, Marcie B., Joint Committee on Tax-ation McConnell, James, Securities and Exchange Com-mission McConnell, John M., National Security Agency/ Central Security Service, Defense McConnell, John N., Rules and Administration Committee McConnell, Mitch (Senator from Kentucky): Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Arts Caucus Rules and Administration Committee Select Committee on Ethics McConnell, T. Kirk, Armed Services Committee McConnell, Thomas, Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman McCord, Michael J., Armed Services Committee McCord, Richard M., Federal Railroad Administra- tion, Transportation McCorkle, Yates B., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia McCormack, Robert C., Office of Financial Manage-ment, Navy McCormally, Brian C., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury McCormick, James, Foreign Affairs Committee McCormick, Kathleen, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS McCormick, Nancy, Rep. Kweisi Mfume McCormick, Richard M., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force McCormick, Robert J., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force McCormick, Robert, Office of the Sergeant at Arms. McCormick, Thomas P., General Accounting Office. McCowan, Rodney, Office of the Secretary, Educa- tion Name Index 1287 Page McCowan, Thomas A., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Treasury 682 McCoy, Dennis F., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy 706 McCoy, Douglas, Jr., Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force McCoy, Elena, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee McCoy, Larry D., Federal Election Commission McCoy, Matt, Judiciary Committee McCoy, Scott, Agriculture Committee .. McCoy, Sylvia, Rep. Sanford Bishop McCraven, Marsha G., Rep. Bennie Thompson. McCray, Porter, Smithsonian Institution McCready, Sheila Clark, Merchant Marine and Fish-eries Committee McCreary, Marcee, Rep. Deborah Pryce McCreery, Genie, Finance Committee McCrery, Jim (Representative from Louisiana): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Ways and Means Committee McCrone, Kevin B., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board McCrory, Suzanne J., Farm Credit Administration Board McCrudden, Charles, Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr McCue, Margaret, Environmental Protection Agency McCue, Susan, Sen. Harry Reid McCullough, Charles W., Regional Administrators, Justice McCullough, Cheryl, Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee McCully, Sharon, Administration for Native Ameri-cans, HHS McCumiskey, Peter J., Office of the Assistant Ad-ministrator, HHS McCurdy, Dave (Representative from Oklahoma): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Sunbelt Caucus Science, Space, and Technology Committee McCutcheon, John W., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture McDade, Joseph E., Public Health Service, HHS McDade, Joseph M. (Representative from Pennsyl-vania): Appropriations Committee Biography Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation Republican Policy Committee Smithsonian Institution 917 McDaniel, Dale E., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation McDaniel, Gary, Office of Personnel Management... McDaniel, Harless A., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture McDavid, George E. (Gene), American Red Cross... McDavid, Paul T., OCHAMPUS, Defense McDermett, Marilyn J., Federal Communications Cc McDermott, Al, Rules and Administration Commit- tee McDermott, Dana, Sen. Harlan Mathews McDermott, James F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory McDermott, Jim (Representative from Washington): Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus Biography District of Columbia Committee .. Office of Technology Assessment Standards of Official Conduct Committee Ways and Means Committee McDermott, John A., Non-Legislative and Financial Services McDermott, Judy C., Library of Congress McDermott, Mary, Rep. Christopher H. Smith McDermott, Mary, Veterans’ Affairs Committee McDermott, Patricia, United States Court of Ap- peails McDermott, Wayne D., Chief of Staff, Air Force McDonald, Danny L., Federal Election Commission. McDonald, Ed, Rep. Howard Coble McDonald, Gail C., Interstate Commerce Commis- sion McDonald, George W., Office of Budget and Pro-grams, Transportation McDonald, J. William, Office of Water and Science, Interior McDonald, James, Agriculture Committee McDonald, Jean K., Office of Technology Assess-ment McDonald, John C., American Battle Momuments Commission McDonald, John, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada McDonald, Joseph, Judiciary Committee McDonald, Patricia, Sen. Malcolm Wallop McDonald, Robert, Sen. John C. Danforth McDonald, Terese B., Science, Space, and Technol-ogy Committee McDonald, Virgil C., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia McDonnell, Brian C., Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Labor McDonnell, Erin, Office of the Special Counsel McDonnell, Larry, Foreign Affairs Committee McDonnell, Patrick T., Federal Aviation Adminis-tration, Transportation McDonnell, Richard J., Maritime Administration, Transportation McDonough, Frances A., General Services Adminis-tration McDonough, Michael, Executive Office for U.S. At-torneys, Justice McDonough, Patrick J., Office of the Doorkeeper McDougall, Kenneth O., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture McDowell, Bruce D., Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations McDowell, Debra, Offices, Boards, and Commis-sions, District of Columbia McDowell, Dennis L., Public Health Service, HHS .. McDowell, Gerald E., Criminal Division, Justice McElvain, Lawrence, International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture McElynn, Lawrence P., United States Marshals Service, Justice McEvoy, G. Edward, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture McEvoy, Nan Tucker, Smithsonian Institution McEwen, Bill, Rep. W.G. (Bill) Hefner McFadden, Deborah L., Administration on Develop-mental Disabilities, HHS McFadden, Gwendolyn, Ways and Means Commit-tee. 475, McFadden, Nancy E., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice McFarland, Jane, Governmental Affairs Committee .. McFarland, Lynne A., Federal Election Commission McFasiand, Margaret H., Securities and Exchange McFo Patrick E., Office of Personnel Manage-ment McFarland, Teresa, Rep. Timothy J. Penny McFate, Mary Ann, International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce McFee, Thomas S., Office of Personnel Administra-tion, HHS McGaffin, Christopher M., U.S. Capitol Police McGarey, Patrick O., Sen. Daniel K. Akaka oo McGarry, John W., Federal Election Commission... McGarry, Joyce, Rep. David L. Hobson McGee, James H., Office of the Law Revision Counsel McGee-O’Hara, Mimi: Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Speaker of the House of Representatives McGhee, Kathleen P., Select Committee on In elli-gence McGhee, W. Dennis, Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army McGill, Michael, Sen. DianneF McGill, Sharon, Rep. Dan Hamburg McGill, Sharon, Rep. David Minge McGinnis, Colleen, Education and Labor Committee McGinnis, J. Michael, Public Health Service, HHS ... McGinnis, Ron W., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army McGivern, Thomas M., General Counsel, Treasury... McGlone, Marie, Judiciary Committee McGovern, James J., Internal Revenue Service, Treasury McGovern, James P., Rules Committee 1288 Congressional Directory McGovern, James, Rep. John Joseph Moakley McGovern, Mary, Rep. Alan B. Mollohan... McGovern, Susan A., Appropriations Committe McGowan, John, National Institute of FL and Infectious Di HHS McGrane, Mary M., Energy and Commerce Com-mittee McGrath, Daniel, Agriculture Committee McGraw, Daniel B., Jr., Environmental Protection Agency McGraw, Jack W., Environmental Protection Agency McGuckin, Robert H., III, Bureau of the Census, Commerce McGuffin, John C., Technology Administration, Commerce McGuire, Bernice, Rep. E (Kika) de la Garza McGuire, Carole, Budget Committee McGuire, Catherine, Securities and Exchange Com- mission McGuire, John, Rep. James T. Walsh McGuire, Michael I., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force McGuire, Patricia, Rep. Robert Menendez McGuire, Paul D., Office of Inspector General, Transportation McGuire, Sumiye O., Office of Economic and Statis- tical Administration, Commerce McGuire, William, Agriculture Committee McGurk, Russell, Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr McHale, John, Social Security Administration, HHS. McHale, Paul (Representative from Pennsylvania): Armed Services Committee Biography Democratic Study Group Science, Space, and Technology Committee McHale, Stephen H., General Counsel, Treasury McHenry, Barnaby, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation McHenry, Margaret Bethea, Rep. James E. Clyburn. McHone, Delane, Rep. Martin Frost McHone, Jenny Delane, House Administration Com- mittee McHugh, Bianca, Board for International Broadcast- ing McHugh, Edward, Office of Personnel Management. McHugh, John M. (Representative from New York): Armed Services Committee Biography Government Operations Committee Mclnerney, Pat, Rep. Pat Danner Mclnerney, Roberta K., General Counsel, Treasury .. McInerney, Thomas G., Chief of Staff, Air Force McInnis, Scott (Representative from Colorado): Biography Natural Resources Committee Small B Committee Mclver, Dale, District of Columbia Committee... McKay, Bruce, Rep. Earl Ralph Pomeroy McKay, James J., Interstate Commerce Commission . McKay, Michael S., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce McKay, Monroe G., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit McKay, Roberta V., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor McKsy, Sheila V., Equal Employment Opportunity Mes Caran, Sen. Charles E. Grassley McKee, Jean, Federal Labor Relations Authority... McKee, Yayne T., Federal Communications Com-missio Mclr Fred E., Patent and Trademark Office, mmerce McKendree, Mary C., Botanic Garden McKenna, Dan, Sen. Arlen Spec McKenna, Eileen, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion McKenna, Mary Jane, Rep. Peter I. Blute McKenney, Jack, Rep. Philip M. Crane McKenney, Kerry, Rep. Donald M. Payne McKenney, Nancy, Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury .... McKeon, Howard P. (Buck) (Representative from California): Biography Education and Labor Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee... McKeon, Kathryn, Clinical Center, HHS McKeon, Mark H., Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation McKeon, Robert F., Maritime Administration, Transportation McKeown, Charles B., Government Printing Office.. McKevitt, James D. “Mike”, U.S. Capitol Historical Society McKie, Alan R., Federal Communications Commis- sion McKigney, Darrell, Rep. Rod Grams McKinley, David W., Assistant Secretary for En-forcement, Treasury McKinley, Stanley E., Regional Administrators, Jus-tice McKinney, Cynthia (Representative from Georgia): Agriculture Committee Biography Foreign Affairs Committee McKinney, David R., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force McKinney, Debbie, Rep. JimB McKinney, Janice, Rep. David Dreier McKinney, Jesse E., Office of the Secretary, Army... McKinney, Robert C., Federal Communications Cc i i m McKinnon, Donald M., Appropriations Committee ... McKinnon, Raymond J., Drug Enforcement Admin-istration, Justice McKnight, Corina Averille, Organization of Ameri-can States McKown, Joan E., Securities and Exchange Com-mission McLachlan, John, National Institute of Environmen-tal Health Sciences, HHS McLarty, Thomas F. (Mack): Cabinet Chief of Staff, Office of the President McLaughlin, Jack, National Eye Institutes, HHS McLaughlin, Joseph P., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit McLaughlin, Michael, Rep. James M. Talent McLaughlin, Thomas F., Office of the Attorney General, Justice McLaughlin, William E., Office of Special Educa- tion and Rehabilitative Services, Education McLaughlin, William J., Jr., American Red Cross McLaurin, John P., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army McLean, Donna, Public Works and Transportation Committee McLean, Jim, Rep. Jim Slattery McLenaghan, John B., International Monetary Fund. McLennan, Norman D., U.S. International Trade Cc m McLindon, Constance K., National Science Founda-tion McLucas, Kathy, Federal Communications Commis- sion MeL yess, William R., Securities and Exchange m Melo Fred, Rep. Austin J. Murphy McLure, Herbert R., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation McMahan, Jesse T., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force McMahon, Bernard, International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce McMahon, Emily S., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury McMahon, Tom, Sen. Howell T. Heflin McManus, Edward H., National Eye Institutes, HHS McManus, Kevin, Democratic Policy Committee McManus, Mary P., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee McManus, Robert H., Federal Transit Administra- tion, Transportation McManus, Ursula H., Foreign Relations Committee .. 403 McMichael, Guy H., III, Office of the Secretary, Veterans Afffairs 853 McMillan, Elizabeth, Natural Resources Committee.. 457 Name Index McMillan, J. Alex (Representative from North Caro- lina): Biography Budget Committee Energy and Commerce Committee North Atlantic Assembly Republican Leadership McMillan, Lloyd, Bureau of Prisons, Justice McMillan, Rosemary G., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities McMillen, Tom, President’s Council on Physical Fit-ness and Sports McMillian, Theodore, United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit McMullen, Darlene G., Energy and Commerce Committee McMullen, Debra L., Joint Committee on Taxation... McMullen, James E., Office of Administration and Management, Labor McMullen, James, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture McMullen, Neval E., Joint Committee on Taxation... McMullen, William, Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice McMullin, Gary L., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force McMurray, Claudia, Environment and Public Works Committee McMurray, Rose A., Maritime Administration, Transportation McMurtrie, Meghan, Republican Leadership McNally, Jeanne M., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence McNally, Kathleen, Rep. Donald Manzullo McNally, Patty, Office of the Sergeant at Arms. McNally, Peter, Rules Committee McNamara, Ann Marie, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture McNamara, Donald J.,, National Highway Traffic Safety ‘Administration, Transportation McNamara, Elaine, General Services Administration. McNamara, Robert H., Federal Communications McNamara, Robert M., Jr., General Counsel, Treas- ury McNamara, Ronald, Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe McNamara, Steven, Office of Inspector General, Education McNamara, Thomas J., Rep. Don Sundquist McNamee, Catherine r, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Cc McNarney, William, Regiomil: ton) Field Offices, HUD McNaughton, Jeanne, Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe McNeal, Stacy, Appropriations Committee McNeil, Robert, Rep. Glen Browder McNeill, Erin, Environmental and Energy Study Conference McNeill, John H., Policy, Defense McNeilly, Sandra J., Bureau of South Asian Affairs, State McNerney, F.X., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation McNulty, Irene Shawn, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System McNulty, John, Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army McNulty, Laura J., Office of the Legislative Counsel McNulty, Michael R. (Representative from New York): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Democratic Study Group Democratic Study Group Ways and Means Committee McOsker, Robert B., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission McPeak, Merrill A.: Chief of Staff, Air Force Smithsonian Institution McPheeters, Jean, Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey McPherson, Merle, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS McPherson, Norman B., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation McPherson, Tori M., Senate Press Gallery Page McPhie, Alicia, Office of Personnel Management McPhillips, Regina, Health Care Financing Adminis-222 tration, HHS 433 McQuade, John P., Patent and Trademark Office, 438 Commerce 555 McQuade, William M., Under Secretary for Manage-612 ment, State 733 McQueen, James T., Federal Railroad Administra- tion, Transportation McQuown, Barbara C., National Commission for Employment Policy McRae, Jack, Sen. Slade Gorton McShan, Clyde G., Office of Administration, Com- merce McShane, Anne, Rep. Gary L. Ackerman McTaggart, Timothy, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee McTigue, Brian, Judiciary Committee McVean, Peter M., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice McVicker, Marsha, Rep. Herbert C. Klein McWhinney, William M., Inter-American Develop- ment Bank Mead, Gary E., United States Marshals Service, Jus- tice Mead, Kenneth M., General Accounting Office Mead, Stephen R., General Services General Serv- ices Administration Meade, David E., Office of the Legislative Counsel... Meade, Rich, Rep. Jim Nussle Meadow, Cynthia W., Judiciary Committee Meadows, Bessie L., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Means, David L., Federal Communications Commis- sion Means, Kathleen E., Health Care Financing Admin- istration, HHS Mears, G.H., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Mears, Leon, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Mecham, C. Raphael, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Mecham, L. Ralph, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Meche, John L., Office of Inspector General, Trans- portation Meck, William R., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Mecklenburg, Virginia, Smithsonian Institution Meddieta, Marcos Martinez, Organization of Ameri-can States Medero, Joanne T., Commodity Futures Trading ih Ve. Medina, Monica, Environment and Public Works Committee Medina, Rubens, Library of Congress Medley, Terry L., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Medlin, Louise D., Rep. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery . Meed, Benjamin, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Meehan, Kathryn, Smithsonian Institution Meehan, Martin T. (Representative from Massachu- setts): Armed Services Committee Biography Small Busi Committee Meehan, Michael, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Meek, Carrie (Representative from Florida): Appropriations Committee Biography Democratic Study Group. Meek, Kelsay, Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee Meftah, Yvette, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Megary, John F., Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation Megginson, Elizabeth, Merchant Marine and Fisher-ies Committee Megronigle, James C., National Archives and Records Administration Megyeri, Leslie, Judiciary Committee Mehl, Christopher: Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Lee H. Hamilton Mehl, Liz, Rep. Dan Miller 1290 Congressional Directory Page Mehnert, Robert, National Library of Medicine, HHS 818 Mehran, Hassanali, Smithsonian Institution 922 Mehuron, Charlotte, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 816 Meier, Richard G., Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive 674 Meiklejohn, Lorraine, Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 886 Mein, David G., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Meissner, James K., General Accounting Office Meister, Brenda G., Office of Justice Programs, Jus-tice Meister, James M., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Meko, James A., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Melamed, Harry, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Melamed, Leo, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Melanson, Mona, Peace Corps Melby, Eric, Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs, State Meletze, Dorothy M., Office of Manpower and Re-serve Affairs, Navy Melius, Thomas O., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Mell, Helena Huntley, Judiciary Committee Mellody, Charles J., Ways and Means Committee Mellon, Paul, Smithsonian Institution te Mellott, John D., Office of Public Affairs, Labor Melo, Thomas C., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasur ? Meltzer, Richard, Natural Resources Committee Melynchenko, Desiree, Liaison Offices Memtzow, David, Rep. Edward J. Markey Manas, George, Defense Techology Security, De- ense Mendelowitz, Allen I., General Accounting Office .... Mendelsohn, David, Office of the Legislative Coun- se Mendelsohn, Jeff, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda Mendenhall, Janice, General Services Administration Mendenhall, Wesley S., Jr., Federal Highway Ad- ministration, Transportation Mendonsa, Cheryl, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Mendoza, L. Antonio Rascon, International Bounda-ry and Water Commission, United States and Mexico Menell, Howard A., Banking, Housing, and Urban ffairs Committee Menendez, Robert (Representative from New Jersey): Biography Foreign Affairs Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Menes, Jonathan C., International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce Menke, Robert F., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force Mennello, Marilyn L., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Menton, Eileen, Executive Office for U.S. Attor-neys, Justice Mentz, Paul B., Maritime Administration, Transpor-tation Menzer, Robert E., Environmental Protection Agency Menazil, Joerg H., On-Site Inspection Agency, De-fense Mercado, Cynthia P., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Mercado, Freddy, Inter-American Defense Board Mercado, Leo, Jr., White House Military Office . Mercado, Moses, Rep. Gene Green Merchant, Christina Sickles, Federal Labor Relations Authority Mercker, Rob, Joint Committee on Taxation Meredith, James A., Federal Communications Com- mission Merhige, Robert R., Jr., Judicial Panel on Multidis-trict Litigation Meridith, Denise, Office of Land and Minerals Man-agement, Interior Page Merino, Pedro Antonio, International Monetary Fund 1017 Merlin, Paul, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cc ission 880 Merna, Carol, Office of the Republican Leader 618 Meron, Raphael, International Monetary Fund 1017 Meros, Edward J., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Merow, James F., United States Court of Federal Claims Merrifield, Diana, Rep. Robert K. Dornan Merrill, David, U.S. International Development Co-operation Agency Merrill, Stephen A., National Research Council Merritt, Blaine, Rep. Howard Coble Merritt, Gilbert S., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Merritt, John D., Joint Committee on Printing Merschoff, Ellis W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Mershon, Jeanne, Non-Legislative and Financial Services Merson, Michael, Smithsonian Institution. Mertz, Alan, Rep. Harris W. Fawell Mertz, Charles W., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Merulla, Bob, Finance Committee Merz, Melissa, Rep. Frank McCloskey Meselson, Matthew S., Smithsonian Institution Mesenbourg, Thomas L., Bureau of the Census, Commerce Meshorer, J. Hank, Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice Meskill, Thomas J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Messerly, Edward B., General Services Administra-tion Messersmith, Adam J., Education and Labor Com-mittee 437 Messina, Gary S., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice M. g, David J., Office of Personnel Management.. Metcalfe, Daniel J., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Metz, Andrew H., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Metze, Sharla, Rep. Joe Barton Metzenbaum, Howard M. (Senator from Ohio): Biography Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group... Environment and Public Works Committee. Judiciary Committee Labor and Human Resources Commiitss Select Committee on Intelli United States Holocaust Moora] Council Metzger, Henry, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS Meuse, Jo, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Meyer, Dan, Office of the Republican Whip Meyer, Hernan Patifio, Organization of American States Meyer, Paul M., President’s Committee on Employ-ment of People with Disabilities Meyerdirk, Dale E., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture Meyerhoff, Harvey M., United States Holocaust Me-morial Council Meyers, Edward M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Meyers, Harry G., Office of Management and udget Meyers, Jan (Representative from Kansas): Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Environmental and Energy Study Conference Foreign Affairs Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Policy Committee Small B Committee Meyers, Robert J., Rep. Michael Bilirakis Meza, Choco, Office of the Secretary, HUD Mezainis, Valdis, International Affairs and Commod-ity Programs, Agriculture Mfume, Kweisi (Representative from Maryland): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Congressional Black Caucus Name Index Page Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Miles, Jason, Republican Leadership Joint Economic Committee Miley, Robert, Architect of the Capitol Small Busi Committee Milhoan, James L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-Standards of Official Conduct Committee mission Mhoon, Odessa, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-Milhollan, David L., United States Marshals Service, ices Justice Miano, Anne, Appropriations Committee Milin, Alexander K., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop-Mica, Daniel A., Board for International Broadcast-ment Corporation ing Milkman, Beverly L., Committee for Purchase From Mica, John L. (Representative from Florida): People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled Biography Milkman, Ruth, Federal Communications Commis-Government Operations Committee sion Public Works and Transportation Committee Millar, J. Donald, Public Health Service, HHS Micer, Richard W., U.S. Capitol Police Millenson, Debra A., Office of Policy, Labor... Michael, William H., Office of Personnel Manage-Miller, Anne, Budget Committee ment Miller, Bobby, Rep. Tom Barlow III Michaelis, Daniel, Rep. Peter T. King Miller, Brian, Natural Resources Committee Michaels, Roweena, Environmental Protection Miller, Carole, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Agency Holiday Commission Michalek, Ned, Rep. Chet Edwards Miller, Celeste, Energy and Natural Resources Com-Michel, James H., U.S. International Development mittee Cooperation Agency Miller, Chris, Office of the Secretary, Air Force Michel, Julienne M., Smithsonian Institution Miller, Costa, President’s Committee on Employ-Michel, Miss Julienne M., Smithsonian Institution ment of People with Disabilities Michel, Paul R.: Miller, Cynthia Pease, Office of the Histori United States Court of Appeals Miller, Dan (Representative from Florida): United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Biography Circuit Budget Committee Michel, Robert H. (Representative from Illinois): Education and Labor Committee Biography Miller, Debbie, Rep. Bill Sarpalius Commission on the West Central Front of the Miller, Deborah, Small Business Committee. United States Capitol Miller, Douglas L., Sen. Larry Pressler House Office Building Cc Miller, Franklin, Public Health Service, HH Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. (Representative California): Miller, George from National Republican Congressional Committee Biography Office of the Republican Leader Education and Labor Committee Republican Policy Committee Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group... U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission Natural Resources Committee Michel, Suzanne, Rep. Jay Dickey Sl Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and En- Micit, Victor, Export Administration, Commerce forcement, Interior Mick, Daniel, Office of Policy, Labor Ways and Means Cc Miconi, Americo S., Appropriations Committee Miller, George W.: Middleton, Douglas J., Army Staff and Selected Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and A gencies Comptroller of the Air Force Middleton, Gordon, Assistant Secretary for Space, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.. Air Force Miller, Gerald L., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters... Middleton, Harry J., National Archives and Records Miller, Hubert J., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- Administration sion Middleton, Joan V., District of Columbia Committee Miller, Jack R., United States Court of Appeals Middleton, Mark, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office Miller, James A., Public Health Service, HHS of the President Miller, James C., III, Administrative Conference of Middleton, Victoria, Rep. Duncan Hunter the United States Mihalski, Edmund J., Finance Committee Miller, James E., Naval Supply Systems Command, Mihelcic, Richard, Internal Revenue Service, Treas- avy ury Miller, James M., Washington Metropolitan Area Mihills, Rick, Judiciary Committee Transit Authority Mihori, Margaret P., Japan-United States Friendship C 5 Miller, Jan, Rep. Thomas M. Barrett Miller, Jeffrey M., Executive Office for United Mikel, John R., Appropriations Committee Mikowicz, Jerome, Office of Personnel Management. States Trustees, Justice Miller, Jimmy, Public Works and Transportation Mikowski, Stanlis D., Army Staff and Selected A gencies Committee Miller, John R., Office of the Law Revision Counsel. Miller, Judy Ann, Assistant Secretary for Manpow- Mikrut, Joseph M., Joint Committee on Taxation Mikulski, Barbara A. (Senator from Maryland): Appropriations Committee er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ- ment, Air Force Biography Miller, Kathleen A., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Miller, Kathleen, Democratic Steering and Policy Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Committee Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future. Miller, Kathleen, Speaker of the House of Repre-Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee .. sentatives Federal Government Service Task Force... Miller, Kenneth, Smithsonian Institution Labor and Human Resources Committee Miller, Larry, Office of Personnel Management Select Committee on Ethics Miller, Leonore, President’s Committee on Employ- ment of People with Disabilities United States Court of Appeals Mikva, Abner J.: Miller, Linda, Office of the Sergeant at Arms United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Miller, Lorraine, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Circuit Miller, M. Catherine, Bureau of the Census, Com-tration, Labor. Milanese, Sylvia, Mine Safety and Health Adminis- merce ” Milburn, George A., Jr., Regional and Field Offices, Miller, Marcia, Finance Committee HUD Miller, Mark, Rep. Bob Carr Milburn, H. Ted, United States Courts of Appeals Miller, Mary (Katie), Office of Public Affairs, HHS .. for the Federal Circuit Miller, Mary, Rep. James P. Moran Milburn, Lloyd E., Maritime Administration, Trans-Miller, Matthew, Rep. Richard W. Pombo portation Miller, Michael, Assistant Secretary for Financial Milburn, Nancy, Rep. Howard L. Berman Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 1292 Congressional Directory Miller, Miriam, Office of Policy, Labor...........cccc...u.... Miller, Norman W., Selective Service System.. wi Miller, Patricia, Rep. Julian C. Dixon............... Miller, Paul D., Federal Labor Relations Authority 878 Miller, R. Michael, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Miller, R.J., Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Treasury 684 Miller, Rebecca, Office of Policy, Labor..................... 798 Miller, Richard T., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas- ury 682 Miller, Richard, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior.........c.cccccvevnuennee. 758 Miller, Robert E., National Capital Planning Com- mission 892 Miller, Ron J., Appropriations Committee................... 426 Miller, Russell F., Federal Emergency Management y Agency 877 Miller, Ruth R., United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Miller, Sally K., International Trade Administration, mmerce 786 Miller, Sharon, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Miller, Stephen E., U.S. Postal Service.........cc.ccconuunn.. 937 Miller, Sue, Rep. Ken Calvert 43 Miller, Susan, Energy and Commerce Committee...... 441 Miller, Tim, Rep. Calvin M. Dooley ................. eta 30 Miller, Wilbur T., General Services Administration... 883 Miller, William D., Equal Employment Opportunity m 867 Mo Jean-Claude, Secretariat, United Nations .... 1027 Millette, James L., Bureau of Finance and Manage- ment Policy, State 677 Milligan, R.D., Office of the Comptroller, Navy........ 708 Million, Phil, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Millon, Henry, Smithsonian Institution 926 Mills, Cheryl D., Counsel to the President, Office of the President 668 Mills, Dale R., Office of Inspector General, Trans-portation 836 Mills, Darrell W., United States Marshals Service, Justice 748 Mills, Ken, Office of Administration and Manage-ment, Labor 797 Mills, Kevin L., Technology Administration, Com- merce 791 Mills, Linda, Rep. Bill Archer 289 Mills, Monica, Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter......... 213 Mills, Rebecca M., Rep. William F. Clinger, Jr.......... 252 Mills, Sidney L., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior ..... 756 Mills, Thomas J., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 777 Mills, Walter L., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior ..... 756 Millunzi, Barbara, Rep. Jim Lightfoot...........ccccouovunen. 111 Milne, Jack, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 417 Milne, Robert, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Milner, Margaret, Assistant Secretary for Housing— Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ................. 831 Milner, Stuart D., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 701 Milton, Barbara 3 Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force 719 Milton, Roy C., National Eye Institutes, HHS............ 819 Milton, Thomas, International Finance Corporation... 1014 Mims, Valerie, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, State... 678 Min, Nancy-Ann, Office of Management and Budget 673 Mina, Mark, Marketing and Inspection Services, Ag- riculture 776 Minami, Warren N., International Monetary Fund..... 1016 Minarik, Joseph J., Office of Management and Budget 673 Miner, Roger J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Mineta, Norman Y. (Representative from California): Biography 27 Congressional Space Caucus 561 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Smithsonian Institution 917, 922 Ming, Charles G., Regional and Field Offices, HUD. 833 Minge, David (Representative from Minnesota): Agriculture Cc i 419 Biography 157 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Page Mingo, John J., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 Minihan, Kenneth A., Chief of Staff, Air Force. ......... 722 Mink, Patsy T. (Representative from Hawaii): Biography 85 Budget Committee 433 Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... 559 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. 481 Education and Labor Committee................ 11435 Natural Resources Committee ..........c.ceceeeercrereenruennen 455 Minners, Warren, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion 935 Minniear, Andrea S., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Minnis, Norma R., Rep. John Bryant............ccccoeuune. Minson, Dixie, Sen. Robert F. Bennett........... 2, Minter, Daisy, Natural Resources Committee.. Minton, Bennett, Education and Labor Committee . 437 Minton, W. Stewart, Martin Luther King, Jr., Feder- al Holiday Cc n 553 Mintz, Sidney W., Smithsonian Institution................... 917 Minutes, Mary E. Rep. William J. Hughes... er 185 Mioduski, Mark J., Appropriations Committee ........... 426 Miraglia, Frank J., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 935 Mirakhor, Abbas, International Monetary Fund ......... 1017 Miranda, John A., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture..........cocoeevvruennen. 767 Miranda, Linda G., House of Representatives Page School 627 Miranda, Mia, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee 398 Miranowski, John A., Economics, Agriculture ........... 765 Mirza, Khalid A., International Finance Corporation. 1012 Misisco, Henry P., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce 786 Missiaen, Edmond, Economics, Agriculture................ 764 Mitchell, Arlene, International Affairs and Commod- ity Programs, Agriculture 767 Mitchell, Arthur, National Foundation on the Arts and the H ies 895 Mitchell, Bryan B.: Office of Inspector General, HHS .............cccceceunee. 825 U.S. Office of Inspector General, HHS.................... 803 Mitchell, C. Sue, Assistant Secretary for Housing— Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ................. 831 Mitchell, Carol C., Appropriations Committee ........... 390 Mitchell, Dennis, Management—Chief Financial Of- ficer, Treasury 685 Mitchell, Earl M., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury 684 Mitchell, Gary, Agriculture Committee..............ccueue... 422 Mitchell, George J. (Senator from Maine): Biography 130 Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate......... 551 Democratic Leadership Democratic Policy Committee ............ccceeueeeirueunen. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee .......... Environment and Public Works Committee............. Finance Committee 400 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Select Committee on Intelligence 413 Senate Arms Control Observer Group...........ccceuueu. 555 Smithsonian Institution 925 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission.............ce...... 557 U.S. Senate Commission on Art..........coceeeruerureruenne 557 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 412 Mitchell, Gwen, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 999 Mitchell, Gwendolyn A., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority 940 Mitchell, Helena, Federal Communications Commis-sion 872 Mitchell, James W., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Mitchell, Joan, Office of the Republican Leader......... Mitchell, Julie M., Joint Committee on Taxation........ Mitchell, Kevin, Budget Committee ............ccccerururnenene Mitchell, Larry A., Central Imagery Office, Defense. Mitchell, Michele, Rep. Pete Geren ............cccceuvennnee Mitchell, Nancy, Library of Congress...... ™ Mitchell, Robert L., Rep. Harold Rogers Mitchell, Robert, Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury 684 Mitchell, Tim, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Cc i 393 Name Index 1293 Mitchell, Walter H., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Mitchler, Al, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee. 416, Mittelman, Portia, Administration on Aging, HHS Mixson, Maurice A., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Mixson, Riley D., Smithsonian Institution Mizaur, Donald, Office of Personnel Management Mnatzakanian, Ashot P., President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Moakley, John Joseph (Representative from Massa- chusetts): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Rules Committee Mock, Ray, Rep. Ron Packard Mocko, Madeline, Office of Policy and Evaluation, HS Moden, Kim, Library of Congress Modeste, Brian, Natural Resources Committes........... Modeste, Denneth, Organization of American States. Moe, Kari J., Sen. Paul D. Wellstone Moeller, Dade W.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mogavero, John, Indian Affairs Committee Mohammed, Valencia, Offices, Boards, and Commis-sions, District of Columbi Mohammed, Yacoob Yousef, International Monetary Fund Moher, Mark J., Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States Mohler, Eleanor P., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Mohr, Christopher A., Veterans’ Affairs Committee... Mohrman, Frederick G., Appropriations Committee.. Mohrman, William, Office of the Legislative Counsel Mojarrad, M.J., International Monetary Fund Mojica, Julio A., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Moler, Elizabeth Anne, Office of the Secretary, Energy Molinari, Susan (Representative from New York): Biography Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Education and Labor Committee Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission. National Republican Congressional Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Moline, Jon N, National Foundation on the Arts and the Hi ties Moll, Daniel R., Post Office and Civil Service Com-mittee Mollison, Richard M., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Mollohan, Alan B. (Representative from West Vir- ginia): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Congressional Steel Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Molloy, J. Dennis, U.S. Capitol Historical Society Molloy, James T. (Doorkeeper of the House): House of Representatives Page Board Office of the Doorkeeper Molock, Guy, Judiciary Committee Moloney, Martha, Sen. Wendell H. Ford Momjian, Set C., United States Holocaust Memorial Council Momot, Kathy, Speaker of the House of Representa-tives Monaco, Lawrence A., Office of the Law Revision Counsel Monaco, Lisa, Judiciary Committee Monagan, John S., U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress Monaghan, Kimberly J., Rep. Thomas H. Andrews... Monaghan, Mark E.P., Inter-American Defense Boar Monahan, Robert P., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Monahan, Thomas H., Securities and Exchange po ie Page Page Moncrief, James, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-839 tion, and Enforcement, Interior Monfort, Charles, Rep. Martin Olav Sabo 417 Monie, Russell D., Federal Communications Com-mission Monita, William A. (Bear), Rep. Tony P. Hall 774 Monks, Lee, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury 922 Monno, Dale J., U.S. Capitol Police Monro, Betty, Rep. Mac Collins Monroe, Don, Office of Personnel Management.. Monroe, Jim, Public Health Service, HHS .... Monroe, Michael W., Smithsonian Institution Monroe, Peter H., Thrift Depositor Oversight Pro-tection Board Monroig, Emma: Administrative Conference of the United States U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Monson, Peter, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Montagne, John R., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Di . S 457 Montague, Bert M., United States Courts of Appeals 1019 for the Federal Circuit Montalto, William B., Small Business Committee Monteverde, Miguel E., Army A gencies Montgomere, Alex, Office of Management, Labor Montgomery, Cheryl, Rep. Jim Montgomery, Earl, Marketing ices, Agriculture Montgomery, G.V. (Sonny) Mississippi): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Sunbelt Caucus Veterans’ Affairs Committee 412 Montgomery, John M., U.S. 425 Commission Staff and Selected Administration and Cooper and Inspection Serv-(Representative from Nuclear Regulatory 623 Montgomery, John, Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy Montgomery, Thomas, Energy and Commerce Com- 913 mittee Montgomery, William, Deputy Secretary, State Montoya, Regina, Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the President Montoya, Velma, Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc Mm Montrey, Henry M., III, Natural Resources and En- vironment, Agriculture Montrey, Scot, Rep. Lamar Smith Monzon, Ruben, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Moody, Linda H., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Col Moody, William C., Office of the Clerk Mooers, Richard, Interstate Commerce Commission.. Moomau, Pamela H., Joint Committee on Taxation ... Moon, William A., Veterans’ Affairs Committee Mooney, Thomas E., Judiciary Committee... Moore, Alma B., Armed Services Committee... Moore, Andy, Rep. Robert F. (Bob) Smith Moore, Bessie Boehm, National Commission on Li- braries and Information Science Moore, Bob Stahly, Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Moore, C. William, General Accounting Office Moore, Clyde R., International Boundary Commis- sion, United States and Canada Moore, Dale, Agriculture Committee Moore, Dottie, Rep. Bob Clement Moore, George B., General Services Administration . Moore, George S., Jr., Federal Highway Adminis- tration, Transportation Moore, Greg, Rep. John Conyers, Jr Moore, H. Robert, Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Moore, Henry E., Appropriations Committee Moore, James W., National Archives and Records Administration 131 Moore, Jesse F., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Moore, John L., Library of Congress Moore, John P., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Moore, John, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 1294 Congressional Directory Moore, Joseph E., National Labor Relations Board ... Moore, Linda L., Political Affairs, Office of the President Moore, Louis, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Moore, Margaret E., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Moore, Margaret, Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert Moore, Martha A., Senate Page School Moore, Mary Anne, Office of the Secretary Moore, Melinda, Public Health Service, HHS Moore, Reggie, Office of Administration and Man- agement, Labor Moore, Rodney H., Jr., Merchant Marine and Fish-eries Committee Moore, Rus D., Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States Moore, Sandra A., Rep. Albert R. Wynn Moore, Stephen, Joint Economic Committee... Moore, Thomas G., Armed Services Committee Moore, Wesley, Federal Emergency Management Agency Moore, William E., Government Printing Office Moore, William K., Rep. Jim Chapman Moore-Glenn, Doris H., Post Office and Civil Serv- ice Committee Moos Carlos J. (Representative from Califor-nia): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee Judiciary Committee Republican Study Committee Moos, Eugene: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture Congressional Award International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Moos, Susan: Rep. Thomas S. Foley Speaker of the House of Representatives Moose, George Edward: African Development Foundation Bureau of African Affairs, State Mora, Luis Guardia, Organization of American States Moran, Andrew J, Environmental Protection Agency Moran, Clayton L., American Battle Momuments Commission Moran, E. Patrick, Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc ission Moran, Gary, Rep. Peter I. Blute Moran, James P. (Representative from Virginia): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Democratic Study Group Federal Government Service Task Force Moran, James Q., United States Naval Home Moran, John A., Commerce, Science, and Transpor-tation Committee Moran, Kenneth P., Federal Communications Com-mission Moran, Raymond E., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Moran, Robert F., Office of the Attending Physician Moran, Sean, Rep. Dan Burton Moran, Sherrie, Office of Public Affairs, Labor Moran, Thomas E., Export-Import Bank of the United States Moran, William, Office of Postsecondary Education, Education Morani, Alice C., Policy, Defense Moravitz, Francis E., Appalachian Regional Com-mission More, Jeffrey T., Public Works and Transportation _ommittee More, Robert, Office of the Secretary, Interior Morehead, Jack, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Morehouse, David C.: Chief of Staff, Air Force U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Moreis, Trish, Democratic Policy Committee Moreland, Richard W., International Trade Adminis- tration, Commerce Page 896 Morella, Constance A. (Representative from Mary- land): 670 Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus 338 Biography Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues 683 Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future... 210 Congressional Human Rights Caucus 627 Federal Government Service Task Force 613 National Republican Congressional Committee 811 Post Office and Civil Service Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Morey, Larry D., U.S. Office of Inspector General, HHS Morgan, Andrew, Government Printing Office Morgan, Anne, Rep. Karen L. Thurman Morgan, Benjamin A., Office of Water and Science, Interior Morgan, Helen, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Morgan, Jay, Rep. Mac Collins Morgan, Jim, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Morgan, John D., Jr., Office of Water and Science, Interior Morgan, John H., Federal Communications Commis- sion Morgan, Larry, Office of the Territorial and Interna- tional Affairs, Interior Morgan, Lawrence K., U.S. Capitol Police Morgan, Linda, Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Morgan, Martha B., Government Operations Com- mittee Morgan, Reuben T., General Services Administra- tion Morgan, Robert H., Smithsonian Institution Morgan, Ronald, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Morgan, Susan, Office of the Secretary Morgan, Tony, Democratic Policy Committee Morgan, Vernon, Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture Morgenstern, Richard D., Environmental Protection Agency Morgenstern, Ruth E., Office of the Secretary, Labor Morgenweck, Ralph O., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Morhard, Jim, Appropriations Committee Morin, Gayle, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury .... Morin, Howard, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Morin, Roland L., United States Naval Home Moritsugu, Kenneth P., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Morley, William E., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Morra, Elizabeth, Conference of the Minority Morra, Linda G., General Accounting Office Morris, Bill M., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- Sion Morris, Dale, Rep. Tim Holden Morris, Edward W., Jr., Federal Highway Adminis-tration, Transportation Morris, James P., United States Marshals Service, Justice Morris, Janice, Rep. Richard H. Lehman Morris, Joseph A., Administrative Conference of the United States Morris, Julian M., National Eye Institutes, HHS Morris, Martha, Smithsonian Institution Morris, Martin W., Sen. Richard G. Lugar Morris, Randy, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Morris, Russell D., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas-ury Morris, Sara W., Energy and Commerce Committee. Morris, Theron E., Office of the Clerk Morrison, Barbara, Education and Labor Committee. Morrison, Billy, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury . Morrison, David, Appropriations Committee Morrison, Keith G., Rep. Thomas M. Foglietta Morrissey, David J., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Morrissey, Don, Rep. Bill McCollum Morrissey, Nancy, Rep. Edward J. Markey Morrow, Duncan, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Name Index Page Morrow, Richard M., National Academy of Engi-neering Morrow, Sharon, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Morse, Enid, Smithsonian Institution Morse, Phoebe, Federal Trade Commission Morse, Stephen A., Public Health Service, HHS.. Mortimer, Louis R., Library of Congress Mortman, Lisa, Communications, Office of the Presi-dent Morton, Andy, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Morton, Cecelia, Energy and Commerce Committee. Morton, Herwald H., U.S. Information Agency Moscato, Anthony C., Executive Office for U.S. At- torneys, Justice Moscato, John, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Mosedale, Leland, Health Care Financing Adminis- tration, HHS Moseley, Chris, Democratic Policy Committee Moseley, Norah: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee. Moseley, Phil: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Moseley-Braun, Carol (Senator from Illinois): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Democratic Policy Committee Judiciary Committee Small B Committee Moseman, J.M., Office of Program Appraisal, Navy.. Moseman, John H., Veterans’ Affairs Committee Moseman, Neil, Agriculture Committee Mosemann, Lloyd K., II, Assistant Secretary for Ac- quisition, Air Force Moser, Donald B., Smithsonian Institution Moser, Joann, Smithsonian Institution Moses, Liz, Liaison Offices 62 Moskowitz, Jay, National Institute of Health, HHS ... 817 Moskowitz, Jedd, Rep. Gary L. Ackerman 199 Mosqowitz, Stanley M., Central Intelligence Agency 672 Moss, Frank E.: Smithsonian Institution 923 U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. 568 Moss, Jack, Health Resources and Services Adminis-tration, HHS Moss, Marian, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Moss, Marvin, Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes Moss, Melissa A., Office of Secretary, Commerce Moss, Richard, International Finance Corporation Moss, Steve, Sen. Phil Gramm Moss, William W., III, Smithsonian Institution . Mote, Frederick, Smithsonian Institution... Moten, Lynnette, Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun .... Motha, Raymond P., Economics, Agriculture... Mottice, Bob, Sen. Connie Mack Mottley, Katherine, House Wednesday Group Mottola, Joseph, Administration on Children. Youth, and Families, HHS Moulder, Pam, Office of Information, Navy Moulton, David H., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Mounsey, Peter, Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice Mount, Margaret J., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Moxam, Andrew, National Oceanic and Atmospher-ic Administration, Commerce Moy, Edmund C., Health Care Financing Adminis-tration, HHS 4 Moye, Michael, Education and Labor Committee Moyer, Thomas F., Office of Personnel Management Moynihan, Daniel P. (Senator from New York): Biography Democratic Policy Committee Environment and Public Works Committee Finance Committee 400 Foreign Relations Committee Joint Committee of Congress on the Library Joint Committee on Taxation Rules and Administration Committee Senate Arms Control Observer Group Senate Office Building Commission Smithsonian Institution U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission Moynihan, Elizabeth, Smithsonian Institution .... Mozden, Mike, Democratic Policy Committee Mozhin, Aleksei V., International Monetary Fund Mraz, Louis F., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Mrdeza, Michelle, Appropriations Committee Mroz, Robert M., Federal Communications Commis- sion Mruz, John H., Rep. William J. Hughes Mudd, Leonard E., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Mueller, Ann, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee Mueller, David, International Trade Administration, Commerce Mueller, Oscar, Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Muench, Marilyn L., General Counsel, Treasury Mugg, Pamela L., Liaison Offices Muhammad, Sayyid, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Muir, Linda J., Appropriations Committee Muir, Maggie, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez Mukaihata, Gail, Natural Resources Committee. Mulcahy, David M., President's Export Council Mulcare, Elle J., Federal Communications Commis- sion Muldoon, Joseph, Agriculture Committee Muldoon, Thomas J., Government Printing Office Muldrow, Tressie, Office of Personnel Management.. Mulgaokar, Laila, Library of Congress Mulhern, Dan, Rep. Sander M. Levin Mulhollan, Daniel P., Library of Congress Mulholland, Christine, Republican Study Committee. Mullan, Fitzhugh S.M., Health Resources and Serv- ices Administration, HHS Mullaney, Daniel T., Government Operations Com- mittee Mullarkey, Patrick D., Tax Divison, Justice Mullen, John, U.S. International Development Coop- eration Agency Muller, George, International Trade Administration, Commerce Muller, Robert S., National Council on Disability Mullikin, Jeanne L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Mullin, Hannah, Smithsonian Institution Malis, Libby, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Mulhaer Lisa, Public Works and Transportation Committee Mullins, David W., Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Mullins, Donna, Rep. Dean A. Gallo Mullins, William, Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc issi Mullis, Marie, Select Committee on Ethics Mulloy, Patrick A., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Mullvain, Toby J., Public Works and Transportation ommittee Mulrenin, Edward T., Board of Governors of the ederal Reserve System Multop, John Ridgway, Budget Committee Mulvaney, Mark E., Under Secretary for Interna- tional Security Affairs, State Mulvaney, Sean, Ways and Means Committee... Mummert, Jennifer, Appropriations Committee Mumphard, Ella M., Rep. Fortney Pete Stark Mundt, Michelle, Energy and Commerce Committee | Mundy, Carl E., Jr., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar- ters Mundy, Georgiana, Rep. Robert G. Torricelli Munk, Russell L., General Counsel, Treasury Munnell, Alicia H., Assistant Secretary for Econom- ic Policy, Treasury Munoz, Dorothy J., Rep. Bob Stump | Miinoz, Heraldo, Organization of American States Munsell, Elsie L., Office of the General Counsel, Navy Munson, Dick, Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition Munson, Ronald A., Office of Water and Science, Interior Murguria, Janet, Veterans’ Affairs Committee 1296 Congressional Directory Page Page Murkowski, Frank H. (Senator from Alaska): Biography Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group... Energy and Natural Resources Committee ............. Foreign Relations Committee Indian Affairs Committee Japan-United States Friendship Commission Republican Policy Committee Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control . United States Holocaust Memorial Council Veterans’ Affairs Committee Murley, Thomas E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Murnaghan, Francis D., Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Murphy, Ann R., Office of the Doorkeeper Murphy, Austin J. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Biography Education and Labor Committee Natural Resources Committee Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation Murphy, Becky, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Murphy, Betty Southard, Administrative Conference of the United States. Murphy, C. Westbrook, Harry S. Truman Scholar-ship Foundation Murphy, Craig, Rep. Joe Barton Murphy, D. Ann, Energy and Commerce Committee Murphy, Daniel L., National Credit Union Adminis-tration Murphy, Daniel P., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Murphy, Dick, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Murphy, Dick, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Murphy, Donald J., Inspector General, Air Force il Edward J., Jr, Office of the Secretary, Murphy, Ellen, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury .. Murphy, Frank D., National Foundation on the Arts and the H iti Murphy, Franklin D., Smithsonian Institution Murphy, Garrett F., International Monetary Fund Murphy, George, U.S. Information Agency Murphy, Gerald, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas- ury Murphy, Gerald, House Information Systems Murphy, Gerald, National Archives and Records Administration Murphy, James G., Armed Services Committee Murphy, James, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Murphy, John M., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Murphy, Kathleen O., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice Murphy, Kathryn B., Federal Railroad Administra- tion, Transportation Murphy, Kenneth L., Botanic Garden .... Murphy, Larry, Rep. Charles Wilson Murphy, Len, Liaison Offices Murphy, Louis J., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Murphy, Marcia A., Rep. Jack Brooks Murphy, Mary, Sen. Russ Feingold Murphy, Michael A., Federal Maritime Commission . Murphy, Patrick M., Rep. Cass Ballenger Murphy, Patrick V., Office of Policy and Interna- tional Affairs, Transportation Murphy, Peggy, Standards of Official Conduct Com- mittee Murphy, Peter M., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters. Murphy, Robert S., Public Health Service, HHS Murphy, Robert, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Murphy, Ronald D., Federal Maritime Commission... Murphy, Sheila, Sen. J. Robert Kerrey Murphy, Susan, Equal Employment Opportunity Ce is n Murphy, Thomas, Commission on Security and Co-operation In Europe 551 Murphy, Timothy A., Standing Committee of Press Photographers 1082 Murphy, Timothy C., Office of the Attorney Gener-al, Justice 725 Murr, James C., Office of Management and Budget... 672 Murr, Thomas W., Consumer Product Safety Com- mission 863 Murray, Daphne Wood, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Murray, Ellen, Office of Financial Management, HHS Murray, Francis X., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Murray, Hamish L., House Information Systems Murray, James, Congressional Award Murray, Josephine R., Sen. Jesse Helms Murray, Lawrence E., Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States Murray, Mark W., Appropriations Committee... Murray, Maryanne, Foreign Affairs Committee Murray, Michael Leo, Office of the General Counsel Murray, Michael, Rep. Jan Meyers. Murray, Patty (Senator from Washington): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Budget Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Murray, Richard, Smithsonian Institution Murray, William, U.S. Capitol Preservation Commis- Sion Murrell, Mary Lynn, Rep. Sam Johnson Murret, Eugene J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Murtagh, Margaret S., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Murtaugh, Terrance, Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force Murtha, John P. (Representative from Pennsylvania): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Steel Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation .... Muse, Stephen, Commission of Fine Arts Musgrave, R. Kenton, United States Court of Inter- national Trade Muskie, Edmund S., U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress Mussa, Michael, International Monetary Fund Mussler, Robert M., Office of the Nuclear Waste Coordinator. Musto, Mike, Joint Economic Cc i Muszynski, William J., Environmental Protection Agency Muthersbaugh, Jeff, Rep. Gary A. Franks tens Mwananshiku, L.J., International Monetary Fund Myers, Bud, Rep. Cardiss Collins Myers, Dee Dee, Communications, Office of the President Myers, J. Pierce, Education and Labor Committee .... Myers, Jewell L., Federal Mediation and Concilia- tion Service Myers, John R., Science and Education, Agriculture. Myers, John T. (Representative from Indiana): Appropriations Committee Biography General Services Administration Myers, Lucretia F., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Myers, Michael, Judiciary Committee Myers, Richard B., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Myers, Roland H., III, Rep. Tom Barlow III Myrick, Gary, Office of the Majority Secretary Myrtle, Michael E., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation N Naatz, Daniel T., Government Operations Commit- tee Naccara, George N., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Nadler, Jerrold L. (Representative from New York): Biography Judiciary Committee Name Index 1297 Public Works and Transportation Committee Nadol, Jack A., Office of Justice Programs, Justice ... 752 Naftzger, Pauline C., Japan-United States Friendship Commission 552 Nagai, Shigeru, International Finance Corporation .... 1014 Nagle, Maureen, Rep. Floyd H. Flake 200 Nagler, Anita M., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 914 Nagurka, Stu, Rep. Bill Richardson 195 Nagy, Dennis M., Defense Intelligence Agency, De- ense 693 Nagy, Edward C., Rep. Tim Valentine............. 1 218 Naimon, David, Judiciary Committee 451 Nakagawa, Makoto, International Monetary Fund 1016 Nakahata, John T., Governmental Affairs Committee 404 Nakajima, Hiroshi, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1029 Nakamura, Kent Y., Federal Communications Com-mission 873 Nakamura, Tadashi, International Labor Organiza- tion Nakao, Aki K., General Services Administration Nalley, Leigh, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture Nameroff, Larry L., United States Tax Court.. Nance, James W., Foreign Relations Committee Nangle, John F., Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Liti- gation Nanni, Anthony V., Antitrust Division, Justice Nannini, Michael D., Government Operations Com- mittee Nappi, Douglas R., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Nardo, Paul, Rep. Herbert H. Bateman Nardotti, Michael J., Jr., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Nary, Joyce, Federal Communications Commission.. Nash, Amy, Judiciary Committee Nash, Bob: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Small Community and Rural Development, Agi: culture Nash, Teixeira, African Development Foundation Nash-Brown, Eleanor, Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey Nassim, Edward A., International Finance Corpora- tion Natcher, William H. (Representative from Ken- tucky): Appropriations Committee Biography Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Smithsonian Institution Nathan, Daniel A., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Nathan, David, Rep. Constance A. Morella Nathanson, James E., Council of the District of Co- lumbia Nuh, 2 Pigeng, Inter-American Development Natter FR Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee Naumer, Helmuth, National Foundation on the Arts and the F ies Naunton, Ralph, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, HHS Navarro, Aaron B., National Library of Medicine, HHS. Navarro, Luis A., Rep. Albert R. Wynn Nave, Linda, Office of the Republican Leader Navetta, Lori A., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Nay, Robert L., Library of Congress Naylor, Jeannette L., Pennsylvania Avenue Devel- opment Corporation Neal, Anne D., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Neal, Donn C., National Archives and Records Ad- ministration Neal, Homer A., Smithsonian Institution Neal, Jean, Sen. Richard H. Bryan Neal, Lawrence A., Sen. Phil Gramm Neal, Richard E. (Representative from Massachu- setts): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Ways and Means Committee Page Neal, Stephen L. (Representative from North Caroli-na): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Congressional Clearinghouse on | the Future Government Operations Committee Neale, John V., Jr., General Services Administration Neale, William R., Administrative Conference of the United States Nebeker, Frank Q., United States Court of Veterans Ppe: Nece, Patricia M., Office of Policy, Labor Necessary, Douglas H., Armed Services Committee.. Nedrow, R.D.: Chief of Naval Operations Naval Criminal Investigative Service Command, Navy Needham, Donna D., Foreign Affairs Committee Needle, Steven D., Technology Administration, Commerce Neel, Jay, Rep. Chet Edwards Neel, Roy, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President Neely, James R., Jr., Equal Employment Opportuni- ty Commission Neff, Matthew R., Federal Housing Finance Board ... Nega, Joseph W., Joint Committee on Taxation Negash, Lesliee, National Republican Senatorial Committee Negron, Jorge A., Office of the Secretary, HUD Neill, Charles R., Justice Management Division, Jus- Neill, Edwin B., General Services Administration Neiss, Hubert, International Monetary Fund Neissel, Coral D., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Nekoba, Frances K., Chief of Staff, Air Force Nellemann, David O., General Accounting Office Nelson, Allen D., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Nelson, Dave, Rep. Dan Hamburg Nelson, David A., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Nelson, Denise, Environmental Protection Agency.... Nelson, Diana L., Joint Committee on Taxation Nelson, Dorothy W., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit Nelson, Edgar H., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Nelson, Harold W., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Nelson, James C., Environmental Protection Agency Nelson, Jennifer J., Rules and Administration Com- mittee Nelson, Jennifer R., Regional Administrators, Justice Nelson, Jim, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Nelson, John F., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Nelson, Karen, Energy and Commerce Committee... Nelson, Kathy, Rep. Jim Lightfoot fait Nelson, Ken, Joint Economic Committee.. Nelson, L. Clair, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cc on Nelson, Mike, Commerce, Science, and Transporta-tion Committee Nelson, Polly, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbi Nelson, Robert D., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Nelson, Robert S., House of Representatives Page chool Nelson, Robert T., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Nelson, Scott, Rep. Don Edwards Nelson, Stephen D., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Nelson, Sue, Budget Committee Nelson, Susan, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee Nelson, Thomas G., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Nelson, Tim, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mittee Nelson, Trish, Ways and Means Committee Nelson, Vern L., Office of the Nuclear Waste Coor- dinator Nelson, Warren L., Armed Services Committee 1298 Congressional Directory Page Nelson, William R., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice 734 Nelson-Paretta, Lynn C., Immigration and Natural- ization Service, Justice 746 Nemfakos, Charles P., United States Naval Home...... 939 Nemtzow, David, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Nepi, Thomas E., Government Printing Office Neri, Patrick J., Office of the Secretary, HUD.. ¥ Neruda, Michael, Administration, Agriculture............. Nervitt, Ronald, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury 682 Neshkes, Leo D., Antitrust Division, Justice............... 728 Nessi, Dominic A, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD 830 Nestande, Brian, Rep. Michael Huffington. .................. 31 Nester, Mary Anne, Office of Personnel Manage- Mel errenine 903 Nestor, Susan, Finance Committee ...........ccocvevuervennen. 401 Nesvet, Jeffrey, Office of Policy, Labor ...................... 798 Nethery, John J., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 715 Neto, Bernardo Pericas, Organization of American States 1019 Netro, Ronald F., Federal Communications Commis-sion 873 Nettesheim, Christine Cook, United States Court of Federal Claims 972 Neu, James E., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force 713 Neuman, Tricia, Ways and Means Committee 476 Neumiller, Kate, Rep. Thomas W. Ewing ................... 98 Neuschatz, Alan, International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce 785 Neuwirth, Stephen R., Counsel to the President, Office of the President 668 New, James H., II, Office of Policy and Internation-al Affairs, Transportation 837 Newberry, Scott F., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 935 Newborn, Steven A., Federal Trade Commission....... 881 Newcomb, Jerry W., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture...........ccccccevurrenenns 766 Newcomb, Richard, Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury 683 Newcomer, Nancy, Rep. William F. Goodling........... 262 Newell, John D., Inspector General, Commerce ........ 781 Newell, Stephen A., Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor 800 Newell, Timothy, Office of Science and Technology Policy 674 Newill, Curtis N., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force 713 Newkirk, Douglas, Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive 674 Newkirk, Thomas C., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 912 Newland, W. Ross, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 477 Newlin, Hilary, Sen. Richard G. Lugar............c.c.c..... 102 Newman, Barry F., Assistant Secretary for Interna- tional Affairs, Treasury 681 Newman, Bernard, United States Court of Interna-tional Trade 969 Newman, Constance Berry: Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com-mission 553 Smithsonian Institution 917 Newman, Frank N., Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, Treasury 682 Newman, Jerald C., National Commission on Librar-ies and Information Science irr sersssssiss 893 Newman, Jon O., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Newman, Kenneth E. Securities and Exchange Cc ission 914 Newman, Pauline: United States Court of Appeals............cccoveerrirunnenne. 954 United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Newman, Ralph G., U.S. Capitol Historical Society.. 568 Newman, Sally L., Armed Services Committee.......... 29 Newman, Tricia, Ways and Means Committee............ 475 Newmeyer, Sarah, Smithsonian Institution... 919, 920, 922 Newport, Robert J., Bureau of Prisons, Justice........... 733 Newquist, Don E., U.S. International Trade Com- mission 932 Newsom, Eric D., Appropriations Committee ............ 390 Newson, Conrad M., Administration, Agriculture...... Newton, Carolyn Wilson, Rep. Corrine Brown.......... Newton, Donald W., Assistant Secretary for Acqui- sition, Air Force Newton, Fred J., Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Newton, Ladene H., Public Health Service, HHS...... Newton, Leilani, Export-Import Bank of the United States Newton, Michael A., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... Newton, Verne W., National Archives and Records Administration Newville, Daniela, Rep. Dave McCurdy ..........c.c........ Nexon, David H., Labor and Human Resources Committee Ngoc-Bich, Nguyen, Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs, Education.......... Nibali, Ken, Social Security Administration, HHS ..... Niblock, Robert W., Office of Technology Assess- ment Nicholas, Valerie A., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Nicholas-Costalas, Angeline, Budget Committee ........ Nichols, Abigail, Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture Nichols, Buford L., Science and Education, Agricul- ture Nichols, Daniel R., U.S. Capitol Police ..........ccccunene Nichols, Harold E., Office of the Sergeant at Arms... Nichols, Kenneth R., Federal Communications Com- mission Nichols, Marvin W., Jr, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor Nickel, Kenneth F., Chief of Staff, Air Force............. Nickerson, Cynthia, Rep. Cleo Fields % Nickles, Don (Senator from Oklahoma): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Conference of the Minority Energy and Natural Resources Committee .............. Indian Affairs Committee Republican Leadership Republican Policy Committee Senate Arms Control Observer Group Nicks, Gordon, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Nicogossian, Arnauld E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nicolas, Emilio R., Jr., American Red Cross .............. Nicoll, Eric, Rep. Thomas W. Ewing Nicoll, Jim, Environment and Natural Resources Di- vision, Justice Nicoson, Lynn, Rep. John T. Myers Nieberding, Steve E., Public Health Service, HHS .... Niederlehner, Leonard, Policy, Defense .............cccucu... Niehuss, John M., Inter-American Development an Nielsen, Annette, Finance Committee ...........cccecovveeneen Nielson, Forrest, Science and Education, Agriculture Nieman, Roger L., United States Court of Federal Claims Niemeier, Richard W., Public Health Service, HHS .. Niemeyer, Carlos D., Federal Maritime Commission . Niemeyer, Paul V., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Nies, Arthur H., Science and Education, Agriculture Nies, Helen W.: United States Court of Appeals...........ccecervurrernierennes United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Nieves, Miguel A., American Red Cross ..........cccooeune Nieves, Robert J., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Nightingale, Stuart L., Food and Drug Administra-tion, HHS Nihan, Charles W., Administrative Office of the U.S. urts Nilles, Kathleen, Ways and Means Committee...... 475, 476 Nimmer, David C., Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ 831 Nims, Arthur L., III, United States Tax Court ........... 982 Ninomiya, Calvin, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas- ury 682 Nintemann, Terri, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Newsome, Steven, Smithsonian Institution............ 919, 920 Committee Name Index 1299 Page Nipp, Robert E., Assistant Secretary for Public Af-fairs, HUD Nirenberg, Darryl D., Sen. Jesse Helms.... Nirenberg, Lyle, Judiciary Committee....... Nishioki, Scott, Rep. Richard H. Lehman Nissen, Nico J., International Finance Corporation .... 1014 Nitsche, Judith A., Federal Communications Com-mission 872 Nix, James E., Economics, Agriculture............cco........ 764 Nix, John B., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, INU Us RA a Th LO SO a Nixon, George J., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ-ment, Air Force 715 Nixon, Sheryl Ann Sinegal, Rep. James A. Hayes...... 129 Noakes, Edward G., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 913 Nober, Roger, Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 Noble, Gary R., Public Health Service, HHS. ............. 810 Noble, Lawrence M.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 856 Federal Election Commission 876 Noble, Ronald K., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Nobles, Jo, Sen. Dale Bumpers 15 Noblin, George, Public Works and Transportation Committee Noe, Cathy, Ways and Means Committee............. 475, 476 Noel, Elizabeth A., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Nogues, Julio, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Nolan, Beth, Counsel to the President, Office of the President 668 Nolan, Jean, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, HUD 829 Nolan, Lisa, Democratic Leadership ...........cccoceevvuennnne 612 Nolan, Nicholas J., Federal Government Service Task Force 564 Nolan, Walker F., Congressional Award ............cc.o..... 549 Noll, Sonja, Combined Airlines Ticket Offices (CATO 627 Noonan, Jean, Farm Credit Administration Board...... 868 Noonan, John T., Jr., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit ..........ccccecveevnreerenenns 947 Noonan, Joseph W., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 839 Noord, Thomas H., U.S. Capitol Police............cccurerunne 626 Nooter, Robert H., Smithsonian Institution ................. 923 Nophlin, Calvin, Office of Management and Budget, HHS Nora, Audrey H., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Norcross, Marvin A., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Nordlinger, Edwin H., Securities and Exchange Commission 913 Nordquist, Myron H., General Counsel, Air Force.... 717 Nordyke, Lester, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Norelius, Charles E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Norell, Richard V., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 912 Norfolk, William B., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce 783 Norman, Emily Claire, Foreign Affairs Committee... 444 Norris, Alan E., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Norris, Genie, Democratic Congressional Campaign ommittee Norris, Joseph A., III, Justice Management Division, Justice Norris, Sheri Lee, Rep. Bill Thomas..........ccoecevunenee. Norris, Stephen L., Federal Retirement Thrift In- vestment Board Norris, William A., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Norris, William J., Office of Technology Assessment 640 Norry, Patricia G., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 934 Northington, Larry W., Chief of Staff, Air Force...... Norton, Arthur J., Bureau of the Census, Commerce. Page Norton, Eleanor Holmes (Delegate from the District of Columbia): Biography 337 Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... 559 Congressional Human Rights Caucus............cc.cu..... 561 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Democratic Study Group 563 District of Columbia Committee ..........cccevuerrurruennne 434 Federal Government Service Task Force................ 564 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. 458 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Norton, Gary W., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury 686 Norwood, Earline, Rep. Blanche M. Lambert............. 16 Norwood, George W., Inspector General, Air Force 719 Nossaman, Michael D., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority 878 Notkins, Abner L., National Institute of Dental Re- search, HHS 821 Nouhan, Dolores A., Rep. Dale E. Kildee .................. 151 Nourse, Victoria, Judiciary Committee . 406 Nousen, Margo, Rep. Nancy L. Johnson............cc....... 57 Nousen, Steve, Sen. Mark O. Hatfield 245 Novak, Alex, Rep. Bill Baker 24 Novak, Barbara, Smithsonian Institution.............c........ 924 Novak, Carol A., Appropriations Committee.............. 426 Novak, Michael, Board for International Broadcast- ing 547 Novak, Vanessa, National Republican Senatorial Committee 417 Novel, Michael J., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 Novello, Antonia C.: American Red Cross 859 Public Health Service, HHS 809 Novotny, Donald J., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture..........cooovviiueennnene 767 Novotny, Thomas H., Library of Congress.. 636 Novotny, Thomas W., Library of Congress .... Nowak, John M., Chief of Staff, Air Force..... Nuccio, Richard, Foreign Affairs Committee.............. Nuce, Allen D., Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture 771 Nuckols, C.G., Congressional Budget Office............... 630 Nugent, Terry L., House Information Systems............ 623 Nunez, Manuel, International Finance Corporation... 1012 Nunez, Samuel B., Jr., Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.............ccoeuriinniinnnnne 857 Nunn, Sam (Senator from Georgia): Armed Services Committee 391 Biography 76 Governmental Affairs Committee .........ccoceerrerrenrennnn. 403 Senate Arms Control Observer Group..........c.cceueuee 555 Small Busi Committee 410 Nunnally, Bob, Liaison Offices. 629 Nunns, James R., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury 683 Nusbaum, Thomas W., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 771 Nussbaum, Bernard W., Counsel to the President, Office of the President 668 Nussbaum, Karen Beth, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor 796 Nussenblatt, Robert, National Eye Institutes, HHS .... 819 Nussle, Jim (Representative from Iowa): Agriculture Committee 419 Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 110 National Republican Congressional Committee... 481, 482 Nuzum, Janet A., U.S. International Trade Commis-sion 932 Nyce, Louise, Assistant Secretary for Research, De-velopment, and Acquisition, Army ........cccceceeruenne. 698 Nye, Benjamin, Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Treasury 682 Nye, Christine H., Health Care Financing Adminis-tration, HHS 824 Nygaard, Richard Lowell, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.........ccccoovurinnnnan 946 Nystrom, Duane, Joint Committee on Printing........... 485 Oo O’Berry, Carl G., Chief of Staff, Air Force................. 722 1300 Congressional Directory Page O’Boyle, Randy, Liaison Offices.............cccecvevivnreerinnns 629 O’Brien, Ana C., Organization of American States..... 1020 O’Brien, Brett, Democratic Policy Committee............ 15 O’Brien, Debbie, Speaker of the House of Represent- atives 616 O’Brien, Doug, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 O’Brien, James, Peace Corps 907 O’Brien, John C., Federal Election Commission......... 876 O'Brien, John, Office of Administration, Commerce.. O’Brien, Judith, Energy and Commerce Committee... O’Brien, Michael, Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army O’Brien, Patrick B., United States Court of Veterans Appeals O’Brien, Patrick M., Economics, Agriculture.............. O'Callaghan, Karen E., Foreign Relations Commit- tee O'Connell, Dennis M., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury O’Connell, Edward H., Judiciary Committee.............. O’Connell, James, Office of Personnel Management... 904 O’Connell, Janice M., Foreign Relations Committee.. 403 O’Connell, Kathleen, Ways and Means Committee .... 476 O’Connell, Michael, Office of Personnel Manage- ment O’Conner, William, Agriculture Committee ..... O’Connor, Ann F., Office of the Doorkeeper .. O’Connor, Brian, Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II O’Connor, Bryan D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 O’Connor, Diane W., Public Affairs, Agriculture....... 769 O’Connor, Ellen M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia O’Connor, Erin, Judiciary Committee..............ccc.cuu.n... O’Connor, Jennifer, Management and Administra- tion, Office of the President...........ccccceverrevievennns O'Connor, John J., Government Printing Office... O’Connor, Kenneth M., Drug Enforcement Admin-istration, Justice O’Connor, Sandra Day: United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Supreme Court of the United States.............cccoueuneee. O’Connor, Tim, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture O’Day, Kathleen M., Board of Federal Reserve System O’Donnell, Janice, Mexico-United mentary Group O’Donnell, Lawrence, Jr., Finance O’Donnell, Meg Ryan, Rep. Dan O’Donnell, Pat, Counselor to Chief of Staff, Treasury O'Donnell, Ruth M., Office of ment Governors of the States Interparlia- Committee........... Hamburg ................ the Secretary and Personnel Manage- 19 679 904 O’Donnell, Thomas P., Council of Economic Advis- ers 671 O’Donnell, Tom, Office of the Majority Leader......... 617 O'Farrell, Michael, International Finance Corpora- tion 1013 O'Grady, Thomas, Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice 734 O’Hanlon, Cynthia, Rep. Bill Thomas.............ccccoeuueee. 30 O’Hara, James, Food and Drug Administration, HHS 815 O’Hara, John P., Legal Services Corporation ............. 889 O’Hara, Kathleen, Post Office and Civil Service Committee 459 O’Hara, Kevin, Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 O’Hare, John F., Joint Committee on Taxation .......... 486 O’Hare, Thomas J., Jr., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS 826 O’Keefe, Kevin, Presidential Personnel, Office of the President 670 O'Keefe, Rosemarie, Rep. Susan Molinari ................. 204 O’Keeffe, Johannah P., Appropriations Committee .... 426 O’Leary, Hazel Rollins (Secretary of Energy): Biography 847 Cabinet 666 Smithsonian Institution 916 O’Leary, Richard, Chief of Staff, Air Force ............... 722 O’Lenick, Brenda, House Administration Committee. 448 O'Malley, Robert J., Office of the Doorkeeper........... 620 O’Malley, Thomas P., Management—Chief Financial O'Mara, Jeff, Rep. Peter J. Visclosky........cccceceereniannnns O'Meara, Barbara J., Armed Services Committee....... O'Neil, Bill, Rep. Leslie L. Byrne O'Neil, Bonny, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture O'Neil, Marcy, Office of the Secretary, Air Force..... O'Neil, Michael, Democratic Steering and Policy Committee O'Neil, William A., International Agencies Related to the United Nations O'Neill, Joseph E., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture O'Neill, Kathryn H., Ways and Means Committee... O'Neill, Malcolm, Ballistic Missile Defense Organi- zation, Defense O'Neill, Michael J.: Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Speaker of the House of Representatives vee O'Neill, Robert J., Office of the Clerk ..........ccceceruenns O'Reilly, Terrance M., Immigration and Naturaliza-tion Service, Justice O'Riley, Carl, Office of Postsecondary Education, Education O'Rourke, Timothy J., Civil Division, Justice............. O’Scannlain, Diarmuid F., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit...........cccoeeevvuenenens O'Shaughnessy, Gary W., Major Commands, Air Force O'Sullivan, Catherine G., Antitrust Division, Justice . O'Sullivan, Marianne, U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency O'Sullivan, Mark D., Office of the Clerk.........c...o...... O'Toole, Jim, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Oakley, Godfrey P., Public Health Service, HHS ...... Oaks, Robert C., Major Commands, Air Force........... Oaxaca, Jaime, National Science Foundation Obame, Jean-Christian, International Monetary Fund Obasi, G.O.P., International Agencies Related to the United Nations Obee, Kent, U.S. Information Agenc Oberdorfer, Louis Falk, United States District Court for the District of Columbia Oberlander, George H.F., National Capital Planning Cc Oberle, George H., National Council on Disability... Oberman, Eileen, Special Committee on Agin, Oberman, Richard M., Science, Space, and Technol- ogy Committee Obermayer, Adele, Budget Committee Oberstar, James L. (Representative from Minnesota): Biography Congressional Steel Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Foreign Affairs Committee Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition............ Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group... Obey, David R. (Representative from Wisconsin): Appropriations Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Joint Economic Committee Oblinger, Josephine K., Federal Council on the Aging Obminski, Evgenjevick, International Agencies Re- lated to the United Nations Ochoa, Christine, Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez ................. Ochoa, Maria Luisa, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard Ochs, Michael J., Commission on Security and Co- operation In Europe Ochs, Michael, Environmental Protection Agency..... Oda, Shigeru, United Nations Odegaard, Charles H., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Odell, John B., U.S. Senate Commission on Art......... Oden, Hilary A., Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior Odinotskaya, Victoria, Government Operations Committee Odling-Smee, John, International Monetary Fund...... Odom, Walter T., Bureau of the Census, Commerce. Oetken, Albert A, Rep. Owen B. Pickett w Officer, Treasury 685 Offner, Paul, Finance COMMER. ..corri cess brrsrsrsasiaresnin: Name Page Offringa, Peter J., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 703 Ogan, James R., United States Marshals Service, Jus-tice 747 Ogata, Sadako: International Agencies Related to the United Na-tions . 1030 Secretariat, United Nations 1028 Oglesby, Ted L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ohler, Barry, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Ohlson, Brooks, Export Administration, Commerce... Ohman, Earl R., Jr., Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc ission Oistad, Leon, Rep. Rod Grams Ok, Montha, Rules Committee Okay, John L., Administration, Agriculture Okin, Carol J., Office of Personnel Management... Okun, Bob, Office of the Republican Leader Oland, Bruce, Office of Personnel Management Olden, Kenneth, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, HHS Oldham, Jennifer, Rep. Spencer Bachus Oler, Harriet, Library of Congress Oleszek, Walter J.: Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Library of Congress 63 Oleszewski, Marcia, Joint Committee on Printing Olick, Karen, Sen. Barbara Boxer Olimpio, Joseph, Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor Olin, Doug, Budget Committee Oliphant, Lincoln, Republican Policy Committee Oliver, Daniel J., Federal Communications Commis- sion Oliver, James A., Office of the Doorkeeper Oliver, Janice, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee Oliver, Kenneth C., Resident Commissioner Carlos Romero-Barcel6 Oliver, Linda L., Federal Communications Commis- sion Oliver, Martha T., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Oliver, R. Spencer, Commission on Security and Co- operation In Europe 550 Oliverio, Vincent T., National Cancer Institute, HHS 818 Olmstead, William J., Administrative Conference of the United States Olmsted, John, Rep. Thomas J. Manton Ols, John M., Jr., General Accounting Office Olsavsky, Michael J., U.S. International Trade Com- mission Olsen, Alan, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Re-serve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Olsen, C. Allen, General Services Administration Olsen, Dagne B., President's Committee on Mental Retardation Olsen, David L., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Olsen, Norma, Rep. Marcy Kaptur Olson, Donald, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Olson, Kathryn, Ways and Means Committee 475, 476 Olson, Larry W., Federal Communications Commis- sion Olson, Philip, Chief of Naval Operations Olson, Scott, Rep. Bill Orton Olson, Susan, Rep. Doug Bereuter Olson, Theodore, Administrative Conference of the United States Oltjen, Robert R., Science and Education, Agricul-ture Olver, John W. (Representative from Massachusetts): Appropriations Committee Biography Oman, Ralph, Library of Congress Omas, George, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Onanian, Edward, Team 21, Labor Onassis, Mrs. Aristotle, Smithsonian Institutio Ondak, Edward J., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation Oneglia, Stewart B., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice Ono, Setsuko, Inter-American Development Bank Operle, Karl M., Joint Committee on Printing Opertti, Didier, Organization of American States Index 1301 Page Opfer, George J., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury 684 Opinsky, Howard, Conference of the Minority 417 Oppenheimer, Michelle A., Federal Communications Commission Oppman, Dennis J., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Opsal, Pete, Office of the Secretary, Navy Orban, Russ, Rep. Blanche M. Lambert Orenstein, Walter A., Public Health Service, HHS .... Orlando, Chris, Energy and Commerce Committee ... Orlando, Samuel, House Information Systems Ormiston, Kathy, Republican Leadership Ormsby, Patrick, Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Orndorff, Joanne L., Appropriations Committee Orr, David S., Federal Election Commission Orr, John T., Jr., Antitrust Division, Justice Orr, Susan, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Orsini, Eric A., Assistant Secretary for Installations, Logistics and Environment, A Ortel, Stephanie, Rep. Bud Cramer Ortenberg, Arthur, Library of Congress Ortiz, Reynaldo, International Finance Corporation... Ortiz, Solomon P. (Representative from Texas): Armed Services Committee Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Orton, Bill (Representative from Utah): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... Biography Budget Committee Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Orton, Larry L., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Ory, Howard W., Public Health Service, HHS... Osborne, Anna, Rep. Joel Hefley Osborne, Kathleen L., Federal Council on the Aging Osborne, Leutrell, Office of Personnel Management.. Oscarson, Wendy A., Senate Press Gallery Oser, Warren, Justice Management Division, Justice . Osheroff, Mauri L., Securities and Exchange Com-mission Oshinsky, Samuel, Office of Policy, Labor Osman, Betty B., President's Committee on Mental Retardation Osmus, Lynne A., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Ostenso, Grace L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Ostenso, Ned A., National Oceanic and Atmcspheric Administration, Commerce Osterday, John R., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Osterman, Georgia C., Armed Services Committee... Osthaus, John G., Appropriations Committee Ostovich, R., III, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Ostrach, Simon, National Academy of Engineering ... Ostrow, Stephen E., Library of Congress Oswald, Robert B., Jr., Army Staff and Selected A gencies Oteifa, Hassan, International Finance Corporation Othman, Aris, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Otjen, John P., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Ott, Bill, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Ott, William R., Technology Administration, Com- merce Otten, Vicki, Sen. Paul Simon Otterness, Naomi, Rep. Sam Gejdenson Oursler, Lenny, Office of the Majority Secretary Oursler, Susan, Rules and Administration Committee Ouseley, Jill K., Assistant Secretary for Domestic Affairs, Treasury Overal, Dorothy, Small Business Administration Overbay, James C., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Overby, Gary N., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Overend, Charles F., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Overstreet, Carleen, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman Overstreet, Harold G.: Armed Forces Retirement Home U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters 1302 Congressional Directory Oviatt, Clifford R., Jr., National Labor Relations Board Oviedo, Nina, Republican Leadership............cccccoeuuue.. Owen, Deborah K., Federal Trade Commission.......... Owen, Liz, National Republican Senatorial Commit- tee Owen, Marc C. Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Owen, Peter, Judiciary Committee. ..............c.ccceveueesee Owens, Ann, Natural Resources Comnmittee............. Owens, B. Dean, President's Committee on Mental Retardation Owens, Dean, Office of the Republican Leader.......... Owens, Dennis E., Federal Emergency Management Agency Owens, Ira C., Army Staff and Selected Agencies ..... Owens, John, Small Community and Rural Develop- ment, Agriculture Owens, Loretta A., Science and Education, Agricul-ture Owens, Major R. (Representative from New York): Biography Education and Labor Committee..............ccccoeuennnnene Government Operations Committee .............cccereuees Owens, Michael W., Assistant Secretary for Installa- tions, Logistics and Environment, Army.............. Owens, Susie, Sen. John Breaux Owens, William A., Chief of Naval Operations........... Owensby, Virginia C., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Owings, H. Christopher, Securities and Exchange « ission Oxley, Michael G. (Representative from Ohio): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee............ccccuveunnne Office of Technology Assessment Republican Policy Committee ...... Oxley, Pat, Congressional Club Oxman, S|snhien A., Bureau of European and Cana-dian Affairs, State Ozmun, Richard R., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy P Pace, Norma, U.S. Postal Service.........cc.cecevvevvreninennee Pachter, Marc J., Smithsonian Institution..... 920, Pack, Linda Jan S., Office of Policy, Labor. il: Pack, William, Office of Management, HHS ............... Packard, Barbara, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Packard, Ron (Representative from California): Appropriations Committee Biography Republican Study Committee Packer, Winsome, Veterans’ Affairs Committee.......... Packo, Ann Marie, Rep. Alan B. Mollohan................. Packwood, Bob (Senator from Oregon): Biography Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Environmental and Energy Study Conference........ Finance Committee Joint Committee on Taxation National Republican Senatorial Committee.............. Republican Policy Committee ............ccocevuveiverriirnnene Pacovsky, Terry J., Science and Education, Agricul- ture Pacquing, Juliet, Appropriations Committee ............... Paddock, Mina F., Foreign Affairs Committee ........... Padgett, Gail B., Community Relations Service, Jus- tice Padgett, Guy, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama-tion, and Enforcement, Interior..........ccccceceevenenne. Padilla, Blasco Penarrieta, Organization of American States Page, Abby, Rep. Curt Weldon Page, Marcus W., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treas- ury Paige, Emmett, Jr., Command, Control, Communica- tions, and Intelligence, Defense .............cccvucunee. Paige, Patricia, Office of Personnel Management........ Paige, Ralph F., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Painter, Reece E.: House Administration Committee ........c..cccoovevurennen. Page 896 612 881 417 844 451 457 565 618 877 701 770 778 202 435 445 697 124 709 716 912 230 438 639 484 560 677 707 921 799 807 423 46 567 A73 326 245 395 563 400 486 416 418 779 426 444 751 758 1019 254 682 690 903 448 Painter, Toni, Education and Labor Committee ......... Paisley, Kelly, Democratic Policy Committee ............ Paiss, Naomi, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Pajak, John J., United States Tax Court Palaez, Marc, Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy Palank, Joseph, Government Printing Office............... Palast, Geri D., Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Labor Palazzo, Marc, Rep. Ronald K. Machtley ................... Palch, Suzanne, U.S. Arms Control and Disarma- ment Agency Pallas, Greg, Sen. J. James Exon ........ccccevvccnnncnvcrnnnn Pallone, Frank, Jr. (Representative from New Jersey): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Energy and Commerce Committee...........ccocoviuirennns Environmental and Energy Study Conference Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ..... Pallone, Joseph, Liaison Offices Pallozzi, Kathy, Office of the Under Secretary, Air Force Palm, Charles G., National Archives and Records Administration Palmateer, Kathy, Rep. David A. Levy.........cccccvnee Palmer, Bruce D., Office of Water and Science, Inte- rior Palmer, Carol, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial py hat Palmer, Dave, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury... Palmer, John N., President’s Export Council .............. Palmer, Mary Lou, Rep. Jack Quinn..........ccccecvuvuvunneee Palmer, Robert E., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Palmer, Rodney L., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Palmer, Roy, Rep. A. Wayne Allard... ek Palmer, Scott, Rep. J. Dennis Hastert ............c..ccceueuun. Palmer, Steven O., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Palmer, Victor W., Administration, Agriculture......... Palumbo, Barbara, Rep. Susan Molinari..........cccoccouuu. Panebianco, Thomas: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Federal Maritime CommiSSion..........cccceceveeens we Panethiere, Darrell, Judiciary Committee..................... Panetta, Leon E.: Cabinet Office of Management and Budget Pang, Frederick F.Y., Armed Services Committee..... Pangallo, C.D., Office of Personnel Management....... Pannullo, Helen G., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Pantirer, Murray, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Panuthos, Peter J., United States Tax Court................ Panzer, Nora, Smithsonian Institution ............ Riek Panzera, Donald P., Library of Congress Paolucci, Anne, National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities Paone, Gabriele J., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Paone, Martin P.: Democratic Policy Committee ............coccevuevrerruenennne Office of the Majority Secretary ..........cccccvereeuenenn Papadakis, Ioannis, International Monetary Fund Paperiello, Carl J., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Papez, Jan, Rep. Eric D. Fingerhut Papich, Anton, Rep. E (Kika) de la Garza................... Papinchak, Janet R., Office of Government Ethics .... Pappas, Matt, Judiciary Committee .............cccccerreruenenne Paquette, Dennis, Office of Policy, Labor ................... Paquette, Noel, International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada Paquin, Nancy, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS Paquin, Robert G., Sen. Patrick J. Leahy.................... Paradis, Julia, Agriculture Committee............ccceuvrurnne Parcell, John H., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Pardini, Edward A., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Paredes, Julio Londono, Organization of American Rep. Sam Gejdenson 55 States Name Page Paretzky, Kenneth I, Office of the Law Revision Counsel 623 Parish, George, International Trade Administration, Commerce Parisi, Joseph J., U.S. Capitol Police........c.c.coceveververeene Parker, Amelia kL. Congressional Black Caucus......... Parker, Carey, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Parker, David B., National Labor Relations Board .... Parker, Edna G., United States Tax Court Parker, George, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Parker, Harry, Jr., Office of the Doorkeeper Parker, Ira H., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion Parker, James M., Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior Parker, Joseph C., Office of Personnel Management.. Parker, Karen, Rep. Paul E. Gillmor Parker, Kathleen M., Office of Senate Legal Counsel Parker, Kevin, Congressional Black Caucus Parker, Kim: Office of Legislation, HHS Office of the Secretary for Legislation, HHS Parker, Larry J., Regional and Field Offices, HUD... Parker, Lewis F, Federal Trade Commission Parker, Mike (Representative from Mississippi): Biography Budget Committee Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Public Works and Transportation Committee Parker, Odette, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices.. Parker, Pam, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Parker, Philip D., Administrative Conference of the United States Parker, Phillip D., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion Parker, R. Michael, Securities and Exchange Com-mission Parker, Robert P., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Parker, Robert W., General Services Administration. Parker, Robert W., On-Site Inspection Agency, De- fense Parkinson, Chuck, Appropriations Committee Parkinson, Patrick M., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Parks, Don, Rep. Nathan Deal Parks, Jessica L., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Parks, Judith A., General Services Administration Parle, James V., Office of Government Ethics Parler, William C.: Administrative Conference of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Parlow, Richard D., Technology Administration, Commerce Parnes, Lydia B., Federal Trade Commission Parobek, Dennis, Rep. Barbara F. Vucanovich... Parr, Carolyn Miller, United States Tax Court Parrino, Sandra Swift, National Council on Disabil- ity Parris, Jim, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Parris, Mark R., Bureau of South Asian Affairs, State Parris, Stanford E., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Parrish, John H., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Parrish, Patricia D., Office of Administration, Trans-portation Parrott-Fonseca, Joan, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Parry, R.H., Science and Education, Agriculture Parry, Richard P., International Finance Corporation Parsky, Gerald L., President’s Export Council Parsky, Keith, Del. Robert A. Underwood Parsons, Donald F., International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Parsons, Jeanne, Appropriations Committee Parsons, John G., National Capital Planning Com- mission Parsons, Marion, Jr., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Parsons, Mark, Judiciary Committee Index 1303 Page Partlow, James G., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-issi 935 Partrich, Myrna, President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 910 Parver, Ronajd, Federal Communications Commis- Paschal Judy Myers, Republican Policy Committee. Pasco, James O., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Pascoe, B. Lynn, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, State Pascoe, Charlotte, Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Paskowski, Adele, Office of Administration and Management, Labor... Pason, Alan A., Antitrust Division, Justice Pasquier, Bernard, International Finance Corpora- tion Paster, Howard, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Pasternak, Marli, Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin Pastis, Dorothy, Appropriations Committee Pastor, Ed (Representative from Arizona): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Hispanic Caucus Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Democratic Study Group Pastore, Carla, Botanic Garden Patack, Melissa, Judiciary Committee Patak, Leonard, Export Administration, Commerce... Patch, Don I., Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD Pate, Barbara A., Rep. J.J. Pickle Pate, Dona L., Appropriations Committee Pate, Jim, Rep. Bill K. Brewster Pate, Joan Seitz, United States Tax Court Pate, William F., III, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. Patel, Yasmin, International Monetary Fund Paterson, Neil J., International Finance Corporation.. Pathak, Dalip, International Finance Corporation Paton, Harry T., Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation Patrick, Erline M., Small Business Administration Patrick, William J., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Patron, June, Pension and Welfare Benefits Adminis- tration, Labor, Patry, William F., Judiciary Committee Patsalides, Harry, Inspector General, Treasury Patten, Gerald, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Patterson, Eddie, Rep. Marilyn Lloyd Patterson, Ian T., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army ... Patterson, Jeff, Rep. Michael A. Andrews... Patterson, Joe, Budget Committee Patterson, John E., Public Health Service, HHS Patterson, Melinda, Rep. Duncan Hunter Patterson, Ronald, Office of Personnel Management.. Patterson, Stephen K., Rep. Dave McCurdy Patterson-Jones, Patt, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Patti, Joseph S., Office of Personnel Management Patton, Arlene, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Patton, Douglas J.: Federal Election Commission Office of the Clerk Patzman, Andrew, Labor and Human Resources Committee Paul, Betsy, Budget Committee Paul, Debbie, Sen. John McCain Paul, Helmut, International Finance Corporation Paul, James, Science, Space, and Technology Com- mittee Paul, Mary, Education and Labor Committee Paul, Raymond, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Paul, Terrence, Liaison Offices Pauley, Darrell R., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Pauley, Roger A., Criminal Division, Justice Paulk, Jan: Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group.... Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group.... North Atlantic Assembly Office of the Secretary 1304 Congressional Directory Page Paull, Ira, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Paull, Lindy, Finance Committee Pauls, Frederick H., Library of Congress . Pauls, Lloyd A., Library of Congress... Paulsen, Erik, Rep. Jim Ramstad ..... 158 Paup, Michael L., Tax Divison, Justice.. 732 Pautler, Paul, Federal Trade Commission. 25882 Paviich, Liz, Rep. Fred UpIOn..........uuiiisiivsisbamens 149 Pavlick, Edward E., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 698 Pawlikowski, John T., United States Holocaust Me-MOBIL CONNEC... ro ciisissrin i nriarin mires: 929 Pawlson, L. Gregory, U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s ome 938 Paxon, Bill (Representative from New York): Biography “123 Energy and Commerce Committee............ccocoeeunene 438 National Republican Congressional Committee... 481, 482 Republican Policy Committee ...........c.cooeriirerrerenenns 484 Payne, Donald M. (Representative from New Jersey): Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela-tions 856 Congressional Human Rights Caucus ........c..c.cocoe.e. 561 Biography 189 Education and Labor Committee ............cccceuerenennen 435 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Government Operations Committee .........ccocoervenene. 445 Payne, Donald, Congressional Award...........c.............. 549 Payne, Jean-Claude, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Payne, John N., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Payne, Lewis F., Jr. (Representative from Virginia): Biography 313 Ways and Means Committee 474 Payne, Ralph J.: U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board....................... 933 Bureau of Prisons, Justice 733 Payne, Sandra S., Office of Personnel Management ... 4 Payne, William C., Jr., Administration, Agriculture... 762 Payton, Floy: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture 766 Payton, John, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia 995 Pazos, Alejandro Leon, Organization of American States 019 Pazzi, Tom, Rep. James A. Barcia 149 Peabody, Arthur E., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice 730 Peace, Fran, Rep. Wally Herger.........ccoccounen 20 Peach, J. Dexter, General Accounting Office .. pees 031 Peaches, Sandra F., Rep. Bennie Thompson................ 163 Peacock, Chris, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs and Public Liaison, Treasury.. 680 Pearce, Karen H., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Pearcy, J. Rogers, Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior 758 Pearl, Laurence D., Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD................ 829 Pearl, Marc A., Rep. Dan Glickman..........ccccovueuuennes 117 Pearman, Donald W., Jr, Major Field Organiza- tions, Energy 848 Pearson, Bill F., Indian Health Service, HHS .. ae S23 Pearson, Cindy, Armed Services Committee............... 392 Pearson, Daniel, Science, Space, and Technology Committee................... 468 Pearson, Jeremiah W., III, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Pearson, Robert W., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce 786 Pearson, Suzanne, Office of the Legislative Counsel.. 615 Pearthree, Jim, Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky.. 258 Pease, Kendall: Chief of Naval Operations 709 Office of Information, Navy 706 Peay, J.H. Binford, III, Army Staff and Selected Agencies 700 Peck, Carl C., Food and Drug Administration, HHS. 815 Peck, Dallas GC. Office of Water and Science, Interi-or 759 Peck, Darrell L., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. 698 Page Peck, Myron C., Federal Communications Commis-sion 871 Peck, Robert, Commission of Fine Arts...........ccccoeuunee. 861 Peckarsky, Jerome C., Veterans’ Affairs Committee.. 473 Peckham, Gardner, Republican Policy Committee... 484 Pecovish, Michael D., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, TTXCASULY icons inviivsiisinedrssavisnsitesonss ose tssstonss 682 Peddicord, Charlotte G., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts ‘ 991 Pedigo, Linda, Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr.................... 315 Peece, Charlotte P., Library of Congress.........c..c.cu..... 636 Peel, Kenneth, Foreign Affairs Committee . 444 Peel, Terry R., Appropriations Committee 426 Pegues, Jancelyn, Judiciary Committee eit: 24S5] Pehrkon, James A., Federal Election Commission...... 876 Peiqin, Che, International Monetary Fund.. nie 1016 Pekarik, Andrew, Smithsonian Institution......... 921 Pelaez, Marc, Office of Naval Research, Navy.... 708 Pelak, Andrew J., Jr., Chief of Staff, Air Force ......... 721 Pelham, Daniel W., Office of the Secretary................. 614 Pell, Claiborne (Senator from Rhode Island): Biography 265 Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future............. 559 Democratic Policy Committee ..............ccoeue. ... 414 Environmental and Energy Study Conference........ 563 Foreign Relations Committee 401 Joint Committee of Congress on the Library 485 Labor and Human Resources Committee... 408 Office of Technology Assessment............ 639 Rules and Administration Committee .. 409 Senate Arms Control Observer Group S55 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission ............cc.cu.e. 557 United States Holocaust Memorial Council ............. 929 Pell, E. Eugene, Board for International Broadcast-ing 547 Pellikaan, Thomas G.: Congressional Daily Digest 627 Office of the Secretary 614 Pellman, Irving R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Pelosi, Nancy (Representative from California): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 23 Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... 559 Congressional Human Rights Caucus ..........ccceeue. 561 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Democratic Study Group 562 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 Standards of Official Conduct Committee...... ARTE fd] Pelter, Susan, Sen. Strom Thurmond............cccccovveennnen 269 Peltz, Richard James, Rep. William F. Clinger, Jr ..... 252 Pena, Caridad, Rep. José E. Serrano.........ccccccvcueveunenns 205 Pena, Federico F. (Secretary of Transportation): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation............. 857 Biography 835 Cabinet 666 National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities 896 Smithsonian Institution 916 Penalver, Bianca, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda...........cccee.. 302 Pendarvis, Clay, Federal Communications Commis- sion 872, 873 Pendarvis, Jessalyn L., U.S. International Develop-ment Cooperation Agency 931 Pendegrass, Verlin R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Pender, Heidi M., House Administration Committee... 448 Pendergrass, Laura, Rep. Jill Long, 105 Penfold, Michael, Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior 757 Penington, Gregory A., U.S. Coast Guard, Trans- portation 838 Penn, Harlan W., Bureau of Prisons, Justice ............... 733 Penn, John Garrett, United States District Court for the District of Columbia 960 Penn, Robert A., Office of Surface Mining, Recla-mation, and Enforcement, Interior ..........ccccceevuene 758 Penney, Bradford A., Science, Space, and Technolo- gy Committee 468 Pennington, Rob, Botanic Garden ..........cccceceevuruirnnnns 630 Pennoyer, Steven, International Pacific Halibut Commission, United States and Canada................ 1019 Penny, Timothy J. (Representative from Minnesota): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 156 Veterans’ Affairs Committee. .........ccoouervevrererererreruens 471 Name Index 1305 Penry, Charles D., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry OTNTHEEE. on... coco: rriviiairs vs ssrsasios iris inate vis ido Pensebene, Judy, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Pentti, Frank W., Maritime Administration, Trans-rtation . Peoples, John P., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice or Pepin, Andrew J., Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Education..............cc....... Pepper, Robert M., Federal Communications Com- mission Peranich, Stephen, Rep. Gene Taylor ..........cceurvuenenee Peratino, Maureen P., Federal Communications Commission Perbohner, Robert M., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Percival, Timothy S., Liaison Offices.........ccocrertriversen Perdue, Patricia, Education and Labor Committee..... Perella, Susan B., Management—Chief Financial Of- ficer, Treasury Peretz, David: International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel-opment International Monetary Fund Perez, Angeles, Rep. Michael Huffington.................... Perez, Ed, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, HHS Perez, James R., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Perez, Joseph, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, ASHiCUHDIE. vinci dian rites Perez, Lucy, Office of Financial Management, HHS . Perez, Melissa, Judiciary Committee ...........c.coeeverenennen. Pérez, Ruddy E., Inter-American Development Bank Peréz, Sonia R., Inter-American Development Bank.. Perez, Tony, United States Marshals Service, Justice Perez-Lopez, Jorge, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor Perie, Michael, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Perih, Jean, Rep. Deborah Pryce..........cccocevviininnnninne Perkins, Amanda, Rep. Rick A. Lazio .........c.ccceeveneee. Perkins, Jack E., United States Marshals Service, Justice Perkins, Kenneth E., Jr, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission Perkins, Mark, House Administration Committee....... Perkins, Robert P., Smithsonian Institution ................. Perkins, William C., Federal Housing Finance Board Perkinson, Amy, Office of the Clerk...........c.ccceerverrenen Perlman, Leslie, Office of Policy, Labor............cc....... Perloff, Betty, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture Perloff, Stephen, Office of Personnel Management..... Permuy, Pedro Pablo, Rep. Robert Menendez............ Peroff, Kathleen, Office of Management and Budget. Perres, Anne B., Inter-American Foundation............... Perret, Eouis, Rep. James A, Hayes. ee. ..........0.co.0 Perricone, Joseph J., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Perrin, Bill K., Inter-American Foundation................. Perry, Angie, Appropriations Committee ..... Perry, James, General Counsel, Agriculture Perry, Keith Andrew, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Perry, Loyd P., Federal Communications Commis-sion 5 Perry, Phillip W., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Perry, Roland W., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Perry, Spence, Federal Emergency Management Agency Perry, William J., Office of the Secretary, Defense... Perrygo, Louis W., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Persell, Peter M., Peace Corps Persil, Herbert G., Assistant Secretary for Adminis- tration, HUD Persina, William E., Federal Labor Relations Au-thority Peruchini, Charles, National Republican Senatorial Committee Pesachowitz, Alvin M., Environmental Protection Agency Pesce, Edward V., Senate Periodical Press Gallery ... Peschel, Rudy K., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation Page Page Petak, Lawrence P., Federal Communications Com-386 TISSION cris iemasinuninun Keaas exstunadinsiega sds esaramingsaton ei 870 Peterman, John L., Federal Trade Commission .......... 882 398 Peters, Mark E., Office of Inspector General, Trans- POTION: sive iie te figaran ess ranma ren sapia sasha nis esintatr ats, 836 845 Peters, Mary, Judiciary Committee 406 Peters, Marybeth, Library of Congress..........cccceeunuunnes 637 734 Peters, Robert, Small Community and Rural Devel-OPIN SA ZTICHIUIE ci cniieriirninsiii arson rasta ress ibis 771 850 Peters, Roberta K., Office of Civilian Personnel Management, NOVY... cccinscienmnrninsssssmssionsents 707 Peters, Roberta, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 895 Peters, Ruth E., Team 21, Labor........i.ciiiciiinnny 793 Peters, William, Regional and Field Offices, HUD..... 831 Petersen, Betty, Bureau of Prisons, Justice ....... aa 733 Petersen, Robert E., Jr., Senate Press Gallery............. 1061 Petersom, Christopher, Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ 830 Peterson, Collin C. (Representative from Minnesota): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 159 Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group.... 550 Government Operations Committee .............ccoceruenene 445 Peterson, Daniel J.,, Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 840 Peterson, David F., National Archives and Records Administration .. 890 Peterson, Dean, Rep. Jim Ramstad...........ccccuenuirnnnnnns 158 Peterson, Don, Office of Personnel Management........ 903 Peterson, Don, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture 769 Peterson, Dwight A., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 834 Peterson, Eric C., Consumer Product Safety Com-mission 862 Peterson, Gail E., Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury .... 680 Peterson, Gary M., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice 731 Peterson, Gerald W., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor 795 Peterson, Henry, Conference of the Minority ............. 417 Peterson, James A.,General Services Administration. 884 Peterson, Janet, National Republican Senatorial Committee........ 417 Peterson, Jeff, Environment and Public Works Com-mittee 399 Peterson, John (Tobey), Natural Resources Commit-tee Peterson, John W., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture 777 Peterson, Jon E., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Peterson, Kevin, Office of the Sergeant at Arms........ 619 Peterson, Marvin F., United States Tax Court............ 983 Peterson, Nancy, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 416 Peterson, Peggy, Rep. Michael G. Oxley..........c......... 231 Peterson, Pete (Representative from Florida): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 62 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Peterson, Robert A., General Accounting Office........ 631 Peterson, Robert L., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 754 Peterson, Sarah, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury. 687 Peterson, Sharon, Sen. Max Baucus 173 Peterson, Shirley V., National Commission for Em- ployment Policy 554 Peterson, Sigmund R., National Oceanic and Atmos-877 pheric Administration, Commerce.............ccecvruenne 787 689 Peterson, Timothy L., Appropriations Committee...... 426 Peterson, Trudy H.: 784 National Archives and Records Administration ...... 890 907 National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities 896 829 Smithsonian Institution 926 Petito, Christopher, Securities and Exchange Com-878 mission 914 Petrei, A. Humberto, Inter-American Development 417 Bank 1007 Petrello, George A., Assistant Secretary for Re-864 search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 699 1117 Petri, Thomas E. (Representative from Wisconsin): 838 Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... 558 1306 Congressional Directory Biography Education and Labor Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee Petri, Thomas, Japan-United States Friendship Com-mission Petricco, John, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Petrich, Jeffrey, Natural Resources Committee........... Petro, Julie, Natural Resources Committee Petrocci, Richard L., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasur: Petroski, Judith, Smithsonian Institution Petrovsky, Vladimir, Secretariat, United Nations Petrucci, James E., Federal Labor Relations Author-ity Petschek, Evelyn A.: Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury General Counsel, Treasury Petterson, Jim, Rep. Dan Glickman Pettey, John M., Sen. Robert C. Smith Pettey, Patrick J., Sen. Robert C. Smith Pettibone, Craig, Office of Personnel Management .... Pettine, Danielle, Rep. Robert A. Borski Pettis, Larry A., Office of the Secretary, Energy Pettit, Earl, General Services Administration.. Petuchowski, Jonathan, Rep. Rob Portman Pevey, Lyman E. Technology Administration, Commerce Pew, Michael R., Library of Congress Peyton, Kathleen L., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Pfeffer, A. Robert, Office of Policy, Labor.................. Pfeffer, Richard, Office of Policy, Labor.. . Pfeffermann, Guy Pierre, International Finance Cor- poration Pfieffer, W. Dean, Board for Correction of Naval Records, Navy Pfingston, Gary R.: Armed Forces Retirement Home Chief of Staff, Air Force U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Pfister, Cloyd H., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 701 Pfister, Julie, Rep. Thomas E. Petri 331 Pharaoh, Jennifer, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee Phelan, Betty, Sen. John Breaux Phelps, Fred A., Office of the General Counsel, Navy Phelps, John F., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Phelps, Michael R., Office of the Secretary, HUD Phelps, Norm, Assistant Secretary for Administra- tion, HUD Pheto, Beverly, Peace Corps Phifer, Frank, Ways and Means Committee Philbin, Edward J., Interstate Commerce Commis- sion 886 Philcox, Hank, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury... 686, 687 Phillips, A. Martin, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Phillips, Collis N., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor Phillips, Donald, Office of U.S. Trade Representa-tive Phillips, Edward J., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Phillips, Elda M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Phillips, Elizabeth, Appropriations Committee Phillips, Garry L., Assistant Secretary for Adminis-tration, HUD Phillips, Jacqueline L., Appalachian Regional Com-mission Phillips, James Dickson, Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Phillips, Jenny, Small Community and Rural Devel-opment, Agriculture Phillips, Jim, Rep. Stephen L. Neal Phillips, Joan, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Phillips, John, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Phillips, Karen Borlaug, Interstate Commerce Com-mission Phillips, Linda, Rep. Jim Lightfoot Phillips, Lori, Rep. Jan Meyers Phillips, Marc T., Rep. Robert S. Walker Phillips, Margaret, Liaison Offices Phillips, Rachel, Rep. Newt Gingrich Phillips, Reed, Office of Administration, Commerce... Phillips, Roy, Budget Committee Phillips, Samuel W., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Phillips, Susan M., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Phillips, Tim, Rep. Robert W. (Bob) Goodlatte Philpott, Charles M., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Piantini, Luis M., International Monetary Fund Piason, Frank J., International Affairs and Commodi- ty Programs, Agriculture Piccione, Lisa, Rep. Maria Cantwell Picciotto, Robert, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development Piceno, Ron, Rep. Ed Pastor Piche, Gordon G., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation Pickard, Florence C., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Pickart, George A., Foreign Relations Committee Pickelsimer, C.F., Jr., Public Health Service, HHS.... Picker, Jerry F., Army Staff and Selected Agencies... Pickett, Melodie, Energy and Commerce Committee. Pickett, Owen B. (Representative from Virginia): Armed Services Committee Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Pickle, J.J (Representative from Texas): Joint Committee on Taxation Biography Ways and Means Committee Pico, Alberto, Inter-American Development Bank Piekarczyk, Elizabeth, Office of the Legislative Counsel Pieper, Michael, Rep. Barbara F. Vucanovich Pierce, Beverley Lang, Smithsonian Institution Pierce, Bill, Rep. Bill Thomas Pierce, E. Ralph, Tax Divison, Justice Pierce, Ruth A., Social Security Administration, HHS Piercy, Jan O., Presidential Personnel, Office of the President Pierson, Jay, Floor Assistants to the Minority Pierson, Robert C., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Pietrzak, Patrick J., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Pigaty, Leo J., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Pike, James M., Division of Research Grants, HHS... Pike, Jeffrey R., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Pilgrim, Dianne, Smithsonian Institution Pillar, Samantha, Office of the Legislative Counsel.... Pillors, Brenda, Rep. Edolphus Towns Piltz, Rick S., Science, Space, and Technology Com- mittee Pilzer, Arthur, Export-Import Bank of the United States Pina, Ann, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, Dis- trict of Columbia Pinard, Jean-Paul, International Finance Corporation 1012 Pinciaro, Frederick, Inspector General, Commerce.... 781 Pincus, Paul, Architect of the Capitol Pine, Martha O., National Institute of General Medi- cal Sciences, HHS Pineda, Anna, Ways and Means Committee. Pines, Richard H., Permanent Joint Board on De- fense, Canada-United States Pinkerton, Sharon, Rep. John L. Mica Pinkston, Garland, Jr., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Pinnell, John R.L., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Pinto, Brian, International Finance Corporation Piper, Nancy M., Small Business Committee Pippen, Harvey G., Jr., Environmental Protection Agency Piraino, Janet, Rep. Thomas M. Barrett Piraneo, Josephine G., Joint Committee on Taxation. Pirnie, Abby J., Environmental Protection Agency ... Pisa, Maria, National Agricultural Library, Agricul- ture Pisani, John M., Maritime Administration, Transpor- tation Name Index 1307 Page Pitcher, Shackford, International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture 766 Pitcock, Tom, Rep. Pete Peterson................... 62 Pitrolo, Augustine A., Major Field Organizations, Energy Pitt, Bruce, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury......... Pittman, Lisa, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee Pittman, Russell W., Antitrust Division, Justice.......... Pitts, Keith, Agriculture Committee . Pitts, Nathaniel G., National Science Foundation....... Pitts, William R.: Floor Assistants to the Minority .............ccoevevuevnnene. Office of the Republican Leader-........ Pizaiia, Clara C., Rep. Frank M. Tejeda... Pizer, Chuck, Rep. Dan Rostenkowski................... Pizzella, Patrick, Federal Housing Finance Board Pizzurro, Frank M., Rep. Eliot L. Engel Placek, Terry. L., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army Plager, S. Jay: United States Court of Appeals...........ccccvvrvrernernnes United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Plaisier, Melinda, Rep. Frank McCloskey.................... Planck, Nina, Office of the Majority Leader............... Planque, E. Gail de: Nuclear Regulatory Cc U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ............cec...... Plante, Lisa, Democratic Policy Committee................ Planzer, Neil R., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Plashal, John G., Appropriations Committee............... Plaster, Amy Sandgren, Rep. Peter Hoekstra Platz, W., Naval Council of Personnel Boards, Navy Plaut, William M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Plaze, Robert E., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Pleas, Alexa, Rep. Pete Peterson Pleasants, Beatriz, Liaison Offices Plenert, Marvin L., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Pletka, Danielle M., Foreign Relations Committee... Plevy, Daryl, Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski ann Plewes, Thomas J., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Plocher, David, Governmental Affairs Committee..... Plopa, Georgia S., Joint Committee on Taxation........ Plouffe, David; Rep. John W. Olver ..........cccccceueuenennee. Plowman, R.D., Science and Education, Agriculture. Plowman, Ronald, Office of the Secretary, Agricul- ture Plumart, Perry R., Rep. Fortney Pete Stark................ Pluto, Raymond J., Government Printing Office........ Pocase, Norman V., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Poché, Terry, Rep. Don Edwards.........ccccceeuerererennnne. Pocius, Terry, Rep. Harris W. Fawell... i Pockros, Perry, House Administration Committee ..... Podberesky, Samuel, Office of the General Counsel, Transportation Podesta, John D., Staff Secretary, Office of the President Podoff, David, Joint Economic Committee.................. Poe, Patrick, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Poersch, J.B., Rep. Jack Reed Pohl, Sheila, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti- tute, HHS Pohlman, Robert, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Polanco, Matthew, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda................... Polansky, Steven M., Foreign Relations Committee... Polcari, Stephen, Smithsonian Institution.................... Poley, Janet, Extension Service, Agriculture Polichene, Briget, Banking, Finance, and Urban Af- fairs Committee Poling, Harold A., President’s Export Council Politz, Henry A., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Polk, Franklin G., Governmental Affairs Committee. Polk, Robert L., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Polking, Joseph C., Federal Maritime Commission... Poll, Wayne R., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora- tion Page Pollack, Milton, Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Liti-gation 987 Pollard, Jack, Rep. Ike Skelton 169 Pollard, William H., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Pollen, Geraldine B., National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS...... Pollitz, Karen L., Office of the Secretary for Legis-lation, HHS 803, Polly, Brian K., General Services Administration....... Polo, Barbara Jean, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Poloyac, Michael, II, Foreign Affairs Committee....... Polt, Michael, Under Secretary for International Se-curity Affairs, State Pomar, Mark G., Board for International Broadcast-ing Pombo, Richard W. (Representative from Califor-nia): Agriculture Committee Biography Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. Natural Resources Committee Pomerantz, David, Rules Committee Pomerantz, Steven L., Federal Bureau of Investiga-tion, Justice Pomeroy, Earl (Representative from North Dakota): Agriculture Committee Biography Budget Committee Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Study Group Pommerening, Glen, Bureau of Prisons, Justice.......... Pompliano, Carol J., Science, Space, and Technolo-gy Committee Pond, Betsy L., Counsel to the President, Office of “the President Ponte, John J. Da, Jr., Foreign-Trade Zones Board... Ponzurick, Karen, Ways and Means Committee. ......... Poo, Karin Sham, Secretariat, United Nations ............ Poole, Cecil F., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Poole, Linda J., Organization of American States Pope, Martha S. (Sergeant at Arms of the Senate): Office of the Sergeant at Arms U.S. Capitol Police Board Poppalardo, Judith, Securities and Exchange Com- mission Porada, Edith, Smithsonian Institution.............cccecueuu.. Porsche, Rod, Rep. Mike Kopetski..........ccccouneruernnnnnee Portee, Scheryl, Budget Committee Portee, Yvonne F., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee Porter, Darrah C., U.S. Postal Service.........c..cccuveuueenn. Porter, Darrek, Rep. Alan Wheat..................... . Porter, Diane D., Public Health Service, HHS........... Porter, Harry W., III, Under Secretary for Manage- ment, State Porter, John Edward (Representative from Illinois): Appropriations Committee Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Congressional Human Rights Caucus............c.c.cu.uu. Porter, M. Jeanette, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Porter, Margaret Jane: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Food and Drug Administration, HHS % Office of the General Counsel, HHS Porter, Neil, Marketing and Inspection Services, Ag-riculture Porter, Paulette, Assistant Secretary for Administra-tion, HUD Porter, Richard D., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Porter, Roderick K., Federal Communications Com-mission Porter, Roger J., National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, HHS Porter, Suzanne, Export Administration, Commerce.. Portik, Karen L., Conference of the Minority............. Portilla, Jorge Rabanal, Inter-American Defense Boardri Portman, Rob (Representative from Ohio): Biography Small Busi Committee 1308 Congressional Directory Page Posey, Ada, Office of Administration, Office of the President Poshard, Glenn (Representative from Illinois): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee Small Busi Committee. Posner, Paul L., General Accounting Office Posner, Richard A., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Posner, William B., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor-poration Post, Gretchen S., Commerce, Science, and Trans-rtation Committee Post, Kathryn W., Veterans’ Affairs Committee Post, Lisa, Rep. J. Dennis Hastert Post, Richard B., Office of Personnel Management.... Posthumus, Godert A., International Monetary Fund 1017 Postlethwaite, Alan W., Smithsonian Institution... 919, 921 Poston, Yvonne, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installatiors, and Environment, Air Force 716 Potamkin, Mrs. Meyer, Smithsonian Institution 921 Potok, Nancy A., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Pott, C. John, International Finance Corporation Potter, Frank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Potter, JuliAnna, Science, Space, and Technology mmittee Potter, Mary Grace, Smithsonian Institution Potter, Orlando B., Sen. Claiborne Pell Potter, Trevor, Federal Election Commission.... Potts, Janet, Energy and Commerce Committee Potts, John F., Washington Metropolitan Area Tran-sit Authority Potts, Larry A., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Potts, Stephen D.: Administrative Conference of the United States Office of Government Ethics Poulos, William G., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. Powden, Mark E., Sen. James M. Jeffords Powell, Alma Johnson, Smithsonian Institution . Powell, Carleton D., United States Tax Court... Powell, Charlene, Rep. Tom Barlow III Powell, Colin I.: American Red Cross Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense National Security Council Powell, David, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Powell, Dianne, Agriculture Committee Powell, Earl A., III, Smithsonian Institution Powell, Edward B. III, Management—Chief Finan-cial Officer, Treasury Powell, Greg, Finance Committee Powell, James L., National Science Foundation Powell, Jan, Rep. Frank R. Wolf Powell, Jimmie, Environment and Public Works Committee Powell, Lewis Franklin, Jr., Supreme Court of the United States Powell, Michael, Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II Powell, Paul L., Rep. Jack Kingston Powell, Roderick L., Public Health Service, HHS Powell, Rusty, Smithsonian Institution Powell, Theodore, Appropriations Committee Power, James, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Powers, Alan D., Office of Land and Minerals Man-agement, Interior Powers, Anne-Whitney, Energy and Commerce Committee Powers, Linda F., International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce Powers, Martin, Smithsonian Institution Powers, Peter G., Smithsonian Institution Powers, Richie, House Administration Committee Powers, Sherry, Equal Employment Opportunity Cc ission Powers, Thomas G., Small Business Committee Poyner, Kathryn C., Rep. William H. Natcher Pozesky, Martin T., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Prabhakar, Arati, Technology Administration, Com-merce Prader, Johann, International Monetary Fund Prager, Lutz A., Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Prager, Peter, House Administration Committee Prater, Kenneth, Judiciary Committee Prater, Mark, Finance Committee Prathe, Thomas L., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Prather, Robert A. Office of the Law Revision Counsel Pratsch, Lloyd W., Bureau of Administration, State .. Pratt, Alexandra, Rep. Steve Horn Pratt, Dana J., Library of Congress Pratt, James, Sen. Jim Sasser Pratt, John Helm, United States District Court for the District of Columbia Pratt, Kris, Rules Committee Pratt, Margaret: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Pray, Jeff, Democratic Policy Committee Prechter, Heinz C., President’s Export Council Pregerson, Harry, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Prell, Michael J., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Preloh, Michael C., U.S. Capitol Police Prem, Hernan Hurtado, Organization of American States Prendergast, William B., Federal Trade Commission. . i 897 Press, Frank, National Academy of Sciences Press, Harvey, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Justice Pressler, Harriet, Congressional Club Pressler, Larry (Senator from South Dakota): Biography Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy Board of Visitors to the Military Academy Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Foreign Relations Committee Judiciary Committee Republican Policy Committee Small Bi “ommittee Special Committee on Aging Pressman, Amy, Democratic Policy Committee Presta, Lisa, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo Prestel, Robert K., National Security Agency/Cen-tral Security Service, Defense Preston, Colleen, Acquisition and Technology, De-fense Preston, Lewis T.: International Agencies Related to the United Na-tions International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- opment International Finance Corporation Preston, Maddie L., Rep. W.G. (Bill) Hefner....... Preuss, Peter W., Environmental Protection Agency. Prewitt, Jean M., Technology Administration, Com- merce Preyer, John, Sen. Lauch Faircloth Price, Alice B., Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Price, David E. (Representative from North Caroli- na): Appropriations Committee Biography Budget Committee Price, Debbie, Republican Policy Committee Price, Dexter, Export Administration, Commerce Price, John C., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treas- ury Price, John F., Library of Congress Price, Lee, Joint Economic Committee Price, Mary Kathleen, Library of Congress. Price, Mary S., Library of Congress Price, Murriel F., Congressional Award ... Price, Tom, Tennessee Valley Authority Price, William D., Armed Services Committee.. Prichard, Amy, Rep. Dave McCurdy Prichard, N. Beth: Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Pride, Claudette E., Federal Communications Com-mission Pridgen, Martha, Capitol Telephone Exchange Name Index 1309 Page Page Priest, Roy O., Assistant Secretary for Community Purcell, James N., Jr., International Organization for Planning and Development, HUD igration Primm, Beny J., Public Health Service, HHS Purcell, Thomas C., Public Health Service, HHS Primmer, Lesley, Congressional Caucus for Purdum, Gary L., Army Staff and Selected Agen-Women’s Issues cies Primrose, Tricia, Sen. Richard C. Shelby Puri, Gopi Nath, International Finance Corporation... Primus, Wendell, Ways and Means Committee... Purkiss, Cynthia, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Prince, Barbara M., Public Health Service, HHS Purvis, David S., Smithsonian Institution : Principi, Anthony J., Armed Services Committee Puskin, Dena, Health Resources and Services Ad-Prindle, Frank, Liaison Offices ministration, HHS Prinkey, Judy Gorman, Republican Policy Commit- Putala, Chris: tee Judiciary Committee Pritchard, Maureen, Ways and Means Committee Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control . Pritchard, Randolph, Commerce, Science, Putnam, Robert W., Appropriations Committee Transportation Committee Pyle, Kentiath B., Japan-United States Friendship Pritchett, Harriet C., Rep. William (Bill) Clay Proctor, Alan, Federal Trade Commission Peios Patrick. National Republican Senatorial Com- Proctor, George W., Criminal Division, Justice.. mittee Proctor, James W., US. Capitol Police Pyron, Carl E., Federal Communications Commis- Proctor, Stephen D., Export-Import Bank of the sion United States Profitt, Glenn A., Chief of Staff, Air Force Prokuski, Bronislaw P., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Q Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Quainton, Anthony C.E., Under Secretary for Inter-Promisel, Larry J., Board of Governors of the Fed-national Security Affairs, State eral Reserve System Quander, Paul A., Executive Agencies, District of Propst, Holly, Rep. Dan Schaefer Columbia Propster, Cynthia, Commerce, Science, and Trans-Quantius, Susan E., Appropriations Committee portation Committee Quatrevaux, Edward, Legal Services Corporation Prosser, Michal Sue, Governmental Affairs Commit-Quattrone, Cosmo, Non-Legislative and Financial tee Prost, Sharon, Judiciary Committee Quear, Michael D., Science, Space, and Technology Prothro, Martha G., Environmental Protection Committee Agency Queen, Ann, Office of Special Education and Reha-Prouty, Lee, Office of the Republican Leader bilitative Services, Education Provaznik, Michelle A., Commerce, Science, and Queen, Barbara, Democratic Congressional Cam- Transportation Committee paign Committee Provost, Glendel J., Public Health Service, HHS Queja, Shirley, Rep. Robert T. Matsui Prucha, John C., Marketing and Inspection Services, Quello, James H., Federal Communications Commis- Agriculture sion Prueher, Joseph W., U.S. Naval Academy, Navy Quentmeyer, Steven R., Office of Financial Manage-Pruett, James W., Library of Congress ment, Navy Pryce, Deborah (Representative from Ohio): Quick, Aaron, Rep. Thomas W. Ewing Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Quick, Bryce, Speaker of the House of Representa- Biography tives Government Operations Committee Quick, George B., National Highway Traffic Safety National Republican Congressional Committee Administration, Transportation Pryke, I.W., European Space Agency Quick, H. Edward, Jr., Postal Rate Commission Pryor, David (Senator from Arkansas): Quick, Margaret, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee District of Columbia 1 Biography Quick, Stephen, Joint Economic Committee Congressional Arts Caucus Quigley, Craig, Office of Information, Navy Democratic Policy Committee Quigley, James M., U.S. Association of Former Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Members of Congress Finance Committee Quigley, Joe, National Republican Senatorial Com- Governmental Affairs Committee mittee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Quigley, Lisa, Rep. Calvin M. Dooley Migratory Bird Conservation Commission Quillen, James H. (Jimmy) (Representative from Special Committee on Aging Tennessee): Ptak, Thomas J., Federal Highway Administration, Biography Transportation Rules Committee Puchalski, Shirley, Sen. Paul D. Coverdell Quillen, William T., Administrative Conference of Puente-Duany, Hary, Veterans’ Employment and the United States Training Service, Labor Quillin, Mary Jo, Office of Personnel Management... Pugh, Charles E., Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor Quinlan, Edward J., Sen. John H. Chafee Quinn, Donald P., Drug Enforcement Administra- Pugh, David, International Finance Corporation tion, Justice merce Pugh, E. Neville, Technology Administration, Com- Quinn, Jack (Representative from New York): Biography al Reserve System Pugh, Rhoger H., Board of Governors of the Feder- New York State Congressional Delegation Puglia, Albert B., General Services Administration... Public Works and Transportation Committee Pugliese, Eugene, Judiciary Committee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Pugliese, Frank, General Services Administration Quinn, John M. (Jack): Pulas, Elaine, House Information Systems Office of the Vice President Puleo, James A., Immigration and Naturalization President of the Senate Service, Justice Quinn, Judith A., Energy and Commerce Committee 441 Pulju, Tom, Republican Policy Committee Quinn, Kenneth M., Bureau of East Asian and Pacif-Pullen, Penny L., Legal Services Corporation ic Affairs, State Pullen, Richard, Federal Election Commission Quinn, Kerrie, American Red Cross Pulliam, Gary P.: Quinn, Laura, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV Armed Services Committee Quinn, Linda C., Securities and Exchange Commis-Rep. Earl Hutto sion Pulliam, James W., Jr., Office of Fish and Wildlife Quinn, Martha, Northeast-midwest Congressional and Parks, Interior Coalition Punaro, Arnold L., Armed Services Committee ... Quinn, Matthew M., United States Marshals Service, Purcell, Frank, Rep. Randy (Duke) Cunningham Justice 1310 Congressional Directory Page Quinn, T. Jeffrey, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 Quinta, Donna M., Liaison Offices .............cccocoueunne.. 628 Quinting, John R., General Services Administration.. 885 Quirds, Félix Armando, International Monetary Fund..... 1016 R Raab, Constance D., National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS...... 820 Rabb, Harriet S., Office of the General Counsel, HHS 804 Rabbitt, Walter J., Technology Administration, Commerce 790 Rabiej, John K., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Rabinovitz, Dan, Rep. Edward J. Markey....... Rabinovitz, Jeremy, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney ... Rabinowitz, Randy, Education and Labor Com tee Raby, Stephen, Sen. Howell T. Heflin .......c.ccovuvne.... 2 Race, Richard T., General Services Administration... 883 Rachlin, E. Sue, Administration, Agriculture............. 762 Rachou, Carol, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Raczynski, Andreas M., International Finance Cor- poration 1013 Radcliff, Carolyn, Rep. Peter T. King ........ccecuremrunnne 198 Radebaugh, Day W., Jr., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Radek, Lee J., Criminal Division, Justice .................... 731 Rademaker, Stephen G., Foreign Affairs Committee . 444 Rademeakers, Frances, Office of the Sergeant at Arms 614 Rader, Randall R.: United States Court of Appeals..........c.cccovuereeriruennne. 956 United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Rader, Russ, Rep. Peter Hoagland............cccceevvennnnn. 177 Radford, Joseph, Peace Corps 907 Radintz, James, Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture 770 Radke, Steven, Rep. Gerald D. Kleczka...................... 330 Radway, Mike, Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski ...........cco........ 257 Radzikowski, Jack, Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture 763 Raeder, Joe, Rep. Calvin M. Dooley.........ccc.ceevvnennne. 30 Raether, Mary M., National Council on Disability ..... 893 Raffaelli, Ann, District of Columbia Committee... 434 Raffaniello, Pat, Rep. Bill K. Brewster ........................ 242 Raffiani, Joseph, Jr., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies 700 Raftery, Kathleen, Office of the Sergeant at Arms..... 619 Rager, Bryan, Conference of the Minority Ragon, Polly, Small Business Committee................... Ragone, Stephen E., Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 Ragsdale, Bruce A., Office of the Historian ................ 622 Rahal, Ed, National Republican Senatorial Commit- tee 417 Rahall, Nick J., II (Representative from West Vir- ginia): Biography 327 Congressional Steel Caucus 561 Natural Resources Committee..........cccooueuereeceiiennne 455 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus... 568 Rahe, Dewain, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture 767 Rahtes, John, Federal Communications Commission.. 874 Raider, Alfred S., Export Task Force...........c.ocouneannn. 563 Raikes, Loretta, Rep. Andrew Jacobs, Jr..........cc....... 108 Raimo, Bernard, Jr., Standards of Official Conduct Committee 471 Raines, Brian, Rules and Administration Committee... 410 Raines, Marvin D., Bureau of the Census, Commerce 783 Raines, William F., Jr., Architect of the Capitol......... 625 Rains, Michael T., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 777 Rains, Roger A., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army ........c........ 699 Rainwater, Carlos L., American Red Cross... aii 359 Raish, Angela, Sen. Pete V. Domenici...........c.cconueun... 193 Rajagopalan, V., International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development 1008 Ralph, A. Clair, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 715 Ralston, Martha L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Ramey, David, Rep. Ken Calvert..........ccoecevenirinnennns Ramey, J. Paul, Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion Ramirez, Carmen, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Ramirez, Jack, Sen. Conrad Burns Ramirez, Olga, House Radio and Television Gallery. Ramlow, Bertha M., Rep. Patricia Schroeder ............. Rammling, Georganna, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ramonas, Denise, Budget Committee.............ccoeuruenee. Ramos, Suzanne, Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee Ramsay, John, Securities and Exchange Commission. Ramsey, Robert L., White House Military Office....... Ramstad, Jim (Representative from Minnesota): Biography Joint Economic Committee Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee....... Small Busi Committee Ramthun, Roy, Finance Cc Rand, Clifford M., Federal Communications Com- mission Rand, Craven, Joint Committee on Printin Rand, Cynthia C., Office of Administration, Trans- portation Rand, Harry, Smithsonian Institution .............ccccecenueen. Randa, Nancy, Office of Personnel Management........ Randall, Donald, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Randall, Patricia, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS Randazzo, Vincecent: Rep. David Dreier Rules Committee Randels, George, Small Business Committee............... Randolph, A. Raymond: United States Court of Appeals............ccceuverinrrennnne United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Rangel, Charles B. (Representative from New York): Biography Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group... New York State Congressional Delegation.............. Ways and Means Committee Rangel, Robert S., Armed Services Committee .......... Ranjeva, Raymond, United Nations Ranken, Richard, International Finance Corporation. Rankin, Anita I., American Red C Rankin, Richard R., Extension Service, Agriculture .. Rankine, Sharron, Interstate Commerce Commission. Rao, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Raphael, Mary, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Raphel, Robin Lynn, Bureau of South Asian Affairs, State Rapp, Murray D., Rep. Toay P. Hall..........cccoueunne.n. Rapp, Roger R., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs............c.cccocunenene. Rappaport, Aaron, Judiciary Committee Rapport, Alice, Office of Policy, Labor....................... Raschko, Raymond R., Federal Council on the Aging Rasco, Carol H., Domestic Policy Council, Office of the President Rasmussen, Dana A., Environmental Protection Agency Rasmussen, Gary J., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Education 851 Rasmussen, Sarah, Office of the Majority Whip ......... 617 Rasson, Nejat, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Ratchford, J. Thomas, Office of Science and Tech- nology Policy 674 Ratchford, Michael, Rep. Michael N. Castle................ Ratchford, William, General Services Administration Ratcliffe, Robert H., Federal Communications Com- mission Rath, Kenneth W., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Rath, Thomas D., Legal Services Corporation ........... Rathbone, John Q., Office of Personnel Management Name Index Page Rathbone, Linda, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President Rathbun, Dennis K.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission 899, 933 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ...........c.cccccu... Ratliff, Dawn L., Foreign Relations Committee ......... Rattley, Janice D., Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD Raudabaugh, John N., National Labor Relations Board 896 Raudonis, Lee, Rep. Ken Calvert .......ccceceinvnninnrnnnns 43 Rail, Boada R., Inter-American Development Bank.. 1007 Raum, Arnold, United States Tax Court...........ccc........ 980 Rausch, Steven F., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army .................. 699 Rauschenbach, Henri S., National Commission for Employment Policy 554 Ravalgi, Patricia, Foreign Affairs Committee.............. 444 Raven, Peter H: National Academy of Sciences..........cccouvcerereerernene 897 National Science Foundation 898 Ravenel, Arthur, Jr. (Representative from South Carolina): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 270 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Ravenel, Henry, Jr, Washington National Monu- ment Society 940 Ravenhill, Philip, Smithsonian Institution .................... 923 Rawls, Charles R., Rep. H. Martin Lancaster ............. 218 Rawls, Charlie, Office of the Secretary, Agriculture.. 761 Ray, Donald D., American Battle Momuments Com- mission 858 Ray, John: Council of the District of Columbia ...........ccccoennne. 994 National Capital Planning Cc on 892 Ray, Kelli, House Administration Committee ............. 448 Ray, Nancy N., Foreign Relations Committee............. 403 Ray, Norm W., Office of Program Appraisal, Navy.. 705 Ray, Stan, Agriculture Committee.............cccovvirrvnennnnn 422 Ray, William D., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force 713 Raye, Kevin, Rep. Olympia J. Snowe..........ccccoururuenen 132 Rayfield, John, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 453 Raymond, Charles D., Office of Policy, Labor........... 798 Raymond, Mrs. Dana M., Smithsonian Institution...... 921 Raymond, Pat, Governmental Affairs Committee....... 404 Raymond, Ruth A., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 172 Raymond, Victor, Office of Policy Planning, Veter- ans Affairs 854 Rayner, Ellen P., Government Operations Commit- tee 446 Raynsford, Robert W., Assistant Secretary for Fi- nancial Management, Army .........cccoeceeurniennresunnns 697 Raza, Ahmad, International Monetary Fund............... 1016 Re, Edward D., United States Court of International Trade 966 Rea, Carl, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army 697 Rea, Graeme F., International Monetary Fund........... 1015 Reagan, Albert, Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture 768 Reagan, Kim, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS............. 820 Reagan, Mrs. Ronald, Smithsonian Institution 925 Reagan, Paul J., Rep. Owen B. Pickett........ ws 311 Reagan, Tom R., Rep. James L. Oberstar.................... 160 Reagle, Searges National Transportation Safety Boar 899 Real, rs del, National Foundation on the Arts and the H ies 895 Reardon, Brian, Small Business Committee ................. 471 Reardon, Francis E., Assistant Secretary for Re- search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... Reberger, Phil, Sen. Dirk Kempthorne............ccccoeuun. 86 Reca, Lucia Graciano, Inter-American Development Bank. 1007 Reck, Gregory M., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Record, Francis C., Foreign Affairs Committee ......... 444 Rector, David C., ‘Administration, Agriculture... ati 702 Rector, Gerald R., Economics, Agriculture ... .. T64 Redding, Laura, Rep. Pete Geren............cccoccvcriivencnsrene 292 Redding, Russell G.: Sen. Harris Wofford U.S. Commission on Civil Rights..........ccccovvriiinnnnns Page Redfern, Mary C., Armed Services Committee........... 429 Redifer, Paul, Republican Leadership .................. viet 012 Redmon, Ronald E., Selective Service System ........... 915 Redmond, David S., Rep. Robert F. (Bob) Smith ...... 247 Redmond, Frank, Environmental Protection Agency 866 Redway, Albert James, Jr., Washington National Monument Society 940 Redway, Launcelot C., Senate Page School................ 627 Redway, William W., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Reeb, George M., Office of Inspector General, HHS. 825 Reed, Bruce, Domestic Policy Council, Office of the President 668 Reed, Craig A., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 772 Reed, Edwin, Rep. Floyd H. Flake..........ccoccouininenenene 200 Reed, George A., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force 717 Reed, J. Lisle, Office of Land and Minerals Manage-ment, Interior Reed, Jack (Representative from Rhode Island): Biography 266 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Education and Labor Committee ...........ccccvnuriurrunnns 435 Judiciary Committee 449 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 Reed, James W., National Security Council ................ 672 Reed, Jean D., Armed Services Committee................. 429 Reed, Mary, Rep. Bill McCollum.........ccccovvvunninnnrnnns 66 Reed, Stephanie W., Rep. Dave McCurdy .................. 243 Reed, Talmadge W., Office of Water and Science, Interior Reed, William H., Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Reeder, Becky, Combined Airlines Ticket OfficeS (CATO) Reeder, Darlene B., Federal Communications Com-mission 873 Reeder, Franklin S., Office of Management and Budget 672 Reeder, Rosa, Energy and Commerce Committee...... 441 Rees, Grover Joseph, Immigration and Naturaliza- tion Service, Justice 745 Rees, Margo, Appropriations Committee..................... 426 Rees, Morgan R., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Rees, Raymond F., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Reese, H. James, Office of Administration, Com- merce 781 Reeves, Eddie, Rep. J.J. Pickle 291 Reeves, Jan, Rep. Leslie'L. Bymme.......ccaiciiaus 317 Refine, Kate, Rep. Eva Clayton 217 Regan, Elizabeth, House Press Gallery ........................ 1061 Regan, George E., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Regan, Michael, Energy and Commerce Committee.. 440 Regazzoli, Zelmira, Organization of American States 1020 Regiec, Michael J., Federal Communications Com- mission 873 Reginaldi, Ronald F., U.S. Capitol Police.................... 626 Regner, Peter L., Federal Mediation and Concilia- tion Service 880 Regula, Mary, Congressional Club ..........c.ccceuerueennennnns 560 Regula, Ralph (Representative from Ohio): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 237 Congressional Steel Caucus 561 Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com- mission 552 North Atlantic A bly 555 Rehbein, P.K., Rep. Don Sundquist 282 Rehfeldt, George T. American Red Cross............ 858, 859 Rehfuss, Ann, Small Business Committee ............c...c... Rehm, Harald, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Rehnquist, William H.: Smithsonian Institution...........ccccecevuenne. Supreme Court of the United States............ccccoeuuee. United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946, 947 Rehr, Ashley: District of Columbia Committee ............oevvvirvevunnnnns 434 Rep. Cass Ballenger 223 Reich, David, Budget Committee ...........cocovvennnirncnnnn 433 1312 Congressional Directory Reich, Judge Edward E., ro IR RL RL Reich, Robert B. (Secretary Biography Cabinet National Foundation on ties Pension Benefit Guaranty President’s Committee on Page Environmental Protection A SAREE of Labor): the Arts and the Human- Corporation..................... Mental Retardation......... President’s Export Council Smithsonian Institution Reichard, Dorothy, Rep. Barney Frank...................... ReichelderfTe, Katherine, Economics, Agriculture...... Reid, Carol, Liaison Offices Reid, Catherine, Energy and Commerce Committee. Reid, Charles E., National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Reid, Clark, Rep. CharlesT. Canady .............cvoue...... Reid, Harry (Senator from Nevada): Appropriations Committee Biography Board of Visitors to the Military Academy ............ Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Environment and Public Works Committee............. Indian Affairs Committee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Special Committee on Aging U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission..................... Reid, J. Norman, Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Reid, Pamela, Small Business Committee Reid, Ray, Rep. Tim Hutchinson Reidy, Cheri, Budget Committee... Reiff, Linda, Rep. Vic Fazio Reifsnider, L. Clark, United States Naval Home Reiley, Mame, Rep. James P. Moran........................... Reiley, Robert C., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Reilly, Brian, Office of Administration. and Manage- ment, Labor Reilly, Debbie, Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr..........cccoeunne.. Reilly, Edward F., Jr.: U.S. Parole Commission U.S. Parole Commission, JUStICE ........c.ceveeumriieerrrenens Reilly, Francis V., Federal Emergency Management gency Reilly, Frank, General Accounting Office.................. Reilly, Trish, Rep. Tim Holden Reilmann, James, Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Reiman, Linda, United States Marshals Service, Jus-tice Reimann, Curt, Technology Administration, Com-merce Reimer, Dennis J., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Reimers, Mark A., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Reinecke, Peter, Sen. Tom Harkin Reiner, Karl S., International Trade Administration, Commerce Reingold, Nathan, Smithsonian Institution... es Reingruber, James T., Government Printing Office... Reinhardt, Stephen, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Reis, Diane, Rep. Sander M. Levin.........c.ccccernnne... Reis, Victor H., Office of the Secretary, Energy ........ Reischauer, Robert D., Congressional Budget Office. Reischel, Charles L., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Reise, William R., Office of Administration and Management, Labor Reiser, Norman D., Executive Agencies, District of Col he Reitan, Tamzen, Export-Import Bank of the United States Rel, Ricardo, Budget Committee .............ccoceeeruennennen. Rell, Peter E., Employment and Training Adminis- tration, Labor. Remick, Forest J.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .................... Remys, Dalia, Foreign Claims Settlement Commis-sion, Justice Rendell, Edward G., Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Rendina, Pete, Rep. Herbert C. Klein ................ Rendon, Florencio H., Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz............ Rendén, Mary Alice, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Renick, Mary, Rep. Richard A. Gephardt................... Renkes, Gregg, Sen. Frank H. Murkowski 3 Renninger, Karen, Library of Congress.........c.cccceuu.... Reno, Janet (Attorney General): Biography Cabinet President’s Committee on Mental Retardation......... Smithsonian Institution Reno, William, American Red Cross...........ccocvueuenne. Rensbarger, John W., Library of Congress. a Renwanz, Marsha, Judiciary Committee....................... Repass, Charles B., Bureau of Administration, State .. Rerdon, Edward M., Office of Administration and Manag t, Labor Reres, Matt, Assistant Secretary for Research, De-velopment, and Acquisition, Army Resnick, Abe, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Resnick, Joel B., Armed Services Committee.............. Restani, Jane A., United States Court of Internation- al Trade Reszetar, Mary Alice Hedge, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science................... Retsinas, Nicolas P., Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Retta, Lawrence, Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army 699 Reuben, S. Jesse, Federal Labor Relations Authority 878 Reukauf, William E., Office of the Special Counsel ... Reut, Katrina W., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor . 802 Reuter, James, Ways and Means Committee......... 475, 476 Reutershan, Thomas P., Public Health Service, HHS 809 Revelt, Mary, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Revercomb, George H., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Rex, JayneAnne, Merchant Marine and Fisheries ommittee Reyes, Luana L., Indian Health Service, HHS............ Reyes, Luis A., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Reynolds, Barbara, Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon Reynolds, Bobby, Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Reynolds, C.J., Office of the Secretary Reynolds, Delbert F., Regional ny Field Offices, HUD Reynolds, Jack, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Reynolds, James, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Reynolds, John F., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Reynolds, Kerry, International Affairs and Commod- ity Programs, Agriculture Reynolds, Matt, Rep. Jay Kim Reynolds, Mel (Representative from Illinois): Biography Ways and Means Committee Reynolds, Richard V., Assistant Secretary for Ac-quisition, Air Force Reynolds, T. Britt, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Reynoldson, Jerry, Environment and Public Works Committee Reynoso, Cruz, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights...... Reza, Michael A., Congressional Award Rezendes, Victor S., General Accounting Office........ Rhile, Howard G., General Accounting Office........... Rhoades, Everett R., Indian Health Service, HHS ..... Rhode, Lin, Rep. Joe Skeen Rhode, Michael, Jr., Panama Canal Commission ........ Rhodes, Arthur, Rep. Mike Parker........cccccooeveurrennee Rhodes, Frank H.T., National Science Foundation .... Rhodes, H.J., Interstate Commerce Commission......... Rhodes, Jennifer, Small Business Committee............... Rhodes, Rebecca, General Services Administration ... Rhodes, Teresa, National Republican Senatorial Committee Ribbentrop, Richard, Sen. Phil Gramm .... Ribelin, Frank K., Smithsonian Institution Ribicoff, Mrs. Abraham A., Smithsonian Institution... Ricchetti, Steve, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President Name Page Rice, Condoleeza, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities.... Rice, Edmund B., Foreign Affairs Committee Rice, Janet E., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- merce Rice, Ray M., Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Treasury Rice, Richard, Office of Installations and Environ- ment, Rice, Robert, Export Administration, Commerce Rice, William E., Environmental Protection Agency. Rich, Giles S.: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Rich, Pat, Sen. Judd Gregg Rich, Peter D., Energy and Commerce Committee... Rich, Wayne A., Jr., Executive Office for U.S. At- torneys, Justice Richard, Charles “Chuck”, Office of American Workplace, Labor Richard, Mark M., Criminal Division, Justice Richard, Oliver G., Congressional Award Richard, Paul R., Staff Secretary, Office of the President Richard, William, Rep. James L. Oberstar Richards, Georgia M., Equal Employment Opportu- nity Commission Richards, H. West, Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr Richards, Jack, Office of Personnel Management Richards, John, Export Administration, Commerce ... Richards, Lois, U.S. International Development Co- operation Agency Richards, Lori A., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 914, 915 Richards, Mary Beth, Federal Communications Commission Richards, Mrs. William L., Smithsonian Institution.. 921 Richardson, Bill (Representative from New Mexico): Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Congressional Hispanic Caucus Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Energy and Commerce Committee......... Natural Resources Committee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .. Richardson, David, Legal Services Corporation Richardson, Herschel E., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Richardson, Holly, Sen. Strom Thurmond Richardson, James E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Richardson, Jean, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Richardson, Joyce, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Richardson, Lynne: Office of the Legislative Counsel Rep. Butler C. Derrick, Jr Richardson, Margaret M., Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Richardson, Michaela, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Richardson, Robert T., Drug Enforcement Adminis-tration, Justice Richardson, Willard J., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Richbourg, Donald E., Appropriations Committee Richey, Charles R., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Richey, David M., Defense Techology Security, De-ense Richman, Barry S., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Richmond, Johnathan Y., Public Health Service, HHS Richter, Sue, American Red Cross Richwine, Heather, Rep. Ike Skelton Rickard, Robert A., Public Health Service, HHS Rickard, Stephen A., Foreign Relations Committee... Rickman, Stephen E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Ricks, Billy J., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Ricks, Phil, Rep. Henry Bonilla Riddick, Floyd M., Rules and Administration Com- mittee Index 1313 Page Riddle, Kay W., National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Riddle, Martyn J., International Finance Corporation 1013 Ridenour, Donna, Finance Committee Ridenour, James M., Smithsonian Institution Ridencut, Richard I., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar- Rider, 3 Alfred, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Ridge, James, Commission on Security and Coopera-tion In Europe Ridge, Thomas J. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Post Office and Civil Service Committee President’s Export Council Veterans’ Affairs Committee Ridgley, Robyn, Rep. Jack Kingston Ridgway, Gail, Office of the Clerk Ridley, Walter B., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Riedinger, Dan, Environmental and Energy Study Conference Rief, Rocky, Sen. Sam Nunn hi Riegel, Richard A., Inter-American Defense Board .. Riegle, Donald W., Jr. (Senator from Michigan): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Budget Committee Democratic Policy Committee Finance Committee Riegner, Henry G., U.S. Travel and Tourism Ad-ministration, Commerce Rieke, Elizabeth Ann, Office of Water and Science, Interior Riemenschneider, Charles, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Riemenschneider, Robert, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Rieser, Tim, Appropriations Committee Riffer, John I., Federal Communications Commission 871 Rigby, Joe W., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 700 Riggin, Kenneth D., U.S. Capitol Police 626 Riggin, Philip, Office of the Secretary, Veterans Aff- fairs 853 Riggs, Elizabeth B., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System 861 Riggs, John A., Energy and Commerce Committee... 440 Rigsby, Delbert K., Rep. Bennie Thompson 163 Rigsby, Robert R., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Rihely, Diane, Rep. William H. Natcher Riker, Tim, Rep. David Mann Riker, Walt, Republican Leadership Riley, Aleathea E., Public Works and Transportation Committee Riley, Barbara, Rep. Bill Zeliff, Jr Riley, D. Michael, National Credit Union Adminis- tration Riley, Francis X., International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture Riley, John M., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Riley, John, Agriculture Committee Riley, Joseph P., Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Riley, Melissa, Judiciary Committee Riley, Richard P., Management—Chief Financial Of- ficer, Treasury Riley, Richard W. (Secretary of Education): Biography Cabinet Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities. President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Smithsonian Institution Riley, Susan V., Sen. Hank Brown Riley, William J., Jr., Natural Resources and Envi- ronment, Agriculture Rill, James F., Administrative Conference of the United States Rilling, Juanita, Appropriations Committee ly Rinaldi, Patricia V., Rep. Alfred A. (Al) McCandless Rine, E. William, Office of the Attorney General, Justice 1314 Congressional Directory Rinebolt, Dave, Rep. Collin C. Peterson ..................... Rinehart, Caryll F., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee PT OL COP Ring, Stephen W., U.S. Capitol Police. re Ringness, Shirley, Office of the Republican Leader .. Ringo, Durwood W., Jr., Armed Services Commit- mission Rinker, Lewis D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Rinkevich, Charles F., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury A aers Rinn, Patricia, Federal Communications Commission Rintye, Peter, Rep. Steven Schiff Rinzel, Daniel, Governmental Affairs Committee....... Riordan, Courtney, Environmental Protection Agency. Rios, Victor Adolfo Segovia, Inter-American De- fense Board 1006 Ripley, S. Dillon, Smithsonian Institution 926 Ripple, Kenneth F., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit...... Rischard, Jean-Francois, International Bank “for Re- construction and Development Risers, Richard, Office of the General Counsel, Risley, Larry, Rep. Walter R. Tucker III Rissler, Patricia F., Education and Labor Committee Ritch, John B., III: Foreign Relations Committee North Atlantic Assembly Ritchie, Donald A., Office of the Secretar Ritchie, William, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Rittenhouse, John O., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- ronment, Air Force.. Ritter, Doug, Rep. Curt Weldon Ritter, Ronald R., Environmental Protection Agency Ritter, Sharon L., American Red Cross....................... Ritzman, Kathleen, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee.. Rivera, Fanny, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Rivera, Miguel A., Inter-American Development Bank Rivera-Casiano, Pedro, Resident Commissioner Carlos Romero-Barceld Rivera-Torres, Enrique S., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Rivers, Charles R., U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Rivers, Stanley, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Rivlin, Alice M., Office of Management and Budget . Rivo, Marc L., Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS Riza, Igbal Syed, Secretariat, United Nations.............. Rizer, Jordan E., AFIS, Defense Rizzuto, Christopher, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Roach, David E., Rep. Pat Williams Roach, Douglas C., Armed Services Committee Roach, Laverdia T. President's Committee on Mental Retardation Roach, Robert L., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Roark, Diane S., Permanent Select Committee on ntelligence Roark, Douglas S., Liaison Offices..........c.cccevverurrnnnnnn. Robb, Charles S. (Senator from Virginia): Armed Services Committee Biography Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee Democratic Policy Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee........... Foreign Relations Committee Joint Economic Committee Robb, Euric Allan, Inter-American Development Bank Robb, J. David, Government Printing Office.............. Robb, Karen, Judiciary Committee Robbins, Charles, Rep. Fred Grandy Robbins, Clyde E., Office of the Secretary, Trans- portation Robbins, Earldean V.S., National Labor Relations Board Robbins, Earnest O., Chief of Staff, Air Force Robbins, Gordon E., Public Health Service, HHS Robbins, Gwen, Rep. Elizabeth Furse..........c.ccccceueunnen. Robbins, L. Kenneth X., Smithsonian Instituti Robbins, Sam, Office of Information Systems/Child Support Information Systems, HHS..................... Robbins, Sheila Johnson, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Robert, Stacy, Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest Roberts, Alan I., Maritime Administration, Transpor- tation Roberts, Brooke M., Sen. Larry E. Crai Roberts, Cassandra, Office of the Secretary, Army.... Roberts, Catherine, Environmental Protection Agency g Roberts, iropacy M., Delaware River Basin Commission Roberts, Cokie, Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries............. Roberts, David W., Appropriations Committee .......... Roberts, John Walker, Foreign Affairs Committee..... Roberts, Julie, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee Roberts, Kenneth, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture..........ccoocevicurnunnne. Roberts, Linda, Office of the Secretary . Roberts, Liz, Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski Roberts, Mattew D., Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Roberts, Neil E., Antitrust Division, Justice................ Roberts, Pat {Representative from Kansas): Agriculture Committee Biography House Administration Committee House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards Joint Committee on Printing National Republican Congressional Committee....... National Republican Congressional Committee....... U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board...... Roberts, Richard Y., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Roberts, Russell L., Rep. John L. Mica Roberts, Sherry, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Roberts, Walter R., U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Robertson, Andrew, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Robertson, Charles J., Smithsonian Institution...... 919, Robertson, Charles T, Jr., Chief of Staff, Air Force . Robertson, F. Dale, Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Robertson, George S., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Robertson, Kirk, Sen. David Pryor Robertson, Linda, Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury .... Robertson, William, Jr., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Robillard, Marda J., Rep. John D. Dingell.................. Robins, C. Howard, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Robins, Charlene, Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives Robins, Dave, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury .... Robinson, Ann McK., U.S. Postal Service Robinson, Arlene, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Robinson, Aubrey E., Jr., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Robinson, Bob H., Economics, Agriculture................. Robinson, Brenda M., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority Robinson, Charlene J., Management—Chief Finan- cial Officer, Treasury Robinson, Constance K., Antitrust Division, Justice .. Robinson, David L., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Robinson, David, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Robinson, Deborah A., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Robinson, Donald L., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Robinson, Eda, Rep. Lane Evans Robinson, George H., Small Business Administration 833 923 721 776 773 15 680 833 155 888 616 687 937 996 963 765 685 728 Name Robinson, Harry G., III, Smithsonian Institution Robinson, Jeffrey D., Executive Agencies, District of Columbi Robinson, John F. Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Robinson, June M., Office of the Secretary, Labor .... Robinson, Kip, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee Robinson, Lynn, National Republican Senatorial Committee Robinson, Mark B., Armed Services Committee Robinson, Max, Secretary of State, State Robinson, Michael H., Smithsonian Institutio Robinson, Peter M., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Robinson, R. Townsend, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Robinson, Richard, Rep. John T. Doolittle Robinson, Robert D., Immigration and Naturaliza- tion Service, Justice Robinson, Spotswood W., III, United States Court of Appeals Robinson, Thomas D., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS Robinson, Tom, Office of the Secretary, Interior Robinson, Virginia B., General Accounting Office Robinson, Wilkes Coleman, United States Court of Federal Claims Robinson, William A., Health Resources and Serv-ices Administration, HHS Robinson, William H., Library of Congress Robinson, Winston, Jr., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Robison, Ima V., Office of Personnel Management .... Robison, R., Office of Water and Science, Interior .... Robles, Barbara, Natural Resources Committee Robles, Josue, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army Robson, Margaret, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Roby, Jeanne, Finance Committee Robyn, Dorothy, National Economic Council, Office of the President Rock, Cecily W., Joint Committee on Taxation Rockefeller, John D., IV (Senator from West Vir-ginia): Biography Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit-tee Democratic Policy Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Finance Committee Japan-United States Friendship Commission Veterans’ Affairs Committee Rockwell, Russell A., Federal Maritime Commission. Rodbard, David, Division of Computer Research and Technology, HHS Rodemeyer, Michael, Science, Space, and Technolo-gy Committee Rodgers, John M., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Rodgers, Mark, Rep. Richard John Santorum Rodgers, Mark, Smithsonian Institution Rodman, Bruce A., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board . 937 Rodrigues, Louis J., General Accounting Office 31 Rodriguez, Edith Marquez, Organization of Ameri- can States Rodriguez, Jaime E., Smithsonian Institution Rodriguez, Juan “Chi Chi”, President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Rodriguez, Norma B., Rep. E (Kika) de la Garza Rodriguez, Rita M., Export-Import Bank of the United States Rodriguez, Rodolfo, Pan American Health Organiza-tion Rodriguez, Sonja L., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Rodriguez, Susie, Rep. Cynthia McKinney Rodriguez-Rozic, Oscar, Inter-American Develop-ment Bank Rodriguez-Walker, Julia Carmen, Congressional His- panic Caucus Rodriquez, Jose L., Federal Communications Com-mission 87 1 Rodriquez, Roy, Assistant Secretary for Fair Hous-ing and Equal Opportunity, HUD 82 9 Roe, Cheri Lee, Public Works and Transportation Ce : Index 1315 Page Roe, Jack W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 935 Roe, Raymond T.: Army Staff and Selected Agencies 704 U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 938 Roeder, Cathy, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Roeder, Joseph A., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Roehmer, Susan, Office of Personnel Management Roelle, William H.: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Resolution Trust Corporation Roemer, Tim (Representative from Indiana): Biography Democratic Study Group Education and Labor Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Rogers, A.V., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense ............... Rogers, Harold (Representative from Kentucky): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Sunbelt Caucus Rogers, Jerry L., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Rogers, John G., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Rogers, Kenneth C.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rogers, Lawrance W., Employee Standards Admin- istration, Labor Rogers, Lucia J., Joint Committee on Taxation Rogers, M.A., White House Military Office... Rogers, Paul, Rep. Ronald D. Coleman... Rogers, Raymond J., Federal Railroad Administra- tion, Transportation Rogers, Rebecca, U.S. Capitol Historical Society Rogers, Richard M., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Rogers, Robert A., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Rogers, Robert, National Republican Senatorial Committee Rogers, Thomasina V., Equal Employment Opportu- nity Commission Rogoff, Peter, Appropriations Committee Rogowsky, Robert A. U.S. International Trade Commission Roh, Charles (Chip) E., Jr., Office of U.S. Trade Representative Rohan, James P., U.S. Capitol Police Rohlfing, Joan B., Armed Services Committee Rohr, David B., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion Rohrabacher, Dana (Representative from California): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus District of Columbia Committee Foreign Affairs Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Study Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Rohrer, Lynn B., Foreign Relations Committee Roj, Joseph A., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Rojas, Victor A., Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury Roland, Randy E., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi- tion, Air Force Roll, Marguerite S., Library of Congress Rolla, Joseph J., Jr., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Rollins, Claudia B., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Rollinson, Barbara L., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Rolocut, Vernonica, Rules Committee Rolston, Howard, Office of Policy and Evaluation, HHS Romans, Lawrence, Rep. Bruce F. Vento Romash, Marla E Office of the Vice President President of the Senate Romero-Barceld, Carlos A. (Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico): Biography Congressional Campaign Committee 1316 Congressional Directory Page Democratic Study Group.... 563 Education and Labor Committee.................cccoeurne.. 435 Natural Resources Committee...............c..o.cevcerernnneee 455 Rominger, Richard: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 Office of the Secretary, Agriculture....................... 761 Romney, Miles, Government Operations Committee. 446 Romney, Ronna, President’s Commission on White House Fellowships 910 Rondeau, Dan, Environmental Protection Agency..... 863 Ronhovde, Kent M., Library of Congress................... 636 Ronkovich, Arthur E. General Services Administra-tion 883 Roob, Mrs. Richard, Smithsonian Institution............... 920 Rook, Harry L., Technology Administration, Com-merce 791 Rooney, James P., Rep. William J. Coyne... 259 Rooney, Louise E., Patent and Trademark “Office, Commerce 789 Rooney, Nancy, Office of Policy, Labor ..................... 798 Roosa, Christopher, Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Roosevelt, David, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Me-morial Cc on 551 Roots, Cecelia, Board for International Broadcasting. 547 Roper, Bart, Liaison Offices 629 Roper, Kevin, Appropriations Committee............. 426, 427 Roper, Michael J., Justice Management Division, Justice Roper, William L., Public Health Service, HHS... 810, 814 Rorapaugh, Robin, Public Affairs, Agriculture........... 769 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (Representative from Florida): Biography 72 Congressional Hispanic Caucus.............ccececernenverennnne 560 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Government Operations Committee ..............ccorereune 445 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Republican Policy Committee ..............ccourverrenrreriennn 484 Rosa, Lori, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commit-tee Rosa, Manuel, Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez .................... 203 Rosales, Jean K., Energy and Commerce Committee. 441 Rosarbo, Louise, Rep. Ronald K. Machtley................ 66 Roscoe, Richard P., Liaison Offices..........cceovennnene. 628 Rose, Charlie (Representative from North Carolina): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 221 Congressional Human Rights Caucus............ 2 561 House Administration Committee ........... .. 447 Joint Committee of Congress on the Library........... 485 Joint Committee on Printing 485 Library of Congress 638 North Atlantic A bly 555 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission..........c.cveu... 557 U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board...... Rose, Eileen M., Smithsonian Institution ... a Rose, Joan Teague, Agriculture Committee .. Rose, Jonathan, Administrative Conference of United States 856 Rose, Joyce C., Appropriations Committee................. 390 Rose, Karen D., Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 Rose, Marc, Government Operations Committee........ 446 Rose, Mary Jane, Rep. Tom Lewis ..........cccccuevvreennenee. 71 Rose, Mitch, Sen. Ted Stev 8 Rose, Pete, Rep. Pete Geren 292 Rose, Stephen: Joint Economic Committee 488 Peace Corps 908 Rose, Susan Porter, Commission of Fine Arts............. 861 Roseman, Louise L., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Rosen, Edward H., United States Holocaust Memo- rial Council 929 Rosen, Harold, International Finance Corporation..... 1012 Rosen, Laurie Birleffi: Republican Leadership 612 Sen. Alan K. Simpson 335 Rosen, Richard L., Antitrust Division, Justice............ 728 Rosen, Saul W., Clinical Center, HHS..............cc......... 822 Rosen, Steve, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Rosenbaum, Lawrence R., Small Business Adminis-tration Rosenbaum, Richard M., United States Holocaust Memorial Council Page Rosenbaum, Steven H., Civil Rights Division Divi- sion, Justice 730 Rosenberg, Colin M., Veterans’ Affairs Committee.... 412 Rosenberg, Erica, Energy and Natural Resources Committee 398 Rossberg, Irwin, Science and Education, Agricul- tu 778 Roseroers, Paul L., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce 785 Rosenberg, Zeda, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Di , HHS 819 Rosenblatt, Joan R., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Rosenblum, Bruce, Securities and Exchange Com- mission 911 Rosenblum, Robert, Smithsonian Institution................ 921 Rosenfeld, Arthur F., Office of Policy, Labor .. 3708 Rosenfeld, Dana, Federal Trade Commission.............. 882 Rosenfeld, Eugene L., National Labor Relations Board 897 Rosenfelt, Philip H., Office of Inspector General, Education 850 Rosenfield, John M., Smithsonian Institution............... 922 Rosengarden, Eugene A., U.S. International Trade 2 C ission 932 Rosenker, Mark V., American Battle Momuments Cc ission 858 Rosenkrance, Lester K., Office of Land and Miner- als Management, Interior 757 Rosenkranz, Mrs. John N., Smithsonian Institution... 921 Rosenkranz, Robert B., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 700 Rosensaft, Hadassah, United States Holocaust Me- morial Council 929 Rosenstein, Samuel M., United States Court of Inter- national Trade 969 Rosenthal, Alan S., General Accounting Office.......... 630 Rosenthal, Ann, Office of Policy, Labor...................... 799 Rosenthal, Gert: Secretariat, United Nations 1028 United Nations 1028 Rosenthal, Larry: Congressional Automotive Caucus. 558 Rep. Dale E. Kildee 151 Rosenthal, Mrs. Milton F., Smithsonian Institution..... 923 Rosenthal, Steven M., Joint Committee on Taxation.. 486 Rosenwald, Ann H., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 839 Rosiznski, Jeane, Environmental Protection Agency.. 866 Roskens, Ronald W., U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency 931 Roslanowick, Jeanne M., Small Business Committee... 470 Roslewicz, Thomas D.: Office of Inspector General, HHS ..............ccccovuennnn. U.S. Office of Inspector General, HHS i Ross, Arthur, Smithsonian Institution..............ccccevnu... Ross, Dennis B., United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Ross, Douglas A., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice 734 Ross, Douglas, Employment and Training Adminis-tration, Labor 800 Ross, Edison: House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 552 Post Office and Civil Service Committee 459 Ross, Eldon W., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 777 Ross, George E., Inspector General, Commerce......... 781 Ross, Heather, National Economic Council, Office of the President 669 Ross, Ian M., National Science Foundation................. 898 Ross, Jimmy D., Army Staff and Selected Agencies... 700 Ross, Joseph A., Jr., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 939 Ross, Joseph E.: Library of Congress 636 Office of Technology Assessment .............cccovreruunnne 639 Ross, Kelly, Rep. Norman Sisisky ...........cccevereruerenenenes 312 Ross, Lawrence J., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Ross, Lisa, Labor and Human Resources Committee. 409 Ross, Michael, Standing Committee of Correspond- ents. 1061 Ross, Peter D., Federal Communications Commis-sion 868 Ross, Sheila, Del. Ron de Lugo 340 Name Page Ross, Wilbur L., Jr., Smithsonian Institution............... 923 Ross-Meltzer, Jill, Federal Communications Commis-sion 871 Ross-Robinson, Hazel: Del. Ron de Lugo 340 Natural Resources COMMIttee ..........covurerrererierriraranane 457 Rosselli, Glen, Joint Economic Committee 488 Rossetti, Stephen O., Jr., Armed Services Committee 429 Rossi, Charles E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion 935 Rossi, Robert R., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy 706 Rostenkowski, Dan (Representative from Illinois): Biography 92 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ 481 Joint Committee on Taxation 486 President's Export Council 566 Ways and Means Committee 474 Roswell, Robert H., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs........c.cccoeevvvvennns 854 Rota, Robert V., Jr., Office of the Clerk ............. 619 Roth, Alan J., Energy and Commerce Committee...... 440 Roth, Jane R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Roth, Rebecca J., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee 440 Roth, Stanley, Foreign Affairs Committee................... 443 Roth, Toby (Representative from Wisconsin): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 332 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Roth, William V., Jr. (Senator from Delaware): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee... 392 Biography 59 Finance Committee 400 Governmental Affairs Committee ..............coernuenene 403 Joint Economic Committee 488 North Atlantic Assembly 555 Republican Policy Committee ...........cccoueverrirniiienne 418 Rothberg, Samuel, United States Holocaust Memori- al Council 929 Rothenberg, Karsten, Chief of Staff, Air Force.......... 720 Rothenberg, Marc, Smithsonian Institution................. 918 Rothenberg, Richard B., Public Health Service, HHS 812 Rothenberg, Robert M., Social Security Administra- tion, HHS 826 Rothenburg, Richard F., Chief of Staff, Air Force..... 721 Rothenstein, Cliff, Environment and Public Works Committee 399 Rother, Mark, Rep. Al Swift 320 Rothschild, Steven T., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation 840 Rothwell, Greg, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury. 687 Rotondi, Phil, Rep. Mike Kopetski...........cccoevvvnnnnnenn 248 Rottmann, Glenn H., Government Printing Office..... 632 Rougeot, Claude, International Finance Corporation. 1013 Roukema, Marge (Representative from New Jersey): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 186 Education and Labor Committee ............cccovvvinnnee. 435 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Rouleau, Eugene J., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 906 Rouse, Peter M., Sen. Thomas A. Daschle.................. 276 Rousselot, John H., Permanent Joint Board on De- fense, Canada-United States ..........ccccceeevuveerinireeenns 1 Route, Ron A., Office of Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Navy 707 Rove, Karl, Board for International Broadcasting ...... 547 Rovecamp, Jan, Agriculture Committee ............c.covuune 422 Rovner, Ilana Diamond, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit... usisrscnees 946 Rowan, Ann, Rep. Michael A. Andrews..... : Rowberg, Richard E., Library of Congress. Rowe, C. Edward, Small Business Committee... Rowe, David K., Public Health Service, HHS ........... 811 Rowe, John, Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Rowe, Robert D., National Commission for Employ- ment Policy 554 Rowe, Ronald B., Federal Trade Commission ............ 881 Rowell, Carrie, Rep. Butler C. Derrick, Jr.................. 272 Rowland, J. Roy (Representative from Georgia): Biography 81 Congressional Sunbelt Caucus 3 Index Page Energy and Commerce Committee.........ccocoevvurrunnenne 438 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Roy, Elmer L., Regional and Field Offices, HUD...... 831 Roy, J. Wayne, General Services Administration ....... 885 Roy, Stuart, National Republican Senatorial Com-mittee 417 Roy, Victor J., Office of Personnel Management ....... 905 Royal, Debbie, Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett ...................... 137 Royall-Hill, Ruth E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Roybal, Edward R., Congressional Hispanic Caucus. 560 Roybal-Allard, Lucille (Representative from Califor-nia): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 37 Small Busi Committee 469 Royce, Ed (Representative from California): Biography 41 Foreign Affairs Committee ..........ccoceeuverunerinericrinanns National Republican Congressional Committee... 481, , 483 Republican Policy Committee 484 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Royce, Gloria, Veterans’ Affairs Committee............... 473 Roycroft, John C., Securities and Exchange Com-mission 912 Roye, Matt, Marketing and Inspection Services, Ag-riculture 774 Rozsa, Gabe J., Public Works and Transportation Committee Rozzi, Dolores L., Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Rubenstein, Jeremey N., Securities and Exchange Commission 912 Rubin, James P., Foreign Relations Committee........... 403 Rubin, Mark, Rep. Tim Johnson 276 Rubin, Michael R., Technology Administration, Commerce Rubin, Robert E., National Economic Council, Office of the President Rubino, D. Jerry, Justice Management Division, Jus-tice Rubinoff, Ira, Smithsonian Institution..............c...... Rubinoff, Roberta, Smithsonian Institution.. Rubow, Suzanne, Inter-American Development Bank 1007 Rucker, Kelly, Rep. Blanche M. Lambert ................... 16 Rudd, David, Sen. Ernest F. Hollings...........cc.cccoeueuueu. 270 Rudd, Glenn A. Defense Security Assistance Agency, Defense 694 Ruddy, Robert D., Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture 2 Rudman, Mara, Foreign Affairs Committee ................ Rudman, William N., Defense Techology Security, Defense Rudo, Sonia R., National Archives and Records Ad-ministration 892 Rudy, Dennis L., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion Rudy, Tony, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher............cccccoueune 44 Ruehle, Judy, Government Printing Office... . 633, 634 Ruestow, Bonnie, Rep. Tony P. Hall ..........cccceennan 230 Rufe, Roger T., Jr., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion 839 Ruffalo, Kathryn, Environment and Public Works Committee Ruffin, Delores, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Rams Joma S., National Credit Union Administra- Ruff. pry R., Office of the General Counsel, HHS Ruger, Michael C., Federal Communications Com- mission Ruhe, Shirley, Budget Committee Ruhlen, Steve, Rep. Henry Bonilla..........ccccovvivininnnnne Ruiz, Diego, Rep. Christopher Cox... = Ruiz, Frances, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda . Ruiz, Jose F., Jr., Office of Personnel Management ... 906 Ruiz, Vanessa, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 996 Rulli, Lisa, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commit- tee 453 Rumfola, Chris, Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter....... 213 Runge, Nancy: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Ways and Means Cc i 476 1318 Congressional Directory Page Runge, Tom S., Energy and Commerce Committee... 440 Runyon, Marvin T., Jr., U.S. Postal Service............... 936 Rupp, Keith, Rep. Charles T. Canady.........cccc.cooen.... 68 Ruppe, Philip E., U.S. Association of Former Mem- bers of Congress 567 Ruppert, Carey D., Armed Services Committee......... 429 Rush, Bobby L. (Representative from Illinois): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 90 Democratic Study Group Government Operations Committee ..............c.......... Rushing, Margo, Sen. Conrad Burns.................. Russ, Susan Beardman, Sen. James M. Jeffords Russ, William, National Center for Nursing Re- search, HHS 823 Russell, Cathy, Judiciary Committee............ccccocuu........ 407 Russell, Donald Stuart, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit....................... ween 946 Russell, Joe L., Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. weve 880 Russell, Judith, Government Printing Office.............. 633 Russell, Keith W., National Agricultural Library, Agriculture 779 Russell, McKinney, U.S. Information Agency ............ 930 Russell, Melvin W., AFIS, Defense...........ccouurrererennees 691 Russell, Michael J., Office of Justice Programs, Jus- Hos ; ; 752 Russell, Michael, Education and Labor Committee... 437 Russell, Mike, Rep. William D. Ford 153 Russell, Robert S., Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Russell, Theodore E., Environmental Protection Agency ies ; 864 Russell, Tracey E., Appropriations Committee............ 426 Russell, William T., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mision 935 Russen, Michael, Rep. Joseph M. McDade........... SE 256 Rust, David, Food and Consumer Services, Agricul-ture ; : 763 Ruta, Gwen, Environmental Protection Agency evens 866 Ruth, Katy, U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus ; 368 Rutherford, Robert L., Major Commands, Air Force 723 Rutkowski, Joanne, Securities and Exchange Com-MISSION: 3 912 Rutland, Jennifer, Library of Congress cesesssseretssserenes = 638 ey L., Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1g, a N Rutledge, Michael J., Office of Policy, Labor HE HE 798 Rutledge, Peter, Post Office and Civil Service Com-mittee 459 Ruwe, Robert Paul, United States Tax Court.............. 978 Ruyle, Jane, Senate Radio and Television Gallery ..... 1094 Ruzzamenti, William, Drug Enforcement Adminis- ¥ ination, Justice 734 yan, Caitlin: Executive Agencies, District of Columbia............ £0997 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-eases, HHS : 819 Ryan, Elaine, Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter .......... 213 Ryan, Elizabeth A., Select Committee on Ethics........ 413 Ryan, James L., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit....... ehies: .--946 Ryan, Jeffery R., Federal Communications Commis- Sion ) fsaressises 869 Ryan, John E., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treas-653 ury Ryan, Tobie. Rep. William E. (Bill) Barrett.. -.. 177 Ryan, Mary A., Bureau of Consular Affairs, State . 54 677 Ryan, Michael D, U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters.. 711 Ryan, Michael E., Permanent Joint Board on De-fense, Canada-United States ...........ccccceeerrrerererennee 1022 Ryan, Michael F., Sen. John H. Chafee.... oe Ryan, Patrick, Veterans’ Affairs Committee................ 472 Ryan, Robert Kevin, Rules Committee 465 Ryan, Shirley W., National Council on Disability ...... 893 Ryan, Terry M., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 478 Ryan, Timothy J., Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture 770 Ryan, William E., Jr., American Battle Momuments Commission 858 Ryback, William A., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 Rybicki, Stephen J., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Rydell, Randy, Governmental Affairs Committee...... 404 Page | Ryder, David J., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury ............. 681 | Ryder, Kenneth F., Jr., Office of Management and udget 673 | Ryland, Kenneth, Conference of the Minority ............ 417 | Rymer, Pamela Ann, United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit...........cccoconvnvrrrnennns 947 | Rynearson, Arthur J.,, Office of the Legislative Counsel 615 Ryrie, William S., International Finance Corporation 1011 S Saalfeld, Fred E., Office of Naval Research, Navy... 708 | Saari, James E., Maritime Administration, Transpor- tation Sabatine, Melissa, Rep. Robert S. Walker...........c.c...... | Sablan, Virginia, Natural Resources Committee......... Sabo, Ge ge J., Office of Personnel Management ....... | Sabo, Kevin, Government Operations Committee ...... 446 | Sabo, Martin Olav (Representative from Minnesota): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 158 Budget Committee 433 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Sabo, Sylvia, Congressional Club 560 | Sabol, Carolyn A., Bureau of Prisons, Justice . 733 | Sacher, Jeff, Office of Policy, Labor-................ 800 | Sackler, Jill, Smithsonian Institution.......... 922 Sada, Jennifer C., Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez... i307 | Sadik, Nafis, Secretariat, United Nations .................... 1027 Safeer, Harvey B., Jr., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation 841 | saffold, C. Abbott, Office of the Majority Secretary. 614 Sagal, Phillip, Office of Personnel Management.......... 903 Sagar, Dean, Small Business Committee ...................... 470 Sagman, M. Elaine, Office of the Legislative Counsel 623 Saiers, Edward L., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency 931 Sailo, John T., Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices 622 | Saito, Kunio, International Monetary Fund.............. 1015 | gakach, Christine, Securities and Exchange Commis- Sion 911 | Sakai, James, Sen. Daniel K. Akaka.........ccccooeerrerrrrn. 84 Sala, Pierre M., International Finance Corporation .... 1014 | Salamone, Philip J, Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ 830 Shes José R. AT Crean of American States 019 iat] inistra-Salsess, LL edersl Aviation Administ 839 | Sajazar, Roger, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard ................ 37 Sale, Chris, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 745 Sobey, Dallas,: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpo : Ho Salm, Philip E., Major Field Organizations, Energy .. 848 | Salman, Carlos, U.S. International Development Co- operation Agency 932 | Salmon, Marla, Health Resources and Services Ad-ministration, HHS 817 | Salmon, Paul G., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 | Salmon, William, National Academy of Engineering. 898 Salomon, Leon E., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies 701 | Salter, Mark, Senate Central American Negotiations Observer Group 556 | Saltonstall, William L., Smithsonian Institution........... 926 Salvia, Jeanne M., Foreign Affairs Committee............ 444 Salyers, Edwin G., LDceupations) Safety and Health Review Cc 900 | Samet, Andrew, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan.......... 196 | Samper, Hector Charry, International Organization for Migration 017 Samples, F.P. Sam, Bureau of Prisons, Justice ............ 733 | Sampson, Daphne, Justice Management Division, Justice 727 | Sampson, Eric J., Public Health Service, HHS ........... 812 Sampson, Neil H., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 817 Sampson, Peggy C., Office of the Doorkeeper............ 620 | Sampson, Walter D., Jr., Library of Congress ............ 637 Sams, J. David, Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce 789 | Sams, Monroe S., Jr., Joint Service Schools, Defense 695 Name Index 1319 Page Samuel, S. Brian, International Finance Corporation . 1014 Samuels, Annette, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1001 Samuels, Julie E., Criminal Division, Justice 731 Samuels, Leslie B., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Samuels, Terry R., Justice Management D Samuelson, Drey, Rep. Tim Johnson Samway, H. Terrence, Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury San Juan, Miguel R., President's Export Council San Martin, Robert L., Office of the Secretary, Energy Sanborn, Sort, Office of the Secretary Sanchez, Ernest E., Office of Public Affairs, Labor... Sanchez, Ingrid E., Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Sanchez, Jose Luis: Congressional Border Caucus Rep. Ronald D. Coleman Sanchez, Louis J., American Red Cross Sanchez, Mary A., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Sanchez, Nancy B., Board for Correction of Naval Records, Navy Sanchez, Raymond, Administration on Developmen- tal Disabilities, HHS Sandek, Kristine, Judiciary Committee Sander, Matthew C., Armed Services Committee Sanders, Barbara, Panama Canal Commission Sanders, Barefoot, Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Sanders, Bernard (Representative from Vermont): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... Biography Government Operations Committee Sanders, Gerald C., Public Health Service, HHS Sanders, Jeffrey, Health Care Financing Administra- tion, HHS Sanders, Timothy K., Appropriations Committee Sanders, Walter, Rep. John D. Dingell Sanderson, Richard E., Environmental Protection Agency Sandler, Risa, Office of Policy, Labor Sandler, Roger W., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Sandmeier, Trudi, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Sandoval, Antonio Cervera, Inter-American Devel- opment Bank Sandstrom, Sven, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Sanford, Cormelia, Congressional Black Caucus Sanger, Diane, Securities and Exchange Commission. Sangmeister, George E. (Representative from Illi- nois): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus Judiciary Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus Veterans’ Affairs Committee Sanow, Nancy J., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Sanslone, William R., National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS Sansoni, Brian, Rep. George Gekas Santa, Donald: Energy and Natural Resources Committee Office of the Secretary, Energy Santistevan, Carlos, Inter-American Development Ban Santorum, Rick (Representative from Pennsylvania): Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Ways and Means Committee Santos, Corentino V., International Monetary Fund... Santos, Everett J., International Finance Corporation Saouma, Edouard: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1 inemations] Agencies Related to the United Na- Sahn Siarios S., United States Marshals Service, Justice Sapp, John W., Government Printing Office Sapsara, Michael J., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Page Sarate, Irene, Environment and Public Works Com- ard. Sarbanes, Paul S. (Senator from Maryland): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy Budget Committee Democratic Policy Committee Federal Government Service Task Force Foreign Relations Committee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. Joint Economic Committee National Archives and Records Administration Sarbanes, Paul, Senate Arms Control Observer Group... Sarcone, Christine M., Agriculture, Nutrition, For- estry Committee Sarcone, Pat, Democratic Leadership Sardone, Michael, Joint Committee on Printing Sarewitz, Daniel, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Sargent, John F., Technology Administration, Com- merce 790 Sargent, Marilyn R., United States Court of Appeals. 952 Saris, James D., Senate Press Gallery 1061 Sarman, Patrick B., Rules and Administration Com- mittee Sarn, James E., Public Health Service, HHS. Sarn, James, Public Health Service, HHS... Sarnoff, Robert, Smithsonian Institution Sarpalius, Bill (Representative from Texas): Agriculture Committee Biography Small Business Committee Sarr, Bassirou A., International Monetary Fund Sartori, Joan Ann: Capitol Telephone Exchange Office of the Clerk Sartori, Kathryn, Deputy Secretary, State Sarvis, William, Jr., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Sassaman, Anne B., National Institute of Environ-mental Health Sciences, HHS Sasser, Jim (Senator from Tennessee): Appropriations Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Budget Committee 394 Governmental Affairs Committee 403 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 National Capital Planning Cc 892 Smithsonian Institution 917 Satine, Judy, Office of Management and Budget, HHS Satterfield, Steve E., Natural Resources and Envi- ronment, Agriculture Sattler, John F., Liaison Offices 629 Saturno, James, Joint Committee on the Organica: tion of Congress 489 Sauer, Art, Budget Committee 433 Saul, Elward L., Office of the General Counsel, Navy Saulnier, Steven C., Office of Legislative Affairs, Navy Saunders, Charles N., Joint Committee on Taxation .. 487 Saunders, Jodie, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Saunders, Kevin, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Saunders, Maxine, Regional and Field Offices, HUD. 831 Saunders, Norman T., U.S. Coast Guard, Transpor- tation Saunders, Stephen, Rep. David E. Skaggs Sauret, Thomas E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Sauter, Catherine M., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Sauvain, Terrence E., Appropriations Committee Savage, Darcell, Finance Committee Savage, Hank, Office of the Legislative Counsel Savage, Lou, Rep. Ron Wyden Savage, Phillip H., Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD Savercool, David, Ways and Means Committee Savercool, Paul, House Information Systems 1320 Congressional Directory Savia, Toni, Appropriations Committee........................ Savitsky, Daniel J., Securities and Exchange Com- mission......... Savitt, Robert P., Sen. William S. Cohen..................... Savoie, Rusty, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- Sawhill, Isabel, Office of Management and Budget... Sawyer, Darrell, Sen. Larry Pressler.............cco........ Sawyer, Janice M., Office of Administration and Management, Labor shuns tnlutertieraces es Sawyer, Tom (Representative from Ohio): BIOBTAPhY Sui Ee ee os seousnrisiuttievisiess Democratic Study Group........... s Education and Labor Committee . : Foreign Affairs:Commiltee.............ohde nveinirins Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com- POISSON hh cr reset ina ns : Sawyer William L., Joint Committee on Printing...... Saxon, Janet D., US. International Trade Commis- Saxton, H. James, Republican Study Committe Saxton, Jim (Representative from New Jersey): Armed Services COMMIEE ........corueiiurerevssrsreisnnpersess Biography ...... District of Columbia Committee Joint Economic Committee............... Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. National Republican Congressional Committee....... Post Office and Civil Service Committee W Sayler, Marilyn, Republican Leadershi Sayre, Robert M., Organization of American States... Scalia, Antonin: Supreme Court of the United States......................... United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Scalingi, Paula L., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.......o...c.iicominserion Scammel, H. Glenn, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Scandling, Daniel, Rep. Herbert H. ‘Bateman. Scanlan, Ali’imau, Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega.... Scanlan, Thomas J., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force Scanlon, Charles F., Army Staff and Selected Agen- Scanlon, Erin K., Office of the Legislative Counsel... Scanlon, Martha S., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System Scarano, Ross A., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Scarborough, Jack C., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 934 Scardaci, Anthony M., Public Health Service, HHS.. 813 Scarfo, Richard D., Office of Postsecondary Educa- tion, Education 851 Scarr, Harry A., Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 782 Scavongelli, Gary E. Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 772 Schabarum, Peter F., Smithsonian Institution... ind Schachte, William, Chief of Naval Operations............. Schacte, William L., Jr.: Naval Legal Service Command, Navy..................... 710 Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy .. Schade, Tricia, Rep. Bill Emerson............cccourvuninnsnnne 172 Schaefer, Dan (Representative from Colorado): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee..............cccerereneen. National Republican Congressional Committee...... Schaefer, David A., Office of the Clerk Schaefer, Edward, Jr., Chief of Naval Operations.... Schaefer, Mark, Office of Science and Technology Policy Schaefer, ‘Wiitiam D., Office of Research, Develop- ment, and Acquisition, Nav Schaeffer, Dan, National Republican Congressional Committee Schaeffer, Eric V., Environmental Protection Agency 863 Schaeffer, Warren, Judiciary Committee...................... Schaerfl, Robert A., Employment and Training Ad- ministration, Labor Schafer, George H., Appropriations Committee.. Schafer, Robert E., 'Armed Services Committee......... 429 Schaffer, David, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Page Schaffner, Jeff, Post Office and Civil Service Com-mittee Schaffner, 870 Schaible, Scott, Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg.................. 183 Schaible, Wesley L., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Schall, Alvin A.: United States Court of Appeals...........cccoeeeriririirernnene United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal CITC ivi sibenisines Schambra, Philip, Fogarty International Center, 1 I NERA RL aE a A Schapani, Thomas C., International Finance Corpo- FET + RON 0 sn SS BOGART YL 1013 Schapiro, Mary L., Securities and Exchange Com-TTI Ps SONS ND A eo LI Schatken, Steven, Office of Inspector General, Edu- CAHOON i iin i a a Rv ns Schatz, Julius, United States Holocaust Memorial CoUNCH .....cositdtivinni ante ibaa ines Schay, Brigitte, Office of Personnel Management....... Schayes, Susan, International Affairs and Commodi- ty Programs, Agriculures. 0 dh in Schechter, Mark C., Antitrust Division, Justice.......... Schecter, Daniel, Office of National Drug Control Policy Schecter, Irene, Rep. W.G. (Bill) Hefner.............. Scheibel, John, Foreign Affairs Committee Scheidt, Douglas J., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Scheimer, Joseph M., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Schelble, John, Office of the Majority Whip............... Schellenberg, Carl, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation ..... : Schellhas, Bob, Rep. Dave Camp...-.......c...ccoeve seria: Scheman, Carol R., Food and Drug Administration, HHS Schemering, Stephen C., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Schenendorf, Jack L., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Schenk, Lynn (Representative from California): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Energy and Commerce Committee.............cevvuuneee. Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. Schepens, William E., Inspector General, Air Force.. Scher, Peter L., Environment and Public Works Committee..... Scheunemann, Randall J., Foreign Relations Com-mittee Schewe, Donald B., National Archives and Records Administration 891 Schiappa, David J., Office of the Minority Secretary. 614 Schiavo, A. Mary, Office of Inspector General, Transportation Schiavone, Louise L., Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries . 1094 Schick, Gustave A., Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Labor Schickele, Richard G.R., Supreme Court of the United States Schieck, Frederick W., Inter-American Development Bank Schiff, Steven H. (Representative from New Mexico): Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela- tions Biography Government Operations COmMMIttee ..........ccoeururrernnne Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee....... Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... Standards of Official Conduct Committee...... a Schiffer, Stuart E., Civil Division, Justice ................... Schilfgaade, Jan, Science and Education, Agriculture Schiliro, Philip M., Rep. Henry A. Waxman............... Schimanski, Don, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee Schindel, Dennis S., Inspector General, Treasury....... Schindel, Leslie L., Rep. Jim Chapman i Schindler, Irene, Rep. Harold Rogers .........ccccceuvieneen Schindler, Karen W., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Name Index 1321 Page Schiokling, Henry F., U.S. International Develop-Schoolman, Harold M., National Library of Medi- ment Cooperation Agency cine, HHS 817 Schisler, Stephanie, Sen. Dirk Kempthorne Schorsch, John F., White House Military Office 671 Schittulli, Pasquale L., Chief of Staff, Air Force Schott, Peter M., Education and Labor Committee... 437 Schlager, Erika B., Commission on Security and Co-Schotta, Charles, Assistant Secretary for Internation- operation In Europe al Affairs, Treasury 681 Schlager, Ivan A., Commerce, Science, and Trans-Schrader, Dorothy, Library of Congress 637 portation Committee Schratz, Diane E., Armed Services Committee 5-392 Schlain, Mrs. Abbott K., Smithsonian Inshitotion Schreibel, Tom, Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr... 333 Schlechty, David, Export Administration, C Schriefer, Shane, Rep. Gary A. Franks 57 merce Schroder, Richard B., Commodity Credit Corpora-Schlein, Barbara, Rep. J. Roy Rowland tion, Agriculture 768 Schlesinger, Ronald A., Immigration and Naturaliza-Schroeder, Jon, Sen. Dave Durenberger 156 tion Service, Justice Schroeder, Lee J., Patent and Trademark Office, Schley, Arlene, General Services Administration Commerce Schley, Wayne A., Postal Rate Commission Schroeder, Mary M., United States Courts of Ap-Schlichting, James D., Federal Communications peals for the Federal Circuit Cc ission Schroeder, Patricia (Representative from Colorado): Schlick, James G., International Affairs and Com- Armed Services Committee modity Programs, Agriculture Biography Schlie, James, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Reserve Affairs, Army Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.. Schlieker, Dara M., Foreign Affairs Committee Judiciary Committee Schlitt, Lyn M., U.S. International Trade Commis- Post Office and Civil Service Committee Sion Schroeder, Terri, Del. Robert A. Underwood Schlobohm, Alan, Energy and Commerce Commit- Schroeter, Richard B., International Affairs and tee Commodity Programs, Agriculture Schloegel, Scott, Rep. Bart T. Stupak Schroeter, Richard B., International Affairs and Schlossberg, S., International Agencies Related to Commodity Programs, Agriculture the United Nations Schuerch, William E., Appropriations Committee Schlossberg, Stephen I., International Labor Organi- Schuetze, Geraldine P., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory zation 1 Commission Schlueter, Patricia H., Board for International Schuetze, Walter P., Securities and Exchange Com- Broadcasting mission Schlunz, Vaughn E., Assistant Secretary for Finan- Schufreider, Jim, Rep. Mel Reynolds cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Schuitema, Dale W., Drug Enforcement Administra- Force tion, Justice Schmalz, Peter, Judiciary Committee Schuker, Jill A., Office of Secretary, Commerce Schmalzbach, Kenneth R., General Counsel, Treas- Schulke, David, Small Business Committeeury Schulman, Lawrence L., Federal Transit Administra- Schmelzer, Ranit, Sen. Thomas A. Daschle tion, Transportation Schmertz, Kennedy B., Smithsonian Institution Schulmeisters, Janis G., Civil Division, Justice Schmidt, Amy, Small Business Committee Schultheis, Mary Beth: Schmidt, Frederick R., Patent and Trademark Rep. Thomas S. Foley Office, Commerce Speaker of the House of Representatives Schmidt, Gary L., Administration, Agriculture Schultz, Ernie, Sen. Don Nickles Schmidt, Jack R., Fogarty International Center, HHS Schultz, Melissa W., Rep. Rob Portman Schultz, Robert W., Office of Human Resources and Schmidt, Robert A., Appropriations Committee Administration, Veterans Affairs Justice Schmidt, Robert D., Office of the Attorney General, Schultz, Todd R., Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.. Schmidt, William, Office of the Secretary, Navy Schultz, Virgil L., Interstate Commerce Commission Schultz, William, Energy and Commerce Committee Schmitt, Bernard A., Joint Committee on Taxation.... Schmitt, Austin L., Federal Maritime Commission Schum, Constance C., US. Nuclear Regulatory Cc Schmitt, Mary M., Joint Committee on Taxation Schmitt, Roland W., National Science Foundation Schumacher, Geraldine, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture forcement, Treasury Schmitz, Michael T., Assistant Secretary for En- Schumacher, John D., National Aeronautics and Schnacke, Greg, Sen. Robert Dole Space Administration Schneebeli, Richard J., Treasurer of the United Schumacher, Stephen E., Federal Communications States, Treasury Commission Schneider, Alan, Federal Communications Commis- Schumann, Edward D., Inter-American Defense sion Board Schumann, W. Christian, Office of Policy, Labor Committee Schumer, Charles E. (Representative from New Schneider, Barbara K., Smithsonian Institution Schneider, Andreas G., Energy and Commerce York): Schneider, Margaret N., Environmental Protection Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Agency Biography Schr Michad D., U.S. Information Agency Foreign Affairs Committee Schneider, Philip A.D., Office of Personnel Manage-Judiciary Committee ment New York State Congressional Delegation... Schneider, William C., Jr., Board of Governors of Schussheim, Morton J., Library of Congress.. the Federal Reserve System Schutt, Steve, Sen. Harris Wofford Schnoor, Kim, Office of the Secretary, Agriculture... Schutte, Lois, Government Printing Office Schock, Betty P., Joint Committee on Taxation Schuyler, Ridge, Rep. Rick Boucher Schoeder, John R. Immigration and Naturalization Schuyler, Ridge, Sen. Charles S. Robb Service, Justice Schwab, Paul M., Health Resources and Services Schoellhamer, Paul, Public Works and Transporta-Administration, HHS tion Committee Schwadron, Steven, Rep. Gerry E. Studds Schoenberg, Stefan, International Monetary Fund Schwalb, Steve B., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Schoenberger, James E., Assistant Secretary for Schwalbe, Charles, Marketing and Inspection Serv- Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, ices, Agriculture HU D | Schwamberger, Frank R., Mine Safety and Health Schoenfeld, Michael H., Occupational Safety and Administration, Labor Health Review Commission Schwartz, Alan E., Smithsonian Institution Scholz, Brandon, Rep. Scott Klug Schwartz, Bari, Rep. Howard L. Berman... Schooler, David, Energy and Commerce Committee. 441 Schwartz, Eric, Library of Congress 1322 Congressional Directory Page Schwartz, James D., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Schwartz, Kenneth L., Office of Management and Budget 673 Schwartz, Lyle H., Technology Administration, Commerce Schwartz, Mark, Judiciary Committee.............ccooeuue.. Schwartz, Patricia S., Science, Space, and Technolo-gy Committee Schwartz, Richard J., Smithsonian Institution....... 921, 923 Schwartz, Richard Jay, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 895 Schwartz, Stanley M., Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission..........c.coceeeurieerecuennns Schwartzman, Robin M., Post Office and Civil Serv-ice Committee Schwarz, Frank J., Federal Maritime Commission ..... Schwarz, Gretchen C., Office of Inspector General, Education Schwarz, Sarah A., American Red Cross.................... Schwarzer, William W., Federal Judicial Center : Schwebel, Stephen M., United Nations.............ccceunee.. Schwedt, Mervyn A., Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Labor Schweiter, Henry J., Armed Services Committee....... Schwenk, Robert E., Government Printing Office ..... Schwertner, Deborah, Agriculture, Nutrition, For-estry Committee Schwienteck, Matthew G., Social Security Adminis-tration, HHS Schwindaman, Dale F., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Schwingle, Patricia C., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Scigliano, Francis P., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal'Circuit-............ hl Scirica, Anthony J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Scivetti, Richard P., Federal Mediation and Concil-iation Service Scofield, Doug, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez............cceuen. Scolaro, Robert E., Railroad Ticket Office ................. Scott, Alexander (Sandy), Natural Resources Com-mittee Scott, Bettina, Public Health Service, HHS...... Scott, Carlottia A.W., Rep. Ronald V. Dellum: Scott, Carolyn, Speaker of the House of Representa-tives Scott, Edward M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 999 Scott, Edward P.: Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Veter-ans Afffairs Veterans’ Affairs Committee 412 Scott, Gerald, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-ices 622 Scott, Gregory A., Office of the Legislative Counsel. 615 Scott, Irene Feagin, United States Tax Court.............. 981 Scott, Linda D., Public Works and Transportation Committee Scott, Linda J., Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries............. 1094 Scott, Marsha, Correspondence, Office of the Presi- dent Scott, Nancy, Rep. William F. Clinger, Jr.......c.ccc..... Scott, Patricia: Capitol Telephone Exchange Office of the Clerk Scott, Richard E., International Organization for Mi- gration 1018 Scott, Richard L., Joint Committee on Taxation ........ 487 Scott, Robert C. (Bobby) (Representative from Vir- ginia): Biography 312 Education and Labor Committee ..........cocevuvvrvcenerenne. 435 Judiciary Committee 449 Science, Space, and Technology Committee. ........... 466 Scott, Robert, Rep. Gene Green e302 Scott, Shirley, House Administration Committee........ 448 Scott, Sonny, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 417 Scott, Sylvia, M., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 915 Scotton, David, United Nations 1028 Scoville, Stanley, Natural Resources Committee ........ 456 Scovitch, Beth, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Scrivener, Joan, Office of Personnel Management...... 901 Page Scroggins, Ronald M., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scudero, Joseph A., Office of the Secretary, HUD.... 827 Seamens, Charlene, Natural Resources Committee... 457 Searcy, Donna R., Federal Communications Com-mission 869 Searing, Marjorie E., International Trade Adminis-tration, Commerce 786 Searle, John R., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. Sears, Patrick, Smithsonian Institution................... 919, 922 Sebold, Linda E.: Congressional Daily Digest 627 Office of the Secretary 614 Sebranek, Lyle, International Affairs and Commodi- ty Programs, Agriculture 767 Sechriest, Stuart, Rep. Spencer Bachus.............c.c........ 6 Secrest, Lorrie A., Federal Communications Com- mission 870 Seder, Dorothy, Appropriations Committee................ 389 Seder, Judith, Office of Planning and Evaluation, HHS Seeherman, Ellen, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce : 789 Seep, Ralph V., Office of the Law Revision Counsel. 623 Segal, Charles, Rep. Michael R. McNulty ................... 209 Segal, Eli J., National Service, Office of the Presi- dent 670 Segal, Harold, Office of Personnel Management......... 906 Segal, Judith A., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Segal, Pamela K., Rep. Eliot L. Engel...........ccc.c...... 206 Segal, Tad, Rep. Craig Thomas 336 Segaloff, Steve, Judiciary Committee.........c..ccccerervenne 406 Seggerman, Anne Crellin, National Council on Dis- ability Seibel, Richard, Office of Surface Mining, Reclama- tion, and Enforcement, Interior..........c.ccceeevvnvenene 758 Seiber, Marilyn, Small Business Committee... ... 470 Seid, Richard A., Office of Policy, Labor ................... 798 Seidel, Milton J., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Seidl, M. Fran, Office of Personnel Management ....... 901 Seidleck, James A., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Seidman, Ellen, National Economic Council, Office of the President 669 Seidman, Jayne, Office of Personnel Management...... 904 Seidman, Mildred L., Tax Divison, Justice.................. 732 Seidman, Ricky, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President Seigel, Gary S., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force 717 Seigle, Jean, Peace Corps 907 Seiter, Melanie Jordan, Public Works and Transpor- tation Committee 464 Seiter, Richard P., Bureau of Prisons, Justice.............. 733 Seiter, Richard P., Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled........ 862 Seitz, Gary, Chief of Staff, Air Force........ccccevvriunnnen. 721 Seitz, John S., Environmental Protection Agency...... 865 Seki, Koichiro, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Com- mission 1008 Sekowksi, Barbara, Rep. John Linder ...........ccococu.e. 79 Selby, Beverly, Rep. Helen Delich Bentley... ee 134 Selby, Jerome M., American Red Cross ............... i889 Self, Charles A., General Services Administration...... 884 Selfridge, Barbara S., Office of Management and Budget 673 Selin, Ivan: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission 899 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ............cceueueee. 933 Sellers, Kenneth J., Office of Administration and Manag t, Labor 797 Seltzer, Bob, Sen. Herb H. Kohl..............cccnviivennnns 328 Seltzer, Howard, U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, HHS 804 Selwyn, Philip A., Office of Naval Research, Navy... 708 Selya, Bruce M., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Selzer, Leslie, Interstate Commerce Commission........ 887 Semerjian, Hratch G., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Semmel, Kathleen, Rep. Pete Peterson ............cccueuueee. 62 Senecal, Sharon Stromberg, Office of Personnel Manag t 905 Senn, Mara, Rep. Frank M. Tejeda .......cccocvvrunruinennne 302 Name Index 1323 Page Senneca, Anthony J., Drug Enforcement Adminis-tration, Justice 735 Senopoulos, Peter W., American Battle Momuments Commission Sens, Andrew O.: Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, State Secretary of State, State Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. (Representative from Wisconsin): Biography Judiciary Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Republican Study Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Sentelle, David B.: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Sentiger, Michele, Appropriations Committee Sentz, Laurel L., Federal Communications Commis- sion SerVaas, Cory, President’s Council on Physical Fit-ness and Sports Serageldine, Ismail, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Serino, Robert B., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Serlin, Michael, Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury. Serota, Saul I., Patent and Trademark Office, Com- merce Serrano, José E. (Representative from New York): Appropriations Committee Biography Congressional Hispanic Caucus Sesco, Jerry A., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Sessa, Jane, Securities and Exchange Commission Sessions, Samuel, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Sessions, William S., Martin Luther King, Jr., Feder-al Holiday Cc n Sethness, Charles O., Inter-American Development Bank Setlow, Valerie, Public Health Service, HHS Seto, Robert M., Administration, Agriculture. Setrakian, Robert, U.S. Postal Service Setter, Darlene, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Settle, Norval D., Office of Personnel Administra-tion, HH Settle, Stephen M., Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc mn Seum, Jack, Rep. Clifford B. Stearns Sevan, Benon, Secretariat, United Nations Sevec, Paul D., Office of Personnel Management Sever, David G., Government Printing Office... Severns, Christa, Rep. Sam Coppersmith Sevier, Walter G., Regional and Field Offices, HUD. Seward, Brian, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Seward, G. Dale, Management—Chief Financial Of-ficer, Treasury Sexton, David F., Japan-united States Friendship Cc Sexton, Ken, Evivironmental Protection Agency Seymann, Marilyn R., Federal Housing Finance Board Seymour, Carol M., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Seymour, Deborah G., American Red Cross Seymour, Jon H., Office of Administration, Trans- portation Seymour, Stephanie K., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Sforza, Arthur B., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation Shaalan, A. Shakour, International Monetary Fund ... Shaddick, Raymond A., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury Shade-Nellis, Millie, Office of the Secretary, HUD... Shaefer, Edward D., Jr., Naval Intelligence Com- mand, Navy Shafer, ie E., Office of Installations and En-vironment, Navy Shafer, Jeffrey R., Assistant Secretary for Interna-tional Affairs, Treasury Shafer, John M., Major Field Organizations, Energy. Page Shafer, Richard L., National Center for Research Resources, HHS Shafer, Roy L., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Shafer, W. Sue, National Institute of General Medi-cal Sciences, HHS Shaffer, Barbara, Office of the Clerk Shaffer, Stephen M., U.S. Information Agency Shaffer, Steven C., Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Shaffer, Sue, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, HHS Shaffron, Janet, Rep. Frank R. Wolf Shafroth, Sally, Judiciary Committee Shager, M.C., Administration, Agriculture... Shahabuddeen, Mohamed, United Nations.... Shahani, Chandru J., Library of Congress Shaheen, Michael E., Jr., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Shakotko, Robert, International Finance Corporation 1013 Shalala, Donna E. (Secretary of Health and Human Services): Biography Cabinet President’s Committee on Mental Retardation Smithsonian Institution Shalhoub, Donald G., Office of Policy, Labor Shamblin, Ronald K., Assistant Secretary for Finan-cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Shamer, George P., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force Shand, Eric, Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury... 688 Shands, Henry, Science and Education, Agriculture.. 778 Shane, Richard J., Small Business Administration Shaner, Kristen, Office of the Republican Leader Shank, Fred, Food and Drug Administration, HHS... Shank, John G., Appropriations Committee Shannon, David L., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Shannon, John W.: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Office of the Secretary, Army Shapell, Nathan, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Shapiro, Barry E., Office of Personnel Management.. Shapiro, Ira, Office of U.S. Trade Representative Shapiro, Irving S., Office of Personnel Management.. Shapiro, Irwin I., Smithsonian Institution ¥ Shapiro, Irwin L., Smithsonian Institution Shapiro, Judi, Rep. Thomas C. Sawyer Shapiro, Michael H., Environmental Protection Agency Shapiro, Mrs. Robert F., Smithsonian Institution Shapiro, Robert A., Office of Policy, Labor. Shapiro, Sandra H., Office of the General Counsel, HHS Shapiro, Steven, Tax Divison, Justice Shapiro, Stevi Ann, Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Sharbaugh, David, Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 Sharbel, Kelly M., Jr., Rep. John S. Tanner Sharf, James, Equal Employment Opportunity Com-mission Sharfman, Lauren, Natural Resources Committee Sharfman, Stephen L., Postal Rate Commission Sharon Pratt, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis-trict of Columbia, Sharp, Ken, Environmental and Energy Study Con-ference Sharp, Philip R. (Representative from Indiana): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee National Archives and Records Administratio! Natural Resources Committee Sharpless, Mattie, International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture Sharrott, Harry I., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 Shattuck, John Howard Francis, Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, State Shatzel, R.D., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense.. Shatzer, Wilson A., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army Shaver, James W., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Shaw, Alan, Office of Technology Assessment Shaw, Carl F., Office of Indian Affairs, Interior 1324 Congressional Directory Shaw, Catherine H., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. (Representative from Florida): Biography Congressional Sunbelt Caucus Ways and Means Committee. Shaw, Emilie, Congressional Club Shaw, Jerry, Architect of the Capitol Shaw, John F. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Shaw, Lawrence H., International Cotton Advisory Committee Shaw, Mary Beth, Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Shaw.Peter, National Foundation on the Arts and the Hi Shaw, Rhod, , Sherrod Brown Shaw, Robert R., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Shays, Shristoplier (Representative from Connecti- cut): Biography Budget Committee Government Operations Committee Shea, David, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Shea, Robert E., House Administration Committee.... Shea, Robert, U.S. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board ,Shea, Thomas A., Presidential Personnel, Office of the President Sheahan, Tricia, Rep. Dan Schaefer Shealy, Linda R., Standards of Official Conduct Committee Sheane, Willoughby G., Office of the Legislative Counsel Shearer, Brooke, President’s Commission on White House Fellowships Shearer, Charles E., Jr., Team 21, Labor Shedletsky, Jack, Federal Communications Commis- sion Shedlosky, John T., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Sheehan, Lawrence F., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Sheehan, Thomas T., Office of the Secretary, Interi-or Sheehy, Donald, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Sheehy, Michael W., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Sheeley, Cynthia, Office of the Secretary, Agricul-ture Sheeren, David M., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Sheets, Donna Elaine, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Sheffield, H.L., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Sheh, Theresa N., Government Operations Commit- tee Sheikh, Patricia, International Affairs and Commodi- ty Programs, Agriculture Sheil, Paula, Rep. Elton Gallegly Sheiner, Jon, Rep. Charles B. Rangel Sheiner, Louise M., Joint Committee on Taxation. Sheinfeld, Harry Y. Office of Policy, Labor Sheinkman, Jack, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Shelby, Leanita, Rules Committee Shelby, Richard C. (Senator from Alabama): Armed Services Committee Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee ... Biography Board of Visitors to the Military Academy ............. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Energy and Natural Resources Committee a Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation............... Special Committee on Aging Shell, Edward, Office of Personnel Management Shelley, J. Nicholas, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Shelter, Stanwyn G., Smithsonian Institution Shelton, Charles A., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice Shelton, Charles L., U.S. Capitol Police Shelton, Franklin C., U.S. Capitol Police Page Shelton, Jacqulyn J., Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD Shelton, Janice, Sen. Harry Reid Shelton, Joyce D., Office of Administration, Trans-rtation Shelton, Linda Jo, Judiciary Committee Shelton, Vera B., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Shen, Benjamin S., National Science Foundation Shen, Leonard, Environment and Public Works Committee Shengman, Zhang, International Bank for Recon-struction and Development Shephard, Patrice, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Shepherd, H. Joe, Office of Personnel Management... Shepherd, Joseph E., Food and Consumer Services, Agriculture Shepherd, Karen (Representative from Utah): Biography Democratic Study Group Natural Resources Committee Public Works and Transportation Committee. Shepherd, Ray, Rep. J. Alex McMillan Shepherd, Regina, Board for International Broad-casting Shepherd, Theodore G., Office of Personnel Man-agement Shepich, Thomas, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor Sheppard, Allan T., International Pacific Halibut Commission, United States and Canada Sheppard, Nancy, Rep. Fred Grandy Shepperd, Donald W., Chief of Staff, Air Force Sher, Linda R., National Labor Relations Board Sher, Neal, Criminal Division, Justice Sherbert, Richard L., Jr., National Institute of Neu-rological Disorders and Stroke, HHS Sherfield, Michael B., Executive Secretariat, Defense Sheridan, Sue D., Energy and Commerce Committee Sherk, Susan, Small Business Committee Sherman, Andrew M., Government Printing Office... Sherman, Jo, Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz Sherman, Paula Rae, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Sherman, Robert E., Budget and Program Analysis, Agriculture Sherman, Wendy R., Bureau of Legislative Affairs, State Sheron, Brian W., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Sherper, Kenneth, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Sherry, Sue, Rep. Sam Coppersmith Sherwin, Michael D., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Shetler, Stanwyn G., Smithsonian Institution Shewmon, Paul G.: Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Shey, Jane, Agriculture Committee Shiben, Richard J., Federal Communications Com- mission Shields, Anne H., Environment and Natural Re-sources Division, Justice Shields, Jim L., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Shields, Perry, United States Tax Court Shields, William F., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Shihata, Ibrahim, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Development Shikles, Janet L., General Accounting Office Shimabukuro, Keiko, Rep. Henry A. Waxman... Shimberg, Stephen J., Environment and Public Works Committee Shimizu, Holly, Botanic Garden Shimizu, Mike, Office of Public Affairs, Labor... Shimizu, Yoshiaki, Smithsonian Institution Shinay, Michael J., Non-Legislative and Financial Services Shine, Kenneth I., Institute of Medicine Shingler, Wendell, United States Marshals Service, Justice Shiplett, Jerry R., National Capital Planning Com-mission Name Index 1325 Page Page Shipman, David, Marketing and Inspection Services, Siegle, Richard L., Smithsonian Institution 918 Agriculture 774 | Siegman, Charles J., Board of Governors of the Fed-Shipman, Phil, Judiciary Committee 406 eral Reserve System 860 Shipman, Robert H., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-Siegrist, John F., Jr., Office of Personnel Manage-_ tion, Air Force 713 ment 902 Shipp, P. Royal, Library of Congress 636 | Siesseger, Fred, International Trade Administration, Shipp, Theta, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard .........cccccccouevennne. 7 Commerce 787 Shire, Donald S., Office of Policy, Labor...... .... 198 | Sieverts, Frank A., Foreign Relations Committee....... 403 Shirley, Ann, Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum............ 115 | Siewrattan, Jagdeesh, Inter-American Development Shirley, Gilda, Public Works and Transportation Bank 1007 Committee : 463 | Sigler, Dee Dee, House Administration Committee... 448 Shkor, John E., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation..... 838 | Sigmon, Neal, Appropriations Committee ................... 426 Shoaf, Jeffrey D., Public Works and Transportation Sigoloff, Sanford C., United States Holocaust Memo-Committee 463 rial Council 929 Shoemaker, Carol Jean, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Sigurski, Mark S., Office of the Legislative Counsel.. 615 Commission . 934 | Sikes, Joseph T., Bureau of Administration, State....... 677 Sholedice, Thomas D., Assistant Secretary for Hous-Sikes, Riley R., Foreign Relations Committee............ 403 ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, ene 830 | Silberfarb, Stephen, Rep. Peter Deutsch...................... 73 Shon, Debbie, Office of U.S. Trade Representative.... 674 | Silberman, Jay, Offices, Boards, and Commissions Stoob: Mark, Office of Special Education and Reha-District of Columbia : "1000 ilitative Services, Education..........ccccecuvuvevinuenens 850 | si . Shook, John, Bureau of Prisons, Justice 733 GE ADPERAIS 7 gases rire sissies 949 Shook, ganen, mn Boards, and Commissions, 1000 United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal . Circuit 946 Shook, Langley R., District of Columbia Armory Silberman, R. Gaull: a Board -3 863 Administrative Conference of the United States...... 856 Shore, Dareys Environmental Protection Agency ....... 866 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission... 866, 867 es emocratic Senatorial Campaign als Siler, Eugene E., Jr., United States Courts of Ap- Shorstein, Samuel R., Sen. Bob Graham...................... 61 SE He PER Come 22 id Short, Alonzo E., Jr., Defense Information Systems Silkwood, Christine, President’s Council on Physical Agency, Defense 693 Fitness and Sports Shost; ae icabeth, Office of Human Resources and Silva, Marion, Health Care Financing Administra- ministration, Veterans Affairs...........c.cceccrunneene 854 tion. HHS 824 Short, R.J. (Duke), Sen. Strom Thurmond........ 269 Silver. Gar N.. Small Community and Rural Devel- Short, William M., Office of the Law Revision on ary A oriculturc y 770 Counsel 623 Silver: Paul. Rep Mel Reynolds 9] Shortridge, Pat, Rep. Dick Armey .......ccccoeevururiruenannen 3011. Sliverman. Elsa, United States Tax. Conrt 983 Shouse, Mi Joust, Smiaonin Initio: 2° | Siverman, Jo, Sen Tom Rare Im operation In Europe y 551 Silverman, Joy A., Smithsonian Institution.................. 925 Showell, Sherry, Natural Resources Committee ......... 457 Slyesmday: Stephen B., Cabinet Affairs, Office of the 667 Shrader, Eric, International Affairs and Commodity si Ton A p FAH : ilverstein, Leonard L., Smithsonian Institution ......... 925 Sips A Frculore hd Comhiclos Coniae 766 Silverstein, Zach, Rep. Melvin Watt .........cccccvnuennnene 224 tee. i gy 440 Silvestre, M. Daniel, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Shriver, Pam, President’s Council on Physical Fit-ER ie Mine Safety and Health Admin 1008 ness and Sports 910 Shui ol Shriver, Steve, Rep. Robert E. Andrews..................... 184 si en Lobos py TM 801 Shuldiner, Joseph, Assistant Secretary for Public and one i A ep. Eomas, : ATION syste site 200 Indian Housing, HUD 829 ii Singer, : exis, Executive Committee of Corre-ls uler, Mary, Education and Labor Committee ......... A371 st > A ‘ Sar Shulman, Lawrence E., National Institute of Arthri-Simkins, Lorilyn, Executive Agencies, District of tis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, HHS. 820 | . Columbia. ; ; ; 995 Shults, Frank R., Drug Enforcement Administration, Simmons, Chris J., Joint Committee on Taxation ....... 487 Justice 734 SHARON grag A, Genera) Aciouning Office........: 83 Shumway, Norman, Legal Services Corporation........ 889 Sons, i onnie. = orrine yen ite sta Sinrway, Robert V., Federal Deposit Insurance Gi WIR 32 N-vanne. Lorps. 1 eacquars 1 orporation 875.1. ; : Signi, Lhaistonhies D., Rules and Administration 0 Simaons aol recive Office of the Mayor, 994 ommittee v Shuster, Bud (Representative from Pennsylvania): Simmons, Howard E., National Science Foundation.. 898 Biography ; 255 | Simmons, J.J., III, Interstate Commerce Commission 886 Congressional Automotive Caucus 558 | Simmons, Jessie, Rep. William J. Hughes ................... 185 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 | Simmons, Ralph J., Administrative Office of the U.S. Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation ....... . 565 | Courts 1rsessss 991 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 | Simmons, Vertell Floyd, Conference of the Minority 417 Shutt, Mary Kay, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board .... 938 | Simms, Jacqueline, Executive Agencies, District of Sibley, Margaret W., Office of Water and Science, Columbia -998 Interior 760 | Simms, Morris A., Office of Policy, Management Sickles, Carlton R., U.S. Association of Former _ and Budget, Interior 754 Members of Congress 568 | Simms, Rany L., Patent and Trademark Office, Siddall, David R., Federal Communications Com-Commerce = 789 mission 870 Simms, Ruth, Rep. Kweisi Mfume... en serra, 137 Sidell, Arlene M., Commerce, Science, and Trans-Simms, Wanda, Federal Communications Commis- portation Committee 396 | sion 869 Sieber, Roy, Smithsonian Institution 919, 923 | Simon, Greg C.: ; Siechter, Johnathan, Resolution Trust Corporation... 910 | Office of the Vice President 1, 670 Sieg-Ross, Mary, Labor and Human Resources Com-President of the Senate 611 mittee 409 | Simon, Julie B., Office of the Legislative Counsel...... 615 Siegel, Adina, Rep. Arthur Ravenel, Jr..........ccecun.ee. 270 | Simon, Marsha J., Labor and Human Resources Siegel, David, Office of Public Affairs, HHS.............. 807 Committee Siegel, Elliot R., National Library of Medicine, HHS 817 | Simon, Paul (Senator from Illinois): Siegel, Jack S., Office of the Secretary, Energy ......... 847 Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus............... 558 Siegel, Karen K., Administrative Office of the U.S. Biography 89 Courts Budget Committee 394 Siegel, Vicki A., Armed Services Committee.. i Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate ........ 551 Sieger, Edward D., Office of Policy, Labor................ Foreign Relations Committee 1326 Congressional Directory Indian Affairs Committee Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... Judiciary Committee Skaggs, Gail: Labor and Human Resources Committee... oH U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board............cccoeuu. Simone, Raymond, Rep. Jack Reed...........ccccourrerrenee. Rep. Earl Ralph Pomeroy Simons, Claudia A., Commerce, Science, and Trans- Skandalakis, Panayotis, North Atlantic Assembly....... portation Committee Skapin, Boris Ivan, International Bank for Recon- Simons, Ross, Smithsonian Institution ..............cccceeee... struction and Development Simons, Thomas, Secretary of State, State.. Skeen, David R., Administration, Agriculture............. Simplicio, Nancy, Rep. Neal Smith ...... Skeen, Joe (Representative from New Mexico): Simpson, Alan Biography K. (Senator from Wyoming): Appropriations Biography Committee Environment and Public Works Committee............. Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy................. Judiciary Committee Republican Leadership Republican Policy Committee Special Committee on Aging Veterans’ Affairs Committee ..........c.ocoeerurrerensienas Congressional Border Caucus National Republican Congressional Committee....... U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... Skelton, Byron G., United States Court of Appeals ... Skelton, Ike (Representative from Missouri): 956 Simpson, Clay E., Health Resources and Services Armed Services Committee 427 : Administration, HHS - 817 Biography Simpson, Evan, Rep. Mike Kreidler ......... crore tris aaa ens 324 | Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation............. Simpson, Franklin, Small Business Committee ............ 470 | SmallB ommittee Simpson, Joka A., Technology Administration, 791 | Skenteris, Jordan, Non-Legislative and Financial p y rvices Siopson, Join P., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- 683 Skidmore, Charles G., Assistant Secretary for Man- Sa orTir rR. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory8 y Com- 2 a a power, Reserve Affairs,ronment,Air Force Installations, andetusietts Envi- Simpson, John R., US. Parole Commission, Justice... 749 Skidmore, William V., Export Administration, Com- Simpson; Maris B., Securities and Exchange Com- 913 | Skillington, G. Lee, Patent and Trademark Office, ,Simpson, ;Marion L., U.S. :International Trade Com- Commerce94s Skinner, David D., International Boundary and : Water Commission, United States and Mexico .... Frmpson, Mary An Tenneste® alley Anthony so 927 | skinner, Lawrence D., Marketing and Inspection C unset ? 623 Services, Agriculture . Simpson, S. Joseph, Office of the Clerk ............ 3 61a Skinte, Nolan, Cief of Stat) AJr FOrs snomspmes Simpion, Sandra, Healh Resources and Services 816 Administrative Conference of the United States...... Simpson, Thomas D., Board of Governors of the S Social Security Administration, HHS ....................... Federal Reserve System 860 kopic, Charles E., Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor- . . eipe . p Sins, Frod EE on Skroski, Frank, United States Marshals Service, Jus- Sims, Sherry, Assistant Secretary for Financial Man- tice, : ALS and Comptroller of the Air Force......... 714 Skud, Timothy G., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- Sims, William P., Office of the Doorkeeper .............. 620 Sk fens Trgasury f the Law Revision © i Singer, Elizabeth, National Institute of Diabetes and Rh an ie ice ofi the Law Revision Counse.., Digestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS.................. 819 4 Aeqcore! Cont £ the United § Singer, Laura, Securities and Exchange Commission. 912 mifisirative Coir rel e United States...... Singer,: Maxine F., Smithsonian Institution1 Bunking, Housing, ...............: 917 gone of Inspaster General, Edngation Cm Singer, Saul, B anking, Housing, and Urban ‘Affsirs 393 | Slackman, Mike, Rep. Neil Abercrombie...........cc........ Singletary, G L., Offi £1 1, Slagle, Larry B., Administration, Agriculture ........ sree i vs Dilice: of Inspegior Geners 836 | Slagle, Roger, Public Works and Transportation Singletary, mg e Ray Robert Lo H., Securiti echirjiiey end: Exch Dxchange Committee 915 | Slany, William Z, National Archives and Records Si ge : , Jane, Neighborhood R t t C bi Administration Hg eon, gnc Neighborhood Reiavesimeént Coo 899 | Slate, Martin, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Singley, George T., III, Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... Slater, 698 | Slater, Michael, Governmental Affairs Patricia J., Joint Committee on Committee ..... Printin ternsseens Sinks, John D., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor...... 801 | Slater, Rodney E., Federal Highway Administration, Sipkov, Ivan, Library of Congress 638 Transportation . . Sippel, Rod, Rep. Richard A. Gephardt ..................... 169 | Slatkin, Nora, Armed Services Committee ................. Sirignano, David A., Securities and Exchange Com- Slattery, Jim (Representative from Kansas): mission 912 | Biography . . : Sirken, Monroe G., Public. Health Service, HHS........ 813 | Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Sirmon, Jeff M., Natural Resources and Environ- Energy and Commerce Committee ES Sh ment, Agriculture 777 Veterans’ Affairs Committee Sisco, Cynthia, Conference of the Minority................ 417 | Slattery, Phillip, Office of Administration and Man- Sisisky, Norman (Representative from Virginia): agement, Labor Armed Services Committee 427 | Slaughter, E.K., Rep. Ralph M. Hall..............c..ccocu... Biography 312 | Slaughter, Leigh Adams, Rep. Harold E. Ford........... Small B Committee 469 | Slaughter, Louise M. (Representative from New Sisneros, Alfonso C., Administrative Assistant to the York): Secretary, Air Force 719 Biography Sisson, Diane S., Army Staff and Selected Agencies.. 703 Budget Committee Sisti, Tom, Governmental Affairs Committee ............. 404 Congressional Arts Caucus Sitek, Richard, Pennsylvania Corporation Avenue DevelopmentP 908 Congressional Congressional Caucus Human for Women’s Issues...............;Rights Caucus ............. , Sitnick, Dana K., Office of Personnel Management.... 903 Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition Sitzer, Judy, Rep. Jane Harman 40 Rules Committee Sixeas, Joe, Liaison Offices 629 | Slawsky, Toby G., United States Courts of Appeals Sizemore, O. Lou, Federal Communications Com- for the Federal Circuit mission 870 | Slayton, Cherie, Rep. Larry LaRocco Skadden, Anita J., Appropriations Committee... 389 | Sledge, Barbara S., Social Security Administration, Skaggs, David E. (Representative from Colorado): HHS Appropriations Committee 423 | SI , Scott Lee, Public Works and Transporta- Biography 50 tion Committee Democratic Study Group 562 | Sletzinger, Martin, Foreign8 Affairs Committee ........... Name Index 1327 Slevin, Ed, Rep. Ken Calvert Slifman, Lawrence, Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Sliter, Tom, Environment and Public Works Com-mittee Sliwoski, Richard F., Delaware River Basin Com- mission Sloan, Alexaander M., Chief of Staff, Air Force......... Sloan, Carol, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Justice Sloan, Christina, National Republican Senatorial Committee Sloan, Clifford M., Counsel to the President, Office of the President Sloan, Melanie, Judiciary Committee .............ccceeveunnenn Sloan, Stanley R., Library of Congress. Sloan, Virginia, Judiciary Committee... Sloand, Elaine, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS Slobodin, Leonard F., Federal Labor Relations Au- thority Slocombe, Walter, Policy, Defense Slomdwitz, Alan, Rep. Robert A. Borski...........ccu...... Sloss, C. Stanley, Natural Resources Committee Slover, George P., Judiciary Committee............. Slovic, Randy, Congressional Populist Caucus... Sloviter, Dolores Korman, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit..........cccccovverurrunnn Sluck, William J., Federal Communications Commis-sion Slyfield, Philip, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Small, Gordon, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Small, Lewis L., Government Printing Office............. Smallen, David, Public Works and Transportation Committee Smalley, Keith L., Small Community and Rural De- velopment, Agriculture Smallwood, Darla E., Rep. Corrine Brown................. Smart, Doyle, Rep. Craig A. Washington... ies Smbrotto, Vincent R., American Red Cross... Smead, Ellen, Legal Services Corporation .................. Smedley, Elizabeth E., Office of the Secretary, Energy Smedley, Jerry M., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop- ment Corporation Smee, Douglas E., International Monetary Fund........ Smeeton, Tom, Republican Policy Committee............ Smelser, Michael S., Assistant Secretary for Enforce- ment, Treasury Smietan, Irwin L., Space and Naval Warfare Sys- tems Command, Navy Smietanka, Raymond, Judiciary Committee Smiley, Ina, Rep. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin.........ccccccevveen. Smit, Richard, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Smith, Al L., Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce Smith, Allen W., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture Smith, Anne V., Foreign Relations Committee........... Smith, Art, Non-Legislative and Financial Services... Smith, Barbara, Smithsonian Institution... 3 Smith, Bradley W., Rep. David Dreier... Smith, Brenda K., United States Marshals Justice Smith, C. William, Appropriations Committee............ Smith, Carol D., Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army Smith, Carolyn E., Joint Committee on Taxation....... Smith, Carolyn, Small Business Administration... Smith, Charles, Office of Information, Navy..... Smith, Cheryl L., Appropriations Committee... .. Smith, Chris, Joint Committee on Taxation................. Smith, Christopher H. (Representative from New Jersey): Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Foreign Affairs Committee National Republican Congressional Committee....... Veterans’ Affairs Committee Ways and Means Committee Smith, Curt, Sen. Dan Coats Smith, Curtis J., Office of Personnel Management...... Smith, Cynthia Brock, Office of Personnel Manage- Page Page 43 Smith, Dallas R., International Affairs and Commod-ity Programs, Agriculture 860 Smith, Dan, Sen. Tom Harkin Smith, David A., Library of Congress ...........cccceceniunns Smith, David, Office of Refugee Resettlement, HHS. Smith, Debbie, Agriculture Committee ..............cceeue. Smith, Debbie, Small Business Committee...... Smith, Debbie, Veterans’ Affairs Committee............... Smith, Deborah D., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Smith, Dennis B., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs............cccceerueeee. Smith, Dennis, District of Columbia Committee... Smith, Diane G., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop-ment Corporation Smith, Dolores S., Board of Governors of the Feder-al Reserve System Smith, Donald R., Rep. Tom Bevill Smith, Donald, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Smith, Donna, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Smith, Dwight C., Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Smith, Edward Samuel, United States Court of Ap- Smith, a H., Employee Standards Administra-tion, Labor Smith, Fanseen, Office of Management and Budget, 873 HHS Smith, Frank, Jr., Council of the District of Colum- bia Smith, Franklin L., Offices, Boards, and Commis-sions, District of Columbia Smith, G. Wayne, United States Marshals Service, Justice 464 | Smith, Gene, Rep. Howard L. Berman........................ Smith, Gregory Robeson, African Development 770 Foundation 63 Smith, Gregory, Special Committee on Aging............ 290 Smith, Gresham C., Office of the Secretary, Labor.... 859 Smith, Harold P., Acquisition and Technology, De- 889 fense Smith, Holly H., Securities and Exchange Commis- 1015 sion Smith, Hubert G., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 908 Smith, Ian C., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, 1017 Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, 484 Air Force Smith, J. Lynn, Office of Water and Science, Interi-684 or. Smith, J. Paul, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch ........ccccccevuveecrnnnnnne 710 Smith, Jacqueline L., Federal Aviation Administra-451 tion, Transportation 126 Smith, James T., Government Printing Office............. Smith, Jean Kennedy, Smithsonian Institution............. 398 Smith, Jeanne E., Office of the Secretary, Transpor-tation 789 Smith, Jennifer, Budget Committee Smith, Jerome F., Jr., Joint Service Schools, De- 776 fense 403 Smith, Jerry Edwin, United States Courts of Appeals 621 for the Federal Circuit Smith, John D., Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce Smith, Joshua I., Smithsonian Institution 748 Smith, Kent A., National Library of Medicine, HHS. Smith, Kingston, Veterans’ Affairs Committee............ : Smith, Lamar S. (Representative from Texas): Biography Budget Committee 916 706 Judiciary Committee 427 Republican Policy Committee 487 Smith, Larry K., Office of the Secretary, Defense Smith, Larry, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 186 Smith, Larry, Office of Financial Management, HHS Smith, Lauren, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv-550 ices 442 Smith, Leighton W., Chief of Naval Operations......... 482 Smith, Leslie E., Technology Administration, Com-471 merce Smith, Lloyd, Rep. Bill EMErson..... cacetiterssetscssans Smith, Loren Allan, United States Court of Federal Claims Smith, Marcia, Rep. Doug Bereuter ............ccccocevuinnnne ment 901 Smith, Mark, Sen. Max Baucus 1328 Congressional Directory Page Smith, Marsha A., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Interior Smith, Melinda K., U.S. Senate Commission on Art .. Smith, Missy: Democratic Leadership Sen. Wendell H. Ford Smith, Nancy L., Office of Surface Mining, Recla- mation, and Enforcement, Interior Smith, Nancy, Office of the Secretary, HUD............. Smith, Neal (Representative from Iowa): Appropriations Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.. Small B ommittee Smith, Nick (Representative from Michigan): Agriculture Committee. Biography Budget Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee Smith, Patricia Grace, Federal Communications Commission Smith, Philip M., National Academy of Sciences. Smith, R. Grant, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters, State Smith, Ralph W., Jr, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Smith, Richard J., Bureau of Oceans and Interna-tional Environmental and Scientific Affairs, State Smith, Richard M., Federal Communications Com-mission Smith, Richard N., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Smith, Richard Norton, National Archives and Records Administration Smith, Robert C. (Senator from New Hampshire): Armed Services Committee Biography Environment and Public Works Committee............. Select Committee on Ethics Smith, Robert F. (Representative from Oregon): Agriculture Committee Biography National Republican Congressional Committee Natural Resources Committee Smith, Robert H., Smithsonian Institution Smith, Rod, National Republican Senatorial Co tee Smith, Roger B., Smithsonian Institution Smith, Ronald H., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Smith, Rosiland, Sen. Dale Bumpers Smith, Roy, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Smith, Shannon, Rep. Sam Johnson Smith, Suzanne D., United States Marshals Service, Justice Smith, Suzanne, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Smith, Terence, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, HHS Smith, Tracey, Sen. John W. Warner Smith, Vivian L., Public Health Service, HHS........... Smith, Wendy H.: President’s Export Council Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President... Smith, William F., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Smith, William Jarrell, Jr., Federal Maritime Com-mission Smith, William L., Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Education Smith, William S., Jr., Science, Space, and Technol-ogy Committee Smith, Zachary, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Smithers, Charles F., Jr., Congressional Award... Smock, Raymond Ww. Office of the Historian... Smock, Sue Jane, Smithsonian Institution Smokovich, Michael T., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury Smolkin, Howard M., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Smoots, Ted, Small Business Committee Smulkstys, Inga, Rep. Jill Long Smullen, Mary Lou, Joint Committee on the Organi- zation of Congress Smulson, Jenny, Congressional Arts Caucus ............... Smuzynski, Al, Office of Thrift Supervision, Treas-ury Smyth, Jim, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, rmy Smythe, Austin, Budget Committee Smythe, Richard V., Natural Resources and Envi- ronment, Agriculture Snearer, Charles W., Economics, Agriculture Snee, Glynn D., Office of Inspector General, Trans- portation Snell, Jack E., Technology Administration, Com- merce Snider, L. Britt, Select Committee on Intelligence Snider, Mark, Sen. Dirk Kempthorne Sniezek, James H.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sniffen, Candis, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Snow, James B., Jr., National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, HHS Snow, Jim, Office of Land and Minerals Manage-ment, Interior Snow, Robert A., Federal Communications Commis- sion Snow, Terri, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Com-mittee Snowe, Olympia J. (Representative from Maine): Biography Budget Committee Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Foreign Affairs Committee National Republican Congressional Committee National Republican Congressional Committee Snoy, Bernard, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Development Snyder, Barry R., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Snyder, Edward J., Tax Divison, Justice Snyder, Meg, Appropriations Committee. Snyder, Neil, Rep. Norman Sisisky Snyder, Paul, Congressional Textile Caucus... Snyder, Sylvia, Rep. Ralph Regula Sobel, Amy, Congressional Rural Caucus Sobel, Clifford M., United States Holocaust Memori- al Council Sobel, Sylvan A., Federal Judicial Center Sober, James M., Administration, Agriculture bo! Sobke, John F., Army Staff and Selected Agencies.... Sobolewski, Frances M., Joint Committee on Tax- ation Sobota, Joseph F., Small Business Committee Socolar, Milton J., General Accounting Office Soderstrom, Robert “E”, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Soderstrom, Sharon, Sen. Dan Coats Soencksen, Frederick W., Federal Maritime Com- mission Sofer, Eugene F., Education and Labor Committee... Sofocleous, Michael, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce . Soiefer, Betty Ann, Governmental Affairs Commit- tee Soika, Lori, Rep. Tom DeLay Sokomanu, George, South Pacific Commission Sola, Stephen, Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee Solarz, Stephen J., House Commission on Congres- sional Mailing Standards Solga, Albert, Export Administration, Commerce Solheim, Jon A., International Monetary Fund Solien, Stephanie, Office of the Secretary, Interior. Solis, Arturo Herrera, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico .... Solis, Patti, Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President Sollazzo, Robert A., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Sollee, William L., Joint Committee on Taxation Sollee, William, Ir, Finance Committee Sollis, John B., Marine Barracks Solomon, Connie Scott, Rep. Joel Hefley Solomon, David H., Federal Communications Com- mission Solomon, Elizabeth I., Armed Services Committee... Solomon, Gerald B.H (Representative from New York): Biography Name Index 1329 Page Page Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. Speakman, V.M., Jr., U.S. Railroad Retirement National Republican Congressional Committee Board North Atlantic Assembly Speaks, Stan, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior Republican Policy Committee Spear, Michael J., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Republican Study Committee Parks, Interior Rules Committee Spear, Scott, Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr Solomon, James L., Army Staff and Selected Agen-Spearing, Mary C., Criminal Division, Justice cies Spearman, Charles M., Equal Employment Opportu-Solomon, Jason, Communications, Office of the nity Commission President Spears, Byron, Equal Employment Opportunity Solomon, Larry, Bureau of Prisons, Justice Commission Solomon, Nancy, Judiciary Committee Spears, Dave, Sen. Robert Dole Solomon, Steven L., Public Health Service, HHS Spears, James M., Federal Trade Commission Soltys, Karen J.: Spears, Ray E., Environmental Protection Agency... House of Representatives Page Board Speck, L. Lane, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Doorkeeper Transportation Some, Steven E., United States Holocaust Memorial Specter, Arlen (Senator from Pennsylvania): Council Appropriations Committee Somers, Laurence H., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- Biography tion Commission on Security and Cooperation In Somerville, Walter R., U.S. Coast Guard, Transpor- Europe tation Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Sommer, Irving, Occupational Safety and Health Judiciary Committee Review Cc ission Special Committee on Aging Sommers, Kristi, Sen. Larry Pressler Veterans’ Affairs Committee Sommers, William T., Natural Resources and Envi- Speed, Julie, Rep. Ray Thornton ronment, Agriculture Speers, Marjorie A., Public Health Service, HHS Sonken, Lori, Natural Resources Committee Spehar, Anthony J., Office of Administration and Sonnek, Armond A., Office of Water and Science, Manag t, Labor Interior Speigel, Allen, National Institute of Diabetes and Sonnenreich, Michael, Smithsonian Institution Digestive and Kidney Di . S Soper, Richard, Science and Education, Agriculture . Speight, Nancy A., Federal Labor Relations Author- Seppe Dake W., Social Security Administration, it ity H Speights, Nancy, Joint Economic Committee Sorensen, Gillian, Secretariat, United Nations Speis, Themis P., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- Sorenson, Harold, Chief of Staff, Air Force Sorrentino, Charles J., Assistant Secretary for En-sion Spence, Floyd (Representative from South Carolina): forcement, Treasury Armed Services Committee Sosby, Jackie, Rep. Nathan Deal Biography Sosland, Joshua R., Energy and Commerce Commit- Republican Policy Committee tee Veterans’ Affairs Committee Sosnik, Douglas B., Sen. ChristopherJ. Dodd Spence, Joseph T., Science and Education, Agricul- Soucek, Priscilla, Smithsonian Institution ture Soucy, Philip L., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Spence, Karen, Environment and Public Works Air Force Committee Souliotis, Barbara, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Spencer, David E., U.S. International Trade Com- oki Marilyn, Internal Revenue Service, mission reas Spencer, Doris J., Federal Maritime Commission Soulsby, Ho P., Federal Communications Commis- sion Spencer, Samuel, Washington National Monument Society Soulsby, Larry D., Executive Agencies, District of Spenik, Mark, Democratic Congressional Campaign lumbia Committee Sourwine, James J., Appropriations Committee Sousa, John L., Rules and Administration Committee Sperle, Glenn M., Small Community and Rural De-velopment, Agriculture Souter, David Hackett: Sperling, Gene, National Economic Council, Office Supreme Court of the United States United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal of the President Circuit Spero, Joan E., Under Secretary of State for Eco-South, Rebecca, Judiciary Committee nomic and Agricultural Affairs, State Souther, Sharon, Rep. Philip R. Sharp Sperry, Carol, Office of Postsecondary Education, Southern, Chester, Federal Railroad Administration, Education Transportation Speth, James Gustave, Secretariat, United Nations Souza, Paulo Renato, Inter-American Development Spetrini, Joseph A., International Trade Administra-Bank tion, Commerce Spevacek, David, ACTION casting, Spevak, Stacey, Joint Committee on the Organiza-Sowry, Scott, Sen. Mitch McConnell Sowick, Patricia M., Board for International Broad- tion of Congress Space, James C., Natural Resources and Environ- Speyer, Jerry, Smithsonian Institution ment, Agriculture Spiegel, Bill, President’s Export Council Spadoni, Emily C., Office of the Attorney General, Spies, Nancy J., Occupational Safety and Health Justice Review Cc n Spaeth, Otto L., Smithsonian Institution Spillan, Hunter L., Appropriations Committee Spait, Ian, Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg Spillenkothen, Richard, Board of Governors of the Spalatin, Ivo J., Foreign Affairs Committee... Federal Reserve System Spalding, Drew, Government Printing Office Spiller, Nathaniel I., Office of Policy, Labor Spang, Edward F., Office of Land and Minerals Spina, Sam, Sen. Slade Gorton Management, Interior Spina, Stephen, Rep. Nick Rahall II Spangler, Robert W., Federal Communications Com-Spinelli, Larry, Judiciary Committee mission Laura, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of Sparks, Cathlynn B., Assistant Secretary for Finan-the President cial Management and Comptroller of the Air Spitzer, Len S., Administrative Assistant to the Sec- Force retary, Air Force Sparks, Larry, Public Health Service, HHS Spoerl, Kristin, Rep. William J. Jefferson Sparks, Susan, Legal Services Corporation Spofford, Holly, Rep. Harris W. Fawell Spatz, Sue Ann, Office of the Majority Secretary Spons, Gunars, Federal Railroad Administration, Spavins, Thomas C., Federal Communications Com-Transportation mission Sponseller, Richard, Executive Office for U.S. At-Speaker, Stacey, Ways and Means Committee torneys, Justice 1330 -Congressional Directory Page Sponsler, Jeffrey A., Directorate of Legislative Liai-son, Air Force 718 Spooner, Sandra P., Civil Division, Justice.................. 729 Sporkin, Stanley, United States District Court for the District of Columbia 962 Spory, Gene P., Extension Service, Agriculture......... 779 Sposato, Janis A., Justice Management Division, Jus-tice 727 Sprague, J.W., Space and Naval Warfare Systems Cc d, Nav 710 Sprague, Lynn, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Spratling, Gary R., Antitrust Division, Justice............ Spratt, John M., Jr. (Representative from South Carolina): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 273 Congressional Textile Caucus 562 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Government Operations Committee ...............cccunnnen. 445 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. 489 Sprigg, Patricia E., Armed Forces Retirement Home 939 Spriggs, Deborah M., Rules Committee...................... 465 Spring, Charles, Bureau of International Labor Af- fairs, Labor. 795 Springberg, Peter, United States Naval Home............. 939 Springer, Maria, Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead .................. 34 Springer, Michael L., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 934 Springett, John P., Finance and Accounting Service, efense 693 Springfield, James: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture 766 Sprott, John T., Under Secretary for Management, State 676 Sprott, Richard L., National Institute on Aging, HHS 821 Sprouse, Robert E., Office of Personnel Management 904 Spurling, Jim, Rep. Harold L. Volkmer...................... 172 Squellati, Clarence P., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture 770 Squire, Mabel, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 416 Squires, Cindy, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 Sr., Robert O. Snelling,, National Commission for Employment Policy 554 St. Clair, Thomas A., Joint Committee on Taxation... 487 St. Lawrence, C.V., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce 783 St. Marie, Lawrence P., Directorate of Public Af- fairs, Air Force 718 St. Pierre, Tracey, Rep. John T. Doolittle................... 21 Staab, Laurence J., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Staats, Elmer B., Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 885 Stachel, Florence, Rep. Charles E. Schumer............... 201 Stachnik, Walter J., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 913 Stack, W. Garrett, National Labor Relations Board... 897 Stadler, G.P., Joint Service Schools, Defense............. 695 Stadtler, Walter E., Joint Service Schools, Defense... 695 Stafford, Robert T., The Interparliamentary Union.... 556 Stafford, Thomas H., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 772 Stafford-Taulbee, Kathy, Rep. Randy (Duke) Cun- ningham 48 Stage, Betty J., Office of the Secretary, Labor ........... 793 Stahl, Michael M., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Stahl, Norman H., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Stahl, Robert F., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Stahr, Walter B., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 11, 912 Stakem, Mary M., Foreign Relations Committee........ 403 Staley, Jeanne, Regional and Field Offices, HUD ...... 834 Staller, Harry W., Regional and Field Offices, HUD. 831 Stallings, David A., Economics, Agriculture............... 765 Stallings, Robert L., House Periodical Press Gallery. 1117 Stamp, Andi, Rep. David Mann 229 Stana, Richard M., Liaison Offices ......c..ceeruerurierviesnne 628 Stancil, Valerie, International Agencies Related to the United Nations 030 Stanfill, Dennis, Smithsonian Institution............c.ceu..... Stanford, Curtis L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Stanford, Gary L., Federal Communications Com- mission Stanhope, Charles V., Library of Congress................. Stanley, Dan, Sen. Robert Dole Stanley, Donna M., Rep. Rick Boucher.............c........ Stanley, Ron D., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Stanley, Thomas P., Federal Communications Com-mission Stanners, Robert M., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Stanners, Thomas M., Armed Forces Retirement Home Stanton, David L., International Bank for Recon- struction and Development Stanton, Richard, Office of the General Counsel........ Stanton, Robert G.: National Capital Planning Cc United States Holocaust Memorial Council Stanton, Robert, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Stanton, Tamera M., Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV ..... Stanzione, Janine, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President Staples, Ernest L., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Staples, Grey, Natural Resources Committee.............. Stapleton, Walter K., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit saraprersves Starek, Roscoe B., III, Federal Trade Commission..... Stark, Charles S., Antitrust Division, Justice Stark, Diane, Education and Labor Committee........... Stark, Fortney Pete (Representative from Califor- nia): Biography District of Columbia Committee ..........cccoeereruernennane Joint Economic Committee National Capital Planning Cc n Ways and Means Committee Starks, Ora D., Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury........... Starr, Barbara, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Stassi, Jack J., Office of Water and Science, Interior. Staszewski, Carol A., Office of the Historian............... Stathis, Jennie S., General Accounting Office............. Stauffer, Robert, Office of Information Systems/ Child Support Information Systems, HHS ........... Stayman, Allen, Office of the Territorial and Inter-national Affairs, Interior Stearns, Cliff (Representative from Florida): Biography Energy and Commerce Committee............cccoeururuenee Stearns, Robert N., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Stechschulte, Roger F., International Trade Admin-istration, Commerce Steed, David R., Management—Chief Financial Offi-cer, Treasury Steel, Paul, Executive Agencies, District of Colum-bia Steele, Ana M., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 894, Steele, Donald W., Jr., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... Steele, Harold B., Farm Credit Administration Board Steele, James F., Jr., General Services Administra-tion Steele, Orlo K., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Steele, Richard C., Administration, Agriculture.......... Steele, W. Scott, Budget and Program Analysis, Ag- riculture Steen, Jeff, Rep. Robert E. Andrews..........cccovevuvunneene Steenland, Peter R., Jr., Environment and Natural Resources Division, Justice Stefani, Alexis M., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Steffen, Marvin L., General Services Administration. Steffes, Peter M., Armed Services Committee Steffy, Robert, Tennessee Valley Authority ................ Stegman, Michael A., Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD............c.ccceueue. 437 26 434 488 892 474 680 928 759 622 631 807 759 64 438 696 787 685 995 895 697 68 884 839 763 . 768 184 731 836 883 Name Index 1331 Stehr, Joseph M., III, Appropriations Committee....... Stehr, Renate, Office of the Legislative Counsel Steiger, Janet D., Federal Trade Commission ............. Steiman, Susan H., Federal Communications Com- mission 870 Stein, Jean, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Stein, Joan W., Advisory Council on Historic Pres- ervation 60, 857 Stein, Larry, Budget Committee .............cccoveueevnrrrnrnnnne 394 Stein, Michael J., Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs Committee 393 Stein, Paul E., Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 717 Stein, Peter, Assistant Secretary for Research, De- velopment, and Acquisition, Army ........c.ccccevuenee 698 Stein, Robert J., Office of Secretary, Commerce 780 Stein, Stuart J.,, Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Stein, Todd, Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus 558 Steinberg, Jonathan Robert, United States Court of Veterans Appeals 989 Steinbrink, Stephen R., Comptroller of the Curren-cy, Treasury 686 Steiner, Arthur J.,, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Steiner, Joshua, Office of the Secretary, Treasury...... 679 Steinhauer, George P., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 904 Steinhauser, Anthony J., Office of Administration, mmerce 781 Steinhoff, Jeffrey C., General Accounting Office....... 631 Steinhouse, Edward, Office of the General Counsel, HHS 824 Steinitz, Stacy, Agriculture Committee.................c...... 422 Steinman, Allan M, U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion 838 Steinman, Richard, Maritime Administration, Trans-portation 846 Steinour, Edna S., Federal Communications Com-mission 869 Stek, P. Douglas, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Stelle, William W., Jr., Merchant Marine and Fisher-ies Committee 453 Stelluto, George L., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor 801 Stembridge, Willard (Bill), Rep. J. Roy Rowland....... 81 Stemler, Patty M., Criminal Division, Justice.............. 730 Stendell, George Ww. Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice 725 Stenger, Emily, National Republican Senatorial Committee 417 Stenholm, Charles W. (Representative from Texas): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 294 Budget Committee 433 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 478 Stephanopoulous, George, Executive Office of the President 667 Stephansen, Torstein, International Finance Corpora- tion 1014 Stephen, Daniel J., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Stephens, C. Don, Judiciary Committee...................... 450 Stephens, Dennis, Rep. Richard W. Pombo... bans Stephens, James M.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 856 National Labor Relations Board.............cccccoevrruerunnnen 896 Stephens, Michael A., Appropriations Committee ...... 426 Stephens, Rickey, House Information Systems............ 624 Stephens, Wendy, Smithsonian Institution............. 919, 922 Stephenson, Charles C., District of Columbia Com- mittee 434 Stephenson, Charles, Rep. Ronald V. Dellums............ 24 Stephenson, Colleen, Democratic Policy Committee.. 415 Steptoe, Mary Lou, Federal Trade Commission ......... 881 Steptoe, Philip P., Assistant Secretary for Manpow- er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ- ment, Air Force 716 Sterkx, Craig A., Office of the Legislative Counsel.... 623 Sterling, M.K. Robin Garwood: House Administration Committee ............c..cccecrueneee 448 Rep. Charlie Rose 221 Sterling, Mary, House Administration Committee ...... 444 Page Stern, Carl L., Office of the Attorney General, Jus-tice 726 Stern, David J., Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Stern, Ernest, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 008 Stern, Paul G., Smithsonian Institution ...........ccccueennen. 925 Stern, Todd D.: Judiciary Committee 407 Staff Secretary, Office of the President.................... 671 Sterns, Fred, Office of Installations and Environ-ment, Navy Stessman, J. Neil, Office of Water and Science, Inte- rior 760 Stetson, Nancy H., Foreign Relations Committee....... 403 Steube, George, Public Health Service, HHS ............. 811 Steucker, Bernard L., Federal Communications Cc m 872 Steuer, Karen, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee 454 Stevens, Ann H., Federal Communications Commis- sion Stevens, Catherine, National Foundation on the Arts and the H ties 894 Stevens, David, Health Resources and Services Ad- ministration, HHS 816 Stevens, James E., Inspector General, Air Force........ 719 Stevens, James S., Administration, Agriculture........... 762 Stevens, John Paul: Supreme Court of the United States...........c.ccueuenne. 942 United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Stevens, L. Nye, General Accounting Office............... 631 Stevens, Linda Gordon, Natural Resources Commit- tee 457 Stevens, Marcus D., Federal Communications Com-mission 873 Stevens, Pat M., IV, Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Stevens, Richard C., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Stevens, Rita, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture 777 Stevens, Roberta A., Library of Congress................... 638 Stevens, Roger L., Smithsonian Institution............ 925, 926 Stevens, Ted (Senator from Alaska): Appropriations Committee 387 Biography 8 Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy ..... 547 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commit- tee 395 Governmental Affairs Committee ............coceevueenenne 403 Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. oe 485 Joint Committee on Printing...........cccooeveveereeininnnnens 485 Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. 489 National Republican Senatorial Committee.............. 416 Republican Policy Committee 418 Rules and Administration Committee...........cccceeuuen. 409 Select Committee on Ethics 413 Select Committee on Intelligence 413 Senate Arms Control Observer Group............cc.e.... 556 Senate Office Building Commission.......... 42556 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission SH U.S. Senate Commission on Art.......c.ceeeereerencesiiennns 557 Stevens, Thomas F., Naval Security Group Com. mand, Navy : 710 Stevenson, Carole A., Rules and Administration Committee 410 Stevenson, Daniel K., Smithsonian Institution............. 920 Stevenson, John H., International Finance Corpora- tion 1014 Stevenson, John R., Smithsonian Institution................ 926 Stevenson, Molly, Peace Corps 907 Stevenson, Paula, Rep. William H. Natcher................ 120 Stevenson, Robert, Budget Committee 395 Stevenson, Ruth Carter, Smithsonian Institution......... 926 Stevenson, Thomas A., Chief of Staff, Air Force....... 722 Steward, Kyle T., Rep. G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery... 164 Stewart, David L., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Stewart, James L., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 777 Stewart, John F., Army Staff and Selected Agencies. 704 Stewart, John H., International Finance Corporation. 1014 Stewart, Roy J., Federal Communications Commis- sion 872 Sterlling, Michael J., Chief of Staff, Air Force........... 722 Stewart, Ruth Ann, Library of Congress..........c.c.c..... 1332 Congressional Directory Page Stewart, Todd I., Chief of Staff, Air Force................. 720 Stewart, Walter J. (Secretary of the Senate): Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate......... 551 Federal Election Commission 876 National Foundation on the Arts and the Human-ities 896 Office of the Secretary 613 The Interparliamentary Union........ccoceeueeerirennieenee 556 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission... 557 U.S. Senate Commission on Art........... 557 Stewart-Holland, Pat, Rep. Mike Parker 164 Stewart-King, Derryl, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 998 Stieglitz, Walter O., Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Stiehl, Frederick F., Environmental Protection Agency 864 Stiener, Richard, General Accounting Office.............. 630 Stier, Jeff, Rep. PeterA. DeFazio Stiers, Bill, Rep. Terry Everett 4 Stiglitz, Joseph E., Council of Economic Advisers..... 671 Stiles, William A., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Stillman, Elinor H., National Labor Relations Board. 896 Stillman, Jacob H., Securities and Exchange Com- missio 911 Stillman, Neil J., Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Stilp, Paul, Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun 90 Stilson, Pam, Rep. Clifford B. Stearns 65 Stiness, Wanda P., Federal Communica mission 869 Stinger, William, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs.............ccccevvnene. 854 Stirmer, Joseph, Federal Communications Commis- sion 870 Stith, Charles L., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 840 Stith, E. Melodee, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior 755 Stiverson, Keith Ann, Library of Congress ................. 638 Stix, Joseph D., Office of Personnel Management ....... 906 Stock, Ann, First Lady’s Office, Office of the Presi- dent 669 Stockdale, Earl H., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army ...........c...... 698 Stocker, John, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury.... 686 Stocklan, Lisa B., Sen. Robert C. Smith ...................... 180 Stockton, Blaine D., Jr., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture..........cceccceueuneee 771 Stockton, David J., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System 860 Stockton, Peter D.H., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee 440 Stoddard, Gordon, Budget Commiittee............c.ccceuuue.e 394 Stodghill, LaBrenda Garrett, Congressional Award... 549 Stoehr, Eldon, Farm Credit Administration Board..... 868 Stoer, Nicholas S., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 839 Stoffel, Lawrence, Architect of the Capitol................. 625 Stohler, Thom, Rep. John A. Boehner.............cc.c..... 233 Stohlman, Ira E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbi 996 Stohr, J. Philip, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion 936 Stoiber, Carlton, Nuciear Regulatory Commission ..... 899 Stokes, Louis (Representative from Ohio): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 234 Stokes, Maxine, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor-poration 877 Stokes, Robert, Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee 409 Stokke, Mike, Rep. Thomas W. Ewing 98 Stoll, Suzanne, Rep. Harry Johnston 40573 Stoltman, Paul, Environmental Protection Agency.... 865 Stolz, Gail, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com- mittee 416 Stolz, Walter, National Institute of Diabetes and Di- gestive and Kidney Di HHS 820 Stone, Charles, Joint Economic Committee ... 488 Stone, David A., Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force 712 Stone, David, Sen. Harris Wofford............cccovveevvrneennn 250 Stone, Edward C., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Stone, Herbert S., House Administration Committee. 448 Stone, John, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 875 _ Page Stone, O’Lene, Rep. Lamar Smith..........ccoenvenenennnnen. 298 Stone, Ronald S., Federal Communications Commis- sion 869 Stone, Sherri L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Stone, William J., Office of Policy, Labor................... 799 Stoner, Bruce H., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Stopford, Michael, United Nations ..........cccceveruerereruanne 1028 Storat, Richard, Army Staff and Selected Agencies... 703 Storey, Greg, Office of Administration and Manage- ment, Labor 797 Storey, Sharon V., Armed Services Committee.......... 429 Storrs, Mack, Office of Family Assistance, HHS........ 809 Stotts, Shafter H., Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation 842 Stout, Larry D., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury 682 Stovenour, Robert, Office of Management, HHS ....... 807 Stover, Joyce C., Appropriations Committee............... 426 Stover, Lisa L., Federal Communications Commis- sion 873 Stover, Michael: U.S. Parole Commission 936 U.S. Parole Commission, Justice ............ccceceeruenruennen 748 Stowell, Lynn, Regional and Field Offices, HUD ...... 834 Stowell, Peter N., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Strader, George H., Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Stram, Ken, Congressional Space Caucus............c.c..... 561 Strand, Gwendolyn, Foreign Affairs Committee ........ 444 Strand, Mark, Rep. James M. Talent.............c.ccevcuenne. 168 Strasfeld, Ivan L., Pension and Welfare Benefits Ad- ministration, Labor 796 Stratman, Sam: Rep. Henry J. Hyde 93 Republican Policy Committee .............cccocvururnriviinnnne 484 Stratton, Becky, Governmental Affairs Committee.... 404 Straus, Jocelyn Levi, National Foundation on the Arts and the F ties 895 Strauss, David M., Sen. John Breaux .........ccccceceevueneen. 124 Straw, EM, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense ...... 694 Strawser, Cornelia, Budget Committee ................ccou.. 433 Strawser, Neil, Budget Committee 433 Strean, Beverly, Rep. Ted Strickland.............cccccocuenen. 232 Street, Claudette, Democratic Congressional Cam- paign Committee 480 Streeter, Carolyn, Environment and Public Works Committee 399 Streeter, William F., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies 700 Streett, Stephanie, Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President 671 Streicher, Eugene, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, HHS ..............c.coevivinninnen. 822 Streimer, Robert A., Health Care Financing Admin-istration, HHS 824 Stremple, John L., Defense Independents Schools, Defense 691 Strickland, Frances, Rep. Ted Strickland..................... 232 Strickland, Sidney L., Interstate Commerce Commis-sion 887 Strickland, Ted (Representative from Ohio): Biography 231 Education and Labor Committee .........ceccecruerrrecunnne 435 Small B Committee 469 Strickland, William E., Jr., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities ............ccccoceevieviennenns 895 Stricklin, David, Rep. Glenn Poshard 101 Stricklin, Kenneth, Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 776 Striker, Gary, National Institute of Diabetes and Di- gestive and Kidney Diseases, HHS ....................... 820 Stringer, Carole, Rep. Tim Roemer... 104 Stripling, Hobby, Rep. Sanford Bishop.............. hr Strobel, Christopher, Rep. Norman Y. Mineta............ 27 Strojny, Andrew M., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice 730 Strokoff, Sandra, Office of the Legislative Counsel... 623 Strom, Cordia, Judiciary Committee Strom, Thad, Judiciary Committee...........cccevueruerneune Stroman, Ronald A., Government Operations Com- mittee 447 Stromberg, Amy, Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr.........c........... 73 Stromecki, Donna, Office of the Secretary, Air Force 712 Strommen, Norton D., Economics, Agriculture.......... 764 Name Index 1333 Page Strong, Bill, Liaison Offices 629 Strong, Henry, Smithsonian Institution.................. 925, 926 Strong, Ray, Office of the Secretary ............cccoevrrununen. 613 Strong, Scott M., U.S. Senate Commission on Art..... 557 Stroud, Elizabeth W., Office of Administration, Commerce 781 Stroup, Donna, Public Health Service, HHS............... 811 Stroup, Theodore G., Army Staff and Selected Agencies............ 701 Strubbe, Thomas F., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit ........oc-reesresscogimssnenns 946 Struble, Frederick M., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 Struble, Wayne, Budget Committee 433 Strunk, Pamela Ray, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Strzemienski, Tom, House Administration. Commit-tee Stuart, Margaret, Appropriations Committee Stuart, R. Wallace, U.S. Information Agency Stuart, Robert D., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Stuart, Sandra, Rep. Vic Fazio 20 Stuckenschneider, Paul E., Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 880 Studds, Gerry E. (Representative from Massachu-setts): Biography 144 Board of Visitors to the Merchant Marine Acade-my 548 Energy and Commerce Committee.............cccccvenen. 438 Environmental and Energy Study Conference. 563 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee .. tse AS] Studds, J.A., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters ........... 711 Studeman, William O., Central Intelligence Agency.. 672 Stukes, Dorothy M., Office of the Clerk...................... 618 Stull, Ann M., Appropriations Committee................... 426 Stull, Page, Del. Ron de Lugo 340 Stump, Bob (Representative from Arizona): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 12 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Stumpff, Robert E., Office of Administration and t, Labor 798 Suinie, Reid P.F,, Energy and Commerce Commit- Stipe Bart (Representative from Michigan): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 146 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee. ............. 451 Sturm, Robert E., Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 Sturman, Michael, Office of Financial Management, HHS 806 Sturman, Susan, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee 459 Sucharski, Marsha, Rep. Cass Ball 223 Sudbay, Karen, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President 667 Suddarth, Roscoe S., Secretary of State, State............ 675 Sudderth, David H., American Battle Momuments Commission 858 Suddes, Paul W., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice 730 Suen, Claire, Commerce, Science, and Transporta- tion Committee 396 Sugar, Mary M,, Office of Personnel Management..... 905 Suggs, Cheryl, Export Administration, Commerce..... 784 Suggs, Shirley S., Federal Communications Commis- sion 869 Sugrue, Thomas J., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Suhrheinrich, Richard F., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit............cccoeevvueuennen. 946 Suitt, Perry L., Office of the Attorney General, Jus- tice 726 Sullam, Suan, Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin.........c.ceeueen. 135 Sullenger, Gary L., Rep. Dale E. Kildee..................... 151 Sullivan, Albert B, Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ 830 Sullivan, Barry K., Office of the Doorkeeper...... 620 Sullivan, Cathy, Office of Policy, Labor...................... 798 Sullivan, Chela, Ways and Means Committee....... 475, 476 Sullivan, Daniel E., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce 786 Sullivan, Edward, Smithsonian Institution.................... 918 Sullivan, Edwin, Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Page Sullivan, Eugene R., United States Court of Military ppeals 984 Sullivan, Flora, Rep. Sam Gibbons.........ccccceccvunnnnnnnns 68 Sullivan, Frances E., International Organization for Migration 1017 Sullivan, Frank J., Public Health Service, HHS.......... 810 Sullivan, Garrett S., House Administration Commit-tee 448 Sullivan, Gordon R., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies 700 Sullivan, Jane L., Management—Chief Financial Of-ficer, Treasury 685 Sullivan, Jennifer A., International Finance Corpora-tion 1013 Sullivan, John C., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 Sullivan, John F., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Sullivan, John V., Office of the Parliamentarian......... 616 Sullivan, Kathryn, National Oceanic and Atmospher-ic Administration, COMMErce ..........ccceevvveeeruneeennes 787 Sullivan, Larry, Library of Congress 636 Sullivan, Margie, Office of the Majority Leader......... 617 Sullivan, Mark A., U.S. Capitol Police............ccecueuunen. 626 Sullivan, Pat, Office of the Nuclear Waste Coordina-tor 900 Sullivan, Peter M., Defense Techology Security, De-fense 691 Sullivan, Richard, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 416 Sullivan, Robert, Smithsonian Institution..................... 919 Sullivan, Suzanne, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Sullivan, Ted, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Com-mittee 386 Sulmicki, Jan, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1009 Suman, Frank L., Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Interior 760 Summers, Lawrence H., Under Secretary for Inter-national Affairs, Treasury 681 Summers, Marcia, Rep. Clifford B. Stearns................. 65 Sumner, Robin, Liaison Offices 628 Sumser, Raymond J., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 702 Sundick, Gary N., Securities and Exchange Commis-sion 912 Sundquist, Don (Representative from Tennessee): Biography 282 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 Office of Technology Assessment...........coccecuruurunnnne 639 Republican Study Committee 567 Ways and Means Committee 474 Sung, Carolyn H., Library of Congress ..........cccccceuun. 637 Sungenis, Joseph R. Washington Headquarters Serv- ices, Defense 692 Sunshine, Helen, National Institute of General Medi- cal Sciences, HHS 821 Superata, Michael: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Ways and Means Committee 475 Surina, John C., Federal Election Commission ........... 876 Suro-Bredie, Carmen C., Office of U.S. Trade Rep- resentative 674 Suskie, John T., Regional and Field Offices, HUD .... 833 Sussan, Sidney M., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System 860 Sussman, Bernard J., United States Court of Veter- ans Appeals 990 Suter, Darvin K., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Suter, Linda, Rep. Jennifer Dunn 323 Suter, William K., Supreme Court of the United States 945 Sutherland, Lisa, Sen. Ted Stevens 8 Suttenfield, Nancy D., Smithsonian Institution............ 917 Sutter, Robert G., Library of Congress............. Sutterer, Larry J., Chief of Staff, Air Force Suttle, David, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army 697 Sutton, Glenn, Office of Personnel Management ........ 902 Sutton, John, Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 740 Sutton, Ozell, Community Relations Service, Justice. 751 Sutton, Steven, Rep. Peter G. Torkildsen.................... 142 Sutton, William T., Joint Committee on Taxation ...... 487 1334 Congressional Directory Page Svab, Stephen, Federal Communications Commission 870 Svartz, Steven H., Federal Labor Relations Author- ity 878 Sveiven, Cherie, Rep. Bob Inglis ..........c.ccccervenenrrinnnne. 273 Svenonius, Diane, Employee Standards Administra- tion, Labor 796 Swaim, Elinor H., National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 893 Swain, Beverly, Rep. Bob Carr 150 Swain, Robert, Office of Policy, Labor............c......... 799 Swan, Robert H., National Credit Union Administra- tion 894 Swanson, Richard L., Federal Communications Commission 873 Swanson, Russell B., Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor...........ccccceerreeruenene. 800 Swanson, Sandre, Rep. Ronald V. Dellums 24 Swanzy, H. Clay, Rep. Terry BVEIRH, . eso ios 4 Swarts, Robert F.: Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air FOrce........cooouvereemeesurrennne 714 U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 938 Swartz, Paul O., Sesquehanna River Basin Commis- sion 927 Swartz, Robert M., Appropriations Committee........... 389 Swedberg, Jeff: Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ 481 Speaker of the House of Representatives ‘ Swedeen, Chris, Small Business Administration Sweedler, Barry M., National Transportation Safety Board 899 Sweeney, Daniel S., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Sweeney, Kevin, Office of the Secretary, Interior...... 753 Sweeney, Michael, Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior 754 Sweeney, William G., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy 706 Swensen, Cecilia, Judiciary Committee..........c.c......... 407 Swett, Dick (Representative from New Hampshire): Biography 181 Congressional Human Rights Caucus ...........ccccu... 561 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Public Works and Transportation Committee, Science, Space, and Technology Committee............ Swift, Al (Representative from Washington): Biography Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Energy and Commerce Committee A House Administration Committee ...........c.cccervvrunee Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. 489 Swift, Stephen J., United States Tax Court . pi VI Swift-Dojcak, Cindy, Liaison Offices....... 628 Swindell, A.B., IV, Rep. Tim Valentine 218 Swinehart, Leonard, Office of the Republican Whip.. 618 Swoope, Anthony, Employment and Training Ad- ministration, Labor 801 Swora, Tamara, Library of Congress ............ccccunuuiunen 635 Syed, Mohammad Abu, International Bank for Re- construction and Development.............cccceuniennnee 1009 Sykes, Ann C., Securities and Exchange Commission 913 Sykes, Mary, Education and Labor Committee........... 437 Sykora, Barb, Rep. Rod Grams 159 Syler, Kent, Rep. Bart Gordon 281 Sylvester, Edward C., Jr., National Capital Planning Commission 892 Sylvester, Ron, Rep. Ted Strickland .........ccccceevvnnnnnne 232 Sylvia, Claire M., Office of Senate Legal Counsel...... 615 Symington, James W.: U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress. 567 Washington National Monument Society................ 940 Synar, Mike (Representative from Oklahoma): Biography 241 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Democratic Study Group Energy and Commerce Committee............cceecvvunnnnes Environmental and Energy Study Conference Government Operations Committee ..............ceeunnie. Judiciary Committee 44 Synnes, Mark A., Office of the Legislative Counsel... 623 System 861 System, Selective Service, Selective Service System.. 915 Szalai, Kenneth J., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Szczebak, Francis F., Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 991 Szelenyi, Evelyn, Rep. Tom Lantos..........cccceceeeninnnnen 25 Szombati, Bea, International Monetary Fund .............. Szwarckop, Josep D., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 704 Szymczak, Chester, Government Printing Office........ 632 T Tabata, Naoki, International Monetary Fund. .............. 1016 Tabb, Winston: Library of Congress 635 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 893 Tabor, Edward, National Cancer Institute, HHS........ 818 Tacha, Deanell Reece, United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit..........ccocovverennrnnnnnns 947 Taft, Daniel H., Office of Management and Budget... 673 Taft, Dorothy, Foreign Affairs Committee.................. 444 Tagen, Julie: House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards 552 Post Office and Civil Service Comnmittee................. 459 Tagliabue, Paul, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Tagtmeyer, Gary E., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies 702 Takakoshi, William K., Office of the Secretary, Army Talapatra, Dipak, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 890 Talbert, Jim, Senate Periodical Press Gallery.............. 1117 Talbert, Judy, Ways and Means Committee ................ 475 Talbot, Frank H., Smithsonian Institution.............. 919, 923 Talbott, Julia A., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Talbott, Strobe, Secretary of State, State..........ccccuuuee. 675 Talent, James M. (Representative from Missouri): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 168 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 483 Small Busi Committee 469 Talesnik, Gary, Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Talisman, Jonathan, Joint Committee on Taxation...... 486 Talisnik, Mike, Rep. James H. Bilbray ............ccccocu..... 179 Talkin, Pamela, Federal Labor Relations Authority... 878 Tallant, Irby C., Federal Communications Commis-sion 874 Tallent, William H., Science and Education, Agricul-ture Talvadkar, Vivek, International Finance Corporation 1013 Tamargo, Mauricio, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen............ 72 Tan, Jerry, Veterans’ Affairs Committee ............ “ Tanaka, Lisa, Energy and Commerce Committee....... Taneja, Manjit, Government Printing Office ............... Tanenbaum, Morris, National Academy of Engineer-ing Tang, Thomas, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Taniguichi, Makoto, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.............c.ccccoevvniinininnnne Tankersley, Liz, Sen. Barbara Boxer ..........cccocevvueneene 19 Tannenwald, Theodore, Jr., United States Tax Court 981 Tanner, John S. (Representative from Tennessee): Armed Services Committee Biography 282 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Tanzi, Vito, International Monetary Fund................... 1015 Taormina, Philene, Education and Labor Committee. 437 Tapia, Isabelle, Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President 671 Tapp, James B., Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 717 Tapper, Jake, Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky .... 258 Tarascio, John R., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 Tarassov, Nikolai, United Nations ............ccccevuerrerrunrues 1027 Tarjanne, Pekka J., International Agencies Related to the United Nations Tarkington, Marshall, Science and Education, Agri-culture 779 Tarnoff, Peter, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, State Tarplin, Rich, Office of the Secretary for Legisla-tion, HHS 803, 804 Name Index 1335 Page Tarr, Patrick H., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice 734 Tarr, Susan M., Library of Congress............cccceuevrennne. 637 Tarring, Henry W., II, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Tartline, Pete, Rep. William F. Goodling.................... 262 Tashjean, Catherine, Office of Personnel Manage-ment 902 Tata, Jayant S., International Finance Corporation .... 1012 Tate, Bill, Rep. James A. Leach ....c.ciicnniiii 110 Tate, Glenda M., Office of Administration, Trans-portation © 837 Tate, Tina, House Radio and Television Gallery........ 1094 Taub, Joel, Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury 685 Taubman, A. Alfred, Smithsonian Institution............... 921 Tauzin, W.J. (Billy) (Representative from Louisiana): Biography 126 Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy ..... 547 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Steering and Policy Committee............ Energy and Commerce Committee.............. Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Taylor, Barbara J.H., National Commission on Li-braries and Information Science 893 Taylor, Bettilou, Appropriations Committee 390 Taylor, Charles H. (Representative from North Carolina): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 223 Taylor, Charlie, Office of Personnel Management...... 904 Taylor, David G., Public Health Service, HHS.......... 811 Taylor, David, International Labor Organization ....... 1015 Taylor, David, Republican Leadership ........................ 612 Taylor, Donald E., Federal Communications Com-mission 874 Taylor, Eugene K., Jr, Office of Administration, Transportation 837 Taylor, Gene (Representative from Mississippi): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 164 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 Taylor, Gregory B., Office of Policy, Labor............... 799 Taylor, James M.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission 899 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ..................... 935 Taylor, Jesse, Community Relations Service, Justice. 751 Taylor, Jodie, Finance Committee.............c..cceuevrrerennens 401 Taylor, John J., Office of Administration, Transpor- tation 837 Taylor, Kathryn M., Foreign Relations Committee.... 403 Taylor, Lawrence P., Under Secretary for Manage- ment, State 676 Taylor, Lewis, Office of Personnel Management........ 905 Taylor, Michael R., Food and Drug Administration, HHS 814 Taylor, Paul A., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. 895 Taylor, Paul, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Taylor, Peter, Budget Committee.............coceueurureererennns 394 Taylor, Phyllis J.,, Washington Headquarters Serv- ices, Defense 692 Taylor, Quentin S., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 839 Taylor, Ronald S., General Services Administration... 884 Taylor, Sam, Rep. Bill Richardson .....c..ciiiimniideite 195 Taylor, Sandra, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 880 Taylor, Stewart F., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation #44 Taylor, Thomas W., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 698 Taylor, William J., III, Office of the Secretary, Energy 847 Taylor, William L., Inter-American Development Bank 1006 Taylor, William, Office of Policy, Labor..................... 800 Taylor, Woodrow, Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice 735 Tayman, Dwight T., Commodity Credit Corpora- tion, Agriculture 768 Tchen, Jon Kuo Wei, Smithsonian Institution....... 917, 922 Tearle, Richard V., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee Teasdale, Caroline C., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Tebbutt, Jane, U.S. Office of Inspector General, HHS Tebin, Frank, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Tebo, Christopher, Rep. William O. Lipinski.............. Teckler, Martin, Small Business Administration. -Tedesco, William P., Office of Policy, Labor..... Teel, Katie-Jane, Office of the Secretary ..... Teel, S. Martin, Jr., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Teener, James, Export Administration, Commerce..... Teeter, Janice, Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski ..................... Teets, Herbert R., Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Tegler, Mary Kevin, Office of the Clerk Tejeda, Frank (Representative from Texas): Armed Services Committee Biography Veterans’ Affairs Committee Telson, Michael, Budget Committee Tempalski, Jerry, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Temple, David, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Temple, Glenda L., Agriculture Committee................ Temple, Michael, Sen. Patty Murray Temple, Pat, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Templeman, Donald C., Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury .......ccccccevverrveriennnn Templeton, Billy, Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior Templeton, Robert A., Office of the Clerk.................. Tenley, George W., Jr., Maritime Administration, Transportation Teran, Francisco Herrera, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Cc on Terango, Marco, Non-Legislative and Financial Services Terapane, John F., Jr., Patent and Trademark Office, mmerce Terpeluk, Peter, Jr., Pennsylvania Avenue Develop- ment Corporation Terpstra, Lynn, Democratic Policy Committee. .......... Terrell, Frances C., Government Operations Com- mittee Terrill, Delbert R., Jr., Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Terry, Carol M., Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Acquisition, Army Terzian, Robert, Defense Independents Schools, De-fense Tesch, Gary L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Tessier, Missi, Office of the Republican Leader.......... Tessieri, Vivian A., Science, Space, and Technology Committee Testa, Sally A., Rep. John R. Kasich........cccceeurrununnnns Tetangco, Amando M., Jr., International Monetary Fund Teter, William A., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Teymour, Aly, Secretariat, United Nations ................. Thacker, James, Rep. Donald Manzullo.............ccccu..... Thacker, P. Gerald: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts................. General Services Administration..........ceeceevvveeiueennenns National Foundation on the Arts and the Human- ities Thacker, Stephen B., Public Health Service, HHS..... Thackston, Larry T., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Thadani, Ashok C., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Thahane, Timothy T.: International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- opment 1008 International Finance Corporation..............ccccovuiuene. 1011 Thaler, Arnold, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Thalwitz, Wilfried, International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 1009 Thapar, Vikas, International Finance Corporation...... 1014 Tharrington, Ronnie O., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture............cccoeununnene Thatcher, Mary Kay, Farm Credit Administration Board 1336 Congressional Directory Thayer, Curtis, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee Thayn, Florian, U.S. Capitol Historical Society.......... Theim, Raymond P., United States Marshals Service, Justice Theimer, John L., Federal Communications Com- Theis, Ethel R., General Services Administration Theissen, Joseph A., Rep. Timothy J. Penny Theodore, Peter C., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Thibaut, Don, Rep. John R. Kasich ..........c.ccccoeveununee.. Thiermann, Alejandro B., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Thiessen, Janet, Rep. Al Swift Thigpen, Forest, Governmental Affairs Committee... Thigpen, Richard T., Rep. Donald M. Payne ............. Thirolf, Eugene M., Civil Division, Justice ................. Thomas, Alvin L., ‘Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Thomas, Arthur S., Chief of Staff, Air Force.............. Thomas, Betty, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Thomas, Bill (Representative from California): Biography House Administration Committee ...........c.ocoerneueeee House Wednesday Group U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission...................... Ways and Means Committee Thomas, Cassandra, Federal Communications Com- mission Thomas, Charles, Budget Committee .............ccccuiuenee. Thomas, Christopher R., Organization of American States Thomas, Clarence: Supreme Court of the United States ...............ccouu.. United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Thomas, Craig (Representative from Wyoming): Biography Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Environmental and Energy Study Conference........ Government Operations Committee ................. : National Republican Congressional Committee....... Natural Resources Committee Republican Policy Committee hes U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... Thomas, Dave, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Thomas, Edwin C., III, U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Hom Thomas, Faia D., Community Relations Service, Justice Thomas, Francis W., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Thomas, Frank, National Credit Union Administra- tion Thomas, Frank, Sen. David Pryor Thomas, Franklin A., U.S. Capitol Preser on Commission Thomas, Fred, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Thomas, Harry, Council of the District of Columbia. Thomas, I. Toni, Regional and Field Offices, HUD... Thomas, Irv, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Thomas, James B., Jr., Office of Inspector General, Education Thomas, James C., Maritime Administration, Trans-portation Thomas, James D., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Thomas, James E., III, American Red Cross............... Thomas, James O., Jr., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Thomas, John William, American Red Cross.............. Thomas, Johnna, Special Committee on Aging........... Thomas, Kirkley, Special Committee on Aging.......... Thomas, Lowell S., Jr., American Red Cross............. Thomas, Marti: Office of the Majority Leader .........c.ccceceveuereriverennes Peace Corps Thomas, Melvin C., Joint Committee on Taxation ..... Thomas, R. Anne, National Institute of Health, HHS Thomas, R. Keith, Office of the Attorney General, Justice Thomas, R.O., Office of Installations and Environ- Page Page Thomas, Ralph B., Immigration and Naturalization 459 Service, Justice 745 568 Thomas, Ralph C., III, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 748 Thomas, Regina, Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia 994 Thomas, Richard L., Office of Personnel Manage-ment 901 Thomas, Rosemary H., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 909 Thomas, S. Tandi, Rep. J. Dennis Hastert.................... 97 Thomas, Sarah E.: Library of Congress 635 National Agricultural Library, Agriculture.............. 779 Thomas, Saundra, Smithsonian Institution ........ . 924 Thomas, Scott E., Federal Election Commission 876 Thomas, Shirl, Office of the Secretary, HUD............. . 827 Thomas, Solly J., Federal Labor Relations Authority 878 Thomas, Thursa C., Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia 994 Thomas, William H., Office of Administration and Management, Labor 797 Thomasson, Patsy L., Office of Administration, Office of the President 672 Thompson, Annette E.: Office of the Republican Whip.........cccceceevirinininnennnes 618 Rep. Newt Gingrich 80 Thompson, Bennie (Representative from Mississippi): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 163 Small Busi Committee 469 Thompson, Cecil B., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Thompson, David R., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit ....i............. ivi... 947 Thompson, E. Duane, President's Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Thompson, Eric, Rep. Nancy L. Johnson.................... 57 Thompson, Florence E., Public Works and Trans-portation Committee 463 Thompson, G. Lee, President’s Export Council.......... 566 Thompson, Harold G., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Thompson, Henry R., Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 909 Thompson, Hugh L., Jr, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory mn 935 oii Hugh L., Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion 899 Thompson, Iris E., Administration, Agriculture.......... 762 Thompson, Jack, International Finance Corporation.. 1013 Thompson, James, Smithsonian Institution 922 Thompson, Janet, Rep. Bob Franks................... . 188 Thompson, Jay, Office of the Secretary, Energy........ 847 Thompson, Jennifer, Ways and Means Committee... 475, 894 476 Thompson, Joe, General Services Administration....... 885 Thompson, John, Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 784 Thompson, Joy G., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 915 998 Thompson, Kip, International Finance Corporation... 1014 Thompson, Larry D., U.S. Capitol Police ................... 626 832 Thompson, Lawrence H., General Accounting Office 631 Thompson, Lawrence L., Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD............ 830 Thompson, Lisa, U.S. Arms Control and Disarma-ment Agency 928 Thompson, Marjorie K., Federal Labor Relations Authority 878 Thompson, Mary Helen, Office of the Secretary, Interior 753 Thompson, Norman, Office of Financial Manage-ment, HHS 806 Thompson, Patricia J., Office of Inspector General, Transportation 836 Thompson, Paul, Office of Personnel Management .... 903 Thompson, Portia W., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Thompson, Robert Farris, Smithsonian Institution ..... 923 Thompson, Robin, Office of the Secretary, Treasury. 679 Thompson, Steven A., Armed Services Committee.... 429 Thompson, Tola, Rep. Carrie P. MeeK.........ccceuvuunnneen 2 Thompson, V. Bruce, Rep. James M. Inhofe. weir 241 Thomson, Jeri, Office of the Secretary ............. wt :013 Thomson, Paul E., Appropriations Committee............ 427 ment, Navy Thomson, Pete, Agriculture Committee Name Index Page Page Thoresdale, John, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board.... 938 Thoreson, Barbara L., Office of Senate Legal Coun- se | 615 Thorin, Suzanne, Library ‘of CONGIESS i. us caivisvsnitoiasis 635 Thorn, Jerry G.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 855 Consumer Product Safety Cc ission .. 863 Thornberry, Owen, Public Health Service, HHS........ 813 Thornburg, Ann H., Office of the Doorkeeper ........... 620 Thorne, Bill, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 417 Thorne, Nancy, Congressional Sunbelt Caucus........... 562 Thorne, Vicki, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee 398 Thornton, D. McCarthy, Office of the General Counsel, HHS 804 Thornton, Michael, Ways and Means Committee... 475, 476 Thornton, Ray (Representative from Arkansas): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 16 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Thornton, Tracey, Legislative Affairs, Office of the President 669 Thorp, Harvey D., Office of Personnel Management. 901 Thorpe, Kenneth, Office of Planning and Evaluation, HHS 806 Thorson, Don, National Republican Senatorial Com- mittee 417 Thorton, Leslie, Office of the Secretary, Education... 849 Thumma, Connie L., Rep. Robert S. Walker .............. 260 Thurm, Kevin, Office of the Secretary, HHS.............. 803 Thurman, Karen L. (Representative from Florida): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 64 Government Operations Committee ............cccvueunnne 445 Thurmond, Strom (Senator from South Carolina): Armed Services Committee 391 Biography 268 Commission on the Bicentennial of the Senate. ........ 551 Judiciary Committee 405 Labor and Human Resources Committee................. 408 Republican Policy Committee ..........cccoeiviinerenisenss 418 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 412 Thyagarajan, Lara, Northeast-midwest Congression- al Coalition 564 Tibbetts, Geff, Joint Economic Committee.................. 488 Tibetts, Thomas R., Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor 802 Tice, Becca, Rep. Charles W. Stenholm .........ccccecueue. 295 Tickle, Gretchen, Energy and Commerce Committee 440 Tidwell, Moody R., III, United States Court of Fed- eral Claims 972 Tiefer, Charles, Office of the General Counsel ........... 623 Tierney, Susan F., Office of the Secretary, Energy... 847 Tighe, Thomas E., Veterans’ Affairs Committee ........ 412 Tijerino, Jose Antonio, Organization of American States 1019 THielt, John H,, Jr., Army Staff and Selected Agen- 702 Tilford. Shelby, National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration 889 Tillett, Cherie L., Government Operations Commit- tee 446 Tilley, Shireen; Rep. Dick SWetl...........c...cccditivassiennes 182 Timbie, James P., Under Secretary for International Security Affairs, State 676 Timilty, Kelly, Rep. John Joseph Moakley.................. 144 Timken, Suzanne, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 910 Timmeny, Micahel, Sen. Patty Murray ........ccccccueuenne 319 Timmerman, Kenneth R., Foreign Affairs Commit- tee 444 Timoney, Joan, Peace Corps 907 Timpke, Uwe, Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee 409 Tinker, Jerry, Judiciary Committee..........c.ecevururiinnnnns 407 Tinman, Danielle, Rep. Lynn Woolsey .. 22 Tinsley, David J., Office of the Secretary.......c..ccueu. 613 Tinsley, Michael E., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force 719 Tinsley, Peter A., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System 860 Tippeconnic, John, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior. 756 Tippeconnic, Robert, Natural Resources and Envi- ronment, Agriculture 777 Tippens, Julie, Democratic Congressional Campaign Tippett, Pat, Veterans’ Affairs Committee................... 473 Tippie, Virginia K., Council on Environmental Qual- Hyatt 672 Tippins, Nancy, Rep. Sonny Callahan.......................... 3 Tipton, W. Lord, Office of Surface Mining, Recla- mation, and Enforcement, Interior.........cccceeuen. 758 Tisch, Preston Robert, U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission 557 Tisor, Darrell J., Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation ................. 842 Titerence, Leah, Democratic Policy Committee.......... 415 Tittsworth, David G., Energy and Commerce Com- 307);Tr RR 440 Titus, Frank D., Office of Personnel Management ..... 904 Tjoflat, Gerald B., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Tobey, William R., Federal Labor Relations Author- ity 878 Tobin, Merry M., Rep. Pat Roberts..............cc.ccveruenenne. 115 Tobin, Patrick M., Environmental Protection Agency........... 866 Tobin, Paul E., United States Naval Home.................. 939 Todd, Barbara Sheen, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations...........cccocovveieeneiennns 857 Todd, Bruce M., Advisory Commission on Intergov-ernmental Relations 857 Todd, Don, National Republican Senatorial Commit-tee 416, 417 Toe, Norbert, International Monetary Fund......... . 1017 Toellner, Paulette, Rep. Jack Quinn............ 214 Toffling, Barbara, Rep. Sam Gibbons................. 68 Toiv, Barry, Office of Management and Budget ......... 673 Toler, Rusty, Social Security Administration, HHS ... 825 Tolson, Leah, Rep. Dan Burton 106 Tolson, William, Office of the Doorkeeper.................. 620 Tomalis, Ron, Community Relations Service, Justice. 751 Tomasek, Dianne, Rep. Thomas C. Sawyer ................ 236 Tomasulo, Peter, American Red Cross RE Tomchek, Debra, Office of Personnel Management... 903 Tomchick, Edward A., Employment and Training Administration, Labor 800 Tomic, Blas, Inter-American Development Bank ....... 1007 Tomlinson, Anne M., Federal Judicial Center............. 991 Tomlinson, Kenneth Y., Board for International Broadcasting 547 Tompkins, Charles L., Armed Services Committee... 429 Tompkins, William P., Office of Inspector General, Transportation 836 Toner, John J., National Labor Relations Board......... 896 Tongour, Michael, Republican Leadership.................. 612 Toon, Bernie, Rep. Tim Roemer 104 Topel, Robert W., Directorate of Legislative Liai-son, Air Force 718 Topolewski, William, Office of Management and Budget, HHS Toporek, Lisa, Rep. James E. Clyburn Topper, Gay S., Office of the Parliamentarian Torak, William R., Federal Communications Com-mission Torchia Estrada, Juan Carlos, Organization of American States Torgersen, Mary L., Office of the Secretary, Army... Torgerson, Randall E., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Torkelson, Jodie R., Office of Management and udget Torkildsen, Peter G. (Representative from Massa-chusetts): Armed Services COMMER ........cccuminesssusareerstomsons Biography National Republican Congressional Comnmittee....... Small B Committee Tornblom, Claudia L., Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Army Tornqvist, Ake, International Monetary Fund ............ Torrado, Miguel A., Social Security Administration, HHS Torres, Angel, International Bank for Reconstruc-tion and Development Torres, Esteban Edward (Representative from Cali-fornia): Appropriations Committee Biography Torres, Gerver, International Monetary Fund............. Torres-Gil, Fernando M., Administration on Aging, Committee 480 HHS 1338 Congressional Directory Page Torricelli, Robert G., Democratic Congressional Campaign Commitice Torricelli, Robert G. (Representative from New Jersey): Biography 189 Foreign Affairs Committee 442 Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group... 553 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 Science, Space, and Technology Committee Torruella, Juan R., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946 Tortora, Robert D., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce. 782, 784 Toscano, Ellyn, Rep. José E. Serrano........................ 205 Totten, Joe E., General Accounting Office... wn 51:030 Touré, Mamoudou, International Monetary Fund ...... 1015 Tousley, Dean, Natural Resources Committee............ 457 Tow, A. Richard, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Towell, Pat, Standing Committee of Correspondents. 1061 Towles, Robert J., Office of Water and Science, Interior 760 Towns, D. Leroy, Rep. Pat Roberts...............coneuvnen. 115 Towns, Edolphus (Representative from New York): Biography 202 Energy and Commerce Committee................ceevnnee.. 438 Government Operations Committee ..... 445 House of Representatives Page Board.. 549 Townsend, Jim, Rep. Nita M. Lowe 206 Townsend, Terry, International Cotton Advisory Committee 1011 Townsend, Wardell C., Jr., Administration, Agricul- ture 761 Townsend, Wardell, Office of the Secretary, Agri- culture 761 Townsend, William F., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 889 Traber, Janice Ann, Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr............. 207 Trabucco, Thomas J., Federal Retirement Thrift In- vestment Board 881 Tracy, Robert N., Naval District of Washington, av 710 Tracy, Thomas M., Pan American Health Organiza- tion 1021 Trader, Sybil T., Office of the Legislative Counsel... 623 Traficant, James A., Jr. (Representative from Ohio): Biography 238 Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... 460 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... Traficanti, Joseph J., General Counsel, Air Force...... 717 Tragemann, Richard W., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 701 Tragen, Irving G., Organization of American States.. 1020 Trahan, Scott, Sen. J. Bennett Johnston 124 Train, John, African Development Foundation........... 858 Train, Russell E., Washington National Monument iety 940 Tramontano, Karen A., Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia 994 Tranghese, Bill, Rep. Richard E. Neal.. 140 Trapp, Lanny E., Jr., Office of the Secretary, “Air Force 712 Trasvina, John, Judiciary Committee ..............cceue..... 407 Trautwein, Mark, Natural Resources Committee........ 456 Traver, Nancy, Executive Committee of Corre- spondents 1117 Travis, Cathy, Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz...........cccoeuuneee. 301 Trayers, James L., Jr.,, U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home 939 Traynham, David F., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee 463 Treat, Charles F., Office of Administration, Com-merce 781 Treat, Kim B., Treasurer of the United States, Treas-5 ury 81 Trebout, Robert A., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar- ters 711 Trecise, John D., Office of the Secretary, Interior..... 754 Treese, Joel D., Office of the Historian... x 033 Treichel, James A., Maritime Administration, Trans- portation 845 Tremeaud, Jean Francois, International Labor Orga- nization 015 Trethric, Ronald J., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice 734 Trew, James R., Library of Congress...........c.ccccuuvuunnes 637 Trezevant, Walter S., U.S. International Trade Com- mission . 932 Triandiflou, Jody, Rep. Susan Molinari...........c.ccccuu..... Trickett, James F., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Trietsch, Veronica D., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Education .........c.ccccecceveununnee. Trifiro, Nancy, Rules Committee...........cccoeceruruercnnnene. Trilling, Donald, Office of Policy and International Affairs, Transportation Trimble, Berry, Democratic Congressional Cam-paign Committee Trimble, David C., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission 934 Trinca, Ann, Special Committee on Aging Triozzi, Robert, Rep. Eric D. Fingerhut...................... 239 Triplett, Jack, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Com- merce Triplett, William C., II, Foreign Relations Commit- tee Trites, Amy, Rep. Charles Wilson..........cccecceruiinnnnnne 285 Tritt, Cheryl A., Federal Communications Commis- sS10n Trodden, Stephen, Office of the Secretary, Veterans Afffairs Tropper, Peter L., International Finance Corpora- tion 1012 Trott, Stephen S., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Troupe, Otis H., Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia Trowbridge, Frederick L., Public Health Service, HHS Trowel, Laurence M., Assistant Secretary for Acqui-sition, Air Force Troy, James H., Equal Employment Opportunity $3 nh Truesdale, John C., National Labor Relations Board . Truettner, William, Smithsonian Institution................. 923 Truhan, Allen S., Office of Policy and International Affairs, Transportation Trujillo, Alan, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture Trujillo, Candelario, Jr., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Trujillo, José, Administration, Agriculture.................. Trujillo, Olga R., Office of Justice Programs, Justice 752 Truluck, Philip N., Administrative Conference of the United States Truman, Edwin M., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Truran, James A., International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture........cccccccooeueecnunee. Trushel, Timothy D., Office of the Legislative Counsel Trutkoff, Frederick F., Federal Maritime Commis- Sion Tsoucalas, Nicholas, United States Court of Interna-tional Trade Tsu, John, Japan-united States Friendship Commis- sion Tsuneishi, Warren, Library of Congress ............cccccuu.. Tsuya, Stephen Y., Federal Communications Com-mission Tuchmann, Thomas, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee Tucker, Greg, Rep. Glenn English......c.c.cccccceviinnnnnn. Tucker, Joseph R., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Tucker, Joyce E., Equal Employment Opportunity Cc n Tucker, Julie R., Liaison Offices Tucker, Marion, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Tucker, Mindy, Rep. Sam Johnson..........c.ccceevirnrnenne Tucker, Nicole, Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Tucker, Shirley S., Office of the Secretary.................. Tucker, Tracy C., Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Tucker, Walter R., III (Representative from Califor- nia): Biography California Democratic Congressional Delegation... Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Small Busi Committee Tucker, Wanda, Executive Agencies, District of Co-lumbia Tuerk, William F., Veterans’ Affairs Committee......... Name Index 1339 Tufty, Craig W., Rep. Fred Grandy.........ccceervrruruennn. Tuite, Dan, Special Committee on Aging.........cccec...... Turchek, Steve F., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Turek, Mary L., Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Turkmen, Iliter, Secretariat, United Nations................ Turnbo, Charles A., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Turner, Ben, Judiciary Committee..........c.......... . Turner, Deborah Jo, Office of the Clerk..........coo....... Turner, James H., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Turner, James P., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice 730 Turner, James T., United States Court of Federal Claims 974 Turner, Jim, Office of the Secretary, Air Force ......... 712 Turner, John E., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 840 Turner, Leslie M., Office of the Territorial and International Affairs, Interior........ccccceceevueveereeneenns 758 Turner, Marshall C., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce 783 Turner, Pamela J.,, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. 928 Turner, Patrick C., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy 707 Turner, Roslyne D., Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation Committee 396 Turner, Sue E., Chief of Staff, Air Force.. Turner-Scott, Andrea, Rep. Charlie Rose Turnlund, Judith, Science and Education, Agricul- ture 778 Turnquist, C. John, Office of the General Counsel, Navy 705 Turpenoff, Sherry, Office of Personnel Management. 903 Turton, Dan, Office of the Majority Leader 6 Tuttle, Jerry O., Chief of Naval Operations . Tuttle, Robert H., Smithsonian Institution................... Twining, Bruce, Major Field Organizations, Energy.. 848 Twombly, Barbara, Office of Management, HHS....... 807 Twomey, John J., United States Marshals Service, Justice 747 Tychan, Terrence J., Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Tycz, Thomas S., Federal Communications Commis- TT HR a RRR se ip aie 871 Tyler, Carl W., Public Health Service, HHS ...... .- Tyler, Edwin W., Office of Policy, Labor................... Tyler, Errol L., Public Works and Transportation Committee 464 Tyler, George R., Office of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs, Treasury .... 680 Tyler, Margaret T., Liaison Offices............coceourverucnnene 628 Tyler, Timothy O., Economics, Agriculture ... +51 765 Tymchuk, Terry, Republican Leadership .................... 612 Tynan, Robert, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 775 Tyndal, Ken, Rep. Gary A. Condit ........cceccevuruernenee. 29 Tyrer, Robert S., Sen. William S. Cohen...........c........ 130 Tyrrell, Robert E., Japan-united States Friendship Commission 552 Tyson, Laura D'Andrea: Cabinet 666 Council of Economic Advisers 671 Tyson, Rosalind R., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 U Ubelhart, Charles: Joint Committee on Taxation 487 Ways and Means Committee 476 Uber, William E., U.S. Capitol Police..........cccoueurueueene 626 Uberuaga, Salle, Sen. Dirk Kempthorne ...................... 86 Ucelli, Loretta, Environmental Protection Agency... 864 Uddo, Basile J., Legal Services Corporation 8 Udell, Gilman, US. Capitol Police....ccercrereivts Udell, Michael A., Joint Committee on Taxation........ 487 Udenhout, Willem Alfred, Organization of American States 1020 Ueda, Yamato, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Com- mission 1008 Ueland, Eric, Republican Policy Committee ............... 418 Ufholz, Eugenia, Office of Technology Assessment... 639 Uhalde, Raymond, Employment and Training Ad- Page Uhlenhopp, Cletus, Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 Uhlig, Marylouise M., Environmental Protection gency 865 Uhlmann, Michael M., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Ulrich, G.W., Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense....... 694 Ulrich, Richard N., Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Underdue, William H., Library of Congress................ 635 Underwood, John H., Board for Decorations and Medals, Navy 707 Underwood Robert A. (Delegate from Guam): Armed Services Committee 427 Biography 338 Natural Resources Committee ..........covururierensansanennns 455 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ....... 479 Ungar, Bernie, General Accounting Office.................. 630 Unger, Dave, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture 776 Unger, Karen, Environment and Public Works Com- mittee 399 Unger, Laura S., Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs Committee 393 Unger, Paul R., Rep. Robert F. (Bob) Smith............... 247 Ungvarsky, Ron, Rep. Austin J. Murphy ae 203 Unhjem, Michael B., National Council on Disability. 894 Unsoeld, Jolene (Representative from Washington): Biography Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues............... Democratic Study Group Education and Labor Committee ..........ccocceurveuninnnnns Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Untiedt-Hudson, Diane, Energy and Commerce Committee 440 Upton, Fred (Representative from Michigan): Biography 149 Energy and Commerce COMMIttee...........co..rrerereeee 438 Urban, Jo Ellen, U.S. International Trade Commis-sion 932 Urban, Katherine, Judiciary Committee...........ccceeuueene 451 Urgenson, Laurence A., Criminal Division, Justice... 730 Urquhart, Glen T., National Capital Planning Com-mission 892 Urrutia, Jorge R., Technology Administration, Com-merce 790 Urynowicz, Stanley M., Jr., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Useem, Howard, Energy and Natural Resources Committee 398 Usher, William R., American Red Cross..........ccceeueennue 859 Usinger-Lesquereux, Janet, Extension Service, Agri-culture 779 Ustad, Ida M., General Services Administration......... 883 Utlaut, William F., Technology Administration, Commerce 791 Utley, Margie, Offices, Boards, and Commissions, District of Columbia 1000 \% Vacca, Fred W., United States Marshals Service, Justice 748 Vacchelli, Giovanni, International Finance Corpora- tion 1014 Vachal, Scott, Conference of the Minority.................. 417 Vail, Delmar D., Office of Land and Minerals Man- agement, Interior 757 Vail, John C., Justice Management Division, Justice.. 727 Vail, Kenneth H., General Counsel, Agriculture ........ 769 Valakis, Strat D., Federal Retirement Thrift Invest- ment Board 881 Valderrama, Carlos, International Cotton Advisory Committee 1011 Valdez, Jose S., International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico................ 1010 Valentine, Barbara, Congressional Club..........c.c.c........ 560 Valentine, Tim (Representative from North Caroli- na): Biography Public Works and Transportation Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee .. 5 Valeu, Bob, Sen. Byron L. Dorgan ...........cccceevevennnnen. Valiulis, Henry M., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board . Valkenburg, Melville, General Services Administra- ministration, Labor 800 tion 1340 Congressional Directory Page Valuchek, Andrew, Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Van Amringe, Margaret A., Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS 815 Van Arendonk, Josefus, Secretariat, United Nations .. 1027 Van Cise, Lil A, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion Van de Water, Mark, Appropriations Committee van der Bijl, Rudolf, International Finance Corpora-tion van der Mandele, G.K. (Charles), International Fi-nance Corporation Van Der Meid, Ted, Office of the Republican Leader Van Diest, Rhonda, Environment and Public Works Committee van Doorn, _Arlan K., Federal Communications Van Dopp, Valerie, Rep. David Mann............ccuee. Van Dusen, Ann, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Van Dusen, Michael H., Foreign Affairs Committee.. 443 Van Erden, James, Employment and Training Ad- ministration, Labor 801 Van Heuvelen, Robert, Environmental Protection Agency Van Heuven, Katie, Judiciary Committee................... Van Hook, Kristan, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Van Horn, Charles, Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce Van Houtven, Leo, International Monetary Fund Van Mark, Ruth, Public Works and Transportation Committee Van Mechelen, Robin, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture..............c...... Van Ness, Verna, Regional and Field Offices, HUD.. Van Nguyen, Xe, Joint Committee on Taxation......... Van Rees, Steven, Office of Personnel Management... 902 Van Renterghem, Rob, Rep. Robert W. (Bob) Goodlatte Van Riper, Paul K., U.S. Marine Corps Headquar-ters Van Riter, Dianne, Office of Inspector General, Education... Van Rooyen, Rene, International Agencies Related to the United Nations Van Ryckeghem, Willy, Inter-American Develop-ment Bank : Van Sickle, Katherine, Science, Space, and Technol-ogy Committee Van Stavern, Thomas N., Federal Communicstions Van Wagenen, Dick, Rep. Mike Kreidler................... Van Way, Catherine, Energy and Commerce Com- mittee Van Winkle, Richard A., Office of the Clerk.............. Van Zeck, F., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury.... Van Zelst, Lambertus, Smithsonian Institution..... 919 , 921 Van’t Hoff, Carla, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee 440 VanAken, Jan C., American Red Cross...........ccoeuuunenn 859 VanBrakle, Bryant L., Federal Maritime Commission 879 VanBrakle, Christina H., Federal Election Commis- sion 876 VanHalfen, Judy, Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ury Vance, Beth Kuntz, Ways and Means Committee Vance, John A., Extension Service, Agriculture. Vance, Wayne, Rep. Lee H. Hamilton Vander Myde, Paul A., Administrative Conference of the United States. Vander-Staay, Allen J., Office of the Attorney Gen-eral, Justice VanderMeer, Daniel C., National Institute of Envi- ronmental Health Sciences, HHS Vandergrift, R.W., Jr., Appropriations Committee...... Vanderslice, Thomas L., Appropriations Committee.. Vanderwagen, W. Graig, Indian Health Service, HHS Vandiver, E.B., III, Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Vann, W.L., Justice Management Division, Justice... 727 Vanname, Joseph, Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus Vanyur, John M., Bureau of Prisons, Justice............... Varacalli, Frank, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Varela, Juan Antonio, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Ce hi Varga, Robert, Rep. John Linder Varga, Steven A., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-sion Vargecko, Stacey, Judiciary Committee Vargo, Franklin J., International Trade Administra-tion, Commerce Vargo, Regina, International Trade Administration, Commerce Varma, Vivek, Rep. Mike Synar........ccccoovvrvcnnnnnnnne. Varner, Shirley, Child Care Centers..........cccccvcvrununnne Varney, Christine A., Cabinet Affairs, Office of the President Varney, Kevin, Counselor to the Secretary and Chief of Staff, Treasury Varoutsos, Joanna, Rep. Terry Everett............cccccueun. Vasquez, Robert J., Regional and Field Offices, HUD Vasquez, Sonya, National Republican Senatorial Committee Vastine, Robert, Thrift Depositor Oversight Protec-tion Board Vaugh, Dolores, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Vaughan, Charles E., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Vaughan, Gerald P., Federal Communications. Com-mission Vaughan, Patty, Judiciary Committee..........cccccecurunnne Vaughan, William K., Rep. Fortney Pete Stark.......... Vaughn, Betty, Rep. James H. (Jimmy) Quillen.......... Vaughn, Jacqueline, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Vazirani-Fales, Heea, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Veazey, Matthew, Speaker of the House of Repre-sentatives Vega, Louis, Rep. Steven Schiff .-........h hierar Veghts, Nicholas, National Credit Union Administra-tion Vehmas, Lisa, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee Vela, Edward, Jr., Office of Personnel Management.. Vela, Sylvia, Office of Management, HHS Velasques, Joe, Political Affairs, Office of the Presi-dent Velasquez, Jay, National Republican Senatorial Committee. Velasquez, Jay, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison................. Velazquez, Nydia M. (Representative from New York): Committee Velez, Jacinto, Inter-American Development Bank.... Velez, Jose, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holi-day Commission Velzen, Eliot Van, Federal Communications Com-mission Venable, Peggy, Interstate Commerce Commission... Veneman, Wayne E., Mine Safety and Health Ad-ministration, Labor Vengrin, Joel, Judiciary Committee............cccceveruurunnne Venneberg, Donald L., General Services Adminis-tration Veno, Mary Jane, Sen. John Glenn Vento, Bruce F. (Representative from Minnesota): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Democratic Study Group Natural Resources Committee Verburg, Edwin A., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Vergilio, Joseph A., General Services Administra- tion Verheggen, Ted, Labor and Human Resources Com-mittee Verkler, Jerry T., Rules and Administration Com-mittee Vermillion, Stephen D., III, Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart Vermilye, Andrew, Sen. Richard H. Bryan................. Vernon, Andrew, Public Health Service, HHS........... Versaw, Paul E., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation .. Verstandig, Toni G., Foreign Affairs Committee........ Page 714 905 894 469 1007 553 Name Index 1341 Page Verveer, Melanne, First Lady’s Office, Office of the Verville, Marcia M., Foreign Relations Committee... 403 Vest, Gary D., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Vest, Steve, House Administration Committee............ 444 Vest, Steven, Rep. Thomas J. Manton 200 Vest, Teresa, Judiciary Committee....... we. 450 Vetzner, Steve, Rep. Lane Evans..........coccevenieveiranens 99 Vianello-Chiodo, Marco, Secretariat, United Nations 1027 Viard, Alan D., Joint Committee on Taxation 3 Viator, Jan, Rep. W.J. (Billy) Tauzin............ Viccellio, Henry, Jr.: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense 692 Major Commands, Air Force 722 Vicchiolla, Albert, General Services Administration.. 883 Victoria, Eladio Knipping, Organization of Ameri- can States 1019 Videnieks, Barbara, Sen. Robert C. Byrd..................... 325 Vidmar, Peter, President’s Council on Physical Fit- ness and Sports 910 Vietti-Cook, Annette, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission 934 Viglione, David A., Federal Communications Com- mission 874 Vigna, Angelo A. Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury 688 Vigotsky, Timothy G., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Villalonga, Rosa C., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 832 Vilsack, Beth E., Budget Committee...........cccccourununne. 433 Vincent, Carol Hardy, Joint Committee on the Orga- nization of Congress 489 Vincent, Eldridge J., Jr.,, Defense Commissary Agency, Defense 693 Vincent, Geoffrey H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Vincent, Trudy, Sen. Bill Bradley .........ccccocevrererennnnn. 183 Vinde, Pierre, Organization for Economic Coopera- tion and Development 1020 Vinicor, Frank M., Public Health Service, HHS ........ 812 Viniski, Janet, Environmental Protection Agency ...... 866 Vinovich, Paul, Office of the Republican Leader ....... 618 Vinson, Lundsford, Federal Communications Com- mission 869 Violette, Dulcie M., Office of the Law Revision Counsel 623 Viorel, Lee J., Rep. Harold L. Volkmer...................... 172 Virbick, Anna H., Environmental Protection Agency 865 Virtue, Nancy, Speaker of the House of Representa- tives 616 Visclosky, Peter J. (Representative from Indiana): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 103 Congressional Steel Caucus 561 Visconti, Gary, President’s Council on Physical Fit-ness and Sports 910 Visconti, Joseph, National Credit Union Administra- tion 894 Vita, Deborah L., General Counsel, Agriculture........ 769 Vita, Susan H., Library of Congress..........c..cccoeeuruenene 635 Vital, Sebastiao Marcos, Inter-American Develop- ment Bank 1007 Vitali, Richard, Army Staff and Selected Agencies.... 700 Vladeck, Bruce C., Health Care Financing Adminis- tration, HHS 824 Vladeck, David C., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Vogel, Frederic A., Economics, Agriculture............... 765 Vogel, R. John, Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs..........cc.ccocevveeennnn 854 Vogel, Richard L., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy 706 Vogel, Ronald, Food ong Consumer Services, Agri- culture 763 Vogel, Russell, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. 714 Vogt, Ann, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commit- tee 453 Vogt, Carl W., National Transportation Safety Board 898 Vogt, Gregory J., Federal Communications Commis- sion 872 Voigt, Karsten, North Atlantic Assembly.................... 555 Voles, Lorraine, Communications, Office of the Page Volkmer, Harold L. (Representative from Missouri): Agriculture Committee 419 Biography 172 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 479 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Vollen, Jennifer, Judiciary Committee ...........ccccouerunees 406 Volimer, Richard H., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission 934 Vollmerhausen, Frank C., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Vollrath, Frederick E., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 702 Voltaire, Karl, International Finance Corporation...... 1012 Von Bargen, Patrick, Sen. Jeff Bingaman.................... 193 Von Gogh, Cynthia Fox, Education and Labor Committ 437 Von Kressler, Wilson, Rep. Helen Delich Bentley ..... 134 Von Seggern, John, Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury 688 Von oun Damian, International Finance Corporation 1014 Von Zinkernagel, Deborah, Labor and Human Re-sources Committee 409 VonGarlem, Thomas: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... 768 International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture 766 Voslow, Rebecca A.R., Office of Personnel Manage- ment 901 Voss, Nancy, ACTION 855 Vreim, Carol E., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS 819 Vucanovich, Barbara F. (Representative from Nevada): : Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 179 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 482 Natural Resources Committee 455 Republican Policy Committee 484 Republican Study Committee 567 U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... 568 Vuich, Ginger W., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation B44 Vulevich, Helen, Rep. Sonny Callahan...............cc.cu.... 3 Vytlacil, Anny, Commission of Fine Arts 861 Ww Wachs, Lawrence, Budget and Program Analysis, Agriculture 768 Wachter, William F., National Labor Relations Board 897 Waddles, Omer, Education and Labor Committee ..... 437 Waddleton, Lee O., Federal Transit Administration, Transportation 844 Wade, John, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney............ccceucuuee. 204 Wade, Jon, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Education Wade, Pat, Republican Leadershi Wadhwa, Vinod K., Architect of the Capitol.. fe Wadsworth, Harrison, Rep. Bart Gordon.................... Waechter, Joseph, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board... 937 Waggoner, Anne, Office of Personnel Management... 902 Wagle, Dileep, International Finance Corporation ..... 1013 Wagle, Udayan, International Finance Corporation.... 1014 Wagner, Caroline, Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Wagner, Donald, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 717 Wagner, E. Timothy, Tax Divison, Justice.................. 732 Wagner, Frank D., Supreme Court of the United States 945 Wagner, G. Martin, General Services Administration 884 Wagner, Gregory R., Public Health Service, HHS .... 814 Wagner, John A., Federal Mediation and Concilia- tion Service 880 Wagner, Lynnett, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 Wagner, Mary Louise, Energy and Natural Re-sources Committee 398 Wagner, Patricia, Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 775 Wagner, Sharon E., Staff Secretary, Office of the President 671 Wagoner, John D., Major Field Organizations, President 668 Energy 848 1342 Congressional Directory Page Wahlquist, Brent, Office of Surface Mining, Recla- mation, and Enforcement, Interior........................ Wainman, Barbara, Rep. Ralph Regula od Wainscott, James A., Government Printing Office ..wes Wainwright, Robert 'B., Public Health Service, HHS. Wait, Pat, Rep. Helen Delich Beatley.........i avian Waite, Charles A., Bureau of the Census, Commerce. Waite, Preston Jay, Bureau of the Census, Com- Wakefield, Joseph C., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Wakefield, Mary, Sen. Kent Conrad............c.cccevuruenene. Wakeman, Frederic E., Jr., Smithsonian Institution... Wakeman, Frederic, Smithsonian Institution ............... Wakid, Shukri, Technology Administration, Com- merce Walch, Andrew, Environment and Natural Re- sources Division, Justice Wald, Patricia M.: United States Court of Appeals...........ccccoeeuerrenrirennne United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Walden, Gregory S., Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Waldman, Michael, Communications, Office of the President Waldrep, Avis Kent, Jr., National Council on Dis- ability Waldron, Gerard, Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Waldron, Ronald, Bureau of Prisons, Justice............... Waldron, Sue, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee Wales, Joani K., Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Walker, Ann, Communications, Office of the Presi- ent Walker, Bob, Office of the Secretary, Interior ............ Walker, Chris, Rep. Frank R. Wolf................ Oe Walker, Christian L., Office of the Clerk Walker, Clarice Dibble, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Walker, Donald R., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force Walker, Donald, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Walker, Edwin L., Administration on Aging, HHS.... Walker, Eugene A., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Walker, Helen, Democratic Leadership ...........cccouu... Walker, James R., Office of the Secretary, HUD....... Walker, John M,, Jr., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit .........cccoccoecrcvisiiinies Walker, John, Rep. Bill Baker Walker, John, Smithsonian Institution............... Walker, Laverne, Judiciary Committee Walker, Lewis D., Assistant Secretary for In tions, Logistics and Environment, Army.............. Walker, M. Clive, Government Printing Office .......... Walker, Mark D., Appropriations Committee ............. Walker, Mark, Rep. Jay Inslee Walker, Mary L., Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Walker, Michael, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, HHS ................. Walker, Mike, Appropriations Committe: Walker, Moses L., Health Care Financing A is- tration, HHS Walker, Paul K., Army Staff and Selected Agencies.. Walker, Richard H., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Walker, Robert J., United States Naval Home............. Walker, Robert S. (Representative from Pennsylva- nia): Biography Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress.. National Republican Congressional Committee....... Republican Study Committee Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... Walker, Robert, International Joint Commission, United States and Canada Walker, Ronald, Smithsonian Institution...................... Walker, Russell H., Rep. Tom Barlow III................... Wall, Edward M., Federal Emergency Management Agency Wall, Helene H., Export-Import Bank of the United States 867 Biography 211 Walsh, John, Smithsonian Institution..........c.ccceeveeennenn. 917 Walsh, Joseph A., White House Military Office ......... 671 Walsh, Juliana, Rep. Peter Deutsch............cocousn. 73 Walsh, Martin A., Community Relations Service, Page Wallace, Ann, Securities and Exchange Commission. 912 Wallace, Bill, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 Wallace, Cheri, Office of the Majority Whip .............. 617 Wallace, Craig K., National Institute of Health, HHS 817 Wallace, Gene, Rep. Mike Synar-..........ccceccenvnnnicnnnnne 241 Wallace, J. Clifford, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 947 Wallace, James H., Jr., Smithsonian Institution........... 918 Wallace, Jane, Office of Water and Science, Interior. 759 Wallace, John F., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 703 Wallace, Lawrence G., Office of the Attorney Gen-eral, Justice 725 Wallace, Michael B., Administrative Conference of the United States 856 Wallace, Rob, Energy and Natural Resources Com-mittee 398 Wallace-Smith, Katherine, Science, Space, and Tech-nology Committee 468 Wallar, James, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury 681 Waller, James, Rep. John Lewis .........ccccccvvivnucnnnnnnnnn. 79 Walley, Anne, Scheduling and Advance, Office of the President 671 Walling, Vickie, Rep. John S. Tanner .........ccccccueuvnneee 283 Wallop, Malcolm (Senator from Wyoming): Biography 335 Energy and Natural Resources Committee. .............. 397 Finance Committee Republican Policy Committee .............ccooveunrnirncrnnnnn 418 Select Committee on Intelligence 413 Senate Arms Control Observer Group...........c.ceeuue 556 Small Busi Committee 410 Walls, Robin, Government Operations Committee ..... 446 Walseth, Kristi E., Rules Committee..................... ... 465 Walsh, Dan, Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest 2 Walsh, Edward P., Federal Maritime Commission ..... 879 Walsh, Gerard P., Jr., Office of the Doorkeeper ........ 620 Walsh, Helen W., National Council on Disability....... 894 Walsh, James A., Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS 815 Walsh, James T. (Representative from New York): Appropriations Committee 423 Justice 751 Walsh, Mary Anne, Post Office and Civil Service Committee 459 Walsh, Mary, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Walsh, Michael J., Office of the Secretary, Labor...... 793 Walsh, Peter, Chief of Staff, Air Force...........ccocverunne 720 Walsh, Richard F., Office of Policy and Internation- al Affairs, Transportation 837 Walsh, Robert, Rep. Bobby Rush .........c.cccccevuninunrnnnne 90 Walsh, Sally, Office of the Secretary.............ccceeururuennn 613 Walsh, Sean P., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board 933 Walsh, Thomas M., General Counsel, Agriculture ..... 769 Walter, Dan, Sen. Herb H. Kohl ..........ccccceevvveivnrennnenns 328 Walter, Elisse B., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion 912 Walter, John M., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board ..... 937 Walter, Judith A., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury 686 Walter, Kelly, Veterans’ Affairs Committee................ 473 Walters, Gregory B., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit ............cccooevcenverunranna 947 Walters, Gregory J., Appropriations Committee......... 426 Walters, John J., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force 716 Walters, Peyton, Rep. Charles Wilson............ccccceeuneeee 285 Walters, Richard E., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 772 Walters, Robert, White House Military Office............ 671 Walton, Carol, Health Care Financing Administra- tion, HHS 824 Walton, Danny, General Services Administration ...... 885 Walton, Robert S., III, Federal Trade Commission... 881 Walton, William H., Assistant Secretary for Man- power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi- Wall, L. Art, Federal Communications Commission.. 870 ronment, Air Force 716 Name Index Page Waltsak, Mary, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell .......... Wang, Charles Pei, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Wankel, Harold D., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Wansley, Jeff T., Office of the Republican Whip........ Ward, Belinda, Administration, Agriculture................. Ward, Craig, Energy and Natural Resources Com- mittee Ward, Deborah, Judiciary Committee.......................... Ward, Donald E., Public Health Service, HHS .......... Ward, Dorothy, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force Ward, Erica, Republican Policy Committee................. Ward, James L., Bureau of Consular Affairs, State .... Ward, Jean L., General Services Administration......... 883 Ward, Lester, Administration, Agriculture........ woe 702 Ward, Rebecca, Judiciary Committee ...... 407 Ward, Ural T., Architect of the Capitol............cc......... Warden, Janice L., Social Security Administration, HHS Ware, Elleanor, Ways and Means Committee....... Ware, Joseph, Administration, Agriculture.................. Ware, Nancy M., Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia Ware, Thaddeus V., Office of the Secretary, Trans- portation 835 Ware, Wendy, Rep. Karen Shepherd ............ceevenenen.. 305 Warfield, William, Appropriations Committee...... 426, 427 Wargo, Andrea, Office of the Assistant Administra- tor, HHS Warman, John, Office of Personnel Management....... Warner, Charles S., International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1030 Warner, David P., Bureau of the Census, Commerce. 784 Warner, Edward L., Policy, Defense ...........ccceu.ou...... 690 Warner, John W. (Senator from Virginia): Armed Services Committee 391 Biography 309 Environment and Public Works Commiittee............. 398 National Republican Senatorial Committee. ’ Republican Policy Committee. .................. Rules and Administration Committee ............ccooovee. 409 Select Committee on Intelligence 413 Senate Arms Control Observer Group ...........ceevenes 556 Smithsonian Institution 917 Warner, Robert B., Assistant Secretary for Hous- ing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD ........ 830 Warner, Susie, Rep. James P. Moran 315 Warr, Dartanian, Office of the Secretary, HUD......... 827 Warren, Atkins, Community Relations Service, Jus- tice Warren, David, Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Warren, Grace E., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Warren, Kris D., Banking, Housing, and Urban Af-fairs Committee 393 Warren, Lewin S., National Aeronautics and Space Administration 888 Warren, Mary Lee, Criminal Division, Justice............ Warren, Ruben C., Public Health Service, HHS 810 Warren, Timothy L., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 Warren, Wesley, Energy and Commerce Committee . Warrick, Charles S., Administration, Agriculture....... Warrington, Ernest B., Jr., Armed Services Commit- tee Warwick, James C., Federal Communications Com-mission 870 Washabaugh, Walter ‘M., Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force 718 Washbourne, Grace, Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr............... 207 Washburn, Kathryn, Office of the Territorial and International Affairs, Interior.........ccccevevvevevrceeenennne Washburn, Marty, Internal Revenue Service, Treas- ury Washburn, Wilcomb E., Smithsonian Institution......... Washington, Cheryl, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 393 Washington, Claudette, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Washington, Consuela M., Energy and Commerce Committee Washington, Craig A. (Representative from Texas): Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... 479 Democratic Study Group 562 Government Operations Committee .........cccceeverenenen 445 Judiciary Committee 449 Washington, Edward K., Jr.,, Office of Personnel Management 905 Washington, G.H., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 995 Washington, Miles S., Jr., Federal Railroad Adminis-° tration, Transportation 842 Washington, Sharon, Select Committee on Ethics...... 413 Washington, Sheryl W., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Washington, Walter, Smithsonian Institution............... 923 Washington, William E., Federal Labor Relations Authority 878 Washington, William J., Office of Personnel Man-t 904 Washnitzer, Margaret, Office of Community Serv- ices, HHS 808 Wason, Linda, Rep. Bruce F. Vento .......ccceuvuevurucnanen 158 Wasserheit, Judith N., Public Health Service, HHS... 813 Wasserman, Bill, Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture 763 Wasserman, Lew R., Smithsonian Institution .............. 926 Wassom, Molly S., Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System 860 Waszily, Eugene L., General Services Administra- tion 883 Watanabe, Ruth K., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 895 Watanabe, Sally, Sen. Daniel K. Inouye......... 84 Waters, Cynthia W., Sen. William S. Cohen ............... 130 Waters, Maxine (Representative from California): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... 430 Biography 39 Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues............... 559 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee... 478 Small Busi Committee 469 Veterans’ Affairs Committee 471 Watkins, Allen H., Office of Water and Science, Interior 759 Watkins, Calvin W., Marketing and Inspection Serv-ices, Agriculture 776 Watkins, David, Management and Administration, Office of the President 669 Watkins, Dayton J., Small Business Administration... 915 Watkins, Derby, National Republican Senatorial Committee 417 Watkins, Isabelle, Rep. Bill Richardson..........cccccceueuune 195 Watkins, James L., Congressional Rural Caucus 561 Watkins, Joe, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holi- day Commission 553 Watkins, Leon C., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 839 Watson, Alexander Fletcher, Bureau of Inter-Ameri- can Affairs, State... 677 Watson, Andriette D., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Watson, Harlan, Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Watson, James L., United States Court of Interna- tional Trade 968 Watson, Janice, Office of Personnel Management....... 902 Watson, Jeffrey H., Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the President 669 Watson, Kate, Rep. Jon Kyl 13 Watson, Katherine J., Smithsonian Institution............. 917 Watson, Peter S., U.S. International Trade Commis- sion 932 Watson, Robert T., Office of Science and Technolo- gy Policy 673 Watson, Shirley L., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Watt, Mel, Democratic Steering and Policy Commit- tee 481 Watt, Melvin (Representative from North Carolina): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee.... 430 Biography 224 Judiciary Committee 449 Post Office and Civil Service Committee................. 458 Watt, Patricia C., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 997 Wattenmaker, Richard, Smithsonian Institution... 919, 920 Watterson, John B., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force 717 Watts, David, Office of the Secretary, Interior ........... 754 Watts, Glenn E., United States Holocaust Memorial Energy and Commerce Committee..............cccceuennese 438 Council 929 1344 Congressional Directory Watts, James R., General Accounting Office.. Watts, Judith A., Small Business Administration.. Watts, Kevin D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Watts, Lloyd, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Air Force Watts, Mary, House Information Systems Watts, Nicki J., Liaison Offices Waugh, Carolyn, Rep. Bob Clement Waugh, David A., International Labor Organization . Waxman, Debra, Judiciary Committee... cs Waxman, Henry A. (Representative from California): Biography Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future............. Energy and Commerce Committee Government Operations Committee Waxman, Jonathan H., Office of Policy, Labor ..... Wayland, Robert H., mI, Environmental Protection Agency Wayland, Susan H., Environmental Protection Agency Weappa, Larry R., United States Naval Home .......... Weatherly, Deborah A., Rep. Joseph M. McDade .. Weatherly, Deborah, Appropriations Committee........ Weaver, Ben Alan, Appropriations Committee .......... Weaver, Donald, Health Resources and Services ‘Ad- ministration, HHS Weaver, Gwendolyn N., Office of Administration, Office of the President Weaver, Jeff, Rep. Bernard Sanders Weaver, K. Wayne, Inspector General, Commerce... Weaver, Richard L., Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Air Force Webb, Aileen: Office of the Secretary, Agriculture Public Affairs, Agriculture Webb, Donald R., Drug Enforcement Administra-tion, Justice Webb, James L., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Webb, Jean A., Commodity Futures Trading Com- mission Webb, Laverne, Peace Corps Webb, Robin, Speaker of the House of Representa- tives Webb, Susan, Rep. Larry Combest Webber, Annelie, Judiciary Committee Webber, Dan, Sen. David L. Boren Webber, Darrel W., Office of Water and Science, Interior Wetbink, Douglas W., Federal Communications Weis Becky L., Public Works and Transportation Committee Weber, Bruce R.: Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture .......... International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Weber, Enid W., National Labor Relations Board Weber, Jo, Foreign Affairs Committee he Weber, Mary Ann, Rep. George J. Hochbrueckner ... Weber, Paul, Post Office and Civil Service Commit-tee Weber, Paul, Rep. Frank McCloskey Webman, Susan M., Office of Policy, Labor PAY Webster, Billy, Office of the Secretary, Education... Webster, John D., Library of Congress oh Webster, Raul V., Organization of American States... Webster, Sandy, Rep. Blanche M. Lambert Webster, William H., Administrative Conference of the United States Weddle, Pamela, Sen. Arlen Specter Wedekind, Jeffrey D., National Labor Relations Board Wed], Donald R., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board .... Weech, Paul N.: Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee... Budget Committee Weeden, William C., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Weedon, John A., Antitrust Division, Justice Weeks, Linda, Rep. James A. Leach.. Weems, Meg, Judiciary Committee Weeramantry, Christopher G., United Nations .... Weetman, Bruce G., Office of Land and Minerals Management, Interior Wegman, Christine M., Science, Space, and Tech-nology Committee Page Wegner, Merrill, Northeast-midwest Congressional Coalition Weich, Ronald H., Labor and Human Resources Committee Weidenild, Gil, Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merc Weidenfeld. Sheila Rabb, United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Weidenfeller, George L.: Administrative Conference of the United States 855 Office of the Secretary, HUD ... 828 Weidie, Wayne, Rep. Gene Taylor «3105 Weigel, Dale R., International Finance Corporation .. 1013 Weiher, Claudine J., National Archives and Records Administration Weihs, Gloria, Joint Committee on Printing Weil, Stephen E., Smithsonian Institution Weiler, Edward, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury 687 Wein, Robert F., Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation 840 Weinberg, Daniel H., Bureau of the Census, Com-merce Weinberg, Emil, Inter-American Development Bank. Weinberg, Jeshajahu, United States Holocaust Me-morial Council 930 Weinberger, Michael S., Appropriations Committee... 426 Weiner, David, Foreign Affairs Committee 444 Weiner, Jaques L., Jr., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Weiner, Roger G., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Weinfurter, John, Rep. John Joseph Moakley Weinhagen, Robert, Office of the Legislative Coun-sel 623 Weinig, Lawrence J., Immigration and Naturaliza-tion Service, Justice Weinrich, Lette, Social Security Administration, HHS Weinstein, Diane Gilbert, United States Court of Federal Claims Weinstein, Jay M., Inspector General, Treasury Weintraub, Ellen L., Standards of Official Conduct Committee Weintraub, Jerry, Smithsonian Institution Weintrob, Lawrence H., Office of Inspector Gener-al, Transportation Weir, Patricia, Foreign Affairs Committee Weirich, Richard, U.S. Postal Service Weis, John R., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Weise, George J., Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Weise, George, Ways and Means Committee Weisman, Sandra L., Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture Weisman, Susan M., Delaware River Basin Commis- sion Weiss, Daniel, Natural Resources Committee Weiss, Daniel, Rep. George Miller Weiss, Gail, Post Office and Civil Service Commit- tee Weiss, Gregory A., Federal Communications Com-mission Weiss, Jeffrey L., Community Relations Service, Jus-tice Weiss, Jonathan, Administrative Conference of the United States Weiss, Leonard: Governmental Affairs Committee National Capital Planning Cc Weiss, Marina, Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Treasury Weiss, Mary, Securities and Exchange Commission ... Weiss, Paul T., Office of Administration, Transporta- tion Weiss, Steven J., Comptroller of the Currency, Treasu Weiss, William L., U.S. Capitol Preservation Com-mission Weissman, Norman, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS Weitzel, Ronald L., House of Representatives Page School Wekerle, Anton, Library of Congress Welch,o Edmund B., Merchant Marine and Fisheries Welch, Jenny, Rep. Larry Combest Name Index 1345 Page Welch, Robert A., Management—Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Welday, Paul, Rep. Joe Knollenberg...........cccocruruuenens Weldon, Curt (Representative from Pennsylvania): Armed Services Committee Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus ..........cccceuen.. Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee . Migratory Bird Conservation Commission... - Weldon, Tracey S., Appropriations Committee .......... Welkener, Edward F., Interstate Commerce Com-mission Weller, Raymond H., Assistant Secretary for Man-power, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Envi-ronment, Air Force Weller, Robert D., Federal Communications Com- mission Welles, Melvin J., National Labor Relations Board.... 896 Wellin, Mrs. Keith S., Smithsonian Institution ............ 920 Welling, Paul A., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation. 838 Wellman, Mark, Rep. Paul E. Gillmor..........cccococue..... 231 Wells, James D., Federal Communications Commis- sion 874 Wells, John V., Public Works and Transportation Committee Wells, Melissa, Secretariat, United Nations.................. Wells, Samuel F., Jr., Smithsonian Institution. 926 Wells, Susan W., Sen. Trent Lott ........c.ccueunee $i 102 Wells, Thomas B., United States Tax Court................ 978 Wellstone, Paul D. (Senator from Minnesota): Biography 156 Energy and Natural Resources Committee............... 397 Indian Affairs Committee 405 Labor and Human Resources Committee................. 408 Small Busi Committee 410 Welsch, Federico, National Cancer Institute, HHS .... 818 Welsh, Donald, Environmental Protection Agency.... 866 Welsh, Richard, Jr., General Services Administration Welsh, Susan O., Food and Consumer Services, Ag- riculture 763 Wendel, Helen R., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 789 Wenger, Michael R., Appalachian Regional Commis- sion ; 859 Wenske, Garry V., Rep. Larry LaRocco 87 Wenzel, Bob, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury...... Werneke, Diane, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Werner, Larry, Sen. Harry Reid ........ccoveeeecvicinninnnn, Werner, Michael, Democratic Policy Committee ....... 415 Werner, Walt, Directorate of Public Affairs, Air Force 718 Wert, James, Office of the Legislative Counsel........... 623 Werthmann, Barbara, Office of Policy, Labor............. 799 Wesley, Eugene, Jr., United States District Court for the District of Columbia 965 Wessel, Frances R. (Fran), Staff Secretary, Office of the President 671 Wessel, Mike, Office of the Majority Leader .............. 617 Wessel, Richard P., Securities and Exchange Com- mission 914 Wesslund, Debbie, Rep. Mike Synar .........cccccccveveueuenene 241 Wesson, Karen M., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 775 West, Beth A., Foreign Affairs Committee.................. 44d West, Celeste Jones, Rules Commiittee............. 465 West, Donald L., National Mediation Board.. 1897 West, Gerald T., U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency 931 West, John C., Public Health Service, HHS................ 810 West, Larry, Rep. Maria Cantwell 319 West, Richard W., Jr., Smithsonian Institution............ 923 West, William L., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 775 Westbrook, Deborah, Executive Office for U.S. At-torneys, Justice 728 Westbrook, Hugh, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 415 Westbrook, Vernon, Jr., Appropriations Committee .. 426 Western, Joseph, Rep. Toby Roth......c.ccccceeininiccnnnn 333 Western, Karl A., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, HHS 819 Westfall, Larry, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury. 686 Westhoff, Patrick, Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry Committee 386 Westmeier, Claus A., International Finance Corpora-tion 1013 Page Westmore, Donald M., Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, State 677 Westmoreland, Garland, Small Community and Rural Development, Agriculture...........ccccccoevnnenen. 771 Westmoreland, Timothy, Energy and Commerce Committee 440 Weston, Ronald, Regional and Field Offices, HUD... 832 Westphal, Joseph W., Congressional Sunbelt Caucus. 562 Westwater, Martha A., Armed Services Committee... 430 Wetherald, Margaret, Agriculture Committee............. 422 Wetle, Terrie T., Armed Forces Retirement Home.... 939 Wetstone, Gregory S., Energy and Commerce Com- mittee 440 Wetzel, James R., Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 783 Whalen, Judith M., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS ............... 820 Whalen, Lawrence J., United States Tax Court.. .-O79 Whalen, Martin, Ways and Means Committee ............ 475 Whalen, Thomas J., Jr., Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Treasury 682 Whaley, Dave, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee 453 Wharton, Carole, Smithsonian Institution ................... 918 Wharton, Clifton R., Deputy Secretary, State 676 Wharton, Richard W., Army Staff and Selected A gencies 701 Wharton, Robert, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 454 Wheat, Alan (Representative from Missouri): Biography Congressional Human Rights Caucus ...........c.ccccuu.. Democratic Steering and Policy Committe te District of Columbia Committee ...........cceereurueniruennne Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Com-mission 553 Rules Committee 464 Wheeler, Beverley, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 999 Wheeler, Charles C., III, Government Operations Committee 446 Wheeler, Floyd, Food and Consumer Services, Agri- culture 763 Wheeler, Kathleen, Appropriations Committee........... 390 Wheeler, Laura A., Joint Committee on Taxation ...... 487 Wheeler, Peter M., Social Security Administration, HHS 825 Wheeler, Russell R., Federal Judicial Center .............. 991 Wheeless, Karen, Bureau of the Census, Commerce... 784 Whelan, Ed, Judiciary Committee ..........ceeeeruererrrraruene 406 ‘Whelan, James R., Inter-American Foundation........... 886 Whelan, Marylou, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Justice 746 Whelihan, Alan, Technology Administration, Com-merce 790 Whelihan, Alice M., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities 896 Whetstone, James M., Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration, Justice ... 735 Whipp, Lori, Appropriations Committee ..................... 426 ‘Whipple, Earl, Rep. Jack Quinn 214 Whisenton, Andre C., Office of Administration and Manag; t, Labor 797 Whitaker, Meade, United States Tax Court ..........c.... 982 Whitbred, Judy, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr......cccceunee. 279 ‘White, Brad, Judiciary Committee 406 ‘White, Buck, Budget Committee ; 394 White, Buffy, Rep. Bill K. Brewster.........cccccoevuniinunnens 242 ‘White, Byron Raymond: : Supreme Court of the United States .........ccccceervnnen. 941 United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 946, 947 ‘White, Carol M., Sen. Ted Stevens .......ccceevveevnneernnnen. 8 White, Carol, Small Business Administration ..... 916 White, Carroll, Office of the Legislative Counsel....... 623 White, Charles, Rep. Frank R. Wolf ..........ccccovrennnnn. 316 White, David C., Natural Resources and Environ- ment, Agriculture 777 ‘White, David E., Chief of Naval Operations............... 710 ‘White, Delmar, Office of Personnel Management....... 904 White, Diana, Rep. Christopher Shays...........cccvcuennne 56 White, Donald L., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture 774 White, Douglas, Office of Policy, Labor ..........cccceuu. 799 ‘White, Edward, Office of the Clerk ................... .. 619 White, Evelyn M., Administration, Agriculture.......... 763 White, Frances, Office of the General Counsel, HHS 804 1346 Congressional Directory Page White, George C., National Foundation on the Arts and the frumbnitics White, George M. (Architect of the Capitol): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Architect of the Capitol Botanic Garden House of Representatives Page Board U.S. Capitol Police Board U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission White, Helen C., Office of Personnel Management .... White, Helen, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury White, John, Energy and Commerce Committee White, Linda L., District of Columbia Committee White, Mattie Joanne, Standards of Official Conduct Committee White, Michael F., Public Health White, Pamela B., Administrative : Courts White, Patrice, Executive Office trict of Columbia White, Phillip C., International modity Programs, Agriculture White, Randy, Rep. John Bryant Service, HHS Office of the U.S. of the Mayor, Dis-Affairs and Com- White, Robert C., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia White, Robert M.: National Academy of Engineering National Research Council White, Roger S.: Government Printing Office Library of Congress White, Shelly, Office of the Republican Leader White, Virginia, Sen. Jeff Bingaman White, William, III, Executive:Agencies, District of Columbia Whited, Charlotte, Agriculture Cc Whitehorn, Samuel E., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Whiteman, Glenn D., International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture Whitener, Mark, Federal Trade Commission... Whitenton, Mark, Republican Policy Committee Whitescarver, James F., Executive Agencies, Dis- trict of Columbia Whitesell, Richard C., Office of Indian Affairs, Inte-rior Whiteside, Ruth A., Under Secretary for Manage-ment, State Whitfield, Helen K., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission Whitford, Richard, Office of Personnel Management. Whiting, Robert D., Marketing and Inspection Serv- ices, Agriculture Whiting, Robert W., Administration, Agriculture Whiting, Ronald G., Office of Policy, Labor Whitley, Rick M., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Whitlock, James G., General Services Administra- tion Whitlock, Margaret, Library of Congress Whitman, F.D., Office of Research, Development, and Acquisition, Navy Whitman, Marina V.N.,, Office of Technology As- Whitmore, John D., Small Business Administration ... Whitney, Cornelius J., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Whitney, H.E. (Gene), Regional and Field Offices, HUD Whitney, Maggie, Judiciary Committee Whitney, Robert A., Jr.: Armed Forces Retirement Home National Center for Research Resources, HHS Whitney, Robert C., Army Staff and Selected Agen-cies Whitsett, Linda A., Occupational Safety and Health Review Cc issi Whitsett, Louis C., Commerce, Science, and Trans-portation Committee Whitten, Andrew D., Jr.,, Regional and Field Of-fices, HUD Whitten, Jamie L. (Representative from Mississippi): Appropriations Committee Biography Whitten, Laura, National Republican Senatorial Committee Whittinghill, James, Republican Leadership Whittington, Gary L., Inspector General, Treasury... Whittington, Joseph L., U.S. Capitol Police Whittlesey, Eunice B., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Whorley, John F. (Jeff), Rep. Bart Gordon Whyte, Roger J., National Commission for Employ-ment Policy Whyte, William E., General Services Administration. Wickens, Trish, Rep. Philip R. Sharp Wicker, Elaine, Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future Wicker, Thomas G., Smithsonian Institution Widener, Carla, Labor and Human Resources Com-mittee Widener, H. Emory, Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Wides, Louise D., Federal Election Commission Widmar, Joseph H., Antitrust Division, Justice Widom, Barton S., Office of Policy, Lal Wiebking, Roland, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board .. Wiegers, Grace, Rep. Jim McCrery Wieman, Deanna M., Environmental Protection Agency Wiener, Scott, Rep. Bill Richardson Wiese, John Paul, United States Court of Federal Claims Wiesel, Elie, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Wigdale, Susana C., Armed Services Committee Wiggins, Beacher J.E., Library of Congress Wiggins, Charles E., United States Courts of Ap-peals for the Federal Circuit Wiggins, Mason, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Wigglesworth, Henry C., Office of the Legislative Counsel Wiggs, Douglas, United States Marshals Service, Justice Wight, Rob, Agriculture Committee Wignot, Mary Jane, Ways and Means Committee... Wiker, Charles M., Defense Commissary Agency, efense Wiklund, Ann, Rep. Jan Meyers Wikramanayake, Mohan, International Finance Cor-ration Wilcox, Harvey J., Office of the General Counsel, Navy Wilcox, Jackie, Sen. Bob Packwood Wilcox, Philip C., Jr., Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State Wilcox, Randy, Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert Wilcox, Sterling J., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Wilcox, Vincent U., Smithsonian Institution Wilcoxen, Kelly M., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Wild, Claude C., III, Federal Trade Commission Wildbrett, Richard W., Government Printing Office.. Wilder, Alan, Social Security Administration, HHS... Wilder, Manly S., Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Wildes, David Sayre, Rep. Andrew Jacobs, Jr. Wiles, Terrance C., Office of the Secretary, Interior.. Wiles, William W., Board of Governors of the Fed-eral Reserve System Wilhide, Peggy, Sen. Charles S. Robb Wilke, David, Rep. George E. Sangmeister . Wilke, David, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Wilkens, Katherine A., Foreign Affairs Committee... Wilker, Lawrence J., Smithsonian Institution Wilkerson, Laurie, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Wilkes, George B,, III, Treasurer of the United States, Treasury Wilkie, Edith B., Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus Wilkins, Cynthia, Library of Congress Wilkins, William W., Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Wilkinson, Cynthia M., Merchant Marine and Fish-eries Committee Wilkinson, George, Bureau of Prisons, Justice Wilkinson, James Harvie, III, United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Wilkinson, James, Directorate of Legislative Lizison, Air For Wilkinson, J weg Office of the Legislative Counsel.. Name Index 1347 Willadsen, Bernice, Rep. William J. Hughes Willett, Edward F., Office of the Law Revision Counsel Willett, Edward J., Jr., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Willever, Joseph R., Office of Personnel Manage-ment Williams, Aaron, U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Williams, Arthur E., Army Staff and Selected Agen- cies Williams, Arthur, U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home. Williams, Betty J.R., Public Works and Transporta-tion Committee Williams, Blanche E., Senate Page School Williams, C. Ray, Major Field Organizations, Energy Williams, Carol, Congressional Club Williams, Charles M., Rep. Jim McDermott Williams, Christopher A., Armed Services Commit-tee Williams, Dave, Budget Committee Williams, David C.: Nuclear Regulatory Cc ission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Williams, David L.: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. International Monetary Fund Williams, Dennis P., Office of Management and Budget, HHS Williams, Dennis, Federal Communications Commis- sion Williams, Dorothy M., Appropriations Committee Williams, DuVall M., Office of the Judge Advocate General, Navy Williams, Eleanor Lyons, Pennsylvania Avenue De-velopment Corporation Williams, Evelyn S., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Williams, Francis, Federal Communications Commis- sion Williams, George, Chief of Staff, Air Force Williams, Gloria, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environment, Air Force Williams, Henry N., Selective Service System Williams, Jack, General Services Administration Williams, Jack, Technology Administration, Com-merce Williams, James A., General Services General Serv-ices Administration Williams, James E., Justice Management Division, Justice Williams, James, Rep. Craig A. Washington Williams, Jamie, Correspondence, Office of the President Williams, Jane, Labor and Human Resources Com-mittee Williams, Jane, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Williams, Jearline, Offices, Boards, and Commis-sions, District of Columbia Williams, Jim, Internal Revenue Service, Treasury .... Williams, John Alexander, National Archives and Records Administration Williams, John C., Technology Administration, Commerce Williams, John L., Public Health Service, HHS Williams, John W., International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture Williams, Judge N., Government Operations Com-mittee Williams, Julie: Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury Rep. William F. Goodling Williams, Karen J., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Williams, Katie, National Republican Senatorial Committee Williams, Kaye, Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Williams, Kenny J., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Williams, Kent H., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta-tion Williams, Kim, Rep. Mel Reynolds Page Williams, Lori, Environment and Public Works Committee Williams, Luther S., National Science Foundation Williams, Margaret A., First Lady's Office, Office of the President Williams, Mary Ellen, General Services Administra-tion Williams, Melvin, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Williams, Michael S., Immigration and Naturaliza-tion Service, Justice Williams, Norman E., Army Staff and Selected Agencies Williams, Pat (Representative from Montana): Agriculture Committee Biography Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Democratic Study Group Education and Labor Committee Natural Resources Committee Williams, Paul E., Administrative Conference of the United States | Williams, Paul, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD Williams, Paula, Judiciary Committee Williams, Randolph, Export Administration, Com- merce Williams, Richard D., Federal Mediation and Concil-iation Service Williams, Richard P., Washington National Monu-ment Society Williams, Rory Office of the Assistant Administra-tor, HHS Williams, Roger P., Office of Inspector General, Transportation Williams, Ronald E., Science, Space, and Technolo- gy Committee Williams, Scott, Sen. Sam Nunn Williams, Shirley Linn, U.S. International Develop- ment Cooperation Agency Williams, Sloan E., Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Williams, Sonjia, House Administration Committee ... Williams, Staci: Del. Robert A. Underwood Judiciary Committee Williams, Stephen F.: United States Court of Appeals United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Williams, Steven, Post Office and Civil Service Committee Williams, Sylvia H., Smithsonian Institution Williams, Thomas, Office of Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Interior Williams, Timothy B., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Williams, Tony, Rep. Harold Rogers Williams, Verna L., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice Williams, William H., Federal Aviation Administra-tion, Transportation Williamson, Donald R., Army Staff and Selected Agencies. 7 Williamson, Gail, Executive Office for U.S. Attor-neys, Justice Williamson, Gary T., International Pacific Halibut Commission, United States and Canada Williamson, Richard S., Administrative Conference of the United States. Williamson, Thomas S., Jr., Office of Policy, Labor.. Willie, Kristine, Foreign Affairs Committee Willis, Arlene, Rep. Jerry Lewis Willis, C. David, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Willis, C. Lee, Office of Personnel Management Willis, Deral E., Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation Committee Willis, Duane A., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters ... Willis, James D., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture Willis, Jeff, National Republican Senatorial Commit- tee Willis, MacRae, Rep. Stephen L. Neal Willis, Mary C., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Willis, Robert, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia 1348 Congressional Directory Willis, Sarah, Rep. Barbara F. Vucanovich................ Willis, William F., Tennessee Valley Authority.......... Willlems, Gary B., Assistant Secretary for Manpow-er, Reserve Affairs, Installations, and Environ- ment, Air Force Willmore, Vince, Rep. Jim Bacchus.........cccccouerinnnee Willoughby, Brenda, Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia Willoughby, Charles J., Standards of Official Con- duct Committee 471 Willoughby, Elvira, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard.. xe 7 Willoughby, W.J., Office of Installations and Envi- ronment, Navy 708 Wills, Duane A., Smithsonian Institution .................... 922 Willson, J. David, Appropriations Committee............. 426 Willson, Walter A., General Counsel, Air Force........ 717 Wilmolzahn, M.R., Space and Naval Warfare Sys- tems Command, Navy 710 Wilson, A. John, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Wilson, Ann C., Office of Personnel Management...... Wilson, Anthony M., Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration, Justice 734 Wilson, Anthony T.: Office of the Vice President 1, 670 President of the Senate 611 Wilson, Audrey C., Office of Legislative Affairs, avy 706 Wilson, awry Board for Decorations and Medals, Navy Wilson, Ys Offices, Boards, and Commis- sions, District of Columbia 000 Wilson, Bruce, Ways and Means Committee............... 476 Wilson, Carole W., Office of the Secretary, HUD ..... 828 Wilson, Charles J., Regional and Field Offices, HUD 834 Wilson, Charles (Representative from Texas): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 285 Smithsonian Institution 925 Wilson, Connie D., Liaison Offices 628 Wilson, Denise, Post Office and Civil Service Com-mittee 459 Wilson, Dennis B., Energy and Commerce Commit-tee Wilson, Edward M., Science and Education, Agri-culture 779 Wilson, Eric, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 480 Wilson, Ewen M., Commodity Futures Trading Commission 862 Wilson, George M., President's Committee on Mental Retardation 565 Wilson, Guy S., Assistant Secretary for Housing— Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD Wilson, J. Lawrence, President’s Export Council Wilson, James D., Science, Space, and Technology Committee 468 Wilson, Jane, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell.............. 50 Wilson, Jeanne L., Appropriations Committee............. 426 Wilson, John E., Regional and Field Offices, HUD... 833 Wilson, John J., Office of Justice Programs, Justice... 752 Wilson, John, Directorate of Legislative Liaison, Air Force Wilson, Kim, Ways and Means Comnmittee.................. Wilson, Larry C., United States Naval Home 7 Wilson, Larry, Administration, Agriculture................ Wilson, Mary Ann, Regional and Field Offices, HUD Wilson, Michael L., Federal Housing Finance Board. Wilson, Patricia, Small Business Committee.. ns 2471 Wilson, Righerd D., Environmental Protection Age Wilson, “Ronald E., National Capital Planning Com- mission Wilson, Ronald W., Public Health Service, HHS . Wilson, Ross L., Secretary of State, State. .......... Wilson, Russell J., Foreign Affairs Committee... 3 Wilson, Steve, Rep. Marge Roukema.........c.ccccconeuee. Wilson, Tom, Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Army Wilson, Tricia, Rep. Bill Sarpalius Wilson, Tunstall, Rep. Earl F. Hilliard Wilson, William S., National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration, Commerce...........cccoeennies 787 Wilson-Taylor, Denise, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia 996 Wiltshire, Josie, Rep. Edolphus Towns...........ccceeuine. 202 Page Wilzig, Siggi B., United States Holocaust Memorial Council 929 Wiman, Ann H., Public Health Service, HHS............. 812 Wimberly, Ben C., Architect of the Capitol ................ 625 Winchester, Robert J., Assistant Secretary for Re-search, Development, and Acquisition, Army ..... 699 Wincup, C. Kim, Joint Committee on the Organiza-tion of Congress 489 Windel, Marlene, Federal Communications Commis-sion 874 Windham, Judy, Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Windham, Patrick H., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Windhausen, John D., Jr., Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee 396 Windherst, Richard E., Jr., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit............ccceeruennnen. 946 Windsor, Richard A., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, HHS 819 Winegar, George O., Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 774 Wineman, Timothy S., Office of the Secretary ........... 613 Wing, Dorothy, Rep. Pete Geren ur urmnissirssiine 292 Wing, Frank D., Jr., Office of the Secretary, HUD ... 827 Winkelmann, David, International Affairs and Com- modity Programs, Agriculture.........ccccocurerunrennen. 767 Winkle, Joe D., Environmental Protection Agency.... 866 Winks, Robin W., Japan-united States Friendship Cc ion 552 Winn, Donald J., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 860 Winnick, Beth, Labor and Human Resources Com-mittee 409 Winnick, Steven Y., Office of Inspector General, Education 850 Winsett, Floyd, Environmental Protection Agency... 866 Winslow, Sara, Foreign Affairs Committee.................. 444 Winstanley, Derek, Council on Environmental Qual- ity 672 Winstead, Donald J., Office of Personnel Manage-ment 904 Winston, Connie, Non-Legislative and Financial Services 622 Winston, Curtis, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation.............ccceeeurunee. 843 Winston, John R., Federal Communications Commis-sion 868 Winston, Kevin, Labor and Human Resources Com- mittee 409 Winston, Louise H., District of Columbia Committee 434 Winston, Terri, Rep. Harold E. Ford........................... 283 Winter, Alan, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis- trict of Columbia 994 Winter, Andrew J., Bureau of African Affairs, State.. 677 Winter, Dara, Executive Office of the Mayor, Dis- trict of Columbia 994 Winter, Kenneth J., Treasurer of the United States, Treasury 681 Winter, Ralph K., Jr., United States Courts of Ap- peals for the Federal Circuit.....ineicrerssesarsesesensesss Winter, Sidney G., General Accounting Office.. 1 Winterbauer, Eric, Judiciary Committee.......... x Winterling, Grayson, Sen. John W. Warner ................ Winters, Gary A., Rules and Administration Com- mittee Winters, Robert S., Rep. Bill Thomas Winters, Sam, U.S. Postal Service ...... Winters, Sherman D., Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce 788 Wintle, Mary Jack, Library of Congress..........cceceuen. 638 Winwood, Charles W., Assistant Secretary for En- forcement, Treasury 684 Winzer, P.J., U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board.... 933 Wirsig, Waldemar F.W., Inter-American Develop- ment Bank 1007 Wirth, Conrad L., Washington National Monument iety 940 Wirth, Fred, Office of Management and Budget, HHS 805 Wirth, Timothy E., Secretary of State, State, 675 Wirwicz, Bryan H., Rep. Jack M. Fields, Jr................ 290 Wise, Delores A., Federal Communications Commis- sion 869 Wise, Edythe, Federal Communications Commission. 872 Wise, Jennifer, Rep. Don Young 9 Wise, Joe, Rep. Austin J. Murphy .......ccccccenvinnuncinnnnes 263 Name Wise, John C., Environmental Protection Agency Wise, Marshall L., Federal Communications Com-mission Wise, Mary Ann, Non-Legislative and Financial Services Wise, Michael O., Federal Trade Commission Wise, Mickie Jan, Armed Services Committee Wise, Nicholas P., Joint Committee on the Organiza- tion of Congress Wise, Phillip S., Bureau of Prisons, Justice Wise, Robert E., Jr. (Representative from West Vir- ginia): Biography Budget Committee Environmental and Energy Study Conference Environmental and Energy Study Conference Public Works and Transportation Committee Wise, Samuel G., Commission on Security and Co- operation In Europe Wise, Sandy Casber, Ways and Means Committee Wisecarver, Bill, Republican Leadership Wisecarver, William H., III, Armed BD ate Com- mittee Wiseman, Bob, Rep. Scotty Baesler Wiseman, Donald G., Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Wish, Judith B., Office of the Attorney General, Justice Wishart, Leonard P., III, Director of Non-Legisla-tive and Financial Services Wishner, Maynard I., Martin Luther King, Jr., Fed- eral Holiday Commission Wisner, Frank, Policy, Defense Wisniewski, John W., Export-Import Bank of the United States Wiss, Robert E., United States Court of Military Appeals Witchey, Deborah M., Management—Chief Finan-cial Officer, Treasury Withee, Gregory W., National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration, Commerce Withers, George O., Armed Services Committee Withrow, David, Rep. Jim Cooper Witt, Buford R., Chief of Staff, Air Forci Witt, James Lee, Federal Emergency Management Agency Witt, Tim, Small Community and Rural Develop- ment, Agriculture Witten, Earl, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board ... Witter, R.C., Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Navy Witters, John W., Federal Retirement Thrift Invest- ment Board Wittgraf, George W., Legal Services Corporation Wittmeyer, Jane, Rep. Michael D. Crapo Wodatch, John L., Civil Rights Division Division, Justice Wofford, Harris (Senator from Pennsylvania): Biography Environment and Public Works Committee Foreign Relations Committee Labor and Human Resources Committee Small Busi Committee Wofsy, Noah L., Office of the Legislative Counsel... Wohlleben, Paul A., Environmental Protection Agency Wolanin, Tom: Education and Labor Committee Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs, Education Wolback, Jeannie E., Legal Services Corporation Wold, Barry L., Joint Committee on Taxation Wolf, Diane, U. S. Capitol Preservation Commission. Wolf, Dona, Office of Personnel Management Wolf, Frank R. (Representative from Virginia): Appropriations Committee Biography Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Congressional Human Rights Caucus Wolf, Frank, National Republican Congressional Committee Wolf, Ira, Office of U.S. Trade Representative Wolf, Janice, Small Business Administration .... Wolf, John, Rep. Charles E. Schumer Wolf, Norman A., U.S. Arms Control and Disarma- ment Agency Index 1349 Page Wolfe, David A., Fogarty International Center, HHS Wolfe, Glenn A., Federal Communications Commis- sion Wolfe, Joseph V., Judiciary Committee Wolfe, Lindsay A., International Monetary Fund. Wolfe, Norman H., United States Tax Court Wolfe, Tom, Rep. Deborah Pryce Wolfensberger, Donald, Rules Committee Wolfensberger, Mary Tripp, Government Operations Committee Wolfensohn, James D., Smithsonian Institution Wolff, Miriam E. A., Rep. Floyd Spence Wolff, Susan A., Office of Policy, Labor. Wolk, Barry, Office of the Secretary Wollman, Roger L., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Woloshyn, George, Federal Housing Finance Board . Wolstein, William, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, HHS Wolvek, Steven A., Federal Judicial Center. Wolverton, Judy, Rep. Henry J. Hyde Womack, Joe, Veterans’ Affairs Committee ... Womeldorf, Ann C., Office of the Secretary Wonder, Stevie, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission Wonders, Gregory F., Rep. Sam Gibbons Wong, Alfred, Supreme Court of the United States... Wong, Cindy S., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Wong, Dickie, Assistant Secretary for Installations, Logistics and Environment, Army Wong, Marshall, Smithsonian Institution Wong, Samuel, International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Agriculture Wong-Rusinko, Ella, Rep. Gene Green Woo, Catherine Y. C., National Foundation on the Arts and the F ties Woo, Michael T., Energy and Commerce Commit- tee Woo, Sean, Governmental Affairs Committee Wood, Bill, Architect of the Capitol Wood, Carol M., Rep. Bud Shuster... Wood, David S., Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice Wood, Gary E., Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Wood, James N., National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. Wood, Joseph, International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development Wood, Katharine, Rep. Dan Miller Wood, Sheila, Judiciary Committee Wood, Susan, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues Woodard, Joanna, Foreign Relations Committee Woodburn, Jeff, Rep. Dick Swett Woodbury, Vondie M., Sen. Donald W. Riegle, Jr... Woodford, Tim, Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett wri Woodhouse, Jeff, Rep. A. Wayne Allard... Woodman, Marlene, Rep. Rosa L. DeLaur 4 Woodrow, Shirley, Joint Committee on Printing Woodruff, James N., Office of Personnel Manage- ment Woods, Margherita, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee Woods, Rilla Moran, General Services Administra-tion Woods, Robert, Office of Finance and Information Resources Management, Veterans Affairs Woods, Walter, Science and Education, Agriculture . Woodward, Ellis, Rep. Lewis F. Payne, Jr Woodward, Joan Kois, Budget Committee Woodward, Joseph M., Office of Policy, Labor Woodward, Susan, Securities and Exchange Com- mission Woodward, William H., Foreign Relations Commit-tee Woodworth, Terrence W., Drug Enforcement Ad- ministration, Justice Woody, Gayle, Rep. Tom Bevill Woolard, Charlotte, Smithsonian Institution Woolever, Gerald F., U.S. Coast Guard, Transporta- tion Wooley, Sheryl, Rep. Porter J. Goss Woolfolk, Peter, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Woolley, Leslie, Sen. Bob Graham 1350 Congressional Directory Woolsey, Audie, Budget Committee Woolsey, James R., Central Intelligence Agency. Woolsey, Lynn (Representative from California): Biography Budget Committee Education and Labor Committee Government Operations Committee Woolsey, R. James, National Security Council . Woolsey, R. James, Smithsonian Institution Woolsey, Robert J., U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home Wooten, Donna T., Rep. Owen B. Pickett Wooten, Holloway, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Wooten, Michael J., General Services Administra-tion Wootton, Michael, Rep. Michael Huffington Worden, Gaylord E., Bureau of the Census, Com- merce Wormser, Ellen, Public Health Service, HHS Worrell, Mildeen, Ways and Means Committee Worsham, Wanda, Agriculture Committee Worsham-Ameen, Linda, Rep. Steve Buyer... Worth, Karen: Joint Committee on Taxation Ways and Means Committee Wray, Henry, General Accounting Office Wright, Bill, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee Wright, Brenda J., Armed Services Committee Wright, C. Dianne, Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Wright, Christopher, House Administration Commit-tee Wright, Deborah, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Wright, Gordon J., Office of Personnel Management Wright, Greg: Office of the Republican Whip Rep. Newt Gingrich Wright, H. Franklin, Federal Communications Com-mission Wright, Hugh M., Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Wright, Jerauld, Washington National Monument Society Wright, John E., Office of the Secretary, Interior Wright, Joseph R., Jr., President’s Export Council .... Wright, L. Christopher, Library of Congress Wright, Lawrence A., United States Tax Court. Wright, Lenn, Bureau of Bureau of Refugee Pro- grams, State Wright, Louis E., Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- ration Wright, Neil, Rep. Thomas E. Petri Wright, Paul, Executive Agencies, District of Co- lumbia Wright, Richard N., II, Technology Administration, Commerce Wright, Richard, Natural Resources and Environ-ment, Agriculture Wright, Robert F., Assistant Secretary for Space, Air Force Wright, Rod, Rep. Maxine Waters, Wright, William H., Permanent Joint Board on De- fense, Canada-United States Wright, William P., Jr., National Foundation on the Arts and the H ities Wright-Hawkings, Betsy, Rep. Christopher Shays Wrigley, Robert E., Rep. Stephen L. Neal Wroblewski, Monica, Science, Space, and Technolo- gy Committee Wau, Julia Li, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Wulf, Craig R., Small Community and Rural Devel- opment, Agriculture Wulff, Henry C., Sen. Charles E. Grassley Wulff, Richard K., Securities and Exchange Com- mission Wurtz, Donald R., General Accounting Office Wyatt, Stephen W., Public Health Service, HHS Wyatt, Thomas, Federal Communications Commis- sS10n Wyden, Ron (Representative from Oregon): Biography .. Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ... Energy and Commerce Committee Environmental and Energy Study Conference Export Task Force Joint Economic Committee Small Busi Committee Wyderko, Susan Ferris, Securities and Exchange py ide Wydler, Christopher J., Science, Space, and Tech-nology Committee Wye, Christopher G., Assistant Secretary for Com-munity Planning and Development, HUD Wylie, Peter C., Office of the Judge Advocate Gen-eral, Navy Wyma, John, Rep. Bart T. Stupak Wyman, Lucia, Office of the Secretary, Interior Wynegar, Wyndom D., U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration), Commerce Wyngaarden, James B., National Academy of Sci- ences Wynkoop, Sam, Rep. Steny H. Hoyer Wynn, Albert R. (Representative from Maryland): Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committee... Biography Foreign Affairs Committee Post Office and Civil Service Committee Wynn, Barbara, Finance Committee Wynne, Hal G., Jr., International Affairs and Com-modity Programs, Agriculture Wynne, Judith A., Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Wynns, ‘Peyton L., Federal Communications Com-mission Wyrsch, Mary Ann, Employment and Training Ad-ministration, Labor Wyscarver, Roy A., Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Treasury Wyszomirski, Margaret Jane, National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities X Xanthopoulos, Judy, Joint Committee on Taxation .... Y Yaffe, Sumner J., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HHS Yahn, Robert M., Justice Management Division, Jus- tice Yaker, Layashi, Secretariat, United Nations Yaki, Michael, Rep. Nancy Pelosi Yamada, Gerald H.: Administrative Conference of the United States. Environmental Protection Agency Yamamoto, Alan, Rep. Neil Abercrombie Yancik, Joseph J., International Trade Administra- tion, Commerce Yandun, Castulo Rene, Inter-American Defense Board Yang, Victor, International Finance Corporation Yanofsky, Nancy E., Commodity Futures Trading Ce hi Yanusz, Joanne, Joint Committee on Taxation... Yao, Dennis A., Federal Trade Commission Yarbrough, C.V., Office of Human Resources and Administration, Veterans Affairs Yard, Sharon, Office of the Republican Leader Yarosh, Laura, Public Works and Transportation Committee Yarowsky, Jonathan R., Judiciary Committee Yashar, Susan A., Securities and Exchange Commis- Sion Yassky, David, Judiciary Committee Yates, Robert, Tennessee Valley Authority Yates, Ronald W., Major Commands, Air Force Yates, Sidney R. (Representative from Illinois): Appropriations Cc i Biography Smithsonian Institution United States Holocaust Memorial Council Yauger, Gary S., Office of Personnel Management .... Yaworske, Alan J., U.S. Capitol Police Ybarra, Manuel R., International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico .... Ybarra-Frausto, Thomas, Smithsonian Institution Yeager, Barbara, Liaison Offices Yeager, Brooks B., Office of Policy, Management and Budget, Interior Name Index Page Yeates, Eugene F., President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Office of the President .............. Yeates, Rowdy, Rep. Ronald K. Machtley.................. Yee, Deborah Z., Office of the Law Revision Coun- sel 623 Yeo, Peter, Foreign Affairs Committee...........cccovuvrurns 444 Yerg, Martin C., International Agencies Related to the United Nations 1029 Yerick, Martin, Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega.............. 337 Yerxa, Rufus, Office of U.S. Trade Representative .... 674 Yesh, Constance Pride, Foreign Affairs Committee... 444 Yetley, Mervin, Agriculture Committee 422 Yildiz, Orhan, Joint Economic Committee ..........c.c.c... 488 Yoak, E. Don, Federal Council on the Aging. od Yochelson, John N., President’s Export Council......... Yock, Robert J., United States Court of Federal Claims 971 Yoder, Charles C., Veterans’ Affairs Committee......... 412 Yoest, Gerald P., U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation.. 838 Yokich, Steve, Education and Labor Committee........ 437 Yolles, Herbert S., National Credit Union Adminis- tration 894 Yoneyama, Kazuhiko, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 890 Yorkhr Leonard, General Services Administration.. 84 York, David A., Rep. Jim B 121 York, Helen, Judiciary Committee. 407 York, Phyllis, Marketing and Inspection Services, Agriculture 773 York, Robert L., General Accounting Office.............. 631 Youmans, Erla S., Public Works and Transportation Committee 463 Young, Abner C., Assistant Secretary for Acquisi-tion, Air Force 713 Young, Allan H., Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce 782 Young, Andrea, Rep. Cynthia McKinney ........ccoouun.. 83 Young, Andrew, Social Security Administration, HH 826 Young, C.W. Bill (Representative from Florida): Appropriations Committee 423 Biography 67 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .......... 477 U.S. Capitol Preservation Commission ...........c.ceuvuen. 557 Young, Don (Representative from Alaska): Biography 9 House Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards S52 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee ............. 451 National Republican Congressional Committee....... 481 Natural Resources Committee.......cccoccruereruenns Post Office and Civil Service Committee Young, Doris J., U.S. Office of Inspector General, HHS Young, Eve Alexander, Rep. Pete Peterson. ................ Young, Florence M., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 861 Young, Frank E., Public Health Service, HHS........... 809 Young, Fred, Small Community and Rural Develop- ment, Agriculture 769 Young, H.C., Appropriations Committee.............e..... 426 Young, Jacqueline C., Smithsonian Institution. 918 Young, James D., Government Printing Office.. 632 Young, Jennifer, Rep. Lamar Smith “ Young, John, Export Administration, Commerce....... Young, Joyce C., Committee for Purchase From People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled........ Young, L. David, Economics, Agriculture.................. 765 Young, Laura, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 416 Young, Lewis, Federal Communications Commission 869 Young, Peter R., National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Young, Ray M., Non-Legislative and Financial Serv- ices Young, Richard F., Office of the Secretary................. 613 Young, Richard, Regional and Field Offices, HUD... 831 Young, Robert W., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management, Army 696 Young, Roderic Olvera, Rep. Esteban Edward Torres 38 Young, Roger D., Office of the Legislative Counsel.. 623 Young, Suzanne, Judiciary COMMIER.......ovistrivarvane 450 Young, Tom, Sen. Richard C. Shelby .........ccccecvrereruen 3 Youngblood, B. Joe, U.S. Nuclear R cathatory Com- mission 935 Youngdeer, Merritt, Office of Indian Affairs, Interior 756 Yourd, Carrie, Natural Resources Committee ............. 457 Yturria, Frank D., Inter-American Foundation........... Yu, Peter, National Economic Council, Office of the President Yuan, Yang Xiang, International Monetary Fund....... Yunker, Randolph, Rep. Peter T. King.......ccoooeevvviennne Yuran, Bob, Office of Personnel Management............. Yusuff, Khurshid, Bureau of Prisons, Justice............... Zz Zabel, Michael, Rep. Jack Quinn........cccceuevivvnnrncrennnne. Zaboroski, Suzette, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico .... Zaccagnini, Corinne, Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe Zachert, Virginia, Federal Council on the Aging ....... Zagami, Anthony J., Government Printing Office...... Zaic, Elizabeth M., Library of Congress.........cccoeueuee. Zaidman, Steven B., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Zalik, Alice T., Patent and Trademark Office, Com-merce Zamani, Khosrow, International Finance Corpora-tion Zanders, Verl, Office of Management and Budget, HHS Zare, Richard N., National Science Foundation Zarodkiewicz, Patricia, Assistant Secretary for Fi- nancial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force Zarutskie, Andrew, Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman............ Zatlin, Annie, Rep. Fortney Pete Stark........c..cocu.e...... Zauber, Gllenn R., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Zavarello, Bill, Rep. Maxine Waters.......... Zawaiza, Theda, Rep. Major R. Owens Zazzaro, Domenic A., Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice Zebehazy, Julius J., Public Health Service, HHS Zecchini, Salvatore, Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development ..........cccouvinueeinrenueranns Zeder, Fred M., U.S. International Development Co-operation Agency Zeeb, Marv, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com-mittee Zeigler, David C.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor Zeiler, Herbert W., Federal Communications Com- mission Zeitz, Myron G., Office of Policy, Labor...........ccceueue Zeleniak, Susan L., Office of the Clerk.......cccveevuveennen Zeliff, Bill (Representative from New Hampshire): Biography Government Operations Committee National Republican Congressional Commiittee....... Public Works and Transportation Committee.......... Republican Study Committee Small Business Committee U.S. Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus..... Zell, Patricia M., Indian Affairs Committee Zellers, Phillip L., Economics, Agriculture Zellweger, Andres G., Federal Aviation Administra- tion, Transportation Zeman, Christine, Federal Communications Commis- sion Zemke, Tom, Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-tion Zenakas, Robin, Assistant Secretary for Enforce-ment, Treasury Zenk, Tim, Rep. Norman DD, DICKS ......crinerisaes Zhengy, Ni, United Nations Zickler, Joyce K., Board of Governors of the Feder- al Reserve System Ziegele, David -W., Environmental Protection Agency Ziegler, Charles C., Public Works and Transporta- tion Committee. Ziegler, Jay, Office of the Secretary, Interior ............. Ziegler, Martin, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor..... Zielinski, Michael, Executive Agencies, District of Columbia Ziemba, Frank M., U.S. Capitol Police........cecorvurruneeee Zienter, John M., Drug Enforcement Administra- tion, Justice Zigrossi, Norman A., Tennessee Valley Authority ..... 1352 Congressional Directory Page Zimble, James A., Joint Service Schools, Defense...... 695 Zimmeman, James V., National Aeronautics and Space AdMINISITALON cc cimmusiirirerimssns 890 sarin isassons Zimmer, Catherine L., Foreign Affairs Committee..... 444 Zimmer, Dick (Representative from New Jersey): Biography 191 Government Operations Committee ....... CY NEN A Oe 445 Science, Space, and Technology Committee ........... 466 Zimmerman, Dale G., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board Zimmerman, Glen A., Library of Congress Zimmerman, Glen R., Library of Congress Zimmerman, Guy K., Office of the Attorney Gener- al, Justice 725 Zimmerman, Matthew A., Army Staff and Selected Agencies 703 Zimmerman, Michael, Inspector General, Commerce 781 Zimmermann, Warren, Bureau of Refugee Programs, State 678 Zimny, Alexander J., Federal Communications Com-mission 874 Zinman, Seth D.: Administrative Conference of the United States...... 856 Office of Policy, Labor 799 Zinser, Todd J., Office of Inspector General, Trans- portation 836 Ziolkowski, John J., Republican Leadership ............... 612 Zipperstein, Steven E., Criminal Division, Justice...... 730 Zirkel, Frederick J., Federal Trade Commission......... 881 Zirkel, Theo K., International Finance Corporation... 1014 Zirschky, John, Environment and Public Works Committee 399 Zitlow, Nathan, Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee 459 Zlatoper, Ronald J. Armed Forces Retirement Home ........ccccoecvevievvennenne 939 Chief of Naval Operations 709 Zobrist, Benedict K., National Archives and Records Administration Zoccali, A. Guillermo, International Monetary Fund. Zoeller, Thomas E., Rules and Administration Com- mittee Zoellner, Wolfgang J., General Services Administra- tion Zogby, Charles, Rep. Thomas J. Ridge Zoia, James, Public Works and Transportation Com- mittee.. Zois, Theodore, Export Administration, Commerce... Zok, James J., Maritime Administration, Transporta- tion Zoll, Kenneth J., U.S. Railroad Retirement Board ..... Zoll, Natalie, Rep. John T. Doolittle Zoller, Norman E., United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Zollinhofer, Dawn, Natural Resources Committee... Zoltanski, Monica, Rep. Gerald D. Kleczka fu Zonana, Victor, Office of Public Affairs, HHS Zook, Robert W., Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller of the Air Force.. Zook, Theodore A., Federal Maritime Commission.. Zoon, Kathy, Food and Drug Administration, HHS. Zorthiom, Barry, Board for International Broadcast- ing Zottoli, John, Office of Personnel Management.......... Zoulek, James R., Federal Communications Commis- sion Zsalman, Robert D., Board for Correction of Naval Records, Navy Zucker, Phyllis, Public Health Service, HHS.............. Zuckerman, William, Office of Policy, Labor.. h Zulu, J.B., International Monetary Fund Zwick, Jill, Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun.... § Zwick, Kenneth, Civil Division, Justice............ccecveun. Zygiel, Gregory, Office of Personnel Management.... OO. 103d Congress State Delegations Terms of Service Senate Committees House and Joint Committees Committee Assignments Congressional Boards and Commissions Statistical Information Capitol MARGIN INDEX: To use, bend book and align Departments index marker with black-edged page mark in text Independent Agencies Judiciary District of Columbia International Organizations Diplomatic Offices Press Galleries Congressional District Maps Name Index i, Sy % po. Tg Kio S| GLGZSSINVO i ih HH ill igh | Hn IIE ME NANNING y Ly