Congressional Directory for the 115th Congress (2017-2018), October 2018 Revision [Pages 915-953] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office,] INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (E.S.A.) Headquarters: 8-10 Rue Mario Nikis, 75738 Paris Cedex 15, France phone 011-33-1-5369-7654, fax 011-33-1-5369-7560 Director General.--Johann-Dietrich Woerner. Member Countries: Austria Belgium Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Czech Republic Associate Member Countries.--Slovenia. Cooperative Agreement.--Canada. European Space Operations Center (ESOC), Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany, phone 011-49-6151-900, fax 011-49-6151-90495. European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC), Keplerlaan 1, NL- 2201, AZ Noordwijk, ZH, The Netherlands, phone 011-31-71-565-6565, Telex: 844-39098, fax 011-31-71-565-6040. European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), Via Galileo Galilei, Casella Postale 64, 00044 Frascati, Italy, phone 011-39-6-94-18-01, fax 011- 39-6-9418-0280. European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), P.O. Box, E-28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, Spain, phone 011-34 91 813 11 00, fax: 011-34 91 813 11 39. European Astronaut Centre (EAC), Linder Hoehe, 51147 Cologne, Germany, phone 011-49-220360-010, fax 011-49-2203-60-1103. European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), Atlas Building, Harwell Science & Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom, phone 011-44 1235 567900. European Space Agency Washington Office (EWO), 1201 F Street, NW., Suite 470, Washington, DC 20004. Head of Office.--Micheline Tabache (202) 488-4158, [email protected]. INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE BOARD 2600 16th Street, NW., 20441, phone (202) 939-6041, fax 319-2791 Chairman.--General de Brigada DEM Luis Rodriguez Bucio, Mexico. Vice Chairman.--Mayor General Gabriel Hermano Pinilla Franco, Colombia. Chairman's Chefe de Cabinet.--Coronel Jose Cabrejos, Peru. Director General.--General Brigadier Stephen Michel Lacroix, Canada. Deputy Secretary for Administration.--Coronel Jose Polanco, United States. Director Conferences.--Coronel Fernando Bartholomeu Fernandes, Brazil. CHIEFS OF DELEGATION Antigua and Barbuda.--Consejera Guilliam Ingrid Joseph. Argentina.--Gral Brig Gustavo Javier Vidal. [[Page 916]] Barbados.--Ministra Consejera Jane Bratahwaite. Belize.--Embajador Patrick Andrews. Brazil.--General Jorge Cardoso Martins. Canada.--Contralmirante William S. Truelove. Chile.--GD Sergio Ahumada. Colombia.--COL Mario Fernando Jaramillo. Dominican Republic.--GB Julio Ernesto Florian Perez. El Salvador.--COL Edwin Oswaldo Vides Padilla. Guatemala.--General Herbert Alexandre Lopez Rodriguez. Guyana.--COL Nazrul Hussain. Haiti.--Minister Counselor Charles Leon. Honduras.--COL Lenin Dario Gonzalez Cruz. Jamaica.--Oral Pascoe. Mexico.--GB Andres Fernando Aguirre O. Sunga. Nicaragua.--Coronel Lenin Serrano. Panama.--Commisionado Gilberto Rene Glen Quiroz. Paraguay.--General de Brigada Gualberto Ramon Marino Galvan. Peru.--General de Division Leonardo Jose Longa Lopez. Suriname.--Vacant. Trinidad and Tobago.--COL Darnley Eddison Wyke. United States.--MG Richard D. Clarke. Uruguay.--General Alejandro Salaberry Coccaro. Grenada.--Comisionado Michael Francois. Saint Kitts y Nevis.--Everson Hull. Venezuela.--Vacant. INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE COLLEGE Director.--RADM (Contralmirante) Martha Herb, U.S.A. Vice Director.--Mayor General Rolemberg Ferreira da Cunha, Brazil. Chief of Studies.--General Brigadier Arturo Javier Gonzalez Jimenez, Mexico. INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 1300 New York Avenue, NW., 20577, phone (202) 623-1000 OFFICERS President.--Luis Alberto Moreno. Chief, Office of the President.--Luis Giorgio. Executive Vice President.--Julie T. Katzman (United States). Chief Advisor.--Jose Jorge Seligmann-Silva. Director, Office of Evaluation and Oversight.--Cheryl Gray. Manager of the Research Department and Chief Economist.--Jose Juan Ruiz Gomez. Executive Auditor.--Jorge Da Silva. Manager, Office of External Relations--Federico Basanes. Ombudsperson.--Marta Abello. Secretary.--German Quintana. Manager, Office of Outreach and Partnerships.--Bernardo Guillamon. Advisor, Office of Risk Management.--Federico Galizia. Manager, Office of Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness.-- Luis Miguel Castilla Rubio. Chief, Office of Institutional Integrity.--Laura Profeta, ai. Vice-President for Countries.--Alexandre Meira da Rosa. Country Manager, Office of: Department Andean Group.--Rafael de la Cruz. Department Caribbean Group.--Therese Turner-Jones. Department Central America, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, and Dominican Republic.--Gina Montiel. Department Southern Cone.--Jose Luis Lupo. Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge.--Santiago Levy. Manager of: [[Page 917]] Climate Change and Sustainable Development.--Juan Pablo Bonilla. Knowledge and Learning.--Federico Basanes. Infrastructure and Energy.--Jose Agustin Aguerre. Institutions for Development.--Ana Maria Rodriguez-Ortiz. Integration and Trade.--Antoni Estevadeorval. Social Sector.--Marcelo Cabrol. Vice President for Finance and Administration.--Jaime Sujoy. Manager of: Budget and Administrative Services.--Yeshvanth Edwin. Finance Department.--Gustavo De Rosa. Human Resources.--Claudia Bock-Valotta. Information Technology.--Nuria Simo Vila. Legal Department.--John Scott. IDB INVEST Chief Executive Officer.--James P. Scriven. Chief Investment Officer.--Gema Sacristan. Chief Strategy Officer.--Orlando Ferreira. General Counsel.--H. Rosemary Jeronimides. Chief Risk Officer.--Christian Novak. Chief Finance and Administration Officer.--Rocio Palafox. MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT FUND General Manager.--Keisuke Nakamura, ai. BOARD OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Argentina and Haiti.--Raul Novoa. Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.--Alicia Montalvo Santamaria. Alternate.--Patrick Jean Herve. Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago.--Jerry Christopher Butler. Alternate.--Cheryl Anita Morris-Skeete. Belgium, China, Germany, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, and Switzerland.--Stefania Antonella Bazzoni. Alternate.--Marlene Olivia L. Beco. Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.-- Jose Mauricio Silva. Alternate.--Francisco Jose Mayorga Balladares. Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay.--Marcelo Bisogno. Alternate.--Marko Marcelo Machicao Bankovic. Brazil and Suriname.--Antonio Hernique Pinheiro Silveira. Alternate.--Frederico Gonzaga Jayme, Jr. Canada.--Guillermo Enrique Rishchynski. Alternate.--Ian Christopher MacDonald. Chile and Peru.--Guillermo Enrique Rishchynski. Alternate.--Maria Soledad Barrera. Colombia and Ecuador.--Patricia Maria Miloslavich Hart. Alternate.--Sergio Diaz Granados. Croatia, Japan, Korea, Portugal, Slovenia, and United Kingdom.-- Toshiyuki Yasui. Alternate.--Tom Matthew Crowards. Dominican Republic and Mexico.--Juan Bosco Marti Ascencio. Alternate.--Carlos Augusto Pared Vidal. Panama and Venezuela.--Armando Jose Leon Rojas. Alternate.--Fernando Ernesto de Leon. United States of America.--Mark Edward Lopes. INTER-AMERICAN TROPICAL TUNA COMMISSION 8901 La Jolla, Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037-1508 phone (858) 546-7100, fax (858) 546-7133, Director.--Guillermo A. Compean. [[Page 918]] Commissioners: Belize: Valerie Lanza, Ministry of Finance / Belize High Seas Fisheries Unit, Marina Towers, Suite 204, Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize, phone (501) 223-4918, fax (501) 223-5087; e- mail: [email protected].bz. Delice Pinkard, Ministry of Finance / Belize High Seas Fisheries Unit, Marina Towers, Suite 204, Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize, phone (501) 223-4918, fax (501) 223-5087; e- mail: [email protected].bz. Robert Robinson, Ministry of Finance / Belize High Seas Fisheries Unit, Marine Towers, Suite 204, Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize, phone (501) 223-4918, fax (501) 223- 5048; e-mail: [email protected].bz. Canada: Robert Day, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 200 Kent Street, Station 8E240, Ottawa, ONT K1A 0E6, Canada, phone (613) 991- 6135, fax (613) 993-5995; e-mail: [email protected]. Larry Teague, British Columbia Tuna Fishermen's Association (BCTFA), Box 372, Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia V0R 2W0, Canada, phone (250) 743-5002; e-mail: [email protected]. China: (Focal Points) Sun Haiwen, Ministry of Agriculture / Bureau of Fisheries, No. 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli, Beijing 100125, People's Republic of China, phone (86-10) 5919-2928, fax (86-10) 5919-2951; e- mail: [email protected]. Zhao Liling, Ministry of Agriculture / Bureau of Fisheries, No. 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli, Beijing, 100125, People's Republic of China, phone (86-10) 5919-2928, fax (86-10) 5919-2951; e- mail: [email protected]. Colombia: Maria Paula Arenas, Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, Calle 28 n 13A-15, Bogota, DC, Colombia, phone (57-1) 606- 7676; e-mail: [email protected].co. Luis Humberto Guzman Vergara, Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, Avenida Jimenez 7-65, Bogota, DC 001, Colombia, phone (57-1) 334-1199 ext. 310 (57-1) 283-3977, fax (57-1) 334-1199; e-mail: [email protected].co. Andrea Ramirez Martinez, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Calle 35 No. 24-48, Bogota, Colombia, phone (57- 1) 288-2132, (57-1) 332-3400; e-mail: AR[email protected].co. Maria Claudia Vasquez Marazzani, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Calle 10 No. 5-51 Palacio de San Carlos, Bogota, DC, Colombia, phone (57-1) 381-4265, fax (57-1) 381-4747; e- mail: Claudia.V[email protected].co. Costa Rica: Luis Felipe Arauz Cavallini, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Sabana Sur, antiguo Colegio La Salle, San Jose, Costa Rica, phone (506) 2231-2344, fax: (506) 2232-2103; e- mail: [email protected]. Gustavo Meneses, INCOPESCA, Frente a las Instalaciones del Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje, El Cocal, Puntarenas 5400, Costa Rica, phone (506) 8726-0876, fax (506) 2630- 0636; e-mail: [email protected]. German Pochet, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, San Jose, Sabana Sur, antiguo Colegio La Salle, San Jose, 113-2010, Costa Rica, phone (506) 2223-2461, fax (506) 2258-6678; e- mail: [email protected]. Ecuador: Javier Cardoso, Ministerio de Acuacultura y Pesca, Puerto Pesquero Artesanal de San Mateo, Manta, Ecuador, phone (593- 5) 266-6109; e-mail: [email protected]. Jorge Costain, Ministerio de Acuacultura y Pesca, Puerto Pesquero Artesanal de San Mateo, Manta, Ecuador, phone (593- 5) 262-7930, fax (593-5) 262-7911; e-mail: [email protected]. Katuska Drouet, Ministerio de Acuacultura y Pesca, Puerto Pesquero Artesanal de San Mateo, Manta, Ecuador, phone (593- 5) 262-7930, e-mail: [email protected]. Guillermo Moran, Ministerio de Acuacultura y Pesca, Puerto Pesquero Artesanal de San Mateo, Manta, Ecuador, phone (593- 9) 8488-1516; e-mail: [email protected]. El Salvador: Diana Elizabeth Barahona Hernandez, CENDEPESCA, Final 1a. Ave. Norte y Ave. Manuel Gallardo, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador, phone (503) 2210-1913 fax (503) 2534-9885; e-mail: [email protected]. [[Page 919]] Manuel Calvo, Calvopesca / Grupo Calvo, Via de Los Poblados No. 1 Edificio B, Planta 5, Madrid, Spain, phone (34-91) 782- 3300, fax (34-91) 782-3312; e-mail: [email protected]. Hugo Alexander Flores, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Final 1a. Av. Norte y Av. Manuel Gallardo, Santa Tecla, El Salvador, phone (503) 2534-9882; e-mail: [email protected]. Gustavo Antonio Portillo, CENDEPESCA, Final 1a. Avenida Norte y Avenida Manuel Gallardo, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador, phone (503) 2210-1700 fax (503) 2534-9885; e-mail: [email protected]. European Union: Angela Martini, European Commission, Rue Joseph II, 99, Brussels, 1049, Belgium, phone (32-2) 299-4276, fax (32-2) 299-5570; e-mail: [email protected]. Luis Molledo, European Commission, Rue Joseph II, 99, Brussels, 1049, Belgium, phone (32-2) 299-3765, fax (32-2) 299-5570; e-mail: [email protected]. France: Marie-Sophie Dufau-Richet, Secretariat d'Etat a la Mer, 16 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, 75700, France, phone (33-1) 5363- 4153, fax (33-1) 5363-4178; e-mail: marie.sophie.dufau- [email protected]. Christiane Laurent-Monpetit, Ministere de l'Interieur, de l'Outre-Mer et des Collectivites T., 27, rue Oudinot, Paris, 75358 F SPO7, France, phone (33-1) 5369-2466, fax (33-1) 5369-2065; e-mail: christiane.laurent-monpetit@outre- Anne-France Mattlet, Ministere de l'Ecologie, du Developpement durable et de l'Energie, Direction des peches maritimes et de l'aquaculture, 1 Place Carpeaux, Paris, 92055, France, phone (33-1) 6313-4235; e-mail: anne- [email protected]. Michel Sallenave, Haut Commissariat de la Republique Francaise en Polynesie, 43 Avenue Bruat. BP 115, Papeete, 98713, French Polynesia, phone (689) 549-525, fax (689) 434-390; e- mail: [email protected]. Guatemala: Byron Omar Acevedo Cordon, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Alimentacion, 7ma. Avenida 12-90 Zona 13, Guatemala, Guatemala, phone (502) 2413-7035, fax (502) 2413-7036; e- mail: [email protected]. Carlos Francisco Marin Arriola, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Alimentacion, Km. 22 Carretera al Pacifico, Edif. La Ceiba, 3er. Nivel, Villa Nueva, Guatemala, phone (502) 6640-9334, fax (502) 6640-9324; e-mail: [email protected]. Carlos Alejandro Tejeda Velasquez, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Alimentacion, 7a. Ave. 12-90 zona 13, Guatemala, Guatemala, phone (502) 3102-0125 e-mail: [email protected]. Japan: Tatsuo Hirayama, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki 2-2-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, phone (81-3) 5501-8338, fax (81-3) 5501-8332; e-mail: [email protected]. Kengo Tanaka, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8907, Japan, phone (81-3) 3502-8459; e-mail: [email protected]. Jun Yamashita, Japan Tuna Fisheries Cooperative Association, 2- 3-22 Kudankita, Tokyo, 102, Japan, phone (81-3) 5646-2380, fax (81-3) 5646-2651; e-mail: [email protected]. Kiribati: (Contacts, not appointed Commissioners) Naomi Biribo, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development, P.O. Box 64 Bairiki, Tarawa, Kiribati, phone (686) 21099, fax: (686) 21120; e-mail: [email protected].ki. Aketa Tanga, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development, P.O. Box 64 Bairiki, Tarawa, Kiribati, phone (686) 21099, fax: (686) 21120; e-mail: [email protected].ki. Korea: Kim Hongwon, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Government Complex Bldg. #5, Room 508, Dasom2-ro, Sejong-City, Sejong, 339-012 Republic of Korea, phone (82-44) 2005368, fax (82- 44) 2005379; e-mail: [email protected]. Il Jeong Jeong, Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 88, Gwanmundo, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 427-719, Republic of Korea, phone (82-2) 500-2422, fax (82-2) 503- 9174; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. Jeongseok Park, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Government Complex, Sejong 94, Damason2-ro, Sejong-City, Republic of Korea, phone (82-2) 500-2426, fax (82-2) 503-9174; e-mail: [email protected]. Mexico: [[Page 920]] Mario Aguilar Sanchez, Comision Nacional de Pesca y Acuacultura, Av. Camaron Sabalo S/N, Mazatlan, Sin 82100, Mexico, phone (52-669) 915-6900, fax (52-669) 915-6904; e-mail: [email protected]. Pablo Roberto Arenas Fuentes, Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Pitagoras #1320, Piso 8vo. Col. Sta Cruz Atoyac, Mexico, D.F. 03310 Mexico, phone (52-55) 3781-9501 (52-55) 3871- 9502, fax (52-55) 3626-8421; e-mail: [email protected]. Michel Dreyfus Leon, Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Km 97.5 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada Ensenada, B.C. 22760, Mexico, phone (52-646) 174-6140, fax (52-646) 174-6135; e-mail: [email protected]. Luis Fleischer, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Pesqueras de La Paz, Km 1 carretera Pichilingue s/n Col. Esterito, La Paz 23020, Baja California Sur, Mexico, phone (612) 122-1367; e- mail: [email protected]. Nicaragua: Julio Cesar Guevara, Industrial Atunera de Nicaragua, Balboa Ancon, Panama City, 0843-02264, Panama, phone (507) 6997- 5100, fax (507) 204-4651; e-mail: [email protected]. Edward Jackson, Instituto Nicaraguense de la Pesca y Acuicultura, Km. 3.5 Carretera Norte, Managua, Nicaragua, phone (505) 2244-2460, fax (505) 2244-2552; e-mail: [email protected]. Miguel Marenco Urcuyo, Nicaraguense de Atun S.A, ip Top Los Robles 1 1/2 C al Oeste, Edificio Lendinero. Oficina #1 al Oeste, Edf. INMSA, ARGO, Managua, Nicaragua; phone (505) 8850-7220, fax (505) 2270-4992; e-mail: [email protected].ni. Armando Segura Espinoza, Camara de la Pesca de Nicaragua, Av. 27 de Mayo, Managua, Nicaragua, phone (505) 2266-6704, fax (505) 2222-5818; e-mail: [email protected].ni. Panama: Raul Delgado, Autoridad de los Recursos Acuaticos de Panama Edificio La Riviera, Avenida Justo Arosemena y Calle 46 Bella Vista, diagonal a Estacion el Arbol, Panama City, Panama, phone (507) 511-6057, fax (507); e-mail: [email protected]. Arnulfo Franco, FIPESCA, Corozal, Zona Libre de Proceso, Edif. 319, Panama, phone (507) 317-3644, fax (507) 317-3862; e- mail: [email protected]. Lucas Pacheco, Autoridad de los Recursos Acuaticos de Panama Edificio La Riviera, Avenida Justo Arosemena y Calle 45 Bella Vista, diagonal a Estacion el Arbol, Panama City, Panama, phone (507) 511-6000; e-mail: [email protected]. Zuleika Pinzon, Autoridad de los Recursos Acuaticos de Panama, Edificio La Riviera, Avenida Justo Arosemena y Calle 45 Bella Vista, diagonal a Estacion el Arbol, Panama City, 0819-05850, Panama, phone (507) 511-6000, fax (507) 511- 6071; e-mail: [email protected]. Peru: Gladys Cardenas, Instituto del Mar del Peru, Esquina de Gamarra y General Valle s/n Chucuito-Callao Lima, Peru, phone (51-1) 208-8650, fax (51-1) 420-0144; e-mail: [email protected]. Rossy Yesenia Chumbe Cedeno, Ministerio de Produccion, Calle 1 Oeste #066, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru, phone (51-1) 988004419; e-mail: [email protected]. Jesus Ponce Bravo, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Jiron Lampa 545, Cercado de Lima, Peru, phone (51-1) 204-3244; e- mail: [email protected]. Omar Ricardo Rios Bravo de Rueda, Ministerio de Produccion, Calle 1 Oeste #066, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru, phone (51-1) 616-2222; e-mail: [email protected]. Chinese Taipei: Hong-Yen Huang, Fisheries Agency, No. 2 Chaozhou St. Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan, 100, phone (886-7) 823-9828, fax (886-7) 815-8278; e-mail: [email protected].tw. Chi-Chao Liu, Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, 6F No. 100, Sec. 2 Heping W. Rd Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, 100, Taiwan, phone (886-2) 2383-5882; e-mail: [email protected].tw. Ted Tien-Hsiang Tsai, Fisheries Agency, No. 2, Chaozhou St. Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan, phone (886-2) 3343- 6045, fax (886-2) 3343-6128, e-mail: [email protected].tw. USA: William Fox, U.S. Commissioner-IATTC, P.O. Box 60633, San Diego, CA 92166, USA, phone (202) 495-4397, fax (619) 222-2489; e- mail: [email protected]. Donald Hansen, Pacific Fishery Management Council, 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629, USA, phone (949) 496-5794; e- mail: [email protected]. Barry Thom, NOAA / National Marine Fisheries Service, 1201, NE., Lloyd Blvd., Suite 1100, Portland, OR 97232, USA, phone (503) 231-6266, fax (503) 230-5441; email: [email protected]. [[Page 921]] Edward Weissman, U.S. Commissioner-IATTC, 1857 Spindrift Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037, USA, phone (858) 454-1558; e-mail: [email protected]. Vanuatu: Christophe Emelee, Vanuatu Government, P.O. Box 1640, Port Vila, Vanuatu, phone (678) 774-0219; e-mail: [email protected].vu, [email protected]. Roy M. Joy, Embassy of Vanuatu, Avenue de Tervueren 380 Chemin de Ronde, Brussels 1150, Belgium, phone (32-2) 771-7494, fax (32-2) 771-7494; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. Dimitri Malvirlani, Vanuatu IATTC Commissioner, Marine Quay, P.O. Box 320, Port-Vila, Vanuatu, phone (678) 23128, fax (678) 22949; e-mail: [email protected].vn. Laurent Parente, Vanuatu IATTC Commissioner, P.O. Box 1435, Port Vila Vanuatu, phone (447-55) 438-0005; e-mail: [email protected]. Venezuela: Alvin Delgado Martinez, FUNDATUN-PNOV, Urb. La Floresta Calle B I22, Cumana, Sucre, 6101, Venezuela, phone (58-293) 433- 0431, fax (58-293) 433-0431; e-mail: [email protected]. Orlando Maneiro Gaspar, Ministerio del Poder Popular de Pesca y Acuicultura, Avenida Lecuna, Parque Central, Torre Este, Piso 17, Caracas, Venezuela, phone (58-212) 573-1055; e- mail: [email protected]. Nancy Tablante, Instituto Socialista de la Pesca y Acuicultura, Centro Simon Bolivar, Avenida Lecuna Parque Central, Torre Este, Piso 12 al 14, Caracas, Venezuela, phone (58-212) 461- 9225, fax (58-212) 953-9972; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY AND WATER COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO UNITED STATES SECTION The Commons, Building C, Suite 100, 4171 North Mesa, El Paso, TX 79902- 1441 phone (915) 832-4100, Commissioner.--Edward Drusina, 832-4101. Foreign Affairs Secretary.--Sally Spencer, 832-4175. Principal Engineer.--Jose Nunez, 832-4749. Human Resources Director.--Fred Graf, 832-4114. General Counsel / Legal Advisor.--Matt Myers, 832-4728. MEXICAN SECTION Avenida Universidad, No. 2180, Zona de El Chamizal, A.P. 1612-D, C.P. 32310 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico P.O. Box 10525, El Paso, TX 79995 phone 011-52-16-13-7311 or 011-52-16-13-7363 (Mexico) Commissioner.--Roberto F. Salmon Castello. Foreign Affairs Secretary.--Jose de Jesus Luevano Grano. Principal Engineers: Gilberto Elizalde Hernandez, L. Antonio Rascon Mendoza. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA UNITED STATES SECTION 1717 H Street, NW., Suite 845, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 736- 9100 Commissioner.--Kyle K. Hipsley. Deputy Commissioner.--John T. Moore, Jr. Administrative Officer.--Tracy Morris. [[Page 922]] CANADIAN SECTION 588 Booth Street, Suite 210, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0Y7, phone (613) 944-4515 Commissioner.--Jean Gagnon. Deputy Commissioner.--Vacant. INTERNATIONAL COTTON ADVISORY COMMITTEE Headquarters: 1629 K Street, NW., Suite 702, 20006, [email protected] phone (202) 463-6660, fax 463-6950, (Permanent Secretariat of the Organization) MEMBER COUNTRIES Argentina Australia Brazil Burkina Faso Cameroon Chad China (Taiwan) Cote d'Ivoire Egypt European Union India Kazakhstan Kenya Korea, Republic of Mali Mozambique Pakistan Russia South Africa Sudan Switzerland Tanzania Togo Turkey Uganda United States Uzbekistan Zimbabwe Executive Director.--Kai Hughes. Statistician.--Vacant. Director of Trade Analysis.--Andrei Guitchounts. Economist.--Lorena Ruiz. Head of Technical Information Section.--Keshava Raj Kranthi. INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA UNITED STATES SECTION 1717 H Street, NW., Suite 835, 20006 phone (202) 736-9000, fax 632-2006, Chair.--Lana B. Pollack. Commissioner.--Richard Moy. Secretary.--Charles A. Lawson. Legal Advisor.--Susan Daniel. Engineering Advisors: Mark Colosimo, Mark Gabriel. Public Information Officer.--Frank Bevacqua. Ecologist.--Victor Serveiss. GIS Coordinator.--Michael Laitta. Senior Advisor.--David Hermann. CANADIAN SECTION 234 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1P 6K6 phone (613) 995-2984, fax 993-5583 Chairman.--Gordon Walker. Commissioners: Benoit Bouchard, Richard Morgan. Secretary.--Camille Mageau. Legal Advisor.--Shane Zurbrigg. Public Affairs Advisor.--Sarah Lobrichon. Director, Science and Engineering.--Pierre Yves Caux. Engineering Advisors: David Fay, Wayne Jenkinson. Ecosystem Advisor.--Glenn Benoy. Director, Policy and Programs.--Paul Allen. [[Page 923]] Policy Advisor.--Cindy Warwick. Senior Advisor.--Nick Heisler. GREAT LAKES REGIONAL OFFICE 100 Ouellette Avenue, 8th Floor, Windsor, ON, Canada N9A 6T3 phone (519) 257-6700 (Canada), (313) 226-2170 (U.S.) Director.--Patricia Morris. Public Affairs Officer.--Sally Cole-Misch. Physical Scientists: Antonette Arvai, Raj Bejankiwar, Jennifer Boehme, Mark Burrows, Matthew Child, Lizhu Wang, John E. Wilson. INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION Headquarters: 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211, Geneva 22, Switzerland phone 41-22-799-6111, Washington Office, 1808 I Street, NW., Suite 900, 20006 phone (202) 617-3952, fax 617-3960, Liaison Office with the United Nations One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10017 phone (212) 697-0150, fax 697-5218, International Labor Office (Permanent Secretariat of the Organization) Headquarters Geneva: Director-General.--Guy Ryder. Washington: Director.--Vacant. Officer in Charge / Deputy Director.--Erick J. Zeballos. New York: Director.--Vinicius Pinheiro. Deputy Director.--Vacant. INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND 700 19th Street, NW., 20431, phone (202) 623-7000 MANAGEMENT AND SENIOR OFFICERS Managing Director.--Christine Lagarde. First Deputy Managing Director.--David Lipton. Deputy Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer.--Carla Grasso. Deputy Managing Directors: Mitsuhiro Furusawa, Tao Zhang. Economic Counselor.--Maurice Obstfeld. Financial Counselor.--Tobias Adrian. Legal Department General Counsel.--Sean Hagan. Departmental Directors: African.--Abebe Aemro Selassie. Asia and Pacific.--Chang Yong Rhee. Budget and Planning.--Daniel Citrin. European.--Poul Mathias Thomsen. Communications.--Gerard T. Rice. Finance.--Andrew Tweedie. Fiscal Affairs.--Vitor Gaspar. Human Resources.--Kalpana Kochhar. Internal Audit and Inspection.--Clare Brady. Middle East and Central Asia.--Jihad Azour. Monetary and Capital Markets.--Tobias Adrian. Strategy, Policy, and Review.--Martin Muhleisen. Research.--Maurice Obstfeld. [[Page 924]] Secretary.--Jianhai Lin. Statistics.--Louis Marc Ducharme. Information Technology.--Susan Helen Swart. Western Hemisphere.--Alejandro Werner. Director, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.--Chikahisa Sumi. Director, Europe Offices.--Jeffrey Franks. Director and Special Representative to the United Nations.--Chris Lane. Independent Evaluations Office.--Charles Collyns. Institute for Capacity Development.--Sharmini A. Correy. Legal and General Counsel.--Sean Hagan. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND ALTERNATES Executive Directors: Hesham Fahad Alogeel, represents Saudi Arabia. Herve M. Jodon de Villeroche, represents France. Thomas Ostros, represents Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden. Alexandre Tombini, represents Brazil, Capo Verde, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago. Nancy Gail Horsman, represents Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Ireland, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, represents Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan (Republic of), Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Subir Vithal Gokarn, represents Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka. Juda Agung, represents Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Fiji, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam. Miroslaw Panek, represents Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. Carlos Hurtado, represents Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela (Republica Bolivariana de). Michaela Erbenova, represents Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey. Daouda Sembene, represents Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Congo (Republic of), Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Togo. Alessandro Leipold, represents Albania, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino. Sunil Sabharwal, represents United States. Masaaki Kaizuka, represents Japan. Jafar Mojarrad, represents Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of), Algeria, Ghana, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia. Jorge Estrella, represents Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay. Steffen Meyer, represents Germany. Hazem Beblawi Elbeblawi, represents Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, Yemen (Republic of). Aleksei V. Mozhin, represents Russian Federation. Heenam Choi, represents Australia, Kiribati, Korea, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu. Anthony De Lannoy, represents Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of), Moldova, Montenegro Republic, Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine. Jin Zhongxia, represents China. Steve Field, represents United Kingdom. [[Page 925]] INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION Geneva Headquarters: 17 Route Des Morillons (P.O. Box 71), CH1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland, phone +41.22.798.61.50 Washington Mission: 1752 N Street, NW., Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036, phone (202) 862-1826 New York Mission: 122 East 42nd Street, 48th Floor New York, NY 10168-1610, phone (212) 681-7000 HEADQUARTERS Director General.--William Lacy Swing (United States). Deputy Director General.--Laura Thompson (Costa Rica). Washington Chief of Mission.--Luca Dalloglio (Italy). New York Chief of Mission.--Vacant. Permanent Observer to the United Nations.--Ashraf El Nour (South Sudan). MEMBER STATES Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland India Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea (Republic of) Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lesotho Liberia Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova (Republic of) Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Netherlands Nepal New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Rwanda Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Sudan [[Page 926]] Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe OBSERVER STATES (10) Bahrain Bhutan China Cuba Indonesia Qatar Russian Federation San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Organs and Organizations of the United Nations System United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) International Labour Organization (ILO) International Maritime Organization (IMO) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-WOMEN) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Universal Postal Union (UPU) World Bank World Food Programme (WFP) World Health Organization (WHO) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Intergovernmental organizations and other entities African Union African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group) Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) Council of Europe East African Community (EAC) Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Economic Community of West African States Commission (ECOWAS) European Union (EU) Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) [[Page 927]] Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) International Committee of the Red Cross International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Italian-Latin American Institute League of Arab States Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization of American States Organization of the Islamic Cooperation Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean Sovereign Order of Malta Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) - Regional Center for Combating Transborder Crime Southern African Development Community Secretariat (SADC) Union du Maghreb Arabe (UMA) OTHER ORGANIZATIONS WITH OBSERVER STATUS Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA) Africa Recruit African and Black Diaspora Global Network on HIV and AIDS (ABDGN) African Foundation for Development American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) - Center for International Migration and Integration (CIMI) Amnesty International Assistance pedagogique internationale (API) Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (ACMRO) CARAM Asia CARE International Caritas Internationalis Catholic Relief Services Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) Danish Refugee Council December 18 Episcopal Migration Ministries European Youth Forum (YFJ) Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia, Inc. Femmes Africa Solidarite (FAS) FOCSIV-Volontari Nel Mondo (Federation of Christian Organizations for International Volunteer Service) Food for the Hungry International Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Residing Abroad HIAS, Inc. Human Rights Watch Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre International Catholic Migration Commission International Council of Voluntary Agencies International Council on Social Welfare International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL) International Islamic Relief Organisation International Medical Corps International Organisation of Employers International Rescue Committee International Social Service International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) INTERSOS Islamic Relief Japan International Friendship and Welfare Foundation Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) ``La Caixa'' Foundation Lutheran World Federation Migrant Help Migrants Rights International (MRI) NGO Committee on Migration Niwano Peace Foundation Norwegian Refugee Council Partage avec les enfants du tiers monde Paulino Torras Domenech Foundation Qatar Charity Refugee Council of Australia Refugee Education Trust (RET) Sasakawa Peace Foundation Save the Children Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) Solidar Terre des Hommes International Federation The Hague Institute for Global Justice Tolstoy Foundation, Inc. United Ukrainian American Relief Committee World Council of Churches World Vision International DUTY STATIONS 2015 Afghanistan 2 Herat Kabul Albania 1 Tirana Algeria 1 Algiers [[Page 928]] Angola 3 Luanda Maquela d Zombo Uige Argentina 1 Buenos Aires Armenia 2 Gyumri Yerevan Australia 6 Brisbane Canberra Darwin Melbourne Perth Sydney Austria 2 Vienna CO Vienna RO Azerbaijan 2 Baku Mingachevir Bangladesh 3 Chittagong Dhaka Sylhet Belarus 1 Minsk Belgium 1 Brussels Benin 1 Cotonou Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1 La Paz Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Banja Luka Sarajevo Botswana 1 Gaborone Bulgaria 2 Burgas Sofia Burkina Faso 1 Ouagadougou Burundi 3 Bujumbura Rutana Ruyigi Cabo Verde 1 Praia Cambodia 1 Phnom Penh Cameroon 1 Yaounde Canada 1 Ottawa Central African Republic 3 Bangui Boda Kabo Chad 8 Abeche Farchana Faya Gore Mao Moussoro N'Djamena Tissi Chile 1 Santiago China 2 Beijing Hong Kong SAR Colombia 31 Arauca Armenia Barranquilla Bogota Bucaramanga Buenaventura Cali Cartagena Cauca Valley Cucuta Florencia Guajira Ibague Manizales Medellin Mitu Mocoa Monteria Narino Neiva Pasto Pereira Popayan Quibdo Santa Marta Sincelejo SJ de Guaviare Tumaco Tunja Valledupar Villavicencio Congo 1 Brazzaville Costa Rica 1 San Jose Cote d'Ivoire 4 Abidjan Danane Tabou Toulepleu Croatia 1 Zagreb Cyprus 1 Nicosia Czech Republic 1 Prague Democratic Republic of the Congo (the) 7 Bukavu Bunia Goma Kasindi Kimpese Kinshasa Lubumbashi Denmark 1 Copenhagen Djibouti 1 Djibouti Dominican Republic 1 Santo Domingo Ecuador 1 Quito Egypt 1 Cairo El Salvador 1 San Salvador Estonia 1 Tallinn Ethiopia 9 Addis Ababa Assosa Dollo Addo Gambella Jijiga Moyale Semera Shimelba Shire Endaselas Finland 1 Helsinki France 2 Marseille Paris Gabon 1 Libreville Gambia 1 Banjul Georgia 5 [[Page 929]] Batumi Gori Kutaisi Tbilisi Telavi Germany 2 Berlin Nuremberg Ghana 1 Accra Greece 1 Athens Guatemala 1 Guatemala City Guinea 2 Conakry Nzerekore Guyana 1 Georgetown Haiti 3 Gonaives Ouanaminthe Port-au-Prince Honduras 1 Tegucigalpa Hungary 1 Budapest India 1 New Delhi Indonesia 25 Aceh Selatan Aceh Timur Aceh Utara Ambon Balikpapan Banda Aceh Batam Bener Meriah Jakarta Jayapura Jimbaran Kupang Langsa Lhokseumawe Makassar Medan Menado Merauke Pekanbaru Pontianak Semarang Surabaya Takengon Tanjung Pinang Yogyakarta Iran 1 Teheran Iraq 6 Al Basrah Ar Ramadi Baghdad Dohuk Erbil Sulaymaniah Ireland 1 Dublin Italy 2 Rome Turin Jamaica 1 Kingston Japan 1 Tokyo Jordan 1 Amman Kazakhstan 2 Almaty Astana Kenya 8 Dadaab Eldoret Garissa Kakuma Lodwar Marsabit Nairobi Wajir Korea (Republic of) 1 Seoul Kuwait 1 Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan 2 Bishkek Osh Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 Vientiane Latvia 1 Riga Lebanon 1 Beirut Lesotho 1 Maseru Liberia 4 Buchanan Monrovia Sinje Tubmanburg Libya 2 Benghazi Tripoli Lithuania 1 Vilnius Madagascar 1 Antananarivo Malawi 1 Lilongwe Malaysia 1 Kuala Lumpur Maldives 1 Male Mali 4 Bamako Gao Mopti Tomboctou Malta 1 Valletta Marshall Islands 1 Majuro Mauritania 1 Nouakchott Mauritius 1 Port Louis Mexico 3 Mexico City Tapachula Tuxtla Micronesia (Federated States of) 4 Chuuk Kosrae Pohnpei Yap Mongolia 1 Ulaanbaatar Montenegro 1 Podgorica Morocco 4 Khouribga Rabat Tangier Tetouan Mozambique 3 Maputo Quelimane Xai-Xai Myanmar 12 Mon Ayeyarwady Delt Bogalay Hpa-an [[Page 930]] Loikaw Mawlamyinegyun Myawaddy Myitkyina Sittwe Thaton Yangon Ye Namibia 1 Windhoek Nepal 4 Chautara Damak Gorkha Kathmandu Netherlands 3 Schiphol Airp. The Hague Zwolle Nicaragua 1 Managua Niger 4 Arlit Diffa Niamey Zinder Nigeria 3 Abuja Lagos Yola Norway 1 Oslo Pakistan 5 Islamabad Karachi Lahore Mirpur Peshawar Panama 1 Panama City Papua New Guinea 6 Buka Kimbe Lae Manus Popondetta Port Moresby Paraguay 1 Asuncion Peru 1 Lima Philippines 8 Cebu Cotabato City Guiuan Manila Ormoc Roxas Tacloban Zamboanga Poland 1 Warsaw Portugal 1 Lisbon Republic of Moldova 1 Chisinau Romania 1 Bucharest Russian Federation 2 Krasnodar Moscow Rwanda 1 Kigali Saudi Arabia 1 Riyadh Senegal 1 Dakar Serbia 2 Belgrade Pristina Sierra Leone 1 Freetown Slovakia 2 Bratislava Kosice Slovenia 1 Ljubljana Somalia 4 Bossaso Garowe Hargeisa-Somali Mogadishu South Africa 1 Pretoria South Sudan 8 Bentiu Bor Juba Maban Malakal Malualkon Renk Wau Spain 1 Madrid Sri Lanka 6 Ampara Batticaloa Colombo Jaffna Kilinochchi Vavuniya Sudan 8 Abyei El Fasher El Fula Geneina Kadugli Kassala Khartoum Nyala Switzerland 5 Altstatten Basel Bern Geneva Kreuzlingen Syrian Arab Republic 11 Al Hasakah Aleppo Damascus Deirezzor Dera'a Homs Idleb Latakia Quneitra Sweida Tartus Tajikistan 1 Dushanbe Thailand 10 Bangkok Chanthaburi Chiang Mai Chiang Rai Mae Hong Son Mae Sariang Mae Sot Phang Nga Ranong Songkhla The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 Skopje Timor-Leste 1 Dili Togo 1 Lome Trinidad and Tobago 1 Port of Spain Tunisia 2 Tunis Zarzis Turkey 3 Ankara Gaziantep [[Page 931]] Istanbul Turkmenistan 1 Ashgabad Uganda 1 Kampala Ukraine 3 Kharkiv Kiev Odessa United Arab Emirates 1 Dubai United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 London United Republic of Tanzania 3 Dar-es-Salaam Kigoma Moshi United States of America 10 Chicago Guantanamo Bay Irvine Los Angeles Miami New York New York-JFK Newark SLO New York Washington UNSC resolution 1244-administered, Kosovo 3 Mitrovica Peje Pristina Uruguay 1 Montevideo Uzbekistan 1 Tashkent Vanuatu 1 Port Vila Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2 Caracas San Cristobal Viet Nam 2 Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City Yemen 3 Aden Harad Sana'a Zambia 1 Lusaka Zimbabwe 3 Beitbridge Harare Mutare Grand Total 401 INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC HALIBUT COMMISSION UNITED STATES AND CANADA Headquarters / Mailing address: 2320 West Commodore Way, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98199-1287 phone (206) 634-1838, fax 632-2983 American Commissioners: Dr. Jim Balsiger, National Marine Fisheries Service, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 586-7221, fax 586-7249. Robert Alverson, 4005-20th Avenue West, Room 232, Seattle, WA 98199 (206) 283-7735. Linda Behnken, P.O. Box 1229, Sitka, AK 99835 (907) 747-3400. Canadian Commissioners: Paul Ryall, Suite 200, 401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3S4 (604) 666-0115. Ted Assu, 754 Nursery Road, Campbell River, BC, Canada V9H 3P4 (250) 287-8868. Jake Vanderheide, 2320 West Commodore Way, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98199-1287 (250) 710-6853. Director and Secretary (ex officio).--Dr. David Wilson, 2320 West Commodore Way, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98199-1287. ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., 20006 phone (202) 458-3000, fax 458-3967 PERMANENT MISSIONS TO THE OAS Antigua and Barbuda.--Ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders, Permanent Representative, 3216 New Mexico Avenue, NW., 20016, phone 362- 5122 / 5166 / 5211, fax 362-5225. Argentina.--Ambassador Juan Jose, Permanent Representative, 1816 Corcoran Street, NW., 20009, phone 387-4142 / 4146 / 4170, fax 328-1591. The Bahamas.--Chet Neymour, Interim Representative, 2220 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., 20008, phone 319-2660 to 2667, fax 319-2668. Barbados.--Ambassador Selwin Charles Hart, Permanent Representative, 2144 Wyoming Avenue, NW., 20008, phone 939-9200 / 9201 / 9202, fax 332-7467. [[Page 932]] Belize.--Ambassador Francisco Daniel Gutierez, Permanent Representative, 2535 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., 20008-3098, phone 332-9636, ext. 228, fax 332-6888. Bolivia.--Ambassador Diego Pary, Permanent Representative, 2728 34th Street, NW., 20008, phone 785-0218 / 0219 / 0224, fax 296-0563. Brazil.--Ambassador Jose Luis Machaco e Costa, Permanent Representative, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW., Suite 412, 20037, phone 333-4224 / 4225 / 4226, fax 333-6610. Canada.--Ambassador Jennifer Loten, Permanent Representative, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 20001, phone 682-1768, ext. 7724, fax 682-7624. Chile.--Ambassador Juan Anibal Barria, Permanent Representative, 2000 L Street, NW., Suite 440, 20036, phone 887-5475 / 5476 / 5477, fax 775-0713. Colombia.--Ambassador Andres Gonzalez Diaz, Permanent Representative, 1609 22nd Street, NW., 20008, phone 332-8003 / 8004, fax 234-9781. Costa Rica.--Ambassador Rogelio Sotela Munoz, Permanent Representative, 2112 S Street, NW., Suite 300, 20008, phone 234- 9280 / 9281, fax 986-2274. Dominica.--Ambassador Dr. Vince Henderson, Permanent Representative, 1001 North 19th Street, Suite 1200., Arlington, VA 22209, phone 571-1370, fax 571-384-7916. Dominican Republic.--Ambassador Gedeon Santos, Permanent Representative, 1715 22nd Street, NW., 20008, phone 332-9142 / 0616 / 0772, fax 232-5038. Ecuador.--Ambassador Marco Albuja, Permanent Representative, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW., Suite 212, 20037, phone 234-1494 / 1692 / 8053, fax 667-3482. El Salvador.--Ambassador Carlos Calles Castillo, Permanent Representative, 2308 California Street, NW., 20008, phone 595- 7546 / 7545, fax 232-4806. Grenada.--Ambassador Angus Friday, Permanent Representative, 1701 New Hampshire Avenue, NW., 20009, phone 265-2561, fax 265-2468. Guatemala.--Ambassador Gabriel Aguilera Peralta, Permanent Representative, 1507 22nd Street, NW., 20037, phone 833-4015 / 4016 / 4017, fax 833-4011. Guyana.--Ambassador Dr. Riyad Insanally, Permanent Representative, 2490 Tracy Place, NW., 20008, phone 265-6900 / 6901, fax 232- 1297. Haiti.--Ambassador Leon Charles, Interim Representative, 2311 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., 20008, phone 332-4090 / 4096, fax 518-8742. Honduras.--Ambassador Leonidas Rosa Bautista, Permanent Representative, 3007 Tilden Street, NW., Suite 4M-400, 20008, phone 244-5430 / 5653 / 5260, no fax. Jamaica.--Ambassador Audrey Marks, Permanent Representative, 1520 New Hampshire Avenue, NW., 20036, phone 986-0121 / 0123 / 452- 0660, fax 452-9395. Mexico.--Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba, Permanent Representative, 2440 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., 20008, phone 332-3663 / 3664 / 3984, fax 234-0602. Nicaragua.--Ambassador Denis Ronaldo Moncada Colindres, Permanent Representative, 1627 New Hampshire Avenue, NW., 20009, phone 332-1643 / 1644 / 939-6536, fax 745-0710. Panama.--Ambassador Jesus Sierra Victoria, Permanent Representative, 2201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW., Suite C-100, 20007, phone 965-4826 / 4819, fax 965-4836. Paraguay.--Ambassador Elisa Ruiz Diaz Bareiro, Permanent Representative, 2022 Connecticut Avenue, NW., 20008, phone 232- 8020 / 8021 / 8022, fax 244-3005. Peru.--Ambassador Ana Rosa Valdivieso, Permanent Representative, 1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 402, 20006, phone 232-2281 / 2282 / 1973, fax 466-3068. Saint Kitts and Nevis.--Ambassador Dr. Everson Hull, Permanent Representative, 1001 North 19th Street, Suite 1260, Arlington, VA 22209, phone 686-2636 / (571) 527-1360, fax 686-5740. Saint Lucia.--Ambassador Anton E. Edmunds, Permanent Representative, 1001 North 19th Street, Suite 1200, Arlington, VA 22209, phone 364-6792 / (571) 527-1375, fax 364-6723 / (571) 384-7930. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines.-- Ambassador Lou-Anne Gaylene Christ, Permanent Representative, 1001 North 19th Street, Suite 1260, Arlington, VA 22209, phone 364-6730, fax 364-6736. Suriname.--Ambassador Niermala Badrising, Permanent Representative, 3400 International Place, NW., Suite 4L, 20008, phone 629-4402 / 4401 / 4392, fax 629-4769. Trinidad and Tobago.--Ambassador Anthony Phillips-Spencer, Permanent Representative, 1708 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., 20036-1903, phone 467-6490, fax 785-3130. United States of America.--Kevin Sullivan, Interim Representative, WHA/USOAS Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Department of State, Room 5914, 20520-6258, phone 647-9376, fax 647-0911 / 6973. Uruguay.--Ambassador Hugo Cayrus, Permanent Representative, 1913 I (Eye) Street, NW., 4th Floor, 20006, phone 223-1961, fax 223- 1966. Venezuela.--Ambassador Carmen Velasquez de Visbal, Interim Representative, 1099 30th Street, NW., Second Floor, 20007, phone 342-5837 / 5838 / 5839 / 5840 / 5841, fax 625-5657. [[Page 933]] GENERAL SECRETARIAT Secretary General.--Luis Almagro (202) 370-5000. Chief of Staff to the Secretary General.--Gonzalo Koncke, 370-0300. Assistant Secretary General.--Nestor Mendez, 370-0261, fax 458-3011. Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary General.--Ambassador La Celia Prince, 370-0195. Executive Secretary for-- Integral Development.--Kim Hurtault-Osborne, 370-9014. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.--Paulo Abrao, 370- 9000. Secretary for-- Administration and Finance.--Juan Jose Goldschtein (acting), 370-5401. Multidimensional Security.--Claudia Paz y Paz, 370-9959. Strengthening Democracy.--Francisco Guerrero, 370-9962. Access to Rights and Equity.--Mauricio Rands, 370-0270. Hemispheric Affairs.--James M. Lambert, 370-4448. Legal Affairs.--Jean Michel Arrighi, 370-0741. Director for-- Summits Secretariat.--(Appointment pending), 370-0281. Press and Communications.--Gonzalo Espariz (acting), 370-5437. ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Headquarters: Paris, France, Washington Center, 1776 Eye Street, NW., Suite 450, 20006, phone (202) 785-6323, fax 785-0350,W[email protected], PARIS HEADQUARTERS Secretary-General.--Angel Gurria. Deputy Secretaries-General: Douglas Frantz, Mari Kiviniemi, Masamichi Kono. Chief Economist.--Catherine Mann. WASHINGTON CENTER Head of Center.--Susan Fridy (acting). Member Countries: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Latvia Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States OECD WASHINGTON CENTER 1776 Eye Street, NW., Suite 450, 20006, phone (202) 785-6323, fax 315- 2508 Head of Center.--Susan Fridy (acting). PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO) REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 525 23rd Street, NW., 20037, phone (202) 974-3000 fax 974-3663 Director.--Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, 974-3408. [[Page 934]] Deputy Director.--Dr. Isabella Danel, 974-3178. Assistant Director.--Dr. Francisco Becerra, 974-3404. Director of Administration.--Gerald Anderson, 974-3412. PAHO / WHO FIELD OFFICES OPS / WHO OFICINAS DE LOS REPRESENTANTES EN LOS PAISES Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Countries (ECC serves the following countries, territories and departments: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Overseas Territories (Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat).--Dr. Godfrey Xuereb, Dayralls and Navy Garden Roads, Christ Church, (P.O. Box 508), Bridgetown, Barbados, phone (246) 426-3860 / 435-9263, fax 228-5402, e-mail: [email protected], Caribbean Program Coordination, CPC.--Eng. Adrianus Vlugman, a.i., Caribbean Program Coordinator, Dayralls and Navy Garden Roads, Christ Church, Bridgetown, Barbados (P.O. Box 508), (French Antilles: Guadaloupe, Martinique, St. Martin and St. Bartholomew, French Guiana), phone (246) 426-3860 / 3865 427-9434, fax 436-9779, e-mail: [email protected], PAHO/WHO Representatives: Argentina.--Dr. Maureen Birmingham, Marcelo T. de Alvear 684, 4o. piso, 1058 Buenos Aires, Argentina, phone (54-11) 4319-4200, fax 4319-4201, e-mail: [email protected].ar, Bahamas (Also serves Turks and Caicos).--Dr. Gerarda Eijkemans, 2nd Floor, Grosvenor Medical Centre, Grosvenor Close, Shirley Street, Nassau, Bahamas, phone (242) 326-7299 / 356-4730, fax 326-7012, e-mail: [email protected]. Belize.--Dr. Roberto Escoto, 4792 Coney Drive, Coney Drive Business Plaza, 3rd Floor, (P.O. Box 1834), Belize City, Belize, phone (501-2) 2448-85 / 2339-46, fax 2309-17, e-mail: [email protected], Bolivia.--Dr. Luis Fernando Leanes, Calle 18 No. 8022, Edificio Parque 18 Piso 2 y 3, Zona Calacoto, La Paz, Bolivia, phone (591-2) 297-9730 / fax 297-1146, e-mail: [email protected], Brazil.--Dr. Joaquin Molina, Setor de Embaixadas Norte, Lote 19, 70800-400, Brasilia, (Caixa Postal 08-629, 70312-970, Brasilia, D.F., Brasil), phone (55-61) 3251-9455 /9549 /9500, fax 3223- 0269, e-mail: [email protected], Chile.--Dra. Paloma Cuchi, Av. Dag Hammarskjold 3269, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile. phone (56-2) 2437-4600 / 4605, fax 207-4717, e- mail: [email protected], Colombia.--Dr. Gina Watson, Calle 66 No. 11-50, Piso 6 y 7, Edificio Villorio, Bogota, D.C., Colombia, phone (57-1) 314-4141 /254- 7050, fax 254-7070, e-mail: [email protected].co, http:// Costa Rica.--Dra. Lilian Reneau-Vernon, Calle 16, Avenida 6 y 8, Distrito Hospital, (Apartado 3745), San Jose, Costa Rica, phone (506) 2521-7045 / 2258-5810, fax 2258-5830, e-mail: [email protected], Cuba.--Dr. Christian Morales, Calle 4 No. 407, entre 17 y 19 Vedado, (Casilla diplomatica 68), La Habana, Cuba C.P. 10400, phone (53- 7) 831-8944 / 837-5808, fax 833-2075/ 66-2075, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected], http:// Dominican Republic.--Dr. Alma Morales, Edificio OPS / OMS, y Defensa Civil, Calle Pepillo Salcedo-Recta Final, Plaza de la Salud, Ensanche La Fe, (Apartado Postal 1464), Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, phone (809) 562-1519 / 544-3241/542-6177, fax 544- 0322, e-mail: [email protected], Ecuador.--Dra. Gina Tambini, Amazonas N. 2889 y Mariana de Jesus, Quito, Ecuador, phone (593-2) 2460-330 / 296 / 215, fax 2460- 325, e-mail: [email protected], El Salvador.--Dr. Carlos Garzon, 73 Avenida Sur No. 135, Colonia Escalon, (Apartado Postal 1072, Sucursal Centro), San Salvador, El Salvador, phone (503) 2511-9500/ 9504/ 9501, fax 2511-9555, e-mail: [email protected], Guatemala.--Dr. Guadalupe Verdejo, Diagonal 6, 10-15 zona 10, Edificio Interamericas, torre norte, cuarto nivel, (Apartado Postal 383), Guatemala, Guatemala, phone (502) 2329-4200 / 2336- 7426 / 2336-7425, fax 2334-3804, Guyana.--Dr. William Adu-Know, Lot 8 Brickdam Stabroek, (P.O. Box 10969), Georgetown, Guyana, phone (592) 225-3000 / 227-5159, fax 226-6654 /227-4205, e-mail: [email protected]. Haiti.--Dr. Jean Luc Poncelet, No. 295 Avenue John Brown, (Boite Postale 1330), Port-au-Prince, Haiti, phone (509) 2814-3000/ 3001/ 3002/ 3005, fax 2814-3089, e-mail: [email protected]. [[Page 935]] Honduras.--Ing. Ana Solis-Ortega Treasure, Edificio Imperial, 6o.y 7o.piso, Avenida Republica de Panama, Frente a la Casa de Naciones Unidas, Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras, phone (504) 2221- 6091 / 6098 / 6102, fax 2221-6103, e-mail: [email protected], Jamaica (also serves Bermuda and Cayman).--Dr. Noreen Jack, 8 Gibraltar Way, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica, (P.O. Box 384, Cross Roads, P.O., Kingston 5) phone (876) 970-0016, fax 927-2657, e-mail: [email protected] Mexico.--Dr. Diego Gonzalez, a.i., Horacio No. 1855, 3er. Piso, Of. 305, Colonia Los Morales, Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico D.F., 11510, Mexico, phone (52-55) 5980-0880 / 0871, fax 5395- 5681, e-mail: [email protected], http://www.mex.ops- Nicaragua.--Dr. Socorro Gross Galiano, Complejo Nacional de Salud, Camino a la Sabana, Apartado Postal 1309, Managua, Nicaragua, phone (505) 2289-4200 / 4800, fax 2289-4999, e-mail: [email protected], Panama.--Dr. Federico Hernandez Pimentel, Ministerio de Salud de Panama, Ancon, Avenida Gorgas, Edificio 261, 2o piso, (Casilla Postal 0843-3441), Panama, Panama, phone (507) 262-0030 / 1996, fax 262-4052, e-mail: [email protected], http:// Paraguay.--Dr. Carlos Castillo Solorzano, Edificio ``Faro del Rio'' Mcal Lopez 957 Esq. Estados Unidos, (Casilla de Correo 839), Asuncion, Paraguay, (Casilla de Correo 839) phone (595-21) 450- 495 / 449-864/ fax 450-498, e-mail: [email protected], Peru.--Dr. Gustavo Vargas, Los Pinos 251, Urbanizacion Camacho, La Molina, Lima 12, Peru, phone (51-1) 319-5700 / 5781, fax 437- 8289, e-mail: [email protected], Puerto Rico.--Dr. Raul Castellanos Bran, P.O. Box 70184, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936, phone (787) 274-7608, fax 250-6547 / 767- 8341. Suriname.--Dr. Guillermo Troya, Burenstraat #33, (P.O. Box 1863), Paramaribo, Suriname, phone (597) 471-676 / 425-355, fax 471- 568, e-mail: [email protected]. Trinidad and Tobago.--Dr. Bernadette Theodore-Gandi, Sweet Briar Place, First Floor, 10-12 Sweet Briar Road, St. Clair, Trinidad, phone (868) 624-7524 / 4376 / 2078 / 625-4492, fax 624-5643, email: [email protected]. Uruguay.--Dr. Eduardo Levcovitz, Ave. Brasil 2697, Aptos. 5, 6 y 8, Esquina Coronel Alegre, Codigo Postal 11300, (Casilla de Correo 1821), Montevideo, Uruguay, phone (598-2) 707-3590 / 2589, fax 707-3530, e-mail: [email protected], Venezuela (Also serves Netherlands Antilles).--Dra. Celia Riera, Avenida Sexta entre 5a y 6a, Transversal No. 43, Quinta OPS/OMS, Urbanizacion Altamira, Caracas 1060, Venezuela, (Apartado 6722 - Carmelitas, Caracas 1010, Venezuela) phone (58-212) 206-5022 / 5000, 265-0403 fax 261-6069, e-mail: [email protected], CENTERS Caribbean Epidemiology Center (CAREC).--Dr. Beryl Irons, 16-18 Jamaica Boulevard, Federation Park, (P.O. Box 164), Port-of- Spain, Trinidad, phone (1-868) 622-4262, fax 622-2792, e-mail: [email protected]. Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI).--Dr. Fitzroy J. Henry, University of the West Indies, (P.O. Box 140-Mona), Kingston 7, Jamaica, phone (1-876), 977-6726 / 1274, fax 927- 2657, e-mail: [email protected]. Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME).--Mr. Jacobo Finkelman, a.i., Rua Botucatu 862, Vila Clementino, (Caixa Postal 20381), CEP.04023-901, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, phone (55-11) 5576-9800 / 5572-3226, fax 575-8868 / 5549-2590, e-mail: [email protected]. Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP).--Dra. Suzanne Jacob Serruya, Hospital de Clinicas, Piso 16, (Casilla de Correo 627, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay), 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay, phone (598-2) 487-2929, fax 487-2593, e- mail: [email protected]. Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center (PANAFTOSA).--Dr. Ottorino Cosivi, Governador Leonel de Moura Brizola 7778, (Antiga Avenida Presidente Kennedy), Sao Bento, Duque de Caxias, 25040-004 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, (Caixa Postal 589, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay) phone (55-21) 3661-9000 / 9005 / 9002, fax 3661-9001, e-mail: [email protected]. PAHO Foundation.--Mailing address: P.O. Box 27733, Washington, DC 30038-7733 / Physical address: 1889 F Street, NW., Suite 313, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 974-3416, fax 974-3636. [[Page 936]] Regional Program on Bioethics.--Dr. Carla Saenz, Bioethics Regional Advisor, Pan American Health Organization, phone (202) 974-3263, fax: 974-3663. PAHO HIV Caribbean Office.--112-114 Duke Street, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad W.I., phone (868) 624-0400 / 623-9417, fax 974-8001. United States-Mexico Border.--This Center closed in 2013. PERMANENT JOINT BOARD ON DEFENSE, CANADA-UNITED STATES CANADIAN SECTION National Defence Headquarters, MG George R. Pearkes Building, Ottawa, ON Canada K1A OK2, phone (613) 992-4423 Members: Canadian Co-Chairman.--Hon. Laurie Hawn, P.C., C.D., M.P. Military Policy.--Cmdre Bob Auchterlonie, Director, of General Plans. Defence Policy.--Gordon Venner, Assistant Deputy, Minister Policy. Foreign Affairs.--David Drake, DFATD Director General, Security and Intelligence Bureau. Canada Strategic Joint Staff.--MGen Charles Lamarre, Director of Staff. NORAD.--LGen Pierre St-Amand, Deputy Commander NORAD. Public Safety.--Megan Nichols, Director General, Border Policy and International Affairs. Military Secretary.--LCol Michael Ward, Directorate of Western Hemisphere Policy. Political Secretary.--Yasemin Heinbecker, DFADT Directorate of International Defence Relations, (613) 867-1234. UNITED STATES SECTION JCS, J-5, Western Hemisphere Directorate, Pentagon, Room 2E773, 20318 phone (703) 695-4955 Members: U.S. Co-Chair.--Elissa Slotkin, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Military Policy (Joint Staff).--BG Joseph Whitlock, Deputy Director for Western Hemisphere. Defense Policy (OSD).--Dr. Rebecca Chavez, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere. State Department.--Karen Choe-Fichte, Deputy Director, Office of Canadian Affairs. National Security Council.--Denison Offutt, Director of North American Affairs. USNORTHCOM.--RADM Richard P. Snyder, Director of Strategy, Policy, and Plans. NORAD.--RADM Richard P. Snyder, Director of Strategy, Policy, and Plans. DHS.--RDML Joanna Nunan, Military Advisor to the Secretary of DHS. Military Secretary.--Maj. Francis Marino, Canada Desk Officer on the Joint Staff, 695-4955. Political Secretary.--Keith Gilges, Political Affairs, Office of Canadian Affairs, 202-647-2228. SECRETARIAT OF THE PACIFIC COMMUNITY B.P. D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia, phone (687) 26.20.00, fax 26.38.18 [email protected], Director-General.--Dr. Colin Tukuitonga. Deputy Director General (Noumea).--Cameron Diver. Deputy Director General (Suva).--Dr. Audrey Aumua. Director: Public Health Division.--Dr. Paula Vivili. Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Marine Ecosystems Division.--Moses Amos. Land Resources Division.--Jan Helsen. Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division.--Dr. Andrew Jones. Social Development Programme.--Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago-Elisara. Regional Rights Resource Team (Human Rights Programme).--Nicol Cave a.i. Statistics for Development Division.--Dr. Ofa Ketu'u. [[Page 937]] Strategic Engagement, Policy and Planning Facility.--Cameron Bowles. Strategic and Corporate Communications.--Peter Foster. Human Resources.--Craig Parker. Finance.--Martin van Weerdenburg. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability.--Sylvie Goyet. U.S. Contact: Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Office of Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Island Affairs, Department of State, Washington, DC 20520, phone (202) 736-4741, fax 647-0118 Member Countries and Territories of the SPC: American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Australia Palau Cook Islands Papua New Guinea Federated States of Micronesia Pitcairn Islands Fiji Samoa France Solomon Islands French Polynesia Tokelau Guam Tonga Kiribati Tuvalu Marshall Islands United States Nauru Vanuatu New Caledonia Wallis and Futuna Niue New Zealand SECRETARIAT OF THE PACIFIC REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME P.O. Box 240, Apia, Samoa, phone (685) 21929, fax (685) 20231 E-mail: [email protected], Director General.--Kosi Latu. Deputy Director.--Roger Cornforth. Director of: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Programme.--Stuart Chape. Climate Change Programme.--Vacant. Environmental Monitoring and Governance.--Easter Galuvao. Waste Management and Pollution Control.--Vicki Hall. U.S. Contact: Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs, Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 phone (202) 647-3262 Member Countries and Territories of SPREP: American Samoa Niue Australia Northern Mariana Islands Cook Islands Palau Federated States of Micronesia Papua New Guinea Fiji Samoa France Solomon Islands French Polynesia Tokelau Guam Tonga Kiribati Tuvalu Marshall Islands United Kingdom Nauru United States New Caledonia Vanuatu New Zealand Wallis and Futuna UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is composed of all 193 United Nations Member States. [[Page 938]] SECURITY COUNCIL The Security Council has 15 members. The United Nations Charter designates five States as permanent members, and the General Assembly elects ten other members for two-year terms. The term of office for each non-permanent member of the Council ends on 31 December of the year indicated in parentheses next to its name. The five permanent members of the Security Council are China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States. The ten non-permanent members of the Council in 2017 are Egypt (2017), Japan (2017), Senegal (2017), Ukraine (2017), Uruguay (2017), Ethiopia (2018), Kazakhstan (2018), Bolivia (2018), Italy (2018), Sweden (2018). ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL The Economic and Social Council has 54 members, elected for three- year terms by the General Assembly. The term of office for each member expires on 31 December of the year indicated in parentheses next to its name. Voting in the Council is by simple majority; each member has one vote. In 2017, the Council is composed of the following 54 States: Algeria (2018) Afghanistan (2018) Andorra (2019) Argentina (2017) Australia (2018) Azerbaijan (2019) Belgium (2018) Benin (2019) Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019) Brazil (2017) Burkina Faso (2017) Cameroon (2019) Chad (2019) Chile (2018) China (2019) Colombia (2019) Czech Republic (2018) Estonia (2017) France (2017) Germany (2017) Ghana (2017) Guyana (2018) Honduras (2017) India (2017) Iraq (2018) Ireland (2017) Italy (2018) Japan (2017) Lebanon (2018) Mauritania (2017) Nigeria (2018) Norway (2019) Pakistan (2017) Peru (2018) Republic of Korea (2019) Republic of Moldova (2018) Russian Federation (2019) Rwanda (2018) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2019) Somalia (2018) South Africa (2018) Spain (2017) Swaziland (2019) Sweden (2019) Tajikistan (2019) Trinidad and Tobago (2017) Turkey (2017) UAE (2019) Uganda (2017) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2019) United States of America (2018) Venezuela (2019) Viet Nam (2018) Zimbabwe (2017) TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL The Trusteeship Council has five members: China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States. With the independence of Palau, the last remaining United Nations trust territory, the Council formally suspended operation on 1 November 1994. By a resolution adopted on that day, the Council amended its rules of procedure to drop the obligation to meet annually and agreed to meet as occasion required--by its decision or the decision of its President, or at the request of a majority of its members or the General Assembly or the Security Council. INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE The International Court of Justice has 15 members, elected by both the General Assembly and the Security Council. Judges hold nine-year terms. The term of office for each member expires on February of the year indicated in parentheses next to its name. The current composition of the court is as follows: [[Page 939]] Ronny Abraham (France 2018) Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (Somalia 2018) Hisashi Owada (Japan 2021) Joan E. Donoghue (United States 2024) Peter Tomka (Slovakia 2021) Giorgio Gaja (Italy 2021) Mohamed Bennouna (Morocco 2024) Julia Sebutinde (Uganda 2021) Antonio Augusto Cancado Trindade (Brazil 2018) Dalveer Bhandari (India 2018) Christopher John Greenwood (United Kingdom 2018) Patrick Lipton Robinson (Jamaica 2024) Xue Hangin (China 2021) James Richard Crawford (Australia 2024) Kirill Gevorgian (Russian Federation 2024) UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, (212) 963-1234, http:// Secretary General.--Antonio Guterres (Portugal). Deputy Secretary.--Amina J. Mohammed (Nigeria). EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Chief of Staff.--Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil). Spokesman.--Stephane Dujarric. OFFICE OF INTERNAL OVERSIGHT SERVICES Under-Secretary-General.--Heidi Mendoza (Philippines). Assistant Secretary-General.--David Kanja (Kenya). OFFICE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS Under-Secretary-General and Legal Counsel.--Miguel de Serpa Soares (Portugal). Assistant Secretary-General.--Stephen Mathias (United States). DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AFFAIRS Under-Secretary-General.--Jeffrey Feltman (United States). Assistant Secretaries-General: Miroslav Jenca (Slovakia), Taye-Brook Zerihoun (Ethiopia). DEPARTMENT FOR DISARMAMENT AFFAIRS Assistant Secretary-General, Acting High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.--Izumi Nakamitsu (Japan). DEPARTMENT OF PEACE-KEEPING OPERATIONS Under-Secretary-General.--Jean-Pierre Lacroix (France). Assistant Secretaries-General: El Ghassim Wane (Mauritania), Alexander Zuev (Russia). Military Adviser.--Lieutenant General Carlos Humberto Loitey (Uruguay). DEPARTMENT OF FIELD SUPPORT Under-Secretary-General.--Atul Khare (India). Assistant Secretary-General.--Lisa M. Buttenheim (United States). OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS Under-Secretary-General, Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.--Mark Lowcock (United Kingdom). Assistant Secretary-General / Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator.-- Ursula Mueller (Germany). [[Page 940]] DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS Under-Secretary-General.--Liu Zhenmin (China). Assistant Secretary-General, Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs.--Thomas Gass (Switzerland). Assistant Secretary-General, Economic Development.--Vacant. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT Under-Secretary-General.--Catherine Pollard (Guyana). Assistant Secretary-General.--Movses Abelian (Armenia). DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Under-Secretary-General.--Alison Smale (United Kingdom). DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT Under-Secretary-General.--Jan Beagle (New Zealand). Assistant Secretary-General, Controller.--Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas (Uruguay). Assistant Secretary-General, Human Resources Management.--Martha Helena Lopez (Colombia). Assistant Secretary-General, Central Support Services.--Stephen Cutts (United Kingdom). Assistant Secretary-General, Executive Director of the Capital Master Plan.--Michael Adlerstein (United States). OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FOR CHILDREN AND ARMED CONFLICT Under-Secretary-General.--Virginia Gamba (Argentina). UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PARTNERSHIPS Officer-in-Charge and Chief of Operations.--Ann de la Roche. UNITED NATIONS AT GENEVA (UNOG) Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-022) 917-1234 Director-General of UNOG.--Michael Moller (Denmark). UNITED NATIONS AT VIENNA (UNOV) Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, 1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43-1) 26060 Director-General.--Yury Fedotov (Russian Federation). UNITED NATIONS AT NAIROBI (UNON) P.O. Box 67578, Nairobi, Kenya 00200, phone: +254 20 7621234 Director-General.--Sahle-Work Zewde (Ethiopia). UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE 1775 K Street, NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006 phone: (202) 331-8670, fax: (202) 331-9191, email: [email protected] Director.--Robert Skinner (United States). REGIONAL ECONOMIC COMMISSIONS Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Menelik II Ave., P.O. Box 3001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, phone 251-11-544 4999, fax 251-11-551- 4416. [[Page 941]] Executive Secretary.--Vera Songwe (Cameroon). Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 917-1234 (switchboard). Executive Secretary.--Olga Algayerova (Slovakia). Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Casilla 179-D, Santiago, Chile, Postal code: 7630412, phone (56-2) 2471 2000, 2210 2000, fax (56-2) 208-0252. Executive Secretary.--Alicia Barcena (Mexico). ECLAC Washington Office: 1825 K Street, NW., Washington, DC, phone (202) 596-3713. Director.--Ines Bustillo. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok, Thailand, phone (66-2) 288-1234, fax (66-2) 288-1000. Executive Secretary.--Dr. Shamshad Akhtar (Pakistan). Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), P.O. Box 11- 8575, Riad El-Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon, phone 9611-981301, fax 9611-981510. Executive Secretary.--Mohamed Ali Alhakim (Iraq). Regional Commissions, New York Office, (ECE, ESCAP, ECLAC, ECA, ESCWA), phone (212) 963-8088. Director.--Amr Nour (Egypt). FUNDS AND PROGRAMS United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Case Postale 2500, CH-1211 Geneve 2 Depot, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 739- 8111. High Commissioner.--Filippo Grandi (Italy). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Regional Office for the United States and the Caribbean, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, phone (202) 296- 5191. Regional Representative.--Matthew Reynolds. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), UNICEF House, 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, phone (212) 326-7000. Executive Director.--Anthony Lake (United States). United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Representation Office, 1775 K Street, NW., Suite 360, Washington, DC 20006, phone (212) 824- 6463. Public Partnerships Manager.--Sean Snyder. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Palais des Nations, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 917-1234. Secretary General.--Mukhisa Kituyi (Kenya). International Trade Centre (ITC), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 730 01 11. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 1 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, phone (212) 906-5000. Administrator.--Achim Steiner (Germany). United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Representation Office, 1775 K Street, NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 331- 9130. Director.--Paul Clayman (United States). UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women), 220 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, phone (646) 781-4400. Director.--Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (South Africa). United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), Postfach 260 111, D-53153 Bonn, Germany, phone (49-228) 815-2000. Executive Coordinator.--Olivier Adam (France). United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P.O. Box 30552, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya, phone (254-20) 762-1234. Executive Director.--Erik Solheim (Norway). United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for North America, 900 17th Street, NW., Suite 506, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 785-0465. Director.--Barbara Hendrie. [[Page 942]] United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), United Nations Office at Nairobi, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, 00100, Kenya, phone (254-20) 762-1234. Executive Director.--Joan Clos (Spain). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43-1) 26060. Executive Director.--Yury Fedotov (Russian Federation). United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158, phone (212) 297-5000. Executive Director.--Natalia Kanem (Panama). UNFPA Liaison Office, 2121 K Street, NW., Suite 800-A, Washington, DC 20037, phone (202) 653-1155. Director.--Sarah Craven (United States). United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Headquarters Amman, Bayader Wadi Seer, P.O. Box 140157, Amman 11814, Jordan, phone (+ 962 6) 580-8100. Headquarters Gaza, P.O. Box 338, IL 78100, Ashqelon, Israel, P.O. Box 371 Gaza City, Palestinian Territory, phone (+ 972 8) 288-7701. Commissioner-General.--Pierre Krahenbuhl (Switzerland). UNRWA Representative Office, 1889 F Street, NW., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 974-3528. Director.--Chris McGrath (acting) (United States). World Food Programme (WFP), Via Cesare Giulio Viola 68, Parco dei Medici, 00148 Rome, Italy, phone (39-6) 65131. Executive Director.--David Beasley (United States). WFP U.S. Relations Office, 2121 K Street, NW., Suite 800-A, Washington, DC 20037, phone (202) 653-0010. Director.--Jon Brause. OTHER UNITED NATIONS ENTITIES Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41- 022) 917-9220. High Commissioner for Human Rights.--Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein (Jordan). Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Washington DC Liaison Office, 2121 K Street, NW., Suite 800-B, Washington, DC 20037, phone (202) 653-2458. Representative.--Mac Darrow. United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Office (NGLS), New York Office, United Nations Building DC1, Room 1106, New York, NY 10017, phone (212) 963-3125; Geneva Office, Room A1-50, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41 22) 917-2076. Officer-in-Charge, New York.--Susan Alzner. Officer-in-Charge, Geneva.--Hamish Jenkins. United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Marmorvej 51, P.O. Box 2695, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, phone (45-4) 533-7500. Executive Director.--Grete Faremo (Norway). UNOPS Liaison Office, 1775 K Street, NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC, phone (917) 200-8248. Head of Office.--Felipe Munevar. United Nations System Chief Executives Board (CEB) for Coordination, Geneva Office, C-553, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneve 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 917-3276; New York Office, DC2-0610, 2 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, phone (212) 963- 8138. United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10, 10127 Torino, Italy, phone (39 011) 653-5911. Deputy Director and Head of Programmes.--Claire Messina. United Nations University (UNU), 5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan, phone (81-3) 5467-1212. Rector.--David Malone (Canada). [[Page 943]] International Computing Centre (ICC), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 929-1444. Director.--Simon Jones. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS), 20, Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 791-3666. Executive Director.--Michel Sidibe. UNAIDS Washington Office, 1889 F Street, NW., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 223-7611. Director.--Lisa Carty. RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTES United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 917-3186 / 1583. Director.--Jarmo Sareva (Finland). United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), UNITAR, International Environment House, Chemin des Anemones 11-13, CH- 1219 Chatelaine, Geneva-Switzerland, phone (41-22) 917-8400. Executive Director.--Nikhil Seth (India). United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), Part of UN Women as July 2010. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10, 10127 Turin, Italy, phone (39-011) 6537-111. Director.--Cindy J. Smith (United States). United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 917-3060. Director.--Paul Ladd. SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy, phone (39-6) 57051. Director-General.--Jose Graziano da Silva (Brazil). Food and Agriculture Organization, Liaison Office for North America, Suite 800-B, 2121 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20037, phone (1- 202) 653-2400. Director.--Vimlendra Sharan (India). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 999 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 5H7, Canada, phone (1-514) 954-8219. Secretary-General.--Dr. Fang Liu (China). International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Via Paolo di Dono, 44, 00142 Rome, Italy, phone (39-6) 54591. President.--Gilbert F. Houngbo (Togo). External Affairs Department, IFAD North American Liaison Office, 1775 K Street, NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006, phone (1-202) 331- 9099. Chief.-- Deirdre McGrenra. International Labour Organization (ILO), 4, Routes des Morillons, CH- 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 799-6111. Director-General.--Guy Ryder (United Kingdom). ILO Washington Branch Office, 1801 I Street, NW., 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20006, phone (1-202) 617-3952. Director.--Erick Zeballos. International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom, phone (44-20) 7735-7611. Secretary-General.--Kitack Lim (Republic of Korea). International Monetary Fund (IMF), 700 19th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20431, phone (1-202) 623-7000. Managing Director.--Christine Lagarde (France). International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 730-5111. [[Page 944]] Secretary-General.--Houlin Zhao (China). United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France, phone (33-01) 4568-1000. Director-General.--Irina Bokova (Bulgaria). United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna International Centre, Wagramerstr. 5, P.O. Box 300, A-1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (43-1) 26026-0. Director-General.--Li Yong (China). Universal Postal Union (UPU), International Bureau, Case Postale 312, 3015 Berne, Switzerland, phone (41-31) 350-3111. Director-General.--Bishar Abdirahman Hussein (Kenya). World Bank Group, 1818 H Street, NW., Washington, DC 20433, phone (1- 202) 473-1000. President.--Jim Yong Kim (United States). World Health Organization (WHO), 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 791-2111. Director-General.--Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia). Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO), 525 23rd Street, NW., Washington, DC 20037, phone (1-202) 974-3000. Director.--Carissa F. Etienne (Dominica). World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 34, chemin des Colombettes, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 338- 9111. Director General.--Francis Gurry (Australia). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 7bis, avenue de la Paix, Case Postale 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, phone (41-22) 730- 8111. Secretary-General.--Petteri Taalas (Finland). RELATED BODY International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria, phone (431) 2600-0. Director General.--Yukiya Amano (Japan). IAEA Washington Office, 1629 K Street, NW., Suite 450, Washington, DC 20006, phone (202) 293-8580. Respresentative.--Andrew Semmel (United States). (The IAEA is an independent intergovernmental organization under the aegis of the UN). SPECIAL AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND ENVOYS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AFRICA Africa: Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Africa, OSAA.--Maged Abdelaziz (Egypt). High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, UN-OHRLLS.--Fekitamoeloa Katoa `Utoikamanu (Tonga). Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Africa, OSAA.--David Mehdi Hamam (acting) (France). African Union: Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the African Union, UNOAU.--Haile Menkerios (South Africa). Central Africa: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOCA.-- Francois Lounceny Fall (Guinea). Central African Republic: Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic.--Parfait Onanga-Anyanga (Gabon). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Deputy Head of Mission, MINUSCA.--Kenneth Gluck (United States). [[Page 945]] Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the Central African Republic and UN Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative, BINUCA.--Najat Rochdi (Morocco). Cote d'Ivoire: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cote d'Ivoire and Head of UNOCI.--Aichatou Mindaoudou Souleymane (Niger). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cote d'Ivoire, UNOCI.--Simon Munzu (Cameroon). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, UNOCI.--M'Baye Babacar Cisse (Senegal). Democratic Republic of the Congo: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of MONUSCO.--Maman Sambo Sidikou (Niger). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rule of Law, MONUSCO.-- David Gressly (United States). Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, MONUSCO.--Mamadou Diallo (Guinea). Equatorial Guinea and Gabon: Special Adviser to the Secretary-General and Mediator in the border dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.--Nicolas Michel (Switzerland). Great Lakes Region: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region.--Said Djinnit (Algeria). Guinea-Bissau: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOGBIS.--Modibo Toure (Mali). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Political) with UNIOGBIS.--Marco Carmignani (Brazil). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Guinea- Bissau, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Development Programme Resident Representative.--David McLachlan Karr (Australia). Liberia: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Liberia and Head of UNMIL.--Farid Zarif (Afghanistan). Deputy Special Representative for Rule of Law.--Waldemar Frey (South Africa). Deputy Special Representative for Recovery and Governance.-- Yacoub El Hillo (Sudan). Libya: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.--Ghassan Salame (Lebanon). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator.--Maria do Valle Ribeiro (Portugal). Mali: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of Mission, MINUSMA.--Mahamat Saleh Annadif (Chad). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in MINUSMA.--Koen Davidse (Netherlands). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in MINUSMA and UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and Resident Representative of UNDP.--Mbaranga Gasarabwe (Rwanda). Sahel: Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Sahel.--Ruby Sandhu- Rojon (United States). Somalia: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of Mission, UNSOM.--Michael Keating (United Kingdom). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia.--Raisedon Zenenga (Zimbabwe). Deputy Special Representative, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Somalia.--Peter de Clercq (Netherlands). Sudan and South Sudan: Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Sudan and South Sudan.-- Nicholas Haysom (South Africa). [[Page 946]] South Sudan: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS.--David Shearer (New Zealand). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UNMISS.--Alain Noudehou (Benin). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and Resident Representative, UNMISS.--Eugene Owusu (Ghana). Sudan / Abyei: Head of Mission and Force Commander, UNISFA.--Major General Hassen Ebrahim Mussa (Ethiopia). Sudan / Darfur: Joint African Union-United National Special Representative for Darfur, Head of UNAMID and Joint Chief Mediator.--Jeremiah Nyamane Kingsley Mamabolo (South Africa). Deputy Joint Special Representative-Pillar One, UNAMID.--Abiodun Oluremi Bashua (Nigeria). Deputy Joint Special Representative-Pillar Two, UNAMID.--Bintou Keita (Guinea). West Africa: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOWA.-- Mohammed Ibn Chambas (Ghana). Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary- General for West Africa and the Sahel.--Ruby Sandhu-Rojon (United States). Western Sahara: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara and Head of MINURSO.--Kim Bolduc (Canada). Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara.-- Horst Kohler (Germany). THE AMERICAS Colombia: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Colombia and Head of Mission.--Jean Arnault (France). El Salvador: Special Envoy to the Secretary-General to Facilitate Dialogue in El Salvador.--Benito Andion (Mexico). Guyana / Venezuela: Personal Representative of the Secretary-General on the Border Controversy between Guyana and Venezuela.--Dag Halvor Nylander (Norway). Haiti: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of Mission, MINUSTAH.--Sandra Honore (Trinidad and Tobago). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, MINUSTAH.--Susan D. Page (United States). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator, MINUSTAH.--M. El-Mostafa Benlamlih (Morocco). Special Adviser to the Secretary-General for Community-based Medicine and Lessons from Haiti.--Paul Farmer (United States). Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti.--Mamadou Diallo (Guinea). Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Haiti.--Josette Sheeran (United States). ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Afghanistan: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Head of UNAMA.--Tadamichi Yamamoto (Japan). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan, UNAMA.--Toby Lanzer (United Kingdom). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Political) for UNAMA.--Pernille Dahler Kardel (Denmark). Central Asia: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.-- Natalia Gherman (Republic of Moldova). [[Page 947]] India-Pakistan: Chief Military Observer and Head of Mission, UNMOGIP.--Major General Per Lodin (Sweden). Myanmar: Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Myanmar.--Vijay Nambiar (India). Timor Leste: Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste.--Noeleen Heyzer (Singapore). EUROPE Cyprus: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of Mission, UNFICYP.--Elizabeth Spehar (Canada). Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Cyprus (Interim).-- Elizabeth Spehar (Canada). Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-Greece: Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Greece-RYROM Talks.--Matthew Nimetz (United States). Georgia: Nations Representative.--Antti Turunen (Finland). Kosovo: Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of Mission, UNMIK.--Zahir Tanin (Afghanistan). MIDDLE EAST Middle East: Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority.--Nickolay Mladenov (Bulgaria). Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process / United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian Aid and Development Activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.--Robert Piper (Australia). Special Envoy for the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1559.--Jeffrey D. Feltman (United States). Head of Mission and Chief of Staff of UNTSO.--Major General Kristin Lund (Norway). Afghanistan: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Head of UNAMA.--Tadamichi Yamamoto (Japan). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan, UNAMA.--Toby Lanzer (United Kingdom). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Political) for UNAMA.--Pernille Dahler Kardel (Denmark). Iraq (UNAMI): Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq and Head of Mission, UNAMI.--Jan Kubis (Slovakia). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Political Affairs, UNAMI.--Gyorgy Busztin (Hungary). Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Development and Humanitarian Support) and Resident Coordinator / Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, UNAMI.-- Lise Grande (United States). Special Adviser for Relocation of Camp Hurriya Residents Outside of Iraq.--Jane Holl Lute (United States). Kuwait: Humanitarian Envoy of the Secretary-General.--Ahmed Al Meraikhi (Qatar). Lebanon: Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon.--Sigrid Kaag (Netherlands). Deputy Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative.-- Philippe Lazzarini (Switzerland). Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL.--Major General Michael Beary (Ireland). Libya: [[Page 948]] Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of Mission, UNSMIL.--Ghassan Salame (Lebanon). Deputy Special Representative and Deputy Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, UNSMIL.--Maria do Valle Ribeiro (Ireland). Syria: Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria.--Staffan de Mistura (Italy / Sweden). Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria.--Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy (Egypt). Syria Golan Heights: Head of Mission and Force Commander of the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF).--Major General Jai Shanker Menon (India). Yemen: Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Yemen.--Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed (Mauritania). OTHER HIGH LEVEL APPOINTMENTS Special Advisers to the Secretary-General: Joseph V. Reed (United States), Iqbal Riza (Pakistan), Jennifer Welsh (Canada). Alliance of Civilizations: High Representative.--Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser (Qatar). Avian and Human Influenza (Bird flu): Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza.--David Nabarro (United Kingdom). Children and Armed Conflict: Special Representative.--Virginia Gamba (Argentina). Cities and Climate Change: Special Envoy.--Michael Bloomberg (United States). Climate Change: Special Envoys of the Secretary-General on Climate Change: John Kufuor (Ghana), Mary Robinson (Ireland), Jens Stoltenberg (Norway). Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Change.--Robert Orr (United States). Disability and Accessibility: Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility.--Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes (Chile). Disaster Reduction: Special Representative.--Robert Glasser (Australia). Disaster Risk Reduction and Water: Special Envoy.--Han Seung-soo (Republic of Korea). Ebola Virus Disease: Special Envoy.--David Nabarro (United Kingdom). Financing for Development: Special Adviser.--Phillipe Douste-Blazy (France). Food Security and Nutrition: Special Representative.--David Nabarro (United Kingdom). Global Education: Special Representative.--Gordon Brown (United Kingdom). HIV / AIDS in Africa: Special Envoy.--Speciosa Wandira-Kasibwe (Uganda). HIV / AIDS in Asia and in the Pacific: Special Envoy.--Prasada Rao V.R. Jonnalagadda (India). HIV / AIDS in the Caribbean Region: Special Envoy.--John Edward Green (Gyana). HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Special Envoy.--Michel Kazatchkine (France). Internet Governance Forum: Chair of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).--Lynn St. Amour (United States). Malaria and Financing of Health-Related Millennium Development Goals: Special Envoy.--Ray Chambers (United States). Migration: Special Representative.--Louise Arbour (Canada). Millennium Development Goals: [[Page 949]] Special Adviser.--Jeffrey D. Sachs (United States). Prevention of Genocide: Special Adviser.--Adama Dieng (Senegal). Post-2015 Development Planning: Special Adviser.--Amina Mohammed (Nigeria). Road Safety: Special Envoy.--Jean Todt (France). Sexual Violence in Conflict: Special Representative.--Pramila Patten (Mauritius). South-South Cooperation: Special Envoy.--Jorge Chediek (Argentina). Sport for Development and Peace: Special Adviser.--Wilfried Lemke (Germany). Sustainable Energy for All: Special Representative.--Rachel Kyte (United Kingdom). Tuberculosis: Special Envoy.--Eric Goosby (United States). Nations International School (UNIS): Special Representative.--Michael Alderstein (United States). University for Peace: Special Representative.--Judy Cheng-Hopkins (Malaysia). Violence Against Children: Special Representative.--Marta Santos Pais (Portugal). Youth: Envoy.--Jayathma Wickramanayake (Sri Lanka). Youth Refugees and Sport: Special Envoy.--Jacques Rogge (Belgium). WORLD BANK GROUP The World Bank Group comprises five organizations: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Headquarters: 1818 H Street, NW., 20433, (202) 473-1000 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT President.--Jim Yong Kim. Managing Director and World Bank Group Chief Administrative Officer.--Shaolin Yang. Managing Director and World Bank Group Chief Financial Officer.-- Joaquim Levy. Chief Executive Officer.--Kristalina Georgieva. Chairperson, Inspection Panel.--Gonzalo Castro. Senior Vice President and World Bank Group General Counsel.--Sandie Okoro. Senior Vice President, Development Economics, and Chief Economist.-- Paul Romer. Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, United Nations Relations, and Partnerships Operations.--Mahmoud Mohieldin. Vice President, Human Development Vice Presidency.--Keith Hansen. World Bank Group Vice President Information and Technology Solutions and WBG Chief Information Officer.--Denis Robitaille. Vice President and World Bank Group Controller.--Bernard Lauwers. Vice President, Budget, Performance Review and Strategic Planning.-- Antonella Bassani. Vice President and Corporate Secretary.--Yvonne Tsikata. Vice President and Treasurer.--Arunma Oteh. Vice President of: Africa.--Makhtar Diop. East Asia and Pacific.--Victoria Kwakwa. South Asia.--Annette Dixon. Vice President, World Bank Group External and Corporate Relations.-- Sheila Redzepi. [[Page 950]] North American Affairs (External and Corporate Relations) Special Representative.--William C. Danvers. Europe (External and Corporate Relations) Special Representative and Director.--Mario Alexander Sander von Torklus. UN External Affairs, Special Representative.--Bjorn Erik Gillsater. Japan-External and Corporate Relations, Special Representative.-- Masato Miyazaki. Human Resources.--Sean McGrath. Latin America and the Caribbean.--Jorge Familiar Calderon. Middle East and North Africa.--Hafez Ghanem. Vice President of Europe and Central Asia.--Cyril Muller. Vice President and Network Head, Operations Policy and Country Services.--Manuela Ferro. Vice President, Global Themes.--Hartwig Schafer. Vice President, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions.--Jan Walliser. Vice President, Sustainable Development Vice Presidency.--Laura Tuck. Vice President, Development Finance.--Axel van Trotsenburg. Vice President and Bank Group Risk Officer.--Lakshmi Shyam-Sunder. Vice President, Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman.--Osvaldo Luis Gratacos. Director-General, Independent Evaluation.--Caroline Heider. Vice President and Auditor-General.--Hiroshi Naka. Vice President, Institutional Integrity.--Pascale Helene Dubois. Vice President and World Bank Group Chief Ethics Officer.--Ousmane Diagana. OTHER WORLD BANK OFFICES London: Millbank Tower, 12th Floor, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Geneva: 3, Chemin Louis Dunant, CP 66, CH 1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland. Paris: 66, Avenue d'Iena, 75116 Paris, France. Brussels: Avenue Marnix 17, 2nd Floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Tokyo: Fukoku Seimei Building, 10th Floor, 2-2-2 Uchisawai-cho, Chiyoda- Ku, Tokyo 100, Japan. Sydney: CML Building Level 19-14, Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia. Berlin: Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin, Germany. BOARD OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Bahrain, Egypt (Arab Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen (Republic of). Executive Director.--Merza H. Hasan (Kuwait). Alternate.--Ragui El-Etreby (Arab Republic of Egypt). Saudi Arabia. Executive Director.--Khalid Alkhudairy. Alternate.--Turki Almutairi. Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey. Executive Director.--Franciscus Godts (Belgium). Alternate.--Guenther Schoenleitner (Austria). Australia, Cambodia, Kiribati, Korea (Republic of), Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu. Executive Director.--Jason Allford (Australia). Alternate.--Hoe Jeong Kim (Republic of Korea). Albania, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Timor-Leste. Executive Director.--Patrizio Pagano (Italy). Alternate.--Nuno Mota Pinto (Portugal). United States. Executive Director.--Karen Mathiasen. Alternate.--Vacant. Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Philippines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago. Executive Director.--Otaviano Canuto (Brazil). Alternate.--Diana Quintero (Colombia). Germany. Executive Director.--Juergen Zattler. Alternate.--Claus Happe. Afghanistan, Algeria, Ghana, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia. [[Page 951]] Executive Director.--Omar Bougara (Algeria). Alternate.--Nasir Mahmood Khosa (Pakistan). France. Executive Director.--Herve M. Jodon de Villeroche. Alternate.--Benoit Catzaras. Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Congo (Republic of), Cote d'lvoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Togo. Executive Director.--Seydou Bouda (Burkina Faso). Alternate.--Jean-Claude Tchatchouang (Cameroon). Fiji, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam. Executive Director.--Andin Hadiyanto (Indonesia). Alternate.--Mastura Binti Adul Karim (Malaysia). Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden. Executive Director.--Susan Ulbaek (Finland). Alternate.--Martin Poder (Estonia). Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic. Executive Director.--Andrey Lushin. Alternate.--Eugene Miagkov. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Venezuela (Republica Bolivariana de). Executive Director.--Fernando Jimenez (Spain). Alternate.--Rodrigo Carriedo (Mexico). Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas (The), Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Executive Director.--Christine Hogan (Canada). Alternate.--Peteranne Donalson (Jamaica). Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of), Moldova, Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine. Executive Director.--Frank Heemskerk (Netherlands). Alternate.--Roman Kachur (Ukraine) Japan. Executive Director.--Kazuhiko Koguchi. Alternate.--Kenichi Nishikata. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay. Executive Director.--Maximo Torero (Peru). Alternate.--Daniel Pierini (Argentina). United Kingdom. Executive Director.--Melanie Robinson. Alternate.--Clare Roberts. Angola, Nigeria, South Africa. Executive Director.--Bongi Kunene (South Africa). Alternate.--Haruna Mohammed (Nigeria). Botswana, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia (The), Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Executive Director.--Andrew N. Bvumbe (Zimbabwe). Alternate.--Anne Kabagambe (Uganda). Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka. Executive Director.--Aparna Subramani (India). Alternate.--Muhammad Bhuiyan (Bangladesh). Azerbaijan, Serbia and Montenegro, Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia (Fed. Rep. of), Switzerland, Yemen, (Republic of). Executive Director.--Werner Gruber (Switzerland). Alternate.--Paulina Gomulak (Poland). China. Executive Director.--Yingming Yang. Alternate.--Minwen Zhang. [[Page 952]] INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION [The officers, executive directors, and alternates are the same as those of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.] INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION President.--Jim Yong Kim. Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer.--Philippe Le Houerou. Vice President and Corporate Secretary.--Yvonne Tsikata. Director-General, Independent Evaluation.--Caroline Heider. Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman (IFC / ICC and MIGA).--Osvaldo Luis Gratacos. Vice President and General Counsel.--Ethiopis Tafara. Vice President: Human Resource.--Sean McGrath. Risk Management and Financial Stability.--Mohamed Gould. Blended Finance and Partnerships.--Snezana Stoiljkovic. Portfolio Management.--Saran G. Kebet-Koulibaly. Treasury and Syndications.--Jingdong Hua. New Business.--Stephanie von Friedeburg. Economics and Private Sector Development.--Hans Peters Lankes. Corporate Strategy and Resources.--Lizabeth Bronder (acting). Communications and Outreach.--Karin Finkelston. Asset Management Company Services and CEO, IFC Asset Management Company.--Marcos Brujis. Director, Communications Services.--Bruce Moats. Director, Office of: Budget and Business Administration.--Lizabeth Bronder. Blended Finance.--Martin Spicer. Climate Business.--Alzbeta Klein. Development Partner Relations.--Anita Bhatia. Corporate Strategy.--Aisha Elaine Williams. Cross Cutting Advisory Solutions.--Mary Porter Peschka. Information and Technology.--Suzannah Herring Carr. Legal.--Fady M. Zeidan. Business Risk and Compliance.--Ceri Wyn Lawley. Environment, Social and Governance Sustainability Advice and Solutions.--Morgan J. Landy. Human Resources.--Davide Bonzano. Financial Institutions Group.--Paulo de Bolle. Infrastructure and Natural Resources.--Bernard Sheahan. Portfolio Management.--Deema Fakhoury. Country Economics and Engagement.--Mona E. Haddad. Sector Economics and Development Impact.--Issa Faye. Global Macro and Market Research.--Jean Pierre Lacombe. Corporate Risk Management.--Tarek S. Himmo. Investment and Credit Risk.--Khawaja Aftab Ahmed. Special Operations.--Eric J. Jourdanet. Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services.--Sergio Pimenta. East Asia and the Pacific.--Vivek Pathak. Sub-Saharan Africa.--Cheikh O. Seydi. Europe and Central Asia.--Tomasz Telma. South Asia.--Mengistu Alemayehu. Middle East and North Africa.--Mouayed Makhlouf. Latin America and the Caribbean.--Irene Arias. Telecom, Media, Tech and Venture Investing.--Atul Mehta. Treasury Market Operations.--Monish Mahurkar. Treasury Client Solutions.--Keshav Gaur. Treasury Quantitative Analysis.--Takehisa Eguchi. Syndications and FCS Mobilizations.--Georgina E. Baker. Tokyo.--Toshitake Kurosawa. Western Europe.--Stephanie J. Miller. MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY President.--Jim Yong Kim. Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer.--Keiko Honda. [[Page 953]] Director and General Counsel, Legal Affairs and Claims Group.-- Aradhana Kumar-Capoor. Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman (IFC / ICC and MIGA).--Osvaldo Luis Gratacos. Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.--Sarvesh Suri (acting). Operations Group.--Sarvesh Suri. Chief Underwriter, Operations Group.--Muhamet Fall. Director, Economics and Sustainability Group.--Merli Margaret Baroudi. Director, Corporate Risk.--Santiago Assalini. Head, MIGA Africa Hub.--Hoda Moustafa. Head, MIGA Europe Hub.--Christopher Millward (acting). Head, MIGA North Asia.--Jae Hyung Kwon. Head, MIGA Singapore Office.--Timothy Histed.