[Title 32 CFR H]
[Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - July 1, 2002 Edition]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]


PART 621--LOAN AND SALE OF PROPERTY--Table of Contents

621.1  Loan of Army/Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) owned property for 
          use at national and State conventions.
621.2  Sales of ordnance property to individuals, non-Federal government 
          agencies, institutions, and organizations.
621.3  [Reserved]
621.4  Issues, loans, and donations for scouting.

    Authority: Pub. L. 81-193; 10 U.S.C. secs. 2574, 4308, 4506, 4507, 
4627, and 4655, and Pub. L. 92-249.

    Source: 44 FR 5651, Jan. 29, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

    Editorial Note: For figures referred to in this part, see 42 FR 
43807, Aug. 31, 1977.

Sec. 621.1  Loan of Army/Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) owned property for use at national and State conventions.

    (a) General. This section--
    (1) Prescribes procedures for loan of Army-owned property to 
recognized National Veterans' Organizations for National or State 
conventions as authorized by Pub. L. 81-193.
    (2) Request for loans for National Youth Athletic or recreation 
tournaments sponsored by veterans' organizations listed in the 
``Veterans Administration Bulletin 23 (ALPHA),'' will be processed by 
parent veterans' organizations.
    (3) Loans are not authorized for other types of conventions or 
    (b) Items authorized for loan. If available, the following items may 

[[Page 467]]

loaned for authorized veterans' organizations requirements.
    (1) Unoccupied barracks.
    (2) Cots.
    (3) Mattresses.
    (4) Mattress covers.
    (5) Blankets.
    (6) Pillows.
    (7) Chairs, folding.
    (8) Tentage, only when unoccupied barracks are not available.
    (c) Requests for loan. (1) Requests by authorized veterans' 
organizations for loan of authorized Government property will be 
submitted to the appropriate CONUS Army Commander of the area in which 
the convention will be held or the Commander, Military District of 
Washington (MDW) if within his area.
    (2) The tenure of loan is limited to 15 days from the date of 
delivery, except under unusual circumstances. A narrative explanation 
will be provided to support loan requests for more than 15 days 
    (3) Loan requests should be submitted by letter at least 45 days 
prior to required date, if practicable.
    (4) Requests for loans will contain the following information:
    (i) Name of veterans' organization requesting the loan.
    (ii) Location where the convention will be held.
    (iii) Dates of duration of loan.
    (iv) Number of individuals to be accommodated.
    (v) Type and quantity of equipment required.
    (vi) Type of convention, (State or National).
    (vii) Complete instructions for delivery of equipment and address of 
requesting organizations.
    (viii) Other pertinent information necessary to insure prompt 
    (d) Responsibilities. The Army or MDW Commander will:
    (1) When the availability of personal and real property is 
determined, notify the requesting veterans' organization of the 
    (i) The items and quantities available for loan and the source of 
    (ii) No compensation will be required by the Government for the use 
of real property.
    (iii) No expense will be incurred by the United States Government in 
providing equipment and facilities on loan.
    (iv) Costs of packaging, packing, transportation and handling from 
source of supply to destination and return will be borne by the 
requesting organization.
    (v) All charges for utilities (gas, water, heat, and electricity) 
based on meter readings or such other methods determined will be paid by 
the veterans' organization.
    (vi) Charges which may accrue from loan of DLA/GSA material in 
accordance with paragraph III, AR 700-49/DSAR 4140.27, and GSA Order 
4848.7 and Federal Property Management Regulations, subparagraph 101-
    (vii) The Army will be reimbursed for any material not returned.
    (viii) Costs of renovation and repair of items loaned will be borne 
by the requesting organization. Renovation and repair will be 
accomplished in accordance with agreement between the Army Commander and 
the loanee to assure expeditious return of items.
    (ix) Transportation costs in connection with the repair and 
renovation of property will also be at the expense of the using 
    (x) Assure that sufficient guards and such other personnel necessary 
to protect, maintain, and operate the equipment will be provided by the 
    (xi) The period of loan is limited to 15 days from date of delivery, 
except as provided for in paragraph (c) of this section.
    (xii) Any building or barracks loaned will be utilized in place and 
will not be moved.
    (xiii) Upon termination of use, the veterans' organization will 
vacate the premises, remove its own property therefrom, and turn over 
all Government property.
    (2) Specify a bond in an amount to insure safe return of real and 
personal property in the same condition as when borrowed. (In the case 
of personal property, this amount will be equal to the total value of 
the items based on current acquisition costs.)
    (i) An agreement will be executed between the Army Commander and the 
Veterans' Organization if the terms of

[[Page 468]]

the loan are acceptable. A sample loan agreement is shown at figure 7-5 
of this subchapter.
    (ii) When the agreement has been executed and the bond furnished, 
requisitions will be submitted to the appropriate source of supply. 
Requisitions will indicate shipping destination furnished by the 
veterans' organization. Transportation will be by commercial bills of 
lading on a collect basis.
    (iii) Appoint a Property Book Officer to maintain accountability for 
the Government property furnished under this regulation.
    (3) Property Book Officer will:
    (i) Assume accountability from the document used in transferring 
property to the custody of the veterans' organization.
    (ii) Perform a joint inventory with the veterans' organization 
representative. Survey any shortage or damages disclosed by the joint 
inventory in accordance with AR 735-11.
    (iii) Maintain liaison with the veterans' organization during the 
period of the loan.
    (iv) Prepare, in cooperation with the veterans' organization 
representative, an inventory of property being returned. Certify all 
copies of the receipt document with the veterans' organization 
    (v) Insure the return of all property at the expense of loanee to 
the supply source or to repair facilities.
    (vi) Obtain a copy of receipted shipping document from the 
installation receiving the property.
    (vii) Determine cost and make demand on the loanee for:
    (A) Items lost, destroyed, or damaged.
    (B) Costs of repair or renovation. Estimated costs will be obtained 
from the accountable activity.
    (C) Comply with instructions contained in AR 700-49/DSAR 4140.27 in 
the application of condition A and/or B, C, and T items utilized.
    (D) Ascertain that items lost in transit are reconciled prior to 
assessing charges. Where the loss is attributable to other than the 
loanee, charges should not be borne by the borrower.
    (viii) Request payment from the loanee. Checks are to be made 
payable to the Treasurer of the United States. Upon receipt of payment, 
appropriate fiscal accounts will be credited. The Property Transaction 
Record will be closed and the Stock Record Accounts audited.
    (ix) Deposit collections in accordance with instructions contained 
in AR 37-103. In the event payment is not received within a reasonable 
period, Report of Survey Action will be initiated in accordance with AR 
    (x) Reimburse DLA/GSA for the cost of any repair, reconditioning 
and/or materiel not returned.

Sec. 621.2  Sales of ordnance property to individuals, non-Federal government agencies, institutions, and organizations.

    (a) General. This section--
    (1) Cites the statutory authority for, and prescribes the methods 
and conditions of sale of certain weapons, ammunition, and related items 
as specified herein.
    (2) Applies to all sales of weapons and related material to 
individuals, organizations, and institutions, when authorized by the US 
Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command (ARRCOM), and overseas 
    (3) Provides that sales under this section will be limited to 
quantities of an item which authorized purchasers can put to their own 
use. It is not intended that property be sold under the provisions of 
this section for the purpose or resale or other disposition.
    (4) Does not apply to sales of property determined to be surplus. 
(See AR 755 series.)
    (b) Price. Except as noted below, when sales of the Army property 
are made and the title thereto passes from the US Government, the prices 
charged will be the standard list price contained in the SC 1305/30 
Management Data List series, plus cost of packing, crating, and handling 
and administrative charges.
    (c) Condition of sale. Provisions apply to sales under this section, 
as follows:
    (1) Sales will be made without expense to the Government.
    (i) All costs incident to sales (including packing, crating, 
handling, etc.) will be paid in advance by the purchaser.

[[Page 469]]

    (ii) All costs incident to shipment (transportation, parcel post 
charges, etc.) will also be paid by the customer.
    (iii) Payment for items and charges incident to sale will be made 
only by cashier's check, certified check, bank money order, or postal 
money order made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.
    (iv) For other than items of ammunition and ammunition components, 
cash will be acceptable when consignee pickup is authorized or purchase 
is made in person.
    (2) All financial transactions will be accomplished in accordance 
with applicable Department of the Army directives and regulations. 
Moneys collected for cost of items, as well as packing, crating, and 
handling, will be deposited as an appropriate reimbursement as 
prescribed in applicable regulations.
    (3) Generally, all sales are final and, normally, the US Government 
assumes no obligation or responsibility for repair, replacement, or 
exchange, except as provided in AR 920-20. Purchasers will be so advised 
prior to making the sale. All weapons sold, however, will be safe for 
    (4) Weapons sold at standard price will be supplied with equipment. 
Weapons sold at less than standard price will be supplied less 
    (5) Sales of specific items may be suspended at any time by the 
direction of CDR, ARRCOM.
    (d) Purchasing procedure. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of 
this section, all requests originating within CONUS for the purchase of 
small arms weapons, repair parts, cleaning, preserving, and target 
material will be submitted to the Commander, ARRCOM, Rock Island, IL 
    (i) Upon approval, these items will be shipped from Army depots 
stocking such material, based upon availability of material. Customers 
will be furnished instructions for submission of remittance.
    (ii) Upon receipt of proper remittance from eligible customers 
ARRCOM will issue the necessary documents directing shipment from an 
Army depot where the items are available.
    (2) In implementing the subchapter, oversea commands should 
designate installations within the oversea command to which requests for 
purchase of ammunition and related material will be directed.
    (3) Depots shipping weapons to individuals, Director of Civilian 
Marksmanship (DCM) affiliated rifle and pistol ``clubs'', museums, 
veterans organizations, and other US Government agencies will annotate 
shipping documents with the serial number of all the weapons they ship. 
Firearms shipped will be reported to Commander, ARRCOM, ATTN: DR SAR-
MMD-D, Rock Island, IL 61202, using DA Form 3535 (Weapons Sales Record), 
DA Form 3535 may be obtained from Commander, Letterkenny Army Depot, 
ATTN: DRXLE-ATD, Chambersburg, PA 17201.
    (i) The transportation officer will ascertain estimated 
transportation costs, to include DA transportation security measures 
(costs) for shipment to destination. Such information will be 
transmitted by letter to consignee with request for acknowledgement that 
shipment will be accepted based on costs submitted.
    (ii) Shipment will not be made unless consignee agrees to accept 
shipments. Refusal to accept shipment shall be reported to ARRCOM.
    (4) CDR, ARRCOM is responsible for maintaining a record by serial 
number of all weapons reported by depot in accordance with paragraph 
(d)(3) of this section. He will establish procedures to screen purchase 
requests to insure compliance with any limitations established by this 
    (e) Sales to individuals, organizations, and institutions. (1) Sales 
of small arms weapons and ammunition are limited by statute (10 U.S.C. 
4308). Such sales will be made in accordance with the provisions of this 
paragraph and with other rules and regulations approved by the Secretary 
of the Army.
    (2) Sales will be limited to M1 service rifles, either national 
match grade or service grade. Only one such rifle and spare parts for it 
will be sold to an individual. No ammunition will be sold to 
    (3) Junior marksmanship clubs and junior marksmanship division 
affiliated within the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) pursuant 
to AR 920-20 may purchase limited quantities of .22 caliber ammunition.

[[Page 470]]

    (4) The DCM will determine the maximum quantity of such ammunition 
that clubs will be permitted to purchase in each fiscal year.
    (5) Approved, non-profit summer camp organizations that are of a 
civic nature are allowed to purchase from the DCM at cost plus shipping 
and handling charges, 300 rounds of .22 caliber ammunition for each 
junior who is participating in a summer camp marksmanship program.
    (6) Requests for purchase of ammunition by marksmanship clubs and 
summer camp organizations will be submitted to the DCM for approval. If 
he approves, the application will be forwarded to ARRCOM for processing. 
If it is disapproved, it is returned to applicant with reason(s) stated 
for disapproval.
    (f) Eligibility of purchasers. In order to purchase a rifle under 
this program, an individual must:
    (1) Be a member of a marksmanship club affiliated with the DCM (AR 
    (2) Based upon regular competitive shooting, have an established 
status as a marksman as determined by the DCM.
    (g) Purchase procedure. (1) Individuals desiring to purchase 
National Match Grade M1 service rifles will submit requests to the 
Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Department of the Army, Washington, 
DC 20314-0110. The request should contain the name and address of the 
shooting club with which the purchaser is affiliated and appropriate 
evidence of status as a competitive marksman.
    (2) Upon receipt of a request, the Director of Civilian Marksmanship 
will forward to the individual a Certificate for Purchase of Firearms in 
the suggested format at figure 5-1 to be completed, notarized and 
returned. When returned with check or arrangements for payment, the 
Certificate will be referred for appropriate verification in the records 
of US Government agencies and for other investigation as required. This 
is done to insure that the sale of a weapon to the applicant is not 
likely to result in a violation of law. The Privacy Act Statement for 
Certificate of Purchase of Firearms (figure 5-2) will be made available 
to the individual supplying data on the Certificate for Purchase of 
Firearms (suggested format, figure 5-1). Prior to requesting the 
individual to supply data on the Certificate for Purchase of Firearms 
(suggested format, figure 5-1) the Privacy Act Statement for Certificate 
will be made available to the individual concerned. (The Privacy Act 
Statement will be reproduced locally on 8 x 10\1/2\ inch paper.)
    (i) A purchase application will be denied if the applicant fails to 
meet all the conditions required in the Certificate.
    (ii) If an application is denied, the applicant will be informed of 
the action and will be given an opportunity to submit additional 
information justifying approval of the application.
    (iii) If the results of the investigation are favorable, the 
application will be forwarded to ARRCOM for processing.
    (h) Marksmanship clubs affiliated with the DCM and individuals who 
are members of those clubs are authorized to purchase from the Army 
targets of types not otherwise available from commercial sources. 
Request for such purchases will be submitted to the Director of Civilian 
Marksmanship for approval and processing. Individuals who have in the 
past purchased rifles from the Army under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 
4308(a)(5), may purchase spare parts for those rifles if the parts are 
available. Requests for purchase of spare parts will be submitted to the 
Director of Civilian Marksmanship for approval. If he/she approves the 
application, she/he will forward it to ARRCOM for processing. If he/she 
disapproves the application, she/he will return it to the applicant 
stating the reasons for disapproval. Current DA transportation security 
measures for weapons will be applied under procedures contained in 
paragraphs (d)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.
    (i) Cadets, US Military Academy. (1) When approved by the CDR 
DARCOM, the Superintendent, US Military Academy may sell to cadets upon 
graduation from the Academy those sabers which no longer meet prescribed 
standards of appearance and/or serviceability.
    (2) Application to purchase sabers under these provisions will be 
made in

[[Page 471]]

accordance with procedures established by the Superintendent.
    (j) Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) and National Defense 
Cadet Corps (NDCC). Supplies required by educational institution for the 
training of units and individuals of the Reserve Officer's Training 
Corps and National Defense Cadet Corps, in addition to authorized items 
normally furnished to ROTC and NDCC schools, may be sold when available 
by the activities listed in paragraph (g) of this section (10 U.S.C. 
4627). Such purchases will be in accordance with AR 145-2.
    (k) Manufacturers and designers. (1) Under the provisions of 10 
U.S.C. 4506, the Secretary of the Army is authorized to sell to 
contractors or potential contractors such samples, drawings, and 
manufacturing and other information as he considers best for national 
defense. Procedures for such sale are contained in APP 13-1502.
    (2) Under the provisions of 10, U.S.C. 4507, the Secretary of the 
Army may sell to designers who are nationals of the United States, 
serviceable ordnance and ordnance stores necessary in the development of 
designs for the Armed Forces. Designers will submit application to 
purchase to the appropriate Commodity Command.
    (3) If any item normally requiring demilitarization pursuant to the 
Defense Disposal Manual (DoD 4160.21-M) and the AR 755-series is sold, a 
special condition of sale will prohibit further disposition by the 
purchaser without prior approval of the Deputy Chief of Staff for 
Logistics, Department of the Army.
    (l) Sales of individual pieces of U.S. armament for sentimental 
reasons. Under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2574, individual pieces of 
U.S. armament, which are not needed for their historical value and can 
be advantageously replaced, may be sold at a price not less than cost 
when there exists for such sale sentimental reasons adequate in the 
judgment of the Secretary of the Army.
    (m) Method of sale. (1) Applications to purchase under the 
provisions of this act will be submitted to Deputy Chief of Staff for 
Logistics, ATTN: DALO-SMS, Department of the Army, with a complete 
identification including serial number, and location of desired item, if 
    (2) Approved applications for major items will be forwarded through 
Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, ATTN: 
DRCMM-SP, to the Commander, U.S. Army Armament Materiel Readiness 

[44 FR 5651, Jan. 29, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 48097, Nov. 21, 1989]

Sec. 621.3  [Reserved]

Sec. 621.4  Issues, loans, and donations for scouting.

    (a) General. This section provides information relative to issue, 
loan or donation of Government property to the Boy Scouts of America and 
the Girl Scouts of America.
    (b) Guidance. (1) Issues are made under the provisions of the loan 
agreement and reimbursement is made for adjusted shortages and damages.
    (2) Provisions for donations of surplus property to Scout 
organizations, including lists of classes of donable property, are 
contained in chapter III, part 3, Defense Disposal Manual (DOD 
    (3) The loan of certain Army, Navy, Air Force and DLA equipment and 
the provision of transportation and other services for Jamborees is 
initially provided for by Pub. L. 92-249. Implementation on a current 
basis is made in DOD Directive 7420.1. Army implementation is provided 
as follows:
    (i) Army stock fund in paragraph 2-6b(4), AR 37-111, Working Capital 
Fund-Army Stock Fund Uniform Policies, Principles and Procedures 
Governing Army Stock Fund Operations.
    (ii) Non-stock fund in paragraph 2-18, AR 310-34, Equipment 
Authorization Policies and Criteria, and Common Table of Allowances.
    (c) Procedure. Loan agreements are mutually developed preceding the 
actual lending of the equipment. Paragraph 1-16, AR 735-5, General 
Principles, Policies and Basic Procedures, is used as the guide for 
preparation of loan agreements. Authority for commanders to participate 
in World and National Jamborees is included in paragraph (d) of this 
section; Procedure for Loan of Equipment and Providing

[[Page 472]]

of Transportation and Other Services to the Boy Scouts of America for 
World and National Jamborees is included in paragraph (j) of this 
section; and sample loan agreement to be executed by area commanders is 
included as figure 7-5.
    (d) World and National Boy Scout Jamborees. The Act of 10 March 1972 
(Pub. L. 92-249; 86 Stat. 62) and (86 Stat. 63) authorized the Secretary 
of Defense to lend equipment and provide transportation and other 
services to the Boy Scouts of America in support of World and National 
Jamborees. The Secretary of Defense has delegated his authority and 
responsibility for the support of Jamborees to the Secretary of the 
Army. The Commander DARCOM ATTN: DRCMM-SP has been assigned to monitor 
the program for the Secretary of the Army.
    (e) Group travel and visits. Many Scouts and Leaders will travel in 
groups and their itinerary will provide for visits to places of interest 
in CONUS en route to and from Jamborees. Such group travel may begin in 
June and extend into September and October of the Jamboree year. In 
keeping with Department of the Army policies, commanders of Army 
installations may extend an invitation to and honor requests from Scout 
groups enroute to and from the Jamboree to visit and encamp at their 
    (f) Commissary and post privileges. Installation commanders are 
authorized to provide commissary and post exchange privileges to Scout 
groups en route to and from the Jamboree for food items such as bread, 
meat, and dairy products. These privileges will be extended only to 
Scout groups which are en route to or from the Jamboree and who are 
encamped or quartered at the installation or the Jamboree site. 
Commissary and post exchange privileges extended to Scout groups while 
encamped at the Jamboree site for supply and food items will only be 
honored upon-application by officials of the Boy Scouts of America to 
supplement supplies and rations not considered adequate for American 
Scouts or Scouters.
    (g) Arrangements. Regional Scout Executives have been informed by 
the National Headquarters of the contents of this subchapter and that 
arrangements pursuant to this subchapter must be made in advance 
directly with the installation commanders. However, commanders will 
consider factors of extenuation or emergency which may preclude advance 
    (h) Hospitalization. Boy Scouts and Scout Leaders attending 
Jamborees are considered designees of the Secretary of the Army for the 
purpose of receiving medical care at US Army Medical facilities. The 
reciprocal rate will not be charged. Subsistence charges will be at the 
rate of $1.80 per day for hospitalized patients, but will not be 
collected locally. Each Boy Scout and Leader participating in Jamborees 
and hospitalized in Army medical treatment facilities will be reported 
to The Surgeon General, ATTN: DASG-SGRE-SSC, Department of the Army, 
Washington, DC 20314, on DD Form 7 (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay 
Patients; Hospitalization Furnished (part A)). No local collections are 
    (i) Service coordination. (1) The Departments of the Navy and the 
Air Force and the Defense Logistics Agency will assist the Department of 
the Army in providing necessary equipment, transportation, and services 
in support of the Boy Scouts of America attending Jamborees. The 
Secretary of the Army or his designee will maintain liaison, as 
appropriate, with such agencies to avoid duplication of effort.
    (2) Other departments (agencies) of the Federal Government are 
authorized under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary 
(Administrator) thereof, to provide to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), 
equipment and other services, under the same conditions and restrictions 
prescribed for the Secretary of Defense.
    (j) Procedure for loan of equipment and providing of transportation 
and other services to the Boy Scouts of America for world and national 
jamborees. Preliminary actions. (1) In accordance with the provisions of 
Pub. L. 92-249, H.R. 11738, 10 March 1972, and Secretary of Defense Memo 
of 17 May 1972, Subject: Loan of Equipment and Providing of 
Transportation and Other Services to the Boy Scouts of America for Boy 
Scout Jamborees; Memo of 23 January 1973, Subject: Military 
Transportation Support for Boy Scout Jamborees; and Memo of

[[Page 473]]

19 August 1974, Subject: Military Transportation Support for Boy Scout 
Jamborees, the DOD is authorized to lend certain items and provide 
transportation and certain other services to such Jamborees. Prior to 
the loan of property and providing transportation and other services, an 
appropriate agreement will be executed between the United States of 
America and the activity to be supported. A bond (fig. 7-6), in an 
amount specified by the Commander, DARCOM, based on statute taken by the 
Commander-in-Chief/Commander, Major Army Command (MACOM), and held until 
termination of the encampment and final settelment is made for each 
    (2) The Commander-in-Chief/Commander, MACOM designated, on behalf of 
the Commander, DARCOM, representing the Secretary of Defense will enter 
into legal arrangements with the Boy Scouts of America for the loan of 
equipment and the providing of transportation and certain other services 
for Boy Scouts World and National Jamborees. National Jamborees include 
Jamborees conducted by and within the United States and also those 
conducted by and within foreign nations.
    (3) The Commander-in-Chief/Commander, MACOM, will appoint a Property 
Book Officer who will maintain separate stock records in order to 
provide for a single final billing to the supported activity (Boy Scouts 
of America) for items consumed, lost, damaged or destroyed. The 
Department of the Army will not be billed for items obtained from other 
than Army sources, except medical supply losses. Bills for medical 
supply losses will be submitted to the US Army Area Surgeon for payment. 
He will establish liaison with the activity to be supported. The 
property book account will be established in accordance with section II, 
chapter 2, AR 710-2.
    (4) The Commander - in - Chief, MACOM, will task the Army Area 
Surgeon for Medical Supply Support to the Jamborees. Each Surgeon 
designated should appoint an accountable officer and furnish the name, 
location, and routing identifier of a project office wherein medical 
supply problems can be resolved.
    (5) The Property Book Officer is authorized direct communication 
with the source of supply, other military department liaison personnel 
and DARCOM ICP's to resolve routine supply problems.
    (k) Preparing bills of material. (1) The activity (BSA) will submit 
a list of equipment and supplies desired to the Commander-in-Chief/
Commander, MACOM. This list will be edited during and subsequent to 
preliminary conferences with representatives of the activity and 
furnished to Commander, DARCOM, ATTN: DRCMM-SP.
    (2) HQ, DARCOM will convert the informal list to a tentative Bill of 
Material and will furnish the respective Commodity Command that part of 
the Bill of Material for their items of logistical responsibility. A 
suggested format for the Bill of Material is included as figure 7-1. 
Local reproduction is authorized. Copies of the entire tentative Bill of 
Material will also be furnished to each of the military departments 
authorized to participate in the support of the encampments. The Bill of 
Material forwarded to the Commander-in-Chief / Commander, MACOM will be 
screened to determine inhouse availability prior to placing requisitions 
on CONUS supply points.
    (3) At such time as item availability information is on hand and the 
sources to be used are determined (paragraph (m) of this section, a Bill 
of Material (figure 7-1) will be prepared by HQ, DARCOM, and forwarded 
to the Commander-in-chief/Commander, MACOM.
    (4) The Bill of Material will list, by commodity command (military 
department), all items desired, identified by National Stock Number 
(NSN) description, quantity desired and required delivery date. The NSN 
will provide identification of the items required. Items will be 
identified by the Property Book Officer to the responsible commodity 
command or military department as indicated below:

(i) CERCOM.........................  1 US Army Communications and
                                      Electronics Materiel Readiness
(ii) TSARCOM.......................  2 US Army Troop and Aviation
                                      Materiel Readiness Command.
(iii) ARRCOM.......................  3 US Army Armament Materiel
                                      Readiness Command.
(iv) TARCOM........................  4 U.S. Army Tank-Automotive
                                      Materiel Readiness Command.
(v) DLA............................  5 Defense Logistics Agency.
(vi) Navy..........................  N Department of the Navy.

[[Page 474]]

(vii) Air Force....................  F Department of the Air Force.
(viii) Other Installations.........  A

The Bill of Material will be screened to insure that radioactive items 
restricted for military use are not included.
    (l) Establish property transaction records. (1) A Property 
Transaction Record reflecting complete information about each item 
loaned to the activity will be established and maintained by the 
Property Book Officer (figure 7-2) and the respective commodity command 
military department (figure 7-3). Suggested formats for the Property 
Transaction Records are found in figures 7-2, 7-3, and 7-4, Local 
reproduction is authorized.
    (2) The Property Book Officer will also establish and maintain 
separate Property Transaction Records for items obtained from supply 
sources other than Army commodity commands, i.e., other Army 
installations, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force 
(figure 7-4).
    (3) Each entry on the Property Transaction Record will be supported 
by appropriate documentation (commodity command: copies of shipping 
documents, copies of return documents and copies of surveillance 
inspection report--Property Book Officer: Requisition voucher files and 
hand receipt cards). This is particularly important for reconciliation 
purposes in order that all property received from each source will be 
returned to that source upon termination of each encampment.
    (m) Locating and obtaining equipment and supplies. (1) The 
respective commodity commands (military departments) will screen the 
tentative Bill of Material (paragraph (k)(2) of this section) and 
determine availability and source of supply identified by Routing 
Identifier Code. They will advise HQ, DARCOM, ATTN: DRCMM--SP of 
availability, appropriate substitute items when the requested items are 
not available in sufficient quantity, and the source of supply for 
requisitioning purposes.
    (2) Concurrently, the Bill of Material will be screened within the 
MACOM to determine those items that can be obtained from assets 
available in the command.
    (3) The Property Book Officer will requisition equipment and 
supplies from the source of supply as indicated by Commander, DARCOM in 
accordance with AR 725-50 or other separately furnished instructions. 
The requisition number, quantity requisitioned, stock number and source 
of supply will be entered in the Property Transaction Record. 
Requisitions will cite the appropriate project code assigned and 
appropriate activity address code on all requisitions submitted. Project 
codes will be assigned by Commander, Logistic Systems Support Activity, 
ATTN: DRXLS-LCC, Chambersburg, PA, 17201 and distributed by message to 
all interested addressees.
    (4) Loan of General Services Administration (GSA) General Supply 
Fund Material--The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 
1949, as amended, authorizes the Administrator, GSA to loan GSA General 
Supply Fund Material to the Department of Defense and other federal 
agencies. Loan shall be made to the extent that items are readily 
available and that such loans will not jeopardize the GSA stock 
inventory. The loan of GSA General Supply Fund Material shall normally 
be limited to 90 Calendar days. Requisitions for GSA material should be 
submitted to the nearest GSA Regional Office by the CINC/CDR MACOM.
    (5) Formal accountability for all items shipped to the site of the 
activity will be retained by the appropriate accountable activity. 
Property and financial accounting will be in accordance with respective 
military department regulations governing loans.
    (6) The shipping depot or other source will furnish a copy of the 
shipping document to the respective commodity command (military 
department) where the quantity charged, date shipped, condition of the 
property and total value will be posted to the Property Transaction 
    (7) Upon receipt of the advance copy of the shipping document, the 
commodity command (military department) will post information to his 
Transaction Record, by source as in paragraph (l)(1) of this section.
    (8) When the shipment is received, the Property Book Officer will 

[[Page 475]]

the property. A narrative statement of condition will be prepared if 
condition of the property is other than that indicated on the shipping 
document and referenced to the condition entry on the Property 
Transaction Record. The source of supply, as appropriate, will be 
immediately notified of overages or shortages and verified in condition, 
as provided in chapter 8, AR 735-11. The Property Book Officer will 
enter on the shipping document the quantity actually received when it 
differs from quantity shown as shipped and will post the quantities 
received to the property book record.
    (9) Discrepancies between the quantity shipped by the depot and that 
received by the Property Book Officer and variance in condition will be 
reconciled as rapidly as possible and appropriate records will be 
brought into agreement. When shortage or damage is not attributable to 
the carrier, the Property Book Officer will immediately contact the 
responsible source of supply, furnishing the stock number and document 
number involved, together with an explanation of the discrepancy. 
Reconciliation is particularly important in order to ensure a common 
point of departure in determining charges to be assessed upon 
termination of the activity. Replacement shipments, when required, will 
be covered by appropriate shipping documents.
    (10) Special Instructions for Defense Logistics Agency, Clothing and 
Textile Items. (See DSAR 4140.27/AR 700-49).
    (n) Transportation. (1) Transportation of equipment and supplies--
The responsibility of coordinating movement of equipment and supplies 
placed on loan to the Boy Scouts of America during National and World 
Jamborees is delegated to the Commander, US Army Materiel Development 
and Readiness Command, ATTN: DRCMM-ST.
    (2) All requisitions for items in question, will cite the 
appropriate project code and will be shipped by commercial bill of 
lading on a collect basis to all National Jamborees and World Jamborees 
held in the United States.
    (3) Shipments to Boy Scout contingents at World Jamborees in foreign 
countries will be by Government bills of lading, unless otherwise 
specified by the Boy Scouts of America.
    (4) All shipments directed to Boy Scout Jamborees will be routed by 
the most feasible means as determined by the shipper. Shipments will be 
consolidated to the maximum extent possible to assure the lowest charges 
available to the Boy Scouts of America.
    (5) Separate shipping instructions will be provided for each 
Jamboree to assure that correct consignee and railhead addresses are 
    (6) Movement of Boy Scouts, Scouters, and officials living in the 
United States of America to a Jamboree within the United States of 
America or to a Jamboree in an oversea area shall be the responsibility 
of the Boy Scouts of America or the individuals concerned.
    (7) No authority exists under Pub. L. 92-249 for the movement of Boy 
Scouts, Scouters, and officials via military capabilities other than 
those of the Military Airlift Command or the Military Sealift Command.
    (o) Transportation by vessels of the Military Sealift Command (MSC). 
(1) The MSC does not operate any ships suitable for carriage of 
passengers on transoceanic routes. Although pertinent directives and 
Pub. L. 92-249 authorize the movement of Boy Scouts on Military Vessels, 
the MSC has no capability to provide such transportation.
    (2) The MSC is an industrial-funded organization and charges the 
military service for sealift services provided in accordance with 
established rates. The host command will be responsible to compensate 
the MSC for any equipment or material moved on MSC ships. The 
limitations inherent in Pub. L. 92-249 stipulate that transportation 
support provided will be at no cost to the Government. Under these 
directions, Boy Scout equipment or materiel is not authorized movement 
on a space available basis without prior approval of the Secretary of 
Defense. Such approval is not anticipated.
    (3) All billings for transportation provided by MSC will be 
forwarded to the appropriate Commander-in-Chief/Commander of the support 
major Army command (MACOM). Reimbursement will be requested by the MACOM 
Commander from the Boy Scouts of America.

[[Page 476]]

    (p) Transportation of oversea based scouts, scouters, and other 
authorized personnel by military airlift to national or international 
jamborees. (1) Space required reimbursable transportation by Military 
Airlift Command (MAC) airlift over established MAC channels is 
authorized from points outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) to 
aerial ports within CONUS, or to other oversea locations and return. 
Such transportation will be provided only to the extent that it does not 
interfere with the requirements of military operations, and only to 
those Boy Scouts, Scouters, and officials residing overseas and 
certified by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) as representing the BSA at 
the Jamboree. Certification by the BSA will be in the form of a letter 
identifying each such individual as their authorized representative at 
the Jamboree. This letter of authorization must be presented to the 
sponsoring overseas command.
    (2) Boy Scouts, Scouters, officials and their equipment will be 
moved after all space-required traffic, but before any space-available 
    (3) Each passenger is authorized the normal accompanying free 
baggage allowance of 66 pounds while traveling on MAC aircraft. It is 
not contemplated that any excess baggage allowance will be authorized.
    (4) Transportation of Boy Scouts, Scouters, officials, and their 
equipment provided by MAC controlled aircraft will be reimbursed at the 
common user tariff rates assessed U.S. Government Traffic, as contained 
in AFR 76-11.
    (5) On the basis of letters of authorization issued by the BSA, the 
BSA will monitor services provided by the Department of Defense. One 
copy of each BSA letter of authorization will be forwarded to the 
Commander, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, ATTN: 
DRCMM-SP, 5001 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22333, for planning 
purposes. This letter of authorization should specify whether one way or 
round trip transportation is requested.
    (6) DACROM responsibilities include the following:
    (i) Compiling a passenger forecast to be submitted to MAC in 
accordance with AR 59-8/OPNAVINST 4630.18C/AFR 76-38/MCO 4630.6B.
    (ii) Providing Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC) an 
information copy of the passenger forecast.
    (iii) Submitting all passenger requirements for one way and round 
trip transportation originating overseas to the appropriate overseas 
    (7) The responsibilities of the sponsoring overseas command include:
    (i) Verifying that Scout passengers are officially authorized 
representatives of BSA in accordance with paragraph (p)(1) of this 
    (ii) Making all necessary passenger reservations with MAC, for 
transportation originating overseas, in accordance with AR 55-6/AFR 76-
5/OPNAVINST 4630.23/MCO P4630.11. The oversea command will submit CONUS 
outbound return passenger requirements to Commander, Military Traffic 
Management Command, ATTN: MTMC-PTO-P, Washington, DC 20315.
    (iii) Issuing each passenger a MAC Transportation Authorization (DD 
Form 1482) for transportation from the overseas location and return, 
when round trip transportation has been requested. The customer 
identification code, item (7) of the DD Form 1482, should be designated-
-JBWJ--which was approved by MAC as the permanent CIC for direct billing 
purposes to HQ, Boy Scouts of America, North Brunswick, New Jersey, 
    (iv) Ensuring that each Scout passenger has a completed DD Form 
1381, signed by a parent, guardian or other legally responsible 
    (v) Evaluating the use and necessity of military airlift within or 
between overseas locations. This evaluation will include such factors as 
reasonable travel time, number of connections required, and assurance of 
Scout group integrity. Surface transportation will normally be used for 
travel within an overseas area.
    (8) The responsibilities of the MTMC include:
    (i) Evaluating the return outbound passenger requirements and making 
the necessary transportation arrangements so as to maintain Scout group 
integrity at all times.
    (ii) Assisting the BSA in completing required documentation and 

[[Page 477]]

that passengers are ready prior to the return flight.
    (iii) Pub. L. 92-249 does not provide authorization for the use of 
the Department of Defense transportation by Scouts, Scouters, and 
Officials of foreign nations. All requests to transport such persons 
should be forwarded through the unified command channels to the Office 
of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs). However, DOD 
does not contemplate authorization for the use of MAC aircraft for other 
than U.S. Scouts, Scouters, and Officials.
    (iv) Use of military helicopters in support of medical evacuation, 
VIP, press and photo-services--The Director of Army Aviation, the 
Department of the Army Staff Judge Advocate, and the Comptroller of the 
Army have furnished the general opinion that Pub. L. 92-249 authorizes 
the use of Military helicopters in support of the above described 
services to the extent they are reasonably available and permits the use 
of appropriated funds.
    (q) Determination of charges and settlement. (1) All property on 
which repair cost is claimed will be held at the depot or post, camp or 
station until final charges are determined and a release is given by 
CDR, DARCOM, Department of the Army.
    (2) The commodity command (military department) will prepare the 
following information and statement, and forward them, to CDR, DARCOM, 
Department of the Army, for final review:
    (i) Complete Property Transaction Record and supporting documents.
    (ii) Proper accounts for which reimbursement received for shortages 
and repairs are to be deposited.
    (iii) The following statement: ``The losses and/or damages indicated 
on the Property Transaction Report in the amount of $------ represent 
the total claim by (appropriate commodity command or military 
department) relative to commodity command or military deparment property 
loaned to (Boy Scouts of America). Upon settlement and deposit to the 
proper account, the CDR of the commodity command or military department 
releases the (Boy Scouts of America) from further obligations.''
    (iv) Statements as to the general type of repair (e.g., tentage, 
repair tears, insert new panels, replace grommets) will be reported on 
separate addendum to the Property Transaction Record for items requiring 
    (3) The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will prepare the following information and 
statement for property furnished for assets in the command and will 
forward this to CDR, DARCOM:
    (i) Same as (q)(2)(i) of this section.
    (ii) Same as (q)(2)(ii) of this section.
    (iii) The following statement: The losses and/or damages indicated 
on the Property Transaction Record in the amount of $------ represent 
the total claim by (appropriate Army) relative to (appropriate Army) 
property loaned to (Boy Scouts of America). Upon settlement and deposit 
to the proper account, the CINC/CDR, MACOM releases the (Boy Scouts of 
America) from further obligations.
    (iv) Same as (q)(2)(iv) of this section.
    (4) CDR, DARCOM, will review the charges, inspect property to be 
repaired, if necessary, reconcile any discrepancies and determine final 
charges to be levied against the supported activity. Approved list of 
charges will be forwarded to the CINC/CDR, MACOM, for collection, and 
property being held for repair will be released.
    (5) The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will prepare and dispatch a letter to the 
supporting activity and request payment made payable to the Treasurer of 
the United States. Upon receipt of payment, collection documents will be 
prepared and appropriate fiscal accounts, as furnished by the commodity 
command (military departments) ((q)(2) and (3) of this section) 
credited. The MACOM Surgeon will take action to reimburse the DLA stock 
fund for expendable medical supply losses reported. The CINC/CDR, MACOM, 
will close the Property Transaction Record Account.
    (6) The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will advise the CDR, commodity command 
(military departments and CDR, DARCOM, DA) that settlement has been 
accomplished. Commodity command (military department) Property 
Transaction Records will be closed upon receipt of the foregoing advice.

[[Page 478]]

    (7) The CDR, DARCOM will advise the CINC/CDR, MACOM, to return the 
bond to Boy Scouts of America.
    (8) In the event of unsatisfactory settlement, the proceeds of the 
bond will be used to satisy the claim. The Power of Attorney executed in 
connection with the agreement will be invoked and proceeds collected 
from the bond (fig. 7-7).

PART 623--LOAN OF ARMY MATERIEL--Table of Contents

623.1  General.
623.2  Loan policies.
623.3  Submission of requests for loan of Army materiel.
623.4  Accounting procedures.
623.5  Loan of arms and accouterments.
623.6  Reimbursement for loan of Army materiel.
623.7  Reports.

Appendix A to Part 623--Explanation of Terms
Appendix B to to Part 623--Approving Authority Addresses/Telephone 
Appendix C to Part 623--Agreement for Loan of US Army Materiel (DA Form 
Appendix D to Part 623--Certificate for Signature by an Alternate (DA 
          Form 4881-1-R)
Appendix E to Part 623--Surety Bond (DA Form 4881-3-R)
Appendix F to Part 623--Power of Attorney (DA Form 4881-4-R)
Appendix G to Part 623--Continental US Army Boundaries
Appendix H to Part 623--References

    Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2571; 31 U.S.C. 686; 10 U.S.C. 2667.

    Source: AR 700-131, 45 FR 62038, Sept. 18, 1980, unless otherwise 

Sec. 623.1  General.

    (a) Purpose. This part sets forth policies and procedures for loan 
of Army materiel. As used in this regulation, the term ``loan'' includes 
a lease.
    (b) Applicability. (1) This regulation applies to all Department of 
the Army (DA) agencies, commands, installations, and activities.
    (2) This regulation applies to the Army National Guard (ARNG) only 
when the procedure for the loan of equipment under the procedure of 
National Guard Regulation (NGR) 735-12 does not apply.
    (3) This regulation does not apply to loans governed by the DOD 
Military Assistance and Sales Manual, DOD 5105.38-M.
    (4) This regulation does not apply to loans governed by the Defense 
Acquisition Regulation (DAR).
    (c) Scope. This part outlines when loans of Army materiel may be 
made. It gives general procedures for requesting and processing loans, 
and sets forth responsibilities, including requirements for 
    (d) Explanation of terms. (1) The terms ``loan,'' ``lease'' and 
``bailment'' are contractual terms and are frequently used 
interchangeably. They have no meaning by themselves. It is necessary to 
study the statute to see what is required. Usually, a ``loan'' is 
thought of as a short-term transfer of property, sometimes with 
reimbursement; a ``lease'' is a more formal transfer, often long-term 
and requiring a fair monetary rental; and a ``bailment'' is a loosely-
used term, generally reserved for a delivery of property to another in 
trust for the purpose of doing something to the property and then 
returning the property to the owner. The term ``issue'' is frequently 
used in the sense of a transfer of property which will be consumed in 
use. The terms ``gift,'' meaning a permanent transfer of property 
without reimbursement, and ``sale,'' meaning a permanent transfer with 
reimbursement, are outside the scope of this regulation.
    (2) For additional definitions, see appendix A.
    (3) The words ``he, him, his'' when used in this publication 
represent both the masculine and feminine genders, unless otherwise 
specifically stated.
    (e) Loan restrictions. (1) Army materiel is not normally used for 
other than the Army's primary mission; however, under conditions 
described herein materiel not immediately needed to support mission 
requirements may be loaned to--
    (i) Army and other Department of Defense (DOD) elements.
    (ii) Non-DOD Federal departments and agencies.
    (iii) Civil governments (State and local).
    (iv) Special activities, agencies, and others.

[[Page 479]]

    (2) Table 2-1 lists various circumstances where loan of Army 
materiel might be requested. It identifies the applicable Federal laws 
or other authority which would authorize such loans.
    (f) Statutory authorities. There are three basic federal laws which 
authorize the loan of Army property. There are also numerous specific 
statutes which authorize particular types of loans in limited 
situations. Unless there is a reason to use the specific statute, one of 
the basic statutes will be used.
    (1) The following are the basic statutes:
    (i) 10 U.S.C. 2571--Authority for loan of property within DOD.
    (ii) 31 U.S.C. 686 (The Economy Act)--Authority for loans to other 
Federal departments and agencies.
    (iii) 10 U.S.C. 2667 (The Leasing Statute)--Authority for loans/
leases, including leases to activities outside the Federal Government.
    (2) Following are some of the specific authorizing statutes:
    (i) 10 U.S.C. 331--Federal aid for State governments as result of 
    (ii) 10 U.S.C. 332--Use of militia and Armed Forces to enforce 
federal authority.
    (iii) 10 U.S.C. 333--Use of militia or Armed Forces to suppress 
interference with state and federal law.
    (iv) 10 U.S.C. 2541--Loan of equipment and barracks to national 
veterans organizations.
    (v) 10 U.S.C. 2542--Loan of equipment to the American National Red 
Cross for instruction and practice.
    (vi) 10 U.S.C. 2543--Loan of equipment to US Presidential Inaugural 
    (vii) 10 U.S.C. 2544--Loan of equipment and services to the Boy 
Scouts of America, for national and world jamborees.
    (viii) 10 U.S.C. 2572--(See AR 870-20.) Loan of books, manuscripts, 
works of art, drawings, plans, models, and condemned or obsolete combat 
materiel not needed to--
    (A) A municipal corporation.
    (B) A soldiers monument association.
    (C) A state museum.
    (D) A nonprofit incorporated museum.
    (E) Posts of Veterans of Foreign Wars of the USA.
    (F) American Legion Posts.
    (G) A local unit of any other recognized war veterans association.
    (H) A post of the Sons of Veterans Reserve.
    (ix) 10 U.S.C. 4308--Establishment and support of civilian rifle 
    (x) 10 U.S.C. 4311--Issue of rifles and ammunition for conducting 
rifle instruction and practice.
    (xi) 10 U.S.C. 4651--Issue of arms, tentage, and equipment to 
support educational institutions that do not have ROTC but maintain a 
course in military training prescribed by the Secretary of the Army.
    (xii) 10 U.S.C. 4652--Loan of rifles and issue ammunition for target 
practice to educational institutions having corps of cadets.
    (xiii) 10 U.S.C. 4653--Issue of ordnance and ordnance stores to 
District of Columbia high schools.
    (xiv) 10 U.S.C. 4654--Issue of quartermaster supplies at educational 
institutions that maintain a camp for military instruction of its 
    (xv) 10 U.S.C. 4655--Loan of arms and issue ammunition to other 
agencies and departments of the US Government.
    (xvi) 10 U.S.C. 4656--Loan of aircraft and ancillary equipment to 
accredited aviation schools at which DA or Air Force personnel pursue 
courses of instruction.
    (xvii) 10 U.S.C. 4683--Loan of obsolete or condemned rifles and 
accouterments to local units of recognized national veterans 
organizations for certain ceremonial purposes.
    (xviii) 10 U.S.C. 4685--Loan of obsolete ordnance to educational 
institutions and state soldiers and sailors orphans' homes for purpose 
of drill and instruction.
    (xix) 32 U.S.C. 702--Issue of supplies to State National Guard.
    (xx) 33 U.S.C. 701n (Pub. L. 84-99 as amended)--Flood emergency 
preparation; emergency supplies of drinking water.
    (xxi) 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq (Pub. L. 92-500)--Federal Water 
Pollution Control Act.

[[Page 480]]

    (xxii) 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq (Pub. L. 93-288)--Disaster Relief Act.
    (3) Other statutory guidance:
    (i) 10 U.S.C. 4307--Authorizes the establishment of a Director of 
Civilian Markmanship (DCM).
    (ii) 18 U.S.C. 1385--Unlawful use of Armed Forces in local law 
    (iii) 18 U.S.C. 3056 (as amended by Pub. L. 91-651)--Powers and 
duties of Secret Service.
    (g) Responsibilities. (1) The Commanding General (CG), US Army 
Materiel Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM), through the 
Materiel Readiness Commands' (MRC) commanders, is responsible for loans 
of materiel controlled by DARCOM wholesale supply points.
    (2) Major Army commands (MACOM) CGs and commanders in chief (CINCs) 
of unified commands (UCOMs) are responsible for loans of materiel from 
supporting units and installations.
    (3) The Director of Military Support, Office of the Deputy Chief of 
Staff for Operations (ODCSOPS), is the DOD point of contact for the 
Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA), other Federal 
agencies, and the National Red Cross in disaster assistance matters.

Sec. 623.2  Loan policies.

    (a) Loan and approval policy--(1) Basic policies. (i) Materiel is 
not loaned to non-DOD activities as a routine procedure. However, 
materiel in the Army inventory is available for loan for special 
purposes if approved. Approving authorities are listed in table 2-1; 
their addresses are in appendix B.
    (ii) Loans will be approved or disapproved based on the purpose, 
duration of the loan, and consideration of the following factors which 
can take precedence over any loan.
    (A) Military requirements and priorities.
    (B) Continuity of military operations, troop survival, and the 
rehabilitation of essential military bases.
    (C) Stocks and programed Army requirements. This includes 
prepositioned mobilization reserve stocks.
    (D) Type classification with pending changes.
    (E) Minimum diversion of Army stocks.
    (F) The adequacy of the borrower's resources. Requesters will be 
encouraged to use their own resources.
    (iii) Loan requests from civilian authorities or activities will 
normally enter Army channels at the installation or MACOM levels. If on-
post or off-post units receive loan requests, they will refer them to 
unit's supporting installation commander at once. Emergency loan 
requests will be relayed by telephone or electrically transmitted 
    (iv) When routine handling of a loan request would result in loss of 
human life, grave bodily harm, or major destruction of property, and 
when the lack of communication facilities prevents use of normal 
procedures, loans otherwise permitted by this regulation can be made 
with local approval. However, normal policy should be followed to the 
extent possible. If procedural requirements cannot be fully complied 
with, they must be met as soon as possible after the loan is made.
    (v) Army materiel loaned under this part will be delivered to 
borrower ``as is, where is'' available.
    (vi) Stocks of the least serviceable condition which are still 
suitable for the loan's purpose will be used. Logistic control code 
``C'' materiel will be loaned before logistic control code ``B'' 
materiel. Logistic control code ``B'' materiel will be loaned before 
logistic control code ``A'' materiel. (Ref chap 9, AR 708-1.)
    (vii) Commanders of medical treatment facilities (MTF) are subject 
to all the requirements of this regulation, including the requirement 
for reimbursement. However, in accordance with AR 360-61 which 
implements DOD Instruction 5410.19,
    (A) Emergency loans of medical supplies (drugs, vaccines, etc.) may 
not be made without reimbursement, but the loan may not exceed 30 days 
and the medical supplies must be replaced in kind by the borrowing 
agency or activity; and
    (B) Emergency loans of medical equipment not to exceed 15 days may 
be made without reimbursement if it is the practice in the community for 
other hospitals to make such loans.

[[Page 481]]

Equipment loans which exceed 15 days must be approved, in writing, by 
the MACOM commander and are subject to all the requirements of 10 U.S.C. 
2667, including reimbursement.
    (viii) Army property loaned to non-DOD activities will not be 
further loaned without approval of the original approving authority.
    (ix) There will be no procurement or redistribution of assets to 
offset the effects of loans. Material will not be set aside, earmarked, 
assembled, or stockpiled to be available for use related to loans.
    (x) Army materiel may be recalled from the borrower at any time to 
meet Army requirements.
    (xi) Stock record accounting and financial transactions for loans 
will conform with existing regulations.
    (xii) Borrowers are responsible for the care, custody, and proper 
use of materiel borrowed. Except as stated in this regulation, 
reimbursement will be required for damage, destruction, loss, fair 
depreciation in value, and for any Army repair, care, transportation, 
preservation, and protection of loaned equipment.
    (xiii) Care, renovation, and repair of borrowed materiel will 
conform with the loan agreement.
    (xiv) As indicated below, borrowers must provide signed loan 
agreements, provide surety bonds, and vehicular insurance prior to 
receipt of materiel. Loan agreements and bonds will be prepared in 
accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

                                    Loan                      Vehicular
           Borrower               agreement    Surety bond    insurance
                                  required      required      required
Army or other DOD activities..  No \1\......  No..........  No.
Non-DOD Federal departments     Yes.........  No..........  No.
 and Agencies.
Civil Authorities (State and    Yes.........  Yes \2\.....  Yes.\2\
 Local Governments).
Civilian Activities (veterans'  Yes.........  Yes.........  Yes.
 organizations, youth groups,
\1\ A hand receipt or other document assigning responsibility will
\2\ In emergency disaster relief cases, bonds and insurance may be
  provided after receipt of the materiel. (See paragraph (a)(4) of this

    (2) Loans to DOD organizations. Army materiel may be loaned to DOD 
activities for projects, programs, and mission requirements that support 
basic functions of the borrowing activity. Examples are field exercises, 
maneuvers, training exercises, including annual training (AT) of Reserve 
Components, and research development, test, and evaluation (RDTE).
    (i) Loans of major end items belonging to MACOMs are approved by 
MACOM or UCOM commanders. Loans of materiel other than major end items 
are approved at commander/installation level.
    (ii) Loans of materiel belonging to DARCOM (wholesale level) are 
approved as follows:
    (A) Materiels other than major end items. By the director or deputy 
director of an MRC.
    (B) All other items. By HQ DARCOM or commanders of MRCs unless loan 
would interfere with issue against DA Master Priority List (DAMPL) 
priorities, then by HQDA ODCSLOG (DALO-SMD).
    (3) Loans to federal departments/agencies. Loans to Federal 
activities outside the DOD are usually provided under provisions of the 
Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. 686. Federal agencies borrowing DOD materiel 
using the provisions of this act are responsible for reimbursing the DOD 
for all DOD costs incident to the delivery, return, and repair of the 
materiel. The borrower is also responsible for reimbursing the DOD for 
depreciation if the depreciation cost is significant.
    (4) Disaster relief.
    (A) In disaster situations local civil authorities must provide 
relief from their own resources. If this is not sufficient, and the 
American National Red Cross has a team at the disaster, requests for 
further assistance should be made to them. If the President has declared 
a major disaster or emergency, requests should be made to the regional 
director of the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA). (See 
AR 500-60 for guidance.)
    (B) The commanding General, US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), acting 
for the Secretary of the Army (SA), is responsible for Army materiel 
support of disaster relief operations

[[Page 482]]

within the United States and the District of Columbia. UCOMs are 
responsible for disaster relief operations in US possessions and trust 
territories. These commanders are authorized to task DOD agencies and 
commands, consistent with defense priorities, to provide materiel in 
support of operations. A military representative will be appointed by 
the appropriate command to act as the DOD point of contact with the 
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) 
when military assistance is required during a Presidential declared 
disaster or emergency. When a disaster or emergency is of such 
magnitude, the disaster area may be geographically subdivided. A 
military representative will then be appointed for each FCO. All 
requests for military assistance will be passed through the FCO to the 
DOD military representative at the disaster area.
    (C) The Director of Military Support (ODCSOPS), HQDA, acts at the 
DOD point of contact for the Administrator, FDAA, other Federal 
agencies, and the American National Red Cross in all disaster assistance 
    (ii) Foreign. (A) The Department of State is responsible for 
deciding when emergency foreign disaster relief operations will be 
undertaken. This authority is delegated to Chiefs of Diplomatic Missions 
for disaster relief operations whose total costs will not exceed 
    (B) Send queries on foreign disaster relief to HQDA (DAMO-ODS) (para 
4, app B).
    (5) Civil disturbances. The maintenance of law and order is 
primarily the responsibility of local and state authorities. In civil 
disturbance situations, a basic goal of the Federal Government is to 
minimize the involvement of active military forces. One of the most 
effective means of keeping Federal forces off the streets is to loan US 
Army civil disturbance type equipment to Federal, State, and local law 
enforcement agencies and also to the National Guard. (For specific 
guidance see AR 500-50.)
    (i) Requests for loan of Army materiel during or for expected civil 
disturbances are of three types with approval authority as follows:
    (A) Group one. Arms, ammunition, tank-automotive equipment, and 
aircraft. Loans will be approved by the SA or his designee.
    (B) Group two. Riot control agents, concertina wire, and similar 
military equipment which is not included in group one. Loans will be 
approved by the SA (or his designee), or by an Army task force commander 
employed at an objective are during a civil disturbance.
    (C) Group three. Protective equipment such as masks and helmets; 
body armor vests; other equipment not included in group one or two such 
as clothing, communications equipment, and searchlights; and the use of 
DOD facilities. Such loans will be approved by the SA (or his designee); 
by MACOMs; by the CGs of CONUS armies, MDW, and by commanders of UCOMs 
outside CONUS as applicable. (NOTE: Firefighting equipment will not be 
used for riot control).
    (ii) Queries concerning loans in support of civil disturbances will 
be forwarded to the Director of Military Support, HQDA(DAMO-ODS), WASH 
DC 20310. (See app B.)
    (6) Terrorism. (i) The Department of the Army is the DOD Executive 
Agent for support to the FBI in combating terrorism. Existing civil 
disturbance loan procedures, including categories of equipment, apply to 
equipment loans to the FBI for combating terrorism. Military resources 
will be provided only upon request of the Director, FBI, or the Senior 
FBI official present at the scene of a terrorist incident. It may be 
difficult in some situations to determine whether a practical incident 
fits the definition of terrrorism. In these cases, commanders are 
authorized to accept the judgment of the FBI official making the request 
if it is supported by the available facts. (See para 3, table 2-1.)
    (ii) For requests from the FBI in connection with terrorist 
incidents, any commander in the chain of command down to and including 
commanders of military installations are authorized to approve loans of 
group two and group three resources. (See paragraphs (a)(4)(1) (B) and 
(C) of this section.) Requests for equipment which involve

[[Page 483]]

technical/operating personnel, excluding fire-fighting equipment and 
explosive ordnance disposal, will be processed as a group one resource. 
For example, approval authority is retained by the DOD Executive Agent.
    (7) Aircraft piracy. Assistance to other federal agencies in the 
protection of airways is provided through loans under guidance in 
paragraph 3, table 2-1. Specific limitations on such support are covered 
in AR 500-1.
    (8) Loan/lease to activities outside the Federal Government. Title 
10, U.S.C. 2667, authorizes the lease of Army materiel to non-DOD 
departments, agencies, activities, or individuals when it is determined 
that the materiel is not, for the period of the lease, needed for public 
use, is not excess property, and that the loan will promote the national 
defense or be in the public interest, (See AR 360-61.) Such a lease must 
not be for more than 1 year (or be renewed/extended for a total period 
of more than 5 years); it must provide that the lessee will pay a fair 
monetary rental. The fair monetary rental will be determined on the 
basis of prevailing commercial rates or computed according to sound 
commercial accounting practices for the fixing of rental on such 
property. This will include a return on capital investment and 
administrative cost as well as depreciation. The delegation of authority 
to lease is SAOSA-71-6, paragraph 1-5103, ADARS, the prescribed lease 
agreement is at paragraph 16-553, ADARS.
    (b) Loan agreements. (1) Upon approval of a loan request and before 
shipment or issue of the materiel, the approving authority will complete 
a written loan agreement, DA Form 4881-R. In all cases, the statutory 
basis for the loan will be cited. The approving authority is acting for 
the DOD on loans to other Federal agencies, and for the United States on 
loans to civil authorities and special activities. The agreement will be 
signed by the approving authority and the borrowing activity. When 
emergency loans have been made as authorized by this AR, follow-up 
action will be taken at once to formalize the loan by completing a loan 
    (2) Loan agreements are mutually developed by the approving 
authority and the chief of the borrowing activity (or their designees). 
The agreements identify the responsibilities of all parties. They 
include terms and conditions of the loan. Appendix C illustrates a 
sample loan agreement, DA Form 4881-R (Agreement for the Loan of US Army 
Materiel), and specifies what the loan agreements will stipulate and 
contain. Also illustrated at appendix C is DA Form 4881-2-R, which will 
be completed and appended to the loan agreement as ``Exhibit I.''
    (3) Loan agreements will be held by the approving authority until 
termination and final settlement of each loan.
    (4) If the loan agreement is signed by someone other than the chief 
borrowing official, than a Certificate for Signature by an Alternate 
will be completed. (See appendix D for DA Form 4881-1-R.) It will be 
attached to the signed (by the borrower) copy of the agreement that is 
retained by the approving authority. DA Forms 4881-R, 4881-1-R, and 
4881-2-R are reproduced locally on 8\1/2\ by 11-inch paper.
    (c) Surety bonds. (1) Some borrowers of Army materiel must post a 
surety bond. (See table 2-1 and DA Form 4881-3-R at app E.) Bonds ensure 
safe return of the borrowed materiel or reimbursement for any loss of or 
damage to the materiel. The bond will consist of --
    (i) A properly executed surety bond with a certified bank check, 
cash, or negotiable US Treasury bonds, or
    (ii) Notice of bond by a reputable bonding company deposited with 
the approving authority for the loan. Bonds will equal the total price 
of the borrowed items as shown in exhibit I to the loan agreement (app 
C, DA Form 4881-R). A ``double'' bond (bond equal to twice the value of 
the borrowed item(s)) will be required--
    (A) For Army materiel loaned to the Red Cross for instruction and 
practice to aid the Army, Navy, or Air Force in time of war (10 U.S.C. 
    (B) For ordnance and ordnance stores loaned to high schools in the 
District of Columbia (10 U.S.C. 4653).
    (2) The bond need not be posted by the borrowing agency itself. The 
source or originating agency for the bond is immaterial if the bond is 
valid. For example, to secure a loan, a State may

[[Page 484]]

post bond on behalf of a city, county, or other governmental body or 
authority within the State.
    (3) In an emergency, when posting a bond would delay approval of an 
urgent loan request and when the total price is less than $1,000, the 
approval authority may approve the request. The approval is on the 
condition that the bond be posted within 5 days.
    (4) Bond forfeitures or exceptions to mandatory forfeitures can only 
be made with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Army. Forfeitures 
will be based on actual expense incurred. Forfeitures do not release the 
borrowing agency from returning borrowed materiel or affect ownership. 
Bonds are normally forfeited under the following conditions:
    (i) Materiel is not returned at the termination of a loan period or 
when return has been directed by the Army.
    (ii) The borrowing agent refuses to pay for damages or other Army 
    (5) Surety bonds will be held by the approving authority until the 
loan is terminated and final settlement is made. At that time, the bond 
will be returned to the borrower.
    (6) If US treasury bonds are posted as surety bond, the borrower 
must execute a power of attorney (DA Form 4481-4-R, app F). This will 
enable cashing of the treasury bonds if some forfeiture is required. DA 
Form 4881-3-R (Surety Bond) and DA Form 4881-4-R (Power of Attorney) 
will be reproduced locally on 8\1/2\ by 11-inch paper.
    (d) Loan duration. (1) Loan periods and extensions will be shown in 
table 2-2.
    (2) Materiel will be loaned only for the number of days needed for 
the specific purpose for which borrowed. Loan extensions must be 
justified. The reason(s) why other means or other than Army materiel 
cannot be used must be included. Approval of loan extensions will be 
based on the merit of the reasons given.
    (3) Loan extensions authorized beyond 1 year will not be approved 
unless the lender of the loaned materiel has inspected and inventoried 
the materiel to insure completeness and serviceability.
    (e) Types of DA materiel available for loan. Examples of types of 
items that may be loaned, and examples of the types of organizations 
that may borrow Army materiel, are listed in table 2-1. Most loans will 
be nonexpendable items or expendable items not forecast to be consumed 
(durable items). Expendable items (e.g., expendability code X) will not 
be loaned unless approved as an exception.

[[Page 485]]

                                      Table 2-1--Loan Authority and Purpose
                                         [See footnotes at end of table]
                                                                                          Examples of materiel
          Requester            Authority and guidance     Normal approving authority           authorized
1. DOD Activities...........  10 U.S.C. 2571..........  Secretary of the Army (or       Materiel, supplies, and
                                                         designee).                      equipment.
2. Department of Agriculture  31 U.S.C. 686; Memo of    Secretary of the Army (or       Communications,
 (U.S. Forest Service)         Understanding (MOU),      designee).                      earthmoving, and
 protection against wildfire   Apr. 24, 1975; AR 500-                                    vehicular equipment.
 \2\ (see AR 500-60 for        60.
 guidance) \3\.
    Avalanche Control \3\...  10 U.S.C. 4655; 31        Secretary of the Army (or       Communications,
                               U.S.C. 686; AR 735-5;     designee).                      howitzers, etc.
                               MOU Nov. 29, 1973.
3. Department of Justice      10 U.S.C. 331; 10 U.S.C.  ..............................  Transport aircraft,\1\
 (FBI).                        332; 10 U.S.C. 333.                                       helicopters, flares,
                                                                                         equipment, arms,
                                                                                         vehicles, etc.
  Aircraft Piracy \1\ (see    10 U.S.C. 4655; 18        DOD General Counsel \1\ or
   AR 500-1 for guidance).     U.S.C. 1385; 31 U.S.C.    designee; in urgent cases,
                               686; DODD 3025.12; AR     Deputy Director for
                               500-1.                    Operations, NMCC.
  Terrorism \2\.............  AR 500-50...............  See item 7 below for \2\        See item 8 below for \2\
                                                         approval authority by           classification
                                                         equipment classification.       equipment.
  Drug Enforcement Agency     31 U.S.C. 686; AR 735-5,  Asst SECDEF (or designee).....  Same as above.
   \1\.                        par. 1-16; CSR 1-25.
4. Treasury Department (U.S.  18 U.S.C. 3056; 31        Asst SECDEF (or designee); Mil  Same as above.
 Custom Service) (U.S.         U.S.C. 686; AR 735-5,     Asst to the President;
 Secret Service) \1\.          par. 1-16; DODD           followed by the Spec Asst to
                               3025.13; DODI 5030.34;    the SECDEF; (overseas) CINC,
                               AR 1-4.                   UCOM's.
5. National Guard Equipment   AR 735-5; 10 U.S.C. 2571  Secretary of the Army HQDA; CG  Material, supplies, and
 (loan to NG).                                           FORSCOM; DARCOM.                equipment.
6. Other Federal agencies     31 U.S.C. 686; AR 735-5;  Spec Asst SECDEF; Secretary of  Material, supplies, and
 emergency support \1\ to      AR 1-35; AR 500-60;       the Army.                       equipment for flood
 Federal agencies (see AR 1-   DODD 4000.19.                                             fighting, rescue
 35 and AR 500-60 for                                                                    operations, repair/
 guidance).                                                                              restoration of flood
                                                                                         control works, or
                                                                                         hurricane flood
                                                                                         protection works.
  Support to FPA/GSA          AR 15-17; DODD 5100.74;   HQDA; CG FORSCOM; CG CONUSA...  Transportation,
   Regional Field Boards \2\   OEP Civ 8500.6.                                           emergency power and
   (see AR 15-17 for                                                                     fuel.
  Support to Inaugural        10 U.S.C. 2543..........  SECDEF........................  Tents, flags, litters,
   Committee.                                                                            ambulances, drivers,
                                                                                         hospital furniture,
                                                                                         camp appliances.
7. Support for Search and     AR 500-2; FM 20-150; AR   CG FORSCOM; GC CONUSA.........  Search craft and crews.
 Rescue.                       525-90.

[[Page 486]]

8. Civil Authorities Civil    42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.;   Group One: DOD Executive Agent  Group One: Arms,
 Disturbance \2\ (see AR 500-  10 U.S.C. 331; DODD       or designee.                    ammunition, tank-
 50 for guidance).             3025.12; AR 500-50; AR                                    automotive equipment,
                               350-7; DACD Plan;                                         and aircraft.
                               Garden Plot.
                                                        Group Two: DOD Executive Agent  Group Two: Riot control
                                                         or designee, or task force      agents, concertina
                                                         command at objective area       wire, and other like
                                                         during the civil disturbance.   military equipment to
                                                                                         be employed in control
                                                                                         of civil disturbances.
                                ......................  Group Three: DOD Executive      Group Three:
                                                         Agent or designee; CG MDW; CG   Firefighting resources,
                                                         CONUSA; and CINC's UCOM's,      equipment of a
                                                         OCONUS.                         protective nature
                                                                                         (masks, helmets, body
                                                                                         armor vests) and use of
                                                                                         Army facilities.
  Disaster Relief \2\.......  42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.;   CG FORSCOM; CG DARCOM for       Same as 6 above.
                               DODD 3025.1; AR 500-60    DARCOM stocks; and CINC's,
                               and AR 930-5; DODD        UCOM's, OCONUS.
  Civil Defense.............  DODD 3025.10; AR 500-70.  CG FORSCOM....................  Personnel, facilities,
                                                                                         equipment, supplies,
                                                                                         and services.
  American National Red       MOU between DOD and       HQDA; The Adjutant General      Personnel, equipment,
   Cross for support of Army   ANRC, June 24, 1975.      (DAAG-ASO-R).                   office space,
   units in support of local                                                             equipment, supplies;
   civil government disaster                                                             and custodial, utility,
   relief.                                                                               maintenance, and
                                                                                         communication services.
9. Environmental Protection   33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.;   Same as disaster relief.......  Personnel, facilities,
 Agency and U.S. Coast Guard   DODD 5030-41; AR 500-60.                                  supplies, equipment,
 (oil and hazardous                                                                      and transportation.
 substances pollution
10. Boy and Girl Scouts of    10 U.S.C. 2544; AR 725-   MACOM CG on behalf of CG        Bedding, cots, chairs,
 America (world or national    1, ch. 7.                 DARCOM.                         vehicles, buildings,
 jamborees) \3\.                                                                         etc.
11. Civilian Marksmanship     10 U.S.C. 4308, 4311,     Secretary of the Army (or       Arms and accouterments.
 Program (Clubs and Schools)   4651, 4652, 4653, 4685;   designee).
 \3\.                          AR 920-15; AR 920-20.
12. Community Relations and   AR 28-19; AR 360-61; 42   Installation commanders.......  Equipment or buildings
 Domestic Action Programs      U.S.C. 2701.                                              which may aid in
 \1\ (Youth Conservation                                                                 instruction to the
 Corps).                                                                                 disadvantaged.
13. Veterans Organizations    10 U.S.C. 2541..........  MACOM CG and CG CONUSA........  Cots, bedding, chairs,
 (State and National                                                                     tents, mattresses,
 Conventions) \3\.                                                                       pillows, unoccupied
                                                                                         barracks, etc.

[[Page 487]]

  Burial Ceremonies.........  10 U.S.C. 4683..........  Secretary of the Army.........  Obsolete rifles.
14. Armies of the United      10 U.S.C. 2667; AR 34-1.  CG DARCOM (those for equip      Equipment.
 Kingdom, Canada, and                                    valued over $100,000 and
 Australia (Standardization                              those not favorably
 Program).                                               considered by DARCOM will be
                                                         referred to the DCSRDA, HQDA,
                                                         for approval).
15. Aid to District of        DODD 5030.46; CSR 500-4.  Secretary of the Army (or       Communications,
 Columbia Government in                                  designee).                      vehicles, aircraft,
 Combating Crime \2\.                                                                    arms, etc.
16. Departments, agencies,    10 U.S.C. 2667; SAOSA-71- Heads of Procuring Activity...  Army property, not
 municipalities,               6, par. 1-5103, ADARS.                                    excess requirements,
 organizations, activities,                                                              but not needed for
 and individuals.                                                                        period of lease. (See
                                                                                         delegation of
17. Red Cross (Aid to DOD in  10 U.S.C. 2602; AR 930-5  DAAG..........................  Office space, supplies
 time of war).                                                                           and equipment;
18. Army Flying Clubs.......  AR 230-1; DODD 1330.2...  DAAG; CG FORSCOM..............  Army aircraft.
19. Civilian Activities.....  10 U.S.C. 2572; AR 870-   Chief, Military History.......  Historical properties
                               15; AR 870-20.                                            and military art.
20. Civilian Educational      10 U.S.C. 4654..........  Secretary of the Army.........  Quartermaster supplies.
\1\ DA DCSOPS, Director of Military Support, has responsibility for these staff functions.
\2\ DA DCSOPS, Director of Military Support, has responsibility for these executive agent functions. (See app. A
  for definition of this term.)
\3\ DA DCSLOG, Director of Supply and Maintenance, has responsibility for these staff functions.

                                             Table 2-2--Loan Periods
                                                                                             Loan periods \1\
        Borrower/purpose                                  Initial                                extension
1. DOD Activities...............  As needed for mission accomplishment..................  As needed for mission
2. Army National Guard (loan of   For minimum essential period as determined by           For minimum essential
 equipment).                       requirements.                                           period as determined
                                                                                           by requirements.
3. Department of Agriculture      90 days...............................................  90 days.
 (U.S. Forest Service)
 (protection against wildfire).
4. Department of Justice (FBI)    For minimum essential period..........................  For minimum essential
 (Aircraft piracy).                                                                        period.
  (Drug Enforcement Agency).....  1 year or less as determined by requirements..........  1 year or less.
5. Treasury Department (U.S.      1 year or less as determined by requirements..........  1 year or less.
 Customs Service).
  (U.S. Secret Service).........  For minimum essential period as determined by           For minimum essential
                                   requirements.                                           period as determined
                                                                                           by requirements.
6. Environmental Protection       For duration of requirements..........................
 Agency/U.S. Coast Guard.

[[Page 488]]

7. Other Federal Agencies.......  For minimum essential period..........................  1 year.
8. Civil Agencies (Civil          15 days during actual disorder........................  15 days.
 disturbances) Type I.
  Type II.......................  90 days in anticipation of a disorder.................  90 days.
  (Disaster relief).............  For minimum essential period, no extension for use
                                   during rehabilitation unless requested by the FDAA.
9. Boy and Girl Scouts of         For duration of ``Jamboree'' plus period en route to
 America (World or National        or return from Jamborees.
10. Civilian Marksmanship (Clubs  1 year................................................  1 year.
 and Schools).
11. Civilian Community            As justified by local requesters......................
 (Relations and Domestic Action
12. American National Red Cross   Same as above for duration of requirements (office      Same as above.
 for support of Army units in      equipment).
 support of local civil
 Government disaster relief.
13. Veterans' Organizations.....  15 days...............................................  15 days.
14. To Armies of the United       1 year or less as determined by requirements..........  As negotiated.
 Kingdom, Canada, and Australia
 (Standardization Program).
15. Civilian Organizations:
  a. Arms and accouterments.....  1 year or less as determined by requirements..........  1 year.
  b. DLA stock fund items.......  120 days..............................................  30 days.
  c. Medical equipment..........  15 days...............................................  As negotiated.
  d. Medical supplies (drugs,     30 days...............................................  As negotiated.
   vaccines, etc. must be
   replaced in kind).
  e. All other items............  Requester justification...............................  As negotiated.
16. DA materiel provided under    1 year................................................  1 year.
 10 U.S.C. 2667.
\1\ All extensions or loan renewals which extends the overall loan period beyond 1 year must be approved by the
  Secretary of the Army (or designee).

[[Page 489]]

Sec. 623.3  Submission of requests for loan of Army materiel.

    (a) General. (1) Loan requests will be expedited according to the 
situation's urgency. A situation may be so serious that waiting for 
instructions or approval from a higher authority is unwarranted. 
Commanders will then take action as required to save human life, prevent 
human suffering, or reduce property damage or destruction. (See 
Sec. 623.2(b)(1).) Such emergency actions will be reported at once to 
higher authority according to Sec. 623.7.
    (2) Requests to the US Army for loan, or loan extension, will be 
promptly sent by the Army element that received the request through 
channels to the approving authority shown in table 2-1 or as specified 
in appropriate regulations.
    (3) Loan requests will be made by the head of the Federal agency, 
civil authority, or civilian activity desiring the materiel. An 
exception is that requests from the Federal Disaster Assistance 
Administration (FDAA) will normally be initiated by an FDAA regional 
director rather than by the administrator. The requests should be made 
directly to the approving authorities shown in table 2-1.
    (b) The Army National Guard (ARNG). Loan requests for property 
belonging to ARNG will be made under National Guard Regulation 735-12. 
(See para 5, table 2-1.)
    (c) General Procedures. (1) DOD activities. DOD activities will 
borrow Army materiel as follows:
    (i) Requests will be made in writing citing--
    (A) Detailed justification for loan to include urgency of need.
    (B) Duration of loan.
    (C) Funds to defray transportation and handling.
    (D) Serviceability requirements.
    (ii) Approving authority involved will--
    (A) Forward a loan agreement to requester. Loan agreements within 
DOD will often consist of letter requests, approving endorsements, and 
materiel issue document (DD 1348-1) transferring temporary 
accountability. Between units and activities, a hand receipt may be used 
as the loan agreement.
    (B) Furnish positive identification of item to be loaned.
    (C) Provide instructions for delivery of equipment.
    (iii) DOD recipient of loaned Army materiel will--
    (A) Forward accepted loan agreement to approving authority (all 
actions can be accomplished by electrically transmitted messages).
    (B) Provide geographic location of equipment and specific activity 
that is responsible for care and preservation of loaned equipment.
    (C) Return equipment to Army in condition received with normal 
allowance for fair wear and tear.
    (2) Non-DOD activities. Non-DOD activities, including Federal 
agencies will request loan of Army materiel as follows:
    (i) Non-DOD activities, and agencies, will send routine requests by 
letter 45 days before the materiel is required. Federal agencies may use 
Standard Form 344 (Multiuse Standard Requisitioning/Issue System 
Document). Requests will include the following:
    (A) The DA approving authority. See table 2-1.
    (B) Date request is submitted.
    (C) Title of requesting agency and/or person authorized to receive 
or pick up the borrowed materiel. Be specific; e.g., Special Agent in 
Charge John Doe, FBI, Anytown, USA, (telephone number with area code) 
    (D) Type of loan; e.g., Boy Scout National Jamboree, American Legion 
Convention, etc. (with a short summary of circumstances).
    (E) Statement that none of the requested materiel is internally 
available to the requesting activity.
    (F) Statement that this support is not reasonably available from 
local government or commercial sources.
    (G) Authority for the loan (if known); e.g., public law, US code, 
executive order, etc. See table 2-1.
    (H) Positive identification of the type and quantity of items 
required. If national stock numbers and nomenclature are not available, 
identify the items needed by type, model, size, capacity, caliber, etc.
    (I) Geographic location where the materiel will be located and used.
    (J) Proposed duration of the loan.

[[Page 490]]

    (K) Statement that the agency has, or will ensure capability to 
properly operate, maintain, secure, and care for the borrowed materiel.
    (L) If firearms are requested, a statement that adequate facilities 
are available to secure the arms. See Sec. 623.5(a)(4).
    (M) A statement that the borrowing activity will assume all 
responsibilities, liabilities, and costs related to the movement, use, 
care, security, loss, damage, and repair of the loaned materiel.
    (N) Citation of funds to cover reimbursable costs. Also, a statement 
that an adequate bond will be provided, if required.
    (O) A statement that the loan agreement prepared by the Army will be 
signed by the ``responsible official'' of the borrowing activity (or 
    (P) Name, address, and telephone number of the person who will serve 
as the point of contact for the requesting agency, authority, or 
    (Q) Complete instructions for delivery of the equipment to ensure 
that shipping instructions in the request are consistent with the 
urgency of the situation. State whether a small quantity shipped by air, 
express, or other fast means will satisfy immediate needs until bulk 
shipments can arrive. Also state quantity immediately required.
    (R) If applicable, the number of persons to be accommodated.
    (ii) Urgent requests may be made to meet expected or actual 
emergencies. Such requests may be made by telephone or by electrically 
transmitted message. Include information required in paragraphs 
(c)(2)(i) (A) through (R) of this section to the extent possible. The 
request will be presented to the approving authority. The borrower will 
then send a complete written request to formalize the emergency request.
    (iii) If approval of the loan is granted, approving authorities will 
contact accountable property officers at CONUS installations (equivalent 
level overseas), or MRC item managers to determine which items are 
available. Installation requests to MRCs will state that the 
installation resources could not meet the loan requirements. 
Availability decisions will be based on normal management criteria 
including past and anticipated demand, asset balances, order-ship time, 
repair rate and repair cycles, and procurement schedules. If requested 
items are available and approved for issue, the approving authority (or 
designee) will--
    (A) Negotiate and agreement;
    (B) Obtain surety bond from the borrower when required;
    (C) Provide reproduced copies of the signed documents to the 
appropriate accountable property office along with authorization to make 
the loan.
    (iv) Approving authorities will maintain a system of numerical 
control for all loans. The accountable property officer will enter this 
number on all transaction documents related to each specific loan to 
include requisition, issue, shipping, turn-in, and financial documents.
    (3) The US Secret Service (USSS).
    (i) Army regulation 1-4 provides policies and procedures for Army 
support to the Secret Service. Support will be provided only on the 
request of the Director, United States Secret Service or his authorized 
representative. It will be provided only to assist the United State 
Secret Service in performance of its statutory protective functions.
    (ii) Routine requests are sent by the United States Secret Service 
direct to the Office of the Special Assistant to the SECDEF for 
approval. Approved requests involving Army resources are tasked through 
HQDA (DAMO-ODS) to the proper command. Approved requests for resources 
of other Services are tasked direct to the proper Service.
    (iii) Approved requests for resources to be used in oversea areas 
(regardless of Service) will be passed from the Office of the Special 
Assistant to the SECDEF to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) for tasking 
of the proper unified command.
    (iv) In urgent situations, the United States Secret Service may 
request military resources from the nearest military commander who is 
authorized to take action consistent with the urgency. As soon as 
possible, they will seek guidance/approval through command channels to 
the approval authority (Spec Asst to the SECDEF).
    (4) Drug and narcotics interdiction activities. All non-DOD Federal 
agencies requesting DOD resource in support of

[[Page 491]]

drug or narcotics interdiction activities should send requests through 
their headquarters to DOD, ATTN: Deputy Assistant SECDEF (Program 
Management), WASH DC 20314. Concurrently, information pertaining to the 
request should be sent to HQDA (DAMO-ODS) (para 4, app B), or relayed by 
telephone (AUTOVON 225-2003 or the Army Operations Center 851-1800 
during nonduty hours). The Deputy Assistant SECDEF will pass approved 
request to HQDA (DAMO-ODS), through the Office, Under Secretary of the 
Army, for determination of availability and readiness impact. If 
approved by the Under Secretary of the Army, ODCSOPS (DAMO-ODS) will 
task the proper MACOM to provide support. Requests for extension or 
changes to agreements will be processed as noted in tables 2-1, 2-2 and 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (5) The Federal Bureau of Investigation. (i) Requests for aircraft 
piracy assistance, received from Federal authorities by Army field 
commands or activities, will be forwarded through command channels by 
telephone (confirmed by electrically transmitted message) to the 
Military Support Division, ODCSOPS (DAMO-ODS), AUTOVON 255-3848/7433/
2003 (WATS 202-695-2003). These requests will be approved by the DOD 
General Counsel (or designee).
    (ii) The requests will then be sent to the National Military Command 
Center (NMCC). It will coordinate between the lending accountable 
property officer and the borrower.
    (iii) In urgent cases, the Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC, may 
approve requests upon his or her own responsibility. This is subject to 
a later report to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the DOD 
General Counsel.
    (iv) Approved requirements will be passed to the Secretary of the 
Army by telephone and confirmed by electrically transmitted message. The 
Secretary of the Army will then assign the requirement to the proper 
command (or staff agency) which will contact the designated Federal 
civil official and confirm the details of the request. Modification of 
the requirement to better perform the mission is authorized if the 
Federal official agrees.
    (6) Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA), US Coast Guard (USCG), or 
National Response Team (NRT). Non-DOD Federal agency requests for loan 
of materiel to combat oil and hazardous substance pollution spills will 
be made directly to the Commanding General, FORSCOM. Requests will be 
made by an ``On Scene Coordinator'' (OSC) of the EPA, or by the USCG 
acting for the Department of Transportation. The pollution spill NRT may 
also initiate requests. Approval authority is shown in table 2-1.
    (d) Civil Authorities. Loans of materiel to civil authorities for 
use during civil disturbances and disasters will be made as follows:
    (1) Civil disturbances. Requests for Army materiel in anticipation 
of (or during) civil disturbances will be promptly sent through command 
channels to the approving authority (UCOM commanders will coordinate 
requests originating from areas outside CONUS) as follows:
    (i) Requests for resources that require Secretary of the Army 
approval will be sent through channels to HQDA (DAMO-ODS) (para 4, app 
    (ii) Requests for group three resources (Sec. 623.2(a)(5)) that are 
not available to commanders having the approval authority will be sent 
through channels to HQDA (DAMO-ODS). Intermediate commands may approve 
and make available the requested resources.
    (iii) Requests received by other DOD agencies will be referred to 
local Army installation commanders for processing.
    (2) Disaster relief. Requests for loan of materiel to support 
disaster relief will be handled as follows:
    (i) Valid requests for disaster relief assistance (see 
Sec. 623.2(a)(4) for decisionmaking process) will be given to the DOD 
liaison (a military officer) assigned to the disaster; or forwarded to 
the CONUS Army commander in which the disaster occurs. (See appendix G.) 
If no Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA) official (HUD 
Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO)) is present at the disaster scene, 
requests may be received from the Red Cross.

[[Page 492]]

    (ii) HUD Regional Directors for FDAA, or FCOs, will send requests 
for loan of materiel to the Commanding General, FORSCOM, or to the 
proper CONUS Army commander. (Requests for Defense Civil Preparedness 
Agency (DCPA) resources will be sent to DCPA regional offices.)
    (e) Civilian Activities. (1) Veterans' Organizations. Loan requests 
by authorized veterans' organizations (as listed in VA Bulletin 23A) 
will be sent to the commander of the CONUS Army area (or Commander, 
MDW), for the area where the materiel will be required. (See appendix 
    (2) Scouting Loans. National and regional scout executives will send 
requests (restricted to DOD support of national and world jamborees) 
according to chapter 7, AR 725-1. (See Sec. 621.4 of this title.)
    (3) Loans/Leases Under the Provisions of Title 10 U.S.C. 2667. 
Requests for loans from other civil activities and organizations may 
come into the DOD through various channels; e.g., telephone call to 
local installation commander, letter to Congressmen, or directly to the 
Secretary of Defense or Army. Each request will be forwarded to the 
authority having the item and having the authority to approve the 
request. (See appendix B and table 2-1.) In cases where approval is 
questionable, the request may be submitted through channels to HQDA 
(DALO-SMD) WASH DC 20310 (para 2, app B) recommending approval/
disapproval action.
    (f) Loans to the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, and Australia. All 
requests for loans (restricted to materiel for use in the 
``Standardization Program'') to the UK, Canada, or Australia will be 
sent to Commander, DARCOM, ATTN DRC-IRD for approval. AR 795-204 
addresses loans to other allied governments. (See DOD Military 
Assistance and Sales Manual, DOD 5105.38-M.)
    (g) Special Materiel Requests.
    (1) Loan of Communications Security (COMSEC) Equipment. Subject to 
provisions of this regulation, requests for loan of COMSEC equipment 
will be sent to the Commander, US Army Communications Security Logistics 
Agency (para 24, app B) for approval, loan action, and establishment of 
loan records. All loans of Army COMSEC equipment to civilian authorities 
or activities will be according to Technical Bulletin 380-41. Standard 
Form 153 will be annotated to show purpose of the loan, expected date of 
return, and authority for the loan. A copy will be sent to the Director, 
National Security Agency (NSA), ATTN: S3, Fort George G. Meade, MD 
    (2) Loan of arms and accouterments. Requests for loan of arms and 
accouterments will be sent by requesting agencies directly to the 
Secretary of the Army, Military Support Division, HQDA (DAMO-ODS) (para 
4, app B). Requests received out of this channel will be returned to the 
originator for resubmission. The Secretary of the Army (or designee) is 
the approval authority. See Sec. 623.5 for procedures.
    (3) War reserves and operational project stocks. Regulatory guidance 
with respect to loan of war reserves and operational project stocks to 
DOD organizations is found in chapter 8, AR 710-1. Loans of war reserves 
and operational project stocks to non-DOD activities will be according 
to this regulation and must be approved by HQDA (DALO-SMW) (para 3, app 
    (4) Loan of historical property and art. Requests for loans of Army 
historical property and military art will be sent to the Commander, US 
Army Center of Military History (para 4, app B). Specific information on 
such loans is found in AR 870-15 and AR 870-20.

Sec. 623.4  Accounting procedures.

    (a) Loan Document Format. (1) When the lending accountable property 
officer receives copies of the loan request, loan agreement, surety bond 
(if required), and written loan authorization from the approving 
authority, the loan request will be converted to Military Standard 
Requisitioning and Issue Procedures requisition formal (DD Form 1348) as 
follows: (NOTE: In emergencies, authorization may be made by telephone. 
The format request, agreement, bond, and authorization will follow. 
Informal records should be also maintained.)

           Card columns                         Code or data
1-3...............................  ``AOE''.
4-6...............................  RIC of NICP (lender).

[[Page 493]]

7.................................  Media and status code.
8-22..............................  National stock number.
23-24.............................  Unit of issue.
25-29.............................  Quantity.
30-43.............................  Document number.
(30-35)...........................  DODAAC of the requisitioner, if
                                     applicable, otherwise DODAAC of
                                     accountable property officer
(36-39)...........................  Julian date.
(40-43)...........................  Serial number.
44................................  ``N'' for nonrecurring demand.
45-50.............................  Supplemental address (loanee DODAAC)
                                     for DOD units. For non-DOD
                                     activities enter the shipping
(45)..............................  ``Y''.
(46-49)...........................  Julian date of receipt of loan
(50)..............................  Alphabetic (except I or O)
                                     indicating which loan of the day is
                                     first; e.g., A-first, B-second,
51................................  ``M''.
52-53.............................  ``G4'' for loans to nonresearch and
                                     development activities. ``G6'' for
                                     loans to research and development
54-56.............................  Blank.
57-59.............................  Project code if applicable. Note:
                                     This will be the same for all
                                     loans. Project codes will be
                                     assigned by Chief, Logistic Systems
                                     Support Activity, ATTN: DRXLS-LCC,
                                     Chambersburg, PA 17201. It will be
                                     sent by message to all interested
60-61.............................  Priority.
62-64.............................  RDD.
65-66.............................  Blank.
67-69.............................  Depot RIC.
70................................  Purpose code.
71................................  Condition code.
72................................  Management code.
73-80.............................  Blank.

    (2) Loaned property will be kept on the accountable records of the 
owning property account. The entry showing the quantities loaned will be 
supported by DD Form 1348-1 (receipt document), and copies of the loan 
agreement and surety bond (if required). The receipt document must be 
signed by the responsible official of the borrowing activity. It is then 
returned to the accountable property officer as a valid hand receipt for 
property accounting purposes.
    (3) Loans will be processed by accountable property officers 
according to normal supply procedures except as modified by this 
    (4) Accountable property officers will keep loan files with enough 
documentation to provide an audit trail for loan transactions and a 
single source of accounting and billing for reimbursement. No separate 
property book accounts will be set up for these loans. Items, with dates 
shipped, will be identified by use of ``loan control numbers'' in loan 
jacket files and in supporting documentation. The files will include 
copies of--
    (i) The loan request. If the request was made by telephone (urgent), 
a copy of the Memorandum for Record prepared to summarize the call will 
be used.
    (ii) The loan agreement.
    (iii) The surety bond (with cash, certified check, US treasury 
bonds, or adequate bond from a bonding company).
    (iv) The approving authorization to make the loan.
    (v) DD Form 1348-1 used for shipping the items.
    (vi) A master loan register with the loan control number and 
shipping document number.
    (b) Shipment of Loaned Materiel. (1) Loaned Army materiel will be 
shipped only to the chief of the borrowing activity or to a designee 
authorized to receive and sign for the materiel. To keep the materiel 
out of unauthorized hands, consignees (receivers) will be advised of the 
items and quantities to be loaned; the source of supply; whether the 
items are to be picked up or shipped; and of shipments made.
    (2) All shipments of loaned equipment will be documented on DOD 
single line item ``release or receipt'' document (DD Form 1348-1). These 
will be initiated by the lending accountable property officer. Packing, 
crating, handling, estimated transportation costs, and serial numbers 
(if applicable) of items shipped will be shown on all copies. The 
consignee will be given advance copies of the DD Form 1348-1 as notice 
of shipment, and a list of DD Form 1348-1 document numbers. For loans to 
non-DOD activities two copies of the certificate below will be prepared 
by the accountable property officer (see fig. 1). It will accompany the 
DD Forms 1348-1.
    ``I certify receipt of and assume responsibility for the Army 
materiel listed on DD Form 1348-1. Control numbers on DD Form 1348-1 
follow. The items were received in good condition except as noted on the 
DD Form 1348-1. Serial numbers have been verified (omit if not 

Signature of responsible officer

[[Page 494]]

Typed name of responsible officer
Address of responsible officer
Date certificate was signed

                  Figure 1. Sample receipt certificate

    (3) One copy of each signed DD Form 1348-1 (for non-DOD activities, 
one copy of the signed certificate) will be returned to the accountable 
property officer. Also, one copy of each will be kept in the borrower's 
    (4) The installation or depot transportation officer is responsible 
for coordinating movement of the items that must be shipped.
    (5) Shipments, including those to foreign countries, will be made on 
commercial bills of lading (CBL). Freight charges will be paid by the 
borrower. The CBL will cite proper project codes. NOTE: In emergencies 
where use of CBL would delay shipment, government bills of lading (GBL) 
may be used subject to later reimbursement. Shipments to Boy Scout World 
Jamborees in foreign countries will be by GBL unless otherwise specified 
by the Boy Scouts.
    (6) Shipments will be consolidated to the maximum to get the lowest 
charges available.
    (7) Separate shipping instructions will be provided for each 
recipient, convention, jamboree, etc., to ensure correct consignee and 
railhead addresses.
    (8) Transportation will be at no expense to the government. The 
Defense Transportation Services (Military Sealift Command, Military 
Airlift Command, and Military Traffic Management Command) will send all 
billings for such transportation costs to the US Army Finance and 
Accounting Center (USAFAC). The USAFAC will then bill the fiscal station 
servicing the accountable property office that made the loan. This 
fiscal station will then bill the borrower for these transportation 
costs. Army materiel loaned to non-DOD activities is not authorized for 
oversea movement on a space available basis by MSC or MAC without their 
prior approval.
    (c) Receipt of Borrowed Property. (1) The person authorized to 
receive the materiel (whether shipped or picked up) will check the 
quantities received against the quantities shown on the DD Form 1348-1. 
This person will also verify the condition of the materiel. Any 
variation in quantity or condition must be resolved at once. If the 
shortage or damage is not due to a common carrier, the borrower will 
give the accountable property officer the National Stock Number, 
document number, and an explanation of the variation at once. This 
establishes a basis for assessing charges on termination of the loan. 
Replacement shipments, when required, will be covered by a DD Form 1348-
1. All variations will be noted on the reverse side of the bill of 
    (2) When a DD Form 1348-1 has not been received by the borrower and 
does not accompany the shipment, an informal report will be made to the 
accountable property officer at once. It will include the nomenclature, 
quantities, condition, and if applicable, the model numbers and serial 
number of all material received.
    (3) When shipment has been verified, the borrower (or designee) will 
enter the quantity received on two copies of the DD Form 1348-1. Serial 
numbers will also be entered for serial numbered items. The completed 
copies of the DD Form 1348-1 will be signed by the authorized person. 
One copy of the DD Form 1348-1 and one copy of the signed certificate 
(receipt of the materiel) will be returned to the accountable property 
    (4) If shipments are received damaged or short, take action 
described in Sec. 623.4(g).
    (d) Accounting by Borrower. Non-DOD borrowing activities should 
maintain a system of jacket files. This should include copies of all 
documents that authorize the loan of materiel and relate to loan 
transactions. Such files will insure return of materiel within the 
approved loan period. Files should be retained for audit or any other 
purpose as required. These files may be destroyed upon turn in of the 
borrowed materiel, final completion of accounting, and reimbursement for 
Army costs related to the loan. DOD borrowers will conform to the 
requirements contained in existing regulations.
    (e) Return of Borrowed Materiel--(1) General. (i) Borrowed materiel 
will be returned to the Army in the condition received, less fair wear 
and tear, unless

[[Page 495]]

the terms of agreement specify otherwise.
    (ii) Property for which repair cost is claimed will be held at the 
Army depot or installation until final charges are determined and a 
release is given by respective property officers.
    (iii) Return of materiel loaned to rifle clubs and schools will 
conform with Sec. 623.5.
    (2) Accountable property officer actions.
    (i) At the end of a loan period, recall, or upon notice by the 
borrower that the loaned materiel is no longer needed, the accountable 
property officer will send a letter of instruction to the borrower for 
return of the materiel. He will verify or modify the turn-in 
instructions provided in the loan agreement.
    (ii) These procedures will be used by accountable property officers 
to terminate loans:
    (A) For loans up to 30 days no specific termination action is 
necessary except when materiel is not returned by the loan due date. 
Then, a written loan termination notice will be sent to the borrower. A 
follow-up notice will be sent every 15 days until the materiel is 
returned or other settlement is made.
    (B) For all other loans 15 days before the loan is due, a loan 
termination notice will be sent by the lending activity to the borrower 
verifying (or modifying) the turn-in instructions.
    (C) Follow-up of loan termination notice will be made every 15 days 
until the materiel is returned or other settlement is made.
    (iii) After receiving inspection reports (Sec. 623.4(e)(3)) and 
final shipment receipts, the accountable property officer will clear the 
loan records.
    (iv) The accountable property officer will then advise the borrower 
of the transaction completion by furnishing receipted copies of the 
receiving document(s).
    (v) The accountable property officer will notify the servicing 
finance and accounting office (FAO) of any reimbursement required.
    (3) Actions by the receiving installation, depot, or arsenal. (i) 
The installation, depot, or arsenal receiving activities will inspect 
returned materiel.
    (A) If the quantity received differs from the quantity shipped, the 
actual quantity received will be entered on the DD Form 1348-1.
    (B) If the condition of the property differs from that noted on the 
DD Form 1348-1, the variation will be stated.
    (ii) Loaned materiel returned in an unserviceable condition will be 
inspected by qualified technical inspectors at installation level and by 
quality assurance activities at depots to determine condition code.
    (A) If the condition of returned materiel is the same as noted on 
the receipt document or the prepositioned materiel receipt card, the 
item will be processed as a normal receipt.
    (B) If there is a discrepancy in the actual condition of the item or 
in the assigned code on the receipt document, obtain an estimate of 
repair cost and continue normal receipt documentation processing.
    (C) The receiving depot or installation will prepare an Inspection 
and Surveillance Report for each returned item that needs repair. Cards 
will also be prepared for shortages. The cards will include the cost of 
equipment repair or the value of shortage. A minimum of two copies of 
each report will be sent to the proper acountable property officer.
    (f) Loan Inventories. (1) If a loan has been approved or extended 
(by the SA) for a period longer than 1 year, the accountable property 
officer will inspect and reconcile loan accounts with the borrower at 
the end of each 12-month period.
    (2) If no discrepancies are noted, the accountable property officer 
will file the signed annual inventory form in the borrower's memorandum 
receipt jacket file.
    (3) If the inventory shows that amounts and kinds of Army materiel 
for which the borrower is responsible differ from that actually in his 
possession, the accountable property officer will--
    (i) For overages, assume accountability for the overages noted on 
the annual inventory form. Use a copy of the annual inventory form as a 
debit voucher to the account. No approval of this voucher is needed.

[[Page 496]]

    (ii) For shortages, act to obtain reimbursement for the value of the 
missing property or to adjust the discrepancy by report of survey.
    (g) Lost, Damaged, and Destroyed Materiel. (1) When loss or damage 
occurs during shipment, DOD and Federal agencies will refer to AR 55-38 
for specific instructions.
    (2) Damage or loss which is the fault of the carrier will be billed 
to the carrier after reconciliaton.
    (3) Army materiel lost, damaged, or destroyed while in the 
possession of rifle clubs or schools will be handled as described in 
Sec. 623.5.
    (4) Any Army materiel loaned at the request of an FDAA Regional 
Director which is not returned according to instructions in this chapter 
will be reported to the borrower and to the FDAA Regional Director. The 
latter will arrange for proper reconciliaton and reimbursement.

Sec. 623.5  Loan of arms and accouterments.

    (a) General. (1) Loan of arms and accouterments requires special 
processing and handling. Loans to DOD and non-DOD activities will be 
handled as a normal loan according to instructions in this section with 
the added requirement of maintaining serial number visibility. Loans of 
arms and accouterments as included herein are not applicable to Army 
National Guard (ARNG).
    (2) The Commanding General, Armament Readiness Command (ARRCOM) 
(ATTN: DRSAR-MMS) has been designated by Commanding General, Materiel 
Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM), as being responsible for 
keeping a centralized serial number visibility record for all small arms 
made for the Army. ARRCOM maintains accountable property records for 
loans to organizations such as the Director of Civilian Marksmanship 
(DCM); and for loans to non-DOD activities such as the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation (FBI), United States Secret Service (USSS), United States 
Customer Service (USCS); or rifle clubs, educational institutions, and 
veterans' organizations.
    (3) Requests for loan of arms which are type classified standard 
(logistics control code A or B) will be filled with the lowest type 
classified items available.
    (4) Borrowers of Army arms will be fully responsible for the care, 
custody, and proper use of loaned materiel. Physical security measures 
must be equal to or greater than the minimum requirements set forth in 
Army Regulation 190-11 and Army Regulation 190-49.
    (5) If borrowed arms are lost, stolen, or unaccounted for, the 
borrower must inform the lender (accountable property officer), the 
local police, and the FBI within 24 hours after discovery.
    (6) This regulation does not apply to arms issued to Reserve 
Officers Training Corps units under the National Defense Act. Army 
Regulation 710-2 is applicable.
    (b) Loans to Civilian Activities (Other Than Rifle Clubs and 
Educational Institutions). (1) Arms and accouterments may be loaned by 
the Army to civilian authorities and to civilian activities as follows: 
(Sec. 623.5(c) covers rifle clubs and institutions.)
    (i) For use in protection of public money and property (10 U.S.C. 
    (ii) Obsolete or condemed rifles (not more than 10), slings, and 
cartridge belts may be loaned to local units of any national veteran's 
organization for use by that unit in ceremonies. (For example, a funeral 
for a former member of the armed forces.) The organization must be 
recognized by the Veterans' Administration (VA) (10 U.S.C. 4683).
    (iii) Arms and accouterments loaned to organizations listed in 
Sec. 623.5(c)(1) for a period of 1 year or less will be accounted for by 
ARRCOM. Loans of items that exceed 1 year will be accounted for by the 
DCM under Sec. 623.5(c).
    (2) Requests for loan (or extension of loan) of Army arms and 
accouterments will be sent by requesting agencies through HQDA (DALO-
SMD), (para 2, app B) to the Secretary of the Army. Requests received 
outside of this channel will be returned to the originator for direct 
submission to the address above.
    (3) Requests approved by the Secretary of the Army (or Under 
Secretary) will be sent to ARRCOM, (para 12 app B) Rock Island, IL 
61299, for

[[Page 497]]

completion of a formal loan agreement and issue of items.
    (4) Requisitioning, accounting, and reimbursement procedures are 
given in Sec. 623.4. However, upon receipt of signed copies of DD Form 
1348-1 with the listing of verified serial numbers from the consignee, 
the ARRCOM Arms and Accouterments Property Officer will send the 
required transaction data to the DOD Small Arms Serialization Program 
(DODSASP) at ARRCOM. These data will indicate that the small arms on 
loan to other Government agencies are accounted for under DOD Activity 
Address Code W52P41.
    (5) Shipment and returns are described in Sec. 623.4 except as 
    (i) The responsible property officer for materiel or loan will 
request disposition instructions from the accountable property officer 
when loaned materiel is no longer needed or at the end of the loan 
period. Loaned materiel may be withdrawn from the borrowing activity at 
any time to satisfy military requirements.
    (ii) The accountable property officer will:
    (A) Issue shipping instructions for the return of property to a 
designated installation. The letter of instruction will contain a 
MILSTRIP document number (AR 725-50) for each line item scheduled for 
return to be used for the shipment. The shipper will be directed to cite 
this document number on the shipping document.
    (B) Prepare and submit to the receiving installation a prepositioned 
materiel receipt card (DOD Materiel Receipt Document (DD Form 1486)) 
(Document Identifier DWC) as advance notice of the shipment.
    (1) Exception data will be annotated as follows: ``Return of Loan 
from Other Government Agency--Report Receipt of Arms and Accouterments 
Accountable Property Officer, ATTN: DRSAR-MMD.''
    (2) A copy of the letter of shipping instructions (paragraph 
(b)(5)(ii) of this section) will be inclosed with the prepositioned 
materiel receipt card for information.
    (iii) Upon receipt at the receiving installation, property will be 
inspected immediately. Cost of repairing unserviceable items and cost of 
replacement, if irreparable, will be determined at time of inspection. 
The MILSTRIP receipt card will be mailed to the accountable property 
officer with estimated damage cost and detailed materiel condition as 
exception data.
    (iv) Upon notification of materiel receipt, the accountable property 
officer will:
    (A) Clear the loan record with a credit entry and process the 
receipt to the inventory records as an increase on hand to asset 
    (B) Furnish receipted copies of the receiving document to the 
consignor and the responsible property officer closing the transaction.
    (c) Loans to Rifle Clubs and Educational Institutions--(1) 
Authorization. Arms and accouterments may be loaned to rifle clubs and 
educational institutions for periods established in table 2-2 under the 
following conditions:
    (i) Rifled arms may be loaned to civilian rifle clubs for promotion 
of marksmanship training among able-bodied US citizens (10 U.S.C. 4308).
    (ii) Arms, tentage, and equipment, as the Secretary of the Army 
deems necessary, may be loaned to an educational institution to provide 
proper military training where there is no ROTC, but there is a course 
in military training prescribed by the Secretary of the Army and there 
are at least 100 physically fit males over 14 years of age (10 U.S.C. 
    (iii) Magazine rifles and appendages may be loaned to schools having 
a uniformed corps of cadets of sufficient number for target practice. 
Models loaned must not be in use at the time, or needed for a proper 
reserve supply (10 U.S.C. 4652).
    (iv) Ordnance and ordnance stores may be loaned to Washington, DC, 
high schools for military instruction and practice (10 U.S.C. 4653).
    (v) Obsolete ordnance and ordnance stores may be loaned to 
educational institutions and to State soldiers', sailors', and orphans' 
homes for drill and instruction if recommended by the Governor of the 
state or territory concerned (10 U.S.C. 4685).
    (2) Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM). The President may 
detail an officer of the Army or Marine Corps as

[[Page 498]]

Director of Civilian Marksmanship (10 U.S.C. 4307). The DCM is 
responsible for--
    (i) Control and accountability of Army materiel issued to civilian 
rifle clubs;
    (ii) Policies and procedures for the issue of arms and ammunition to 
civilian rifle clubs; and
    (iii) Ensuring proper bonding of clubs before issue of Army 
materiel. The Secretary of the Army has further made the DCM similarly 
responsible for loans to institutions (schools).
    (3) Property transactions. US Army Armament Materiel Readiness 
Command (ARRCOM) will transfer accountability for materiel shipped to 
civilian rifle clubs and institutions to the DCM. The DCM will keep a 
mission stock record account for these items as shown in Army Regulation 
710-2. In addition, the account will note all property transactions 
between the DCM and civilian rifle clubs and institutions as follows:
    (i) Loan and return of arms and accouterments to (from) civilian 
rifle clubs and institutions will not be posted to the accountable 
record as loss or gain vouchers. They will be posted as ``loan 
transactions'' with the DCM retaining accountability. In addition to 
debit, credit, and adjustment voucher files, the DCM accountable 
property officer will keep a ``loan voucher'' file in two sections; 
e.g., ``active'' and ``terminated.''
    (A) The active section (suspense for items on loan) will contain DD 
Form 1348-1 or a letter acknowledging receipt of the items. (The 
signature of the borrower will be according to paragraph (4) (v) or (vi) 
of this section.) This section will contain a folder for each activity 
serviced by the DCM. The active loan vouchers will be filed in National 
Stock Number and voucher number sequence. This section serves as the DCM 
loan record.
    (B) The terminated section (for items no longer on loan) will 
contain the original loan shipping document (loan voucher). The return 
receipt document which terminates the loan will be attached. The receipt 
document will contain the original shipping document number and the 
return advice code ``IQ.''
    (ii) Shipments of expendable items (e.g., ammunition, targets, etc.) 
will be posted as a credit to the accountable record. Accountability 
will be dropped (These items are deemed to have been consumed at the 
time of issue).
    (iii) Expendable items returned by rifle clubs and institutions will 
be posted to the accountable record as a debit voucher. The DCM will 
determine disposition of these items.
    (4) Requisition procedures. (i) The DCM will prepare requisitions 
based on information from the rifle clubs or institutions. DA Form 1273 
(Requisition for Articles Authorized for Issue to Civilian Rifle Clubs) 
will be used. Two completed copies of the requisition will be sent to 
the requester.
    (ii) The rifle club or institution will complete the form and return 
one signed copy to the DCM, HQDA, Secretary Field Directorate 
Marksmanship (SFDM), (para 7, app B) and keep one copy for file.
    (iii) On receipt of the signed copy of DA Form 1273, the DCM will 
take proper issue action. When more arms are required by the DCM, a DD 
Form 1348 will be prepared and sent to the Secretary of the Army for 
approval (AR 725-50).
    (iv) The supply source responsible for the loan will ship the 
materiel directly to the rifle club or school.
    (v) DD Forms 1348-1 received with the shipment or by mail, will be 
annotated and signed by the person authorized to receive and sign for 
property for the rifle club or school. The quantity and condition of the 
items received will be entered thereon. This entry will be based on a 
physical check and inspection of the materiel. Serial numbers of items 
received (if applicable and not noted) will also be entered. Two of the 
completed copies will be signed by the person authorized to sign for the 
club or institution. They will be mailed to the DCM, HQDA Secretary 
Field Directorate Marksmanship (SFDM). The third completed copy will be 
kept in the unit's file.
    (vi) If a DD Form 1348-1 is not received with the shipment or is not 
received by mail, a receipt letter will be sent to the DCM. It will set 
forth the nomenclature, quantities, condition, and serial numbers (of 

[[Page 499]]

items) of all property received. This letter will be sent as soon as 
possible after receipt of the property. The receipt letter will be used 
by the DCM as a loan voucher. One copy will be recorded in the voucher 
register and placed in the voucher file. The loan action will be posted 
to the DCM stock record account.
    (5) Property returns. When property is returned by civilian rifle 
clubs or institutions, the DCM will prepare seven copies of the DD Form 
1348-1. Five copies will be mailed to the rifle club or institution; one 
will be kept in suspense in the club's or institution's jacket file; and 
one will be sent to the US Army Management Systems Support Agency 
(USAMSSA), Wash., DC 20310, to update the ``rifles intransit program.'' 
The rifle club or institution will enter on the five copies the shipment 
date, how shipped, the quantity shipped, and other necessary data not 
entered by the DCM and distribute the five copies as follows:
    (i) Two copies to the consignee (receiving depot, arsenal, or 
installation). One copy of the DD Form 1348-1 received by the consignee 
will be used to tally the shipment and to account for property received. 
The other copy will be signed by the accountable property officer (or 
representative) and will be sent to the DCM to terminate the open 
receipt in the loan voucher file.
    (ii) One copy with the shipment.
    (iii) One copy to the DCM, HQDA (SFDM), accompanied by the bill of 
lading (where available).
    (iv) One copy retained by the rifle club or institution.
    (6) Lost, damaged, or destroyed property. Loss, damage, or 
destruction of property in the possession of a rifle club or institution 
will be reported within 24 hours by telephone to the DCM (202-693-6460), 
the local police, and the FBI. All public and local laws must be 
complied with. Rifles and other equipment (except ammunition) that 
becomes unserviceable will be reported to the DCM by the club or 
institution. The DCM will give instructions for return of the equipment 
without expense to the government. Any equipment damage or loss that is 
the fault of the club or institution will be determined by a report of 
survey (AR 735-11). The club or institution must then reimburse the DCM. 
The DCM may replace damaged equipment after reimbursement. Government 
property lost or destroyed without fault or neglect on the club's part 
will be replaced, if replacements are available. The club will pay only 
shipping and handling charges.

[AR 700-131, 45 FR 62038, Sept. 18, 1980; AR 700-131, 61 FR 45890, Aug. 
30, 1996]

Sec. 623.6  Reimbursement for loan of Army materiel.

    (a) Reimbursement Policies and Procedures. (1) Policies. (i) DA 
elements do not program for costs related to loan of Army materiel.
    (ii) Loans to non-DOD Federal activities are made on the basis that 
there will be no extra cost to the Army. Costs that are in addition to 
normal Army operating expenses will be reimbursed by the borrower. This 
provision will be a part of the loan agreement.
    (iii) In cases of aircraft piracy, civil disturbance, disaster 
relief, or protection of the President or visiting dignitaries, 
emergency support will not be withheld for lack of a formal 
reimbursement agreement. In these cases, the supporting Army element 
will absorb initial costs (within existing fund availability). 
Reimbursement will be coordinated later.
    (iv) Loans made under the provisions of Title 10 U.S.C. 2667 will 
provide that the borrower must pay a fair monetary rental. The fair 
monetary rental will be determined on the basis of prevailing commercial 
rates or computed by sound commercial accounting practices including a 
return on capital investment and administrative cost as well as 
depreciation. Leases made under this code section will include a 
provision establishing the rental cost of the materiel and method of 
    (v) The Army National Guard (ARNG) is responsible for reimbursement 
of costs, over and above normal DA operating expenses, related to the 
borrowed Army materiel.
    (vi) Support to the United States Secret Service (USSS) will be on a 
reimbursable basis except for costs directly related to protection of 
the President

[[Page 500]]

or Vice President. Requests for reimbursement for all other support for 
USSS will be according to AR 37-27.
    (vii) The cost of emergency support will be billed directly to the 
    (2) Procedures. (i) The Army accountable property officer handling 
the loan of DLA stock fund items will coordinate DLA billings and 
borrower reimbursement. The borrower can make payment directly to the 
Defense Stock Fund.
    (ii) Installation financial accounting for ``accounts receivable'' 
will conform with Army Regulation 37-108.
    (iii) The finance and accounting office (FAO) supporting the 
supplying accountable property officer will record all charges, 
including accounts receivable of Army Stock Fund offices (or branch 
offices), in separate ledger accounts for each borrower.
    (iv) Charges and collections recorded in each loan account will be 
reported per Army regulations and directives prescribing the reporting 
of the fund status in any current fiscal year.
    (v) Billing will be initiated on Standard Form 1080, and sent to the 
borrower within 30 days of turn-in of materiel and loan termination. For 
loans of arms and accouterments and issue of ammunition pursuant to 10 
U.S.C. 4655, the Standard Form 1080 will be annotated to show that 
collections are to reimburse DA appropriations.
    (vi) Special appropriations established to support disaster relief 
will be used promptly by Army commanders concerned to ensure that all 
direct expenses are charged to the special appropriation. Exclude those 
charges subject to reimbursement by the American National Red Cross 
(ANRC). ANRC reimburses for supplies, materiel, and services for which 
they are responsible in the disaster area.
    (b) Reimbursable Costs. Unless specifically stated, borrowing 
agencies, authorities, and activities will reimburse the Army for all 
costs related to loan of Army materiel to include but not limited to the 
    (1) Any overtime pay and pay of additional civilian personnel 
required to accompany, operate, maintain, or safeguard borrowed 
    (2) Travel and per diem expenses of Army personnel (military and 
    (3) Packing, crating, handling, and shipping from supply source to 
destination and return. This includes port loading and off loading.
    (4) All transportation including return for repair or renovation.
    (5) Hourly rate for the use of Army aircraft.
    (6) Petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) (including aviation fuel).
    (7) The cost of materiel lost, destroyed, or damaged beyond 
economical repair except for Army aircraft, motor vehicles, or motor 
craft used in connection with aircraft piracy.
    (8) Utilities (gas, water, heat, and electricity). Charges will be 
based on meter readings or other fair method.
    (9) Any modification or rehabilitation of Army real property which 
affects its future use by DA. In such cases the borrower will also bear 
the cost of restoring the facility to its original form.
    (10) Repair/overhaul of returned materiel. Renovation and repair 
will conform with agreement between the Army and the borrower. (See 
paragraph (e)(1) of this section.)
    (11) Repair parts used in maintenance or renovation.
    (12) Price decline of borrowed stock fund materiel at which returned 
property can be sold.
    (c) Nonreimbursable Costs. The following costs are normal operating 
expenses of the Army for which no reimbursement is required:
    (1) Regular pay and allowances of Army personnel (except travel) and 
per diem costs.
    (2) Administrative overhead costs.
    (3) Annual and sick leave, retirement, and other military or 
civilian benefits except as provided in certain cases; e.g., Army 
Industrial Fund regulations.
    (4) Telephone, telegram, or other electrical means used to 
requisition items, replenish depot stocks, or coordinate the loan.
    (5) Charges for the use of Army motor vehicles and watercraft except 
POL and per diem costs (paragraph (b) of this section).
    (6) The use of real property (except as required for utilities, 
modification, etc.).

[[Page 501]]

    (d) Funding Records. (1) Records of all costs (other than normal 
operating expenses), related to loans of Army materiel, will be kept at 
the accountable property officer level by the supporting finance and 
accounting office. This will be done within existing Army financial 
accounting systems.
    (2) Separate subsidiary general ledger accounts and/or files of 
documents showing the total value of all issues and materiel returned 
for credit, and supporting documentation will be set up by the finance 
and accounting office. The accounts will be kept current for each loan 
action so reports may be made as prescribed; and so that accounts 
receivable can be processed for billing and collection action.
    (e) Determination of Charges and Settlement. (1) Returned materiel 
will be promptly classified by a qualified inspector with action as 
    (i) Materiel classified as unserviceable, uneconomically reparable 
will be billed at 100 percent of value.
    (ii) Materiel classified as unserviceable, economically reparable 
will be billed for reduced utility (if appropriate) as well as for 
repair/overhaul costs.
    (iii) The depreciation of borrowed materiel will be determined by 
technical inspectors according to Army Regulation 735-11. When qualified 
inspectors are not available, returned property will be received with 
``condition'' shown as ``subject to final classification by DA.'' 
Accountable property officers will complete classification promptly so 
charges and billing can be made within 30 days of return of materiel.
    (2) All returned property which needs repair will be examined by a 
technical inspector to find cost of repair. Then the accountable 
property officer will prepare a property transaction record with 
supporting documents. These records will be sent to the proper MACOM 
commander or CINC of UCOM for final review. They will include--
    (i) A statement on the transaction record identifying the financial 
account to which the reimbursement money is to be deposited.
    (ii) A statement on the transaction record (if appropriate) as 
follows: ``The losses and/or damages shown on the Property Transaction 
Record in the amount of $------ represent the total claim by the US Army 
for property loaned to ----------------. Upon settlement and deposit to 
the proper account, lender releases the ---------------- from further 
    (iii) A description of the type and degree of repair (separate 
    (3) After the final review, an approved list of charges will be sent 
to the servicing finance office for collection. The property will be 
released for repair and returned to stock.
    (4) The finance office will send a letter to the borrower requesting 
payment (payable to the Treasurer of the United States). Upon payment, 
collection documents will be prepared and fiscal accounts credited. The 
MACOM or UCOM Surgeon will ensure the stock fund is reimbursed for 
expendable medical supply losses reported.
    (5) The finance office will advise the loaning accountable property 
officer that settlement has been made. Property transaction records will 
be closed.
    (6) The approving authority will then return the bond to the 
    (7) The value of supplies and equipment returned to the Army will be 
credited to the account originally debited at the time of issue. FDAA 
Regional Directors may find that it is not in the public interest to 
return borrowed materiel that has not been consumed, lost, or damaged. 
They will negotiate with the CONUS Army concerned for proper 
reimbursement for the borrowed materiel not returned.
    (f) Delinquent and Uncollectable Accounts. (1) In cases of 
unsatisfactory settlement, bond proceeds will be used to satisfy the 
    (2) If this does not settle the account, then 6 months after the 
final report and after all collection efforts have failed--
    (i) Servicing finance offices will send delinquent ``accounts 
receivable'' reports to commanders of CONUS Armies and DARCOM readiness 
commands, and to CINCs of UCOMs, by forwarding--
    (A) Duplicate copies of Standard Form 1080 billing documents showing 
complete accounting classification to which reimbursement is to be 

[[Page 502]]

    (B) Duplicate copies of all supporting documents.
    (C) One copy of any correspondence showing the reason(s) for 
nonpayment of the account.
    (ii) The CONUS Army Commanding General, CINC of UCOM, or Commanding 
Generals of DARCOM Materiel Readiness Commands, will also try to collect 
for these delinquent accounts. If all efforts fail, these accounts, 
(with any delinquent accounts applicable to billings initiated within 
their own headquarters) will be sent to the Director of Comproller 
Systems, HQDA (DACA-BUS). (Para 1, app B). The letter of transmittal 
will state that the accounts are transferred according to this 
regulation. A copy will be sent to the FAO handling the accounts. The 
FAO will then transfer the account to inactive status. A Standard Form 
1017G (Journal Voucher) will be prepared showing a debit to account 3052 
(Transfer of Accounts Receivable) and a credit to the proper accounts 
    (iii) Appropriations available to the accountable property officer 
or installation will be used for reimbursing; e.g., the Army Stock Fund 
or Army Industrial Fund accounts. Any later reimbursements received will 
be credited to the Army appropriation from which payment was made.
    (3) Upon receipt of the accounts included in paragraph (f)(2) of 
this section, the Comptroller, HQDA (DACA-BUS), will take further 
collecton action under normal operating procedures. All later collection 
action is the responsibility of the Comptroller. Accounting records and 
reports will conform with normal procedures. When further collection 
effort by the Comptroller fails, these accounts will be dropped from 
receivable balances of the Army. They will be referred to the General 
Accounting Office (GAO).

Sec. 623.7  Reports.

    (a) General. Reports of Army materiel loaned to non-DOD activities 
must be forwarded as described below.
    (b) Aircraft Piracy. (1) Commands and agencies providing aircraft 
piracy support will initially report through command channels by 
telephone to the HQDA, (DAMO-ODS). (Para 4, app B.) Confirmation will be 
made by electrically transmitted message to HQDA, ATTN: DAMO-ODS. These 
reports are exempt from reports control under Army Regulation 335-15. 
Initial reports will include all available details. Following is a guide 
for content of reports.
    (i) Supporting unit.
    (ii) Home station of supporting unit.
    (iii) Support provided and duration of requirement.
    (iv) Changes, if any, in support requested or duration of 
requirement as made by the Federal civil official in charge.
    (v) Additional remarks.
    (2) A final report noting termination of support will be made.
    (c) Civilian Rifle Clubs and Schools. (1) Each affiliated club and 
institution (schools) must file an annual report (DA Form 1277, Annual 
Statistical Report of Civilian Rifle Club) on the anniversary date of 
the loan with the DCM.
    (2) A roster of club members will list each member required to fire 
annually. It will include the full name, address, and age; the DCM 
course; score; and the date the member fired for record.
    (3) A description of the club's procedures and facilities for 
safekeeping arms and ammunition will be appended to the roster of club 
    (d) Civil Disturbances. (1) Requests to meet civil disturbances are 
of two types:
    (i) Type I--Requests to meet an urgent need during an actual 
    (ii) Type II--Requests in anticipation of an imminent civil 
    (2) Approving authorities, other than the Secretary of the Army, 
will prepare reports (RCS DD-A(AR)1112) on all requests for loan of Army 
materiel to support civil disturbances. The reports will be sent within 
2 working days after receipt of the request. They will be prepared in 
the format shown in Army Regulation 500-60. They will also serve as 
``the request'' when no other written request is available.
    (3) The reports will be sent to the (HQDA (DAMO-ODS)). When reports 
are received from unified or specified commands, ODCSOPS will send an 
information copy to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) National Military 
Command Center (NMCC).

[[Page 503]]

    (4) The Secretary of the Army will send information copies of civil 
disorder reports to the DOD General Counsel and the US Deputy Attorney 
    (5) Reports of civil disturbance operation costs (RCS DD-A(AR)1112) 
also will be prepared as shown in Army Regulation 500-60.
    (e) Disaster Assistance. When Army materiel is loaned in support of 
disaster assistance, CONUS Army Commanding Generals and UCOM CINCs will 
send reports as follows:
    (1) Initial reports. Initial reports will be made by telephone to 
the Commanding General, FORSCOM (AUTOVON 588-3912), who will, in turn, 
telephone the report to the Military Support Division, ODCSOPS, AUTOVON 
225-2003 or 7045). This will be followed within 12 hours by a Tempest 
Rapid Materiel Report in message form and sent electrically. The message 
report will be prepared according to Army Regulation 500-60.
    (2) Daily message reports. Tempest Rapid Daily Materiel Reports of 
Army materiel loaned to support disaster relief will also be sent by 
electrically transmitted message. The reports will cover the 24-hour 
period from 0601Z to 0600Z. The reports must arrive at the HQDA (DAMO-
ODS), no later than 1100Z the same day. Daily reports will be sent 
according to the format in Army Regulation 500-60 except that part III 
will not be included. Also, ``no change reports'' may be made by 
telephone. On the day of the last daily message report include the words 
FINAL DAILY REPORT in the subject line.
    (3) Final reports. In addition to the final Tempest Rapid Daily 
Materiel Report, a final report on military assistance provided will be 
sent within 45 working days of termination of disaster assistance. The 
CONUS Army Commanding General will send the report by 1st Class Mail 
through the Commanding General, FORSCOM, to the HQDA (DAMO-ODS). The 
final report will include--
    (i) An historic account of the disaster.
    (ii) Cumulative totals of support given.
    (iii) A statement of accomplishments.
    (iv) Actual or estimated expenses excluding costs incurred by the 
Corps of Engineers under Pub. L. 84-99. Costs will be reported by 
Service by appropriation, using three columns to identify normal costs, 
incremental costs, and total costs.
    (v) The status of reimbursements requested from borrowing Federal 
agencies, and civilian authorities and activities. If reimbursement has 
not been completed by the date of the final report, a separate cost 
report will be sent upon final reimbursement payment.
    (vi) Lessons learned.
    (4) Information copies. Information copies of all reports will be 
sent to the proper HUD Regional Directors for FDAA and DCPA Regional 
    (5) Additional information. Additional information may be needed by 
Federal officials. Normally, such requests will be telephoned by ODC 
SOPS Military Support Division to the Commanding General, FORSCOM.
    (6) Pollution spills. The Commanding General, FORSCOM, will report 
committal of Army resources to the HQDA (DAMO-ODS), by the fastest 
means. Daily and final Tempest Rapid Materiel Reports will be sent with 
``not applicable'' shown in paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 of the report.
    (f) Drugs and Narcotics Interdiction Program. (1) Army staff 
agencies will submit monthly status reports of actions that support this 
program. The reports will be as of the last day of June and December, 
respectively. Reports will be sent to HQDA (DAMO-ODS), 4 working days 
after the end of the designated months. Reports will summarize all 
support during the period to include pending or terminated support plus 
estimated cost of items.
    (2) Based on information received in these reports, ODCSOPS will 
prepare a report of the drug and narcotics interdiction assistance given 
by the Army. This report will be sent through the Army Chief of Staff to 
the Secretary of the Army.
    (g) United States Secret Service (USSS). Army commands and agencies 
providing materiel support (routine or urgent) to the USSS will report 
any significant problems or deviation from

[[Page 504]]

the approved request at once. Reports will be telephoned through command 
    (h) Other Reports. Active Army accountable property officers will 
make semiannual reports on open loans. The reports will be prepared as 
of the last day of July and December. They will be sent by the 15th day 
of the following month. These reports will include the items on loan, 
quantity, dollar value, and duration of the loans. The reports will be 
sent to the approving authority.

              Appendix A to Part 623--Explanation of Terms

As used in this regulation, the following explanation of terms apply:
Accouterments. Equipment that is associated with small arms 
          characterized as personal and individual that is available 
          from Army stocks.
Approving authority. The person (or designee) authorized to approve 
          specific types of loans of Army materiel. (See table 2-1 and 
          app B.)
Arms. Weapons for use in war.
Civil authorities. Those elected and appointed public officials and 
          employees who govern the 50 States, District of Columbia, 
          Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, US possessions and territories, 
          and governmental subdivisions thereof.
Civil defense. All those activities and measures designed or undertaken 
    a. Minimize the effects upon the civilian population caused, or 
which would be caused, by an enemy attack upon the United States.
    b. Deal with immediate emergency conditions which would be created 
by any such attack.
    c. Effect emergency repairs to, or the emergency restoration of, 
vital utilities and facilities destroyed or damaged by any such attack 
(JCS Pub 1).
Community relations program. A program of action, to earn public 
          understanding and acceptance, conducted at all levels of 
          military command wherever stationed. The program includes 
          participation in public events, humane acts, and cooperation 
          with public officials and civil leaders (AR 360-61).
Defense Civil Preparedness Agency (DCPA). A defense department agency 
          responsible for plans and preparations for civil defense and 
          assistance to local governments in disaster relief planning.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Federal 
          department responsible for directing and coordinating Federal 
          assistance for major disasters on behalf of the President.
Domestic action program. A program of assistance to local, State, and 
          Federal agencies for the continued improvement and development 
          of society (AR 28-19 and para 4-10, AR 360-61).
Emergency. Any catastrophe in any of the United States which in the 
          determination of the President requires Federal supplementary 
          emergency assistance.
Emergency medical treatment. The immediate application of medical 
          procedures to wounded, injured, or sick, by trained 
          professional medical personnel.
Executive agent. That individual or his designee authorized to act as 
          the US Government's agent in making certain loans of 
          government materiel. The President of the United States has 
          delegated to the Secretary of the Army (or to his designee, 
          the Under Secretary of the Army) authority, as Executive 
          Agent, to approve certain loans of DOD materiel to non-DOD 
          activities. (See table 2-1.) Other ``approving authorities'' 
          act as ``Executive Agents'' for the US Government, but do not 
          have that title.
Federal agency. Any department, independent establishment, government 
          corporation, or other agency of the executive branch of the 
          Federal Government, except the ANRC.
Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO). The person appointed by the 
          President to operate under the HUD Regional Director for 
          Federal Disaster Assistance Administration to coordinate 
          Federal assistance in Presidentially declared emergency or 
          major disaster.
Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA). The agency within HUD 
          delegated the disaster relief responsibilities previously 
          assigned to the Office of Emergency Preparedness.
Federal function. Any function, operation, or action carried out under 
          the laws of the United States by any department, agency, or 
          instrumentality of the United States or by an officer or 
          employee thereof.
Federal property. That property which is owned, leased, possessed, or 
          occupied by the Federal Government.
Imminent serious condition. Any disaster or civil disturbance which is 
          of such severity that immediate assistance is required to save 
          human life, prevent immediate human suffering, or reduce 
          destruction or damage to property.
Local government. Any county, parish, city, village, town, district, 
          Indian tribe or authorized tribal organization, Alaska native 
          village or organization, or other political subdivision of any 
Major disaster. Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-
          driven water, tidal wave, earth-quake, drought, fire, or other 
          catastrophe which, in the

[[Page 505]]

          determination of the President, is or threatens to be off 
          sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant disaster 
          assistance by the Federal Government. This assistance 
          supplements the efforts and available resources of States, 
          local governments, and relief organization in alleviating the 
          damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.
Objective area. A specific geographical location where a civil 
          disturbance or disaster is occurring or is anticipated.
Routine requests. Requests resulting from situations which are 
          reasonably predictable or do not require immediate action to 
          prevent or reduce loss of life, property, or essential 
          services. Reduced efficiency of the requester's operation is 
          not in itself grounds for classifying a request higher than 
Small arms. Hand and shoulder weapons for use in war.
Surety bond. A bond, including dollar deposit, guaranteeing performance 
          of a contract or obligations.
Terrorist incident. A form of civil disturbance which is a distinct 
          criminal act committed or threatened to be committed by a 
          group or single individual in order to advance a political or 
          other objective, thus endangering safety of individuals or 
          property. This definition does not include aircraft piracy 
Threatened major disaster. Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high 
          water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, earthquake, drought, 
          fire, or other catastrophe which, in the determination of the 
          Administrator, FDAA, threatens to be of severity and magnitude 
          sufficient to warrant disaster assistance by the Federal 
          Government. This assistance will be used to avert or lessen 
          the effects of such disaster before its actual occurrence.
Urgent requests. Those resulting from unforeseeable circumstances, civil 
          disturbances, civil defense needs, aircraft piracy, secret 
          service requirements, and disasters when immediate action is 
          necessary to prevent loss of life, physical injury, 
          destruction of property, or disruption of essential functions.
Youth groups. Youth groups are groups such as the Boy Scouts of America; 
          Girl Scouts of the United States of America; Civil Air Patrol; 
          Camp Fire Girls, Incorporated; The Boy's Club of America; 
          Young Men's Christian Association; Young Women's Christian 
          Association; Four H Clubs; and similar groups.

Appendix B to Part 623--Approving Authority Addresses/Telephone Numbers 

B-1. HQDA (DACA-BUS), WASH DC 20310, Telephone: AUTOVON 225-6336, WATS 

    * Telephone numbers are provided for principal loan approving 
authorities and agencies responsible for specific loans IAW table 2-1.

B-2. HQDA (DALO-SMD), WASH DC 20310, Telephone: AUTOVON 227-5960, WATS 
B-3. HQDA (DALO-SMW), WASH DC 20310, Telephone: AUTOVON 227-3159, WATS 
B-4. HQDA (DAMO-ODS), WASH DC 20310, Telephone: AUTOVON 225-2003, WATS 
B-5. HQDA (NGB-ZA), WASH DC 20310, Telephone: AUTOVON 227-2430, WATS 
B-6. HQDA (DASG-HCL), WASH DC 20310, Telephone: AUTOVON 227-8286, WATS 
B-7. Director, Civilian Marksmanship (SFNB) Room 1E-OM3, West Forrestal 
Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Telephone: AUTOVON 223-6460, 
WATS 202-693-6460;
B-8. Commander in Chief, US Army, Europe and Seventh Army, APO New York 
B-9. Commander, First US Army, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755, 
Telephone: AUTOVON 923-7500, WATS 301-677-7500;
B-10. Commander, Fifth US Army, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234, Telephone: 
AUTOVON 471-4707, WATS 512-221-4707;
B-11. Commander, Sixth US Army, Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129, 
Telephone: AUTOVON 486-4110, WATS 415-561-4110;
B-12. Commander, US Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: 
DRSAR-MMS, Rock Island, IL 61229;
B-13. Commander, US Army Armament Research and Development Command, 
Dover, NJ 07801;
B-14. Commander, US Army Aviation Research and Development Command, PO 
Box 209, St. Louis, MO 63177;
B-15. Commander, US Army Communications and Electronics Materiel 
Readiness Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703;
B-16. Commander, US Army Communications Research and Development 
Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703;
B-17. Commander, US Army Communications Security, Logistics Agency, 
ATTN: SELCL-NICP-IM, Fort Huachuca, AZ 86513;

[[Page 506]]

B-18. Commander, US Army Forces Command, Fort McPherson, GA 30330, 
Telephone: AUTOVON 588-2694, WATS 404-752-2694;
B-19. Commander, US Army Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, TX 
B-20. HQDA (DAMH-HS), WASH DC 20314;
B-21. Commander, US Army Military District of Washington, Fort Leslie J. 
McNair, Washington, DC 20319;
B-22. Commander, US Army Missile Materiel Readiness Command, Redstone 
Arsenal, AL 35809;
B-23. Commander, US Army Missile Research and Development Command, 
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809;
B-24. Commander, US Army Security Assistance Center, ATTN: DRSAC, 5001 
Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22333, Telephone: AUTOVON 284-9638, 
WATS 202-274-9638;
B-25. Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command, 
Warren, MI 48090;
B-26. Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Research and Development 
Command, Warren, MI 48090;
B-27. Commander, US Army Test and Evaluation Command, Aberdeen Proving 
Ground, MD 21005;
B-28. Commander, US Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, VA 
23651, Telephone: AUTOVON 680-3112, WATS 804-727-3112;
B-29. Commander, US Army Troop Support and Aviation, Materiel Readiness 
Command, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120.

Appendix C to Part 623--Agreement for Loan of US Army Materiel (DA Form 

[[Page 507]]


[[Page 508]]


[[Page 509]]


[[Page 510]]


[[Page 511]]



[[Page 512]]

 Appendix D to Part 623--Certificate for Signature by an Alternate (DA 
                             Form 4881-1-R)

[[Page 513]]


         Appendix E to Part 623--Surety Bond (DA Form 4881-3-R)

[[Page 514]]


[[Page 515]]


[[Page 516]]


      Appendix F to Part 623--Power of Attorney (DA Form 4881-4-R)

[[Page 517]]


[[Page 518]]


         Appendix G to Part 623--Continental US Army Boundaries

[[Page 519]]


                   Appendix H to Part 623--References

AR 1-4  Deployment of DA Resources in Support of the US Secret Service.
AR 15-17  Army Representation on Office of Preparedness; General Service 
          Administration (OP/GSA) Regional Field Boards in Crisis 
          Management Operations.
AR 28-19  Department of the Army Domestic Action Program.
AR 34-1  United States Army Participation in International Military 
          Rationalization/Standardization/Interoperability (RSI) 
AR 37-27  Accounting Policy and Procedures for Intragovernment, 
          Intradefense; and Intra-Army Transactions.
AR 37-44  Accounting Procedures for Guaranteed Loans.
AR 37-48  Accounting and Reporting for Materiel, Services, and 
          Facilities Furnished Allied Governments and International 
          Organizations Under Emergency or Combat Conditions.

[[Page 520]]

AR 37-60  Pricing for Materiel and Services.
AR 37-111  Working Capital Funds--Army Stock Fund; Uniform Policies, 
          Principles, and Procedures Governing Army Stock Fund 
AR 58-1  Management acquisition and use of administration use motor 
AR 130-44  Logistical Policies for Support.
AR 190-11  Physical Security of Weapons, Ammunition, and Explosives.
AR 190-49  Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives In-
AR 210-55  Funding Support for Morale, Welfare and Recreational 
          Programs, and Facilities.
AR 230-1  The Nonappropriated Fund System.
AR 350-7  Training and Evaluation of Forces for Civil Disturbances.
AR 360-61  Army Information--Community Relations.
AR 500-1  Aircraft Piracy Emergencies.
AR 500-2  Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations.
AR 500-50  Civil Disturbances.
AR 500-60  Disaster Relief.
AR 500-70  Military Support of Civil Defense.
AR 525-90  Wartime Search and Rescue (SAR) Procedures.
AR 700-32  Logistic Support of US Nongovernmental, Nonmilitary Agencies, 
          and Individuals in Oversea Military Commands.
AR 700-49  Loan of DSA Stock Fund Materiel.
AR 700-83  Army Support of United Seamen's Service.
AR 710-1  Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System.
AR 710-2  Materiel Management for Using Units, Support Units, and 
AR 725-1  Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment--Special 
          Authorization and Procedures for Issues, Sales, and Loans.
AR 725-50  Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System.
AR 735-5  Property Accountability--General Principles, Policies, and 
          Basic Procedures.
AR 735-11  Accounting for Lost, Damaged, and Destroyed Property.
AR 795-25  Policies, Responsibilities, and Principles for Supply Support 
AR 795-204  Policies and Procedures for Furnishing Defense Articles and 
          Services on a Sale or Loan Basis.
AR 870-15  Historical Activities, Army Art Collection.
AR 870-20  Historical Activities, Historical Properties and Museums.
AR 920-15  National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Office 
          of Director of Civilian Marksmanship.
AR 920-20  Civilian Marksmanship--Promotion of Practice with Rifled 
AR 920-25  Rifles M14M and M14N for Civilian Marksmanship Use.
AR 930-5  Service Organizations--American National Red Cross Service 
          Program and Army Utilization.
FM 20-150  Combatives.
MOU, 25 Apr 75, between DOD and Department of Agriculture and the 
MOU, 24 Jun 75, between DOD and the American National Red Cross for 
          Military Support.


625.1  Purpose.
625.2  Applicability.
625.3  References.
625.4  OCE policy.
625.5  General.

Appendix A to Part 625--Dependent Travel Waiver of Liability

    Authority: Comptroller General Decision, B-190440, 20 January 1978.

    Source: 44 FR 63099, Nov. 2, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

Sec. 625.1  Purpose.

    This regulation provides guidance, and authorizes dependents to 
accompany a Corps employee on Temporary Duty (TDY) in a Government-owned 
or leased motor vehicle.

Sec. 625.2  Applicability.

    This regulation is applicable to all field operating agencies 
authorized to operate or lease Administrative Use Motor Vehicles.

Sec. 625.3  References.

    (a) Title 31, U.S. Code, section 638.
    (b) Comptroller General Decision, 25 Comp. Gen. 844(1946) B-57732.
    (c) Comptroller General Decision, 54 Comp. Gen. 855(1975) B-178342.
    (d) Comptroller General Decision, B-190440, 20 January 1978.
    (e) DOD Regulation 4500.36-R June 1977.

Sec. 625.4  OCE policy.

    Pursuant to the authorities, penalties and interpretations cited in 
the preceding references, Commanders/Directors of field operating 
agencies may authorize dependents to accompany a

[[Page 521]]

Corps of Engineers employee during official travel when using a 
Government-owned or leased motor vehicle, providing the following 
procedures and restrictions are adhered to:
    (a) The Commanders/Directors of field operating agencies must make a 
Determination that transportation of the dependent is in ``the interest 
of the Government''.
    (b) A determination of ``the interest of the Government'' is a 
matter of administrative discretion, taking into consideration the 
following limitations:
    (1) The use of motor vehicles shall be restricted to the ``official 
use'' of the vehicles, and any questions concerning ``official use'' 
shall be resolved in favor of strict compliance with statutory 
provisions and policies of this and other pertinent regulations.
    (2) When the travel of the dependent is in ``the interest of the 
Government'' and incidentally provides a convenience to the employee, 
then there can be no objection to the employee's enjoyment of that 
convenience. However, the convenience of itself, provides no 
justification to authorize dependent travel.
    (3) Dependent travel will not be provided or authorized when 
justification is based on reasons of rank or prestige.
    (4) Transportation to, from and between locations for the purpose of 
conducting personal business or engaging in other activities of a 
personal nature by military personnel, civilian officials and employees, 
members of their families or others is prohibited.
    (c) Increased travel time (rest stops) and operational inefficiency 
(added weight) occasioned by the number of dependents to be transported 
will also be considered.
    (d) Dependents must understand and agree never to operate the motor 
vehicle consigned to the employee for official travel.
    (e) Neither the seating capacity nor the size of the motor vehicle 
will be changed or increased to accommodate dependent travel.
    (f) Motor vehicles as used in this regulation applies to all types 
of motor vehicles, owned, consigned to or leased by the Corps of 

Sec. 625.5  General.

    (a) In view of the potential liability the Government could incur by 
allowing dependents to accompany an employee in a government-owned, 
consigned or leased motor vehicle, a Dependent Travel Waiver of 
Liability will be obtained prior to each and every trip. Suggested 
language for such waiver is set forth in appendix A.
    (b) When dependents are to be transported in a GSA rented vehicle, 
an extra signed copy of the Dependent Travel Waiver will be furnished 
the GSA Interagency Motor Pool from which the vehicle is acquired.

      Appendix A to Part 625--Dependent Travel Waiver of Liability

``I ------------------------------------------
                                                     (Name of dependent)
will be accompanying ----------,

                                                      (Name of employee)
who is my ----------------------------------
and who is an employee of ----------,

                                                      (Agency, division)

on official Government business in or while using a Government vehicle. 
Dates of travel are from ---------- to ---------- 19----. I do hereby 
knowingly, freely and voluntarily waive any right or cause of action of 
any kind whatsoever, against the United States, arising as a result of 
such activity from which any liability may or could accrue while 
accompanying the above employee in or while using said Government 

                                                  Signature of dependent

                                                           Notary Public




                         Subpart A--Introduction

626.1  Purpose.
626.2  References.
626.3  Explanation of abbreviations and terms.
626.4  Responsibilities.

[[Page 522]]

       Subpart B--Biological Defense Safety Policy and Procedures

626.5  Policy.
626.6  Mishap reporting and investigation.
626.7  Administrative and work practice controls.
626.8  Etiologic agent containment.
626.9  Inspections.
626.10  Transportaton of BDP etiologic agents.
626.11  General construction plans.
626.12  Maximum credible event (MCE).
626.13  Controls.
626.14  Waivers and exemptions.

                       Subpart C--BDP Contractors

626.15  Written procedures for contractor review.
626.16  Contracting agencies.
626.17  Contractor changes.
626.18  BDP contract requirements.

                   Subpart D--BDP Studies and Reviews

626.19  Assuring maximum safety.
626.20  Special studies.

Appendix A to Part 626--References
Appendix B to Part 626--Glossary Abbreviations

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 102, 10 U.S.C. 21, 111, 151-158, 42 U.S.C. 216, 
50 U.S.C. 1431; Pub. L. 101-510, 104 Stat. 1516.

    Source: 57 FR 11368, Apr. 2, 1992, unless otherwise noted.

                         Subpart A--Introduction

Sec. 626.1  Purpose.

    (a) This regulation prescribes Department of the Army (DA) safety 
policy, responsibilities, and procedures for biological defense 
research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) operations.
    (b) DA Pam 385-69 prescribes the minimum safety criteria and 
technical requirements for the Army biological defense safety program 
and will be used in conjunction with this regulation to establish and 
implement the biological defense safety program.

Sec. 626.2  References.

    Required and related publications are listed in appendix A of this 

Sec. 626.3  Explanation of abbreviations and terms.

    Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are 
explained in the appendix B of this part.

Sec. 626.4  Responsibilities.

    (a) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Logistics, 
and Environment) (ASA(IL&E)) establishes overall Army occupational 
safety and health policy and maintains oversight of the following--
    (1) All aspects of environment, safety, and occupational health 
statutory compliance.
    (2) Safe biological defense RDTE operations.
    (b) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and 
Acquisition) (ASA(RDA)). Establishes overall Army RDA policy and will--
    (1) Integrate, coordinate, and manage Army efforts to increase 
effectiveness of biological defense technologies, materiel research, and 
the development and acquisition program.
    (2) Review and validate all future biological defense RDTE facility 
construction or renovation requirements before any organization 
initiates these construction or renovation programs.
    (c) The Director of Army Safety (DASAF), Office of the Chief of 
Staff, Army (OCSA), administers and directs the Army Safety Program as 
specified in AR 385-10. The DASAF will--
    (1) Manage Army-wide safety policy and guidance for biological 
defense RDTA programs as a part of the Army Safety Program.
    (2) Approve all actions that imply or establish a DA safety position 
for biological defense RDTE covered by this part.
    (3) Represent DA on all biological defense RDTE safety studies and 
    (4) Develop safety policy and standards for biological defense RDTE 
    (5) Develop Army level safety program guidance.
    (6) Conduct an annual management review of the biological defense 
occupational safety and health programs of commands with Biological 

[[Page 523]]

Program (BDP) operations and responsibilities, to ensure consistency 
with DA policy.
    (7) Conduct biological defense safety evaluation visits, and advise 
the Army Staff (ARSTAF) of concerns, trends, and needed corrective 
    (8) Develop policies and provide guidance for executing the 
Biological Defense Safety Program.
    (9) Conduct the review of general construction plans for biological 
defense RDTE facilities.
    (10) Establish procedures to investigate biological defense related 
mishaps, referenced in AR 385-40.
    (11) Serve as proponent for Army biological safety training.
    (d) The Commanding General, United States Army Corps of Engineers, 
(CG, USACE) will establish procedures to ensure that biological defense 
RDTE facilities are designed, constructed, and acquired in accordance 
with current Federal, State, Department of Defense (DOD), and DA 
regulatory standards.
    (e) The Surgeon General (TSG) will--
    (1) Develop occupational health standards and medical support 
policies for the BDP.
    (2) Provide advice and guidance for health hazard assessments and 
medical surveillance in accordance with current directives and policies.
    (3) Provide medical guidance for selecting appropriate protective 
equipment for use in the BDP.
    (4) Provide a representative to each BDP special safety study group.
    (5) Provide occupational health support to the DASAF for conduct of 
annual management reviews (Sec. 624.4(c)(6)).
    (f) The Commander, United States Army Medical Research and 
Development Command (USAMRDC), in addition to major Army commands 
(MACOMs) responsibilities, will--
    (1) Conduct safety site assistance visits at BDP Army research 
facilities, on a periodic basis as determined necessary by the DASAF, 
and advise the ARSTAF of findings and recommendations.
    (2) Provide a group member for all other studies and reviews.
    (3) Assist Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) in its 
oversight role of monitoring biological defense RDTE activities 
throughout the Army and advise HQDA on concerns, trends, and corrective 
actions required.
    (4) Assist the DASAF in performing biological defense safety program 
mishap investigations.
    (5) Assist the DASAF in developing biological defense safety policy 
and recommend changes to policies and procedures.
    (6) Serve as the proponent for the BDP Special Immunization Program.
    (g) MACOM Commanders with a BDP mission will--(1) Establish and 
operate an effective safety program.
    (2) Publish a command program to implement HQDA biological safety 
standards and to identify responsibilities for all subordinate 
organizations that maintain, store, handle, use, transport, or dispose 
of etiologic agents used in the BDP.
    (3) Supervise subordinate organizations to ensure that an effective 
safety program, which complies with this regulation, DA Pam 385-69, and 
AR 385-10 is implemented and maintained.
    (4) Ensure that biological defense safety programs comply with the 
provisions of this regulation and DA Pam 385-69.
    (5) Appoint a safety and health manager per AR 385-10, who is 
occupationally qualified under Office of Personnel Management standards 
and has special knowledge of biological safety and health requirements. 
This safety and health manager should be the single point of contact for 
all aspects of the BDP Safety Program.
    (6) Review standing operating procedures (SOPs) for biological 
defense RDTE operations.
    (7) Develop and submit general construction plans for approval 
through command channels to HQDA, Army Safety Office, DACS-SF, WASH DC 
    (8) Approve or disapprove individual access to etiologic agent 
restricted areas.
    (9) Implement a Chemical Hygiene Plan, as appropriate, which meets 
the requirement of 29 CFR 1910.1450.

[[Page 524]]

       Subpart B--Biological Defense Safety Policy and Procedures

Sec. 626.5  Policy.

    (a) This regulation applies to BDP RDTE operations involving 
etiologic agents being investigated by DA for biological defense 
    (b) Specific biological safety requirements and guidance are 
contained in DA Pam 385-69.

Sec. 626.6  Mishap reporting and investigation.

    Biological defense RDTE related mishaps will be reported and 
investigated per AR 385-40 and AR 40-400. Med 16 Report will be used to 
report only personnel exposure or illness related to the BDP.

Sec. 626.7  Administrative and work practice controls.

    (a) The cardinal principle for safety in BDP operations is to 
minimize the potential exposure of personnel to etiologic agents. In 
practice, this means conducting RDTE activities using the appropriate 
facilities, equipment, and procedures for the biosafety level (BL), and 
requiring only the minimum number of appropriately trained personnel, 
the minimum period of time, and minimum amount of the material, 
consistent with program objectives and safe operations.
    (b) Open air testing under the BDP is restricted to use of simulants 
only, unless the Secretary of Defense determines that testing is 
necessary for national security in accordance with section 409, Public 
Law 91-121, 83 Stat. 204, signed November 18, 1967. Also, for RDTE 
involving protective equipment or detection devices, the least hazardous 
etiologic agent consistent with mission objectives will be employed. All 
testing of such equipment employing etiologic agents will be in 
appropriate biosafety level containment laboratories.
    (c) A hazard analysis, to determine safety precautions, necessary 
personnel protection and engineering features, and procedures to prevent 
exposure, will be completed for--
    (1) All BDP operations involving etiologic agents.
    (2) A change in process or control measures that may increase 
potential contact or concentrations of biological material.
    (d) An SOP is required for all biological defense RDTE operations. 
The SOP will--
    (1) Describe in detail all necessary operational and safety 
    (2) Describe in detail actions to take in the event of mishap.
    (3) Describe in detail the location of required emergency response 
    (4) Be available at the work site.
    (5) Forbid concurrent unrelated work during biological defense RDTE 
operations within a laboratory area or suite.
    (6) Be approved by the commander or the safety officer and signed by 
workers involved in the operation.
    (7) Provide names and telephone numbers of responsible personnel.
    (e) Training and information. All personnel who work directly with 
etiologic agents in the BDP, or who otherwise have a potential for 
exposure, will receive appropriate training to enable them to work 
safely and to understand the relative significance of agent exposures.
    (1) This training will include signs and symptoms of etiologic agent 
exposure, information on sources of exposure, possible adverse health 
affects, and practices and controls used to limit exposures. The 
environmental and medical monitoring procedures in use, their purposes, 
worker responsibilities in health protection programs, and handling of 
laboratory mishaps will also be presented.
    (2) Workers will be required to demonstrate proficiency before 
performing potentially hazardous operations. Refresher training will be 
repeated at least annually.
    (3) Initial and refresher training will be documented and kept on 
file as a permanent record.
    (f) Medical surveillance. A medical surveillance program (see AR 40-
5) will be established for all personnel (military and civilian) who may 
be potentially exposed to etiologic agents.

[[Page 525]]

    (1) Placement, periodic medical surveillance examinations, and 
termination examinations shall be conducted for each worker, to 
establish a baseline health record and to provide periodic job-related 
assessments of the worker's health status. Preassignment, periodic, and 
termination health assessments will include a work history, a medical 
history, physical examinations, indicated clinical laboratory sutdies 
and, when available, examinations or tests specific to the etiologic 
agent in question.
    (2) Medical officers responsible for treating BDP etiologic agent 
exposures and conducting medical surveillance for BDP workers shall 
receive specialized training on the unique hazards of etiologic agents 
and recommended medical therapies.
    (3) Special immunizations will be given to personnel handling 
specific etiologic agents as required.
    (4) Records documenting the above will be maintained permanently.
    (g) Emergency preparedness: (1) SOPs will address emergency 
procedures related to any mishap involving BDP etiologic agents. 
Notification and evacuation procedures will be covered in detail, as 
well as measures to contain the contamination.
    (2) Local, regional, State, or Federal emergency support and 
coordinating agencies, such as law enforcement, fire departments, health 
departments, and governments will be informed of BDP activities and the 
appropriate support necessary, to include any equipment and training 
necessary, to provide effective emergency response and ensure compliance 
with community ``right-to-know'' statutes and regulations. Agreements 
with external agencies must be formalized.
    (3) If a mishap with a BDP etiologic agent results in personnel 
exposure, approved emergency procedures will be immediately initiated to 
protect personnel and the environment and to constrain the spread of 
contamination. All personnel except those responsible for emergency 
operations will evacuate the immediate area.
    (4) Special medical surveillance will be started as soon as possible 
for all workers present in the potentially affected area at the time of 
the mishap.
    (h) Labeling and posting of hazards:
    (1) Hazard warning signs which incorporate the universal biohazard 
symbol will be posted on the access door to the work area. (See DA PAM 
385-69, para 3-5a(1).) The sign will be covered or removed if the 
organizational safety officer certifies that the area has been 
    (2) For areas irradiated with ultraviolet light, a caution sign 
reading ``Ultraviolet Light, Wear Eye Protection'' will be posted.
    (i) Disposal controls. Etiologic agents used in the BDP must be 
decontaminated before disposal of infectious or hazardous wastes and 
must not violate any Army, Federal, State, local, or host nation 
environmental standards. Procedures for decontamination are described in 
DA Pam 385-69.
    (1) The preferred methods of decontamination of etiologic agents are 
autoclaving or chemical inactivation with appropriate biocidal 
solutions. (See chap 5, DA Pam 385-69.)
    (2) Etiologic agents awaiting decontamination will be contained at 
the appropriate biosafety level.
    (j) Maintenance controls. A continuing program for equipment and 
facility maintenance will be implemented for each BDP operation.
    (k) Protective equipment. Guidance concerning protective equipment 
is contained in DA Pam 385-69.

Sec. 626.8  Etiologic agent containment.

    (a) Facility engineering controls and appropriate biocontainment 
equipment will be used, in conjunction with special practices and 
procedures, to minimize potential exposure of personnel and the 
environment to etiologic agents used in BDP operations. Engineering and 
equipment controls will be implemented to the maximum extent feasible 
and verified as effective. Protective clothing will not be used in lieu 
of engineering controls. Engineering controls will be the prime means of 
biocontainment. Personal protective equipment such as respirators are to 
be used only after feasible engineering controls have been shown unable 
to control the environment fully.
    (b) Before beginning any etiologic agent operation, a determination 
will be made that the hazards associated

[[Page 526]]

with the operation are under positive control as defined in the 
applicable SOP and that the operation complies with the criteria of this 
regulation and DA Pam 385-69.

Sec. 626.9  Inspections.

    (a) Biosafety laboratories require periodic (at least quarterly for 
BL-1 and BL-2 and monthly for BL-3 and BL-4 laboratories), inspections 
by safety and health professionals. Safety officials will document the 
inspections, assure that deviations from safe practices are recorded, 
and that recommended corrective actions are taken. If deviations are 
life threatening, this area will be restricted until corrective actions 
are accomplished. New RDTE efforts involving etiologic agents will be 
evaluated and inspected prior to start-up to assure equipment, 
facilities, employee training, and procedures are in place and adequate 
for the introduction of BDP material. Safety officials will maintain 
such records for 3 years and will review the records at least annually 
for trends requiring corrective actions.
    (b) Supervisors shall inspect work areas frequently (at least 
weekly) and take corrective actions promptly.

Sec. 626.10  Transportation of BDP etiologic agents.

    (a) Etiologic agents utilized in the BDP shall be packed, labeled, 
marked, prepared for shipment, and shipped in accordance with applicable 
Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, to include 42 CFR part 
72, ``Interstate Shipment of Etiologic Agents,'' 49 CFR parts 172 and 
173 (Department of Transportation), 9 CFR part 122 (USDA Restricted 
Animal Pathogens), and DA Pam 385-69.
    (b) Etiologic agents shipped to support the BDP will use secondary 
shipping containers which are sealed with a crimped lid (see app D, DA 
Pam 385-69).
    (c) BDP organizations and contractors who provide etiologic agents 
will ship all etiologic agents by private carrier. The United States 
Postal Service will not be used to transport etiologic agents required 
for the BDP.
    (d) In addition to the above requirements, shipments of BL-4 
etiologic agents will be hand carried by Government courier or under the 
immediate supervision of a responsible party. This individual must be 
knowledgeable about the potential hazards of the materials and be able 
to monitor all aspects of the shipment to ensure that required transfers 
have been completed and documented and final receipt has been 
accomplished and acknowledged.
    (e) Audit trails of all BDP etiologic agent shipments and receipts 
of such agents shall be established and maintained for at least 3 years. 
Such audit trails shall identify date of shipment, carrier, addresses of 
the shipper and recipient, and agent(s) shipped and received.

Sec. 626.11  General construction plans.

    General construction plans for BDP facilities, as well as for 
changes in use of facilities, will be submitted through the chain of 
command to HQDA, Army Safety Office, DACS-SF, WASH DC 20310-0200 for 
safety review and approval. Plans shall be forwarded for new 
construction or major modifications of facilities used in the BDP. The 
facility system safety requirements of AR 385-16 and AR 415-15 shall be 
followed. Simultaneously, RDTE requirements that necessitate such 
renovation, modification, or construction shall be submitted through the 
chain of command to HQDA, OASA(RDA), SARD-ZT, WASH DC 20310-0103 for 
review and approval.

Sec. 626.12  Maximum credible event (MCE).

    (a) Because of the complexity of the RDTE conducted in the BDP, the 
range of potential consequences that could be associated with a mishap 
must be considered. MCE is a risk analysis technique which provides a 
useful tool for estimating the effectiveness of existing safeguards. The 
potential for events must be carefully analyzed to determine the MCE 
that could occur and cause a mishap. All hazard analysis and general 
construction plans mentioned in Sec. 626.11 will include a consideration 
of an MCE.
    (b) The term MCE, as used herein, is analogous to a realistic worst-
case analysis. The best available credible information will be applied 
to estimate

[[Page 527]]

the results of various MCEs. Those assumptions that yield the potential 
for more severe consequences, as opposed to assumptions that operational 
and safety controls will always perform as designed, will be used. The 
rule of reason will be applied to confine the MCE to realistic or 
believable occurrences.
    (c) When considering an MCE, consider the redundancy of safety 
systems engineered into the facilities and the equipment used, depending 
on containment level required to make them as fail-safe as practical. 
The MCE for containment laboratories must be considered in terms of 
physical containment for both toxins and biological organisms. 
Therefore, both toxin and biological MCEs will be considered.
    (d) Because aerosols of etiologic agents represent the most 
significant potential hazard for exposure of workers or the environment, 
a hazard analysis (to include MCE) of proposed BDP RDTE activities will 
be performed to determine the procedures, engineering controls, and 
facility design required to mitigate potential significant hazards.

Sec. 626.13  Controls.

    (a) Personnel who are not needed to operate a BDP laboratory, will 
not be allowed to enter potentially hazardous areas.
    (b) Written procedures to control access and ensure that personnel 
can be evacuated or protected from exposure may be used in place of 
absolute personnel exclusion.

Sec. 626.14  Waivers and exemptions.

    (a) The goal of the biological defense safety program is strict 
adherence to safety standards and the elimination of all waivers and 
    (b) Waiver authority. (1) The Chief of Staff, Army (CSA) is the 
controlling authority for granting waivers of biological defense safety 
standards. This authority is redelegated by this regulation to 
commanders of MACOMs and the commander of the USAMRDC.
    (2) Waiver authority will not be subdelegated.
    (3) Commanders with waiver authority will--
    (i) Ensure the existence of necessary and compelling reasons before 
granting waivers.
    (ii) Grant waivers to standards for installations and activities 
within their areas of authority.
    (c) Waiver requests: (1) Commanders of installations and activities 
will submit a request for waiver when compliance with these standards 
cannot be achieved. When such waivers affect on other commands, 
initiating activities will coordinate requests with those commands.
    (2) Requests for waivers will contain the following information:
    (i) Description of conditions. State the mission requirements and 
compelling reasons which make the waiver essential and the impact if not 
approved, and describe all affected sites or facilities and the quantity 
and type of BDP required.
    (ii) The safety regulations, including specific safety requirements 
or conditions cited by paragraph, from which the waiver is requested, 
and the reasons for the waiver.
    (iii) Specific time period for which the waiver is requested.
    (iv) A hazard analysis which identifies actual and potential hazards 
which can result from the waived requirements or conditions.
    (v) A risk assessment that provides information on the risk being 
assumed because of the waiver. The assessment will include those safety 
precautions and compensatory measures in force during the waiver period.
    (vi) A waiver abatement plan to include milestones, resources, and 
actions planned to eliminate the need for the waiver.
    (3) Requests for waivers will be forwarded through command channels 
to the MACOM or CG, USAMRDC, as appropriate, for approval. MACOM or 
USAMRDC safety officials will forward a copy of approved waivers to 
HQDA, DACS-SF, WASH DC 20310-0200. Copies of all waivers will be 
maintained at the installation and MACOM or USAMRDC Safety Offices for 
up to 3 years after the waiver is terminated.
    (4) Time limitations: (i) Waivers are normally limited to 1 year or 
less, and will be considered rescinded after 1 year, unless reviewed. 
The activity or

[[Page 528]]

installation commander forwarding a request for waiver will allow time 
to permit investigation, evaluation, and reply.
    (ii) Waivers may be renewed each year by the commander originally 
granting the waiver for a waiver period not to exceed 5 years. Prior 
renewal, commanders will review the need for the waiver to ensure that 
circumstances requiring the waiver have not changed. Results of this 
review (and a progress report regarding milestones that have been 
completed) will be forwarded through command channels to the commander 
originally granting the waiver.
    (iii) A request for amendment will be initiated when factors or 
circumstances requiring a change to the original waiver are identified.
    (iv) When factors or circumstances prevent correction of the waiver 
condition within 5 years of the initial approval of the waiver, such 
condition becomes a candidate for an exemption.
    (d) Exemptions. (1) Exemptions are relatively long-term exceptions 
to otherwise mandatory standards. Exemptions will be granted only under 
the following conditions:
    (i) If corrective measures are impractical.
    (ii) If impairment of the overall defense posture would result.
    (iii) If positive programs to eliminate of the need for the 
exemption are being pursued.
    (2) Exemptions can be approved only by the Secretary of the Army.
    (i) Requests for exemptions will be sent through command channels to 
HQDA, DACS-SF, WASH DC 20310-0200.
    (ii) Exemption requests will include the information required in 
paragraph(c)(2) of this section.
    (iii) Copies of exemption requests will be maintained at the 
installation and MACOM or USAMRDC Safety Offices.

                       Subpart C--BDP Contractors

Sec. 626.15  Written procedures for contractor review.

    The contracting agency will prepare written procedures for reviewing 
contractor capability to safely perform BDP work with etiologic agents. 
The written procedures will describe the criteria and guidelines for 
preparing the facilities description, safety requirements, special 
procedures and techniques, inspection procedures, and MCE scenarios. 
These written procedures will be submitted to the contracting agency 
MACOM for review and approval.

Sec. 626.16  Contracting agencies.

    Contracting agencies, in coordination with their respective Command 
safety offices will monitor contractor performance in meeting safety 
    (a) The contracting agency will establish an inspection program and 
schedule for all BDP contractors who perform contract work with BL-3 or 
BL-4. Inspections will be conducted by safety and health personnel. The 
schedule will include, as a minimum, the following:
    (1) A pre-award inspection on site, prior to contact award, for 
initial contracts for BDP work requiring BL-3 or BL-4 operations. If 
during a pre-award inspection, major corrective measures are required, a 
reinspection is required prior to the beginning of contract operations.
    (2) A pre-award inspection of follow-on BL-3 and BL-4 contracts.
    (3) A pre-operational inspection if a major change in procedures, 
facilities, or equipment is made after the pre-award survey.
    (4) Annual inspection of BL-3 and seminannual inspection of BL-4 
contractor facilities, equipment, and operations.
    (b) Pre-award surveys and annual inspections of contractors 
performing work requiring BL-3 or BL-4 will be conducted by safety and 
health professionals trained in BDP operational safety requirements. 
Pre-award surveys and annual inspections of BL-1 and BL-2 contractors 
will be conducted by safety and health professionals or contracting 
agency representatives who are trained in biological safety inspection 
techniques. The Safety Inspection Checklist in DA Pam 385-69 will be 
    (c) The contracting agency will require each BDP contractor whose 
contract requires the use of etiologic

[[Page 529]]

agents to prepare a facility safety program plan based on the criteria 
below and submit the plan to the contracting agency for review prior to 
beginning BDP contract operations. The plan will describe the contractor 
organization, and procedures for meeting DOD, Army, and contracting 
Command safety requirements as specified in the contract.
    (1) A safety training program for all individuals working with 
etiologic agents must be documented by the contractor and include, as a 
minimum, the requirements in Sec. 626.7(e). Appropriate safety training 
will be provided to scientists, other laboratory personnel, and 
unrelated personnel such as technicians, clerical, and maintenance 
workers. This training will be documented.
    (2) The contractor must designate a qualified individual to be 
responsible for the entire safety program with full authority to develop 
and enforce contractor safety policies. Regular safety inspections will 
be conducted and inspection reports will be provided to the contracting 
agency upon request.
    (3) Policies for storing, handling, and moving etiologic agents 
within the contractor facility shall be included in the plan.
    (4) Policies and procedures for disposal of any etiologic agent 
waste must be identified. Disposal must comply with Federal, State, and 
local regulations as well as DOD and Army requirements.
    (5) An SOP must be established for each area where BDP etiologic 
agents are stored, transferred, or used. In addition, an SOP must be 
prepared for operations unique to any specific contract. The contractor 
will provide the SOP to contracting agency personnel upon request for 
    (6) For contracts requiring BL-3 or BL-4, the contractor will 
provide (upon request) facility engineering drawings and specifications 
for the relevant etiologic agent containment areas, associated 
ventilation systems, and local approving authority. Also to be included 
is test data verifying that all systems adequately meet the DOD and Army 
safety requirements, as well as test methods for periodic 
recertification of the system.
    (7) MCE scenarios that ensure that all realistic threats are 
considered at contractor sites, see Sec. 626.12 of this part.

Sec. 626.17  Contractor changes.

    The contractor will submit proposed changes to the original safety 
documentation to the contracting agency for review prior to 
implementation. Requests will include justification and test data 
verifying that adequate safety will be maintained.

Sec. 626.18  BDP contract requirements.

    (a) Contractors performing work with BL-3 and BL-4 material must 
prepare a plan detailing procedures for controlling laboratory mishaps 
involving etiologic agents.
    (1) The contractor shall have the necessary equipment and trained 
personnel for controlling the mishap.
    (2) In the event of an incidental release of a BDP etiologic agent 
from appropriate laboratory biocontainment that may result in personnel 
exposure, approved emergency procedures will be initiated immediately to 
effectively protect personnel and the environment and to constrain the 
spread of contamination. The affected areas will be decontaminated 
before normal operations are resumed.
    (3) Special medical surveillance will be started as soon as possible 
for all workers present in the potentially affected area at the time of 
the mishap.
    (4) Local emergency support agencies, such as law enforcement, fire 
departments, health departments, and governments will be informed of BDP 
activities and the appropriate support necessary, to include any 
equipment and training to provide effective emergency response. 
Agreements with external agencies must be formalized.
    (5) The contractor shall be required to review the plan annually and 
consult external agencies if there is an agreement for them to provide 
assistance. This should be done in coordination with the contracting 
    (b) [Reserved]

[[Page 530]]

                   Subpart D--BDP Studies and Reviews

Sec. 626.19  Assuring maximum safety.

    (a) Safety studies and reviews are conducted to assure that maximum 
safety and health measures are being taken to prevent mishaps involving 
BDP etiologic agents in any amount or under any conditions that may 
cause incapacitation, illness, or death to any person, or adverse 
effects on the public or to the environment.
    (b) The system safety requirements of AR 385-16 will be followed 
during all BDP safety studies and reviews.

Sec. 626.20  Special studies.

    Any HQDA agency may recommend a special study or review of an 
etiologic agent or system when it becomes necessary to investigate the 
condition or changes described below. The responsbile HQDA agency will 
determine the scope and conduct the study or review. Special study 
activities will be coordinated with HQDA, DACS-SF, WASH DC 20310-0200.
    (a) Conditions or practices which may affect safety.
    (b) Major system modifications including both design and physical 
configuration changes.
    (c) Significant changes to safety, health, and environmental 
protection standards and requirements that affect BDP operations.

                   Appendix A to Part 626--References

    These publications can be obtained from the National Technical 
Information Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, 
Springfield, Virginia 22161.

                          Required Publications

AR 40-5--Preventive Medicine. (Cited Sec. 626.7(f) introductory text)
AR 40-400--Patient Administration. (Cited in Sec. 626.6)
AR 385-10--Army Safety Program. (Cited in Secs. 626.4(c) introductory 
text, 626.4(g)(3), and 626.4(g)(5))
AR 385-16--System Safety Engineering and Management. (Cited in 
Secs. 626.11, and 626.19)
AR 385-40--Accident Reporting and Records. (Cited in Secs. 626.4(c)(10) 
and 626.6)
AR 415-15--Military Construction, Army (MCA) Program Development. (Cited 
in Sec. 626.11)
DA Pam 385-69--Biological Defense Safety Program. (Cited in 
Secs. 626.1(b), 626.4(g)(3), 626.4(g)(4), 626.5(b), 626.7(h)(1), 
626.7(i) intro text, 626.7(i)(1), 626.7(k), 626.8(b), 626.10(a), 
626.10(b), and 626.16(b))
Med 16 Report. (Cited in Sec. 626.6)

                          Related Publications

    A related publication is merely a source of additional information. 
The user does not have to read it to understand this regulation.

AR 40-10--Health Hazard Assessment Program in Support of the Army 
Material Acquisition Decision Process
AR 70-1--Systems Acquisition Policy and Procedures
AR 70-10--Test and Evaluation During Development and Acquisition of 
AR 70-18--The Use of Animals in DOD Programs
AR 70-25--Use of Volunteers as Subjects of Research
AR 70-65--Management of Controlled Substances, Ethyl Alcohol, and 
Hazardous Biological Substances in Army Research, Development, Test, and 
Evaluation Facilities
AR 200-1--Environmental Protection and Enhancement
AR 200-2--Environmental Effects of Army Actions
AR 405-90--Disposal of Real Estate

             Appendix B to Part 626--Glossary Abbreviations

AMC--United States Army Materiel Command
AR--Army regulation
ARSTAF--Army Staff
ASA (IL&E)--Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Logistics 
and Environment)
ASA (RDA)--Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and 
BDP--Biological Defense Program
BL--Biosafety level
CG--commanding general
CSA--Chief of Staff, United States Army
DA--Department of the Army
DA Pam--Department of the Army Pamphlet
DASAF--Director of Army Safety
DCSOPS--Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
DOD--Department of Defense
HEPA--high efficiency particulate air
HQDA--Headquarters, Department of Army
IPR--in process reviews
MACOM--major Army command
MCA--Military Construction, Army
MCE--maximum credible event
OCSA--Office of the Chief of Staff, United States Army
R&D--research and development
RDTE--research, development, test, and evaluation
RCRA--Resource Conservation Recovery Act

[[Page 531]]

SOP--standing operating procedure
TSG--The Surgeon General, Army
USACE--United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAMRDC--United States Army Medical, Research and Development Command


                        Biological Defense Mishap

    An event in which the failure of laboratory facilities, equipment, 
or procedures appropriate to the level of potential pathogenicity or 
toxicity of a given etiologic agent (organism or toxin) may allow the 
unintentional, potential exposure of humans or the laboratory 
environment to that agent. Mishaps can be categorized into those 
resulting in confirmed exposures and those resulting in potential 
exposures. A confirmed accidental exposure is any mishap in which there 
was direct evidence of an exposure, such as a measurable rise in 
specific antibody titer to the etiologic agent in question, or a 
confirmed diagnosis of intoxication or disease. A potential exposure is 
any mishap in which there was reason to believe that anyone working with 
an etiologic agent may have been exposed to that agent, yet no 
measurable rise in specific antibody titer or diagnosis of illness or 
disease can be found. However, there is reason to believe in such a case 
that the possibility existed for introduction of an etiologic agent 
through mucous membranes, the respiratory tract, broken skin, or the 
circulatory system as a direct result of the incident or injury.

                           Biocontainment Area

    An area which meets the requirements for a BL-3 or BL-4 facility. 
The area may be an entire building, a suite of rooms, a single room 
within a building, or a biological safety cabinet.

                       Biological Safety Cabinets

    Engineering controls designed to enable laboratory workers to handle 
infectious etiologic agents and to provide primary containment of any 
resultant aerosol. There are three major classes of cabinets (I, II, and 
III) and several sub-classes of class II cabinets. Each type of cabinet 
provides a different degree of protection to personnel and to the 
products handled inside them.

                             Biosafety Level

    A combination of facilities, equipment, and procedures used in 
handling etiologic agents to protect the worker, environment, and the 
community. This combination is proportional to the potential hazard of 
the etiologic agent in question.

                            Biosafety Level 1

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures suitable for work 
involving agents of no known or of minimal potential hazard to 
laboratory personnel and the environment.

                            Biosafety Level 2

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures applicable to clinical, 
diagnostic, or teaching laboratories, suitable for work involving 
indigenous agents of moderate potential hazard to personnel and the 
environment. It differs from BL-1 in that (1) laboratory personnel have 
specific training in handling pathogenic agents, (2) the laboratory is 
directed by scientists with experience in the handling of specific 
agents, (3) access to the laboratory is limited when work is being 
conducted, and (4) certain procedures in which infectious aerosols could 
be created are conducted in biological safety cabinets or other physical 
containment equipment. Personnel must be trained. Strict adherence to 
recommended practices is as important in attaining the maximum 
containment capability as is the mechanical performance of the equipment 

                            Biosafety Level 3

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures applicable to clinical, 
diagnostic, research, or production facilities in which work is 
performed with indigenous or exotic agents where there is potential for 
infection by aerosol and the disease may have serious or lethal 
consequences. It differs from BL-2 in that (1) more extensive training 
in handling pathogenic and potentially lethal agents is necessary for 
laboratory personnel, (2) all procedures involving the manipulation of 
infectious material are conducted within biological safety cabinets, or 
by other physical containment devices, (3) the laboratory has special 
engineering and design features, including access zones, sealed 
penetrations, and directional airflow, and (4) any modification of BL-3 
recommendations must be made only by the commander.

                            Biosafety Level 4

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures required for work with 
dangerous and exotic agents which pose a high individual risk of life-
threatening disease. It differs from BL-3 in that (1) members of the 
laboratory staff have specific and thorough training in handling 
extremely hazardous infectious agents, (2) laboratory personnel 
understand the primary and secondary containment functions of the 
standard and special practices, containment equipment, and laboratory 
design characteristics, (3) access to the laboratory is strictly 
controlled by the commander, (4) the facility is either in a separate 
building or in a controlled area within a building, which

[[Page 532]]

is completely isolated from all other areas of the building, (5) a 
specific facility operations manual is prepared or adopted, (6) within 
work areas of the facility, all activities are confined to Class III 
biological safety cabinets or Class I or Class II biological safety 
cabinets used in conjunction with one-piece positive pressure personnel 
suits ventilated by a life support system, and (7) the maximum 
containment laboratory has special engineering and design features to 
prevent microorganisms from being disseminated to the environment.


    A structure that contains the requisite components necessary to 
support a facility that is designed according to the required biosafety 
level. The building can contain one or more facilities conforming to one 
or more biosafety levels.

                           Confirmed Exposure

    Any mishap with a BDP agent in which there was direct evidence of an 
actual exposure such as: A measurable raise in antibody titer to the 
agent, or a confirmed diagnosis of intoxication or disease.


    The physical or chemical processes by which an object or area, 
contaminated with a harmful or potentially harmful etiologic agent, is 
made safe for handling or use. Such processes include physical removal 
of all contaminants, thermal destruction of biological activity 
(sterilization), chemical inactivation (biocidal process), or a 
combination of these methods.

                             Etiologic Agent

    A viable microorganism, or its toxin which causes or may cause human 
disease, and includes those agents listed in 42 CFR 72.3 of the 
Department of Health and Human Services regulations, and any material of 
biological origin that poses a degree of hazard similar to those 


    A permanent written exemption approved by HQDA for a requirement 
imposed by this regulation. An exemption is based on a determination 
that conformity to the established standard is impossible, highly 
impracticable, unnecessary, or not in the best interest of the United 
States Government.

                                First Aid

    Any one-time treatment, and any follow-up visit for the purpose of 
observation of minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinters, and so forth, 
which do not ordinarily require medical care. Such one-time treatment, 
and follow-up visit for observation, is considered first aid, even 
through provided by a physician or registered medical professional 

              High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter

    A filter which removes particulate matter down to sub-micron sized 
particles from the air passed through it with a minimum efficiency of 
99.97 percent. HEPA filters remove particulate matter with great 
efficiency while vapors and gases (for example from volatile chemicals) 
are not removed and pass through unrestricted. HEPA filters are used as 
the primary means of removing infectious agents from air exhausted from 
engineering controls and facilities.

                           Institute Director

    The commander of an Army activity conducting RDTE with BDP etiologic 
agents, or the equivalent at a research organization under contract to 
the BDP.


    An organization such as an Army RDTE activity (institute, agency, 
center, or similar facility) or a contract organization such as a school 
of medicine or research institute that conducts RDTE with BDP etiologic 


    An individual room or rooms within a facility that provides space in 
which work with etiologic agents may be performed. It contains all of 
the appropriate engineering features and equipment required at a given 
biosafety level to protect personnel working in the laboratory and the 
environment external to the facility.

                      Potential Accidental Exposure

    Any mishap in which there was reason to believe that anyone working 
with a BDP material may have been exposed to that material, yet no 
measurable rise in antibody titer or diagnosis of intoxication or 
disease was made. However, the high probability existed for introduction 
of an agent through mucous membranes, ingestion, respiratory tract, 
broken skin, or circulatory system as a direct result of the accident, 
injury, or incident.

    Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Listed Hazardous Waste

    The waste materials listed by Environmental Protection Agency under 
authority of the RCRA for which the disposal is regulated by the 
Environmental Protection Agency. A description and listing of these 
wastes is located in 40 CFR part 261.


    The complete destruction of all forms of microbial life.

[[Page 533]]


    An area consisting of more than one room, and designed to be a 
functional unit in which laboratory operations can be conducted. Suites 
may contain a combination of laboratories and animal holding rooms or 
both and associated support areas within a facility that are designed to 
conform to a particular biosafety level. There may be one or more suites 
within a facility.


    Toxic material of biologic origin that has been isolated from the 
parent organism. The toxic material of plants, animals, or 


    A temporary (1 year or less) written relief from a requirement 
imposed by this regulation, pending accomplishment of actions or 
programs which will result in conformance to the required standards. 
Waivers will not be extended beyond 5 years.


                         Subpart A--Introduction

627.1  Purpose.
627.2  Background.
627.3  Scope.
627.4  References.
627.5  Abbreviations and terms.

                        Subpart B--Administration

627.6  Safety administration.
627.7  Goal of a laboratory safety program.
627.8  Occupational health.
627.9  Medical records.

                   Subpart C--Operational Requirements

627.10  Personnel prerequisites.
627.11  Operational prerequisites.
627.12  General laboratory techniques.
627.13  Biosafety level 1.
627.14  Biosafety level 2.
627.15  Biosafety level 3.
627.16  Biosafety level 4.
627.17  Toxins.
627.18  Emergencies.
627.19  Large-scale operations.
627.20  Operations with radioactive material.

                Subpart D--Personal Protective Equipment

627.21  Introduction.
627.22  Minimum laboratory attire for use of etiologic agents.
627.23  Biosafety level 1.
627.24  Biosafety level 2.
627.25  Biosafety level 3.
627.26  Biosafety level 4.
627.27  Large-scale (LS) operations.
627.28  Solutions of toxins and dry forms of toxins in closed 
627.29  Dry forms of toxins handled in open containers.
627.30  Situations specified in Sec. 627.18(e).
627.31  Specific requirements for individual PPE items.

                 Subpart E--Decontamination and Disposal

627.32  Introduction.
627.33  Methods of decontamination.
627.34  Disposal.

   Subpart F--Importation, Shipment, and Transport of Etiologic Agents

627.35  Introduction.
627.36  Administration.
627.37  Importation directives.
627.38  Shipment directives.
627.39  Transportation directives.
627.40  Additional requirements.
627.41  Sources for further information on shipment of etiologic agents.

                          Subpart G--Facilities

627.42  Introduction.
627.43  Biosafety level 1.
627.44  Biosafety level 2.
627.45  Biosafety level 3.
627.46  Biosafety level 4.
627.47  Large-scale facilities.
627.48  Toxins.

                     Subpart H--Engineering Controls

627.49  Introduction.
627.50  Class I biological safety cabinet.
627.51  Class II biological safety cabinet.
627.52  Class III biological safety cabinet.
627.53  Fume hood.
627.54  Glove box.
627.55  Ventilated balance enclosures.
627.56  Ventilated cage enclosures.
627.57  Ventilated cage areas.

Appendix A to Part 627--References
Appendix B to Part 627--Resource List for Immunoprophylaxis of Personnel 
          at Risk
Appendix C to Part 627--Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist
Appendix D to Part 627--Packaging and Labeling Requirements for Shipment 
          of Etiologic Agents
Appendix E to Part 627--Permits for Importation and Shipment of 
          Etiologic Agents
Appendix F to Part 627--Drawings, Biological Safety Cabinets
Appendix G to Part 627--Glossary

[[Page 534]]

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 102, 21 U.S.C. 111, 151-158; 42 U.S.C. 216; sec. 
361, 58 Stat. 703 and 264; 49 U.S.C. App. 1803, 1804, 1807, and 1808; 50 
U.S.C. 1431, 29 CFR 1910. 1450(e) and Public Law 101-510, 104 Stat. 

    Source: 57 FR 12604, Apr. 10, 1992, unless otherwise noted.

                         Subpart A--Introduction

Sec. 627.1  Purpose.

    This pamphlet prescribes the technical safety requirements for the 
use, handling, shipment, storage, and disposal of etiologic agents used 
in research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) for the Biological 
Defense Program (BDP)

Sec. 627.2  Background.

    The United States Army BDP, on behalf of the Department of Defense, 
supports RDTE efforts to maintain and develop defensive measures and 
materiel to meet potential biological warfare threats. The program's 
objectives are to develop measures for identification, detection, 
treatment, protection against, and decontamination of these threats. To 
meet the program objectives, etiologic agents are used to conduct the 
necessary handling, storage, shipment, and disposal of etiologic agents. 
This pamphlet describes requirements based on Centers for Disease 
Control-National Institute of Health (CDC) (NIH) guidelines, Biosafety 
in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, and establishes 
guidelines for toxins.

Sec. 627.3  Scope.

    The requirements stated in this pamphlet apply to all elements of 
the Army to include the ARNG and the USAR and its contractors and 
subcontractors who use, produce, store, handle, or ship etiologic agents 
in support of the BDP, regardless of the source of the agent(s).

Sec. 627.4  References.

    Required and related publications are listed in appendix A of this 

Sec. 627.5  Abbreviations and terms.

    Abbreviations and special terms used in this part are explained in 
appendix F of this part.

                        Subpart B--Administration

Sec. 627.6  Safety administration.

    Each BDP institution must have a safety program that complies with 
AR 385-10, AR 385-69, and this pamphlet. In addition, the safety program 
must be designed to ensure compliance with--
    (a) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 
requirements for health and safety.
    (b) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations designed to 
implement the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the 
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
    (c) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements for safe 
handling of radioactive isotopes (when applicable).
    (d) NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant 
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Molecules.
    (e) Relevant national, State, and local regulations.
    (f) Any requirements of applicable accrediting bodies.

Sec. 627.7  Goal of a laboratory safety program.

    The goals of the laboratory safety program are to protect those 
working in the laboratory, others who may potentially be exposed to 
hazards in the laboratory, and the environment. In addition, a 
laboratory safety program should ensure that hazardous materials will be 
handled and disposed of in such a way that people, other living 
organisms, and the environment are protected from harm. Safety awareness 
must be a part of everyone's habits, and can only be achieved if all 
senior and responsible staff have a sincere, visible, and continuing 
interest in preventing injuries and occupational illnesses. Laboratory 
personnel, for their part, must carry out their work in a way that 
protects themselves and their fellow workers.
    (a) Laboratory safety. The safety program will be carried out as 
stated in AR 385-69. Additionally, the program will contain the 
following elements--
    (1) The commander or institute director, along with all personnel, 
must have a continuing, observable, and known commitment to the safety 

[[Page 535]]

    (2) An effective institutional safety program requires a safety 
officer appropriately trained in relevant safety technology. This 
individual, besides supplying advice and recommendations, will ensure 
that records are kept showing that the institution's physical facilities 
and safety rules are internally consistent and compatible with potential 
risks, as well as in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, 
and guidelines.
    (3) The commander ensures safety in every department or other 
equivalent administrative unit of the institution. Ensuring safe 
operations is an integral function of each level of management through 
the first line supervisor. The safety office staff must work closely 
with administrators and investigators to develop and implement written 
policies and practices that promote safe laboratory work. Collectively, 
this group routinely must monitor current operations and practices, see 
that appropriate audits are maintained, and continue to seek ways to 
improve the safety program.
    (4) Safety is a critical job element for each member of the 
scientific and technical staff. Each individual working in the 
laboratory must perform his or her job in a manner consistent with 
safety policy and training.
    (5) If laboratory goals dictate operations or substances not suited 
to the existing facilities or equipment, the laboratory supervisor will, 
assisted by the safety officer, advise and assist the laboratory worker 
in developing or obtaining adequate facilities or equipment and 
designing appropriate work procedures.
    (6) The supervisor will authorize each specific operation, delineate 
appropriate safety procedures, and instruct those who carry out the 
    (7) Potential hazards will be identified before work with etiologic 
agents begins, and actions necessary to avoid accidents and illnesses 
will be implemented. This practice, called a job safety analysis, 
consists of breaking a job down into its logical steps, analyzing each 
for its hazard potential, and deciding the safe procedures to use. The 
process will be designed by a project director with input from 
employees, and each step with potential for exposure or other incidents 
must be described in writing in a standing operating procedure (SOP). 
All such SOPs will be approved by, at a minimum, the commander or 
institute director and the safety officer.
    (8) The job safety analysis will include a consideration of health 
hazards identified in AR 40-10 and of maximum credible events as 
described in paragraph 2-8, AR 385-69.
    (b) Safety plans. Clearly defined, published safety rules and 
monitoring procedures for compliance must be established. These rules 
will be readily available, in writing, for all involved in laboratory 
operations. This goal may be accomplished by preparing or modifying a 
facility safety plan, laboratory safety manual, occupational safety and 
health program or equivalent. This plan will--
    (1) Be coordinated with institutional and Federal, State, and local 
emergency services.
    (2) Be practiced with the emergency groups whose services are part 
of that plan prior to any need for their services, so that they can 
become familiar with any potential problem areas that may be encountered 
when they are called upon for assistance.
    (3) Describe the method of rapid communication (for telephone, 
alarms, and so forth) that will be used during an emergency.
    (4) Describe the institution's etiologic agent labeling system.
    (5) Describe the institution's requirements for testing engineering 
controls (for example, biological safety cabinets and high efficiency 
particulate air (HEPA) filters) and essential safety equipment (for 
example, autoclaves) that are used to conduct RDTE funded by the BDP.
    (6) Appoint and train personnel responsible for handling an 
    (7) Require that emergency telephone numbers be posted, so that 
emergency service personnel know whom to contact at all times of the day 
or night.
    (8) Describe the institution's rules that have been established and 
are practiced to limit access to the facilities where etiologic agents 
under the sponsorship of the BDP are handled. The rules will include the 
following requirements:

[[Page 536]]

    (i) Access to biosafety level (BL)-1 and BL-1 large-scale (LS) 
laboratories is limited or restricted at the discretion of the commander 
or institute director when experiments are in progress.
    (ii) Access to areas classified as BL-2, BL-2 LS, or where work with 
toxins is conducted, is limited by the commander or institute director 
when work with etiologic agents is in progress. Individuals who are at 
increased risk of acquiring infection or for whom infection may be 
unusually hazardous are not allowed in the laboratory. Only persons who 
have been advised of the potential hazard and meet any specific entry 
requirements (for example, immunization) may enter the individual 
laboratory or animal rooms. The commander or institute director must 
assess each circumstance and determine who may enter or work in the 
    (iii) Access to areas classified as BL-3 or BL-3 LS is limited as 
stated in Sec. 627.7(b)(8)(ii), and is restricted to those persons whose 
presence in the facility or individual laboratory rooms is required for 
program or support purposes. Individuals under 18 years of age may not 
enter the controlled area.
    (iv) Access to BL-4 facilities is limited as stated in 
Sec. 627.7(b)(8) (ii) and (iii). This is done with secure, locked doors 
with access controlled by the commander or institute director, safety 
officer, or other person responsible for the physical security of the 
facility. Before entry, all persons will be advised as to the 
appropriate safeguards for ensuring their safety. Authorized persons 
must comply with these instructions and all other applicable entry and 
exit procedures. A logbook will be maintained for all personnel to 
indicate the date and time of each entry and exit. A card-key activated 
computer record (or other electronic entry device) may be used if it 
indicates the date and time of both entry and exit.
    (9) Describe the system that is developed and is operational for the 
reporting of accidents and exposures, employee absenteeism, and for the 
medical surveillance of potential laboratory-associated illnesses.
    (c) Safety meetings and safety committees. In effective safety 
programs, everyone associated with the laboratory becomes involved. This 
is done by ensuring maximum participation in planning and by conducting 
group safety meetings.
    (1) A staff safety committee, consisting of the commander or 
institute director or his or her designated representative, research 
supervisors, managers, medical personnel, employees, and the safety 
officer, will be established. This group leads the safety effort, 
reviews mishaps, and recommends changes in policies, safety program, or 
equipment as needed to improve safety.
    (2) Safety committees will meet at least quarterly and minutes will 
be prepared and maintained for at least 3 years.
    (3) When work with recombinant DNA molecules is undertaken, an 
institutional biosafety committee (IBC) for review of such work will be 
established and will function as stated in the NIH Guidelines for 
Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (see appendix A to this 
    (d) SOPs. Besides the documented safety program that will be in 
effect, each institution will require that an SOP be established for 
each unique biological defense RDTE operation. The SOPs will meet the 
criteria stated in AR 385-69 and be reviewed and updated annually. A 
copy of the SOP will be maintained in the work area. In addition, SOPs 
will address the following issues--
    (1) The unique hazards introduced by the activity in the work area.
    (2) The methods of controlling these hazards.
    (3) Any unique procedures and requirements needed that are not 
described as universally required in the safety plan (for example, 
signs, waste disposal, immunizations, emergency procedures, and 
personnel monitoring).
    (4) Specialized orientation or training of personnel beyond that 
required in the safety plan.
    (5) Ways of ensuring that the unique procedures are followed.
    (6) Emergency procedures.
    (e) Safety communications. Safety communications alert people to 
newly recognized hazards, remind them of

[[Page 537]]

basic biological safety principles, and instill positive attitudes 
toward safety. Training requirements are also found in Sec. 627.10(b). A 
system of communication will be established to--
    (1) Implement a biological safety training program for all personnel 
working with hazardous biological or chemical materials.
    (2) Publish information addressing useful biological safety advice 
and accounts of laboratory accidents, along with the lessons to be 
learned from them.
    (3) Make reference books and regulations concerning laboratory 
hazards, occupational health, and proper laboratory practices readily 
    (4) Assure that material safety data sheets (MSDS) for hazardous 
chemicals used in the laboratory are readily available to all employees.
    (f) Safety audits. One of the essential elements of a good safety 
program is the conduct of periodic audits of the safety performance in a 
laboratory. Observing individual safety practices and checking the 
operability of safety equipment and compliance with safety rules must be 
part of the audit.
    (1) An individual and an alternate will be appointed for each 
laboratory or room where BDP work is conducted. On a daily basis he or 
she will monitor the conduct of personnel within their room(s) and 
maintenance of the room to see that they comply with the safety program 
and SOPs.
    (2) Supervisors will ensure that their projects comply with 
applicable safety requirements and will audit their areas at least 
weekly to ensure compliance.
    (3) The safety officer or his or her qualified designee will inspect 
the institution's BL-1, BL-2, and toxin laboratories quarterly. BL-3 and 
BL-4 laboratories and those in which dry forms of highly potent toxins 
are handled will be inspected monthly by safety and health 
professionals. These inspections will be announced and include coverage 
of general safety practices as well as features specific to a particular 
biosafety level.
    (i) Reports of deficiencies or procedures that create a potentially 
life-threatening situation will be made directly to supervisory 
personnel and the commander or institute director and actions will be 
taken immediately to correct the situation. The operation will not 
continue until every deficiency is corrected.
    (ii) Reports of deficiencies for other than life-threatening 
situations will be made as soon as possible to the appropriate 
supervisor, with copies furnished to the commander or institute 
director. If a problem is widespread, all affected personnel will be 
    (4) Supervisory personnel notified of safety deficiencies by the 
safety officer will ensure that the people directly concerned are 
contacted and that the deficiencies are remedied before operations are 
    (5) Malfunctioning equipment must be reported to the appropriate 
individuals, labeled to indicate that it should not be used, and 
repaired promptly.
    (6) As a minimum, the audits conducted by the safety officer or his 
or her qualified designee will cover the items listed in appendix C to 
this part.
    (g) Documentation. Records, documenting the following items, will be 
maintained for 3 years:
    (1) Safety audits and the corrective measures.
    (2) Risk assessments for proposed new laboratory procedures.
    (3) Annual reviews of established SOPs.
    (4) Training.
    (5) Engineering controls and protective equipment certifications and 
    (6) Safety committee meeting minutes and recommendations.
    (7) Any outside auditor comments and responses.

Sec. 627.8  Occupational health.

    An occupational health program will be implemented per AR 40-5, 
chapter 5, for all employees whose employment requires that they conduct 
duties in a BDP etiologic agent area. Essential elements of the program 
will include--
    (a) Medical surveillance examinations. Medical examinations by a 
licensed medical doctor will be given prior to employment, at least 
every 3 years thereafter, and upon termination of duties requiring 
access to laboratories where etiologic agents are used. When full 
medical examinations are not given annually, health professionals will 
perform annual health screening.

[[Page 538]]

Safety and health professionals will ensure that medical examiners are 
made aware of all hazardous substances each employee works with at the 
time of the medical examination. The physician's findings will include 
assessment of whether an employee has any health condition that would 
preclude work with etiologic agents. If any of the findings obtained 
during the examination are outside the normal range, the employee's 
supervisor and the employee will be notified and counseled on the 
courses of action available. In addition, a safety and health audit will 
be conducted to identify any potential occupational causes for the 
abnormalities, and corrective measures will be taken if applicable.
    (b) Serum samples. When appropriate, considering the agent(s) 
handled, baseline serum samples for laboratory and other at-risk 
personnel will be collected and stored for their biologically useful 
lifetime, but not longer than 40 years. Additional serum specimens will 
be collected periodically, based upon the agents handled, or as required 
by participation in a special immunizations program. SOPs will be 
written detailing the collection procedures and periods if serum 
sampling is deemed necessary.
    (c) Assignment of personnel. Personnel assigned duties in work areas 
where etiologic agents are used will be evaluated to determine their 
suitability for their assigned tasks by the installation medical 
authority. Only personnel who are physically and mentally capable of 
working in biocontainment areas (BL-3 and BL-4) or with toxins will be 
assigned to these duties.
    (d) Immunization of at-risk personnel. The guidelines for 
immunizations in the latest edition of the American College of 
Physicians' Guide for Adult Immunizations and recommendations of Health 
and Human Services (HHS) in publication number (NIH) 88-8395 shall be 
followed. A resource list for available immunizations for personnel at 
risk is given in appendix B of this part.
    (e) Reporting exposures. Spills and mishaps which result in 
observable, known or potential exposures to etiologic agents will be 
immediately reported to the supervisor, the safety officer, the 
responsible medical personnel, and the commander. Appropriate medical 
evaluation, surveillance, and treatment will be provided and written 
records of these occurrences will be maintained for 40 years. A Med-16 
report will be initiated (see AR 40-400).
    (f) Quarantine. When etiologic agents designated as BL-4 by the CDC-
NIH in HHS publication no. (NIH) 88-8395, (or most recent edition) are 
handled, a facility for the quarantine, isolation, and medical care of 
personnel with potential or known laboratory-associated exposures will 
be available.

Sec. 627.9  Medical records.

    Army activities will maintain medical records in accordance with AR 
40-66 and FPM 293-31 for all military and Department of the Army (DA) 
civilian employees who work with etiologic agents under sponsorship of 
the BDP.

                   Subpart C--Operational Requirements

Sec. 627.10  Personnel prerequisites.

    (a) Medical. Before to assignment to work with etiologic agents, 
personnel will be evaluated by the appropriate medical personnel with 
respect to their assignment and will be evaluated in the medical 
surveillance program described in Sec. 627.8.
    (b) Training. All personnel directly or indirectly involved with 
containment or handling of known and potentially biohazardous material 
shall receive instruction that adequately prepares them for their 
assigned duties. Training will be given by occupationally qualified 
personnel as determined by the commander. This training will be 
documented and will include--
    (1) General training--
    (i) Personal hygiene related to laboratory work.
    (ii) Laboratory practices.
    (iii) Personal protective equipment.
    (iv) Effective use of engineering controls.
    (v) Packaging, transportation, and shipment of etiologic agents 
(when applicable).
    (vi) Hazardous and infectious waste disposal, handling, and 
minimization procedures.

[[Page 539]]

    (2) Training conducted specifically for the facilities that the 
individual will be working in, including--
    (i) Procedures for the facility.
    (ii) Reporting incidents and accidents.
    (iii) Labeling and posting of signs.
    (iv) Biohazardous waste handling, approaches to minimizing the 
volume of waste, decontamination, packaging, and disposal.
    (v) Emergency procedures.
    (3) Additional general training required for work in facilities 
where viable etiologic agents are present.
    (i) Aseptic technique and procedures to include hands-on instruction 
and demonstration of proficiency.
    (ii) Concept and definition of biosafety levels.
    (iii) Disinfection and sterilization.
    (iv) Safe use of workplace equipment, for example autoclave and 
    (v) Monitoring and auditing requirements.
    (vi) Precautions for handling blood, tissues, and body fluids (when 
    (vii) The infectivity, pathogenicity, mode(s) of transmission, and 
medical surveillance requirements of specific agents.
    (viii) Training for all new employees will include a period of 
supervised orientation in the facilities by a scientist or technician 
with specific training in the procedures and properties of the etiologic 
agents in use. During the training period, new laboratory personnel will 
be under the constant supervision of appropriately trained personnel.
    (ix) Personnel who are assigned tasks in BL-2, BL-3, or BL-4 
facilities will also have specific training in handling pathogens.
    (x) Personnel assigned duties in a BL-4 facility will also have 
specific and thorough training in handling extremely hazardous 
infectious agents, the primary and secondary containment functions of 
standard and special practices, use of personal protective equipment, 
containment equipment, and laboratory design characteristics.
    (4) Additional general training for handling toxins will include 
relevant items from Sec. 627.10 plus--
    (i) The availability of reference material on the hazards and safe 
handling of toxic substances.
    (ii) The biological effects of the toxin(s) in use.

Sec. 627.11  Operational prerequisites.

    (a) Evaluation of the risks. The risk assessment of laboratory 
activities involving the use of etiologic agents is ultimately a 
subjective process. Those risks associated with the agent, as well as 
with any adjunct elements of the activity to be conducted, (chemicals, 
radioisotopes, end-products, and so forth) must be considered in the 
assessment. The appropriate biosafety level for work with a particular 
agent or animal study depends on the virulence, pathogenicity, 
biological stability, route of transmission, and communicability of the 
agent; the nature of the laboratory; the procedures and manipulations to 
be used; the quantity and concentration of the agent; and the 
availability of effective vaccines or therapeutic measures.
    (b) The characteristics of etiologic agents, primary laboratory 
hazards of working with the agent, and recommended biosafety levels are 
described by CDC-NIH (HHS publication No. (NIH) 88-8395), the 
considerations for recombinant DNA molecules are described by NIH, and 
those for oncogenic viruses are described by NCI-NIH (sources listed 
below). The commander or institute director will assign work with given 
etiologic agents to the appropriate biosafety level. A risk assessment 
should take into account not only the NIH Guidelines for Research 
Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, but also potential hazards 
associated with the organism and the product of the experimentation.
    (1) When established guidelines exist, these will be followed. The 
primary source guidelines are--
    (i) HHS Publication No. (NIH) 88-8395, Biosafety in Microbiological 
and Biomedical Laboratories, as amended, and updates published in 
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
    (ii) NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules 
(FR 51: 16958-16985 and updates).

[[Page 540]]

    (iii) The publication by the American Committee on Arthropod-Borne 
Viruses Subcommittee on Arbovirus Laboratory Safety (SALS) entitled 
Laboratory Safety for Arboviruses and Certain Other Viruses of 
Vertebrates in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 
29(6), 1980, pp. 1359-1381.
    (iv) The Department of Health and Human Services Publication No. 
(NIH) 76-1165 by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) entitled Biological 
Safety Manual for Research Involving Oncogenic Viruses.
    (2) When samples with unidentified viable agents are obtained, a 
knowledgeable and qualified scientist will evaluate the risks and make 
recommendations to the safety officer, who will add recommendations for 
review and approval by the commander or institute director. When 
guidelines for a specific organism are not established, in addition to 
these steps, the CDC or SALS or both will be consulted. Their 
recommendations will be documented and provided to the commander or 
institute director before approval.
    (c) Selection of facilities. The facility requirements identified by 
the risk assessment will be adhered to. Any variations and compensatory 
measures will be approved by the IBC (when recombinant DNA molecules are 
involved), the safety officer, and the commander or institute director 
before a request for an exception or waiver is submitted as stated in AR 
    (d) Policies and procedures. Policies in the form of a laboratory 
safety manual, regulations, memorandums, or SOPs are required for work 
with etiologic agents in the BDP. Before beginning a new procedure, the 
policies and procedures will be reviewed to ascertain that the intended 
operations are described and to determine the requirements that apply to 
the operation. If procedures exist for the intended operation, personnel 
will be trained to follow them; if procedures do not exist, then a 
detailed SOP will be written, reviewed, and approved before beginning 
the operation. SOPs will conform to the requirements stated in 
Sec. 627.7(d), and be signed by all personnel who are required to follow 
the procedures, thus acknowledging that they have read and understood 
the contents. All SOPs that pertain to a specific area (room, 
laboratory, or suite) will be available at the worksite.

Sec. 627.12  General laboratory techniques.

    The general requirements for use of etiologic agents are composed of 
two sets of requirements, with the requirements for toxins being a 
subset of the requirements for handling viable etiologic agents. These 
requirements are as follows--
    (a) General techniques applicable to etiologic agents.
    (1) A fully fastened long-sleeved laboratory coat, gown, uniform, or 
coveralls will be worn in laboratories or animal rooms.
    (2) Eating, drinking, smoking, and applying cosmetics are not 
permitted in the work areas.
    (3) Personnel must wash their hands after they handle etiologic 
agents or animals, and before leaving the laboratory area.
    (4) Mouth pipetting is strictly prohibited. Mechanical pipetting 
aids must be used.
    (5) Gloves--(i) Will be worn when manipulating etiologic agents and 
handling containers of etiologic agents. Gloves are not required when 
materials are packaged appropriately for shipment.
    (ii) Will be selected based on the hazards.
    (iii) Will be changed frequently (or decontaminated frequently), and 
will be decontaminated or discarded into a labeled biohazard container 
after each use and immediately upon observable direct contact with an 
etiologic agent.
    (iv) Will be removed at the work-space (workbench or hood) after 
handling etiologic agents to ensure that doorknobs and other surfaces 
are not contaminated.
    (6) Good housekeeping will be maintained. This includes--
    (i) Work areas free of clutter.
    (ii) Work environment free of tripping hazards, with adequate access 
to exits, emergency equipment, controls, and such.
    (iii) Benches and general work areas will be cleaned regularly using 
a wet

[[Page 541]]

sponge or similar method with disinfectant as appropriate. Methods that 
stir up dust such as sweeping or using vacuum cleaners, (except for 
HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaners) are unacceptable.
    (iv) Specific work areas will be cleaned and decontaminated 
immediately following each use of an etiologic agent (at least once a 
day) and after any spill of viable material.
    (v) Hallways and stairways will not be used for storage.
    (7) All solutions, reagents, and chemicals will be labeled.
    (8) All contaminated liquid or solid wastes will be inactivated 
before disposal.
    (9) Work will be conducted over spill trays or plastic-backed 
absorbent paper. The paper will be removed, decontaminated, or 
disinfected, and the general area wiped with decontaminant at the end of 
each day or at the end of the experiment, whichever occurs first.
    (10) Etiologic agents will be kept in closed containers when not in 
use. Cultures, solutions, or dried etiologic agents in glass vessels 
transported or incubated within a room or suite will be handled in 
nonbreakable, leak-proof pans, trays, pails, carboys, or other secondary 
containers large enough to contain all the material, if the glass vessel 
leaks or breaks. Etiologic agents removed from a room or suite for 
transport to another approved area within the same building will be 
placed in a closed unbreakable secondary container before removal from 
the laboratory. The secondary container will be labeled on the exterior 
with a biohazard symbol and identification of the contents, including 
the required biosafety level, the scientific name, the concentration (if 
applicable), and the responsible individual. The secondary containers 
will be wiped with suitable disinfectant before removal from the 
laboratory or area.
    (11) Working stocks of etiologic agents will be stored in double 
containers. The primary and secondary containers will provide a positive 
seal and the secondary container will be unbreakable. The secondary 
container will be labeled as stated in Sec. 627.12 (a)(10) and with the 
date stored.
    (12) Storage units (for example, freezers, refrigerators, cabinets, 
and hoods) will be labeled with the universal biohazard sign and 
indicate the classes of etiologic agents contained in them. Storage 
units will be secured when not in use.
    (13) All contaminated materials, containers, spills, and solutions 
will be decontaminated or disinfected by approved methods before 
    (14) After injection of an etiologic agent into animals, the site of 
injection will be swabbed with a decontaminant.
    (15) Syringes. (i) Reusable or disposable syringes will be of the 
fixed needle or LUER-LOK type (or equivalent) to assure that the needle 
cannot separate during use.
    (ii) After use, nondisposable glass syringes with attached needles 
contaminated with etiologic agents will be submerged in a container of 
decontaminant. Disposable syringes will be discarded with needles 
attached in puncture-proof rigid containers. Needles will not be 
recapped after use.
    (iii) Sterilized or decontaminated containers marked ``Syringes and/
or Needles'' may be deposited in appropriate refuse containers after 
proper packaging and destruction of the contents.
    [Note: Many States, especially those on the Eastern seaboard, have 
implemented strict requirements for the disposal of medical wastes. For 
example, Maryland has designated all waste from a microbiological 
laboratory as hazardous waste with licensing requirements for generators 
of 50 kilograms per month or more of waste, while all medical waste 
released for transport off-site must be manifested to a State licensed 
medical waste hauler with the destination specified. Additionally, in 
some cases, the local government (for example, a city) regulates the 
disposal of these wastes. These requirements will be identified and 

Needles or syringes may not be destroyed by clipping. A mechanical shear 
may be used to smash or sheer needles after or concurrently with 
sterilization or decontamination.
    (16) Refrigerators, deep freezers, and dry ice chests should be 
checked, cleaned out, and defrosted periodically to remove any ampules, 
tubes, and so forth, containing etiologic agents that may have broken 
during storage. Rubber gloves and respiratory protection

[[Page 542]]

appropriate to the materials in storage should be worn during cleaning. 
Do not store flammable solutions in nonexplosion proof refrigerators.
    (b) Additional techniques applicable to work with viable etiologic 
agents. The major objective of these techniques is to assist in 
protection against laboratory acquired infections. Air sampling studies 
have shown that aerosols are generated from most of the manipulations of 
bacterial and viral cultures common to research laboratories. The 
generation of aerosols during routine laboratory manipulations must be 
considered when evaluating the individual degree of risk, keeping in 
mind the four main factors governing infection: dosage, virulence of the 
organism, route of infection (for example, skin, eyes, mouth, lungs), 
and host susceptibility (for example, state of health, natural 
resistance, previous infection, response to vaccines and toxoids). The 
requirements stated below are minimum handling requirements to prevent 
accidental infection created by incidental aerosols.
    (1) All procedures are performed carefully to minimize the creation 
of aerosols.
    (2) No infectious mixtures will be prepared by bubbling air through 
a liquid.
    (3) Pipettes.
    (i) No infectious material will be forcibly ejected from pipettes. 
Only to deliver (TD) pipettes will be used.
    (ii) Pipettes used with infectious or toxic materials will be 
plugged with cotton unless they are used exclusively in a gas-tight 
cabinet system.
    (iii) Contaminated pipettes will be placed horizontally in a rigid 
container containing enough disinfectant for complete immersion. 
Cylinders used for vertical discard are not recommended. The container 
and pipettes must be autoclaved as a unit and replaced by a clean 
container containing fresh disinfectant.
    (iv) Pipetting devices must be used. Under no circumstances is mouth 
pipetting permitted.
    (4) Syringes. (i) Using syringes and needles for making dilutions of 
etiologic agents is not recommended.
    (ii) When removing a syringe and needle from a rubber stopper bottle 
containing viable etiologic agents, an alcohol soaked pledget around the 
stopper and needle will be used.
    (iii) Excess fluid and bubbles should be expelled from syringes 
vertically into a cotton pledget soaked with disinfectant or into a 
small bottle containing disinfectant-soaked cotton.
    (iv) The site of injection of an animal will be swabbed with a 
disinfectant before and after injection.
    (v) After use, syringes contaminated with residual infectious fluid 
will be submerged in a container of disinfectant in a safety cabinet 
prior to removal for autoclaving. To minimize accidental injection of 
infectious material, the removable needles should remain on such 
syringes until after autoclaving. When possible, syringes with attached 
needles should be placed in a pan separate from that holding other 
discarded materials.
    (vi) Caps will not be placed over needles until after disinfection. 
During recapping, procedures to prevent personal injuries will be used.
    (5) Centrifuges and shakers. (i) Before centrifuging, tubes, rotors, 
seals, and gaskets will be checked for cleanliness and integrity. In low 
speed clinical-type centrifuges, a germicidal solution may be added 
between the tube and trunnion cup to disinfect the outer surfaces of 
both and to cushion against shocks that might break the tube. Metal or 
plastic tubes (other than nitro-cellulose) will be used.
    (ii) Decanting from centrifuge tubes will be avoided. If decanting 
is necessary, the outer rim will be wiped with a disinfectant after 
decanting so that material on the lip cannot spin off as an aerosol. 
Centrifuge tubes will not be filled byond the level the manufacturer 
    (iii) Broth cultures will be shaken in a manner that avoids wetting 
the plug or cap.
    (6) Water baths in which viable etiologic agents are incubated must 
contain a disinfectant. For cold water baths, 70 percent propylene 
glycol is recommended. The disinfectant should be changed frequently.
    (7) When a laboratory vacuum is used to manipulate viable etiologic 
agents, a secondary reservoir containing disinfectant and a HEPA filter 
must be employed to ensure that the laboratory

[[Page 543]]

vacuum lines do not become contaminated.
    (8) Test tubes. (i) Tubes containing viable etiologic agents should 
be manipulated with extreme care. Studies have shown that simple 
procedures, such as removing a tube cap or transferring an inoculum, can 
create a potentially hazardous aerosol.
    (ii) Manipulation of biohazardous test tubes will be conducted in 
biological safety cabinets. Tubes and racks of tubes containing 
biohazardous material should be clearly marked. The individual employee 
must ensure that tubes containing biohazardous material are properly 
sterilized prior to disposal or glassware washing. Safety test tube 
trays should be used in place of conventional test tube racks to 
minimize spillage from broken tubes. When safety test tube trays are not 
used, the conventional test tube racks will be placed in a tray large 
enough to contain any potential spill. A safety test tube tray is one 
having a solid bottom and sides deep enough to hold all liquids, should 
a test tube break.
    (9) Care should be exercised when using membrane filters to obtain 
sterile filtrates of viable etiologic agents. Due to the fragility of 
the membranes and other factors, such filtrates cannot be considered 
noninfectious until laboratory culture or other tests have proven their 
    (10) The preparation, handling, and use of dry powders of viable 
etiologic agents in open containers presents unusual hazards. The 
slightest manipulation of such powders can cause the generation of 
aerosols containing a high concentration of etiologic agents. Therefore, 
work with dry powders of etiologic agents in open containers should be 
carried out in gas-tight biological safety cabinets.

Sec. 627.13  Biosafety level 1.

    (a) Requirements beyond those for all etiologic agents. BL-1 
operations follow the general techniques described in Secs. 627.12(a) 
and 617.12(b).
    (b) Additional laboratory requirement. Contaminated materials that 
are to be decontaminated at a site away from the laboratory are placed 
in a durable leak-proof container which is closed before being removed 
from the laboratory. Examples of suitable containers are metal tubs with 
lids or plastic bags that are sealed and then placed inside a rigid 
container for transport.
    (c) Additional animal requirements. (1) Bedding materials from 
animal cages will be removed in such a manner as to minimize the 
creation of aerosols and disposed of in compliance with applicable 
institutional or local requirements.
    (2) Cages are washed manually or in a cagewasher. Temperature of 
final rinse water will be a minimum of 180  deg.F.
    (3) Laboratory coats, gowns, or uniforms worn in animal rooms shall 
not be worn in other areas.

Sec. 627.14  Biosafety level 2.

    (a) Additional requirements. In addition to the general 
microbiological techniques stated in Sec. 627.13, BL-2 operations 
include the following requirements:
    (1) When etiologic agents are in use, a hazard warning sign 
incorporating the universal biohazard symbol is posted on the access 
door of the work area. The hazard warning sign identifies the etiologic 
agent, lists the name and telephone number of the institute director or 
other responsible person(s), and indicates the special requirement(s) 
for entering the laboratory.
    (2) Animals not involved in the work being performed are not 
permitted in the laboratory.
    (3) Special care is taken to avoid skin contamination with the 
etiologic agents; gloves will be worn when handling etiologic agents or 
infected animals.
    (4) All wastes from laboratories and animal rooms are decontaminated 
before disposal.
    (5) Hypodermic needles and syringes are used only for parenteral 
injection and aspiration of fluids from laboratory animals and diaphragm 
    (6) Spills and accidents which result in a potential exposure to 
etiologic agents will be reported immediately to the safety officer, the 
project leader, and the institute director.
    (7) Biological safety cabinets (Class I or II) will be used when:
    (i) Procedures with a high potential for creating infectious 
aerosols are conducted.

[[Page 544]]

    (ii) High concentrations or large volumes of etiologic agents are 
    (8) Laboratory coats, gowns, smocks, or uniforms will be removed 
before leaving the animal facility or laboratory area.
    (b) Additional animal requirements.
    (1) Cages must be decontaminated, preferably by autoclaving, before 
they are cleaned and washed.
    (2) Approved molded masks are worn by all personnel entering animal 
rooms housing nonhuman primates.
    (3) If floor drains are provided, the drain traps will be kept 
filled with water or a suitable disinfectant.

Sec. 627.15  Biosafety level 3.

    (a) Additional requirements. In addition to the requirements stated 
in Secs. 627.13 and 627.14, the following requirements apply--
    (1) Approved molded masks or respirators with HEPA filters are worn 
by all personnel in rooms housing infected animals.
    (2) Protective clothing worn in a laboratory or animal room will be 
removed before exiting the laboratory or animal room.
    (3) Clothing worn in laboratories and animal areas to protect street 
clothing will be decontaminated before being laundered.
    (b) Additional laboratory requirements. (1) Laboratory doors will be 
kept closed.
    (2) All activities involving etiologic agents will be conducted in 
biological safety cabinets (Class I, II, or III) or other physical 
containment devices within the containment module. No work in open 
vessels is conducted outside a biological safety cabinet.
    (3) The work surfaces of biological safety cabinets and other 
containment equipment will be decontaminated after work with etiologic 
agents. Plastic-backed paper toweling should be used on nonperforated 
work surfaces within biological safety cabinets to facilitate clean-up.
    (c) Additional animal requirements. (1) Cages are autoclaved before 
bedding is removed and before they are cleaned and washed.
    (2) Gloves are removed aseptically and autoclaved with other wastes 
before being disposed of or reused.
    (3) Boots, shoe covers, or other protective footwear and 
disinfectant foot baths must be available and used when indicated.
    (4) Personal protective clothing and equipment and other physical 
containment devices are used for all procedures and manipulations of 
etiologic agents or infected animals. The risk of infectious aerosols 
from infected animals or their bedding shall be reduced by housing 
animals in partial containment caging systems as described in 
Sec. 627.56.
    (d) Work with BL-3 etiologic agents that require additional 
secondary containment. Facilities in which work with certain viruses, 
for example, Rift Valley fever, yellow fever, and Venezuelan equine 
encephalitis, is conducted require HEPA filtration of Xallexhaust air 
prior to discharge from the laboratory. All persons working with those 
agents for which a vaccine is available should be immunized.

Sec. 627.16  Biosafety level 4.

    Laboratory work at BL-4 must follow the requirements stated in 
Secs. 627.13, 627.14 and 627.15 as well as the following:
    (a) All activities are conducted in Class III biological safety 
cabinets or in Class I or II biological safety cabinets in conjunction 
with a one-piece positive pressure personnel suit ventilated by a life-
support system.
    (b) Biological materials to be removed from the Class III cabinet or 
from the maximum containment laboratory in a viable or intact state must 
be transferred to a sealed nonbreakable primary container, enclosed in a 
nonbreakable sealed secondary container, and removed from the facility 
through a disinfectant dunk tank, fumigation chamber, or an airlock 
designed for this purpose.
    (c) No materials, except for biological materials that are to remain 
in a viable or intact state, are removed from the maximum containment 
laboratory unless they have been autoclaved or decontaminated before 
they leave the facility. Equipment or material which might be damaged by

[[Page 545]]

high temperature or steam is decontaminated by gaseous or vapor methods 
in an airlock or chamber designed for this purpose.
    (d) Personnel may enter and leave the facility only through the 
clothing change and shower rooms. Personnel must shower each time they 
leave the facility. Personnel may use the airlocks to enter or leave the 
laboratory only in an emergency.
    (e) Street clothing must be removed in the outer clothing change 
room and kept there. Complete laboratory clothing, including 
undergarments, pants and shirts or jumpsuits, shoes, and gloves, will be 
provided and must be used by all personnel entering the facility. Head 
covers are provided for personnel who do not wash their hair during the 
shower. When leaving the laboratory and before proceeding into the 
shower area, personnel must remove their laboratory clothing and store 
it in a locker or hamper in the inner change room.
    (f) When etiologic agents or infected animals are present in the 
laboratory or animal rooms, a hazard warning sign incorporating the 
universal biohazard symbol must be posted on all access doors. The sign 
must identify the agent, list the name of the commander or institute 
director or other responsible person(s), and indicate any special 
requirements for entering the area (for example, the need for 
immunizations or respirators).
    (g) Supplies and materials needed in the facility are brought in by 
way of the double-doored autoclave, fumigation chamber, or airlock which 
is appropriately decontaminated after each use. After securing the outer 
doors, personnel within the facility retrieve materials by opening the 
interior doors of the autoclave, fumigation chamber, or airlock. These 
doors are secured after materials are brought into the facility.
    (h) Materials (for example, animals and clothing) not related to the 
experiment being conducted are not permitted in the facility.
    (i) Whenever possible, avoid using any glass items.

Sec. 627.17  Toxins.

    The laboratory facilities, equipment, and procedures appropriate for 
work with toxins of biological origin must reflect the intrinsic level 
of hazard posed by a particular toxin as well as the potential risks 
inherent in the operations performed. All toxins must be considered to 
pose a hazard in an aerosol form. However, most toxins exert their 
effects only after parenteral exposure or ingestion, and a few toxins 
present a dermal hazard. In general, toxins of biological origin are not 
intrinsically volatile. Thus, the laboratory safety precautions 
appropriate for handling these materials closely parallel those for 
handling infectious organisms. The requirements in this section for the 
laboratory use of toxins of biological origin include the requirements 
in Sec. 627.12(a) and the following:
    (a) Vacuum lines. When vacuum lines are used with systems containing 
toxins, they will be protected with a HEPA filter to prevent entry of 
toxins into the lines (or sink drains when water aspirators are used).
    (b) Preparation of concentrated stock solutions and handling closed 
primary containers of dry toxins. Preparation of primary containers of 
toxin stock solutions and manipulations of closed primary containers of 
dry forms of toxins will be conducted--
    (1) In a chemical fume hood, a glove box, or a biological safety 
cabinet or equivalent containment system approved by the safety officer.
    (2) While wearing eye protection if using an open-fronted 
containment system.
    (3) Ensuring that gloves worn when handling toxins will be disposed 
of as toxin waste, with decontamination if required.
    (4) With the room door closed and posted with a universal biohazard 
sign, or other sign, indicating that toxin work is in progress. 
Extraneous personnel shall not be permitted in the room during 
    (5) Ensuring that toxins removed from hoods or biological safety 
cabinets are double-contained during transport.
    (6) After verification of hood or biological safety cabinet inward 
airflow is

[[Page 546]]

made by the user before initiating work.
    (7) Within the operationally effective zone of the hood or 
biological safety cabinet.
    (8) Ensuring that nondisposable laboratory clothing is 
decontaminated before release for laundering.
    (9) Ensuring that all individuals who handle toxins wash their hands 
upon each exit from the laboratory.
    (10) With two knowledgeable individuals present whenever more than 
an estimated human lethal dose is handled in a syringe with a needle. 
Each must be familiar with the applicable procedures, maintain visual 
contact with the other, and be ready to assist in the event of an 
    (c) Manipulations with open containers of dry forms of toxins. 
Handling dry forms of toxins in uncovered containers (for example, 
during weighing) will be performed following the requirements stated in 
Secs. 627.12(a), 627.17 (a) and (b), and the following:
    (1) Manipulations will be conducted in a HEPA filtered chemical fume 
hood, glove box, or biological safety cabinet. In addition the exhaust 
may be charcoal filtered if the material is volatile.
    (2) When using an open-fronted fume hood or biological safety 
cabinet, protective clothing, including gloves and a disposable long-
sleeved body covering (gown, laboratory coat, smock, coverall, or 
similar garment) will be worn so that hands and arms are completely 
covered. Eye and approved respiratory protection is also required. The 
protective clothing will not be worn outside of the laboratory and will 
be disposed of as solid toxin waste.
    (3) Before containers are removed from the hood, cabinet, or glove 
box, the exterior of the closed primary container will be decontaminated 
and placed in a clean secondary container.
    (4) When toxins are in use, the room will be posted to indicate 
``Toxins in Use--Authorized Personnel Only.'' Any special entry 
requirements will be posted on the entrance(s) to the room.
    (5) All operations will be conducted with two knowledgeable 
individuals present. Each must be familiar with the applicable 
procedures, maintain visual contact with the other, and be ready to 
assist in the event of an accident.
    (6) Individuals handling toxins will wash their hands upon leaving 
the laboratory.
    (d) Additional considerations of specific toxin properties. The 
following requirements are in addition to the requirements stated in the 
paragraphs above. Determine whether the material fits Sec. 627.17 (b) or 
(c), and complies with the appropriate section and the following when 
    (1) When handling dry forms of toxins that are electrostatic--
    (i) Do not wear gloves (such as latex) that help to generate static 
    (ii) Use glove bag within a hood or biological safety cabinet, a 
glove box, or a class III biological safety cabinet.
    (2) When handling toxins that are percutaneous hazards (irritants, 
necrotic to tissue, or extremely toxic from dermal exposure)--
    (i) Gloves will be selected that are known to be impervious to the 
toxin and the diluent (when applicable) for the duration of the 
    (ii) Disposable laboratory clothing will be worn, left in the 
laboratory upon exit, and disposed of as solid toxin waste.
    (e) Aerosol exposures. The requirements found in Sec. 627.17 (a) and 
(b) will be complied with plus the following:
    (1) Chambers, nose-only exposure apparatus, and generation system 
must be placed inside a fume hood, glove box, or a Class III biological 
safety cabinet. Glove boxes and Class III biological safety cabinets 
will have HEPA filters on both inlet and outlet air ports.
    (2) The atmosphere from within the exposure chamber will be HEPA 
filtered before release inside the hood, glove box, or cabinet.
    (3) All items inside the hood, glove box, or Class III biological 
safety cabinet will be decontaminated upon removal. Materials such as 
experimental samples that cannot be decontaminated directly will be 
placed in a closed secondary container, the exterior of which will be 
decontaminated and labeled appropriately. Animals will have any areas 
exposed to toxin wiped clean after removal from the exposure apparatus.

[[Page 547]]

    (4) The interior of the hood, glove box, or cabinet containing the 
chamber and all items will be decontaminated periodically, for example, 
at the end of a series of related experiments. Until decontamintated, 
the hood, box, or cabinet will be posted to indicate that toxins are in 
use, and access to the equipment and apparatus restricted to necessary, 
authorized personnel.

Sec. 627.18  Emergencies.

    (a) Introduction. All laboratories will establish specific emergency 
plans for their facilities. Plans will include liaison through proper 
channels with local emergency groups and with community officials. These 
plans will include both the building and the individual laboratories. 
For the building, the plan must describe evacuation routes, facilities 
for medical treatment, and procedures for reporting accidents and 
emergencies. The plans will be reinforced by drills. Emergency groups 
and community officials must be informed of emergency plans in advance 
of any call for assistance. See AR 385-69.
    (b) General emergency procedures. The following emergency procedures 
will be followed for laboratory accidents or incidents--
    (1) Using appropriate personal protection, assist persons involved, 
remove contaminated clothing if necessary, decontaminate affected areas, 
and remove personnel from exposure to further injury if necessary; do 
not move an injured person not in danger of further harm. Render 
immediate first aid if necessary.
    (2) Warn personnel in adjacent areas of any potential hazards to 
their safety.
    (3) In case of fire or explosion, call the fire department or 
community fire brigade immediately. Follow local rules for dealing with 
incipient fire. Portable fire extinguishers will be made available with 
instructions for their use. Fire fighters responding to the fire scene 
will be advised to wear a self-contained positive pressure breathing 
appartus to protect themselves from toxic combustion by-products.
    (4) Laboratories must be prepared for problems resulting from severe 
weather or loss of a utility service. In the event of the latter, most 
ventilation systems not supplied with emergency power will become 
inoperative. All potentially hazardous laboratory work must stop until 
service has been restored and appropriate action has been taken to 
prevent personnel exposure to etiologic agents.
    (5) In a medical emergency, summon medical help immediately. 
Laboratories without a medical staff must have personnel trained in 
first aid available during working hours.
    (6) For small-scale laboratory accidents, secure the laboratory, 
leave the area, and call for assistance.
    (7) When handling mixed hazards (for example, a substance or mixture 
that may be infectious and radioactive, or infectious and chemically 
toxic), respond with procedures addressing the greater hazard first, and 
then follow through with those for the lesser hazards to ensure that all 
appropriate steps have been taken.
    (c) Evacuation procedures. Building and laboratory evacuation 
procedures will be established and communicated to all personnel.
    (1) Emergency alarm system. (i) There will be a system to alert 
personnel of an emergency that requires evacuation of the laboratory or 
building. Laboratory personnel must be familiar with the location and 
operation of alarm equipment.
    (ii) Isolated areas (for example, cold, warm, or sterile rooms) will 
be equipped with an alarm or communication system that can be used to 
alert others outside to the presence of a worker inside, or to warn 
workers inside of an emergency that requires evacuation.
    (2) Evacuation routes will be established and an outside assembly 
area for evacuated personnel must be designated. All individuals should 
be accounted for.
    (3) Shut-down and start-up procedures.
    (i) Guidelines for shutting down operations during an emergency 
evacuation will be available in writing. Those guidelines will include 
procedures for handling any power failure emergency.
    (ii) Written procedures will also be provided to ensure that 
personnel do not return to the laboratory until the emergency is ended. 
Those procedures

[[Page 548]]

must also contain start-up operations for the laboratory.
    (iii) All shut-down and start-up procedures will be available to 
personnel and reviewed semiannually.
    (4) All aspects of the building evacuation procedur will be tested 
semiannually with practice drills.
    (d) Spills. (1) All areas where work with etiologic agents is 
performed will have designated personnel to respond to a spill and 
provide protective apparel, safety equipment, and materials necessary to 
contain and clean up the spill. Protective clothing requirements are 
described in Sec. 627.21. Also, there will be supplies on hand to deal 
with the spill consistent with the hazard and quantities of the spilled 
    (2) The safety officer will be notified immediately of all spills. 
The first line supervisor will ensure that proper clean-up techniques 
are employed.
    (3) Etiologic agents. (i) A program for responding to spills of 
etiologic agents will be developed and implemented. This program will 
contain emergency response procedures for a biological spill, which will 
be tailored to the potential hazard of the material being used, the 
associated laboratory reagents involved, the volume of material, and the 
location of the materials within the laboratory. Generally, the spill 
should be confined to a small area while minimizing the substance's 
conversion to an aerosol. The spill will be chemically decontaminated or 
neutralized, followed by a cleanup with careful disposal of the residue. 
If the spilled material is volatile and noninfectious, it may be allowed 
to evaporate but must be exhausted by a chemical hood or ventilation 
    (ii) When a mishap occurs that may generate an aerosol of etiologic 
agents requiring BL-2 (or higher) containment, the room must be 
evacuated immediately, the doors closed, and all clothing 
decontaminated, unless the spill occurs in a class II or class III 
biological safety cabinet. Sufficient time must be allowed for the 
droplets to settle and the aerosols to be reduced by the air changes of 
the ventilation system before decontaminating the area. The area will 
then be decontaminated to prevent exposure to the infectious agents or 
toxic substances. Reentry procedures to perform the decontamination will 
conform to Sec. 627.18(e).
    (iii) A spill of biohazardous material within a biological safety 
cabinet requires a special response and cleanup procedure. Cleanup will 
be initiated while the cabinet continues to operate, using an effective 
chemical decontaminating agent. Aerosol generation during 
decontamination and the escape of contaminants from the cabinet must be 
prevented. Caution must be exercised in choosing the decontaminant, 
keeping in mind that fumes from flammable organic solvents, such as 
alcohol, can reach dangerous concentrations within a biological safety 
    (4) Combined radioactive and biological spills. (i) Both the 
radiation protection officer (RPO) and the safety officer must be 
notified immediately whenever there is a spill of radioactive biological 
material, regardless of its size. Laboratory personnel may be expected 
to clean up the spill. The RPO will direct the cleanup, in accordance 
with the NRC license for the facility.
    (ii) The spill will be cleaned up in a way that minimizes the 
generation of aerosols and spread of contamination. All items used in 
cleaning up the spill must be disposed of as radioactive waste.
    (iii) Following cleanup, the area, affected protective clothing, and 
all affected equipment and supplies must be surveyed for residual 
radioactive contamination. All potentially affected areas and items that 
are not disposable will be wipe-tested to verify that unfixed 
radioactive contamination has been removed. If fixed contamination is 
found, the RPO will determine the requirements for additional cleanup.
    (e) Reentry procedures. This section applies when reentry is 
necessary to clean up a spill outside of a hood or biological safety 
cabinet, or to decontaminate or service engineering controls that have 
failed or malfunctioned so that they do not provide the required 
    (1) When agents requiring BL-1 or BL-1 LS containment are involved, 
the clothing requirements stated in Sec. 627.30

[[Page 549]]

(a) or (b) as appropriate will be followed. Individuals will remove the 
required protective clothing when finished and wash their hands before 
proceeding to other tasks.
    (2) When agents requiring BL-2, BL-2 LS, or toxin procedures and 
containment are involved, personnel will be required to wear the 
clothing described in Sec. 627.30 (c) or (d) as appropriate. Outer 
protective clothing will be removed and left in the room before exiting 
and personnel will wash their hands before proceeding on to other 
    (3) When agents requiring BL-3, or BL-3 LS containment are involved, 
containers for sealing up inner protective clothing and decontaminant 
will be placed at the room exit. Personnel will be required to wear the 
clothing described in paragraph 4-10e. When exiting the area after 
decontamination procedures, individuals will remove their outer layer of 
protective clothing just before exiting the room. Once outside the room, 
the inner layer of protective clothing (for example, coverall) will be 
removed and placed in the container and the inner gloves will be 
decontaminated before being removed and placed in the container. 
Personnel will proceed directly to the shower facility to take a 
complete shower before exiting the facility.
    (4) When agents requiring BL-4 containment are involved, the 
following applies as appropriate to the type of BL-4 facility:
    (i) When a spill requiring clean-up is in an area designed for use 
with personal positive pressure suits, the entry and exit procedures 
will be those normally required to enter or exit the area.
    (ii) When entering a nonsuit area where a spill of etiologic agent 
has occurred outside the containment of a Class III biological safety 
cabinet, personnel will wear the clothing as described in 
Sec. 627.30(f). Before entry, decontamination areas will be established. 
To accomplish this, two step-in decontamination pans with the 
appropriate disinfectant will be set up [one just inside the room (where 
the contamination exists) and the second immediately outside the room]. 
Immediately outside the room, there will also be a sealable container 
suitable for sealing up the suit and any air lines (if used).
    (iii) When exiting the room, suited individuals will place all 
equipment and other items in autoclaves or disinfectant, step into the 
disinfectant pan, and wash down the exterior of their suits with 
appropriate disinfectant. When completed, the door to the room will be 
opened and the individual will step through the doorway into the second 
disinfectant pan. The suit will be thoroughly rinsed with disinfectant 
again before moving toward the exit from the facility. The suit (but not 
the respirator) will be placed in the provided container. The individual 
will proceed through another doorway before removing the respirator and 
placing it in a closed container for decontamination. The individual 
will then proceed directly to the shower area and take a full shower 
before exiting the area. In case they are needed, personnel will be 
standing by ready to render assistance. Suited individuals will be 
visually observed, if possible. When visual observation is not possible, 
a communications system is required.
    (f) Mishap reports and investigations. (1) Each institution must 
have a defined system for reporting laboratory injuries, illnesses, and 
mishaps, as well as for investigating them. These events will be 
documented and reported to the appropriate safety, supervisory, and 
occupational health personnel. Those organizations subject to the 
regulations promulgated by the OSHA will follow the specific 
requirements for reporting injuries in the work place contained in those 
regulations. The requirements stated in AR 385-69, State, and local 
government requirements for similar reporting will be followed.
    (2) Form(s) for recording mishaps will be available and completed 
for all laboratory mishaps. Those reports must include a description of 
the mishap and any factors contributing to it. In addition, a 
description of any first aid or other health care given to the employee 
will be included. Responsibility for completing these forms must be 
clearly defined in the facility safety

[[Page 550]]

manual. Mishaps will be reviewed periodically by the safety officer, the 
safety committee, the employee health unit, or other appropriate 
personnel. Individual reports or a summary must be sent, along with 
recommended changes in laboratory procedure or policy, to the commander 
or institute director. Policy or procedural changes must be implemented 
if deemed necessary by the commander or institute director.
    (3) Any mishaps with etiologic agents used under sponsorship of the 
BDP that result in sero-conversion or a laboratory-acquired illness will 
be reported.

Sec. 627.19  Large-scale operations.

    (a) Large-scale. In addition to the requirements stated in 
Sec. 627.13, the following applies to research or production activities 
involving viable etiologic agents in quantities greater than 10 liters:
    (1) All large-scale operations will be conducted in facilities 
described in Sec. 627.47.
    (2) Cultures will be handled in a closed system.
    (3) Sample collection, the addition of materials, and the transfer 
of culture fluids shall be done in a manner which minimizes the release 
of aerosols or contamination of exposed surfaces.
    (4) A closed system or other primary containment equipment that has 
contained viable organisms shall not be opened for maintenance or other 
purposes unless it has been sterilized.
    (5) SOPs will include a section describing and requiring a 
validation of the process equipment's proper function.
    (6) Scientists, technicians, equipment workers, and support 
personnel with access to the large-scale production area during its 
operation will be included in the medical surveillance program.
    (b) BL-2--LS. In addition to the requirements stated in 
Secs. 627.19(a) and 627.14, the following procedures will be employed 
for BL-2--LS:
    (1) Rotating seals and other mechanical devices directly associated 
with the closed system used for the propagation and growth of viable 
organisms shall be designed to prevent leakage or shall be fully 
enclosed in ventilated housings that are exhausted through filters which 
have efficiencies equivalent to HEPA filters or through other equivalent 
treatment devices.
    (2) A closed system used for the propagation and growth of viable 
organisms and other primary containment equipment used to contain 
operations involving viable organisms shall include monitoring or 
sensing devices that monitor the integrity of containment during 
    (3) Systems used to propagate and grow viable organisms shall be 
permanently identified. This identification shall be used in all records 
reflecting testing, operation, and maintenance and in all documentation 
relating to the use of this equipment.
    (c) BL-3--LS. In addition to the requirements stated in 
Secs. 627.19(a) and 617.14, the following procedures apply:
    (1) Personnel entry into the controlled area shall be through the 
entry area specified in Sec. 627.47(c)(1).
    (2) Persons entering the controlled area shall exchange or cover 
their personal clothing with work garments such as jumpsuits, long 
sleeved laboratory coats, pants and shirts, head cover, and shoes or 
shoe covers. On exit from the controlled area, the work clothing may be 
stored in a locker separate from that used for personal clothing, or 
discarded for laundering. Clothing shall be decontaminated before 
    (3) Entry into the controlled area during periods when work is in 
progress shall be restricted to those persons required to meet program 
support needs.
    (4) Prior to entry, all persons shall be informed of the operating 
practices, emergency procedures, and the nature of the work conducted.
    (5) The universal biohazard sign shall be posted on entry doors to 
the controlled area and all internal doors. The sign posted on the entry 
doors to the controlled area shall include a statement of agents in use 
and personnel authorized to enter.
    (6) Equipment and materials required for the management of accidents 
involving viable organisms shall be available in the controlled area.
    (d) BL-4--LS. Guidelines for these operations are not established. 
If these

[[Page 551]]

are needed, they must be established by the United States Army Surgeon 
General or the NIH on an individual basis.

Sec. 627.20  Operations with radioactive material.

    Operations that combine etiologic agents with radioactive material 
present unique problems. When this is the case, the following apply:
    (a) Radiation program. A radiation program meeting the requirements 
of AR 385-11 and NRC licensing that allows the particular isotope and 
its use are required. The requirements for acquisition, handling 
procedures, labeling, storage, training, monitoring, and disposal will 
be described in an organization policy document.
    (b) Procedure approval. In addition to the required approvals for 
work with etiologic agents, the RPO will approve all SOPs involving the 
use of radioactive materials. Laboratory operators must be fully 
trained, with annual training updates as required by the existing 
    (c) Special situations. (1) The laboratory waste must be segregated 
as radioactive waste and disposed of as such after it has been 
decontaminated. Do not mix nonradioactive waste with radioactive waste 
as the disposal of radioactive waste is much more complex and expensive. 
When RCRA-listed chemicals are mixed with radioactive waste, it becomes 
``mixed waste'' for which there is currently no means of disposal.
    (2) Activities conducted with radioisotopes should be confined to 
the smallest number of areas or rooms consistent with requirements.
    (3) Decontamination methods specific to etiologic agents will not 
always remove radioactivity. Other methods, such as specialized 
detergents and solvents designed for this use, should be employed to 
remove residual radioactivity.

                Subpart D--Personal Protective Equipment

Sec. 627.21  Introduction.

    Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes clothing and equipment 
used to protect the laboratory worker from contact with infectious, 
toxic, and corrosive agents, as well as excessive heat, fire, and other 
physical hazards. The appropriate PPE for any activity depends upon the 
proposed operations and the potential hazards associated with them. 
While PPE is an important item of personal protection, it serves as only 
a secondary line of protection against hazards in the workplace. 
Engineering controls (subpart H), combined with common sense, good 
laboratory techniques, and adherence to SOPs, are the primary barriers 
to exposure. There are some situations, however, in which it is either 
impractical or impossible to rely exclusively on engineering controls. 
In these cases, PPE may form the primary barrier between personnel and 
the hazardous or infectious materials.

Sec. 627.22  Minimum laboratory attire for use of etiologic agents.

    Individuals required to wear PPE will be trained in its proper use. 
The PPE listed below is the minimum required when etiologic agents are 
handled at any biosafety level. Research with etiologic agents usually 
involves hazards other than those presented by the agents themselves. 
When PPE is selected, the hazards presented by these other factors must 
be considered regardless of the biosafety level used. For example, toxic 
chemicals are commonly used in research involving etiologic agents. The 
processes may expose personnel to physical hazards, such as heat or 
animal bites, and the decontamination process may involve the handling 
of toxic or corrosive materials. When the PPE required to mitigate these 
hazards exceeds that of the minimum requirements, the necessary PPE will 
be selected considering all the hazards. Information regarding the 
additional appropriate PPE worn to protect against these hazards will be 
available from one of the following sources: MSDS, SOP for the 
operation, or the safety officer. Deviations from the standards stated 
in approved SOPs must be approved by the safety officer. All laboratory 
coats worn to protect the individual should be left in the laboratory 
when that individual leaves. In each case, the minimum attire will be--

[[Page 552]]

    (a) Laboratory workers. Street attire is permissible in the 
laboratory, but must include closed-toe shoes. A full-length, long 
sleeved, fully fastened laboratory coat, gown, or smock will be worn 
over the street attire in the laboratory at all times. The laboratory 
clothing will be removed and left in the laboratory when leaving to 
enter nonlaboratory use areas.
    (b) Animal caretakers. In addition to the clothing requirements in 
Sec. 627.22(a), animal handlers will be provided with safety shoes or 
safety boots. The requirements of Sec. 627.22(b) should also apply.
    (c) Nonhuman primate rooms. Personnel entering rooms housing 
nonhuman primates will wear the clothing stated in Sec. 627.22(a) and, 
if applicable, Sec. 627.22(b) in addition to a molded mask or HEPA 
filtered respirator, latex or vinyl gloves, and eye protection.

Sec. 627.23  Biosafety level 1.

    This level requires only the minimum attire described in 
Sec. 626.22.

Sec. 627.24  Biosafety level 2.

    This level requires the following additions to the minimum clothing 
specified in Sec. 627.22:
    (a) Laboratory. Gloves (type dependent on the application) will be 
worn when handling etiologic agents or containers of etiologic agents 
and when handling infected animals.
    (b) Animal rooms. (1) Protective clothing will be changed completely 
every day. One- or two-piece laboratory suits or solid-front gowns and 
wrap-around smocks are preferable. Full-length, long-sleeved, fully 
fastened laboratory coats are allowed.
    (2) Eye protection must be worn when handling nonhuman primates.
    (3) Appropriate gloves must be worn.
    (4) Molded masks or HEPA filtered respirators will be worn in rooms 
housing nonhuman primates.

Sec. 627.25  Biosafety level 3.

    The outer clothing worn in these facilities must never be worn 
outside the facility. Color-coded clothing that is worn only in the 
facility is recommended to remind individuals not to wear it outside. 
The minimum clothing includes--
    (a) Laboratory. (1) Long-sleeved, solid front, or wraparound gowns, 
scrub suits, or coveralls over street attire which includes closed-toe 
shoes. Dedicated shoes, boots, or shoe covers will be worn in the 
    (2) Appropriate gloves.
    (b) Animal rooms. (1) A complete change of protective clothing on a 
daily basis. Long-sleeved one- or two-piece solid front uniforms, solid-
front gown, wrap-around smocks, or solid front coveralls.
    (2) Eye protection must be worn when handling nonhuman primates.
    (3) Molded masks or HEPA filtered respirators will be worn in rooms 
housing infected animals.
    (4) Shoe covers will be worn and removed before exiting the room; 
alternatively, disinfectant footbaths will be used for each exit from 
the room when infected animals are present.

Sec. 627.26  Biosafety level 4.

    Street clothing must be removed in an outer clothing change room and 
kept there. Clothing worn in the facility will be removed in an inner 
change room and a shower taken before replacing the street clothing. Two 
distinct PPE requirements exist for BL-4 operations:
    (a) Class III biological safety cabinet containment. Clothing 
requirements when all etiologic agents and infected animals are housed 
and manipulated in Class III biological safety cabinets will include--
    (1) Complete change of clothing and wet shower upon exit. This 
includes undergarments, pants and shirts or jump-suits, and shoes. While 
it is preferred that the shower include washing the hair, head covers 
will be worn by those who do not wash their hair on each exit.
    (2) Appropriate inner gloves. The inner gloves will be donned in the 
change room.
    (b) Class I or II biological safety cabinet containment. Clothing 
requirements for this level when etiologic agents are contained in Class 
I or II biological safety cabinets of equivalent partial-

[[Page 553]]

containment caging systems (for infected animals) (See Secs. 627.56 and 
627.57) include--
    (1) Complete change of clothing and wet shower upon exit. This 
includes undergarments, pants and shirts or jump-suits, and shoes. While 
the shower should include washing the hair, head covers will be worn by 
those who do not wash their hair on each exit.
    (2) Appropriate inner gloves will be donned in the change room.
    (3) A one-piece positive pressure suit described in Sec. 627.31(g).
    (4) Impervious boots fitted over the suit.

Sec. 627.27  Large-scale (LS) operations.

    The clothing requirements for these are the same as for the 
corresponding biosafety levels for laboratory operations.

Sec. 627.28  Solutions of toxins and dry forms of toxins in closed containers.

    In addition to the minimum clothing specified in Sec. 627.22, 
disposable gloves or gloves designed to protect against the diluent will 
be worn when handling these materials.

Sec. 627.29  Dry forms of toxins handled in open containers.

    In addition to the requirements stated in Sec. 627.28, the 
requirements stated in Sec. 627.18(c) apply.

Sec. 627.30  Situations specified in Sec. 627.18(e).

    The clothing requirements for this section are for the emergency 
procedures specified in Sec. 627.18(e). Because situations can occur and 
there is no feasible or available means to mitigate the potential hazard 
adequately by engineering controls, the clothing requirements exceed 
those required for a properly conducted laboratory operation at an 
equivalent biosafety level. The protective equipment required will be 
selected based upon an assessment of the potential hazards that could be 
encountered. The following clothing requirements are given as a guide. 
The selection of PPE will be based upon the highest possible level of 
contamination that could exist in the room. This will be based upon what 
is known about the operations that were conducted in the room during and 
prior to the current incident. In each situation, the aerosols will be 
allowed to dissipate or settle before entry (approximately 30 minutes). 
The following clothing requirements apply to these situations:
    (a) BL-1. (1) Gloves.
    (2) Outer complete covering such as a pair of coveralls.
    (3) Shoe covers, provided shoes, or safety shoes or boots.
    (4) Eye protection (maintenance only).
    (b) BL-1 LS. The same as described in section 627.30(a) with the 
following additions:
    (1) An impervious apron.
    (2) Impervious boots.
    (c) BL-2 and toxins. (1) Gloves.
    (2) Full outer covering such as a coverall.
    (3) Shoe covers, provided shoes, or safety shoes or boots 
    (4) An approved half-face or full-face respirator with HEPA filters 
    (5) Eye protection.
    (6) An impervious apron (not required for entry only).
    (d) BL-2 LS. The same as Sec. 627.30(c) with the addition of 
impervious boots.
    (e) BL-3 and BL-3 LS. (1) A complete change of clothing.
    (2) Gloves.
    (3) An approved full-face HEPA or HEPA plus charcoal filtered 
    (4) An impervious apron (not required for entry only).
    (5) Impervious boots.
    (6) Head cover.
    (f) BL-4.
    (1) A full change of inner clothing.
    (2) An inner pair of gloves.
    (3) A one-piece positive pressure suit as described in 
Sec. 627.31(g), or a one-piece Xsuit with an approved positive pressure 
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and a supplied-air respirator 
(SAR) or both (see Sec. 627.31(f)).
    (4) Appropriate gloves fitted to the suit.
    (5) Impervious boots fitted over the suit.

Sec. 627.31  Specific requirements for individual PPE items.

    (a) Aprons. Simple plastic or rubber aprons.
    (b) Boots. When boots must be worn with an apron, the apron should 

[[Page 554]]

the boot tops sufficiently so that liquids splashed on the apron will 
not run into the boots.
    (c) Eye and face protection. Eye protection will meet or exceed the 
requirements of OSHA found in the 29 CFR 1910.133 and will be worn at 
all times when required. Special eye wear may be required around 
ultraviolet (UV) light source.
    (d) Gloves. (1) No one glove will be satisfactory for all 
applications. Gloves are fabricated in a wide assortment of materials. 
The type of glove selected will depend upon the specific activity. The 
various activities in biocontainment facilities call for gloves to 
protect against etiologic agents in situations where micro-manipulations 
are required and excellent tactile feed-back through gloves is 
important, gloves for handling hot glassware and cryogenic materials, 
and gloves to protect against animal bites, toxic substances, chemical 
carcinogens, solvents, acids, and caustics. Many of these requirements 
call for gloves distinctly different from gloves suitable for the other 
hazards. As a result, the SOP for each operation should address these 
hazards and specify the appropriate glove required for each operation. 
Consult MSDSs, manufacturer glove charts, and the safety officer to 
determine the correct glove type needed.
    (2) Before donning a pair of gloves, examine them closely to 
ascertain that they are in serviceable condition. Check for rips and pin 
holes. Gloves should over-wrap the cuff and lower sleeve of the 
laboratory garment.
    (3) Operations in open-front biological safety cabinets should be 
planned so that once the operator has inserted gloved hands into the 
cabinet, he or she does not have to withdraw them from the cabinet until 
the work has been completed. If gloves become visibly contaminated, they 
will be removed and decontaminated. Additional gloves should be 
available so that work can continue. When wearing gloves for an extended 
period, change them periodically or decontaminate them. Individual SOPs 
will designate the appropriate period based upon the hazards.
    (4) Gloves will be removed before going from one level of 
containment to another (remove gloves in a safety cabinet before 
removing your hands from the cabinet). Take care to ensure that skin is 
not touched with the outer surface of contaminated or potentially 
contaminated gloves when they are removed. Gloves will be placed in 
suitable decontaminant when they are removed. Disposable gloves will be 
placed in a covered container for decontamination or disposal.
    (5) Gloves that are a part of a biological safety cabinet system 
will be examined initially, after each sterilization of the biological 
safety cabinet system, and at least annually for leaks using the soap 
bubble test, followed by the halo-carbon test. Gloves will be tested 
while still attached to the cabinet.
    (6) Sterilization of nondisposable gloves either before use or 
before reuse is usually done with ethylene oxide or formaldehyde gas. 
Sterilized gloves must be aerated in flowing sterile (filtered) air at 
21  deg.C or higher for a minimum of 24 hours prior to use to prevent 
skin burns and irritation from residual decontaminants.
    (e) Laboratory clothing. Users will check clothing before wearing 
it, to ensure that it is free from defects that would compromise its 
usefulness. Laboratory clothing (except BL-1) will be decontaminated 
before being released for laundering by untrained or unprotected 
personnel. Protective laboratory clothing that requires the wearer to 
pull it over the head will not be used. Laboratory clothing will meet 
OSHA requirements found in the 29 CFR 1910.132.
    (f) One-piece suits. One-piece suits with a respirator under the 
suit are not used to any great extent except in certain emergencies. The 
respirators used with these are supplied air by an approved positive 
pressure SCBA or SAR. Respirators will be of the pressure-demand or 
constant flow type. The air provided will meet OSHA requirements found 
in the 29 CFR 1910.134, the requirements of Grade D breathing air as 
specified in the Compressed Gas Association pamphlet G-7.1 and American 
National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z86.1-1973. When used in an area 

[[Page 555]]

does not have a chemical shower to decontaminate the suit, a 
decontamination station will be set up for this purpose. Suits 
maintained for emergency use will be inspected at least quarterly and 
respiratory equipment will be inspected monthly.
    (g) One-piece positive pressure suits. A life-support system will be 
provided with alarms and emergency backup breathing tanks. The air 
provided will be HEPA-filtered meeting OSHA requirements found in the 29 
CFR 1910.134, the requirements of Grade D breathing air as specified in 
the Compressed Gas Association pamphlet G-7.1 and ANSI Z86.1-1973. A 
HEPA-filter will be in-line between the disconnect on the suit and the 
breathing space in the suit. When these are used in other than an 
emergency situation, a chemical shower must be provided to decontaminate 
the surfaces of the suit as the worker leaves the containment area. 
Suits will be inspected before each use to check for indications of 
significant wear or leakage. The suits will be worn with impervious 
boots over the foot area of the suit and the outer gloves will be 
attached over the hand portion.
    (h) Respiratory protection equipment. (1) Respirators and their use 
will be approved by the safety officer. The selection will be based on 
the conditions of the activities and the risks involved. In general, 
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved 
respirators that use aerosol filters for dusts and fumes having a 
Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of less than 0.05 mg/m3 have been 
found acceptable for use in microbiological laboratories. Alternatively, 
the Army M-17 or M-9 masks may be used. Air-supplied hoods are used in 
situations where greater respiratory protection is required without the 
need for body protection. One-piece suits are used when total body and 
respiratory protection are required.
    (2) When respirators are used, a respirator protection program will 
be established that conforms to AR 11-34 and OSHA standards in the 29 
CFR 1910.134. In general, a medical authority will designate who is to 
wear respirators, they will be fitted by individuals trained in their 
use and limitations, and wearers will be responsible for the proper 
storage and regular inspection of their assigned respirators. Air-
purifying respirators will not be worn in oxygen deficient environments.
    (3) Reusable respirators that have been worn in a contaminated area 
will be decontaminated before reuse. At the end of each workday when a 
respirator has been worn in an area where it was required, the wearer 
will wipe it down with an appropriate liquid decontaminant. A damp cloth 
soaked in the decontaminant, with the excess liquid squeezed out, will 
be used for the wipe-down process, taking care to ensure that all 
crevices are reached. The respirator will be rinsed with clean, warm 
water. Visibly contaminated respirators will be decontaminated and 
    (4) Respirator programs will comply with AR 385-10 and AR 11-34.
    (i) Shoes. All shoes specially issued for use in controlled access 
areas should be identified so that they can be segregated from other 
areas. Safety shoes or boots meeting OSHA requirements stated in the 29 
CFR 1910.134 will be issued wherever heavy items or corrosive chemicals 
are handled. These will be sterilized appropriately after visible 
contamination. In certain situations (excluding BL-4 operations), it is 
desirable to wear disposable booties over street shoes, especially when 
product protection is required.

                 Subpart E--Decontamination and Disposal

Sec. 627.32  Introduction.

    All material or equipment that is potentially contaminated with 
etiologic agents must be rendered nonhazardous before disposal. This 
chapter describes the acceptable physical and chemical decontamination 
methods and the general applicability of each. In general, all 
infectious materials and all contaminated equipment or apparatus will be 
sterilized before being washed and stored or discarded.

Sec. 627.33  Methods of decontamination.

    (a) Autoclave. The use of wet heat is the most dependable procedure 
for destroying all forms of microbial life. An autoclave employs 
saturated steam under a pressure of approximately 15

[[Page 556]]

pounds per square inch (psi) to achieve a chamber temperature of at 
least 121  deg.C for a minimum of 15 minutes. The time is measured after 
the temperature of the material being sterilized reaches 121  deg.C. 
Other combinations of temperature and pressure (some of which are 
dependent on the equipment used) can be used to accomplish sterilization 
provided that the efficacy of sterilization is validated as described 
below. The most critical factor in ensuring the reliability of this 
sterilization method, other than proper temperature, is preventing 
entrapped air that is not replaced by stem. Material to be autoclaved 
must come in contact with steam and heat and, as a result, it may be 
necessary to add water to a load of waste to aid in the formation and 
penetration of steam. Autoclaves use either a steam-activated exhaust 
valve that reamins open during the replacement of air by live steam 
until the steam triggers the valve to close, or a pre-cycle vacuum to 
remove air prior to steam introduction.
    (b) Sterilization will be verified using biological indicators (for 
example, Bacillus stearothermophilus spores) at locations throughout the 
autocalve, to include placement in the center of test loads, when the 
autoclave is first put into service, and after any maintenance or 
repairs. The primary means of verifying routine sterilization will be 
through using chemical indicators (for example, autoclave tape or 
labels) at locations throughout the autoclave. In addition each 
autoclave will be equipped with a permanent means to record time and the 
temperature of each operational event as a means of ensuring 
sterilization. The type of materials being handled must be reviewed and 
standard conditions for sterilization of each established. As a guide, 
the manufacturer's manual for the autoclaves will be consulted as a 
starting point in establishing these conditions. Treatment conditions to 
achieve sterility will vary in relation to the volume of material 
treated, the contamination level, the moisture content, and other 
factors that should be considered and which may cause the times to 
lengthen. In each case, the conditions will be established based on 
tests which verify that the conditions selected are effective. In 
addition to being effective from viable agents, autoclaving effectively 
inactivates most protein toxins.
    (c) Dry heat. Dry heat requires longer times or higher temperatures 
or both than does wet heat. If used, the specific sterilization times 
and temperatures must be determined for each type of material being 
sterilized. In general, sterilization by dry heat can be accomplished at 
169-170  deg.C for periods of 2 to 4 hours. Higher temperatures reduce 
the time requirements. The heat transfer properties and spatial relation 
or arrangement of materials in the load are critical in ensuring 
effective sterilization.
    (d) Liquid disinfectants. Liquid disinfectants may be used in 
surface treatment, in dip tanks, and, at sufficient concentration, as 
sterilants of liquid waste for final disposal. If liquid disinfectants 
are used, they must have been shown to be effective against the 
organisms present. Important considerations include: temperature, time 
of contact, the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration (pH), 
concentration and state of dispersion, penetrability, and reactivity of 
organic material at the site of application. Small variations in these 
factors may make large differences in the effectiveness of disinfection, 
so complete reliance should not be placed on liquid disinfectants when 
the end result must be sterility. If evidence of efficacy under the 
proposed procedures has not been reported previously, preliminary 
studies to verify the efficacy of liquid disinfectants must be 
conducted. Such studies may include attempts to recover and quantitate 
the agent in question from liquid or swab samples, or sealed patches, by 
animal inoculation, plaque assay, agar or broth cultivation, and similar 
methods, following controlled decontamination under the same 
experimental conditions envisioned for the proposed studies.
    (1) Alcohol. Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol at the concentration of 70-
85 percent by weight will denature proteins but is slow in its 
germicidal action. Alcohols are effective disinfectants for lipid-
containing viruses. These alcohols exhibit no activity against bacterial 

[[Page 557]]

    (2) Phenolic compounds. These are effective disinfectants against 
vegetative bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi, and 
lipid-containing viruses. The phenolics are not effective against 
bacterial spores or non-lipid-containing viruses. The concentrations 
used will be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
    (3) Formaldehyde solutions. Formaldehyde in solution at a 
concentration of 8 percent (formalin) is effective against vegetative 
bacteria, spores, and viruses. It loses considerable disinfectant 
activity below room temperature. Due to the toxic properties of 
formaldehyde, the use of formalin is restricted to surfaces or materials 
that are contained within appropriate engineering controls.
    (4) Quaternary ammonium compounds. These cationic detergents are 
strongly surface-active. They lose effectiveness in the presence of 
proteins and are neutralized by anionic detergents, such as soap. At low 
concentrations, they are bacteriostatic, tuberculostatic, sporostatic, 
fungistatic, and algistatic. At medium concentration, they are 
bactericidal, fungicidal, algicidal, and virucidal against lipophilic 
viruses. They are not tuberculocidal, sporicidal, or virucidal against 
hydrophilic viruses, even at high concentrations. The manufacturer's 
recommended dilution will be used.
    (5) Chlorine. Sodium hypochlorite is normally used as a base for 
chlorine disinfectants. Free available chlorine is the active ingredient 
and, at concentrations of at least 2,500 parts per million (ppm) (0.25 
percent), is a disinfectant that is active against most microorganisms 
and bacterial spores. Chlorine solutions at 2.5 percent free available 
chlorine are effective against most toxins. Chlorine solutions lose 
strength if exposed to air, so fresh solutions must be prepared whenever 
the free chlorine content falls below desired minimums.
    (6) Iodine. The characteristics of chlorine and iodine are similar. 
Iodophor compounds with 1,600 ppm free available iodine provide a 
relatively rapid inactivation of all microorganisms, including some 
bacterial spores. A commonly available iodophor is Wescodyne. The 
manufacturer of Wescodyne recommends a range of dilution form 1 to 3 
ounces per 5 gallons of water, giving a solution containing from 25 to 
75 ppm of free iodine. At these concentrations, available iodine may be 
rapidly taken up by any extraneous protein present and will not be an 
effective sporocide. A solution providing 1,600 ppm iodine is 
recommended for hand washing or for use as a sporocide.
    (7) Mercurials. Although the mercurials exhibit good activity 
against viruses, they are toxic and are not recommended for general use. 
They have poor activity against vegetative bacteria and are totally 
ineffective sporicides. The dilution recommendations stated by the 
manufacturer will be followed.
    (e) Vapors and gases. Formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, peracetic acid, 
beta-propiolactone, methyl bromide, and glutaraldehyde have all been 
used successfully as space sterilants where they can be employed in 
closed systems and with controlled conditions of temperature and 
humidity. Of these, methyl bromide, beta-propiolactone, and 
glutaraldehyde are not recommended because of their toxic properties. 
Peracetic acid can readily decompose with explosive violence in a 
concentrated state and must be used only in a diluted state and with 
extreme care. Formaldehyde and ethylene oxide are both regulated by OSHA 
for their potential human carcinogenicity, but do have permissible 
exposure levels (unlike beta-propiolactone, for example) and can be used 
safely under controlled conditions.
    (1) Formaldehyde. Formaldehyde gas is, in general, the chemical of 
choice for space disinfection. Biological safety cabinets and associated 
effluent air-handling systems and air filters, incubators, laboratory 
rooms, buildings, or other enclosed spaces can be disinfected with 
formaldehyde. The procedures found in appendix E of the National 
Sanitation Foundation Standard Number 49 will be followed for the 
disinfection of biological safety cabinets. Other enclosures or areas 
will be disinfected by following the same principles. To disinfect 
rooms, the generation of formaldehyde gas from heating powdered or flake 
paraformaldehyde is

[[Page 558]]

the preferred method. When area decontamination is performed, use 0.3 
grams of paraformaldehyde for each cubic foot of space to be treated. 
The room or area must be above 70  deg.F, the relative humidity above 70 
percent, and the exposure time at least 2 hours (overnight is 
preferred). After the required time for disinfection, the room must be 
cleared of the formaldehyde gas (a small room with nonporous surfaces 
and no materials or equipment in the room can be cleared of all 
detectable formaldehyde by aeration for one hour, while larger areas 
with equipment in them may take a full day). Before formaldehyde is used 
as a space disinfectant, the area to be treated must be surveyed to 
ensure that there are no open containers of any acidic solution 
containing chloride ion in order to prevent the possible formation of 
bis (chloromethyl)ether, a human carcinogen. Specific OSHA requirements 
for posting of rooms and equipment, personnel protection, and other 
requirements are found in 29 CFR 1910.1048.
    (2) Ethylene oxide (EtO). EtO sterilization will only be conducted 
in a sterilizer designed for that purpose and designed to maintain 
potential exposure levels below the current OSHA standard. EtO is 
effective against all microorganisms, including spores, molds, 
pathogenic fungi, and highly resistant thermophilic bacteria. All 
materials to be used in contact with human skin (for example, clothing, 
shoes, masks, adhesive tape) must be aerated for at least 24 hours after 
sterilization and prior to use. Concentrations of 500 to 1000 ppm are 
required for sterilization. Specific OSHA requirements for the use of 
ethylene oxide are found in 29 CFR 1910.1047.
    (f) UV Radiation. UV radiation at a wave length of 253.7 nanometers 
is a practical method for inactivating airborne virsuses, mycoplasma, 
bacteria, and fungi. The usefulness of UV radiation on exposed surfaces 
is limited by its low penetrating power. UV radiation shall only be 
relied upon to sterilize surfaces when conventional methods, such as 
autoclaving or the use of liquid disinfectants, would make the product 
unusable. An example is data sheets that must be brought out of a 
biocontainment facility. The UV intensity must be at least 40 
microwatts/cm 3 on the surface to be treated. Single sheets 
of paper may be treated by exposing them to this radiation for a minimum 
of 15 minutes. A calibrated photoelectric UV intensity meter, capable of 
measuring UV radiation at a wave length of 253.7 nanometers, will be 
used whenever a new UV source is installed, and quarterly thereafter, to 
ensure the UV source is providing at least 40 microwatts/cm 3 
at the work surface. Bulbs should be cleaned routinely to remove any 
accumulated dust and prolong bulb performance and assure proper energy 
output. Protective eye wear and clothing may be necessary when working 
around UV radiation.

Sec. 627.34  Disposal.

    Inactivation is the first step in the disposal of etiologic agents 
or materials that are potentially contaminated with them. All 
contaminated or potentially contaminated materials must be effectively 
disinfected or sterilized by an approved procedure discussed in 
Sec. 627.33. After decontamination, reusable items, such as clothing or 
glassware, may be washed with other uncontaminated or decontaminated 
    (a) Combustible items. Combustible disposable items should be bagged 
and incinerated in an appropriate approved incinerator or otherwise 
disposed of in accordance with State and local regulations.
    (b) Noncombustible disposable items. Items will be packaged as 
stated in Sec. 626.34(e) and disposed of by a licensed waste hauler.
    (c) Equipment. Equipment that cannot be autoclaved will be 
decontaminated by gaseous sterilization or with a suitable liquid 
disinfectant. Such equipment will be certified as decontaminated by the 
safety officer.
    (d) Waste. Materials generated, such as solvents, acids, chemical 
carcinogens, radioactive isotopes, medical waste, or dead animals must 
be decontaminated, packaged, and then disposed of in accordance with 
EPA, NRC, local, State, and Federal regulations.

[[Page 559]]

    (e) Mixed waste. When two or more hazardous materials are mixed 
together, the mixture will be decontaminated and disposed of in 
accordance with EPA, NRC, State, and Federal regulations for the 
mixture, or for the most hazardous material.
    (f) Packaging. Solid waste will be placed in cans, sturdy bags, or 
boxes. Rigid, puncture-resistant, sealable containers will be used for 
packaging ``sharps.'' When wet materials are packaged for disposal, the 
materials will be placed in a leak-proof container. Heavy waste will be 
placed in rigid containers ensuring that the burst strength of the 
container is not exceeded.
    (g) Labeling. A method of verifying that all items prepared for 
disposal have been decontaminated will be established for etiologic 
agent wastes. Mixed waste will be labeled as appropriate to indicate the 
hazards that must be addressed after decontamination.
    (h) Recordkeeping. A manifest will be initiated and maintained, 
where required, to record the disposition and transfer of waste. 
Applicable Federal, State, and local ordnances will be followed.

   Subpart F--Importation, Shipment, and Transport of Etiologic Agents

Sec. 627.35  Introduction.

    The CDC of the Public Health Service (PHS), the United States 
Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration 
(FDA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), the United States Postal 
Service and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulate 
the importation, shipment, and transportation of etiologic agents. This 
chapter outlines the minimum administrative requirements the commander 
or institute director are to follow and gives sources for information on 
the requirements for importation, packaging, labeling, and shipment of 
etiologic agents.

Sec. 627.36  Administration.

    The commander or institute director will establish the following 
controls to ensure that etiologic agents are transported with proper 
authorization, controls, and procedures:
    (a) Institute policies will be established in writing to ensure that 
before etiologic agents are acquired or shipped--
    (1) The division chief responsible for the area where work with 
etiologic agents is to be conducted approves all acquisitions or 
    (2) The safety officer is informed in writing of the type and amount 
of any BL-4 or USDA-restricted etiologic agent (listed in HHS 
publication No. (NIH) 88-8395 or current edition) being received, and 
the estimated date of arrival.
    (3) The recipient of all etiologic agents shipped from an institute 
will be documented.
    (4) The commander or institute director approves all acquisitions 
and shipments of BL-4 or USDA-restricted etiologic agents.
    (5) The commander or institute director approves all requests for 
shipments to or from foreign countries and to individuals not affiliated 
with an institution or agency (for example, physicians in private 
    (6) The Office of The Surgeon General, United States Army, or the 
Commander, United States Army Materiel Command (AMC) approves the 
initial acquisition and use of all reference stocks of etiologic agents 
and transfers between Army RDTE activities in accordance with AR 70-65.
    (7) There is full compliance with the regulatory requirements 
referenced in Secs. 627.37, 627.38, 627.39 and 627.40.
    (8) The following information regarding the recipient and the 
intended use of BL-4 and USDA-restricted animal pathogens, will be kept 
on file for 10 years. This information will also be kept for all 
shipments to or from foreign countries and to individuals not affiliated 
with an institution or agency (for example, physicians in private 
    (i) The requester's name and address.
    (ii) The type and amount of the etiologic agent to be sent.
    (iii) The qualifications of the recipient of the etiologic agent.
    (iv) The intended use of the etiologic agent.

[[Page 560]]

    (v) A statement indicating that the agent is not for human use.
    (b) Etiologic agents assigned to biosafety level 1, 2, or 3, 
approved for shipment, and properly labeled and packaged may be shipped 
by commercial cargo carriers.
    (c) All etiologic agents assigned to BL-4 or USDA-restricted animal 
pathogens approved for shipment and properly packaged, will be 
accompanied by a designated courier, or under close supervision of a 
responsible party who will monitor aspects of the shipment, ensuring 
that required transfers have been completed and documented and final 
receipt has been accomplished and acknowledged.

Sec. 627.37  Importation directives.

    Importation of etiologic agents is subject to the Public Health 
Service Foreign Quarantine Regulations (42 CFR 71.156). Examples of 
permits authorizing the importation or receipt of regulated materials 
and specifying conditions under which the etiologic agent is shipped, 
handled, and used are contained in appendix E to this part.

Sec. 627.38  Shipment directives.

    Shipping unmarked and unidentified etiologic agents is prohibited. 
Etiologic agents will be packaged, labeled, and shipped according to the 
requirements found in the Interstate Shipment of Etiologic Agents 
Regulations (42 CFR part 72) and its amendments. The USDA regulations in 
9 CFR parts 102 through 104, 122 and the FDA regulations in 21 CFR parts 
312 and 600 through 680 will also be followed as applicable. Packaging 
and labeling requirements for interstate shipment of etiologic agents 
are summarized and illustrated in appendix D. Permits authorizing the 
shipment of regulated materials and specifying conditions under which 
the etiologic agent is shipped, handled, and used are contained in 
appendix E to this part.

Sec. 627.39  Transportation directives.

    The packaging and labeling requirements cited above must be followed 
for the local transport of etiologic agents and diagnostic specimens by 
courier or by other delivery services. Similar requirements and 
restrictions applicable to the transport of etiologic agents, diagnostic 
specimens, and biological products by all modes of transportation (that 
is, air, motor, rail, and water) are imposed by the Department of 
Transportation (49 CFR part 173), IATA ``Dangerous Goods Regulations,'' 
the Air Transport Association ``Restricted Articles Tariff 6-D,'' the 
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Postal Bulletin No. 
21246 ``International Mail-Hazardous Materials,'' 39 CFR, and, the 
Domestic Mail Manual. When shipments exceed 4 liters, the requirements 
found in AR 740-32 will be followed.

Sec. 627.40  Additional requirements.

    Additional requirements for importation, shipment, and 
transportation of infectious agents and hazardous materials that must be 
followed are contained in the following directives:
    (a) AR 40-12, Medical and Agricultural Foreign and Domestic 
Quarantine Regulations for Vessels, Aircraft, and Other Transports of 
the Armed Forces.
    (b) AR 70-65, Management of Controlled Substances, Ethyl Alcohol, 
and Hazardous Biological Substances in Army Research, Development, Test, 
and Evaluation Facilities.

Sec. 627.41  Sources for further information on shipment of etiologic agents.

    (a) Guide for Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 4(1), 
February 10, 1975. Copies are obtainable from the Office of Research 
Grants Inquiries, NIH, Department of Health and Human Services, 5333 
Westbard Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20205.
    (b) The CDC, Office of Biosafety, 1600 Clifton Road N.E., Atlanta, 
Georgia 30333. Telephone (404) 639-3883, or FTS: 236-3883.
    (c) The American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Packaging and 
Shipping of Biological Materials at ATCC. Copies may be obtained from 
the ATCC, 12301 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852. Phone (301) 881-
    (d) National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), 
Procedures for the Domestic Handling and Transport of Diagnostic 
Specimens and

[[Page 561]]

Etiologic Agents, (H5-A2), Second edition. Vol. 5, No. 1. Copies are 
obtainable from the NCCLS, 771 East Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 

                          Subpart G--Facilities

Sec. 627.42  Introduction.

    The design of the facility is important in providing a secondary 
barrier to protect individuals inside and outside the facility. Because 
the hazards presented by various organisms and materials vary, the 
requirements for the facility will vary accordingly. The minimum 
facility requirements for the various biosafety levels and toxins are 
described below. The biosafety levels correspond to those described in 
the HHS Publication Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical 
Laboratories (HHS No. (NIH) 88-8395), while the large-scale biosafety 
levels were adapted from those described in the NIH Guidelines for 
Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules.

Sec. 627.43  Biosafety level 1.

    (a) Laboratories. Each laboratory used for this level will, as a 
minimum, have the following features:
    (1) A sink for handwashing.
    (2) Work surfaces that are impervious to water and resistant to 
acids, alkalis, organic solvents, and moderate heat.
    (3) Fly screens on any windows that can be opened.
    (4) Furnishings and surfaces that are sturdy and designed to be 
easily cleaned.
    (5) Spaces between furnishings and equipment that are accessible for 
    (b) Animal facilities. Each room will have the following features:
    (1) Design and construction to facilitate cleaning and housekeeping.
    (2) A sink for handwashing within the facility.
    (3) Fly screens on any windows that can be opened.
    (4) Ventilation designed so that the direction of airflow in the 
animal facility is inward, with the exhausted air discharged to the 
outside without being recirculated.
    (5) Self-closing doors that open inward.

Sec. 627.44  Biosafety level 2.

    (a) Laboratories. Each laboratory used for this level of hazard will 
have, in addition to the requirements stated in Sec. 627.43(a), the 
    (1) An autoclave available.
    (2) Containment equipment necessary for the operations unless the 
safety officer approves the use of a compensatory level of personal 
protective equipment.
    (3) An eyewash available near the laboratory.
    (b) Animal facilities. In addition to the requirements stated in 
Sec. 627.43(b), facilities will include--
    (1) A sink for handwashing in each room where animals are housed.
    (2) An autoclave available in the building.
    (3) Appropriate containment equipment unless the safety officer 
approves the use of a compensatory level of personal protective 

Sec. 627.45  Biosafety level 3.

    (a) General requirements. Each suite used as a laboratory or in 
which infected animals are housed will, as a minimum, have the following 
    (1) Physical separation from areas which are open to unrestricted 
    (2) All entrances to each laboratory or animal room from the 
nonlaboratory access corridors will be through two sets of doors. A 
change room or airlock may be incorporated between the doors.
    (3) The interior surfaces of walls, floors, and ceilings will be 
water resistant so that they may be easily cleaned.
    (4) All penetrations into the walls, floors, and ceilings should be 
sealed or capable of being sealed to facilitate decontamination.
    (5) A foot, elbow, or automatically operated sink will be located 
near the exit door to each laboratory or animal room.
    (6) An autoclave should be in each laboratory or animal room and 
will be available to the facility.
    (7) A ventilation system that will--
    (i) Create directional airflow that draws air into the laboratory 
through the entry areas.
    (ii) Not recirculate laboratory air.

[[Page 562]]

    (iii) Discharge the exhaust air from the laboratory to the outside 
and disperse the exhaust air away from occupied areas and air intakes.
    (iv) Exhaust the HEPA-filtered air from Class I or II biological 
safety cabinets or other primary containment devices directly to the 
exterior of the laboratory or through the building exhaust system. 
Exhaust air from the cabinets may be recirculated within the laboratory 
if the cabinet is tested and certified at least every 12 months. If the 
filtered cabinet exhaust is discharged through the building exhaust 
system, it will be connected to this system in a manner (for example, 
thimble unit connection) that avoids any interference with the air 
balance of the cabinets or the building exhaust system.
    (8) All windows to the facility will be sealed shut.
    (9) Appropriate biological safety cabinets or other specialized 
containment equipment will be provided.
    (10) Any vacuum line in the facility will have a HEPA filter and 
liquid disinfectant trap.
    (11) Bench tops that are impervious to water and resistant to acids, 
alkalis, organic solvents, and moderate heat.
    (12) Furnishings that are sturdy and spaces between benches, 
cabinets, and equipment that are accessible for cleaning.
    (13) An eyewash available in or near the laboratory.
    (b) Additional animal facility requirements. In addition to the 
requirements given in Sec. 627.44(b) and 627.45(a), all doors to the 
animal rooms will open inward and be self-closing.

Sec. 627.46  Biosafety level 4.

    The engineering controls within the facility must provide absolute 
biological containment. All procedures with etiologic agents requiring 
this biosafety level of facilities, equipment, and procedures must be 
conducted either in Class III biological safety cabinets, or in a 
facility that is designed for the use of a personal positive pressure 
suit as described in Sec. 627.46(b) in conjunction with Class I or II 
biological safety cabinets.
    (a) General requirements. The facility will have the following 
    (1) A separate building or a clearly demarcated and isolated area 
within a building which incorporates positive personnel control for 
    (2) All entrances from access corridors incorporate an inner and 
outer change room.
    (3) Inner and outer change rooms separated by a shower facility.
    (4) A double-doored autoclave, fumigation chamber, or ventilated 
airlock for passage of all items which do not enter the facility through 
the change room.
    (5) Interior surfaces of walls, floors, and ceilings resistant to 
water and chemicals to facilitate cleaning and disinfecting.
    (6) Walls, floors, and ceilings of the facility constructed to form 
a sealed internal shell which facilitates fumigation and is animal and 
insect proof.
    (7) All penetrations into the walls, floors, and ceilings sealed.
    (8) All liquid drains in the facility connected directly to a liquid 
waste decontamination system.
    (i) Holding tanks collecting waste from sinks, biological safety 
cabinets, floors, and autoclave chambers provide decontamination by heat 
    (ii) Holding tanks collecting waste from shower rooms and toilets 
provide decontamination by heat or chemical disinfectant methods.
    (9) Sewer and other ventilation vents contain in-line HEPA filters.
    (10) Internal facility appurtenances (for example, light fixtures, 
air ducts, and utility pipes) arranged to minimize the horizontal 
surface area on which dust can settle.
    (11) A foot, elbow, or automatically operated handwashing sink 
located near the exit door to each laboratory or animal room.
    (12) Self-closing and lockable access doors.
    (13) A ventilation system that--
    (i) Is dedicated to the facility and provides fresh air meeting 
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Condition Engineers, 
Inc. (ASHRAE) Standard 62.
    (ii) Maintains a negative pressure differential and assures flow 
inward from areas outside of the facility toward areas of highest 
potential risk.

[[Page 563]]

    (iii) Has manometers or magnehelic gauges to provide, sense, and 
display pressure differentials between adjacent areas maintained at 
different pressure levels. An alarm will sound when the pressures fall 
below acceptable levels.
    (iv) Has the air supply and exhaust interlocked to ensure that 
exhaust failure or reduction will not allow the air pressure in the area 
to become positive to the adjacent areas.
    (v) Does not recirculate exhaust air.
    (vi) Is HEPA-filtered and discharged to the outside, dispersing the 
exhaust air away from occupied areas and air intakes.
    (vii) Has the HEPA filters on the exhaust located as near to the 
rooms as is practicable.
    (viii) Has the filter chambers designed to allow in-place 
decontamination before the filters are removed and to facilitate 
certification testing.
    (ix) Contains prefilters and HEPA filters in the air supply system 
to protect the supply air system should air pressures become unbalanced.
    (x) Exhausts the HEPA-filtered air from Class I or II biological 
safety cabinets directly into the laboratory or to the exterior of the 
building. If the HEPA-filtered exhaust from these cabinets is 
recirculated, the cabinets are tested and certified every 6 months. If 
the filtered cabinet exhaust is discharged through the building exhaust 
system, it will be connected to this system in a manner (for example, 
thimble unit connection) that avoids any interference with the air 
balance of the cabinets or the building exhaust system.
    (xi) Passes the treated exhaust air from Class III biological safety 
cabinets through two sets of HEPA filters in series to the exterior of 
the facility through the laboratory exhaust air system.
    (14) Windows (if present) sealed shut and breakage resistant.
    (15) Has a double-doored autoclave for decontaminating materials 
passing out of the facility. The autoclave door that opens to the area 
external to the facility is sealed to the outer wall and automatically 
controlled so that it can only be opened after the autoclave 
sterilization cycle has been completed.
    (16) Has a pass-through dunk tank, fumigation chamber, or an 
equivalent decontamination method for materials and equipment that 
cannot be autoclaved.
    (17) Has central vacuum systems (if present) that--
    (i) Do not serve areas outside the facility.
    (ii) Have an in-line HEPA filter placed as near as practicable to 
each use point or service cock.
    (iii) Have filters designed to allow in-place decontamination and 
    (18) Liquid and gas services to the facility provided with 
protective devices that prevent backflow.
    (b) Additional requirements for personal positive pressure suit 
areas. If personal positive pressure suits are worn in lieu of using 
Class III biological safety cabinets for containment, a special suit 
area will be provided. The suit area will provide the following, in 
addition to the requirements stated in Sec. 627.46(a):
    (1) An exhaust system dedicated to that area that provides 
filtration by two sets of HEPA filters installed in series. This system 
will be backed up by a duplicate filtration unit, exhaust fan, and an 
automatically starting emergency power source. The ventilation system 
will maintain the suit area under negative pressure relative to the 
surrounding areas.
    (2) An entry area consisting of an airlock fitted with airtight 
    (3) A chemical shower to decontaminate the surface of the personal 
positive pressure suit upon exit.
    (4) An air supply and distribution system to support the life 
support system of the personal positive pressure suits.
    (5) Emergency lighting and communications systems.
    (6) Sealed penetrations into the internal shell of the area.
    (7) A double-doored autoclave to decontaminate waste materials to be 
removed from the suit area.
    (c) Additional laboratory requirements. In addition to those given 
in Sec. 627.45, if water fountains are provided, they will be foot 
operated and located in the facility corridors outside the laboratory.

[[Page 564]]

    (d) Additional animal facility requirements. In addition to those 
requirements given in Sec. 627.45, all animal facility external doors 
will be self-locking.

Sec. 627.47  Large-scale facilities.

    The following requirements apply to facilities in which an 
individual culture of viable etiologic agents exceed 10 liters:
    (a) BL-1 LS. In addition to the laboratory requirements stated 
Sec. 627.43(a), the exhaust gases removed from a closed system or other 
primary containment equipment shall be treated by filters which have 
efficiencies equivalent to HEPA filters or by other equivalent 
procedures (for example, incineration) to minimize the release of viable 
    (b) BL-2 LS. In addition to the requirements stated in 
Secs. 627.44(a) and 627.47(a), these facilities will have--
    (1) Rotating seals and other mechanical devices directly associated 
with a closed system used to contain viable organisms shall be designed 
to prevent leakage or shall be fully enclosed in ventilated housings 
that are exhausted through filters which have efficiencies equivalent to 
HEPA filters or through equivalent treatment devices.
    (2) A closed system used to propagate and grow viable organisms 
shall include monitoring or sensing devices that monitor the integrity 
of containment during operations.
    (3) Closed systems used for the propagation and growth of viable 
organisms shall be tested operationally for integrity of the containment 
features. The containment will be rechecked following modification or 
replacement of essential containment features. Procedures and methods 
used in the testing shall be appropriate for the equipment design and 
for recovery and demonstration of the test organism. Records of tests 
and results shall be maintained on file.
    (c) BL-3 LS. The requirements stated in Secs. 627.45 and 627.57(b) 
apply, and all closed systems and other primary containment equipment 
used in handling cultures of viable organisms shall be located within a 
controlled area which meets the requirements of a BL-3 facility plus the 
following requirements:
    (1) All utilities and service or process piping or wiring entering 
the controlled area shall be protected against contamination.
    (2) A shower facility shall be provided. This facility shall be 
located near the controlled area.
    (3) The controlled area shall be designed to preclude release of 
culture fluids outside in the event of an accidental spill or release 
from the closed systems or other primary containment equipment.
    (4) The controlled area shall have a ventilation system capable of 
controlling air movement. The movement of air shall be from areas of 
lower contamination potential to areas of higher contamination 
potential. If the ventilation system provides positive pressure supply 
air, the system shall operate so as to prevent the reversal of air 
movement or shall be equipped with an alarm that would be actuated if 
reversal in the direction of air movement were to occur. The exhaust air 
from the controlled area shall not be recirculated to other areas of the 
facility. The exhaust air from the controlled area may be discharged to 
the outdoors after filtration or other means of effectively reducing an 
accidental aerosol burden, and dispersed clear of occupied buildings and 
air intakes.

Sec. 627.48  Toxins.

    General requirements for all facilities in which toxins are used are 
as follows. Such facilities will--
    (a) Have a ventilation system that provides three to six air changes 
per hour, and that provides a directional airflow inward relative to the 
access halls.
    (b) Have a sink for handwashing.
    (c) Have an eyewash available.
    (d) Have bench tops that are impervious to water and resistant to 
acids, alkalis, organic solvents, and moderate heat.
    (e) Have furniture, furnishings, and surfaces that are sturdy and 
designed to be easily cleaned.
    (f) Be arranged so that items are accessible for cleaning.
    (g) Have a quick-drench shower available within the facility.

[[Page 565]]

    (h) A fume hood, biological safety cabinet, glove box, or equivalent 
engineering control equipped with HEPA filters and with charcoal filters 
if volatile materials are being used.

                     Subpart H--Engineering Controls

Sec. 627.49  Introduction.

    As required by the OSHA and recommended by the American Industrial 
Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the CDC, engineering controls and proper 
microbiological techniques are the primary means of protecting personnel 
who work with potentially hazardous biological materials. In situations 
of potentially higher hazard, these engineering controls are 
supplemented by personal protective clothing and equipment. Thus, the 
engineering controls discussed in this chapter will be the primary means 
of personnel and environmental protection when working with etiologic 
agents. Because of the importance of these engineering controls, this 
chapter contains not only requirements for the engineering and 
construction of these controls, but also requirements for their 
certification and continuous satisfactory performance. These will be 
described for each engineering control.

Sec. 627.50  Class I biological safety cabinet.

    (a) Description. The Class I biological safety cabinet (figure H-I 
in appendix F to this part) is a ventilated cabinet for personnel 
protection only. The cabinet provides an uncirculated inward flow of air 
away from the operator. The exhaust is passed through a HEPA filter. It 
may be discharged into the laboratory or vented out of the laboratory 
and dispersed away from occupied spaces or air intakes. When the exhaust 
is recirculated in a BL-2 or BL-3 facility, the cabinet must be tested 
and certified annually. In a BL-4 facility, if the exhaust is 
recirculated, the cabinet must be tested and certified semiannually.
    (b) Uses. These cabinets are used if personnel protection against 
the microorganisms is required; for modest quantities of volatile, 
toxic, or radioactive chemicals (in concentrations and quantities 
associated with biological systems) if vented to the outside; and when 
sterility is not required. They are commonly used for housing tabletop 
centrifuges, in the necropsy of small animals, and for changing animal 
    (c) Prohibitions. This class of cabinet is not to be used when 
sterility must be maintained. In addition, volatile, toxic, or 
radioactive materials can not be used in this class of cabinet when the 
exhaust air is not exhausted to the exterior.
    (d) Certifications and requirements. (1) The inward air velocity on 
these cabinets will be an average of 100 plus or minus 20 linear feet 
per minute (lfpm). Each cabinet must be certified before use and 
semiannually thereafter by a face velocity test. Additionally, smoke 
tests will be performed annually to verify containment.
    (2) The exhaust system will have a HEPA filter, which will be tested 
initially upon installation, after repair or replacement, and every 2 
years thereafter (except when required more often). Filters will be 
certified to be 99.97 percent effective in capturing particulate matter 
by a leakage test using mineral oil or other appropriate aerosol 
dispersed as 0.3 micron droplets.

Sec. 627.51  Class II biological safety cabinet.

    All Class II biological safety cabinets (figure H-II in appendix F 
to this part) are ventilated cabinets for personnel and product 
protection, having an open front with inward air flow for personnel 
    (a) Operating standards. (1) All of these cabinets must conform and 
be certified to meet National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard No. 
49 revised, June 1987, for the applicable type of cabinet.
    (2) After installation and before use, and annually thereafter, the 
cabinets will be tested in accordance with NSF Standard No. 49 (latest 
revision June 1987) as follows:
    (i) Primary (required) tests--
    (A) Velocity profile test.
    (B) Work access opening airflow (face velocity) test.
    (C) HEPA filter leak test.

[[Page 566]]

    (D) Cabinet integrity test (soap bubble test) for cabinets with 
positive pressure internal plenums.
    (ii) Secondary (optional) tests--
    (A) Vibration test.
    (B) Electrical leakage and ground circuit resistance tests.
    (C) Noise level test.
    (D) Lighting intensity test.
    (E) UV light intensity test.
    (3) After repairs or alterations to the cabinetry or ventilation 
system that affect the cabinet, the tests listed in Sec. 627.51(a)(2) 
will be performed for the relevant parameters.
    (4) The work access opening airflow (face velocity) test, as 
specified in NSF Standard No. 49 (latest revision, June 1987), will be 
performed to check that the cabinet is within specifications on an 
annual basis for BL-1 and BL-2 and toxin use. This test will be 
performed semiannually on cabinets used for BL-3 and BL-4 as well as for 
work with dry forms of toxins.
    (5) When the exhaust is recirculated in a BL-4 facility, the cabinet 
must be tested and certified semiannually.
    (b) Class IIA biological safety cabinets.--(1) Description. A Class 
IIA biological safety cabinet is one in which typically 70 percent of 
the air is recirculated within the cabinet and the exhaust passes 
through a HEPA filter before discharge. The exhaust may be exhausted 
into the room and positive-pressure contaminated ducts and plenums 
within the cabinet are allowed. Type A cabinets shall have a minimum 
calculated face velocity of 75 feet per minute (fmp).
    (2) Uses. These cabinets are for working with low-to-moderate risk 
biological samples and for protecting personnel against biological 
material while providing a sterile atmosphere in which to handle the 
    (3) Prohibitions. Materials that are toxic or volatile must not be 
used in these cabinets.
    (c) Class IIB1 biological safety cabinets.--(1) 
Description. A Class IIB1 biological safety cabinet is one 
that maintains a minimum average inflow of air of 100 plus or minus 20 
lfpm and in which typically 30 percent of the air is recirculated. All 
recirculated and exhausted air passes through two HEPA filters in 
series. All contaminated internal ducts and plenums are under negative 
pressure. Type B cabinets shall have a minimum calculated face velocity 
of 100 fpm.
    (2) Uses. When ultra-sterility is needed, these are the cabinets of 
choice. The double filtration achieves a cleaner atmosphere. Minute 
quantities of volatile, toxic, or volatile radioactive materials 
coincidental to use in biological systems may also be used in these 
    (3) Prohibitions. More than minute quantities of toxic, volatile, or 
radioactive materials must not be used in these cabinets.
    (4) Additional certifications or requirements. None.
    (d) Class IIB2 biological safety cabinets.--(1) 
Description. A Class IIB2 biological safety cabinet is one 
that maintains a minimum average of 100 plus or minus 20 lfpm inward 
flow and in which all air is exhausted directly from the cabinet through 
a HEPA filter without recirculation within the cabinet. All contaminated 
ducts and plenums are under negative pressure. Type B cabinets shall 
have a minimum calculated face velocity of 100 fpm.
    (2) Uses. These cabinets are recommended when small quantities of 
volatile, flammable, or toxic chemicals must be used coincidentally with 
items requiring sterility.
    (3) Prohibitions. While these cabinets do offer the greatest degree 
of safety for volatile, toxic, and flammable chemical handling in a 
sterile environment, they are not to be used in place of a fume hood to 
prepare stock solutions of hazardous chemicals.
    (e) Class IIB3 biological safety cabinets.--(1) 
Description. A Class IIB3 biological safety cabinet is one 
that meets all of the requirements of a Class IIB2 biological 
safety cabinet except that it recirculates most (typically 70 percent) 
of the air inside the cabinet. Type B cabinets shall have a minimum 
calculated face velocity of 100 fpm.
    (2) Uses. Minute amounts of nonflammable chemicals can be used 
coincidentally with low-to-moderate risk biological agents.
    (3) Prohibitions. Flammable materials and more than minute amounts 
of toxic, radioactive, or volatile chemicals must not be used in these 

[[Page 567]]

    (4) Additional certifications or requirements. None.

Sec. 627.52  Class III biological safety cabinet.

    (a) Description. These cabinets (figure H-III in appendix F to this 
part) are totally enclosed, ventilated cabinets of gas-tight 
construction. Operations are conducted through attached rubber gloves. 
The supply of air is drawn into the cabinet through HEPA filters. The 
exhaust air is treated by double HEPA filtration, or by HEPA filtration 
followed by incineration, and is not allowed to recirculate within the 
    (b) Uses. These cabinets provide the ultimate protection for 
personnel. They are suitable for low, moderate, and high-risk etiologic 
    (c) Prohibitions. More than minute amounts of flammables must not be 
used in these cabinets.
    (d) Certifications and requirements. (1) These cabinets will have a 
manometer or magnehelic gauge that indicates the negative pressure that 
is maintained inside the cabinet. The pressure inside the cabinet should 
be a minimum of 0.5 inches water gauge negative to the surrounding room.
    (2) These cabinets will be pressure tested by the soap bubble or 
halogen leak test as prescribed in NSF Standard No. 49, appendix B1 
(latest revision, June 1987), and certified, when the HEPA filter units 
are serviced.

Sec. 627.53  Fume hood.

    Fume hoods in which etiologic agents are handled must use proven 
technologies to provide optimal containment. Fume hood placement, 
design, and capture testing requirements for use in designing new 
laboratories can be found in the latest edition of Industrial 
Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, published by the 
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
    (a) Description. Fume hoods are common chemical laboratory 
furnishings designed to capture fumes from chemicals that are used 
within them. Air is drawn through the opening and vented to the exterior 
without recirculation.
    (b) Uses. Fume hoods provide excellent containment for handling 
hazardous chemicals.
    (c) Prohibitions. Moderate risk biologicals and open containers of 
dry forms of toxins must not be used in a fume hood without HEPA 
filtration. Fume hoods should never be used when sterility is required.
    (d) Certification and requirements. (1) Inward air flow will be an 
average of 100 plus or minus 20 lfpm as measured at the face of the fume 
hood. Proper function of laboratory hoods is not only a function of face 
velocity. An evaluation of the total operating environment is necessary.
    (2) When filters are required, they will be certified by the mineral 
oil droplet (HEPA) or Freon (Charcoal) leak test as appropriate. Leakage 
through the filters will be less than 0.05 percent for Freon and 0.03 
percent for oil droplets when initially installed.
    (3) Fume hoods will be provided with indicator devices to give a 
warning should the ventilation system fail or if the hood face velocity 
falls below an average of 80 lfpm
    (4) Hood air flow will be certified when installed, when maintenance 
is performed on the ventilation system, and semiannually thereafter.

Sec. 627.54  Glove box.

    (a) Description. A glove box is an enclosure that provides a 
positive barrier from liquids, solids, and chemical vapors. A glove box 
has viewing ports and glove ports for access. The box maintains 
personnel protection through solid barriers and maintenance of a 
negative pressure relative to its surroundings.
    (b) Uses. Glove boxes are used when extreme containment is needed 
for highly toxic chemicals, especially for dry chemicals that can be 
swept out of containers by the airflow in hoods.
    (c) Prohibitions. Unventilated boxes must not be used with volatile 
flammable materials and should be used with volatile toxic materials 
unless dilution ventilation is provided.
    (d) Additional certifications and requirements. (1) The glove box 
will be maintained at a pressure of at least 0.25 inches water guage 
less than its surroundings.
    (2) The pressure differential will be indicated by a manometer or 
magnehelic guage. Indicator devices

[[Page 568]]

will display a loss of pressure below 0.25 inches water guage.
    (3) Gloves will be changed at appropriate intervals (dependent on 
the box contents) to ensure they provide the protection needed.
    (4) Inlets that provide dilution air will be protected by HEPA 

Sec. 627.55  Ventilated balance enclosures.

    (a) Description. A ventilated balance enclosure is a box that 
surrounds a balance and has a small open area for access and handling 
material in the front. Air is exhausted out the rear of the enclosure.
    (b) Uses. A ventilated balance enclosure is used when containment of 
a balance is required to weigh hazardous materials that have a low vapor 
pressure (such as toxins). These enclosures are also used when it is 
best to use the balance in other than a fume hood (due to the turbulence 
and vibration) and when biological safety cabinets or glove boxes are 
inappropriate or unavailable. Dry forms of toxins may be weighed in 
these enclosures.
    (c) Prohibitions. Very volatile or highly toxic volatile materials 
must not be handled in ventilated balance enclosures unless they are 
placed in closed containers in a properly functioning fume hood before 
being transferred to the balance enclosure.
    (d) Additional certifications or requirements. (1) The flow through 
the openings in the enclosure will be at least 60 lfpm and must average 
between 60 and 80 lfpm.
    (2) Containment will be certified prior to first use and annually 
thereafter by smoke tubes.
    (3) The air flow will be certified initially and semiannually by 
averaging readings taken from the face of the opening.

Sec. 627.56  Ventilated cage enclosures.

    There are a number of cage-ventilated enclosures in which infected 
animals may be housed at levels corresponding to the various classes of 
biological safety cabinets. A brief description of four different types 
of animal ventilated cages is given below. This is not a complete 
description of all the different animal ventilated cages available. The 
proper functioning of these will be tested initially, upon each 
connection to exhaust sources, and at least annually. The inward flow 
rates on the partial containment systems and pressure checks on the 
total containment cages will be performed. Prior to selecting such 
equipment, an evaluation of the function and the equipment should be 
made, and the methods for testing and decontamination should be analyzed 
and documented.
    (a) Filter-top cages. Small laboratory animal polystyrene or 
polycarbonate cage bottoms are fitted with a dome shaped glass fiber or 
polyester filter cage cover. The dome shaped filters help reduce the 
dissemination of aerosols, and the spread of infectious agents. Adequate 
ventilation around cages fitted with a dome shaped filter is essential 
since they may contain elevated ammonia and carbon dioxide levels, and 
high temperature and humidity. Ventilation recommendations in the NIH 
publication 86-23, 1985 ``Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory 
Animals'' will be followed.
    (b) Forced ventilation cages. This is a small HEPA-filtered cage 
connected to a centralized exhaust system. A minimum airflow of 0.03 
m\3\ /min per cage is required. Ventilation rates may vary with the size 
of the cage, and the number and type of animals being housed.
    (c) Cubicle-type isolation cage. This is a partial containment unit 
which holds several animal cages. This unit is a negative pressure HEPA-
filtered stainless steel cage. A minimum airflow of 0.3 m\3\ /min per 
cage is required for a 0.24 m\3\ unit. Ventilation rates may vary with 
the size of the cage and the number and type of animals being housed.
    (d) Total containment cage. This unit is a negative pressure or 
positive pressure HEPA-filtered stainless steel cage which has the 
filters incorporated into the design. It is halogen gas-leak tight and 
can be considered a Class III biological safety cabinet. A minimum 
airflow of 0.3 m\3\ /min per cage is required for a 0.24 m\3\ unit. 
Ventilation rates may vary with the size of the cage, and the number and 
type of animals being housed.

[[Page 569]]

Sec. 627.57  Ventilated cage areas.

    Ventilated cage areas within a room that are solid-walled and 
bottomed areas for containing multiple cages housing infected animals. 
The containment for these areas is equivalent to the Class I biological 
safety cabinet. For testing purposes, they will be treated the same as a 
Class I biological safety cabinet.

                   Appendix A to Part 627--References

    Publications referenced in this part can be obtained from the 
National Technical Information Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

                          Required Publications

                                AR 11-34

    Army Respiratory Protection Program. (Cited in Secs. 627.31(h)(2) 
and 627.31(h)(4).)

                                 AR 40-5

    Preventive Medicine. (Cited in Sec. 627.8.)

                                AR 40-10

    Health Hazard Assessment Program in Support of the Army Materiel 
Acquisition Decision Process. (Cited in Sec. 627.7(a)(8).)

                                AR 40-12

    Medical and Agricultural Foreign and Domestic Quarantine Regulations 
for Vessels, Aircraft, and Other Transports of the Armed Forces. (Cited 
in Sec. 627.40(a).)

                                AR 40-66

    Medical Records and Quality Assurance Administration. (Cited in 
Sec. 627.9.)

                                AR 40-400

    Patient Administration. (Cited in Sec. 627.8(e).)

                                AR 70-65

    Management of Controlled Substances, Ethyl Alcohol, and Hazardous 
Biological Substances in Army Research, Development, Test, and 
Evaluation Facilities. (Cited in Secs. 627.36(a)(6) and 627.40(b).)

                                AR 385-10

    Army Safety Program. (Cited in Secs. 627.6 and 627.31(h)(4).)

                                AR 385-69

    Biological Defense Safety Program. (Cited in Secs. 627.6, 627.7(a), 
627.7(a)(8), 627.7(d), 627.11(c), 627.18(a) and 627.18(f)(1).)

                                AR 740-32

    Responsibilities for Technical Escort of Dangerous Materials. (Cited 
in Sec. 627.39.)

                          Related Publications

    A related publication is merely a source of additional information. 
The user does not have to read it to understand this pamphlet.

                                AR 40-14

    Control and Recording Procedures for Exposure to Ionizing Radiation 
and Radioactive Materials.

                             ANSI Z86.1-1973

    Breathing Air

                           ASHRAE Standard 62

    Bacterial Toxins: A Table of Lethal Amounts, Gill, D.M., 
Microbiological Reviews, Volume 46, Number 1; March 1982, pages 86-94.

                       Biohazards Reference Manual

    American Industrial Hygiene Association, 1985, Clinical Medicine 
Branch, Division of Host Factors, Center for Infectious Disease, Centers 
for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA 30333, telephone: (404) 639-3356, 
Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet G-7.1

                          Grade D Breathing Air

    Dangerous Goods Regulations, International Air Transport Association 
(IATA), Publications Section, 2000 Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
H3A 2R4, Tel (514) 844-6311. DHEW Pub. No. (NIH) 76-1165
    Biological Safety Manual for Research Involving Oncogenic Viruses, 
Executive Order 12196
    Safety and Health Programs for Federal Employees, 26 February 1980
    Guide for Adult Immunizations, Published by the American College of 
Physicians, Guide for Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 4(1) 
February 10, 1975. (Copies may be obtained from the Office of Research 
Grants Inquiries, NIH, Department of Health and Human Services, 5333 
Westbard Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20205.)
    Guidelines for Laboratory Design, Health and Safety Considerations, 
L. DiBerardinis, et al., John Wiley and Sons, 1987
    Guidelines for Prevention of Herpesvirus Simiae (B Virus) Infection 
in Monkey Handlers, Kaplan, J.E., et al., Mortality and Morbidity Weekly 
Report, Volume 36, Number 41; October 23, 1987, pages 680-689.
    HHS Publication No. (NIH) 88-8395, Biosafety in Microbiological and 
Biomedical Laboratories
    Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practice Published 
by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

[[Page 570]]

    Laboratory Safety for Arboviruses and Certain Other Viruses of 
Vertebrates, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 
29:1359-1381, 1980.
    NIH Guidelines for Research involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (51 
FR 16958, May 7, 1986).
    NIH publication 86-23, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory 
    NSF Standard 49, National Sanitation Foundation Standard 
Number 49, Class II (Laminar Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry
    Packaging and Shipping of Biological Materials at ATCC, The American 
Type Culture Collection (ATCC). (Copies may be obtained from the ATCC, 
12301 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852. Telephone (301) 881-2600.)
    Postal Bulletin No. 21246, International Mail-Hazardous Materials
    Procedures for the Domestic Handling and Transport of Diagnostic 
Specimens and Etiologic Agents, National Committee for Clinical 
Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), (H5-A2), Second edition. Vol. 5, No. 1. 
(Copies may be obtained from the NCCLS, 771 East Lancaster Avenue, 
Villanova, PA 19085.)
    Restricted Articles Tariff 6-D, Air Transport Association
    Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by 
Air, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Intereg Group, 
5724 Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60646, Tel. (312) 478-0900.
    The Centers for Disease Control, Office of Biosafety, 1600 Clifton 
Road NE., Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Telephone (404) 639-3883, or FTS: 236-

                    9 CFR Parts 102 Through 104, 122

    Animals and Animal products.

                            10 CFR Chapter 1

    Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

                    21 CFR Parts 312, 600 Through 680

    Food and drugs.

                            29 CFR Part 1910

    Occupational Health and Safety Administration Safety and Health 

                             39 CFR Part 111

    Postal Service.

                     40 CFR Parts 1500 Through 1508

    Protection of environment.

                         42 CFR Parts 71 and 72

    Public Health Service Foreign Quarantine Regulations.

                        49 CFR Parts 172 and 173

    The Department of Transportation.

[[Page 571]]

Appendix B to Part 627--Resource List for Immunoprophylaxis of Personnel 
                                 at Risk

                         B-1. Recommendations for Immunoprophylaxis of Personnel at Risk
      Description of disease              Product              Recommended for use in          Source of product
Anthrax..........................  Inactivated vaccine.  Personnel working regularly with    USAMRIID.\1\
                                                          cultures, diagnostic materials,
                                                          or infected animals.
Botulism.........................  Pentavalent toxoid    Personnel working regularly with    CDC.\3\
                                    (A,B,C,D,E)           cultures or toxin.
Cholera..........................  Inactivated vaccine.  Personnel working regularly with    Commercially
                                                          large volumes or high               available.
                                                          concentrations of infectious
Diphtheria Tetanus (Adult).......  Combined toxoid.....  All laboratory and animal care      Commercially
                                                          personnel irrespective of agents    available.
Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE)  Inactivated vaccine   Personnel who work directly and     USAMRIID.\1\
                                    (IND) \2\.            regularly with EEE in the
Hepatitis A......................  Immune Serum          Animal care personnel working       Commercially
                                    Globulin [ISG         directly with chimpanzees           available.
                                    (Human)].             naturally or experimentally
                                                          infected with Hepatitis A virus.
Hepatitis B......................  Serum-derived or      Personnel working regularly with    Commercially
                                    recombinant vaccine.  human blood and blood components.   available.
Influenza........................  Inactivated vaccine.  (Vaccines prepared from earlier     Commercially
                                                          isolated strains may be of little   available.
                                                          value in personnel working with
                                                          recent isolates from humans or
Japanese Encephalitis............  Inactivated vaccine   Personnel who work directly and     CDC.\3\
                                    (IND) \2\.            regularly with JE virus in the
Measles..........................  Live attenuated       Measles-susceptible personnel       Commercially
                                    virus vaccine.        working with the agent or           available.
                                                          potentially infectious clinical
Meningococcal Meningitis.........  Purified              Personnel working regularly with    Commercially
                                    polysaccharide        large volumes or high               available.
                                    vaccine.              concentrations of infectious
                                                          materials (does not protect
                                                          against infection with group B
Plague...........................  Inactivated vaccine.  Personnel working regularly with    Commercially
                                                          cultures of Yersinia pestis or      available.
                                                          infected rodents or fleas.
Poliomyelitis....................  Inactivated (IPV)     Polio-susceptible personnel         Commercially
                                    and live attenuated   working with the virus or           available.
                                    (OPV) vaccines.       entering laboratories or animal
                                                          rooms where the virus is in use.
Pox viruses (Vaccinia, Cowpox, or  Live (lyophilized)    Personnel working with orthopox     CDC.\3\
 Monkey Pox viruses).               vaccinia virus.       viruses transmissible to humans,
                                                          with animals infected with these
                                                          agents, and persons entering
                                                          areas where these viruses are in
Q Fever (Phase II) vaccine.......  Inactivated (IND)     Personnel who have no demonstrable  USAMRIID.\1\
                                    \2\.                  sensitivity to Q fever antigen
                                                          and who are at high risk of
                                                          exposure to infectious materials
                                                          or animals.
Rabies...........................  Human diploid line    Personnel working with all strains  Commercially
                                    cell inactivated      of rabies virus, with infected      available.
                                    vaccine.              animals, or persons entering
                                                          areas where these activities are
Rift Valley Fever................  Inactivated virus     All laboratory and animal care      USAMRIID.\1\
                                    vaccine (IND) \2\.    personnel working with the agent
                                                          or infected animals and all
                                                          personnel entering laboratories
                                                          or animal rooms when the agent is
                                                          in use.
Rubella..........................  Live attenuated       Rubella-susceptible personnel,      Commercially
                                    virus vaccine.        especially women, working with      available.
                                                          ``wild'' strains or in areas
                                                          where these viruses are in use.
Tuberculosis.....................  Live, attenuated      BCG vaccine ordinarily is not used  Commercially
                                    (BCG) bacterial       in laboratory personnel in the      available.
                                    vaccine.              U.S.
Tularemia........................  Live attenuated       Personnel working regularly with    USAMRIID.\1\
                                    bacterial vaccine     cultures or infected animals or
                                    (IND).\2\.            persons entering areas where the
                                                          agent of infected animals are in
Typhoid..........................  Inactivated vaccine.  Personnel who have no demonstrated  Commercially
                                                          sensitivity to the vaccine and      available.
                                                          who work regularly with cultures.
Venezuelan equine (VEE)            Live attenuated       Personnel working with VEE and the  USAMRIID.\1\
 encephalitis.                      (TC83) viral          Equine Cabassou, Everglades,
                                    vaccine (IND).\2\.    Mucambo, and Tonate viruses, or
                                                          who enter areas where these
                                                          viruses are in use.

[[Page 572]]

Western equine encephalitis (WEE)  Inactivated vaccine   Personnel who work directly and     USAMRIID.\1\
                                    (IND) \2\ with WEE    regularly in the laboratory.
Yellow Fever.....................  Live attenuated       Personnel working with virulent     Commercially
                                    (17D) virus vaccine.  and avirulent strains of Yellow     available.
                                                          Fever virus.
\1\ For information, contact: United States Army Medical Materiel Development Activity, Fort Detrick, Frederick,
  MD 21701, telephone: (301) 663-7661.
\2\ Investigational New Drug (IND).
\3\ Clinical Medicine Branch, Division of Host Factors, Center for Infectious Disease, Centers for Disease
  Control, Atlanta, GA 30333, telephone: (404) 639-3356.
Source: Adapted from recommendations of the PHS Immunization Practices Advisory Committee and Biosafety in
  Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.

[[Page 573]]

     Appendix C to Part 627--Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist

    C-1. The checklist that follows is not an exhaustive list of the 
items to consider when inspecting facilities where etiologic agents are 
used. It does provide some basic guidelines to remind safety and 
nonsafety professionals of the things that need to be considered in the 
laboratories they manage. The checklist should be used as follows: All 
area should be inspected using the general list in C-2. Certain items 
are optional, such as radiation safety. If no radioactive material is 
present in the room, then this would not be applicable. For BL-1 
facilities the list in C-2 is adequate, while BL-2, BL-3, and BL-4 
facilities must use the list in C-2 together with the appropriate list 
in C-3 to C-5.

                          C-2. Basic checklist

    (a) Housekeeping
    (1) Is the room free of clutter?
    (2) Are all aisles from the work areas to the available exits 
maintained clear of obstructions?
    (3) Are all safety equipment items unobstructed and ready for use?
    (4) Is the room clean?
    (b) Fire safety
    (1) Is the fire extinguisher hung in its proper place, ready for 
use, and unobstructed?
    (2) Are there excess flammables located outside National Fire 
Protection Association (NFPA) approved cabinetry?
    (3) Are all Class IA flammables that are in breakable containers in 
pint or smaller containers?
    (4) Are all Class IB flammables that are in breakable containers in 
liter or smaller containers?
    (c) Chemical safety
    (1) Are the chemicals stored with compatible materials?
    (2) Have the chemical fume hoods been certified in the last 6 
    (3) Are the eyewash and deluge shower unobstructed and ready for 
    (4) Is the eyewash and deluge shower tested regularly to document 
proper operation?
    (5) Is the organic waste container maintained in a closed position?
    (6) Are all reagents and solutions properly labeled?
    (7) Is a spill kit within a reasonable distance from the work areas?
    (8) Is appropriate protective clothing available for the chemical 
hazards present?
    (9) Is there a written hazard communication program?
    (10) Have the personnel in the laboratory been trained in the 
provisions and principles of the hazard communication program?
    (11) Are MSDSs located where they are available to the laboratory 
    (12) Is there a written chemical hygiene plan?
    (d) Radiation safety
    (1) Are the radioactive materials stored double-contained?
    (2) Is the containment for the radiation waste container adequate to 
preclude the spread of radiation?
    (3) Are all containers appropriately labeled with radiation labels?
    (4) Are all entrances to the room appropriately labeled?
    (e) Electrical safety
    (1) Are excess extension cords being utilized?
    (2) Are there any frayed cords in the room?
    (3) Are there any cords on the floor across normal traffic patterns 
in the room?
    (f) General laboratory safety
    (1) Are sharps discarded and destroyed in a safe manner?
    (2) Are work surfaces decontaminated daily and after a spill?
    (3) Is the appropriate attire worn by everyone in the room?
    (4) Is there evidence that personnel eat, drink, smoke, or store 
food, drinks, or tobacco in the room?
    (5) Was mouth pipetting observed?
    (6) Are all gas cylinders secured and are all cylinders not in use 
    (7) Are cylinders of oxidizers stored at least 20 feet from 
cylinders of flammable gases in the same room?
    (8) Are the contents of the cylinders clearly labeled?
    (9) Are the cylinders transported on appropriate dollies or hand 
    (10) Is there a written respiratory protection program where 
respirators are used?
    (g) Etiologic agents
    (1) Are all containers of etiologic agents appropriately labeled?
    (i) Are freezers, refrigerators, and similar storage units labeled 
with the biohazard warning sign?
    (ii) Are the storage and shipping containers adequate and properly 
    (2) Have all personnel been adequately trained in general 
microbiological techniques?
    (3) Are laboratory doors kept closed when experiments are in 
    (4) Are all operations conducted over plastic-backed absorbent paper 
or spill trays?

              C-3. Biosafety level 2 supplemental checklist

    (a) Are all floor drains filled with water or suitable disinfectant?
    (b) Is the SOP for an etiologic agent spill signed by all personnel 
who work with etiologic agents in the room?
    (c) If biological safety cabinets are used, have they been certified 
within the last year?
    (d) Are the appropriate decontaminants available?
    (e) Are all entrances to the laboratory posted with--

[[Page 574]]

    (1) The appropriate special provisions for entry?
    (2) The universal biohazard symbol?
    (3) The name and telephone number of the laboratory director or 
other responsible person?
    (f) Is entry limited and restricted?
    (g) Are gloves being worn when handling infected animals or 
infectious or toxic materials?
    (h) Is eye and respiratory protection being worn in rooms where 
nonhuman primates are present?
    (i) If materials are being transported off-site for decontamination, 
is the containment adequate?

              C-4. Biosafety level 3 supplemental checklist

    (a) Is laboratory clothing decontaminated before being sent to the 
    (b) Are all windows and penetrations through the walls and ceilings 
    (c) If biological safety cabinets are used, have they been certified 
within the last year?
    (d) Are the appropriate decontaminants available?
    (e) Are all entrances to the facility posted with--
    (1) The appropriate special provisions for entry?
    (2) The universal biohazard symbol?
    (3) The name and telephone number of the laboratory director or 
other responsible person?
    (f) Is entry limited and restricted?
    (g) Are gloves being worn when handling infected animals or 
infectious or toxic materials?
    (h) Is eye and respiratory protection being worn in rooms where 
nonhuman primates are present?
    (i) Do the monitors indicate that the room is under negative 
pressure relative to all entrances?
    (j) Are all vacuum lines protected with HEPA filters and liquid 
disinfectant traps?
    (k) Is the autoclave being properly maintained and certified?
    (l) Is the foot, elbow, or automatic handwash sink operating 
    (m) Are all operations with etiologic agents being conducted inside 
biological safety cabinets or other approved engineering controls?
    (n) Are all infected animals housed using appropriate primary 
containment systems?
    (o) Do all personnel who enter rooms housing infected animals wear 
appropriate respiratory protection?
    (p) Do personnel who exit rooms having infected animals leave their 
protective clothing in the animal and laboratory rooms?
    (q) If available, has the UV pass box ouput been certified within 
the last 3 months?

        C-5. Biosafety level 4 supplemental inspection checklist

    (a) Precautions for all areas.
    (1) Are all penetrations through the walls and ceilings sealed?
    (2) Are the appropriate decontaminants available and used properly?
    (3) Are all entrances to the facility posted with--
    (i) The appropriate special provisions for entry?
    (ii) The universal biohazard symbol?
    (iii) The name and telephone number of the laboratory director or 
other responsible person?
    (4) Is access to the laboratory controlled strictly and documented?
    (5) Do the monitors indicate that the room is under negative 
pressure relative to all entrances?
    (6) Are all vacuum lines protected with HEPA filters and liquid 
disinfectant traps?
    (7) Is the autoclave being properly maintained and certified?
    (8) Is the foot, elbow, or automatic handwash sink operating 
    (9) Do the self-closing doors to the facility operate properly?
    (10) Do personnel completely exchange street clothing for laboratory 
clothing before entry and shower upon exiting?
    (11) Is the dunk tank disinfectant fresh and appropriate for the 
agents in use?
    (b) Suit areas.
    (1) Are all operations with etiologic agents conducted in Class I or 
II biological safety cabinets?
    (2) Do the procedures in place ensure that, as much as possible, the 
contamination remains inside the cabinets (such as ensuring that 
everything removed from within the cabinets, such as gloves being worn, 
instruments, glassware, or similar items, are decontaminated or properly 
packaged first)?
    (3) Are the Class I or II cabinets in the facility certified every 6 
    (4) Does the suit decontamination shower have adequate appropriate 
decontaminant available?
    (5) Has the suit decontamination shower been used or tested in the 
last month?
    (6) Is the ventilated suit air supply and emergency air supply 
adequate and working properly?
    (7) Is the emergency alarm system working properly?
    (8) Are all of the one-piece positive pressure suits available for 
use in serviceable condition?
    (9) Are infected animals housed in appropriate primary containment 
    (10) Is the static pressure in the suit area negative to all 
surrounding areas?
    (c) Nonsuit areas.
    (1) Are all operations with etiologic agents conducted inside Class 
III biological safety cabinets?

[[Page 575]]

    (2) Were the Class III biological safety cabinets certified before 
initiating the current operation?
    (3) Are all infected animals housed in Class III cabinet containment 
caging systems?

Appendix D to Part 627--Packaging and Labeling Requirements for Shipment 
                           of Etiologic Agents

D-1. Packaging and Labeling of Etiologic Agents, from HHS publication 
No. (NIH) 88-8395.
D-2. Guidelines for the Air Shipment of Diagnostic Specimens, from the 
Air Transport Association of America, Cargo Services Division, 1709 New 
York Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20006.

    Appendix E to Part 627--Permits for Importation and Shipment of 
                            Etiologic Agents

E-1. Permit Application to Import or Transport Agents or Vectors of 
Human Disease. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, PHS, CDC, 
Office of Biosafety, Atlanta, Georgia 30333.
E-2. Permit Application to Import Controlled Material; Import or 
Transport Organisms or Vectors. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal 
and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services, Federal 
Building, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782.

      Appendix F to Part 627--Drawings, Biological Safety Cabinets

[[Page 576]]


[[Page 577]]


[[Page 578]]


                    Appendix G to Part 627--Glossary

AIHA                    American Industrial Hygiene Association
AMC                     United States Army Materiel Command
ANSI                    American National Standards Institute
AR                      Army Regulation
ATCC                    American Type Culture Collection
ASHRAE                  American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and
                         Air Condition Engineers, Inc.
BDP                     Biological Defense Program
BL                      biosafety level
CDC                     Centers for Disease Control
CFR                     Code of Federal Regulations
DA PAM                  Department of Army Pamphlet
DHEW                    Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
DOD                     Department of Defense
DOT                     Department of Transportation
DNA                     deoxyribonucleic acid
EPA                     Environmental Protection Agency
EtO                     ethylene oxide
FDA                     Food and Drug Administration
fpm                     feet per minute
HEPA                    high efficiency particulate air

[[Page 579]]

HHS                     Health and Human Services
IATA                    International Air Transport Association
IBC                     Institutional Biosafety Committee
ICAO                    International Civil Aviation Organization
lfpm                    linear feet per minute
LS                      large-scale
m                       meter
min                     minute
MSDS                    Material Safety Data Sheets
MSHA                    Mine Safety and Health Administration
NCCLS                   National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
NCI                     National Cancer Institute
NEPA                    National Environmental Policy Act
NFPA                    National Fire Protection Association
NIH                     National Institutes of Health
NIOSH                   National Institute for Occupational Safety and
NRC                     Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NSF                     National Sanitation Foundation
OSHA                    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
pH                      the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion
PHS                     Public Health Service
PPE                     personal protective equipment
ppm                     parts per million
psi                     pounds per square inch
RCRA-Listed             Resource Conservation Recovery Act of 1976
                         Listed Hazardous Waste
RDTE                    research, development, test, and evaluation
RPO                     Radiation Protection Officer
SALS                    Subcommittee on Arbovirus Laboratory Safety
SAR                     supplied-air respirator
SCBA                    self-contained breathing apparatus
SOP                     Standing Operating Procedure
TD                      to deliver
TLV                     threshold limit value
USDA                    United States Department of Agriculture
UV                      ultraviolet


                     Approved respiratory protection

    Equipment which is tested and listed as satisfactory according to 
standards established by a competent authority (such as NIOSH, Mine 
Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), or host country agency) to 
provide respiratory protection against the particular hazard for which 
it is designed. For military agent protection, DA and Department of 
Defense (DOD) are the approval authorities. (Approval authority may be 
specified by law.)

                           Biocontainment area

    An area which meets the requirements for a BL-3 or BL-4 facility.
The area may be an entire building or a single room within a building. 
See subpart G for details.

                       Biological Safety Cabinets

    Engineering controls designed to enable laboratory workers to handle 
infectious etiologic agents and to provide primary containment of any 
resultant aerosol. There are three major classes of cabinets (I, II, and 
III) and several subclasses of class II cabinets. Each type of cabinet 
provides a different degree of protection to personnel and to the 
products handled inside them. The various classes of cabinets are 
described in detail in subpart H.

                            Biosafety Level 1

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures suitable for work 
involving agents of no known or of minimal potential hazard to 
laboratory personnel and the environment.

                            Biosafety Level 2

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures applicable to clinical, 
diagnostic, or teaching laboratories, and suitable for work involving 
indigenous agents of moderate potential hazard to personnel and the 
environment. It differs from BL-1 in that (1) laboratory personnel have 
specific training in handling pathogenic agents, (2) the laboratory is 
directed by scientists with experience in the handling of specific 
agents, (3) access to the laboratory is limited when work is being 
conducted, and (4) certain procedures in which infectious aerosols could 
be created are conducted in biological safety cabinets or other physical 
containment equipment.

                            Biosafety Level 3

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures applicable to clinical, 
diagnostic, research, or production facilities in which work is 
performed with indigenous or exotic agents where potential exists for 
infection by aerosol, and the disease may have serious or lethal 
consequences. It differs from BL-2 in that (1) more extensive training 
in handling pathogenic and potentially lethal agents is necessary for 
laboratory personnel; (2) all procedures involving the manipulation of 
infectious material are conducted within biological safety cabinets, 
other physical containment devices, or by personnel wearing appropriate 
personal protective clothing and devices; (3) the laboratory has special 
engineering and design features, including access zones, sealed 
penetrations, and directional airflow; and (4) any modification of BL-3 
recommendations must be made only by the commander.

                            Biosafety Level 4

    The facilities, equipment, and procedures required for work with 
dangerous and exotic agents which pose a high individual risk of life-
threatening disease. It differs from BL-3 in that (1) members of the 
laboratory staff have specific and thorough training in handling 
extremely hazardous infectious agents; (2) laboratory personnel 
understand the primary and secondary containment functions of the 
standard and special practices, containment equipment, and laboratory 
design characteristics; (3) access to the laboratory is strictly 
controlled by the institute director; (4) the facility is either in a 

[[Page 580]]

building or in a controlled area within a building, completely isolated 
from all other areas of the building; (5) a specific facility operations 
manual is prepared or adopted; (6) within work areas of the facility, 
all activities are confined to Class III biological safety cabinets or 
Class I or Class II biological safety cabinets used in conjunction with 
one-piece positive pressure personnel suits ventilated by a life support 
system; and (7) the maximum containment laboratory has special 
engineering and design features to prevent microorganisms from being 
disseminated to the environment.


    A structure that contains the requisite components necessary to 
support a facility that is designed according to the required biosafety 
level. The building can contain one or more facilities conforming to one 
or more biosafety level.

                           Confirmed Exposure

    Any mishap with a BDP agent in which there was direct evidence of an 
actual exposure such as a measurable rise in antibody titer to the agent 
or a confirmed diagnosis of intoxication or disease.

                            Etiologic Agents

    Any viable microorganism, or its toxin which causes or may cause 
human disease, including those agents listed in 42 CFR 72.3 of the 
Department of Health and Human Services regulations, and any agent of 
biological origin that poses a degree of hazard similar to those agents.


    An area within a building that provides appropriate protective 
barriers for persons working in the facility and the environment 
external to the facility, and outside of the building.

                               HEPA Filter

    A filter which removes particulate matter down to submicron sized 
particles from the air passed through it with a minimum efficiency of 
99.97 percent. While the filters remove particulate matter with great 
efficiency, vapors and gases (for example, from volatile chemicals) are 
passed through without restriction. HEPA filters are used as the primary 
means of removing infectious agents from air exhausted from engineering 
controls and facilities.

                            Human Lethal Dose

    The estimated quantity of a toxin that is a minimum lethal dose for 
a 70 kilogram individual based upon published data or upon estimates 
extrapolated from animal toxicity data.

                     Commander or Institute Director

    The commander or institute director of an Army activity conducting 
RDTE with BDP etiologic agents, or the equivalent, at a research 
organization under contract to the BDP.


    An organization such as an Army RDTE activity (institute, agency, 
center, and so forth) or a contract organization such as a school of 
medicine, or research institute that conducts RDTE with BDP etiologic 


    An individual room or rooms within a facility that provide space in 
which work with etiologic agents can be performed. It contains all of 
the appropriate engineering features and equipment required at a given 
biosafety level to protect personnel working in it and the environment 
external to the facility.

                         Large-Scale Operations

    Research or production involving viable etiologic agents in 
quantities greater than 10 liters of culture.

                        Maximum Containment Area

    An area which meets the requirements for a BL-4 facility. The area 
may be an entire building or a single room within the building. See 
chapter 7 for details.

                              Molded Masks

    Formed masks that fit snugly around the mouth and nose and are 
designed to protect against a nontoxic nuisance level of dusts and 
powders. These do not require approval by NIOSH or MSHA. Masks made of 
gauze do not qualify.

                      Potential Accidental Exposure

    Any accident in which there was reason to believe that anyone 
working with a BDP agent may have been exposed to that agent, yet no 
measurable rise in antibody titer or diagnosis of intoxication or 
disease was made. However, the high probability existed for introduction 
of an agent through mucous membranes, respiratory tract, broken skin, or 
the circulatory system as a direct result of the accident, injury, or 

    Resource Conservation Recovery Act of 1976 Listed Hazardous Waste

    The waste materials listed by the Environmental Protection Agency 
under authority of the RCRA for which the agency regulates disposal. A 
description and listing of these wastes is located in 40 CFR part 261.

[[Page 581]]


    An area consisting of more than one room, designed to be a 
functional unit in which entire operations can be facilitated. Suites 
may contain a combination of laboratories or animal holding rooms and 
associated support areas within a facility that are designed to conform 
to a particular biosafety level. There may be one or more suites within 
a facility.


    Toxic material of etiologic origin that has been isolated from the 
parent organism.\1\

    \1\ The publication ``Bacterial Toxins: a Table of Lethal Amounts,'' 
(Gill, D.M. (1982) Microbiological Reviews, 46:86-94) contains a useful 
table of mammalian toxicities of numerous toxins.