[Title 32 CFR 527]
[Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - July 1, 2002 Edition]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]


                         Subpart A--Introduction

                           Section I--General

527.1  Purpose and scope.
527.2  References.
527.3  Explanation of abbreviations and terms.
527.4  Department of the Army (DA) objective.

                      Section II--Responsibilities

527.5  Director, Finance & Accounting, Assistant Secretary of the Army 
          (Financial Management).
527.6  Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel/U.S. Army Community and 
          Family Support Center.
527.7  Heads of Headquarters, Department of the Army and field operating 
527.8  Commanders of major Army commands (MACOMs).
527.9  Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.
527.10  Installation commanders.
527.11  Unit commanders.
527.12  Supervisors of civilians.
527.13  Installation check control officer.
527.14  Finance officer.
527.15  Personnel Administration Center.
527.16  Director of Personnel & Community Activities.
527.17  Heads of check-cashing facilities.
527.18  Persons with check-cashing privileges.

                           Subpart B--Controls

                            Section I--Policy

527.19  Authority.
527.20  General.
527.21  Two party checks.
527.22  Sponsor responsibility.

                   Section II--Offenses and Penalties

527.23  Offense and related offense.
527.24  Bank or other excusable error.
527.25  First offense.
527.26  Second offense.
527.27  Third offense.
527.28  Fourth or greater offense.

                          Subpart C--Procedures

527.29  Check-cashing facility.
527.30  Unit commander.
527.31  Supervisor of civilians.
527.32  Installation check control officer.
527.33  Identification card issuing facility.
527.34  Personnel of other Services.
527.35  Appeals.
527.36  Disposal and transfer of records.

       Subpart D--Monthly Dishonored Check Report, RCS: CSCOA-105

527.37  Purpose.
527.38  Source of data.
527.39  Preparation.
527.40  Frequency, routing, and due dates.
527.41  Relinquishing data.

                           Subpart E--Training

527.42  Ethics and military competence.
527.43  Personal financial readiness/soldier money management (PFR/SMM).
527.44  Initial entry training.
527.45  Remedial training.

Appendix A to Part 527--References

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5511-5512; 37 U.S.C. 1007; 18 U.S.C. 1382; 
Articles 123a, 133, and 134, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, Art 
123a, 133, and 134).

    Source: 53 FR 19286, May 27, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

                         Subpart A--Introduction

                           Section I--General

Sec. 527.1  Purpose and scope.

    (a) This regulation prescribes policies and procedures to--

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    (1) Control and prevent abuse of check-cashing privileges.
    (2) Reduce losses to appropriated fund (AF) and nonappropriated fund 
(NAF) activities.
    (b) Policies and procedures for cashing checks or redeeming 
dishonored checks at check-cashing facilities are not within the scope 
of this regulation. These are prescribed by the proponent agencies of 
the activities providing check-cashing services to patrons for their 
facilities in--
    (1) AR 60-20/AFR 147-14 and Exchange Service Manual 55-21 for Army 
and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) facilities.
    (2) AR 30-19 and the Commissary Operating Manual for commissary 
resale activities.
    (3) AR 215-1 and AR 215-2 for U.S. Army Community and Family Support 
    (4) AR 37-103 for finance and accounting offices.
    (c) Policies and procedures for all suspensions of check-cashing 
privileges and appeal actions on such suspensions, regardless of where 
the dishonored check was returned on the installation, are governed by 
this regulation.

Sec. 527.2  References.

    Required and related publications are listed in appendix A to this 

Sec. 527.3  Explanation of abbreviations and terms.

    Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are 
explained in the glossary.

Sec. 527.4  Department of the Army (DA) objective.

    Prevention of abuse of check-cashing privileges includes all 
measures taken to reduce acts of abuse or misuse to the lowest possible 
level. Factors leading to this abuse stem mainly from lack of education 
and experience in managing personal finances. The DA objective is to 
ensure all soldiers acquire and maintain knowledge, skills, and 
motivation needed to practice responsible personal financial management.

                      Section II--Responsibilities

Sec. 527.5  Director, Finance & Accounting, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management).

    The Director, Finance & Accounting, Assistant Secretary of the Army 
(Financial Management) (OASA (FM)) establishes and administers the 
Department of the Army (DA) program to control and prevent abuse of 
check-cashing privileges on Army installations by Department of Defense 
(DOD) personnel. The Director, Finance & Accounting (OASA(FM)) will--
    (a) Give technical assistance to major Army commands (MACOMs) and 
installations with regard to their dishonored check programs.
    (b) Coordinate with Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel (DCSPER)/
USACFSC on aspects of the check-cashing abuse prevention program 
pertaining to morale and welfare.
    (c) Maintain liaison with the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations 
and Plans and the Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine 
Command (TRADOC) on Personal Financial Readiness/Soldier Money 
Management (PFR/SMM) in DA service schools and training centers.

Sec. 527.6  Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel/U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center.

    The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel/U.S. Army Community and 
Family Support Center (DCSPER/USACFSC) will--
    (a) Advise the Director, Finance & Accounting (OASA (FM)) on 
personnel aspects of the program affecting the morale and welfare of DA 
    (b) Establish, maintain, and administer PFR/SMM and counseling 
services for DA personnel and their family members within the Army 
Community Service (ACS) Center program.
    (c) Coordinate with the Director, Finance & Accounting (OASA(FM)) on 
the PFR/SMM aspect of the ACS consumer education training and budget 
    (d) Include PFR/SMM in the curriculum of the Army Continuing 
Education System and other DA schools administered by DSCPER that serve

[[Page 215]]

DA personnel and their family members.

Sec. 527.7  Heads of Headquarters, Department of the Army and field operating agencies.

    Heads of Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) and field 
operating agencies will--
    (a) Prescribe procedures and conditions for providing check-cashing 
service to patrons of their facilities.
    (b) Coordinate with the Director, Finance & Accounting (OASA(FM)) on 
policies and procedures to control and prevent dishonored checks. (See 
AR 310-3, para 1-9.)

Sec. 527.8  Commanders of major Army commands (MACOMs).

    MACOM commanders will--
    (a) Support and monitor the Dishonored Check Control Program--
    (1) At intermediate or subordinate commands.
    (2) At installations reporting directly to their headquarters.
    (b) Give policy and procedural guidance to subordinate elements 
within their jurisdictions.
    (c) Monitor effectiveness of the command Dishonored Check Control 
    (d) Evaluate the Dishonored Check Control Program monthly.
    (e) Ensure all subordinate elements within their jurisdiction 
conduct ongoing PFR/SMM training and educational programs. (See Training 
Circular 21-7)
    (f) Establish a monitoring and evaluation system to ensure--
    (1) Training programs are managed effectively.
    (2) Training programs agree with DA goals, objectives, and 

Sec. 527.9  Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.

    The Commanding General, U.S. Army Training Doctrine Command (TRADOC) 
    (a) Develop and maintain the course of instruction for the PFR/SMM 
training of all soldiers.
    (b) Ensure time is allotted in basic training, advanced individual 
training, or one station unit training for--
    (1) Training of enlistees.
    (2) Repeat of the course for trainees not achieving the lesson 
    (c) Ensure programs of instruction (POI) of the Army Finance School 
include courses that equip finance officers and noncommissioned officers 
to assist in providing PFR/SMM to soldiers and units in the field. (See 
Training Circular 21-7).

Sec. 527.10  Installation commanders.

    Installation commanders (or equivalent) or designated 
representatives will--
    (a) Maintain, support, and monitor installation programs to control 
and prevent abuse of check-cashing privileges.
    (b) Set up check control offices under the direct control of active 
duty commissioned or warrant officers, senior noncommissioned officers, 
or DA civilians GS-7 and above. Prior to the appointment of an 
installation check control officer (ICCO), the commander should review 
the provisions of Secs. 527.13 and 527.31, and consider which major 
organizational element has staff supervision over--
    (1) The majority of check-cashing facilities.
    (2) The extension or withdrawal of installation privileges.
    (3) The overstamping of identification (ID) cards.
    (c) Ensure that if responsibility of ICCO is transferred from one 
organizational element to another, that resources are transferred also.
    (d) Approve/disapprove appeals of suspended check-cashing privileges 
when checkwriter has committed four or more offenses.
    (e) Appoint an individual or individuals serving at an installation 
staff directorate level to act on appeals of suspended check-cashing 
privileges when the checkwriter has committed 3 offenses.
    (f) Appoint an individual or individuals serving at an installation 
staff division level to act on appeals of suspended check-cashing 
privileges when the checkwriter has committed 2 offenses.
    (g) Ensure the priority of educational efforts is based on the needs 
of personnel under their command.

[[Page 216]]

    (h) Ensure the POI for suspended personnel will stress--
    (1) Career consequences of abuse of check-cashing privileges.
    (2) Referral to individual and family counseling sources, when 
    (i) During inprocessing at permanent change of station for the 
    (1) Soldiers (E1 through E5). Emphasis will be on--
    (i) Basics of checkbook management.
    (ii) Check to financial organization pay option.
    (iii) Consequences of abuse of check-cashing privileges.
    (iv) Counseling services.
    (2) Leaders (E6 through E9 and officers). Education will stress--
    (i) The command unique elements of the dishonored check problem.
    (ii) Leaders' responsibilities for role setting, training troops, 
and applying discipline.
    (3) DA civilians and Family members. Education and counseling will 
be offered on a voluntary basis in accordance with AR 608-1.

Sec. 527.11  Unit commanders.

    Unit commanders will assist the post/installation commander in the 
control and prevention of check-cashing privilege abuse. Unit commanders 
    (a) Advise all newly arrived personnel during the initial interview 
of their responsibilities for the proper use of personal checking 
accounts and check-cashing privileges and ensuring that their family 
members are aware of the same. Also determine the capabilities of the 
soldier for maintaining their checking account.
    (b) Deliver notices of dishonored check offenses and suspensions to 
unit members and counsel them within 2 days of written notification.
    (c) Take actions to properly settle the personal debts of soldiers 
if soldiers under their command issue dishonored checks. Articles 15, 
121, 123a, and 133 or 134 of the UCMJ may be applied as stated in AR 
600-20, para 5-10.
    (d) Approve/disapprove appeals of suspended check-cashing privileges 
if a soldier or family member has committed a first offense.
    (e) Recommend approval or disapproval of appeal actions to the 
individual appointed by the installation commander for 2 or more 
    (f) Determine whether the overstamping of an ID card is necessary if 
this is the checkwriter's first or second offense. As a disciplinary and 
control action this is advised.
    (g) Schedule soldiers for remedial training and encourage family 
members who have written dishonored checks to attend this training.

Sec. 527.12  Supervisors of civilians.

    Where DOD civilians are authorized check-cashing privileges the 
supervisors of these civilians will--
    (a) Deliver notices of dishonored check offenses and suspensions to 
employees and counsel them.
    (b) Approve/disapprove appeals of suspended check-cashing privileges 
if the employee has committed a first offense.
    (c) Recommend approval or disapproval of appeal actions to the 
individual appointed by the installation commander for 2 or more 
    (d) Schedule employees for remedial training when the checkwriter 
has committed an offense.

Sec. 527.13  Installation check control officer.

    The ICCO is the primary contact for dishonored check matters The 
ICCO will--
    (a) Serve as liaison between commander and check-cashing facilities.
    (b) Be authorized to suspend check-cashing privileges.
    (c) Maintain and circulate a dishonored check list. (See 
Sec. 527.32(c))
    (d) Maintain a central file of dishonored checkwriters (See 
Sec. 527.32(a))
    (e) Establish a grace period of 10 calendar days. The grace period 
will be 10 calendar days from the date of the written dishonored check 
notification. The ICCO may allow additional time on a case by case basis 
(i.e. checkwriter is TDY or no leave away from the installation.). There 
will be a standard grace period for all check-cashing facilities.
    (f) Establish an installation test on checkbook maintenance. Those 
attending remedial training will have to pass this test prior to being 
removed from the dishonored check list. The test

[[Page 217]]

may be open book. The test criteria should include:
    (1) Posting samples of: checks written, deposits (direct deposits, 
interest, cash, and checks), check charges, printing fees, and bank card 
    (2) Maintaining the check register balance.
    (3) Reconciling check register to bank statement.
    (4) Scoring 70 or greater to pass.
    (g) Evaluate the effectiveness of the installation Dishonored Check 
Control Program using the Monthly Dishonored Check Report (RCS: CSCOA-
105). Distribute the report in accordance with Sec. 527.40.
    (h) Set up points of contact with all installation facilities 
providing financial management and consumer awareness training and 
counseling. Make unit commanders aware of these resources.
    (i) Notify installation commander and military police or Army 
criminal investigation office of any pattern of check-cashing abuse 
suggesting fraud, forgery, or improper use of ID cards.
    (j) Set up liaison with installation ID card issuing facility.
    (k) Reinstate check-cashing privileges when an appeal has been 
approved in accordance with Secs. 527.25 through 527.28 or when the 
suspension period is over. The checkwriter must have redeemed the 
dishonored check, paid the administrative/service charges, attended 
remedial training, and passed the installation test on checkbook 
    (l) Maintain and conduct an effective installation PFR/SMM program, 
as required by subpart E. (See Training Circular 21-7).
    (m) Maintain a counseling or counseling referral service to help 
personnel solve personal financial problems, develop budgets, formulate 
debt liquidation plans, get consumer protection, and buy on credit 
wisely. All installation resources will be used to develop this service; 
for example, ACS centers and on post financial institutions. Counseling 
services will be open to personnel and their families on a voluntary 
    (n) Ensure DA issued articles are published in post media in 
coordination with the public affairs office. Publicize benefits of the 
counseling service, with emphasis on the preventive nature of the 

Sec. 527.14  Finance officer.

    The finance officer will assist the ICCO in the control and 
prevention of check-cashing privilege abuse. The finance officer will--
    (a) Assist the unit commander in conducting training for personnel 
in checkbook maintenance by providing instructional material.
    (b) Provide installation commander with management information 
concerning the level of dishonored checks using the Monthly Dishonored 
Check Report (Fig 4-1).
    (c) Cash a soldier's personal check when the soldier is on the 
dishonored check list, is on SURE-PAY, has a non-local checking account, 
and the soldier has a written request from his/her commander to the 
finance officer requesting this service. If the check is returned due to 
insufficient funds, collection action will occur IAW DODPM and AR 37-103 
for the amount of the check, plus any administrative or service charge.
    (d) Establish procedures in Central Accounting Office for accounting 
for nonappropriated fund dishonored checks.
    (e) Process DD Form 139 (Pay Adjustment Authorization) received from 
the check-cashing facility and return completed copy to the ICCO.
    (f) Distribute amounts collected from soldier's or civilian's pay to 
the appropriate check-cashing facility.
    (g) Analyze the RCS CSCOA-105 received from the ICCO.
    (h) Inform the installation commander of dishonored check analysis.

Sec. 527.15  Personnel Administration Center.

    The Personnel Administration Center (PAC) will assist unit 
commanders by completing some of the paperwork and other administrative 
details. Where PACs do not exist the unit commander will be responsible 
for completing these actions as well as those listed in Sec. 527.11. The 
PAC will--
    (a) Schedule soldiers and family members for remedial training when

[[Page 218]]

the checkwriter has committed an offense.
    (b) Notify the ICCO when timely notification of dishonored check or 
suspension cannot be made because the soldier is absent from duty due to 
TDY, hospitalization, etc.
    (c) Verify ID card overstamping has occurred and notify ICCO in 

Sec. 527.16  Director of Personnel & Community Activities.

    The Director of Personnel & Community Activities (DPCA) will--
    (a) Overstamp ID cards when requested by the ICCO.
    (b) Ensure the quality of PFR/SMM training taught at the 

Sec. 527.17  Heads of check-cashing facilities.

    In addition to the requirements of their proponent agencies, heads 
of check-cashing facilities will--
    (a) Coordinate with the ICCO on administrative matters relating to 
the Dishonored Check Control Program.
    (b) Ensure all personnel under their supervision know the 
installation policies and procedures for cashing checks and review the 
ICCO dishonored checklist prior to approving checks for encashment.
    (c) Prominently display the sign cited below at each check-cashing 


    (d) Require a consent statement authorizing immediate collection 
from pay for a dishonored check be placed on each check and signed by 
the individual. The consent statement to use is: ``If this check is 
returned as dishonored, I consent to immediate collection from my pay 
for the amount of the dishonored check plus any related service or 
administrative charges.'' A prominently displayed consent sign at check 
cashing points may be used in lieu of the statement placed on each 
    (e) Obtain a stamp for recording additional information on the back 
of all personal checks if the information is not on the face of the 
check. This information is: name, rank, SSN, duty station, home address, 
home/duty phone number, and branch of service.
    (f) Notify checkwriters in writing through their unit commander or 
first line supervisor for civilian employees of a dishonored check that 
has been returned by the financial institution.

Sec. 527.18  Persons with check-cashing privileges.

    All persons with check-cashing privileges will--
    (a) Fill out check properly and legibly. Include all information to 
be recorded on the back. Checks should be completed in black or blue/
black ink, not water soluble. A pencil or any other type of writing 
instrument that can be erased, changed, or modified should not be used.
    (b) Maintain sufficient funds in their checking account to cover the 
full amount of the checks.
    (c) Notify the ICCO, unit commander, military police, and bank upon 
discovery of any lost/stolen personal checks.
    (d) Provide check-cashing facilities with required information when 
attempting to cash a check.
    (e) Have their ID card overstamped when directed to do so.
    (f) Take full responsibility for any check cashed on their checking 
account including those cashed by family members.
    (g) Redeem all checks written against their checking account which 
have been returned for insufficient funds.
    (h) Attend remedial training when directed to do so by the ICCO.
    (i) Distribute copies of disclaimer notices to check-cashing 

                           Subpart B--Controls

                            Section I--Policy

Sec. 527.19  Authority.

    (a) Policies in this regulation are based on statutory authority 
including, but not limited to, the following:

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    (1) Sections 5511-5512, title 5, United States Code.
    (2) Section 1007, title 37, United States Code.
    (3) Section 1382, title 18, United States Code.
    (4) Articles 123a, 133, 134, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 
Art. 123a, 133, and 134).
    (b) Debts to instrumentalities and agencies of the United States can 
be collected from military personnel by involuntary deductions from 
their pay when such action is authorized by law. (See Department of 
Defense Military Pay and Allowances Entitlements Manual (DODPM), part 
seven, chapter 7, and Department of Defense Retired Pay Manual 

Sec. 527.20  General.

    (a) DA policy is to give maximum service to persons entitled to use 
Army facilities. Installation activities extend check-cashing privileges 
for the convenience of their customers.
    (b) The personal check is more than a simple promise to pay. By 
signing a check, the person makes a binding agreement to the receiver 
(in exchange for goods, services, or cash) that enough money to cover 
the check is in the person's account.
    (c) The number of dishonored checks and the subsequent loss of funds 
to Army facilities call for firm measures to control and prevent 
dishonored checkwriting. Timely administrative action will be taken in 
all cases involving abuse or misuse of check-cashing privileges. Moral 
persuasion and command supervision will be used as primary measures to 
ensure dishonored checks are promptly redeemed and dishonored 
checkwriting ceases. Commanders will not tolerate or make excuses for 
dishonored checks issued by soldiers and their family members. Soldiers, 
their eligible family members, and other authorized patrons of Army 
facilities are expected to pay their just financial debts. Commanders 
will take immediate action to ensure prompt redemption of dishonored 
checks. They will counsel and take disciplinary action where appropriate 
to prevent abuse or fraud by soliders under their command.
    (d) Patrons who have abused check-cashing privileges will be given a 
chance to present evidence in their behalf. (See Secs. 527.24 and 
    (e) Patrons may have their check-cashing privileges suspended 
indefinitely if they show a chronic attitude of personal and financial 
    (f) If a person is found using an unstamped ID card during their 
suspension period and when they are required to have their card 
overstamped, the person's check-cashing privileges may be suspended 
    (g) Suspension procedures in this chapter do not preclude action 
under the UCMJ.
    (h) All persons who abuse check-cashing privileges are subject to 
pertinent civil laws. Reported check-cashing abuses may be referred to 
civil law enforcement authorities or, if applicable under local U.S. 
procedures, to a U.S. magistrate. (See AR 190-29.)

Sec. 527.21  Two party checks.

    When a two party check is returned ``unpaid'', the endorser may be 
subject to the dishonored check provision of this regulation only if the 
endorser fails to redeem the check within the grace period. If the 
original maker of the check is proven to have written a previous 
dishonored check, then an additional offense will be charged to the 
original maker and appropriate suspension imposed. If the endorser is 
currently under suspension, an additional offense will be charged and 
the suspension period will be increased. The endorser will be required 
to execute a consent statement to authorize collection from his/her pay 
if the two party check is returned for insufficient funds. The consent 
statement to be executed by the endorser is stated in Sec. 527.17(d).

Sec. 527.22  Sponsor responsibility.

    (a) Sponsors may be held liable for acts of family members when a 
family member uses their dependent ID card and their sponsor's SSN for 
check cashing. If a family member commits an offense under these 
conditions, the sponsor may then be placed on the dishonored checklist. 
The family member may be placed on the dishonored checklist in their own 
right if they

[[Page 220]]

used a civilian ID card with their own SSN as identification and the 
check becomes dishonored.
    (b) Sponsors who wish to disclaim responsibility for dishonored 
checks written by family members may do so by filing a letter of 
disclaimer with the ICCO. (See fig. 2-1 for a sample letter.) This 
letter announces a sponsor's voluntary withdrawal of responsibility for 
acts of family members. It will be updated annually. Absence of a 
disclaimer does not prove agency relationship between sponsor and family 
    (c) Some facilities may deny check-cashing privileges to family 
members of sponsors who have filed a letter of disclaimer. The sponsor 
will inform family members of this denial.

                   Section II--Offenses and Penalties

Sec. 527.23  Offense and related offense.

    (a) Offense. An offense has been committed when an individual does 
not redeem a dishonored check or redeems 3 or more checks within the 
grace period.
    (b) Related offense. An individual may write several dishonored 
checks which are related. For example one error in the checkbook could 
cause several dishonored checks. All of these dishonored checks are 
considered related to each other and if not redeemed will be considered 
as a single offense. The individual must prove to the ICCO that the 
dishonored checks are related. If proof is not provided, each dishonored 
check will be considered an offense if not redeemed within the grace 
period. Related checks normally occur within a 10 day period.

Sec. 527.24  Bank or other excusable error.

    If an individual can prove bank or other excusable error, dishonored 
checks resulting from these errors will not be considered offenses. The 
checkwriter's name will not be added to any list or central file.

Sec. 527.25  First offense.

    (a) An individual who writes a check which later becomes dishonored 
and does not redeem it within the grace period has committed a first 
    (b) An individual who writes 3 dishonored checks which are unrelated 
to each other and redeems them all within the grace period has committed 
a first offense.
    (c) The penalty for a first offense is required attendance at 
remedial training and suspension of check-cashing privileges for 6 
months from date of suspension letter. The ID card may be overstamped.
    (d) The individual may be removed from the dishonored checklist 
prior to the end of the suspension period if the check has been 
redeemed, all charges have been paid, remedial training has been 
completed, the individual has passed the installation checkbook 
maintenance test, and the unit commander (for soldiers and family 
members) or first line supervisor (for civilians) approves.

Sec. 527.26  Second offense.

    (a) An individual who writes a second dishonored check, unrelated to 
the first dishonored check, and does not redeem it within the grace 
period has committed a second offense.
    (b) An individual who writes 4 dishonored checks which are unrelated 
to each other and redeems them all within the grace period has committed 
a second offense.
    (c) The penalty for a second offense is required attendance at 
remedial training and suspension of check-cashing privileges for 12 
months from date of suspension letter if checkwriter is not currently on 
the dishonored checklist. If the checkwriter is currently on the 
dishonored checklist, the suspension period will be increased by 12 
months. The ID card may be overstamped.
    (d) The individual may be removed from the dishonored checklist 
prior to the end of the suspension period if the check has been 
redeemed, all charges have been paid, remedial training has been 
completed, the individual passed the installation checkbook maintenance 
test, and the individual appointed by the installation commander 
(Sec. 527.10(f)) so approves.

Sec. 527.27  Third offense.

    (a) An individual who writes a third dishonored check, unrelated to 
the previous dishonored checks, and does not

[[Page 221]]

redeem it within the grace period has committed a third offense.
    (b) An individual who writes 5 dishonored checks which are unrelated 
to each other and redeems them all within the grace period has committed 
a third offense.
    (c) The penalty for a third offense is required attendance at 
remedial training overstamping of the ID card, and suspension of check-
cashing privileges for 18 months from date of suspension letter if the 
checkwriter is not currently on the dishonored checklist. If the 
checkwriter is currently on the dishonored checklist, the suspension 
period will be increased by 18 months.
    (d) The individual may be removed from the dishonored checklist 
prior to the end of the suspension period if the check has been 
redeemed, all charges have been paid, remedial training has been 
completed, the individual passed the installation checkbook maintenance 
test, and the individual appointed by the installation commander 
(Sec. 527.10(c)) so approves.

Sec. 527.28  Fourth or greater offense.

    (a) An individual who writes a fourth dishonored check, unrelated to 
the previous checks, and does not redeem it within the grace period has 
committed a fourth offense.
    (b) An individual who writes 6 dishonored checks which are unrelated 
to each other and redeems them all within the grace period has committed 
a fourth offense.
    (c) The penalty for a fourth offense is required attendance at 
remedial training, overstamping of the ID card, and suspension of check-
cashing privileges indefinitely from the date of suspension letter.
    (d) The individual may be removed from the dishonored checklist if 
the check has been redeemed, all charges have been paid, remedial 
training has been completed, the individual passed the installation 
checkbook maintenance test, and the installation commander 
(Sec. 527.10(d)) so approves.

                          Subpart C--Procedures

Sec. 527.29  Check-cashing facility.

    In addition to the requirements of its proponent agency, the head of 
the facility to which a check is returned unpaid will do the following:
    (a) Notify the checkwriter through the checkwriter's unit commander 
(for soldier or family member) or checkwriter's supervisor (for 
civilian) of the dishonored check. See figure 3-1 for a sample 
notification letter. A copy of the notification will be furnished to the 
ICCO. Sufficient copies will be sent to the commander or supervisor so a 
copy can be returned to the ICCO acknowledging receipt and indicating 
action to be taken. Notices will include, but are not limited to, the 
    (1) Name of checkwriter (or endorser, if a two party check).
    (2) Date and amount of check.
    (3) SSN of checkwriter.
    (4) Status (active duty, retired, Reserve, National Guard, family 
member, civilian employee, etc.) and service (Army, Navy, Air Force, 
Marine Corps, or Coast Guard).
    (5) Name, grade, SSN, and duty station of sponsor, if applicable.
    (6) Home address and telephone number.
    (7) Clear instructions covering--.
    (i) Method of redemption.
    (ii) Time allowed in which redemption must be made.
    (iii) Administrative/service charges.
    (iv) Appeal rights.
    (b) Notify the ICCO as soon as--
    (1) The check is redeemed. Provide date of redemption.
    (2) Written evidence is furnished proving a bank or other error 
clearing the checkwriter of fault.
    (3) The checkwriter fails to redeem the check within the grace 
    (4) The check is written off.
    (c) Begin action for collection from pay when authorized, if all 
efforts at direct collection fail. (See AR 37-108, AR 37-104-3, and AR 

Sec. 527.30  Unit commander.

    On receipt of notice that a soldier or a soldier's family member of 
a commander's unit has written a dishonored check or has been placed on 
the dishonored checklist, the unit commander will (Some of these actions 
may be done by the PAC where PACs exist.)--

[[Page 222]]

    (a) Deliver the notice and counsel the checkwriter to comply with 
the requirements of the notice. See figure  3-2 for a sample counseling 
    (b) Return copy of notification letter to the ICCO within 10 
calendar days stating whether the dishonored check was redeemed within 
the grace period.
    (c) Assist the checkwriter in determining the cause of the 
dishonored check. Make proper referral if budget counseling or financial 
assistance is needed.
    (d) Assist the checkwriter in obtaining proof of bank or other 
excusable error clearing the checkwriter of fault.
    (e) Schedule remedial checkbook maintenance training and ensure the 
checkwriter attends the training.
    (f) Determine if checkwriter should have ID card overstamped if this 
is the first or second offense. If the decision is to overstamp the ID 
card, the unit commander will--
    (1) Ensure the checkwriter receives notification and is counseled to 
comply with the instructions.
    (2) Refer checkwriter to ID card issuing facility for reissuing of 
new ID card with overstamp.
    (3) Ensure that the checkwriter received an overstamped ID card.
    (4) Notify ICCO within 15 days from date of notification letter 
which notified the checkwriter of placement on dishonored checklist that 
ID card was overstamped.
    (g) Work with the finance officer to cash checks for a soldier who 
is on the dishonored check list, is on SURE-PAY, and has a non-local 
bank account.
    (h) Ensure checkwriter redeems the check and pays any 
administrative/service charge.
    (i) Take administrative or disciplinary action, when proper. (See AR 
600-31 and AR 600-37.)
    (j) Approve/disapprove appeal actions on first offense if remedial 
training has been completed, the checkwriter passed the installation 
checkbook maintenance test, the check has been redeemed, and the 
administrative/service charges have been paid. If approval is given, 
send a letter to the ICCO stating that approval is granted to remove the 
soldier or family member from the dishonored checklist. Letter must 
indicate action taken on counseling and training, that the checkwriter 
passed the installation test on checkbook maintenance, that checks have 
been redeemed, and administrative/service charges have been paid.
    (k) Forward appeal actions on second and greater offenses to the 
individual designated by the installation commander to handle such 
appeal actions if the conditions in paragraph (j) of this section.
    (l) Maintain soldier on SURE-PAY if at all possible.

Sec. 527.31  Supervisor of civilians.

    On receipt of notice that a civilian employee under his/her 
supervision has written a dishonored check or has been placed on the 
dishonored checklist, the first line supervisor will--
    (a) Deliver the notice and counsel the checkwriter to comply with 
the requirements of the notice.
    (b) Return a copy of the notification to ICCO within 10 calendar 
days of date of notice indicating receipt and proposed action to be 
    (c) Schedule remedial checkbook maintenance training and ensure the 
checkwriter attends the training.
    (d) Ensure checkwriter redeems check(s) and pays any administrative 
service charges.
    (e) Approve/disapprove appeal actions on first offense if training 
has been completed, the checkwriter passed the installation checkbook 
maintenance test, the check has been redeemed, and the administrative/
service charges have been paid. If approval is given, send a letter to 
ICCO stating that approval is granted to remove the checkwriter from the 
dishonored checklist. Letter must indicate action taken on counseling 
and training, that the checkwriter passed the installation checkbook 
maintenance test, that the check has been redeemed, and that 
administrative/service charges have been paid.
    (f) Forward appeal actions of second or greater offenses to 
individual designated by the installation commander if the conditions in 
paragraph (e) above have been met.

[[Page 223]]

Sec. 527.32  Installation check control officer.

    (a) On receipt of notice from the check-cashing facility that a 
check was returned as dishonored, the ICCO will update the central file 
on dishonored checkwriters. (See Sec. 527.13(d)). This file will 
contain, as a minimum, the following information:
    (1) Name and SSN.
    (2) Status (active duty, retired, Reserve, National Guard, family 
member, civilian employee, etc.) and Service (Army, Navy, Air Force, 
Marine Corps, or Coast Guard).
    (3) Name, grade, and SSN of sponsor, if applicable.
    (4) Organization address and telephone number.
    (5) Home address and telephone number.
    (6) Amount of dishonored check.
    (7) Date check was returned as dishonored.
    (8) Date check was redeemed.
    (9) Effective date of suspension of check-cashing privileges.
    (10) Date check-cashing privileges are restored.
    (b) The central file on dishonored checkwriters will be maintained 
on all personnel, including those who redeem the dishonored check within 
the grace period. The file will be used for reference to identify repeat 
    (c) The dishonored checklist will be updated at least monthly to 
accurately show the current status of suspensions. The list will include 
suspension expiration dates and will be circulated at least monthly to 
installation check-cashing and ID card issuing facilities. On post banks 
and credit unions may also receive a copy of the dishonored checklist. 
The list may not be circulated to any other institution on or off the 
    (d) The ICCO may be provided terminal access to an electronic check 
verification system. The ICCO may use this system to verify check-
cashing privileges of individual checkwriters at the request of 
installation check-cashing facilities.
    (e) If the checkwriter commits a first offense (see Sec. 527.25), 
the ICCO will--
    (1) Add the checkwriter's name to the dishonored check list.
    (2) Suspend check-cashing privileges for 6 months.
    (3) Inform the commander (supervisor if checkwriter is a civilian) 
and checkwriter by letter that check-cashing privileges are suspended 
for 6 months from the date of letter and that the checkwriter must 
attend remedial training. (See figure 3-3.) The check writing privileges 
will be restored when the suspension period is over or earlier if the 
checkwriter has met the conditions in Sec. 527.25(d) and the unit 
commander for soldiers and their family members or the first line 
supervisor for civilians decides to restore check-cashing privileges 
    (f) If the checkwriter commits a second offense (See Sec. 527.26), 
the ICCO will--
    (1) Add the checkwriter's name to the dishonored checklist if 
currently not on the list.
    (2) Suspend check-cashing privileges for 12 months or increase 
suspension by 12 months if checkwriter is currently under suspension.
    (3) Inform the unit commander (supervisor if checkwriter is a 
civilian) and checkwriter by letter that check-cashing privileges are 
suspended for 12 months from date of letter or increased by 12 months 
and that the checkwriter must attend remedial training. (See figure 3-
4.) The check cashing privileges may be restored when the suspension 
period is over or earlier if the checkwriter has met the conditions in 
Sec. 527.26(d) and the individual appointed by the installation 
commander to act on appeals of second offenses approves.
    (g) If the checkwriter commits a third offense (see Sec. 527.27), 
the ICCO will--
    (1) Add the checkwriter's name to the dishonored checklist if 
currently not on the list.
    (2) Suspend check-cashing privileges for 18 months or increase 
suspension by 18 months if checkwriter is currently under suspension.
    (3) Inform the commander (supervisor if checkwriter is a civilian) 
and checkwriter by letter that check-cashing privileges are suspended 
for 18 months from date of letter or increased by 18 months, that the 
checkwriter must attend remedial training, and that the ID card must be 
overstamped. (See figure

[[Page 224]]

3-5.) The check-cashing privileges may be restored when the suspension 
period is over or earlier if the checkwriter has met the conditions in 
Sec. 527.27(d) and the individual appointed by the installation 
commander to act on appeals of third offenses approves.
    (h) If the checkwriter commits a fourth offense (see Sec. 527.28), 
the ICCO will--
    (1) Add checkwriter's name to the dishonored checklist if currently 
not on the list.
    (2) Suspend check-cashing privileges indefinitely.
    (3) Inform the commander (supervisor if checkwriter is a civilian) 
and checkwriter by letter that check-cashing privileges have been 
suspended indefinitely, that the checkwriter must attend remedial 
training, and that the ID card must be overstamped. (See figure 3-6.) 
The installation commander may reinstate check-cashing privileges if the 
checkwriter has met the conditions in Sec. 527.28(d).
    (i) If the checkwriter continues to write dishonored checks after 
the fourth offense, the ICCO will follow guidance in paragraph (h) of 
this section.
    (j) The ICCO will remove an individual from the dishonored checklist 
at the end of the suspension period or at the request of the individual 
having appeal approval authority. The checkwriter must have redeemed the 
dishonored checks, paid the administrative/service charges, attended 
remedial training, and passed the installation checkbook maintenance 
    (k) If proof of bank error or other excusable error is given, the 
ICCO will--
    (1) Clear checkwriter's name from central file of offenders.
    (2) Cancel any suspension imposed because of this error.
    (3) Inform checkwriter by letter of action taken.

Sec. 527.33  Identification card issuing facility.

    (a) When informed by the ICCO or the unit commander that an 
authorized user of the installation check-cashing facilities is 
suspended for issuing a dishonored check and is required to have their 
ID card overstamped, the ID card issuing facility will take action under 
AR 640-3, paragraph 4-10, to overstamp the offender's ID card.
    (b) When reissuing ID cards lost, stolen, etc., the dishonored 
checklist will be examined to determine if the individual applying for a 
new or replacement card is on it. The individual's unit or civilian's 
supervisor should be contacted to determine whether the ID card should 
be overstamped.

Sec. 527.34  Personnel of other Services.

    DA officials may not overstamp ID cards issued by other Services. DA 
officials may suspend check-cashing privileges of members of other 
Services, or their family members, by placing them on the dishonored 
checklist. Repeated abuse of check cashing privileges may result in 
barring from the installation persons not assigned thereto, except for 
needed medical services (See figs 3-7 and 3-8.) This barring may apply 
to family members and retirees of any Service.

Sec. 527.35  Appeals.

    (a) Any person whose check-cashing privileges are suspended may 
submit a written appeal for removal of the suspension. Active duty 
soldiers or their family members will send the appeal to their unit 
commander. Civilian employees will send their appeals to their first 
line supervisor. The appeal will include the following:
    (1) Date check-cashing privileges were suspended.
    (2) Check-cashing facility where check was cashed.
    (3) Date and where full payment, including administrative/service 
charges, was made.
    (4) Date remedial training was completed.
    (5) Grade received on installation checkbook maintenance test.
    (6) Reasons privileges should be restored.
    (b) ICCOs will not restore privileges if the checkwriter has not 
attended required training, has not passed the installation checkbook 
maintenance test, or has not paid in full all dishonored checks and 
administrative/service charges that did not result from bank or other 
excusable error.
    (c) If appeal was approved, the ICCO will--

[[Page 225]]

    (1) Remove checkwriter's name from dishonored checklist.
    (2) Inform checkwriter promptly of action taken.

Sec. 527.36  Disposal and transfer of records.

    ICCOs will--
    (a) Dispose of inactive files as required by AR 25-400-2 for file 
number 210-60a (Check-cashing Privileges).
    (b) Ensure that the ICCO is added to the installation out-processing 
    (c) Send active dishonored check files directly to the ICCO of the 
gaining installation when offenders are reassigned before the end of 
their or their family member's suspension period.
    (d) Place incoming individuals on check cashing suspensions, if 
their existing suspensions have not expired. These individuals will 
remain on suspension until the suspension expires or an appeal is 

       Subpart D--Monthly Dishonored Check Report, RCS: CSCOA-105

Sec. 527.37  Purpose.

    The Monthly Dishonored Check Report, RCS: CSCOA-105, provides data 
needed for control and management purposes.

Sec. 527.38  Source of data.

    Data for preparation of the report will be obtained from records 
kept at each installation.

Sec. 527.39  Preparation.

    (a) The Monthly Dishonored Check Report will be prepared by the ICCO 
in the format at figure 4-1 for ICCOs with automated systems. For ICCOs 
with manual systems, the report need only contain the total number of 
dishonored checks and total dollar value. Figure 4-1 is preferred. 
Negative reports are required. Items, such as corrective actions taken, 
may improve the report as needed.
    (b) Statistics for transferred personnel will be dropped by the 
losing installation and picked up by the gaining installation for 
suspension purposes.

Sec. 527.40  Frequency, routing, and due dates.

    The ICCO will--
    (a) Prepare the report monthly.
    (b) Send the original report to their MACOM.
    (c) Send copy of the report to finance and accounting officer for 
evaluation (see Sec. 527.14(b)) and ultimate routing to installation 
    (d) Send copy of the report to the Office of the Director of Finance 
and Accounting, ATTN: SAFM-FAP-B, Indianapolis, IN 46249-1016, due no 
later than 15 calendar days (30 days for overseas) after the end of the 
reporting period.
    (e) Provide unit commander with unit dishonored check data.

Sec. 527.41  Relinquishing data.

    Data in the Monthly Dishonored Check Report may be provided to banks 
and credit unions operating on military installations.

                           Subpart E--Training

Sec. 527.42  Ethics and military competence.

    Ethics and military competence are closely related. Poor performance 
in one area contributes to poor performance in another. Therefore, a 
major element in personal financial management is ethics. 
Responsibility, integrity, and high standards of conduct will be 
stressed. This aspect of responsible financial management is considered 
a part of leader development and should be included in leadership 

Sec. 527.43  Personal financial readiness/soldier money management (PFR/SMM).

    PFR/SMM training will be conducted throughout the Army training 
system as shown in Secs. 527.44 and 527.45.

Sec. 527.44  Initial entry training.

    Emphasis during initial entry training will be on prevention of 
abuse of check-cashing privileges. Recruits will be--
    (a) Given overview of basic pay entitlements, DA Form 3686 (JUMPS-
Army Leave and Earnings Statement), and maintenance of a checkbook.

[[Page 226]]

    (b) Made aware of counseling resources and procedures.
    (c) Instructed on their financial responsibilities to themselves, 
their family members, and their peers.
    (d) Made aware of the disciplinary and career consequences of the 
abuse of check-cashing privileges.

Sec. 527.45  Remedial training.

    Remedial training is mandatory for checkwriters committing an 
offense. Emphasis will be on checkbook management skills. This training 
is a prerequisite for removal from check-cashing suspensions. (See 
Secs. 527.25 through 527.28.) Remedial training will include budget 
counseling when budget problems exist. After completion of the remedial 
training the individual will be given a test on checkbook maintenance. 
The ICCO will require 70% or greater correct responses for passing the 
test. The individual must be able to demonstrate successful completion 
of the training and that he/she has the ability to properly maintain a 
checking account.

(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM THRU (Installation Check Control Officer)
FOR (All Installation Check-cashing Facilities)
SUBJECT: Disclaimer of Responsibility
    1. Effective this (date) day of (month and year) I, (name), disclaim 
responsibility for any check issued by the person(s) listed below:

    2. I have advised the individual(s) named above that I have 
disclaimed responsibility for check(s) presented by them to military 
check-cashing facilities. I have also advised the above named person(s) 
that their check-cashing privileges in these facilities may no longer be 


    Note. --This memorandum must be notarized by a licensed notary 
public prior to submission.

Figure 2-1. Sample of Notice of Disclaimer of Responsibility By Sponsor

(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM THRU (unit commander of active duty check writer or sponsor, 
          State adjutant general for members of the Army National Guard, 
          or supervisor for civilians)
FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Notification of Dishonored Check

    1. Reference AR 210-60, Personal Check-cashing Control and Abuse 
Prevention, dated (date of regulation).
    2. Your check(s) in the amount of ($), dated (date), was/were 
returned to (name of check-cashing facility) as dishonored.
    3. You have 10 calendar days from the date of this letter to make 
redemption and pay any administrative/service fee. Failure to make full 
restitution will result in a suspension of your check-cashing 
privileges. Restitution for the above check(s) must be made by cash, 
certified check, or money order to (where redemption should be made).
    4. If you can furnish proof of bank or other excusable error to the 
installation check control officer at (installation), your installation 
check-cashing privileges will be restored immediately. If proof is 
furnished, this would not be considered an offense, and no record of 
this transaction will be kept.

    Note. --MEMORANDUM THRU of address applies when two or more offenses 

Figure 3-1. Sample of Notification of Dishonored Check
(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Counseling Statement for Dishonored Check(s)
    1. A Notification of Dishonored Check, dated (date), has been 
received and is given to you in conjunction with this counseling 
statement. The Notification requires you to perform one of the 
    a. Make restitution.
    b. Furnish proof of bank error or other extenuating circumstances.
    2. I have discussed the reason for the dishonored check with you, 
which is as follows:
    3. Several offices are available to provide budgeting or financial 
assistance. I am/am not scheduling you for this training.
    4. Consequences for abusing check-cashing privileges include the 
    a.  Suspension of check-cashing privileges.
    b.  Letter of reprimand.
    c.  Appropriate comments in evaluation reports.
    d.  Administrative separation.
    e.  Bar to enlistment.
    f.  Denial of promotion.
    g.  Reduction in grade for inefficiency.
    5. These consequences may be avoided by performing the requirements 
in paragraph 1 above. Subsequent offenses may be dealt with more 

      (Signature of commander)

    Soldier's Comments:

      (Signature of check writer)

[[Page 227]]

Figure 3-2. Sample Counseling Statement for Dishonored Check

(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM THRU (Unit commander of active duty check writer/sponsor, 
          State adjutant general for members of the Army National Guard, 
          or supervisor for civilians)
FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Suspension of Check-Cashing Privileges--First Offense

    1. Reference AR 210-60, Personal Check-cashing Control and Abuse 
Prevention, (date of regulation).
    2. Your dishonored check(s) in the amount of (dollar amount), dated 
(date), and returned to (name of check-cashing facility) as dishonored 
was/were not redeemed within the grace period. Therefore, your 
installation check-cashing privileges are suspended for 6 months and you 
are required to attend remedial training on checkbook maintenance. The 
suspension period will end 6 months from the date of this letter, 
provided the check(s) has/have been redeemed and all administrative/
service charges have been paid, you have attended remedial training, and 
you have passed the installation checkbook maintenance test. Failure to 
make redemption will result in collection action being taken against 
your pay account. A record of this occurrence will be kept in the check 
control office. Future dishonored check instances may result in more 
severe restrictions and/or disciplinary action against you.
    3. You may appeal the suspension of your installation check-cashing 
privileges to your unit commander (if military or family member) or 
first line supervisor (if civilian). Your unit commander (if military or 
family member) or first line supervisor (if civilian) may approve 
restoring your check-cashing privileges prior to the end of 6 months. 
However, the check(s) must have been redeemed, all administrative/
service charges paid, remedial training completed, and you must have 
passed the installation checkbook maintenance test.

(Installation check control officer)

Figure 3-3. Sample of Suspension Notification--first offense

(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM THRU (Unit commander of active duty check writer/sponsor, 
          State adjutant general for members of the Army National Guard, 
          or supervisor for civilians)
FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Suspension of Check-Cashing Privileges--Second Offense
    1. Reference AR 210-60, Personal Check-cashing Control and Abuse 
Prevention, (date of regulation).
    2. Your dishonored check(s) in the amount of (dollar amount), dated 
(date), and returned to (name of check-cashing facility) as dishonored 
was/were not redeemed within the grace period. Therefore, your 
installation check-cashing privileges are suspended for 12 months and 
you are required to attend remedial training, since this is your second 
offense. The suspension period will end 12 months from the date of this 
letter, provided the check(s) has/have been redeemed and all 
administrative/service charges have been paid, you have attended 
remedial training, and you have passed the installation checkbook 
maintenance test. Failure to make redemption will result in collection 
action being taken against your pay account. A record of this occurrence 
will be kept in the check control office. Future dishonored check 
instances may result in more severe restrictions and/or disciplinary 
    3. You may appeal the suspension of your installation check-cashing 
privileges to your unit commander (if military or family member) or 
first line supervisor (if civilian). Your unit commander (if military or 
family member) or first line supervisor (if civilian) may approve 
restoring your check-cashing privileges prior to the end of 12 months. 
However, the check(s) must have been redeemed, all administrative/
service charges paid, remedial training completed, and you must have 
passed the installation checkbook maintenance test.

(Installation check control officer)
    Note. --If the check writer is currently on the dishonored check 
list, change paragraph 2 to indicate that current suspension is 
increased by 12 months.

Figure 3-4. Sample of Suspension Notification--second offense
(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM THRU (Unit commander of active duty check writer/sponsor, 
          State adjutant general for members of the Army National Guard, 
          or supervisor for civilians)
FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Suspension of Check-Cashing Privileges--Third Offense
    1. Reference AR 210-60, Personal Check-cashing Control and Abuse 
Prevention, (date of regulation).
    2. Your dishonored check(s) in the amount of (dollar amount), dated 
(date), and returned to (name of check-cashing facility) as dishonored 
was/were not redeemed within the grace period. Therefore, your 
installation check-cashing privileges are suspended for 18 months, you 
must have your ID card overstamped, and you are required to attend 
remedial training, since this is your third offense. The suspension 
period will end 18 months from the date of this letter, provided the 
check(s) has/have been redeemed and all administrative/service charges 
have been

[[Page 228]]

paid, you have attended remedial training, and you have passed the 
installation checkbook maintenance test. Failure to make redemption will 
result in collection action being taken against your pay account. A 
record of this occurrence will be kept in the check control office. 
Future dishonored check instances may result in more severe restrictions 
and/or disciplinary action against you.
    3. You may appeal the suspension of your installation check-cashing 
privileges to your unit commander (if military or family member) or 
first line supervisor (if civilian). Your unit commander (if military or 
family member) or first line supervisor (if civilian) may approve 
restoring your check-cashing privileges prior to the end of 18 months. 
However, the check(s) must have been redeemed, all administrative/
service charges paid, remedial training completed, and you must have 
passed the installation checkbook maintenance test.

(Installation check control officer)

    Note. --If the check writer is currently on the dishonored check 
list, change paragraph 2 to indicate that current suspension is 
increased by 18 months.

Figure 3-5. Sample of Suspension Notification--third offense

(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM THRU (Unit commander of active duty check writer/sponsor, 
          State adjutant general for members of the Army National Guard, 
          or supervisor for civilians)
FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Suspension of Check-Cashing Privileges--Fourth Offense
    1. Reference AR 210-60, Personal Check-cashing Control and Abuse 
Prevention, (date of regulation).
    2. Your dishonored check(s) in the amount of (dollar amount), dated 
(date), and returned to (name of check-cashing facility) as dishonored 
was/were not redeemed within the grace period. Therefore, your 
installation check-cashing privileges are suspended indefinitely, and 
you are required to attend remedial training, and you must have your ID 
card overstamped since this is your fourth offense. You must report to 
the ID card issuing facility to receive an overstamped ID card. The 
suspension period will end only at the approval of the installation 
commander, provided the check(s) has/have been redeemed and all 
administrative/service charges have been paid, you have attended 
remedial training, and you have passed the installation checkbook 
maintenance test. Failure to make redemption will result in collection 
action being taken against your pay account. A record of this occurrence 
will be kept in the check control office. Future dishonored check 
instances may result in more severe restrictions and/or disciplinary 
action against you.
    3. You may appeal the suspension of your installation check-cashing 
privileges to your unit commander (if military or family member) or 
first line supervisor (if civilian). The installation commander may 
approve restoring your check-cashing privileges. However, the check(s) 
must have been redeemed, all administrative/service charges paid, 
remedial training completed, and you must have passed the installation 
checkbook maintenance test.

(Installation check control officer)

Figure 3-6. Sample of Suspension Notification--fourth offense

(Office Symbol)        (Date)

MEMORANDUM FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Intent to Debar from United States Military Installation
    1. You are hereby notified of intent to bar you from entering or 
reentering the limits of (name of installation), except to enter and 
exit the installation by the most direct route for needed medical 
treatment at (name of hospital of clinic). This bar to the installation 
is because (reason for debarment). This bar to the installation will be 
removed (date or when certain actions are completed).
    2. Section 1382, title 18, United States Code, states: ``Whoever 
within the jurisdiction of the United States, goes upon any military, 
Naval, or Coast Guard Reservation, Post, Fort, Arsenal, Yard, Station or 
Installation, after having been removed therefrom or ordered not to 
reenter by any officer or person in command or charge thereof shall be 
fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or 
    3. After debarment, if you are found within the limits of (name of 
installation) without having received prior approval to enter the 
installation, except for the purpose of obtaining needed medical care, 
you will be detained by military authorities and turned over to Federal 
authorities for prosecution under the above law.
    4. Prior to final action barring you from entering or reentering the 
limits of (name of installation), you are hereby given an opportunity to 
present evidence on your behalf and to comply with the requirements set 
forth in paragraph 1 above. This information may be presented to (ICCO). 
If a reply is not received within (number of) days of the date you 
receive this letter, a letter of debarment will automatically be sent to 

(Installation commander)

Figure 3-7. Sample Notice of Intent to Debar From Installation
(Office Symbol)        (Date)
MEMORANDUM FOR (Check writer)
SUBJECT: Debarment from United States Military Installation

[[Page 229]]

    1. You are hereby prohibited as of this date from entering or 
reentering the limits of (name of installation), except to enter and 
exist the installation by the most direct route for needed medical 
treatment at (name of hospital of clinic). This bar to the installation 
is because (reason for debarment). This bar to the installation will be 
removed (date or when certain actions are completed).
    2. Section 1382, title 18, United States Code, states: ``Whoever 
within the jurisdiction of the United States, goes upon any Military, 
Naval, or Coast Guard Reservation, Post, Fort, Arsenal, Yard, Station or 
Installation, after having been removed therefrom or ordered not to 
reenter by any officer or person in command or charge thereof shall be 
fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or 
    3. If you are hereafter found within the limits of (name of 
installation) without having received prior approval to enter the 
installation, except for the purpose of obtaining needed medical care, 
you will be detained by military authorities and turned over to Federal 
authorities for prosecution under the above law.
    4. If you wish to appeal this debarment, a written request for a 
hearing on the matter should be sent to (ICCO) within (number of) days 
of the date of this letter. You will be informed by letter of the date, 
time, and place of the hearing for your appeal.

(Installation commander)


Figure 3-8. Sample Notice of Debarment From Installation

                                         Monthly Dishonored Check Report
                                               AAFES       Commissary      FAO        NAF       Other     Total
 1. E1-E4......................  A
 2. E5-E6......................  A
 3. E7-E9......................  A
 4. W01/05.....................  A
 5. 06/Above...................  A
 6. Total (Line 1-5)...........  A
 7. Other Services.............  A
 8. Retired Military...........  A
 9. NG/Res.....................  A
10. Family Member..............  A
11. All Other (DOD Civ)........  A
12. Total (Line 7-11)..........  A
13. Grand Total (Line 6+12)....  A
Row A=Number of dishonored checks by category for the month.
Row B=Total dollar value of dishonored checks by category for the month. (Dollar values will be rounded to the
  nearest dollar.)
Row C=Number of dishonored check writers by category for the month.
Figure 4-1. Sample format of Monthly Dishonored Check Report, RCS: CSCOA-105.

[[Page 230]]

                   Appendix A to Part 527--References

    *Army publications referenced in this document are available from 
the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, Telephone: (703) 487-4684.

                                Section I

                          Required Publications

AR 30-19
    Army Commissary Store Operating Policies. (Cited in Sec. 527.1(b))
AR 37-103
    Finance and Accounting for Installations: Disbursing Operations. 
(Cited in Sec. 527.1(b))
AR 37-104-3
    Military Pay and Allowances Procedures: Joint Uniform Military Pay 
System (JUMPS-Army). (Cited in Sec. 527.29(c))
AR 37-104-10
    Military Pay and Allowances Procedures for Inactive Duty Training: 
Joint Uniform Military Pay System--Reserve Components (JUMPS-(RC)-Army). 
(Cited in Sec. 527.29(c))
AR 37-109
    General Accounting and Reporting for Finance and Accounting Offices. 
(Cited in Sec. 527.29(C))
AR 60-20/AFAR 147-14
    Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Operating Policies. 
(Cited in Sec. 527.1(b))
AR 190-29
    Minor Offenses and Uniform Violation Notices Referred to U.S. 
District Courts. (Cited in Sec. 527.19(h))
AR 215-1
    Administration of Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities and 
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities. (Cited in Sec. 527.1(b))
AR 215-2
    The Management and Operation of Morale, Welfare, and Recreation 
Activities and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities. (Cited in 
Sec. 527.1(b)) Preparation, Coordination, and Approval of Department of 
the Army Publications. (Cited in Sec. 527.7(b))
AR 600-20
    Army Command Policy and Procedures. (Cited in Sec. 527.11(c))
AR 600-31
    Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions for Military Personnel in 
National Security Cases and Other Investigations or Proceedings. (Cited 
in Sec. 527.30(i))
AR 600-37
    Unfavorable Information. (Cited in Sec. 527.30(i)) Identification 
Cards, Tags, and Badges. (Cited in Sec. 527.33(a))

                               Section II

                          Related Publications

    A related publication is merely a source of additional information. 
The user does not have to read it to understand this regulation.
    Department of Defense Military Pay and Allowances Entitlements 
Manual (DODPM). Exchange Service Manual 55-21.

                               Section III

                            Referenced Forms

DA Form 3686
    JUMPS-Army Leave and Earnings Statement
DD Form 2A (Act)
    Active Duty Military ID Card
DD Form 2A (Res)
    Armed Forces of the United States ID Card (Reserve).
DD Form 2A (Ret)
    United States Uniformed Services ID Card (Retired)
DD Form 139
    Pay Adjustment Authorization


                                Section I


AAFES--Army and Air Force Exchange Service
ACS--Army Community Service
AF--appropriated fund
ASA(FM)--Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management)
CG--commanding general
DA--Department of the Army
DCSPER--Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel
DOD--Department of Defense
DODPM--Department of Defense Military Pay and Allowances Manual
DODRPM--Department of Defense Retired Pay Manual
DPCA--Deputy for Personnel and Community Activities
HQDA--Headquarters, Department of the Army
ICCO--installation check control office(r)
MACOM--major Army command
NAF--nonappropriated fund
OASA(FM)--Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial 
PAC--Personnel Administration Center
PFR/SMM--personal financial readiness/soldier money management
POI--program of instruction
RCS--requirement control symbol
SSN--social security number
TDY--temporary duty
TRADOC--U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

[[Page 231]]

UCMJ--Uniform Code of Military Justice
USACFSC--U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center

                               Section II


Agency relationship. Relationship that exists when an individual 
          authorizes a person (or persons) to act on the individual's 
Check-cashing facility. Appropriated fund or non appropriated fund 
          activity that accepts or cashes checks for merchandise, 
          services, cash, or payment of debts to the Government
Dishonored check. Check returned unpaid by the financial institution on 
          which it was drawn due to insufficient funds, closed account, 
          no account, or other like cause
Central file of offenders. A file maintained by the installation check 
          control officer listing all persons that have written a 
          dishonored check. This file is not published for use by any of 
          the check-cashing facilities
Dishonored check list. Manual list or listing stored in an electronic 
          check verification system of persons whose check-cashing 
          privileges are suspended
Electronic check verification system. Automated system that identifies 
          persons whose check-cashing privileges have been denied; for 
          example, the AAFES' TRW system, or the commissary's National 
          Cash Register electronic point of sales system
Grace period. Time allowed (10 calendar days from date of notification 
          letter) in which redemption of a dishonored check must be made
Offense. An offense occurs when a check writer does not redeem a 
          dishonored check within the grace period. The dishonored check 
          was not the result of a bank or other excusable error
Habitual dishonored check writer. A soldier who writes dishonored checks 
          on a regular basis but redeems the check within the grace 
          period, thus never being placed on the dishonored check list
Overstamped ID card. DD Form 2A (Act) (Active Duty Military ID Card), DD 
          Form 2A (Res) (Armed Forces of the United States ID Card 
          (Reserve)), DD Form 2A (Ret) (United States Uniformed Services 
          ID Card (Retired)), or other form of identification for 
          Active, Reserve Components, retired or civilian personnel 
          stamped on the face to show check-cashing privileges are 
Proof of bank or other excusable error. Written admission of error by a 
          financial institution or other responsible party clearing 
          check writer of fault
Related offense. Any group of dishonored checks which resulted from a 
          common error (for example, a subtraction error in the 
          checkbook). The check writer must prove to the ICCO that these 
          dishonored checks are related. If none of the checks are 
          redeemed, they will be called one offense
Two-party check. A written order dated and signed by the maker directing 
          the bank to pay a certain sum of money to the order of a 
          second party.