[Title 32 CFR C]
[Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - July 1, 2002 Edition]
[Subtitle A - Department of Defense (Continued)]
[Subpart C - Motor Vehicle Registration]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

                  Subpart C--Motor Vehicle Registration

Sec. 634.19  Registration policy.

    (a) Motor vehicles will be registered according to guidance in this 
regulation and in policies of each Service and DLA. Unless otherwise 
specified by this regulation or other competent authority, a person who 
lives or works on a military installation or often uses the facilities 
will be required to register his or her vehicle. The person need not own 
the vehicle to register it, but must have a lease agreement, power of 
attorney, or notarized statement from the owner of the vehicle 
specifying the inclusive dates for which permission to use the vehicle 
has been granted.
    (b) Vehicles intended for construction and material handling or used 
solely off the road are not usually registered as motor vehicles. 
Installation commanders may require registration of off-road vehicles 
and bicycles under a separate local system.
    (c) Commanders can grant limited temporary registration for up to 45 
days, pending permanent registration, or in other circumstances for 
longer terms.
    (d) Except for reasons of security, all installations and activities 
of the Services and DLA within the United States and its territories 
will honor the DD Form 2220 (Department of Defense Registered Vehicle) 
issued by other installations or activities.
    (e) Visitor identification may be developed and issued locally. (Air 
Force, see AFR 125-15.)
    (f) Registration of POVs is not required at Army installations; 
however, the conditions in Sec. 634.20 must be met to gain the privilege 
of operating a POV on an Army installation.
    (1) For those installations not registering vehicles, failure to 

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with conditions in Sec. 634.20 will be detected through traffic 
enforcement actions. Failure of an owner to comply with these conditions 
may result in administrative suspension or revocation of his or her 
installation driving privileges (Sec. 634.10).
    (2) Installation commanders are authorized to use the Vehicle 
Registration System (VRS) of the Military Police Management Information 
System (MPMIS). VRS is a Standard Army Management Information System 
(STAMIS). For installations using VRS, the maximum number of monthly 
computer runs will not exceed 15 in peacetime and 4 in wartime.
    (3) When fielded, VRS-2, a redesigned system, will be employed by 
all installations using an automated vehicle registration program.

Sec. 634.20  Registration requirements.

    Systems for registration of POVs on military installations within 
the United States or its territories and in overseas areas will include 
the requirements specified below (Registration in overseas commands may 
be modified in accordance with international agreements or military 
    (a) Possession of a valid State, overseas command, host nation, or 
international driver's license (as applicable), supported by DD Form 2 
(U.S. Armed Forces Retired Identification Card), or other appropriate 
identification for DOD civilians.
    (b) Possession of a certificate of State registration as required by 
the state in which the vehicle is registered.
    (c) Continuing compliance with the minimum requirements of the 
automobile insurance laws or regulations of the State or host nation. In 
overseas commands where host nation laws do not require minimum personal 
injury and property damage liability insurance, the major overseas 
commander may set reasonable liability insurance requirements for 
registration and operation of POVs within the confines of military 
installations and areas. Prior to implementation, insurance requirements 
in host nations should be formally coordinated with the appropriate host 
nation agency.
    (d) Satisfactory completion of safety and mechanical vehicle 
inspection by State or jurisdiction in which the vehicle is licensed or 
located. If neither State nor local jurisdiction requires a periodic 
safety inspection, installation commanders may require and conduct an 
annual POV safety inspection; however, inspection facilities must be 
reasonably accessible to those requiring use. Inspections will meet 
minimum standards established by the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration (NHTSA) in Secs. 570.1 through 570.10, part 570, chapter 
V, title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Lights, turn signals, 
brake lights, horn, and wipers should be included in the inspection.
    (e) Vehicles with elevated rear ends are unsafe and will be denied 
registration on Army, DLA, and Marine Corps installations. The CFR 
(Sec. 570.8 (Suspension Systems), part 570, chapter V, title 49) states 
that springs should not be extended above the vehicle manufacturer's 
design height.

Sec. 634.21  Specifications for DD Form 2220.

    (a) Use. DD Form 2220 will be used to register POVs on Army, Navy, 
Air Force, Marine Corps, and DLA installations or facilities. The form 
is produced in single copy for placement on the front of the vehicle 
    (1) Each Service and DLA will procure its own forms and installation 
and expiration tabs. For the Army, the basic decal may be ordered 
through publications channels. Army installations must procure their own 
installation and expiration tabs using installation funds.
    (2) DD Form 2220 and installation and expiration tabs will be 
removed from POVs when the registration expires or is terminated.
    (3) The normal expiration term for registration on Army 
installations will be 4 years.
    (b) Specifications. (1) DD Form 2220 will consist of international 
blue borders and printing on a white background. Printer information 
will include the following:
    (i) Form title (Department of Defense Registered Vehicle).
    (ii) Alphanumeric individual form identification number.
    (iii) DOD seal.

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    (2) Name of the installation will be specified on a separate tab 
abutting the decal. Each Service or DLA may choose optional color codes 
of the registrant. Army installations having vehicle registration 
programs will use the following standard color scheme for the 
installation tab:
    (i) Blue-officers.
    (ii) Red-enlisted.
    (iii) Green-DA civilian employees (including NAF employees).
    (iv) Black-Contractor personnel and other civilians employed on the 
    (3) An expiration tab identifying the month and year (``6-97'') or 
simply the year (``97'') will be abutted to the decal. For 
identification purposes, the date of expiration will be shown in bold 
block numbers on a lighter contrasting background such as traffic 
yellow, lime, or orange.
    (4) The decal, installation tab, and expiration tab will be theft 
resistant when applied to glass, metal, painted, or rubberized surfaces 
after full adhesion had developed and will be manufactured to ``tear'' 
or ``self destruct'' when any attempt to remove it is made with a sharp 
instrument or chemical.
    (5) On Army installations, a single decal with tabs will be 
prominently affixed to the front windshield or bumper of registered 
vehicles. Local policy will specify the exact placement. Some States 
prohibit or restrict placement of decals on windshields. In such cases, 
State law will be complied with.

Sec. 634.22  Termination or denial of registration.

    Installation commanders or their designated representatives will 
terminate POV registration or deny initial registration under the 
following conditions (decal and tabs will be removed from the vehicle 
when registration is terminated):
    (a) The owner fails to comply with the registration requirements. 
(See Sec. 634.20)
    (b) The owner sells or disposes of the POV, is released from active 
duty, is separated from the Service, is transferred to a new duty 
station, or terminates civilian employment with a military Service or 
DOD agency.
    (c) The owner is other than an active duty military or civilian 
employee and discontinues regular operation of the POV on the 
    (d) The owner's State, overseas command, or host nation driver's 
license has been suspended or revoked, or the installation driving 
privilege has been revoked. Where vehicle registration is terminated in 
conjunction with the revocation of installation driving privileges, the 
affected person must apply to re-register the POV after the revocation 
expires. Registration should not be terminated if other family members 
having installation driving privileges require use of the vehicle.

Sec. 634.23  Specified consent to impoundment.

    Personnel registering POVs on Service or DLA installations must 
consent to the impoundment policy. POV registration forms will contain 
or have appended to them a certificate with the following statement:

    I am aware that (insert number and title of separate Service or DLA 
directive) and the installation traffic code provide for the removal and 
temporary impoundment of privately owned motor vehicles that are either 
parked illegally for unreasonable periods, interfering with military 
operations, creating a safety hazard, disabled by incident, left 
unattended in a restricted or controlled area, or abandoned. I agree to 
reimburse the United States for the cost of towing and storage should my 
motor vehicle(s), because of such circumstances, be removed and 