[Title 32 CFR 636.28]
[Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - July 1, 2003 Edition]
[Subtitle A - Department of Defense (Continued)]
[Subpart A - Fort Stewart, Georgia]
[Sec. 636.28 - Special rules for motorcycles/mopeds.]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]
3242003-07-012002-07-01trueSpecial rules for motorcycles/mopeds.636.28Sec. 636.28NATIONAL DEFENSEDepartment of Defense (Continued)DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED)LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONSMOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC SUPERVISION (SPECIFIC INSTALLATIONS)Fort Stewart, Georgia
Sec. 636.28 Special rules for motorcycles/mopeds.
(a) Traffic laws and regulations in this part apply to persons
riding motorcycles/mopeds. Motorcyle/moped operators are granted all the
rights and are subject to all duties of motor vehicle operators, except
those which logically do not apply.
(b) Motorcycles/moped operators will ride only while seated facing
forward with one leg on either side of the vehicle on the permanent and
regular seat of the vehicle. Passengers will not be carried unless the
vehicle is designed
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to carry a passenger. Passengers will only be carried in a manner which
neither interferes with the operation of the vehicle nor obstructs the
operator's view. Operators will keep both hands on the vehicle's
(c) Motorcycle/moped operators are entitled to the use of a full
lane of traffic. Motorcycle/moped operators will not pass another
vehicle using the same lane as the overtaken vehicle. Motorcycles/mopeds
will not be operated between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines
or rows of vehicles.
(d) Motorcycles/moped headlights and tail lights will be illuminated
at anytime the vehicle is being operated.
(e) Motorcycle/moped operators will not attach their vehicle or
themselves to any other motorized vehicle operating upon the roadway.
(f) Footrests will be provided for passengers. Motorcycles/mopeds
will not be operated with handlebars more than 15 inches above the seat
which the operator occupies. No back rest attached to the motorcycle/
moped will have a sharp point at its apex.
(g) All motorcycle/moped operators/passengers will comply with the
following safety requirements:
(1) Wear the following protective equipment:
(i) Properly fastened (under the chin) DOT approved helmet.
(ii) Eye protection (clear goggles or a face shield attached to the
(iii) Full-fingered gloves.
(iv) Long trousers.
(v) Long-sleeved shirt or jacket (with sleeves rolled down).
(vi) Leather boots or over-the-ankle shoes.
(vii) High-visibility garments (bright color for day and retro-
reflective for night).
(2) Motorcycle/moped headlights will be turned on at all times.
(3) Motorcycle/moped must have two rear-view mirrors (one mirror on
each side of the handlebars).
(4) Use of headphones or earphones while driving is prohibited.
(h) Military personnel, civilian employees, and family member
drivers of a privately or government-owned motorcycle/moped (two or
three wheeled motor driven vehicles) are required to attend and complete
an approved Motorcycle Defense Driving Course (MDDC) prior to operation
of the motorcycle/moped on the installation. Upon completion of the
course, personnel will be provided with a MDDC card. Personnel are
authorized to operate their motorcycle/moped on the installation for the
purpose of attending the motorcycle safety course. Attendance may be
verified by contacting the Installation Safety Office.