[Title 3 CFR ]
[Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - January 1, 2014 Edition]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

[[Page i]]


          Title 3

The President


                         Revised as of January 1, 2014

          2013 Compilation and Parts 100-102

                    Published by the Office of the Federal Register 
                    National Archives and Records Administration as a 
                    Special Edition of the Federal Register

[[Page ii]]


          Legal Status and Use of Seals and Logos
          The seal of the National Archives and Records Administration 
              (NARA) authenticates the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as 
              the official codification of Federal regulations established 
              under the Federal Register Act. Under the provisions of 44 
              U.S.C. 1507, the contents of the CFR, a special edition of the 
              Federal Register, shall be judicially noticed. The CFR is 
              prima facie evidence of the original documents published in 
              the Federal Register (44 U.S.C. 1510).

          It is prohibited to use NARA's official seal and the stylized Code 
              of Federal Regulations logo on any republication of this 
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              Any person using NARA's official seals and logos in a manner 
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          This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this publication 
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          U.S. Superintendent of Documents  Washington, DC 


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[[Page iii]]


                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

List of Title 3 Compilations..........................................iv
Explanation of the Code of Federal Regulations........................vi
Explanation of This Title.............................................ix
How To Cite This Title................................................xi
Title 3.............................................................xiii
     2013 Compilation--Presidential Documents..........................1
     Chapter I--Executive Office of the President....................443
Title 3 Finding Aids.................................................453
     List of CFR Sections Affected...................................477
CFR Finding Aids.....................................................493
     Table of CFR Titles and Chapters................................495
     Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR..............515

[[Page iv]]

                          TITLE 3 COMPILATIONS

      Title 3 Compilations           Proclamations     Executive Orders
 1936-1938......................  2161-2286.........          7316-7905
 1938-1943......................  2287-2587.........          7906-9347
 1943-1948......................  2588-2823.........         9348-10025
 1949-1953......................  2824-3041.........        10026-10510
 1954-1958......................  3042-3265.........        10511-10797
 1959-1963......................  3266-3565.........        10798-11134
 1964-1965......................  3566-3694.........        11135-11263
 1966-1970......................  3695-4025.........        11264-11574
 1971-1975......................  4026-4411.........        11575-11893
 1976...........................  4412-4480.........        11894-11949
 1977...........................  4481-4543.........        11950-12032
 1978...........................  4544-4631.........        12033-12110
 1979...........................  4632-4709.........        12111-12187
 1980...........................  4710-4812.........        12188-12260
 1981...........................  4813-4889.........        12261-12336
 1982...........................  4890-5008.........        12337-12399
 1983...........................  5009-5142.........        12400-12456
 1984...........................  5143-5291.........        12457-12497
 1985...........................  5292-5424.........        12498-12542
 1986...........................  5425-5595.........        12543-12579
 1987...........................  5596-5759.........        12580-12622
 1988...........................  5760-5928.........        12623-12662
 1989...........................  5929-6084.........        12663-12698
 1990...........................  6085-6240.........        12699-12741
 1991...........................  6241-6398.........        12742-12787
 1992...........................  6399-6520.........        12788-12827
 1993...........................  6521-6643.........        12828-12890
 1994...........................  6644-6763.........        12891-12944
 1995...........................  6764-6859.........        12945-12987
 1996...........................  6860-6965.........        12988-13033
 1997...........................  6966-7061.........        13034-13071
 1998...........................  7062-7161.........        13072-13109
 1999...........................  7162-7262.........        13110-13144
 2000...........................  7263-7389.........        13145-13185
 2001...........................  7263-7516.........        13145-13251
 2002...........................  7517-7635.........        13252-13282
 2003...........................  7636-7748.........        13283-13323
 2004...........................  7749-7858.........        13324-13368
 2005...........................  7859-7972.........        13369-13394
 2006...........................  7873-8098.........        13395-13421
 2007...........................  8099-8214.........        13422-13453
 2008...........................  8215-8334.........        13454-13483
 2009...........................  8335-8469.........        13484-13527
 2010...........................  8470-8621.........        13528-13562
 2011...........................  8622-8772.........        13563-13596
 2012...........................  8773-8925.........        13597-13635

[[Page v]]

 2013...........................  8926-9075.........        13636-13655
Beginning with 1976, Title 3 compilations also include regulations
  contained in Chapter I, Executive Office of the President.
Supplementary publications include: Presidential documents of the Hoover
  Administration (two volumes), Proclamations 1870-2037 and Executive
  Orders 5076-6070; Consolidated Indexes for 1936-1965; and Consolidated
  Tables for 1936-1965.

[[Page vi]]


    The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and 
permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive 
departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided 
into 50 titles which represent broad areas subject to Federal 
regulation. Each title is divided into chapters which usually bear the 
name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into 
parts covering specific regulatory areas.
    Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year 
and issued on a quarterly basis approximately as follows:

Title 1 through Title 16.................................as of January 1
Title 17 through Title 27..................................as of April 1
Title 28 through Title 41...................................as of July 1
Title 42 through Title 50................................as of October 1

    The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each 


    The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially 
noticed (44 U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie 
evidence of the text of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510).


    The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual 
issues of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used 
together to determine the latest version of any given rule.
    To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its 
revision date (in this case, January 1, 2014), consult the ``List of CFR 
Sections Affected (LSA),'' which is issued monthly, and the ``Cumulative 
List of Parts Affected,'' which appears in the Reader Aids section of 
the daily Federal Register. These two lists will identify the Federal 
Register page number of the latest amendment of any given rule.


    Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal 
Register since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source 
citations for the regulations are referred to by volume number and page 
number of the Federal Register and date of publication. Publication 
dates and effective dates are usually not the same and care must be 
exercised by the user in determining the actual effective date. In 
instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-off date for the 
Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective date. In 
those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register 
states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be 
inserted following the text.


    The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-511) requires 
Federal agencies to display an OMB control number with their information 
collection request.

[[Page vii]]

Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as 
amendments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are 
placed as close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting 


    Provisions of the Code that are no longer in force and effect as of 
the revision date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. 
Code users may find the text of provisions in effect on any given date 
in the past by using the appropriate List of CFR Sections Affected 
(LSA). For the convenience of the reader, a ``List of CFR Sections 
Affected'' is published at the end of each CFR volume. For changes to 
the Code prior to the LSA listings at the end of the volume, consult 
previous annual editions of the LSA. For changes to the Code prior to 
2001, consult the List of CFR Sections Affected compilations, published 
for 1949-1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000.


    The term ``[Reserved]'' is used as a place holder within the Code of 
Federal Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a 
``[Reserved]'' location at any time. Occasionally ``[Reserved]'' is used 
editorially to indicate that a portion of the CFR was left vacant and 
not accidentally dropped due to a printing or computer error.


    What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was 
established by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the 
requirement to publish regulations in the Federal Register by referring 
to materials already published elsewhere. For an incorporation to be 
valid, the Director of the Federal Register must approve it. The legal 
effect of incorporation by reference is that the material is treated as 
if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C. 552(a)). 
This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force 
of law.
    What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the 
Federal Register will approve an incorporation by reference only when 
the requirements of 1 CFR part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which 
approval is based are:
    (a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of 
material published in the Federal Register.
    (b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent 
necessary to afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative 
    (c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for 
publication in accordance with 1 CFR part 51.
    What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If 
you have any problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as 
an approved incorporation by reference, please contact the agency that 
issued the regulation containing that incorporation. If, after 
contacting the agency, you find the material is not available, please 
notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives and 
Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, 
or call 202-741-6010.


    A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a 
separate volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR Index 
and Finding Aids. This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities 
and Rules. A list of CFR titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an 
alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR are also included in 
this volume.

[[Page viii]]

    An index to the text of ``Title 3--The President'' is carried within 
that volume.
    The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. 
This index is based on a consolidation of the ``Contents'' entries in 
the daily Federal Register.
    A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to 
the revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.


    There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing 
in the Code of Federal Regulations.


    For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this 
volume, contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency's name appears at 
the top of odd-numbered pages.
    For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 202-741-6000 
or write to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National 
Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 
20740-6001 or e-mail [email protected].


    The Government Printing Office (GPO) processes all sales and 
distribution of the CFR. For payment by credit card, call toll-free, 
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fax your order to 202-512-2104, 24 hours a day. For payment by check, 
write to: US Government Printing Office - New Orders, P.O. Box 979050, 
St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.


    The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of 
CFR Sections Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal 
Register, Public Laws, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United 
States, Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Privacy Act 
Compilation are available in electronic format via www.ofr.gov. For more 
information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government 
Printing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-
mail, [email protected].
    The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the 
National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) World Wide Web 
site for public law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related 
information. Connect to NARA's web site at www.archives.gov/federal-
    The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation 
of CFR material and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office 
of the Federal Register and the Government Printing Office. It is 
available at www.ecfr.gov.

    Charles A. Barth,
    Office of the Federal Register.
    January 1, 2014.

[[Page ix]]

                        EXPLANATION OF THIS TITLE

    This volume of ``Title 3--The President'' contains a compilation of 
 Presidential documents and a codification of regulations issued by the 
                                      Executive Office of the President.

         The 2013 Compilation contains the full text of those documents 
      signed by the President that were required to be published in the 
   Federal Register. Signature date rather than publication date is the 
     criterion for inclusion. With each annual volume, the Presidential 
       documents signed in the previous year become the new compilation.

    Chapter I contains regulations issued by the Executive Office of the 
 President. This section is a true codification like other CFR volumes, 
in that its contents are organized by subject or regulatory area and are 
                   updated by individual issues of the Federal Register.

       Presidential documents in this volume may be cited ``3 CFR, 2013 
 Comp.'' Thus, the preferred abbreviated citation for Proclamation 8926 
      appearing on page 1 of this book, is ``3 CFR, 2013 Comp., p. 1.'' 
          Chapter I entries may be cited ``3 CFR.'' Thus, the preferred 
 abbreviated citation for section 100.1, appearing in chapter I of this 
                                               book, is ``3 CFR 100.1.''

            This book is one of the volumes in a series that began with 
 Proclamation 2161 of March 19, 1936, and Executive Order 7316 of March 
  13, 1936, and that has been continued by means of annual compilations 
  and periodic cumulations. The entire Title 3 series, as of January 1, 
                   2014 is encompassed in the volumes listed on page iv.

     For readers interested in proclamations and Executive orders prior 
to 1936, there is a two-volume set entitled Proclamations and Executive 
     Orders, Herbert Hoover (March 4, 1929, to March 4, 1933). Codified 
Presidential documents are published in the Codification of Presidential 
 Proclamations and Executive Orders (April 13, 1945--January 20, 1989). 
Other public Presidential documents not required to be published in the 
          Federal Register, such as speeches, messages to Congress, and 
  statements, can be found in the Compilation of Presidential Documents 
   and the Public Papers of the Presidents series. A selection of these 
Office of the Federal Register publications are available for sale from 
the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, 
                                                               DC 20402.

    This book was prepared in the Presidential Documents and Legislative 
  Division under the supervision of Laurice A. Clark. Lois M. Davis was 
                                                           Chief Editor.

[[Page xi]]


               Cite Presidential documents in this volume
                            3 CFR, 2013 Comp.
                      thus: 3 CFR, 2013 Comp., p. 1

                  Cite chapter I entries in this volume
                                  3 CFR
                            thus: 3 CFR 100.1


[[Page xiii]]


                         TITLE 3--THE PRESIDENT


2013 Compilation--Presidential Documents:
     Executive Orders................................................217
     Other Presidential Documents....................................351
Chapter I--Executive Office of the President:
    Part 100.........................................................444
    Part 101.........................................................444
    Part 102.........................................................444
Finding Aids:
    Table 1--Proclamations...........................................455
    Table 2--Executive Orders........................................459
    Table 3--Other Presidential Documents............................461
    Table 4--Presidential Documents Affected During 2013.............467
    Table 5--Statutes Cited as Authority for Presidential Documents..473
    List of CFR Sections Affected....................................477
CFR Finding Aids:
    Table of CFR Titles and Chapters.................................495
    Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR...............515

[[Page 1]]

                2013 Compilation--Presidential Documents




Proclamation 8926 of January 16, 2013

Religious Freedom Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Foremost among the rights Americans hold sacred is the freedom to 
worship as we choose. Today, we celebrate one of our Nation's first laws 
to protect that right--the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. 
Written by Thomas Jefferson and guided through the Virginia legislature 
by James Madison, the Statute affirmed that ``Almighty God hath created 
the mind free'' and ``all men shall be free to profess . . . their 
opinions in matters of religion.'' Years later, our Founders looked to 
the Statute as a model when they enshrined the principle of religious 
liberty in the Bill of Rights.
Because of the protections guaranteed by our Constitution, each of us 
has the right to practice our faith openly and as we choose. As a free 
country, our story has been shaped by every language and enriched by 
every culture. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and 
Hindus, Sikhs and non-believers. Our patchwork heritage is a strength we 
owe to our religious freedom.
Americans of every faith have molded the character of our Nation. They 
were pilgrims who sought refuge from persecution; pioneers who pursued 
brighter horizons; protesters who fought for abolition, women's 
suffrage, and civil rights. Each generation has seen people of different 
faiths join together to advance peace, justice, and dignity for all.
Today, we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American 
right; it is a universal human right to be protected here at home and 
across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, 
and without it our world cannot know lasting peace.

[[Page 2]]

As we observe Religious Freedom Day, let us remember the legacy of faith 
and independence we have inherited, and let us honor it by forever 
upholding our right to exercise our beliefs free from prejudice or 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 16, 2013, as 
Religious Freedom Day. I call on all Americans to commemorate this day 
with events and activities that teach us about this critical foundation 
of our Nation's liberty, and show us how we can protect it for future 
generations at home and around the world.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8927 of January 18, 2013

Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

At a time of deep division nearly 50 years ago, a booming voice for 
justice rang out across the National Mall, reverberated around our 
country, and sent ripples throughout the world. Speaking to thousands 
upon thousands rallying for jobs and freedom, the Reverend Dr. Martin 
Luther King, Jr., delivered his ``I Have a Dream'' speech, challenging 
America to take up the worthy task of perfecting our Union. Today, we 
celebrate a man whose clarion call stirred our Nation to bridge our 
differences, and whose legacy still drives us to bend the arc of the 
moral universe toward justice.
By words and example, Dr. King reminded us that ``Change does not roll 
in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous 
struggle.'' Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, he mobilized multitudes of 
men and women to take on a struggle for justice and equality. They 
braved billy clubs and bomb threats, dogs and fire hoses. For their 
courage and sacrifice, they earned our country's everlasting gratitude.
A half-century later, the march of progress has brought us closer than 
ever to achieving Dr. King's dream, but our work is not yet done. Too 
many young people still grow up in forgotten neighborhoods with 
persistent violence, underfunded schools, and inadequate health care, 
holding little hope and few prospects for the future. Too many Americans 
are denied the full equality and opportunity guaranteed by our founding 
documents. Today, Dr. King's struggle reminds us that while change can 
sometimes seem impossible, if we maintain our faith in ourselves and in 
the possibilities of this Nation, there is no challenge we cannot 

[[Page 3]]

Every year, Americans mark this day by answering Dr. King's call to 
service. In his memory, let us recall his teaching that ``we are caught 
in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of 
destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.'' In 
keeping with Dr. King's example, let us embrace the belief that our 
destiny is shared, accept our obligations to each other and to future 
generations, and strengthen the bonds that hold together the most 
diverse Nation on earth.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 21, 2013, as 
the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday. I encourage all Americans 
to observe this day with appropriate civic, community, and service 
projects in honor of Dr. King and to visit www.MLKDay.gov to find Martin 
Luther King, Jr., Day of Service projects across our country.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of 
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8928 of January 21, 2013

National Day of Hope and Resolve, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Four years ago, the American people came together to chart a new course 
through an uncertain hour. We chose hope over fear and hard work during 
hardship, confident that the age-old values that had guided our Nation 
through even its darkest days would be sufficient to meet the trials of 
our time.
Together, we have brought a decade of war toward a responsible end. We 
have saved our economy from collapse and fought for a future where 
everyone has an equal chance at opportunity. Millions of men, women, and 
children have made service their mission, reaffirming that America's 
greatest strength lies not in might or wealth, but in the bonds we share 
with one another.
Today, I have sworn an oath to preserve the fundamental freedoms and 
protections that are the lasting birthright of all who call this land 
home. I stand humbled by the responsibilities entrusted to me by our 
people, and I pray God's grace will see us through the tests we will 
surely face in the days ahead. But even as I assume once more the solemn 
duty of this Presidency, let us also remember that the oath I spoke 
shares much in common with those taken by every service member and every 
immigrant, and with the pledge we make before our flag. These are the 
words of America's citizens, and they represent our greatest hope.
On the opposite end of the National Mall from where I delivered my 
address, a preacher once told us ``we cannot walk alone.'' Empowered by 

[[Page 4]]

faith in each other and united by the purpose that binds our fates as 
one, let us learn again that most enduring lesson. Let us renew our 
resolve to meet the challenges of our age together. And when our 
grandchildren reflect on the history we leave, let them say we did what 
was required of us, that our words were true to our Founders' dreams for 
a young Republic and our actions foretold the dawn of a new and brighter 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of 
the United States, do hereby proclaim January 21, 2013, a National Day 
of Hope and Resolve. I call upon all Americans to join together in 
courage, in compassion, and in purpose to more fully realize the eternal 
promises of our founding and the more perfect Union that must remain 
ever within our reach.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of 
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8929 of January 31, 2013

American Heart Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American men and 
women, claiming well over half a million lives annually. While no one is 
immune to heart disease, everyone can take steps to reduce their risk. 
During American Heart Month, we make a commitment--for ourselves and our 
families--to staying healthy and keeping our hearts strong.
Although genetic factors likely play a role in cardiovascular disease, 
there are also several controllable risk factors, including: blood 
cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, poor diet, obesity, 
tobacco use, and physical inactivity. Any one of them can lead to heart 
disease, and additional factors magnify the risk. That is why a heart-
healthy lifestyle is so important. Certain improvements to daily 
routines--like eating healthy, not smoking, limiting alcohol use, and 
getting routine health screenings--can lower several of these risk 
factors and set the stage for a long and healthy life.
My Administration is committed to helping Americans achieve and maintain 
heart health. Under the Affordable Care Act, many insurance plans must 
cover certain preventive services like blood pressure screening and 
obesity screening at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. In 2014, a 
new Health Insurance Marketplace will make affordable health insurance 
available to millions of men, women, and children--including those with 
pre-existing conditions. We are also working to prevent heart disease 
through efforts like First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, 
which encourages young people and families to eat healthy and get 
active. And throughout the Federal Government, we are partnering with 

[[Page 5]]

health care providers, organizations, and other stakeholders to make 
care more accessible and prevent more heart attacks than ever before. To 
learn more, visit www.HealthCare.gov.
On Friday, February 1, Michelle and I invite all Americans to join in 
marking National Wear Red Day. By wearing red, we pay tribute to men and 
women affected by heart disease, recognize dedicated health care 
professionals, honor researchers working toward tomorrow's 
breakthroughs, and demonstrate our personal commitment to a heart-
healthy lifestyle.
In acknowledgement of the importance of the ongoing fight against 
cardiovascular disease, the Congress, by Joint Resolution approved 
December 30, 1963, as amended (77 Stat. 843; 36 U.S.C. 101), has 
requested that the President issue an annual proclamation designating 
February as ``American Heart Month.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim February 2013 as American Heart Month, and I 
invite all Americans to participate in National Wear Red Day on February 
1, 2013. I also invite the Governors of the States, the Commonwealth of 
Puerto Rico, officials of other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the 
United States, and the American people to join me in recognizing and 
reaffirming our commitment to fighting cardiovascular disease.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8930 of January 31, 2013

National African American History Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In America, we share a dream that lies at the heart of our founding: 
that no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter how 
modest your beginnings or the circumstances of your birth, you can make 
it if you try. Yet, for many and for much of our Nation's history, that 
dream has gone unfulfilled. For African Americans, it was a dream denied 
until 150 years ago, when a great emancipator called for the end of 
slavery. It was a dream deferred less than 50 years ago, when a preacher 
spoke of justice and brotherhood from Lincoln's memorial. This dream of 
equality and fairness has never come easily--but it has always been 
sustained by the belief that in America, change is possible.
Today, because of that hope, coupled with the hard and painstaking labor 
of Americans sung and unsung, we live in a moment when the dream of 
equal opportunity is within reach for people of every color and creed. 
National African American History Month is a time to tell those stories 
of freedom won and honor the individuals who wrote them. We look back to 
the men and women who helped raise the pillars of democracy, even when

[[Page 6]]

the halls they built were not theirs to occupy. We trace generations of 
African Americans, free and slave, who risked everything to realize 
their God-given rights. We listen to the echoes of speeches and struggle 
that made our Nation stronger, and we hear again the thousands who sat 
in, stood up, and called out for equal treatment under the law. And we 
see yesterday's visionaries in tomorrow's leaders, reminding us that 
while we have yet to reach the mountaintop, we cannot stop climbing.
Today, Dr. King, President Lincoln, and other shapers of our American 
story proudly watch over our National Mall. But as we memorialize their 
extraordinary acts in statues and stone, let us not lose sight of the 
enduring truth that they were citizens first. They spoke and marched and 
toiled and bled shoulder-to-shoulder with ordinary people who burned 
with the same hope for a brighter day. That legacy is shared; that 
spirit is American. And just as it guided us forward 150 years ago and 
50 years ago, it guides us forward today. So let us honor those who came 
before by striving toward their example, and let us follow in their 
footsteps toward the better future that is ours to claim.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 2013 as 
National African American History Month. I call upon public officials, 
educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to 
observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8931 of January 31, 2013

National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

This year, it is estimated that 1 in 10 teens will be hurt intentionally 
by someone they are dating. While this type of abuse cuts across lines 
of age and gender, young women are disproportionately affected by both 
dating violence and sexual assault. This month, we stand with those who 
have known the pain and isolation of an abusive relationship, and we 
recommit to ending the cycle of violence that affects too many of our 
sons and daughters.
Whether physical or emotional, dating violence can leave scars that last 
a lifetime. Teens who suffer abuse at the hands of a partner are more 
likely to struggle in school, develop depression, or turn to drugs or 
alcohol. Victims are also at greater risk of experiencing the same 
patterns of violence

[[Page 7]]

later in life. These tragic realities tug at our conscience, and they 
call upon us to ensure survivors of abuse get the services and support 
they need.
We also have a responsibility to make dating violence an act that is 
never tolerated in our communities, among those we know, or in our own 
lives. That is why my Administration has made preventing abuse a 
priority. We continue to support educators, advocates, and organizations 
who are advancing outreach and education, and we are harnessing the 
power of technology to get the message out under Vice President Joe 
Biden's 1is2many initiative. Last June, we built on those efforts by 
launching a new public service announcement that features professional 
athletes and other role models speaking out against dating violence. And 
in the months ahead, we will keep working to empower all Americans in 
the fight against abuse. To learn more, visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/
Each of us has an obligation to stand against dating violence when we 
see it. This month, as we remember that important lesson, let us 
rededicate ourselves to making its promise real. I encourage all 
Americans seeking immediate and confidential advice regarding dating 
violence to contact the National Dating Abuse Helpline at 1-866-331-
9474, by texting ``loveis'' to 77054, or by visiting 
www.LoveIsRespect.org. Additional resources are available at 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 2013 as 
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. I call 
upon all Americans to support efforts in their communities and schools, 
and in their own families, to empower young people to develop healthy 
relationships throughout their lives and to engage in activities that 
prevent and respond to teen dating violence.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8932 of February 1, 2013

100th Anniversary of the Birth of Rosa Parks

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On December 1, 1955, our Nation was forever transformed when an African-
American seamstress in Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her seat 
on a city bus to a white passenger. Just wanting to get home after a 
long day at work, Rosa Parks may not have been planning to make history, 
but her defiance spurred a movement that advanced our journey toward 
justice and equality for all.
Though Rosa Parks was not the first to confront the injustice of 
segregation laws, her courageous act of civil disobedience sparked the 
Montgomery Bus

[[Page 8]]

Boycott--381 days of peaceful protest when ordinary men, women, and 
children sent the extraordinary message that second-class citizenship 
was unacceptable. Rather than ride in the back of buses, families and 
friends walked. Neighborhoods and churches formed carpools. Their 
actions stirred the conscience of Americans of every background, and 
their resilience in the face of fierce violence and intimidation 
ultimately led to the desegregation of public transportation systems 
across our country.
Rosa Parks's story did not end with the boycott she inspired. A lifelong 
champion of civil rights, she continued to give voice to the poor and 
the marginalized among us until her passing on October 24, 2005.
As we mark the 100th anniversary of Rosa Parks's birth, we celebrate the 
life of a genuine American hero and remind ourselves that although the 
principle of equality has always been self-evident, it has never been 
self-executing. It has taken acts of courage from generations of 
fearless and hopeful Americans to make our country more just. As heirs 
to the progress won by those who came before us, let us pledge not only 
to honor their legacy, but also to take up their cause of perfecting our 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 4, 2013, as 
the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Rosa Parks. I call upon all 
Americans to observe this day with appropriate service, community, and 
education programs to honor Rosa Parks's enduring legacy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of 
February, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8933 of February 28, 2013

American Red Cross Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since our Nation's founding, seasons of trial and bitter hardship have 
revealed a core belief we share as Americans: that when we see our 
neighbors in need, we will always stand united in helping them get back 
on their feet. This month, we honor men and women who deliver relief to 
communities around the world, and we renew the compassionate spirit that 
continues to keep our country strong and our people safe.
The American Red Cross has proudly upheld a commitment to service that 
spans generations. Witness to the scars left by civil war, Clara Barton 
founded the organization in 1881 as a way to lift up the suffering--from 
warriors wounded in the line of duty to families displaced by damaging 
storms. In the years since, countless service and relief organizations 
have joined the American Red Cross in realizing that noble vision.

[[Page 9]]

We saw the depth of their dedication just 4 months ago, when the 
sweeping devastation of Hurricane Sandy put millions of Americans in 
harm's way. In darkness and danger, thousands of professionals and 
volunteers stepped up to serve. They secured supplies and shelter when 
our people needed them most. And when times were tough, they proved that 
America is tougher because we all pull together.
That sense of resolve has seen our Nation through our greatest 
challenges, and the conviction that we are our brothers' and sisters' 
keepers will always remain at the heart of who we are as a people. As we 
reflect on the ties that bind us together, let us pay tribute to 
humanitarian organizations working here at home and around the world, 
and let us rededicate ourselves to service in the months ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America and Honorary Chairman of the American Red Cross, by virtue of 
the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the 
United States, do hereby proclaim March 2013 as American Red Cross 
Month. I encourage all Americans to observe this month with appropriate 
programs, ceremonies, and activities, and by supporting the work of 
service and relief organizations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day 
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8934 of February 28, 2013

Irish-American Heritage Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For more than two centuries, America has been made and remade by 
striving, hopeful immigrants looking for a chance to pursue their 
dreams. Millions among them were born in Ireland, separated from our 
shores but united by their belief in a better day. This month, we 
celebrate the Irish-American journey, and we reflect on the ways a 
nation so small has inspired so much in another.
Generations of Irish left the land of their forebears to cast their 
fortunes with a young Republic. Escaping the blight of famine or the 
burden of circumstance, many found hardship even here. They endured 
prejudice and stinging ridicule. But through it all, these new citizens 
never gave up on one of our oldest ideas: that anyone from anywhere can 
write the next great chapter in the American story. So they raised 
families and built communities, earned a living and sent their kids to 
school. In time, what it meant to be Irish helped define what it means 
to be American. And as they did their part to make this country 
stronger, Irish Americans shared in its success, retaining the best of 
their heritage and passing it down to their children.

[[Page 10]]

That familiar story has been lived and cherished by Americans from all 
backgrounds, and it reaffirms our identity as a Nation of immigrants 
from all around the world. So as we celebrate Irish-American Heritage 
Month, let us retell those stories of sweat and striving. And as two 
nations united by people and principle, may America and Ireland always 
continue to move forward together in common purpose.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2013 as Irish-
American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month 
with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day 
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8935 of February 28, 2013

Women's History Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For more than two centuries, our Nation has grown under the simple creed 
that each of us is created equal. It is a notion that makes America 
unlike any other place on earth--a country where no matter where you 
come from or what you look like, you can go as far as your talents will 
take you.
Women's History Month is a time to remember those who fought to make 
that freedom as real for our daughters as for our sons. Written out of 
the promise of the franchise, they were women who reached up to close 
the gap between what America was and what it could be. They were driven 
by a faith that our Union could extend true equality to every citizen 
willing to claim it. Year after year, visionary women met and marched 
and mobilized to prove what should have been self-evident. They grew a 
meeting at Seneca Falls into a movement that touched every community and 
took on our highest institutions. And after decades of slow, steady, 
extraordinary progress, women have written equal opportunity into the 
law again and again, giving generations of girls a future worthy of 
their potential.
That legacy of change is all around us. Women are nearly half of our 
Nation's workforce and more than half of our college graduates. But even 
now, too many women feel the weight of discrimination on their 
shoulders. They face a pay gap at work, or higher premiums for health 
insurance, or inadequate options for family leave. These issues affect 
all of us, and failing to address them holds our country back.
That is why my Administration has made the needs of women and girls a 
priority since day one--from signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to 
helping ensure women are represented among tomorrow's top scientists

[[Page 11]]

and engineers. It is why we secured stronger protections and more 
preventive services for women under the Affordable Care Act. It is why 
we have fought for greater workplace flexibility, access to capital and 
training for women-owned businesses, and equal pay for equal work. And 
it is why we have taken action to reduce violence against women at home 
and abroad, and to empower women around the world with full political 
and economic opportunity.
Meeting those challenges will not be easy. But our history shows that 
when we couple grit and ingenuity with our basic beliefs, there is no 
barrier we cannot overcome. We can stay true to our founding creed that 
in America, all things should be possible for all people. That spirit is 
what called our mothers and grandmothers to fight for a world where no 
wall or ceiling could keep their daughters from their dreams. And today, 
as we take on the defining issues of our time, America looks to the next 
generation of movers and marchers to lead the way.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2013 as Women's 
History Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month and to 
celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, 2013, with appropriate 
programs, ceremonies, and activities. I also invite all Americans to 
visit www.WomensHistoryMonth.gov to learn more about the generations of 
women who have shaped our history.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day 
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8936 of February 28, 2013

Read Across America Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, people of all ages will mark Read Across America Day by 
celebrating stories that have shaped us. We take this opportunity to 
reflect on the transformative power of the written word and lift up 
literacy as a key to success in the 21st century.
We also take time to remember Theodor Seuss Geisel--better known as Dr. 
Seuss--whose works of humor and heart remind us that it is never too 
early to kindle a passion for reading. Books open the window to worlds 
of imagination, and the lessons they teach form the bedrock for a 
lifetime of learning. By encouraging reading at home and in school, 
parents, caregivers, and educators help set our children on the path to 
years of fulfillment and possibility. American progress depends on what 
we do for our students, so all of us must strive to empower the next 
generation with the tools they need to build a brighter future.

[[Page 12]]

Great written works resonate with us. They challenge us. They reveal new 
insights about ourselves and the world we share. Today, as we celebrate 
the ways reading has enriched our lives, let us recommit to giving our 
sons and daughters the fullest opportunity to find inspiration on the 
printed page.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 1, 2013, as Read 
Across America Day. I call upon children, families, educators, 
librarians, public officials, and all the people of the United States to 
observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day 
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8937 of March 1, 2013

National Consumer Protection Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Over 4 years ago, widespread abuses in America's financial system nearly 
brought our economy to its knees. Millions saw their life savings erode, 
businesses shuttered their doors, and families were devastated by job 
loss and foreclosure. This crisis cast a harsh light on the breakdown in 
oversight that led to an epidemic of irresponsibility, and it 
highlighted the need for common-sense regulations to protect the vast 
majority of Americans from the reckless actions of a few. During 
National Consumer Protection Week, we remember those lessons, and we 
recognize that our shared prosperity depends on empowering all Americans 
to make sound decisions for themselves and their families.
My Administration is ramping up consumer protection throughout the 
economy. Last year, we established a new unit to combat fraud and 
investigate the abusive lending and mortgage packaging that led to the 
housing crisis. We launched the ``Know Before You Owe'' campaign to help 
students and their parents make smart decisions about paying for 
college. We cracked down on unscrupulous lenders and credit card 
companies that charge hidden fees. And we did away with the practice of 
adding pages of misleading fine print to important financial agreements.
We are also committed to helping consumers avoid scams, protect their 
personal information, and make good financial decisions. That is why 
agencies across the Federal Government joined with consumer advocates to 
launch www.NCPW.gov, an online resource that provides practical advice 
for managing finances and safeguarding against identity theft.
As the driving force behind our economy, consumers deserve clear rules, 
fair treatment, and full disclosure. Whether opening credit cards, 

[[Page 13]]

cars, applying for mortgages, or taking out student loans, all Americans 
should have access to complete, concise information. This week, we 
resolve to strengthen consumer rights and build a more transparent, 
efficient, effective marketplace.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 3 through March 
9, 2013, as National Consumer Protection Week. I call upon government 
officials, industry leaders, and advocates across the Nation to share 
information about consumer protection and provide our citizens with 
information about their rights as consumers.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of March, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8938 of March 1, 2013

10th Anniversary of the United States Department of Homeland Security

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Ten years ago, when the tragic events of September 11 were fresh in our 
hearts and our Nation found itself in a more uncertain world, the United 
States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) opened its doors with a 
single task: keeping the American people safe. Day by day, hour by hour, 
the Department has advanced that critical mission through a decade of 
shifting threats and new challenges. We take this opportunity to 
recognize its accomplishments and pay tribute to the people who have 
made them possible.
Alongside its partners in government and the private sector, DHS has 
taken action to make our borders and ports more secure, our critical 
infrastructure and cyber networks more resilient, and our people more 
engaged in addressing the dangers we face. While threats persist, 
America is better prepared to meet them, and we stand ready to overcome 
whatever challenges the future holds.
Homeland security cannot begin and end with the Federal Government; it 
takes commitment from every part of society. By forging lasting 
partnerships with stakeholders at home and abroad, DHS has worked to 
streamline our legal immigration system, stem the tide of illegal 
immigration, and chart a course toward sensible reform. And in a decade 
marked by national emergencies and natural disasters, the Department has 
invested in communities nationwide, improving our preparedness for times 
of crisis.
As we commemorate a decade of service, our Nation recognizes the men and 
women who have carried out the Department of Homeland Security's vision 
for a safer, stronger America.

[[Page 14]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 1, 2013, as the 
10th Anniversary of the United States Department of Homeland Security. I 
call upon all Americans to recognize the United States Department of 
Homeland Security for improving America's readiness and resilience.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of March, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8939 of March 1, 2013

100th Anniversary of the United States Department of Labor

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On March 4, 1913, President William Howard Taft signed a bill 
establishing the United States Department of Labor--an agency charged 
with promoting the welfare of American workers and ensuring their 
efforts are rewarded with fair wages and real protections. After decades 
of struggle by labor leaders and ordinary citizens, the Department took 
up the cause of justice in the workplace and lifted it to the highest 
halls of government.
Over the course of a century, the Department of Labor has fought to 
secure strong safeguards for workers and their families. It helped lay 
the cornerstones of middle class security, from the 40-hour work week 
and the minimum wage to family leave and pensions. As the agency once 
led by our Nation's first female Cabinet Secretary, the Department has 
broken down barriers to equal opportunity in the workplace. And for 
decades, it has improved worker safety and health and aggressively 
combated child labor at home and abroad.
Today, the Department of Labor is working to restore the basic bargain 
that built our country: that no matter what you look like or where you 
come from, if you work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get 
ahead. It is forging new ladders of opportunity so a generation of 
workers can get the 21st century skills and training they need. And to 
preserve a century's progress in labor rights, the Department will 
continue to ensure hardworking Americans always have a voice in 
government and on the job.
On this centennial, we recognize the dedicated public servants at the 
Department of Labor who have helped move our country forward, and we 
reaffirm our commitment to giving America's workers the chance to build 
a brighter future for themselves and their families.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 4, 2013, as the 
100th Anniversary of the United States Department of Labor. I call upon 
all Americans to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies,

[[Page 15]]

and activities that recognize the United States Department of Labor for 
upholding dignity in our workplaces and our way of life.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of March, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8940 of March 15, 2013

National Poison Prevention Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For more than 50 years, Americans have marked National Poison Prevention 
Week by highlighting the steps we can take to protect ourselves and our 
loved ones from accidental poisoning. This week, we carry that tradition 
forward by encouraging common-sense precautions and raising awareness 
about how to respond in a poison emergency.
Thanks to greater public awareness and stronger safeguards, we have 
dramatically reduced childhood death rates from accidental poisoning--
but work remains. To keep our kids safe, parents and caregivers can take 
action by storing medicine and hazardous products out of their 
children's reach and removing unused or expired medications from their 
homes. Anyone who believes a child or loved one has been poisoned should 
call the National Poison Help Line immediately at 1-800-222-1222.
Today, the majority of unintentional poisoning deaths are caused by 
overdoses involving prescription drugs, including painkillers. As my 
Administration works to address this serious public health issue, all of 
us can take part by using, storing, and disposing of medications 
correctly, and by speaking out about drug misuse and abuse in our 
communities. For more resources on preventing drug overdose and other 
forms of poisoning, visit www.PoisonHelp.HRSA.gov. Information about 
safe drug disposal is available at www.DEAdiversion.USDOJ.gov.
To encourage Americans to learn more about the dangers of accidental 
poisonings and to take appropriate preventative measures, the Congress, 
by joint resolution approved September 26, 1961, as amended (75 Stat. 
681) has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation 
designating the third week of March each year as ``National Poison 
Prevention Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim March 17 through March 23, 2013, as National 
Poison Prevention Week. I call upon all Americans to observe this week 
by taking actions to protect their families from hazardous household 
materials and misuse of prescription medicines.

[[Page 16]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8941 of March 21, 2013

Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In a letter to his nephew, Thomas Jefferson once wrote, ``an honest 
heart being the first blessing, a knowing head is the second.'' It is a 
notion that rings as true today as it did in 1785: that just as we owe 
our children a strong start in the classroom, so must we pass on the 
common values that help define us as a people. On Education and Sharing 
Day, U.S.A., we celebrate hard work, service, and commitment to learning 
as cornerstones of a bright future for our youth.
We know education is essential to putting our children on the path to 
good jobs and a decent living. It is a simple fact that to out-compete 
the rest of the world for tomorrow's jobs, we need to equip our sons and 
daughters with the education and skills a 21st-century economy demands. 
We need to give them every chance to work harder, learn more, and reach 
higher, from cradle to career.
We also know that learning does not stop when students leave the 
classroom. Whether at the dinner table or on the field, it is our task 
as parents, teachers, and mentors to make sure our children grow up 
practicing the values we preach. We have an obligation to instill in 
them the virtues that define our national character--honesty and 
independence, drive and discipline, courage and compassion. And as 
citizens of a country where so much progress came only after we fought 
for fairness and equality, we must remember the wisdom of the Golden 
Rule by treating others as we would want to be treated.
This day recalls the memory of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the 
Lubavitcher Rebbe, who taught generations of young men and women the 
importance of education and good character. His work strengthened ties 
between people around the world, and his legacy continues to inspire the 
service, charity, and goodwill he championed in life. As we reflect on 
the example he and so many others have set, let each of us strive to 
better realize the values we share.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 22, 2013, as 
Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. I call upon all Americans to observe 
this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

[[Page 17]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8942 of March 22, 2013

Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and 
American Democracy, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each year, America celebrates Greek Independence Day to strengthen the 
bonds between the birthplace of democracy and the world's oldest 
republic. We recognize the enduring contributions of Greek Americans, 
woven into the fabric of our national life. And we reflect on the 
ancient Hellenic principles that inspired our Founders to vest the 
powers of government in the hands of the people.
In both America and Greece, we are inheritors to great republics, 
entrusted to safeguard the ideals that make representative government 
work. Our peoples have learned that democracy flourishes when we respect 
our differences, hold fast to the principles that unite us, and move 
forward with common purpose. It is a legacy lived by generations of 
Greek Americans, who for centuries have helped write proud chapters in 
our country's history and continue to enrich the character of our 
Today, we congratulate Greece, a valued NATO ally, as it commemorates 
the 192nd anniversary of its independence, and we pledge our continued 
solidarity as the country works to rebuild its economy. In the face of 
hardship, America stands with the people of Greece, confident they can 
meet the challenges of the 21st century while upholding their ancient 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 25, 2013, as 
Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and 
American Democracy. I call upon the people of the United States to 
observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day 
of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 18]]

Proclamation 8943 of March 25, 2013

Establishment of the Harriet Tubman--Underground Railroad National 

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Harriet Tubman is an American hero. She was born enslaved, liberated 
herself, and returned to the area of her birth many times to lead 
family, friends, and other enslaved African Americans north to freedom. 
Harriet Tubman fought tirelessly for the Union cause, for the rights of 
enslaved people, for the rights of women, and for the rights of all. She 
was a leader in the struggle for civil rights who was forever motivated 
by her love of family and community and by her deep and abiding faith.
Born Araminta Ross in 1822 in Dorchester County, Maryland, on the 
plantation where her parents were enslaved, she took the name 
``Harriet'' at the time she married John Tubman, a free black man, 
around 1844. Harriet Tubman lived and worked enslaved in this area from 
her childhood until she escaped to freedom at age 27 in 1849. She 
returned to Dorchester County approximately 13 times to free family, 
friends, and other enslaved African Americans, becoming one of the most 
prominent ``conductors'' on the Underground Railroad. In 1859, she 
purchased a farm in Auburn, New York, and established a home for her 
family and others, which anchored the remaining years of her life. In 
the Civil War she supported the Union forces as a scout, spy, and nurse 
to African-American soldiers on battlefields and later at Fort Monroe, 
Virginia. After the war, she established the Harriet Tubman Home for the 
Aged, which institutionalized a pattern of her life--caring for African 
Americans in need.
In 1868, the great civil rights leader Frederick Douglass wrote to 
Harriet Tubman:

I have had the applause of the crowd and the satisfaction that comes of 
being approved by the multitude, while the most that you have done has been 
witnessed by a few trembling, scarred, and foot-sore bondmen and women, 
whom you have led out of the house of bondage, and whose heartfelt ``God 
bless you'' has been your only reward. The midnight sky and the silent 
stars have been the witnesses of your devotion to freedom and of your 

The ``midnight sky and the silent stars'' and the Dorchester County 
landscape of Harriet Tubman's homeland remain much as they were in her 
time there. If she were to return to this area today, Harriet Tubman 
would recognize it.
It was in the flat, open fields, marsh, and thick woodlands of 
Dorchester County that Tubman became physically and spiritually strong. 
Many of the places in which she grew up and worked still remain. 
Stewart's Canal at the western edge of this historic area was 
constructed over 20 years by enslaved and free African Americans. This 
8-mile long waterway, completed in the 1830s, connected Parsons Creek 
and Blackwater River with Tobacco Stick Bay (known today as Madison Bay) 
and opened up some of Dorchester's more remote territory for timber and 
agricultural products to be shipped to Baltimore markets. Tubman lived 
near here while working

[[Page 19]]

for John T. Stewart. The canal, the waterways it opened to the 
Chesapeake Bay, and the Blackwater River were the means of conveying 
goods, lumber, and those seeking freedom. And the small ports were 
places for connecting the enslaved with the world outside the Eastern 
Shore, places on the path north to freedom.
Near the canal is the Jacob Jackson Home Site, 480 acres of flat 
farmland, woodland, and wetland that was the site of one of the first 
safe houses along the Underground Railroad. Jackson was a free black man 
to whom Tubman appealed for assistance in 1854 in attempting to retrieve 
her brothers and who, because he was literate, would have been an 
important link in the local communication network. The Jacob Jackson 
Home Site has been donated to the United States.
Further reinforcing the historical significance and integrity of these 
sites is their proximity to other important sites of Tubman's life and 
work. She was born in the heart of this area at Peter's Neck at the end 
of Harrisville Road, on the farm of Anthony Thompson. Nearby is the farm 
that belonged to Edward Brodess, enslaver of Tubman's mother and her 
children. The James Cook Home Site is where Tubman was hired out as a 
child. She remembered the harsh treatment she received here, long 
afterward recalling that even when ill, she was expected to wade into 
swamps throughout the cold winter to haul muskrat traps. A few miles 
from the James Cook Home Site is the Bucktown Crossroads, where a slave 
overseer hit the 13-year-old Tubman with a heavy iron as she attempted 
to protect a young fleeing slave, resulting in an injury that affected 
Tubman for the rest of her life. A quarter mile to the north are Scotts 
Chapel and the associated African-American graveyard. The church was 
founded in 1812 as a Methodist congregation. Later, in the mid-19th 
century, African Americans split off from the congregation and formed 
Bazel Church. Across from Scotts Chapel is an African-American graveyard 
with headstones dating to 1792. Bazel Church is located nearby on a 1-
acre clearing edged by the road and otherwise surrounded by cultivated 
fields and forest. According to tradition, this is where African 
Americans worshipped outdoors during Tubman's time.
The National Park Service has found this landscape in Dorchester County 
to be nationally significant because of its deep association with Tubman 
and the Underground Railroad. It is representative of the landscape of 
this region in the early and mid-19th century when enslavers and 
enslaved worked the farms and forests. This is the landscape where free 
African Americans and the enslaved led a clandestine movement of people 
out of slavery towards the North Star of freedom. These sites were 
places where enslaved and free African Americans intermingled. Moreover, 
these sites fostered an environment that enabled free individuals to 
provide aid and guidance to those enslaved who were seeking freedom. 
This landscape, including the towns, roads, and paths within it, and its 
critical waterways, was the means for communication and the path to 
freedom. The Underground Railroad was everywhere within it.
Much of the landscape in Dorchester County that is Harriet Tubman's 
homeland, including a portion of Stewart's Canal, is now part of 
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. The Refuge provides vital habitat 
for migratory birds, fish, and wildlife that are components of this 
historic landscape. Management of the Refuge by the U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service has

[[Page 20]]

played an important role in the protection of much of the historic 
landscape that was formative to Harriet Tubman's life and experiences. 
The Refuge has helped to conserve the landscape since 1933 and will 
continue to conserve, manage, and restore this diverse assemblage of 
wetlands, uplands, and aquatic habitats that play such an important role 
in telling the story of the cultural history of the area. In the midst 
of this landscape, the State of Maryland is developing the Harriet 
Tubman Underground Railroad State Park on a 17-acre parcel. The State of 
Maryland and the Federal Government will work closely together in 
managing these special places within their respective jurisdictions to 
preserve this critically important era in American history.
Harriet Tubman is revered by many as a freedom seeker and leader of the 
Underground Railroad. Although Harriet Tubman is known widely, no 
Federal commemorative site has heretofore been established in her honor, 
despite the magnitude of her contributions and her national and 
international stature.
WHEREAS members of the Congress, the Governor of Maryland, the City of 
Cambridge, and other State, local, and private interests have expressed 
support for the timely establishment of a national monument in 
Dorchester County commemorating Harriet Tubman and the Underground 
Railroad to protect the integrity of the evocative landscape and 
preserve its historic features;
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 
431) (the ``Antiquities Act''), authorizes the President, in his 
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, 
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or 
scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled 
by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to 
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all 
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper 
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve and protect the objects 
of historic and scientific interest associated with Harriet Tubman and 
the Underground Railroad in Dorchester County, Maryland;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities 
Act, hereby proclaim, set apart, and reserve as the Harriet Tubman--
Underground Railroad National Monument (monument), the objects 
identified above and all lands and interests in lands owned or 
controlled by the Government of the United States within the boundaries 
described on the accompanying map, which is attached to and forms a part 
of this proclamation, for the purpose of protecting those objects. These 
reserved Federal lands and interests in lands encompass approximately 
11,750 acres, which is the smallest area compatible with the proper care 
and management of the objects to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of this 
monument are hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all forms of entry, 
location, selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the 
public land laws, including withdrawal from location, entry, and patent 
under the mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to 
mineral and geothermal leasing.

[[Page 21]]

The establishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights. 
Lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of the monument that 
are not owned or controlled by the United States shall be reserved as 
part of the monument upon acquisition of ownership or control by the 
United States.
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) shall manage the monument 
through the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, pursuant to their respective applicable legal authorities, to 
implement the purposes of this proclamation. The National Park Service 
shall have the general responsibility for administration of the 
monument, including the Jacob Jackson Home Site, subject to the 
responsibility and jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to 
administer the portions of the national monument that are within the 
National Wildlife Refuge System. When any additional lands and interests 
in lands are hereafter acquired by the United States within the monument 
boundaries, the Secretary shall determine whether such lands will be 
administered as part of the National Park System or the National 
Wildlife Refuge System. Hunting and fishing within the National Wildlife 
Refuge System shall continue to be administered by the U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service in accordance with the provisions of the National 
Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act and other applicable laws.
Consistent with applicable laws, the National Park Service and the U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service shall enter into appropriate arrangements to 
share resources and services necessary to properly manage the monument. 
Consistent with applicable laws, the National Park Service shall offer 
to enter into appropriate arrangements with the State of Maryland for 
the efficient and effective cooperative management of the monument and 
the Harriet Tubman--Underground Railroad State Park.
The Secretary shall prepare a management plan for the monument, with 
full public involvement, within 3 years of the date of this 
proclamation. The management plan shall ensure that the monument 
fulfills the following purposes for the benefit of present and future 
generations: (1) to preserve the historic and scientific resources 
identified above, (2) to commemorate the life and work of Harriet 
Tubman, and (3) to interpret the story of the Underground Railroad and 
its significance to the region and the Nation as a whole. The management 
plan shall set forth, among other provisions, the desired relationship 
of the monument to other related resources, programs, and organizations 
in the region and elsewhere.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing 
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the monument shall 
be the dominant reservation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, 
injure, destroy, or remove any feature of the monument and not to locate 
or settle upon any of the lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 22]]


[[Page 23]]

Proclamation 8944 of March 25, 2013

Establishment of the First State National Monument

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Sites within the State of Delaware encompass nationally significant 
objects related to the settlement of the Delaware region by the Swedes, 
Finns, Dutch, and English, the role that Delaware played in the 
establishment of the Nation, and the preservation of the cultural 
landscape of the Brandywine Valley. A national monument that includes 
certain property in New Castle, Dover, and the Brandywine Valley, 
Delaware (with contiguous acreage in the Township of Chadd's Ford, 
Pennsylvania) will allow the National Park Service and its partners to 
protect and manage these objects of historic interest and interpret for 
the public the resources and values associated with them.
In 1638, Peter Minuit led Swedish and Finnish colonists to present-day 
Wilmington, established New Sweden, and built Fort Christina. Holy 
Trinity (Old Swedes) Church nearby includes a burial ground used since 
the Swedes landed in this area in 1638. In 1651, Peter Stuyvesant led 
Dutch settlers from New Amsterdam in present-day New York to a site 
approximately 7 miles south of Fort Christina. There, in present-day New 
Castle, the Dutch built Fort Casimir and named the place ``New Amstel.'' 
The Dutch fort at New Amstel occupied a better position than the Swedish 
Fort Christina for controlling commerce. Conflicts between the Swedish 
and Dutch colonists resulted in changing occupations of Fort Casimir, 
with the Dutch regaining control in 1655.
In 1664, the English arrived in New Amstel, seized the city for the King 
of England, and renamed it ``New Castle.'' The English also wrested 
control of all of New Netherland, incorporating it into the colony of 
New York under the Duke of York, brother of King Charles II.
In 1681, King Charles II deeded Pennsylvania to William Penn. To protect 
the land around New Castle that he had previously granted to the Duke of 
York, the King set the boundary 12 miles from New Castle in an arc 
extending radially from a point subsequently marked by the cupola of the 
New Castle Court House built in 1732. To gain access to the Atlantic 
Ocean for his new Quaker Colony, however, William Penn persuaded the 
Duke of York to give him the three ``Lower Counties of Pennsylvania'' 
that eventually became Delaware. The ``12-mile arc'' that separated 
these lower counties from the rest of Pennsylvania, and eventually 
became the State boundary between Pennsylvania and Delaware, runs 
through the present-day Woodlawn property in the Brandywine Valley 
William Penn landed in New Castle in 1682, and took possession of the 
city. In 1704, Penn allowed the General Assembly of the Three Lower 
Counties to meet in New Castle separately from the Assembly in 
Philadelphia, portending the development of the State of Delaware. New 
Castle remained the colonial capital of Delaware until 1777, and the New 
Castle Court House served as the meeting place of the Delaware Assembly.
During the 1700s, colonial Delaware actively participated in both the 
first and second Continental Congresses, and engaged in the debates over 

[[Page 24]]

actions and the question of independence. The Delaware Assembly met on 
June 15, 1776, in the New Castle Court House, where it voted to separate 
from England and from Pennsylvania, creating the ``Delaware State.'' The 
Court House served as the capitol until 1777, when government functions 
moved to Dover as a precaution against attack from British warships in 
the Delaware River.
The Court House and the New Castle Historic District, including the 
Green, the Sheriff's House, and numerous additional resources from the 
time of earliest settlement through the Federal era, are National 
Historic Landmarks. The Green has served as a center of activity since 
the Dutch laid it out as the Public Square. The Sheriff's House, 
abutting the Court House on the Green, is architecturally significant 
and is all that remains of the State's first prison system. The New 
Castle Court House later provided the setting for a dramatic chapter in 
the history of the Underground Railroad: the criminal trial, presided 
over by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, of prominent Quaker abolitionist 
Thomas Garrett and his colleague John Hunn for assisting runaway slaves 
escaping from Maryland to Pennsylvania. In the trial Garrett defiantly 
asserted that he would continue to assist runaway slaves, as he did 
working with Harriet Tubman and other heroes of the Underground 
The Constitution of the United States was completed in Philadelphia on 
September 17, 1787, and then sent to the Congress of the Confederation 
for transmittal to the State legislatures. At the Golden Fleece Tavern 
on the Dover Green, a Delaware convention ratified the Constitution on 
December 7, 1787, earning Delaware the accolade of ``the First State.'' 
Though the Tavern no longer exists, Dover Green is the central area of 
the Dover Green Historic District that signifies this event and many 
others, including the mustering of a Continental Regiment during the 
American Revolution and the reading of the Declaration of Independence 
in 1776.
The boundary arc establishing the three ``Lower Counties of 
Pennsylvania'' that became the State of Delaware runs, in part, through 
Woodlawn, northwest of Wilmington. Woodlawn is situated on land in the 
Brandywine Valley acquired by William Penn in 1682. Penn commissioned a 
survey of this land that marked the 12-mile boundary arc through his 
property with tree blazes, which were replaced in 1892 with stone 
markers, two of which still stand. In 1699, Penn sold 2,000 acres of 
this property to the Pennsylvania Land Company, which in turn sold the 
land predominantly to Quakers, who had begun settling the area before 
1690. In time, the Brandywine and Delaware valleys were more densely 
settled with Quakers than any other rural area in the United States. At 
least eight structures from the 18th century are known to be located at 
Woodlawn. Because Woodlawn has been relatively undisturbed, it still 
exhibits colonial and Quaker settlement patterns that have vanished 
The preservation of Woodlawn is the result of the little-known but 
historically significant story of Quaker industrialist William Poole 
Bancroft's prescient planning efforts for the region. Beginning in 1906, 
Bancroft began to purchase property in the Brandywine Valley, 5 miles 
outside Wilmington city limits, to hold in reserve for the health and 
well-being of the public. Heir to the Bancroft textile mills on the 
Brandywine River, Bancroft eventually amassed over 1,300 acres, of which 
Woodlawn comprises approximately 1,100 acres that remain essentially the 
same as when he purchased

[[Page 25]]

them: farm fields and forest predominate, dotted with old farmsteads, 
bridges, and a few roads and trails.
Bancroft provided this rural landscape as part of an altruistic planning 
effort that also included affordable housing in the City of Wilmington 
and a system of parks and parkways, on which Frederick Law Olmsted 
consulted, that linked the neighborhoods to the green spaces. Bancroft 
established the Woodlawn Trustees to preserve much of the rural 
landscape as public park land where city residents could enjoy 
recreation and bucolic surroundings.
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 
431) (the ``Antiquities Act''), authorizes the President, in his 
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, 
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic 
interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the 
Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to reserve 
as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all cases 
shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care 
and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS, for the purpose of establishing a national monument, the State 
of Delaware has donated to the United States certain lands and interests 
in lands in New Castle, Delaware (including the Sheriff's House in fee, 
and an easement for the protection of and access to the New Castle Court 
House and the Green); the City of Dover has donated to the United States 
an easement for the protection of and access to the Dover Green; and the 
Conservation Fund, with the support of the Mt. Cuba Center and the 
cooperation of the Rockford Woodlawn Fund has donated the Woodlawn 
property to the United States in fee;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve and protect the objects 
of historic interest associated with the early settlement of Delaware, 
the role of Delaware as the first State to ratify the Constitution, and 
the establishment and conservation of Woodlawn;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities 
Act, hereby proclaim, set apart, and reserve as the First State National 
Monument (monument), the objects identified above and all lands and 
interests in lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United 
States within the boundaries described on the accompanying maps, which 
are attached to and form a part of this proclamation, for the purpose of 
protecting those objects. These reserved Federal lands and interests in 
lands encompass approximately 1,108 acres, together with appurtenant 
easements for all necessary purposes, which is the smallest area 
compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be 
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of the 
monument are hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all forms of entry, 
location, selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the 
public land laws, including withdrawal from location, entry, and patent 
under the mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to 
mineral and geothermal leasing.
The establishment of the monument is subject to valid existing rights. 
Lands and interests in lands within the monument boundaries not owned

[[Page 26]]

or controlled by the United States shall be reserved as part of the 
monument upon acquisition of ownership or control by the United States.
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) shall manage the monument 
through the National Park Service, pursuant to applicable legal 
authorities, consistent with the purposes and provisions of this 
proclamation. Further, to the extent authorized by law, the Secretary 
shall promulgate any additional regulations needed for the proper care 
and management of the monument.
The Secretary shall prepare a management plan for the monument, with 
full public involvement, within 3 years of the date of this 
proclamation. The management plan shall ensure that the monument 
fulfills the following purposes for the benefit of present and future 
generations: (1) to preserve and protect the objects of historic 
interest identified above; (2) to interpret the story of early Swedish, 
Finnish, Dutch, and English settlement in the region, and Delaware's 
role in the establishment of the Nation, including as the first State to 
ratify the Constitution; and (3) to preserve Woodlawn consistent with 
William Poole Bancroft's vision of a rural landscape accessible to the 
public for their health and well-being. The management plan shall set 
forth, among other provisions, the desired relationship of the monument 
to other related resources, programs, and organizations in the region, 
including Old Swedes Church, Fort Christina, Stonum, Lombardy Hall, 
Brandywine Creek State Park, Hagley Museum and Library, Nemours Mansion 
and Gardens, Winterthur Museum and Country Estate, Brandywine River 
Museum, Longwood Gardens, John Dickinson Plantation, and First State 
Heritage Park.
The National Park Service shall consult with State and local agencies 
and other appropriate organizations in planning for interpretation and 
visitor services at the monument. The National Park Service is directed 
to use applicable authorities to seek to enter into agreements 
addressing common interests and promoting management efficiencies, 
including provision of visitor services, interpretation and education, 
and preservation of resources and values.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing 
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the monument shall 
be the dominant reservation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, 
injure, destroy, or remove any feature of the monument and not to locate 
or settle upon any of the lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 27]]


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[[Page 31]]

Proclamation 8945 of March 25, 2013

Establishment of the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Colonel Charles Young was the highest ranking African-American 
commanding officer in the United States Army from 1894 until his death 
in 1922. He also served as the first African-American superintendent of 
a national park, overseeing Sequoia and General Grant (now Kings Canyon) 
National Parks while commanding a troop of Buffalo Soldiers in the years 
before the creation of the National Park Service.
Young served nearly his entire military career with the all-black 9th 
and 10th Calvary regiments, often called ``Buffalo Soldiers.'' 
Commissioned in 1889 as a second lieutenant, Young attained the rank of 
colonel in 1917. During his career he served on the western frontier, 
saw combat in the Philippines, and rode with General John ``Black Jack'' 
Pershing in Mexico in 1916. He was the first African American to serve 
as a United States military attach[eacute], first to Hispaniola (Haiti 
and the Dominican Republic) and later to Liberia. Young's diverse 
military career included a posting to Wilberforce University to serve as 
a professor of tactics and military science.
Born to enslaved parents in Kentucky in 1864, Young's parents, Gabriel 
and Arminta Young, moved to Ripley, Ohio, in 1866 with their two-year-
old son Charles to improve their prospects after the Civil War. This 
Ohio River town was a center of abolitionism renowned as a welcoming 
place on the Underground Railroad during the antebellum years. Young 
thrived there and, in 1881 at age 17, he graduated with academic honors 
as a member of his integrated high school class. His mother encouraged 
his life-long intellectual and musical pursuits. Young grew up proud of 
his father's military service as a Union soldier during the Civil War, 
and he heeded his father's advice by entering the United States Military 
Academy at West Point. In 1889, Young was the third African American to 
graduate from West Point and the last African American to complete West 
Point until 1936.
Young established his career between 1889 and 1907, serving in the 9th 
Cavalry at western posts as a second lieutenant in Nebraska and Utah 
before accepting the military posting at Wilberforce University, where 
he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. During the Spanish-
American War he was commissioned in the volunteers as a major, and 
accepted command of the 9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Battalion. Although 
the unit did not deploy or see action, it gained a reputation for 
discipline and efficiency. Following the war, he returned to his 
regiment, and was promoted to captain in 1901. He saw combat with the 
regiment in the Philippine Islands and returned with the 9th Cavalry to 
California, where his troop was selected as honor guard for the visiting 
President Theodore Roosevelt--the first time African-American soldiers 
had served in that capacity. While assigned to the Presidio, Young and 
his regiment of Buffalo Soldiers were dispatched to Sequoia and General 
Grant National Parks where Young served as the acting superintendent, 
and earned the respect of not only the African-

[[Page 32]]

American troops he commanded, but also of the white construction crews 
he directed. His achievements drew the attention of President Theodore 
Roosevelt. Captain Young was appointed military attach[eacute] to 
Hispaniola in 1904--the first such appointment for an African American--
before rejoining the 9th Cavalry in the Philippines, Wyoming, and Texas 
from 1908 to 1911.
In 1894, when Young accepted a posting at Wilberforce University, he 
returned to Ohio and with his widowed mother purchased a large house and 
adjoining farmland, which he named ``Youngsholm.'' While a professor at 
Wilberforce University, Young established life-long friendships with 
poet Paul Laurence Dunbar and philosopher W.E.B. Dubois. Youngsholm 
served as a gathering place for elite African-American thinkers, 
performers, and leaders. Young opened his doors to aspiring young 
people, and welcomed a revolving extended family there even during his 
many military postings. Although Young's career took him to far-flung 
places, it was Wilberforce, Ohio--where he established his home, raised 
a family, mentored a successive generation of leaders, and found 
intellectual refuge--that remained his base of operation.
From 1912 to 1916, Young served as the military attach[eacute] to 
Liberia, helping to train the Liberian Frontier Force, and then served 
as a squadron commander during the Punitive Expedition in Mexico against 
Pancho Villa. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Agua Caliente, 
leading his men to the aid of a cavalry unit that had been ambushed. 
During the same period, Young won additional promotions, to major in 
1912, and lieutenant colonel in 1916. The 1916 examination board for his 
promotion to lieutenant colonel acknowledged Young's prior illness 
(malaria contracted while in Liberia), but concluded he was fit for 
On the eve of World War I, Young was the highest ranking African-
American officer in the U.S. Army. As the United States readied its 
forces for Europe, Young and his supporters expected that he would 
continue to rise in rank and contribute to the wartime effort. 
Subsequent examination boards recommended Young for a promotion, but 
also noted medical concerns about his fitness to serve. In June 1917, 
Young was selected for promotion to the rank of colonel; however, his 
physical exam revealed he suffered from nephritis (a condition first 
diagnosed in 1901), high blood pressure, and an enlarged heart. Around 
the same time, several Southern Senators were pressuring President 
Woodrow Wilson and his Secretary of War to take steps to reassign or 
otherwise prevent white officers from serving under Young's command. 
Indeed, as the United States entered World War I, the War Department 
generally kept African Americans from assuming leadership of African-
American regiments being sent to France and largely restricted African-
American troops to non-combat roles.
In July 1917, Young was medically retired as a result of his illnesses, 
and promoted to Colonel in recognition of his distinguished Army 
service. Young was disappointed, and he and his supporters asked for 
reconsideration. To demonstrate his fitness to serve, Young--who was 
then 54--made an historic 500-mile horseback ride from Wilberforce, 
Ohio, to Washington, DC Afterwards, the Secretary of War gave Young an 
informal hearing, but did not reverse the decision. The War Department's 
action in this matter

[[Page 33]]

was controversial, especially within the African-American community, 
during this time of significant racial tension. Young continued to 
protest his retirement and work for the civil rights of all African-
American soldiers.
Yet, Young's career was not over. Though medically retired, he was 
retained on a list of active duty officers. During World War I, the War 
Department sent him back to Ohio to help muster and train African-
American troops being recruited for the war. Days before the November 
1918 armistice, Young was assigned for a few months to Camp Grant in 
Rockford, Illinois, to train African-American servicemen for non-combat 
duties. Shortly thereafter, at the request of the State Department, 
Colonel Young was sent once more to serve again as military 
attach[eacute] to Liberia, arriving in Monrovia in February 1920. While 
in neighboring Nigeria, he passed away at the British hospital in Lagos 
on January 8, 1922. In 1923, Colonel Charles Young became only the 
fourth soldier to be honored with a funeral service at the Arlington 
Amphitheatre before burial in Arlington Cemetery.
Colonel Charles Young's story and leadership are also emblematic of the 
experience of the Buffalo Soldiers during difficult and racially tense 
times. The story of the Buffalo Soldiers' bravery and service is not 
fully told at any existing national park sites. In 1866, the Congress 
established six all-black regiments, later consolidated to four, to help 
rebuild the country after the Civil War and to patrol the remote western 
frontier during the ``Indian Wars.'' Although the pay was low for the 
time--only $13 a month--many African Americans enlisted because they 
could earn more and be treated with more dignity than they typically 
could in civilian life. According to legend, American Indians called the 
black cavalry troops ``buffalo soldiers'' because of their dark, curly 
hair, which resembled a buffalo's coat. Aware of the buffalo's fierce 
bravery and fighting spirit, the African-American troops accepted the 
name with pride and honor.
The Buffalo Soldiers fought alongside white regiments in many conflicts 
and were instrumental in the exploration and settlement of western 
lands. They were also an important part of the early history of 
America's national parks. Before the Congress created the National Park 
Service in 1916, the U.S. Army played a critical role in administering 
several parks. The Army sent the Buffalo Soldiers stationed at the 
Presidio to manage Yosemite, General Grant, and Sequoia National Parks 
in California. The Buffalo Soldiers blazed early park trails, built 
roads, produced maps, drove out trespassing livestock, extinguished 
fires, monitored tourists, and kept poachers and loggers at bay.
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 
431) (the ``Antiquities Act''), authorizes the President, in his 
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, 
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or 
scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled 
by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to 
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all 
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper 
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS the National Park Foundation and the Trust for Public Lands, 
with the assistance and cooperation of the Friendship Foundation, Omega 
Psi Phi fraternity, and Central State University, have relinquished the 
existing remainder of the Youngsholm property, consisting of Colonel 

[[Page 34]]

home and surrounding farmland, to the United States for the purpose of 
establishing this monument;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve and protect the objects 
of historic and scientific interest associated with Charles Young and 
the Buffalo Soldiers at Youngsholm in Wilberforce, Ohio;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities 
Act, hereby proclaim, set apart, and reserve as the Charles Young 
Buffalo Soldiers National Monument (monument) the objects identified 
above and all lands and interests in lands owned or controlled by the 
Government of the United States within the boundaries described on the 
accompanying map, which is attached to and forms a part of this 
proclamation, for the purpose of protecting those objects. These 
reserved Federal lands and interests in lands encompass 59.65 acres, 
which is the smallest area compatible with the proper care and 
management of the objects to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of the 
monument are hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all forms of entry, 
location, selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the 
public land laws, including withdrawal from location, entry, and patent 
under the mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to 
mineral and geothermal leasing.
The establishment of the monument is subject to valid existing rights. 
Lands and interests in lands within the monument boundaries not owned or 
controlled by the United States shall be reserved as part of the 
monument upon acquisition of ownership or control by the United States.
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) shall manage the monument 
through the National Park Service, pursuant to applicable legal 
authorities, consistent with the purposes of this proclamation.
The Secretary shall prepare a management plan for the monument, with 
full public involvement, within 3 years of the date of this 
proclamation. The management plan shall ensure that the monument 
fulfills the following purposes for the benefit of present and future 
generations: (1) to preserve and protect the objects of historic and 
scientific interest identified above, (2) to commemorate the life and 
accomplishments of Colonel Charles Young, and (3) to interpret the 
struggles and achievements of the Buffalo Soldiers in their service to 
the United States. The management plan shall identify steps to be taken 
to provide interpretive opportunities concerning Colonel Young and the 
Buffalo Soldiers both at the monument and at other sites where 
appropriate. The management plan shall also set forth the desired 
relationship of the monument to other related resources, programs, and 
organizations associated with the life of Colonel Charles Young, such as 
the U.S. Army, the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, and Wilberforce University, 
as well as to other sites significant to the Buffalo Soldiers.
The National Park Service shall use existing authorities as appropriate 
to enter into agreements with Central State University, Wilberforce 
University, Omega Psi Phi, the Ohio Historical Society, and other 
organizations and individuals to provide further opportunities for 
interpretation and education consistent with monument purposes. The 
National Park Service shall coordinate with the Golden Gate National 
Recreation Area, which manages the Presidio in San Francisco, and 
Sequoia, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite

[[Page 35]]

National Parks to commemorate the historical ties between Colonel 
Charles Young and his military assignments at those sites, and the role 
of the Buffalo Soldiers as pioneering stewards of our national parks. 
The National Park Service shall use available authorities, as 
appropriate, to enter into agreements with other organizations to 
provide for interpretation and education at additional sites with an 
historic association or affiliation with the Buffalo Soldiers.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing 
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the monument shall 
be the dominant reservation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, 
injure, destroy, or remove any feature of the monument and not to locate 
or settle upon any of the lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 36]]


[[Page 37]]

Proclamation 8946 of March 25, 2013

Establishment of the R[iacute]o Grande del Norte National Monument

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In far northern New Mexico, the R[iacute]o Grande Wild and Scenic River 
flows through a deep gorge at the edge of the stark and sweeping expanse 
of the Taos Plateau. Volcanic cones, including the Cerro de la Olla, 
Cerro San Antonio, and Cerro del Yuta, jut up from this surrounding 
plateau. Canyons, volcanic cones, wild rivers, and native grasslands 
harbor vital wildlife habitat, unique geologic resources, and imprints 
of human passage through the landscape over the past 10,000 years. This 
extraordinary landscape of extreme beauty and daunting harshness is 
known as the R[iacute]o Grande del Norte, and its extraordinary array of 
scientific and historic resources offer opportunities to develop our 
understanding of the forces that shaped northern New Mexico, including 
the diverse ecological systems and human cultures that remain present 
For millennia, humans have seasonally passed through the R[iacute]o 
Grande del Norte, gathering resources and finding spiritual meaning in 
its dramatic geologic features. Although few have attempted to live 
year-round in this harsh landscape, the images carved into the gorge's 
dark basalt cliffs and the artifacts scattered across the forested 
slopes of the volcanic cones bear ample testimony to the human use of 
the area.
The R[iacute]o Grande gorge lies within the traditional area of the 
nearby Taos and Picuris Pueblos, as well as the Jicarilla Apache and Ute 
Tribes, and hosts a dazzling array of rock art. Carved into the boulders 
and cliffs are hundreds of images ranging from seemingly abstract swirls 
and dots to clear depictions of human and animal figures. Dense 
collections of petroglyphs are found near the hot springs that bubble up 
in the deep heart of the gorge, with some dating back to the Archaic 
Period (ca. 7,500 B.C.-500 A.D.). In addition to petroglyphs, these 
lands harbor small hunting blinds, pit houses, chipping stations, 
potsherds, tools and projectile points, as well as large ceramic 
vessels. The area is home to a rich array of archaeological resources 
that represent diverse cultural traditions. Archeological resources are 
found throughout the proposed monument, with its rugged terrain serving 
as the focal point for ongoing archaeological research. More recent 
artifacts and images mark the passage of settlers and Hispanic explorers 
dating back to the early 18th century. Ongoing explorations and 
inquiries of this unique cultural landscape have resulted in continuous 
discoveries that further illuminate northern New Mexico's human history.
Separated from the R[iacute]o Grande Wild and Scenic River by a broad 
swath of sagebrush and grassland, the R[iacute]o San Antonio gorge is 
another area of concentrated artifact and petroglyph sites. People were 
drawn to this area by the flowing water, hunting opportunities, and 
nearby San Antonio Mountain, which is thought to have been a major 
regional source for the dacite used by nomadic peoples to create stone 
tools thousands of years ago. This corner of the R[iacute]o Grande del 
Norte landscape was traversed by traders and other travelers during the 
18th and 19th centuries, who traded

[[Page 38]]

furs and other goods and later brought woolen articles from New Mexico's 
sheep grazing communities to markets throughout the Southwest.
Between the R[iacute]o Grande gorge and the R[iacute]o San Antonio gorge 
stretches a sweeping and austere expanse of the Taos Plateau. The 
R[iacute]o Grande del Norte landscape is a testament to the geologic 
past of New Mexico and the 70 million year tectonic history of the 
R[iacute]o Grande Rift, one of the world's major rift systems. Composed 
of Servilleta lava basalts and rhyolites, the Taos Plateau has long been 
a center of research in geology and volcanology. Rising in stark 
contrast from the plateau's broad expanse, Cerro de la Olla, Cerro San 
Antonio, and other volcanic cones provide visible reminders of the 
area's volatile past. Cerro del Yuta, or Ute Mountain, the tallest of 
these extinct volcanoes, rises above the plateau to an elevation topping 
10,000 feet. Springs within the R[iacute]o Grande gorge have been 
measured emitting 6,000 gallons of water per minute into the river bed 
and are thought to be part of a flooded lava tube system.
This northern New Mexico landscape also exhibits significant ecological 
diversity in these different geologic areas. From the cottonwood and 
willows along the R[iacute]o Grande corridor, to the expansive sagebrush 
plains above the gorge on the Taos Plateau, the pi[ntilde]ons at the 
base of Ute Mountain, and the spruce, aspen, and Douglas fir covering 
the mountain's northern slopes, the diversity of both ecosystems and 
species allows for, and has been the subject of, substantial scientific 
The R[iacute]o Grande gorge connects the northern reaches of the river's 
watershed with its middle and lower stretches. Deep within the gorge, 
beneath soaring cliffs that rise hundreds of feet above the river, 
stands of willow and cottonwood thrive in riparian and canyon ecosystems 
that have been present since the river first appeared in the R[iacute]o 
Grande Rift Valley. The river provides habitat for fish such as the 
R[iacute]o Grande cutthroat trout as well as the recently reintroduced 
North American river otter. The R[iacute]o Grande del Norte is part of 
the Central Migratory Flyway, a vital migration corridor for birds such 
as Canada geese, herons, sandhill cranes, hummingbirds, and American 
avocets. Several species of bats make their home in the gorge, which 
also provides important nesting habitat for golden eagles and numerous 
other raptor species, as well as habitat for the endangered southwestern 
willow flycatcher.
Bald eagles roost above the river in winter and fly out over the Taos 
Plateau's sagebrush shrub habitat and native grasslands, which stretch 
for thousands of acres to the west. The vast plateau harbors a 
significant diversity of mammals and birds, from the eagles, hawks, 
falcons, and owls soaring above the plateau to the small mammals on 
which they prey. Many other bird species, including Merriam's turkey, 
scaled quail, mourning dove, mountain plover, and loggerhead shrike, can 
be seen or heard on the plateau. Large mammals, including the Rocky 
Mountain elk, mule deer, pronghorn, and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, 
find their winter homes on the plateau alongside a population of rare 
Gunnison's prairie dogs. The R[iacute]o Grande del Norte also provides 
habitat for many species of predators, including the ringtail, black 
bear, coyote, red fox, cougar, and bobcat.
While diverse peoples have used this area intermittently for thousands 
of years, its challenging conditions make it inhospitable for permanent 
settlement. In an area near the forested slopes of Cerro Montoso, 
however, a

[[Page 39]]

group of eastern homesteaders attempted to make a living in the years 
immediately following World War I. The nearly forgotten story of this 
fleeting community, recently revealed through detailed historical 
research, is written on the landscape by the remnants of homes, root 
cellars, cistern-style water catchments, and cast metal toys. At one 
site, researchers have found several World War I brass uniform buttons, 
evidence of the veterans who once made their homes on this rugged land.
The protection of the R[iacute]o Grande del Norte will preserve its 
cultural, prehistoric, and historic legacy and maintain its diverse 
array of natural and scientific resources, ensuring that the historic 
and scientific values of this area remain for the benefit of all 
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 
431) (the ``Antiquities Act''), authorizes the President, in his 
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, 
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or 
scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled 
by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to 
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all 
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper 
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve the objects of 
scientific and historic interest on the R[iacute]o Grande del Norte 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities 
Act, hereby proclaim, set apart, and reserve as the R[iacute]o Grande 
del Norte National Monument (monument), the objects identified above and 
all lands and interest in lands owned or controlled by the Government of 
the United States within the boundaries described on the accompanying 
map, which is attached to and forms a part of this proclamation. These 
reserved Federal lands and interests in lands encompass approximately 
242,555 acres, which is the smallest area compatible with the proper 
care and management of the objects to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of this 
monument are hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all forms of entry, 
location, selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the 
public land laws, including withdrawal from location, entry, and patent 
under the mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to 
mineral and geothermal leasing, other than by exchange that furthers the 
protective purposes of this proclamation.
The establishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights. 
Lands and interests in lands within the monument's boundaries not owned 
or controlled by the United States shall be reserved as part of the 
monument upon acquisition of ownership or control by the United States.
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) shall manage the monument 
through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as a unit of the National 
Landscape Conservation System, pursuant to applicable legal authorities, 
including the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (82 Stat. 906, 16 U.S.C. 1271 
et seq.), to implement the purposes of this proclamation.
For purposes of protecting and restoring the objects identified above, 
the Secretary, through the BLM, shall prepare and maintain a management 

[[Page 40]]

for the monument and shall provide for maximum public involvement in the 
development of that plan including, but not limited to, consultation 
with tribal, State, and local governments as well as community land 
grant and acequia associations.
Except for emergency or authorized administrative purposes, motorized 
vehicle use in the monument shall be permitted only on designated roads 
and non-motorized mechanized vehicle use shall be permitted only on 
designated roads and trails.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to preclude the 
Secretary from renewing or authorizing the upgrading of existing utility 
line rights-of-way within the physical scope of each such right-of-way 
that exists on the date of this proclamation. Additional utility line 
rights-of-way or upgrades outside the existing utility line rights-of-
way may only be authorized if consistent with the care and management of 
the objects identified above.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the 
rights of any Indian tribe or pueblo. The Secretary shall, in 
consultation with Indian tribes, ensure the protection of religious and 
cultural sites in the monument and provide access to the sites by 
members of Indian tribes for traditional cultural and customary uses, 
consistent with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (92 Stat. 469, 
42 U.S.C. 1996) and Executive Order 13007 of May 24, 1996 (Indian Sacred 
Laws, regulations, and policies followed by the BLM in issuing and 
administering grazing permits or leases on lands under its jurisdiction 
shall continue to apply with regard to the lands in the monument, 
consistent with the purposes of this proclamation.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to alter or affect the 
R[iacute]o Grande Compact between the States of Colorado, New Mexico, 
and Texas, or to create any reservation of water in the monument.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the 
jurisdiction of the State of New Mexico with respect to fish and 
wildlife management.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to preclude the 
traditional collection of firewood and pi[ntilde]on nuts in the monument 
for personal non-commercial use consistent with the purposes of this 
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing 
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the monument shall 
be the dominant reservation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, 
injure, destroy, or remove any feature of the monument and not to locate 
or settle upon any of the lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 41]]


[[Page 42]]

Proclamation 8947 of March 25, 2013

Establishment of the San Juan Islands National Monument

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Within Washington State's Puget Sound lies an archipelago of over 450 
islands, rocks, and pinnacles known as the San Juan Islands. These 
islands form an unmatched landscape of contrasts, where forests seem to 
spring from gray rock and distant, snow-capped peaks provide the 
backdrop for sandy beaches. Numerous wildlife species can be found here, 
thriving in the diverse habitats supported by the islands. The presence 
of archeological sites, historic lighthouses, and a few tight-knit 
communities testifies that humans have navigated this rugged landscape 
for thousands of years. These lands are a refuge of scientific and 
historic treasures and a classroom for generations of Americans.
The islands are part of the traditional territories of the Coast Salish 
people. Native people first used the area near the end of the last 
glacial period, about 12,000 years ago. However, permanent settlements 
were relatively uncommon until the last several hundred years. The Coast 
Salish people often lived in villages of wooden-plank houses and used 
numerous smaller sites for fishing and harvesting shellfish. In addition 
to collecting edible plants, and hunting various birds and mammals, 
native people used fire to maintain meadows of the nutritionally rich 
great camas. Archaeological remains of the villages, camps, and 
processing sites are located throughout these lands, including shell 
middens, reef net locations, and burial sites. Wood-working tools, such 
as antler wedges, along with bone barbs used for fishing hooks and 
projectile points, are also found on the islands. Scientists working in 
the San Juan Islands have uncovered a unique array of fossils and other 
evidence of long-vanished species. Ancient bison skeletons (10,000-
12,000 years old) have been found in several areas, indicating that 
these islands were an historic mammal dispersal corridor. Butcher marks 
on some of these bones suggest that the earliest human inhabitants 
hunted these large animals.
The first Europeans explored the narrows of the San Juan Islands in the 
late 18th century, and many of their names for the islands are still in 
use. These early explorers led the way for 19th century European and 
American traders and trappers. By 1852, American settlers had 
established homesteads on the San Juan Islands, some of which remain 
today. In the late 19th century, the Federal Government built several 
structures to aid in maritime navigation. Two light stations and their 
associated buildings are located on lands administered by the Bureau of 
Land Management (BLM): Patos Island Light Station (National Register of 
Historic Places, 1977) and Turn Point Light Station (Washington State 
Register of Historic Places, 1978).
The lands on Patos Island, Stuart Island, Lopez Island, and neighboring 
islands constitute some of the most scientifically interesting lands in 
the San Juan Islands. These lands contain a dramatic and unusual 
diversity of habitats, with forests, woodlands, grasslands, and wetlands 
intermixed with rocky balds, bluffs, inter-tidal areas, and sandy 
beaches. The stands of forests and open woodlands, some of which are 
several hundred years old,

[[Page 43]]

include a majestic assemblage of trees, such as Douglas fir, red cedar, 
western hemlock, Oregon maple, Garry oak, and Pacific madrone. The fire-
dependent grasslands, which are also susceptible to invasive species, 
are home to chick lupine, historically significant great camas, brittle 
cactus, and the threatened golden paintbrush. Rocky balds and bluffs are 
home to over 200 species of moss that are extremely sensitive to 
disturbance and trampling. In an area with limited fresh water, two 
wetlands on Lopez Island and one on Patos Island are the most 
significant freshwater habitats in the San Juan Islands.
The diversity of habitats in the San Juan Islands is critical to 
supporting an equally varied collection of wildlife. Marine mammals, 
including orcas, seals, and porpoises, attract a regular stream of 
wildlife watchers. Native, terrestrial mammals include black-tail deer, 
river otter, mink, several bats, and the Shaw Island vole. Raptors, such 
as bald eagles and peregrine falcons, are commonly observed soaring 
above the islands. Varied seabirds and terrestrial birds can also be 
found here, including the threatened marbled murrelet and the recently 
reintroduced western bluebird. The island marble butterfly, once thought 
to be extinct, is currently limited to a small population in the San 
Juan Islands.
The protection of these lands in the San Juan Islands will maintain 
their historical and cultural significance and enhance their unique and 
varied natural and scientific resources, for the benefit of all 
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 
431) (the ``Antiquities Act''), authorizes the President, in his 
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, 
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or 
scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled 
by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to 
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all 
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper 
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve the objects of 
scientific and historic interest on the lands of the San Juan Islands;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities 
Act, hereby proclaim the objects identified above that are situated upon 
lands and interests in lands owned or controlled by the Government of 
the United States to be the San Juan Islands National Monument 
(monument), and, for the purpose of protecting those objects, reserve as 
a part thereof all lands and interests in lands owned or controlled by 
the Government of the United States and administered by the Department 
of the Interior through the BLM, including all unappropriated or 
unreserved islands, rocks, exposed reefs, and pinnacles above mean high 
tide, within the boundaries described on the accompanying map, which is 
attached to and forms a part of this proclamation. These reserved 
Federal lands and interests in lands encompass approximately 970 acres, 
which is the smallest area compatible with the proper care and 
management of the objects to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of the 
monument administered by the Department of the Interior through the BLM 

[[Page 44]]

hereby appropriated and withdrawn from all forms of entry, location, 
selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the public land 
laws, including withdrawal from location, entry, and patent under the 
mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to mineral and 
geothermal leasing, other than by exchange that furthers the protective 
purposes of this proclamation.
The establishment of the monument is subject to valid existing rights. 
Lands and interests in lands within the monument boundaries not owned or 
controlled by the Government of the United States shall be reserved as a 
part of the monument upon acquisition of ownership or control by the 
Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) on behalf of the United States.
The Secretary shall manage the monument through the BLM as a unit of the 
National Landscape Conservation System, pursuant to applicable legal 
authorities, to implement the purposes of this proclamation, except that 
if the Secretary hereafter acquires on behalf of the United States 
ownership or control of any lands or interests in lands within the 
monument boundaries not owned or controlled by the United States, the 
Secretary shall determine whether such lands and interests in lands will 
be administered by the BLM as a unit of the National Landscape 
Conservation System or by another component of the Department of the 
Interior, consistent with applicable legal authorities.
For purposes of protecting and restoring the objects identified above, 
the Secretary, through the BLM, shall prepare and maintain a management 
plan for the monument and shall establish an advisory committee under 
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) to provide 
information and advice regarding the development of such plan.
Except for emergency, Federal law enforcement, or authorized 
administrative purposes, motorized vehicle use in the monument shall be 
permitted only on designated roads, and non-motorized mechanized vehicle 
use in the monument shall be permitted only on designated roads and 
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the 
rights of any Indian tribe. The Secretary shall, in consultation with 
Indian tribes, ensure the protection of religious and cultural sites in 
the monument and provide access to the sites by members of Indian tribes 
for traditional cultural and customary uses, consistent with the 
American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 U.S.C. 1996) and Executive 
Order 13007 of May 24, 1996 (Indian Sacred Sites).
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the 
jurisdiction or authority of the State of Washington or the United 
States over submerged or other lands within the territorial waters off 
the coast of Washington.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the 
jurisdiction of the State of Washington with respect to fish and 
wildlife management.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to limit the authority of 
the Secretary of Homeland Security to engage in search and rescue 
operations, or to use Patos Island Light Station, Turn Point Light 
Station, or other aids to navigation for navigational or national 
security purposes.

[[Page 45]]

Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing 
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the monument shall 
be the dominant reservation.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to restrict safe and 
efficient aircraft operations, including activities and exercises of the 
Armed Forces and the United States Coast Guard, in the vicinity of the 
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, 
injure, destroy, or remove any feature of the monument and not to locate 
or settle upon any of the lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 46]]


[[Page 47]]

Proclamation 8948 of March 29, 2013

National Cancer Control Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For more than a decade, Americans have watched the overall cancer death 
rate drop lower and lower with each passing year. As a Nation, we have 
measured that progress not just in the lives we have saved, but also in 
the moments we have shared--patients lifted up by the promise of 
remission, parents blessed with the chance to watch their children grow 
up, young people confident that a diagnosis cannot put a limit on their 
dreams. But even with the gains we have made, we know there is more work 
to do when more than half a million Americans lose their lives to cancer 
every year. This month, we rededicate ourselves to securing better 
outcomes, reducing new cases, and advancing cancer research.
To beat this disease, we must continue our efforts to prevent it. Each 
of us can reduce our risk of developing cancer by maintaining a healthy 
weight, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol intake and sun exposure, 
and living tobacco-free. For help quitting smoking, visit 
www.BeTobaccoFree.gov. Additional resources on what cancer is and how to 
prevent it are available at www.Cancer.gov.
Detecting cancer early gives patients the best chance for successful 
treatment. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, insurers are required to 
cover recommended cancer screenings and other preventive services at no 
out-of-pocket cost to the patient--a provision that has already helped 
nearly 71 million people. To build on those gains and stop cancer before 
it takes hold, I encourage all Americans to see their health care 
providers for regular screenings and check-ups.
Expanding on today's progress also means investing in tomorrow's 
breakthroughs. My Administration is committed to supporting the kind of 
medical research that has unlocked decades of new therapies and 
promising interventions. Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act will 
also give cancer patients better access to those treatments by 
preventing insurance companies from denying coverage because of a pre-
existing condition or putting annual dollar limits on most benefits.
Together, our Nation is moving forward in the fight against cancer. As 
we recommit to improving prevention, detection, and treatment, let us 
honor the memory of the courageous men and women we have lost to the 
disease, and let us stand with all those facing it today.
The Congress of the United States, by joint resolution approved March 
28, 1938 (52 Stat. 148; 36 U.S.C. 103), as amended, has requested the 
President to issue an annual proclamation declaring April as ``Cancer 
Control Month.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim April 2013 as National Cancer Control Month. 
I encourage citizens, government agencies, private businesses, nonprofit 
organizations, and other interested groups to join in activities that 
will increase awareness of what Americans can do to prevent and control 

[[Page 48]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8949 of March 29, 2013

National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

America is a country where all of us should be able to pursue our own 
measure of happiness and live free from fear. But for the millions of 
children who have experienced abuse or neglect, it is a promise that 
goes tragically unfulfilled. National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a 
time to make their struggle our own and reaffirm a simple truth: that no 
matter the challenges we face, caring for our children must always be 
our first task.
Realizing that truth in our society means ensuring children know they 
are never alone--that they always have a place to go and there are 
always people on their side. Parents and caregivers play an essential 
part in giving their children that stability. But we also know that 
keeping our children safe is something we can only do together, with the 
help of friends and neighbors and the broader community. All of us bear 
a responsibility to look after them, whether by lifting children toward 
their full potential or lending a hand to a family in need.
Our Government shares in that obligation, which is why my Administration 
has made addressing child abuse a priority. Since I took office, we have 
advocated for responsible parenting and invested in programs that can 
give our sons and daughters a strong start in life. I was also proud to 
sign measures into law that equip State and local governments with the 
tools to take on abuse, like the CAPTA Reauthorization Act and the 
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.
Together, we are making important progress in stopping child abuse and 
neglect. But we cannot let up--not when children are still growing up 
looking for a lifeline, and not when more than half a million young 
people are robbed of their basic right to safety every year. So this 
month, let us stand up for them and make their voices heard. To learn 
more about ending child abuse and how to get involved, visit 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2013 as National 
Child Abuse Prevention Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this 
month with programs and activities that help prevent child abuse and 
provide for children's physical, emotional, and developmental needs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the

[[Page 49]]

Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8950 of March 29, 2013

National Donate Life Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, more than 115,000 men, women, and children are on the waiting 
list for an organ transplant. To help them get the care they need, 
millions of Americans choose to be organ and tissue donors--a decision 
that reflects not only profound generosity, but also our commitment to 
one another. During National Donate Life Month, we renew the call for 
organ and tissue donation.
Most people can be donors, and the need is great. I encourage Americans 
of every background to learn the facts about organ and tissue donation, 
consider signing up for their State's registry, and talk to family and 
friends about their decision. Information and resources about how to get 
involved are available at www.OrganDonor.gov.
Together, we can respond to the donor shortage that keeps thousands of 
patients from getting life-saving care. Let us mark this month by 
rededicating ourselves to that task, standing with donors and their 
families, and igniting hope for those in need.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2013 as National 
Donate Life Month. I call upon health care professionals, volunteers, 
educators, government agencies, faith-based and community groups, and 
private organizations to join forces to boost the number of organ and 
tissue donors throughout our Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 50]]

Proclamation 8951 of March 29, 2013

National Financial Capability Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

All Americans deserve the chance to turn their hard work into a decent 
living for their families and a bright future for their children. 
Seizing that opportunity takes more than drive and initiative--it also 
requires smart financial planning. During National Financial Capability 
Month, we recommit to empowering individuals and families with the 
knowledge and tools they need to get ahead in today's economy.
My Administration is dedicated to helping people make sound decisions in 
the marketplace. Last year, we partnered with businesses and community 
leaders to roll out new public and private commitments to increasing 
financial literacy. We released a new financial capability toolkit to 
help schools and employers as they launch their own initiatives. And 
with our College Scorecard and Financial Aid Shopping Sheet, we are 
working to give families clear, transparent information on college costs 
so they can make good choices when they invest in higher education. 
Together, we can prepare young people to tackle financial challenges--
from learning how to budget responsibly to saving for college, starting 
a business, or opening a retirement account.
Financial capability also means helping people avoid scams and demand 
fair treatment when they take out a mortgage, use a credit card, or 
apply for a student loan. My Administration continues to encourage 
responsibility at all levels of our financial system by cracking down on 
deceptive practices and ensuring that consumers are informed of their 
We also know that too many families are living paycheck-to-paycheck, 
unable to take advantage of tools that would help them plan for a middle 
class life. That is why we must build ladders of opportunity for 
everyone willing to climb them--from a fair minimum wage that lifts 
working Americans out of poverty to high-quality preschool and early 
education that gets every child on the right track early. These reforms 
would encourage the kind of broad-based economic growth that gives 
everyone a better chance to secure their financial future.
Our history shows that there is no economic engine more powerful than a 
thriving middle class. Reigniting that engine means giving ordinary 
citizens the tools to find prosperity, including strong financial 
capability. To learn more about managing money and navigating the 21st-
century marketplace, visit www.MyMoney.gov and www.ConsumerFinance.gov, 
or call 1-888-MyMoney.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2013 as National 
Financial Capability Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this 
month with programs and activities to improve their understanding of 
financial principles and practices.

[[Page 51]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8952 of March 29, 2013

National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In the last 20 years, our Nation has made meaningful progress toward 
addressing sexual assault. Where victims were once left without 
recourse, laws have opened a path to safety and justice; where a culture 
of fear once kept violence hidden, survivors are more empowered to speak 
out and get help. But even today, too many women, men, and children 
suffer alone or in silence, burdened by shame or unsure anyone will 
listen. This month, we recommit to changing that tragic reality by 
stopping sexual assault before it starts and ensuring victims get the 
support they need.
Sexual violence is an affront to human dignity and a crime no matter 
where it occurs. While rape and sexual assault affect all communities, 
those at the greatest risk are children, teens, and young women. Nearly 
one in five women will be a victim of sexual assault during college. For 
some groups, the rates of violence are even higher--Native American 
women are more than twice as likely to experience sexual assault as the 
general population. Moreover, we know rape and sexual assault are 
consistently underreported, and that the physical and emotional trauma 
they leave behind can last for years.
With Vice President Joe Biden's leadership, we have made preventing 
sexual violence and supporting survivors a top priority. Earlier this 
month, I was proud to sign the Violence Against Women Reauthorization 
Act, which renews and strengthens the law that first made it possible 
for our country to address sexual assault in a comprehensive way. The 
Act preserves critical services like rape crisis centers, upholds 
protections for immigrant victims, gives State and tribal law 
enforcement better tools to investigate cases of rape, and breaks down 
barriers that keep lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender victims from 
getting help. It also expands funding for sexual assault nurse examiner 
programs and sexual assault response teams, helping States deliver 
justice for survivors and hold offenders accountable.
Just as we keep fighting sexual assault in our neighborhoods, we must 
also recommit to ending it in our military--because no one serving our 
country should be at risk of assault by a fellow service member. Where 
this crime does take place, it cannot be tolerated; victims must have 
access to support, and offenders must face the consequences of their 
actions. Members of our Armed Forces and their families can learn more 
about the resources available to them at 1-877-995-5247 and 

[[Page 52]]

All Americans can play a role in changing the culture that enables 
sexual violence. Each of us can take action by lifting up survivors we 
know and breaking the silence surrounding rape and sexual assault. To 
get involved, visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/1is2many.
Together, our Nation is moving forward in the fight against sexual 
assault. This month, let us keep working to prevent violence in every 
corner of America, and let us rededicate ourselves to giving survivors 
the bright future they deserve.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2013 as National 
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. I urge all Americans to 
support survivors of sexual assault and work together to prevent these 
crimes in their communities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8953 of March 29, 2013

Cesar Chavez Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Every year, Americans all across our country pause on March 31 to 
remember a man who made justice his life's calling. Growing up the son 
of migrant farm workers who lost everything in the Great Depression, 
Cesar Chavez knew hard work and hardship from an early age. He labored 
long hours for little pay, taking odd jobs to help his family get by and 
forgoing a formal education to follow the crop cycles. But where others 
might have given up or given in, Cesar Chavez never lost hope in the 
power of opportunity. He lived each day by a belief as old as America 
itself--the idea that with courage and determination, any of us can 
reach beyond our circumstances and leave our children something better.
More than anything, we remember Cesar Chavez for lending voice to the 
voiceless. When no one seemed to care about the invisible farm workers 
who picked our Nation's food, beset by poverty and cheated by growers, a 
courageous man dedicated to dignity stood up and spoke out. Alongside 
Dolores Huerta and fellow organizers, he rallied a generation of workers 
around ``La Causa,'' marching and fasting and boycotting for fair pay 
and protections on the job. They fought through decades of setbacks and 
fierce resistance. But through every trial, Cesar Chavez refused to curb 
his ambitions or scale back his hope. Step by step, march by march, he 
helped lead a community of farm workers to make the change they sought.
Cesar Chavez's legacy lives on at Nuestra Se[ntilde]ora Reina de la Paz, 
his home and workplace, which I was proud to designate a National 
Monument last

[[Page 53]]

October. It also lives on in those who remember his central teaching: 
that when workers are treated fairly and humanely, our country grows 
more just, opportunity becomes more equal, and all of us do better. 
Because even with the strides we have made, we know there is more left 
to do when working men and women toil in poverty without adequate 
protections or simple respect. We know there is more to do when our 
broken immigration system forces workers into a shadow economy where 
companies can ignore labor laws and undermine businesses following the 
rules. Fixing those problems means securing what Cesar Chavez fought for 
at La Paz. It means taking on injustice, making sure hard work is 
rewarded, and bringing more Americans into a rising middle class.
In 1966, when Cesar Chavez was struggling to bring attention to his 
cause, he received a telegram from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ``As 
brothers in the fight for equality, I extend the hand of fellowship and 
goodwill,'' he wrote. ``We are with you in spirit and in determination 
that our dreams for a better tomorrow will be realized.'' It is a story 
that reminds us how here in America, we are bound together not by the 
colors of our skin or the languages we speak, but by the values we share 
and the brighter future we seek for our children. So today, as we honor 
a man who risked everything to stand up for what he believed in, let us 
reflect on our common cause and recommit to moving forward together--as 
one Nation and one people.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2013, as 
Cesar Chavez Day. I call upon all Americans to observe this day with 
appropriate service, community, and education programs to honor Cesar 
Chavez's enduring legacy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8954 of April 1, 2013

World Autism Awareness Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, public health officials estimate that 1 in every 88 children in 
America is growing up on the autism spectrum. It is a reality that 
affects millions of families every day, from the classroom to the job 
market. And while our country has made progress in supporting Americans 
with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), we are only beginning to 
understand the factors behind the challenges they face. On World Autism 
Awareness Day, we recommit to helping individuals on the autism spectrum 
reach their full potential.

[[Page 54]]

To achieve that goal, we need a health care system that works for 
children and adults with ASDs. The Affordable Care Act prevents insurers 
from denying coverage to children on the autism spectrum, and it ensures 
new health plans must cover autism screenings at no cost to parents. 
Beginning in 2014, the Act will make it illegal for insurance companies 
to discriminate against men and women with preexisting conditions, 
including ASDs. And looking ahead, my Administration is investing in 
medical research that can help unlock tomorrow's breakthroughs in autism 
detection, intervention, and education.
Leveling the playing field for Americans on the autism spectrum also 
takes commitment in our schools. That is why we are advancing 
initiatives to help students with ASDs get a good education free from 
discrimination and undue hardship. And it is why we are making sure that 
education can lead to meaningful employment by supporting vocational 
rehabilitation programs and opening higher education to more people on 
the autism spectrum.
All Americans should have the chance to live full, independent lives and 
follow their talents wherever they lead. This month, we recognize 
Americans with ASDs who are walking through doors of opportunity, and we 
recommit to opening them wider in the years ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2, 2013, as 
World Autism Awareness Day. I encourage all Americans to learn more 
about autism and what they can do to support individuals on the autism 
spectrum and their families.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of April, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8955 of April 8, 2013

National Equal Pay Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Over the past 4 years, the American people have come together to lift 
our economy out of recession and forge a foundation for lasting 
prosperity. Our businesses have created millions of new jobs, our stock 
market is rebounding, and our housing market has begun to heal. But even 
now, too many Americans are seeing their hard work go unrewarded because 
of circumstances beyond their control. Women--who make up nearly half of 
our Nation's workforce--face a pay gap that means they earn 23 percent 
less on average than men do. That disparity is even greater for African-
American women and Latinas. On National Equal Pay Day, we recognize this 
injustice by marking how far into the new year women have to work just 
to make what men did in the previous one.

[[Page 55]]

Wage inequality undermines the promise of fairness and opportunity upon 
which our country was founded. For families trying to make ends meet, 
that gap can also mean the difference between falling behind and getting 
ahead. When working mothers make less than their male counterparts, they 
have less to spend on basic necessities like child care, groceries, and 
rent. Small businesses see fewer customers walk through their doors. 
Tuition payments get harder to afford, and rungs on the ladder of 
opportunity get farther apart. And just as diminished wages shortchange 
families, they slow our entire economy--weakening growth here at home 
and eroding American competitiveness abroad.
To grow our middle class and spur progress in the years ahead, we need 
to address longstanding inequity that keeps women from earning a living 
equal to their efforts. That is why I have made pay equity a top 
priority--from signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act days after I 
took office to cracking down on equal pay law violations wherever they 
occur. And to back our belief in equality with the weight of law, I 
continue to call on the Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Our country has come a long way toward ensuring everyone gets a fair 
shot at opportunity, no matter who you are or where you come from. But 
our journey will not be complete until our mothers, our wives, our 
sisters, and our daughters are treated equally in the workplace and 
always see an honest day's work rewarded with honest wages. Today, let 
us renew that vision for ourselves and for our children, and let us 
rededicate ourselves to realizing it in the days ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 9, 2013, as 
National Equal Pay Day. I call upon all Americans to recognize the full 
value of women's skills and their significant contributions to the labor 
force, acknowledge the injustice of wage inequality, and join efforts to 
achieve equal pay.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8956 of April 8, 2013

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

From the days of the Revolutionary War to the trials of our times, 
America has been blessed with an unbroken chain of patriots who have 
always stepped forward to serve. Whenever our country has come under 
attack, our men and women in uniform have risen to its defense. And 
whenever our freedoms have been threatened, they have responded with 
unyielding resolve--sometimes trading their liberty to secure our own.

[[Page 56]]

Today, we pay tribute to former prisoners of war who made that profound 
sacrifice. Caught behind enemy lines and stripped of their rights, these 
service members endured trials few of us can imagine. Many lost their 
lives. But in reflecting on the tragic price they paid, we also remember 
how their courage lit up even the darkest night. Where others might have 
given up or broken down, they dug in. They summoned an iron will. In 
their strength, we see the measure of their character; in their 
sacrifice, we see the spirit of a Nation.
As we express our gratitude to heroes who gave so much for their 
country, we remain mindful that no one gesture is enough to truly honor 
their service. For that, we must recommit to serving our veterans as 
well as they served us--not just today, but every day. We must pursue a 
full accounting of those who are still missing. And for service members 
who have come home, we must never stop fighting to give them the 
stability and the support they have earned. That is the promise we renew 
today--for former prisoners of war, for their families, and for every 
American who has sworn an oath to protect and defend.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 9, 2013, as 
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day. I call upon all 
Americans to observe this day of remembrance by honoring all American 
prisoners of war, our service members, and our veterans. I also call 
upon Federal, State, and local government officials and organizations to 
observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8957 of April 12, 2013

Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

One hundred and twenty-three years ago, countries across the Western 
Hemisphere came together to found the International Union of American 
Republics--a forerunner to the Organization of American States and a 
foundation for progress throughout the region. In the decades since, 
nations in the Americas have forged lasting partnerships in trade, 
security, and democracy that reflect our shared commitment to peace and 
prosperity. As we celebrate those ties this week, we recognize the Pan 
American community's accomplishments and recommit to advancing common 
Delivering prosperity for all our people takes strong, broad-based 
economic growth. That is why my Administration has worked tirelessly to 
boost trade with our partners abroad and open new markets for American 
products. We

[[Page 57]]

have worked together to increase lending through the Inter-American 
Development Bank, promote microfinance, reform tax systems, eliminate 
barriers to investment, and forge clean energy and climate partnerships. 
In the United States, we have secured trade agreements with Colombia and 
Panama. Alongside partners like Canada, Mexico, Chile, and Peru, we are 
making progress toward a Trans-Pacific Partnership. And inter-American 
trade is continuing to expand dramatically, supporting millions of jobs 
here in the United States and still more abroad.
These initiatives are strengthening economies across the Americas. And 
just as the benefits of trade and development should be shared between 
nations, we also know they should be shared within nations. That takes 
the assurance of security and transparency, education and equality, 
human rights and the rule of law. As countries throughout the hemisphere 
build up those fundamental protections and opportunities for their 
citizens, the United States will work alongside them. It is a commitment 
we make not only because it is the right thing to do--we make it knowing 
that our futures depend on what we can do together as partners in 
On Pan American Day and during Pan American Week, we renew the bonds of 
friendship that unite us across cultures and continents. Let us mark 
this week by reinvesting in the prosperity and dignity of our peoples, 
confident that the Americas' best days are still ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 14, 2013, as Pan 
American Day and April 14 through April 20, 2013, as Pan American Week. 
I urge the Governors of the 50 States, the Governor of the Commonwealth 
of Puerto Rico, and the officials of the other areas under the flag of 
the United States of America to honor these observances with appropriate 
ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8958 of April 16, 2013

Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Boston, Massachusetts

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence 
perpetrated on April 15, 2013, in Boston, Massachusetts, by the 
authority vested in me as President of the United States by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby 
order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at 
the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all 
military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the 
Federal Government in the District of Columbia and

[[Page 58]]

throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until 
sunset, April 20, 2013. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at 
half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, 
legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all 
military facilities and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8959 of April 19, 2013

National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Every year, millions of Americans fall victim to crime through no fault 
of their own. These are people we know: families trying to rebuild after 
financial fraud or identity theft, grandparents spending their golden 
years in the shadow of elder abuse, children whose right to safety has 
been stolen away by violence or neglect. Many struggle to get help in 
the aftermath of a crime, and some never report their crime at all. 
During National Crime Victims' Rights Week, we reaffirm our solemn 
obligation to ensure they get the services they need--from care and 
counseling to justice under the law.
Thanks to thousands of victim assistance programs all across our 
country, we are making progress toward that goal. As dedicated advocates 
continue their important work, my Administration will continue to 
support them by raising awareness about victims' rights, making sure 
those rights are protected and practiced, and investing in training 
programs for law enforcement and other professionals. I was proud to 
sign the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act into law last month, 
preserving and strengthening critical services for victims of abuse. We 
have continued to crack down on financial crimes that leave too many 
families struggling to get back on their feet. And we are stepping up 
our efforts in the fight against human trafficking, whether it occurs 
halfway around the world or right here at home.
Even now, we have more work to do. As an epidemic of gun violence has 
swept through places like Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, and cities and 
towns all across America, our country has come up against the hard 
question of whether we are doing enough to protect our children and our 
communities. As Americans everywhere have stood up and spoken out for 
change, my Administration has responded with reforms that give law 
enforcement, schools, mental health professionals, and public health 
officials better tools to reduce violent crime. But we cannot solve this 
problem alone. That is why I will continue to fight for common-sense 
measures that would address the epidemic of gun violence and help keep 
our children safe.

[[Page 59]]

By working to prevent crime and extend support to those in need, we keep 
faith with our fellow citizens and the basic values that unite us. Let 
us renew that common cause this week, and let us rededicate ourselves to 
advancing it in the year ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 21 through April 
27, 2013, as National Crime Victims' Rights Week. I call upon all 
Americans to observe this week by participating in events that raise 
awareness of victims' rights and services, and by volunteering to serve 
victims in their time of need.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8960 of April 19, 2013

National Volunteer Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As Americans, we are inheritors to a legacy of diversity unlike any 
other place on earth. We are home to more than 300 million people who 
come from every background, practice every faith, and hold every point 
of view. But where difference could draw us apart, we are bound together 
by a single sacred word: citizen. It defines our way of life, and it 
captures our belief in something bigger than ourselves--the notion that 
our destiny is shared, and all of us do better when we accept certain 
obligations to one another.
National Volunteer Week is a time to renew that fundamentally American 
idea of service and responsibility. It is also a time to recognize the 
men, women, and children who bring that principle into practice every 
day by lifting up the people around them. Volunteering rates are the 
highest they have been in years. More Americans are answering the call 
to serve--not for fanfare or attention, but because they want to give 
back. And as they do, they are making our communities stronger. They are 
boosting local economies. And they are building ladders of opportunity 
for those who need them most.
My Administration is dedicated to helping more Americans make that 
commitment. Through the Corporation for National and Community Service, 
we are investing in programs like AmeriCorps, FEMA Corps, and Senior 
Corps so more people can focus their talents on improving our 
neighborhoods. As we continue to draw down our forces abroad, we are 
opening up new ways for Americans to serve our veterans and military 
families here at home. We are encouraging States to let workers on 
unemployment insurance volunteer and build the skills they need to find 
a job. And this

[[Page 60]]

year, we are proposing new funding for the Volunteer Generation Fund 
that would help nonprofits recruit, manage, and maintain strong 
volunteer workforces. We also renamed the program the George H.W. Bush 
Volunteer Generation Fund, honoring the legacy of our 41st President and 
his enduring commitment to volunteerism.
We need not look far to see the power of service. Less than 6 months 
ago, when Hurricane Sandy bore down on our Atlantic coast, Americans 
responded with compassion and resolve. As an act of terror struck Boston 
at the finish line of a great race, and an explosion in Texas tore 
through a tight-knit community, we stood by each other in times of need. 
Ordinary men and women have stepped forward and accomplished 
extraordinary things together, uniting as friends and neighbors and 
fellow citizens. The strength they have shown reminds us that even in 
our darkest hours, we look out for each other. We pull together. And we 
move forward as one. During National Volunteer Week, let us tap into 
that spirit once more. To find a service opportunity nearby, visit 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 21 through April 
27, 2013, as National Volunteer Week. I call upon all Americans to 
observe this week by volunteering in service projects across our country 
and pledging to make service a part of their daily lives.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8961 of April 19, 2013

National Park Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For generations, ordinary Americans have taken it upon themselves to 
preserve our national landscape. They have been public servants and 
private citizens, patrons and Presidents--visionaries who saw our 
natural inheritance not as something to be used up, but as a treasure to 
be passed on. During National Park Week, we celebrate the wonders 
entrusted to us by our forebears and recommit to preserving them for our 
children and grandchildren.
We also take time to remember that in places like the Grand Canyon and 
the Teton Range, we see more than raw beauty. We see expansive freedom 
and rugged independence. We see the big ideas and bold ingenuity that 
inspired the first conservationists. We see our belief in collective 
responsibility--the notion that all of us have an equal share in this 
land and an equal obligation to keep it safe. These spaces embody the 
best of the American spirit, and they summon us to experience it 

[[Page 61]]

This week, the National Park Service will make that opportunity 
available to everyone by offering free admission to every park in the 
Union from April 22 through April 26. And to keep building on our 
country's long legacy of conservation, I have been proud to establish 
eight new National Monuments in the past year. These sites honor rich 
histories, spectacular landscapes, and pioneering heroes of the American 
story, from Colonel Charles Young to Harriet Tubman to Cesar Chavez. 
They also reflect my commitment to advancing a 21st-century conservation 
strategy that responds to the priorities of the American people, 
strengthens local economies, and protects our most special places for 
generations to come.
As we mark this week, I encourage all Americans to experience our 
natural heritage by stepping into the outdoors. To find a National Park 
in your area, visit www.NPS.gov.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 20 through April 
28, 2013, as National Park Week. I encourage all Americans to visit 
their National Parks and be reminded of these unique blessings we share 
as a Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8962 of April 19, 2013

Earth Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As the world's technological leader and home to some of its most 
breathtaking natural wonders, America has a special responsibility to 
safeguard our environment. On Earth Day, we celebrate our rich legacy of 
stewardship and reflect on what we can do, as individuals and as a 
Nation, to preserve our planet for future generations.
The first Earth Day marked a renewal of America's global leadership in 
conservation. It began as a national discussion on pollution and came to 
embody a simple truth: that nothing is more powerful than millions of 
voices calling for change. In only a few years, those voices rang as 
clear in our laws as on our streets--from the creation of the 
Environmental Protection Agency to landmark legislation for clean air 
and water. These successes continue to bring health and prosperity to 
communities nationwide, demonstrating that our economy can grow 
alongside a healthy environment.
As environmental challenges evolve with a changing world, my 
Administration is committed to meeting them. During my first term, we 
launched the America's Great Outdoors initiative, made historic progress 

[[Page 62]]

precious ecosystems, and finalized standards to curb toxic emissions 
from power plants. Implementing these standards will help prevent 
thousands of premature deaths each year by substantially reducing 
mercury and other pollutants.
We have made real progress, but we cannot stop there. We cannot afford 
to ignore what the overwhelming judgment of science tells us: that 
climate change is real and that it poses an urgent threat to our people 
and our planet. That is why my Administration set historic fuel 
efficiency standards that will nearly double how far our cars go on a 
gallon of gas while reducing harmful carbon pollution. It is why we made 
unprecedented investments in clean energy, allowing us to double 
renewable energy production in only 4 years. And it is why I am 
challenging Americans to double it again by 2020.
Because climate change and other environmental problems cannot be fully 
addressed by government alone, we are also engaging key stakeholders at 
home and abroad. Last year, we launched a global initiative to cut 
short-lived climate pollutants that contribute to global warming. We 
have proposed historic investments in Land and Water Conservation Fund 
programs. And we continue to stand behind innovators and entrepreneurs 
who will unleash the next wave of clean energy technologies and drive 
long-term economic growth. At the same time, we are working to protect 
our communities and our economy from the unavoidable effects of climate 
change that we are already starting to feel.
Today, America is sending less carbon pollution into the environment 
than we have in nearly 20 years. But we owe it to our children to do 
more. That is why I have called on the Congress to pursue a bipartisan, 
market-based solution to climate change. In the meantime, I will direct 
my Cabinet to come up with executive actions to reduce pollution, 
prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change, and 
speed our transition to sustainable energy.
More than four decades after the first Earth Day, millions of Americans 
have answered the call to protect the environment. Today, let us do so 
again by joining together, raising our voices, and standing up for our 
planet and our future.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 22, 2013, as 
Earth Day. I encourage all Americans to participate in programs and 
activities that will protect our environment and contribute to a 
healthy, sustainable future.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 63]]

Proclamation 8963 of April 24, 2013

Honoring the Victims of the Explosion in West, Texas

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a mark of respect for the memory of those who perished in the 
explosion in West, Texas, on April 17, 2013, I hereby order, by the 
authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United 
States of America, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at 
half-staff at all public buildings and grounds and at all military 
facilities and naval stations of the Federal Government in the State of 
Texas on April 25, 2013.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day 
of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8964 of April 26, 2013

Workers Memorial Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Our country boasts the world's most talented, driven, effective labor 
force. American workers power our homes and feed our families. They 
raise skyscrapers, transport goods to market, and manufacture products 
that are the envy of the world. Together, they form the backbone of our 
economy. As a Nation, we have an obligation to protect the men and women 
who perform these vital tasks. Yet tragically, thousands of American 
workers die on the job each year, and millions more suffer work-related 
injuries or illnesses. On Workers Memorial Day, we honor them, and we 
reaffirm that no one should have to put their life on the line to bring 
home a paycheck.
At the turn of the 20th century, laborers faced hazardous conditions. 
Factory doors were locked from the outside, which prevented quick 
evacuation in emergencies. A combination of shoddy equipment and fatigue 
from long shifts made serious injury and death all too common. Career-
ending injuries often led to poverty and starvation.
From mine shafts to railroads to factory floors, workers began to speak 
out. Thanks to generations of union organizers and advocates, conditions 
slowly improved. But it was not until decades later that our laws 
assured the right to a safe workplace. The Federal Coal Mine Health and 
Safety Act of 1969 established comprehensive health and safety standards 
for the mining industry, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 
1970 enacted similar standards for all workers. These statutes remain 
the cornerstone of our protections today, and my Administration remains 
committed to enforcing

[[Page 64]]

them by ensuring workers know their rights, worksites comply with the 
law, and wrongdoers are held accountable.
Today, our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost a loved 
one to a workplace accident or work-related illness. But we owe them 
more than prayers. We owe them action and accountability. While we 
cannot eliminate all risk from the world's most dangerous professions, 
we can guarantee that when a worker steps up to an assembly line or into 
a mine shaft, their country stands alongside them, protecting their 
safety and their stake in the American dream.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 28, 2013, as 
Workers Memorial Day. I call upon all Americans to participate in 
ceremonies and activities in memory of those killed or injured due to 
unsafe working conditions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8965 of April 30, 2013

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each May, our Nation comes together to recount the ways Asian Americans 
and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) helped forge our country. We remember a 
time 170 years ago, when Japanese immigrants first set foot on American 
shores and opened a path for millions more. We remember 1869, when 
Chinese workers laid the final ties of the transcontinental railroad 
after years of backbreaking labor. And we remember Asian Americans and 
Pacific Islanders who have made our country bigger and brighter again 
and again, from Native Hawaiians to the generations of striving 
immigrants who shaped our history--reaching and sweating and scraping to 
give their children something more. Their story is the American story, 
and this month, we honor them all.
For many in the AAPI community, that story is one also marked by lasting 
inequality and bitter wrongs. Immigrants seeking a better life were 
often excluded, subject to quotas, or denied citizenship because of 
their race. Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders endured decades of 
persecution and broken promises. Japanese Americans suffered profoundly 
under internment during World War II, even as their loved ones fought 
bravely abroad. And in the last decade, South Asian Americans--
particularly those who are Muslim, Hindu, or Sikh--have too often faced 
senseless violence and suspicion due only to the color of their skin or 
the tenets of their faith.

[[Page 65]]

This year, we recognize the 25th anniversary of the Civil Liberties Act 
of 1988 and the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act's repeal--
milestones that helped mend deep wounds of systemic discrimination. And 
with irrepressible determination and optimism, Asian Americans and 
Pacific Islanders have prevailed over adversity and risen to the top of 
their fields--from medicine to business to the bench. But even now, too 
many hardworking AAPI families face disparities in health care, 
education, and employment that keep them from getting ahead.
My Administration remains committed to addressing those disparities. 
Through the White House Initiative on AAPIs, we are working to ensure 
equal access to Federal programs that meet the diverse needs of AAPI 
communities. We are standing up for civil rights, economic opportunity, 
and better outcomes in health and education. We are fighting for 
commonsense immigration reform so America can continue to be a magnet 
for the best and brightest from all around the world, including Asia and 
the Pacific.
Meeting those challenges will not be easy. But the history of the AAPI 
community shows us how with hope and resolve, we can overcome the 
problems we face. We can reaffirm our legacy as a Nation where all 
things are possible for all people. So this month, as we recognize Asian 
Americans and Pacific Islanders who are fulfilling that promise in every 
corner of our country, let us recommit to giving our children and 
grandchildren the same opportunity in the years ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as Asian 
American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans 
to visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/AAPI and www.AsianPacificHeritage.gov to 
learn more about the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, 
and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8966 of April 30, 2013

Jewish American Heritage Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In his second year in office, President George Washington wrote a letter 
to the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island--one of our Nation's 
first Jewish houses of worship--and reaffirmed our country's commitment 
to religious freedom. He noted that the Government of the United States 
would give ``to bigotry no sanction [and] to persecution no 
assistance,'' and that all Americans are entitled to ``liberty of 
conscience and immunities of citizenship.'' Those words ring as true 
today as they did then, and they speak to a principle as old as America 
itself: that no matter who you are, where

[[Page 66]]

you come from, or what faith you practice, all of us have an equal share 
in America's promise.
It was such a belief that drew generations of Jewish immigrants to our 
shores. It is what brought Jewish families westward when pogroms and 
persecution cast a shadow over Europe in the last century. It is what 
led Holocaust survivors and Jews trapped behind the Iron Curtain to 
rebuild their lives across the Atlantic. And with every group that 
arrived here, the Jewish American community grew stronger. Our Nation 
grew stronger. Jewish immigrants from all over the world wove new 
threads into our cultural fabric with rich traditions and indomitable 
faith, and their descendants pioneered incredible advances in science 
and the arts. Teachings from the Torah lit the way toward a more perfect 
Union, from women's rights to workers' rights to the end of segregation.
That story is still unfolding today. Jewish Americans continue to guide 
our country's progress as scientists and teachers, public servants and 
private citizens, wise leaders and loving parents. We see their 
accomplishments in every neighborhood, and we see them abroad in our 
unbreakable bond with Israel that Jewish Americans helped forge. More 
than 350 years have passed since Jewish refugees first made landfall on 
American shores. We take this month to celebrate the progress that 
followed, and the bright future that lies ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as Jewish 
American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to visit 
www.JewishHeritageMonth.gov to learn more about the heritage and 
contributions of Jewish Americans and to observe this month with 
appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the 
United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8967 of April 30, 2013

National Building Safety Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

When natural disasters and other hazards put American lives at risk, 
robust codes and standards for our buildings play an important role in 
keeping us safe. They ensure our homes and businesses are resilient to 
the challenges of our time--not just by making them structurally sound, 
but also by boosting their energy efficiency. This month, as we pay 
tribute to professionals who design, construct, and secure our 
infrastructure, let us raise awareness about building safety and 
rededicate ourselves to improving it in the days to come.

[[Page 67]]

Protecting our communities from harm requires commitment from all of us. 
Alongside partners in government and industry, my Administration is 
encouraging stakeholders across our country to adopt disaster-resistant 
building codes and standards. We are collaborating with experts to issue 
modern guidance on construction and retrofitting techniques. And we are 
supporting cities and towns from coast to coast as they pursue disaster 
preparedness, mitigation, and redevelopment. To get involved, visit 
Time and again, devastating natural disasters have tested the strength 
of our communities and the resilience of our people. Our capacity to 
withstand these threats depends on what we do to prepare today--from 
reinforcing critical infrastructure to making sure our buildings adhere 
to local codes and standards. This month, we take up those tasks once 
more and recommit to safety in the year ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as National 
Building Safety Month. I encourage citizens, government agencies, 
businesses, nonprofits, and other interested groups to join in 
activities that raise awareness about building safety. I also call on 
all Americans to learn more about how they can contribute to building 
safety at home and in their communities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8968 of April 30, 2013

National Foster Care Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a Nation, we have no task more important than ensuring our children 
grow up healthy and safe. It is a promise we owe to the hundreds of 
thousands of youth in foster care--boys and girls who too often go 
without the love, protection, and stability of a permanent family. This 
month, we recommit to giving them that critical support, and we 
recognize the foster parents and professionals who work every day to 
lift up the children in their care toward a bright, productive future.
Thanks to those efforts, the number of young people in foster care is 
falling and fewer children are waiting for adoption. But even now, more 
than 400,000 kids are looking for permanency with caring parents. Many 
are struggling to find the meaningful, long-term relationships that will 
help them transition into adulthood. Some young men and women are aging 
out of the system without a permanent home, making it harder for them to 
get a good education, find a job, and build a better life.

[[Page 68]]

To give foster youth the support they need, Americans in every community 
are stepping up to serve. They are mentors, teachers, faith leaders, 
caseworkers, advocates, family members--individuals dedicated to making 
a difference. As they lend their strength to our most vulnerable 
children, my Administration will continue to invest in services that 
strengthen the foster care system and encourage adoption. We will keep 
working to ensure every qualified caregiver has the chance to be an 
adoptive or foster parent. And we will support programs that help 
increase permanency, reduce rates of re-entry into foster care, and 
address the issues that bring young people in the child welfare system 
in the first place.
Whether as a friend, a role model, or a guardian, any of us can be a 
supportive adult for a child in need. As we honor the countless 
Americans who are answering that call to action, let us mark this month 
by showing children and youth in foster care the best our country has to 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as National 
Foster Care Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by 
taking time to help youth in foster care and recognizing the commitment 
of all who touch their lives at a most challenging time.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8969 of April 30, 2013

National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, tens of millions of Americans are living with the burden of a 
mental health problem. They shoulder conditions like depression and 
anxiety, post-traumatic stress and bipolar disorder--debilitating 
illnesses that can strain every part of a person's life. And even though 
help is out there, less than half of children and adults with 
diagnosable mental health problems receive treatment. During National 
Mental Health Awareness Month, we shine a light on these issues, stand 
with men and women in need, and redouble our efforts to address mental 
health problems in America.
For many, getting help starts with a conversation. People who believe 
they may be suffering from a mental health condition should talk about 
it with someone they trust and consult a health care provider. As a 
Nation, it is up to all of us to know the signs of mental health issues 
and lend a hand to those who are struggling. Shame and stigma too often 
leave people feeling like there is no place to turn. We need to make 
sure they know that asking for help is not a sign of weakness--it is a 
sign of strength. To find

[[Page 69]]

treatment services nearby, call 1-800-662-HELP. The National Suicide 
Prevention Lifeline offers immediate assistance for all Americans, 
including service members and veterans, at 1-800-273-TALK.
Our commitment cannot end there. We must ensure people have access to 
the care they need--which is why the Affordable Care Act will expand 
mental health and substance use disorder benefits and Federal parity 
protections for 62 million Americans. For the first time, the health 
care law will prevent insurers from denying coverage because of a pre-
existing condition. The Act already requires new health plans to cover 
recommended preventive services like depression screening and behavioral 
assessments for children at no extra cost to patients.
My Administration will keep building on those achievements. Earlier this 
year, I was proud to launch the BRAIN Initiative--a new partnership 
between government, scientists, and leaders in the private sector to 
invest in research that could unlock new treatments for mental illness 
and drive growth throughout our economy. We have made unprecedented 
commitments to improving mental health care for veterans suffering from 
traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. And we have 
proposed new funding for mental health programs that will help teachers 
and other adults recognize the signs of mental illness in children, 
improve mental health outcomes for young people, and train 5,000 more 
mental health professionals to serve our youth.
Mental health problems remain a serious public health concern, but 
together, our Nation is making progress. This month, I encourage all 
Americans to advance this important work by raising awareness about 
mental health and lending strength to all who need it.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as National 
Mental Health Awareness Month. I call upon citizens, government 
agencies, organizations, health care providers, and research 
institutions to raise mental health awareness and continue helping 
Americans live longer, healthier lives.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8970 of April 30, 2013

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Over the past 3 years, communities all across America have joined First 
Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, which aims to help parents 
make healthy choices and give our children a strong start. Today, 

[[Page 70]]

have more of the tools and know-how they need to embrace a healthy 
lifestyle. Kids and adults are finding new ways to bring exercise into 
their daily lives. And by getting active, our youngest generation is not 
only improving their health, but also their ability to learn and be 
successful later in life. During National Physical Fitness and Sports 
Month, we celebrate that progress and keep striving for more.
To help more kids and families get moving and make exercise a lifelong 
habit, we are working to create more opportunities for physical 
activity--whether on the playground, in the classroom, or at work. 
Through Let's Move! and the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and 
Nutrition, we continue to advance that mission by collaborating with 
partners in every corner of our country--public and private, large and 
small, national and neighborhood. Together, we are helping cities, 
towns, and counties raise a healthier generation of kids. And earlier 
this year, we built on that work by launching a new program to bring 
physical activity back to our schools. To learn more and join in, visit 
www.LetsMove.gov and www.Fitness.gov.
With simple steps, all of us can make physical activity a way of life. 
This month, we recognize Americans who are choosing that future for 
themselves and inspiring others to do the same. We also take this 
opportunity to renew the call to action. I encourage business, faith, 
and community leaders to uphold physical activity as an important way to 
enrich our neighborhoods. I call on schools to make good health and 
exercise part of a good education. And alongside our friends and family, 
let each of us recommit to leading a healthy, active lifestyle, and 
setting our children on the path to a bright future.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as National 
Physical Fitness and Sports Month. I call upon the people of the United 
States to make daily physical activity, sports participation, and good 
nutrition a priority in their lives.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8971 of April 30, 2013

Older Americans Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For half a century, communities in every corner of our country have come 
together to honor older Americans in a special way during the month of 
May. We carry that tradition forward again this year by recognizing 
their accomplishments, sharing their stories, and showing support and 
appreciation for our elders.

[[Page 71]]

With groundbreaking advances in medicine and health care, Americans are 
living longer and achieving more. Many seniors are using a lifetime of 
experience to serve those around them. Even after decades of hard work, 
men and women are taking on new roles after retirement--organizing, 
educating, innovating, and making sure they leave the next generation 
with the same opportunities they had. It is a commitment that shines 
brightly in programs like Senior Corps, which connects more than half a 
million people to service opportunities from coast to coast.
As older Americans strive to lift up their neighborhoods, my 
Administration is working to make sure they get the tools they need to 
make a difference. We are helping more seniors get involved in volunteer 
service and give back to those around them. We are also finding new ways 
to make sure seniors live with dignity as full members of their 
communities--from improving access to health care to broadening 
employment opportunities. And to ensure older Americans have resources 
they can count on, my Administration will continue to protect and 
strengthen Medicare and Social Security not just for this generation, 
but also for those to come.
Our seniors deserve the best our country has to offer. This month, we 
pay tribute to the men and women who raised us, and we pledge anew to 
show them the fullest care, support, and respect of a grateful Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2013 as Older 
Americans Month. I call upon all Americans of all ages to acknowledge 
the contributions of older Americans during this month and throughout 
the year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8972 of April 30, 2013

Law Day, U.S.A., 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a Nation, we are bound together not by the colors of our skin, the 
tenets of our faith, or the origins of our names. What unites us as 
Americans is our allegiance to an idea articulated more than two 
centuries ago: that ``all men are created equal; that they are endowed 
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are 
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'' In the years since that 
declaration, we not only forged a Republic of, by, and for the people; 
we also set ourselves to the task of perfecting it, and bridging the 
meaning of those words with the realities of our time.
This Law Day, we look back on our long journey toward equality for all. 
We reflect on the Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham 
Lincoln 150 years ago to mend a Nation half-slave and half-free under

[[Page 72]]

the unifying promise of liberty. We remember when Dr. Martin Luther 
King, Jr., stood in Lincoln's shadow a century later and gave voice to a 
dream, sounding the call for an America that truly lives out the meaning 
of its founding creed. We honor the courageous men and women who fought 
to bring those ageless ideals of freedom and fairness into the rule of 
law--from the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act to Title IX and 
the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Even now, that work is not yet finished. Opportunity remains painfully 
unequal for too many among us; justice too often goes undone. Law Day is 
a chance to reaffirm the critical role our courts have always played in 
addressing those wrongs and aligning our Nation with its first 
principles. Let us mark this occasion by celebrating that history, 
upholding the right to due process, and honoring all who have sustained 
our proud legal tradition.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, in accordance with Public Law 87-20, as amended, do hereby 
proclaim May 1, 2013, as Law Day, U.S.A. I call upon all Americans to 
acknowledge the importance of our Nation's legal and judicial systems 
with appropriate ceremonies and activities, and to display the flag of 
the United States in support of this national observance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8973 of April 30, 2013

Loyalty Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In the centuries since America broke from an empire and claimed 
independence, our people have come together again and again to meet the 
challenges of a changing world. We have reinvented our cities with 
advances in science and reformed our markets with new understanding of 
the forces that guide them. We have fought for freedom in the theater of 
war and expanded its reach during times of peace. We have revamped and 
recovered and remade ourselves anew, mindful that when times change, so 
must we. But with every step forward, we have reaffirmed our faith in 
the ideals that inspired our founding. We have held fast to the 
principles at our country's core: service and citizenship; courage and 
the common good; liberty, equality, and justice for all.
This is our Nation's heritage, and it is what we remember on Loyalty 
Day. It is an occasion that asks something of us as a people: to 
rediscover those ageless truths our Founders held to be self-evident, 
and to renew them in our own time. We look back to Americans who did the 
same, from generation to generation--citizens who strengthened our 
democracy, organizers who made it broader, service members who gave 
everything to protect it.

[[Page 73]]

These patriots and pioneers remind us that while our path to a more 
perfect Union is unending, with hope and hard work, we can move forward 
Today, we rededicate ourselves to that enduring task. We do so knowing 
our journey is not complete until the promises of our founding documents 
are made real for every American, regardless of their station in life or 
the circumstances of their birth. Progress may come slow; the road may 
be long. But as loyal citizens of these United States, we have the power 
to set our country's course. Let us mark this day by pressing on in the 
march toward lasting freedom and true equality, grateful for the 
precious rights and responsibilities entrusted to each of us by our 
In order to recognize the American spirit of loyalty and the sacrifices 
that so many have made for our Nation, the Congress, by Public Law 85-
529 as amended, has designated May 1 of each year as ``Loyalty Day.'' On 
this day, let us reaffirm our allegiance to the United States of 
America, our Constitution, and our founding values.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2013, as Loyalty Day. This Loyalty 
Day, I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support 
of this national observance, whether by displaying the flag of the 
United States or pledging allegiance to the Republic for which it 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8974 of May 1, 2013

National Day of Prayer, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Americans have long turned to prayer both in times of joy and times of 
sorrow. On their voyage to the New World, the earliest settlers prayed 
that they would ``rejoice together, mourn together, labor, and suffer 
together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in 
the work.'' From that day forward, Americans have prayed as a means of 
uniting, guiding, and healing. In times of hardship and tragedy, and in 
periods of peace and prosperity, prayer has provided reassurance, 
sustenance, and affirmation of common purpose.
Prayer brings communities together and can be a wellspring of strength 
and support. In the aftermath of senseless acts of violence, the prayers 
of countless Americans signal to grieving families and a suffering 
community that they are not alone. Their pain is a shared pain, and 
their hope a shared hope. Regardless of religion or creed, Americans 
reflect on the sacredness of life and express their sympathy for the 
wounded, offering comfort and holding up a light in an hour of darkness.

[[Page 74]]

All of us have the freedom to pray and exercise our faiths openly. Our 
laws protect these God-given liberties, and rightly so. Today and every 
day, prayers will be offered in houses of worship, at community 
gatherings, in our homes, and in neighborhoods all across our country. 
Let us give thanks for the freedom to practice our faith as we see fit, 
whether individually or in fellowship.
On this day, let us remember in our thoughts and prayers all those 
affected by recent events, such as the Boston Marathon bombings, the 
Newtown, Connecticut shootings, and the explosion in West, Texas. Let us 
pray for the police officers, firefighters, and other first responders 
who put themselves in harm's way to protect their fellow Americans. Let 
us also pray for the safety of our brave men and women in uniform and 
their families who serve and sacrifice for our country. Let us come 
together to pray for peace and goodwill today and in the days ahead as 
we work to meet the great challenges of our time.
The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the 
President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first 
Thursday in May as a ``National Day of Prayer.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2, 2013, as a 
National Day of Prayer. I join the citizens of our Nation in giving 
thanks, in accordance with our own faiths and consciences, for our many 
freedoms and blessings, and in asking for God's continued guidance, 
mercy, and protection.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8975 of May 3, 2013

National Charter Schools Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

America's success in the 21st century depends on what we do today to 
reignite the true engine of our economic growth: a thriving middle 
class. Achieving that vision means making sure our education system 
provides ladders of opportunity for our sons and daughters. We need to 
equip all our students with the education and skills that put them on 
the path to good jobs and a bright future--no matter where they live or 
what school they attend.
Charter schools play an important role in meeting that obligation. These 
learning laboratories give educators the chance to try new models and 
methods that can encourage excellence in the classroom and prepare more 
of our children for college and careers. In return for this flexibility, 
we should expect high standards and accountability, and make tough 

[[Page 75]]

to close charter schools that are underperforming and not improving. But 
where charter schools demonstrate success and exceed expectations, we 
should share what they learn with other public schools and replicate 
those that produce dramatic results. Many charter schools choose to 
locate in communities with few high-quality educational options, making 
them an important partner in widening the circle of opportunity for 
students who need it most.
Our children are ready to write the next great chapter in the American 
story. As parents and teachers and citizens, it is up to all of us to 
provide them the tools they need to keep our country moving forward--
from a degree that leads to a good job to the critical thinking skills 
that make our democracy thrive. This week, we recognize charter schools 
that are advancing those goals, and we recommit to helping our Nation's 
children go as far as their talents will take them.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 5 through May 11, 
2013, as National Charter Schools Week. I commend our Nation's charter 
schools, teachers, and administrators, and I call on States and 
communities to support charter schools and the students they serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8976 of May 9, 2013

Military Spouse Appreciation Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As long as there have been courageous men and women willing to protect 
our Union and our ideals, there have been extraordinary spouses at their 
side--patriots in their own right who serve and sacrifice in ways many 
cannot fathom. They are moms and dads who take up the work of two during 
deployments, shuffling their careers and packing up their lives whenever 
our Nation calls. They are dedicated employees at our businesses, 
committed volunteers in our communities, and essential caretakers for 
our wounded warriors. America's military spouses are at the core of our 
Armed Forces, and on Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we celebrate 
their contributions to keeping our country safe.
Just as we are bound by a sacred obligation to care for our men and 
women in uniform, we are equally responsible for making sure their loved 
ones get the support they deserve. My Administration has taken steps to 
uphold that special trust, from investing in childcare and education for 
military families to providing mortgage assistance for military 
homeowners. Through First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden's 
Joining Forces initiative, we

[[Page 76]]

have partnered with the private sector to expand hiring for military 
spouses and veterans.
We have also called on States to streamline credentialing and licensing 
procedures that hinder too many military spouses when they move from 
duty station to duty station. Military spouses with professional 
experience should not have to wait for work, and our businesses should 
not have to go without their skills. By simplifying the certification 
process, we can help ensure the financial stability of our military 
families, strengthen our Armed Forces, and spur growth throughout our 
economy. To learn more and get involved, visit www.JoiningForces.gov.
In the past few years, we have seen every part of our society come 
together and make a real commitment to supporting our military 
families--not just with words, but with deeds. Yet, we must do more to 
honor the profound debt of gratitude we owe our military spouses. Their 
strength and resolve reflects the best of the American spirit, and on 
this occasion, let us pledge once more to serve them as well as they 
serve us.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 10, 2013, as 
Military Spouse Appreciation Day. I call upon the people of the United 
States to honor military spouses with appropriate ceremonies and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8977 of May 10, 2013

National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a Nation, we have no task more urgent than creating good jobs, 
strengthening our economy, and reigniting the thriving middle class that 
has always been the true engine of America's growth. To meet these 
goals, we need to rebuild the infrastructure that powers our industries. 
We need to make our cities more connected and more resilient to the 
challenges we face. We need to restore our roads, bridges, and ports--
transportation networks that are essential to making the United States 
the best place in the world to do business.
In the past 4 years, we have taken important steps down that path. But 
even now, too many of our rail lines are slow and backed up. Too many of 
our bridges remain unsafe. We know our country can do better--which is 
why I proposed a ``Fix-It-First'' program earlier this year to put 
people to work on our most pressing transportation projects. Alongside 
it, I also proposed a Partnership to Rebuild America, which would 
attract private

[[Page 77]]

capital to upgrade the infrastructure our businesses need most. These 
initiatives would help modernize communities, expand small businesses, 
and get more construction workers back on the job.
We also recognize that repairing our transportation networks is about 
more than economic growth--it is about security. At a time when our 
cities face unprecedented threats and hazards, we must do more to ensure 
our first responders and our service members can respond effectively 
during crisis. That means protecting our critical infrastructure and 
repairing roads and bridges that put our people at risk.
Together, we can make meaningful progress toward those goals. Let us 
recommit this week to revitalizing transportation, pioneering new 
solutions to tough challenges, and making lasting investments in 
America's infrastructure.
In recognition of the importance of our Nation's transportation 
infrastructure, and of the men and women who build, maintain, and 
utilize it, the Congress has requested, by joint resolution approved May 
16, 1957, as amended (36 U.S.C. 120), that the President designate the 
third Friday in May of each year as ``National Defense Transportation 
Day,'' and, by joint resolution approved May 14, 1962, as amended (36 
U.S.C. 133), that the week during which that Friday falls be designated 
as ``National Transportation Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim Friday, May 17, 2013, as National Defense 
Transportation Day and May 12 through May 18, 2013, as National 
Transportation Week. I call upon all Americans to recognize the 
importance of our Nation's transportation infrastructure and to 
acknowledge the contributions of those who build, operate, and maintain 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8978 of May 10, 2013

National Women's Health Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since our Nation's founding, women have given their all to expanding 
opportunity for their families and for future generations. Decade after 
decade, that fierce dedication has been rewarded with remarkable 
progress in nearly every part of society; yet all too often, advances in 
women's health and well-being have lagged behind. During National 
Women's Health Week, we recommit to changing that reality and increasing 
access to health services that help women and girls get the care they 
Three years ago, I signed the Affordable Care Act--reform that brought 
about a new era of equality in health care and gave women unprecedented

[[Page 78]]

control over their health. Under the law, women will no longer face 
higher insurance premiums because of their gender. It will be illegal 
for insurers to deny coverage due to pre-existing conditions like 
pregnancy or cancer. Already, 47 million women have gained access to 
preventive services at no out-of-pocket cost, including well-woman 
visits, domestic violence screenings and counseling, and contraceptive 
care. And millions more are benefitting from improved prescription drug 
coverage under Medicare that helps seniors get the medication they need 
at prices they can afford.
These changes are making a real difference for families in every part of 
our country. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, working mothers no 
longer have to choose between getting essential care and paying their 
bills. Women no longer have to delay mammograms just because money is 
tight. And young people can stay on their parent's health insurance 
until age 26, so they no longer have to worry about how to afford health 
care when they are just starting out. I encourage women of all ages to 
visit www.WomensHealth.gov, www.GirlsHealth.gov, and www.HealthCare.gov 
to learn more about resources available to them, including the new 
Health Insurance Marketplace.
This week, as we reflect on how far we have come in the fight to provide 
Americans with the care they deserve, let us renew our commitment to 
empowering all women with the chance to live strong, healthy lives.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 12 through May 18, 
2013, as National Women's Health Week. I encourage all Americans to 
celebrate the progress we have made in protecting women's health and to 
promote awareness, prevention, and educational activities that improve 
the health of all women.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8979 of May 10, 2013

Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Day after day, police officers in every corner of America suit up, put 
on the badge, and carry out their sworn duty to protect and serve. They 
step out the door every morning without considering bravery or heroics. 
They stay focused on meeting their responsibilities. They concentrate on 
keeping their neighborhoods safe and doing right by their fellow 
officers. And with quiet courage, they help fulfill the demanding yet 
vital task of shielding our people from harm. It is work that deserves 
our deepest respect--because when darkness and danger would threaten the 
peace, our police officers are there to step in, ready to lay down their 
lives to protect our own.

[[Page 79]]

This week, we pay solemn tribute to men and women who did. Setting aside 
fear and doubt, these officers made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve 
the rule of law and the communities they loved. They heard the call to 
serve and answered it; braved the line of fire; charged toward the 
danger. Our hearts are heavy with their loss, and on Peace Officers 
Memorial Day, our Nation comes together to reflect on the legacy they 
left us.
As we mark this occasion, let us remember that we can do no greater 
service to those who perished than by upholding what they fought to 
protect. That means doing everything we can to make our communities 
safer. It means putting cops back on the beat and supporting them with 
the tools and training they need. It means getting weapons of war off 
our streets and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals--common-sense 
measures that would reduce gun violence and help officers do their job 
safely and effectively.
Together, we can accomplish those goals. So as we take this time to 
honor law enforcement in big cities and small towns all across our 
country, let us join them in pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. Our police 
officers serve and sacrifice on our behalf every day, and as citizens, 
we owe them nothing less than our full and lasting support.
By a joint resolution approved October 1, 1962, as amended (76 Stat. 
676), and by Public Law 103-322, as amended (36 U.S.C. 136-137), the 
President has been authorized and requested to designate May 15 of each 
year as ``Peace Officers Memorial Day'' and the week in which it falls 
as ``Police Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim May 15, 2013, as Peace Officers Memorial Day 
and May 12 through May 18, 2013, as Police Week. I call upon all 
Americans to observe these events with appropriate ceremonies and 
activities. I also call on Governors of the United States and the 
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of the other territories subject 
to the jurisdiction of the United States, and appropriate officials of 
all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff 
on Peace Officers Memorial Day. I further encourage all Americans to 
display the flag at half-staff from their homes and businesses on that 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.
Proclamation 8980 of May 10, 2013

Mother's Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, sons and daughters all across America come together to honor the 
women who raised them. Whether single or in partnership, foster or 
adoptive, mothers hold a special place in our hearts. For many of us, 
they are

[[Page 80]]

our first caretakers and our first teachers, imparting the early lessons 
that guide us growing up. And no matter the challenges we face or the 
paths we choose, moms are there for their children with hope and love--
scraping and sacrificing and doing whatever it takes to give them a 
bright future.
That work has often stretched outside the home. In the century since 
Americans first came together to mark Mother's Day, generations of women 
have empowered their children with the courage and grit to fight for 
change. But they have also fought to secure it themselves. Mothers 
pioneered a path to the vote, from Seneca Falls to the 19th Amendment. 
They helped write foundational protections into our laws, like freedom 
from workplace discrimination and access to affordable health care. They 
shattered ceilings in business and government, on the battlefield and on 
the court. With every step, they led the way to a more perfect Union, 
widening the circle of opportunity for our daughters and sons alike.
That history of striving and success affirms America's promise as a 
place where all things can be possible for all people. But even now, we 
have more work to do before that promise is made real for each of us. 
Workplace inflexibility puts a strain on too many mothers juggling their 
jobs' needs with those of their kids. Wage inequality still leaves too 
many families struggling to make ends meet. These problems affect all of 
us--and just as mothers pour themselves into giving their children the 
best chance in life, we need to make sure they get the fairness and 
opportunities they deserve.
On Mother's Day, we give thanks to proud, caring women from every walk 
of life. Whether balancing the responsibilities of career and family or 
taking up the work of sustaining a home, a mother's bond with her child 
is unwavering; her love, unconditional. Today, we celebrate those 
blessings, and we renew them for the year to come.
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 8, 1914 (38 Stat. 770), 
has designated the second Sunday in May each year as ``Mother's Day'' 
and requested the President to call for its appropriate observance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim May 12, 2013, as Mother's Day. I urge all 
Americans to express love and gratitude to mothers everywhere, and I 
call upon all citizens to observe this day with appropriate programs, 
ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of May, 
in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence 
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.

[[Page 81]]

Proclamation 8981 of May 17, 2013

National Safe Boating Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Every year, the United States Coast Guard joins partners nationwide to 
raise awareness about boating responsibly. We highlight that important 
work during National Safe Boating Week, and we encourage all boaters to 
take appropriate precautions before casting off this season.
Safe boating starts onshore. Americans planning to spend a day on the 
water should prepare by filing a float plan with family or a friend, 
getting a free vessel safety check, and participating in a boating 
safety course. As they embark, boaters should make sure they have 
checked the marine forecast and all passengers are wearing a life 
jacket. And to put an end to preventable accidents that claim too many 
lives every year, individuals should never operate a boat under the 
influence of drugs or alcohol.
Boating is an important part of our national heritage. This week, let us 
carry that tradition forward by following commonsense safety procedures 
and keeping our lakes, rivers, and oceans safe for all to enjoy.
In recognition of the importance of safe boating practices, the 
Congress, by joint resolution approved June 4, 1958 (36 U.S.C. 131), as 
amended, has authorized and requested the President to proclaim annually 
the 7-day period prior to Memorial Day weekend as ``National Safe 
Boating Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim May 18 through May 24, 2013, as National 
Safe Boating Week. I encourage all Americans who participate in boating 
activities to observe this occasion by learning more about safe boating 
practices and taking advantage of boating education.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8982 of May 17, 2013

Emergency Medical Services Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In every corner of our country, emergency medical services (EMS) 
practitioners are hard at work delivering hope and care to Americans in 
dire circumstances. In the face of chaos and tragedy, their steady hands 
provide vital, life-saving services, and their calm under pressure 
delivers comfort to neighbors in need. During Emergency Medical Services 
Week, we pause

[[Page 82]]

to offer our gratitude to these remarkable men and women, whose 
dedication is fundamental to our society's well-being.
In recent weeks, we have again seen the critical role EMS professionals 
play in times of crisis. When explosives went off at the Boston 
Marathon, EMS personnel rushed toward the blasts and, with selfless 
disregard for their own safety, immediately tended to the injured. 
Alongside countless volunteers and ordinary citizens, they demonstrated 
the very best of the American spirit--a spirit that EMS professionals 
display every day. My Administration remains dedicated to providing 
these courageous first responders, emergency medical technicians, 911 
dispatchers, law enforcement officers, volunteers, and others throughout 
our health care system with the support they need to aid the American 
people in their darkest hours.
When Americans find themselves in times of crisis--from car accidents to 
national tragedies--our robust network of EMS professionals ensures that 
quality medical care is only moments away. This week, let us recommit to 
supporting EMS personnel and thanking them for their heroic 
contributions to our lives.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 19 through May 25, 
2013, as Emergency Medical Services Week. I encourage all Americans to 
observe this occasion by sharing their support with their local EMS 
providers and taking steps to improve their personal safety and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8983 of May 17, 2013

World Trade Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a Nation, we need to do everything we can to create good, middle-
class jobs right here in America. And one of the best ways we can do 
that is by boosting manufacturing and expanding trade that allows us to 
sell more of our goods and services all around the world. We have made 
important progress toward meeting that goal under our National Export 
Initiative, and we are taking historic steps to help our businesses 
access new markets abroad. But we cannot stop there. We need to keep 
making the investments in commerce and infrastructure that drive our 
economic growth and bring more Americans into a thriving middle class.
We can start by modernizing our roads, bridges, and ports. These 
upgrades would allow American companies to ship their goods faster and 
cheaper, and they would encourage businesses worldwide to set up shop 
here and

[[Page 83]]

bring more jobs to our shores. So earlier this year, I proposed the 
Partnership to Rebuild America--a collaboration between the private and 
public sectors to break ground on our most pressing infrastructure 
In the past 4 years, we have focused on opening up growing markets for 
our businesses through historic trade agreements and enforcing trade 
rights so American workers can compete on a level playing field. To 
build on that progress, we are joining nations in Asia and the Americas 
to negotiate a new, high-standard trade agreement: the Trans-Pacific 
Partnership. Once realized, the deal would boost our exports, support 
American jobs, and help our companies succeed in the global marketplace. 
And to ramp up trade with Europe, we also plan to launch talks for a 
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union.
My Administration is committed to expanding international commerce that 
creates jobs and grows our economy. During World Trade Week, we 
recognize workers, growers, and entrepreneurs nationwide who share that 
ambition, and we rededicate ourselves to advancing it in the year ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 19 through May 25, 
2013, as World Trade Week. I encourage all Americans to observe this 
week with events, trade shows, and educational programs that celebrate 
and inform Americans about the benefits of trade to our Nation and the 
global economy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8984 of May 17, 2013

Armed Forces Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since the earliest days of our Union, America has been blessed with an 
unbroken chain of patriots willing to give of themselves so their fellow 
citizens might live free. Whenever our Nation has come under attack, 
courageous men and women in uniform have risen to her defense. Whenever 
our liberties have come under assault, our service members have 
responded with resolve. Time and again, these heroes have sacrificed to 
sustain that powerful promise that we hold so dear--life, liberty, and 
the pursuit of happiness. And on Armed Forces Day, we honor those who 
serve bravely and sacrifice selflessly in our name.
Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen represent 
the best of the American character. They serve with integrity and do 
whatever the country they love asks of them, choosing flag over fortune 
and service

[[Page 84]]

over self-interest. Year after year, tour after tour, their dedication 
to protecting us at home and preserving our ideals never wavers; their 
commitment to each other never falters. They are the few who carry the 
remarkable weight of our entire Nation, and in their example we see why 
America is and always will be the greatest country on Earth.
Today, we pause to express our gratitude, mindful that words and 
ceremonies are not enough and that our thanks extend not only to those 
in uniform, but also to the families who serve alongside them. We are 
bound by a sacred obligation to ensure our service members and their 
loved ones have the resources and benefits they have earned and deserve, 
and only when we uphold this trust do we truly show our appreciation for 
our Armed Forces.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United 
States, continuing the precedent of my predecessors in office, do hereby 
proclaim the third Saturday of each May as Armed Forces Day.
I direct the Secretary of Defense on behalf of the Army, Navy, Air 
Force, and Marine Corps, and the Secretary of Homeland Security on 
behalf of the Coast Guard, to plan for appropriate observances each 
year, with the Secretary of Defense responsible for encouraging the 
participation and cooperation of civil authorities and private citizens.
I invite the Governors of the States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 
and other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, to 
provide for the observance of Armed Forces Day within their jurisdiction 
each year in an appropriate manner designed to increase public 
understanding and appreciation of the Armed Forces of the United States. 
I also invite veterans, civic leaders, and organizations to join in the 
observance of Armed Forces Day.
Finally, I call upon all Americans to display the flag of the United 
States at their homes on Armed Forces Day, and I urge citizens to learn 
more about military service by attending and participating in the local 
observances of the day. I also encourage Americans to volunteer at 
organizations that provide support to our troops.
Proclamation 8823 of May 18, 2012, is hereby superseded.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 85]]

Proclamation 8985 of May 21, 2013

National Maritime Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Through every chapter of the American story, ordinary men and women have 
accomplished extraordinary things as members of the United States 
Merchant Marine. When the idea of America depended on the success of a 
revolution, mariners took on the world's most powerful navy and helped 
secure our future as a sovereign Nation. In the decades since, they have 
sustained critical supply lines for our troops abroad--at times enduring 
profound losses to keep our sea lanes open. And through war and peace 
alike, the Merchant Marine has driven our economic growth by shipping 
our products all around the world. On National Maritime Day, we honor 
the generations of mariners who have served and sacrificed to make our 
country what it is today.
To keep America moving forward in the 21st century, we need to expand 
trade and commerce that creates good jobs for our people. Businesses in 
every corner of our country are stepping up to meet that challenge, 
ramping up manufacturing and selling more goods and services overseas. 
As they do, our Merchant Marine is making sure our products get wherever 
they need to go--from ports here at home to new markets halfway across 
the globe. Their work is essential to growing our economy, and my 
Administration remains committed to getting our mariners the support 
they need to carry out their mission.
Whether equipping our service members in the theater of war or guiding 
our maritime industry in the calm of peace, the United States Merchant 
Marine has helped keep America strong for more than two centuries. Let 
us mark this day by reflecting on that legacy of service, honoring the 
men and women who forged it, and saluting the proud mariners who carry 
it forward today.
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 20, 1933, has 
designated May 22 of each year as ``National Maritime Day,'' and has 
authorized and requested the President to issue annually a proclamation 
calling for its appropriate observance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim May 22, 2013, as National Maritime Day. I 
call upon the people of the United States to mark this observance and to 
display the flag of the United States at their homes and in their 
communities. I also request that all ships sailing under the American 
flag dress ship on that day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 86]]

Proclamation 8986 of May 24, 2013

National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Last year, devastating hurricanes upended coastal communities spanning 
the shores of New England to the Gulf of Mexico. Scenes from Isaac and 
Sandy shook us to the core--great cities plunged into darkness, homes 
swept away with the tide, families whose worlds were torn apart with the 
loss of a loved one. But in the aftermath, we also saw what is best in 
America. Heroic first responders rose far beyond the call of duty, 
working around the clock to rescue, recover, and rebuild. Ordinary 
citizens fought through tough times together, looking out for their 
neighbors and leaving nobody behind.
This week, we reaffirm that it is never too early to prepare for this 
year's hurricane season. As my Administration keeps working with State 
and local partners to apply lessons learned and improve hurricane 
preparedness, all families can take simple steps to ensure that if 
disaster strikes, they are ready. These steps include building a supply 
kit with food, water, and medicine; taking time now to learn evacuation 
routes, and how workplaces and schools will respond in an emergency; and 
most importantly, discussing what to do in a disaster and developing a 
plan that everyone knows. If a hurricane is coming, always follow 
instructions from State and local officials, and heed evacuation orders 
if they are given.
The Federal Government also has an important role to play in hurricane 
preparedness. My Administration stands shoulder-to-shoulder with our 
partners in emergency management throughout the public, private, and 
nonprofit sectors, and we remain committed to getting them the resources 
they need to act quickly and effectively. Going forward, we will keep 
working to improve hurricane forecasting with the latest science and 
technology. And in the months and years ahead, we will continue to help 
communities stay resilient to severe weather threats and the 
consequences of climate change. To learn more and get involved, visit 
www.Ready.gov or www.Listo.gov.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 26 through June 1, 
2013, as National Hurricane Preparedness Week. I call upon government 
agencies, private organizations, schools, media, and residents in the 
coastal areas of our Nation to share information about hurricane 
preparedness and response to help save lives and protect communities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day 
of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 87]]

Proclamation 8987 of May 24, 2013

Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since our Nation's earliest days, America has been blessed with an 
unbroken chain of patriots who have served our country with honor and 
distinction. From Concord to the Korengal, generations of brave warriors 
have fought for freedom across sand and snow, over mud and mountains, 
into lonely deserts and through crowded streets. Today, we pay tribute 
to those patriots who never came back--who fought for a home to which 
they never returned, and died for a country whose gratitude they will 
always have.
Scripture teaches us that ``greater love hath no man than this, that a 
man lay down his life for his friends.'' On Memorial Day, we remember 
those we have lost not only for what they fought for, but who they were: 
proud Americans, often far too young, guided by deep and abiding love 
for their families, for each other, and for this country. Our debt to 
them is one we can never fully repay. But we can honor their sacrifice 
and strive to be a Nation equal to their example. On this and every day, 
we must meet our obligations to families of the fallen; we must uphold 
our sacred trust with our veterans, our service members, and their loved 
Above all, we can honor those we have lost by living up to the ideals 
they died defending. It is our charge to preserve liberty, to advance 
justice, and to sow the seeds of peace. With courage and devotion worthy 
of the heroes we remember today, let us rededicate ourselves to those 
unending tasks, and prove once more that America's best days are still 
ahead. Let us pray the souls of those who died in war rest in eternal 
peace, and let us keep them and their families close in our hearts, now 
and forever.
In honor of all of our fallen service members, the Congress, by a joint 
resolution approved May 11, 1950, as amended (36 U.S.C. 116), has 
requested the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of 
the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for 
permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the people of 
the United States might unite in prayer. The Congress, by Public Law 
106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day as a time 
for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National Moment of 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim Memorial Day, May 27, 2013, as a day of 
prayer for permanent peace, and I designate the hour beginning in each 
locality at 11:00 a.m. of that day as a time to unite in prayer. I also 
ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance 
beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day.
I request the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of 
Puerto Rico, and the appropriate officials of all units of government, 
to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff until noon on this 
Memorial Day on all buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout the 
United States and in all areas under its jurisdiction and control. I 
also request the people of the United States to display the flag at 
half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period.

[[Page 88]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day 
of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8988 of May 31, 2013

Great Outdoors Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

The United States is blessed with a wealth of natural diversity that 
remains at the heart of who we are as a people. From breathtaking 
seascapes to the limitless stretch of the Great Plains, our natural 
surroundings animate the American spirit, fuel discovery and innovation, 
and offer unparalleled opportunities for recreation and learning. During 
Great Outdoors Month, we celebrate the land entrusted to us by our 
forebears and resolve to pass it on safely to future generations.
We owe our heritage to the work of visionary citizens who believed that 
our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all 
posterity. It is up to all of us to carry that legacy forward in the 
21st century--which is why I was proud to launch the America's Great 
Outdoors Initiative to bring innovative strategies to today's 
conservation challenges. Alongside leaders in government and the private 
sector, we are taking action to expand outdoor opportunities in urban 
areas, promote outdoor recreation, protect our landscapes, and connect 
the next generation to our natural treasures. And by tapping into the 
wisdom of concerned citizens from every corner of our country, we are 
finding new solutions that respond to the priorities of the American 
At a time when too many of our young people find themselves in sedentary 
routines, we need to do more to help all Americans reconnect with the 
outdoors. To lead the way, First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move 
Outside! initiative encourages families to get out and enjoy our 
beautiful country, whether at a National Park or just outside their 
doorstep. And through the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps, young 
men and women will get hands-on experience restoring our public lands 
and protecting our cultural heritage.
Fortunately, we do not have to choose between good environmental 
stewardship and economic progress because they go hand-in-hand. Smart, 
sustainable policies can create jobs, increase tourism, and lay the 
groundwork for long-term economic growth. For example, our National 
Travel and Tourism Strategy aims to bring more people to all of our 
national attractions, including our public lands and waters, and the 
five new National Monuments I was proud to designate earlier this year. 
Our natural spaces are also laboratories for scientists, inventors, and 
creators--Americans who sustain a tradition of innovation that makes our 
country the most dynamic economy on earth.

[[Page 89]]

For centuries, America's great outdoors have given definition to our 
national character and inspired us toward bold new horizons. This month, 
let us reflect on those timeless gifts, and let us vow to renew them in 
the years to come.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2013 as Great 
Outdoors Month. I urge all Americans to explore the great outdoors and 
to uphold our Nation's legacy of conserving our lands and waters for 
future generations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8989 of May 31, 2013

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For more than two centuries, our Nation has struggled to transform the 
ideals of liberty and equality from founding promise into lasting 
reality. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans and 
their allies have been hard at work on the next great chapter of that 
history--from the patrons of The Stonewall Inn who sparked a movement to 
service members who can finally be honest about who they love to brave 
young people who come out and speak out every day.
This year, we celebrate LGBT Pride Month at a moment of great hope and 
progress, recognizing that more needs to be done. Support for LGBT 
equality is growing, led by a generation which understands that, in the 
words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ``injustice anywhere is a threat 
to justice everywhere.'' In the past year, for the first time, voters in 
multiple States affirmed marriage equality for same-sex couples. State 
and local governments have taken important steps to provide much-needed 
protections for transgender Americans.
My Administration is a proud partner in the journey toward LGBT 
equality. We extended hate crimes protections to include attacks based 
on sexual orientation or gender identity and repealed ``Don't Ask, Don't 
Tell.'' We lifted the HIV entry ban and ensured hospital visitation 
rights for LGBT patients. Together, we have investigated and addressed 
pervasive bullying faced by LGBT students, prohibited discrimination 
based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Federal housing, and 
extended benefits for same-sex domestic partners. Earlier this year, I 
signed a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that 
prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender 
identity in the implementation of any VAWA-funded program. And because 
LGBT rights are human rights,

[[Page 90]]

my Administration is implementing the first-ever Federal strategy to 
advance equality for LGBT people around the world.
We have witnessed real and lasting change, but our work is not complete. 
I continue to support a fully inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination 
Act, as well as the Respect for Marriage Act. My Administration 
continues to implement the Affordable Care Act, which beginning in 2014, 
prohibits insurers from denying coverage to consumers based on their 
sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as the National HIV/AIDS 
Strategy, which addresses the disparate impact of the HIV epidemic among 
certain LGBT sub-communities. We have a long way to go, but if we 
continue on this path together, I am confident that one day soon, from 
coast to coast, all of our young people will look to the future with the 
same sense of promise and possibility. I am confident because I have 
seen the talent, passion, and commitment of LGBT advocates and their 
allies, and I know that when voices are joined in common purpose, they 
cannot be stopped.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2013 as Lesbian, 
Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of 
the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to 
celebrate the great diversity of the American people.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8990 of May 31, 2013

National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

For centuries, the United States and nations in the Caribbean have grown 
alongside each other as partners in progress. Separated by sea but 
united by a yearning for independence, our countries won the right to 
chart their own destinies after generations of colonial rule. Time and 
again, we have led the way to a brighter future together--from lifting 
the stains of slavery and segregation to widening the circle of 
opportunity for our sons and daughters.
National Caribbean-American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate those 
enduring achievements. It is also a chance to recognize men and women 
who trace their roots to the Caribbean. Through every chapter of our 
Nation's history, Caribbean Americans have made our country stronger--
reshaping our politics and reigniting the arts, spurring our movements 
and answering the call to serve. Caribbean traditions have enriched our 
own, and woven new threads into our cultural fabric. Again and again, 
Caribbean immigrants and their descendants have reaffirmed America's 

[[Page 91]]

as a land of opportunity--a place where no matter who you are or where 
you come from, you can make it if you try.
Together, as a Nation of immigrants, we will keep writing that story. 
And alongside our partners throughout the Caribbean, we will keep 
working to achieve inclusive economic growth, access to clean and 
affordable energy, enhanced security, and lasting opportunity for all 
our people. As we honor Caribbean Americans this month, let us 
strengthen the ties that bind us as members of the Pan American 
community, and let us resolve to carry them forward in the years ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2013 as National 
Caribbean-American Heritage Month. I encourage all Americans to 
celebrate the history and culture of Caribbean Americans with 
appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8991 of May 31, 2013

National Oceans Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

From providing food and energy to helping sustain our climate and our 
security, the oceans play a critical role in nearly every part of our 
national life. They connect us to countries around the world, and 
support transportation and trade networks that grow our economy. For 
millions of Americans, our coasts are also a gateway to good jobs and a 
decent living. All of us have a stake in keeping the oceans, coasts, and 
Great Lakes clean and productive--which is why we must manage them 
wisely not just in our time, but for generations to come.
Rising to meet that test means addressing threats like overfishing, 
pollution, and climate change. Alongside partners at every level of 
government and throughout the private sector, my Administration is 
taking up that task. Earlier this year, we finalized a plan to turn our 
National Ocean Policy into concrete actions that protect the 
environment, streamline Federal operations, and promote economic growth. 
The plan charts a path to better decision-making through science and 
data sharing, and it ensures tax dollars are spent more efficiently by 
reducing duplication and cutting red tape. Best of all, it puts stock in 
the American people--drawing on their knowledge and empowering 
communities to bring local solutions to the challenges we face.
By making smart choices in ocean management, we can give our businesses 
the tools they need to thrive while protecting the long-term health of 

[[Page 92]]

marine ecosystems. Let us mark this month by renewing those goals, 
reinvesting in our coastal economies, and recommitting to good 
stewardship in the years ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2013 as National 
Oceans Month. I call upon Americans to take action to protect, conserve, 
and restore our oceans, coasts, and the Great Lakes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8992 of May 31, 2013

African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since our Nation's founding, people from every walk of life have set out 
to capture the American experience not just in poetry or prose, but also 
in the timeless quality of song. When the outcome of a revolution hung 
in the balance, drums and fifes filled brave patriots with the strength 
to carry on. When slavery kept millions in bondage, spirituals gave 
voice to a dream of true and lasting freedom. Through every generation, 
music has reflected and renewed our national conversation, bringing us 
together and reminding us of the humanity we share.
African Americans have always had a hand in shaping the American sound. 
From gospel and Motown to bebop and blues, their story is bound up in 
the music they made--songs of hurt and hardship, yearning and hope, and 
struggle for a better day. Those feelings speak to something common in 
all of us. With passion and creativity, African-American performers have 
done more than reinvent the musical styles they helped define; they have 
channeled their music into making change and advancing justice, from 
radio booths to the stage to our city streets.
That story is still unfolding today. We see it in the young poet putting 
his words to a beat; the conservatory student perfecting her technique; 
the jazz musician making old melodies new again. During African-American 
Music Appreciation Month, let us celebrate these artists and the 
generations who inspired them, and let us reflect on our heritage as a 
Nation forever enriched by the power of song.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2013 as African-
American Music Appreciation Month. I call upon public officials, 
educators, and all the people of the United States to observe this month 

[[Page 93]]

appropriate activities and programs that raise awareness and foster 
appreciation of music that is composed, arranged, or performed by 
African Americans.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8993 of June 7, 2013

Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each June, our Nation lifts its sights to the flag that has watched over 
us since the days of our founding. In those broad stripes and bright 
stars, we see the arc of the American story--from a handful of colonies 
to 50 States, united and free.
When proud patriots took up the fight for independence, they came 
together under a standard that showed their common cause. When the 
wounds of civil war were still fresh and our country walked the long 
road to reconstruction, our people found hope in a banner that testified 
to the strength of our Union. Wherever our American journey has taken 
us, whether on that unending path to the mountaintop or high above into 
the reaches of space, Old Glory has followed, reminding us of the rights 
and responsibilities we share as citizens.
This week, we celebrate that legacy, and we honor the brave men and 
women who have secured it through centuries of service at home and 
abroad. Let us raise our flags high, from small-town storefronts to duty 
stations stretched around the globe, and let us look to them once more 
as we press on in the march toward a more perfect Union.
To commemorate the adoption of our flag, the Congress, by joint 
resolution approved August 3, 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 492), 
designated June 14 of each year as ``Flag Day'' and requested that the 
President issue an annual proclamation calling for its observance and 
for the display of the flag of the United States on all Federal 
Government buildings. The Congress also requested, by joint resolution 
approved June 9, 1966, as amended (80 Stat. 194), that the President 
annually issue a proclamation designating the week in which June 14 
occurs as ``National Flag Week'' and call upon citizens of the United 
States to display the flag during that week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim June 14, 2013, as Flag Day and the week 
beginning June 9, 2013, as National Flag Week. I direct the appropriate 
officials to display the flag on all Federal Government buildings during 
that week, and I urge all Americans to observe Flag Day and National 
Flag Week by displaying the flag. I also call upon the people of the 
United States to observe with pride and all due ceremony those days from 

[[Page 94]]

Day through Independence Day, also set aside by the Congress (89 Stat. 
211), as a time to honor America, to celebrate our heritage in public 
gatherings and activities, and to publicly recite the Pledge of 
Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of 
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8994 of June 14, 2013

National Small Business Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In America, we believe that anyone willing to work hard and take risks 
can get their good idea off the ground and into the marketplace. It is a 
notion that has made our Nation bold and bright, and the best place to 
do business for generations--from small-town storefronts to pioneering 
startups that keep our country on the cutting edge. This week, we 
celebrate America's entrepreneurial spirit, and we recommit to helping 
our small businesses get ahead.
My Administration has been a proud partner in that important work from 
day one. We have cut taxes for small businesses 18 times, broadened 
their access to capital, and provided billions in loans so they can grow 
and hire. We have helped companies break into new markets abroad and 
export their products all over the world. Every step of the way, we have 
focused on making Government work better for business through 
initiatives like Startup America and BusinessUSA--groundbreaking 
programs that connect entrepreneurs to resources that can spur their 
Together, we can build on that progress. At a time when abusive patent 
litigation is stifling economic growth and putting companies of all 
sizes at risk, my Administration is taking action to protect innovators 
and keep our patent system strong. To create more opportunities for 
small businesses to compete and win in the global marketplace, we are 
moving forward on a Trans-Pacific Partnership that will boost our 
exports and level the playing field for American workers. We are 
implementing the Affordable Care Act so small businesses can make 
quality, affordable health insurance available to all their employees. 
And in the months ahead, we will continue pushing for tax reform that 
supports small businesses and keeps them at the forefront of our 
economic recovery.
America's small businesses reflect the best of who we are as a Nation--
daring and innovative, courageous and hopeful, always working hard and 
looking ahead for that next great idea. They are our economy's engine 
and our biggest source of new jobs. So this week, as entrepreneurs 
across our country keep striving to turn their dreams into reality, let 
us keep investing in them and doing everything we can to help our small 
businesses succeed.

[[Page 95]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 16 through June 
22, 2013, as National Small Business Week. I call upon all Americans to 
recognize the contributions of small businesses to the competitiveness 
of the American economy with appropriate programs and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8995 of June 14, 2013

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

After a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice, every American should be 
able to enjoy their golden years with dignity and security. But too 
often, senior citizens are the victims of abuse, neglect, or financial 
exploitation. Elder abuse is a global public health problem that affects 
people of every background and culture, and while it often occurs in 
silence, it takes a devastating toll on millions of older Americans each 
year. On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we reaffirm our commitment to 
ending this crime in all its forms.
My Administration is a determined advocate for older Americans. Through 
the Elder Justice Act, which was enacted as part of the Affordable Care 
Act, we are working to prevent elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 
States and tribes are investigating risk factors for abuse and neglect 
and identifying strategies to stop it. We convened the Elder Justice 
Coordinating Council to better focus prevention efforts across the 
Federal Government. We are committed to combatting exploitation by 
empowering seniors to meet financial challenges and helping them avoid 
scams. And we continue to pursue a rigorous criminal justice response to 
elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation--one that holds offenders 
accountable, gives professionals meaningful training, and ensures 
victims get the help they need.
Older Americans have steered our Nation through times of hardship and 
war, and ushered in eras of progress and prosperity. Today, let us stand 
up and speak out on their behalf, and meet our responsibility to show 
our elders the care and respect they deserve.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 15, 2013, as 
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. I call upon all Americans to observe 
this day by learning the signs of elder abuse, neglect, and 
exploitation, and by raising awareness about this growing public health 

[[Page 96]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8996 of June 14, 2013

Father's Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each day, men from every walk of life pour themselves into the hard, 
proud, rewarding work of raising our sons and daughters. And each June, 
families all across our country pause to say thanks and let fathers know 
how much they mean to us--not just as partners or providers, but also as 
loving parents who never stop striving to give their kids the best life 
has to offer.
We see that sense of commitment throughout our communities. We see it in 
our schools, where dads attend assemblies and parent-teacher 
conferences, and help out with homework. We see it on our playing fields 
and in our congregations, where fathers instill the life lessons that 
set our kids on a path to success. We see it in parents working a second 
job or taking on an extra shift, putting a little away so their children 
can go to college. And we see it in mentors and tutors and foster dads, 
taking on the duties of fatherhood for young people in need.
That work is rarely easy. But we know it adds up, building character in 
our children and instilling in them qualities to last a lifetime: love 
and hope, courage and discipline, trust in themselves and others. As 
fathers, teaching those values is our first task. Yet too often, boys 
and girls are growing up without the support of their fathers. We know 
our country can do better. So as men in every corner of America keep 
stepping up and being present in the lives of our children, my 
Administration will keep striving to support them.
Today, we rededicate ourselves to that important work. And as sons and 
daughters, let us show our lasting gratitude to the men who have shaped 
us, who lift our sights, and who enrich our lives with a father's love, 
day after day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, in accordance with a joint resolution of the Congress approved 
April 24, 1972, as amended (36 U.S.C. 109), do hereby proclaim June 16, 
2013, as Father's Day. I direct the appropriate officials of the 
Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government 
buildings on this day, and I call upon all citizens to observe this day 
with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

[[Page 97]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of 
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8997 of June 27, 2013

To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of 
Preferences and for Other Purposes

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

1. Section 502(b)(2)(G) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the ``1974 
Act'') (19 U.S.C. 2462(b)(2)(G)), provides that the President shall not 
designate any country a beneficiary developing country under the 
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) if such country has not taken or 
is not taking steps to afford internationally recognized worker rights 
to workers in the country (including any designated zone in that 
country). Section 502(d)(2) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(d)(2)) 
provides that, after complying with the requirements of section 
502(f)(2) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(f)(2)), the President shall 
withdraw or suspend the designation of any country as a beneficiary 
developing country if, after such designation, the President determines 
that as the result of changed circumstances such country would be barred 
from designation as a beneficiary developing country under section 
502(b)(2) of the 1974 Act. Section 502(f)(2) of the 1974 Act requires 
the President to notify the Congress and the country concerned at least 
60 days before terminating its designation as a beneficiary developing 
country for purposes of the GSP.
2. Having considered the factors set forth in section 502(b)(2)(G) and 
providing the notification called for in section 502(f)(2), I have 
determined pursuant to section 502(d) of the 1974 Act, that it is 
appropriate to suspend Bangladesh's designation as a GSP beneficiary 
developing country because it has not taken or is not taking steps to 
afford internationally recognized worker rights to workers in the 
country. In order to reflect the suspension of Bangladesh's status as a 
beneficiary developing country under the GSP, I have determined that it 
is appropriate to modify general notes 4(a) and 4(b)(i) of the 
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS).
3. Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act provides that beneficiary 
developing countries, except those designated as least-developed 
beneficiary developing countries or beneficiary sub-Saharan African 
countries as provided in section 503(c)(2)(D) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 
2463(c)(2)(D)), are subject to competitive need limitations on the 
preferential treatment afforded under the GSP to eligible articles.
4. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act, I have determined 
that in 2012 certain beneficiary developing countries exported eligible 
articles in quantities exceeding the applicable competitive need 
limitations, and I

[[Page 98]]

therefore terminate the duty-free treatment for such articles from such 
beneficiary developing countries.
5. Section 503(c)(2)(F)(i) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(F)(i)) 
provides that the President may disregard the competitive need 
limitation provided in section 503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act (19 
U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(A)(i)(II)) with respect to any eligible article from 
any beneficiary developing country, if the aggregate appraised value of 
the imports of such article into the United States during the preceding 
calendar year does not exceed an amount set forth in section 
503(c)(2)(F)(ii) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(F)(ii)).
6. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(F)(i) of the 1974 Act, I have 
determined that the competitive need limitation provided in section 
503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act should be disregarded with respect 
to certain eligible articles from certain beneficiary developing 
7. Section 503(d)(1) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(d)(1)) provides 
that the President may waive the application of the competitive need 
limitations in section 503(c)(2) of the 1974 Act with respect to any 
eligible article from any beneficiary developing country if certain 
conditions are met.
8. Pursuant to section 503(d)(1) of the 1974 Act, I have received the 
advice of the United States International Trade Commission on whether 
any industry in the United States is likely to be adversely affected by 
waivers of the competitive need limitations provided in section 
503(c)(2), and I have determined, based on that advice and on the 
considerations described in sections 501 and 502(c) of the 1974 Act (19 
U.S.C. 2462(c)) and after giving great weight to the considerations in 
section 503(d)(2) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(d)(2)), that such 
waivers are in the national economic interest of the United States. 
Accordingly, I have determined that the competitive need limitations of 
section 503(c)(2) of the 1974 Act should be waived with respect to 
certain eligible articles from certain beneficiary developing countries.
9. Section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 
2463(d)(4)(B)(ii)) provides that the President should revoke any waiver 
of the application of the competitive need limitations that has been in 
effect with respect to an article for 5 years or more if the beneficiary 
developing country has exported to the United States during the 
preceding calendar year an amount that exceeds the quantity set forth in 
section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii)(I) or section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii)(II) of the 1974 
Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(d)(4)(B)(ii)(I) and 19 U.S.C. 
10. Pursuant to section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii) of the 1974 Act, I have 
determined that in 2012 certain beneficiary developing countries 
exported eligible articles for which a waiver has been in effect for 5 
years or more in quantities exceeding the applicable limitation set 
forth in section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii)(I) or section 503(d)(4)(B)(ii)(II) of 
the 1974 Act, and I therefore revoke said waivers.
11. Section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2483) authorizes the 
President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions 
of that Act, and of other Acts affecting import treatment, and actions 
thereunder, including removal, modification, continuance, or imposition 
of any rate of duty or other import restriction.

[[Page 99]]

12. Presidential Proclamation 6763 of December 23, 1994, implemented the 
trade agreements resulting from the Uruguay Round of multilateral 
negotiations, including Schedule XX--United States of America, annexed 
to the Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 
1994 (Schedule XX). In order to maintain the intended tariff treatment 
for certain products covered in Schedule XX, I have determined that 
technical corrections to the HTS are necessary.
13. Presidential Proclamation 7011 of June 30, 1997, implemented 
modifications of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Declaration on 
Trade in Information Technology Products (the ``ITA'') for the United 
States. Products included in Attachment B to the ITA are entitled to 
duty-free treatment wherever classified. Presidential Proclamation 8840 
of June 29, 2012, implemented certain technical corrections are 
necessary to the HTS in order to maintain the intended tariff treatment 
for certain products covered in Attachment B. I have determined that 
certain additional technical corrections are necessary to conform the 
HTS to the changes made by Presidential Proclamation 8840.
14. Presidential Proclamation 8818 of May 14, 2012, implemented U.S. 
tariff commitments under the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion 
Agreement and incorporated by reference Publication 4320 of the United 
States International Trade Commission, entitled ``Modifications to the 
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Implement the United 
States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement.'' Presidential Proclamation 
8894 of October 29, 2012, made modifications to the HTS to correct 
technical errors and omissions in Annexes I and II to Publication 4320. 
I have determined that a modification is necessary to correct an 
additional omission.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to 
title V and section 604 of the 1974 Act, do proclaim that:

    (1) The designation of Bangladesh as a beneficiary developing 
country under the GSP is suspended on the date that is 60 days after the 
date this proclamation is published in the Federal Register.
    (2) In order to reflect the suspension of benefits under the GSP 
with respect to Bangladesh, general notes 4(a) and 4(b)(i) of the HTS 
are modified as set forth in section A of Annex I to this proclamation 
by deleting ``Bangladesh'' from the list of independent countries and 
least developed countries, effective with respect to articles entered, 
or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date that 
is 60 days after the date this proclamation is published in the Federal 
    (3) In order to provide that one or more countries should no longer 
be treated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to one or 
more eligible articles for purposes of the GSP, the Rates of Duty 1--
Special subcolumn for the corresponding HTS subheadings and general note 
4(d) of the HTS are modified as set forth in sections B and C of Annex I 
to this proclamation.
    (4) The modifications to the HTS set forth in sections B and C of 
Annex I to this proclamation shall be effective with respect to the 
articles entered,

[[Page 100]]

or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the dates set 
forth in the relevant sections of Annex I.
    (5) The competitive need limitation provided in section 
503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act is disregarded with respect to the 
eligible articles in the HTS subheadings and to the beneficiary 
developing countries listed in Annex II to this proclamation.
    (6) A waiver of the application of section 503(c)(2) of the 1974 Act 
shall apply to the articles in the HTS subheadings and to the 
beneficiary developing countries set forth in Annex III to this 
    (7) In order to provide the intended tariff treatment to certain 
products as set out in Schedule XX, the HTS is modified as set forth in 
section A of Annex IV to this proclamation.
    (8) In order to conform the HTS to certain technical corrections 
made to provide the intended tariff treatment to certain products as set 
out in the ITA, the HTS is modified as set forth in section B of Annex 
IV to this proclamation.
    (9) In order to provide the intended tariff treatment to certain 
goods from Colombia, the HTS is modified as set forth in section C of 
Annex IV to this proclamation.
    (10) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annex IV to this 
proclamation shall be effective with respect to the articles entered, or 
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the dates set 
forth in the relevant sections of Annex IV.
    (11) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders 
that are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are 
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day 
of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 101]]


[[Page 102]]


[[Page 103]]


[[Page 104]]


[[Page 105]]

Proclamation 8998 of July 19, 2013

Captive Nations Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As citizens of the oldest democracy on earth, we believe that all people 
are created equal with certain inalienable rights, including life, 
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Together, we have kept that most 
basic promise shining bright for more than two centuries--upholding 
civil rights and expanding their reach, advancing freedom's march and 
widening the circle of opportunity for all.
Our commitment to universal rights is also a foundation for American 
leadership abroad. In the course of our Nation's history, countries 
worldwide have pledged themselves to a Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights. Corrupt dictatorships have given way to new democracies, forcing 
out the stale air of authoritarian rule with a fresh breath of freedom.
We know that work is not yet complete. Even as the light of liberty and 
justice has spread across the globe, too many people still labor in the 
darkness of tyranny and oppression. In too many parts of the world, 
fundamental freedoms remain unrealized, and the protections of law 
extend only to a privileged few.
Captive Nations Week is an opportunity to reaffirm America's role in 
advancing human rights worldwide. It is a task that can begin here, with 
the example we set and the understanding that we are stronger when all 
our people are granted opportunity--no matter what they look like, where 
they worship, or who they love. And it can continue by extending a hand 
to those who reach for freedom abroad. Different peoples will determine 
their own paths. But we must reject the notion that those who live in 
distant places do not yearn for freedom, self-determination, dignity, 
and the rule of law, just as we do.
When President Dwight D. Eisenhower first marked this day, he noted that 
it should recur ``until such time as freedom and independence shall have 
been achieved for all the captive nations of the world.'' We have come a 
long way since then--but despite our progress, that time has not yet 
come. So let us keep striving to bring it about--supporting those who 
seek the same freedoms we enjoy as Americans, and extending the 
blessings of peace and prosperity here at home and around the world.
The Congress, by joint resolution approved July 17, 1959 (73 Stat. 212), 
has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation 
designating the third week of July of each year as ``Captive Nations 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim July 21 through July 27, 2013, as Captive 
Nations Week. I call upon the people of the United States to reaffirm 
our deep ties to all governments and people committed to freedom, 
dignity, and opportunity for all.

[[Page 106]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 8999 of July 25, 2013

Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

More than two centuries ago, our forebears began an unending journey to 
form a more perfect Union. Twenty-three years ago, we took a historic 
step down that path with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)--a 
landmark law that seeks to extend the promise of equal opportunity 
enshrined in our founding documents.
It promises equal access, from the classroom to the workplace to the 
transportation required to get there. It promises fairness, and the 
chance to live a full and independent life. It affords Americans with 
disabilities the protections they need to claim a future worthy of their 
Today, we celebrate the ADA's lasting legacy as a pillar of civil 
rights. We also recognize that while the law continues to move America 
forward, our march to equality is not yet complete. Even now, barriers 
still keep too many people with disabilities from fully participating in 
our society and our workforce. Our country suffers when our citizens are 
denied the chance to strengthen our economy, support their families, and 
fully participate in our American life.
That is why my Administration is dedicated to leveling the playing field 
for Americans with disabilities. We are committed to making the Federal 
Government a model employer by recruiting, hiring, and retaining more 
workers with disabilities than at any time in our Nation's history. In 
addition, we are working to connect people with disabilities to jobs in 
every part of our economy.
To get those jobs, students with disabilities need an education system 
that works for them. We must ensure lessons are inclusive, assessments 
are fair, and technology is accessible. We must rededicate ourselves to 
building supportive classrooms and putting an end to bullying that all 
too often targets young people with disabilities.
My Administration is bringing the same commitment to our health care 
system. The Affordable Care Act already made it illegal for insurers to 
deny coverage to children with disabilities because of pre-existing 
conditions, medical history, or genetic information. On January 1, 2014, 
the same will be true for all Americans. Alongside those protections, we 
have strengthened Medicare and Medicaid and ramped up programs to 
encourage community living and supportive services.
Together, we have come a long way toward ensuring equal opportunity for 
all. On this anniversary, let us recommit to going the rest of the 

[[Page 107]]

Let us enforce the ADA, promote disability rights at home and abroad, 
and make America a place that values the contributions of all our 
citizens--regardless of disability.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 26, 2013, the 
Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I encourage 
Americans across our Nation to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of this 
civil rights law and the many contributions of individuals with 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9000 of July 25, 2013

National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, America pauses to observe the 60th anniversary of the end of the 
Korean War--a conflict that defined a generation and decided the fate of 
a nation. We remember the troops who hit the beaches when Communist 
forces were pressing south; who pushed back, and fought their way north 
through hard mountains and bitter cold. We remember ordinary men and 
women who showed extraordinary courage through 3 long years of war, 
fighting far from home to defend a country they never knew and a people 
they never met.
Most of all, we remember those brave Americans who gave until they had 
nothing left to give. No monument will ever be worthy of their service, 
and no memorial will fully heal the ache of their sacrifice. But as a 
grateful Nation, we must honor them--not just with words, but with 
deeds. We must uphold our sacred obligation to all who serve--giving our 
troops the resources they need, keeping faith with our veterans and 
their families, and never giving up the search for our missing and our 
prisoners of war. Our fallen laid down their lives so we could live 
ours. It is our task to live up to the example they set, and make 
America a country worthy of their sacrifice.
This anniversary marks the end of a war. But it also commemorates the 
beginning of a long and prosperous peace. In six decades, the Republic 
of Korea has become one of the world's largest economies and one of 
America's closest allies. Together, we have built a partnership that 
remains a bedrock of stability throughout the Pacific. That legacy 
belongs to the service members who fought for freedom 60 years ago, and 
the men and women who preserve it today.
So as we mark this milestone, let us offer a special salute to our 
Korean War veterans. Let us renew the sacred trust we share with all who 
have served. And let us reaffirm that no matter what the future holds, 

[[Page 108]]

will always honor its promise to serve our veterans as well as they 
served us--now and forever.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 27, 2013, as 
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. I call upon all Americans to 
observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities that honor 
our distinguished Korean War veterans.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9001 of July 25, 2013

World Hepatitis Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each year, we mark World Hepatitis Day to bring attention to a disease 
that afflicts one in twelve people worldwide. Viral hepatitis is a major 
cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis in the United States, leading to 
approximately 18,000 American deaths every year. Outcomes can 
significantly improve with treatment, but because viral hepatitis can be 
present without symptoms for decades, most infected Americans do not 
know they have it. Today, we raise awareness about preventing and 
treating viral hepatitis, and we renew our commitment to combat this 
disease in all its forms.
Public awareness is key to halting the spread of viral hepatitis. All 
types of this disease pose serious health threats, and both hepatitis B 
and C can become chronic infections that lead to liver cancer and liver 
disease. Vaccines for hepatitis A and B are crucial to preventing new 
cases, and they are recommended for all children, as well as adults at 
an elevated risk of infection. There is no vaccine against hepatitis C, 
but through early detection and treatment, it is possible to reduce the 
risk of transmission, avert the worst complications, and in many cases 
even cure the infection.
Anyone can contract hepatitis, but in the United States it 
disproportionately affects the African American, Hispanic, and Asian 
American and Pacific Islander communities, and people born between 1945 
and 1965. Injection drug users of all ages are also at increased risk. 
My Administration is working to raise awareness among communities 
hardest hit by viral hepatitis, organizing campaigns to prevent new 
infections, and promoting testing and treatment.
My Administration also continues to work with our partners across the 
Federal Government, in States, communities, and the public and nonprofit 
sectors to implement programs like the Healthy People 2020 initiative 
and the Action Plan for the Prevention, Care, and Treatment of Viral 
Hepatitis. This ambitious plan aims to reduce the number of new 
hepatitis C cases by 25 percent, eliminate mother-to-child transmission 
of hepatitis B, and

[[Page 109]]

significantly increase the proportion of people who know of their 
hepatitis B and C infections. In addition, the Affordable Care Act 
requires health insurance plans to cover, without co-pays, hepatitis A 
and B vaccines as recommended for children and adults at elevated risk 
for infection, as well as hepatitis B screenings for pregnant women at 
their first prenatal visit. After June 2014, new health plans must cover 
screening, without co-pays, for hepatitis C virus infection in persons 
at high risk for infection. Plans must also cover one-time screening for 
hepatitis C infection for adults born between 1945 and 1965.
Viral hepatitis is a silent epidemic, and we can only defeat it if we 
break that silence. Now is the time to learn the risk factors for 
hepatitis, talk to family, friends, and neighbors who may be at risk, 
and to speak with healthcare providers about strategies for staying 
healthy. On World Hepatitis Day, let each of us lend our support to 
those living with hepatitis and do our part to bring this epidemic to an 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 28, 2013, as 
World Hepatitis Day. I encourage citizens, Government agencies, 
nonprofit organizations, and communities across the Nation to join in 
activities that will increase awareness about hepatitis and what we can 
do to prevent it.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of 
July, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9002 of August 9, 2013

National Health Center Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Community health centers play a critical role in providing affordable, 
high-quality preventive and primary health care to millions of 
Americans. From urban centers to rural towns, they offer vital services 
regardless of ability to pay--services that help patients stay healthy 
and avoid emergency room visits. During National Health Center Week, we 
recognize health centers' significant contributions to keeping America 
healthy, and we offer our continuing support to the dedicated providers 
who operate them.
Today, health centers operate thousands of clinics across our country. 
One in every fifteen people living in the United States depends on their 
services. They are an important source of jobs in many low-income 
communities, employing more than 148,000 people nationwide. And with 
clinical and support staff who are responsive to their communities' 
needs and cultures, health centers are important partners in our efforts 
to reduce health disparities. From coast to coast, they coordinate care 
and build professional, compassionate health care teams focused on 
improving patient outcomes.

[[Page 110]]

My Administration has worked to strengthen this essential network. 
Through the Affordable Care Act and the Recovery Act, we have made 
significant investments that have helped health centers expand their 
work, which is now reaching more than 20 million people each year.
As millions of Americans gain access to more health insurance options 
through the Affordable Care Act, health centers remain as valuable as 
ever. They help community members understand their options, determine 
their eligibility, and review possibilities for financial assistance. 
With support and funding from the health care law, health centers are 
also helping the uninsured enroll in plans made available through the 
new Health Insurance Marketplace, as well as in Medicaid and the 
Children's Health Insurance Program.
This week, we celebrate these valuable services and extend our thanks to 
the women and men who operate America's health centers.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim the week of August 11 
through August 17, 2013, as National Health Center Week. I encourage all 
Americans to celebrate this week by visiting their local health center, 
meeting health center providers, and exploring the programs they offer 
to help keep families healthy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9003 of August 23, 2013

Women's Equality Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On August 26, 1920, after decades of organizing, agitating, and 
demonstrating, our country achieved a major victory for women's rights 
and American democracy. The 19th Amendment was certified, extending the 
vote to women and advancing our Nation's long journey toward full 
equality for all Americans. The ratification of the 19th Amendment paved 
the way for more women to participate in American politics--as leaders, 
candidates, voters, and volunteers. Today, women make up the majority of 
the electorate, and last year a record number of women were elected to 
the United States Congress. On Women's Equality Day, we celebrate the 
progress that has been made, and renew our commitment to securing equal 
rights, freedoms, and opportunities for women everywhere.
From the beginning, my Administration has been committed to advancing 
the historic march toward gender equality. We have fought for equal pay, 
prohibited gender discrimination in America's healthcare system, and 
established the White House Council on Women and Girls, which works to

[[Page 111]]

ensure fair treatment in all matters of public policy. In March, I 
signed a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which 
provides better tools to law enforcement to reduce domestic and sexual 
violence, strengthens support systems, and extends protections to even 
more women. And earlier this year, the Department of Defense announced 
plans to remove roadblocks that prevent women from serving the country 
they love at the highest levels their extraordinary valor and talent 
will take them.
Yet we have more work to do. A fair deal for women is essential to a 
thriving middle class, but while women graduate college at higher rates 
than men, they still make less money after graduation and often have 
fewer opportunities to enter well-paid occupations or receive 
promotions. On average, women are paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to 
men. That is why the first bill I signed was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair 
Pay Act. It is also why I established the National Equal Pay Task Force, 
which is cracking down on equal pay violations at a record rate. And it 
is why I issued a Presidential Memorandum calling for a Government-wide 
strategy to close any gender pay gap within the Federal workforce. To 
build on this work, I will continue to urge the Congress to pass the 
Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill that would strengthen the Equal Pay Act 
and give women more tools to challenge unequal wages. My Administration 
will also continue our campaign to engage women and girls in science, 
technology, engineering, and mathematics careers, and we will broaden 
our efforts to empower women and girls around the world.
As we reflect with pride on decades of progress toward gender equality, 
we must also resolve to make progress in our time. Today, we honor the 
pioneers of women's equality by doing our part to realize that great 
American dream--the dream of a Nation where all things are possible for 
all people.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August 26, 2013, as 
Women's Equality Day. I call upon the people of the United States to 
celebrate the achievements of women and promote gender equality in our 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9004 of August 23, 2013

50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On August 28, 1963, hundreds of thousands converged on the National Mall 
to take part in what the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., called

[[Page 112]]

``the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.'' 
Demonstrators filled the landscape--from the steps of the Lincoln 
Memorial, alongside the still waters of the reflecting pool, to the 
proud base of the Washington Monument. They were men and women; young 
and old; black, white, Latino, Asian, and Native American--woven 
together like a great American tapestry, sharing in the dream that our 
Nation would one day make real the promise of liberty, equality, and 
justice for all.
The March on Washington capped off a summer of discontent, a time when 
the clarion call for civil rights was met with imprisonment, bomb 
threats, and base brutality. Many of the marchers had endured the smack 
of a billy club or the blast of a fire hose. Yet they chose to respond 
with nonviolent resistance, with a fierce dignity that stirred our 
Nation's conscience and paved the way for two major victories of the 
Civil Rights Movement--the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting 
Rights Act of 1965.
Today, we remember that the March on Washington was a demonstration for 
jobs as well as freedom. The coalition that brought about civil rights 
understood that racial equality and fairness for workers are bound 
together; when one American gets a raw deal, it jeopardizes justice for 
everyone. These are lessons we carry forward--that we cannot march 
alone, that America flourishes best when we acknowledge our common 
humanity, that our future is linked to the destiny of every soul on 
It is not enough to reflect with pride on the victories of the Civil 
Rights Movement. In honor of every man, woman, and child who left 
footprints on the National Mall, we must make progress in our time. Let 
us guard against prejudice--whether at the polls or in the workplace, 
whether on our streets or in our hearts--and let us pledge that, in the 
words of Dr. King, ``we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down 
like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August 28, 2013, as 
the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. I 
call upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate programs, 
ceremonies, and activities that celebrate the March on Washington and 
advance the great causes of jobs and freedom.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 113]]

Proclamation 9005 of August 30, 2013

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each day, millions of Americans take courageous steps toward recovery 
from alcohol and drug addiction. Their examples reveal the 
transformative power of recovery, and their stories provide hope to 
those struggling to break free from addiction. During National Alcohol 
and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, we celebrate their strength, 
challenge the stigmas that stand as barriers to recovery, and encourage 
those needing help to seek it.
This year's theme, ``Together on Pathways to Wellness'' encourages all 
Americans to walk alongside family, friends, and neighbors who are 
fighting to overcome addiction. My Administration is proud to advance 
evidence-based approaches to recovery--approaches that view addiction as 
a preventable, treatable disease of the brain. The 2013 National Drug 
Control Strategy builds on our work over the past 4 years, increasing 
access to treatment and recovery services, and supporting early 
intervention to address substance abuse in schools, on college campuses, 
and in the workplace. And to give more Americans a chance to enter 
recovery, the Affordable Care Act expands mental health and substance 
use disorder benefits and Federal parity protections for millions of 
Americans. Thanks to this law, insurance companies must cover treatment 
for substance use disorders as they would any other chronic disease.
Alcohol and drug addiction remains a serious challenge in our country, 
but with support from loved ones and allies, Americans seeking help make 
steady progress each day. As we observe National Alcohol and Drug 
Addiction Recovery Month, let us unite to prevent addiction, give hope 
to everyone still struggling with this disease, and celebrate all those 
moving along the life-saving path to recovery.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. I call upon the 
people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate 
programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 114]]

Proclamation 9006 of August 30, 2013

National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Every September, America renews our commitment to curing childhood 
cancer and offers our support to the brave young people who are fighting 
this disease. Thousands are diagnosed with pediatric cancer each year, 
and it remains the leading cause of death by disease for American 
children under 15. For those children and their families, and in memory 
of every young person lost to cancer, we unite behind improved 
treatment, advanced research, and brighter futures for young people 
Over the past few decades, we have made great strides in the fight 
against pediatric cancer. Thanks to significant advances in treatment 
over the last 30 years, the combined 5-year survival rate for children 
with cancer increased by more than 20 percentage points. Today, a 
substantial proportion of children diagnosed with cancer can anticipate 
a time when their illness will be in long-term remission or cured 
My Administration is dedicated to carrying this progress forward. We are 
funding extensive research into the causes of childhood cancer and its 
safest and most effective treatments. We also remain committed to easing 
financial burdens on families supporting a loved one with cancer. Under 
the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage 
to children with pre-existing conditions or set lifetime caps on 
essential health benefits. As of January 2014, insurers will be 
prohibited from dropping coverage for patients who choose to participate 
in a clinical trial, including clinical trials that treat childhood 
All children deserve the chance to dream, discover, and realize their 
full potential. This month, we extend our support to young people 
fighting for that opportunity, and we recognize all who commit 
themselves to advancing the journey toward a cancer-free world.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage all Americans to 
join me in reaffirming our commitment to fighting childhood cancer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 115]]

Proclamation 9007 of August 30, 2013

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In the United States, obesity affects millions of children and 
teenagers, raising their risk of developing serious health problems, 
including diabetes, cancer, asthma, heart disease, and high blood 
pressure. While childhood obesity remains a serious public health issue, 
we have made significant strides toward stemming the tide. After three 
decades of dramatic increases in obesity rates among America's youth, 
recent studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
indicate that rates are holding steady and even decreasing in some 
areas. During National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, let us build 
on this momentum and strengthen the trend toward healthier lifestyles 
and brighter futures for our Nation's children.
First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative is on the front lines 
in the fight against childhood obesity. With partners across the public 
and private sectors and through targeted programs, this comprehensive 
campaign aims to solve the challenge of childhood obesity within a 
generation. Let's Move! is dedicated to making nutritious food more 
available and affordable, helping kids get active, and fostering 
environments that support healthy choices.
To this end, the initiative is always looking for new ways to engage 
parents, families, kids, and communities. We launched Let's Move! Active 
Schools to help bring physical activity back into the school day. We are 
teaming up with mayors, faith leaders, and businesses to make the 
healthy choice the easy choice for families. And we are working with the 
Department of Agriculture to provide more nutritious school lunches and 
Through the Affordable Care Act, my Administration is expanding access 
to services that can help all Americans reach and maintain a healthy 
weight. Thanks to this law, millions of children can receive obesity 
screening and counseling at no out-of-pocket cost to their parents. The 
Affordable Care Act also created the Community Transformation Grant 
Program, which is tackling the root causes of chronic disease, including 
poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. Through this initiative, 
communities across our country are working with public health leaders, 
businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, and individuals to build 
partnerships that promote healthy lifestyles.
We all share in the responsibility of helping our Nation's children 
enjoy longer, healthier lives. Together, we can give them the energy and 
confidence to learn, excel, and pursue their dreams.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. I encourage all Americans to 
learn about and engage in activities that promote healthy eating and 
greater physical activity by all our Nation's children.

[[Page 116]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9008 of August 30, 2013

National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each September, America calls attention to a deadly disease that affects 
thousands of women across our country. This year, over 22,000 women will 
develop ovarian cancer, and more than half that number of women will die 
of this disease. During National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we lend 
our support to everyone touched by this disease, we remember those we 
have lost, and we strengthen our resolve to better prevent, detect, 
treat, and ultimately defeat ovarian cancer.
Because ovarian cancer often goes undetected until advanced stages, 
increasing awareness of risk factors is critical to fighting this 
disease. Chances of developing ovarian cancer are greater in women who 
are middle-aged or older, women with a family history of breast or 
ovarian cancer, and those who have had certain types of cancer in the 
past. I encourage all women, especially those at increased risk, to talk 
to their doctors. For more information, visit www.Cancer.gov.
My Administration is investing in research to improve our understanding 
of ovarian cancer and develop better methods for diagnosis and 
treatment. As we continue to implement the Affordable Care Act, women 
with ovarian cancer will receive increased access to health care 
options, protections, and benefits. Thanks to this law, insurance 
companies can no longer set lifetime dollar limits on coverage or cancel 
coverage because of errors on paperwork. By 2014, the health care law 
will ban insurers from setting restrictive annual caps on benefits and 
from charging women higher rates simply because of their gender. 
Additionally, insurance companies will be prohibited from denying 
coverage or charging higher premiums to patients with pre-existing 
conditions, including ovarian cancer.
This month, we extend a hand to all women battling ovarian cancer. We 
pledge our support to them, to their families, and to the goal of 
defeating this disease.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. I call upon citizens, 
government agencies, organizations, health care providers, and research 
institutions to raise ovarian cancer awareness and continue helping 
Americans live longer, healthier lives. I also urge women across our 
country to talk to their health care providers and learn more about this 

[[Page 117]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9009 of August 30, 2013

National Preparedness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Time and again, America faces crises that test our readiness and 
challenge our resolve--from natural disasters like hurricanes, 
tornadoes, and floods to shootings, cyber incidents, and even acts of 
terrorism. While my Administration is working tirelessly to avert 
national tragedies, it is every American's responsibility to be 
prepared. By planning for emergencies, individuals can protect 
themselves and their families while also contributing to their 
communities' resilience. During National Preparedness Month, we refocus 
our efforts on readying ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, and 
our Nation for any crisis we may face.
My Administration is committed to preparing our country for the full 
range of threats. In the face of an emergency, we will continue to cut 
through red tape and bolster coordination. At my direction, the Federal 
Emergency Management Agency will launch a comprehensive campaign to 
build and sustain national preparedness with private sector, non-profit, 
and community leaders and all levels of government. The campaign will be 
based on science, research and development, public outreach, and broad 
participation. It will aim to inspire Americans of all ages to increase 
their preparedness by moving from awareness to action.
Over this past year, ordinary Americans have stepped up in moments of 
trial and tragedy to perform real acts of heroism. Despite the brave 
actions of first responders across America, neighbors and friends are 
often the first on the scene after an emergency, and circumstances can 
call anyone to become a hero. This year's National Preparedness Month 
theme, ``You Can Be the Hero,'' asks all Americans to ready themselves 
to assist in case of emergency. Anyone can improve their preparedness by 
making or reviewing emergency plans with their family and by building a 
disaster kit with food, water, and essential supplies. Visit 
www.Ready.gov or www.Listo.gov to see which types of disasters are most 
likely for your area and learn more about what you can do to prepare.
This month, as we reflect on challenges to our communities, regions, and 
our Nation, we continue to lend our support to recovery efforts, and we 
honor our first responders by doing our part to build a more resilient 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and

[[Page 118]]

the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the 
importance of preparedness and work together to enhance our national 
security, resilience, and readiness.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9010 of August 30, 2013

National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Among American men, prostate cancer is both the second most commonly 
diagnosed cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer deaths. Although 
prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates have declined over the 
past two decades, in 2013 alone, an estimated 239,000 men in the United 
States will be diagnosed with the illness, and almost 30,000 men will 
die from this disease. During National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 
we remember those lost to prostate cancer, offer our support to patients 
and their families, and highlight our commitment to better prevention, 
detection, and treatment methods.
The exact causes remain unknown, but medical professionals have 
identified several risk factors that can increase a man's chances of 
developing prostate cancer. It is more common among older men and men 
with a family history of prostate cancer. African American men also have 
a significantly higher risk, both of developing and dying from prostate 
cancer. I encourage all men to learn about warning signs by visiting 
My Administration continues to support important prostate cancer 
research--research that will enhance our knowledge and improve prostate 
cancer prevention and treatment. The Affordable Care Act also offers new 
protections for all Americans. The health care law bans insurance 
companies from placing lifetime dollar limits on essential health 
benefits and from dropping coverage because of mistakes on insurance 
applications. Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act will also 
eliminate annual dollar limits on vital benefits, and insurers will no 
longer be able to deny coverage or charge higher premiums to patients 
with prostate cancer--or any other pre-existing medical condition.
This month, I encourage all Americans to lend their support to family, 
friends, and neighbors whose lives have been touched by prostate cancer. 
Let us celebrate the compassion and perseverance of health care 
providers, researchers, and dedicated advocates. Together, we can raise 
awareness, support research, improve care, and reduce the impact of this 
disease on our citizens and our Nation.

[[Page 119]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage all citizens, 
government agencies, private businesses, non-profit organizations, and 
other groups to join in activities that will increase awareness and 
prevention of prostate cancer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9011 of August 30, 2013

National Wilderness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In September 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Wilderness Act 
into law, recognizing places ``where the earth and its community of life 
are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not 
remain.'' Throughout our history, countless people have passed through 
America's most treasured landscapes, leaving their beauty unmarred. This 
month, we uphold that proud tradition and resolve that future 
generations will trek forest paths, navigate winding rivers, and scale 
rocky peaks as visitors to the majesty of our great outdoors.
My Administration is dedicated to preserving our Nation's wild and 
scenic places. During my first year as President, I designated more than 
2 million acres of wilderness and protected over 1,000 miles of rivers. 
Earlier this year, I established five new national monuments, and I 
signed legislation to redesignate California's Pinnacles National 
Monument as Pinnacles National Park. To engage more Americans in 
conservation, I also launched the America's Great Outdoors Initiative. 
Through this innovative effort, my Administration is working with 
communities from coast to coast to preserve our outdoor heritage, 
including our vast rural lands and remaining wild spaces.
As natural habitats for diverse wildlife; as destinations for family 
camping trips; and as venues for hiking, hunting, and fishing, America's 
wilderness landscapes hold boundless opportunities to discover and 
explore. They provide immense value to our Nation--in shared experiences 
and as an integral part of our economy. Our iconic wilderness areas draw 
tourists from across the country and around the world, bolstering local 
businesses and supporting American jobs.
During National Wilderness Month, we reflect on the profound influence 
of the great outdoors on our lives and our national character, and we 
recommit to preserving them for generations to come.

[[Page 120]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2013 as 
National Wilderness Month. I invite all Americans to visit and enjoy our 
wilderness areas, to learn about their vast history, and to aid in the 
protection of our precious national treasures.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9012 of August 30, 2013

Labor Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On September 5, 1882, in what is thought to be the first Labor Day 
event, thousands of working Americans gathered to march in a New York 
City parade. In the 131 years since, America has called on our workers 
time and again--to raise and connect our cities; to feed, heal, and 
educate our Nation; to forge the latest technological revolution. On 
Labor Day, we celebrate these enduring contributions and honor all the 
men and women who make up the world's greatest workforce.
America is what it is today because workers began to organize--to demand 
fair pay, decent hours, safe working conditions, and the dignity of a 
secure retirement. Through decades upon decades of struggle, they won 
many of the rights and benefits we too often take for granted today, 
from the 40-hour work week and minimum wage to safety standards, 
workers' compensation, and health insurance. These basic protections 
allowed the middle class to flourish. They formed the basis of the 
American dream and offered a better life to anyone willing to work for 
Yet over the past decades, that promise began to erode. People were 
working harder for less, and good jobs became more difficult to find. My 
Administration remains committed to restoring the basic bargain at the 
heart of the American story. We are bringing good jobs back to the 
United States. We are expanding programs that train workers in 
tomorrow's industries, and we eliminated tax breaks that benefited the 
wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class. In the years to 
come, I will continue to support collective bargaining rights that 
strengthen the middle class and give voice to workers across our Nation. 
And I will keep pushing for a higher minimum wage--because in America, 
no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty.
Thanks to the grit and resilience of the American worker, we have 
cleared away the rubble of the worst recession since the Great 
Depression. Now is the time to reward that hard work. Today, as America 
celebrates working

[[Page 121]]

people everywhere, we unite behind good jobs in growing industries, and 
we strengthen our resolve to rebuild our economy on a stronger 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2, 2013, as 
Labor Day. I call upon all public officials and people of the United 
States to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and 
activities that honor the contributions and resilience of working 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9013 of September 6, 2013

National Grandparents Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In every corner of our country and across all walks of life, 
grandparents are a tremendous source of wisdom, strength, and joy. They 
are caregivers, teachers, and friends--windows to the past and 
guideposts for the future. On National Grandparents Day, America pauses 
to honor the bedrocks of our families and thank every grandmother and 
grandfather for their immeasurable contributions to our country.
Our grandparents' generations made America what it is today. They led 
our Nation through times of war, heralded new ages of innovation, and 
tested the limits of human imagination. They challenged longstanding 
prejudices and shattered barriers, both cultural and scientific. In our 
homes and our communities, grandparents pass down the values that have 
led generations of Americans to live well and give back. As individuals, 
as families, and as a society, we have an unshakable obligation to 
provide the care and support our grandparents have earned. Together, let 
us guarantee the right of every American to live out their golden years 
in dignity and security.
Today, we reflect on the ways our grandparents have enriched our lives, 
and we celebrate their contributions to the life of our Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 8, 2013, as 
National Grandparents Day. I call upon all Americans to take the time to 
honor their own grandparents and those in their community.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 122]]

Proclamation 9014 of September 6, 2013

National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

This week, Americans come together to mark the 12th anniversary of a day 
that shook our country to its core. Where two towers once cast a shadow, 
men and women gather in the early light to pay their respects. In a 
Pennsylvania field once scarred by debris, bells ring out and fingers 
trace over names etched in white marble. At the Pentagon, where a single 
stone still bears the scars of fire, a Nation honors souls who now know 
On this anniversary, images of darkness are never far from our thoughts. 
We remember planes cutting through a clear September sky, black smoke 
rising from the ruins below. These images will never leave us. But 
Scripture teaches us that light shines even in the darkness, and the 
darkness has not overcome it.
When the first calls for help reached squad cars, ambulances, and ladder 
companies, there was no hesitation. First responders rushed to the 
scene. They stormed up the stairs and into the flames. Aboard Flight 93, 
heroic passengers and crew members gave everything they had to prevent 
even more devastation.
Their legacy lives on in those they saved and in the memories we keep. 
Most of all, it lives on in the spirit they embodied: compassion, 
resilience, unity. Many of those we lost set aside their own well-being 
in the hope they could save someone they would never know.
That selflessness shows the best of who we are as a people. And for more 
than a decade, that same selflessness has summoned a new generation to 
serve in our Armed Forces. These solemn days also call upon us to 
reflect on their extraordinary service and sacrifice and to rededicate 
ourselves to showing our troops, our veterans, and their families the 
fullest support of a grateful Nation.
Finally, as we honor those who have borne so much since 9/11, let us 
turn our thoughts once again toward renewal. When shock and confusion 
could have torn us apart, we chose instead to move forward together, as 
one people. We have proven our resilience. We have recovered and 
rebuilt, better and brighter. We have kept faith with our oldest 
American beliefs. Years from now, these acts will reveal the true legacy 
of that day--of a safer world, a stronger Nation, and a country more 
united than ever before.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 6 
through Sunday, September 8, 2013, as National Days of Prayer and 
Remembrance. I ask that the people of the United States honor and 
remember the victims of September 11, 2001, and their loved ones through 
prayer, contemplation, memorial services, the visiting of memorials, the 
ringing of bells, evening candlelight remembrance vigils, and other 
appropriate ceremonies and activities. I invite people around the world 
to participate in this commemoration.

[[Page 123]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9015 of September 10, 2013

Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Twelve years ago this month, nearly three thousand innocent men, women, 
and children lost their lives in attacks meant to terrorize our Nation. 
They had been going about their day, harming no one, when sudden 
violence struck. We will never undo the pain and injustice borne that 
terrible morning, nor will we ever forget those we lost.
On September 11, 2001, amid shattered glass, twisted steel, and clouds 
of dust, the spirit of America shone through. We remember the sacrifice 
of strangers and first responders who rushed into darkness to carry 
others from danger. We remember the unbreakable bonds of unity we felt 
in the long days that followed--how we held each other, how we came to 
our neighbors' aid, how we prayed for one another. We recall how 
Americans of every station joined together to support the survivors in 
their hour of need and to heal our Nation in the years that followed.
Today, we can honor those we lost by building a Nation worthy of their 
memories. Let us also live up to the selfless example of the heroes who 
gave of themselves in the face of such great evil. As we mark the 
anniversary of September 11, I invite all Americans to observe a 
National Day of Service and Remembrance by uniting in the same 
extraordinary way we came together after the attacks. Like the Americans 
who chose compassion when confronted with cruelty, we can show our love 
for one another by devoting our time and talents to those in need. I 
encourage all Americans to visit www.Serve.gov, or www.Servir.gov for 
Spanish speakers, to find ways to get involved in their communities.
As we serve and remember, we reaffirm our ties to one another. On 
September 11, 2001, no matter where we came from, what God we prayed to, 
or what race or ethnicity we were, we were united as one American 
family. May the same be said of us today, and always.
By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), 
the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as ``Patriot 
Day,'' and by Public Law 111-13, approved April 21, 2009, the Congress 
has requested the observance of September 11 as an annually recognized 
``National Day of Service and Remembrance.''

[[Page 124]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2013, as Patriot Day and 
National Day of Service and Remembrance. I call upon all departments, 
agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States to display the flag 
of the United States at half-staff on Patriot Day and National Day of 
Service and Remembrance in honor of the individuals who lost their lives 
on September 11, 2001. I invite the Governors of the United States and 
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and interested organizations and 
individuals to join in this observance. I call upon the people of the 
United States to participate in community service in honor of those our 
Nation lost, to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and 
activities, including remembrance services, and to observe a moment of 
silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time to honor the 
innocent victims who perished as a result of the terrorist attacks of 
September 11, 2001.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9016 of September 13, 2013

National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

From the earliest days of our Republic, Hispanic Americans have written 
crucial chapters in our national story. Hispanics have honorably 
defended our country in war and built prosperity during times of peace. 
They run successful businesses, teach our next generation of leaders, 
and pioneer scientific and technological breakthroughs. This month, 
America acknowledges these vital contributions and celebrates our 
Hispanic heritage.
Hispanic Americans represent an array of distinct and vibrant cultures, 
each of which enriches communities in valuable ways. Just as America 
embraces a rich blend of backgrounds, those who journey to our shores 
embrace America. Sharing the dream of equality and boundless 
opportunity, many Hispanics have marched for social justice and helped 
advance America's journey toward a more perfect Union. Last year, I was 
proud to establish the C[eacute]sar E. Ch[aacute]vez National Monument 
in honor of an American hero, a man who reminded us that every life has 
value, that together, those who recognize their common humanity have the 
power to shape a better world.
As C[eacute]sar Ch[aacute]vez's example teaches us, we must never scale 
back our dreams. My Administration remains committed to building a 
rising, thriving middle class, a middle class accessible to the Hispanic 
community and to all Americans. As we continue to implement the 
Affordable Care Act, more than 10 million uninsured Latinos will gain 
access to coverage. To reduce health disparities, my Administration will 
work to educate, engage, and enrolle Hispanic Americans in the Health 
Insurance Marketplace.

[[Page 125]]

Last year, we lifted the shadow of deportation off young people who are 
American in every way but on paper. Today, I am as determined as ever to 
pass commonsense immigration reform--reform that helps American workers 
get a fairer deal, adds more than one trillion dollars to our economy, 
and provides a pathway to earned citizenship. A bipartisan bill 
consistent with these principles has already passed the Senate, and a 
growing coalition of Republicans and Democrats is calling for action.
Whether our ancestors crossed the Atlantic in 1790 or the Rio Grande in 
1970, Americans are bound by a set of common values--a love of liberty 
and justice, the belief that a better life should await anyone willing 
to work for it. As we celebrate the unique influences of Hispanic 
cultures during National Hispanic Heritage Month, let us also rededicate 
ourselves to realizing our shared aspirations.
To honor the achievements of Hispanics in America, the Congress by 
Public Law 100-402, as amended, has authorized and requested the 
President to issue annually a proclamation designating September 15 
through October 15 as ``National Hispanic Heritage Month.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15, 2013, as 
National Hispanic Heritage Month. I call upon public officials, 
educators, librarians, and all Americans to observe this month with 
appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9017 of September 13, 2013

National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers form the cornerstones of some of 
America's most essential economic sectors. Their products feed, clothe, 
and fuel our Nation. Their way of life--handed down from generation to 
generation--is central to the American story. During National Farm 
Safety and Health Week, we celebrate our agricultural producers' values, 
experiences, and contributions, and we recommit to secure work 
environments on all our country's farms.
For many agricultural workers, the risk of injury and illness is a daily 
reality. They face multiple challenges, including entering hazardous 
grain storage bins, handling livestock and chemicals, and transporting 
large machinery on our Nation's rural roadways. I encourage agricultural 
producers and their families and communities to participate in 
comprehensive farm safety and health programs, take precautions, and 
prepare themselves for emergencies. I urge all Americans to respect 
farming and ranching families

[[Page 126]]

by driving rural roadways with care, and I ask communities to remember 
agricultural workers' needs in setting up health facilities and 
emergency response programs.
As the fall harvest season begins, we pay tribute to the generations of 
Americans who have devoted themselves to supplying the basic materials 
that make our country work. This week, we resolve to make farms and 
ranches safer places to live, work, and raise families.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 15 through 
September 21, 2013, as National Farm Safety and Health Week. I call upon 
the agencies, organizations, businesses, and extension services that 
serve America's agricultural workers to strengthen their commitment to 
promoting farm safety and health programs. I also urge Americans to 
honor our agricultural heritage and express appreciation to our farmers, 
ranchers, and farmworkers for their contributions to our Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9018 of September 13, 2013

National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

There is no better investment than a great education--both for young 
people individually, and for our Nation as a whole. In an increasingly 
competitive, knowledge-based economy, higher education helps build a 
skilled workforce and provides clear pathways to success. Hispanic-
Serving Institutions (HSIs) impart essential knowledge while broadening 
horizons and giving students the tools to pursue their own measure of 
happiness. During National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week, we 
celebrate these institutions, renew our support for their mission, and 
recommit to helping tomorrow's leaders reach their fullest potential.
Preparing to fill the jobs of today and tomorrow requires our Nation to 
share in the responsibility of making college more accessible, 
affordable, and attainable for all Americans. As more than 20 percent of 
our Nation's elementary and high school students are Hispanic, HSIs play 
an integral role in helping fulfill this commitment. That is why the 
Federal Government will invest more than $1 billion in these vital 
institutions over the course of this decade. At the same time, we are 
tackling rising college costs, expanding Pell Grants, promoting 
innovation and value in higher education, and improving student loan 
repayment options. If we continue to support and challenge our students, 
I am confident that America can have the world's highest share of 
college graduates by 2020.

[[Page 127]]

Hispanic-Serving Institutions enable young people and adults to explore 
their intellectual passions. From the arts and humanities to education 
to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, HSIs help students 
hone their talents, launch their careers, and eventually become leaders 
in their fields. As we honor America's Hispanic-Serving Institutions, 
let us fight to remain a country that rewards hard work, responsibility, 
and the pursuit of education. Let us advance a principle at the heart of 
the American dream--that no matter who you are or where you come from, 
in the United States of America, you can make it if you try.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 15 through 
September 21, 2013, as National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week. I 
call on public officials, educators, and all the people of the United 
States to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and 
activities that acknowledge the many ways these institutions and their 
graduates contribute to our country.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9019 of September 16, 2013

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In May of 1787, delegates gathered in the Pennsylvania State House to 
chart a new course for our nascent country. They met in a time of 
economic hardship and passionate debate, but with the understanding that 
while controversy is a hallmark of democracy, the forces of tension and 
uncertainty pale in comparison to the strength of our common ideals. In 
a document that has endured for more than two and a quarter centuries, 
the Framers put forth their vision for a more perfect Union.
Our Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, and after an extended 
period of national conversation and with the promise of a bill of 
rights, it became the supreme law of the land. Since that time, 
America's Constitution has inspired nations to demand control of their 
own destinies. It has called multitudes to seek freedom and prosperity 
on our shores. We are a proud Nation of immigrants, home to a long line 
of aspiring citizens who contributed to their communities, founded 
businesses, or sacrificed their livelihoods so they could pass a 
brighter future on to their children. Each year on Citizenship Day, we 
welcome the newest members of the American family as they pledge 
allegiance to our Constitution and join us in writing the next chapter 
of our national story.

[[Page 128]]

Throughout our history, immigrants have embraced the spirit of liberty, 
equality, and justice for all--the same ideals that stirred the patriots 
of 1776 to rise against an empire, guided the Framers as they built a 
stronger republic, and moved generations to bridge our founding promise 
with the realities of our time.
The pursuit of this promise defines our history; with amendments that 
trace our national journey, the Constitution bears witness to how far we 
have come. As we celebrate the world's longest surviving written charter 
of government, let us remember that upholding our founding principles 
requires us to challenge modern injustices. Let us accept our 
responsibilities as citizens, our obligations to one another and to 
future generations. Let us move forward with the knowledge that in the 
face of impossible odds, those who love their country can change it.
In remembrance of the signing of the Constitution and in recognition of 
the Americans who strive to uphold the duties and responsibilities of 
citizenship, the Congress, by joint resolution of February 29, 1952 (36 
U.S.C. 106), designated September 17 as ``Constitution Day and 
Citizenship Day,'' and by joint resolution of August 2, 1956 (36 U.S.C. 
108), requested that the President proclaim the week beginning September 
17 and ending September 23 of each year as ``Constitution Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim September 17, 2013, as Constitution Day and 
Citizenship Day, and September 17 through September 23, 2013, as 
Constitution Week. I encourage Federal, State, and local officials, as 
well as leaders of civic, social, and educational organizations, to 
conduct ceremonies and programs that bring together community members to 
reflect on the importance of active citizenship, recognize the enduring 
strength of our Constitution, and reaffirm our commitment to the rights 
and obligations of citizenship in this great Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9020 of September 16, 2013

Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at the Washington Navy Yard

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence 
perpetrated on September 16, 2013, at the Washington Navy Yard, by the 
authority vested in me as President of the United States by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby 
order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at 
the White House and

[[Page 129]]

upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval 
stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the 
District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its 
Territories and possessions until sunset, September 20, 2013. I also 
direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of 
time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and 
other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval 
vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9021 of September 19, 2013

National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Our country endures because in every generation, courageous Americans 
answer the call to serve in our Armed Forces. They represent the very 
best of the human spirit, stand tall for the values and freedoms we 
cherish, and uphold peace and security at home and around the globe. 
Today, we pay tribute to the service members who have not returned from 
the battlefield, we stand beside their families, and we honor those who 
are held captive as prisoners of war. We will never forget their 
sacrifice, nor will we ever abandon our responsibility to do everything 
in our power to bring them home.
America remains steadfast in our determination to recover our missing 
patriots. Our work is not finished until our heroes are returned safely 
to our shores or a full accounting is provided to their loved ones. We 
must care for the men and women who have served so selflessly in our 
name, and we must carry forward the legacy of those whose fates are 
still unknown. Today, and every day, we express our profound 
appreciation to our service members, our veterans, our military 
families, and all those who placed themselves in harm's way to sustain 
the virtues that are the hallmarks of our Union.
On September 20, 2013, the stark black and white banner symbolizing 
America's Missing in Action and Prisoners of War will be flown over the 
White House; the United States Capitol; the Departments of State, 
Defense, and Veterans Affairs; the Selective Service System 
Headquarters; the World War II Memorial; the Korean War Veterans 
Memorial; the Vietnam Veterans Memorial; United States post offices; 
national cemeteries; and other locations across our country. We raise 
this flag as a solemn reminder of our obligation to always remember the 
sacrifices made to defend our Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 20, 2013, as

[[Page 130]]

National POW/MIA Recognition Day. I urge all Americans to observe this 
day of honor and remembrance with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9022 of September 20, 2013

National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Across generations, members of the United States Armed Forces have made 
America the greatest force for freedom and security the world has ever 
known. This week, we honor members of the National Guard and Reserve who 
carry that legacy forward. We thank the employers who support them; and 
we reaffirm our promise to provide our troops, our veterans, and our 
military families with the opportunities they have earned.
The men and women of the National Guard and Reserve come from every 
background, race, and creed, and demonstrate an unfaltering commitment 
to our Nation. On the field of battle and here at home, they place 
themselves in harm's way to protect our freedoms, our lives, and our 
communities. We are grateful to the employers that provide our 
Reservists and National Guard members extraordinary support and 
flexibility. We commend the businesses that help service members advance 
their civilian careers and ease transitions between military and 
civilian life.
America must pledge our full support to those who serve in our Armed 
Forces and their families. That is why First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. 
Jill Biden launched the Joining Forces initiative--a program that 
expands employment opportunities for veterans and military spouses. My 
Administration has also worked to connect veterans to the workforce 
through an online Veterans Job Bank and through the Veteran Gold Card 
program, which provide enhanced services to post-9/11 veterans. I also 
signed into law tax credits that provide incentives for businesses to 
hire returning heroes and wounded warriors.
The patriots who serve under our proud flag never lose that sense of 
service to one another or to country. This week, we pay tribute to these 
selfless men and women who wear the uniform, to their families, and to 
their dedicated employers, whose enduring commitment keeps our military 
strong and our Nation secure.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 22 through

[[Page 131]]

September 28, 2013, as National Employer Support of the Guard and 
Reserve Week. I call upon all Americans to join me in expressing our 
heartfelt thanks to the members of the National Guard and Reserve and 
their civilian employers. I also call on State and local officials, 
private organizations, and all military commanders, to observe this week 
with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9023 of September 20, 2013

National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Before the Civil War, an education--much less a college education--was 
out of reach for most African Americans. There were few institutions 
focused on meeting the intellectual curiosity and spurring the academic 
growth of African American students. But as our Union began to heal from 
the wounds of war, and the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were signed, 
a freed people demanded a freed mind, and courageous leaders began 
expanding what we now know as our Nation's Historically Black Colleges 
and Universities (HBCUs).
More than a century and a half later, we cannot overstate the role HBCUs 
have played in the narrative of our country. These are the institutions 
that helped build a middle class and produced some of our Nation's 
preeminent thinkers and entrepreneurs, doctors and scientists, judges 
and lawyers, service members and educators. These are the schools where 
students banded together in open fields and assembly halls as part of a 
movement that pushed us closer to true freedom and equality for all. And 
these are the campuses where generations of students not only gained the 
education and skills necessary for the workforce, but also cultivated an 
understanding of history and knowledge of self that are necessary in 
As we move toward our goal of having the highest proportion of college 
graduates in the world by 2020, HBCUs continue to provide pathways of 
opportunity for students across our country. Ensuring these schools have 
the resources they need to help students reach their fullest potential 
remains a top priority for my Administration, and we have taken steps to 
keep these institutions strong--from providing funding for 
infrastructure and technology to increasing our investments in Pell 
During National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, we 
pay tribute to the legacies of these proud halls of higher learning. And 
as we

[[Page 132]]

reflect on the past, let us also draw strength from the founders of 
these institutions and move forward with the work of making sure the 
doors to a quality education are open to all.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 22 through 
September 28, 2013, as National Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities Week. I call upon educators, public officials, professional 
organizations, corporations, and all Americans to observe this week with 
appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities that acknowledge the 
countless contributions these institutions and their alumni have made to 
our country.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9024 of September 26, 2013

National Public Lands Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Atop soaring mountain peaks, alongside bubbling streams, in woodlands 
and grasslands that stretch over rolling hills, Americans find 
inspiration in our great outdoors. Just as our diverse and rugged 
landscapes reflect our national character, the way we care for these 
open spaces mirrors our commitment to future generations. On National 
Public Lands Day, we celebrate the lands we share and gather to conserve 
our natural heritage.
For two decades, Americans have observed this day by lending their time 
to the restoration of our country's historic places and natural 
treasures. Across our country, volunteers beautify parks, waterways, and 
wilderness areas. Through these small acts--from planting trees to 
carving out trails, removing litter, and curbing the growth of invasive 
species--volunteers carry forward a long tradition of conservation and 
public service. Their spirit is at the heart of the America's Great 
Outdoors Initiative, which is making the outdoors more accessible to all 
Americans. Since I established this initiative, we have expanded access 
to recreation, restored critical landscapes, and created urban parks and 
water trails. We are also working with partners to let young people 
serve as volunteers in our parks and help returning veterans find 
meaningful jobs protecting and enhancing America's great outdoors.
As we come together to honor and restore America's public lands, we 
recognize their role in shaping our history, enriching our lives, and 
bolstering our economy. Today, as we mark the 20th anniversary of 
National Public Lands Day, let us pledge to maintain these open spaces. 
And let us pass forward the opportunity to experience their majesty, 
connect with our natural heritage, and refresh our bodies and minds.

[[Page 133]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 28, 2013, as 
National Public Lands Day. I encourage all Americans to participate in a 
day of public service for our lands.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9025 of September 26, 2013

Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In our city centers and our bustling parks, monuments stand dedicated to 
visionary leaders and singular moments in the life of our Republic. But 
in empty seats at family dinners and folded flags above the mantle, we 
find the constant thread of our Nation's character--the truth that 
America endures because it is home to an unbroken line of patriots 
willing to lay down their lives for the land they love. As we honor the 
men and women who gave their last full measure of devotion, we hold 
close the families left behind.
Most of us can only imagine the pain of a mother who loses a daughter, 
the husband who loses his partner, or the son who loses a father. 
Prepared to serve others at any cost, their loved ones exemplified the 
values of courage and selflessness that define our Armed Forces and 
fortify our Union. The families of the fallen embody that same 
character. Amid their sorrow, these homefront heroes support one another 
and lift up their communities. As our country seeks to understand the 
depth of their sacrifice, we draw strength and inspiration from their 
On this day, we remember our commitment to the Gold Star mothers and 
families who carry on with pride and resolve despite unthinkable loss. 
We recall our sacred obligation to those who gave their lives so we 
could live ours. As a grateful Nation, we declare that we will never 
forget their sacrifice, and we renew our promise to build a future 
worthy of their devotion. We also recognize our countrymen and women who 
continue the fight, putting their lives on the line each day. Long after 
the battle is over, we will continue to give our military and Gold Star 
families the care and support they deserve--in a listening ear, a 
comforting shoulder, a helping hand, and a moment given to keep alive 
the memories of their Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast 
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 115 of June 23, 1936 (49 Stat. 
1985 as amended), has designated the last Sunday in September as ``Gold 
Star Mother's Day.''

[[Page 134]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 29, 2013, as 
Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day. I call upon all Government 
officials to display the flag of the United States over Government 
buildings on this special day. I also encourage the American people to 
display the flag and hold appropriate ceremonies as a public expression 
of our Nation's sympathy and respect for our Gold Star Mothers and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9026 of September 27, 2013

National Hunting and Fishing Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Through hunting and fishing, in traditions handed down from generation 
to generation, families strengthen their bonds and individuals forge 
connections with the great outdoors. They rise before dawn to cast a 
line on a misty stream or wait patiently in a stand as a forest awakes. 
Parents help toddlers reel in their first catch, and young hunters 
master the call of a wild turkey. On National Hunting and Fishing Day, 
we celebrate these longstanding traditions and recommit to preserving 
the places in which they flourish.
Working across all levels of government and alongside nonprofits, 
private organizations, and conservation advocates, my Administration 
launched the America's Great Outdoors Initiative. This program engages 
Americans at the grassroots level to protect and restore our cherished 
lands and waters and to help reconnect all Americans, regardless of 
their age or background, to the outdoors. Anglers and hunters have 
played an integral role, living up to their legacy as some of our 
Nation's strongest defenders of wild places.
In addition to its significance as a time-honored tradition, outdoor 
recreation supports millions of jobs. Hunting and fishing form a large 
part of this essential industry, bolstering tourism, strengthening 
America's economy, and funding conservation through fishing licenses or 
duck stamps.
Today, as we reflect on the value hunting and fishing bring to our 
lives--from fortified family bonds to a renewed appreciation for 
nature--let us ensure future generations will have the same opportunity 
to take part in this experience.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 28, 2013, as

[[Page 135]]

National Hunting and Fishing Day. I call upon all Americans to observe 
this day with appropriate programs and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day 
of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9027 of September 30, 2013

National Arts and Humanities Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Throughout our history, America has advanced not only because of our 
people's will or our leaders' vision, but also because of paintings and 
poems, stories and songs, dramas and dances. These works open our minds 
and nourish our souls, helping us understand what it means to be human 
and what it means to be American. During National Arts and Humanities 
Month, we celebrate the rich heritage of arts and humanities that has 
long been at the core of our country's story.
Our history is a testament to the boundless capacity of the arts and 
humanities to shape our views of democracy, freedom, and tolerance. Each 
of us knows what it is like to have our beliefs changed by a writer's 
perspective, our understanding deepened by a historian's insight, or our 
waning spirit lifted by a singer's voice. These are some of the most 
striking and memorable moments in our lives, and they reflect lasting 
truths--that the arts and humanities speak to everyone and that in the 
great arsenal of progress, the human imagination is our most powerful 
Ensuring our children and our grandchildren can share these same 
experiences and hone their own talents is essential to our Nation's 
future. Somewhere in America, the next great author is wrestling with a 
sentence in her first short story, and the next great artist is doodling 
in the pages of his notebook. We need these young people to succeed as 
much as we need our next generation of engineers and scientists to 
succeed. And that is why my Administration remains dedicated to 
strengthening initiatives that not only provide young people with the 
nurturing that will help their talents grow, but also the skills to 
think critically and creatively throughout their lives.
This month, we pay tribute to the indelible ways the arts and humanities 
have shaped our Union. Let us encourage future generations to carry this 
tradition forward. And as we do so, let us celebrate the power of 
artistic expression to bridge our differences and reveal our common 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Arts and Humanities Month. I call upon the people of the United 
States to join together in observing this month with appropriate 
ceremonies, activities, and programs to celebrate the arts and the 
humanities in America.

[[Page 136]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9028 of September 30, 2013

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Every October, America stands in solidarity with those battling breast 
cancer and those at risk for breast cancer. This disease touches every 
corner of the United States--in 2013 alone, more than 230,000 women and 
over 2,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and tens of 
thousands will die from it. As we observe National Breast Cancer 
Awareness Month, we salute the women and men who dedicate themselves to 
prevention, detection, and treatment; we show our support for every 
individual and every family struggling with breast cancer; and we pause 
to remember those we have lost.
Over the past two decades, our Nation has made strides in the fight 
against breast cancer. While we still do not know the exact causes, we 
do know that some women are at an increased risk of developing this 
disease, including those who have a personal or family history, who are 
older, or who are overweight or obese after menopause. Because early 
detection can decrease the risk of death from breast cancer, I encourage 
women to speak with their doctors about recommended mammograms and 
clinical breast exams. Whether you are looking for information about 
breast cancer prevention, treatment of metastatic breast cancer, or 
information about the latest research, all Americans can learn more by 
visiting www.Cancer.gov.
Last year, my Administration invested over half a billion dollars in 
breast cancer research. We proudly support studies aimed at discovering 
better screening methods, developing more effective treatments, and 
improving our understanding of this disease.
And because everyone should have access to preventive services, the 
Affordable Care Act requires most health insurance plans to fully cover 
recommended breast cancer screenings. This law also prohibits insurers 
from setting lifetime dollar limits on coverage, or from dropping 
coverage because of errors on paperwork. Beginning in 2014, companies 
will no longer be able to put dollar limits on annual benefits or deny 
insurance because of pre-existing conditions, including breast cancer. 
And starting October 1, Americans can visit www.HealthCare.gov to shop 
for affordable coverage in the new Health Insurance Marketplace.
This month, we reaffirm our commitment to reduce the burden of breast 
cancer. We join hands with our mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. 

[[Page 137]]

renew our support for increased access to screenings and care, and we 
advance the innovative research that will usher in a new era in the 
fight against breast cancer.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage citizens, government 
agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and all other 
interested groups to join in activities that will increase awareness of 
what Americans can do to prevent breast cancer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9029 of September 30, 2013

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In an increasingly interconnected world, many Americans rely on the 
Internet and digital tools every day--from communicating with 
colleagues, friends, and family across the globe to banking and shopping 
without leaving our homes. Technology is reshaping every aspect of our 
lives, and protecting our digital infrastructure from cyber threats is 
one of our highest security priorities. This month, we expand public 
awareness about cybersecurity, and we recommit to enhancing the security 
and resilience of our Nation's infrastructure while maintaining an 
environment that encourages efficiency and innovation.
Incredible advances in technology also bring increased risk of 
disruptive cyber incidents. My Administration is dedicated to building a 
system of protections in both the private and public sectors to keep out 
malicious forces while preserving the openness and extraordinary power 
of the Internet. Our national and economic security depend on a reliable 
digital infrastructure in the face of threats, which is why earlier this 
year, I signed an Executive Order and issued a Presidential Policy 
Directive to strengthen this critical infrastructure. In tandem, these 
actions will enable us to develop and implement a framework of best 
practices for cybersecurity, increase information sharing between the 
Federal Government and industry partners, and build collaborative 
All of us have a role to play in safeguarding the networks we use in our 
daily lives. Understanding the risks associated with being online can 
help secure personal information and prevent identity theft and fraud. 
The Department of Homeland Security's ``Stop.Think.Connect.'' campaign 
empowers digital citizens with the tools to make smart decisions as they 

[[Page 138]]

cyberspace. For more information on computing practices, visit 
Our digital infrastructure is a strategic national asset, and my 
Administration is committed to strengthening this vital resource. As we 
mark the 10th anniversary of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let us 
welcome the great possibilities cyberspace provides and continue to 
invest in the security measures and innovation that will enable us to 
safely and fully realize those possibilities.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. I call upon the people of the 
United States to recognize the importance of cybersecurity and to 
observe this month with activities, events, and training that will 
enhance our national security and resilience.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9030 of September 30, 2013

National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Our Nation has always drawn its strength from the differences of our 
people, from a vast range of thought, experience, and ability. Every 
day, Americans with disabilities enrich our communities and businesses. 
They are leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators, each with unique 
talents to contribute and points of view to express. During National 
Disability Employment Awareness Month, we nurture our culture of 
diversity and renew our commitment to building an American workforce 
that offers inclusion and opportunity for all.
Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we have made 
great progress in removing barriers for hardworking Americans. Yet 
today, only 20 percent of Americans with disabilities, including 
veterans who became disabled while serving our country, participate in 
our labor force. We need their talent, dedication, and creativity, which 
is why my Administration proudly supports increased employment 
opportunities for people with disabilities. To that end, I remain 
dedicated to implementing Executive Order 13548, which called on Federal 
agencies to increase recruitment, hiring, and retention of people with 
disabilities. As a result of our efforts, the Federal Government is 
hiring people with disabilities at a higher rate than at any point in 
over three decades. Most recently, we updated the rules to make sure 
Federal contractors and subcontractors are doing more to recruit,

[[Page 139]]

hire, and promote qualified individuals with disabilities, including 
disabled veterans. And thanks to the Affordable Care Act, States are 
taking advantage of new options to support and expand home and 
community-based services.
In the years to come, I will remain committed to ensuring the Federal 
Government leads by example. This year, as we mark the 40th anniversary 
of the Rehabilitation Act, I will continue to marshal the full resources 
of my Administration toward effective and comprehensive implementation.
If we swing wide the doors of opportunity for our family, friends, and 
neighbors with disabilities, all of us will enjoy the benefits of their 
professional contributions. This month, let us uphold the ideals of 
equal access, equal opportunity, and a level playing field for all 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Disability Employment Awareness Month. I urge all Americans to 
embrace the talents and skills that individuals with disabilities bring 
to our workplaces and communities and to promote the right to equal 
employment opportunity for all people.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9031 of September 30, 2013

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) nearly 20 
years ago, our Nation's response to domestic violence has greatly 
improved. What was too often seen as a private matter best hidden behind 
closed doors is now an established issue of national concern. We have 
changed our laws, transformed our culture, and improved support services 
for survivors. We have seen a significant drop in domestic violence 
homicides and improved training for police, prosecutors, and advocates. 
Yet we must do more to provide protection and justice for survivors and 
to prevent violence from occurring. During National Domestic Violence 
Awareness Month, we stand with domestic abuse survivors, celebrate our 
Nation's progress in combatting these despicable crimes, and resolve to 
carry on until domestic violence is no more.
Although we have made substantial progress in reducing domestic 
violence, one in four women and one in seven men in the United States 
still suffer serious physical violence at the hands of an intimate 
partner at least once during their lifetimes. Every day, three women 
lose their lives in this

[[Page 140]]

country as a result of domestic violence. Millions of Americans live in 
daily, silent fear within their own homes.
My Administration remains devoted to halting this devastating violence. 
To lead by example, last year I directed Federal agencies to develop 
policies to assist victims of domestic violence in the Federal 
workforce. Earlier this year, Vice President Biden announced new grants 
for initiatives that aim to reduce domestic violence homicides across 
our country.
This past spring, I signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization 
Act. The Act provides law enforcement with better resources to 
investigate cases of rape, gives colleges more tools to educate students 
about dating violence and sexual assault, and empowers tribal courts to 
prosecute those who commit domestic violence on tribal lands, regardless 
of whether the aggressor is a member of the tribe. In addition, VAWA 
will continue to allow relief for immigrant victims of domestic 
violence, and LGBT victims will receive care and assistance.
Thanks to the landmark Affordable Care Act, insurance companies will be 
prohibited from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions, and 
new health plans must cover domestic violence screening and counseling 
with no copayments or cost sharing. Millions will have the chance to 
sign up for affordable care through the new Health Insurance Marketplace 
by visiting www.HealthCare.gov beginning October 1.
Ending violence in the home is a national imperative that requires 
vigilance and dedication from every sector of our society. We must 
continue to stand alongside advocates, victim service providers, law 
enforcement, and our criminal justice system as they hold offenders 
accountable and provide care and support to survivors. But our efforts 
must extend beyond the criminal justice system to include housing and 
economic advocacy for survivors. We must work with young people to stop 
violence before it starts. We must also reach out to friends and loved 
ones who have suffered from domestic violence, and we must tell them 
they are not alone. I encourage victims, their loved ones, and concerned 
citizens to learn more by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline 
at 1-800-799-SAFE, or by visiting www.TheHotline.org.
This October, let us honor National Domestic Violence Awareness Month by 
promoting peace in our own families, homes, and communities. Let us 
renew our commitment to end domestic violence--in every city, every 
town, and every corner of America.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I call on all Americans to 
speak out against domestic violence and support local efforts to assist 
victims of these crimes in finding the help and healing they need.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 141]]

Proclamation 9032 of September 30, 2013

 National Energy Action Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

To meet the challenges of the 21st century, we must work to ensure a 
clean, safe, and sustainable energy future. This National Energy Action 
Month, we can build on the progress we have made by recommitting to 
increasing our energy security, strengthening our economy, combatting 
climate change, and improving the environment.
As a Nation, we are taking control of our energy future, and my 
Administration remains committed to our long-term energy security. 
Today, we produce more oil than we have in 15 years and import less oil 
than we have in 20 years. Since I took office, we have more than doubled 
the amount of renewable electricity we generate from wind and quintupled 
the amount we generate from solar energy. We are building our first new 
nuclear power plants in decades, and we produce more natural gas than 
any other country. And we have done this while creating hundreds of 
thousands of good jobs and sending less carbon pollution into the 
environment than we have in nearly two decades.
While we have made significant progress, more work remains. The 
continuing cycle of spiking gasoline prices hurts American families and 
our businesses' bottom lines, and it reflects our economy's outsized 
demand for oil. To transition to a secure energy future, we must 
increase our production of clean energy, minimize waste and maximize 
efficiency, further reduce our oil imports, eliminate inefficient fossil 
fuel subsidies, and continue to develop more energy sources here at 
home. Because meeting global energy challenges requires international 
action, we must also engage with partners around the world to reduce 
carbon pollution, and we must build global markets for new advanced 
technologies. If we take these actions, we can curb climate change, save 
money for consumers, and use our resources to create good American jobs.
A clean energy economy has the potential to fuel economic growth for 
decades to come. But we must invest in the technologies of the future 
and fund breakthrough research to make these technologies better and 
cheaper. With the American spirit of innovation powering our progress, 
our Nation can lead the world in creating green jobs and technologies 
that are vital to both a clean energy future and the fight against 
climate change.
Years from now, our children may wonder if we did all we could to leave 
a safe, clean, and stable world for them to inherit. If we keep our eyes 
on the long arc of our future and commit to doing what this moment 
demands, the answer will be yes.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Energy Action Month. I call upon the citizens of the United 
States to recognize this month by working together to achieve greater 
energy security, a more robust economy, and a healthier environment for 
our children.

[[Page 142]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9033 of September 30, 2013

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, too many Americans face futures limited by substance use, which 
threatens health, safety, and academic performance. Substance use 
disorders are linked to crime, motor vehicle crashes, and fatalities. 
This month, we recognize substance abuse prevention programs across our 
country, and we do our part to build healthier neighborhoods and 
brighter futures.
This year's theme, ``Learn it! Live it!'' encourages Americans to come 
together, learn how substance use affects our communities, and live to 
set a positive example for our families, friends, and neighbors. My 
Administration's National Drug Control Strategy begins with a commitment 
to stop drug use before it begins. We have expanded evidence-based 
national and community-focused programs that work to prevent substance 
use where young people learn, grow, and play. We support substance-free 
workplaces, and we provide information on effective strategies to 
parents and communities nationwide. Through the Affordable Care Act, we 
expanded substance use disorder and mental health benefits for more than 
60 million Americans. And beginning this month, those who have been 
locked out of health insurance can sign up for affordable coverage by 
visiting www.HealthCare.gov.
Because adult role models play an integral role in preventing youth 
substance abuse, we must lead by example, adopt positive behaviors, and 
talk to our kids about living substance-free. This month, we stand with 
local coalitions and community organizations as they advance their drive 
to keep young people, families, and neighborhoods free from drug and 
alcohol abuse. I encourage parents, schools, health officials, law 
enforcement professionals, faith-based organizations, workplaces, the 
recovery community, and all Americans to join in this effort. If we take 
up the mantle of healthy lifestyles together, we can help our children 
avoid the devastating consequences of substance abuse and give them the 
chance to explore their limitless potential.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2013 as 
National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. I call upon all Americans to 
engage in appropriate programs and activities to promote comprehensive 
substance abuse prevention efforts within their communities.

[[Page 143]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of 
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9034 of October 4, 2013

Fire Prevention Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Fires take more American lives than all other natural disasters 
combined. They inflict devastating tolls on families and communities, 
and they cost our Nation billions of dollars each year. During Fire 
Prevention Week, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who put their 
lives on the line to pull their neighbors out of harm's way, and pledge 
to do our part to prevent fires in our homes, our cities, and the great 
We all have a responsibility to protect our families against fire. We 
should be cautious while cooking, using electrical appliances, and 
heating our homes. Those who live in areas prone to wildfires can help 
safeguard their homes by clearing flammable vegetation, and they should 
plan for emergencies by building a supply kit and talking with their 
families about a communications plan and evacuation routes. Every 
American should install working smoke detectors on each level of their 
home and remember to test them monthly. It is also essential to develop 
and practice evacuation plans twice a year. Because fire spreads rapidly 
and poisonous, disorienting smoke moves even quicker, families should 
design plans that allow for the quickest possible exit. To learn more 
about taking precautions against fires, visit www.Ready.gov.
By preventing fires, we can both protect our loved ones and keep 
America's firefighters out of unnecessary danger. To save people they 
have never met, these skilled professionals battle walls of flame, put 
themselves in the paths of unpredictable wildfires, and rush into houses 
on the verge of collapse. This week, as we renew our commitment to fire 
safety, we thank these courageous first responders for their service and 
honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States do hereby proclaim October 6 through 
October 12, 2013, as Fire Prevention Week. On Sunday, October 6, 2013, 
in accordance with Public Law 107-51, the flag of the United States will 
be flown at half-staff at all Federal office buildings in honor of the 
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. I call on all Americans 
to participate in this observance with appropriate programs and 
activities and by renewing their efforts to prevent fires and their 
tragic consequences.

[[Page 144]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9035 of October 4, 2013

German-American Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Since the first German settlers joined the Jamestown colony in 1608, 
German Americans have helped shape our identity--the small band of 
families who left the banks of the Rhine to found Germantown, 
Pennsylvania; the men, women, and children who fled the tyranny of 
fascism; the multitudes who sailed across the Atlantic to seek liberty 
and opportunity on our shores. On German-American Day, we celebrate the 
vibrant threads of German heritage woven into our national fabric.
Over the centuries, German Americans have participated in every sector 
of our society. They have helped steer our Nation's journey--as artists 
and scientists, as journalists who tested the limits of a free press, as 
titans of industry, and as workers who turned the gears of industrial 
revolution. Today, nearly one in four Americans can trace their ancestry 
to Germany, and all of us are inheritors to the values and traditions 
handed down through generations of German Americans.
As close partners in the global community, the United States and Germany 
work side-by-side to advance our common interests and common ideals: 
freer societies, cleaner skies, peoples empowered to choose their own 
destinies, greater prosperity for our two nations and for the world. 
Today, as we celebrate the contributions of German Americans across a 
wide breadth of history, let us renew the bonds of friendship between 
our two peoples.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 6, 2013, as 
German-American Day. I encourage all Americans to learn more about the 
history of German Americans and reflect on the many contributions they 
have made to our Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 145]]

Proclamation 9036 of October 4, 2013

Child Health Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

All children deserve to grow up healthy and safe. And we all share an 
obligation to ensure our youth have the necessary resources to thrive. 
This Child Health Day, let us recommit to providing our children with 
one of life's most basic building blocks--a healthy start.
My Administration remains committed to seeing our next generation 
achieve their full potential. Partnering with parents and students, 
teachers and community members, we have taken steps to help prevent 
bullying and create a climate in our schools in which all of our 
children feel safe and feel like they belong. Through First Lady 
Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, we are working to end the 
epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation. And thanks to the 
Affordable Care Act, millions of families and children have greater 
access to affordable, quality health care coverage, young Americans can 
stay on their parents' health insurance until age 26, and no child can 
be denied coverage based on a pre-existing condition.
Because clean air and clean water are cornerstones of a healthy 
lifestyle, I am taking action to reduce pollution, safeguard our 
environment, and limit our children's exposure to harmful toxins. My 
Administration established the first-ever national limits for mercury 
and other toxic emissions from power plants that contribute to higher 
rates of asthma attacks. I am also putting in place tough new rules to 
cut carbon pollution, so we can protect our kids' health, begin to slow 
the effects of climate change, and leave a cleaner, more stable 
environment for future generations.
Preparing our youth for happy, productive lives is a responsibility we 
can only achieve together. Whether by providing a balanced meal, 
encouraging physical activity, or empowering our children to make 
healthy decisions, each of us can teach our kids about nutrition, 
exercise, and healthy lifestyles. Leading by example, adults across our 
country can demonstrate the habits and values of mental and physical 
well-being that will nurture our next generation throughout their lives.
On Child Health Day, we are reminded of our first, most urgent task--to 
protect and develop the health of our children. Today, let us reaffirm 
our commitment to our Nation's youth and remember our future depends on 
their success.
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 18, 1928, as amended 
(36 U.S.C. 105), has called for the designation of the first Monday in 
October as Child Health Day and has requested the President to issue a 
proclamation in observance of this day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim Monday, October 7, 2013, as Child Health 
Day. I call upon families, child health professionals, faith-based and 
community organizations, and all levels of government to help ensure 
America's children stay healthy.

[[Page 146]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9037 of October 8, 2013

Leif Erikson Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

More than a millennium ago, Leif Erikson, a son of Iceland and grandson 
of Norway, cast off from Norway's familiar shores and set sail for 
Greenland. Erikson and his crew were not aiming to make history. But 
their ship drifted off course in the North Atlantic, and they landed in 
present-day Canada, making them the first Europeans known to visit North 
America. Their settlement, Vinland, sustained them in the following 
months. And when the seafarers returned to Greenland, they brought 
stories of discovery with them and forged the first link in a chain that 
has connected our continents ever since.
Today, we commemorate Leif Erikson's journey. We also honor a group of 
Norwegian immigrants who summoned that same striving spirit centuries 
later. Together, in 1825, they braved uncertain waters with hope in 
their hearts, confident that greater opportunity and brighter horizons 
awaited them on American shores. The travelers were among the first to 
complete the voyage from Norway to New York City. And just as Leif 
Erikson had, they lit the way for generations to follow.
These stories reaffirm that America has always been a place of unbounded 
promise. We are home to explorers and entrepreneurs, immigrants and 
innovators. We endeavor to be a country where anyone who is willing to 
work hard and take risks can turn even the most improbable idea into 
something great. On Leif Erikson Day, we celebrate that legacy and the 
countless Norwegian Americans who have lived it, and we carry it forward 
in the years ahead.
To honor Leif Erikson and celebrate our Nordic-American heritage, the 
Congress, by joint resolution (Public Law 88-566) approved on September 
2, 1964, has authorized the President of the United States to proclaim 
October 9 of each year as ``Leif Erikson Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim October 9, 2013, as Leif Erikson Day. I call 
upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies, 
activities, and programs to honor our rich Nordic-American heritage.

[[Page 147]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9038 of October 10, 2013

General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, we honor the memory of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, the 
Polish-born hero of the American Revolutionary War. General Pulaski's 
devotion to liberty knew no boundaries, and his bravery on the 
battlefield helped secure our independence. He sacrificed his life in 
defense of our freedom, and each year on October 11--the anniversary of 
his death--we honor his sacrifice and service and reflect on the 
contributions made by so many Polish-Americans throughout our Nation's 
A skilled cavalryman even as a youth, Casimir Pulaski spent years 
defending his native Poland from foreign domination. Unable to win 
Polish sovereignty, Pulaski found a kindred cause in the fledgling 
American Nation. Encouraged by Benjamin Franklin, he set sail across the 
Atlantic in 1777 to join the Revolutionary forces. ``I could not submit 
to stoop before the sovereigns of Europe,'' he later wrote to Congress, 
``So I came to hazard all for the freedom of America.''
Casimir Pulaski quickly distinguished himself at the Battle of 
Brandywine, where his courageous charge covered General George 
Washington's retreat, saving Washington's life. The Continental Congress 
promoted him to Brigadier General, and for his command on horseback, he 
became known as the ``Father of the American Cavalry.'' Pulaski went on 
to form an independent cavalry legion, comprised of men from across 
Europe and America. While leading this unit, General Pulaski was 
mortally wounded. He did not live to see the Revolution's end, but he 
died with hope that our Nation would be free.
On General Pulaski Memorial Day, we celebrate the rights and freedoms 
Pulaski fought for, and we honor the generations of Polish-Americans who 
have contributed to our society and defended our Nation since its 
founding. We also reflect on the steadfast, enduring friendship between 
the United States and Poland, which have long shared the ideals of 
freedom and democracy. Through this alliance, and our proud Polish 
heritage, Casimir Pulaski's legacy lives on.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2013, as 
General Pulaski Memorial Day. I encourage all Americans to commemorate 
this occasion with appropriate programs and activities paying tribute to 
Casimir Pulaski and honoring all those who defend the freedom of our 

[[Page 148]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9039 of October 10, 2013

International Day of the Girl, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

From Asia to Europe, from Africa to the Americas, nations that have 
embraced the ideals of equality and inclusion have emerged more stable, 
peaceful, and prosperous. When countries empower girls to pursue their 
dreams, they not only fulfill a basic moral obligation, they also 
realize more fully their social and economic potential. Over the past 
few decades, the global community has made great progress in increasing 
opportunity and equality for women and girls, but far too many girls 
face futures limited by violence, social norms, educational barriers, 
and even national law. On International Day of the Girl, we stand firm 
in the belief that all men and women are created equal, and we advance 
the vision of a world where girls and boys look to the future with the 
same sense of promise and possibility.
My Administration is committed to expanding opportunity for girls on the 
world stage. We are promoting gender equality in education, cracking 
down on human trafficking, and working to empower women and girls to 
contribute in the workplace and in public life. Building on my challenge 
to the United Nations in September 2011, a broad coalition of countries 
and organizations has joined the United States in forming the Equal 
Futures Partnership, an international effort to break down barriers to 
the economic and political empowerment of women and girls. We are 
working to break the cycle of poverty by educating and empowering girls, 
including through a new global outreach and engagement campaign. We are 
funding programs to encourage girls around the world to pursue careers 
in science and technology. And because child marriage is a threat to 
fundamental human rights, my Administration has strengthened reporting 
and launched several initiatives to prevent child marriage.
At home, we are leading by example. We are encouraging girls to pursue 
degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering, and 
mathematics--fields that will allow them to drive innovation while 
working in the high-paying jobs of the future. We are funding evidence-
based strategies to reduce teen pregnancy in the United States, and we 
are also motivating girls to become leaders--from hosting the first-ever 
White House conference on girls' leadership and civic engagement to 
sponsoring an app challenge to spur new ways to inspire girls to become 
leaders in government.
As we observe this day, there is a girl in an unknown country who will 
grow to spark the next great scientific revolution, but only if she gets 
a shot at a higher education. Across the globe there are girls who will 
one day lead nations, if only we afford them the chance to choose their 
own destinies. And on every continent, there are girls who will go on to 

[[Page 149]]

the world in ways we can only imagine, if only we allow them the freedom 
to dream.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2013, as 
International Day of the Girl. I call upon all Americans to observe this 
day with programs, ceremonies, and activities that advance equality and 
opportunity for girls everywhere.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9040 of October 11, 2013

National School Lunch Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In 1946, when American communities bore the weight of endemic 
malnutrition, and parents struggled to provide their children with 
decent meals for the long school day, President Harry Truman signed the 
National School Lunch Act. The law is based on a simple conviction--that 
in the most powerful Nation on earth, no child should go hungry. And 
today, with more than 32 million children participating in the National 
School Lunch Program, strong nutrition at school remains as important as 
ever. During National School Lunch Week, we recommit to the basic 
promise that every American child should have a chance to succeed, and 
we recognize the role nutrition plays in giving our children the 
opportunity to reach for their dreams.
My Administration is working to fulfill our essential commitment to 
America's sons and daughters. For too many of our children, food served 
at school may be their only regular meals, providing the sustenance they 
need to focus and excel. With the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, we 
expanded access to school meals while taking action to combat childhood 
obesity. Obesity now affects 17 percent of all children and adolescents 
in the United States--triple the rate from just one generation ago--and 
that means more of our children are at risk for preventable health 
problems including diabetes and heart disease. We updated nutritional 
standards for school meals, balancing calories and limiting fat and 
sodium while increasing servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole 
grains. First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative works with 
elected officials, parents, schools, and communities to help young 
people and their parents access healthy foods and make healthy choices, 
empowering students to be engaged in the classroom and active throughout 
their lives.
As he signed the National School Lunch Act into law, President Truman 
reminded us that ``In the long view, no nation is any healthier than its 
children.'' This week, as we look to a healthy future, we give our 
thanks to

[[Page 150]]

the food program administrators, educators, parents, and communities who 
are doing their part to get us there.
The Congress, by joint resolution of October 9, 1962 (Public Law 87-
780), as amended, has designated the week beginning on the second Sunday 
in October each year as ``National School Lunch Week'' and has requested 
the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim the week of October 13 through October 19, 
2013, as National School Lunch Week. I call upon all Americans to join 
the dedicated individuals who administer the National School Lunch 
Program in appropriate activities that support the health and well-being 
of our Nation's children.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9041 of October 11, 2013

Columbus Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Late in the summer of 1492, Christopher Columbus, a renowned navigator 
and fearless adventurer, set out with three ships into uncharted waters. 
He hoped to discover a new route to the east--opening trade routes for 
precious spices and paving the way for his patrons, Ferdinand II and 
Isabella I, to expand their empire. Instead, more than two months later, 
his crew spotted the Bahamas, and our world was changed forever.
A son of Genoa, Italy, Columbus blazed a trail for generations of 
Italians who followed his path across the Atlantic. As we mark the 
anniversary of his voyage, our Nation embraces the many ways Italian 
Americans have enriched our culture and our communities--as soldiers who 
defend our Nation in times of war, as leaders and laborers, as educators 
and entrepreneurs. This deep-rooted heritage has come to define who we 
are as a Nation, and it has helped us forge an extraordinary 
transatlantic partnership with the people of Italy.
As Christopher Columbus and his crew made landfall, they could not have 
foreseen the ways in which their journey would shake contemporary 
understanding of the world, or the lasting mark their arrival would 
leave on the Native American societies they encountered. So as we 
celebrate the bold legacy of Christopher Columbus, we also pay tribute 
to the honorable yet arduous history of Native Americans, with whom the 
United States will always maintain strong nation-to-nation 
As today's dreamers, explorers, scientists, and engineers set their 
sights on the next great discovery, may they be inspired by Christopher 

[[Page 151]]

tale of unbounded courage and unwavering spirit. And as we pursue 
knowledge and progress, may we never lose sight of our shared humanity.
In commemoration of Christopher Columbus's historic voyage 521 years 
ago, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, and modified 
in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107), as amended, has requested the President 
proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as ``Columbus Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim October 14, 2013, as Columbus Day. I call 
upon the people of the United States to observe this day with 
appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of 
the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed 
day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to 
shaping this Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9042 of October 11, 2013

Blind Americans Equality Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Blind and visually impaired persons have always played an important role 
in American life and culture, and today we recommit to our goals of full 
access and opportunity. Whether sprinting across finish lines, leading 
innovation in business and government, or creating powerful music and 
art, blind and visually impaired Americans imagine and pursue ideas and 
goals that move our country forward. As a Nation, it is our task to 
ensure they can always access the tools and support they need to turn 
those ideas and goals into realities.
My Administration is committed to advancing opportunity for people with 
disabilities through the Americans with Disabilities Act and other 
important avenues. In June of this year, the United States joined with 
over 150 countries in approving a landmark treaty that aims to expand 
access for visually impaired persons and other persons with print 
disabilities to information, culture, and education. By facilitating 
access to books and other printed material, the treaty holds the 
potential to open up worlds of knowledge. If the United States becomes a 
party to this treaty, we can reduce the book famine that confronts the 
blind community while maintaining the integrity of the international 
copyright framework.
The United States was also proud to join 141 other countries in signing 
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009, and 
we are working toward its ratification. Americans with Disabilities, 
including those who are blind or visually impaired, should have the same 
opportunities to work, study, and travel in other countries as any other 
American, and the Convention can help us realize that goal.

[[Page 152]]

To create a more level playing field and ensure students with 
disabilities have access to the general education curriculum, the 
Department of Education issued new guidance in June for the use of 
Braille as a literacy tool under the Individuals with Disabilities 
Education Act. This guidance reaffirms my Administration's commitment to 
using Braille to open doors for students who are blind or visually 
impaired, so every student has a chance to succeed in the classroom and 
graduate from high school prepared for college and careers.
We have come a long way in our journey toward a more perfect Union, but 
we still have work ahead. We must fulfill the promise of life, liberty, 
and the pursuit of happiness and expand the freedom to make of our lives 
what we will. On this day, we celebrate the accomplishments of our blind 
and visually impaired citizens, and we recommit to building a Nation 
where all Americans, including those who are blind or visually impaired, 
live with the assurance of equal opportunity and equal respect.
By joint resolution approved on October 6, 1964 (Public Law 88-628, as 
amended), the Congress designated October 15 of each year as ``White 
Cane Safety Day'' to recognize the contributions of Americans who are 
blind or have low vision. Today, let us recommit to ensuring we remain a 
Nation where all our people, including those with disabilities, have 
every opportunity to achieve their dreams.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 15, 2013, as 
Blind Americans Equality Day. I call upon public officials, business and 
community leaders, educators, librarians, and Americans across the 
country to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9043 of October 18, 2013

National Character Counts Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As Americans, we are bound together by a set of ideals put forth by our 
Founders--that we are all created equal, that we possess certain 
unalienable rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and the 
pursuit of happiness, and that, above all, we are one people. During 
National Character Counts Week, we reflect on the ways we support one 
another, the ways we come together and seek common ground, and the 
lessons we teach our children about what citizenship means in the United 
States of America.

[[Page 153]]

Nowhere is our Nation's strength more evident than in the men and women 
in uniform who embody the American spirit of selflessness, courage, and 
sacrifice. Across the globe and here at home, they and their families 
face challenges most of us will never fully understand so all of us can 
live in freedom. Our public servants too, and our teachers, nurses, and 
workers, toil without fanfare so the people of this country can count on 
a secure homeland and a growing economy, a healthy future, and a chance 
at success for their children.
The children we raise today are surrounded by proud examples of 
integrity, and moral courage, but it is our task as parents, community 
members, and leaders to teach them not only the skills they need to 
succeed, but also the values that keep our country strong. This week, we 
reaffirm our commitment to helping our children turn away from bullying, 
harassment, and discrimination, and to giving them the confidence and 
integrity to stand up for each other, imagine a brighter future, and 
realize their dreams.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 20 through 
October 26, 2013, as National Character Counts Week. I call upon public 
officials, educators, parents, students, and all Americans to observe 
this week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9044 of October 18, 2013

National Forest Products Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Our Nation's forests are essential to our lasting prosperity and to who 
we are as a people. These natural wonders provide clean air and water 
for our communities and abundant habitats for wildlife, as well as 
building materials for our homes, and jobs and recreation for workers 
and families across our country. During National Forest Products Week, 
we celebrate the sustainable uses of America's forests and the important 
contributions they make to our economy and our national life.
In addition to providing renewable supplies of wood and energy and 
showing visitors of all ages the value of preserving our natural spaces, 
forests play a critical role in combatting climate change and protecting 
the air we breathe through absorption of carbon dioxide emissions. My 
Administration is committed to cutting carbon pollution in the United 
States, and safeguarding and restoring our forests will help us fulfill 
that mission. We also continue to advance community-driven conservation, 
preservation, and outdoor recreation initiatives that are strengthening 
local economies

[[Page 154]]

and contributing to the well-being of lands, waters, and wildlife. 
Through the America's Great Outdoors Initiative, we have put the 
communities that will thrive when lands are healthy and abundant, and 
when they draw visitors from around the world, at the forefront of 
shaping conservation agendas across our country.
The strength, diversity, and productivity of our Nation's forests will 
be vital to our progress in the years ahead. This week, we recommit to 
collaborating across land ownership and landscapes, and we look to a 
future where America's forests will enrich our country for generations 
to come.
To recognize the importance of products from our forests, the Congress, 
by Public Law 86-753 (36 U.S.C. 123), as amended, has designated the 
week beginning on the third Sunday in October of each year as ``National 
Forest Products Week'' and has authorized and requested the President to 
issue a proclamation in observance of this week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim October 20 through October 26, 2013, as 
National Forest Products Week. I call on the people of the United States 
to join me in recognizing the dedicated individuals who are responsible 
for the stewardship of our forests and for the preservation, management, 
and use of these precious natural resources for the benefit of the 
American people.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9045 of October 23, 2013

United Nations Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In 1945, after two world wars that showed the horrific lethality of 
modern conflict, 51 member states came together to create the United 
Nations, a bold new organization that sought to build a lasting peace 
for the generations to follow. Today, 68 years after the adoption of the 
United Nations Charter, we mark United Nations Day by reaffirming our 
commitment to its purposes and principles. We celebrate the 
organization's challenging and often unheralded work of forging a world 
in which every man, woman, and child can live in freedom, dignity, and 
With the aim of sparing their children and grandchildren from the 
ravages of war, the members of the United Nations committed ``to unite 
our strength to maintain international peace and security.'' In the 
nearly seven decades since they adopted these words in the United 
Nations Charter, the global threats to international peace and security 
have changed, but the need for international cooperation has only 
increased. While the United Nations was founded after a period of 
cataclysmic war among states, today

[[Page 155]]

many of the principal challenges to international peace and security are 
rooted in the need to prevent or address unconscionable slaughter and 
violence within states. As the United States works to address challenges 
old and new, we will continue our close cooperation with partners across 
the globe, including at the United Nations. And recognizing that the 
path to conflict often begins with the denial of basic human dignity, we 
remain committed to realizing another fundamental principle set forth in 
the Charter--that no one should be denied the fundamental freedoms that 
are their birthright.
As we mark the founding of a body built to pursue peace in an imperfect 
world, let us reaffirm that the values set forth in its Charter guide us 
still. They remind us that leaders and citizens alike, in the United 
States and around the world, will be judged by whether we contributed to 
a world that is more peaceful, just, and free. Let us honor the men and 
women of the United Nations itself, who work in countries across the 
globe, often unseen and uncelebrated, to improve the lives of the 
world's most vulnerable people. May we stand firm in our resolve to give 
voice to the voiceless and to turn swords into plowshares. And may we 
never lose sight of the essential truth that we live in a world where 
our fates are bound together as a community of nations, strengthened by 
our differences and united by our shared hopes for the future.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 24, 2013, as 
United Nations Day. I urge the Governors of the 50 States, and the 
officials of all other areas under the flag of the United States, to 
observe United Nations Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9046 of October 28, 2013

Death of Thomas S. Foley Former Speaker of the House of Representatives

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

As a mark of respect for the memory of Thomas S. Foley, former Speaker 
of the House of Representatives, by the authority vested in me as 
President of the United States by the Constitution and laws of the 
United States of America, I hereby order that the flag of the United 
States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all 
public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, 
and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of 
Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and 
possessions on Tuesday, October 29, 2013. I

[[Page 156]]

also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff on that day at 
all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other 
facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels 
and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day 
of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9047 of October 31, 2013

Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Over the last few decades, our Nation has grown increasingly dependent 
on critical infrastructure, the backbone of our national and economic 
security. America's critical infrastructure is complex and diverse, 
combining systems in both cyberspace and the physical world--from power 
plants, bridges, and interstates to Federal buildings and the massive 
electrical grids that power our Nation. During Critical Infrastructure 
Security and Resilience Month, we resolve to remain vigilant against 
foreign and domestic threats, and work together to further secure our 
vital assets, systems, and networks.
As President, I have made protecting critical infrastructure a top 
priority. Earlier this year, I signed a Presidential Policy Directive to 
shore up our defenses against physical and cyber incidents. In tandem 
with my Executive Order on cybersecurity, this directive strengthens 
information sharing within my Administration and between the Federal 
Government and its many critical infrastructure partners, while also 
ensuring strong privacy protections. Because of the interconnected 
nature of our critical infrastructure, my Administration will continue 
to work with businesses and industry leaders and build on all the great 
work done to date. With these partners, and in cooperation with all 
levels of government, we will further enhance the security and 
resilience of our critical infrastructure.
We must continue to strengthen our resilience to threats from all 
hazards including terrorism and natural disasters, as well as cyber 
attacks. We must ensure that the Federal Government works with all 
critical infrastructure partners, including owners and operators, to 
share information effectively while jointly collaborating before, 
during, and after an incident. This includes working with infrastructure 
sectors to harden their assets against extreme weather and other impacts 
of climate change.
Emerging and evolving threats require the engagement of our entire 
Nation--from all levels of government to the private sector and the 
American people. This month, as we recognize that safeguarding our 
critical infrastructure is an economic and security imperative, let each 
of us do our part to build a more resilient Nation.

[[Page 157]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month. I call upon the 
people of the United States to recognize the importance of protecting 
our Nation's resources and to observe this month with appropriate events 
and training to enhance our national security and resilience.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9048 of October 31, 2013

Military Family Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Throughout our Nation's history, an unbroken chain of patriots has 
strengthened us in times of peace and defended us in times of war. Yet 
the courageous men and women of the United States military do not serve 
alone. Standing alongside them are husbands and wives, parents and 
children, sisters and brothers. During Military Family Month, we 
celebrate the families who make daily sacrifices to keep our Nation 
whole, and we remember a most sacred obligation--to serve them as well 
as they serve us.
Military families exemplify the courage and resolve that define our 
national character. For their country and their loved ones, they rise to 
the challenges of multiple deployments and frequent moves--spouses who 
care and provide for children in their partners' absence, kids who make 
new friends and leave known comforts behind. They are the force behind 
the force, patriots who support their family members in uniform while 
enriching the communities they call home.
While our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen are 
defending the country they love, their country must provide for the 
families they love. Through First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill 
Biden's Joining Forces initiative, my Administration has worked 
tirelessly to engage American citizens and businesses in this cause. 
Joining Forces encourages the private sector to hire veterans and 
military spouses, helps schools become more responsive to military 
children's needs, and expands access to wellness and education programs 
for military families. Since the initiative began in 2011, businesses 
have hired and trained more than 290,000 veterans and military spouses. 
My Administration is also taking action to improve mental health care 
and education for veterans, service members, and their families. Last 
year, I signed an Executive Order directing the Federal Government to 
increase access to these vital services. And this year, as a result of 
the Supreme Court decision striking down Section 3 of the Defense of 
Marriage Act, the Department of Defense moved swiftly to extend benefits 
to legally married same-sex couples.

[[Page 158]]

Time and again, our service members and their families have sacrificed 
to protect the promise that defines our Nation--life, liberty, and the 
pursuit of happiness. As we work to repay this enormous debt of 
gratitude, I encourage every American to do their part. Together, let us 
support our military children as they learn, grow, and live their 
dreams. And let us keep our military families strong and secure.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
Military Family Month. I call on all Americans to honor military 
families through private actions and public service for the tremendous 
contributions they make in the support of our service members and our 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9049 of October 31, 2013

National Adoption Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Every young person deserves the chance to learn and grow under the care 
of a loving family. Across our Nation, adoptive families give that 
chance to over a million children and teenagers. During National 
Adoption Month, we celebrate these families and stand alongside every 
child still looking for the warmth and stability of a permanent home.
Today, nearly 400,000 American children are in foster care, and each 
year, thousands age out of care without the security that comes from a 
permanent family or a place to call home. On November 23, National 
Adoption Day will offer a sense of hope to children waiting for adoptive 
parents. As we observe this day, courts across our country will open 
their doors to finalize adoptions that move young people out of foster 
My Administration has worked to simplify adoption laws; reduce the 
amount of time young children go without parents; and ensure adoption 
rights for all qualified couples and individuals. We are calling for an 
end to discriminatory barriers that keep children from loving and stable 
homes. And we are working across all levels of government to eliminate 
roadblocks to adoption and encourage cooperation between adoption 
advocates, private organizations, and community and faith-based groups. 
This January, I was proud to sign legislation to permanently extend the 
Adoption Tax Credit. And to protect the young people of every nation, I 
signed the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act. This law 
will promote safe and lawful adoptions by setting Federal standards for 
all adoption service providers, and it will provide greater safeguards 
to both parents and children.

[[Page 159]]

This month, we celebrate adopted children, teenagers, and their diverse 
families. We work to give more young people permanent families and 
promising futures. And we encourage our friends and neighbors to open 
their hearts and their homes to children in need.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
National Adoption Month. I encourage all Americans to observe this month 
by answering the call to find a permanent and caring family for every 
child in need, and by supporting the families who care for them.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9050 of October 31, 2013

National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible and progressive brain disease 
that slowly erodes precious memories, thinking skills, and the ability 
to perform simple tasks. It affects millions of Americans, including 
senior citizens as well as younger Americans with early-onset 
Alzheimer's disease. This month, we stand with everyone confronting the 
painful reality of an Alzheimer's diagnosis; lend our support to the 
families who care for them; and renew our commitment to delaying, 
preventing, and ultimately curing this disease.
In research labs across our country and around the world, scientists are 
working to unlock the answers to Alzheimer's disease. My Administration 
proudly supports this promising research. Earlier this year, I proposed 
the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies 
(BRAIN) Initiative, which aims to revolutionize our understanding of the 
human brain. By mapping the brain, we hope to better comprehend the 
causes of disorders like Alzheimer's disease and enhance our work on 
improving treatment. In September, the National Institutes of Health 
announced support for innovative new studies to help find effective 
interventions for this devastating degenerative brain disease. And my 
Administration also remains committed to implementing the first-ever 
National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease, which lays out a roadmap 
to preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer's disease by 2025.
Working together with scientists, patient advocates, and those living 
with this disease, we can give a sense of hope to millions of families, 
patients, and caregivers. For resources and information on living with 
or caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease, please visit 

[[Page 160]]

As we offer our support to Americans with Alzheimer's disease, we also 
recognize those who care and provide for them, sharing their loved ones' 
emotional, physical, and financial strains. This month, we honor their 
compassion, remember those we have lost, and press toward the next great 
scientific breakthrough.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month. I call upon the people of 
the United States to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and support 
the individuals living with this disease and their caregivers.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9051 of October 31, 2013

National Diabetes Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

With more than 25 million Americans living with a diabetes diagnosis, 
and many more going undiagnosed, diabetes affects people across our 
country and remains a pressing national health concern. During National 
Diabetes Month, we renew our dedication to combating this chronic, life-
threatening illness by standing with those living with diabetes, 
honoring the professionals and advocates engaged in fighting diabetes, 
and working to raise awareness about prevention and treatment.
Diabetes can lead to serious complications, including heart disease, 
stroke, kidney failure, and blindness. Type 1 diabetes, often diagnosed 
in children, limits insulin production and its causes are not well 
defined. Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for more than 90 percent of 
diabetes cases, has been linked to older age and family history, 
although it is increasingly being diagnosed in younger Americans and is 
associated with obesity and inactivity. The risk is particularly high 
among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, and some 
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. I encourage all Americans to talk 
to their health care provider about steps they can take to prevent or 
manage this disease.
With diabetes ranking among the leading causes of death in the United 
States, my Administration is committed to supporting Americans living 
with diabetes, investing in promising scientific research, advancing 
work toward improved treatment and care, and bolstering prevention 
efforts. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, beginning in 2014, no 
American with diabetes can be denied health insurance based on their 
diagnosis, and in most plans, Americans at increased risk can access 
diabetes screenings at no cost to them. The National Diabetes Prevention 
Program engages private

[[Page 161]]

and public partners to help people with prediabetes adopt lifestyles 
that can prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes, and the National Diabetes 
Education Program focuses on delaying and preventing disease onset while 
also working to improve outcomes for those living with the disease.
With our next generation in mind, First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's 
Move! initiative has taken on the staggering rise in childhood obesity 
our Nation has seen over the past three decades, and Let's Move! is 
empowering families and communities to put children on a path to 
healthier futures. Obese children face an increased risk of adult 
obesity and all the health risks that come with it, including Type 2 
diabetes. By connecting children with healthy, affordable food options 
and the opportunity to be active in their communities, Let's Move! is 
helping our sons and daughters reach a healthier, more promising 
This month, as we remember those we have lost to diabetes and support 
those living with the illness, let us look to a day with fewer cases of 
diabetes, a firmer understanding of the disease, and better outcomes for 
all those affected. By continuing the important research, outreach, and 
care delivery we have already begun, we know we can get there.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
National Diabetes Month. I call upon all Americans, school systems, 
government agencies, nonprofit organizations, health care providers, 
research institutions, and other interested groups to join in activities 
that raise diabetes awareness and help prevent, treat, and manage the 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9052 of October 31, 2013

National Entrepreneurship Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

The entrepreneurial spirit has always been at the heart of our Nation's 
story. With inventions that changed American life and startups that 
lifted our economy as they grew, entrepreneurs helped make our country 
what it is today. During National Entrepreneurship Month, we celebrate 
America's innovators, support small businesses, and empower 
entrepreneurs to turn their visions into reality.
America is home to a long and storied line of immigrants who sought 
opportunity on our shores--from entrepreneurs of the industrial 
revolution to startup founders of the digital age. This June, the Senate 
passed a commonsense immigration reform bill that would provide startup 
visas for immigrant entrepreneurs; eliminate backlogs for employment-
based visas; and

[[Page 162]]

remove visa caps for those with advanced degrees in science, technology, 
engineering, and mathematics. These principles are consistent with 
ensuring our country remains a land of opportunity while fostering 
economic growth and innovation.
For the benefit of our Nation, we must remove undue barriers that would 
prevent entrepreneurs from venturing out on their own. The Affordable 
Care Act provides opportunities for those who lack employer-based 
insurance to obtain quality affordable care. This gives aspiring small 
business owners and self-employed entrepreneurs the freedom to pursue 
their ideas and keep their families covered. This year, I signed an 
Executive Order making Government-held data more accessible to the 
public and to entrepreneurs as fuel for innovation and economic growth. 
Hundreds of companies and nonprofits are using this data to develop new 
products and services. They are creating jobs of the future in national 
priority industries such as health, energy, and education. We have also 
worked to support social entrepreneurship at home and around the world, 
and in January, my Administration organized the first-ever White House 
Tech Inclusion Summit--where experts launched initiatives to give more 
Americans the opportunity to learn vital technology skills.
We continue to build on programs that help entrepreneurs get ahead. 
Since taking office, I have signed 18 small business tax cuts into law, 
and, as part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act, I extended several tax 
incentives to help small businesses prosper. Under last year's Jumpstart 
Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, the American people will soon be able 
to use regulated crowdfunding Web sites to invest in promising startups, 
social enterprises, and small businesses. The White House Startup 
America initiative remains dedicated to cutting red tape and 
accelerating innovation from the lab to the marketplace. Entrepreneurs 
across the country are receiving vital information about Federal 
Government services at www.Business.USA.gov and are competing to solve 
important national problems at www.Challenge.gov.
To promote entrepreneurship throughout the world, I have called on the 
international community to increase transparency and accountability 
while rooting out corruption, and in 2010, my Administration organized 
the first annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit. During this year's 
summit, the State Department announced its partnership to help double 
the impact of UP Global--an organization dedicated to providing 
entrepreneurs at home and abroad with the resources, skills, and 
connections to thrive. Finally, we will soon announce the inaugural 
members of the President's Committee on Global Entrepreneurship, a group 
of some of America's most successful entrepreneurs who will commit to 
mentoring the next generation.
Our Nation is strongest when we broaden entrepreneurial opportunity, 
when more of us can test our ideas in the global marketplace, and when 
the best innovations can rise to the top. We all have a role to play--
from colleges and universities that cultivate hubs of innovation, to 
large companies that collaborate with small businesses, to foundations 
that support both social enterprises and high-impact startups seeking to 
solve the grand challenges of our time. As we observe this month and 
celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, let us come together and help 
aspiring entrepreneurs take a chance on themselves and their visions for 
a brighter future.

[[Page 163]]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
National Entrepreneurship Month. I call upon all Americans to 
commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to 
celebrate November 22, 2013, as National Entrepreneurs' Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9053 of October 31, 2013

National Family Caregivers Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Across our country, more than 60 million Americans take up the selfless 
and unheralded work of delivering care to seniors or people with 
disabilities or illnesses. The role they play in our healthcare system 
is one we must recognize and support. During National Family Caregivers 
Month, we thank these tireless heroes for the long, challenging work 
they perform behind closed doors and without fanfare every day, and we 
recommit to ensuring the well-being of their loved ones and of the 
caregivers themselves.
Under the Affordable Care Act, patients and caregivers can benefit from 
a new Medicare pilot program that helps beneficiaries negotiate the 
transition from hospital to home. And through new Medicaid options, 
States can expand access to home and community-based services. With 
caregivers already balancing their own needs with those of their loved 
ones, and in many cases caring for both young children and aging 
parents, our Nation's caregivers need and deserve our support. With this 
in mind, local agencies work to connect individuals with options 
including adult day care, respite care, training programs, and caregiver 
support groups--all shaped with the understanding that the generous 
women and men who take the health of their loved ones into their hands 
should not suffer from the toll caregiving can take.
There is no one to whom America owes more than our ill and injured 
service members and veterans, and while many offer kindness and 
assistance, it is the caregivers who truly sustain our wounded warriors 
as they work toward rehabilitation or recovery. In 2010, I was proud to 
sign the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act, which 
provides the caregivers of our seriously injured post-9/11 veterans with 
training, counseling, supportive services, and living stipends. Under 
this law, injured veterans' family caregivers also receive access to 
health care.
Just as our loved ones celebrate with us in our moments of triumph, 
American families strengthen the fabric of our Nation by lifting each 
other up in the face of life's greatest challenges. And as Americans put 
their loved

[[Page 164]]

ones before themselves, we must offer our appreciation and flexibility, 
in our healthcare system, our workplaces, and our communities. This 
month, as we reflect on the generosity, grace, and strength of family 
caregivers, we renew our commitment to matching their dedication to the 
health and wellness of families across our country.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
National Family Caregivers Month. I encourage all Americans to pay 
tribute to those who provide for the health and well-being of their 
family members, friends, and neighbors.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9054 of October 31, 2013

National Native American Heritage Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

From Alaskan mountain peaks to the Argentinian pampas to the rocky 
shores of Newfoundland, Native Americans were the first to carve out 
cities, domesticate crops, and establish great civilizations. When the 
Framers gathered to write the United States Constitution, they drew 
inspiration from the Iroquois Confederacy, and in the centuries since, 
American Indians and Alaska Natives from hundreds of tribes have shaped 
our national life. During Native American Heritage Month, we honor their 
vibrant cultures and strengthen the government-to-government 
relationship between the United States and each tribal nation.
As we observe this month, we must not ignore the painful history Native 
Americans have endured--a history of violence, marginalization, broken 
promises, and upended justice. There was a time when native languages 
and religions were banned as part of a forced assimilation policy that 
attacked the political, social, and cultural identities of Native 
Americans in the United States. Through generations of struggle, 
American Indians and Alaska Natives held fast to their traditions, and 
eventually the United States Government repudiated its destructive 
policies and began to turn the page on a troubled past.
My Administration remains committed to self-determination, the right of 
tribal governments to build and strengthen their own communities. Each 
year I host the White House Tribal Nations Conference, and our work 
together has translated into action. We have resolved longstanding legal 
disputes, prioritized placing land into trust on behalf of tribes, 
stepped up support for Tribal Colleges and Universities, made tribal 
health care more accessible, and streamlined leasing regulations to put 
more power in tribal

[[Page 165]]

hands. Earlier this year, an amendment to the Stafford Act gave tribes 
the option to directly request Federal emergency assistance when natural 
disasters strike their homelands. In March, I signed the Violence 
Against Women Reauthorization Act, which recognizes tribal courts' power 
to convict and sentence certain perpetrators of domestic violence, 
regardless of whether they are Indian or non-Indian. And this June, I 
moved to strengthen our nation-to-nation relationships by establishing 
the White House Tribal Council on Native American Affairs. The Council 
is responsible for promoting and sustaining prosperous and resilient 
Native American communities.
As we observe Native American Heritage Month, we must build on this 
work. Let us shape a future worthy of a bright new generation, and 
together, let us ensure this country's promise is fully realized for 
every Native American.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2013 as 
National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to 
commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to 
celebrate November 29, 2013, as Native American Heritage Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9055 of November 5, 2013

Veterans Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On Veterans Day, America pauses to honor every service member who has 
ever worn one of our Nation's uniforms. Each time our country has come 
under attack, they have risen in her defense. Each time our freedoms 
have come under assault, they have responded with resolve. Through the 
generations, their courage and sacrifice have allowed our Republic to 
flourish. And today, a Nation acknowledges its profound debt of 
gratitude to the patriots who have kept it whole.
As we pay tribute to our veterans, we are mindful that no ceremony or 
parade can fully repay that debt. We remember that our obligations 
endure long after the battle ends, and we make it our mission to give 
them the respect and care they have earned. When America's veterans 
return home, they continue to serve our country in new ways, bringing 
tremendous skills to their communities and to the workforce--leadership 
honed while guiding platoons through unbelievable danger, the talent to 
master cutting-edge technologies, the ability to adapt to unpredictable 
situations. These men and women should have the chance to power our 
economic engine, both

[[Page 166]]

because their talents demand it and because no one who fights for our 
country should ever have to fight for a job.
This year, in marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, 
we resolved that in the United States of America, no war should be 
forgotten, and no veteran should be overlooked. Let us always remember 
our wounded, our missing, our fallen, and their families. And as we 
continue our responsible drawdown from the war in Afghanistan, let us 
welcome our returning heroes with the support and opportunities they 
Under the most demanding of circumstances and in the most dangerous 
corners of the earth, America's veterans have served with distinction. 
With courage, self-sacrifice, and devotion to our Nation and to one 
another, they represent the American character at its best. On Veterans 
Day and every day, we celebrate their immeasurable contributions, draw 
inspiration from their example, and renew our commitment to showing them 
the fullest support of a grateful Nation.
With respect for and in recognition of the contributions our service 
members have made to the cause of peace and freedom around the world, 
the Congress has provided (5 U.S.C. 6103(a)) that November 11 of each 
year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday to honor our Nation's 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim November 11, 2013, as Veterans Day. I 
encourage all Americans to recognize the valor and sacrifice of our 
veterans through appropriate public ceremonies and private prayers. I 
call upon Federal, State, and local officials to display the flag of the 
United States and to participate in patriotic activities in their 
communities. I call on all Americans, including civic and fraternal 
organizations, places of worship, schools, and communities to support 
this day with commemorative expressions and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9056 of November 8, 2013

World Freedom Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On November 9, 1989, Germans from East and West united to bring down the 
Berlin Wall, marking the arrival of a new age. A symbol of oppression 
crumbled under the force of popular will. A people transitioned from the 
pain of division to the joy of reunification. And all over Europe, 
corrupt dictatorships gave way to new democracies. On World Freedom Day, 
we remember that for all the raw power of authoritarian regimes, it is 
ultimately citizens who decide whether to be defined by a wall or 
whether to tear it down.

[[Page 167]]

Twenty-four years ago, the United States stood alongside people who 
demanded their basic liberties and nations that reclaimed the right to 
set their own course. The democracies that emerged are now some of 
America's strongest allies, united around the ideals of freedom and 
equality. These alliances are the foundation of our global security and 
the engine of our global economy.
As we commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall, we recognize that the 
fight for human dignity goes on. Decades after the fall of the Iron 
Curtain, the United States continues to march with those who are 
reaching for freedom around the world. Today, let us remember that our 
fates and fortunes are linked as never before; when one nation takes a 
step toward liberty, all of us are a little more free. Let us offer our 
support to all those still struggling to throw off the weight of 
oppression and embrace a brighter day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 9, 2013, as 
World Freedom Day. I call upon the people of the United States to 
observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities, reaffirming 
our dedication to freedom and democracy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9057 of November 14, 2013

America Recycles Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

During the First and Second World Wars, Americans showed their 
patriotism by participating in scrap drives and salvage collections. A 
committed citizenry gave up their personal typewriters, joined in 
volunteer efforts to harvest oil-producing peanuts, and donated old 
tires in a nationwide push to conserve and repurpose resources vital to 
our common welfare. Today, we face new threats--to our environment, our 
health, and our climate--that require all of us to do our part. On 
America Recycles Day, we carry forward a great national tradition and 
enlist a new generation of environmental stewards.
A typical American produces more than four pounds of waste each day, and 
some of this waste, including old computers and cell phones, could 
damage our health and harm our environment if not recycled properly. 
Recycling not only reduces pollution, but also saves energy, preserves 
valuable raw materials, and reduces emissions of greenhouse gases that 
contribute to climate change. In addition, it spurs economic growth, 
generating billions of dollars each year and supporting local 
manufacturers who depend on recycled materials to make their products.

[[Page 168]]

America Recycles Day offers an opportunity for each of us to reflect on 
the ways our habits shape the world around us. In our homes, offices, 
and schools, let us strive to make recycling a part of our daily lives. 
We should reuse or donate when possible, and recycle or compost as much 
as we are able. Students can get involved by championing waste-free 
lunches, recycling programs, and collection drives to repurpose 
resources like used shoes, water bottles, and digital cameras.
Our environmental legacy will not reflect any single policy or 
initiative; it will be the sum of millions of small actions, the 
decisions we make each day. Today, let us join with family, friends, and 
neighbors to make that legacy a strong one.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 15, 2013, as 
America Recycles Day. I call upon the people of the United States to 
observe this day with appropriate programs and activities, and I 
encourage all Americans to continue their reducing, reusing, and 
recycling efforts throughout the year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9058 of November 15, 2013

American Education Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Education is both a pillar of democracy and a cornerstone of American 
opportunity. In an increasingly competitive world, it gives our children 
the tools to thrive and our Nation the talent to lead. During American 
Education Week, we reaffirm our commitment to the next generation, and 
we celebrate everyone who is striving to help America's young people 
realize their full potential.
Every day throughout America, our children mark the many milestones of 
learning--from scribbling their first attempts at the alphabet to 
conducting their first science experiment to crossing the stage at 
commencement. The educators who guide them deserve our highest 
admiration, respect, and support for investing in young people's 
futures. We all have a stake in public education, and we all have a role 
to play--from parents and mentors to community leaders and business 
owners. Through programs focused on tutoring, sports, the arts, and 
vocational training, we can inspire children to learn both inside and 
outside the classroom.
A great education is a ticket into the middle class, and it should be 
available to everyone willing to work for it. My Administration is 
committed to reining in college costs and reducing the burden student 
loans place on

[[Page 169]]

young people. We are also moving forward on a plan to connect 99 percent 
of America's students to high-speed internet within 5 years; pushing to 
make high-quality early education accessible to every child in America; 
and working to strengthen programs in science, technology, engineering, 
and mathematics. Because none of these plans will succeed without 
outstanding teachers, we must support these professionals as they 
perform their vital work.
As we move toward Thanksgiving, American Education Week offers a chance 
to express our gratitude to educators across our Nation. Let us do so 
with a renewed commitment to giving every young American the 
opportunities a world-class education affords.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 17 to 
November 23, 2013, as American Education Week. I call upon all Americans 
to observe this week by supporting their local schools through 
appropriate activities, events, and programs designed to help create 
opportunities for every school and student in America.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9059 of November 19, 2013

National Child's Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each year on National Child's Day, America takes time to celebrate our 
most precious resource. We reaffirm our commitment to giving our next 
generation the tools to lead, innovate, and pursue their own measure of 
In the United States of America, no matter where you come from, who you 
are, or how you look, you should have a chance to succeed. That is why 
we must build ladders of opportunity for all children--including high-
quality preschool, strong education in key fields like math and science, 
and nutritious meals that give young people the energy to focus. Through 
First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, my Administration is 
helping children develop habits that will let them lead healthier lives, 
and we are partnering with businesses, local governments, and non-profit 
organizations to ensure families have the information they need to give 
our children the happy, healthy futures they deserve.
Yet equal opportunity cannot exist while some parents are forced to 
choose between buying groceries, paying the rent, or taking their 
children to the doctor. Under the Affordable Care Act, new health 
insurance options are

[[Page 170]]

now available to millions of Americans. Millions of families will gain 
access to affordable coverage options through the new Health Insurance 
Marketplace, including through Medicaid in those States that have chosen 
to expand coverage. Thanks to this law, children can no longer be denied 
coverage because they have a pre-existing condition. And most health 
plans are covering recommended preventive services for children, 
including developmental screenings and immunizations, without cost-
With the support of a Nation and the guidance of parents and mentors, 
our children can lead America into a bright new age. Today, let us 
strengthen our resolve to provide the opportunities their energy and 
creativity demand.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 20, 2013, as 
National Child's Day. I call upon all citizens to observe this day with 
appropriate activities, programs, and ceremonies, and to rededicate 
ourselves to creating the bright future we want for our Nation's 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9060 of November 21, 2013

Day of Remembrance for President John F. Kennedy

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

A half century ago, America mourned the loss of an extraordinary public 
servant. With broad vision and soaring but sober idealism, President 
John F. Kennedy had called a generation to service and summoned a Nation 
to greatness. Today, we honor his memory and celebrate his enduring 
imprint on American history.
In his 3 years as President of the United States, John F. Kennedy 
weathered some of the most perilous tests of the Cold War and led 
America to the cusp of a bright new age. His leadership through the 
Cuban Missile Crisis remains the standard for American diplomacy at its 
finest. In a divided Berlin, he delivered a stirring defense of freedom 
that would echo through the ages, yet he also knew that we must advance 
human rights here at home. During his final year in office, he proposed 
a civil rights bill that called for an end to segregation in America. 
And recognizing women's basic right to earn a living equal to their 
efforts, he signed the Equal Pay Act into law.
While President Kennedy's life was tragically cut short, his vision 
lives on in the generations he inspired--volunteers who serve as 
ambassadors for peace in distant corners of the globe, scientists and 
engineers who reach for new heights in the face of impossible odds, 
innovators who set their

[[Page 171]]

sights on the new frontiers of our time. Today and in the decades to 
come, let us carry his legacy forward. Let us face today's tests by 
beckoning the spirit he embodied--that fearless, resilient, uniquely 
American character that has always driven our Nation to defy the odds, 
write our own destiny, and make the world anew.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 22, 2013, as 
a Day of Remembrance for President John F. Kennedy. I call upon all 
Americans to honor his life and legacy with appropriate programs, 
ceremonies, and activities. I also call upon Governors of the United 
States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of the other 
territories subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and 
appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the 
flag be flown at half-staff on the Day of Remembrance for President John 
F. Kennedy. I further encourage all Americans to display the flag at 
half-staff from their homes and businesses on that day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9061 of November 22, 2013

National Family Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Whether united by blood or bonds of kinship--whether led by a mother and 
father, same-sex couple, single parent, or guardian--families are the 
building blocks of American society. During National Family Week, we 
celebrate the spirit that moves family members to care for one another, 
to grow and dream together, and to instill in their children the 
character that keeps our Nation strong.
As we honor America's families, we must also lift them up. We must 
restore the basic bargain that built our country--the idea that if you 
work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead. That is why 
my Administration has prioritized high-quality job creation, affordable 
health insurance for America's families, and a world-class education for 
every child. Earlier this year, I signed the American Taxpayer Relief 
Act, which permanently extended middle class tax cuts while expanding 
the Child Tax Credit and marriage penalty relief. I am calling on the 
Congress to increase the minimum wage, a step that would raise incomes 
for millions of working families. And because we must serve our military 
families as well as they serve us, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. 
Jill Biden's Joining Forces initiative is connecting service members, 
veterans, and military spouses with companies looking to hire.

[[Page 172]]

This week, let us renew our family bonds. Whether by sharing a family 
meal, reading a bedtime story, or creating a holiday tradition, let us 
carve out a place in the lives of our loved ones. And as we do so, let 
us resolve that every family should have the opportunity to raise 
America's next generation of innovators, scholars, and leaders.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 24 through 
November 30, 2013, as National Family Week. I invite all States, 
communities, and individuals to join in observing this week with 
appropriate ceremonies and activities to honor our Nation's families.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day 
of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9062 of November 26, 2013

Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

This August, as we marked the 50th anniversary of the March on 
Washington, we were reminded that the measure of America's progress is 
not whether the doors of opportunity are cracked a little wider for a 
few, but whether our economic system provides a fair shot for the many. 
Minority-owned businesses play a crucial part in driving this progress--
not only when their founders pursue their fullest measure of success, 
but also when they offer employees of all backgrounds a chance to enter 
the ranks of the American middle class. During Minority Enterprise 
Development Week, we recognize the strength of our diverse workforce and 
the many ways minority entrepreneurs contribute to our economy, our 
society, and our Nation's fundamental promise.
America's minority enterprises include everything from Main Street 
cornerstones that sustain communities to global firms that drive 
innovation in the industries of tomorrow. Together, these businesses 
employ almost 6 million Americans and contribute 1 trillion dollars to 
our economy every year. Minority entrepreneurs bring unique perspectives 
to every corner of our country, and their understanding of diverse 
cultures often gives them an advantage in the international marketplace.
As our economy continues to recover, our investments in minority owned 
and operated firms will help create jobs, strengthen families, and build 
ladders of opportunity in underserved communities. Over the past 5 
years, my Administration has worked to empower minority entrepreneurs by 
connecting them with billions of dollars in contracts and access to 
capital. And to better serve America's business community, we launched

[[Page 173]]

www.Business.USA.gov, where any firm can seek out financing 
opportunities, navigate Federal bureaucracy, and cut through red tape.
This week, we celebrate America's minority enterprises, renew our 
commitment to helping them grow, and look with pride toward the promise 
of the future.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 1 through 
December 7, 2013, as Minority Enterprise Development Week. I call upon 
all Americans to celebrate this week with appropriate programs, 
ceremonies, and activities to recognize the many contributions of our 
Nation's minority enterprises.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9063 of November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Thanksgiving offers each of us the chance to count our many blessings--
the freedoms we enjoy, the time we spend with loved ones, the brave men 
and women who defend our Nation at home and abroad. This tradition 
reminds us that no matter what our background or beliefs, no matter who 
we are or who we love, at our core we are first and foremost Americans.
Our annual celebration has roots in centuries-old colonial customs. When 
we gather around the table, we follow the example of the Pilgrims and 
Wampanoags, who shared the fruits of a successful harvest nearly 400 
years ago. When we offer our thanks, we mirror those who set aside a day 
of prayer. And when we join with friends and neighbors to alleviate 
suffering and make our communities whole, we honor the spirit of 
President Abraham Lincoln, who called on his fellow citizens to 
``fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the 
wounds of the nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent 
with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, 
tranquility, and union.''
Our country has always been home to Americans who recognize the 
importance of giving back. Today, we honor all those serving our Nation 
far from home. We also thank the first responders and medical 
professionals who work through the holiday to keep us safe, and we 
acknowledge the volunteers who dedicate this day to those less 
This Thanksgiving Day, let us forge deeper connections with our loved 
ones. Let us extend our gratitude and our compassion. And let us lift 

[[Page 174]]

other up and recognize, in the oldest spirit of this tradition, that we 
rise or fall as one Nation, under God.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 28, 
2013, as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I encourage the people of the 
United States to join together--whether in our homes, places of worship, 
community centers, or any place of fellowship for friends and 
neighbors--and give thanks for all we have received in the past year, 
express appreciation to those whose lives enrich our own, and share our 
bounty with others.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9064 of November 27, 2013

World AIDS Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each year on World AIDS Day, we come together as a global community to 
fight a devastating pandemic. We remember the friends and loved ones we 
have lost, stand with the estimated 35 million people living with HIV/
AIDS, and renew our commitment to preventing the spread of this virus at 
home and abroad. If we channel our energy and compassion into science-
based results, an AIDS-free generation is within our reach.
My Administration released the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS 
Strategy in 2010. Since then, we have made significant progress in 
strengthening scientific investments, expanding effective HIV/AIDS 
education and prevention, and connecting stakeholders in both the public 
and private sectors. At the same time, advances in our scientific 
understanding have allowed us to better fight this disease. We know now 
that by focusing on early detection and treatment, we can both prevent 
long-term complications and reduce transmission rates. To build on this 
progress, I issued an Executive Order in July establishing the HIV Care 
Continuum Initiative, which addresses the gaps in care and prevention, 
especially among communities with the greatest HIV burden. And this 
November, I signed the HIV Organ Policy Equity Act, lifting the ban on 
research into the possibility of organ transplants between people with 
My Administration remains committed to reducing the stigma and 
disparities that fuel this epidemic. Beginning in 2014, the Affordable 
Care Act will require health insurance plans to cover HIV testing 
without any additional out-of-pocket costs. It will also prohibit 
discrimination based on HIV status

[[Page 175]]

and eliminate annual benefit caps. Under this law, we have already 
expanded Medicaid for working class Americans and banned lifetime limits 
on insurance coverage.
Our work to end HIV extends far beyond our borders. This is a global 
fight, and America continues to lead. The United States has provided HIV 
prevention, treatment, and care to millions around the world, helping to 
dramatically reduce new infections and AIDS-related deaths. This year we 
celebrate the 10th anniversary of the President's Emergency Plan for 
AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a powerful bipartisan effort to turn the tide on 
this epidemic. Through PEPFAR, we are making strong global progress and 
are on track to achieve the ambitious HIV treatment and prevention 
targets I set on World AIDS Day in 2011. Because country ownership and 
shared responsibility are vital to a strong and sustained global 
response, we launched PEPFAR Country Health Partnerships, an initiative 
that will empower our partner countries as they progress toward an AIDS-
free generation. In the next few days, my Administration will host the 
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria's Replenishment 
Conference to enlist new partners, leverage American funding, and 
increase our collective impact against these diseases. With continued 
United States leadership, strong partners, and shared responsibility, we 
can realize this historic opportunity.
We will win this battle, but it is not over yet. In memory of the loved 
ones we have lost and on behalf of our family members, friends, and 
fellow citizens of the world battling HIV/AIDS, we resolve to carry on 
the fight and end stigma and discrimination toward people living with 
this disease. At this pivotal moment, let us work together to bring this 
pandemic to an end.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States do hereby proclaim December 1, 2013, as 
World AIDS Day. I urge the Governors of the States and the Commonwealth 
of Puerto Rico, officials of the other territories subject to the 
jurisdiction of the United States, and the American people to join me in 
appropriate activities to remember those who have lost their lives to 
AIDS and to provide support and comfort to those living with this 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day 
of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9065 of November 29, 2013

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

During the holiday season, Americans join with family, friends, and 
neighbors to take part in longstanding traditions. For some, those 

[[Page 176]]

are tempered by the absence of loved ones taken too soon in traffic 
crashes involving drugs or alcohol, or caused by distracted driving. 
During National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, we dedicate ourselves 
to saving lives and eliminating drunk, drugged, and distracted driving.
Impaired drivers are involved in nearly one-third of all deaths from 
motor vehicle crashes in the United States, taking almost 30 lives each 
day. This is unacceptable. My Administration is committed to raising 
awareness about the dangers of impaired driving, improving screening 
methods, and ensuring law enforcement has the tools and training to 
decrease drunk and drugged driving. We are designing effective, targeted 
prevention programs, and are working to curtail all forms of distracted 
driving, including texting and cell phone use. To keep the American 
people safe this holiday season, law enforcement across our Nation will 
participate in the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign from 
December 13 to January 1. This initiative increases enforcement and 
reminds us all to consider the consequences of impaired driving.
Everyone has a role to play in keeping our roads safe--from parents, 
schools, and businesses to faith-based and community organizations. 
Together, we can teach young people, friends, and fellow citizens how to 
avoid a crash brought on by impaired driving. I encourage all Americans 
to designate a non-drinking driver, plan ahead for alternative 
transportation, or make arrangements to stay with family and friends 
before consuming alcohol. Americans should also know what precautions to 
take if using over-the-counter or prescription medication. For more 
information, please visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/ONDCP and www.NHTSA.gov/
This month and always, let every American drive sober, buckle-up, and 
avoid distractions while driving. If we take these actions and encourage 
those around us to do the same, we will save thousands of lives and keep 
thousands of families whole.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 2013 as 
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. I urge all Americans to make 
responsible decisions and take appropriate measures to prevent impaired 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of 
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 177]]

Proclamation 9066 of December 2, 2013

International Day of Persons With Disabilities, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Nearly a quarter century has gone by since our Nation passed the 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a landmark civil rights bill that 
enshrined the principles of inclusion, access, and equal opportunity 
into law. The ADA was born out of a movement sparked by those who 
understood their disabilities should not be an obstacle to success and 
took up the mission of tearing down physical and social barriers that 
stood in their way. On this International Day of Persons with 
Disabilities, we celebrate the enormous progress made at home and abroad 
and we strengthen our resolve to realize a world free of prejudice.
Every child deserves a decent education, every adult deserves equal 
access to the workplace, and every nation that allows injustice to stand 
denies itself the full talents and contributions of individuals with 
disabilities. I was proud that under my Administration the United States 
signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, an 
international convention based on the principles of the ADA, and I urge 
the Senate to provide its advice and consent to ratification. By joining 
the 138 parties to this convention, the United States would carry 
forward its legacy of global leadership on disability rights, enhance 
our ability to bring other countries up to our own high standards of 
access and inclusion, and expand opportunities for Americans with 
disabilities--including our 5.5 million disabled veterans--to work, 
study, and travel abroad.
My Administration remains committed to leading by example. This year, as 
we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act, we updated 
rules to improve hiring of veterans and people with disabilities, 
especially among Federal contractors and subcontractors. Thanks to the 
Affordable Care Act, insurers can no longer put lifetime dollar limits 
on essential health benefits for Americans with disabilities. And in 
January, it will be illegal to deny coverage because of pre-existing 
The changes achieved in the last two decades speak to what people can 
accomplish when they refuse to accept the world as it is. Today let us 
once again reach for the world that should be--one where all people, 
regardless of country or disability, enjoy equal access, equal 
opportunity, and the freedom to realize their limitless potential.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 3, 2013, as 
International Day of Persons with Disabilities. I call on all Americans 
to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 178]]

Proclamation 9067 of December 5, 2013

Death of Nelson Mandela

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Today, the United States has lost a close friend, South Africa has lost 
an incomparable liberator, and the world has lost an inspiration for 
freedom, justice, and human dignity--Nelson Mandela is no longer with 
us, he belongs to the ages.
Nelson Mandela achieved more than could be expected of any man. His own 
struggle inspired others to believe in the promise of a better world, 
and the rightness of reconciliation. Through his fierce dignity and 
unbending will to sacrifice his own freedom for the freedom of others, 
he transformed South Africa--and moved the entire world. His journey 
from a prisoner to a President embodied the promise that human beings--
and countries--can change for the better. His commitment to transfer 
power and reconcile with those who jailed him set an example that all 
humanity should aspire to, whether in the life of nations or our own 
personal lives.
While we mourn his loss, we will forever honor Nelson Mandela's memory. 
He left behind a South Africa that is free and at peace with itself--a 
close friend and partner of the United States. And his memory will be 
kept in the hearts of billions who have been lifted up by the power of 
his example.
We will not see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. It falls to us to 
carry forward the example that he set--to make decisions guided not by 
hate, but by love; to never discount the difference that one person can 
make; and to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice. For 
now, let us pause and give thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela 
lived--a man who took history in his hands, and bent the arc of the 
moral universe toward justice.
As a mark of respect for the memory of Nelson Mandela, by the authority 
vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and 
laws of the United States of America, I hereby order that the flag of 
the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and 
upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval 
stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the 
District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its 
Territories and possessions until sunset, December 9, 2013. I also 
direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of 
time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and 
other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval 
vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 179]]

Proclamation 9068 of December 5, 2013

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

More than seven decades ago, on a calm Sunday morning, our Nation was 
attacked without warning or provocation. The bombs that fell on the 
island of Oahu took almost 2,400 American lives, damaged our Pacific 
Fleet, challenged our resilience, and tested our resolve. On National 
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we honor the men and women who selflessly 
sacrificed for our country, and we show our enduring gratitude to all 
who fought to defend freedom against the forces of tyranny and 
oppression in the Second World War.
In remembrance of Pearl Harbor and to defend our Nation against future 
attacks, scores of young Americans enlisted in the United States 
military. In battle after battle, our troops fought with courage and 
honor. They took the Pacific theater island by island, and eventually 
swept through Europe, liberating nations as they progressed. Because of 
their extraordinary valor, America emerged from this test as we always 
do--stronger than ever before.
We also celebrate those who served and sacrificed on the home front--
from families who grew Victory Gardens or donated to the war effort to 
women who joined the assembly line alongside workers of every background 
and realized their own power to build a brighter world. Together, our 
Greatest Generation overcame the Great Depression, and built the largest 
middle class and strongest economy in history.
Today, with solemn pride and reverence, let us remember those who fought 
and died at Pearl Harbor, acknowledge everyone who carried their legacy 
forward, and reaffirm our commitment to upholding the ideals for which 
they served.
The Congress, by Public Law 103-308, as amended, has designated December 
7 of each year as ``National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim December 7, 2013, as National Pearl Harbor 
Remembrance Day. I encourage all Americans to observe this solemn day of 
remembrance and to honor our military, past and present, with 
appropriate ceremonies and activities. I urge all Federal agencies and 
interested organizations, groups, and individuals to fly the flag of the 
United States at half-staff this December 7 in honor of those American 
patriots who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 180]]

Proclamation 9069 of December 9, 2013

Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Six and a half decades ago, delegates from around the world convened to 
adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, rejecting the notion 
that individual aspirations should be subject to the whims of tyrants 
and empires, and affirming every person's right to liberty, equality, 
and justice under the law. On Human Rights Day and during Human Rights 
Week, we resolve not only to celebrate these ideals but also to advance 
them in our time.
Humanity thrives because of our differences; the exchange of ideas among 
vibrant cultures is a source of innovation, beauty, and vitality. Yet 
across the globe, our common and inalienable rights bind us as one. All 
women and men--across borders and regardless of race, creed, sexual 
orientation, gender identity, or income level--share the freedoms of 
expression, religion, assembly, and association. We all have the right 
to take part in government, directly or through freely elected 
representatives. And as societies, we have the right to choose our own 
But in many parts of the world, people are still persecuted for their 
beliefs, imprisoned for their ideals, and punished for their 
convictions. A growing number of countries are passing laws designed to 
stifle civil society--including organizations that promote universal 
human rights, support good governance, and bolster economic development. 
Securing freedoms that are threatened or denied will require an 
unceasing commitment. Today and always, let us break down prejudice, 
amplify the courageous voices that sound the call for change, and 
reaffirm our unwavering support for the principles enshrined in the 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 10, 2013, as 
Human Rights Day and the week beginning December 10, 2013, as Human 
Rights Week. I call upon the people of the United States to mark these 
observances with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 181]]

Proclamation 9070 of December 13, 2013

Bill of Rights Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

When America's Founders declared our independence, they set forth an 
idea that became our Nation's defining creed: ``We hold these truths to 
be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed 
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are 
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'' They understood that while 
these truths have always been self-evident, they have never been self-
executing. After 15 years of democratic experimentation and national 
debate, the Bill of Rights came into force, touching off a long journey 
to carve America's highest ideals into enduring, enforceable law.
The Bill of Rights is the foundation of American liberty, securing our 
most fundamental rights--from the freedom to speak, assemble, and 
practice our faith as we please to the protections that ensure justice 
under the law. For almost two and a quarter centuries, these 10 
Constitutional Amendments have served as a basis from which civil 
society could grow and flourish. They have encouraged innovation and 
defended Americans who questioned, challenged, and dared our Nation to 
be greater.
Thomas Jefferson once wrote, ``I am not an advocate for frequent changes 
in laws and constitutions, but laws and constitutions must go hand in 
hand with the progress of the human mind.'' Our liberties opened heated 
debate over the questions of citizenship and human rights, driving 
progress in the American mind. We learned that our Nation, built on the 
principles of freedom and equality, could not survive half-slave and 
half-free. We resolved that our daughters must have the same rights, the 
same chances, and the same freedom to pursue their dreams as our sons, 
and that if we are truly created equal, then the love we commit to one 
another must be equal as well. Americans with disabilities tore down 
legal and social barriers; disenfranchised farmworkers united to claim 
their rights to dignity, fairness, and a living wage; civil rights 
activists marched, bled, and gave their lives to bring the era of 
segregation to an end. As we celebrate the anniversary of the Bill of 
Rights, let us reach for a day when we all may enjoy the basic truths of 
liberty and equality.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 15, 2013, as 
Bill of Rights Day. I call upon the people of the United States to mark 
this observance with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 182]]

Proclamation 9071 of December 16, 2013

Wright Brothers Day, 2013

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On December 17, 1903, decades of dreaming, experimenting, and careful 
engineering culminated in 12 seconds of flight. Wilbur and Orville 
Wright's airplane soared above the wind-blown banks of Kitty Hawk, North 
Carolina, pushing the boundaries of human imagination and paving the way 
for over a century of innovation. On Wright Brothers Day, our Nation 
commemorates this once unthinkable achievement. We celebrate our 
scientists, engineers, inventors, and all Americans who set their sights 
on the impossible.
America has always been a Nation of strivers and creators. As our next 
generation carries forward this proud tradition, we must give them the 
tools to translate energy and creativity into concrete results. That is 
why my Administration is dedicated to improving education in the vital 
fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We 
are working to broaden participation among underrepresented groups, and 
through Race to the Top, we are raising standards and making STEM 
education a priority. Last year, we announced plans to create a national 
STEM Master Teacher Corps--a group of the best STEM teachers in the 
country, who will receive resources to mentor fellow educators, inspire 
students, and champion STEM education in their communities.
As we remember the Wright brothers, let us not forget another Wright who 
took up the mission of powered flight. Orville and Wilbur's sister, 
Katharine, used her teacher's salary to support the family and ran the 
Wrights' bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio, while her brothers worked in 
Kitty Hawk. She went on to manage press, conduct business with foreign 
dignitaries and heads of state, and wrangle support for the burgeoning 
aviation enterprise. Today, let all of us draw inspiration from a family 
who taught us that when bold ideas meet scientific thinking and tireless 
experimentation, the sky is no limit.
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved December 17, 1963, as 
amended (77 Stat. 402; 36 U.S.C. 143), has designated December 17 of 
each year as ``Wright Brothers Day'' and has authorized and requested 
the President to issue annually a proclamation inviting the people of 
the United States to observe that day with appropriate ceremonies and 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, do hereby proclaim December 17, 2013, as Wright Brothers Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 183]]

Proclamation 9072 of December 23, 2013

To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and 
for Other Purposes

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

1. In Proclamation 8921 of December 20, 2012, I determined that the 
Republic of Mali (Mali) was not making continual progress in meeting the 
requirements described in section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, 
as amended (the ``1974 Act''), as added by section 111(a) of the African 
Growth and Opportunity Act (title I of Public Law 106-200) (AGOA). Thus, 
pursuant to section 506A(a)(3) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(3)), 
I terminated the designation of Mali as a beneficiary sub-Saharan 
African country for purposes of section 506A of the 1974 Act.
2. Section 506A(a)(1) of the 1974 Act authorizes the President to 
designate a country listed in section 107 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C. 3706) 
as a ``beneficiary sub-Saharan African country'' if the President 
determines that the country meets the eligibility requirements set forth 
in section 104 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C. 3703), as well as the eligibility 
criteria set forth in section 502 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462).
3. Based on actions that the Government of Mali has taken over the past 
year, pursuant to section 506A(a)(1) of the 1974 Act, I have determined 
that Mali meets the eligibility requirements set forth in section 104 of 
the AGOA and section 502 of the 1974 Act, and I have decided to 
designate Mali as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country.
4. On April 22, 1985, the United States and Israel entered into the 
Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the 
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Israel 
(USIFTA), which the Congress approved in the United States-Israel Free 
Trade Area Implementation Act of 1985 (the ``USIFTA Act'') (19 U.S.C. 
2112 note).
5. Section 4(b) of the USIFTA Act provides that, whenever the President 
determines that it is necessary to maintain the general level of 
reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to Israel 
provided for by the USIFTA, the President may proclaim such withdrawal, 
suspension, modification, or continuance of any duty, or such 
continuance of existing duty-free or excise treatment, or such 
additional duties, as the President determines to be required or 
appropriate to carry out the USIFTA.
6. In order to maintain the general level of reciprocal and mutually 
advantageous concessions with respect to agricultural trade with Israel, 
on July 27, 2004, the United States entered into an agreement with 
Israel concerning certain aspects of trade in agricultural products 
during the period January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2008 (the ``2004 
7. In Proclamation 7826 of October 4, 2004, consistent with the 2004 
Agreement, the President determined, pursuant to section 4(b) of the 
USIFTA Act, that it was necessary in order to maintain the general level 
of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to 
Israel provided for by the USIFTA, to provide duty-free access into the 
United States

[[Page 184]]

through December 31, 2008, for specified quantities of certain 
agricultural products of Israel.
8. Each year from 2008 through 2012, the United States and Israel 
entered into agreements to extend the period that the 2004 Agreement was 
in force for 1-year periods to allow additional time for the two 
governments to conclude an agreement to replace the 2004 Agreement.
9. To carry out the extension agreements, the President in Proclamation 
8334 of December 31, 2008; Proclamation 8467 of December 23, 2009; 
Proclamation 8618 of December 21, 2010; Proclamation 8770 of December 
29, 2011; and Proclamation 8921 of December 20, 2012, modified the 
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) to provide duty-
free access into the United States for specified quantities of certain 
agricultural products of Israel, each time for an additional 1-year 
10. On November 26, 2013, the United States entered into an agreement 
with Israel to extend the period that the 2004 Agreement is in force 
through December 31, 2014, to allow for further negotiations on an 
agreement to replace the 2004 Agreement.
11. Pursuant to section 4(b) of the USIFTA Act, I have determined that 
it is necessary, in order to maintain the general level of reciprocal 
and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to Israel provided 
for by the USIFTA, to provide duty-free access into the United States 
through the close of December 31, 2014, for specified quantities of 
certain agricultural products of Israel.
12. Presidential Proclamation 8783 of March 6, 2012, implemented the 
United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (USKFTA) with respect to the 
United States and, pursuant to the United States-Korea Free Trade 
Agreement Implementation Act (the ``Implementation Act'') (Public Law 
112-41, 125 Stat. 428), incorporated into the HTS the schedule of duty 
reductions and rules of origin necessary or appropriate to carry out the 
13. In Presidential Proclamation 8771 of December 29, 2011, pursuant to 
the authority provided in section 1206(a) of the Omnibus Trade and 
Competitiveness Act of 1988 (19 U.S.C. 3006(a)), I modified the HTS to 
reflect amendments to the International Convention on the Harmonized 
Commodity Description and Coding System (the ``Convention'').
14. Section 202 of the Implementation Act provides rules for determining 
whether goods imported into the United States originate in the territory 
of a Party to the USKFTA and thus are eligible for the tariff and other 
treatment contemplated under the Agreement. Section 202(o) of the 
Implementation Act authorizes the President to proclaim, as part of the 
HTS, the rules of origin set out in the USKFTA and to proclaim any 
modifications to such previously proclaimed rules of origin, subject to 
the exceptions stated in section 202(o)(2)(A) of the Implementation Act.
15. Because the USKFTA was negotiated under the 2002 HTS nomenclature, 
the United States and Korea agreed to modify certain specific rules of 
origin in the USKFTA to ensure that the tariff and certain other 
treatment accorded under the Agreement to originating goods will 
continue to be provided under the tariff categories that were modified 
in Proclamation 8783.

[[Page 185]]

16. In order to implement the agreed modifications to the rules of 
origin in the USKFTA and ensure the continuation of such staged 
reductions in rates of duty for originating goods under tariff 
categories that have been modified to reflect the amendments to the 
Convention, I have determined that additional modifications to the HTS 
are necessary or appropriate to ensure that the duty reductions 
previously proclaimed are applied.
17. Section 212 of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) (19 
U.S.C. 2702), as amended by the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act 
(CBTPA) (Public Law 106-200), authorizes the President to designate 
certain countries, territories, or successor political entities as 
beneficiary countries for the purposes of the CBERA and CBTPA.
18. Section 211 of the CBTPA provides that certain preferential tariff 
treatment may be provided to eligible articles that are the product of 
any country that the President designates as a ``CBTPA beneficiary 
country'' pursuant to section 213(b)(5)(B) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. 
2703(b)(5)(B)), provided that the President determines that the country 
has satisfied the requirements of section 213(b)(4)(A)(ii) (19 U.S.C. 
2703(b)(4)(A)(ii)) relating to the implementation of procedures and 
requirements similar to those in chapter 5 of the North American Free 
Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
19. In Proclamation 7351 of October 2, 2000, the President authorized 
the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to perform the functions 
specified in section 213(b)(4)(A)(ii) of the CBERA and certain functions 
under section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2483) for each beneficiary 
country designated in that proclamation pursuant to section 213(b)(5)(B) 
of the CBERA.
20. Cura[ccedil]ao is a successor political entity to The Netherlands 
Antilles and has expressed its desire to be designated as a beneficiary 
country under the CBERA and CBTPA. As a successor political entity, 
Cura[ccedil]ao was not included in Proclamation 7351.
21. Pursuant to section 212(b) and (c) and 213(b)(5)(B) of the CBERA (19 
U.S.C. 2702(b) and (c) and 19 U.S.C. 2703(b)(5)(B)), I have determined 
that Cura[ccedil]ao meets the eligibility requirements set forth in 
those sections. Accordingly, pursuant to section 212(b) and 213(b) of 
the CBERA, and after taking into account the factors enumerated in 
section 212(b) and (c) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. 2702(b) and (c)), I have 
decided to designate Cura[ccedil]ao as a beneficiary country for 
purposes of the CBERA and CBTPA. In addition, pursuant to section 
212(a)(1)(A) of the CBERA, I am notifying the Congress of my intention 
to designate Cura[ccedil]ao as a beneficiary country under the CBERA and 
CBTPA, and communicating the considerations entering into my decision.
22. The preferential treatment extended pursuant to the Andean Trade 
Preference Act (ATPA) (19 U.S.C. 3201-3206, as amended) expired on July 
31, 2013. As a result, I have determined that certain modifications to 
the HTS are required to reflect this status.
23. Presidential Proclamation 7746 of December 30, 2003, implemented the 
United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (USCFTA) with respect to the 
United States and, pursuant to the United States-Chile Free Trade 
Agreement Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 3805 note), incorporated in the 
HTS the schedule of duty reductions and rules of origin necessary or 
appropriate to carry out the USCFTA. Those modifications to the HTS were 

[[Page 186]]

out in Publication 3652 of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 
which was incorporated by reference into Proclamation 7746.
24. Annex II of Publication 3652 contained a typographical error that 
needs to be corrected. I have determined that a modification to the HTS 
is necessary to correct this typographical error and to provide the 
intended tariff treatment.
25. Section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2483), authorizes the 
President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions 
of that Act, and of other acts affecting import treatment, and actions 
taken thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or 
imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to 
section 301 of title 3, United States Code, title V and section 604 of 
the 1974 Act, section 104 of the AGOA, section 4 of the USIFTA Act, 
section 202 of the Implementation Act, and sections 212 and 213 of the 
CBERA, do proclaim that:
    (1) Mali is designated as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country.
    (2) In order to reflect this designation in the HTS, general note 
16(a) to the HTS is modified by inserting in alphabetical sequence in 
the list of beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries ``Republic of Mali 
    (3) In order to implement U.S. tariff commitments under the 2004 
Agreement through December 31, 2014, the HTS is modified as provided in 
Annex I to this proclamation.
    (4)(a) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annex I to this 
proclamation shall be effective with respect to eligible agricultural 
products of Israel that are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for 
consumption, on or after January 1, 2014.

  (b) The provisions of subchapter VIII of chapter 99 of the HTS, as 
modified by Annex I to this proclamation, shall continue in effect through 
December 31, 2014.

    (5) In order to reflect in the HTS the modifications to the rules of 
origin under the USKFTA, general note 33 to the HTS is modified as set 
forth in Annex II to this proclamation.
    (6) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annex II to this 
proclamation shall be effective with respect to goods that are entered 
or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 
    (7) Cura[ccedil]ao is designated as an eligible beneficiary country 
for the purposes of the CBERA and CBTPA.
    (8) In order to reflect Cura[ccedil]ao's designation as a 
beneficiary country for the purposes of the CBERA, general note 7(a) to 
the HTS is modified by inserting in alphabetical sequence 
    (9) In order to implement Cura[ccedil]ao's designation as a CBTPA 
beneficiary country, the USTR is authorized to determine whether 
Cura[ccedil]ao has satisfied the requirements of section 
213(b)(4)(A)(ii) of the CBERA relating to the implementation of 
procedures and requirements similar in all material

[[Page 187]]

respects to those in chapter 5 of the NAFTA. To implement such 
determination, the USTR is authorized to exercise the authority provided 
to the President under section 604 of the 1974 Act to embody 
modifications and technical and conforming changes in the HTS. The 
determination of the USTR under this paragraph shall be set forth in a 
notice that the USTR shall cause to be published in the Federal 
Register. Such notice shall modify general note 17 of the HTS by 
including Cura[ccedil]ao in the list of CBTPA beneficiary countries.
    (10) In order to reflect the expiration of the ATPA, the HTS is 
modified as set forth in Annex III to this proclamation.
    (11) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annex III to this 
proclamation shall be effective with respect to goods that are entered, 
or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 31, 2013.
    (12) In order to provide the intended tariff treatment to goods of 
Chile under the terms of general note 26, the HTS is modified as set 
forth in Annex IV to this proclamation.
    (13) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annex IV to this 
proclamation shall be effective with respect to goods that are entered 
or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 
    (14) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders 
that are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are 
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third 
day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of 
the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and 

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Proclamation 9073 of December 31, 2013

National Mentoring Month, 2014

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

In every corner of our Nation, mentors push our next generation to shape 
their ambitions, set a positive course, and achieve their boundless 
potential. During National Mentoring Month, we celebrate everyone who 
teaches, inspires, and guides young Americans as they reach for their 
Mentors help children build confidence, gain knowledge, and develop the 
strength of character to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. 
They are relatives, teachers, coaches, ministers, and neighbors. Anyone 
can be a mentor, and every child should have the chance to be a mentee. 
Young people with mentors have better attendance in school, higher self-
esteem, a greater chance of pursuing higher education, and a reduced 
risk of substance abuse. That is why my Administration is creating new 
opportunities to give back--from expanding national service, promoting 
responsible fatherhood, and challenging businesses to grow their 
mentoring activities, to First Lady Michelle Obama's mentoring 
initiative, which pairs local high school girls with powerful role 
models. For more information on how to get involved in a mentoring 
program, visit www.Serve.gov/Mentor.
America is at its best when we lift each other up, when we pursue our 
individual goals while never forgetting that we are bound as one Nation 
and as one people. If we carry this spirit forward, if we take 
responsibility for our future leaders and give them the tools to 
succeed, America's best days will always lie ahead.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 2014 as 
National Mentoring Month. I call upon public officials, business and 
community leaders, educators, and Americans across the country to 
observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and 
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 214]]

Proclamation 9074 of December 31, 2013

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2014

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Over a century and a half after President Abraham Lincoln issued the 
Emancipation Proclamation, millions remain in bondage--children forced 
to take part in armed conflict or sold to brothels by their destitute 
families, men and women who toil for little or no pay, who are 
threatened and beaten if they try to escape. Slavery tears at our social 
fabric, fuels violence and organized crime, and debases our common 
humanity. During National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention 
Month, we renew our commitment to ending this scourge in all its forms.
Because modern-day slavery is a global tragedy, combating it requires 
international action. The United States is shining a spotlight on the 
dark corners where it persists, placing sanctions on some of the worst 
abusers, giving countries incentives to meet their responsibilities, and 
partnering with groups that help trafficking victims escape from their 
abusers' grip. We are working with other nations as they step up their 
own efforts, and we are seeing more countries pass anti-human 
trafficking laws and improve enforcement.
At home, we are leading by example. My Administration is cracking down 
on traffickers, charging a record number of perpetrators. We are 
deploying new technology in the fight against human trafficking, 
developing the Federal Government's first-ever strategic action plan to 
strengthen victim services, and strengthening protections against human 
trafficking in Federal contracts. During the past year, the White House 
has hosted events on combating human trafficking, bringing together 
leaders from every sector of society. Together, we came up with new 
ideas to fight trafficking at the national and grassroots levels.
As we work to dismantle trafficking networks and help survivors rebuild 
their lives, we must also address the underlying forces that push so 
many into bondage. We must develop economies that create legitimate 
jobs, build a global sense of justice that says no child should ever be 
exploited, and empower our daughters and sons with the same chances to 
pursue their dreams. This month, I call on every nation, every 
community, and every individual to fight human trafficking wherever it 
exists. Let us declare as one that slavery has no place in our world, 
and let us finally restore to all people the most basic rights of 
freedom, dignity, and justice.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 2014 as 
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminating in 
the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1. I call 
upon businesses, national and community organizations, faith-based 
groups, families, and all Americans to recognize the vital role we can 
play in ending all forms of slavery and to observe this month with 
appropriate programs and activities.

[[Page 215]]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
Proclamation 9075 of December 31, 2013

National Stalking Awareness Month, 2014

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Each January, we draw attention to a crime that will affect 1 in 6 
American women at some point in their lives. Although young women are 
disproportionately at risk, anyone can be a victim of stalking--
regardless of age, sex, background, or gender identity. While many 
victims are stalked by ex-partners, sometimes the perpetrators are 
acquaintances or even strangers. During National Stalking Awareness 
Month, we extend our support to victims and renew our commitment to 
holding their stalkers accountable.
Stalkers seek to intimidate their victims through repeated unwanted 
contact, including harassing phone calls, text messages, or emails. 
Cyberstalking is increasingly prevalent, with more than one quarter of 
stalking victims reporting being harassed through the Internet or 
electronically monitored. Many victims suffer from anxiety, depression, 
and insomnia, and some are forced to move or change jobs. Stalking all 
too often goes unreported, yet it also tends to escalate over time, 
putting victims at risk of sexual assault, physical abuse, or homicide.
My Administration remains dedicated to pursuing justice for victims of 
stalking and ensuring survivors receive the support they need. Last 
March, I was proud to sign the Violence Against Women Reauthorization 
Act. Every time we renew this landmark legislation, we improve it, and 
this time was no exception. This renewal expanded protections for Native 
American and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender victims of 
stalking, domestic violence, and sexual assault. It amended the Clery 
Act to require colleges to report crime statistics on stalking, 
continued to allow relief for immigrant victims, and strengthened 
support and training programs that have proven effective in helping law 
enforcement bring offenders to justice.
We also stand behind the tireless advocates who provide essential 
services to victims. Along with law enforcement, prosecutors, court 
personnel, and survivors, these devoted women and men are links in a 
chain that has made a difference--one person, one family, one case at a 
time. This month, let us resolve to strengthen this chain, bring 
stalkers to justice, and give hope to everyone who has suffered from 
this crime.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 2014 as 
National Stalking Awareness Month. I call upon all Americans to 
recognize the signs

[[Page 216]]

of stalking, acknowledge stalking as a serious crime, and urge those 
affected not to be afraid to speak out or ask for help. Let us also 
resolve to support victims and survivors, and to create communities that 
are secure and supportive for all Americans.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of 
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the 
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 217]]


                            EXECUTIVE ORDERS


Executive Order 13636 of February 12, 2013

Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Repeated cyber intrusions into critical 
infrastructure demonstrate the need for improved cybersecurity. The 
cyber threat to critical infrastructure continues to grow and represents 
one of the most serious national security challenges we must confront. 
The national and economic security of the United States depends on the 
reliable functioning of the Nation's critical infrastructure in the face 
of such threats. It is the policy of the United States to enhance the 
security and resilience of the Nation's critical infrastructure and to 
maintain a cyber environment that encourages efficiency, innovation, and 
economic prosperity while promoting safety, security, business 
confidentiality, privacy, and civil liberties. We can achieve these 
goals through a partnership with the owners and operators of critical 
infrastructure to improve cybersecurity information sharing and 
collaboratively develop and implement risk-based standards.
Sec. 2. Critical Infrastructure. As used in this order, the term 
critical infrastructure means systems and assets, whether physical or 
virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or 
destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact 
on security, national economic security, national public health or 
safety, or any combination of those matters.
Sec. 3. Policy Coordination. Policy coordination, guidance, dispute 
resolution, and periodic in-progress reviews for the functions and 
programs described and assigned herein shall be provided through the 
interagency process established in Presidential Policy Directive-1 of 
February 13, 2009 (Organization of the National Security Council 
System), or any successor.
Sec. 4. Cybersecurity Information Sharing. (a) It is the policy of the 
United States Government to increase the volume, timeliness, and quality 
of cyber threat information shared with U.S. private sector entities so 
that these entities may better protect and defend themselves against 
cyber threats. Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Attorney 
General, the Secretary of Homeland Security (the ``Secretary''), and the 
Director of National Intelligence shall each issue instructions 
consistent with their authorities and with the requirements of section 
12(c) of this order to ensure the timely

[[Page 218]]

production of unclassified reports of cyber threats to the U.S. homeland 
that identify a specific targeted entity. The instructions shall address 
the need to protect intelligence and law enforcement sources, methods, 
operations, and investigations.
    (b) The Secretary and the Attorney General, in coordination with the 
Director of National Intelligence, shall establish a process that 
rapidly disseminates the reports produced pursuant to section 4(a) of 
this order to the targeted entity. Such process shall also, consistent 
with the need to protect national security information, include the 
dissemination of classified reports to critical infrastructure entities 
authorized to receive them. The Secretary and the Attorney General, in 
coordination with the Director of National Intelligence, shall establish 
a system for tracking the production, dissemination, and disposition of 
these reports.
    (c) To assist the owners and operators of critical infrastructure in 
protecting their systems from unauthorized access, exploitation, or 
harm, the Secretary, consistent with 6 U.S.C. 143 and in collaboration 
with the Secretary of Defense, shall, within 120 days of the date of 
this order, establish procedures to expand the Enhanced Cybersecurity 
Services program to all critical infrastructure sectors. This voluntary 
information sharing program will provide classified cyber threat and 
technical information from the Government to eligible critical 
infrastructure companies or commercial service providers that offer 
security services to critical infrastructure.
    (d) The Secretary, as the Executive Agent for the Classified 
National Security Information Program created under Executive Order 
13549 of August 18, 2010 (Classified National Security Information 
Program for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities), shall 
expedite the processing of security clearances to appropriate personnel 
employed by critical infrastructure owners and operators, prioritizing 
the critical infrastructure identified in section 9 of this order.
    (e) In order to maximize the utility of cyber threat information 
sharing with the private sector, the Secretary shall expand the use of 
programs that bring private sector subject-matter experts into Federal 
service on a temporary basis. These subject matter experts should 
provide advice regarding the content, structure, and types of 
information most useful to critical infrastructure owners and operators 
in reducing and mitigating cyber risks.
Sec. 5. Privacy and Civil Liberties Protections. (a) Agencies shall 
coordinate their activities under this order with their senior agency 
officials for privacy and civil liberties and ensure that privacy and 
civil liberties protections are incorporated into such activities. Such 
protections shall be based upon the Fair Information Practice Principles 
and other privacy and civil liberties policies, principles, and 
frameworks as they apply to each agency's activities.
    (b) The Chief Privacy Officer and the Officer for Civil Rights and 
Civil Liberties of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shall 
assess the privacy and civil liberties risks of the functions and 
programs undertaken by DHS as called for in this order and shall 
recommend to the Secretary ways to minimize or mitigate such risks, in a 
publicly available report, to be released within 1 year of the date of 
this order. Senior agency privacy and civil liberties officials for 
other agencies engaged in activities under this order shall conduct 
assessments of their agency activities and provide those assessments to 
DHS for consideration and inclusion in the report.

[[Page 219]]

The report shall be reviewed on an annual basis and revised as 
necessary. The report may contain a classified annex if necessary. 
Assessments shall include evaluation of activities against the Fair 
Information Practice Principles and other applicable privacy and civil 
liberties policies, principles, and frameworks. Agencies shall consider 
the assessments and recommendations of the report in implementing 
privacy and civil liberties protections for agency activities.
    (c) In producing the report required under subsection (b) of this 
section, the Chief Privacy Officer and the Officer for Civil Rights and 
Civil Liberties of DHS shall consult with the Privacy and Civil 
Liberties Oversight Board and coordinate with the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB).
    (d) Information submitted voluntarily in accordance with 6 U.S.C. 
133 by private entities under this order shall be protected from 
disclosure to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Sec. 6. Consultative Process. The Secretary shall establish a 
consultative process to coordinate improvements to the cybersecurity of 
critical infrastructure. As part of the consultative process, the 
Secretary shall engage and consider the advice, on matters set forth in 
this order, of the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council; 
Sector Coordinating Councils; critical infrastructure owners and 
operators; Sector-Specific Agencies; other relevant agencies; 
independent regulatory agencies; State, local, territorial, and tribal 
governments; universities; and outside experts.
Sec. 7. Baseline Framework to Reduce Cyber Risk to Critical 
Infrastructure. (a) The Secretary of Commerce shall direct the Director 
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (the ``Director'') 
to lead the development of a framework to reduce cyber risks to critical 
infrastructure (the ``Cybersecurity Framework''). The Cybersecurity 
Framework shall include a set of standards, methodologies, procedures, 
and processes that align policy, business, and technological approaches 
to address cyber risks. The Cybersecurity Framework shall incorporate 
voluntary consensus standards and industry best practices to the fullest 
extent possible. The Cybersecurity Framework shall be consistent with 
voluntary international standards when such international standards will 
advance the objectives of this order, and shall meet the requirements of 
the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act, as amended (15 
U.S.C. 271 et seq.), the National Technology Transfer and Advancement 
Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-113), and OMB Circular A-119, as revised.
    (b) The Cybersecurity Framework shall provide a prioritized, 
flexible, repeatable, performance-based, and cost-effective approach, 
including information security measures and controls, to help owners and 
operators of critical infrastructure identify, assess, and manage cyber 
risk. The Cybersecurity Framework shall focus on identifying cross-
sector security standards and guidelines applicable to critical 
infrastructure. The Cybersecurity Framework will also identify areas for 
improvement that should be addressed through future collaboration with 
particular sectors and standards-developing organizations. To enable 
technical innovation and account for organizational differences, the 
Cybersecurity Framework will provide guidance that is technology neutral 
and that enables critical infrastructure sectors to benefit from a 
competitive market for products and services that meet the standards, 
methodologies, procedures, and processes developed to address cyber 
risks. The Cybersecurity Framework shall include guidance

[[Page 220]]

for measuring the performance of an entity in implementing the 
Cybersecurity Framework.
    (c) The Cybersecurity Framework shall include methodologies to 
identify and mitigate impacts of the Cybersecurity Framework and 
associated information security measures or controls on business 
confidentiality, and to protect individual privacy and civil liberties.
    (d) In developing the Cybersecurity Framework, the Director shall 
engage in an open public review and comment process. The Director shall 
also consult with the Secretary, the National Security Agency, Sector-
Specific Agencies and other interested agencies including OMB, owners 
and operators of critical infrastructure, and other stakeholders through 
the consultative process established in section 6 of this order. The 
Secretary, the Director of National Intelligence, and the heads of other 
relevant agencies shall provide threat and vulnerability information and 
technical expertise to inform the development of the Cybersecurity 
Framework. The Secretary shall provide performance goals for the 
Cybersecurity Framework informed by work under section 9 of this order.
    (e) Within 240 days of the date of this order, the Director shall 
publish a preliminary version of the Cybersecurity Framework (the 
``preliminary Framework''). Within 1 year of the date of this order, and 
after coordination with the Secretary to ensure suitability under 
section 8 of this order, the Director shall publish a final version of 
the Cybersecurity Framework (the ``final Framework'').
    (f) Consistent with statutory responsibilities, the Director will 
ensure the Cybersecurity Framework and related guidance is reviewed and 
updated as necessary, taking into consideration technological changes, 
changes in cyber risks, operational feedback from owners and operators 
of critical infrastructure, experience from the implementation of 
section 8 of this order, and any other relevant factors.
Sec. 8. Voluntary Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Program. (a) The 
Secretary, in coordination with Sector-Specific Agencies, shall 
establish a voluntary program to support the adoption of the 
Cybersecurity Framework by owners and operators of critical 
infrastructure and any other interested entities (the ``Program'').
    (b) Sector-Specific Agencies, in consultation with the Secretary and 
other interested agencies, shall coordinate with the Sector Coordinating 
Councils to review the Cybersecurity Framework and, if necessary, 
develop implementation guidance or supplemental materials to address 
sector-specific risks and operating environments.
    (c) Sector-Specific Agencies shall report annually to the President, 
through the Secretary, on the extent to which owners and operators 
notified under section 9 of this order are participating in the Program.
    (d) The Secretary shall coordinate establishment of a set of 
incentives designed to promote participation in the Program. Within 120 
days of the date of this order, the Secretary and the Secretaries of the 
Treasury and Commerce each shall make recommendations separately to the 
President, through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security 
and Counterterrorism and the Assistant to the President for Economic 
Affairs, that shall

[[Page 221]]

include analysis of the benefits and relative effectiveness of such 
incentives, and whether the incentives would require legislation or can 
be provided under existing law and authorities to participants in the 
    (e) Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of 
Defense and the Administrator of General Services, in consultation with 
the Secretary and the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council, shall make 
recommendations to the President, through the Assistant to the President 
for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Assistant to the 
President for Economic Affairs, on the feasibility, security benefits, 
and relative merits of incorporating security standards into acquisition 
planning and contract administration. The report shall address what 
steps can be taken to harmonize and make consistent existing procurement 
requirements related to cybersecurity.
Sec. 9. Identification of Critical Infrastructure at Greatest Risk. (a) 
Within 150 days of the date of this order, the Secretary shall use a 
risk-based approach to identify critical infrastructure where a 
cybersecurity incident could reasonably result in catastrophic regional 
or national effects on public health or safety, economic security, or 
national security. In identifying critical infrastructure for this 
purpose, the Secretary shall use the consultative process established in 
section 6 of this order and draw upon the expertise of Sector-Specific 
Agencies. The Secretary shall apply consistent, objective criteria in 
identifying such critical infrastructure. The Secretary shall not 
identify any commercial information technology products or consumer 
information technology services under this section. The Secretary shall 
review and update the list of identified critical infrastructure under 
this section on an annual basis, and provide such list to the President, 
through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and 
Counterterrorism and the Assistant to the President for Economic 
    (b) Heads of Sector-Specific Agencies and other relevant agencies 
shall provide the Secretary with information necessary to carry out the 
responsibilities under this section. The Secretary shall develop a 
process for other relevant stakeholders to submit information to assist 
in making the identifications required in subsection (a) of this 
    (c) The Secretary, in coordination with Sector-Specific Agencies, 
shall confidentially notify owners and operators of critical 
infrastructure identified under subsection (a) of this section that they 
have been so identified, and ensure identified owners and operators are 
provided the basis for the determination. The Secretary shall establish 
a process through which owners and operators of critical infrastructure 
may submit relevant information and request reconsideration of 
identifications under subsection (a) of this section.
Sec. 10. Adoption of Framework. (a) Agencies with responsibility for 
regulating the security of critical infrastructure shall engage in a 
consultative process with DHS, OMB, and the National Security Staff to 
review the preliminary Cybersecurity Framework and determine if current 
cybersecurity regulatory requirements are sufficient given current and 
projected risks. In making such determination, these agencies shall 
consider the identification of critical infrastructure required under 
section 9 of this order. Within 90 days of the publication of the 
preliminary Framework, these agencies shall submit a report to the 
President, through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security 
and Counterterrorism, the Director of OMB, and the Assistant to the 
President for Economic Affairs, that states whether or not the

[[Page 222]]

agency has clear authority to establish requirements based upon the 
Cybersecurity Framework to sufficiently address current and projected 
cyber risks to critical infrastructure, the existing authorities 
identified, and any additional authority required.
    (b) If current regulatory requirements are deemed to be 
insufficient, within 90 days of publication of the final Framework, 
agencies identified in subsection (a) of this section shall propose 
prioritized, risk-based, efficient, and coordinated actions, consistent 
with Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning 
and Review), Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving 
Regulation and Regulatory Review), and Executive Order 13609 of May 1, 
2012 (Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation), to mitigate cyber 
    (c) Within 2 years after publication of the final Framework, 
consistent with Executive Order 13563 and Executive Order 13610 of May 
10, 2012 (Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens), agencies 
identified in subsection (a) of this section shall, in consultation with 
owners and operators of critical infrastructure, report to OMB on any 
critical infrastructure subject to ineffective, conflicting, or 
excessively burdensome cybersecurity requirements. This report shall 
describe efforts made by agencies, and make recommendations for further 
actions, to minimize or eliminate such requirements.
    (d) The Secretary shall coordinate the provision of technical 
assistance to agencies identified in subsection (a) of this section on 
the development of their cybersecurity workforce and programs.
    (e) Independent regulatory agencies with responsibility for 
regulating the security of critical infrastructure are encouraged to 
engage in a consultative process with the Secretary, relevant Sector-
Specific Agencies, and other affected parties to consider prioritized 
actions to mitigate cyber risks for critical infrastructure consistent 
with their authorities.
Sec. 11. Definitions. (a) ``Agency'' means any authority of the United 
States that is an ``agency'' under 44 U.S.C. 3502(1), other than those 
considered to be independent regulatory agencies, as defined in 44 
U.S.C. 3502(5).
    (b) ``Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council'' means 
the council established by DHS under 6 U.S.C. 451 to facilitate 
effective interaction and coordination of critical infrastructure 
protection activities among the Federal Government; the private sector; 
and State, local, territorial, and tribal governments.
    (c) ``Fair Information Practice Principles'' means the eight 
principles set forth in Appendix A of the National Strategy for Trusted 
Identities in Cyberspace.
    (d) ``Independent regulatory agency'' has the meaning given the term 
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(5).
    (e) ``Sector Coordinating Council'' means a private sector 
coordinating council composed of representatives of owners and operators 
within a particular sector of critical infrastructure established by the 
National Infrastructure Protection Plan or any successor.
    (f) ``Sector-Specific Agency'' has the meaning given the term in 
Presidential Policy Directive-21 of February 12, 2013 (Critical 
Infrastructure Security and Resilience), or any successor.

[[Page 223]]

Sec. 12. General Provisions. (a) This order shall be implemented 
consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of 
appropriations. Nothing in this order shall be construed to provide an 
agency with authority for regulating the security of critical 
infrastructure in addition to or to a greater extent than the authority 
the agency has under existing law. Nothing in this order shall be 
construed to alter or limit any authority or responsibility of an agency 
under existing law.
    (b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise 
affect the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, 
administrative, or legislative proposals.
    (c) All actions taken pursuant to this order shall be consistent 
with requirements and authorities to protect intelligence and law 
enforcement sources and methods. Nothing in this order shall be 
interpreted to supersede measures established under authority of law to 
protect the security and integrity of specific activities and 
associations that are in direct support of intelligence and law 
enforcement operations.
    (d) This order shall be implemented consistent with U.S. 
international obligations.
    (e) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    February 12, 2013.
Executive Order 13637 of March 8, 2013

Administration of Reformed Export Controls

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the Arms Export Control 
Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) (the ``Act''), and section 301 
of title 3, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Delegation of Functions. The following functions conferred 
upon the President by the Act, and related laws, are delegated as 
    (a) Those under section 3 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2753), with the 
exception of subsections (a)(1), (b), (c)(3), (c)(4), and (f) (22 U.S.C. 
2753(a)(1), (b), (c)(3), (c)(4), and (f)), to the Secretary of State. 
The Secretary of State, in the implementation of the delegated functions 
under sections 3(a) and (d) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2753(a) and (d)), is 
authorized to find, in the case of a proposed transfer of a defense 
article or related training or other defense service by a foreign 
country or international organization not otherwise eligible under 
section 3(a)(1) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2753(a)(1)), whether the proposed 
transfer will strengthen the security of the United States and promote 
world peace.
    (b) Those under section 5 (22 U.S.C. 2755) to the Secretary of 

[[Page 224]]

    (c) Those under section 21 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2761), with the 
exception of the last sentence of subsection (d) and all of subsection 
(i) (22 U.S.C. 2761(d) and (i)), to the Secretary of Defense.
    (d) Those under sections 22(a), 29, 30, and 30A of the Act (22 
U.S.C. 2762(a), 2769, 2770, and 2770a) to the Secretary of Defense.
    (e) Those under section 23 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2763), and under 
section 7069 of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related 
Programs Appropriations Act, 2012 (Public Law 112-74, Division I) and 
any subsequently enacted provision of law that is the same or 
substantially the same, to the Secretary of Defense to be exercised in 
consultation with the Secretary of State and, other than the last 
sentence of section 23(a) (22 U.S.C. 2763(a)), in consultation with the 
Secretary of the Treasury, except that the President shall determine any 
rate of interest to be charged that is less than the market rate of 
    (f) Those under sections 24 and 27 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2764 and 
2767) to the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of Defense shall 
consult with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury in 
implementing the delegated functions under section 24 (22 U.S.C. 2764) 
and with the Secretary of State in implementing the delegated functions 
under section 27 (22 U.S.C. 2767).
    (g) Those under section 25 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2765) to the 
Secretary of State. The Secretary of Defense shall assist the Secretary 
of State in the preparation of materials for presentation to the 
Congress under that section.
    (h) Those under section 34 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2774) to the 
Secretary of State. To the extent the standards and criteria for credit 
and guaranty transactions are based upon national security or financial 
policies, the Secretary of State shall obtain the prior concurrence of 
the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Treasury, 
    (i) Those under section 35(a) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2775(a)) to the 
Secretary of State.
    (j) Those under sections 36(a) and 36(b)(1) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 
2776(a) and (b)(1)), except with respect to the certification of an 
emergency as provided by subsection (b)(1) (22 U.S.C. 2776(b)(1)), to 
the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of Defense, in the 
implementation of the delegated functions under sections 36(a) and 
(b)(1) (22 U.S.C. 2776(a) and (b)(1)), shall consult with the Secretary 
of State. With respect to those functions under sections 36(a)(5) and 
(6) (22 U.S.C. 2776(a)(5) and (6)), the Secretary of Defense shall 
consult with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
    (k) Those under section 36(b)(1) with respect to the certification 
of an emergency as provided by subsection (b)(1) and under sections 
36(c) and (d) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2776(b)(1), (c), and (d)) to the 
Secretary of State.
    (l) Those under section 36(f)(1) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2776(f)(1)) 
to the Secretary of Defense.
    (m) Those under sections 36(f)(2) and (f)(3) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 
2776(f)(2) and (f)(3)) to the Secretary of State.
    (n) Those under section 38 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2778) to:

[[Page 225]]

(i) the Secretary of State, except as otherwise provided in this 
subsection. Designations, including changes in designations, by the 
Secretary of State of items or categories of items that shall be considered 
as defense articles and defense services subject to export control under 
section 38 (22 U.S.C. 2778) shall have the concurrence of the Secretary of 
Defense. The authority to undertake activities to ensure compliance with 
established export conditions may be redelegated to the Secretary of 
Defense, or to the head of another executive department or agency as 
appropriate, who shall exercise such functions in consultation with the 
Secretary of State;

(ii) the Attorney General, to the extent they relate to the control of the 
permanent import of defense articles and defense services. In carrying out 
such functions, the Attorney General shall be guided by the views of the 
Secretary of State on matters affecting world peace, and the external 
security and foreign policy of the United States. Designations, including 
changes in designations, by the Attorney General of items or categories of 
items that shall be considered as defense articles and defense services 
subject to permanent import control under section 38 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 
2778) shall be made with the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the 
Secretary of Defense and with notice to the Secretary of Commerce; and

(iii) the Department of State for the registration and licensing of those 
persons who engage in the business of brokering activities with respect to 
defense articles or defense services controlled either for purposes of 
export by the Department of State or for purposes of permanent import by 
the Department of Justice.

    (o) Those under section 39(b) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2779(b)) to the 
Secretary of State. In carrying out such functions, the Secretary of 
State shall consult with the Secretary of Defense as may be necessary to 
avoid interference in the application of Department of Defense 
regulations to sales made under section 22 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2762).
    (p) Those under the portion of section 40A of the Act added by 
Public Law 104-164 (22 U.S.C. 2785), to the Secretary of State insofar 
as they relate to commercial exports licensed under the Act, and to the 
Secretary of Defense insofar as they relate to defense articles and 
defense services sold, leased, or transferred under the Foreign Military 
Sales Program.
    (q) Those under the portion of section 40A of the Act added by the 
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-
132) (22 U.S.C. 2781), to the Secretary of State.
    (r) Those under sections 42(c) and (f) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2791(c) 
and (f)) to the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of Defense shall 
obtain the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of 
Commerce on any determination considered under the authority of section 
42(c) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2791(c)).
    (s) Those under section 52(b) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2795a(b)) to the 
Secretary of Defense.
    (t) Those under sections 61 and 62(a) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2796 and 
2796a(a)) to the Secretary of Defense.
    (u) Those under section 2(b)(6) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 
1945, as amended (12 U.S.C. 635(b)(6)) to the Secretary of State.

[[Page 226]]

Sec. 2. Coordination. (a) In addition to the specific provisions of 
section 1 of this order, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of 
Defense, in carrying out the functions delegated to them under this 
order, shall consult with each other and with the heads of other 
executive departments and agencies on matters pertaining to their 
    (b) Under the direction of the President and in accordance with 
section 2(b) of the Act (22 U.S.C. 2752(b)), the Secretary of State, 
taking into account other United States activities abroad, shall be 
responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of 
sales and exports under the Act, including the negotiation, conclusion, 
and termination of international agreements, and determining whether 
there shall be a sale to a country and the amount thereof, and whether 
there shall be delivery or other performance under such sale or export, 
to the end that sales and exports are integrated with other United 
States activities and the foreign policy of the United States is best 
served thereby.
Sec. 3. Allocation of Funds. Funds appropriated to the President for 
carrying out the Act shall be deemed to be allocated to the Secretary of 
Defense without any further action of the President.
Sec. 4. Revocation. Executive Order 11958 of January 18, 1977, as 
amended, is revoked; except that, to the extent consistent with this 
order, all determinations, authorizations, regulations, rulings, 
certificates, orders, directives, contracts, agreements, and other 
actions made, issued, taken, or entered into under the provisions of 
Executive Order 11958, as amended, and not revoked, superseded, or 
otherwise made inapplicable, shall continue in full force and effect 
until amended, modified, or terminated by appropriate authority.
Sec. 5. Delegation of Functions under the International Emergency 
Economic Powers Act. Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, is 
amended as follows:
    (a) Redesignate section 4 as section 6.
    (b) Insert the following new sections 4 and 5 after section 3:
    ``Sec. 4. The Secretary of Commerce shall, to the extent required as 
a matter of statute or regulation, establish appropriate procedures for 
when Congress is to be notified of the export of firearms that are 
subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce under the 
Export Administration Regulations and that are controlled for purposes 
of permanent import by the Attorney General under section 38(a) of the 
Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778(a)) and appropriate procedures 
for when Congress is to be notified of the export of Major Defense 
Equipment controlled for purposes of permanent export under the 
jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce.
    Sec. 5. (a) The Secretary of State is hereby authorized to take such 
actions and to employ those powers granted to the President by the Act 
as may be necessary to license or otherwise approve the export, 
reexport, or transfer of items subject to the jurisdiction of the 
Department of Commerce as agreed to by the Secretary of State and the 
Secretary of Commerce.
    (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, items licensed 
or otherwise approved by the Secretary of State pursuant to this section 
remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce.''
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed 
to impair or otherwise affect:

[[Page 227]]

(i) the authority granted by law to an agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and 
subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    March 8, 2013.
Executive Order 13638 of March 15, 2013

Amendments to Executive Order 12777

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Section 4 of Executive Order 12777 of October 18, 1991, as 
amended (Implementation of Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution 
Control Act of October 18, 1972, as Amended, and the Oil Pollution Act 
of 1990) is further amended by striking section 4 in its entirety and 
inserting in lieu thereof the following:
    ``Sec. 4. Liability Limit Adjustment. (a)(1) The following functions 
vested in the President by section 1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the 
Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, 
acting in consultation with the Administrator, the Secretary of 
Transportation, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Attorney General:

  (A) the adjustment of the limits of liability listed in section 1004(a) 
of OPA for vessels, onshore facilities, and deepwater ports subject to the 
DPA, to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index;

  (B) the establishment of limits of liability under section 1004(d)(1), 
with respect to classes or categories of marine transportation-related 
onshore facilities, and the adjustment of any such limits of liability 
established under section 1004(d)(1), and of any limits of liability 
established under section 1004(d)(2) with respect to deepwater ports 
subject to the DPA, to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price 
Index; and

  (C) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of 
liability, with respect to vessels, marine transportation-related onshore 
facilities, and deepwater ports subject to the DPA.

(2) The Administrator and the Secretary of Transportation will provide 
necessary regulatory analysis support to ensure timely regulatory Consumer 
Price Index adjustments by the Secretary of the department in which the 
Coast Guard is operating of the limits of liability listed in section 
1004(a) of OPA for onshore facilities under subparagraph (a)(1)(A) of this 

[[Page 228]]

    (b) The following functions vested in the President by section 
1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Administrator, acting in 
consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast 
Guard is operating, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of 
the Interior, the Secretary of Energy, and the Attorney General:

(1) the establishment of limits of liability under section 1004(d)(1), with 
respect to classes or categories of non-transportation-related onshore 
facilities, and the adjustment of any such limits of liability established 
under section 1004(d)(1) by the Administrator to reflect significant 
increases in the Consumer Price Index; and

(2) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of 
liability with respect to non-transportation-related onshore facilities.

    (c) The following functions vested in the President by section 
1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Secretary of Transportation, acting 
in consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast 
Guard is operating, the Administrator, the Secretary of the Interior, 
and the Attorney General:

(1) the establishment of limits of liability under section 1004(d)(1), with 
respect to classes or categories of non-marine transportation-related 
onshore facilities, and the adjustment of any such limits of liability 
established under section 1004(d)(1) by the Secretary of Transportation to 
reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index; and

(2) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of 
liability, with respect to non-marine transportation-related onshore 

    (d) The following functions vested in the President by section 
1004(d) of OPA are delegated to the Secretary of the Interior, acting in 
consultation with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast 
Guard is operating, the Administrator, the Secretary of Transportation, 
and the Attorney General:

(1) the adjustment of limits of liability to reflect significant increases 
in the Consumer Price Index with respect to offshore facilities, including 
associated pipelines, other than deepwater ports subject to the DPA; and

(2) the reporting to Congress on the desirability of adjusting limits of 
liability with respect to offshore facilities, including associated 
pipelines, other than deepwater ports subject to the DPA.''

Sec. 2. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or 
otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    March 15, 2013.

[[Page 229]]

Executive Order 13639 of March 28, 2013

Establishment of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote the 
efficient administration of Federal elections and to improve the 
experience of all voters, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Establishment. There is established the Presidential 
Commission on Election Administration (Commission).
Sec. 2.  Membership. (a) The Commission shall be composed of not more 
than nine members appointed by the President. The members shall be drawn 
from among distinguished individuals with knowledge about or experience 
in the administration of State or local elections, as well as 
representatives of successful customer service-oriented businesses, and 
any other individuals with knowledge or experience determined by the 
President to be of value to the Commission.
    (b) The President shall designate two members of the Commission to 
serve as Co-Chairs.
Sec. 3. Mission. (a) The Commission shall identify best practices and 
otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient administration 
of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have the 
opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve 
the experience of voters facing other obstacles in casting their 
ballots, such as members of the military, overseas voters, voters with 
disabilities, and voters with limited English proficiency.
In doing so, the Commission shall consider as appropriate:

(i) the number, location, management, operation, and design of polling 

(ii) the training, recruitment, and number of poll workers;

(iii) voting accessibility for uniformed and overseas voters;

(iv) the efficient management of voter rolls and poll books;

(v) voting machine capacity and technology;

(vi) ballot simplicity and voter education;

(vii) voting accessibility for individuals with disabilities, limited 
English proficiency, and other special needs;

(viii) management of issuing and processing provisional ballots in the 
polling place on Election Day;

(ix) the issues presented by the administration of absentee ballot 

(x) the adequacy of contingency plans for natural disasters and other 
emergencies that may disrupt elections; and

(xi) other issues related to the efficient administration of elections that 
the Co-Chairs agree are necessary and appropriate to the Commission's work.

[[Page 230]]

    (b) The Commission shall be advisory in nature and shall submit a 
final report to the President within 6 months of the date of the 
Commission's first public meeting.
Sec. 4. Administration. (a) The Commission shall hold public meetings 
and engage with Federal, State, and local officials, technical advisors, 
and nongovernmental organizations, as necessary to carry out its 
    (b) In carrying out its mission, the Commission shall be informed 
by, and shall strive to avoid duplicating, the efforts of other 
governmental entities.
    (c) The Commission shall have a staff which shall provide support 
for the functions of the Commission.
Sec. 5. Termination. The Commission shall terminate 30 days after it 
presents its final report to the President.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) To the extent permitted by law, and 
subject to the availability of appropriations, the General Services 
Administration shall provide the Commission with such administrative 
services, funds, facilities, staff, equipment, and other support 
services as may be necessary to carry out its mission on a reimbursable 
    (b) Insofar as the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 
U.S.C. App.) (the ``Act''), may apply to the Commission, any functions 
of the President under that Act, except for those in section 6 of the 
Act, shall be performed by the Administrator of General Services.
    (c) Members of the Commission shall serve without any additional 
compensation for their work on the Commission, but shall be allowed 
travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, to the 
extent permitted by law for persons serving intermittently in the 
Government service (5 U.S.C. 5701-5707).
    (d) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise 

(i) the authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head 
thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (e) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    March 28, 2013.
Executive Order 13640 of April 5, 2013

Continuance of Advisory Council

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and consistent with the provisions 
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), it is 
hereby ordered as follows:

[[Page 231]]

Section 1. Continuing the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based 
and Neighborhood Partnerships. The President's Advisory Council on 
Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, as set forth under the 
provisions of Executive Order 13498 of February 5, 2009, and 
reestablished by section 5 of Executive Order 13569 of April 5, 2011, is 
hereby extended and shall terminate 2 years from the date of this order 
unless further extended by the President.
Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed 
to impair or otherwise affect:

(1) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(2) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law 
and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    April 5, 2013.
Executive Order 13641 of April 5, 2013

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the Continuing 
Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011 (Public 
Law 111-322), as extended by the Consolidated and Further Continuing 
Appropriations Act, 2013 (Public Law 113-6), which requires certain pay 
schedules for civilian Federal employees to remain at 2010 levels 
through 2013, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Statutory Pay Systems. Pursuant to the Consolidated and 
Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (Public Law 113-6), the 
rates of basic pay or salaries of the statutory pay systems (as defined 
in 5 U.S.C. 5302(1)) are set forth on the schedules attached hereto and 
made a part hereof:
    (a) The General Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5332(a)) at Schedule 1;
    (b) The Foreign Service Schedule (22 U.S.C. 3963) at Schedule 2; and
    (c) The schedules for the Veterans Health Administration of the 
Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 7306, 7404; section 301(a) of 
Public Law 102-40) at Schedule 3.
Sec. 2. Senior Executive Service. The ranges of rates of basic pay for 
senior executives in the Senior Executive Service, as established 
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5382, are set forth on Schedule 4 attached hereto 
and made a part hereof.

[[Page 232]]

Sec. 3. Certain Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries. The rates 
of basic pay or salaries for the following offices and positions are set 
forth on the schedules attached hereto and made a part hereof:
    (a) The Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5312-5318) at Schedule 5;
    (b) The Vice President (3 U.S.C. 104) and the Congress (2 U.S.C. 31) 
at Schedule 6; and
    (c) Justices and judges (28 U.S.C. 5, 44(d), 135, 252, and 461(a), 
and section 140 of Public Law 97-92) at Schedule 7.
Sec. 4. Uniformed Services. The rates of monthly basic pay (37 U.S.C. 
203(a)) for members of the uniformed services, as adjusted under 37 
U.S.C. 1009, and the rate of monthly cadet or midshipman pay (37 U.S.C. 
203(c)) are set forth on Schedule 8 attached hereto and made a part 
Sec. 5. Locality-Based Comparability Payments. (a) Pursuant to sections 
5304 and 5304a of title 5, United States Code, and the Continuing 
Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011 (Public 
Law 111-322), as extended by the Consolidated and Further Continuing 
Appropriations Act, 2013 (Public Law 113-6), locality-based 
comparability payments shall be paid in accordance with Schedule 9 
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
    (b) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall take 
such actions as may be necessary to implement these payments and to 
publish appropriate notice of such payments in the Federal Register.
Sec. 6. Administrative Law Judges. Pursuant to section 5372 of title 5, 
United States Code, the rates of basic pay for administrative law judges 
are set forth on Schedule 10 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Sec. 7. Effective Dates. Schedule 8 is effective January 1, 2013. The 
other schedules contained herein are effective on the first day of the 
first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2013.

[[Page 233]]

Sec. 8. Prior Order Superseded. Executive Order 13635 of December 27, 
2012, is superseded as of the effective dates specified in section 7 of 
this order.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    April 5, 2013.

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Executive Order 13642 of May 9, 2013

Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government 

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. General Principles. Openness in government strengthens our 
democracy, promotes the delivery of efficient and effective services to 
the public, and contributes to economic growth. As one vital benefit of 
open government, making information resources easy to find, accessible, 
and usable can fuel entrepreneurship, innovation, and scientific 
discovery that improves Americans' lives and contributes significantly 
to job creation.
Decades ago, the U.S. Government made both weather data and the Global 
Positioning System freely available. Since that time, American 
entrepreneurs and innovators have utilized these resources to create 
navigation systems, weather newscasts and warning systems, location-
based applications, precision farming tools, and much more, improving 
Americans' lives in countless ways and leading to economic growth and 
job creation. In recent years, thousands of Government data resources 
across fields such as health and medicine, education, energy, public 
safety, global development, and finance have been posted in machine-
readable form for free public use on Data.gov. Entrepreneurs and 
innovators have continued to develop a vast range of useful new products 
and businesses using these public information resources, creating good 
jobs in the process.
To promote continued job growth, Government efficiency, and the social 
good that can be gained from opening Government data to the public, the 
default state of new and modernized Government information resources 
shall be open and machine readable. Government information shall be 
managed as an asset throughout its life cycle to promote 
interoperability and openness, and, wherever possible and legally 
permissible, to ensure that data are released to the public in ways that 
make the data easy to find, accessible, and usable. In making this the 
new default state, executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall 
ensure that they safeguard individual privacy, confidentiality, and 
national security.
Sec. 2. Open Data Policy. (a) The Director of the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB), in consultation with the Chief Information Officer 
(CIO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Administrator of the Office 
of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), shall issue an Open Data 
Policy to advance the management of Government information as an asset, 
consistent with my memorandum of January 21, 2009 (Transparency and Open 
Government), OMB Memorandum M-10-06 (Open Government Directive), OMB and 
National Archives and Records Administration Memorandum M-12-18 
(Managing Government Records Directive), the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy Memorandum of February 22, 2013 (Increasing Access to 
the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research), and the CIO's 
strategy entitled ``Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform 
to Better Serve the American People.'' The Open Data Policy shall be 
updated as needed.
    (b) Agencies shall implement the requirements of the Open Data 
Policy and shall adhere to the deadlines for specific actions specified 

[[Page 245]]

When implementing the Open Data Policy, agencies shall incorporate a 
full analysis of privacy, confidentiality, and security risks into each 
stage of the information lifecycle to identify information that should 
not be released. These review processes should be overseen by the senior 
agency official for privacy. It is vital that agencies not release 
information if doing so would violate any law or policy, or jeopardize 
privacy, confidentiality, or national security.
Sec. 3. Implementation of the Open Data Policy. To facilitate effective 
Government-wide implementation of the Open Data Policy, I direct the 
    (a) Within 30 days of the issuance of the Open Data Policy, the CIO 
and CTO shall publish an open online repository of tools and best 
practices to assist agencies in integrating the Open Data Policy into 
their operations in furtherance of their missions. The CIO and CTO shall 
regularly update this online repository as needed to ensure it remains a 
resource to facilitate the adoption of open data practices.
    (b) Within 90 days of the issuance of the Open Data Policy, the 
Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, Controller of the Office 
of Federal Financial Management, CIO, and Administrator of OIRA shall 
work with the Chief Acquisition Officers Council, Chief Financial 
Officers Council, Chief Information Officers Council, and Federal 
Records Council to identify and initiate implementation of measures to 
support the integration of the Open Data Policy requirements into 
Federal acquisition and grant-making processes. Such efforts may include 
developing sample requirements language, grant and contract language, 
and workforce tools for agency acquisition, grant, and information 
management and technology professionals.
    (c) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Chief Performance 
Officer (CPO) shall work with the President's Management Council to 
establish a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goal to track implementation of 
the Open Data Policy. The CPO shall work with agencies to set 
incremental performance goals, ensuring they have metrics and milestones 
in place to monitor advancement toward the CAP Goal. Progress on these 
goals shall be analyzed and reviewed by agency leadership, pursuant to 
the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-352).
    (d) Within 180 days of the date of this order, agencies shall report 
progress on the implementation of the CAP Goal to the CPO. Thereafter, 
agencies shall report progress quarterly, and as appropriate.
Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed 
to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, 
administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law 
and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

[[Page 246]]

    (d) Nothing in this order shall compel or authorize the disclosure 
of privileged information, law enforcement information, national 
security information, personal information, or information the 
disclosure of which is prohibited by law.
    (e) Independent agencies are requested to adhere to this order.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    May 9, 2013.
Executive Order 13643 of May 15, 2013

2013 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including chapter 47 of title 10, 
United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 801-
946), and in order to prescribe amendments to the Manual for Courts-
Martial, United States, prescribed by Executive Order 12473, as amended, 
it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Parts III and IV of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United 
States, are amended as described in the Annex attached and made a part 
of this order.
Sec. 2. These amendments shall take effect as of the date of this order, 
subject to the following:
    (a) Nothing in these amendments shall be construed to make 
punishable any act done or omitted prior to the effective date of this 
order that was not punishable when done or omitted.
    (b) Nothing in these amendments shall be construed to invalidate any 
nonjudicial punishment proceedings, restraint, investigation, referral 
of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun 
prior to the effective date of this order, and any such nonjudicial 
punishment, restraint, investigation, referral of charges, trial, or 
other action may proceed in the same manner and with the same effect as 
if these amendments had not been prescribed.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    May 15, 2013.

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Executive Order 13644 of May 21, 2013

Amendment to Executive Order 13639

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Amendment to Executive Order 13639. Section 2 of Executive 
Order 13639 of March 28, 2013 (Establishment of the Presidential 
Commission on Election Administration), is amended by striking 
subsection 2(a) in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the 
    ``(a) The Commission shall be composed of not more than ten members 
appointed by the President. The members shall be drawn from among 
distinguished individuals with knowledge about or experience in the 
administration of State or local elections, as well as representatives 
of successful customer service-oriented businesses, and any other 
individuals with knowledge or experience determined by the President to 
be of value to the Commission.''
Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed 
to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head 
thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    May 21, 2013.
Executive Order 13645 of June 3, 2013

Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the 
Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 and Additional 
Sanctions With Respect To Iran

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the International 
Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), the Comprehensive 
Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 (Public Law 
111-195) (22 U.S.C. 8501 et seq.) (CISADA), the Iran Freedom and 
Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 (subtitle D of title XII of Public Law 
112-239) (22 U.S.C. 8801 et seq.) (IFCA), section 212(f) of the 
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 
301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to take additional 
steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
12957 of March 15, 1995,

[[Page 299]]

I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, hereby 
Section 1. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the 
Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to impose on a foreign 
financial institution the sanctions described in subsection (b) of this 
section upon determining that the foreign financial institution has, on 
or after the effective date of this order:

(i) knowingly conducted or facilitated any significant transaction related 
to the purchase or sale of Iranian rials or a derivative, swap, future, 
forward, or other similar contract whose value is based on the exchange 
rate of the Iranian rial; or

(ii) maintained significant funds or accounts outside the territory of Iran 
denominated in the Iranian rial.

    (b) With respect to any foreign financial institution determined by 
the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with this section to meet 
the criteria set forth in subsection (a)(i) or (a)(ii) of this section, 
the Secretary of the Treasury may:

(i) prohibit the opening, and prohibit or impose strict conditions on the 
maintaining, in the United States of a correspondent account or a payable-
through account by such foreign financial institution; or

(ii) block all property and interests in property that are in the United 
States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or 
hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person 
(including any foreign branch) of such foreign financial institution, and 
provide that such property and interests in property may not be 
transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in.

    (c) The prohibitions in subsection (b) of this section apply except 
to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 2. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the 
Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to impose on a person the 
measures described in subsection (b) of this section upon determining:

(i) that the person has materially assisted, sponsored, or provided 
financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to 
or in support of, any Iranian person included on the list of Specially 
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by the Office of 
Foreign Assets Control (SDN List) (other than an Iranian depository 
institution whose property and interests in property are blocked solely 
pursuant to Executive Order 13599 of February 5, 2012) or any other person 
included on the SDN List whose property and interests in property are 
blocked pursuant to this paragraph or Executive Order 13599 (other than an 
Iranian depository institution whose property and interests in property are 
blocked solely pursuant to Executive Order 13599); or

(ii) pursuant to authority delegated by the President and in accordance 
with the terms of such delegation, that sanctions shall be imposed on such 
person pursuant to section 1244(c)(1)(A) of IFCA.

[[Page 300]]

    (b) With respect to any person determined by the Secretary of the 
Treasury in accordance with this section to meet the criteria set forth 
in subsection (a)(i) or (a)(ii) of this section, all property and 
interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come 
within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the 
possession or control of any United States person (including any foreign 
branch) of such person are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, 
exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in.
    (c) The prohibitions in subsection (b) of this section apply except 
to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 3. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the 
Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to impose on a foreign 
financial institution the sanctions described in subsection (b) of this 
section upon determining that the foreign financial institution has 
knowingly conducted or facilitated any significant financial 

(i) on behalf of any Iranian person included on the SDN List (other than an 
Iranian depository institution whose property and interests in property are 
blocked solely pursuant to Executive Order 13599) or any other person 
included on the SDN List whose property and interests in property are 
blocked pursuant to subsection 2(a)(i) of this order or Executive Order 
13599 (other than an Iranian depository institution whose property and 
interests in property are blocked solely pursuant to Executive Order 
13599); or

(ii) on or after the effective date of this order, for the sale, supply, or 
transfer to Iran of significant goods or services used in connection with 
the automotive sector of Iran.

    (b) With respect to any foreign financial institution determined by 
the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with this section to meet 
the criteria set forth in subsection (a)(i) or (a)(ii) of this section, 
the Secretary of the Treasury may prohibit the opening, and prohibit or 
impose strict conditions on the maintaining, in the United States of a 
correspondent account or a payable-through account by such foreign 
financial institution.
    (c) Subsection (a)(i) of this section shall apply with respect to a 
significant financial transaction conducted or facilitated by a foreign 
financial institution for the purchase of petroleum or petroleum 
products from Iran only if:

(i) the President determines under subparagraphs (4)(B) and (C) of 
subsection 1245(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2012 (Public Law 112-81) (2012 NDAA) (22 U.S.C. 8513a) that there is a 
sufficient supply of petroleum and petroleum products from countries other 
than Iran to permit a significant reduction in the volume of petroleum and 
petroleum products purchased from Iran by or through foreign financial 
institutions; and

(ii) an exception under subparagraph 4(D) of subsection 1245(d) of the 2012 
NDAA from the imposition of sanctions under paragraph (1) of that 
subsection does not apply.

[[Page 301]]

    (d) Subsection (a)(i) of this section shall not apply with respect 
to a significant financial transaction conducted or facilitated by a 
foreign financial institution for the sale, supply, or transfer to or 
from Iran of natural gas only if the financial transaction is solely for 
trade between the country with primary jurisdiction over the foreign 
financial institution and Iran, and any funds owed to Iran as a result 
of such trade are credited to an account located in the country with 
primary jurisdiction over the foreign financial institution.
    (e) Subsection (a)(i) of this section shall not apply to any person 
for conducting or facilitating a transaction for the provision of 
agricultural commodities, food, medicine, or medical devices to Iran.
    (f) The prohibitions in subsection (b) of this section apply except 
to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 4. Subsections 2(a) and 3(a)(i) of this order shall not apply with 
respect to any person for conducting or facilitating a transaction 
involving a project described in subsection (a) of section 603 of the 
Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (Public Law 
112-158) (22 U.S.C. 8701 et seq.) to which the exception under that 
section applies.
Sec. 5. The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of 
the Treasury, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, and the United States Trade Representative, and with the 
President of the Export-Import Bank, the Chairman of the Board of 
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and other agencies and 
officials as appropriate, is hereby authorized to impose on a person any 
of the sanctions described in section 6 or 7 of this order upon 
determining that the person:
    (a) on or after the effective date of this order, knowingly engaged 
in a significant transaction for the sale, supply, or transfer to Iran 
of significant goods or services used in connection with the automotive 
sector of Iran;
    (b) is a successor entity to a person determined by the Secretary of 
State in accordance with this section to meet the criteria in subsection 
(a) of this section;
    (c) owns or controls a person determined by the Secretary of State 
in accordance with this section to meet the criteria in subsection (a) 
of this section, and had knowledge that the person engaged in the 
activities referred to in that subsection; or
    (d) is owned or controlled by, or under common ownership or control 
with, a person determined by the Secretary of State in accordance with 
this section to meet the criteria in subsection (a) of this section, and 
knowingly participated in the activities referred to in that subsection.
Sec. 6. When the Secretary of State, in accordance with the terms of 
section 5 of this order, has determined that a person meets any of the 
criteria described in subsections (a)-(d) of that section and has 
selected any of the sanctions set forth below to impose on that person, 
the heads of relevant agencies, in consultation with the Secretary of 
State, as appropriate, shall take the following actions where necessary 
to implement the sanctions imposed by the Secretary of State:

[[Page 302]]

    (a) the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank shall deny 
approval of the issuance of any guarantee, insurance, extension of 
credit, or participation in an extension of credit in connection with 
the export of any goods or services to the sanctioned person;
    (b) agencies shall not issue any specific license or grant any other 
specific permission or authority under any statute that requires the 
prior review and approval of the United States Government as a condition 
for the export or reexport of goods or technology to the sanctioned 
    (c) with respect to a sanctioned person that is a financial 

(i) the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
and the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shall take such 
actions as they deem appropriate, including denying designation, or 
terminating the continuation of any prior designation of, the sanctioned 
person as a primary dealer in United States Government debt instruments; or

(ii) agencies shall prevent the sanctioned person from serving as an agent 
of the United States Government or serving as a repository for United 
States Government funds;

    (d) agencies shall not procure, or enter into a contract for the 
procurement of, any goods or services from the sanctioned person;
    (e) the Secretary of State shall deny a visa to, and the Secretary 
of Homeland Security shall exclude from the United States, any alien 
that the Secretary of State determines is a corporate officer or 
principal of, or a shareholder with a controlling interest in, a 
sanctioned person; or
    (f) the heads of the relevant agencies, as appropriate, shall impose 
on the principal executive officer or officers, or persons performing 
similar functions and with similar authorities, of a sanctioned person 
the sanctions described in subsections (a)-(e) of this section, as 
selected by the Secretary of State.
    (g) The prohibitions in subsections (a)-(f) of this section apply 
except to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 7. (a) When the Secretary of State or the Secretary of the 
Treasury, pursuant to authority delegated by the President and in 
accordance with the terms of such delegation, has determined that 
sanctions shall be imposed on a person pursuant to section 
1244(d)(1)(A), 1245(a)(1), or 1246(a)(1) of IFCA (including in each case 
as informed by section 1253(c)(2) of IFCA) or when the Secretary of 
State, in accordance with the terms of section 5 of this order, has 
determined that a person meets any of the criteria described in 
subsections (a)-(d) of that section, such Secretary may select one or 
more of the sanctions set forth below to impose on that person, and the 
Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, 
shall take the following actions where necessary to implement the 
sanctions selected and maintained by the Secretary of State or the 
Secretary of the Treasury:

(i) prohibit any United States financial institution from making loans or 
providing credits to the sanctioned person totaling more than

[[Page 303]]

$10,000,000 in any 12-month period, unless such person is engaged in 
activities to relieve human suffering and the loans or credits are provided 
for such activities;

(ii) prohibit any transactions in foreign exchange that are subject to the 
jurisdiction of the United States and in which the sanctioned person has 
any interest;

(iii) prohibit any transfers of credit or payments between financial 
institutions or by, through, or to any financial institution, to the extent 
that such transfers or payments are subject to the jurisdiction of the 
United States and involve any interest of the sanctioned person;

(iv) block all property and interests in property that are in the United 
States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or 
hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person 
(including any foreign branch) of the sanctioned person, and provide that 
such property and interests in property may not be transferred, paid, 
exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in;

(v) prohibit any United States person from investing in or purchasing 
significant amounts of equity or debt instruments of a sanctioned person;

(vi) restrict or prohibit imports of goods, technology, or services, 
directly or indirectly, into the United States from the sanctioned person; 

(vii) impose on the principal executive officer or officers, or persons 
performing similar functions and with similar authorities, of a sanctioned 
person the sanctions described in subsections (a)(i)-(a)(vi) of this 
section, as selected by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of the 
Treasury, as appropriate.

    (b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section apply except 
to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 8. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the 
United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are 
or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States 
person (including any foreign branch) of the following persons are 
blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or 
otherwise dealt in: any person determined by the Secretary of the 
Treasury, in consultation with or at the recommendation of the Secretary 
of State:

(i) to have engaged, on or after January 2, 2013, in corruption or other 
activities relating to the diversion of goods, including agricultural 
commodities, food, medicine, and medical devices, intended for the people 
of Iran;

(ii) to have engaged, on or after January 2, 2013, in corruption or other 
activities relating to the misappropriation of proceeds from the sale or 
resale of goods described in subsection (a)(i) of this section;

(iii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, 
material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in 
support of, the activities described in subsection (a)(i) or (a)(ii) of 
this section or any person whose property and interests in property are 
blocked pursuant to this section; or

[[Page 304]]

(iv) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for 
or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and 
interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section.

    (b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section apply except 
to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 9. I hereby determine that, to the extent section 203(b)(2) of 
IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(2)) may apply, the making of donations of the 
types of articles specified in such section by, to, or for the benefit 
of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked 
pursuant to this order would seriously impair my ability to deal with 
the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12957, and I hereby 
prohibit such donations as provided by subsections 1(b)(ii), 2(b), 
7(a)(iv), and 8(a) of this order.
Sec. 10. The prohibitions in subsections 1(b)(ii), 2(b), 7(a)(iv), and 
8(a) of this order include but are not limited to:
    (a) the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or 
services by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and 
interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; and
    (b) the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or 
services from any such person.
Sec. 11. I hereby find that the unrestricted immigrant and nonimmigrant 
entry into the United States of aliens who meet one or more of the 
criteria in subsection 2(a), section 5, and subsection 8(a) of this 
order would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I 
hereby suspend the entry into the United States, as immigrants or 
nonimmigrants, of such persons. Such persons shall be treated as persons 
covered by section 1 of Proclamation 8693 of July 24, 2011 (Suspension 
of Entry of Aliens Subject to United Nations Security Council Travel 
Bans and International Emergency Economic Powers Act Sanctions).
Sec. 12. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the 
Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to take such actions, including 
the promulgation of rules and regulations, and to employ all powers 
granted to the President by IEEPA as may be necessary to carry out the 
purposes of this order, other than the purposes described in sections 5, 
6, and 11 of this order. The Secretary of the Treasury may redelegate 
any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United 
States Government consistent with applicable law.
Sec. 13. (a) Any transaction that evades or avoids, has the purpose of 
evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate any 
of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
    (b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set 
forth in this order is prohibited.
Sec. 14. For the purposes of this order:
    (a) the term ``automotive sector of Iran'' means the manufacturing 
or assembling in Iran of light and heavy vehicles including passenger 
cars, trucks, buses, minibuses, pick-up trucks, and motorcycles, as well 
as original equipment manufacturing and after-market parts manufacturing 
relating to such vehicles.

[[Page 305]]

    (b) the term ``entity'' means a partnership, association, trust, 
joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization;
    (c) the term ``financial institution,'' as used in sections 6 and 7 
of this order, includes:

(i) a depository institution (as defined in section 3(c)(1) of the Federal 
Deposit Insurance Act) (12 U.S.C. 1813(c)(1)), including a branch or agency 
of a foreign bank (as defined in section 1(b)(7) of the International 
Banking Act of 1978) (12 U.S.C. 3101(7));

(ii) a credit union;

(iii) a securities firm, including a broker or dealer;

(iv) an insurance company, including an agency or underwriter; and

(v) any other company that provides financial services;

    (d) the term ``foreign financial institution,'' as used in sections 
1 and 3 of this order, means any foreign entity that is engaged in the 
business of accepting deposits, making, granting, transferring, holding, 
or brokering loans or credits, or purchasing or selling foreign 
exchange, securities, commodity futures or options, or procuring 
purchasers and sellers thereof, as principal or agent. It includes but 
is not limited to depository institutions, banks, savings banks, money 
service businesses, trust companies, securities brokers and dealers, 
commodity futures and options brokers and dealers, forward contract and 
foreign exchange merchants, securities and commodities exchanges, 
clearing corporations, investment companies, employee benefit plans, 
dealers in precious metals, stones, or jewels, and holding companies, 
affiliates, or subsidiaries of any of the foregoing. The term does not 
include the international financial institutions identified in 22 U.S.C. 
262r(c)(2), the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the 
North American Development Bank, or any other international financial 
institution so notified by the Secretary of the Treasury;
    (e) the term ``Government of Iran'' includes the Government of Iran, 
any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including 
the Central Bank of Iran, and any person owned or controlled by, or 
acting for or on behalf of, the Government of Iran;
    (f) the term ``Iran'' means the Government of Iran and the territory 
of Iran and any other territory or marine area, including the exclusive 
economic zone and continental shelf, over which the Government of Iran 
claims sovereignty, sovereign rights, or jurisdiction, provided that the 
Government of Iran exercises partial or total de facto control over the 
area or derives a benefit from economic activity in the area pursuant to 
international arrangements;
    (g) the term ``Iranian depository institution'' means any entity 
(including foreign branches), wherever located, organized under the laws 
of Iran or any jurisdiction within Iran, or owned or controlled by the 
Government of Iran, or in Iran, or owned or controlled by any of the 
foregoing, that is engaged primarily in the business of banking (for 
example, banks, savings banks, savings associations, credit unions, 
trust companies, and bank holding companies);

[[Page 306]]

    (h) the term ``Iranian person,'' as used in sections 2 and 3 of this 
order, means an individual who is a citizen or national of Iran or an 
entity organized under the laws of Iran or otherwise subject to the 
jurisdiction of the Government of Iran;
    (i) the terms ``knowledge'' and ``knowingly,'' with respect to 
conduct, a circumstance, or a result, mean that a person has actual 
knowledge, or should have known, of the conduct, the circumstance, or 
the result;
    (j) the term ``person'' means an individual or entity;
    (k) the term ``petroleum'' (also known as crude oil) means a mixture 
of hydrocarbons that exists in liquid phase in natural underground 
reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing 
through surface separating facilities;
    (l) the term ``petroleum products'' includes unfinished oils, 
liquefied petroleum gases, pentanes plus, aviation gasoline, motor 
gasoline, naphtha-type jet fuel, kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, 
distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, petrochemical feedstocks, 
special naphthas, lubricants, waxes, petroleum coke, asphalt, road oil, 
still gas, and miscellaneous products obtained from the processing of: 
crude oil (including lease condensate), natural gas, and other 
hydrocarbon compounds. The term does not include natural gas, liquefied 
natural gas, biofuels, methanol, and other non-petroleum fuels;
    (m) the term ``sanctioned person'' means a person that the Secretary 
of State or the Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to authority 
delegated by the President and in accordance with the terms of such 
delegation, has determined is a person on whom sanctions shall be 
imposed pursuant to section 1244(d)(1)(A), 1245(a)(1), or 1246(a)(1) of 
IFCA (including in each case as informed by section 1253(c)(2) of IFCA), 
and on whom the Secretary of State or the Secretary of the Treasury has 
imposed any of the sanctions in section 6 or 7 of this order or a person 
on whom the Secretary of State, in accordance with the terms of section 
5 of this order, has determined to impose sanctions pursuant to section 
    (n) for the purposes of this order, the term ``subject to the 
jurisdiction of the Government of Iran'' means a person organized under 
the laws of Iran or any jurisdiction within Iran, ordinarily resident in 
Iran, or in Iran, or owned or controlled by any of the foregoing;
    (o) the term ``United States financial institution'' means a 
financial institution as defined in subsection (c) of this section 
(including its foreign branches) organized under the laws of the United 
States or any jurisdiction within the United States or located in the 
United States; and
    (p) the term ``United States person'' means any United States 
citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of 
the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States 
(including foreign branches), or any person in the United States.
Sec. 15. For those persons whose property and interests in property are 
blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence 
in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer 
funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of 
measures to be taken pursuant to this order would render those measures 
ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be 
effective in addressing the

[[Page 307]]

national emergency declared in Executive Order 12957, there need be no 
prior notice of an action taken pursuant to subsection 1(b)(ii), 2(b), 
7(a)(iv), or 8(a) of this order.
Sec. 16. Executive Order 13622 of July 30, 2012, is hereby amended as 
    (a) Subsection (a)(ii) of section 1 is amended by replacing ``for 
the purchase or acquisition of petroleum or petroleum products from 
Iran'' with ``for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or 
marketing of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran''.
    (b) Subsection (a)(iii) of section 1 is amended by replacing ``for 
the purchase or acquisition of petrochemical products from Iran'' with 
``for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of 
petrochemical products from Iran''.
    (c) Subsection (a)(i) of section 2 is amended by replacing 
``knowingly, on or after the effective date of this order, engaged in a 
significant transaction for the purchase or acquisition of petroleum or 
petroleum products from Iran'' with ``knowingly, on or after the 
effective date of this order, engaged in a significant transaction for 
the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of petroleum or 
petroleum products from Iran''.
    (d) Subsection (a)(ii) of section 2 is amended by replacing 
``knowingly, on or after the effective date of this order, engaged in a 
significant transaction for the purchase or acquisition of petrochemical 
products from Iran'' with ``knowingly, on or after the effective date of 
this order, engaged in a significant transaction for the purchase, 
acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of petrochemical products 
from Iran''.
    (e) Subsection (e) of section 10 is amended by inserting the words 
``dealers in precious metals, stones, or jewels,'' after the words 
``employee benefit plans,''.
Sec. 17. All agencies of the United States Government are hereby 
directed to take all appropriate measures within their authority to 
carry out the provisions of this order.
Sec. 18. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right 
or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity 
by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 19. The measures taken pursuant to this order are in response to 
actions of the Government of Iran occurring after the conclusion of the 
1981 Algiers Accords, and are intended solely as a response to those 
later actions.
Sec. 20. This order is effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on 
July 1, 2013.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    June 3, 2013.

[[Page 308]]

Executive Order 13646 of June 25, 2013

Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability 
for Young Americans

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. To contribute to the Nation's future financial 
stability and increase upward economic mobility, it is the policy of the 
Federal Government to promote financial capability among young Americans 
and encourage building the financial capability of young people at an 
early stage in schools, families, communities, and the workplace. By 
starting early, young people can begin to learn the difference between 
wants and needs, the importance and power of saving, and the positive 
and productive role money can play in their lives. Having a basic 
understanding of money management from an early age will make our young 
people better equipped to tackle more complex financial decisions in 
their transition to adulthood, when critical decisions about financing 
higher education and saving for retirement can have lasting consequences 
for financial security. Strengthening the financial capability of our 
young people is an investment in our Nation's economic prosperity.
Financial capability is the capacity, based on knowledge, skills, and 
access, to manage financial resources prudently and effectively. Efforts 
to improve financial capability, which should be based on evidence of 
effectiveness, empower individuals to make informed choices, plan and 
set goals, avoid pitfalls, know where to seek help, and take other 
actions to better their present and long-term financial well-being.
Sec. 2. Establishment of the Council. There is established within the 
Department of the Treasury the President's Advisory Council on Financial 
Capability for Young Americans (Council).
Sec. 3. Membership and Operation of the Council. (a) The Council shall 
consist of:

(i) the Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary), and the Secretary of 
Education, who may designate a senior official from each of their 
respective departments to perform their Council duties; and

(ii) not more than 22 members appointed by the President from among 
individuals not employed by the Federal Government.

    (b) Members of the Council shall include individuals with 
demonstrated experience or clear commitment to improving the financial 
capability of young people, such as individuals working with youth-
serving organizations; educators and education policy experts; business 
leaders and employers of young workers; State, tribal, and local 
government policy makers; financial services providers; and innovators 
in financial capability. The composition of the Council shall reflect 
the views of diverse stakeholders.
    (c) The Secretary shall invite the Director of the Bureau of 
Consumer Financial Protection to participate as a member of the Council, 
to the extent consistent with the Bureau's statutory authorities and 
legal obligations.

[[Page 309]]

    (d) The President shall designate a Chair and a Vice Chair from 
among the members of the Council appointed pursuant to subsection 
(a)(ii) of this section.
    (e) Subject to the direction of the Secretary, the Chair shall 
convene and preside at meetings of the Council, determine its agenda, 
direct its work, and, as appropriate to deal with particular subjects, 
establish and direct the work of subgroups of the Council that shall 
consist exclusively of members of the Council.
    (f) The Vice Chair shall perform:

(i) the duties of the Chair when the position of Chair is vacant; and

(ii) such other functions as the Chair may from time to time assign.

Sec. 4. Functions of the Council. To assist in implementing the policy 
set forth in section 1 of this order, the Council shall:
    (a) collect information and views concerning financial capability 

(i) executive departments and agencies (agencies), including members of the 
Financial Literacy and Education Commission established under title V of 
the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (20 U.S.C. 9702);

(ii) State, local, territorial, and tribal officials; and

(iii) financial capability innovators, educators and education policy 
experts, financial services providers, corporate leaders, and employers of 
young workers, as well as other experts;

    (b) advise the President and the Secretary on means to effectively 
implement the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, including 
means to:

(i) build strong public-private partnerships between and among members of 
the Financial Literacy and Education Commission; other agencies; State, 
tribal, and local governments; and private entities to coordinate the use 
of high quality financial capability resources and practices in schools, 
families, communities, and elsewhere in order to build the financial 
capability of young Americans;

(ii) support ongoing research and evaluation of financial education and 
capability activities aimed at young people to determine and disseminate 
effective approaches;

(iii) effectively assess the financial capability, including both financial 
knowledge and financial behaviors, of young Americans;

(iv) identify and develop strategies to pilot financial capability 
approaches in schools and among young people that are likely to have 
significant effects on young Americans' financial capability, and determine 
ways to test and implement such innovations in a large-scale and 
sustainable manner;

(v) identify, develop, and measure the effectiveness of technology-driven 
approaches to promote financial capability among young people;

(vi) identify and test promising and tested approaches for increasing 
planning, saving, and investing for retirement by young people; and

(vii) promote the importance of starting to plan and act early for 
financial success broadly among Americans through public awareness 
campaigns or other means;

[[Page 310]]

    (c) periodically report to the President, through the Secretary, on:

(i) progress made in implementing the policy set forth in section 1 of this 
order; and

(ii) recommended means to further implement the policy set forth in section 
1 of this order, including with respect to the matters set forth in 
subsection (b) of this section; and

    (d) where appropriate in providing advice and recommendations, take 
into consideration the particular needs of traditionally underserved 
populations--including women and minorities.
Sec. 5. Administration of the Council. (a) To the extent permitted by 
law, the Department of the Treasury shall provide funding and 
administrative support for the Council, as determined by the Secretary, 
to implement this order.
    (b) The heads of agencies shall provide, as appropriate and to the 
extent permitted by law, such assistance and information to the Council 
as the Secretary may request to implement this order.
    (c) Members of the Council appointed under section 3(a)(ii) of this 
order shall serve without any compensation for their work on the 
    (d) Members of the Council, while engaged in the work of the 
Council, may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of 
subsistence, as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in 
Government service (5 U.S.C. 5701-5707), consistent with the 
availability of funds.
    (e) The Secretary shall designate an official within the Department 
of the Treasury to serve as an Executive Director to supervise the 
administrative support for the Council.
Sec. 6. Termination of the Council. Unless extended by the President, 
the Council shall terminate 2 years after the date of this order.
Sec. 7. General Provisions. (a) Insofar as the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.) (the ``Act''), may apply to 
the Council, any functions of the President under the Act, except for 
that of reporting to the Congress, shall be performed by the Secretary 
in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Administrator of General 
    (b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise 

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof, or the status of that department or agency within the Federal 
Government; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (c) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law 
and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    June 25, 2013.

[[Page 311]]

Executive Order 13647 of June 26, 2013

Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote and 
sustain prosperous and resilient Native American tribal governments, it 
is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. The United States recognizes a government-to-
government relationship, as well as a unique legal and political 
relationship, with federally recognized tribes. This relationship is set 
forth in the Constitution of the United States, treaties, statutes, 
Executive Orders, administrative rules and regulations, and judicial 
decisions. Honoring these relationships and respecting the sovereignty 
of tribal nations is critical to advancing tribal self-determination and 
As we work together to forge a brighter future for all Americans, we 
cannot ignore a history of mistreatment and destructive policies that 
have hurt tribal communities. The United States seeks to continue 
restoring and healing relations with Native Americans and to strengthen 
its partnership with tribal governments, for our more recent history 
demonstrates that tribal self-determination--the ability of tribal 
governments to determine how to build and sustain their own 
communities--is necessary for successful and prospering communities. We 
further recognize that restoring tribal lands through appropriate means 
helps foster tribal self-determination.
This order establishes a national policy to ensure that the Federal 
Government engages in a true and lasting government-to-government 
relationship with federally recognized tribes in a more coordinated and 
effective manner, including by better carrying out its trust 
responsibilities. This policy is established as a means of promoting and 
sustaining prosperous and resilient tribal communities. Greater 
engagement and meaningful consultation with tribes is of paramount 
importance in developing any policies affecting tribal nations.
To honor treaties and recognize tribes' inherent sovereignty and right 
to self-government under U.S. law, it is the policy of the United States 
to promote the development of prosperous and resilient tribal 
communities, including by:
    (a) promoting sustainable economic development, particularly energy, 
transportation, housing, other infrastructure, entrepreneurial, and 
workforce development to drive future economic growth and security;
    (b) supporting greater access to, and control over, nutrition and 
healthcare, including special efforts to confront historic health 
disparities and chronic diseases;
    (c) supporting efforts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency 
of tribal justice systems and protect tribal communities;
    (d) expanding and improving lifelong educational opportunities for 
American Indians and Alaska Natives, while respecting demands for 
greater tribal control over tribal education, consistent with Executive 
Order 13592

[[Page 312]]

of December 2, 2011 (Improving American Indian and Alaska Native 
Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and 
Universities); and
    (e) protecting tribal lands, environments, and natural resources, 
and promoting respect for tribal cultures.
Sec. 2. Establishment. There is established the White House Council on 
Native American Affairs (Council). The Council shall improve 
coordination of Federal programs and the use of resources available to 
tribal communities.
Sec. 3. Membership. (a) The Secretary of the Interior shall serve as the 
Chair of the Council, which shall also include the heads of the 
following executive departments, agencies, and offices:

(i) the Department of State;

(ii) the Department of the Treasury;

(iii) the Department of Defense;

(iv) the Department of Justice;

(v) the Department of Agriculture;

(vi) the Department of Commerce;

(vii) the Department of Labor;

(viii) the Department of Health and Human Services;

(ix) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

(x) the Department of Transportation;

(xi) the Department of Energy;

(xii) the Department of Education;

(xiii) the Department of Veterans Affairs;

(xiv) the Department of Homeland Security;

(xv) the Social Security Administration;

(xvi) the Office of Personnel Management;

(xvii) the Office of the United States Trade Representative;

(xviii) the Office of Management and Budget;

(xix) the Environmental Protection Agency;

(xx) the Small Business Administration;

(xxi) the Council of Economic Advisers;

(xxii) the Office of National Drug Control Policy;

(xxiii) the Domestic Policy Council;

(xxiv) the National Economic Council;

(xxv) the Office of Science and Technology Policy;

(xxvi) the Council on Environmental Quality;

(xxvii) the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental 

[[Page 313]]

(xxviii) the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation;

(xxix) the Denali Commission;

(xxx) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and

(xxxi) such other executive departments, agencies, and offices as the Chair 
may, from time to time, designate.

    (b) A member of the Council may designate a senior-level official, 
who is a full-time officer or employee of the Federal Government, to 
perform his or her functions.
    (c) The Department of the Interior shall provide funding and 
administrative support for the Council to the extent permitted by law 
and within existing appropriations.
    (d) The Council shall coordinate its policy development through the 
Domestic Policy Council.
    (e) The Council shall coordinate its outreach to federally 
recognized tribes through the White House Office of Public Engagement 
and Intergovernmental Affairs.
    (f) The Council shall meet three times a year, with any additional 
meetings convened as deemed necessary by the Chair.
The Chair may invite other interested agencies and offices to attend 
meetings as appropriate.
Sec. 4. Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work 
across executive departments, agencies, and offices to coordinate 
development of policy recommendations to support tribal self-governance 
and improve the quality of life for Native Americans, and shall 
coordinate the United States Government's engagement with tribal 
governments and their communities. The Council shall:
    (a) make recommendations to the President, through the Director of 
the Domestic Policy Council, concerning policy priorities, including 
improving the effectiveness of Federal investments in Native American 
communities, where appropriate, to increase the impact of Federal 
resources and create greater opportunities to help improve the quality 
of life for Native Americans;
    (b) coordinate, through the Director of the Office of Public 
Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, Federal engagement with tribal 
governments and Native American stakeholders regarding issues important 
to Native Americans, including with tribal consortia, small businesses, 
education and training institutions including tribal colleges and 
universities, health-care providers, trade associations, research and 
grant institutions, law enforcement, State and local governments, and 
community and non-profit organizations;
    (c) coordinate a more effective and efficient process for executive 
departments, agencies, and offices to honor the United States commitment 
to tribal consultation as set forth in Executive Order 13175 of November 
6, 2000 (Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments), 
and my memorandum of November 5, 2009 (Tribal Consultation); and
    (d) assist the White House Office of Public Engagement and 
Intergovernmental Affairs in organizing the White House Tribal Nations 

[[Page 314]]

each year by bringing together leaders invited from all federally 
recognized Indian tribes and senior officials from the Federal 
Government to provide for direct government-to-government discussion of 
the Federal Government's Indian country policy priorities.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) The heads of executive departments, 
agencies, and offices shall assist and provide information to the 
Council, consistent with applicable law, as may be necessary to carry 
out the functions of the Council.
    (b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise 

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (c) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law 
and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (d) For purposes of this order, ``federally recognized tribe'' means 
an Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, nation, pueblo, village, or 
community that the Secretary of the Interior acknowledges to exist as an 
Indian tribe pursuant to the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act 
of 1994, 25 U.S.C. 479a.
    (e) For purposes of this order, ``American Indian and Alaska 
Native'' means a member of an Indian tribe, as membership is defined by 
the tribe.
    (f) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    June 26, 2013.
Executive Order 13648 of July 1, 2013

Combating Wildlife Trafficking

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to address the 
significant effects of wildlife trafficking on the national interests of 
the United States, I hereby order as follows:
Section 1. Policy. The poaching of protected species and the illegal 
trade in wildlife and their derivative parts and products (together 
known as ``wildlife trafficking'') represent an international crisis 
that continues to escalate. Poaching operations have expanded beyond 
small-scale, opportunistic actions to coordinated slaughter commissioned 
by armed and organized criminal syndicates. The survival of protected 
wildlife species such as elephants, rhinos, great apes, tigers, sharks, 
tuna, and turtles has beneficial economic, social, and environmental 
impacts that are important to all nations. Wildlife trafficking reduces 
those benefits while generating billions

[[Page 315]]

of dollars in illicit revenues each year, contributing to the illegal 
economy, fueling instability, and undermining security. Also, the 
prevention of trafficking of live animals helps us control the spread of 
emerging infectious diseases. For these reasons, it is in the national 
interest of the United States to combat wildlife trafficking.
In order to enhance domestic efforts to combat wildlife trafficking, to 
assist foreign nations in building capacity to combat wildlife 
trafficking, and to assist in combating transnational organized crime, 
executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall take all appropriate 
actions within their authority, including the promulgation of rules and 
regulations and the provision of technical and financial assistance, to 
combat wildlife trafficking in accordance with the following objectives:
    (a) in appropriate cases, the United States shall seek to assist 
those governments in anti-wildlife trafficking activities when requested 
by foreign nations experiencing trafficking of protected wildlife;
    (b) the United States shall promote and encourage the development 
and enforcement by foreign nations of effective laws to prohibit the 
illegal taking of, and trade in, these species and to prosecute those 
who engage in wildlife trafficking, including by building capacity;
    (c) in concert with the international community and partner 
organizations, the United States shall seek to combat wildlife 
trafficking; and
    (d) the United States shall seek to reduce the demand for illegally 
traded wildlife, both at home and abroad, while allowing legal and 
legitimate commerce involving wildlife.
Sec. 2. Establishment. There is established a Presidential Task Force on 
Wildlife Trafficking (Task Force), to be co-chaired by the Secretary of 
State, Secretary of the Interior, and the Attorney General (Co-Chairs), 
or their designees, who shall report to the President through the 
National Security Advisor. The Task Force shall develop and implement a 
National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking in accordance with 
the objectives outlined in section 1 of this order, consistent with 
section 4 of this order.
Sec. 3. Membership. (a) In addition to the Co-Chairs, the Task Force 
shall include designated senior-level representatives from:

(i) the Department of the Treasury;

(ii) the Department of Defense;

(iii) the Department of Agriculture;

(iv) the Department of Commerce;

(v) the Department of Transportation;

(vi) the Department of Homeland Security;

(vii) the United States Agency for International Development;

(viii) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence;

(ix) the National Security Staff;

(x) the Domestic Policy Council;

(xi) the Council on Environmental Quality;

(xii) the Office of Science and Technology Policy;

[[Page 316]]

(xiii) the Office of Management and Budget;

(xiv) the Office of the United States Trade Representative; and

(xv) such agencies and offices as the Co-Chairs may, from time to time, 

    (b) The Task Force shall meet not later than 60 days from the date 
of this order and periodically thereafter.
Sec. 4. Functions. Consistent with the authorities and responsibilities 
of member agencies, the Task Force shall perform the following 
    (a) not later than 180 days after the date of this order, produce a 
National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking that shall include 
consideration of issues relating to combating trafficking and curbing 
consumer demand, including:

(i) effective support for anti-poaching activities;

(ii) coordinating regional law enforcement efforts;

(iii) developing and supporting effective legal enforcement mechanisms; and

(iv) developing strategies to reduce illicit trade and reduce consumer 
demand for trade in protected species;

    (b) not later than 90 days from the date of this order, review the 
Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime of July 19, 2011, and, 
if appropriate, make recommendations regarding the inclusion of crime 
related to wildlife trafficking as an implementation element for the 
Federal Government's transnational organized crime strategy;
    (c) coordinate efforts among and consult with agencies, as 
appropriate and consistent with the Department of State's foreign 
affairs role, regarding work with foreign nations and international 
bodies that monitor and aid in enforcement against crime related to 
wildlife trafficking; and
    (d) carry out other functions necessary to implement this order.
Sec. 5. Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking. Not later than 180 
days from the date of this order, the Secretary of the Interior 
(Secretary), in consultation with the other Co-Chairs of the Task Force, 
shall establish an Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking (Advisory 
Council) that shall make recommendations to the Task Force and provide 
it with ongoing advice and assistance. The Advisory Council shall have 
eight members, one of whom shall be designated by the Secretary as the 
Chair. Members shall not be employees of the Federal Government and 
shall include knowledgeable individuals from the private sector, former 
governmental officials, representatives of nongovernmental 
organizations, and others who are in a position to provide expertise and 
support to the Task Force.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) This order shall be implemented 
consistent with applicable domestic and international law, and subject 
to the availability of appropriations.
    (b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise 

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof, or the status of that department or agency within the Federal 
Government; or

[[Page 317]]

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
    (d) Insofar as the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 
U.S.C. App.) (the ``Act''), may apply to the Advisory Council, any 
functions of the President under the Act, except for that of reporting 
to the Congress, shall be performed by the Secretary in accordance with 
the guidelines issued by the Administrator of General Services.
    (e) The Department of the Interior shall provide funding and 
administrative support for the Task Force and Advisory Council to the 
extent permitted by law and consistent with existing appropriations.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    July 1, 2013.
Executive Order 13649 of July 15, 2013

Accelerating Improvements in HIV Prevention and Care in the United 
States Through the HIV Care Continuum Initiative

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to further strengthen 
the capacity of the Federal Government to effectively respond to the 
ongoing domestic HIV epidemic, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Addressing the domestic HIV epidemic is a priority of 
my Administration. In 2010, the White House released the first 
comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy (Strategy), setting 
quantitative goals for reducing new HIV infections, improving health 
outcomes for people living with HIV, and reducing HIV-related health 
disparities. The Strategy will continue to serve as the blueprint for 
our national response to the domestic epidemic. It has increased 
coordination, collaboration, and accountability across executive 
departments and agencies (agencies) with regard to addressing the 
epidemic. It has also focused our Nation's collective efforts on 
increasing the use of evidence-based approaches to prevention and care 
among populations and in regions where HIV is most concentrated.
Since the release of the Strategy, additional scientific discoveries 
have greatly enhanced our understanding of how to prevent and treat HIV. 
Accordingly, further Federal action is appropriate in response to these 
new developments. For example, a breakthrough research trial supported 
by the National Institutes of Health showed that initiating HIV 
treatment when the immune system was relatively healthy reduced HIV 
transmission by 96 percent. In addition, evidence suggests that early 
treatment may reduce HIV-related complications. These findings highlight 
the importance of prompt

[[Page 318]]

HIV diagnosis, and because of recent advances in HIV testing technology, 
HIV can be detected sooner and more rapidly than ever before.
Based on these and other data, recommendations for HIV testing and 
treatment have changed. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now 
recommends that clinicians screen all individuals ages 15 to 65 years 
for HIV, and the Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines for 
Use of Antiretroviral Agents now recommends offering treatment to all 
adolescents and adults diagnosed with HIV.
Furthermore, ongoing implementation of the Affordable Care Act provides 
a historic opportunity for Americans to access affordable, quality 
health care. The Act is expanding access to recommended preventive 
services with no out-of-pocket costs, including HIV testing, and, 
beginning in 2014, insurance companies will not be able to deny coverage 
based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV. Starting October 1, 
2013, Americans can select the coverage that best suits them through the 
new Health Insurance Marketplace, and coverage will begin January 1, 
Despite progress in combating HIV, important work remains. Since the 
publication of the Strategy, data released by the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention show that there are significant gaps along the 
HIV care continuum--the sequential stages of care from being diagnosed 
to receiving optimal treatment. Nearly one-fifth of the estimated 1.1 
million people living with HIV in the United States are undiagnosed; 
one-third are not linked to medical care; nearly two-thirds are not 
engaged in ongoing care; and only one-quarter have the virus effectively 
controlled, which is necessary to maintain long-term health and reduce 
risk of transmission to others.
In light of these data, we must further clarify and focus our national 
efforts to prevent and treat HIV infection. It is the policy of my 
Administration that agencies implementing the Strategy prioritize 
addressing the continuum of HIV care, including by accelerating efforts 
to increase HIV testing, services, and treatment along the continuum. 
This acceleration will enable us to meet the goals of the Strategy and 
move closer to an AIDS-free generation.
Sec. 2. Establishment of the HIV Care Continuum Initiative. There is 
established the HIV Care Continuum Initiative (Initiative), to be 
overseen by the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy. The 
Initiative will mobilize and coordinate Federal efforts in response to 
recent advances regarding how to prevent and treat HIV infection. The 
Initiative will support further integration of HIV prevention and care 
efforts; promote expansion of successful HIV testing and service 
delivery models; encourage innovative approaches to addressing barriers 
to accessing testing and treatment; and ensure that Federal resources 
are appropriately focused on implementing evidence-based interventions 
that improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum.
Sec. 3. Establishment of the HIV Care Continuum Working Group. There is 
established the HIV Care Continuum Working Group (Working Group) to 
support the Initiative. The Working Group shall coordinate Federal 
efforts to improve outcomes nationally across the HIV care continuum.
    (a) Membership. The Working Group shall be co-chaired by the 
Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy and the Secretary of 
Health and

[[Page 319]]

Human Services or designee (Co-Chairs). In addition to the Co-Chairs, 
the Working Group shall consist of representatives from:

(i) the Department of Justice;

(ii) the Department of Labor;

(iii) the Department of Health and Human Services;

(iv) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

(v) the Department of Veterans Affairs;

(vi) the Office of Management and Budget; and

(vii) other agencies and offices, as designated by the Co-Chairs.

    (b) Consultation. The Working Group shall consult with the 
Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, as appropriate.
    (c) Functions. As part of the Initiative, the Working Group shall:

(i) request and review information from agencies describing efforts to 
improve testing, care, and treatment outcomes, and determine if there is 
appropriate emphasis on addressing the HIV care continuum in relation to 
other work concerning the domestic epidemic;

(ii) review research on improving outcomes along the HIV care continuum;

(iii) obtain input from Federal grantees, affected communities, and other 
stakeholders to inform strategies to improve outcomes along the HIV care 

(iv) identify potential impediments to improving outcomes along the HIV 
care continuum, including for populations at greatest risk for HIV 
infection, based on the efforts undertaken pursuant to paragraphs (i), 
(ii), and (iii) of this subsection;

(v) identify opportunities to address issues identified pursuant to 
paragraph (iv) of this subsection, and thereby improve outcomes along the 
HIV care continuum;

(vi) recommend ways to integrate efforts to improve outcomes along the HIV 
care continuum with other evidence-based strategies to combat HIV; and

(vii) specify how to better align and coordinate Federal efforts, both 
within and across agencies, to improve outcomes along the HIV care 

    (d) Reporting.

(i) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Working Group shall 
provide recommendations to the President on actions that agencies can take 
to improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum.

(ii) Thereafter, the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy shall 
include, as part of the annual report to the President pursuant to section 
1(b) of my memorandum of July 13, 2010 (Implementation of the National HIV/
AIDS Strategy), a report prepared by the Working Group on Government-wide 
progress in implementing this order. This report shall include a 
quantification of progress made in improving outcomes along the HIV care 

[[Page 320]]

Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed 
to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law 
and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    July 15, 2013.
Executive Order 13650 of August 1, 2013

Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. Chemicals, and the facilities where they are 
manufactured, stored, distributed, and used, are essential to today's 
economy. Past and recent tragedies have reminded us, however, that the 
handling and storage of chemicals are not without risk. The Federal 
Government has developed and implemented numerous programs aimed at 
reducing the safety risks and security risks associated with hazardous 
chemicals. However, additional measures can be taken by executive 
departments and agencies (agencies) with regulatory authority to further 
improve chemical facility safety and security in coordination with 
owners and operators.
Sec. 2. Establishment of the Chemical Facility Safety and Security 
Working Group. (a) There is established a Chemical Facility Safety and 
Security Working Group (Working Group) co-chaired by the Secretary of 
Homeland Security, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency (EPA), and the Secretary of Labor or their designated 
representatives at the Assistant Secretary level or higher. In addition, 
the Working Group shall consist of the head of each of the following 
agencies or their designated representatives at the Assistant Secretary 
level or higher:
    (i) the Department of Justice;
    (ii) the Department of Agriculture; and
    (iii) the Department of Transportation.
    (b) In carrying out its responsibilities under this order, the 
Working Group shall consult with representatives from:
    (i) the Council on Environmental Quality;
    (ii) the National Security Staff;

[[Page 321]]

    (iii) the Domestic Policy Council;
    (iv) the Office of Science and Technology Policy;
    (v) the Office of Management and Budget (OMB);
    (vi) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and
    (vii) such other agencies and offices as the President may 
    (c) The Working Group shall meet no less than quarterly to discuss 
the status of efforts to implement this order. The Working Group is 
encouraged to invite other affected agencies, such as the Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, to attend these meetings as appropriate. 
Additionally, the Working Group shall provide, within 270 days of the 
date of this order, a status report to the President through the Chair 
of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Assistant to the 
President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.
Sec. 3. Improving Operational Coordination with State, Local, and Tribal 
Partners. (a) Within 135 days of the date of this order, the Working 
Group shall develop a plan to support and further enable efforts by 
State regulators, State, local, and tribal emergency responders, 
chemical facility owners and operators, and local and tribal communities 
to work together to improve chemical facility safety and security. In 
developing this plan, the Working Group shall:

(i) identify ways to improve coordination among the Federal Government, 
first responders, and State, local, and tribal entities;

(ii) take into account the capabilities, limitations, and needs of the 
first responder community;

(iii) identify ways to ensure that State homeland security advisors, State 
Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs), Tribal Emergency Response 
Commissions (TERCs), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs), Tribal 
Emergency Planning Committees (TEPCs), State regulators, and first 
responders have ready access to key information in a useable format, 
including by thoroughly reviewing categories of chemicals for which 
information is provided to first responders and the manner in which it is 
made available, so as to prevent, prepare for, and respond to chemical 

(iv) identify areas, in collaboration with State, local, and tribal 
governments and private sector partners, where joint collaborative programs 
can be developed or enhanced, including by better integrating existing 
authorities, jurisdictional responsibilities, and regulatory programs in 
order to achieve a more comprehensive engagement on chemical risk 

(v) identify opportunities and mechanisms to improve response procedures 
and to enhance information sharing and collaborative planning between 
chemical facility owners and operators, TEPCs, LEPCs, and first responders;

(vi) working with the National Response Team (NRT) and Regional Response 
Teams (RRTs), identify means for Federal technical assistance to support 
developing, implementing, exercising, and revising State, local, and tribal 
emergency contingency plans, including improved training; and

[[Page 322]]

(vii) examine opportunities to improve public access to information about 
chemical facility risks consistent with national security needs and 
appropriate protection of confidential business information.

    (b) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General, 
through the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and 
Explosives (ATF), shall assess the feasibility of sharing data related 
to the storage of explosive materials with SERCs, TEPCs, and LEPCs.
    (c) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of 
Homeland Security shall assess the feasibility of sharing Chemical 
Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) data with SERCs, TEPCs, and 
LEPCs on a categorical basis.
Sec. 4. Enhanced Federal Coordination. In order to enhance Federal 
coordination regarding chemical facility safety and security:
    (a) Within 45 days of the date of this order, the Working Group 
shall deploy a pilot program, involving the EPA, Department of Labor, 
Department of Homeland Security, and any other appropriate agency, to 
validate best practices and to test innovative methods for Federal 
interagency collaboration regarding chemical facility safety and 
security. The pilot program shall operate in at least one region and 
shall integrate regional Federal, State, local, and tribal assets, where 
appropriate. The pilot program shall include innovative and effective 
methods of collecting, storing, and using facility information, 
stakeholder outreach, inspection planning, and, as appropriate, joint 
inspection efforts. The Working Group shall take into account the 
results of the pilot program in developing integrated standard operating 
procedures pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
    (b) Within 270 days of the date of this order, the Working Group 
shall create comprehensive and integrated standard operating procedures 
for a unified Federal approach for identifying and responding to risks 
in chemical facilities (including during pre-inspection, inspection 
execution, post-inspection, and post-accident investigation activities), 
incident reporting and response procedures, enforcement, and collection, 
storage, and use of facility information. This effort shall reflect best 
practices and shall include agency-to-agency referrals and joint 
inspection procedures where possible and appropriate, as well as 
consultation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency on post-
accident response activities.
    (c) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Working Group 
shall consult with the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) and determine what, 
if any, changes are required to existing memorandums of understanding 
(MOUs) and processes between EPA and CSB, ATF and CSB, and the 
Occupational Safety and Health Administration and CSB for timely and 
full disclosure of information. To the extent appropriate, the Working 
Group may develop a single model MOU with CSB in lieu of existing 
Sec. 5. Enhanced Information Collection and Sharing. In order to enhance 
information collection by and sharing across agencies to support more 
informed decisionmaking, streamline reporting requirements, and reduce 
duplicative efforts:
    (a) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Working Group 
shall develop an analysis, including recommendations, on the potential 
to improve information collection by and sharing between agencies to 
help identify chemical facilities which may not have provided all 
required information

[[Page 323]]

or may be non-compliant with Federal requirements to ensure chemical 
facility safety. This analysis should consider ongoing data-sharing 
efforts, other federally collected information, and chemical facility 
reporting among agencies (including information shared with State, 
local, and tribal governments).
    (b) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Working Group 
shall produce a proposal for a coordinated, flexible data-sharing 
process which can be utilized to track data submitted to agencies for 
federally regulated chemical facilities, including locations, chemicals, 
regulated entities, previous infractions, and other relevant 
information. The proposal shall allow for the sharing of information 
with and by State, local, and tribal entities where possible, consistent 
with section 3 of this order, and shall address computer-based and non-
computer-based means for improving the process in the short-term, if 
they exist.
    (c) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Working Group 
shall identify and recommend possible changes to streamline and 
otherwise improve data collection to meet the needs of the public and 
Federal, State, local, and tribal agencies (including those charged with 
protecting workers and the public), consistent with the Paperwork 
Reduction Act and other relevant authorities, including opportunities to 
lessen the reporting burden on regulated industries. To the extent 
feasible, efforts shall minimize the duplicative collection of 
information while ensuring that pertinent information is shared with all 
key entities.
Sec. 6. Policy, Regulation, and Standards Modernization. (a) In order to 
enhance safety and security in chemical facilities by modernizing key 
policies, regulations, and standards, the Working Group shall:

(i) within 90 days of the date of this order, develop options for improved 
chemical facility safety and security that identifies improvements to 
existing risk management practices through agency programs, private sector 
initiatives, Government guidance, outreach, standards, and regulations;

(ii) within 90 days of developing the options described in subsection 
(a)(i) of this section, engage key stakeholders to discuss the options and 
other means to improve chemical risk management that may be available; and

(iii) within 90 days of completing the outreach and consultation effort 
described in subsection (a)(ii) of this section, develop a plan for 
implementing practical and effective improvements to chemical risk 
management identified pursuant to subsections (a)(i) and (ii) of this 

    (b) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of 
Homeland Security, the Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of 
Agriculture shall develop a list of potential regulatory and legislative 
proposals to improve the safe and secure storage, handling, and sale of 
ammonium nitrate and identify ways in which ammonium nitrate safety and 
security can be enhanced under existing authorities.
    (c) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of 
EPA and the Secretary of Labor shall review the chemical hazards covered 
by the Risk Management Program (RMP) and the Process Safety Management 
Standard (PSM) and determine if the RMP or PSM can and should be 
expanded to address additional regulated substances and types of 
hazards. In

[[Page 324]]

addition, the EPA and the Department of Labor shall develop a plan, 
including a timeline and resource requirements, to expand, implement, 
and enforce the RMP and PSM in a manner that addresses the additional 
regulated substances and types of hazards.
    (d) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of 
Homeland Security shall identify a list of chemicals, including poisons 
and reactive substances, that should be considered for addition to the 
CFATS Chemicals of Interest list.
    (e) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Labor 

(i) identify any changes that need to be made in the retail and commercial 
grade exemptions in the PSM Standard; and

(ii) issue a Request for Information designed to identify issues related to 
modernization of the PSM Standard and related standards necessary to meet 
the goal of preventing major chemical accidents.

Sec. 7. Identification of Best Practices. The Working Group shall 
convene stakeholders, including chemical producers, chemical storage 
companies, agricultural supply companies, State and local regulators, 
chemical critical infrastructure owners and operators, first responders, 
labor organizations representing affected workers, environmental and 
community groups, and consensus standards organizations, in order to 
identify and share successes to date and best practices to reduce safety 
risks and security risks in the production and storage of potentially 
harmful chemicals, including through the use of safer alternatives, 
adoption of best practices, and potential public-private partnerships.
Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) This order shall be implemented 
consistent with applicable law, including international trade 
obligations, and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise 

(i) the authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head 
thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, 
administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    August 1, 2013.
Executive Order 13651 of August 6, 2013

Prohibiting Certain Imports of Burmese Jadeite and Rubies

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the International 

[[Page 325]]

Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National 
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), the Tom Lantos Block Burmese 
JADE (Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-286) 
(the ``JADE Act''), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and 
in order to take additional steps with respect to the national emergency 
declared in Executive Order 13047 of May 20, 1997, as modified in scope 
in Executive Order 13448 of October 18, 2007, and Executive Order 13619 
of July 11, 2012, and relied upon for additional steps taken in 
Executive Order 13310 of July 28, 2003, Executive Order 13448 of October 
18, 2007, Executive Order 13464 of April 30, 2008, and Executive Order 
13619 of July 11, 2012,
I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, hereby 
Section 1. (a) The importation into the United States of any jadeite or 
rubies mined or extracted from Burma and any articles of jewelry 
containing jadeite or rubies mined or extracted from Burma is hereby 
    (b) The prohibition in subsection (a) of this section applies except 
to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, 
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and 
notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit 
granted prior to the effective date of this order.
Sec. 2. I hereby amend Executive Order 13310 of July 28, 2003, by 
revoking sections 3 and 8 of that order. The revocation of those 
provisions of Executive Order 13310 pursuant to this section shall not 
affect any violation of any rules, regulations, orders, licenses, or 
other forms of administrative action under that order during the period 
that those provisions of that order were in effect.
Sec. 3. (a) Any transaction that evades or avoids, has the purpose of 
evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate any 
of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
    (b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set 
forth in this order is prohibited.
Sec. 4. For the purposes of this order:
    (a) the term ``jadeite'' means any jadeite classifiable under 
heading 7103 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States 
    (b) the term ``rubies'' means any rubies classifiable under heading 
7103 of the HTS;
    (c) the term ``articles of jewelry containing jadeite or rubies'' 

(i) any article of jewelry classifiable under heading 7113 of the HTS that 
contains jadeites or rubies; or

(ii) any article of jadeite or rubies classifiable under heading 7116 of 
the HTS;

    (d) the term ``person'' means an individual or entity;
    (e) the term ``entity'' means a partnership, association, trust, 
joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.
Sec. 5. Nothing in section 1 of this order shall prohibit transactions 
to the extent such prohibition would conflict with the international 
obligations of the United States under the Vienna Convention on 
Diplomatic Relations,

[[Page 326]]

the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the United Nations 
Headquarters Agreement, or other legal instruments providing equivalent 
privileges and immunities.
Sec. 6. Nothing in section 1 of this order shall prohibit the 
importation of any jadeite or rubies mined or extracted from Burma or 
any articles of jewelry containing jadeite or rubies mined or extracted 
from Burma that were previously exported from the United States, 
including those that accompanied an individual outside the United States 
for personal use, if they are reimported to the United States by the 
same person, without having been advanced in value or improved in 
condition by any process or other means while outside the United States.
Sec. 7. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the 
Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to take such actions, including 
the promulgation of rules and regulations, and to employ all powers 
granted to the President by IEEPA as may be necessary to carry out the 
purposes of this order. The Secretary of the Treasury may redelegate any 
of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United States 
Government consistent with applicable law. All agencies of the United 
States Government are hereby directed to take all appropriate measures 
within their authority to carry out the provisions of this order.
Sec. 8. Pursuant to section 5(i) of the JADE Act, I hereby determine and 
certify that it is in the national interest of the United States to 
waive, and hereby waive, the sanctions described in section 5(b) of the 
JADE Act. Except as authorized or exempt, transactions with persons 
included on the Department of the Treasury's List of Specially 
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons continue to be prohibited 
pursuant to IEEPA.
Sec. 9. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 10. This order is effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on 
August 7, 2013.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    August 6, 2013.
Executive Order 13652 of September 30, 2013

Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees

By the authority vested in me as President, by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and consistent with the provisions 
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), it is 
hereby ordered as follows:
 Section 1. Each advisory committee listed below is continued until 
September 30, 2015.
    (a) Committee for the Preservation of the White House; Executive 
Order 11145, as amended (Department of the Interior).

[[Page 327]]

    (b) President's Commission on White House Fellowships; Executive 
Order 11183, as amended (Office of Personnel Management).
    (c) President's Committee on the National Medal of Science; 
Executive Order 11287, as amended (National Science Foundation).
    (d) Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health; 
Executive Order 11612, as amended (Department of Labor).
    (e) President's Export Council; Executive Order 12131, as amended 
(Department of Commerce).
    (f) President's Committee on the International Labor Organization; 
Executive Order 12216, as amended (Department of Labor).
    (g) President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities; Executive 
Order 12367, as amended (National Endowment for the Arts).
    (h) President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory 
Committee; Executive Order 12382, as amended (Department of Homeland 
    (i) National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee; 
Executive Order 12829, as amended (National Archives and Records 
    (j) Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee; Executive Order 
12905, as amended (Office of the United States Trade Representative).
    (k) President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities; 
Executive Order 12994, as amended (Department of Health and Human 
    (l) National Infrastructure Advisory Council; Executive Order 13231, 
as amended (Department of Homeland Security).
    (m) President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition; Executive 
Order 13265, as amended (Department of Health and Human Services).
    (n) President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood 
Partnerships; Executive Order 13498, re-established by Executive Order 
13569, and continued by Executive Order 13640 (Department of Health and 
Human Services).
    (o) President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific 
Islanders; Executive Order 13515, as amended (Department of Education).
    (p) Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues; 
Executive Order 13521 (Department of Health and Human Services).
    (q) National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations; 
Executive Order 13522 (Office of Personnel Management).
    (r) President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities; Executive Order 13532, as amended (Department of 
    (s) President's Management Advisory Board; Executive Order 13538 
(General Services Administration).
    (t) President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; 
Executive Order 13539, as amended (Department of Energy).
    (u) Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development; 
Executive Order 13540 (Small Business Administration).

[[Page 328]]

    (v) Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative 
and Public Health; Executive Order 13544, re-established by Executive 
Order 13631 (Department of Health and Human Services).
    (w) State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector (SLTPS) Policy Advisory 
Committee; Executive Order 13549, as amended (National Archives and 
Records Administration).
    (x) President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for 
Hispanics; Executive Order 13555, re-established by Executive Order 
13634 (Department of Education).
    (y) President's Global Development Council; Executive Order 13600 
(United States Agency for International Development).
    (z) President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for 
African Americans; Executive Order 13621 (Department of Education).
Sec. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Executive Order, the 
functions of the President under the Federal Advisory Committee Act that 
are applicable to the committees listed in section 1 of this order shall 
be performed by the head of the department or agency designated after 
each committee, in accordance with the regulations, guidelines, and 
procedures established by the Administrator of General Services.
Sec. 3. Sections 1 and 2 of Executive Order 13585 of September 30, 2011, 
and sections 1, 2, and 4 of Executive Order 13591 of November 23, 2011, 
are superseded by sections 1 and 2 of this order.
Sec. 4. Executive Order 13538 of April 19, 2010, is amended in section 
4(c) by striking ``The Executive Director shall serve as the Designated 
Federal Officer in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 
as amended (5 U.S.C. App.) (FACA)'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``The 
PMAB shall also have a Designated Federal Officer (DFO) in accordance 
with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.) 
(FACA). The Executive Director may serve as the DFO''.
Sec. 5. Executive Order 13043 of April 16, 1997, is amended by striking 
section 4 and renumbering the subsequent sections appropriately.
Sec. 6. Executive Order 13231 of October 16, 2001, as amended, is 
further amended by striking section 3, except subsection (c) thereof, 
and inserting immediately preceding subsection (c), the following:
    ``Sec. 3. The National Infrastructure Advisory Council. The National 
Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), established on October 16, 2001, 
shall provide the President, through the Secretary of Homeland Security, 
with advice on the security and resilience of the critical 
infrastructure sectors and their functional systems, physical assets, 
and cyber networks.
    ``(a) Membership. The NIAC shall be composed of not more than 30 
members appointed by the President, taking appropriate account of the 
benefits of having members:

``(i) from the private sector, including individuals with experience in 
banking and finance, transportation, energy, water, communications, health 
care services, food and agriculture, government facilities, emergency 
services organizations, institutions of higher education, environmental and 
climate resilience, and State, local, and tribal governments;

[[Page 329]]

``(ii) with senior executive leadership responsibilities for the 
availability and reliability, including security and resilience, of 
critical infrastructure sectors;

``(iii) with expertise relevant to the functions of the NIAC; and

``(iv) with experience equivalent to that of a chief executive of an 

    ``Unless otherwise determined by the President, no full-time officer 
or employee of the executive branch shall be appointed to serve as a 
member of the NIAC. The President shall designate from among the members 
of the NIAC a Chair and a Vice Chair, who shall perform the functions of 
the Chair if the Chair is absent or disabled, or in the instance of a 
vacancy in the Chair.
    ``(b) Functions of the NIAC. The NIAC shall meet periodically to:

``(i) enhance the partnership of the public and private sectors in securing 
and enhancing the security and resilience of critical infrastructure and 
their supporting functional systems, physical assets, and cyber networks, 
and provide reports on this issue to the President, through the Secretary 
of Homeland Security, as appropriate;

``(ii) propose and develop ways to encourage private industry to perform 
periodic risk assessments and implement risk-reduction programs;

``(iii) monitor the development and operations of critical infrastructure 
sector coordinating councils and their information-sharing mechanisms and 
provide recommendations to the President, through the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, on how these organizations can best foster improved cooperation 
among the sectors, the Department of Homeland Security, and other Federal 
Government entities;

``(iv) report to the President through the Secretary of Homeland Security, 
who shall ensure appropriate coordination with the Assistant to the 
President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, the Assistant to the 
President for Economic Policy, and the Assistant to the President for 
National Security Affairs under the terms of this order; and

``(v) advise sector-specific agencies with critical infrastructure 
responsibilities to include issues pertaining to sector and government 
coordinating councils and their information sharing mechanisms.

    ``In implementing this order, the NIAC shall not advise or otherwise 
act on matters pertaining to National Security and Emergency 
Preparedness (NS/EP) Communications and, with respect to any matters to 
which the NIAC is authorized by this order to provide advice or 
otherwise act on that may depend on or affect NS/EP Communications, 
shall coordinate with the National Security and Telecommunications 
Advisory Committee established by Executive Order 12382 of September 13, 
1982, as amended.''.
Sec. 7. Executive Order 13600 of February 9, 2012, is amended in section 
3(b) by striking the ``and'' immediately preceding ``the Chief Executive 
Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation'' and by adding ``, the 
United States Trade Representative, and the Chief Executive Officer of 
the Overseas Private Investment Corporation'' immediately preceding 
``shall serve as non-voting members''. Executive Order 13600 is further 
amended in section 5(c) by adding ``administrative'' immediately 
preceding ``matters and activities pertaining''.

[[Page 330]]

Sec. 8. Section 3(b) of Executive Order 13515 of October 14, 2009, as 
amended, is further amended by inserting in the list of agency members 
``the General Services Administration'' and ``the National Aeronautics 
and Space Administration'' after ``the Small Business Administration'', 
and redesignating the subsections of section 3(b) as appropriate. 
Subsection 3(b) is further amended by inserting at the end the following 

``The Initiative is encouraged to invite other affected agencies, such as 
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Corporation for National and 
Community Service, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the 
Federal Communications Commission to attend meetings and participate in the 
Initiative as appropriate.''.

Sec. 9. This order shall be effective September 30, 2013.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    September 30, 2013.
Executive Order 13653 of November 1, 2013

Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to prepare the Nation 
for the impacts of climate change by undertaking actions to enhance 
climate preparedness and resilience, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. The impacts of climate change--including an increase 
in prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy 
downpours, an increase in wildfires, more severe droughts, permafrost 
thawing, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise--are already affecting 
communities, natural resources, ecosystems, economies, and public health 
across the Nation. These impacts are often most significant for 
communities that already face economic or health-related challenges, and 
for species and habitats that are already facing other pressures. 
Managing these risks requires deliberate preparation, close cooperation, 
and coordinated planning by the Federal Government, as well as by 
stakeholders, to facilitate Federal, State, local, tribal, private-
sector, and nonprofit-sector efforts to improve climate preparedness and 
resilience; help safeguard our economy, infrastructure, environment, and 
natural resources; and provide for the continuity of executive 
department and agency (agency) operations, services, and programs.
A foundation for coordinated action on climate change preparedness and 
resilience across the Federal Government was established by Executive 
Order 13514 of October 5, 2009 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, 
Energy, and Economic Performance), and the Interagency Climate Change 
Adaptation Task Force led by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 
the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition, through the 
U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), established by section

[[Page 331]]

103 of the Global Change Research Act of 1990 (15 U.S.C. 2933), and 
agency programs and activities, the Federal Government will continue to 
support scientific research, observational capabilities, and assessments 
necessary to improve our understanding of and response to climate change 
and its impacts on the Nation.
The Federal Government must build on recent progress and pursue new 
strategies to improve the Nation's preparedness and resilience. In doing 
so, agencies should promote: (1) engaged and strong partnerships and 
information sharing at all levels of government; (2) risk-informed 
decisionmaking and the tools to facilitate it; (3) adaptive learning, in 
which experiences serve as opportunities to inform and adjust future 
actions; and (4) preparedness planning.
Sec. 2. Modernizing Federal Programs to Support Climate Resilient 
Investment. (a) To support the efforts of regions, States, local 
communities, and tribes, all agencies, consistent with their missions 
and in coordination with the Council on Climate Preparedness and 
Resilience (Council) established in section 6 of this order, shall:

(i) identify and seek to remove or reform barriers that discourage 
investments or other actions to increase the Nation's resilience to climate 
change while ensuring continued protection of public health and the 

(ii) reform policies and Federal funding programs that may, perhaps 
unintentionally, increase the vulnerability of natural or built systems, 
economic sectors, natural resources, or communities to climate change 
related risks;

(iii) identify opportunities to support and encourage smarter, more 
climate-resilient investments by States, local communities, and tribes, 
including by providing incentives through agency guidance, grants, 
technical assistance, performance measures, safety considerations, and 
other programs, including in the context of infrastructure development as 
reflected in Executive Order 12893 of January 26, 1994 (Principles for 
Federal Infrastructure Investments), my memorandum of August 31, 2011 
(Speeding Infrastructure Development through More Efficient and Effective 
Permitting and Environmental Review), Executive Order 13604 of March 22, 
2012 (Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of 
Infrastructure Projects), and my memorandum of May 17, 2013 (Modernizing 
Federal Infrastructure Review and Permitting Regulations, Policies, and 
Procedures); and

(iv) report on their progress in achieving the requirements identified 
above, including accomplished and planned milestones, in the Agency 
Adaptation Plans developed pursuant to section 5 of this order.

    (b) In carrying out this section, agencies should also consider the 
recommendations of the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on 
Climate Preparedness and Resilience (Task Force) established in section 
7 of this order and the National Infrastructure Advisory Council 
established by Executive Order 13231 of October 16, 2001 (Critical 
Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age), and continued through 
Executive Order 13652 of September 30, 2013 (Continuance of Certain 
Federal Advisory Committees).

[[Page 332]]

    (c) Interagency groups charged with coordinating and modernizing 
Federal processes related to the development and integration of both 
man-made and natural infrastructure, evaluating public health and social 
equity issues, safeguarding natural resources, and other issues impacted 
by climate change--including the Steering Committee on Federal 
Infrastructure Permitting and Review Process Improvement established by 
Executive Order 13604, the Task Force on Ports established on July 19, 
2012, the Interagency Working Group on Coordination of Domestic Energy 
Development and Permitting in Alaska established by Executive Order 
13580 of July 12, 2011, and the Federal Interagency Working Group on 
Environmental Justice established by Executive Order 12898 of February 
11, 1994--shall be responsible for ensuring that climate change related 
risks are accounted for in such processes and shall work with agencies 
in meeting the requirements set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of this 
Sec. 3. Managing Lands and Waters for Climate Preparedness and 
Resilience. Within 9 months of the date of this order and in 
coordination with the efforts described in section 2 of this order, the 
heads of the Departments of Defense, the Interior, and Agriculture, the 
Environmental Protection Agency, NOAA, the Federal Emergency Management 
Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers, and other agencies as recommended 
by the Council established in section 6 of this order shall work with 
the Chair of CEQ and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) to complete an inventory and assessment of proposed and completed 
changes to their land- and water-related policies, programs, and 
regulations necessary to make the Nation's watersheds, natural 
resources, and ecosystems, and the communities and economies that depend 
on them, more resilient in the face of a changing climate. Further, 
recognizing the many benefits the Nation's natural infrastructure 
provides, agencies shall, where possible, focus on program and policy 
adjustments that promote the dual goals of greater climate resilience 
and carbon sequestration, or other reductions to the sources of climate 
change. The assessment shall include a timeline and plan for making 
changes to policies, programs, and regulations. Agencies shall build on 
efforts already completed or underway as outlined in agencies' 
Adaptation Plans, as discussed in section 5 of this order, as well as 
recent interagency climate adaptation strategies such as the National 
Action Plan: Priorities for Managing Freshwater Resources in a Changing 
Climate, released October 28, 2011; the National Fish, Wildlife and 
Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy, released March 26, 2013; and the 
National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan, released April 16, 2013.
Sec. 4. Providing Information, Data, and Tools for Climate Change 
Preparedness and Resilience. (a) In support of Federal, regional, State, 
local, tribal, private-sector and nonprofit-sector efforts to prepare 
for the impacts of climate change, the Departments of Defense, the 
Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Housing and 
Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, and Homeland Security, the 
Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, and any other agencies as recommended by the Council 
established in section 6 of this order, shall, supported by USGCRP, work 
together to develop and provide authoritative, easily accessible, 
usable, and timely data, information, and decision-support tools on 
climate preparedness and resilience.
    (b) As part of the broader open data policy, CEQ and OSTP, in 
collaboration with OMB and consistent with Executive Order 13642 of May 
9, 2013

[[Page 333]]

(Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government 
Information), shall oversee the establishment of a web-based portal on 
``Data.gov'' and work with agencies on identifying, developing, and 
integrating data and tools relevant to climate issues and 
decisionmaking. Agencies shall coordinate their work on these data and 
tools with relevant interagency councils and committees such as the 
National Science and Technology Council and those that support the 
implementation of Presidential Policy Directive-21 of February 12, 2013 
(Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience).
Sec. 5. Federal Agency Planning for Climate Change Related Risk. (a) 
Consistent with Executive Order 13514, agencies have developed Agency 
Adaptation Plans and provided them to CEQ and OMB. These plans evaluate 
the most significant climate change related risks to, and 
vulnerabilities in, agency operations and missions in both the short and 
long term, and outline actions that agencies will take to manage these 
risks and vulnerabilities. Building on these efforts, each agency shall 
develop or continue to develop, implement, and update comprehensive 
plans that integrate consideration of climate change into agency 
operations and overall mission objectives and submit those plans to CEQ 
and OMB for review. Each Agency Adaptation Plan shall include:

(i) identification and assessment of climate change related impacts on and 
risks to the agency's ability to accomplish its missions, operations, and 

(ii) a description of programs, policies, and plans the agency has already 
put in place, as well as additional actions the agency will take, to manage 
climate risks in the near term and build resilience in the short and long 

(iii) a description of how any climate change related risk identified 
pursuant to paragraph (i) of this subsection that is deemed so significant 
that it impairs an agency's statutory mission or operation will be 
addressed, including through the agency's existing reporting requirements;

(iv) a description of how the agency will consider the need to improve 
climate adaptation and resilience, including the costs and benefits of such 
improvement, with respect to agency suppliers, supply chain, real property 
investments, and capital equipment purchases such as updating agency 
policies for leasing, building upgrades, relocation of existing facilities 
and equipment, and construction of new facilities; and

(v) a description of how the agency will contribute to coordinated 
interagency efforts to support climate preparedness and resilience at all 
levels of government, including collaborative work across agencies' 
regional offices and hubs, and through coordinated development of 
information, data, and tools, consistent with section 4 of this order.

    (b) Agencies will report on progress made on their Adaptation Plans, 
as well as any updates made to the plans, through the annual Strategic 
Sustainability Performance Plan process. Agencies shall regularly update 
their Adaptation Plans, completing the first update within 120 days of 
the date of this order, with additional regular updates thereafter due 
not later than 1 year after the publication of each quadrennial National 
Climate Assessment report required by section 106 of the Global Change 
Research Act of 1990 (15 U.S.C. 2936).

[[Page 334]]

Sec. 6. Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience.
    (a) Establishment. There is established an interagency Council on 
Climate Preparedness and Resilience (Council).
    (b) Membership. The Council shall be co-chaired by the Chair of CEQ, 
the Director of OSTP, and the Assistant to the President for Homeland 
Security and Counterterrorism. In addition, the Council shall include 
senior officials (Deputy Secretary or equivalent officer) from:

(i) the Department of State;

(ii) the Department of the Treasury;

(iii) the Department of Defense;

(iv) the Department of Justice;

(v) the Department of the Interior;

(vi) the Department of Agriculture;

(vii) the Department of Commerce;

(viii) the Department of Labor;

(ix) the Department of Health and Human Services;

(x) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;

(xi) the Department of Transportation;

(xii) the Department of Energy;

(xiii) the Department of Education;

(xiv) the Department of Veterans Affairs;

(xv) the Department of Homeland Security;

(xvi) the United States Agency for International Development;

(xvii) the Army Corps of Engineers;

(xviii) the Environmental Protection Agency;

(xix) the General Services Administration;

(xx) the Millennium Challenge Corporation;

(xxi) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration;

(xxii) the U.S. Small Business Administration;

(xxiii) the Corporation for National and Community Service;

(xxiv) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence;

(xxv) the Council of Economic Advisers;

(xxvi) the National Economic Council;

(xxvii) the Domestic Policy Council;

(xxviii) the Office of Management and Budget;

(xxix) the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental 

(xxx) the United States Trade Representative; and

[[Page 335]]

(xxxi) such agencies or offices as the President or Co-Chairs shall 

    (c) Administration. CEQ shall provide administrative support and 
additional resources, as appropriate, for the Council to the extent 
permitted by law and within existing appropriations. Agencies shall 
assist and provide information to the Council, consistent with 
applicable law, as may be necessary to carry out its functions. Each 
agency shall bear its own expenses for participating in the Council.
    (d) Council Structure. The Co-Chairs shall designate a subset of 
members of the Council to serve on a Steering Committee, which shall 
help determine priorities and strategic direction for the Council. The 
Co-Chairs and Steering Committee may establish working groups as needed, 
and may recharter working groups of the Interagency Climate Change 
Adaptation Task Force, as appropriate.
    (e) Mission and Function of the Council. The Council shall work 
across agencies and offices, and in partnership with State, local, and 
tribal governments (as well as the Task Force established in section 7 
of this order), academic and research institutions, and the private and 
nonprofit sectors to:

(i) develop, recommend, coordinate interagency efforts on, and track 
implementation of priority Federal Government actions related to climate 
preparedness and resilience;

(ii) support regional, State, local, and tribal action to assess climate 
change related vulnerabilities and cost-effectively increase climate 
preparedness and resilience of communities, critical economic sectors, 
natural and built infrastructure, and natural resources, including through 
the activities as outlined in sections 2 and 3 of this order;

(iii) facilitate the integration of climate science in policies and 
planning of government agencies and the private sector, including by 
promoting the development of innovative, actionable, and accessible Federal 
climate change related information, data, and tools at appropriate scales 
for decisionmakers and deployment of this information through a Government-
wide web-based portal, as described in section 4 of this order; and

(iv) such other functions as may be decided by the Co-Chairs, including 
implementing, as appropriate, the recommendations of the Task Force 
established in section 7 of this order.

    (f) Termination of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task 
Force. The Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force (Adaptation 
Task Force), established in 2009, created the framework for coordinated 
Federal action on climate preparedness and resilience, driving agency-
level planning and action. The Adaptation Task Force shall terminate no 
later than 30 days after the first meeting of the Council, which shall 
continue and build upon the Adaptation Task Force's work.
Sec. 7. State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate 
Preparedness and Resilience.
    (a) Establishment. To inform Federal efforts to support climate 
preparedness and resilience, there is established a State, Local, and 
Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience (Task 
    (b) Membership. The Task Force shall be co-chaired by the Chair of 
CEQ and the Director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental 
Affairs. In

[[Page 336]]

addition, its members shall be such elected State, local, and tribal 
officials as may be invited by the Co-Chairs to participate. Members of 
the Task Force, acting in their official capacity, may designate 
employees with authority to act on their behalf.
    (c) Mission and Function. Within 1 year of the date of this order, 
the Task Force shall provide, through its Co-Chairs, recommendations to 
the President and the Council for how the Federal Government can:

(i) remove barriers, create incentives, and otherwise modernize Federal 
programs to encourage investments, practices, and partnerships that 
facilitate increased resilience to climate impacts, including those 
associated with extreme weather;

(ii) provide useful climate preparedness tools and actionable information 
for States, local communities, and tribes, including through interagency 
collaboration as described in section 6 of this order; and

(iii) otherwise support State, local, and tribal preparedness for and 
resilience to climate change.

    (d) Sunset. The Task Force shall terminate no later than 6 months 
after providing its recommendations.
Sec. 8. Definitions. As used in this order:
    (a) ``preparedness'' means actions taken to plan, organize, equip, 
train, and exercise to build, apply, and sustain the capabilities 
necessary to prevent, protect against, ameliorate the effects of, 
respond to, and recover from climate change related damages to life, 
health, property, livelihoods, ecosystems, and national security;
    (b) ``adaptation'' means adjustment in natural or human systems in 
anticipation of or response to a changing environment in a way that 
effectively uses beneficial opportunities or reduces negative effects; 
    (c) ``resilience'' means the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and 
adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover 
rapidly from disruptions.
Sec. 9. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed 
to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, 
administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with U.S. obligations 
under international agreements and applicable U.S. law, and be subject 
to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    November 1, 2013.

[[Page 337]]

Executive Order 13654 of November 21, 2013

Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Long 
Island Rail Road Company and Certain of Its Employees Represented by 
Certain Labor Organizations

Disputes exist between the Long Island Rail Road Company (LIRR) and 
certain of its employees represented by certain labor organizations. The 
labor organizations involved in these disputes are designated on the 
attached list, which is made part of this order.
The disputes heretofore have not been adjusted under the provisions of 
the Railway Labor Act, as amended, 45 U.S.C. 151-188 (RLA).
A party empowered by the RLA has requested that the President establish 
an emergency board pursuant to section 9A of the RLA (45 U.S.C. 159a).
Section 9A(c) of the RLA provides that the President, upon such request, 
shall appoint an emergency board to investigate and report on the 
NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 9A of 
the RLA, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Establishment of Emergency Board (Board). There is 
established, effective 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on November 22, 
2013, a Board of three members to be appointed by the President to 
investigate and report on these disputes. No member shall be pecuniarily 
or otherwise interested in any organization of railroad employees or any 
carrier. The Board shall perform its functions subject to the 
availability of funds.
Sec. 2. Report. The Board shall report to the President with respect to 
the disputes within 30 days of its creation.
Sec. 3. Maintaining Conditions. As provided by section 9A(c) of the RLA, 
for 120 days from the date of the creation of the Board, no change in 
the conditions out of which the disputes arose shall be made by the 
parties to the controversy, except by agreement of the parties.
Sec. 4. Records Maintenance. The records and files of the Board are 
records of the Office of the President and upon the Board's termination 
shall be maintained in the physical custody of the National Mediation 
Sec. 5. Expiration. The Board shall terminate upon the submission of the 
report provided for in section 2 of this order.
Barack Obama
The White House,
    November 21, 2013.

[[Page 338]]


[[Page 339]]

Executive Order 13655 of December 23, 2013

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Statutory Pay Systems. The rates of basic pay or salaries of 
the statutory pay systems (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 5302(1)), as adjusted 
under 5 U.S.C. 5303, are set forth on the schedules attached hereto and 
made a part hereof:
    (a) The General Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5332(a)) at Schedule 1;
    (b) The Foreign Service Schedule (22 U.S.C. 3963) at Schedule 2; and
    (c) The schedules for the Veterans Health Administration of the 
Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 7306, 7404; section 301(a) of 
Public Law 102-40) at Schedule 3.
Sec. 2. Senior Executive Service. The ranges of rates of basic pay for 
senior executives in the Senior Executive Service, as established 
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5382, are set forth on Schedule 4 attached hereto 
and made a part hereof.
Sec. 3. Certain Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries. The rates 
of basic pay or salaries for the following offices and positions are set 
forth on the schedules attached hereto and made a part hereof:
    (a) The Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5312-5318) at Schedule 5;
    (b) The Vice President (3 U.S.C. 104) and the Congress (2 U.S.C. 31) 
at Schedule 6; and
    (c) Justices and judges (28 U.S.C. 5, 44(d), 135, 252, and 461(a)) 
at Schedule 7.
Sec. 4. Uniformed Services. The rates of monthly basic pay (37 U.S.C. 
203(a)) for members of the uniformed services, as adjusted under 37 
U.S.C. 1009, and the rate of monthly cadet or midshipman pay (37 U.S.C. 
203(c)) are set forth on Schedule 8 attached hereto and made a part 
Sec. 5. Locality-Based Comparability Payments. (a) Pursuant to section 
5304 of title 5, United States Code, and my authority to implement an 
alternative level of comparability payments under section 5304a of title 
5, United States Code, locality-based comparability payments shall be 
paid in accordance with Schedule 9 attached hereto and made a part 
    (b) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall take 
such actions as may be necessary to implement these payments and to 
publish appropriate notice of such payments in the Federal Register.
Sec. 6. Administrative Law Judges. Pursuant to section 5372 of title 5, 
United States Code, the rates of basic pay for administrative law judges 
are set forth on Schedule 10 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Sec. 7. Effective Dates. Schedule 8 is effective January 1, 2014. The 
other schedules contained herein are effective on the first day of the 
first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2014.

[[Page 340]]

Sec. 8. Prior Order Superseded. Executive Order 13641 of April 5, 2013, 
is superseded as of the effective dates specified in section 7 of this 
Barack Obama
The White House,
    December 23, 2013.

[[Page 341]]


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Subchapter A-- [Reserved]
Subchapter B-- Administrative Orders                                 351
Subchapter C-- Reorganization Plans                               [None]
Subchapter D-- Designations                                       [None]


Subchapter B-- Administrative Orders


Memorandum of January 15, 2013

Delegation of Certain Functions Under Section 6 of Public Law 112-150

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate to you all functions conferred 
upon the President by subsections (a) and (b) of section 6 of Public Law 
112-150. You will exercise these functions in coordination with the 
Secretary of Defense.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, January 15, 2013.

[[Page 352]]

Memorandum of January 16, 2013

Engaging in Public Health Research on the Causes and Prevention of Gun 

Memorandum for the Secretary of Health and Human Services
In addition to being a law enforcement challenge, gun violence is also a 
serious public health issue that affects thousands of individuals, 
families, and communities across the Nation. Each year in the United 
States there are approximately 30,000 firearm-related deaths, and 
approximately 11,000 of those deaths result from homicides. Addressing 
this critical issue requires a comprehensive, multifaceted approach.
Recent research suggests that, in developing such an approach, a broader 
public health perspective is imperative. Significant strides can be made 
by assessing the causes of gun violence and the successful efforts in 
place for preventing the misuse of firearms. Taking these steps will 
improve our understanding of the gun violence epidemic and will aid in 
the continued development of gun violence prevention strategies.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby 
direct the following:
Section 1. Research. The Secretary of Health and Human Services 
(Secretary), through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention and other scientific agencies within the Department of Health 
and Human Services, shall conduct or sponsor research into the causes of 
gun violence and the ways to prevent it. The Secretary shall begin by 
identifying the most pressing research questions with the greatest 
potential public health impact, and by assessing existing public health 
interventions being implemented across the Nation to prevent gun 
Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or 
the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
Sec. 3. Publication. You are hereby authorized and directed to publish 
this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, January 16, 2013.

[[Page 353]]

Memorandum of January 16, 2013

Improving Availability of Relevant Executive Branch Records to the 
National Instant Criminal Background Check System

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Since it became operational in 1998, the National Instant Criminal 
Background Check System (NICS) has been an essential tool in the effort 
to ensure that individuals who are prohibited under Federal or State law 
from possessing firearms do not acquire them from Federal Firearms 
Licensees (FFLs). The ability of the NICS to determine quickly and 
effectively whether an individual is prohibited from possessing or 
receiving a firearm depends on the completeness and accuracy of the 
information made available to it by Federal, State, and tribal 
The NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 (NIAA) (Public Law 1107-180) 
was a bipartisan effort to strengthen the NICS by increasing the 
quantity and quality of relevant records from Federal, State, and tribal 
authorities accessible by the system. Among its requirements, the NIAA 
mandated that executive departments and agencies (agencies) provide 
relevant information, including criminal history records, certain 
adjudications related to the mental health of a person, and other 
information, to databases accessible by the NICS. Much progress has been 
made to identify information generated by agencies that is relevant to 
determining whether a person is prohibited from receiving or possessing 
firearms, but more must be done. Greater participation by agencies in 
identifying records they possess that are relevant to determining 
whether an individual is prohibited from possessing a firearm and a 
regularized process for submitting those records to the NICS will 
strengthen the accuracy and efficiency of the NICS, increasing public 
safety by keeping guns out of the hands of persons who cannot lawfully 
possess them.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby 
direct the following:
Section 1. Improving the Availability of Records to the NICS. (a) Within 
45 days of the date of this memorandum, and consistent with the process 
described in section 3 of this memorandum, the Department of Justice 
(DOJ) shall issue guidance to agencies regarding the identification and 
sharing of relevant Federal records and their submission to the NICS.
    (b) Within 60 days of issuance of guidance pursuant to subsection 
(a) of this section, agencies shall submit a report to DOJ advising 
whether they possess relevant records, as set forth in the guidance, and 
setting forth an implementation plan for making information in those 
records available to the NICS, consistent with applicable law.
    (c) In accordance with the authority and responsibility provided to 
the Attorney General by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act 
(Public Law 103-159), as amended, the Attorney General, consistent with 
the process described in section 3 of this memorandum, shall resolve any 
disputes concerning whether agency records are relevant and should be 
made available to the NICS.

[[Page 354]]

    (d) To the extent they possess relevant records, as set forth in the 
guidance issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, agencies 
shall prioritize making those records available to the NICS on a regular 
and ongoing basis.
Sec. 2. Measuring Progress. (a) By October 1, 2013, and annually 
thereafter, agencies that possess relevant records shall submit a report 
to the President through the Attorney General describing:

(i) the relevant records possessed by the agency that can be shared with 
the NICS consistent with applicable law;

(ii) the number of those records submitted to databases accessible by the 
NICS during each reporting period;

(iii) the efforts made to increase the percentage of relevant records 
possessed by the agency that are submitted to databases accessible by the 

(iv) any obstacles to increasing the percentage of records that are 
submitted to databases accessible by the NICS;

(v) for agencies that make qualifying adjudications related to the mental 
health of a person, the measures put in place to provide notice and 
programs for relief from disabilities as required under the NIAA;

(vi) the measures put in place to correct, modify, or remove records 
accessible by the NICS when the basis under which the record was made 
available no longer applies; and

(vii) additional steps that will be taken within 1 year of the report to 
improve the processes by which records are identified, made accessible, and 
corrected, modified, or removed.

    (b) If an agency certifies in its annual report that it has made 
available to the NICS its relevant records that can be shared consistent 
with applicable law, and describes its plan to make new records 
available to the NICS and to update, modify, or remove existing records 
electronically no less often than quarterly as required by the NIAA, 
such agency will not be required to submit further annual reports. 
Instead, the agency will be required to submit an annual certification 
to DOJ, attesting that the agency continues to submit relevant records 
and has corrected, modified, or removed appropriate records.
Sec. 3. NICS Consultation and Coordination Working Group. To ensure 
adequate agency input in the guidance required by section 1(a) of this 
memorandum, subsequent decisions about whether an agency possesses 
relevant records, and determinations concerning whether relevant records 
should be provided to the NICS, there is established a NICS Consultation 
and Coordination Working Group (Working Group), to be chaired by the 
Attorney General or his designee.
    (a) Membership. In addition to the Chair, the Working Group shall 
consist of representatives of the following agencies:

(i) the Department of Defense;

(ii) the Department of Health and Human Services;

(iii) the Department of Transportation;

(iv) the Department of Veterans Affairs;

[[Page 355]]

(v) the Department of Homeland Security;

(vi) the Social Security Administration;

(vii) the Office of Personnel Management;

(viii) the Office of Management and Budget; and

(ix) such other agencies or offices as the Chair may designate.

    (b) Functions. The Working Group shall convene regularly and as 
needed to allow for consultation and coordination between DOJ and 
agencies affected by the Attorney General's implementation of the NIAA, 
including with respect to the guidance required by section 1(a) of this 
memorandum, subsequent decisions about whether an agency possesses 
relevant records, and determinations concerning whether relevant records 
should be provided to the NICS. The Working Group may also consider, as 

(i) developing means and methods for identifying agency records deemed 
relevant by DOJ's guidance;

(ii) addressing obstacles faced by agencies in making their relevant 
records available to the NICS;

(iii) implementing notice and relief from disabilities programs; and

(iv) ensuring means to correct, modify, or remove records when the basis 
under which the record was made available no longer applies.

    (c) Reporting. The Working Group will review the annual reports 
required by section 2(a) of this memorandum, and member agencies may 
append to the reports any material they deem appropriate, including an 
identification of any agency best practices that may be of assistance to 
States in supplying records to the NICS.
Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head 
thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (d) Independent agencies are strongly encouraged to comply with the 
requirements of this memorandum.
Sec. 5. Publication. The Attorney General is hereby authorized and 
directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, January 16, 2013.

[[Page 356]]

Memorandum of January 16, 2013

Tracing of Firearms in Connection With Criminal Investigations

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Reducing violent crime, and gun-related crime in particular, is a top 
priority of my Administration. A key component of this effort is 
ensuring that law enforcement agencies at all levels--Federal, State, 
and local--utilize those tools that have proven most effective. One such 
tool is firearms tracing, which significantly assists law enforcement in 
reconstructing the transfer and movement of seized or recovered 
firearms. Responsibility for conducting firearms tracing rests with the 
Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and 
Explosives (ATF). Over the years, firearms tracing has significantly 
assisted law enforcement in solving violent crimes and generating 
thousands of leads that may otherwise not have been available.
Firearms tracing provides two principal benefits. First, tracing is an 
important investigative tool in individual cases, providing law 
enforcement agents with critical information that may lead to the 
apprehension of suspects, the recovery of other guns used in the 
commission of crimes, and the identification of potential witnesses, 
among other things. Second, analysis of tracing data in the aggregate 
provides valuable intelligence about local, regional, and national 
patterns relating to the movement and sources of guns used in the 
commission of crimes, which is useful for the effective deployment of 
law enforcement resources and development of enforcement strategies. 
Firearms tracing is a particularly valuable tool in detecting and 
investigating firearms trafficking, and has been deployed to help combat 
the pernicious problem of firearms trafficking across the Southwest 
The effectiveness of firearms tracing as a law enforcement intelligence 
tool depends on the quantity and quality of information and trace 
requests submitted to ATF. In fiscal year 2012, ATF processed 
approximately 345,000 crime-gun trace requests for thousands of domestic 
and international law enforcement agencies. The Federal Government can 
encourage State and local law enforcement agencies to take advantage of 
the benefits of tracing all recovered firearms, but Federal law 
enforcement agencies should have an obligation to do so. If Federal law 
enforcement agencies do not conscientiously trace every firearm taken 
into custody, they may not only be depriving themselves of critical 
information in specific cases, but may also be depriving all Federal, 
State, and local agencies of the value of complete information for 
aggregate analyses.
Maximizing the effectiveness of firearms tracing, and the corresponding 
impact on combating violent crimes involving firearms, requires that 
Federal law enforcement agencies trace all recovered firearms taken into 
Federal custody in a timely and efficient manner.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby 
direct the following:
Section 1. Firearms Tracing. (a) Federal law enforcement agencies shall 
ensure that all firearms recovered after the date of this memorandum in 
the course of criminal investigations and taken into Federal custody are 

[[Page 357]]

through ATF at the earliest time practicable. Federal law enforcement 
agencies, as well as other executive departments and agencies, are 
encouraged, to the extent practicable, to take steps to ensure that 
firearms recovered prior to the date of this memorandum in the course of 
criminal investigations and taken into Federal custody are traced 
through ATF.
    (b) Within 30 days of the date of this memorandum, ATF will issue 
guidance to Federal law enforcement agencies on submitting firearms 
trace requests.
    (c) Within 60 days of the date of this memorandum, Federal law 
enforcement agencies shall ensure that their operational protocols 
reflect the requirement to trace recovered firearms through ATF.
    (d) Within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, each Federal law 
enforcement agency shall submit a report to the Attorney General 
affirming that its operational protocols reflect the requirements set 
forth in this memorandum.
    (e) For purposes of this memorandum, ``Federal law enforcement 
agencies'' means the Departments of State, the Treasury, Defense, 
Justice, the Interior, Agriculture, Energy, Veterans Affairs, and 
Homeland Security, and such other agencies and offices that regularly 
recover firearms in the course of their criminal investigations as the 
President may designate.
Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect the authority granted by law to 
a department or agency, or the head thereof.
    (b) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
Sec. 3.  Publication. The Attorney General is authorized and directed to 
publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, January 16, 2013.
Notice of January 17, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Terrorists Who 
Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process

On January 23, 1995, by Executive Order 12947, the President declared a 
national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic 
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and 
economy of the United States constituted by grave acts of violence 
committed by foreign

[[Page 358]]

terrorists who threaten to disrupt the Middle East peace process. On 
August 20, 1998, by Executive Order 13099, the President modified the 
Annex to Executive Order 12947 to identify four additional persons who 
threaten to disrupt the Middle East peace process. On February 16, 2005, 
by Executive Order 13372, the President clarified the steps taken in 
Executive Order 12947.
Because these terrorist activities continue to threaten the Middle East 
peace process and to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, the 
national emergency declared on January 23, 1995, and the measures 
adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond 
January 23, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year 
the national emergency with respect to foreign terrorists who threaten 
to disrupt the Middle East peace process.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    January 17, 2013.
Memorandum of January 25, 2013

Rulemaking Concerning the Standards for Designating Positions in the 
Competitive Service as National Security Sensitive and Related Matters

Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence [and] the Director 
of the Office of Personnel Management
The Director of National Intelligence and the Director of the Office of 
Personnel Management shall jointly propose the amended regulations 
contained in the Office of Personnel Management's notice of proposed 
rulemaking in 75 Fed. Reg. 77783 (December 14, 2010), with such 
modifications as are necessary to permit their joint publication, 
without prejudice to the authorities of the Director of National 
Intelligence and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management 
under any Executive Order, and to the extent permitted by law.
This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

[[Page 359]]

The Director of the Office of Personnel Management is hereby authorized 
and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, January 25, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-4 of January 29, 2013

Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs Relating to Syria

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, including section 2(c)(1) of the Migration 
and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (the ``Act''), as amended (22 U.S.C. 
2601(c)(1)), I hereby determine, pursuant to section 2(c)(1) of the Act, 
that it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance 
under the Act, in an amount not to exceed $15 million from the United 
States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund, for the purpose 
of meeting unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs, including by 
contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental 
organizations and payment of administrative expenses of the Bureau of 
Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State, 
resulting from the crisis in Syria.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.
    Washington, January 29, 2013.
Memorandum of January 30, 2013

Coordination of Policies and Programs To Promote Gender Equality and 
Empower Women and Girls Globally

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Promoting gender equality and advancing the status of all women and 
girls around the world remains one of the greatest unmet challenges of 
our time, and one that is vital to achieving our overall foreign policy 
objectives. Ensuring that women and girls, including those most 
marginalized, are able to participate fully in public life, are free 
from violence, and have equal access to education, economic opportunity, 
and health care increases broader economic prosperity, as well as 
political stability and security.

[[Page 360]]

During my Administration, the United States has made promoting gender 
equality and advancing the status of women and girls a central element 
of our foreign policy, including by leading through example at home. 
Executive Order 13506 of March 11, 2009, established the White House 
Council on Women and Girls to coordinate Federal policy on issues, both 
domestic and international, that particularly impact the lives of women 
and girls. This commitment to promoting gender equality is also 
reflected in the National Security Strategy of the United States, the 
Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development, and the 2010 U.S. 
Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review.
To elevate and integrate this strategic focus on the promotion of gender 
equality and the advancement of women and girls around the world, 
executive departments and agencies (agencies) have issued policy and 
operational guidance. For example, in March 2012, the Secretary of State 
issued Policy Guidance on Promoting Gender Equality to Achieve our 
National Security and Foreign Policy Objectives, and the United States 
Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator released 
Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy. The Millennium Challenge 
Corporation issued Gender Integration Guidelines in March 2011 to ensure 
its existing gender policy is fully realized. My Administration has also 
developed a National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security, created 
pursuant to Executive Order 13595 of December 19, 2011, to strengthen 
conflict resolution and peace processes through the inclusion of women, 
and a Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally, 
implemented pursuant to Executive Order 13623 of August 10, 2012, to 
combat gender-based violence around the world. Improving interagency 
coordination and information sharing, and strengthening agency capacity 
and accountability will help ensure the effective implementation of 
these and other Government efforts to promote gender equality and 
advance the status of women and girls globally.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to further strengthen 
the capacity of the Federal Government to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and 
foreign assistance promote gender equality and advance the status of 
women and girls worldwide, I hereby direct the following:
Section 1. Strengthening Capacity and Coordination to Promote Gender 
Equality and Advance the Status of Women and Girls Internationally. (a) 
Enhancing U.S. global leadership on gender equality requires dedicated 
resources, personnel with appropriate expertise in advancing the status 
of women and girls worldwide, and commitment from senior leadership, as 
exemplified by the critical and historic role played by the Office of 
Global Women's Issues at the Department of State. To assure maximum 
coordination of efforts to promote gender equality and advance the 
status of women and girls, the Secretary of State (Secretary) shall 
designate a coordinator (Coordinator), who will normally also be 
appointed by the President as an Ambassador at Large (Ambassador at 
Large) subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. The Ambassador 
at Large, who shall report directly to the Secretary of State, shall 
lead the Office of Global Women's Issues at the Department of State and 
provide advice and assistance on issues related to promoting gender 
equality and advancing the status of women and girls internationally.

[[Page 361]]

(b) The Ambassador at Large shall, to the extent the Secretary may 
direct and consistent with applicable law, provide guidance and 
coordination with respect to global policies and programs for women and 
girls, and shall lead efforts to promote an international focus on 
gender equality more broadly, including through diplomatic initiatives 
with other countries and partnerships and enhanced coordination with 
international and nongovernmental organizations and the private sector. 
To this end, the Ambassador at Large shall also, to the extent the 
Secretary may direct, assist in:

(i) implementing existing and developing new policies, strategies, and 
action plans for the promotion of gender equality and advancement of the 
status of women and girls internationally, and coordinating such actions 
with USAID and other agencies carrying out related international 
activities, as appropriate; and

(ii) coordinating such initiatives with other countries and international 
organizations, as well as with nongovernmental organizations.

(c) Recognizing the vital link between diplomacy and development, and 
the importance of gender equality as both a goal in itself and as a 
vital means to achieving the broader aims of U.S. development 
assistance, the Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women's 
Empowerment at USAID shall provide guidance to the USAID Administrator 
in identifying, developing, and advancing key priorities for U.S. 
development assistance, coordinating, as appropriate, with other 
(d) The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (or 
designee), in close collaboration with the Chair of the White House 
Council on Women and Girls (or designee) and the Ambassador at Large (or 
designee), shall chair an interagency working group to develop and 
coordinate Government-wide implementation of policies to promote gender 
equality and advance the status of women and girls internationally. The 
Working Group shall consist of senior representatives from the 
Departments of State, the Treasury, Defense, Justice, Agriculture, 
Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Homeland 
Security; the Intelligence Community, as determined by the Director of 
National Intelligence; the United States Agency for International 
Development; the Millennium Challenge Corporation; the Peace Corps; the 
U.S. Mission to the United Nations; the Office of the United States 
Trade Representative; the Office of Management and Budget; the Office of 
the Vice President; the National Economic Council; and such other 
agencies and offices as the President may designate.
Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law or Executive Order to an executive 
department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable law 
and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) Upon designation as such by the Secretary, the Coordinator shall 
exercise the functions of the Ambassador at Large set forth in this 
(d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right 
or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity 
by any

[[Page 362]]

party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, 
its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
(e) The Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to publish 
this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, January 30, 2013.
Memorandum of January 31, 2013

Delegation of a Reporting Authority

Memorandum for the Secretary of Transportation
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, including section 301 of title 3, United 
States Code, I hereby delegate to you the functions and authority 
conferred upon the President by section 1306 of the Moving Ahead for 
Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Public Law 112-141, to make 
the specified reports to the Congress.
You are authorized and directed to notify the appropriate congressional 
committees and publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, January 31, 2013.
Memorandum of January 31, 2013

Delegation of Authority To Suspend the Provisions of Title III of the 
Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3 
of the United States Code, I hereby delegate to you the authority to 
suspend the provisions of title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic 
Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-114; 22 U.S.C. 6021-
6091), as authorized by section 306(c)(2) of the Act.

[[Page 363]]

You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, January 31, 2013.
Memorandum of February 1, 2013

Designation of Officers of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation To 
Act as Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Memorandum for the Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Vacancies 
Reform Act of 1998, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq. (the ``Act''), it is hereby 
ordered that:
Section 1. Order of Succession. Subject to the provisions of section 2 
of this memorandum, and to the limitations set forth in the Act, the 
following officials of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, in the 
order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the 
office of Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 
(Director) during any period in which the Director has died, resigned, 
or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office 
of Director:
(a) Chief Management Officer;
(b) Chief Operating Officer;
(c) Chief Financial Officer; and
(d) General Counsel.
Sec. 2. Exceptions. (a) No individual who is serving in an office listed 
in section 1 of this memorandum in an acting capacity, by virtue of so 
serving, shall act as the Director pursuant to this memorandum.
(b) No individual listed in section 1 of this memorandum shall act as 
Director unless that individual is otherwise eligible to so serve under 
the Act.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this memorandum, the President 
retains discretion, to the extent permitted by law, to depart from this 
memorandum in designating an acting Director.
Sec. 3. Prior Memorandum Superseded. This memorandum supersedes the 
President's Memorandum of December 9, 2008 (Designation of Officers of 
the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to Act as Director of the 
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation).
Sec. 4.  Judicial Review. This memorandum is not intended to, and does 
not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable 
at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its 
departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, 
or any other person.

[[Page 364]]

Sec. 5. Publication. You are authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, February 1, 2013.
Notice of February 4, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in 
or in Relation to C[ocirc]te d'Ivoire

On February 7, 2006, by Executive Order 13396, the President declared a 
national emergency, pursuant to the International Emergency Economic 
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States constituted by the situation in or in relation to 
C[ocirc]te d'Ivoire and ordered related measures blocking the property 
of certain persons contributing to the conflict in C[ocirc]te d'Ivoire. 
The situation in or in relation to C[ocirc]te d'Ivoire, which has been 
addressed by the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 1572 of 
November 15, 2004, and subsequent resolutions, has resulted in the 
massacre of large numbers of civilians, widespread human rights abuses, 
significant political violence and unrest, and fatal attacks against 
international peacekeeping forces.
Since the inauguration of President Alassane Ouattara in May 2011, the 
Government of C[ocirc]te d'Ivoire has made progress in advancing 
democratic freedoms and economic development. While the Government of 
C[ocirc]te d'Ivoire and its people continue to make progress towards 
peace and prosperity, the situation in or in relation to C[ocirc]te 
d'Ivoire continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security and foreign policy of the United States. For this 
reason, the national emergency declared on February 7, 2006, and the 
measures adopted on that date to deal with that emergency, must continue 
in effect beyond February 7, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 
202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am 
continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    February 4, 2013.

[[Page 365]]

Presidential Determination No. 2013-5 of February 8, 2013

Waiver of Restriction on Providing Funds to the Palestinian Authority

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 7040(b) of the 
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs 
Appropriations Act, 2012 (Division I, Public Law 112-74) (the ``Act'') 
as carried forward by the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (Public 
Law 112-175) (the ``CR''), I hereby certify that it is important to the 
national security interests of the United States to waive the provisions 
of section 7040(a) of the Act as carried forward by the CR, in order to 
provide funds appropriated to carry out chapter 4 of part II of the 
Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to the Palestinian Authority.
You are directed to transmit this determination to the Congress, with a 
report pursuant to section 7040(d) of the Act as carried forward by the 
CR, and to publish this determination in the Federal Register.
    Washington, February 8, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-6 of February 11, 2013

Drawdown Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 
as Amended, for Chad and France To Support Their Efforts in Mali

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Defense
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 506(a)(1) of the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 2318(a)(1) (the 
``Act''), I hereby determine that an unforeseen emergency exists that 
requires immediate military assistance to Chad and France in their 
efforts to secure Mali from terrorists and violent extremists. I further 
determine that these requirements cannot be met under the authority of 
the Arms Export Control Act or any other provision of law.
I, therefore, direct the drawdown of up to $50 million in defense 
services of the Department of Defense for these purposes and under the 
authorities of section 506(a)(1) of the Act.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to report this 
determination to the Congress, arrange for its publication in the 
Federal Register, and coordinate the implementation of this drawdown.
    Washington, February 11, 2013.

[[Page 366]]

Notice of February 13, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Libya

On February 25, 2011, by Executive Order 13566, I declared a national 
emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act 
(50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security and foreign policy of the United States 
constituted by Colonel Muammar Qadhafi, his government, and close 
associates who took extreme measures against the people of Libya, 
including by using weapons of war, mercenaries, and wanton violence 
against unarmed civilians. In addition, there was a serious risk that 
Libyan state assets would be misappropriated by Qadhafi, members of his 
government, members of his family, or his close associates if those 
assets were not protected. The foregoing circumstances, the prolonged 
attacks, and the increased numbers of Libyans seeking refuge in other 
countries caused a deterioration in the security of Libya and posed a 
serious risk to its stability.
We are in the process of winding down the sanctions in response to 
developments in Libya, including the fall of Qadhafi and his government 
and the establishment of a democratically elected government. We are 
working closely with the new Libyan government and with the 
international community to effectively and appropriately ease 
restrictions on sanctioned entities, including by taking action 
consistent with the U.N. Security Council's decision to lift sanctions 
against the Central Bank of Libya and two other entities on December 16, 
2011. The situation in Libya, however, continues to pose an unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States and we need to protect against this threat and the 
diversion of assets or other abuse by certain members of Qadhafi's 
family and other former regime officials. Therefore, the national 
emergency declared on February 25, 2011, and the measures adopted on 
that date to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond 
February 25, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year 
the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13566.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    February 13, 2013.

[[Page 367]]

Memorandum of February 20, 2013

Delegation of Authority To Submit to the Congress Certain 
Certifications, Reports, and Notifications

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, I hereby delegate to you:
    (1) the function of the President to make all certifications, 
reports, and notifications to the Congress prior to entry into force of 
the Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and 
the Government of Australia Concerning Defense Trade Cooperation, as 
well as to provide annual reports thereafter, consistent with section 2 
of the Senate Resolution of Advice and Consent to Ratification of the 
Treaty, dated September 29, 2010; and
    (2) the responsibility of the President, under the Defense Trade 
Cooperation Treaties Implementation Act of 2010 (the ``Act''), to 
provide congressional notification of amendments to the implementing 
arrangements that are made pursuant to section 105(c) of the Act.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, February 20, 2013.
Notice of February 22, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Cuba and of the 
Emergency Authority Relating to the Regulation of the Anchorage and 
Movement of Vessels

On March 1, 1996, by Proclamation 6867, a national emergency was 
declared to address the disturbance or threatened disturbance of 
international relations caused by the February 24, 1996, destruction by 
the Cuban government of two unarmed U.S.-registered civilian aircraft in 
international airspace north of Cuba. On February 26, 2004, by 
Proclamation 7757, the national emergency was extended and its scope was 
expanded to deny monetary and material support to the Cuban government. 
The Cuban government has not demonstrated that it will refrain from the 
use of excessive force against U.S. vessels or aircraft that may engage 
in memorial activities or peaceful protest north of Cuba. In addition, 
the unauthorized entry of any U.S.-registered vessel into Cuban 
territorial waters continues to be detrimental to the foreign policy of 
the United States. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)),

[[Page 368]]

I am continuing the national emergency with respect to Cuba and the 
emergency authority relating to the regulation of the anchorage and 
movement of vessels set out in Proclamation 6867 as amended by 
Proclamation 7757.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    February 22, 2013.
Notice of March 1, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in 

On March 6, 2003, by Executive Order 13288, the President declared a 
national emergency and blocked the property of persons undermining 
democratic processes or institutions in Zimbabwe, pursuant to the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706). He 
took this action to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to 
the foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and 
policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other 
persons to undermine Zimbabwe's democratic processes or institutions. 
These actions and policies had contributed to the deliberate breakdown 
in the rule of law in Zimbabwe, to politically motivated violence and 
intimidation in that country, and to political and economic instability 
in the southern African region.
On November 22, 2005, the President issued Executive Order 13391 to take 
additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in 
Executive Order 13288 by ordering the blocking of the property of 
additional persons undermining democratic processes or institutions in 
On July 25, 2008, the President issued Executive Order 13469, which 
expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
13288 and ordered the blocking of the property of additional persons 
undermining democratic processes or institutions in Zimbabwe.
The actions and policies of these persons continue to pose an unusual 
and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States. For 
this reason, the national emergency declared on March 6, 2003, and the 
measures adopted on that date, on November 22, 2005, and on July 25, 
2008, to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond March 
6, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National 
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the 
national emergency declared in Executive Order 13288.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    March 1, 2013.

[[Page 369]]

Order of March 1, 2013

Sequestration Order for Fiscal Year 2013 Pursuant to Section 251A of the 
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as Amended

By the authority vested in me as President by the laws of the United 
States of America, and in accordance with section 251A of the Balanced 
Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended (the ``Act''), 2 
U.S.C. 901a, I hereby order that budgetary resources in each non-exempt 
budget account be reduced by the amount calculated by the Office of 
Management and Budget in its report to the Congress of March 1, 2013.
Pursuant to sections 250(c)(6), 251A, and 255(e) of the Act, budgetary 
resources subject to sequestration shall be new budget authority, 
unobligated balances of defense function accounts carried over from 
prior fiscal years, direct spending authority, and obligation 
All sequestrations shall be made in strict accordance with the 
requirements of section 251A of the Act and the specifications of the 
Office of Management and Budget's report of March 1, 2013, prepared 
pursuant to section 251A(11) of the Act.
    Washington, March 1, 2013.
Notice of March 12, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran

On March 15, 1995, the President issued Executive Order 12957, which 
declared a national emergency with respect to Iran and, pursuant to the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), took 
related steps to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States 
constituted by the actions and policies of the Government of Iran. On 
May 6, 1995, the President issued Executive Order 12959, imposing more 
comprehensive sanctions on Iran to further respond to this threat. On 
August 19, 1997, the President issued Executive Order 13059, 
consolidating and clarifying the previous orders. I took additional 
steps pursuant to this national emergency in Executive Order 13553 of 
September 28, 2010, Executive Order 13574 of May 23, 2011, Executive 
Order 13590 of November 20, 2011, Executive Order 13599 of February 5, 
2012, Executive Order 13606 of April 22, 2012, Executive Order 13608 of 
May 1, 2012, Executive Order 13622 of July 30, 2012, and Executive Order 
13628 of October 9, 2012.
The actions and policies of the Government of Iran continue to pose an 
unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign 
policy, and economy of the United States. For this reason, the national 
emergency declared in Executive Order 12957 must continue in effect 
beyond March 15,

[[Page 370]]

2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National 
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the 
national emergency with respect to Iran declared in Executive Order 
12957. The emergency declared by Executive Order 12957 constitutes an 
emergency separate from that declared on November 14, 1979, by Executive 
Order 12170. This renewal, therefore, is distinct from the emergency 
renewal of November 2012.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    March 12, 2013.
Memorandum of March 29, 2013

Delegation of Authority To Appoint Commissioned Officers of the Ready 
Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service

Memorandum for the Secretary of Health and Human Services
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
and the laws of the United States, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby assign to you the functions of the 
President under section 203 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended 
by Public Law 111-148, to appoint commissioned officers of the Ready 
Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service. Commissions issued under 
this delegation of authority may not be for a term longer than 6 months 
except for commissions that place officers in the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention's Epidemiological Intelligence Service, the 
Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program, the 
Indian Health Service Pharmacy Residency Program, the Indian Health 
Service Health Professions Scholarship Program, or the National Health 
Service Corps Scholarship Program, which may not be for a term longer 
than 2 years. Officers appointed pursuant to this delegation may not be 
appointed to the Ready Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service for a 
term greater than those outlined in this memorandum other than by the 
President. This authority may not be re-delegated.
My memorandum of May 31, 2011 (Delegation of Authority to Appoint 
Commissioned Officers of the Ready Reserve Corps of the Public Health 
Service), is hereby revoked.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, March 29, 2013.

[[Page 371]]

Notice of April 4, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Somalia

On April 12, 2010, by Executive Order 13536, I declared a national 
emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act 
(50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security and foreign policy of the United States 
constituted by the deterioration of the security situation and the 
persistence of violence in Somalia, acts of piracy and armed robbery at 
sea off the coast of Somalia, which have repeatedly been the subject of 
United Nations Security Council resolutions, and violations of the arms 
embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council.
On July 20, 2012, I issued Executive Order 13620 to take additional 
steps to deal with the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
13536 in view of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2036 of 
February 22, 2012, and Resolution 2002 of July 29, 2011, and to address: 
exports of charcoal from Somalia, which generate significant revenue for 
al-Shabaab; the misappropriation of Somali public assets; and certain 
acts of violence committed against civilians in Somalia, all of which 
contribute to the deterioration of the security situation and the 
persistence of violence in Somalia.
The situation with respect to Somalia continues to pose an unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on April 
12, 2010, and the measures adopted on that date and on July 20, 2012, to 
deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond April 12, 2013. 
Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies 
Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national 
emergency declared in Executive Order 13536.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    April 4, 2013.
Memorandum of April 5, 2013

Federal Employee Pay Schedules and Rates That Are Set by Administrative 

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Section 1112 of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations 
Act, 2013 (Public Law 113-6), reflects the Congress's decision to 
continue to deny statutory adjustments to any pay systems or pay 
schedules covering

[[Page 372]]

executive branch employees. In light of the Congress's action, I am 
instructing heads of executive departments and agencies to continue 
through December 31, 2013, to adhere to the policy set forth in my 
memoranda of December 22, 2010, and December 21, 2012, regarding general 
increases in pay schedules and employees' rates of pay that might 
otherwise take effect as a result of the exercise of administrative 
This memorandum shall be carried out to the extent permitted by law and 
consistent with executive departments' and agencies' legal authorities. 
This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or 
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by 
any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or 
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall issue any 
necessary guidance on implementing this memorandum, and is also hereby 
authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal 

    Washington, April 5, 2013.
Memorandum of April 5, 2013

Delegation of Functions Under Sections 404 and 406 of Public Law 112-208

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of the 
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate the functions conferred upon the 
President by sections 404 and 406 of Public Law 112-208 as follows:
I hereby delegate to the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with 
the Secretary of State, the functions and authorities set forth in:

     subsections 404(a), 404(b), and 404(d), with respect to the 
determinations provided for therein;
     subsection 404(c)(3);
     subsection 404(c)(4), consistent with subsection 404(f); 
     subsection 406(a)(1).
I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State, in consultation with the 
Secretary of the Treasury, the functions and authorities set forth in:
     subsections 404(a), 404(b), and 404(d), with respect to the 
submission of the list, updates, and reports described in those 
respective subsections;
     subsection 404(e); and subsections 404(c)(2) and 406(a)(2).

[[Page 373]]

The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, April 5, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-7 of April 8, 2013

Presidential Determination on Eligibility of the Federal Republic of 
Somalia To Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services Under the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, and the Arms Export Control 
Act, as Amended

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws 
of the United States, including section 503(a) of the Foreign Assistance 
Act of 1961, as amended, and section 3(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control 
Act, as amended, I hereby find that the furnishing of defense articles 
and defense services to the Federal Republic of Somalia will strengthen 
the security of the United States and promote world peace.
You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination, and 
attached memorandum of justification, to the Congress and to arrange for 
the publication of this determination in the Federal Register.
    Washington, April 8, 2013.
Order of April 10, 2013

Sequestration Order for Fiscal Year 2014 Pursuant to Section 251A of the 
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as Amended

By the authority vested in me as President by the laws of the United 
States of America, and in accordance with section 251A of the Balanced 
Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act (the ``Act''), as amended, 2 
U.S.C. 901a, I hereby order that, on October 1, 2013, direct spending 
budgetary resources for fiscal year 2014 in each non-exempt budget 
account be reduced by the amount calculated by the Office of Management 
and Budget in its report to the Congress of April 10, 2013.

[[Page 374]]

All sequestrations shall be made in strict accordance with the 
requirements of section 251A of the Act and the specifications of the 
Office of Management and Budget's report of April 10, 2013, prepared 
pursuant to section 251A(11) of the Act.
    Washington, April 10, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-8 of April 11, 2013

Drawdown Pursuant to Section 552(c)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 
1961 of up to $10 Million in Commodities and Services From Any Agency of 
the United States Government to the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) 
and the Syrian Opposition's Supreme Military Council (SMC)

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Defense
Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
and the laws of the United States, including section 552(c)(2) of the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), 22 U.S.C. 2348a, I 
hereby determine that:
    (1) as a result of an unforeseen emergency, the provision of 
assistance under chapter 6 of part II of the FAA in amounts in excess of 
funds otherwise available for such assistance is important to the 
national interests of the United States; and
    (2) such an unforeseen emergency requires the immediate provision of 
assistance under chapter 6 of part II of the FAA.
In addition, pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 614 of 
the FAA, I hereby determine that it is important to the security 
interests of the United States to furnish this assistance to the SOC and 
the SMC without regard to any other provision of law within the purview 
of section 614(a)(1) of the FAA.
I therefore direct the drawdown of up to $10 million in nonlethal 
commodities and services from the inventory and resources of any agency 
of the United States Government to provide food and medical supplies to 
the SOC and the SMC for distribution to those in need.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to report this 
determination to the Congress, to arrange for its publication in the 
Federal Register, and to coordinate execution of this drawdown.
    Washington, April 11, 2013.

[[Page 375]]

Notice of May 2, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect To Burma

On May 20, 1997, the President issued Executive Order 13047, certifying 
to the Congress under section 570(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export 
Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 
104-208), that the Government of Burma had committed large-scale 
repression of the democratic opposition in Burma after September 30, 
1996, thereby invoking the prohibition on new investment in Burma by 
United States persons contained in that section. The President also 
declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency 
Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706, to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States constituted by the actions and policies of the Government 
of Burma.
The actions and policies of the Government of Burma continue to pose an 
unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign 
policy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency 
declared on May 20, 1997, and the measures adopted to deal with that 
emergency in Executive Orders 13047 of May 20, 1997; 13310 of July 28, 
2003; 13448 of October 18, 2007; 13464 of April 30, 2008; and 13619 of 
July 11, 2012, must continue in effect beyond May 20, 2013.
Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies 
Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national 
emergency with respect to Burma declared in Executive Order 13047. This 
notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the 
    May 2, 2013.
Notice of May 7, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Actions of 
the Government of Syria

On May 11, 2004, pursuant to his authority under the International 
Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706, and the Syria 
Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003, Public 
Law 108-175, the President issued Executive Order 13338, in which he 
declared a national emergency with respect to the actions of the 
Government of Syria. To deal with this national emergency, Executive 
Order 13338 authorized the blocking of property of certain persons and 
prohibited the exportation or re-exportation of certain goods to Syria. 
The national emergency was modified in scope and relied upon for 
additional steps taken in Executive Order 13399 of April 25, 2006, 
Executive Order 13460 of February 13, 2008, Executive Order 13572 of 
April 29, 2011, Executive Order 13573 of May 18, 2011, Executive Order 
13582 of August 17, 2011, Executive Order 13606 of April 22, 2012, and 
Executive Order 13608 of May 1, 2012.

[[Page 376]]

The President took these actions to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and 
economy of the United States constituted by the actions of the 
Government of Syria in supporting terrorism, maintaining its then-
existing occupation of Lebanon, pursuing weapons of mass destruction and 
missile programs, and undermining U.S. and international efforts with 
respect to the stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq.
While the Syrian regime has reduced the number of foreign fighters bound 
for Iraq, the regime's brutal war on the Syrian people, who have been 
calling for freedom and a representative government, endangers not only 
the Syrian people themselves, but could yield greater instability 
throughout the region. The Syrian regime's actions and policies, 
including pursuing chemical and biological weapons, supporting terrorist 
organizations, and obstructing the Lebanese government's ability to 
function effectively, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary 
threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the 
United States. As a result, the national emergency declared on May 11, 
2004, and the measures to deal with that emergency adopted on that date 
in Executive Order 13338; on April 25, 2006, in Executive Order 13399; 
on February 13, 2008, in Executive Order 13460; on April 29, 2011, in 
Executive Order 13572; on May 18, 2011, in Executive Order 13573; on 
August 17, 2011, in Executive Order 13582; on April 22, 2012, in 
Executive Order 13606; and on May 1, 2012, in Executive Order 13608; 
must continue in effect beyond May 11, 2013. Therefore, in accordance 
with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), 
I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared with respect 
to the actions of the Government of Syria.
In addition, the United States condemns the Asad regime's use of brutal 
violence and human rights abuses and calls on the Asad regime to stop 
its violent war and step aside to allow a political transition in Syria 
that will forge a credible path to a future of greater freedom, 
democracy, opportunity, and justice.
The United States will consider changes in the composition, policies, 
and actions of the Government of Syria in determining whether to 
continue or terminate this national emergency in the future.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    May 7, 2013.
Memorandum of May 10, 2013

Advancing Pay Equality in the Federal Government and Learning From 
Successful Practices

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Almost 50 years ago, when President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay 
Act of 1963, women were paid 59 cents for every dollar paid to men.

[[Page 377]]

Today, women are paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. At the same 
time, nearly two-thirds of women are breadwinners or co-breadwinners for 
their families. Unjust pay disparities are a detriment to women, 
families, and our economy.
The Federal Government is the Nation's largest employer. It has a 
special responsibility to act as a model employer. While salary ranges 
in the Federal workforce are generally determined by law, the fixing of 
individual salaries and other types of compensation can be affected by 
the exercise of administrative discretion. Such discretion must be 
exercised in a transparent manner, using fair criteria and adhering to 
merit system principles, which dictate that equal pay should be provided 
for work of equal value.
In order to further understand how the practices of executive 
departments and agencies (agencies) affect the compensation of similarly 
situated men and women, and to promote gender pay equality in the 
Federal Government and more broadly, I hereby direct the following 
actions, pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
the laws of the United States:
Section 1. Government-wide Strategy for Advancing Pay Equality. Within 
180 days of the date of this memorandum, the Director of the Office of 
Personnel Management (Director) shall submit to the President a 
Government-wide strategy to address any gender pay gap in the Federal 
workforce. This strategy shall include:
    (a) analysis of whether changes to the General Schedule 
classification system would assist in addressing any gender pay gap;
    (b) proposed guidance to agencies to promote greater transparency 
regarding starting salaries; and
    (c) recommendations for additional administrative or legislative 
actions or studies that should be undertaken to narrow any gender pay 
Sec. 2. Agency Review of Pay and Promotion Policies and Practices. To 
facilitate the Director's development of a Government-wide strategy, 
each agency shall, within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, 
provide to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) information on and 
an analysis of the following matters:
    (a) all agency-specific policies and practices for setting starting 
salaries for new employees;
    (b) all agency-specific policies and practices that may affect the 
salaries of individuals who are returning to the workplace after having 
taken extended time off from their careers (for example, those who 
served as full-time caregivers to children or other family members);
    (c) all agency-specific policies and practices for evaluating 
individuals regarding promotions, particularly individuals who work 
part-time schedules (for example, those who serve as caregivers to 
children or other family members);
    (d) any additional agency-specific policies or practices that may be 
affecting gender pay equality; and
    (e) any best practices the agency has employed to improve gender pay 

[[Page 378]]

OPM shall provide guidance to agencies with respect to this request for 
information and analysis, including its scope.
Sec. 3. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law or Executive Order to an agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
The Director is hereby authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, May 10, 2013.
Notice of May 13, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Yemen

On May 16, 2012, by Executive Order 13611, I declared a national 
emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act 
(50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security and foreign policy of the United States 
constituted by the actions and policies of certain members of the 
Government of Yemen and others that threatened Yemen's peace, security, 
and stability, including by obstructing the implementation of the 
agreement of November 23, 2011, between the Government of Yemen and 
those in opposition to it, which provided for a peaceful transition of 
power that meets the legitimate demands and aspirations of the Yemeni 
people for change, and by obstructing the political process in Yemen.
The actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Yemen 
and others in threatening Yemen's peace, security, and stability 
continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national 
security and foreign policy of the United States. For this reason, the 
national emergency declared on May 16, 2012, to deal with that threat 
must continue in effect beyond May 16, 2013. Therefore, in accordance 
with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), 
I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive 
Order 13611.

[[Page 379]]

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    May 13, 2013.
Notice of May 17, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Stabilization 
of Iraq

On May 22, 2003, by Executive Order 13303, the President declared a 
national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic 
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States posed by obstacles to the continued reconstruction of 
Iraq, the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in the 
country, and the development of political, administrative, and economic 
institutions in Iraq.
The obstacles to the continued reconstruction of Iraq, the restoration 
and maintenance of peace and security in the country, and the 
development of political, administrative, and economic institutions in 
Iraq continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security and foreign policy of the United States. For this 
reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13303, as 
modified in scope and relied upon for additional steps taken in 
Executive Order 13315 of August 28, 2003, Executive Order 13350 of July 
29, 2004, Executive Order 13364 of November 29, 2004, and Executive 
Order 13438 of July 17, 2007, must continue in effect beyond May 22, 
2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National 
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the 
national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq declared in 
Executive Order 13303.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    May 17, 2013.
Memorandum of May 17, 2013

Modernizing Federal Infrastructure Review and Permitting Regulations, 
Policies, and Procedures

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Reliable, safe, and resilient infrastructure is the backbone of an 
economy built to last. Investing in our Nation's infrastructure serves 
as an engine for job creation and economic growth, while bringing 
immediate and long-term

[[Page 380]]

economic benefits to communities across the country. The quality of our 
infrastructure is critical to maintaining our Nation's competitive edge 
in a global economy and to securing our path to energy independence. In 
taking steps to improve our infrastructure, we must remember that the 
protection and continued enjoyment of our Nation's environmental, 
historical, and cultural resources remain an equally important driver of 
economic opportunity, resiliency, and quality of life.
Through the implementation of Executive Order 13604 of March 22, 2012 
(Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of 
Infrastructure Projects), executive departments and agencies (agencies) 
have achieved better outcomes for communities and the environment and 
realized substantial time savings in review and permitting by 
prioritizing the deployment of resources to specific sectors and 
projects, and by implementing best-management practices.
These best-management practices include: integrating project reviews 
among agencies with permitting responsibilities; ensuring early 
coordination with other Federal agencies, as well as with State, local, 
and tribal governments; strategically engaging with, and conducting 
outreach to, stakeholders; employing project-planning processes and 
individual project designs that consider local and regional ecological 
planning goals; utilizing landscape- and watershed-level mitigation 
practices; promoting the sharing of scientific and environmental data in 
open-data formats to minimize redundancy, facilitate informed project 
planning, and identify data gaps early in the review and permitting 
process; promoting performance-based permitting and regulatory 
approaches; expanding the use of general permits where appropriate; 
improving transparency and accountability through the electronic 
tracking of review and permitting schedules; and applying best 
environmental and cultural practices as set forth in existing statutes 
and policies.
Based on the process and policy improvements that are already being 
implemented across the Federal Government, we can continue to modernize 
the Federal Government's review and permitting of infrastructure 
projects and reduce aggregate timelines for major infrastructure 
projects by half, while also improving outcomes for communities and the 
environment by institutionalizing these best-management practices, and 
by making additional improvements to enhance efficiencies in the 
application of regulations and processes involving multiple agencies--
including expanding the use of web-based techniques for sharing project-
related information, facilitating targeted and relevant environmental 
reviews, and providing meaningful opportunities for public input through 
stakeholder engagement.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and to advance the goal of cutting 
aggregate timelines for major infrastructure projects in half, while 
also improving outcomes for communities and the environment, I hereby 
direct the following:
Section 1. Modernization of Review and Permitting Regulations, Policies, 
and Procedures. (a) The Steering Committee on Federal Infrastructure 
Permitting and Review Process Improvement (Steering Committee), 
established by Executive Order 13604, shall work with the Chief 
Performance Officer

[[Page 381]]

(CPO), in coordination with the Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs (OIRA) and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), to 
modernize Federal infrastructure review and permitting regulations, 
policies, and procedures to significantly reduce the aggregate time 
required by the Federal Government to make decisions in the review and 
permitting of infrastructure projects, while improving environmental and 
community outcomes.
This modernization shall build upon and incorporate reforms identified 
by agencies pursuant to Executive Order 13604 and Executive Order 13563 
of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review).
    (b) Through an interagency process, coordinated by the CPO and 
working closely with CEQ and OIRA, the Steering Committee shall conduct 
the following modernization efforts:

(i) Within 60 days of the date of this memorandum, the Steering Committee 
shall identify and prioritize opportunities to modernize key regulations, 
policies, and procedures--both agency-specific and those involving multiple 
agencies--to reduce the aggregate project review and permitting time, while 
improving environmental and community outcomes.

(ii) Within 120 days of the date of this memorandum, the Steering Committee 
shall prepare a plan for a comprehensive modernization of Federal review 
and permitting for infrastructure projects based on the analysis required 
by subsection (b)(i) of this section that outlines specific steps for re-
engineering both the intra- and inter-agency review and approval processes 
based on experience implementing Executive Order 13604. The plan shall 
identify proposed actions and associated timelines to:

  (1) institutionalize or expand best practices or process improvements 
that agencies are already implementing to improve the efficiency of 
reviews, while improving outcomes for communities and the environment;

  (2) revise key review and permitting regulations, policies, and 
procedures (both agency-specific and Government-wide);

  (3) identify high-performance attributes of infrastructure projects that 
demonstrate how the projects seek to advance existing statutory and policy 
objectives and how they lead to improved outcomes for communities and the 
environment, thereby facilitating a faster and more efficient review and 
permitting process;

  (4) create process efficiencies, including additional use of concurrent 
and integrated reviews;

  (5) identify opportunities to use existing share-in-cost authorities and 
other non-appropriated funding sources to support early coordination and 
project review;

  (6) effectively engage the public and interested stakeholders;

  (7) expand coordination with State, local, and tribal governments;

  (8) strategically expand the use of information technology (IT) tools and 
identify priority areas for IT investment to replace paperwork processes, 
enhance effective project siting decisions, enhance interagency 
collaboration, and improve the monitoring of project impacts and mitigation 
commitments; and

[[Page 382]]

  (9) identify improvements to mitigation policies to provide project 
developers with added predictability, facilitate landscape-scale mitigation 
based on conservation plans and regional environmental assessments, 
facilitate interagency mitigation plans where appropriate, ensure 
accountability and the long-term effectiveness of mitigation activities, 
and utilize innovative mechanisms where appropriate.

The modernization plan prepared pursuant to this section shall take into 
account funding and resource constraints and shall prioritize 
implementation accordingly.
    (c) Infrastructure sectors covered by the modernization effort 
include: surface transportation, such as roadways, bridges, railroads, 
and transit; aviation; ports and related infrastructure, including 
navigational channels; water resources projects; renewable energy 
generation; conventional energy production in high-demand areas; 
electricity transmission; broadband; pipelines; storm water 
infrastructure; and other sectors as determined by the Steering 
    (d) The following agencies or offices and their relevant sub-
divisions shall engage in the modernization effort:

(i) the Department of Defense;

(ii) the Department of the Interior;

(iii) the Department of Agriculture;

(iv) the Department of Commerce;

(v) the Department of Transportation;

(vi) the Department of Energy;

(vii) the Department of Homeland Security;

(viii) the Environmental Protection Agency;

(ix) the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation;

(x) the Department of the Army;

(xi) the Council on Environmental Quality; and

(xii) such other agencies or offices as the CPO may invite to participate.

Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the 
head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals, or the 
regulatory review process.

    (b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with Executive 
Order 12898 of February 11, 1994 (Federal Actions to Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
Populations), Executive Order 13175 of November 6, 2000 (Consultation 
and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments), and my memorandum of 
November 5, 2009 (Tribal Consultation).

[[Page 383]]

    (d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (e) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget is hereby 
authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal 

    Washington, May 17, 2013.
Memorandum of May 31, 2013

Delegation of Functions Under Subsection 804(h)(2)(A) of the Foreign 
Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act

Memorandum for the Secretary of the Treasury
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate the functions conferred upon the 
President by section 804(h)(2)(A) of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin 
Designation Act (21 U.S.C. 1903(h)(2)(A)), to the Secretary of the 
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, May 31, 2013.
Memorandum of June 3, 2013

Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under the Iran Freedom 
and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012

Memorandum for the Secretary of State[,] the Secretary of the 
Treasury[,] the Attorney General[,] the Secretary of Energy[,] the 
Secretary of Commerce[,] the Secretary of Homeland Security[, the] 
United States Trade Representative[,] the Director of National 
Intelligence[, the] Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System[, and the] President of the Export-Import Bank
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby order as follows:

[[Page 384]]

I hereby delegate functions and authorities vested in the President by 
the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 (subtitle D of 
title XII of Public Law 112-239) (22 U.S.C. 8801 et seq.) (IFCA), as 
     Section 1244(c)(1) and (c)(2) to the Secretary of the 
Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State;
     Section 1244(d)(1)(A) to the Secretary of State, in 
consultation with the Secretaries of the Treasury and Commerce and the 
United States Trade Representative, and with the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, 
and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
and other agencies as appropriate, and, once applicable sanctions 
outlined in section 6(a) of the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 (Public Law 
104-172) (50 U.S.C. 1701 note), as amended (ISA), are selected pursuant 
to section 1244(d)(1)(A), authority to implement such sanctions is 
delegated to the relevant agency heads commensurate with any delegation 
of such authorities and consistent with any relevant Executive Orders 
implementing ISA;
     Section 1244(d)(2) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretary of State;
     Section 1244(f) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury;
     Section 1244(i) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury;
     Section 1245(a)(1)(A) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretaries of State and Commerce and the United 
States Trade Representative, and with the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, 
and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
and other agencies as appropriate, and, once applicable sanctions 
outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected pursuant to section 
1245(a)(1)(A), authority to implement such sanctions is delegated to the 
relevant agency heads commensurate with any delegation of such 
authorities and consistent with any relevant Executive Orders 
implementing ISA;
     Sections 1245(a)(1)(B) and (C) to the Secretary of State, 
in consultation with the Secretaries of the Treasury and Commerce and 
the United States Trade Representative, and with the Secretary of 
Homeland Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United 
States, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System and other agencies as appropriate, and, once applicable 
sanctions outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected pursuant to 
section 1245(a)(1)(B) or (C), authority to implement such sanctions is 
delegated to the relevant agency heads commensurate with any delegation 
of such authorities and consistent with any relevant Executive Orders 
implementing ISA;
     Section 1245(c) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretary of State;
     Section 1245(e) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury;
     Section 1245(f) to the Secretary of State and the Secretary 
of the Treasury commensurate with their respective areas of 
responsibility, in consultation with each other;

[[Page 385]]

     Section 1245(g) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury;
     Section 1246(a)(1)(A) to the Secretary of State and the 
Secretary of the Treasury commensurate with their respective areas of 
responsibility, in consultation with each other, the Secretary of 
Commerce and the United States Trade Representative, and with the 
Secretary of Homeland Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank 
of the United States, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System and other agencies as appropriate, and, once 
applicable sanctions outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected 
pursuant to section 1246(a)(1)(A), authority to implement such sanctions 
is delegated to the relevant agency heads commensurate with any 
delegation of such authorities and consistent with any relevant 
Executive Orders implementing ISA;
     Sections 1246(a)(1)(B)(i) and (ii) to the Secretary of 
State, in consultation with the Secretaries of the Treasury and Commerce 
and the United States Trade Representative, and with the Secretary of 
Homeland Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United 
States, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System and other agencies as appropriate, and, once applicable 
sanctions outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected pursuant to 
section 1246(a)(1)(B)(i) or (ii), authority to implement such sanctions 
is delegated to the relevant agency heads commensurate with any 
delegation of such authorities and consistent with any relevant 
Executive Orders implementing ISA;
     Section 1246(a)(1)(B)(iii) to the Secretary of State and 
the Secretary of the Treasury commensurate with their respective areas 
of responsibility, in consultation with each other, the Secretary of 
Commerce and the United States Trade Representative, and with the 
Secretary of Homeland Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank 
of the United States, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System and other agencies as appropriate, and, once 
applicable sanctions outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected 
pursuant to section 1246(a)(1)(B)(iii), authority to implement such 
sanctions is delegated to the relevant agency heads commensurate with 
any delegation of such authorities and consistent with any relevant 
Executive Orders implementing ISA;
     Section 1246(a)(1)(C) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretaries of State and Commerce and the United 
States Trade Representative, and with the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, 
and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
and other agencies as appropriate, and, once applicable sanctions 
outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected pursuant to section 
1246(a)(1)(C), authority to implement such sanctions is delegated to the 
relevant agency heads commensurate with any delegation of such 
authorities and consistent with any relevant Executive Orders 
implementing ISA;
     Section 1246(d) to the Secretary of State and the Secretary 
of the Treasury commensurate with their respective areas of 
responsibility, in consultation with each other;
     Section 1246(e) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury;

[[Page 386]]

     Section 1247(a) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretary of State;
     Section 1247(f) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury;
     Section 1248(b)(1) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretary of State, with respect to the 
requirement to impose applicable sanctions pursuant to the International 
Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA) described 
in section 105(c) of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, 
and Divestment Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-195) (22 U.S.C. 8501 et seq.) 
(CISADA), and with respect to the requirement to include the sanctioned 
persons on the list of specially designated nationals and blocked 
persons maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the 
Department of the Treasury;
     Section 1248(b)(1) to the Secretary of State, with respect 
to the requirement to impose visa sanctions described in section 105(c) 
     Section 1248(b)(3) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with the Secretary of State, with respect to application of 
section 401(b) of CISADA to IEEPA sanctions imposed under section 
1248(b)(1)(A) of IFCA;
     Section 1248(b)(3) to the Secretary of State, in 
consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security on matters related 
to admissibility or inadmissibility within the authority of the 
Secretary of Homeland Security, with respect to application of section 
401(b) of CISADA to visa sanctions imposed under section 1248(b)(1)(A) 
of IFCA;
     Section 1252(a) to the Director of National Intelligence, 
in consultation with the Secretaries of State and the Treasury;
     Section 1253(a) to the Secretary of the Treasury and the 
Secretary of State, commensurate with their respective areas of 
responsibility outlined in this memorandum;
     Section 1253(c)(1) to the Secretary of State, in 
consultation with the Secretaries of the Treasury and Commerce and the 
United States Trade Representative, and with the Secretary of Homeland 
Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, 
and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
and other agencies as appropriate;
     Section 1253(c)(2) to the Secretary of State and the 
Secretary of the Treasury commensurate with their respective areas of 
responsibility, in consultation with each other, the Secretary of 
Commerce, and the United States Trade Representative, and with the 
Secretary of Homeland Security, the President of the Export-Import Bank 
of the United States, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System and other agencies as appropriate, and, once 
applicable sanctions outlined in section 6(a) of ISA are selected 
pursuant to section 1244(d)(1)(A), 1245(a)(1), or 1246(a)(1) (including 
in each case as informed by section 1253(c)(2)), authority to implement 
such sanctions is delegated to the relevant agency heads commensurate 
with any delegation of such authorities and consistent with any relevant 
Executive Orders implementing ISA.
I hereby delegate functions and authorities vested in the President by 
CISADA, as amended by section 1249 of IFCA, as follows:

[[Page 387]]

     Section 105C(b) to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 
consultation with or at the recommendation of the Secretary of State, 
with respect to the determinations described in sections 105C(b)(1);
     Section 105C(b) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury, with respect to the requirement to 
submit any lists of persons determined to meet the criteria described in 
sections 105C(b)(1), to the appropriate congressional committees as 
required by sections 105C(b);
     Section 401(b) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of the Treasury, with respect to the requirement to 
include a person on the list described in section 105C(b);
     Sections 105C(a)(1) and 401(b) to the Secretary of the 
Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, with respect to 
the requirement to impose or maintain applicable sanctions pursuant to 
the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) 
(IEEPA) under section 105C(a)(1);
     Section 105C(a)(1) to the Secretary of State, with respect 
to the requirement to impose or maintain visa sanctions; and
     Section 401(b) to the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the Secretary of Homeland Security on matters related to 
admissibility or inadmissibility within the authority of the Secretary 
of Homeland Security, with respect to functions and waiver authorities 
regarding the requirement to impose or maintain visa sanctions under 
sections 105C(a)(1).
Any reference in this memorandum to provisions of any Act related to the 
subject of this memorandum shall be deemed to include references to any 
hereafter-enacted provisions of law that is the same or substantially 
the same as such provisions.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, June 3, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-9 of June 4, 2013

Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
and the laws of the United States, including section 7(a) of the 
Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-45) (the ``Act''), I 
hereby determine that it is necessary, in order to protect the national 
security interests of the United States, to suspend for a period of 6 
months the limitations set forth in sections 3(b) and 7(b) of the Act.

[[Page 388]]

You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the 
Congress, accompanied by a report in accordance with section 7(a) of the 
Act, and to publish the determination in the Federal Register.
This suspension shall take effect after the transmission of this 
determination and report to the Congress.
    Washington, June 4, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-10 of June 5, 2013

Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

Memorandum for the Secretary of State[,] the Secretary of the Treasury[, 
and] the Secretary of Energy
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, after carefully considering the report 
submitted to the Congress by the Energy Information Administration on 
April 25, 2013, and other relevant factors, including global economic 
conditions, increased oil production by certain countries, and the level 
of spare capacity, I determine, pursuant to section 1245(d)(4)(B) and 
(C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, 
Public Law 112-81, and consistent with my determinations of March 30, 
2012, June 11, 2012, and December 7, 2012, that there is a sufficient 
supply of petroleum and petroleum products from countries other than 
Iran to permit a significant reduction in the volume of petroleum and 
petroleum products purchased from Iran by or through foreign financial 
I will closely monitor this situation to ensure that the market can 
continue to accommodate a reduction in purchases of petroleum and 
petroleum products from Iran.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.
    Washington, June 5, 2013.

[[Page 389]]

Memorandum of June 7, 2013

Transforming Our Nation's Electric Grid Through Improved Siting, 
Permitting, and Review

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Our Nation's electric transmission grid is the backbone of our economy, 
a key factor in future economic growth, and a critical component of our 
energy security. Countries that harness the power of clean, renewable 
energy will be best positioned to thrive in the global economy while 
protecting the environment and increasing prosperity. In order to ensure 
the growth of America's clean energy economy and improve energy 
security, we must modernize and expand our electric transmission grid. 
Modernizing our grid will improve energy reliability and resiliency, 
allowing us to minimize power outages and manage cyber-security threats. 
By diversifying power sources and reducing congestion, a modernized grid 
will also create cost savings for consumers and spur economic growth.
Modernizing our Nation's electric transmission grid requires 
improvements in how transmission lines are sited, permitted, and 
reviewed. As part of our efforts to improve the performance of Federal 
siting, permitting, and review processes for infrastructure development, 
my Administration created a Rapid Response Team for Transmission (RRTT), 
a collaborative effort involving nine different executive departments 
and agencies (agencies), which is working to improve the efficiency and 
effectiveness of transmission siting, permitting, and review, increase 
interagency coordination and transparency, and increase the 
predictability of the siting, permitting, and review processes. In 
furtherance of Executive Order 13604 of March 22, 2012 (Improving 
Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure 
Projects), this memorandum builds upon the work of the RRTT to improve 
the Federal siting, permitting, and review processes for transmission 
projects. Because a single project may cross multiple governmental 
jurisdictions over hundreds of miles, robust collaboration among 
Federal, State, local, and tribal governments must be a critical 
component of this effort.
An important avenue to improve these processes is the designation of 
energy right-of-way corridors (energy corridors) on Federal lands. 
Section 368 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (the ``Act'') (42 U.S.C. 
15926), requires the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, 
Energy, and the Interior (Secretaries) to undertake a continued effort 
to identify and designate such energy corridors. Energy corridors 
include areas on Federal lands that are most suitable for siting 
transmission projects because the chosen areas minimize regulatory 
conflicts and impacts on environmental and cultural resources, and also 
address concerns of local communities. Designated energy corridors 
provide an opportunity to co-locate projects and share environmental and 
cultural resource impact data to reduce overall impacts on environmental 
and cultural resources and reduce the need for land use plan amendments 
in support of the authorization of transmission rights-of-way. The 
designation of energy corridors can help expedite the siting, 
permitting, and review processes for projects within such corridors, as 
well as improve the predictability and transparency of these processes. 
Pursuant to

[[Page 390]]

the Act, in 2009, the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture each 
designated energy corridors for the 11 contiguous Western States, as 
defined in section 368 of the Act. Energy corridors have not yet been 
designated in States other than those identified as Western States. It 
is important that agencies build on their existing efforts in a 
coordinated manner.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:
Section 1. Principles for Establishing Energy Corridors. (a) In carrying 
out the requirements of this memorandum regarding energy corridors, the 
Secretaries shall:

(i) collaborate with Member Agencies of the Steering Committee on Federal 
Infrastructure Permitting and Review Process Improvement (Steering 
Committee), established by Executive Order 13604, which shall provide 
prompt and adequate information to ensure that additional corridor 
designations and revisions are consistent with the statutory 
responsibilities and activities of the Member Agencies and enable timely 
actions by the Secretaries;

(ii) focus on facilitating renewable energy resources and improving grid 
resiliency and comply with the requirements in section 368 of the Act, by 
ensuring that energy corridors address the need for upgraded and new 
electric transmission and distribution facilities to improve reliability, 
relieve congestion, and enhance the capability of the national grid to 
deliver electricity;

(iii) use integrated project planning and consult with other Federal 
agencies, State, local, and tribal governments, non-governmental 
organizations, and the public early in the process of designating the 
energy corridors, so as to avoid resource conflicts to the extent 
practicable and make strategic decisions to balance policy priorities;

(iv) collaborate with State, local, and tribal governments to ensure, to 
the extent practicable, that energy corridors can connect effectively 
between Federal lands;

(v) minimize the proliferation of dispersed and duplicative rights-of-way 
crossing Federal lands while acting consistent with subsection (a)(ii) of 
this section;

(vi) design energy corridors to minimize impacts on environmental and 
cultural resources to the extent practicable, including impacts that may 
occur outside the boundaries of Federal lands, and minimize impacts on the 
Nation's aviation system and the mission of the Armed Forces; and

(vii) develop interagency mitigation plans, where appropriate, for 
environmental and cultural resources potentially impacted by projects sited 
in the energy corridors to provide project developers predictability on how 
to seek first to avoid, then attempt to minimize any negative effects from, 
and lastly to mitigate such impacts, where otherwise unavoidable. 
Mitigation plans shall:

  (A) be developed at the landscape or watershed scale with interagency 
collaboration, be based on conservation and resource management plans and 
regional environmental and cultural resource analyses, and identify 
priority areas for compensatory mitigation where appropriate;

[[Page 391]]

  (B) be developed in consultation with other Federal agencies, State, 
local, and tribal governments, non-governmental organizations, and the 

  (C) include clear and measurable mitigation goals, apply adaptive 
management methods, and use performance measures to evaluate outcomes and 
ensure accountability and the long-term effectiveness of mitigation 

  (D) include useful mechanisms, such as mitigation banks and in lieu fee 
programs, where appropriate for achieving statutory and regulatory goals; 

  (E) be considered in the energy corridor designation process.

    (b) The Secretary of Energy shall assess and synthesize current 
research related to the requirements set forth in subsection (a)(ii) of 
this section, such as transmission planning authority studies, 
congestion studies, and renewable energy assessments. Based on that 
analysis, the Secretary of Energy shall provide to the Steering 
Committee a Transmission Corridor Assessment Report (Report) that 
provides recommendations on how to best achieve the requirements set 
forth in subsection (a)(ii) of this section. Where research is 
available, the Report shall include an assessment of whether investment 
in co-locating with or upgrading existing transmission facilities, 
distributed generation, improved energy efficiency, or demand response 
may play a role in meeting these requirements. In preparing the Report, 
the Secretary of Energy shall consult with Federal, State, local, and 
tribal governments, affected industries, environmental and community 
representatives, transmission planning authorities, and other interested 
parties. The Report shall be provided in two parts. The first part, 
which shall provide recommendations with respect to the Western States, 
shall be provided by December 1, 2013, and the second part, which shall 
provide recommendations with respect to States other than the Western 
States, shall be provided by April 1, 2014.
Sec. 2. Energy Corridors for the Western States. (a) The Secretaries 
shall strongly encourage the use of designated energy corridors on 
Federal land in the Western States where the energy corridors are 
consistent with the requirements in this memorandum and other applicable 
requirements, unless it can be demonstrated that a project cannot be 
constructed within a designated corridor due to resource constraints on 
Federal lands. Additionally, the Secretaries, pursuant to section 368 of 
the Act, shall continue to evaluate designated energy corridors to 
determine the necessity for revisions, deletions, or additions to those 
energy corridors. Also, the Secretaries, coordinated by the Secretaries 
of the Interior and Agriculture, shall:

(i) by July 12, 2013, provide to the Steering Committee a plan for 
producing the Western corridor study and regional corridor assessments (as 
specified in subsection (a)(ii) and (a)(iii) of this section), which shall 
include descriptions of timelines and milestones, existing resources to be 
utilized, plans for collaborating with Member Agencies, and plans for 
consulting with other Federal agencies, State, local, and tribal 
governments, affected industries, environmental and community 
representatives, and other interested parties;

[[Page 392]]

(ii) within 12 months of completion of the plan pursuant to subsection 
(a)(i) of this section, provide to the Steering Committee a Western 
corridor study, which shall assess the utility of the existing designated 
energy corridors;

(iii) provide to the Steering Committee regional corridor assessments, 
which shall examine the need for additions, deletions, and revisions to the 
existing energy corridors for the Western States by region. The regional 
corridor assessments shall evaluate energy corridors based on the 
requirements set forth in subsection (a) of section 1, the Report issued 
pursuant to subsection (b) of section 1, and the Western corridor study. 
The regional corridor assessments shall be completed promptly, depending on 
resource availability, with at least the first assessment completed within 
12 months of completion of the plan pursuant to subsection (a)(i) of this 

(iv) by November 12, 2014, provide to the Steering Committee and the Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB) an implementation plan for achieving the 
requirements set forth in subsections (a)(v) and (a)(vi) of this section 
based on the regional corridor assessments. The implementation plan shall 
include timelines and milestones that prioritize coordinated agency actions 
and a detailed budget;

(v) promptly after the completion of the regional corridor assessments and 
prioritized based on the availability of resources, undertake coordinated 
land use planning and environmental and cultural resource review processes 
to consider additions, deletions, or revisions to the current Western 
energy corridors, consistent with the requirements set forth in subsection 
(a) of section 1, the Report required issued pursuant to subsection (b) of 
section 1, and the Western corridor study; and

(vi) as appropriate, after completing the required environmental and 
cultural resource analyses, promptly incorporate the designated Western 
corridor additions, deletions, or revisions and any mitigation plans 
developed pursuant to subsection (a)(vii) of section 1 into relevant agency 
land use and resource management plans or equivalent plans prioritized 
based on the availability of resources.

    (b) The Member Agencies, where authorized, shall complete any 
required land use planning, internal policy, and interagency agreements 
to formalize the designation of energy corridors implemented pursuant to 
subsection (a)(vi) of this section. The Secretaries and Member Agencies 
shall also develop and implement a process for expediting applications 
for applicants whose projects are sited primarily within the designated 
energy corridors in the Western States, and who have committed to 
implement the necessary mitigation activities, including those required 
by the interagency mitigation plans required by subsection (a)(vii) of 
section 1.
Sec. 3. Energy Corridors for the Non-Western States. The Secretaries, in 
collaboration with the Member Agencies, shall continue to analyze where 
energy corridors on Federal land in States other than those identified 
as Western States may be necessary to address the recommendations in the 
Report issued pursuant to subsection (b) of section 1 and the 
requirements set forth in subsection (a) of section 1, and to expedite 
the siting, permitting, and review of electric transmission projects on 
Federal lands in those States. By September 1, 2014, the Secretaries 
shall provide the Steering

[[Page 393]]

Committee with updated recommendations regarding designating energy 
corridors in those States.
Sec. 4. Improved Transmission Siting, Permitting, and Review Processes. 
(a) Member Agencies shall develop an integrated, interagency pre-
application process for significant onshore electric transmission 
projects requiring Federal approval. The process shall be designed to: 
promote predictability in the Federal siting, permitting, and review 
processes; encourage early engagement, coordination, and collaboration 
of Federal, State, local, and tribal governments, non-governmental 
organizations, and the public; increase the use of integrated project 
planning early in the siting, permitting, and review processes; 
facilitate early identification of issues that could diminish the 
likelihood that projects will ultimately be permitted; promote early 
planning for integrated and strategic mitigation plans; expedite siting, 
permitting, and review processes through a mutual understanding of the 
needs of all affected Federal agencies and State, local, and tribal 
governments; and improve environmental and cultural outcomes.
By September 30, 2013, Member Agencies shall provide to the Chief 
Performance Officer (CPO) and the Chair of the Council on Environmental 
Quality a plan, including timelines and milestones, for implementing 
this process.
    (b) In implementing Executive Order 13604, Member Agencies shall:

(i) improve siting, permitting, and review processes for all electric 
transmission projects, both onshore and offshore, requiring Federal 
approval. Such improvements shall include: increasing efficiency and 
interagency coordination; increasing accountability; ensuring an efficient 
decision-making process within each agency; to the extent possible, 
unifying and harmonizing processes among agencies; improving consistency 
and transparency within each agency and among all agencies; improving 
environmental and cultural outcomes; providing mechanisms for early and 
frequent public and local community outreach; and enabling innovative 
mechanisms for mitigation and mitigation at the landscape or watershed 
scale; and

(ii) facilitate coordination, integration, and harmonization of the siting, 
permitting, and review processes of Federal, State, local, and tribal 
governments for transmission projects to reduce the overall regulatory 
burden while improving environmental and cultural outcomes.

Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) The Secretaries and the Member Agencies 
shall coordinate the activities required by this memorandum with the 
Steering Committee and shall report to the Steering Committee their 
progress on meeting the milestones identified pursuant to this 
memorandum, consistent with the plans developed pursuant to sections 2 
and 4 of this memorandum. The CPO shall report on the implementation of 
this memorandum in the report to the President submitted pursuant to 
section 2(e) of Executive Order 13604.
    (b) In carrying out their responsibilities under this memorandum, 
Member Agencies shall consult relevant independent agencies, including 
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
    (c) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

[[Page 394]]

    (d) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with Executive 
Order 13175 of November 6, 2000 (Consultation and Coordination with 
Indian Tribal Governments) and my memorandum of November 5, 2009 (Tribal 
    (e) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or 
otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or 
the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, 
administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (f) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (g) The Director of OMB is hereby authorized and directed to publish 
this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, June 7, 2013.
Notice of June 13, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Actions and 
Policies of Certain Members of the Government of Belarus and Other 
Persons To Undermine Belarus's Democratic Processes or Institutions

On June 16, 2006, by Executive Order 13405, the President declared a 
national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic 
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701--1706) to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States constituted by the actions and policies of certain members 
of the Government of Belarus and other persons to undermine Belarus's 
democratic processes or institutions, manifested in the fundamentally 
undemocratic March 2006 elections, to commit human rights abuses related 
to political repression, including detentions and disappearances, and to 
engage in public corruption, including by diverting or misusing 
Belarusian public assets or by misusing public authority.
In 2012, the Government of Belarus continued its crackdown against 
political opposition, civil society, and independent media. The 
September 23 elections failed to meet international standards. The 
government arbitrarily arrested, detained, and imprisoned citizens for 
criticizing officials or for participating in demonstrations; imprisoned 
at least one human rights activist on manufactured charges; and 
prevented independent media from

[[Page 395]]

disseminating information and materials. These actions show that the 
Government of Belarus has not taken steps forward in the development of 
democratic governance and respect for human rights.
The actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Belarus 
and other persons continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For 
this reason, the national emergency declared on June 16, 2006, and the 
measures adopted on that date to deal with that emergency, must continue 
in effect beyond June 16, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 
202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am 
continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    June 13, 2013.
Memorandum of June 14, 2013

Expanding America's Leadership in Wireless Innovation

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
A combination of American entrepreneurship and innovation, private 
investment, and smart policy has positioned the United States as the 
global leader in wireless broadband technologies. Expanding the 
availability of spectrum for innovative and flexible commercial uses, 
including for broadband services, will further promote our Nation's 
economic development by providing citizens and businesses with greater 
speed and availability of coverage, encourage further development of 
cutting-edge wireless technologies, applications, and services, and help 
reduce usage charges for households and businesses. We must continue to 
make additional spectrum available as promptly as possible for the 
benefit of consumers and businesses. At the same time, we must ensure 
that Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial governments are able 
to maintain mission critical capabilities that depend on spectrum today, 
as well as effectively and efficiently meet future requirements.
In my memorandum of June 28, 2010 (Unleashing the Wireless Broadband 
Revolution), I directed the Secretary of Commerce, working through the 
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), to 
collaborate with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to make 500 
MHz of Federal and nonfederal spectrum available for wireless broadband 
use within 10 years. Executive departments and agencies (agencies), 
including NTIA, have done an excellent job of pursuing the twin goals of 
advancing their agency missions and promoting innovation and economic 
growth. Although existing efforts will almost double the amount of 
spectrum available for wireless broadband, we must make available even 
more spectrum and create new avenues for wireless innovation. One means 
of doing so is by allowing and encouraging shared access to spectrum 
that is currently allocated exclusively for Federal use. Where 
technically and economically

[[Page 396]]

feasible, sharing can and should be used to enhance efficiency among all 
users and expedite commercial access to additional spectrum bands, 
subject to adequate interference protection for Federal users, 
especially users with national security, law enforcement, and safety-of-
life responsibilities. In order to meet growing Federal spectrum 
requirements, we should also seek to eliminate restrictions on 
commercial carriers' ability to negotiate sharing arrangements with 
agencies. To further these efforts, while still safeguarding protected 
incumbent systems that are vital to Federal interests and economic 
growth, this memorandum directs agencies and offices to take a number of 
additional actions to accelerate shared access to spectrum.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the 
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, 40 U.S.C. 101 et seq., 
and in order to promote economy and efficiency in Federal procurement, I 
hereby direct the following:
Section 1. Spectrum Policy Team. (a) The Chief Technology Officer and 
the Director of the National Economic Council, or their designees, shall 
co-chair a Spectrum Policy Team that shall include representatives from 
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the National Security Staff, 
and the Council of Economic Advisers. The Spectrum Policy Team shall 
work with NTIA to implement this memorandum. The Spectrum Policy Team 
may invite the FCC to provide advice and assistance.
    (b) The Spectrum Policy Team shall monitor and support advances in 
spectrum sharing policies and technologies. Within 1 year of the date of 
this memorandum, the Spectrum Policy Team shall publish a report 
describing how NTIA and FCC are incorporating spectrum sharing into 
their spectrum management practices. The report shall include 
recommendations that enable more productive uses of spectrum throughout 
our economy and society and protect the current and future mission 
capabilities of agencies. The Spectrum Policy Team shall also assess 
national security, law enforcement, safety-of-life, economic, 
scientific, social, international, and other policy considerations 
related to licensed and unlicensed spectrum use, including 
standardization as well as the extent to which the revenue potential of 
spectrum auctions affects spectrum policy.
Sec. 2. Collaboration on Spectrum Sharing. (a) The Secretary of 
Commerce, working through NTIA, has been facilitating discussions 
between agencies and nonfederal entities that have produced an 
unprecedented level of information-sharing and collaboration to identify 
opportunities for agencies to relinquish or share spectrum, currently 
focusing on the 1695-1710 MHz band, the 1755-1850 MHz band, and the 
5350-5470 and 5850-5925 MHz bands. The NTIA shall continue to facilitate 
these discussions and the sharing of data to expedite commercial entry 
into these bands where possible, provided that the mission capabilities 
of Federal systems designed to operate in these bands are maintained and 
protected, including through relocation, either to alternative spectrum 
or non-spectrum dependent systems, or through acceptable sharing 
arrangements. These discussions shall also be expanded to encompass more 
spectrum bands that may be candidates for shared access, specifically 
those in the range below 6 GHz, subject to the protection of the 
capabilities of Federal systems designed to operate in those bands.
    (b) Within 3 months of the date of this memorandum, the Secretary of 
Commerce, working through NTIA and the National Institute of Standards

[[Page 397]]

and Technology (NIST), and building on the results from the Networking 
and Information Technology Research and Development Program, shall 
publish an inventory and description of Federal test facilities 
available to commercial and other stakeholders engaged in research, 
development, testing, and evaluation of technologies to enhance spectrum 
sharing and other spectrum-related efficiencies. To maximize the 
productive use of these facilities and to facilitate greater 
collaboration among agencies and nonfederal stakeholders, the Secretary 
of Commerce, working through NTIA, NIST, and other appropriate agencies, 
shall, within 6 months of the date of this memorandum, establish a plan 
for the development and promulgation of standard policies, best 
practices, and templates governing the following: research, development, 
testing, and evaluation of spectrum sharing technologies by and among 
commercial, Government, and academic stakeholders at Federal facilities.
    (c) All policies, practices, and templates shall be subject to 
safeguards reasonably necessary to protect classified, sensitive, and 
proprietary data. Within 6 months of the date of this memorandum, the 
Spectrum Policy Team, in consultation with the Department of Justice, 
the National Archives and Records Administration, the Office of the 
Director of National Intelligence, and other appropriate agencies, 
shall, consistent with applicable law, including 5 U.S.C. 552, as 
amended by Public Law 107-306 and Public Law 11-175, and Executive Order 
13526 of December 29, 2009 (Classified National Security Information), 
implement policies for the sharing with authorized nonfederal parties of 
classified, sensitive, or proprietary data regarding assignments, 
utilization of spectrum, system configurations, business plans, and 
other information.
Sec. 3. Agency Usage of Spectrum. (a) The NTIA, in consultation with the 
Spectrum Policy Team and appropriate agencies, shall include in its 
Fourth Interim Report required by section 1(d) of my memorandum of June 
28, 2010, a plan directing applicable agencies to provide quantitative 
assessments of the actual usage of spectrum in those spectrum bands that 
NTIA previously identified and prioritized in its Third Interim Report 
and such other bands as NTIA and the Spectrum Policy Team determine have 
the greatest potential to be shared with nonfederal users. Each agency's 
assessment shall be prepared according to such metrics and other 
parameters as are reasonably necessary to determine the extent to which 
spectrum assigned to the agency could potentially be made available for 
sharing with or release to commercial users, particularly in major 
metropolitan areas, without adversely affecting agencies' missions, 
especially those related to national security, law enforcement, and 
safety of life. Each assessment shall also include a discussion of 
projected increases in spectrum usage and needs and shall identify where 
access to nonfederal spectrum could aid in fulfilling agency missions. 
The plan shall further require each agency to submit its assessments to 
NTIA and the Spectrum Policy Team within 12 months of the plan's 
release. In identifying spectrum bands with the greatest potential to be 
shared, NTIA and the Spectrum Policy Team shall consider the number and 
nature of Federal and nonfederal systems in a band, the technical 
suitability of the band for shared use, international implications, any 
potential for relocating Federal systems to comparable spectrum or 
otherwise enabling comparable capabilities, and other factors NTIA and 
the Spectrum Policy Team deem relevant based on consultation with 
agencies and other stakeholders. A band shall be identified as a 
candidate for

[[Page 398]]

shared access under this subsection only if it has been likewise 
identified under section 2(a) of this memorandum.
    (b) The reporting of information under this section shall be subject 
to existing safeguards protecting classified, sensitive, and proprietary 
data. The NTIA shall release a summary of the assessments publicly to 
the extent consistent with law. The NTIA and the Spectrum Policy Team 
shall make any appropriate recommendations regarding the possible 
availability of spectrum in the subject bands for innovative and 
flexible commercial uses, including broadband, taking into account 
factors such as the nature of the Federal systems in the bands and the 
extent to which those systems occupy and use the bands.
    (c) The NTIA shall design and conduct a pilot program to monitor 
spectrum usage in real time in selected communities throughout the 
country to determine whether a comprehensive monitoring program in major 
metropolitan areas could disclose opportunities for more efficient 
spectrum access, including via sharing. The NTIA shall work with 
agencies to ensure the program will not reveal sensitive or classified 
information. The NTIA shall consult with each agency to determine the 
correct technical parameters to monitor usage.
    (d) Within 6 months of the date of this memorandum, NTIA shall take 
such actions as are necessary to require that each agency's regular 
reviews of its frequency assignments include a quantitative assessment 
of its actual usage of spectrum under such assignments.
    (e) The NTIA shall also take such actions as are necessary to 
require that an agency requesting a frequency assignment or spectrum 
certification for systems operating between 400 MHz and 6 GHz verify 
that it must operate in this critical range, and that it will use the 
minimum spectrum reasonably necessary to most effectively meet mission 
requirements. The requesting agency shall also verify that it is not 
reasonable to satisfy such requirements in some other manner, such as at 
higher frequencies, via commercial services, or via a system that is not 
spectrum-dependent, whether due to cost, technology, implementation, 
performance reasons, international obligations, or other practical or 
legal constraints. In the case of system certification requests only, 
the requesting agency shall also present with its request a narrative 
explaining why its proposed solution will most effectively meet its 
mission requirements, in light of potential alternative approaches and 
all practical and legal constraints. Further, requesting agencies shall 
identify spectrum that will no longer be used by any legacy systems that 
are replaced. In implementing this subsection, NTIA shall take all steps 
necessary to protect against disclosure of sensitive and classified 
Sec. 4. Spectrum Efficiency in Procurements. Agencies shall include 
spectrum efficiency when considering procurement of spectrum-dependent 
systems and hardware, as a technical requirement, an evaluation 
criterion for award, or both. The Director of OMB, in consultation with 
NTIA, shall develop and incorporate spectrum efficiency guidelines into 
budget and procurement processes. These guidelines shall facilitate, as 
appropriate, the design and procurement of systems that increase 
flexibility through means

[[Page 399]]

such as multiple-band tuning capabilities and the use of commercial 
systems. The guidelines also shall require, to the extent possible, 
procurements of Federal systems such that emission levels resulting from 
reasonable use of adjacent spectrum will not impair the functioning of 
such systems, consistent with any applicable radio receiver performance 
criteria and international obligations.
Sec. 5. Performance Criteria for Radio Receivers. The FCC is strongly 
encouraged, in consultation with NTIA, where appropriate, the industry, 
and other stakeholders, to develop to the fullest extent of its legal 
authority a program of performance criteria, ratings, and other 
measures, including standards, to encourage the design, manufacture, and 
sale of radio receivers such that emission levels resulting from 
reasonable use of adjacent spectrum will not endanger the functioning of 
the receiver or seriously degrade, obstruct, or repeatedly interrupt the 
operations of the receiver. In developing such a program, the FCC is 
strongly encouraged to give due consideration to existing policies and 
prudent investments that have been previously made in systems, including 
receivers. In its consultation with the FCC, NTIA shall provide 
information regarding Federal receiver standards and agency practices 
under those standards.
Sec. 6. Incentives for Agencies. The Spectrum Policy Team shall, within 
6 months of the date of this memorandum, publish a report making 
recommendations to the President regarding market-based or other 
approaches that could give agencies greater incentive to share or 
relinquish spectrum, while protecting the mission capabilities of 
existing and future systems that rely on spectrum use. The report shall 
consider whether the Spectrum Currency and Spectrum Efficiency Fund 
proposals made by the President's Council of Advisors on Science and 
Technology would be effective. The report shall also analyze the impact 
of the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act of 2004 (Title II of Public 
Law 108-494), as modified by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job 
Creation Act of 2012 (Public Law 112-96).
Sec. 7. Rapid Deployment of Wireless Broadband. The FCC is strongly 
encouraged, in collaboration with NTIA, where appropriate, to expedite 
the repurposing of spectrum and otherwise enable innovative and flexible 
commercial uses of spectrum, including broadband, to be deployed as 
rapidly as possible by:
    (a) identifying spectrum allocated for nonfederal uses that can be 
made available for licensed and unlicensed wireless broadband services 
and devices, and other innovative and flexible uses of spectrum, while 
fairly accommodating the rights and reasonable expectations of incumbent 
    (b) identifying spectrum allocated for nonfederal uses that can be 
made available to agencies, on a shared or exclusive basis, particularly 
where necessary to accommodate agencies seeking to relocate systems out 
of bands that could be made available for licensed services or 
unlicensed devices;
    (c) promulgating and enforcing rules for licensed services to 
provide strong incentives for licensees to put spectrum to use and avoid 
spectrum warehousing. Such rules may include build-out requirements or 
other licensing conditions as appropriate for the particular 

[[Page 400]]

    (d) establishing and maintaining conditions that promote a reliable 
secondary market for spectrum, including provisions enabling negotiated 
access by agencies and uses not addressed in subsection (b) of this 
    (e) promulgating and enforcing rules for licensed services and 
unlicensed devices to share Federal spectrum that accommodate mission 
changes and technology updates by both Federal and nonfederal users; and
    (f) consulting with the Department of State regarding international 
obligations related to spectrum use.
Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:
    (i) the authority granted by law to any agency, or the head thereof; 
    (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to budgetary, 
administrative, or legislative proposals.
    (b) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to require the 
disclosure of classified information, law enforcement sensitive 
information, or other information that must be protected in the interest 
of national security or public safety.
    (c) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (e) Independent agencies are strongly encouraged to comply with the 
requirements of this memorandum.
    (f) The Presidential Memorandum of November 30, 2004 (Improving 
Spectrum Management for the 21st Century), is hereby revoked.
    (g) The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to publish 
this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, June 14, 2013.
Notice of June 17, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Western 

On June 26, 2001, by Executive Order 13219, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to the Western Balkans, pursuant to the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), to 
deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security 

[[Page 401]]

foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions of 
persons engaged in, or assisting, sponsoring, or supporting (i) 
extremist violence in the Republic of Macedonia and elsewhere in the 
Western Balkans region, or (ii) acts obstructing implementation of the 
Dayton Accords in Bosnia or United Nations Security Council Resolution 
1244 of June 10, 1999, relating to Kosovo. The President subsequently 
amended that order in Executive Order 13304 of May 28, 2003, to include 
acts obstructing the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement 
relating to Macedonia.
The actions of persons threatening the peace and international 
stabilization efforts in the Western Balkans continue to pose an unusual 
and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of 
the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on 
June 26, 2001, and the measures adopted on that date and thereafter to 
deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond June 26, 2013. 
Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies 
Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national 
emergency with respect to the Western Balkans declared in Executive 
Order 13219.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    June 17, 2013.
Memorandum of June 19, 2013

Delegation of Reporting Functions Specified in Section 491 of Title 10, 
United State Code

Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3 
of the United States Code, I hereby delegate to you the reporting 
functions conferred upon the President by section 491 of title 10, 
United States Code.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.


    Washington, June 19, 2013.

[[Page 402]]

Notice of June 20, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Disposition 
of Russian Highly Enriched Uranium

On June 25, 2012, by Executive Order 13617, I declared a national 
emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act 
(50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security and foreign policy of the United States 
constituted by the risk of nuclear proliferation created by the 
accumulation of a large volume of weapons-usable fissile material in the 
territory of the Russian Federation.
Full implementation of the Agreement Between the Government of the 
United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation 
Concerning the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from 
Nuclear Weapons, dated February 18, 1993, and related contracts and 
agreements (collectively, the ``HEU Agreements'') is essential to the 
attainment of U.S. national security and foreign policy goals. Assets of 
the Government of the Russian Federation directly related to the 
implementation of the HEU Agreements may be subject to attachment, 
judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial 
process, thereby jeopardizing the full implementation of the HEU 
Agreements to the detriment of U.S. national security and foreign 
policy. In order to ensure the preservation and proper and complete 
transfer to the Government of the Russian Federation of all payments due 
to it under the HEU Agreements, in Executive Order 13617 I ordered the 
blocking of all property and interests in property of the Government of 
the Russian Federation directly related to the implementation of the HEU 
Agreements and declared any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, 
execution, garnishment, or other judicial process with respect to such 
blocked property to be null and void, unless licensed or authorized 
pursuant to Executive Order 13617 or Executive Order 13159 of June 21, 
The risk of nuclear proliferation created by the accumulation of a large 
volume of weapons-usable fissile material in the territory of the 
Russian Federation continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For 
this reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13617 of 
June 25, 2012, and the measures adopted on that date to deal with that 
emergency, must continue in effect beyond June 25, 2013. Therefore, in 
accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 
U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency 
declared with respect to the disposition of Russian highly enriched 
uranium declared in Executive Order 13617.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    June 20, 2013.

[[Page 403]]

Notice of June 21, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to North Korea

On June 26, 2008, by Executive Order 13466, the President declared a 
national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic 
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States constituted by the existence and risk of proliferation of 
weapons-usable fissile material on the Korean Peninsula. The President 
also found that it was necessary to maintain certain restrictions with 
respect to North Korea that would otherwise have been lifted pursuant to 
Proclamation 8271 of June 26, 2008, which terminated the exercise of 
authorities under the Trading with the Enemy Act (50 U.S.C. App. 1-44) 
with respect to North Korea.
On August 30, 2010, I signed Executive Order 13551, which expanded the 
scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13466 to 
deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, 
foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the continued 
actions and policies of the Government of North Korea, manifested by its 
unprovoked attack that resulted in the sinking of the Republic of Korea 
Navy ship Cheonan and the deaths of 46 sailors in March 2010; its 
announced test of a nuclear device and its missile launches in 2009; its 
actions in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 
(UNSCRs) 1718 and 1874, including the procurement of luxury goods; and 
its illicit and deceptive activities in international markets through 
which it obtains financial and other support, including money 
laundering, the counterfeiting of goods and currency, bulk cash 
smuggling, and narcotics trafficking, which destabilize the Korean 
Peninsula and imperil U.S. Armed Forces, allies, and trading partners in 
the region.
On April 18, 2011, I signed Executive Order 13570 to take additional 
steps to address the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
13466 and expanded in Executive Order 13551 that will ensure the 
implementation of the import restrictions contained in UNSCRs 1718 and 
1874 and complement the import restrictions provided for in the Arms 
Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.).
Because the existence and risk of proliferation of weapons-usable 
fissile material on the Korean Peninsula and the actions and policies of 
the Government of North Korea continue to pose an unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and 
economy of the United States, the national emergency declared in 
Executive Order 13466, expanded in scope in Executive Order 13551, and 
addressed further in Executive Order 13570, and the measures taken to 
deal with that national emergency, must continue in effect beyond June 
26, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National 
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the 
national emergency declared in Executive Order 13466.

[[Page 404]]

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    June 21, 2013.
Memorandum of June 25, 2013

Power Sector Carbon Pollution Standards

Memorandum for the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
With every passing day, the urgency of addressing climate change 
intensifies. I made clear in my State of the Union address that my 
Administration is committed to reducing carbon pollution that causes 
climate change, preparing our communities for the consequences of 
climate change, and speeding the transition to more sustainable sources 
of energy.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has already undertaken such 
action with regard to carbon pollution from the transportation sector, 
issuing Clean Air Act standards limiting the greenhouse gas emissions of 
new cars and light trucks through 2025 and heavy duty trucks through 
2018. The EPA standards were promulgated in conjunction with the 
Department of Transportation, which, at the same time, established fuel 
efficiency standards for cars and trucks as part of a harmonized 
national program. Both agencies engaged constructively with auto 
manufacturers, labor unions, States, and other stakeholders, and the 
resulting standards have received broad support. These standards will 
reduce the Nation's carbon pollution and dependence on oil, and also 
lead to greater innovation, economic growth, and cost savings for 
American families.
The United States now has the opportunity to address carbon pollution 
from the power sector, which produces nearly 40 percent of such 
pollution. As a country, we can continue our progress in reducing power 
plant pollution, thereby improving public health and protecting the 
environment, while supplying the reliable, affordable power needed for 
economic growth and advancing cleaner energy technologies, such as 
efficient natural gas, nuclear power, renewables such as wind and solar 
energy, and clean coal technology.
Investments in these technologies will also strengthen our economy, as 
the clean and efficient production and use of electricity will ensure 
that it remains reliable and affordable for American businesses and 
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, and in order to reduce power plant 
carbon pollution, building on actions already underway in States and the 
power sector, I hereby direct the following:
Section 1.  Flexible Carbon Pollution Standards for Power Plants. (a) 
Carbon Pollution Standards for Future Power Plants. On April 13, 2012, 
the EPA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking entitled ``Standards 
of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for New Stationary Sources:

[[Page 405]]

Electric Utility Generating Units,'' 77 Fed. Reg. 22392. In light of the 
information conveyed in more than two million comments on that proposal 
and ongoing developments in the industry, you have indicated EPA's 
intention to issue a new proposal. I therefore direct you to issue a new 
proposal by no later than September 20, 2013. I further direct you to 
issue a final rule in a timely fashion after considering all public 
comments, as appropriate.
    (b)  Carbon Pollution Regulation for Modified, Reconstructed, and 
Existing Power Plants. To ensure continued progress in reducing harmful 
carbon pollution, I direct you to use your authority under sections 
111(b) and 111(d) of the Clean Air Act to issue standards, regulations, 
or guidelines, as appropriate, that address carbon pollution from 
modified, reconstructed, and existing power plants and build on State 
efforts to move toward a cleaner power sector. In addition, I request 
that you:

(i) issue proposed carbon pollution standards, regulations, or guidelines, 
as appropriate, for modified, reconstructed, and existing power plants by 
no later than June 1, 2014;

(ii) issue final standards, regulations, or guidelines, as appropriate, for 
modified, reconstructed, and existing power plants by no later than June 1, 
2015; and

(iii) include in the guidelines addressing existing power plants a 
requirement that States submit to EPA the implementation plans required 
under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act and its implementing regulations 
by no later than June 30, 2016.

    (c) Development of Standards, Regulations, or Guidelines for Power 
Plants. In developing standards, regulations, or guidelines pursuant to 
subsection (b) of this section, and consistent with Executive Orders 
12866 of September 30, 1993, as amended, and 13563 of January 18, 2011, 
you shall ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that you:

(i) launch this effort through direct engagement with States, as they will 
play a central role in establishing and implementing standards for existing 
power plants, and, at the same time, with leaders in the power sector, 
labor leaders, non-governmental organizations, other experts, tribal 
officials, other stakeholders, and members of the public, on issues 
informing the design of the program;

(ii) consistent with achieving regulatory objectives and taking into 
account other relevant environmental regulations and policies that affect 
the power sector, tailor regulations and guidelines to reduce costs;

(iii) develop approaches that allow the use of market-based instruments, 
performance standards, and other regulatory flexibilities;

(iv) ensure that the standards enable continued reliance on a range of 
energy sources and technologies;

(v) ensure that the standards are developed and implemented in a manner 
consistent with the continued provision of reliable and affordable electric 
power for consumers and businesses; and

(vi) work with the Department of Energy and other Federal and State 
agencies to promote the reliable and affordable provision of electric power 
through the continued development and deployment of cleaner technologies 
and by increasing energy efficiency, including through stronger appliance 
efficiency standards and other measures.

[[Page 406]]

Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) This memorandum shall be implemented 
consistent with applicable law, including international trade 
obligations, and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (b) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or 
otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head 
thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (d) You are hereby authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, June 25, 2013.
Memorandum of July 15, 2013

Expanding National Service Through Partnerships to Advance Government 

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Service has always been integral to the American identity. Our country 
was built on the belief that all of us, working together, can make this 
country a better place for all. That spirit remains as strong and 
integral to our identity today as at our country's founding.
Since its creation 20 years ago, the Corporation for National and 
Community Service (CNCS) has been the Federal agency charged with 
leading and expanding national service. The Edward M. Kennedy Serve 
America Act of 2009 (SAA) expanded CNCS's authority to create 
opportunities for more Americans to serve. This landmark, bipartisan 
legislation focuses national service on six areas: emergency and 
disaster services; economic opportunity; education; environmental 
stewardship; healthy futures; and veterans and military families. The 
SAA provides greater opportunities for CNCS to partner with other 
executive departments and agencies (agencies) and with the private 
sector to utilize national service to address these critical areas.
National service and volunteering can be effective solutions to national 
challenges and can have positive and lasting impacts that reach beyond 
the immediate service experience. Americans engaged in national service 
make an intensive commitment to tackle unmet national and local needs by 
working through non-profit, faith-based, and community organizations. 
Service can help Americans gain valuable skills, pursue higher 

[[Page 407]]

and jumpstart their careers, which can provide immediate and long-term 
benefits to those individuals, as well as the communities in which they 
Americans are ready and willing to serve. Applications from Americans 
seeking to engage in national service programs far exceed the number of 
available positions. By creating new partnerships between agencies and 
CNCS that expand national service opportunities in areas aligned with 
agency missions, we can utilize the American spirit of service to 
improve lives and communities, expand economic and educational 
opportunities, enhance agencies' capacity to achieve their missions, 
efficiently use tax dollars, help individuals develop skills that will 
enable them to prepare for long-term careers, and build a pipeline to 
employment inside and outside the Federal Government.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order 
to expand the positive impact of national service, I hereby direct the 
Section 1. Establishing a Task Force on Expanding National Service. 
There is established a Task Force on Expanding National Service, to be 
co-chaired by the Chief Executive Officer of CNCS and the Director of 
the Domestic Policy Council, which shall include representatives from 
agencies and offices that administer programs and develop policies in 
areas that include the six focus areas set forth in the SAA. The Task 
Force shall include representatives from:
    (a) the Department of Defense;
    (b) the Department of Justice;
    (c) the Department of the Interior;
    (d) the Department of Agriculture;
    (e) the Department of Commerce;
    (f) the Department of Labor;
    (g) the Department of Health and Human Services;
    (h) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;
    (i) the Department of Transportation;
    (j) the Department of Energy;
    (k) the Department of Education;
    (l) the Department of Veterans Affairs;
    (m) the Department of Homeland Security;
    (n) the Peace Corps;
    (o) the National Science Foundation;
    (p) the Office of Personnel Management;
    (q) the Environmental Protection Agency;
    (r) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and
    (s) such other agencies and offices as the co-chairs may designate.
Sec. 2. Mission and Function of the Task Force. (a) The Task Force 

[[Page 408]]

(i) identify existing, and, if appropriate, recommend new, policies or 
practices that support the expansion of national service and volunteer 
opportunities that align with the SAA and agency priorities;

(ii) make recommendations on the most effective way to coordinate national 
service and volunteering programs across the Federal Government;

(iii) identify and develop opportunities for interagency agreements between 
CNCS and other agencies to support the expansion of national service and 

(iv) identify and develop public-private partnerships to support the 
expansion of national service and volunteering;

(v) identify and develop strategies to use innovation and technology to 
facilitate the ability of the public to participate in national service and 
volunteering activities; and

(vi) develop a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-
effectiveness of national service and volunteering interventions in 
achieving agency priorities, and aggregate and disseminate the results of 
that evaluation.

    (b) Within 18 months of the date of this memorandum, the Task Force 
shall provide the President with a report on the progress made with 
respect to the functions set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
Sec. 3. Facilitating National Service and Volunteering Partnerships. (a) 
Each agency on the Task Force shall:

(i) within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, consult with CNCS about 
how existing authorities and CNCS programs can be used to enter into 
interagency and public-private partnerships that allow for meaningful 
national service and volunteering opportunities, including participating in 
AmeriCorps, and help the agency achieve its mission;

(ii) work with CNCS to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of 
such partnerships; and

(iii) work with CNCS to identify ways in which the agency's national 
service participants and volunteers can develop transferable skills, and 
also how national service can serve as a pipeline to employment inside and 
outside the Federal Government.

    (b) Where practicable, agencies may consider entering into 
interagency agreements with CNCS to share program development and 
funding responsibilities, as authorized under 42 U.S.C. 12571(b)(1).
Sec. 4. Recruitment of National Service Participants in the Civilian 
Career Services. In order to provide national service participants a 
means to pursue additional opportunities to continue their public 
service through career civilian service, the Office of Personnel 
Management shall, within 120 days of the date of this memorandum, issue 
guidance to agencies on developing and improving Federal recruitment 
strategies for participants in national service.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be 
construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law or Executive Order to an agency, or the 
head thereof; or

[[Page 409]]

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable 
law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
    (c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (d) The Chief Executive Officer of CNCS is hereby authorized and 
directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, July 15, 2013.
Notice of July 17, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Former 
Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor

On July 22, 2004, by Executive Order 13348, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to the former Liberian regime of Charles 
Taylor pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 
U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to 
the foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and 
policies of former Liberian President Charles Taylor and other persons, 
in particular their unlawful depletion of Liberian resources and their 
removal from Liberia and secreting of Liberian funds and property, which 
have undermined Liberia's transition to democracy and the orderly 
development of its political, administrative, and economic institutions 
and resources.
Although Liberia has made significant advances to promote democracy, and 
the Special Court for Sierra Leone convicted Charles Taylor for war 
crimes and crimes against humanity, the actions and policies of Charles 
Taylor and others have left a legacy of destruction that could still 
challenge Liberia's transformation and recovery. The actions and 
policies of these persons continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary 
threat to the foreign policy of the United States. For this reason, the 
national emergency declared on July 22, 2004, and the measures adopted 
on that date to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond 
July 22, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year 
the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13348.

[[Page 410]]

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    July 17, 2013.
Notice of July 19, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Transnational 
Criminal Organizations

On July 24, 2011, by Executive Order 13581, I declared a national 
emergency with respect to transnational criminal organizations pursuant 
to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) 
to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national 
security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States constituted 
by the activities of significant transnational criminal organizations.
The activities of significant transnational criminal organizations have 
reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of 
international political and economic systems. Such organizations are 
becoming increasingly sophisticated and dangerous to the United States; 
they are increasingly entrenched in the operations of certain foreign 
governments and the international financial system, thereby weakening 
democratic institutions, degrading the rule of law, and undermining 
economic markets. These organizations facilitate and aggravate violent 
civil conflicts and increasingly facilitate the activities of other 
dangerous persons.
The activities of significant transnational criminal organizations 
continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national 
security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. For this 
reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13581 of July 
24, 2011, and the measures adopted on that date to deal with that 
emergency, must continue in effect beyond July 24, 2013. Therefore, in 
accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 
U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with 
respect to transnational criminal organizations declared in Executive 
Order 13581.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    July 19, 2013.

[[Page 411]]

Presidential Determination No. 2013-11 of July 26, 2013

Waiver of Restriction on Providing Funds to the Palestinian Authority

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 7040(b) of the 
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs 
Appropriations Act, 2012 (Division I, Public Law 112-74) (the ``Act'') 
as carried forward by the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 
(Division F, Public Law 113-6) (the ``CR''), I hereby certify that it is 
important to the national security interests of the United States to 
waive the provisions of section 7040(a) of the Act as carried forward by 
the CR, in order to provide funds appropriated to carry out chapter 4 of 
part II of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to the Palestinian 
You are directed to transmit this determination to the Congress, with a 
report pursuant to section 7040(d) of the Act as carried forward by the 
CR, and to publish this determination in the Federal Register.
    Washington, July 26, 2013.
Notice of July 29, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Lebanon

On August 1, 2007, by Executive Order 13441, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to Lebanon pursuant to the International 
Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the 
unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign 
policy of the United States constituted by the actions of certain 
persons to undermine Lebanon's legitimate and democratically elected 
government or democratic institutions; to contribute to the deliberate 
breakdown in the rule of law in Lebanon, including through politically 
motivated violence and intimidation; to reassert Syrian control or 
contribute to Syrian interference in Lebanon; or to infringe upon or 
undermine Lebanese sovereignty and contribute to political and economic 
instability in that country and the region.
Certain ongoing activities, such as continuing arms transfers to 
Hizballah that include increasingly sophisticated weapons systems, serve 
to undermine Lebanese sovereignty, contribute to political and economic 
instability in Lebanon, and continue to constitute an unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the 
United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on 
August 1, 2007, and the measures adopted on that date to deal with that 
emergency, must continue in effect beyond August 1, 2013. In accordance 
with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), 
I am continuing for 1 year the

[[Page 412]]

national emergency with respect to Lebanon declared in Executive Order 
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    July 29, 2013.
Memorandum of July 29, 2013

Delegation of Authority Pursuant to Sections 110(d)(4) and 110(f) of the 
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as Amended

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the 
authority conferred upon the President by the Trafficking Victims 
Protection Act of 2000 (Division A of Public Law 106-386), as amended 
(the ``Act''), to determine, consistent with sections 110(d)(4) and 
110(f) of the Act, with respect to Syria for Fiscal Year 2013, that 
assistance described in section 110(d)(1)(B) of the Act would promote 
the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the national interest of the 
United States.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, July 29, 2013.
Memorandum of August 2, 2013

Delegation of Authority Pursuant to Section 404(c) of the Child Soldiers 
Prevention Act of 2008, as Amended

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the 
authority conferred upon the President by the Child Soldiers Prevention 
Act of 2008 (title IV, Public Law 110-457), as amended (the ``Act''), to 
determine, consistent with section 404(c) of the Act, whether to waive 
the application to

[[Page 413]]

Somalia of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the Act and whether such 
waiver is in the national interest of the United States, for fiscal year 
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, August 2, 2013.
Notice of August 8, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Export Control 

On August 17, 2001, consistent with the authority provided to the 
President under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the President issued Executive Order 13222. In 
that order, he declared a national emergency with respect to the unusual 
and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and 
economy of the United States in light of the expiration of the Export 
Administration Act of 1979, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq.). 
Because the Export Administration Act has not been renewed by the 
Congress, the national emergency declared on August 17, 2001, must 
continue in effect beyond August 17, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with 
section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am 
continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    August 8, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-12 of August 9, 2013

Continuation of U. S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of 

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me as President by section 1012 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995, as amended (22 
U.S.C. 2291-4), I hereby certify, with respect to Colombia, that: (1) 
interdiction of aircraft reasonably suspected to be primarily engaged in 
illicit drug trafficking in that country's airspace is necessary, 
because of the extraordinary threat posed by illicit drug trafficking to 
the national security of that country; and (2) Colombia has appropriate 
procedures in place to protect against

[[Page 414]]

innocent loss of life in the air and on the ground in connection with 
such interdiction, which shall at a minimum include effective means to 
identify and warn an aircraft before the use of force is directed 
against the aircraft.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
determination in the Federal Register and to notify the Congress of this 
    Washington, August 9, 2013.
Memorandum of August 12, 2013

Reviewing Our Global Signals Intelligence Collection and Communications 

Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence
The United States, like all nations, gathers intelligence in order to 
protect its national interests and to defend itself, its citizens, and 
its partners and allies from threats to our security. The United States 
cooperates closely with many countries on intelligence matters and these 
intelligence relationships have helped to ensure our common security.
Recent years have brought unprecedented and rapid advancements in 
communications technologies, particularly with respect to global 
telecommunications. These technological advances have brought with them 
both great opportunities and significant risks for our Intelligence 
Community: opportunity in the form of enhanced technical capabilities 
that can more precisely and readily identify threats to our security, 
and risks in the form of insider and cyber threats.
I believe it is important to take stock of how these technological 
advances alter the environment in which we conduct our intelligence 
mission. To this end, by the authority vested in me as President by the 
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I am 
directing you to establish a Review Group on Intelligence and 
Communications Technologies (Review Group).
The Review Group will assess whether, in light of advancements in 
communications technologies, the United States employs its technical 
collection capabilities in a manner that optimally protects our national 
security and advances our foreign policy while appropriately accounting 
for other policy considerations, such as the risk of unauthorized 
disclosure and our need to maintain the public trust. Within 60 days of 
its establishment, the Review Group will brief their interim findings to 
me through the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and the Review 
Group will provide a final report and recommendations to me through the 
DNI no later than December 15, 2013.

[[Page 415]]

You are hereby authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, August 12, 2013.
Notice of September 10, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist 

Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 
U.S.C. 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency 
previously declared on September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with 
respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the 
continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.
Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared 
on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal 
with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2013. 
Therefore, I am continuing in effect for an additional year the national 
emergency that was declared on September 14, 2001, with respect to the 
terrorist threat.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    September 10, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-13 of September 12, 2013

Continuation of the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading 
With the Enemy Act

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of the 
Under section 101(b) of Public Law 95-223 (91 Stat. 1625; 50 U.S.C. App. 
5(b) note) and a previous determination on September 10, 2012 (77 FR 
56753, September 13, 2012), the exercise of certain authorities under 
the Trading With the Enemy Act is scheduled to terminate on September 
14, 2013.
I hereby determine that the continuation for 1 year of the exercise of 
those authorities with respect to Cuba is in the national interest of 
the United States.

[[Page 416]]

Therefore, consistent with the authority vested in me by section 101(b) 
of Public Law 95-223, I continue for 1 year, until September 14, 2014, 
the exercise of those authorities with respect to Cuba, as implemented 
by the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 515.
The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to publish this 
determination in the Federal Register.
    Washington, September 12, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-14 of September 13, 2013

Presidential Determination on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug 
Producing Countries for Fiscal Year 2014

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to section 706(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 
FY 2003 (Public Law 107-228) (FRAA), I hereby identify the following 
countries as major drug transit and/or major illicit drug producing 
countries: Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, 
Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, 
Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, 
Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.
A country's presence on the foregoing list is not a reflection of its 
government's counternarcotics efforts or level of cooperation with the 
United States. Consistent with the statutory definition of a major drug 
transit or illicit drug producing country set forth in section 481(e)(2) 
and (5) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), one of 
the reasons major drug transit or illicit drug producing countries are 
placed on the list is the combination of geographic, commercial, and 
economic factors that allow drugs to transit or be produced, even if a 
government has carried out the most assiduous narcotics control law 
enforcement measures.
In addition, the law requires identification of any country on the list 
that has ``failed demonstrably'' during the previous 12 months to make 
substantial efforts to adhere to its obligations under international 
counternarcotics agreements and take certain counternarcotics measures 
as cited in section 489(a)(1) of the FAA.
Countries found to have failed demonstrably may receive certain U.S. 
assistance only if the President determines that provision of such 
assistance is vital to the national interests of the United States, or 
if subsequent to the designation, the President determines that the 
country has made substantial efforts to meet the requirement.
Pursuant to section 706(2)(A) of the FRAA, I hereby designate Bolivia, 
Burma, and Venezuela as countries that have failed demonstrably during 
the previous 12 months to make substantial efforts to adhere to their 
obligations under international counternarcotics agreements and take the 
measures set forth in section 489(a)(1) of the FAA. Included in this 
report are

[[Page 417]]

justifications for the determinations on Bolivia, Burma, and Venezuela, 
as required by section 706(2)(B) of the FRAA. Explanations for these 
decisions are published with this determination.
I have also determined, in accordance with provisions of section 
706(3)(A) of the FRAA, that support for programs to aid Burma and 
Venezuela is vital to the national interests of the United States.
Drug Producing and Trafficking Trends in Strategic Areas
In addition to the listed countries, the following notable drug 
production and trafficking trends were observed in the preparation of 
this determination.
Afghanistan is the world's largest grower of illegal opium poppy and 
produces approximately 90 percent of the world's illicit opium. Nearly 
all poppy cultivation occurs in the southern and western parts of the 
country, especially Helmand Province. Instability in these regions 
allows criminal networks, insurgent groups, and illicit cultivation and 
drug production to thrive.
Most recently, opium production in Afghanistan declined in spite of an 
increase in the total ground area under poppy cultivation. The drop 
stemmed primarily from crop disease and poor conditions as some farmers 
growing illegal crops moved to less hospitable agricultural growing 
regions. Countering the opium trade remains an uphill struggle and a 
long-term challenge. Working with Afghan partners, international allies 
and multilateral organizations, the United States continues to support 
the commitment to establish effective and sustainable Afghan-led 
programs that are critical to Afghan security and regional stability.
Afghanistan has continued to take greater responsibility to design and 
implement its own anti-narcotics programs. The government aggressively 
eradicated illicit opium poppy during the most recent growing season, as 
well as carrying out alternative livelihoods and demand reduction 
policies. To help stem the country's growing domestic drug abuse, the 
United States has funded a scientifically based survey of urban areas to 
determine prevalence of use, including among children, and is funding 
more than 60 in- and out-patient drug treatment centers. The United 
States supports a wide range of other illegal crop controls, alternative 
development, drug awareness and treatment projects, including training 
and treatment service delivery programs implemented through 
international organizations.
As we approach the 2014 withdrawal of international forces from 
Afghanistan, the country requires continued international support. Even 
greater efforts are needed to bring counternarcotics programs into the 
mainstream of social and economic development strategies to successfully 
curb illegal drug cultivation and production of opium as well as the 
high use of opiates among the Afghan population.
The Caribbean
Criminal activity in Caribbean states, as a drug-transit zone for 
illegal substances, is of deep concern to the United States. United 
States-bound trafficking in cocaine through the Caribbean dramatically 
increased from five percent of the total in 2011 to nine percent in 
2012. A central response to this threat by the United States and 13 
Caribbean partner nations is the

[[Page 418]]

Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) which is specifically 
designed to address citizen safety by fostering a wide range of crime 
prevention programs.
Although the problems are daunting, concrete results are being achieved 
through the support of CBSI, European organizations, and the 
Organization of American States (OAS) Inter-American Drug Abuse Control 
Commission. Through CBSI, some 2,500 Caribbean police officers were 
trained in the Dominican Republic, a country that has undertaken an 
aggressive counternarcotics institution building program. Moreover, the 
United States is training thousands of Caribbean officials elsewhere in 
the region on fundamental subjects such as crime scene and homicide 
investigation. CBSI programs are upgrading the ability of Caribbean 
partners to investigate complex financial crimes, manage forfeited or 
seized assets, and prosecute criminals. A range of programs are building 
awareness, upgrading treatment facilities, and fostering the creation of 
drug courts as alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenders. 
The work of a violent crimes task force in St. Kitts and Nevis, mentored 
by U.S. officials, helped to reduce homicides in St. Kitts and Nevis by 
41 percent.
Central America
The seven Central American nations are considered major drug transit 
countries that significantly affect the United States: Belize, Costa 
Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. United 
States Government analysts estimate that approximately 90 percent of 
illegal drugs from South America destined for the United States are 
smuggled through the seven Central American countries and Mexican 
corridor. Of this amount, nearly 80 percent stops first in a Central 
American country before onward shipment to Mexico. The Central American 
Regional Security Initiative (CARSI), initiated in 2008, supports local 
government efforts to strengthen the rule of law, lower homicide rates, 
and deny traffickers safe haven.
Under CARSI, U.S.-funded training, equipment, and technical assistance 
provided to Central America has contributed to concrete success. The 
model precinct program in El Salvador, for example, has helped reduce 
the homicide rate by 70 percent in one crime-ridden community. The 
CARSI-supported program to create transnational anti-gang units is 
expanding their criminal investigative leads, especially against the MS-
13 and M-18 gangs. These criminal gangs have significant drug 
trafficking and other criminal links in major U.S. cities. Anti-gang 
units in Central America led to a homicide arrest in Oklahoma City, the 
prosecution of felony extortions in Annapolis, Maryland, and the capture 
of one of the FBI's top ten most-wanted fugitives, a suspect who was 
arrested in El Salvador.
Countries are also strengthening cooperation through the Central 
American Integrated System (SICA) to promote citizen security and other 
related programs. Multilateral cooperation to stem the smuggling of 
essential and precursor chemicals from China used to produce illegal 
synthetic drugs in Central America is an important component of SICA's 
mandate. This SICA undertaking is aligned with the growing abuse during 
the last decade of new psychoactive substances (NPS), the production of 
which is a growing problem in Central America.
The illegal production of NPS is dependent upon access to a wide range 
of chemicals. Successful interdictions of unauthorized chemicals in 

[[Page 419]]

America have created the urgent need for effective management and 
disposal systems. To support the overall effort, U.S. funding in 2013 
and 2014 to the OAS Department of Public Security will help provide 
Central American countries with the development of relevant 
infrastructure to properly process and destroy these illegally shipped 
West Africa
Although no West African country is currently listed as a major drug 
producer or transit zone, the region is a growing concern. The 
destabilizing effects of increasing drug trafficking in West Africa with 
direct links to transnational crime organizations based in Latin America 
pose a direct threat to stability on the African continent. The U.N. 
Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that cocaine trafficking in West 
Africa generates approximately $1.25 billion at wholesale prices in 
African leaders understand that growing criminal enterprises in their 
countries negatively impact national goals for peace and security. 
Participants at the 2013 Extraordinary Summit of the Economic Community 
for West Africa highlighted the need for cooperation to counter drug 
trafficking in the region. Such efforts by nations in the region are 
supported by the United States Government's West Africa Cooperative 
Security Initiative, which will provide some $50 million in 2013 to 
combat transnational organized crime. Projects include, for example, 
anti-corruption training in Sierra Leone, support for a regional law 
enforcement training center in Ghana, and the development of specially 
trained counternarcotics law enforcement investigative units.
Drug trafficking in West Africa is of particular concern to Latin 
America and the United States. Law enforcement investigations show that 
illegal proceeds generated by criminal activities in African nations 
flow back to the Western Hemisphere, bolstering trafficking 
organizations' financial strength and ability to fuel the drug trade in 
producing and consuming countries, including OAS member states.
You are authorized and directed to submit this determination, with its 
Bolivia, Burma, and Venezuela memoranda of justification, under section 
706 of the FRAA, to the Congress, and publish it in the Federal 
    Washington, September 13, 2013.

[[Page 420]]

Presidential Determination No. 2013-15 of September 16, 2013

Provision of Defense Articles and Services to Vetted Members of the 
Syrian Opposition for Use in Syria To Prevent the Use or Proliferation 
of Chemical Weapons and Related Materials, Organizations Implementing 
U.S. Department of State or U.S. Agency for International Development 
(USAID) Programs Inside or Related to Syria, and International 
Organizations for Their Use Inside or Related to Syria

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, including sections 40(g) and 40A(b) of the 
Arms Export Control Act (AECA), I hereby:
 determine that the transaction, encompassing the provision of 
defense articles and defense services to vetted members of the Syrian 
opposition; organizations implementing U.S. Department of State or USAID 
programs inside or related to Syria; and international organizations 
necessary for the conduct of their operations inside or related to 
Syria, or to prevent the preparation, use, or proliferation of Syria's 
chemical weapons, is essential to the national security interests of the 
United States;
 waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A of the AECA 
related to such a transaction; and
 delegate to the Secretary of State the responsibility under 
section 40(g)(2) of the AECA to consult with and submit reports to the 
Congress for proposed exports, 15 days prior to authorizing them to 
proceed, that are necessary for and within the scope of this waiver 
determination and the transaction referred to herein.
You are authorized and directed to publish this determination in the 
Federal Register.
    Washington, September 16, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-16 of September 17, 2013

Presidential Determination With Respect to Foreign Governments' Efforts 
Regarding Trafficking in Persons

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Consistent with section 110 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 
2000 (Division A of Public Law 106-386), as amended (the ``Act''), I 

[[Page 421]]

Make the determination provided in section 110(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, 
with respect to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the 
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Sudan, and 
Zimbabwe, not to provide certain funding for those countries' 
governments for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014, until such governments comply 
with the minimum standards or make significant efforts to bring 
themselves into compliance, as may be determined by the Secretary of 
State in a report to the Congress pursuant to section 110(b) of the Act;
Make the determination provided in section 110(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act, 
with respect to Cuba, Eritrea, and Syria not to provide certain funding 
for those countries' governments for FY 2014, until such governments 
comply with the minimum standards or make significant efforts to bring 
themselves into compliance, as may be determined by the Secretary of 
State in a report to the Congress pursuant to section 110(b) of the Act;
Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
Algeria, the Central African Republic, People's Republic of China, 
Guinea-Bissau, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Russia, 
Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, and Yemen that provision to these countries' 
governments of all programs, projects, or activities of assistance 
described in sections 110(d)(1)(A)(i)-(ii) and 110(d)(1)(B) of the Act 
would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the national 
interest of the United States;
Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, that assistance and programs 
described in section 110(d)(1)(A)(i) and 110(d)(1)(B) of the Act, with 
the exception of foreign military sales and foreign military financing 
to the army of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, would promote the 
purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the national interest of the 
United States;
Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
Sudan, that assistance and programs described in section 110(d)(1)(A)(i) 
and 110(d)(1)(B) of the Act, with the exception of foreign military 
sales and foreign military financing to the Sudanese land forces, air 
forces, and popular defense force, would promote the purposes of the Act 
or is otherwise in the national interest of the United States;
Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
Syria and Eritrea, that a partial waiver to allow funding for 
educational and cultural exchange programs described in section 
110(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act would promote the purposes of the Act or is 
otherwise in the national interest of the United States;
Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
Equatorial Guinea, that a partial waiver to allow funding for programs 
described in section 110(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act to support programs to 
study and combat the spread of infectious diseases and to advance 
sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity and to support 
the participation of government employees or officials in young leader 
exchanges programming would promote the purposes of the Act or is 
otherwise in the national interest of the United States;
Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
Syria and Equatorial Guinea, that assistance described in section 
110(d)(1)(B) of the Act would promote the purposes of the Act or is 
otherwise in the national interest of the United States;

[[Page 422]]

Determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to 
Zimbabwe, that a partial waiver to allow funding for programs described 
in section 110(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act for assistance for victims of 
trafficking in persons or to combat such trafficking, and for programs 
to support the promotion of health, good governance, education, 
leadership, agriculture and food security, poverty reduction, 
livelihoods, family planning, and macroeconomic growth including anti-
corruption, and programs that would have a significant adverse effect on 
vulnerable populations if suspended, would promote the purposes of the 
Act or is otherwise in the national interest of the United States;
And determine, consistent with section 110(d)(4) of the Act, with 
respect to Zimbabwe, that assistance described in section 110(d)(1)(B) 
of the Act, which:
    (1) is a regional program, project, or activity under which the 
total benefit to Zimbabwe does not exceed 10 percent of the total value 
of such program, project, or activity;
    (2) has as its primary objective the addressing of basic human 
needs, as defined by the Department of the Treasury with respect to 
other, existing legislative mandates concerning U.S. participation in 
the multilateral development banks;
    (3) is complementary to or has similar policy objectives to programs 
being implemented bilaterally by the United States Government;
    (4) has as its primary objective the improvement of Zimbabwe's legal 
system, including in areas that impact Zimbabwe's ability to investigate 
and prosecute trafficking cases or otherwise improve implementation of 
its anti-trafficking policy, regulations, or legislation;
    (5) is engaging a government, international organization, or civil 
society organization, and seeks as its primary objective(s) to: (a) 
increase efforts to investigate and prosecute trafficking in persons 
crimes; (b) increase protection for victims of trafficking through 
better screening, identification, rescue and removal, aftercare 
(shelter, counseling), training, and reintegration; or (c) expand 
prevention efforts through education and awareness campaigns 
highlighting the dangers of trafficking in persons or training and 
economic empowerment of populations clearly at risk of falling victim to 
trafficking; or
    (6) is targeted macroeconomic assistance from the International 
Monetary Fund that strengthens the macroeconomic management capacity of 
Zimbabwe; would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the 
national interest of the United States.
The certification required by section 110(e) of the Act is provided 
You are hereby authorized and directed to submit this determination to 
the Congress, and to publish it in the Federal Register.
    Washington, September 17, 2013.

[[Page 423]]

Notice of September 18, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Persons Who 
Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism

On September 23, 2001, by Executive Order 13224, the President declared 
a national emergency with respect to persons who commit, threaten to 
commit, or support terrorism, pursuant to the International Emergency 
Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and 
economy of the United States constituted by the grave acts of terrorism 
and threats of terrorism committed by foreign terrorists, including the 
terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, in New York and Pennsylvania 
and against the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of 
further attacks against United States nationals or the United States.
The actions of persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support 
terrorism continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. For 
this reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13224 of 
September 23, 2001, and the measures adopted on that date to deal with 
that emergency, must continue in effect beyond September 23, 2013. 
Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies 
Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national 
emergency with respect to persons who commit, threaten to commit, or 
support terrorism declared in Executive Order 13224.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    September 18, 2013.
Memorandum of September 20, 2013

Designation of Officers of the Office of the Director of National 
Intelligence To Act as Director of National Intelligence

Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Vacancies 
Reform Act of 1998, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq. (the ``Act''), it 
is hereby ordered that:
Section 1. Order of Succession. Subject to the provisions of sections 2 
and 3 of this memorandum, and to the limitations set forth in the Act, 
the following officials of the Office of the Director of National 
Intelligence, in the

[[Page 424]]

order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the 
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) during any period in which the 
DNI and the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence have 
died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and 
duties of the DNI:
    (a) Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Intelligence 
    (b) Director of the National Counterterrorism Center;
    (c) National Counterintelligence Executive; and
    (d) Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.
Sec. 2. National Security Act of 1947. This memorandum shall not 
supersede the authority of the Principal Deputy Director of National 
Intelligence to act for, and exercise the powers of, the DNI during the 
absence or disability of the DNI or during a vacancy in the position of 
the DNI (National Security Act of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C. 3026).
Sec. 3. Exceptions. (a) No individual who is serving in an office listed 
in section 1(a)-(d) of this memorandum in an acting capacity shall, by 
virtue of so serving, act as the DNI pursuant to this memorandum.
    (b) No individual listed in section 1(a)-(d) of this memorandum 
shall act as the DNI unless that individual is otherwise eligible to so 
serve under the Act.
    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this memorandum, the President 
retains discretion, to the extent permitted by law, to depart from this 
memorandum in designating an acting DNI.
    (d) In the event that the Director of the National Counterterrorism 
Center acts as and performs the functions and duties of the DNI pursuant 
to section 1 of this memorandum, that individual shall not 
simultaneously serve as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center 
during that time, in accordance with 50 U.S.C. 3056.
Sec. 4. Revocation. The Presidential Memorandum of March 8, 2011 
(Designation of Officers of the Office of the Director of National 
Intelligence to Act as Director of National Intelligence), is hereby 
Sec. 5. Judicial Review. This memorandum is not intended to, and does 
not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable 
at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its 
departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, 
or any other person.
Sec. 6. Publication. You are authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, September 20, 2013.

[[Page 425]]

Memorandum of September 20, 2013

 Designation of Officers of the General Services Administration to Act 
as Administrator of General Services

Memorandum for the Administrator of General Services
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Vacancies 
Reform Act of 1998, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq. (the ``Act''), it is hereby 
ordered that:
Section 1. Order of Succession. Subject to the provisions of section 2 
of this memorandum, and to the limitations set forth in the Act, the 
following officials of the General Services Administration, in the order 
listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office 
of the Administrator of General Services (Administrator), during any 
period in which both the Administrator and Deputy Administrator have 
died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and 
duties of the office of Administrator:
    (a) Chief of Staff;
    (b) Commissioner, Public Buildings Service;
    (c) Commissioner, Federal Acquisition Service;
    (d) Chief Financial Officer;
    (e) Regional Administrator, Greater Southwest Region (Region 7); and
    (f) Regional Administrator, Great Lakes Region (Region 5).
Sec. 2. Exceptions. (a) No individual who is serving in an office listed 
in section 1 of this memorandum in an acting capacity, by virtue of so 
serving, shall act as Administrator pursuant to this memorandum.
    (b) No individual listed in section 1 of this memorandum shall act 
as Administrator unless that individual is otherwise eligible to so 
serve under the Act.
    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this memorandum, the President 
retains discretion, to the extent permitted by law, to depart from this 
memorandum in designating an acting Administrator.
Sec. 3. Prior Memorandum Superseded. This memorandum supersedes the 
President's Memorandum of March 19, 2002 (Designation of Officers of the 
General Services Administration).
Sec. 4. Judicial Review. This memorandum is not intended to, and does 
not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable 
at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its 
departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, 
or any other person.
Sec. 5. Publication. You are authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, September 20, 2013.

[[Page 426]]

Memorandum of September 27, 2013

Delegation of Authority Under Sections 552(c)(2) and 614 of the Foreign 
Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State:
    (1) the authority under section 552(c)(2) of the Foreign Assistance 
Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), to direct the drawdown of up to $15 
million in nonlethal commodities and services from any department or 
agency of the United States to provide assistance for the Syrian 
Opposition Coalition (SOC) and the Supreme Military Council (SMC), and 
to make the determinations required under such section to direct such a 
drawdown; and
    (2) the authority under section 614 of the FAA to determine whether 
it is important to the security interests of the United States to 
furnish such assistance to the SOC and the SMC without regard to any 
other provision of law within the purview of section 614(a)(1) of the 
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, September 27, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2013-17 of September 30, 2013

Determination With Respect to the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to section 404 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 
(CSPA) (title IV, Public Law 110-457), I hereby determine that it is in 
the national interest of the United States to waive the application of 
the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Chad, 
South Sudan, and Yemen; to waive in part the application of the 
prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Democratic 
Republic of the Congo to allow for continued provision of International 
Military Education and Training (IMET) and nonlethal Excess Defense 
Articles, and the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of 
nonlethal defense articles; and to waive in part the application of the 
prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Somalia to 
allow for the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of 
nonlethal defense articles, provision of IMET, and continued provision 
of assistance under the Peacekeeping Operations authority for logistical 
support and troop stipends. I hereby waive such provisions accordingly.

[[Page 427]]

You are authorized and directed to submit this determination to the 
Congress, along with the accompanying Memorandum of Justification, and 
to publish the determination in the Federal Register.
    Washington, September 30, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2014-1 of October 2, 2013

Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2014

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
In accordance with section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act 
(the ``Act'') (8 U.S.C. 1157), as amended, and after appropriate 
consultations with the Congress, I hereby make the following 
determinations and authorize the following actions:
The admission of up to 70,000 refugees to the United States during 
fiscal year (FY) 2014 is justified by humanitarian concerns or is 
otherwise in the national interest; provided that this number shall be 
understood as including persons admitted to the United States during FY 
2014 with Federal refugee resettlement assistance under the Amerasian 
immigrant admissions program, as provided below.
The 70,000 admissions numbers shall be allocated among refugees of 
special humanitarian concern to the United States in accordance with the 
following regional allocations; provided that the number of admissions 
allocated to the East Asia region shall include persons admitted to the 
United States during FY 2014 with Federal refugee resettlement 
assistance under section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export 
Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1988, as contained 
in section 101(e) of Public Law 100-202 (Amerasian immigrants and their 
family members):

 Africa                                    15,000
 East Asia                                 14,000
 Europe and Central Asia                   1,000
 Latin America/Caribbean                   5,000
 Near East/South Asia                      33,000
 Unallocated Reserve                       2,000

The 2,000 unallocated refugee numbers shall be allocated to regional 
ceilings, as needed. Upon providing notification to the Judiciary 
Committees of the Congress, you are hereby authorized to use unallocated 
admissions in regions where the need for additional admissions arises.
Additionally, upon notification to the Judiciary Committees of the 
Congress, you are further authorized to transfer unused admissions 
allocated to a particular region to one or more other regions, if there 
is a need for greater admissions for the region or regions to which the 
admissions are being transferred. Consistent with section 2(b)(2) of the 
Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as amended, I hereby 
determine that assistance to or on behalf of persons applying for 
admission to the United States as part

[[Page 428]]

of the overseas refugee admissions program will contribute to the 
foreign policy interests of the United States and designate such persons 
for this purpose.
Consistent with section 101(a)(42) of the Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(42)), 
and after appropriate consultation with the Congress, I also specify 
that, for FY 2014, the following persons may, if otherwise qualified, be 
considered refugees for the purpose of admission to the United States 
within their countries of nationality or habitual residence:
    a. Persons in Cuba
    b. Persons in Eurasia and the Baltics
    c. Persons in Iraq
    d. In exceptional circumstances, persons identified by a United 
States Embassy in any location
You are authorized and directed to report this determination to the 
Congress immediately and to publish it in the Federal Register.
    Washington, October 2, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2014-2 of October 10, 2013

Provision of U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of 

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me as President by section 1012 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1995, as amended (22 
U.S.C. 2291-4), I hereby certify, with respect to Brazil, that (1) 
interdiction of aircraft reasonably suspected to be primarily engaged in 
illicit drug trafficking in that country's airspace is necessary because 
of the extraordinary threat posed by illicit drug trafficking to the 
national security of that country; and (2) that country has appropriate 
procedures in place to protect against innocent loss of life in the air 
and on the ground in connection with such interdiction, which shall at a 
minimum include effective means to identify and warn an aircraft before 
the use of force is directed against the aircraft.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
determination in the Federal Register and to notify the Congress of this 
    Washington, October 10, 2013.

[[Page 429]]

 Notice of October 16, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Significant 
Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia

On October 21, 1995, by Executive Order 12978, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to significant narcotics traffickers 
centered in Colombia pursuant to the International Emergency Economic 
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and 
extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and 
economy of the United States constituted by the actions of significant 
narcotics traffickers centered in Colombia and the extreme level of 
violence, corruption, and harm such actions cause in the United States 
and abroad.
The actions of significant narcotics traffickers centered in Colombia 
continue to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy 
of the United States and to cause an extreme level of violence, 
corruption, and harm in the United States and abroad. For these reasons, 
the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 
1995, and the measures adopted pursuant thereto to deal with that 
emergency, must continue in effect beyond October 21, 2013. Therefore, 
in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 
U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with 
respect to significant narcotics traffickers centered in Colombia 
declared in Executive Order 12978.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    October 16, 2013.
Notice of October 23, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in 
or in Relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

On October 27, 2006, by Executive Order 13413, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to the situation in or in relation to 
the Democratic Republic of the Congo and, pursuant to the International 
Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), ordered related 
measures blocking the property of certain persons contributing to the 
conflict in that country. The President took this action to deal with 
the unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United 
States constituted by the situation in or in relation to the Democratic 
Republic of the Congo, which has been marked by widespread violence and 
atrocities that continue to threaten regional stability.
Because this situation continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary 
threat to the foreign policy of the United States, the national 
emergency declared in Executive Order 13413 of October 27, 2006, and the 

[[Page 430]]

adopted on that date to deal with that emergency, must continue in 
effect beyond October 27, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 
202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am 
continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to the 
situation in or in relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
declared in Executive Order 13413.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    October 23, 2013.
Memorandum of October 28, 2013

Delegation of Functions Under Sections 1261(b) and 1262(a) of Public Law 

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Commerce
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, including section 301 of title 3, United 
States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the functions 
of the President under section 1261(b) and to the Secretary of Commerce 
the functions of the President under section 1262(a) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, Public Law 112-239.
The Secretary of State shall consult, as appropriate, the heads of other 
executive departments and agencies in the performance of his 
responsibilities under this memorandum.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.

    Washington, October 28, 2013.
Notice of October 30, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Sudan

On November 3, 1997, by Executive Order 13067, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to Sudan and, pursuant to the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), took 
related steps to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the 

[[Page 431]]

and policies of the Government of Sudan. On April 26, 2006, in Executive 
Order 13400, the President determined that the conflict in Sudan's 
Darfur region posed an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national 
security and foreign policy of the United States, expanded the scope of 
the national emergency to deal with that threat, and ordered the 
blocking of property of certain persons connected to the conflict. On 
October 13, 2006, the President issued Executive Order 13412 to take 
additional steps with respect to the national emergency and to implement 
the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-344).
Because the actions and policies of the Government of Sudan continue to 
pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and 
foreign policy of the United States, the national emergency declared on 
November 3, 1997, as expanded on April 26, 2006, and with respect to 
which additional steps were taken on October 13, 2006, must continue in 
effect beyond November 3, 2013. Therefore, consistent with section 
202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am 
continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to Sudan.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    October 30, 2013.
Notice of November 7, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Proliferation 
of Weapons of Mass Destruction

On November 14, 1994, by Executive Order 12938, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat 
to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United 
States posed by the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical 
weapons (weapons of mass destruction) and the means of delivering such 
weapons. On July 28, 1998, the President issued Executive Order 13094 
amending Executive Order 12938 to respond more effectively to the 
worldwide threat of weapons of mass destruction proliferation 
activities. On June 28, 2005, the President issued Executive Order 13382 
which, inter alia, further amended Executive Order 12938 to improve our 
ability to combat proliferation. The proliferation of weapons of mass 
destruction and the means of delivering them continues to pose an 
unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign 
policy, and economy of the United States; therefore, the national 
emergency first declared on November 14, 1994, and extended in each 
subsequent year, must continue. In accordance with section 202(d) of the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year 
the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12938, as amended.

[[Page 432]]

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    November 7, 2013.
Notice of November 12, 2013

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran

On November 14, 1979, by Executive Order 12170, the President declared a 
national emergency with respect to Iran and, pursuant to the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), took 
related steps to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States 
constituted by the situation in Iran. Because our relations with Iran 
have not yet returned to normal, and the process of implementing the 
agreements with Iran, dated January 19, 1981, is still under way, the 
national emergency declared on November 14, 1979, must continue in 
effect beyond November 14, 2013. Therefore, in accordance with section 
202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am 
continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to Iran 
declared in Executive Order 12170.
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted 
to the Congress.
    November 12, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2014-3 of November 29, 2013

Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

Memorandum for the Secretary of State[,] the Secretary of the Treasury[, 
and] the Secretary of Energy
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, after carefully considering the report 
submitted to the Congress by the Energy Information Administration on 
October 31, 2013, and other relevant factors, including global economic 
conditions, increased oil production by certain countries, and the level 
of spare capacity, I determine, pursuant to section 1245(d)(4)(B) and 
(C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, 
Public Law 112-81, and consistent with my determinations of March 30, 
2012, June 11, 2012, December 7, 2012, and June 5, 2013, that there is a 
sufficient supply of petroleum and

[[Page 433]]

petroleum products from countries other than Iran to permit a 
significant reduction in the volume of petroleum and petroleum products 
purchased from Iran by or through foreign financial institutions.
I will closely monitor this situation to ensure that the market can 
continue to accommodate a reduction in purchases of petroleum and 
petroleum products from Iran.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this 
memorandum in the Federal Register.
    Washington, November 29, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2014-4 of December 3, 2013

 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
and the laws of the United States, including section 7(a) of the 
Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-45)(the ``Act''), I hereby 
determine that it is necessary, in order to protect the national 
security interests of the United States, to suspend for a period of 6 
months the limitations set forth in sections 3(b) and 7(b) of the Act.
You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the 
Congress, accompanied by a report in accordance with section 7(a) of the 
Act, and to publish the determination in the Federal Register.
This suspension shall take effect after the transmission of this 
determination and report to the Congress.
    Washington, December 3, 2013.
Memorandum of December 5, 2013

Federal Leadership on Energy Management

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
In order to create a clean energy economy that will increase our 
Nation's prosperity, promote energy security, combat climate change, 
protect the interests of taxpayers, and safeguard the health of our 
environment, the Federal Government must lead by example. During my 
Administration, Federal agencies have reduced their annual greenhouse 
gas emissions by more than 15 percent (7.8 million metric tons)--the 
equivalent of removing 1.5 million cars from the road. Today I am 
establishing new goals for renewable energy as well as new energy-
management practices.

[[Page 434]]

Agencies are already well on their way towards meeting the aggressive 
sustainability goals set forth in Executive Order 13514 of October 5, 
2009 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic 
Performance). This memorandum establishes a new target for Federal use 
of renewable energy that challenges agencies to more than double their 
renewable electricity consumption. In order to improve their ability to 
manage energy consumption, promote the reduction of greenhouse gas 
emissions, and achieve the sustainability goals set forth in Executive 
Order 13514, this memorandum also directs agencies to update their 
building-performance and energy-management practices, by encouraging the 
use of the consensus-based, industry-standard Green Button data access 
system (Green Button) and the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 
Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
To help agencies achieve my Administration's climate change goals and 
increase development of new renewable energy sources, I hereby direct 
the following:
Section 1. Renewable Energy Target. (a) By fiscal year 2020, to the 
extent economically feasible and technically practicable, 20 percent of 
the total amount of electric energy consumed by each agency during any 
fiscal year shall be renewable energy.
    (b) Agencies shall seek to achieve the renewable energy consumption 
target set forth in subsection (a) of this section by, where possible, 
taking the following actions, which are listed in order of priority:

  (i) installing agency-funded renewable energy on-site at Federal 
facilities and retain renewable energy certificates;

  (ii) contracting for energy that includes the installation of a renewable 
energy project on-site at a Federal facility or off-site from a Federal 
facility and the retention of renewable energy certificates for the term of 
the contract;

  (iii) purchasing electricity and corresponding renewable energy 
certificates; and

  (iv) purchasing renewable energy certificates.

    (c) Agencies shall ensure that 100 percent of renewable energy 
certificates identified in subsection (b)(iii) and (b)(iv) of this 
section are produced by new renewable sources as defined in section 5(c) 
of this memorandum.
    (d) Agencies shall consider opportunities, to the extent 
economically feasible and technically practical, to install or contract 
for energy installed on current or formerly contaminated lands, 
landfills, and mine sites.
    Sec. 2. Accounting for Renewable Energy. (a) For the purposes of the 
renewable energy consumption target in section 1(a) of this memorandum, 
agency progress shall be determined by reference to the ownership of 
renewable energy certificates for electric energy consumed.
    (b) The percentage of renewable energy counted towards the target in 
section 1 of this memorandum shall be doubled if the renewable energy 
conforms with section 203(c)(1) through (3) of the Energy Policy Act of 
2005 (42 U.S.C. 15852(c)(1)-(3)).
    (c) In order to achieve the target set forth in section 1(a) of this 
memorandum, each agency shall ensure that the percentage of the total 
amount of electric energy consumed by that agency that is renewable 
energy is:

[[Page 435]]

  (i) not less than 10 percent in fiscal year 2015;

  (ii) not less than 15 percent in fiscal years 2016 and 2017;

  (iii) not less than 17.5 percent in fiscal years 2018 and 2019; and

  (iv) not less than 20 percent in fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year 

    (d) For the purposes of accounting for the generation of renewable 
energy not included in section 1(b) of this memorandum, such as thermal 
and hydrokinetic renewable energy and renewable energy generated on a 
Federal facility or Federal land, the renewable energy and its estimated 
contribution to meeting greenhouse gas emission reduction goals set 
forth in section 2(a)(ii) of Executive Order 13514 shall be reported in 
MWh and be measured against reported total electricity consumption.
    (e) In preparing Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans required 
under section 8 of Executive Order 13514, agencies shall report on:

  (i) progress towards meeting the agency renewable energy targets 
established in section 1(a) of this memorandum; and

  (ii) the actions taken pursuant to sections 1(b) and 2(d) of this 

    (f) Within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, the Department 
of Energy will issue an update to its Renewable Energy Requirement 
Guidance for EPACT 2005 and Executive Order 13423 to address the new 
requirements created by this memorandum.
    Sec. 3. Building Performance and Energy Management. (a) To encourage 
continuous improvement and better manage building performance, enhance 
energy efficiency, and reduce energy waste in an open and transparent 
way, each agency shall:

  (i) install building energy meters and sub-meters as required by section 
543(e) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (NECPA) (42 U.S.C. 
8253(e)), and continue installation of additional building energy meters 
and sub-meters where cost-effective and appropriate;

  (ii) install water meters at agency buildings where cost-effective and 

  (iii) ensure that for any agency buildings metered for energy and water 
performance, the associated monthly performance data is entered into the 
EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager to better manage energy performance and 
allow for benchmarking;

  (iv) publicly disclose annual benchmark energy performance data through 
the Department of Energy web-based tracking system established under 
section 543(f)(7)(B) of NECPA (42 U.S.C. 8253(f)(7)(B));

  (v) where feasible, incorporate Green Button into reporting, data 
analytics and automation, and processes, in consultation with local 
utilities; and

  (vi) consider participating in demand response programs where available.

    (b) To facilitate agency management of energy usage information in 
Green Button:

[[Page 436]]

  (i) within 120 days of the date of this memorandum, the General Services 
Administration (GSA), in coordination with the Department of Energy (DOE) 
and EPA, shall prepare and initiate a strategy to pilot Green Button at 
Federal facilities where feasible;

  (ii) within 180 days of initiation of the Green Button pilot strategy 
described in paragraph (i) of this subsection, DOE, through the Federal 
Energy Management Program (FEMP), in coordination with EPA, shall issue 
guidance on the use of the Green Button at Federal facilities; and

  (iii) as soon as practicable, but no later than 1 year after the date of 
this memorandum, EPA shall update Energy Star Portfolio Manager to 
facilitate the inclusion of building energy usage data using Green Button 
and in conformance with the guidance prepared pursuant to paragraph (ii) of 
this subsection.

    (c) To support agency metering and benchmarking, and to promote 
disclosure of agency building energy usage, within 180 days of the date 
of this memorandum, DOE, through FEMP, shall:

  (i) revise and update the Metering Best Practices of August 2011, which 
shall include definitions for the terms ``cost effective'' and 
``appropriate'' and shall address leased space so that, where submetering 
allows, energy and water consumption data will be reported; and

  (ii) in coordination with EPA, revise and update the Building Energy Use 
Benchmarking Guidance of April 15, 2010, including necessary revisions to 
benchmark building performance data fields and disclosure policies.

    Sec. 4. Applicability of Renewable Energy Certificates to Federal 
Target. Within 120 days of the date of this memorandum, DOE, through 
FEMP, and in coordination with the EPA, the Department of Defense, the 
Department of Veterans Affairs, GSA, and other agencies as appropriate, 
shall provide recommendations to the Chair of the Council on 
Environmental Quality on procurement, reporting, and accounting 
procedures related to agency use of renewable energy certificates in 
meeting the target in section 1(a) of this memorandum, including 
procedures and policies on:
    (a) appropriate certification and tracking of renewable energy 
certificates; and
    (b) sale and purchase of renewable energy certificates, including 
the exchange of project-related renewable energy certificates and 
interagency and interdepartmental purchase and transfer of renewable 
energy certificates.
    Sec. 5. Definitions. As used in this memorandum:
    (a) ``Agency'' means an executive agency as defined in section 105 
of title 5, United States Code, excluding the Government Accountability 
    (b) ``New renewable sources'' means sources of renewable energy 
placed into service within 10 years prior to the start of the fiscal 
    (c) ``Renewable energy'' has the same meaning as in Executive Order 
    (d) ``Renewable energy certificates'' means the technology and 
environmental (non-energy) attributes that represent proof that 1 

[[Page 437]]

(MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy 
resource, and can be sold separately from the underlying generic 
electricity with which it is associated.
    (e) ``Green Button data access system'' or ``Green Button'' means 
the system developed by the North American Energy Standards Board for 
providing web-based secure access to energy bill account information, 
energy usage information, and energy consumption and usage data to 
customers of utilities and energy providers for the purposes of business 
management and energy usage management.
    (f) ``Hydrokinetic renewable energy'' means renewable energy from 
free flowing water in rivers, lakes, and streams or free flowing water 
in man-made channels and does not include energy from any source that 
uses a dam, diversionary structure, or impoundment for electric power 
    (g) ``Thermal renewable energy'' means energy generated from 
renewable heat sources, including biomass, solar thermal, geothermal, 
waste heat, and combined heat and power processes.
    (h) ``Energy or water metering'' means energy or water consumption 
recording for the purposes of billing by a utility company or energy or 
water management at an installation, campus, or building level, which 
conforms with established accuracy standards and uses utility-grade 
    (i) ``Sub-metering'' means the application of metering technology to 
provide for capturing data at the level necessary to facilitate energy 
or water management at different buildings in a multi-building campus, 
different floors of the same building, different tenants in a multi-
tenant office facility, individual building systems (e.g. heating and 
cooling, lighting, plug loads), electrical circuits, or specific 
    Sec. 6. Limitations. (a) This memorandum shall apply to an agency 
with respect to the activities, personnel, resources, and facilities of 
the agency that are located within the United States. The head of an 
agency may provide that this memorandum shall apply in whole or in part 
with respect to the activities, personnel, resources, and facilities of 
the agency that are not located within the United States, if the head of 
the agency determines that such application is in the interest of the 
United States.
    (b) The head of an agency shall manage activities, personnel, 
resources, and facilities of the agency that are not located within the 
United States, and with respect to which the head of the agency has not 
made a determination under subsection (a) of this section, in a manner 
consistent with this memorandum to the extent the head of the agency 
determines practicable.
    Sec. 7. Exemption Authority. (a) The Director of National 
Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity of the United States, 
and related personnel, resources, and facilities, from the provisions of 
this memorandum, other than this subsection and section 8, to the extent 
the Director determines necessary to protect intelligence sources and 
methods from unauthorized disclosure.
    (b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforcement activities of 
that agency, and related personnel, resources, and facilities, from the 
provisions of this memorandum, other than this subsection and section 8, 
to the extent

[[Page 438]]

the head of any agency determines necessary to protect undercover 
operations from unauthorized disclosure.
    (c) The head of an agency may exempt particular agency activities 
and facilities from the provisions of this memorandum, other than this 
subsection and section 8, where it is in the interest of national 
security. If the head of any agency issues an exemption under this 
subsection, the agency must notify the Chair of the Council on 
Environmental Quality in writing within 30 days of the issuance of the 
exemption. To the maximum extent practicable, and without compromising 
national security, each agency shall strive to comply with the purpose, 
goals, and implementation steps in this memorandum.
    (d) The head of any agency may submit to the President, through the 
Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, a request for an 
exemption of any agency activity, and related personnel, resources, and 
facilities, from this memorandum.
    Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) This memorandum shall be implemented 
consistent with Executive Order 13514 and other applicable law, 
including international trade obligations, and subject to the 
availability of appropriations.
    (b) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or 
otherwise affect:

  (i) the authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head 
thereof; or

  (ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

    (c) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to require the 
disclosure of classified information, law enforcement sensitive 
information, or other information that must be protected in the interest 
of national security or public safety.
    (d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any 
right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in 
equity by any party against the United States, its departments, 
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other 
    (e) The Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality is hereby 
authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal 

    Washington, December 5, 2013.

[[Page 439]]

Memorandum of December 10, 2013

Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign 
Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, 
United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the 
authority under section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 
as amended, to direct the drawdown of up to $60 million in defense 
articles from the stocks of the Department of Defense (DOD) and defense 
services of the DOD to provide assistance to France, the African Union, 
the Republic of the Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, Burundi, Uganda, 
Rwanda, and other countries that contribute forces to the African Union-
led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic and to 
make the determinations required under such section to direct such a 
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the 
Federal Register.

    Washington, December 10, 2013.
Presidential Determination No. 2014-5 of December 16, 2013

Eligibility of the Gulf Cooperation Council To Receive Defense Articles 
and Defense Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the 
Arms Export Control Act

Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
and the laws of the United States, including section 503(a) of the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and section 3(a)(1) of the Arms Export 
Control Act, I hereby find that the furnishing of defense articles and 
defense services to the Gulf Cooperation Council will strengthen the 
security of the United States and promote world peace.
You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination, and 
attached memorandum of justification, to the Congress and to arrange for 
the publication of this determination in the Federal Register.
    Washington, December 16, 2013.

[[Page 440]]

Presidential Determination No. 2014-6 of December 20, 2013

Proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the American Institute in 
Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the 
United States Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

Memorandum for the Secretary of State [and] the Secretary of Energy
I have considered the proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the 
American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural 
Representative Office in the United States Concerning Peaceful Uses of 
Nuclear Energy, along with the views, recommendations, and statements of 
the interested agencies.
I have determined that the performance of the Agreement will promote, 
and will not constitute an unreasonable risk to, the common defense and 
security. Pursuant to section 123 b. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 
as amended (42 U.S.C. 2153(b)), I hereby approve the proposed Agreement 
and authorize the Secretary of State to arrange for its execution.
The Secretary of State is authorized to publish this determination in 
the Federal Register.
    Washington, December 20, 2013.
Memorandum of December 27, 2013

Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier 
Service in Domestic and International Operations

Memorandum for the Secretary of Transportation
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, including 49 U.S.C. 44301-44310, I hereby:
    1. Determine that the continuation of U.S. air transportation is 
necessary in the interest of air commerce, national security, and the 
foreign policy of the United States.
    2. Approve provision by the Secretary of Transportation of insurance 
or reinsurance to U.S.-certificated air carriers against loss or damage 
arising out of any risk from the operation of an aircraft, in the manner 
and to the extent provided in chapter 443 of title 49, United States 
Code, until January 15, 2014, if he determines that such insurance or 
reinsurance cannot be obtained on reasonable terms from any company 
authorized to conduct an insurance business in a State of the United 
    3. Delegate to the Secretary of Transportation the authority, vested 
in me by 49 U.S.C. 44306(c), to extend this approval and determination 
through December 31, 2014, or until any date prior to December 31, 2014, 

[[Page 441]]

that the Congress further extends the date contained in section 44310 
and further provided that he not use this delegation to extend this 
determination and approval beyond the dates authorized under any such 
provision of law with an ending effective date prior to December 31, 
You are directed to bring this determination immediately to the 
attention of all air carriers, as defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102(a)(2), and 
to arrange for its publication in the Federal Register.

    Washington, December 27, 2013.

[[Page 443]]



Part                                                                Page
100             Standards of conduct........................         444
101             Public information provisions of the 
                    Administrative Procedures Act...........         444
102             Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the 
                    basis of handicap in programs or 
                    activities conducted by the Executive 
                    Office of the President.................         444

[[Page 444]]

PART 100_STANDARDS OF CONDUCT--Table of Contents

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 7301.

    Source: 64 FR 12881, Mar. 16, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

Sec. 100.1  Ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure 

    Employees of the Executive Office of the President are subject to 
the executive branch-wide standards of ethical conduct at 5 CFR part 
2635, and the executive branch-wide financial disclosure regulations at 
5 CFR part 2634.

PROCEDURES ACT--Table of Contents

101.1 Executive Office of the President.
101.2 Office of Management and Budget.
101.3 Office of Administration.
101.4 National Security Council.
101.5 Council on Environmental Quality.
101.6 Office of National Drug Control Policy.
101.7 Office of Science and Technology Policy.
101.8 Office of the United States Trade Representative.

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.

    Source: 40 FR 8061, Feb. 25, 1975 and 55 FR 46067, November 1, 1990, 
unless otherwise noted.

Sec. 101.1  Executive Office of the President.

    Until further regulations are promulgated, the remainder of the 
entities within the Executive Office of the President, to the extent 
that 5 U.S.C. 552 is applicable, shall follow the procedures set forth 
in the regulations applicable to the Office of Management and Budget (5 
CFR Ch. III). Requests for information from these other entities should 
be submitted directly to such entity.

Sec. 101.2  Office of Management and Budget.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of Management and 
Budget appear at 5 CFR Ch. III.

Sec. 101.3  Office of Administration.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of Administration 
appear at 5 CFR part 2502.

[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]

Sec. 101.4  National Security Council.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the National Security Council 
appear at 32 CFR Ch. XXI.

Sec. 101.5  Council on Environmental Quality.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the Council on Environmental 
Quality appear at 40 CFR Ch. V.

[42 FR 65131, Dec. 30, 1977]

Sec. 101.6  Office of National Drug Control Policy.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of National Drug 
Control Policy appear at 21 CFR parts 1400-1499.

[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]

Sec. 101.7  Office of Science and Technology Policy.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy appear at 32 CFR part 2402.

[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]

Sec. 101.8  Office of the United States Trade Representative.

    Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of the United 
States Trade Representative appear at 15 CFR part 2004.

[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]

PRESIDENT--Table of Contents

102.101 Purpose.
102.102 Application.
102.103 Definitions.
102.104-102.109 [Reserved]
102.110 Self-evaluation.
102.111 Notice.
102.112-102.129 [Reserved]

[[Page 445]]

102.130 General prohibitions against discrimination.
102.131-102.139 [Reserved]
102.140 Employment.
102.141-102.148 [Reserved]
102.149 Program accessibility: Discrimination prohibited.
102.150 Program accessibility: Existing facilities.
102.151 Program accessibility: New construction and alterations.
102.152-102.159 [Reserved]
102.160 Communications.
102.161-102.169 [Reserved]
102.170 Compliance procedures.
102.171-102.999 [Reserved]

    Authority: 29 U.S.C. 794.

    Source: 53 FR 25879, July 8, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

Sec. 102.101  Purpose.

    The purpose of this regulation is to effectuate section 119 of the 
Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services, and Developmental Disabilities 
Amendments of 1978, which amended section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 
of 1973 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of handicap in programs 
or activities conducted by Executive agencies or the United States 
Postal Service.

Sec. 102.102  Application.

    This regulation (Sec. Sec. 102.101-102.170) applies to all programs 
or activities conducted by the agency, except for programs or activities 
conducted outside the United States that do not involve individuals with 
handicaps in the United States.

Sec. 102.103  Definitions.

    For purposes of this regulation, the term--
    Agency means, for purposes of this regulation only, the following 
entities in the Executive Office of the President: the White House 
Office, the Office of the Vice President, the Office of Management and 
Budget, the Office of Policy Development, the National Security Council, 
the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Office of the United 
States Trade Representative, the Council on Environmental Quality, the 
Council of Economic Advisers, the Office of Administration, the Office 
of Federal Procurement Policy, and any committee, board, commission, or 
similar group established in the Executive Office of the President.
    Agency head or head of the agency; as used in Sec. Sec. 
102.150(a)(3), 102.160(d) and 102.170 (i) and (j), shall be a three-
member board which will include the Director, Office of Administration, 
the head of the Executive Office of the President, agency in which the 
issue needing resolution or decision arises and one other agency head 
selected by the two other board members. In the event that an issue 
needing resolution or decision arises within the Office of 
Administration, one of the board members shall be the Director of the 
Office of Management and Budget.
    Assistant Attorney General means the Assistant Attorney General, 
Civil Rights Division, United States Department of Justice.
    Auxiliary aids means services or devices that enable persons with 
impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills to have an equal 
opportunity to participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, programs or 
activities conducted by the agency. For example, auxiliary aids useful 
for persons with impaired vision include readers, Brailled materials, 
audio recordings, and other similar services and devices. Auxiliary aids 
useful for persons with impaired hearing include telephone handset 
amplifiers, telephones compatible with hearing aids, telecommunication 
devices for deaf persons (TDD's), interpreters, notetakers, written 
materials, and other similar services and devices.
    Complete complaint means a written statement that contains the 
complainant's name and address and describes the agency's alleged 
discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the agency of the 
nature and date of the alleged violation of section 504. It shall be 
signed by the complainant or by someone authorized to do so on his or 
her behalf. Complaints filed on behalf of classes or third parties shall 
describe or identify (by name, if possible) the alleged victims of 
    Facility means all or any portion of buildings, structures, 
equipment, roads, walks, parking lots, rolling stock or other 
conveyances, or other real or personal property.
    Historic preservation programs means programs conducted by the 
agency that

[[Page 446]]

have preservation of historic properties as a primary purpose.
    Historic properties means those properties that are listed or 
eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or 
properties designated as historic under a statute of the appropriate 
State or local government body.
    Individual with handicaps means any person who has a physical or 
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life 
activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having 
such an impairment.
    As used in this definition, the phrase:
    (1) Physical or mental impairment includes--
    (i) Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, 
or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: 
Neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, 
including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive; digestive; 
genitourinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or
    (ii) Any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental 
retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and 
specific learning disabilities. The term ``physical or mental 
impairment'' includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and 
conditions as orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments, 
cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, 
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional illness, 
and drug addiction and alcoholism.
    (2) Major life activities includes functions such as caring for 
one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, 
breathing, learning, and working.
    (3) Has a record of such an impairment means has a history of, or 
has been misclassified as having, a mental or physical impairment that 
substantially limits one or more major life activities.
    (4) Is regarded as having an impairment means--
    (i) Has a physical or mental impairment that does not substantially 
limit major life activities but is treated by the agency as constituting 
such a limitation;
    (ii) Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits 
major life activities only as a result of the attitudes of others toward 
such impairment; or
    (iii) Has none of the impairments defined in paragraph (1) of this 
definition but is treated by the agency as having such an impairment.
    Qualified individual with handicaps means--
    (1) With respect to preschool, elementary, or secondary education 
services provided by the agency, an individual with handicaps who is a 
member of a class of persons otherwise entitled by statute, regulation, 
or agency policy to receive education services from the agency;
    (2) With respect to any other agency program or activity under which 
a person is required to perform services or to achieve a level of 
accomplishment, an individual with handicaps who meets the essential 
eligibility requirements and who can achieve the purpose of the program 
or activity without modifications in the program or activity that the 
agency can demonstrate would result in a fundamental alteration in its 
    (3) With respect to any other program or activity, an individual 
with handicaps who meets the essential eligibility requirements for 
participation in, or receipt of benefits from, that program or activity; 
    (4) ``Qualified handicapped person'' as that term is defined for 
purposes of employment in 29 CFR 1613.702(f), which is made applicable 
to this regulation by Sec. 102.140.
    Section 504 means section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
(Pub. L. 93-112, 87 Stat. 394 (29 U.S.C. 794)), as amended by the 
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-516, 88 Stat. 1617); 
the Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services, and Developmental 
Disabilities Amendments of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-602, 92 Stat. 2955); and the 
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-506, 100 Stat. 1810). 
As used in this regulation, section 504 applies only to programs or 
activities conducted by Executive agencies and not to federally assisted 
    Substantial impairment means a significant loss of the integrity of 

[[Page 447]]

materials, design quality, or special character resulting from a 
permanent alteration.

Sec. Sec. 102.104-102.109  [Reserved]

Sec. 102.110  Self-evaluation.

    (a) The agency shall, by September 6, 1989, evaluate its current 
policies and practices, and the effects thereof, that do not or may not 
meet the requirements of this regulation and, to the extent modification 
of any such policies and practices is required, the agency shall proceed 
to make the necessary modifications.
    (b) The agency shall provide an opportunity to interested persons, 
including individuals with handicaps or organizations representing 
individuals with handicaps, to participate in the self-evaluation 
process by submitting comments (both oral and written).
    (c) The agency shall, for at least three years following completion 
of the self-evaluation, maintain on file and make available for public 
    (1) A description of areas examined and any problems identified; and
    (2) A description of any modifications made.

Sec. 102.111  Notice.

    The agency shall make available to employees, applicants, 
participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons such 
information regarding the provisions of this regulation and its 
applicability to the programs or activities conducted by the agency, and 
make such information available to them in such manner as the head of 
the agency finds necessary to apprise such persons of the protections 
against discrimination assured them by section 504 and this regulation.

Sec. Sec. 102.112-102.129  [Reserved]

Sec. 102.130  General prohibitions against discrimination.

    (a) No qualified individual with handicaps shall, on the basis of 
handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, 
or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or 
activity conducted by the agency.
    (b)(1) The agency, in providing any aid, benefit, or service, may 
not, directly or through contractual, licensing, or other arrangements, 
on the basis of handicap--
    (i) Deny a qualified individual with handicaps the opportunity to 
participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service;
    (ii) Afford a qualified individual with handicaps an opportunity to 
participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service that is not 
equal to that afforded others;
    (iii) Provide a qualified individual with handicaps with an aid, 
benefit, or service that is not as effective in affording equal 
opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit, or to 
reach the same level of achievement as that provided to others;
    (iv) Provide different or separate aid, benefits, or services to 
individuals with handicaps or to any class of individuals with handicaps 
than is provided to others unless such action is necessary to provide 
qualified individuals with handicaps with aid, benefits, or services 
that are as effective as those provided to others;
    (v) Deny a qualified individual with handicaps the opportunity to 
participate as a member of planning or advisory boards;
    (vi) Otherwise limit a qualified individual with handicaps in the 
enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by 
others receiving the aid, benefit, or service.
    (2) The agency may not deny a qualified individual with handicaps 
the opportunity to participate in programs or activities that are not 
separate or different, despite the existence of permissibly separate or 
different programs or activities.
    (3) The agency may not, directly or through contractual or other 
arrangements, utilize criteria or methods of administration the purpose 
or effect of which would--
    (i) Subject qualified individuals with handicaps to discrimination 
on the basis of handicap; or
    (ii) Defeat or substantially impair accomplishment of the objectives 
of a program or activity with respect to individuals with handicaps.

[[Page 448]]

    (4) The agency may not, in determining the site or location of a 
facility, make selections the purpose or effect of which would--
    (i) Exclude individuals with handicaps from, deny them the benefits 
of, or otherwise subject them to discrimination under any program or 
activity conducted by the agency; or
    (ii) Defeat or substantially impair the accomplishment of the 
objectives of a program or activity with respect to individuals with 
    (5) The agency, in the selection of procurement contractors, may not 
use criteria that subject qualified individuals with handicaps to 
discrimination on the basis of handicap.
    (6) The agency may not administer a licensing or certification 
program in a manner that subjects qualified individuals with handicaps 
to discrimination on the basis of handicap, nor may the agency establish 
requirements for the programs or activities of licensees or certified 
entities that subject qualified individuals with handicaps to 
discrimination on the basis of handicap. However, the programs or 
activities of entities that are licensed or certified by the agency are 
not, themselves, covered by this regulation.
    (c) The exclusion of nonhandicapped persons from the benefits of a 
program limited by Federal statute or Executive order to individuals 
with handicaps or the exclusion of a specific class of individuals with 
handicaps from a program limited by Federal statute or Executive order 
to a different class of individuals with handicaps is not prohibited by 
this regulation.
    (d) The agency shall administer programs and activities in the most 
integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals 
with handicaps.

Sec. Sec. 102.131-102.139  [Reserved]

Sec. 102.140  Employment.

    No qualified individual with handicaps shall, on the basis of 
handicap, be subject to discrimination in employment under any program 
or activity conducted by the agency. The definitions, requirements, and 
procedures of section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 
791), as established by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 
29 CFR part 1613, shall apply to employment in federally conducted 
programs or activities.

Sec. 102.141-102.148  [Reserved]

Sec. 102.149  Program accessibility: Discrimination prohibited.

    Except as otherwise provided in Sec. 102.150, no qualified 
individual with handicaps shall, because the agency's facilities are 
inaccessible to or unusable by individuals with handicaps, be denied the 
benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be 
subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by 
the agency.

Sec. 102.150  Program accessibility: Existing facilities.

    (a) General. The agency shall operate each program or activity so 
that the program or activity, when viewed in its entirety, is readily 
accessible to and usable by individuals with handicaps. This paragraph 
does not--
    (1) Necessarily require the agency to make each of its existing 
facilities accessible to and usable by individuals with handicaps;
    (2) In the case of historic preservation programs, require the 
agency to take any action that would result in a substantial impairment 
of significant historic features of an historic property; or
    (3) Require the agency to take any action that it can demonstrate 
would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a program or 
activity or in undue financial and administrative burdens. In those 
circumstances where agency personnel believe that the proposed action 
would fundamentally alter the program or activity or would result in 
undue financial and administrative burdens, the agency has the burden of 
proving that compliance with Sec. 102.150(a) would result in such 
alteration or burdens. The decision that compliance would result in such 
alteration or burdens must be made by the agency head or his or her 
designee after considering all agency resources available for use in the 
funding and operation of the conducted program or activity, and must be 
accompanied by a written statement of the reasons

[[Page 449]]

forreaching that conclusion. If an action would result in such an 
alteration or such burdens, the agency shall take any other action that 
would not result in such an alteration or such burdens but would 
nevertheless ensure that individuals with handicaps receive the benefits 
and services of the program or activity.
    (b) Methods--(1) General. The agency may comply with the 
requirements of this section through such means as redesign of 
equipment, reassignment of services to accessible buildings, assignment 
of aides to beneficiaries, home visits, delivery of services at 
alternate accessible sites, alteration of existing facilities and 
construction of new facilities, use of accessible rolling stock, or any 
other methods that result in making its programs or activities readily 
accessible to and usable by individuals with handicaps. The agency is 
not required to make structural changes in existing facilities where 
other methods are effective in achieving compliance with this section. 
The agency, in making alterations to existing buildings, shall meet 
accessibility requirements to the extent compelled by the Architectural 
Barriers Act of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4151-4157), and any 
regulations implementing it. In choosing among available methods for 
meeting the requirements of this section, the agency shall give priority 
to those methods that offer programs and activities to qualified 
individuals with handicaps in the most integrated setting appropriate.
    (2) Historic preservation programs. In meeting the requirements of 
Sec. 102.150(a) in historic preservation programs, the agency shall 
give priority to methods that provide physical access to individuals 
with handicaps. In cases where a physical alteration to an historic 
property is not required because of Sec. 102.150(a) (2) or (3), 
alternative methods of achieving program accessibility include--
    (i) Using audio-visual materials and devices to depict those 
portions of an historic property that cannot otherwise be made 
    (ii) Assigning persons to guide individuals with handicaps into or 
through portions of historic properties that cannot otherwise be made 
accessible; or
    (iii) Adopting other innovative methods.
    (c) Time period for compliance. The agency shall comply with the 
obligations established under this section by November 7, 1988, except 
that where structural changes in facilities are undertaken, such changes 
shall be made by September 6, 1991, but in any event as expeditiously as 
    (d) Transition plan. In the event that structural changes to 
facilities will be undertaken to achieve program accessibility, the 
agency shall develop, by March 6, 1989, a transition plan setting forth 
the steps necessary to complete such changes. The agency shall provide 
an opportunity to interested persons, including individuals with 
handicaps or organizations representing individuals with handicaps, to 
participate in the development of the transition plan by submitting 
comments (both oral and written). A copy of the transition plan shall be 
made available for public inspection. The plan shall, at a minimum--
    (1) Identify physical obstacles in the agency's facilities that 
limit the accessibility of its programs or activities to individuals 
with handicaps;
    (2) Describe in detail the methods that will be used to make the 
facilities accessible;
    (3) Specify the schedule for taking the steps necessary to achieve 
compliance with this section and, if the time period of the transition 
plan is longer than one year, identify steps that will be taken during 
each year of the transition period; and
    (4) Indicate the official responsible for implementation of the 

Sec. 102.151   Program accessibility: New construction and alterations.

    Each building or part of a building that is constructed or altered 
by, on behalf of, or for the use of the agency shall be designed, 
constructed, or altered so as to be readily accessible to and usable by 
individuals with handicaps. The definitions, requirements, and standards 
of the Architectural Barriers Act (42 U.S.C. 4151-4157), as established 
in 41 CFR 101-19.600 to 101-19.607,

[[Page 450]]

apply to buildings covered by this section.

Sec. Sec. 102.152-102.159  [Reserved]

Sec. 102.160  Communications.

    (a) The agency shall take appropriate steps to ensure effective 
communication with applicants, participants, personnel of other Federal 
entities, and members of the public.
    (1) The agency shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids where 
necessary to afford an individual with handicaps an equal opportunity to 
participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, a program or activity 
conducted by the agency.
    (i) In determining what type of auxiliary aid is necessary, the 
agency shall give primary consideration to the requests of the 
individual with handicaps.
    (ii) The agency need not provide individually prescribed devices, 
readers for personal use or study, or other devices of a personal 
    (2) Where the agency communicates with applicants and beneficiaries 
by telephone, telecommunication devices for deaf persons (TDD's) or 
equally effective telecommunication systems shall be used to communicate 
with persons with impaired hearing.
    (b) The agency shall ensure that interested persons, including 
persons with impaired vision or hearing, can obtain information as to 
the existence and location of accessible services, activities, and 
    (c) The agency shall provide signage at a primary entrance to each 
of its inaccessible facilities, directing users to a location at which 
they can obtain information about accessible facilities. The 
international symbol for accessibility shall be used at each primary 
entrance of an accessible facility.
    (d) This section does not require the agency to take any action that 
it can demonstrate would result in a fundamental alteration in the 
nature of a program or activity or in undue financial and administrative 
burdens. In those circumstances where agency personnel believe that the 
proposed action would fundamentally alter the program or activity or 
would result in undue financial and administrative burdens, the agency 
has the burden of proving that compliance with Sec. 102.160 would 
result in such alteration or burdens. The decision that compliance would 
result in such alteration or burdens must be made by the agency head or 
his or her designee after considering all agency resources available for 
use in the funding and operation of the conducted program or activity 
and must be accompanied by a written statement of the reasons for 
reaching that conclusion. If an action required to comply with this 
section would result in such an alteration or such burdens, the agency 
shall take any other action that would not result in such an alteration 
or such burdens but would nevertheless ensure that, to the maximum 
extent possible, individuals with handicaps receive the benefits and 
services of the program or activity.

Sec. Sec. 102.161-102.169  [Reserved]

Sec. 102.170  Compliance procedures.

    (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this 
section applies to all allegations of discrimination on the basis of 
handicap in programs and activities conducted by the agency.
    (b) The agency shall process complaints alleging violations of 
section 504 with respect to employment according to the procedures 
established by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 29 CFR 
part 1613 pursuant to section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 
U.S.C. 791).
    (c) The Director, Facilities Management, Office of Administration, 
Executive Office of the President, shall be responsible for coordinating 
implementation of this section. Complaints may be sent to the Director 
at the following address: Room 486, Old Executive Office Building, 17th 
and Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20500.
    (d) The agency shall accept and investigate all complete complaints 
for which it has jurisdiction. All complete complaints must be filed 
within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination. The agency may 
extend this time period for good cause.

[[Page 451]]

    (e) If the agency receives a complaint over which it does not have 
jurisdiction, it shall promptly notify the complainant and shall make 
reasonable efforts to refer the complaint to the appropriate Government 
    (f) The agency shall notify the Architectural and Transportation 
Barriers Compliance Board upon receipt of any complaint alleging that a 
building or facility that is subject to the Architectural Barriers Act 
of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4151-4157), is not readily accessible to 
and usable by individuals with handicaps.
    (g) Within 180 days of the receipt of a complete complaint for which 
it has jurisdiction, the agency shall notify the complainant of the 
results of the investigation in a letter containing--
    (1) Findings of fact and conclusions of law;
    (2) A description of a remedy for each violation found; and
    (3) A notice of the right to appeal.
    (h) Appeals of the findings of fact and conclusions of law or 
remedies must be filed by the complainant within 90 days of receipt from 
the agency of the letter required by Sec. 102.170(g). The agency may 
extend this time for good cause.
    (i) Timely appeals shall be accepted and processed by the head of 
the agency.
    (j) The head of the agency shall notify the complainant of the 
results of the appeal within 60 days of the receipt of the request. If 
the head of the agency determines that additional information is needed 
from the complainant, he or she shall have 60 days from the date of 
receipt of the additional information to make his or her determination 
on the appeal.
    (k) The time limits cited in paragraphs (g) and (j) of this section 
may be extended with the permission of the Assistant Attorney General.
    (l) The agency may delegate its authority for conducting complaint 
investigations to other Federal agencies, except that the authority for 
making the final determination may not be delegated to another agency.

Sec. Sec. 102.171-102.999  [Reserved]

[[Page 453]]

                          TITLE 3 FINDING AIDS


Table 1--Proclamations
Table 2--Executive Orders
Table 3--Other Presidential Documents
Table 4--Presidential Documents Affected During 2013
Table 5--Statutes Cited as Authority for Presidential Documents
List of CFR Sections Affected

[[Page 455]]

                         Table 1--PROCLAMATIONS

         No.             Signature Date        Subject        78 FR Page
8926.................  Jan. 16..........  Religious Freedom         4293
                                           Day, 2013.
8927.................  Jan. 18..........  Martin Luther             5249
                                           King, Jr.,
                                           Federal Holiday,
8928.................  Jan. 21..........  National Day of           5251
                                           Hope and
                                           Resolve, 2013.
8929.................  Jan. 31..........  American Heart            8345
                                           Month, 2013.
8930.................  Jan. 31..........  National African          8347
                                           American History
                                           Month, 2013.
8931.................  Jan. 31..........  National Teen             8349
                                           Dating Violence
                                           Awareness and
                                           Month, 2013.
8932.................  Feb. 1...........  100th Anniversary         8951
                                           of the Birth of
                                           Rosa Parks.
8933.................  Feb. 28..........  American Red             14429
                                           Cross Month,
8934.................  Feb. 28..........  Irish-American           14431
                                           Heritage Month,
8935.................  Feb. 28..........  Women's History          14433
                                           Month, 2013.
8936.................  Feb. 28..........  Read Across              14435
                                           America Day,
8937.................  Mar. 1...........  National Consumer        14627
                                           Protection Week,
8938.................  Mar. 1...........  10th Anniversary         14629
                                           of the United
                                           Department of
8939.................  Mar. 1...........  100th Anniversary        14631
                                           of the United
                                           Department of
8940.................  Mar. 15..........  National Poison          17069
                                           Prevention Week,
8941.................  Mar. 21..........  Education and            18453
                                           Sharing Day,
                                           U.S.A., 2013.
8942.................  Mar. 22..........  Greek                    18455
                                           Day: A National
                                           Day of
                                           Celebration of
                                           Greek and
                                           Democracy, 2013.
8943.................  Mar. 25..........  Establishment of         18763
                                           the Harriet
                                           nd Railroad
8944.................  Mar. 25..........  Establishment of         18769
                                           the First State
8945.................  Mar. 25..........  Establishment of         18777
                                           the Charles
                                           Young Buffalo
8946.................  Mar. 25..........  Establishment of         18783
                                           the Rio Grande
                                           del Norte
8947.................  Mar. 25..........  Establishment of         18789
                                           the San Juan
                                           Islands National
8948.................  Mar. 29..........  National Cancer          20213
                                           Control Month,
8949.................  Mar. 29..........  National Child           20215
                                           Abuse Prevention
                                           Month, 2013.
8950.................  Mar. 29..........  National Donate          20217
                                           Life Month, 2013.
8951.................  Mar. 29..........  National                 20219
                                           Month, 2013.
8952.................  Mar. 29..........  National Sexual          20221
                                           Awareness and
                                           Month, 2013.
8953.................  Mar. 29..........  Cesar Chavez Day,        20223
8954.................  Apr. 1...........  World Autism             20409
                                           Awareness Day,
8955.................  Apr. 8...........  National Equal           21813
                                           Pay Day, 2013.
8956.................  Apr. 8...........  National Former          21815
                                           Prisoner of War
                                           Recognition Day,
8957.................  Apr. 12..........  Pan American Day         23103
                                           and Pan American
                                           Week, 2013.
8958.................  Apr. 16..........  Honoring the             23669
                                           Victims of the
                                           Tragedy in
8959.................  Apr. 19..........  National Crime           24319
                                           Victims' Rights
                                           Week 2013.

[[Page 456]]

8960.................  Apr. 19..........  National                 24321
                                           Volunteer Week,
8961.................  Apr. 19..........  National Park            24323
                                           Week, 2013.
8962.................  Apr. 19..........  Earth Day, 2013..        24325
8963.................  Apr. 24..........  Honoring the             25179
                                           Victims of the
                                           Explosion in
                                           West, Texas.
8964.................  Apr. 26..........  Workers Memorial         25563
                                           Day, 2013.
8965.................  Apr. 30..........  Asian American           26213
                                           and Pacific
                                           Heritage Month,
8966.................  Apr. 30..........  Jewish American          26215
                                           Heritage Month,
8967.................  Apr. 30..........  National Building        26217
                                           Safety Month,
8968.................  Apr. 30..........  National Foster          26219
                                           Care Month, 2013.
8969.................  Apr. 30..........  National Mental          26221
                                           Health Awareness
                                           Month, 2013.
8970.................  Apr. 30..........  National Physical        26223
                                           Fitness and
                                           Sports Month,
8971.................  Apr. 30..........  Older Americans          26225
                                           Month, 2013.
8972.................  Apr. 30..........  Law Day, U.S.A.,         26227
8973.................  Apr. 30..........  Loyalty Day, 2013        26229
8974.................  May 1............  National Day of          26483
                                           Prayer, 2013.
8975.................  May 3............  National Charter         26997
                                           Schools Week,
8976.................  May 9............  Military Spouse          28463
                                           Day, 2013.
8977.................  May 10...........  National Defense         28709
                                           Day and National
                                           Week, 2013.
8978.................  May 10...........  National Women's         28711
                                           Health Week,
8979.................  May 10...........  Peace Officers           28713
                                           Memorial Day and
                                           Police Week,
8980.................  May 10...........  Mother's Day,            28715
8981.................  May 17...........  National Safe            30725
                                           Boating Week,
8982.................  May 17...........  Emergency Medical        30727
                                           Services Week,
8983.................  May 17...........  World Trade Week,        30729
8984.................  May 17...........  Armed Forces Day,        30731
8985.................  May 21...........  National Maritime        31811
                                           Day, 2013.
8986.................  May 24...........  National                 32537
                                           Week, 2013.
8987.................  May 24...........  Prayer for Peace,        32539
                                           Memorial Day,
8988.................  May 31...........  Great Outdoors           33955
                                           Month, 2013.
8989.................  May 31...........  Lesbian, Gay,            33957
                                           Bisexual, and
                                           Pride Month,
8990.................  May 31...........  National                 33959
                                           Heritage Month,
8991.................  May 31...........  National Oceans          33961
                                           Month, 2013.
8992.................  May 31...........  African-American         34243
                                           Month, 2013.
8993.................  June 7...........  Flag Day and             35101
                                           National Flag
                                           Week, 2013.
8994.................  June 14..........  National Small           37425
                                           Business Week,
8995.................  June 14..........  World Elder Abuse        37427
                                           Awareness Day,
8996.................  June 14..........  Father's Day,            37429
8997.................  June 27..........  To Modify Duty-          39949
                                           Free Treatment
                                           Under the
                                           System of
                                           Preferences and
                                           for Other
8998.................  July 19..........  Captive Nations          44869
                                           Week, 2013.
8999.................  July 25..........  Anniversary of           46243
                                           the Americans
                                           Act, 2013.
9000.................  July 25..........  National Korean          46245
                                           War Veterans
                                           Armistice Day,
9001.................  July 25..........  World Hepatitis          46247
                                           Day, 2013.
9002.................  Aug. 9...........  National Health         49357,
                                           Center Week,            73377
9003.................  Aug. 23..........  Women's Equality         53233
                                           Day, 2013.
9004.................  Aug. 23..........  50th Anniversary         53235
                                           of the March on
                                           Washington for
                                           Jobs and Freedom.

[[Page 457]]

9005.................  Aug. 30..........  National Alcohol         54735
                                           and Drug
                                           Recovery Month,
9006.................  Aug. 30..........  National                 54737
                                           Childhood Cancer
                                           Awareness Month,
9007.................  Aug. 30..........  National                 54739
                                           Awareness Month,
9008.................  Aug. 30..........  National Ovarian         54741
                                           Cancer Awareness
                                           Month, 2013.
9009.................  Aug. 30..........  National                 54743
                                           Month, 2013.
9010.................  Aug. 30..........  National Prostate        54745
                                           Cancer Awareness
                                           Month, 2013.
9011.................  Aug. 30..........  National                 54747
                                           Month, 2013.
9012.................  Aug. 30..........  Labor Day, 2013..        54749
9013.................  Sept. 6..........  National                 56123
                                           Day, 2013.
9014.................  Sept. 6..........  National Days of         56125
                                           Prayer and
9015.................  Sept. 10.........  Patriot Day and          56809
                                           National Day of
                                           Service and
9016.................  Sept. 13.........  National Hispanic        57461
                                           Heritage Month,
9017.................  Sept. 13.........  National Farm            57463
                                           Safety and
                                           Health Week,
9018.................  Sept. 13.........  National Hispanic-       57465
                                           Week, 2013.
9019.................  Sept. 16.........  Constitution Day         57779
                                           and Citizenship
                                           Week, 2013.
9020.................  Sept. 16.........  Honoring the             57781
                                           Victims of the
                                           Tragedy at the
                                           Washington Navy
9021.................  Sept. 19.........  National POW/MIA         58865
                                           Recognition Day,
9022.................  Sept. 20.........  National Employer        59155
                                           Support of the
                                           Guard and
                                           Reserve Week,
9023.................  Sept. 20.........  National                 59157
                                           Black Colleges
                                           and Universities
                                           Week, 2013.
9024.................  Sept. 26.........  National Public          60177
                                           Lands Day, 2013.
9025.................  Sept. 26.........  Gold Star                60179
                                           Mother's and
                                           Family's Day,
9026.................  Sept. 27.........  National Hunting         61151
                                           and Fishing Day,
9027.................  Sept. 30.........  National Arts and        61803
                                           Month, 2013.
9028.................  Sept. 30.........  National Breast          61805
                                           Cancer Awareness
                                           Month, 2013.
9029.................  Sept. 30.........  National                 61807
                                           Awareness Month,
9030.................  Sept. 30.........  National                 61809
                                           Awareness Month,
9031.................  Sept. 30.........  National Domestic        61811
                                           Awareness Month,
9032.................  Sept. 30.........  National Energy          61813
                                           Action Month,
9033.................  Sept. 30.........  National                 61815
                                           Substance Abuse
                                           Month, 2013.
9034.................  Oct. 4...........  Fire Prevention          62305
                                           Week, 2013.
9035.................  Oct. 4...........  German-American          62307
                                           Day, 2013.
9036.................  Oct. 4...........  Child Health Day,        62309
9037.................  Oct. 8...........  Leif Erikson Day,        62311
9038.................  Oct. 10..........  General Pulaski          62313
                                           Memorial Day,
9039.................  Oct. 10..........  International Day        62315
                                           of the Girl,
9040.................  Oct. 11..........  National School          62335
                                           Lunch Week, 2013.
9041.................  Oct. 11..........  Columbus Day,            62337
9042.................  Oct. 11..........  Blind Americans          62339
                                           Equality Day,
9043.................  Oct. 18..........  National                 62955
                                           Character Counts
                                           Week, 2013.
9044.................  Oct. 18..........  National Forest          62957
                                           Products Week,
9045.................  Oct. 23..........  United Nations           64387
                                           Day, 2013.
9046.................  Oct. 28..........  Death of Thomas          65513
                                           S. Foley Former
                                           Speaker of the
                                           House of

[[Page 458]]

9047.................  Oct. 31..........  Critical                 66605
                                           Security and
                                           Month, 2013.
9048.................  Oct. 31..........  Military Family          66607
                                           Month, 2013.
9049.................  Oct. 31..........  National Adoption        66609
                                           Month, 2013.
9050.................  Oct. 31..........  National                 66611
                                           Awareness Month,
9051.................  Oct. 31..........  National Diabetes        66613
                                           Month, 2013.
9052.................  Oct. 31..........  National                 66615
                                           Month, 2013.
9053.................  Oct. 31..........  National Family          66617
                                           Month, 2013.
9054.................  Oct. 31..........  National Native          66619
                                           Heritage Month,
9055.................  Nov. 5...........  Veterans Day,            67287
9056.................  Nov. 8...........  World Freedom            68325
                                           Day, 2013.
9057.................  Nov. 14..........  America Recycles         69533
                                           Day, 2013.
9058.................  Nov. 15..........  American                 69751
                                           Education Week,
9059.................  Nov. 19..........  National Child's         70189
                                           Day, 2013.
9060.................  Nov. 21..........  Day of                   70841
                                           Remembrance for
                                           President John
                                           F. Kennedy.
9061.................  Nov. 22..........  National Family          71433
                                           Week, 2013.
9062.................  Nov. 26..........  Minority                 72529
                                           Week, 2013.
9063.................  Nov. 26..........  Thanksgiving Day,        72531
9064.................  Nov. 27..........  World AIDS Day,          73077
9065.................  Nov. 29..........  National Impaired        73375
                                           Month, 2013.
9066.................  Dec. 2...........  International Day        73685
                                           of Persons With
9067.................  Dec. 5...........  Death of Nelson          75205
9068.................  Dec. 5...........  National Pearl           75207
                                           Remembrance Day,
9069.................  Dec. 9...........  Human Rights Day         76029
                                           and Human Rights
                                           Week, 2013.
9070.................  Dec. 13..........  Bill of Rights           76719
                                           Day, 2013.
9071.................  Dec. 16..........  Wright Brothers          76971
                                           Day, 2013.
9072.................  Dec. 23..........  To Take Certain          80417
                                           Actions Under
                                           the African
                                           Growth and
                                           Opportunity Act
                                           and for Other

         No.             Signature Date        Subject        79 FR Page
9073.................  Dec. 31..........  National                   749
                                           Mentoring Month,
9074.................  Dec. 31..........  National Slavery           751
                                           and Human
                                           Month, 2014.
9075.................  Dec. 31..........  National Stalking          753
                                           Awareness Month,

[[Page 459]]

                        Table 2--EXECUTIVE ORDERS

        No.           Signature Date          Subject         78 FR Page
13636..............  Feb. 12.........  Improving Critical          11739
13637..............  Mar. 8..........  Administration of           16129
                                        Reformed Export
13638..............  Mar. 15.........  Amendments to               17589
                                        Executive Order
13639..............  Mar. 28.........  Establishment of the        19979
                                        Commission on
13640..............  Apr. 5..........  Continuance of              21211
                                        Advisory Council.
13641..............  Apr. 5..........  Adjustments of              21503
                                        Certain Rates of
13642..............  May 9...........  Making Open and             28111
                                        Machine Readable
                                        the New Default for
13643..............  May 15..........  2013 Amendments to          29559
                                        the Manual for
                                        United States.
13644..............  May 21..........  Amendment to                31813
                                        Executive Order
13645..............  June 3..........  Authorizing the             33945
                                        Implementation of
                                        Certain Sanctions
                                        Set Forth in the
                                        Iran Freedom and
                                        Proliferation Act
                                        of 2012 and
                                        Sanctions With
                                        Respect To Iran.
13646..............  June 25.........  Establishing the            39159
                                        Advisory Council on
                                        Capability for
                                        Young Americans.
13647..............  June 26.........  Establishing the            39539
                                        White House Council
                                        on Native American
13648..............  July 1..........  Combating Wildlife          40621
13649..............  July 15.........  Accelerating                43057
                                        Improvements in HIV
                                        Prevention and Care
                                        in the United
                                        States Through the
                                        HIV Care Continuum
13650..............  Aug. 1..........  Improving Chemical          48029
                                        Facility Safety and
13651..............  Aug. 6..........  Prohibiting Certain         48793
                                        Imports of Burmese
                                        Jadeite and Rubies.
13652..............  Sept. 30........  Continuance of              61817
                                        Certain Federal
                                        Advisory Committees.
13653..............  Nov. 1..........  Preparing the United        66819
                                        States for the
                                        Impacts of Climate
13654..............  Nov. 21.........  Establishing an             70843
                                        Emergency Board To
                                        Disputes Between
                                        the Long Island
                                        Rail Road Company
                                        and Certain of Its
                                        Represented by
                                        Certain Labor
13655..............  Dec. 23.........  Adjustments of              80451
                                        Certain Rates of

[[Page 461]]

                  Table 3--OTHER PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS

                                                                 78 FR
      Signature Date                     Subject                  Page
Jan. 15..................  Memorandum: Delegation of Certain        5705
                            Functions Under Section 6 of
                            Public Law 112-150.
Jan. 16..................  Memorandum: Engaging in Public           4295
                            Health Research on the Causes and
                            Prevention of Gun Violence.
Jan. 16..................  Memorandum: Improving Availability       4297
                            of Relevant Executive Branch
                            Records to the National Instant
                            Criminal Background Check System.
Jan. 16..................  Memorandum: Tracing of Firearms in       4301
                            Connection With Criminal
Jan. 17..................  Notice: Continuation of the              4303
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Terrorists Who Threaten To
                            Disrupt the Middle East Peace
Jan. 25..................  Memorandum: Rulemaking Concerning        7253
                            the Standards for Designating
                            Positions in the Competitive
                            Service as National Security
                            Sensitive and Related Matters.
Jan. 29..................  Presidential Determination No.           9571
                            2013-4: Unexpected Urgent Refugee
                            and Migration Needs Relating to
Jan. 30..................  Memorandum: Coordination of              7989
                            Policies and Programs To Promote
                            Gender Equality and Empower Women
                            and Girls Globally.
Jan. 31..................  Memorandum: Delegation of a              8351
                            Reporting Authority.
Jan. 31..................  Memorandum: Delegation of                9573
                            Authority To Suspend the
                            Provisions of Title III of the
                            Cuban Liberty and Democratic
                            Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996.
Feb. 1...................  Memorandum: Designation of               8953
                            Officers of the Pension Benefit
                            Guaranty Corporation To Act as
                            Director of the Pension Benefit
                            Guaranty Corporation.
Feb. 4...................  Notice: Continuation of the              8955
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Situation in or in
                            Relation to Cote d'Ivoire.
Feb. 8...................  Presidential Determination No.          12587
                            2013-5: Waiver of Restriction on
                            Providing Funds to the
                            Palestinian Authority.
Feb. 11..................  Presidential Determination No.          12589
                            2013-6: Drawdown Under Section
                            506(a)(1) of the Foreign
                            Assistance Act of 1961, as
                            Amended, for Chad and France To
                            Support Their Efforts in Mali.
Feb. 13..................  Notice: Continuation of the             11549
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Libya.
Feb. 20..................  Memorandum: Delegation of               13997
                            Authority To Submit to the
                            Congress Certain Certifications,
                            Reports, and Notifications.
Feb. 22..................  Notice: Continuation of the             13209
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Cuba and of the Emergency
                            Authority Relating to the
                            Regulation of the Anchorage and
                            Movement of Vessels.
Mar. 1...................  Notice: Continuation of the             14427
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Situation in Zimbabwe.

[[Page 462]]

Mar. 1...................  Order: Sequestration Order for          14633
                            Fiscal Year 2013 Pursuant To
                            Section 251A of the Balanced
                            Budget and Emergency Deficit
                            Control Act, as Amended.
Mar. 12..................  Notice: Continuation of the             16397
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Iran.
Mar. 29..................  Memorandum: Delegation of               20225
                            Authority to Appoint Commissioned
                            Officers of the Ready Reserve
                            Corps of the Public Health
Apr. 4...................  Notice: Continuation of the             21013
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Somalia.
Apr. 5...................  Memorandum: Federal Employee Pay        21213
                            Schedules and Rates That Are Set
                            by Administrative Discretion.
Apr. 5...................  Memorandum: Delegation of               22763
                            Functions Under Sections 404 and
                            406 of Public Law 112-208.
Apr. 8...................  Presidential Determination No.          22765
                            2013-7: Presidential
                            Determination on Eligibility of
                            the Federal Republic of Somalia
                            To Receive Defense Articles and
                            Defense Services Under the
                            Foreign Assistance Act of 1961,
                            as Amended, and the Arms Export
                            Control Act, as Amended.
Apr. 10..................  Order: Sequestration Order for          22409
                            Fiscal Year 2014 Pursuant to
                            Section 251A of the Balanced
                            Budget and Emergency Deficit
                            Control Act, as Amended.
Apr. 11..................  Presidential Determination No.         24317,
                            2013-8: Drawdown Pursuant to           55169
                            Section 552(c)(2) of the Foreign
                            Assistance Act of 1961 of up to
                            $10 Million in Commodities and
                            Services From Any Agency of the
                            United States Government to the
                            Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC)
                            and the Syrian Opposition's
                            Supreme Military Council (SMC).
May 2....................  Notice: Continuation of the            26231,
                            National Emergency With Respect        26999
                            to Burma.
May 7....................  Notice: Continuation of the             27301
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Actions of the Government
                            of Syria.
May 10...................  Memorandum: Advancing Pay Equality      28717
                            in the Federal Government and
                            Learning From Successful
May 13...................  Notice: Continuation of the             28465
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Yemen.
May 17...................  Notice: Continuation of the             30195
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Stabilization of Iraq.
May 17...................  Memorandum: Modernizing Federal         30733
                            Infrastructure Review and
                            Permitting Regulations, Policies,
                            and Procedures.
May 31...................  Memorandum: Delegation of               33943
                            Functions Under Section
                            804(h)(2)(A) of the Foreign
                            Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.
June 3...................  Memorandum: Delegation of Certain       35545
                            Functions and Authorities Under
                            the Iran Freedom and Counter-
                            Proliferation Act of 2012.
June 4...................  Presidential Determination No.          35535
                            2013-9: Suspension of Limitations
                            Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act.
June 5...................  Presidential Determination No.          35537
                            2013-10: Presidential
                            Determination Pursuant to Section
                            1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the
                            National Defense Authorization
                            Act for Fiscal Year 2012.
June 7...................  Memorandum: Transforming Our            35539
                            Nation's Electric Grid Through
                            Improved Siting, Permitting, and

[[Page 463]]

June 13..................  Notice: Continuation of the             36081
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Actions and Policies of
                            Certain Members of the Government
                            of Belarus and Other Persons To
                            Undermine Belarus's Democratic
                            Processes or Institutions.
June 14..................  Memorandum: Expanding America's         37431
                            Leadership in Wireless Innovation.
June 17..................  Notice: Continuation of the             37099
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Western Balkans.
June 19..................  Memorandum: Delegation of               37923
                            Reporting Functions Specified in
                            Section 491 of Title 10, United
                            States Code.
June 20..................  Notice: Continuation of the             37925
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Disposition of Russian
                            Highly Enriched Uranium.
June 21..................  Notice: Continuation of the             38193
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to North Korea.
June 25..................  Memorandum: Power Sector Carbon         39535
                            Pollution Standards.
July 15..................  Memorandum: Expanding National          43747
                            Service Through Partnerships to
                            Advance Government Priorities.
July 17..................  Notice: Continuation of the             43751
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Former Liberian Regime of
                            Charles Taylor.
July 19..................  Notice: Continuation of the             44417
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Transnational Criminal
July 26..................  Presidential Determination No.          48025
                            2013-11: Waiver of Restriction on
                            Providing Funds to the
                            Palestinian Authority.
July 29..................  Notice: Continuation of the             46489
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Lebanon.
July 29..................  Memorandum: Delegation of               48027
                            Authority Pursuant to Sections
                            110(d)(4) and 110(f) of the
                            Trafficking Victims Protection
                            Act of 2000, as Amended.
Aug. 2...................  Memorandum: Delegation of               72789
                            Authority Pursuant to Section
                            404(c) of the Child Soldiers
                            Prevention Act of 2008, as
Aug. 8...................  Notice: Continuation of the             49107
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Export Control Regulations.
Aug. 9...................  Presidential Determination No.          51647
                            2013-12: Continuation of U.S.
                            Drug Interdiction Assistance to
                            the Government of Colombia.
Aug. 12..................  Memorandum: Reviewing Our Global        49653
                            Signals Intelligence Collection
                            and Communications Technologies.
Sept. 10.................  Notice: Continuation of the             56581
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Certain Terrorist Attacks.
Sept. 12.................  Presidential Determination No.          57225
                            2013-13: Continuation of the
                            Exercise of Certain Authorities
                            Under the Trading With the Enemy
Sept. 13.................  Presidential Determination No.          58855
                            2013-14: Presidential
                            Determination on Major Drug
                            Transit or Major Illicit Drug
                            Producing Countries for Fiscal
                            Year 2014.
Sept. 16.................  Presidential Determination No.          58859
                            2013-15: Provision of Defense
                            Articles and Services to Vetted
                            Members of the Syrian Opposition
                            for Use in Syria To Prevent the
                            Use or Proliferation of Chemical
                            Weapons and Related Materials,
                            Organizations Implementing U.S.
                            Department of State or U.S.
                            Agency for International
                            Development (USAID) Programs
                            Inside or Related to Syria, and
                            International Organizations for
                            Their Use Inside or Related to

[[Page 464]]

Sept. 17.................  Presidential Determination No.          58861
                            2013-16: Presidential
                            Determination With Regard to
                            Foreign Governments' Efforts
                            Regarding Trafficking in Persons.
Sept. 18.................  Notice: Continuation of the             58151
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Persons Who Commit, Threaten
                            To Commit, or Support Terrorism.
Sept. 20.................  Memorandum: Designation of              59159
                            Officers of the Office of the
                            Director of National Intelligence
                            To Act as Director of National
Sept. 20.................  Memorandum: Designation of              59161
                            Officers of the General Services
                            Administration To Act as
                            Administrator of General Services.
Sept. 27.................  Memorandum: Delegation of               62413
                            Authority Under Sections
                            552(c)(2) and 614 of the Foreign
                            Assistance Act of 1961, as
Sept. 30.................  Presidential Determination No.          63367
                            2013-17: Determination With
                            Respect to the Child Soldiers
                            Prevention Act of 2008.
Oct. 2...................  Presidential Determination No.          62415
                            2014-1: Refugee Admissions for
                            Fiscal Year 2014.
Oct. 10..................  Presidential Determination No.          62953
                            2014-2: Provision of U.S. Drug
                            Interdiction Assistance to the
                            Government of Brazil.
Oct. 16..................  Notice: Continuation of the             62341
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Significant Narcotics
                            Traffickers Centered in Colombia.
Oct. 23..................  Notice: Continuation of the             64151
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Situation in or in
                            Relation to the Democratic
                            Republic of the Congo.
Oct. 28..................  Memorandum: Delegation of               71985
                            Functions Under Sections 1261(b)
                            and 1262(a) of Public Law 112-239.
Oct. 30..................  Notice: Continuation of the             65867
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Sudan.
Nov. 7...................  Notice: Continuation of the             67289
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to the Proliferation of Weapons
                            of Mass Destruction.
Nov. 12..................  Notice: Continuation of the             68323
                            National Emergency With Respect
                            to Iran.
Nov. 29..................  Presidential Determination No.          76717
                            2014-3: Presidential
                            Determination Pursuant to Section
                            1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the
                            National Defense Authorization
                            Act for Fiscal Year 2012.
Dec. 3...................  Presidential Determination No.          75203
                            2014-4: Suspension of Limitations
                            Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act.
Dec. 5...................  Memorandum: Federal Leadership on       75209
                            Energy Management.
Dec. 10..................  Memorandum: Delegation of               78161
                            Authority Under Section 506
                            (a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance
                            Act of 1961, as Amended.
Dec. 16..................  Presidential Determination No.          78163
                            2014-5: Eligibility of the Gulf
                            Cooperation Council to Receive
                            Defense Articles and Defense
                            Services Under the Foreign
                            Assistance Act of 1961 and the
                            Arms Export Control Act.
Dec. 20..................  Presidential Determination No.          80449
                            2014-6: Proposed Agreement for
                            Cooperation Between the American
                            Institute in Taiwan and the
                            Taipei Economic and Cultural
                            Representative Office in the
                            United States Concerning Peaceful
                            Uses of Nuclear Energy.

[[Page 465]]

                                                                 79 FR
      Signature Date                     Subject                  Page
Dec. 27..................  Memorandum: Provision of Aviation         527
                            Insurance Coverage for Commercial
                            Air Carrier Service in Domestic
                            and International Operations.

[[Page 467]]

                         Title 3--The President



Editorial note: The following abbreviations are used in this table:

EO        Executive Order

FR        Federal Register

PLO       Public Land Order (43 CFR, Appendix to Chapter II)

Proc.     Proclamation

Pub. L.   Public Law

Stat.     U.S. Statutes at Large

WCPD      Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents



                             Date or Number


6763.............See Proc. 8997.........................................
6867.............See Notice of Feb. 22, p. 367..........................
7011.............See Proc. 8997.........................................
7351.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
7463.............See Notice of Sept. 10, p. 415.........................
7746.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
7757.............See Notice of Feb. 22, p. 367..........................
8271.............See Notice of June 21, p. 403..........................
8334.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
8467.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
8618.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
8693.............See EO 13645...........................................
8770.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
8771.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
8783.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
8818.............See Proc. 8997.........................................
8823.............Superseded by Proc. 8984...............................
8894.............See Proc. 8997.........................................
8921.............See Proc. 9072.........................................
                            Executive Orders

                             Date or Number


April 17, 1926...Amended by PLO 7820 (78 FR 52561)......................

[[Page 468]]

April 17, 1926...Partially revoked by PLO 7816 (78 FR 39012)............
11145............Continued by EO 13652..................................
11183............Continued by EO 13652..................................
11287............Continued by EO 13652..................................
11612............Continued by EO 13652..................................
11958............Revoked by EO 13637....................................
12131............Continued by EO 13652..................................
12170............See Notices of Mar. 12, p. 369; Nov. 12, p. 432........
12216............Continued by EO 13652..................................
12367............Continued by EO 13652..................................
12382............Continued by EO 13652..................................
12473............See EO 13643...........................................
12777............Amended by EO 13638....................................
12829............Continued by EO 13652..................................
12866............See Memorandum of June 25, p. 404......................
12893............See EO 13653...........................................
12898............See Memorandum of May 17, p. 379.......................
12905............Continued by EO 13652..................................
12938............See Notice of Nov. 7, p. 431...........................
12947............See Notice of Jan. 17, p. 357..........................
12957............See EO 13645; Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369................
12959............See Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369..........................
12978............See Notice of Oct. 16, p. 429..........................
12994............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13043............Amended by EO 13652....................................
13047............See EO 13651; Notice of May 2, p. 375..................
13059............See Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369..........................
13067............See Notice of Oct. 30, p. 430..........................
13094............See Notice of Nov. 7, p. 431...........................
13099............See Notice of Jan. 17, p. 357..........................
13175............See EO 13647; Memorandums of May 17, p. 379; June 7, p. 
13219............See Notice of June 17, p. 400..........................
13222............See Notice of Aug. 8, p. 413; Amended by EO 13637......
13224............See Notice of Sept. 18, p. 423.........................
13231............Continued by EO 13652; Amended by EO 13652.............
13265............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13288............See Notice of Mar. 1, p. 368...........................
13303............See Notice of May 17, p. 379...........................
13304............See Notice of June 17, p. 400..........................
13310............Revoked in part by EO 13651; See EO 13651; Notice of ..
                  May 2, p. 375

[[Page 469]]

13315............See Notice of May 17, p. 379...........................
13338............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13348............See Notice of July 17, p. 409..........................
13350............See Notice of May 17, p. 379...........................
13364............See Notice of May 17, p. 379...........................
13372............See Notice of Jan. 17, p. 357..........................
13382............See Notice of Nov. 7, p. 431...........................
13391............See Notice of Mar. 1, p. 468...........................
13396............See Notice of Feb. 4, p. 364...........................
13399............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13400............See Notice of Oct. 30, p. 430..........................
13405............See Notice of June 13, p. 394..........................
13412............See Notice of Oct. 30, p. 430..........................
13413............See Notice of Oct. 23, p. 429..........................
13438............See Notice of May 17, p. 379...........................
13441............See Notice of July 29, p. 411..........................
13448............See EO 13651; Notice of May 2, p. 375..................
13460............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13464............See EO 13651; Notice of May 2, p. 375..................
13466............See Notice of June 21, p. 403..........................
13469............See Notice of Mar. 1, p. 368...........................
13498............Continued by EO 13652; See EO 13640....................
13506............See Memorandum of Jan. 30, p. 359......................
13514............See EO 13653; Memorandum of Dec. 5, p. 433.............
13515............Continued by EO 13652; Amended by EO 13652.............
13521............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13522............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13532............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13536............See Notice of Apr. 4, p. 371...........................
13538............Continued by EO 13652; Amended by EO 13652.............
13539............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13540............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13549............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13551............See Notice of June 21, p. 403..........................
13555............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13563............See Notice of May 17, p. 379; Memorandum of June 25, p. 
13566............See Notice of Feb. 13, p. 366..........................
13569............See EOs 13640, 13652...................................
13570............See Notice of June 21, p. 403..........................
13572............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13573............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13574............See Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369..........................

[[Page 470]]

13581............See Notice of July 19, p. 410..........................
13582............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13585............Superseded in part by EO 13652.........................
13590............See Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369..........................
13591............Superseded in part by EO 13652.........................
13595............See Memorandum of Jan. 30, p. 359......................
13599............See Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369..........................
13600............Continued by EO 13652; Amended by EO 13652.............
13604............See EO 13653; Memorandums of May 17, p. 379; June 7, p. 
13606............See Notices of Mar. 12, p. 369; May 7, p. 375..........
13608............See Notice of May 7, p. 375............................
13611............See Notice of May 13, p. 378...........................
13617............See Notice of June 20, p. 402..........................
13619............See EO 13651; Notice of May 2, p. 375..................
13620............See Notice of Apr. 4, p. 371...........................
13621............Continued by EO 13652..................................
13622............Amended by EO 13645; See Notice of Mar. 12, p. 369.....
13623............See Memorandum of Jan. 30. p. 359......................
13634............See EO 13652...........................................
13635............Superseded by EO 13641.................................
13639............Amended by EO 13644....................................
13640............See EO 13652...........................................
13641............Superseded by EO 13655.................................
13642............See EO 13653...........................................
                      Other Presidential Documents

                             Date or Number


Memorandum of MarSuperseded by Memorandum of Sept. 20, p. 425...........
Memorandum of DecSuperseded by Memorandum of Feb. 1, p. 363.............
Memorandum of NovSee EO 13647; Memorandums of May 17, p. 379; June 7, p. 
Memorandum of JunSee Memorandum of June 14, p. 395......................
Memorandum of DecSee Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 371.......................
Memorandum of MarRevoked by Memorandum of Sept. 20, p. 423..............
Memorandum of MayRevoked by Memorandum of Mar. 29, p. 370...............
Memorandum of AugSee EO 13653...........................................

[[Page 471]]

Presidential DeteSee Presidential Determination Nos. 13-10, p. 388; 14-.
                  3, p. 432
Presidential DeteSee Presidential Determination Nos. 13-10, p. 388; 14-.
                  3, p. 432
Presidential DeteSee Presidential Determination No. 13-13, p. 415.......
Memorandum of DecSee Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 371.......................
Presidential DeteSee Presidential Determination Nos. 13-10, p. 388; 14-.
                  3, p. 432
Memorandum of MaySee EO 13653...........................................
Memorandum of JunSee EPA notice (77 FR 22392)...........................
Presidential DeteSee Presidential Determination No. 14-3, p. 432........

[[Page 473]]

                         Title 3--The President



Editorial note: Statutes which were cited as authority for the issuance 
of Presidential documents contained in this volume are listed under one 
of these headings. For authority cites for hortatory proclamations, see 
the text of each proclamation:

    United States Code
    United States Statutes at Large
    Public Laws
    Short Title of Act

Citations have been set forth in the style in which they appear in the 
documents. Since the form of citations varies from document to document, 
users of this table should search under all headings for pertinent 


                           United States Code
      U.S. Code Citation                 Presidential Document
2 U.S.C. 901a................  Orders of Mar. 1, p. 369; Apr. 10, p. 373
3 U.S.C. 301.................  Proc. 9072; EOs 13637, 13645, 13651;
                                Memorandums of Jan. 15, p. 351; Jan. 31,
                                p. 362; Mar. 29, p. 370; Apr. 5, p. 372;
                                May 31, p. 383; June 3, p. 383; June 19,
                                p. 401; July 29, p. 412; Aug. 2, p. 412;
                                Sept. 27, p. 426; Oct. 28, p. 430; Dec.
                                10, p. 439
5 U.S.C. App.................  EOs 13640; 13652
5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq.........  Memorandums of Feb. 1, p. 363; Sept. 20,
                                p. 423; Sept. 20, p. 425
8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(42).........  Presidential Determination No. 14-1, p.
8 U.S.C. 1157................  Presidential Determination No. 14-1, p.
8 U.S.C. 1182(f).............  EO 13645
10 U.S.C. 491................  Memorandum of June 19, p. 401
10 U.S.C. 801-946............  EO 13643
15 U.S.C. 2933...............  EO 13653
16 U.S.C. 431................  Procs. 8943, 8944, 8945, 8946, 8947
19 U.S.C. 2462...............  Proc. 9072
19 U.S.C. 3703...............  Proc. 9072
21 U.S.C. 1903(h)(2)(A)......  Memorandum of May 31, p. 383
22 U.S.C. 2291-4.............  Presidential Determination No. 14-2, p.
22 U.S.C. 2291-4 et seq......  EO 13637
22 U.S.C. 2318 (a)(1)........  Presidential Determination No. 13-6, p.
22 U.S.C. 2348a..............  Presidential Determination No. 13-8, p.

[[Page 474]]

22 U.S.C. 2601(c)............  Presidential Determination No. 13-4, p.
22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq........  EO 13637
22 U.S.C. 6021-6091..........  Memorandum of Jan. 31, p. 362
22 U.S.C. 8501 et seq........  EO 13645
22 U.S.C. 8801 et seq........  EO 13645; Memorandum of June 3, p. 383
40 U.S.C. 101 et seq.........  Memorandum of June 14, p. 395
49 U.S.C. 44301-44310........  Memorandum of Dec. 27, p. 440
50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq........  EOs 13645, 13651
50 U.S.C. 1622(d)............  Notices of Jan. 17, p. 357; Feb. 4, p.
                                364; Feb. 13, p. 366; Feb. 22, p. 367;
                                Mar. 1, p. 368; Mar. 12, p. 369; Apr. 4,
                                p. 371; May 2, p. 375; May 7, p. 375;
                                May 13, p. 378; May 17, p. 379; June 13,
                                p. 394; June 17, p. 400; June 20, p.
                                402; June 21, p. 403: July 17, p. 409;
                                July 19, p. 410; July 29, p. 411; Aug.
                                8, p. 413; Sept. 10, p. 415; Sept. 18,
                                p. 423; Oct. 16, p. 429; Oct. 23, p.
                                429; Oct. 30, p. 430; Nov. 7, p. 431;
                                Nov. 12, p. 432
50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq........  EOs 13645, 13651
50 U.S.C. 1701-1706..........  Notices of Jan. 17, p. 357; May 2, p.
                                375; May 13, p. 378; May 17, p. 379;
                                June 17, p. 400; June 20, p. 402; June
                                21, p. 403; July 17, p. 409; July 19, p.
                                410; July 29, p. 411; Sept. 18, p. 423;
                                Oct. 16, p. 429; Oct. 23, p. 429; Oct.
                                30, p. 430; Nov. 12, p. 432
50 U.S.C. App. 5(b) note.....  Presidential Determination No. 13-13, p.

                               Public Laws
          Law Number                     Presidential Document
104-45.......................  Presidential Determination Nos. 13-9, p.
                                387; 14-4, p. 433
106-386......................  Memorandum of July 29, p. 412;
                                Presidential Determination No. 13-16, p.
110-286......................  EO 13651
110-457......................  Presidential Determination No. 13-17, p.
111-352......................  EO 13642
112-141......................  Memorandum of Jan. 31, p. 362
112-150......................  Memorandum of Jan. 15, p. 351
112-175......................  Presidential Determination No. 13-5, p.
112-781......................  Presidential Determination Nos. 13-5, p.
                                365; 13-11, p. 411; 14-3, p. 432
113-6........................  Presidential Determination No. 13-11, p.

                           Short Title of Act
              Title                        Presidential Document
African Growth and Opportunity    Proc. 9072
Arms Export Control Act.........  Presidential Determination Nos. 13-7,
                                   p. 373; 13-15, p. 420; 14-5, p. 439
Caribbean Basin Economic          Proc. 9072
 Recovery Act.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961..  Presidential Determination Nos. 13-7,
                                   p. 373; 14-5, p. 439

[[Page 475]]

Foreign Relations Authorization   Presidential Determination No. 13-14,
 Act, FY 2003.                     p. 416
Omnibus Trade and                 Proc. 9072
 Competitiveness Act of 1988.
Trade Act of 1974...............  Procs. 8997; 9072
United States-Israel Free Trade   Proc. 9072
 Area Implementation Act of 1985.

[[Page 477]]

                      LIST OF CFR SECTIONS AFFECTED


Editorial note: All changes in this volume of the Code of Federal 
Regulations which were made by documents published in the Federal 
Register since January 1, 2001, are enumerated in the following list. 
Entries indicate the nature of the changes effected. Page numbers refer 
to Federal Register pages. The user should consult the entries for 
chapters and parts as well as sections for revisions.
  For the period before January 1, 2001, see the ``List of CFR Sections 
Affected, 1949-1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000,'' published in 
11 separate volumes.
  Presidential documents affected during 2013 are set forth in Table 4 
on page 467.



                         (No regulations issued)


[[Page 479]]


Adoption Month, National (Proc. 9049)
African American History Month, National (Proc. 8930)
African-American Music Appreciation Month (Proc. 8992)
African Growth and Opportunity Act; Harmonized Tariff Schedule, 
modifications under (Proc. 9072)
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, National (Proc. 9005)
Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9050)
Amendments, revocations, suspensions, etc.
    Executive order 12777; transfer of functions (EO 13638)
    Executive order 13639; amendment (EO 13644)
American Education Week (Proc. 9058)
America Recycles Day (Proc. 9057)
Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (Proc. 8999)
Armed Forces Day (Proc. 8984)
Armed Forces, U.S.
     Courts-Martial, United States Manual; amendments (EO 13643)
     Delegation of reporting functions under Title 10, United States Code 
(Memorandum of June 19, p. 401)
     Ready Reserve Corps of Public Health Service, appointment of 
commissioned officers; delegation of authority (Memorandum of Mar. 29, p. 
Arms and munitions
     Export controls; reformed administration (EO 13637)
Arts and Humanities Month, National (Proc. 9027)
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (Proc. 8965)
Aviation, commercial air carrier service; continuation of insurance 
coverage (Memorandum of Dec. 27, p. 440)


Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act
     Sequestration order for fiscal year 2013 (Order of Mar. 1, p. 369)
     Sequestration order for fiscal year 2014 (Order of Apr. 10, p. 373)
     Democratic processes or institutions, actions and policies to 
undermine; continuation of national emergency (Notice of June 13, p. 394)
Bill of Rights Day (Proc. 9070)
Blind Americans Equality Day (Proc. 9042)
Boards, commissions, committees, etc.
     Advisory committees, Federal; continuance (EO 13652)
     Chemical Facility Safety and Security Working Group; establishment (EO 
     Expanding National Service, Task Force; establishment (Memorandum of 
July 15, p. 406)
     Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, President's Advisory Council 
on; continued (EO 13640)
     Financial Capability for Young Americans, President's Advisory Council 
on; establishment (EO 13646)
     HIV Care Continuum Working Group; establishment (EO 13649)
     Native American Affairs, White House Council on; establishment (EO 
     Presidential Commission on Election Administration; establishment (EO 
     Wildlife Trafficking, Presidential Task Force; establishment (EO 13648)
Brazil, U.S. drug interdiction assistance; provision (Presidential 
Determination No. 14-2, p. 428)
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9028)
Building Safety Month, National (Proc. 8967)

[[Page 480]]

     Continuation of national emergency (Notice of May 2, p. 375)
     Prohibition of certain imports; jadeite and rubies (EO 13651)


Cancer Control Month, National (Proc. 8948)
Captive Nations Week (Proc. 8998)
Caribbean-American Heritage Month, National (Proc. 8990)
Cesar Chavez Day (Proc. 8953)
Chad and France; drawdown authorization of support in Mali (Presidential 
Determination No. 13-6, p. 365)
Character Counts Week, National (Proc. 9043)
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument, establishment (Proc. 
Charter Schools Week, National (Proc. 8975)
Chemical facility safety and security improvement (EO 13650)
Child Abuse Prevention Month, National (Proc. 8949)
Child Health Day (Proc. 9036)
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9006)
Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9007)
Child's Day, National (Proc. 9059)
Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008
     Delegation of authority to the Secretary of State (Memorandum of Aug. 
2, p. 412)
     Waiver of application; determination (Presidential Determination No. 
13-17, p. 426)
Civil rights
     50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (Proc. 
     Parks, Rosa; 100th anniversary of the birth of (Proc. 8932)
     Women and girls, gender equality and empowerment; global efforts to 
coordinate policies and programs (Memorandum of Jan. 30, p. 359)
Climate change; U.S. preparedness for impacts (EO 13653)
     Drug interdiction assistance, U.S.; continuation (Presidential 
Determination No. 13-12, p. 413)
     Narcotics traffickers; national emergency, continuation (Notice of Oct. 
16, p. 429)
Columbus Day (Proc. 9041)
Commerce, Department of; delegation of functions under National Defense 
Authorization Act for FY 2013 (Memorandum of Oct. 28, p. 430)
     Wireless innovation; efforts to expand America's leadership (Memorandum 
of June 14, p. 395)
Congo, situation in; continuation of national emergency (Notice of Oct. 
23, p. 429)
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week (Proc. 9019)
Consumer Protection Week, National (Proc. 8937)
Cote d'Ivoire, blocking property of persons contributing to conflict; 
continuation of national emergency (Notice of Feb. 4, p. 364)
Courts-Martial, United States Manual; amendments (EO 13643)
Crime Victims' Rights Week, National (Proc. 8959)
Critical infrastructure; improving cybersecurity (EO 13636)
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month (Proc. 9047)
     Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996; 
delegation of authority to suspend provisions (Memorandum of Jan. 31, p. 
     Regulation of anchorage and movement of vessels; continuation of 
national emergency (Notice of Feb. 22, p. 367)
     Trading With the Enemy Act; continuation of certain authorities 
(Presidential Determination No. 13-13, p. 415)
Cybersecurity Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9029)


Day of Prayer, National (Proc. 8974)
Day of Remembrance for President John F. Kennedy (Proc. 9060)
Days of Prayer and Remembrance, National (Proc. 9014)
Defense and security, national
     Communications technologies and global signals intelligence collection; 
policy review (Memorandum of Aug. 12, p. 414)
     Cybersecurity; improving critical infrastructure (EO 13636)

[[Page 481]]

     Drawdown authorization to support Chad and France in their efforts in 
Mali (Presidential Determination No. 13-6, p. 365)
     Gulf Cooperation Council, defense articles and services; eligibility to 
receive (Presidential Determination No. 14-5, p. 439)
     Jerusalem Embassy Act, suspension of limitations under (Presidential 
Determination Nos. 13-9, p. 387; 14-4, p. 433)
     National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012; pursuant to section 
1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) (Presidential Determination Nos. 13-10, p. 388; 14-3, 
p. 432)
     National security sensitive positions, competitive service; standards 
for designating, rulemaking (Memorandum of Jan. 25, p. 358)
     Nuclear energy, peaceful uses of; proposed agreement for cooperation 
between American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural 
Representative Office (Presidential Determination No. 14-6, p. 440)
     Syria; defense articles and services, provisions to prevent use or 
proliferation of chemical weapons and related materials and organizations 
implementing U.S. programs (Presidential Determination No. 13-15, p. 420)
     Trading With the Enemy Act; exercise of certain authorities; 
continuation (Presidential Determination No. 13-13, p. 415)
     Transnational criminal organizations; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of July 19, p. 410)
     Weapons of mass destruction proliferation; national emergency, 
continuation (Notice of Nov. 7, p. 431)
Defense, Department of; Secretary, delegation of reporting functions 
(Memorandum of June 19, p. 401)
Defense Transportation Day, National, and National Transportation Week 
(Proc. 8977)
Diabetes Month, National (Proc. 9051)
Disability Employment Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9030)
District of Columbia; honoring the victims of the tragedy at the 
Washington Navy Yard (Proc. 9020)
Domestic Violence Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9031)
Donate Life Month, National (Proc. 8950)
Drugs and narcotics
     Brazil, U.S. Drug interdiction assistance; provision (Presidential 
Determination No. 14-2, p. 428)
 Narcotics traffickers; continuation of national emergency (Notice of Oct. 
16, p. 429)
 U.S. drug interdiction assistance; continuation (Presidential Determination 
No. 13-12, p. 413)
     Illicit drug producing or drug transit countries for FY 2014; 
determination (Presidential Determination No. 13-14, p. 416)


Earth Day (Proc. 8962)
Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8941)
Election Administration, Presidential Commission on; amendment (EO 13644)
Emergency Medical Services Week (Proc. 8982)
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, National (Proc. 9022)
     Electric transmission grid; siting, permitting and review improvements 
(Memorandum of June 7, p. 389)
     Energy management; Federal leadership efforts (Memorandum of Dec. 5, p. 
     Power plants; standards for carbon pollution (Memorandum of June 25, p. 
Energy Action Month, National (Proc. 9032)
Entrepreneurship Month, National (Proc. 9052)
     Carbon pollution; standards for power sector (Memorandum of June 25, p. 
     Chemical facility safety and security; improvement efforts (EO 13650)
     Climate change; U.S. preparedness efforts (EO 13653)
     Wildlife Trafficking; efforts to combat (EO 13648)
Environmental Protection Agency
     Power sector; standards for carbon pollution (Memorandum of June 25, p. 

[[Page 482]]

Equal Pay Day, National (Proc. 8955)
Export controls; reformed administration (EO 13637)
Exports and imports
     Administration of reformed export controls (EO 13637)
     Burmese jadeite and rubies; prohibiting certain imports (EO 13651)
     Export control regulations; continuation of national emergency (Notice 
of Aug. 8, p. 413)


Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, President's Advisory Council 
on; continued (EO 13640)
Family Caregivers Month, National (Proc. 9053)
Family Week, National (Proc. 9061)
Farm Safety and Health Week, National (Proc. 9017)
Father's Day (Proc. 8996)
Federal infrastructure; modernizing review and permitting regulations, 
policies and procedures (Memorandum of May 17, p. 379)
Financial Capability Month, National (Proc. 8951)
Fire Prevention Week (Proc. 9034)
First State National Monument; establishment (Proc. 8944)
Flag Day and National Flag Week (Proc. 8993)
Foley, Thomas S.; death of (Proc. 9046)
Foreign aid
     Delegation of authority to Secretary of State under Foreign Assistance 
Act of 1961; (Memorandum of Dec. 10, p. 439)
     Mali: drawdown authorization for Chad and France under Foreign 
Assistance Act of 1961 (Presidential Determination No. 13-6, p. 365)
     Palestinian Authority; waiver restrictions on funding (Presidential 
Determination Nos. 13-5, p. 365; 13-11, p. 411)
 Drawdown of U.S. commodities and services for emergency assistance under 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Presidential Determination No. 13-8, p. 374)
 Refugee and migration needs (Presidential Determination No. 13-4, p. 359)
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; delegation of authority to Secretary of 
State (Memorandums of Dec. 10, p. 439; Sept. 27, p. 426)
Foreign relations
     Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008; waiver of application 
(Presidential Determination No. 13-17, p. 426)
     Cote d'Ivoire; blocking property of persons contributing to conflict 
(Notice of Feb. 4, p. 364)
     Illicit major drug producing or drug transit countries for fiscal year 
2014 (Presidential Determination No. 13-14, p. 416)
     Iran; authorization to impose sanctions under the Iran Freedom and 
Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 (EO 13645)
     Jerusalem Embassy Act; suspension of funding limitations (Presidential 
Determination No. 13-9, p. 487)
     Liberia, Charles Taylor regime; continuation of national emergency 
(Notice of July 17, p. 409)
     Somalia, defense articles and services; determination on eligibility to 
receive (Presidential Determination No. 13-7, p. 373)
 Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000; delegation of authority to 
Secretary of State (Memorandum of July 29, p. 412)
 Urgent refugee and migration needs (Presidential Determination No. 13-4, p. 
     Trafficking in persons; determination regarding foreign governments' 
efforts to comply (Presidential Determination No. 13-16, p. 420)
     Transnational criminal organizations; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of July 19, p. 410)
Forest Products Week, National (Proc. 9044)
Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, National (Proc. 8956)
Foster Care Month, National (Proc. 8968)


Generalized System of Preferences; modification of duty-free treatment 
(Proc. 8997)
General Pulaski Memorial Day (Proc. 9038)
General Services Administration; officers to act as Administrator, 
designation (Memorandum of Sept. 20, p. 425)

[[Page 483]]

German-American Day (Proc. 9035)
Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day (Proc. 9025)
Government information; modernization efforts to make open and machine 
readable (EO 13642)
Government organization and employees
     Advisory committees, continuance (EO 13652)
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act; sequestration order 
of FY 2014 (Order of Apr. 10, p. 373)
     Climate change; U.S. preparation for impacts (EO 13653)
     Delegation of reporting authority to Department of Transportation; 
(Memorandum of Jan. 31, p. 362)
     Energy Management; Federal Government leadership efforts (Memorandum of 
Dec. 5, p. 433)
     Executive order 12777, amendments; transfer of functions; (EO 13638)
     Export controls; reformed administration (EO 13637)
     Federal infrastructure review and permitting regulations, polices and 
procedures; modernization (Memorandum of May 17, p. 379)
     General Services Administration; designation of officers to act as 
Administrator (Memorandum of Sept. 20, p. 325)
     Government information; new default to make open and machine readable 
(EO 13642)
     Health and Human Services, Department of
 Public Health Service, Ready Reserve Corps; appointment authority of 
commissioned officers (Memorandum of Mar. 29, p. 370)
 Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012; delegation of certain 
functions and authorities under (Memorandum of June 3, p. 383)
 Sanctions; authorizing additional U.S. sanctions under the Freedom and 
Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 (EO 13645)
     Long Island Rail Road Co., emergency board to investigate labor 
disputes; establishment (EO 13654)
     National Intelligence, Office of the Director, officers to act as 
Director; designation (Memorandum of Sept. 20, p. 423)
     National Security Sensitive positions, standards for designating; 
rulemaking (Memorandum of Jan. 25, p. 358)
     National service, partnerships to advance Government priorities; 
expansion (Memorandum of July 15, p. 406)
     Native American Affairs, White House Council on; establishment (EO 
     Pay equality in the Government, efforts to advance; policies and 
practices to learn from (Memorandum of May 10, p. 376)
     Pay schedules and rates; Administrative discretion, continued 
(Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 371)
     Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, officers to act as Director; 
designation (Memorandum of Feb. 1, p. 363)
     Rates of pay; adjustments (EOs 13641, 13655)
     Sequestration order for FY 2013 (Order of Mar. 1, p. 369)
     Sequestration order for FY 2014 (Order of Apr. 10, p. 373)
     State, Department of
 Certifications, reports and notifications; delegation of authority to 
submit to Congress (Memorandum of Feb. 20, p. 367)
 Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008; delegation of authority under 
(Memorandum of Aug. 2, p. 412)
 Delegation of functions under Sec. 6 of PL 112-150 (Memorandum of Jan. 15, 
p. 351)
 Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; delegation of authority under (Memorandum 
of Sept. 27, p. 426)
 National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2013; delegation of functions 
under (Memorandum of Oct. 28, p. 430)
 Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012; delegation of 
functions under (Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 372)

[[Page 484]]

 Title III provisions of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity 
(LIBERTAD) Act of 1996; delegation of authority to suspend (Memorandum of 
Jan. 31, p. 362)
     Treasury, Department of
 Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act; delegation of functions under 
(Memorandum of May 31, p. 383)
 Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012; delegation of 
functions under (Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 372)
     Women and girls, global gender equality and empowerment; policies and 
programs promotion (Memorandum of Jan. 30, p. 359)
Grandparents Day, National (Proc. 9013)
Great Outdoors Month (Proc. 8988)
Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and 
American Democracy (Proc. 8942)
Gulf Cooperation Council; eligibility to receive defense articles and 
services (Presidential Determination No. 14-5, p. 439)


Harriet Tubman-Underground Railroad National Monument; establishment 
(Proc. 8943)
Hazardous substances
     Chemical facility safety and security; efforts to improve (EO 13650)
Health and Human Services, Department of
     Gun violence; public health research on causes and prevention 
(Memorandum of Jan. 16, p. 352)
Health care
     HIV Care Continuum Initiative, prevention and care in the U.S.; efforts 
to improve acceleration (EO 13649)
     Public Health Service, appointment of Ready Reserve Corps commissioned 
officers; delegation of authority (Memorandum of Mar. 29, p. 370)
Health Center Week, National (Proc. 9002)
Heart Month, American (Proc. 8929)
Hispanic Heritage Month, National (Proc. 9016)
Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week, National (Proc. 9018)
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, National (Proc. 9023)
HIV Care Continuum Initiative, prevention and care in U.S.; efforts to 
improve acceleration (EO 13649)
Homeland Security, Department of; 10th anniversary (Proc. 8938)
Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week (Proc. 9069)
Hunting and Fishing Day, National (Proc. 9026)
Hurricane Preparedness Week, National (Proc. 8986)


Immigration and naturalization
     Admission of refugees to the U.S. for FY 2014 (Presidential 
Determination No. 14-1, p. 427)
     Syria: refugee and migration needs (Presidential Determination No. 13-
4, p. 359)
Impaired Driving Prevention Month, National (Proc. 9065)
Intelligence, National Office of the Director of; global signals 
intelligence collection, policy review (Memorandum of Aug. 12, p. 414)
International Day of Persons With Disabilities (Proc. 9066)
International Day of the Girl (Proc. 9039)
     Continuation of national emergency (Notices of Mar. 12, p. 369; Nov. 
12, p. 432)
     Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012; delegation of 
functions and authorities under (Memorandum of June 3, p. 383)
     U.S. sanctions under Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 
2012; authorization to implement (EO 13645)
Iraq; continuation of national emergency with respect to stabilization 
(Notice of May 17, p. 379)
Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. 8934)


Jerusalem Embassy Act; suspension of limitations (Presidential 
Determination Nos. 13-9, p. 387; 14-4, p. 433)
Jewish American Heritage Month (Proc. 8966)
Justice, Department of
     Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau

[[Page 485]]

 Criminal investigations; firearms in connection with, efforts to trace 
(Memorandum of Jan. 16, p. 356)
 National Criminal background check system; efforts to improve availability 
of Executive Branch records (Memorandum of Jan. 16, p. 353)


Korea, North; continuation of national emergency (Notice of June 21, p. 
Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (Proc. 9000)


Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8972)
Law enforcement and crime
     Firearms in connection with criminal investigations; efforts to trace 
(Memorandum of Jan. 16, p. 356)
     Gun violence; public health research on causes and prevention 
(Memorandum of Jan. 16, p. 352)
     Instant Criminal Background Check System, National; improving 
availability of relevant records (Memorandum of Jan. 16, p. 353)
Lebanon; continuation of national emergency (Notice of July 29, p. 411)
Leif Erikson Day (Proc. 9037)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month (Proc. 8989)
Liberia; Charles Taylor regime, continuation of national emergency 
(Notice of July 17, p. 409)
Libya; continuation of national emergency (Notice of Feb. 13, p. 366)
Long Island Rail Road Company, emergency board to investigate labor 
disputes; establishment (EO 13654)
Loyalty Day (Proc. 8973)


Mandela, Nelson R.; death of (Proc. 9067)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom; 50th anniversary (Proc. 9004)
Maritime Day, National (Proc. 8985)
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday (Proc. 8927)
Massachusetts; honoring the victims of the tragedy in Boston (Proc. 8958)
Mental Health Awareness Month, National (Proc. 8969)
Mentoring Month, National (Proc. 9073)
Middle East peace process, terrorists who threaten to disrupt; 
continuation of national emergency (Notice of Jan. 17, p. 357)
Military Family Month (Proc. 9048)
Military Spouse Appreciation Day (Proc. 8976)
Minority Enterprise Development Week (Proc. 9062)
Monuments, national
     Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument; establishment (Proc. 
     First State National Monument; establishment (Proc. 8944)
     Harriet Tubman-Underground Railroad National Monument; establishment 
(Proc. 8943)
     Rio Grande del Norte National Monument; establishment (Proc. 8946)
     San Juan Islands National Monument; establishment (Proc. 8947)
Mother's Day (Proc. 8980)


National Defense Authorization Act
     Fiscal Year 2012 (Presidential Determination Nos. 13-10, p. 388; 14-3, 
p. 432)
     Delegation of functions under (Memorandum of Oct. 28, p. 430)
National emergencies declared, continued, terminated, etc.
     Belarus, Government or persons efforts to undermine democratic 
processes or institutions; continuation of national emergency (Notice of 
June 13, p. 394)
     Burma, continuation of national emergency (Notice of May 2, p. 375)
     Colombia, narcotics traffickers; continuation of national emergency 
(Notice of Oct. 16, p. 429)
     Congo, situation in or in relation to; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of Oct. 23, p. 429)
     Cote d'Ivoire, continuation of national emergency (Notice of Feb. 4, p. 
     Cuba, anchorage and movement of vessels regulation; continuation of 
national emergency (Notice of Feb. 22, p. 367)
     Export control regulations; continuation of national emergency (Notice 
of Aug. 8, p. 413)

[[Page 486]]

     Iran, continuation of national emergency (Notices of Mar. 12, p. 369; 
Nov. 12, p. 432)
     Iraq, stabilization efforts; continuation of national emergency (Notice 
of May 17, p. 379)
     Lebanon, persons undermining democratization efforts; continuation of 
national emergency (Notice of July 29, p. 411)
     Liberia, Charles Taylor regime; continuation of national emergency 
(Notice of July 17, p. 409)
     Libya, continuation of national emergency (Notice of Feb. 13, p. 366)
     Middle East peace process, terrorists who threaten to disrupt; 
continuation of national emergency (Notice of Jan. 17, p. 357)
     North Korea, continuation of national emergency (Notice of June 21, p. 
     Russia, weapons-usable fissile material; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of June 20, p. 402)
     Somalia, continuation of national emergency (Notice of Apr. 4, p. 371)
     Sudan, continuation of national emergency (Notice of Oct. 30, p. 430)
     Syria, continuation of national emergency (Notice of May 7, p. 375)
     Terrorism, persons who commit, threaten to commit or support; 
continuation of national emergency (Notice of Sept. 18, p. 423)
     Terrorist attacks; continuation of national emergency (Notice of Sept. 
10, p. 415)
     Transnational criminal organizations; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of July 19, p. 410)
     Weapons of mass destruction; continuation of national emergency 
respecting proliferation (Notice of Nov. 7, p. 431)
     Western Balkans, continuation of national emergency (Notice of June 17, 
p. 400)
     Yemen, continuation of national emergency (Notice of May 13, p. 378)
     Zimbabwe, continuation of national emergency (Notice of Mar. 1, p. 368)
National Intelligence, Office of the Director of; designation of officers 
to act as Director (Memorandum of Sept. 20, p. 423)
National security information
     Cybersecurity; critical infrastructure, efforts to improve (EO 13636)
Native American Affairs, White House Council on; establishment (EO 13647)
Native American Heritage Month, National (Proc. 9054)


Oceans Month, National (Proc. 8991)
Older Americans Month (Proc. 8971)
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9008)


Palestinian Authority, funding provisions; waiver of restriction 
(Presidential Determination Nos. 13-5, p. 365; 13-11, p. 411)
Pan American Day and Pan American Week (Proc. 8957)
Parks, Rosa; 100th anniversary of the birth of (Proc. 8932)
Park Week, National (Proc. 8961)
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance (Proc. 9015)
Pay equality in Government; efforts to advance (Memorandum of May 10, p. 
Pay rates, Federal; adjustments (EO 13641)
Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week (Proc. 8979)
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, National (Proc. 9068)
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation; designation of officers (Memorandum 
of Feb. 1, p. 363)
Physical Fitness and Sports Month, National (Proc. 8970)
Poison Prevention Week, National (Proc. 8940)
POW/MIA Recognition Day, National (Proc. 9021)
Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day (Proc. 8987)
Preparedness Month, National (Proc. 9009)
Presidential Commission on Election Administration; establishment (EO 
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9010)
Public Lands Day, National (Proc. 9024)


Read Across America Day (Proc. 8936)

[[Page 487]]

Red Cross Month, American (Proc. 8933)
Refugee admissions to U.S.; fiscal year 2014 (Presidential Determination 
No. 14-1, p. 427)
Religious Freedom Day (Proc. 8926)
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument; establishment (Proc. 8946)
     Highly enriched uranium, disposition of; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of June 20, p. 402)
Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012; delegation of functions 
under (Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 372)


Safe Boating Week, National (Proc. 8981)
San Juan Islands National Monument; establishment (Proc. 8947)
School Lunch Week, National (Proc. 9040)
Science and technology
     Communications technologies and global signals intelligence collection; 
policy review (Memorandum of Aug. 12, p. 414)
     Wireless innovation; expanding U.S. leadership (Memorandum of June 14, 
p. 395)
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, National (Proc. 8952)
Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, National (Proc. 9074)
Small Business Week, National (Proc. 8994)
     Continuation of national emergency (Notice of Apr. 4, p. 371)
     Defense articles and services; determination on eligibility to receive 
(Presidential Determination No. 13-7, p. 373)
Special observances
     100th Anniversary of the Birth of Rosa Parks (Proc. 8932)
     100th Anniversary of the United States Department of Labor (Proc. 8939)
     10th Anniversary of the United States Department of Homeland Security 
(Proc. 8938)
     50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (Proc. 
     African-American Music Appreciation Month (Proc. 8992)
     American Education Week (Proc. 9058)
     American Heart Month (Proc. 8929)
     American Red Cross Month (Proc. 8933)
     America Recycles Day (Proc. 9057)
     Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (Proc. 8999)
     Armed Forces Day (Proc. 8984)
     Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (Proc. 8965)
     Bill of Rights Day (Proc. 9070)
     Blind Americans Equality Day (Proc. 9042)
     Captive Nations Week (Proc. 8998)
     Cesar Chavez Day (Proc. 8953)
     Child Health Day (Proc. 9036)
     Columbus Day (Proc. 9041)
     Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week (Proc. 9019)
     Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month (Proc. 9047)
     Day of Remembrance for President John F. Kennedy (Proc. 9060)
     Death of Nelson Mandela (Proc. 9067)
     Death of Thomas S. Foley (Proc. 9046)
     Earth Day (Proc. 8962)
     Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8941)
     Emergency Medical Services Week (Proc. 8982)
     Father's Day (Proc. 8996)
     Fire Prevention Week (Proc. 9034)
     Flag Day and National Flag Week (Proc. 8993)
     General Pulaski Memorial Day (Proc. 9038)
     German-American Day (Proc. 9035)
     Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day (Proc. 9025)
     Great Outdoors Month (Proc. 8988)
     Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and 
American Democracy (Proc. 8942)
     Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week, National (Proc. 9018)
     Honoring the Victims of the Explosion in West, Texas (Proc. 8963)
     Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at the Washington Navy Yard (Proc. 
     Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Boston, Massachusetts (Proc. 
     Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week (Proc. 9069)
     International Day of Persons With Disabilities (Proc. 9066)
     International Day of the Girl (Proc. 9039)

[[Page 488]]

     Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. 8934)
     Jewish American Heritage Month (Proc. 8966)
     Labor Day (Proc. 9012)
     Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8972)
     Leif Erikson Day (Proc. 9037)
     Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month (Proc. 8989)
     Loyalty Day (Proc. 8973)
     Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday (Proc. 8927)
     Military Family Month (Proc. 9048)
     Military Spouse Appreciation Day (Proc. 8976)
     Minority Enterprise Development Week (Proc. 9062)
     Mother's Day (Proc. 8980)
     National Adoption Month (Proc. 9049)
     National African American History Month (Proc. 8930)
     National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Proc. 9005)
     National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month (Proc. 9050)
     National Arts and Humanities Month (Proc. 9027)
     National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Proc. 9028)
     National Building Safety Month (Proc. 8967)
     National Cancer Control Month (Proc. 8948)
     National Caribbean-American Heritage Month (Proc. 8990)
     National Character Counts Week (Proc. 9043)
     National Charter Schools Week (Proc. 8975)
     National Child Abuse Prevention Month (Proc. 8949)
     National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (Proc. 9006)
     National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month (Proc. 9007)
     National Child's Day (Proc. 9059)
     National Consumer Protection Week (Proc. 8937)
     National Crime Victims' Rights Week (Proc. 8959)
     National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (Proc. 9029)
     National Day of Hope and Resolve (Proc. 8928)
     National Day of Prayer (Proc. 8974)
     National Days of Prayer and Remembrance (Proc. 9014)
     National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week 
(Proc. 8977)
     National Diabetes Month (Proc. 9051)
     National Disability Employment Awareness Month (Proc. 9030)
     National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Proc. 9031)
     National Donate Life Month (Proc. 8950)
     National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week (Proc. 9022)
     National Energy Action Month (Proc. 9032)
     National Entrepreneurship Month (Proc. 9052)
     National Equal Pay Day (Proc. 8955)
     National Family Caregivers Month (Proc. 9053)
     National Family Week (Proc. 9061)
     National Farm Safety and Health Week (Proc. 9017)
     National Financial Capability Month (Proc. 8951)
     National Forest Products Week (Proc. 9044)
     National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (Proc. 8956)
     National Foster Care Month (Proc. 8968)
     National Grandparents Day (Proc. 9013)
     National Health Center Week (Proc. 9002)
     National Hispanic Heritage Month (Proc. 9016)
     National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week (Proc. 9023)
     National Hunting and Fishing Day (Proc. 9026)
     National Hurricane Preparedness Week (Proc. 8986)
     National Impaired Driving Prevention Month (Proc. 9065)
     National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (Proc. 9000)
     National Maritime Day (Proc. 8985)
     National Mental Health Awareness Month (Proc. 8969)
     National Mentoring Month (Proc. 9073)
     National Native American Heritage Month (Proc. 9054)
     National Oceans Month (Proc. 8991)
     National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (Proc. 9008)

[[Page 489]]

     National Park Week (Proc. 8961)
     National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (Proc. 9068)
     National Physical Fitness and Sports Month (Proc. 8970)
     National Poison Prevention Week (Proc. 8940)
     National POW/MIA Recognition Day (Proc. 9021)
     National Preparedness Month (Proc. 9009)
     National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (Proc. 9010)
     National Public Lands Day (Proc. 9024)
     National Safe Boating Week (Proc. 8981)
     National School Lunch Week (Proc. 9040)
     National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (Proc. 8952)
     National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (Proc. 9074)
     National Small Business Week (Proc. 8994)
     National Stalking Awareness Month (Proc. 9075)
     National Substance Abuse Prevention Month (Proc. 9033)
     National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (Proc. 
     National Volunteer Week (Proc. 8960)
     National Wilderness Month (Proc. 9011)
     National Women's Health Week (Proc. 8978)
     Older Americans Month (Proc. 8971)
     Pan American Day and Pan American Week (Proc. 8957)
     Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance (Proc. 9015)
     Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week (Proc. 8979)
     Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day (Proc. 8987)
     Read Across America Day (Proc. 8936)
     Religious Freedom Day (Proc. 8926)
     Thanksgiving Day (Proc. 9063)
     United Nations Day (Proc. 9045)
     Veterans Day (Proc. 9055)
     Women's Equality Day (Proc. 9003)
     Women's History Month (Proc. 8935)
     Workers Memorial Day (Proc. 8964)
     World AIDS Day (Proc. 9064)
     World Autism Awareness Day (Proc. 8954)
     World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (Proc. 8995)
     World Freedom Day (Proc. 9056)
     World Hepatitis Day (Proc. 9001)
     World Trade Week (Proc. 8983)
     Wright Brothers Day (Proc. 9071)
Stalking Awareness Month, National (Proc. 9075)
State, Department of
     Certifications, reports and notifications; delegation of authority to 
submit to Congress (Memorandum of Feb. 20, p. 367)
     Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008; delegation of authority 
(Memorandum of Aug. 2, p. 412)
     Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; delegation of authority (Memorandum of 
Sept. 27, p. 426)
     National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2013, PL No. 112-239; 
delegation of functions under (Memorandum of Oct. 28, p. 430)
     Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000; delegation of authority 
(Memorandum of July 29, p. 412)
     U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012; delegation of 
functions under (Memorandum of Jan. 15, p. 351)
Substance Abuse Prevention Month, National (Proc. 9033)
Sudan; continuation of national emergency (Notice of Oct. 30, p. 430)
     Defense articles and services; provisions to prevent use or 
proliferation of chemical weapons and related materials (Presidential 
Determination No. 13-15, p. 420)
     Drawdown of commodities and services under the Foreign Assistance Act 
of 1961; authorization (Presidential Determination No. 13-8, p. 374)
     Government actions; continuation of national emergency (Notice of May 
7, p. 375)
     Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, delegation of authority 
(Memorandum of July 29, p. 412)
     Unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs (Presidential 
Determination No. 13-4, p. 359)

[[Page 490]]


Taiwan, nuclear energy; peaceful uses of, proposed agreement between the 
American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural 
Representative Office in the U.S. (Presidential Determination No. 14-6, 
p. 440)
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (Proc. 8931)
     Middle East; continuation of national emergency with respect to 
terrorists (Notice of Jan. 17, p. 357)
     Persons who commit or support; continuation of national emergency 
(Notice of Sept. 18, p. 423)
     Terrorist attacks in U.S.; continuation of national emergency (Notice 
of Sept. 10, p. 415)
Texas; honoring the victims of the explosion in West (Proc. 8963)
Thanksgiving Day (Proc. 9063)
     African Growth and Opportunity Act; certain actions taken under (Proc. 
     Export control regulations; continuation of national emergency (Notice 
of Aug. 8, p. 413)
     Export controls; administration reform (EO 13637)
     Generalized System of Preferences, duty-free treatment; modification 
(Proc. 8997)
     Trading With the Enemy Act, exercise of certain authorities under; 
continuation (Presidential Determination No. 13-13, p. 415)
Trade agreements
    State Department; delegation of authority to submit to Congress 
certifications, reports and notifications (Memorandum of Feb. 20, p. 367)
Trafficking in persons; foreign governments' efforts, to comply with the 
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Presidential Determination 
No. 13-16, p. 420)
Transnational criminal organizations; continuation of national emergency 
(Notice of July 19, p. 410)
     Air carriers; aviation insurance coverage, continuation (Memorandum of 
Dec. 27, p. 440)
     Transportation, Department of; Secretary, delegation of reporting 
authority (Memorandum of Jan. 31, p. 362)
Treasury, Department of
     Delegation of functions under Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act 
(Memorandum of May 31, p. 383)


United Nations Day (Proc. 9045)
United States Department of Labor; 100th anniversary (Proc. 8939)


Veterans Day (Proc. 9055)
     Partnerships to advance Government priorities; expansion of national 
service (Memorandum of July 15, p. 406)
Volunteer Week, National (Proc. 8960)


     Federal employees pay schedules and rates set by Administrative 
discretion; continued (Memorandum of Apr. 5, p. 371)
     Pay equality in Government; efforts to advance (Memorandum of May 10, 
p. 376)
Weapons of mass destruction
     Combating proliferation; continuation of national emergency (Notice of 
Nov. 7, p. 431)
     Delegation of reporting functions to Secretary of Defense (Memorandum 
of June 19, p. 401)
     Russia, highly enriched uranium disposition; continuation of national 
emergency (Notice of June 20, p. 402)
     Syria, chemical weapons and related materials; provisions and programs 
to prevent the use and proliferation of (Presidential Determination No. 13-
15, p. 420)
Western Balkans; continuation of national emergency (Notice of June 17, 
p. 400)
Wilderness Month, National (Proc. 9011)
Wildlife trafficking; efforts to combat (EO 13648)
Wireless broadband technologies; America's leadership in, efforts to 
expand (Memorandum of June 14, p. 395)

[[Page 491]]

     Gender equality and empowerment for women and girls; global 
coordination of policies and programs to promote (Memorandum of Jan. 30, p. 
Women's Equality Day (Proc. 9003)
Women's Health Week, National (Proc. 8978)
Women's History Month (Proc. 8935)
Workers Memorial Day (Proc. 8964)
World AIDS Day (Proc. 9064)
World Autism Awareness Day (Proc. 8954)
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (Proc. 8995)
World Freedom Day (Proc. 9056)
World Hepatitis Day (Proc. 9001)
World Trade Week (Proc. 8983)
Wright Brothers Day (Proc. 9071)


     Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008
 Delegation of authority to Secretary of State (Memorandum of Aug. 2, p. 
 Waiver of application (Presidential Determination No. 13-17, p. 426)
     Financial Capability for Young Americans, President's Advisory Council 
on; establishment (EO 13646)


Zimbabwe, blocking property of persons undermining democratic process; 
continuation of national emergency (Notice of Mar. 1, p. 368)

[[Page 493]]

                            CFR FINDING AIDS


Editorial note: A list of CFR titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters, 
and parts, and an alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR 
are included in the CFR Index and Finding Aids volume to the Code of 
Federal Regulations, which is published separately and revised annually 
as of January 1.

The two finding aids on the following pages, the ``Table of CFR Titles 
and Chapters'' and the ``Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the 
CFR'' apply to all 50 titles of the Code of Federal Regulations. 
Reference aids specific to this volume appear in the section entitled 
``Title 3 Finding Aids,'' found on page 453.

[[Page 495]]

                    Table of CFR Titles and Chapters

                      (Revised as January 1, 2014)

                      Title 1--General Provisions

         I  Administrative Committee of the Federal Register 
                (Parts 1--49)
        II  Office of the Federal Register (Parts 50--299)
       III  Administrative Conference of the United States (Parts 
        IV  Miscellaneous Agencies (Parts 400--500)

                    Title 2--Grants and Agreements

            Subtitle A--Office of Management and Budget Guidance 
                for Grants and Agreements
         I  Office of Management and Budget Governmentwide 
                Guidance for Grants and Agreements (Parts 2--199)
        II  Office of Management and Budget Guidance (200--299)
            Subtitle B--Federal Agency Regulations for Grants and 
       III  Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300-- 
        IV  Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499)
        VI  Department of State (Parts 600--699)
       VII  Agency for International Development (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800--899)
        IX  Department of Energy (Parts 900--999)
        XI  Department of Defense (Parts 1100--1199)
       XII  Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)
      XIII  Department of Commerce (Parts 1300--1399)
       XIV  Department of the Interior (Parts 1400--1499)
        XV  Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500--1599)
     XVIII  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 
        XX  United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 
      XXII  Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 
     XXIII  Social Security Administration (Parts 2300--2399)
      XXIV  Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400--2499)
       XXV  National Science Foundation (Parts 2500--2599)
      XXVI  National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 
     XXVII  Small Business Administration (Parts 2700--2799)
    XXVIII  Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899)

[[Page 496]]

       XXX  Department of Homeland Security (Parts 3000--3099)
      XXXI  Institute of Museum and Library Services (Parts 3100--
     XXXII  National Endowment for the Arts (Parts 3200--3299)
    XXXIII  National Endowment for the Humanities (Parts 3300--
     XXXIV  Department of Education (Parts 3400--3499)
      XXXV  Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 3500--
    XXXVII  Peace Corps (Parts 3700--3799)
     LVIII  Election Assistance Commission (Parts 5800--5899)

                        Title 3--The President

         I  Executive Office of the President (Parts 100--199)

                           Title 4--Accounts

         I  Government Accountability Office (Parts 1--199)
        II  Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (Parts 

                   Title 5--Administrative Personnel

         I  Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1--1199)
        II  Merit Systems Protection Board (Parts 1200--1299)
       III  Office of Management and Budget (Parts 1300--1399)
         V  The International Organizations Employees Loyalty 
                Board (Parts 1500--1599)
        VI  Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Parts 
      VIII  Office of Special Counsel (Parts 1800--1899)
        IX  Appalachian Regional Commission (Parts 1900--1999)
        XI  Armed Forces Retirement Home (Parts 2100--2199)
       XIV  Federal Labor Relations Authority, General Counsel of 
                the Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal 
                Service Impasses Panel (Parts 2400--2499)
        XV  Office of Administration, Executive Office of the 
                President (Parts 2500--2599)
       XVI  Office of Government Ethics (Parts 2600--2699)
       XXI  Department of the Treasury (Parts 3100--3199)
      XXII  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 3200--
     XXIII  Department of Energy (Parts 3300--3399)
      XXIV  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Parts 3400--
       XXV  Department of the Interior (Parts 3500--3599)
      XXVI  Department of Defense (Parts 3600-- 3699)
    XXVIII  Department of Justice (Parts 3800--3899)
      XXIX  Federal Communications Commission (Parts 3900--3999)
       XXX  Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 4000--
      XXXI  Farm Credit Administration (Parts 4100--4199)

[[Page 497]]

    XXXIII  Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Parts 4300--
     XXXIV  Securities and Exchange Commission (Parts 4400--4499)
      XXXV  Office of Personnel Management (Parts 4500--4599)
    XXXVII  Federal Election Commission (Parts 4700--4799)
        XL  Interstate Commerce Commission (Parts 5000--5099)
       XLI  Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Parts 5100--
      XLII  Department of Labor (Parts 5200--5299)
     XLIII  National Science Foundation (Parts 5300--5399)
       XLV  Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 5500--
      XLVI  Postal Rate Commission (Parts 5600--5699)
     XLVII  Federal Trade Commission (Parts 5700--5799)
    XLVIII  Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 5800--5899)
      XLIX  Federal Labor Relations Authority (Parts 5900--5999)
         L  Department of Transportation (Parts 6000--6099)
       LII  Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 6200--
      LIII  Department of Education (Parts 6300--6399)
       LIV  Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 6400--6499)
        LV  National Endowment for the Arts (Parts 6500--6599)
       LVI  National Endowment for the Humanities (Parts 6600--
      LVII  General Services Administration (Parts 6700--6799)
     LVIII  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
                (Parts 6800--6899)
       LIX  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 
        LX  United States Postal Service (Parts 7000--7099)
       LXI  National Labor Relations Board (Parts 7100--7199)
      LXII  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 7200--
     LXIII  Inter-American Foundation (Parts 7300--7399)
      LXIV  Merit Systems Protection Board (Parts 7400--7499)
       LXV  Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 
      LXVI  National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 
     LXVII  Institute of Museum and Library Services (Parts 7700--
    LXVIII  Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 7800--7899)
      LXIX  Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 7900--7999)
       LXX  Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the 
                District of Columbia (Parts 8000--8099)
      LXXI  Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 8100--8199)
    LXXIII  Department of Agriculture (Parts 8300--8399)
     LXXIV  Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 
                (Parts 8400--8499)
     LXXVI  Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Parts 
    LXXVII  Office of Management and Budget (Parts 8700--8799)
      LXXX  Federal Housing Finance Agency (Parts 9000--9099)
   LXXXIII  Special Inspector General for Afghanistan 
                Reconstruction (Parts 9300--9399)

[[Page 498]]

    LXXXIV  Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Parts 9400--
    LXXXVI  National Credit Union Administration (9600--9699)
     XCVII  Department of Homeland Security Human Resources 
                Management System (Department of Homeland 
                Security--Office of Personnel Management) (Parts 
     XCVII  Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and 
                Efficiency (Parts 9800--9899)

                      Title 6--Domestic Security

         I  Department of Homeland Security, Office of the 
                Secretary (Parts 1--99)
         X  Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (Parts 

                         Title 7--Agriculture

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Agriculture 
                (Parts 0--26)
            Subtitle B--Regulations of the Department of 
         I  Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, 
                Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 27--209)
        II  Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 210--299)
       III  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department 
                of Agriculture (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 400--499)
         V  Agricultural Research Service, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Natural Resources Conservation Service, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 600--699)
       VII  Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 
      VIII  Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards 
                Administration (Federal Grain Inspection Service), 
                Department of Agriculture (Parts 800--899)
        IX  Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements 
                and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department 
                of Agriculture (Parts 900--999)
         X  Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements 
                and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 1000--1199)
        XI  Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements 
                and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department 
                of Agriculture (Parts 1200--1299)
       XIV  Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 1400--1499)
        XV  Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 1500--1599)
       XVI  Rural Telephone Bank, Department of Agriculture (Parts 

[[Page 499]]

      XVII  Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 1700--1799)
     XVIII  Rural Housing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative 
                Service, Rural Utilities Service, and Farm Service 
                Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1800--
        XX  Local Television Loan Guarantee Board (Parts 2200--
       XXV  Office of Advocacy and Outreach, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 2500--2599)
      XXVI  Office of Inspector General, Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 2600--2699)
     XXVII  Office of Information Resources Management, Department 
                of Agriculture (Parts 2700--2799)
    XXVIII  Office of Operations, Department of Agriculture (Parts 
      XXIX  Office of Energy Policy and New Uses, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 2900--2999)
       XXX  Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 3000--3099)
      XXXI  Office of Environmental Quality, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 3100--3199)
     XXXII  Office of Procurement and Property Management, 
                Department of Agriculture (Parts 3200--3299)
    XXXIII  Office of Transportation, Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 3300--3399)
     XXXIV  National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Parts 
      XXXV  Rural Housing Service, Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 3500--3599)
     XXXVI  National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department 
                of Agriculture (Parts 3600--3699)
    XXXVII  Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture 
                (Parts 3700--3799)
   XXXVIII  World Agricultural Outlook Board, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 3800--3899)
       XLI  [Reserved]
      XLII  Rural Business-Cooperative Service and Rural Utilities 
                Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 4200--

                    Title 8--Aliens and Nationality

         I  Department of Homeland Security (Immigration and 
                Naturalization) (Parts 1--499)
         V  Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of 
                Justice (Parts 1000--1399)

                 Title 9--Animals and Animal Products

         I  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department 
                of Agriculture (Parts 1--199)

[[Page 500]]

        II  Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards 
                Administration (Packers and Stockyards Programs), 
                Department of Agriculture (Parts 200--299)
       III  Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of 
                Agriculture (Parts 300--599)

                           Title 10--Energy

         I  Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 0--199)
        II  Department of Energy (Parts 200--699)
       III  Department of Energy (Parts 700--999)
         X  Department of Energy (General Provisions) (Parts 
      XIII  Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Parts 1300--
      XVII  Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Parts 1700--
     XVIII  Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste 
                Commission (Parts 1800--1899)

                      Title 11--Federal Elections

         I  Federal Election Commission (Parts 1--9099)
        II  Election Assistance Commission (Parts 9400--9499)

                      Title 12--Banks and Banking

         I  Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the 
                Treasury (Parts 1--199)
        II  Federal Reserve System (Parts 200--299)
       III  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 400--
         V  Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of the 
                Treasury (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Farm Credit Administration (Parts 600--699)
       VII  National Credit Union Administration (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Federal Financing Bank (Parts 800--899)
        IX  Federal Housing Finance Board (Parts 900--999)
         X  Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Parts 1000--
        XI  Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 
                (Parts 1100--1199)
       XII  Federal Housing Finance Agency (Parts 1200--1299)
      XIII  Financial Stability Oversight Council (Parts 1300--
       XIV  Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 1400--
        XV  Department of the Treasury (Parts 1500--1599)
       XVI  Office of Financial Research (Parts 1600--1699)
      XVII  Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 
                Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 
     XVIII  Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, 
                Department of the Treasury (Parts 1800--1899)

[[Page 501]]

               Title 13--Business Credit and Assistance

         I  Small Business Administration (Parts 1--199)
       III  Economic Development Administration, Department of 
                Commerce (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board (Parts 400--499)
         V  Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board (Parts 

                    Title 14--Aeronautics and Space

         I  Federal Aviation Administration, Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 1--199)
        II  Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation 
                (Aviation Proceedings) (Parts 200--399)
       III  Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation 
                Administration, Department of Transportation 
                (Parts 400--1199)
         V  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 
        VI  Air Transportation System Stabilization (Parts 1300--

                 Title 15--Commerce and Foreign Trade

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Commerce (Parts 
            Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Commerce and 
                Foreign Trade
         I  Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce (Parts 
        II  National Institute of Standards and Technology, 
                Department of Commerce (Parts 200--299)
       III  International Trade Administration, Department of 
                Commerce (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Department of Commerce 
                (Parts 400--499)
       VII  Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of 
                Commerce (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce 
                (Parts 800--899)
        IX  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
                Department of Commerce (Parts 900--999)
        XI  Technology Administration, Department of Commerce 
                (Parts 1100--1199)
      XIII  East-West Foreign Trade Board (Parts 1300--1399)
       XIV  Minority Business Development Agency (Parts 1400--
            Subtitle C--Regulations Relating to Foreign Trade 
        XX  Office of the United States Trade Representative 
                (Parts 2000--2099)
            Subtitle D--Regulations Relating to Telecommunications 
                and Information
     XXIII  National Telecommunications and Information 
                Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 

[[Page 502]]

                    Title 16--Commercial Practices

         I  Federal Trade Commission (Parts 0--999)
        II  Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 1000--1799)

             Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges

         I  Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Parts 1--199)
        II  Securities and Exchange Commission (Parts 200--399)
        IV  Department of the Treasury (Parts 400--499)

          Title 18--Conservation of Power and Water Resources

         I  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of 
                Energy (Parts 1--399)
       III  Delaware River Basin Commission (Parts 400--499)
        VI  Water Resources Council (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Parts 800--899)
      XIII  Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 1300--1399)

                       Title 19--Customs Duties

         I  U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of 
                Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury 
                (Parts 0--199)
        II  United States International Trade Commission (Parts 
       III  International Trade Administration, Department of 
                Commerce (Parts 300--399)
        IV  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department 
                of Homeland Security (Parts 400--599)

                     Title 20--Employees' Benefits

         I  Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department 
                of Labor (Parts 1--199)
        II  Railroad Retirement Board (Parts 200--399)
       III  Social Security Administration (Parts 400--499)
        IV  Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 500--599)
         V  Employment and Training Administration, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 600--699)
        VI  Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department 
                of Labor (Parts 700--799)
       VII  Benefits Review Board, Department of Labor (Parts 
      VIII  Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (Parts 
        IX  Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' 
                Employment and Training Service, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 1000--1099)

[[Page 503]]

                       Title 21--Food and Drugs

         I  Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and 
                Human Services (Parts 1--1299)
        II  Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice 
                (Parts 1300--1399)
       III  Office of National Drug Control Policy (Parts 1400--

                      Title 22--Foreign Relations

         I  Department of State (Parts 1--199)
        II  Agency for International Development (Parts 200--299)
       III  Peace Corps (Parts 300--399)
        IV  International Joint Commission, United States and 
                Canada (Parts 400--499)
         V  Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 500--599)
       VII  Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Parts 700--
        IX  Foreign Service Grievance Board (Parts 900--999)
         X  Inter-American Foundation (Parts 1000--1099)
        XI  International Boundary and Water Commission, United 
                States and Mexico, United States Section (Parts 
       XII  United States International Development Cooperation 
                Agency (Parts 1200--1299)
      XIII  Millennium Challenge Corporation (Parts 1300--1399)
       XIV  Foreign Service Labor Relations Board; Federal Labor 
                Relations Authority; General Counsel of the 
                Federal Labor Relations Authority; and the Foreign 
                Service Impasse Disputes Panel (Parts 1400--1499)
        XV  African Development Foundation (Parts 1500--1599)
       XVI  Japan-United States Friendship Commission (Parts 
      XVII  United States Institute of Peace (Parts 1700--1799)

                          Title 23--Highways

         I  Federal Highway Administration, Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 1--999)
        II  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and 
                Federal Highway Administration, Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)
       III  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 
                Department of Transportation (Parts 1300--1399)

                Title 24--Housing and Urban Development

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary, Department of 
                Housing and Urban Development (Parts 0--99)
            Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban 
         I  Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, 
                Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 

[[Page 504]]

        II  Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal 
                Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and 
                Urban Development (Parts 200--299)
       III  Government National Mortgage Association, Department 
                of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Office of Housing and Office of Multifamily Housing 
                Assistance Restructuring, Department of Housing 
                and Urban Development (Parts 400--499)
         V  Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning 
                and Development, Department of Housing and Urban 
                Development (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning 
                and Development, Department of Housing and Urban 
                Development (Parts 600--699) [Reserved]
       VII  Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and 
                Urban Development (Housing Assistance Programs and 
                Public and Indian Housing Programs) (Parts 700--
      VIII  Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal 
                Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and 
                Urban Development (Section 8 Housing Assistance 
                Programs, Section 202 Direct Loan Program, Section 
                202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program and 
                Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With 
                Disabilities Program) (Parts 800--899)
        IX  Office of Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian 
                Housing, Department of Housing and Urban 
                Development (Parts 900--1699)
         X  Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal 
                Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and 
                Urban Development (Interstate Land Sales 
                Registration Program) (Parts 1700--1799)
       XII  Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and 
                Urban Development (Parts 2000--2099)
        XV  Emergency Mortgage Insurance and Loan Programs, 
                Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 
        XX  Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal 
                Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and 
                Urban Development (Parts 3200--3899)
      XXIV  Board of Directors of the HOPE for Homeowners Program 
                (Parts 4000--4099)
       XXV  Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (Parts 4100--

                           Title 25--Indians

         I  Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior 
                (Parts 1--299)
        II  Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the 
                Interior (Parts 300--399)
       III  National Indian Gaming Commission, Department of the 
                Interior (Parts 500--599)
        IV  Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (Parts 
         V  Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, 
                and Indian Health Service, Department of Health 
                and Human Services (Part 900)

[[Page 505]]

        VI  Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, 
                Department of the Interior (Parts 1000--1199)
       VII  Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, 
                Department of the Interior (Parts 1200--1299)

                      Title 26--Internal Revenue

         I  Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury 
                (Parts 1--End)

           Title 27--Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms

         I  Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department 
                of the Treasury (Parts 1--399)
        II  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 
                Department of Justice (Parts 400--699)

                   Title 28--Judicial Administration

         I  Department of Justice (Parts 0--299)
       III  Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice 
                (Parts 300--399)
         V  Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice (Parts 500--
        VI  Offices of Independent Counsel, Department of Justice 
                (Parts 600--699)
       VII  Office of Independent Counsel (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the 
                District of Columbia (Parts 800--899)
        IX  National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council 
                (Parts 900--999)
        XI  Department of Justice and Department of State (Parts 

                            Title 29--Labor

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Labor (Parts 
            Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Labor
         I  National Labor Relations Board (Parts 100--199)
        II  Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 200--299)
       III  National Railroad Adjustment Board (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 400--499)
         V  Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor (Parts 
        IX  Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission 
                (Parts 900--999)
         X  National Mediation Board (Parts 1200--1299)
       XII  Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Parts 
       XIV  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 1600--

[[Page 506]]

      XVII  Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 
                Department of Labor (Parts 1900--1999)
        XX  Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 
                (Parts 2200--2499)
       XXV  Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department 
                of Labor (Parts 2500--2599)
     XXVII  Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 
                (Parts 2700--2799)
        XL  Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Parts 4000--

                      Title 30--Mineral Resources

         I  Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 1--199)
        II  Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 
                Department of the Interior (Parts 200--299)
        IV  Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Parts 
         V  Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the 
                Interior (Parts 500--599)
       VII  Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 
                Department of the Interior (Parts 700--999)
       XII  Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Department of the 
                Interior (Parts 1200--1299)

                 Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of the Treasury 
                (Parts 0--50)
            Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Money and Finance
         I  Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury (Parts 
        II  Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 
        IV  Secret Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 
         V  Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the 
                Treasury (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the 
                Treasury (Parts 600--699)
       VII  Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department of 
                the Treasury (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Office of International Investment, Department of the 
                Treasury (Parts 800--899)
        IX  Federal Claims Collection Standards (Department of the 
                Treasury--Department of Justice) (Parts 900--999)
         X  Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of 
                the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)

                      Title 32--National Defense

            Subtitle A--Department of Defense
         I  Office of the Secretary of Defense (Parts 1--399)

[[Page 507]]

         V  Department of the Army (Parts 400--699)
        VI  Department of the Navy (Parts 700--799)
       VII  Department of the Air Force (Parts 800--1099)
            Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to National 
       XII  Defense Logistics Agency (Parts 1200--1299)
       XVI  Selective Service System (Parts 1600--1699)
      XVII  Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Parts 
     XVIII  National Counterintelligence Center (Parts 1800--1899)
       XIX  Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 1900--1999)
        XX  Information Security Oversight Office, National 
                Archives and Records Administration (Parts 2000--
       XXI  National Security Council (Parts 2100--2199)
      XXIV  Office of Science and Technology Policy (Parts 2400--
     XXVII  Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations (Parts 
    XXVIII  Office of the Vice President of the United States 
                (Parts 2800--2899)

               Title 33--Navigation and Navigable Waters

         I  Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 
        II  Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 
        IV  Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, 
                Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)

                          Title 34--Education

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary, Department of 
                Education (Parts 1--99)
            Subtitle B--Regulations of the Offices of the 
                Department of Education
         I  Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education 
                (Parts 100--199)
        II  Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, 
                Department of Education (Parts 200--299)
       III  Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative 
                Services, Department of Education (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Department 
                of Education (Parts 400--499)
         V  Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages 
                Affairs, Department of Education (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of 
                Education (Parts 600--699)
       VII  Office of Educational Research and Improvement, 
                Department of Education (Parts 700--799) 
            Subtitle C--Regulations Relating to Education
        XI  National Institute for Literacy (Parts 1100--1199)
       XII  National Council on Disability (Parts 1200--1299)

[[Page 508]]

                          Title 35 [Reserved]

             Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property

         I  National Park Service, Department of the Interior 
                (Parts 1--199)
        II  Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 200--
       III  Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 
        IV  American Battle Monuments Commission (Parts 400--499)
         V  Smithsonian Institution (Parts 500--599)
        VI  [Reserved]
       VII  Library of Congress (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Parts 800--
        IX  Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (Parts 
         X  Presidio Trust (Parts 1000--1099)
        XI  Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance 
                Board (Parts 1100--1199)
       XII  National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 
        XV  Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust (Parts 1500--
       XVI  Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National 
                Environmental Policy Foundation (Parts 1600--1699)

             Title 37--Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

         I  United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department 
                of Commerce (Parts 1--199)
        II  U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Parts 
       III  Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress (Parts 
        IV  Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy, Department 
                of Commerce (Parts 400--599)

           Title 38--Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief

         I  Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 0--199)
        II  Armed Forces Retirement Home (Parts 200--299)

                       Title 39--Postal Service

         I  United States Postal Service (Parts 1--999)
       III  Postal Regulatory Commission (Parts 3000--3099)

                  Title 40--Protection of Environment

         I  Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1--1099)
        IV  Environmental Protection Agency and Department of 
                Justice (Parts 1400--1499)
         V  Council on Environmental Quality (Parts 1500--1599)
        VI  Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (Parts 

[[Page 509]]

       VII  Environmental Protection Agency and Department of 
                Defense; Uniform National Discharge Standards for 
                Vessels of the Armed Forces (Parts 1700--1799)

          Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management

            Subtitle A--Federal Procurement Regulations System 
            Subtitle B--Other Provisions Relating to Public 
        50  Public Contracts, Department of Labor (Parts 50-1--50-
        51  Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or 
                Severely Disabled (Parts 51-1--51-99)
        60  Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal 
                Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Parts 
        61  Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' 
                Employment and Training Service, Department of 
                Labor (Parts 61-1--61-999)
   62--100  [Reserved]
            Subtitle C--Federal Property Management Regulations 
       101  Federal Property Management Regulations (Parts 101-1--
       102  Federal Management Regulation (Parts 102-1--102-299)
  103--104  [Reserved]
       105  General Services Administration (Parts 105-1--105-999)
       109  Department of Energy Property Management Regulations 
                (Parts 109-1--109-99)
       114  Department of the Interior (Parts 114-1--114-99)
       115  Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 115-1--115-99)
       128  Department of Justice (Parts 128-1--128-99)
  129--200  [Reserved]
            Subtitle D--Other Provisions Relating to Property 
                Management [Reserved]
            Subtitle E--Federal Information Resources Management 
                Regulations System [Reserved]
            Subtitle F--Federal Travel Regulation System
       300  General (Parts 300-1--300-99)
       301  Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances (Parts 301-1--
       302  Relocation Allowances (Parts 302-1--302-99)
       303  Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of 
                Certain Employees (Part 303-1--303-99)
       304  Payment of Travel Expenses from a Non-Federal Source 
                (Parts 304-1--304-99)

                        Title 42--Public Health

         I  Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human 
                Services (Parts 1--199)
        IV  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department 
                of Health and Human Services (Parts 400--599)

[[Page 510]]

         V  Office of Inspector General-Health Care, Department of 
                Health and Human Services (Parts 1000--1999)

                   Title 43--Public Lands: Interior

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of the Interior 
                (Parts 1--199)
            Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Public Lands
         I  Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior 
                (Parts 400--999)
        II  Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior 
                (Parts 1000--9999)
       III  Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation 
                Commission (Parts 10000--10099)

             Title 44--Emergency Management and Assistance

         I  Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of 
                Homeland Security (Parts 0--399)
        IV  Department of Commerce and Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 400--499)

                       Title 45--Public Welfare

            Subtitle A--Department of Health and Human Services 
                (Parts 1--199)
            Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Public Welfare
        II  Office of Family Assistance (Assistance Programs), 
                Administration for Children and Families, 
                Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 
       III  Office of Child Support Enforcement (Child Support 
                Enforcement Program), Administration for Children 
                and Families, Department of Health and Human 
                Services (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for 
                Children and Families, Department of Health and 
                Human Services (Parts 400--499)
         V  Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United 
                States, Department of Justice (Parts 500--599)
        VI  National Science Foundation (Parts 600--699)
       VII  Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  Office of Personnel Management (Parts 800--899)
         X  Office of Community Services, Administration for 
                Children and Families, Department of Health and 
                Human Services (Parts 1000--1099)
        XI  National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 
                (Parts 1100--1199)
       XII  Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 
      XIII  Office of Human Development Services, Department of 
                Health and Human Services (Parts 1300--1399)

[[Page 511]]

       XVI  Legal Services Corporation (Parts 1600--1699)
      XVII  National Commission on Libraries and Information 
                Science (Parts 1700--1799)
     XVIII  Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (Parts 1800--
       XXI  Commission on Fine Arts (Parts 2100--2199)
     XXIII  Arctic Research Commission (Part 2301)
      XXIV  James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Parts 
       XXV  Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 

                          Title 46--Shipping

         I  Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 
        II  Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation 
                (Parts 200--399)
       III  Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage), Department of 
                Homeland Security (Parts 400--499)
        IV  Federal Maritime Commission (Parts 500--599)

                      Title 47--Telecommunication

         I  Federal Communications Commission (Parts 0--199)
        II  Office of Science and Technology Policy and National 
                Security Council (Parts 200--299)
       III  National Telecommunications and Information 
                Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 
        IV  National Telecommunications and Information 
                Administration, Department of Commerce, and 
                National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 
                Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)

           Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System

         1  Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 1--99)
         2  Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of 
                Defense (Parts 200--299)
         3  Health and Human Services (Parts 300--399)
         4  Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499)
         5  General Services Administration (Parts 500--599)
         6  Department of State (Parts 600--699)
         7  Agency for International Development (Parts 700--799)
         8  Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800--899)
         9  Department of Energy (Parts 900--999)
        10  Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)
        12  Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)
        13  Department of Commerce (Parts 1300--1399)
        14  Department of the Interior (Parts 1400--1499)

[[Page 512]]

        15  Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500--1599)
        16  Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees 
                Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation (Parts 
        17  Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1700--1799)
        18  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 
        19  Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 1900--1999)
        20  Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 2000--2099)
        21  Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees 
                Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition 
                Regulation (Parts 2100--2199)
        23  Social Security Administration (Parts 2300--2399)
        24  Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 
        25  National Science Foundation (Parts 2500--2599)
        28  Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899)
        29  Department of Labor (Parts 2900--2999)
        30  Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security 
                Acquisition Regulation (HSAR) (Parts 3000--3099)
        34  Department of Education Acquisition Regulation (Parts 
        51  Department of the Army Acquisition Regulations (Parts 
        52  Department of the Navy Acquisition Regulations (Parts 
        53  Department of the Air Force Federal Acquisition 
                Regulation Supplement (Parts 5300--5399)[Reserved]
        54  Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense (Parts 
        57  African Development Foundation (Parts 5700--5799)
        61  Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, General Services 
                Administration (Parts 6100--6199)
        63  Department of Transportation Board of Contract Appeals 
                (Parts 6300--6399)
        99  Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal 
                Procurement Policy, Office of Management and 
                Budget (Parts 9900--9999)

                       Title 49--Transportation

            Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Transportation 
                (Parts 1--99)
            Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to 
         I  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 
                Administration, Department of Transportation 
                (Parts 100--199)
        II  Federal Railroad Administration, Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 200--299)
       III  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 
                Department of Transportation (Parts 300--399)
        IV  Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 

[[Page 513]]

         V  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 
                Department of Transportation (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Federal Transit Administration, Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 600--699)
       VII  National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) 
                (Parts 700--799)
      VIII  National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800--999)
         X  Surface Transportation Board, Department of 
                Transportation (Parts 1000--1399)
        XI  Research and Innovative Technology Administration, 
                Department of Transportation (Parts 1400--
       XII  Transportation Security Administration, Department of 
                Homeland Security (Parts 1500--1699)

                   Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries

         I  United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of 
                the Interior (Parts 1--199)
        II  National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic 
                and Atmospheric Administration, Department of 
                Commerce (Parts 200--299)
       III  International Fishing and Related Activities (Parts 
        IV  Joint Regulations (United States Fish and Wildlife 
                Service, Department of the Interior and National 
                Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and 
                Atmospheric Administration, Department of 
                Commerce); Endangered Species Committee 
                Regulations (Parts 400--499)
         V  Marine Mammal Commission (Parts 500--599)
        VI  Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic 
                and Atmospheric Administration, Department of 
                Commerce (Parts 600--699)

[[Page 515]]

           Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR

                     (Revised as of January 1, 2014)

                                                  CFR Title, Subtitle or 
                     Agency                               Chapter

Administrative Committee of the Federal Register  1, I
Administrative Conference of the United States    1, III
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation         36, VIII
Advocacy and Outreach, Office of                  7, XXV
Afghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector     22, LXXXIII
     General for
African Development Foundation                    22, XV
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 57
Agency for International Development              2, VII; 22, II
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 7
Agricultural Marketing Service                    7, I, IX, X, XI
Agricultural Research Service                     7, V
Agriculture Department                            2, IV; 5, LXXIII
  Advocacy and Outreach, Office of                7, XXV
  Agricultural Marketing Service                  7, I, IX, X, XI
  Agricultural Research Service                   7, V
  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service      7, III; 9, I
  Chief Financial Officer, Office of              7, XXX
  Commodity Credit Corporation                    7, XIV
  Economic Research Service                       7, XXXVII
  Energy Policy and New Uses, Office of           2, IX; 7, XXIX
  Environmental Quality, Office of                7, XXXI
  Farm Service Agency                             7, VII, XVIII
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 4
  Federal Crop Insurance Corporation              7, IV
  Food and Nutrition Service                      7, II
  Food Safety and Inspection Service              9, III
  Foreign Agricultural Service                    7, XV
  Forest Service                                  36, II
  Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards        7, VIII; 9, II
  Information Resources Management, Office of     7, XXVII
  Inspector General, Office of                    7, XXVI
  National Agricultural Library                   7, XLI
  National Agricultural Statistics Service        7, XXXVI
  National Institute of Food and Agriculture      7, XXXIV
  Natural Resources Conservation Service          7, VI
  Operations, Office of                           7, XXVIII
  Procurement and Property Management, Office of  7, XXXII
  Rural Business-Cooperative Service              7, XVIII, XLII, L
  Rural Development Administration                7, XLII
  Rural Housing Service                           7, XVIII, XXXV, L
  Rural Telephone Bank                            7, XVI
  Rural Utilities Service                         7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, L
  Secretary of Agriculture, Office of             7, Subtitle A
  Transportation, Office of                       7, XXXIII
  World Agricultural Outlook Board                7, XXXVIII
Air Force Department                              32, VII
  Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement       48, 53
Air Transportation Stabilization Board            14, VI
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau          27, I
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,       27, II
     Bureau of
AMTRAK                                            49, VII
American Battle Monuments Commission              36, IV
American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee   25, VII

[[Page 516]]

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service        7, III; 9, I
Appalachian Regional Commission                   5, IX
Architectural and Transportation Barriers         36, XI
     Compliance Board
Arctic Research Commission                        45, XXIII
Armed Forces Retirement Home                      5, XI
Army Department                                   32, V
  Engineers, Corps of                             33, II; 36, III
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 51
Bilingual Education and Minority Languages        34, V
     Affairs, Office of
Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for         41, 51
     Purchase from People Who Are
Broadcasting Board of Governors                   22, V
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 19
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation,    30, II
     and Enforcement
Census Bureau                                     15, I
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services          42, IV
Central Intelligence Agency                       32, XIX
Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation       40, VI
Chief Financial Officer, Office of                7, XXX
Child Support Enforcement, Office of              45, III
Children and Families, Administration for         45, II, III, IV, X
Civil Rights, Commission on                       5, LXVIII; 45, VII
Civil Rights, Office for                          34, I
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity    5, XCVIII
     and Efficiency
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency    5, LXX
     for the District of Columbia
Coast Guard                                       33, I; 46, I; 49, IV
Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage)                46, III
Commerce Department                               2, XIII; 44, IV; 50, VI
  Census Bureau                                   15, I
  Economic Analysis, Bureau of                    15, VIII
  Economic Development Administration             13, III
  Emergency Management and Assistance             44, IV
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 13
  Foreign-Trade Zones Board                       15, IV
  Industry and Security, Bureau of                15, VII
  International Trade Administration              15, III; 19, III
  National Institute of Standards and Technology  15, II
  National Marine Fisheries Service               50, II, IV
  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, 
       Administration                             VI
  National Telecommunications and Information     15, XXIII; 47, III, IV
  National Weather Service                        15, IX
  Patent and Trademark Office, United States      37, I
  Productivity, Technology and Innovation,        37, IV
       Assistant Secretary for
  Secretary of Commerce, Office of                15, Subtitle A
  Technology Administration                       15, XI
  Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary for      37, IV
Commercial Space Transportation                   14, III
Commodity Credit Corporation                      7, XIV
Commodity Futures Trading Commission              5, XLI; 17, I
Community Planning and Development, Office of     24, V, VI
     Assistant Secretary for
Community Services, Office of                     45, X
Comptroller of the Currency                       12, I
Construction Industry Collective Bargaining       29, IX
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau              5, LXXXIV; 12, X
Consumer Product Safety Commission                5, LXXI; 16, II
Copyright Royalty Board                           37, III
Corporation for National and Community Service    2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV
Cost Accounting Standards Board                   48, 99
Council on Environmental Quality                  40, V
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency    5, LXX; 28, VIII
     for the District of Columbia
Customs and Border Protection                     19, I

[[Page 517]]

Defense Contract Audit Agency                     32, I
Defense Department                                2, XI; 5, XXVI; 32, 
                                                  Subtitle A; 40, VII
  Advanced Research Projects Agency               32, I
  Air Force Department                            32, VII
  Army Department                                 32, V; 33, II; 36, III, 
                                                  48, 51
  Defense Acquisition Regulations System          48, 2
  Defense Intelligence Agency                     32, I
  Defense Logistics Agency                        32, I, XII; 48, 54
  Engineers, Corps of                             33, II; 36, III
  National Imagery and Mapping Agency             32, I
  Navy Department                                 32, VI; 48, 52
  Secretary of Defense, Office of                 2, XI; 32, I
Defense Contract Audit Agency                     32, I
Defense Intelligence Agency                       32, I
Defense Logistics Agency                          32, XII; 48, 54
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board           10, XVII
Delaware River Basin Commission                   18, III
District of Columbia, Court Services and          5, LXX; 28, VIII
     Offender Supervision Agency for the
Drug Enforcement Administration                   21, II
East-West Foreign Trade Board                     15, XIII
Economic Analysis, Bureau of                      15, VIII
Economic Development Administration               13, III
Economic Research Service                         7, XXXVII
Education, Department of                          2, XXXIV; 5, LIII
  Bilingual Education and Minority Languages      34, V
       Affairs, Office of
  Civil Rights, Office for                        34, I
  Educational Research and Improvement, Office    34, VII
  Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of   34, II
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 34
  Postsecondary Education, Office of              34, VI
  Secretary of Education, Office of               34, Subtitle A
  Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,  34, III
       Office of
  Vocational and Adult Education, Office of       34, IV
Educational Research and Improvement, Office of   34, VII
Election Assistance Commission                    2, LVIII; 11, II
Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of     34, II
Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board       13, V
Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board              13, IV
Employee Benefits Security Administration         29, XXV
Employees' Compensation Appeals Board             20, IV
Employees Loyalty Board                           5, V
Employment and Training Administration            20, V
Employment Standards Administration               20, VI
Endangered Species Committee                      50, IV
Energy, Department of                             2, IX; 5, XXIII; 10, II, 
                                                  III, X
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 9
  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission            5, XXIV; 18, I
  Property Management Regulations                 41, 109
Energy, Office of                                 7, XXIX
Engineers, Corps of                               33, II; 36, III
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of                 31, VI
Environmental Protection Agency                   2, XV; 5, LIV; 40, I, IV, 
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 15
  Property Management Regulations                 41, 115
Environmental Quality, Office of                  7, XXXI
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission           5, LXII; 29, XIV
Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary  24, I
Executive Office of the President                 3, I
  Administration, Office of                       5, XV
  Environmental Quality, Council on               40, V
  Management and Budget, Office of                2, Subtitle A; 5, III, 
                                                  LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99

[[Page 518]]

  National Drug Control Policy, Office of         21, III
  National Security Council                       32, XXI; 47, 2
  Presidential Documents                          3
  Science and Technology Policy, Office of        32, XXIV; 47, II
  Trade Representative, Office of the United      15, XX
Export-Import Bank of the United States           2, XXXV; 5, LII; 12, IV
Family Assistance, Office of                      45, II
Farm Credit Administration                        5, XXXI; 12, VI
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation          5, XXX; 12, XIV
Farm Service Agency                               7, VII, XVIII
Federal Acquisition Regulation                    48, 1
Federal Aviation Administration                   14, I
  Commercial Space Transportation                 14, III
Federal Claims Collection Standards               31, IX
Federal Communications Commission                 5, XXIX; 47, I
Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of   41, 60
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation                7, IV
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation             5, XXII; 12, III
Federal Election Commission                       5, XXXVII; 11, I
Federal Emergency Management Agency               44, I
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal    48, 21
     Acquisition Regulation
Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition     48, 16
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission              5, XXIV; 18, I
Federal Financial Institutions Examination        12, XI
Federal Financing Bank                            12, VIII
Federal Highway Administration                    23, I, II
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation            1, IV
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office       12, XVII
Federal Housing Finance Agency                    5, LXXX; 12, XII
Federal Housing Finance Board                     12, IX
Federal Labor Relations Authority                 5, XIV, XLIX; 22, XIV
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center           31, VII
Federal Management Regulation                     41, 102
Federal Maritime Commission                       46, IV
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service        29, XII
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission  5, LXXIV; 29, XXVII
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration       49, III
Federal Prison Industries, Inc.                   28, III
Federal Procurement Policy Office                 48, 99
Federal Property Management Regulations           41, 101
Federal Railroad Administration                   49, II
Federal Register, Administrative Committee of     1, I
Federal Register, Office of                       1, II
Federal Reserve System                            12, II
  Board of Governors                              5, LVIII
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board        5, VI, LXXVI
Federal Service Impasses Panel                    5, XIV
Federal Trade Commission                          5, XLVII; 16, I
Federal Transit Administration                    49, VI
Federal Travel Regulation System                  41, Subtitle F
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network              31, X
Financial Research Office                         12, XVI
Financial Stability Oversight Council             12, XIII
Fine Arts, Commission on                          45, XXI
Fiscal Service                                    31, II
Fish and Wildlife Service, United States          50, I, IV
Food and Drug Administration                      21, I
Food and Nutrition Service                        7, II
Food Safety and Inspection Service                9, III
Foreign Agricultural Service                      7, XV
Foreign Assets Control, Office of                 31, V
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the       45, V
     United States
Foreign Service Grievance Board                   22, IX
Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel            22, XIV
Foreign Service Labor Relations Board             22, XIV
Foreign-Trade Zones Board                         15, IV

[[Page 519]]

Forest Service                                    36, II
General Services Administration                   5, LVII; 41, 105
  Contract Appeals, Board of                      48, 61
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 5
  Federal Management Regulation                   41, 102
  Federal Property Management Regulations         41, 101
  Federal Travel Regulation System                41, Subtitle F
  General                                         41, 300
  Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel    41, 304
  Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death    41, 303
       of Certain Employees
  Relocation Allowances                           41, 302
  Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances          41, 301
Geological Survey                                 30, IV
Government Accountability Office                  4, I
Government Ethics, Office of                      5, XVI
Government National Mortgage Association          24, III
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards          7, VIII; 9, II
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation            45, XVIII
Health and Human Services, Department of          2, III; 5, XLV; 45, 
                                                  Subtitle A,
  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services        42, IV
  Child Support Enforcement, Office of            45, III
  Children and Families, Administration for       45, II, III, IV, X
  Community Services, Office of                   45, X
  Family Assistance, Office of                    45, II
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 3
  Food and Drug Administration                    21, I
  Human Development Services, Office of           45, XIII
  Indian Health Service                           25, V
  Inspector General (Health Care), Office of      42, V
  Public Health Service                           42, I
  Refugee Resettlement, Office of                 45, IV
Homeland Security, Department of                  2, XXX; 6, I; 8, I
  Coast Guard                                     33, I; 46, I; 49, IV
  Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage)              46, III
  Customs and Border Protection                   19, I
  Federal Emergency Management Agency             44, I
  Human Resources Management and Labor Relations  5, XCVII
  Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau      19, IV
  Transportation Security Administration          49, XII
HOPE for Homeowners Program, Board of Directors   24, XXIV
Housing and Urban Development, Department of      2, XXIV; 5, LXV; 24, 
                                                  Subtitle B
  Community Planning and Development, Office of   24, V, VI
       Assistant Secretary for
  Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant          24, I
       Secretary for
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 24
  Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office    12, XVII
  Government National Mortgage Association        24, III
  Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Office   24, II, VIII, X, XX
       of Assistant Secretary for
  Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing     24, IV
       Assistance Restructuring, Office of
  Inspector General, Office of                    24, XII
  Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant  24, IX
       Secretary for
  Secretary, Office of                            24, Subtitle A, VII
Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of  24, II, VIII, X, XX
     Assistant Secretary for
Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing       24, IV
     Assistance Restructuring, Office of
Human Development Services, Office of             45, XIII
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau        19, IV
Immigration Review, Executive Office for          8, V
Independent Counsel, Office of                    28, VII
Indian Affairs, Bureau of                         25, I, V

[[Page 520]]

Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant           25, VI
Indian Arts and Crafts Board                      25, II
Indian Health Service                             25, V
Industry and Security, Bureau of                  15, VII
Information Resources Management, Office of       7, XXVII
Information Security Oversight Office, National   32, XX
     Archives and Records Administration
Inspector General
  Agriculture Department                          7, XXVI
  Health and Human Services Department            42, V
  Housing and Urban Development Department        24, XII, XV
Institute of Peace, United States                 22, XVII
Inter-American Foundation                         5, LXIII; 22, X
Interior Department                               2, XIV
  American Indians, Office of the Special         25, VII
  Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation,  30, II
       and Enforcement
  Endangered Species Committee                    50, IV
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 14
  Federal Property Management Regulations System  41, 114
  Fish and Wildlife Service, United States        50, I, IV
  Geological Survey                               30, IV
  Indian Affairs, Bureau of                       25, I, V
  Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant         25, VI
  Indian Arts and Crafts Board                    25, II
  Land Management, Bureau of                      43, II
  National Indian Gaming Commission               25, III
  National Park Service                           36, I
  Natural Resource Revenue, Office of             30, XII
  Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of              30, V
  Reclamation, Bureau of                          43, I
  Secretary of the Interior, Office of            2, XIV; 43, Subtitle A
  Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,     30, VII
       Office of
Internal Revenue Service                          26, I
International Boundary and Water Commission,      22, XI
     United States and Mexico, United States 
International Development, United States Agency   22, II
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 7
International Development Cooperation Agency,     22, XII
     United States
International Joint Commission, United States     22, IV
     and Canada
International Organizations Employees Loyalty     5, V
International Trade Administration                15, III; 19, III
International Trade Commission, United States     19, II
Interstate Commerce Commission                    5, XL
Investment Security, Office of                    31, VIII
Iraq Reconstruction, Special Inspector General    5, LXXXVII
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation      45, XXIV
Japan-United States Friendship Commission         22, XVI
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries       20, VIII
Justice Department                                2, XXVIII; 5, XXVIII; 28, 
                                                  I, XI; 40, IV
  Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,     27, II
       Bureau of
  Drug Enforcement Administration                 21, II
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 28
  Federal Claims Collection Standards             31, IX
  Federal Prison Industries, Inc.                 28, III
  Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the     45, V
       United States
  Immigration Review, Executive Office for        8, V
  Offices of Independent Counsel                  28, VI
  Prisons, Bureau of                              28, V
  Property Management Regulations                 41, 128
Labor Department                                  5, XLII
  Employee Benefits Security Administration       29, XXV
  Employees' Compensation Appeals Board           20, IV
  Employment and Training Administration          20, V

[[Page 521]]

  Employment Standards Administration             20, VI
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 29
  Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office    41, 60
  Federal Procurement Regulations System          41, 50
  Labor-Management Standards, Office of           29, II, IV
  Mine Safety and Health Administration           30, I
  Occupational Safety and Health Administration   29, XVII
  Office of Workers' Compensation Programs        20, VII
  Public Contracts                                41, 50
  Secretary of Labor, Office of                   29, Subtitle A
  Veterans' Employment and Training Service,      41, 61; 20, IX
       Office of the Assistant Secretary for
  Wage and Hour Division                          29, V
  Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of       20, I
Labor-Management Standards, Office of             29, II, IV
Land Management, Bureau of                        43, II
Legal Services Corporation                        45, XVI
Library of Congress                               36, VII
  Copyright Royalty Board                         37, III
  U.S. Copyright Office                           37, II
Local Television Loan Guarantee Board             7, XX
Management and Budget, Office of                  5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 
                                                  48, 99
Marine Mammal Commission                          50, V
Maritime Administration                           46, II
Merit Systems Protection Board                    5, II, LXIV
Micronesian Status Negotiations, Office for       32, XXVII
Millennium Challenge Corporation                  22, XIII
Mine Safety and Health Administration             30, I
Minority Business Development Agency              15, XIV
Miscellaneous Agencies                            1, IV
Monetary Offices                                  31, I
Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in     36, XVI
     National Environmental Policy Foundation
Museum and Library Services, Institute of         2, XXXI
National Aeronautics and Space Administration     2, XVIII; 5, LIX; 14, V
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 18
National Agricultural Library                     7, XLI
National Agricultural Statistics Service          7, XXXVI
National and Community Service, Corporation for   2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV
National Archives and Records Administration      2, XXVI; 5, LXVI; 36, XII
  Information Security Oversight Office           32, XX
National Capital Planning Commission              1, IV
National Commission for Employment Policy         1, IV
National Commission on Libraries and Information  45, XVII
National Council on Disability                    34, XII
National Counterintelligence Center               32, XVIII
National Credit Union Administration              5, LXXXVI; 12, VII
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact     28, IX
National Drug Control Policy, Office of           21, III
National Endowment for the Arts                   2, XXXII
National Endowment for the Humanities             2, XXXIII
National Foundation on the Arts and the           45, XI
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration    23, II, III; 47, VI; 49, V
National Imagery and Mapping Agency               32, I
National Indian Gaming Commission                 25, III
National Institute for Literacy                   34, XI
National Institute of Food and Agriculture        7, XXXIV
National Institute of Standards and Technology    15, II
National Intelligence, Office of Director of      32, XVII
National Labor Relations Board                    5, LXI; 29, I
National Marine Fisheries Service                 50, II, IV
National Mediation Board                          29, X
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration   15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, 
National Park Service                             36, I
National Railroad Adjustment Board                29, III

[[Page 522]]

National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)  49, VII
National Science Foundation                       2, XXV; 5, XLIII; 45, VI
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 25
National Security Council                         32, XXI
National Security Council and Office of Science   47, II
     and Technology Policy
National Telecommunications and Information       15, XXIII; 47, III, IV
National Transportation Safety Board              49, VIII
Natural Resources Conservation Service            7, VI
Natural Resource Revenue, Office of               30, XII
Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation, Office of      25, IV
Navy Department                                   32, VI
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 52
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation             24, XXV
Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste  10, XVIII
Nuclear Regulatory Commission                     2, XX; 5, XLVIII; 10, I
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 20
Occupational Safety and Health Administration     29, XVII
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission  29, XX
Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of                30, V
Offices of Independent Counsel                    28, VI
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs          20, VII
Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust             36, XV
Operations Office                                 7, XXVIII
Overseas Private Investment Corporation           5, XXXIII; 22, VII
Patent and Trademark Office, United States        37, I
Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel      41, 304
Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of   41, 303
     Certain Employees
Peace Corps                                       2, XXXVII; 22, III
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation       36, IX
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation              29, XL
Personnel Management, Office of                   5, I, XXXV; 45, VIII
  Human Resources Management and Labor Relations  5, XCVII
       Systems, Department of Homeland Security
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 17
  Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal  48, 21
       Acquisition Regulation
  Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition   48, 16
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety           49, I
Postal Regulatory Commission                      5, XLVI; 39, III
Postal Service, United States                     5, LX; 39, I
Postsecondary Education, Office of                34, VI
President's Commission on White House             1, IV
Presidential Documents                            3
Presidio Trust                                    36, X
Prisons, Bureau of                                28, V
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board       6, X
Procurement and Property Management, Office of    7, XXXII
Productivity, Technology and Innovation,          37, IV
     Assistant Secretary
Public Contracts, Department of Labor             41, 50
Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant    24, IX
     Secretary for
Public Health Service                             42, I
Railroad Retirement Board                         20, II
Reclamation, Bureau of                            43, I
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board    4, II
Refugee Resettlement, Office of                   45, IV
Relocation Allowances                             41, 302
Research and Innovative Technology                49, XI
Rural Business-Cooperative Service                7, XVIII, XLII, L
Rural Development Administration                  7, XLII
Rural Housing Service                             7, XVIII, XXXV, L
Rural Telephone Bank                              7, XVI
Rural Utilities Service                           7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, L

[[Page 523]]

Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation     33, IV
Science and Technology Policy, Office of          32, XXIV
Science and Technology Policy, Office of, and     47, II
     National Security Council
Secret Service                                    31, IV
Securities and Exchange Commission                5, XXXIV; 17, II
Selective Service System                          32, XVI
Small Business Administration                     2, XXVII; 13, I
Smithsonian Institution                           36, V
Social Security Administration                    2, XXIII; 20, III; 48, 23
Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United States        5, XI
Special Counsel, Office of                        5, VIII
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,    34, III
     Office of
State Department                                  2, VI; 22, I; 28, XI
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 6
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,       30, VII
     Office of
Surface Transportation Board                      49, X
Susquehanna River Basin Commission                18, VIII
Technology Administration                         15, XI
Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary for        37, IV
Tennessee Valley Authority                        5, LXIX; 18, XIII
Thrift Supervision Office, Department of the      12, V
Trade Representative, United States, Office of    15, XX
Transportation, Department of                     2, XII; 5, L
  Commercial Space Transportation                 14, III
  Contract Appeals, Board of                      48, 63
  Emergency Management and Assistance             44, IV
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 12
  Federal Aviation Administration                 14, I
  Federal Highway Administration                  23, I, II
  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration     49, III
  Federal Railroad Administration                 49, II
  Federal Transit Administration                  49, VI
  Maritime Administration                         46, II
  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration  23, II, III; 47, IV; 49, V
  Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety         49, I
  Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation   33, IV
  Secretary of Transportation, Office of          14, II; 49, Subtitle A
  Surface Transportation Board                    49, X
  Transportation Statistics Bureau                49, XI
Transportation, Office of                         7, XXXIII
Transportation Security Administration            49, XII
Transportation Statistics Bureau                  49, XI
Travel Allowances, Temporary Duty (TDY)           41, 301
Treasury Department                               5, XXI; 12, XV; 17, IV; 
                                                  31, IX
  Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau        27, I
  Community Development Financial Institutions    12, XVIII
  Comptroller of the Currency                     12, I
  Customs and Border Protection                   19, I
  Engraving and Printing, Bureau of               31, VI
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 10
  Federal Claims Collection Standards             31, IX
  Federal Law Enforcement Training Center         31, VII
  Financial Crimes Enforcement Network            31, X
  Fiscal Service                                  31, II
  Foreign Assets Control, Office of               31, V
  Internal Revenue Service                        26, I
  Investment Security, Office of                  31, VIII
  Monetary Offices                                31, I
  Secret Service                                  31, IV
  Secretary of the Treasury, Office of            31, Subtitle A
  Thrift Supervision, Office of                   12, V
Truman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation           45, XVIII
United States and Canada, International Joint     22, IV
United States and Mexico, International Boundary  22, XI
   and Water Commission, United States Section
[[Page 524]]

U.S. Copyright Office                             37, II
Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation      43, III
Veterans Affairs Department                       2, VIII; 38, I
  Federal Acquisition Regulation                  48, 8
Veterans' Employment and Training Service,        41, 61; 20, IX
     Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Vice President of the United States, Office of    32, XXVIII
Vocational and Adult Education, Office of         34, IV
Wage and Hour Division                            29, V
Water Resources Council                           18, VI
Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of         20, I
World Agricultural Outlook Board                  7, XXXVIII