[House Hearing, 112 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] FEDERAL RESERVE LENDING DISCLOSURE: FOIA, DODD-FRANK, AND THE DATA DUMP ======================================================================= HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON DOMESTIC MONETARY POLICY AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ JUNE 1, 2011 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Financial Services Serial No. 112-35 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 67-930 WASHINGTON : 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202�09512�091800, or 866�09512�091800 (toll-free). E-mail, [email protected]. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES SPENCER BACHUS, Alabama, Chairman JEB HENSARLING, Texas, Vice BARNEY FRANK, Massachusetts, Chairman Ranking Member PETER T. KING, New York MAXINE WATERS, California EDWARD R. ROYCE, California CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York FRANK D. LUCAS, Oklahoma LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois RON PAUL, Texas NYDIA M. VELAZQUEZ, New York DONALD A. MANZULLO, Illinois MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina WALTER B. JONES, North Carolina GARY L. ACKERMAN, New York JUDY BIGGERT, Illinois BRAD SHERMAN, California GARY G. MILLER, California GREGORY W. MEEKS, New York SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO, West Virginia MICHAEL E. CAPUANO, Massachusetts SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey RUBEN HINOJOSA, Texas RANDY NEUGEBAUER, Texas WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina CAROLYN McCARTHY, New York JOHN CAMPBELL, California JOE BACA, California MICHELE BACHMANN, Minnesota STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts THADDEUS G. McCOTTER, Michigan BRAD MILLER, North Carolina KEVIN McCARTHY, California DAVID SCOTT, Georgia STEVAN PEARCE, New Mexico AL GREEN, Texas BILL POSEY, Florida EMANUEL CLEAVER, Missouri MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK, GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin Pennsylvania KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia ED PERLMUTTER, Colorado BLAINE LUETKEMEYER, Missouri JOE DONNELLY, Indiana BILL HUIZENGA, Michigan ANDRE CARSON, Indiana SEAN P. DUFFY, Wisconsin JAMES A. HIMES, Connecticut NAN A. S. HAYWORTH, New York GARY C. PETERS, Michigan JAMES B. RENACCI, Ohio JOHN C. CARNEY, Jr., Delaware ROBERT HURT, Virginia ROBERT J. DOLD, Illinois DAVID SCHWEIKERT, Arizona MICHAEL G. GRIMM, New York FRANCISCO R. CANSECO, Texas STEVE STIVERS, Ohio STEPHEN LEE FINCHER, Tennessee Larry C. Lavender, Chief of Staff Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology RON PAUL, Texas, Chairman WALTER B. JONES, North Carolina, WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri, Ranking Vice Chairman Member FRANK D. LUCAS, Oklahoma CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina GREGORY W. MEEKS, New York BLAINE LUETKEMEYER, Missouri AL GREEN, Texas BILL HUIZENGA, Michigan EMANUEL CLEAVER, Missouri NAN A. S. HAYWORTH, New York GARY C. PETERS, Michigan DAVID SCHWEIKERT, Arizona C O N T E N T S ---------- Page Hearing held on: June 1, 2011................................................. 1 Appendix: June 1, 2011................................................. 19 WITNESSES Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Joint statement of Scott G. Alvarez, General Counsel, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Thomas C. Baxter, Jr., General Counsel, Federal Reserve Bank of New York......... 4 APPENDIX Prepared statements: Paul, Hon. Ron............................................... 20 Clay, Hon. William Lacy...................................... 23 Joint statement of Scott G. Alvarez and Thomas C. Baxter, Jr. 26 Additional Material Submitted for the Record Paul, Hon. Ron: Written responses to questions submitted to Scott G. Alvarez and Thomas C. Baxter, Jr................................... 36 Data files corresponding to the response to question 11.. 77 Bloomberg article entitled, ``Fed Gave Banks Crisis Gains on $80 Billion Secretive Loans as Low as 0.01%................ 78 FEDERAL RESERVE LENDING DISCLOSURE: FOIA, DODD-FRANK, AND THE DATA DUMP ---------- Wednesday, June 1, 2011 U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, Committee on Financial Services, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 3:40 p.m., in room 2128, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Ron Paul [chairman of the subcommittee] presiding. Members present: Representatives Paul, Jones, Luetkemeyer, Schweikert; Clay, Maloney, and Green. Ex officio present: Representative Bachus. Chairman Paul. This hearing will come to order. I would like to advise the members that the microphones we have improvised will be live all the time. So be careful what you say; the microphone is on. I imagine that is true down there, as well. First, I want to welcome our two witnesses, and I will introduce them a little bit later. But, once again, I apologize to everybody for the inconvenience. I apologize to myself, because nobody likes to be inconvenienced. But it looks like we have a system set up here so that we can pursue our hearing. And, without objection, all members' opening statements will be made a part of the record. I will go ahead with an opening statement, and I will have time for anybody else who wants to have an opening statement. I want to emphasize that I consider these hearings to be very, very important. They have come about because of many things that have happened over the last few years, and a lot of movement in the country for more transparency, in general, as well as with the Federal Reserve System. And I think my position on this is fairly well-known. But, also, there has been legislation passed. The Dodd- Frank bill has stipulations about more information coming to us. That legislation passed last year. There have also been the court cases that are under the Freedom of Information Act. We will be dealing with a lot of that today. And, also, the provisions in the law that was language that was put in by, basically, Senator Sanders, that has required some additional information. But, what is referred to today so often in hearings on the materials that came out of the Freedom of Information Act, it is called ``the dump.'' And I find that rather interesting, to call it that, because it sounds like a lot of material was dumped. And when you think of 29,000 pages of technical information, it is very large, and a lot of people have been studying it. Our staffs have been working very hard, and, quite frankly, it isn't all that easy to figure out. It reminds me of a story that was told, supposedly a true story, that an individual was being audited by the Federal Reserve. And they came to him, and they said, ``We want 5 years of everything that you have ever done, every receipt you have ever had.'' And, of course, that made him very unhappy, so he put them all together in a bushel basket and he dumped them. And I will tell you what, it didn't go over very well, and he got into a lot of trouble. I am not suggesting this is similar, but it is a story that reminds me, when I look and try to figure out really what we have, it is a lot of material, and to sort this out is not easy. One argument, and I understand the argument very clearly, on the hesitancy of the Federal Reserve not to give out too much information too early, with the idea that it might be proprietary and it might set the stage for concerns in the market. But, I think it is in contrast to the purpose of the SEC. The SEC has a purpose to investigate, demand reports, and get the information out immediately, and that is their responsibility. And if a company doesn't let us know exactly what they are doing and what their accounting procedures are, they get into a lot of difficulty. But the argument seems to be different for the Federal Reserve, that, oh, if we have information about a bank that might be in difficulty, in a market situation, that information should be available to us. So I take the position that information shouldn't be that detrimental to us and the more we can get, the better. I am hopeful that today we will be able to ask some pertinent questions to get more information and that members can follow up with more questions later on, and that there will be more transparency without ever injuring anybody. That certainly would be my goal. I would now like to yield 5 minutes to Mr. Clay. Mr. Clay. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you so much for holding this hearing to examine information disclosed by the Federal Reserve in compliance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Also, I want to thank the witnesses for appearing today. Due to the U.S. financial crisis, the Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. This legislation was crafted as a response to the financial crisis, which has cost nearly 10 million American jobs and over $10 trillion in household wealth. Nearly 4 million families have lost their homes to foreclosure and an additional 4.5 million have slipped into the foreclosure process or are seriously behind on their mortgage payment. According to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, a combination of excessive borrowing, risky investments, and a lack of transparency put the financial system on a collision course of self-destruction. In the years leading up to the crisis, too many financial institutions, as well as too many households, borrowed too much, leaving them vulnerable to financial distress if the value of their investments declined even modestly. For example, as of 2007, the 5 major investment banks were operating with extraordinarily thin capital. By one measure, their leverage ratios were as high as 40:1, meaning for every $40 in assets, there was only $1 in capital to cover losses. Less than a 3 percent drop in asset value could wipe out a company. Leverage was often hidden in off-balance-sheet entities, in derivatives positions, and through ``window dressing'' of financial reports available to the investing public. Within the financial system, the danger of this debt was increased because transparency was not required or desired. Undercover corporate dealings assisted in the financial meltdown which still plagues us today. In order for democracy and capitalism to exist correctly, transparency must be at the core. Trust and transparency and the rule of law are fundamental to this Nation's success. And business depends in some way on trust--a trust that business produces good products and a trust that business will deliver good services. Democracy depends in some way on trust. Transparency promotes government accountability, free and fair elections, competition and free markets; and the rules of law are critical to it. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act addresses these issues by reforming the Federal Reserve in two ways: One, it limits the Federal Reserve's 13(3) emergency lending authority by prohibiting emergency lending to an individual entity. The Secretary of the Treasury must approve any lending program, and the program must be broad-based and loans cannot be made to insolvent firms. Collateral must be sufficient to protect taxpayers from losses. And two, it requires the Federal Reserve to disclose counterparties and information about amounts, terms, and conditions of 13(3) and discount window lending, and open- market transactions on an ongoing basis, with specified time delays. These are just a few examples of the importance of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I look forward to the witnesses' comments. Chairman Paul. I thank the gentleman. Mr. Luetkemeyer, you are recognized for an opening statement. Okay. There are no more opening statements, so I will go ahead and introduce our witnesses. First, we have Mr. Scott Alvarez, who is General Counsel at the Board of Governors, a post he has held since 2004. He has been with the Board for 30 years. And, also, Mr. Thomas Baxter, Jr., has been General Counsel and Executive Vice President of the legal group at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 1995. He also serves as Deputy General Counsel of the FOMC. Mr. Baxter has been with the New York Fed for more than 30 years. It has been agreed upon by the witnesses, Ranking Member Clay, and myself that Mr. Alvarez will deliver the oral remarks for the joint written testimony of Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Baxter. This testimony may run longer than the customary 5 minutes. And without objection, your joint written statement will be made a part of the record. I now yield to Mr. Alvarez. JOINT STATEMENT OF SCOTT G. ALVAREZ, GENERAL COUNSEL, BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM; AND THOMAS C. BAXTER, JR., GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Mr. Alvarez. Chairman Paul, Ranking Member Clay, members of the subcommittee, Thomas Baxter, the General Counsel of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the ways the Federal Reserve informs the Congress and the American people about its policies and actions. Central bank lending facilitates the implementation of monetary policy and allows the central bank to address short- term liquidity pressures in the banking system. This role of lender of last resort is a critical one, long filled by central banks around the world, especially during times of economic crisis, when discount window lending can mitigate strains in financial markets that could otherwise escalate and lead to sharp declines in output and employment. In the United States, all discount window loans are fully secured, and the Federal Reserve has not suffered a loss to date on its discount window lending. The Federal Reserve regularly releases significant detailed information about its operations in order to promote the understanding of how the Federal Reserve fosters financial stability and economic stability and to facilitate an evaluation of our actions while preserving the ability to effectively fulfill the responsibilities that Congress has given the Federal Reserve. Since 1914, the Federal Reserve has published its balance sheet every week. We also publish full financial statements annually that are audited by an independent public accounting firm, which for the last 4 years has been Deloitte & Touche. These audits cover Maiden Lane, Maiden Lane II, and Maiden Lane III, as well as the transactions conducted through the discount window and with foreign central banks. The Federal Reserve also publishes a special monthly report to Congress, posted on our Web site, that details the Federal Reserve's emergency lending programs, including providing information on the amount of lending under each program, the type and level of collateral associated with those loans, and information about the borrowers under those facilities. In addition, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York maintains a Web site that includes schedules of purchases and sales of securities as part of open-market operations, with CUSIP information describing the securities involved. The Federal Reserve is fully cooperating with the GAO in an extensive review of each of the special lending facilities developed during the crisis. This review will assess operational integrity, internal controls, security and collateral policies, policies governing third-party contractors, and the existence of any conflicts of interest or inappropriate favoritism in the establishment or operation of the facilities. As provided by the Dodd-Frank Act, on December 1, 2010, the Board published detailed information on its Web site about the Federal Reserve's actions during the financial crisis. This release includes the names of borrowers, the amount borrowed, the date credit was extended, the interest rate charged, information about collateral, and the description of the credit terms under each facility. Similar information was provided for the draws of foreign central banks on their dollar liquidity swap lines with the Federal Reserve. For agency MBS transactions, details included the name of the counterparty, the security purchased or sold, and the date, amount, and price of the transaction. On March 31, 2011, the Federal Reserve released documents related to the discount window in response to requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act. The March 31st release included documents containing information related to borrowers at the discount window between August 8, 2007, and March 1, 2010, that was not required to be disclosed under the Dodd- Frank Act. Going forward, the Dodd-Frank Act provides for the release of information on any broad-based emergency lending facility 1 year after the termination of the facility, as well as a GAO audit of the facility. The Act also provides for the release of information regarding discount window lending and open-market operations conducted after July 21, 2010, with a 2-year lag. For lending facilities, including both emergency lending facilities and the discount window, and for open-market operations, the Federal Reserve will publish information disclosing the identity of the borrower or counterparty, transaction amount, interest rate or discount paid, and the collateral pledged. The Federal Reserve believes the lags provided by the Dodd- Frank Act for the release of transaction-level information establish an important balance between the public's interest in information about participants in transactions with the Federal Reserve and the need to ensure that the system can effectively use its congressionally authorized power to maintain the stability of the financial system and implement monetary policy. We will carefully monitor developments in the use of the discount window and other Federal Reserve facilities and keep the Congress informed about their effectiveness. The Federal Reserve has worked and will continue to work with the Congress to ensure that our operations promote the highest standards of accountability, stewardship, and policy effectiveness, consistent with meeting our statutory responsibilities. We appreciate the opportunity to describe the Federal Reserve's efforts on this important subject and are happy to answer any questions you may have. And we will be responsive to any written questions you may submit, as well. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. [The joint prepared statement of Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Baxter can be found on page 26 of the appendix.] Chairman Paul. I thank the gentleman. I will yield myself 5 minutes, but announce that we will likely be able to have repeat questioning. I think the time will permit that. But I will start off with 5 minutes. I first want to ask unanimous consent to submit an article for the record from Bloomberg called, ``Fed Gave Banks Crisis Gains on $80 Billion Secretive Loans as Low as 0.01%.'' Without objection, it is so ordered. I want to refer to one document. And this little document from the material that we got from the Federal Reserve is called a ``Chart Pack of Market Monitoring Metrics for Fed Facilities.'' I am sure you know all 29,000 pages, and you probably know exactly what I am talking about, but it tells you about the problem that we have in trying to find out information. And this particular document has 327 pages to it, but, in this particular document, it has some interesting material that I did not know about, and I want to ask about it. It reveals that there was a previously undisclosed Fed lending program known as the single-tranche open-market operations, and it is referred to as ``ST OMO.'' This is something new, and it allows the Fed to give .01 percent--that is, free money--to companies like Goldman Sachs and was essentially a free loan to these well-connected businesses. But, also, the problem that we had in analyzing this to find out information that we are looking for is, it turns out that, just in this particular area, 81 percent of the contents has been redacted. So, we end up with a lot of pages, and then we end up with 19 percent that actually has information that we have to sort out. The question is, why were these details not mentioned? Is it that everything has to be done in secret? We would like to know, the people would like to know, but we didn't see any evidence until this was dug out of here. And maybe it was mistakenly not redacted or something like that. It makes us wonder why we don't know about this. That, of course, is one of my big beefs with the Federal Reserve, that the central bank wields so much power, so much financial power, you literally can have transactions greater than what we can do with our own budget. And that is why it is a deep concern to me, but to many other people as well. But why was this not published? And are these and other programs that have yet to be disclosed--are there others? Why were so many pages redacted? Can you really claim this to be in compliance with FOIA, the Freedom of Information Act, when we don't know what has been excluded? I would like to get your reaction to this and for you to talk specifically about this one program and what has been going on with it. Mr. Alvarez. Mr. Chairman, the program you refer to, the single-tranche OMO program, was not a secret program. It was actually publicly announced by the Federal Reserve on March 7, 2008, when the program began. It was a short-term program that ended in January of 2009. And transactions that were conducted under that program as part of our open-market operations were reported, along with other open-market operations, on the New York Federal Reserve Bank Web site very quickly after the transactions occurred. The documents you have before you are from the response for the Freedom of Information Act request. And so that, itself, should explain why there are redactions. The way the Freedom of Information Act works, it is a request for certain types of information in documents. First, the agency collects all documents that may have any information that relates to the request. Then, information that is not requested is taken out of the documents, redacted from the documents, simply because it is not responsive to the request. So, it is not a desire to keep things secret. It is, instead, a desire to be responsive to the request. Often, when a requester asks for documents, there is information that is extraneous or not the kind of information that was requested, not relevant to the request, and that is taken out of the documentation. And that is why you see redaction in the documents before you. These documents were reviewed by the court and released by the court in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Chairman Paul. Does that mean, if somebody were to follow up and broaden that request, all that material could become available? Would they have to just change the Freedom of Information Act request? Mr. Alvarez. If another request was made for a broader range of information, we would review that information, determine what is confidential and what could be released, and a decision then would be made on that request. Chairman Paul. Could it be made so broad that you just turn over everything? Mr. Alvarez. I am not sure there are enough people in the world to look at everything we have to turn over, but we would do the best we could. Chairman Paul. Okay. My 5 minutes is up, and I now yield to Mr. Clay. Mr. Clay. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you, Mr. Alvarez. Just one question. Has the dramatic and, I believe, welcome increase in transparency, including your own initiatives and those called for in the Wall Street Reform Act of 2010, had any adverse or troubling consequences either for policymaking at the Fed or for the financial institutions that you regulate and interact with? Mr. Alvarez. We think the increases in transparency, particularly around monetary policy, that we have taken in the last few years have been very helpful and responsive and have improved understanding of the Federal Reserve and the policy actions we are trying to take. We have provided a lot of detailed information about the credit transactions we engaged in during the crisis. Congress, we think, struck a very important balance between the need for access to that information and providing a delay so that participants in the transaction don't experience the stigma that often occurs when there is an immediate release of information, allowing, therefore, an explanation for why institutions have participated in the facilities. We are monitoring whether there will be any effect. We, of course, won't know until we see how these facilities operate in the future. We will keep the Congress informed on the effectiveness. If there is any bad effect, we will let you know. Mr. Clay. So you will inform the Congress as to if there needs to be changes in the-- Mr. Alvarez. Absolutely. Mr. Clay. Okay. Thank you for your response. And, at this time, Mr. Chairman, I would like to yield the balance of my time to the gentlewoman from New York. Mrs. Maloney. I thank the gentleman for yielding, and I thank the chairman for holding this important hearing. And I welcome both of our witnesses. And I think we all have to remember that we were really on the verge of collapse, that this was a--we had the great recession instead of a great depression because of the monetary policy and many of the steps that we took. One of those steps that we have taken to stabilize our markets and move forward is the Dodd-Frank bill. And, in that, we required the GAO to conduct an audit of the Federal Reserve, and we also required the Fed to make information about the transactions through emergency lending facilities from December 2008 to March 2010 available to the public. In addition, Dodd- Frank required that the Fed disclose information about the entities that used the discount window or under I believe it was section 13(3) lending facilities. But in addition to what we required in Dodd-Frank, the Federal Reserve is also already subject to robust congressional oversight. And I would like to ask our two witnesses, can you give the committee some examples of the types of congressional oversight that you are already required to do, even before Dodd-Frank? Mr. Alvarez. Two of the most important types of oversight are: The Chairman of the Federal Reserve, who is also the Chairman of the FOMC, provides testimony on the economy twice each year, on the call of the House and the Senate. And that is an important check on monetary policy and the state of the economy. Another important method is this hearing and hearings like this that we are going through. The staff and the Governors and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the Presidents of the Reserve Bank have often been called to Congress to report on every aspect of our duties and how we implement various policies. And you use those as oversight of us, and we explain positions that we have taken. So, I think it is the interaction between the Congress and the Federal Reserve in testimonies, in particular, that have been an effective form of oversight. Mrs. Maloney. Okay. My time is about to expire, but, as you know, there is a GAO audit authority now. Was there anything that is excluded from the GAO audit authority? Mr. Alvarez. The GAO is authorized to audit a full range of the Federal Reserve's responsibilities. That includes all of the emergency transactions, the discount window, our supervisory authority, our consumer authority, all the various aspects of authority. An area that Congress has reserved is the implementation of monetary policy, the actual policymaking decision process. The GAO does look at how we implement the policy, in the form of making sure that transactions actually occur as appropriate, that they are accounted for properly on the balance sheet, that they are fully disclosed. But the decision-making process for monetary policy is the one thing outside the GAO's scope of authority. Mrs. Maloney. Mr. Chairman, may I follow up with one brief question on what are the arguments for excluding it? Why was that excluded? What is the argument for it? Mr. Alvarez? Mr. Alvarez. The importance of allowing the Federal Reserve and the FOMC to conduct monetary policy independently has been demonstrated throughout the world in both actions by other central banks and in a variety of studies of monetary policy. The point, I think, is that the Congress wanted to reserve to the FOMC the ability to have discussions that are full and free and frank and to explore all the possible alternatives for monetary policy to reach the best monetary policy decision. Moreover, the GAO doesn't do audits in the sense of a technical audit like a financial auditor might do, but does performance reviews and policy reviews. So that would mean that the GAO would review the alternatives considered for monetary policy, how the decisions were made, whether the decisions were actually appropriate. That would cause second-guessing of the FOMC, cast into doubt whether the FOMC was actually making the policy decisions or whether the GAO was making policy decisions in monetary policy, and make it more difficult for the monetary policy to be done effectively by the Federal Reserve. Mrs. Maloney. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Paul. Thank you. I now yield 5 minutes to the vice chairman, Mr. Jones from North Carolina. Mr. Jones. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. And I appreciate you holding these hearings, as others have said. I am going to take a little different approach. I represent the Third District of eastern North Carolina. It is a great district to represent, the home to the Camp Lejeune Marine Base, Cherry Point Marine Air Station, and the Outer Banks. The frustration of the average businessperson down in my district is very deep and severe. And we have had numerous inquiries from the Third District, the citizens of the Third District, about the Federal Reserve and how decisions are made. I know you cannot go into some of the backroom negotiations at the Reserve; I am not even asking that. But how do you say to the small-business owner that, in this crisis situation, we seem to find ways to help foreign banks, foreign entities? And I am looking here at the note that my staff prepared for me-- Harley-Davidson, McDonald's, GE, Verizon, Toyota. And yet, I have people in my district saying, ``I go to the local banks, and I can't get any loans, and my credit has always been good.'' Why and how does the Federal Reserve seem to be able to find the way to help these entities that are gigantic? And through greed and manipulation, they cheated, and, yet, they get bailed out. They get the help, when the average businessperson down in eastern North Carolina and probably across America, they can't even go to a bank that they have been banking with for 15 or 20 years and get a loan. And yet, here we are at the Federal Reserve, looking at those foreign banks who might need some help or these corporations that might need some help. It really is--that is why this hearing is very important. The transparency, the trust--and that is a big word to me, ``trust''--is just not there with the average system, when it comes to the Federal Reserve. And yet, if it had not been for the push by--I won't name all the entities that pushed--to tell you to show the bottom line, to show what was in the closet of decisions, who was being helped, we never would have known it. And yet, I know you gentlemen are attorneys, and you are probably not at the position where the person ought to be here who ought to be putting a hand on the Bible to tell the truth to the American people. That is my concern, is, how do we build the confidence of the American people when we see what is happening at the Federal Reserve? Mr. Alvarez. Congressman, we understand that and feel that same frustration. The programs that were designed and implemented by the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis were not designed to aid big companies for the sake of aiding big companies. The programs that we designed--for example, the TALF program--were designed to pass money and credit and liquidity on to the American people. So, for example, the TALF resulted in 3 million more auto loans during the crisis than would have occurred, a million more student loans, and almost a million small-business loans. The programs you are talking about that aided Harley- Davidson and Toyota and other companies were the commercial paper facility, which provided short-term funding to those companies so they could continue to keep employment up and manufacturing up in the United States, so that they could continue to provide jobs and provide opportunities in the United States. Our efforts were all designed to try to keep the economy moving in order to help individuals and small businesses, not for the sake of helping the larger institutions. And I understand that there is a different perception. Part of that perception, I think, comes from the fact that most of the financial tools that we were given are designed to work through banks or work through large markets. So we use the tools the best we can in order to have the funding aid the broadest range of people possible. Mr. Jones. Mr. Chairman, I know my time is about up. But I guess, in a way, that if it had not been for Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal and all of these raising the questions, doing investigation, I don't know if we would be having this hearing today. I don't know. Chairman Paul. I thank the gentleman. I yield 5 minutes to Mrs. Maloney from New York. Mrs. Maloney. I thank the chairman for yielding. And, as he is well aware, on Friday the jobs numbers come out. And the economy has been improving, not as fast as we would all like, but we are digging our way out of that hole. And now that we have the benefit of hindsight and we are slowly recovering from the financial crisis of 2008, I know that some have taken the position--a position that I do not agree with--that the Fed's lending during this time actually helped contribute to the crisis. And some have argued that the Fed didn't need to take the actions that it took because the situation would have stabilized on its own. But I would like to ask our panelists today, isn't it true that, without the actions that the Fed took, that by not setting up the facilities it did, by not giving institutions access to the discount window to provide additional liquidity to our economy, that the crisis would have been far worse? So your comments, please, Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Baxter? Mr. Alvarez. Thank you, Congresswoman. We believe that the facilities that the Federal Reserve established did ease the crisis, and they certainly were designed to do that. The studies that are beginning to come forward now show that they actually were successful in unfreezing various markets--the commercial paper market, the asset-backed securities market--and providing liquidity to the financial system that was important for the financial system to continue to operate. The funding that we provided was without any losses to the taxpayer. Indeed, the emergency lending facilities resulted in $9 billion worth of interest and fees that were passed on to the Treasury. As I was explaining to Congressman Jones, the facilities were designed to provide real relief to American consumers and small businesses in the form of student loans, auto loans, small-business loans, credit card loans, as well as allowing the operation of companies that relied on the commercial paper market, which had frozen up, to continue to find a source of funding to keep their operations going. So, we think that the facilities were successful and were a good use of taxpayer funds. Mrs. Maloney. I would say that there is an impression--I hear it, and I think other Members of Congress hear it--that is out there, that all of the actions the Fed took during the crisis served only to help financial institutions. But I want to make clear the point that, and I want to make sure that people understand, that all of these actions were in the form of loans, and, in fact, over $125 billion has been returned to the Treasury over and above what was loaned out. That is what I read. I want to know if that is true. Is that true? Mr. Alvarez. We have, in the last 2 years, provided about $127 billion in earnings to the Treasury. Yes, that is correct. Mrs. Maloney. But can you bring this down to Main Street? Can you give the committee members and the general public some examples of how that lending helped not only stabilize the economy and keep our financial institutions in place, but literally helped Main Street and working men and women? Mr. Alvarez. I would like to return to the TALF program, which was one specifically designed to make sure that loans were made in the United States to help students obtain education loans for college, to help small businesses have SBA loans, credit card loans, to provide auto lending, to provide equipment leasing, and a variety of other kinds of loans that were not being made during the financial crisis because of liquidity shortages. That program was extraordinarily successful-- Mrs. Maloney. Is it still operating? Mr. Alvarez. It is. It has closed, but there are still about $14 billion in loans outstanding. There were $70 billion of credits extended through the program through its life. Much of it has been repaid. Mrs. Maloney. I would like to ask about a number of programs that the Fed engages in, including holding gold for foreign countries, account services, and liquidity programs. In your experience, are these common activities for central banks? Mr. Baxter. Yes, Congresswoman, they are common for central banks. It is common for central banks around the world to hold reserves, and, as you know, the dollar is the principal reserve currency. At the Federal Reserve in New York, we hold over $3 trillion on behalf of foreign central banks and countries. It is very important to hold those sizable reserves because those sizable reserves are principally invested in Treasury securities, which helps to finance the debt of the United States. So, holding dollar reserves is a very important function of the Federal Reserve, and we do that at the New York Fed. And it is similar to functions that other foreign central banks perform around the world. Mrs. Maloney. My time has expired. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Paul. Thank you. I yield 5 minutes to Mr. Green from Texas. Mr. Green. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I thank the witnesses for appearing, as well. I am interested in the central banks of other countries as compared to our country and this disclosure that they engage in compared to our country. I know that the systems are not going to be the same, but with reference to disclosure, can you give us some indication so that we can have some sort of comparison? Mr. Alvarez. The practices of disclosure vary quite a bit across the world, but I believe the Federal Reserve is one of the, if not the, most transparent central banks. Many central banks in developed countries do not, for example, announce their policy decision or the votes that are taken. The Federal Reserve does both of those. Many central banks do not provide minutes for their meetings. The Federal Reserve provides minutes 3 weeks after each meeting. Many foreign central banks do not publish at all the transcripts of their meetings, and the Federal Reserve publishes the transcript 5 years after each meeting. On the discount window lending, that is a common power that foreign central banks have, but they are much less transparent in that area, as well. Indeed, you may recall that, at the start of the crisis, it was a leak about a discount window loan made by the Bank of England to Northern Rock that resulted in a run on Northern Rock there. So, the foreign countries tend to be more circumspect about the information they disclose about their discount window lending operation. Mr. Green. Yes, sir? Mr. Baxter. With respect to the incident that Mr. Alvarez described, the British Parliament has written a report, which is entitled, ``The Run on the Rock,'' and it has a section that describes how that run began. And that was triggered by public reports about a borrowing by Northern Rock at the Bank of England. With the permission of the Chair, we could submit that report for the benefit of the subcommittee. Mr. Green. Thank you. One other quick question, Mr. Chairman, if I may. I know that you probably have gone through this, but explain to those who are viewing why it is important to have disclosure and why you try to achieve this balance that you have with reference to disclosure. For example, why not just have a CPA come in or someone come in and just audit everything all the time every day? What is the downside? Mr. Alvarez. We do have a CPA come in--Deloitte & Touche, currently--to do an audit of our financial statements, including all of our transactions, our discount window lending and our open-market transactions. The thought on disclosure is that disclosing the names of borrowers and the amount they have borrowed provides the American people with more information to make sure that the Federal Reserve is acting in a responsible way in its lending facilities. The balance on the other side is that the discount window is a very important tool both in good times and in bad--in good times, for providing short-term liquidity to institutions when they need it and also as a monetary policy tool to help reduce the volatility of interest rates; and in emergency times, to provide liquidity to institutions that are generally healthy, but where panic has caused asset values to be out of whack, as it were, so that the institution can't fund itself in an appropriate way. So the discount window is a very important tool. The concern is that, because it is often used by both healthy and troubled institutions, the public will be confused if it sees the names of a borrower at the discount window and not be certain if that institution is healthy or not. And if a healthy institution is wrongly thought to be troubled because it has accessed the discount window, then that could cause problems for that institution. That causes institutions to back away from using the discount window, and that makes it a much less effective tool, both in good times and in bad times, for addressing liquidity crises. So it is important to have a balance in the disclosure. That is why we think the lag time, the 2-year period between the actual loan and the announcement of the borrower, is important. That leaves the institution some period of time to explain itself, to demonstrate its health, and to not be tied to a troubled transaction at a difficult time. Mr. Green. I think my time is up. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Paul. Thank you. I would like to direct this question to Mr. Baxter. And I want to follow up on Mr. Jones' question about how some of these decisions are made and how sometimes the big guy seems to benefit and the little people lose their mortgages and lose their homes and they lose their jobs. And, quite frankly, it is very difficult at times in this country, because it seems like people are too-little-to-save--there are people who are too- big-to-forget about them, too-big-to-let-them-fail. But I want to direct a question about the foreign loans. And it seems to me from the figures I look at, that nearly one- third of all the loans during this period of time went to foreign banks. And, at one time, at the peak of this, 88 percent of these overall discount window loans went to foreign banks. But at the New York Fed, I think practically, essentially 100 percent of the loans were going to foreign banks. And the answer I get is that, they are foreign banks but they have subsidiaries, and they qualify under the rules--I wouldn't say under the law, but under the rules--that they can go to the discount window. But it just seems to be way out of proportion, when you think of that tremendous amount of loaning that went to these foreign banks. And this is not easy for the average American citizen to understand. Could you enlighten us on why it seems to be disproportionate? I am sure they don't represent that percentage of the financial problems that existed. A third of the problems didn't deal with foreign banks, surely. What is the explanation for that? Mr. Baxter. Yes, Chairman Paul. Thank you for that question. First, the starting point is Federal statutory law. And section 13, paragraph 14, of the Federal Reserve Act says to the Federal Reserve that, with respect to discount window borrowing, we are to treat the branch or the agency of a foreign bank just like we treat our own U.S.-charterd depository institutions. So, there is this principle of national treatment that we start with, and it is a principle that is embedded in the Federal Reserve Act itself. And so, we must treat the branch and agency of a foreign bank in the same manner we treat our own. That is the starting point. The second is, New York is the money center of the United States. And with respect to foreign banks that intend to come to our country and invest in our people and form branches and agencies in the United States, many of those foreign banking organizations look to form those organizations in the money center, which is in New York. The short answer to your question, Chairman Paul, is the law requires us to lend to branches and agencies. And with respect to New York in particular, that tends to be the place where foreign banking organizations enter our country. Chairman Paul. Okay. Proportionately, it still seems to be out of whack. Wouldn't the system invite foreign banks? They are making most of their money overseas. Just open up a subsidiary in New York. And, therefore, they get the line of credit and the protection of the bank, and it is almost like free insurance for them. Do you think this is a good idea, that a foreign bank, all they have to do is open up and get these bailouts? It just doesn't seem fair at all. Mr. Baxter. These were loans, Chairman Paul. They weren't gifts in any way. And the foreign banks have to repay, just like everyone else, the principal and interest. Second, if a foreign bank--and some do--decides that they would prefer not to form a branch or an agency but to start a subsidiary bank in the United States, that is their option. And some foreign banks do just that. And, of course, the subsidiary bank, which would have a U.S. charter, that has access to the discount window as well. Mr. Alvarez. I would add one more thing. There is a limit on the amount that they can borrow. They are limited by the amount of collateral that they have, that they can post at the discount window. So, that is dollar collateral in the United States. That doesn't allow the foreign bank to borrow to the full extent of its assets worldwide. It borrows in order to support its dollar activities. And those dollar activities are largely, though not exclusively--you have a point there--but largely in the United States. Chairman Paul. Could the argument be made that maybe the banks in Greece should have had a lot more subsidiaries in New York, and maybe then Greece wouldn't be in so much trouble, the Fed would have bailed them out too? Mr. Alvarez. No, their assets are in Greece, so they are Greek assets. And they would go to the Greek central bank to borrow there, not to the United States. Chairman Paul. Okay. Mr. Green, do you have any more questions? No? Okay. Mr. Jones, for 5 minutes. Mr. Jones. Mr. Chairman, thank you again. Looking through a lot of these reports--and I want to go to Libya and see if you can help me understand the rationale by the Treasury and the Reserve. I will just read one paragraph: ``Arab Banking Corporation, the lender part-owned by the Central Bank of Libya, used a New York branch to get 73 loans from the U.S. Federal Reserve in the 18 months after Lehman Brothers Holdings collapsed.'' Help me understand, so that I can explain to people back in my district, that here we are, an undeclared war. Any time--and I thank God we haven't lost any American military at this point, but we certainly have fired a bunch of missiles. And we are spending millions and millions of dollars, probably billions by now. And we are helping other countries. What is the protection if Libya is Gaddafi and Gaddafi is Libya--or, at least, it has been for a period of time--and we have made these loans to their affiliate or to Libyan banks, their relationships, what happens in a wartime situation, where we are trying to drive Gaddafi out of business and we have made these loans to him or to Libya? How do you explain to that person that each and every one of us, on both sides of the political aisle, has talked about today that can't get the loans? How do you explain this to Walter Jones, who happens to be a Member of the Congress, so he can explain it to his people back home? Mr. Alvarez. The Arab Banking Corporation is a bank located in Bahrain. It is not located in Libya. The Libyans bought a substantial part of that bank after all the loans that were extended by the Federal Reserve were repaid. We work with the Treasury Department and the State Department, which have responsibility for identifying banks that the United States should not deal with for foreign policy reasons. The responsibility for designating those banks rests with them. We consult with them to make sure that we don't lend to institutions that they have determined we should not be lending to. At the time our credits were extended, Arab Banking Corporation was not identified by Treasury or State Department as a bank that was of concern. It was a foreign bank that had an operation in the United States that was well-rated in all other respects, like another foreign bank from a foreign country. Mr. Jones. Mr. Chairman, I tell you, knowing that you, for many years, have picked up more and more support for your legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, I wish, truthfully-- and it has nothing to do with you gentlemen here today, but I am telling you that the distrust out here by the American people is as deep and as severe as I have ever seen it. And not only Congress itself, not only the Administration, but the Federal Reserve is just, at this point, at a very low ebb as it relates to trust. And I am not talking about you personally. You are two men of high integrity, I know that. But, right now, the Federal Reserve is not held in high esteem by many people in this country. I will yield back. Chairman Paul. I thank the gentleman. I have a few short questions, and then we will finish up. One thing is, on a follow-up on what Mr. Jones says, is, the confidence is very low. But when you speak of independence--and I understand your terms, and I disagree with the need for that, but I understand it. But what people hear, when you say ``independence,'' they hear ``secrecy.'' You are going to keep it from us. And like the point I made at the beginning, the SEC is to pressure companies to reveal information, where the Federal Reserve does the opposite. They want--no, we can't tell anything because it might disturb the markets. I have one question: During the crisis or at any time that you are aware of, has the Federal Reserve or Treasury participated in any gold swaps arrangements? Mr. Alvarez. The Federal Reserve does not own any gold at all. We have not owned gold since 1934. So we have not engaged in any gold swaps. Chairman Paul. But it appears on your balance sheet that you hold gold. Mr. Alvarez. What appears on our balance sheet is gold certificates. Before 1934, the Federal Reserve did own gold. We turned that over, by law, to the Treasury and received, in return for that, gold certificates. Chairman Paul. If the Treasury entered into--because under the Exchange Stabilization Fund, I would assume they probably have the legal authority to do it--they wouldn't be able to do it, then, because you have the securities for essentially all the gold? Mr. Alvarez. No, we have no interest in the gold that is owned by the Treasury. We have simply an accounting document that is called ``gold certificates'' that represents the value at a statutory rate of the gold that we gave to the Treasury in 1934. Chairman Paul. It is still measured at $42 an ounce, which makes no sense whatsoever. But, the conventional wisdom today says that gold is really not money. We don't want it to be money. If you are for the gold standard, there is something wrong with you. And, yet, we hold the gold. And, there has been the suggestion made, and I have sort of encouraged the suggestion, if gold is not money and it is an asset and you don't even use it because it is on your balance sheets and you don't even use it at the real value, why--would you have a position on this? Why shouldn't the Treasury just sell the gold and give it back to the people? The people had it at one time. Let the people have it. Would you have any objection to that? Would you advise us and say, ``No, that is not good; we ought to hold the gold?'' Do you think holding the gold is a good idea or a bad idea? Mr. Alvarez. I have no position on that at all. That is clearly a matter for the Treasury. Chairman Paul. No position? Mr. Alvarez. It is a matter for the Treasury. It is not within the purview of the Federal Reserve. Chairman Paul. Mr. Baxter, would you have an opinion? Mr. Baxter. My opinion is, I agree with Mr. Alvarez. Chairman Paul. No position. It is amazing, because I have asked questions of the Federal Reserve, the Members of the Board, for years. And whether it has been Mr. Greenspan--I can't recall exactly what I have asked Mr. Bernanke--but it is always, ``Well, no, we have to hold on to these assets.'' But if it is not money and we don't need it and we are not going on a gold standard, I would think that they shouldn't be holding it. The reason I ask that is, the truth is, gold is money. And people don't throw it away, and people do cling to it. But I would be really--there are a lot of people who suspect, because of this lack of transparency, that there have been a tremendous amount of gold swaps and loans made and central banks sold a lot of gold off after the last 10 years. A lot of the gold has left the West and has gone to the East. And the central banks now have positive trade balances; they buy up the gold. There has to be a message in there and a significance, even for those who don't want the restraints of gold, there has to be a message out there that we should look at, because we are in a financial mess and it has to do with our monetary system, and it is being reflected today in rising prices and a weak economy. And just printing all this money isn't doing any good. All this stuff that has been done for 30 years--when you look at the economic statistics now, they are horrible. And these people who lost their jobs, they are still unemployed. The people who bought stocks in the year 2000, if they held on, they probably haven't even broken even. They probably lost purchasing power. So, eventually, I think--I know this is off the subject a little bit. But it is reflected only in that we don't know exactly what goes on. And people, when they don't know, then they get suspicious, and they say, ``Well, it is kept secret from us. Why aren't we allowed to know?'' And we just march on. And the type of dollars we are talking about, and when we hear about this money going to central banks and banks that Qadhafi was a part owner in, this really stirs up the emotions of a lot of people. I do appreciate you being here. And I know that there will be a lot of questions, there will be written questions submitted. And we would appreciate your cooperation in sending us your answers. The Chair notes that some members may have additional questions for this panel which they may wish to submit in writing. Without objection, the hearing record will remain open for 30 days for members to submit written questions to these witnesses and to place their responses in the record. Also, I would like to emphasize at this time that this hearing deals with a very complex matter and is a large amount of material. And, therefore, written questions, I am sure, will be followed up. So I ask for as much cooperation as you can give us, because there are times when questions are sent in and they sort of get lost. But because there is so much and it is complicated and now that our time looks like it is going to be shortened, we may have to depend a lot on our written questions. So we ask you for your cooperation there. And I thank you. Mr. Alvarez. Thank you very much. Mr. Baxter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Paul. This hearing is adjourned. [Whereupon, at 4:40 p.m., the hearing was adjourned.] A P P E N D I X June 1, 2011 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.002 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.005 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.006 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.007 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.008 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.009 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.010 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.011 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.012 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.013 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.014 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.015 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.016 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.017 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.018 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.019 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.020 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.021 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.022 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.023 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.024 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.025 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.026 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.027 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.028 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.029 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.030 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.031 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.032 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.033 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.034 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.035 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.036 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.037 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.038 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.039 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.040 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.041 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.042 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.043 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.044 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.045 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.046 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.047 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.048 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.049 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.050 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.051 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.052 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.053 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.054 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.055 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.056 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.057 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.058 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.059 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.060 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.061 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.062 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T7930.063