[Senate Hearing 112-974] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 112-974 OVERSIGHT OF EPA AUTHORITIES AND ACTIONS TO CONTROL EXPOSURES TO TOXIC CHEMICALS ======================================================================= JOINT HEARING before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON SUPERFUND, TOXICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH and the COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ JULY 24, 2012 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Environment and Public Works [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.fdsys.gov _________ U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 25-110 PDF WASHINGTON : 2017 ____________________________________________________________________ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Internet:bookstore.gpo.gov. Phone:toll free (866)512-1800;DC area (202)512-1800 Fax:(202) 512-2104 Mail:Stop IDCC,Washington,DC 20402-001 COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION BARBARA BOXER, California, Chairman MAX BAUCUS, Montana JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma THOMAS R. CARPER, Delaware DAVID VITTER, Louisiana FRANK R. LAUTENBERG, New Jersey JOHN BARRASSO, Wyoming BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Maryland JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont MIKE CRAPO, Idaho SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, Rhode Island LAMAR ALEXANDER, Tennessee TOM UDALL, New Mexico MIKE JOHANNS, Nebraska JEFF MERKLEY, Oregon JOHN BOOZMAN, Arkansas KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, New York Bettina Poirier, Majority Staff Director Ruth Van Mark, Minority Staff Director ---------- Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics and Environmental Health FRANK R. LAUTENBERG, New Jersey, Chairman MAX BAUCUS, Montana MIKE CRAPO, Idaho THOMAS R. CARPER, Delaware LAMAR ALEXANDER, Tennessee JEFF MERKLEY, Oregon MIKE JOHANNS, Nebraska KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, New York JOHN BOOZMAN, Arkansas BARBARA BOXER, California (ex JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma (ex officio) officio) C O N T E N T S ---------- Page JULY 24, 2012 OPENING STATEMENTS Boxer, Hon. Barbara, U.S. Senator from the State of California... 1 Inhofe, Hon. James M., U.S. Senator from the State of Oklahoma... 2 Lautenberg, Hon. Frank R., U.S. Senator from the State of New Jersey......................................................... 19 Crapo, Hon. Mike, U.S. Senator from the State of Idaho........... 20 Vitter, Hon. David, U.S. Senator from the State of Louisiana..... 21 Sessions, Hon. Jeff, U.S. Senator from the State of Alabama, prepared statement............................................. 139 WITNESSES Jones, James J., Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.............................................. 22 Prepared statement........................................... 25 Responses to additional questions from Senator Boxer......... 30 Pingree, Hannah, mother, former Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives................................................ 46 Prepared statement........................................... 49 Stapleton, Heather M., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University..................... 80 Prepared statement........................................... 83 Responses to additional questions from Senator Boxer......... 92 Moore, Marshall, Director, Technology, Advocacy and Marketing, Great Lakes Solutions, a Chemtura business..................... 95 Prepared statement........................................... 97 Rawson, William K., Partner and Chair of the Environment, Land and Resources Department in Washington, DC, Latham & Watkins... 105 Prepared statement........................................... 108 Response to an additional question from Senator Boxer........ 115 Stefani, Tony, Founder, President, San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation................................... 116 Prepared statement........................................... 118 Responses to additional questions from Senator Boxer......... 122 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Letter from the American Chemistry Council to the Professional Fire Fighters of Maine, July 20, 2012.......................... 141 Letter from the American Chemistry Council to Senators Boxer and Lautenberg, July 25, 2012...................................... 142 OVERSIGHT OF EPA AUTHORITIES AND ACTIONS TO CONTROL EXPOSURES TO TOXIC CHEMICALS ---------- TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012 U.S. Senate, Committee on Environment and Public Works, joint with the Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics and Environmental Health, Washington, DC. The Committees met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m. in room 406, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Barbara Boxer (Chairman of the full Committee) presiding. Present: Senators Boxer, Inhofe, Carper, Lautenberg, Cardin, Whitehouse, Merkley, Vitter, and Crapo. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. BARBARA BOXER, U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Senator Boxer. The hearing will come to order. Before I read my opening statement and call on colleagues, I understand Representative Pingree is in the audience. Is she here? Welcome. I know that your daughter is testifying before us today. We are very happy to see you in the audience. The purpose of this hearing is to review the need to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act, otherwise known as TSCA, the primary law that regulates chemicals in this country. TSCA, which was enacted in the 1970s, was intended to protect public health and ensure the safety of chemicals that are found in products that we use every day. Unfortunately, this law has proven to lack the tools necessary to act swiftly and effectively when dealing with chemicals with potentially toxic effects. The weaknesses in the law were highlighted by a 1991 court decision where the court interpreted TSCA to require a complex process to obtain protections from asbestos, despite its obvious health hazards. It is clear that reforms are needed if the public is to have the protection that it deserves. A good illustration of the critical need to reform our toxic laws is the experience with a group of flame retardants which was intended to protect public safety but has raised serious concerns about the risk they pose through the toxic chemicals they contain. And I am going to have a firefighter from my State testifying on this matter. Thus far, science has shown that these chemicals in the flame retardants cause cancer in animals. We need to reform TSCA to provide incentives and ensure that the safest chemicals are used in our products so that the American public--including the most vulnerable among us, infants, children and pregnant women--are protected from toxic substances. I want to commend Senator Lautenberg for his leadership and his hard work to move forward with needed reforms. He has worked tirelessly with stakeholders, including the chemical industry, the public health community, and across the aisle in the Senate to find common ground in this important effort. The American people need us to reform TSCA, which is why I support Senator Lautenberg's determination to move a bill from this Committee and to broaden the discussion to the Senate floor. We must continue to work to develop consensus on this issue. I look forward to hearing from witnesses today. It is time to take action on this public health issue. And I call on Senator Inhofe. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. JAMES M. INHOFE, U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Madam Chairman. And I will start by thanking both of you for holding today's oversight hearing. I also want to thank today's witnesses that are here. Modernization of the Toxic Substances Control Act, TSCA, is important. But before we focus on today's hearing, I would like to take a moment to address the markup for Senator Lautenberg's TSCA bill tomorrow. Senators Vitter, Crapo, Alexander, and I sent a letter to Senator Lautenberg yesterday expressing our disappointment that Republicans' sincere effort to work on a bipartisan TSCA reform had been rebuffed and that we will be going through a partisan political exercise tomorrow, effectively ending hopes for a TSCA modernization this year. Tomorrow's markup is especially disappointing given how this Committee has already come together and worked so hard to get a highway bill passed. That is why Barbara and I are so happy today, that we are still on a roll, are we not, Barbara? Chemistry is essential to our economy and plays a vital role in the creation of groundbreaking products that make our lives and world healthier, safer, and more sustainable. During this fragile economic time, the chemical industry is experiencing a competitive resurgence with more than 96 percent of all manufactured goods dependent upon chemistry. It is not hard to understand how this regulation impacts almost every aspect of our economy. Having said that, it is imperative that any TSCA modernization efforts be bipartisan, based on sound science, protective of public health, and continue to allow American industry to lead the world through responsible innovation. One subset of chemicals regulated by TSCA is flame retardants. These chemicals which are required in many instances to meet mandatory Federal and State laws and standards not only protect household goods like upholstered furniture but also electronics, cars, buildings, and airplanes. Despite the recent focus on furniture, foam cushions in the upholstered furniture represent only about 2 to 3 percent of the total flame retardant usage in plastic applications in North America. Flame retardants are one of many fire safety tools relied up on in homes and public places to reduce fire, injuries, and deaths, and they have made a significant impact in fire safety despite the increases in exposure to flammable materials in our daily lives. Studies in the United States and abroad have proven the effectiveness of flame retardants in a wide variety of uses. For example, Dr. Matt Blais recently analyzed data from the National Institute of Justice Arson Study and found that flame retardants do provide measurable fire safety benefits in upholstered furniture by providing time for families to escape and increase the response for fire escape. So, with that, I would like to enter that into the record-- -- Senator Boxer. Without objection. So ordered. Senator Inhofe. Along with the Aerospace Industries Association letter relating to this subject. The Chicago Tribune, which we will be hearing about a lot today, reported in 2005 on the effectiveness of flame retardants in seat cushions, carpets, and other materials following the crash of an Air France jetliner in Toronto when flight crews evacuated the flaming jumbo jetliner with no fatalities. So, we do have some problems coming up in perhaps some industries that were not fully brought into the fold and have a great effect on our national security and other things. So with that, we are looking forward to hearing more about this, and I think I would probably be opposing it as it is going to be introduced tomorrow, is it? Or it is the next day? Thursday? Senator Boxer. We are going to be marking up tomorrow. Senator Inhofe. Thursday, I believe. Senator Boxer. Tomorrow? Yes, tomorrow. Senator Inhofe. OK. Senator Boxer. Well, thank you Senator. Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Madam Chairman. [The prepared statement of Senator Inhofe follows:] Statement of Hon. James M. Inhofe, U.S. Senator from the State of Oklahoma I want to start by thanking Chairman Boxer and Chairman Lautenberg for holding today's oversight hearing; I also want to thank today's witnesses. Modernization of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is very important, but before we focus on today's hearing I would like to take a moment to address the markup of Senator Lautenberg's TSCA bill tomorrow. Senators Vitter, Crapo, Alexander, and I sent a letter to Senator Lautenberg yesterday expressing our disappointment that Republicans' sincere efforts to work on bipartisan TSCA reform have been rebuffed and that we will be going through a partisan political exercise tomorrow, effectively ending hopes for TSCA modernization this year. Tomorrow's markup is especially disappointing given how this Committee has recently come together and worked so hard to get a highway bill passed into law and leading into our important bipartisan efforts to see if we can complete a Water Resources Development Act reauthorization. Despite our frustration, we will continue working to find a bipartisan path for TSCA modernization moving forward. Chemistry is essential to our economy and plays a vital role in the creation of ground breaking products that make our lives and world healthier, safer, and more sustainable. During this fragile economic time, the chemical industry is experiencing a competitive resurgence, and with more than 96 percent of all manufactured goods dependent on chemistry it is not hard to understand how this regulation impacts almost every aspect of our economy. Having said that, it is imperative that any TSCA modernization efforts be bipartisan, based on sound science, protective of public health, and continue to allow American industry to lead the world through responsible innovation. One subset of chemicals regulated by TSCA is flame retardants. These chemicals, which are required in many instances to meet mandatory Federal and State laws and standards, not only protect household goods like upholstered furniture, but also electronics, cars, buildings, and airplanes. Despite the recent focus on furniture, foam cushioning in upholstered furniture represents only 2-3 percent of the total flame retardant usage in plastic applications in North America. Flame retardants are one of many fire safety tools relied upon in homes and public places to reduce fire injuries and deaths, and they have made a significant impact in fire safety despite the increase in exposure to flammable materials in our daily lives. Studies in the U.S. and abroad have proven the effectiveness of flame retardants in a wide variety of uses. For example, Dr. Matt Blais recently analyzed data from a National Institute of Justice arson study and found that flame retardants do provide measurable fire safety benefit in upholstered furniture by providing time for families to escape and increasing available response time for the fire service. The Chicago Tribune, which we will be hearing a lot about today, reported in 2005 on the effectiveness of flame retardants in ``seat cushions, carpets, and other materials'' following the crash of an Air France jetliner in Toronto when flight crews evacuated the ``flaming jumbo jetliner'' with no fatalities. As these reports have outlined, flame retardants can be an important and effective tool in protecting the American public. Any decision made by EPA or any other Federal agency should be based on sound, peer reviewed science--not politics or articles in newspapers--and the Agency should be very cognizant of shifting risks from one area to another. As a father and grandfather of 20 children and grandchildren, I fully recognize the fact that we need to modernize TSCA and revive public confidence in our Federal chemical management system, but if we want to effectively update TSCA we also need to be honest about our current system--both about what it does well and what needs improvement. For example, even the EPA has acknowledged there are far fewer than 80,000 chemicals actively in commerce today. We have also heard from numerous witnesses in this Committee, including Dr. Lynn Goldman, former Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances under President Clinton, that EPA's new chemicals program has been a good process and has led ``industry to screen out `bad actors' before presenting them to EPA in the first instance.'' Given the regulatory barrage by the Obama administration and his EPA, we must ensure that TSCA modernization is accomplished in a responsible manner while not harming the economy and shipping jobs overseas. In order to have real and effective reform, it must be accomplished in a bipartisan way with a broad base of support from a wide range of stakeholders, including those up and down the value chain. I would like unanimous consent to include Dr. Blais's study into the record as well as a letter from the aerospace industry voicing concerns over EPA's current initiatives related to flame retardant chemicals. I look forward to hearing from the witnesses today. [The referenced information follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. Well, thank you, Senator. Senator Lautenberg. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. FRANK R. LAUTENBERG, U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY Senator Lautenberg. Thanks, Madam Chairman. It is regrettable that we find ourselves kind of landlocked here. When I introduced the first TSCA reform bill in 2005, in the 7 years since then we have held many hearings, briefings, stakeholder meetings, and negotiations. During that time, our office has had an open door policy. My staff and I have conducted dozens of meetings with groups on all sides of the issue. And more than 2 years ago, in this very room, I said that my State Chemicals Act should be considered an invitation for all to play a part. And I have reiterated that call for Republican input at almost every opportunity. Last summer and fall Senator Inhofe and his staff joined us to hold a series of 10 meetings to better understand his concerns and those of industry. And this summer I was pleased when Senator Vitter reached out and expressed his interest in working together on TSCA reform. At the end of May I agreed to discussions but made clear that we needed to show progress, that we could not engage in things that might delay us getting to something of value and help. After 7 weeks of talks, we were still discussing the first of many topics on our agenda. My staff proposed new comprised language on a number of sections, but we never received a single counterproposal. This week's Committee markup may be the last in this Congress. And I--and millions of people across this country--did not want another year to pass without progress on toxic chemicals. And so we will be voting tomorrow on a bill that has evolved to reflect years of input from all parties. And I hope that my friends across the aisle will give it fair consideration. Let us air it out here. Let us talk about it. Be here and show the interest that should be shown to say that we want to continue to work together to bring out something that is worth the effort. And when we--so, what has happened this spring, the Chicago Tribune ran an expose about how some in the chemical industry have used dirty tricks and bad science to drive a public misinformation campaign that keeps dangerous flame retardants in our home, even when those chemicals do not do what they are supposed to do, and that is prevent fires. The industry has been accused of bankrolling so-called experts to invent stories that spout the company line, all this service of protecting their profits, and all of that at the expense of safety and health. Many companies, many countries, require chemicals like flame retardants to be tested, proven safe before they end up in stores and then in our homes. But not in the United States. And that is why Senator Snowe and I recently sent a bipartisan letter to EPA signed by 24 of our Senator colleagues urging the agency to take action on a class of flame retardants. Our letter also called for real reforms to the Toxic Substances Control Act. But let us be clear. Flame retardants are only one example of the problems that we have with our system of regulating chemicals. Studies by CDC scientists found 212 industrial chemicals, including six linked to cancer coursing through American bodies. But in nearly 35 years, EPA has been able to regulate only five substances using the tools of TSCA. My TSCA reform bill, the Safe Chemicals Act, will simply require chemical manufacturers to display, demonstrate that their products are safe before they end up in bodies. Most of the thousands of chemicals that are used every day are safe. But this bill will separate those safe chemicals from the ones that are not. We first began examining the problem with TSCA in 2005. So, this is not a new subject. It is a subject that really you would think would wear out of its own weight. But no, we persisted, because it is our obligation to the people in our country. So, I am proud that this Committee will vote tomorrow on the Safe Chemicals Act. I believe today's hearing will add further evidence that we cannot delay any longer. And I publicly invite Senator Vitter and colleagues on the other side to come along. Let us discuss it. Let us show that there is enough interest to get a response to the changes that we have made. We have made many to try to accommodate our colleagues. So, thank you, Madam Chairman, for the opportunity to do this. Senator Boxer. Thanks, Senator. Senator Crapo. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. MIKE CRAPO, U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF IDAHO Senator Crapo. Thank you very much, Senator Boxer. I appreciate you and Senator Lautenberg for scheduling today's hearing on EPA's authorities and actions for controlling exposures to toxic chemicals generally and to flame retardants specifically. I also appreciate the participation of the witnesses who have agreed to answer and appear here this morning. The first panel features the testimony of James Jones, the Acting Assistant Administrator of the EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, who is responsible for implementing the provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act. I look forward to hearing Mr. Jones' opinion regarding EPA's implementation of TSCA and how it works to help ensure an effective and efficient Federal regulatory regime that is capable of protecting public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness. and job creation. The five witnesses that comprise the second panel represent a diverse set of interests and experiences. This diversity is valuable for understanding the multiple facets of what is a highly complex regulatory challenge, and I thank them for their participation and look forward to their testimonies. There has been much written and much said about the regulation and use of flame retardants in commerce. As we will hear today, there is substantive proof that flame retardants are effective in saving lives by delaying the spreading of fire and allowing people additional time to escape injury. We will also hear divergent views regarding the safety of flame retardants and EPA's regulatory authority under TSCA. Under current TSCA framework, EPA and industry conducted extensive reviews of flame, of the current flame retardants, and EPA approved their use on the market. Further, EPA has not invoked its authority under TSCA to remove these chemicals from the market. Because of the obvious diversity of opinion regarding the efficacy of flame retardants and other chemicals, it is critical that we support a regulatory framework that is risk based and further grounded in peer reviewed science. Our understanding of the possible health effects of flame retardants is constantly evolving. Therefore, we must be pragmatic in our regulatory approaches and mindful of the consequences of jumping to conclusions that have not been definitely proved by science. Tomorrow, this Committee will meet to mark up several pieces of legislation including Senator Lautenberg's Safe Chemicals Act. My office, as has been indicated already, along with several others had, until last week, been actively engaged with Senator Lautenberg's office to develop a bipartisan path forward for TSCA reform. I am disappointed that we will now move forward and abandon this process and tomorrow consider a bill that is still controversial and does not represent the bipartisan consensus building that we have been seeking to achieve. As I stated earlier, effective regulatory frameworks must seek to protect health and safety while promoting economic growth. This balance is difficult and cannot be achieved unilaterally. Again, I appreciate the participation of the panel members this morning, and I look forward to your insight. Senator Boxer. Thank you so much. Senator Vitter. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. DAVID VITTER, U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF LOUISIANA Senator Vitter. Thank you, Madam Chair and Ranking Member Inhofe, for the hearing. And certainly there is no disagreement in terms of the broader issue we are here about, that there is need for TSCA reform, a law which really has not been updated significantly since 1976. And I want to commend Senator Lautenberg for his priority and focus for several years with regard to reform. I know it is very deep and very sincere. As has been stated, Senators Inhofe and Crapo and Alexander, as well as myself, have very actively engaged with Senator Lautenberg, meeting at the staff level weekly, if not more, over an extended period of time. Unfortunately, those of us on this side all view this hearing and the partisan markup to follow tomorrow as a diversion from that, an interruption from that. And we think it is unfortunate. But I, for one, remain completely committed to getting back to that bipartisan process so that we can produce a good consensus bill that can actually pass the Senate and the House. And that is what I remain committed to. Again, I think this diversion is unfortunate, but it is not going to shake that commitment on my part. TSCA is very important. We need to reform it and we need to get that right. From my perspective in Louisiana, I will tell you a few reasons we need to get it right because this industry, which is so important for the nation, is certainly important for our economy. Chemical companies in Louisiana directly employ over 22,000 people and indirectly contribute 158,000 jobs to the economy. For every direct job in Louisiana, another 5.5 jobs are created in the State. An average wage we are talking about for those direct jobs is very healthy, over $84,000, 47 percent higher than the average manufacturing wage. These jobs generate $1.9 billion in earnings and almost $1 billion in tax revenue and $962 million in Social Security and Medicare contributions. Let me also focus for a minute about the need to reform to get it right because I think we have had a lot of evidence in the last few years in particular how the present regime with regard to regulation is getting it wrong. In particular, I was very involved in demanding a National Academy of Science study with regard to one particular chemical, formaldehyde, when EPA was pushing an aggressive agenda regarding this. We finally got that independent NAS study, and unfortunately, it underscored and really proved a lot of our concerns about the IRIS process in general. Let me just point to some of the conclusions from that study. This is the National Academy of Science, a very mainstream, respected organization. They said ``Problems with clarity and transparency of the methods appear to be a repeating theme over the years.'' They said ``The conclusions appear to be based on a subjective view of the overall data.'' And ``The causal determinations are not supported by the narrative provided.'' And then finally, EPA overstated the evidence to deem formaldehyde a neurotoxic. The human data are insufficient, and the candidate animal studies deviate substantially from testing guidelines and common practice. Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident. It is a much broader issue, at least with the whole IRIS process. And because of that, the EPA itself even admitted the need for fundamental reform, Dr. Paul Anastas saying in July 14 of last year, ``Over the coming months, the IRIS program will fully implement the NAS recommendations and continue to improve the IRIS process to reflect the highest standards of scientific integrity and credibility.'' We are still not there, and TSCA reform based on sound science, based on bipartisan consensus, is absolutely necessary to get us there. So, after this distraction this week, I really hope we get back to that important hard work of mainstream TSCA reform. Thank you, Madam Chair. Senator Boxer. Thank you very much. Now we will turn to our first witness, Hon. Jim Jones, Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. EPA. Welcome. STATEMENT OF JAMES J. JONES, ACTING ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR, OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION, U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Mr. Jones. Good morning, Chairman Boxer, Senator Lautenberg, Ranking Member Inhofe, and members of the Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today on the reform of chemical management and our authority to assess the safety of flame retardant chemicals. Ensuring chemical safety, maintaining public confidence that EPA is protecting the American people, and promoting our global leadership in chemicals management remain top priorities for the EPA and Administrator Jackson. I want to thank you both, Senator Boxer and Senator Lautenberg, as well as members of the Committee, for your continued leadership on this very important issue and your efforts to bring about reform of TSCA. With each passing year, the need for TSCA reform grows. Chemicals are found in most everything we use and consume, and they are essential for our health, our well-being, and our prosperity. It should be equally essential that chemicals are safe. Today I will discuss a prime example of the shortcomings of TSCA that stands as a clear illustration of the need for TSCA reform. So, what are the problems with TSCA? When TSCA was enacted, it grandfathered in, without any evaluation, the 62,000 chemicals in commerce that existed in 1976. The TSCA inventory currently lists over 84,000 chemicals, few of which have been studied for their risks, especially to children. Unlike the laws applicable to drugs and pesticides, TSCA does not have a mandatory program where EPA must conduct a review to determine the safety of existing chemicals. The manufacturers do not need to demonstrate the safety of new chemicals before they are introduced into the marketplace. When EPA determines that a chemical imposes a significant health concern, taking action under TSCA to limit or ban a chemical is challenging. To address these shortcomings, in September 2009 the EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson, announced a set of administration principles to update and strengthen TSCA. These include that manufacturers provide EPA with the necessary information to conclude that new and existing chemicals are safe, and the agency should have the tools to quickly and efficiently obtain information from manufacturers that is relevant to determining the safety of chemicals. The EPA should also have clear authority to assess chemicals against a safety standard and take risk management actions when chemicals do not meet the safety standard. While the legislative reform process is under way, we are not just standing by. The agency is utilizing the current authority under TSCA to help protect human health and the environment. Earlier this year, EPA developed a screening process to identify chemicals for review based on their hazard, exposure, and persistence and bioaccumulation characteristics. We identified 83 work plan chemicals for risk assessment with an initial of seven for assessment for this year. In June we identified an additional 18 chemicals that the agency intends to review and then develop risk assessments in 2013 and 2014, including three flame retardant chemicals. EPA's experience with one flame retardant in particular highlights the limitations of TSCA. The EPA first reviewed a new flame retardant component, TBB, in several products in 1995 for use in foam and was unable to identify that is was persistent and bioaccumulative. We only learned of these properties after the chemical was in commerce and was later found in humans and the environment. Also in the formulation was an existing flame retardant chemical, TBPH. Further research has shown that this existing chemical has similar concerns, but it, too, is persistent and bioaccumulative. This example illustrates the problems we face with both new and existing chemicals since taking the necessary steps to ensure that new chemicals or chemical already in commerce are safe can be cumbersome, involve regulatory processes that take years before hazards are addressed. TBB and TBPH are two of the flame retardants that EPA will evaluate in 2013, 18 years after TBB was first introduced into the market. This is an example that highlights the critical need for the agency to have greater evidence that new chemicals are safe prior to commercialization and stronger tools to take action after they are on the market to ensure safety. The American public has the right to expect that chemicals manufactured, imported, and used in this country are safe. And EPA needs an effective law that gives us the tools necessary to provide the public with these assurances. TSCA must be updated and strengthened so that EPA has the tools to do our job of protecting public health and the environment. The time to fix this badly outdated law is now. I will be pleased to answer any questions that you may have. [The prepared statement of Mr. Jones follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. Thank you very much. I just wanted to make a note here that I am a very strong supporter of bipartisanship, and this Committee has shown we can do it. And we are very proud of our accomplishments. But there are certain times when it does not work, and as Chairman of this Committee, I am responsible for saying we should mark up a bill, and I take all the heat for that. It is not Senator Lautenberg, but I found out from him that he had dozens of meetings, and he just believes at this point that there is a breakdown, there is a difference. There is a difference here which involves how much you want to protect public health versus how much you want to balance that with protecting chemical companies. Now, that is his view on the thing. And I think at some point we might have to say that we have gone very far in our talks, everyone is friendly and amiable, and I really appreciate that as Chairman. But at some point there are going to be issues where there are just clear differences. And I do not think that is anything to be ashamed of. I think the people of this country need to understand the differences. There is nothing wrong with that. So we are going to move ahead. But I was also heartened to hear Senator Vitter say, and others, that they are going to continue to work with us because, if we do get this bill out, we do not know, if we do get this bill out, and it is ready for the floor, we are still open. I know Senator Lautenberg is still open to negotiations. So, I wanted to make that point. I want to ask my first question this way, Administrator Jones. Your testimony states that EPA is concerned that certain flame retardants called PBDEs are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic to humans and the environment and that their potential impacts on neurobehavioral development raise particular concerns for the health of our children. Can you explain why these types of persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals can raise unique threats to children's health? Mr. Jones. Thank you, Senator Boxer. These compounds, PBDEs in particular, express toxicity in developing organisms, and we learned that about a dozen years ago through some data associated with developing organisms, development neurotoxicity studies. So, they affect the development of growing organisms, so, children in utero. But the fact that they are persistent and bioaccumulative creates additional concerns because they are going to last in the environment for a very long time. So, even after they are removed from the market, they are going to be in our environment for some time, and they are going to move up the food chain. So, that creates a different route of exposure to humans, not only from your exposure directly to such a chemical but also indirectly as they will get into the environment and move up the food chain. So, they will ultimately end up in foods that we consume. Senator Boxer. Well, I wanted to make a point that a study by researchers at UC, University of California San Francisco, detected certain PBDEs, PCBs, pthalates, pesticides, perchlorate, and other chemicals in the blood of 99 to 100 percent of pregnant women that they tested. So, our society is being exposed to these chemicals and the most vulnerable, the fetuses, are getting exposed. And it is very serious. So I know, as we look at history, that TSCA needs to be reformed. I think everybody agrees with this. So, my question to you is, could you describe the additional tools to protect the health of pregnant women, infants, and children that reforming TSCA would provide to the EPA? In other words, what would it give you if it was done right that you cannot do now? Mr. Jones. Thank you, Senator Boxer. The things that we would hope to achieve as articulated in the Administration principles are that we would have, the manufacturers would be able to demonstrate the safety of compounds such as these before they are on the market, the agency would have tools for those chemicals that are on the market to quickly get health and safety information from manufacturers, and then the agency would have the tools it would need when we identify a risk to manage or mitigate the risks associated with those chemicals that are on the market. Senator Boxer. OK. Well, let me, I will just make a final comment and then pass it on to Ranking Member Inhofe. What you said is really key. I would bet that if we went outside and just asked anybody walking by if they thought that chemical companies have to do tests and prove the chemicals safe before it is used people would say of course. They would think that would be the case, that a chemical has to be proven safe before it is used. In actuality, under the law currently, the EPA has to prove it unsafe. Is that correct? Mr. Jones. That is correct, Senator. Senator Boxer. OK. So, what Senator Lautenberg is doing, which I so strongly support, is he is doing the common sense thing. He is saying, chemical companies, make sure your product is safe. Let us not have a series of disasters, cancers, all kinds of problems, after you introduce a new chemical. Prove it safe first. And then that would turn this thing around to a place that I think the people of America already believe is the case. So, thank you very much. Senator Inhofe. Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Madam Chairman. Perhaps Mr. Jones, because of my position on the Armed Services Committee, I have gotten a lot of concerns expressed as those were expressed in the letter that I made a part of the record. And in your April 2nd report it says downstream users believe that there will continue to be critical military and aeronautical uses of Deca-BDE after December 31, 2013. Now, I would like to ask you, did EPA actually consult these people prior to--at any time during this process? And if so, what will you be doing after this point, say this thing passes? Mr. Jones. Thanks, Senator Inhofe. So, you are referring to the phase-out of Deca-BDE, which becomes effective at the end of 2013. The agency is working with aircraft manufacturers as well as the Department of Defense to make sure that we fully understand their need for flame retardancy in aircraft, which we think it is very important that aircrafts are safe from fires, as you referenced in your testimony. And so, we are going to continue to work with DOD and the aircraft manufacturers to make sure they have the tools to ensure that. Senator Inhofe. That is good. Let me just ask you, if you would do for the record and have it--so that we will have it writing and give me a chance to look at it, would you read the two documents that I made as a part of the record and respond to those documents for me as to your feelings, of you and the EPA? Mr. Jones. Absolutely, sir. Senator Inhofe. The other thing I wanted to ask you, to better understand where the EPA is on this, have you formally taken a position on the Lautenberg legislation? Mr. Jones. The Administration and myself, as part of that, have not taken a position on Senator Lautenberg's bill. Senator Inhofe. OK. And have you provided policy advice or technical support to Senator Lautenberg about the latest revisions? Mr. Jones. My staff has been providing technical support to Senator Lautenberg for actually a number of years. Senator Inhofe. All right. And have you done any sort of review or analysis of S. 847, internally or for other purposes? And if so, could we be provided with that information? Mr. Jones. Simply technical analysis as opposed to any kind of policy analysis. Senator Inhofe. All right. Internally? Mr. Jones. Yes, that is right, provided to Senator Lautenberg's staff. Senator Inhofe. I see. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you, Madam Chairman. Senator Boxer. Thank you very much, Senator. Senator Lautenberg. Senator Lautenberg. Thank you. We have looked at these things and tried to evaluate where we are. I never liked this thing. [Laughter.] Senator Boxer. We need to hear you. Senator Lautenberg. I will shout. [Laughter.] Senator Lautenberg. I mentioned that Senator Snowe and I recently sent a letter to the EPA, signed by 24 of our Senate colleagues, applauding EPA's current actions on flame retardants. The letter also expressed concern that EPA's authority to address these toxic flame retardants is limited under our current chemical safety law, the Toxic Substances Control Act. Does EPA's limited authority under TSCA prevent the agency from providing the kind of protection that Americans want for their health risks of flame retardants? Mr. Jones. Thanks, Senator Lautenberg. I believe that it does. As I stated this morning and at other hearings, the burden is on the EPA to determine that these products are not safe. So, had we the authority to insist that the manufacturers demonstrate safety before they are on the market, I think it would significantly increase our confidence and the American public's confidence that these products that are on the market are safe. Senator Lautenberg. Americans have among the highest blood concentrations of chemicals in the world. How does EPA's legal authority to address risk from industrial chemicals compare to authority on other countries, the Euro countries and other countries around, our neighbor, Canada? How do we compare with our maintenance of the best protections that we can develop compared to these countries? Mr. Jones. Thank you, Senator. Without at all making comparisons about the adequacy of other countries systems, it is pretty clear that Canada and the European Union have significantly more robust processes in place. They generally require the generation of health and safety data for chemicals that are sold on the market. Senator Lautenberg. Chemicals that are manufactured in the European Union? And the significance? Mr. Jones. As long as, if it sold in the European Union, whether is it manufactured there or not, the generation of health and safety data. Senator Lautenberg. The EPA has determined that PBDE flame retardants, and you said this, may be persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic to both humans and the environment. What can we do to help those who are--have signs of the chemicals in their bodies at this point? We know that there is an effect that is negative on pregnancies. Is there anything that we can do to help ameliorate the conditions that these people find themselves in? Mr. Jones. Well, I think the most important thing we can do is what has happened and to keep that, the direction it is going in, the right direction, which is that those chemicals have been removed from the market. We are fortunate that the manufacturers of them have voluntarily agreed to remove them from the market. And so one of the things that we are doing to backstop that is to put in place a significant new use rule which should keep other manufacturers who may not have voluntarily agreed to such restrictions from entering the market without coming to the agency first where we would have to do a complete assessment. Senator Lautenberg. So, it is fairly obvious then, Mr. Jones, is it not, that companies realize a that there is a risk to people in our society from exposure to these chemicals, and second, is there not, in your judgment--and if I am stretching you, please say so--that to assume that the manufacturers would welcome an opportunity to have a uniform standard across the country that, so that there are a continuum of State decisions that may vary from State to State? Mr. Jones. As a general matter, I have learned over my career not to try to speculate into what goes on in the minds of---- Senator Lautenberg. Oh, that is too bad. Mr. Jones. But I will say in conversations I have had with manufacturers they are struggling with the patchwork of regulations that is developing in the United States. Senator Lautenberg. Thank you. Senator Boxer. Thank you. Senator Crapo. Senator Crapo. Thank you, Madam Chairman. Mr. Jones, I would like to ask first a couple of questions to you about EPA's position on Senate Bill 847. In your testimony at the Appropriations Subcommittee at which you testified last week, it seemed that you endorsed Senate Bill 847 through your comments but did not use the specific words of support or endorsement. And for that reason, I think we need to clarify where the EPA and the Administration stand on the bill. Can you tell us whether the EPA has, in fact, take a formal position on Senate Bill 847? Mr. Jones. Senator Crapo, thanks for the question. The EPA, nor the Administration, has not taken a position on Senator Lautenberg's bill. Senator Crapo. Does the Administration plan to do so at any time soon? Mr. Jones. I am not aware of any plans for a statement of an Administration position on that bill at this time. Senator Crapo. Has the Administration convened an interagency review of the legislation? Or do you know if that is intended to take place? Mr. Jones. The Administration has not convened such a group. Senator Crapo. All right. Thank you. Also, just to move on to another topic, at your testimony last week before the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, you stated that the EPA might have made a different pre- manufacturing notice determination in 1995 about the new flame retardant chemicals if TSCA has required the submission of more robust hazard exposure and use data to assess their risks. Can you explain to me a little more specifically what you referred to there that could have been provided but was not allowed to be sought under current statutory authorities? Mr. Jones. Sir, as I mentioned, the burden is on the agency to determine whether or not we think a new chemical meets the standard. And because we did not have data on the persistence of the bioaccumulation, we were using models that we had to try to estimate that. Unfortunately, for those particular compounds those models proved to be ineffective, so they did not flag the persistence and the bioaccumulation of the chemical. As a general matter, for chemicals coming in that are new that are persistent and bioaccumulative, because those two features tend to create problems over time, we insist on a much more robust health and safety testing. So, had we known they were persistent and bioaccumulative, we would have required the manufacturer--we would likely have required the manufacturer to generate health and safety data before entering the marketplace. Senator Crapo. But you had no authority to obtain that information? Mr. Jones. We did, but as I said, if we do not know of the persistence and the bioaccumulation, and in this case our models were not good at predicting it, we did not because the practice was if you do not have persistence or bioaccumulation we are not going to insist on the generation of that data. Senator Crapo. So, if the models were defective and did not tell you the information you should be seeking, but you did have statutory authority to obtain that information had you known, is it not a problem with the models? Mr. Jones. Well, one could say it is a problem with the overall structure. If the models are failing us across the board, that would put us in the position of requiring everyone to generate health and safety data before they are on the market. Senator Crapo. So, what, I guess what I am trying to get at is what do we need to do statutorily to fix that problem? Mr. Jones. We think that the statute needs to turn the burden around for the manufacturer to provide the agency the information necessary to demonstrate safety of the compound. And there are plenty of ways that can be done. Generally understanding characteristics like persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity is a key part of that. Senator Crapo. TSCA Section 7 provides EPA the authority to regulate imminent hazards caused by chemical substances. Do you agree that is a pretty broad authority under Section 7? Mr. Jones. I have to admit, Senator Crapo, I have not spent much time with Section 7 in my tenure at EPA. So I do not feel prepared to answer that. Senator Crapo. OK. As I review it, it appears that it is a pretty broad authority, and I am not aware of whether the EPA has ever even exercised its Section 7 authority. Again, I am getting at the question of what authorities the EPA does have now to achieve the necessary evaluation that you describe. So I would appreciate it if you would provide me with further information after you meet back with your staff. Mr. Jones. Sure. I would be happy to. Senator Crapo. That is all I have, Mr. Chairman. Senator Lautenberg [presiding]. Senator Merkley. Senator Merkley. Thank you very much, Senator Lautenberg. And I must say that I was very struck by the Chicago Tribune story that laid out a history in which it noted that use of these flame retardants really gained steam when the cigarette industry was looking to provide an alternative focus for the public in terms of home fires and get away from the cigarette in the sofa explanation. Then, after the retardants started to become widely used, of course, those who make the retardants enjoyed the possibility of continuing to promote their use by engaging in kind of very dramatic testimony about children dying in fires. And what this article in the Tribune speaks to is that, and I will just quote the first paragraph or couple of paragraphs here, before California lawmakers last year, the burn surgeon drew gasps from the crowd as he described a 7-week-old baby girl who was burned in a fire started by a candle while she lay on a pillow that lacked flame retardant chemicals. Now, this is a tiny little person, no bigger than my Italian Greyhound at home, said Heimbach, gesturing to the baby's size, approximately the baby's size, half of her body was severely burned, she ultimately died after about 3 weeks of pain and misery in the hospital. His passionate testimony about the baby's death made the long-term health concerns about flame retardants voiced by doctors and environmentalists and firefighters sound abstract and petty. But there was a problem with this testimony. It was not true. Records show that there was no dangerous pillow or candle fire. The baby he described did not exist. Neither did the 9- week-old patient who Heimbach told California legislators died in a candle fire in 2009. Nor did the 6-week-old patient that he told Alaska lawmakers was fatally burned in a crib in 2010. Heimbach is not just a prominent burn doctor. He is a star witness for the manufacturers of flame retardants. His testimony, the Tribune found, is part of a decade's long campaign of deception that has loaded the furniture and electronics in American homes with pounds of toxic chemicals linked to cancer, neurological defects, developmental problems, and impaired fertility. Then the article goes on to note that the industry often points to a Government study from the 1980s as proof that flame retardants save lives. But the study's lead author, Mr. Babrauskas, said in an interview that the industry has distorted his findings and that the amount of retardants used in household furniture does not work. The fire just laughs at it, he said. So, here we have kind of testimony that the retardants do not work, testimony that the retardants cause all of these other kinds of problems, testimony that the amount in the American baby has doubled roughly every 2 to 5 years since--I believe it was since 1980. Is this not exactly the type of problem that the EPA is there to watch for? And I just heard you testify that we did not look into it, and yet we have these blood studies that show that it was doubling every couple of years in the body. Certainly, that must speak to the bioaccumulative presence. Has the EPA been asleep at the switch, and has it woken up? Mr. Jones. Thanks, Senator Merkley. As I mentioned earlier today, one of the major classes of flame retardants, PBDEs, have been phased out in the United States. There is one last chemical that is at the end game of its being phased out. But that was done through a voluntary agreement with the manufacturer for a couple of reasons. One is that it was very hard for us to get the health and safety data that we needed to evaluate those compounds. And then, taking a chemical off the market under TSCA has proven to be incredibly difficult for the Government. We were fortunate in this case that the manufacturers were willing to take those compounds off the market. There are a number of other flame retardants that are on the market, and we are going to begin to assess their safety in the next fiscal year, 2013, including two of the flame retardants mentioned in the Chicago Tribune story. So EPA has not been living up to, I think, what the American public expects, but I think a good part of that has to do with the challenges that the Toxic Substances Control Act creates for us. Senator Merkley. When you said that several had been phased out, there are several different versions of this, the Octa version and the Deca version. Is that what you are speaking to? These different versions? Mr. Jones. Penta and Octa have been phased out. Deca is in the end of its phase-out right now. Senator Merkley. One of the things that is pointed out is that infants are particularly susceptible to this because they are crawling around on the carpet, and the carpet collects the dust from various products that have this as well as some of the carpets themselves have it in it. And so a child being very close to the carpet, playing on the carpet, breathing inches away from the carpet, is far more exposed than an adult. Is this an issue that you have studied and looked into? Mr. Jones. Ultimately the assessments that we do for these compounds are going to include that route of exposure that you have described which is that the compound often either leaches out or from rubbing comes off of the originally treated material and ends up in house dust and often can end up in carpet or on floors and thus lead to a hand-mouth exposure. Senator Merkley. Thank you. Senator Boxer. Thank you, Senator. Senator Vitter. Senator Vitter. Thank you, Madam Chair, and thank you, Administrator Jones. As I mentioned in my opening statement, I think a big hurdle we face in this area generally is a dramatic erosion of broad-based confidence over several years in the science agencies like EPA uses. And I mention as a prime example of that this NAS study that underscored the inadequacy of that science. And it implicated pretty broadly the IRIS process. And as I also said, the EPA essentially acknowledged this and through Dr. Paul Anastas committed to major core reforms to address that in the IRIS process. Since then, what are the major core reforms to the IRIS process that have been implemented by the EPA? What are they, and how do they address these concerns and this erosion of confidence? Mr. Jones. Thanks, Senator Vitter. The principal reform that the agency has already embraced is increasing the public participation associated with IRIS reviews. Internally, we are also broadening the offices outside of ORD that participate in IRIS assessments. You may or may not know that the Office of Research and Development manages the IRIS process as opposed to my office. Senator Vitter. I am aware of that. But go back to the first thing you said. Public participation. What do you mean by that? How does that attack the problems I cited? Mr. Jones. Transparency has been one of the tools the agency has long relied on to ensure the integrity of our scientific processes. And so allowing people who are not employees of the agency to look at our work and give us their feedback we have found to be a very effective means to ensuring the integrity of our science processes. Senator Vitter. So, you are talking about peer review? Mr. Jones. Both peer review as well as just broad public comment. Senator Vitter. And what truly independent peer review is now mandated in the IRIS process? Mr. Jones. I am not familiar with the specific requirements that the IRIS program has put in place for independent peer review. We are--the compounds that our offices work with them on have all had internal peer reviews associated with them. Senator Vitter. OK. Well, let me just underscore that a lot of folks would not consider that robust and adequate. Usually, peer review means very independent peer review, clearly outside the academic institution or the agency that something is emanating from. Also related to this, as you know, the last omnibus appropriation bill mandated further reviews by National Academy of Sciences about this further contracts. Can you tell us the status of those NAS reviews and contracts? Mr. Jones. I am not familiar, Senator Vitter, with the status of contracts related to the appropriations requirements. Senator Vitter. OK. If you can have someone follow up and add that to the testimony because that goes directly to my concerns? Thank you. Senator Boxer. Colleagues, we have been joined by two colleagues. I think we are going to move to the panel, and then I will call on Senator Carper first, then Senator Cardin, then we will go back and forth. Is that OK with you, Senator Vitter? Senator Vitter. Yes. Senator Boxer. OK. Thank you. So, we thank you very much. We are very honored to call forth panel No. 2. Hannah Pingree, a Former Speaker of the Main House of Representatives, speaking to us as a mom. She will discuss State efforts to ban certain flame retardant chemicals. Dr. Heather Stapleton, Assistant Professor of Environment Chemistry at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke. She will discuss the science on the health effects of certain flame retardants. Those are both majority witnesses. Two minority witnesses. Marshall Moore, Director, Technology, Advocacy and Marketing, Great Lakes Solutions, a Chemtura business. They will speak about chemicals, including flame retardants. William Rawson, another minority witness, Partner, Chair, Environment, Land and Resources Department, Latham & Watkins, attorney for chemical manufacturers including of flame retardants. And Tony Stefani, President, Founder, San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation. This is a majority witness, and I am proud, a Californian, who is a cancer survivor. He will discuss local efforts to help firefighters who are exposed to chemicals during and after fires, including with medical monitoring. We are going to start with Hannah Pingree. We welcome you. STATEMENT OF HANNAH PINGREE, MOTHER, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE MAINE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Pingree. Chairwoman Boxer, Senator Lautenberg, Ranking Member Inhofe, and members of the Committee, my name is Hannah Pingree, and I thank you for this invitation. I am here as the Former Speaker of the Maine House. I am also here as the mother of a young daughter, and I am 6 months pregnant. I am here on my own behalf, but I also work as a consultant for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, the national coalition working to protect our kids from the health impacts of toxic chemicals. I have been involved in chemical regulation issues for nearly 10 years as a legislator and advocate. But today, as a parent, I am more concerned than ever about the current state of chemicals in our products. Today we know that the umbilical cord blood of every American pregnant woman tested shows multiple chemicals such that our babies are born into this world with toxins in their bodies that we know can harm their health and their development. At the age of 30, I participated in a study of 13 Maine people called Body of Evidence in which I was tested for 71 chemicals. I had the second highest levels of phthalates and mercury in our study. My mercury levels were above the safety standard for protection of a developing fetus, and I had levels of flame retardants, arsenic, PFCs, and BPA. They were all cause for concern. As a lifelong resident of a small, offshore island with no major industry or pollution, without a doubt the chemicals in me came from products in my home and the food that I eat. These results also arrived in the midst of our Maine legislative work to ban flame retardants in which experts from the industry told us that these toxins do not buildup in people's bodies above the safety threshold. Our study suggested that they were wrong. Because of the failure of TSCA to regulate thousands of chemicals in our products, States across the country have been forced to step in to protect public health. Since 2003 more than 150 policies in 30 States have been passed to limit exposure to toxic chemicals. The vast majority of these laws were passed with overwhelming majorities of Democratic and Republican legislators and Governors. Across the country, lawmakers experiences with the chemical industry in passing these laws echoed those detailed in the spring Chicago Tribune expose which revealed a pattern of unethical behavior. Legislators were misled and even lied to about the health impact of chemicals and the ability of flame retardants to prevent fires. In Maine, I sponsored successful bills to ban brominated flame retardants, known as PBDEs, in both 2004 and 2007. In our first interactions with industry, their concerns, their experts argued that these chemicals were safe and that our health concerns were alarmist. Today we know that these flame retardants are associated in delays with brain impacts in kids, reproductive problems, and cancer risks. A new study just released has linked exposure to these chemicals during pregnancy with increased autism risk. In 2007 I brought forward a phase-out of the flame retardant Deca used in everything from TVs to mattresses to upholstery. The bill attracted more money and deception than any other piece of legislation during my tenure in the House. The chemical industry paid for weeks of TV and newspaper ads as well as radio, mail, and robo-calls. Their front group, called Keep America Fire-Safe, paid for ads that claimed that Maine legislators were seeking to weaken fire safety accompanied by B-roll of a burning house. Despite their campaign, few Mainers contacted us. And despite their name, the industry had no support from fire safety groups. Both the Maine fire chiefs and our firefighters union were among our most passionate supporters. The industry flew in a man for the public hearing who had been seriously burned as a child. When questioned by committee members, he admitted that his burns were not caused by a lack of flame retardants and that he was a paid witness for the industry. Their goal was only to mislead and to shock. Luckily, those tactics were offensive to Maine legislators. In the end, the Deca ban was supported by unanimous vote in the House and the 32 to 2 vote in the Senate and signed by our Governor. We learned in Maine and repeatedly across the country that this industry's primary tactic is to deny and mislead, hide health information, and then agree to voluntary phase-out of the chemical. The industry, after denying any health concerns in Maine in 2007, agreed in 2009 to a U.S. phase-out of Deca for virtually all consumer uses. The challenge of sorting out chemicals in our products is overwhelming as a parent. Before my daughter was born, my husband and I researched crib mattresses, and after reading countless Web sites and blogs, we spent a couple of hundred extra dollars for a mattress free of flame retardants. Keeping a child safe in their bed should not take extra research or money. Despite our decision to buy a green mattress, we still have our old couch in the living room and our mattress in our bed, both likely treated with several pounds of flame retardants each. Whether it is our couches, our kids toys, our car seats, there is no required disclosure or warning signs about chemicals and their health impacts. And that is why we moms and parents across the country need leadership from you, our Federal leaders. We need safe products for our kids and our families. In closing, I want to thank Senator Lautenberg for championing the Safe Chemicals Act, Senator Boxer for her leadership, and I want to thank my two Senators, Senators Snowe and Collins both for joining the bipartisan call for an overhaul of the nation's chemical safety laws. The system has been ineffective since the passage of TSCA in 1976, the year I was born. I understand that this Committee will consider the Safe Chemicals Act tomorrow, and for the sake of my kids' health, your children and grandkids and millions across the country, I urge this Committee to take immediate action to remedy our broken system. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Ms. Pingree follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. Thank you so very much. We will hear from the next majority witness, Dr. Heather Stapleton, Associated Professor of Environmental Chemistry, Environment Sciences and Policy at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. Welcome. STATEMENT OF HEATHER M. STAPLETON, PH.D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, NICHOLAS SCHOOL OF THE ENVIRONMENT, DUKE UNIVERSITY Ms. Stapleton. Good morning. I wish to thank Senator Lautenberg, Senator Crapo, and Senator Boxer and the other members of this Committee for inviting me to testify here today. I am Heather Stapleton, an Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry at Duke University. For the past 10 years, I have been conducting research on flame retardant chemicals, and today I would like to talk to you about my research and what we know about human health risks. Current scientific evidence demonstrates that the U.S. population is exposed to flame retardant chemicals used in consumer products at levels that are approximately 10 times higher than levels in European and Asian countries, most likely due to difference in our flammability standards. According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 99 percent of the U.S. population has flame retardant chemicals in their bodies. Studies have also shown that children have much higher body burdens of these chemicals compared to adults. This is a concern given that health studies found that higher body burdens of these chemicals were associated in reductions in IQ and motor skills in children, lower birth weights in infants, changes in hormone levels, and a reduction in a woman's potential to become pregnant. In my opinion, this evidence warrants changes in the way these chemicals are currently applied to consumer products and highlights a need to reduce our exposures in vulnerable populations such as infants and children. I would now like to summarize several key findings from my research. It is impossible for an average person to avoid exposure to flame retardants. The primary route of human exposure to these chemicals is from inadvertent ingestion of dust particles in the home which is more pronounced for infants and young children that are more vulnerable to chemical exposures. Over the past 8 years, we have analyzed hundreds of samples of indoor dust collected from different regions of the U.S., and today I have not found one sample that does not contain the flame retardants known as PBDEs. An average consumer also does not have the choice or an option to buy products that are free of flame retardants. There are no labels indicating whether or not a flame retardant chemical has been applied. The only way to determine if a product is treated with these chemicals is to take a sample of that material and chemically analyze it in a laboratory using very expensive analytical equipment. This allows us to determine the chemical structures of these flame retardant formulations which are often proprietary and also allows us to determine their concentration in the products. My research team has analyzed over 100 samples of polyurethane foam collected from residential furniture purchased in the U.S. and found that more than 85 percent is indeed treated at levels that can be as high as 10 percent by weight of the foam, as are most baby products that are considered furniture items. This includes nursing pillows, sleep positioners, baby mats, car seats, and others. Infants spend almost 24 hours a day in intimate contact with these items, and no risk assessments have been conducted to determine the level of exposure an infant receives during use of these products. The two most common flame retardants detected in furniture and baby products on the market today are chemicals known as chlorinated tris and Firemaster 550, replacements for the now phased out PBDEs. Chlorinated tris is considered a probable human carcinogen, and the Consumer Products Safety Commission estimated that a child's exposure to chlorinated tris from residential furniture would be 5 times higher than the acceptable daily limit. This assessment did not include children's exposure to chlorinated tris from baby products which would increase this exposure. In addition, a very recent study conducted by my colleagues and I found that exposure to Firemaster 550 in rodents resulted in obesity, changes in hormone levels, advanced puberty, and altered behavior at a level that was more than 10-fold lower than what the chemical company stated was the lowest level at which any adverse effects would be observed. Our research also shows that these same two flame retardants are now found in more than 95 percent of the U.S. homes, and levels in indoor environments are just as high as the levels of PBDEs, implying that exposure levels are the same. These points highlight what I call the chemical conveyor belt. When one chemical is phased out, another similar chemical is often used as a replacement, and we know less about its potential effects than a chemical it replaced. History has shown us that if often takes millions of taxpayer dollars and several decades collecting data on these new chemicals before we realize there is a health hazard. We should, in my opinion, consider how this process could be reformed. In closing, I would like to urge this Committee to strongly consider legislation that would reduce our children's exposure to flame retardant chemicals that have known health effects which can be done without compromising fire safety as was demonstrated at a hearing last week. I have dedicated much of my scientific career to testing consumer products for these chemicals to provide information on sources within the home, and as a result I have received numerous e-mails and phone calls from average Americans asking where they can find flame retardant-free products or how they can reduce their exposure. Unfortunately, I cannot provide all the answers because we still do not yet fully understand how many products are treated or exactly what chemicals are used in all applications. In my opinion, both as a scientist and as a mother myself, consumer products should be labeled to indicate specific chemical treatments to provide consumers a choice, particularly when it involves the use of suspected carcinogens in baby products. Last, I would just like to note that my research has been funded by the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Science Foundation. I thank you for considering my testimony. [The prepared statement of Ms. Stapleton follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. Thank you very much. And now we turn to our two minority witnesses, the first of whom is Marshall Moore, Director, Technology, Advocacy and Marketing, Great Lakes Solution, a Chemtura business. And you can speak about the manufacture, including of flame retardants. Go ahead. STATEMENT OF MARSHALL MOORE, DIRECTOR, TECHNOLOGY, ADVOCACY AND MARKETING, GREAT LAKES SOLUTIONS, A CHEMTURA BUSINESS Mr. Moore. Thank you, Senator Boxer, Senator Lautenberg, and the Committee. Flame retardants have received a lot of attention recently, some of which is inaccurate and misleading. So, I want to be very clear. Chemtura stands by its products. And we have acted proactively with EPA and others to lead our industry in the introduction of greener alternatives because of a corporate commitment to continuous improvement. That is why we are participating fully in this hearing. I will emphasize three points. One, flame retardants are effective in reducing the flammability of synthetic materials. Two, EPA has conducted an extensive assessment of new flame retardants to ensure that they are safe for use. And three, Chemtura acts proactively to develop new flame retardant products with improved environmental profiles. Our scientists are working every day to find better, safer, and greener ways to mitigate the age old risk of fire. By adding flame retardants to polyurethane foam, which is highly flammable when left untreated, manufacturers have been able to comply with the nation's strictest furniture flammability standard, California Technical Bulletin 117. For over three decades, flame retardants have enabled manufacturers to meet this standard by reducing the flammability of their products. The introduction of this standard coincided with a dramatic decrease in the number and severity of house fires according to data compiled by the National Fire Protection Association. A number of labs have replicated these results, most recently at Southwest Research Institute. In a study funded by the National Institute of Justice, Dr. Matthew Blais tested foam treated with flame retardants to meet the California standard. He concluded, ``The use of California Technical Bulletin 117 foam increases the fire safety of home furnishings by delaying the onset of free burning conditions and reducing the total energy released by the event.'' Scientific data show the relative risk associated with our flame retardants is extremely low and is far outweighed by the societal benefits of this advancement that reduces the number and severity of fires. From an environmental perspective, EPA required rigorous review of TBB, a component of Firemaster 550. This product was designed to provide the same or better flame retarding properties in furniture foam as earlier products but with an improved environmental profile. Chemtura submitted 15 studies to EPA during the assessment of TBB. These included studies designed to assess the potential exposure of consumers and the persistence and potential for bioaccumulation. Based on these studies, our scientists concluded, and EPA agreed, TBB is less persistent and less likely to bioaccumulate than the product it replaced. In the years that followed, Chemtura conducted additional environmental fate and toxicity studies. They indicated that the levels at which observed effects would be expected are orders of magnitude higher than the predicted exposure levels. That is, the risk is minimal. The product was subject to Government restrictions until EPA received those studies, a process that took more than 13 years. Chemtura will be submitting 17 additional studies, all conducted for registrations in other regions, as part of EPA's TSCA Work Plan Chemicals Program. We welcome the opportunity to work with regulators to conduct a fresh, objective, and scientific review of this data as well as studies conducted by academic researchers. Based on our experience, the evaluation of new chemical substances under TSCA has been effective and thorough. Yet, we believe that TSCA can be modernized to be more efficient, to use current scientific technologies, and to reflect our improved understanding of how chemicals interact with the human body and the environment. You have our commitment to help in this effort. In conclusion, Chemtura has fully complied with chemical management regulations while also leading the industry in the introduction of greener alternatives. We have shown our commitment to continuous improvement by voluntarily replacing older products with new options that are better, safer, and greener. Everyone in this room wants the same thing, reduced risk of fire, greener chemistry that results in efficient products with reduced environmental impact, and a regulatory process that promotes innovation. Chemtura is proud to have led the industry in introducing products that meet the most rigorous fire safety standards while protecting human health and the environment. Thank you once again for the opportunity to appear before you today. [The prepared statement of Mr. Moore follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. Thank you, sir. And now we turn to the second minority witness, William Rawson, Partner, Chair, Environment, Land and Resources Department, Latham & Watkins, attorney for chemical manufacturers including of flame retardants. Welcome. STATEMENT OF WILLIAM K. RAWSON, PARTNER AND CHAIR OF THE ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IN WASHINGTON, DC, LATHAM & WATKINS Mr. Rawson. Madam Chair and distinguished members of the Committee, good morning. Thank you for inviting me to testify. I have co-authored a book on the Toxic Substances Control Act and have practiced environmental law for 25 years. I have been asked to testify today by Albemarle Corporation, a domestic producer of flame retardants, and ICL-IP, an Israeli company that imports flame retardants. I have a strong appreciation for EPA's mission and have worked closely with many EPA managers and staff over the years. I have great respect for their efforts in support of EPA's mission. All major stakeholders agree that amendments to TSCA are needed. To make progress toward amendments, we need to find common ground. Executive Order 13563, signed by President Barack Obama last year, states a regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. TSCA amendments should meet those objectives. The Executive Order directs each agency to ``propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination that its benefits justify its costs'' and to ``tailor its regulations to impose the least burden on society consistent with obtaining regulatory objectives.'' My testimony focuses on TSCA Section 5, which governs approval of new chemicals; Section 4, which governs testing of existing chemicals; and Section 6, which provides authority to regulate existing chemicals. The strength of Section 5 lies in its flexibility, which allows EPA to raise or lower the bar according to the properties of each proposed new chemical. Since TSCA was enacted in 1976, the company seeking approval of a new chemical in every case has either agreed to EPA's data requirements and restrictions or withdrawn its pre-manufacture notice. Several thousand chemicals have been approved with restrictions or not approved at all. There has been no litigation under Section 5. Section 5, in my judgment, is doing a good job of meeting the objectives of the Executive Order. The Senate bill would mandate a new round of EPA review for every new use of a previously approved chemical and every significant increase in use of an existing chemical. The implications for EPA's overburdened resources, for EPA's ability to prioritize, and for industry's ability to innovate would be very significant. Section 4. EPA has two ways under TSCA Section 4 to require toxicity testing of existing chemicals, a risk-based approach and an exposure-based approach. Case law shows that the burden is very low. The Section 4 criteria, in my judgment, provide a sound basis for deciding what testing is necessary to protect human health and the environment. Why are there not more test rules? One reason is that industry conducts a large amount of testing voluntarily. Also, many chemicals have been evaluated for testing under TSCA and have been determined to be a low priority for testing or not to need any testing at all. The Senate bill would not require EPA to consider potential for exposure before determining the need for testing. EPA has stated, ``The level, frequency, and duration of exposure of a chemical should always be considered when determining the necessity of additional testing.'' Section 6. The asbestos rulemaking did not fail because of the statute. It failed because of errors in the rulemaking. This is explained in my testimony. Section 6 requires the EPA to adopt the ``least burdensome requirements necessary to address the identified risks. The Executive Order directs agencies to use the least burdensome tools for achieving regulatory ends.'' The unreasonable risk standard in Section 6 is not unique to TSCA. The Federal pesticide statute has a similar standard. The Executive Order directs agencies to ``take into account benefits and costs, both quantitative and qualitative.'' The proposed reasonable certainty of new harm standard and proposal to require EPA to consider exposure from all sources, including those outside of EPA's jurisdiction, is not workable for all chemicals regulated under TSCA. The Senate bill would make a decision by EPA that a chemical fails to meet the safety standard immune from judicial challenge. Even arbitrary and capricious decisionmaking could not be overturned. That is very troubling. All stakeholders recognize the need for EPA to prioritize its resources. A rational prioritization scheme with reasonable timelines would give the public greater confidence that significant risks are being addressed in a systematic and timely manner. We need to understand which perceived shortcomings of TSCA derive from the statute and which derive from implementation. Proposed solutions should match the problems. Amendments should produce better decisions, not just easier decisions. The companies have committed voluntarily to end production and importation of Deca-BDE without EPA taking any action under TSCA Section 6. Substantial testing has been conducted by the companies without the need for any test rule under TSCA Section 4. The companies support EPA's efforts to promulgate a significant new use rule under TSCA Section 5 that would apply to imported articles containing Deca-BDE. In conclusion, notwithstanding the voluntary phase-out, the companies believe that Deca-BDE is a safe flame retardant. Health Canada recently released a draft health assessment document---- Senator Boxer. Mr. Rawson, will you wrap up, please? Mr. Rawson. May I just complete the last sentence, please? Senator Boxer. Sure. Mr. Rawson. Health Canada recently released a draft health assessment document that found adequate margins of exposure including for children. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Mr. Rawson follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. Thank you, Mr. Rawson. Our final witness is Tony Stefani, President, Founder of San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation. He is a majority witness. He is a cancer survivor. He is going to discuss local efforts to help firefighters who are exposed to chemicals during and after fires including with medical monitoring. Welcome. STATEMENT OF TONY STEFANI, FOUNDER, PRESIDENT, SAN FRANCISCO FIREFIGHTERS CANCER PREVENTION FOUNDATION Mr. Stefani. Thank you, Chairman Boxer, and good morning. My name is Tony Stefani. I am a retired captain from the San Francisco Fire Department with 28 years of service. I would like to begin by giving you a brief history of myself and our foundation. I spent the last 13 years of my career as a captain at Rescue 1, I am proud to say one of the busiest companies in the United States. After 27 years on the job, I was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma, a rare form of cancer, in my right renal pelvis. I was told by my physician at UCSF it is normally found in people that are exposed to chemicals or in the chemical industry. During my treatment and recovery, two more firefighters from Station 1 contracted transitional cell carcinoma, only a more common form, bladder cancer. It also seemed like every month we were going to a funeral of another firefighter that had succumbed to some form of this hideous disease. In 2006, with the complete support of the department's administration and Firefighters Local 798, I formed a nonprofit foundation, the San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation, that has been dedicated to the early detection and prevention of cancer in both our active and retired firefighters. Since its inception, we have conducted five major cancer screenings, and through these screenings we have identified five retired firefighters and one active firefighter with various forms of cancer. And at the time of these screenings, these individuals were not aware they had this disease. Our foundation has also been involved in three studies. The first was published in 2007 and was conducted by the Department of Urology at UCSF Medical Center, and it identified bladder cancer rates in the San Francisco Fire Department greater than the population in general and of a major concern for the entire firefighting profession. Firefighters are exposed every day in the same manner as the general population is to the effects of flame retardants that escape from household products and settle in dust, whether it be in their workplace or in their homes with their families. But once a firefighter enters a burning building, it is a completely different set of circumstances. Firefighters are fully aware that we work in a chemical cocktail every time we enter a building on fire. Does that hinder the fire extinguishment? The definitive answer there is absolutely not. It is our job to extinguish the fire, preserve life and property, and the job gets done. The firefighter's biggest fear is what occurs once the fire is extinguished and the overhaul process begins. It is during this period of time where off gassing occurs. Products of combustion have been extinguished, but the emission of toxic gases continues. We are now aware that even if all personal protective equipment remains in place on firefighters, brominated and chlorinated fire retardants have the ability to permeate this equipment. Additionally, if this equipment is not properly decontaminated immediately when returning to quarters, firefighters risk continual exposures every time they don them. A question that lingers in our profession right now is do these chemicals combine synergistically with other toxins in the atmosphere at a fire and actually exacerbate their carcinogenic properties? What we do know is that our rates of contracting various forms of cancer is increasing. We also are fully aware that these flame retardant chemicals bioaccumulate in our blood, our fat tissue, and in mother's milk. Chairman Boxer and honorable members of this Committee, I have before me a study that is soon to be released, and I have been given permission to talk about certain aspects of this study. The title of the study is Halogenated Flame Retardants, Furans, Dioxins and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Serum of Firefighters from Northern California. The firefighters from Northern California that the study refers to is a cohort of 12 firefighters from San Francisco. These firefighters willingly gave their blood after two separate working fires in the city, and the study examined the levels and patterns of halogenated compounds in the serum of the firefighters and compares contaminant concentrations in this cohort with those in the general population and other studies in the United States and worldwide. The study of our firefighters showed polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs over 30 percent higher than the general population of California and over 60 percent higher than the general population of the United States. We had one firefighter with a PBDE level 11 times greater than the average of the general population, and the PBDE concentration in the San Francisco firefighters were 20 to 30 times higher than the levels found in the general population of Japan, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom. Last Tuesday, I received an e-mail from Dr. Susan Shaw, one of the lead scientists of the study. In this e-mail, she states despite the small sample size, the paper reveals a wealth of information about the exposure of firefighters to a wide range of harmful chemicals during firefighting. It provides evidence that firefighters are exposed to cancer causing dioxins and furans, their congener profiles for brominated dioxins and furans, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and perflourinated chemicals that are clearly indicative of exposure during firefighting. Another issue that we have to address in regards to flame retardants in chemicals is the rising cases of breast cancer we are seeing in our female firefighters in San Francisco. We have over 200 female firefighters in our department, the largest of any major metropolitan department in the United States. Senator Boxer. Excuse me. I am going to have to stop you there, and I will ask you questions about this as I go. [The prepared statement of Mr. Stefani follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Senator Boxer. What we are going to do, first of all, thank you all. We are going to start with Senator Carper. We are going to each have 10 minutes to question so we can really get to some of the issues here. Senator Carper. Senator Carper. Thank you. I will not use all of this. Thank you very much for allowing me, and thank you all for joining us today. First question is pretty simple, and I only ask that you keep your responses brief. But if you could, each of you, just share with us, maybe the single most important lesson that you all have learned or gained from your experiences in really focusing on this U.S. chemicals issue that you think we can learn from or benefit from. Just one. Single best. Would you like to go first? Mr. Stefani. Is that question posed---- Senator Carper. For the whole panel. Mr. Stefani. I think what we have learned---- Senator Carper. Just be brief. Mr. Stefani. What we understand right now is that these are important chemicals that have to be dealt with because of this bioaccumulative process that is actually proven in medical science right now. Senator Carper. OK. Thanks. Did you want to say something else? Mr. Stefani. No. Senator Carper. OK, fine. Mr. Rawson. Mr. Rawson. I think we should think of TSCA as providing a framework for making good decisions. But I do not think we should count the number of test rules promulgated or the number of Section 6 rules promulgated when deciding how effective it is. I think what we should look at is how can we best get EPA the information it needs, how can industry and EPA and other stakeholders work together to meet the objectives of TSCA. Senator Carper. All right. Thank you. Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore. In the context of the discussion on flame retardants, I think what I would most like to say is that, I guess, as a scientist, also as a father, I think in terms of looking at the risk of fires versus other risks in society. We cannot forget the risk of fires and the statistics showing that it is a clear and present risk and we have to take that into consideration in the entire discussion about the review of the risks and hazards associated with flame retardants, fires, and the use of those chemicals. Senator Carper. All right. Thank you. Ms. Stapleton. Dr. Stapleton. Ms. Stapleton. Just in regards to flame retardants and based on the research data I have collected and then what I have read in the peer reviewed literature it seems apparent to me that the potential health effects and other disadvantages of using these chemicals potentially outweigh any purported benefits that some industry members claim that they have in terms of their applications in some consumer products. Senator Carper. OK. Thank you. Ms. Pingree. Ms. Pingree. Thank you. Good question. I think as a former State legislator I would say our experiences in Maine, as highlighted by the Chicago Tribune and other States, what we learned is that the chemical industry does not always tell the truth. And they will do a variety of means to beat back regulation of chemicals, especially considering they are making considerable profits selling these chemicals. And in Maine, we had an industry front group. We had many of the companies represented at this table, the American Chemistry Council, spending huge amounts of money misleading legislators and doing whatever they could to deny that, for example, the chemical Deca had both health impacts and was building up in people. So I have great respect for all the folks up here, but I really would say as a parent I do not trust these companies to tell the truth about their chemicals, and I do not think the American public or you, as Senators, should either. I think that is my No. 1 learning, and I hope that that has been made clear through my testimony today. Senator Carper. OK. Thanks so much. Madam Chairman, I am going to ask unanimous consent to enter a statement for the record, and I have a couple of questions I would like to submit for the record. I am supposed to be in three places at once, so I am going to slip out. Senator Boxer. Oh, my goodness. Senator Carper. I appreciate you all being here and for this conversation today and the work that Senator Lautenberg and certainly Senator Inhofe and others have done on this issue. Thank you. Senator Boxer. Thank you. Senator Carper, thank you for coming by, because I think the question you asked was very important, I thought. I have a lot of questions, so if I run out of time I am going to take a second round. So, I am going to get to all of you. I will start with Ms. Pingree. Your testimony contains a letter from the Professional Firefighters of Maine to the American Chemistry Council that expresses shock and concern about an array of disturbing actions by member companies of the American Chemistry Council including the creation of a phony fire safety group, a phony fire safety group that lobbied on behalf of the industry. The letter asks the American Chemistry Council to expel three companies, Albemarle, Chemtura, and ICL, for their unethical behavior. Do you know if the ACC has responded to this letter or if they have committed to expel these members? Ms. Pingree. I will say there is another letter in my testimony also from a group of State legislators and legislative leaders from around the country of which I signed that made a similar request following the Chicago Tribune story. And we received a response to our legislator letter. I do not know if there was a response made to the firefighter letter. The response we got from Cal Dooley, the head of the American Chemistry Council, was that they were going to let the member companies respond on their own. They thought that there were some misleading facts out there in the Chicago Tribune story; they were not prepared to take this action despite their own ethics and responsibility code that they said that they abide by. In fact, the American Chemistry Council in that same letter said we are not involved in these State legislative battles so we will leave it to these folks to respond on their own---- Senator Boxer. So, they took no responsibility. Ms. Pingree. They took no responsibility, yes. Senator Boxer. For this phony group that said they posed as a fire safety group. Ms. Pingree. Yes. Senator Boxer. And it included Mr. Moore, so I am going to ask Mr. Moore, following up, who was on this fire safety group that actually was an honest broker? Mr. Moore. In terms of Citizens for Fire Safety, Citizens for Fire Safety is an organization in which we were a founding member and have been a member of. Like many organizations, trade organizations, professionals were hired to organize it and run the organization. Senator Boxer. So, wait a minute. The chemical companies were a member of the fire safety group. This was your credential. You are a chemical company, but you are suddenly considered some kind of advocate for fire safety and expert on that? Is that what you did by joining? Mr. Moore. Yes, Senator Boxer, we are members of that organization. As a provider of flame retardants we do have---- Senator Boxer. You do not see a conflict of interest? Let us just talk between us and make believe no one is listening. You make these products and yet you do not see an ethical problem with being on a group that says you are for fire safety? You do not see an ethical problem, a conflict of interest in that? Mr. Moore. Respectfully, Senator, I do not see a conflict of interest in that. Senator Boxer. Well, you ought to take a little lesson in ethics if you do not see it. Now, your testimony states that your company has acted proactively to fully comply with EPA's chemical management regulations. You talked about that today. We fully complied. But last month your company was assessed a $56,000 penalty for failing to comply with the reporting requirements of TSCA and EPA regulations for manufacturing two brominated flame retardant chemicals in 2005. Why did your testimony fail to mention this? Why would you say you fully complied when you did not? Mr. Moore. Senator, my understanding of the that particular case if that there were clerical errors at the time of the---- Senator Boxer. That there were what? I am sorry. Mr. Moore. There were errors in the reporting at the time of that reporting which occurred several years ago. The penalty that was assessed was a reduced assessment because of our proactive cooperation to correct those errors. Senator Boxer. But you were assessed a $56,000 fine, were you not? Mr. Moore. That is my understanding, yes, Senator. Senator Boxer. Well, I think if you are going to say that you complied you should have mentioned that. Just in fairness. Mr. Moore, your testimony cites a 1988 study conducted by the U.S. Department of Commerce to support your claim that adding flame retardant chemicals to household items are effective fire protection. Now, the Chicago Tribune cited the study's lead author who said that the chemical industry has grossly distorted the findings of the study. That--the study's lead author said the chemical industry distorted the findings of the study and that flame retardants in home furnishings offer little or no fire protection. Do you not think it is time that the chemical industry stopped grossly distorting the study's findings? When the author says that is what you are doing? Do you not owe people an apology? Mr. Moore. With all due respect, Senator, we have not distorted the findings of that study. You will find---- Senator Boxer. Whoa, whoa, whoa. The author said you did. Who is a better source? The study's lead author said the chemical industry has quote unquote grossly distorted the findings of the study and that flame retardants in home furnishings offer little or no fire protection. Why are you not apologizing for grossly distorting the study? I do not get it. Mr. Moore. Senator, if you would refer to my written testimony, the exact conclusions from that study are presented in those findings. There were several other authors at NBS, which is now NIST, that participated in that study. I have personally spoken to some of those scientists who have assured me that the conclusions of those studies are as valid today as when they were published and that study is still available through NIST. Senator Boxer. Well, if I wrote a study, and people took it out of context and distorted it, I think the right thing to do is to say I am not going to use it any more. But that--it is an ethical question. You have to live with yourself over it. Dr. Stapleton, when flame retardants persist in the environment, can they slowly break down into other chemicals? And during and after fires, can they more quickly break down into other chemicals? And can these other chemicals be more toxic than flame retardants? Ms. Stapleton. Yes. When speaking about PBDE flame retardants, there is evidence suggesting that the Deca-BDE can break down in the environment to Penta- and Octa-BDE which are known to be more bioaccumulative and potentially toxic. In addition, when these chemicals are present in consumer products and they do burn, they can form what are known as brominated dioxins and furans, which are much more toxic than the parent compounds and are linked to cancer. In addition, I would just like to comment that peer reviewed studies have also demonstrated that the presence of these chemicals in consumer products leads to the generation of more soot, smoke, and carbon monoxide when they do burn which one could argue actually increases fire hazards. Senator Boxer. And Doctor, I would assume you believe that the substitutes for these chemicals, as they come out, you would believe they should be tested thoroughly. Ms. Stapleton. I do think we need more data on them, and that is something my colleagues and I are trying to provide, more data on the potential health effects from these chemicals in relation to the current exposure levels that are occurring in the general population, particularly for children. Senator Boxer. And of course, that is the essence of Senator Lautenberg's bill, which is to make sure that these are safe before they are routinely used. And we have people like our heroes, our first responder heroes like Mr. Stefani here who beat back cancer. And he describes--and I am going to ask you--one of the main concerns that firefighters have following a fire is during the overhaul process when the fire is extinguished by burned material at the site, and you have this off gas. Can you explain what you mean by off gas? Mr. Stefani. Sure. The products of combustion that have been extinguished, if you can actually visualize this, you are in a room and you would have still some smoke weeping. But there are also toxic gases that you cannot see. We have what is called Combustion Gas Indicators and these indicators are capable of picking up various toxic gases, usually about four of them. The problem herein lies that they do not pick up the 100 plus other chemicals that we are confronted with. And once these CGI monitors deem the atmosphere to be cleared, the incident commander can have firefighters remove some of their self-contained breathing apparatus and continue the overhaul process and actually increase the level of exposure. But the problem is that even if this self-contained breathing apparatus is taken off, we are now told that these chemicals do have the ability to permeate parts of this equipment, even though they are in place. Senator Boxer. Well, Mr. Stefani, firefighters put their lives on the line every day, and I do not believe that you should have to risk the long-term health effects of being exposed to these dangerous chemicals and because there are certain people in this society who seem to put their business interests ahead of safety. You started to talk about female firefighters, and I would like to ask you about that. Could I put that whole study into the record? Is that all right? Mr. Stefani. Absolutely. Senator Boxer. All right. We will do that. But is there--I understand that in San Francisco these breast cancers have come forward in female firefighters. Are there researchers looking into this rate and doing some studies on it? Mr. Stefani. We have just put a panel together, and we are going to address that issue. One of the things that we have come to find is the women in the fire service have not been in for a large--long period of time, maybe 30 to 40 years right now. And there have been no studies that we know nationwide of female firefighters. We are in the initial stages right now of putting that exact study together. Senator Boxer. That would be very helpful. Would you keep this Committee informed as you go forward? Mr. Stefani. Yes, Senator. Senator Boxer. Thank you. Senator Lautenberg. Senator Lautenberg. Dr. Stapleton, studies have found that children born in this country have higher levels of toxic chemicals than those in other countries. What is it that puts newborns at risk at the level that we have with flame retardants in their bodies? How does that take place? Ms. Stapleton. Animal exposure studies have demonstrated that when you expose young animals, developing organisms, that these are very critical, sensitive time points when their brain is developing that the effects can manifest into adulthood and be more pronounced that if you expose them, let us say, during adolescence or adulthood. So, the concern is that the ability of these chemicals to influence the way that our neurons develop, the way that they differentiate, the communication between brain cells which can lead to problems with neural development which are reflective of studies that I have seen of the effects on children such as reductions in IQ and problems in gross and fine motor skills in the U.S. population. Senator Lautenberg. So, have these exposures taken place in the development of the fetus that the mother passes on? Ms. Stapleton. Yes. Studies have demonstrated that when a pregnant woman or a pregnant animal is exposed to these, they are transferred to the developing fetus through placental transfer and through lactation. So, when a mother breast feeds her child, they are exposed to those chemicals as well. Senator Lautenberg. Ms. Pingree, you make a point in your testimony that the States are running around trying to ban these fire retardants and flame retardants. Would you not think that if EPA had the authority to address these chemicals under TSCA that the States could be relieved of a burden knowing that they are doing the right thing and leveling the playing field, no matter what State you are operating in? Ms. Pingree. That is a good question. Certainly, State legislators have started to act on this issue and have acted for the last 10 years because of the failure of the Federal law. I think our interests at the States is to respond directly to our citizens who we represent, and if there is a public health interest, the State legislator will work toward protecting that public health. Certainly, if the EPA had had authority starting in 1976 to really regulate these chemicals and protect public health, and we did not see a chemical like Deca on the market that we knew was bad for people's health, or PBA or one of the hundreds of chemicals that we know are of concern, the States would not have to take action. But that being said, the States will continue to take action until we are confident that public health is protected. In the case of Deca, which I talked about, it was--a phase- out was agreed to in 2009. In 2010 I actually proposed a bill because they had agreed to stop using it in certain products, but there was a new use. They started using it in huge quantities in plastic pallets, pallets that were used to transport food, all kinds of consumer items, and we knew that these pallets were already leaching Deca onto the packages, into the environment. So, the challenge is, we know, that even when we took action in Maine, it led to the industry trying to figure out another use for that chemical in another place. So, the States will certainly, I am sure--slow action if the Federal Government is able to act to a degree that we know protects public health. But until then, I think the States will keep acting. Senator Lautenberg. Mr. Rawson, I noticed that in the letterhead on your testimony, that you describe yourself as Partner and Chair of the Environment, Land and Resources Department in Washington, DC. It then lists Latham & Watkins. Is that a position of great responsibility, Partner and Chairman of a department within the law firm? Mr. Rawson. I am a partner in the firm. Thank you. I am a partner in the firm. We have a very large environmental practice. We have a Global Department Chair who is based in Los Angeles, and I am the local Department Chair. I am the Chair of the practice in Washington, DC. Senator Lautenberg. I must say that there is a subtle implication here that this is some part of either Government or otherwise, but do it as you may, I do not think it lends particular credibility. But that is up to you. And we hear the appeals that go on to say that everybody is dealing in good faith and that the Albemarle Corporation, our Chairman noted, had some problems. How do you explain that these problems occurred? I was not sure I got the answer before. Mr. Rawson. With apologies, I do not understand your question. Senator Lautenberg. OK. Was there a fine imposed on Albemarle Corporation for a reason? Mr. Rawson. This might be a question that should be directed to the person to my right if you are referring to the fine that Senator Boxer was---- Senator Lautenberg. I am sorry. Yes, you are right. Mr. Moore, you did deal with it, and you described it as clerical error that caused this problem. Mr. Moore. Yes, Senator. I was not personally involved in the resolution of this, but I do understand that there was an error--again this goes back to 2002, 2006--just a simple error in the reporting. But our representatives that worked with the EPA worked proactively to resolve this and in recognition of our proactivity in resolving this, got a--the penalty was reduced. Senator Lautenberg. Mr. Stefani, your testimony is really important. I was amazed at the number of firefighters that are represented by the organization that you are talking about, 290,000. Is that the number of firefighters that the organization represents? Mr. Stefani. No. The San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation, our foundation, is based in San Francisco, and it is both retired and active firefighters that we deal with. Senator Lautenberg. Some years ago, we had an incident in Elizabeth, New Jersey, when firefighters went into a building aflame, and what happened is the exposure to the chemicals that were stored in this facility and the uniforms that the fireman were wearing actually began to melt. Thus, I wrote a law that was called the Right to Know Law, and the consequence was that there was a substantial--and that was in 1986--there was a substantial reduction in the amount of toxic emissions that were coming from these companies. And I am not surprised when you talk about your experience and how heavy a burden it was on you and what the ultimate outcome was for having to go into these situations and face these chemical presence as it is. So, I thank all of you for being here and testifying. But I must say that the unwillingness of our two friends in the middle of the table to acknowledge that there can be value in getting testing to protect the people who are subjected to these influences in the environment. And I would think that the companies that you talk about or talk up would want to be part of an effort to reduce the risk to the people in our country from the fire retardants for which substitutes are apparently available. Thank you. Senator Boxer. Thank you, Senator. Senator Whitehouse. Senator Whitehouse. Thank you, Chairman, and thank you for holding this hearing and Senator Lautenberg for his long standing leadership in this area. This obviously hits home in Rhode Island because researchers at the University of Rhode Island have found these PBDEs throughout Narragansett Bay with concentrations highest near Providence where most of our population lives. And from Dr. Stapleton's findings, it seems to be consistent with the national findings. She says that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have said that 99 percent of the U.S. population has flame retardants in their bodies. U.S. adults have body burdens that an order of magnitude higher than European and Asian countries and that studies have shown that children clearly have much higher exposure and body burdens of flame retardants compared to adults. Could you tell me, Dr. Stapleton, kind of go--take it back a step, why does a chemical bioaccumulate? Have we not developed processes as organisms for processing chemicals through our bodies? Ms. Stapleton. Well, certainly we have enzymes or proteins in our body that are capable of metabolizing certain compounds. However, substantial data exists to show that there are certain chemical features that are resistant to metabolism. And in the case of PBDEs, those structures are clearly represented. They are very non-polar, they are halogenated, they are quite large, they have what we call a high hydrophobicity factor, a low KOW, which leads to this bioaccumulation potential and resistance to metabolism in the body. Therefore, some of these PBDEs are estimated to have what we call a half-life, or the time it takes for the concentrations of these compounds to decrease in the body by 50 percent, of up to 7 years. So, it takes a long time before the levels will drop. Senator Whitehouse. And from a layman's point of view or from a more general point of view, are new and manmade chemicals more likely to be difficult for the human body to process than ones that have been--ones that we have adapted to over years, generations of exposure? Ms. Stapleton. Well, this is a little outside my area of expertise as I am a chemist and not a toxicologist or a physiologist. But I can say that typically our bodies are not used to processing these chemicals for sure, and they can lead to more increased exposure or accumulation in our tissues. However, some of the chemicals in PBDEs are a classic example of this heavy structure that is actually very similar to hormones in our body, which is what results in what we believe are--is responsible for their potential toxicity. PBDEs have a structure, a chemical structure, that is very similar to thyroid hormones, for example, which is one of the reasons they are known to effect thyroid hormone regulation. Senator Whitehouse. Now, when you were looking into your research, you have indicated that claims about confidential business information inhibited your ability to do the research that you are trying to do. Could you elaborate a little bit on what limitations you experienced? Ms. Stapleton. Certainly. Well, with the growing evidence that the PBD concentrations were increasing in human tissues, many academic researchers were interested in conducting exposure studies or trying to identify the primary routes by which people are exposed and identify what the most common sources were in our homes or to which we come in contact with on a daily basis. And unfortunately, these products, as I said, they are not labeled. When speaking with the Polyurethane Foam Manufacturers Association, for example, several of them have told me that sometimes they do not even know what chemicals they are putting into their products that they manufacture in terms of furniture. The only way we were able to determine what chemicals are actually used, are found in products on the market today, was by taking samples of those products and spending a lot of money and using very expensive equipment to analyze them in my laboratory. We found many of them to have proprietary chemicals, but with the technology today, we can determine what those structures are. Now we are beginning to assess exposure to those new chemicals and trying to determine what the potential health hazards may be. Senator Whitehouse. So one could hypothesize that if one were concerned about a competitive business motive for protecting this information, it would be within the realm of most major corporations to be able to afford the kind of testing that you did. So, they would really have no problem being able to figure it out. It is independent testers who do not have access to that kind money that are most disabled by the confidential business information claims. Ms. Stapleton. That is correct. In this day and age it is not that difficult to determine what the chemical structures are in all of these different products. Senator Whitehouse. So, if a big company wanted to do what you did they could do it pretty readily? Ms. Stapleton. Yes. Senator Whitehouse. But a researcher, it is a real handicap for. Ms. Stapleton. Well, this is why we are doing this, determining what their structures are so that we can determine what the levels are in our indoor environments and what the levels or the exposure levels are for children and then run some toxicity studies with them. Senator Whitehouse. Mr. Moore, what dangers at what levels of exposure exist with respect to the flame retardants that Chemtura manufactures? Mr. Moore. First, we manufacture a wide variety of flame retardants. With respect to the ones we are discussing today, Firemaster 550 and TBB within that, we have conducted over 30 studies for regulatory agencies as part of the pre- manufacturing notification review of TBB. Those studies were reviewed, submitted to EPA, 15 of those studies were required by EPA. The assessment of those found that the relative risk of those are extremely low and were acceptable for safe use in their application. I would like to comment on your other question, if I may. Senator Whitehouse. Well, let me try to get an answer to my first question. Does Chemtura concede any danger from its--from these two flame retardants that you have identified? Mr. Moore. Again, in terms of the expected exposures, in 2006 EPFC published expected exposures or predicted exposures of TBB and those are much lower than any level that was predicted to have any sort of an effect. So, in those terms, the answer to your question would be that no, those are---- Senator Whitehouse. They are perfectly safe. OK. Ms. Pingree, I wanted to go to a section of your testimony, and I would like to highlight it. Maine does not have disclosure laws, you said, that would allow us to understand the full magnitude of the spending against your bill to regulate these flame retardants. We know that the chemical industry hired many of the State's top paid lobbyists and public relations groups. They proceeded to pay for several weeks of high saturation television and newspaper advertising across the State urging defeat of a chemical ban. They ran 27 full-page ads in the State's largest newspaper, and in addition to weeks of television ads, they purchased radio spots, direct mail to voters, and paid robo-calls. Was this all done through the front group? Ms. Pingree. Yes. Senator Whitehouse. Or was some of it done in the name of the chemical companies? Ms. Pingree. In Maine, it was all done through a front group called Keep America Safe which has been replaced by Citizens for Fire Safety. Senator Whitehouse. The chemical industry front group which did all of this, right, at the time was called Keep America Fire-Safe, since renamed Citizens for Fire Safety. As you said, despite their name, during their time before the Maine legislature, the chemical industry and its allies had no support from State fire safety groups or fire professionals. Keep America Fire-Safe even paid for an ad that claimed Maine legislators were seeking to weaken fire safety accompanied by video of a burning house. You could imagine what that would look like. The ad urged the public to call their legislators and tell them to vote against these proposed changes for the sake of fire safety. You also noted that flame retardants bans, your legislation, were strongly supported by Maine's fire professionals including the State Fire Chiefs Association and the major State firefighters union, the International Association of Firefighters. Both groups, you say, worked aggressively for the bill's passage, and the firefighters spoke passionately about the negative impacts of these chemicals on firefighter health. I gather there was one group that went with the chemical industry. It was called the National Association--not Maine Association--the National Association of State Fire Marshals which received pro bono work from the public relations firm that was representing the chemical companies and received significant financial support from those chemical companies, and then turned around and lobbied for more stringent State flammability standards which would require more flame retardant chemicals. That would appear to be a conflict of interest. Ms. Pingree. And I will say, speaking directly to the National Fire Marshals Association, at the time we were working on our bill in Maine, John Dean, our State Fire Marshal in Maine, was the head of the National Fire Marshals Association and was prepared to testify against our bill. He works for the Governor, and he was somewhat outed for their relationship in Washington with the flame retardant industry. And he either ended up testifying neither for nor against or actually supporting the legislation. But we had uncovered this relationship which was obviously a huge conflict for the State fire marshals who at the time were receiving significant funding from the chemical companies who produced flame retardants. So, that was a relationship that obviously was not working for the benefit of public health or fire safety. Senator Whitehouse. It just strikes me, Madam Chair, that this is what Rhode Islanders hate about politics and about the manipulation of politics. It really has got all of the ingredients. You have got a lack of disclosure. We just went through this big exercise on the Disclose Act in Washington to try to put a little bit of sunlight into who is spending $1 million, $2 million, $4 million to achieve special interest influence around here, and we were defeated, unfortunately. You have got a sort of high intensity bombardment of the public by the special interests. You have got dishonesty in the way it is done with what looks to me like a phony group that is set up just for the purpose of pretending to represent fire safety interests when it truly actually supports chemical company interest. You have got all sorts of lobbyists and maneuvers involved. You have got legitimate associations that have lent themselves to conflict of interest and are now, unfortunately, perhaps working more consistent with the conflict of interest than with the true interests of the fire marshals around the country. And the result was that--what happened? Ms. Pingree. Well, I mean, you point out that like the people in Rhode Island, the people of Maine did not buy it. They did not call us. They did not tell us to vote against this bill. And the bill ended passing nearly unanimously in the House and Senate. Republicans, Democrats, all supported it because they did not want to be on the wrong side of protecting kids, protecting pregnant women, protecting people's health. I think we made a strong case, and despite a lot, a lot of money, we still won. And so, certainly, that is what we are hoping to see in your Committee. Thanks. Senator Whitehouse. So, congratulations. Sometimes the good guys can win despite all of the machinations of special interests. Thank you, Madam Chair. Senator Boxer. Thank you so much. If I could just talk about California for a minute. We know that UC San Francisco studied the blood samples from pregnant women in California. We, in our State, generally had higher levels of PBDEs than other women in the United States as well as Europe and Asia and that the women also had lower levels of hormones produced by the thyroid. Now, one theory is that California was an early State that said we needed flame retardants. So, they are now working on the details of that study. But it very disturbing. And I want to thank you, Tony, very much for the work you are doing. I mean, I am so grateful to you. And all of you for coming here today. So, I have a question I want each of you to answer yes or no. There is no other answer. Just yes or no. And I am going to start with Hannah. Do you agree that chemical manufacturers should have to prove through unbiased studies that their products are safe for pregnant women, for infants, and for children before they can sell those chemicals in the U.S.? Ms. Pingree. Yes. Ms. Stapleton. Yes. Mr. Moore. Yes, I agree. Mr. Rawson. Could you repeat the question? [Laughter.] Senator Boxer. Do you agree that chemical manufacturers should have to prove through unbiased studies that their products are safe for pregnant women, for infants, and for children before they can sell those chemicals in the U.S.? Mr. Rawson. Respectfully---- Senator Boxer. No, not respectfully. Yes or no. Mr. Rawson. The question cannot be answered without explanation. Senator Boxer. Mr. Stefani. Mr. Stefani. Yes. Senator Boxer. Thank you. Majority wins. Let me just say the reason we are having the markup is just to answer that question. If someone cannot answer that question with an affirmative response, then they are putting the special interests before the health of the people, before the health of their own kids, before the health of the first responders. You can say, with due respect I am a lawyer, and I see every side of it. Well, I am married to a lawyer, my son is a lawyer, my dad was a lawyer. I know that it is a little harder for lawyers to answer yes or no. But this one? Do you agree that chemical manufacturers should have to prove through unbiased studies that their products are safe for pregnant women, for infants, and for children before they can sell those chemicals in the U.S.? And the reason we are having the markup of Senator Lautenberg's bill is because that is what we are going to do here. Now, we are going to have a hard time because the chemical industry and their spokespeople are very strong. We are going to have a hard time because there is a lot of money on the line, and you know about follow the money. But at the end of the day, the people are going to be on the side of making sure products are safe for pregnant women, for children, for infants, for firefighters whom they revere. And I am going to do everything I can. I want to say thank you to all of you. I know our minority witnesses lost a little bit of back up for some reason, but I do not know why, but that is what happened here. So, that is the situation. I thank you all. If you have anything further we will keep the record open for 24 hours if you want to expand on anything you said here today. Thank you very much. We stand adjourned. [Whereupon, at 12:10 p.m., the Committee and Subcommittee were adjourned.] [An additional statement submitted for the record follows:] Statement of Hon. Jeff Sessions, U.S. Senator from the State of Alabama Good morning. Thank you, Chairman Boxer and Subcommittee Chairman Lautenberg, and Ranking Member Inhofe and Subcommittee Ranking Member Crapo, for calling this hearing on chemical safety and flame retardants. The impact of chemicals on human health is an important issue and worthy of serious consideration. Exposures to chemicals in the home environment tend to pose greater risks to children than other members of the general public. Likewise, children are often more vulnerable to serious injury or death than adults when home furnishings catch fire. Last week, Senator Durbin held a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on this same topic. My colleague Senator Lautenberg is a member of that subcommittee as well and spoke eloquently at that hearing on the topic of chemical safety and flame retardants. Senator Lautenberg, I know this is a priority for you, and I thank you for your leadership and work on this issue. I would agree with my colleagues that Federal laws governing the use of chemicals--including the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Flammable Fabrics Act--should be modernized. But we must do so in a manner that is warranted, protects public health, employs a transparent science-based process that takes into account relative risks, provides appropriate safeguards for intellectual property and proprietary information, and appropriately considers cost. The United States has a vibrant chemicals industry generating over $720 billion each year in products, employing over 800,000 Americans, and providing millions of other related jobs. Our nation's chemical sector is a global leader, and we need a regulatory framework that keeps it that way, while also protecting public health and the environment. The testimony of today's witnesses focuses primarily on concerns with chemical flame retardants. Fire deaths are a major concern in my State. In 2009 Alabama ranked #3 among the 50 States in the rate of fire-related deaths, with approximately 21 fire-related deaths per 1 million people. The national average in 2009 was 11 deaths per million people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ``deaths from fires and burns are the third leading cause of fatal home injury.'' While more progress is needed, the national fire death rate has declined approximately 20 percent since 2000. Studies have shown that flame retardants can be effective at making homes, clothing, furniture, and electronics less prone to catching fire--although it is also true that not all flame retardants are without health concerns. For example, in 2005 the furniture industry voluntarily phased out the use of PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers)--a chemical that has been used as a flame retardant in textiles, plastics, wire insulation, automobiles, and other applications. Likewise, around the same time, EPA issued a rule banning the manufacture or import of two chemicals in the same chemical family as PBDEs. And presently, EPA has additional rulemaking procedures underway related to flame retardants. It is absolutely critical for public health, safety, and economic competitiveness that any such rules be based on sound science. Finally, I wanted to read from the testimony of the CEO of the American Home Furnishings Alliance, who testified at last week's Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on this same topic. That witness stated, ``[C]ost must be a consideration. The statistics of residential fires have told us repeatedly over the years that the residential fire problem in the United States primarily lies in households with lower incomes, less education, and a higher proportion of single parents. This segment of the population is the most sensitive to cost increases, yet this segment is clearly the most in need of the protection that safer upholstery will provide . . . '' Thank you again for holding today's hearing. I look forward to hearing from our witnesses. [Additional material submitted for the record follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT]