[Senate Hearing 112-352] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 112-352 COUNTERING TERRORIST FINANCING: PROGRESS AND PRIORITIES ======================================================================= HEARING before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIME AND TERRORISM of the COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 __________ Serial No. J-112-42 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on the JudiciaryU.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 73-840 PDF WASHINGTON : 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402-0001 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont, Chairman HERB KOHL, Wisconsin CHUCK GRASSLEY, Iowa DIANNE FEINSTEIN, California ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah CHUCK SCHUMER, New York JON KYL, Arizona DICK DURBIN, Illinois JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, Rhode Island LINDSEY GRAHAM, South Carolina AMY KLOBUCHAR, Minnesota JOHN CORNYN, Texas AL FRANKEN, Minnesota MICHAEL S. LEE, Utah CHRISTOPHER A. COONS, Delaware TOM COBURN, Oklahoma RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, Connecticut Bruce A. Cohen, Chief Counsel and Staff Director Kolan Davis, Republican Chief Counsel and Staff Director ------ Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, Rhode Island, Chairman HERB KOHL, Wisconsin JON KYL, Arizona DIANNE FEINSTEIN, California ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah DICK DURBIN, Illinois JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama AMY KLOBUCHAR, Minnesota LINDSEY GRAHAM, South Carolina CHRISTOPHER A. COONS, Delaware Stephen Lilley, Democratic Chief Counsel Stephen Higgins, Republican Chief Counsel C O N T E N T S ---------- STATEMENTS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Page Kyl, Hon. Jon, a U.S. Senator from the State of Arizona.......... 2 prepared statement........................................... 60 Leahy, Hon. Patrick J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Vermont, prepared statement and August 3, 2011, letter.................. 64 Whitehouse, Hon. Sheldon, a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode Island......................................................... 1 WITNESSES Boelter, Ralph S., Acting Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation...................... 6 Glaser, Daniel L., Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, U.S. Department of the Treasury................................ 8 Monaco, Lisa O., Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice........................... 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Responses of Ralph S. Boelter to questions submitted by Senators Grassley and Kyl............................................... 21 Responses of Daniel L. Glaser to questions submitted by Senators Grassley and Kyl............................................... 28 Responses of Lisa O. Monaco to questions submitted by Senator Kyl 39 SUBMISSIONS FOR THE RECORD Boelter, Ralph S., Acting Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, statement........... 44 Glaser, Daniel L., Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, U.S. Department of the Treasury, statement..................... 48 Monaco, Lisa O., Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, statement................ 68 Weich, Ronald, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Washington, DC, August 12, 2011, letter........................ 73 COUNTERING TERRORIST FINANCING: PROGRESS AND PRIORITIES ---------- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C. The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:58 a.m., in room SD-226, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Sheldon Whitehouse, Chairman of the Subcommittee, presiding. Present: Senators Whitehouse, Klobuchar, Blumenthal, Kyl, and Grassley. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, A U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Chairman Whitehouse. The hearing will come to order. Today's hearing considers a central element of the fight against terrorism: the disruption and dismantling of terrorist finance networks. I am very grateful that the Ranking Member, Senator Kyl, is here. I know he has significant duties elsewhere as one of a certain group of 12 who are getting considerable attention in Washington these days, and I appreciate that he has taken the trouble to be here for this hearing. I will make a brief opening statement, yield to the Ranking Member, and then if nobody else is here, we will proceed to the witnesses. It is obvious that terrorists need funds to maintain their organizations, to recruit and train new members, and to conduct operations. To meet this need, terrorists have sought funds from various sources: states hostile to our country; wealthy individuals who share their extreme ideology; charitable donors who may not know that their donations will end up in the hands of violent terrorists; corruption or even criminal activity such as drug production, kidnapping, or other cooperation with international organized crime groups. Terrorists also have used various methods for moving their money, including through use of the American financial system, as well as through informal channels, such as hawalas and cash smuggling. Terrorists may deliver it into the United States to fund an attack against our homeland, launder it through our financial institutions, or move it from so-called charities in the United States to fund terrorist attacks abroad. This diversity of sources of terrorist financing and means and purposes for moving terrorist cash makes the vital challenge of choking off terrorist funds highly complex. It demands an integrated and well-coordinated response by the U.S. Government. To that end, the United States has brought a sharpened focus to this fight in the decade since the 9/11 attacks. New legal authorities provided by statute and by Executive order have given the executive branch powerful tools to designate terrorist organizations and stop their use of the American financial system. Reorganizations of departments and agencies have prioritized the fight against terrorist financing to ensure sustained effort in this crucial task. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice have investigated and successfully prosecuted cases of material support for terrorist groups. The Treasury Department, State Department, and other agencies have worked to identify terrorist groups and freeze their assets in the United States and overseas. Disrupting terrorist financing requires sophisticated analysis of bank records, meticulous study of available intelligence, careful assessment of foreign groups that may support terrorist organizations, and international partnerships that allow insight into the movement of terrorist finances abroad. As I saw in a recent visit, this international work has reached as far as Afghanistan. Corruption, the diversion of funds from military contracts, and the poppy trade provide ready cash for terrorists in Afghanistan and the region. So I was glad to meet in Kabul with representatives of the Afghan Threat Finance Cell. The testimony provided today by the Treasury Department describes the ATFC's efforts to improve the targeting of insurgents' financial support and to disrupt other illicit financial activities. Their work throws into stark relief the tight relationship between terrorist finance and terrorist violence. This close connection with terrorist violence is the reason we must sustain focus against terrorist finance. In that spirit today's hearing will assess our past performance in the effort to disrupt and interdict terrorist funds, and it will evaluate our Nation's readiness for future challenges. This is no partisan issue. Every member of this Committee and of the Senate as a whole shares a commitment to disrupting and dismantling terrorist financing networks, and Congressional oversight, I believe, plays an important role in ensuring that we are on the right track. With that in mind, I am happy that we are joined today by representatives of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Department of the Treasury. The responsibilities and expertise of the witnesses here today promise a full discussion of where we stand in the fight against terrorist financing and how ready we are to take on the challenges ahead. I thank the witnesses in advance for their participation, and I yield to the Ranking Member for any statement he might like to make. STATEMENT OF HON. JON KYL, A U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF ARIZONA Senator Kyl. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and because of the commitment the Chairman mentioned, I will have to depart after this statement. But I want to make a point to the witnesses in particular. I really appreciate your presence here and hope that you will convey to your colleagues our appreciation for the work that has been done by all three of the entities with whom you work. I share all of the views that the Chairman just conveyed and would just comment on a couple of things, and I will put my full statement in the record. Chairman referred to the material support statutes. I am delighted that they have been upheld in the Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project decision because they are a very important work horse in our efforts against al Qaeda, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations. Since we make it a crime to knowingly provide material assistance to these and other terrorist groups, these statutes have helped starve those groups of resources, as the Chairman noted, and it makes it more difficult for them to carry out their attack plan and to do business with others. And they critically recognize that money is fungible, an important principle here, because it is impossible to give money to al Qaeda or Hamas, for example, without furthering these organizations' terrorist goals, regardless of how it is done. Not only is any dollar given to Hamas' so-called charitable wing a dollar that can be diverted to terrorism, but donations to this and other groups also enhance their power and prestige, which in turn makes it easier for them to recruit terrorists. So the rigorous enforcement of the material support statutes can make these groups radioactive, deterring others from working with them, and ultimately cripple them entirely. As the Chairman pointed out, finances are such a key part of this that this is the way to go right to their bread basket, in effect. The second thing I want to mention is the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions Accountability and Disinvestment Act, a long name for the CISADA acronym. Here we have aimed particularly at Iran, but there are others as well, but the Treasury Department is required to prescribe regulations that require our banks here in the United States to maintain--the banks that maintain foreign correspondent relations to have an audit or a certification requirement that neither they nor their correspondents abroad are servicing designated Iranian banks. Now, I really appreciate the effort that Treasury has made in this regard, but it did take nearly a year to draft the rule, and we still await the issuance of the final rule to implement Section 104(e) of the Act to address the vexing problem of foreign correspondents' accounts. And so I want to urge the Office of Management and Budget to complete an expeditious review of the final review and get this done so that we can take advantage of the tools that we passed here in the Congress and confront these illicit financing activities head-on. In addition, we continue a bipartisan effort to strengthen the economic and political tools available to the administration to confront other illicit financial activities. For example, Senators Menendez, Lieberman, and I introduced S. 1048, the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Sanctions Consolidation Act of 2011, which would enhance existing measures, and it targets the nexus of proliferation between States like Iran and Syria and North Korea, and I would hope that my colleagues would consider and potentially act on this legislation so that we can continue to try to close all of the loopholes that we have identified that enable illicit financial activities. Again, I want to thank the Chairman for calling the hearing, for getting a good group of witnesses here, for all of those who are interested in the subject that are here. I will have questions for the record, Mr. Chairman, but I am going to have to depart in about 10 minutes. Chairman Whitehouse. Understood and appreciated. [The prepared statement of Senator Kyl appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Whitehouse. If we are ready to go to the witnesses, then I will first introduce Lisa Monaco, who is the Assistant Attorney General for National Security. She previously served as Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General, and prior to joining the Deputy Attorney General's office, she was chief of staff to FBI Director Bob Mueller. Ms. Monaco has also served as special counsel to Director Mueller and initially joined the FBI on detail from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia. Ms. Monaco served with me in the Department of Justice under Attorney General Janet Reno, where she served as counsel to the Attorney General, providing advice and guidance on national security, law enforcement, budget, and oversight issues. We are delighted to have her here today. You are invited to proceed. STATEMENT OF LISA O. MONACO, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL, NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Ms. Monaco. Thank you very much, Chairman Whitehouse, Ranking Member Kyl, and Senator Grassley. I have a brief opening statement, with your permission, and if I could ask for my full statement to be entered into the record. Chairman Whitehouse. Without objection, it will be. Ms. Monaco. Thank you, Chairman Whitehouse and Ranking Member Kyl, for holding this hearing and for inviting me to testify today regarding the Department of Justice's role in combating terrorist financing. The Department's efforts to combat terrorist financing are closely coordinated with those of our interagency partners, including, of course, the gentlemen who are here with me today. Our common objective is to deploy our counterterrorist financing tools in a coordinated, integrated way to disrupt the flow of funds and other material support to terrorist organizations. Our efforts in this regard fall into three general categories: investigating and prosecuting terrorist financing and material support to terrorism, as the Chairman mentioned; foreign capacity building and technical assistance; and defending the laws and regulations designed to disrupt and punish terrorist financing. And I will just briefly mention each of these. Perhaps the Department's principal role in countering terrorist financing is to work with the FBI and our other law enforcement partners to investigate and prosecute the individuals and networks who are engaged in it. Prosecution not only disrupts terrorist financing networks; it often permits us to gain valuable intelligence about terrorist networks. My full statement for the record cites several cases in which we have disrupted fundraising activity, and in some cases those funds were actually earmarked to support specific violent acts of terrorism like the attempted assassination of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Our ability to investigate and prosecute these cases relies on working with the Congress to ensure that our investigative authorities, our evidentiary rules, and the substantive criminal provisions remain effective and up to date, and I want to thank the members here today for your assistance, and I want to thank Chairman Whitehouse for your leadership in holding this hearing. Although domestic prosecutions are important, the Department also recognizes that because the networks that finance and support terrorist organizations are international, so must be our efforts. To disrupt terrorist financing networks and bring their members to justice, we rely on cooperation with capable foreign partners. Toward that end, the Department currently has a network of 55 resident legal advisers in countries around the world, and those who are stationed in Bangladesh, Kenya, Turkey, and in the United Arab Emirates are expressly focused on the problem of terrorist financing. We also frequently provide technical assistance to foreign countries who are drafting or amending their own terrorist financing laws, and we support and participate in training foreign governments and their investigative and prosecutorial services so that they, too, can mount effective terrorist financing cases. Finally, the Department, as Ranking Member Kyl mentioned, defends the laws and Executive orders used to disrupt terrorist financing. You will hear from Assistant Secretary Glaser about how the Department of the Treasury uses Executive Orders 12947 and 13224 to designate individuals and entities that support terrorism and to freeze their assets. In addition, under the provision of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, which was enacted by this body, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Departments of Justice and Treasury, designates foreign terrorist organizations, or FTOs. FTOs' assets are then frozen, and their members and supporters are barred from admission to the United States. And as the Committee well knows, it is also a Federal crime under one of the material support statutes to provide anything of value to an FTO, and the Department has successfully defended these and other terrorist financing laws and Executive orders against legal challenge. As you will hear from my colleagues here today, our efforts to counter terrorist financing have had some significant success in the past decade, but we have work yet to do. Terrorist organizations and their supporters continue to adapt and evolve their operations, and in order to be effective, we must work with the Congress to ensure that we maintain our authorities and capabilities necessary to counter terrorist financing. Thank you very much, Chairman, and I welcome the Committee's questions. [The prepared statement of Ms. Monaco appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Whitehouse. Thank you very much, Ms. Monaco. We are delighted to have you here, and we will hold questions until all the panel has had the chance to provide their testimony. Our next witness is Ralph Boelter, who currently serves as Acting Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterterrorism Division. Mr. Boelter began his career at the FBI up in New England as a special agent in the Boston division, investigating white-collar crime, violent crime, and criminal enterprise matters. He has since served at FBI headquarters in the Criminal Investigative Division, as supervisor of the Los Angeles Division's Violent Crime and Criminal Enterprise Squad, and as special agent in charge of the Minneapolis Division, where he managed a number of high-profile investigations, including significant corporate fraud and counterterrorism matters. We are delighted he is here and ask for his testimony. STATEMENT OF RALPH S. BOELTER, ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Mr. Boelter. Thank you, Senator, Chairman. Good morning, Chairman Whitehouse, Ranking Member Kyl, Senator Grassley. I appreciate the opportunity to testify before you today regarding the efforts of the FBI to combat terrorist financing. As we commemorated recently the tenth anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, we are reminded that the FBI's No. 1 priority is the prevention of terrorist attacks against the United States. The mission of the Terrorism Financing Operations Section within the FBI--the TFOS, as we call it--is to ensure that financial investigative efforts and techniques are applied in all counterterrorism investigations and to manage investigative efforts into individuals and entities who provide funding to terrorists. TFOS carries out this mission through the application of financial investigative techniques and the exploitation of financial intelligence. To improve its ability to detect and disrupt those with the intent and capability to conduct attacks against the United States, TFOS has undergone a significant shift in the way it addresses the threat of terrorism financing. Rather than solely collecting evidence to solve a particular case, this new approach prioritizes the collection and utilization of intelligence to develop a comprehensive threat picture, enabling strategic disruptions of terrorist financing operations. Thus, TFOS exploitation of intelligence not only seeks to identify the scope and breadth of terrorist financing, but also it seeks to identify the members of the terrorist network. This enables the FBI to enhance indicators and tripwires and develop actionable intelligence to identify and prevent terrorist attacks. To more fully utilize the intelligence we receive from our domestic intelligence and law enforcement partners, TFOS recently added a Targeting Unit. The Targeting Unit works to identify currently unknown fundraisers and their associates. In addition, TFOS added a Strategic Intelligence Unit to monitor threats, financial trends, and methodologies which are key to identifying possible terrorist financing transactions at their earliest point. In May of this year, Hor and Amera Akl pled guilty to conspiring to provide material support to Hizballah. The Akls claimed to an FBI informant that they had moved money to Lebanon and had high-ranking contacts with Hizballah. Amera Akl told the informant that she ``dreamed of dressing like Hizballah, carrying a gun, and dying as a martyr.'' Posing as an individual with access to investors, the FBI informant delivered $200,000 to Hor and Amera for delivery to Hizballah. Both were arrested after the two were observed attempting to hide the money in a vehicle destined for shipment overseas. In addition, in the last year, the FBI conducted terrorist financing investigations that led to the indictment of individuals for providing funding to the Pakistani Taliban, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and Al-Shabaab. These cases, among many others, highlight the importance of applying financial investigative techniques to counterterrorism investigations. Of course, we cannot accomplish this mission alone. Our close partners in these efforts are members of the Treasury Department, and in particular the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network within that Department. Working closely with the Treasury, the FBI conducts significant outreach to our financial industry counterparts. Through these continuing partnerships, the financial industry is better able to identify and report trends or patterns of suspicious activity around the country. In addition, TFOS coordinates efforts with our foreign intelligence and law enforcement partners around the world. Through all the FBI's 62 legal attache offices, TFOS jointly investigates terrorist financing matters with our foreign counterparts. These relationships are key to the FBI's efforts to stem the flow of financial support to terrorists and protect the United States from terrorist attacks. In conclusion, the efforts of TFOS, in close coordination with our Federal, State, and local partners, the financial industry, and our international partners, have established an increasingly difficult environment within which terrorist financiers can operate undetected. We believe these efforts have reduced the funding available for terrorist operations and have made the concealment and transfer of terrorism-related funds more difficult. As the terrorists adapt their methods to raise and transfer funds, the FBI--and its partners--has also adapted its efforts and its capacity to detect and disrupt these financial networks. To identify new and emerging networks and currently unknown subjects, TFOS systematically tracks and analyzes intelligence to guide terrorist financing investigations. TFOS's cooperative efforts with our Government and private sector partners ensures an ongoing and coordinated approach to terrorist financing to prevent future terrorist attacks against the United States. Chairman Whitehouse, Ranking Member Kyl, I appreciate the opportunity to come before you today to share the work that the FBI is engaged in to address terrorist financing and counterterrorism in this country and around the globe, and I am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Mr. Boelter appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Whitehouse. Thank you, Mr. Boelter. I appreciate your testimony. Our final witness on the panel is Daniel Glaser, who is the Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing at the Department of Treasury's Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. He has also served as Treasury's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes. In addition to his prior roles at the Treasury Department, he has served as an attorney for the United States Secret Service and as the head of the U.S. delegation to the Financial Action Task Force, an intergovernmental agency charged with formulating policies to combat international money laundering and terrorism financing. Mr. Glaser, welcome. STATEMENT OF DANIEL L. GLASER, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR TERRORIST FINANCING, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Mr. Glaser. Thank you, Chairman Whitehouse, for the opportunity to discuss our efforts to combat terrorist financing. In the decade since the tragic attacks of September 11th, the U.S. Government has worked toward developing a comprehensive, whole-of-government approach to combat terrorist financing. Critical to this evolution has been the recognition that the Treasury Department--and the financial tools it wields--is central to our counterterrorism efforts and, indeed, to our National security as a whole. Money is vital to terrorist organizations. The monetary cost of executing an individual attack may be low, but terrorists require substantial sums to recruit, train, and sustain operatives, procure weapons, compensate families of so- called martyrs, and garner support from local populations. This need to raise and move funds is a significant vulnerability that can be exploited. The financial networks of terrorist organizations are susceptible to identification and disruption. It is our efforts to do just this that I would like to discuss today. Prior to 9/11, the U.S. national security community had yet to grasp the full significance of the terrorist threat. Not surprisingly, terrorist financing was not high on the national security agenda, but that changed quickly 10 years ago. A galvanized U.S. Government recognized the importance of attacking terrorists' financial infrastructure as a critical component of an effective counterterrorism strategy. Treasury, armed with new authorities to freeze terrorists' assets, played a significant role in this response. We designated various terrorist-affiliated entities, crippling the financial nodes of al Qaeda, Hamas, and other foreign terrorist organizations. Today I can confidently say that the U.S. no longer remains fertile ground for terrorist fundraising. Despite our initial success, though, we recognized that Treasury's full potential remained bridled without a more comprehensive strategic approach and the institutional framework to implement it. Accordingly, in 2004 the Treasury Department, working with Congress, created the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, or TFI. The creation of TFI, the first office of its kind in the world, was a revolutionary development in the national security arena, and in less than 8 years, TFI has had a dramatic impact on our National security and become a fixture within our foreign policy establishment. Our mission is clear: Marshal the Treasury Department's policy, enforcement, regulatory, and intelligence functions to sever the lines of financial support to international terrorists, WMD proliferators, narcotics traffickers, organized criminals, and other threats to our National security. We advance this goal in many ways. For example, we work through multilateral bodies such as the Financial Action Task Force to establish a global framework that promotes transparency and which enables us to identify and address the various forms of terrorist financing vulnerabilities and threats. We have also sought to mitigate the risks posed by hawalas, charities, cash couriers, and new payment methods. And we have systematically undermined terrorist financial networks by imposing targeted financial measures. We have coupled these instruments with sustained outreach to the international and private sectors seeking to freeze terrorist groups out of the international financial system. Of course, in achieving these successes, cooperation from foreign counterparts is essential. Our engagement with Saudi Arabia exemplifies this approach. Though our partnership in combating terrorist financing in earlier years with Saudi Arabia had not always been good, sustained engagement over the years has produced strong progress. Moving forward, we must continue to build on this relationship and to encourage other regional players, in particular Qatar and Kuwait, to follow Saudi Arabia's lead in prioritizing the fight against terrorist financing. Of course, considerable challenges remain ahead. We are, as Secretary of Defense Panetta has said, within reach of defeating al Qaeda. Their financial situation is indeed dire, and our goal is to make it worse. But some pillars of financial and logistical support remain intact. Even as we make progress against core al Qaeda, we are finding that with the rise of al Qaeda affiliates, the terrorist financing threat has changed and, in some ways, become more intractable. Issues such as kidnapping for ransom and other terrorist groups that rely on non-traditional sources of funding, such as Al-Shabaab and Hamas, will require innovative approaches. We must continue to work with our interagency partners, the private sector, and our international counterparts to advance our mission. With the comprehensive strategic approach I have outlined here today, we will move forward to meet these challenges. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I look forward to answering any questions you might have. [The prepared statement of Mr. Glaser appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Whitehouse. Thank you very much, Mr. Glaser. Let me turn right away to your observation that some pillars of financial and logistical support for terrorist organizations remain intact. What are those pillars? And in what way are they resistant to our previous efforts? What do we need to do to bring them down? Mr. Glaser. Well, thank you for the question, Mr. Chairman. I think we have made--we have to be vigilant across the board on every way terrorists raise funds and move funds, and all the ways that they have traditionally raised funds and all the ways they have traditionally moved funds, all the ways they continue to do so. But I think we have had a lot of success and made a lot of progress on the more traditional ways of fundraising through charities, moving funds through the formal financial sector, we have made a lot of progress, and I think we really have made it, as I like to say, costlier, riskier, less efficient for terrorist organizations to move their funds-- raise funds and move their funds around the world. One of the results of that success has been to transform the problem, and one of the things we have seen, particularly, as I said in my opening statement, with the reliance--with the emergence of not just al Qaeda core but al Qaeda affiliates, groups like al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Al-Shabaab, is an increased reliance on localized criminal activities to support themselves--in particular, with respect to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, kidnapping for ransom from which they derive substantial sums, so much so that it really-you know, they could survive on it. So while we need to continue to sort of look at the deep- pocket donors and look at the ways that money moves into those regions, it is also important that we come up with new ways of thinking about how a group like AQIM is raising their funds. I think it is important that we engage with our partners in Europe, for example, on the very substantial ransom sums that are paid and come up with a common view and a common approach on ransom sums that are paid. That would be something that I think we need to focus on. There are other ways these groups raise funds. You have groups that are controlling territory, so you have Al-Shabaab, not an al Qaeda group, but Hamas who could raise funds the way the U.S. Government does through taxation. And, again, that presents challenges, and how do we target those financial systems? How do we find a way in to doing that? You know, these are some of the challenges that we face. Chairman Whitehouse. The more geographically local ones provide new types of challenges. Mr. Glaser. One of the successes has been, you know, you smash the center, you make it harder for them to exert command and control and deliver potentially devastating attacks. One of the consequences of that that you have to face is a more dispersed threat with its own sources of financing, which are in some ways smaller--and that is a good thing--and harder to sort of coordinate as an overall global strategy. That is a good thing. And in a lot of ways poor, and that is a good thing. But, you know, then you have your new challenges of going after the localized ways that they raise funds. Chairman Whitehouse. Ms. Monaco, tell me a little bit about how we are doing against the hawala networks. These are financing networks that have lasted for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years, supporting the trading communities in that area of the world, and they have developed an informal means of operating that does not require reporting and is hard to penetrate. Given that, what are the techniques you find that we are using that have generated some success, and can we be optimistic about encouraging further success against them? Ms. Monaco. Well, Chairman Whitehouse, I think we have had some success, as you alluded to, and as Assistant Secretary Glaser's testimony discusses, we have also made some headway in ensuring that informal networks like hawalas are subject to registration requirements and trying to build in some of the same requirements that surround the formal system into the more informal system. So I think that is a success and that is a point of progress that we can recognize. I think we have been successful in some cases, and some of the statements submitted for the record recognize this as well. I would point to the Younis case, an individual who pled guilty just earlier this summer in New York. I think that is an example of the great efforts of the FBI and the Assistant U.S. Attorneys in New York in focusing on all aspects of a particular threat and following each thread, including the financial thread, and the defendant in that case pled guilty to operating an unlicensed money-transmitting operation in which eventually some of that money found its way to Faisal Shahzad, the plotter of the attempted car bomb, of course, in Times Square. So that is an instance where FBI investigators very diligently followed every aspect of that operation, including where the funding was coming from, and in that case identified the use of the informal money-transmitting system and disrupted that operation going on both here and in Pakistan. So I think we have had some successes. I think the Treasury Department's efforts to impose some of the requirements that exist in the formal system onto the informal system I think is a tremendous step in the right direction. Chairman Whitehouse. Very good. Thank you. Let me turn to Senator Grassley and then, in order of arrival, Senator Blumenthal and Senator Klobuchar. Senator Grassley. Senator Grassley. I probably will not have an opportunity to ask all of you questions because I can only stay for one round, but I appreciate it and I will submit some questions for answer in writing. I will start with Ms. Monaco. I sent a letter to the Department of Justice requesting information about the non-prosecution agreement entered into with the Islamic Investment of the Gulf Limited. I think it was an unusual move when the Department issued no press release about this agreement. The agreement was the conclusion of an investigation that moved around the Department from the National Security Division to the Criminal Division's Terrorism Financing Section to the Tax Division. As of today I have not had a response to the letter because--well, you know, I just kind of expect answers to my letters, but maybe it is a little soon to get them, so I am going to ask you. But I hope that we can get answers because I want to make sure that the Department is not trying to hide something. The silence on this issue of not issuing a press release I think kind of runs afoul with the claim that this administration is going to be very transparent. So what role did the National Security Division play in this investigation and in the non-prosecution agreement with the Islamic Investment? Ms. Monaco. Senator Grassley, I do understand that the Department has received your letter, and I was informed about that in preparation for this hearing, and I will certainly take back the urgency with which the Senator has expressed a desire to get a response to that and ensure that we get a prompt response, that the Department gets a prompt response to you. With respect to the National Security Division's involvement, I am not aware of a particular involvement in that matter, but, again, I am happy to go back and review that. Senator Grassley. Then you cannot answer the question who were the individuals at the Department that approved of the non-prosecution agreement? Or that is probably separate so you probably cannot answer that. Ms. Monaco. I cannot, Senator. Senator Grassley. You can answer this: At any time did you offer an opinion on it? Ms. Monaco. I did not, Senator, no. Senator Grassley. OK. There are reported connections between the Islamic Investment and known terrorist groups. Surely the National Security Division would investigate those connections, wouldn't they? I mean just as a matter of procedure. Ms. Monaco. Senator, I would not want to speculate in this particular case. Again, I am not aware of what involvement, if any, the Division had in that matter, but I would be happy to go back and take a look at that, and we will ensure that we try and get a response to your letter promptly. Senator Grassley. Well, it would seem to me like they would have something to do with it. You may not know specifically what they had to do with it, but they surely had something to do with it. Ms. Monaco. Again, Senator, I am not aware, and I would not want to speculate to the Committee. Senator Grassley. You can answer this question: How much money did the non-prosecution agreement involve? Ms. Monaco. I do not know. Senator Grassley. Well, can you tell us why they did not publicize the agreement when they normally would? Ms. Monaco. I am not aware of what the practice--if it would be normal practice to disclose that information, Senator. Senator Grassley. Well, would it be possibly because the Department got a bad deal and they are trying to hide it? Ms. Monaco. Again, Senator, I am not sure if it is, in fact, normal practice to disclose the terms of any particular settlement agreement in that regard. Senator Grassley. In keeping with the spirit of openness and transparency that the President and the Attorney General promote, will you provide my office with a copy of the non- prosecution agreement with the Islamic Investment as well as answers to my questions contained in the letter of September 7th? Ms. Monaco. Senator, I will absolutely go back and ensure that we get a response to your letter and provide whatever information is appropriate to provide to you and to the Committee. Senator Grassley. Could you tell me when I could expect an answer to that letter? Ms. Monaco. I would not want to overpromise, Senator, but, again, I would certainly go back and make sure that we do get a prompt response. Senator Grassley. As far as you know, there would not be any national security implications about releasing the information I have asked for? Ms. Monaco. I am not---- Senator Grassley. I mean, after all, it was a grand jury situation that was investigated. Ms. Monaco. I am not aware of what the national security implications would be. It certainly would not be outside the realm of possibility that there would be national security implications in a grand jury investigation. But, again, I would not want to speculate. Senator Grassley. I had my staff ask the Justice Department yesterday whether the matter involved national security and if that was the reason for silence on the non-prosecution agreement. The Office of Legislative Affairs did not answer my staff's question despite notice that I would bring it up today. We have the capacity to review classified information, and if there is something about this that involves national security, since I have the capacity for classified information, I would urge you to use those channels to provide me with the information. Ms. Monaco. I understand, Senator. Senator Grassley. OK. And then I will stop with this: On a related matter, I understand that, despite the hiring freeze at the Justice Department, more staff have been hired for the National Security Division. How many people do you have in the National Security Division Policy Office? How many were hired since the hiring freeze? And who approved the hires? Ms. Monaco. Senator, the Department is under a hiring freeze, as you know, given the current budget situation. There are, however, exemptions that have been granted based on--to that hiring freeze where Department components can demonstrate that they have the funding and the allowable positions that have been provided by the Congress. I would have to double- check on the precise number, but I would say in the neighborhood of 30 individuals in the Law and Policy Office. Senator Grassley. OK. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Whitehouse. Thank you very much, Senator Grassley. The next questioner will be Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut, who has a distinguished career in law enforcement, as you all well know. Senator Blumenthal. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, Chairman Whitehouse, for your distinguished career in law enforcement and for holding this hearing. I think that we are all gratified by the progress that has been made in this area, particularly in combating the financial institutions' potential complicity in these transactions that involve financing terrorism. And I recognize that progress has been made in that area, and I want to thank each of you and the people who work with you for your continuing work and your accomplishments. All three of you, I believe, have made reference to the guilty plea by Mohammad Younis and the information that was developed about the sources of funding for the Shahzad plot. And apparently a major source was in Pakistan, possibly with the complicity of the financial institutions there, possibly with the knowledge of officials in Pakistan. I wonder if you could comment on what information has been developed about the Pakistanis' involvement in financing terrorist organizations and what steps can be taken to combat it. Ms. Monaco. I will just comment briefly on that, Senator Blumenthal. First I want to make clear that in the Younis case that individual was prosecuted and has pled guilty to operating an unlicensed money-transmitting operation, which I mentioned previously. He was not witting in the guilty plea--in that case did not demonstrate that he was witting of the purpose of those funds but, rather, the unlicensed transmission operation. So I just wanted to make that clear for the record. As to development of information with regard to the Pakistani end of that operation, I do not have anything that I would be able to offer to the Committee. I am not sure about my FBI colleague. Mr. Boelter. Yes, Senator, I would just say generally that one of our great challenges is a lack of visibility in the financial institutions and entities overseas. That is a challenge, I would not limit that to Pakistan, but globally. With respect to this case in particular, I think I would defer to speak to that issue in a more---- Senator Blumenthal. In a different setting. Mr. Boelter. Yes. Senator Blumenthal. Well, I appreciate the reasons for your preference, although your testimony does say, and I am quoting, ``Shahzad advised that the funding was arranged in Pakistan by associates of the . . . (TTP).'' And I take it from that fairly general statement that perhaps a follow-up in a different setting would be worthwhile because I would be very interested in this instance and others where Pakistan perhaps played a part with degrees of knowledge and intention that may be open to question about the terrorist financing. And let me follow up with you in another related area. What other countries would you say would bear scrutiny and perhaps could cooperate more fully in making their systems more transparent and, therefore, aid us in tracking down and stopping this kind of financing? Mr. Boelter. Well, Senator, I think I would defer to my Treasury colleague to speak on that point, if I may, Senator. Senator Blumenthal. Sure. Mr. Glaser. Thank you, Senator. We spend a lot of time at the Treasury Department on precisely this issue, trying to work with other countries on what should be the international standards for anti-money-laundering and counterterrorist financing and then putting systems in place to ensure the countries are actually taking steps to comply with those standards. And we do that through an organization called the Financial Action Task Force. The Financial Action Task Force has what is called the FATF 40+9, which is the 40 recommendations on money laundering, 9 special recommendations on terrorist financing, and taken together they represent a comprehensive framework for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. It includes criminal laws, regulatory laws, and international cooperation. And then we have worked with the IMF and the World Bank and FATF to make sure that every country or virtually every country--North Korea, for example, has not been reviewed, but virtually every country in the world is subject to a very rigorous review process. FATF has on its website identified the countries which in particular have performed very poorly on those. Pakistan is one of those countries that has been so identified by the FATF, and there are about 25 countries. I could tell you a few. I cannot rattle them all off, off the top of my head, but it is publicly available on the FATF website which countries still have a lot of work to do. I am just getting this basic structural framework in place. Senator Blumenthal. I know that that information is available publicly, and just one last question because my time is about to expire. Does that list coincide with the list of countries that are actually responsible or without perhaps the knowledge of the governments themselves, does that list of the least transparent coincide with the list of countries that also are the most complicit, perhaps unwittingly? Mr. Glaser. Exactly, and that is---- Senator Blumenthal. I am not framing the question very artfully, but you get the---- Mr. Glaser. I know exactly what you are asking. I was about to make that distinction as well. That group of countries that I was mentioning are countries that need work on their basic framework, on their basic regulatory structure, their basic legal structure, and a lot of them are working to put those in place. Then you get to the more difficult question of which countries are actually implementing it, which countries are actually doing what they need to do. For example, Kuwait is a country that does not even have a terrorist financing law, the only country in the gulf that does not have a terrorist financing law. Kuwait is a country that has some work to do. Qatar is making progress, but Qatar has a lot of work to do in implementing its terrorist financing laws, and I am going to be visiting Qatar and Kuwait later this month or the beginning of October--the end of September or beginning of October, to talk to them about the steps that they still need to take in order to make progress. And then, of course, you have your state sponsors, countries like Iran, which we have recently designated an al Qaeda financial support network supported by Iran. Iran is the chief donor to Hizballah, to Hamas. So, I mean, you know, once you get to the state sponsorship arena, it is a whole different level. So as you point out, I would say there are sort of three levels: the countries that still need work on a framework, the countries that simply do not have the political will or need more political will to implement, and then the countries that are actually actively part of the problem. Senator Blumenthal. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Whitehouse. Senator Klobuchar. Senator Klobuchar. Thank you very much. I first wanted to welcome the Assistant Director, Ralph Boelter. He was a special agent in charge of the Minneapolis office and did an amazing job with our FBI there, and we have a very close law enforcement community in Minnesota. My favorite story of that was the Secret Service once had a holiday party, and I will never forget the invitation: ``You're invited to the Secret Service Open House,'' which I thought was sort of funny. And when we got there, they would not tell you how many agents worked there because it was a secret. But I have really enjoyed working with you, and I welcome you here today. Mr. Boelter. Likewise, Senator. Thank you. Senator Klobuchar. Thank you. I wanted to first start and follow up a little with you, Assistant Secretary Glaser. You were talking with Senator Blumenthal about some of the work that you are doing. I was just curious, from sort of a bigger picture question, what are the most common--like the two or three most common forms of fundraising you are seeing to finance these terrorist entities? And I know that in your testimony you talk about how it has become more intractable, more difficult to find. So what are you seeing now? Mr. Glaser. Thank you for the question. As I said before, all the methodologies that we have traditionally seen for raising and moving terrorist funds we are still seeing. So terrorist organizations continue to receive money from deep- pocket donors in the gulf. They continue to receive money through charities. They continue to move money through both the informal and formal financial sectors. So all of that continues to go on, even though we continue to make tremendous progress in those areas. And I would just again point to Saudi Arabia as a good example of that progress. I have been at this for a long time, and several years ago we were quite frustrated with what we thought was Saudi Arabia not taking as much action as it should be taking. In recent years we have seen Saudi Arabia have investigations, real law enforcement investigations into terrorist financing and real prosecutions in terrorist financing, and it put in place some of the strictest laws in the world with respect to how it regulates and oversees its charities with respect to their international disbursements of funds. So that is progress, and that is one of the ways that we have made it harder for terrorist groups to access the international financial system. As a result, we have seen the problem disperse and become more localized, which has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is some of the more traditional tools we use in terms of sanctions, in terms of engaging with governments, and in terms of confronting governments are less effective, and we have to come up---- Senator Klobuchar. Because it is more dispersed and it is-- -- Mr. Glaser. Because it is more dispersed, it is more localized, and it becomes almost a local law enforcement issue. One of the things I pointed to is kidnapping for ransom. I know I keep mentioning it like a broken record, kidnapping for ransom, because it is really, really important and it is---- Senator Klobuchar. And so that money is going from these looser groups into terrorism. Mr. Glaser. Well, these looser groups are terrorist organizations, and this is how they are funding themselves, but oftentimes---- Senator Klobuchar. Right, so they just do it themselves. They kidnap people, they use that money, and then they commit acts of terrorism. Mr. Glaser. These are terrorist organizations that raise-- yes, that in part, and to a large part, support themselves through that criminal activity. Senator Klobuchar. Right. Could I turn to Assistant Director Boelter? Sort of combining your old job and your new job, organized crime, what do you see as the relationship between financing terrorism and organized crime? Mr. Boelter. I do not see a strong connection there. I think organized crime is not--it is not naturally paired with terrorism because the objectives of organized crime are to make money, frankly, and the objectives of terrorists are really to inflict harm on this country and our interests, and other countries as well. So I think there is not a natural relationship between those two entities, and likewise, I am not saying there is no connection, but I do not think it is a significant connection. Senator Klobuchar. And do you see some of the same things that Mr. Glaser was talking about with the funding? Mr. Boelter. In the different modes of raising---- Senator Klobuchar. Yes, that it is more dispersed with individual terrorist groups funding themselves. Mr. Boelter. Absolutely, and I think to some extent that we have moved them in that direction over the last few years by shutting down the formal financial network or access to it, to them. So I think that is a product somewhat of what we have done, but, yes, it is a changing landscape in terms of how they raise money. I would not suggest that engaging in kidnappings would be their first choice, but it is something that--because that is a high-risk activity, but that is clearly overseas in particular something that we are seeing. Senator Klobuchar. Assistant Attorney General Monaco, you talked about training and working with our partners internationally. What response have you received? Have there been changes over the last decade? Have you seen changes to the foreign laws that make it easier for us to work with them? Ms. Monaco. I think we have seen a growing level of cooperation and particularly in those areas where we have targeted our efforts. I mentioned Bangladesh, Kenya, and some other areas where we really are focusing almost exclusively with personnel in those areas on terrorist financing. I think in areas like Indonesia there have been good strides made, and I think while we are working in those targeted areas to bring up the level specifically on terrorist financing in the areas I mentioned, our resident legal attache program across the world with the 55 folks I mentioned is something we are trying to buildup our counterterrorism cooperation generally, buildup the level of attention and cooperation across the board. Senator Klobuchar. You know, I spent the evening of September 11th this year with the family of Tom Burnett, who was one of the passengers on that flight and one of the four guys that decided in that split second to wrestle the terrorists in the plane and then landed in a field in Pennsylvania instead of in one of our buildings here, which could have killed thousands of people, and his parents actually are--Mr. Chairman, I am glad you held this hearing. They are very focused on this financing issue and trying to go after who financed this terrorism act and working on it. So I just want to thank you for your work on their behalf and everyone else in this country. Thank you very much. Ms. Monaco. Thank you, Senator. Chairman Whitehouse. Thank you, Senator Klobuchar. I have a statement from Chairman Leahy on this hearing. With unanimous consent, I will put the statement into the record, and it has two letters attached, which I will also put into the record. [The prepared statement of Chairman Leahy appears as a submission for the record.] [The letters appear as a submission for the record.] Chairman Whitehouse. Ms. Monaco, I will summarize its conclusion, which is that the Attorney General should issue prosecutorial guidelines that remove the uncertainty over the scope of the material support law. I will hope very much that the Department takes that advice to heart. We have just had a vote in the last markup where the Department was invited to issue prosecutorial guidelines and did not, and the result was that a measure passed through the Judiciary Committee that the Department disapproves of. When the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee invites the Attorney General to issue prosecutorial guidelines on a matter, I think that is something that the Attorney General should attend to with considerable dispatch and attention because it is a device that leaves the control over this in the hands of the Department as to how to design the very best response. If you fail at that, then you end up with us. So please take that as a very positive step, and I would urge the Attorney General to respond quickly and affirmatively to the Chairman's request. Back to the hawalas for 1 second. It strikes me from the description of the areas in which we have had success that it has been in this country where the operation of the hawala violates in essence our banking laws--they are operating an unauthorized financial facility. Once you get outside of that geographic boundary and into the area, say, between Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, where funds are floating back and forth, or other gulf states, have we had any success dealing with the hawala system? Ms. Monaco. I think that some of our efforts have been in the intelligence-gathering vein and have allowed us some insight--and I think my colleagues may have more to offer on that--has allowed us some insight into those activities overseas, but I do think it poses one of the challenges we face in terms of the transparency, or lack thereof, of the operation of formal and informal networks. Chairman Whitehouse. Mr. Glaser, would that be one of your pillars of financial and logistical support that remain standing? Mr. Glaser. Well, sure. As you noted, the reason hawala and other forms of informal remittances and informal money services exist is because there are large communities throughout the world that do not have access to formal financial services or affordable financial services. So the long-term ``solution'' to hawala is a generational one, and it is about building an international financial system that everybody around the world has access to. Now, since that is a long-term solution, we need shorter- term--we need to address the problem in a shorter-term way as well. As you point out, the first prong is having an appropriate regulatory regime. I do think we have an appropriate regulatory regime in the United States, and money service businesses--and hawala would be a money service business--are required to register; they are required to have an anti-money-laundering program, and they are required to report suspicious transactions. There are international standards that I mentioned before through the Financial Action Task Force that apply to all countries to have similar sorts of systems, and we are working with other countries to ensure that those around the world. The next prong would be enforcement, and I think that we have taken--you mentioned Afghanistan. We have tried to be very aggressive with respect to international hawaladars that we think are problematic. In February of this year, under the Kingpin Act, under our kingpin sanctions, we designated the New Ansari Network, which is a major hawala operation in Afghanistan, which is moving billions of dollars in narcotics proceeds into and out of Afghanistan. So there is a particular hawala network that we went after, and we continue to follow up on that. You mentioned the ATFC, the Afghan Threat Finance Cell. They have worked directly with special units of the Afghan police to conduct raids on hawaladars within Afghanistan. So there is an important--in addition to the regulatory component, there is an important enforcement component. The way we try to approach it beyond the sort of long-term effort to make financial services available to everybody, you know, is a regulatory prong, enforcement, international standards, and general economic development. So that is at least how we think about the issue, but I do not want to give the impression that we have the issue cracked. It is there. It is a tough issue, and it is a largely non-transparent system as it exists today, and that is something that we focus on very intently. Chairman Whitehouse. Thank you. A final question probably to Ms. Monaco. I believe that one of the great attributes of American democracy in this wonderful balanced system that has been handed down to us from the Founding Fathers is the jury and the right that every American has, when harmed, to go before a jury of their peers and plead their case and stand equal before the law with whoever may have harmed them. Americans have clearly been harmed by terrorist organizations. They have been harmed in America by terrorist organizations. And some have sought to vindicate their rights by bringing private actions to establish the scope of those terrorist organizations, to establish the scope of the networks that support them, financially and otherwise, and to seek the redress that is every American citizen's right. Do you find that a helpful element of the various ways in which--it is a nongovernmental element to a significant degree, but is it a helpful element in trying to identify and bring to justice people who are financing terrorist activities that harm Americans here in our home country? Ms. Monaco. If I understand the Chairman's question, the right of individuals or organizations to challenge their designation? Chairman Whitehouse. The right of victims of terror to go after those who finance the terrorist plotters who harmed them and seek to bring them to justice in our civil courts. Ms. Monaco. Certainly, Senator, there are a number of those cases in which individuals have, as you say, sought redress in the courts. I certainly agree with you as a lawyer and as a former prosecutor about the jury system and its importance in our system. And I think the ability of individuals to seek redress in the courts is absolutely a founding element of our democracy. Chairman Whitehouse. And so the Department of Justice is perfectly comfortable with the notion that people can proceed in that way to vindicate their rights against those who have harmed them in the American civil court system? Ms. Monaco. Well, I think equally so the Department plays a role in defending statutes, in defending--in acting in litigation. Great career members of our Civil Division, as you know as a former denizen of the Justice Department, tremendous lawyers there who seek to uphold statutes passed by this body and to vindicate the interests of the Government in the courts, and I think they equally play an important role. Chairman Whitehouse. Very good. I appreciate everybody's testimony. I know that you have important responsibilities, and for you to take the time to come up here and share with all of us the work that you are doing and the concerns and challenges that you face is very helpful to us as we try to provide you the necessary material support to do the jobs that you have to do to protect us. So let me close by thanking you for your diligent service on behalf of our Nation, recognizing what every member who has been here has noted, which is the vital importance of the task that you have made it your purpose and mission to accomplish and to wish you well as you go forward. Please feel free to come to us with any specific requests you have to strengthen the hand that you have against those who are providing this kind of material support to the terrorist networks that still are targeting our country and our people. Thank you very much. The record of the hearing will remain open for an additional week in the event that anybody wishes to add anything, but subject to that, the hearing is now adjourned. Ms. Monaco. Thank you, Senator. [Whereupon, at 12:03 p.m., the Subcommittee was adjourned.] [Questions and answers and submissions for the record follow.]