[House Hearing, 113 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC: HOW GOVERNMENT HOUSING POLICY FAILED HOMEOWNERS AND TAXPAYERS AND LED TO THE FINANCIAL CRISIS ======================================================================= HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON CAPITAL MARKETS AND GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ENTERPRISES OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED THIRTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ MARCH 6, 2013 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Financial Services Serial No. 113-5 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 80-871 WASHINGTON : 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202�09512�091800, or 866�09512�091800 (toll-free). E-mail, gpo@custhelp.com. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES JEB HENSARLING, Texas, Chairman GARY G. MILLER, California, Vice MAXINE WATERS, California, Ranking Chairman Member SPENCER BACHUS, Alabama, Chairman CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York Emeritus NYDIA M. VELAZQUEZ, New York PETER T. KING, New York MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina EDWARD R. ROYCE, California BRAD SHERMAN, California FRANK D. LUCAS, Oklahoma GREGORY W. MEEKS, New York SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO, West Virginia MICHAEL E. CAPUANO, Massachusetts SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey RUBEN HINOJOSA, Texas RANDY NEUGEBAUER, Texas WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina CAROLYN McCARTHY, New York JOHN CAMPBELL, California STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts MICHELE BACHMANN, Minnesota DAVID SCOTT, Georgia KEVIN McCARTHY, California AL GREEN, Texas STEVAN PEARCE, New Mexico EMANUEL CLEAVER, Missouri BILL POSEY, Florida GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK, KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota Pennsylvania ED PERLMUTTER, Colorado LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia JAMES A. HIMES, Connecticut BLAINE LUETKEMEYER, Missouri GARY C. PETERS, Michigan BILL HUIZENGA, Michigan JOHN C. CARNEY, Jr., Delaware SEAN P. DUFFY, Wisconsin TERRI A. SEWELL, Alabama ROBERT HURT, Virginia BILL FOSTER, Illinois MICHAEL G. GRIMM, New York DANIEL T. KILDEE, Michigan STEVE STIVERS, Ohio PATRICK MURPHY, Florida STEPHEN LEE FINCHER, Tennessee JOHN K. DELANEY, Maryland MARLIN A. STUTZMAN, Indiana KYRSTEN SINEMA, Arizona MICK MULVANEY, South Carolina JOYCE BEATTY, Ohio RANDY HULTGREN, Illinois DENNY HECK, Washington DENNIS A. ROSS, Florida ROBERT PITTENGER, North Carolina ANN WAGNER, Missouri ANDY BARR, Kentucky TOM COTTON, Arkansas Shannon McGahn, Staff Director James H. Clinger, Chief Counsel Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey, Chairman ROBERT HURT, Virginia, Vice CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York, Chairman Ranking Member SPENCER BACHUS, Alabama BRAD SHERMAN, California PETER T. KING, New York RUBEN HINOJOSA, Texas EDWARD R. ROYCE, California STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts FRANK D. LUCAS, Oklahoma GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin RANDY NEUGEBAUER, Texas ED PERLMUTTER, Colorado MICHELE BACHMANN, Minnesota DAVID SCOTT, Georgia KEVIN McCARTHY, California JAMES A. HIMES, Connecticut LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia GARY C. PETERS, Michigan BILL HUIZENGA, Michigan KEITH ELLISON, Minnesota MICHAEL G. GRIMM, New York MELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina STEVE STIVERS, Ohio BILL FOSTER, Illinois STEPHEN LEE FINCHER, Tennessee JOHN C. CARNEY, Jr., Delaware MICK MULVANEY, South Carolina TERRI A. SEWELL, Alabama RANDY HULTGREN, Illinois DANIEL T. KILDEE, Michigan DENNIS A. ROSS, Florida ANN WAGNER, Missouri C O N T E N T S ---------- Page Hearing held on: March 6, 2013................................................ 1 Appendix: March 6, 2013................................................ 47 WITNESSES Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Ligon, John L., Policy Analyst, Center for Data Analysis, the Heritage Foundation............................................ 9 Rosner, Joshua, Managing Director, Graham Fisher & Co............ 10 Wachter, Susan M., Richard B. Worley Professor of Financial Management, Professor of Real Estate and Finance, and Co- Director, Institute for Urban Research, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania..................................... 12 White, Lawrence J., Professor of Economics, Stern School of Business, New York University.................................. 14 APPENDIX Prepared statements: Ligon, John L................................................ 48 Rosner, Joshua............................................... 62 Wachter, Susan M............................................. 72 White, Lawrence J............................................ 79 Additional Material Submitted for the Record Bachus, Hon. Spencer: Inserts from the Charlotte Observer.......................... 99 Letter to Hon. Barney Frank, dated September 28, 2006........ 102 Letter to GAO Comptroller General David M. Walker from Hon. Spencer Bachus and Hon. Barney Frank, dated April 25, 2007. 103 GAO testimony before the U.S. Senate, dated December 4, 2008. 104 Garrett, Hon. Scott: J.P. Morgan insert dated May 3, 2011......................... 128 Garrett, Hon. Scott, and Peters, Hon. Gary: Letter to Hon. Scott Garrett and Hon. Carolyn Maloney from NAFCU, dated March 5, 2013................................. 133 Maloney, Hon. Carolyn: Fannie Mae update dated February 26, 2013.................... 136 Perlmutter, Hon. Ed: Financial Times article dated September 9, 2008.............. 144 Peters, Hon. Gary: Bipartisan Policy Center report entitled, ``Housing America's Future: New Directions for National Policy,'' dated February 2013.............................................. 145 FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC: HOW GOVERNMENT HOUSING POLICY FAILED HOMEOWNERS AND TAXPAYERS AND LED TO THE FINANCIAL CRISIS ---------- Wednesday, March 6, 2013 U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises, Committee on Financial Services, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:05 a.m., in room 2128, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Scott Garrett [chairman of the subcommittee] presiding. Members present: Representatives Garrett, Hurt, Bachus, Royce, Neugebauer, Bachmann, Westmoreland, Huizenga, Grimm, Stivers, Mulvaney, Hultgren, Ross, Wagner; Maloney, Sherman, Moore, Perlmutter, Scott, Himes, Peters, Ellison, Watt, Foster, Carney, Sewell, and Kildee. Ex officio present: Representative Waters. Also present: Representative Miller. Chairman Garrett. Good morning, everyone. Today's hearing of the Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee is now called to order. Today's hearing is entitled, ``Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: How Government Housing Policy Failed Homeowners and Taxpayers and Led to the Financial Crisis.'' Before we begin, without objection, I move that the Chair can put the committee into a recess at any time. Without objection, it is so ordered. Also note that we are starting today, pretty close to on time, which is 10 a.m., and I appreciate everyone being here despite the weather. We may have--I was told that the votes may have been moved up. So we will try to move things along expeditiously. Again, I thank the panel. We will begin with opening statements, and then go to the panel. So at this point, I yield myself 4\1/2\ minutes for an opening statement. So, today's hearing does what? It seeks to examine in greater detail the role that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played in facilitating the 2008 financial crisis. Over the last 4 years, there has been a great deal of discussion as to what the main causes of the financial crisis were. However, I believe there is one similar fundamental trait that connects every analysis and that is bad mortgages. No matter what part of the financial crisis is discussed, it always comes back to bad mortgages. Our friends on the other side of the aisle sometimes love to discuss a wide variety of other reasons that they believe led to this crisis, however, for each instance, the underlying message is bad mortgages. Some of their favorite things to highlight are: opaque and complicated derivatives; an overreliance on incompetent credit rating agencies; off-balance sheet and synthetic securitizations; procyclical accounting standards; and greedy Wall Street banks. However, all those things are symptoms and not the actual disease. The disease was bad mortgages. The derivatives were written on bad mortgages. The rating agencies were rating bad mortgages. Securitization, the collateral of bad mortgages. The accounting standard market, the market had bad mortgages. Failing Wall Street banks were holding bad mortgages. All of these symptoms led to the same disease: bad mortgages. So we have to ask ourselves, how did this disease infect the country? The evidence indicates the disease began back in the 1990s with the adoption of the Affordable Housing Goals for the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) and the Clinton Administration's push to rapidly expand homeownership opportunities. And they did so by systematically reducing underwriting standards. In May of 2001, Michael Zimbalist, a global head of investment strategy for J.P. Morgan's Asset Management business, who had originally believed that the private sector had underwritten a majority of the bad mortgages, wrote this to his clients, ``In January of 2009, I wrote that the housing crisis was mostly a consequence of the private sector. Why? Because U.S. agencies appeared to be responsible for only 20 percent of the subprime, Alt-A and other mortgages. However, over the last 2 years, analysts have dissected the housing crisis in greater detail. ``And what emerges from new research is something quite different. Government agencies now look to have guaranteed, originated, and underwritten 60 percent of all non-traditional mortgages for a total of $4.6 trillion. What's more, the research asserts that the housing policies instituted in the early 1990s were explicitly designed to require U.S. agencies to make riskier loans with the ultimate goal of pushing private sector banks to adopt the same standards. To be sure, private sector banks and investors were responsible for taking the bait. And they made terrible mistakes. But overall, what emerges in an object lesson in well-meaning public policy gone spectacularly wrong.'' So if my colleagues on the other side had taken the time and done the same due diligence that Mr. Zimbalist and others did to actually diagnose the appropriate causes of the financial crisis, they may have seen the same thing. But instead, they rushed forward with a 3,000-page Dodd-Frank Act which basically included a liberal's wish list of policy changes that have been pent up over the last 12 years, that had absolutely nothing to do with the crisis. They are not the issues that are strangling the economy, nor negatively impacting job creation. Unfortunately most of Dodd-Frank only dealt with the symptoms and not the actual disease, bad mortgages. Many of the interest groups that directly benefit from large subsidization of the housing market continue to state that Fannie and Freddie fell victim to the bad private market participants. This is completely false. It was government housing policy coupled with loose money from the Federal Reserve, that caused the housing bubble. And those are the areas where we must focus on first. One of my esteemed panelists, Mr. Rosner, points out so precisely and with many specific examples in his book, ``Reckless Endangerment,'' ``Fannie and Freddie systematically reduced underwriting standards to meet government regulatory requirements and to curry favor with the political class. Fannie and Freddie are the essence of crony capitalism. And if we recreate them in some form or fashion as so many in the industry and across the aisle want to do, we are doomed to repeat the same terrible outcomes that our Nation has experienced over the last 4 years.'' An analysis that I read before said finally, ``As regulators and politicians consider actions designed to stabilize the financial system and the housing mortgage market, reflection on the role that policy played in the collapse would seem like a critical part of the process.'' I only hope so. And that is what we are about to do today. With that, I yield back. And I yield to the gentlelady from New York for 4 minutes. Mrs. Maloney. Thank you. I thank you for calling this hearing and I thank all the panelists for getting here. I mentioned that Dr. White is from the great City and State of New York. We are so pleased that you are here. And all of you, getting here in the middle of a snowstorm, I applaud you. We are here on really one of the most important issues the subcommittee will be working on over the next 2 years. Many economists believe that 25 percent of our overall economy is housing and related industries. So getting this segment figured out and stable and moving forward is critical to the economic growth and security of our country. I personally do not want to play the blame game. The title of this hearing is very confrontational. I hope we can work together in ways to find solutions and go forward. But since it was raised, I do want to point out the findings from the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report--this was an independent report, the final report of the National Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in the United States. They interviewed 700 people, had 19 days of public hearings, and went through reams of materials from the private and public sector. And on page 323, in their conclusions they state, ``GSE mortgage securities essentially maintained their value throughout the crisis and did not contribute to the significant financial firm losses that were central to the financial crisis.'' Fannie and Freddie themselves have come out with a report that I would like to place in the record on delinquent rates, comparing their work with the private sector. And in this report, the private sector had roughly 35 percent delinquency, whereas Fannie and Freddie were roughly at 3 to 5 percent. So anyway, I just wanted to put that into the record. Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mrs. Maloney. Okay, but now we are 4 years after the financial crisis and the GSEs are still in conservatorship. The hemorrhaging has stopped. The GSEs have even been profitable over the last few quarters. But we all agree that the current situation is not sustainable. There are a number of proposals that have come forward. One from FHFA came out to combine Fannie and Freddie, certain functions, and to standardize their securitization platform. There are others from the Bipartisan Policy Center. I for one, look forward to reviewing them with my colleagues, and I truly do believe if Mr. Garrett and I can agree on anything, then we can get it passed in the entire Congress and we can move forward. Homeownership has played a critical role in the American Dream in our country. Nowhere in the world are mortgage products like the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage available without some form of government involvement. And I believe we need to be mindful of that as we look forward at the various plans. We had roughly 70 years of a stable housing finance system with credit available to new home buyers, lower-income borrowers, and all types of borrowers in between. And I, for one, do not want to see the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage disappear. So while I agree that the current status is not sustainable, I do believe that at the very least, the GSE should return to what they did at their inception, be a source of liquidity to the markets to ensure that issuers have the cash to continue to lend in a prudent way to credit-worthy borrowers. So I look forward to moving forward toward solutions. And I hope that we set a better tone for a path forward than the title of this hearing represents. I yield back, and again I welcome all of my colleagues and the witnesses. Chairman Garrett. And I thank the gentlelady. We turn now to the vice chairman of the subcommittee for 1\1/2\ minutes. Mr. Hurt. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding today's subcommittee hearing on how Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Federal housing policy failed taxpayers and helped to lead to the financial crisis of 2008. One thing that I hear as I travel across my rural Virginia district, the 5th District, is that Congress must end Washington bailouts. I believe it is our responsibility to end the bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and enact reforms that will protect the American taxpayer and strengthen our housing finance system. With almost $190 billion in taxpayer funds provided to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to date, this has become, by far, the costliest bailout of the financial crisis. As this committee begins its work on housing finance reform, it is important that we understand what caused these historic losses. Before the housing market collapse precipitated a wider crisis, Federal housing mandates required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy riskier and riskier loans. These aggressive actions by the GSEs, aided by their implicit government backing, fed the housing bubble and facilitated the explosion of the market share of subprime and Alt-A mortgages. As Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchased and securitized more of these loans, loan originators took this as an incentive to write more subprime and Alt-A loans, regardless of their quality. As we all know, when the housing bubble burst, the American taxpayers were left to foot the bill. And yet Dodd-Frank which was sold to the American people as a reform of our financial system, failed to address any of the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Now is the time for Congress to act on this issue. And I appreciate Chairman Hensarling and Chairman Garrett's leadership in putting this committee on a path to fundamentally reforming our Nation's housing finance system and protecting the American homeowner and the American taxpayer. I would like to thank our witnesses for appearing before the subcommittee today. And I look forward to their testimony. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back. Chairman Garrett. And I thank you. I now recognize the ranking member of the full Financial Services Committee, the gentlelady from California, Ms. Waters, for 2 minutes. Ms. Waters. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing today. It is very important. Nearly 5 years have passed since this committee worked with the Republican Administration to stop the losses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by strengthening their regulator and putting them into conservatorship to prevent the collapse of the housing market. At that time, this committee and others raised important questions about what happened in the financial markets to necessitate such extraordinary actions. Since then, a consensus emerged that the 2008 crisis was the result of a complex mix of factors including: credit rating agencies being paid to give AAA ratings to toxic assets; securitization and reselling of those assets to uninformed investors; and predatory loans including the no-income, no-job, no-asset loans or NINJA loans. It is overly simplistic and untrue to suggest that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused the financial crisis or were even the leading cause of the crisis. Every credible analysis, including the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission report, and a book by former FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair, say otherwise. With that in mind, it is important to note that the world is dramatically different today compared with 2008. Freddie Mac reported a profit of $11 billion for 2012, and the total amount given to the GSEs net of repayments continues to decline. The tourniquet to stop the bleeding worked, providing legislators with time to consider how to reform the housing market. There are several comprehensive bipartisan reform proposals that were introduced last Congress, none of which have yet had a hearing before this committee. To each of our witnesses, I hope that you will help guide our discussion about how to actually reform the markets. For example, I would like to discuss what reforms are needed to preserve stable market products like 30-year fixed-rate loans, and how we can provide liquidity at times of market distress. And how we can ensure that all banks, including community banks and credit unions, can participate in the secondary mortgage market. I thank you, and I yield back the balance of my time. Chairman Garrett. The gentlelady yields back. Mr. Royce for 1 minute. Mr. Royce. Thank you Mr. Chairman. I remember very vividly the Federal Reserve Chairman speaking with me, the warnings that we were given on the inability of the Fed to regulate Fannie and Freddie for systemic risk. I remember the questions from those at the Fed on, why won't Congress allow us to regulate Fannie and Freddie for systemic risk? It was pretty clear at the time, with the housing goals that we were putting in place with the requirement that of the $1.7 trillion that existed in those portfolios, the percentage of that which was subprime, this was the objective of Congress. Zero downpayment loans. We were driving a policy and the one request from the regulator was that they be able to regulate the GSEs. I had legislation before the House, and the Senate had legislation on the Floor. And that legislation on the Senate side was filibustered by Mr. Dodd and here we failed to pass it on the House side as well. That would have allowed the regulation for systemic risk. To deleverage those portfolios that were leveraged at 100 to 1. Now, an implicit government backstop created a level of moral hazard unseen anywhere else in our capital markets and it astounds me that people would try to pretend that in not listening to the regulators, that this had nothing to do with the problem in the housing market. I yield back, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Garrett. I thank the gentleman. Mr. Peters is recognized now for 2 minutes. Mr. Peters. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good morning. And I would like to thank our witnesses for being here today. I would also like to thank Chairman Garrett and Ranking Member Maloney for convening our first Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee. And I would like to additionally thank them for starting off by examining the role of GSEs in our economy. In addition to looking back at the collapse of the housing market in 2007, which is a topic I think it is very safe to say that we have already spent a great deal of time looking at, I hope that today, we also look forward. Our housing market continues to recover with improving home prices including across much of the greater Detroit area that I represent. Rental demand is increasing in many regions across the United States. But the number of renters spending more than they can afford is high and it is growing. The government continues to support the vast majority of mortgage financing, both for homeownership and rental housing. Our economy cannot afford to have an outdated housing system. We must look for ways to ensure our system can keep pace with today's demands and the challenges of the imminent future. For this reason we must look forward. And I hope that we can spend a portion of our time here today examining not just the role the GSEs played last decade, but what role our government should play in the housing markets of the future. Clearly, we need to put an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts. But we must also ensure that responsible hardworking families can still achieve the dream of homeownership. Our status quo is unsustainable but completely eliminating any government role in the mortgage market would likely undermine the housing recovery and risk eliminating the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Despite the housing collapse, responsible homeownership can produce powerful economic, civic, and social benefits that serve not just individual homeowners, but their communities and our Nation as a whole. I believe our committee has a real window of opportunity this Congress to meaningfully engage in GSE reform on a bipartisan basis. And I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on this critical issue. I yield back. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. Thank you. The gentleman from Texas for 1 minute. Mr. Neugebauer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this important hearing today. I think it is important to understand the consequences of all of this policy. We have talked about the huge losses that were accreted by these entities and the fact that the taxpayers had to inject massive amounts of their money into that. But there is another victim in all of this and that is the homeowners who did the right thing. The people who took out mortgages, who bought homes, who could afford those and are making their payments on it. What we realized is when we have monetary policy or fiscal policy that creates these bubbles, when the bubbles bust, it not only hurts the people who were a part of the bubble, but also hurts some of the people on the sidelines. And so, I think one of the things that I am hopeful that we can begin to work on is the fact that we make sure that history does not repeat itself. We have to understand that homeownership in America is about the opportunity to own a home, but it is not an entitlement. And in some ways, the government has turned homeownership into entitlement. We need to make sure it is an opportunity. So, I will look forward to our discussion today. Chairman Garrett. Thank you. The gentleman yields back. Mr. Scott for 2 minutes. Mr. Scott. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I think that this is indeed an important hearing. But here is what we must remember and this is for both Democrats and Republicans: As Fannie and Freddie prepare to wind down and have private lenders take on more responsibility in providing credit to the U.S. housing market, Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, must commit to ensure that Americans who require extra assistance in obtaining a sound mortgage are able to do so. We have to make sure that there is a willingness on the part of the private market to fill the gap that will be left by the absence of Fannie and Freddie. To do less than that is meaningless. We can sit here and debate the merits or demerits of Fannie and Freddie, but the problem remains. We must remember that the GSEs were formed to increase liquidity in the market, to provide long-term fixed-rate mortgages. This type of option for potential homeowners is valuable, and is often necessary in obtaining a mortgage that is sustainable, that is sound, and is less likely to fall into foreclosure. I have heard a lot of criticism about Fannie and Freddie. But they, in fact, were created to fill a very important purpose. And without Fannie and Freddie, millions of those who own homes now would have not been able to do so. Because the private market, the private sector, must be willing. That is a fundamental issue we have to make sure happens. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. If I have a moment? I guess I don't. Chairman Garrett. Thank you. The gentleman yields back. Mrs. Bachmann is recognized for 1 minute. Mrs. Bachmann. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I thank you for this hearing that finally admits the truth, that it was government housing policy that failed homeowners. And as Mr. Neugebauer said, it is truly the taxpayers and the homeowners who lost in this issue. And who lowered these lending standards? We know now it was government policies. Why was it that we agreed to zero down mortgages? Government policies. Who agreed to the so-called ``liar loans?'' It was government policies. And who pushed Fannie and Freddie to buy more and more of these inferior performing loans? It was government policies. And why was no one in the lending chain ever willing to say no, in a game that was destined for failure? We know now it was because a lot of people made a lot of money selling inferior products. And why? Because of the implied promise that if anything went wrong, don't worry, the taxpayers would bail it out and the taxpayers would pay. This is a game that can never happen again. We have to raise lending standards to what they were historically and we will once again have a strong housing market. I yield back. Chairman Garrett. Thank you. And for the last word on the matter, Mrs. Wagner is recognized for 1 minute. Mrs. Wagner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I thank our witnesses. At the signing ceremony for the Dodd-Frank Act in July of 2010, President Obama proclaimed, ``Unless your business model depends on cutting corners, or bilking your customers, you have nothing to fear from reform.'' Unfortunately, the bill the President signed that day did nothing to reform the two entities that cut the most corners, bilked taxpayers out of billions of dollars, and were more responsible than anybody or any institution for the financial crisis of 2008. I am of course referring to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government mortgage giants that for years worked to drive down underwriting standards and increase borrower leverage in the housing market. All under the guise, I believe, of promoting homeownership. These policies created an enormous housing bubble which inevitably crashed and in the process, hurt the very families, real families who were supposed to be helped, and instead stuck the taxpayers with the bailout bill. As our committee works to bring real and lasting reform to the housing market, I hope that today's hearing serves as a vivid reminder of where misguided government policies have gotten us in the past. I thank you, Mr. Chairman, for this hearing. I thank our witnesses for being here today and I yield back my time. Chairman Garrett. The gentlelady yields back. We now turn to our esteemed panel. We again thank the panel for being with us on this snowy day. We also remind those who have not been here before that you will all be recognized for 5 minutes, and your complete written statements will be made a part of the record. The lights will come on green, yellow, and red; there is 1 minute remaining at the yellow light. And I will also remind you to please make sure that you bring your microphone as close to you as you can when you begin. We will begin with Mr. Ligon from The Heritage Foundation, and you are recognized now for 5 minutes. STATEMENT OF JOHN L. LIGON, POLICY ANALYST, CENTER FOR DATA ANALYSIS, THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION Mr. Ligon. Good morning. My name is John Ligon, and I am a policy analyst in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation. The views I express in this testimony are my own and should not be construed as representing any official position of The Heritage Foundation. I thank Chairman Scott Garrett, Ranking Member Carolyn Maloney, and the rest of the subcommittee for the opportunity to testify today. The focus of my testimony is that the Federal housing policies related to the Government-Sponsored Enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, have proven costly, not only to the Federal taxpayer but also to the broader financial system. We should recognize their failure and move toward a mortgage market without the distortions of GSEs. Allow me to offer several observations. First, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the ultimate guarantors of the U.S. mortgage market. Fannie and Freddie own or guarantee approximately half of all outstanding residential mortgages in the United States, including a share of subprime mortgages. Additionally, they finance about 60 percent of all new mortgages. These GSEs fall within Federal conservatorship. Their combined agency debt, mortgage, and mortgage-related holdings are directly guaranteed by the Federal Government. Their level of debt is massive and has exploded over the last 40 years. In 1970, agency debt as a share of U.S. Treasury debt was 15 percent. And as of 2010, this share was 81 percent, a combined $7.5 trillion. This brings me to my second observation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have actually undermined the stability of the U.S. financial system. Beginning in the 1990s, Fannie and Freddie began relaxing credit standards for the mortgages they purchased. In 1995, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, established a target goal relating to the homeownership rate among low-income groups which was eventually set at 70 percent. Then, in 1999, HUD directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to further relax their requirement standards for purchased mortgage loans, including a move toward sub and non-prime loan approval. Starting in 2000, there was yet a further easing of mortgage lending standards which stretched more broadly across the private mortgage system. The erosion of lending standards spread throughout the U.S. mortgage market from 2000 to 2006, and severely weakened the quality of holdings in the GSE's portfolios since a sizable share of their mortgage back-holdings were securitized for non- prime loans. The total level of non-prime loans in the U.S. mortgage market peaked at 48 percent of the overall market in 2006. Looked at from the perspective of homeowners, between 2002 and 2008, there was a $1.5 trillion increase in household debt attributable to existing homeowners borrowing against the increased value of their homes. By 2009, aggregate household debt increased $9.4 trillion over the prior decade while home equity as a share of aggregate household wealth decreased from 62 percent to 35 percent from 2005. As a result, 39 percent of new defaults on home mortgages occurred in households that had aggressively borrowed against the rising value of their homes. This brings me to my third and final observation. Ending the present role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would lead to a more stable housing market. After more than 3 decades of experience with boom-and-bust cycles, which have affected not only household income and wealth, but also financial markets, Federal policymakers should seriously reconsider the Federal Government's role in shaping housing policy through Government- Sponsored Enterprises. These institutions distort the U.S. housing and mortgage markets at substantial risk to taxpayers and households. Eliminating the present role Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play would save taxpayers billions of dollars by eliminating the tax, regulatory, and debt subsidy that has held mortgage rates lower and induced U.S. households to take on more debt- related consumption; many of these households end up underwater. In conclusion, Congress should consider beginning the process of winding down the GSEs and housing finance market and establish a market free from the distortions of this institutional arrangement. Thank you for your time. I welcome your subsequent questions. [The prepared statement of Mr. Ligon can be found on page 48 of the appendix.] Chairman Garrett. And I thank you. Next, Mr. Rosner, author of ``Reckless Endangerment.'' We appreciate you being on the panel. You are recognized for 5 minutes. STATEMENT OF JOSHUA ROSNER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, GRAHAM FISHER & CO. Mr. Rosner. Thank you, Chairman Garrett, Ranking Member Maloney, and members of the subcommittee for inviting me to testify on this important subject. In July 2001, I authored a paper entitled, ``Housing in the New Millennium: A Home Without Equity is Just a Rental with Debt.'' The executive summary of that paper noted, ``There are elements in place for the housing sector to continue to experience growth well above GDP.'' But I noted, ``It appears that a large portion of the housing sector's growth in the 1990s came from the easing of the credit underwriting process. That easing included drastic reduction in minimum downpayments, focused effort to target the low-income borrower, changes in the appraisal process that have led to widespread over- appraisal, over valuation problems.'' I concluded, ``If these trends remain in place, it is likely that the home purchase boom of the past decade will continue unabated,'' but warned, ``The virtuous cycle of increasing homeownership due to greater leverage has the potential to become a vicious cycle of lower home prices due to an accelerating rate of foreclosures.'' In the mid-1990s, the GSEs were repurposed to direct social policy through the mortgage markets. The combination of using the GSEs as tools of social policy and falling interest rates built the foundation of the housing bubble. In early 1993, the Clinton Administration realized the GSEs could be used to drive capital investment for housing and community development and, as Susan Wachter noted in 2003, ``The goal of Federal chartering of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is to achieve public policy objectives, including the promotion of nationwide homeownership through the purchase and securitization of mortgages.'' She went on to note that, ``Through lower mortgage and downpayment rates that would not prevail but for the presence of the GSEs, they expanded homeownership.'' In 1994, the Administration set out to raise the homeownership rate from 65 to 70 percent by the year 2000 and recognized this can be done almost entirely off-budget through among others, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 1994, the Administration created the national homeownership strategy with the goal of using the GSEs to provide low and no downpayment loans to low-income purchasers even those ``the private mortgage market had deemed to be uncreditworthy.'' Treasury Secretary Rubin recognized many of the risks associated with increasing lending to the most at-risk borrowers. Still, the Clinton Administration plans continued. Reversing major trends, homeownership began to rise in 1995. In 1989, only 7 percent of home mortgages were made with debt less than 10 percent down. By 1999, that number reached 50 percent. While the GSEs were certainly a key driver of these results, other government actions, including fraud and falling interest rates also fueled the expansion. By increasing investor confidence in low and no downpayment mortgages, the GSEs seasoned the market, but they were surely not the only culprits. In 2001, after much lobbying, the Basel Committee determined that private label securities should carry the same risk ratings as correspondingly rated GSE products. This action opened the floodgates to reckless, private label securitization of the most toxic mortgage products. Banks and investment banks, which had sought to reduce their exposures to consumer lending, used their branch network and third-party lenders to originate loans to distribute through securitization. By 2002, the private label securitization market was now at ease with changes made in 2000 by the GSEs which had expanded their purchase to include Alt-A and subprime mortgages as well as private label mortgage securities. Private issuers aggressively targeted borrowers with lower downpayments, lower FICO scores, lower documentation, and higher debt-to-income and higher loan-to-value. PLS activity exploded. Securitization rates skyrocketed. As the PLS market took off, investment banks and third-party originator partners created more and more risky products with the support of credit rating agencies, their absurd analysis and the CDO market. For the first few years, the GSEs avoided direct competition with these lenders, but became the largest purchasers of private label securities. By 2007, interest-only, subprime, Alt-A, and negative amortization loans were 20 percent of the GSEs book of business. By early 2006, it was clear that decreased funding for RMBS could set off a downward spiral in credit availability that could deprive individuals of homeownership and substantially hurt the U.S. economy. Now, on the GSEs, there is nothing specifically wrong with the entities whose purpose it is to support liquidity in the secondary mortgage market. In fact, there is a substantial need for such a function. The problem is the use of quasi-private institutions as tools of social policy to drive housing subsidies to markets through an off-balance sheet subsidy arbitraged by private market participants. The GSEs were no longer merely supporting liquidity in the secondary market, as they had been created to do, their purchase of almost 25 percent of private label securities fostered distortive excess market liquidity. Still, there is much to be lauded in the GSEs as they existed prior to the 1990s. Some of those features are still in place and provide value. While there are proposals to replace the GSEs with alternatives, those seem to transfer many of the subsidies the GSEs receive to other private institutions. To merely replace GSEs will result in significant loss of value of their proprietary assets. Understandably, the GSEs have become a politically charged subject, but it is important to remember they had previously been valuable tools of financial intermediation. Repairing their failures, seeking repayment of $140 billion owed to U.S. taxpayers, reducing risk to the taxpayer, eliminating implied guarantees, preventing their use as tools of social policy, eliminating investment portfolios and ensuring they provide backstop liquidity rather than excess liquidity is an achievable goal and would place them in their proper role as countercyclical buffers in support of private mortgage markets. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Mr. Rosner can be found on page 62 of the appendix.] Chairman Garrett. And I thank you for your testimony. Next, Dr. Wachter from the Institute for Urban Research, among other titles. You are recognized for 5 minutes. STATEMENT OF SUSAN M. WACHTER, RICHARD B. WORLEY PROFESSOR OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, PROFESSOR OF REAL ESTATE AND FINANCE, AND CO-DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE FOR URBAN RESEARCH, THE WHARTON SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Ms. Wachter. Thank you, Chairman Garrett, Ranking Member Maloney, and other distinguished members of the subcommittee. I am honored by the invitation to testify at today's hearing. Government has, in policy, failed homeowners and taxpayers and it is important to understand why. The GSEs contributed to the meltdown. The direct cause of the crisis was the proliferation of poorly underwritten and risky mortgage products. The most risky products were funded through private label securitization. We know now, but we did not know in real-time to what extent the shift towards unsound lending was occurring. Non-traditional and aggressive mortgages such as teaser rate ARMs and interest-only mortgages proliferated in the years 2003 to 2006 changing from their role as niche products to become nearly 50 percent of the origination market at the height of the bubble. In addition, the extent to which consolidated loan-to-value ratios increased through second liens was not then, nor is it known today. Non-agency, private label securitizers issued over 30 percent more mortgage-backed securities than the GSEs during these years. As private label securitization expanded, leverage to these entities increased through financial derivatives and synthetics, such as CDO, CDO-squared, and CDS. The amount of the increasing leverage introduced by the issuance of CDO, CDO-squared, and CDS was not known. The deterioration in the quality of the underlying mortgages was not known. The rise in prices enabled by the credit expansion masked the increase in credit risk. If borrowers were having trouble with payments, which they were, homes could be sold and mortgages could be refinanced as long as prices were rising. But after 2006, when prices peaked and started to decline, mortgage delinquencies, defaults, and foreclosures started their inevitable upward course. In the panic of mid-2007, private label security-issuing entities imploded. The issuance of new private label securities went from $1 trillion to effectively zero. The U.S. economy faced the real threat of a second Great Depression. The housing price decline of 30 percent, only now being reversed, was due to this dynamic: an unknown, unsourced, unidentified, unrecognized increase in leverage and deterioration in the quality of leverage. As I stated, the GSEs contributed to the crisis. The GSEs were part of the irresponsible expansion of credit, but other entities securitized the riskiest products. There is, in fact, a simple way to measure the failure of the GSEs relative to other entities. All we have to do is examine default rates. The GSE's delinquency rates were and are far below those of non-GSE securitized loans. The distribution of mortgage failure is apparent in the performance of mortgages underlying securitization, as shown in Exhibit C, which I request be entered in the official record along with the other exhibits in my testimony. Failure of the GSE-securitized loans was one-fifth or less of the failure of other entities' securitizations. However, in a broad sense, the GSEs or their overseer had a larger responsibility, which they did fail to fulfill. The failure to identify credit and systemic risk in the markets in which they operated was at the heart of the financial crisis. No entity was looking out for the U.S. taxpayer. We know from this crisis and from previous crises that markets do not self-correct in the absence of arbitrage, in the absence of security sales, pricing and trading of risk. For this, we must have market standardization and transparency. This role is an essential requirement for effective markets and it requires a coordination platform for its realization. This need not be performed by the GSEs or their regulator, although such a role had been theirs in the stable decades before the crisis. The role is a necessary one. We can rebuild a resilient housing finance system. We can provide an opportunity for sustainable homeownership for future Americans. But, in order to do so, we must understand and correct the failures of the past. I thank you for the opportunity to testify today and I welcome your questions. [The prepared statement of Dr. Wachter can be found on page 72 of the appendix.] Chairman Garrett. Thank you. Thank you for your testimony. Dr. White, from our neck of the woods at NYU, you are welcomed to the panel and you are recognized now for 5 minutes. STATEMENT OF LAWRENCE J. WHITE, PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS, STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Mr. White. Thank you, Chairman Garrett, Ranking Member Maloney, and members of the subcommittee. I appreciate the opportunity to testify today. I am pleased to be here on this important topic. My name is Lawrence J. White. I am a professor of economics at the NYU Stern School of Business. As my statement makes clear, during 1986 to 1989, I was one of the Board Members of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and, in that capacity I also served on the board of Freddie Mac. When I left government service in August of 1989, I also left the board of Freddie Mac. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I think I owe it to you to provide two more pieces of information. In 1997, Freddie Mac asked me to write an article on the importance of capital for financial institutions. I wish they had listened more closely. It was published in the journal that they published at the time, ``Secondary Mortgage Markets.'' That article is available on my Web site, easily accessed. I am very proud of it. I said all the right things. I was paid $5,000 for that article. In 2004, Fannie Mae asked me to come into their Wisconsin headquarters and talk to their advisory committee on the importance of capital. Again, I wish they had listened more closely. I was paid $2,000 for that talk plus my transportation expenses. I flew coach class both ways between New York City and Washington, D.C. I took street-hail taxi cabs to and from the airports. Full disclosure, ladies and gentleman. All right, I want to talk a little bit about the financial crisis. As Professor Wachter just indicated, in this process of housing prices going up sharply, for reasons that I don't fully understand, there was this boom. We now know it to have been a bubble. It started around 1997. And, as Professor Wachter just said, in that context, mortgages--if you believe that housing prices are always going to go up, mortgages are not going to be a problem because even if a borrower loses his or her job, gets hit by a truck, or has a serious illness, he or she can always sell the house at a profit and satisfy the mortgage in that way. Consequently, mortgage securities built on those mortgages are never going to be a problem. And, consequently, the traditional lending standards, the 20 percent downpayment, the good credit history, the adequate income, the adequate documentation; all of that goes out the window as well because mortgages are never going to be a problem. At the time, as Professor Wachter just said, we didn't really understand these things, but looking back, you can understand why this happens. Now, why people got into this mindset that housing prices would always go up, I don't really understand. That is not what we teach at the Stern School of Business. I am sure that is not what Professor Wachter and her colleagues teach at Wharton, but it was so. Flip your house, all the books, all the television programs, they were real. Where were Fannie and Freddie in all this? They were special enterprises as you know. Unfortunately, among their specialness, they had inadequate capital. They went into those lower quality mortgages somewhere in the mid-1990s, and may have been responsible for a little bit of the starting of the boom. The boom went on primarily, as Professor Wachter just pointed out, because of the private sector expansion of the lower quality mortgages for the reasons I just described and their securitization. Then, Fannie and Freddie do go more deeply into lower quality mortgages around 2003, 2004. There are just some striking diagrams, figures at the end of my testimony that show how from 2004 onward, those mortgages through 2008 are just different from what preceded them. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Bubbles will eventually burst. And, in 2006, prices started to go down. Those mortgages can't survive even a stable environment rather than--as well as a declining environment. Foreclosures increase, the mortgage sector experiences losses, Fannie and Freddie, being inadequately capitalized, not enough capital, experience losses; Freddie for the first time in 2007, Fannie for the first time since 1985. The losses are so severe in 2008 that they are put into conservatorship. The Treasury covers all their liabilities. At the time, I wasn't so sure. Looking back, I think this was a smart thing. It prevented the crisis from getting worse at the time. But Lehman goes into bankruptcy 1 week later and, then, the thin capital levels across the financial sector really bite. There are two important lessons from all of this. First, beware of implicit guarantees, which is what protected Fannie and Freddie. Beware of underpriced guarantees. Indeed, beware of guarantees more generally. And, second, the importance of good, rigorous, vigorous, prudential regulation of systemic, large financial institutions with high capital requirements at their heart, terrifically important. Thank you for the opportunity. I would be happy to respond to questions. [The prepared statement of Dr. White can be found on page 79 of the appendix.] Chairman Garrett. Thank you for your testimony. Thank you for your clarification on your travel arrangements and what have you. I appreciate that as well for all the transparency. Would that always be the case. Thank you. I now recognize myself for 5 minutes for questions. And just to start off with, I know Dr. Wachter made the comment that no entity was looking out for the U.S. taxpayer. I will just give a little response to that by saying that, at least as the gentleman from California mentioned before, some people within this entity were attempting to look out for the U.S. taxpayers by putting some capital requirements and other requirements onto the GSEs, but we were stymied, as he indicated, across the aisle and in the Senate. But I will start with Mr. Rosner. Can you go into a little bit more detail as to the effect of the lower underwriting standards, and maybe you can just play off of what Dr. Wachter said, that GSEs were part of the problem, but the default rate outside of the GSEs was higher? What I heard there, and you can tell me if I am right or wrong, is that with lower underwriting standards, maybe you get the effect of, what, cherry-picking going on? Am I right or wrong? I will just throw it to you. Mr. Rosner. First of all, I think cherry-picking was a real issue for a very long time. The GSEs would cherry-pick both the private market and FHA for a long time. And that was one of the market complaints about the Enterprises for a long time. I would also point out that definitionally where the market was--the private market was completely unfettered, the GSEs did, in fact, still have some statutory limitations upon them which constrained them somewhat. That said, I think we have to also consider, as I said, the large impact that their purchases of private label securities had on the rest of the private label market because they were the bid in the market when you are buying 25 percent and you are adding comfort to the market. In terms of the 2004 or the dating of the actual bubble, it is interesting to note that what we think of as the bubble is really 2004 onward. And, in reality, home prices peaked in the fourth quarter of 2004, the first quarter of 2005. All of the activity that we saw-- Ms. Wachter. That is not true. Mr. White. Case-Shiller-- Mr. Rosner. The Case-Shiller-- Mr. White. 2006. Mr. Rosner. If you look at the--I will show you the numbers. Mr. White. Okay. Mr. Rosner. Anyway, 40 percent of all-- Mr. White. --two people can differ. Mr. Rosner. Forty percent of all home sales between 2004 and 2007 were essentially second homes and investment properties and the bulk of the rest of the remaining were refinancings. So the push for homeownership--the goals of increasing homeownership really didn't have anything to do with the bubble-- Ms. Wachter. Oh I see. I am sorry. You meant to say homeownership rates-- Mr. Rosner. I am sorry. Right. I apologize. Homeownership rates--I am sorry. Chairman Garrett. Looks like we have three academics here. Mr. White. These two people can agree. Mr. Rosner. Peaked in the further quarter of 2004-- Ms. Wachter. Right. Mr. Rosner. And so, all of the bubble period was really refinancing, second home, and investment property speculation. The GSE's purchase during those periods of large portions of private-label securities fostered that speculation and access liquidity unnecessarily. And rampantly, I would also take a little bit of a disagreement with the notion that nobody was trying to ensure the safety and soundness. I remember very well--I was very involved in spending time in Washington at the time--a very weakened and hobbled regulator that was constantly neutered by Congress, constantly neutered by the Administration, constantly neutered by HUD performance goals, when it did try and take actions for safety and soundness. Chairman Garrett. Great. Thank you for that last point as well. Let me just move down the aisle there then. Mr. Ligon, so we have the subsidy for the GSEs. And the question is, who benefits, and who is hurt by it? We heard part of the explanation with regard to failure, the underwriting standards. But who actually--does the homeowner benefit directly, significantly from the subsidy, or are the other players; the investors, the executives over there, the homebuilders, the home sellers, that sort of thing? Who benefits and who is hurt by this? Mr. Ligon. The subsidy to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in particular, cost the taxpayer, in normal-market circumstances, anywhere between roughly $7 billion to $20 billion annually. Not all of that is going to be transferred down to the borrower. There is a portion that is retained by the shareholder. Some of it is retained down to the--or passed down to the borrower. In terms of interest rate terms, probably anywhere between 7 basis points and 25 basis points of a subsidy to home borrowers. Chairman Garrett. Okay. So a small percentage, only of 25 basis point goes to the homebuyer--homebuyer. So the rest-- Mr. Ligon. --given the tradeoff-- Chairman Garrett. At the same time, isn't what we are seeing here that the price of houses is going up? So I guess that benefits who, if the price of houses go up, the homebuyer or somebody else? Mr. Ligon. If home prices are going up, that benefits the home buyers. Chairman Garrett. The buyers are paying a higher amount. Mr. Ligon. Homebuyers, yes. Chairman Garrett. So wouldn't it be the home seller, and the builder, and the REALTOR, and all those who benefit? So those parts of the complex are benefiting. But the homebuyer actually is put at a disadvantage, is he not, because his price is higher, and he is only getting a marginal benefit. Would that be fair to say? Mr. Ligon. Yes, I would agree with that. Chairman Garrett. Thank you. And with that, I now yield to the gentlelady from New York for 5 minutes. Mrs. Maloney. Professor Wachter, could you elaborate on what would happen in the private market? Would the private market be able to, or would they assume the volume of business done by Fannie and Freddie? And what would the impact be on the 30-year mortgage loan, the cost of it? Would it be affordable? Could you elaborate on that? Ms. Wachter. Yes. Thank you for those questions. There are two questions. First of all, what would happen to the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage in the absence of an entity that took on the role of Fannie and Freddie? And the answer is that there very likely would not be an option of a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage. Throughout the world, the adjustable-rate mortgage is in fact what prevails. There are only a few other economies with sustainable--of course, we did not have a sustainable mortgage system. But there are only a few other economies with a sustainable, fixed-rate mortgage as part of the mortgage system. And that includes Germany. It is possible to have a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage in a sustainable system. But in order to do so, there needs to be an entity that is overseeing and identifying risk. And other countries can give us some insight into this. But a banking system alone, there is no banking system with a fixed-rate mortgage. Banking systems support the adjustable- rate mortgage, and for good reason. We had a crisis in this country, the savings-and-loan crisis, which occurred because commercial banks and S&Ls were putting into their portfolio 30- year, fixed-rate mortgages. That was not sustainable. It will not be sustainable going forward. Therefore, in order to protect American homeowners and taxpayers going forward, we need to replace Fannie and Freddie with other entities that will support the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage. Why is this? I think we can all agree the interest rates have nowhere to go but up. If interest rates go from where they are today, perhaps double, go from 3 percent to 6 percent, that is equivalent to doubling mortgage payments. We would then put mortgage borrowers in a payment shock, which could bring down the entire economy, if we were only in our mortgage book of nooses, if we were relying on adjustable-rate mortgages. Fortunately, we are not, we have not, and hopefully, we will not, going forward. Mrs. Maloney. Could you comment on whether or not you believe the private market can or would absorb the volume? You mentioned that they wouldn't for the 30-year mortgage. Would a 15-year or a 5-year be replaced? Ms. Wachter. I think that yes, it could very well be a 5- year. It could also be a 1-year, adjustable-rate mortgage. Of course, in any of those cases, it would be very subject to interest rate risk. There is no possibility--I think industry experts will confirm this--for the trillions of dollars that are supported today by the Fannie-Freddie entities to be taken over, at this point, by individual banking institutions. There is no likelihood at this point of entities stepping up to do this. That doesn't mean that we can rely on Fannie and Freddie going forward. It means that we must have a path to an alternative going forward. Mrs. Maloney. Could you discuss the differences between the single-family portfolio and the multi-family portfolio? Do the single-family and multi-family books of business need to be treated in the same way or a different way? How would they be treated in reform, going forward? Ms. Wachter. Thank you. I apologize. We should note that the multi-family portfolio is doing quite well in both Fannie and Freddie. We should also note that the bipartisan commission has come out in support of the multi-family functions continuing with government support. This is their position. There is a lack of clarity going forward as to whether multi-family and single-family should be supported by the same entity or a different entity, that is, whether they should be separate or not. There are arguments pro and con on that. But certainly, the need for information, for standards, and for monitoring is important on both the multi-family and the single-family. And also, the issues of affordability are extremely important, not only on the single-family, but also on the multi-family, as rents continue to increase across America. Mrs. Maloney. Dr. White, can you name any country in the world that has a mortgage product like the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, that does not have some form of government support? Mr. White. International comparisons are not my strongest suit. Mrs. Maloney. So then, you agree with the professor? Mr. White. --on this. However, thank you for asking. First, despite the absence of securitization over the past few years, generally, the jumbo market, which isn't supported by any guarantee, has been able to support a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Second, and Professor Wachter is certainly right, that too much 30-year paper in depository institutions is just a recipe for disaster. I can show you the scars from my almost 3 years on the Federal Home Loan Bank Board about that. But there are large financial institutions. They are called ``insurance companies,'' they are called ``life insurance companies,'' they are called ``pension funds,'' that have long- lived obligations that ought to be interested in matching those obligations with long-lived assets, 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. And doing more things like helping deal with prepayment risk, and having reasonable prepayment fees in structure can help expand the market for 30-year, fixed-rate paper. Chairman Garrett. Great. Thank you very much for that answer. I will now turn to our vice chairman of the subcommittee, Mr. Hurt, who is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Hurt. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you again for holding this hearing. Obviously, it strikes me that as we try to figure out what the future of housing finance is, we need to understand the past. And the testimony here is very helpful. It also strikes me that what I have heard, and what I have learned in studying this, is that clearly, relaxed underwriting policies contributed to the crisis. The implicit government guarantee, that contributed. These are policies that come out of Washington and create, it strikes me, the moral hazard that leads to taxpayers being hurt, having to bail out these entities to the tune of $190 billion. And it also obviously hurts the homeowner and the marketplace generally. And I guess my question is, as we look to the future--and I think that there are many on this panel, if not most, who would like to see the private sector come back into the secondary mortgage market. I guess as we look back over the history of this crisis--well, the history of housing finance over the last 10, 15 years, I guess my question would be directed to Mr. Ligon and Mr. Rosner. What is the effect of the implied guarantee, and the relaxed underwriting standards? What effect has that had on the private marketplace? What is the effect of that? And if the GSEs had behaved differently in entering the subprime mortgage market, would that have prevented--is there a theory that says that we could have avoided and prevented the crisis in 2008? I will start with Mr. Ligon. Mr. Ligon. Most of those questions I will defer to Mr. Rosner. What I would say is to the extent that the guarantees had an effect on interest rates, there is research showing that there is little correlation between interest rates and prices. So removing that subsidy shouldn't have a huge effect going forward on the housing market and the economy. On the other questions, I will defer to Mr. Rosner. Mr. Rosner. Yes. Look, I don't think that the crisis itself would necessarily have been avoided were it not for the GSEs. I think that they certainly accelerated, exacerbated the issues. There were a lot of borrowers, though, who might not have qualified for a GSE loan in the first place, but were able to re-fi ahead of the crisis into one with appreciation, et cetera. And I think that does need to be considered, because that ends up also becoming the chance for further refinancing into riskier products down the road, which occurred. I think that we are overcomplicating something which is quite simple. If there are borrower classes that we feel need to have a subsidy behind them, that is an acceptable--I think a rightful purpose of government. Do it on balance sheet. That shouldn't be expected to be delivered through the markets, because definitionally, it ends up distorting an arbitrage. And by the way, the subsidies end up arbed away, not to the benefit of the borrower. So I think that is one of the things we should consider. I think it was--look, there was a conflict. There was a perfect storm. There was the falling interest rates, was a reality of this, and a major backdrop of this. And it accelerated behaviors that otherwise might not have occurred, along with the implied government guarantee, and the push to expand homeownership beyond reasonable levels. And I think that is also very important. The leverage that was in the system--and Professor Wachter is right--the leverage in the securities--which I wrote about extensively in 2006, warning we were going to have a CDO and MBS market meltdown that was going to bring the housing market with it--were part of it. But also, the leverage of increasing homeownership rates in borrower classes that probably couldn't be sustained is something that, frankly, if you will see in the footnotes, Secretary Rubin warned about in, I think it was 1998, if the Administration pushed forward. Mr. Hurt. Got it. Thank you. I yield back the balance of my time. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. The gentleman from California is recognized. Mr. Sherman. I have a few preliminary comments. First, almost no one in this country saw, in 2007, where we would be in 2008. The few who did sold Countrywide stocks short, and they are billionaires. Now, a few others had an inkling, had a fear, had some anxiety, maybe made a comment. But if you didn't bet your house on Countrywide going bankrupt, you weren't sure that this thing--I see Mr. Rosner believes otherwise. I am applying this to only 99 percent. There may have been a few people who knew that we were headed for disaster, but didn't bet on it. I think there are one or two people who actually bet on this happening. And they are billionaires today. Looking back on it, it is pretty obvious. I saw one of the most interesting charts, which shows median home price compared to median family income. And if you had looked at that chart on the first day of 2007, you would have sold your Countrywide stock short. But nobody--I didn't look at that then. I looked at it afterwards. Everybody who bought mortgages in 2007 lost money, even if they were buying the primest of the prime, because even if you have the best underwriting standards in the world, some people get divorced, some people get ill, some people lose their job. And in the real-estate market of 2006, that meant they sold their house at a big profit. The divorce lawyers fought over the profit, and the bank got paid. That same thing happens in 2010, and it is a short sale at best. Next, we needed better prudential regulation of the GSEs. Mr. Royce pointed out that he had a bill. I should point out that Richard Baker had a bill. We passed it through this committee. We passed it through this House. Chairman Oxley describes what happened to that bill. He says that it ``got the digital salute from the White House.'' He has failed to inform us which digit. And I am not saying that bill would have solved everything. Even those of us who voted for the bill didn't realize just how big a cliff we were headed off. But this House and this committee knew that we needed better prudential regulation. I will disagree with our chairman on one criticism of Dodd- Frank, and that is, I don't think it was a rushed process. It certainly didn't seem rushed while I was in this room. We haven't commented on the credit rating agencies. They are the ones that gave Triple-A to Alt-A. They got paid by the bond issuers. They gave the bonds that were being issued a very high rating. Dodd-Frank gives the SEC the tools and the mandate to do something about this. And the SEC, of course, hasn't. There is a lot of comparison here of the GSEs to the private market. What is the ratio of the default rate of the private label versus the GSEs? I believe it was Dr. White, but it might have been Dr. Wachter, who said it was 5 to 1? Ms. Wachter. I have that in Exhibit 6. And I have the foreclosure rates for Fannie and Freddie, which were never higher than 2 percent. They are closer to 1--these are foreclosure rates--1 percent per quarter. Whereas, they were-- Mr. Sherman. One percent per quarter? Ms. Wachter. Per quarter. Whereas, they were 5 percent to 7 percent per quarter for private-label securities. Mr. Sherman. Now, when you say ``private label,'' that includes both the private subprime and the private prime? Ms. Wachter. Correct. Mr. Sherman. Wow. So you have the private label doing a very bad job of underwriting. You have the private sector credit union--credit rating agencies--doing an extremely bad job of evaluating the risk. You have private investors and banks doing a terrible job of evaluating the risk, and buying these CDOs. And some of our biggest banks needed bailouts as a result. And we are here to see why the GSEs didn't get it right. The whole world didn't get it right. I believe this is a question that has somewhat been answered. But not only do we have 30-year mortgages here in this country, but they are freely pre-payable. If we didn't have those elements, 30-year, fixed--has my time expired? Chairman Garrett. Indeed, it has. Mr. Sherman. Indeed, it has. I will submit additional questions for the record. Thank you. Chairman Garrett. We turn now to--and this may be the last question, depending on when votes are, before we come back from votes. The gentleman from Alabama is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Bachus. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like unanimous consent to introduce a report that Chairman Frank and I called for in April of 2007, when we warned of the increasing foreclosures and the subprime lending. One thing we actually specifically asked for an investigation of, is what role has been played in the rise in subprime lending and risk-based loan practicing by alternative or exotic mortgages, including interest-only, high-loan-to-value, no documentation-- Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Bachus. Thank you. I yield my time to the gentlelady from Missouri, Mrs. Wagner. Mrs. Wagner. Thank you very much. I thank the gentleman from Alabama, for yielding his time. Mr. Rosner, one of the things we have heard from Fannie and Freddie defenders since the crisis is that the GSEs were basically innocent bystanders, as underwriting standards deteriorated over the last couple of decades. And that in the mid-2000s, they were only trying to ``catch up'' with what the private sector was doing. I know in your book, which we have spoken about, ``Reckless Endangerment,'' you seem to refute that argument, saying in the prologue, ``Fannie Mae led the way in relaxing loan underwriting standards, a shift that was quickly followed by private lenders.'' Then in chapter 4, you describe Fannie Mae's 1994 trillion- dollar commitment to be ``spent on affordable housing goals.'' This was 14 years before the financial crisis and way before anyone had ever heard of NINJA, or Alt-A, or no-doc loans. I am just wondering, what came first here, the chicken or the egg? Were Fannie and Freddie the ones that led the charge to decrease underwriting standards, or were they innocent bystanders as things went haywire? Mr. Rosner. As you point out, they did lead the charge. And frankly, it is not just the easing of underwriting standards. I think it is very important to remember that it is easing of underwriting standards and reductions of downpayments. And that is critically important, because the foreclosure rates would be significantly lower nationally if people had equity in their homes as home prices were falling. And the GSEs again, led the way to lower downpayments. In fact, the subprime industry--I was on the sell side in the space for the 1990s. And there was a subprime industry. It disappeared in 1998 and 1999 because of the Russian debt crisis. But at that point, subprime was defined by the borrower, not by the product. And for the most part, the borrower was self-employed, or had a ding in their credit history. But they were required to bring more equity to the table in terms of a downpayment to get the mortgage. So it really was the GSEs in the market. It really was the GSEs making the rest of the market comfortable with concepts of lower downpayments, eased underwriting standards, lending to borrowers who historically would not have met underwriting standards. Remember, Beneficial and Household, two of the original subprime lenders in this country, which existed since the 1950s, were subprime lenders to non-traditional borrowers, but again, required significant amount of equities be brought to the table on those products. We ended up with the GSEs offering low downpayment loans to lower and lower-quality borrowers. Mrs. Wagner. Let me ask you on that point, can you trace these activities of the GSEs back to the 1992 Act that created affordable housing goals for the GSE? Mr. Rosner. Yes. There is absolutely a piece of it that goes back to the 1992 Act in terms of affordable--in terms of the goals. But also in terms of the safety and soundness problems, and in terms of the cronyism that ultimately led to this, right? Again, it is not even just the GSEs per se, in terms of the role, as a provider of liquidity--not excess liquidity, liquidity to the secondary mortgage market. It is the special ties to government that created all of the perversions that ensued. Mrs. Wagner. We had Ed Pinto here from AEI who spoke with us in the past week. And he noted in a post-crisis study that in 1990, 1 in 200 mortgages in the United States had downpayments of less than 3 percent. In 1999, that number was 1 in 10. And by 2006, that number was 1 in 2.5 downpayments of 3 percent. That is a dramatic increase in borrowing throughout the financial system. What role did GSEs play in increasing borrower leverage, and how did that cause or exacerbate this crisis? And I know our time is limited. Mr. Rosner. Again, the GSEs did lead the way in lowering downpayment. That was one of the concerns that I really highlighted in the 2001 report, ``Home Without Equity is a Rental with Debt,'' and one of the reasons that it became clear that we were going for an increasing leveraged system. And while that posed opportunities for growth well in excess of GDP, it ultimately would come at the risk of a vicious spiral downward in home prices on the other side. Mrs. Wagner. I thank you. Chairman Garrett. The gentlelady yields back. The gentlelady from Wisconsin, Ms. Moore, is now recognized for 5 minutes. Ms. Moore. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I believe my colleague, Mrs. Wagner, had a very interesting line of questioning. And I guess I would like to follow up on that. She asked you if the-- first of all, let me back up and say that I am a little distressed about the name of this hearing, ``Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: How Government Housing Policy Failed Homeowners and Taxpayers and Led to the Financial Crisis.'' Would I be wrong to say that it is just government housing policy that led to the financial crisis, and that there are no other bad actors out there in the private sector? Is this a misleading title for this hearing? Maybe I will ask Dr. Wachter and Mr. White that question. Just yes or no? Chairman Garrett. --or gentlelady, is this a rose by any other name? Ms. Moore. Is that misleading? Are we just to assume that it is government housing policy and the GSEs that led to the meltdown Is that-- Ms. Wachter. I don't think there is anybody on this panel who would agree that it is Fannie and Freddie Mac who are the primary cause of the meltdown. Ms. Moore. Okay. All right. Good. Thank you. Mr. White. Can I add something? Ms. Moore. Yes, Dr. White. Mr. White. Again, we have this bubble. The bubble bursts. If you look at the value of mortgages in 2006, and the value of mortgages in 2012, there was about a $7 trillion meltdown. Nobody likes $7 trillion of loss. But that turns out to be roughly the same amount as the tech bubble bursting. Ms. Moore. All right. I am reclaiming my time, because I will give you another chance to answer some other questions. I guess the point that I am making is that we are talking about government housing policies that led to this problem. Did the government--did the GSEs have anything to do with the faulty appraisals, the criminal appraisals, I would say, that were involved in the meltdown? Did they actually underwrite these loans where people didn't bring in--these NINJA loans? Did the GSEs give Triple-A ratings to these mortgage-backed securities, and CDS's? I am not trying to say that the GSEs are totally innocent here, but I guess what I am saying is, are there no other bad actors here other than the government policy that said that you ought to try to give more loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers? And by the way, that suggestion may have come about to the historians of the panel, because we found, as in the case of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that there were a lot of moderate-income people, minorities, who qualified for loans, who were given subprime loans simply because they were Black or Hispanic, and led into higher, riskier loans because of that kind of prejudice. So were the government policies--there are plenty of good loans out there if you would give them an opportunity. So I guess I want to hear what Dr. White and Dr. Wachter say about that. Mr. White. All right. As I had said earlier, once you are in this mindset of housing prices are always going to go up, then deterioration of underwriting standards, along with all those sorts of things that-- Ms. Moore. But did the GSEs cause deterioration? Mr. White. They are part of it, but they are not the whole story. The other part is the extent to which there were households who were defrauded, put into inappropriate loans. I am going to have to use a technical term in economics here. The people who were responsible ought to burn in hell. Ms. Moore. And it is right, because--I sort of resent the implication that it was low-income Black people, and so on, that--and trying to serve good borrowers. And the GSEs that caused the problem, that there were no other bad actors in the private underwriting, and appraisal, and-- Dr. Wachter, take the last 10 seconds. Ms. Wachter. It was definitely not the Community Reinvestment Act. It was not affordable housing goals that created this crisis. I think--and I think Dr. White and Mr. Rosner will agree with me--homeownership, as Mr. Rosner pointed out, peaked in 2004. Minority homeownership peaked in 2004, and low-income homeownership peaked in 2004. The worst years of the crisis were after that: 2004; 2005; and 2006. This was not about support for low-income homeownership. This was not about support for undoing the years of discrimination against minorities where household wealth could be built up in sustainable homeownership. This was not the Community Reinvestment Act, which was a 1990s phenomenon. This was not affordable housing goals. I think what we heard from Mr. Rosner and Dr. White is that there was some kind of ``in the ether'' change that allowed the private sector to take these concepts well. Indeed, the private sector did take these concepts, and they did in fact lead to FHA going from a market share of, what, about 10 percent to 3 percent, squeezing FHA down to 3 percent. And also, Fannie and Freddie lost their market share as well in this period. Ms. Moore. Mr. Chairman, thank you for your indulgence. Chairman Garrett. The gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from Texas is recognized. Mr. Neugebauer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just kind of a follow-up here. There was some question about the title of this hearing. It says, ``Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: How Government Housing Policy Failed Homeowners and Taxpayers and Led to the Financial Crisis.'' Mr. Ligon, is that a fair assessment? Mr. Ligon. It is a very fair assessment. Without Fannie and Freddie, it is entirely likely that the vast expansion of mortgage finance could not have taken place. GSEs were always backed by the Federal Government. And they have continued to extend their mortgage holdings at all quality levels, including a dangerous increase in risky holdings. That entirely weakened the entire financial position. And that, in turn, required even more government support, and at the end of the day, a substantial amount of taxpayer-- Mr. Neugebauer. Thank you. I don't mean to cut you off. I have a couple of questions. Mr. Rosner, just your reflection on the title of the hearing? Mr. Rosner. Again, I think the GSEs are really seizing the market. I think while we could say that they didn't make the worst loans, I think it is sort of disingenuous to suggest that their purchase of large portions of the private label market were meaningless and had no impact on the market. Mr. Neugebauer. In fact, it validated it. Isn't that correct? Mr. Rosner. That is exactly right. Mr. Neugebauer. Yes, it was a validation. While they are not a rating agency, the fact that they would buy that paper, and they were AAA-rated, was a validation. They thought that was a legitimate-- Mr. Rosner. And I think that is a point, when it was raised before, they were, in fact, putting their AAA rating on these securities through the purchase. Mr. Neugebauer. And they were actually buying paper that they couldn't actually underwrite themselves. Mr. Rosner. Right. And to be fair in that regard, had they been kept to their original goal of having portfolios only for liquidity purposes rather than speculative purposes, the impacts would have been greatly diminished. Mr. Neugebauer. I want to move to another topic here because I think one of my colleagues mentioned that we need to talk about moving forward. And moving forward, housing finance is an important part of our economy. Financing is an important part of our economy. We finance cars, we finance houses, we finance small businesses. Not all of those transactions have to have a Federal nexus to be completed in the marketplace. And so moving forward, there are a number of plans out there that folks are bringing and I am glad to see all of the people who have a stake in this bringing these proposals forward. We welcome those. From your perspective, is there a necessity for a Federal nexus in housing finance across-the-board in this country? Mr. Rosner. Across-the-board, as in, outside of very defined borrower classes explicitly done by the government? Mr. Neugebauer. Yes. Mr. Rosner. Other than potentially as a well pricing, monoline insurer, no. Mr. Neugebauer. Because one of the things I find since I have been to Congress is that government doesn't know how to price risk. We have a flood insurance program that is underwater. No pun intended. We just heard a report the other day that FHA is now underwater because they have not been pricing. And so the question is, if we have a structure there, how can we be assured that government is getting compensated for that risk? Mr. Rosner. Especially when government policy, more broadly in this area relative to any other area of lending that the government supports, incents leverage more than equity. And so part of the reason for a 30-year mortgage, or part of the value and part of the reason that we saw it distorted in this crisis, was the mortgage interest deduction, the ability to maximize leverage. And so we are still not thinking in terms of any of the proposals that are out there. How do we help borrowers go back to the traditional notion of home-ownership where, at about the age of household formation, you take out a mortgage. Thirty years later at about the age of retirement, you have a mortgage burning party and you retire with what is your single largest retirement--wealth transfer asset. That is the proper role and that is what conveyed all of the social benefits of homeownership. Housing policies have been, in the past 15 years, inverted against that. Mr. Neugebauer. And I think you make an extremely good point there. I have been in the housing business for a number of years. We encourage people for homeownership. It is a way of saving for the future, building a nest egg. But what we want to make sure is that we are not creating, as I said in my opening statement, these policies where it blows up and a lot of these people who just got to retirement found out that instead of having equity in their house, or that they were going to have a greater asset value, their nest egg actually shrank because of the housing policy. And so what we want is a sustainable housing market and a sustainable housing finance system in this country. Thank you, and I yield back, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. The last panelist will be the gentleman from Colorado and then, after that, we will go into recess. And we will be back in at noon. Mr. Perlmutter? Mr. Perlmutter. I want to thank the chairman and the panel for this hearing today, for livening up what is a rather gray and gloomy day outside. And I really do appreciate the chairman bringing this because it always gets my blood going. Because a crash on Wall Street, the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, an abysmal response to Hurricane Katrina, and a misguided war in Iraq have one thing in common: the Bush Administration. And it is no coincidence that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did well before the Bush Administration and are making billions of dollars now. It was the abuse and misuse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by the Bush Administration that led to the failure of the housing market. So the title to today's hearing should be, ``Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: How the Bush Administration Housing Policy Failed Homeowners and Taxpayers and Led to the Financial Crisis.'' And this is what I really appreciate, Mr. Chairman. I never thought I was going to get a chance to read the article which quotes a former chairman of the committee, Mr. Oxley. But on September 9, 2008, Chairman Oxley was interviewed by the Financial Times. He was upset, and he said, ``The dominant theme has been that Congress let the Government-Sponsored Enterprises morph into a creature that eventually threatened the U.S. financial system. Mike Oxley will have none of it. ``Instead, the Ohio Republican who headed the House Financial Services Committee until his retirement after midterm elections last year blames the mess on ideologues within the White House as well as Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. ``Oxley fumes about the criticism of his House colleagues that they didn't do anything. He says, `All the hand-wringing and bed-wetting is going on without remembering how the House stepped up on this to reform the GSEs.' He says, `What did we get from the White House? We got a one-finger salute.''' So this is a situation. And Professor White, I was looking--or maybe it was Professor Wachter's report, but there is an Exhibit A to somebody's report. Ms. Wachter. Mine, yes. Mr. Perlmutter. Which definitely shows the bulge in purchases that were made between 2004 and 2007, which is when the no doc loans and the no downpayment loans were purchased and proliferated across the country. And it was in this period of time, it wasn't during the Clinton Administration, it wasn't during the prior Bush Administration, it wasn't during the Reagan Administration that we had this; it was just in this period of time. So Dr. Wachter, I have made a lot of statements because I just feel like there was been a lot of revisionist history going on here. This is an abuse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during this period of time that I think led to what became a big housing crash and a crash on Wall Street. How do you respond to that? Ms. Wachter. Let me describe exhibit A. It shows almost perfect correlation between the market share of non-traditional mortgage products and private label securitization. It shows that these doubled in the years 2003 through 2007. It shows that they were at very moderate and very low levels from 1990. Non-traditional mortgages, from 1990 through 2000, were niche products. In 2002, 2003, and 2004 is when, starting in December of 2003, when these non-traditional, very risky products gained market share, along with private label securities-- Mr. Perlmutter. And I want to jump on something Dr. White said. There was a belief, or at least a sales job, that housing prices only go up. And in this period of time, and one of the reasons we have not placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into liquidation, we have just placed them in a conservatorship, is because we repatriated a lot of money from China, from Saudi Arabia, and from Europe by, in effect, selling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds on the premise that housing prices only go up. Are you familiar with that at all? Mr. White. I know that there were substantial non-U.S. purchases, central banks of other countries, important financial institutions buying the Fannie and Freddie obligations. That indeed was one of the contributing factors to the Treasury's decision to put them into conservatorship rather than a receivership, something that might involve liquidation. They needed to provide the reassurance to the non-U.S. purchasers that they were going to be kept whole. That is correct. Mr. Perlmutter. Thank you. And I would ask to put the article from September 9, 2008, into the record, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Garrett. Actually, I think that may have been done once already during this hearing. I assume it will be brought up repeatedly. And so, without objection, and also, before the gentleman from Colorado leaves-- Mr. Perlmutter. Yes, sir. Chairman Garrett. --without objection, I would also--since you are the only person here who could object--like to put into the record a statement from HUD's affordable housing goals during not Bush's Administration but during the Clinton Administration. And I will share it with you before I put it in the record--which says, ``Because the GSEs have a funding advantage over other market participants, they have the ability to under- price their competitors and increase their market share. ``This advantage could allow the GSEs to eventually play a significant role in the subprime market and the line, therefore, between what today is considered a subprime loan versus a prime loan will likely deteriorate, making expansion by the GSEs look more like an increase in the prime market. ``So the difference between the prime and the subprime market will become less clear. And this melding of markets will occur even if many of the underlying characteristics of the subprime borrowers in the markets, i.e., non-GSEs, evaluation of the risk posed by these borrowers remains unchanged.'' Again, this was during the Clinton Administration in the year 2000 by HUD's affordable lending goals. Mr. Perlmutter. And to my friend, the chairman, I have no objection to the introduction, just the conclusions you draw from these things. Chairman Garrett. I am just reading what they said back in 2000. So with that, the committee stands in recess and, again, we will try to reconvene right at noon. [recess] Chairman Garrett. The committee will reconvene at this point and I thank the Members for coming back so promptly. Before we proceed, without objection, I ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the National Association of Federal Credit Unions with regard to today's hearing. Without objection, it is so ordered. We will now turn to the gentleman from California, Mr. Royce, for 5 minutes. Mr. Royce. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Let me start with Mr. Rosner with a point here, nobody has pointed out that if the GSEs were not playing in the market during 2004 and 2007, they would have been able to provide liquidity to the market as they are chartered to do in the aftermath. So in a way, this was so countercyclical by moving to a position where they were leveraged 100 to 1, $1.7 trillion or so in the portfolios. You had a situation where it was almost guaranteed and this was the fear of the Fed, because I remember the chairman conveying this to us, that if it started in the housing market, it would collapse the financial system. This is why they wanted regulation for systemic risk. But the other aspect of this that I think nobody attributed to it at the time, and I wanted to ask you about now, is that-- so instead, when everything collapses, they then have no capital, they then back away because of insolvency, so it is also the other side of that coin that hits us at exactly that moment. Could you comment on that? Mr. Rosner. Absolutely. I totally agree and that is one of the areas of failing that I think needs to be considered. It is under-considered and as we think about ways forward, which I think is very important, we need to make sure that whatever we replace them with is able to be countercyclical rather than procyclical and has the capital base to do exactly that or provide the functions of providing liquidity to the secondary mortgage market at the time that the market needs it because they did not provide excess liquidity; they underpriced that liquidity and put themselves at risk. Mr. Royce. Let me also make another observation because I think your analysis has been the most inclusive of any that I have seen, including your explanation of the Basal standards and how that also contributed to this. The one element of this that I think we haven't spent enough emphasis on because I do think that the setting of interest rates by the central bank at negative real interest rates 4 years running helped create the bubble to begin with. But what was so unusual here was that we set in place a moral hazard situation with the GSEs like no other. Other countries had the same problem because their Fed had followed--Ben Bernanke was then head of the New York Fed,--I went through the minutes at the time because we were arguing that the interest rate was set too low and that was his initiative, he pushed that and I think he got that very wrong. But what really compounded this was the GSEs; that collapsed the entire housing market, but on top of it, the GSE's instruments, oddly enough, were also used for capital, essentially by the banking systems. So maybe you could comment on that and my thoughts about those negative real interest rates which ran for that 4-year cycle and the role that played. Mr. Rosner. Obviously, that was one of the key drivers of that 2004 to 2007 period, because at a point where homeownership had already peaked, we saw the industry, both the GSEs and private players, have every incentive to get every last drop of juice that they could out of the system, squeezing it for refinancing, for speculative purchase of second homes and investment properties, frankly to the ultimate determent of the public. None of those features are likely to occur anytime soon-- the negative interest rate issue--in a going-forward system. But I do think that it speaks to the need for us to consider whether private enterprises securities should considered capital for the banking system because it also complicated the resolution, both of the banks that needed to be resolved and of the enterprise. Mr. Royce. Let me make one last point, and that was one of the things that impressed me about your work was that you were the first to recognize the accounting problems of the GSEs, at least as far as I recall, and you were the first to identify the peak that we hit. Ideas do have consequences and for the members here, I would really suggest a re-read of your testimony about the--how these different factors came together to create the crisis because going forward, we are going to have to do a lot of--we are going to have to overcompensate in terms of--it is going to take us a long time to get out of this because everything is overleveraged now and deleveraging is a very painful thing for societies to go through. But we have to learn the lessons in retrospect and that is why I think this hearing is so important. Mr. Chairman, thank you. I yield back. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. Thank you. Mr. Scott from Georgia is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Scott. I thank the chairman. I stated my concern and great worry about this whole issue in my opening statement. But last year in this very committee, we witnessed a strategy whereby the majority of some of our Republican friends attempted to pass piecemeal legislation to accelerate the dismantling of the GSEs without clearly identifying what should replace it. What is the alternative? And this is especially true. I don't think sometimes we gather the magnitude of what we are talking about here. These GSEs, Fannie and Freddie, accounted for 90 percent of the new mortgages in the last recordable year, I think around 2008. That is a significant void, and I just think it is the height of irresponsibility for us to do this without some good discussion as to what is going to take its place? Should anything take its place? What impact will this have? We can talk about the bad things about Fannie and Freddie all we want, but still, that void is out there. And so I would like to ask this panel if each of you might be able to comment, especially you, Dr. Wachter, because I believe you hit the nail on the head, that should Congress even begin to consider the future of our housing finance without first taking a look to see what this would look like before we throw the baby out with the bath. What are the consequences of moving ahead without giving any thought to what will take the place of this gigantic void? Would you comment on that, Dr. Wachter? Because I think you were right when you said and raised doubts, everybody says the private sector is not going to be able to accomplish this. And those 30-year mortgages that you talk about will not continue to be affordable. So could we put some attention on this issue? What are we going to do? Ms. Wachter. I think the private sector itself would agree that they, at this point, could not step in to replace Fannie, Freddie, and FHA, which you are quite correct are 90 percent of the market. What we must do is set up a--we must move to a consensus where there is a coordinated platform, an understood way of going forward, we can't simply just dismantle Fannie and Freddie. If we did, that would lead to the destruction of the recovery. It would turn the recovery it into a disaster again, housing prices would plummet, bringing down financial sector-- causing systemic risk and this time, we are out of solutions. So it would be Great Depression 2.0 if we simply withdrew Fannie and Freddie and FHA without an alternative in place. Mr. Scott. And what might that alternative be? Is there an alternative that can take the place of Fannie and Freddie? Ms. Wachter. There is no alternative today, however, there are beginnings of discussions of, and we have heard some allusions on this panel, to some alternatives. Mr. Rosner suggests a monoline-government backstopped and that is a one possibility. The New York Fed has a utility approach. The bipartisan commission has come out with an insurance approach with again, a government backstop. I think it is quite similar to the proposal that Larry White and his team have come out with. So there are a number of alternatives and I think this first step is necessary is to build a consensus on the pros and cons of these alternatives before we think of dismantling the system which is keeping our economy afloat. Mr. Scott. Mr. Ligon from the Heritage Foundation, do you concur with what she just said? Mr. Ligon. Any redesign of the mortgage market must enforce competition between mortgage originations and the securitization and also ensure property capital requirements for all forms involved. I think a big problem of what we have right now is that a lot of the stuff is off balance and that there is a huge finance subsidy to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac doing business. So-- Mr. Scott. But beyond that, you do agree that: one, the private market cannot fill this void alone; and two, we do need to replace it with something. Mr. Ligon. No, I don't agree with that. I think that the private market--there--you can make an argument that the private market is crowded out right now because of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and what they are doing. So to say that the private market couldn't step in or wouldn't step in is not necessarily the way I would put it. Mr. Scott. All right, thank you, Mr. Ligon. Ms. Wachter. If I may, I-- Chairman Garrett. The gentleman's time has expired-- Ms. Wachter. --is the private market itself would agree that they would step in or could step in. Chairman Garrett. Okay. Mr. Mulvaney is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Mulvaney. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Ordinarily, I sort of ignore the political blame game in these meetings, but since my colleague from Colorado, who is now no longer with us, was so effusive in his praise of the Bush Administration, in an attempt to sort of bring a balanced approach, Mr. Rosner, let me ask you a couple of quick questions. Who is James Johnson? Mr. Rosner. The former Chairman of Fannie Mae. Mr. Mulvaney. Did he have any political ties? Mr. Rosner. Significant political ties. Mr. Mulvaney. With who? Mr. Rosner. Both to the--well to Mondale, to the Clinton Administration, and frankly to most of Congress. Mr. Mulvaney. And I think he advised the Kerry Administration or the Kerry political candidate? Mr. Rosner. Absolutely. Mr. Mulvaney. Who is Franklin Delano Raines? Mr. Rosner. The former OMB Director who was also Chairman of Fannie Mae. Mr. Mulvaney. So, between 1991 and 2005, those were the two CEOs of Fannie Mae, right? Mr. Rosner. Correct. Mr. Mulvaney. Did Mr. Raines have any political connections? Mr. Rosner. Absolutely. Mr. Mulvaney. With what Administration is he most-- Mr. Rosner. The Clinton Administration. Mr. Mulvaney. Thank you very much. So I think there is probably plenty of blame to go around. Let's talk about what actually happened, because I was reading Dr. Wachter's testimony. She talked about the fact that the amount of increasing leverage introduced by the issuers of CDO, CDO- squared CDs was not known. Also, the deterioration of the quality of the mortgages used as collateral for these securities was not known. Is it so much they didn't know or they didn't care? Mr. Rosner? Mr. Rosner. First of all, it was known. Mr. Mulvaney. Okay. Mr. Rosner. The degree wasn't known, and this goes to a point that I think was raised by Representative Scott, which I would like to point out. Look, there are two separate issues here involving the private market and the GSEs. We need to fix securitization. Private label securitization, investors did not have adequate information about the underlying collateral in the pools. There was no standardization of reps. There was no standardization of policing of servicing agreements. That needs to happen before you can ever have the private markets come back in any meaningful way. I have been writing about this, screaming about this since 2006, and it is vitally important if we hope to have the private markets come back. Mr. Mulvaney. But to a certain extent, isn't it true that I don't care about the risks if there is an implicit government guarantee of the underlying collateral? Mr. Rosner. I think there is a whole host of issues. So, yes that is true, but it is also true that if you are an investment grade chartered investor, you have the ability to say at almost--you are almost implored into the view that if I am--if I buy this and it fails, I won't get in trouble because everyone else ended up in this trade. And if I miss out on the outside returns of buying this highly risky AAA or AA rated security, I will get pegged by my investors. There was also herd behavior that occurred. So, yes I think you are right that you don't care as much, but I think there are a number of reasons for that. Mr. Mulvaney. Dr. Wachter, you go on to talk later in your testimony about--that we know from this crisis and from previous crises that markets do not sell correctly in the absence of arbitrage, that is, in the absence of markets in which securities sales can't price and trade risk. Would you at least agree with me that implicit government guarantee contributed to that lack of ability to price risk? There was no risk in this market, was there? Ms. Wachter. Yes, there was. There are private label securities, and private label securities were held in portfolio. AIG, for example, was creating CDS and those were held in portfolio, Lehman and other entities were heavily held private label securities, and they went under. The majority of riskiest mortgages were held by private entities, and they needed to be rescued by government. So the question of who cared and who knew is a very difficult question, if I may go back to that. Some people did know and they didn't care, in part because they were making a lot of fees. And I think that we totally agree on that, and your point being that Fannie and Freddie had implicit subsidies, but these were not subsidies that were an implicit guarantee. This implicit guarantee was not used for the most poorly underwritten, the riskiest mortgages that ended up defaulting at a 30 percent rate. Mr. Mulvaney. Mr. Ligon, let's talk a little bit about who benefited from these policies. I enjoyed your testimony, and I am trying to get a feel for the distribution of benefit. We spent a lot of money on this, the taxpayers did, over the course of the last several years. If you look back to the beginning of the--let's say the Johnson Administration to the early 1990's, who benefited most from the policies that this government put forward? The shareholders and the officers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, taxpayers, or homeowners? Mr. Ligon. I am not sure how exactly to comment on that. I don't know a lot about the profits and the upsides to-- Mr. Mulvaney. Mr. Rosner, did you-- Mr. Rosner. Yes, absolutely, it was the management of the company. It was the shareholders who had the good fortune to own it at the right time. And in retrospect, it certainly wasn't many of the homeowners who ended up trapped in homes that they couldn't afford. Again, I think it is to some degree helpful to remember that none of these issues are necessarily implicit to the purpose of a government-sponsored entity, to provide liquidity to the secondary mortgage market, as much as it is a problem with the way they were distorted, manipulated, moved and ultimately run. Mr. Mulvaney. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. And we are cognizant of the fact that may happen if a new system is created, and allow for those problems to occur again. Mr. Peters is now recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Peters. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the National Association of Federal Credit Unions, and also the report from the Bipartisan Policy Center entitled, ``Housing America's Future: New Directions for National Policy.'' Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Peters. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I would like to reference briefly the report from the Bipartisan Policy Center, which I have just entered into the record. They released the report last week, and it made some recommendations on the future. I want to focus on the future of housing finance. And the report was adopted by what I think was a very impressive list of bipartisan folks, former Senators, Governors, Cabinet Secretaries, and others who called for the future of the mortgage market, and for there to be a diminished role of government in that mortgage market, nevertheless to be some role for the government in stabilizing it. I would just like to ask a question of each of the panelists, if we could start with Mr. Ligon. Do you see any role for government in the mortgage market? And if so, what role do you see government playing in housing finance 10 years from now? Mr. Ligon. To the extent that there is a role for the Federal Government in housing policy and subsidizing housing and homeownership, it should be much smaller in scale, and very minimal. Mr. Peters. What would it be? Mr. Ligon. Definitely not guaranteeing loans through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or an institution like the GSEs. Mr. Peters. Mr. Rosner? Mr. Rosner. Going forward, the government's role should be explicitly backstopping those segments of the market that all of you decide should be backstopped. And that private be private. That it be a fully private--whether it is the GSEs and they survive, or otherwise. There needs to be a function to provide--or provide a backstop of liquidity to the secondary mortgage market, and I think that is important. But it needs to be fully private with no implicit or explicit government guarantee, so that markets can price effectively. And to the degree that there is any government role, it should be more along the lines of the VA loan program, where you define a borrower class and the government provides direct subsidies, and let the markets price private risk privately without government interference. Mr. Peters. Dr. Wachter? Ms. Wachter. There needs to be a role for government or a government-like entity in documenting risk. As we have heard from others, the problem of mispricing of risk was really a base cause of the problem. The underpricing of risk occurred across-the-board. But in any case, we did not have documentation of the creation of credit risk either of the private label securitization or indeed Fannie/Freddie's loans to the degree that second liens were not understood. The loan to value ratios increasing was not known, not recognized, not understood. So that role of documentation of risk is number one. Number two, at this point, I think there is no doubt that there needs to be a government backstop, that needs to be explicitly priced. Number three, there needs to be private capital at risk and overseeing that market, setting up a platform to bring these parties together has to be the role of a cooperative utility and the government has to have an accountability behind this to make sure that the data standards are in fact in place. We can over time move to a system where there is a utility approach where the government is stepping back. That could happen. But for now, I think it is quite clear that we absolutely need a government guarantee in place, even though hopefully we can bring more private capital at risk over time. Mr. Peters. Dr. White? Mr. White. There is, I think, a fair degree of agreement here. First, for sure, an FHA that is focused on low- and moderate-income households sees it as its mission on budget, and expected that there is going to be a subsidy element to pursue this socially worthwhile effort of encouraging low- and moderate-income households who are close to the edge of, ``Do I buy? Do I rent?'' to become homeowners. It is absolutely worthwhile. In the current housing environment, with a lot of uncertainty, there does still need to be a government element, but over the longer run, I believe that the private sector is capable. Again, we have to make sure that the natural buyers of long-life paper, like insurance companies, like pension funds, are not discouraged from doing that. And again, I think prepayment fees have to be part of the story. I think the private sector, some expansion by depositories, a lot more expansion by insurance companies and pension funds. I think that there can be a largely private, focused FHA on low- and moderate-income households, and the Fed will always be there as a backstop if things really do fall apart, as we have seen. The Fed is ready to step in and buy more mortgage securities. I think that kind of system is what the long run looks like. Chairman Garrett. I thank the gentleman and the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from Illinois is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Hultgren. Thank you, Chairman Garrett. Thank you all for being here today. Following up on a couple of points that my colleagues have brought up, I do have a few questions. I am going to address the first one to Dr. White. I wonder if you could comment briefly, I do have a couple of follow-up questions as well, but besides lower borrowing rates as a result of their implicit government guarantee, what other competitive advantages do Freddie and Fannie enjoy? My understanding is an estimated 40 basis point subsidy on GSE debt existed before the crisis. Would some of these other advantages add to that? Mr. White. It was primarily that they could borrow at 40 basis points--two-fifths of a percentage point, less--they-- their rating, to the extent you want to believe ratings, were of--on a standalone basis AA-minus, but they were able actually to borrow in the markets at better than AAA rates, and that roughly translated to 40 basis points, two-fifths of a percentage point. Of that, about 25 basis points were passed through in the form of lower mortgage rates on conforming mortgages, about a quarter of a percentage point advantage. And why did the financial markets do this? Because they perceived these guys as special, and it turns out the perception was correct. Now, in addition to that borrowing advantage, they had lower capital requirements for holding mortgages, only 2.5 percent, as compared with 4 percent for a depository institution, or at least 4 percent. And especially on their mortgage guarantees, they had to hold only 0.45 percent to cover the credit risk on the mortgage guarantee that a depository was expected to cover with 4 percent capital. So they had a major capital--much lower capital requirement, and again at the end of the day, that is what did them in. They did not have enough capital to cover the riskier portfolio--it is unclear whether it was even enough for the safe portfolio of the 1980s and early 1990s, but for sure it was not enough for the riskier portfolio that they had as of 2008. Mr. Hultgren. Thank you. Let me--let's see, Mr. Rosner, you are nodding your head. I wondered if you would agree with some of those competitive advantages with the subsidy question? And just wondering, those benefits--that competitive advantage and benefits, were any of those passed on to homeowners? Mr. Rosner. Yes. I think as Professor White pointed out, some of it was passed on in lower rates. And other than that, no, most of them were retained. You also have to remember that the special relationship was further fostered by the fact that they weren't required to file with the SEC as other companies were, and they were tax exempt. Not the securities, the companies. So all of this led to the perception of them as being government-guaranteed entities all along. If I could, I would just make a quick point, transparency and liquidity led prices and value to converge. And one of the problems that has been absent in the mortgage market, the private label market, less important in the GSE market because there was an assumption that they were government guaranteed, is that price and value were always able to stay separate, because there was just not enough information. There was asymmetry of information, which really fostered the worst elements of the crisis. And so anything we do going forward, needs to repair that. Mr. Hultgren. Let me talk about going forward. And I just have about a minute left, but Congress does want to continue to subsidize the mortgage market, if we choose to continue to help homebuyers, is there a better way? Mr. Rosner, you talked about it a little bit, just helping us crystallize this. One of my passions is, let's do the right thing, but let's not do any harm either. And so, is a government guarantee in the secondary market really the best way for homebuyers to see that subsidy? Or is there something else we can do? Mr. Rosner. No, I don't think the government guarantee of the secondary mortgage market is either necessary or beneficial. I think it puts us back on the same path. And part of the problem I have with most of the proposals that have been floating around is they really demonstrate that a rose by any other name is still a rose. And most of the policy proposals that we have seen frankly, are slightly different, but still essentially the same. The BPC report preserves a lot of those implicit guarantees. I am also a little bit concerned that it was conceived of by many of the people who brought us the GSE issue in the first place. And being run by some of those same people, as opposed to really coming in and saying, you know what? If we were to start with a clean slate, what would it look like? And again, it could include the GSEs, but you need to sever all of the government ties and implied government support, and we are still not really talking about that. We are rather talking about taking many of those same advantages, flushing $140 billion that the Enterprises owe us, wiping out what value they do have in data and systems, et cetera, and transferring many of those same perverse benefits to new players. Mr. Hultgren. My time has expired. Thank you very much, and I yield back. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman from Delaware? Mr. Carney. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for having this hearing, and thank you for those of you coming here on a snowy day for your testimony. It is been very interesting, and I am more interested in the future than I am in the past. I am more interested in what we should do to answer your last question, Mr. Rosner, which is, what should we do now? You said, what should we do if we could start from scratch? We are not exactly starting from scratch. What should we do, given where we are today? What we know happened? And where should we go? I thought there was some agreement among the three of you--Mr. Rosner, Dr. Wachter, and Dr. White--that there should be a role of some continuation of something that looks, maybe not similar, but has the same role in the second-- to create a secondary market. Is that an accurate read of what you said? Or Mr. Rosner what you just said seemed to be different than that? That there is still an appropriate role for-- Mr. Rosner. Liquidity provider, but that doesn't mean that it is government-owned, government-backstopped, or providing government subsidies, okay? So it could be a true private monoline, that prices credit-- Mr. Carney. So are the three of you-- Mr. Rosner. --on a countercyclical-- Mr. Carney. I assume, Mr. Ligon, you are not interested in this? As I heard what you said, you don't think there is really an appropriate role? That the private market can handle it? Let me move on because my time is--are you familiar with the Treasury Department's White Paper? The Administration's White Paper on the various options? Could you comment on the options, and what you think we ought to focus on, as we Democrats and Republicans hopefully on this committee and in this Congress try to address this issue going forward, and answer Mr. Rosner's question. Dr. Wachter? Ms. Wachter. Yes, I would be pleased to do so. There were three alternatives put out on that White Paper. One was to have an entity which could immediately move to support the private sector if it collapsed. And my concern with that as a solution is it takes time to stand up such an entity. It would take months, a year, whatever. What do we do in the meantime? So I do think we need to have an entity in place, which can in fact act in moments of crisis-- Mr. Carney. So what should it look like? Ms. Wachter. --so that--and if I may say, a crisis will come unless there is standardization and the ability to price and trade risk because there will be an underpricing race to the bottom, just as we have seen. So what should that entity look like? That entity at this point has to have, I believe, a government backstop with private capital. Going forward, that entity could be a monoline. Where I disagree is that monoline if ``is purely private sector'' would need to be carefully overseen by the Federal Government because the Federal Government, the taxpayer, owns that risk. And it needs to recognize that it owns that risk. If that monoline goes under, it is the Federal taxpayer who will support it. Mr. Carney. Regardless of whether it is explicitly defined, you don't believe in that? Ms. Wachter. We are absolutely back to the GSEs if we have a monoline, one monoline which is providing this, and that fails, we are back to the GSEs, that will be rescued. Mr. White. All right. As Dr. Wachter indicated, the Administration report 2 years ago had three choices. All three said there should be a clearly defined role for FHA, and I absolutely agree. They also said, and Dr. Wachter just reinforced that there has to be rigorous prudential regulation of any entities where the Federal Government, if push came to shove, would be on the hook. And again, strong, vigorous, prudential regulation. Adequate capital requirements have to be at the heart of that. After that, there is this issue of, is a government presence as an explicit backstop necessary? And again, certainly in the current environment. There is so much uncertainty out there. Half of the Dodd-Frank rules have not been finalized. In the mortgage area, the QRM, the Qualified Residential Mortgage rules, have yet to be finalized. Mr. Carney. My time is running out. So were you familiar with H.R. 1859, which is the Campbell-Peters bill, in the last Congress? Could you comment on that approach, Dr. Wachter? Ms. Wachter. Yes, it is an excellent approach. Mr. Carney. Excellent approach. Thank you very much, I yield back. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. Without objection, we will put 30 seconds on the clock for the gentleman from Alabama for an additional question. Mr. Bachus. Thank you. We talked about the Federal Reserve and perhaps the low interest rates, but I want to sort of set the record straight. I do recall that starting in 2005, I think, the Fed became aware of the rise in prices, and I would like you to comment. Did they not bump the interest rate up, I think 17 consecutive times, from 2005 to 2007 and were criticized for that? Ms. Wachter. Yes, absolutely and I am glad you have raised that. Because I was wondering whether I should step in. Interest rates actually bottomed in 2004. The Fed started pulling out money supply and interest rates started increasing as of 2004. Interest rates across-the-board 10 years started increasing in 2004, 2005, 2006. The worst years of the bubble. The Fed started to pull money out. Interest rates started going up. Nonetheless, interest rates on private label securities decreased in that period. There was a race to the bottom. Despite the fact that the quality of the book of business deteriorated substantially, interest rates, over Treasuries collapsed. So there was a race to the bottom, a race to take on risk by the private label securities, in part because the information was not out there as how bad credit quality was deteriorating. Mr. Bachus. Thank you. Now, I am going to ask unanimous consent to introduce three items. One is an article from June 6, 2006, in The Charlotte Observer that highlighted some of our attempts to pass a subprime lending bill. Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Bachus. The second is a letter I wrote the Honorable Barney Frank on September 28th where we proposed, we had a draft and he and I, which had a suitability standard, a yield spread premium and points and figures trigger. A prohibition on mandatory arbitration. A prohibition on prepayment penalties on loans less than $75,000. All of those were drivers by, and the right of an individual consumer to initiate private rights of action to enforce the provisions of the law, which was pretty radical in that day but it showed an alarm. Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Bachus. And third, we requested--and I have referred to this before--the GAO to do a study and talked about several problems we saw, which came out in April 2007. Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Bachus. And I will add that it shows really the perverse effect of heavy lobbying by the industry, which unfortunately retarded our efforts. Chairman Garrett. Without objection, it is so ordered, and those items will be entered into the record. I thank the gentleman for each of those. At this point, I yield to the gentlelady from California, the ranking member of the full Financial Services Committee, for 5 minutes. Ms. Waters. Thank you very much. Mr. Chairman and Mr. Ranking Member, I know that quite a bit of discussion has gone on during this hearing, and unfortunately I couldn't be here for all of it. But I have an early mission in this discussion about the future of the GSEs. I am anxious for both sides of the aisle to recognize the need and to come to grips with whether or not the private sector can supply the need for mortgages in a way that we have been accustomed to. With nearly $10 billion of single family residential mortgage debt outstanding, and with the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University projecting one million new households per year over the next decade, the question is, do you think that bank portfolio lending can provide the capital necessary to supply the U.S. market and maintain the homeownership rates to which we have become accustomed? If we can just agree, if both sides of the aisle can get an agreement on this, then I think we can start down the road to talking about what this perhaps private-public partnership can be. But if we get stuck thinking that somehow we have to get rid of these GSEs, and that somehow the private lenders can take care of the mortgage needs, I think we are in trouble. So what do you think about this? Is this something that you think we need to pay special attention to and come to some agreement on? And I guess that would be for Dr. Susan Wachter. Ms. Wachter. I don't think that the $10 trillion can be taken on by the banking system at this point. It is just a no- starter, it won't, it cannot happen. And it is a recipe for disaster for the overall economy to assume that we can just pull Fannie and Freddie out and there will be funding for the mortgage market going forward. I think that the private sector itself would confirm that they could not step up to the plate with that kind of funding in mind. This is the largest debt backed in the world, book of business. And there is no way that it can go to portfolios of the banking system at this point and still have a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. That simply is, it is not, it cannot happen. I don't think anyone could disagree with that. But I am interested to hear what others say. Ms. Waters. I suppose I can ask the other members of the panel. Does anyone else think differently? Is there anyone on this panel who believes that the private market can handle this debt? This kind of mortgage lending? Mr. Rosner. I would suggest that at this very moment, the answer would be ``no.'' But as Professor White has pointed out, the private market is a lot larger than bank balance sheets. It is the capital markets. So we first have to set about to repair the problems with securitization, to bring investors back. To bring comfort back to increased transparency and disclosure. In 1939, I guess, we created the Trust Indenture Act. I am still trying to figure out why we haven't created something similar for the ABS market. Ms. Waters. Excuse me, are you suggesting that some of the problems that we had with the subprime meltdown, those problems must be cured before we take a look at what we do with the GSEs? Mr. Rosner. No, what I am suggesting is if you want the private markets to play a significant role and fill any void that Congress chooses to pull away from, you first need to make sure that the mechanisms are in place for private capital to be able to price risk. Ms. Waters. So what you are saying is, you agree that there is a role for both government and the private sector to play? Mr. Rosner. I think there is a role for the government to play because it is already in there and playing. I think the goal should be, medium- and long-term, to pull the government out of the market except where we explicitly backstop it on the balance sheet. And we need to foster the ability of private market to price risk. And we haven't done any of that. The SECs had a Reg AB extension sitting in front of it for 2 years and did nothing to force the increased transparency that investors deserve. That would help standardize and create the transparency so that securitization markets, private securitization markets could come back. You can't expect the private markets to do anything, until they have clarity as to what their contractural rights are-- Ms. Waters. Excuse me, if I may, we have allowed the private markets to do a lot. Which finds us in the situation that we are in today. And so my question really is whether or not you think government has a significant role to play in these GSEs? Can they be in partnership with the private sector in order to do the kind of mortgage lending that we need? That is really what the question is. It is not whether or not we should wait to repair-- Mr. Rosner. In answer to that question, I think that we should have the government explicitly focus on areas that it wants to put loans on its balance sheet. And other than that, there should be no implicit or partnership, I should say, between the government and private markets. That was the basis of the distortions that we have lived through. Mr. White. I want to add one thing, Congresswoman. There has been a lot of talk about a revival, not of Fannie and Freddie, but a revival of some kind of government guarantee or government backstop. And somehow that is linked to a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. And it is important to remember the guarantee, the backstop would be on credit risk, not on interest rate risk. But the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage and its problems, is primarily one of interest rate risk and a government guarantee doesn't really deal with that. Now as Mr. Rosner just said, in the current environment with a lot of uncertainties and a lot of just unresolved, what are the rules? What is the information? There is clearly a strong role for government, as well as a focused role for FHA for dealing with the low- and moderate-income household segments of the market. But going forward, as the uncertainties are resolved, as private sector, as insurance companies, as pension funds become more comfortable with properly structured, lots of information, 30-year paper, I think that can be handled. That doesn't mean eliminate FHA. FHA has a very valuable role to play. But it has to be clear, it has to be defined, it has to be on balance sheet. It shouldn't be implicit and foggy and hope for the best. That is a big part of how we got to where we are today. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman-- Mr. Rosner. The concept of a partnership between private enterprise and government is, in and of itself, sort of a scary concept. Chairman Garrett. And on that scary concept, the gentlelady's time has expired. We will-- Ms. Waters. I yield back. Chairman Garrett. The gentlelady yields back. And we yield-- Mr. Ellison. Do you need more time? I yield to the gentlelady. Oh, okay, never mind. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman is recognized for the final 5 minutes, and the last word. Mr. Ellison. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, ranking member. And also let me thank the panel, you all have been helpful to our deliberations as we figure out how to move forward. One of the things that we are doing today, is not only exclusively focusing on what to do next, which is what my preference would be. But it is talking about what happened, because I think many of us hope that there are at least some lessons to be learned. I just want to ask a question, Mr. Rosner, again, thank you for your contribution. You were asked by one of my colleagues earlier, ``If GSEs had behaved differently in a subprime market, would that have prevented the crisis of 2008?'' Your answer was, ``I don't think that the crisis itself would have necessarily been avoided if not for the GSEs. I do think that they accelerated and exacerbated those issues.'' And so we are here today, trying to make sure the record is right. We have a hearing entitled, ``Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: How Government Housing Policy Failed Homeowners and Taxpayers--and here I want to emphasize--``Led to the Financial Crisis.'' Based on your response to Mr. Hurt, you do think that Fannie and Freddie played a role. But I think it is accurate to say that you don't agree that Fannie and Freddie's behavior led to the crisis. Is that a fair statement? Mr. Rosner. I would say that Fannie and Freddie's behavior seasoned the markets, created the foundation on which the crisis was able to occur. I would say separate housing policy from the GSEs further and government housing policies-- Mr. Ellison. Okay. Mr. Rosner. --did in fact lead to the crisis. Mr. Ellison. It is interesting you would say that. Because on the one hand, you very clearly said they didn't lead it, but they exacerbated it. Now the statement you just gave me, made me think that you are sort of arguing that they did lead it. So I am not sure what you are saying. Mr. Rosner. ``Led'' and ``become the ultimate cause of'' are two different things. And so again, the crisis, let's go back to, one of the issues, I think the issue that a lot of us are having is, how do you date the crisis? How do you bound it? Did the crisis begin in 2004 and end in 2007, 2008, 2009? Mr. Ellison. Excuse me Mr. Rosner-- Mr. Rosner. Or did the crisis begin before? Mr. Ellison. They only give me 5 minutes, I am sorry. Mr. Rosner. Sorry. Mr. Ellison. I wish we could hear more. But I read your book. And in your book you say, of all the partners in the homeownership push, no industry contributed more to corruption of the lending process than Wall Street. And then on another page, you say, ``Wall Street had financed the questionable mortgages before, of course, but it was during the manias climactic period of 2005 to 2006 that these firms' activities as the same primary enablers to the freewheeling lenders really went wild. No longer were the firms simply supplying capital to lenders trying to meet housing demand across America. Now Wall Street was supplying money to companies making increasingly poisonous loans to people with no ability to repay, and the firms knew precisely what they were doing.'' Now again, we are in the very messy business of trying to apportion blame and fault. And I think that, as I said, my first comments were, that is unfortunate. But I didn't bring this on you, Mr. Rosner. The committee chairman did by naming the hearing as he did. And I just want the record to be clear, you clearly are not trying to minimize the role of the GSEs. You have made it clear. But if I may just be explicit one more time, you don't contend that they led to it, not withstanding other things that you do think, you don't contend that they led to it? Mr. Rosner. I don't contend-- Mr. Ellison. Can you give me a simple answer to that question? Mr. Rosner. I don't think it is a simple question. Mr. Ellison. Okay, that is fair. I get it. In other words, I will just let your words in the book and your comments on the record today stand-- Mr. Rosner. ``Led to'' and ``caused'' are two different things. Mr. Ellison. And because my problem isn't with you, Mr. Rosner, my problem is that we are, this is a serious problem which should be approached in a bipartisan way, and it isn't. And you are coming here to help us understand this crisis as best you understand it. People are trying to use your words to sort of make a particular point. I am trying to, I am giving credit to what you said. You said they contributed. You said they ended up playing a fatal role. But you also said they did not lead to it. Isn't that right? Mr. Rosner. So you accept that I contend that they played a critical role? Mr. Ellison. Yes. Mr. Rosner. Then I will accept what you are suggesting. Mr. Ellison. Okay, thank you. How much time--I am on the yellow light. Let me just ask you this, if you could tell Congress what they need to do, to make sure that ordinary income people with good credit can get a 30-year mortgage, what would you tell us we need to think about? Anybody who wants to answer? Ms. Wachter. We can't have a race to the bottom. You have to have standards. We have to have information that allows standards so that we can't have this stealth underwriting crisis, brought about by Wall Street, happen again. We had years of growing homeownership before the crisis. We can get back on that path. Mr. Ellison. Thank you. Mr. White. ``Conforming'' and ``conventional'' are terms that should be definitionally standard terms. And they became constantly more and more distorted. I think that is really the problem, once you set a standard, that standard can't creep over time. And the markets need to understand that is the standard, it is inviolable, and that is where it will stay. Mr. Ellison. Let me thank all of the panelists and you, Mr. Chairman, and the ranking member. Chairman Garrett. The gentleman yields back. And with that, let me just say, first of all, thank you to the panel. It is important testimony that we received today. We heard unanimity from both sides of the aisle that we need to go forward on this issue of the mortgage housing market, to try to fix it. Today's hearing was important in that regard, that before you can solve a problem, before we can fix a problem, you have to know what caused the problem. In order to go forward, you have to know where you have been. And so, that was the point of today's hearing. I think we heard significant testimony-- Mr. Bachus. Mr. Chairman? Chairman Garrett. --out of that. The gentleman from Alabama? Mr. Bachus. Mr. Chairman, let me second that. I think Shakespeare originated, ``the past is the prologue of the future,'' in ``The Tempest.'' But this has been a very educational panel, and I want to thank all of you. And I would say that all our Members who didn't go through this crisis, should read and I think by reading all four testimonies, we can certainly get some guideposts for the future. Mr. Ligon. Thank you, Congressman. Chairman Garrett. I thought that you were going to suggest that they all read Mr. Rosner's book to help support the sale of that book. The Chair notes that some Members may have additional questions for this panel, which they may wish to submit in writing. Without objection, the hearing record will remain open for 5 legislative days for Members to submit written questions to these witnesses and to place their responses in the record. Also, without objection, Members will have 5 legislative days to submit extraneous materials to the Chair for inclusion in the record. And again, thank you all. Thank you to the ranking member for staying with us through all of this and for her participation as well. The hearing is adjourned. [Whereupon, at 1:01 p.m., the hearing was adjourned.] A P P E N D I X March 6, 2013 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.002 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.005 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.006 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.007 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.008 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.009 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.010 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.011 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.012 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.013 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.014 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.015 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.016 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.017 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.018 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.019 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.020 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.021 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.022 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.023 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.024 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.045 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0871.046 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