[Senate Hearing 113-120] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 113-120 NOMINATION OF BRIAN C. DEESE ======================================================================= HEARING Before The COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED THIRTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ NOMINATION OF BRIAN C. DEESE, TO BE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET __________ MAY 13, 2013 Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.fdsys.gov/ Printed for the use of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs [GRAPHICS NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 81-295 PDF WASHINGTON : 2013 ____________________________________________________________________________ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail, [email protected]. COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS THOMAS R. CARPER, Delaware Chairman CARL LEVIN, Michigan TOM COBURN, Oklahoma MARK L. PRYOR, Arkansas JOHN McCAIN, Arizona MARY L. LANDRIEU, Louisiana RON JOHNSON, Wisconsin CLAIRE McCASKILL, Missouri ROB PORTMAN, Ohio JON TESTER, Montana RAND PAUL, Kentucky MARK BEGICH, Alaska MICHAEL B. ENZI, Wyoming TAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin KELLY AYOTTE, New Hampshire HEIDI HEITKAMP, North Dakota Richard J. Kessler, Staff Director John P. Kilvington, Deputy Staff Director Deirdre G. Armstrong, Professional Staff Member Kristine V. Lam, Professional Staff Member Lawrence B. Novey, Chief Counsel for Governmental Affairs Troy H. Cribb, Chief Counsel for Governmental Affairs Keith B. Ashdown, Minority Staff Director Christopher J. Barkley, Minority Deputy Staff Director Andrew C. Dockham, Minority Chief Counsel Trina D. Shiffman, Chief Clerk Laura W. Kilbride, Hearing Clerk C O N T E N T S ------ Opening statements: Page Senator Carper............................................... 1 Senator Levin................................................ 4 Prepared statements: Senator Carper............................................... 27 Senator Coburn............................................... 30 WITNESSES Monday, May 13, 2013 Brian C. Deese, Nominee to Serve as Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget Testimony.................................................... 4 Prepared statement........................................... 32 Biographical and financial information....................... 34 Responses to pre-hearing questions........................... 53 Letter from the Office of Government Ethics.................. 89 NOMINATION OF BRIAN C. DEESE ---------- MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013 U.S. Senate, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Washington, DC. The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 3:07 p.m., in room SD-342, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Thomas R. Carper, Chairman of the Committee, presiding. Present: Senators Carper and Levin. OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN CARPER Chairman Carper. The hearing will come to order, although this is a hearing that is already in order, even with a 5\1/2\ month old baby girl, remarkably. I wish my boys were that well- behaved, Senator Levin, when they were 5\1/2\ months old. Senator Levin. Almost as pretty as mine. Chairman Carper. Almost as pretty as his, huh? Maybe so. I am going to start off with a statement and introduce our witness, and we are going to ask him to take an oath in a few minutes. Then we will get into your statement and then we will just ask some questions. Today we are pleased to consider the nomination of Brian Deese, President Obama's choice to serve as our Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and we are pleased to note at the outset of this hearing, that the nomination process in this case is preceding, we believe as it should. The position for which Mr. Deese is nominated, became vacant in February of this year when OMB Deputy Director Heather Higginbottom took a new assignment at the Department of State with our incoming Secretary of State John Kerry, our former colleague. By early April, the President submitted the nomination of Mr. Deese, and Dr. Coburn and I have worked to review and bring the nomination before the full Committee expeditiously. In terms of process, I think this nomination has worked well at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. I hope it is a model that the White House and the Senate will continue to follow often in the weeks and months ahead. And in recent decades through both Democratic and Republican Administrations, the nomination and confirmation process have become unacceptably slow. At any given time, there are far too many vacant senior positions throughout our Federal Government. This lack of critical leadership undermines the effectiveness of our government, and a slow partisan process discourages talented people from wanting to serve in our government. This problem has become so prevalent, I started referring to it as Executive Branch Swiss Cheese. That is I believe it is so important for our Committee to move forward promptly on nominations that fall within our jurisdiction. We have an obligation to vet them, to do our proper oversight, but once we are convinced that the President has made a good choice, we have, I think, an obligation to try to move it promptly. Nominations for the senior positions at the Office of Management and Budget are among the most important that our Committee will consider this year, or any year. As most of the folks in this room know, on April 24, by a vote of 96 to 0, the Senate confirmed the nomination of Sylvia Mathews Burwell to be Director of the Office of Management and Budget. She will be a strong and capable leader. Now the President and Senate share the job of surrounding her with a terrific team. Following today's consideration of Mr. Deese's nomination, we will soon consider the nomination of Howard Shelanski to be the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). I hope that in short order, the President will submit a nomination for the position of Deputy Director for Management, which was recently vacated by Jeff Zients. I am not sure if Jeff Zients is off the payroll and has returned to private life, but if he is anywhere within the sound of my voice, I just want to express, on behalf of all of us, our heartfelt thanks for his hard work and leadership in very difficult times. Good man. Having strong leadership at OMB is important at any time, but particularly at this moment when our Nation is desperately in need of a long-term budget plan to rein in our Federal deficit and our debt. I have said it a time or two before, but it is just something here that bears repeating often. The grand budget compromise that I believe we need in order to address this fiscal crisis must have three essential elements to it. It must address both spending and revenues in a balanced approach; it must rein in the costs of our entitlement programs in a way that does not savage the poor or the elderly, but in a way to preserve those programs for the long haul; and it must, through better management of government programs, deliver better service to the American people at a lower cost. This Committee is an important partner with the Office of Management and Budget in all of these areas, but especially in ensuring that our government achieves better results for less money or better results for the same amount of money. We have a full agenda then, and Dr. Coburn and I are working in full partnership, along with many of our colleagues, including with Senator Levin. For example, we save billions of dollars by shedding Federal property that is no longer used, or at least we can and we should be. We can save tens of billions of dollars every year by reducing the amount of improper payments that the government makes. We can bring in billions of dollars of revenue by doing a better job of collecting taxes that are owed but not paid, and that is something, seriously, that Senator Levin, along with Dr. Coburn, has led the way on. We can save billions of dollars in Federal contracting every year through efforts such as so-called strategic sourcing initiatives which include buying more in bulk when that makes sense. We can save billions of dollars through better management of the information technology (IT) that our government buys. And we can improve the transparency of government spending so that the American people have a better understanding of how their tax dollars are used. These are just a few examples of the ways this Committee and the Office of Management and Budget, in concert, are striving to make our government work better, and, I might add, in concert with the Government Accountability Office (GAO), in concert with our Inspectors General (IGs) across the government, and in concert with private non-profit organizations. I am pleased that we have before us today a nominee who has a firm grasp of the role of both the ``M'' and the ``B'' in OMB. And with respect to the ``M,'' the management, Mr. Deese understands the importance of driving innovations and efficiencies across the government so that agencies not only save money, but deliver better services to the American people. And with respect to the ``B,'' he is someone who is committed to achieving a comprehensive deficit reduction plan that will help our economy grow even as we reduce the budget deficits. Mr. Deese comes well-prepared for these challenges from his two positions at the National Economic Council, first, as a Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and then as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council. Mr. Deese has earned a well-justified reputation as someone who can absorb a tremendous amount of economic data, synthesize it, and translate it into viable options for the President and his economic team and also translate it into terms that even mere mortals like I can understand. On issues ranging from the auto bailout to housing issues to tax policy, Mr. Deese has helped our country recover from the recession, helped our economy before President Obama took office. He is someone who understands that our fiscal policies are intrinsically linked to the prosperity of the American people. Brian's father, who is sitting right over his left shoulder, is a college professor, and his mom is an engineer. He clearly has inherited their smarts. He has an undergraduate degree from Middlebury College and a law degree from Yale Law School. Before going to law school, he spent time doing policy analysis for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for Global Development, and the Center for American Progress. I think anyone who meets Brian quickly realizes that he has the brainpower to pursue whatever profession he chooses, but he has a passion for public policy, and we are fortunate, specifically a passion for finding ways for our government to make smart choices so that individuals and businesses can prosper. In short, he is someone who quickly impresses his colleagues in the Administration. I believe he will quickly impress my colleagues in the Senate. Normally I would turn to Dr. Coburn for any comments he would like to make, but in his absence, I am going to ask Senator Levin if there is anything you would like to say before I swear this man in and let him give his statement. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR LEVIN Senator Levin. No, just to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your usual speed and thoroughness in moving a nomination. I share your hopes that this nomination can be acted upon quickly. I do have a number of questions for Mr. Deese, but I just want to thank him for his willingness to continue serving, and to thank you for the way in which you handle this Committee, along with Dr. Coburn. Chairman Carper. Thank you. Well, I learned from the best. A little introduction, if I can, and then I will ask you to stand and raise your right hand. But Brian Deese has filed responses to a biographical and financial questionnaire, answered pre-hearing questions submitted by the Committee. He has had financial statements reviewed by the Office of Government Ethics. Without objection, this information will be made part of the hearing record, with the exception of the financial data, which are on file and available for public inspection in the Committee's offices. Our Committee rules require that all witnesses at nomination hearings give their testimony under oath, and, Mr. Deese, I am going to ask you to stand and raise your right hand. I am going to ask a couple of questions. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give to the Committee will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God? Mr. Deese. I do. Chairman Carper. Please be seated. At this point, you may proceed with your statement. I am going to ask you to introduce your mom, dad, and your bride, and I do not know if your daughter is still around here, but she may have taken an exit. But please introduce your family. We are just delighted that you are all here. I think it is a matter of family pride and I know you are proud of him and I am sure he is proud of all of you. Please. TESTIMONY OF BRIAN C. DEESE,\1\ NOMINATED TO BE DEPUTY DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Mr. Deese. Thank you, Chairman Carper. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ The prepared statement of Mr. Deese appears in the Appendix on page 32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Senator Levin. And thank you for welcoming me here today. It is a real honor to be considered as the President's nominee to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget. As you have mentioned, I am joined by my family, my father David, my mother Patricia, my wife Kara, and my baby girl Adeline who promised me that she would behave and that is a promise I am not going to hold her to. And my sister Heather. Chairman Carper. Tell us a little bit about your mom and dad, your wife, and your sister. This will not count on your time. We will stop the clock. Just tell us a little bit, a thumbnail sketch about each of them. Mr. Deese. I have been really privileged to have an incredible family, a mother and father who have supported me over the years and who have instilled in me both a real passion for ideas and education and also a commitment that for those of us who are fortunate enough to have opportunities in education and life, we should look for opportunities to give back, commit to public service. In particular, my sister who I am very close with. She is 2 years older than I am and she has been a rock in my life for the last 35 years, and I thank her for that. Chairman Carper. She is the one whose lips are moving while you speak? Mr. Deese. She is very nervous on my behalf. But most of all, I would like to thank my wife Kara. Serving in these types of jobs is truly a team effort. I could not do it alone and she has been unbelievably supportive, particularly when we have been through harder times, and I know that the challenges of this job will be significant. And so, I am very grateful to her for all of her support. Chairman Carper. For you, Kara, no purgatory, straight to heaven. Thank you. Mr. Deese. I second that. I would also like to thank President Obama for nominating me to this position, and also Director Burwell, who you referenced, for her support and her confidence in me. And I hope that if confirmed, I can meet their high standards for performance on behalf of the American people. And finally, I do want to thank Members of this Committee and their staffs for taking the time to meet with me over the last couple of weeks, and if confirmed, I look forward to continuing the conversations that we have had and investing in the strong relationship between OMB and this Committee going forward. Over the past several years, I have had an opportunity to work with many officials at OMB, as well as across Executive Branch agencies, to develop and implement Administration policies, and this experience has given me a deep respect for OMB as an institution and the vital role that it plays. And perhaps more importantly, a real respect for the skills and the commitment of the professionals who work at OMB. That is just one of the reasons why I am very humbled to be considered for this position, and particularly at this time in our economy when we face very substantial fiscal challenges and economic challenges that we will need to address together. We have made important progress in the economy. Our economy is growing. We are seeing some important signs of strength in sectors from housing to our manufacturing industry. Most importantly, our businesses are creating jobs on a consistent basis. And I think together, Congress and the President have begun to make progress on the important work of bringing down our deficits and strengthening our Nation's long-term fiscal position. But there is a lot more work that we need to do together to reach what I believe is the ultimate goal of an economy that is providing opportunity and real stability for working families. Much of my professional work has focused on the role that fiscal policy can play in that effort in promoting a stronger and more durable economy. And if confirmed, I will work closely with Director Burwell to build on the progress that we have made to try to reach the type of comprehensive deficit reduction agreement you referenced that can support a stronger economy in both the short and the long run. Another key area of focus, particularly in this moment of fiscal challenges, has to be making our government more efficient and more effective and showing the American people how we can do more effectively with less. This is an area where this Committee has shown great leadership, and if confirmed, I look forward to working with you to make progress on many of our shared priorities. And finally, I do believe that the budget is fundamentally a vision for how we in public service can deliver better outcomes for the economy and for American families. It is a reflection of our values and our priorities, and if confirmed, I will work every day to uphold those values and priorities to the best of my ability. I want to thank the Committee for your time today and for considering my nomination and I look forward to answering all of your questions. Chairman Carper. All right. Thanks very much. As you probably know, we begin the questioning of our witnesses in a confirmation hearing by asking the same three questions we have asked for as long as I have been here. I have been here for about 12 years, each year these hearings are the same. I am just going to ask you. Each of these questions is easy to answer. The first one, is there anything you are aware of in your background that might present a conflict of interest with the duties of the office to which you have been nominated? Mr. Deese. No. Chairman Carper. Do you know of anything, personal or otherwise, that would in any way prevent you from fully and honorably discharging the responsibilities of the office to which you have been nominated? Mr. Deese. No. Chairman Carper. And finally, do you agree without reservation to respond to any reasonable summons to appear and testify before any duly constituted Committee of Congress if you are confirmed? Mr. Deese. I do. Chairman Carper. All right. Senator Levin and I are big baseball fans, in fact, of the same team, the Detroit Tigers. I would say he is three for three. It is still early. Senator Levin. They have the same problem with their current closer, too. Losing too much sleep over it. Chairman Carper. I know. Oh, well, our team lost today two out of three. Senator Levin. That is on the record. Chairman Carper. In any event, we will turn to that problem tomorrow. I am going to start off by saying, if confirmed, why do you not just lead off by telling us what your, maybe, top three priorities would be. Mr. Deese. Sure. This is something that I have had a chance to talk to Director Burwell about and I think that in terms of priorities in the Deputy Director role, first would be to work with Director Burwell in setting out a budget framework for the government. And I think in the current context, that means in particular trying to work to encourage the movement that we have seen toward a more regular order budget process and also to try, however challenging, to work toward the kind of comprehensive deficit reduction agreement that I think could benefit the economy. A second priority is to work to set priorities to make the government more efficient and effective, and I think that the Deputy Director plays an important role in setting those inside priorities and then also making sure that we as a team at OMB would be well-positioned to execute on those. And I think in particular, from my perspective, the relationship between the Deputy Director and the Deputy Director for Management is vital in that context. And so, if I am confirmed, that would be something that I would invest in, in particular. And third, a priority would be OMB as an institution. And OMB has a strong reputation for strong analysis and excellent professional staff. It is also facing a lot of challenges today, and so I think that investing and making sure that the institution is able to continue to attract and recruit top flight talent, continue to do the analyses and play the vital role that it needs to play in our system would be another priority. Chairman Carper. Have you had the opportunity to discuss at all with our new Director, Sylvia Burwell, how your role--her role as Director and the role of the Deputy for Management, what that would intertwine? Mr. Deese. I have. Chairman Carper. Maybe give us some practical examples of how that would be. Mr. Deese. Sure. I have and I think that Director Burwell has talked about building a great team, and I think that is the way that both of us would approach this, is having a great team in place to make sure that we are achieving all of the objectives that we need to achieve. I think that one particular priority for the Deputy Director, my role if confirmed, would be to work on setting out that budget framework and making sure that we are working across agencies to incorporate their points of view into the budget process and the budget framework and making sure that we are implementing key budget priorities. But as I mentioned earlier, I think that the other important role of the Deputy Director is to make sure that the ``M'' side and the ``B'' side are working seamlessly together. And so, I think that means, one, being a part of setting the priorities for the management side of OMB; and then having a close relationship with the Deputy Director of Management and making sure that where there are priority areas for providing sufficient guidance and sufficient attention to make sure we are executing on our goals. Chairman Carper. Would you share with us your overall philosophy on addressing the Federal deficit and our long-term debt, please? Mr. Deese. Sure. I think that we are at a moment, an economic moment, right now where the need for deficit reduction also presents an economic opportunity where we have a set of long-term fiscal challenges and we have a set of short-term economic challenges, and that if we could come together around a comprehensive deficit reduction agreement that provided more confidence about our long-term path, we would also be able to provide more support to the economy in the short run. And so, when I think about what are the most important priorities in that space, I think that the areas we need to focus on are entitlement reform and tax reform. And I think as you mentioned in your opening statement, entitlement reform that is designed to strengthen the core programs that our seniors and vulnerable Americans rely on, but then look for ways to address, in particular, the rising cost of health care and look for ways to increase efficiencies and actually drive systematic change to drive down the rate of growth of health care across our system. And I think on tax reform, we have an opportunity to reform in a way that reduces complexity, encourages greater economic growth, and also contributes to reducing the deficit as well. And I think that there are real opportunities in that space, economic opportunities to bring those things together as part of an overall approach. Chairman Carper. How does your work leading up to this point help to prepare you for the responsibilities that you have been nominated to undertake? Mr. Deese. Well, when I think about the Deputy Director role and the responsibilities that we were just talking about, I think there are three sets of skills that I could bring to bear. The first is a sound understanding of the Federal budget. I think that is important and it is something that I have developed over the last several years, worked closely on the development of the last several budgets, and also in implementing it, working with the staff at OMB and other agencies. The second is an understanding of how fiscal policy fits into an overall economic strategy to try to help grow the economy and create jobs. And that has been the focus of much of my professional work, and I think it is particularly important now because we are at an economic moment where we have these interrelated fiscal and economic challenges. And the third is a more pragmatic understanding of how to get things done in government, and I think that the work most recently as Deputy Director of the National Economic Council that I have done has prepared me to know how to work across agencies, identify teams, bring together senior management across the Federal Government, set a priority, and try to drive for results. And I think those are the kind of skills that I think I could bring to this job. Chairman Carper. OK. Not long ago Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, came to meet with the Senate Finance Committee, Democrats and Republicans, not an open meeting, but a very informative meeting. He was going to talk to us largely about budget deficits, how to reduce the deficit, and how to do it at the same time that we strengthen our economic recovery. And I asked him, I said, as we rein in the growth of spending broadly across the government, are there any particular places where we should invest more? And he picked out three. One he said the workforce, world class workforce; No. 2, he mentioned we should focus on infrastructure broadly defined; No. 3, research and development that could create technologies and products, goods and services that we could commercialize and sell all over the world. Would you just react to what he told us that day? Mr. Deese. Sure. I think that, when you think about those three areas, I think the thing that all three of them share is that they are linked to long-term productivity growth in our economy. And so, when we think about where are the places where we need to make targeted investments, even in the context of a difficult fiscal environment, I think that using that as a metric of where can we identify the strongest linkages to future productivity growth and future competitiveness is important. And so, I think that infrastructure, for example, is a good example of that where smart, well-designed targeted investments in improving our infrastructure has been shown to increase productivity because it makes it easier for businesses to come and invest and create jobs. And I think identifying those kinds of opportunities is very important as part of this overall fiscal strategy. Chairman Carper. All right. Thanks very much. I have used up my time and we will come back for a second round. Senator Levin, please. Senator Levin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First, let me thank you, Mr. Deese, for your accessibility in the past. You have been helpful in the area of the auto issue that you were very actively involved in. You were always available to me and my staff and we were grateful for that. You have been hard- working, and I think there is no doubt about your qualifications for this office. I do have a couple questions, however, as to where Gene Sperling has been and where you have been on the question of revenues to address our deficit. I take it from your answer to the Chairman's question that you believe that tax reform, as you talk about it generically, needs to contribute to the deficit reduction effort. Mr. Deese. I do. I think that is important. Senator Levin. And so, what I want to focus on is one part of tax reform. I have spoken to Mr. Sperling, and I think I have probably spoken to you, on a number of occasions, but at least I have to him, about how is it that some of these egregious tax loopholes that corporations utilize to avoid paying taxes, when they are closed, if they are closed, why the revenues from those closures of those unfair, unjustified tax loopholes--and I am going to go through a few of them with you--should not be used for deficit reduction to also fight for programs which are being cut through sequestration such as education and health care and the environment and food safety, and you name it. Why should those revenues that would come from closing those corporate tax loopholes not be used for any number of extremely important goals from deficit reduction to ending sequestration to, again, trying to fund the programs that are important to our people that are now being cut? So first generally, should those revenues be available for those purposes? Mr. Deese. Well, I think just to go at the question of tax reform for a second---- Senator Levin. But talk about the corporate tax that I have identified. Mr. Deese. Sure. Senator Levin. I will get more specific, but I think you have read enough of the stuff I have sent to your office to know where I am going to go in the next few minutes. Mr. Deese. Absolutely. Look, I think the most important issue on corporate tax reform, as we undertake it, is to judge any reform by the metric of, is it going to improve economic growth and, in particular, are you going to improve incentives to invest in the United States? And I think that is the real opportunity with respect to corporate tax reform. I think you are correct that when you look at the corporate tax code today, it represents and opportunity because we have this somewhat perverse situation where we have the highest statutory rate in the industrialized world, and yet we are not collecting revenues. We are sort of in the middle of the pack at best, and that is a function of the fact that there are a lot of tax expenditures that are either inefficient or they are not serving their intended purpose. And that creates an opportunity to reform the system, broaden the base, and also---- Senator Levin. Why do you not focus also on the effective tax rate, which is not one of the highest in the world? Mr. Deese. That is right. And so, it is exactly that dynamic that creates an effective tax rate sort of in the middle or to the lower of the industrialized countries. So I think the question is, can we reform that tax code in a way that actually is for growth and improves domestic incentives to invest? I think the answer to that is yes. So, I think there is an opportunity here and I think that with respect to specific corporate tax expenditures, I think the President has put forward a whole set of them in the budget that he put out and those are ones that I think we could afford to close efficiently without doing harm to the economy. Senator Levin. Well, a bunch of these loopholes that are being used to drain our Treasury, to ship money offshore, serve no economic purpose. They are not pro-growth. They do not promote people to invest in the United States; quite the opposite. You have Apple that has what, $120 billion now in cash, most of it offshore. They are not going to bring it back unless they get a lower tax rate. So there it sits. We have companies that transfer their intellectual property to themselves in tax havens and shell corporations and then pay themselves to use their own property. There is no economic purpose served in that. It is nothing more than tax avoidance. The President says he wants to close them. The President, when he was a Senator, co-sponsored much of the legislation that would have closed at least some of those egregious tax avoidance tactics, which costs our Treasury God knows how many tens of billions a year and maybe $100 billion a year. We could end sequestration, at least for this year and next, if we closed some of those schemes which drain our Treasury and ship revenue offshore. Why should we not do that? Mr. Deese. Well, I think the framework the President has put forward---- Senator Levin. Why should we not do what I am saying? I am not talking about the President's framework which just talks about cutting corporate rates, which, by the way, are already low as an effective tax rate. By the way, corporate tax revenues to this Treasury are at an all-time low. There are something like 9 percent of our revenues come for corporations. We have 30 corporations, the biggest corporations in the world that have not paid taxes for the 3-year period studied. Paid zero in taxes. Why not close those egregious, unjustifiable loopholes, that are costing our Treasury so much money, and use that revenue to end sequestration this year and next year? Why not? Mr. Deese. Well, I think that what the President has said is we should close---- Senator Levin. No, for that purpose, why not close them and use the revenue for that purpose? That is my question. Mr. Deese. Well, again, the reason why I raised the framework is because if you look at the budget, it has a set of specific corporate tax expenditures and corporate tax loopholes that it would close. That is revenue that could be used to reduce the deficit or invest in other priorities. Senator Levin. Why is it in the budget said to be used only for rate reductions? Mr. Deese. Well, I think what the President has said is twofold, which is if we can move to close those loopholes, let us do so. Let us try to work together to do so. But if there is a good faith commitment to try to do comprehensive corporate tax reform and if that can be done in a way that actually is pro-growth and actually would increase incentives to invest in the United States, then he is willing to consider doing that in a revenue-neutral manner. Senator Levin. But if that cannot be done or is not done this year, why not take the revenues from these loopholes which have no economic purpose, other than tax avoidance, and take that revenue to end sequestration? If we cannot do the individual tax increases or revenue increases from the Buffet Rule or whatever, if we cannot succeed in getting that revenue, if the President does not succeed, why not take the revenue which should come to the Treasury, frankly, if there were no deficit from these tax avoidance schemes? Why not? Mr. Deese. So again, I think the budget lays out those parameters and if we cannot move on corporate tax reform, we should move to close those types of loopholes. Senator Levin. Mr. Chairman, my time is up, but I do have a few more questions. But thank you. Sorry I went over. Chairman Carper. No. I would have let you use more. Let me go back and just revisit something I said earlier and just try to draw out some further discussion. I mentioned the conversation we had with the Federal Reserve Chairman, talking about investments that we should make even as we rein in the spending, the important investments to make to grow the size of the economic pie in our country. We had a previous Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve come and testify in a hearing last year on deficit reduction, Alan Blinder, who is back now teaching economics, I think, at Princeton. And he was one of, I think, a four-or five-member panel discussing with us a year or so ago how we could go about reducing our deficits. I will never forget what Dr. Blinder said. He said the 800- pound gorilla in the room on deficit reduction for the Federal Government is health care costs. And he did not say this, but as we know, we spend roughly 16, 17, 18 percent of GDP for health care in this country. In Japan, they spend about 8 percent. They cover everybody and they get better results in many respects. I would like to say they cannot be that smart; we cannot be that dumb. But Dr. Blinder went to say, the 800-pound gorilla in the room on deficit reduction is health care costs. If we do not get our heads around it, get our arms around it, we are, in so many words, doomed. When it came time to ask questions, a question I asked of him, referring to his statement about the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and said, What would be your advice to us? If we are serious about deficit reduction, we know a big piece has to be health care costs. What should we do? And he thought for a moment and he said, I am not an expert on this matter. He said, I am not a health economist, but this would be my advice to you. Find out what works, do more of that. That is all he said. Find out what works, do more of that. My response to that was, I said, find out what does not work and do less of that, and he said, yes. But I think there is great wisdom in that, not just for spending money in health care more wisely, but for education, housing, transportation, all kinds of issues. One of my guiding principles, and I owe it to him, knowing how important reining in the growth of health care costs is, talk to us about how we might do that, some ways that we might do that, particularly with respect to Medicaid and Medicare, in ways where we do our best not to savage old people, poor people, but at the same time, we get a better result for less money or better result for the same amount of money because we need to. Please. Mr. Deese. Well, I think there is a lot of wisdom in that statement and, in particular, that in the health system, we really do need to identify those things that are going to drive innovation across the system and then make sure that they are spread broadly. I think the good news is that there is a lot of very exciting activity going on in our health care system right now, a lot of anecdotal, and in some cases, more than anecdotal evidence of what Dr. Blinder was referring to, places where we are seeing things that work, things like accountable care organizations where you are actually starting to structure payments and incentives around providing certain quality of care outcomes, rather than just paying for inputs independent of outcomes. Those are the kinds of potential measures that if we can identify them, we can measure them. We can actually verify that those work. And then we can spread them across the system. That is going to be the way that we help to really drive systematic change in the health care system. I think that we have a number of tools out there to help on that front to try to identify these game-changers, as some people refer to them, and I think that we need to look for additional ways to do that as well. You mentioned outside of the health care space, and I think that is an important component as well, and one of the things that I know that OMB has been working on and that if confirmed I would want to learn more about. I think the focus should be on evidence-based investment and evidence-based grant-making because there are a number of places where we can do better and, in fact, we can be more effective with the same or fewer dollars if we actually have better systems to measure and test results and then scale programs when we actually see positive effects. So I think that it is an important principle. It is applicable beyond the health care space, but I agree that the health care area is the place of both the greatest need and the greatest opportunity. Chairman Carper. Just before I caught the train to come down here today, we met with representatives from a large health insurance company back in the part of the world where I live and my family lives. We talked about some of these issues, delivering health care, better results for less money. What we talked about--you mentioned the accountable care organizations. We talked about patient-centered medical homes. What I think they do is represent a way to encourage collaboration, encourage a sense of teamwork in terms of delivering health care, to move away from fee-for-service, to just a lot of stovepipes that operate almost independently of each other without a lot of collaboration. Quite a different approach. If you look at Medicare, Medicare is pretty much a fee-for- service animal, and we have some elements in Medicare where we actually do something like coordinate the delivery of health care better than we do in a straight fee-for-service. They had a problem in the past with Medicare Advantage being over-priced and we tried to address that to provide a smaller reimbursement so that the pricing is more reasonable, but at the same time, to encourage people to take advantage of a health care delivery system that moves away from fee-for- service. We could just talk about this. How do we move away from fee-for-service? How do you do it in a way that actually saves some money? What role does Medicare Advantage play here? Mr. Deese. Well, I think that has to be the goal and we have to figure out ways to do it that, as you say, end up strengthening the program, while also making the program more efficient. I think that the recent changes to Medicare Advantage which you referenced, I think, are being effectively implemented. We have seen premiums come down, enrollment go up, and we are saving money at the same time. I think that the most effective way that we can do this is by continuing the process of experimentation, identifying what works, and then scaling it. And I think that is, in a health care system, not just Medicare, but also across the health care system that is as complex as the one that we have in our economy, we have to make sure that we are testing results and then scaling them so that we know what works. And I think the linkage between Medicare and the rest of the health care system is important because I think ultimately, what our goal here is to do is to drive down the rate of growth of health care costs systemwide, because if the savings only accrue in Medicare and costs are increasing outside, we are not going to address the overall economic challenge that you referenced earlier of a larger and larger share of our gross domestic product (GDP) being eaten up by health care. So I think that it is about looking for ways to make programs like Medicare Advantage more efficient. I think we have seen some progress on that front, and I think it is about identifying successful interventions and scaling them over time. Chairman Carper. All right. I will probably come back and revisit this in our next round, but let me yield now to Senator Levin. Thank you. Senator Levin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. How important is it that we reverse sequestration? Mr. Deese. I come at this issue from an economic point of view, and when I look at the data and the independent analyses that have been done, I think that there are two problems. The first is that the sequester is a relatively blunt tool and it is forcing indiscriminate cuts, about which I think there is wide agreement, are not sensible. But second, the magnitude of the cuts imposed over such a short period of time, it is hard to do that without having a really material negative impact, and the Congressional Budget Office and others who have looked at the issue, have concluded that you are going to have a material negative economic impact. And so, I think that it is very important from an economic perspective that we look for a way to replace what is a blunt instrument that is going to do damage to our economy now with an approach that actually achieves greater deficit reduction, has more long-term reforms that actually will get at some of the issues that we were talking about, but that has a more sensible approach economically in the short term as well. Senator Levin. And is it important that the deficit reduction that you are talking about be balanced? Mr. Deese. I think---- Senator Levin. In other words, that it have revenue and entitlement reform and it have more prioritized or targeted discretionary spending cuts? Should all three of those be part of a balanced deficit reduction? Mr. Deese. I think the short answer is yes, when you look at the deficit reduction as part of an overall economic strategy. We have to ask the question of, what is going to make sense for the economy in the short and the long term, and I think that in order to maintain the kinds of productivity- enhancing investments, like infrastructure and basic research that we were talking about earlier, while also hitting our long-term deficit reduction goals, that the best way to do that is to try to bring revenues from tax reform and entitlement reform together done in a way that actually strengthens our entitlement programs in the future. Senator Levin. Donald Regan, who was the Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, wrote a book and this is a conversation that he recounted from the Oval Office. He said that President Reagan liked to start off every meeting with a story or a joke. So Don Regan decided he wanted to introduce a very serious subject, so he asked the President this question. He said, What do these 60 big corporations have in common? He rattled off the biggest corporations in America. And President Reagan's interest, he said, was immediately aroused. He said, I do not know, what do they have in common? And so, the Treasury Secretary said, Let me tell you, Mr. President. What these outfits have in common is that not one of them pays a penny in taxes to the U.S. Government. What the President said? His shock was genuine. A dumbfounded silence settled over his economic advisors. What unconventional idea was I trying to plant in the President's mind now? Believe it or not, Mr. President, your secretary paid more Federal taxes last year than all those giant companies put together. The President flushed, a sure sign of surprise and discomfort. I just cannot believe that, he said. His Treasury Secretary says, I do not blame you for doubting it, but it is the truth. I checked it out. It is perfectly legal, but it is wrong, Mr. President, when a hard-working secretary pays more to support her government than 60 of the richest corporations in the land. He said, I agree, Don. I just did not realize that things had gotten that far out of line. Well, things are that far out of line and it seems to me that what we need is some of that getting disturbed, bothered, troubled when we have some of the largest corporations in the country either paying no tax or using these gimmicks to shift revenue offshore to avoid paying taxes. I would love to see someone in the White House, the economic advisors, or you now as the Deputy Director of OMB to get mighty mad at this situation. We are facing sequestration. It is incredibly bad. It is the wrong way to budget. Everybody knows that, I think. Just about everybody knows it. And to say that we are not going to do the right thing in terms of closing these loopholes unless we can get corporate rates reduced, it seems to me, is ignoring a very troubled reality, and that is something else which Donald Regan, a conservative Republican, said in his book. The accumulated weight of the inefficiency and selfishness that they had created had become a burden on the economy and an affront to economic and social justice. Donald Regan is talking about economic and social justice. If he can do it, I would hope the Administration can do it. I would hope the OMB can do it. The American people, by survey after survey, say they want these tax loopholes closed when they are informed particularly of the loopholes which allow corporations to shift revenue to a tax haven. And they are asked, No. 1, what do you want to do about it? End it. No. 2, what do you want to do with the revenue? They specifically say, in about a five-to-one margin, reduce the deficit, and fight to avoid cuts in education or in health care or in the infrastructure. That is what they want to do with it. You are going to be in a position where I would hope that there would be some serious thinking in the White House about whether or not we can, No. 1, continue a sequestration and if the way to avoid it is to get a balanced approach with revenues coming from a source that nobody can justify. I have not heard anybody justify these kind of loopholes. You can justify an oil and gas deduction. I do not favor it, but you can justify it. At least it is an incentive to produce oil and gas. You can justify accelerated depreciation, which I do favor, because it will give an incentive to buy equipment and new machinery, increase productivity, and create jobs. But these are at least arguably useful deductions. The ones I am talking about, which have been sent consistently, regularly to your office, have no economic justification. They ought to be closed if we had no deficit, but surely with a deficit and sequestration, I would hope that you will take another look at these and not link their closing to reducing corporate tax rates. There is no logic to that. If these are unfair, unjustified tax loopholes, we need the revenue and we ought to get it, surely, as part of a balanced approach to deficit reduction. So you have already commented on that and I just would leave that thought in your mind as you are hopefully confirmed to be the Deputy at OMB. There are lots of other issues, obviously, that you have to face. It is a huge job. We wish you well. Mr. Deese. Senator, thank you, and I will say that I am happy to look further into that and to work with you and your office on that issue if confirmed. Senator Levin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Carper. Thank you, Senator Levin. There has been no shortage of initiatives that have focused on Medicare led by people like Alice Rivlin, people that include like Tom Daschle, and folks that are practitioners, very smart people, Jonathan Gruber from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), that have actually looked at Medicare and said, These are some ways where we can save some money, save these programs in the long haul, and do so in a way that does not savage older people or poor people. What do you think are some of the most promising ideas? Not the ones we absolutely have to do, but what do you think are some more promising ideas that you have heard? Mr. Deese. Well, I think all of the most promising ideas share a similar character which is they go at incentives. And so, the accountable care organizations that we were talking about earlier try to address the incentives for teams of doctors to try to focus on outcomes rather than inputs. Another specific example is how to get at the issue of bad debt payments. If a hospital cannot collect bad debt payments, then Medicare reimburses. And what that creates is a system where there is no accountability, there is limited incentive to actually go out and seek reimbursement. I think that is a place where if we were to change some of the rules in Medicare we could try to put more of an incentive for hospitals to take on that kind of activity on their own. That is another way, again, where I think what you do is you are driving efficiency by changing incentives. And I think that we also have to be willing to look at whether there are things that we should do with respect to, on the beneficiary side, that are smart and that meet the principle of strengthening the program and strengthening the core commitment of the program. And so, I think it is appropriate to look at means testing Medicare. I think the President has put a proposal out that I think makes some sense, because as part of these overall reforms, I think we have to ask the questions about whether those who are the most fortunate should be paying a little bit more. It is still going to be a good deal for them as part of the system. So I think that if you can package together a set of these types of reforms that go after incentives that make sure that we are putting a program into the future that is actually going to be able to be viable, then that is the way we are going to start making progress. Chairman Carper. Dr. Coburn could not join us today. I do not think he is going to be able to arrive before our hearing concludes. But among the many issues that he has been focused on and has done a lot of work, with the help of his staff, is on the area of duplication. With an enterprise as large as the Federal Government we should not be surprised that there is duplication. There is in any large corporation and we have it in spades in the Federal Government, as you know. The GAO has given both Congress and the Administration a number of recommendations to reduce duplication and there is a whole lot of work to be done. How will you work in your new post, if confirmed, to go after some of that duplication? Mr. Deese. Well, the issue is one that I know Dr. Coburn has taken a leadership role on and others in the Committee as well, and I think that GAO is playing a constructive role in the process by doing a set of reports that actually help to identify and flesh out because it helps focus attention and identify areas for progress. I think in the role, if confirmed, I would approach the issue from two ways. One is, where are there places within the Executive Branch's authority today that we can help make progress in addressing inefficient duplication? I know there is a whole range of proposals that have been put on the table and I think the Administration has already started to make progress on a number of counts. But if confirmed, I want to ask a set of questions about where are we and can we accelerate some of that, some of that progress. And in places where we have not moved, why is it? And are we sure that we cannot make some progress there as well. And then the second is in trying to work with Members of this Committee to identify where are the highest value places where legislation may be needed, but where we think there is a pragmatic opportunity to actually make progress. So the President's budget puts forward a couple specific proposals on duplication, one in the area of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) where we have a myriad of programs across the government, all well-meaning, but a real opportunity to deliver better results if we consolidate programs. And likewise in the area of job training. But what I would like to do if confirmed is understand and learn from Members of this Committee where you think and where we think we could actually make some tangible progress in the legislative front and then try to build some momentum there. Chairman Carper. One of the things I would keep in mind, if you have, we will say, 100 programs across the government that are focused on raising student achievement in the science, technology, engineering, math fields, one of the logical steps would be, in my judgment, is to be able to measure which of these programs are getting the kind of result that we are looking for and which ones are not, and being able to push more money toward the ones that are working and less money toward those that are not. That means we have to be able to measure progress and then be able to convince folks like Senator Levin, Dr. Coburn, and myself of that. I want to just focus a little bit on one of the areas that Dr. Coburn and I and others on this Committee have focused on which is improper payments. People looked pretty amazed to find out about 10 years ago, that the amount of improper payments that our Federal Government was paying were largely mistakes, counting errors, duplicate payments, or erroneous refunds. But in there we found that it added up to about, I want to say about $40 billion when we first passed legislation, I think, in 2002, that said Federal agencies have to start reporting your improper payments. Not everybody did right away, but over time, more and more did. We finally passed legislation about 2010--Dr. Coburn and I co-authored it--on improper payments that said basically four things. Not only, Federal agencies, do we want you to report improper payments, we want you to stop making them. And we also want you to go out and recover improper payments when you report all this, and we want to start rewarding or incentivizing managers. Part of their performance evaluation is to be evaluated on how well they and their agencies reduce improper payments, and recover over-payments. We saw, I think in 2010, improper payments peak out at about $121 billion. It is a lot of money. And we have seen the numbers drop over the last 2 years now down to about $108 billion. I think a reduction, if my number if right, about $13 billion over 2 years. Pretty encouraging. We still have a lot out there. And at the same time, I think we have seen recoveries of improper payments where we have gone out and recovered, I think, between $4 billion and $5 billion maybe in the last year or so. But there is plenty of work still to do. I am going to ask you just to take a moment and think out loud for us, if you will, what more we can do to go after that $108 billion number of improper payments. Mr. Deese. Yes. Chairman Carper. That is not all fraud. I mean, a lot of it is not even fraud. It is just mistakes. Mr. Deese. I think that it is a very important issue and I think that you are right that while we have seen some real tangible progress and some that is stemming from the important legislation that you and others have worked on and passed, the current level is unacceptably high, and so we have to be committed to moving to do more. I guess when I think about how to do that, I think about two issues. One is technology and data, and the other is evidence. And so, on the technology and data side, I think that as I understand it, a lot of the issues associated with improper payments are a function of not having effective data sharing between agencies to actually identify whether and when payments should and should not be made. And so, I think there are opportunities to try to improve the way that we are sharing data through better use of technology. And we have to be careful about protecting privacy in that process, but I think that is an opportunity. The other place, and this goes back to some of the conversations we were having about Medicare, that I think that the program integrity efforts that we have identified that we know are based in evidence and can return several dollars, eight-to-one, nine-to-one returns include things like in Medicare and Social Security with respect to continuing disability reviews, and also at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Those are places where I think we know there is an opportunity and that we have evidence to back that up. And so, we should think about how we can do more in those spaces. Chairman Carper. One of the initiatives that Dr. Coburn and I worked on in the last Congress, something called the Medicare and Medicaid Fighting Fraud and Abuse to Save Taxpayers' Dollars Act (FAST Act), and the focus there is how do we save money, particularly in Medicare and Medicaid. We have had a situation for a number of years where dead doctors have provided medical services to folks who may be alive, but they may not be. They may not be eligible for services. And we see situations where we are paying enormous amounts of money, in some cases, for medical equipment. We are not using competition. We are finding out if we do, we could actually save some money. But Dr. Coburn and I are reintroducing an updated version of the FAST Act, probably in the next week or two, and certainly in the next month. And let me just ask, is this something that you have ever heard of? And if you have any thoughts about how we might work together on this? I would welcome those thoughts. Mr. Deese. I have heard of it. I am not that familiar with the legislation, and so I would want to hold off and actually take a look at the legislation before giving you a full response. But I think generally speaking, it is an area where I am very interested and I understand that there is real potential. And so, I would look forward to taking a look at that and working on the issue, if confirmed. Chairman Carper. All right. Thank you. I want to delve into an area called Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), and I do not know if you are at all familiar with that, but Congress, in 2010, updated the Act, thanks to the work of one of our former colleagues here, Danny Akaka from Hawaii. I think former Governor, now Senator, Mark Warner was involved in this. I worked on this, my staff and I, but it is a bipartisan kind of issue that our Republican colleagues, especially on this Committee, are very much interested in. But it requires, as you know, data-driven performance reviews. And I wonder if you could just tell us if you see this particular approach as a useful tool in measuring performance. And if you will, what should be the role of OMB in implementing this law? Mr. Deese. I think it is an incredibly valuable tool because one of the things that I think is very important when we think about performance in the government is setting priorities. And as Director Burwell has said on numerous occasions, if we try to do everything we will not do everything well. And I think that having a framework to actually set goals and set priorities, but then also use that as a way to actually drive real accountability and culture change within the agencies, that has got to be our objective. And I think, as you said, the GPRA framework allows us to do that. And I think one of the things that is important about that is the link between goal-setting and accountability. And so, I think, for example, when I go on the Web site and I can actually pull up a goal and I see the picture of the person at the agency, this is the senior level manager, this is the senior person who is accountable for executing on that goal. I think that is the kind of positive development that this framework allows, because ultimately, it is moving from a compliance mentality to more of an accountability mentality that I think is actually going to help get results. I think the role that OMB can play, my understanding is that OMB plays an important role in coordinating the goal- setting process across the agencies and then helping to make sure that agencies have the tools that they need to hit these accountability metrics. And so, that is certainly a role that I think is going to become even more important over time and something that I would want to prioritize myself if I were confirmed. Chairman Carper. It is not everybody who runs for office, who says I want to be a Senator, a Representative, President, or Vice President because I want to make sure that we do our dead-level best to use this GPRA law to get things done and to do more in a more cost-effective way. Not everybody wants to say, well, we have to figure out how many data centers that we are going to have and how much of our information we are going to put up on the cloud. You do not find many people who come here with the idea of doing those kinds of things. But everybody is intent on hammering down and getting rid of improper payments. We have been chasing down the fraud. But a lot of people on this Committee are. It is a Committee that draws and attracts those kind of people, in some cases, because we are former Governors or mayors or maybe attorneys general. I spoke earlier about the three things that I think are three components I hear over and over again, if we are serious about deficit reduction progress. One, we need some additional revenues closer to the level that persisted when balanced budgets were in the Clinton Administration or revenues as a percentage of GDP range between 19.5 and maybe 20.5 percent, or right around 20 percent. Spending was also right around 20 percent. And as Dr. Coburn suggested, it does not have to be based on rates. If we are smart about it, we will find other ways just to get the effective tax rate up by going after provisions in the Tax Code that, frankly, do not make a lot of sense, or maybe are unfair, and do not enhance economic development. The other thing that we need to do, and I keep coming back to this one, and we as Democrats especially need to keep this in mind is the third piece, how do we get better results for less money in everything we do. It almost is like a culture change where we look in every nook and cranny of the Federal Government and ask that question and try to move from a culture of spendthrift to a culture of thrift. It is hard for one Committee to do that. It is impossible. It is hard for one Committee, even if you have a lot of people who are interested in this stuff and folks on our staff, it is hard even if you work with OMB. It is hard to get that done. Even if you are working with the House, it is hard to get it done. It is hard if you are working with the Government Accountability Office or with all the IGs, all the inspector generals across the Federal Government. What we try to do is to leverage the effectiveness of our Committee in going after ineffective spending by partnering with all the above. And we need to--this is again, as I said, is a shared responsibility, all hands on deck. Would you just talk a little bit about how you think, in your position at OMB, how OMB can be maybe a better partner in that leveraging activities? Mr. Deese. Sure. I think there is a couple things that OMB is particularly well-positioned to do. I think the first is to invest in a relationship based on transparency and trust with both this Committee and some of the other actors that have a vital role to play in this overall process. And I think that having a sense that we are working together to set those priorities that I was just referring to, that we are looking for opportunities to incorporate different points of view. I think that is important in building a relationship that actually will be effective at getting things done, as you say, when it is an effort that is going to require everybody together. I think the other thing that OMB is very well-positioned and it plays to OMB's strengths is to provide best practices and information across the agencies. And so, whether it is on the IT side and doing things like, in a portfolio stat, you go into an agency and you really look top to bottom, what kind of technology improvements can be made, but then OMB is in a position to actually cross-fertilize and make sure that the lessons learned from that particular intervention are actually available to the other agencies. And so, I think, in a very pragmatic way, we at OMB need to make sure that we are using that resource as effectively as possible and need input on how we can do that better. And then I think the third area really is in helping to set the priorities for the Federal Government because the policy process that OMB can oversee and the fact that we have responsibility for the budget framework as well means that is the opportunity to make sure they are full integrated and that when you are trying to identify these areas to make government more efficient and effective, that they are reflected in the budget that is out there as well. So I think there are several opportunities where OMB can and should play a vital role. But I agree with your basic premise that at the end of the day, to make real progress, we all have to be working constructively and pragmatically together. That is, again, if confirmed, something that I appreciate and I want to learn more about from you and others. Chairman Carper. As it turns out, GAO can be enormously helpful in this area. Every other year actually, GAO puts out something they call their High Risk List, and someone asked me once, what is the High Risk List. It is a compliation of high risk ways to waste taxpayer money. They have a lot of ideas and they involve the way we manage our data, they have the way we procure our weapon systems where they contract for all kinds of things, the way we handle our Federal property and dispose of Federal property or do not. I call the GAO High Risk List this Committee's to-do list. And I would just suggest that for OMB, it is not a bad to- do list for the Administration. And again, it is so hard to get anything done around here, even if we agree on things, but if you have a particular set of policy initiatives that really could, arguably, save a fair amount of money and the Administration is not only just talking about it but putting it in their budget. And you have GAO in their High Risk List saying these are things we need to do, we have the Committees in the Senate and in the House that are doing proper oversight that includes matching up behavior of Federal agencies and so forth, their policies, measuring those against the high risks from GAO, and then finding folks within the IGs ranks, inspector general ranks, and then outside of government groups like Citizens Against Government Waste and other kinds of organizations. If you can put them all together you can get actually a synergy going here. And I think we are going to need that in a huge way if we are serious about deficit reduction. That is the third piece. I have people all the time who say to me, I do not mind paying more taxes, but I do not want you to waste my money. You would be amazed how often I hear that. I do not mind paying more taxes. I do not want you to waste my money. And if we realize that more revenue is part of the solution, not necessarily higher rates, if we realize that more revenue is part of the solution. We realize that they are not anxious to pay more in revenue or taxes, but if you do, we do not want you to waste that money. If we can convince clearly people that are determined to work on that front as well, I think we help ourselves and our country in the end. Among the items on GAO's High Risk List many deal with building space. We own hundreds of thousands of pieces of property around the country and some of them are well-utilized, others are not. One of the things that troubles me--and Dr. Coburn focused on this almost as soon as he came to the Committee in 2005--was the way we lease space for Federal agencies to use when actually it would be more cost-effective to buy it. But if you buy it, you have to pay for it. You cannot, because we do not have a capital budget, you cannot basically write it off over time. You have to take it up right up front. A billion-dollar complex, its first year, you would have to offset it. That is a hard thing to do. Would you talk with us a little bit about that idea, a long-term lease versus actually paying something outright and how we deal with the scoring? Because the incentives are all wrong. It may be, in a lot of cases, more cost-effective to buy and to own than it is to lease long term. Can you talk to us about the incentives there and how, if anything, we can and do need to do? Mr. Deese. Sure. I mean, I think there is a real opportunity in better managing the Federal footprint, and I think there is an opportunity to actually generate savings, deficit reduction, but also to just operate our Federal facilities more efficiently and effectively. I think that the way to go about it is to think about how to create more tools to effectively manage this large footprint that we have. The issue that you mentioned is one of those tools. I think there are other tools that we should look at, and are there ways that agencies can swap facilities when that would be, an economic improvement for both agencies. I know that there is an initiative that has been undertaken to basically have PAYGO within an agency that says, you cannot expand in a new facility if you have not actually already looked at whether there are places where you need to consolidate. I think that is an effective forcing mechanism as well. I think if you put together these pieces and you look at what other pieces are out there, it is going to be those types of pieces together that are going to get us to a more efficient outcome, a more efficient management of the Federal footprint. It is a real opportunity and I think it is one that, if confirmed, I would want to work with you and your staff, as well as Dr. Coburn and his staff and others, to make sure that I fully understand exactly what type of tools are going to be the most effective, but I agree completely that we need more tools in the toolkit to try to go at this problem, and there is a real opportunity there. Chairman Carper. Maybe one last question. One of the things I like to do at a hearing, usually I do it at a hearing when there are a number of witnesses and where we are trying to develop consensus around a particular issue. We were doing that last week on, among other things, improper payments and how to reduce them. I am going to ask you to give a closing statement, not a long one, but just some things you would like to mention, maybe reemphasize, or some thoughts that have come to mind that you did not have a chance to put in your original statement, so think about that, if you will. The job of government with respect to job creation is, people think sometimes their Senators think that they create jobs, or Governors create jobs, or Presidents create jobs, and I always say, No, we do not create jobs. What we do is help create the nurturing environment for job creation, which is workforce, infrastructure, access to capital, common-sense regulation. There are about 7 or 8 million jobs in the country that depend on a vibrant and cost-effective Postal Service and we have been wrestling for a couple years now to try to get it right in a day and age where you have people change very dramatically the way they communicate. As you know, first-class mail volume is way down. And that we still need a Postal Service. But I do not know if you have any thoughts about how to move us toward a vibrant, sustainable system where we can maybe maintain a unique distribution system that we have, but find ways to use that to generate more revenues, just to be more innovative. But we need thoughts you have on the postal reform, which I think is going to be seriously addressed this spring and this summer. My hope is that we will be able to find common ground not only here in the Senate, but also in the House and with the Administration. Mr. Deese. Well, I think it is an important area to find common ground because this is, as you say, a service that provides a vital service to Americans, but also, as currently structured, is unsustainable and if left unaddressed, is going to end up being a harder problem to solve and one that could potentially be a larger liability for taxpayers down the road. So I think this is the moment to try to take a very serious look at reform. And I know that the President's budget has put forward an approach to reform. I know that others have thought very deeply about what the right approach to do that is. I do not have a particular magic formula in that respect, but I do think that the right way to go at this issue is to look for the areas of common ground and try to build a consensus, that if addressed now and in a sensible way, this will be easier. It is never going to be easy, but it is going to be easier now if we address this in a sensible way than if we leave it and wait and have to address a bigger problem down the road. Chairman Carper. Good. Well, if you are confirmed, it is one of the first things that we are going to try to hammer out, we will certainly need your involvement and guidance and support in doing that. If you have a just brief closing statement you would like to offer, we are all ears. We would like to hear it. Mr. Deese. Sure. Well, first of all, thank you for this hearing and again the opportunity to speak with you and with Senator Levin. I look forward to speaking with other Members of the Committee. And I guess in addition to what I have said, I guess I would just say this, that I understand that we face very serious challenges as a country, economic challenges and fiscal challenges, but I am also very energized by the opportunity ahead and the potential opportunity if confirmed for this role at OMB. And I think that in addition to the opportunity to work with a second-to-none professional staff at OMB, the opportunity to be part of a pragmatic group, as you said, this Committee and other stakeholders that you have identified, that are trying to actually just identify where can we find good ideas and how can we move forward to show the American people that we can be effective stewards of taxpayer dollars. We can do more with less, we can operate their government more efficiently. It is something that is extremely exciting for me and, again, I am very humbled and honored to be here and thank you for your time. Chairman Carper. Well, we thank you for your time. We thank you for your willingness to take this on. I want to thank your mom and dad, David and Patricia, for raising you and your sister Heather to be so smart and to have good values and a good work ethic and good judgment in spouses. Kara, we are grateful for your willingness to share your husband with us. It is a sacrifice to do these kinds of things. We are mindful it is not just a sacrifice on his part, but on yours as well. I am deeply grateful. And I look forward to working with you if confirmed, look forward to working with you closely going forward. I will close with the words I used earlier. A big part of what we need to do is find out what works and do more of that, find out what works and do more of that. And it is not any one person's responsibility. It is not mine, it is not yours, it is not the responsibility of Sylvia Mathews Burwell, it is not the OMB Deputy for Management. It is everybody's responsibility. And we look forward to finding those ideas that work and doing more of that and seeing if we cannot continue the progress we are making in getting this country moving in the right direction in terms of our economy, but also keeping our deficit moving in the right direction and that is down. We are anxious to get you on the job and at work so we can continue that progress. I understand, according to our crack staff back here, that the hearing record will remain open until close of business tomorrow. That is May 14 at 5 p.m. for the submission of statements and questions for the record. Have you had a chance to meet with most of the Members of our Committee? Mr. Deese. I have had a chance to meet with some of them, yes. Chairman Carper. Yes. You want to meet with as many of us as you can. Not everybody can. Some people serve on five Committees and they are--we are all busy. But I would urge you to make yourself as available as you can. That will help you, and in the end, it will help us to move your nomination along promptly. I think that is a wrap. Thank you so much. And with that, this hearing is adjourned. Thanks so much. [Whereupon, at 4:32 p.m., the hearing was adjourned.] A P P E N D I X ---------- [GRAPHICS NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT]