[Senate Hearing 113-270]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
S. Hrg. 113-270
JANUARY 31; FEBRUARY 12, 14, 28; APRIL 11; JULY 18, 25, 30;
Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services
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S. Hrg. 113-270
JANUARY 31; FEBRUARY 12, 14, 28; APRIL 11; JULY 18, 25, 30; SEPTEMBER
19; OCTOBER 10, 2013
Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services
Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.fdsys.gov/
CARL LEVIN, Michigan, Chairman
JACK REED, Rhode Island JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma
KAY R. HAGAN, North Carolina ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi
JOE MANCHIN III, West Virginia KELLY AYOTTE, New Hampshire
TIM KAINE, Virginia TED CRUZ, Texas
Peter K. Levine, Staff Director
John A. Bonsell, Minority Staff Director
january 31, 2013
Nomination of Hon. Charles T. Hagel to be Secretary of Defense... 1
Statements of:
Nunn, Hon. Sam, U.S. Senator from the State of Georgia, Retired.. 6
Warner, Hon. John, U.S. Senator from the State of Virginia,
Retired........................................................ 9
Hagel, Hon. Charles T., to be Secretary of Defense............... 12
february 12, 2013
Business Meeting to Consider the Nomination of the Honorable
Charles T. Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense................ 313
february 14, 2013
Nominations of GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, USA, for Reappointment to
the Grade of General and to be Commander, U.S. Central Command;
and GEN David M. Rodriguez, USA, for Reappointment to the Grade
of General and to be Commander, U.S. Africa Command............ 355
Statements of:
Austin, GEN Lloyd J., III, USA, for Reappointment to the Grade of
General and to be Commander, U.S. Central Command.............. 360
Rodriguez, GEN David M., USA, for Reappointment to the Grade of
General and to be Commander, U.S. Africa Command............... 361
february 28, 2013
Nominations of Hon. Alan F. Estevez to be Principal Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics; Mr. Frederick E. Vollrath to be Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Readiness and Force Management; and Mr. Eric K.
Fanning to be Under Secretary of the Air Force................. 529
Statements of:
Estevez, Hon. Alan F., to be Principal Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics............. 532
Vollrath, Mr. Frederick E., to be Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Readiness and Force Management............................. 533
Fanning, Mr. Eric K., to be Under Secretary of the Air Force..... 534
april 11, 2013
Nomination of Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, USAF, for Reappointment
to the Grade of General and to be Commander, U.S. European
Command and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe................... 687
Statement of:
Breedlove, Gen. Philip M., USAF, for Reappointment to the Grade
of General and to be Commander, U.S. European Command, and
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe............................... 692
july 18, 2013
Nominations of GEN Martin E. Dempsey, USA, for Reappointment to
the Grade of General and Reappointment as Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff; and ADM James A. Winnefeld, Jr., USN, for
Reappointment to the Grade of Admiral and Reappointment as Vice
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.......................... 765
Statements of:
Dempsey, GEN Martin E., USA, for Reappointment to the Grade of
General and Reappointment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff.......................................................... 769
Winnefeld, ADM James A., Jr., USN, for Reappointment to the Grade
of Admiral and Reappointment as Vice Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff................................................ 772
july 25, 2013
Nominations of Hon. Stephen W. Preston to be General Counsel of
the Department of Defense; Hon. Jon T. Rymer to be Inspector
General of the Department of Defense; Ms. Susan J. Rabern to be
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management and
Comptroller; and Mr. Dennis V. McGinn to be Assistant Secretary
of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment......... 949
Statements of:
Warner, Hon. John, U.S. Senator from the State of Virginia,
Retired........................................................ 953
Preston, Hon. Stephen W., to be General Counsel of the Department
of Defense..................................................... 956
Rymer, Hon. Jon T., to be Inspector General of the Department of
Defense........................................................ 957
Rabern, Ms. Susan J., to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy for
Financial Management and Comptroller........................... 958
McGinn, Mr. Dennis V., to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy for
Energy, Installations, and Environment......................... 959
july 30, 2013
Nominations of ADM Cecil E.D. Haney, USN, for Reappointment to
the Grade of Admiral and to be Commander, U.S. Strategic
Command; and LTG Curtis M. Scaparrotti, USA, to be General and
Commander, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/U.S.
Forces Korea................................................... 1081
Statements of:
Haney, ADM Cecil E.D., USN, for Reappointment to the Grade of
Admiral and to be Commander, U.S. Strategic Command............ 1084
Scaparrotti, LTG Curtis M., USA, to be General and Commander,
United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/U.S. Forces
Korea.......................................................... 1085
september 19, 2013
Nominations of Hon. Deborah Lee James to be Secretary of the Air
Force; Hon. Jessica Garfola Wright to be Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness; Mr. Frank G. Klotz to be
Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security; Mr. Marcel J.
Lettre II to be Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Intelligence; and Mr. Kevin A. Ohlson to be a Judge of the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Armed Services........................ 1157
Statements of:
Conrad, Hon. Kent, U.S. Senator from the State of North Dakota,
Retired........................................................ 1161
James, Hon. Deborah Lee, to be Secretary of the Air Force........ 1163
Wright, Jessica Garfola, to be Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness........................................ 1164
Klotz, Mr. Frank G., to be Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear
Security....................................................... 1166
Lettre, Mr. Marcel J., II, to be Principal Deputy Under Secretary
of Defense for Intelligence.................................... 1168
Ohlson, Mr. Kevin A., to be a Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Armed Services......................................... 1169
october 10, 2013
Nominations of Mr. Michael D. Lumpkin to be Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict;
Hon. Jamie M. Morin to be Director of Cost Assessment and
Program Evaluation (CAPE), Department of Defense; and Hon. Jo
Ann Rooney to be Under Secretary of the Navy................... 1353
Statements of:
Hoeven, Hon. John, U.S. Senator from the State of North Dakota... 1358
Morin, Hon. Jamie M., to be Director of Cost Assessment and
Program Evaluation, Department of Defense...................... 1361
Lumpkin, Mr. Michael D., to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict.................. 1362
Rooney, Hon. Jo Ann, to be Under Secretary of the Navy........... 1363
APPENDIX......................................................... 1485
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Armed Services,
Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:32 a.m. in room
SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Carl Levin
(chairman) presiding.
Committee members present: Senators Levin, Reed, Nelson,
McCaskill, Udall, Hagan, Manchin, Shaheen, Gillibrand,
Blumenthal, Donnelly, Hirono, Kaine, King, Inhofe, McCain,
Sessions, Chambliss, Wicker, Ayotte, Fischer, Graham, Vitter,
Blunt, Lee, and Cruz.
Committee staff members present: Richard D. DeBobes, staff
director; Travis E. Smith, chief clerk; Leah C. Brewer,
nominations and hearings clerk; and Mary J. Kyle, legislative
Majority staff members present: Jonathan D. Clark, counsel;
Jonathan S. Epstein, counsel; Gabriella E. Fahrer, counsel;
Richard W. Fieldhouse, professional staff member; Creighton
Greene, professional staff member; Michael J. Kuiken,
professional staff member; Gerald J. Leeling, counsel; Peter K.
Levine, general counsel; Jason W. Maroney, counsel; Thomas K.
McConnell, professional staff member; William G.P. Monahan,
counsel; Michael J. Noblet, professional staff member; Roy F.
Phillips, professional staff member; John H. Quirk V,
professional staff member; Robie I. Samanta Roy, professional
staff member; Russell L. Shaffer, counsel; and William K.
Sutey, professional staff member.
Minority staff members present: John A. Bonsell, minority
staff director; Adam J. Barker, professional staff member;
Steven M. Barney, minority counsel; Thomas W. Goffus,
professional staff member; Ambrose R. Hock, professional staff
member; Anthony J. Lazarski, professional staff member; Daniel
A. Lerner, professional staff member; Lucian L. Niemeyer,
professional staff member; and Robert M. Soofer, professional
staff member.
Staff assistants present: Jennifer R. Knowles, Mariah K.
McNamara, and Brian F. Sebold.
Committee members' assistants present: Carolyn Chuhta,
assistant to Senator Reed; Jeff Fatora, assistant to Senator
Nelson; Jason Rauch, assistant to Senator McCaskill; Casey
Howard, assistant to Senator Udall; Brian Nagle, assistant to
Senator Hagan; Patrick Hayes, assistant to Senator Manchin;
Chad Kreikemeier, assistant to Senator Shaheen; Elana Broitman,
assistant to Senator Gillilbrand; Ethan Saxon, assistant to
Senator Blumenthal; Marta McLellan Ross, assistant to Senator
Donnelly; Nick Ikeda, assistant to Senator Hirono; Jim Catella,
assistant to Senator King; Paul C. Hutton IV, assistant to
Senator McCain; T. Finch Fulton and Lenwood Landrum, assistants
to Senator Sessions; Joseph Lai, assistant to Senator Wicker;
Brad Bowman, assistant to Senator Ayotte; Craig Abele,
assistant to Senator Graham; Charles Prosch, assistant to
Senator Blunt; Peter Blair, assistant to Senator Lee; and
Brooke Bacak, assistant to Senator Cruz.
Chairman Levin. Good morning. The committee meets today to
consider the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to be
Secretary of Defense.
Before we begin, I want to first welcome Senator Inhofe as
the new ranking Republican on our committee, succeeding Senator
McCain. Senator McCain has been a great partner over the last 6
years, and I thank him for all that he has done to get our
bills enacted, for all of his leadership on a host of issues,
for his support of the work of this committee, and for always
keeping our hearings lively.
Senator Inhofe has shown his strong commitment to the
national defense over his 20 years on this committee, and I
know that we are going to work well together to continue the
bipartisan tradition of the committee.
We're also pleased to welcome the eight Senators who are
joining the committee this year, both those who are new to the
Senate and those who are new to our committee--Senators
Donnelly, Hirono, Kaine, and King on the Democratic side, and
Senators Blunt, Cruz, Fischer, and Lee on the Republican side.
You will all find that this is a wonderful committee where we
work across party lines to support our troops and their
families and their national defense mission.
I would also like to pause for a moment to offer my thanks
and the thanks of our committee to Secretary Leon Panetta, who
delayed his retirement and his return to California to serve
our country first as Director of Central Intelligence and then
as Secretary of Defense. Secretary Panetta has provided a
steady hand at the Department of Defense (DOD) through 2 very
difficult years, and has earned our great respect and our
Finally before we get started, I would like to announce
that the committee will be holding hearings next week on
Benghazi and the week thereafter on the impact of the sequester
on DOD.
Senator Hagel, we welcome you to the Senate Armed Services
Committee and as an old friend of those of us with whom you
served during your years in the Senate. There are few jobs that
are more demanding than the position to which you have been
nominated. The hours are long and extremely challenging, and
require sacrifices from both the Secretary and his family.
We traditionally give our nominees an opportunity to
introduce their families at these hearings, and we would
welcome your doing so during your opening statement.
If confirmed, Senator Hagel would be the first former
enlisted man and the first veteran of the Vietnam war to serve
as Secretary of Defense. You cannot read Senator Hagel's
account of his military service and not be impressed by it. As
Senator Hagel explained a few years ago, ``Probably most
fundamental for me when we talk of going to war, we need to
think it through carefully, not just for the political, and the
geopolitical, and the diplomatic, and the economic
consequences, and those are important. But at least for me,''
he said, ``this old infantry sergeant thinks about when I was
in Vietnam in 1968, someone needs to represent that perspective
in our Government as well. The people in Washington make the
policy, but it's the little guys who come back in the body
Senator Hagel's background provides an invaluable
perspective, not only with respect to the difficult decisions
and recommendations that a Secretary of Defense must make
regarding the use of force and the commitment of U.S. troops
overseas, but also with respect to the day-to-day decisions
that a secretary must make to ensure that our men and women in
uniform and their families receive the support and assistance
that they need and deserve.
It would be a positive message for our soldiers, sailors,
airmen, and marines in harm's way around the world to know that
one of their own holds the highest office in DOD, and that he
has their backs.
Senator Hagel, you would be in a position to make key
recommendations regarding Afghanistan, where we are down to the
pre-surge level of troops with 66,000 military personnel in the
country. The Secretary of Defense is called upon to advise the
President on the size and mission of a post-2014 residual
force, and the pace of the drawdown between now and the end of
2014. The key to this transition is ensuring the readiness and
ability of Afghanistan security forces to take over the defense
of their own country. I have always believed that should be our
main mission and its key to success.
During my trip to Afghanistan with Senator Jack Reed last
month, we heard from U.S. commanders on the ground that
Afghanistan security forces are operating on their own on most
operations, including conducting more than 85 percent of
operations with limited or no U.S. support in the difficult
Regional Command East. Yet difficult obstacles remain to the
process of reducing our forces and shifting responsibility to
Afghanistan forces, including the difficulty of negotiating a
status of forces agreement, including recent reports that the
Afghanistan Government might slow down a successful program of
growing and training the Afghanistan Local Police, and
including questions about the current plan to reduce the size
of the Afghanistan National Security Forces from 352,000 to
around 230,000 after 2015.
We face a number of new and growing threats elsewhere in
the world, such as the ongoing threat posed by Iran's nuclear
weapons program and the increasingly destructive civil war in
Syria with the risk that conflict could result in the loss of
control over that country's substantial stockpile of chemical
weapons. There's also the continuing instability in other
countries affected by the Arab Spring, the growth of al Qaeda
affiliates in ungoverned regions, including Yemen, Somalia, and
North Africa, and the continued unpredictable behavior of a
nuclear armed regime in North Korea.
We face these challenges at a time when the DOD budget is
under a unique pressure as a result of cuts previously agreed
upon by Congress, the budgeting by Continuing Resolution (CR),
and the impending threat of a sequester. Secretary Panetta has
said that a sequester would be devastating for our military.
Senator Hagel's views today on the CR and the sequester will be
of great interest to this committee and to the Nation.
Those of us who have served with Senator Hagel in the
Senate know that he is a man who is not afraid to speak his
mind. Senator Hagel has made a number of statements over the
course of his career which committee members will ask him about
during today's hearing. For example, Senator Hagel has stated
that unilateral sanctions against Iran, ``are exactly the wrong
approach,'' and that, ``they are the worst thing we can do
would be to try to isolate Iran''. I believe that while
effective multilateral sanctions are preferable, that
unilateral sanctions are an important part of the approach that
the Obama administration has followed, and that Congress has
supported. It appears that sanctions are producing tremendous
pressure on Iran.
Another statement which has raised concern is Senator
Hagel's recommendation that we conduct, ``direct,
unconditional, and comprehensive talks with the Government of
Iran''. Now while there is value in communicating with our
adversaries, the formulation used by Senator Hagel seemed to
imply a willingness to talk to Iran on some issues that I
believe that most of us would view as non-negotiable, and,
therefore, any willingness to talk to Iran would need to be
highly conditional. Senator Hagel's reassurance to me in my
office that he supports the Obama administration's strong
stance against Iran is significant, and we look forward to
hearing from Senator Hagel today in some depth on that subject.
We will also be interested in Senator Hagel's addressing
troubling statements that he has made about Israel and its
supporters here in the United States, a statement in 2008 that
our policy of non-engagement with the Syrians, ``has isolated
us more than the Syrians,'' and a 2009 statement that ``we
should not isolate Hamas, a terrorist organization''.
There is much to be explored at this hearing, but as we
struggle with the difficult security challenges facing our
Nation, the President needs to have a Secretary of Defense in
whom he has trust, who will give him unvarnished advice, a
person of integrity, and one who has a personal understanding
of the consequences of decisions relative to the use of
military force. Senator Hagel certainly has those critically
important qualifications to lead DOD.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First of all, I
would like to echo your remarks about Secretary Panetta and the
work that he has done. I do not see him here today, but I do
recall when he was first nominated, I was probably one of the
first phone calls to him, and I have enjoyed working with him.
With Senator McCain, I feel the same way. I will certainly
continue to depend on his counsel, and you and I have worked
very well together in the past.
Mr. Chairman, before I continue my opening statement, I
would like to raise a concern about the sufficiency of
materials provided to this committee by our nominee. Senator
Hagel was requested to provide the speeches he has delivered
over the last 5 years, yet his initial submission was for only
four speeches. Even though, as was noticed by Senator Cruz that
he had honoraria for 12 speeches, but submitted 4 speeches. We
received some more, but only late last night. I think it would
have been a lot more helpful if we had received them before
that, and I am hoping that we will be able to get that
information before we have to cast votes on this nominee. Thank
you, Mr. Chairman.
The President's nomination of Senator Hagel to serve as the
next Secretary of Defense comes at a critical juncture in our
military and national security interests. Senator Hagel is a
good man who has a record of service. I first learned of that
when he was first elected, and I have been a great admirer of
the time that he spent in Vietnam and the sacrifices that he
While his service is commendable, the fate of his
nomination should be decided by the totality of his record. It
is the votes that he has cast, the statements that he has made
over the many years of his career that will inform us as to his
judgment, his view of America's role in the world, and his view
of the military required to support that role.
As I told Senator Hagel in my office over 2 weeks ago, that
after a long and careful review of his record, and there are
things that he has said and there are things that I have
personally experienced with him, that we are too
philosophically opposed on the pressing issues facing our
country, for me to support his nomination. Therefore, I told
him I would not be supporting his nomination.
His record demonstrates what I view as a lack of steadfast
opposition to policies that diminish U.S. power and influence
throughout the world, as well as a recent trend of policy
reversals that seem based on political expediency rather than
on core beliefs.
On many of the security challenges facing U.S. interests
around the world, Senator Hagel's record is deeply troubling
and out of the mainstream. Too often, it seems, he is willing
to subscribe to a worldwide view that is predicated on
appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends. I
remember quoting Hiram Mann, who said, ``No man survives when
freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails, and those who
cry `appease, appease' are hanged by those they tried to
I am mentioning a few of these things because they are
going to come out in this hearing. In 2000, an overwhelming
majority of Senators sent a letter to President Clinton
reaffirming our solidarity with Israel. I was one of them who
carried that letter around. I remember it well. Senator Hagel
was one of just four who refused to sign that letter, and I am
sure he will want to comment about that.
In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against
a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he
urged the Bush administration to support Iran's membership in
the World Trade Organization. Senator Hagel voted against a
resolution designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corp, a group
responsible for killing American soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan, as a terrorist organization. On multiple
occasions, he has advocated for direct negotiations with Iran,
a regime that continues to repress its people, doggedly pursue
a nuclear weapon capability, and employ terrorist proxies,
including Hamas, Hezbollah, who threaten the security of Israel
and the region.
Senator Hagel has also been an outspoken supporter of the
nuclear disarmament and the Global Zero movement. We are very
sensitive to that, and we know that the President has said many
times he wants a nuclear free world, and I know that Senator
Hagel is right there with him. But at a time when North Korea's
belligerent actions threaten our allies with their nuclear
capabilities and security of our own Nation and that of our
allies, why would we want to unilaterally disarm ourselves of
nuclear capability?
Of late, however, Senator Hagel has expressed views in
meetings with Senate colleagues, I have been informed, and
through the press that appear glaringly at odds with many of
his long-held positions, particularly on issues dealing with
Israel, Iran, and our nuclear arsenal. This apparent
willingness to walk back or alter his position, possibly for
the sake of political expediency on such important issues, is
deeply troubling and sends a concerning message to our allies
and adversaries alike.
Though I respect Senator Hagel, his record to date
demonstrates that he would be a staunch advocate for the
continuation of the misguided policies of the President's first
term. Retreating from America's unique global leadership role
and shrinking the military will not make America safer. On the
contrary, it will embolden our enemies, endanger our allies,
and provide opportunity for nations that do not share our
interests to fill a global leadership vacuum we leave behind.
It is for these reasons that I believe that he is the wrong
person to lead the Pentagon at this perilous and consequential
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
We have two former chairmen of this committee with us to
introduce Senator Hagel. No Senator has had two dearer friends
or better mentors than I have had with Senators Nunn and
Warner. I just want to welcome them back to this committee. I
do not have to tell them that they are among dear, dear
friends, those of us who have known them and who have worked
with them. It is a real, real treat actually to welcome you
back to the committee.
I think I will call on you, Senator Nunn, first. I think we
will call on you alphabetically. I do not have any better way
to do it. Sam, welcome back.
Senator Nunn. First, for the record, seniority and age are
two different things. [Laughter.]
Chairman Levin, Ranking Member Inhofe, members of the Armed
Services Committee, I am honored to join John Warner in
presenting our friend, Chuck Hagel, to the committee and
recommending that Chuck be confirmed as our Nation's 24th
Secretary of Defense.
I think it is worth noting that 68 years ago this month,
John Warner enlisted in the U.S. Navy to fight in World War II.
That was the start of his great career of public service, and
John, I am very proud to be here by your side.
Mr. Chairman, I spent a lot of my Senate career sitting in
your seat waiting on a quorum. Congratulations on not having to
do that today. [Laughter.]
Chairman Levin. I do not how long it will last, but thanks
for pointing it out.
Senator Nunn. Mr. Chairman, I think it should be noted that
you and Senator McCain have effectively guided this committee
in its important role as a compelling and absolutely essential
voice for a strong and effective defense. Together you have
managed to pass authorization bills, even during contentious
times. I thank you both for your dedicated service to our
Nation. I am confident, Mr. Chairman and Senator Inhofe, that
you will continue this tradition, and that Senator McCain will
still be a very valuable member and voice on this committee.
I believe that our Nation is fortunate to have a nominee
for Secretary of Defense with the character, the experience,
the courage, and the leadership that Chuck Hagel would bring to
this position. First, Chuck is acutely aware that even in an
age of rapid technological advances, our military capability
and effectiveness depend on the quality and the morale of the
people who serve our Nation in uniform, as well as the families
that support them.
Chuck received two Purple Hearts in Vietnam, and when he
returned home, he continued to fight for veterans and for
Active Duty military personnel. He knows that our people are
our strongest assets. Second, Chuck's experience in Vietnam
shaped his life and his perspective. War for Chuck Hagel is not
an attraction. I am confident that if confirmed he will ask the
hard and the smart questions before sending troops into battle.
Chuck Hagel knows that the United States has vital
interests that are worth fighting for and dying for. He also
knows that war should be a last resort and that our Nation must
effectively use all of our tools, not limited only to our
military, to protect our important and to protect our vital
Certainly, Mr. Chairman, there is a tension in these
values, but it is a tension that we should welcome in the
thought process and in the advice that our Secretary of Defense
gives to our Commander in Chief and to this Congress.
From our service together on the Defense Policy Board in
recent years, I know that Chuck Hagel has a clear world view,
and that it aligns with the mainstream of U.S. foreign and
defense policy, and also with President Obama. Chuck Hagel
believes that we must build and preserve American strength as a
force for good in the world. He recognizes that protecting our
interests requires strong allies and friends, as well as strong
American leadership.
Third, Chuck has the depth of experience and the leadership
skills required to handle this tough job. There is certainly no
shortage of security challenges around the world, as this
committee knows, and as you have enumerated this morning, Mr.
Chairman. A very large and impressive group of former Cabinet
officials and public servants from both sides of the aisle have
said that they trust Chuck Hagel with this important
responsibility. I strongly agree.
Fourth, on the fiscal side, I am confident that Chuck will
be a powerful advocate for a common sense approach, both within
the administration and here on Capitol Hill regarding fiscal
challenges to the defense budget. He understands that our
defense capabilities are being threatened on two budget fronts:
first, sequestration with its damaging across-the-board,
upfront budget cuts, and second, rapidly rising costs within
the Department's budget, including, but not limited to, health
care, personnel, and retirement costs.
Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I believe that
Chuck will work effectively with this committee and Congress in
meeting these budget challenges while protecting our people,
protecting our capabilities, and also while ensuring that the
United States has the strongest military in the world.
Chuck Hagel was a soldier and a Senator, but he has been
also a highly successful executive in both the public and
private sectors. He built a successful company from the ground
up. He is a man who knows how to prioritize, and he knows how
to make tough decisions. He will listen to and carefully
consider the views of our military and civilian leaders, and
guide them as necessary.
Fifth, I believe that Chuck Hagel will be a balanced and
responsible voice on nuclear weapons policy. President Reagan
said it often and said it well: ``a nuclear war cannot be won,
and it must not be fought.''
Mr. Chairman, as this committee knows, the risk of a global
nuclear war has thankfully, substantially declined since the
breakup of the Soviet Union. But with nine nations possessing
nuclear weapons, with nuclear weapons usable material and
knowledge spread across the globe, and with terrorists ready to
use a nuclear weapon if they manage to buy, steal, or make one,
we face enormous risk that a nuclear weapon will be used. If
proliferation continues in countries like Iran and North Korea,
and if we do not secure nuclear materials and weapons globally,
the odds of use will go up even more.
Six years ago George Schultz, Bill Perry, Henry Kissinger,
and I made the argument that we reduce reliance on nuclear
weapons as a vital contribution to preventing that
proliferation, keeping them out of dangerous hands, and
ultimately ending them as a threat to the world. Two-thirds of
living former Secretaries of State and Defense, and national
security advisors have agreed with the vision and the steps
that we outlined, including substantial work on verification
and enforcement.
Mr. Chairman, I hope that all members of the committee and
the Senate will read the recent statement by four credible and
very experienced Americans--Ambassador Tom Pickering,
Ambassador Richard Burt, General James Cartwright, and General
John Sheehan--about their work with Chuck Hagel on nuclear
weapons. They made it abundantly clear that they oppose
unilateral moves. They support bilateral negotiations. They
support verifiable U.S.-Russian arms reductions to be followed
by multilateral negotiations, bringing other nuclear weapons
countries into a serious and verifiable process of reductions.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, there are many essential
characteristics and values that a Secretary of Defense should
possess in our dangerous and challenging world. Let me name
just two or three that I think are very important.
First, someone who is well-informed, has an open mind,
engages in critical thinking, who is capable of and who seeks
out independent thought. Second, someone who sets aside fixed
ideologies and biases to honestly evaluate all options, and
then provides his or her candid judgment to the President and
to Congress. Third, someone who pays attention to people with
the best ideas, regardless of their party affiliation. No one
is perfect. We all know that. But Chuck Hagel comes as close as
anyone I know to having all of these qualities.
Mr. Chairman, Senator Inhofe, and members of the committee,
I served for 24 years on this important committee, and I
recognize that much has changed since I retired 16 years ago. I
continue to believe, however, that every major problem we face
today requires the best input from both political parties if we
are to arrive at a solution. I believe that Chuck Hagel will
seek that input. I urge his support by this committee, and I
urge the confirmation of his nomination by the U.S. Senate.
I thank the chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Nunn.
Senator Warner.
Senator Warner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is a moving
experience for me to reenter this room. I served on this
committee for 30 years. In that period of time, Senator Nunn
was the chairman, and I was the ranking. But I want to say to
you and Jim Inhofe--Jim and I have been good friends and we
worked together not only on this committee, but other
committees. You will be a splendid ranking member. You follow
in the steps of my dear and valued friend of so many years,
John McCain.
The leadership of this committee throughout my 30 years in
the Senate has been drawn from the ranks of the strongest and
the best of its membership. We have it today, and I have every
reason we will have it tomorrow.
I would like to say a word to the new members of this
committee. As I look back over a very fortunate record of
public service for many years, no chapter of my career was more
important than service on this committee. You will carry with
you for the rest of your life the recollections of the work
that you have done for one of America's most valued assets, the
men and the women and their families of the armed services of
the United States.
I have written out a nice long statement, and then last
night late I received Sam Nunn's statement and Chuck Hagel's
statement, and I said that I felt that another statement just
would not do. I would rather say just a few words from the
heart about the importance of what we have by way of decision
before all of us today.
I thank Senator Nunn for that reference of 68 years ago in
the Navy. I did no more than every other kid on my block. We
all went. But I would like to remind you that a half century
ago, you served in the Coast Guard. So, Grandpa, here is
another grandpa. [Laughter.]
Good friends, we thank Chuck Hagel, and Mrs. Hagel, and his
family because if confirmed, there is an enormous commitment by
the family to this position. Having known Lilibet and slightly
your children, you have made that decision to offer yourself
for continued public service. Public service is a privilege. I
have always regarded it as such.
I will not give a long statement. This statement by Senator
Hagel will soon be shared with you. I read it through not once,
twice, but again this morning. I say this carefully, I have
read the statements that have been placed before the members of
this committee for those 30 years. I have never read a more
carefully prepared statement, a more forthright statement, and
one that has no hedges or deviations. He hits firm on those
issues that will make the decision in your minds and that of
your colleagues as to whether or not he is qualified to take on
this very important assignment.
I first entered the Pentagon in 1969 during the war in
Vietnam under Melvin Laird. Jim Schlesinger followed, and I
have worked with every Secretary of Defense since that period
of time, all different, all with their strengths and indeed
some of their weaknesses. But set forth in this is a series of
commitments to you as a committee, to the members of the full
Senate, and to the American public as precisely what his goals
are and what he will do, how he will serve the President, how
he will give the President his best advice. I know Chuck to
give it very strongly.
I'm going to talk a little bit about Chuck Hagel, the man
that I served with for 12 years. My distinguished colleague and
long-time friend, Sam, had gone when Chuck arrived at the
Senate. The first year he was here, we had the defense
authorization bill on the floor. In those days, as it is today,
that bill goes on that floor, that bill stays on that floor,
sometimes a couple of days, sometimes a week, sometimes broken
up, but we get it through. When it's done, we go immediately
back to our committee spaces and begin to write that bill and
get it to the printer so that we can go to conference. How many
times have we done that together, Senator Nunn, Senator Levin,
Senator McCain, Senator Inhofe, many times.
The first year he was here, he watched that process, and
when I had taken the staff back to the committee room,
surprisingly he showed up. I didn't know him that well,
although I had studied his biography and I wanted to get to
know him because of my deep and abiding interesting in the
Vietnam period, having served for 5 years in that period as
Under Secretary of the Navy.
He strolled into the room and I introduced him to the
people. He said to the staff, you are one of the most
impressive group of young people I've ever seen. I learned a
lot. He shared some of histories as a simple, but elegant,
soldier that he was. That is the way he started, and thereafter
he voted for every single final passage of the authorization
bill, every single final passage of the appropriation bill.
He was at home and learned in that generation of Vietnam,
and I am so proud to have the affiliation of having been, yes,
in comparative safety at the Pentagon. But I did go to the
field of battle and see these young men and some women who
engaged in that struggle. Chuck Hagel brings with him the
experience of having come home to an America that was quite
different than what I experienced when my generation came home
from World War II. We were welcomed with open arms. America at
that time in Vietnam, and how well John McCain can remember
this, was very divided. When you wore your uniform back home,
it did not receive the same respect that it deserved for the
sacrifices that you and your colleagues had committed. Chuck
will never forget that. I will never forget it. John will never
forget it.
Today we welcome home and we do it with the fullest heart
the young men and women who serve, but there have been times in
history when that didn't happen, and that was one. That honed
him to be prepared to take on his responsibilities as he
addresses the declining budget situation, which is going to be
a challenge. I am absolutely certain that he will stand up and
fight as hard as two of his predecessors--Leon Panetta you
mentioned today, and Robert Gates. They gave their President
loyalty, but they gave him their best advice and tough advice,
and fought for their troops, and drilled down to what they have
to maintain whatever budget. Sequester is not the route. But
whatever budget, he will maintain morale and combat readiness.
Also, ladies and gentlemen, that pillar of strength of our
military system, the All-Volunteer Force.
We had drafts in Vietnam. We saw the effect of that. We
decided as a Nation to take a gamble, to let every person who
wished to wear the uniform, giving that opportunity and to
volunteer. No one is forced in there. That has to be
maintained. This man has the experience, gravitas, and the
strength to protect the All-Volunteer Force.
I also was deeply impressed by the Senate and the manner in
which it confirmed John Kerry. John Kerry was also in that
generation, and he served his trials and tribulations, and came
home and faced that public in the same way Chuck did. The
Senate confirmed him with a very strong vote. They sent him
away ready to take on the enormity of his responsibility.
Now I mention that because in my experience, I have seen a
good deal of camaraderie, but a good deal of competition
between the Secretaries of Defense and the Secretaries of
State. It is just sort of built in there, and sometimes a lot
of sand gets in that gear box. But it is important to the
United States that they, having the major jurisdiction over
most of the policy issues, work as a team.
John Kerry and Chuck Hagel are a band of brothers out of
Vietnam with that special bond, and I am sure that you will
utilize that and remember it, and make those two departments
performs their functions to best serve the President and to
best serve the country.
I have pretty well said everything I should say. I want to
be brief because it is important that this committee pursue its
work. But again, Bob Gates, Leon Panetta set the bar for this
century of those who take on this job. You mentioned your long
friendships, Chuck, and how you know both. I would keep close
contact. They have the experience to deal with this President
of the United States, and you are the President's choice.
Folks, there is an old saying in the combat Army infantry
and Marine Corps. ``Certain men are asked to take the point,''
which means to get out and lead in the face of the enemy. Chuck
Hagel did that as a sergeant in Vietnam. If confirmed, Chuck
Hagel will do it again, this time not before a platoon, but
before every man and woman and their families in the armed
services. You will lead them. They will know in their hearts we
have one of our own.
You are on your own, and good luck.
Senator Hagel. Thank you. [Laughter.]
Chairman Levin. We thank you both, Senator Warner, Senator
Nunn, for your extraordinarily powerful introductions. I just
wish every member of the Senate and every American could have
heard, and I hope will hear and read about what you said here
today about Chuck Hagel. I also noticed there is another former
Senator, who was a member of that band of brothers, who is with
us today. I just noticed in the audience Max Cleland is here,
and I want to welcome you, Max, too, as an old, old friend of
this committee, and the Senate, and of the Nation.
Let me now call on Senator Hagel. Senator Warner, Senator
Nunn, again, thank you for your introductions, and you are free
to get back to your lives or to stay as you wish.
Senator Hagel.
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Chairman Levin, Ranking Member
Inhofe, and distinguished members of the committee. I am
honored to come before you today as the President's nominee to
be the Secretary of Defense.
First, as you suggested, Mr. Chairman, let me introduce my
family--my wife, Lilibet. Our son Ziller, and our daughter,
Allyn, are not with us today. Our son, Ziller, claims he's
taking a test. We will confirm that later. But both are a son
and daughter that Lilibet and I are very proud of. I think like
any proud father and any proud mother, you all know how I feel
about that as you have the same feelings about your children.
It is the same way Lilibet and I feel about ours.
I also want to introduce my brother, Tom, who served with
me in Vietnam, my brother, Mike, who is our number three
brother, and I might add, who actually possesses any talent our
family has. He has in the Pentagon 10 paintings as Chairman of
the Air Force Artist Guild over the years, and they are hanging
in different locations in the Pentagon. We have one brother of
some acclaim, and one of us did make it, my brother, Mike.
Mike's son is sitting behind him, Josh. He is one of three
children that Mike has.
We have here also cousins, many friends, and people I owe
money to. [Laughter.]
Who knows who else since I have received some publicity
over the weeks.
I want to also thank my friends, Sam Nunn and John Warner.
I want to thank them for their support, their encouragement,
and their friendship over many years. As each of you who had
the privilege of serving with those Senators, I, too, add my
thanks for their tremendous service to our country. These two
distinguished Americans represent what is best about American
public service and responsible bipartisanship. They have
embodied both in their careers, long distinguished careers, and
are models for each of us.
Of course to my family and friends, and my fellow veterans
who are here, as has been noted, Max Cleland, Jan Scruggs, good
friends, veterans from all wars, who are here today who I
worked with for many, many years. I am grateful to them. Not
just to those friends, and supporters, and fellow veterans who
are here, but those who are not, thank you.
A life is only as good as the family and the friends you
have and the people you surround yourself with. I also want to
thank my friend, Leon Panetta, for his tremendous service to
our country over so many years. If I am given the privilege of
succeeding him, it will be a high honor.
President Obama for his confidence and trust in me, I thank
him. I am humbled by the opportunity and the possibility he has
given me to serve our country once again. I fully recognize the
immense responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense. I assured
the President that if I am confirmed by the U.S. Senate, I will
always do my best. I will always do my best for our Nation and
for the men and women and their families, who are called on to
make the enormous sacrifices of military service. Their safety,
success, and welfare will always be at the forefront of the
decisions I make.
I also assured the President that I would always provide
him with my most honest and informed advice. I make that same
commitment to this committee and to Congress. If confirmed, I
will reach out to the members of this committee for advice and
collaboration. It will be a partnership because the national
security challenges America faces require it.
Our Nation's security is the highest priority of our
leaders and our Government. We cannot allow the work of
confronting the great threats we face today to be held hostage
to partisanship on either side of the aisle, or by differences
between the bodies represented in Articles I and II of our
Constitution. The stakes are too high. Men and women of all
political philosophies, and parties, and ideas die and fight
for our country. As this committee knows so well, protecting
our national security or committing our Nation to war can never
become political litmus tests.
I know Secretary Panetta has put a strong emphasis on
reaching out to Congress. I, like Leon, come from Congress, and
respect and understand this institution's indispensable role in
setting policy and helping govern our country.
We are all products of the forces that shape us. For me,
there has been nothing more important in my life, or a more
defining influence on my life, than my family. Whether it was
helping my mother raise four boys after my father, a World War
II veteran who died suddenly at age 39 on Christmas Day, or
serving side by side with my brother Tom in Vietnam, or the
wonderful miracle of my wife Lilibet and me being blessed with
two beautiful children. That is who I am.
We each bring to our responsibilities frames of reference.
These frames of reference are formed by our life's experiences.
They help instruct our judgments. We build out from those
personal foundations by continually informing ourselves,
listening, and learning.
Like each of you, I have a record, a record that I am proud
of. I am proud of my record not because of any accomplishments
I may have achieved, or certainly because of an absence of
mistakes, but rather because I have tried to build that record
by living my life and fulfilling my responsibilities as
honestly as I knew how and with hard work. Underpinning
everything I have done in my life was the belief that we must
always be striving to make our Nation a better and more secure
place for all of our people.
During the 12 years I had the privilege of serving the
people of Nebraska in the U.S. Senate, I cast over 3,000 votes
and hundreds of committee votes. I have also given hundreds of
interviews and speeches and written a book. As you all know, I
am on the record. I am on the record on many issues.
But no one individual vote, no one individual quote, no one
individual statement defines me, my beliefs, or my record. My
overall world view has never changed: that America has and must
maintain the strongest military in the world, that we must lead
the international community to confront threats and challenges
together, and take advantage of opportunities together; that we
must use all our tools of American power to protect our
citizens and our interests. I believe, and I always have
believed, that America must engage in the world, not retreat
from the world, but engage with the world. My record is
consistent on these points.
It is clear that we are living at a defining time. Our
Nation is emerging from over a decade of war. We have brought
our men and women in uniform home from Iraq, and have started
to bring them home from Afghanistan.
That does not mean that the threats we face and will
continue to face are any less dangerous or complicated. In
fact, it is quite the opposite. Recent events in Mali and
Algeria remind us clearly of this reality. The 21st century
complexities, technologies, economies, and threats are bringing
the 7 billion global citizens closer together than ever before.
As our planet adds another 2 billion people over the next 25
years, the dangers, complications, and human demands will not
be lessened, but rather heightened.
Despite these challenges, I believe we also have historic
opportunities to help build a safer, more prosperous, more
secure, more hopeful, and more just world than maybe any time
in history of man, for all people. Yes, the curse of
intolerance, hatred, and danger exists around the world, and we
must continue to be clear-eyed about this danger, and we will
be. We will not hesitate to use the full force of the U.S.
military in defense of our security. But we must also be smart,
and, more importantly, wise, wise in how we employ all of our
Nation's great power.
America's continued leadership and strength at home and
abroad will be critically important for our country and the
world. While we will not hesitate to act unilaterally when
necessary, it is essential that we work closely with our allies
and partners to enhance America's influence and security, as
well as global security. If confirmed, I will continue to build
on the efforts of this administration and of former Secretary
Gates, Secretary Panetta, and Secretary Clinton to strengthen
our alliances and partnerships around the world. I will also
look forward to working with my former Senate colleague--your
colleague--and our friend, John Kerry, in this pursuit.
As I told the President, I am committed to his positions on
all issues of national security, specifically decisions that
DOD is in the process of implementing now. This includes the
Defense Strategic Guidance the President outlined in January
2012. Allow me to very briefly address a few of those specific
issues now.
First, we have a plan in place to transition out of
Afghanistan, continue bringing our troops home, and end the
war, which has been the longest war, as we all know, in
America's history. As you also know, discussions are ongoing
about what the U.S. presence in Afghanistan will look like
after 2014. The President has made clear, and I agree, that
there should be only two functions for U.S. troops that remain
in Afghanistan after 2014: counterterrorism, particularly to
target al Qaeda and its affiliates, training, and advising
Afghan forces. It is time we forge a new partnership with
Afghanistan, with its government and, most importantly, with
its people.
Second, as the Secretary of Defense, I will ensure we stay
vigilant and keep up the pressure on terrorist organizations as
they try to expand their affiliates around the world, in places
like Yemen, Somalia, and North Africa. At the Pentagon, that
means continuing to invest in and build the tools to assist in
that fight, such as Special Operations Forces and new
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance technologies. It
will mean working hand-in-hand with our partners here at home
across the National Security and Intelligence Communities to
confront these and other threats, especially the emerging
threat--the very dangerous and real threat of cyber warfare.
Third, as I have made clear, I am fully committed to the
President's goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear
weapon, and I have been on record on that issue. As I have said
in the past many times, all options must be on the table to
achieve that goal.
My policy has always been the same as the President's, one
of prevention, not of containment. The President has made clear
that is the policy of our Government. As Secretary of Defense,
I will make sure the Department is prepared for any
contingency. That is my job. That is my responsibility. I will
ensure our friend and ally Israel maintains its qualitative
military edge in the region, and will continue to support
systems like Iron Dome, which is today saving Israeli lives
from terrorist rocket attacks. That support I have always made
clear and been on the record for.
Fourth, while we pursue the reductions in our deployed
stockpiles and launchers consistent with the New Strategic Arms
Reduction Treaty (START), I am committed to maintaining a
modern, strong, safe, ready, and effective nuclear arsenal.
America's nuclear deterrent over the last 35 years has played a
central role in ensuring global security and the avoidance of
world war III. I have been committed to that. My record is
clear on that. I am committed to modernizing our nuclear
As we emerge from this decade of war, we must also broaden
our Nation's focus overseas as we look at future threats and
challenges. As this committee knows, that is why DOD is
rebalancing its resources towards the Asia-Pacific region. We
are in the process of modernizing our defense posture across
the entire region to defend and deepen our partnerships with
traditional allies, especially Japan, South Korea, and
Australia, to continue to deter and defend against provocations
from states like North Korea, as well as non-state actors, and
to expand our networks of security cooperation throughout the
region to combat terrorism, counter proliferation, provide
disaster relief, fight piracy, and ensure maritime security.
I will continue this rebalancing even as we continue to
work closely--closely--with our long-time allies of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and our friends, and with
allies, and partners, and friends in other regions of the
world. At the same time, we will continue to focus on
challenges in the Middle East and North Africa where we have
clear national interests. Rather, it is a recognition that the
United States has been and always will be a Pacific power, and
the Asian-Pacific area is increasingly vital to America's
security and economic interests. That is why we must become
even more engaged in the region over the coming years.
Doing all of this and much more will require smart and
strategic budget decisions. I have made it clear I share Leon
Panetta's and our Service Chiefs' serious concerns about the
impact sequestration would have on our Armed Forces. As someone
who has run businesses, I know that the uncertainty and
turbulence of the current budget climate makes it much more
difficult to manage the Pentagon's resources and our national
security. If confirmed, I am committed to effectively and
efficiently using every single taxpayer's dollar the right way,
to maintaining the strongest military in the world, and to
working with Congress to ensure the Department has the
resources it needs, and that the disposition of those resources
is accountable.
Even as we deal with difficult budget decisions, I will
never break America's commitment to our troops, our veterans,
and our military families. We will continue to invest in the
well-being of our All-Volunteer Force. Working with the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other institutions, we
will make sure our troops and their families get the health
care, job opportunities, and education they have earned and
deserve, just as I did when I co-authored the post-9/11 GI Bill
with Senators Jim Webb, Frank Lautenberg, and John Warner. This
includes focusing on the mental health of our fighting force,
because no one who volunteers to fight and die for this country
should ever feel like that they have nowhere to turn. That is
unacceptable in this country.
In my 12 years in the Senate, my one guiding principle on
every security decision I made and every vote I cast was always
this--simply this: Is our policy worthy of our troops and their
families and the sacrifices that we ask them to make? That same
question will guide me if I am confirmed as Secretary of
Our men and women in uniform and their families must never
doubt that their leaders' first priority is them. I believe my
record of leadership on veterans issues over the years, going
back to my service in the Veterans Administration under
President Reagan, demonstrates my rock-solid commitment to our
veterans and their families.
We must always take care of our people. That is why I will
work to ensure that everyone who volunteers to fight for this
country has the same rights and same opportunities. As I have
discussed with many of you in our meetings, I am fully
committed to implementing the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell,
and doing everything possible under current law to provide
equal benefits to the families of all our servicemembers and
their families.
I will work with the Service Chiefs as we officially open
combat positions to women, a decision I strongly support. I
will continue the important work that Leon Panetta has done to
combat sexual assault in the military. Maintaining the health
and well-being of those who serve is critical to maintaining a
strong and capable military, because an institution's people
must always come first.
As we look ahead to the coming years, we have an
extraordinary opportunity now at this moment to define what is
next for America's military and our country. It is incumbent
upon all of us to make decisions that will ensure our Nation is
prepared to confront any threat we may face in the future,
protect our citizens, and remain the greatest force for good in
the world.
If confirmed as Secretary of Defense, it will be my great
honor, working with the President, this committee, Congress,
and our military, to ensure our policies are worthy of the
service and sacrifice of America's men and women.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I look forward to your questions.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Hagel. Here is
what the plan is now for the hearing. We will have a first
round of 8 minutes each. We have a vote that is scheduled for
12:15 p.m. We are going to work through that vote, and we are
also going to work through lunch, which means that we would ask
you to vote some time during that 12:15 p.m. vote and come back
for those of you who have not had your turn yet.
There are five votes at 2:15 p.m. I hope that we can
complete our first round by 2 p.m. or 2:15 p.m. so that we
could then have a late lunch at 2:15 p.m. during those five
votes. We would then come back perhaps an hour later. We would
ask those who have not had a turn, if that is the case, or
during our second round, that to begin our second round that
you on the final vote, vote early and then come back so we can
start as quickly as possible around 3:15 p.m. or 3:30 p.m., I
would assume, to either complete the first round if it has not
been completed, or to begin our second round.
Because of the time crunch, we have standard questions
which we ask of all nominees. I am going to ask those at a
later time during this hearing, but we will ask them. Again, I
think that we hope to finish today. We will leave the record
open for questions. But our goal would be to finish today no
matter how long it takes today, then to have the record open
for questions.
Let us now begin our first round of 8 minutes.
Senator Hagel, you have made reference to the looming
sequester. We received a letter signed by the Joint Chiefs of
Staff relative to sequester which says that we are on the brink
of creating a hollow force due to an unprecedented convergence
of budget conditions and legislation. They have talked about
the readiness crisis which would result: grounding aircraft,
returning ships to port, stop driving combat vehicles,
training, and so forth.
You have spoken very briefly about your agreeing in general
with the impact. Would you expand on the impact of that
sequester from your perspective?
Senator Hagel. Mr. Chairman, I think the Service Chiefs
have laid it out rather directly, plainly, as Secretary Panetta
has. As recently as 2 or 3 days ago, the Deputy Secretary of
Defense, Ash Carter, in an interview went into some detail.
The fact is, the bottom line if sequester would occur, it
is not just a reduction in a significant amount of dollars that
would occur, but it would be a convergence of taking the
flexibility, the projection, the management, the future, away
from those who are responsible for managing our budget.
Furloughing civilian employees would have to occur. You listed
an inventory of consequences; of cutting back on flying time,
training, steaming. These are real consequences that would
I know the Pentagon, the Chiefs, those who have
responsibility for managing every department of this 3 million
person operation, security institution, are preparing for the
worst. But make no mistake, this is not an exaggeration. When
managers are not given the flexibility, and the opportunity,
and the tools to manage with complete uncertainty as to what is
ahead, that is disaster.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. On the question of Iran and the
use of force, the President has said that Iran's leaders should
understand that President Obama does not have a policy of
containment. He has a policy to prevent Iran from obtaining a
nuclear weapon, that he has made clear that he will not
hesitate, in his words, to use force when it is necessary to
defend the United States and its interests. Do you agree with
President Obama's position that, ``all options should be on the
table,'' to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon?
Senator Hagel. I do. I have, and I strongly agree with him.
Chairman Levin. On Iranian sanctions, President Obama has
said that the sanctions which have been put in place are
crippling the economy of Iran. I happen to agree. Their
currency has dropped 80 percent. Oil production has plunged.
Their economy is in a shambles. Do you share the President's
views on the importance and effectiveness of sanctions against
Iran? If so, how do you reconcile your position with some of
your past statements that suggest that the national security of
the United States is not served by isolating Iran?
Senator Hagel. First, I have always agreed with
multilateral sanctions because I think they have an effect. I
think this President, in particular, has probably done more
than any president to effectively employ those kinds of
international sanctions starting with a United Nations (U.N.)
Security Council agreement and U.N. mandates. I agree with what
the President is doing. I have said publicly, incidentally long
before the President ever asked me to consider this job, that
additional sanctions might be required.
As to my record on votes in the Senate regarding unilateral
sanctions, I have differed on some of those. I have voted for
some as well. It was always on a case-by-case basis. When I
voted against some of those unilateral sanctions on Iran, it
was a different time. For example, I believe one was in 2001.
We were at a different place with Iran during that time. Matter
of fact, I recall the Bush administration did not want a
renewal of the 5-year renewal of the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act
(ILSA) during that time because they weren't sure of the
effectiveness of sanctions.
That was not the only reason I voted against it. It was
because I thought that there might be other ways to employ our
vast ability to harness power and allies. It was never a
question of did I disagree with the objective. The objective
was, I think, very clear to both of us.
I recall, for example, in 2008, Secretary of State
Condoleeza Rice sending a letter to the Chairman of the Finance
Committee, Senator Max Baucus, requesting that a sanctions
resolution unilateral in the Finance Committee not come out of
the Finance Committee because the Bush administration at the
time was working with the Russians specifically, but with the
Security Council of the United Nations to try to get
international sanctions, which I think that effort, by the way,
in 2008, led to the 2010 international sanctions.
Chairman Levin. Can you give us your view on the size of
the U.S. force which might be necessary or would be necessary
after 2014, the so-called residual force, if you have an
opinion on the size? You indicated in your opening statement
two missions for that residual force.
Can you also give us your opinion about the size of the
Afghanistan National Security Force after 2014, and whether you
agree with me, and Senator Graham on this committee, and others
that we ought to reconsider the position that the Afghanistan
National Security Force should be reduced by a third starting
in 2014 to about 230,000 from what its current goal is, which
is about 350,000.
Senator Hagel. As you all know, General Allen has presented
his options to the President for the President's consideration.
As far as I know, as of this morning, the President had not
made a decision on what a residual force, numbers wise, would
look like. I have not been included in those discussions, so I
do not know, other than knowing that he has a range of options,
as you do.
But I would say that from what the President has told me,
what Secretary Panetta has told me, that decision will be made
to assure resourcing the mission and the capability of that
As to what kind of a force structure should eventually be
in place by the Afghans, I do not know enough about the
specifics to give you a good answer, other than to say that I
think that has to be a decision that is made certainly with the
President of Afghanistan, what we can do to continue to
support, train, and protect our interests within the scope of
our ability to do that. Obviously the immunity for our troops
is an issue, which was an issue in Iraq. All those
considerations will be important and will be made. If I am
confirmed and in a position to give the President on that, I
will with consultation of our commanders on the ground and our
Service Chiefs giving the best options that we can provide.
Chairman Levin. Will you review that question of the size
of the Afghanistan force with an open mind if you are
Senator Hagel. I will because I think we have to.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, my first question is not to be responded as
to explaining the position. I want to state the position or
restate the position on five things that I mentioned in my
opening statement, and merely to ask you if these are accurate
reflections of things that happened in the past.
The first one is in 2007, you voted against the designating
of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp as a terrorist
organization. The second thing in 2006, you were 1 of 12
Senators who refused to petition the European Union (EU) to
identify Hezbollah as a terrorist group. Third, in November
2003, you failed to vote on a Syria accountability act
authorizing sanctions on Syria for its support of terrorism and
occupation of Lebanon. Fourth, in 2001, you were one of only
two Senators that year to vote against renewal of the Iran-
Libya Sanctions Act. Lastly, in 2001, you were one of four
Senators who refused to sign the letter supporting Israel. Are
those accurate?
Senator Hagel. Let's start with the----
Senator Inhofe. No, I just want to know if these are votes
that took place. Do you agree that those votes took place?
Senator Hagel. I want to ask about the letter that you just
noted in your fifth point, what was the date in the letter?
Senator Inhofe. The date?
Senator Hagel. You said I refused to sign a letter.
Senator Inhofe. It was October 2001.
Senator Hagel. A letter to----
Senator Inhofe. Okay, skip that one. Are the other ones
true? [Laughter.]
Senator Hagel. It is very important, Senator, that we----
Senator Inhofe. It is very important because I was holding
the letter at the time that we were gathering signatures.
Senator Hagel. I see. On the 2008 question regarding
designating the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist
organization, I did vote against it.
Senator Inhofe. I am sorry, and I do not want to be rude.
You and I are very good friends, but I know that my time is
going to expire. Others are going to ask you why you did this.
I was asking for the accuracy, and you do not want to answer
that, that is fine.
Senator Hagel. No, I just said I did vote against it, and I
was going to explain why I voted against it.
Senator Inhofe. I know, and they will be asking you for
your explanation. I want to get to three other things, and that
is why it is critical that we keep moving along here.
One of the criticisms I have had of this administration is
the lack of priority and funding for the military. While they
have increased the deficit by $5.3 trillion in 4 years, the
only major part of the budget that has decreased has been the
Now, that is something that is pretty well known. A lot of
people do not like that idea. The thing that bothers me just as
much is putting another agenda under the military budget. For
example, you have heard Senator McCain, and me, and others talk
about the fact that the Navy paid for 450,000 gallons of fuel,
some $26 a gallon that you can get on the market for $3. The
Air Force, the same thing, except that it is $59 a gallon.
The question I would have of you is just a commitment that
if you are confirmed, will you confine the dollars that we are
going to spend in the defense budget for defense purposes, for
warfighting purposes?
Senator Hagel. Of course I will because that is the intent
of our budget and DOD.
Senator Inhofe. Good. I appreciate that very much. There
was an article the other day in the Washington Post by Jennifer
Rubin called ``Our Dimwitted State Department''. It was kind of
an interesting article. There are four questions that I am
going to ask that you respond for the record. For people who do
not know what that is, that means later on in writing.
The questions that I liked that she asked were, did the
sale of the F-16s encourage Mohamed Morsi to crack down on his
people? Number two, had we known he would crack, would we still
have sent the weaponry? Number three, how will we respond to
Morsi's anti-democratic moves and the rise in violence against
Christians in Egypt, or, as will likely be the case, a failure
to live up to Egypt's security obligations regarding Gaza?
Four, have we miscalculated the Muslim Brotherhood? That would
be for the record.
[The information referred to follows:]
Question. Did the sale of the F-16s encourage Morsi to crack down
on his people?
Answer. I do not believe that there is a correlation between the
sale of F-16s and the recent violence in Egypt. The F-16 aircraft has
been a key component of the U.S. defense relationship with the Egyptian
Armed Forces (EAF) for the last 30 years. The EAF have been a reliable
partner during Egypt's transition, and provided security to reinforce
Egyptian Ministry of Interior forces during elections and when called
upon by President Morsi during the recent protests in the Suez Canal
governorates. I believe it is in U.S. interests to maintain our defense
relationship with Egypt. Working together to maintain the U.S.-Egypt
defense relationship is also in the interest of Israel. It is critical
that the U.S. Government continues to assist with the
professionalization and the building of EAF capabilities to enable
border security, participate in regional missions, and continue Egypt's
role as a pillar of regional stability.
Question. Had we known he would crack down, would we still have
sent the weaponry?
Answer. I cannot speak for the administration, but as I stated, I
do not believe that there is a direct linkage between the sale of F-16s
and the recent unrest in Egypt. I join U.S. and foreign leaders in
condemning the recent violence. It is clear that a large number of
Egyptian citizens are frustrated with the direction and pace of
political and economic reform. It is critical that all stakeholders,
government and opposition, work to address their frustrations and
concerns peacefully and through dialogue.
Question. How will we respond to Morsi's anti-democratic moves and
the rise in violence against Christians in Egypt, or as will likely be
the case, a failure to live up to Egypt's security obligations
regarding Gaza?
Answer. If confirmed, I will take every opportunity to call for a
transparent, inclusive political process grounded in universal rights,
the rule of law, and respect for the rights of women and religious
minorities. The United States maintains the ability to halt assistance
to Egypt if it is determined that there are major reversals in Egypt's
democratic transition, a severe degradation in the rule of law, or
changes in Egypt's foreign or military policy that directly threaten
U.S. interests, including any changes to the Treaty of Peace with
I will also be clear with Egyptian leaders that Sinai security
remains a serious concern, which poses risk to Egypt's internal
stability as well as the security of Egypt's neighbor Israel. Restoring
Sinai security requires consistent action against violent groups acting
in the Sinai and weapons smuggling into Gaza. If confirmed, I will look
for opportunities to provide U.S. security assistance through training
and border security equipment to assist Egypt in addressing this shared
security objective, as well as consistently engage senior Egyptian
leaders on Sinai security.
Question. Have we miscalculated the Muslim Brotherhood?
Answer. No. We are clear-eyed about the Egyptian leadership; the
fact is that the Freedom and Justice Party--the political arm of the
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood--won a majority of votes in Egypt's
presidential elections. President Morsi has publicly committed to
upholding Egypt's international obligations, including the Peace Treaty
with Israel. We need to hold him to these commitments, as he attempts
to lead Egypt's political transition and democratic consolidation,
address Egypt's rapidly deteriorating economy, and develop sustainable
civil-military relations. President Morsi, as the democratically
elected leader of Egypt, has a special responsibility to build national
consensus and strengthen Egypt's democracy. In my view, U.S. support
through economic and security assistance, as well as consistent
engagement, is critical so that Egypt will continue to serve as a
pillar of regional stability and peace.
Question. Do you support a third site of ground-based interceptor?
It would be on the east coast somewhere.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work to ensure that the analysis
Congress requested in section 221 of the National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to evaluate additional missile defense
locations in the United States, including on the east coast, will be
delivered on a timely basis, and that Congress remains informed about
the Department's analysis about how to best protect the U.S. Homeland.
Senator Inhofe. In the area of the Global Zero policy, you
and I talked about that in my office. Others have talked about
it. We are very much concerned.
When I heard Senator Warner and others talk about what used
to be the case, the problem, in terms of nuclear capability, we
used to be talking about Russia and the United States. It is
not true anymore. Our intelligence has told us since 2007 that
Iran will have that nuclear capability and a delivery system by
2015, so it is other countries that are involved in that.
The question I would ask you, in your book you wrote that,
``We must once again convince the world that America has a
clear intention of fulfilling the nuclear disarmament
commitments that we have made.'' Then a bit more recently you
said, ``I believe that providing necessary resources for
nuclear modernization of the triads should be a national
priority.'' Do you stand by your last statement?
Senator Hagel. My last statement was----
Senator Inhofe. Your last statement is saying that, ``I
believe that providing the necessary resources for nuclear
modernization of the triads should be a national priority.''
Senator Hagel. Absolutely it should be, and I agree with
that. That is what the policy of this administration is.
Senator Inhofe. I am merely bringing out the inconsistency
because when you were involved with supporting the Global Zero
or whatever the organization was, their declaration is, ``We,
the undersigned believe that to protect our children, our
grandchildren, our civilization from the threat of nuclear
catastrophe, we must eliminate all nuclear weapons globally.
We, therefore, commit to working for a legally binding
verifiable agreement, including all nations, to eliminate
nuclear weapons by a date certain.''
Senator Hagel. The position of Global Zero, my position,
some of the individuals--national security leaders, as Senator
Nunn talked about, including himself, has never been unilateral
disarmament, ever. Never. We have over the years, which I have
supported, the United States has led the efforts to reducing
nuclear warheads. There was no more significant voice for that
than Ronald Reagan when he laid before Secretary General
Gorbachev in 1986 a rather bold plan. In fact, I believe,
paraphrasing President Reagan, we must eliminate nuclear
warheads from the face of the planet. I believe he said
something to that effect.
Global Zero has been very clear on this. Their effort is in
line with every major national leader in the world, including
President Obama, to continue to try to make an effort to reduce
our nuclear warheads. But in a dangerous world, nuclear
arsenals and our containment policy, which I mentioned in my
statement, has been critically important. We are not going to
unilaterally disarm. Verifiable. It has to be bilateral. It has
to be negotiated, as all our treaties have been.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Senator Hagel, but the reason I
mentioned the mission statement is that is the group that you
belong to. We can talk about that later. You may want to expand
on that for the record.
My time has expired, but I have one last question I would
like to ask, and that is, given that Iran--``The people''--and
I am quoting right now--``from Iran, people of the Middle East,
the Muslim region, and North Africa, people of these regions
hate America from the bottom of their heart.'' It further said,
``Israel is a cancerous tumor in the heart of the Islamist
world.'' It further said, ``Iran's warriors are ready and
willing to wipe Israel off the map.''
The question I would like to ask you, and you can answer
for the record if you would like, is, why do you think that the
Iranian foreign ministry so strongly supports your nomination
to be the Secretary of Defense?
Senator Hagel. I have a difficult enough time with American
politics. Senator, I have no idea. But thank you, and I will be
glad to respond further for the record.
[The information referred to follows:]
Question. The question I would like to ask you, and you can answer
for the record if you would like, is, why do you think that the Iranian
foreign ministry so strongly supports your nomination to be the
Secretary of Defense?
Answer. While I cannot speak to the motivations of the Iranian
Foreign Ministry spokesperson behind making those statements, there
should be no doubt that I fully support and--if confirmed--will
faithfully execute the President's multi-vector strategy towards Iran.
This strategy has included tough-minded diplomacy, crippling sanctions,
and serious contingency planning with the objective of preventing Iran
from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Inhofe.
Senator Reed.
Senator Reed. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
First, I would ask unanimous consent that several letters
of support, including one from 13 former Secretaries of
Defense, Secretaries of State, and National Security advisors,
strongly endorsing Senator Hagel's nomination, be placed in the
Chairman Levin. It will be placed in the record.
[The information referred to follows:]
Senator Reed. Mr. Chairman, I think the President chose
wisely. There are very few people in this country with the
experience, as a combat infantryman, decorated and wounded, as
a business leader, as the second leader of the Veterans
Administration, as a U.S. Senator, as someone who every day
understands that the decisions we make will be carried out by
young Americans, actually looked in the face of young
Americans, who has seen them suffer and die for this country. I
think that quality is, if not unique, extraordinarily part of
the nominee before us. Again, I think the President made a wise
I think Senator Inhofe's discussions of the Global Zero
Report is an opportunity for a quote, and let me quote. ``There
is one way safely and legitimately to reduce the cost of
national security, and that is to reduce the need for it. This
is what we are trying to do in negotiations with the Soviet
Union. We are not just assessing limits on a further increase
of nuclear weapons. We seek instead to reduce the number. We
seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the
face of the Earth.'' President Ronald Reagan in his second
inaugural address.
The notion of Global Zero is not something unique. I would
also point out that as signatories to the nuclear disarmament
treaty, the Nonproliferation Treaty, Article 6 undertakes to
commit at least to a treaty ultimately on general and complete
disarmament under strict and effective control.
This is an aspiration that the United States has embraced
for a very long time under presidents of both parties. I think,
as Senator Hagel pointed out, this is not unilateral
disarmament. This is a long process of making sure we have the
nuclear weapons in place to deal with appropriate challenges,
some of them very different than the Cold War, but the
aspiration is important. It has been a bipartisan and constant
one for decades. Is that a rough summary of what you might
agree to, Senator?
Senator Hagel. Yes, it is, Senator. Thank you.
Senator Reed. The other issue is that there were several
specific points raised with your record, and let me give you
the opportunity to respond, if you will, to the questions that
Senator Inhofe posed with respect to votes. If you have the
list before you or----
Senator Hagel. The what? I'm sorry?
Senator Reed. Senator Inhofe posed several issues about a
2007 vote, a 2006 resolution with Hezbollah, 2003 Syrian
sanctions, et cetera. You were prepared to comment. I think it
is appropriate that you have an opportunity to comment. If you
want to do so now, I would invite you to do so.
Senator Hagel. I would be glad to further comment for the
record because I have none of those specific quotes in front of
me, and which I will, Senator, listing every vote I took.
I would say, though, included in those votes, which I do
recall some of them, was a vote in 1998, a vote in 2000, a vote
in 2006, specifically against Iran, sanctioning companies,
unilateral sanctions, that in any way assisted in Iran's
building their capability of nuclear weapons or rocket or
missiles. I voted for those.
I recall signing a letter, a Warner-Levin letter in 2002 to
the President of the United States regarding anti-Semitism in
Russia. I wrote a letter to President Clinton specifically in
1999 recommending to President Clinton a number of steps that
he take with President Yeltsin regarding anti-Semitism in
Russia. I remember specifically there were two unanimous
consent resolutions in 2006 against Hezbollah, against Hamas,
against Syria, and Iran that we had unanimous consent, I
supported on the floor of the Senate.
So there is a more complete record, Senator, than just one,
or two, or three, or four, and those are some of them that I
recall. As I noted in one of the responses back to Senator
Inhofe, I did not take any action on any vote, as I suspect
every colleague has the same way to approach votes, on this
specific issue, on Hezbollah, Hamas, which I am on the record
many times designating and saying that Hezbollah and Hamas are
terrorist organizations. I am on the record many times in
speeches, and on the floor of the Senate, and in the book I
wrote in 2008 saying that Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism.
That is not new. That is in my record.
But the way I approached every vote I ever took in the
Senate was based on what I thought could be most effective,
what was the situation at the time, how could we do this
smarter and better. I have always believed that the President
of the United States is the elected leader of America. He has
within his responsibilities, and I believe it is clearly
articulated in Article 2, to conduct foreign policy. I always
thought the best way to deal with foreign leaders was let the
President do that directly, for us to communicate with the
I do not think there was a letter that I can recall I
signed to a President on any of these issues that I agreed with
it that I did not sign. So it was never a matter of differing
objectives here. It was a matter of how best we could do it.
I mentioned in 2008, the Secretary of State did not want
one of those unilateral sanctions to go forward during the Bush
administration, wrote a letter, 2001, which is one of the
issues that Senator Inhofe brought up. The Bush administration
was opposed to a 5-year renewal of ILSA.
Now, I am not saying that is right or wrong, but every one
of the decisions I made, every vote I cast, was based on at the
time what I thought made the most sense.
[The information referred to follows:]
Senator Reed. Senator, you have clearly stated that you are
supportive of the President's efforts to support the State of
Israel. You have indicated specifically the example of Iron
Dome. I recall a statement recently by Defense Minister Barak
that he has seldom seen or never has seen the same level of
military support to the State of Israel that he has seen in the
last several years.
You are, I presume and I hope, fully prepared to carry out
that same effort, that same level of support, because of the
vital interests that we share with the State of Israel.
Senator Hagel. I am, and I have a record on that. In my
book in 2008, interviews, speeches, I have always said I am a
supporter of Israel. In some cases, I have said I am a strong
supporter of Israel. In some cases I have even written, and I
think it is in my book, that we have a special relationship
with Israel. We always have had.
I have never voted against Israel ever in the 12 years I
was in the Senate whether it was military authorizations,
additional supplemental appropriations. The record is very
clear on that.
I might add, as long as we are on this subject, that--and
Senator Nelson may have a clearer view of this since he was
just in Jerusalem, there have been a couple of recent
statements made by the current Israeli Ambassador to the United
States, the former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, now
the Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, that were fairly
positive about me.
I think all the Israeli leaders I have dealt with over the
years and met, I have been to Israel many times. The first two
times I was in Israel was when I was the head of the United
Services Organizations (USO). I kept the Haifa USO open. We did
not close it. There was a lot of pressure when I took over the
World USO to close USOs around the world, and we did. There was
a lot of pressure to close the Haifa USO. I am the one that
made the decision not to do that.
The former Chief of Naval Operations of Israel, Admiral Zev
Almad, who has recently been interviewed about me, has strongly
supported me and said specifically that I was a strong friend
of Israel. Now the USO is closed, but the current then director
of the USO, a lady by the name of Gila Garrison, who lives in
Haifa, said I was a strong supporter and friend of Israel.
I think my record is pretty clear on my support of Israel,
and I would, of course, continue to support the President's
policies. I think he has been as strong a supporter of Israel
as maybe any President since 1948 when Harry Truman helped give
birth to Israel. This President has been there. As he said, I
have Israel's back--$3.1 billion in assistance, almost $300
additional million out of the Defense Department for Iron Dome,
what we are doing with David Sling Arrow. I am a strong
supporter of all those programs and will continue to support
Senator Reed. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. Before I call on Senator McCain,
there is a quorum that is now present, and I now ask the
committee to consider a list of 952 pending military
nominations. They have all been before the committee the
required length of time.
Is there a motion to favorably report those nominations?
Unidentified Speaker. I so move.
Chairman Levin. Is there a second?
Unidentified Speaker. Second.
Chairman Levin. All in favor, say aye? [A chorus of ayes.]
Opposed, any? [No response.]
The motion carries. Thank you all very much.
[The list of nominations considered and approved by the
committee follows:]
Military Nominations Pending with the Senate Armed Services Committee
which are Proposed for the Committee's Consideration on January 31,
1. MG William H. Etter, ANG to be lieutenant general and Commander,
First Air Force (Air Force North) and Commander, Continental U.S. North
American Aerospace Defense Command Region (Reference No. 53)
2. MG Kenneth E. Tovo, USA to be lieutenant general and Commander,
Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan/Commander, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization Training Mission-Afghanistan (Reference
No. 59)
3. Col. Barbara R. Holcomb, USA to be brigadier general (Reference
No. 62).
4. Col. Patrick D. Sargent, USA to be brigadier general (Reference
No. 63).
5. In the Army there are two appointments to the grade of major
general (list begins with Brian C. Lein) (Reference No. 64).
6. In the Air Force there is one appointment to the grade of major
(Kory D. Bingham) (Reference No. 70).
7. In the Air Force Reserve there are three appointments to the
grade of colonel (list begins with Michael A. Cooper) (Reference No.
8. In the Air Force Reserve there are four appointments to the
grade of colonel (list begins with Victor Douglas Brown) (Reference No.
9. In the Air Force Reserve there are four appointments to the
grade of colonel (list begins with Walter S. Adams) (Reference No. 73).
10. In the Air Force Reserve there are six appointments to the
grade of colonel (list begins with John J. Bartrum) (Reference No. 74).
11. In the Air Force Reserve there are eight appointments to the
grade of colonel (list begins with Kimberly L. Barber) (Reference No.
12. In the Air Force Reserve there are 11 appointments to the grade
of colonel (list begins with Dina L. Bernstein) (Reference No. 76).
13. In the Air Force Reserve there are 12 appointments to the grade
of colonel (list begins with Timothy Lee Brininger) (Reference No. 77).
14. In the Air Force Reserve there are 198 appointments to the
grade of colonel (list begins with Francis Xavier Altieri) (Reference
No. 78).
15. In the Army there is one appointment to the grade of lieutenant
colonel (Jonathan A. Foskey) (Reference No. 79).
16. In the Army Reserve there is one appointment to the grade of
colonel (Marion J. Parks) (Reference No. 80).
17. In the Army Reserve there is one appointment to the grade of
colonel (Karen A. Pike) (Reference No. 81).
18. In the Army there are two appointments to the grade of major
(list begins with Derek S. Reynolds) (Reference No. 82).
19. In the Army there are two appointments to the grade of major
(list begins with Edward A. Figueroa) (Reference No. 83).
20. In the Army Reserve there are two appointments to the grade of
colonel (list begins with Jack C. Mason) (Reference No. 84).
21. In the Army Reserve there are 79 appointments to the grade of
colonel (list begins with Ruth E. Aponte) (Reference No. 85).
22. In the Army there are 88 appointments to the grade of major
(list begins with Leslie E. Akins) (Reference No. 86).
23. In the Army Reserve there are 217 appointments to the grade of
colonel (list begins with Timothy G. Abrell) (Reference No. 87).
24. In the Army Reserve there are 225 appointments to the grade of
colonel (list begins with Rafael E. Abreu) (Reference No. 88).
25. In the Marine Corps there is one appointment to the grade of
major (Jackie W. Morgan, Jr.) (Reference No. 91).
26. In the Marine Corps there is one appointment to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (Dana R. Fike) (Reference No. 92).
27. In the Marine Corps there is one appointment to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (Samuel W. Spencer III) (Reference No. 93).
28. In the Marine Corps there is one appointment to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (Larry Miyamoto) (Reference No. 94).
29. In the Marine Corps there are two appointments to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (list begins with George L. Roberts) (Reference No.
30. In the Marine Corps there are two appointments to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (list begins with Richard D. Kohler) (Reference No.
31. In the Marine Corps there are two appointments to the grade of
major (list begins with Eric T. Cline) (Reference No. 100).
32. In the Marine Corps there are two appointments to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (list begins with Jose L. Sada) (Reference No. 101).
33. In the Marine Corps there are three appointments to the grade
of major (list begins with Frederick L. Hunt) (Reference No. 102).
34. In the Marine Corps there are three appointments to the grade
of major (list begins with Todd E. Lotspeich) (Reference No. 103).
35. In the Marine Corps there are three appointments to the grade
of lieutenant colonel (list begins with Jason B. Davis) (Reference No.
36. In the Marine Corps there are three appointments to the grade
of lieutenant colonel (list begins with Travis M. Fulton) (Reference
No. 105).
37. In the Marine Corps there are four appointments to the grade of
lieutenant colonel (list begins with Bryan Delgado) (Reference No.
38. In the Marine Corps there are two appointments to the grade of
major (list begins with David B. Blann) (Reference No. 107).
39. In the Marine Corps there are five appointments to the grade of
major (list begins with Michael Gasperini) (Reference No. 108).
40. In the Marine Corps there are six appointments to the grade of
major (list begins with Stephen R. Byrnes) (Reference No. 109).
41. In the Marine Corps there are seven appointments to the grade
of major (list begins with Peter K. Basabe, Jr.) (Reference No. 110).
42. In the Navy there is one appointment to the grade of commander
(Harry E. Hayes) (Reference No. 115).
43. In the Navy there is one appointment to the grade of lieutenant
commander (Shemeya L. Grant) (Reference No. 116).
44. In the Navy there are two appointments to the grade of
commander and below (list begins with Christopher J. Kaine) (Reference
No. 117).
45. In the Navy there are 29 appointments to the grade of
lieutenant commander (list begins with Jeanine F. Benjamin) (Reference
No. 118).
Total: 952.
Chairman Levin. Senator McCain.
Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am pleased to
see an old friend here before the committee, and especially
pleased to see Senator Warner and Senator Nunn, two of the
great members of this committee, who have contributed so much
to our Nation's defense.
Senator Hagel, members of this committee will raise
questions reflecting concerns with your policy positions. They
are not reasonable people disagreeing. They have fundamental
disagreements. Our concerns pertain to the quality of your
professional judgment and your world view on critical areas of
national security, including security in the Middle East.
With that in mind, let me begin with your opposition to the
surge in Iraq. In 2006, Republicans lost the election, and we
began the surge, and you wrote a piece in the Washington Post
called ``Leaving Iraq Honorably''. In 2007, you said it is not
in the national interests to deepen its military involvement.
In January 2007, in a rather bizarre exchange with Secretary
Rice in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after some
nonsense about Syria and crossing the border into Iran and
Syria because of Syria, and a reference to Cambodia in 1970,
you said, ``When you set in motion the kind of policy the
President is talking about here, it's very, very dangerous.
Matter of fact, I have to say, Madam Secretary, I think the
speech given last night by this President represents the most
dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam.
If it is carried out, I will resist it.'' Then of course you
continued on and on for months afterwards talking about what a
disaster the surge would be, even to the point where it was
clear the surge was succeeding.
In March 2008, you said, ``Here the term quagmire could
apply. Some reject that term, but if that is not a quagmire,
then what is?'' Even as late as August 29, 2011, in an
interview with the Financial Times, you said, ``I disagreed
with President Obama, his decision to surge in Afghanistan as I
did with President Bush on the surge in Iraq.''
Do you stand by those comments, Senator Hagel?
Senator Hagel. Senator, I stand by them because I made
Senator McCain. Were you right? Were you correct in your
Senator Hagel. I would defer to the judgment of history to
support that out.
Senator McCain. The committee deserves your judgment as to
whether you were right or wrong about the surge.
Senator Hagel. I will explain why I made those comments.
Senator McCain. I want to know if you were right or wrong.
That is a direct question. I expect a direct answer.
Senator Hagel. The surge assisted in the objective. But if
we review the record a little bit----
Senator McCain. Will you please answer the question? Were
you correct or incorrect when you said that ``The surge would
be the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country
since Vietnam.'' Where you correct or incorrect, yes or no?
Senator Hagel. My reference to the surge being the most
Senator McCain. Are you going to answer the question,
Senator Hagel? The question is, were you right or wrong? That
is a pretty straightforward question. I would like an answer
whether you were right or wrong, and then you are free to
Senator Hagel. I am not going to give you a yes or no
answer on a lot of things today.
Senator McCain. Let the record show that you refuse to
answer that question. Now, please go ahead.
Senator Hagel. If you would like me to explain why----
Senator McCain. I actually would like an answer, yes or no.
Senator Hagel. I am not going to give you a yes or no. I
think it is far more complicated that, as I have already said.
My answer is, I will defer that judgment to history.
As to the comment I made about the most dangerous foreign
policy decision since Vietnam was about not just the surge, but
the overall war of choice going into Iraq. That particular
decision that was made on the surge, but more to the point, our
war in Iraq, I think was the most fundamental bad, dangerous
decision since Vietnam.
Aside from the cost that occurred in this country through
blood and treasure, aside what that did to take our focus off
of Afghanistan, which, in fact, was the original and real focus
of a national threat to this country, Iraq was not. I always
tried to frame all the different issues before I made a
decision on anything.
Now, just as you said, Senator, we can have differences of
opinion, but that is essentially why I took the position I did.
Senator McCain. It is a fundamental difference of opinion,
Senator Hagel. Senator Graham and I, and Senator Lieberman,
when there were 59 votes in the U.S. Senate, spent our time
trying to prevent that 60th. Thank God for Senator Lieberman. I
think history has already made a judgment about the surge, sir,
and you are on the wrong side of it. Your refusal to answer
whether you were right or wrong about it is going to have an
impact on my judgment as to whether to vote for your
confirmation or not. I hope you will reconsider the fact that
you refuse to answer a fundamental question about an issue that
took the lives of thousands of young Americans.
Senator Hagel. Senator, there was more to it than
Senator McCain. I am asking about the surge, Senator Hagel.
Senator Hagel. I know you are, and I am trying to explain
my position. The beginning of the surge also factored in what
General Allen had put into place in Anbar Province, the Sunni
Awakening. We put over 100,000 young soldiers----
Senator McCain. Senator Hagel, I am very well aware of the
history of the surge and the Anbar Awakening, and I also am
aware that any casual observer will know that the surge was the
fundamental factor, led by two great leaders, General Petraeus
and Ambassador----
Senator Hagel. Well, I do not know if that would have been
required and cost us over 1,000 American lives and thousands of
Senator McCain. So you do not know if the surge would have
been required. Okay.
Senator Hagel, let me go to Syria now. More than 60,000
people have been killed in Syria. Do you believe that we should
be more engaged in Syria?
Senator Hagel. I know this administration is very engaged
in working with its partners.
Senator McCain. So you do not think we should do more?
Senator Hagel. When you say ``do more,'' do you mean----
Senator McCain. Do you think we should make sure that the
Syrians get the weapons they need, and perhaps establish a no
fly zone? Do you think we do?
Senator Hagel. I believe that part of our review is looking
at those options.
Senator McCain. It has been 22 months, Senator Hagel.
Senator Hagel. I was not there. I do not know the details.
I am not there now.
Senator McCain. I am sure you have read in the newspapers
that 60,000 people have been killed, and that it is in danger
of spilling over into neighboring countries. My question, I
guess, is how many more would have to die before you would
support arming the resistance and establishing a no fly zone?
Senator Hagel. I do not think anyone questions the terrible
tragedy that is occurring there every day. It is a matter of
how best do we work our way through this so that we can stop it
to begin with, and then what comes next. I think the
Senator McCain. Did you disagree with President Obama on
his decision for the surge in Afghanistan?
Senator Hagel. I did not think we should get ourselves
into--first of all, I had no regional position as far as no
formal position. But I did not think we were----
Senator McCain. But you were reported on August 29, 2011
saying, ``I disagreed with President Obama and his decision to
surge in Afghanistan.''
Senator Hagel. That was my personal opinion, yes.
Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator McCain.
Senator Nelson.
Senator Nelson. Since the issue of Iraq has come up here, I
just want to state for the record and lay the predicate that
this Senator was one of many that voted for the authorization
to go into Iraq, and as it turns out, the lessons of history,
we were given incorrect information as a justification for
going into Iraq.
We were told by the Secretary of Defense, by the Secretary
of State, by the National Security advisor, and the Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that there were weapons
of mass destruction in Iraq. So for a lot of the decisions that
were made at the outset, they were decisions that were informed
with incorrect information. As the committee is judging Senator
Hagel on that decision as well as others, I want to tell the
committee what was this experience of this Senator.
Now, what I would like to do with my time here is that
since there are a few of this in this room that served in the
military during the Vietnam era, and you clearly had that
experience in combat, Senator Hagel, I would--and by the way, a
lot of people do not know anything about Vietnam, and do not
know how difficult it was, as Senator Warner has so eloquently
stated in his comments, how the Nation was divided.
But I would like for you, as the committee is getting to
know you, to know something about your service in Vietnam, and
your combat experience. Were you wounded, Senator Hagel?
Senator Hagel. Senator Nelson, thank you. If I may, and if
I read into your question some latitude in answering, I would
respond this way. I think my time is better served to maybe
talk about more of the specific things, like Senator McCain
asked me about and some others. Maybe weave some of my
experience as to how it formed my judgment, rather than going
through a 12-month journal of my time in the jungles when my
brother, Tom, and I were both wounded twice together.
When Tom and I served there, 1968 was the worst year we
had. Those who may not recall that year, we sent over 16,000
dead Americans home. Now, that is unfathomable in the world
that we live in today, 16,000 dead Americans. I saw that from
the bottom.
I think Chairman Levin, in an accurate and appropriate
quote about what I said, in his introductory statements about
what formed me, and it directly goes to Senator McCain's
question about the surge. Just as I said in my statement, I had
one fundamental question that I asked myself on every vote I
took, every decision I made. Was the policy worthy of the men
and women that we were sending into battle and surely to their
deaths? In many cases, unfortunately tens of thousands of cases
that we are living with, these poor families are living with,
wounded, the results, the consequences.
I know it is easy here--it is anywhere--if you do not have
a connection to some of this to see these things a little
differently. It does not mean I am any better, Senator. It does
not mean I am any smarter. It does not mean I am any more
appreciative of the service of our country. That is not it. I
saw it from the bottom. I saw what happens. I saw the
consequences and the suffering when we are at war.
So I did question a surge. It was not an aberration to me
ever. I always ask the question, is this going to be worth the
sacrifice, because there will be sacrifice. In the surge case
in Iraq, we lost almost 1,200 dead Americans during that surge
and thousands of wounded. Now, was it required? Was it
necessary? Senator McCain has his opinion on that shared by
others. I am not sure. I am not that certain that it was
required. Now it does not mean I am right. It does not mean I
did not make wrong votes. But that is what guides me.
You asked me the question about my time in Vietnam and was
I wounded. I was a very insignificant part of this. We were
just doing our job, Senator, as every military person knows
that. Some of this committee has rather distinguished members
who served, starting with Senator McCain, and the sacrifices he
has made to this country.
But it does condition you. I am not shaped, framed, molded,
consumed by that experience. Of course not. But it is part of
me. I tried to explain that in my opening statement. We are all
shaped by those experiences. I hope that experience that I have
had is for the better. I hope if I have the privilege of
serving as Secretary of Defense it will put someone in charge
at the Pentagon--not questioning past Secretaries of Defense; I
can only speak for myself--who understands the realities of
consequences of war. It does not mean I am better, but that is
who I am. I do not walk away from that. I acknowledge that. But
it does not consume me, Senator.
I do not see the lens of every world event and whether we
should use American power through the lens of Vietnam. That is
part of me. It is part of that lens. I think that is for the
better. I think we need to be cautious with our power. I think
we need to be wise with our power.
We have great power. We have awesome power. No nation in
the world is even in our league. We have done so much good with
that power. I do not think there is a nation in the history of
man who has ever been as judicious and careful with its power
as we have. I want to make sure we continue to do that, as you
all do.
We will have differences, Senator, on policies, but all I
can do is my best based on my own experiences. As I also said
in my statement, reaching out, listening, learning, never
knowing enough, understand circumstances change.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Nelson.
Senator Sessions.
Senator Sessions. Thank you. Senator Hagel, it is great to
have you with us and to have this hearing and an opportunity to
discuss important issues. I admire your service to your
country, and your combat experience is something we all honor
and respect.
I have been for the most part chairman, ranking member, or
member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of this Senate
Armed Services Committee for the time I have been in the
Senate. We came into the Senate together. So I have had some
experience and knowledge about the great debates involving
nuclear weapons and national security. I believe the Secretary
of Defense should be the core, the rock-solid person, for
defense of America. I believe he should project an image of
solidity and steadfastness that the whole world and American
people can depend on.
I am more than a little troubled by the report that you
participated in--the Global Zero report that calls for the
total elimination of nuclear weapons, and clearly suggests that
is an achievable goal in a realistic period of time, although
certainly not immediately. Your report writers defend you. They
have issued an article defending you and the report that was
just issued last year. They protest mightily and say that,
``Chuck Hagel and Global Zero's views on nuclear weapons are in
the national security interests and squarely in the
Indeed, your defendants insist you are in the mainstream
because your position is that of President Obama's, and
dramatically they assert you are out of the mainstream if you
believe otherwise.
So your report explicitly calls for, ``an urgent and
transformational change in the U.S. nuclear force structure,
strategy, and posture''. I think it is a rather exceedingly
dramatic report frankly.
Now, specifically as to the historic nuclear force triad
that has been the bedrock of our defense policy for half a
century, your report calls for bilaterally or unilaterally
totally eliminating the intercontinental ballistic missile
(ICBM) triad leg. In fact, the report refers to itself as a
dyad instead of a triad report. You propose eliminating the 76
nuclear B-52 bombers entirely, leaving only 18 B-2 bombers,
reducing nuclear submarines from 14 to 10.
Further, the committee report that you were one of the five
members that produced it, you favor eliminating all tactical
nuclear weapons, de-alerting all weapons, and according to the
report as I read it, that would mean it would take from 1 to 3
days to place a weapon on alert. I certainly agree that that
would be a transformational change in our nuclear force
structure, strategy, and posture. I think it is a big historic
Now, General Kehler, the present Commander of the U.S.
Strategic Command (STRATCOM) and Secretary of Air Force Mike
Donley do not agree with the recommendations in this report,
people you will supervise. General Kehler told the press on
August 8, 2012, ``I do not support the former vice chairman,''
and that is General Cartwright. ``I do not think that we are in
a place he suggests now, nor do I see that particular place any
time soon.'' So you will be supervising him.
Would you share with us where you are today on that issue?
Do you support the view of General Kehler, or do you support
the view of the commission report that you signed?
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Senator. Let me first correct
some of your interpretation of what the Global Zero report was,
and is, and what it actually said.
First, it did not propose or call for anything. It was, in
fact--the word specifically used at the front end of that
report was ``illustrative,'' proposing nothing, but laying out
different scenarios, and possibilities, and schedules. But here
is the key part of all this, and by the way, this was
summarized in a letter to President Obama in 2009. Bilateral,
never unilateral. Nothing was ever suggested on a unilateral
basis to take down our arsenal. Negotiated, verifiable. These
are all terms that were in the report.
As Senator Nunn said in his opening statement, and I have
alluded generally to this, the mainstream thinking of most
Presidents we have had the last 65 years, and I go back to
Ronald Reagan's comments as Senator Nunn quoted, was reduction
of nuclear weapons for the obvious reasons. That is why we have
engaged in treaties to reduce nuclear weapons. Those were not
unilateral arrangements, those were bilateral arrangements.
The United States and the Russians have about 90 percent of
the nuclear in the world today. Now there are others who have
them. There are nine nuclear powers, dangerous. Obviously the
so-called loose nukes or non-state actors, terrorist groups
getting a hold of these are threats.
Senator Sessions. But, Senator Hagel, I think----
Senator Hagel. I just want to make sure that is clear.
Senator Sessions. I know, but it is not clear in your
report. The report says on page 1, ``These steps could be taken
with Russia in unison through reciprocal presidential
directives, negotiated in another round of bilateral arms
reductions, or in implemented unilateral.'' A little further
Senator Hagel. Well, that is not proposing.
Senator Sessions.--it says it two more times in this report
that these ideas could be a--less good approach would be to
adopt this agenda unilaterally. It suggests that it should be
adopted. That would not be as good, but you would do so. There
is another reference to that, and it does call for these
reductions. In your conclusion, you say, ``The United States
should seek to achieve such reductions in 10 years and plan to
base its arsenal on a dyad of nuclear delivery vehicles.''
You go on to say, ``Trident missile submarines--the optimal
mix would consist of 10 Trident submarines and 18 B-2 bombers,
the normal conditions it would have for the warhead stockpile
would be deployed on these carriers. The other half would be
kept in reserve. All land-based intercontinental missiles armed
with nuclear payloads would be retired, along with carriers of
non-strategic nuclear warheads, all of which would be
eliminated. That is the tactical nuclear weapons, all of which
would be eliminated from the stockpile. B-52 bombers would be
completely dismantled or converted to carry only conventional
I do not believe that is consistent with the policy of the
country as a whole. I supported legislation to create a
bipartisan commission several years ago to help us--Senator
Levin and others supported that. The House supported it, and it
passed--to help us determine how much further we can continue
to draw down our nuclear weapons. It was chaired by William
Perry, the Secretary of Defense under Carter, James
Schlesinger, who served in the Carter and Nixon cabinets. It
had John Glenn on it, Martin Halperin, Lee Hamilton, James
Woolsey, Keith Paine, and others. They had access to the
Defense Department secret documents and information, and they
came out with quite a different view.
Let me just point out some of the things that they came up
with. They said maintain the triad. They said maintain tactical
nuclear weapons. They recommended no change in the alert
statute, and, in fact, the Defense Department's nuclear posture
review under President Obama and Secretary Gates, explicitly
found the alert status should not be altered in their review of
nuclear weapons. They fundamentally found a need for nuclear
weapons. That is the point. Your commission basically said that
it undermines the request for nuclear weapons.
I will give you a chance to respond. On Global Zero, they
sort of I think foresaw this argument. Before your report was
issued, they said this, ``The conditions that might make
possible the global elimination of nuclear weapons are not
present today, and their creation would require a fundamental
transformation of the world political order.''
That is a very strong statement, and I think it was aimed
at this idea that is practical and realistic for us to expect
that the world is going to move to zero nuclear weapons.
So first, I want to ask you one question that you told me
in our meeting that I appreciated. President Obama stated when
we did the New START treaty discussion, vote, and debate, ``I
intend to modernize or replace the triad of strategy nuclear
systems, a heavy bomber, and air launch cruise missile, and
ICBM, and nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine.''
He committed to, ``accelerate the design of the Chemistry
and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility and the
Uranium Processing Facility''--those are the two buildings
where our modernizations would take place--``and request full
funding for those projects''.
First, let me ask you, would you support that vision and
commitment the President made?
Senator Hagel. Absolutely I do, and----
Senator Sessions. Then you are free to respond to what I
was saying. But I really do feel that--I am uneasy about this
vision expressed in that committee report of yours.
Senator Hagel. Let me just briefly come back to what you
said, Senator, and I appreciate you giving me a chance to
First, my record has always been very clear, everything I
have voted on in my career in the Senate and wherever I have
been. A strong, agile, safe, secure, effective, nuclear arsenal
for the United States is not debatable. I voted that way. I
believe that. You know that the home of STRATCOM is now in
Senator Fischer's State, which used to be the State I
represented or I used to be in that State as a Senator. It has
not changed.
I know a little something about it, not as much as you and
others on the committee, but I have been to that facility many
times. I know General Kehler very well, know all the STRATCOM
commanders very well. You know what the motto of STRATCOM is.
It is a pretty significant motto. ``Peace is our business.''
What has kept the peace, as I noted in my opening statement
as much as anything else in the world since World War II, is
that nuclear deterrent. This prospective, Secretary of Defense,
would never do anything or in any way take any action that
would minimize, or harm, or downgrade that reality. But again,
I go back to--not to get caught up in this report. This report
was about illustrative possibilities, what and how could things
be done. Always bilateral. Always verifiable. Always
negotiable, just as we have always done in our treaties.
I will stop there. That is the commitment I make to you. I
made it to the President. My record is clear on that.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. I think we have to move on.
Senator Sessions. Just thank you. I would just say the
vision stated in your Global Zero report, I believe, is likely
to create instability rather than confidence and stability,
create uncertainty in the world among our allies and our
potential adversaries. I do not believe it would meet the goal
that you said not to weaken our ability.
So I am troubled that--I feel--I appreciate your comments
today, but I am troubled by the language in that report.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Sessions.
Senator McCaskill.
Senator McCaskill. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. In the 6 years
I have served on this committee, I have served under Senator
Warner as a ranking Republican member, and Senator McCain as a
ranking Republican member. I have to tell you that there has
never been a time that I did not sense that we all agreed that
our work on behalf of our Nation in terms of protecting our
country and defending our country, that it was a bipartisan
I believe very strongly that this committee needs to be
bipartisan. I hope that the new ranking member holds the same
regard for that as Senator McCain and Senator Warner did,
because at all times I felt that they were respectful and were
willing to listen to our disagreements. I am hopeful that will
continue, and I will be optimistic that it will.
I am going to ask a series of questions, and then at the
end of them, if you need more time, just say so.
Do you believe that all options should be on the table when
we confront Iran?
Senator Hagel. Absolutely.
Senator McCaskill. Do you believe Iran is currently a state
sponsor of terrorism and provides material support to Hezbollah
and to Hamas?
Senator Hagel. Yes, and I am on the record a number of
times saying that.
Senator McCaskill. Do you support sanctions against Iran?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator McCaskill. Do you believe that the United States
should unilaterally eliminate its nuclear arsenal?
Senator Hagel. No.
Senator McCaskill. Do you agree with four national security
leaders, including Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn, William Perry,
and George Schultz, President Reagan's Secretary of State, when
they said, ``The four of us have come together in a nonpartisan
effort, deeply committed to building support for a global
effort to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, to prevent their
spread into potentially dangerous hands, and to ultimately to
end them as a threat to the world. We remain committed to
working towards this vision and advancing the steps essential
to achieve this goal.'' Do you agree with those four bipartisan
national leaders in the area of national security and foreign
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator McCaskill. I wanted to take a few minutes to talk
about some of the things we talked about in my office, and some
people on the committee are going, oh, here she goes on
contracting, but the auditability of the Defense Department.
I know you stated in some of the advance policy questions
that you want to hold people accountable on auditability. I do
not think most Americans realize that as we face shrinking
budgets and as we want to secure the preeminence of our
military, and not hollow out the spending at the Defense
Department, that auditability is a crucial ingredient to us
being able to figure out whether all the money that is being
spent there is being spent like Americans would want it to be
Can you reassure me that auditability, as prescribed by
law, coming through this committee, that it needs to happen no
later than 2017? Can you make a commitment to me today on the
record that will be a priority of yours, making sure as,
Secretary Panetta did and Secretary Gates before him, that
auditability will be an essential priority of your time as
Secretary of Defense?
Senator Hagel. As I told you, Senator, I will. I make that
commitment to this committee.
Senator McCaskill. Then turning to contracting, I have yet
to have provided to me, other than raw numbers that we spent,
any data that would indicate that major infrastructure
rebuilding as part of a counterinsurgency strategy works.
There are many things that work in a counterinsurgency
strategy, and one of them, as it was originally posed to me
back some 6 years ago on this committee by General Petraeus,
was that the Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP)
funds, that walking around money to fix plate glass windows in
neighborhoods, that that was an essential part of the
counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy.
That morphed into our military building major
infrastructure projects without really any data ever to
indicate that the billions of dollars that we were spending
was, in fact, advancing our military mission.
In addition to that, it is clear if you want to look at
Iraq and the failures that Iraq represents in some ways, one of
the failures is the crumbling investments that this country
made in Iraq: the health centers that never opened, the water
parks that sit crumbling, the power facilities that were blown
up before they even had an opportunity to operate. I can go
down billions of dollars of waste because we didn't do the
analysis on sustainability after we left.
I am convinced that we have made the same mistakes in
Afghanistan. I would like your response to this issue of major
infrastructure building while we are in a conflict being
conducted by our military, not by the U.S. Agency for
International Development, not by the State Department, and
whether or not you would make a commitment to come back to this
committee with a report analyzing whether or not there is data
to support that aspect of the COIN strategy.
Senator Hagel. I will make that commitment, and it is part
of the larger series of questions and factors always involved
when a nation gets clearly committed, as we were, and still
are, in Afghanistan, and were in Iraq for 8 years. When you are
at war, the highest first priority is to take care of your
people. As a result of that, all the rest of the normal
latitude, and guidance, theory, and policy, is secondary.
I think in both of those wars, because we got ourselves in
so deep with so many people, and the welfare of our men and
women was paramount, we tried a lot of things. We had never
been this way before. We had never seen anything quite like
these two situations. As a result, our Special Inspectors
General have come up with billions and billions and billions of
dollars that are unaccounted for, corruption, fraud, waste,
abuse. It really is quite astounding. But when you think about
the universe of money that went into both those wars, no one
should be surprised.
Now, how do we fix it? What do we do? To your point, how do
we learn? How do we learn from this? We need to learn from
this. It was not the fault of the military. The military was
asked to do everything. We overloaded the circuits of our
military. We said, you do it. You have the money. You have the
structure. You have the organization. You have the people. Now
go do it.
We put these people--these young captains--you talked about
CERP funds--in very difficult spots. These young captains were
given $100,000 in cash, essentially walking around money to
take care of tribal chiefs and so on and so on. It wasn't their
fault. They were told to do this. This is what was part of the
I do not question necessarily any particular strategy or
part of it, but I do think it is part of the whole that you are
talking about. If I am confirmed and go over there, I will take
a look at this, and we will go deeper and wider into this
because we owe it to our people. We owe it to the people of
this country who pay the bills. For the future, what did we
learn for future challenges?
Senator McCaskill. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator McCaskill.
Senator Chambliss.
Senator Chambliss. Thanks, Mr. Chairman. Chuck, again,
congratulations on your nomination. As we talked the other day,
you and I have been good friends since I came to the Senate in
2002, sat next to each other for 6 years on the Intel
Committee, and during that process you cast some votes that I
questioned. But we were always able to dialogue, and it never
impacted our friendship, and I am very appreciative of that.
You also were introduced by two of my dearest friends,
Senator Nunn and Senator Warner, which certainly is a credit to
I want to drill down, Chuck, on the issue that I think is
going to be very much at the forefront--probably the number one
issue you are going to have to deal with, assuming that you are
confirmed, and that is the issue of our relationship with Iran
and where we go in the future, short term as well as long term.
Now, you wrote in your book, ``We blundered into Iraq
because of flawed intelligence, flawed assumptions, flawed
judgments, and ideologically driven motives. We must not repeat
these errors with Iran, and the best way to avoid them is to
maintain an effective dialogue.'' You then go on to advocate
again, ``for a direct and strategic diplomatic initiative''.
Now, I heard you in your opening comments say that your
position on Iran is prevention, not containment, when it comes
to their nuclear weaponization. I want you to expand on that,
and I want to go back to Senator Inhofe and Senator Reed's
question or comment relative to why you did not vote to
designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Council as a
terrorist organization.
Iran is the number one terrorist sponsoring state in the
world. I do not think there is any disagreement about that. I
want you to expand on your position on a nuclear weaponized
Iran, and talk about red lines. If your position is truly
prevention and not containment, Chuck, what is the red line?
What is the point? We know there are some things happening over
there right now that are very serious. So how far do we go?
Do you still advocate direct negotiations with Iran as you
said and you made clear that all options are on the table, and
you stated again that military options is one of those. If you
will, talk about direct negotiation. We have never negotiated
with a terrorist state. Why do you feel like that we ought to
dialogue with them, even on this issue today?
Lastly, what alterations, if any, do you think are
necessary to our military force posture in the Gulf region to
deter Iranian regional ambitions and support international
diplomatic efforts to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons
capability? That is a broad statement on my part, broad
question, but this is the issue from a national security
standpoint, Chuck, and I would like you to be pretty specific.
Senator Hagel. Let us start with the specific question on a
vote regarding designating the Revolutionary Guard as a
terrorist organization. You recall because you were there,
there were 22 Senators who voted against that. The effort
against it, the main point made on the floor of the Senate came
from Senator Jim Webb. His point was we have never, ever
designated a part of a legitimate government, a state--and when
I say ``legitimate,'' it does not mean we agree with Iran, but
it is a member of the United Nations. Almost all of our allies
have embassies in Iran. So that is why I note an elected
legitimate government, whether we agree or not.
But we have never made any part of a legitimate independent
government designated them or made them part of a terrorist
organization. We have just never done that. So you say, well,
so what? What is the big problem? The problem was, at least 22
of us believed--they were both Republicans and Democrats, by
the way, in that vote, but it was Jim Webb who was on the floor
most of the time on it--said that if you do that, that is
tantamount to giving the President of the United States
authority to use military force against Iran without having to
come back to get a resolution from, or partner with, or
cooperate with, the Congress of the United States. Essentially
if we vote for this, we are giving a President, in a sense,
that authority. Now, you can agree or disagree with that.
But I listened to that debate, and there was some pretty
thoughtful debate. That debate I thought was pretty powerful
with me. We were already in two wars at the time, and I thought
that this made sense, and so I voted against it. That is why I
voted against that. You might also remember that almost
Secretary of State Kerry voted against it. Then Senator Obama,
he gave speeches against it. He did not vote that day. Vice
President Biden voted against it. Dick Lugar voted against it.
There were some other Republicans.
As to the Iranian red line, Persian Gulf, some of the
Iranian questions you asked. I support the President's strong
position on containment as I have said, and I will speak more
specifically to a couple of the examples you used from my book.
But his position I think is right.
When you asked the question about red line, I think the
President has gone as far as he should go publicly on that. He
said clearly that in his words, he has Israel's back. He said
that his policy is not to allow the Iranians to get a nuclear
What constitutes when action would be taken? I think that
is always something that should not be discussed publicly or
debated publicly or out in the public domain.
Your quotations from my book, which you acknowledge as well
that I always said the military option should be on the table,
and I had said that consistently as well as engaging with Iran.
I have always thought it is far smarter to approach these very
serious threats, including Iran, probably as significant a
threat as we have out there today, although North Korea is
beyond a threat. It is a real nuclear power and quite
unpredictable. I think Pakistan is another very complicated
But staying on Iran, I think we are far smarter to do what
the President has been doing, which I laid out, by the way, in
my book. I have a chapter on Iran. I have two chapters on Iraq.
I have a chapter on the Middle East. Getting the world
community behind us with these U.N. sanctions through the
Security Council of the United Nations. These are tough
sanctions. They are having a tremendous impact, you know that,
on Iran.
If, in fact, the military option is the only one required,
I think we are always on higher ground in every way,
international law, domestic law, people of the world, people of
the region to be with us on this if we have tried and if we
have gone through every possibility to resolve this in a
responsible, peaceful way rather than going to war.
Everything I said in my book was about that. I do not have
a problem with engaging. I think great powers engage. I think
engagement is clearly in our interests. That is not
negotiation. Engagement is not appeasement. Engagement is not
surrender. I think if the time is right, the climate is right,
the dynamics are right, we should find ways, if we can find
ways. We cannot force it. But I think we are always smarter and
wiser to take that approach initially.
Posture in the Persian Gulf. Senator, our Fifth Fleet is
located in the Persian Gulf in Bahrain. As you also know, we
have a couple of carrier battle groups in that area. Our
military posture there is very strong. It is very ready. It is
very capable. These are contingencies and options that the
Secretary of Defense, working with these Service Chiefs and
their combatant commanders, always have to give in the present
and make sure that we are prepared.
Let me stop there, I may have missed some of the specific
things that you wanted to discuss.
Senator Chambliss. I am understanding you to say that you
are not ready to discuss red lines in a specific way. Am I
hearing that right?
Senator Hagel. I do not think that is my role now to start
with. I am not the Secretary of Defense. But I think the
President is wise in his course of action in not discussing
that publicly. I think it is a far smarter way to handle it,
and I think he has said what he needs to say. I think it has
been understood in Iran. I think the world understands his
By the way, I have just been handed a note that I misspoke
and said I supported the President's position on containment.
If I said that, I meant to say that obviously his position on
containment, we do not have a position on containment. I
recognize that I have had more attention paid to my words the
last 8 weeks that I ever thought possible, so I do not take any
chances. Thank you.
Senator Chambliss. I think I understood you correct on
containment and prevention.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Chambliss. Thanks, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Just to make sure your correction is clear,
we do have a position on containment, which is that we do not
favor containment.
Senator Hagel. We do not favor containment. That is the
President's position, and that was my position.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. I just want to clarify the
Senator Hagel. If you need further clarification, that is
why I am here.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Chambliss.
Senator Udall.
Senator Udall. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning,
Senator Hagel.
Senator Hagel. Senator.
Senator Udall. Thank you for your service. Thank you for
your willingness to once again heed the call and lead DOD.
We had a great private meeting with you last week. We
covered many of the threats and challenges that our country
faces: shrinking budgets, strategic national security shifts,
and ensuring, as you have underlined over and over again
already this morning, that we continue to provide fair and
equal opportunities for all of our servicemembers and their
Again, I want to tell you I appreciate that opportunity. I
am going to take you up on your offer, if you are confirmed, to
continue sitting down with you as a member of the Armed
Services Committee.
I know this issue has already been addressed, but I want to
make sure that I am on the record as raising my concerns, and I
want, as I think this committee should, to give you every
opportunity to clarify and underline your point of view.
When we met privately, you emphasized your determination to
keep all options on the table with regard to Iran, including a
military strike, if Iran continues to pursue a nuclear program
in defiance of this international obligation.
We also discussed your longstanding support of Israel and
our longstanding relationship. But you have critics out there--
I do not have to tell you that--who maintain that your record
on Iran is in question, and that you are anti-Israel. These are
serious charges.
So let me direct some questions your way. Why should
Americans trust that you will consider every option when it
comes to one of the most serious national security threats
facing us today, which is Iran?
Senator Hagel. First, thank you for an opportunity to
clarify these issues. My record has been very clear on Iran.
Senator Chambliss noted from my 2008 book and my chapter,
specifically noting that I said the military option must remain
on the table. I said that as recently in an op-ed that I co-
authored last year in the Washington Post with two former U.S.
Central Command (CENTCOM) commanders.
We talked about Iran, and one of the very specific points
we bring out in that op-ed was the military option must remain
on the table along with all the other areas of effort,
expertise, diplomacy, economics, and sanctions, the President
is using, which I have already said I support.
My record is rather thorough on this, and I would continue
to support that position, and I strongly support the
President's position.
Senator Udall. Senator, talk about your view on Israel, our
relationship with Israel, how can we continue to have a special
alliance with a country with whom we share more than an
economic or political philosophy, but with a broader or moral
connection that we have to Israel?
Senator Hagel. I have said many times, just as I have said
regarding the military option on Iran many times, in my book,
speeches on the floor, interviews I have given, I am a strong
supporter of Israel. I have been. I will continue to be. I have
also said specifically, and I believe this is in my book, that
we have a special relationship with Israel.
Again, my record is pretty clear. I voted in 12 years in
the U.S. Senate for every authorization, every appropriation
that I had an opportunity to vote on for Israel. I have been to
Israel many times. I have met with their leaders many times.
So again, if you look at my record, I think my record is
pretty clear in my strong support for Israel.
Senator Udall. Senator, I heard you say when you discussed
your vote against the resolution applying to the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard, that in the end you were protecting
Congress' prerogative when it comes to declaring war. Is that
Senator Hagel. That is exactly right. That is exactly what
I was saying, and I did not say it, I guess, that way. But that
was the point. Again, I say, like I have in answering some of
the other questions, it was not a question of the objective. I
shared the objective, and I suspect all 22 members in the
Senate who voted against that resolution supported the
objective. But as Jim Webb made the case I think pretty
effectively, and Senator Webb was an individual who had rather
considerable experience in this business. He had been Secretary
of Navy under Ronald Reagan. He had been Assistant Secretary of
Defense under Ronald Reagan. One of the most decorated veterans
of Vietnam, U.S. Senator, celebrated author, lawyer. I thought
he made a pretty strong, persuasive case. So did many of us.
Senator Udall. Let us turn to cyber security. I was pleased
that you mentioned cyber security early in your initial
remarks. The Pentagon's move to significantly expand its cyber
security assets and knowledge. I have to talk about Colorado
since I represent Colorado. The Air Force Academy is well
positioned to train those new cyber security experts. We are
also the home of Space Command and U.S. Northern Command.
Would you talk a little bit more about your take on cyber
security, what we ought to be doing, what sorts of resources we
Senator Hagel. Senator, you may know that I have been to
those facilities in Colorado a few times, and I do not know as
much about them as you do. But I am pretty familiar with them.
They are essential to our national security.
Cyber, I believe, represents as big a threat to the
security of this country as any one specific threat for all the
reasons this committee understands. It is an insidious, quiet
kind of a threat that we have never quite seen before. It can
paralyze a nation in a second, not just a power grid or a
banking system, but it can knock out satellites. It can take
down computers on all of our carrier battleships. It can do
tremendous damage to our national security apparatus.
That is the larger threat. But when you start defining it
down, this body, I know. I watched it, went through a pretty
agonizing 3 months at the end of 2012 trying to find a bill
that they could agree on cyber. I know, I believe, Congress
will come back at it in this new Congress. I think you must,
and you know that.
Because we have different intergovernmental authorizations
here--Department of Homeland Security, DOD--where is the
capacity? Where are the budgets? Where are the authorities?
This is law enforcement. This is privacy, business, a lot of
complications that we have really never, ever had to face
before on other national defense threats to this country.
So cyber will be an area that we will continue to focus on.
We must. It is an area that I will put high priority on if I am
confirmed to be Secretary of Defense.
Senator Udall. Senator, in the 2013 National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA), there is a provision that compels the
military to accommodate the conscience moral principles or
religious beliefs of all members of the Armed Forces. It does
sound reasonable on the surface, but I am especially concerned
that this could lead to misguided claims of a right to
discriminate against lesbian, gay, and bisexual servicemembers,
women, or persons with certain religious beliefs.
The President has said--I want to quote him--that DOD will,
``not permit or condone discriminatory actions that compromise
good order and discipline or otherwise violate military codes
of conduct''.
Will you ensure that DOD, in accommodating religious
beliefs or matters of conscience, does not tolerate
discrimination or harm to others?
Senator Hagel. Absolutely. I will faithfully, diligently
enforce our laws. All men and women deserve the same rights,
and I can assure you that will be a high priority, to enforce
that and ensure that in every way through the entire line of
chain of command and accountability.
Senator Udall. Thank you, Senator Hagel. I look forward to
the second round of questions.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Udall. I think it is now afternoon, so good
afternoon to you, and thank you for being here.
Senator Hagel. Senator, thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Udall.
Senator Wicker.
Senator Wicker. Let me just follow up on that. Does that
mean, though, a chaplain would have to perform a same-sex
marriage, in your view, if he objected based on conscience?
Senator Hagel. I think the Pentagon regulations show,
Senator, that same-sex marriage is legal in the nine States.
Senator Wicker. No, would a chaplain be able to bow out of
that procedure based on conscience?
Senator Hagel. Certainly.
Senator Wicker. Okay.
Senator Hagel. But what we do not want, Senator Udall's
point is someone to be denied to be married in a chapel or a
facility and so on, but certainly a matter of conscience, yes.
What I am talking about is a strict interpretation of defending
the law, which defends rights.
Senator Wicker. Thank you very much for clarifying that,
and thank you for calling on me early on. We had our
conversation on January 8, and I appreciated that opportunity.
You just said that your statements over time have gotten a
lot more attention than you ever dreamed possible. I hope you
agree that is entirely appropriate in this context.
Chairman Levin mentioned in his opening statement that in
speaking your mind, you said terrible things that caused him
concern. He asked you about that. Senator Inhofe mentioned
several of your statements involved what some people feel are
policy reversals based on expediency, and so those are
You and I talked about two of these topics during our
conversation, and one of them was with regard to sanctions
against Iran. You told me in our conversation that you opposed
unilateral sanctions because they do not work and they isolate
the United States. Indeed you had made that statement to the
Omaha paper just the day before. ``I have not supported
unilateral sanctions because when it is us alone, they do not
work and they just isolate the United States,'' in the Omaha
I will have to say that statement seems to be in direct
contradiction to your letter to Senator Boxer 1 week later when
you told her, ``I agree that with Iran's continued rejection of
diplomatic overtures, further effective sanctions, both
multilateral and unilateral, may be necessary.''
Now, a week before that you said that you have opposed them
because they do not work. Senator Levin mentioned in his
statement he disagrees that. He believes they do work. You gave
him an answer to that statement, and we have it on the record.
But let me just suggest to you, Senator, that if words have
meaning, there is no two ways about it. The statement that you
gave in the Omaha paper and that you gave to me the following
day is substantially and substantively different from what you
wrote to Senator Boxer a week later.
The Office of Secretary of Defense is one of the most
powerful positions in the country, and arguably in the world.
This official, whoever he or she is, must lead with clarity and
precision, and people around the world need to rely on the
clear meaning of the words of the Secretary of Defense.
Now, the other thing we discussed that gave me concern
during our conversation on January 8 was your statement about
the Jewish lobby. You told me that you have had apologized for
using that terminology, and you retracted the use of the term
``Jewish lobby''. What you said was the Jewish lobby
intimidates a lot of people up here. This was in an interview
that you gave to Aaron David Miller. You said, ``I've always
argued against some of the dumb things they do because I don't
think it's in the interest of Israel.''
Here is my problem with your position at this point. You
have corrected the term ``Jewish lobby,'' and I assume now the
correct term would be ``Israel lobby'' or ``Israeli lobby''. Do
you still stand by your statement that they succeed in this
town because of intimidation? That it amounts to causing us to
do dumb things, because I want to say this, Senator. You are
here today as the potential Secretary of Defense, and it would
seem to me that however you characterize them, you have
suggested that there is an effective lobby out there, whether
you call them the Jewish lobby, the Israeli lobby, or the
Israel lobby, and that they succeed in doing dumb things
through intimidation, and that U.S. policy has been the wrong
approach because the intimidation has worked.
So when you talked about the Jewish lobby, were you talking
about the American Israel Public Affairs Committee? Were you
talking about NORPAC? Were you talking about Christians United
or Israel? Do you still believe that their success in this town
is because of intimidation and that they are, as you stated,
urging upon our Government that we do dumb things?
Senator Hagel. First, I have never been accused of
political expediency. I do not do that. It probably has gotten
me in some trouble, Senator.
Second, to address the last comment, and then we will go
back sanctions. I have already said I regret referencing the
Jewish lobby. I should have said pro-Israel lobby. I think it
is the only time on the record that I have ever said that.
Now, you all have done a lot of work with my record, and,
yes, it is appropriate, by the way. Any nominee's record, what
he or she thinks, says, done, absolutely. I was on your side of
dais for 12 years, so I understand that and that
responsibility. So I do not have any problem with that. I have
already noted that I should have used another term, and I am
sorry, and I regret it.
On the use of intimidation. I should have used
``influence,'' I think would have been more appropriate. We
were talking about in that book, and you evidently read it,
Aaron David Miller's book, by the way, it is a book, ``The Much
Too Promised Land.'' He has spoken out directly over the last
few weeks, written an op-ed about my position because it has
gotten some attention as you have noted, and been quite
favorable to me, and said much of that was taken out of
context, and he was offended by it. Those were his words.
Those of you who know something about Aaron David Miller
know that he is Jewish. He is a highly respected individual who
has counseled Presidents and Secretaries of State. He also says
in that interview, which is a fairly short interview, he
mentioned that I am a strong supporter of Israel. That it is in
the interview. So I think that says something.
I should not have said ``dumb'' or ``stupid'' because I
understand, appreciate, there are different views on these
things. We were talking about Israel. We were talking about the
Middle East. We were not talking about Armenia, or Turkey, or
the banking influence, or chamber of commerce influence. That
was what the context of my comments were about.
Your point on the unilateral sanctions conversation and the
quote, a couple of points. Let us go back to the ILSA vote,
about the original ILSA vote during the Clinton administration
and connect that to a comment I made in the World Herald about
they do not work. They are ineffective. By the way, I have
already noted for the record here that I have supported and
voted for some unilateral sanctions, and I think I noted three
specific ones that I recall.
But on your specific question about the specific comment.
Just to give you an example of partly what I was talking about.
You were not in the Senate at the time. Some were. But those
who were here in the Senate might recall the EU's reaction to
that ILSA Act. I was not in the Senate when that was voted on
originally, so I did not have a vote.
But in 1998, the EU passed a resolution against the United
States and threatened to take the United States to the World
Trade Organization. As a consequence, Secretary Albright had to
get into this, and as a consequence of that, President Clinton
had to sign a waiver to allow a French oil company not to be
part of that U.S. unilateral waiver.
Now I am not suggesting United States action should be
hostage to the EU or any other country. But what I am
suggesting is many times there are consequences to these
actions. Now, every Senator has their own position on these,
exercise their own judgment as they should, and cast their own
vote. So I don't think necessarily that there was a disconnect
from what I said in The World Herald to where I have been on
international sanctions.
As to your specific point about supporting unilateral
sanctions as well as international sanctions in the letter to
Senator Boxer, it is a different situation to start with. We
already have very effective international sanctions on Iran.
Senator Wicker. Are you saying that those two statements do
not contradict each other, the one to the Omaha paper and the
one to Senator Boxer?
Senator Hagel. There are two points to it. Let me finish if
I could, Senator, thank you, my second point.
My second point is this. Where we are with Iran today, the
international sanctions that have been placed on Iran, that
puts Iran and the United States in a far different place than
where we were in 2000, or 1998, or 2001 when I did not support
the reimposition. By the way, the Bush administration did not
either. They did not want a 5-year reimposition for some of the
same reasons that I questioned that reimposition of 5 years on
But my point in making where we are today, connecting that
to unilateral sanctions, then we have a different situation.
Unilateral sanctions, because we have already got strong
international sanctions, should be considered. I think the
President is right to consider those. I would support that
because it is different than it was in 2001 or 1998.
Senator Wicker. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Wicker.
Senator Hagan.
Senator Hagan. Thank you. Senator Hagel, thank you for
being here. Thank you for your service to our country and the
military and your service in the U.S. Senate. I also want to
thank your wife and your family for standing with you today.
You played an important role in supporting Vietnam veterans
impacted by the exposure to Agent Orange. I have been involved
in a similar set of issues facing veterans stationed at Camp
Lejeune. They continue to search for answers about the effects
of water contamination there. As many as a million marines and
their families stationed at the base between the early 1950s
and the 1980s may have been exposed to harmful chemicals that
led to the development of cancer and other ailments.
The quest for answers in looking into this has been long.
It has been drawn out, and the recognition that men, women, and
children were dying or going broke paying out of pocket for
their treatment while they were waiting for these various
studies to be completed on the water contamination. We in
Congress took action last year. The House and the Senate passed
a bill that will provide for the treatment of veterans and
their family members through the VA.
I continue to believe that the families of those stationed
at Camp Lejeune during this time period, they deserve answers
from the U.S. Government about who was exposed to the harmful
chemicals, what impact that might have had on their health, and
what the Government knew about this exposure.
I have been fighting for answers with a group of other
committed Senators on a bipartisan basis. Along the way
progress has been held up by endless bureaucratic delays and
My question to you is, do you agree that these marines and
their families deserve complete answers about the water
contamination that occurred at Camp Lejeune? If confirmed, will
you pledge to work with us to overcome any bureaucratic hurdles
that may halt or delay the pursuit of answers for the affected
marines and their family members?
Senator Hagel. Thank you. You noted that we had a long
conversation about this. I committed to you in your office. I
will make that commitment in front of this committee. I will do
There should never, ever be a question about the health,
and the safety, and the environment that we put our men and
women and their families in when we ask them to make sacrifices
to serve this country. I am committed to that, and we will have
further conversations.
Senator Hagan. Thank you. I know you have answered a number
of questions about Israel already today, but I do have one I
want to ask you also. There is a special and historic bond
between the United States and Israel, and I am personally
committed to Israel's security and identity as a Jewish state.
When we met earlier this week, I was pleased to hear you
say you agree and that you also support a two-state solution
and oppose any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.
We also discussed the need for a strong military and
intelligence engagement between the United States and Israel.
Just last fall I was in Israel, and I have spoken with senior
military officials from both countries, and I have continually
heard that the ties between our military and our intelligence
organizations have never been stronger.
If confirmed, do you intend to maintain this close
relationship, and do you have any ideas for how we can further
strengthen this coordination?
Senator Hagel. I would once again reaffirm the commitment
that I made to you to this committee. I absolutely support the
continuation and the strengthening of our relationship with
Israel. As been noted before, in my book, a chapter I have on
Israel, I talk about the special and historic relationship
between the United States and Israel.
It is critically important that the qualitative military
edge that we have assured Israel since 1948 be maintained and
be enhanced. The Iron Dome is I think but one example. The
latest military exercise we had with the Israelis last fall,
Austere Challenge, it was the largest military exercise between
our two countries in the history of our two countries. I think
our intelligence agencies are working closer, and are stronger
and more coordinated than ever before.
I think this President has done as much to support Israel
as any president, as I mentioned earlier, since Harry Truman,
and I would look forward to continuing to follow those policies
and enhance those policies.
Senator Hagan. Thank you. I wanted to ask a question on
sequestration. Stopping sequestration from occurring is very
important to me. In North Carolina, we have 7 military
installations, and we have over 100,000 Active Duty
servicemembers in my State. I believe that these cuts are going
to harm our national security, will impair our readiness, will
defer necessary maintenance that will help keep our troops safe
and delay important investments in research and procurement, as
well as stunt our economic recovery at this time.
I do not believe we can allow these cuts to move forward.
Congress needs to work on a bipartisan basis on a balanced plan
that will help eliminate this threat of sequestration. Also we
have to reduce our deficit and protect the critical investments
and areas in our national defense.
When we spoke earlier this week, I was pleased to hear you
say that you did not support these indiscriminate,
unprioritized cuts that sequestration would cause. If allowed
to take effect, how will sequestration impact the Department's
ability to meet the future threats and challenges?
As I shared with you, I chair the subcommittee of this
committee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, so I am
particularly interested in your thoughts. You were commenting
earlier to Senator Udall's questions on cyber security issues,
which is obviously being considered in the Emerging Threats and
Capabilities Subcommittee.
My question is, what impact do you believe that these cuts
would have on our servicemembers and their families at home and
abroad, and in particular the cuts--the sequestration, how
would this impact areas such as cyber security and the other
Senator Hagel. First, as we have said this morning and you
know, the Chiefs have made very clear and Secretary Panetta,
there will be consequences, significant consequences to the
management of our Defense Department and our ability to have
the flexibility to make the decisions not just for the
immediate, but for the future.
When you hang that kind of uncertainty over any
institution, but especially the institution charged with
national security in our country, it is very dangerous.
Readiness is obviously the number one priority, and we will
continue to do that. The Chiefs have already started to work
through this, and I think in some of the public statements they
have made, we are preparing for that. They will be prepared. If
in the event the sequestration does take effect, we will be
ready to deal with it. But this is going to be very difficult.
We talked a little earlier here this morning about how we
are going to have to reduce training, steaming time, flying
time. But I think the American people do need to be reassured,
as I think Secretary Panetta and the Chiefs have, that the
security of this country is not going to be in jeopardy. But it
is going to be difficult, and it is going to affect longer-term
kinds of planning.
But make no mistake, if this happens, this is going to be a
severe problem.
Senator Hagan. My time is up. Thank you for your comments.
Chairman Levin. Senator Hagan, thank you so much. Now we
were going to work right through the vote that is going on now,
but we are going to take a 10-minute recess right now and come
right back. Then we are going to call on Senator Ayotte and
then Senator Manchin. They are next in line, and I urge them to
go vote and come right back.
We will now recess for 10 minutes. [Recessed.]
Chairman Levin. We will come back to order.
Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank you, Senator Hagel, for your service to our
country and for being here today in this important hearing, and
I want to thank your family as well.
Senator Hagel, I think we have established, as I understand
it from the prior questions you have been asked, in July 2001,
you were one of only two Senators to vote against extending the
Iran Sanctions Act, the sanctions in that act. That is a vote
that you have agreed that you have taken. Correct?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Ayotte. Yes or no? Yes. That was when you were only
one of two Senators in the entire Senate to vote against that.
Also, in 2008, I believe you were asked you were again one
of two Senators within the Senate Banking Committee, though,
not the entire Senate, to vote against the Comprehensive Iran
Sanctions Accountability Act of 2008. Is that right?
Senator Hagel. That is right.
Senator Ayotte. Okay. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Yes. I am sorry. Yes.
Senator Ayotte. Yes, thank you, Senator.
As I understand it, on October 2, 2008, Majority Leader
Harry Reid brought a similar bill to the floor. In fact, it was
called the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions Accountability Act of
2008, and he brought it to the floor on October 2, 2008. There
have been media reports that you blocked unanimous consent for
the consideration of that bill. Are those true or not?
Senator Hagel. I was one of some Republican Senators who
did not want that vote to go forward. I voted against it in the
subcommittee, and the reason I did was because the Bush
administration did not want that bill to go forward.
The reason that they didn't is because they were involved
in negotiations with the Russians in the U.N. and Security
Council members to put multilateral sanctions on Iran.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you.
But just to be clear, you did block unanimous consent of
that bill in 2008?
Senator Hagel. I was part of an effort, yes. That is right.
Senator Ayotte. Okay. Thank you.
Also, would it surprise you that an earlier version of that
sanctions bill was actually cosponsored by Secretary Kerry,
Secretary Clinton, and President Obama at the time? You were
not a cosponsor. Would that surprise you?
Senator Hagel. Well, no, not necessarily. I didn't ever
base my votes, Senator, on what everybody else thought or did.
I voted based on what I thought was right.
Senator Ayotte. Also, we, of course, the sanctions that are
in place now, that bill or its next generation passed the U.S.
Senate after you left in a vote of 99 to 0, and no one in the
Senate, in fact, voted against that. So that has been our clear
policy of the bill, really the next generation of the bill that
you blocked in the Senate.
I want to ask you also about your position with respect to
involvement in the Global Zero report. I know many people have
asked you questions about this.
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Ayotte. Here is what is troubling me. You have
testified before this committee today that you have never been
for unilateral nuclear disarmament. In other words, unilateral
actions by the United States of America. Yet this report
itself, which you call an illustration, its illustration or
recommendation or however you want to frame it, is to
actually--there are many recommendations in it.
One of them is to eliminate a leg of our triad, which is
the land-based ICBMs. You would agree with that? That is the
illustration that is contained in this report, or you call it
an illustration. Is that right?
Senator Hagel. I call it an illustration, Senator, because
that is the term it used at the front end of the report.
Senator Ayotte. Well, let us----
Senator Hagel. Not a recommendation.
Senator Ayotte. Let me talk about the other terms that this
report uses because this report twice, as Senator Sessions
asked you, on page 1 and on page 16 says that the illustrations
or this example given in this report, one of which is
eliminating a leg of our nuclear triad could be implemented
So here is what I am struggling with. Why would you ever
put your name on a report that is inherently inconsistent with
what you are telling us today is that you have never been for
unilateral disarmament as a possibility?
Senator Hagel. It is not inconsistent, I don't believe,
Senator. But you used the term ``could''. That is a pretty
important operative word in the report.
The report does not recommend we do these things. The
report says ``could,'' ``illustrative,'' ``scenarios,''
``possibilities''. You probably know the four other individuals
who were involved in that report, mainly General Cartwright,
former strategic commander and----
Senator Ayotte. Senator Hagel, I know we don't have a lot
of time here. I don't dispute the qualifications or the service
of the other individuals that are involved in this report. But
of all the illustrations and of all the ``coulds'' you could
pick, this report says that the President could implement these
unilaterally, although that is inconsistent with what you say
is your position. Yet you signed off on this.
This report also says of all the illustrations you could
have picked, the illustration is eliminating a leg of our
nuclear triad. One thing that troubles me is that of all the
things that this group could have picked as what you call an
illustration is a significant reduction in our nuclear
To me, I view that as troubling and inconsistent. One thing
I would hope you wouldn't do as Secretary of Defense is to sign
off on a report that would say something like unilateral, like
this one does, that could be implemented unilaterally that is
different than your philosophy or our policy.
Senator Hagel. As Secretary of Defense, I won't be signing
off on reports in the same way as a private citizen. Obviously,
I will have a different kind of responsibility if I am
confirmed by the Senate.
But I don't think that there is anything that also changes
my position in that report because it was a letter sent, which
you may have, to the President of the United States----
Senator Ayotte. Just so we are clear, and I am not--I don't
want to interrupt you, but we just don't have a lot of time.
Just so we are clear, you don't view what you are telling us
today and the language in this report as inconsistent?
Senator Hagel. I do not because it wasn't a recommendation.
The report also says and the authors of it says, have always
said, none of this can be any reductions unilateral, just like
any strategic arms reduction treaty that we have signed, both
Republican and Democrats have led on that, has to be bilateral,
has to be verifiable, has to be negotiated.
I have always been there, and that is where we have been on
this report.
Senator Ayotte. Okay. Thank you.
May I follow up on the discussion about containment,
nuclear containment with Iran? The first question I would have,
as you said very clearly to Senator Levin, that you believe
that a military option should be on the table with respect to
Iran. In fact, I think you said, ``I do, I have, and I strongly
agree'' in terms of that being one of the options the President
of the United States would have in addressing Iran is the
language that you said.
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Ayotte. Can you help me understand when you went to
Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2006, you said at that time that a
military strike against Iran, a military option is not a
viable, feasible, or responsible option. It strikes me as what
you are saying about the military option now seems inconsistent
with that statement.
Why would you make that statement in Pakistan that it is
not a viable, feasible, or responsible option in light of your
statement today that you do, ``I have, and I strongly agree''
that a military option should be on the table?
Senator Hagel. That statement was made in the context of
all options regarding Iran, and Pakistan was where I was at the
time. The larger context of that was nuclear powers, which
certainly Pakistan is part of that club.
Not unlike what Secretary Gates said about a strike on
Iran, my point was that this would not be a preferable option.
There would be consequences to this option. Things would happen
as a result of it.
If we could find a better option, a better way to deal with
Iran to assure they do not get nuclear weapons, then we are far
better off. That was the context of that statement.
Senator Ayotte. Senator Hagel, I know that my time is up,
and I know we will have an opportunity for a second round of
questions. But as I see your quote, it didn't say preferable
option. It said it was not a responsible option. I view those
words as having a very different meaning.
So I look forward to following up in the subsequent round
of questioning. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Ayotte.
Senator Manchin.
Senator Manchin. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, thank you so much and your family for your
service and for putting your services on the line for us. I
appreciate it very much.
I would like to say this. You and I have not known each
other before. I never had the pleasure of serving with you,
which I wish I would have. We had a great conversation. You
bring a breath of fresh air, truly a breath of fresh air to
this process in a bipartisan way. Having two great Senators
sitting by your side--one a Democrat, one a Republican--that
basically support you wholeheartedly speaks volumes in the
toxic process that we have today.
With that being said, also everyone has been so fixated on
your past, what you have said, and I think I have come to learn
in the very short time I have been a Senator that this town and
this process and this body has become almost a guilt by
conversation. With that being said, I respect you being the
person being able to say what you thought needed to be said.
You voted the way you thought you should be voting for your
constituents and your country, and you weren't really driven by
your party or by any pressure groups.
I can't tell you how much I wish I would have served with
you. Sometimes I feel very lonely.
With all that being said, sir, we are asked to consider you
as a part of the Cabinet. Is there anything that would lead us
to believe that you wouldn't follow the orders that were given?
Senator Hagel. No. I understand clearly the
responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense. As I said in my
opening statement, those responsibilities are very serious. I
don't know of many jobs that are more serious, and I would
obviously always make every decision for the Defense Department
and my advice to the President based on only one thing, and
that is the security of this country.
Senator Manchin. I looked back at your record. You and I
come from the same era. We are very close in age, and I
remember the Vietnam era very well. That, I think, shaped all
of us to a certain extent of how we looked after, post-Vietnam,
of how we would have looked at it if we would have known what
we knew before.
I am sure that kind of guided you as you looked at this,
Iraq, and I saw the information that we were given. If I had
been a Senator, probably I might have voted also, like many
people that were misled.
But after having seen 5 or 6 years of that unfortunate
scenario play out, the surge, and I know where you are coming
from, would you say that your experiences in Vietnam and
looking at basically what sometimes our misguided mission had
been shaped a lot of your positions today?
Senator Hagel. There is no question that as I have said
this morning, that my experience in Vietnam very much guided
the questions. I think I noted a couple of times in my opening
statement that it was one fundamental question that I always
asked, was the policy worthy of the men and women that we are
asking to make the sacrifices?
I know there are differences of opinion. You mentioned
Iraq. You mentioned the surge. My positions there were very
much guided by, well, what is the political purpose of the
Senator Manchin. Right.
Senator Hagel. Where do we go from here? Yes, you put
35,000 more American troops in an area for a sustained period
of time or more on top of more than 100,000 we already had
there, you will have a tactical victory. But there will be a
cost for that victory.
That is what always guided me. Do we understand the costs?
Are we prepared to make those costs in lives? Then where was
the bigger answer here? Where were we going with the surge? How
was this going to take us, advance us to where we needed to go,
and where did we think we needed to go?
So, yes, those experiences did shape my questions.
Senator Manchin. I appreciate that. Let me just say that as
speaking of now, what we deal with and the concerns that people
had with your nomination, the support of Israel, I have no
doubt in my mind your support of Israel as our greatest ally
and would always be there. I think you have answered that. I
think we all feel very comfortable with that.
Also your commitment that Iran should not under any
circumstance have the ability to have a nuclear weapon, and I
appreciate that position very much.
Where we go with the strength of our Army if we have our
military might in DOD, the National Guard, how does the
National Guard play in your role of thinking of what they
should be doing and what they could be doing?
Senator Hagel. The National Guard now has a chair at the
table with the Joint Chiefs. General Grass represents the
National Guard effectively, a new chief. But their role will
continue to be important, as will the Reserves.
I think we saw over the last 12 years of war how important
our National Guard is and the Reserves. We could not have
conducted those two wars without the National Guard and
Reserves. I think that has professionalized both Services. They
are going to continue to be necessary. They are important.
Their training, their credibility, their leadership, that
is obviously why the decision was made to assure their
representation with the Joint Chiefs, and I strongly support
the National Guard and Reserves.
Senator Manchin. Personnel, I think that Senator McCaskill
touched on things I am very concerned about. Every time I hear
about the sequestering and people tell me that if we do a
sequestering it could destroy our ability to defend ourselves
and have the military might that we do.
Now I don't see that whatsoever, and I followed the
statistics. I followed all the post-war eras from starting with
Korea and Vietnam, Cold War, and where we are today. This will
be the least amount of money that we have asked to draw down
under any post-war time. But yet everyone is hollering that it
will be devastating.
I know there is a way to do that, but the contracting. We
are having a hard time getting our hands around the
contracting, the cost of contracting, the ability for people in
the contracting world to be reimbursed by over $700,000, almost
twice what the President gets paid. Some of these things, would
you embrace working with us and sitting down and looking and
embracing an audit?
Myself and Senator Tom Coburn have had legislation asking
for a complete audit of DOD. Your thoughts on those two things,
Senator Hagel. Of course, I will, and as I have noted this
morning, I am committed to do that. I will do it.
Accountability is a primary responsibility of any
institution or organization. That is clearly in the purview of
Congress. We have to do it. We have to improve on the process.
We talked a little bit this morning about the astounding
amount of waste, fraud, and abuse the Inspector General,
Special Inspectors General both in Iraq and Afghanistan have
found. I am committed, as I have said, to assure that we make
that deadline of 2017 on the audits, and I will work with you
closely on that.
Senator Manchin. My time is up, and one thing I want to
state that we talked about in my office is the commitment to
help our returning veterans get jobs. The Jobs Caucus, ``I Hire
a Vet,'' it is so important. I appreciate your support for
that. I look forward to working with you that we can put more
of our vets back to work when they come home and get them back
into mainstream America.
Thank you, sir. I look forward to voting for you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Manchin.
Senator Fischer.
Senator Fischer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Mr. Inhofe.
Good afternoon, Senator. It is good to see you again.
Senator Hagel. Thanks.
Senator Fischer. I want to begin by thanking you for your
service to our country and to the State of Nebraska. I do
appreciate your continued willingness to serve the United
But I need to be honest with you. After our meeting last
week, I still have some concerns about your nomination. Many of
my colleagues are concerned that you have changed your views,
and I share that concern. But I must admit that I am more
worried that your views have not changed.
From your meeting with me last week, it was clear that you
maintain the views that have led to so much scrutiny of your
nomination. Despite these recent claims to the contrary, you
continue to hold, I believe, extreme views far to the left of
even this administration.
In particular, your clear statement to me during our
meeting that if given the opportunity to recast your vote on
the Iranian sanctions, you would still oppose those sanctions.
I believe that indicates that you hold these concerning views.
Our Nation faces many challenges, perhaps none greater or
more immediate than Iran's continued progress towards obtaining
nuclear weapons. At the same time, DOD is entering a period of
transformation that will likely define its role for many
decades to come. The future of our nuclear deterrent could
depend on our choices made by the next Secretary of Defense.
I am going to bring up the report that we have heard about
quite a bit. You are listed as a coauthor of that May 2012
Global Zero report on our nuclear posture. I believe there is a
recommendation in there, and I believe that the recommendation
is to drastically reduce the U.S. nuclear forces.
When we spoke last week, you described this report as being
authored by General Cartwright. I had the impression, and I
believe you implied to me, that you weren't closely affiliated
with it. But you are listed as a coauthor of that report, as
one of the five coauthors.
Moreover, you told me at that time that this report
discussed options. You have reiterated that stance today. But
after I have reexamined it once again, the only options that I
have found in the report are related to how best achieve those
drastic reductions that I believe it advises. There are no
alternative views or dissenting opinions that are presented or
discussed in the report.
It states many controversial opinions. It states them as
facts in support of its conclusion, and I believe it is
important to determine whether or not you agree with those
positions. As it has been said before, my time here is limited,
and so I would like to quickly go through and review some of
those more concerning proclamations that it makes with you. I
would appreciate if we could kind of go through this quickly.
For example, the U.S. ICBM force has lost its central
utility. That is stated in the report. Do you agree with that?
Senator Hagel. Senator, that report was not a
recommendation. That report, as we have said, was a series of
scenarios. Again, I use the term ``illustrative'' because that
was the beginning of the report as possible ways we could
continue to reduce our warheads. Not unilaterally, but
Every treaty we have ever signed to reduce warheads and the
thrust capability with the Russians has been about reduction.
So that is not new. That is where it has always been.
But ICMBs, your specific question, it is a 25-page report.
I assume you have read it. It talked about one of the reasons
ICBMs may well eventually be insignificant because of the
overflight over Russia and so on. Now those aren't fictional
analyses. Those are facts.
Now no one is recommending in that report--and you probably
know General Cartwright. When he was in Omaha, you probably got
acquainted with him. These are serious people who understand
this business, and no one is recommending that we unilaterally
do away with our ICBMs.
What that report was about was looking at where this is all
going. Again, the title of the report was ``Modernizing Our
Nuclear Strategy,'' not eliminating it.
Senator Fischer. Correct. But do you agree with the
statement made in the report that the ICBMs, that force has
lost its central utility?
Senator Hagel. That is not what the report said.
Senator Fischer. I have it--I have it cited, Senator. With
respect, I can enter that into the record. But it is cited in
the report.
Senator Hagel. The report, in the overall context, ICBMs
and all of the parts of that report were about the utilities of
our triad, where is this going, and the money that we are
investing in it, and we have to look at it. I think those kinds
of reports are valuable to assess our needs, to assess our
nuclear capability, to assess our nuclear deterrent.
I mean, we do studies all the time. This was not an
official report from an official government. Think tanks do
this all the time. I think that is valuable.
Now whether policymakers----
Senator Fischer. Excuse me. I, too, think that reports from
various organizations--think tanks, individuals, groups--I
think those are all very important in getting information and
opinions out there. But when you coauthor a report, I think you
should be able to answer if you agree with statements that are
made in the report.
Senator Hagel. I do not agree with any recommendation that
would unilaterally take any action to further reduce our
nuclear warheads on our capability. But again, that is not what
the report said.
But I do not agree with that. Every option that we must
look at, every action we must take to reduce warheads or
anything should be bilateral. It should be verifiable. It
should be negotiated.
Senator Fischer. Every action that this country takes needs
to be bilateral?
Senator Hagel. I didn't say that. I said in nuclear
capabilities in our warheads. When we are talking about
reducing warheads, as every treaty we have signed with the
Russians has been bilateral. It has been verifiable.
Ronald Reagan said it best, ``Trust, but verify''. I think
that is the key word. He also said, as I said this morning, we
should wipe nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.
I think almost every President has agreed with that,
including, by the way, this President, who has seen this
report. World leaders do agree with the continued reduction,
and this is not a report that is out of the mainstream at all.
President Obama has said in his Prague speech in 2009 that that
was his goal, as Ronald Reagan did, as many Presidents did.
Senator Fischer. Thank you.
If I could continue on this vein of questioning, please?
Also, as I read the report, it calls for all U.S. tactical
nuclear weapons to be eliminated over the next 10 years and
asserts that their military utility is practically nil.
Do you agree with that statement?
Senator Hagel. Senator, I don't believe it calls for that.
These are scenarios and schedules and possibilities and
options. But none of this could ever, ever happen unless it
would be negotiated, bilateral, and verifiable. That was part
of a letter that the Global Zero growth group sent to the
President in 2009 specifically stating that.
If I might give you a more recent example of that. Senator
Feinstein's subcommittee----
Senator Fischer. Just a quick one, please.
Senator Hagel.--had a hearing on this last year. In that
hearing, and the committee can get the transcript if it doesn't
have it, General Cartwright and Ambassador Pickering testified.
They went into this, that this is all, everything with any
action we would take would have to be negotiated. It would have
to be bilateral. No unilateral action.
They made that point again on the record in front of
Senator Feinstein's subcommittee. I support that. I agree with
Senator Fischer. I have another statement from the report.
The U.S. ICBM rapid reaction posture remains in operation and
runs a real risk of accidental or mistaken launch.
I think that statement is pretty clear. Do you agree with
Senator Hagel. Yes. I mean, I think accidental launches and
those kinds of things are always to be concerned about. We need
to assure, as we have over the years, that that doesn't happen,
both on the Russian side----
Senator Fischer. That we run a real risk of accidental or
mistaken launch?
Senator Hagel. Well, you take ``real'' out. You could just
put risk. But there is always a risk. I mean, when we are
talking about nuclear weapons and the consequences, you don't
get a lot of second chances. We need to be very sure about
these things, and I think that was the whole point.
Chairman Levin. I think you need to save any additional
questions for the second round, if you would today.
Senator Fischer. Oh, I am sorry. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. You may not have gotten a card. I am sorry
if you didn't.
Senator Fischer. Oh, thank you very much.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Senator Fischer. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Fischer.
Senator Gillibrand.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Senator Hagel, for testifying today.
I appreciate that you have brought your family with you. I
appreciate the support of your wife.
I am going to submit several questions for the record
because they are important to me as the Senator from New York,
particularly about New York bases, cybersecurity, and children
of military families with disabilities. But today, I want to
focus on the most urgent issues from my perspective. I want to
talk more about your thoughts on Israel and Israel's security.
I want to talk about Afghanistan, and I want to talk about
personnel issues.
On Israel. Obviously, our relationship with Israel is
tremendously important to Israel, and we are fundamentally tied
to them because of being such a strong democracy in the Middle
East and having our national securities very much being tied in
many ways.
We talked quite a bit about Iran, and you have clarified
your position that containment is not an option. I am concerned
about a statement you said with regard to Iran. A nuclear Iran
is an existential threat to the United States, as well as
Israel. The Iranian Government has been responsible for the
deaths of U.S. servicemembers, an attempted attack on U.S.
soil, and the funding, training of terrorist groups.
Their latest in a long list of direct threats to Israel
came just today. I want to make sure that in your statement
earlier today with regard to whether Iran is legitimate, I can
understand if you meant it is a legal entity that has
international relations and has diplomatic relations and is a
member of the U.N. But I do not see Iran or the Iranian
Government as a legitimate government, and I would like your
thoughts on that.
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Senator.
What I meant to say, should have said, it is recognizable.
It has been recognized, is recognized at the United Nations.
Most of our allies have embassies there. That is what I should
have said, and thank you.
Senator Gillibrand. You are welcome.
With regard to Israel, Israel's security is very important,
and I have been one of the strongest advocates for our
alliance, fighting for more increases in missile defense
cooperation as well as coordination on a number of the
technology programs that are fundamental to Israel's security.
Last year, Iron Dome more than proved itself as missiles
from Gaza continually headed towards Israel. In December,
Ranking Member Inhofe and I successfully pushed for full
funding of the U.S.-Israel cooperative missile defense systems.
Will you personally support robust funding for Iron Dome,
David's Sling, and other programs? If we have to have a
Continuing Resolution, the funding for Iron Dome will be well
below the authorized amount for fiscal year 2013. In such a
case, will you recommend either reprogramming other funds or
sending forth an anomaly budget requesting to fully cover our
commitment to this program?
Senator Hagel. First, I fully support and will continue to
fully support Iron Dome and Arrow and David's Sling. As to a
commitment to the second part of your question, I would have to
better understand what our restrictions are going to be in our
budgets before I could make any decisions like that, and I
would have to talk with our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and
each of the chiefs and want to better understand, depending on
how bad and deep this sequestration might get.
But make no mistake. It is clearly a priority program. I
believe we will continue to fund it. We should. I will support
the continuing funding.
Senator Gillibrand. I hope you will also be a strong
advocate because our budget is, even under sequestration,
significant. This is a very high priority certainly for me.
Senator Hagel. If I am confirmed, we will work together, as
I will with this committee, on this and other issues.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you.
A number of members were just in Egypt, and we met with
President Morsi. Obviously, we are very concerned about the
Sinai becoming a route for arms coming straight from Libya
going to terrorist groups. We, obviously, are very concerned
about we give $1.2 billion to Egypt in aid, and we want to
figure out if there is a way to put some of those funds towards
more anti-terrorism missions as opposed to the typical
Do you have any thoughts on that and what we can do to
really try to assist in cracking down on the weapons trade?
Senator Hagel. It is a huge challenge and part of obviously
what allows terrorists, extremists to advance their cause.
Maritime security, piracy issues, I mentioned in my opening
statement that is all part of why we need to rebalance
resources and why we need the kind of flexible, agile resource
base--in particular our Navy--to be able to do this.
It also is going to continue to take cooperation with our
allies. We can't do this alone. As good as our intelligence is,
the best in the world, best military in the world, we are the
largest, wealthiest country in the world. But we have to work
with allies, and we have to find that through intelligence
before it gets beyond the capacity to be used to do damage
against the interests of this country and our allies.
Senator Gillibrand. As Israel is one of our most important
allies, one of the growing risks we have now is Syria,
particularly chemical weapons being not properly locked down.
There is concern, and obviously with what happened yesterday, I
suspect that there has been very close cooperation between our
militaries on contingency plans with respect to Syria's
chemical weapons. But will this be something that you can focus
your concern on because of your past statements about the
Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006?
Is this something that you will also commit to and keeping
this alliance strong and making sure we have a strong
contingency plan with regard to any chemical weapons coming out
of Syria?
Senator Hagel. Yes. By the way, I have said on the record
many times that Hezbollah and Hamas are terrorist groups, and I
have said many times on the record that Iran is a state sponsor
of terrorism. So, yes, I am committed to do that and will do
Senator Gillibrand. Okay. For my last minute, with regard
to Afghanistan, we have heard your views, and you didn't give a
specific statement about how many troops when. But will you, in
your capacity as Secretary of Defense, advise the President
that we should be drawing down troops sooner rather than later?
Senator Hagel. I think he has made that pretty clear that
he wants to do that. If I am confirmed, I will need to better
understand all the dimensions of this. I don't know all those
dimensions. I think that there is little question that--and I
support completely where the President wants to go in
Afghanistan and his commitment to unwind that war.
As we have said, there should be, there will be. He has
noted that he will, in fact, enforce a new policy and new
relationship based on a limited objective for our troops there,
and I support that.
Senator Gillibrand. My last question that I will submit
more for the record, but you and I talked at length about it.
Obviously, the personnel of our military is our most important
asset, and when we hear reports that there are upwards of
19,000 sexual assaults in the military against women, it is
We also have finally repealed ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell''.
But it is difficult for a military spouse to even go to the
commissary and be on base or be notified if a spouse is killed
in action. I will need a strong commitment from you that you
will treat our military families and look after them in the way
you would look after your own.
I want you to be concerned about every man and woman in the
military, that their well-being is being looked after, and see
real advocacy and leadership. Not status quo. Not implementing
whatever we put forward. But actually fighting for them every
single day.
Senator Hagel. You have my complete commitment on that. I
have made that commitment to, I think, all members of the
committee that I have spoken to directly and privately.
Again, I mentioned that point in my opening statement, you
will recall. I think I have a pretty clear record on that in my
life. I will continue to do that, will do that, and I agree it
is not good enough just to say zero tolerance. The whole chain
of command needs to be accountable for this, all the way down
to the bottom. So I will.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Gillibrand.
Senator Graham.
Senator Graham. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, congratulations on your appointment. You are
a good, honest man, and I really appreciate your willingness to
serve the country in the past and be willing to do so in the
What percentage of the gross domestic product do we spend
on defense?
Senator Hagel. We are, I think, it is probably 5 percent
now in that area in our budget, our discretionary budget----
Senator Graham. Is that historically high or low?
Senator Hagel. I think generally depends on real dollars
and wars, but--
Senator Graham. Are we at war?
Senator Hagel. We are at war in Afghanistan. We are at war
around the world with active threat----
Senator Graham. So you agree with me we are at war in
Afghanistan? We are at war around the world. So when you look
at spending on defense, every Senator should be aware of the
fact we are still at war. Do you agree with that?
Senator Hagel. I am sorry. What is your question?
Senator Graham. Do you agree that every Senator, every
Member of Congress should be wide-eyed and understanding that
when you vote on a defense budget we are at war?
Senator Hagel. Yes, I do.
Senator Graham. Okay. Thank you.
Now let us talk a little bit about statements you made. You
have explained this a bit. You said, ``The Jewish lobby
intimidates a lot of people up here. I am not an Israeli
senator. I am a U.S. Senator. This pressure makes us do dumb
things at times.''
You have said the Jewish lobby should not have been--that
term shouldn't have been used. It should have been some other
term. Name one person, in your opinion, who is intimidated by
the Israeli lobby in the U.S. Senate.
Senator Hagel. Well, first----
Senator Graham. Name one.
Senator Hagel. I don't know.
Senator Graham. Well, why would you say it?
Senator Hagel. I didn't have in mind a specific----
Senator Graham. First, do you agree it is a provocative
statement? That I can't think of a more provocative thing to
say about the relationship between the United States and Israel
and the Senate or Congress than what you said.
Name one dumb thing we have been goaded into doing because
of the pressure from the Israeli or Jewish lobby.
Senator Hagel. I have already stated that I regret the
terminology I used.
Senator Graham. But you said back then it makes us do dumb
things. You can't name one Senator intimidated. Now give me one
example of the dumb things that we are pressured to do up here.
Senator Hagel. We were talking in that interview about the
Middle East, about positions, about Israel. That is what I was
referring to.
Senator Graham. So give me an example of where we have been
intimidated by the Israeli/Jewish lobby to do something dumb
regarding the Mideast, Israel, or anywhere else.
Senator Hagel. Well, I can't give you an example.
Senator Graham. Thank you.
Do you agree with me you shouldn't have said something like
Senator Hagel. Yes, I do. I have already said that.
Senator Graham. Now do you agree with me that Hezbollah is
a terrorist organization?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Graham. Now, in 2006, you were 1 of 12 Senators who
refused to sign the letter to the EU asking them to designate
Hezbollah as a terrorist organization for the purposes of the
EU sanctioning Hezbollah. Why were you 1 of 12 who refused to
sign that letter?
Senator Hagel. Because I have generally had a policy during
my time in the Senate that I didn't think it was the right
approach for the Congress of the United States to be sending
leaders any instructions or any documents versus letting our
President do that. As I have already stated----
Senator Graham. Why did you sign the letter to Bill
Clinton, urging him to deal with the Russians when it comes to
their policy against Jewish people?
Senator Hagel. Because I think that is the appropriate
approach because I think it is our President who conducts
foreign policy.
Senator Graham. All I could suggest to you is that when a
letter is presented to a U.S. Senator about the times in which
we live in, you can't write one letter and not write the other
and, in my view, be consistent.
The letter was urging the EU to impose sanctions on
Hezbollah, and you have been a big believer that we shouldn't
go it alone. We shouldn't do it unilaterally. Why in the world
wouldn't you take this chance to urge the EU to go ahead and
sanction Hezbollah because it may help the world at large deal
with this terrorist organization? Your answer is you just don't
think we should be writing letters?
Senator Hagel. That wasn't my answer. My answer was I think
the President of the United States is the appropriate
Senator Graham. So Congress has no interest at all in
whether or not the EU would designate Hezbollah as a terrorist
organization? Do you think that is our role up here, that we
should just stay out of those things?
Senator Hagel. Congress has an interest and responsibility
in all things. But I----
Senator Graham. Okay. I got you. Apparently not there.
Now let me ask you this about the Iranian Revolutionary
Guard. You said just a minute ago you think they are a
terrorist organization. Do you agree with that?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Graham. Okay. You voted against the amendment
designating them a terrorist organization because you thought
we would be going down the wrong road by doing that because
they are a recognized state. Iran, you wouldn't want to
designate the army of a recognized state as a terrorist
Senator Hagel. I said that Iran is a state sponsor of
terrorism. I also just clarified a statement on Iran being a
recognized nation by the United Nations, by most world bodies.
The reason again, I will explain it again, why I did not vote,
as 22 other members did----
Senator Graham. Right.
Senator Hagel.--because I think Jim Webb's argument was a
strong argument, and that was we have never--this is what he
said on the floor--designated part of a government as a
terrorist organization. Thereby what his concern was, as was
mine and other Senators who voted against it, would this be
then tantamount to giving the President of the United States
authority from Congress to take military action against Iran?
Senator Graham. I got you. Now let me just ask you this. Do
you believe that the sum total of all of your votes--refusing
to sign a letter to the EU asking Hezbollah to be designated a
terrorist organization, being 1 of 22 to not vote to designate
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, being
one of two on two occasions to vote against sanctions that this
body was trying to impose on Iran, the statements you have made
about Palestinians and about the Jewish lobby--all that
together, that the image you have created is one of sending the
worst possible signal to our enemies and friends at one of the
most critical times in world history?
Senator Hagel. No, I would not agree with that because I
have taken actions and made statements very clear as to what I
believed Hezbollah and Hamas are as terrorist organizations. In
fact, Senator----
Senator Graham. If you there was a vote on the floor of the
Senate this afternoon to label the Iranian Revolutionary Guard,
the people who have killed our soldiers in Iraq, some of the
most vicious people to the people of Iran themselves, if there
were a vote tomorrow or this afternoon or after lunch, would
you still vote no?
Senator Hagel. Well, I would want to know from the
President what they were doing, but again----
Senator Graham. I mean, you read the paper. You watch TV.
You have any doubt what they are doing? They are expanding
terrorism. They are trying to intimidate their own people. They
are the instrument of the theocracy to oppress their own
people, and they are the biggest supporter of the regime
keeping them in power so then they can get a nuclear weapon.
If you had a chance tomorrow, today, after lunch to vote to
say that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was a terrorist
organization, would you still vote no?
Senator Hagel. Well, the reason I voted no to start with
began with the same----
Senator Graham. Well, I know why. You told me that. My
question is----
Senator Hagel. That hasn't changed.
Senator Graham.--would you reconsider, and would you vote
yes this time, or would you still vote no?
Senator Hagel. Well, times change. I recognize that, and
yes, I would reconsider. But the whole theory----
Senator Graham. Well, thank you. That is encouraging.
My time is up, but we will have another round.
Senator Inhofe said that you were one of four Senators who
refused to sign a letter in October. The first paragraph says,
``We write to you to express our solidarity with the State of
Israel at this moment of crisis and our profound disappointment
and frustration with Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman
Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. We are dismayed that they
would allow violence by Palestinians to be carried out without
restraint or comment.''
This was when the Intifada was being raging, and Senator
Inhofe, led by Daschle and Lott, wanted a letter from every
member of this body to clearly put us on record that we believe
Arafat and the Intifada is undercutting the agreements they had
reached and that they had resorted to violence to intimidate
the Israeli Government and people in a way that was just
absolutely unacceptable.
If you had a chance to do it over, would you sign this
letter now? I am going to give it to you during whatever break
we have and ask you to reconsider. I would ask you, Senator
Hagel, to tell the country, the world at large, particularly
the State of Israel, you made a mistake by not signing that
Senator Hagel. Who is the letter to?
Senator Graham. I think it goes to the President. Is that
who it was to? It was the President.
Senator Hagel. I will look at it. I don't recall the
letter, and I will look at it and give you an answer.
Senator Graham. All I can say, it was a very big deal at a
very important time. The lack of signature by you runs chills
up my spine because I can't imagine not signing a letter like
that at a time when it really mattered.
We will continue this conversation. Thank you.
[The information referred to follows:]
The four Senators who did not sign this letter are:
Spencer Abraham, R-MI
Robert Byrd, D-WV
Judd Gregg, R-NH
Chuck Hagel, R-NE
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Graham.
We now will go to Senator Blumenthal.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to join, Senator Hagel, in thanking you for your
service, thanking your family, and expressing appreciation not
only to you for your service in uniform, but also afterward to
our veterans, which people may not appreciate as much as they
do your military service, but I think is every bit as important
to our Nation.
I just want to say about that letter, I wasn't here when
the letter was circulated. I would have signed it, but I would
certainly join in urging that you reconsider and commit to the
statement of support in the letter for the State of Israel. If
it is appropriate now and applicable to today's events, I hope
you will consider expressing your support for it.
I noted in your opening statement that no single quote and
no single vote define you in the entirety, and perhaps not as a
whole, but votes and quotes do matter. I think that the
questions about what you have said and what you have done in
the past are entirely appropriate, and I think also
reconsidering or your views evolving is also appropriate.
I am going to be submitting questions on some of the topics
that you have heard. You and I have discussed some of these
questions. I might say your private meetings with members of
this body have been very productive and effective, as you have
seen in some of the comments that have been expressed here. So,
the more we hear from you, I think the better you do on many of
these issues.
I want to begin by talking about one issue that concerns
our veterans, and particularly our Vietnam veterans. Many
Vietnam veterans in Connecticut and around the country received
less than honorable discharge as a result of conduct that was a
direct consequence of post-traumatic stress (PTS), at a time
PTS was not a term, not diagnosed, not treated.
But they have to live with the consequences of a less than
honorable discharge. They have to live with fewer benefits
often. I would like a commitment from you that DOD will
reevaluate and revisit perhaps some of those individual cases
as well as its general policies to take account of the fact
that we now know that many of those veterans during the Vietnam
era suffered from PTS or related kinds of injuries.
Senator Hagel. You have my commitment to do everything I
can about that. I understand the issue pretty well, been
working on this issue long before I actually ever got to the
Senate. So I will.
Thank you.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
I would like the same kind of commitment that you have
expressed very persuasively on the repeal of ``Don't Ask, Don't
Tell'' on the issue of sexual assaults. This issue bedevils the
military. I don't know whether you have seen an excellent
documentary called ``The Invisible War''?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Blumenthal. I know you are familiar with this
issue. I commend you for what you have said to me privately,
and I would ask that your commitment not only to the
prosecution and holding accountable people who are involved in
this criminal conduct, but also to the victims so that they
receive the kind of services that in the civilian world many of
them do through victim's advocates in the courts and similar
kinds of roles played.
So both to prosecution--effective, vigorous, zealous--but
also to protection of the victims. Can you commit to that?
Senator Hagel. Absolutely, I will commit to that, yes.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Blumenthal. On the strategic issues, I wonder if I
could talk to you for a moment about submarines, which you and
I discussed privately briefly. DOD, the Joint Chiefs, and the
President have all committed to an Ohio-class replacement
program that consists of a fleet of 12, starting no later than
The Global Zero report settled on a lower number, 10. I
strongly believe that the cost will increase, the cost per
submarine, and that we will be at severe risk, for reasons that
you may well understand, although we can't really discuss them
in detail here because I think they may be classified. I would
like a commitment that you are committed as well to a fleet of
12 Ohio-class replacement submarines.
Senator Hagel. On that issue, I would want to talk with our
Chief of Naval Operations to get a better understanding of our
budget. I can tell you this. I am committed completely to
modernizing our Navy and everything it includes and will
require. I will give you that commitment.
Senator Blumenthal. I am sure you know that the Ohio-class
replacement program is really the cornerstone of our nuclear
Senator Hagel. I do.
Senator Blumenthal. Vital to our national security, but it
requires clear leadership and support from the next Secretary
of Defense. I hope you will perhaps come back to us on that
Senator Hagel. I will. You and I will be discussing this, I
am sure, many times if I am confirmed. So thank you.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Going to the Virginia-class submarines, the next multiyear
purchase, known as Block IV, envisions 10 submarines. There is
a threat that it could be reduced to nine. For reasons related
to both cost and national security, I think that number should
be 10.
The intent and spirit of the last NDAA was that it should
be 10, and I would like to ask you, similarly, for your
commitment that there will be 2 submarines for 2014 and that
the program continues to be viable at the level of 10.
Senator Hagel. Senator, I will commit to what we have
committed to carry out what we need to fund and develop and
build in order to maintain the kind of modern Navy we are going
to require. Those submarines, as you note, are cornerstones to
that security.
Senator Blumenthal. They are absolutely vital cornerstones,
essential building blocks to our national security as we move
to the Pacific-Asia theater and seek to advance our interests
there. They have the intelligence, reconnaissance, and
surveillance capability as well as, as you well know,
counterterrorism, the importance. I hope that that effort will
continue, and I appreciate your commitment.
Let me just finish with a question that I think goes back
to the contracting area where you were asked questions before.
Senator Ayotte and I, in a trip led by Senator McCain, recently
visited Afghanistan and were briefed--and I am going to try to
make this question brief--about the continuing corruption in
the Afghanistan Government. Deeply troubling and even shocking.
But equally so is the waste of American taxpayer dollars in
part because of the procedural roadblock to enforcement of
section 841. I am not going to quiz you on 841. So you can take
a deep breath there. But 841 is designed to protect American
tax dollars from corrupt contracts that, in fact, go to benefit
the enemy.
We are working revisions that will make more effective the
procedures for terminating those contracts, getting back
American dollars, extending those protections to nondefense
dollars, and I hope that we can have your commitment as well to
work with us on that area.
Senator Hagel. You have my commitment, and I will
enthusiastically work with you on this area.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Blumenthal. I appreciate your frank and forthright
answers, and I don't know whether I will be here for the second
round of questioning, but I want to express my sincere
gratitude to you for your willingness to serve and your
patience and forthrightness in answering all our questions.
Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Blumenthal.
Senator Blunt.
Senator Blunt. Thank you, Chairman.
Senator Hagel, thank you for being here today. Thank you
for your service to the country in so many ways and your
willingness to serve again. To see your wife and your brothers
there behind you is an indication of the family commitment as
well as your personal commitment.
There are several things that I may get to in a second
round on Iran and sanctions. I was very involved in that
unilateral sanctions effort when I was in the House of
Representatives. We drafted some of that legislation in my
office when I was in the House.
Our relationship with Israel is of great concern to me, and
it is a priority to our efforts in the Middle East. I think
that is largely exhausted in this first round, at least from my
point of view. I may want to come back to some of it later.
I want to talk a little bit about the ongoing structure of
the force. The Wall Street Journal in an editorial today said
that the current American military was the smallest, least
modern, and least battle-ready in recent memory.
I don't think that means we are not maybe more modern than
anybody else in the world or more battle ready than anybody
else in the world. But I think that is a recognition that our
investment and the way we have used those resources has gotten
them in a position where we maybe need to be more focused on
rebuilding than we do building down.
Secretary Panetta has been very forthcoming in his comments
about the sort of across-the-board cutting approach of
sequestration. What do we do to get our worn-out equipment and
our worn-out personnel in a better position a year from now
than they are right now? Your brief strategic view of that
because I don't have very much time here.
Senator Hagel. Yes. Senator, you have just identified one
of the priorities of the next few years at DOD. Resetting
equipment and essentially reshaping our force structure, but
also renewing our force structure.
The fact is we have been at war for 12 years. Every Senator
here knows and you have constituents that we keep sending these
kids back and back and back to two wars. Of course, there is
going to be a consequence. Something is going to break down,
not only your equipment, but your manpower. You can't keep
doing that.
So that is going to be an overall challenge, Senator, that
is going to take as much of my time, if I am confirmed, as
anything, as it will our Chiefs. Our Chiefs know this better
than anyone, as we structure, rebalance, renew, and re-outfit.
We have, I believe, a force structure that is as capable as
ever. I don't accept that our force structure is somehow behind
or not modern or not capable. I don't think that is true.
Senator Blunt. I think the point that the editorial was
making was not that we were behind, but we are not at the quite
as far on the cutting edge as we may have been. I would hope
you and I would both want to see us get there.
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Blunt. Let me ask a question about that. Secretary
Gates said recently that one of his big concerns was that we
repeat the mistakes of what I think he referred to as a
``procurement holiday'' that we took in the 1970s and then, to
some extent, again in the 1990s. We spent a lot of time in the
10 years after that trying to get built back up to where we had
hoped to be.
How, in these discussions of cutting, do we keep the lines
open, do we keep our effort ongoing? One of the things that I
know quite a bit about is the F-18 line because it is in St.
Louis, MO, where Boeing Military is. I do know that if you ever
close that line down, we are always talking about, well, what
other country needs some version of this, and how do we keep
our capacity at a time when there is this talk about cutting
and not just cutting, but sort of cutting everything a little
bit, which means that some of the things that get cut a little
bit I think disappear because they can't survive if they are
only partly there.
Senator Hagel. Senator, you have just again identified one
of the great challenges that lies ahead, and that is
maintaining our industrial base. You use the F-18.
Senator Blunt. There are lots of other lines. That just
happens to be the one I have been on the most times.
Senator Hagel. No, I understand. But that is a good example
of what we are going to have to continue to keep strong.
The reality is, as you say, because we know what we have to
deal with, what our budgets are as a result of the Budget Act
of 2011. What we don't know brings us back to the uncertainty
of sequestration. Some of the examples you are using are good
examples of areas that will and can be, could be cut
arbitrarily in order to fulfill budget requirements.
I think what you have just noted again is going to be a
huge part of keeping our technological superiority, our edge.
Senator Blumenthal mentioned submarines. That is another
component of this. All the superior technical edge this country
has possessed since World War II has kept us, along with other
things and for other reasons, the strongest military power in
the history of man. That must be maintained.
Threats change. Cyber is a good example. I mean, 10 years
ago, nobody had any idea what we were talking about, cyber.
Even 5 years ago. We have to adjust to that challenge, that
Senator Blunt. Let me see if I can----
Senator Hagel. The core base, though, Senator, is exactly
right, and we have to protect that.
Senator Blunt. We do. We have made efforts with our allies
and friends to give them some other version of equipment we
had, maybe not quite as good as we had, but something that
keeps our defense procurement lines in place so that when we do
need them, they are still there. That is critically important.
Before you were designated Secretary of Defense, as the
potential nominee for this job, in talking about sequestration,
you made a comment about there is lots of bloat--I am sure you
have talked about this comment quite a bit and are very
familiar with it, more than you were before you made it
probably--in the Pentagon. What do you have in mind there?
What is being done at the Pentagon that could maybe better
be done somewhere else or is being duplicated somewhere else? I
think in some of the follow-up of that, I saw you mentioned
things that should be in the State Department have gotten over
to the Pentagon. Are there examples of that that we can work on
and you will want to lead on?
Senator Hagel. Two things. First, that comment came in a
large, extended interview about budgets about everything, and
that interview was done in 2011 prior to the Budget Control
Act, just to get the timeframe right on that. I never supported
sequestration, by the way.
Now, to your question about what we could do. Obviously,
much of the conversation here in the last few hours has been
about acquisition, about waste, fraud, and abuse, billions of
dollars. Why aren't we auditing these programs? Where is the
accountability? That is certainly an area that we are going to
have to take a look at.
My reference to State Department programs, some of the
general areas, I mentioned this this morning--where we have
pushed down on the military the last 12 years to do things that
usually are done out of State Department, aid type programs and
exchange programs, helping civilian type programs in areas.
That was all given to the--not all, but a great deal of it was
given to the military at the time we were at war in Iraq and
So the military has taken on a tremendous volume of
assignments and funding that goes with that. That needs to be
sorted through, I think. Those are areas where I think we----
Senator Blunt. One of your commitments will be to help us
sort through that?
Senator Hagel. It has to be, Senator. It has to be.
Senator Blunt. I am out of time, Senator. I will be here
for the second round.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Blunt.
Senator Donnelly.
Senator Donnelly. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Mr. Ranking
Member. It is an honor to be part of this committee. I look
forward to working with my colleagues, and I am proud to serve
the people of Indiana.
We are the heartland of America, and Senator Hagel, we have
over 14,000 members of the National Guard. In our State, we
have the fourth-largest contingent of National Guard members in
the entire country. I want to thank you for your service to the
country, you along with all Vietnam veterans and other
veterans, for what you have done for our Nation. I appreciate
your taking the time to meet with me.
We had an extensive discussion, and your understanding of
the complex challenges we face in the Middle East and the
importance of our alliance with Israel. It is a special and
historic relationship. I believe it is a special and historic
relationship. The people of my State believe that as well.
I think it was important for you to let everyone know that
there can be no nuclear Iran, that there are lines that cannot
be crossed, and we will stand up and defend our friends and the
entire world in that area.
When we were together, I mentioned to you about my visit to
Crane Naval Warfare Systems in Indiana. What they do is they
work to create the technologies to control the spectrum, in
effect, try to win the battlefield before the battle ever
starts on the ground.
We were wondering what can be done in this time of
challenging budgets to ensure that in the area of technology,
in the area of spectrum, we can maintain our budget so that, as
I said, before the war is ever started on the ground, we have
won it on the spectrum level? How critical is that in terms of
your planning in the Defense Department?
Senator Hagel. Senator, I think that focus is on as much
the core challenge that the Pentagon has in front of it as any
one thing. This committee is going to be particularly important
to help the leaders of the Pentagon sort through that because,
as evidenced in the whole series of questions that have been
asked today, Senator Blunt's most recent questions, this is a
time of priorities.
Budgets drive that, but missions should always drive
everything. What are going to be our missions in the Defense
Department over the next few years? How are we going to
resource those missions? What are the priorities going to be?
It is the entire universe of what the responsibilities are and
how do we carry those responsibilities out to secure this
Your general questions and most of the questions asked here
today have been about this. Until I would get over to the
Pentagon, if I am confirmed, and understand more of the
specifics and work with the Chiefs and get a better grasp of
exactly what we have, I won't be in a position to be able to
say this or this or we will do this or we won't.
Obviously, that is why I say this committee, the
authorizing committees are going to be particularly important.
Senator Donnelly. My next question probably ties into that
as well, which is, as I mentioned, we have over 14,000 members
of the Guard in our State, Army Reserves. They have done tour
after tour after tour in Iraq and in Afghanistan. As we wind
down, I think it is critical to make sure that we have a
strategic plan for the Guard in the future so that the Guard we
have today, equipment-wise, it is struggling on equipment. We
have to upgrade not only our vehicles, but in other areas as
I guess the question is, how do you view the mission of the
Guard in the years ahead?
Senator Hagel. During our conversation and a couple of the
questions I have had here today on the Guard, I have said I am
committed to a strong National Guard. It is an essential part
of our force structure going into the future. I think it was
proven quite clearly and effectively the last 12 years.
That will be maintained. I think further evidence of that,
putting a Chief of the National Guard into the Joint Chiefs.
You have my commitment that I will be continually focused on
that integration and the upgrading in every way.
Senator Donnelly. I have had the privilege of working with
General Shinseki in recent years on veterans issues, but I
think back to when he testified regarding Iraq and talked about
how many troops he thought were needed and all the
repercussions that came out of that not only for the general,
but in so many ways.
I think it is critical that the generals and the people in
the Pentagon provide you with the most unvarnished information
possible. They tell you exactly what they think. You tell them
exactly what you think, and that nobody at any time has their
career affected for telling you the truth. I want to make sure
that is the way that you are approaching this as well.
Senator Hagel. That is the way I would approach it. I value
that. There is no other way to assure that we are getting the
best, the most honest advice from our most capable leaders than
to say it like that.
The General Shinseki episode was a very unfortunate episode
in this country, what happened to him for telling the truth. I
will assure this committee that if I am Secretary of Defense
that kind of thing will never happen, for a general officer, a
senior commander to be handled and treated that way when he
told the truth to the Congress of the United States.
Senator Donnelly. I will say, and I know you know this, the
job he has done for veterans as the VA Secretary has been
Another area in regards to not only our veterans, which we
are challenged with right now, but also on Active Duty, is the
suicide rate. It has been heartbreaking. In 2012, we lost more
Active Duty members to suicide than we did in fighting in
I know General Chiarelli has at this point basically
dedicated his life to trying to solve this problem. I want to
make sure that the Defense Department is going to lean all in
to try to fix this and provide the care and help and answers so
that that number goes to zero in the years ahead.
Senator Hagel. You have my complete commitment on this
Senator Donnelly. It is something that our veterans then
face as well. It is also a transition issue that as much as you
can work with the VA, as our Active Duties transition out and
our National Guard when they go home, that they have somebody
to talk to, somebody to tell how they feel, and somebody who
understands what they are going through because if we can help
with that, they have borne the burden of battle, and we owe
them. We owe them everything.
Another question I wanted to ask you about is Pakistan. As
we know, the incredible challenges we have in Afghanistan, so
much of it is caused by Pakistan. We spent about or provided
about $2.5 billion in aid. Do you think those were dollars well
Senator Hagel. Pakistan is a complicated relationship. It
is a nuclear power. They cooperate with the United States on
some things. We have difficulties with them on others.
As to your question on investment in Pakistan, we condition
that assistance. We must continue to condition that assistance.
I think Pakistan is too dangerous and that area of the world is
so clearly in the national security interest of this country
that we just can't walk away from it and not deal with them.
It is complicated. It is imperfect. But this is where all
the levers of influence and relationships and diplomacy and
economics and power come into play. How we wisely use all of
those resources is going to determine some of the outcomes.
We have to be honest as well. We are dealing with factors
there that we don't agree with, that we have difficulties with.
But again, we have to continue to work at it, and I believe
that we will and we should.
Senator Donnelly. Senator, thank you very much.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Donnelly.
Senator Cruz.
Senator Cruz. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, I want to thank you for being here, and I
want to begin by thanking you for your honorable service to our
Nation, for your personal sacrifice that you have put into
standing and fighting for this country.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Cruz. I would like to begin by addressing a
question of process. In your prepared statements today, you
describe that you have given hundreds of speeches and
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Senator Cruz. This committee asked you in this process to
submit those speeches in the last 5 years, and in response to
that, you handed over a total of four speeches. In my view,
that submission was facially insufficient for this committee to
assess your record.
Indeed, your financial disclosure revealed you had received
paid honoraria in the past year for 12 speeches, and yet you
did not even hand over those speeches for which you were paid
substantial sums of money. Beyond that, 2 days ago, 6 Senators,
including Ranking Member Inhofe, sent you a letter asking for
financial disclosure. You have not chosen to respond to that
That letter in particular asked about the private
organizations that have paid you over the past 5 years and the
degree to which any of those funding sources have come from
foreign countries, foreign nationals, foreign sovereign debt
funds. You chose not to respond to that letter.
In my view, unless and until you respond to the requests of
members of this committee, this committee does not have a
proper record on which to assess your confirmation, and I think
we need full disclosure and adequate time to assess that.
Now I would like to ask initially a point of clarification.
With respect to the International Criminal Court, do you
believe the United States should become a party to the
International Criminal Court?
Senator Hagel. Senator, may I quickly respond to your first
Senator Cruz. I would like you to answer my question. My
time is limited.
Senator Hagel. That question is one that I am most likely
not going to be dealing with, as Secretary of Defense.
Senator Cruz. It is a simple question. Do you think we
should be a member of the International Criminal Court? I am
asking for your judgment on whether the United States should be
a party.
Senator Hagel. I support where the United States is today.
Senator Cruz. We are not a party today. You think we should
not be a party. Is that a correct statement of your position?
Senator Hagel. That is correct, yes.
Senator Cruz. Okay. Thank you.
I would like to draw your attention to an interview you did
in 2009 with Al Jazeera. With the chairman's indulgence, if we
can play an excerpt of that interview?
[Video excerpt shown.]
Senator Cruz. Now in that excerpt, Senator Hagel, the
caller suggests that the Nation of Israel has committed war
crimes, and your response to that was not to dispute that
characterization, but indeed to describe what he said as,
``Well, I think that is exactly right.''
I would like to ask you, do you think the Nation of Israel
has committed war crimes?
Senator Hagel. No, I do not, Senator. I would want to look
at the full context of the interview. But to answer your
question, no.
Senator Cruz. The context of that question, we played the
entirety of it, and I wanted to give you that context so you
could hear the question and you can hear your response. I would
suggest that a suggestion that Israel has committed war crimes
is particularly offensive, given that the Jewish people
suffered under the most horrific war crimes in the Holocaust.
I would also suggest that for the Secretary of Defense or
prospective Secretary of Defense not to take issue with that
claim is highly troubling. I would also point out in 2006 your
characterization of the Nation of Israel's action, and that was
in a speech on the floor of the Senate, you referred to
Israel's military campaign against the terrorist group
Hezbollah as a ``sickening slaughter''.
Now I would suggest the characterizations, do you think it
is right that Israel was committing a ``sickening slaughter,''
as you said on the floor of the Senate?
Senator Hagel. Again, I would want to read all of it, what
I said. First, I have said many, many times, Senator, every
nation has a right to defend itself.
Senator Cruz. Do you think a ``sickening slaughter'' would
constitute a war crime?
Senator Hagel. No. Depends on were they attacked, depends
on many factors. If Israel was defending itself, there was
slaughter going on on both sides.
Senator Cruz. Does one typically characterize defending
yourself against terrorism as a ``sickening slaughter''?
Senator Hagel. No, but again, Senator, I would want to look
at everything because----
Senator Cruz. Okay. Let us look at another excerpt from the
same interview, if we can play the second excerpt?
[Video excerpt shown.]
Senator Cruz. Senator Hagel, do you think it is appropriate
for the chief civilian leader of the U.S. military forces to
agree with the statement that both the perception ``and the
reality'' is that the United States is ``the world's bully''?
Senator Hagel. I didn't hear her say that, by the way, of
the United States, and I think my comment was it is a relevant
and good observation. I don't think I said that I agree with
Senator Cruz. With respect, I think the record speaks for
itself. It was in writing that she said the United States is
``the world's bully,'' that it is the reality, and your
response, you did say you agree with it. You said, ``Her
observation is a good one. It is relevant. Uh, yes, to her
You explicitly agreed with the characterization of the
United States as the world's bully, and I would suggest that is
not a characterization. I think the United States has spilled
more blood, more treasure standing for freedom, liberating
people across the world. To go on Al Jazeera, a foreign
network, broadcasting propaganda to nations that are hostile to
us and to explicitly agree with the characterization of the
United States as the world's bully, I would suggest is not the
conduct one would expect of a Secretary of Defense.
Senator Hagel. Senator, she said that was an observation.
Senator Cruz. I will point out that her quote was ``the
perception and the reality''. With that, my time is expired. I
look forward to a second round of questioning.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Now what we are going to do, given the fact that some of
those tapes there are--they need to be transcribed to be made
part of the record so that people can judge exactly what was
said and what was asked. I heard that first question, by the
way, as a response to the need for moral leadership. I didn't
hear it the way Senator Cruz did.
But in any event, it is important that the words be
transcribed so they can be made part of the record. It is a
rather unusual thing. I told Senator Cruz that I preferred that
we have a transcript and that you be asked questions from a
transcript, but that I didn't want to stop him from offering
the tape of it, and he went ahead and did it.
In any event, the fair thing now is that the transcript of
each of those segments be made part of the record and that we
give also Senator Hagel an opportunity, should he want either
on this question or, by the way, on other questions, an
opportunity to answer for the record in any way he might
proceed as though he were answering questions for the record.
Senator Cruz. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
We will be happy to provide a transcript, and we will also
be making public a link both to these excerpts and to the
entire transcript so that anyone who wants can view it in its
entirety and assess it in context.
Chairman Levin. That would be very helpful. Thank you,
Senator Cruz.
[The information referred to follows:]
Chairman Levin. Senator Hirono.
Senator Hirono. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member
I join my colleagues in welcoming you, Senator Hagel.
We live in a complex world, and any Secretary of Defense
should ask tough questions, maybe not particularly politically
popular questions. I see you, Senator Hagel, as that kind of
person, based on your service to our country, your conduct and
responses to the questions asked of you today, and the
conversation that you and I had.
Turning to your statement this morning, you talked about
looking at our future threats and challenges and why DOD is
rebalancing its resources toward the Asia-Pacific region. Of
course, this kind of rebalance is critically important to
Hawaii in our forward position in the Pacific.
Would you expand as to why and what particular economic or
national security factors come into play as we rebalance to the
Asia-Pacific region?
Senator Hagel. Senator, you know better than most your
region and its importance and why it will continue to be
important to the world, but certainly to the United States. As
I noted in my opening statement and you know, we have always
been a Pacific power. We have been a Pacific power because we
have clear economic interests there. We have diplomatic
security interests there. We have strong allies there. I
mentioned some of them in my opening statement.
When we look at the growth of economies, we look at trade
growth, we look at population growth, the rise of China. But
not just China, but that entire Asia-Pacific region, we need to
stay relevant to opportunities as well as challenges in all
areas, but in particular the areas that we see as emerging as
to the largest, most significant economic security issues and
challenges and opportunities.
It is appropriate that any nation rebalance assets. You
have to be relevant to the times, to the shifts, the changes.
Our world today is totally different than it was 12 years ago.
Our force structure is being refit, and we are looking at a far
more agile, flexible force structure as our economies are
becoming more agile and flexible.
For all those reasons and more, that is why we are doing
what I think is exactly the right thing to do. Doesn't mean, as
I said in my opening statement, that we are abandoning anybody
or any part of the world. We can't.
Senator Hirono. Senator, as we live in times of budget
constraints, will you commit to keeping me and this committee
informed as you develop the strategies and contemplate force
posture adjustments that go along with this kind of
Senator Hagel. Yes. I look forward to it.
Senator Hirono. I am very heartened by your perspective,
turning to another question, that you always ask the question,
is the policy working--worthy of the men and women that we send
into battle and possibly to their deaths? I am very heartened
by that kind of a perspective from someone who served our
What will be your top priorities as you look to care for
the men and women in uniform and their families?
Senator Hagel. As I said in my opening statement, the
welfare, the safety, the success of our men and women in
uniform is my top priority, has been and will continue to be,
and their families.
Senator Hirono. Do you have any specific programmatic ways
that you will reflect that?
Senator Hagel. First, to implement the law. We have a
number of new laws, policies that are in the process of being
implemented. We have spoken about some here today. I will
assure, if confirmed, that we do that.
As I said in my opening statement, we will assure that
every military man and woman and their families are given
exactly the same opportunities and rights as each other and all
members of the Armed Forces.
Senator Hirono. I also take to heart your belief in the
importance of the core nation and the work between DOD and the
VA, and I understand that you have a strong relationship with
Secretary Shinseki. With your experience as a veteran and
having been a senior leader in the Veterans Administration,
what will be your primary challenges and goals as you look to
collaborate with Secretary Shinseki and the VA?
Senator Hagel. It will be the same that Secretary Panetta
and, before him, Secretary Gates initiated in closer
collaboration between the two agencies, and that means the
integration of our systems. As our men and women transition out
from Active Duty into civilian life or retired life and are
going to require the assistance of some veterans assistance
programs, a closer integration.
We know that the backlogs now are still far, far too long
to get evaluations of whether it is post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) or whatever the health issue is. I think
continuing to work with Secretary Shinseki, as Secretaries
Panetta and Gates did, but strengthening that integration of
those systems, of leadership, of our people understanding each
other better, and maximizing the resources that each agency has
and making those resources more value-added and count more.
Senator Hirono. I had an opportunity to meet with Secretary
Shinseki recently, and those kinds of collaborative efforts are
not happening as expeditiously as we would like. I certainly
hope that you will have a renewed sense of urgency about the
outcomes of these collaborative efforts because, of course, the
bottom line is it is to help our men and women who are
transitioning out of uniform into civilian life.
I hope that we have that kind of commitment, strong
commitment from you for outcomes.
Senator Hagel. You have my strong commitment.
Senator Hirono. DOD is the United States' largest consumer
of energy, and we talked about that briefly when you came to
see me. It is clear that the military will benefit greatly from
cheaper, more stable fuel costs over the long term. Promising
work is being done in this area to commercialize alternative
fuels that can be produced abundantly in the United States.
Of course, this kind of collaboration is very important for
Hawaii as being the most oil-dependent State in the entire
country. If confirmed, will you continue to emphasize and
prioritize research, development, and, where possible,
deployment of renewable fuels as well as enhanced energy
efficiency efforts to reduce DOD's energy costs over the long
Senator Hagel. Senator, as you have noted, DOD is the
largest user of certainly liquid fuels. But I think our energy
budget, I don't know the exact number, but it's probably around
$18 billion a year.
Anything we can do to make any aspect of securing our
country more cost effective fuel, we need to look at, and I
would make that a high priority, if I am confirmed and go over
to the Defense Department, to see if we could--how we do that,
how we can continue to do that, because in the end, for all the
reasons you know, it is just clearly in the interest of our
country, our resources, and our people.
Senator Hirono. Certainly, continuing to fund research and
development efforts in these areas will accrue to us in the
long term in terms of huge, huge cost savings for DOD.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Hirono. Thank you. My time is up.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Hirono.
Now here is the situation we have. This first vote is a 10-
minute vote apparently, and all the subsequent votes are 10
Senator Lee, I am happy to call upon you now, but you would
have to kind of keep track of this yourself and have your staff
keep track of it. If you want to take the risk, there may be
some risk if you took your full 8 minutes.
I would be happy to recess now instead of after your
questions. We are going to recess for the five votes. It will
be about an hour.
Would you like to start now and then take a chance that you
might not finish? Or would you rather start at the beginning
after an hour recess?
Senator Lee. Thank you for that offer, Mr. Chairman.
I better not risk the possibility of missing a vote. I
would prefer that you recess now.
Chairman Levin. We are now going to recess for about an
hour. But I want you all to follow this.
At the last vote--and it may not be the fifth vote. There
may be four votes. We don't know. It is up to five votes. The
final vote, though, we know will be called final passage of the
debt limit bill. We will start, we will begin about 5 minutes
after the beginning of that vote.
We will stand in recess. [Recessed.]
Chairman Levin. The committee will come back to order.
Senator Lee.
Senator Lee. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Senator Hagel, for joining us today and for
answering the questions that have been asked to you so far. I'd
like to talk to you for a few minutes about Israel. Israel is,
I believe, America's most important ally, certainly in the
Middle East and in many respects in the entire world. A lot of
people in this body are concerned, quite appropriately, about
making sure that alliance remains strong, about making sure
that our interests as Americans are protected abroad. A lot of
us feel like one of the best ways of protecting American
national security is through that alliance in the Middle East.
On April 12, 2002, there was a Palestinian terrorist who
detonated a bomb in downtown Jerusalem, killing 6 Israelis and
wounding I believe about 100 others. On that day, while you
were still serving in the U.S. Senate, you gave a speech on the
Senate floor. You made a couple of comments that I'd like to
discuss with you and ask you a little bit about.
In one segment of the speech you said: ``We understand
Israel's right to defend itself. We're committed to that. We've
helped Israel defend that right. We will continue to do so. But
it should not be at the expense of the Palestinian people,
innocent Palestinian people, and innocent Israelis who are
paying a high price.''
Some who have read that have reacted with concern that this
may be indicative of a feeling on your part that there might be
some moral equivalency between on the one hand Israel's
exercise of its right to defend itself and on the other hand
Palestinian terrorism. Do you believe that there is a moral
equivalency between these two things?
Senator Hagel. Oh, absolutely not, Senator.
Senator Lee. Do you understand how others might read this
statement in such a way that could leave them with that
Senator Hagel. I do.
Senator Lee. How do you respond to it? In other words, do
Palestinians, let's say those Palestinians who have engaged in
acts of terrorism, perhaps in retaliation against Israel for
Israel defending itself, do they have a legitimate gripe?
Senator Hagel. Terrorism can never be justified under any
Senator Lee. Is their grievance legitimate?
Senator Hagel. The Palestinians?
Senator Lee. Yes, the Palestinians who decide to strap a
bomb onto themselves and detonate it or otherwise engage in
acts of terror; do they have a legitimate grievance that
they're expressing?
Senator Hagel. They have grievances. A lot of people have
Senator Lee. Are those grievances legitimate?
Senator Hagel.--but not a justification for terrorism and
killing innocent people, never.
Senator Lee. Are they on par with the grievances that
innocent Israelis have when they become the victims of violent
Senator Hagel. I don't think you can judge whether it's
Israelis or Palestinians or anybody in the world in separating
innocent victims of terrorism.
Senator Lee. I think you can in some circumstances, can't
you? I mean----
Senator Hagel. Not victims.
Senator Lee. For heaven's sakes, though--oh, okay, maybe
not victims. Can you, and indeed must you not, judge when it
comes to one group of people who may at least be willing to
recognize the other group of people's right to exist?
Senator Hagel. Absolutely. In fact, I'm clearly on the
record on that point. In fact, in 2006 there was the Anti-
Palestinian Terrorist Act that I voted for, and there are a
number of other resolutions, acts, votes, speeches I've made.
In my book I have said unequivocally Hezbollah, Hamas
specifically, they must renounce terrorism, and first they must
accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish homeland, respect
the borders, protect the borders. Absolutely, I've made that
very clear.
Senator Lee. Okay. Now, later on in the same speech you
asked a question. You referred to the fact, that we really need
to develop peace in the Middle East, and you asked the
question: ``Who guarantees this peace?'' You then continue by
asking another question: ``If in fact we expect Israel to pull
back to their pre-1967 borders, who guarantees that peace?''
Does this, Senator Hagel, reflect sentiment on your part
that that is a legitimate way of solving the peace process, of
bringing about peace in Israel, in the Middle East, is by
asking Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders?
Senator Hagel. No, not at all. What I said was, as you just
quoted me, who guarantees the security of Israel's borders?
Israel's borders must be secure. That's part of the
fundamentals of the Quartet Principles of 2006, in fact, the
U.N. Resolutions 242 and 337 and other resolutions. That's
paramount, the guarantee of the security of Israel and its
Senator Lee. I understand that part of the question related
to how we bring about that peace, and I want to get back to
that in a minute. But another part of the question started from
the premise that Israel would be withdrawing to its pre-1967
borders. Do you view that as a tenable solution? Do you believe
such borders are militarily defensible?
Senator Hagel. I think that's all negotiable. The Quartet
Principles of 2006, which President Bush laid down, and a two-
state solution, all those issues have to be resolved. Land for
peace, trading land, all those issues are final status issues
that are absolutely key to the future of Israel or before
Israel can agree to anything.
Senator Lee. So you're saying that you might describe a
resolution of this crisis involving withdrawal to the pre-1967
borders as perhaps one among several tenable solutions?
Senator Hagel. It's part of what's been talked about and
defined in, as I said, the 2006 Quartet Principles and U.N.
resolutions that that is part of a final status set of issues
that have to be resolved. The United States and no other
country can impose that on Israel. That is a negotiable issue,
but it's been out there, and that remains to be dealt with in
Senator Lee. Is it one that you think the United States
should encourage?
Senator Hagel. I would encourage peace and a secure, safe
Israel. That's what I think most of us would want to see.
Senator Lee. Okay. Now, in 2009 you made a statement
suggesting that U.S. ground troops should be sent to that part
of the world and installed as U.N. peacekeepers in a ``non-
militarized Palestinian state''. Is this something you stand
behind today? Is this an approach that you think is
Senator Hagel. Senator, I don't have the facts behind me,
in front of me, but I don't think that was a recommendation I
was making. If I recall, my comments--and you may be able to
give me exactly the comments--were in the context of how do you
secure Israel's border, who secures Israel's border? For
example, General Brent Scowcroft has suggested at times maybe
this is a peacekeeping role for NATO. That was what that was
all about.
Senator Lee. Senator, my time has expired. I need to ask
you one more question. I understand that you have made a
statement indicating that there is no justification for
Palestinian suicide bombers, but that there is also no
justification for Israel to ``keep Palestinians caged up like
animals''. Did you say that, and if so do you stand by that
statement today?
Senator Hagel. I said it, and I don't remember the context
or when I said it. But----
Senator Lee. Do you believe today that Israel keeps
Palestinians caged up like animals?
Senator Hagel. No. If I had an opportunity to edit that,
like many things I've said, I would like to go back and change
the words and the meaning. No, it was I think in a larger
context. I've said many, many things over many years. It was a
larger context of the frustration and what's happening, which
is not in Israel's interest, to find ways that we can help
bring peace and security to Israel.
If I had a chance to go back and edit it, I would. I regret
that I used those words.
Senator Lee. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Lee.
Senator Kaine.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member.
Welcome, Senator Hagel. It was good to see you with my dear
friend Senator Warner, decorated Navy and Marine Corps veteran
from World War II and the Korean War, Secretary of the Navy,
long-time member of this committee. You couldn't have a better
ally than Senator Warner and it was good to see him here.
He exemplifies--and forgive my Virginia-centrism for a
minute. He exemplifies something that's very important about
our Commonwealth. Our map is a map of the military history of
this country: Yorktown, Appomattox, the Pentagon, where
Setptember 11 occurred. There's a ceremony in Arlington tonight
for the commissioning of a new amphib, the USS Arlington, that
will be commissioned in Norfolk in April.
We care very deeply about these events. One in nine
Virginians is a veteran. Not one in nine voters, not one in
nine adults, but birth to death, one in nine is a veteran. When
you add in Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, DOD civilian, DOD
contractor, and their families, now you're talking about
probably one in three of us. We care very, very deeply about
all that's within DOD.
Virginians talk all the time about national security
concerns and threats. Let me be plain, the threat and the
concern that Virginians are now talking about more than any
other is the inability of Congress to find a way forward on
reasonable budget compromise. That's what's in the newspapers,
that's what's in the headlines.
At the direction of Deputy Secretary Ash Carter, DOD is now
cutting expenditures and planning for future cuts. We have a
looming sequester on March 1 and then a CR expiration on March
27. I'm very worried at the macro level about DOD's ability to
pursue and execute appropriate national security objectives in
this time of congressional inability to find budget compromise.
The current CR limits flexibility, for example, of the
military to appropriately tailor resources to the appropriate
ends under a CR. The Navy has no flexibility to meet a $3.7
billion operations and maintenance shortfall.
I'm new here. To me it seems like funding the military
through CR is poor business, poor budgeting, poor governance.
I'm worried about its effect upon the morale of all of our men
and women in service.
My first question is a really simple one: Do you agree that
we, Congress, must finish an fiscal year 2013 appropriations
process as soon as possible to allow DOD to move forward with
this year's funding decisions, rather than continuing to be
bound by an fiscal year 2012 CR?
Senator Hagel. Yes, I do. I think I've been very clear on
that point all day today. You have described it accurately.
Senator Kaine. My second question is related, is about
sequestration. To me, again the new guy, allowing budget
sequestration--the cavalier discussions I've seen in some
newspapers recently by Members of Congress about the fact that
it's reality and we probably can't change it makes absolutely
no sense.
I'm kind of curious and interested to see whether it might
be more sensible to sort of even realign the deadlines, the
sequester deadline. We are now, based on the vote we just had
on the floor of the Senate, in a budgetary process where
there's a strong likelihood that we'll be able to produce
budgets together with the House. Why would we be making short-
term one-off decisions that are holdovers from a previous
Congress that couldn't get it right when we are embarking upon
a budget process? To my way of thinking, that's the way you
ought to make revenue and spending decisions, in accord with a
budget, rather than through gimmicks like sequester.
I think we're going to get out of this budget uncertainty,
but when we do you will have the task, if confirmed, of being
the Secretary of Defense in a resource-constrained environment
and you're going to have to deal, hopefully in a more
thoughtful budgetary process with Congress, on how to make
priorities about spending. I'd like to have you talk a little
bit about how you would approach that administrative task in a
resource-constrained world, how you're going to approach that
task of dealing with these fiscal realities.
Senator Hagel. First, as I noted this morning in my opening
statement, if I am confirmed I would intend to make this
relationship between the Secretary of Defense and Congress a
partnership, much as Secretary Panetta has done. I think it's
critically important for many reasons. Let's start with the
budget. You authorize, you appropriate. The Federal Government
is captive to that authorization and appropriation, and each
Department must work within the budgetary framework of those
I have said that, like all of these big issues, it is a
matter of, first of all, clearly defining the mission in its
entirety as to what is the mission of DOD, then what are our
priorities as they fit into our strategic interests around the
world, and the how do you do it? How do you manage it? How do
you lead?
That includes working closely with the Chiefs. That
includes working with all the leadership within DOD. It's about
teams, it's about people, and it's about building consensus in
Congress as well as within the military.
Each Military Chief has a responsibility for his or her
areas and Service, and that's as it should be. Obviously,
Goldwater-Nichols integrated our Services, which was the right
thing. I think most people agree with that. But also, the
Commandant of the Marine Corps and each Chief has a
responsibility to look out for the interests of their Service.
The coordination of those efforts and the understanding the
bigger picture are critically important. Those are all
different elements, not unlike you as a governor at one time,
would bring to the job.
Senator Kaine. Senator, switching gears for a minute, it is
still kind of hard to contemplate that if confirmed you would
be the first enlisted person to hold the position of Secretary
of Defense, and I want to ask a question about especially our
enlisteds. Senator Manchin touched upon it earlier, the
unacceptably high rate of unemployment of folks exiting
military service. I think officers have a little bit easier
time, but when we see an unemployment rate among enlisteds that
is higher than the national average, when they've sacrificed,
when they've given, and when they have leadership and technical
skills that could benefit a civilian workforce, we know
something is wrong.
There have been some pilot projects through the NDAAs in
2012 and 2013 to focus on an issue that matters a lot to me,
and we talked about it, how to credential Active Duty military
while they are in their military occupational specialties,
while they are gaining technical skills, with credentials that
mean something in the civilian workforce, so that when they
leave they're not just an E-5 or a gunny sergeant, which people
in the civilian workforce may not understand, but they actually
have the credentials that the civilian-hiring workforce does
Are you committed to pushing forward on those pilot
programs and expanding them so that we can get at this
unemployment issue?
Senator Hagel. Absolutely. Again, I noted that in my
opening statement, Senator. I think I have some experience in
that area over the years. I'm committed to that. As I said,
nothing is more important than our men and women and their
families. That doesn't mean just throughout their time in our
service to our country, but afterward. What this country
commits to them, we must fulfill that commitment.
Senator Kaine. One last comment, Senator Hagel, not a
question. As the topics have come up today, when we talked
about Iran and the threat of a nuclear Iran, we've often talked
about it as linked with Israel's security, which it is. They're
Holocaust deniers and they've threatened the security of the
State of Israel. But I want to make sure that everybody in this
chamber understands it's not just about the security of Israel.
The Iranian nuclear threat is a much bigger one. It is very
clear that if Iran gets nuclear weapons that other nations will
start to do the same thing, and that would cut completely
counter to I know principles that you hold, principles the
President holds. It's not just on Israel's shoulders to be
worried about a nuclear Iran. It is a threat that we all need
to worry about.
Senator Hagel. Thank you. I agree. I think, just to add one
point on that, you all know, of course, and many have been
involved in this over the years, the current P5 Plus 1
engagement to get all five members of the U.N. Security Council
together on this one issue. Now, we have variations of exactly
what should be done. But I think that gives the world some
indication of how Russia, China, the United States, and
essentially all nations of the world view the threat of a
nuclear Iran.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Kaine.
Senator Vitter.
Senator Vitter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Senator, for being here, and thank you very much
for your military service.
My single biggest concern, Senator, about the nomination is
the dramatic flip-flops between your past statements and record
and what you're saying as the nominee. They're about key core
issues, and we've discussed some of those today. I wanted to
focus on that, and I apologize if I go over some of the things
that have come up before. I couldn't be here for most of the
In 2006, when Israel was responding to attacks by Hezbollah
from Lebanon, you called that response a ``sickening
slaughter'' and you accused Israel of ``the systematic
destruction of an American friend, the country and people of
Lebanon''. What do you say about those quotes today?
Senator Hagel. Well, first, I said them. I've been asked
about them. I have said I regret saying that. It was in the
larger context of a speech I made about what was going on, the
30-some days of war going on. I also included in that speech
the responsibility of Hezbollah, who started the war. So it
wasn't exactly the way you just noted it. The language is
exact, what you just said, but it was a larger context.
Yes, I regret that language. But I think the bigger point
is, Senator--and I have noted this all morning--my unequivocal
support of Israel over the years. There's been no flip-flop on
that. How I've voted, I've never voted against anything but
Israel's interests in every vote I've cast in the U.S. Senate.
I've said it in my book. They're a special, historic ally. We
will always support them and defend them. I've said it in my
There's no flip-flop on my support for Israel.
Senator Vitter. Is there a flip-flop on your calling their
response to Hezbollah ``the systematic destruction of an
American friend, the country and people of Lebanon''? Do you
stand by that today?
Senator Hagel. I just said I said that, and I said that I
regretted saying that. But that's not----
Senator Vitter. Do you stand by those words, or is that a
Senator Hagel. No. If I had a chance to edit those words
out, I would.
Senator Vitter. That's what I'm talking about in terms of
Senator Hagel. I suppose if I had a chance to edit a lot of
things in my life, Senator, I'd probably be fairly busy.
Senator Vitter. Let me move on because I have a number of
these concerns. In 1998, in a Senate hearing, you said that
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright had ``tilted way too far
toward Israel in the Middle East peace process''. Do you still
think that of that peace process in 1998?
Senator Hagel. I don't recall the event. I don't recall the
words. I don't know where it comes from. I don't know the
context. Again, Senator, I go back for years and years and
years on different things I've said, but I don't recall that or
what the context was, so I don't know.
Secretary Albright has endorsed me, by the way, to be the
next Secretary of Defense. I worked very closely with Secretary
Albright, as I did with President Clinton and his
administration, in support of Israel.
Senator Vitter. In general, at that time under the Clinton
administration, do you think that they were going ``way too far
toward Israel in the Middle East peace process''?
Senator Hagel. No, I don't, because I was very supportive
of what the President did at the end of his term in December-
January, December 2000, January 2001. As a matter of fact, I
recount that episode in my book, when I was in Israel.
Senator Vitter. Just to clarify, that's the sort of flip-
flop I'm talking about, because that's what you said then and
you're changing your mind now.
Senator Hagel. Senator, that's not a flip-flop. I don't
recall everything I've said in the last 20 years or 25 years.
If I could go back and change some of it, I would. But that
still doesn't discount the support that I've always given
Israel and continue to give Israel.
Senator Vitter. Let me go to a third thing, is actually
what you said today, talking about Iran as a ``legitimate
elected government''. Do you think the election that had to do
with this Iranian Government coming to power was free and fair
and legitimate?
Senator Hagel. I noted that the term ``legitimate'' was not
the term I should have used. I should have used ``recognized''.
That's the more appropriate term. I was referring to the fact
that it's a nation that is a member of the United Nations, it
has embassies from all our allies.
Senator Vitter. What about the----
Senator Hagel. It's a recognized nation.
Senator Vitter. What about the word ``elected,'' because
you said ``legitimate elected government''?
Senator Hagel. There was an election in Iran.
Senator Vitter. So my question specifically was, you
apparently think that was a free and fair and legitimate
Senator Hagel. That's not what I said.
Senator Vitter. That's why I'm asking what you meant,
because you said ``legitimate elected government''.
Senator Hagel. I just explained I should have said
``recognized'' instead of ``legitimate,'' which I did earlier
today. There was an election. There will be another
presidential election in June of this year for President of
Iran. Whether it's free and fair, I don't know.
Senator Vitter. Do you expect it to be free and fair and
Senator Hagel. I don't know.
Senator Vitter. Okay. You have no expectations one way or
the other about that?
Senator Hagel. I do know that Iran is not exactly a model
democracy and it has not been. I don't have any expectations
for a free, fair election.
Senator Vitter. Okay. In 2008, you wrote that a nuclear
Iran might be tolerable because ``sovereign nation states
possessing nuclear weapons capability, as opposed to stateless
terrorist groups, will often respond with some degree of
responsible, or at least sane, behavior''. Is that still your
hope or expectation about this Government of Iran?
Senator Hagel. Again, I'm not sure where the reference came
from or the context. But what I obviously was referring to were
different options that people will look at in regard to Iran
getting nuclear weapons. I've always said that Iran must not
get weapons of mass destruction. I've always said it's a
sponsor of terrorists, of terrorism, and I've always said the
military option should remain on the table to assure that Iran
does not get nuclear weapons.
Senator Vitter. Again, this quote, you suggest that Iran
would maybe or hopefully respond in a ``responsible, or at
least sane,'' way. Those were the words. Is that still your
expectation or hope?
Senator Hagel. I always have hope that people respond in a
sane way. But that doesn't at all change the facts that it is a
dangerous, dangerous country that's a threat to the United
States, Israel, and the entire world.
Senator Vitter. Okay. After your nomination, the Iranian
Government press noted with satisfaction that the ``anti-
Israel'' Hagel--obviously, that's not your quote; that's
theirs--is known for ``his criticism of Washington's anti-Iran
policies,'' and that he ``has consistently opposed any plan to
launch a military strike against Iran''. Why do you think they
have that impression?
Senator Hagel. First of all, it's not an accurate quote.
I've never opposed military action against Iran.
Senator Vitter. Let me just clarify. It's an accurate quote
of the Iranian Government press. Why do you think they have
that impression?
Senator Hagel. It's not an accurate statement about my
Senator Vitter. Right. But why do you think they have that
Senator Hagel. As I said in answer to that question
earlier, I have enough difficulty understanding American
politics, Senator. I surely don't understand Iranian politics.
Senator Vitter. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. But if I might add, I also said that there
have been some rather significant Israeli Government leaders
recently that have said some pretty nice things about me,
current Israeli leaders.
Senator Vitter. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Vitter.
Senator King.
Senator King. Like all the other inquisitors today,
Senator, I want to thank you for your service, and particularly
for your willingness to put yourself through this process to
serve your country once again. It's one of my life principles
never to take a job where I would have to be confirmed by a
legislative body, and you're doing it.
I also want to comment, I read one commentator that said
the fact that this guy was an enlisted man in Vietnam is nice,
but not really significant. I think it's very significant. I'm
a bit of a student of the Cuban missile crisis, the most
dangerous moment this country has ever experienced, and anybody
that studies that period, it's hard to escape the conclusion
that President Kennedy's service on the front lines of World
War II and Chairman Khrushchev's service in his army during
World War II was a significant influence on their willingness
to back away from the nuclear precipice. I think it's very
important to have people with your experience in this position.
Most of the questions, probably 90 percent, today have been
about policy. But the reality is, as I think you would concede,
that the policy comes from the President of the United States.
You're certainly going to advise, but that's where the policy
comes from. I'd like to ask your thoughts about management,
because you're about to take on the world's most cumbersome
bureaucracy, with a lot of problems and headaches and budgetary
Just share with me some thoughts about how you're going to
approach the management of DOD?
Senator Hagel. Senator, thank you. I note you were sitting
there during the exchange I had with Senator Kaine about some
of this, and I would, in answering your question, pick up on a
couple of those observations.
First--and you too, I know, you were a Governor. So you
both understand a lot of the pieces of this. No matter how big
an organization is, there are still some fundamentals to
leadership and management. Now, as you have noted, DOD is the
largest institution certainly in this country, maybe the world.
How then do you try to manage it? Well, it's not about me. The
Secretary of Defense, he leads, he advises the President. But
it's really about the people who have the accountability and
the responsibility to manage every aspect of our defense
apparatus. That includes all the officers. I think there are
over 50 presidential appointees in DOD. You have obviously the
military, uniformed military, 1.3 million there. So all of
these people are required to manage the Department.
I think a fundamental to me in answering your question is
accountability. We've had some discussions today about audits.
All institutions must be accountable. Elected officials are
accountable. We're all accountable. The emphasis on
accountability I don't think can ever be overstated. You give
managers flexibility, you give them resources, but you give
them direction and expectations, and they have to be very
clear, very direct, and very defined, but not to the point
where you don't want their input and their ability to be
flexible with their management. I think that's, in my opinion,
Senator, is the key to anything, but surely it is the key to
something as large as DOD.
A number of questions were asked of me today about specific
programs, submarine programs, different areas of technology and
acquisitions, and our superior technology. I've said I don't
know enough about it. I don't. There are a lot of things I
don't know about. I, if confirmed, intend to know a lot more
than I do. I will have to.
But at the same time, I would never think that this, as I
said earlier, is about me or I will be running anything. I will
be the leader, I'll be responsible, I'll be accountable. But I
have to rely on the right teams, the right people, bring those
people together. Again, it's accountability and responsibility.
I would stop there, if that gives you some sense of how I
would intend to do this business.
Senator King. My theory of leadership is hire good people
and take credit for what they do. That's my best advice.
You're a guy from Nebraska. You were in the Army. I'm
imaging that every morning you don't get up and think about the
Navy. I hope to correct that over the next few years.
Particularly of concern to us right now in Maine and in other
parts of the country is the multi-year procurement program
which is in jeopardy because of the budget situation.
Your feelings about multi-year procurement and maintaining
the industrial base, which we just have to do if we're going to
be able to maintain our force?
Senator Hagel. Governor, you probably know, and Governor
Kaine does as well, that there is such a thing as a Nebraska
navy. Our governors make these distinguished appointments
throughout their career. Our fleet is small but mighty. But
that has been my initial, early on experience with the Navy.
Industrial base, I referenced that in a couple of comments
I made earlier today in responding to questions. Absolutely
essential to our future that we maintain a strong, growing,
credible military industrial base, for all the reasons you
understand. Certainly Senator Kaine does, being from Virginia,
and other Senators here who have in their States these
facilities and, more importantly, private companies that
represent our industrial base.
How we then prioritize our needs, how we account for and
audit contracts, forward procurements, cost overruns, waste,
fraud, and abuse, all part of it. This is going to be more and
more essential as we are dealing with, as you have noted, a
restricted budget. It may be a very restricted budget,
depending on how things happen on sequestration.
The Navy is an indispensable part of our security
apparatus. First, it is the one visible projection of power
that we have in the world. Obviously, our rebalancing of
resources in the Asia-Pacific region are some indication of
that. The Persian Gulf; we have been talking all day about
Iran, about Israel, but specifically Iran in the Persian Gulf.
You know we have our Fifth Fleet there in Bahrain. We have two
carrier battle groups in and out of that small little area. The
flexibility, agility, missile defense, nuclear, all those
capabilities are within the Navy.
I am a strong supporter of advancing our Navy technology
and our efforts, and I will continue to do that if confirmed.
Senator King. Thank you, Senator. I'll have some more
questions at a later time. I appreciate it.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator King.
Senator Shaheen.
Senator Shaheen. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, thank you very much for the tremendous
service that you've already provided to this country and for
your willingness to consider taking on this challenge as
Secretary of Defense and for your stamina at this hearing all
day. You will certainly need it as Secretary of Defense.
I want to follow up on Senator King's question about the
Navy, because the Navy is obviously very important to us in New
Hampshire as well. Our four public shipyards are the backbone
of our naval power, but according to the Navy there's a huge
backlog of the restoration and modernization projects at our
shipyards. According to last year's numbers, that backlog was
around $3 billion.
At Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, which Senator King, Senator
Ayotte, and I are all very concerned about, that number was
$513 million. This backlog not only potentially affects our
readiness, but it's also not cost effective. For example, a
2010 Government Accountability Office report pointed out that a
pier project at Norfolk, which I'm sure Senator Kaine is
familiar with, if it had been addressed early it would have
cost $15 million. Because that didn't happen, the pier now is
going to cost about $85 million.
In fiscal year 2012, Senators Collins, Ayotte, and I
included an amendment in the NDAA bill that requires the
Pentagon to produce a shipyard modernization plan to address
these shortfalls. That report's late, but it was promised in
the upcoming budget submission for fiscal year 2014. Will you
commit to ensuring that this modernization plan is produced and
will you commit to pressing the Navy, within the fiscal
constraints that I appreciate, but to fully fund the
investments that are needed to save money in the long term and
ensure that we continue to be very effective and efficient at
our shipyards?
Senator Hagel. Yes, I will make that commitment to do
everything I can to first understand the specifics, which I
don't know all the details. But your request is preliminary to
effective, efficient use of our resources and planning and our
national security. So I will make that commitment. If I am
confirmed, I will get the details. I will assure that the Navy
Senator Shaheen. Thank you. I'm sure Senators King and
Ayotte join me in inviting you to come and visit the Portsmouth
Naval Shipyard. We hope that you will do that as soon as you're
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator Shaheen. I know there's been a fair amount of
discussion earlier today about your involvement with the
organization Global Zero and what your position is on nuclear
weapons. I think it's worth requoting what Senator Reed said
about Ronald Reagan, who said that: ``We seek the total
elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the
Earth.'' I think every President since Ronald Reagan has
supported that aspirational goal, recognizing that at this
point in time it is a goal.
Certainly that's what President Obama has said he supports,
is that some day, probably not in this lifetime, but some day,
we should hope for a world that would be free of nuclear
I know I've heard you say that you agree with those two
statements, but do you also agree that as long as nuclear
weapons exist that we have to maintain a safe, secure, and
effective nuclear arsenal to deter any adversaries?
Senator Hagel. Yes, completely, absolutely. I have never
had any other position but that, as I have indicated this
morning and this afternoon, and will continue to take that
position. As I said in my opening statement and in answer to
other questions, our nuclear deterrent has probably been the
core of keeping world peace and avoiding a World War III, that
nuclear deterrent.
As long as there is the threat of nuclear weapons--and like
you noted and President Obama noted in his Prague speech in
2009--it probably will not happen in our lifetime. But, just as
you noted and Senator Reed's comments about what President
Reagan laid on the table in 1986, we need to keep working on
it. We need to keep moving forward, attempting to do it.
Quite frankly, if you look at the START agreements and you
look at the different treaties we've had, we have brought those
warheads down, under both Republican and Democratic
administrations, bipartisan. What Sam Nunn said this morning,
he and his former colleagues Secretary Kissinger, Secretary
Shultz, Secretary Perry, hundreds of national leaders in
Republican and Democratic administrations over the years have
supported the reduction of weapons of nuclear destruction--not
unilateral, but bilateral, negotiated and verifiable.
As I said this morning, as Ronald Reagan said, ``Trust but
verify''. Nothing unilateral.
Senator Shaheen. Thank you very much.
Again, I know there's been a lot of discussion about your
comments relative to sanctions on Iran and various options that
we might pursue with respect to Iran and nuclear weapons. But I
wonder again if you would confirm what your position is on the
President's current strategy of strong diplomacy, tough
international sanctions, and keeping all the options on the
Senator Hagel. You have just defined President Obama's
strategy on Iran, which I firmly support, strongly support. It
is the wise way to do it. I don't know if I mentioned this to
you in our meeting, but I wrote a book in 2008 and I have a
chapter on Iran, and I lay all that out in the chapter. As I've
said, I don't think President Obama went to my chapter and
developed his strategy based on my chapter, but there's nothing
in that chapter that I wrote in that book in 2008 or anything
I've ever said that deviates from where the President is.
The military option is always on the table, must be on the
table, always should be the last option, always the last
option. But aren't we wiser and smarter if we can figure this
out, accomplish our objectives, without having to go to war,
for everybody?
Senator Shaheen. I hope so.
You referenced the meeting that we had last week and I very
much appreciated your taking time to come in and sit down and
talk about some of the statements that have been represented
that you have addressed today. One of those had to do with
Israel's security. Again, I know this has been discussed at
length during the day today, but I wonder if again you could
reconfirm what your commitment is on Israel and the security of
Israel in the Middle East?
Senator Hagel. My support of Israel's security is and
always has been very clear. I strongly support Israel. The
security of Israel is a commitment that we made to Israel in
1948 when Israel was born under American leadership, President
Harry Truman. That commitment is a bond that is more than just
an ally to ally. It is special, it's historical, it's values-
I've never equivocated from that line. My votes in the
Senate have shown that. What I've said publicly has shown that.
I've said this in my book. Absolutely, and we'll continue to do
Senator Shaheen. Thank you very much.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Shaheen.
Okay, we're going to have a 5-minute second round, and if
we need a third round we will have a third round. I'm going to
try to take less than 5 minutes so I can yield a couple
minutes, if I still have them, to Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Earlier today, Senator Hagel, one of my
colleagues made a statement that you had not responded to
requests for copies of all your speeches and to requests about
contributions to certain organizations I believe that you
either served or had spoken to, and that you didn't have the
opportunity at that time to respond to that statement. I want
to give you the opportunity now, if you wish to, or if you
prefer to respond for the record.
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will respond for
the record. But I will take this opportunity to respond. First,
as far as I know--and I asked again at the break of our
counsel, Ethics Office lawyers, have we responded to all
requests or are we in the process of responding to every single
request? The answer is yes. Some of these requests didn't come
in until yesterday, specifically the financial documentation
request. Copies of my speeches came in late.
We have given the committee every copy of every speech that
I have that's out there, every video that I have that's out
there. On paid speeches, most every one of those paid speeches,
in the contract it says that they are private and not
videotaped. That wasn't my decision; that was the contract of
the group I spoke to. I believe every paid speech I gave I
didn't have a prepared text. I gave it extemporaneously, which
is something I've been doing for long before I left the Senate.
We are fulfilling every legal commitment I said and I am
obligated to, and I've complied with every ethical request. I
always have. I did when I was in the Senate. I'll continue to
do it now. We are doing it now.
Chairman Levin. There was one or two other times when you
did not have the opportunity to reply to a question and, in
order not to use up all my time, you should feel free to do
that for the record. We're going to keep this record open until
close of business tomorrow for questions and for your answers
until close of business Monday, which means 5 p.m. tomorrow for
questions for the record, 5 p.m. on Monday for your responses
to questions for the record.
At that time, would you give us the update on any
additional documents, speeches, or information that you have
been requested to provide which you have not yet been able to,
but is in the works, so you can give us an update?
Senator Hagel. I will. Again, I have committed and will
continue to commit to complying with every legal document,
legal requirement.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
I hope I have a minute or 2 that I can then yield to
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate that
courtesy very, very much. I'm going to have to hurry this up a
little bit because it's less time than I thought we had, I say
to my good friend.
It was mentioned that one of the members up here thought I
was being disrespectful during the time that I was questioning
you. It was at a time when I made the statement that you have
been endorsed by the ministry of Iran for your nomination to be
Secretary of Defense. Do you consider that to be a
disrespectful notion on my part?
Senator Hagel. No, it's a legitimate question.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you very much.
I have kind of been the leader on postponing any further
Abrams tanks or F-16s to Egypt until such time as that
government is under control. This is my own statement, only
representing my own thoughts. I think Morsi's an enemy. I think
their military is a friend.
There was a vote just a little while ago to do away
permanently with the sending of any of this equipment to Egypt.
I don't think that's a good idea. What I think is a good idea
is to continue to use that as leverage. If you do that, you
lose the leverage. I believe that right now, Morsi has already
distanced himself from the military. To me that's a first good
step, and I would like to think that we could reinstate a
friend in that area.
I would only ask you, would you agree with my statement
that I came out with a long time ago or my bill that I
introduced, I should say, and I re-introduced in a stronger way
today, saying that we would withhold sending this equipment to
Egypt until such time as these conditions are met? I mentioned
the conditions of keeping the accords from Camp David and that
type of thing. Would you consider that?
Senator Hagel. First, that's a policy decision that the
President of the United States would make. If he asks for my
advice I would certainly give it to him. But to the bigger
question, I think it is important that our assistance to Egypt
be conditional. They play an absolutely critical role in
fulfilling the commitments of Camp David for the security of
Israel and elsewhere.
Senator Inhofe. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we're
almost out of time right now. I appreciate that answer.
You made one statement that I strongly disagreed with. You
said that President Obama has been the strongest Israeli
supporter since 1948. I have a hard time with that. I know that
he's not up for confirmation; you are. But when you see
statements coming out of the administration like, ``The United
States believes that negotiations should result in two states
with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel and Jordan and
Egypt,'' and they come out with the statements like, ``We
believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on
the 1967 borderlines,'' these are statements I think are very
damaging, and I can assure you that the leadership over in
Israel feel that those statements are damaging.
Do you still feel that President Obama has been the
strongest supporter of Israel since 1948?
Senator Hagel. I do, and I will tell you very quickly why.
First of all, the 2006 Quartet Principles that President Bush
laid down I think cover most of the points that you've made,
and I supported President Bush then and still do, what he did
in developing those principles.
But when you look at the assistance this administration has
given to Israel, the most significant and largest military-to-
military exercise, Austere Challenge, Israeli-U.S. forces last
fall, the additional moneys that we put into Iron Dome, the
President's position, we have your back----
Senator Inhofe. I've answered the question. That's fine. I
appreciate it.
Senator Hagel. I think it's hard to----
Senator Inhofe. But one other subject before we run out of
time here, and it's one that I know you're very interested in.
You actually were a co-sponsor of the Missile Defense Act of
1999 and I was, too. So we agreed. Times have changed since
that time. At that time people thought having the capabilities
was confined to the Soviet Union at that time, or Russia, and
the United States. A lot has happened since then.
I often say that one of the things I disagreed with most in
the first budget that this President had was when he did away
with the ground-based interceptor site in Poland. I think most
people are aware that was built for protection of Western
Europe and the Eastern United States. I'm satisfied that we
have, even with the reduction of ground-based interceptors on
the west coast, which I disagreed with, but I still think we
have adequate protection on the west coast. It's from the east
coast, and right now our intelligence still says today that
Iran will have the weapon capability and the delivery
capability by 2015. That's why it was supposed to be there.
Now there's a discussion saying to cover that void we need
to have a third site. Do you support a third site of ground-
based interceptor? It would be on the east coast somewhere.
Senator Hagel. I'm aware of the NDAA authorization and
instruction for a third site and an environmental impact
statement. I don't know enough of the details. If I am
confirmed and go over there, I will get into it. But to respond
to that, which I will for the record, I just don't know enough
about it.
Senator Inhofe. Okay, if you'd respond for the record. I
think it's very significant and I think that most people are
looking at this with this void. You have a period of time
between 2015--nobody disputes the capability that Iran will
have at that time. It's not even classified. But there is still
a void of about 6 years between that and when we would have the
capability to knock down what has to be knocked down unless we
have a third site in place. I am hoping that maybe for the
record you'll come back and say that you support the third
[The information referred to follows:]
If confirmed, I will work to ensure that the analysis Congress
requested in section 221 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2013 to evaluate additional missile defense locations in
the United States, including on the east coast, will be delivered on a
timely basis, and that Congress remains informed about the Department's
analysis about how to best protect the U.S. Homeland.
Senator Inhofe. The last thing I'll mention, if you'll
forgive me, Mr. Chairman, when Senator Hirono talked to you she
talked about your efforts and her expectations on your being
involved in using DOD for all these environmental things. I
would suggest to you that's why we have a Department of Energy.
When I asked you the question, will you refrain from doing some
of the things that have been done in the past in this
administration, such as forcing the Navy to pay $26 a gallon
for 450,000 gallons of fuel that you could buy for $3 and other
things, it's billions of dollars that we're paying which we
could be using for warfighting. I see an inconsistency in your
answer to me and your answer to the Senator from Hawaii.
Senator Hagel. My answer to the Senator from Hawaii was, I
believe--they can read it back--that I am committed to all
efficiencies that we can find in DOD which are in the interest
of our country. I didn't commit to any one program.
Senator Inhofe. Or any program that would be a costly
program on experimentation, such as the programs that I've just
mentioned, clearly are in the jurisdiction of the Department of
Energy and they're the ones supposed to be doing it. Don't you
agree that we should be confining ourselves to enhancing our
warfighter capabilities?
Senator Hagel. Well, of course. But I think within that
realm certainly the kind of money that we spend, as you've
noted, on fuel, that should include some not only sense of
that, but are there things that we can be doing with our
research and technology in DOD, why wouldn't we? It just seems
to make sense.
Senator Inhofe. Yes, we should as a government, but that's
what the Department of Energy is supposed to be doing. When you
said, as you suggest, the high cost of fuel, yes, it's a high
cost because we're paying 10 times as much as we would have to
pay, money that we could be putting toward our warfighting
efforts. That's my point.
Senator Hagel. Yes, I agree, but why wouldn't we be looking
at all options if we have the kind of sophisticated research
and technology that DOD does and has possession of? Why
wouldn't we be enlarging that? I don't know anything more
specific to or central to our security than energy.
Senator Inhofe. I know my time has expired. We're spending
literally millions, actually some billions of dollars, on some
of these experimentations that again are not in the purview of
this. Right now we're stalling 179 F-35s that we just recently
are putting off. I always say that if they put them off
indefinitely, that's just a cut; it's not a put-off. Those are
things that we should be doing right now.
We're looking at the Ohio-class sub. We should be doing
that right now, but we've postponed it. If we were to spend the
money that we're spending on the environmental causes on
warfighting, I think it would do us better good. Apparently you
don't agree with that.
Senator Hagel. I've said what I said, but I will commit
this to you, Senator, that, as I said to the Senator from
Hawaii, I will, if I'm confirmed, will obviously look at all
these programs. I'll have to.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
Senator Manchin.
Senator Manchin. Thank you.
Sir, I feel like I want to apologize for some of the tone
and demeanor today.
With that being said, if I could ask you this, since we're
so again talking about things you have done, things you have
said over the years. How did you get to Vietnam? I want to go
back there. Were you ordered to go to Vietnam? Were you sent
there? Or how was your orders?
Senator Hagel. Actually I got to Vietnam through kind of an
interesting route. I volunteered for the draft, as my brother
did a month after me. During that time in 1967 the draft was
coming down with pretty heavy levies. You recall.
Senator Manchin. I was there.
Senator Hagel. I know your story. They wouldn't take you,
not because you weren't smart enough, of course, but they
wouldn't take you because of your knees. I know you tried to
bribe your way in, but they still wouldn't let you. I admire
you for that effort and I know your story.
I went to basic training, advanced infantry training. My
brother followed me everywhere a month after me. After advanced
infantry training, I was selected to be one of nine first class
then-Top Secret shoulder-fired heat-seeking missile called the
Redeye gun. At the time it was classified, and it was built to
bring down low-flying Soviet MiGs coming over Germany, eastern
Germany, down the Fulda Gap.
We went to White Sands Missile Range and spent 2 months
training. It was all classified, couldn't get calls in or out.
We were then quietly, all nine of us, ordered to go to Germany
and be integrated into NATO units without any fanfare or
anybody knowing about it.
I got my orders to go to Germany. I went to Fort Dix, NJ,
in November 1967. My eight fellow soldiers and I were getting
packed up to get the bus to go out to the airport to take a
flight to Germany, and I just decided if I was going to be in
the military it didn't make much sense to go to Germany. I'd
never been to Germany. My great-grandparents were from Germany.
Probably a pretty good place, I thought, but I had to go where
there was a war.
So I took my orders down to the orderly, told him I was
Private Hagel, I had orders to go to Germany, here are my
orders, and I wanted to volunteer to go to Vietnam. The office
was a bit quiet. They put me in a holding room. They brought
priests, rabbis, ministers, psychiatrists. All came in to
examine me, thinking that something was wrong, I was running
away from something or I had killed somebody.
After 2 days of testing me to see if it was okay, they held
me, which--I scrubbed barracks for 5 days before they could cut
new orders. So they gave me new orders to go to Vietnam, sent
me home for 5 days, and then on to Travis Air Force Base in San
Francisco, and I got to Vietnam December 1967, got back to the
United States December----
Senator Manchin. There is no reason any one of us should
ever be concerned about your willing to do anything that you
possibly can to defend this country and making sure that we
defend against all foreign enemies, wherever they may be?
Senator Hagel. I hope not, Senator. I mean, we can disagree
on policies, but I think my life and my commitment to this
country is pretty clear, and I'm proud of it.
Senator Manchin. On that, sir, I would say that Israel, the
spokespeople for Israel, support you. They've come to me and
they tell me they support you. Have you gotten that?
Senator Hagel. There are a lot of pro-Israeli groups that
have formally come out and endorsed me, support me, which I'm
grateful for.
Senator Manchin. From what I've heard today, it sounds like
Iran has wishful thinking.
Senator Hagel. Evidently Iran supports me.
Senator Manchin. The President has asked you to serve at
this level, so he has confidence in you.
Senator Hagel. The President did ask me to serve. I said in
my opening statement I am grateful and honored by that trust
and confidence, and I will do everything in my power never to
do anything that would disabuse that confidence and trust for
this country.
Senator Manchin. One final question very quickly, if I may.
As you see the role of Secretary of Defense--and I know we've
talked about and you've been questioned on policy, and I know
you're not going to be in a policy position. You're going to be
basically following policy, not making policy. But if you could
just wrap it up, what we should expect from your position as
Secretary of Defense?
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Senator. If I am confirmed, as I
noted in my opening comments, I would see this relationship,
Senator, as a partnership. I'm going to need your help. I'm
going to need your advice. I'm going to need your
Many people on this authorization committee have a great
deal of experience in this business, many far more than I do,
as is the case in Congress, both the Senate and the House. I
will need that. I will call upon that.
I won't be in a policymaking position, as you note. I also
committed to all of you--and those of you who served with me
know this--I'll always be honest with you. You'll never have to
worry about that. I'll listen to you. I'm sure we won't always
agree, but I'll say it straight, and I'll give you and the
President my honest, most informed advice always.
Senator Manchin. Thank you. I'll say one more thing. Where
I come from there's an old saying: If you can't change your
mind, you can't change anything.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Manchin.
Senator Sessions.
Senator Sessions. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Senator Hagel. You're holding up well. But it's
an important office and you're asked to lead our Defense
Department. I know you know the seriousness of that and it's
exceedingly important.
You have to know, and particularly in recent years, there
has been tension in Congress between the executive branch and
Congress over a number of issues. One of them is national
missile defense, and that's a subcommittee I'm a member of and
we've wrestled with that over the years, and had pretty
consistently a bipartisan congressional vote on those issues.
We voted again this year a unanimous Armed Services Defense
Authorization Bill, unanimous out of committee, under Chairman
Levin's leadership and Senator McCain.
But I'm looking today, I believe in the National Journal,
the Obama administration is moving to begin new U.S.-Russian
talks on further drawdowns of the Nation's nuclear arsenal.
That's also been an issue of concern, but I believe we've been
staying fairly bipartisan and unified on that.
But your report is what causes a great deal of concern,
this study of the Global Zero group. But I just note that Vice
President Biden is set to meet with Russian Foreign Minister
Sergei Lavrov this weekend during the Munich security
conference. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon will then
head to Moscow in February. President Obama and then-President
Medvedev signed the bilateral New START Treaty in 2010 calling
for deployment of strategic nuclear arsenals involving 700
delivery systems.
Now, as I read the Global Zero report that you co-authored
just last year, less than a year ago, you call for the
elimination of all ICBMs, all tactical nuclear weapons, most of
the bombers, I think 76 B-52s eliminated, leaving only 18
bombers and 10 submarines. So instead of 700 delivery systems
that was part of the New START, it looks like you're down to
about 28 delivery systems. So this introduced dramatic concern.
There are worries on Capitol Hill, the National Journal
reports, that the administration could revise its missile
shield strategy or go ahead with cutbacks to the U.S. stockpile
as a means of drawing Russia into new negotiations. Foreign
Policy Magazine reported ahead of your unannounced discussions
with Lavrov, House committee chairman, subcommittee chairman,
Mike Rogers asked that they have assurance as to what's going
on there, essentially.
I would note that the last year's defense authorization
bill calls for briefings on these discussions to Congress, to
the Armed Services Committee and the Foreign Relations
Committee. It says ``Not later than 60 days after the date of
the enactment of this act and not less than twice each year
thereafter, the President or the President's designee shall
brief the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on
Armed Services of the Senate on the dialogue between the United
States and the Russian Federation on issues related to limits
or controls on nuclear arms, missile defense systems, and long-
range conventional strike systems.'' The deadline I believe for
that briefing would be March 2 this year.
So a first question to you: If you're confirmed in this
position, will you honor that request as part of the NDAA?
Senator Hagel. The request for the briefing?
Senator Sessions. Briefings, yes, the requirements for the
briefings. Will you keep Congress advised on any discussions
dealing with national missile defense and dialogue with Russia
on national missile defense and nuclear arms and long-range
conventional strike systems?
Senator Hagel. Yes, I commit to do that.
Senator Sessions. Also, there's a Sense of Congress on
certain agreements: ``It is the Sense of Congress that any
agreement between the United States and the Russian Federation
related to nuclear arms or missile defense systems or long-
range conventional strike systems, obligating the United States
to reduce or limit Armed Forces or armaments of the United
States in any militarily significant manner may be made only
pursuant to the treat-making power of the President as set
forth in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, of the Constitution
of the United States.''
That is a Sense of our Congress that any significant
alteration of those deeply important relation between our two
nations, the two most powerful nuclear nations in the world,
would be done by treaty. Will you support that concept and
before making significant changes present those changes to
Congress pursuant to a treaty, and not as a either secret or
open bilateral agreement?
Senator Hagel. Your question is will I commit to a briefing
on all this?
Senator Sessions. No. Whether or not that any significant
changes that would occur in our relationship on those issues,
significant--``in any militarily significant manner may be made
only pursuant to the treaty-making power of the President''. We
would ask that that be presented to this Congress because we
have treaties already that impact so much of this and Congress
believes that any changes should also be made by treaty.
Senator Hagel. Without getting into specifics of it, let me
just commit to obviously consultation with Congress, with the
authorizing committee, yes.
Senator Sessions. It seems like we've not been consulted on
the Biden trip and the Donilon trip. We expect that to be done.
What's been going on is disturbing to us. The President said to
Mr. Medvedev that we'll have more flexibility after the
election, and he was clearly responding to these issues,
missile defense I think in particular and maybe nuclear issues
also. He wasn't consulting with the American people, wasn't
telling us or Congress what he planned to do, but he was
apparently willing to discuss it with the Russian leaders.
I guess I'm asking you, will you comply with the treaty-
making matters? If these agreements are significant militarily,
I believe they should be done by treaty and not by personal
agreements between our two leaders.
Senator Hagel. I would commit to fulfilling any treaty
obligations and any commitments to Congress and any
consultations that Congress needs to be part of, absolutely.
Senator Sessions. I'm not sure that answered the question,
because Congress is concerned about these kind of negotiations
that are going on. We do not have--the President also has made
it clear he believes in zero nuclear weapons. That is his
policy for America. I think it's utterly unrealistic. It's just
amazing to me, and that could lead us into unwise
Congress has a responsibility to the American people to
ensure the national defense. We need to know and have you share
those negotiations with us, and changes that impact our
security relationships between us and Russia should be done by
treaty, as they've been done in the past.
Senator Hagel. I've never discussed any of the specifics of
this with the President. I know he knows and believes and is
committed to treaties. That's the purview of the U.S. Senate,
as the Senate passed the New START treaty. All that goes into
that negotiation with, in this particular case, Russia
certainly Congress has to be involved in that.
Senator Sessions. That's very important, Senator Hagel, I
just have to tell you, because there's unease here that may not
be in the works. There's been some discussion for some time
about private unilateral or bilateral negotiations in which
Congress is not involved, that impacts the national security of
our country. That's why this was passed, just passed. So we
expect you to comply with that, and I take your testimony that
you would comply with that.
Senator Hagel. I will comply with all requirements and
laws, absolutely.
Senator Sessions. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Sessions.
Senator King.
Senator King. Senator Hagel, one of the first meetings I
had after I began running for this office last summer was with
a group of veterans, going all the way from World War II right
up through Iraq and Afghanistan. I want to share with you one
of the ideas that came out of that meeting because it's been
touched upon today, and that is the issue of employability and
employment of particularly recent veterans. The suggestion was
made that the Army and the military has recruiters, people who
help to bring people in, and perhaps it might make some sense
for them to have the reciprocal of recruiters, outplacement
people to deal with soldiers who are, men and women, who are
about to leave, because there's an information gap, is what the
veterans told me, between leaving the military Active Duty and
then going into the Veterans Administration jurisdiction.
There's a gap there.
You don't really need to respond, but that's a suggestion I
might make, where it would be tremendously helpful to provide
that kind of information--what the programs are, what's
available, what the scholarships are, how the GI Bill works,
all those things, to people. I'm sure it's done to some extent
now, but to really regularize that and increase it, to be
comparable to the effort that's put into recruiting.
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Senator. I will think about that.
I had not thought exactly about that potential, but I would say
that as we think through how do we accommodate and fulfill
commitments and assist our veterans, I think we have to open up
all vistas of new thinking and that is one that would deserve
some exploration and if I'm confirmed I look forward to
pursuing the idea with you.
Senator King. Thank you.
I'm also serving on the Intelligence Committee and one of
the issues--and you talked about this in your statement and
it's been touched upon some today--is the whole issue of
counterterrorism. Counterterrorism involves the actions of a
number of agencies and bodies of the U.S. Government. I would
commend to you that I think it deserves some real thought as to
where DOD ends, stops, and the CIA begins in terms of action
and counterterrorism action.
I think it would be worthwhile for you, if you are
confirmed, to meet with Mr. Brennan, if he's confirmed, to talk
about the coordination between the two agencies, so we don't
end up with similar, if not identical, functions in different
regions of the world with whole different command structures,
rules of engagement, and all of those kinds of things.
I think counterterrorism sort of spans, covers the gap or
the relationship between traditional defense and the
Intelligence Community.
Senator Hagel. That is an area that is becoming more and
more relevant, complicated, title 10 versus title 50 and all
those dynamics. If confirmed, yes, if Mr. Brennan is confirmed,
we'll be spending some time together.
Senator King. A final thought, and I know you've touched
upon this. I don't think we can adequately emphasize the
importance of the cyber threat. That may well be the war of the
future. My sense is that we're all talking about it, but I'm
not sure we have the sense of urgency. I know Secretary Panetta
has increased or proposed the increase of that capacity. But
people can die and our society could be brought to a standstill
without a rocket ever taking off or an airplane penetrating our
air space, and I hope that will be a point of emphasis because,
as I say, I think that may be the next war.
Senator Hagel. I agree. I noted it in my opening statement.
I agree with everything you've said. This is a huge issue that
continues to loom large over our future and our security, and
it will have, if confirmed, a lot of my attention.
Senator King. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you.
Senator King [presiding]. In the absence of the chairman,
Senator Ayotte, I believe it's your opportunity.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator King. Wow, that was fast.
Senator Ayotte. You've been promoted very quickly.
Senator King. Really, that's astounding. [Laughter.]
Senator Ayotte. First of all, we've all expressed our deep
respect for your service to our country, but also let me thank
you for your endurance. We appreciate it.
I wanted to ask you about a speech that you made in 2007.
It was at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
and it was a speech titled ``The United States and Iran at
Dangerous Crossroads''. In that speech you, in referring to
Iran, you said that ``the strategy of containment remains
relevant today''.
I wanted to ask you about that statement that you made in
2007 about ``the strategy of containment remains relevant''
with regard to Iran today. Now, that was in 2007, but why would
you say that, first of all? Then, isn't that inconsistent with
what you've been saying today with regard to containment?
Senator Hagel. I don't have the speech in front of me and I
think there was more to it than just that few words that you
quoted. If I recall, the entire speech was about how do we deal
with Iran. If I recall, what I was inventorying in specific
reference to containment was within that inventory what are the
options. I don't think that speech says that I support it.
Senator Ayotte. No, but you said that it was relevant to
the discussion with Iran, and I guess I would ask you to say
why do you think that that was a strategy that we should have
considered? It was obviously one of the things you mentioned.
Senator Hagel. I didn't say it was a strategy, I don't
think. As I said, in the context of how do we deal with----
Senator Ayotte. I don't want to be unfair, but I think,
just to be clear, the quote that you said was ``The strategy of
containment remains relevant.'' So why is it relevant with
regard to Iran?
Senator Hagel. The bigger point is what I was saying, I
think--I haven't looked at that speech since I gave it,
probably, but I do recall some of it. The point was, what is
the range of options that we would have to look at, the world
would look at. Again, I didn't advocate it, I didn't recommend
it, I didn't support it.
Senator Ayotte. Was it that containment was one of the
Senator Hagel. Yes. I mean, of course. When you look at the
whole range of what your options are, that certainly would be
one of them.
Senator Ayotte. Do you think containment's one of the
options now?
Senator Hagel. No, I don't know. But it doesn't make any
difference what I think. It's when you look at range, it's like
the Global Zero report. That was not a recommendation report.
That was a range of goals, aspirations, possibilities. That
report never said we recommend the following. If I recall that
speech, I think that was the same kind of what's the range of
Senator Ayotte. Senator, I want to be clear: It does matter
what you think, and obviously your understanding and thought
process on these issues is very important to us. So as a
follow-up, I know that Senator Vitter had asked you about a
portion of the book that you wrote, ``America, Our Next
Chapter,'' and it was in that book you had said that ``The
genie of nuclear armaments is already out of the bottle no
matter what Iran does.'' Obviously, North Korea, other powers.
``In this imperfect world, sovereign nation states possession
nuclear weapons capability, as opposed to stateless terrorist
groups, will often respond with some degree of responsible, or
at least sane, behavior.''
Do you believe that Iran responds or will respond with some
degree of responsible or sane behavior?
Senator Hagel. First of all, it's not what I suggested in
that quote.
Senator Ayotte. Well, it's in the context of Iran, but I'm
asking you just straightforwardly: Do you think that the
Iranian regime responds--you talked about the difference
between nation states versus, for example, stateless terrorist
organizations. Do you believe, in the context of Iran, do you
believe that the Iranian regime responds with some degree of
responsible, or at least sane, behavior, or will respond like
Senator Hagel. So far they have not, and I have said and
I've said in that same book that you're quoting from, that Iran
is a state sponsor of terrorism. I've said that many times. So
no is the answer to your question.
Senator Ayotte. If they haven't been responding with a
level of, with a degree of responsible or sane behavior and, as
you say in your book, that it's a state sponsor of terrorism,
I'm also struggling with the question of why you would have
thought that it was appropriate for us to have direct,
unconditional talks with Iran, because here we have a regime
that doesn't respond in a responsible or sane behavior, is a
state sponsor of terrorism, and what we thought we could--why
that would be an appropriate manner for us to address them?
Senator Hagel. Well, first, I said ``engagement''. I think
we should talk. We actually are indirectly in the P5 Plus 1. We
have been. I think that's responsible. I think it's always
responsible to try to talk first.
North Korea, I don't consider North Korea a responsible,
sane administration, but we are talking to North Korea. We've
been talking bilaterally to North Korea. We're talking with the
Party of 6 to North Korea. I think that's wise. I think it's
always wise to try to talk to people before you get into war.
Senator Ayotte. But I think that you were beyond the P5.
You refer to direct discussions with our two countries, and
also for establishing diplomatic ties with our country.
Senator Hagel. Again, when I talked about the possibility
of diplomatic ties or even I said, I think, in 2002 encouraging
Iran to join the World Trade Organization, I've always thought
that that's smarter more wiser, if you can push, help push,
institutions like China into world bodies, because when they go
into world bodies they have to comply with some semblance of
international behavior. It doesn't mean they always will. They
won't. They cheat. But I think we're smarter to do that.
Senator, I've never thought engagement is weakness. I never
thought it was surrender. I never thought it was appeasement. I
think it's clearly in our interest. If that doesn't work, then
I think the President's position and his strategy has been
exactly right: Get the United Nations behind you, get the
international sanctions behind you, keep military options on
the table. If the military option is the only option, it's the
only option.
Senator Ayotte. Just to be clear, I don't think that all
engagement is weakness, either. But I think there's a huge
distinction when we're dealing with a regime that is the
largest state sponsor of terrorism, and given the fact that
they have a long history, including in Iraq, with assisting the
militias to murder our troops, including what they've done with
Hezbollah and Hamas, what they're doing now in Syria. I think
there's always a distinction in how we deal with different
players around the world, is my point.
I know that my time has expired and I will submit for the
record questions that I think are very important about the
Virginia-class submarine. I share the important work done at
the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard with my colleagues Senator Jeanne
Shaheen and also I know Senator King is very focused on that,
and maintaining our submarine fleet. I know that Senator
Blumenthal asked you about that as well.
I do have concerns that part of the Global Zero report does
recommend that the Ohio-class submarine would actually be
diminished down to 10. I'll follow up with those questions and
the record. I have to go now. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. I'd be glad to respond. Thank you.
Chairman Levin [presiding]. Thank you, Senator Ayotte.
Senator Donnelly?
Senator Donnelly. No.
Chairman Levin. Okay. Senator Fischer.
Senator Fischer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Senator Hagel. It's been a long day and I do
appreciate your answers to these important questions.
When we spoke last week, we talked somewhat about the
sequester, also budget concerns, the modernization of our
nuclear forces. Especially being from Nebraska, you understand
the importance of STRATCOM and its mission as it deals with
deterrence that we use in this country and that we've used for
many, many years and I believe has been very, very successful
and it's a good point for us.
Today you also in your opening discussed the need to
modernize our defensive forces. You spoke to Senator Blunt,
also Senator Blumenthal, about the need to modernize our Navy.
I guess I would like to hear your thought process about how
we're going to do this. Where's the money coming from? How are
you going to advise the President in making these decisions?
Because we're looking at sequester, we're looking at budget
constraints. How is this all going to tie together, and what
would be your advice to the President on how the Pentagon is
going to address all of those budget constraints?
Senator Hagel. Let's start with where we are. The Pentagon
is adjusting, and I think responsibly, to our future based on
the Budget Control Act of 2011. You know the details of that.
The Chiefs have submitted plans. I think as we rebalance and
refit and unwind the second war and all the other dynamics that
are changing since the last decade, it gives us some new
opportunities: audits, all the acquisition focus,
accountability. We are being forced, DOD, to take a hard look
at its priorities.
But as I've said before, it begins with mission and then
the resources to fulfill that mission, and then what are the
priorities within that mission.
To your specific question, how do you finance it all, well,
if sequestration would take effect then all of this is going to
be affected. That's exactly right. We've deferred some
decisions. We've set back some of the schedules on some of our
ships, planes, decisions on a number of things.
It isn't just the dollars that affect this, but it's the
planning, it's the flexibility. It's the ability to bring all
this together and then project and plan.
So in no way--I hope I did not give any indication that we
were going to be able to continue to do everything for
everybody everywhere. That's just not a reality.
Senator Fischer. We can't.
Senator Hagel. We can't.
Senator Fischer. How do you decide, though? You've made
commitments to members here today on philosophy, on working
with this committee. Do we have a commitment to build up the
Navy? Do we have a commitment to STRATCOM so that they can
continue their mission of deterrence? Do we have those
How do you decide what's going to be the priority? What
will your advice be? Is STRATCOM important? Should that be a
priority? Would it be a priority in your advice to the
Senator Hagel. The Pentagon is working off the Defense
Authorization Act of 2013, which this committee passed. That is
the directive that frames the budgetary restraints, except if
sequestration takes effect. That prioritizes, to your point,
being what's important, what do you budget for, what do you
finance. We have to manage that.
If I am confirmed, then I'll be working closely with our
Chiefs and all of our managers and decisionmakers on how we do
this. On STRATCOM, I think STRATCOM is vitally important to the
future of this country. It's been my position when I was in the
Senate. It was my position long before I was in the Senate. Of
the nine combatant commands--STRATCOM is one of them--that's a
key command.
We have to continue to fund our commands and find ways to
do that. But that's going to require some tough choices and
hard decisions.
Senator Fischer. Right. Also, I believe we need to make
sure we don't have hollow forces out there as well.
My time's up. Once again, I thank you. I thank you for your
service. I thank you for being here today. I thank you for your
willingness to continue to serve the people of this country.
Senator Hagel. Senator, thank you.
Senator Fischer. Thank you.
Senator Hagel. Thank you very much.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Fischer.
Senator Blunt.
Senator Blunt. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Again, I join everybody else, Senator Hagel, in thanking
you for staying today and the answers you've given.
One of the things we were frustrated about was the
difficulty of getting information on the groups you've spoken
to in the last year, and of course the hundreds of groups
you've spoken to in the course of your career would be too much
to ask. I do have three comments from groups that I'm going to
enter into the record, two comments you made before groups, one
the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee conference in
2002; another Arab-American audience in 2007; and then in 2006,
the one I'll put in the record right now and just enter the
others, the Council on American-Islamic Relations Forum.
``University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer praised
Hagel for not being pro-Israel. He said `Potential presidential
candidates for 2008, like Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Joe
Biden, and Newt Gingrich, were falling all over themselves to
express their support for Israel. The only exception to that
rule was Senator Chuck Hagel.' '' Unfortunately, I don't have
anything to go with that of what you might have said.
But some of the concerns of being--I used to say when I was
the Whip in the House that you could count on the House and the
Senate to be, among other things, always pro-Israel, and I
think that's been the mainstream of our views. I've seen a
number of times, in fairness to you, where you've said you're
pro-Israel, but that doesn't mean you have to be reflexively
for everything that Israel is for.
These statements are what they are. They're the things that
were reported from comments you made that are out of the
context of the other comments. But I'm going to put those all
in the record.
[The information referred to follows:]
Senator Blunt. Also, earlier today I asked you about the
comment about the bloated Pentagon. I want to get this
straight. You said that that, those comments, were before the
sequestration bill passed, and they were after. Sequestration
passed on August 2. The Financial Times interview was on August
29. What you said on August 29 in that Financial Times
interview was you said ``I think''--August 29, 2011. The quote
out of the article was:
``The Defense Department I think''--this was your quote.
``The Defense Department I think in many ways has been bloated.
Let's look at the reality here. The Defense Department's gotten
everything it wanted the last 10 years and more. We've taken
priorities, we've taken dollars, we've taken programs, we've
taken policies out of the State Department, out of a number of
other Departments, and put them over in Defense.''
So that ``bloated'' comment was after sequestration. Of
course, this is the Department you now, 18 months later, if
this nomination is approved, would be running. Again, where do
we find that, those bloated things in the Defense Department,
and what are you prioritizing? Another way to ask what Ms.
Fischer was asking maybe is, are we going to let money drive
strategy here or strategy drive the money? As Secretary of
Defense, which of those positions are you going to take and how
are you going to advocate, here's the money we need for the
strategy we must have until we get to the reality of here's the
money you have, now do the best you can with it? I hope you're
an advocate for strategic-driven spending in the Pentagon,
rather than just the caretaker of the money that winds up
Senator Hagel. Senator, thank you. There are a lot of
pieces and I know we have time issues, but let me start this
way. First, on the comments I made in the Financial Times
interview, again as I addressed that today, that was an
extensive interview about a lot of things. So I was 3 weeks
Senator Blunt. Well, you were after the sequestration bill
had passed, though. So you were talking----
Senator Hagel. Not sequestration; the Budget Control Act.
Senator Blunt. But that's what included--they were talking
here about what would happen if you took these cuts.
Senator Hagel. That's what I was talking about. But the
Budget Control Act that was passed was implemented a few months
later, which I agreed with, and obviously the majority of
Congress did as well, to try to find $1 trillion overall in our
Government in savings and $490 billion is coming out of DOD for
the next 10 years.
But to your bigger point, you start there with the reality
of what Congress has passed, what Congress has decided to
appropriate for each Federal agency. In this current fiscal
year that we're living in, it's a $525 billion operating budget
and $88 billion for overseas contingencies. DOD works within
the framework of those numbers.
I've said a number of times here that I agree with you that
budget alone should not drive our national security, of course
not. What is the mission, as I've said? What are the
priorities, which you just brought up about different projects
that Senator Fischer and others have asked me about? How are
going to fund everything? Should you fund everything?
Do times change? Are there different threats? Ten years
ago, we put a lot of money in the Defense Department budget;
there was no such thing as a cyber warfare threat. Do we need
to do more there?
Do we need to change our force presence in Asia? We've
decided we're going to do that. That changes things. We're
moving marines around in the Pacific. That wasn't the case 10
years ago.
So things change. You manage and you direct your efforts
and you lead based on the security interests of your country
first. If I am confirmed, Senator, I will be a strong, have to
be a strong advocate for the Defense Department. That will be
part of my job. But that doesn't mean that I don't have some
responsibilities for efficient use of the taxpayers' dollars
and effective use of the taxpayers' dollars.
Senator Blunt. Just the opposite, you do have that
Senator Hagel. I do, that's right.
Senator Blunt. But I think the point is we want to be sure
that you're advocating for the money you think you need to
strategically accomplish what we can. Then obviously at the end
of the day you have to deal with the will of the process to
provide the money you have. But we ought to let the money as
much as possible be defined by the strategy rather than the
other way around, Senator.
Senator Hagel. I agree with that.
Senator Blunt. I'm once again out of time.
Senator Hagel. I agree with that, Senator. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Blunt.
Senator Reed.
Senator Reed. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, we have listened all afternoon to a series
of questions about what you said in 2002, in 2006, in 2007. I
expect, though, if you're confirmed as the Secretary of Defense
the President of the United States will not turn to you and ask
you about your floor speeches, as elegant as they were. He will
ask you if you're prepared to advise him on matters of
literally life and death, that you have prepared DOD to address
every contingency in a thoughtful way, knowing the costs and
the benefits; that he assumes, as I do and as you've stated
repeatedly, your staunch commitment to our allies, in
particular in the context today of the State of Israel; and
that you are fundamentally committed to the welfare of our
troops and families because you have seen as a soldier that
ultimately they are the difference in our military.
Looking not backwards to a series of individual quotes and
footnotes, but looking ahead, if you are there and the
President turns to you, can you give us--and I think you can;
I'm convinced of that--the confidence that you will be prepared
to give him the advice he needs to make life and death
decisions which he as Commander in Chief must make?
Senator Hagel. Senator, when the President asked me to
consider this job I didn't want another job. I was not looking
for another job. Lilibet and I had a pretty good life since I
left the Senate, nothing personal. But the friendships that
we've maintained here and valued here and the experiences we
had here we will treasure for always. Highest privilege of my
life, serving in this body.
I say that because I wasn't looking for another job. The
President asked me to come see him and we had a long
conversation one night, just the two of us, over an hour. We
talked about the job, the world, security, the future. Within
the context of that conversation, we got down into what about
this job.
I didn't try to sell him on the job, that I could do it. In
fact, when he asked me about why am I qualified or why would I
be uniquely qualified, I said I'm not. There are a lot of very
qualified Americans who could do this job. I don't think a lot
of them in the sense that they're out there everywhere. I think
there are some qualifications for this job. But I'm not the
only one.
I said: ``Mr. President, I'm not going to sit here and try
to convince you that I'm the right person. You know me, you
know my record, you know what I believe.'' I've had the
opportunity to work with him pretty closely over the last 4
years as I served as co-chairman with you and Senator Levin's
former colleague, Senator Dave Boren from Oklahoma, on the
President's Intelligence Advisory Board. That's allowed me to
stay pretty current with intelligence and make a contribution
maybe a little bit there. In the last 4 years I've served on
Secretary Gates', Secretary Panetta's Policy Advisory Boards.
I do have some understanding, as I told him, of this. But
why I think when Lilibet and I talked about it I agreed to go
forward with this is because of the tremendous opportunities
and the important time that we are living in and the
opportunities we now have to help make a better world. I think
the next few years are going to be as defining and as important
in this country truly as any few years post-World War II.
I told the President he was here at a very defining time,
and if I can help him do that, if I can help this country, I
want to do it. The experiences I'll bring to the job, Senator,
I think I have a pretty varied background on a lot of things. I
think always in the end, like any job, judgment is the ultimate
determinant of everything. I think experience is a factor,
varied experience, responsible experience. But that all adds up
to judgment. I hope, if I'm confirmed, I can do those things to
give the President and this country wise, informed, honest
advice, and I will do everything within my power to do that.
Senator Reed. Thank you very much.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Reed.
Senator Cruz.
Senator Cruz. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Hagel, thank you for remaining through what has
been a very long hearing.
I'd like to ask some additional questions to further
explore your positions and your record, and begin with asking:
Are you familiar with an individual named Chas Freeman?
Senator Hagel. Yes, yes.
Senator Cruz. He was, if I understand correctly, a vice
chairman at the Atlantic Council; is that correct?
Senator Hagel. When I became Chairman of the Atlantic
Council after I left the Senate to replace General Jim Jones,
he was one of many board members and I think was a vice
chairman. But I never really worked with him in the Atlantic
Council, but I know him, yes.
Senator Cruz. You and he were part of a group that traveled
last year to China together; is that correct as well?
Senator Hagel. No, that's not correct.
Senator Cruz. Okay. There have been press reports to that
Senator Hagel. Those press reports are incorrect. I have
never been on any trip with Chas Freeman.
Senator Cruz. There have also been press reports that has
described Mr. Freeman as helping coordinate efforts to defend
your nomination. Is that an accurate characterization?
Senator Hagel. I haven't spoken with Chas Freeman in years.
I don't know of any activity that he's involved in to endorse
me. There are a lot of people I appreciate are endorsing me and
supporting me, but I haven't talked to Chas Freeman in years.
Senator Cruz. Is he someone whose judgment you respect?
Senator Hagel. I think Chas Freeman has been an important
public servant for this country. There are a lot of different
opinions that people have on different issues. I don't agree
with everybody and it's pretty clear everybody doesn't agree
with me. So that's okay.
Senator Cruz. Do you consider his views well within the
Senator Hagel. What views are you speaking about, Senator?
Senator Cruz. His views on the Middle East and on the
Nation of Israel?
Senator Hagel. I'm not actually that familiar with all of
his views. I can't speak for Chas Freeman.
Senator Cruz. All right. Let's move on to your record then.
You stated in your prepared remarks: ``My overall world view
has never changed.'' I have to admit I find that difficult to
reconcile with statements and positions you've taken for over a
decade and what seems to me a fairly significant shift since
you've been nominated for Secretary of Defense.
What I'd like to do is go through some past statements,
past positions of yours and just clarify if you agree with them
or not, beginning with number one. In 2001, you voted against
legislation sanctioning Iran. Now, am I correct you no longer
agree with that position; you think sanctions against Iran are
a good policy today?
[The information referred to follows:]
In 2001, Senator Hagel voted against legislation sanctioning Iran
for its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and support for
international terrorism.
Senator Hagel. I have said on the record multilateral
international sanctions----
Senator Cruz. Do you agree with sanctions against Iran?
Senator Hagel. I'm sorry?
Senator Cruz. Do you think sanctions against Iran are a
good idea today?
Senator Hagel. Yes, yes. Yes, I always have.
Senator Cruz. So it's fair--I'm trying to characterize
your--I'm trying to understand your views and characterize them
fairly. It's fair to say you no longer agree with the position
in 2001 that we should not be sanctioning Iran?
Senator Hagel. That was a unilateral sanction and the Bush
Senator Cruz. Today do you think unilateral sanctions are a
bad idea?
Senator Hagel. It's a different time now because we now
have international sanctions on. I've supported the President's
Senator Cruz. Senator Hagel, please answer the question I
asked. Today do you think unilateral sanctions would be a bad
Senator Hagel. Not today, 12 years later.
Senator Cruz. So that is not a view you'd agree with today?
Senator Hagel. Because times have changed. We now have
international sanctions on them.
Senator Cruz. The second slide: In 2007, you voted against
legislation designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a
terrorist group.
Senator Hagel. That's correct.
[The information referred to follows:]
In 2007, Senator Hagel voted against legislation designating the
Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group.
Senator Cruz. You no longer agree with that policy. Today
your position is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is a terrorist
group; is that correct?
Senator Hagel. The Revolutionary Guard is part of the
Iranian Government. The reason I voted against----
Senator Cruz. Sir, I'm not asking the reason. I'm asking
for your views today. Do you believe the Iranian Revolutionary
Guard is a terrorist group, yes or no?
Senator Hagel. It is part of a state sponsor of terrorism,
so it's part of Iran, which I've said is a sponsor of state
Senator Cruz. Is that a yes?
Senator Hagel. That vote wasn't that question. That vote
Senator Cruz. I'm asking your views today. Do you believe
the Iranian Revolutionary National Guard is a terrorist group?
Senator Hagel. It is part of a terrorist--it is part of a
government that supports terrorism.
Senator Cruz. Is that a yes or a no?
Senator Hagel. It's the answer I just gave you.
Senator Cruz. All right, we'll move on to the next one. In
2008, you also voted against comprehensive Iran sanctions.
We've already discussed that today you agree with sanctions, so
that is another position----
[The information referred to follows:]
In 2008, Senator Hagel voted against the Comprehensive Iran
Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act in the Senate Banking
Senator Hagel. That again was a unilateral sanction that
the Bush administration was opposed to, and the Secretary of
State of this country, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
wrote that.
Senator Cruz. Sir, my time is limited. I understand that
you want to give reasons for the past positions. We've
discussed the reasons. I'm simply trying to clarify your
positions today.
If you look at number four, in 2010 you stated you're not
sure it's necessary to keep all options on the table with
regard to Iran's nuclear program. Do you agree with that
position today or is that no longer your position?
[The information referred to follows:]
In 2010, Senator Hagel told the Atlantic Council he was ``not so
sure it is necessary to continue to say all options are on the table''
regarding Iran's nuclear program.
Senator Hagel. I don't recall that. I have always said that
all options remain on the table. I don't recall that speech.
Senator Cruz. So this is not your position today? I'm just
trying to understand.
Senator Hagel. No, it's not. I have said that all options
must remain on the table, including--in fact, in an op-ed I
wrote with two former CENTCOM commanders last year----
Senator Cruz. The final one I'm going to ask you: In a 1998
Senate hearing, you stated that the United States has ``tilted
too far towards Israel in the Middle East peace process''. Do
you continue to agree with this position or is that no longer
your position today?
[The information referred to follows:]
In a 1998 Senate hearing, Senator Hagel said that the United States
has ``tilted too far toward Israel in the Middle East peace process.''
Senator Hagel. I don't remember that, the context of the
hearing or the speech or all the things I said in it. No, I
don't think the United States has tilted too far to Israel. I
support the President's position on Israel. I've said in my
book and other speeches that I strongly support Israel.
Senator Cruz. So you do not agree with this policy? I will
point out that I have a list of 10 other statements in the past
which I'm pretty confident if I asked you you would say you do
not agree with, and they're all statements and quotes from you.
In my judgment, your record as a U.S. Senator--and you and
I don't know each other. We do not have a personal
relationship. But I think your record and your past statements
as a U.S. Senator demonstrate greater antagonism for the Nation
of Israel than any member of this body, and also demonstrate a
greater willingness to stand against sanctions, stand against
military action, stand against any strong position against
Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, terrorists.
That ultimately is why the Washington Post described your
foreign policy views as ``near the fringe of the Senate''. That
raises, I think, very serious questions about your suitability
to serve as the Secretary of Defense. In my view, having a
Secretary of Defense who is not viewed as supporting credible,
strong military action makes it more likely the United States
will be drawn into military conflict, and I think that would be
a very unfortunate outcome.
Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Cruz.
That ends the second round. If you want an opportunity to
comment on that. If not, I will ask you some other questions.
By the way, Senator Ayotte, in reaction to one of the
things you said about it doesn't matter what I believe, I think
what you were--first of all, I think it does matter. We all
would agree it very much matters what you believe. But I think
what you were pointing out is that ultimately what matters is
what the President believes. I think that's what you were
aiming at.
Senator Hagel. That's exactly what I was aiming at, and
that's what I meant to say, that's right. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. I'm now going to ask you the standard
questions that I've delayed, and these are just the questions
we ask of every nominee.
Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations
governing conflicts of interest?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Have you assumed any duties or undertaken
any actions which would appear to presume the outcome of the
confirmation process?
Senator Hagel. I'm sorry? I didn't hear.
Chairman Levin. Have you assumed any duties or undertaken
any actions which would appear to presume the outcome of the
confirmation process?
Senator Hagel. No.
Chairman Levin. Will you ensure that your staff complies
with deadlines established for requested communications,
including questions for the record in hearings?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Chairman Levin. If you are confirmed, will you cooperate in
providing witnesses and briefers in response to congressional
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Will those witnesses be protected from
reprisal for their testimony or their briefings?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and
testify upon request before this committee?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree that you will provide
documents, including copies of electronic forms of
communication, in a timely manner when requested by a duly
constituted committee or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in
providing such documents?
Senator Hagel. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Now, we've completed our second round and
that means that if there's other questions remaining, we can
take a few minutes for them. Is there anybody that wants to?
Yes, Senator King.
Senator King. One very brief question. In watching
television over the last week or so, I've seen an ad
questioning your nomination, a television ad. I just wondered
if you or any of the people that have worked on preparing you
for this has any idea who's sponsoring that ad, because it's
not apparent from the ad itself? Have you gotten to the bottom
of that?
Senator Hagel. Senator, first, I have not seen any of those
ads. I know they're there. I long ago figured out the better
way to live life is not get drug down in the underbrush of
these kinds of things. So I don't pay attention to it. My focus
is on what's important about this assignment, this job, if I am
confirmed, and in particular this committee and this body, and
preparing myself hopefully for what matters with the
possibility that the U.S. Senate confirms me for this job.
I have not asked anybody that question. I don't know, have
never seen the ads.
Senator King. Thank you very much, and thank you for your
testimony today. You've been forthright and strong, and again I
appreciate your commitment to this country.
Senator Hagel. Thank you, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Another question?
Senator Cruz. Very briefly, I wanted to thank you for your
commitment to this committee, number one, to provide a complete
accounting and copies of the speeches you've given; and number
two, to respond to the letter that you received 2 days ago
requesting specific financial information. I appreciate your
commitment to do that.
I also would ask you--in our discussion about Chas Freeman
you said you were not particularly close with him, but that
your understanding was his views were within the mainstream, if
that's a fair characterization.
Senator Hagel. No, I didn't say in the mainstream. I said I
don't know.
Senator Cruz. Okay. What I would ask you to do also as a
follow-up is to review in particular a speech that Mr. Freeman
gave on March 4, 2011, at the Palestine Center in Washington,
DC, and give me your judgment in terms of whether you agree
with the views on the Middle East and the views of the Nation
of Israel that are expressed in that speech. In particular, I
would be interested in your views on the fifth paragraph of
that speech.
In my view, the views expressed in that speech are not
accurate and not within the mainstream, and I would be
interested if you concur in that assessment or if you have a
different assessment.
Chairman Levin. That's a question you're asking for the
Senator Cruz. For the record, yes.
[The information referred to follows:]
Chairman Levin. Okay. Any other questions for the record
need to be submitted, as I said before, by tomorrow at 5 p.m.
I assume, Senator Cruz, that when you said that he's agreed
to provide all of the speeches, it would be all the speeches
that he has access to; is that fair?
Senator Cruz. That he has or that he can get copies of. I
would certainly hope and expect that he would engage in
reasonable efforts to get copies of speeches if he doesn't have
them in his immediate files.
Chairman Levin. We'll say that if you have easy access or
reasonable access to speeches you've given, even though you
don't have them, that we would expect that you could provide
this as well, as well as the other information you indicated
you're perfectly happy to submit, you just haven't had the time
to get it ready.
Senator Hagel. Mr. Chairman, I will commit to that and
every request, as we have. As I said, some of this I didn't see
until yesterday. But everything that is out there that we can
find, we'll make every effort to get it and provide it.
Chairman Levin. We very much appreciate that, and your
openness in your responses today.
Again, the record will be open until tomorrow, as I said,
at 5 p.m. But your answers we would hope and expect would be in
by Monday at 5 p.m., because we would very much like to move
this nomination forward to a resolution, first on this
committee, and that timetable would help us move in an
expeditious way.
We thank you. We thank your family and your friends.
Unless there are other questions, we will now stand
adjourned. Thank you.
[Whereupon, at 5:50 p.m., the committee adjourned.]
[Prepared questions submitted to the Hon. Chuck Hagel by
Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers supplied
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and the Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and clearly delineated the operational chain
of command and the responsibilities and authorities of the combatant
commanders, and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They have also clarified the responsibility of the Military Departments
to recruit, organize, train, equip, and maintain forces for assignment
to the combatant commanders.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater-Nichols Act
If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to address in
these modifications?
Answer. I believe that the success of our Armed Forces since the
enactment of the Goldwater-Nichols Act amply demonstrates that the act
has enhanced the ability of our Armed Forces to defend our Nation and
to operate successfully as joint forces under our combatant commanders.
If confirmed, I will evaluate the implementation of the act, and will
make recommendations for modifications if necessary. At present, I am
aware of no need to make changes to the act.
duties of the secretary of defense
Question. Section 113 of title 10, U.S.C., provides that the
Secretary of Defense is the principal assistant to the President in all
matters relating to the Department of Defense (DOD). Subject to the
direction of the President, the Secretary of Defense, under section
113, has authority, direction, and control over DOD.
Do you believe there are actions you need to take to enhance your
ability to perform the duties of the Secretary of Defense?
Answer. I believe title 10 provides the Secretary of Defense
appropriate, sufficient, and clear authority to lead DOD and to serve
as the principal assistant to the President on all matters relating to
the Department. I do not foresee needing to take any actions to enhance
the ability of the Secretary of Defense to execute assigned duties.
Question. What changes to section 113, if any, would you recommend?
Answer. At present, I believe that section 113 provides sufficient
legal authority to the Secretary of Defense to allow him to perform his
two primary functions. I do not foresee needing to recommend changes to
section 113.
Question. What background and experience do you have that you
believe qualifies you for this position?
Answer. I volunteered for the draft and then volunteered to go to
Vietnam after I received orders to go to Germany. I served a 12-month
tour which included the Tet Offensive in 1968. I rose to the rank of
infantry sergeant. For 10 of those months, I served alongside my
younger brother Tom. I understand what it is like to be a soldier in
war. I also understand what happens when there is poor morale and
discipline among the troops and a lack of clear objectives,
intelligence, and command and control from Washington. I believe that
experience will help me as Secretary of Defense to ensure we maintain
the best fighting force in the world, protect our men and women in
uniform, and ensure that we are cautious and certain when contemplating
the use of force.
When I returned from Vietnam, I graduated from the University of
Nebraska, using the G.I. Bill. Because of that benefit, I co-authored
with fellow Vietnam veteran Senator Jim Webb, the new G.I. Bill which
became law in 2008. I know the importance of providing our military
personnel and their families with the benefits they need, not only
while in the military, but once they return to civilian life, and I
will not forget that if I am confirmed as Secretary of Defense.
I was wounded twice during my tour in Vietnam. In 1981, I was
appointed by President Reagan and confirmed by the Senate to be Deputy
Administrator of the Veterans Administration. I later resigned because
of inadequate support for Vietnam veterans suffering from Agent Orange
and other Vietnam veterans programs that were being eliminated. I have
worked with, and on behalf of veterans' organizations my entire life. I
know when the system is working, and when it is failing. The past
decade of war has produced tens of thousands of wounded warriors. Many
are still on Active Duty. Others have or are transitioning to civilian
life. All need the best care we they can give them. Because of my own
experiences, I will honor that commitment to veterans and their
families if I become Secretary of Defense.
While I do not believe anyone can be fully prepared to manage an
organization as large and complex as DOD, I believe that I have
significant management experience that gives me a strong sense of what
needs to be done. Most important is building and working with teams.
This is always an essential foundational element of management and
leadership. In the 1970s, I was the Chief of Staff to a U.S.
Congressman and then later Manager of Government Affairs for Firestone
Tire and Rubber Company. In the early 1980s, I co-founded Vanguard
Cellular Systems, Inc., a publicly traded company, which became one of
the largest independent cellular systems in the country. I also served
as President and Chief Executive Officer of the World USO; the Chief
Operating Officer of the 1990 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations
(G-7 Summit) in Houston, TX; Deputy Commissioner General of the United
States for the 1982 World's Fair; President of the Private Sector
Council and president of an investment bank. I have also served on
boards of some of the world's largest companies.
Finally as a U.S. Senator from Nebraska for 12 years, I have a
legislative record of continuing and unwavering support for our
military and our national security. I have voted to authorize the use
of military force and I have questioned the military and foreign policy
decisions of our leaders. I believe this experience has prepared me to
make the tough decisionsand to know that I am accountable for those
Question. If confirmed, you will confront a range of critical
issues relating to threats to national security and ensuring that the
Armed Forces are prepared to deal with these threats.
In your view, what are the major challenges confronting the next
Secretary of Defense?
Answer. The next Secretary of Defense will be confronted with a
myriad of challenges stemming from an ever more complex global
environment. Some of the challenges we know today, but many will
continue to unfold as we conclude over 10 years at war and look to the
future of our military posture. In an ever changing world with both
state and non-state actors developing nontraditional tools of war, the
United States will be challenged by technological advancements that
bring the battlefield to both space and cyberspace. Terrorist
organizations continue to proliferate throughout the world and have a
significant presence in places such as Yemen, Somalia and North Africa,
areas that pose great risk for regional stability. With the ever
present threat of Iran, the next Secretary of Defense must be vigilant
in pursuing the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear
weapon, and must maintain our unshakeable commitment to Israel's
security. As the United States begins to rebalance to the Asia-Pacific
region, the Department will be faced by new challenges in this vital
part of the world. Piracy, maritime security, disaster relief efforts,
and, of course, continued vigilance to terrorism and proliferation of
nuclear weapons name just a few known challenges. All of these things
come while the United States is fighting its own battles at home to
take care of its service men and women returning from over ten decades
of war with rising medical costs and advanced medical conditions.
Keeping the faith with our military men and women must remain a high
priority to ensure the military itself stays as strong and faithful as
its parts. While these are some of the few challenges we know, there
are far too many that are not yet apparent. We must be prepared for any
contingency we may face in the coming years all while doing so in the
confines of this austere budget environment.
Question. Assuming you are confirmed, what plans do you have for
addressing these challenges?
Answer. If confirmed, I plan to work with the President, Congress,
and with senior civilian and military leaders of DOD to come up with
comprehensive plans to address each issue. No single issue will have a
single simple answer. This will be an iterative process that will
employ the full force of Government. It will necessitate strong
relationships I plan to maintain and strengthen with our allies and
partners throughout the globe. We will define our post-2014 presence in
Afghanistan and create a new relationship and partnership with
Afghanistan. To counter terrorism, we will look into how we use our
special operations forces and the development of new technologies and
surveillance techniques. As long as nuclear weapons exist, we must
maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear arsenal to deter any
adversary. I am committed to considering all options to counter Iran
and its aggression, and to maintain U.S. support for missile defense
systems in Israel. With the rebalance to the Asia Pacific, our training
and specializations will change as the battlefield and necessary skills
of our servicemembers change. As our troops transition out of over 10
years of war, I will look at the services available for our men and
women, both those that continue to serve and those that transition to
civilian life. If confirmed, I plan to continue the work of Secretary
Panetta to address issues of the force, such as the unthinkable problem
of sexual assault within our ranks. I will continue the implementation
of the repeal of ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' and the opening of positions
to women. I will give great attention to all issues that confront our
country and our military to ensure the reputation and strength of the
United States.
Question. If confirmed, what broad priorities would you establish
in terms of issues which must be addressed by the Secretary of Defense?
Answer. If confirmed, it would be a priority to ensure the stable
transition out of Afghanistan in the next few years, to maintain U.S.
military and technological superiority against enemies both known and
unknown, and to keep the faith with our men and women in the military
standing guard to protect this great and vibrant country.
chain of command
Question. Section 162(b) of title 10, U.S.C., provides that the
chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense
and from the Secretary of Defense to the combatant commands. Section
163(a) of title 10 further provides that the President may direct
communications to combatant commanders be transmitted through the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and may assign duties to the
Chairman to assist the President and the Secretary of Defense in
performing their command function.
Do you believe that these provisions facilitate a clear and
effective chain of command?
Answer. I believe that having a clear and effective chain of
command is essential to successful military operations, and that these
provisions of law lay the foundation for such a chain of command.
Question. In your view, do these provisions enhance or degrade
civilian control of the military?
Answer. In my view, these provisions significantly enhance civilian
control by codifying the placement of the President, as Commander in
Chief, and his principal assistant for military matters, the Secretary
of Defense, where they can best exercise civilian control of the
military: in the top two positions of the military chain of command.
Question. Are there circumstances in which you believe it is
appropriate for U.S. military forces to be under the operational
command or control of an authority outside the chain of command
established under title 10, U.S.C.?
Answer. I believe that all military forces normally should operate
under the chain of command established under section 162 of title 10,
U.S.C. However, in certain sensitive operations a temporary exception
to that chain of command may be appropriate. I understand that only the
President may approve such an exception and the President retains
overall command responsibility, as also recognized in section 162. Any
military personnel supporting such sensitive operations remain
accountable to the military chain of command, including the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. If confirmed, I will provide the President
with my best advice regarding any operation where an exception to the
established chain of command may be appropriate.
advice of the service chiefs and the combatant commanders
Question. Section 151 of title 10, U.S.C., provides, in part, that
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal military
adviser to the President, the National Security Council, and the
Secretary of Defense and that if any member of the Joint Chiefs submits
to the Chairman advice or an opinion, in disagreement with, or advice
or an opinion in addition to, the advice presented by the Chairman, the
Chairman shall present that advice or opinion at the same time he
provides his own advice to the President, the National Security
Council, and the Secretary of Defense. Section 163 of title 10, U.S.C.,
provides that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff serves as the
spokesman for the combatant commanders, especially on the operational
requirements of their commands.
What changes in law, if any, do you think may be necessary to
ensure that the views of the individual Service Chiefs and of the
combatant commanders are presented and considered?
Answer. If confirmed, I will welcome and carefully consider the
advice of the individual members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the
combatant commanders. I believe that the current law provides ample
authority for such a close, advisory process. If I find in the future
that changes may enhance this process, I will work with the Department
and Congress to implement those changes.
Question. What is your view on the appropriate role of the Chief of
the National Guard Bureau as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Answer. The Chief of the National Guard Bureau brings an important
perspective to the Joint Chiefs and to the Department on matters
affecting the National Guard. In my view, the Chief of the National
Guard Bureau should fulfill his duty as a member of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff in a manner consistent with the laws governing the role of the
Chief of the National Guard Bureau and the role of the Joint Chiefs of
use of military force
Question. The question as to whether and when U.S. forces should
participate in potentially dangerous situations is one of the most
important and difficult decisions that the national command authorities
have to make. Prior Secretaries of Defense and Chairmen of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff have proposed criteria to guide decisionmaking for such
What factors would you consider in making recommendations to the
President on the use of force?
Answer. Committing our troops to any military operation is a grave
decision, and one I, if confirmed, would make carefully and cautiously.
In making a recommendation to the President on the use of military
force, I would consider all the factors previous Secretaries of Defense
have identified. These would include: national interest and strategic
objectives; domestic and international legal basis for action; our
ability to achieve our objectives and achieve a successful outcome
through use of force; the unique need for military force and
alternative means, particularly non-military, for achieving our
interests; the risks to our other interests and our force; and the
sufficiency of sustained public support for use of force.
Question. What circumstances should pertain for you to recommend
that the President employ preemptive force?
Answer. The United States must reserve the right, consistent with
longstanding principles of self-defense, to use military force if
intelligence or other information clearly demonstrates that force is
necessary to prevent or blunt an imminent attack on the United States
or an ally. If confirmed, in advising the President regarding the use
of force to preempt an attack, I would consider such factors as: the
nature and immediacy of the threat; the probability of an attack;
whether a pattern of activity demonstrates the intent of an actor to
carry out an attack; the likely scale of the attack and the injury,
loss, or damage likely to result absent preemptive action; and the
likelihood that there will be other opportunities to undertake
effective action in self-defense. I would also ensure that, if force is
determined to be necessary, we adhere to standards that govern the use
of force and work to strengthen our legitimacy in taking action,
including seeking broader international support.
Question. What degree of certainty do you believe is necessary
before the United States would use preemptive force?
Answer. Any decision to use preemptive force must be informed by
the best available intelligence regarding the threat that is to be
countered. There should always be a sound factual basis for concluding
that force is necessary to protect the United States or an ally from
attack. If confirmed, I would examine the underlying intelligence
critically as such a decision must not be taken lightly. I do not
believe, however, that it is necessary that we know the precise timing,
location, or nature of the hostile attack as a prerequisite to using
force to counter or stop an attack on the United States or an ally.
national security budget reductions
Question. Part 1 of the Budget Control Act (BCA) enacted on August
2, 2011 established budget caps designed to realize $917 billion in
budget savings in Federal discretionary spending over the period from
fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2021. As a result, the administration's
DOD current budget plan for fiscal years 2012 to 2021 is $487 billion
lower than the $6.14 trillion it had projected a year earlier for the
same 10-year period. This reduction amounts to nearly 8 percent
compared to the previous plan.
Do you believe that defense spending reductions of this magnitude
(absent a sequester) can be accomplished without significant adverse
impact on our national security?
Answer. Based on my review to date, my answer is yes. I believe the
Department's strategy can be accomplished within the constraints of the
BCA. But only if the Department has to retain the flexibility to adjust
the size of its forces and infrastructure, and take steps to control
its costs, in accordance with the administration's present strategy and
Question. How would you assess the national military strategy to
deal with the changed budget environment?
Answer. I believe the Department has taken a hard look at the new
security environment and developed a strategy that appropriately
allocates reduced defense resources to the highest priority needs and
ensures our national security objectives are met. If confirmed, I will
further assess the strategy according to changes in the security
environment and continued fiscal pressure.
Question. What are the standards by which you will measure the
adequacy of DOD funding, if confirmed?
Answer. If confirmed, I would measure the adequacy of DOD funding
by its ability to ensure that the Department is able to meet the
country's security challenges and preserve the strongest military in
the world.
Question. If confirmed, in this era of budget austerity, how will
you prioritize the objectives of completing the mission in Afghanistan,
resetting of the force, investing in the future force, and meeting
ongoing operational commitments around the world?
Answer. Right now, I believe the Department can implement the
administration's present strategy, which carefully balances the above
objectives. I understand that the immediate needs of completing the
mission in Afghanistan and ongoing operational commitments cannot
jeopardize resetting the force and investing in our future. If
confirmed, I will work to ensure that budget decisions are made
carefully so that we maintain a healthy balance among those near-term
and longer-term objectives. I will continue to refine the Department's
spending in line with the priorities of the President's strategic
objectives. However, if multi-year reductions in funding take place
(such as those required by sequestration), the Department would need to
significantly revise the defense strategy and, in all probability,
would need to make some hard choices about which of our current
national defense capabilities we could afford to retain.
readiness of the armed forces
Question. The Joint Chiefs recently stated that ``the readiness of
our Armed Forces is at a tipping point. We are on the brink of creating
a hollow force due to an unprecedented convergence of budget conditions
and legislation that could require the Department to retain more forces
than requested while underfunding that force's readiness.''
How do you currently assess the readiness of the Armed Forces?
Answer. I am deeply impressed by the caliber and capabilities of
our military forces. It is vitally important that they be ready to
respond to the Nation's needs, and I am concerned that further budget
cuts will negatively affect readiness. If confirmed, I will closely
monitor the readiness of the force.
Question. Do you agree with the Joint Chiefs that readiness is at
tipping point?
Answer. Maintaining ready forces is a priority, and I am concerned
by the Joint Chiefs' assessment. If confirmed, I will work with the
Joint Chiefs to better understand the basis of their assessment and how
we can most effectively address the readiness challenges our military
Question. If confirmed, how would you assess the impact of budget
conditions on the issue expressed by the Joint Chiefs of a hollow
Answer. My sense is that the concerns the Joint Chiefs have
expressed about readiness come from a variety of factors, including the
challenges of recovering from 10 years of operational stress, of
transitioning to a broader range of operations, and of doing all of
this in the face of fiscal austerity and budget uncertainty. If
confirmed, I will carefully monitor how all of these factors are posing
risks to readiness and will work closely with the military and civilian
leadership of the Department to mitigate those risks to the greatest
extent possible.
Question. How would you define a hollow force?
Answer. A hollow force is one that has been rendered incapable of
performing the mission that we expect it to conduct. With a hollow
force, units do not have the resources, personnel, equipment, and
training necessary to make them capable or ready to execute the defense
strategies that secure our country.
budget uncertainly and sequestration
Question. DOD is currently facing budget uncertainty due to the
fact that it is operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) through at
least March 27, 2013 and due to the possibility that, absent a budget
deal, the BCA will require a sequester of security funding totaling
more than $40 billion starting on March 1, 2013. DOD officials have
noted that, if CR is extended through the end of the current fiscal
year, in its current form, readiness would suffer. They have also noted
that a sequester could seriously threaten our ability to implement our
current defense strategy. Secretary Panetta has stated that a sequester
would have a ``devastating'' impact on DOD.
What is your understanding of the impact a full-year Continuing
Resolution would have on DOD?
Answer. A year-long CR reduces the Department's funding flexibility
by putting it into a straightjacket, spending money on last year's
priorities not this year's. Continuing Resolutions force the Department
to operate inefficiently because it does not know what projects will be
funded or at what level of funding. The money provided in the
Continuing Resolution does not provide sufficient funding in the right
places, particularly critical operating accounts which could harm
military readiness. In addition, Continuing Resolutions generally push
the Department to use month-to-month contracts and prohibits doing
``new starts'' in military construction or acquisition programs, which
leads to inefficiency and backlogs in contracting.
Question. What do you believe would be the impact on DOD of a full
sequester in fiscal year 2013?
Answer. As Secretary Panetta has repeatedly stated, sequestration--
both the size and the arbitrary manner of these cuts--would be
devastating to the Department. It would harm military readiness and
disrupt each and every investment program. Based on my assessment to
date, I share his concerns. I urge Congress to eliminate the sequester
threat permanently and pass a balanced deficit-reduction plan. Impacts
of sequester could include the need to revise the defense strategy,
fewer day-to-day global activities reducing our presence and
partnerships, less training including cuts to flying and steaming hours
which would reduce readiness, near universal disruption of investment
including 2,500 procurement programs, research projects, and military
construction; reduced and delayed weapons system buys with resulting
price increases, furloughs and hiring freezes for civilian workers
resulting in reduced maintenance of weapons systems, oversight of
contracts and financial systems; negative effects on morale and welfare
of the force including recruiting and retention problems.
Question. What is your understanding of the impact that the
combination of a full-year Continuing Resolution and a sequester would
have on the readiness of the Armed Forces?
Answer. It is my understanding that under this scenario, the
Department would be forced to cut over $40 billion from our budget in a
little over half a year, using a mechanistic formula to do it. It would
result in 20 percent cuts in the Department's operating budgets. As the
Joint Chiefs have warned, such cuts, if allowed to occur, would damage
our readiness, our people, and our military families. It would result
in the grounding of aircraft and returning ships to port, reducing the
Department's global presence and ability to rapidly respond to
contingencies. Vital training would be reduced by half of current plans
and the Department would be unable to reset equipment from Afghanistan
in a timely manner. The Department would reduce training and
maintenance for nondeploying units and would be forced to reduce
procurement of vital weapons systems and suffer the subsequent schedule
delays and price increases. Civilian employees would be furloughed for
up to 22 days. All of these effects also negatively impact long-term
readiness. It would send a terrible signal to our military and civilian
workforce, to those we hope to recruit, and to both our allies and
adversaries around the world.
Question. If confirmed what role would you play toward enacting a
fiscal year 2013 Defense Appropriations Bill and avoiding a sequester?
Answer. If confirmed, I would continue to urge Congress to pass a
full-year appropriations bill for DOD and for other Federal agencies so
that the Department and other Federal agencies may be run efficiently,
with the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, as the taxpayers
expect and deserve.
financial management and business transformation
Question. DOD spends billions of dollars every year to acquire,
operate, and upgrade business systems needed to support the warfighter,
including systems related to the management of contracts, finances, the
supply chain, and support infrastructure. Despite these expenditures,
the Department's business systems are stovepiped, duplicative and non-
integrated. Also, the Department's ability to leverage these systems to
transform how it conducts its business missions has been frustrated by
its resistance to re-engineering its business processes effectively. As
a result, the Department remains unable to produce timely, accurate and
complete information to support management decisions. For this reason,
the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has identified defense
financial management and business transformation as exposing taxpayer
dollars to a ``high risk'' of waste, fraud, and abuse.
If confirmed, how would you ensure that the financial management
and business transformation problems of DOD receive priority attention
at the senior management level and throughout the defense enterprise?
Answer. Improving financial management capability is very
important, especially in light of the fiscal challenges facing the
Department and the country. I understand plans exist to continue the
improvement of the Department's business processes and, if confirmed, I
will ensure that senior leadership--including the Chief Financial
Officer, the Deputy Chief Management Officer, and the Chief Information
Officer--focus appropriate attention on this effort by holding them
accountable for progress against these plans.
Question. Do you support the objective of having the Department
achieve an auditable financial statement by the end of fiscal year
Answer. Yes. I support the effort and will maintain the
Department's commitment to producing audit-ready financial statements
by the congressional deadline of September 2017, with an audit
beginning by the end of calendar year 2017.
Question. What steps would you take if the Department fails to
reach this goal?
Answer. I would want to evaluate the nature of the problem, the
reasons the goal was not met, and the remediation options available to
get the Department back on track before determining the actions to be
Question. Do you support the objective of having the Department
achieve an auditable statement of budgetary resources by the end of
fiscal year 2014?
Answer. Yes, I agree with current priorities that focus first on
the budgetary information most useful in managing the Department. I
understand there is a plan to ensure the budgetary statement is ready
to be audited by September 2014.
Question. What steps would you take if the Department fails to
reach this goal?
Answer. I understand the plan to meet that deadline has received a
very high priority at all levels of the Department, and if confirmed, I
would sustain this as a high priority and hold senior leadership
accountable for reaching this goal. If problems are encountered that
would put this goal at risk, I would evaluate the nature of the
problem, the reasons the goal was not met, and the remediation options
available to get the Department back on track. I would also ensure that
Congress is kept apprise of the Department's progress.
department of defense and department of veterans affairs collaboration
Question. The Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs (VA) have
in recent years increased collaboration between the respective
departments to support servicemembers as they transition to veteran
status. This support includes access to health and mental health care,
improved disability evaluation, and coordination of compensation and
other benefits.
If confirmed, what role would you expect to play in ensuring that
the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs achieve the
administration's objectives in DOD and VA collaboration?
Answer. I have been working to improve the transition of our
servicemembers to civilian life for most of my life. If confirmed, I am
looking forward to taking a very active role in this area. The
Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is a longtime
friend and if confirmed, I will continue the close partnership with him
that has existed under Secretaries Gates and Panetta. I will continue
the practice of holding regular Secretarial-level meetings and will
closely monitor the progress of the many important joint initiatives
between the two Departments.
systems and support for wounded warriors
Question. Servicemembers who are wounded or injured in combat
operations deserve the highest priority from their Service for support
services, healing and recuperation, rehabilitation, evaluation for
return to duty, successful transition from active duty if required, and
continuing support beyond retirement or discharge. Yet, as the
revelations at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in 2007
illustrated, the Services were not prepared to meet the needs of
significant numbers of returning wounded servicemembers. Despite the
enactment of legislation and renewed emphasis, many challenges remain,
including a growing population of servicemembers awaiting disability
What is your assessment of the progress made to date by DOD and the
Services to improve the care, management, and transition of seriously
ill and injured servicemembers and their families?
Answer. I believe that important progress in the care, management,
and transition of seriously ill and injured servicemembers has been
made in the years since the revelations at WRAMC, though there is more
work to be done. It will be a top priority to ensure the best quality
care for our seriously ill and injured servicemembers and their
families. My understanding is Secretary Panetta directed a detailed
review of the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES). If
confirmed, I look forward to the opportunity to reviewing the details
of that effort. I will also work closely with the Secretary of Veterans
Affairs to ensure that the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs
programs are fully complementary and that wounded servicemembers
experience a seamless system of care as they transition to veteran
Question. What are the strengths upon which continued progress
should be based?
Answer. My understanding is that significant progress has been made
in linking an individual with their medical record in a central data
repository, and making this information available to any DOD medical
treatment facility or Veterans Affairs facility. This appears to
provide seamless health care to our members. If confirmed, I will
continue to partner with the VA in this area. Although I believe there
is more work to be done in improving the care of our seriously ill and
injured servicemembers and their families, this issue is a top priority
of the senior leadership of the Department and a strength that I will
continue to build on. I will also look to build on the close
collaboration between the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs
in caring for our servicemembers, veterans, and their families.
Question. What are the weaknesses that need to be corrected?
Answer. One weakness is the lack of sufficient mental health care
providers at both the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
While this is mostly a function of the overall shortage of people with
this specialty, I know DOD is working hard to address this problem,
through increased funding and recruitment. Another weakness that I am
aware of is that Veterans Affairs and DOD have multiple caregivers,
overwhelming patients and their families. I understand Secretary
Panetta and Secretary Shinseki signed an agreement to help wounded
warriors navigate through our systems, by naming a lead care
coordinator for each wounded warrior. If confirmed, I will closely
monitor the implementation of this agreement and work to improve upon
it. There is also duplication and overlap in the various services and
care programs provided by the Department, the Military Services, and
Veterans Affairs, and I would want to make sure that all such programs
are fully coordinated, easily accessible, and comprehensible for our
wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers and their families.
Question. If confirmed, are there additional strategies and
resources that you would pursue to increase support for wounded
servicemembers and their families, and to monitor their progress in
returning to duty or to civilian life?
Answer. If confirmed, I would look to build on innovative programs
and partnerships--both with other Federal agencies, as well as with
State and local governments and private and community organizations--
that support our wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers and their
families. For instance, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund has added
invaluably to the care and treatment of servicemembers and veterans
with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and psychological health issues
through the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, and they are in the
process of building state-of-the-art satellite treatment centers at
nine of DOD's largest installations. I am also heartened by cross-
agency efforts like the $100 million investment announced last year by
the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to improve diagnosis
and treatment of mild TBI and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Question. What is your assessment of the adequacy of access to care
and care management for Federal civilian employees who are ill or
injured in theater, including evaluation and response to traumatic
brain injury and post-traumatic stress?
Answer. My understanding is that Federal civilian employees who are
injured or ill in theater have been treated by theater military
treatment facilities just as Active Duty members would be. Once
medically evacuated out of theater, depending on their medical needs,
they are transferred to an appropriate civilian institution. If
confirmed, I would seek to ensure that Federal civilian employees in
theater receive the quality care and care management befitting those
who put themselves in harm's way on behalf of the Nation.
Question. Studies conducted as a result of the revelations at WRAMC
pointed to the need to reform the disability evaluation system (DES).
The IDES was established to integrate the DOD and Department of
Veterans Affairs disability systems to improve and expedite processing
of servicemembers through the DES.
What is your assessment of the need to further streamline and
improve the IDES?
Answer. While the introduction of the joint IDES has on the whole
been an improvement over the separate Departments of Defense and
Veterans Affairs legacy systems, there is still much room for further
improvement, particularly with regard to timeliness. If confirmed, I
will ensure the Department continues to press forward, in close
collaboration with Veterans Affairs, with further improvements to the
Question. If confirmed, how will you address any need for change,
particularly the Army's problem with an increasing number of soldiers
who are not medically fit for deployment, but who remain on Active Duty
while they process through the lengthy IDES process?
Answer. I am aware that this is an issue, particularly for the
Army. I do not have specific recommendations at this time, but if
confirmed, I will work with the leadership of the military services on
ways that we can better balance the need to provide servicemembers with
a timely and fair disability evaluation with the need to maintain
acceptable levels of deployable personnel.
homosexual conduct policy
Question. The law commonly referred to as ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell''
was repealed effective September 20, 2011. As part of the
implementation of this repeal, the Secretary of Defense appointed a
benefits review group to conduct a review of all potential benefits
that could be made available to same-sex spouses. The report of this
review group is long overdue and has been repeatedly delayed.
What is your view of the repeal of ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell?''
Answer. I fully support the repeal of ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' and
value the service of all those who fight for our country. I fully
support gay and lesbian men and women serving openly in the U.S.
military and am committed to a full implementation of the repeal of
``Don't Ask, Don't Tell''.
Question. What is your assessment of the implementation of the
repeal of this law?
Answer. I understand that the senior military leadership have
engaged in a year-long monitoring process and found that repeal of
``Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' has not had any impacts on readiness,
effectiveness, unit cohesion, recruiting, and retention. At the same
time, I realize that there is still some work to be done to achieve the
full implementation of repeal, particularly with regard to the benefits
available to the families of gay and lesbian servicemembers.
Question. What is the status of the report of the benefits review
group? When is this group expected to issue its report?
Answer. I understand that this review is not taking the form of a
report, per se, but has involved assembling detailed information on
individual benefits (including whether each such benefit might be made
available under current law, and options for how to do so) to support
decision making by the senior civilian and military leadership of the
Department, and also that those decisions are currently under active
consideration. If confirmed, I will review the work that has been
undertaken during the course of the benefits review and will work
closely with the DOD civilian and military leadership to move forward
expeditiously on this issue.
Question. What is your view on the issue of providing military
benefits to same-sex partners?
Answer. As I have stated previously, I fully support the repeal of
``Don't Ask, Don't Tell,'' and value the service of all those who fight
for our country. If confirmed, I will do everything possible to the
extent permissible under current law to provide equal benefits to the
families of all our servicemembers.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that completion of the
report of the Benefits Review Group is expedited and provided to
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with the DOD civilian and
military leadership to move forward expeditiously on this issue and
will inform the appropriate congressional committees of decisions as
they are made.
religious guidelines
Question. The Independent Review Related to the Tragedy at Fort
Hood observed that ``DOD policy regarding religious accommodation lacks
the clarity necessary to help commanders distinguish appropriate
religious practices from those that might indicate a potential for
violence or self-radicalization.'' Recommendation 2.7 of the Final
Recommendations urged the Department to update policy to clarify
guidelines for religious accommodation and Recommendation 2.8 urged the
Department to task the Defense Science Board to ``undertake a multi-
disciplinary study to identify behavioral indicators of violence and
self-radicalization. . . .''
What is your view of these recommendations?
Answer. Ensuring appropriate accommodations for the free exercise
of religions and protecting servicemembers from violence and harm are
both of vital importance. It is my understanding that, pursuant to
Recommendation 2.7, the Department updated its policy on religious
accommodation to ensure religious freedoms and practices are
accommodated to the fullest extent possible considering mission
readiness, discipline, and unit cohesion. Regarding Recommendation 2.8,
the Department did task the Defense Science Board (DSB) to undertake a
study. The DSB recently completed their study and found that it could
not determine a specific list of behaviors that would indicate risk of
violent/extremist behavior. If I am confirmed, I will review the
implementation of the recommendations of the Fort Hood Review.
Question. What is your understanding of current policies and
programs of DOD regarding religious practices in the military?
Answer. It is my understanding that policies and programs of DOD
regarding religious practices in the military seek to ensure
servicemembers' rights to observe the tenets of their respective
religions, as well as to hold no specific religious conviction or
Question. In your view, do these policies appropriately accommodate
the free exercise of religion and other beliefs without impinging on
those who have different beliefs, including no religious belief?
Answer. Yes, in my view, current policies appropriately accommodate
the free exercise of religion for all servicemembers in the pluralistic
environment that is the U.S. military. If confirmed, I will continue to
monitor and assess these policies.
Question. In your view, do existing policies and practices
regarding public prayers offered by military chaplains in a variety of
formal and informal settings strike the proper balance between a
chaplain's ability to pray in accordance with his or her religious
beliefs and the rights of other servicemembers with different beliefs,
including no religious beliefs?
Answer. It is my understanding that existing policies provide the
military chaplains with sufficient guidance that allows them to
balance, in both formal and informal settings, their own faith
practices with the rights of others who may hold different or no
religious beliefs. I recognize that this at times can be a difficult
balance to achieve, and if confirmed, I would work with the civilian
and military leadership of the Department and with Congress to ensure
DOD continues to do so.
Question. If confirmed, will you work to ensure that a scientific
factbased approach to understanding radicalization will drive the
Department's relevant policies on this topic?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I would review the Department's existing
policies and its plans to address these challenges and determine what,
if any, changes should be made. I agree that any changes to how the
Department approaches this issue should be based on a solid scientific
and factual foundation.
Question. Current policy in the Department gives discretion to
military leaders to decide whether requests to waive uniform and
appearance standards should be granted based on religious beliefs.
In your view, do DOD policies appropriately accommodate religious
practices that require adherents to wear items of religious apparel?
Answer. It is my understanding that current policies allow for
consideration of accommodations of religious apparel that do not
interfere with the performance of military duties. If confirmed, I
would work with the Military Services to ensure that they strike the
right balance between military uniform and appearance standards and
personal religious practices.
muslims in the u.s. military
Question. Are you concerned that the attack at Fort Hood could lead
to harassment or even violence against Muslims in the military?
Answer. The attack at Fort Hood was a tragedy. It is essential that
the circumstances surrounding the attack not compromise the military's
core values regarding the free exercise of religion and treating every
servicemember with dignity and respect. Each servicemember has the
right to practice his or her religious faith without fear of
persecution or retribution.
Question. If confirmed, what strategies would you advocate to
address the potential for harassment or violence against Muslims in the
U.S. military?
Answer. If confirmed, I will not tolerate harassment or
mistreatment against Muslims in the military, or against any
servicemember based on their religious faith. This sort of behavior or
any form of cruelty and maltreatment is inconsistent with the
military's core values, detracts from combat capability, and has no
place in the Armed Forces. I will expect commanders and leaders at all
levels to maintain an environment that promotes dignity and respect,
and will hold them accountable for preventing harassment or
sexual assault prevention and response
Question. Sexual assaults continue to be a significant issue in the
military. Victims of sexual assault report that they are victimized
twice: first by attackers in their own ranks and then by unresponsive
or inadequate treatment for the victim and failure of the chain of
command to hold assailants accountable. The Annual Report on Sexual
Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies, released in
December 2012, documents that while the military academies are in
compliance with DOD policies, sexual assault and harassment remain a
problem in each academy. Sexual assaults continue to be persistent
problem in the Services, as evidenced by the ongoing prosecutions of
military training instructors for sexual misconduct with trainees at
Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base. Secretary Panetta
has recently announced several new initiatives to address the sexual
assault problems in the military, including comprehensive assessments
of initial training of enlisted personnel and officers, creation of
special victim capabilities, and limiting initial disposition authority
to Special Court-Martial Convening Authorities in the grade of O-6 or
What is your assessment of the Department's policies for prevention
and response to sexual assaults in the military?
Answer. Sexual assault will absolutely not be tolerated in DOD. It
is a direct affront to the military's core value to protect all members
of the Armed Forces. Current levels of sexual assault are unacceptably
high. I know that the Department has put considerable effort into the
development and implementation of new policies and procedures to
prevent the crime of sexual assault, support victims, and hold
offenders appropriately accountable. But I also know that more needs to
be done. Secretary Panetta and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have made this
issue a top priority. If confirmed, will do the same, and ensure that
the Department continues its commitment to address sexual assault in a
comprehensive and persistent manner.
Question. What is your view of the steps the Services have taken to
prevent and respond to sexual assaults in combat zones, including
assaults against contractor personnel?
Answer. I do not have enough information to make a comprehensive
assessment of sexual assault prevention and response in deployed
environments at this time. It is my understanding that any deployed
personnel who are victims, whether servicemembers, civilians, or
contractors, receive appropriate emergency medical care and support. I
also firmly believe that there must be strict accountability for those
who perpetrate such assaults in deployed areas. If confirmed, I will
ensure the Department continues to address sexual assault in a
comprehensive manner--across all Services, in all locations, and for
all personnel.
Question. What is your view of the adequacy of the training and
resources the Services have in place to investigate and respond to
allegations of sexual assault?
Answer. It is my understanding that all Services have established
guidelines for a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week sexual assault response
capability for victims in all locations, including deployed areas. With
regard to investigations, I understand the Department has multiple
efforts underway to enhance its ability to investigate and respond to
sexual assault, child abuse, and domestic violence. If confirmed, I
will make it a priority to sustain and build on these enhanced
capabilities for the investigation of ``special victim'' crimes.
Question. What is your view of the willingness and ability of the
Services to hold assailants accountable for their acts?
Answer. I strongly believe that anyone who commits a sexual assault
in the military needs to be held accountable. The Department has a zero
tolerance policy, but that is not enough. Accountability is key. To
this end, I fully support Secretary Panetta's decision to elevate
initial disposition of sexual assault cases to the level of Colonel or
Navy Captain, or higher. This action helps ensures our more seasoned,
senior commanders determine what actions are appropriate in response to
allegations of sexual assault. It is my belief that military commanders
are essential to making sexual assault prevention and response efforts
successful. But in order to hold assailants accountable, we must have
victims who are willing to come forward and report these crimes. To do
that, victims need to have confidence in our system of military
justice. That is why I also look forward to hearing more about the
impact of the Air Force's pilot program assigning an attorney to each
victim of sexual assault who requests one to represent them. I believe
this could be a very good way to increase the number of victims who are
willing to come forward.
Question. If confirmed, what actions will you take to ensure senior
level direction and oversight of efforts to prevent and respond to
sexual assaults?
Answer. If confirmed, I will make sexual assault prevention and
response a personal priority and will work closely with the Secretaries
of the Military Departments and the Chiefs of the Military Services to
ensure that DOD maintains the current high level of senior leadership
focus on this issue.
increased use of national guard and reserves
Question. Over the last 2 decades, the National Guard and Reserves
have experienced their largest and most sustained employment since
World War II. Numerous problems have arisen over time in the planning
and procedures for mobilization and demobilization, e.g., inadequate
health screening and medical response to service-connected injuries or
illnesses, antiquated pay systems, limited transition assistance
programs upon demobilization, and inefficient policies regarding
members of the Individual Ready Reserve. Reserve Force management
policies and systems have been characterized in the past as
``inefficient and rigid'' and readiness levels have been adversely
affected by equipment shortages, cross-leveling, and reset policies.
The recently enacted section 12304b of title 10, U.S.C., authorizes
Service Secretaries to mobilize for up to 365 consecutive days Reserve
component units and individuals in support of pre-planned combatant
command missions. Current defense strategy provides for a reduction in
conventional ground forces, an increase in special forces, and the
establishment of a rotational presence in Europe, the Middle East, and
anywhere U.S. interests are threatened. Some in the press have called
this a ``lily pad'' approach, and it potentially dovetails with an
operational view of the Reserve components.
What is your assessment of the Reserve and how it will fit into
this new strategy of smaller, more lethal forces rotating into and out
of many locations of strategic interest?
Answer. The Reserves and National Guard have clearly proven the
ability to accomplish any assigned mission overseas or at home. They
will continue to play a vital role as we move out of the past decade of
war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Department shapes the force to
implement the new defense strategy and to respond to the challenges of
a new era.
Question. What is your understanding of the appropriate size and
makeup of the Reserve components in light of the current defense
Answer. I understand that questions about the size and makeup of
the Active and Reserve components are currently under consideration as
the Department continues to implement the new defense strategy and
respond to the current fiscal environment. If confirmed, I will work
closely with the Services and the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to
determine the most effective mix and makeup of Active, Reserve, and
Guard personnel to support the defense strategy.
Question. What is your assessment of advances made in improving
Reserve and Guard component mobilization and demobilization procedures,
and in what areas do problems still exist?
Answer. I understand that there have been many advances made in
policies and procedures governing the utilization of the Guard and
Reserves, as well as advancing the pre- and post-Active Duty benefits.
These have given Reserve component personnel the ability to plan for
periods of utilization followed by substantial time performing inactive
duty at home. This provides a predictable cycle of Active Duty and
increases readiness by utilizing the Reserve components on a more
regular basis. If confirmed, I will ensure these procedures are
continually assessed to ensure they are providing the Reserve
components the support they need and deserve.
Question. What do you consider to be the most significant enduring
changes to the enabling of an operational reserve aimed at ensuring
Reserve component and Guard readiness for future mobilization
Answer. In my view, the most significant and enduring change in
this area has been the use of the Reserve component as a full partner
in the overall force at large. In particular, the experience and skills
that members of the Reserve component have gained from preparing and
deploying over the past decade have notably increased the overall
readiness of the Reserve component, and the Department will continue to
make use of these enhanced skills and readiness in the future.
Question. Do you see a need to modify current statutory authorities
for the mobilization of members of the National Guard and Reserves or
to further enhance their ability to perform various national security
Answer. I appreciate Congress' willingness in the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2012 to increase authorities to fully use the Reserves as a
rotational force. If confirmed, I will consider this question in light
of the new strategy, but at the present time I believe that appropriate
policies and procedures are in place and no laws need to be changed.
dwell time
Question. While dwell time is improving as our forces draw down in
Afghanistan, many Active Duty military members are still not
experiencing the dwell time goal of 2 years at home for every year
In your view, when will the Active component dwell time goal be
Answer. I understand that all of the Services, on average, are
meeting or exceeding the Department's dwell time goal of 2 years at
home for every year deployed, or 1:2, for the Active component. If
confirmed, I will continue to monitor this issue closely.
Question. When will dwell time objectives be met for the Reserve
Answer. I understand Reserve component dwell time is improving, but
has not reached the Department's dwell time goal of 5 years at home for
every 1 year of active duty, or 1:5. If confirmed, I will continue to
work toward the goal of a 1:5 dwell time ratio for the Reserve
component for all of the Services.
active-duty and reserve component end strength
Question. The Department last year announced its 5-year plan to
reduce Active Duty end strengths by over 100,000 servicemembers by
2017, and the Reserve components by another 21,000 over the same
period. These cuts do not include any additional personnel reductions
that could result from sequestration or any agreement to avoid
Do you agree with this plan to reduce Active Duty and Reserve
component end strengths?
Answer. If confirmed, I will review the plan, but I believe that we
must be able to balance end-strength, readiness, and modernization. The
end strength drawdown allows us to achieve the right size force and
keep it modern. The plan is designed to maintain capable and ready
military forces while managing reductions in a way that ``keeps faith''
with servicemembers who have been at war for the past 10 years. While
the plan will reduce Active Duty end strength by 100,000, I believe the
Department has scaled back the Reserve component cut to less than
21,000 (17,000). Preserving the Guard and Reserve reduces the risk of
reductions and hedges against uncertainty by providing capacity and
capability that can be called up if needed. As future national security
conditions change, the Department's planned drawdown could change
Question. What is your view of how these planned end-strength
reductions will affect dwell time ratios?
Answer. The Army and Marine Corps end strength reductions are
synchronized with plans for the drawdown in Afghanistan. The
Department's dwell time goal is 1:2 Active, 1:5 for Reserves. With some
exceptions, the current dwell is 1:1 Active, 1:5 Reserve. If the
Afghanistan force drawdown stays on track, the duty/dwell ratio goal
for components should be achieved. If confirmed, I will carefully
monitor the dwell time of our servicemembers since it is critical that
dwell times be sufficient to preserve the wellbeing of our force.
Question. What effect would inability to meet dwell time objectives
have on your decision to implement the planned end strength reductions?
Answer. Preserving the All-Volunteer Force is a top priority, so it
is important to avoid stressing the Active and Reserve components. If
confirmed, I would assess our ability to achieve our strategic missions
and dwell time objectives prior to and during implementation of the
planned Army and Marine Corps strength reductions.
Question. What additional military personnel reductions do you
envision if the Department were required to sequester funding as
outlined in the BCA?
Answer. The President notified Congress of his intent to exempt all
military personnel accounts from sequester for fiscal year 2013, if a
sequester is necessary. However, if the Department were required to
sequester funding, I believe that it would first require a revision of
the Defense Strategic Guidance announced by the President last January.
The current strategy could not be met with the significantly diminished
resources that sequester would impose. The revised strategy could very
well impact all components of our workforce--Government civilians and
contractors in the near-term as well as Active Duty and Reserve
component military if the sequester continues beyond fiscal year 2013.
Question. In your view, what tools do the Department and Services
need to get down to authorized strengths in the future, and which of
these require congressional authorization?
Answer. The workforce management tools that Congress provided in
the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 will be useful for the drawdown. The
Department continues to examine whether other workforce management
authorities are needed and will submit those to Congress as necessary.
In addition, in the event that the Department has to sequester funding,
the Department would likely revisit the size of all components of the
workforce--Active Duty military, Reserve component military, Government
civilians, and contractors. After such a review, the Department might
require, and would then request, additional authorization for tools to
meet reduced end strength goals.
recruiting standards
Question. Recruiting highly qualified individuals for military
service during wartime in a cost-constrained environment presents
unique challenges.
What is your assessment of the adequacy of current standards
regarding qualifications for enlistment in the Armed Forces?
Answer. Today's enlistment qualification standards are well-
defined, supported by years of experience, and have stood the test of
time. They are driven by the need to provide the Services with men and
women who are prepared to adapt to the rigors of military life and meet
performance requirements. The adequacy of these standards is evidenced
by over 11 years of continuous armed conflict manned by a high quality
All-Volunteer Force.
Question. In your view, is there any way to increase the pool of
eligible enlistees without sacrificing quality?
Answer. My understanding is the Services are always exploring ways
to improve their ability to expand the recruiting market without
sacrificing quality. As an example, this year the Department expanded
its ability to enlist graduates with alternative diplomas while
minimizing first term attrition. The Services also may be able to
augment their screening procedures by incorporating other measures,
such as temperament, to identify applicants who are likely to adapt
well to the military. If confirmed, I will work with the Services to
continually find new ways to expand the recruit market.
women in the military
Question. The issue of the appropriate role of women in the Armed
Forces is a matter of continuing interest to Congress and the American
public. Last year, DOD released a report to Congress, required by
section 535 of the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public Law 111-383), reviewing the laws
and policies restricting the service of female members of the Armed
Forces, and provided notice to Congress that the Department would open
positions in ground combat units at the battalion level to women in
occupational specialties for which they are already qualified to serve,
and would eliminate the so-called co-location policy. According to the
report, the changes resulted in over 14,000 positions being opened to
women that were previously denied. Since then, the Marine Corps opened
training positions at its Infantry Officer course to female marines,
and the Army recently announced opening some special operation aviation
positions to female servicemembers.
What is your view of the appropriate role for women in the Armed
Answer. Women are indispensable to our military. They have served
ably alongside their male counterparts in Iraq and Afghanistan in a
variety of roles. I support the expansion of opportunities for women to
serve. If confirmed, I will ensure that the process of opening
previously closed positions takes place expeditiously and at the same
time that our readiness and ability to defend the Nation are not
compromised by these changes.
Question. Do you believe additional specialties should be opened up
for service by women? If so, which specialties?
Answer. On January 24, 2013, Secretary Panetta rescinded the 1994
Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule and directed the
integration of women into previously closed positions by January 1,
2016. If confirmed, I will continue implementation of that new policy,
including its emphasis on the effectiveness of the fighting force and
the development of gender-neutral standards.
Question. Do you believe any changes in the current policy or
legislation regarding women in combat are needed or warranted?
Answer. I am not aware of further necessary changes at this time.
If confirmed, I will closely monitor the implementation of the January
24, 2013 policy and if I see that additional policies or legislation
are needed, I will make recommendations.
rising costs of medical care
Question. In testimony presented to Congress in February, 2009, the
Assistant Director of the Congressional Budget Office asserted that
``medical funding accounts for more than one-third of the growth
projected for operations and support funding between 2009 and 2026.''
In April 2009, Secretary Gates told an audience at Maxwell Air Force
Base that ``health care is eating the Department alive.'' In recent
years, the Department has attempted to address the growth in overall
health care costs through various fee increases on military retirees.
What reforms in infrastructure, benefits, or benefit management, if
any, do you think should be examined in order to control the costs of
military health care?
Answer. It is essential that the Department take steps to control
the costs of military healthcare while ensuring it continues to provide
for our military personnel, their families, and retirees. I understand
the Department included proposals in the fiscal year 2012 and 2013
President's budgets that would slow the growth of healthcare costs
while preserving the quality and range of health care. These proposals
include increasing enrollment fees and deductibles for retirees and
increasing pharmacy co-pays. Not many of these proposals were accepted
by Congress. If confirmed, I will review initiatives in this area and
look for further opportunities as we must continue to look for savings
in this area.
Question. What is your assessment of the long-term impact of rising
medical costs on future DOD plans?
Answer. As I understand the situation, health care consumes nearly
10 percent of the Department's budget and could grow considerably over
the next decade, taking an ever larger bite out of our ability to
invest in enhanced warfighting capability. However, I realize that the
healthcare benefit is a key component of retention for our men and
women in uniform so I will work closely with the military and civilian
leadership in the Department to find reasonable and responsible ways to
stem this growth without breaking faith with our servicemembers, their
families, and retirees.
Question. If confirmed, what actions would you initiate or
recommend to mitigate the effect of such costs on the DOD top-line?
Answer. I cannot make specific recommendations at this time. If
confirmed, I am committed to continuing to review military health care.
Any changes must keep the faith with our troops, be transparent,
preserve the quality and range of health care, and protect wounded
warriors, medically-retired, and the families of those who died on
Active Duty. Given today's budget environment, we must continue to look
for savings opportunities, and this should include military health
personnel and entitlement costs
Question. In addition to health care costs, personnel and related
entitlement spending continues to grow and is becoming an ever
increasing portion of the DOD budget.
What actions do you believe can and should be taken, if any, to
control the rise in personnel costs and entitlement spending?
Answer. I understand personnel and entitlement costs make up a
significant portion of the Department's budget and have risen sharply
over the past 10 years. The Department has proposed several initiatives
in an attempt to slow the rate of growth while continuing to attract
and retain the right number and quality of personnel. If confirmed, I
am committed to exploring options to find savings and more efficient
alternatives to help control the rise in personnel and entitlement
costs while still fully supporting the All-Volunteer Force.
Question. In your view, can the Department and the Services
efficiently manage the use of bonuses and special pays to place high
quality recruits in the right jobs without paying more than the
Department needs to pay, or can afford to pay, for other elements of
the force?
Answer. I understand that targeted bonuses and special pays are
very effective tools for achieving the Department's personnel strength
and quality objectives and are generally much more cost-effective than
across-the-board pay increases. Like any compensation program, these
tools must be continually monitored to ensure they are used both
efficiently and effectively and that the Department is receiving best
value for its dollars.
military compensation and retirement commission
Question. The NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 establishes a commission to
review all elements of the military compensation and retirement systems
and to make recommendations to modernize those systems to ensure the
long-term viability of the All-Volunteer Force, enable a high quality
of life for military families, and to achieve fiscal sustainability for
the compensation and retirement systems.
Do you agree with the need for a comprehensive study of the
military compensation and retirement systems?
Answer. I believe it is appropriate to perform a comprehensive
review of the military compensation and retirement systems to ensure we
have the right mix of pay and benefits to support our members.
Question. Do you support the goals of the Commission?
Answer. Yes. I am committed to ensuring any proposed changes to the
mix of pay and benefits keep faith with those who are serving today and
with those who have served in the past.
dependent care and flexible spending accounts
Question. The 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation
recommended providing dependent care and flexible spending benefits to
Active Duty servicemembers. Providing these benefits would seem
consistent with the initiatives of First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr.
Jill Biden on behalf of military families. It would appear that no new
legislative authority is needed for the Department to provide these
benefits to servicemembers and their families.
If confirmed, would you extend these benefits to the Active Duty
servicemembers and their families?
Answer. Taking care of our servicemembers and their families is a
top priority of DOD. If confirmed, I will examine the option of
flexible spending accounts for military families to determine if they
are an appropriate part of our extensive benefits package for
servicemembers and their families in this time of fiscal austerity.
suicide prevention and mental health resources
Question. The numbers of suicides in each of the Services continues
to concern the committee. The Army released a report in July 2010 that
analyzed the causes of its growing suicide rate and examined disturbing
trends in drug use, disciplinary offenses, and high risk behaviors. In
addition studies conducted by the Army, of soldiers and marines in
theater, showed declines in individual morale and increases in mental
health strain, especially among those who have experienced multiple
In your view, what role should DOD play in shaping policies to help
prevent suicides both in garrison and in theater and to increase the
resiliency of all servicemembers and their families, including members
of the Reserve components?
Answer. Suicides by military members are tragic--every suicide is
one too many. It is a a complex problem that plagues our entire
society--there are no easy answers or quick solutions. I think
Secretary Panetta put it best when he said that suicide is perhaps the
most frustrating challenge he has come across as Secretary of Defense.
I believe that DOD must take a multi-faceted approach to preventing
suicides that involves leadership responsibility, access to quality
behavioral health care, efforts to improve mental fitness and
resiliency, and increased research on causes and means of preventing
suicide. If confirmed, I will push for enhancements to DOD's policies
and programs in each of these areas.
Question. What is your understanding of the action that the Office
of the Secretary of Defense and the Army are taking in response to the
July 2010 Army report, and the data in Chapter 3 in particular?
Answer. My understanding is that the Department has taken multiple
actions to address the rise of suicides since the release of the Army's
July 2010 report as well as the report of the DOD Suicide Prevention
Task Force in September 2010. In particular, in November 2011, the DOD
established the Defense Suicide Prevention Office to serve as the
oversight authority for the implementation, standardization, and
evaluation of suicide and risk reduction programs and policies.
Question. If confirmed, what actions will you take to ensure that
sufficient mental health resources are available to servicemembers in
theater, and to the servicemembers and their families upon return to
home station?
Answer. I am firmly committed to implementing the President's
Executive Order on ``Improving Access to Mental Health Services for
Veterans, Servicemembers, and Military Families.'' I look forward to
reviewing the 12-month national suicide prevention campaign that DOD
and VA are developing as part of the implementation of this Executive
Order and will ensure that DOD does all it can to ensure that it is
providing sufficient, high-quality behavioral health care to
servicemembers and their families.
military quality of life
Question. The committee is concerned about the sustainment of key
quality of life programs for military families, such as family support,
child care, education, employment support, health care, and morale,
welfare and recreation services, especially as DOD faces budget
How do you perceive the relationship between military recruitment
and retention and quality-of-life improvements and your own top
priorities for the Armed Forces?
Answer. Quality-of-life programs that address family readiness
needs must be available to families of our military members wherever
they may be located. Changes in our basing, deployment patterns, and
force structure, as we implement our new strategy and respond to the
current fiscal environment, will pose some additional challenges in
delivering these programs. If confirmed, I will closely monitor the
impacts of such changes to ensure the needs of our military families
continue to be met.
Question. If confirmed, what further enhancements to military
qualify of life would you consider a priority, and how do you envision
working with the Services, combatant commanders, family advocacy
groups, and Congress to achieve them?
Answer. I recognize that the well-being of the force, as well as
recruiting and retention efforts, are significantly impacted by quality
of life programs. I look forward to working with Congress, family
advocacy groups, the Services, and combatant commanders to ensure we
have a comprehensive, accessible, and affordable suite of programs.
family readiness and support
Question. Military members and their families in both the Active
and Reserve components have made, and continue to make, tremendous
sacrifices in support of operational deployments. Senior military
leaders have warned of growing concerns among military families as a
result of the stress of frequent deployments and the long separations
that go with them.
What do you consider to be the most important family readiness
issues for servicemembers and their families?
Answer. It is the Department's responsibility to help prepare
military families to cope with the challenges inherent with military
service. In order to build and sustain resilient military families, the
Department must continuing to focus on programs that enhance their
social, financial, educational, and psychological well-being.
Question. If confirmed, how would you ensure that family readiness
needs are addressed and adequately resourced?
Answer. Sustaining family programs in the current fiscally
constrained environment will be challenging, but it is of vital
importance. If confirmed, I will seek to protect funding for family
readiness programs to the greatest extent possible and will examine all
such programs to ensure that they are operating efficiently so that
available resources are going to their best and most effective uses.
Question. How would you address these family readiness needs in
light of global rebasing, deployments, and future reductions in end
Answer. Changes in our basing, deployment patterns, and force
structure, as we implement our new strategy and respond to the current
fiscal environment, will pose some additional challenges to maintaining
family readiness. If confirmed, I will closely monitor the impacts of
such changes to ensure the needs of our military families continue to
be met.
Question. If confirmed, how would you ensure support is provided to
Reserve component families related to mobilization, deployment and
family readiness, as well as to Active Duty families who do not reside
near a military installation?
Answer. I believe that DOD has a responsibility to ensure access to
quality programs, information and resources to families, regardless of
their location. Military OneSource is an excellent example of a
resource that is not tied to location, but allows families to access
information and referral by the internet or by phone with live
consultants available 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. Maintaining a
strong network of community-based providers, and partnerships with
State and local governments are also key in ensuring local resources
are readily available to servicemembers and their families,
particularly Reserve component families and Active component families
who do not live near a military installation. If confirmed, I will
evaluate these programs to ensure we are meeting the needs of these
military families.
Question. If confirmed, what additional steps will you take to
enhance family support?
Answer. I believe there are opportunities to improve the efficiency
and accessibility of the resources and programs that DOD, other Federal
agencies, State and local governments, and community organizations
provide to support servicemembers and their families. If confirmed, I
will explore these opportunities and how we can better coordinate
efforts among the various entities providing family support.
detainee treatment policy
Question. Do you support the policy set forth in the July 7, 2006,
memorandum issued by the Deputy Secretary of Defense stating that all
relevant DOD directives, regulations, policies, practices, and
procedures must fully comply with Common Article 3 of the Geneva
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you support the standards for detainee treatment
specified in the revised Army Field Manual on Interrogations, FM 2-
22.3, issued in September 2006, and in DOD Directive 2310.01E, the
Department of Defense Detainee Program, dated September 5, 2006?
Answer. Yes.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that all DOD policies
promulgated and plans implemented related to intelligence
interrogations, detainee debriefings, and tactical questioning comply
with the Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and the Army Field
Manual on Interrogations?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you share the view that standards for detainee
treatment must be based on the principle of reciprocity, that is, that
we must always keep in mind the risk that the manner in which we treat
our own detainees may have a direct impact on the manner in which U.S.
soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marines are treated, should they be
captured in future conflicts?
Answer. Yes. reciprocity is a critical component and underlying
value of our detainee treatment policies. As a Vietnam veteran, I also
view this principle of reciprocity as a way to protect our U.S.
soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marines, should they be captured in
future conflicts.
coordination with the department of homeland security
Question. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001,
Congress established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and DOD
established the U.S. Northern Command and an Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs.
What is your assessment of the current situation regarding
cooperation and coordination between DOD and DHS on homeland security
and civil support matters, and what will be your goals in this regard
if you are confirmed?
Answer. Recent disaster responses, including the Department's
efforts in response to Hurricane Sandy, show that DOD and DHS have a
strong relationship. This success is a result of active engagement the
Department has at all levels with DHS and many other of the
Department's domestic interagency partners. Elements of the Department
work very closely on a daily basis with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Coast
Guard, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The Department and DHS
have successfully exchanged liaison and coordination staff officers to
cement this collaborative approach at the working level. While a Member
of Congress I voted to establish the DHS and have been pleased to see
its success. If confirmed, my goal would be to continue to bolster the
strong relationship between the Departments of Defense and Homeland
Question. Do you believe the current mechanism for DOD to respond
to the needs of domestic government agencies for DOD support in the
event of a natural or manmade disaster is appropriate, or do you
believe it needs to be modified?
Answer. The mechanisms for the Department to respond to the needs
of domestic agencies appear to be working effectively. It is my
understanding that the Department acted on 60 requests for assistance
from FEMA during the Hurricane Sandy response last year, including
helping to restore power, providing millions of gallons of fuel for
first responders and residents, and removing water from the Brooklyn
Battery tunnel, the longest underwater tunnel in North America. I
understand that the Department also responded to some 21 other requests
for assistance from FEMA for a variety of other disasters in 2012, as
well as providing assistance to other Federal agencies, including the
U.S. Forest Service for wildland firefighting and the U.S. Secret
Service for protection of the President during special events such as
the recent Inauguration. If confirmed, I will work with the
Department's partner agencies to ensure that the current mechanisms
remain effective and, where opportunities arise, pursue improvements.
iraq lessons learned
Question. Did you agree with the President's decision on the
withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq? If so, why? If not, why
Answer. Yes. I supported the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from
Iraq by December 2011 in accordance with the November 2008 U.S.-Iraq
Security Agreement. It was the right decision. Our military men and
women in uniform had completed their mission. We now have a strong
relationship with a sovereign Iraq. Our drawdown has allowed us to
advance our strategic partnership based on mutual interests and mutual
Question. In your view, what aspects, if any, of the departure/
drawdown of U.S. forces would you have modified?
Answer. I would not have modified the withdrawal of all U.S. combat
forces by December 2011. I believe that the deadline helped the Iraqi
Security Forces step up and take responsibility for the security of
their people. This has allowed us to deepen our partnership with a
sovereign Iraq, based on mutual interests and mutual respect.
Question. What do you believe are the major lessons learned from
the Iraq invasion and the follow-on efforts to stabilize the country
through 2011?
Answer. I believe we must think very carefully before we commit our
Armed Forces to battlefields abroad. Our forces deserve policies and
planning worthy of the sacrifices they make in combat. Our Nation
learned a number of lessons in Iraq--from the invasion, to the
stabilization, to the withdrawal of our forces. These lessons include
ensuring appropriate planning and preparation for a range of outcomes
and events, setting clear and realistic strategic objectives,
appreciating the limitations of military force and the necessity of
engaging all levels of national power (political, economic, cultural,
intelligence), recognizing the value and difficulty of building
partnership capacity, enhancing interagency coordination, and improving
our oversight of wartime spending and contracting. One of the most
important lessons is that the U.S. Government must prepare for combat,
post-combat, and securing the peace. The U.S. military must plan and
train with civilian counterparts, be prepared to operate effectively in
all phases of conflict, and improve cultural, linguistic, and
partnering and advising skills within our force.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment, if any, of the
Department's adaptations or changes in policy, programs, force
structure, or operational concepts based upon these lessons learned?
Answer. I understand the Department has taken a number of steps to
institutionalize the lessons from Iraq across policy, doctrine,
organization, and training. The Department is committed to maintaining
a focus on cultural and linguistic capabilities as well as the new
operational approaches in counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, and
security force assistance. If confirmed, I will work to ensure that the
Department continues to evaluate and implement lessons learned.
Question. If confirmed, what additional changes, if any, would you
propose making to policy, programs, force structure, or operating
concepts based on the lessons of combat and stability operations in
Answer. I do not feel I know enough at this time to provide not
have additional recommendations. If confirmed, I will study and
evaluate the Department's efforts to retain and refine the lessons
learned, expertise, and specialized capabilities that have been
developed over the past 10 years of counterinsurgency and stability
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Question. You called for an international mediator under the
auspices of the U.N. Security Council to engage Iraq's political,
religious, ethnic, and tribal leaders. Would you advocate that same
course of action for Afghanistan?
Answer. If confirmed, I will closely monitor the Afghan-led
reconciliation process and make recommendations on any changes I think
would be helpful. However, within the administration, the Afghanistan
reconciliation process is led by the Department of State. They are in a
better position to advise on the need for a U.N. Security Council role.
Question. Based on the lessons learned during the departure of
military forces from Iraq, if confirmed, how would you shape U.S.
enduring presence in Afghanistan in the post-2014 environment?
Answer. The U.S. presence post-2014 is an issue being discussed
between the President and the Government of Afghanistan. If confirmed,
I would work to ensure that the United States retains criminal and
civil jurisdiction over U.S. forces in the Bilateral Security Agreement
now under negotiation; if it does not, I will not support a continued
U.S. military presence.
stability and counterinsurgency operations
Question. The January 2012 DOD Strategic Guidance called for U.S.
forces to be ready to conduct limited counterinsurgency and other
stability operations if required, and to retain and continue to refine
the lessons learned, expertise, and specialized capabilities that have
been gained over the past 10 years of operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan. At the same time, the Strategic Guidance states that,
``U.S. forces will no longer be sized to conduct large-scale, prolonged
stability operations.''
In your view, how should strategic guidance for DOD manage risk and
articulate the types of missions or operations U.S. forces will or will
not be expected to execute or accomplish?
Answer. The Department's strategic guidance documents should set
clear priorities that enable senior Departmental leadership to
determine appropriate trade-offs in military missions and force
structure. Senior leadership deliberation on these trade-offs should be
informed by a comprehensive, strategic understanding of risk to our
defense and national security objectives. As strategy is implemented,
the Department should continue to test it to determine areas of risk
and develop mitigation options. If confirmed, I will aim to have any
risk the Department bears be both manageable and acceptable; although
budget uncertainty will make this a difficult task.
Question. In your view, what are the appropriate roles and
responsibilities, if any, between DOD and other departments and
agencies of the Federal Government in the planning and conduct of
stability operations?
Answer. Coordinated and integrated interagency efforts are
essential to the conduct of successful stability operations. The United
States should emphasize non-military means and military-to-military
cooperation to address instability and reduce the demand for
significant U.S. force commitments to stability operations. In general,
the Department should be in a support role to other U.S. Government
departments and agencies in the planning and execution of most
stability operations. However, if directed, the Department will lead
stability operations activities to establish security, to restore
essential services, to repair and protect critical infrastructure, and
to deliver humanitarian assistance. Once acceptable levels of security
and public order have been established, the Department should seek to
transition lead responsibility to other U.S. Government agencies,
foreign governments and security forces, or international governmental
Question. In developing the capabilities necessary for stability
operations, what adjustments, if any, should be made to prepare U.S.
Armed Forces to conduct stability operations without detracting from
its ability to perform combat missions?
Answer. As our campaigns over the last 12 years have demonstrated,
it is no longer an either/or choice between stability operations and
combat. After almost 2 decades of hard-earned lessons in Afghanistan,
Iraq, the Balkans, and elsewhere, I understand the Services have made
great strides in their combined abilities to conduct stability
operations. If confirmed, I will seek to maintain the stability
operations expertise the Department has gained, and to ensure that the
Services have the mechanisms necessary to expand their capacities,
should our military forces be called upon to conduct comprehensive and
sustained stability operations.
Question. Do you believe that the U.S. Government needs to
establish new procedures to manage stability operations? If so, why?
Answer. Collaborative and coordinated planning with interagency and
international partners is fundamental to the successful management and
the effectiveness of U.S. Government stabilization and reconstruction
activities. We must have a strong combined ability to conduct effective
interagency planning. If confirmed, I will review the Department's
procedures to identify potential improvements in the current processes
and procedures used to manage stability operations across the U.S.
Government and, as necessary and possible, expand the Department's
support to other departments and agencies in their stability operations
planning and execution.
Question. With the drawdown of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,
what is your view on the future disposition of foreign and security
force funding authorities including 1206 (Global Train and Equip), the
Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), and other security force
assistance authorities?
Answer. Today's security challenges cannot and should not be
addressed by the United States alone. We need partnerships that combine
our unique capabilities with the unique strengths of our allies and
partners. Future challenges will likely emphasize the importance of our
collaboration with capable partners. I understand that in order to meet
our counterterrorism challenges, the Department shares these two
authorities with the State Department to train and equip foreign
security forces in a more rapid fashion than traditional Foreign
Military Financing. Section 1206 is an important part of the
Department's ``toolbox'' for responding to urgent and emerging
counterterrorism challenges and stability operations, and that the GSCF
is in its initial pilot phase. If confirmed, I will ensure that the
Department effectively and efficiently leverages authorities that
enable our security force assistance efforts. These efforts are
important to the Department's ability to build the capacity of foreign
partners to help them develop effective and legitimate security
institutions that can provide for their countries' internal security,
and contribute to regional and multilateral responses to threats and
Question. In your view, is there a roll for DOD in improving the
operational capabilities of the African Standby Brigades?
Answer. The Department can help improve the capabilities of the
individual countries contributing forces to the African Standby
Brigades. Direct training can make a qualitative difference in the
capabilities of partner countries and increase the effectiveness of the
regional organizations that mandate such operations. In terms of
helping the Standby Brigades once they are established, I understand
that there are Presidential Determinations authorizing work with some
regional organizations. In the cases where the Department is able to
engage, I understand that habitual training and exercises can help
strengthen the Brigades' operational capabilities.
security situation in iraq
Question. What is your assessment of the current security situation
in Iraq?
Answer. The overall security situation is stable, yet challenges
remain. It is critical for Iraq to resolve its internal boundary
disputes and political differences without the use or threat of force.
I am concerned about the intent of al Qaeda in Iraq to exploit
political and sectarian differences to breed instability. The Iraqi
Security Forces have proven themselves capable of countering this
threat to date and I believe that our continuing partnership with Iraq
should aim to help Iraq against this terrorist threat.
Question. What are the main challenges to stability and security in
Iraq over the coming months?
Answer. The main challenges to internal stability and security in
Iraq are al Qaeda in Iraq, slow political progress, and sectarian-
motivated groups who would use violence to advance their cause.
Moreover, the unresolved status of territories claimed by the Kurdistan
Regional Government has the potential to create fissures that can be
exploited by extremist groups, and could lead to an escalation of
tension between Kurdish and central government forces. While plenty of
stumbling blocks exist, it is important that the Iraqi political
parties continue to look to the political process to resolve their
differences. Continuing to encourage dialogue and respect for the
constitutional process will be crucial to ensuring long-term stability.
The United States must also closely watch the impact that events
external to Iraq, such as the deteriorating situation in Syria, have on
Iraqi stability and security.
u.s.-iraq strategic relationship
Question. The withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq at the end of
2011 has been described as the beginning of a new chapter in the
strategic relationship between the United States and Iraq. The U.S.-
Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement sets out a foundation for a
normalized U.S.-Iraqi relationship in areas of mutual economic,
diplomatic, cultural and security interests. Secretary of Defense
Panetta and the Iraqi Minister of Defense recently signed a Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU) for Defense Cooperation between the Ministry of
Defense of the Republic of Iraq and the DOD of the United States.
How do you envision the U.S.-Iraq strategic relationship developing
in the coming years and what are your priorities for that relationship?
Answer. The United States should seek a normal, productive
relationship and a strategic partnership with a sovereign Iraq--
analogous to the partnerships we have with other countries in the
region and around the world. If confirmed, I will continue to
strengthen our military-to-military relationship with Iraq, and further
its reintegration into the region.
Question. What do you see as the greatest challenges for that
relationship over the coming years?
Answer. Iraq faces several tough challenges as the Nation's new
government matures and works through internal differences, and it will
be important to continue to engage Iraq during a time of change. We
have moved from occupiers to partners, and that can be a hard
transition. But recent turmoil in the broader Middle East highlights
the importance of active U.S. engagement and maintaining strategic
partnerships with regional partners based on mutual interests and
mutual respect. We must maintain focus on Iraq in order to advance
broader U.S. objectives of peace and security in the region.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the recently
concluded MOU? In your view, does this agreement on defense cooperation
promote U.S. interests with respect to Iraq and the region?
Answer. My understanding of the MOU is that it represents mutual
understandings regarding future expansion of defense cooperation. In a
time of great uncertainty in the region, Iraq will play an increasingly
important role in ensuring stability and it is critical that we
continue to work together to ensure stability and peace in the region.
office of security cooperation in iraq
Question. In the NDAAs for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013, Congress
authorized the Secretary of Defense to support the transition in Iraq
by providing funds for the activities and operations of the Office of
Security Cooperation in Iraq (OSC-I). In the report accompanying the
NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, the conferees expressed their expectation
that the administration will accelerate the transition of the OSC-I to
a normalized status comparable to Offices of Security Cooperation in
other countries in the region, and that funding for OSC-I activities
and operations will be transitioned out of DOD to other sources, as is
the case for offices of security cooperation in other countries.
Do you support the transition of the OSC-I to a normalized office
of security cooperation comparable to those in other countries in the
Answer. Yes. The OSC-I, under Chief of Mission authority, is the
foundation for our long-term security partnership with Iraq. If
confirmed, I will continue Secretary Panetta's work to normalize the
OSC-I, in coordination with the Department of State, which has lead for
the U.S. Mission in Iraq.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that the transition of the
OSC-I to a normalized status, including funding from sources other than
the DOD, is completed in a deliberate manner?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will work with the Department of
State, which has lead for the U.S. Mission in Iraq, to normalize the
OSC-I and transition to traditional security assistance and security
cooperation funding sources.
Question. What timeframe would you use as a target to transition
OSC-1 to a normalized status?
Answer. I am unable to comment on the specific timing as I have not
reviewed the detailed plans and it is a decision to be made with the
Department of State, which has lead for the U.S. Mission in Iraq. If
confirmed, I will review the planning for OSC-I normalization and work
closely with the Department of State.
afghanistan strategy
Question. Do you support the current strategy for Afghanistan? In
your view, is that the right strategy?
Answer. Yes. I support the strategy that the President has set
forth and that we are now implementing, and I believe it is the right
strategy. I believe that any strategy should be reviewed and adapted
over time, and, if confirmed, will give my best advice to the President
and consult with Congress on this critical issue.
Question. If confirmed, are there changes you would recommend to
the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan?
Answer. I believe that the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan is sound. I
also believe that, over time, the administration should continue to
assess the strategy. If confirmed, I will consult with Congress, and
with our allies and partners in this regard.
Question. What is your assessment of the progress of the campaign
in Afghanistan?
Answer. I believe that our campaign in Afghanistan has made
significant progress. Our Coalition and Afghan partners blunted the
insurgents' summer offensive for the second consecutive year. The
Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are moving into security lead
throughout the country. They are pushing violence out of most populated
areas, and the United States and our coalition partners agreed in
Chicago to support the long-term stability and security of Afghanistan.
Exceeding initial expectations, Afghan forces began leading the
majority of operations in July 2012 and now lead approximately 80
percent of operations. In February, in conjunction with the fourth
tranche of transition, the ANSF is expected to have the lead in
securing 87 percent of the Afghan population. Overall violence was down
7 percent in 2012. At the same time, I understand that significant
challenges remain, including insider threats and completing the
transition to Afghanistan taking on full responsibility for its
security at the end of 2014.
security transition in afghanistan
Question. President Obama and Afghan President Karzai recently
announced that the transition to an Afghan lead for security throughout
Afghanistan will occur this spring, several months ahead of schedule.
As part of the ongoing transition, coalition forces are shifting
increasingly to an advise-and-assist mission but will continue to
support Afghan security forces until the International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) mission concludes by no later than the end of
Do you support the announced transition of the security lead to
Afghan security forces throughout Afghanistan by this spring?
Answer. Yes. As this transition occurs, I understand that the ISAF
will shift into an advisor support role.
Question. Do you support the shift in the mission of coalition
forces to an increasingly advise-and-assist role in support of Afghan
security forces?
Answer. Yes. This mission shift to an increasingly support role is
consistent with what Afghans want and what was agreed at the 2010
Lisbon Summit--an Afghanistan able to provide for its own security,
with the assistance of the U.S. and other nations. The U.S. and our
coalition and Afghan partners reaffirmed this goal at the 2012 Chicago
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit. For transition to be
successful, it makes good sense for the ANSF to assume lead security
responsibility this year, enabled by continued support and mentoring
from ISAF to prepare them for full security responsibility by the end
of 2014.
Question. Do you agree that it is important for the success of the
mission in Afghanistan to have Afghan security forces, rather than
coalition forces, taking the lead for security and conducting
unilateral operations to the maximum extent?
Answer. Yes. Training and developing the ANSF into a force that can
sustainably assume full security responsibility by the end of 2014 is
critical to meeting this objective.
Question. What is your assessment of the capacity and performance
of the Afghan security forces in assuming the lead for security in
areas designated for transition, including in contested areas?
Answer. I understand that the ANSF have exceeded initial
expectations. Afghan forces began leading the majority of operations in
July 2012 and now lead approximately 80 percent of operations,
including increasingly complex, multi-day operations. Violence in
transition Tranches 1, 2, and 3, where the ANSF are now in the lead,
was down 9 percent, 6 percent, and 14 percent respectively in 2012
compared to 2011. Some of these initial areas of transition include
contested areas, such as Lashkar Gah and Helmand, where the ANSF have
done well. However, the last two transition Tranches contain many
contested areas, so significant challenges remain and ISAF support will
be critical throughout 2013-2014.
Question. In your opinion, are there any conditions on the ground
in Afghanistan at the end of 2014 that would preclude a responsible
transition of mission from combat to support for U.S. forces? Under
what conditions, if any, would you recommend against making such a
transition at the end of 2014?
Answer. Currently, I believe that transition is on track for the
Afghans to assume full security responsibility by the end of 2014. At
this time, I do not foresee any realistic conditions that would
preclude this transition from being completed responsibly by the end of
2014. If confirmed, I will monitor the conditions closely and will
continue to assess progress, in consultation with commanders on the
ground and the Joint Chiefs; and, if necessary and warranted by
changing conditions, I will adjust the Department's recommendations.
draw down of u.s. forces in afghanistan
Question. In June 2011, President Obama announced his decision to
draw down the 33,000 U.S. surge force in Afghanistan so that by the
summer of 2012 U.S. forces will be at a level of 68,000. The President
recently reaffirmed his pledge to continue to bring U.S. forces home
from Afghanistan at a steady pace. He also stated he would announce the
next phase of the U.S. drawdown based on the recommendations of the
ISAF Commander and other commanders on the ground in Afghanistan.
How would you assess the decision to draw down the 33,000 U.S.
surge force from Afghanistan by the end of summer 2012?
Answer. In my view, the decision to draw down the U.S. surge by the
end of the summer has been proven by conditions on the ground. Although
challenges remain and progress in Afghanistan has been uneven in many
areas, overall security has improved and Afghans are increasingly in
the lead.
Question. What in your view should be the pace of reductions in
U.S. forces during each of 2013 and 2014?
Answer. I do not have access to the relevant analysis to make a
detailed assessment, but understand that President Obama will consider
options provided by our senior military and civilian leaders. I support
the President's direction, articulated in the West Point speech, for
``steady'' reductions. If confirmed, ensuring an effective transition
in Afghanistan will be one of my top priorities.
Question. What in your view should be the size and missions of any
residual U.S. force that may remain in Afghanistan after the end of
Answer. The key missions of any post-2014 military presence would
focus: training, advising, and assisting ANSF; and targeted
counterterrorism missions against al Qaeda and its affiliates, while
also protecting U.S. forces and citizens. The size of the force will
flow from missions assigned.
Question. In your view, is there a minimum number of troops that
will be required to both accomplish the assigned mission and provide
security for those executing that mission?
Answer. I have not yet reviewed the detailed mission planning and
analysis to form a view regarding the appropriate number of U.S.,
coalition, and Afghan troops necessary to fulfill key missions
including force protection. I do believe that sufficient forces should
be provided to do the job assigned to them, while protecting
status-of-forces agreement for afghanistan
Question. As called for in the Enduring Strategic Partnership
Agreement signed in May, the United States and Afghanistan are holding
talks on a Bilateral Security Agreement, which will provide essential
protections for any limited U.S. military presence in Afghanistan after
Do you agree that it is essential that any status of forces
agreement for U.S. military forces in Afghanistan after 2014 provide
immunity for U.S. troops from prosecution in Afghan courts?
Answer. Yes. I agree with the position made clear by the President
during his joint press conference with President Karzai on January 11,
2013, that ``it would not be possible for us to have any kind of U.S.
troop presence [in Afghanistan] post-2014 without assurances that our
men and women who are operating there are [not] in some way subject to
the jurisdiction of another country.''
afghanistan national security forces
Question. What is your assessment of the progress in developing a
professional and effective Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF)?
Answer. Based on the information available to me, I believe that
the ANSF has and continues to make significant progress over the past
few years. I understand that today the ANSF field three out of every
four people in uniform defending Afghanistan, and that Afghans conduct
the majority of operations backed up by the ISAF.
Question. What do you see as the main challenges to building the
capacity of the ANSF and, if confirmed, what recommendations, if any,
would you make for addressing those challenges?
Answer. A first challenge is to continue to improve the quality,
readiness and performance of the 352,000 personnel in the ANSF. I
understand that problems remain in leadership, retention, corruption,
and the long personnel training needed to operate certain enablers such
as logistics and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR).
A second challenge is for the ANSF to develop a greater capacity for
maintaining equipment and integrating it into operations needed for
logistics support, mobility, ISR, and operational planning. I am aware
that the Department has an aggressive effort to close these enabler
gaps. Third, and most broadly, the ANSF must continue building its
self-confidence through operational success in taking the lead
responsibility for securing transitioning areas and protecting the
Afghan people. If confirmed, I will make it a priority to continue, and
where necessary, adjust efforts to build ANSF capacity and capability.
Question. Do you support plans for building and sustaining the ANSF
at 352,000 personnel?
Answer. Yes. I understand that our commanders consider the current
ANSF force of 352,000 personnel necessary to complete the transition to
Afghan lead security responsibility by the end of 2014, and to secure
the country during the transition of power following the Afghan
Presidential election in 2014. If confirmed, I will continue to review
the numbers and capabilities of the ANSF to ensure that we are
supporting a force structure that is sufficient to meet our goals, and
is fiscally sustainable over the long term.
Question. Do you agree that any reductions in the ANSF from this
352,000 level should be based on security conditions in Afghanistan at
the time those reductions would be expected to occur?
Answer. I agree that changes in ANSF force levels should take
account of expected security conditions. At the same time, for planning
and budgeting purposes, it is necessary to make projections about the
future security environment and plans about future force levels. If
confirmed, I will review these issues and propose adjustments over
time, as appropriate.
insider threat
Question. In 2012 there was a significant increase in the number of
so-called ``green-on-blue'' incidents in which individuals in Afghan
uniform attacked U.S. or coalition soldiers. The rising number of
insider attacks has led U.S. and Afghan military leaders to order a
number of precautions against such insider threats, including expanding
Afghan counterintelligence efforts to identify possible Taliban
infiltrators, increasing cultural sensitivity training, and expanding
the ``Guardian Angel'' program to protect against the insider threat in
meetings between coalition and Afghan forces.
What is your assessment of the insider threat and its impact on the
military campaign in Afghanistan?
Answer. Insider attacks have the potential to damage the strategic
trust necessary for our campaign to succeed. It is vital that we work
with our Afghan and international partners to take every step possible
to stop these attacks. I understand that U.S. and Afghan efforts have
reduced attacks and are helping to reduce risks to coalition personnel.
If confirmed, I will continue to pay close attention to countering this
Question. What is your assessment of the measures that have been
taken by ISAF and Afghan leaders to address the insider threat?
Answer. My understanding is that the measures put in place to date
have helped to mitigate the threat from insider attacks, with the
number of attacks now dropping from a peak in August 2012. Raised
awareness of the threat and the implementation of robust force
protection measures help protect our personnel, but the work by the
ANSF to identify threats and prevent attacks through improved
intelligence gathering and vetting of personnel remains critical. As we
move into the ``fighting season'' we need to ensure these steps
continue to be implemented fully and that ISAF continues to take the
necessary steps to prevent these attacks. If confirmed, I will make
this a key priority.
Question. Are there additional steps that you would recommend to
address this threat, if confirmed?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue current efforts--and ask for
a constant review of additional measures to further reduce the risk
posed by insider threats.
Question. What is your assessment of the impact of these green-on-
blue attacks on the level of trust between coalition and Afghan forces?
Answer. It is understandable that insider attacks have negatively
impacted trust in some areas. However, after more than 11 years of
fighting shoulder to shoulder and shared sacrifice, I believe that, in
most areas, the relationship between the ANSF and the Coalition remains
strong, particularly out in the field, where soldiers face a common
enemy every day.
Question. In light of the spike in insider attacks, do you see a
need to reconsider our plans for embedding small Security Force
Assistance Teams of U.S. military personnel with Afghan military units
as part of the transition to an Afghan security lead?
Answer. If confirmed, I will place a priority on mitigating insider
attacks and will ensure that our commanders continually assess the
impact of these attacks on the campaign, and consider whether changes
to the Security Force Assistance Team model should be made, including
any temporary adjustments as needed.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of the United
States in any reconciliation negotiations with the Afghan Taliban and
other insurgent groups?
Answer. I agree with President Obama that Afghan-led reconciliation
is the surest way to end violence and ensure lasting stability in
Afghanistan and the region. Most counterinsurgencies end in some form
of negotiation. The U.S. role should be to facilitate credible
negotiations between the Afghan Government and the Taliban, and ensure
that three necessary outcomes are met: that the Taliban and armed
groups end violence, break ties with al Qaeda, and accept Afghanistan's
constitution, including protections for all Afghan men and women.
Question. What additional steps, if any, should the United States
be taking to help advance the reconciliation process?
Answer. The United States should continue to coordinate efforts
closely with the Afghan Government.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of Afghanistan's
neighbors, in particular Pakistan, in the reconciliation process?
Answer. Afghanistan's neighbors should support an Afghan-led
process. Each will benefit from improved stability in Afghanistan or
potentially suffer from continued violence. Pakistan and other
neighbors should work forthrightly with Afghanistan to mitigate any
suspicions or misunderstandings.
special operations in afghanistan
Question. Special Operations Forces depend on general purpose
forces for many enabling capabilities, including ISR; logistics; and
medical evacuation. Admiral McRaven, Commander of U.S. Special
Operations Command, has said ``I have no doubt that special operations
will be the last to leave Afghanistan'' and has predicted that the
requirement for special operations forces may increase as general
purpose forces continue to be drawn down.
If confirmed, how would you ensure adequate enabling capabilities
for Special Operations Forces as general purpose forces continue to
draw down in Afghanistan?
Answer. If confirmed, I will seek to ensure that all U.S. forces in
Afghanistan--including both Special Operations Forces and general
purpose forces--are supported by sufficient enablers. In addition to
providing clear guidance to commanders, I will seek the military advice
of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and ensure that the views of all
relevant combatant commanders are taken into account.
Question. Last April, the United States and Afghanistan signed an
MOU on the ``Afghanization'' of direct action counterterrorism missions
in Afghanistan reflecting the shared intention of having Afghan
security forces in the lead in the conduct of such operations with U.S.
forces in a support role.
Why is it important for Afghan Special Operations Forces to be in
the lead on night raids?
Answer. Having Afghans in the lead for ``night operations'' makes
good sense for three reasons. First, this approach helps ensure that
cultural and language differences do not result in misunderstandings
that could escalate a situation. Second, having Afghans in the lead
allows for improved real-time intelligence collection. Third, the
Afghan Special Operations Forces are capable of fulfilling this mission
and their doing so is a key part of the transition.
Question. General Allen and others have consistently praised the
Village Stability Operations (VSO) and Afghan Local Police (ALP)
programs--both U.S. Special Operations missions as critical elements of
the counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan. Some Afghans have called
for the removal of U.S. Special Operators from these operations.
What are your views on the value of these programs and do you
believe they should be part of the long-term strategy in Afghanistan
(i.e. post-2014)?
Answer. I understand that VSO and the ALP have contributed to the
decline in Taliban control in many strategic areas throughout
Afghanistan. If I am confirmed, I will make a priority to assess the
potential future value of these programs.
u.s. strategic relationship with pakistan
Question. What would you consider to be areas of shared strategic
interest between the United States and Pakistan?
Answer. I believe the United States and Pakistan share common
interests in disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al Qaeda, and in
long-term regional stability, including a durable political settlement
in Afghanistan and the safety and security of the Indian Ocean.
Question. In what areas do you see U.S. and Pakistani strategic
interests diverging?
Answer. The United States and Pakistan often diverge over
Pakistan's approach to the militant and terrorist networks that operate
in Pakistan's territory and do not overtly threaten the Pakistani
state. However, in my view, these networks threaten Pakistani
stability, endanger the prospects for a settlement in Afghanistan, and
undermine regional stability--so that in fact, while the relationship
is challenging, I believe our long-term strategic interests are in
Question. If confirmed, what changes, if any, would you recommend
for U.S. relations with Pakistan, particularly in terms of military-to-
military relations?
Answer. U.S.-Pakistan military-to-military ties have been marked by
periodic ups and downs. In my view, the military-military relationship
should be underlined by a realistic, pragmatic approach to enhancing
those areas of cooperation that are dictated by our common interests
and to ensuring accountability for actions that detract from these
interests. If confirmed, I will make accomplishing that goal a
u.s. assistance to pakistan
Question. Since 2001, the United States has provided significant
military assistance to Pakistan. In addition, the United States has
provided significant funds to reimburse Pakistan for the costs
associated with military operations conducted by Pakistan along the
Afghanistan-Pakistan border and other support provided in connection
with Operation Enduring Freedom.
In your view, how effective has the assistance and other support
that the United States has provided to Pakistan been in promoting U.S.
Answer. As the President has said, more terrorists have been killed
in Pakistan than anywhere else since September 11--and that would not
be possible without Pakistani cooperation. Security assistance for
Pakistan has helped Pakistan press this campaign against the militant
and terrorist networks that threaten us all. If confirmed, I will work
to ensure that our security assistance and other support to Pakistan
both serves U.S. interests and is cost effective.
Question. Do you support conditioning U.S. assistance and other
support to Pakistan on Pakistan's continued cooperation in areas of
mutual security interest?
Answer. U.S. assistance to Pakistan should not be unconditional. At
the same time, any conditions should be carefully examined to ensure
they advance U.S. strategic interests.
al qaeda and associated forces
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda
and its associated forces to the U.S. Homeland, U.S. interests
overseas, and Western interests more broadly?
Answer. I assess that the threat posed by al Qaeda to the U.S.
Homeland has been significantly diminished over the past 4 years. At
the same time, al Qaeda's remaining leadership in Pakistan and al Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula remains of serious concern. Additionally, the
Arab Spring has created new opportunities for al Qaeda affiliates in
Syria and North Africa.
Question. In light of the recent events in Benghazi and Algeria, do
you share the assessment that al Qaeda is on the brink of strategic
Answer. Our sustained military, intelligence, and diplomatic
efforts over the last 10 years have brought us closer to the strategic
defeat of core al Qaeda. There can be no doubt, however, that al Qaeda
and associated forces remain potent, dangerous, and adaptable foes--as
evidenced by its despicable actions in Benghazi and more recently in
Algeria. If confirmed, I will continue to focus on defeating al Qaeda
and its associated forces around the world.
arab spring
Question. The Arab Spring has changed--and will likely continue to
change--the political dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa.
These changes require the United States to adjust our military-to-
military and defense civilian relations in this region. Some observers
argue that the United States should reduce significantly our military-
to-military contact in countries as a result of the ongoing changes and
others advocate more robust and stepped-up contact with our partners in
this region.
In your view, what should be the posture of the U.S. Government on
military-to-military and defense civilian relations in the region?
Answer. DOD's military-to-military and defense civilian relations
with our partners in the Middle East and North Africa have played a
critical role in advancing U.S. strategic interests, which include:
securing and protecting Israel, preventing Iran from acquiring a
nuclear weapon, defeating extremists, countering terrorist
organizations, ensuring the free flow of commerce, and supporting
operations in Afghanistan. Engagement with key partners' defense
ministries and militaries, building partner capacity to meet common
challenges, having a forward presence to enable operations and deter
threats, and if and when necessary to conduct future contingencies, all
require considerable effort by both DOD and the Department of State.
During this time of change and uncertainty in the region, the
Department should sustain military-to-military and defense civilian
relations, while continuing to evaluate and recalibrate the nature and
substance of our relationships to ensure they are consistent with U.S.
values and advance U.S. vital national interests.
Question. The civil war in Syria continues and President Assad's
commitment to continuing his regime's ongoing operations appear
unwavering--despite broad international condemnation. To date, the
United States has limited its support to opposition forces to non-
lethal assistance to forces on the ground, as well as technical
assistance to elements of the opposition working to build a cohesive
political entity.
In your view, what is the proper role on the United States in this
Answer. I support the administration's position that Syrian
President Bashar al-Asad has lost all legitimacy and must step aside to
enable a political solution that ends the bloodshed, and meets the
aspirations of the Syrian people. As President Obama has clearly
stated, Asad must go. I also support the administration's approach to
the ongoing crisis in Syria--working closely with allies, partners and
multilateral institutions to achieve this goal through diplomatic and
economic pressure on the Asad regime.
I agree with the administration's continued support of the Geneva
Action Group's framework for a political solution, which was endorsed
by the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, the Arab
League, and the U.N. General Assembly. If confirmed, I will continue to
support Joint U.N.-Arab League Special Representative Brahimi's efforts
to build international support for the Geneva framework and urge all
parties in Syria to take steps toward its implementation, to help
expedite an end to the suffering of the Syrian people.
Question. In your view, should the United States provide other
kinds of support to opposition groups on the ground in Syria, including
the provision of lethal support?
Answer. The U.S. Government should continue providing non-lethal
assistance to the unarmed opposition, as well as humanitarian support
to Syrians in need, both inside Syria and in neighboring countries. The
United States should also continue to support the opposition in the
diplomatic arena. This includes helping the newly established Syrian
Opposition Council with its efforts to end the conflict and improve the
future of the Syrian people. I also believe that, like ongoing
diplomatic efforts, U.S. assistance efforts should continue to be
coordinated with our allies, partners, and relevant regional groups to
have the biggest impact possible.
I do not believe that providing lethal support to the armed
opposition at this time will alleviate the horrible situation we see in
Syria. The Syrian people are in great need during this difficult
period, and the United States is helping to address those basic needs
by providing medical assistance, humanitarian assistance, and political
support on the international stage. We must continually explore
additional ways to provide resources and help influence the right
Question. If confirmed, will you review Defense Department planning
for options to ensure the security of chemical weapons in Syria, and
recommend any additional planning, if needed?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department continues
planning for a variety of contingencies in order to provide the
President with options. This includes relevant planning for Syria and
specifically, the security and elimination of chemical weapons in
Syria. If confirmed, I will review these plans and, if necessary, I
will direct additional planning on this and any other potential
Question. In your view, what should be NATO's role with respect to
Syria (i.e. should NATO consider a military intervention, the creation
of a no-fly zone, or other military operations to protect civilians and
support opposition forces)?
Answer. The United States is working with our allies to achieve a
peaceful and orderly political transition in Syria and to end the
bloodshed as quickly as possible. Our NATO allies are closely
monitoring the situation in Syria, especially as the conflict touches
on NATO's border in Turkey, and like us, are extremely concerned about
the deteriorating humanitarian conditions on the ground. NATO's
ultimate task is the protection and defense of NATO members. To that
end, I support NATO's decision to augment Turkey's air and missile
defense capabilities in order to defend the population and territory of
Turkey and contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along the
alliance's border. This includes the recent deployment of NATO Patriot
batteries to Turkey from the United States, Germany, and The
Netherlands. I understand the administration has also been working with
our international partners, including NATO allies, to ensure that the
appropriate humanitarian assistance is reaching those Syrians in need,
both inside Syria and in neighboring countries (Lebanon, Turkey,
Jordan, and Iraq).
Question. On March 19, 2011, the multilateral military operation,
named Operation Odyssey Dawn, was launched in Libya to enforce United
Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. Following the initial
operations against Libyan integrated air defense systems, this
operation continued under NATO Command as Operation Unified Protector.
What are your views on the limited U.S. military mission in Libya--
Operation Odyssey Dawn and Operation Unified Protector?
Answer. I believe the U.S. and NATO operations in Libya were a
success. Operation Odyssey Dawn stopped Colonel Qadhafi's army from
advancing on Benghazi, saved thousands of lives, and established the
conditions for a no-fly-zone. Operation Unified Protector built on
these accomplishments and created the time and space needed for the
opposition to oppose, and ultimately overthrow, Qadhafi. Both
operations had limited and clear objectives for the unique capabilities
the U.S. military could provide, avoided U.S. boots-on-the-ground,
integrated allies and partners, minimized collateral damage and
civilian casualties to a historically unprecedented extent, and enjoyed
the legitimacy of U.N. Security Council authorization. This was all
achieved at a fraction of the cost of recent interventions in the
Balkans, Iraq, or Afghanistan.
u.s. marine corps support to the state department
Question. The Accountability Review Board for Benghazi recently
completed its report examining the facts and circumstances surrounding
the September 11-12, 2012 attack against the U.S. temporary mission
facility in Benghazi. Among its findings and conclusions, its report
supported the ``State Department's initiative to request additional
marines and expand the Marine Security Guard (MSG) Program--as well as
corresponding requirements for staffing and funding. The Board also
recommends that the State Department and DOD identify additional
flexible MSG structures and request further resources for the
Department and DOD to provide more capabilities and capacities at
higher risk posts.'' In the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, Congress
authorized up to 1,000 additional marines in the MSG program to provide
the additional end strength and resources necessary to support enhanced
Marine Corps security at U.S. embassies, consulates, and other
diplomatic facilities.
In your view, should the Marine Corps diplomatic security mission
be expanded to include new roles beyond the protection of classified
information and equipment, and if so, how many additional marines and
what rank structure would be needed?
Answer. I am aware that the Departments of Defense and State are
currently thoroughly examining the challenges and threats posed by
global unrest to our overseas operations and are developing options to
address these challenges. These options include consideration of
expanding Marine Security Guard detachments, as well as adjustments to
their roles and responsibilities. I have not reviewed the details of
the options and, therefore, am unable to comment on the specific
arrangements, numbers of personnel, or rank structure at this time.
However, if confirmed, I will place personal emphasis on this issue and
work closely with the Secretary of State and Congress to ensure we are
doing all we can to help protect our diplomats and diplomatic
facilities overseas.
Question. In your view, should the current arrangements between the
Department of State and U.S. Marine Corps be modified?
Answer. I cannot recommend any changes at this time. If confirmed,
I will review the on-going work and recommendations that are being
developed by the Departments of Defense and State that is examining the
roles, responsibilities, and arrangements of the U.S. Marine Security
Guards and the Department of State.
strategic communications and information operations
Question. Over the past decade, DOD has funded an increasing number
of military information support operations (formerly known as
psychological operations) and influence programs. The GAO reports that
DOD has ``spent hundreds of millions of dollars each year'' to support
its information operations outreach activities. Many of these programs
are in support of operations in Afghanistan, but Military Information
Support Teams (MIST) from U.S. Special Operations Command also deploy
to U.S. embassies in countries of particular interest around the globe
to bolster the efforts of the Department of State and the U.S. Agency
for International Development. Further, the geographic combatant
commands are increasingly moving into this operational space.
What are your views on DOD's military information support
operations and influence programs?
Answer. I believe DOD must be able to influence and inform foreign
audiences in environments susceptible to the messages of U.S.
adversaries. MISTs are trained in developing culturally appropriate
messages to counter hostile information and propaganda, as well as
assisting with building the capacity of partner nations to conduct
these activities themselves. I understand that DOD influence
activities, including those conducted by MISTs, are coordinated closely
with the embassies in the areas where they operate, both inside and
outside of areas of conflict, and at times can support common efforts
of other agencies. I understand the Department has taken significant
steps to address congressional concerns related to policy oversight,
budgeting, and effectiveness. If confirmed, I intend to continue to be
responsive to Congress on this matter, as well as to continue the
Department's efforts to coordinate information activities across the
Question. In 2005, al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri declared that ``We
are in a battle, and more than half of it is taking place in the
battlefield of the media.'' In 2010, a non-partisan study highlighted
the lack of a U.S. strategy to counter radical ideologies that foment
violence (e.g. Islamism or Salafist-Jihadism).
In your view, what is the appropriate role of DOD, if any, in
developing and implementing a strategy to counter radical ideologies,
and how does that role complement or conflict with the efforts of the
Intelligence Community and the State Department?
Answer. Countering violent extremist ideology is a whole-of-
government endeavor. I believe the Defense Department's focus should be
on using its assets to meet military objectives and providing support
to other U.S. Government agencies as requested. I understand the
Department's activities in this area are closely coordinated with the
Intelligence Community and the State Department.
Question. Defense Secretary Gates launched the Minerva Program in
2009 to develop deeper social, cultural and behavioral expertise for
policy and strategy purposes.
Do you support this program and its goals?
Answer. I understand both Secretary Gates and Secretary Panetta
supported the MINERVA initiative, which provides the Department with a
means to focus research on complex social, cultural and political
dynamics related to our strategic interests around the world. If
confirmed, I would seek to learn more about the program and assess its
continued value in supporting policy and strategy development.
Question. Somalia is a training and operations hub for al Shabab
and other violent extremists; pirates operating in the Indian Ocean and
Arabian Peninsula; illicit traffickers of weapons, humans, and drugs;
and remnants of the al Qaeda East Africa cell that was responsible for
the destruction of our embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi in August
What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Shabab to the
U.S. Homeland and U.S. and Western interests in the East African
Answer. My understanding is that successful operations by the
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) have reduced Al-Shabaab's
freedom of movement in south and central Somalia, but al Shabaab
remains a threat to the U.S. Homeland and to U.S. and Western interests
in the Horn of Africa. Al Shabaab leaders have claimed affiliation with
al Qaeda since 2007 and formally merged with the group in February
2012. Al Shabaab has demonstrated a desire and capability to conduct
terrorist acts throughout the Horn of Africa, and it presents a threat
to the homeland through links into Somali diaspora communities in the
United States and Europe. Al Shabaab continues to repress the Somali
people and remains the greatest threat to the new Somali Government. As
the new Somali Government stands up, I believe that the United States
must remain focused on the risks posed by al Shabaab.
Question. Given the role of the various U.S. Government Departments
and Agencies in the Horn of Africa, what changes, if any, would you
make to DOD's current role in the Horn of Africa?
Answer. With the establishment of the new government in Somalia and
U.S. recognition of that government earlier this month, the Department
will continue to play a role in Somalia's security sector development
in order to help secure the gains made by AMISOM. Most of the U.S.
Government's traditional security cooperation tools have been
restricted from use in Somalia for some time, but I understand that the
United States will explore possible changes in the coming year, as the
United States moves to normalize relations with Mogadishu. If
confirmed, I will work to ensure that the Department's approach to
Somalia is developed as part of a coordinated U.S. national security
policy toward the Horn of Africa, and to determine how the Department
can and should best support our foreign policy in this region.
Question. In your view, what role, if any, should the United States
play in the building of a Somali national army?
Answer. The United States can play a guiding and mentoring role in
the development of Somalia's security sector. It is in the U.S.
interest to ensure that Somalia's new government has a competent and
professional military to provide security to its citizens and play a
constructive role in the region.
al qaeda in the arabian peninsula
Question. A number of senior U.S. officials have indicated the most
significant threat to the U.S. Homeland currently emanates from Yemen.
What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda in the
Arabian Peninsula to the United States?
Answer. I am very concerned about the threat that al Qaeda in the
Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) poses to the Homeland. AQAP has attempted at
least three attacks on the United States since December 2009, and in my
view fully intends to attack again. AQAP has shown some very
sophisticated and innovative techniques, such as the development of
concealed explosive devices and printer cartridge bombs. AQAP is also
attempting to recruit and radicalize would-be terrorists in the West
through its extensive media outreach.
Question. What is your assessment of the current U.S. strategy to
counter al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in Yemen?
Answer. I support the administration's whole-of-government strategy
to: support the political transition, marshal international economic
and humanitarian assistance, and build Yemen's counter-terrorism
capabilities through training and assistance. The U.S. strategy to
disrupt, dismantle, and defeat AQAP is a collaborative U.S.-Yemeni
effort. By closely monitoring and acting on current threat streams
while building key Yemeni capabilities, I believe the United States has
shown the ability to counter near-term threats.
We have made a number of important gains against AQAP over the past
couple of years. I understand that the Department continues to
collaborate extensively with Yemeni forces on operational matters,
which have helped remove several key AQAP operatives from the
battlefield. Efforts to counter AQAP's narrative have helped to
delegitimize the group and discourage its efforts to recruit new
operatives. The U.S. Government's work on countering threat financing
has made it more difficult for AQAP to receive funds and to support
other parts of al Qaeda. U.S. efforts--many of them executed by the
Department--to train, advise, and equip Yemeni forces are driving AQAP
from territory it previously held and are enabling precise operations
to capture and kill AQAP leaders.
north africa
Question. In December 2012, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
stated that ``Al Qaeda has long sought to operate in areas beyond the
reach of effective security and governance, [and] we know that al
Qaeda, its affiliates and adherents are looking to establish a foothold
in other countries in the Middle East, and north and west Africa,
including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and the Boko Haram group in
What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda and its
associated forces in North Africa? Do they pose a threat to the United
States homeland and/or U.S. interests abroad?
Answer. Al Qaeda in the lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) poses
an increasing threat to U.S. interests. My understanding is that at
this time, there is no credible evidence that AQIM is a direct threat
to the U.S. Homeland. However, as seen in the recent hostage situation
in Algeria, AQIM and its associates do threaten U.S. persons and
interests abroad, as well as our European allies.
Question. In January 2013, the French Armed Forces began conducting
operations against violent extremist groups in Mali.
In your view, what should be the role, if any, of the United States
in supporting the French operation?
Answer. The United States shares the French goal of denying AQIM
and other terrorists a safe haven in the region. I agree with the
administration's decision to support the French mission without
deploying U.S. combat forces on the ground. My understanding is that
this support includes assisting the movement of French and African
forces, providing intelligence and planning support, and assisting in
the training and preparation of African forces.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of the United
States in working with United Nation's Security Council authorized
forces from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in
Answer. The African-led International Support Mission in Mali
(AFISMA), approved by a Chapter VII U.N. Security Council mandate to
restore Malian sovereignty and counter violent extremists, is very
important for U.S. interests and for regional stability. I support the
U.S. position to expedite the training, equipping and deployment of
West African troops as part of AFISMA to ensure a successful, African-
led mission.
collaboration between the defense department and the intelligence
Question. Since September 11, 2001, collaboration--both analytical
and operational--between the Defense Department and the Intelligence
Community has grown increasingly close. On one hand, seamless
collaboration is a vital component of effective and rapid responses to
non-traditional threats, and bringing together the strengths of the
full spectrum of defense and intelligence missions creates
opportunities for solutions to complex problems. On the other hand,
such collaboration--without effective management and oversight--risks
blurring the missions of agencies and individuals that have cultivated
distinct strengths or creating redundant lines of effort.
What are your views regarding the appropriate scope of
collaboration between DOD and the Intelligence Community?
Answer. Collaboration between DOD and the Intelligence Community
(IC) is an essential element for supporting our national security
objectives. Eight of the 17 IC components are embedded in the
Department which constitutes a substantial portion of the Nation's
intelligence capabilities and resources. It is my understanding that
the Department depends on capabilities provided by the IC to support
weapons systems acquisition and to enable military operations, while
the IC depends on capabilities provided by the Department to support a
wide range of critical intelligence-related and special activities.
Collaboration has also been central to the ability to dismantle and
eventually defeat al Qaeda and to counter the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction (WMD). In 2007, the Secretary of Defense and the
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) established the position of the
Director of Defense Intelligence (DDI) within the Office of the
Director of National Intelligence, and dual-hatted the Under Secretary
of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) as the DDI. The DNI and the USD(I)
have since pursued National Intelligence Program-Military Intelligence
Program budget integration leading to more effectiveness and
efficiencies from vital intelligence resources.
Question. In your view, are there aspects of the current
relationship between the Department and the Intelligence Community that
should be re-examined or modified?
Answer. I do not know the issue well enough to make recommendations
at the time. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department
consistently assesses its processes and procedures for evaluating how
it interacts with the IC and look for opportunities to build on the
existing relationship.
nato alliance
Question. The NATO alliance continues to be central to our
coalition operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere, even as many NATO
members have significantly reduced their national defense budgets in
response to economic and fiscal pressures.
Do you agree that U.S. participation in the NATO Alliance
contributes to advancing U.S. security interests?
Answer. Yes. the transatlantic relationship is of critical
importance to U.S. security interests. NATO has been the cornerstone of
European security and an integral part of U.S. foreign policy for more
than 60 years, and NATO has continued to be critically important to
U.S. security interests in recent years. In Afghanistan, there have
been nearly 40,000 allied and partner forces alongside our own. In
Libya, NATO allies came together with Arab and other partners to
prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, and to support the Libyan people.
Over years in the Balkans, NATO has been vital to stability and has
moved us closer to the goal of a Europe whole, free, and at peace. NATO
must remain the central Alliance in U.S. global strategy and has proven
an effective partner.
Question. What are the greatest opportunities and challenges that
you foresee for NATO in meeting its strategic objectives over the next
5 years?
Answer. In my view, the top NATO-related challenge is the mounting
fiscal pressures facing all allies and the resulting reduction in
alliance military capabilities as allies cut spending. However, these
fiscal difficulties present an opportunity to transform NATO into an
Alliance that is more efficient, with a new way of doing business that
emphasizes innovation, flexibility, and enhanced cooperation and
interoperability with allies and partners. The Alliance must also
continue to adapt to meet the new threats of the 21st century: cyber
attacks, terrorism, proliferation of WMD, and regional conflicts.
Question. In light of the reductions in national defense spending
by some NATO members, are you concerned that the alliance will lack
critical military capabilities? If so, what steps, if any, would you
recommend be taken to address potential shortfalls in alliance
Answer. Yes. I am concerned that the Alliance is in danger of
losing critical military capabilities if something does not change. The
past decade-plus of fighting in Afghanistan has left the alliance with
worn equipment and depleted defense budgets. The Alliance should commit
to halting defense cuts, complete the capability projects it has
already initiated, and reinvest the funds it will save from the end of
combat operations in Afghanistan into sustaining and building
prioritized capabilities. If confirmed, I will work to ensure NATO's
commitments to critical capabilities.
Question. The concept of defense cooperation between NATO members
was emphasized at the NATO summit in Chicago in May 2012.
What areas or projects do you recommend that NATO nations cooperate
in to improve NATO alliance capabilities?
Answer. I support the roadmap for NATO that was agreed to by
Presidents and Prime Ministers from across the alliance at the Chicago
Summit last May. It describes and prioritizes NATO's required
capabilities, encourages greater pooling of resources, and focuses on
improving education, training, and technology to preserve the
interoperability resulting from years of joint operations in
Question. Under what conditions, if any, would you envision further
enlargement of NATO in the coming years?
Answer. If confirmed, I would work closely with my colleagues in
the administration and in close consultation with Congress and our
allies to determine which countries and within what timeframe NATO
would undertake further enlargement. Each NATO aspirant should be
judged on its individual merits and progress in implementing political,
economic, and military reforms.
Question. In your view, is there a continuing requirement for U.S.
nuclear weapons to be deployed in NATO countries?
Answer. I agree with the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review that the
presence of U.S. nuclear weapons, along with NATO's unique nuclear
sharing arrangements, contribute to alliance cohesion and provide
reassurance to allies and partners who feel exposed to regional
threats. Any changes should only be taken after a thorough review
within, and a decision by, the alliance. I also support NATO's
Deterrence and Defense Posture Review that the President and fellow
Heads of State and Government agreed to at the May 2012 Chicago NATO
Summit. The review committed the alliance to ensuring that NATO's
nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure, and effective. The review also
stated that the alliance is prepared to consider further reductions in
non-strategic nuclear weapons assigned to the alliance, in the context
of reciprocal steps by Russia. If confirmed, I will continue to consult
with our allies on any such negotiations.
Question. What is your understanding of the relationship between
Israel and Turkey as it relates to NATO? Are you concerned about the
breakdown in the security cooperation relationship between Turkey and
Israel and do you have any ideas as to how to mend it?
Answer. I remain concerned about the deterioration of the
relationship between Turkey and Israel, both of which are important
partners for the United States and are critical to stability in their
region. These relationships are broader than this dispute. Turkey is a
critical NATO Ally, and we will continue to exercise, plan, and work
with Turkey in that context. Israel is a key security partner of the
United States. If confirmed, I would work to ensure that the United
States continues, in diplomatic channels and in defense contacts, to
encourage both Turkey and Israel to take the steps necessary to resolve
their dispute and work together to address common regional challenges.
Question. Approximately 760 U.S. troops remain in the Balkans as
part of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) that first deployed to Kosovo in 1999
and today is comprised of over 5,500 personnel from 30 countries.
Spikes in violence in 2011 required the deployment of the NATO
Operational Reserve Force battalion of approximately 600 soldiers to
bolster KFOR and maintain a secure environment. Progress is required in
both the military and political realms before further troop reductions
can be made.
What major lines of effort do you think are required to further
reduce or eliminate U.S. and NATO presence in Kosovo?
Answer. I recognize that the United States has a long-established
commitment, together with our NATO allies, to a responsible,
conditions-based drawdown of forces in Kosovo. I understand DOD
continues to work with allies and NATO military authorities in
monitoring and assessing conditions and pursuing carefully developed
plans for the eventual drawdown. Ultimately, a political solution is
needed to normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia and thereby
establish lasting security in Kosovo and the region. If confirmed, I
will support this effort, both through Department-led engagements, and
also by supporting our interagency and international partners to
achieve this goal. I understand that a key part of the KFOR military
plan, executed by NATO, is to enable a transition of security
responsibilities to Kosovo. The United States plays a critical role in
this effort. If confirmed, I will ensure that DOD provides support for
this goal consistent with decisions among the United States and our
Question. In your view, is the European Union (EU) playing a
significant enough role in Kosovo?
Answer. The EU is playing a critical role by facilitating high-
level dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. This dialogue is broadly
supported by the United States and our allies as an opportunity to
normalize relations between the two countries. The EU Rule of Law
Mission (EULEX) plays an important role in Kosovo, working to
strengthen legal institutions there. The United States will continue
its support for a robust role by EULEX to fulfill its mandate.
special operations forces
Question. The previous two Quadrennial Defense Reviews (QDR) have
mandated significant growth in our special operations forces and
enablers that directly support their operations.
What is your assessment of the QDR mandate regarding the mix of
responsibilities assigned to general purpose and Special Operations
Forces, particularly as it relates to security force assistance and
building partner military capabilities?
Answer. I agree with the premise that adversaries will continue to
seek alternative methods to counter U.S. influence and interests, and
that for the foreseeable future the most likely contingencies the
United States will face will involve irregular threats. Therefore, I
fully support the 2010 QDR's strategic shift toward expanding general
purpose forces' capabilities and capacity for these contingencies. The
overall flexibility of our Armed Forces has been greatly improved by
investing in key enablers within our conventional force such as:
strengthening and expanding capabilities for security force assistance;
increasing the availability of rotary-wing assets; expanding manned and
unmanned aircraft systems for ISR; improving counter-improvised
explosive device capabilities; and enhancing linguistic, cultural,
counterinsurgency, and stability operations competency and capacity.
Question. Do you believe that our general purpose forces need to
become more like Special Operations Forces in mission areas that are
critical to countering violent extremists?
Answer. Countering violent extremism requires employing all of the
capabilities of the Department--mixed and matched appropriately--
depending on the mission requirements. The experience of the last 10
years is clear that general purpose units and special forces both
contribute to countering violent extremists.
Question. Are there certain mission areas that should be reserved
for Special Operations Forces only?
Answer. Special Operations Forces (SOF) are a uniquely specialized
component of our U.S. Armed Forces that are trained, organized, and
equipped to conduct counterterrorism, unconventional warfare, direct
action, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, and counter-
proliferation of WMD, and other designated operation, often in areas
under enemy control or in politically sensitive environments. In such
operations and environments, SOF provide unique and essential
Question. Do you believe that we should further increase the number
of special operations personnel? If so, why, and by how much?
Answer. I understand U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is on
track to meet the growth mandated by the last two QDRs. If confirmed, I
would work with Commander, SOCOM, to better understand the command's
missions, pressures, and growth plans.
Question. Special Operations Forces rely heavily on Overseas
Contingency Operations (OCO) funds.
With the drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan, what OCO funding for
special operations needs to be moved into the base budget to preserve
enduring capabilities in your opinion?
Answer. I believe we must continue to provide SOCOM with base
budget resources sufficient to preserve long-term readiness of a global
Special Operations Force. I understand that in the fiscal year 2013
budget the Department moved roughly $1 billion from OCO to base funding
and the intent is to continue this transition, although the current
fiscal and strategic environment make that challenging.
Question. In your view, can the size of Special Operations Forces
be increased, while also maintaining the rigorous recruiting and
training standards for special operators?
Answer. I understand and agree with the concept that Special
Operations Forces (SOF) cannot be mass produced, and I fully support
SOCOM's efforts to maintain the quality of SOF operators and support
personnel during this current era of SOF growth. Experience has shown
that SOF manpower growth of 3 to 5 percent annually can be sustained
and will not dilute the force or outpace the required training and
support structure. This is the pace SOCOM has sustained to great effect
over the past several years and is on track to sustain this year.
Question. In recent years, Special Operations Forces have taken on
an expanded role in a number of areas important to countering violent
extremist organizations, including those related to information and
military intelligence operations. Some have advocated significant
changes to SOCOM's title 10 missions to make them better reflect the
activities Special Operations Forces are carrying out around the world.
Question. What current missions, if any, do you believe can and
should be divested by SOCOM, and why?
Answer. At this time, I do not advocate significant changes to
SOCOM's title 10 missions. If confirmed, I would work with Commander,
SOCOM, to better understand the command's missions, operations, and
pressures and if I see that changes are needed I will offer proposals.
Question. Are there any additional missions that you believe SOCOM
should assume, and, if so, what are they and why do you advocate adding
Answer. I do not currently foresee any additional missions that
SOCOM should assume. If confirmed, I would work with Commander, SOCOM,
to review any additional missions that may be proposed.
Question. What can be done to ensure that indirect special
operations missions with medium- and long-term impact, such as foreign
internal defense, receive as much emphasis as direct action, and that
they receive appropriate funding?
Answer. The activities of Special Operations Forces are quite
varied, from high-risk strikes and counterterrorist raids conducted in
minutes, to training and advising foreign counterparts conducted over
months and years. Both require highly skilled operators, trained,
organized, and equipped for the task. I believe that each of these
activities is a highly valued capability for the U.S. Government that
should be maintained and, if confirmed, I will ensure that the
Department is adequately prepared for both.
unified command plan changes
Question. It has been reported that Admiral McRaven, Commander of
SOCOM, is seeking changes to the Unified Command Plan (UCP) and other
authorities that he believes would allow SOCOM to better support the
requirements of the Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOCs).
Reportedly, such changes would give the Commander of SOCOM combatant
command authority over the TSOCs--including responsibilities for
resourcing--and provide for more rapid deployment of special operations
forces to and between geographic combatant commands without the
requirement for approval by the Secretary of Defense in every case.
Operational control of deployed Special Operations Forces would
reportedly remain with the respective geographic combatant commander.
Some have expressed concern that such changes could raise problems
related to civilian control of the military, infringe upon the
traditional authorities of the geographic combatant commanders, and
make it more difficult for Ambassadors and geographic combatant
commanders to know what military personnel are coming into their areas
of responsibility and what they are doing while they are there.
Please provide your assessment of whether such UCP changes are
appropriate and can be made without conflicting with civilian control
of the military, infringing upon authorities provided to the geographic
combatant commanders, or raising concerns with the State Department.
Answer. It is my understanding that DOD is considering several
initiatives to enhance the organization, training, equipping, and
employment of Special Operations Forces to meet future global security
challenges, including potential changes to the UCP and other guidance
that establish command responsibilities and relationships. If
confirmed, I look forward to seeing the recommendations from the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and senior civilian leadership and will ensure these
proposed changes preserve civilian control of the military principles,
establish clear and appropriate command authorities, and support strong
interagency relationships.
combating terrorism
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda
and associated forces to the U.S. Homeland, U.S. interests overseas,
and western interests more broadly? Which affiliates and associated
forces are of most concern?
Answer. I assess that the threat posed by al Qaeda to the U.S.
Homeland has been significantly diminished over the past 4 years. At
the same time, al Qaeda's remaining leadership in Pakistan and al Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula remain of greatest concern. Additionally, the
Arab Spring has created new opportunities for al Qaeda affiliates in
Syria and North Africa.
What is your understanding of the Department's role in the U.S.
strategy to combat terrorism?
Answer. My understanding is that the U.S. Government is engaged in
a multi-departmental, multi-national effort, and that key activities
that the Department undertakes to support this strategy include:
training, advising, and assisting partner security forces; supporting
intelligence collection on al Qaeda; conducting information operations
against al Qaeda; and, when appropriate, capturing or killing al Qaeda
operatives. I understand that the Department also works to help enable
our intelligence and law enforcement partners, both in the United
States and overseas, in their efforts to counter this threat.
Question. Are there steps the Department should take to better
coordinate its efforts to combat terrorism with those of other Federal
departments and agencies?
Answer. Based on my current knowledge, it appears that the
Department is properly coordinating its counterterrorism efforts with
the rest of the U.S. Government. I understand that the U.S. military,
Intelligence Community, and law enforcement agencies regularly
collaborate on operations, and that departments and agencies constantly
share intelligence, with little of the ``stovepiping'' that we saw
before September 11. I will look at this closely if confirmed.
intelligence support for indirect activities
Question. Some observers contend that the national intelligence
agencies focus their assistance to the Defense Department on special
operators engaged in direct action operations. As a consequence, it is
alleged, general purpose forces and Special Operations Forces engaged
in indirect activities, including foreign internal defense and
population protection, receive less intelligence support.
Do you believe this is true? If so, and if confirmed, how would you
ensure that general purpose forces and special operations forces
engaged in indirect activities receive adequate intelligence support?
Answer. It is my understanding that the Intelligence Community and
DOD continue to expand intelligence support for a full range of
military operations--direct and indirect--not only in Afghanistan, but
across multiple areas of responsibility. The Department has invested in
and employed innovative ISR capabilities increasing its intelligence
and operations support to interagency and foreign partners in their
efforts against emerging threats. DOD and the Intelligence Community
have assisted our partners in Afghanistan, East Africa, the Arabian
Peninsula, Colombia, and the Phillipines. I think that U.S. military
operations around the world over the past few years have demonstrated
that our general purpose forces are the beneficiaries of consistent,
timely support from across the Intelligence Community. If confirmed, I
will work to ensure that intelligence capabilities are properly aligned
across the force for all missions.
section 1208 operations
Question. Section 1208 of the Ronald Reagan NDAA for Fiscal Year
2005 (Public Law 108-375), as amended by subsequent bills, authorizes
the provision of support (including training, funding, and equipment)
to regular forces, irregular forces, and individuals supporting or
facilitating military operations by U.S. Special Operations Forces to
combat terrorism.
What is your assessment of this authority?
Answer. I understand that the section 1208 authority has been a
very effective tool for U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) conducting
counterterrorism operations to build effective security partners.
Combatant commanders strongly support section 1208.
lord's resistance army
Question. The President notified Congress in October 2011 of
Operation Observant Compass (OOC), an operation to support the efforts
of Ugandan and other regional militaries to remove Joseph Kony and
other senior leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) from the
battlefield in Central Africa, and of his decision to send
approximately 100 U.S. Special Operations Forces personnel to Central
Africa to help regional partners achieve these goals. Despite pressure
by the Ugandan People's Defense Forces and efforts by U.S. Special
Operations personnel to support them, elements of the LRA--including
Joseph Kony--continue to operate and commit atrocities against civilian
populations in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, and South Sudan. Congress recently passed and the President
signed the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, which reiterated that the ongoing
efforts to remove or apprehend Joseph Kony and his top commanders from
the battlefield and end the atrocities perpetuated by his LRA should
continue as appropriate to achieve the goals of the operation.
Do you support OOC?
Answer. Yes. My understanding is that Department support to
regional counter-LRA efforts helps to advance regional security
cooperation and security sector reform more broadly. If confirmed, I
would seek to continue the U.S. commitment to deepen our security
partnerships with African countries and regional organizations by
expanding efforts to build African military capabilities through low-
cost, small-footprint operations. At the same time, I would work with
the Department of State and other U.S. agencies and departments to seek
to strengthen the capacity of civilian bodies and institutions to
improve the continent's ability to provide security and respond to
emerging conflicts. I would also regularly assess and review Department
contributions to this mission to ensure the deployment of U.S.
personnel is not open-ended.
Question. What is your understanding of the objectives of OOC?
Answer. U.S. Special Operations Forces under OOC seek to enhance
the capacity of local forces to end the threat posed by the LRA. It is
my understanding that U.S. military advisors are working with these
forces to strengthen information-sharing and synchronization, enhance
their operational planning, and increase overall effectiveness. While
OOC is important in the effort to counter the LRA threat, there is not
a purely military solution to this problem. If confirmed, I would
support the current U.S. policy of pursuing a comprehensive, multi-
faceted strategy to help the governments and people of this region in
their efforts to end the threat posed by the LRA and to address the
impacts of the LRA's atrocities. The U.S. strategy to counter the LRA
outlines four pillars for continuing support: increasing the protection
of civilians; apprehending or removing Joseph Kony and senior
commanders from the battlefield; promoting the defection, disarmament,
demobilization, and reintegration of remaining LRA fighters; and
increasing humanitarian access and providing continued relief to
affected communities.
mass atrocities prevention
Question. President Obama identified the prevention of mass
atrocities and genocide as a core U.S. national security interest, as
well as a core moral interest, in August 2011 under Presidential Study
Directive 10. What are your views on the role the United States plays
in the prevention of mass atrocities and genocide?
Answer. As President Obama noted in his speech at the Holocaust
Museum last April, preventing and responding to atrocities is a
critical mission and a core national security interest of the United
States. As the President has made clear, we must look at a wide range
of tools before military intervention. I support this view: we should
make every effort to prevent crises from escalating, through every
policy lever at our disposal, including diplomacy, assistance, and
financial measures. I understand that the Atrocities Prevention Board
has strengthened our efforts by developing more tools with which to
work; I support these vital efforts
Question. What are your views on the adequacy of the Department's
tools and doctrine for contributing to this role?
Answer. I understand that the Department has played an active role
in the work of the Atrocities Prevention Board, working closely with
other agencies to develop a range of tools that enhance the USG's
ability to prevent and respond to atrocities. I also understand that
DOD has strengthened its own capabilities, including by developing
formal doctrine on mass atrocity response operations, for the first
time, and incorporating atrocity prevention and response into policy
and plans. If confirmed, I would continue these efforts.
u.s. force posture in the asia-pacific region
Question. The Defense Department's January 2012 strategic guidance,
``Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for the 21st Century'',
states that ``while the U.S. military will continue to contribute to
security globally, we will of necessity rebalance toward the Asia-
Pacific region.'' Likewise, the 2010 report of the QDR states that the
United States needs to ``sustain and strengthen our Asia-Pacific
alliances and partnerships to advance mutual security interests and
ensure sustainable peace and security in the region,'' and that, to
accomplish this, DOD ``will augment and adapt our forward presence'' in
the Asia-Pacific region.
Do you feel DOD has adequate resources to implement the new January
2012 strategic guidance?
Answer. Congress passed and the President signed into law the BCA
of 2011. The President insisted that the resulting defense cuts be
driven by strategy and U.S. defense needs in the coming decade. I
understand that the fiscal year 2013 DOD budget was shaped by the
strategic guidance and reflects key mission and capability priorities
emerging from the strategic review. If confirmed, I would continue to
refine the focus of the Department's spending in future budget cycles
and keep it in line with the President's strategic guidance. believe
that the Department is facing hard but manageable cuts. The strategy is
executable with the resource levels currently detailed in the BCA, but
the potentially severe cuts stemming from sequestration would seriously
threaten the Department's ability to implement the strategic guidance.
Question. What do you see as the U.S. security priorities in the
Asia-Pacific region?
Answer. The maintenance of peace, stability, the free flow of
commerce, and of U.S. influence in this dynamic region will depend in
part on an underlying balance of military capability and presence. I
believe that as a Pacific nation, the United States should, with its
network of allies and partners, maintain an enduring defense presence
in the Asia-Pacific region as a tangible demonstration of U.S.
commitment to Asia's continued security and economic development.
Question. What does the ``rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific
region'' mean to you in terms of force structure, capabilities, and
Answer. The rebalance is broader than just military policies and
programs; it is about harnessing every element of our national power to
sustain a regional order rooted in economic openness, peaceful
resolution to disputes, and democratic governance and political
freedom, In terms of our force structure the rebalance places a renewed
emphasis on air and naval forces while sustaining ground force
presence. While rebalancing, it will also be important for the
Department to develop new capabilities and investments to respond to
changes in the security environment and technical advancements required
to maintain an edge, our freedom of action, and ability to project
power in the Asia-Pacific region. I believe that the rebalancing to
Asia-Pacific is vital for U.S. future interests, but it can be done
smartly, using air and sea and geographically distributed ground
forces, without sacrificing the needed U.S. presence in the Middle
Question. Do you believe that it is a ``necessity'' to rebalance
the U.S. military toward the Asia-Pacific region? If so, why?
Answer. I share the President's view that future U.S. economic and
security interests will be closely tied to the Asia-Pacific. I have
reviewed the Defense Strategic Guidance released last year, and agree
that the emerging economic and political dynamism in the Asia-Pacific
will require strong and continuous U.S. commitment.
Question. Why, if at all, do you believe it is important for the
U.S. military to maintain and even augment its forward presence in the
Asia-Pacific region, and what are the advantages to having a forward
Answer. A robust U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific has
underwritten peace and prosperity in the region for the past 60 years.
The Department should be able to assure regional allies and partners,
deter threats to regional stability, and prevail in conflicts if
necessary. If confirmed, I would support the administration's effort to
work towards a posture that is more geographically distributed--for
example, the movement of forces to Guam and Australia; operationally
resilient, with a focus on our sea based assets; and politically
sustainable--meaning we must work with our partners and allies to
address their concerns about U.S. presence, such as in Okinawa.
Question. What is your assessment of the risks and benefits that
are likely to result from this shift?
Answer. This shift in U.S. posture is meant to continue supporting
peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. U.S. forces should be
present to effectively assure our allies and deter potential
adversaries. By emphasizing the Asia-Pacific while also focusing on the
Middle East, rebalancing will necessarily accept risk in other areas
given the resource-constrained environment. I believe the risks
associated with this rebalance are manageable. The potentially severe
cuts stemming from sequestration, however, would seriously threaten the
Department's ability to implement the strategic guidance, including the
Question. What changes, if any, in structure, equipment, and
training do you believe will be necessary to meet the requirements for
general purpose ground forces in an Asia-Pacific strategy?
Answer. My understanding is that our military leadership is already
working hard to ensure fielded capabilities enable our military
personnel to think, train, and, if necessary, fight to succeed in this
theater. The Department is already devoting significant effort to
understanding how to operate in--or gain access to--those areas where
our adversaries may try to deny us access and is developing the
required operational concepts to manage that challenge. We will also
need to build military-to-military ties and other relationships, as
well as language and cultural expertise, to operate effectively in the
Asia-Pacific region. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Services, and Office of the Secretary of Defense
leadership to assess any additional changes in structure, equipment,
and training.
Question. How would you characterize the current U.S.-China
Answer. I would describe the relationship as simultaneously
possessing elements of cooperation and competition. The U.S.-China
relationship, of which the defense component is only one part, is one
of the most complex and important bilateral relationships in the world.
The United States and China are working together to build a cooperative
partnership based on practical cooperation in addressing shared
regional and global challenges--a commitment President Obama and
President Hu made in January 2011. At the same time, China is rapidly
modernizing its military and increasingly asserting claims to territory
in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.
Question. From your perspective, what effect is China's expanding
economy and growing military having on the region at-large and how does
that growth influence the U.S. security posture in the Asia-Pacific
Answer. China's expanding economy and growing military are
developments the United States, allies, partners, and all other nations
in the region must monitor carefully. On the one hand, China's growth
and potential create an opportunity to cooperate where our interests
and those of China converge. At the same time, China's rapid rise and
the relative lack of transparency surrounding its intentions can be a
source of anxiety and concern in the region. If confirmed, I will
evaluate the impact of these developments--as well as the impact of
other security trends--on requirements for the U.S. defense posture in
the region.
Question. What do you believe are the objectives of China's
military modernization program?
Answer. As I understand it, China is pursuing a long-term,
comprehensive military modernization program designed to improve the
capacity of its armed forces to fight and win high-intensity regional
military operations of short duration. I understand that Taiwan
contingencies remain the principal focus of much of this modernization,
but there are growing indications that China is developing capabilities
for missions that go beyond China's immediate territorial concerns,
such as its counter-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa and
noncombatant evacuation operations from Libya.
Question. How do you believe the United States should respond to
China's military modernization program?
Answer. I believe the United States should continue to monitor
developments in China's military modernization while encouraging
Beijing to be more transparent about its military and security
strategies, policies and programs. The U.S. response to China's
military modernization should be flexible and supported by the
continued evolution of our presence and force posture in the Asia-
Pacific region, the strengthening of our regional alliances and
partnerships, the maintenance of our global presence and access, and
the modernization of our own capabilities in such areas as countering
efforts to deny us access and freedom of action.
Question. U.S.-China military-to-military dialogue has been
strained over the past several years and efforts to establish and
maintain mutually beneficial military relations has been hampered by
China's propensity for postponing or canceling military engagements in
an apparent effort to influence U.S. actions.
What is your view of the relative importance of sustained military-
to-military relations with China?
Answer. I believe there is value in sustained--and substantive--
military dialogue with China as a way to improve mutual understanding
and reduce the risk that miscommunication and misperception could
result in miscalculation. If confirmed, I would look for ways to
strengthen the U.S.-China military-to-military relationship consistent
with our interests and our values.
Question. Do you believe that we should make any changes in the
quality or quantity of our military relations with China? If so, what
changes would you suggest and, given Chinese resistance to military-to-
military dialogue, how would you implement them?
Answer. If confirmed, I will seek ways to improve the U.S.-China
military-to-military relationship, in terms of the quality and the
quantity of exchanges between the Armed Forces of our countries. I
would support continuing to pursue exchanges with the Chinese armed
forces at all levels, and I would look to engage in a wide range of
areas where we might find common ground to encourage China to act
responsibly on the regional and global scene.
north korea
Question. What is your assessment of the current security situation
on the Korean peninsula?
Answer. North Korea's provocative behavior, large conventional
military, proliferation activities, ballistic missile program, and
nuclear program continue to present a serious threat to the United
States, our regional allies, and the international community. The
opaque nature of the North Korean system, coupled with an uncertain
political transition, adds to my concerns. North Korea's December
missile launch, which was a violation of United Nations Security
Council Resolutions, provided yet another example of North Korea's
pattern of irresponsible behavior. If confirmed, I will work with our
allies and other key partners in the region and internationally to
ensure that we can deter and, if necessary, defeat North Korean
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed to the United
States and its allies by North Korea's ballistic missile and WMD
capabilities and the export of those capabilities?
Answer. I am concerned about North Korea's WMD and ballistic
missile programs because they present an immediate threat to our allies
and partners as well as a growing threat to the United States. North
Korea's December launch--using ballistic missile technology--
underscores our concerns about North Korea's continued pursuit of a
long-range missile program. The United States will continue carefully
monitoring, and impede, North Korea's WMD and missile development
programs and related proliferation activities. If confirmed, I would
ensure that the Department continues working closely with other parts
of the U.S. Government to address North Korea's missile and WMD
programs, take necessary steps to defend the United States and our
allies, and enhance engagement with our allies to ensure that we can
deter and, if necessary, defeat North Korean aggression.
Question. In your view, what additional steps should the United
States take to defend against the North Korean ballistic missile threat
and dissuade North Korea from its continued pursuit of ballistic
missile technology and to stop or slow North Korean proliferation
missile and weapons technology to Syria, Iran, and others?
Answer. The United States should continue to work to prevent North
Korea's proliferation of weapons-related technology by advancing
international nonproliferation norms and further tightening sanctions
aimed at impeding development of North Korea's ballistic missile and
nuclear programs. This includes cooperating with partner nations to
inspect and interdict vessels and aircraft suspected of carrying
illicit cargo. The United States should also seek to enhance bilateral
and trilateral missile defense cooperation with our Republic of Korea
(ROK) and Japanese allies, particularly in the area of information
sharing. If confirmed, I would continue to work to strengthen the
international consensus against proliferation; to invest in programs
like the Proliferation Security Initiative, which bolsters the will and
capacity of partner nations to interdict these dangerous shipments; to
increase WMD-related information sharing with international partners;
to take necessary steps to defend the United States and our allies; and
to ensure that our ballistic missile defenses are able to defeat any
North Korean attack.
u.s. contributions to international peacekeeping missions
Question. In testimony before the House Committee on Foreign
Affairs on July 29, 2009, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
(U.N.) stated that the United States ``is willing to consider directly
contributing more military observers, military staff officers, civilian
police, and other civilian personnel--including more women I should
note--to U.N. peacekeeping operations.'' General Dempsey has said the
United States ``should consider opportunities for U.S. personnel to
contribute to U.N. peacekeeping missions'' and that ``experience shows
that even a small number of trained and experienced American
servicemembers can have a significant, positive effect on U.N.
operations.'' In your view, should the United States increase the
number of personnel it contributes in the form of staff positions and
military observers to U.N. peacekeeping missions and other
international peace operations?
Answer. I support in principle additional contributions of U.S.
military personnel to key positions in U.N. peacekeeping operations
where the mission is a strategic priority for the Department and the
United States and where our servicemembers can add significant value to
the mission effectiveness and efficiencies. I understand that, although
we still provide military observers to U.N. peacekeeping missions, the
Department has shifted its contributions almost exclusively to staff
officer positions so as to maximize the returns on our investment.
Question. In your view, what are the advantages and disadvantages
of contributing additional military personnel to U.N. operations in the
form of staff positions and military observer positions?
Answer. The success of U.N. peacekeeping operations is important to
the United States. I believe that the United States should continue to
provide military personnel to U.N. peacekeeping operations, especially
for key staff positions that help shape the direction and success of
the mission. Such support must be practicable and weighed against the
potential costs and competing demands for military commitments. If
confirmed, I will carefully evaluate the costs of requested U.N.
support against the potential positive impacts and U.S. interests.
department of defense counternarcotics activities
Question. DOD serves as the single lead agency for the detection
and monitoring of aerial and maritime foreign shipments of drugs
flowing toward the United States. On an annual basis, DOD's
counternarcotics (CN) program expends approximately $1.5 billion to
support the Department's CN operations, including building the capacity
of U.S. Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, and certain
foreign governments, and providing intelligence support on CN-related
matters and a variety of other unique enabling capabilities.
In your view, what is the appropriate role of DOD in counterdrug
Answer. It is my understanding that the Department plays an
important role in U.S. counterdrug efforts in support of the National
Security Strategy, the National Drug Control Strategy, and the Strategy
to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. The Department supports and
enables U.S. agencies and foreign partners to be more effective in
executing their respective counternarcotics responsibilities. In the
Western Hemisphere, the allocation of DOD capabilities in support of
U.S. law enforcement interdiction efforts has helped remove hundreds of
tons of cocaine and deny billions in illicit revenues to transnational
criminal organizations. I believe this support role is a sensible and
effective indirect approach.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of the United
States in countering the flow of narcotics to nations other than the
United States?
Answer. Drug trafficking is by far the world's most lucrative
illicit activity and therefore is often used as a source of revenue by
terrorists, insurgents, and other actors threatening our national
security. In my view, the consequences of narcotics flows beyond U.S.
borders--for example, the role of drug trafficking in Afghanistan and
the surrounding region is of particular concern to the Department. If
confirmed, I look forward to working with Congress, the Office of
National Drug Control Policy, other agencies in the U.S. Government,
and military commanders to address the flow of illegal narcotics as it
affects U.S. national interests.
national strategy to combat transnational organized crime
Question. The Director of National Intelligence recently described
transnational organized crime as ``an abiding threat to U.S. economic
and national security interests,'' and stated that ``rising drug
violence and corruption are undermining stability and the rule of law
in some countries.'' In July 2011, the President released his Strategy
to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: Addressing Converging Threats
to National Security. One of the priority action areas designated in
the strategy is ``enhancing DOD support to U.S. law enforcement''.
In your view, what role should DOD play in combating transnational
organized crime and in training and equipping partner security forces
that have been tasked with combating it?
Answer. By law, the Department is the lead Federal agency for
detection and monitoring of the aerial and maritime transit of illegal
drugs into the United States. In the Western Hemisphere, DOD
coordinates the efforts of the U.S. interagency and regional partners
in the detection and monitoring of illicit aerial and maritime drug
shipments towards the United States. It is my understanding that beyond
that, the Department's role is to contribute unique capabilities in
support of law enforcement, other U.S. Government departments and
agencies, and international partners. That support takes multiple
forms: military intelligence support to law enforcement; military-to-
military capacity building; broader capacity building support to
foreign partner security services (including police forces); and
counter threat finance support. believe the Department should continue
to focus on delivering unique capabilities in support of other
departments and agencies that have the lead for combating transnational
organized crime.
counter threat finance
Question. DOD and the Intelligence Community (IC) have begun
investing more resources in identifying and tracking the flow of money
associated with terrorist networks and illicit trafficking, but the
opportunities for tracking and degrading illicit financing flows are
not yet matched by the effort and resources devoted to them.
Identifying and disrupting key individuals, entities, and facilitation
routes enabling the flow of money that supports terrorism, production
of IEDs, narco-trafficking, proliferation, and other significant
national security threats could have an outsized impact on confronting
these threats.
What are your views on the role of DOD in counter threat finance
Answer. Our Nation's adversaries, from drug traffickers to
terrorists or insurgents, rely upon the flow of money to enable their
activities. All available U.S. Government tools should be employed to
track and disrupt the finances that support these groups, and the
Department can bring unique tools to bear. My understanding is that the
Department is not the lead U.S. agency in counter threat finance, but
does work with other departments and agencies, and with partner
nations, to fight our adversaries' ability to access and use global
financial networks. For example, the Department has worked with the
Intelligence Community and other interagency partners to identify and
disrupt our adversaries' finances and remove key sources of insurgent
funding in Afghanistan. I believe the Department should continue to
work with law enforcement agencies to ensure military support is
targeted, tailored, and in line with defense priorities.
Question. Are there opportunities to replicate or improve upon the
network-disruption efforts of groups like the Joint Improvised
Explosive Device Defeat Organization or the Afghanistan Threat Finance
Cell in impacting other facilitation networks?
Answer. My understanding is that the Afghanistan Threat Finance
Cell has been successful at disrupting illicit networks in Afghanistan
through broad interagency cooperation. The Joint Improvised Explosive
Device Defeat Organization's quick reaction and innovation has saved
countless American lives. I believe that the capabilities involved in
network disruption are worth institutionalizing into the Department. If
confirmed, I will work with the Department's senior leadership and the
interagency on this worthy effort.
Question. In your view, how should DOD coordinate and interface
with other key agencies, including the Department of Treasury and the
Intelligence Community, in conducting counter threat finance
Answer. My understanding is that the Department works closely with
the National Intelligence Manager for Threat Finance as well as the
Department of Treasury's Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and
Analysis. The Department also supports other U.S. Government
departments and agencies and with partner nations to deny and disrupt
adversaries' ability to use global licit and illicit financial networks
to affect U.S. interests negatively. I believe the Department should
continue to support law enforcement agencies, the Department of the
Treasury, and the Intelligence Community with unique DOD capabilities,
including planning, intelligence analysis and tools, and the
integration of intelligence into operations.
central america and mexico
Question. During a March 2012 Senate Armed Services Committee
hearing, the Commanders of U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Southern
Command discussed the increasingly dangerous region along the northern
and southern borders of Mexico and the devastating impact transnational
criminal organizations are having on the people and security of
southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. The
United States has increased its assistance in this region, but--to
date--DOD has had only a small role.
What are your views on the threats posed by transnational criminal
organizations in this region?
Answer. It is clear that transnational and domestic criminal
organizations and gangs undermine the security of citizens in many
parts of the Western Hemisphere. The influence of criminal elements has
brought an increase in violence as well as an increase in narcotics and
other illicit trafficking. The root causes of violent crime and
insecurity are also influenced by endemic poverty and lack of economic
opportunity, weak government institutions, and widespread corruption
and impunity. Central America has become one of the most violent
regions in the world, and this can be largely attributed to the
influence of these elements. Criminal influences threaten regional
stability and the fundamental security of an area that lies very close
to the United States. I believe the United States has a clear interest
in helping partner nations strengthen their security institutions
consistent with U.S. values.
Question. What is your assessment of DOD's role and current
activities in Mexico and Central America?
Answer. I have not had a chance to fully assess these issues, but I
am aware that the Department is building defense relations with Mexico
based on mutual interest. I am also aware that the Department has a
wide range of activities and initiatives with partner nations in
Central America, consistent with our values, shared interests and our
partner's capacity. My understanding is that that engagements in both
Mexico and Central America are broadly focused on defense planning and
institutional reform, human rights training, counterdrug support and
humanitarian assistance activities. I believe these roles and
activities are appropriate to support our policies and strategies in
the region, which focus on efforts to strengthen law enforcement,
governance and rule of law institutions, while improving economic and
social conditions that can contribute to insecurity.
Question. What changes, if any, would you propose to DOD's current
role and activities in this region?
Answer. If confirmed, I would need to conduct a thorough review
before being able to propose specific changes to the Department's roles
and activities in this region. In general terms, however, I am
supportive of leveraging the longstanding military-to-military
relationships within the region to ensure our partner nations' defense
institutions are capable and remain responsive to civil authorities,
while being respectful of human rights.
interagency collaboration
Question. The collaboration between U.S. Special Operations Forces,
general purpose forces, and other U.S. Government departments and
agencies has played a significant role in the success of
counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations in recent years.
However, much of this collaboration has been ad hoc in nature.
What do you believe are the most important lessons learned from the
collaborative interagency efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere?
Answer. The importance of unity of effort and action remains one of
the most critical lessons the Nation has learned from its experiences
with counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and stability operations in
Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe that effective interagency
collaboration can greatly improve the U.S. Government's preparedness to
operate effectively in all phases of conflict. If confirmed, I will
prioritize efforts to ensure interagency collaboration is as robust and
effective as possible.
Question. How do you believe these efforts can be improved?
Answer. Interagency collaboration can always be improved. Ensuring
that the U.S. military plans and trains with its civilian counterparts
in other U.S. departments and agencies, and vice-versa, is one way to
increase our unity of effort in the field. We also need a strong
interagency planning process to ensure effective use of expertise from
across the U.S. Government that recognizes each department's and
agency's unique role and capabilities. I believe that robust civilian
capabilities and resourcing are critical to achieving national security
objectives and will be vital to the success of future operations.
Question. How can the lessons learned in recent years be captured
in military doctrine and adopted as ``best practices'' for future
contingency operations?
Answer. My understanding is that the Department has a variety of
efforts devoted to capturing and disseminating best practices within
the Department and to the interagency. The importance of
institutionalizing lessons learned from the past 10 years of war was
highlighted in the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance. If confirmed I will
continue this emphasis.
intelligence reform and terrorism prevention act of 2004
Question. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of
2004 (IRTPA), among other actions, realigned the responsibilities for
budgeting for and management of intelligence organizations between the
Secretary of Defense and the head of the Intelligence Community, the
Director of National Intelligence (DNI).
What do you believe is the role of DOD in intelligence under IRTPA?
Answer. The role of DOD, including the defense intelligence
components, is clearly outlined in law. Under titles 10 and 50 of the
U.S.C., the Secretary of Defense has broad responsibility for the
intelligence and intelligence-related activities conducted by the
Department's components. In addition, under title 50, the Secretary has
several specific statutory responsibilities for elements of the
Intelligence Community that are part of DOD, including the Defense
Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the National Reconnaissance Office.
Consistent with the DNI's statutory responsibilities, the Secretary of
Defense is responsible for the continued operation of those elements as
effective organizations within the Department for the conduct of their
missions in order to satisfy the requirements of the Department and the
Intelligence Community.
The Secretary, in consultation with the DNI, is also responsible
for ensuring that the budgets of the Intelligence Community elements
that are within the Department are sufficient to satisfy the overall
intelligence needs of the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
combatant commanders, and other departments and agencies. The Secretary
is also responsible for the timely response of intelligence community
elements within the Department to the needs of operational military
forces. The Department strengthened its management of defense
intelligence in 2002 by designating the Under Secretary of Defense for
Intelligence (USD(I)) as lead for its intelligence reform efforts and
Principal Staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense and
Deputy Secretary of Defense regarding intelligence, counterintelligence
(CI), and security matters.
As a former member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
and the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, I have seen first-hand
how the Intelligence Community and all its elements have become better
integrated and cooperative and, if confirmed as Secretary of Defense, I
look forward to furthering that cooperation.
Question. Do you believe that the IRTPA strikes the correct balance
between the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary and the DNI?
Answer. Yes. I believe the duties and responsibilities of the
Secretary and the DNI are well balanced under the IRTPA. The IRTPA
appropriately provided the DNI strong authority to oversee and direct
the implementation of the National Intelligence Program. As such, the
DNI is responsible for establishing requirements and developing budgets
as well as setting objectives and priorities for collection, analysis,
production, and dissemination of national intelligence. The
responsibility for execution of DOD intelligence activities remains
with the Secretary. The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
also holds the position of the Director of Defense Intelligence in the
Office of the DNI; the position was established to enhance integration,
collaboration, and information sharing. If confirmed as Secretary of
Defense, I will reinforce this strong and effective relationship with
the DNI.
Question. What changes in the IRTPA, if any, would you recommend
that Congress consider?
Answer. As of now, I would not recommend any changes to the IRTPA.
If confirmed, I would address any proposed changes should the need
strategic reviews
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the DOD
processes for analysis, decisionmaking, and reporting results for each
of the following strategic reviews:
The QDR (section 118 of title 10, United States Code);
Answer. The QDR is statutorily required, and sets a long-term
course for the Department by assessing the opportunities and challenges
that the Nation faces in the emerging global security environment. It
provides an important opportunity to clearly and concisely articulate
the national defense strategy and identify priorities for defense
policy and force planning. Given the new defense strategy and the
fiscal challenges the Nation is facing, I believe the upcoming QDR will
be critical in setting the future path of the Department.
Question. The National Military Strategy (section 153 of title 10,
United States Code);
Answer. The National Military Strategy outlines the ways and means
for our military to ensure national security based on guidance from the
National Security Strategy and the QDR. Section 153 of title 10 of the
U.S. Code requires the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to assist
the President and Secretary of Defense in providing strategic direction
for the Armed Forces. Because the Chairman prepares the National
Military Strategy in consultation with the combatant commanders and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, I believe that it is the best military advice
available for the Secretary of Defense. The Chairman also provides an
annual risk assessment based upon the most current National Military
Question. Global Defense Posture Review (section 2687a of title 10,
United States Code);
Answer. My understanding is that the Department continuously
reviews U.S. Global Defense Posture based in part on combatant command
submissions of annual Theater Posture Plans. The Department has an
executive-level oversight body, the Global Posture Executive Council
(GPEC), composed of senior leaders from across the Department and
including the Department of State. This body provides analysis and
recommendations to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense. The
Department submits an annual report to Congress that provides an
overview of global defense posture strategy and the status of key
overseas posture realignment actions. My assessment, at this time, is
that the GPEC offers an appropriate forum for comprehensive analysis of
key overseas posture issues.
Question. The Quadrennial Roles and Missions (QRM) Review (section
118b of title 10, United States Code).
Answer. The QRM review is a statutorily required review of the
roles and missions of the Armed Forces and the Department's core
competencies and capabilities to perform and support these missions. My
understanding is that the QRM is required every 4 years, most recently
in 2012, and accordingly will be due again in 2016 submitted with or
before the President's budget submission for the next fiscal year. I
believe that the next few years will be very dynamic--both in world
events and how our military can and should respond--and that the next
QRM review will be very important to capturing the consequences of
those changes.
Question. If confirmed, what recommendations would you make, if
any, to change title 10, U.S.C., and to improve DOD's processes for
analysis, policy formulation, and decisionmaking relative to each
review above?
Answer. Based on my current understanding, at this time I would not
request any changes to title 10, U.S.C. If confirmed and after
reviewing Department processes relating to each review, I will make
recommendations to Congress and the White House accordingly.
Question. The QDR must examine the National Security Strategy as
most recently updated by the President's January 2012 Defense Strategic
Guidance (DSG). Noteworthy, the DSG states that the ``tide of war is
Do you agree with that assessment and, if so, how might that
influence your analysis and recommendations with regard to strategic
priorities in the QDR?
Answer. I agree that, with the drawdown of the war in Iraq and
transition of security responsibilities in Afghanistan, our future
security challenges will be defined less by the wars of the past decade
and more by emerging complex threats. The Department remains committed
to security in Afghanistan and Iraq, and our counterterrorism mission
will remain a priority for the foreseeable future, but the Department
needs to begin focusing on the mix of skills and capabilities and new
technologies that will be needed in the future. The QDR should,
therefore, examine the current and future security environment, to
include changes since the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance was released,
and adjust strategic priorities as appropriate.
Question. Section 118 in title 10, U.S.C. also requires the QDR to
identify the budget plan that would be required to provide sufficient
resources to execute successfully the full range of missions called for
in that national defense strategy at a low-to-moderate level of risk,
and any additional resources (beyond those programmed in the current
Future Years Defense Program) required to achieve such a level of risk.
The law also requires the QDR to make recommendations that are not
constrained to comply with and are fully independent of the budget
submitted to Congress by the President.
If confirmed, how would you propose to structure the Department's
QDR analysis and recommendations to address these two requirements?
Answer. It would be my intent, if confirmed, to oversee a QDR
process that begins with an assessment of U.S. interests,
opportunities, and challenges, and concludes with the development of a
defense program and budget designed to meet the resulting defense
objectives we set at a low-to-moderate level of risk. If confirmed, I
would intend to provide my honest appraisal of the resources required
for defense.
Question. In your view, is there analytical and/or practical value
in a defense strategy that is unconstrained by or independent of the
current budget request or fiscal environment?
Answer. I think we must be aware of the fiscal environment when
determining our defense strategy just as the strategy is informed by
other important environmental factors, such as trends in military
technology. That strategy must ensure that the U.S. military is be
capable of meeting crucial national security priorities across the
range of current and future potential threats.
tactical fighter programs
Question. Perhaps the largest modernization effort that we will
face over the next several years is the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)
program to modernize our tactical aviation forces with fifth generation
tactical aircraft equipped with stealth technology.
Based on current and projected threats, what are your views on the
requirements for and timing of these programs?
Answer. Dominance in the air is essential to the success of our
forces. I understand that the F-35, which will replace several older
generation aircraft in the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, is
intended to provide that dominance well into the future. I have not
looked at the projected threats in detail; however I believe that other
nations, notably China and Russia, have programs to build advanced
aircraft that will challenge our current capabilities in the coming
years. My view is that we cannot let any other nation achieve parity
with the United States in the ability to control the air.
Question. What is your assessment of whether the restructuring of
the JSF program that we have seen over the past several years will be
sufficient to avoid having to make major adjustments in ether cost or
schedule in the future?
Answer. I know that the Joint Strike Fighter is the Department's
largest acquisition program and that it has experienced significant
cost increases and schedule slips. I understand that the Department has
already taken steps to tighten the contract terms for the F-35 and
restructured the program in 2012 to reduce concurrency, the risk of
being in production before development is finished. I have not had the
opportunity to review this program or its restructuring in detail. If
confirmed, I will make it a high priority to examine the health of this
program to determine if it is on a sound footing and ensure the
aircraft are delivered with the capability we need and a cost we can
navy shipbuilding
Question. Today's Navy is at its smallest size in decades and could
decline further without additional shipbuilding efforts. Over the past
several years, successive Chiefs of Naval Operations (CNOs) have
concluded that the Navy requires a fleet of at least 313 ships to
perform its mission. Despite this conclusion, the President's budget
request for fiscal year 2013 proposed the decommissioning of nine
ships--two dock landing ships and seven cruisers designed to last
another 10 to 15 years, in order to address defense budget constraints
and growing operating costs. Congress rejected the proposal noting the
Navy's initial investment of $11.6 billion in the nine ships and the
fact that cutting them creates unnecessary and unaffordable future
shipbuilding requirements.
What are your views regarding the CNO's conclusions about the
appropriate size and composition of the fleet, and the adequacy of the
Navy's current and projected plans to deliver that inventory of ships?
Answer. A strong and capable Navy is essential to meet our Nation's
strategic requirements across the spectrum of operational demands.
Therefore, the Navy needs a broad set of capabilities among the mix of
ships in its inventory. I understand the Chief of Naval Operations is
currently analyzing the Navy shipbuilding goal and will present his
analysis shortly. If confirmed, I will review these recommendations for
the Navy's current shipbuilding plan and work with the Navy to ensure
we have the right size, mix, and usage of our naval forces to meet our
strategic goals.
Question. In your opinion, how important is the requirement for a
313 ship fleet on the ability of the Navy to support the national
military strategy?
Answer. I understand that the Navy's presently stated requirement
is for a 313 ship fleet, but I do not yet know all the details of the
mix and capabilities of our present and future fleet. I do know the
United States requires a capable Navy that is robust enough to execute
the full range of missions called upon by our combatant commanders in
support of the National Security Strategy and Defense Strategic
Guidance--including operating persistently across the globe, securing
freedom of access, responding to crises, and projecting power into
denied areas. If confirmed, I will work with the Navy and Congress to
ensure naval forces are appropriately structured to meet our national
defense needs.
Question. Do you believe the Navy can meet its goals for the size
of the fleet in the current budget climate?
Answer. I believe the President's budget request for fiscal year
2013 allowed the Navy to meet its current plan for the size of the
fleet. However, the budget environment that we all are dealing with has
introduced a good deal of uncertainty for the future of each of the
armed services. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary of the
Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations to understand the impact of
budget levels on the size of the fleet and how we work within the
budget constraints to still meet mission requirements.
aircraft carriers
Question. DOD has repeatedly reaffirmed that the United States is
committed to maintaining a fleet of 11 nuclear powered aircraft
carriers despite budget pressures, and maintaining 2 carriers on patrol
in the Middle East. Yet, recent press accounts cite concerns by the
Navy to maintain the carrier deployment schedule due to declining
budgets. The Chief of Naval Operations recently stated ``Right now, we
are committed to providing two carrier strike groups in the Arabian
Gulf through March. We've been doing this since 2010, and we're
committed to that, as I said, through this March. We need to take a
look at that, and we will be, with the Joint Staff and the Services to
see if we need to continue this.''
What is your view of the impact of maintaining two carriers in the
Arabian Gulf on U.S. strategic goals in the region?
Answer. The Carrier Strike Group is a premier instrument supporting
the warfighter and demonstrating U.S. resolve and commitment to allies
around the world. In recent years the Navy has stepped up to meet
increased demands to support operations in the Middle East, as well as
to counter other tensions in the region. This support has been critical
to our goals in the region. If confirmed, I will work with the Navy to
ensure that we allocate our resources to ensure the level of presence
necessary to meet our Nation's world-wide strategic goals.
Question. What are your views about the requirement to maintain a
fleet of 11 aircraft carriers?
Answer. I understand that the Department's recent strategic reviews
indicate that an 11-carrier force is the correct size to support our
current strategy and provide sufficient carrier strike groups to meet
overseas presence requirements. However, I also understand that
increased combatant commander demands for carrier strike groups over
the past 3 years have stressed the carrier force. Carriers are an
essential tool given the strategic focus on the Asia-Pacific, an
inherently maritime theater, and the Middle East, an increasingly
maritime theater, and the requirement to conduct operations in multiple
regions simultaneously. If confirmed, I will work with the Navy to
ensure that we resource a sustainable level of presence that continues
to support the strategic goals.
future role of the army
Question. In a speech at West Point in February 2011, former
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates argued that it is unlikely that the
Nation will commit large land forces to future conflicts, and that the
Army must ``confront the reality that the most plausible, high-end
scenarios for the U.S. military [will be] primarily naval and air
engagements.'' Accordingly, the Army will find it difficult to justify
the number, size, and cost of its heavy forces. The Defense Strategic
Guidance, announced in January 2012, echoed that prediction and
indicated that ground forces would not be sized to conduct large scale
long-term stabilization operations.
Do you agree with Secretary Gates assertion that the commitment of
land forces, on the scale of Iraq or Afghanistan, is unlikely in the
future? Why or why not?
Answer. We will continue to need the best Army in the world. But
the best Army does not mean the largest. We must have the Army be
appropriately sized for the contingencies we deem likely, and it also
must be trained and modernized. Our forces must be able to conduct
operations across the spectrum of conflict and adapt to the security
environment as it changes. However, given that we must make choices in
today's fiscal and security environment, I agree that large-scale,
long-term stabilization operations is an area where we can take risk in
the future.
Question. Do you agree that high-end military operations will
primarily be naval and air engagements such that the Army will have
difficulty justifying the size, structure, and cost of its heavy
Answer. The Nation needs a robust balance of capabilities in each
of the warfighting domains--air, sea, and ground. These capabilities
can and should be complementary of one another--capabilities in one
domain need not come at the expense of those in another. Furthermore, I
know from my experience that war is an inherently human endeavor. As
long as this nation faces adversaries with large, capable ground
forces, the United States will need an Army with diverse and flexible
capabilities, which include heavy forces.
Question. General Raymond Odierno, Chief of Staff of the Army, has
stated that the Army will continue to be an indispensable part of the
joint force and that there is a synergy that is gained of all the
services in order for the military to meet the Nation's needs. He has
also said the Army provides more than Brigade Combat Teams--the Army is
the largest contributor to Special Operations Forces and it provides a
broad range of essential services to combatant commanders to include
ISR; air and missile defense; logistical support; and signal
communication support.
In your view, what are the most important considerations or
criteria for aligning the Army's size, structure, and cost with
strategy and resources?
Answer. The most important considerations are our national security
requirements. Our security environment and strategy requires the Army
to have the appropriate size and structure to be able to support
steady-state operations to shape the environment and deter potential
adversaries, while simultaneously supporting contingency operations to
defeat any potential adversary should deterrence fail.
Question. If confirmed, what actions, if any, would you propose to
properly align the Army's size and structure with the requirements of
security strategies and the likely availability of resources?
Answer. The Department should align the Army's size and structure
to the strategy in the same way it would align those of any other
component of the joint force: based on appropriate security scenarios,
examining the demands of the missions that are most relevant to that
component and then determining how best to provide the capabilities
required to accomplish those missions. During this period of budget
austerity, some tradeoffs across the force may be necessary. If
confirmed, I will work closely with military and civilian leaders to
balance maintaining the skills needed to meet our most pressing
national security demands within the limits of acceptable risk.
army force structure
Question. The Defense Strategic Guidance of January 2012 calls for
the reduction of Army end strength and force structure over the next 5
years to 490,000 personnel and 8 fewer combat brigades. Army analysis
underway and decisions still pending could add a third maneuver
battalion to the modular armored and infantry brigades requiring a
further reduction in the total number of Active component brigades to
support such a redistribution of personnel.
If confirmed, what guidance would you give the Army regarding
priorities for planning, decisions, and execution with respect to the
identification and deactivation of the planned eight and anticipated
additional brigade deactivations?
Answer. If confirmed, I would provide the same guidance I would
give to any Service, which would be to figure out what is in the best
interest of the Nation's security as expressed in the National Security
Strategy and Defense Strategic Guidance. The Army, and the other
Services, must use a holistic approach to ensure our forces are
organized, manned, trained, equipped, and stationed to best incorporate
the lessons of the last decade, while remaining ready for the kinds of
challenges we will face in the future.
Question. If confirmed, will you prioritize for deactivation those
brigades based overseas before those based in the United States?
Answer. If confirmed, I would prioritize the selection of brigades
for deactivation based on how best to meet the Nation's global strategy
and objectives while minimizing negative impact on Army families and
communities and ensuring we maintain our treaty obligations and
commitment to our allies. I cannot say now whether that results in
prioritizing overseas units versus U.S.-based units, but, if confirmed,
I will look comprehensively at this issue. I recognize that any force
structure reduction will affect Army communities, and I expect that the
Army and DOD will work with those communities to help minimize the
Question. In your view, can the Army's Active component end
strength be drawn down below the announced and planned reduction to
490,000? If so, what in your view would be the impact on strategic
risk, if any, and, in your view would that strategic risk be acceptable
or unacceptable?
Answer. Independent of size, we must maintain the best Army in the
world. If fiscal pressures compel us to consider further reductions of
any Service, I plan to study tradeoffs and fully understand the risks
to our strategy before recommending further cuts. But the size of the
force should be driven by mission requirements.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the current
size and structure of the Army's Reserve component? If confirmed, what
size or force structure changes, if any, would you propose for either
the Army Reserve or the Army National Guard?
Answer. The Active and Reserve components of the Army, as parts of
the entire force, must be sized and shaped to support our strategy. One
of the foundations of the All-Volunteer Force is the Army National
Guard with the critical capabilities it provides to the Governors and
States, in addition to the tremendous support that it provides for
Federal missions at home and abroad. Another foundation is the Army
Reserve, which has been a key partner with the Active Army and the Army
National Guard throughout many diverse missions. However, as the needs
of the Nation change, I expect that the capabilities and capacities
resident in the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve may also have
to change. If confirmed, I will review the results of ongoing studies
on recommended composition and size before I propose future changes to
Reserve component end strength.
army modernization
Question. According to a recent study done for the Secretary of the
Army by former Assistant Secretary of the Army Gilbert Decker and
retired Army General Louis Wagner, the Army has sunk $3.3 billion to
$3.8 billion annually since 2004 into weapons programs that have been
cancelled. The report states that, ``The Army lacks a credible,
quantitative model and process for determining realistic, achievable
requirements for modernization and recapitalization given reduced
budgets.'' The Army has implemented many of the recommendations made in
the report.
What is your assessment of the Army's modernization record?
Answer. I understand that the Army has terminated several large
acquisition programs in the past, which gave rise to the study
commissioned by Secretary McHugh in 2010. These program terminations
were caused by a variety of factors, to include the Army's reliance on
immature technologies as solutions to very complex and evolving
military requirements. These factors significantly impacted program
cost and delivery schedule. I understand that the Army has undertaken
efforts to address the root causes of these prior terminations in
current and future acquisition programs. If confirmed, I will emphasize
the need for sound, cost-informed planning regarding the Army's
acquisition efforts and work with the Army to continue to address these
root causes.
Question. What actions, if any, would you take to ensure that the
Army achieves a genuinely stable modernization strategy and program?
Answer. If confirmed, I will closely monitor and oversee the Army's
acquisition efforts to ensure that stable and affordable modernization
strategies are adopted and implemented. To this end, I will emphasize
the need for Army acquisition programs that incorporate sound and
realistic development strategies, affordable and technically feasible
requirements, and--to the fullest extent practicable--adequate and
stable resources. I understand that these are necessary ingredients for
success in acquisition programs.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment, if any, of the
Army's capabilities portfolio review process and its current
modernization priorities and investment strategy?
Answer. It would be premature for me to currently assess the Army's
specific processes for reviewing military requirements or setting
modernization priorities. I understand that the Capability Portfolio
Reviews are designed to provide a comprehensive examination of Army
requirements in an effort to validate their operational value and
inform the programming and budgeting processes. This holistic approach
makes sense to me, but if confirmed, I will work with Army leadership
to review their processes.
Question. What actions, if any, would you take to sustain the
momentum of these reviews in stabilizing the Army's modernization
strategy and priorities?
Answer. If confirmed, I would encourage and support the Army to
take any necessary steps to properly define its equipment modernization
requirements and priorities. I would closely monitor the outcome of
these processes and support the Army's implementation of a successful
modernization strategy.
Question. What is your assessment of the Army's implementation of
the recommendations of the Decker-Wagner Acquisition Report?
Answer. I understand that the actions to implement the approved
recommendations in the 2010 report commissioned by Secretary McHugh are
either complete or underway. If confirmed, I will review the Army's
implementation of the recommendations and work to ensure that they are
reflected in ongoing and future modernization efforts.
unfunded priorities
Question. What is your position on allowing the Service Chiefs to
respond to Congress with a list of critical unfunded priorities not
included in the President's budget request?
Answer. If confirmed, I plan to continue the Department's current
policy whereby the Service Chiefs may communicate their unfunded
requirements directly to Congress, once they have informed me of those
ballistic missile defense
Question. In September 2009, President Obama announced that he had
accepted the unanimous recommendation of the Secretary of Defense and
the Joint Chiefs of Staff to pursue a Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) to
missile defense in Europe. This approach is intended to defend all of
Europe against existing and emerging threats from Iranian missiles,
starting in 2011 and increasing in capability with each of its four
phases. Phase 4 of the European PAA is intended to provide a capability
to defend against long-range missiles that could reach the United
States, thus augmenting the existing Homeland missile defense
Do you support the Phased Adaptive Approach to missile defense in
Europe and, if confirmed, will you implement it?
Answer. Yes. I support the European Phased Adaptive Approach
(EPAA). If confirmed, I will ensure the Department continues to support
implementation of EPAA.
Question. In February 2010, the Defense Department issued its
report on the first-ever comprehensive review of U.S. ballistic missile
defense policy and strategy, the Ballistic Missile Defense Review
(BMDR), as required by Congress. The BMDR established a number of
policy priorities, including establishing defense against near-term
regional missile threats as a top priority of missile defense plans,
programs and capabilities. It also stated the policy of sustaining and
enhancing the ability of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system to
defend the homeland against attack by a small number of long-range
missiles by countries such as North Korea and Iran, and of hedging
against future uncertainties.
Do you support the policies, strategies, and priorities set forth
in the Ballistic Missile Defense Review and, if confirmed, will you
implement them?
Answer. Yes. I support the administration's policies, strategies,
and priorities as set forth in this review, and, if confirmed, I will
implement them.
Question. The two most recent flight tests of the Ground-based
Midcourse Defense (GMD) system failed to intercept their targets. The
Missile Defense Agency (MDA) formed a Failure Review Board to determine
the root cause of the failure and developed a plan to correct it,
including flight tests to confirm the correction. Until the flight
tests confirm the correction, MDA has suspended production of the Exo-
atmospheric Kill Vehicles (EKVs) of the type that failed in the
previous flight tests, in order to ensure that those EKVs do not
contain a flaw that would need to be corrected later.
Do you agree that it is a high priority to correct the failure of
the GMD system kill vehicle and demonstrate through flight testing that
the system works as intended?
Answer. I'm not familiar with the technical details associated with
these flight test failures, but in general I would agree that for any
system, but especially for a national missile defense system, it is
important to correct failures and demonstrate effectiveness as quickly
as possible.
Question. Do you agree that it is prudent to verify that the flight
test failure problem has been corrected before resuming production of
additional EKVs?
Answer. I am not in a position to express a technical opinion on
the right course of action, but in general it would seem prudent to
demonstrate system effectiveness before committing to production. This
is in line with the administration's principle of ``fly before you
Question. Do you support the continued enhancement and sustainment
of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system?
Answer. I very strongly believe that we should sustain and enhance
our national missile defense to protect the Nation from limited ICBM
attack by states like North Korea and Iran.
Question. Do you support the modernization of the Exo-atmospheric
Kill Vehicle, which is based on 20-year-old technology?
Answer. Yes. I understand that the Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle
(EKV) is a key component of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System
that we rely on to protect the United States.
Question. Would you agree to study the feasibility, advisability,
cost, and potential advantage of deploying additional ground based
interceptors in the United States, including at a site located on the
east coast of the United States?
Answer. I understand that such a study is required by the NDAA and,
if confirmed, I will ensure the Department executes the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2013 direction to analyze potential locations for another
continental United States (CONUS)-based missile defense site and to
conduct environmental impact surveys.
Question. The United States and NATO are seeking options to
cooperate with Russia on missile defense. President Obama has announced
that such cooperation would not limit U.S. or NATO missile defense
Do you agree that such cooperation could enhance the security of
the United States, NATO, and Russia against common missile threats from
nations such as Iran?
Answer. Yes. I agree that missile defense cooperation with Russia
has the potential to enhance the security of the United States, NATO,
and Russia. I also agree with President Obama's commitment to ensure
that such cooperation will not limit U.S. or NATO missile defense
Question. Do you agree that, irrespective of Russian objections,
the United States is committed to the continued development and
deployment of U.S. missile defense systems, including qualitative and
quantitative improvements to such systems, to defend the homeland, our
forward-deployed troops, and allies and partners overseas?
Answer. I agree that the United States is committed to continue to
develop and deploy missile defenses, including qualitative and
quantitative improvements consistent with the Ballistic Missile Defense
Review. The President is on record as saying, and I agree, that the
United States cannot accept limits on its BMD systems or expose
information that would put our missile defense systems at risk. The
President has made clear the need to ensure our missile defense systems
are capable of defeating the most likely threat we face from North
Korean and Iranian missiles. It makes sense to explore approaches to
missile defense cooperation that improve transparency and reassure
Russia that the U.S. missile defense system does not undermine Russia's
strategic deterrent.
Question. China's test of an anti-satellite weapon in 2007 was a
turning point for the United States in its policies and procedure to
ensure access to space. As a nation heavily dependent on space assets
for both military and economic advantage, protection of space assets
became a U.S. national priority.
Do you agree that space situational awareness and protection of
space assets should be a national security priority?
Answer. Yes. Space situational awareness is foundational to all
space activities, and enables the United States to maintain the
strategic advantages we derive from space-based capabilities.
Question. In your view, should China's continued development of
space systems inform U.S. space policy and programs?
Answer. Yes. U.S. space policies and programs should be informed by
China's continued development of space systems, including its
multidimensional counterspace program, as well as by the range of other
actors that make the space environment increasingly congested,
contested, and competitive.
Question. If confirmed, would you propose any changes to national
security space policy and programs?
Answer. At this time, I am unaware of any necessary changes and if
confirmed, I would plan to continue to implement the President's 2010
National Space Policy and the 2011 National Security Space Strategy. If
I find need for changes in the future, I would propose them.
Question. Do you support the space code of conduct as a non-binding
agreement among nations that utilize outer space?
Answer. Yes. An international code of conduct for space
activities--a non-binding arrangement among nations that utilize
space--would enhance our national security by helping to maintain the
long-term sustainability, safety, stability, and security of space. As
more countries and companies field space capabilities, a code could
encourage responsible behavior and single out those who would act
otherwise, while reducing the risk of mishaps, misperceptions, and
Question. If confirmed, would you commit to reviewing the overall
management and coordination of the national security space enterprise?
Answer. I understand that there has been a recent reorganization of
the management and coordination of the national security space
enterprise, including the establishment of the Defense Space Council,
and the confirmation of the Secretary of the Air Force as the Executive
Agent for Space. This reorganization has resulted in improvements in
information flow across the Department and among U.S. departments and
agencies, and has also improved the process for acquisition and policy
decisions. If confirmed, I will commit to review this reorganization to
ensure continued progress.
Question. What is your view on weapons in space?
Answer. If confirmed, I would continue to implement the 2011
National Security Space Strategy, which states that ``it is in the
interests of all space-faring nations to avoid hostilities in space,''
and the President's 2010 National Space Policy, which states that ``all
nations have the right to explore and use space for peaceful
purposes.'' The National Space Policy also directs the Secretary of
Defense to develop capabilities, plans and options to deter, defend
against, and, if necessary, defeat efforts to interfere with or attack
U.S. or allied space systems.
Question. The administration is proposing to free up 500 MHz of
spectrum for broadband use, a candidate portion of which includes the
band 1755-1850 MHz, which is used heavily by DOD and other national
security agencies.
Do you support this initiative?
Answer. I fully support the national economic and security goals of
the President's 500 MHz initiative to make spectrum available for
commercial broadband use, the implementation of more effective and
efficient use of limited radio-frequency spectrum and the development
of solutions to meet these goals.
Question. Do you support section 1602 of Public Law 106-65, which
requires the Secretaries of Commerce and Defense and the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff to certify that any alternative band or bands
to be substituted for spectrum currently used by DOD and other national
security agencies provide ``comparable technical characteristics to
restore essential military capability that will be lost as a result of
the band of frequencies to be so surrendered''?
Answer. I fully support section 1602 of Public Law 106-65. This
provision is absolutely critical to protecting and maintaining our
warfighting capabilities. This statutory requirement is intended to
ensure the Department is provided access to alternate spectrum before
surrendering any spectrum critical for national security capabilities.
Any spectrum reallocations and auctions should provide sufficient time
for evaluation and certification of such alternate spectrum so that
national security operations are not put at risk.
Question. If confirmed, how do you intend to comply with section
1602 in light of the 500 MHz initiative?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure the Department continues to
conduct operational and cost-feasibility analysis to guarantee that
spectrum-dependent national security capabilities are preserved, while
supporting the economic benefits spectrum provides to our Nation.
Question. Do you intend to insist that DOD be compensated fully for
the cost of relocating, if required to do so?
Answer. Yes. In order to relocate national security capabilities
that rely on spectrum, while maintaining mission effectiveness, the
Department must have alternate spectrum with comparable technical
characteristics, full cost reimbursement for modifying complex weapons
systems, and adequate time to make the transition.
Question. How do you propose the Department make more efficient use
of communications spectrum through leasing of commercial satellites?
Answer. I understand that both the National Security Space Strategy
and the Department of Defense Space Policy indicate that the Department
will make use of commercial systems to the maximum extent practicable.
I am not familiar with all the details, but will review this more
thoroughly, if confirmed.
Question. Do you support more competition in the launch of DOD
Answer. Yes. in general I favor competition in contracting--to
include new competitors that can meet certification standards.
Question. If confirmed, what steps will you take to encourage new
entrants to the medium and heavy lift launch of DOD payloads while
balancing affordability, mission assurance, and maintaining the
viability of the existing launch provider?
Answer. I understand that the Department has developed criteria to
certify new space launch vehicles capable of reliably launching
national security satellites and will openly compete up to 14 space
launches in the next 5 years, while guaranteeing the existing launch
provider at least 28 launches.
Question. Do you support commercial hosting of DOD payloads and if
so how?
Answer. Hosted payloads are one of the ways to enhance resilience
and assure space capabilities in the congested, contested, and
competitive space environment. If confirmed, I would support innovative
approaches to improve the national security benefits we derive from
space in a budget-constrained environment, including through the use of
hosted payloads.
Question. What is your long-term vision and support for the Space-
Based Infrared Sensing System (SBIRS)?
Answer. I understand that the SBIRS provides advanced early warning
of hostile missile threats, allowing our warfighters to take swift and
precise action. If confirmed, I would support the Department's
continued efforts to define the future architecture necessary to
provide early warning.
Question. Do you support splitting the systems sensors up to lower
overall cost of the system?
Answer. I understand that the Department of Defense Space Policy
requires the consideration of resilience in space architecture
development. Splitting space sensors may be one way to achieve
resilience. If confirmed, I will look at options for improving
resilience in this system.
strategic systems
Question. Over the next 5 years DOD will begin to replace or begin
studies to replace all of the strategic delivery systems. For the next
15 plus years, DOD will also have to sustain the current strategic
nuclear enterprise. This will be a very expensive undertaking.
Do you support the President's intent, stated in his message to the
Senate on the New START treaty (February 2, 2011), to modernize or
replace the triad of strategic nuclear delivery systems?
Answer. I support the President's commitment to a safe, secure, and
effective nuclear deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist. I believe
that providing necessary resources for nuclear modernization of the
Triad should be a national priority. I understand the Department is
currently modernizing, replacing, or studying recapitalization options
for each leg of the Triad.
Question. Do you have any concerns about the ability of the
Department to afford the costs of nuclear systems modernization while
meeting the rest of the DOD commitments?
Answer. I am not able to make a judgment on this at this time;
however, if confirmed, I will assess the costs to ensure that we
protect critically important nuclear systems modernization while
meeting other defense commitments. We must continue to aggressively
scrutinize each of our programs to ensure we maintain critical
capabilities in a fiscally responsible manner.
Question. The Department is committed to modernizing our nuclear
command and control system, do you support that commitment?
Answer. I do. An effective, reliable Nuclear Command, Control, and
Communication (NC3) system is a vital component of a safe, secure, and
effective nuclear deterrent. NC3 systems provide the President
redundant and assured capability to execute U.S. nuclear forces under
any scenario and are a critical element in ensuring crisis stability
and deterrence.
u.s. cyber command personnel requirements
Question. The Commander of U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) in
conjunction with the Chiefs of the Military Services and other elements
of DOD, is now seriously engaged in defining the numbers and
qualifications of personnel required to conduct the offensive,
defensive, and intelligence missions of the Command in support of the
combatant commands and the defense of the Nation in cyberspace.
Preliminary indications are that the numbers of exceptionally qualified
operators are going to be substantial. Secretary Panetta committed to
report to the Committee on Armed Services as early as possible this
year how the Department would address these serious manpower and
training requirements.
Do you believe that the strategy, operational concepts, and
operational assumptions that underpin CYBERCOM's force planning have
received sufficient critical scrutiny and analysis?
Answer. I understand that the Department's leadership has invested
significant effort analyzing the threat, reviewing the force planning
model, and is currently addressing how to implement the proposed model.
If confirmed, I will review this analysis and implementation plan.
Question. Can the Military Services' current personnel systems and
practices produce and sustain the number of highly qualified cyber
operators that CYBERCOM believes are required, especially in light of
end strength reductions and declining budgets?
Answer. Recruiting, training, and retaining military and civilian
personnel needed for cyber operations will be a challenge. This is a
high priority area for the Department with regard to investment of both
resources and management oversight and, if confirmed, I will review
these systems and practices.
Question. Should consideration be given to providing the Commander
of CYBERCOM personnel authorities similar to those granted to the
Commander of SOCOM?
Answer. If confirmed, I will seek the advice of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and senior civilian staff of the Department before recommending
any additional authorities for CYBERCOM.
cyber deterrence
Question. Do you believe we are deterring and dissuading our
adversaries in cyberspace?
Answer. At this time, it appears that the United States has
successfully deterred major cyber attacks. I expect that deterring and,
if necessary, defeating such attacks will be a continued key challenge.
If confirmed I intend to ensure that the Department provides strong
support to our national efforts in this area.
u.s. cyber command status
Question. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has recommended
that U.S. CYBERCOM be elevated from a sub-unified to a full unified
command. The NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 includes a Sense of the Congress
resolution calling for consultation with Congress before a Presidential
decision is made to make CYBERCOM a unified command, and asking for
consideration of a number of issues associated with such a decision.
Do you believe it would be advisable to consult with Congress prior
to making a decision to elevate CYBERCOM to a unified command?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will ensure consultation with
Question. As the current Commander of the sub-unified CYBERCOM is
dual-hatted as the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), what
are your views on the wisdom of having an intelligence officer serve as
a unified combatant commander, rather than a line officer with broad
training and command experience?
Answer. My sense is that dual-hatting the commander of CYBERCOM and
the Director of NSA has worked well to date. However, if confirmed, I
will review specifics of the dual-hatted relationship and assess
whether it should continue in the future. I recognize that NSA support
is critical to CYBERCOM's mission given the technical capabilities
required to operate in cyberspace. In addition, I recognize that the
CYBERCOM commander requires significant understanding of the
intelligence community's capabilities and processes to execute his or
her missions effectively. However, I am also aware of concerns about
the dual-hatted relationship and, if confirmed, will carefully consider
these concerns.
Question. Do you believe that CYBERCOM is mature enough to become a
unified command, and that policy, strategy, operational planning, and
rules of engagement to govern operations in cyberspace are sufficiently
developed to justify this step?
Answer. My understanding is that the Department has made
significant progress since CYBERCOM's creation in 2009. This includes
issuance of a comprehensive strategy for military operations in
cyberspace. In addition, I am told that CYBERCOM is expanding its
integration into the Department's deliberate planning, and that the
Chairman, with the approval of the Secretary of Defense, will issue a
new set of rules of engagement governing all military operations,
including cyber operations, in the near future. If confirmed, I will
evaluate the maturity of the command and will consult closely with the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, combatant commanders, and Congress prior
to any decisions with respect to CYBERCOM.
china's aggressive theft of u.s. intellectual property
Question. A recent report by the National Counterintelligence
Executive confirmed the widespread belief that China is engaged in a
massive campaign to steal technology, other forms of intellectual
property, and business and trade information from the United States
through cyberspace. The current Commander of CYBERCOM has referred to
this as the greatest transfer of wealth in history and, along with
others, believes this is a serious national security issue.
Do you believe that China's aggressive and massive theft of
technology in cyberspace is a threat to national security and economic
Answer. I believe that the theft of intellectual property and other
sensitive information threatens the United States' military advantage
and economic prosperity. If confirmed, I will work within the
Department and with other departments and agencies to address this
Question. What steps, if any, do you believe are needed to deter
China from such activities in the future?
Answer. I am not in a position to recommend specific policies,
guidance, or changes to authorities at this time. I understand that the
Department is enhancing its cyber defense programs and those of certain
defense industrial base networks, as well as improving its ability to
identify the origins of intrusion. If confirmed, I will consider what
diplomatic and public engagement as well as other actions that should
be taken to address this challenge.
dod's role in defending the nation from cyber attack
Question. What is your understanding of the role of DOD in
defending the Nation from an attack in cyberspace? In what ways is this
role distinct from those of the Homeland security and law enforcement
Answer. My understanding is that DHS has the lead for domestic
cybersecurity. Thus, DHS coordinates national protection, prevention,
mitigation, and recovery in significant cyber incidents. The Defense
Department provides technical assistance to DHS when requested. The
Department's role is to provide the military forces needed to deter the
adversary, and if necessary, act to protect the security of the
country. This includes planning against potential threats to our
critical infrastructure, gathering foreign threat intelligence, and
protecting classified networks. I believe that the defense, homeland
security, and law enforcement communities should work together, and
with our private sector partners to improve network defenses, share
information on cyber threats, and ensure swift response to threats when
they manifest themselves.
Question. Do you believe that defending the Homeland mission will
require both offensive and defensive cyber forces and tools?
Answer. If confirmed, this is an area I will review closely. My
current view is that defending the Homeland from cyber attacks should
involve the full range of tools at the disposal of the United States,
including diplomacy and law enforcement as well as any authorized
military operations.
Question. This new mission will require substantial resources,
including personnel. How do you envision generating these additional
resources in the face of reduced budgets and declining end strength?
Answer. The current fiscal situation will force hard choices across
a range of priority missions, including cyber. If confirmed, I will
consult closely with military and civilian leaders in the Department,
the President, and Congress in finding the right balance.
Question. What is your assessment of the military and political
threat posed by Iran?
Answer. Iran poses a significant threat to the United States, our
allies and partners, and our interests in the region and globally. Iran
continues to pursue an illicit nuclear program that threatens to
provoke a regional arms race and undermine the global non-proliferation
regime. Iran is also one of the main state-sponsors of terrorism and
could spark conflict, including against U.S. personnel and interests.
Iran is also actively investing in the development of a range of
conventional capabilities, including air, missile, and naval assets
that have generated regional anxieties and could threaten our interests
and personnel in the region.
Question. What is your assessment of U.S. policy with respect to
Answer. I believe that President Obama has put in place and pursued
effectively--with support from the U.S. Congress--a strong, multi-
vector strategy to deal with the threats that Iran poses to the United
States, particularly its nuclear pursuits. This strategy has included a
strong diplomatic effort to test Iranian intentions, lay the ground
work for an international coalition that holds Tehran accountable for
its transgressions, and isolate Iran in the region and globally. This
strategy has also included the application of smart, unprecedented, and
effective sanctions against the Iranian regime that has sharpened its
choices significantly. Lastly, this strategy has credibly, and smartly
in my opinion, made clear that all options are on the table. I believe
that this strategy has made it clear to Iran that the United States
will do what it must to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,
and I will continue to implement this policy if confirmed.
Question. In your view, what has been the effect of sanctions
against Iran--how effective have they been?
Answer. I believe that the President with significant help from the
U.S. Congress, has been able to bring the world community together to
confront Iran with effective sanctions. As a result of these sanctions,
Iran's financial, trade, and economic outlook has deteriorated
significantly. International financial institutions estimate that
Iran's economy contracted in 2012 for the first time in more than 2
decades. Iran's access to foreign exchange reserves held overseas has
diminished. Additionally, the Iranian currency--the rial--reached an
all-time low in mid-October, losing more than half its value since the
start of 2012. Inflation and unemployment are also growing. As the
economic outlook for Iran continues to worsen and as the U.S. continues
to reinforce our pressure track along with the International Community,
I believe that pressure is building on Iran.
Question. You have said that ``Washington should make clear that
everything is on the table with Tehran--an end to sanctions, diplomatic
recognition, civil nuclear cooperation, investment in Iran's energy
sector, World Bank Loans, World Trade Organization membership, Iraq,
Afghanistan, regional security arrangements, etc.--if Iran abstains
from a nuclear weapons program, ends support for terrorist groups,
recognizes Israel, and engages in more constructive policies in Iraq.''
Do you still hold this view?
Answer. I do believe that if Iran lives up to international
obligations, it should have a path to a more prosperous and productive
relationship with the international community and eventual rejoining of
the community of nations. The other choice is clear as well--if Iran
continues to flout its international obligations, it should continue to
face severe and growing consequences. While there is time and space for
diplomacy, backed by pressure, the window is closing. Iran needs to
demonstrate it is prepared to negotiate seriously.
Question. In March 2012, President Obama said ``when it comes to
preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, I will take no options
off the table, and I mean what I say. That includes all elements of
American power: A political effort aimed at isolating Iran; a
diplomatic effort to sustain our coalition and ensure that the Iranian
program is monitored; an economic effort that imposes crippling
sanctions; and, yes, a military effort to be prepared for any
Do you agree with the President's view that ``all options should be
on the table'' to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon?
Answer. I agree with the President that the United States should
take no options off the table in our efforts to prevent Iran from
acquiring a nuclear weapon. If confirmed, I will focus intently on
ensuring that U.S. military is in fact prepared for any contingency.
countering iran's ballistic missile threats
Question. Iran has hundreds of short- and medium-range ballistic
missiles today that are capable of reaching forward-deployed U.S.
forces, allies, and partner nations in the CENTCOM AOR. The Ballistic
Missile Defense Review Report of February 2010 stated that the United
States intends to pursue a phased and adaptive approach to ballistic
missile defense tailored against such missile threats in various
regions, including the Middle East.
Do you agree that such a phased adaptive approach will provide
CENTCOM with the missile defense capabilities needed to defend our
forward deployed forces and our allies and partners in the region
against Iranian ballistic missile threats?
Answer. While I have not looked into the details of the phased
adaptive approach, I believe this approach includes the appropriate
steps to protect the United States as well as our forces and interests
overseas. If confirmed, I will work to ensure the President continues
to propose a budget sufficient to support our ballistic missile defense
priorities, balanced with competing priorities, and consistent with the
projected capabilities of missile defense systems to deal with the
anticipated threats.
Question. What role do you see for the Aegis Ballistic Missile
Defense system with Standard Missile-3 interceptors in U.S. regional
missile defense capabilities against Iran's ballistic missiles?
Answer. My understanding is that today, U.S. Aegis combatants
equipped with Standard Missile-3s are on station and protecting U.S.
forces, partners, and allies in the Middle East as well as Europe
against Iran's ballistic missiles. My expectation is that this
capability will continue to evolve.
Question. In addition to U.S. missile defense capabilities in the
CENTCOM AOR, what role do you see for other nations in the AOR to
contribute to regional missile defense capabilities, such as UAE's
plans to purchase the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system?
Answer. Recognizing that global demand for BMD will likely exceed
the U.S. supply, it is appropriate for the United States to seek
appropriate burden-sharing arrangements with partners and allies in the
CENTCOM area and other regions. Such arrangements can increase the
quantity of missile defense assets in support of U.S. regional
deterrence and security goals. If confirmed, I will encourage those
contributions to our mutual defense needs.
Question. The Intelligence Community assesses that, with sufficient
foreign assistance, Iran may be technically capable of flight testing
an ICBM capable of reaching the United States by 2015. What should the
United States do to hedge against this possibility?
Answer. I understand that, with the deployed Ground-based Midcourse
Defense system, the United States is currently protected against the
threat of limited ICBM attack from states like Iran and North Korea. As
noted in the 2010 Ballistic Missile Defense Review, it is important
that we maintain this advantageous position by hedging against future
uncertainties. If confirmed, I would continue the current efforts to
prepare options in case the threat changes or if the development of new
technical capabilities is delayed.
u.s.-israel defense cooperation
Question. In recent years, the NDAA has supported close cooperation
and substantial funding for a number of critical missile defense and
rocket defense programs for the state of Israel, including the Arrow
system, the Arrow-3 interceptor, David's Sling, and the Iron Dome
In your view, should the United States continue to support such
joint cooperation and funding for these programs?
Answer. Yes. I am proud of the work that the United States has done
in support of the ballistic missile defense of Israel and, if
confirmed, I will continue to support these efforts. Missile defense is
a core area of U.S.-Israel joint cooperation. The importance of these
efforts came to the forefront with Israel's recent Operation Pillar of
Defense in Gaza. Throughout the 8 days of the operation, Hamas and the
Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched over 1,506 rockets into Israel.
Focusing only on these that posed a real threat to populated areas,
Iron Dome intercepted 421 rockets with an overall intercept rate of
approximately 85 percent--saving the lives of countless Israeli
civilians. This highlights the importance of the work that the United
States is doing with the Israelis on all layers of missile and rocket
defense, and if confirmed, I will work to continue and expand this
dod's cooperative threat reduction (ctr) program
Question. The CTR program is focused on eliminating WMD in the
states of the former Soviet Union and other nations around the world.
Its key objectives include: (1) eliminating strategic nuclear weapons;
(2) improving the security and accounting of nuclear weapons and
weapons-usable fissile material; (3) detecting, eliminating, and
preventing the proliferation of biological and chemical weapons and
capabilities; and (4) encouraging development of capabilities to reduce
proliferation threats. The current CTR umbrella agreement between the
Russian Federation and the United States will expire at the end of May
2013, and it has been reported that the Duma does not support extending
the umbrella as it is currently written at this time.
Do you support extending this umbrella agreement?
Answer. Yes. On December 3, 2012, President Obama said, ``If Russia
believes the CTR agreement hasn't kept pace with the changing
relationship between our countries, we should update it.'' If
confirmed, I will support continuation of the nonproliferation
cooperation with Russia supported by the CTR Umbrella Agreement.
Question. Do you support continued cooperation with the Russian
Federation to eliminate WMD in Russia?
Answer. Yes. U.S. and Russian efforts to secure and eliminate WMD
have made both countries safer, and have proven to be a productive area
of cooperation.
Question. Do you support the use of metrics to assess the progress
of the CTR programs and to ensure individual programs complete their
Answer. Yes. Metrics are an important tool in ensuring efficient
execution of the CTR program.
Question. In your view, are Russia and the former Soviet Union
countries making a significant contribution to efforts to reduce the
proliferation threats they inherited?
Answer. My understanding is that the Russian Federation and several
other states of the Former Soviet Union have contributed in many ways
to reduce threats posed by WMD that they inherited. I understand that
the Department supports these efforts through the CTR program, which
helps secure nuclear materials, destroy chemical weapons, and reduce
the threat from especially dangerous pathogens. Russia and several of
its neighbors also made important contributions to the Nuclear Security
Summits held in Washington and Seoul.
Question. Do you think the CTR program is well-coordinated among
the U.S. Government agencies that engage in threat reduction efforts in
Russia, e.g., DOD, the Department of Energy, and the State Department?
Answer. My understanding is that CTR and other nonproliferation
programs executed by Federal agencies are coordinated well through the
leadership of the National Security Staff. If confirmed, one of my
priorities as Secretary of Defense will be to ensure that all of the
Department's activities in this area are well-coordinated with
interagency partners.
Question. As the CTR program expands to geographic regions beyond
the states of the former Soviet Union, in your view what proliferation
prevention and threat reduction goals should the DOD establish or focus
Answer. My understanding is that the President has highlighted
nuclear and biological terrorism as key threats, and that the CTR
program strongly supports these priorities. I agree with these
Question. Do you support extending the CTR program to nations in
the Middle East, especially with respect to containing Syrian chemical
Answer. My understanding is that the CTR program is authorized to
undertake activities in the Middle East. The main objective of this
expanded authority is to enhance the capacity of regional partners,
particularly the nations that border Syria, to mitigate the threat to
their territory posed by the potential loss or use of Syria's chemical
weapons. If confirmed, I would continue to support this effort.
Question. Do you support extending the CTR program to nations in
Africa, especially with respect to biological materials?
Answer. Yes. based on my current understanding, I believe it makes
good sense to continue to expand the CTR program's geographic reach
beyond the former Soviet Union. Any cost effective steps we can take to
keep terrorists from accessing dangerous biological agents by
partnering with other nations are especially important in regions like
East Africa where active terrorist threats converge with emerging
infectious diseases.
prompt global strike
Question. The 2010 QDR concluded that the United States will
continue to experiment with prompt global strike prototypes. There has
been no decision to field a prompt global strike capability as the
effort is early in the technology and testing phase.
In your view, what is the role for a conventional prompt global
strike capability in addressing the key threats to U.S. national
security in the near future?
Answer. I understand that the Department continues to assess a
broad range of conventional strike capabilities to address current and
emerging threats. Conventional prompt global strike weapons could
provide the President with unique conventional capabilities in certain
scenarios that include fleeting or otherwise inaccessible time-
sensitive targets for example. I understand, however, that there are
concerns about this operational concept. At this point, I believe that
it makes sense to assess potential approaches to conventional prompt
global strike. If confirmed, I will look forward to further discussions
with Congress on this topic.
Question. What approach to implementation of this capability would
you expect to pursue if confirmed?
Answer. I understand the Department is continuing to conduct
research and testing to support the development of concepts and
technologies for boost-glide systems that could provide the basis for a
conventional prompt global strike capability. If confirmed, I will
review implementation options.
Question. Do you support a competitive procurement of prompt global
strike systems if they progress to a milestone B stage?
Answer. In general, where viable options exist, I think the
Department should take maximum advantage of a competitive procurement
nuclear weapons and stockpile stewardship
Question. Congress established the Stockpile Stewardship Program
with the aim of creating the computational capabilities and
experimental tools needed to allow for the continued certification of
the nuclear weapons stockpile as safe, secure, and reliable without the
need for nuclear weapons testing. The Secretaries of Defense and Energy
are statutorily required to certify annually to Congress the continued
safety, security, and reliability of the nuclear weapons stockpile.
As the stockpile continues to age, what do you view as the greatest
challenges with respect to assuring the safety, reliability, and
security of the stockpile?
Answer. I understand that the Stockpile Stewardship Program has
ensured that our nuclear weapons stockpile remains safe, secure, and
effective without the use of underground nuclear weapons testing. At
the same time, the challenge we face is that some aspects of today's
nuclear complex are in need of repair or replacement. If confirmed, I
will continue to work with the Department of Energy to ensure the
safety, security, and reliability of our stockpile, and the
modernization of the nuclear weapons complex infrastructure.
Question. Do you agree that the full funding of the President's
plan for modernizing the nuclear weapons complex, commonly referred to
as the 1251 report, is a critical national security priority?
Answer. The modernization of the National Nuclear Security
Administration (NNSA) infrastructure and life extension of our nuclear
weapons are critical to sustaining a safe, secure, and effective
nuclear deterrent. If confirmed, I will work to ensure appropriate
funding levels and cost-effective management for these efforts, which
will require a substantial and sustained fiscal commitment.
Question. Prior to completing this modernization effort, do you
believe it would be prudent to consider reductions below New START
treaty limits for either the deployed or nondeployed stockpile of
nuclear weapons?
Answer. I believe that we should make necessary investments in
infrastructure modernization regardless of potential future nuclear
weapon reductions. I understand that the New START treaty does not
limit nondeployed warheads; if confirmed I will ensure that the
stockpile, including both deployed and nondeployed nuclear warheads,
sustains the credibility of the U.S. deterrent, including our
commitments to extend deterrence to U.S. allies.
Question. What role does the Nuclear Weapons Council (NWC) play in
helping to establish key stockpile stewardship goals and modernization
Answer. The NWC is the primary interface for coordinating nuclear
weapons enterprise issues between DOD and the Department of Energy. I
understand that its current top priority is to address stockpile life
extension and nuclear infrastructure modernization in the current
fiscal environment.
Question. Do you support a more active role of the Office of Cost
Analysis and Program Evaluation (CAPE) in ensuring the programs within
the Department of Energy and the NNSA are appropriately tailored for
the best investment of funds possible to achieve a safe, effective, and
reliable nuclear weapons stockpile?
Answer. I am not familiar enough with the degree of CAPE's
involvement with the Department of Energy and the NNSA to make that
determination at this time. I understand that CAPE has worked closely
with NNSA over the past year to review NNSA programs, and if confirmed,
will closely consider CAPE's appropriate role in this regard in the
medical countermeasures initiative
Question. The administration has produced an interagency strategy
for the advanced development and manufacture of medical countermeasures
(MCM) to defend against pandemic influenza and biological warfare
threats. In this strategy, DOD will be responsible for the rapid
development and manufacture of medical countermeasures to protect U.S.
Armed Forces and Defense Department personnel.
Do you support this interagency strategy and the MCM Initiative
and, if confirmed, would you plan to implement them?
Answer. I am very concerned about the threat of biological weapons.
I support assigning to the Department the responsibility for protecting
the U.S. Armed Forces and Defense Department personnel with rapid
development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures. If confirmed,
I will need to look into the specific plans associated with the
interagency strategy of the Medical Countermeasure Initiative. I would
do my best to implement the administration's strategy, consistent with
any statutory guidance and available funding.
defense acquisition reform
Question. The Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (WSARA)
is designed to ensure that new defense acquisition programs start on a
sound footing, to avoid the high cost of fixing problems late in the
acquisition process.
What are your views regarding WSARA and the need for improvements
in the Defense acquisition process?
Answer. I believe that our weapons systems acquisition process has
substantial room for improvement. My understanding is that WSARA, which
enacted a number of steps to improve many aspects of weapons system
acquisition, has been largely implemented by the Department and that it
is improving the Department's acquisition performance, but that more
needs to be done. I am aware the Department is continuing to implement
the remaining provisions of WSARA and other acquisition improvement
initiatives. If confirmed, I will review these efforts to ensure that
they are adequate and I will continue to work with Congress and our
industry partners to improve the way we acquire systems for the
Question. If confirmed, how would you improve all three aspects of
the acquisition process B requirements, acquisition, and budgeting?
Answer. Close coordination of these three processes is essential to
improving the Department's ability to acquire services and systems and
to obtain the best value for every defense dollar. Since WSARA's
enactment, progress appears to have been made in regard to closer
integration of these three processes, but I do not believe that this
work is complete. In my view, requirements must be feasible and
affordable, there must be an executable plan to acquire the products
that meet those requirements, and there must be an adequate budget
established to conduct the program and acquire the product. If
confirmed, I will work to bring requirements, acquisition, and
budgeting into close alignment by ensuring that the individuals
responsible for these three aspects of acquisition work in conjunction
with one another and not in isolation.
Question. If confirmed, how would you improve acquisition
Answer. I support a chain of command for the acquisition process
that provides for the clear responsibility and accountability that was
established by the Goldwater-Nichols Act in the 1980s. For major
programs, this chain of command begins with the Defense Acquisition
Executive and runs through DOD component head to the Service or
Component Acquisition Executive, the Program Executive Officer, and the
Program Manager. If confirmed, I will hold these individuals
accountable for acquisition system performance.
Question. Do you believe that the current investment budget for
major systems is affordable given increasing historic cost growth in
major systems, costs of current operations, and asset recapitalization?
Answer. I have not yet reviewed DOD's investment budget in detail
or the balance between major systems investments, operations, and
recapitalization. However, it is clear to me that pursuing only
affordable programs and controlling costs throughout a product's life
cycle are critical in any financial environment. All programs must be
closely managed to avoid cost growth, and the affordability of any new
requirements must be carefully scrutinized at the outset--before the
program is authorized. If confirmed, I will examine the investment
budget closely for near and long-term affordability, taking into
consideration the potential for cost growth. I will also assess the
sustainability of the balance between the various accounts that make up
the Department's budget, including the investment, operations, and
asset recapitalization portions of the budget.
Question. If confirmed, how do you plan to address this issue and
guard against the potential impact of weapon systems cost growth?
Answer. My understanding is that the Department has been imposing
affordability cost caps on new programs for over 2 years for both
production and sustainment costs. These caps are being used to force
trade-offs between capability and costs early in a program's life
cycle. If confirmed, I will strongly support the imposition and
enforcement of these cost caps. I will also work with the Department
and industry to ensure that we stay on budget and on schedule. DOD and
the taxpayer cannot afford the excessive cost growth that has plagued
some programs in the past.
reliability of weapons systems
Question. The Department's process for procuring major weapons
systems places insufficient emphasis on reliability and maintainability
and, therefore, produces systems that are increasingly costly to
operate and sustain. Given that these ownership costs comprise most of
a given weapons systems' overall lifecycle cost, these increased costs
could undermine considerably the Department's ``buying power''.
How would you ensure that the defense acquisition system produces
more reliable weapons systems?
Answer. I believe that the key to obtaining necessary reliability
is to establish effective incentives and, when necessary, to enforce
the consequences of failure to meet established standards. If
confirmed, I will ensure that the acquisition system takes this
approach to achieving the needed reliability performance for its
weapons systems.
excessive concurrency in major defense acquisition programs
Question. Major defense acquisition programs (MDAP) have
experienced excessive cost-growth and schedule delays due to, among
other things, too much of an overlap between development and
production. This has exposed these systems to a high risk of costly new
discoveries requiring redesign and retrofit late into operational
testing or production.
What more can be done to ensure that the defense acquisition system
safeguards against excessive concurrency in MDAPs?
Answer. I am not an expert in this field; however, my understanding
is that some limited degree of concurrency between development and
initial production can often be the most efficient way to structure a
weapons system program. However, the Department has in some cases, such
as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, taken too much risk with concurrency,
committing to production well before the design was tested enough to
know that it was mature and stable. If confirmed, I will work to ensure
that the risks of concurrent development and production are fully
understood and taken into account by acquisition decisionmakers before
a program enters production.
procurement program risk
Question. Another major cause of excessive cost growth and schedule
delays in how the Department procures major weapons systems and major
automated information systems (in particular, ``enterprise resource
planning'' systems, which are vital to defense financial improvement
and business transformation), relates to the Department's inability to
identify, price, and therefore effectively manage program risk, (e.g.,
technological, developmental, integration, and manufacturing risk).
How would you improve the defense acquisition system to ensure that
the Department can more effectively and timely address all types of
risk in its major defense procurement programs to better ensure the
delivery of needed combat capability on time and on budget?
Answer. I believe the early identification, management, and
mitigation of program risk is a critical element of any well-managed
acquisition program. I understand that the Department, through
implementation of WSARA and other ongoing initiatives, is working to
improve early planning efforts to better understand risks and to put in
place steps that will remove and/or mitigate them prior to the
commitment of a major investment in product development or initial
production. My view is that new product development inherently involves
risk and that the risk of any new product development must be actively
managed if the program is to be successful. If confirmed, I will review
the adequacy of these initiatives and their effectiveness.
services contracting
Question. Over the last decade, the Department has become
progressively more reliant upon contractors to perform functions that
were once performed exclusively by government employees. As a result,
contractors now play an integral role in areas as diverse as the
management and oversight of weapons programs, the development of
personnel policies, and the collection and analysis of intelligence. In
many cases, contractor employees work in the same offices, serve on the
same projects and task forces, and perform many of the same functions
as DOD employees.
In your view, has DOD become too reliant on contractors to support
the basic functions of the Department?
Answer. Although I understand that DOD has been taking steps in
recent years to reduce its reliance on contractors, I believe DOD must
continue to manage its workforce in a way that avoids inappropriate or
excessive reliance on contractor support for basic Department
functions, while also meeting its obligations to perform work
efficiently and effectively and to be a good steward of taxpayer
resources. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department implements a
workforce strategy that aligns functions and work among military,
civilian, and contracted services in a cost effective, and balanced
manner consistent with workload requirements, funding availability, and
laws and regulations.
Question. If confirmed, how do you plan to address the issue of
cost growth in services contracting and ensure that the Department gets
the most for its money in this area?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue the efforts of the
administration and the Department to improve the visibility and
accountability of contracted services by expanding and refining the
data we collect from contractors, as required by statute, in order to
compare it to our civilian and military workforce planning factors.
Question. U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have
relied on contractor support to a greater degree than previous U.S.
military operations. According to widely published reports, the number
of U.S. contractor employees in Iraq and Afghanistan has often exceeded
the number of U.S. military deployed in those countries.
Do you believe that DOD has become too dependent on contractor
support for military operations?
Answer. At this time I don't have enough information to make an
assessment. While many support functions for military operations are
appropriate for contract support, some are more closely associated with
work that should be performed by government employees (military or
civilian), or other Federal agencies. I am aware of recent
recommendations made by the Commission on Wartime Contracting and the
GAO regarding such dependence and, if confirmed, I will support ongoing
efforts to implement those recommendations as appropriate.
Question. What risks do you see in the Department's reliance on
such contractor support? What steps do you believe the Department
should take to mitigate such risk?
Answer. Reliance on contractor support can lead to operational risk
if contractors fail to perform or perform outside the scope of
appropriately defined roles. Our experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan
have also shown that additional risk is introduced when there is poor
government oversight, further increasing the potential for fraud,
waste, and abuse. We also know that government oversight is critical to
ensure appropriate contractor interaction with local communities.
If confirmed, I will support the Department's ongoing efforts to
minimize any over-reliance on contractors and ensure the appropriate
mix of military, civilian, and contract personnel in theater. I will
also review the Department's progress in implementing recommendations
made by the Commission on Wartime Contracting, the GAO, and the
legislative mandates in the NDAA regarding operational contracting
requirements including considerations for contract support as part of
the national military strategy, the QDR, and the Chairman's annual risk
Question. Do you believe the Department is appropriately organized
and staffed to effectively manage contractors on the battlefield?
Answer. I do not have enough information yet to make a full
assessment of this issue. However, I believe that investments made over
the last few years in the Department's acquisition workforce, as well
as the implementation of recommendations made by the Commission on
Wartime Contracting and the GAO, have vastly improved the Department's
ability to effectively manage contractors on the battlefield. If
confirmed, I will continue to improve our capabilities in this critical
Question. What steps if any do you believe the Department should
take to improve its management of contractors on the battlefield?
Answer. At this time I don't have enough information to identify
specific steps or actions necessary to improve management of
contractors on the battlefield. If confirmed, I will work with the
Chairman, the Joint Chiefs, the combatant commanders, and other
Department leadership to ensure commanders in the field have the
necessary resources and access to information to effectively manage
contract support and mitigate against potential risks.
private security contractors
Question. Federal agencies including DOD have spent more than $5
billion for private security contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan over
the last decade. Over this period, there have been numerous reports of
abuses and questionable activities by private security contractors in
both countries.
Do you believe DOD and other Federal agencies should rely upon
contractors to perform security functions that may reasonably be
expected to require the use of deadly force in highly hazardous public
areas in an area of combat operations?
Answer. I believe it may be appropriate to use private security
contractors for specific security functions in contingency operations
when they are limited by specific rules for the use of force. Such
functions include providing security for our military bases in areas of
operations and protecting supply convoys. Without a significant
increase in end strength and resources, the Department would not have
the capacity to take on all the missions private security contractors
are able to fill. However, the Department must provide proper guidance
and supervision when using private security contractors and must ensure
they do not engage in combat operations. I cannot comment on the use of
private security contractors by other Federal agencies.
Question. In your view, has the U.S. reliance upon private security
contractors to perform such functions risked undermining our defense
and foreign policy objectives in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Answer. The use of private security contractors in support of
contingency operations always requires careful oversight. The
misapplication of the use of force by private security contractors can
undermine our strategic objectives. If confirmed, I will ensure DOD has
established policies and procedures to effectively manage private
security contractors to prevent actions that would be detrimental to
our policy objectives.
Question. Section 846 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 requires DOD
to carry out risk assessments and risk mitigation plans whenever it
relies on contractors to perform critical functions in support of OCOs.
What steps will you take, if confirmed, to implement the
requirements of section 846?
Answer. I believe that contract support is an essential part of the
total force and will remain so in the future. In many cases contractors
are absolutely vital. For example transportation command heavily uses
contractors to move personnel and equipment. If confirmed, I will
ensure that the DOD policy and operational guidance addresses the
requirements of section 846 and that proper risk assessments and risk
mitigation plans are conducted.
Question. What steps if any would you take, if confirmed, to ensure
that any private security contractors who may continue to operate in an
area of combat operations act in a responsible manner, consistent with
U.S. defense and foreign policy objectives?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure DOD has policies that
effectively guide the operations of private security contractors when
they are used, and that we provide proper oversight. We must also
strive to ensure that all contractors, including private security
contractors, are appropriately legally accountable for their actions,
and that private security contractors that operate in an area of combat
and contingency operations act responsibly.
efficiency in department operations
Question. The Joint Chiefs recently stated that, ``we must be given
the latitude to enact the cost-saving reforms we need while eliminating
the weapons and facilities we do not need.''
In your view, what latitude must be given to the Joint Chiefs to
enact cost-saving reforms?
Answer. It is my understanding that the Joint Chiefs supported some
hard choices that were made in the fiscal year 2013 President's budget
in order to achieve the savings required to sustain the new defense
strategy. The Joint Chiefs need Congress to provide them the latitude
to implement those changes and allow them to execute the new strategy.
I also understand that it is now a zero sum game. If the Department is
not able to implement the changes proposed, other offsets must be made,
while still preserving warfighting capability.
Question. If confirmed, how would you work with the Joint Chiefs to
eliminate unneeded weapons?
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to the opportunity to sit down
with the Joint Chiefs and to work together to thoroughly review,
identify, and eliminate any effort that is outdated or no longer needed
by the Department.
Question. Do you support the administration's request for the
authority to conduct two rounds of Bases Realignments and Closures
(BRAC) to eliminate unneeded facilities?
Answer. I understand that the administration's proposal for two
rounds of BRAC was not accepted by Congress. However, I also think any
prudent manager has to look at all options when faced with significant
budget pressures. As with industry, the Department should examine its
infrastructure and eliminate excess. The BRAC process is not perfect,
but I believe BRAC is a fair and comprehensive way to right-size the
Department's footprint, and is the best process identified to date. If
confirmed, I would have to look at the need for BRAC in the future.
Question. If so, given the recent report by GAO of the excessive
costs of the 2005 BRAC round, what would be your priorities in carrying
out a round of BRAC?
Answer. It is my understanding that the 2005 BRAC round was an
anomaly, the only round conducted while the Department was growing. It
focused on transformation, jointness, and relocating forces from
overseas. A future BRAC round is more likely to be like the rounds in
1993 and 1995 where excess capacity was reduced.
acquisition workforce
Question. Over the last 15 years, DOD has reduced the size of its
acquisition workforce by almost half, without undertaking any
systematic planning or analysis to ensure that it would have the
specific skills and competencies needed to meet DOD's current and
future needs. Since September 11, 2001, moreover, the demands placed on
that workforce have substantially increased. Section 852 of the NDAA
for Fiscal Year 2008 established an Acquisition Workforce Development
Fund to help DOD address shortcomings in its acquisition workforce.
This requirement was revised and updated by section 803 of the NDAA for
Fiscal Year 2013.
Do you agree that the Department would be ``penny-wise and pound
foolish'' to try to save money by cutting corners on its acquisition
workforce at the risk or losing control over the hundreds of billions
of dollars that it spends every year on the acquisition of products and
Answer. Yes. It is imperative that DOD act as a good steward of the
resources entrusted to it by the American people. A properly qualified
and sized acquisition workforce is central to maintaining this
stewardship and to ensuring that the Department obtains as much value
as possible for the money that it spends obtaining products and
services from contractors.
Question. Do you believe that the Acquisition Workforce Development
Fund is needed to ensure that DOD has the right number of employees
with the right skills to run its acquisition programs in the most cost
effective manner for the taxpayers?
Answer. I understand that the Acquisition Workforce Development
Fund has provided funds necessary for strengthening the acquisition
workforce with regard to both its size and skills. I support this goal
and, if confirmed, will work with Congress to ensure that the Fund is
used effectively to build the capability of the Department's
acquisition workforce.
human capital planning
Question. DOD faces a critical shortfall in key areas of its
civilian workforce, including the management of acquisition programs,
information technology systems and financial management, and senior DOD
officials have expressed alarm at the extent of the Department's
reliance on contractors in these areas. Section 115b of title 10,
U.S.C., requires the Department to develop a strategic workforce plan
to shape and improve its civilian employee workforce.
Would you agree that the Departments human capital, including its
civilian workforce, is critical to the accomplishment of its national
security mission?
Answer. Yes. I agree. The civilian workforce performs key enabling
functions for the military, such as critical training and preparation
to ensure readiness, equipment reset and modernization. Civilians also
provide medical care, family support, and base operating services--all
vital to supporting our men and women in uniform.
Question. Do you share the concern expressed by others about the
extent of the Departments reliance on contractors in critical areas
such as the management of acquisition programs, information technology
and financial management?
Answer. Yes. We must ensure that we have a properly sized, and
highly capable, civilian workforce that maintains critical skills and
prevents an overreliance on contracted services. If confirmed, I will
support the administration's focus on reducing inappropriate or
excessive reliance on contracted support.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that the Department
undertakes necessary human capital planning to ensure that its civilian
workforce is prepared to meet the challenges of the coming decades?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will ensure departmental human capital
planning employs strategies for recruitment, development, and retention
of a mission-ready civilian workforce.
Question. Section 955 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 requires a
5-percent reduction in anticipated funding levels for the civilian
personnel workforce and the service contractor workforce of DOD,
subject to certain exclusions.
What impact do you expect the implementation of section 955 to have
on the programs and operations of DOD?
Answer. I do not have enough information at this time to speak to
potential impact. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department's
implementation of section 955, both in the civilian and contracted
support workforces, is done in a manner that best mitigates risk to
programs and operations, while maintaining core capabilities and
support to our warfighters and their families.
Question. What steps will you take, if confirmed, to ensure that
section 955 is implemented in a manner that is consistent with the
requirements of section 129a of title 10, U.S.C., for determining the
most appropriate and cost-efficient mix of military, civilian and
service contractor personnel to perform DOD missions?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure implementation of section 955
recognizes that the sourcing of work among military (both Active and
Reserve components), civilian, and contracted services must be
consistent with requirements, funding availability, and applicable
Question. What processes will you put in place, if confirmed, to
ensure that the Department implements a sound planning process for
carrying out the requirements of section 955, including the
implementation of the exclusion authority in section 955(c)?
Answer. If confirmed, I will review the current processes the
Department has for workforce determinations, along with existing
management structures and tools. I do not currently have enough
information regarding possible specific exclusions, but will ensure
that the workforces of the Department are sized to perform the
functions and activities necessary to achieve the missions of the
test and evaluation
Question. If confirmed, will you make it a priority to ensure that
the Department as a whole and each of the Services specifically
maintains its testing organizations, infrastructure, and budgets at
levels adequate to address both our current and future acquisition
Answer. Yes. Test and evaluation is a critical element of our
acquisition system, that providing the measured and objective insight
into a system's performance that is essential to making sound
programmatic decisions.
Question. A natural tension exists between major program objectives
to reduce cost and schedule and the test and evaluation objective to
ensure performance meets specifications and requirements. What is your
assessment of the appropriate balance between the desire to reduce
acquisition cycle times and the need to perform adequate testing?
Answer. Test and evaluation provides acquisition decisionmakers
with accurate and objective information on system performance necessary
to inform critical acquisition decisions. My view is that we should
generally not gamble on the performance of a weapons system when a
reasonable amount of testing will significantly reduce the risk of
redesign or major changes after production has been started. If
confirmed, I will closely monitor the balance between reducing
acquisition cycle time and conducting adequate testing to ensure
warfighters receive affordable, operationally effective, and suitable
systems when they need them.
Question. Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe we
should procure weapon systems and equipment that has not been
demonstrated through test and evaluation to be operationally effective,
suitable, and survivable?
Answer. I understand that test and evaluation plays a critical role
in product development and fielding. I believe that there are only a
limited number of cases where it might be necessary to field a system
prior to operational testing--for example, to address an urgent gap in
a critical operational capability in an ongoing or imminent conflict.
Even when fielding is accelerated to meet an urgent need, applicable
statutes governing the test process must be complied with. There must
be some level of testing to ensure basic operational performance and
the safety of the system and to evaluate the system's capabilities and
limitations to identify any deficiencies that might need to be
Question. Congress established the position of Director of
Operational Test and Evaluation to serve as an independent voice on
matters relating to operational testing of weapons systems. As
established, the Director has a unique and direct relationship with
Congress, consistent with the statutory independence of the office.
Do you support the continued ability of the Director of Operational
Test and Evaluation's to speak freely and independently with Congress?
Answer. Yes.
funding for science and technology (s&t) investments and workforce
Question. In his State of the Union speech in 2010, the President
said that ``maintaining our leadership in science and technology is
crucial to America's success.'' The DOD budget submissions for fiscal
years 2012 and 2013 supported continued investment in science and
technology, despite the significant budget pressure.
Do you support maintaining growth in the DOD's S&T investments?
Answer. I understand and appreciate the importance of government
investment in science and technology in the area of national security.
Maintaining technological superiority against current and projected
adversaries underpins our National Security Strategy and it is only
through this investment that we can sustain this critical edge. I fully
support the President's commitment to science and technology, and if
confirmed, I will work to support science and technology investments in
our defense budget.
Question. How will you assess whether the science and technology
investment portfolio is adequate to meet the current and future needs
of the Department?
Answer. If confirmed, I anticipate conducting reviews of the
Department's current science and technology investment strategy, in the
context of the Department's priorities and capability needs. I also
acknowledge the necessity of maintaining a strong technology base.
Question. Well over half of all graduates of U.S. universities with
advanced degrees in science and technology are non-U.S. citizens. Due
to a variety of reasons, many return to their home countries where they
contribute to competing against the United States in technology
What is your view on steps that the Department should take, if any,
to ensure that DOD and the defense industrial base are able to recruit
and retain scientists and engineers from this talent pool?
Answer. In order to maintain our technology superiority, it is
essential for the Department to attract the best and brightest minds.
The President made clear in his recent inaugural address that including
bright students and engineers from abroad in America's workforce is an
imperative for our future. If confirmed, I will work within the
Department and the administration to find ways in which the Department
could enhance its skilled workforce, to include its scientific and
engineering segments, by drawing upon a broad talent pool and by
seeking to recruit and retain the best possible individuals, within the
construct of national security requirements.
defense industrial base
Question. The latest QDR addressed the need for strengthening the
defense industrial base. Specifically, it said: ``America's security
and prosperity are increasingly linked with the health of our
technology and industrial bases. In order to maintain our strategic
advantage well into the future, the Department requires a consistent,
realistic, and long-term strategy for shaping the structure and
capabilities of the defense technology and industrial bases--a strategy
that better accounts for the rapid evolution of commercial technology,
as well as the unique requirements of ongoing conflicts.''
What is your understanding and assessment of the current state of
the U.S. defense industry?
Answer. I understand the Department relies on a broadened technical
and industrial base that is now far more global, commercial, and
financially complex than ever before. For the past decade the defense
industrial base has enjoyed a period of increasing budgets that is now
at an end. While I think our industrial base is currently strong, I am
concerned about the impact that further defense budget cuts would have
on the ability of the base to provide the broad range of products and
services that the Department and our Nation need. If confirmed, the
continuing health of the industrial base will be a high priority for
Question. Do you support further consolidation of the U.S. defense
Answer. Expansion and consolidation of industries and companies is
the hallmark of a robust free market economy as it responds to the
market forces. I expect, and encourage, the free market to act when
faced with changing demands. However, I believe the Government must
also be watchful for consolidations that eliminate competition or cause
market distortions. At the end of the Cold War there was a major
consolidation at the top tier of defense businesses. My understanding
is that the Department's leadership have indicated that further
consolidation at the top tier would not be viewed favorably. I have not
studied this in detail; however, my initial assessment is that this is
the correct view. I also believe that each individual case of
consolidation, acquisition, or merger dealing with our defense firms
must be examined carefully for what is best for the warfighter and the
taxpayer, particularly with regard to its impact on competition.
Question. What is your position on foreign investment in the U.S.
defense sector?
Answer. Foreign investment has generally benefitted the United
States, including DOD, by providing needed capital and increasing
access to leading-edge technologies. However, I believe foreign
investment in the defense sector can also expose critical national
defense-related technologies to risks, including loss of the
intellectual property that gives our military personnel the
technological edge they rely upon. Congress has put provisions in place
to address critical national security concerns of this nature,
including the Committee on Foreign Interests in the United States led
by the Department of the Treasury. If confirmed, I will continue DOD's
commitment to its oversight function and to ensuring that national
security concerns are addressed in transactions that involve foreign
investments in the United States, including investments in the defense
Question. If confirmed, what steps if any do you believe DOD should
take to most effectively and efficiently manage risk and ensure the
continued health of the U.S. defense industrial base?
Answer. If confirmed, I would seek to ensure the sources of
manufacturing and services in the industrial base that the Department
relies on are capable of meeting our warfighters' requirements. I will
ensure that the Department proactively monitors the base to identify
any risks that need to be addressed. When necessary and as resources
permit, the Department should be prepared to act to ensure that key
industrial capabilities are sustained, although, unfortunately, this
will not be possible in every case. I will also make myself accessible
to the best source of information on the industry's concerns--industry
itself. This means working closely and communicating with private
industry to ensure that, as the Department makes changes necessary to
adapt to a new set of strategic and budgetary challenges, it does not
inadvertently jeopardize critical elements of the industrial base. I
believe the Department must simultaneously be receptive to industry's
concerns and address their issues as effectively as possible,
consistent with the Department's priorities and the resources
reset and reconstitution funding
Question. The Department has a substantial backlog of maintenance
availabilities due to the high tempo and demand of more than a decade
of combat operations. Senior DOD officials have testified that they
will require 2 to 3 years of additional funding to restore readiness
through reset and reconstitution of their equipment and personnel.
Do you agree with the assessment that the DOD will need 2 to 3
years of additional funding for reset and reconstitution?
Answer. I would need to review the facts behind the specific
estimate of 2 to 3 years; however, I believe that it will require
considerable time to repair equipment returning from operations in
Afghanistan because of the nature of the repairs and difficulty of
removing the equipment from theater.
Question. If confirmed, how will you balance maintenance and reset
requirements with fiscal realities and future risk in developing your
budget request?
Answer. The goal of reset and reconstitution is to produce ready
units with the equipment they need for contingencies or current
operations. Any further budget cuts must be balanced against this need
for ready units, and, if confirmed, I will work with the services to
prioritize the readiness of the units needed to implement the
President's strategy.
operational energy
Question. Last July, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Operational Energy Plans and Programs published a policy that any
alternative drop-in replacement fuel procured for DOD-wide use and
distribution within the Class III (Bulk) supply chain must compete with
petroleum products and any awards will be based on the ability to meet
requirements at the best value to the government, including cost.
What is your view of this policy?
Answer. I understand this policy to be a positive one. It is
prudent for the Department to engage in tests and demonstrations that
confirm defense equipment can operate on a range of fuels; however, as
the Department allocates its limited resources to ensure it delivers
necessary warfighting capability, it should only buy large volumes of
these fuels when they are cost-competitive with petroleum products.
Question. What is your assessment of section 526 of the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007 and how it should apply to
military operations of DOD?
Answer. My understanding is that section 526 has not restricted the
Department from purchasing whatever fuel it has needed to support
military operations. Rather, section 526 applies only to contracts that
are for the express purpose of buying alternative or synthetic fuel. As
long as mission capability is not restricted, it is helpful to have
this guidance that new fuels should not be any more polluting than
fuels produced from conventional petroleum sources.
Question. Considering the potential of further cuts to Defense
budgets and the importance of energy security, do you believe DOD
should jointly invest with other government agencies in the
construction of a commercial biofuels refinery?
Answer. I understand the Department is in the early planning stages
of such a project, undertaken in partnership with the private sector
and the Departments of Energy and Agriculture, which have the lead
roles for the Federal Government in promoting biofuels. I have not
reviewed this project; however, I believe the Nation's long-term energy
security would benefit from a competitive, domestic renewable fuels
industry--the Department has a long history of contributing to national
innovation by innovating to meet the defense mission. As a major
consumer of liquid fuels, the Department would benefit from that
industry as well. That said, I am not yet in a position to comment on
the trade-offs between the value of this investment and the other
priorities of the Department. Given the Department's funding
constraints, I would, if confirmed, examine the value of this
investment carefully before authorizing it to proceed.
Question. If confirmed, what priorities would you establish for
Defense investments in energy technologies?
Answer. My broad priorities for defense energy investments will be
those that: increase military capabilities, provide more mission
success, and lower total cost. If confirmed, I will focus on both
operational effectiveness and efficiency--improving the energy
performance of aircraft, ships, ground vehicles, and military bases;
reducing the vulnerability of our fuel supply lines; lowering the load
our expeditionary forces must carry; and diversifying the energy
supplies we use.
law of the sea convention
Question. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is
pending consideration in the U.S. Senate.
What is your view on whether or not the United States should join
the Law of the Sea convention?
Answer. I strongly support U.S. accession to the Law of the Sea
Convention. Ratification would allow the United States to take its
rightful place and enjoy the benefits and protections of this treaty.
Question. How would being a party to the Law of the Sea convention
help or hinder the United States' security posture?
Answer. Becoming a party to the Law of the Sea Convention would
enhance the U.S. security posture around the globe in several
significant ways. First and foremost, accession would enable the United
States to reinforce all of the rights, freedoms, and uses of the sea
codified in the Convention, including the navigational and over-flight
rights that are critical to the global mobility of U.S. forces as well
as the right to submit extended continental shelf claims that would
help us preserve the rights to potential resources. Additionally,
accession would help the United States to promote a common rules-based
approach among other nations to peacefully resolve their territorial
and maritime disputes, particularly in East Asia. Further, accession
would add to the Department's credibility in a large number of Asia-
focused multilateral venues where Law of the Sea matters are discussed.
Lastly, accession would reassure some nations who have expressed
concerns of the legality of cooperative security efforts that United
States supports, such as the Proliferation Security Initiative. The
United States has longstanding interests in freedom of the seas and
respect for international law, and our accession to the Convention
would further demonstrate our commitment to those national interests.
congressional oversight
Question. In order to exercise its legislative and oversight
responsibilities, it is important that this committee and other
appropriate committees of Congress are able to receive testimony,
briefings, and other communications of information.
Do you agree, if confirmed for this high position, to appear before
this committee and other appropriate committees of Congress?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear before this
committee, or designated members of this committee, and provide
information, subject to appropriate and necessary security protection,
with respect to your responsibilities as Secretary of Defense?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to ensure that testimony, briefings, and
other communications of information are provided to this committee and
its staff and other appropriate committees?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
Answer. Yes.
[Questions for the record with answers supplied follow:]
Questions Submitted by Senator Carl Levin
u.s.-armenian defense relationship
1. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, what is your assessment of the U.S.-
Armenia defense relationship, and what steps, if any, would you take to
strengthen that relationship?
Mr. Hagel. The U.S.-Armenia defense relationship is sound. As with
all relationships, there is room to grow and areas where we can
strengthen our cooperation and partnership. That growth will be based
on shared interests and willingness to cooperate, available resources,
and capacity to absorb new capabilities and missions.
If confirmed, I would continue to engage Armenian leaders to
strengthen existing areas of engagement and identify new areas of
cooperation that support Armenia's defense reforms, especially its
peacekeeping brigade, and continue its ability to deploy in coalition
operations. I would look for the United States to be Armenia's partner
of choice and help Armenia's defense establishment contribute to
regional security and stability.
nuclear triad
2. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, the Global Zero report provides an
illustrative example of a future alternative nuclear policy and force
structure in the 2022 timeframe that would eliminate, through
negotiated international agreements, our land-based Intercontinental
Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) as a means to reduce the size of our nuclear
forces consistent with our obligations under Article VI of the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).
Do agree with General Kehler, the Commander of U.S. Strategic
Command and with the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) that at the
present time, the triad of strategic nuclear forces continues to serve
U.S. national security interests?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I agree that the NPR's recommendation remains the
right one at the present time. I believe that the triad's mix of ICBMs,
submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and nuclear-capable
heavy bombers continues to support U.S. national security interests
under New START limits.
malign iranian influence
3. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, Iran supports proxies in Lebanon,
Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, and the Western Hemisphere. In your
view, what is the impact of Iran's activities in places such as
Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, and the Western Hemisphere?
Mr. Hagel. Iranian support for proxy groups and terrorist
activities in the Middle East region and in places around the world
constitutes a serious threat not only for the stability of our partners
and allies who are directly impacted by these activities, but also for
U.S. interests. In short, Iran's activities are malevolent and intended
to be destabilizing. If confirmed, I intend to focus intently on
countering Iran's malign influence--including preventing Iran from
acquiring a nuclear weapon.
4. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, in your view, what role--if any--
should the Department of Defense (DOD) play in countering malign
Iranian influence in the Middle East?
Mr. Hagel. In my view, DOD could help to counter Iranian malign
activities in at least three ways. First, the Department should support
diplomatic and intelligence efforts to inhibit the activities of
Iranian proxy and terrorist groups. Second, the Department can leverage
its presence in the region to deter and, when directed by the
President, disrupt Iranian malign activities. Third, the Department
could leverage its extensive security cooperation relationships with
countries in the Middle East and around the world to partner in
countering Iranian destabilizing activities.
5. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, the civil war in Syria continues and
President Assad's commitment to continuing his regime's ongoing
operations appears unwavering--despite broad international
condemnation. You have indicated that you share the Obama
administration's position that Assad must go. In your view, what is the
most effective way to bring about the end of the Assad regime?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that a political transition should remain our
goal. The best way to weaken the Assad regime at this time is through
political, diplomatic and economic pressure, as well as assisting the
unarmed opposition. If confirmed, I will support the President's
ongoing reassessment of the continuously changing conditions on the
ground in Syria to determine what additional steps may be appropriate.
6. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, what is your assessment of the
composition and intentions of the Syrian opposition?
Mr. Hagel. Based on my observations, the opposition is made up
largely of Syrians wanting to free themselves from a repressive ruler.
An important exception is the Al Nusrah Front, which the State
Department has listed as an alias of al Qaeda in Iraq. In my view, the
United States should continue to encourage the Syrian Opposition
Council to pursue an approach that isolates extremist elements but is
inclusive of a broad range of communities inside Syria, and I will
continue this policy if confirmed.
7. Senator Levin. Mr. Hagel, are the opposition's motivations
consistent with U.S. interests in the region?
Mr. Hagel. In Syria, the opposition is made up of disparate groups
with varying interests and values. I believe that the Syrian Opposition
Council's fundamental motivation to end Assad's rule is consistent with
U.S. interests. U.S. efforts in Syria should aim to partner with those
groups that share U.S. interests and values, and isolate those groups--
such as the Al Nusrah Front--which do not.
Questions Submitted by Senator Jack Reed
armenian genocide
8. Senator Reed. Mr. Hagel, could you please provide clarification
of your views on the Armenian genocide?
Mr. Hagel. As President Obama has emphasized in his April 24th
Remembrance Day statements, the achievement of a full, frank, and just
acknowledgement of the facts of what occurred in 1915 is in all of our
interests. I further concur with the President that the best way to
advance that goal is for the Armenian and Turkish people to address the
facts of the past as a part of their efforts to move forward. If
confirmed, I would continue to strongly support the State Department's
efforts to work with Armenia and Turkey to normalize relations so they
can forge relationships that are peaceful, productive, and prosperous.
global zero report
9. Senator Reed. Mr. Hagel, there have been a number of questions
raised about the Global Zero report on U.S. nuclear policy and force
structure. I want to make sure we understand the context of that
report. Is it correct that the report provides an illustrative
alternative nuclear policy and force structure 10 years in the future--
as an example of how we could continue to reduce our reliance on and
the number of nuclear forces, in line with our future security
Mr. Hagel. In the Global Zero report we took a longer-term view of
what might be possible under different circumstances. The policy and
force structure it provided was indeed illustrative in nature. The
study group's analysis was intended to provide a stimulus to national
debate about how many nuclear weapons may be enough in the future, and
to illustrate a possible pathway forward.
10. Senator Reed. Mr. Hagel, is it correct that the illustrative
reductions envisioned would be made through bilateral and multilateral
negotiated arms control agreements?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I agree with the administration's view, as stated
in the 2010 NPR, that large disparities in nuclear capabilities on
either the United States or the Russian side could raise concerns and
could hinder our pursuit of a stable, long-term U.S.-Russian
relationship. Therefore, I agree that further reductions should be
negotiated bilaterally or, if appropriate, multilaterally.
11. Senator Reed. Mr. Hagel, is it correct that pursuing additional
reductions to our nuclear forces, beyond the limits established in the
New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), is consistent with our
obligations under Article VI of the NPT, and with the findings and
conclusions of the April 2010 NPR?
Mr. Hagel. Yes, I believe that pursuing negotiated reductions below
New START levels would be consistent with both Article VI of the NPT
and with the conclusions of the 2010 NPR.
12. Senator Reed. Mr. Hagel, is it correct that the illustrative
example of an alternative U.S. nuclear policy and force structure in
the next decade would be consistent with maintaining a safe, secure,
and effective nuclear deterrent force?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
Questions Submitted by Senator Bill Nelson
strategic dispersal
13. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, our Nation must recognize the
spectrum of threats that confront us daily, and position our assets
accordingly. Pearl Harbor taught us assets and resources should not be
concentrated in one place. Dispersing our capital ships is in our best
national security interest and specifically, dispersing the East Coast
carrier fleet is a national security priority. One needs to only look
at the Pacific Fleet to see an excellent example of strategic
dispersal. The Navy has stationed its Pacific Fleet at four different
homeports--San Diego, CA; Bremerton, WA; Everett, WA; and Japan, but
has been slow to accomplish the same thing with our Atlantic Fleet. The
military decision to disperse the fleet has been studied, and
restudied. Admiral after admiral, secretary after secretary, have all
testified keeping a second Atlantic homeport is essential to national
security. In addition, the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR)
clearly states, ``To mitigate the risk of a terrorist attack, accident,
or natural disaster, the U.S. Navy will homeport an East Coast carrier
in Mayport, Florida.''
Moving a carrier from Norfolk, VA, to Mayport is a cost-effective
national security objective. As Secretary of Defense, will you maintain
the DOD's support for moving a carrier from Norfolk to Mayport and, as
your predecessors have done, will you ensure strategic dispersal is
again added as an objective in the 2014 QDR?
Mr. Hagel. I agree that our country faces a spectrum of threats and
concur that strategic dispersal is a critical element in reducing risk
and providing strategic flexibility in the event of natural disaster,
manmade calamity or attack by a foreign nation or terrorists. If
confirmed, I will look at strategic dispersal as a means of ensuring we
address strategic risk to our national security objectives. I support
the Department's efforts to continue to prepare Mayport for carrier
14. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, will you support the addition of
programmed funds in the next President's budget to do so?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will ensure future budgets and the
upcoming QDR evaluate all options to maximize our strategic objectives,
including strategic dispersal of our carriers on the east coast.
excess capacity in overseas military installations
15. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, the value of having a forward
footprint with our men and women stationed abroad, as well as the
cooperation it breeds with our allies, is critical to our national
security. However, I am concerned about the excess capacity of U.S.
military bases in overseas locations and the drain of our taxpayers
dollars to maintain these installations. I believe this excess capacity
and the potential for savings needs to be addressed before we begin to
close or realign domestic installations. Please share your thoughts on
this issue.
Mr. Hagel. A prudent manager has to look at all options when faced
with significant budget pressure. That includes reviewing options for
consolidation overseas--particularly in Europe, where the Department is
reducing force structure and there are clear opportunities to reduce
supporting infrastructure. The Department should begin this review
immediately, as specific legislation is not required to consider base
closures overseas. However, this should not preclude the Department
from taking simultaneous action to realize infrastructure savings at
domestic installations. Given the size of the cuts the Department is
facing, it is unrealistic to expect to achieve all necessary savings by
looking only at overseas infrastructure.
moratorium on drilling in the gulf of mexico
16. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, in 2006, you cosponsored the Gulf of
Mexico Energy Security Act to restrict leasing in areas of the eastern
Gulf of Mexico within 125 miles of Florida, including areas in the Gulf
of Mexico east of the military mission line. Previous Secretaries of
Defense (Rumsfield, Gates) supported a moratorium on drilling east of
the military mission line. These training ranges are vital for our
fifth generation air superiority assets--F-22, F-35--as well as
providing an area for the critical testing of the weaponry on various
airframes. As Secretary of Defense, will you maintain this vital
military test and training area?
Mr. Hagel. My understanding is that the Department conducted
analysis in 2010 that identified some parts of this region where
drilling would not interfere with military activities if the drilling
activities are significantly constrained--for example, in some regions,
drilling was deemed compatible if the structures were subsurface. If
confirmed, I will review this analysis and ensure the Department does
not put critical military test and training capabilities at risk.
afghanistan drawdown
17. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, President Obama plans to withdraw
combat forces from Afghanistan by 2014. The U.S. and North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) allies are transitioning from fighting to
training and advising the Afghan security forces, and during his recent
meeting with President Karzai, President Obama signaled the transition
to Afghan security forces may be accelerated. What footprint should the
U.S. and NATO allies have after 2014?
Mr. Hagel. The President has stated, and I agree, that the scope of
the international mission in Afghanistan after 2014 should focus on two
primary objectives: first, to deny safe haven to al Qaeda and its
affiliates; and second, to train, advise, and assist the Afghan forces
so they can maintain their own security. This mission shift is
consistent with what was agreed upon by the United States, NATO allies,
and ISAF and Afghan partners at the Chicago NATO Summit last year and
also with our long-term Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Afghan
Government, signed May 1, 2012. I understand that the President is
considering a range of options provided by his military commanders and
national security team. I have not been a part of those discussions,
but, if confirmed, I will work to ensure that the appropriate resources
and capabilities are made available for the post-2014 mission.
18. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, how will the Afghanistan Government
afford to maintain their military operations?
Mr. Hagel. At the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago, the United States,
NATO allies, and other international partners pledged to provide
significant financial assistance after 2014 to help maintain the Afghan
National Security Forces (ANSF). The Afghan Government also pledged to
provide at least $500 million a year for the ANSF beginning in 2015,
and to increase this amount over time as its economy grows. The
international donor community has also pledged its support to
Afghanistan's continued economic and social development after 2014
through commitments made at the 2012 Tokyo conference, including
pledges for $16 billion in civilian aid over 4 years. With this
support, as Afghanistan's economy grows and its revenues increase,
Afghanistan will increasingly be able to take responsibility for future
security costs. Further, it is my understanding that DOD is working
closely with the Afghan Government to ensure that the force we are
building and developing is a sustainable one. If confirmed, I will
continue to work closely with the Afghan Government to ensure that the
ANSF is sustainable within available resources.
camp lejeune water contamination
19. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, Florida has 16,000 veterans and
civilians in the Camp Lejeune water contamination registry, second only
to North Carolina. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR) is completing studies designed to determine the size and scope
of water contamination at Camp Lejeune. In January, ATSDR released the
preliminary results of a drinking water study, which shows the
Housing complex drinking water was contaminated with
dry cleaning solvents from 1957 to 1987 above the current
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits.
Separate housing areas were contaminated with organic
compounds (from 1 million gallons of spilled gasoline) from
1953 to 1985 above the current EPA limits.
Recent ATSDR findings show drinking water contamination at Camp
Lejeune from 1953 through 1987. Although the U.S. Navy Bureau of
Medicine had established Navy drinking water standards during this time
period, DOD continues to state that no standards existed. As Secretary
of Defense, will you ensure that these misleading statements from the
Navy and Marine Corps receive the proper oversight from you?
Mr. Hagel. The health and well-being of our servicemembers, their
families, and civilian employees is of the utmost importance to me. If
confirmed, I will be committed to finding answers to the many questions
surrounding the historic water quality issue at Camp Lejeune and
ensuring appropriate oversight of these efforts. Working with the
leaders of the Navy and Marine Corps, I will engage the proper experts
and review all the facts pertaining to the Bureau of Medicine
Instruction to which you refer, ensuring that accurate information is
provided to all who believe they may have been exposed to contaminated
water at Camp Lejeune. The Department will continue to understand the
meaning of ongoing scientific efforts and provide comprehensive
science-based answers to our servicemembers, their families, and
civilian employees.
I applaud Congress' efforts to support families through the passage
of the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families
Act of 2012 and I pledge to support the Department of Veterans Affairs
efforts to properly implement the legislation.
air force oversight
20. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, the Air Force recently released two
major decisions which affected Florida: the Air Force Materiel Command
(AFMC) reorganization and the KC-46 basing selection. We believe there
is room for improvement in regards to the Air Force routing and seeking
validation through the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) on
these very important decisions.
In regards to the KC-46 basing decision and the analysis to
determine future requirements, the level of engagement and coordination
between the Air Force and Combatant Commands (COCOM), as well as OSD
validation of the Air Force decision, requires additional attention.
On December 18, 2012, in section 2814 of the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013, the Air Force was
directed to submit a report and include the efficiencies and
effectiveness associated with the AFMC reorganization, as well as the
extent to which the proposed changes were coordinated with OSD.
Critical decisions of a strategic nature need to be properly
coordinated with the COCOMs. As Secretary of Defense, how will you
direct your staff to ensure the Air Force seeks OSD validation prior to
releasing decisions such as these?
Mr. Hagel. It is my understanding that each Service has a
decisionmaking methodology and process for managing its operations,
organizational structure, and basing decisions. OSD oversees these
efforts, which involve key stakeholders including the COCOM. For
reorganization decisions such as these, I think it is important that
the Secretary of Defense allow the Military Departments the latitude to
make proposals to streamline management functions while also preserving
core capabilities. OSD oversight of this process ensures that affected
stakeholders have the opportunity to provide their perspective on the
implications of proposed changes. If confirmed, I will ensure my staff
and the combatant commands continue to appropriately examine the Air
Force approach to basing decisions.
taiwan relations act
21. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and
the Six Assurances of 1982 have contributed to the peace and stability
of the Asia-Pacific region for the past 3 decades. With the military
balance--including air superiority--gradually shifting in China's
favor, what are your plans to implement the security commitment the
United States has for Taiwan under this framework?
Mr. Hagel. I agree that the Taiwan Relations Act has contributed to
peace and stability in the region for over 30 years. In my view, the
increasing complexity and sophistication of the military threat to
Taiwan from China means that Taiwan must devote greater attention to
asymmetric concepts and innovative technologies to maximize Taiwan's
strengths and advantages. If confirmed, I would work closely with
Congress, throughout DOD, and with our interagency partners to ensure
the continued effective implementation of all of the relevant
provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act.
22. Senator Nelson. Mr. Hagel, as Taiwan is likely to retire some
of its older fighter aircraft in the next 5 to 10 years, do you believe
that sales of advanced aircraft are a next step in this commitment?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I would work closely with Congress,
throughout DOD and with our interagency partners to ensure the
continued effective implementation of all of the relevant provisions of
the Taiwan Relations Act. If confirmed, I will look at what specific
capabilities will help Taiwan meet its self-defense needs in light of
the security situation in the Taiwan Strait and the evolving military
capabilities on the mainland.
Questions Submitted by Senator Claire McCaskill
contracting reform
23. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Hagel, in 2011, in its final report to
Congress, the Commission on Wartime Contracting found that as much as
$60 billion, roughly $12 million ``every day for the past 10 years,''
was lost to waste or fraud through contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In addition to the financial costs, the Commission found that poor
planning, management, and oversight of contracts damaged the United
States' strategic and diplomatic objectives overseas. Building on the
Commission's recommendations, last year I offered legislation, along
with our former Senate colleague, Jim Webb, to reform wartime
contracting practices within DOD, the Department of State, and the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID). Major provisions of this
legislation were signed into law as part of the NDAA for Fiscal Year
Section 843 of the new law requires the Secretary to establish a
chain of authority and responsibility for policy, planning, and
execution of operational contract support. Do I have your commitment to
direct the needed resources to look at our overreliance on contractors
and our loss of core capabilities in certain areas and to report back
to me on the responsibilities you lay out after this review?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. If confirmed, you have my commitment to look at the
Department's reliance on the use of contractors in contingency
operations and to assess what core capabilities should be retained in
24. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Hagel, section 846 requires the
Secretary of Defense to conduct a risk assessment of certain types of
contracting, including not only private security contractors, but also
contracts for training, intelligence, and a host of other problem
areas. You have your pick of poster child case studies in Iraq and
Afghanistan to know this is a problem. DOD does not operate in a vacuum
in wartime. Do I have your commitment to work with the State Department
and USAID, who are also subject to this provision, and to conduct this
assessment based not just on whether you are legally entitled to
contract something out, but on whether it makes sense in the long term,
for both our military mission and our own future capabilities to do so?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. If confirmed, I will work with State Department and
USAID in conducting the required risk assessment of contingency
contracting from not just a legal perspective but also from the
perspective of our long-term capability needs.
25. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Hagel, the F/A-18 program has been a
model acquisition program, and continues to deliver Super Hornets on-
time and on-schedule at less than half the cost of an F-35. The fact
is, the Super Hornet is an aircraft that has performed superbly in
virtually every combat operation and delivers nearly all of the
As the F-35 program continues to slip, we are nearing the end of
the production line for the Super Hornet, which is currently scheduled
to shut down in 2014. I am concerned that the United States could be
left with a gap in the defense industrial bases' ability to produce
strike fighters and eliminates DOD's ability to rely on the F/A-18
lines to manage future F-35 cost, performance, and schedule risks. As
Secretary of Defense, how would you address this gap?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will assess the strike fighter
capability mix, the progress of the F-35, and the state of the F/A-18
production line to determine if a gap exists and evaluate the options
to address it for feasibility and affordability.
26. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Hagel, international sales of the F/A-18
could help mitigate the risk of the closing of domestic strike fighter
production line that can address our own strike fighter shortfall. Will
you ensure that DOD actively supports international sales of the F/A-
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will ensure the Department actively
supports foreign military sales of U.S. defense products including the
sexual assault
27. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Hagel, DOD under Secretary Panetta's
leadership has implemented a number of initiatives to try to curb
sexual assaults in the military--a problem he has stated could be six
times greater than reported--and we have seen both military and
civilian leaders acknowledge that sexual assault is a problem that
affects the recruitment, retention, and readiness of our armed forces.
This committee has taken up the issue of sexual violence in the
military and has implemented some reforms in the NDAA, most recently in
fiscal year 2013.
We have seen some promising programs developed by the Services, as
well. You mentioned in one of your responses to the advance policy
questions that you look forward to hearing about the outcome of the Air
Force's pilot program that assigns an attorney to each victim of sexual
assault who requests one to represent them through the process. I have
been impressed by the training for special investigators going on at
the Army's Military Police School at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri.
This course has been recognized as the ``gold standard'' for special
investigator training, which both DOD and Congress have encouraged the
other Services to follow.
As a former prosecutor, I understand how critically important the
investigation process is to the outcome of sexual assault cases. The
investigation process is also key for victims, as victims may feel more
comfortable coming forward to report their cases if they have
confidence that the military justice system is working and that
perpetrators will be brought to justice.
While I recognize each of the Military Services have a unique
history and culture, that should not be an excuse for refusing to adopt
best practices to combat a problem they all share. Will you push the
Services to adopt best practices in their efforts to combat sexual
Mr. Hagel. It is my understanding that the Services are sharing
information about their processes and working to adopt these best
practices across the Services. If confirmed, I will work to continue
and expand this important effort.
28. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Hagel, will you review whether the
Services have done enough, in your view, to address the problem of
sexual assault within the military?
Mr. Hagel. Sexual assault is a horrible crime and cannot be
tolerated, ignored, or condoned in DOD. If confirmed, I will be fully
committed to combating this crime and determined in reducing the
instance of sexual assault, with a goal of eliminating it from the
I know that the over the past year, the Department has developed
and implemented several new policies and procedures to prevent the
crime of sexual assault, support victims, strengthen investigations,
and hold offenders appropriately accountable. I also know that these
efforts are not enough.
The Department must continue its multi-discplinary approach in
combatting sexual assault. Prevention efforts are important, so that
the crimes do not happen in the first place. These efforts must ensure
that every servicemember, from top to bottom in our military ranks,
knows that dignity and respect are core values we must all live by.
But accountability is key and people who violate the standards of
acceptable behavior must be held appropriately accountable for their
actions. I believe a positive first step was elevating the initial
disposition of the most serious sexual assault cases to the level of
colonel or Navy captain, or higher. Military commanders are essential
to making sexual assault prevention and response efforts successful.
I look forward to learning more about the Department's ongoing
program to develop Special Victims Capabilities across each of the
Services, a program legislated in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, and
which is under development in the Department in the form of special
training and standardized procedures for investigators, prosecutors,
paralegals, and victim witness liaisons. This program's objective is to
enhance the quality of investigations and accountability in sexual
assault cases and I fully support it.
I also look forward to hearing more about the impact of the Air
Force's pilot program, implemented in January, which assigns an
attorney to a victim of sexual assault who requests one to represent
them. I believe this could be a very good way to improve
accountability. It will improve victim confidence and increase the
number of victims who are willing to report; thereby increasing the
number of cases that can be investigated and the number of cases in
which offenders can be held appropriately accountable.
If confirmed, I will be resolute in advancing the Department's
prevention, investigation, accountability, victim support and
assessment programs in order that we address the problem of sexual
assault in a persistent, comprehensive, and effective manner.
Questions Submitted by Senator Mark Udall
alternative energy programs
29. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that the U.S.
military's dependence on foreign oil represents a national security
Mr. Hagel. I am concerned about the Nation's dependence on foreign
oil. At the same time, U.S. military forces need to be able to buy fuel
wherever they operate. I support efforts to reduce the military's
energy needs and diversify supplies in order to increase military
30. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, do you support the continuation of
DOD's energy conservation and alternative energy development programs?
Mr. Hagel. I support the continuation of energy initiatives that
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Defense mission. The
Department has a long history of harnessing innovation to meet defense
challenges in ways that can benefit the civilian economy, and there is
potential for such gains in this case.
31. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, do you believe those programs
represent a strategic investment that will benefit U.S. national
security and increase our military capabilities?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. Energy efficiency and alternative energy programs
are critical for cost savings, operational effectiveness, and our
strategic national security goals. The Department has a long history of
harnessing innovation to meet defense challenges in ways that can
benefit the civilian economy, and there is potential for such gains in
this case.
32. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, what specific actions should be taken
by DOD to address the wave of extremism in the Sahel region of Africa?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the United States should continue to support
France's strong actions to counter al Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic
Maghreb's effort to establish a safe haven in Mali, including by
providing DOD assistance. The Departments of Defense and State should
also continue contributing to the robust international support to the
African-led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA). AFISMA will
help to degrade the threat posed by al Qaeda and allied terrorist
groups and put Mali on a path to stability.
Elsewhere in the Sahel region, the United States should continue to
work with regional partners to strengthen their security capacities and
create the conditions to apply region-wide pressure on extremist
33. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, what methods would you prescribe to
prevent additional countries and national governments in North Africa
from falling to extremists?
Mr. Hagel. Extremists in North Africa clearly pose a significant
threat to regional stability. If confirmed, I will work with the
Secretary of State, other interagency counterparts, international
partners and allies, and countries across the region to build the
capacity of their militaries to counter these threats and to assist
North African governments in improving governance and security for
their populations. This includes preventing the expansion of terrorist
networks and then degrading and, ultimately, defeating terrorist
34. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that there are steps
that the United States should take to further pressure Pakistan to
withdraw their tacit support for terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba
and the Haqqani Network in order to enhance the prospects for a stable
peace in the region?
Mr. Hagel. The ability of militant and terrorist networks to
operate on Pakistani soil poses a threat to the United States,
Pakistan, and other countries in South Asia. Therefore, the United
States should continue to work to ensure that Pakistan meets its
commitments, including supporting a durable settlement in Afghanistan,
pressuring the Haqqani Network, and not allowing Pakistani territory to
be used to launch terrorist attacks on other countries. Our approach
should apply diplomatic pressure where needed and ensure our security
assistance, which is an important tool, is not unconditional but
conditions advance U.S. strategic interests.
military healthcare
35. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, as Secretary of Defense, would you
continue to prioritize funding for military suicide prevention
programs, as well as for improved treatment for physical and
psychological injuries?
Mr. Hagel. I am deeply concerned about the significant rise in
military suicides and am firmly committed to prioritizing funding for
the full range of the Department's mental and physical health programs.
These programs include: suicide prevention programs, such as the Army's
Shoulder to Shoulder and Navy's Combat and Operational Stress Control
resilience and fitness programs; peer-to-peer programs such as the
Vets4Warriors which focuses on our Reserve members; transition and
family support programs, such as Recovery Care Coordination; and
quality of life programs, such as those offered through Military
OneSource. In addition, I will continue ongoing collaboration with the
Department of Veterans Affairs, with continued emphasis on the Military
Crisis Line, to ensure that our members receive support as they
transition back to their civilian lives. Finally, and most importantly,
I agree with Secretary Panetta that there is a significant leadership
role and responsibility for preventing suicides and building the
resilience of the force. If confirmed, I will continue to look for
opportunities to improve our military and civilian leaders' ability to
understand the needs of distressed servicemembers and reduce stigma so
that they can be properly guided to the support they need.
role of the reserve component
36. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, would you agree that, over the last
decade, the National Guard and Reserves have demonstrated their value
to the military mission in support of domestic disaster relief, combat
operations, and in a variety of other roles at home and abroad?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. The National Guard and Reserves have played an
integral role during the past decade, mobilizing in unprecedented
numbers for the wars in Afghanistan. They have also been critical to
Homeland defense and security, highlighted by their heroic efforts
during Hurricane Sandy.
37. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, please discuss your views of the
Reserve and National Guard and the role they should play in the coming
Mr. Hagel. The Reserve components have served with distinction over
more than a decade of war and continue to be a relevant and cost effect
part of the Total Force. In a time of declining budgets and complex
contingencies, I believe that the Department will continue to call on
both Active and Reserve components to accomplish the domestic and
overseas requirements of the new strategy. I understand that the
Department is still in the process of finding the proper Active
component/Reserve component mix that will most effectively accomplish
our new strategy in a constrained fiscal environment. If confirmed, I
will work with our military leaders on this important issue.
russian policies
38. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, since Vladimir Putin was reelected as
Russia's president, the Russian Federation has sent mixed signals for
what its defense and foreign policies will be going forward. The
creation of a so-called ``Eurasian Union''--which would consist of
Russia and other former Soviet republics--was a key component of
President Putin's campaign platform, and is viewed by some as an
attempt by Russia to ``re-Sovietize'' the region, which would pressure
U.S. allies in the region. Former Senator John Kerry (nominated to be
Secretary of State) has reaffirmed the U.S. Government's unwavering
support for the independence of these countries and their right to
choose ``political, military, [and] economic'' alliances ``free from
coercion''. One such U.S. strategic partner, Azerbaijan, recently
allowed a lease with Russia for the Gabala Radar station--the last
Russian installation on Azerbaijan's soil--to expire due to a
disagreement over the cost of the lease, continuing a trend of moving
away from Moscow's orbit. As Secretary of Defense, what will be your
policy to ensure that the independence of U.S. strategic partners in
the region is preserved?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will support continuing engagement with
the leaders of the defense and security institutions of former Soviet
Republics to advance reform and defense modernization goals, to
contribute to regional stability and security, and to advance our
shared security interests. It is possible for countries in the region
to preserve their independence while also having a constructive,
positive relationship with the United States, Russia, and other
countries. As sovereign independent nations these countries must pursue
the bilateral and multinational relationships that they assess are in
their own national interests, but I would work to ensure the United
States is the partner of choice. Working with the Department of State
and other U.S. agencies, I would, if confirmed, continue to support
partners in the region building their government institutions,
practices, and capabilities to enable them to exercise the full measure
of responsibilities and opportunities of independent, sovereign
cooperative threat reduction
39. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, do you support the work conducted
under the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) programs which seek to
eliminate threats, demilitarize systems, and to secure stocks of
existing weapons of mass destruction (WMD)?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I believe that the Cooperative Threat Reduction
Program is a vital mechanism for partnering with other nations to
counter the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction. The program is
now global and focused on core U.S. priorities, including nuclear
security, countering biological threats, and destroying chemical
weapons. If confirmed, I will continue to support the work of this
vital program.
40. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, how would you characterize your own
views on the importance and priorities of the CTR program, originally
undertaken in the former Soviet Union, and more recently expanding into
other territories including Africa and the Middle East?
Mr. Hagel. In the immediate aftermath of the Cold War, I believe
that it made good sense for the CTR program to focus on reducing the
threat posed by the former Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal. Based on
information currently available to me, I believe that the program's
recent expansion into new geographic areas, including Africa, the
Middle East, and Southeast Asia also makes good sense, as does a new
focus on biological threats. In my view, CTR remains a very important
tool in reducing risks to the United States.
nuclear modernization
41. Senator Udall. Mr. Hagel, do you support the restoration of
funding appropriations to maintain the U.S. nuclear triad, and for key
nuclear infrastructure programs such as the Chemistry and Metallurgy
Research Replacement Nuclear Facility in the fiscal year 2013
appropriations bills?
Mr. Hagel. I support the President's commitment to a safe, secure,
and effective nuclear deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist. I
believe that maintaining the triad and modernizing our nuclear forces
and the nuclear weapons infrastructure are national security
priorities. If confirmed, I will give sustained attention to these
Questions Submitted by Senator Kay R. Hagan
sexual assault/domestic violence
42. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, as you and I discussed earlier this
week, the number of sexual assault and domestic violence cases reported
in the military every year is appalling. Studies show that there are
3,200 reported cases every year, but even more astonishing is that the
actual number is estimated at 19,000 cases. This means that somewhere
around 80 percent of all cases go unreported.
A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report concluded that most
victims stay silent because of ``the belief that nothing would be done;
fear of ostracism, harassment, or ridicule . . . or labeled trouble
makers.'' That same report goes on to say that some victims go silent
because they do the math: only 8 percent of cases that are investigated
end in prosecution, compared with 40 percent for civilians arrested for
sex crimes.
This year's NDAA included provisions to combat this problem,
including enhanced education, training, and awareness for our troops
and the leadership. While this is a positive step, just having a zero-
tolerance policy and getting out the message is not always enough.
If confirmed, do you pledge to ensure the NDAA sexual assault
provisions are implemented as rapidly as possible?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
43. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, how do you intend to further prevent
sexual assault and domestic violence?
Mr. Hagel. Sexual assault is a horrible crime and it cannot be
tolerated, ignored, or condoned in DOD. If confirmed, I will be fully
committed to combating this crime and determined in reducing sexual
assault, with a goal of eliminating it from the military.
I know that the over the past year, the Department has developed
and implemented several new policies and procedures to prevent the
crime of sexual assault, support victims, strengthen investigations,
and hold offenders appropriately accountable. I also know that these
efforts are not enough.
The Department must continue its multi-disciplinary approach in
combating sexual assault. Prevention efforts are important, so that the
crimes do not happen in the first place. These efforts must ensure that
every servicemember, from top to bottom in our military ranks, knows
that dignity and respect are core values we must all live by.
44. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, how will you approach fostering an
environment where victims feel safe to come forward to report these
Mr. Hagel. I believe a first step in this area is an Air Force
pilot program, implemented in January, which assigns an attorney to a
victim of sexual assault who requests one to represent them. I believe
this could be a very good way to increase accountability. It will
improve victim confidence, increase the number of victims who are
willing to report; thereby increasing the number of cases that can be
investigated and the number of cases in which offenders can be held
appropriately accountable. If confirmed, I will continue to study the
impact of this pilot program and look for other initiatives that may be
45. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, how do intend to increase
accountability at all levels--not only of the perpetrators, but also of
their leadership?
Mr. Hagel. Accountability is key and people who violate the
standards of acceptable behavior must be held appropriately accountable
for their actions. I applaud Secretary Panetta's decision last year to
elevate the initial disposition of the most serious sexual assault
cases to the level of colonel or Navy captain, or higher. Military
commanders are essential to making sexual assault prevention and
response efforts successful.
I also look forward to learning more about the Department's ongoing
program to develop Special Victims Capabilities across each of the
Services, a program legislated in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, and
which is under development in the Department in the form of special
training and standardized procedures for investigators, prosecutors,
paralegals, and victim witness liaisons. This program's objective is to
enhance the quality of investigations and accountability in sexual
assault cases. I fully support it.
camp lejeune water contamination
46. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, historic and recent public statements
made by the leadership of the U.S. Marine Corps cite that at the time
of the drinking water contamination period aboard Camp Lejeune, there
were no regulatory standards governing the organic chemicals which
fouled the water aboard the base. Yet, recent Department of the Navy
and Marine Corps documents uncovered by former marines and their
families affected by the contamination indicate there was indeed a
Naval regulatory standard in place for total organics in potable water
as early as 1963 (NAVMED P-5010-5 and BUMED 6240.3B and beginning in
1972, version C).
As Secretary of Defense, what steps would you take to ensure the
Department of the Navy and Marine Corps are truthfully conveying
pertinent facts, disseminating important developments to the Camp
Lejeune community, and allowing the community a voice in the matter to
ensure total transparency regarding this issue?
Mr. Hagel. The health and well-being of our servicemembers, their
families, and civilian employees is of the utmost importance to me. If
I am confirmed, I will be committed to finding answers to the many
questions surrounding the historic water quality issue at Camp Lejeune,
including ensuring appropriate oversight of these efforts. I will work
with the leadership of the Navy and Marine Corps to engage the proper
experts and review all the facts pertaining to the Bureau of Medicine
Instruction to which you refer, ensuring that accurate information is
provided to all who believe they may have been exposed to contaminated
water at Camp Lejeune. The Department will continue to understand the
meaning of ongoing scientific efforts and provide comprehensive
science-based answers to our servicemembers, their families, and
civilian employees.
I applaud Congress' efforts to support families through the passage
of the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families
Act of 2012 and I pledge to aggressively support the Department of
Veterans Affairs efforts to properly implement the legislation.
47. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, in August 2011, the Departments of
the Navy, Agriculture, and Energy signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) to invest $510 million to spur production of advanced aviation
and marine biofuels under the Defense Production Act. The joint-MOU,
where each Department contributes $170 million, requires substantial
cost-sharing from private industry of at least a one-to-one match.
Critics of the MOU claim the Department of Energy (DOE) should be
the only Government agency involved in the promotion of advanced
biofuels. While DOE must certainly play an important role, I believe
the Navy and the Department of Agriculture also need to be involved.
From my perspective, leveraging the unique capabilities of each
agency--in partnership with the private sector--exemplifies the type of
innovative approach needed to solve our country's most vexing
As the end-user of this fuel, do you believe there are significant
benefits of having the Navy participate in this initiative?
Mr. Hagel. I have not reviewed all the details of this initiative;
however, all of the Military Services require fuel to operate, so all,
including the Navy, have an interest in promoting military energy
security and have the potential to benefit from such an initiative. I
agree that it is important for the Department to leverage the expertise
of civilian agencies that have the lead or an interest in this area.
The Defense Department has a long history of harnessing innovation to
meet defense challenges in ways that can benefit the civilian economy,
and there is potential for such gains in this case.
48. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, would you agree that leveraging the
unique capabilities of these three agencies enhances the prospects for
programmatic success?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #47.
49. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, in this budgetary environment, I
understand that difficult decisions need to be made about funding
defense programs. However, as the largest single consumer of fuel in
the world, DOD uses approximately 120 million barrels of oil each year
and spent over $17 billion in fiscal year 2011 on fuel alone. This
dependency on a single source of energy jeopardized our military's
readiness. When the price of oil goes up $1, it costs the Navy an
additional $30 million and the entire DOD over $100 million. In 2011,
the Navy was forced to pay an additional $500 million because the price
of fuel was higher than budgeted. Costs overruns could force the
military to curtail training and less urgent operations--resulting in
increased risk to future missions.
Do you believe that developing a commercially viable biofuels
industry will help DOD diversify its fuel sources, reduce the risk of
energy volatility, and ultimately produce cost savings for the Navy?
Mr. Hagel. I believe it is in the long-term energy security
interests of the United States to promote a commercially viable
biofuels industry. A commercially competitive industry could help to
reduce market volatility and reduce risk. If confirmed, I will look
into the role biofuels could play in increasing military capabilities
and lowering costs and risks for the Navy and other military
50. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, DOD has indicated that sustaining
domestic capacity of lithium metals is critical because of the
military's reliance on rechargeable lithium batteries in the field and
the importance of lithium to developing next generation batteries. Do
you believe it is in our national security interest to secure domestic
production of lithium metal and reduce our reliance on imports from
Mr. Hagel. My understanding is the Department is examining a range
of options to ensure adequate and sustainable supply of lithium metal.
If confirmed, I am committed to ensuring the Department has access to
lithium metals, using all authorities available.
51. Senator Hagan. Mr. Hagel, will you consider using authorities
under the Defense Product Act to accomplish this goal?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #50.
Questions Submitted by Senator Joe Manchin III
downsizing the force
52. Senator Manchin. Mr. Hagel, if you are confirmed as Secretary
of Defense, you will oversee the military's largest personnel
downsizing in a generation. This, I believe, is one of the most
important tasks facing the next Secretary, especially with the high
rate of veterans' unemployment. I am very concerned about telling
servicemembers, many who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan multiple
times, their services are no longer needed as the force downsizes. If
confirmed, what approach would you bring to overseeing this massive
personnel drawdown?
Mr. Hagel. The Department must take care of its people, not only
while they are serving, but it is an obligation that continues through
the transition to civilian life. We, as a Nation, owe it to them for
the sacrifices they have made.
It is my understanding that the Department has worked with the
Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Labor, the Small Business
Administration, and the Department of Education to redesign the
Transition Assistance Program (TAP). The redesigned TAP curriculum
contains a Department of Labor sponsored employment workshop, a
Veterans Affairs benefits briefing and registrations, a financial
planning workshop and Service-specific training to equip members with
the tools needed to successfully pursue their post military goals. The
Department is also working with other agencies to meet the mandates of
the VOW to Hire Heroes Act.
If confirmed, I will look at the services available for our men and
women, both those that continue to serve and those that transition to
civilian life.
dod audit
53. Senator Manchin. Mr. Hagel, in your advance policy questions
you provided the following statement regarding the Pentagon's audit
objectives: ``Yes. I support the effort and will maintain the
Department's commitment to producing audit-ready financial statements
by the congressional deadline of September 2017, with an audit
beginning by the end of calendar year 2017.'' Will you do everything in
your power to speed this process up?
Mr. Hagel. Improving the Department's financial management
capability is an important priority and, if confirmed, I will ensure
that senior leaders throughout the Department are focused on this goal
and hold them accountable. While I will push for this effort to be
completed as soon as possible and by the dates we have set, the
Department must also be careful not to take manual or ``heroic'' steps
to achieve this goal in an inefficient manner. I understand Congress
has, in fact, directed DOD not to follow such an approach.
military families
54. Senator Manchin. Mr. Hagel, DOD will face difficult budgetary
choices in the future. Priorities will need to be evaluated and some
programs will face cancellation or reduction. After a decade of war it
is not only our soldiers that feel the stress, but so do their
families. How will you help ensure programs for military families
continue to be a high priority for DOD?
Mr. Hagel. I share the concern of our senior military leaders that
fiscal constraints will affect the very necessary programs needed to
support the families of our servicemembers. If confirmed, I will seek
to prioritize funding for family readiness programs to ensure that the
quality of support for our military families is not negatively affected
by budget reductions while also identifying the most effective programs
and best practices. If confirmed, I will work through a newly formed
Task Force on Common Services for military families to seek to protect
funding for family readiness programs.
u.s. role in the pacific
55. Senator Manchin. Mr. Hagel, there has been an increase in
tension in the East China Sea around the Senkaku Islands in recent
months. In your view, what is the role of the United States in
territorial disputes in Asia?
Mr. Hagel. I support the President's policy that while the United
States does not take sides over competing claims, the United States
opposes any and all forms of coercion to resolve disputes or apply
pressure (including economic measures). In addition, I believe that the
United States should continue to make clear that we will meet our
Treaty commitments.
Questions Submitted by Senator Jeanne Shaheen
56. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, in your responses to the advance
policy questions, you support Secretary Panetta's assessment of the
damaging effects that sequestration would have on the entire DOD and
defense industries. Please describe the negative impact to military
families should Congress fail to reach an agreement.
Mr. Hagel. Sequestration will reduce the operations and maintenance
(O&M) funding that is used to train our troops, to run our bases, and
to run many of our family support programs. While the Department is
still finalizing its assessment of specific impacts, I believe the
these cuts in O&M funding will likely force cuts in our civilian
workforce that will lead to cuts in the hours, services, and staffing
available at clinics, family support centers, libraries, and athletic
facilities. Furthermore, I believe the Department has already concluded
sequestration will force significant cuts in the maintenance of DOD
facilities, which directly affects quality of life.
If confirmed I will make it a priority to minimize the impact of
sequestration on our military families. Sustaining family support
programs in these days of extreme budget uncertainties will be
challenging, but it is an integral part of our military readiness. If
confirmed, I will seek to minimize funding cuts to family support
programs to the greatest extent possible.
57. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, please describe the negative impact
to our defense industrial base should Congress fail to reach an
Mr. Hagel. Sequestration would significantly curtail important
industrial base capabilities and skills which, if lost, would be
difficult, expensive, and perhaps even impossible to replace. My
understanding is that the Department has worked diligently to preserve
those truly unique industrial base assets. Sequestration would render
these careful efforts largely ineffectual. I believe the Department is
still assessing the impact on specific weapons programs and service
support contracts, and that those impacts will vary from case to case,
but each such program will be cut by about 10 percent.
women's healthcare
58. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, there have been a number of
positive steps taken over the last year with respect to eliminating
inequalities facing women in our military. One of which was our effort
to bring female servicemember reproductive health care in line with
Federal standards, to ensure women in uniform have the same access to
care as their civilian counterparts. I was encouraged that we were able
to change this policy during last year's NDAA, and I look forward to
its full implementation.
It is my understanding that the Surgeon's Generals of each of the
Services will issue guidance to their Departments to ensure that
doctors and nurses are aware of new medical options available and are
prepared to advise their patients. I also understand that the Sexual
Assault Prevention and Response Office will issue guidance to victim
advocates to ensure they are aware of this policy change and are
prepared to brief victims on the full range of medical options now
available. Do you commit to implementing this measure, which is now
law, to ensure that our service women have the same health care as the
civilians they protect?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I am committed to ensuring that our female
servicemembers are afforded the same reproductive health care options
as women in the civilian population. I will work with the Services to
guarantee that all medical personnel are aware of the new options and
that every victim has all resources available. I assure you that I will
fully implement all laws protecting women servicemembers' reproductive
rights. My goal is to ensure the health care provided to our
servicemembers remains world class and contemporary.
lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgendered military families
59. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, as the implementation of the repeal
of Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy continues, concerns have been raised
about remaining inequalities faced by Lesbian/Bisexual/Gay/
Transgendered (LBGT) military families. We have a case in New Hampshire
which demonstrates the pain and injustice inflicted by the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA). Charlie Morgan is a chief warrant officer in the
Army National Guard. She served her country in the Active Army, the
Reserve and the Guard, and most recently, she was deployed to Kuwait.
Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with inoperable breast cancer and
due to DOMA, her spouse, Karen, is denied any survivor benefits, and
she is prohibited from health coverage worth well in excess of $10,000
a year. She also cannot get a base pass that would let her escort her
4-year-old daughter to medical appointments on base. Though I recognize
that certain restrictions on monetary benefits apply to LGBT families
under DOMA, will you commit to ensuring that LGBT families are fully
incorporated into military communities and social programs?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. As I have said, I know firsthand the profound
sacrifice our servicemembers and their families make. We must always
take care of our people. That is why, if confirmed as Secretary of
Defense, I will do everything possible to the extent permissible under
current law to provide equal benefits to the families of all our
servicemembers, as members of our military community.
60. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, recent operations in Libya,
Somalia, and around the globe highlight the value submarines continue
to bring to the fight in both our conventional and covert operations.
Can you discuss the importance of our undersea warfare capability,
particularly with respect to the capabilities the Virginia-class
submarines bring to the Navy?
Mr. Hagel. U.S. undersea warfare capabilities are unparalleled in
the world and give us an asymmetric advantage against our adversaries
in both peace and war. Our U.S. Navy dominates the undersea domain,
using attack and guided missile submarines for a variety of clandestine
missions, including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance,
indications and warning, and special operations forces insertion and
recovery. Submarines operate covertly in places that overt units
cannot, providing unequaled capability for intelligence collection.
Ballistic missile submarines, the most survivable leg of the
nuclear triad, are vital to the national mission of strategic
deterrence, and under New START will comprise an increasing percentage
of our operationally deployed weapons.
To maintain our undersea dominance, we must continue a vigorous
submarine building program. The Virginia-class program is the Navy's
most successful shipbuilding program, consistently providing submarines
ahead of schedule and under budget.
pacific versus atlantic focus
61. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, obviously, our strategic shift
towards the Asia-Pacific region prioritizes assets in that area of
responsibility (AOR). However, as recent operations in Libya and Mali,
as well as challenges throughout the Mediterranean, the Middle East,
and North Africa demonstrate, we must maintain the capability to
quickly respond to contingencies on the Atlantic side as well.
Considering the uncertain and complex world of threats we face, how
important is it to maintain flexibility and balance to ensure that our
shift does not leave us vulnerable on the Atlantic side of the country?
Mr. Hagel. I agree that our military forces need to remain
flexible, agile, and balanced in order to be ready for challenges
around the world. I think that DOD recognizes the complexity and
uncertainty of the global security environment and avoids predicting
with certainty how the future will unfold. As outlined in the January
2012 Defense Strategic Guidance, the Department is developing an
adaptable and technologically-advanced Joint Force capable of
responding to a wide range of contingencies. Regardless of where U.S.
military forces may be positioned or stationed, one of the key
advantages of our military is that we can bring to bear effective
capabilities virtually anywhere throughout the world to address the
threats countering our interests.
62. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, the Senate Armed Services Committee
(SASC) has been a strong proponent of U.S.-Israeli cooperation on
missile defense and has provided significant funding for cooperative
efforts, like the Arrow system, David's Sling, and the Iron Dome. Last
year, the SASC provided $211 million to help Israel procure additional
Iron Dome defense systems in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013. What is
your view on the importance of these cooperative programs?
Mr. Hagel. I strongly support U.S.-Israel cooperative efforts on
missile defense, including Iron Dome. U.S. cooperation with Israel,
enabled by congressional support, has led to the development of one of
the most comprehensive missile defense architectures in the world. Each
of the Israeli programs--Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow--fill a
critical requirement in a multi-layered architecture that has been
designed to protect the Israeli populace from existing and emerging
63. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, will you commit to continuing these
Mr. Hagel. Yes, if confirmed, I will seek to continue these
programs and to expand them as appropriate. As we saw in Operation
Pillar of Defense in Gaza, these programs are a lifesaving investment
in Israel's future and our defense relationship.
servicemember reintegration
64. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, you noted in your response to the
advance policy questions that you are committed to working with State
and local governments as well as private and community organizations to
support reintegration of returning servicemembers, particularly those
with combat injuries. Several States have established successful
programs designed to augment reintegration services provided through
DOD's Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP). New Hampshire's
Deployment Cycle Support program is an example of these efforts that
combine State and local as well as public and private funds to provide
comprehensive assistance to military families. What steps can DOD take
to better support these State and local efforts to ensure their
continued success?
Mr. Hagel. I am very familiar with the congressionally-mandated
YRRP established in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2008 that assists National
Guard and Reserve members as they transition between their military and
civilian roles, providing servicemembers and their families with access
to programs, services, resources, and referrals during all deployment
I am also aware that there are several State programs that go
beyond YRRP with strong networks of community-based service providers,
and partnerships with State and local governments that are key in
ensuring resources are readily available to servicemembers and their
families when they need them.
I understand that one of the initiatives of the YRRP Center for
Excellence includes evaluating State-based outreach and reintegration
efforts to identify best practices in order to share those initiatives
nationwide. Additionally, the Center for Excellence is evaluating and
substantiating various Service curricula at YRRP events and post-event
survey data to disseminate best practices. They are also creating on-
line toolkits for use across all components at YRRP events.
If confirmed, I will review the Department's support to YRRP
efforts within the Department and across the various State programs to
ensure we are maximizing our combined efforts and sharing best
practices as much as possible.
defense industrial base
65. Senator Shaheen. Mr. Hagel, it is critical that DOD and the
Services have an overarching direction and comprehensive policy for
maintaining the manufacturing and engineering capabilities that are
necessary to ensure we have production lines for building ships, combat
vehicles, and even engines and transmissions for our current and future
weapons systems. What is your view of the status and health of the
defense-related industrial base, and can you give your assurances that
you will work to ensure these capabilities remain viable and
competitive in the near- and long-term?
Mr. Hagel. I am committed to a healthy industrial base, and I am
concerned that changes in the defense market may impact that base. If
confirmed, I will work to ensure critical defense industrial base
capabilities remain viable and competitive in the near- and long-term.
The Department is dependent on a strong industrial base for the wide
range of products and services needed to support the missions of our
forces, and to provide for the innovation and technical excellence that
provides technological superiority.
Questions Submitted by Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand
66. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, I was a cosponsor of the Afghan
Women and Girls Security Promotion Act in the 112th Congress, both the
standalone version and the bill in the form of an amendment that was
included in the final version of the NDAA. I would like to know what
actions you will take to follow the amendment's directive and execute
as robust a report as possible on the efforts made by the U.S.
Government to ensure the security of Afghan women and girls during and
after Afghanistan's transition process?
Mr. Hagel. Promoting and protecting the security of Afghan women
and girls has been a priority of both the Defense and State Departments
in Afghanistan. If confirmed, I will continue to work with the State
Department to monitor progress throughout the transition and provide
Congress with information that is responsive to the NDAA.
67. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, the Special Inspector General
for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has reported that some of the $1
billion in fuel purchases from Russia and Turkmenistan were blended
with Iranian oil. What measures are going to be put into place to
ensure that we are not violating our own sanctions on Iran?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the SIGAR reported that there may be Iranian
oil in some products we have purchased. I understand that our contracts
for fuel in Afghanistan, including contracts for fuel purchased in
Russia and Turkmenistan, require certifications that Iran was not a
source of the oil. If I am confirmed, I will ensure that we have
appropriate processes in place to preclude the purchase of fuel that
may have come from Iran and to enforce our own sanctions against Iran.
women in the military
68. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, Secretary Panetta recently
lifted the ban on women serving in direct combat roles. I applaud that
decision and am happy to hear that you plan to continue its
implementation, if confirmed. The military you served in with such
distinction in many ways looks very different than the military of
today. Today, women make up nearly 15 percent of the Armed Forces. More
than 283,000 women have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. More
than 800 women have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and more than
140 women have died. Two women have earned Silver Star medals. Why do
we need to wait until 2016 for the Services to complete their
assessment when so many women are already serving on the front lines?
Mr. Hagel. As I've said, I strongly support Secretary Panetta's
decision to lift the ban on women serving in combat roles. While there
are women serving on the front lines, the rescission of the Direct
Combat Rule and Assignment Policy requires the Services to review the
requirements and standards for all combat positions. It is my
understanding that this process takes, at a minimum, 2 years in order
to review tasks, develop testing, and validate the tests which will
result in gender neutral standards.
69. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, I understand and appreciate that
you support the announcement made last week regarding the policy of
opening combat roles to women. I wholeheartedly support this overdue
change in policy as women already have been fighting and dying on the
frontline. I just as strongly believe that military standards should
not be lowered for women seeking these roles and we will see
extraordinary women meeting those standards and strengthening our
national security. I am concerned, however, about the potential for the
goal posts being moved back, or arbitrary standards set, which would in
effect keep combat roles closed to qualified women. How will you ensure
this policy is implemented as intended and as rapidly as feasible?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the military and civilian leadership are
committed to implementing the rescission as quickly as possible and, if
confirmed, I assure I will work to have it implemented expeditiously. I
will ensure that all standards reflect legitimate requirements for
combat roles. In short, if a female soldier has the full skills and
capabilities required to perform in a position, I will make sure she
70. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, we know that women are already
participating, unofficially, with many combat units and special
operations units. With the lifting of the combat exclusion ban, what
will happen to the women already serving with ground combat troops?
Mr. Hagel. It's my understanding that women who served or are
serving in units under an exception to the ground combat exclusion do
so in an official capacity. It's also my understanding that women
currently serving with ground combat troops will continue to serve with
ground combat troops.
71. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, will their combat service now be
recognized as such?
Mr. Hagel. It's my understanding that women's service in combat is
already being recognized. If confirmed, I expect we will continue to
recognize their service and achievements based on the contributions
they make toward mission accomplishment.
72. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, will they be eligible to compete
now for combat arms leadership positions?
Mr. Hagel. On January 24, 2013, Secretary Panetta rescinded the
1994 Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule and directed
the integration of women into previously closed positions by January 1,
2016. If confirmed, I will continue implementation of that new policy.
Within this policy I expect women will be able to compete for
leadership positions where they are qualified and meet the standards.
73. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, sexual assault is an appalling
problem in our military that continues to threaten the military's core
value of protecting all members of the Armed Forces. It has been
speculated that lifting the direct ground combat exclusion for women
will help mitigate the sexual assault problems in our military by
eliminating gender classes in the military. Do you agree with this
theory, and if so, will you use it as leverage to ensure combat roles
are opened to women swiftly and equally across the Services?
Mr. Hagel. I have not had sufficient time to study this particular
theory. As I have previously stated, sexual assault has no place in our
military or anywhere in our society and I will work tirelessly to
resolve that issue holding all commanders fully accountable.
74. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, lifting the combat exclusion ban
has raised the question of whether women should be required to register
for the Selective Service. Selective Service requirements are
determined by law; would you support Congress' decision to include
women in the mandatory registry for Selective Service at age 18?
Mr. Hagel. This is an issue that concerns DOD, although it is not
responsible for administering the Selective Service System. If
confirmed, I will look forward to participating in any interagency
discussion of the merits of extending selective service registration to
75. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, we have been told many times
that commanders will be held responsible if there is a climate in their
units that contributes to sexual assault or harassment. But I am
concerned that measurable mechanisms for holding leaders accountable in
addressing sexual violence issues have not been devised. DOD needs to
develop a process for more directly holding leaders accountable for
enforcing DOD's sexual abuse and harassment policies. The Defense
Advisory Committee on Women in the Services even recommends that
effectiveness in combating sexual harassment and assault should be a
part of individual performance evaluations of all servicemembers and
not just leaders. Accountability seems to be lacking in many respects.
Case in point: Right now there appears to be no one person assigned to
oversee the implementation of Secretary Panetta's directives on sexual
assault prevention and response.
When it comes to issues of sexual violence in the military, what do
you believe is the best mechanism for evaluating leaders?
Mr. Hagel. The men and women who are serving their country face
many challenges both on and off the battlefield. They should never have
to fear the threat of sexual assault from a fellow soldier or superior.
Accountability is always the most important tool for leader
evaluation. One of the most effective mechanisms across all Services is
the command climate assessment. This tool provides timely feedback as a
modality to determine if leaders have reinforced a culture of mutual
respect and created an atmosphere that reinforces that sexual assault
has no place within our ranks. The results from the assessment are key
indicators whether leaders are taking responsibility for good order,
morale, and discipline.
76. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that
effectiveness in combating sexual harassment and assault should be part
of individual performance evaluations for commanders?
Mr. Hagel. Accountability is always the most important tool for
leader evaluation. One of the most effective mechanisms across all
Services is the command climate assessment. This tool provides timely
feedback as a modality to determine if leaders have reinforced a
culture of mutual respect and created an atmosphere that reinforces
that sexual assault has no place within our ranks. The results from the
assessment are key indicators whether leaders are taking responsibility
for good order, morale, and discipline.
77. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, in your opinion, what
consequences should follow if a commander is found to be unresponsive
or ineffective on this issue?
Mr. Hagel. I will hold all commanders responsible for this issue.
In order to successfully address this issue, I will continue to
advance the positive steps taken by Secretary Panetta to change the
policies and the culture that has discouraged victims from speaking out
and trusting that there are resources in place to support and protect
Among the initiatives that have already been taken by this
administration, I feel strongly about efforts to raise the awareness of
this issue and elevate its importance to the Department, including
elevating disposition authority for the most serious cases, requiring
commanders to conduct annual organizational climate assessments, and
enhancing training programs for sexual assault prevention.
If confirmed, I will work closely with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to
ensure that all of our commanders are responsive and establish
appropriate repercussions for those commanders who do not fully support
this goal.
women's security
78. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, on December 19, 2011, the United
States released its new National Action Plan (NAP) on U.N. Security
Council Resolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security (WPS). The plan
released by the administration is the first ever U.S. national action
plan and Executive Order to implement these goals to establish women as
influential and active agents in the prevention and resolution of
conflicts. On August 10, 2012, the United States released the first-
ever U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence
Globally, and President Obama signed an accompanying Executive Order
directing all relevant agencies to implement the Strategy. The Strategy
underscores the U.S. Government's commitment to preventing and
responding to gender-based violence.
We know that all too often violence against women is used as a tool
of war, yet U.N. peacekeepers and regional forces are under-trained and
under-equipped in addressing violence against women. What actions will
you take to implement this Executive Order?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that, in the first year of implementation,
the Department made noteworthy progress on the NAP for WPS objectives,
both internally and with a range of foreign defense partners. First and
foremost was Secretary Panetta's decision to rescind the restriction on
women in direct combat, a decision I applaud. Externally, in bilateral
and multilateral engagements, I am told combatant commands and our
Regional Centers are focused on building the capacity of partner
militaries to promote and strengthen gender equality.
I understand that the Department is developing a DOD Instruction to
institutionalize the NAP's priorities. If confirmed, I would continue
this progress in implementing the NAP and ensure the Department
continues to lead by example on WPS issues.
79. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, are there assets, such as excess
defense articles, that the United States can contribute to peacekeeping
forces, such as those in the Congo, in order to specifically help women
facing significant and constant threats of sexual violence?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I plan to fully support the Department's
efforts to implement the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to
Gender-based Violence Globally and associated Executive Order. In this
context, training of peacekeepers is critical and I believe it is
important that DOD peacekeeping training continue to include human
rights training and targeted instruction on prevention of and response
to sexual and gender based violence. If confirmed, I will also continue
to leverage Department authority to provide excess defense articles to
equip peacekeeping contingents, where appropriate.
80. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, in your responses to the advance
policy questions, you have said that ``recruiting, training, and
retaining military and civilian personnel needed for cyber operations
will be a challenge''. One noted expert recently told the press that of
the 10,000 necessary top cyber personnel, DOD has or can recruit only
Why don't we begin an aggressive program of recruiting National
Guard and Reserve cyber experts--a cyber corps--which would leverage
the training and hiring of the private tech sector? The additional
benefit from using the Guard is their ability to operate both in the
military and Homeland defense space so that they can address the
spectrum of threats to our national interests.
Mr. Hagel. I believe that the National Guard and Reserve are a
tremendous resource of talent and of surge capacity for DOD, and these
skilled personnel can contribute greatly to the cyber mission. We are
already using Guard and Reserve personnel in this mission area. It will
not only be critical to recruit the right talent, but we must take a
strategic approach to leveraging our National Guard and Reserve Forces
as part of our overall structure. If confirmed, I will ensure that we
appropriately draw upon a broad pool of our Nation's cyber experts in
support of our critical cyber mission.
81. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, I also understand that the
pipeline of cyber personnel has to start in early education in order to
interest and educate the right number of future cyber warriors. Why
don't we make Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
aptitude and interest a significant focus of our Reserve Officers'
Training Corps (ROTC) selection?
Mr. Hagel. The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is vital to
training the exceptional officers upon which our military relies,
including in cyber skill sets. I believe that we should explore many
approaches to build the critical technical skills DOD needs, and this
should include exploring STEM related incentives in our ROTC program.
new york installations
82. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, I represent New York, home to
our Nation's number one terrorist target. In the NDAA for Fiscal Year
2013, I worked to ensure the second WMD civil support teams for both
New York and Florida were authorized, and that funds have been
appropriated. Both of these units are fully trained and ready to deploy
in the event of a terrorist attack, yet DOD and the National Guard
Bureau are trying to disestablish our second teams. While I recognize
the need for cost savings, these teams cost so little and yet provide
so much to our country. Given the importance of these teams to our
national security, do I have your commitment to follow clear
congressional direction, which has authorized and fully funded these
Mr. Hagel. I agree that WMD civil support teams are vital to our
national security. I am not familiar with the funding for these teams,
but I will look into this matter if confirmed.
83. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, I understand that the Army must
cut its forces, but it is taking only two of its eight Brigade Combat
Teams (BCT) slated for reduction out of Europe, and the rest from
Continental United States (CONUS). Will you consider further cuts
outside the CONUS (OCONUS), perhaps using rotational units?
Mr. Hagel. The additional BCT reductions must be made consistent
with our global strategy and treaty obligations. The three remaining
BCTs not stationed in the United States, one in Korea and two in
Europe, provide vital forward presence, partnership opportunities,
deterrence, and rapid response. I will certainly work with my staff and
the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army to see what
other options may be feasible and affordable while still providing the
requisite reassurance to our allies.
84. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, what metrics and methodology
will DOD use in approaching reductions in overseas personnel and
infrastructure, while concurrently taking actions which reduce force
structure in the United States?
Mr. Hagel. The Department will seek to balance posture reductions
in a way that aligns with our national strategic interests. As we
consider options, we will balance our strategic and operational
priorities against the need to reduce costs.
85. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, the Army has reiterated the
importance of rotary wing aviation in Iraq and Afghanistan as a
critical asset to reducing the amount of casualties during ground
convoys because of improvised explosive devices (IED). As the Army
downsizes, do you see the number of Combat Aviation Brigades decreasing
as well?
Mr. Hagel. As it downsizes, the Army must maintain the proper
balance amongst all of its capabilities--Ground Combat capabilities,
Combat Support capabilities, Sustainment and Logistics capabilities,
and Institutional capabilities. Army Aviation must be part of this
balance. I don't know to what extent Aviation will be affected, but I
will review with the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of
the Army their plans for the Army drawdown and ensure that I and my
staff continue to be comfortable with the Army's plan.
86. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, we've seen from Air Force 2013
Force Structure proposal, a disconcerting strategy which shifts more
flying missions and iron to the Active component, while placing the Air
Guard with fewer assets. The Guard getting unmanned missions is a
welcome development, but the reduced manning requirements and the
ability of the Air Guard to provide support to Governors with fewer
numbers of critical assets, such as C-130s, remains a concern. It may
also place a chill on Air Guard recruiting given the decreasing
opportunities for pilots. What is your strategy to maintain a strong
balance in flying missions and assets for the Air Guard over the next 4
years and beyond?
Mr. Hagel. Since its inception, the Air Force has relied on the
Total Force--made up of the Active, Reserve, and Air Guard components.
Over the past 2 decades, the Air Force has become a more integrated
force, both operationally and organizationally, as all three
components--Active, Reserve, and Air Guard--have trained, deployed, and
conducted the full range of missions together. I understand the Air
Force continually reevaluates the mix between Active and Reserve
components through an institutionalized process that includes
representatives from all three components. If confirmed, I intend to
work with Air Force leadership to understand and evaluate this process
87. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, how will you assure that the Air
National Guard has a greater voice in decisionmaking, rather than
simply being handed decisions from the Air Force?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the work currently under way between the
Department and the Council of Governors to develop a mutually agreed
upon consultative process will ensure that the concerns of States are
taken into consideration in future National Guard force structure,
basing and budgeting decisions. I intend to continue with this effort
and am committed to working closely with the Council of Governors.
88. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, with the downsizing of the
military, and last year's request from the administration for Base
Closure and Realignment (BRAC) authorization, I anticipate that we will
be discussing a new round of domestic base closings in this year's
posture hearings. How will the metrics rolled out by the Air Force and
Army respectively, in the last year and a half, inform any BRAC
Mr. Hagel. It is my understanding that BRAC recommendations must
result from a process that meets the requirements of the specific BRAC
legislation. Therefore, metrics developed outside the BRAC statutory
process can be used only if authorized in the legislation.
89. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, you have said that you view
cyber threats as one of the top security threats to the United States.
Yet last year the Air Force cut its cyber research budget, and in the
coming year, there is a plan to make the research budget pay for the
operating costs at the Air Force Research Lab in Rome, New York. I am
very concerned that such steps point to a hollowing out of our cyber
preparedness, rather than taking the threat seriously. I hope to work
with you to reverse this trend. Even in a budget scarce environment,
cyber research pays tremendous dividends. Can I count on your support
for increased cybersecurity research?
Mr. Hagel. In today's complex global environment, cyber threats
pose an increasingly serious challenge to national security. DOD
organizations, including the Air Force Research Lab, provide for the
development of vital capabilities needed for both today's warfighter
and for the future strategic environment. If confirmed, I will work
with Congress and the Services to ensure that DOD continues to assess
and invest in critical cybersecurity research activities.
coordination with the department of veterans affairs
90. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, I am concerned about the
transition our warriors face as they leave the DOD and enter the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). While there have been improvements
in the last few years, I am concerned there is still a gap. I am
especially concerned about the issues our female warriors face as they
make this transition, especially those who have been sexually assaulted
while serving. I want to ensure they are getting the information, care,
and assistance they need while not being revictimized by the system.
If confirmed, what are your plans for increasing coordination with
the VA to ensure our troops, especially women, are getting the
important transition information and assistance they need so that no
one falls through the cracks?
Mr. Hagel. I am committed to ensuring every servicemember receives
the training, education, and credentials he or she needs to
successfully transition to the civilian workforce. I believe we must
embed servicemembers' preparation for transition throughout their
military lifecycle. I understand that the Department has redesigned the
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) to ensure all servicemembers are
``career ready'' upon separation. The redesigned TAP complies with the
VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 that mandates all servicemembers
separating from title 10 Active Duty (including reservists and
guardsmen) participate in the program to ensure they are better
prepared when leaving the military for civilian life.
If confirmed, I will engage Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary Eric Shinseki in a specific dialogue on the unique issues
facing the transition of our female servicemembers. I will also
continue the practice of holding regular Secretarial-level meetings and
will closely monitor the progress of the many important joint
initiatives between the two Departments.
directed energy
91. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, the Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessments recommended last year a much greater investment
into directed energy weapons. While DOD has already spent billions of
dollars over several decades on science and technology efforts related
to directed energy, several recent demonstrations by the Navy using
solid state lasers on surface ships indicate that we may be reaching
the point where as a Nation we can begin to realize a return on the
substantial investment and transition this capability from science and
technology to development as a weapon system. I understand that
shipboard directed energy weapons could provide an affordable solution
to significant capability challenges associated with sustaining our
forward presence in strategically critical areas such as the South
China Seas, the Sea of Japan, and the Straits of Hormuz. What is your
view of current DOD efforts to weaponize directed energy technologies?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that the Department has embarked on a
deliberate path to develop the technologies to weaponize Directed
Energy. If confirmed, I will continue to push for directed energy and
other emerging technologies through robust research and development to
continuously improve the capabilities we will field for our forces.
92. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, should the Navy formally
consider initiating a development program of record for high energy
solid state lasers to improve the affordability and capability of our
surface ships?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that the Navy has and will continue to
assess the solid state laser research and development efforts to
determine transition opportunities given the remaining technical risk,
costs and capability limitations that must be addressed prior to
establishing a program of record.
93. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, should such a program, if
undertaken, include contributions from willing and technically capable
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
asia pivot
94. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, the President had announced an
Asia pivot, and between North Korea's missile threats and China's
increased aggressiveness with respect to its neighbors, we have a
number of challenges to react to. But at a time of declining budgets,
how would you balance this pivot against the continuing concerns in the
Middle East and the growing threat in Africa?
Mr. Hagel. As described in the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance, the
Department is rebalancing toward the Asia-Pacific while maintaining
focus on the Middle-East. I think that the significant U.S. military
presence and activities in Asia are a clear demonstration of the
enduring U.S. commitment to the region and to addressing current and
emerging challenges in the Asia-Pacific. Moreover, if confirmed as
Secretary, I would take every step to maintain the ability of America
to conduct successful combat operations in more than one region at a
time, ensuring that we have the ability to meet threats around the
world, as in the Middle East and North Africa, when they arise. Our
global posture, engagement with allies and partners, and investment in
flexible defense architectures for high-demand capabilities, such as
ballistic missile defense, are of great importance.
95. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, how would this impact decisions
over weapon systems and force structure?
Mr. Hagel. While rebalancing, it will be important for the
Department to protect new capabilities and investments to respond to
the changing character of warfare; to preserve lessons, capabilities,
and expertise built over the past 10 years; and to maintain a
technological edge to meet future challenges.
cutting forces/hollow force
96. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, you have stated that a hollow
force is one that has been rendered incapable of performing the mission
that we expect it to conduct. With a hollow force, units do not have
the resources, personnel, equipment, and training necessary to make
them capable or ready to execute the defense strategies that secure our
country. As the military draws down after a decade of war, what
strategic approach would you implement to ensure we retain the
appropriate balance of training, readiness, and modernization to
prevent the force from becoming hollow?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that last year the President approved the
Department's Strategic Guidance which provided priorities as well as
force sizing direction. This was designed to ensure the Department
could meet the missions we foresee and respond to the unexpected in a
balanced way. However, any dramatic changes to the resources of the
Department, such as with sequestration, would force military and
civilian leaders to reevaluate that strategy.
97. Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Hagel, as conventional warfare becomes
more technology-based, how do you believe that we should retain talent,
especially in the fields of information technology and cyber warfare
when the technology sector is able to provide pay and benefits that far
exceed what the Government can offer?
Mr. Hagel. Maintaining personnel critical technical skills will be
an increasingly important challenge for DOD. Although the private
sector may be able to offer better pay and benefits in some cases, my
experience with DOD personnel has shown me again and again not only
their talent but their commitment to their national security mission.
In order to recruit and retain these talented individuals in
information technology and cyberspace, I will use every tool I have
afforded by OPM. In addition to many opportunities that the private
sector cannot offer, DOD can focus on new ways to recruit, train, and
retain talented cyber professionals. These include scholarships,
partnerships, ensuring that technical people stay in mission essential
technical jobs, and working creatively with the National Guard and
Reserve components. If confirmed, I will work with DOD and
congressional leaders to address this challenge.
Question Submitted by Senators Kirsten E. Gillibrand and Richard
98. Senator Gillibrand and Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, we have
worked very hard this year to pass a bipartisan, bicameral provision
funding autism services under TRICARE. Unfortunately we only funded a
1-year project. We understand that you were also supportive of early
intervention and treatment of autism. We'd like to work with you to
find a way to permanently fund Tricare's coverage of autism services.
Mr. Hagel. As I understand it, the TRICARE program provides medical
benefits under the basic program and provides non-medical support
benefits (including respite care) to Active Duty Families under the
Extended Health Care Option (ECHO). TRICARE has always covered medical
benefits such as speech and physical therapy, to individuals with an
Autism diagnosis under the medical benefit. In addition, TRICARE has
implemented coverage of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) as a medical
benefit, and is reviewing additional provider treatment options for
medical care. This medical care will be provided by authorized TRICARE
providers who are licensed or certified to provide ABA therapy. If I am
confirmed, I look forward to working with you on this important issue
that affects so many families.
Questions Submitted by Senator Richard Blumenthal
vietnam era veterans
99. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, an estimated 70,000 veterans who
served in the Vietnam war suffered from undiagnosed at the time Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during their service and were given
less-than-honorable discharges. I understand that less than 2 percent
of those who have applied for discharge upgrades have been successful
before the Army's records correction boards. In contrast, today's
military personnel are properly and, if appropriate, given a medical
discharge, which entitles them to disability compensation, medical
care, and support. If confirmed, will you review the decisions and
guidance of the Army records correction boards with regards to the
denial of Vietnam veterans' requests for discharge upgrades?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I understand that the Boards for the Correction of
Military Records all operate under procedures approved by the Secretary
of Defense and if confirmed, I will ensure that those procedures
protect all veterans suffering from PTSD.
military-to-military relations
100. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, as a component of the Northern
Distribution Network (NDN), Azerbaijan provides ground and naval
transit for roughly 40 percent of the International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF) coalition's supplies bound for Afghanistan. Azerbaijan has
extended important over-flight clearance, landing, and refueling
operations for U.S. and NATO flights to support ISAF. In 2012, more
than 150 aeromedical evacuation flights of U.S. Air Mobility Command
were flown over Azerbaijan, rushing more than 2,200 patients to a
higher level of medical care. How do you assess current U.S.-Azerbaijan
military-to-military relations and what will be your policy to expand
this strategic partnership?
Mr. Hagel. My assessment is that the U.S.-Azerbaijan defense
relationship is strong--but still has room to grow. If confirmed, I
will build on existing cooperation and ensure DOD continues to engage
in regular consultations at high levels with Azerbaijani counterparts
to identify areas where we can strengthen our cooperation and
partnership. That growth will be based on shared interests and
willingness to cooperate, available resources, and capacity to absorb
new programs. I will also continue our engagement with Azerbaijan aimed
at supporting Azerbaijan's defense reforms, its ability to interoperate
with NATO, to deploy forces in support of coalition operations, and its
capacity to address terrorism and other transnational threats and
secure its maritime borders and energy infrastructure. I would look for
the United States to be Azerbaijan's partner of choice and help
Azerbaijan's defense establishment contribute to regional security and
101. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, in September 2012, Secretary of
Defense Leon Panetta invited the Chinese PLA to observe the Rim of the
Pacific (RIMPAC) military exercise that will take place in 2014. In
2012, RIMPAC involved participants from more than 20 countries. If
confirmed, would you consider extending a similar invitation to observe
RIMPAC to Taiwan?
Mr. Hagel. The United States is firm in its commitment to Taiwan's
self-defense needs under the Taiwan Relations Act. That relationship
includes defense exchanges and other interactions consistent with our
unofficial relationship and as provided for in the Taiwan Relations
Act. If confirmed, I will work to identify appropriate exchanges and
interactions to assist Taiwan's self-defense capabilities, and
contribute to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
102. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed as Secretary of
Defense, what additional steps would you take to strengthen our
military-to-military relationship with Israel?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will consider what additional steps
could further strengthen our military relationship with Israel,
including but not limited to missile defense, intelligence sharing,
counterterrorism, and maritime security. I know that over the past 4
years the administration has taken unprecedented steps to expand our
cooperation with Israel. Today, with congressional support, the United
States provides Israel over $3 billion annually in Foreign Military
Financing (FMF), which is the backbone of our commitment to Israel's
defense. This financial support is complemented by extensive military-
to-military cooperation, including joint exercises. If confirmed, I
will seek to ensure that we build on this cooperation and expand it
into new areas as the United States and Israel address emerging threats
at this time of historic change in the Middle East. I believe we have a
tremendous opportunity for further expansion of our missile defense
efforts as well as cooperation in areas like space and cyberspace.
The foundation for successful cooperation is the close personal
relationships U.S. military and defense civilian leaders have with
Israeli military and defense leadership. Secretary Gates and Secretary
Panetta, as well as the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have all
developed very close relationships with their counterparts. Continuing
with this tradition will be one of my highest priorities if I am
confirmed. This will be vital to ensuring that we understand Israel's
defense requirements, and to finding ways to address mutual threats
that meet our common interests.
103. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, what role does Israel's
participation in the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program have in
maintaining Israel's qualitative military edge in the region?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that the JSF will be a core component of
Israel's qualitative military edge (QME). Israel's QME is predicated
upon its ability to defend itself, by itself, from any and all threats
in the region--whether the threat comes from state or non-state actors
or a coalition of states. Air superiority is one of the most important
components to Israel's QME, and the unique capabilities of the JSF will
ensure Israeli air superiority for decades. Israel will be the only
nation in the region with a fifth generation fighter aircraft, and
Israel's JSF will be tailored to meet its specific security
reserve component mobilization
104. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, following the September 11,
2001, terrorist attacks against the United States, President Bush
issued a partial mobilization of the Reserve components, authorizing
the involuntary mobilization of up to 1 million members of the National
Guard and Reserves at any one time for repeated service of up to 2
years. National Guard units like the 143rd Military Police Company out
of West Hartford and the 1048th Transportation Company out of Stratford
have served in Afghanistan for repeated deployments. I know the
sustainability of an operational reserve is something that concerns
you. In 2007, you introduced an amendment limiting the deployment of
servicemembers serving in Iraq to 12 months. While the National Guard
and Reserve have served with distinction, the operational reserve has
without question had impacts that need to be addressed here at home.
What is your vision for maintaining readiness levels within the Reserve
component without continued Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)
funding post-2014?
Mr. Hagel. I appreciate Congress' efforts in the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2012 to increase authorities to fully use the Reserves in a
planned and programmed manner. Without OCO, the required Reserve
component readiness funding would need to be included in the
Department's annual baseline budget to align resources with the
Department's long-term mission needs.
105. Senator Blumenthal. Mr. Hagel, what mobilization authority is
appropriate to use as we continue our counterterrorism efforts with the
Reserve component?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, and in light of the new strategy, I will
consider the question of additional mobilization authorities, but at
the present time I believe that appropriate policies and procedures are
in place and current laws are adequate.
Questions Submitted by Senator Mazie K. Hirono
u.s.-pacific ties
106. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, given the increasingly complex
interrelationships of military, economic, political and diplomatic
policies relevant to regional security issues, what is your view on the
role for DOD institutes like Hawaii's Asia-Pacific Center for Security
Studies (APCSS) in advancing some of the goals of the rebalance to the
Pacific and also in accomplishing a U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM)
objective of developing professional and personal ties among with our
allies throughout the region? APCSS brings together military and
civilian representatives of the United States and Asia-Pacific nations
to address regional and global security issues through its
comprehensive program of executive education and conferences.
Mr. Hagel. APCSS contributes to advancing America's Pacific
rebalance by enhancing professional and personal ties with partners
throughout the region, strengthening defense institutional capacity,
promoting critical thinking on regional security issues, and providing
a venue for communication and exchange of ideas involving military and
civilian participants. I agree that APCSS has a unique convening
ability to bring together influential civilian and military
decisionmakers from governments in the region with business and civil
society leaders.
107. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, in your response to an advance
policy question concerning additional steps the United States should
take to defend against the North Korean ballistic missile threat, you
state that the ``United States should also seek to enhance bilateral
and trilateral missile defense cooperation with our ROK [Republic of
Korea] and Japanese allies particularly in the area of information
sharing.'' Last year, the Korean public's opposition, inflamed by
heightened tensions with Japan, largely led to the failure of the ROK
Government to sign an agreement with Japan that would allow the two
countries to exchange key military intelligence. If confirmed, what
would you do to enhance bilateral and trilateral defense cooperation
with these allies?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will continue to explore ways to deepen
our alliance cooperation with Japan and South Korea, emphasize and
encourage trilateral cooperation, and, where possible, support efforts
to strengthen ties between the two countries. I understand there are
significant cooperative efforts already underway, including the Defense
Trilateral Talks, which recently were conducted at the assistant
Secretary level in Tokyo, and I would continue these initiatives, if
confirmed. Deeper trilateral cooperation enhances our Alliance
capabilities, sends a powerful message to the region, and serves to
reinforce deterrence against possible aggression.
108. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, in your response to the advance
policy question on the status of the U.S.-China relationship, you
recognize the fact that ``China is rapidly modernizing its military and
increasingly asserting claims to territory''. If confirmed, how should
the United States respond to China's increasingly aggressive actions
over the Senkaku Islands and what steps will you take to assure our
Japanese allies of America's commitments to defend Japanese territory
under Article V of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will continue our longstanding
commitments to all of our Treaty allies, including Japan. My
understanding is that the administration has made clear that while the
United States takes no position on the sovereignty of the Senkaku
Islands, our Treaty commitments apply to all territories under the
administration of Japan. I would support continuing this policy and
communicate it clearly to all parties involved in this issue. If
confirmed, I also would continue U.S. efforts to promote the peaceful
handling of the Senkaku Island dispute by all parties while at the same
time ensuring that the United States maintains the ability to fulfill
all of its security commitments.
109. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, in 2011, while I was attending the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Hawaii, Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton appeared at the East-West Center in Honolulu and
gave an address titled ``America's Pacific Century''. In her remarks,
she stated that the United States has ``a strong relationship with
Taiwan, an important security and economic partner . . . .'' In what
specific ways will you build on this existing foundation and further
enhance this important relationship as Secretary of Defense?
Mr. Hagel. The United States is firm in its commitment to Taiwan's
self-defense needs under the Taiwan Relations Act. This could include
the provision of defense articles and services, consistent with the
Taiwan Relations Act, as well as training opportunities designed to
improve Taiwan's self-defense capabilities.
110. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, what is your current assessment of
our relationships with Japan, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines,
and Taiwan? Please describe your goals should you be confirmed as
Secretary of Defense for each of these relationships.
Mr. Hagel. My understanding is that our relationships with these
allies and partners remain extraordinarily strong, and, if confirmed, I
would ensure that we continue to prioritize our critical alliances and
partnerships in the Asia-Pacific region.
Japan is the linchpin of our presence in Asia. Japan is an
increasingly critical partner in missile defense, humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief, maritime security, and other important
areas. If confirmed, I would continue the work of my predecessors to
broaden and deepen this critical alliance to ensure that it is capable
of responding to the security challenges of the 21st century.
The United States has a similarly robust relationship with the
Republic of Korea (ROK). My understanding is that we have a
comprehensive agenda aimed at facilitating the smooth transfer of
wartime operational control in 2015, and ensuring the ROK Government
has the capabilities necessary to defend the peninsula. If confirmed, I
would continue these important efforts, and would also continue to
stress the importance of trilateral ties between Japan, the ROK, and
the United States.
The U.S.-Australia alliance is very strong, reflecting the enduring
bonds forged through the sacrifices of United States and Australian
forces in every major conflict of the last 100 years. The joint U.S.-
Australia force posture initiatives in northern Australia reflect a
reality we all recognize: security and prosperity of our two great
nations is inextricably linked to the security and prosperity of the
Asia-Pacific region. If confirmed, my goal would be to continue to
invest in this critical relationship.
I understand that our alliance with the Philippines has matured
substantially during the Obama and Aquino administrations. Over the
past few years, our defense relationship has developed in many
important dimensions. If confirmed, I would continue this trend by
exploring options for increased rotational presence for U.S. forces in
the Philippines while continuing to support the Philippines'
development of a minimum credible defense capability.
The Taiwan Relations Act provides that the United States ``will
make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in
such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a
sufficient self-defense capability.'' That policy has contributed to
peace and stability in the region for over 30 years and is consistent
with longstanding U.S. policy, which calls for a peaceful resolution of
the Taiwan issue in a manner acceptable to the people on both sides of
the Taiwan Strait. If confirmed, I would work closely with Congress,
the Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, and the Department's interagency
partners to ensure the continued effective implementation of all of the
relevant provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act.
women in combat
111. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, in light of DOD's recent
announcement with regard to the role of women in combat, I'd like to
ask about the priority you will give to developing implementation plans
to move forward with the U.S. NAP on WPS released by the White House in
December 2011. It is my understanding that the Department of State and
USAID have released implementation plans building on the NAP.
If the White House plan envisions an active role in this regard by
DOD, I would be interested in your vision for moving forward in this
Mr. Hagel. I understand that, in the first year of implementation,
the Department made noteworthy progress on the NAP for WPS objectives
both internally and with a range of foreign defense partners. First and
foremost was Secretary Panetta's decision to rescind the restriction on
women in direct combat, a decision I applaud. Externally, in bilateral
and multilateral engagements, I am told combatant commands and our
Regional Centers are focused on building the capacity of partner
militaries to promote and strengthen gender equality.
I understand that the Department is developing a DOD Instruction to
institutionalize the NAP's priorities. If confirmed, I would continue
this progress in implementing the NAP and ensure the Department
continues to lead by example on WPS issues.
family programs
112. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, last year I attended a graduation
ceremony at Pearl Harbor-Hickam Air Force Base. The graduates were 4-
year-olds from military families involved in a YMCA [Young Men's
Christian Association] program. These kids reminded me that when our
men and women in uniform are deployed, their families serve too. In the
House of Representatives, I was the Co-Chair of the House Impact Aid
Coalition. Impact Aid helps support local school districts that educate
military-connected children. Please elaborate on how you will work to
provide child care and educational opportunities to the children of
military families.
Mr. Hagel. I fully support the Impact Aid program, and these funds
are primarily delivered through the Department of Education to local
school districts. In addition, DOD has been providing hundreds of
millions of dollars to local school districts through a
congressionally-directed program to rebuild locally owned schools
located on military bases that are falling into disrepair. More
directly, DOD has spent billions of dollars on a multi-year program to
rebuild Department owned schools that are in failing condition.
I believe that it is the duty of the Department to prepare military
families to cope with the challenges that military service brings In
order to build and sustain resilient military families, the Department
must continue to focus on programs that enhance their social,
financial, educational and psychological well-being.
I believe there are opportunities to improve the efficiency and
accessibility of the resources and programs that the Department, other
Federal agencies, State and local governments, and Department partners
like the YMCA provide our servicemembers and their families. If
confirmed, I will explore these opportunities and how we can better
coordinate efforts to more effectively provide programs to our military
recruit readiness
113. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, recently, a group of retired
generals and admirals called Mission Readiness found that 75 percent of
young Americans ages 17 to 24 are unable to join the military,
primarily because they are poorly educated, physically unfit, or
involved in crime. As Secretary of Defense, how will you work with
other Federal agencies to combat these problems and improve the pool of
potential recruitments?
Mr. Hagel. Today's enlistment qualification standards are well-
defined, supported by years of experience, and have stood the test of
time. They are driven by the need to provide the Services with men and
women who are prepared to adapt to the rigors of military life and meet
performance requirements. It is imperative we maintain the highest
standards for these reasons.
If confirmed, I will work closely with organizations such as
Mission Readiness, the National Prevention Council and the First Lady's
office to address these issues. I will explore opportunities in the
Department to pilot healthy initiatives at several military
installations to serve as a model for the department, and the Nation.
energy security
114. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, across the globe resource scarcity,
political and social upheaval, and other factors are changing the
nature of the threats our Nation faces. These new challenges are
particularly pronounced when we consider the global energy markets on
which we rely. Prices are set based on global demand--not U.S.
strategic and operational concerns--and many of the source nations are
not our closest allies. Do you view U.S. energy security as a vital
component to our overall national security?
Mr. Hagel. Energy security is central to national security. DOD can
play a role in promoting U.S. energy security in two ways.
First, DOD can improve the energy security of military operations
and defense facilities. The Department has a long history of harnessing
innovation to meet defense challenges in ways that can benefit the
civilian economy, and there is potential for such gains in this case.
Second and more broadly, a core mission for DOD is preventing
conflict, through deterrence and forward presence, partnerships with
other nations, and a range of other activities. The Department also
plays a supporting part in whole-of-government efforts to build peace,
stability, and prosperity around the world. I view the Department's
shaping and prevention efforts as vital to our overall national
security, given the complexity of current and emerging threats and
challenges. In that context, energy security is both part of the
challenge and the response for DOD.
115. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, what role, if any, do you believe
that DOD has in supporting efforts to increase U.S. energy security?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #114.
116. Senator Hirono. Mr. Hagel, Congress has included provisions in
past NDAAs to give the Secretary of Defense the guidance, tools, and
support for initiatives intended to improve the military's energy
security and reduce fuel costs. These include section 526 of the Energy
Independence and Security Act, establishment of an Office of
Operational Energy Plans and Programs headed by an assistant secretary,
and other provisions. If confirmed, do you intend to continue to
encourage the Services to utilize these authorities to meet their
operational and installation energy needs effectively?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
Questions Submitted by Senator Tim Kaine
atlantic-pacific military presence
117. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, in 2012, DOD released its new
strategy, noting a rebalance to Asia while also maintaining our
commitments in the Middle East. This strategy is heavily dependent on
the maritime forces of the Navy and the Marine Corps. What is your view
on the necessity of maintaining our naval power projection in the
Atlantic in order to maintain our presence in the Middle East,
especially given the threat of Iran to the region?
Mr. Hagel. Today, the United States must be able to project naval
power globally, with a strategic emphasis on rebalancing to the Asia-
Pacific region and maintaining presence in and around the Middle East.
Our Atlantic fleet will continue to play a vital role in meeting our
global demands. If confirmed, I would work with the Secretary of the
Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine
Corps, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to ensure a strong
and sustainable Navy and Marine Corps that can prevail in light of
current and projected challenges.
118. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, please describe your view on our
naval presence, given the current defense strategic guidance and
ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa region.
Mr. Hagel. Historically, the Nation has used globally deployable
Naval forces to provide presence and power projection capabilities in
multiple regions, often shifting between regions on short notice in
response to emerging security threats. Naval presence will continue to
be vital if we are to rebalance toward the Asia Pacific while
maintaining our defense commitments in the Middle East and elsewhere.
If confirmed, I would work with the Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of
Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to ensure a strong and sustainable Navy
and Marine Corps that can prevail in light of current and projected
119. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, State shipbuilding plans are
critical to meet our strategic needs, as well as critical to maintain
our defense industrial base and supply chain. Given the affordability
challenges facing the defense industry, you have the responsibility to
ensure that you set the course for our Navy's force structure and
maintain the Nation's security, all while balancing cost and risk of
shipbuilding efforts. Would you agree to work closely with me, with
this committee, and with this Congress in addressing our shipbuilding
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
120. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, will you remain committed to
ensuring that the vessels we build for our sailors and marines are the
finest this Nation can produce and that they meet military
classifications for warships?
Mr. Hagel. I am committed to ensuring that survivability shall be
addressed on all new surface ship, combat systems and equipment
designs, overhauls, conversions, and modernizations in order that the
design is provided a balance of survivability performance, risk, and
cost within program objectives.
121. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, will you agree to analyze all
avenues of optimal program management and cost control measures in
shipbuilding in order to allow shipbuilders to optimize design and save
taxpayers' dollars?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
defense industrial base
122. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, numerous studies by the Defense
Business Board, GAO, and others point to a need for increased
collaboration between industry and DOD. This becomes ever more
important as the need for efficiencies increases and the number of
industry participants decreases. DOD must provide our servicemembers
with the best equipment possible. Enhancing innovation for defense
applications through the current acquisition system may be an ongoing
challenge in this fiscal environment. How will DOD sustain and improve
capabilities that have been developed through collaborative innovation
with industry?
Mr. Hagel. Industry is our partner in defending this Nation and I
fully recognize the vital role it plays in our national security. If
confirmed, I will assess our current programs regarding collaborative
efforts with industry, particularly in the areas of research and
development, to leverage the innovation of the private sector.
123. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, what is your assessment of the
health of the defense industrial base and areas that require more
Mr. Hagel. I believe in a strong, healthy industrial base, and I am
concerned that changes in the defense market may impact that base. If
confirmed, I will ensure the Department has a process to assess
fragility of the capabilities needed provide our military with the best
equipment in the world.
veteran assistance
124. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, you noted in your advance policy
questions your commitment to improving the care veterans receive as
they transition from Active Duty to civilian life. In the past few
years, we have seen a high rate of unemployment among veterans, as well
as increasing rates of suicide among this population. In your view,
what are the most critical areas of improvement for veterans care?
Mr. Hagel. This is a far ranging issue that will warrant
significant attention from me, if confirmed. It is my understanding
that our current focus areas are providing: a seamless transition of
health information from DOD to the Department of Veterans Affairs,
timely processing of disability claims, and transitional support such
as employment assistance and related help. If confirmed, I will
evaluate the entire domain of veteran's transition for effectiveness
and where we need more improvement.
125. Senator Kaine. Mr. Hagel, what are the areas of potential
collaboration among public and private sector entities?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that there are numerous areas where public
and private collaborations could advance solutions for some of our most
pressing issues with veterans care. These include opportunities to
collaborate in: scientific research; improving access to mental health
care and piloting new and innovative models of care; ensuring that
military training in medical triage and care provision translates to
employment in the private sector through collaboration with
professional organizations, certification bodies, and academic training
programs (e.g., medics serving as EMTs); and developing evidenced-based
care guidelines and treatment protocols for psychological health and
Traumatic Brain Injury.
Questions Submitted by Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
concern about the industrial base
126. Senator King. Mr. Hagel, last year, the Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO), Admiral Jonathan Greenert, testified before this
committee about the consequences of sequestration for shipbuilding.
Admiral Greenert said that if sequestration kicks in, we will lose
capabilities in some of our shipyards and we would be looking at a
fleet of 230 ships compared to the current fleet of 285 ships. He went
on to say, ``I'm very concerned about an industrial base that would be
able to adjust from sequestration. It would be very difficult to keep a
shipbuilder that could be efficient in building the types of ships we
need.'' In short, he described the very type of irreversible
consequences that we must avoid. I am proud of the workers at Bath Iron
Works in my home State, but this issue is larger than that because the
six remaining shipyards that build Navy ships are truly strategic
assets that once lost, cannot be restored in a timely manner. Do you
agree with the CNO's assessment and share my alarm that sequestration
will result in greater per unit costs, an unacceptable danger to our
industrial base, and a smaller Navy fleet?
Mr. Hagel. Yes, I agree that the industrial base is a strategic
asset that needs to be protected and that sequestration may have
irreversible impacts in the long term. Sequestration budget cuts would
certainly reduce ship procurement and maintenance, impacting fleet
size. Sequestration would also implement automatic spending cuts
without regard for strategy or priorities, so the Navy would be forced
into a position where they could not execute contract options that were
negotiated to minimize unit costs and stabilize workload in the
shipyards. If confirmed, I will work with Congress to avert
sequestration and work with the Navy to protect the industrial base.
ddg-51 destroyer program
127. Senator King. Mr. Hagel, the enacted NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013
authorized a multi-year procurement of up to 10 DDG-51 destroyers
during the next 5 years beginning in fiscal year 2013. The
Appropriations Committees of both the House of Representatives and the
Senate adopted fiscal year 2013 defense appropriations bills also
included funding to support a 10-ship program. Multi-years present
unique opportunities to procure required major defense systems more
cost effectively than through annual procurements. I realize that
enactment of the fiscal year 2013 defense appropriations legislation is
required before the Navy can execute this vital multi-year procurement
and achieve cost savings while also helping to stabilize our
specialized shipbuilding industrial base. Will you let the leadership
on both sides of the aisle in the Senate and the House of
Representatives know how critical it is that we enact a fiscal year
2013 Defense Appropriations Bill?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will certainly continue to stress to
Congress the importance of receiving an enacted fiscal year 2013
Defense Appropriations Bill. A year-long CR reduces the Department's
funding flexibility by spending money on last year's priorities not
this year's--an untenable position. It also pushes the Department to
use month-to-month contracts and prohibits doing ``new starts'' in
military construction or acquisition programs.
berry amendment
128. Senator King. Mr. Hagel, according to the Berry Amendment, DOD
cannot procure clothing items unless they are produced in the United
States. Congress first established this domestic preference for DOD
procurement in 1941, and for decades the military branches complied by
issuing American-made uniforms, including athletic footwear, for our
troops. In recent years, however, DOD has circumvented this policy by
issuing cash allowances to soldiers for their own purchase of training
New Balance makes a compliant athletic shoe. New Balance has 5,000
pairs of Berry-compliant footwear sitting on their shelves, as we
speak. Next year, enforcing compliance with Berry would actually save
money. Currently, the Navy gives a $68 cash allowance to recruits, and
Berry-compliant shoes from New Balance cost $68. Next year, the
allowance will increase to $74, but the Berry-compliant shoe cost will
remain the same. That's a $6 savings per pair of running shoes.
Will you review this policy and work to assure that compliant gear
is purchased and U.S. jobs are protected?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will review the Department's policies
pertaining to the athletic running shoes provided to military enlisted
recruits and will ensure the Department meets its obligations under the
Berry Amendment.
Questions Submitted by Senator James M. Inhofe
taiwan relations
129. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and
the Six Assurances of 1982 have contributed to the peace and stability
of the Asia-Pacific region for the past 3 decades. With the military
balance--including air superiority--gradually shifting in China's
favor, what are your plans to implement the security commitment the
United States has for Taiwan under this framework?
Mr. Hagel. In my view, the increasing complexity and sophistication
of the military threat to Taiwan from China means that Taiwan must
devote greater attention to asymmetric concepts and innovative
technologies to maximize Taiwan's strengths and advantages. If
confirmed, I would work closely with Congress, throughout DOD, and with
our interagency partners to ensure the continued effective
implementation of all of the relevant provisions of the Taiwan
Relations Act.
I believe that we should make available to Taiwan those defense
articles and defense services which enable Taiwan to maintain a
sufficient self-defense capability, today and into the future. If
confirmed, I will look at what specific self-defense capabilities
Taiwan needs in light of the security situation in the Taiwan Strait
and the evolving military capabilities on the mainland.
130. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, as Taiwan is likely to retire some
of its older fighter aircraft in the next 5 to 10 years, do you believe
that sales of advanced aircraft are an important next step in this
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #129.
east china sea
131. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, last August, Taiwan President Ma
Ying-jeou proposed an East China Sea Peace Initiative to address the
ongoing dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku or Diaoyutai
Islands. While Taiwan also claims sovereignty over the islands as part
of the Republic of China, it ``calls on all parties concerned to
resolve disputes peacefully based on the U.N. Charter and relevant
provisions in international law.'' In its proposal, Taiwan goes on to
call on all parties to:
1. Refrain from taking any antagonistic actions;
2. Shelve controversies and not abandon dialogue;
3. Observe international law and resolve disputes through peaceful
4. Seek consensus on a code of conduct in the East China Sea; and
5. Establish a mechanism for cooperation on exploring and
developing resources in the East China Sea.
Do you believe that such an initiative is a constructive and
necessary step in resolving the dispute in a peaceful and comprehensive
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, working with the Secretary of State and
other interagency counterparts, I would carefully consider any
initiative that seeks to reduce tensions and facilitate a diplomatic
solution to the current tensions.
east asia
132. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, Myanmar has been invited as an
observer to the Cobra Gold exercises in 2013. Do you believe inclusion
of the Burmese military is timely?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that plans call for two Burmese military
officers to be included in the Cobra Gold Observer Program as a way to
promote the Burmese military's exposure to the international community
and international norms of behavior. I believe that this step is timely
and sensible. I also agree with the current Department stance that
future participation should be contingent on continued progress by the
Government of Burma in consolidating democratic reforms, improving its
human rights record, promoting national reconciliation, and suspending
military ties to North Korea.
133. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you envision that the Burmese
will be brought into security partnerships with the United States
bilaterally or through multilateral arrangements with regional
Mr. Hagel. I support the administration's approach of cautious and
calibrated engagement with the Burmese military through bilateral and
multilateral arrangements. If confirmed, I will consult with Congress
regarding the scope and scale of bilateral engagement. I also agree
with the current policy that a normalization of defense relations with
Burma can only occur if the Government of Burma continues its efforts
to democratize, improves its human rights record, implements national
reconciliation efforts with its various ethnic groups, and suspends
military ties to North Korea. I also support robust multilateral
engagement of the United States with the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) and its ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting-Plus (ADMM+)
efforts, of which Burma is a member and will be chair in 2014.
134. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, will a reduction of DOD's budget
impact security cooperation and regional security in East Asia?
Mr. Hagel. As the President has stated, the United States is a
Pacific power with enduring interests in the peace and security of the
region. If confirmed, I will work to uphold and prioritize our security
commitments in the Asia-Pacific region. However, sequestration's
effects would be disastrous for the Department and would necessitate a
review of the new defense strategy.
135. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, will budget cuts impact our ability
to perform humanitarian relief missions or participate in military
exercises like Thailand's Cobra Gold?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I would continue ongoing efforts to ensure
that the United States remains the security partner of choice in the
Asia-Pacific region. However, sequestration would necessitate a
reevaluation of the U.S. defense strategy and any further reductions
could require adjustments to overall implementation of the strategy.
136. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the Iranian regime continues to
threaten neighbors--our allies in the region like Azerbaijan. There
were news reports throughout the past year that Azerbaijan's security
services arrested several activists belonging to the Iranian
intelligence service and Hezbollah. These operatives were suspected of
planning terrorist attacks against foreigners in the capital Baku,
including the U.S. and Israeli embassies. The United States has long-
term interests in the Caspian region and the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan
and the United States cooperate in countering terrorism, nuclear
proliferation and narcotics trafficking, and promoting security in the
wider Caspian region and beyond. As a key component to the NDN,
Azerbaijan provides ground and naval transit for roughly 40 percent of
the ISAF coalition's supplies bound for Afghanistan. Azerbaijan
expressed its commitment to support U.S. and NATO efforts in
stabilizing Afghanistan beyond 2014 and is among first eight non-NATO
potential operational partners. Azerbaijan has been extending important
over-flight clearance, landing, and refueling operations for U.S. and
NATO flights to support ISAF. In 2012, more than 150 aero-medical
evacuation flights of U.S. Air Mobility Command have flown over
Azerbaijan, rushing more than 2,200 patients to a higher level of
medical care. The United States has also energy interests in the region
and our energy companies have interests in exploring Caspian Sea oil
resources and deliver them westwards to provide for energy security to
our European allies.
If confirmed, what do you think DOD should do to strengthen the
security of our regional allies, like Azerbaijan, that face pressure
and open threats from Iran on a daily basis, and what are the areas you
think we should look into to expand security and defense cooperation
with Azerbaijan to ensure it has adequate means to defend its
Mr. Hagel. I have deep concerns about Iran's destabilizing
activities and recognize the many shared interests between the United
States and Azerbaijan. If confirmed, I would continue the Defense
Department's high level engagement with its counterparts in Azerbaijan.
In particular, I would seek to strengthen existing areas of partnership
and identify new areas of cooperation in support of Azerbaijan's
defense reforms, its ability to interoperate with NATO and deploy to
coalition operations, its capacity to address terrorism and other
transnational threats and to secure its maritime borders and energy
infrastructure. I would look for the United States to be Azerbaijan's
partner of choice and help Azerbaijan's defense establishment
contribute to regional security and stability, such as by continuing to
encourage Azerbaijan's significant support to international efforts in
military suicides
137. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, I am very concerned about the
significant rise in military suicides. According to the most current
published DOD Suicide Event Report, 301 suicides occurred among
military servicemembers in 2011. DOD recently reported 349 suicides in
2012--more than the total number of deaths incurred in combat. Do you
believe DOD is doing all it can to prevent the tragic number of
suicides in the Military Services?
Mr. Hagel. The Department is doing all that it can given the
complex nature of suicide and society's limited base of knowledge in
this realm. Suicide among our Nation's military is clearly tragic and
will require solutions that are informed by evidence of effectiveness.
There is some proof that peer support and call lines help. There is
also a need to continue the focus on resilience building and leadership
138. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what will you do to get this
problem fixed?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I am committed to seeing that programs
that focus on resiliency and leadership education continue and are
further evaluated with additional research. Furthermore, I understand
that the Department is in the process of drafting its first
comprehensive suicide prevention program policy. It would be a top
priority to review and implement this program policy as soon as it is
139. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, is DOD fully funding the Services'
suicide prevention programs and research programs that inform us about
effective prevention strategies?
Mr. Hagel. I am not currently familiar with the details of our
research program spending in this area, but I share the views of the
leadership of the Army and the entire Department that this is a top
priority. If confirmed, I will review these research programs for
efficiency and effectiveness in identifying strategies to prevent
suicides and will work to ensure that sufficient funding is available
for this important effort. As with other programs, sequestration could
have a damaging impact on our efforts in this area.
140. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, how will you continue
to fund these efforts under sequestration and a year-long Continuing
Mr. Hagel. The impact of sequestration combined with a year-long
Continuing Resolution will present the Department with very serious
funding challenges. I am deeply concerned about the significant rise in
military suicides and am firmly committed to ensuring that the
Department have the funds necessary to provide high-quality behavioral
health care to servicemembers and their families. But protecting these
vital personnel programs will require sacrifices in other important
impact of sequestration on the defense health program and family
support programs
141. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, in your advance policy questions
you agreed with the Joint Chiefs when they said that a full-year
Continuing Resolution and sequestration would ``damage our readiness,
our people, and our military families.'' Additionally, you stated:
``Sustaining family programs in the current fiscally constrained
environment will be challenging, but it is of vital importance.''
Under sequestration, do you agree that morale will suffer and
beneficiaries may not be able to get the health care and support
services they need?
Mr. Hagel. I share the concern of our senior military leaders that
the morale of the force will be affected in ways that are unpredictable
if sequester goes into effect and disrupts our training, readiness, and
family support programs. If confirmed, I will attempt to ensure that
reductions do not break faith with our troops and they continue to
receive the health care and support services they need.
142. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you ensure that
defense budget cuts will not hinder or harm the extraordinary care and
support that our wounded warriors and their families receive?
Mr. Hagel. I want to make it clear that if confirmed I will make it
a priority to minimize the impact of sequestration on our wounded
warriors and their families. However, sequestration provides no
exemption for military health care funding, and across the board cuts
to those programs are required by law if sequester takes place. If
confirmed, I will seek to protect funding for wounded warrior care to
the greatest extent possible, subject to those constraints.
143. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, during a series of video interviews
with the Financial Times on August 29, 2011, you were asked about the
prospect of sequestration and its impact on DOD. When asked about the
impact of an automatic $600 billion cut to DOD (beyond the $487 billion
already proposed by the President in April 2011), you appear to
disagree with Secretary Panetta's assessment that such cuts would be
devastating. Instead you stated that you feel DOD is ``bloated'' and
that ``the Pentagon needs to be pared down''.
In an exchange with Senator Blunt at your confirmation hearing, my
colleague asked you to provide some specific examples of what you were
referring to when you identified the DOD budget as being ``bloated.''
During the hearing, you failed to provide any specificity, so please do
so now of where you believe defense spending is excessive and what
accounts and programs you believe should be cut.
Mr. Hagel. I have never said that I support sequestration. I do not
nor have I ever supported sequestration. I support the 2011 Budget
Control Act. I stand by my view that inefficiency and waste exists in
DOD that could and should be reduced or eliminated. The record shows,
in my view, that both the Department's leadership and Congress have
expressed similar views. In his May 2010 speech at the Eisenhower
library, then-Secretary Gates launched an effort to cut inefficiency
and waste in the Department that had grown up over the previous decade
of rising budgets.
As he noted at the time, inefficiency is not just about money. He
cited in that speech a ``top-heavy hierarchy'' in DOD that was out of
step with the 21st century. Following that speech, the Department began
reducing unneeded senior executive and general officer positions to
reduce layers of management.
In the Department's next two budget submissions for fiscal year
2011 and fiscal year 2012, they produced separate justification books,
which the Committee has on file, detailing plans to cut inefficiency
and lower-priority programs by $178 billion and then another $60
billion, respectively. I believe many of those reductions, in areas
such as information technology, smarter acquisition, streamlined
management, and reorganizations, are underway but not yet fully
Notwithstanding these efforts by the Department, Congress was able
to find additional savings and reduced defense spending below the level
requested by the Department in both of these fiscal years by
approximately $20 billion per year.
143a. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe military resources
should drive strategy or should strategy drive resources?
Mr. Hagel. I believe strategy should drive our resource decisions,
but our strategy must also be realistic and resource-informed.
144. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that DOD should
pursue a National Security Strategy that assumes a relatively high
degree of risk for our military?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the Department has developed a strategy that
meets the challenges of the current and future security environment
that both minimizes risk and complies with the fiscal constraints
imposed by the Budget Control Act (BCA). I also believe that by ending
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and rebalancing to a strategic
posture that modernizes alliances, builds partner capacity and
maintains a ready, agile and responsive force, we reduce the risk to
our military.
145. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, if it is determined that the
reductions being proposed need to be revised and that additional
resources are necessary to meet our national security needs, do you
believe you would have the flexibility to advocate for a decrease in
the $487 billion reduction to defense budgets if you determined a
significant adverse impact to national security?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will continue to work with OMB and
Congress to seek the resources necessary to provide the military
capabilities the defense of our Nation requires. However, the mechanism
of sequestration enacted in the Budget Control Act and the lack of a
full year appropriation are my immediate concerns as they would
severely limit the Department's flexibility to ensure the military has
the funds it requires to fulfill its mission.
146. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, over the past 4 years this
administration has pursued the systematic disarming of U.S. military
power under the guise of defense budget cuts in order to maintain
significantly higher levels of funding for non-security-related
domestic programs. In a letter I sent to Secretary Panetta earlier this
month, I reiterated that we are in full agreement that any additional
cuts to defense spending, especially those of the magnitude of
sequestration, would be unacceptable and will result in serious and
lasting harm to the capabilities and readiness of our military. Do you
agree that sequestration would have lasting harm to the capabilities
and readiness of our military?
Mr. Hagel. The combined impacts of a Continuing Resolution and
Sequestration will have a devastating impact on our readiness,
especially given that we have a shorter period of time and limited
flexibility to manage where the reductions are taken. Based on my
assessment to date, sequestration would harm military readiness and
disrupt each and every investment program. Some of the more notable
impacts of sequester would be reduced global activities, less training
which would decrease readiness, disruption of investment programs,
limits on military construction, and forced furloughs and hiring
freezes for civilian workers.
147. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that averting
sequestration should be our highest priority?
Mr. Hagel. Adverting sequestration, as well as providing the
Department a fiscal year 2013 appropriations bill, should be Congress'
highest priority.
148. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that Congress and the
administration have a shared responsibility in averting sequestration?
Mr. Hagel. The ability to avoid sequestration and to pass a full-
year appropriations bill for DOD is within the power of Congress. It is
my desire that Congress and the administration reach an agreement on a
balanced package of deficit reductions that leads to detriggering of
sequestration and regular appropriation bills.
149. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, in your advance policy questions
you stated that it is ``your understanding that the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) has the lead for domestic cybersecurity.''
Cyberspace perhaps more so than any other domain is not bound and has
little regard to geographical boundaries. When it comes to the defense
of the Homeland from a foreign attack what role do you believe DOD
should play?
Mr. Hagel. DOD has the responsibility to defend, deter, and when
directed by the President, take action to defend the United States, its
allies, and its interests in cyberspace as in all domains. I agree that
threats in cyberspace can cross both physical boundaries and particular
departmental responsibilities, and, therefore, believe it is critical
for the Department to work closely with both the public and private
sectors. To support DOD national security responsibilities, I believe
that the Department must maintain a close partnership with DHS.
149a. Senator Inhofe. Do you believe DOD should be the principal
U.S. Government agency responsible for protecting the United States
against foreign cyber-attacks to the Homeland?
Mr. Hagel. It is my understanding that DOD has the mission to
defend the Nation in cyberspace and that DHS should be the lead for
coordinating the cybersecurity of U.S. critical infrastructure. I
support these roles and relationship.
150. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, I understand there is some
confusion over the role DHS would play in such an attack on the
Homeland in cyberspace. Do you believe that DHS should have anything
more than a supporting role to DOD in a cyberattack against the
Mr. Hagel. I understand that DOD has the mission to defend the
Nation in cyberspace, and that this includes a close partnership with
DHS in its role of leading efforts for the cybersecurity of U.S.
critical infrastructure, and non-DOD unclassified government networks.
I believe that DHS plays a vital role in securing unclassified Federal
civilian government networks and working with owners and operators of
critical infrastructure to secure their networks through risk
assessment, mitigation, incident response capabilities, and sharing
cyber threat and vulnerability information. DOD supports DHS in its
domestic role.
151. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, who, in your opinion, should be
that principal agency with the responsibility of coordinating the
defense of the Homeland from a foreign cyberattack and the response?
Mr. Hagel. I support the current administration approach, in which
DOD has the responsibility to defend, deter, and, when directed by the
President, take action to defend the United States, its allies, and its
interests in cyberspace as in all domains. I also support DOD's
partnership with DHS in its role leading efforts for the cybersecurity
of U.S. critical infrastructure.
152. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, capabilities-wise, do you agree
that DOD and the National Security Agency have the most comprehensive
set of resources to defend the Nation from a foreign cyberattack?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. At the same time, I believe that DOD should work
closely with other departments and agencies that have unique
responsibilities, capabilities, and expertise, such as DHS and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
153. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that establishing
bureaucracies and duplicative efforts at DHS would be unwise?
Mr. Hagel. I agree that departments and agencies should not set up
unnecessary bureaucracies or duplicative efforts. In the cyber domain,
I believe that DOD and DHS should continue to team together to address
cyber threats, understanding that each has specific roles and missions,
and that DOD has the mission to defend the Nation in cyberspace.
154. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, a recent Wall Street Journal
article titled ``Banks seek U.S. Help on Iran Cybersecurity'' states
that ``major U.S. banks are pressing for government action to block or
squelch what Washington officials say is an intensifying Iranian
campaign of cyberattacks against American financial institutions.'' The
article asserts that some of the financial institutions are concerned
by the lack of U.S. Government response arguing that the banks ``can't
be expected to fend off attacks from a foreign government.'' According
to the article, ``U.S. officials have been weighing options, including
whether to retaliate against Iran.''
What role do you believe DOD should play in events such as the
recent/ongoing Iranian attacks on the financial sector and do you
believe there is an offensive role DOD should be able to utilize via
Mr. Hagel. Although I am not aware of the specific details of these
events, DOD plays a critical role in a whole-of-government effort to
address threats to both our national and economic security. The
President has made clear that the United States will respond to hostile
acts in cyberspace as we would any other threat to our country, and
that the United States reserves the right to use all necessary means,
including military means as a last resort, to defend our Nation and our
interests. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department develops the
necessary cyber capabilities to defend and, if directed by the
President, conduct offensive operations.
155. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, I was concerned to read in your
advance policy questions that you seem to believe that we are deterring
and dissuading our adversaries in cyberspace. In a letter sent to
Senator McCain last year by General Alexander, the Commander of U.S.
Cyber Command, he asked a similar question to which Gen. Alexander
simply stated ``No . . . much remains to be done across both the public
and private sector.''
Do you agree with General Alexander's assessment? If not, why not?
Mr. Hagel. I do believe that the United States has successfully
deterred major cyber attacks. However, I agree with General Alexander
that there is much more to be done to protect the Nation from cyber
threats. If confirmed, I am committed to continuing DOD efforts to
strengthen the Department's cyber capabilities and support
cybersecurity efforts across the public and private sector. One such
opportunity would be to pass legislation that allows for increased
information sharing on cyber threats and the development of critical
infrastructure cybersecurity standards in partnership with the private
156. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what role do you believe offensive
cyber capabilities should play in cyber deterrence?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that an important element of deterrence is to
develop and maintain a wide variety of capabilities, including cyber
capabilities, that can impose costs on a potential adversary. If
confirmed, I will ensure that DOD provides the President with a broad
range of military options.
157. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the mission to
defend the Homeland will require both offensive and defensive cyber
forces and tools?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I believe the Department must provide a wide range
of credible capabilities in all domains, both offensive and defensive,
to defend the Nation.
national missile defense
158. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you still support the Missile
Defense Act of 1999?
Mr. Hagel. Yes, I co-sponsored the National Missile Defense Act of
1999, and I continue to support the law.
159. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that protection of the
United States from the threat of ballistic missile attack is a critical
national security priority?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
160. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree it is necessary to
modernize and expand our national missile defense, formally known as
the GMD system, to keep pace with the growing threat?
Mr. Hagel. I support the continued modernization, and expansion if
necessary, of the GMD system and the other missile defense efforts that
can contribute to the protection of the homeland in the future.
missile defense in europe
161. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the deployment of
SM-3 interceptors in Poland and Romania, as currently planned, is
provocative for the Russians?
Mr. Hagel. While the Russians have argued that the later phases of
the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) could undermine their
strategic deterrent, the United States has repeatedly stated that the
EPAA is not directed at Russia and will not have the capability to
undermine Russia's ICBM forces. I agree with this view.
162. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you support President Obama's
commitment to deploy SM-3 missiles in Romania and Poland as currently
Mr. Hagel. I support the President's approach to missile defense in
Europe, including the deployment of the Aegis Ashore sites in Romania
and Poland as currently planned. If confirmed, I will ensure the
Department continues to support the implementation of the European
Phased Adaptive Approach.
163. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the United States
should provide legal assurances to Russia that would limit U.S. missile
defense capabilities?
Mr. Hagel. The President is on record as saying, and I agree, that
the United States cannot accept any limits on its BMD systems.
164. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree to inform this
committee about ongoing discussions with the Russians concerning
potential limits to U.S. missile defense capabilities or cooperation
with Russia in missile defense?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will keep Congress apprised as required
by the 2013 NDAA.
nuclear weapons
165. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you support modernization of the
nuclear triad and the nuclear weapons complex, as per the stated intent
of the President in his Message to the Senate on the New START treaty?
Mr. Hagel. I support the President's commitment to a safe, secure,
and effective nuclear deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist. I
believe that modernizing nuclear forces and infrastructure is critical
and should be a national priority. I also believe that there is a
continuing need to sustain the skilled workforce that underpins
deterrence capabilities.
166. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that restoring NNSA's
production infrastructure is necessary to allow excess warheads to be
retired along with other potential stockpile reductions to the
nondeployed stockpile over time?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that modernizing the nuclear weapons
production infrastructure is very important, and that doing so is
necessary to reducing the stockpile hedge over time.
167. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe it is important to
have the capacity to surge production in the event of significant
geopolitical surprise?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that a modernized nuclear weapons
infrastructure that would allow production of additional warheads is
important to hedge against significant, unforeseen changes in the
international security situation.
168. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what do you believe should be the
proper role of DOD in determining the annual funding requests for NNSA
Weapons Activities?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that the Nuclear Weapons Council (NWC)
provides a statutory forum wherein the Department of Energy's National
Nuclear Security Administration and DOD come together to make
programmatic and funding decisions and, as appropriate, recommendations
for the Secretaries to coordinate requirements and expenditures. If
confirmed, I look forward to working with the NWC and the Secretary of
Energy to best coordinate our requirements in a fiscally responsible
manner to continue to meet the Nation's security needs.
arms control compliance
169. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that any outstanding
nuclear weapons treaty compliance concerns should be addressed before
the United States pursues further nuclear arms reduction negotiations
with Russia?
Mr. Hagel. Compliance with legal obligations is central to the
effectiveness of arms control treaties, and concerns about non-
compliance must be addressed. If confirmed, I will ensure that DOD
works with the Department of State and other interagency partners in
assessing and responding to compliance concerns. While resolution of
such issues with Russia is clearly important, I do not believe that
discussions of possible further nuclear arms reductions need await
resolution of all compliance issues.
dod financial management system
170. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, are you committed to modernizing
DOD's financial management systems?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I understand that implementation of modern,
integrated business systems is well underway and I will continue to
monitor and support these efforts. They must contribute to improved
efficiency and must also sustain the quality and fidelity of financial
information that we need to manage with.
171. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, would you emphasize
financial management improvement and audit readiness as a top priority?
Mr. Hagel. Improving the Department's financial management
capability is an important priority and if confirmed, I will ensure
that senior leaders are focused on this goal and hold them accountable.
budget cuts and operational readiness
172. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, does the fiscal year 2013 defense
budget of $525.3 billion with $88.5 in OCO funding, affect DOD's
ability to ``respond to every contingency'' as you highlighted in your
opening statement?
Mr. Hagel. Yes, the Department's ability to respond to
contingencies is directly related to the funding it receives which is
translated into military capabilities. I believe the Department can
implement the administration's present strategy within the budget it
has requested. That said, if sequestration occurs, the Department would
need to significantly revise the defense strategy and, in all
probability, would need to make some hard choices about which of our
current national defense capabilities we could afford to retain.
aging military equipment
173. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the Chief of Staff of the Army, and
the Commandant of the Marine Corps have stated that they need at least
2 years of OCO funding after withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan in
order to reset their equipment. If confirmed, will you be prepared to
continue requesting OCO funding until all equipment has been reset?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I believe that it will require considerable time to
repair equipment returning from operations in Afghanistan because of
the nature of the repairs and difficulty of removing the equipment from
end strength reductions
174. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do the planned reductions to Army
and Marine Corps end strengths affect DOD's ability to ``respond to
every contingency'' as you highlighted in your opening statement?
Mr. Hagel. Current reductions in the Army and Marine Corps are
being carefully managed in order to balance risk with the right mix of
capabilities necessary to fulfill all of the missions required by the
Defense Strategic Guidance. Currently, reductions are predicated on the
U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) plans to continue off-ramping forces
heading to Afghanistan. This risk we can manage. However, I am very
concerned about the risk to the Nation given the possibility of
sequestration and the potential for a full year Continuing Resolution.
If not resolved, the fiscal situation could have significant impact on
the ability of the Department to do what is required by the Defense
Strategic Guidance. It is not the planned cuts to the Army and Marine
Corps that cause significant risk, but rather the ones that we may be
forced to make due to the uncertain fiscal environment.
defense budget priorities
175. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, during your testimony you stated
that, if confirmed, you will confine the dollars we are going to spend
in the defense budget for defense purposes, in support of the
warfighter. Do we also have your assurance that you will submit a
budget that reflects this commitment?
Mr. Hagel. I believe a fundamental foundation of any defense budget
submission is to provide the best support we can to our warfighters and
ensure their capabilities, readiness and agility are sustained. If
confirmed, I will uphold this commitment.
industrial base
176. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what is your definition of the
industrial base?
Mr. Hagel. The defense industrial base is a diverse and dynamic set
of companies that provide both products and services, directly and
indirectly, to national security agencies, including the military. The
defense industrial base includes companies of all shapes and sizes from
some of the world's largest public companies to small businesses.
177. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, what will be your
approach to preserving the industrial base?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will ensure the Department continually
assesses the health of the industrial base. I will work closely with
industry and Congress and will be prepared to act to preserve needed
skills and manufacturing capabilities, as resources permit.
acquisition reform
178. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, it seems that every time we have a
change in administrations or the Secretaries of Defense, another
acquisition study is commissioned, usually ignoring the 300 plus
studies that have already produced a report. If confirmed, what will be
your approach to ensuring the acquisition system produces affordable
capabilities that are responsive to the needs of the warfighter?
Mr. Hagel. I understand the Department has undertaken a series of
``Better Buying Power'' initiatives as a broadbased collection of
comprehensive, detailed, initiatives to improve acquisition practices
and ensure the Department is procuring affordable, technically
achievable capabilities on cost and schedule. If confirmed, I will
examine these initiatives to ensure that they adequately address the
problems with the Department's acquisition system.
green agenda
179. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, following up on your testimony, you
stated in response to questions posed by the committee on your
priorities for defense investments in energy technologies that ``my
broad priorities for defense energy investments will be those that:
increase military capabilities, provide more mission success, and lower
total cost.''
With the budget cuts DOD is facing, how will your priorities impact
DOD's current plan to invest $9 billion over the next 5 years on energy
technology investments and an additional $4 billion for renewable
energy facility projects?
Mr. Hagel. I have not yet reviewed the Department's budget related
to energy technologies. If confirmed, I will ensure that investments in
the operational energy area drive enhanced military capabilities,
facilitate mission effectiveness, and lower costs.
180. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, what criteria would
you establish to focus investments on your priorities?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, my main criteria will be to ensure that
DOD investments enhance readiness and warfighting effectiveness and
increase our national security.
181. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that defense funds
should be used to develop a commercial biofuels refinery?
Mr. Hagel. The Nation's long-term energy security would benefit
from a competitive, domestic renewable fuels industry; as a major
consumer of liquid fuels, the Department would benefit, as well. That
said, I am not yet in a position to comment on the trade-offs between
the value of this investment and the other priorities of the
182. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that critical
operations and maintenance funds intended for the training, equipping,
and readiness of our Armed Forces should be used to pay for alternate
fuels that exceed the cost of traditional fossil fuels?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the Department's primary operational energy
goal should be to ensure operational military readiness. I understand
that most of the Department's investments in alternate fuels since 2003
have been for the purpose of ensuring that military platforms can
operate on a wide range of fuels, providing useful military flexibility
if and when they become commercially available and cost competitive
with petroleum products.
183. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, will you pledge to work with
Congress to ensure that all investments and purchases of renewable
energy technologies and alternate fuels are supported by specific
congressional authorizations for that purpose?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department's energy
investments comply with congressional authorizations.
184. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, according to a recent report by a
major oil and gas company, the United States will be energy self-
sufficient in 2030. Other reports by respected organizations have
agreed. Do you agree that the United States could become energy
independent in the next 20 years?
Mr. Hagel. I am greatly encouraged by the recent developments in
the U.S. energy sector and the benefits for our economy.
185. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, how do you foresee this impacting
U.S. foreign policy?
Mr. Hagel. Reducing the Nation's dependence on foreign oil is an
important national security imperative. That said, because oil prices
are set on a global market and will be for the foreseeable future, the
stability of global oil markets will continue to be important for the
U.S. economy.
u.s. africa command
186. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the outgoing Secretary of Defense
has been a strong supporter of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and
critical engagement and operations ongoing throughout the continent of
Africa. AFRICOM has less than 5,000 boots on the African continent to
cover 54 countries and over 12 million square miles. Its forces are
completely shared with U.S. European Command (EUCOM). How will the
United States be able to adequately support AFRICOM operations given
the cuts in EUCOM personnel, coupled with additional cuts in DOD
Mr. Hagel. I believe that our low-cost, small-footprint presence
and operations in Africa are appropriate to promoting our interests and
addressing threats to us and our partners. U.S. forces are managed
globally to address ongoing needs anywhere, so forces that operate in
and around Africa extend beyond those assigned to EUCOM. Moreover,
since the attacks on our diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, I
understand that the Department has undergone a rigorous evaluation of
our military posture across the region, to including assessing EUCOM
and AFRICOM force posture. If confirmed, I would continue to ensure
that we appropriately manage the allocation of U.S. military forces
across the globe, including in Africa, to ensure we are best
positioning ourselves on any given day for contingencies that may
187. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the President's new strategy calls
for a ``rebalancing'' of resources to the Asia Pacific theater,
maintaining focus on the Middle East, and ``evolving'' force posture in
Europe. Do you believe the President's new Asia-focused strategy puts
our operations at high risk for Africa and South America?
Mr. Hagel. I agree with the Defense Department's new strategy and
move to rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region while maintaining focus on
challenges in the Middle East. The strategy also makes it clear that we
will still have interests we need to protect in other regions of the
world and that we will do so through continued partnership, rotational
presence, and smaller foot-print activities. If confirmed, I will make
sure that we are always mindful of how we address threats, manage risk,
and promote our interests in all parts of the world , and what role the
U.S. military and DOD play in that as part of an overall U.S. effort.
However, we may have to seek different approaches to pursuing our
interests in these other regions if the size of our overall defense
budget declines further.
188. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the headquarters for AFRICOM is in
Stuttgart, Germany. Would you consider moving AFRICOM out of Germany
and somewhere in Africa?
Mr. Hagel. I understand the Department has just completed a study
that compares the costs and benefits of moving the AFRICOM
headquarters. In the end Secretary Panetta considered both cost and
operational factors and decided to keep the headquarters in Stuttgart,
Germany. When assessing possible relocation to the African continent
the Department considered the difficulties in determining a
representative country on such a diverse continent, diplomatic
challenges, high costs of infrastructure, security concerns and
mobility and access challenges. It was decided that a move to the
African continent was not feasible at this time.
budget cuts and operational readiness
189. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, you stated in responses to
questions posed by the committee in regard to the Joint Chief's
concerns about a hollow force that ``the concerns the Joint Chiefs have
expressed about readiness come from a variety of factors, including the
challenges of recovering from 10 years of operational stress, of
transitioning to a broader range of operations, and of doing all of
this in the face of fiscal austerity and budget uncertainty.'' How do
you plan to monitor risk and the potential mismatch between constrained
resources and demands of operational plans?
Mr. Hagel. I am deeply impressed by the caliber and capabilities of
our military forces. It is vitally important that they be ready to
respond to the Nation's needs, and I am concerned that further budget
cuts will negatively affect readiness. If confirmed, I will get regular
updates by the Joint Chiefs on where we must devote the Department's
attention and resources to ensure the readiness of the force.
190. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you believe there currently
exists a mismatch between readiness requirements and military strategy
when assessing the resources available? Please explain.
Mr. Hagel. Maintaining ready forces is a priority. If confirmed, I
will work with the Joint Chiefs to better understand the basis of their
assessment and how we can most effectively address the readiness
challenges our military faces.
My sense is that the concerns the Joint Chiefs have expressed about
readiness come from a variety of factors, including the challenges of
recovering from 10 years of operational stress, of transitioning to a
broader range of operations, and of doing all of this in the face of
fiscal austerity and budget uncertainty. If confirmed, I will carefully
monitor how all of these factors are posing risks to readiness and will
work closely with the military and civilian leadership of the
Department to mitigate those risks to the greatest extent possible.
191. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, as to the mitigation of risk of a
hollow force, do you believe the President will provide you the
discretion to request higher defense budgets than are currently
proposed by the administration over the next 10 years?
Mr. Hagel. I will always give the President my most honest and
informed opinion about all necessary requirements for America's
national security.
I understand the administration has developed Strategic Guidance
consistent with the funding limits of the budget control act. Any
changes to those limits, such as sequestration, will cause a dramatic
change in the force and require a different strategy or different
resources. Additionally, unexpected demands for forces will likely
result in a request for additional funding, as they always have.
geographic risk posed by the revised military strategy
192. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, in your response to the committee
on a question regarding the revised military strategy announced by the
President in the wake of the administration's decision to cut defense
budgets by $487 billion over 10 years, you state: ``By emphasizing the
Asia-Pacific while also focusing on the Middle East, rebalancing will
necessarily accept risk in other areas given the resource-constrained
environment.'' How do you believe the President's military strategy is
taking risks in regions other than Asia and the Middle East?
Mr. Hagel. By prioritizing resources for Asia and the Middle East,
the current defense strategy accepts some risk in terms of the
military's ability to address security challenges elsewhere. I believe
this risk is manageable at the levels of defense spending provided for
in the Budget Control Act. Regardless of where U.S. military forces may
be positioned or stationed, one of the key advantages of our military
is that we can bring to bear effective capabilities where needed to
address threats to our interests. If confirmed, I would work with the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Services to ensure that
readiness is one of our top priorities, so that our forces are ready to
respond to the full range of contingencies that may threaten our key
193. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what specifically are the risks for
Africa and South America?
Mr. Hagel. In Africa, partner states accept a greater share of the
burden to counter the growing capacity of violent extremist
organizations and ensure regional stability. While we believe this
African-led approach manages the threats to U.S. interests, the limited
defense capacities of most African states and the modest investments in
the African security sector are a source of risk. In South America,
transnational criminal organizations undermine peace and security
across the region and into the United States. As in Africa, partner
states in South America will accept a greater share of the burden to
address transnational criminal organizations.
194. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, why do you believe this risk is
Mr. Hagel. Not all problems are best met with military tools. Many
of our national security objectives around the world, and notably in
Africa and South America, are best secured through diplomacy and
economic development. I believe DOD's current strategic approach
balances the risk of overwhelming these two regions with U.S. military
presence with the need to be ready to respond to crises that may emerge
there, using globally agile forces.
195. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what do you believe was lacking in
our military strategy for Asia that required a rebalancing?
Mr. Hagel. As the United States draws down from more than a decade
of war in Afghanistan, we face an inflection point allowing for a
transition from fighting today's wars to preparing for tomorrow's
challenges. The President has been clear that U.S. economic and
security interests are inextricably tied to the Asia-Pacific. The
emerging economic and political dynamism in the Asia-Pacific requires
strong and continuous U.S. commitment and the rebalance is a whole-of-
government effort to renew and deepen U.S. engagement throughout the
region. The rebalance will inform the allocation of activities and
resources to the Asia-Pacific, where the Department will contribute to
peace and prosperity in the region. If confirmed, I will continue the
Department's efforts and activities to seek greater engagement with
allies and partners to build capacity for security cooperation, build
mutual trust, understanding, and norms among countries in the region.
196. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what does rebalancing mean for the
U.S. military effort in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of force
structure changes, additional or modified military capabilities, and
defense budget modifications?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will focus on strengthening our
relationships, building the capacity of key allies and partners, as
well as maintaining the United States' ability to deter conflict and
respond to any potential contingencies in the Asia-Pacific region. The
rebalance renews emphasis on air and naval forces while maintaining
distributed ground forces. The rebalance also requires the Department
to develop new capabilities in order to maintain a technological edge,
our freedom of action, and ability to project power in the region. I
would work closely with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Services, and Office
of the Secretary of Defense leadership to assess any additional changes
in resources, force structure, equipment, and training.
197. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the January 2012 Defense Strategic
Guidance says that ``our posture in Europe must evolve.'' What is your
assessment of the specific programs and strategic efforts that DOD is
executing, or has planned, to evolve our posture in Europe?
Mr. Hagel. I support the Department's current approach to posture
in Europe and its emphasis on maintaining our Article 5 commitments to
Allied security and promoting enhanced capacity and interoperability
for coalition operations. For instance, I strongly support ongoing
efforts related to the European Phased Adaptive Approach, the
establishment of an aviation detachment in Poland, and enhanced
training and exercises with European allies and partners through
rotational deployments from the United States. All of these efforts
introduce more modern capabilities appropriate for future challenges
and demonstrate our commitment to NATO and the strength of the
198. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, how do you believe our evolving
force posture in Europe will affect our commitment to NATO?
Mr. Hagel. The Department's evolving defense posture in Europe
focuses on enhancing interoperability and training and introducing
modern capabilities more appropriate for future challenges. These
evolutions demonstrate our commitment to NATO and the strength of the
Alliance. Regardless of the rebalance, NATO is already adapting to meet
new and emerging threats, to acquire the core enabling capabilities
needed to respond to the full range of contingencies, and to better
align U.S. and NATO training and education efforts in order to solidify
and maintain the gains realized from having operated together in
Afghanistan. As Secretary Panetta has said, ``Europe is our security
partner of choice for military operations and diplomacy around the
world.'' Our investment in Europe is, therefore, crucial.
iran ministry support
199. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, Iran's Foreign Ministry was quoted
as being hopeful your appointment would improve relations between
Tehran and the United States ``We hope that practical changes will be
created in the U.S. foreign policy and the U.S. officials' approach
will change to respect the Nations' rights. We hope that the U.S.
officials will favor peace instead of warmongering and recognize the
rights of nations instead of interfering in the countries' internal
You stated in October 2009 that ``President Obama's approach to
achieving a Middle East peace is connected to other vital regional and
global issues--like helping forge an emerging Arab consensus on peace,
combating terrorism, and future relationships with Iran and Syria.
These issues are all in the long-term interests of Israel, the U.S.,
the Middle East, and the world.''
In describing the President's approach, what specifically were you
referring to regarding future relationships with Iran and Syria?
Mr. Hagel. While I cannot speak to the motivations of the Iranian
Foreign Ministry spokesperson behind making those statements, there
should be no doubt that I fully support and--if confirmed--will
faithfully execute the President's multi-vector strategy towards Iran.
This strategy has included tough-minded diplomacy, crippling sanctions,
and serious contingency planning with the objective of preventing Iran
from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
My comments in 2009 reflected my support for the President's use of
diplomacy as an effective tool of statecraft. This approach allowed the
United States to test the intentions of the regimes in Iran and Syria,
expose them before the world, and when they failed to seize the
opportunities presented to them, build a global coalition against them.
200. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, how would these relationships with
these two terrorist regimes be in the long-term interests of Israel and
the United States?
Mr. Hagel. Much has changed since 2009 in Iran and Syria. With that
in mind, I believe that only after there is a change in regime in Syria
and serious changes in the regime's behavior in Tehran, can we
conceivably think about long-term relationships with these two
countries that could be beneficial to the interests of the United
States and the State of Israel. At the same time, I think the United
States should continue to reach out to the people of Syria and Iran--as
the best long-term investment for our and Israel's interests. Both
societies are tremendously important to the stability of a region that
is of great interest to the United States.
201. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, how would you assess the success of
the President's approach to date in the region?
Mr. Hagel. I think the President's approach to the region has had
some great success during the first term. President Obama responsibly
drew down our presence in Iraq, crippled al Qaeda, isolated and
weakened Iran, strongly supported the security of the State of Israel,
and focused on transforming our relationship with peoples of the
region, while advancing our core interests. That said, much remains to
be done during the second term, and--if confirmed--I look forward to
advancing our interests in the vitally important region of the Middle
north korea
202. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, you wrote that ``Kim Jon Il's
government is a genuinely rogue regime whose nuclear ambitions and
capacity for mischief have been more or less contained, though
imperfectly, through the U.N. and a mature diplomatic structure that
includes the United States, Russia, China, Japan and South Korea.''
Given North Korea's ballistic missile launch in December and recent
threats to conduct further nuclear testing, do you still think that the
diplomatic structure is effectively containing North Korean nuclear
Mr. Hagel. North Korea's December Taepo Dong II missile launch and
recent threats to conduct a third nuclear test underscore the growing
North Korean threat to international peace and security. U.S.
diplomatic efforts following the December missile launch, particularly
with China, resulted in U.N. Security Council Resolution 2087, which
affirms the international community's opposition to North Korea's
provocations. The tightened sanctions in the resolution will help
impede the growth of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction program.
If confirmed, I will continue to ensure our military provides the
deterrence and defense necessary to protect our allies and our
interests. This posture is also the best way to create conditions where
diplomacy has the best possible prospects to succeed.
203. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you see the future force
structure of U.S. forces in Korea decreasing below the current size?
Mr. Hagel. To secure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula
and in Northeast Asia, it is important that the United States and the
Republic of Korea (ROK) maintain a robust combined defense posture. If
confirmed, I will work with ROK leadership to ensure that the United
States maintains an appropriately sized and ready force to respond to
evolving threats in the region.
204. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you think any capabilities need
to be added to our force structure in the Asia-Pacific theater to
ensure regional stability in light of increased North Korean
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will maintain the U.S. commitment to the
defense of the ROK using globally available U.S. forces and
capabilities that can be deployed to augment the combined defense in
case of crisis. If confirmed, I would ensure that we have the
capabilities necessary to deter, and, if necessary, defeat, North
Korean aggression.
205. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, tensions in the Asia-Pacific have
increased significantly due to more aggressive posturing of China in
places like Scarborough Reef and the Senkaku Islands as China continues
to pursue increased military capabilities. Do you fully support the
Taiwan Relations Act of 1979?
Mr. Hagel. I fully support the Taiwan Relations Act. In my view,
the increasing complexity and sophistication of the military threat to
Taiwan from China increasingly means that Taiwan must devote greater
attention to asymmetric concepts and innovative technologies to
maximize Taiwan's strengths and advantages. If confirmed, I would work
closely with Congress, the Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, and our
interagency partners to ensure the continued effective implementation
of all of the relevant provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act.
206. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do you support the sale of F-16C/Ds
to Taiwan, why or why not?
Mr. Hagel. With respect to advanced fighter sales, I believe that
we should make available to Taiwan those military capabilities that
would allow the Taiwan Armed Forces to execute its missions effectively
not only for today, but well into the future. If confirmed, I will look
at what specific capabilities those are--or should be--in light of the
security situation in the Taiwan Strait and the evolving military
capabilities on the mainland. In addition, if confirmed, I will work
with the Commander of U.S. Pacific Command to identify appropriate
military training and exercise opportunities that will advance U.S.
interests, enhance Taiwan's defense capabilities, and contribute to
peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
207. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, would you support the sale of F-35s
to Taiwan?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #206.
208. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, how would you strengthen the U.S.
security relations with Taiwan?
Mr. Hagel. I agree that the Taiwan Relations Act has contributed to
peace and stability in the region for over 30 years. In my view, the
increasing complexity and sophistication of the military threat to
Taiwan from China means that Taiwan must devote greater attention to
asymmetric concepts and innovative technologies to maximize Taiwan's
strengths and advantages. If confirmed, I would work closely with
Congress, the Commander, PACOM, and our interagency partners to ensure
the continued effective implementation of all of the relevant
provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act. I believe that we should make
available to Taiwan military capabilities that would allow the Taiwan
Armed Forces to execute its missions effectively not only for today,
but well into the future. If confirmed, I will look at what specific
capabilities those are--or should be--in light of the security
situation in the Taiwan Strait and the evolving military capabilities
on the mainland. In addition, if confirmed, I will work with the
Commander, PACOM to identify appropriate military training and exercise
opportunities that will advance U.S. interests, enhance Taiwan's
defense capabilities, and contribute to peace and stability in the
Taiwan Strait.
209. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, does the United States need to
maintain a two carrier presence in the Pacific at all times and can
this be done if sequestration goes into effect?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary of the
Navy, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and U.S. Pacific Command to ensure that we
allocate our naval resources at the level of presence necessary to
support our strategic goals, striking a balance between carrier
presence in the Pacific Ocean and other regions. The current budget
uncertainty, combined with ongoing high demand in the Gulf, has made
sustaining two carriers in the Pacific challenging; further significant
cuts in the defense budget would make it, extraordinarily difficult
especially if preserving other U.S. interests--particularly Gulf
support for israeli security and regional stability
210. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, given the high demand and low
density of our missile defense assets globally, do you support the
allocation of a TPY-2 radar and a BMD-capable ship to the defense of
Mr. Hagel. I support strong missile defense cooperation with
Israel, including the deployment of the U.S. TPY-2 radar and
operational cooperation and support, including ship-based. In addition,
the United States and Israel have a long history of cooperative
research and development on missile defense. If confirmed, I will
continue to support a robust missile defense cooperative relationship
with Israel.
211. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, will a two-carrier presence in the
Gulf be sustainable given expected severe defense budget cuts?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that it is critical that the U.S. military
maintain a robust presence in the region to counter Iran, reassure our
partners, and build partner capacity. Our carrier presence is a key
element of this presence. If confirmed, I will work with the combatant
commanders to revalidate our posture and ensure it best addresses the
threats, challenges, and opportunities in the region to preserve all
options for the President while balancing other national security
needs. Current budget uncertainty and further significant cuts in the
defense budget would make sustaining this critical Gulf presence, and
preserving other U.S. interests, extraordinarily difficult.
212. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, do we have enough missile defense
assets in the Middle East to adequately protect our partners and allies
from an Iranian ballistic missile attack?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the phased adaptive approach takes the
appropriate steps to protect our interests in the region. If confirmed,
I will make it a priority to assess the adequacy of our missile defense
posture in the Middle East to protect our deployed forces, allies, and
partners from attack, and will seek adjustments as appropriate. I will
also work to strengthen our cooperative relationships in the Middle
East, and encourage our partners to continue to make investments in
missile defense.
listening to commanders on the ground
213. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, our commanders on the ground in
both Iraq and Afghanistan asked for a surge to achieve national
security objectives - and you disagreed with both of them.
How much weight will you give your combat commanders on the ground
when you make future decisions or recommendations to the President?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I would of course place great weight on
the assessments and recommendations of combatant commanders and theater
commanders on how best to achieve our military and national security
objectives in their theater. If confirmed, it would be my
responsibility to weigh their recommendations against global risk and
force posture, and to offer that judgment to the President alongside
theirs. If confirmed, I will honor the principles, enshrined in law,
that allow the Chairman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to voice their
best military advice to the President. I will continue to foster an
environment that welcomes critical thinking and diversity of views from
theater commanders, combatant commanders, and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, as better and wiser strategic choices will result.
russia reset
214. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, the administration has made major
efforts towards resetting our relationship with Russia. However, on
major issues such as Syria, Russia remains uncooperative. What is your
assessment of the reset with Russia with respect to military-to-
military relations?
Mr. Hagel. Although we do not see eye-to-eye with Russia on every
issue, there are many areas of cooperation that have been positive,
including transit into and out of Afghanistan, support on sanctions
against Iran, and increased transparency on military reform and
215. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Hagel, what areas do you see for future
increased military cooperation with Russia?
Mr. Hagel. The enhanced bilateral military relationship we have
developed with Russia under the reset is worthwhile. If confirmed, I
would seek to continue it, while considering what adjustments may be
needed. My understanding is that DOD has been pursuing several areas of
increased cooperation with Russia, with a focus on developing
transparency by providing a reliable and predictable channel of
communications between our militaries. If confirmed, I would seek to
increase U.S. consultations with Russia on its internal defense reform
efforts, such as modern military recruitment, compensation and benefits
systems, and developing noncommissioned officers. Assisting the Russian
military to enact reforms in these areas will help make it a more
confident, secure and stable organization. If confirmed, I would also
seek to pursue cooperation with Russia on strategic issues critical to
both of our Nations, such as counterterrorism and missile defense.
Questions Submitted by Senator John McCain
216. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, in an interview with the Financial
Times on August 29, 2011, you are quoted as saying, ``I disagreed with
President Obama, his decision to surge in Afghanistan, as I did with
President Bush on the surge in Iraq.'' Do you unequivocally stand by
your statement that you disagreed with President Obama's decision to
surge troops in Afghanistan?
Mr. Hagel. I did disagree with President Obama's decision to surge
troops to Afghanistan. Notwithstanding any past differences in view, if
confirmed, I will work with our military commanders and Joint Chiefs to
ensure that President Obama has the best possible advice in developing
and implementing a strategy that best protects our national interests.
217. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, do you advocate the full withdrawal
of U.S. forces by the end of 2014?
Mr. Hagel. I support the President's plan to transition full
security responsibility to the Afghan National Security Forces by the
end of 2014, and to retain an enduring commitment in the future. As the
President has stated, a residual force after 2014 would focus on two
primary missions: to deny safe haven to al Qaeda and its affiliates;
and to train, advise, and assist the Afghan forces so they can maintain
their own security. I further support the President's position that any
residual U.S. force would have to be at the invitation of the Afghan
Government and would need to be guaranteed certain legal protections,
which will be negotiated under the Bilateral Security Agreement.
218. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, more than 60,000 Syrians have been
killed in some 22 months of conflict between the rebels and the Assad
regime. You are quoted in an August 29, 2011, interview with the
Financial Times, as saying, ``I think Syria, the outcome there has far
more important consequences for America's national interests than
Libya.'' Should the United States provide at least the same level of
support to anti-Assad forces as we provided to anti-Qaddafi forces?
Mr. Hagel. I continue to believe that the United States has
significant national security stakes in the outcome in Syria. I believe
that the steps taken by the administration to date, including
political, diplomatic and economic pressure, as well as assisting the
unarmed opposition, have been appropriate. If confirmed I will support
the President's ongoing reassessment of the continuously changing
dynamics on the ground in Syria, to determine what additional steps may
be appropriate.
219. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, are U.S. forces capable of
executing, without operational support from international partners, no
fly zones in Syria?
Mr. Hagel. While I have not been briefed in detail on U.S.
capabilities for such a mission, I am confident that the U.S. military
could enforce a no-fly zone over Syria. However, because Syria has an
advanced air defense network, I understand that such a mission could
involve a significant number of and risk to U.S. forces.
220. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the United States
should deny Assad his use of air power?
Mr. Hagel. The President has said Assad must go, and a democratic
political transition should remain our goal. If confirmed, I will
support the current focus on weakening the Assad regime through
political, diplomatic, and economic pressure, as well as assisting the
unarmed opposition. Regarding any additional options, military and non-
military, if confirmed, I will support the President's continuing
reassessment of what additional steps may be appropriate.
221. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the United States
should provide arms, intelligence, or other military support to Syrian
Mr. Hagel. I do not believe that providing lethal support to the
armed opposition at this time would improve the terrible situation in
Syria; however, this question should continue to be re-evaluated over
time. The Syrian people are in urgent need of assistance during this
difficult period, and the United States is helping to address those
basic needs by providing medical assistance, humanitarian assistance,
and political support on the international stage.
222. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, do you regard the 2007 Iraq surge
as a mistake?
Mr. Hagel. When former President Bush announced his decision to
surge troops to Iraq in 2007, I was against it. I thought the Bush
administration had not defined a clear end state for the war in Iraq,
and under these circumstances I did not believe that adding more U.S.
troops was worth the likely cost in American lives. It is now clear
that a combination of steps including the surge, improved counter-
terrorism techniques, and the Anbar Awakening, contributed to reducing
violence in Iraq. The cost of the surge in American lives was almost
1,200 dead and thousands wounded. What is still not clear, however, is
what role the surge played relative to the other steps that we took, or
what would have happened if we had not undertaken the surge; those are
questions for historians.
223. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, could the other factors that
contributed to the stability of Iraq circa 2007, such as the Anbar
Awakening, have succeeded without the surge?
Mr. Hagel. The Anbar Awakening was an important development--along
with the Shia militant ceasefire--that was a result of the decision of
the Iraqi people to take back their country from extremist forces. Many
of the Anbar Awakening tribes fought alongside our troops, and they
should be commended for their efforts. Over 100,000 young Sunis were
paid by the United States between $350 and $500 per month of helping
us. Our troops benefited from the Awakening and in turn the Awakening
forces were further bolstered by the support offered by our troops. But
ultimately, it is difficult to make a judgment on the causal
relationship between the surge and the Anbar Awakening. Again, this
will be a question best reserved for history to make an ultimate
224. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, you advocated the complete
withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq by 2011, rather than
negotiating an agreement for an enduring presence of U.S. forces. The
President ultimately did exactly what you recommended--reportedly
against the advice of his military leaders. Do you believe that Iraq is
more stable and better off today as a result?
Mr. Hagel. Yes, I fully supported the withdrawal of all U.S. combat
forces from Iraq by December 2011 in accordance with the November 2008
U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement. It was the right decision and it gave the
Iraqis the chance to take full ownership and responsibility for their
country. Iraq is better off today because of it. The drawdown has
allowed us to chart a new path in our strategic partnership with a
sovereign Iraq based on mutual interests and mutual respect.
While Iraq is a better place today, it is clear that Iraq has a
long way to go to move beyond a history of violence and instability.
Iraq continues to face security challenges, but our focus must be on
the future. A normalized relationship between our two countries, based
on mutual respect and mutual interests, is the best way to advance
U.S., Iraqi, and regional interests. If confirmed, I will continue
Secretary Panetta's work to strengthen our military-to-military
relationship with Iraq, and further its re-integration into the region.
dod budget
225. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, if additional resources are
necessary to meet our national security needs, would you advocate for a
restoration of some of the $487 billion the President plans to cut from
future defense budgets?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will work with the President, OMB, and
Congress to provide the military capability necessary to defend our
Nation. I recognize that the Budget Control Act of 2011 requires that
to be done within constrained resources. I believe we can defend the
Nation within those limits. If confirmed, I would expect to consult
with the President and Congress as circumstances change. However, I do
believe that if significant multi-year reductions in funding take place
(such as those required by sequestration), the Department would need to
revise the defense strategy.
226. Mr. Hagel, do you agree with former Secretary of Defense
Robert Gates that a 10 percent, or approximately $50 billion, cut to
defense spending in 1 year ``operationally would be catastrophic''?
Mr. Hagel. As both Secretaries Gates and Panetta repeatedly stated,
sequestration--both the size and the arbitrary manner of these cuts--
would be devastating to the Department. It would harm military
readiness and disrupt each and every investment program. Based on my
assessment to date, I share their concern. I urge Congress to eliminate
the sequester threat permanently and pass a balanced deficit-reduction
force structure and end strength
227. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, do you support the President's plan
to reduce military force structure over the next few years, including
reducing Army end strength to approximately 490,000 soldiers by 2017?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will be committed to maintaining the
best Army in the world--capable and ready--an Army that will support
the mission requirements associated with our defense strategy. In the
future our Army will not be sized for large-scale, long-duration
stability operations, but instead have the agility to respond where the
Nation needs it. I support an Army that is sized according to the
defense strategy and the mission requirements that support that
228. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, given our poor track record of
predicting future requirements for ground forces, what do you believe
to be the justification for reducing the size of the Army and Marine
Corps so dramatically?
Mr. Hagel. Our force structure and end strength levels should
support the overall national security and defense strategies. The
defense strategy places emphasis on a smaller, leaner force that is
agile, flexible, and ready to deploy quickly; not a force that is sized
for large, protracted stability operations. You are right that we have
a poor track record in predicting the future. But we have shown that we
can rapidly grow our ground forces, if necessary. We also plan to
preserve readiness in our Reserve Forces.
229. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, the President has exempted military
personnel accounts from cuts related to budget sequestration. Do you
agree that cutting training and equipment funding without proportional
cuts to military personnel accounts will lead to a hollow force?
Mr. Hagel. In general, I agree that we must maintain the right
balance of end-strength, modernization, and training to guard against a
hollow force. However, in the case of the blunt instrument of
sequestration, I support the President's exemption of military
personnel accounts in fiscal year 2013 due to the fact that across-the-
board reductions would be inadvisable for the morale of the force and
not cost-effective.
230. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, in the context of overall budget
reductions, not specifically budget sequestration, would you recommend
curtailing civilian personnel by amounts proportional to cuts made to
the military personnel accounts?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that Secretary Panetta has directed an
internal scrub to see where savings can be made in civilian personnel
accounts. To me this is a prudent review, and something the Department
should do continuously. However, it is not clear that a reduction of a
certain percentage of uniform personnel can be met with a corresponding
reduction in civilian personnel. The two serve different functions, and
in some cases, for example cyber efforts, we foresee a growth in
civilian personnel. But if confirmed, this is an area I intend to look
at closely.
231. Senator McCain. Mr. Hagel, do you intend to comply with
section 955 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, which directs savings in
civilian personnel and service contractor workforces of DOD?
Mr. Hagel. If I am confirmed, I will ensure the Department complies
with section 955.
Questions Submitted by Senator Saxby Chambliss
gulf region military posture
232. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Hagel, in hindsight it appears your
assessment was wrong on both the effectiveness of the Iraq surge and on
our method of withdrawal. Some argue that our departure from Iraq and
our subsequent disengagement have opened the door to greater Iranian
influence in Iraq and strengthened Teheran's position in the Middle
East. What alterations, if any, are necessary to our military force
posture in the Gulf Region to deter Iranian regional ambitions and
support international diplomatic efforts to stop Iran's effort to
acquire nuclear weapons?
Mr. Hagel. In my view, our military posture in the Middle East
region remains strong and is a critical component of the President's
multi-vector strategy to ensure Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon.
If confirmed, I will continue to work with the Joint Chiefs and the
CENTCOM Commander to ensure that the Department is fully prepared and
adequately postured for any military contingencies in this critically
important region, particularly with respect to Iran and the President's
firm commitment to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
military readiness depots
233. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Hagel, Georgia is home to two of our
critical defense depots--Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex and Marine
Corps Logistics Base-Albany. One sequestration scenario directs the
Military Services to cancel vital 3rd and 4th quarter depot-level
maintenance activities. This will have an immediate and lasting impact
on military readiness and make it difficult to recover a force that has
seen combat for the better part of 2 decades. Furthermore, thousands of
highly-skilled workers would lose their jobs; and thousands of hours
would be lost for flight time, drive time, and repairs that would
ensure our military's equipment is ready when the Nation calls upon
them. Describe in detail how you will ensure that depots accomplish
their mission and not lose the continuity that is vital to the success
of our force readiness if sequestration occurs.
Mr. Hagel. The work done by the skilled workforce at our defense
depots is critical to the Defense Department. I agree with Secretary
Panetta that the effects of sequestration will be devastating and will
lead to a decline in military readiness. If confirmed, I will work with
the Secretaries of the Military Departments, Joint Chiefs, and Military
Services to sustain readiness as best we can. However, this will be
extremely difficult given the impact of sequestration, especially when
combined with the effects of a year-long Continuing Resolution. If
sequestration occurs, it will likely not be possible to keep our depots
fully operating, and this will impact our future readiness.
general/flag officer reform
234. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Hagel, historically, during military
draw-downs, enlisted personnel percentages take the brunt of the
attrition while a disproportionate amount of general and flag officers
remain in place. It seems we have an excessive number of general
officers in the ranks. If confirmed, will you take a closer look at the
number of general/flag officer authorizations in the military and the
size of their support staffs?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that the Track Four Efficiency Study,
initiated by Secretary Gates and continued by Secretary Panetta,
identified both Service and joint general and flag officer positions
for elimination, realignment, or reduction. Execution of these
modifications is planned to continue over the next 2 years.
If confirmed, I would support continued efforts to ensure we
maintain the appropriate level of leadership across our joint force,
seeking efficiencies as mission and force structure changes allow.
dod financial accountability
235. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Hagel, in the current fiscal
environment it is imperative that we maintain proper financial
accountability in DOD. DOD is required to have an auditable financial
statement by 2017, an objective that Secretary Panetta accelerated to
2014. What specific steps would you take for DOD to reach this goal by
that date?
Mr. Hagel. I agree financial management improvement is an important
priority and support the Department's current plan to have the
budgetary statement ready for audit by 2014 and the full set of
statements ready by 2017. If confirmed, I intend to review the
Department's progress with my senior leadership team on a regular basis
and work through them to remove any institutional barriers to achieving
this goal.
post-2014 afghan bilateral security agreement
236. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Hagel, under the strategic partnership
agreement signed by the United States and Afghanistan in May 2012, both
countries are obligated to negotiate a bilateral security agreement
within 1 year. The talks will set conditions for U.S. forces in
Afghanistan after 2014 as part of a train, advise, and assist mission.
Oversight is key for this process to be successful. We owe it to our
military forces to have an organized, methodical plan in order to not
squander the incredible effort expended by the United States in
Afghanistan. Will you ensure that Congress is involved in the
development process with the bilateral security agreement so that the
administration is not planning in a potentially disastrous vacuum?
Mr. Hagel. I agree on the importance of the Bilateral Security
Agreement (BSA) for setting the parameters for our forces in
Afghanistan after 2014 and with the need to maintain regular
communication with Congress as the BSA negotiations proceed. If
confirmed, I will support the administration's sustained engagement
with Congress throughout the Bilateral Security Agreement negotiation
237. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Hagel, from your viewpoint, what
conditions need to be set in a post-2014 Afghanistan with U.S. and
coalition involvement for the Afghanistan Government to continue to be
Mr. Hagel. I believe that improvements in security conditions,
enabled by continued development of the Afghan National Security
Forces, will continue to be critical. Good governance, including
sustained efforts to end corruption, is also important to ensure that
security gains result in sustainable Afghan self-reliance and
governance. Regional peace and deepened cooperation between Afghanistan
and its neighbors will also be important for long-term success. If
confirmed, I will monitor conditions in and around Afghanistan closely
and will continue to assess progress in consultation with commanders on
the ground and the Joint Chiefs, to ensure that we are helping to set
the conditions for continued success in Afghanistan beyond 2014.
Questions Submitted by Senator Roger F. Wicker
use of military force
238. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, in your responses to the advance
policy questions, you state that one of the key lessons learned from
the Iraq war is the need to think more carefully before using military
force, especially regarding the need to plan for all phases of
operations before beginning a preemptive conflict.
You have stated repeatedly that the United States should keep all
options on the table, to include the use of preemptive military force,
to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Some military theorists
argue that such an attack, even if successful, has the potential to
result in a variety of reactions from Iran, including direct attacks on
U.S. and allied military forces, attempts to interrupt the flow of
commerce through the Strait of Hormuz, and the use of Iranian special
operations forces and proxies to conduct destabilizing operations in
vulnerable regional countries. Arguably, the second and third order
effects of such an attack would be far more widespread than those
resulting from the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.
You also noted in your answers to the advance policy questions that
you do not feel knowledgeable enough about how the U.S. military has
implemented the lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan to make
recommendations on additional changes. Why do you believe an attack on
Iran is now a viable option, whereas in 2006, you felt differently?
Mr. Hagel. I am fully committed to the President's policy of
preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and believe all
options should be on the table to achieve that goal. A military attack
on Iran would most likely have significant consequences, as you have
described. But as I've also said, the military option should be the
last option considered. However, a nuclear-armed Iran would have far-
reaching and unacceptable consequences on regional stability, and on
the security of the United States.
239. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, do you feel the U.S. military is
adequately prepared to deal with the repercussions from a strike
against Iranian nuclear facilities? If not, what changes would need to
be implemented?
Mr. Hagel. While I do not currently have access to the information
needed to answer this question, I have great confidence that General
Mattis, the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary Panetta have ensured that the
U.S. military is prepared to deal with any repercussions from a strike
against Iranian nuclear facilities. If confirmed, I will work with the
CENTCOM Commander to refine planning as necessary over time, to ensure
that our forces remain ready to take any actions the President directs
and to defend themselves and the United States.
240. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, how would you engage regional
partners to limit the potential destabilizing effects of a strike on
Iranian nuclear facilities?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will continue to promote and advance the
Department's military-to-military and defense relations with our key
partners in the region. These relationships are critical to advance
U.S. strategic interests, including preventing Iran from acquiring a
nuclear weapon, supporting the security of the State of Israel, and
building the capacity of partner nations to meet common challenges and
address future contingencies, if required.
241. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, do you believe you possess the
requisite knowledge about the state of the U.S. military and our allies
and that you are ready now, given the current state of affairs with
Iran, North Korea, and China, to effectively advise the President on
the employment of U.S. military forces towards achieving U.S. strategic
Mr. Hagel. Yes. If confirmed, advising the President regarding the
employment of military forces will be my most important duty. I believe
I currently have the judgment and experience necessary to advise the
President on such matters and have a clear understanding of the role of
our military and alliances in achieving national security objectives.
If confirmed, I will ensure that my first priority and responsibility
is to match this prior experience with deeper knowledge of the current
plans and capabilities of our military.
u.s. shipbuilding industry
242. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, would you agree to
work closely with this committee and with this Congress in addressing
the urgent need to increase our shipbuilding rates?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
243. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you remain
committed to ensuring that the vessels we build for our sailors and
marines are the finest this Nation can produce and that you will never
agree to procuring vessels that do not meet the current military
classifications for warships?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I am committed to ensuring the Navy's
fleet is appropriately sized and possesses the capabilities necessary
to fulfill its role in defending U.S. interests both in peace and
wartime. Recognizing the challenges faced within the Department of Navy
to build and maintain an affordable and balanced fleet, I am committed
to ensuring that survivability shall be addressed on all new surface
ships, combat systems and equipment designs, overhauls, conversions,
and modernizations in order that the design is provided a balance of
survivability performance, risk, and cost within program objectives.
244. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you agree to
analyze all avenues of cost reduction in shipbuilding, including multi-
year procurements, block buys of material for multiple ships, and level
loading the funding profiles to allow shipbuilders to optimize design
and material procurement prior to the start of construction?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
245. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, can you provide a rationale for the
Defense Logistics Agency's (DLA) move toward a proposed noncommercial
Mr. Hagel. I don't have insight into the specifics of what the DLA
proposed model is; however, it is my understanding that the DLA is
looking at ways to strengthen its relationships with suppliers to
mitigate contract risks. If confirmed, I will be able to look into the
details of the specific objectives and actions.
246. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, what additional oversight would
such a model provide to ensure the prevention of waste, fraud, and
Mr. Hagel. At this time I don't have insight into the DLA model.
However I believe it is important that we have transparent contracting
practices that reduce risk and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.
taiwan and u.s.-china relations
247. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, during an official visit to China
in September 2012, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta extended an
invitation to his Chinese counterpart, General Liang Guanglie on the
People's Liberation Army's (PLA) participation in the biennial RIMPAC
in 2014. RIMPAC is the world's largest international maritime warfare
exercise, which in 2012 involved over 40 ships and submarines, more
than 200 aircraft, and 25,000 personnel from more than 20 countries
from the Pan Pacific region.
The Taiwan Strait has long been a potential flashpoint in the
region. Taiwan, one of America's important strategic allies in the
region, has been constantly under the threat of a growing PLA. If the
PLA is to be invited to RIMPAC, I believe we should consider involving
Taiwan as well. Would you consider inviting Taiwan's navy to
participate in RIMPAC?
Mr. Hagel. The United States is firm in its commitment to Taiwan's
self-defense needs under the Taiwan Relations Act. That relationship
includes defense exchanges and other interactions consistent with our
unofficial relationship and as provided for in the Taiwan Relations
Act. If confirmed, I will work to identify appropriate exchanges and
interactions to assist Taiwan's defense capabilities, and contribute to
peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
248. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and
the Six Assurances of 1982 have contributed to the peace and stability
of the Asia-Pacific region for the past 3 decades. With the military
balance--including air superiority--gradually shifting in China's
favor, what are your plans to implement the security commitment the
United States has for Taiwan under this framework?
Mr. Hagel. In my view, the increasing complexity and sophistication
of the military threat to Taiwan from China means that Taiwan must
devote greater attention to asymmetric concepts and innovative
technologies to maximize Taiwan's strengths and advantages. If
confirmed, I would work closely with Congress, throughout DOD, and with
our interagency partners to ensure the continued effective
implementation of all of the relevant provisions of the Taiwan
Relations Act.
249. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, as Taiwan is likely to retire some
of its older fighter aircraft in the next 5 to 10 years, do you believe
that sales of advanced aircraft and submarines are an important next
step in this commitment?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that we should make available to Taiwan those
defense articles and defense services which enable Taiwan to maintain a
sufficient self-defense capability, today and into the future. If
confirmed, I will look at what specific capabilities those are--or
should be--in light of the security situation in the Taiwan Strait and
the evolving military capabilities on the mainland.
export control reform
250. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, during his tenure as Secretary of
Defense, Robert Gates championed export control reform. Specifically,
he called for streamlining the foreign military sales, release, and
disclosure processes. It is vital that our partners and allies have
more certainty of timelines for delivery of critical defense articles
and services; however, this is not always the case when our processes
get bogged down. Is this something you will also champion if confirmed
as Secretary of Defense?
Mr. Hagel. I fully support the reform efforts because I believe
they are absolutely necessary to meet 21st century national security
challenges. Secretary Gates played a key role in setting the
administration's export control reform objectives: a single list, a
single licensing agency, a single primary enforcement coordination
agency, and a single U.S. Government-wide information technology
licensing system. The administration has made progress in this reform
effort, but the work continues. DOD has been fully engaged in revising
the U.S. Munitions List and I understand that it plans to continue to
focus on completing this important work with our interagency partners
to produce a list that is more transparent and predictable for
government and industry and which focuses on protecting the most
important technologies.
I also fully support ongoing efforts within the Department to
streamline and improve U.S. technology security and foreign disclosure
processes so that decisions are made in a timely fashion and enable us
to focus on the protection of the technologies that are most important,
while providing important capabilities to our allies and partners.
Finally, if confirmed, I would support implementation of the steps that
the Department has taken to continue to improve the Foreign Military
Sales process.
energy certification
251. Senator Wicker. Mr. Hagel, section 2830 of the Military
Construction Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012 requires DOD to
submit to Congress a report on the cost effectiveness of certain green
building standards. Part of the report by DOD found that the adoption
of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certifications by
certain departments of DOD is not the most cost effective practice for
energy and water savings. As Secretary of Defense, what policies would
you implement to ensure that DOD's green building policies meet the
military's primary missions of energy and water savings and do not
arbitrarily discriminate against American products such as domestic
Mr. Hagel. While I am not completely familiar with the different
green building standards that are available, I do think we need to
adhere to the general philosophy of minimizing life-cycle costs and
incorporating features in building construction that result in reduced
operating costs and lower utility bills. I will support policies to
this effect. I will not support policies that arbitrarily discriminate
against American products.
Questions Submitted by Senator Kelly Ayotte
medium extended air defense system
252. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, section 221 of the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2013 prohibits the use of any funding for Medium Extended Air
Defense System (MEADS). Are you aware of this provision?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
253. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you ensure that
DOD fully complies with this law?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department fully
complies with this law.
254. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, how much fiscal year 2012 MEADS
funding remains unobligated and how much has been obligated/expended
for MEADS under the terms of the Continuing Resolution?
Mr. Hagel. It is my understanding that of the $390 million in the
U.S. fiscal year 2012 funding provided to the NATO management office
for MEADS, a total of $335 million has been fully obligated to fund
data analysis, archiving the technology and design, capturing
performance results, formal contract closeout; and if necessary for
termination liabilities for contracts and/or subcontracts. $55 million
of fiscal year 2012 funding was also provided to the U.S. Army for
management and oversight of sensitive technologies in MEADS. The
Department is consulting with our partners, Germany and Italy, in order
to complete as much of the remaining design and development effort as
possible while allowing for contract closeout. I understand that $210
million of the total fiscal year 2012 funds has been expended as of
February 1, 2013. No fiscal year 2013 funds are authorized and none
have been obligated or expended under the CR.
255. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, for what purpose were these funds
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #254.
joint land attack cruise missile defense elevated netted sensor system
256. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, can you provide an update on the
deployment status of Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated
Netted Sensor System (JLENS)?
Mr. Hagel. I understand JLENS is still in development, and that the
Department recently completed a study on JLENS location and operational
use. It is my understanding a JLENS deployment site was selected and
planning is underway for preparing the site. If confirmed, I will
review the status of these preparations with the Secretary of the Army
and the Commander of U.S. Northern Command.
257. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you commit to
ensuring that JLENS will be deployed in a timely fashion?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #256.
258. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what combatant commands have a
validated requirement for JLENS or have expressed an interest in JLENS?
Mr. Hagel. It is my understanding that because of the unique
capabilities of JLENS to detect a range of air threats, CENTCOM, U.S.
Southern Command, U.S. Pacific Command, and U.S. Northern Command have
expressed interest in this capability.
f-35 joint strike fighter
259. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your assessment of China
and Russia's development of fifth generation fighters?
Mr. Hagel. I have not reviewed the breadth of the programs in
detail, but both China and Russia are pursuing advanced fighter
aircraft. We are examining ways to respond to these efforts to upgrade
their capabilities.
260. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the F-35 JSF is
necessary in an increasingly contested operating environment?
Mr. Hagel. My view is we cannot let any nation achieve parity with
the United States in our ability to control the air. I understand the
F-35 will bring advanced capability to the warfighters in a contested
environment and ensure the United States can act in our national
interest around the globe.
261. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you continue the
development and procurement of the fifth generation JSF, including the
Marine Corps variant?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will review the F-35 program, to include
the Marine Corps variant, to ensure the aircraft are delivered with the
capability we need and at a cost we can afford.
ballistic missile threats
262. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, analysts have estimated that Iran
may be capable of striking the CONUS with a ballistic missile by 2015.
Do you agree with this assessment?
Mr. Hagel. It is clear that Iran continues to pursue longer-range
missiles and develop technology that could allow Iran to deploy an ICBM
in the future. I believe that U.S. missile defenses must be prepared to
defend the United States today and in the future against any potential
threat posed by countries like Iran and North Korea.
263. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, in light of this analysis, Congress
included section 221 in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013. This section
requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a study that evaluates
three possible additional locations in the United States, including two
on the east coast, for future deployment of an interceptor to protect
the Homeland against missile threats from countries such as North Korea
and Iran. Are you aware of this reporting requirement?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
264. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, do you pledge to have
the results of this study delivered to Congress within the timeframe
outlined in section 221, as required by law?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will work to ensure that the study is
delivered on time and that Congress remains informed about the
Department's decisions about how to best protect the U.S. Homeland from
this threat.
submarine requirements
265. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you believe the Virginia payload
module will mitigate some of the anticipated gap in undersea strike
Mr. Hagel. Yes, although I understand that the cost to include this
capability in the Virginia-class is a challenge to available
shipbuilding resources.
266. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what percent of combatant commander
attack submarine requirements were met by the Navy in 2012?
Mr. Hagel. I have been informed that the Navy has met approximately
60 percent of the combatant commanders' total attack submarine
requirements and 100 percent of the Secretary of Defense-approved
Global Force Management Allocation Plan adjudicated requirement for
Navy support since 2010. The Global Force Management process allows
Navy to meet the combatant commanders' highest priority needs as
determined by the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.
267. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you support Congress' intent to
build two Virginia-class submarines in 2014?
Mr. Hagel. Submarines are critically important to our strategy and
future; therefore, resources permitting, I would support plans to build
two Virginia-class submarines in 2014.
electronic warfare
268. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your view on the future of
electronic warfare/electronic attack?
Mr. Hagel. I believe the Electronic Warfare/Electronic Attack (EW/
EA) will play an increasingly important role in future military
operations. It is both an enabler of U.S. operations and a capability
that potential adversaries will exploit to counter the longstanding
U.S. technological edge in weapon systems. Potential adversaries are
pursuing more advanced battlefield systems, including EW/EA, to deny
U.S. power projection capabilities and curtail our ability to maneuver,
conduct precision strikes, and communicate effectively in a conflict
scenario. Continued U.S. investment in EW/EA will be critical to
ensuring that the United States can achieve its operational objectives
in a timely manner and with a minimum of losses; EW/EA systems will
also contribute to the deterrent effect that highly capable U.S. forces
exert on potential adversaries.
269. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you believe it still plays a
vital role in our national security?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #268.
u.s.-russian relations
270. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you agree that the United States
should not initiate negotiations with Russia for a new arms treaty
unless and until we can confirm that Russia is fully honoring existing
arms treaties with the United States?
Mr. Hagel. Compliance with legal obligations is central to the
effectiveness of arms control treaties, and concerns about non-
compliance must be addressed. If confirmed, I will ensure that DOD
works with the Department of State and other interagency partners in
assessing and responding to any compliance concerns. While resolution
of such issues with Russia is clearly important, I do not believe that
discussions of possible further nuclear arms reductions need await
resolution of all compliance issues.
271. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, is Russia fully honoring all
existing arms treaties with the United States?
Mr. Hagel. I do not believe that the Russian Federation is fully
honoring all of its obligations under existing arms control treaties.
For example, Russia ceased implementing the Conventional Armed Forces
in Europe Treaty in 2007.
patriot missile system
272. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, section 226 of the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2013 requires the Secretary of the Army to submit a prioritized
plan to Congress for the modernization of the Patriot missile system.
Are you aware of this requirement?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
273. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you ensure that
the Army delivers this plan within the timeframe outlined in section
226, as required by law?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary of the Army
to ensure the Army delivers this plan as required by law.
overseas cemeteries
274. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, are you aware that section 2857 in
the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 requires DOD to designate a Federal or
private agency to maintain base cemeteries before closing overseas
military bases?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
275. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you ensure that
this provision is adhered to, as required by law?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will carry out the direction given to
the Department in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013.
mental health services
276. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, are you aware that section 206 in
the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 authorizes a DOD program to enhance DOD's
research, treatment, education, and outreach initiatives focused on
addressing the mental health needs of members of the National Guard and
Reserve members?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
277. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you share my belief that DOD
must address these needs?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I am deeply concerned about the mental health
issues faced by our servicemembers and their families. If confirmed, I
will be committed to providing the highest quality of mental health
care and will comply with the provision in the NDAA for Fiscal Year
budget auditability
278. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, section 1005 in the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2013 that requires DOD to complete a full statement of budget
resources by 2014, with the ultimate goal to be full auditability by
2017. Are you aware of this requirement?
Mr. Hagel. Yes. I understand that those commitments in our current
plans have been included in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013.
279. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, do you commit to
meeting this statutory requirement and to doing all that you can to
promote good financial stewardship and financial transparency at DOD?
Mr. Hagel. I agree financial management improvement is an important
priority and support the Department's current plan to have the
budgetary statement ready for audit by 2014 and the full set of
statements ready by 2017. If confirmed, I will be committed to
achieving this goal and will ensure that senior leaders remain focused
on this goal and hold them accountable.
women in selective service
280. Mr. Hagel, would you support requiring women to register for
the Selective Service? Please explain your response.
Mr. Hagel. I strongly believe all Americans should be able to serve
in our Armed Forces to their maximum abilities. The Selective Service
Act is administered by an agency outside of DOD. If I am confirmed, I
will look forward to participating in any interagency consideration of
selective service registration that may occur. We currently have an
All-Volunteer Force that is the finest military in the world. I do not
want to suggest that it would be necessary or advisable to restore the
prostheses for servicemembers
281. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, are the prostheses that our
servicemembers are receiving after a severe injury the most advanced
available on the U.S. market?
Mr. Hagel. The care and support provided to our wounded, ill, and
injured are key focus areas for the Department. I understand that the
Department supports, along with the Department of Veterans Affairs, an
Extremity Injury and Amputation Center of Excellence and that the
standard and quality of care regarding prosthetics meets or exceeds
what is provided in the private sector. I also understand that the
Department supports a variety of research to ensure cutting edge
technology is incorporated into addressing the issues for
servicemembers with extremity amputations. This includes advanced
research into tissue engineering and transplantation. If confirmed, I
will continue to support these collective efforts to improve care.
282. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if not, what actions are being
taken to gain access to these prostheses for our servicemembers?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #281.
national guard youth challenge program
283. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, the National Guard Youth Challenge
Program (NGYCP) works to intervene in and reclaim the lives of at-risk
youth by enhancing their skills, education, and self-discipline. The
program has distinguished itself as an effective intervention in the
lives of troubled young men and women. Over 110,000 students have
graduated from 33 programs nationwide and a majority of these graduates
earn their GED and are actively employed following graduation.
The outstanding success enjoyed by the NGYCP is largely a result of
the leadership and unique advantages the National Guard brings to the
program. The program has also been successful because of the National
Guard's emphasis on quality training for the staff.
A 2012 RAND Corporation study highlighted the value of continued
investment in the NGYCP. According to the report, the program earned
$2.66 in social benefit from students graduating and becoming
productive citizens for every $1 spent. Yet, only two cents of that
original investment was spent on training the program staff.
Based on the critical role training has played in this essential
program's success, if confirmed, do you commit to examining funding for
the NGYCP staff training to determine how it has changed over time and
whether it is sufficient to maintain the quality of the program?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that training plays a large part in the
success of the 100,000 cadets who have successfully completed this
program. The Department continues to review ways in which to further
improve the NGYCP's performance nationwide, including staff training.
If confirmed, I will work closely with Reserve component leaders to
evaluate funding for training and other resources.
guard and reserves
284. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your view of the
appropriate role of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau as a member
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Mr. Hagel. The Chief of the National Guard Bureau serves as a full
member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and as the principal advisor to the
Secretary of Defense, through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, on matters involving non-Federalized National Guard forces.
285. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your assessment of the
Reserve and how it will fit into this new strategy of smaller, more
lethal forces rotating into and out of many locations of strategic
Mr. Hagel. The Reserve components have served with distinction over
more than a decade of war and continue to be a relevant and cost
effective part of the Total Force. In a time of declining budgets and
complex contingencies, I believe that the Department will continue to
call on both Active and Reserve components to accomplish the domestic
and overseas requirements of the new strategy. We are still in the
process of finding the proper Active component/Reserve component mix
that will most effectively accomplish our new strategy in a constrained
fiscal environment.
286. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your understanding of the
appropriate size and makeup of the Reserve components in light of the
current defense strategy and our constrained defense budget?
Mr. Hagel. The Services each have different requirements for their
Reserve Force in their role as force providers. The Service internal
force management processes will continue to refine the size and
capabilities of each Reserve component to accommodate changes to the
defense strategy and reduced budget.
287. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your assessment of advances
made in improving Reserve and Guard component mobilization and
demobilization procedures, and in what areas do problems still exist?
Mr. Hagel. The Department has made great improvements to the
mobilization and demobilization procedures over the past decade. Over
850,000 Reserve and National Guard members have been effectively
mobilized to support contingency and support operations. If confirmed,
I would expect the Services to continue to review procedures in order
to keep faith with our Reserve component members, their families, and
civilian employers and make necessary adjustments as needs are
288. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what do you consider to be the most
significant enduring challenges to the enabling of an operational
reserve aimed at ensuring Reserve component and Guard readiness for
future mobilization requirements?
Mr. Hagel. The Reserve components currently serve in an operational
capacity-available, trained, and equipped for predictable routine
deployments. With the projected defense budget, the most significant
enduring challenge will be sufficient funding to sustain the
operational experience of the Reserve components gained over the past
decade of utilization.
289. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, do you see a need to modify current
statutory authorities for the mobilization of members of the National
Guard and Reserves or to further enhance their ability to perform
various national security missions?
Mr. Hagel. At the present time I believe that appropriate
authorities are in place to access the National Guard and Reserves
across their full spectrum of mission assignments.
290. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, when will dwell time objectives be
met for the Reserve components?
Mr. Hagel. I understand the vast majority of dwell time goals for
the Reserve components are currently being met. As we continue the
draw-down in Afghanistan these numbers should continue to improve and
it is expected that dwell time objectives will be fully met during the
last stages of operations there.
291. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what effect would an inability to
meet dwell time objectives have on your decision to implement the
planned end strength reductions?
Mr. Hagel. The ability to meet dwell time objectives will be one of
the many factors taken into account when determining proper end
strength requirements to meet our emerging strategy. Meeting dwell time
objectives is an important factor in keeping faith with our All-
Volunteer Force and their families but cannot be the sole factor when
considering planned end strength requirements.
292. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what is your understanding and
assessment of the current size and structure of the Army's Reserve
Mr. Hagel. The Army Reserve component is currently organized with
350,200 soldiers in the Army National Guard and 205,000 soldiers in the
Army Reserve. Any changes to the size or force structure capabilities
for the Army Reserve components will be analyzed within the Total Force
requirements of the Army and will reflect the projected changes in
budget and defense strategy.
293. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, what size or force
structure changes, if any, would you propose for either the Army
Reserve or the Army National Guard?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #292.
involuntary separation
294. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, are you aware of section 525 in the
NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 conference report regarding reports on
involuntary separation of members of the Armed Forces?
Mr. Hagel. Yes.
295. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you comply with
this law?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will make certain the Department
complies with the provisions of NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013.
size of the navy
296. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, are you aware of section 1015 of
the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 conference report related to the size of
the Navy?
Mr. Hagel. Yes, I am aware of the reporting requirement in the NDAA
for Fiscal Year 2013 related to the size of the Navy. My understanding
is that the Navy has complied with the law and submitted the report to
Congress on 1 February 2013. The report was submitted as an
unclassified document, and additional information about the Force
Structure Assessment was also submitted in a classified document.
297. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed, will you comply with
this law?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #296.
global zero report
298. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Hagel, what specific portions of the May
2012 Global Zero report that you authored do you believe should not be
Mr. Hagel. In the Global Zero report we took a longer term view of
what might be possible under different circumstances, and the report's
illustrative reductions to nuclear forces were just that--intended to
provide a stimulus to national debate about how many nuclear weapons
are enough and to illustrate a possible pathway forward. If confirmed,
I will focus on implementing the recommendations of the 2010 NPR, while
also considering what additional steps may be appropriate, and will
consult with Congress on the way forward.
Questions Submitted by Senator Lindsey Graham
299. Senator Graham. Mr. Hagel, you were one of four Senators not
to sign a bipartisan letter (dated October 12, 2000, circulated by
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and Senator Tom Daschle) to President
Clinton expressing the Senate's solidarity with the State of Israel, at
a time when both Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman
Arafat and the Palestinian Authority failed to restrain or comment on
violence by Palestinians in violation of the peace process. If you had
a chance to reconsider your decision, would you now choose to sign the
Mr. Hagel. With respect to this specific October 2000 letter, I
wholeheartedly agreed with the objectives at the time--expressing
solidarity with Israel at a time of crisis--as I do today. Yet, as the
AIPAC Press release of October 13, 2000 states, I was unable to be
reached by the deadline in order to sign the letter. The October 13,
2000 press release explicitly states that while two Senators refused to
sign the letter (Senators Abraham (MI) and Byrd (WV)), ``Senators Hagel
and Gregg (NH) could not be reached'' by the deadline.
Although the circumstances and leaders have changed significantly
since the letter you referenced was sent in 2000, I continue to support
the substance of the letter--expressing solidarity with Israel at a
time of crisis--and I will continue to express this solidarity and
support as I work with my Israeli counterparts if confirmed as
Secretary of Defense. The President has said we have Israel's back, and
I agree.
As my record in the Senate, my public speeches, and writings in my
book demonstrate, I have always been a strong supporter of the U.S.-
Israel relationship and of Israel's right to defend itself.
Additionally, I was a cosponsor of and voted in favor of a number of
pieces of legislation condemning terrorism against Israel, including
the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006. The Palestinian Anti-
Terrorism Act of 2006 not only condemned Palestinian terrorism, but
also placed restrictions on U.S. assistance to the Palestinian
Authority (PA) unless the PA, and all components within it, accepted
the quartet principles of renouncing violence, abiding by previous
agreements, and recognizing Israel's right to exist.
national guard
300. Senator Graham. Mr. Hagel, the Reserve Forces Policy Board
recently issued a report on the fully burdened and lifecycle cost of
military personnel and found that a Reserve component member (National
Guard or Reserve) when not activated is one-third the cost of an Active
component servicemember. In an era of declining budgets, how do you
envision leveraging the cost-effectiveness of the National Guard and
Reserve Forces to meet our Nation's security needs?
Mr. Hagel. The highly cost effective National Guard and Reserve
have served the Nation well both in peacetime and war. During the last
12 years their service has been particularly admirable both overseas
and in reacting to many emergencies here at home. Although I have not
analyzed the Reserve Forces Policy Board report you cite, I do believe
the Guard and Reserve are less costly in a part time status, and
clearly provide highly trained ready assets with a high degree of long-
term cost efficiency to significantly help sustain the All-Volunteer
Force. If confirmed, it would be my intention to maintain a strong
Guard and Reserve, and to take advantage of their skills and
efficiencies as we structure an affordable military force in an era of
challenging budgets.
Questions Submitted by Senator David Vitter
taiwan relations
301. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and
the Six Assurances of 1982 have contributed to the peace and stability
of the Asia-Pacific region for the past 3 decades. With the military
balance--including air superiority--gradually shifting in China's
favor, what are your plans to implement the security commitment the
United States has for Taiwan under this framework?
Mr. Hagel. I agree that the Taiwan Relations Act has contributed to
peace and stability in the region for over 30 years. In my view, the
increasing complexity and sophistication of the military threat to
Taiwan from China means that Taiwan must devote greater attention to
asymmetric concepts and innovative technologies to maximize Taiwan's
strengths and advantages. If confirmed, I would work closely with
Congress, throughout DOD, and with our interagency partners to ensure
the continued effective implementation of all of the relevant
provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act.
302. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, as Taiwan is likely to retire some
of its older fighter aircraft in the next 5 to 10 years, do you believe
that sales of advanced aircraft are an important next step in this
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will look at what specific capabilities
will help Taiwan meet its self-defense needs in light of the security
situation in the Taiwan Strait and the evolving military capabilities
on the mainland.
303. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, Secretary Leon Panetta previously
extended an invitation to China to be part of RIMPAC last year. Do you
believe that as one of the U.S. strategic partners in the region it is
important to include Taiwan into the RIMPAC exercises? If so, what is
your plan to implement this?
Mr. Hagel. The United States is firm in its commitment to Taiwan's
self-defense needs under the Taiwan Relations Act. That relationship
includes defense exchanges and other interactions consistent with our
unofficial relationship and as provided for in the Taiwan Relations
Act. If confirmed, I will work to identify appropriate exchanges and
interactions to assist Taiwan's defense capabilities, and contribute to
peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
military strategy
304. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, our military leaders have stated
that the United States and its military is at a strategic crossroads
marked by significant challenges. We have done a remarkable job over
the last 12 years at catching up to an enemy that we were largely
unprepared for: political Islam and those radical Islamists who seek to
impose their ideology in order to rule others--to govern political,
social, and civic life, as well as religious life. However, we are
currently facing a damaging sequester, additional proposed Navy, Army,
and Air Force cuts, while engaging in a shift of U.S. strategy towards
Asia that seeks to downplay the difficulty associated with the Middle
East and Africa. The report calls for a scaling back of stability
operations while suggesting that operations carried out using special
operations units and drone strikes be increased or sustained. How do
you see the military maintaining its joint readiness training aspects
as it draws down from two wars when our strategy appears to be heading
down a dangerous road?
Mr. Hagel. Maintaining ready forces is a priority. If confirmed, I
will work with the Joint Chiefs to better understand the basis of their
assessment and how we can most effectively address the readiness
challenges our military faces.
My sense is that the concerns the Joint Chiefs have expressed about
readiness come from a variety of factors, including the challenges of
recovering from 10 years of operational stress, of transitioning to a
broader range of operations, and of doing all of this in the face of
fiscal austerity and budget uncertainty. If confirmed, I will carefully
monitor how all of these factors are posing risks to readiness and will
work closely with the military and civilian leadership of the
Department to mitigate those risks to the greatest extent possible.
305. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, what impact do you think current
force posturing will have on our ability to deploy to address potential
threats that are posed by North Korea, Iran, and around the globe?
Mr. Hagel. As described in the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance, the
Department is rebalancing toward the Asia-Pacific while maintaining
focus on the Middle-East. I think that the significant U.S. military
presence and activities in Asia are a clear demonstration of the
enduring U.S. commitment to the region and to addressing current and
emerging challenges in the Asia-Pacific. Moreover, if confirmed as
Secretary, I would take every step to maintain the ability of America
to conduct successful combat operations in more than one region at a
time, ensuring that we have the ability to meet threats around the
world, as in the Middle East and North Africa, when they arise. Our
global posture, engagement with allies and partners, and investment in
flexible defense architectures for high-demand capabilities, such as
ballistic missile defense, are of great importance.
North Korea's December Taepo Dong II missile launch and recent
threats to conduct a third nuclear test underscore the growing North
Korean threat to international peace and security. U.S. diplomatic
efforts following the December missile launch, particularly with China,
resulted in U.N. Security Council Resolution 2087, which affirms the
international community's opposition to North Korea's provocations. The
tightened sanctions in the resolution will help impede the growth of
North Korea's weapons of mass destruction program. If confirmed, I will
continue to ensure our military provides the deterrence and defense
necessary to protect our allies and our interests. This posture is also
the best way to create conditions where diplomacy has the best possible
prospects to succeed.
With respect to Iran, I believe that it is critical that the U.S.
military maintain a robust presence in the region to counter Iran,
reassure our partners, and build partner capacity. Our carrier presence
is a key element of this presence. If confirmed, I will work with the
combatant commanders to revalidate our posture and ensure it best
addresses the threats, challenges, and opportunities in the region to
preserve all options for the President while balancing other national
security needs.
306. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, you stated in responses to advance
policy questions in regard to the Joint Chief's concerns about a hollow
force that: ``the concerns the Joint Chiefs have expressed about
readiness come from a variety of factors, including the challenges of
recovering from 10 years of operational stress of transitioning to a
broader range of operations, and of doing all of this in the face of
fiscal austerity and budget uncertainty.''
Successfully meeting our national security strategic objectives
with a smaller, overall force will require us to improve our focus on
training our servicemembers from the separate branches effectively.
Last year General Ray Odierno, USA, Chief of Staff of the Army spoke to
this committee about the importance of a joint force that is flexible
and adaptive to the challenges of the new environment. Could you please
provide assurances that vital training will not be walked away from,
training such as Joint Readiness Training Centers where the Air Force
and Army conduct training operations that hugely effect fundamental
joint operations?
Mr. Hagel. Maintaining ready forces is of highest priority,
especially in a world of ever changing challenges and threats. If
confirmed, I will work with the Joint Chiefs to better understand the
basis of their assessment and how we can most effectively address the
readiness challenges our military faces. The highest yield training
exercises will be revisited frequently to ensure that our forces remain
flexible and adaptive to meet our new challenges.
307. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, how do you plan to monitor risk and
the potential mismatch between constrained resources and demands of
operational plans?
Mr. Hagel. I am deeply impressed by the caliber and capabilities of
our military forces. It is vitally important that they be ready to
respond to the Nation's needs, and I am concerned that further budget
cuts will negatively affect readiness. If confirmed, I will get regular
updates by the Joint Chiefs on where we must devote the Department's
attention and resources to ensure the readiness of the force.
nuclear deterrent
308. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, in the Global Zero report, within
the context of rebalancing nuclear deterrence you state, ``new
opportunities will emerge for cooperation with allies and other
countries with common security interests.'' In your 2008 book you
stated that, ``the world needs to establish a new global consensus on
nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation . . . as the world's largest
nuclear power the United States has a responsibility to lead in that
effort . . . '' and that ``we must once again convince the world that
America has the clear intention of fulfilling the nuclear disarmament
commitments that we have made.''
There are nine nuclear powers who are out there and a number of
others who are pursuing nuclear capabilities. Do you believe the
elimination of the U.S. nuclear triad or Global Strike Command as an
independent command will increase the security of the United States and
lead to a more peaceful world?
Mr. Hagel. I believe in the President's long-term vision of a world
without nuclear weapons. It is a vision shared by nearly every
President since Eisenhower, including Ronald Reagan. I also support the
President's commitment that the United States will not disarm
unilaterally. If confirmed, I look forward to leading DOD in supporting
the President's objectives to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and
their roles in national security policy and to create the conditions
that will allow others to join with us in this process. Our efforts to
modernize the nuclear deterrent and build a responsive infrastructure
go hand-in-hand with efforts to reduce the world's nuclear dangers. The
United States must have a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent
so long as nuclear weapons remain. If confirmed, I will work to ensure
the needed leadership focus on this issue and that institutional
excellence for nuclear deterrence remains a part of the President's
comprehensive approach to nuclear security.
309. Senator Vitter. Mr. Hagel, the Global Zero report would
seriously limit B-52s and U.S. nuclear deterrent. Please share your
thoughts on how you balance your previous position with your statements
that you support our nuclear deterrents.
Mr. Hagel. In the Global Zero report we took a longer term view of
what might be possible under different circumstances. The report's
illustrative reductions to nuclear forces were just that--intended to
provide a stimulus to national debate about how many nuclear weapons
are enough and to illustrate a possible pathway forward. If confirmed,
I will focus on implementing the recommendations of the 2010 NPR, while
also considering what additional steps may be appropriate, and will
consult with Congress on the way forward.
Questions Submitted by Senator Roy Blunt
joint professional military education
310. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, do you believe Joint Professional
Military Education (JPME) helps ensure that the individual Services and
other agencies that play a role in national security cooperate
Mr. Hagel. I believe JPME, as established under the Goldwater-
Nichols Act, has been central to strengthening and integrating the
Joint Force. It is my understanding that the JPME system is
fundamentally designed to foster cooperation and jointness among the
members of the different Services. I also understand that members of
the interagency, as well as international partners, attend JPME. As the
last decade of war has shown, jointness among our servicemembers and
their civilian partners is critical to success.
311. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, if so, what would you do as
Secretary of Defense to continue to expand and improve our JPME culture
and programs?
Mr. Hagel. I am not yet familiar with the scope of current JPME
programs. If confirmed, I will work with civilian and military
leadership to assess the effectiveness of these programs and propose
any changes that are deemed necessary.
defense budget and national military strategy
312. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, given the potential severe cuts that
could be imposed upon the defense budget due to sequestration, how will
you put a process in place to ensure a strategy-driven QDR process that
produces recommendations ``fully independent of the budget''?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will work with the Department's
leadership team to ensure that the QDR starts with an assessment of the
opportunities and challenges that the Nation faces in the emerging
global security environment, and then identifies priorities based on
our national security interests for defense policy and force planning.
The assessment of threats, risks, and opportunities, along with the
identification of national security interests, would be undertaken
fully independent of the budget. Prioritization of objectives and
identification of approaches would follow and be resources informed in
order to ensure they are realistic and appropriate.
cyber security
313. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, what should be the DOD's role in
protecting the United States against foreign cyber-attacks to the
Mr. Hagel. DOD has the mission to defend the Nation in cyberspace
and to support a whole-of-government effort to address cyber threats. I
support this approach. This mission includes a close partnership with
DHS in its role of leading efforts for the cybersecurity of U.S.
critical infrastructure, and non-DOD unclassified government networks.
314. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, what should be the DOD's role in
protecting the United States against Iranian attacks on the financial
Mr. Hagel. While I cannot speak to the details of any specific
attacks, I believe that DOD should contribute its capabilities to
support a whole-of-government effort to address cyber (and other)
threats to U.S. national and economic security. The President has made
clear that the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace
as we would any other threat to our country, and that the United States
reserves the right to use all necessary means, including military means
as a last resort, to defend our Nation and our interests. I support
this approach.
315. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, are we adequately deterring our
adversaries in cyberspace?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that a number of important steps have been
taken to deter malicious activity in cyberspace, but that the United
States must do more to protect public and private networks from cyber
threats. DOD should continue to develop its cyber capabilities and
expertise, and it should work closely with its public, private, and
international partners to deter and discourage malicious behavior. I
also believe that legislation providing for increased information
sharing on cyber threats and the development of critical infrastructure
cybersecurity standards, in partnership with the private sector, would
help reduce vulnerabilities and protect our national and economic
316. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, are you worried that America's use
of cyberwarfare capabilities--such as the famous STUXNET attack on
Iran--is setting a dangerous precedent for others?
Mr. Hagel. I am not able to comment on STUXNET or who was
responsible for it, but I do think that the increased frequency of
disruptive cyber activities is a clear national security concern.
Recent such examples of destructive attacks, such as the Shamoon virus
that virtually destroyed 30,000 computers at Saudi Arabian State Oil
Company Aramco, are a significant escalation in the cyber threat.
317. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, given our growing dependence on
computer networks, should we pursue some sort of a global regime to
limit this danger?
Mr. Hagel. I agree with the President that longstanding norms
guiding state behavior, including the law of armed conflict, also apply
in cyberspace. I also believe we should continue to press for the
development of international cyberspace norms that build upon common
principles for responsible state behavior.
318. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, in accordance with the Taiwan
Relations Act, the 113th Congress will likely advance commercial
relations with and foster future defense sales to Taiwan. However, as
China's naval, air, and missile capabilities increase, defending Taiwan
will become increasingly difficult. Please describe your security
commitments to Taiwan as they relate to the sale of advanced aircraft
to the Taiwan Government.
Mr. Hagel. I believe that the Taiwan Relations Act has contributed
to peace and stability in the region for over 30 years. In my view, the
increasing complexity and sophistication of the military threat to
Taiwan from China means that Taiwan must devote greater attention to
asymmetric concepts and innovative technologies to maximize Taiwan's
strengths and advantages. If confirmed, I would work closely with
Congress, throughout DOD, and with our interagency partners to ensure
the continued effective implementation of all of the relevant
provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act. If confirmed, I will look at
what specific capabilities self-defense capabilities Taiwan needs in
light of the security situation in the Taiwan Strait and the evolving
military capabilities on the mainland.
u.s. policy in the caucasus
319. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, how do you assess U.S.-Azerbaijan
relations and what will be your policy to expand this strategic
Mr. Hagel. I recognize the many shared interests and current
cooperation between the United States and Azerbaijan across the foreign
policy, economics, energy, and cultural spheres. In particular, the
U.S.-Azerbaijan defense relationship is strong, with room to grow. I
understand that DOD engages in regular consultations at high levels
with Azerbaijani counterparts to identify areas where we can strengthen
our cooperation and partnership.
If confirmed, I would continue this senior level engagement with
Azerbaijan and continue the Department's commitment to supporting
Azerbaijan's defense reforms, ability to interoperate with NATO and
deploy to coalition operations, and capacity to address terrorism and
other transnational threats and secure its maritime borders and energy
infrastructure. I would look for the United States to be Azerbaijan's
partner of choice and help Azerbaijan's defense establishment
contribute to regional security and stability, such as with
Azerbaijan's significant support to international efforts in
320. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, how should the United States respond
to the continued presence of Russian military forces inside
internationally-recognized Georgian territory?
Mr. Hagel. I believe that the United States should continue to
support Georgia's territorial integrity within its internationally
recognized borders, and remain steadfast in non-recognition of the
occupied territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. We should continue
to object to Russia's occupation and militarization of Georgian
territory. If confirmed, I would speak out in support of Georgia's
territorial integrity and to call on Russia to fulfill its obligations
under the 2008 ceasefire agreement, including withdrawal of its forces
to pre-conflict positions and free access for humanitarian assistance.
I would continue to support the U.S. role as an active participant in
the Geneva discussions, working with the co-chairs and others in
pursuit of a resolution to the conflict.
We should continue to fully support Georgia's sovereignty and
territorial integrity as we seek to work on practical steps with Russia
to promote stability and security on the ground and ultimately, a
peaceful resolution of the conflict.
321. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, how do you assess the current U.S.
military relationship with countries in the Caucasus region,
specifically Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan?
Mr. Hagel. I believe DOD has fostered strong relations with
Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to strengthen each nation's political
independence and contributions to broader regional security and
stability. I understand that there are regular senior level
consultations with each of these partners, in support of defense
reforms, interoperability with NATO and support to coalition
operations, and building capacity to address the range of transnational
threats in the region. I believe that these defense partnerships have
produced notable successes, including the significant contributions
made by each country to NATO operations. In Afghanistan, Georgia has
deployed two battalions of soldiers. Armenia and Azerbaijan have each
supplied a company to the NATO International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF). Georgia and Azerbaijan provide key transit access into the
Afghanistan theater. In Kosovo, Armenia has deployed a platoon of
soldiers under U.S. command to the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR).
Our defense partnerships should take into account the many
political and security challenges the region faces, among them the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the occupied territories in Georgia. We
should design our engagement deliberately so that it carefully
contributes to regional stability rather than enflaming existing
322. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, should the United States deepen its
military ties with these nations?
Mr. Hagel. The United States has a shared interest with Georgia,
Armenia, and Azerbaijan to partner on the development of each nation as
a contributor of security and stability to the broader region. If
confirmed, I would continue to engage these nations and seek areas to
deepen these partnerships in ways appropriate to our shared interests,
political will, available resources, and capacity to absorb new
capabilities and missions.
323. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, how will these ties impact U.S.
relations with Russia?
Mr. Hagel. It is prudent to give consideration to how improved ties
with one country might affect the broader region. If confirmed, I would
support DOD efforts to seek and provide transparency in our defense
cooperative relations in the region. I would look for Department
engagement to be guided by principles that strive to enhance regional
security, the strengthening of responsible defense reforms, and
adherence to the rule of law. These principles must also strengthen
sovereignty and independence-the United States should continue to
emphasize its desire to cooperate and assist, not to dominate or
impose. If confirmed, I would support engagement with key states
throughout the region, including Russia, and strive to ensure all
recognize that U.S. cooperation with one is not at the expense of the
cooperation with or security of another.
324. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, do you believe that NATO should
Mr. Hagel. I support the administration position that NATO's door
remains open.
325. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, please describe how U.S. defense
policies can ensure the sovereignty and political independence of our
regional partners such as Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Mr. Hagel. The objective of our relations with Azerbaijan and
Armenia should be to strengthen each nation's political independence
and contributions to broader regional security and stability. We should
continue to seek regional stability through our bilateral and
multilateral engagement. DOD has an important role to play in those
regards, supporting overall U.S. engagement objectives.
u.s. africa command
326. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, undoubtedly, radical fundamentalism
and terrorism continues to spread in Northern Africa. What is U.S.
Africa Command's (AFRICOM) role in responding to and preventing the
spread of terrorism in Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, and now Egypt?
Mr. Hagel. Countering terrorism in Africa, just as elsewhere in the
world, is a multi-faceted problem requiring a whole-of-government
solution. DOD contributes to the counterterrorism mission in Africa
primarily by strengthening the defense capabilities of African states
and regional organizations, and by working to support African-led
operations, such as the African Union Mission in Somalia. AFRICOM is
responsible for implementing DOD's counterterrorism and partner
capacity-building missions throughout the African continent through
military-military exchanges, exercises, and security cooperation on the
African continent. When directed, AFRICOM is also prepared to conduct
military operations in order to deter and defeat terrorism and other
transnational threats, and to provide a security environment conducive
to good governance and development.
movement of troops to australia
327. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, please describe the nature, purpose,
and strategic importance of our ``permanent and constant'' commitment
to a U.S. military presence in Australia as it relates to countering
China's influence and reasserting U.S. interests in the region.
Mr. Hagel. In 2010, the Prime Minister of Australia and President
Obama agreed to establish a rotational U.S. Marine Corps presence in
northern Australia. The first rotation of approximately 200 U.S.
marines took place from April through September 2012. In addition,
closer cooperation between the Royal Australian Air Force and the U.S.
Air Force has resulted in increased rotations of U.S. aircraft through
northern Australia. These two initiatives further enhance the
capabilities of both countries by increasing opportunities for combined
training and enabling more effective pursuit of common interests in the
Asia-Pacific region. Building on the interoperability developed through
joint operations over the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, these
initiatives will help us deepen that interoperability long after the
wars are over. The United States will not build any U.S. bases in
Australia. U.S. forces will rotate in and out of Darwin and will be co-
located with Australian forces on existing Australian military bases.
Our military cooperation with Australia helps the United States
rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region and specifically supports
efforts to become more geographically distributed and operationally
resilient in the Pacific. U.S.-Australian force posture initiatives are
not aimed at any one country. I believe that the U.S. rotational
presence in northern Australia and our strong alliance with Australia
will lead to further cooperation with a variety of nations. The United
States sees many shared regional challenges in the Asia-Pacific,
including responding to natural disasters, countering extremism,
ensuring freedom of navigation, and enhancing regional stability.
satellite and radio systems
328. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, DOD's satellite and radio systems
are essential to our national security. However, some of the spectrum
that DOD currently controls is well-suited for use for commercial
mobile broadband services. In fact, the 1755-1780 MHz band, which DOD
holds the license for, is particularly well suited for mobile broadband
because it is already being used for this purpose internationally.
Additionally, the administration has a stated priority, as part of the
National Broadband Plan, of making more spectrum available for auction
to commercial providers for consumer use. Ostensibly, this plan would
include both the reallocation of some broadcast spectrum and of some
spectrum licenses held by government users. Can you provide the cost
estimate for relocating DOD operations off of the 1755-1780 MHz band?
Mr. Hagel. I understand that DOD and the other Federal agencies are
working through National Telecommunication and Information Agency's
(NTIA) established processes to support the President's goal to make
500 MHz available for commercial mobile broadband use. As part of that
process, the Department has conducted a detailed study of the cost and
operational feasibility of reallocation of the entire 1,755-1,850 MHz
band, which is used by the Department to meet mission requirements. The
NTIA has reported that it would cost nearly $13 billion for DOD to
vacate the entire 95 MHz, and $18 billion to cover non-Department
systems as well, and that alternate spectrum and adequate time to
transition to that alternate spectrum would need to be provided. If I
am confirmed, I will direct the Department to consult with NTIA about
whether it would be useful for the NTIA to initiate a detailed study of
vacating just the lower 25 MHz.
base realignment and closure commission
329. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, what is your position on the
establishment of a new BRAC Commission to oversee additional domestic
base closures?
Mr. Hagel. I understand Congress did not accept that the
administration's proposal for two rounds of BRAC. However, I think it
is necessary for the Department to examine its infrastructure and
eliminate excess. While the BRAC process is not perfect, it is the best
process identified to date, and I believe a fair and comprehensive way
to right-size the Department's domestic footprint. If confirmed, I
would have to look at the need for BRAC in the future and would work
with Congress on any such proposal.
tactical aviation competition
330. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, DOD faces an upcoming challenge to
maintain a competitive and innovative defense industrial base to meet
the Nation's tactical aviation needs. The fiscal year 2013 President's
budget demonstrates a near-term shift to a single manufacturer for
tactical aircraft. This outcome will have significant consequences:
with a single-source option for tactical aircraft programs, DOD will
lose vital competition that can help drive down costs, leading to
potentially more expensive, less capable systems; investment in
innovative technology and engineering for tomorrow's capabilities will
suffer without a balanced, diverse tactical aviation base; and a
limited manufacturing capability will struggle to be flexible to cope
with changing demand and there will be no way to manage risk for future
developing programs. Today, the F/A-18 program provides DOD with a
highly capable, affordable, and available manufacturing line that
promotes competition and drives innovation into tactical aviation. It
is the only current American tactical aircraft that can fill
operational gaps or address the Navy's tactical aviation shortfall. All
F/A-18 aircraft--the F/A-18E/F Block II Super Hornet and EA-18G
Growler--continue to be delivered on-cost and ahead of schedule. Can
you please discuss the importance of maintaining competition in
tactical aviation production?
Mr. Hagel. I recognize that competition in all acquisition
programs, including tactical aviation production, is key to
affordability, to innovation, and to a strong industrial base. I intend
to fully support the continuation of appropriate competition.
331. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, if confirmed as Secretary of
Defense, what can DOD do to ensure that the F/A-18 line isn't ended in
the near-term, both for the purposes of filling potential operational
gaps and managing risk of future tactical aviation programs?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will assess the balance of strike
fighter capability, and the state of the F/A-18 production line. I will
also ensure the Department supports international sales of the F/A-18.
international sales
332. Senator Blunt. Mr. Hagel, in your testimony before the Senate
Armed Services Committee, you discussed the need to protect the core
defense industrial base, even during a time that budget challenges will
lead to some necessary cuts in spending. One particular way to support
the Nation's defense infrastructure is to support international sales
of American defense manufacturing. International sales help keep
manufacturing facilities alive while ensuring that the engineering
expertise and workforce are retained for additional domestic
production. Your predecessor, Secretary Panetta, took this
responsibility very seriously, advocating for American defense
platforms vigorously as they competed against other international
options in campaigns abroad. The Military Services can also be strong
advocates, although not all demonstrate the same level of commitment to
international campaigns. If you are confirmed as Secretary of Defense,
can you describe your role--both personally and as a broader policy
within DOD--to support international sales of eligible American defense
programs? Please discuss on how DOD and the individual Services might
better promote American products abroad.
Mr. Hagel. I believe that international sales help to sustain the
defense industrial base, and strengthen our relationship with allies
and partners.
If confirmed, I would work closely with the Secretary of State and
Congress to shape international sales planning and to support the
timely transfer of capability. I would also meet with defense industry
leaders to identify areas where foreign sales opportunities exist that
would help sustain needed industrial capabilities.
Furthermore, if confirmed, I would continue to build on the
foundation established by both Secretaries Gates and Panetta to
streamline the Department's foreign military sales process.
Questions Submitted by Senator Mike Lee
nuclear weapons
333. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, nuclear deterrence has been a
successful element of our national defense posture for decades. What is
your position on and rationale for the number of nuclear warheads and
their disposition among the three forms of delivery in order to
maintain a credible and successful nuclear deterrent posture for our
Mr. Hagel. America's nuclear deterrent for more than 60 years has
played a central role in ensuring global security. If confirmed, I will
be committed to maintaining a safe, secure, and effective nuclear
arsenal. I believe that a triad of ICBMs, SLBMs, and nuclear-capable
heavy bombers continues to support U.S. national security interests
under New START limits.
334. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, what do you see as the future of
Minuteman III?
Mr. Hagel. With regard to Minuteman III, I am aware that the NDAA
for 2007 requires sustaining the Minuteman III weapon system through
2030. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department continues to
assess the whole Minuteman system and its components to be sure that
this system is sustained through at least 2030.
335. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, the Air Force has retired nearly 1,900
aircraft over the past decade, the majority of which have not been
replaced. Fighter inventories have been reduced by almost 25 percent
and F-22 production was truncated to well below original Air Force
requirements. While newer aircraft tend to be more capable than those
they replace, even a more capable aircraft can only be in one place at
one time. The F-35 is now the sole remaining fighter modernization
program in DOD. What is your position on the need for this aircraft and
how will you ensure we continue to modernize an aging fighter force?
Mr. Hagel. My view is we cannot let any other nation achieve parity
with the United States in the ability to control the air. My
understanding is that other nations are developing modern fighters that
will challenge our existing fighters and that the F-35 is needed to
maintain our advantage. If confirmed I will review the health of the F-
35 program to ensure the aircraft are delivered with the capability we
need and at a cost we can afford. I will also examine our options for
continued modernization in this critical area.
defense industrial base
336. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, DOD relies on our Nation's defense
industrial base to provide and support the equipment needed by our
military to fulfill its role in our national defense. What steps would
you take to ensure that we have a robust defense industrial base, both
public and private, that can reliably and affordably provide and
support our military equipment in a timely manner in the future?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will place a high priority on ensuring
the continued viability of the industrial base. I will assess the
programs the Department has already authorized and that are underway to
ensure they meet that goal.
Working closely with the Military Services and industry, I will
ensure early identification of those skills and manufacturing
capabilities that are both critical and increasingly fragile, and take
appropriate actions necessary to preserve those few capabilities.
u.s. role in the united nations
337. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, what role should the United States
play within the U.N. peacekeeping missions?
Mr. Hagel. The United States has historically played an important
role in guiding and supporting U.N. peacekeeping missions, and I
believe that this approach continues to make good sense. As a permanent
member of the U.N. Security Council, we should continue to exert
leadership across the full spectrum of peacekeeping activities--from
mission inception and establishment, through various phases of
operations until mission closure. In such diverse venues as Haiti,
Liberia, Sudan and South Sudan, U.N. peacekeeping is making vital
contributions to peace and stability in the face of enormous
challenges. It will not always make sense for the United States to
provide ``boots on the ground'' to U.N. peacekeeping missions, but I do
believe there are likely to be cases where U.S. direct involvement will
be in U.S. national interests.
338. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, do you still feel that the United
States should deploy ground troops as U.N. peacekeepers in a non-
militarized Palestinian state? If not, what has changed?
Mr. Hagel. I support a two-state solution, with two states living
side-by-side in peace and security: the Jewish State of Israel and an
independent Palestinian State; each state enjoying self-determination,
mutual recognition, and peace. The arrangements necessary to achieve a
lasting and effective peace can only by determined by the parties
through negotiations. In addressing the specific security arrangements,
these details will also need to be determined by the parties, along
with the other final status issues. Israel must be able to defend
itself--by itself--against any threat. The security provisions in a
final peace deal must be robust enough to prevent a resurgence of
terrorism; to stop the infiltration of weapons; and to provide
effective border security. The United States, and the international
community, should be prepared to support these security requirements as
requested by the parties.
military involvement in asia
339. Senator Lee. Mr. Hagel, in your opinion what effect will the
recent shift to the Pacific bring to Asian countries? What will the
shift mean for: Russia, China, North Korea, Japan, and the Republic of
Mr. Hagel. The President has said that the rebalance to the Asia-
Pacific is a whole-of-government effort to renew and deepen U.S.
engagement throughout the Asia-Pacific. This policy is not a new shift,
but an increased assertion of this region's relative economic,
political, and security importance--one with which I agree. A key tenet
of the rebalance should continue to be modernizing our alliances and
deepening partnerships, especially through increased regional
engagement and capacity building, bilaterally and multilaterally.
Japan is the linchpin of our presence in Asia. Japan is an
increasingly critical partner in missile defense, humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief, maritime security, and other important
areas. I would continue the work of my predecessors to broaden and
deepen this critical alliance to ensure that it is capable of
responding to the security challenges of the 21st century.
The United States has a similarly robust relationship with the
Republic of Korea (ROK). My understanding is that we have a
comprehensive agenda aimed at facilitating the smooth transfer of
wartime operational control in 2015, and ensuring the ROK Government
has the capabilities necessary to defend the peninsula. I would
continue these important efforts, and would also continue to stress the
importance of trilateral ties between Japan, the ROK, and the United
The Taiwan Relations Act provides that the United States ``will
make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in
such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a
sufficient self-defense capability.'' That policy has contributed to
peace and stability in the region for over 30 years and is consistent
with longstanding U.S. policy, which calls for a peaceful resolution of
the Taiwan issue in a manner acceptable to the people on both sides of
the Taiwan Strait. If confirmed, I would work closely with Congress,
the Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, and the Department's interagency
partners to ensure the continued effective implementation of all of the
relevant provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act.
Our relationship with China will be critical in the rebalance. We
will continue to build our partnership with China based on practical
steps to address shared challenges and interests in the region while
also monitoring the rapid modernization of China's military and
assertion of territorial claims in the region.
Through the rebalance we will work with our partners to deter
destabilizing and provocative behavior by North Korea, including its
proliferation activities, ballistic missile program, and nuclear
program which continue to present a serious threat to the United
States, our regional allies, and the international community. We will
also ensure that we can deter and, if necessary, defeat North Korean
The United States will work to build trust and understanding with
Russia in areas of mutual interest in Asia and encourage it to be a
contributor across a broad range of issues in the region.
Questions Submitted by Senator Ted Cruz
iran sanctions
340. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, you claim to have voted against the
renewal of the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) in 2001 because ``I
thought there might be other ways to harness our vast power and that of
our allies.'' Please specify what other ways would have been more
effective than the sanctions imposed by ILSA.
Mr. Hagel. I believe that multilateral sanctions against Iran,
backed by a unified world community, are the most effective sanctions.
For example, the multilateral sanctions implemented in U.N. Security
Council (UNSC) Resolution 1929--which resulted from President Obama's
work in 2010 to cement the Permanent 5 UNSC members in unanimously
supporting multilateral efforts--are the most crippling sanctions
against Iran in history. Continuing to maintain the international
community's unified stance to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear
weapon--to include further sanctions if necessary--is more effective
than implementing unilateral sanctions. However, times and
circumstances have changed significantly since 2001 and I agree that
Iran's continued pursuit of a nuclear weapon means that further
sanctions, both multilateral and unilateral, may be necessary.
341. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, after receiving criticism for your
record on sanctions, you wrote in a letter to Senator Barbara Boxer
that you now ``agree that with Iran's continued rejection of diplomatic
overtures, further effective sanctions, both multilateral and
unilateral--may be necessary . . . '' In your advance policy questions,
you also compliment the President's strategy on Iran, and acknowledge
that it has ``included the application of smart, unprecedented, and
effective sanctions against the Iranian regime . . . '' The sanctions
the President has utilized include unilateral sanctions. Why do you now
feel you can support unilateral sanctions, when for years in the Senate
you opposed their use?
Mr. Hagel. I continue to fully support President Obama's policy
with respect to sanctions on Iran. While there are some circumstances
in which unilateral sanctions are effective, I believe that
multilateral sanctions against Iran are the most effective approach.
For example, the multilateral sanctions implemented in UNSC Resolution
1929--which resulted from President Obama's work in 2010 to cement the
Permanent 5 UNSC members in unanimously supporting multilateral
efforts--are the most crippling sanctions against Iran in history.
Continuing to maintain the international community's unified stance to
prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon--to include further
sanctions if necessary--is more effective than implementing unilateral
That said, now that we have built international support for
sanctions against Iran, unilateral sanctions are more likely to have a
crippling effect. As I wrote to Senator Boxer, I agree that with Iran's
continued pursuit of a nuclear weapon may make further effective
sanctions, both multilateral and unilateral, necessary.
342. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, in your advance policy questions, you
also state that the President's strategy on Iran ``smartly . . . made
clear that all options are on the table'' and that you ``agree with the
President that the United States should take no options off the table
in our efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.'' You
then promise that, if confirmed, you ``will focus intently on ensuring
that the U.S. military is, in fact, prepared for any contingency.'' Yet
in 2010 you told a forum at the Atlantic Council that you were ``not so
sure it is necessary to continue to say all options are on the table''
with respect to Iran. You wrote in your 2008 book America: Our Next
Chapter that, ``the genie of nuclear armaments is already out of the
bottle, no matter what Iran does,'' and went on to imply that sovereign
nation states possessing nuclear weapons could be excepted to respond
with ``some degree of responsible, or at least sane, behavior.'' Please
clarify your view on whether or not the military option should remain
on the table with Iran.
Mr. Hagel. Let me be clear: I support the President's policy on
Iran of prevention, not containment. We must prevent Iran from
acquiring a nuclear weapon. I have never advocated for a policy of
containment nor have I ever stated the United States could live with a
nuclear Iran. In order to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,
we must keep all options on the table, including the military option.
If confirmed as the Secretary of Defense, I will--as stated
previously--ensure that the U.S. military is planning and prepared for
all contingencies. I have consistently argued in favor of keeping all
options on the table, including in my September 28, 2012 Washington
Post op-ed co-authored with two former CENTCOM commanders, where we
said, ``Our position is fully consistent with the policy of presidents
for more than a decade of keeping all options on the table, including
the use of military force, thereby increasing pressure on Iran while
working toward a political solution.''
343. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, in regards to the quote in your book,
why would you feel that a military option would be necessary, when you
seem to believe that the United States and our allies could live with a
nuclear Iran?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #342.
nuclear weapons
344. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, you are a signatory of Global Zero,
an initiative dedicated to the elimination of all nuclear weapons. You
were also a member of the six-person Global Zero U.S. Nuclear Policy
Commission, headed by retired U.S. Marine Corps General James
Cartwright. As a result, your name appears on the Commission's May 2012
report, which calls for cutting deployed U.S. nuclear warheads from
1,550 to 450 strategic weapons by 2022. In your testimony, you insisted
this report was merely illustrative and had no relevance to your actual
policy on our nuclear arsenal. Yet in your 2008 book America: Our Next
Chapter, you wrote with respect to nuclear disarmament: ``As the
world's largest nuclear power, the United States has a responsibility
to lead in this effort. There is no other way. In particular, we must
once again convince the world that America has the clear intention of
fulfilling the nuclear disarmament commitments that we have made.''
Please explain specifically how you will fulfill the responsibility you
believe we have to lead the effort on nuclear disarmament.
Mr. Hagel. I believe in the President's long-term vision of a world
without nuclear weapons. It is a vision shared by nearly every
President since Eisenhower, including Ronald Reagan. I also support the
President's commitment that the United States will not disarm
unilaterally. If confirmed, I look forward to leading DOD in supporting
the President's objectives to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and
their roles in national security policy and to create the conditions
that will allow others to join with us in this process. Our efforts to
modernize the nuclear deterrent and build a responsive infrastructure
go hand-in-hand with efforts to reduce the world's nuclear dangers. The
United States must have a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent
so long as nuclear weapons remain. If confirmed, I will work to ensure
the needed leadership focus on this issue and that institutional
excellence for nuclear deterrence remains a part of the President's
comprehensive approach to nuclear security.
negotiating with russia
345. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, you have insisted that you have
always been a strong proponent of bilateral arms control agreements,
and you have spoken warmly in the press (Interview on the Riz Kahn
Show, Al Jazeera, 3/21/09) of former President Dimitri Medvedev as a
youthful leader with a strong commitment to nuclear arms reduction.
Going into the new round of arms talks with Russia that was announced
this week, do you consider President Vladimir Putin a similarly
reliable negotiating partner?
Mr. Hagel. While there has been no announcement of new arms control
talks, if there are such talks in the future, I would expect President
Putin to come to the table as a reliable negotiating partner. Of
course, being a ``reliable'' partner does not mean that President
Putin, or any negotiator, will agree with U.S. positions or
perspectives. But I expect that he would enter into negotiations as a
reliable negotiating partner.
346. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, Senator Kerry was asked during his
confirmation hearing about our relationship with Russia and if he would
recommend entering into any new arms control measures until all
compliance and verification issues regarding existing agreements were
fully settled. Would you recommend any new arms control agreements if
there are existing verification and compliance issues with current
Mr. Hagel. Compliance with legal obligations is central to the
effectiveness of arms control treaties, and concerns about
noncompliance must be addressed. If confirmed, I will ensure that DOD
works with the Department of State and other interagency partners in
assessing and responding to compliance concerns. While resolution of
such issues with Russia is clearly important, I do not believe that
discussions of possible further nuclear arms reductions need await
resolution of all compliance issues. If confirmed, I would have the
Department work with the interagency to address any compliance concerns
through the existing arrangements established by the respective
treaties for that purpose. If resolution in that manner is not
possible, the administration should raise the issues with the Russian
Federation government at higher levels, including up to the ministerial
or presidential level if necessary.
347. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, how specifically would you address
these issues?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #346.
348. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, should any new arms control
agreements be negotiated, would it be your policy that they will occur
through the treaty power and come to the Senate for ratification?
Mr. Hagel. If confirmed, I will consult closely with Congress
regarding any additional arms control agreements--and whether they
should occur through the treaty power and come to the Senate for advice
and consent to ratification.
349. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, in a number of statements (for
example your July 28, 2006, speech to the Brookings Institution), you
have spoken highly of the 2002 Beirut Declaration by the Arab League as
a ``squandered'' diplomatic opportunity for both the United States and
Israel. Do you believe Israel should be prepared to accept the
``achievement of a just solution to the Palestinian refugee problem to
be agreed upon in accordance with U.N. General Assembly Resolution
194'' as per the Declaration?
Mr. Hagel. I continue to believe, as I did when I cosponsored and
voted for the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, that any partner
for peace must renounce violence, abide by previous agreements, and
recognize Israel's right to exist. Negotiations between the parties are
the only viable path to peace and the two-state solution, with two
states living side by side in peace and security: the Jewish State of
Israel and an independent Palestinian State.
With those goals in mind, the Arab Peace Initiative is a step in
the right direction toward a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. I
do not believe that Israel or the Palestinians should have an agreement
imposed on them. The details included in the Arab Peace Initiative,
like all details of a peace agreement, will need to be negotiated by
the parties. Other Arab states seeking normalization with Israel, as
suggested in the Arab Peace Initiative, is an aspirational goal for a
comprehensive peace in the Middle East.
All sides seek a just and lasting peace that will ensure Israel's
security. If confirmed as Secretary of Defense, I look forward to
working with Secretary Kerry to assist the administration's efforts
toward peace.
350. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, your 2006 comment to Aaron David
Miller about how ``The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up
here'' remains troubling. Do you think that people who advocate for a
strong U.S.-Israel relationship--whether you call them part of the
Jewish lobby or the Israel lobby--are advancing the interests of a
foreign government, namely Israel, above those of the United States?
Mr. Hagel. In conjunction with his interview with me in 2006, Aaron
David-Miller also wrote that, ``Hagel is a strong supporter of Israel
and believer in shared values.''
As I have stated many times, I regret my unfortunate choice of
words regarding the Jewish lobby to describe the pro-Israel lobby. I
believe one of the essential elements of our democracy is that every
American has the right to express their views to their elected
officials. In fact, in that same interview with Aaron Miller, I also
said that ``Everyone has a right to lobby; that's as it should be. Come
see your Senator, your Congressman, and if you can get the guy to sign
your letter: great, wonderful.'' I know that the pro-Israel lobby
includes Jews and non-Jews whom are all Americans supporting Israel
because it is in the interest of the United States. I consider myself
to be a pro-Israel American and have supported Israel throughout my
career because of our shared values and ideals of democracy.
On expanding U.S.-Israel cooperation, if confirmed, I intend to
continue to strengthen our bilateral defense relationship in a number
of ways. These include, but are not limited to, missile defense,
intelligence sharing, counterterrorism, and maritime security. I know
that over the past 4 years the administration has taken unprecedented
steps to expand our cooperation with Israel. Today, with congressional
support, the United States provides Israel over $3 billion annually in
Foreign Military Financing (FMF), which is the backbone of our
commitment to Israel's defense. In addition, President Obama,
Secretaries Gates and Panetta have worked to provide extensive support
of over $270 million to Israel for the Iron Dome counter rocket system.
As Iron Dome has proven itself very well in the field and saved many
Israeli lives, I intend to continue such support.
This financial support is complemented by extensive military-to-
military cooperation, including joint exercises. If confirmed, I will
seek to ensure that we build on this cooperation and expand it into new
areas as the United States and Israel address emerging threats at this
time of historic change in the Middle East. I believe we have a
tremendous opportunity for further expansion of our missile defense
efforts as well as cooperation in areas like space and cyberspace.
Finally, the foundation for successful cooperation is the close
personal relationships U.S. military and defense civilian leaders have
with Israeli military and defense leadership. Secretary Gates and
Secretary Panetta, as well as the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, have all developed very close relationships with their
counterparts. Continuing with this tradition will be one of my highest
priorities if I am confirmed. This will be vital to ensuring that we
understand Israel's defense requirements, and to finding ways to
address mutual threats that meet our common interests.
351. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, if not, why did you say that you
would support the positions of what you called the ``Jewish lobby'' if
you were an Israeli Senator, but that you couldn't since you were a
United States Senator who had taken an oath to the United States?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #350.
352. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, how does that not imply that only
people loyal to Israel could support the positions of the Jewish lobby?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #350.
353. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, given your disavowal of this remark
in your testimony, can you specify how you intend to ``expand the depth
and breadth of U.S.-Israel cooperation'' as you pledged in your January
14, 2013, letter to Senator Barbara Boxer?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #350.
354. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, you have been widely linked in the
press with your Atlantic Council colleague Charles W. Freeman, who has
been a vocal supporter of your nomination. Please review paragraph 5
from Mr. Freeman's May 4, 2011, speech to the Palestine Center in
Washington, DC. (the transcript and video of the speech are available
here, if you would like the full context http://
``Similarly, the cruelties of Israelis to their Arab captives and
neighbors, especially in the ongoing siege of Gaza and repeated attacks
on the people of Lebanon, have cost the Jewish state much of the global
sympathy that the Holocaust previously conferred on it. The racist
tyranny of Jewish settlers over West Bank Arabs and the progressive
emergence of a version of apartheid in Israel itself are deeply
troubling to a growing number of people abroad who have traditionally
identified with Israel. Many--perhaps most of the most disaffected--are
Jews. They are in the process of dissociating themselves from Israel.
They know that, to the extent that Judaism comes to be conflated with
racist arrogance (as terrorism is now conflated with Islam), Israeli
behavior threatens a rebirth of anti-Semitism in the West. Ironically,
Israel--conceived as a refuge and guarantee against European anti-
Semitism--has become the sole conceivable stimulus to its revival and
globalization. Demonstrably, Israel has been bad for the Palestinians.
It is turning out also to be bad for the Jews.''
Do you consider Mr. Freeman's statement to be an expression of
mainstream thinking on Israel?
Mr. Hagel. As I told you at the hearing, I have not spoken with Mr.
Freeman in several years and do not support his comments. The views
expressed in the speech by Chas Freeman that you reference are his own,
and, in my opinion, not accurate.
I am pleased that Israeli and U.S. leaders agree that the U.S.-
Israel Defense relationship is stronger than ever. I intend to work to
continue to strengthen the relationship and am looking forward, if
confirmed, to working closely with my Israeli counterparts.
As I have said consistently throughout my career, Israel has a
right to defend itself. Israeli efforts to protect its citizens against
the actions of terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah,
are part of Israel's right to self-defense. Palestinians will not
achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and
rejection, and Palestinians will never realize their independence
through unilateral actions. I continue to believe, as I did when I
cosponsored and voted for the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006,
that any partner for peace must renounce violence, abide by previous
agreements, and recognize Israel's right to exist. Negotiations between
the parties are the only viable path to peace and the two-state
solution, with two states living side by side in peace and security:
the Jewish State of Israel and an independent Palestinian State.
355. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, would you affirm that if confirmed,
you will not recommend the nomination or appointment of Mr. Freeman to
a position in DOD?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #354.
u.s. troops to u.n. mission
356. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, in a 2009 report that you co-authored
for the U.S./Middle East Project, you advocated for the deployment of
U.S. grounds troops as U.N. peacekeepers in a ``non-militarized
Palestinian state.'' That same year, in a piece for the Atlantic
Council, you wrote, ``No country today has the power to impose its will
and values on other nations.'' These statements seem to hearken back to
2003, when you stated that the United States ``must be careful to avert
the perception that we are charting a unilateralist course in our
foreign policy.'' Do you believe the United States needs a ``permission
slip'' from the U.N. or another international body before it can engage
in military operations--how would you address this concern?
Mr. Hagel. I do not believe we need a permission slip from the
United Nations before we can engage in military operations. The United
States will always remain committed to protecting its national security
interests whenever necessary. I believe the United States is strongest
when we act alongside our partners, with whom we share common
interests. I also believe the United States should, and will, act
unilaterally when we must, as we did with the Osama bin Laden raid. In
every case, we will act in accordance with the standards that govern
the use of force, which requires a basis in domestic law and compliance
with international law.
ploughshares fund
357. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, you currently sit on the board of the
Ploughshares Fund. Among the groups that Ploughshares has supported is
the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), headed by Trita Parsi.
Are you aware that the Ploughshares Fund has given more than $600,000
to NIAC?
Mr. Hagel. I completely support one of the primary objectives of
the Ploughshares Fund: preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
I was not aware that Ploughshares provided financial support to the
NIAC. The Ploughshares Fund is committed to full transparency,
publishes all of their funding decisions and complies with all
applicable laws and best-practices for a 501(c)3 organization.
My understanding is that the case you referenced focused on a libel
lawsuit brought by the NIAC and its president, Trita Parsi, against
writer Seid Hassan Daioleslam. Records of the case do not include the
phrase ``deep and incontrovertible ties'' to high-level agents of the
Iranian regime. In fact, Judge John Bates did not analyze or provide
judgment on any NIAC ties to the Iranian Government. In his judgment,
Judge Bates explicitly wrote that, ``Nothing in this opinion should be
construed as a finding that defendant's articles [about NIAC ties to
the Iranian Government] were true. Defendant did not move for summary
judgment on that ground, and it has not been addressed here.''
358. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, are you aware that NIAC has ties to
the Iranian Government?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #357.
359. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, are you aware of the September 13,
2012, decision rendered by Judge John Bates in the U.S. District Court
in Washington, which exposed NIAC's ``deep and incontrovertible ties''
to high-level agents of the Iranian regime?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #357.
360. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, in 2002 you referred to Fidel Castro
as a ``toothless old dinosaur'' and praised former President Jimmy
Carter's recommended policy of relaxed sanctions and diplomatic
engagement as ``exactly right''. In 2008, you were a signatory to a
letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urging the U.S. relax
sanctions and engage Cuba due to Castro's ``imminent departure''. As of
February 1, 2013, the Castros have not departed Cuba or shown any
indication that additional concessions from the United States would
modify their repressive regime. An American contractor, Alan Gross,
languishes in a Cuban prison. Do you still believe Mr. Carter's
recommended policy towards Cuba is ``exactly right''?
Mr. Hagel. I support President Obama's Cuba policy which is focused
on supporting the Cuban people's desire to freely determine their
future, reducing their dependence on the Cuban state, and pursuing the
widely shared goal of a Cuba that respects the universal human rights
of all its citizens. The President's actions to facilitate family
travel, people to people travel, the flow of remittances into private
hands, and information to, from, and within Cuba have contributed to
this objective. I share the President's view that the Cuban Government
must change its outdated political model to reflect the commitments
undertaken by other governments in the Hemisphere to promote and defend
representative democracy. Policy matters and other diplomatic issues
involving Cuba are led by the State Department.
361. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, would relaxing sanctions and engaging
with the Castros be the hallmarks of your policy towards Cuba, should
you be confirmed?
Mr. Hagel. See answer to Question #360.
north korea
362. Senator Cruz. Mr. Hagel, in a 2003 interview with PBS, you
declared that isolating North Korea was the last thing the United
States should do. Despite a decade at attempted engagement and
negotiations, North Korea remains overtly hostile to the United States
and is actively pursuing weapons targeted at us and our allies. Given
North Korea's dismal record on negotiating in good faith, how
specifically would the additional outreach you advocated in 2003 have
improved our position in relationship to North Korea today?
Mr. Hagel. Since my interview with PBS in early 2003, diplomatic
efforts through the Six-Party Talks led to the September 2005 Joint
Statement, under which the Six Parties reaffirmed the goal of
verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and North Korea
committed to abandoning all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear
programs. In February 2007, the Six-Party process resulted in North
Korea's agreement to shut down its Yongbyon nuclear facility in
exchange for heavy fuel oil and talks aimed at normalization of
relations with the United States and Japan. President Obama extended
his hand to North Korea at the start of his administration in 2009.
Although these engagement efforts have not significantly diminished
North Korea's belligerence or pursuit of nuclear weapons, they have
united the international community, including China, against North
Korea's irresponsible behavior.
If confirmed, I would continue to support diplomatic engagement and
ensure that our military provides the deterrence and defense necessary
to create a stable regional environment where diplomacy can succeed. If
confirmed, I will also ensure that we have the capabilities necessary
in the Asia-Pacific theater to deter and, if necessary, defeat, North
Korean aggression.
[The nomination reference of the Hon. Charles T. Hagel
Nomination Reference and Report
As In Executive Session,
Senate of the United States,
January 22, 2013.
Ordered, That the following nomination be referred to the Committee
on Armed Services:
Charles Timothy Hagel, of Nebraska, to be Secretary of Defense,
vice Leon E. Panetta.
[The biographical sketch of Hon. Charles T. Hagel, which
was transmitted to the committee at the time the nomination was
referred, follows:]
Biographical Sketch of Senator Charles T. Hagel
Honorary Doctorate Degrees:
Georgetown University, College of William and
Mary, Marymount University, Creighton University,
Bellevue University, Doane College, Midland Lutheran
College, and North Central College
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE
Bachelor of Arts Degree in General Studies,
Brown Institute for Radio and Television, Minneapolis,
Degree in Radio and Television Broadcasting,
Kearney State College, Kearney, NE
January 1965-December 1965
Wayne State College, Wayne, NE
September 1964-December 1964
Employment record:
Vietnam War Commemoration Advisory Committee,
Arlington, VA
Chairman, July 2012-present
President's Intelligence Advisory Board
Co-Chairman, 2009-present
Atlantic Council, Washington, DC
Chairman and Board of Directors
February 2009-present
Defense Policy Board
Member, July 2009-present
President's China 100,000 Strong Initiative
Co-Chairman, 2010-2012
Department of Energy Blue Ribbon Commission on
America's Nuclear Future
Commissioner, 2009-2011
Georgetown University
Distinguished Professor of National
Governance, School of Foreign Service
February 2009-present
Deutsche Bank America, New York, NY
Advisory Board Member
May 2009-present
Corsair Capital, New York, NY
Advisory Board Member
February 2009-present
McCarthy Capital, Omaha, NE
Senior Advisor
February 2009-present
Wolfensohn & Company, New York, NY
March 2009-December 2010
Pfizer Boards, New York, NY
Advisory Board Member
February 2009-December 2010
Zurich Insurance Group, Zurich in North America,
Washington, DC
Board of Directors
February 2009-present
M.I.C. Industries, Reston, VA
Special Advisor to the Chairman
March 2009-present
National Interest Security Company, Fairfax, VA
Board Member
March 2009-November 2010
Elite Training & Security, Fairfax, VA
Board Member
March 2009-November 2010
Kasemen, LLC, Fairfax, VA
Board Member
March 2009-November 2010
BP Petroleum, Washington, DC
June 2009-March 2010
Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, CA
Board of Directors
April 2010-present
Gallup, Washington, DC
Senior Advisor
July 2011-present
Washington Speakers Bureau, Alexandria, VA
February 2009-present
U.S. Senate
1997-2009, Two Terms, State of Nebraska
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations
Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export
and Trade Promotion
Chairman, Senate Banking Subcommittee on
International Trade and Finance
Senate Banking Subcommittee on Securities and
Chairman, Congressional-Executive Commission
on China
Chairman, Senate Climate Change Observer Group
Honors and awards:
Global Leadership Award from the International Student
House, 2012
World Affairs Council of Washington DC International
Public Service Award in Recognition of Outstanding Global
2nd Degree Order of Dostyk Award from the President &
Government of Kazakhstan
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund's Charles ``Mac''
Mathias Award
Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the
Federal Republic of Germany
Commander's Cross With Star of the Order of Merit of
The Republic of Poland
Brown College Distinguished Alumni Award, 2010
Clifford P. Case Professor of Public Affairs at
Rutgers University, 2010
Ralph J. Bunch Award for Diplomatic Excellence from
the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, 2010
Citigroup Foundation Lecturer at the University of
Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, 2009
Third Annual Eugene J. McCarthy Lecturer at St. John
University Minnesota, 2009
Junior Statesman of the Year Foundation Award, 2009
Committee on Education Funding Special Recognition
Award, 2009
Aspen Institute Strategy Group Leadership Award, 2008
First annual Cordell Hull Award
Horatio Alger Award from the Horatio Alger Association
Vietnam Veterans of America Legislator of the Year
Center for the Study of the Presidency's Distinguished
Service Medal
American Farm Bureau Federation's Golden Plow Award
Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of
Nebraska at Omaha
Secretary of Defense's Medal for Outstanding Civic
First World USO Leadership Award
University of Nebraska-Kearney George W. Norris
Distinguished Lecturer Award
Congressional Award from the Paralyzed Veterans of
America, 2008
United Nations Association of the United States of
America's Congressional Leadership Award
Millard E. Tydings Award for Courage and Leadership in
American Politics from the University of Maryland, 2008
National Urban League Congressional Leadership Award,
Distinguished Service Award for International
Statesmanship from the International Relations Council of
Kansas City, 2007
Luminosity Award from the Bonnie J. Addario Breath
Away from the Cure Foundation, 2006
National Farmers Union Golden Triangle Award, 2006
University of Nebraska at Omaha's Alumni Award for
Excellence in Public Service, 2006
Don Wagner Leadership Award, 2006
Omaha World-Herald's 2005 ``Midlander of the Year''
Marlin Fitzwater Excellence in Public Communication
Award, 2005
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Public Service Award
American Association of School Administrators Champion
of Children Award 2005
Edmund S. Muskie Distinguished Public Service Award,
The Atlantic Council's 2004 Award for Distinguished
International Leadership
Fragile X Research Foundation's Research Beacon Award
Boy Scouts of America's Good Scout Award
National Parent Teacher Association's Outstanding
Child Advocacy Award and the Committee for Education Funding
Special Recognition Award
University Club's William Howard Taft Public Service
European Institute's Transatlantic Leadership Award
National School Board Association's Special
Recognition Award
Small Business Administration's Nebraska Veterans
Advocate of the Year Award
USA Engage Congressional Leadership Award
Housing Policy Council Leadership Award
Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Award, 2008
U.S. Chamber of Commerce ``Spirit of Enterprise''
Awards, 2007 and 2008
Washington Coal Club Annual Achievement Award, 2006
82nd Airborne Division Association's Recognition for
the ``National Airborne Day'' Senate Resolution
Membership in the Consumers for World Trade Hall of
Friend of the Farm Bureau Award
U.S. Military honors and awards:
Two Purple Hearts with Oak Leaf Cluster
Army Commendation Medal
Army Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Vietnam Service Medal with Four Bronze Campaign Stars
(Vietnam Counteroffensive Phase III 67-68, Tet Counteroffensive
68, Vietnam Counteroffensive IV 68, Vietnam Counteroffensive
Phase V 68)
Ten Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medals
Two Valorous Unit Awards
Two Combat Infantry Badges
Qualification Badge, Rifle, Sharpshooter
[The Committee on Armed Services requires all individuals
nominated from civilian life by the President to positions
requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to complete a
form that details the biographical, financial, and other
information of the nominee. The form executed by Hon. Charles
T. Hagel in connection with his nomination follows:]
Room SR-228
Washington, DC 20510-6050
(202) 224-3871
Instructions to the Nominee: Complete all requested information. If
more space is needed use an additional sheet and cite the part of the
form and the question number (i.e. A-9, B-4) to which the continuation
of your answer applies.
Part A--Biographical Information
Instructions to the Nominee: Biographical information furnished in
this part of the form will be made available in committee offices for
public inspection prior to the hearings and will also be published in
any hearing record as well as made available to the public.
1. Name: (Include any former names used.)
Charles Timothy Hagel (Chuck).
2. Position to which nominated:
Secretary of Defense.
3. Date of nomination:
January 22, 2013.
4. Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)
[Nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.]
5. Date and place of birth:
October 4, 1946; North Platte, NE.
6. Marital Status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)
Married to Lillian Ziller Hagel (Maiden name: Ziller).
7. Names and ages of children:
Allyn Elizabeth Hagel (Daughter--22 years old).
Charles Ziller Hagel (Son--20 years old).
8. Education: List secondary and higher education institutions,
dates attended, degree received, and date degree granted.
- University of Nebraska at Omaha; 1969-1971 - Bachelor's General
- Brown Institute for Radio and Television, Minneapolis, MN; 1966 -
Degree in Radio and TV Broadcasting
- Kearney State College, Nebraska; Jan. 1965-Dec. 1965
- Wayne State College, Nebraska; Sept. 1964-Dec. 1964
- St. Bonaventure High School, Columbus, NE; 1961-1964 - Graduate
9. Employment record: List all jobs held since college or in the
last 10 years, whichever is less, including the title or description of
job, name of employer, location of work, and dates of employment.
See Addendum (Part A - Question 9)
10. Government experience: List any advisory, consultative,
honorary or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State,
or local governments, other than those listed above.
- Co-Chairman - President's Intelligence Advisory Board
- Member - Secretary of Defense's Policy Board
- Co-Chairman - President's China 100,000 Strong Initiative
- Commissioner - Department of Energy Blue Ribbon Commission on
America's Nuclear Future
- Chairman - Vietnam War Commemoration Advisory Committee
11. Business relationships: List all positions currently held as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative,
or consultant of any corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other
business enterprise, educational, or other institution.
See Addendum (Part A - Question 11).
12. Memberships: List all memberships and offices currently held in
professional, fraternal, scholarly, civic, business, charitable, and
other organizations.
See Addendum (Part A - Question 12).
13. Political affiliations and activities:
(a) List all offices with a political party which you have held or
any public office for which you have been a candidate.
U.S. Senate (1996) Nebraska - Elected.
U.S. Senate (2002) Nebraska - Re-elected.
(b) List all memberships and offices held in and services rendered
to all political parties or election committees during the last 5
(c) Itemize all political contributions to any individual, campaign
organization, political party, political action committee, or similar
entity of $100 or more for the past 5 years.
2007 - Derek Schmidt for Attorney General (Kansas) $1,000.
2011 - Richard Lugar for Senate (Indiana) $1,000.
2012 - Glenn Freeman for Congress (Nebraska) $500.
14. Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary
society memberships, military medals and any other special recognitions
for outstanding service or achievements.
See Addendum (Part A - Question 14).
15. Published writings: List the titles, publishers, and dates of
books, articles, reports, or other published materials which you have
See Addendum (Part A - Question 15).
16. Speeches: Provide the committee with two copies of any formal
speeches you have delivered during the last 5 years which you have
copies of and are on topics relevant to the position for which you have
been nominated.
The nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.
17. Commitment regarding nomination, confirmation, and service:
(a) Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations governing
conflicts of interest?
(b) Have you assumed any duties or undertaken any actions which
would appear to presume the outcome of the confirmation process?
(c) If confirmed, will you ensure your staff complies with
deadlines established for requested communications, including questions
for the record in hearings?
(d) Will you cooperate in providing witnesses and briefers in
response to congressional requests?
(e) Will those witnesses be protected from reprisal for their
testimony or briefings?
(f) Do you agree, ifconfinned, to appear and testify upon request
before this committee?
(g) Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
[The nominee responded to the questions in Parts B-F of the
committee questionnaire. The text of the questionnaire is set
forth in the Appendix to this volume. The nominee's answers to
Parts B-F are contained in the committee's executive files.]
Signature and Date
I hereby state that I have read and signed the foregoing Statement
on Biographical and Financial Information and that the information
provided therein is, to the best of my knowledge, current, accurate,
and complete.
Charles T. Hagel.
This 26th day of January, 2013.
[The nomination of the Hon. Charles T. Hagel was reported
to the Senate by Chairman Levin on February 12, 2013, with the
recommendation that the nomination be confirmed. The nomination
was confirmed by the Senate on February 26, 2013.]
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Armed Services,
Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:55 p.m. in room
SR-222, Russell Senate Office Building, Senator Carl Levin
(chairman) presiding.
Committee members present: Senators Levin, Reed, Nelson,
McCaskill, Udall, Hagan, Manchin, Shaheen, Gillibrand,
Blumenthal, Donnelly, Hirono, Kaine, King, Inhofe, McCain,
Sessions, Chambliss, Wicker, Ayotte, Fischer, Graham, Vitter,
Blunt, Lee, and Cruz.
Committee staff members present: Richard D. DeBobes, staff
director; Travis E. Smith, chief clerk; and Leah C. Brewer,
nominations and hearings clerk.
Majority staff members present: Michael J. Kuiken,
professional staff member; Gerald J. Leeling, counsel; and
Peter K. Levine, general counsel.
Minority staff members present: John A. Bonsell, minority
staff director; William S. Castle, minority general counsel;
and Anthony J. Lazarski, professional staff member.
Staff assistants present: Kathleen A. Kulenkampff and
Mariah K. McNamara.
Committee members' assistants present: Carolyn Chuhta,
assistant to Senator Reed; Jeff Fatora, assistant to Senator
Nelson; Jason Rauch, assistant to Senator McCaskill; Casey
Howard, assistant to Senator Udall; Christopher Cannon,
assistant to Senator Hagan; Mara Boggs, assistant to Senator
Manchin; Chad Kreikemeier, assistant to Senator Shaheen; Elana
Broitman, assistant to Senator Gillibrand; Ethan Saxon,
assistant to Senator Blumenthal; Marta McLellan Ross, assistant
to Senator Donnelly; Nick Ikeda, assistant to Senator Hirono;
Mary Naylor, assistant to Senator Kaine; Jim Catella, assistant
to Senator King; Joel Starr, assistant to Senator Inhofe; Paul
C. Hutton IV, assistant to Senator McCain; Lenwood Landrum,
assistant to Senator Sessions; Todd Harmer, assistant to
Senator Chambliss; Joseph Lai, assistant to Senator Wicker;
Brad Bowman, assistant to Senator Ayotte; Peter Schirtzinger,
assistant to Senator Fischer; Joshua Hodges, assistant to
Senator Vitter; Charles Prosch, assistant to Senator Blunt;
Peter Blair, assistant to Senator Lee; and Brooke Bacak,
assistant to Senator Cruz.
Chairman Levin. The committee meets today to consider the
nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as the next
Secretary of Defense.
We received Senator Hagel's nomination 3 weeks ago. We held
a hearing on the nomination 12 days ago. Senator Hagel has
provided the personal and financial information required by the
committee. He has received letters from the Director of the
Office of Government Ethics and the Acting Department of
Defense (DOD) General Counsel certifying that he meets our
ethics and conflict of interest standards.
He has responded to our advance policy questions and our
questions for the record, and for these reasons I believe the
time has come for the committee to act on this nomination.
Senator Hagel has received broad support from a wide array
of senior statesmen and defense and foreign policy
organizations. At our January 31, 2013, nomination hearing,
Senator Hagel was introduced and endorsed enthusiastically by
two former chairmen of this committee, Senator Sam Nunn and
Senator John Warner. Senator Hagel's nomination has been
endorsed by five former Secretaries of Defense who served under
both Democratic and Republican Presidents: Bob Gates, Bill
Cohen, Bill Perry, Harold Brown, and Melvin Laird.
He has been endorsed by three former Secretaries of State
and by six former National Security Advisors. He's received
letters of endorsement from 9 former ambassadors who worked
with him on Middle East issues, from 11 retired senior military
officers, and from 50 retired ambassadors and national security
He's been supported by the major groups of American
veterans, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Iraq and
Afghanistan Veterans of America, AmVets, Vietnam Veterans of
America, and the American Legion. He's received support from
the Military Officers Association of America, the Foreign Area
Officer Association, and the Non Commissioned Officers
Senator Hagel's credentials are underscored by his service
in war and in peace. As a young man, Senator Hagel enlisted in
the Army and served in Vietnam where he received two Purple
Hearts, the Army's Commendation Medal, and the Combat
Infantryman Badge for his service. Senator Hagel served as
Deputy Administrator of the Veterans Administration (VA) during
the Reagan administration, and was twice elected to the U.S.
Senate where he served on the Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Since he left the Senate 4 years ago, Senator Hagel has
served as chairman of the board of directors of the Atlantic
Council. The Atlantic Council counts among its other directors
and honorary directors, seven former Secretaries of State and
four former Secretaries of Defense, along with numerous other
senior officials from the administrations of both parties. The
Atlantic Council is very much a part of the mainstream of
American foreign policy establishment.
Much of the time and attention in our committee hearing was
devoted to a handful of statements that Senator Hagel made over
the course of his career that raised questions about his views
on Iraq, Israel, and other issues. Senator Hagel explained or
clarified these statements and placed them in context. He
apologized for one remark and told the committee that he would
say other things differently if he had the chance or were
making them over.
Senator Hagel was clear and firm in the positions that he
takes today and that he will, if confirmed, take as Secretary
of Defense. In particular, Senator Hagel stated forcefully and
unequivocally that, first, ``Iran poses a significant threat to
the United States, our allies, and partners, and our interests
in the region and globally. Iran continues to pursue an illicit
nuclear program that threatens to provoke a regional arms race
and undermine the global nonproliferation regime. Iran is also
one of the main state sponsors of terrorism and could spark
conflict, including against United States personnel and
Second, he is, ``fully committed to the President's goal of
preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.'' All options
``must be on the table to achieve that goal,'' and his policy,
if confirmed, will be ``one of prevention, not of
Third, while he believes engagement is clearly in our
interests, engagement is not negotiation. He stated, ``I've
never thought engagement as weakness. I never thought it was
surrender. I never thought it was appeasement. I think it's
clearly in our interest. Get the international sanctions behind
you, keep military options on the table, and if the military
option is the only option, it's the only option.''
Finally, he is ``a strong supporter of Israel,'' and
believes that ``we have a special relationship with Israel,''
and if confirmed, he ``will ensure our friend and ally, Israel,
maintains its qualitative military edge in the region, and will
continue to support systems like Iron Dome, which is today
saving Israeli lives from terrorist rocket attacks.''
Senator Hagel has also recognized the very real risks posed
to our national security as a result of the unique budgetary
pressure arising out of cuts previously agreed upon by
Congress, the budgeting by Continuing Resolution, and the
impending threat of a sequester. This is what Senator Hagel
told the committee: ``Sequestration, if allowed to occur, would
damage our readiness, our people, and our military families. It
would result in the grounding of aircraft and returning ships
to port, reducing the Department's global presence and ability
to rapidly respond to contingencies. Vital training would be
reduced by half our current plans, and the Department would be
unable to reset equipment from Afghanistan in a timely
He continued: ``The Department would reduce training and
maintenance for non-deploying units and would be forced to
reduce procurement of vital weapons systems and suffer the
subsequent schedule delays and price increases. Civilian
employees would be furloughed for up to 22 days. All of these
effects also negatively impact long-term readiness. It would
send a terrible signal to our military and civilian workforce,
to those we hope to recruit, and to both our allies and
adversaries around the world.''
Some members of this committee strongly oppose President
Obama's foreign policy, but regardless of how we may feel about
the President's policies, our vote on Senator Hagel's
nomination will not change those policies. If there is a risk
here, it is that the defeat of this nomination will leave the
Department of Defense leaderless at a time when we face immense
budgetary challenges and our military is engaged in combat
operations overseas. Such an absence of senior leadership would
be unlikely to benefit either our national defense or our men
and women in uniform.
I would add, given the recent explosion of a nuclear device
by North Korea, the delay in adopting this nomination and
approving it, I think, will send the exact wrong message to
North Korea.
The President needs to have a Secretary of Defense in whom
he has trust, who will give him unvarnished advice, a person of
integrity, and one who has a personal understanding of the
consequences of decisions relative to the use of military
force. Senator Hagel certainly has those critically important
qualifications, and he is well-qualified to lead the Department
of Defense.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Let me first of
all say I have said many, many times, going back to my first
meeting with Senator Hagel when he was first elected, how much
I admire his service to his country, the job that he did, his
Purple Hearts, and all of that. The question is, in my mind, is
that and that alone, enough justification for confirming him to
the nomination for the Secretary of Defense.
Now, I also listened, Mr. Chairman, and what you said was
accurate in terms of what he said now during these hearings. My
problem is that is not what he lived in the past.
I guess I was the first one who decided that I was going to
oppose him, his nomination, and that was before we knew nearly
as much as we know today. At that time, I was aware that he was
one of two Senators who voted against sanctions against Iran.
He was one of four Senators who voted against labeling or
declaring the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRG) as terrorists.
He was one of four who did not sign a letter, and I remember
that because I helped take the letter of solidarity around to
the various Senators. He was one of only four who did not sign
I was also concerned about the Global Zero Movement. It
sounds real good. We want a nuclear-free world. The problem is,
and I have heard all of his answers to this, but the group that
he is a part of is for, if necessary, unilaterally doing away
with our nuclear capability. I was concerned with the fact that
arguably you could say that Iran could be one of the most
severe of the terrorist type of states. They have said things
like, ``we want to wipe Israel off the map. Israel is a
cancerous tumor in the heart,'' and ``America is rotten from
the bottom up,'' all these things. Yet they, that country, is
endorsing his confirmation.
Lastly, I have mentioned this several times. It was Senator
Cruz who showed us, Mr. Chairman, and I want to tell you how
much I personally appreciate your bending the rules a little
bit to allow him to put the Al Jazeera video up, where he
agreed with Al Jazeera's comments about Israel committed war
crimes, Israel committed sickening slaughter, and America is
the world's bully.
I just cannot for those reasons--and others have other
reasons, but those are the reasons that I opposed him. I still
oppose his confirmation. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Inhofe. Now, what we are
going to do is give everybody an opportunity to make a
statement. We will then vote. The time of the vote will be
determined by how many of us want to make statements. I cannot
set that time yet until we get a feel for how many members want
to make statements. What I will do, and I have not had enough
chance to chat with Senator Inhofe on this in terms of the
specific time, but my inclination is to say that we should make
statements within a time limit of 8 minutes. Would that sound
Senator Inhofe. Very fair.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. I am not urging everybody to
speak or to use their 8 minutes, by the way. That I hope was
not implied by my decision. After we get a feel again for about
how many want to speak, then we will try to set a fixed time
later on this afternoon so that everybody will be given perhaps
20 minutes or so warning at least as to what that fixed time
We will do the best we can, and now call upon Senator Reed.
Senator Reed. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will try to set
the example by taking much less than 8 minutes.
As you pointed out, some of the most respected experts on
foreign policy and national defense policy in the United
States, who have served both Republican and Democratic
presidents, are strongly and enthusiastically supportive of
Senator Chuck Hagel's nomination to be Secretary of Defense:
Bob Gates, Bill Cohen, Madeleine Albright, Bill Perry, Brent
Scocroft, Ryan Crockett, and Thomas Pickering.
These ladies and gentlemen have represented the United
States' interests through a lifetime of service. They are, I
think, some of the strongest evidence of the support and the
confidence that they have and we should have in Senator Hagel's
nomination to be the Secretary of Defense.
There has been a lot of discussion particularly about his
approach to our strong historic partnership with the state of
Israel. I was particularly struck by the words of Deputy
Israeli Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon. He is the former
ambassador to the United States. He is now one of the senior
members of the foreign ministry. He has said, ``I have met
him,'' Senator Hagel, ``many times, and he certainly regards
Israel as a true and natural U.S. ally.'' That is coming from
someone who is a serving member of the Israeli Government. I
think that is the case, and that is what his lifetime of effort
as a Senator, as an individual, as a business leader points
I would just conclude by echoing the point that the
chairman made. This is a very dangerous moment--I do not have
to remind anyone in this room--for us. We are facing budget
issues. We are facing national security issues. We are in the
process of our retrograde operations in Afghanistan. Just
within hours ago, the North Koreans detonated a nuclear device.
This is a time that the men and women of the Department of
Defense need a Secretary of Defense. I would urge our strong
support of Senator Chuck Hagel. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Reed.
Senator McCain.
Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I believe that
Senator Hagel, as far as I can determine, has complied with the
requirements or the parameters for the information that needs
to be disclosed to this committee.
I am somewhat disturbed to hear that today there are two
more speeches that he had not reported that maybe have just
surfaced. Yet at the same time, I believe he has complied.
I do not believe that we should move forward with his
nomination until questions are answered that Senator Graham,
Senator Ayotte, and I have asked to be answered.
For the first time in my political career, I found myself
in agreement with Mr. Robert Gibbs, who stated on a Sunday
television show that Senator Hagel's performance before the
Senate Armed Services Committee was the most unimpressive and
unfocused that he had ever observed. I agreed with him. It was
the most unimpressive performance that I have seen in watching
many nominees who came before the committee for various
positions. He did not even know that our policy toward Iran is
not one of containment, had to be corrected by the chairman of
the committee. Of course, his failure to answer specific
questions that I asked is very disturbing.
Let me point out that the surge was an issue of the lives
of thousands of American service men and women who are serving
in Iraq. Senator Graham and I and others, not many, were
harshly critical of the Bush administration, called for the
resignation of Secretary Rumsfeld when he said that there was
only a few dead-end kids left in Iraq, and took on our own
administration, our own President, our own Secretary of
Then Senator Hagel also thought we were losing, and then
when the surge was implemented, gave a statement that the surge
was the worst blunder since Vietnam, and then went on with some
nonsense about whether Lyndon Johnson was in Cambodia or not.
He continued to oppose the surge and said that it would fail.
I think we are all responsible for our record. I will be
glad and have quite often been pointed out where I have been
wrong. But for him to fail to agree that what was clearly and
obviously a success, to me indicates that he really did not
want to be forthcoming to this committee. I do not think he
complied with the requirements of answering the questions for
members of this committee.
I am aware that some think that it became rather tense. We
are talking about thousands of young Americans who had their
lives on the line in Iraq, including some people that--well,
Senator Hagel's judgment was wrong, continues to be wrong, and
he refuses to admit that he was wrong on this issue and many
other issues.
His gratuitous attacks, for example, saying that President
Bush was the worst President since Herbert Hoover, of course,
were just gratuitous attacks on the President of the United
But you can only judge somebody by their past performance
in order to predict what their future performance will be. His
performance before this committee was the worst that I have
seen of any nominee for office. He refused to answer a simple,
straightforward question as to whether the surge was a success
or not, and whether he supported it or not. That was a key
moment in the history of this country.
So, Mr. Chairman, I hope that we will get the answer that
Senator Ayotte, Senator Graham, and I have asked to be
answered. I hope that will happen. But I cannot vote to report
out Senator Hagel's nomination favorably.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator McCain.
On this list now in order of appearance, Senator Hagan is
not here. Senator Shaheen, do you wish to make a statement?
Senator Shaheen. Yes, Mr. Chairman. I think, while I
appreciate the concerns that have been raised about Senator
Hagel, and I certainly would like to have seen him be much
feistier at his hearing, I do think for anybody to suggest that
he is not qualified, they have not really looked at what his
background has been.
He was the Deputy Administrator of the VA. He managed a
quarter of a million employees during the Reagan years. He
turned around the United Service Organization when it was in
financial difficulty. We all know much about his record as
Senator when he helped to shepherd the 9/11 GI Bill through the
Senate. He has served on the Defense Policy Board at the
Pentagon, as co-chairman of the President's Intelligence
Advisory Board, not to mention all of the things that have been
said about his service in Vietnam and his heroism as an
enlisted man.
I understand that people disagree with his position on
certain issues, and, therefore, everybody has the right to vote
in the way that they say. But the concern that I have is the
suggestion that this man who has served his country really
since he was a young man and enlisted in Vietnam, is not
qualified to be the Secretary of Defense, I think is just not
accurate and reflects certainly a different understanding of
his background and his experience than I have.
So I intend to vote for him. I think he will be an
excellent Secretary of Defense. I hope that we will confirm
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Shaheen.
Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I thank the
members of the committee.
First, let me just say upfront that I think all of us
deeply respect Senator Hagel's service to his country in
Vietnam and his service in this body. We know that there are
always difficult decisions that you have to make, and I
certainly respect that service that he has given to our
In thinking about this nomination, I certainly come at it
from a perspective which I understand that the President
deserves a certain level of deference with respect to who
serves on his Cabinet. In fact, that is why I voted, for
example, for my colleague, Senator Kerry, who had an
overwhelming vote in the Senate, even though he and I probably
vote very differently on many issues. But certainly he was
confirmed overwhelmingly in this body.
I find myself on this nomination in a very different place.
I very much agree with my colleague, Senator Reed, who was
here, as he described the state of our country, and the state
of our national defense, and the challenges we face around the
world right now. It is a very difficult time and a dangerous
time around the world.
One of the first challenges that we face, and I think one
of the greatest national security threats that we face, is the
march of Iran toward obtaining a nuclear weapon. I find myself
in reviewing Senator Hagel's record and also what he said when
he appeared before us in a very lengthy hearing before the
committee, to be very much at odds with him on this issue. I
think also some of his prior positions are at odds with members
of both sides of the aisle.
For example, as has been mentioned previously by Senator
McCain, I was very troubled that he did not clearly know what
our position was when it came to containment, particularly
since I believe everyone in this room voted, except for the
newer members. We recently voted in a vote of 90 to 1 in the
U.S. Senate explicitly rejecting a policy of containment toward
a nuclear-armed Iran. Yet, Senator Hagel seemed to believe in
his first statement that the President had a strong position of
containment toward Iran. Then he switched his position to say
that we do not have a position on containment. Finally, of
course, the chairman corrected him to let him know what our
position was on containment.
This is one example, I think, of many within the hearing
where there were some issues that I felt that he needed to give
us answers on. This is one of the biggest threats facing the
world right now. I was deeply troubled by his statements with
regard to containment. Also, I think if you look at his prior
history of when he served in this body where he has been on
sanctions, as has already been described, I think all of us
here hope that we can stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon
short of military actions.
But if you are going to do that, the only way we can do
that is through sanctions. Yet, when he was in this body, he
was one of two Senators to oppose sanctions in 2001, again in
2008 in the Banking Committee. He was one of two Senators to
oppose sanctions. Then when I asked him during the hearing,
Senator Reid, the Majority Leader, came to the floor on October
2, 2008, and brought forward an Iran Sanctions Act that is very
similar to the one that we have passed since I have been here,
he blocked unanimous consent for consideration of that before
this body.
I think it is important to note that a similar Iran
Sanctions Act was co-sponsored by Secretary Kerry, Secretary
Clinton, and then Senator, now President, Obama. This is an
issue that we have been strongly on that he is really to the
fringe, I think, of both parties of where we have been on
sanctions. That troubles me given the threats we face around
the world right now.
Of course, he also voted against the Sense of the Senate in
designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a
terrorist organization, and as he told us during the hearing,
because it was part of an elected legitimate Iranian
Government. I do not think that the people who rose up in 2009
in the Green Movement, who were persecuted and shot at by the
Iranian Government, would call that government a legitimately-
elected government, nor would, at the time that he voted
against designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a
terrorist organization, at the time they were assisting those
in Iraq that were murdering our troops. So that troubles me
that he would not think of designating the Guard Corps at that
time a terrorist organization.
Two other issues I would like to talk on, and that is we
are facing grave budget challenges right now. I remember when
Senator Blunt asked him about a prior statement that he made
after the Budget Control Act was passed. He was asked about the
across-the-board cuts made to our military, and he said,
different than what our Secretary of Defense Panetta has said
now, that he felt that the Pentagon was bloated and needed to
be pared down. During our hearing, he said that those were
statements he made prior to the Budget Control Act being
passed, but that was not the case. That was later corrected.
In terms of shepherding the Pentagon, I certainly do not
think that we want to be in a position of thinking, especially
in light of the testimony we heard this morning, that the
Pentagon is bloated or needs to be pared down. I think all of
us agree here that there are things that we could do better in
the Pentagon. I know that many of us have worked on things that
we could do better and more efficient in the Pentagon. But
sequestration is not the answer to that.
Finally, hours ago, as Senator Reed mentioned, the North
Koreans have detonated a nuclear device. Yet a year ago,
Senator Hagel was a signatory to a report that essentially
would eliminate a portion of our nuclear triad. We have three
legs to our nuclear triad, and he was a signator on a report
that recommended that that would be a manner in which we could
eliminate a leg of our nuclear triad.
It seems to me with the North Koreans testing, with Iran
marching toward a nuclear weapon, that is a deep concern that
our Secretary of Defense less than a year ago would sign on to
a report that would state that position.
Now, during his hearing, he tried to claim that this was
just an illustration, but that is actually different than what
the report itself says. The report itself says on the first
page that these are next steps, are possible and desirable. So
I was not satisfied with his explanation of this being an
illustration during the hearing, and I am concerned that is
really where his viewpoints are. I am concerned that those
viewpoints will drive the recommendations that he makes to the
President as the Secretary of Defense.
So for all those reasons, respectful of his service to our
country, I just think that with the challenges we face around
the world right now, I judge him based on his record. I respect
his service. But also I have to judge him based on his
performance before us in the Senate Armed Services Committee,
and I cannot support his nomination.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Ayotte.
Senator Hagan.
Senator Hagan. Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for the
fair, open, transparent process that this committee has
followed as we have considered this important nomination. After
spending several weeks of closely reviewing his qualifications,
meeting with him personally, participating in the nomination
hearing, I will vote for his nomination to become our country's
next Secretary of Defense.
Senator Hagel certainly has shared my concerns about the
serious negative consequences that sequestration would have on
North Carolina. As we heard at the hearing this morning, it is
important that our next Secretary of Defense be strong, be an
advocate for stopping these cuts that would be devastating to
our military strength.
I also believe that Senator Hagel will continue to look for
ways to enhance our military and our intelligence collaboration
with Israel, one of our most important allies. I appreciate and
respect Senator Hagel's service to our country as an enlisted
soldier in Vietnam. It is my hope and expectation that this
perspective that he has will aid in the support of the many
servicemembers and their families who call North Carolina home,
and certainly all of our other States.
I was pleased to hear his assurances that he will monitor
and be a helpful partner in getting the answers about the water
contamination at Camp LaJeuene. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Hagan.
Senator Fischer.
Senator Fischer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you,
Ranking Member Inhofe.
For the past several weeks, I have carefully reviewed
Senator Hagel's record. I know Senator Hagel. I met with him
privately and participated in the committee's hearing,
questioning in both rounds. Ultimately, while I respect his
military service, I do not believe he is the right choice for
this job.
I am concerned by Senator Hagel's record on important
topics, and his testimony before this committee did nothing to
clarify those questions. As many of you have said, this is a
very dangerous moment for our country. The next Secretary of
Defense will likely make critical decisions with respect to
budgeting for national defense that will define its future for
decades to come: confronting a pre-nuclear Iran, dealing with
an increasingly belligerent nuclear armed North Korea, and a
bellicose China. I do not believe he will chart the right
course for our country, and the effect of his decisions on
these topics will last for decades.
I do appreciate the President will nominate candidates that
hold very different views than I do. My support for Senator
Kerry's nomination indicates this. But I cannot support a
candidate whose views are so far afield. As the Washington Post
editorial board indicated, these positions are far to the left
of those held by President Obama.
For those reasons, I cannot support his nomination. Thank
you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Fischer.
Senator Donnelly is not here at the moment.
Senator Kaine.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member,
and colleagues. I am honored to serve with you on this
committee. One of my personal and political heroes, former
Senator John Warner, appeared and talked about his committee
service in a most glowing way. He was a decorated war veteran
of two Service branches, the Navy and the Marine Corps, and he
was a Secretary of the Navy. But he said his proudest public
service was his service as a committee member, both as chair of
this committee and ranking member. I have tried to approach
this question thinking about Senator Warner and the way he
approached his job.
I am going to vote for Senator Hagel's nomination to be
Secretary of Defense for three reasons. First, the standard I
think we should apply; second, aspects of Senator Hagel's
experience and character; and finally, some thoughts about the
inquiries and objections that others have raised that I have
taken seriously.
With respect to standard, I echo the point that Senator
Ayotte made earlier. I think we owe deference to a President
for choices to executive positions, and I think that is a very
important thing to grapple with. When the American public
chooses someone to be President, they are giving that
individual a mandate to govern, and that mandate includes the
assembly of a team that the President feels is the appropriate
team. Deference is not a rubber stamp. Deference does not mean
that you cannot vote no. But I think that deference is an
important thing, and I approach any executive nomination with
that in mind.
Moving particularly to Senator Hagel from his experience, I
view his enlisted service and the fact that he would be the
first former enlisted man to be Secretary of Defense is an
incredibly important thing. I want our Secretary of Defense to
go to sleep every night and wake up every day worrying about
our men and women, and especially those who enlist. I have no
doubt, and I do not think that anyone on this committee would
have any doubt, that that would be his overriding concern. I
want that to be an overriding concern. He has been a powerful
veterans advocate in his position with the VA and in his
service to help revive the United Service Organizations.
His role in the Senate is very important. This is a job
that is not an internal management job, but it helps someone to
have that understanding of the different branches of government
and the relationship that is the appropriate one between the
executive and the legislature. I think Senator Hagel will bring
that to the table.
Finally, he has private sector leadership, experience in a
variety of ways, both in a for-profit and the nongovernmental
organization world. He truly has a well-rounded base of
experience to bring to the job.
On the character side, Senator Hagel has shown it again and
again that he is willing to sacrifice and that he has courage.
Sacrificing in service, sacrificing for his country again and
again. He is willing to step up and do it again, and I give him
credit for that. I think he has shown courage, including the
courage to say ``I was wrong.'' That is something that is hard
for me to do in public life. I think it is hard for a lot of us
to do public or private. But Senator Hagel has had the courage
and the independence to acknowledge that he was wrong when he
felt that he was.
I think what he owes to the President, what any Cabinet
Secretary owes to the President, is the best advice they can
give at the time. The President will make the call, but I do
not want Cabinet Secretaries who are going to be hedging their
advice based on what they think will be popular or what the
President will like. I do not have any doubt that Senator Hagel
will be giving the advice as Secretary that he thinks is the
right thing, and then trusting the chain of command and our
Commander in Chief to make the call.
Finally, on a matter of character, I think that Senator
Hagel's philosophy is one that understands America's role in
the world. Our strength is not just military strength. Ever
since Teddy Roosevelt won the Nobel Prize for brokering the end
of the Russo-Japanese War, America has played a big role on the
stage of the globe and an important one. We are exceptional,
and we are exceptional in the role we play in the world. But we
get it right when we appropriately balance military strength,
diplomatic strength, economic strength, and strength of the
moral example. I think Senator Hagel understands that those all
have to be in balance, and I appreciate it.
Finally, a number of tough questions and objections were
raised, and they were all fair. Senator Hagel said the same
thing at the hearing, that he did not mind answering for
anything he had said. Much as I would say he could see some
things that he might have said better, I feel that pretty much
every day in public life I can see things that I might have
said better.
But while the questions were fair, I think the fair answer
to them is review the entire record.
When you first hear that the Senator voted in the Senate
against the designation of the IRG as a terrorist organization,
it does make you sit back and wonder why. The day we were
together, he explained why. Many Senators voted against that
designation because they believed that there was a potentially
perilous consequence to designating a department of a
government as a terrorist organization, that that could, in
fact, lead to an executive overreach, and potentially be a
preliminary step toward hostilities or even warlike activity
without appropriate consultation with Congress.
I am going to be an incredible stickler on the need for an
executive to consult with Congress. Things that might serve as
pretext for executive action need to be avoided. That is why a
number of other Senators, including Senator Webb, my
predecessor in this seat, voted against the same IRG
designation. When that was explained in the context of the
committee hearing, it made a lot of sense. We might have voted
differently on it, but he had a credible rationale.
Finally, I did not view the back and forth over containment
as Senator Hagel saying that he wants to have a containment
policy vis-a-vis Iran. We were talking containment and
prevention shorthand on the floor, and he said he supported the
President's ideas, policy views about containment. We all know
the President's policy about containment is we are not about to
contain a nuclear Iran because a nuclear Iran would jeopardize
Israel, and would also inspire the very kind of arms race in
the Middle East that the President and Senator Hagel have
always been against.
I think a fair read of that discussion was that he
understood what the President's policy was. If you read Senator
Hagel's writings, I think he has been very clear about that,
that we have no containment policy, that the answer we have to
containment is we are going to prevent Iran from getting a
nuclear weapon, and I believe he will do it.
The questions and objections I think are fair. I think they
were answered. I am going to support his nomination.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Kaine.
Senator Graham.
Senator Graham. Mr. Chairman, I am often asked what has
happened to the committee. Nothing. We just disagree on
occasion. [Laughter.]
This is a good committee, and we have a good chairman. We
have a good ranking member. I like my colleagues.
It is the times in which we live. The Democrats are going
to get almost universal support by Republicans, and the
Republicans are going to get almost no Republican support.
How is that? John Kerry is a good friend, so is Chuck
Hagel. I find myself disagreeing with Senator Kerry on
occasion, but I think he is in the mainstream of thinking. I
think he will do a good job for the country.
I do not vote against nominees very often. Senator Obama,
if we use his standard, I think we would all be in pretty good
shape over here to vote just the lot. No, but we are not.
At the end of the day, it is just not the one vote about
the IRG. It is a series of votes and statements that paint an
unusually disturbing picture. There is the left lane in
politics, the right line, and the middle lane, and when it
comes to some of the Iranian-Israeli issues, there is the Chuck
Hagel lane. He is in a league of his own. There is nobody with
this kind of series of votes and these series of statements. It
is just not one thing. I say dumb things every day, but it is a
series of things, a series of votes, and an edge about him that
makes many of us very unnerved about his selection at a time
when the world is on fire.
Syria is a contagion that is going to take the King of
Jordan down, and if these press reports are true about our
policy in Afghanistan, we are going to have 8,000 troops left
behind, 41 percent below the commander's recommendation. We are
telling the enemy we will be down to 1,000 by 2017. Afghanistan
will fall apart in 18 months.
The next Secretary of Defense is going to have to deal with
a world on fire, and I just believe that the testimony of
Senator Hagel was not reassuring. I do not think he came across
clear and convincing, that he understood our policies toward
Iran. The fact that you do not understand why and you cannot
clearly articulate the bad news for America if the Iranians get
a nuclear capability, sharply and to the point, is unnerving
for the times in which we live in.
This committee has a bipartisan reputation of holding
Presidents accountable. I joined with the chairman and Senator
McCain and many others to look into the abuses of the Bush
administration when it came to interrogation techniques. I hope
my colleagues on the other side will hold the Obama
administration accountable for what I think was a complete
breakdown of leadership when it comes to Benghazi. We just
cannot investigate Republicans. We are going to have to hold
both parties accountable and both Presidents accountable,
regardless of party.
Mr. Chairman, you are a good chairman. This committee will
get over this aberration and we will get back to doing
business. We will find common ground regarding sequestration, I
hope. But the reason I am voting against Senator Hagel's
nomination is that there are very few people with his voting
record when it comes to Iran and Israel. There are very few
people who have been this wrong about so many different things.
I cannot in good conscience support this nomination because
I think it is sending the worst possible signal to our friends
and our enemies alike. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Graham.
Senator King.
Senator King. Thank you, Senator. As I think about this, I
approach it as if we are doing a hiring exercise. The
President, of course, makes the nomination, but we are acting
in an impartial capacity.
When I hire somebody, the first thing I look at is
experience, and as I mentioned at the hearing, I think Senator
Hagel's experience as an enlisted man is important,
particularly when we are going into an era where a lot of the
responsibility of the Defense Department is going to be dealing
with people returning from combat, dealing with soldiers--men
and women--who have been in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. I
think having somebody in the position that he has been
nominated for, who has been there, who has been on the front
lines and understands the stresses and the pressures, I think
it is important. I think it is important for the morale of the
entire enterprise.
In addition, he has experience here in the Senate. He has
experience in managing large organizations. He has experience
in ongoing questions of public policy. So that is where I
start, is his experience, look at the resume.
Second, the next thing I do when I hire somebody is check
references. The references that you, Mr. Chairman, read at the
beginning of the meeting, the list of people that are
supporting him from both sides of the aisle, former Secretaries
of Defense, people that are a who's who of national security
policy in the United States, have supported him. These are
people that know him better than I do, and I put a lot of
weight on that. When I see people like Bill Cohen, Secretary
Gates, and Secretary Perry, that carries a lot of weight with
me. Those are serious people who we know put the interests of
the United States at a very high level, and they would not be
recommending someone that they did not feel confident in.
The third thing, of course, in a process is the interview.
I think the interview was the confirmation hearing. We had an
opportunity to question him, and I think Senator Shaheen used
the word ``feisty''. I think he was not as forceful as he might
have been. I am not sure how all of us would have done in a 9-
hour hearing or whatever it was. It was a pretty long day that
I would say, parenthetically, I remember the containment
mistake. I remember the moment he made it, and it was a
mistake. He knew the policy is prevention, not containment. The
word popped out. He used the wrong word. It was not a
deliberate statement of a policy difference with the President.
I would characterize it as a slip of the tongue. The same thing
on the legitimacy of the Iran Government.
The point he was making was it is an established
government. He used the word ``legitimate'', not in the sense
that it was duley elected and met our standards, but it was an
established government. As Senator Kaine indicated, I think he
had a rationale/reason for taking that position because he was
afraid if he took that vote, as Senator Webb said, it would
have been used as a license by the administration to take
aggressive action toward the nation of Iran. I think that was a
rational policy.
Another thing I always look for when I am looking to hire
somebody is character, and this man has character. Mr.
Chairman, at the beginning of the hearing, you used the phrase,
``He would give the President unvarnished advice with
integrity.'' That is a very high quality, very high on my list.
That is what the President needs is unvarnished advice, not
somebody who is always going to agree with him, but somebody
who is going to give him his best judgment and has absolute
I think it would have been very easy for him to agree with
Senator McCain in the hearing and avoid that contretemps, but
was not there, and he did not do it. That shows me some
Finally, I agree with what other people that have already
stated. I think our role is not to substitute our judgment for
the President, not to say this is who we would have necessarily
hired, but the deference goes to the President to build his
team. I happen to think Chuck Hagel is a man of great
integrity, great intelligence, and is the kind of person that,
I think, will be a strong leader for the Department of Defense,
and particularly for the men and women who are actually the
So I intend to vote for his nomination with confidence and
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator King.
Senator Vitter.
Senator Vitter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, I am really concerned about process. I am
really concerned that this committee vote and this entire
nomination is being rushed, and that we are being asked to
vote, maybe forced to vote, before all reasonable requests for
information have been received.
I am concerned about two categories, in particular. One is
financial disclosure and information. I will leave the details
of that to Senator Cruz because he has been very focused on
that, but I certainly echo his concerns.
I want to focus on speeches. One clear category of the
normal precedent of what the committee asked is speeches the
nominee has made in the last 5 years. That is standard. That is
not anything outside the norm. Senator Hagel in response to
that said he ``conducted an exhaustive search for all of my
speaking engagements over the past 5 years''.
After that so-called exhaustive search, he identified 80
speeches, 29 we have texts for, 51 we do not. So one flag is 51
speeches he has identified we do not yet have the substance.
But that is not the biggest flag for me.
The biggest flag is that we have found six outside speeches
that he never identified. Our staff has found them. We have a
lot less information to go on than he did, and we have found
six additional speeches. Five of those we have just recently
gotten text or video, and have not been able to review them. We
have literally gotten those in the last 24 hours. For one of
those we know video exists. It is the June 13, 2008, keynote
speech to the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. We
know the video exists, but we do not have it yet.
So my request is pretty simple, that we get that video and
that we have some reasonable amount of time to review text or
video of these six speeches and any others that surface. That
is squarely--squarely--within the information the committee
always requires. We are just delayed because Senator Hagel did
not disclose it. We had to find it. So that should not penalize
us, and we should not reward him.
Again, my request is simple. We have five speeches, have
them, but have not reviewed them yet. Gotten them in the last
24 hours. One we know a video exists. We do not have it yet. So
I would like to be able to review that with others before this
committee vote, and I think that is a pretty darn reasonable
request. I would ask for unanimous consent to submit for the
record the information regarding these speeches.
Chairman Levin. It will be accepted.
Senator Vitter. Mr. Chairman, could I just ask for your
response to that request?
Chairman Levin. The question is that we ask of all
nominees, ``provide the committee with two copies of any formal
speeches that you delivered during the last 5 years of which
you have copies,'' and he answered that question.
Senator Vitter. Mr. Chairman, my point is pretty obvious.
He answered it.
Chairman Levin. He did not have copies. He gave us copies
of everything that he had. You have apparently been able to
find transcripts of speeches from the organizations to which he
spoke informally, and that is fine. But he answered the
question, and there is no reason to believe he did not answer
it accurately.
Formal speeches, two copies, last 5 years of which he had
copies. Unless you believe he had copies and did not provide
them, then your document will be accepted for the record. But
that is it.
Senator Vitter. Mr. Chairman, he also identified a total of
80 speeches, including speeches which he did not have copies
Chairman Levin. That is correct.
Senator Vitter. My point is these 6 speeches were not on
the list of 80.
Chairman Levin. Then he did not remember those speeches. He
is not trying to hide speeches if he gave us 80 speeches. I
could not give you a list of every speech I have made in the
last 5 years, particularly informal speeches. There is no way.
If I gave you a list which had 90 percent of the speeches that
I had, I would be doing pretty well. So unless you think that
he intentionally misled this committee and have any evidence of
that, we will accept your list for the record.
[The information referred to follows:]
Senator Vitter. Putting aside whose fault it was or what
his intent was--I cannot tell you what his intent was. I can
just tell you the facts.
Putting that to the side, is it not reasonable for us to
review these six speeches we now know about before we vote?
Chairman Levin. You will have time in the next 24 hours. I
do not know when the Leader is going to bring this to the
floor, but you will have time to review any speeches that you
have access to. But those speeches--you can continue--if there
is 80 out there that he has spoken to--80 organizations, after
these 6 come in, then you may discover, hey, there are 2 other
organizations on that 80 that have found transcripts. This
could go on forever.
We need a Secretary of Defense. We have had the use of a
nuclear weapon in North Korea. We have made every single effort
to provide all the information which this committee ever
requires. He has answered this question. Unless you have
evidence that he has not answered it honestly, we are going to
Senator Vitter. Just in closing, I think that request is
very reasonable. I am sorry it is being denied.
Chairman Levin. Senator Manchin.
Senator Manchin. I want to thank the chairman and thank the
ranking member for having this, and I want to confirm
everything that has been said here. I think that it has been a
thoughtful process, even though we might disagree. It is
amazing this process that we are going through right now.
I had some concerns because I had not known or had met
Senator Hagel before he was presented. So I heard all the
different rhetoric that was going on, and I wanted to find out
for myself. I asked the same question as I am sure most of my
colleagues had. I wanted to make sure this was a person that
would not hesitate to defend our country under any
I then looked at his character, too, and I remember he and
I are from the same era. I remember the Vietnam War very well
at that time and the fear in young people in college about
getting drafted by the hundreds every day. I remember losing
some of my classmates. They would go out one time and 6 months
later be coming back in a box. I remember all that.
Here is not only a person that didn't wait to get drafted,
he enlisted. Not only did he enlist, he asked to go to the
fight. I think that told me right there everything I needed to
know, that he would not hesitate to defend this country.
Also, it was said that his testimony, and I was there, and
I started thinking about the things that we have talked about
here, it was less than a stellar performance. I am thinking if
we were all judged on our less than stellar performances as a
Senator, would we be a Senator today? If it has been a bad day,
we have all had maybe a less than a stellar performance if that
is what we are looking at.
The other thing is, in an executive I know as governor and
I know most of you all putting your offices together, you are
going to choose a person that you know that you have confidence
in, that you believe in, that would follow the orders that you
are giving. There is nothing that leads me to believe that he
would have been nominated by the President if the President did
not have complete trust that he would do that.
With all of that in mind, and also I asked the question
directly about Israel because I believe very strongly they are
truly the greatest ally and the only ally we have in that part
of the world. I wanted to make sure that his commitment to
Israel, and I felt very comfortable with his answer, and
standing by Israel. Also, his commitment that we would do
whatever we could to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon.
I have no doubt to believe.
I would say to all of us on this committee, we would have
to think that either the President or the commitment we have
made to this date would not be followed through, the thinking
that he would not follow through on his orders that would be
given to him. I have not found any reason why I would not
support Senator Hagel.
Also, the endorsements that were mentioned. So many people
from both sides of the aisle came up. If it was going to be a
political difference that we had on party lines, you would have
thought that he would have only had maybe Democrats, or if it
was on the other side, only Republicans, that would have been
speaking for him. But when I saw Senator Warner come into that
hearing, and the respect I have for Senator John Warner, a
Republican from Virginia, I think one of the great Senators,
that gave me a little bit more confidence, let's put it that
I have watched that, the eloquent speeches that have been
given here. He is an independent thinking Senator, and a lot of
the things he said, as things that we say, as Senators that are
elected and represent our States, but to speak our mind. He did
that, and it seems like now that is being held against him. I
felt that was unfair.
So for this commitment, his enlistment, his bravery, his
willingness to not only fight, but willing to put his life on
the line. When I look around, how many of us have really had
that opportunity or privilege of serving in the military, let
alone being at war and putting ourselves, making the supreme
sacrifice if called upon.
Senator McCain, I have the greatest respect, and you know
that, for you and the service you have given to this country,
and any of the other members of this. But I would say the
minority of us have had that opportunity that you had in the
service and that you have given to this country. That weighs
heavily on me, too, making that commitment to vote for Senator
Hagel who has done that.
So I would hope it does not become a political vote, if you
will. I would like to see a bipartisan vote, and I intend to
support him. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to speak
upon that.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Manchin.
Senator Cruz is next. I do not know--Senator Wicker, I am
sorry. Did you--were you here after Senator Cruz?
Senator Wicker. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Thank you. Senator Sessions, were you--did
Senator Sessions. I am not sure about that.
Chairman Levin. Okay. Senator Sessions----
Senator Sessions. I am happy to defer to the senior
Senators. [Laughter.]
Chairman Levin. You are ahead of Senator Wicker, but not
ahead of Senator Cruz. Okay. We are going to call on your side.
It is going to be Senators Cruz, Wicker, and Sessions.
Senator Cruz.
Senator Cruz. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and you are going to
get me in trouble cutting in line in front of----
Chairman Levin. Better you than me. [Laughter.]
Senator Cruz. Let me say it is a true honor to have the
opportunity to serve on this committee which has a long
tradition of bipartisan cooperation, working in the interest of
this Nation's national security. I think there are few, if any,
decisions that will have a greater import than this committee's
decision confirming or not confirming the Secretary of Defense
and the potential impact on the national security of the United
What I would like to address is my views on the merits of
Chuck Hagel's nomination, and then also my views on his failure
to disclose what I think are very relevant financial
On the merits, I would like to say at the outset that my
foreign-policy views are considerably less hawkish than some
members of this committee. I have real concerns about the
United States acting as the world's policeman, and I take
seriously George Washington's admonition that we beware foreign
That being said, I also agree strongly with the doctrine of
peace through strength. I think the surest way to avoid
military conflict is for the United States to stand strong
against those who would initiate hostilities, potentially,
against us.
Senator Hagel, although I very much respect his personal
heroism and character and service, putting his life on the line
defending this Nation, his foreign-policy views laid out over 2
decades put him, in the words of the Washington Post, no
conservative publication, near the ``fringe of the Senate''.
In fact, his long articulated views in the Senate have
consistently made him the Senator who has expressed the
greatest degree of antagonism to the Nation of Israel of any
member of this body and the greatest degree of skepticism
toward sanctions, toward any firm response to Iran, to Hamas,
to Hezbollah, to those terrorist organizations that would seek
to harm or to murder innocent Americans.
Indeed, we saw with his nomination something truly
extraordinary, which is the Government of Iran formally and
publicly praising the nomination of a Defense Secretary. I
would suggest to you that, to my knowledge, that is
unprecedented to see a foreign nation like Iran publicly
celebrating a nomination.
On the merits, in my view, if Chuck Hagel is confirmed, it
will make military conflict in the next 4 years substantially
more likely, because, in my view, Chuck Hagel's being confirmed
will only encourage the nation of Iran to continue and
accelerate its program to develop nuclear weapons capacity. If
that occurs, the chances are far greater that our young men and
women will be sent into harm's way.
I don't want to see that happen. I think encouraging those
who would do harm to this country is not, ultimately, in the
interest of this Nation.
That is on the merits. I would also like to address the
procedural issues.
Twice, Senator Hagel has been asked to provide additional
financial disclosures. I would like to focus in particular on
one request. Senator Hagel was asked to disclose all
compensation that he has received in excess of $5,000 over the
past 5 years. That was a request that initially came from six
Senators. In response to that request, he flatly refused.
Now, I would like to point out that information is entirely
within his control. There are no legal impediments to his
disclosing the compensation he personally has received. Yet, he
flat-out refused.
The next iteration, he received a letter from 25 Senators.
It included every Republican member of this Armed Services
Committee. It also included the minority leader and the
minority whip.
That letter stated that, in our collective judgment, this
committee should not vote and the full Senate should not vote
on his confirmation, unless and until he discloses his personal
financial compensation over the last 5 years.
I will confess, Mr. Chairman, I was surprised by his
response. I fully expected him to provide some attempt at
adequate disclosure in response to that request, and that very
clear statement that, in the absence of that disclosure, it was
the judgment of a large number of Senators in this body that
his confirmation should not come to a vote.
His letter came back, and it again flatly refused to
comply. It gave no reason other than that he is not legally
obligated to turn it over, and, therefore, he will not.
I will point out that, right now, this committee knows
absolutely nothing about the personal compensation Chuck Hagel
received in 2008, 2009, or 2010. We do not know, for example,
if he received compensation for giving paid speeches at extreme
or radical groups.
Now, in my view, given the two letters he received, it is a
fair inference to assume that he and those handling his
nomination assembled that information, assembled his
compensation. The only reasonable inference, I think, is when
they assembled it, there was something in there that they did
not want to make public.
It may be that he spoke at radical or extreme groups or
anti-Israel groups and accepted financial compensation; we
don't know. It may be that he received extraordinary payments
from defense contractors, which I would suggest is a matter of
conflict of interest this committee and this Senate would be
interested in.
We don't know what it was, because he simply said: No, I
will not tell you the compensation I personally received.
I will point out, on this question, I agree with Senator
Harry Reid. When it came to the nomination of John Bolton, and
a number of members of this body asked for additional
disclosures from John Bolton, and those disclosures were not
forthcoming, Harry Reid said the following, ``The
administration's stonewalling has not only had the effect of
slowing down the confirmation process, it has also put a
further cloud over this individual and has--perhaps
unnecessarily--raised the impression that the nominee and the
White House have something to hide.''
I don't know if Mr. Hagel has received funds directly or
indirectly from foreign sources, from extreme sources, but his
refusal to provide disclosure, I think, is highly troubling. I
would suggest every member of this committee and every member
of this body should stand together in at least insisting on
adequate disclosure.
I will make one final point: Some have asked, would you
make this same request of a Republican nominee? I will point
out to you, Chuck Hagel is a Republican. I don't know him
personally, unlike many members of this committee. I simply
know his record. I can tell you this, whether this nominee were
nominated by a Democrat or a Republican President, I would be
very interested to know, and I think the American people would
be very interested to know, whether a nominee for Secretary of
Defense has received substantial funds directly or indirectly
from foreign nations, foreign lobbyists, foreign corporations,
or foreign individuals. I would certainly ask that of either
In fact, I suspect, had Mr. Hagel been nominated by a
Republican President, there might be considerably more
agreement on that point.
So I would ask each of us just to give serious thought to
our constitutional responsibility to advise and consent. I
would urge this committee, and the Senate as a whole, not to
march ahead with such speed that there is not sufficient time
to assess this nominee.
Just today, we discovered speeches that he had given that
he had not disclosed.
It is a quite mild threshold to ask what compensation has
he personally received and deposited in his personal bank
account in the last 5 years. I would suggest that should be a
relevant concern for every one of us.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Cruz.
As I mentioned before, my answer to the letter on this
subject is now part of the record.
The first point that you raise, I said the following, that
with regard to the demand that Senator Hagel disclose all
compensation over $5,000 that he has received over the past 5
years, the standard financial disclosure form, which the
committee requires all nominees to provide, calls for the
disclosure of all entities from which the nominee has received
compensation in excess of $5,000 during the previous 2 years.
Now, you may want to change the committee's questions. They
are standard questions. You can take that up at any appropriate
time with the committee if you want, but it is not going to be
a separate rule for Senator Hagel than it is for all the other
nominees. The 2-year disclosure requirement that has been
consistently applied by the committee is established in section
102(b)(1)(A) of the Ethics in Government Act. It applies not
only to all nominees for Senate-confirmed positions, but also
to all candidates for Federal-elected office.
My comments about your request for foreign funding are also
part of the record. They go way beyond what anybody has ever
requested. I think it is not even feasible, in many of the
requests that you have made, to answer them.
But the question that we do ask in part E of the form that
we ask all nominees to fill out is the following: During the
past 10 years, have you or your spouse received any
compensation from or been involved in any financial or business
transactions with a foreign government or an entity controlled
by a foreign government? The answer is no.
Now, you have every right to make a request beyond these
requests that are required by our rules, but I don't think that
we ought to deny a vote to a nominee because he has decided not
to respond to a request that not only goes beyond our rules,
but, in some cases, goes way beyond our rules.
Finally, if you wish to modify the form that we ask
nominees to fill out, that is well and good. But we are not
going to do that retroactively. We are not going to single out
one nominee for that. We will either do it for all nominees, in
which case you can raise this at a committee meeting on
process. You will be more than welcome to do that. But we are
not going to single out one nominee for this kind of disparate
Senator Cruz. Mr. Chairman, may I give a brief response?
Chairman Levin. You may.
Senator Cruz. I would point out that these requests are not
out of the ordinary. In fact, two prior nominees have been
asked very similar questions.
When George W. Bush nominated Henry Kissinger to the 9/11
Commission, this body asked what foreign compensation had his
firm received. Indeed, a number of prominent members of this
body, including the majority leader, said they would oppose his
confirmation unless and until he disclosed any foreign
conflicts of interest.
Now, Mr. Kissinger made the decision, rather than disclose
them, to withdraw, which was a reasonable decision for him to
make. That is one precedent.
A second precedent was the nomination of Hillary Clinton
for Secretary of State. In that instance, questions were
likewise raised about potential foreign funds, and Secretary
Clinton did something quite admirable. She voluntarily
disclosed every foreign donation to the Clinton Foundation,
even though the committee rules didn't require it, because
there was a reasonable question that could be raised if foreign
funds had gone to that foundation.
I would suggest those two paths are both reasonable paths
to take. Number one, if reasonable questions are raised about
financial conflicts of interest in a sensitive national
security position of the receipt of foreign funds, one position
is to say, ``I won't make that disclosure, and I will withdraw
from my nomination.'' I will point out that Henry Kissinger's
was for an advisory board, not to be the chief civilian officer
of the U.S. military, a far more important position. Or the
second route is to provide disclosure enough to make clear
there is not a foreign conflict of interest.
Senator Hagel's response is truly unprecedented. I am not
aware of any precedent where questions have been asked--``Is
there a foreign conflict of interest?''--where the nominee has
said, ``I refuse to answer your questions, and, nonetheless, I
will not withdraw. I expect to be confirmed anyway.''
I would suggest that sets a dangerous precedent. Indeed, if
subsequent investigations reveal substantial financial
conflicts of interest, and this Senate has proceeded with
unnecessary haste and without giving due time to advise and
consent on that nomination, I would suggest that each of us who
did so would bear some significant part of the responsibility
for that decision.
Chairman Levin. The precedent, which would be set here,
would be by your unilaterally changing these rules that we have
followed. If this nominee, or any other nominee, wishes to
respond to your request, which goes beyond the rules, they are
free to do so.
But we are not going to accept a change in the rules that
applies to one nominee. If you wish to change these rules, you
may do so at a procedural meeting of this committee. But we are
not going to accept your suggestion and innuendo that there is
some kind of conflict of interest here, because there is no
evidence of a conflict of interest.
He has been asked this flat-out question by our committee:
Have you or your spouse ever represented in any capacity--e.g.,
that is, employee, attorney, business, or political advisor or
consultant--with or without compensation, a foreign government
or an entity controlled by a foreign government? His answer is
Now, if you have any evidence to the contrary, that is one
thing. But without any evidence to the contrary, to say that
you haven't gotten answers to questions which go beyond the
questions that we ask every other nominee is not going to be
accepted by this chairman.
Senator Cruz. Mr. Chairman, you asked for evidence to the
contrary. I would point to the letter that Mr. Hagel submitted.
There were 7 private funds that had paid him substantial sums
of money that 25 Senators asked him about, and he responded.
The question was, of those private funds that have paid you
hundreds of thousands of dollars, did they receive foreign
funds? He responded that for six of those funds, he could make
the representation that the substantial fees he was paid did
not directly derive from foreign sources. But for the seventh
of those funds, a fund called Corsair Capital, which paid him
$200,000 in the 2 years we know about and, for all we know,
substantially more in the years in which he has not responded
to the question, he said he could not even make that
representation. He could not even say that the $200,000 he
received did not come directly from a foreign government.
The question this committee asked--``Have you been paid
directly by a foreign government?''--I would suggest it is
every bit as relevant to know if that $200,000 that he has
disclosed came from a foreign government.
Now, it may be perfectly appropriate. We might conclude
that it was benign; it was reasonable. But it is, at a minimum,
relevant to know if that $200,000 that he deposited in his bank
account came directly from Saudi Arabia, came directly from
North Korea.
I have no evidence to suggest that it is or isn't. But his
statement was that he could not even tell this committee that
$200,000 did not come directly from a foreign government. I
would suggest that it is evidence that, at a minimum, would
suggest further inquiry is justified.
Chairman Levin. Senator Cruz, you are free to vote against
this nominee for any reason you choose, including that he has
not responded to questions which you have asked beyond the
questions that this committee asks.
But let's be clear as to what the question is that this
committee asked. During the last 10 years, have you or your
spouse received any compensation from or been involved in any
financial or business transactions with a foreign government or
an entity controlled by a foreign government? His answer is no.
You say you don't have any evidence yes or no to the
contrary. If and when you come up with any evidence that he has
not answered this question honestly, I am sure that you will
provide that to the committee.
But for the purposes of this proceeding with this
nomination, your objection is clear on the record. If you come
up with any evidence, you can supply that to us, that he has
not answered these questions honestly.
But we are now going to proceed to call on Senator Nelson.
Senator Nelson. Mr. Chairman, Senator Cruz has stated his
opinion, which he is entitled to. But I want to put on the
record that this Senator feels like that Senator Cruz has gone
over the line. He, basically, has impugned the patriotism of
the nominee in your conclusions, which you are entitled to come
to, about him, in essence, being cozy with Iran. You have also
stated your opinion that you don't think he has been truthful
with this committee.
Now, those are two fairly strong statements. I couldn't
help but having had the privilege of serving on this committee
for a while, and seeing the two former chairmen on either side
of the nominee, and I looked at the former Republican Chairman
John Warner's face, as some of the questions were asked, as he
visibly winced.
There is a certain degree of comity and civility that this
committee has always been known for. Clearly, in the sharpness
of difference of opinion, to question, in essence, whether
somebody is a fellow traveler with another country, I think, is
taking it too far.
I would encourage this committee to take the role model of
its former ranking member, Senator McCain, who can get into it
hot and heavy, but at the end of the day, he is going to
respect the other person's motives. I would implore the
committee to consider that.
Now, I would just respond on a former question that was
asked about this Global Zero report. I would simply turn to the
transcript of the committee hearing, page 79. Senator Sessions
has asked questions, and Senator Hagel's response at line 10,
on page 79: ``Thank you, Senator. Let me first correct some of
your interpretation of what the Global Zero report was and what
it actually said. First, it did not propose or call for
anything. It was, in fact, the word specifically used at the
front end of that report was `illustrative,' proposing nothing
but laying out different scenarios and possibilities and
``And here's the key part of all this--and by the way, this
was summarized in a letter to President Obama in 2009--
bilateral, never unilateral. Nothing was ever suggested on a
unilateral basis to take down our arsenal. `Negotiated,'
`verifiable,' these are terms that were in the report.
``As Senator Nunn said in his opening statement--and I have
alluded generally to this--the mainstream thinking of most
Presidents we have had in the last 65 years--and I go back to
Ronald Reagan's comments, as Senator Nunn quoted--was reduction
of nuclear weapons for the obvious reasons. That is why we have
engaged in treaties to reduce nuclear weapons. Those were not
unilateral arrangements; those were bilateral arrangements.''
I will continue in the transcript on page 121 at line 2,
where Senator Ayotte asked, ``Here is what is troubling me. You
have testified before this committee today that you have never
been for unilateral nuclear disarmament; in other words,
unilateral actions by the United States of America. Yet this
report itself, which you call an illustration, it is
illustration or recommendation, or however you want to frame
it, is to actually--there are many recommendations in it. One
of them is to eliminate a leg of the triad, which is the land-
based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Would you
agree with that? That is the illustration that is contained in
this report, or you call an illustration. Is that right?''
``Senator Hagel, `I call it an illustration, Senator,
because that is the term; it is used at the front end of the
report.' ''
``Senator Ayotte, `Well, let me talk about the other terms
that this report uses, because this report twice, as Senator
Sessions has asked you, on page 1 and on page 16, says that the
illustrations for this example given in this report, one of
which is eliminating a leg of the triad, nuclear triad, could
be implemented unilaterally. So here is what I am struggling
with: Why would you ever put your name on a report that is
inherently inconsistent with what you are telling us today, is
that you have never been for unilateral disarmament as a
possibility?' ''
Senator Hagel's response is, on page 122, ``Well, it is not
inconsistent, I don't believe, Senator. But you used the term
`could'. That is a pretty important operative word in the
report. The report does not recommend that we do these things.
The report says `could'--illustrative scenarios, possibilities.
You probably know the other individuals who were involved in
that report, mainly General Cartwright, the former Commander of
Strategic Command.''
I wanted to insert those things into the record from the
previous hearing.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Nelson.
Senator Cruz. Mr. Chairman, if I may be heard on a point of
personal privilege?
Chairman Levin. Let me call on Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. I just want to make one observation.
My friend, Senator Nelson, I think I wrote down the words
criticizing our Senator there for implying that Chuck Hagel was
cozy with terrorist-type countries, referring to Iran. Let me
say, I would say, he is endorsed by them. You can't get any
cozier than that.
Chairman Levin. I have been endorsed by people I disagree
with totally. I don't want people who hate me to ruin my career
by endorsing me.
Senator Cruz.
Senator Cruz. If I may be heard on a point of personal
privilege, the Senator from Florida leveled to charges directly
at me, and I would suggest both of those charges are false.
The first thing the Senator from Florida said is that I had
impugned Chuck Hagel's patriotism. To the contrary, I have
repeatedly and explicitly praised his personal character and
patriotism and service. My focus is entirely on his
longstanding foreign policy record and his consistent
opposition to sanctions to any form of direct action dealing
with those who would cause harm. So in no way, shape, or form
have I impugned his patriotism. I focused on his foreign policy
record, which even the Washington Post describes as at the
Second, the Senator from Florida suggested that I stated
that Mr. Hagel has not been truthful. To the contrary, my point
is exactly the opposite, that the question this committee
asked, whether he has directly received money from foreign
sources, enables him to answer that question truthfully no,
while at the same time not disclosing whether the hundreds of
thousands of dollars he has received have come indirectly from
foreign sources.
His answers could be entirely truthful, and yet the example
I used of Corsair Capital, that money, that $200,000, could
have come from a foreign nation to Corsair Capital, and he
could answer the truthfully, no, I haven't received it, because
it came from an intermediary.
My point is not that he has lied. It is, rather, that he
has refused to answer reasonable questions of disclosure. So I
would suggest, in no way, shape, or form have I intended to or
have I, in fact, impugned his character. My focus has
consistently been on his record, which I think is a record that
is troubling and would be dangerous to the national security
interests of the country.
Chairman Levin. The record of the committee will have to
speak for itself.
Let me now call upon Senator Wicker.
Senator McCain. Could I----
Chairman Levin. Yes, Senator McCain.
Senator McCain. I just want to make it clear, Senator Hagel
is an honorable man. He has served his country. No one on this
committee at any time should impugn his character or his
Chairman Levin. I think we would all agree with that, I
Senator Wicker.
Senator Wicker. Let me see if I can reel this back, Mr.
Chairman. [Laughter.]
This is not my idea of a good time. We have a Republican
nominee for Secretary of Defense by a Democratic President. We
have every Democrat on the committee supporting him. Every
Republican on the committee with just as heartfelt reason to
oppose the nomination.
Chuck Hagel's wife grew up in Mississippi. She has kinfolk
still there. Presumably, they wonder why I can't support their
Mr. Chairman, you say we need a Secretary of Defense, and
we do. The acts of today by North Korea demonstrates that. What
is going on in Iran demonstrates that. But we need the right
Secretary of Defense.
I have to say, sitting there this week with Secretary
Panetta, a man who I have served with, a man who I am proud to
have voted for, I was proud to vote for him at the beginning of
his term as Secretary of Defense, and here at the end of that
term, I am just as proud.
Mr. Chairman, I would be delighted and eager to vote for
you for confirmation as Secretary of Defense. I would do that
without hesitation. I would have voted for Senator Warner,
Senator Nunn. Clearly, Senator Hagel brought the right people
with them.
But we need the right Secretary of Defense. Chuck Hagel is
not the right Secretary of Defense for this time.
We need a Secretary of Defense who can stand before the
world and articulate that we reject a policy of containment of
a nuclear Iran. We need a Secretary of Defense that can stand
before the world and be clear in making the point that the
Iranian Government is not a legitimately constituted
When Senator Hagel made the misstatement about the
legitimacy of the Iranian Government, Senator Gillibrand had to
come back later, explain it to him, walk him back, and help him
correct that misstatement. We need a Secretary of Defense who
doesn't need help in that regard.
Clearly, we need a Secretary of Defense who doesn't need to
be passed a note saying we are not in favor of a containment
policy. He got that wrong, and the chairman had to take a third
stab at it and correct the nominee for Secretary of Defense on
one of the major issues of the day.
Now you could say that Senator Hagel had a bad day, and it
was. It was a troubling performance before this hearing. The
members of this committee acknowledge that and know that. But
here is my larger objection. Here, in Chuck Hagel, we have a
Senator who made a career out of taking a contrary view against
bipartisan consensus positions that have been held across this
table and across the aisle and at both ends of this building.
There has been a bipartisan mainstream national security
consensus in this Congress on Israel, on our policy with regard
to Iran, on our entire Middle Eastern policy, backing Jimmy
Carter's Camp David accords in 1978. Chuck Hagel, without
question, has made a career out of going in front of the
cameras, getting invitation after invitation because it was
good TV, and making it clear that he was outside that national
bipartisan mainstream on all of these crucial national issues.
Now, suddenly, he is the nominee, and we are to believe
that he is squarely in the mainstream of American thought in
this regard. This is the individual who said the Israeli
Government essentially continues to play games. He is the
individual who said he didn't believe in unilateral sanctions
because they don't work and they isolate the United States.
A week later, when it is necessary to say something
different to the Senator from California, he walks that back.
He is the same Senator who decried the systematic destruction
of an American friend by the country of Israel and who said
there is a Jewish lobby in this country that gets its way
through intimidation, and that results in this Government doing
dumb things.
Now when asked by Senator Graham, when asked by me about
the Jewish lobby, he clearly reiterated that he should not have
said the Jewish lobby. He should have said the pro-Israel
lobby, or the pro-Israeli lobby. He told me, ``No, I shouldn't
have said intimidate. I should have said influence.''
So there is an Israel lobby that influences. What about the
dumb things? It finally got to the point where he was just
unable to tell Senator Graham anything other than he really
just didn't have anything at all in mind.
This is a man who has planted himself for 8 years in the
U.S. Senate clearly, as Senator Graham says, not in the left
lane, not in the center lane, not in the right lane, but in the
Chuck Hagel outside the mainstream lane. Let me just tell you,
my friends, I think we know in our hearts, we could do better.
Senator King is going to be a wonderful Senator. He says
this is a job interview. Boy, during that job interview, it
occurred to me that the prospective employer would say we can
do better than this. We can do better. The President can do
I can name several people in this room who could do better,
and we need to do it for the people of the United States and
for the security of the United States.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Wicker.
Senator McCaskill.
Senator McCaskill. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
President Obama, when he became President, had campaigned a
lot on foreign policy and the war in Iraq. What did he do when
he became President? He turned to the Secretary of Defense of
President Bush and asked him if he would continue to serve as
his Secretary of Defense.
Now I remember when he did that, and I remember the hue and
cry that went up from many in the President's base. They were
upset with the President because he had dared to ask Secretary
Gates to stay on. President Obama weathered that criticism
because he wanted the advice and the counsel of Secretary
This is a President who was just reelected by the American
people. As much as some people in this room don't like it, he
was elected President of the United States by the American
people, and he has selected an honorable veteran, a Republican,
who has served our country in various capacities, including
this body.
He has a resume that qualifies him. He has a character that
until today I assumed was not questioned on either side of the
aisle and references embraced by an impressive bipartisan group
of leaders in national defense, including the former chairman
of this committee and ranking Republican of this committee, who
is revered by both sides of the aisle. Not only did he
introduce him, he warmly embraced him and endorsed him.
Now we have had the same set of disclosure rules in this
committee for 25 years, same set of rules. We have applied
these rules across the aisle, didn't matter whether it was a
Republican or a Democrat.
During this period of time, we have confirmed Secretaries
Carlucci, Cheney, Aspin, Perry, Cohen, Rumsfeld, Gates, and
Panetta, as well as thousands of other nominees for senior
civilian positions in the Department of Defense. We asked
Senator Hagel the same questions that we asked all of those
fine men, and he answered them all. There is a whole section on
foreign affiliations, and he answered each one of these
questions on foreign affiliations ``no''.
There are five different questions that cover the
waterfront in terms of foreign affiliations. I certainly
respect my friends across the aisle deeply, and I know we have
different opinions about this, and I know that there are
legitimate policy differences here.
But in this committee, it is my hope that if we have
someone in front of this committee who at a time when many of
his generation were running from facing battle, I remember,
trying to figure out a way to get a deferment, trying to figure
out a way to use their connections to avoid the battlefield,
trying to get to Canada. This is a man who stood up and said,
``Let me go,'' and not only did he go, he served with courage
on the battlefield.
Now I am not saying you have to agree with him. I am not
saying you have to vote for him. But I will say this. I think
we have to be really careful with inferences that would leave
the impression that this man would somehow purposely evade or
purposely mislead this committee as to his relationship with
any foreign government.
He has answered these questions clearly and completely. He
has done everything that we have ever asked a nominee to do. So
I think it is very troubling that we have gotten close to that
I have to tell you, Senator Inhofe, be careful because you
might have an organization that would endorse you that you find
abhorrent. Then would I have the right to say you are cozy with
them? What if some horrible organization tomorrow said that you
were the best guy they knew?
The idea that somebody is endorsed by someone else, that
that somehow signs him up to agree with this country that he
has acknowledged to this committee is a threat to our Nation,
that he has acknowledged that he will not be part of any policy
of containment, that he knows we must stop them from getting
nuclear weapons, and that they are a state-sponsored
organization of terrorism. He answered that very clearly to my
I just think, am I sad that this is going to be a party-
line vote? Yes, I am. Senator Graham said that this is an
aberration. I sure hope so. Because this Nation deserves us
trying to have it not be a partisan situation on this
committee. I hope this is an aberration, and I do respect
everyone who cannot vote to confirm this Secretary.
But I do think a great deal of deference should be given to
the Commander in Chief on his selection, and I do think his
resume, his references, and most importantly, his integrity
qualify him for this job.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator McCaskill.
Okay. Let me just add one quick thing. This committee has
had to deal with difficult issues before, and there have been
occasions when we have actually split on a party line. We have
survived those very strongly. We will survive this one, and we
will be just as strong coming out as we were going in.
This is a bipartisan committee. We are proud of that
tradition. That tradition is a lot stronger than any particular
single vote or any particular single comment. So we will, I am
sure, I have no doubt about this committee's future
bipartisanship, as difficult as this vote is.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. I will just be very brief here. When you
talk about the relationship between Senator Hagel and a
country, and we were talking about the subject, the country is
Iran. When they are the ones who say that they want to wipe
Israel off the map, that Israel is a cancerous tumor in the
heart. They hate America from the bottom of their heart. Yet he
appears with some of their people on Al Jazeera, where he
agrees with the statement that Israel has committed war crimes.
That goes far beyond just being endorsed. Now that needs to
be in the record, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. I think the transcript of that will be put
in the record because it will be very different in terms of
many of our impressions of it than the way it has just been
But let us proceed, and we will go to Senator Sessions.
Senator Sessions. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I respect your chairmanship so much, and we produced the
defense bill unanimously last year again. It came out of the
committee. So that does speak well, I think, for our
I would note that I am uncomfortable. I don't think it is
necessary that we rush this vote today. We just received
certain speeches. I haven't seen them. A video apparently of
one is in existence, but not been produced. There are other
things that cause me to think we should be slower about this.
With regard to the committee rules, in the Judiciary
Committee, like this committee, there are basic questionnaires
that go to everyone, but that does not limit the inquiry. We
have had much broader inquiry about individuals when they have
this problem or this question and people ask. So, I think it is
not unreasonable to ask that a nominee disclose his income over
a period of time.
If I am wrong about that, I will change my view. But I
don't think that is an unreasonable, burdensome question to ask
of a nominee who wants to be Secretary of Defense. It has
certainly been done to others, and just because we limit it to
2 years doesn't mean on a given circumstance we couldn't ask
for more. But that is what I would say there.
Colleagues, we are facing and going to be debating the
nuclear posture of the United States a great deal. I understand
the President may talk about it at some length tonight. It does
not totally surprise me because I believe he comes out of the
anti-nuclear left, and as one wise observer of all these
processes over the years said to me recently, ``I am not
surprised that the anti-nuclear left would propose the things
that are in the Global Zero report. That has been out there for
30 or 40 years. What surprises me is that position may be held
by the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America.''
My view is that this nominee has been somewhat erratic in
his positions over time, and I am concerned about that. Senator
Nelson and I swapped as chairman of the Strategic Forces
Subcommittee, where nuclear weapons issues are debated, and we
have been involved in it for some time. The Global Zero report
that Senator Hagel was one of four other people that signed it
and produced it, said some very troubling things. It outlines a
vision for nuclear weaponry in the United States that is
contrary to our historical position.
Just about 3 years ago, legislation I proposed actually,
America's Strategic Posture, a bipartisan report, was produced.
William J. Perry, who was openly known to favor reducing
nuclear weapons and continuing to reduce them. James
Schlesinger, he was vice chairman. Perry, the chairman.
Schlesinger, vice chairman.
Other people like James Woolsey, Lee Hamilton, Morton
Halperin, John Glenn were on this committee. We appointed them
to see where we were and to produce a bipartisan analysis from
the best heads in the country about what we should do about our
nuclear weapons. They did not say change the triad. They did
not say take weapons off alert. They did not say eliminate all
ICBMs. They did not say eliminate all tactical weapons. In
fact, the contrary.
Now, apparently, Senator Hagel participates in this Global
Zero report just last year, less than a year ago, and this is
what it said. ``In our illustrative plan, the United States
over the next 10 years reduces its arsenal to a maximum of 900
nuclear weapons and increases the warning and decision time
over its smaller arsenal.''
Warning time means you take them off alert so it takes a
lot longer to get them launched than it would today. It goes on
to say, ``These steps could be taken with Russia in unison
through reciprocal presidential directives, negotiated in
another round of bilateral arms reduction talks, or implemented
It goes on to make this unusual statement. ``Security is
mainly a state of mind, not a physical condition, and mutual
assured destruction no longer occupies a central psychological
or political space in the U.S.-Russian relationship.'' I don't
think that is true of where Russia is.
That was on page 1 of the report. Then it says this about
bilateral nuclear arms negotiations on page 16.
Chairman Levin. Would you forgive the interruption, Senator
I think I am able to set a time for a vote now if we could
get some idea about how long you want to speak, and I am not
trying to limit you. Can you give us an idea about how long?
Because I just talked to Senator Blumenthal, and I want to ask
Senator Hirono the same question.
Senator Sessions. Okay, Mr. Chairman. I just wanted to
share a few thoughts. About how much time do you want me to
Chairman Levin. Is 5 minutes enough?
Senator Sessions. Seven minutes.
Chairman Levin. Seven minutes? That is fine.
Senator Sessions. I will try to finish in 5 minutes.
Chairman Levin. That is no problem.
Senator Hirono, may I ask you about how long you want to
Senator Hirono. About 3 minutes.
Chairman Levin. Three minutes.
Senator Blumenthal, 2 or 3 minutes? Senator Udall wanted a
couple of minutes.
I am now going to schedule a vote for 5 p.m. We will vote
at 5 p.m. We will hopefully have just about everybody there. If
not, if somebody is on their way, we can stay here until
everybody has an opportunity either to vote in person or to
vote by proxy.
So 5 p.m., we are going to start the vote.
Senator Sessions, forgive the interruption.
Senator Sessions. Let me ask one question, Mr. Chairman.
There are several members, maybe the majority of the members on
this side had requested we don't carry this vote tonight, and
we would like to have it delayed. We recognize that you are the
majority, and I would just make that request to you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
We have made a decision. We are going to proceed to a vote
today. We recognize the request, but we just have to stick to a
plan, which was a reasonable plan, and we are going to start
the vote at 5 p.m. Now back to Senator Sessions.
Senator Sessions. A growing concern on our side about
moving this nomination so rapidly and a belief that there are
further disclosures. So I don't know where we will end up on
But the report says this. ``The reductions in de-alerting
proposed under this illustrative plan could be carried out in
unison with the United States and Russia through reciprocal
presidential directives, negotiated in another round of
bilateral arms reduction talks, or implemented unilaterally.''
It also says, ``A less good approach,'' but still a good
approach, apparently, ``would be to adopt this agenda
Senator Hagel was very anxious to tell us the report did
not call for unilateral actions on behalf of the United States.
It clearly suggests three times the possibility of unilateral
actions. I think it just was surprising to me how driven they
were to reach this conclusion.
In a footnote, a question was raised about observers, I
being one of them, who made the point that if we continue to
draw down our weapons and they get to a certain level, more and
more nations could see themselves as peer competitors. Far from
being deterred from building up nuclear weapons, they might see
it as an opportunity to be on an equal par with Russia and the
United States.
I think that is a legitimate concern. They dismiss that and
say that, ``Global Zero discussions with high-level Chinese
Government officials and military officials and experts
indicate strongly that China remains committed to this course
of a low nuclear policy. China would not race to parity or
supremacy and would, in fact, take the opposite position to
join an arms reduction process if the United States reduces
their arsenals to low numbers.''
Forgive me, but I don't know who he talked to, and I am not
sure they would tell him the truth anyway. Matter of fact, I
doubt it. This is the kind of thing that went into that report.
General Schwartz, the Air Force Chief of Staff, when asked
about this report, was not sympathetic. General Schwartz said,
``I don't agree with this assessment or this study.''
The current commander, General Robert Kehler, Strategic
Forces Command, that has the nuclear requirements for the U.S.
Government, said, ``Regarding the Global Zero report, in my
view, we have the force size, force structure, force posture
today that we need for our national security needs.''
What did the report call for in conclusion? They are not
shy about saying it. The United States ``could seek to
achieve,'' this is in the conclusion, ``such reductions in 10
years and plan to base its arsenal on a dyad,'' no longer a
triad, ``of nuclear delivery vehicles. The optimal mix of
carriers would consist of 10 Trident missile submarines''--
there are currently 14--``and 18 B-2 bombers.''
This would decommission, as they overtly say, 67 B-52
nuclear bombers. They would be totally eliminated, all the B-
Continuing, ``under normal conditions, one half of the
warhead stockpile, 450, would be deployed on these carriers.
The other half would be kept in reserve, except during national
emergency. All land-based intercontinental missiles armed with
nuclear payloads would be retired.'' All ICBMs would be
retired. ``And the carriers of nonstrategic warheads, all of
which would be eliminated.''
The carriers of nonstrategic, that is tactical nuclear
weapons, would be eliminated from the stockpile. B-52 bombers
would be completely eliminated or converted to carry only
conventional weapons.
I really think that is an extreme position. It is contrary
to the established bipartisan commission that we established,
the concurrent bipartisan policy of the U.S. Defense
Department. I don't know how you will vote on this nomination,
but please, ladies and gentlemen, as we go forward, we are
going to have to be very careful about how we handle strategic
nuclear weapons.
There is no doubt our allies are very uneasy. They don't
understand where we are heading. They don't have the confidence
that we need them to have. If an ally doesn't think that we are
going to be there for them, then will they not have a high
incentive to build a nuclear arsenal themselves to defend
themselves? That worries me.
The members of this committee that I talked to and met
privately said they receive delegations from various countries
I won't name that we respect and are great allies with are
really troubled by this.
I asked a Russian professor on one occasion, ``Would you
eliminate your tactical nuclear weapons?'' He said, ``Do you
know how many troops the Chinese have on our border? We are
never going to eliminate tactical nuclear weapons.''
We have to be careful about this dream of a world without
nuclear weapons. Will it encourage Iran? Will it encourage
North Korea, if we reduce our weapons, to stop producing
nuclear weapons? If we continue to go down and people lack
confidence in us, what about countries like Saudi Arabia or
Egypt or Turkey or other countries around the world, South
Korea or Japan? Would they not feel further pressure to build a
nuclear arsenal, and therefore, proliferation would occur?
Mr. Chairman, I think this is out of the mainstream. It
represents a rather erratic position. Having been involved in
this virtually the entire time I have been in the Senate, I
think it is so far away from where we need to be that I would
not be able to support my friend, Chuck Hagel.
I like him. He absolutely deserves our respect for being on
the ground, in combat, putting his life on the line, serving
his country. He is a frank and open person. But he has not been
particularly consistent, in my view, over the years. He has
taken some views that I think are not good for America, and I
believe in the Secretary of Defense, the entire world and all
Americans really need to know that is one person that is
stable, solid, can be counted on to issue measured judgments,
and to execute them as promised.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Sessions.
Senator Blumenthal.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I will be very brief in the interest of time, just to say
that I will be supporting Senator Hagel.
I want to thank particularly Senator McCain for his
comments about Senator Hagel that none of us are seeking to
impugn his character. In fact, many of the Senators who
question him commented that he is a good and decent man and
that they respect his record as a decorated combat veteran.
He would be the first enlisted man to serve as Secretary of
Defense and, therefore, I think uniquely qualified to address
what I view as probably one of the two or three major
challenges for the next leader of the Department of Defense,
which is how to attract and retain the best in America, the
best people in America to serve in our military.
We all are fond of saying that our people are our greatest
asset, and it is true. Anybody who has visited our warfighters
in Afghanistan, as I have done three times--and was privileged
to go with Senators McCain, Graham, and Ayotte a couple of
those times--stand in awe, I think, of the work that they have
done and the sacrifices they have made.
This country traditionally, after such wars, hollows out
its military. I am convinced that Senator Hagel is committed,
passionately committed, to the men and women in uniform and our
veterans. He has been a veterans advocate, as well as a
decorated combat veteran himself.
So I believe there is a reason that we afford the President
some prerogative in choosing his team, which is, ultimately,
the President that we hold accountable for his policies. His
policies, the administration's policies, will have to be
Senator Hagel's policies, if he is confirmed as the Secretary
of Defense.
We should hold the President accountable. I hope to work
with my colleagues on issues like Iran and Israeli security,
and as well as working to stop sexual assault, implementing the
repeal of ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell,'' the dangers and realities
of suicide, post-traumatic stress disorder, and, of course, the
looming danger of sequestration. The management of the
Department of Defense is a huge challenge. I hope that we will
come together on a bipartisan basis to help whoever the next
Secretary of Defense is--and I believe he will be Senator
Hagel--to address those challenges.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Blumenthal.
Senator Hirono.
Senator Hirono. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
There are good-hearted, right-minded people on both sides
of the Chuck Hagel nomination question, and I don't think there
are any minds to be changed at this point. I would like to
offer a few points about this nominee for the record.
First, it is important to our national security to have
leadership in the Department of Defense right now. The Defense
Department, it is never an easy place to run, but today it
faces an unusually difficult set of challenges. We need a
Secretary of Defense in place to manage the fallout from
sequester, should it come to fruition, as well as the budget
constraints we face in the future.
We need a Secretary of Defense in place to guide the
fundamental rebalancing of our military after the end of the
war in Iraq, as the winding down of the war in Afghanistan
continues, and as we pivot to the Pacific. This rebalancing
must be done while being vigilant about the circumstances in
North Korea, Syria, North Africa, and elsewhere, as well as the
large and ever-increasing cybersecurity threats to our data
systems, power grid, and other infrastructure.
Second, at the same time, we, as a country, must have a
larger discussion about the next generation of warfare. How,
when, and under what circumstances will digital weapons be
used? There are ongoing questions regarding the use of drones.
What role will Congress have in overseeing the use of these
weapons? We need a Secretary of Defense in place to participate
in these discussions.
Third, we also need a Secretary of Defense who will look
after the needs of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and
their families. We need a Secretary of Defense who has fought
for veterans issues and can work with the VA to ensure that
these two agencies will work in coordination for the benefit of
our veterans. Senator Hagel has tremendous breadth of
leadership in both the public and the private sectors.
I think that we owe tremendous deference to the President
to put together the team that he can count on. I am confident
that Senator Hagel will provide the President unvarnished
advice and that he will ask the kinds of tough questions that
he has always asked, not necessarily the popular questions.
Senator Hagel, in my view, is clearly qualified to be
Secretary of Defense, and I will be supporting his nomination.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Hirono.
Senator Udall.
Senator Udall. Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Inhofe, it has
been a spirited discussion. I intend to proudly vote for
Sergeant Hagel. He is a patriot. He has earned the right to
wear two Purple Hearts and many other commendations.
The enduring case for me was made at his nomination hearing
by the long list of former Defense Secretaries and National
Security Advisers, both Republicans and Democrats, who stood
together and supported Senator Hagel's nomination.
The enduring image for me will always be Senator Hagel
flanked by Senators Warner and Nunn, our iconic and respected
national security leaders.
Let us vote, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. We are almost at the 5 p.m. hour.
Senator Sessions. Could I say one good thing about our
Chairman Levin. Please. Great way to end.
Senator Sessions. I thought I heard him do the containment
comment. First, I perked up. But my honest evaluation, Senator
King, is it was just a mis-speaking. I don't think he rejected
or meant to adopt a containment policy rather than not allowing
them to have a nuclear weapon.
I meant to say that earlier. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much.
On that very positive note and a generous note, and I say
that very seriously, this committee is a very strong bipartisan
committee, as I said before, and we will continue to be, one
difficult vote notwithstanding.
The clerk, a quorum being present, the 5 p.m. hour having
come, we will now consider the nomination of Charles ``Chuck''
Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense. Is there a motion to
favorably report Mr. Hagel's nomination to the Senate?
Senator Reed. So moved.
Chairman Levin. Is there a second?
Senator Nelson. Second.
Chairman Levin. The clerk will call the role.
The Clerk. Mr. Reed?
Senator Reed. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Nelson?
Senator Nelson. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Udall?
Senator Udall. Aye.
The Clerk. Mrs. Hagan?
Senator Hagan. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Manchin?
Senator Manchin. Aye.
The Clerk. Mrs. Shaheen?
Senator Shaheen. Aye.
The Clerk. Mrs. Gillibrand?
Senator Gillibrand. Aye.
The Clerk. Mrs. McCaskill?
Senator McCaskill. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Blumenthal?
Senator Blumenthal. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Donnelly?
Senator Donnelly. Aye.
The Clerk. Ms. Hirono?
Senator Hirono. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Kaine?
Senator Kaine. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. King?
Senator King. Aye.
The Clerk. Mr. Inhofe?
Senator Inhofe. No.
The Clerk. Mr. McCain?
Senator McCain. No.
The Clerk. Mr. Sessions?
Senator Sessions. No.
The Clerk. Mr. Chambliss?
Senator Inhofe. No, by proxy.
The Clerk. Mr. Wicker?
Senator Wicker. No.
The Clerk. Ms. Ayotte?
Senator Ayotte. No.
The Clerk. Ms. Fischer?
Senator Fischer. No.
The Clerk. Mr. Graham?
Senator Graham. No.
The Clerk. Mr. Vitter?
Senator Inhofe. No instruction.
The Clerk. Mr. Blunt?
Senator Blunt. No.
The Clerk. Mr. Lee?
Senator Inhofe. No, by proxy.
The Clerk. Mr. Cruz?
Senator Cruz. No.
The Clerk. Mr. Chairman?
Chairman Levin. Aye.
The Clerk. Fourteen to 11, and 1 no instruction.
Senator Wicker. Mr. Chairman?
Chairman Levin. Let me announce the vote first, if you
Senator Wicker. On that, it was my understanding earlier
that the vote would be left open, and I would just suggest that
Mr. Vitter may have heard that and might----
Chairman Levin. We will--thank you.
Thank you, I did say that, and we will leave the vote open
for an additional 10 minutes to give Mr. Vitter a chance to
come and vote in person. If he does so, the vote will then
reflect that vote in person. If not, it will be as announced.
I think we all trust each other so that we know what I am
saying here. Would you just please announce the vote again,
subject to that one vote change?
The Clerk. Fourteen ayes, 11 nays, 1 no instruction.
Chairman Levin. If Mr. Vitter does show up in the next,
what did I say, 10 minutes, he can then cast a vote. It will
not change the outcome. (Senator Vitter did not return within
the allotted time.)
Given that vote, we will now favorably report the
nomination of Chuck Hagel to the Senate.
We thank you all, and we look forward to another wonderful
year together.
We are adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 5:03 p.m., the committee adjourned.]
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Armed Services,
Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:05 a.m. in
room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Carl Levin
(chairman) presiding.
Committee members present: Senators Levin, Reed, Nelson,
Hagan, Blumenthal, Donnelly, Kaine, Inhofe, McCain, Chambliss,
Ayotte, Fischer, and Graham.
Committee staff member present: Leah C. Brewer, nominations
and hearings clerk.
Majority staff members present: Creighton Greene,
professional staff member; Michael J. Kuiken, professional
staff member; Gerald J. Leeling, counsel; Peter K. Levine,
general counsel; William G.P. Monahan, counsel; Michael J.
Noblet, professional staff member; and William K. Sutey,
professional staff member.
Minority staff members present: John A. Bonsell, minority
staff director, Adam J. Barker, professional staff member;
Steven M. Barney, minority counsel, Christian D. Brose,
professional staff member; Thomas W. Goffus, professional staff
member; and Anthony J. Lazarski, professional staff member.
Staff assistants present: Kathleen A. Kulenkampff, Mariah
K. McNamara, and Lauren M. Gillis.
Committee members' assistants present: Carolyn Chuhta,
assistant to Senator Reed; Jeff Fatora, assistant to Senator
Nelson; Christopher Cannon, assistant to Senator Hagan; Marta
McLellan Ross, assistant to Senator Donnelly; Karen Courington
and Mary Naylor, assistants to Senator Kaine; Lenwood Landrum,
assistant to Senator Sessions; Todd Harmer, assistant to
Senator Chambliss; Brad Bowman, assistant to Senator Ayotte;
Peter Schirtzinger, assistant to Senator Fischer; and Craig
Abele and Matthew Rimkunas, assistants to Senator Graham.
Chairman Levin. Good morning, everybody, and welcome.
This morning, the committee considers the nominations of
two very distinguished officers to two of the most active and
challenging combatant commands (COCOM): General Lloyd Austin,
U.S. Army, nominated to be Commander, U.S. Central Command
(CENTCOM), and General David Rodriguez, U.S. Army, nominated to
be Commander of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM).
These two combatant commands, CENTCOM and AFRICOM, are the
centers of gravity for our military's operations to counter the
threat of terrorism. Both nominees have served our country with
distinction, and I want to thank each of you for your decades
of military service and your willingness to serve, once again.
I understand that General Austin's wife, Charlene, and
General Rodriguez's wife, Ginny, are with us this morning; I
want to acknowledge them and thank them for their sacrifices,
their support to our nominees throughout the years, which is so
essential to the success of our nominees. As is the committee's
tradition, our nominees are invited to introduce any family
members or friends who may be with them this morning, with
their opening remarks.
If confirmed, General Austin will assume command of CENTCOM
during a critical transition period for our military operations
in Afghanistan. In the coming months, Afghan forces will assume
the lead responsibility for providing security throughout their
country, with coalition forces stepping back to a support role.
On Tuesday, President Obama announced, during the State of the
Union Address, plans for drawing down half of the 66,000 U.S.
troops in Afghanistan this year, a 34,000-troop reduction by
February 2014.
The President continues to consider options for a
significantly reduced U.S. military presence in Afghanistan
after the end of 2014, which will depend on many things, but,
in part, on negotiations with the Government of Afghanistan
over legal protections for our troops. The President has made
clear that the missions of any residual U.S. military presence
in Afghanistan after 2014 will be limited to counterterrorism
operations, and training and advising Afghan forces.
General Austin would bring exceptional experience to
overseeing this transition, having commanded U.S. Forces in
Iraq during the reduction of U.S. Forces and equipment from
Just this past weekend, our forces in Afghanistan have had
a change of command, with General Joseph Dunford replacing
General John Allen as Commander of the International Security
Assistance Forces (ISAF) and Commander, U.S. Forces-
I want to take this opportunity to thank General Allen for
his thoughtful and devoted leadership in Afghanistan, for his
forthrightness in his interactions with me and the rest of the
members of this committee.
When Senator Reed and I visited Afghanistan in January, we
saw real signs of progress, including the Afghan security
forces increasingly taking the lead responsibility for
protecting their country. Good-news stories about Afghanistan
and the Afghan security forces don't seem to get the coverage
in the U.S. media that is given to negative stories. For
example, it was widely reported that only 1 of 23 Afghan
brigades is rated by ISAF as independent. On the other hand, we
heard, from our commanders in Afghanistan, that 87 percent of
operations in Afghanistan's critical Regional Command East are
carried out solely by Afghan security forces.
Another mainly success story is now the 18,000-strong
Afghan Local Police (ALP) program. These community defense
forces, when coordinated with district-level Afghan National
Police and Afghan army forces, are more and more effective in
empowering Afghan communities to defend against Taliban
intimidation and violence. Plans are being developed to
increase the authorized size of the ALP program from 30,000 to
The next CENTCOM commander will also play an important role
in shaping our enduring partnership with Afghanistan after
2014, a partnership that I fully support. I am concerned,
however, by plans to reduce the Afghan National Security Forces
by a third, starting in 2015, from 352,000 to 230,000 by 2017.
I believe that any future reductions in the size of the Afghan
forces should be based on security conditions in Afghanistan at
that time. As Afghan security forces make progress in providing
for their country's security, we should reassure them that we
will continue to support these efforts by deciding that, as we
withdraw our forces, that there won't be a drawdown in Afghan
Progress in Afghanistan remains fragile. Significant
challenges to Afghanistan's long-term stability remain. Among
the greatest threats to stability are the safe havens for
Afghan insurgents across the Pakistan border, which the
Government of Pakistan has failed to disrupt or eliminate. In
addition, the major shortcomings of the Government of
Afghanistan in delivering governance and fighting corruption
creates political and economic instability that could
exacerbate the challenges to the 2014 transition.
In addition to Afghanistan, CENTCOM must contend with one
of the most significant issues in our current national security
debate: the threat posed by Iran and its continued pursuit of
its nuclear program. As the CENTCOM commander, General Austin
will be at the tip of the spear with regard to preparing,
militarily, for the potential of an armed conflict with Iran. I
share the President's view that all options must remain on the
table with respect to Iran.
Iran's hand can be seen throughout the region, including
its relentless pursuit of instability and fomenting of violence
through proxies, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and through its
own covert activities in the region. Already, destabilizing
events in Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Egypt, Iraq, and Sudan are made
worse by Iran's funding and supply of terrorist organizations
seeking to undermine governments and to spark further conflict
among sectarian and tribal groups. CENTCOM has a critical role
to play in leading efforts across the region to counter Iran's
malign influence.
Events in Syria continue to deteriorate. The impact of the
Assad regime's increasing dependence on support from Iran, and
desperate actions to hold onto power, can be seen in the
thousands of refugees that flow into the towns and villages of
Syria's neighbors. While the United States is focused on
providing humanitarian relief and nonlethal assistance to the
Syrian opposition, the CENTCOM commander will be asked to
advise on the situation in Syria, including whether to provide
lethal assistance to the opposition, whether the United States
should conduct limited strikes against key Syrian military
capabilities, and whether the United States should seek to
build a coalition of nations to take more significant military
action. These are extraordinarily complex issues that General
Austin will be asked to share his views on today.
CENTCOM's area of responsibility (AOR) remains the central
location of many of the nonstate terrorist threats that our
Nation faces. In addition to core al Qaeda in Pakistan and the
reemergence of al Qaeda in Iraq, al Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula remains focused on attacking the United States and
our interests. Our CENTCOM forces continue to assist our Yemeni
security partners in preventing al Qaeda from taking advantage
of areas in Yemen, where the government has limited control.
The events in Benghazi were a poignant and powerful reminder of
our need and public expectations for a capability to respond
quickly to crises around the world. This is one of the major
evolving situations that General Rodriguez is going to have to
address, and will consume a great deal of his time. But, it's
far from limited to Benghazi and to Libya. We have struggled,
in Africa, to find footholds to allow for responses to the type
of events that occurred in Benghazi or to allow us to conduct
day-to-day operations, like intelligence collection. AFRICOM
has received less, in the way of resources and support, than
other geographic commands, and this disparity, indeed, may grow
in a resource-constrained environment. These challenges,
combined with destabilizing impacts of terrorist and criminal
networks, will make General Rodriguez's task at AFRICOM among
the most complicated in the Department.
An additional matter in the AFRICOM AOR that this committee
watches closely is the ongoing U.S. support operations in
Central Africa to assist the multinational effort to remove
Joseph Kony and his top lieutenants from the battlefield. This
committee--and Senator Inhofe has been very, very active in
this effort--has sought to ensure that this mission is
adequately resourced, including additional intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities.
General Rodriguez, I know that you're familiar with this
mission, and the committee looks forward to hearing from you
about it, and to working with you on it and so many of the
other challenges that you will be facing.
I'm going to turn the gavel over to Senator Kaine, who has
agreed to take over, because I must go to the floor.
I now call upon Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I join you in welcoming our witnesses. I've had an
opportunity to get to know them in the past, and visit with
them personally, and I'm very anxious to move on with this.
I thank Charlene and Ginny for being here. You're the guys
who work harder than they do, so we appreciate all your
If confirmed, General Austin, you're going to be in charge
of overseeing, arguably, the most volatile region of the world,
and in the midst of a declining defense budget. Just last week,
Secretary Panetta announced the indefinite delay of the Truman
Carrier Strike Group deployment in the Middle East, a
development that was undoubtedly welcomed by the regime in
In Egypt, despite the best hopes of the Arab Spring,
President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood Government have
shown a troubling hostility towards the opposition groups and
minorities, and have taken an increasing bellicose tone toward
our ally, Israel. These developments require us to think long
and hard over what assets we're going to be sharing with them,
the controversial F-16 transfers, and frankly, I didn't agree
with that. But, it's a tough area, and I think, if you look
through that area--and, General Austin, you have Iran, we know,
that is determined to acquire nuclear weapons capability. But,
it's been going on for a long time. We've found that our
intelligence has really been behind the curve on their
capability of what they've developed so far. It's serious. It's
a big step, over there.
In Iraq, our premature withdrawal has directly contributed
to a deteriorating security situation, and allowed al Qaeda to
reestablish a foothold in Syria. Assad's reign of brutality has
now claimed the lives of over 60,000 Syrians, and risks
spilling into neighboring countries.
Pakistan, we see a nuclear-armed government teetering on
collapse, while militant groups, all the military groups, have
enjoyed that as a safe haven.
Afghanistan, you'll oversee our operation and manage the
transition of combat responsibilities to the Afghan security
forces. Without doubt, we have to make sure that the force
structure matches the mission and is driven by the facts on the
ground, and not arbitrary dates. We've talked about this in my
office. General Rodriguez, you and I have spoken about the
squeeze in the Middle East. I've often said that it's kind of
the neglected continent. I was somewhat instrumental when we
established AFRICOM; and so, it was no longer in three
different commands, but in one unified command. It's a tough
area. It's a tough area that has never had adequate resources
to carry out--what I consider adequately carrying out the
mission. Certainly, the Chairman mentioned the problem with the
Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and that is a problem, and it's
one that is not just confined to a few people that started in
northern Uganda; now has spread throughout eastern Congo and on
up through the Central African Republic, and south Sudan, I
might add.
But, it's connected. It's all terrorism, and it's all
connected together, and it is a serious problem that we are
going to have to deal with. It's the smallest of the Department
of Defense's (DOD) regionally focused combatant commands, with
less than 5,000 boots on the continent. That's a huge
continent. Your work is cut out for you; we've talked about
that, you and I, in my office, in somewhat detail.
While the challenges you will both face are very daunting,
I'm confident that the two of you are up to the task. But, it's
going to be heavy lifting.
As I said to you, General Austin, in my office, are you
sure you want to do this? You said yes.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Kaine [presiding]. Thank you, Mr. Ranking Member.
General Austin, General Rodriguez, we're ready to hear your
opening statements and testimony. Again, we appreciate you
being here, and your service.
We'll begin with General Austin, and General Rodriguez to
General Austin. Good morning, sir, Senator McCain, Ranking
Member Inhofe, distinguished members of the committee.
I want to thank you for this opportunity to appear before
you today. I also want to thank you for the steadfast and
strong support that you have shown, and continue to show, to
our men and women in uniform, our Army civilians, and their
families. It is remarkable, all that they have accomplished
over the past nearly 12 years of war. It was made possible, in
no small part, through your personal efforts, and those of your
colleagues. So, my thanks to all of you.
I'd like to take a moment to introduce my wife, Charlene.
I've been incredibly fortunate to have her as my partner for
more than 30 years. She represents the many wonderful spouses,
who are the true unsung heroes of these conflicts, as they've
supported us back home, and, in doing so, enabled our success.
My thanks to you, Charlene, for your love and support, and
for your many sacrifices, and Happy Valentine's Day.
I'm glad, today, to be joined by my teammate, General David
Rodriguez. He, too, is accompanied by his bride, Ginny, who,
like Charlene, has done a tremendous amount for our soldiers
and families over the years.
Dave and I have served together a number of times over the
years, to include in combat. He is a gifted leader and a
decorated soldier, and I'm pleased that he's been nominated to
command U.S. Africa Command.
Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a tremendous privilege
for me to serve my country in uniform for nearly 4 decades, and
I am grateful to be able to continue to serve. I am honored and
humbled to have been nominated by the President to serve as a
commander of CENTCOM. If confirmed, I pledge that I will apply
all of my experiences and judgment, to the best of my
abilities, to help preserve and advance our Nation's interests
in that region of the world.
General Mattis has led CENTCOM masterfully over these past
2\1/2\ years. Our Nation owes him a debt of gratitude. The
impact of his leadership and the efforts of his team during
this decisive period have been tremendous. If confirmed, I
intend to sustain and continue this important work; for the
reality is that, while much progress has been made in the
CENTCOM area of responsibility, there is still a great deal
more to be done. Our national interests, and those of our
allies and friends, demand vigilance as well as our continued
commitment to do our part to help address the many challenges
that exist, and to achieve and maintain security and stability
throughout the Middle East and in South and Central Asia.
Of course, our foremost priority remains the ongoing
mission in Afghanistan. Soon, we will be required to complete
the transfer of responsibilities to the Afghans, and also
transition our people and equipment out of that country, just
as we did in 2010 and 2011, when I served there as the
Commander of U.S. Forces-Iraq. This represents a herculean
undertaking, and, if confirmed, I will do everything within my
power to help set the broader conditions for our success in
this most important endeavor.
Meanwhile, one must simply watch the evening news to
understand that the world we live in remains complex and
extremely volatile. Much of the instability and associated
challenges reside in the CENTCOM area of responsibility. While
we have to be pragmatic, we must always be prepared to respond
to contingencies, whenever and wherever they occur around the
world. If we truly want to have an effective and lasting impact
in the region, our friends and allies must be assured of our
support, and our potential adversaries must understand that
there will be consequences for their actions.
As this past decade of conflict has clearly demonstrated,
success in our many endeavors will require effective
application of the full continuum of our Nation's instruments
of power and influence, military as well as economic and
diplomatic. Having worked closely with senior military and
civilian officials from the various U.S. agencies and
organizations, and also having worked closely with leaders from
other countries and partner nations while serving in Iraq as a
commander of U.S. Forces, I can personally attest to the
effectiveness of these kind of collaborations. If confirmed, I
will continue to cultivate my existing relationships while
pursuing additional opportunities and partnerships that will
surely prove beneficial to our efforts.
Senator Kaine, Senator Inhofe, and members of the
committee, these are historic times and difficult times.
However, amidst the many challenges that exist reside
opportunities, and certainly the shared desire of people to see
peace and harmony and prosperity achieved, and even in those
places that have never before experienced them. I fully
appreciate that the work ahead will be great, and the road will
not be easy, but, if confirmed, I pledge to give all that I
have towards ensuring our success, and the success of our
allies and friends around the world, in this most worthy
Thank you again for this opportunity and for your steadfast
support for our service men and women and their families. I
look forward to your questions.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, General Austin.
General Rodriguez.
General Rodriguez. Senator Kaine, Senator Inhofe,
distinguished members of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today.
I am honored the President has nominated me to serve as the
next Commander of U.S. Africa Command. If confirmed, I'll look
forward to working closely with this committee, as well as all
our joint and interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational
partners, to address the challenges we face and the
opportunities to increase stability on this strategically
important continent. Strong partnerships are key to gaining and
maintaining stability in the 54 nations of Africa.
I would also like to thank this committee for the sustained
support it has provided to our soldiers, sailors, airmen,
marines, coastguardsmen, and Department of Defense civilians,
and their families, during this time of conflict. They all
selflessly serve the Nation, at home and abroad, often in
harm's way, but always ready to assume their share of the risk,
and all are eternally grateful for the backing and support of
the American people and Congress.
I want to acknowledge the tremendous effort of General Ham
and his team at the U.S. Africa Command. His leadership helps
sustain strong partnerships, providing the foundation for our
continued engagement across the continent and globally. He has
done a superb job, and I hope that, if confirmed, I can expand
on the work he has done.
To General Lloyd Austin, exceptional soldier, leader, and a
good friend, we have served together throughout peace and war
in our careers, and have a significant number of deployments
between us. I'm honored to share this experience with both
Lloyd and Charlene, and am certain that, if confirmed, Lloyd
will continue his remarkable service to the Nation and our
I also want to thank my wife, Ginny, for her decades of
service as an Army wife. Ginny has cared for, and looked after,
soldiers and their families with energy, empathy, and
understanding. She's also a wonderful mother to our children:
Amy, a former Army officer and current student at the
University of North Carolina; Melissa, a schoolteacher in North
Carolina; David, who works with the Department of the Navy in
Washington, DC; and Andrew, an infantry lieutenant in the Army.
I thank the committee again for allowing me to appear
before you today, and I look forward to your questions.
Thank you.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, General Rodriguez.
Here's the procedure we will follow. I have a set of
standard questions, that we ask all witnesses, that I will ask
both of you to respond to. We'll then proceed to rounds of
questions, alternating between representatives of the two
parties; and the rounds of questions will be 7 minutes long. If
there are additional questions in the second round that members
want to ask, we'll proceed in that way.
Let me begin with the standard questions that we ask the
witnesses. These are to help us exercise legislative and
oversight responsibilities.
Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations
governing conflicts of interest?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. Do you agree, when asked, to give your
personal views, even if those views differ from the
administration in power?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. Have you assumed any duties or undertaken
any actions which would appear to presume the outcome of this
confirmation process?
[Both witnesses answered in the negative.]
Senator Kaine. Will you ensure that your staff complies
with deadlines established for requested communications,
including questions for the record in hearings?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. Will you cooperate in providing witnesses
and briefers in response to congressional requests?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. Will those witnesses be protected from
reprisal from their testimony in any such briefing?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and
testify, upon request, before this committee?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. Do you agree to provide documents, including
copies of electronic communications, in a timely manner when
requested by a duly-constituted committee, or to consult with
the committee regarding the basis for any good-faith delay or
denial in providing such documents?
[Both witnesses answered in the affirmative.]
Senator Kaine. With that, we will move to the questions,
and I will begin with Senator Donnelly.
Senator Donnelly. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank you, General Austin, General Rodriguez, for
your service to the Nation, and to your families, for
everything you have done. You may want to take them, for a
Valentine's Day lunch, to the Senate Cafeteria. Then again, you
may not. [Laughter.]
General Austin, as we heard the President say, the other
night, he is looking to withdraw 34,000 troops from
Afghanistan. My question is, can that be done in a way that
does not leave Afghanistan less stable?
General Austin. Thank you, sir.
Whereas, I was not a part of the process that helped to
generate the proposals for the numbers of troops to be drawn
down, and the rate at which they should be drawn down, I can
tell you that, from having been a part of that process before,
the types of things that commanders consider, going into those
recommendations, really account for whether or not they can
accomplish the assigned objectives and missions. So, I would
assume that General Allen and General Mattis, as they went
through that process, provided their best military advice. I
would assume that to be the case. But, having not been a part
of that, I cannot speculate as to whether or not----
Senator Donnelly. How quickly will you become a part of
that, and taking a look at that and making that determination?
General Austin. If confirmed, sir, I will get into that
right away and confer with General Dunford and the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs, and make sure that I have full understanding
of the objectives, the missions, and the resources that have
been provided to accomplish those objectives.
Senator Donnelly. You will give us your unvarnished opinion
as to the plan, how it works, and whether it will meet your
strategic objectives as you look at the situation that we're
General Austin. I will, sir, and the objectives that are
outlined by the senior leadership, that have been provided to
Senator Donnelly. Thank you.
General Rodriguez, as we look at your mission, one of the
things that strikes me is--and, of course, in CENTCOM, too, how
important it's going to be to build up our partners there so
that they can be self-sustaining in protecting their own
nation. How critical a focus is that going to be for you as you
move into this position?
General Rodriguez. Thank you, Senator. That's a critical
focus, because, obviously, the objective is to have Africans
provide security and stability for themselves. There are a wide
range of tools that we have to do that, and that will be a main
Senator Donnelly. It seems that that could be the key to
success, is being in a position where the training we provide
enables them to stand up on their own.
General Austin, as we look at the region that you will be
commanding, one of the challenges has always been Pakistan, and
our working relationships with Pakistan. As we go through the
withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, both men and women and
equipment, and again, you mentioned that you had not yet been
fully involved on that plan but, I would think one of the
things we want to do is continue to work closely with Pakistan
on that plan, but also have alternative options, if there are
bumps in the road, as we proceed forward with orders and with
other things. Are you going to be looking at that as part of
what you look at when you get the plan in your hands?
General Austin. Absolutely, sir. I think our relationship
with Pakistan is critical. It is a key country in the region.
My goal would be to immediately work to continue to build upon
the existing relationship, which is on somewhat of a positive
slope right now, a positive path. I want to continue to build
on that. Again, they will be key going into the future, sir.
Senator Donnelly. General Rodriguez, as we look at your
region, we just saw an extraordinarily tragic situation in
Benghazi. When we look at the countries there, and we look at
the challenges that those nations already have in protecting
themselves--and we often depend on home-nation security for our
own consulates and embassies. As you look at that, will you be
asking for a time-and-distance study? How fast can we get to
our consulate? Where is the closest location we have to that
consulate? So that you have a plan that can make sure, if our
consulates are in danger, we will be there to protect them?
General Rodriguez. Senator, if confirmed, I'll do a
thorough study of time, distance, as well as capabilities,
spread throughout the region, who can respond in a timely
manner and ensure that the Department of State is informed so,
together, we can make good decisions on how to best support our
Americans, worldwide, and especially in the African continent.
Senator Donnelly. Thank you.
General Austin, as we transition from Afghanistan, the
military gains in security that we have achieved--with all your
experience in Iraq, with the transition there--I think one of
the biggest challenges is, as the military leaves, how do we
make sure that some of the gains in, not just military, but in
state functions in Afghanistan, that we're able to hold onto
them? What experiences that you took away from Iraq can help
with that in Afghanistan as we move forward?
General Austin. Certainly, sir, I think our embassy will
remain engaged and continue to work with the Afghan leadership,
to help them build capacity and work with issues on their
political system. But, I think having a competent security
force helps to create the time and space for an immature
political system to mature. We would hope that we would have
the opportunity for that to develop, the Afghans would make the
right choices, going into the future. Certainly, having
advisors around to help advise the military also helps to
influence the rest of the environment, as well. I think the
activity between the embassy staff and what our military is
able to do, and keeping the Afghan security forces focused, I
think that creates some time and space for the political system
to mature a bit.
Senator Donnelly. General Rodriguez, General Austin, thank
you so much for your service. You and your family have
dedicated your life to our country, and we're incredibly
grateful to you.
Thank you.
General Rodriguez. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Kaine. The ranking member, Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I agree with the remarks by the Senator, on your service
and the time, and the fact that I've had the opportunity to be
with you in the field and at various times. Let's see, General
Rodriguez, we spent some New Year's Eves together over there;
so we got to know each other pretty well.
Anyway, as I said in my opening statement, you guys have
some really serious problems that you're facing over there.
Let's start off on AFRICOM, because that's something I was
perhaps a little more familiar with.
One of the problems is--and we all go through this, and you
guys are not immune from it, like crew rest. When you're trying
to get to places, and you're in Stuttgart, and you have 54
countries and over 12 million square miles--to adequately
support AFRICOM--I'm going to ask you a question, in a minute,
about the resources--but, in terms of time and distance, have
you thought about how you're going to handle that as you get a
crisis in sub-Sahara Africa, you're going to have a hard time
getting there. What do you think about that location?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir. I think that's going to
require a solid coordination between all the interagency
partners so that we can best understand indications and
warnings, prior to those incidents happening, so we can best
posture ourself to be able to respond appropriately. But
because of the time, the distance, and the basing challenges
that we have, that's going to continue to be a challenge. I
will, if confirmed, look at that very carefully, put some
requirements to the leadership, and then ensure that everybody
understands the risk that's involved in what our Americans
throughout the region are taking on.
Senator Inhofe. Yes, it's something you have no control
over. That's where it is right now. Frankly, when we started
AFRICOM, I was pushing very hard for Ethiopia, or someplace,
for headquarters in Africa. The problem there is the reputation
of our involvement in Africa, it is being misinterpreted as a
colonialism type of an approach. But, I have to say this, every
President that I talk to, including Kikwete, in Tanzania, they
all have said, ``We recognize that would be easier, but there's
no way that we can sell it to the people.'' So, that's going to
be there.
The reason I bring this up is there is always a lot of
people here in the United States, members, our good friends in
the Senate, who would like to move that headquarters stateside.
I think that it's the best we can do right now, in Stuttgart,
and I think you would agree that it would be very difficult to
move that headquarters and operate.
What do you think about this, have you had time to look and
see, in terms of resources--as I said in my opening statement,
we have 5,000 boots on the ground; that's not much for an area
like that--do you have any comments, going in, right now, as to
how you're being resourced, particularly with the drawdowns
that we're talking about at the current time?
General Rodriguez. Senator, thank you. The challenges
across the depth and breadth of Africa that we're facing, with
the resource constraints that we're all living under will be a
challenge. Again, we just have to make great assessments of
where we're going to accept risk, to ensure everybody knows and
understands that. The coordination between the interagency
partners will be critical as we move forward.
We all, as commanders, have to help our leadership assess
the risk throughout the combatant commands. If confirmed, I'll
execute that, to the best of my ability.
Senator Inhofe. The Chairman, in his opening remarks,
talked about the LRA and Joseph Kony. People are now aware of
that. There was a time when they weren't, when you first got
involved over there. My question is, if we're successful in our
operation, in helping them take out Joseph Kony, would you
continue there, and recognize Kony and the LRA as part of a
terrorist group that go far beyond what--originally, it was
just northern Uganda, then spread up to south Sudan and down
into eastern Congo--that it is widespread, and it is a serious
problem? I'd like to get your commitment to stay involved in
that, and recognize it for the problem that it is.
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir. If confirmed, I commit to you
that I will continue to watch Kony and the LRA, and the entire
negative impact it has on the region, as a whole.
Senator Inhofe. Yes, and there are so many other areas that
people are not really aware of right now, but one of the things
that I would like to--I wasn't going to dwell on this, this
long, but--we made a good decision, back, right after September
11, when we decided, as a policy for this country, that we were
going to recognize Africa as the squeeze takes place in the
Middle East, and the terrorism goes down through Djibouti and
the Horn of Africa--that our idea was to put in five African
brigades--to help them, not us--but, to help train the
Africans, who are very receptive to the idea, so that when that
happened down there, we wouldn't have to use our forces. It's
kind of been floundering. I'd like to ask you to make those
five African brigades a top priority during the time that
you're spending down there.
General Rodriguez. Will do, Senator.
Senator Inhofe. That's good.
General Austin, as I said a minute ago, and as I asked you
in my office, are you sure you want this job? It's a tough area
there. I would just like to ask you, in just whatever time it
takes, to kind of look at the sequestration and how that's
going to affect you in that critical region that I outlined,
area by area, in my opening statement.
General Austin. Yes, sir. I believe that sequestration will
have enormously negative effects on the Services' ability to
resource our efforts. What will happen is that all the Services
are committed to supporting the current fight, which is what we
should be doing. Over time, the follow-on deployers will be
less ready. Our ability to respond to emerging contingencies in
the region--we'll have less of an ability to do that. We'll
have less flexibility and fewer options, because of some of the
pressure now, with pressure on the budget.
Senator Inhofe. You mentioned four areas, and you called
them ``four principle levers,'' the last time you were here
before this committee. They were military-to-military
engagements, plans and operations, security cooperation
programs, and posture and presence. Of those four, what are
going to be impacted the most by sequestration, should it
become a reality?
General Austin. Certainly our presence and our posture in
the region will be impacted. We're seeing that, the leading
edge of that, with the delay of the deployment of the carrier.
Again, that begins to take away some of the flexibility and the
options available.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you very much.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Kaine. Thank you.
As a schedule accommodation, I'm switching my time spot
with Senator Nelson, and his questions will be next.
Senator Nelson.
Senator Nelson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The delay of the deployment of that carrier--which
otherwise would go to the Persian Gulf region?
General Austin. That would be a part of its
responsibilities as it completes its tour. Yes, sir.
Senator Nelson. I asked that question because, of course,
one of the continuing high-visibility questions is what's going
to happen in Iran. If Iran were to continue with the
development of a nuclear weapon, we would need all the military
assets that we could muster. The General has just pointed out
that a sequester is going to keep that carrier in port, which
is not a good thing, because if we ever got into it in Iran, or
if Iran ever started their own aggressive action by mining the
Strait of Hormuz, we would need all of our Navy assets that we
could bring to bear. That's a fair statement, isn't it,
General Austin. Yes, sir. General Mattis has laid out what
his requirements are. Those requirements have been vetted and
approved. Again, if he doesn't get the full complement, then
he'll have to do some things to mitigate that.
Senator Nelson. General, what do you see will be the
remaining force when we are withdrawing, in 2014, from
General Austin. Sir, I believe that those decisions are
still being made by the leadership, with the input of General
Dunford and General Mattis. I'm not a part of that process--I
don't know what the objectives are that the leadership will
want to accomplish. That really drives what the force structure
should look like, going forward.
Having been a commander in the field, where I was working
hard with the leadership, to define options, and I found it
very unhelpful when somebody, who wasn't a part of the process,
speculated on what the troop strength should be.
Senator Nelson. In your experience, where you have worked
with the indigenous forces and the leadership of a country like
Afghanistan, can you give us your observations of the progress
of that society, over the course of the last few years?
Basically, what I'm getting at is, have the Afghani people
progressed to the point that it's going to be very hard for the
Taliban to take over, once we leave, and take them back to that
feudal society that they were? What's your observation?
General Austin. Sir, first of all, I think that two of the
key elements that--or three key elements--that kind of go into
this equation, as to whether or not things will remain on track
or not, are, number one, do we have a credible security force
to help guard against the challenges that will no doubt come in
the future? We've worked hard with the Afghans to build a
security force of 352,000, in a relatively short period of
time, and it's still evolving in capability.
The second thing is that I think the political processes
have to mature. I think the people have to begin to have faith
in their leadership, and the leadership has to be inclusive,
has to reach out to the people, and they have to provide a good
governing mechanism for the country. That is critical.
I think the security forces can provide the space for that
to develop. It's going to take some time.
The third piece of this is the corruption that we've seen
in the country, over time they really have to get control over
that and begin to move that in the right direction.
I think, when those things happen--and certainly, they're
capable of happening--then--or working together--then I think
things will continue to move in the right direction.
Senator Nelson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Senator McCain.
Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you to the witnesses and their wonderful wives, for
their service to our country. We're very proud to have you
serving in such positions of responsibility.
General Austin and General Rodriguez--General Rodriguez,
you recently served in Afghanistan, as the commander of the
International Joint Command within ISAF. I'll ask you both the
same question.
The President has announced 34,000 troops, more than half
our force currently serving in Afghanistan, will return home by
the end of the year. Was this recommendation of the uniformed
military via the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? Was this a
recommendation of the military?
General Austin. Senator, I don't know what the specific
recommendation was. As I understand it, the----
Senator McCain. No one has told you or General Rodriguez
what the recommendation of the military was?
General Austin. No, sir, I was not a part of that process.
I know they----
Senator McCain. So, you are excluded from knowing what the
recommendation of the military was?
General Austin. I was not----
Senator McCain. Especially given the new responsibilities
you have.
General Austin. No, sir, I was not included in that
Senator McCain. Did either of you recommend this option?
General Rodriguez. No, sir.
Senator McCain. In your best professional military advice,
is the withdrawal of 34,000 troops this year in line with the
conditions on the ground, as you saw them?
General Austin. Sir, I defer to the current commander----
Senator McCain. You really have no opinion whatsoever about
whether we should withdraw 34,000, half our force, by the end
of the year? Is that correct?
General Austin. Having not been a part of the process, sir,
I don't think that I should offer an opinion on this, because I
don't know everything that went into their calculus.
Senator McCain. General Rodriguez, you feel the same way?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir.
Senator McCain. Even though you recently served there?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir. I've been gone for 18 months,
and things have changed tremendously. I can tell you that I was
a part of the change in the strategy when we put the surge
forward there, that the concept of what we were looking to do,
strategically, is continuing. But, as far as the specific
situation in the country that warrants those decisions, I am
not current in that area, sir.
Senator McCain. So, you wouldn't have any guess as to how
many forces you believe are necessary to achieve our goals? You
wouldn't have any. Whew.
General Austin, you were our commander in Iraq when the
President decided to end negotiations with Iraqis and withdraw
all U.S. troops by the end of 2011. Do you think that Iraq is
more stable today than it was a year ago?
General Austin. Sir, I'm certainly troubled by some of the
things that----
Senator McCain. Do you believe Iraq, today, is more stable
than it was a year ago?
General Austin. I think the stability has held, sir. I
think it's fragile, and it's trending towards being more
problematic, as we watch what's happening with the Kurd-Arab
relationships, with the recent Sunni protests. I think a lot of
that's brought on by a failure to solve some political issues.
Senator McCain. So, whether we had troops there--a residual
force there, or not, wouldn't have mattered?
General Austin. I think that, certainly--if we could have
continued to advise and assist the Iraqis, I think, certainly,
it would have continued to make them better.
Senator McCain. You were present in the room when Senator
Graham and I asked you, after Maliki asked us, what level of
troops would we, the United States, want to remain there in
order to maintain that stability. Do you remember your answer?
You said, ``We're still working on that.'' Do you remember
General Austin. Sir.
Senator McCain. How long did they work on that, General
General Austin. Sir, I think we worked with the Iraqi
leadership all the way up until the point in time when they
decided that they weren't going to be able to give us the
protections that we needed to keep our troops there.
Senator McCain. Because, of course, it was down to 3,500.
Isn't that correct?
General Austin. No decision had been made at that point in
time, sir, because----
Senator McCain. Wasn't our number back down to 3,500 troops
left behind? Isn't that an accurate statement? It's written in
Michael Gordon's book, and it's well--knowledge. Isn't that
true? You were there.
General Austin. I was, sir. Again, I presented a range of
Senator McCain. But, don't you know that the administration
position was back down to 3,500? They didn't tell you that?
General Austin. Sir, I was aware of what the number was. I
don't recall, specifically, what the final option was, being
Senator McCain. You really don't remember, specifically, an
important issue like this, that it wasn't 3,500?
General Austin. Sir, in that range of options--again, since
we never closed, I've never----
Senator McCain. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
testified that the number was down to 3,500. General Dempsey
did, before this committee. You didn't know that? Even though--
General Austin. Sir--sir----
Senator McCain.--though you were there?
General Austin. Sir, I did know what the number was. And--
Senator McCain. And it was 3,500.
General Austin. It was a small number, yes, sir.
Senator McCain. Whew. Which is why--and it's been well
documented--these--the Iraqis decided that to try to obtain
immunity of over 3,500 troops wasn't worth the effort. You
believe Iraq is headed in a positive or negative direction?
General Austin. Sir, I think--again, some of the things
that we're seeing in Iraq are very troubling, with the Arab-
Kurd tensions, with the Sunni protests. On the other hand----
Senator McCain. Iranian aircraft overflying Iraq with arms
for Bashar Assad, for the total estrangement between Barzani
and Maliki, continued violence in Kirkuk and other areas along
the border, the vice president of Iraq having to flee the
country because there's murder charges brought against him.
Does that indicate to you that Iraq is headed in the right
General Austin. It does not, sir. There are some things
that are very troubling. There are also some things that I
think indicate that, if they make the right decisions, they
have a chance to move in the right direction. They're pumping
3.3 million barrels of oil a day; they've been challenged,
several times, in terms of security, but the security forces
have really held, and they're still loyal to the civilian
leadership. They haven't fractured. There are a couple of
things in there that do indicate that, if they begin to make
the right decisions politically, then I think they have a
chance of moving in the right direction. But, at this point,
they've not made those decisions, and it is troubling.
Senator McCain. General, your predecessor, General Mattis,
had a well-deserved reputation of speaking truth to power, and
in testifying before this committee in a frank and honest
opinion. We have our responsibilities. Our responsibilities can
only be carried out if we have frank and honest--as you were
just asked if you would do, at the beginning of the hearing--
opinions. I'm disappointed by your testimony today, that I have
to draw these facts out from you, that you and I both know are
facts. I hope the next time you're before this committee, that
you will be more forthcoming in your answers. We deserve it. We
have our responsibilities, as well as those that you will
I thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Blumenthal.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to join in thanking both of you for your
extraordinarily distinguished career, and your families for
their service and sacrifice, as well, and to wish you well in
your new commands, the next chapter of your military careers.
General Austin, we had a very informative and important
discussion yesterday on the subject of sexual assault, with a
number of my colleagues, and a number of yours, and I would
like to ask you and General Rodriguez for your commitment that
you will pursue, as vigorously and aggressively as possible,
the predatory crime, the vicious criminal offense of sexual
assault and rape, wherever it occurs under your commands.
General Austin. Sir, you have my commitment, I will do so.
General Rodriguez. I will, sir.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Let me ask, by the way, have each of you seen the
documentary movie ``Invisible War''?
General Austin. I have seen it, sir.
General Rodriguez. I have seen it, sir.
Senator Blumenthal. Will you make it your policy and
practice that, that movie, among other training aids, is seen
by all of the commanders, at whatever level, under your
General Austin. Yes, sir. As you may know, sir, in the
Army, we have encouraged our leadership to use that as a
training tool.
Senator Blumenthal. General Rodriguez?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir, that's correct.
Senator Blumenthal. I'd like to ask you for more than just
encouragement, but actually make it a matter of your general
order, or whatever, however you want to implement within your
command, that it be used as a training device.
General Austin. Sir.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir, it's a requirement.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Let me ask you about--General Austin--focusing on
Afghanistan. I recently had the privilege of traveling to
Afghanistan with a number of my colleagues, including Senator
McCain, who led the trip, and Senator Graham, Senator Ayotte,
and others. I want to focus, for the moment, on contracting
We understand, from the Special Inspector General in
Afghanistan, that 43 contractors, in effect, are doing business
with the enemy, but they have not been processed by the Army
for suspension and debarment, partly because of obstacles--
legal obstacles and others--now in the law of the United
States; section 841, in particular.
I'd like your personal commitment, as CENTCOM commander,
that you will personally review these cases and use the
authority you have to stop U.S. taxpayers' money from being
funneled to the Taliban, and that you will help us--Senator
Ayotte and I, in particular, are working on this issue--help us
to strengthen the law.
General Austin. Sir, you have my commitment.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you. Very aptly, your prepared
testimony mentions the importance of ``unity of effort''--
that's your phrase, and I think it's a good one--on the
battlefield. I think it's equally important that we have that
unity of effort in stopping American taxpayer money from, in
effect, aiding the enemy in Afghanistan, where corruption has
been, unfortunately, so rampant.
One of the areas where I think section 841 can be applied
more effectively is in the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) and State Department aid. I'd like your
commitment that you will help us, in effect, improve the law in
that regard.
Thank you. I understand you have made that part of your
commitment, that you will help us do that.
General Austin. Yes, sir.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Let me ask you now, General Austin, about Syria. As part of
that trip, we visited the refugee camp in northern Jordan, at
Zaatari. I must say, very powerful and moving experience, to
see the conditions of the camp, the numbers of children, the
challenges in providing education, healthcare, basic sanitary
conditions. I'd like your commitment that you will do
everything possible to provide a drastic and dramatic increase
in humanitarian aid to the refugees in Syria and elsewhere,
besides Zaatari, but also in Jordan, where there are those
refugee camps.
General Austin. Sir, I'll do everything within my power to
work with all the appropriate elements of the interagency to
ensure that we're doing everything we can to support the
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you. I think a number of us also
were impressed by the herculean efforts being made by the King
of Jordan, and by the Jordanian people, to aid those refugees.
Just an extraordinary humanitarian effort. But also their
commitment to aid in military assistance, the freedom fighters
in Syria.
Let me ask you, don't you think the United States can
provide more training and technical assistance, at the very
least--in terms of communications equipment, logistical aid--to
the opposition forces in Syria?
General Austin. Sir, not being in the seat yet, my vantage
point is that of many people on the outside looking in on this.
I don't know the specifics, as many specifics as I'd like to
know, about the opposition, and what is in the realm of the
What I'd like to do is, if confirmed, I'd like to have the
ability to go in and assess, to see what's possible. If there
are things that are possible, what options do we have? I don't
feel as if I can give you a very concrete and informed
recommendation, at this point.
Senator Blumenthal. I hope that you will share the sense of
urgency that many of us feel about this situation and about the
very dire predicament of many of those courageous fighters who
are opposing the murderous and barbaric regime that the Assad
Government, if it still is a government, has become. I would
invite you--in fact, I'd urge you--to present to this committee
your recommendation, as soon as possible, because I think we
feel that sense of urgency, and I hope that more can be done,
militarily, to deprive Assad of his superiority, where he has
it, in the air, and his forces on the ground that he is using,
very simply, to slaughter the citizens of his own country.
General Austin. Yes, sir.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
My time is expired, but, again, my thanks to each of you
for your extraordinary service in the past and in the future,
and again, to your families.
Thank you.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank General Austin and General Rodriguez, and
their families, for, absolutely, your extraordinary service to
our country, and very much appreciate your being here.
I wanted to follow up to what Senator Blumenthal discussed
on section 841. As you recall, Senator Brown and I had worked
on this no-contracting, or the enemy provision, that has given
some authority to DOD to cut off enemy funds. I just want to
join what Senator Blumenthal has said, that I look forward to
working with him, and look forward to your commitment to make
sure that we can give you all the tools that you need,
including extending those tools to the State Department to cut
off funds that go to our enemies. I appreciate your commitment
on that, and look forward to working with Senator Blumenthal
and both of you to make sure that happens.
General Austin, I wanted to ask you--when Senator Donnelly
had asked--you mentioned you had been through the process
before, of deciding what a follow-on force should be. That was
in the context of commanding Iraq? Is that right?
General Austin. That's correct, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. When you were the commander in Iraq, what
was your recommendation to the administration on the troop
levels that should remain, assuming we could negotiate a status
of forces agreement?
General Austin. Ma'am, I presented a range of options to
the leadership. I provided that recommendation. I've never made
public what my recommendations were.
Senator Ayotte. It was reported, at the time, that your
recommendations were between 14,000 to 18,000 troops. Was that
General Austin. Again, ma'am, I provided that to the
President, in confidence, and I have not made that public, and
would not like to make that public.
Senator Ayotte. Let me ask you this, General. The
recommendations that you provided, and the number that was
ended up, that Senator McCain just asked you, was that number
significantly below what you recommended?
General Austin. It was, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. Okay. Thank you.
You have said, in answer to Senator McCain, at this point,
you've not been involved in the decisions on the troop
withdrawal in Afghanistan, or the follow-on force, following
2014. Is that right?
General Austin. Yes, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. Have you spoken to either General Allen or
General Dunford about this topic?
General Austin. Have I spoken with them?
Senator Ayotte. Have you spoken to them about what their
recommendations are?
General Austin. No, ma'am, I have not.
Senator Ayotte. Senator McCain asked you about the 34,000
withdrawal that the President announced the other day. There
was a report in the Washington Post that General Dunford, whom
I'm sure you have great respect for, as well as General Allen,
that they had been seeking a reduction of no more than 25,000
troops during that same period. That would have been
significantly--certainly, the President's recommendation is
much higher. Would that surprise you? Have you followed any of
the public reporting on this?
General Austin. I have read some of what's in the media.
But, my experience, there, ma'am, is that, that's not always
accurate, because it doesn't have the complete----
Senator Ayotte. Let me follow up. Military officials, on
background, were saying that, ``Pulling out 34,000 leaves us
dangerously low on military personnel, while the fledgling
Afghan army and police need our support. It's going to send a
clear signal that America's commitment to Afghanistan is going
I guess I would ask you--I'm actually very surprised, as
well, that you've not had conversations, given that you're
taking over in CENTCOM, with General Allen or General Dunford
about this very important question at this point. But, I would
ask you, if we're in a position where the withdrawal puts us in
a situation where we're going to be dangerously low on military
personnel, I would expect you to come forward to this
committee--when asked--and tell us your professional opinion as
to what we should be doing. Will you do that?
General Austin. I will do that, ma'am. I would say that
there are a number of things that the commander considers as he
makes his recommendation: the tasks that he's been presented
with, that he has to accomplish; what--his assessment of the
environment that he has to work in; any significant
transitions--``transitions'' meaning things like an election;
other things, like maybe the fighting season that he has to go
through. All that goes into his calculus to provide a range of
options, in terms of recommendations there. As the leadership
looks at it, they will consider other things, and I just don't
have any idea of what, exactly, went into that specific
calculus. So----
Senator Ayotte. General Austin, I went to a troop
deployment, on Sunday, in New Hampshire, of a Guard unit that's
going to Khost Province in Afghanistan.
General Austin. Yes, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. One of the worries that I have is that the
numbers that are being floated by the administration on the
follow-on--don't we get to a point where, if we don't have
sufficient numbers there, we have to worry about the protection
of our own forces?
General Austin. Yes, ma'am. That clearly is one of the
things that commanders must take into consideration, whether or
not they'll be able to provide the adequate force protection
for their troops as they're conducting operations in the area.
Again, depending on what the specific missions are that they'll
be asked to do, and how much of it they'll be asked to do, when
you factor in force protection and other things, then that
really kind of lays out what the commander thinks his
requirements are. Again, typically he will present a range of
Senator Ayotte. I understand it, but certainly we need to
take into account the protection of our own troops there. If we
get to a number that's so low that we can't protect our own
troops, I'm going to be very concerned about that, and I expect
your professional opinion on that as we go forward on this
Just so that everyone understands, why does it matter? Why
does a good outcome in Afghanistan matter?
I'd like an answer from both of you on that.
General Austin. Yes, ma'am, thanks. It clearly is important
to the region. It's important to the United States of America.
We have a lot invested. We'd like to see this country continue
to move forward. We'd like to see the political system begin to
grow. I think, if the right things happen, it'll stabilize
things in the region, and certainly it'll help us with our
relationship with Pakistan and some other things.
I think it's important for the region, and it's also
clearly important for the country of Afghanistan, important to
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and important to
the United States of America.
Senator Ayotte. I know my time's up, but, General
Rodriguez, I would like your opinion as to, why does this
matter, in terms of the protection of our country, our
interests? We've sacrificed so much there, and obviously, I
think it's important that we understand, why does the stable
Afghanistan, the outcome of that, matter?
General Rodriguez. Stable Afghanistan, ma'am, means that's
one of the things that was the objective, so that it never
became a haven for al Qaeda and its adherents so they could
never attack both the U.S. Homeland, U.S. interests, and our
allies worldwide.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you. I'll have followup questions for
both of you.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Reed.
Senator Reed. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Generals, thank you for your service to the Army and to the
Nation. I can't think of two more dedicated and experienced
officers to lead our forces in the various areas of command
you're being assigned.
In fact, General Austin, correct me if I'm wrong--you were
a brigadier general in the invasion of Iraq, with the 3rd
Infantry Division (ID), you were a major general in
Afghanistan, commanding the 10th Mountain Division, you were a
three-star in Iraq, in the multinational forces. You are, I
think, maybe one of the few combatant commanders that are going
to an AOR where you've commanded at every general officer
level. Is that correct?
General Austin. That's correct, sir.
Senator Reed. I don't think we could find someone better
acclimated to the various challenges; and there are quite a few
throughout the region.
One of the issues that's been touched upon is Iraq. From
your perspective, are the problems there more political in
nature or more the military capacity? Because what we've seen
has been, I think, a very chaotic political situation--
demonstrations, sectarian tensions--but, the Iraqi security
forces seem to be performing reasonably well, given the
training and the investment we've made. Is that a fair
General Austin. Sir, I would say from my perspective,
that's a fair assessment, that the security forces have done
reasonably well.
Senator Reed. Going forward, the challenges there seem to
be more political than any type of military threat from the
outside, or an uncontrollable internal threat. Is that a fair
assessment, too?
General Austin. Yes, sir.
Senator Reed. Thank you.
One of the key factors and key roles that you play--it's
not just making sure our forces are well prepared, well
organized, and well deployed--it's communicating, explicitly
and implicitly, with leaders in different countries. I can
think of several in your AOR. One is Pakistan, and one is
Egypt, because of our relationship to the militaries. Do you
have any perspective now with respect to your likely engagement
with General Kayani in Pakistan and the Egyptian Army?
General Austin. Yes, sir. I look forward to trying to
develop a--or, not trying, but developing a good working
relationship with General Kayani and the military leadership in
Pakistan. I think it's essential to our overall relationship,
and I think it will be very helpful in us trying to move
forward with what we're doing in Afghanistan.
In Egypt, we have long enjoyed a great military-to-military
relationship that's been very helpful to us. We will continue
to try to build upon that, going into the future.
Senator Reed. Let me ask you another question, and that's
with respect to our forces in Afghanistan. As the Vice Chief of
Staff of the Army, your current role, it would be highly
unusual that you would be participating in the deliberations of
strategy, going forward, in Afghanistan or any other area of
operation. Is that fair to say?
General Austin. That's correct, sir.
Senator Reed. Yes. The planning was done appropriately
through CENTCOM, General Mattis, beginning with General Allen
and his colleague, going up into the Secretary of Defense's
office, not through the Vice Chief's office, to the President
for the final decision. That's the way it's done.
General Austin. That's correct, sir.
Senator Reed. Your collaboration has been--and it'll
increase--certainly increase if you're confirmed; and I have
every expectation you will--but, at that point, you will be
having an opportunity to work closely with General Dunford and
all of the commanders for a period of several months, I
General Austin. That's correct, sir. It will give me an
opportunity to engage leadership on the ground, to get a clear
understanding, from the staff at CENTCOM and also the Joint
Staff, in terms of all of the elements that have gone into
this, which is typically a pretty tightly controlled process,
and rightfully so.
Senator Reed. Right. Thank you very much.
General Rodriguez, again, thank you for your service.
You're taking over a region which is our newest unified
command, one which is facing a new set of challenges that, 4 or
5 years ago, were not relevant. I think it's appropriately--and
fitting--that you're both sitting side by side, because what
happens in Egypt has certain effects in your command, and what
happens in your command has certain effects throughout General
Austin's command. But, can you give us your sense, right now--
and again, being the U.S. Army Forces Command commander, you
have not, on a day-to-day basis, been engaged in deliberate
planning--can you give us your sense of what the threats are in
AFRICOM, and how well positioned you believe AFRICOM is?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir.
Sir, the threats in AFRICOM really revolve around three
major areas. Of course, one being al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb, which is where the French operation, supported by the
African nations and the United States, is ongoing. Then also,
al Shabaab, over in Somalia, and then Boco Haram. Also the LRA,
as discussed earlier here. Those are the major threats to
stability, militarily; but, of course, they have significant
other ones in both government as well as health issues.
Senator Reed. Yes, I think you've touched on something
that, again, is a critical issue that cuts across both AORs;
that is, governmental capacity, the ability of government to
provide basic service, the ability of governments to function,
at least to respond to the true needs of their people. One of
the issues that we've talked about, General Rodriguez, is that
we have had military training operations that have gone in,
over the last several years, into African countries, as far as
AFRICOM, with mixed results. Do you have any specific ideas
about how you would improve the military training teams that
will be a major aspect of your operational capacity?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir. If confirmed, I will look at
that very, very hard. As General Ham has stated in the past,
some of the training has been focused on tactical and
technical, and some of the things that we did not emphasize
were the values of the army, as well as the role of a military
in a democracy. Those are some of the things that he's already
started to work on, and I'll watch that very carefully--if
confirmed--and assess that, and go forward in the best way
possible, sir.
Senator Reed. My time is expired, but, again, gentlemen,
there are very few people who have served the Army and the
Nation with your courage and your distinction and your
dedication to the soldiers. For that, I thank you.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Fischer.
Senator Fischer. Thank you, Senator Kaine.
I, too, would like to thank you, gentlemen, and your
families, for your service and dedication to this country. I
would also like to thank you, and thank the servicemembers that
you represent, and their families, for their service to this
country, as well.
If I may, I'd like to continue on that Washington Post
article that came out recently. It did suggest that the
Pentagon is pushing a plan that would keep only about 8,000
troops in Afghanistan. I know that, General Austin, you weren't
a part of the planning process, thus far, but can you support a
plan that would schedule withdrawal of troops in advance? We're
looking at a withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan, and,
according to this article, from about 8,000 down to a thousand,
within a very short period of time. I have questions if we can
even maintain our mission, let alone complete the mission.
How can you make decisions on troop withdrawal, when, as
you stated previously, so much depends upon conditions on the
ground, what the government is doing, what their abilities are,
up to that point? How would you approach a proposal like that?
General Austin. I certainly would, first, really work hard
to make sure I fully understood what the leadership wanted to
get done, moving into the future. Certainly, my advice, as a
commander on the ground or Commander of CENTCOM, I would
provide my advice to them, based upon where I think the
security forces are, and conditions in theater, and what I
think we needed to do to move forward, to make sure we maintain
the gains that we've achieved.
But, I think so much is tied to what it is, what policy
objectives that the leadership wants to accomplish. Based upon
that, I would outline the forces required. I would consider the
fact that there's a NATO complement to whatever forces we're
going to have. Again, it really depends on what level that
we're advising and assisting the Afghan security forces at.
Then, how I assess that we need to do that.
If I'm confirmed, as I go in, those are things that I will
work with General Dunford on, look at very closely, early on. I
know that the leadership is still in the process of making the
decisions on what it's going to look like, post-2014.
Senator Fischer. Do you think it's useful to put those
numbers out there so far in advance? Is there a military reason
it's useful to put those numbers out there?
General Austin. I do know that we're a part of a coalition
effort. I do know that--members of the coalition are trying to
determine what their commitment's going to be, going forward.
They would like--my guess is that they would like as much
predictability as possible.
Senator Fischer. I appreciated Senator Reed's question that
he asked General Rodriguez. How would you prioritize, General
Austin, the threats in your future command? What do you see
those as being?
General Austin. It's a very complex and dynamic region,
volatile region. We see a number of things that are kind of
working together to fuel that instability. You see sectarian
strife in a number of places. You see governments, that are
former autocratic governments, that are either failed or
failing, creating further instability. The instability is an
issue there.
Again, we are certainly concerned about the Iranian
aggression in the region, which adds to the complexity there.
Of course, there's specific issues of Syria and the continuing
work that we have to do in Afghanistan, as well. A number of
things that have to be added together.
Also, there is a persistent threat from elements, like al
Qaeda and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, that have the
ability to generate a threat to the Homeland. That is very,
very important.
Senator Fischer. Are we going to be able to meet those,
with the troops that are projected to be there? Are we going to
accomplish our mission? We've had so many families, in this
country, sacrifice. Is it going to be worth it to them? I know
you do this every day--how do you look at families and say to
them, ``We're going to pull out, maybe at levels that I think
might be dangerously low, as I'm getting information on this''?
How are you able to do that? When do we reach a hollow force,
where the men and women that we send into harm's way are no
longer protected?
General Austin. We're going to do everything that--the
leadership will continue to do everything that we can within
our power to make sure that, when our troops are introduced
into a dangerous situation, or into combat, that they are
ready. Whatever we have to do to prioritize resources to make
sure that we support the folks that are doing the hard work of
the country, we're going to continue to do that. Again, the
Services have been clear about the fact that they're going to
support our troops that are in combat.
As we look at the shrinking top-line budgets here--the
shrinking top line of the budget--it's going to make it more
challenging for us to have forces that are ready to address
emerging contingencies. That's my concern, going into the
Senator Fischer. I would ask both of you gentlemen for your
commitment to this committee, and to me, that you will always
be honest and let us know that.
General Austin. You have my commitment.
General Rodriguez. You have my commitment.
Senator Fischer. Thank you so much. Again, thank you for
your patriotism, your dedication, and your service to us.
Thank you.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
Generals Austin and Rodriguez, welcome. I echo the comments
made by my colleagues, of appreciation for your service, your
stellar credentials.
I'm given additional confidence by the fact that you've
worked so closely together in the past, because I think the
CENTCOM/AFRICOM real estate and challenges have an awful lot of
overlap, and that should give us confidence, as well.
Just to mix things up, I think I'll start with General
Rodriguez, a few questions.
AFRICOM has an unusual mission. As I understand from our
discussion, your deputy commander is a State Department
official, and it is a mission that is heavily focused on
partnerships with other agencies, and with the training mission
with other governments. I'd like you, just for a minute, to
talk about that unusual nature of the mission, and your own
background. How it fits you to work in that kind of a very
multilateral environment.
General Rodriguez. Thank you, Senator.
As you said, the headquarters was designed a little bit
differently than most of the other combatant commands, and has
more interagency people assigned to the headquarters. I think
all that is a great benefit to the organization, who stretches
and reaches across the interagency in an effort that's required
to be done that way in that interagency effort.
In the ``building partner capacity'' piece, all of our
operations are really just like the ones that General Austin is
talking about--is about helping to build the capacity of that
nation to protect itself and provide stability for itself. We
have worked very hard over the years, and we both have
significant experience trying to build the Iraqi security
forces, as well as the Afghan security forces to do it
themselves, and also to work with our multinational partners to
also ensure that they're part of the solution, both in our NATO
allies and allies throughout the world, as well as the host-
nation countries.
I look forward, if confirmed, to try to continue that
effort to help Africans prepare themselves to take care of
Senator Kaine. General Rodriguez, some of the most
challenging attacks on American embassies in our history have
occurred in the AFRICOM footprint. I've been to two hearings,
now, on the Benghazi attack--one, a Foreign Relations Committee
hearing, and one a hearing of this committee--and still have
some confusion about security that's provided to our diplomatic
personnel around the world.
In the Benghazi situation, we were dealing with military
security through the Marine security guards; we were dealing
with State Department security--State Department personnel--
but, also, two local militias--one unarmed, one that was
apparently on some sort of strike or work slowdown because of a
dispute over wages and benefits. I'd just like to hear you talk
about the embassy security--recognizing that State takes lead
on that--but, the embassy security challenges in AFRICOM, and
how you would approach them, as the commander.
General Rodriguez. Thank you, Senator. The challenges, as
you state and we discussed earlier, were about the time-and-
distance factors. If confirmed, I will work very closely with
Department of State, who has the primary responsibility, as
you've stated, to understand and have the best situational
understanding that we can have, so we have threats and
warnings, so that we understand the ones who are most
threatened, so that we can respond appropriately.
We also have to prioritize our collection assets for the
things that we don't know, it's a joint and interagency, as
well as multinational, process to get the best situational
understanding we can.
The second thing is, of course, in collaboration with the
State Department, to make sure that the State Department
understands our responsiveness and what we can do, so that they
can make the best decisions and recommendations to the
Lastly, the response forces have already increased, in the
aftermath of the Benghazi attack, and some of the lessons that
were learned. There is now a new Commanders in Extremis Force
that is forward-stationed, and we have more forces forward-
stationed, as well as a special Marine Air-Ground Task Force
that is also in Djibouti right now. In another month, there'll
be a regionally aligned force from the Army who is allocated to
AFRICOM to help with these challenges.
Senator Kaine. Great.
General Rodriguez. Thank you, Senator.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, General.
General Austin, to return to a point that we've talked
about briefly, in your advance policy questions, you stated
that maintaining a credible naval force in the region, covered
by sufficient aviation combat power, is essential to
demonstrating an enduring commitment to regional partners.
We've had discussion on this committee, just this week, about
the aftermath of the decision of the deferred deployment to the
USS Truman. Just focusing on that and the sequester, from your
perspective as you prepare to take command of CENTCOM, what is
the impact of a reduced naval presence in the region? Will it
complicate your ability to carry out your mission?
General Austin. I think it will, sir. I think, certainly,
again, those forces have been outlined by General Mattis as
what he needs to accomplish the goals and objectives that he's
laid out. That's been supported by the Joint Chiefs, and
resourced by the Office of Secretary of Defense. This has gone
through a pretty deliberate process to allocate those resources
and forces.
When he doesn't have those available, or when a commander
doesn't have them available, then, again, it really begins to
take away his flexibility to address emerging situations. Once
you reduce the presence in the region, you could very well
signal the wrong things to our adversaries. We'll want the
commander--and I'll certainly want to have, if I'm confirmed--
to have as many options available as possible to address the
current situation and any emerging situations or crisis.
Senator Kaine. Let me ask you this. The ``send the wrong
message to allies or adversaries,'' what about the message that
it sends, just from your own experience, inside the
organization, as you deal with your officers and enlisted?
What's the buzz as they continually watch Congress run up
against one kind of fiscal crisis after the next, that gives no
certainty to the military about its resource capacity?
General Austin. It certainly can be disheartening, sir, if
we kind of know we have things that we're trying to accomplish,
we know that we need resources, and it's difficult to get those
resources. Having said that, it's the spirit of our military to
try to find a way to be successful. But, we want to make sure
that, if at all possible, we're resourcing them with the
adequate things--with the things that they need to be
Senator Kaine. Thank you very much, to both of you.
Senator Graham.
Senator Graham. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I understand we're going to have two rounds, if you could
just let me know when 7 minutes is up, I have a few more
questions. I'll try not to hold everybody up.
Senator Kaine. Great. We'll move right into a second round
as soon as you're finished if no one else comes.
Senator Graham. Okay. Thank you very much.
This is one of the most important hearings we've had in,
probably, a very long time. That's saying a lot, given the
hearings we've had in recent time.
Both of you, thank you for your service. I know you well,
appreciate your families. You're fine men.
General Austin, here's my dilemma. I'm not so sure--and I
may be wrong--that you cannot tell us what you recommended
about troop levels. I don't know if that's an executive
privilege, or not. I'll have to think about that. I don't know
if you have the right to do that, quite frankly.
I know what you told me. You told me, on the tarmac in
Baghdad, that we needed somewhere between 18,000 and 20,000. I
said, ``That may be more than the market can bear.'' You said,
``Well, look at the numbers.'' I know what your recommendations
were; it was somewhere in the mid-15,000 to 16,000. I think the
bottom line, for most people, was 10,000. I have an exchange
between me and General Dempsey about how the numbers went from
19,000, I think, all the way down to 5,000, and eventually to
I'd like to put in the record the exchange I had with
Chairman Dempsey about the ever-changing numbers in Iraq.
[The information referred to follows:]
Hearing to Receive Testimony on Security Issues Relating to Iraq
tuesday, november 15, 2011, u.s. senate, committee on armed services,
washington, dc.
Senator Graham. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you both for testifying. This is a very important issue for
the country, and I think we have had a good discussion.
Number one, I completely concur with the idea that American troops
should not be left behind in Iraq without legal protections. It is not
fair to them. To say that the Iraqi legal system is mature is being
gracious. If an American soldier were accused of rape anywhere in Iraq,
I do not think they would get a fair trial. So at the end of the day,
Iraq has a long way to go on the legal side and I think a long way to
go on other sides.
My concern is that I have never bought into the idea that the
impasse was getting the parliament to approve an immunity agreement. I
will just give you one vignette. I went over with Senator McCain and
Senator Lieberman in May to talk to the prime minister about a follow-
on force, and I was discussing with him that no American politician,
Republican or Democrat, would accept a follow-on force without legal
protections. As we were talking about it, he says, well, how many
people are you talking about? What is your number? I turned to
Ambassador Jeffrey and General Austin and said you have not given them
numbers. He says, no, we are still working on that. That is in May.
So let us get into this, General Dempsey. 16, 10, 5, cascading. Is
it your testimony that we were proposing 16,000 to the Iraqis and they
said no? Then we came back with 10,000 and they said no. Then we came
back 5,000 and they said no. Then it got to be zero.
General Dempsey. No, that is not what I testified to.
Senator Graham. What caused the cascading effect? General Austin
told me--and I will just tell you now because it is so important--he
thought we needed 19,000. and I said, Lloyd, that is probably going to
be more than the market can bear. I said that because I am concerned
about American politics too.
Then the numbers were around 15 to 16. Then we started about 10. It
came to 10, and nobody got below 10. So I know what General Austin had
on his mind.
At the end of the day, General Dempsey, you are right. It is about
the missions you want that determines the numbers. We have got through
it pretty well. Iraq does not have the intel capacity we do. We need to
make sure they have better intelligence. They do not have an air force.
We need embedders. We need trainers. We need CT. we need to referee the
Kurd-Arab dispute. I think 10 or 12 is what you need. At the end of the
day, we are down to zero.
I guess my question is, is Iran comfortable with a democracy on
their border in Iraq, Secretary Panetta?
Secretary Panetta. I think they are very nervous about having a
democracy on their border.
Senator Graham. Let me tell you what the speaker of the Iraqi
parliament, a Sunni, Mr. Najaf, said. Iraq now suffers from points of
weakness. If neighboring countries see that Iraq is weak and incapable
of protecting its border and internal security, then definitely there
will be interference. This interference does not exist now. He was
talking about how Iran would step up their efforts to destabilize Iraq
if we all left.
Do you agree that is a more likely scenario? They are doing it now.
They are only going to do it more if we do not have anybody there.
Secretary Panetta. I think there will be a continuing threat. I
think that the reality is that the Iraqis do not want to have Iran
exert that kind of influence in their country.
Senator Graham. Now, if the Sunni speaker of the parliament is
worried about that, is there any doubt the Kurds want us there? If it
were up to the Kurds, there would be 50,000 American troops in
Kurdistan. Do you agree with that?
Secretary Panetta. Yes.
Senator Graham. So we know the Sunnis are worried about this, and
we know the Kurds would have 50,000 if we would agree to put them
there. I would not agree to that, but they are very welcoming of U.S.
troops. So I am getting a little bit concerned that all the blame on
the Iraqi political system is maybe not quite fair.
Secretary Panetta, you were a politician in another life. Would it
be a political problem for President Obama to announce this year that
we are going to keep 15,000 people in Iraq past 2012? Did that ever get
considered in this administration? Did anybody ever talk about the
numbers changing because the Democratic base would be upset if the
President broke his campaign promise?
Secretary Panetta. Not in any discussions that I participated in.
Senator Graham. Do you think it ever happened anywhere? Do you
think anybody in the White House ever wondered about the political
effect of having troops in Iraq on the 2012 election? You talk openly
about the Iraqis having political problems. You do not think there are
any politics going on on our side?
Let me ask you about Afghanistan, General Dempsey. Did any
commander recommend that all of the surge forces be pulled out by
September 2012?
General Dempsey. I honestly do not know, Senator.
Senator Graham. Well, let me tell you. The testimony is clear. No
option was presented to the President in July to recover all surge
forces by September 2012, and you put General Allen in a terrible
spot--the administration has. I think it is no accident that the troops
are coming home 2 months before this election in Afghanistan, and if
you believe that to be true, as I do, I do not think it is an accident
that we got to zero.
Now, at the end of the day, we are at zero. Do you think the people
in Camp Ashraf are going to get killed? What is going to happen to
General Dempsey. Senator, the State Department is leading an effort
to ensure that we work with the Iraqi----
Senator Graham. Can you tell the people back here that the
likelihood of their friends and family being killed is going up greatly
if there are no American forces up there policing that problem?
General Dempsey. I will not say anything to those people because I
am not involved in the outcome.
Senator Graham. Fair enough.
I asked Admiral Mullen, your predecessor, what is the risk of an
Arab-Kurdish conflict over the oil reserves around Kirkuk in terms of a
conflict if we are not present. He said it was high. Do you agree with
General Dempsey. I might have said moderate because of my own
personal contacts with both the Kurds and the Iraqis.
Senator Graham. So you believe that there is a moderate risk, not a
high risk, if there are no U.S. Forces policing the Kurd-Arab
borderline disputes and the Kirkuk issue.
General Dempsey. I do. I would like to take some time to articulate
why I believe that, but if you would like me to take that for the
record, I would be happy to do so.
Senator Graham. I would.
Now, do you believe it is smart for the United States not to have
counterterrorism forces? Is it in our national security interest not to
have any counterterrorism forces in Iraq?
General Dempsey. It is in our national security interest to
continue pressure on al Qaeda wherever we find them either by ourselves
or through partners.
Senator Graham. But do you think the counterterrorism problem in
Iraq is over?
General Dempsey. I do not.
Senator Graham. Secretary Panetta, you have been great about this.
You said there are a thousand al Qaeda in Iraq, and I know in your old
job that you are very worried that they are going to reconstitute. So
will you do the best you can to convince the Iraqis--and I tell you
what. I am willing to get on a plane and go back myself--that they
would benefit from counterterrorism partnership with the United States?
Secretary Panetta. I have made that clear time and time again.
Senator Graham. They just tell you they are not concerned about
Secretary Panetta. What they tell me is that they are concerned
about that. They obviously have their forces that are dealing with
Senator Graham. Is it your testimony the Iraqis would not have
3,000 U.S. Forces? They do not want any U.S. Forces at all. They are
not willing to expend the political capital to get this agreement done
because they just do not see a need for U.S. Forces. Is that the Iraqi
position that they have come to the point in their political military
life that they just do not need us at all?
Secretary Panetta. I think the problem was that it was very
difficult to try to find out exactly--when you say the Iraqi position,
what exactly the Iraqi position was at that point.
Senator Graham. What is the Kurdish position in Iraq about U.S.
Secretary Panetta. Well, I do not think there is any question they
would like to----
Senator Graham. So what is the Sunni speaker of the parliament's
position about U.S. Forces?
Secretary Panetta. I think the same.
Senator Graham. Well, when I was with Prime Minister Maliki in May,
the next day he announced that he would accept a follow-on force if
other parties would agree. So how did this fall apart?
Secretary Panetta. I heard the same statements and read the same
statements. But the problem is in the negotiations that involved the
Ambassador, that involved General Austin, in those discussions they
never came to the point where they said we want this many troops here.
Senator Graham. Well, I can tell you--and I have taken my time. I
can tell you in May they had no number given to them by us. They were
in the dark as late as May about what we were willing to commit to
Iraq. So this is a curious outcome when you got Sunnis and Kurds on the
record and the prime minister of Iraq saying he would accept a follow-
on force if the others agreed. I do not know who does the negotiation
for the United States, but if I had three people saying those things, I
thought I could get it over the finish line. But we are where we are.
Thank you for your service.
Senator Graham. The point, Mr. Chairman, was that the
Iraqis were not saying, ``18,000 too many, 15,000 was too
many.'' That wasn't the exchange.
Did Prime Minister Maliki tell you that he thought 18,000
were too many?
General Austin. No, sir.
Senator Graham. Okay. So, this was coming from the White
House; this is what Chairman Dempsey said, that the numbers
were cascading down, were not because the commanders were
saying, ``I overshot.'' It's because the political people were
saying, ``That's too many,'' and you kept coming down and down;
and at 10,000, I think, you finally said, ``That's the lowest I
can go.'' The cascading effect of the numbers being reduced
were not the Iraqis saying, ``We can't have all that many
troops,'' it was that our own White House--and they have every
right to do this, by the way--was saying, ``We just don't agree
with the commander's recommendation.''
Do you remember that exchange between me and Prime Minister
Maliki, in May, when we were over there, in 2011?
General Austin. I do, sir.
Senator Graham. He turned to me and says, ``Well, how many
troops are''--cause we were asked to go to Iraq--myself,
Senator Lieberman, and Senator McCain--by Secretary Clinton, to
see if we could push the Iraqis to make sure we had legal
protections for our troops. I'm with the President on this; I
wouldn't have one troop in Afghanistan or Iraq without a status
of forces agreement, that he was absolutely right to insist on
that. But, when Prime Minister Maliki said, ``How many are you
going to recommend?'' I turned to you and Ambassador Jeffrey,
and you said, I believe, ``We're still working on that.'' Do
you recall that conversation?
General Austin. Yes, sir, I do.
Senator Graham. Okay.
I was a bit astonished, because it's not that General
Austin didn't know what he needed, it's just nobody would tell
him what they were going to approve.
I just want people to be clear that General Austin always
had a firm view that we needed--18,000 to 20,000 is what he
first said, and I said, ``General Austin, that may be more than
the political market can bear,'' because I'm not insensitive to
the fatigue back here at home. So, you kept putting pen to
paper. I know very well that you were making the best
recommendations you could.
My problem is not with you, General Austin. You put the
numbers to paper, and, at the end of the day, we have none.
I just want to put into the record a load of articles about
Iraq: ``Blood for Oil,'' ``Iraq's Return to Bloodshed,'' ``Why
Kurds Versus Arabs Could Be Iraq's Next Civil War,'' ``Be
Warned, Americans' Withdrawal From Iraq Heralds a World of
Instability.'' I'd like permission to put all these articles
into the record.
Senator Kaine. Without objection, they'll go into the
[The information referred to follows:]
Senator Graham. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I just want everybody to know, General Austin thought long
and hard about a residual force.
Now, do you remember, when you were first getting the job,
taking it over from General O. (Odierno), we had an exchange
where I said, ``In football terms, how would you put us, in
terms of our situation in Iraq in June 2010?'' He said, ``I
think you've--I did, sir. I think we're on the 10 yardline, and
I think that the next 18 months will determine whether we get
to the goal line or give, really, the Iraqis an opportunity to
get to the goal beyond 2011.'' I said, ``We're having a new
quarterback,'' and you said, ``Sir, I'll take the ball.'' You
agreed with me that we were inside the 10, that we needed a
residual force. You talked about the Arab-Kurd conflict. You
told me, in no uncertain terms, ``One of the friction points in
Iraq was at Kirkuk.'' Do you remember that?
General Austin. I do, sir.
Senator Graham. Do you remember the Lions Brigade concept,
where you had Iraqi security forces?
General Austin. I do, sir.
Senator Graham. You had the Peshmerga Brigade, and you had
U.S. Forces, working as a team. I think that may have been your
idea. It was working so well, because the Peshmerga are,
basically, paramilitary forces that are Kurds. Now you see a
shooting war about to erupt, I'm afraid, between the Peshmerga
and the traditional Iraqi Security Forces. You told me that, if
we had about 5,000 people at the Article 140 boundary line, we
could keep tensions down. Do you remember that?
General Austin. I do, sir.
Senator Graham. Do you remember telling me that we were one
perceived slight or insult away from these guys shooting each
other, and we need to have a follow-on force to keep tensions
General Austin. That was my assessment, sir.
Senator Graham. It was a good assessment.
What you see now, Mr. Chairman, is the ``Blood for Oil''
article is a story, last week, about how close they've come to
firing at each other over the oil problems in Kirkuk.
I want to introduce into the record the exchange I had with
General Dempsey, General Odierno, and General Austin, in 2010
and 2011, about what happened in Iraq.
Senator Kaine. Without objection, it will be entered into
the record.
[The information referred to follows:]
Nominations of GEN Raymond T. Odierno, USA, for Reappointment to the
Grade of General and Commander, U.S. Joint Forces Command; and LTG
Lloyd J. Austin III, USA, to be General and Commander, U.S. Forces-Iraq
thursday, june 24, 2010, u.s. senate, committee on armed services,
washington, dc.
Senator Graham. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Congratulations to both of you on the job you have done and the new
jobs you're going to undertake, here.
General O--I always butcher your name, I'm just going to call you
General O--there must be a height requirement for these jobs.
We mentioned yesterday the World Cup is going on and it's fun to
watch, and I'm pulling for the U.S.A., but I have really no idea what
they're doing when they play soccer. So, we're going to talk football.
I think you indicated, we're probably on the 10-yard line when it comes
to Iraq?
General Odierno. I did, Senator. I do think we are on the 10-yard
line. I think the next 18 months will determine whether we get to the
goal line, or really give the Iraqis an opportunity to get the goal
line beyond 2011.
Senator Graham. But, from our national perspective, we're on the
10, and I think you said we probably have four downs? It's first and 10
on the 10, we have a new quarterback coming in.
General Odierno. That's right.
General Austin. I'll take the ball, Senator.
Senator Graham. I couldn't have found a better guy to be the new
Now, the Sons of Iraq, how is that going, General O, in terms of
getting those people integrated in the Iraqi security forces?
General Odierno. We started out with about 103,000 Sons of Iraq.
About 40,000 have been transitioned into other Government of Iraq jobs.
They actually stopped the transition because they were starting to
realize the value in many areas of what they were providing in terms of
intelligence and other things, so they've slowed that down, and they're
now doing some reevaluation of the Sons of Iraq program, and how they
want to transition that.
Senator Graham. Are they still getting paid?
General Odierno. They are.
Senator Graham. One thing that we need to watch for, General
Austin, is you have thousands of young Sunnis that are receiving a
government paycheck, I think it's like $90 a month, is that right?
General Odierno. Three hundred.
Senator Graham. Three hundred? Okay, $300 a month. We have to make
sure that if that pay stops that we have a plan, do you agree with
that, General Austin?
General Austin. I absolutely agree with that, Senator. I was there,
again, in the early days we begin to transition the Sons of Iraq to
working for the government and work along with the Prime Minister to
outline a plan to effectively transition them. I think they've done a
pretty good job, and we need to continue to do that in the future.
Senator Graham. Okay, who's paying? Is that coming from the Iraqi
General Austin. Absolutely.
Senator Graham. Okay.
Now, Article 140 boundary dispute issues, I think there are a
couple of trip wires left in Iraq and one of them that stands out to me
is how do you resolve the Arab-Kurdish conflict in Kirkuk and the
boundary dispute. If you could both give me, maybe, a 30-second
overview of where we're at and what could we do in Congress to help
General Odierno. We have established a tripartite security
architecture in the disputed areas for about 6 months now, and it's
been very successful in reducing tensions. It's Pesh Merga, Iraqi Army
and U.S. Forces manning checkpoints and joint security areas where they
do patrolling in these areas, and it has calmed things down
considerably. The United Nations (U.N.) is now taking on the role of
now mediating the long-term issues of the border issues and the status
of Kirkuk and other issues.
Senator Graham. Do you think that will get resolved for this new
government in a year?
General Odierno. It depends. My guess is, some of that will be
discussed during the governmental formation process. How well that goes
could determine how quickly it could happen. I do believe though, to
solve the whole problem, it will be longer than a year.
Senator Graham. General Austin, do you agree that is one of the big
outstanding issues that the Iraqi people have to resolve?
General Austin. Senator Graham, I absolutely do.
I think that, I would be delighted if it could be resolved in a
year but----
Senator Graham. Probably not.
General Austin. I really believe that it's going to take awhile.
Senator Graham. Do you feel like we have enough resources and focus
to help them get it resolved?
General Austin. I think that we're doing the right things in terms
of working with the government to help them build confidence--bring
about confidence-building measures to bring the two sides closer
together. I think, again, it's encouraging to see that the U.N. is
continuing to try to help, we'll require their help in the future.
Senator Graham. Okay.
General Austin. But this is going to take a lot of work.
Senator Graham. Okay.
The hydrocarbon law. Have you had to pass the hydrocarbon law, is
that right, General O?
General Odierno. That's correct, Senator.
Senator Graham. From my point of view, for what it's worth, is that
until the Iraqis have a statute that divides the oil up between each
group where everybody feels like they're getting the resources of the
country fairly shared, it's going to be a tough go. Do you see a
breakthrough in the hydrocarbon law any time soon?
General Odierno. I think the hydrocarbon law, itself, probably
might not get passed. But, I think there are other alternatives.
Senator Graham. They do it year-by-year, budgeting-wise, don't
General Odierno. Yes, year-by-year, but also they get a revenue
sharing agreement----
Senator Graham. Right.
General Odierno.--I think would be important. I think that's
something that people are looking at now, and I think that would help
We've had some thawing, there was an argument about whether the
Kurdistan Region could develop their own oil, they have solved that
problem. They have now begun to develop that. The Government of Iraq,
the Central Government is helping them, so that's a breakthrough. We're
starting to see small breakthroughs in the overall resolution of this.
But again, there's still work that has to be done in that area.
Senator Graham. The rules of engagement--as I understand it, we're
partnering with the Iraqi security forces, we have right of self-
defense, obviously, but when you make a raid, now, at night, do you
have to get a warrant?
General Odierno. Under the security agreement, all operations must
be warranted.
Senator Graham. Is that working okay?
General Odierno. It is working very well.
Senator Graham. Do you have good confidence in your judicial
system, there are no leaks?
General Odierno. It's not perfect.
Senator Graham. Not perfect.
General Odierno. No system is perfect. But our ability to present
evidence and get warrants, we absolutely have the ability to do that.
That's working well.
Senator Graham. That's very encouraging.
One last question to both of you. General O, we're talking about
the consequences to the United States of winning in Iraq, and I think
they're enormous. Probably a good time now, given Afghanistan and where
we are at in the world--if, for some reason, we didn't make it into the
end zone, what would be the consequences of Iraq failing?
General Austin, if you could tell this committee, what are the one
or two things that keep you up at night when you think about Iraq?
General Odierno. First, if we had a failed state in Iraq, it would
create uncertainty and significant instability, probably, within the
region. Because of the criticality of Iraq, its relationship to Iran,
its relationship to the other Arab states in the region, if it became
unstable, it could create an environment that could continue to
increase the instability. If it becomes unstable and ungoverned, it
opens the area, potentially, for terrorists, in order to allow Iraq to
become a place where terrorism could be exported.
Now, I don't believe we're close to that. I believe we're far away
from that happening. I think we're definitely on the right path. But
those are the kinds of things that would happen if we had a complete
breakdown inside of Iraq.
General Austin. Senator Graham, we will be successful in Iraq, we
will get the ball into the end zone. I believe that because of all of
the great work that our young men and women continue to do on a daily
basis and the commitment of this entire country to accomplishing that
in the right way.
You mentioned the thing that keeps me awake at night, the one thing
that is foremost in my mind is that if their leadership is unable to
transfer power in a peaceful manner, that would create conditions that
would cause us to, perhaps, revert to sectarian behavior and people to
lose confidence in their ability to be properly represented. That is
one of the major things.
But I am confident that, based upon what we've seen thus far, this
peaceful transition will occur. It will just take some time for them to
form a government.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Graham.
Senator Graham. Thank you very, very much.
Now, let's move to Afghanistan. I'm not going to block your
nomination, that's not my intent. But, I do believe it's only
fair to the committee that you go talk to General Allen. Pick
up the phone. I know he's on leave. Do you agree he's one of
the finest officers you've ever served with?
General Austin. He is a fine man, sir. Yes, sir.
Senator Graham. Do you agree with that, General Rodriguez?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir.
Senator Graham. You all have been at this for a very long
time. All of you. I just can't thank you enough. My time's
about to expire, so we'll do a second round.
What I would like you to do--and you can give this to me in
writing--I want you to go talk to General Allen about his
recommendations in Afghanistan, and see if they make sense to
you, because--and I'm not going to reveal this to the
committee--I know, exactly, his bottom line. I know Senator
Ayotte knows his bottom line. I want to find out what's the
proper role of this committee in divulging information, because
I really do believe we have a right to know what commanders are
recommending, as much as the Commander in Chief, because we
fund wars. This idea you can't tell us is something I want to
I'm going to stop now, let my colleagues do a second round.
Would you please go to General Allen and get briefed on his
recommendations--bottom line, top line--and write to me as to
whether or not you think they're sound, before we vote. This
could be done, I think, relatively quick.
[The information referred to follows:]
Senator Graham. Thank you.
Senator Kaine. We'll move to a second round.
I just want to point out that the questions that the
witnesses both answered at the beginning indicated that they
would provide answers unless they had a good-faith reason, in
consultation with the committee, not to provide them. I believe
some of General Austin's answers have kind of been along that
scheme. But, to follow that instruction, and he will come back
to the committee.
Senator Graham. That's it, Mr. Chairman, I----
General Austin. Yes.
Senator Graham. Really, I think we have a right to get
this, but I don't want to put these gentleman in a bad spot.
General Austin. Right.
Senator Graham. That's why I'm going to wait.
Senator Kaine. Either we'll get the answer or a good-faith
description for why you believe certain conversations cannot be
revealed. We'll get one or the other.
We'll move to a second round of questions, with no one here
who has not asked a first round.
I'll go to Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I share Senator Graham's request, and, obviously, would
like to understand, if you can't provide that information, why
that is, because I think that is something important for this
committee to take up, because we have to make decisions on
resources that are very important, and we have an oversight
function. I very much respect the President's function as
Commander in Chief, but this is a very important issue.
We were on the same trip to Afghanistan, and having seen
the conditions on the ground, and having been to a recent
deployment ceremony, I just want to make sure, also, when our
guys are still there, that we have enough people there to
protect the guys and gals we have on the ground. I appreciate
that very much.
I have a question for General Rodriguez. Can you help me
understand what's happening in eastern Libya right now with the
Qaddafi arms cache that was not secured after the NATO activity
in Libya? What is happening with those arms? Where are they
going? What efforts are we making to secure those arms?
General Rodriguez. Yes, ma'am. They had significant arms
caches throughout Libya; and many of them, of course, in
eastern Libya, which is the most unstable part of Libya right
now. The Intelligence Community has assessed that those
continue to move. Many of them have moved southwest, toward the
northern Mali issue, and has increased the capacity of al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb.
The United States and allies have several initiatives to
try to attempt to stem that flow. Most of them are on training
and equipping efforts for both the Libyan army as well as the
Libyan border control people who benefit from some of the
training that we're doing.
Then, the military-to-military relationships and the
coordination that we're doing are all focused to try to get
those under control and limit the ability of that to continue
to migrate away from Libya and into the hands of terrorists.
Senator Ayotte. Just so we understand--when we were on our
trip, we also went to Egypt--those arms are being trafficked
through the Sinai; the arms are going into Syria; they are also
going into Mali and other places, where they're getting in the
wrong hands. That continues, as we sit here today.
General Rodriguez. Yes, ma'am, that continues, again, in
all those directions, that's right. It's not only toward
Africa, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. In eastern Libya right now, we have those
military-to-military relations, but we don't have a position
where the Libyan Government is actually stopping the transfer
of those arms, right now, to the wrong people.
General Rodriguez. Eastern Libya is the most destabilized
place, and the militias--there's no state control of many of
those militias, and that's a challenge that the government is
dealing with right now.
Senator Ayotte. So, we still really need to get much
tougher on these arms. This is a dangerous situation, there
have been reports that some of these arms may include
Manportable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS), correct?
General Rodriguez. Yes, that's correct, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. I hope that, certainly, we need to take
greater action on this, because these arms are very dangerous.
They're getting into the hands of terrorists, and this is
continuing. I look forward to supporting you and the
administration to take whatever steps need to be taken to make
sure that happens.
I would also point out that I believe that this is one of
the reasons when we think about the concept of a light
footprint, and we're engaged in an area, that those arms should
have been secured right following our involvement so that we
weren't in the situation where we're chasing them around,
trying to get them from dangerous individuals, who are then
using it to attack us and our allies.
General Rodriguez. Yes, ma'am.
Senator Kaine. General Austin, General Rodriguez, a quick
question. Would you agree with me that the number of troops in
any theater is not an end, but it is a means to an end, a means
to accomplishing a defined mission?
General Rodriguez. Yes, sir.
General Austin. Yes, sir.
Senator Kaine. If you are each confirmed in your positions,
do you agree that, at any time, if you think that the number of
troops assigned, or the number of troops you're dealing with,
is not sufficient to accomplish the end that you are charged
with accomplishing, that you'll share that concern, under
appropriate channels, with your colleagues and superiors?
General Rodriguez. I will, sir.
General Austin. I will.
Senator Kaine. All right.
Senator Graham.
Senator Graham. If we told both of you that you're the only
two soldiers left in Afghanistan, you would stay and fight to
the end, wouldn't you?
General Austin. If there's work to be done, Senator, I
Senator Graham. Would you also tell us, ``We have a high
opinion of ourselves, but the chance of success would be pretty
General Austin. That's correct.
Senator Graham. Okay. What I want to know is, do you agree
with me, General Austin, the last card to play in Afghanistan
is the residual follow-on force, in terms of our presence of
``closing the deal''? This is a very important decision to
General Austin. Yes, sir, I would.
Senator Graham. Okay. I appreciate that very much.
Senator Kaine, you're absolutely right about numbers, but
General Austin, is Iran watching what we're doing in the
General Austin. They clearly are, sir.
Senator Graham. Do you agree with that, General Rodriguez?
General Rodriguez. Sir, everybody's watching what we're
Senator Graham. Okay. If Syria is deteriorating--and we
seem to be leading from behind there--if Iraq is deteriorating,
and we pick a number in Afghanistan that makes it a high
likelihood of failure, that would be sending the wrong signals,
do you agree, to the Iranians, if what I say is true?
General Austin. I would, sir, I would agree with that.
Senator Graham. Okay. If you had a recommendation of 8,000
troops in 2014, by 2017 we would be down to 1,000, don't you
think the enemy would be focusing on the 1,000, not the 8,000?
General Austin. I clearly think that they would, sir. I
think that would----
Senator Graham. Yes. I think that everybody would be
focusing on the low number, not the high number.
I don't know what the numbers are going to be, but I do
want to say this to the administration. I know the war is
unpopular. I want to end it well. Like Senator Levin, I think
we can be successful in Afghanistan. The key is their security
forces. But, we have to have enough capability to keep them
moving forward. I know the number General Allen picked.
NATO will not stay, in any numbers, if we have 1,000
troops. Do you agree with that? No NATO nation's going to get
to our right.
General Austin. That's my assessment, yes.
Senator Graham. I'll wrap this up, Mr. Chairman, by saying
that--I'll make some of my questions in writing--I believe
we're at a pivotal moment in the war in Afghanistan, that NATO
is not going to stay unless we show a willingness to stay
beyond Kabul itself, and that the enemy will look at the bottom
number, not the top number. But, if the President will follow
General Allen's recommendations, within reason--and he's the
President, not me; he has every right to pick the number; every
military commander agrees with it, and I agree with that--but,
as a member of the opposition party, and as somebody who cares
about this, I will either stand with him or lodge my
objections. I just want the administration to know that, if
they can leave a sufficient force behind, beginning in 2014--
and it can be as low as 9,000 or 10,000--that I will stand with
them, that I will keep funding the Afghan army, that I want
this to turn out well. I know it won't be popular at home, but
it's the right thing to do. I do want the administration to
know, they have every right to make this decision, but if they
overrule the commanders and create a force that cannot, in my
view, be successful, I cannot, in good conscience, vote to
continue this operation.
Mr. Chairman, I can't think of a worse outcome for America
than for us to lose in Afghanistan after a dozen years of
fighting, bleeding, hundreds of billions of dollars. That's the
place we were attacked from. How do you win in Pakistan if you
lose in Afghanistan?
Mr. Chairman, I will end with this thought. If we don't get
this residual force right to continue the momentum, Afghanistan
will fall apart quicker than Iraq, and all hell is going to
break out.
Thank you very much.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator.
A third round of questions, also 3 minutes.
Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. General Rodriguez, would you consider Boco
Haram a terrorist organization?
General Rodriguez. Senator, Boco Haram has committed some
acts that can be associated with terrorism. That's a policy
decision that has to be made. If confirmed, I'll study that
issue and make my recommendations on whether it gets classified
as a terrorist organization, or not, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. I would very much like your opinion, given
some of their activities, including a car bomb attack against
the United Nations headquarters.
General Rodriguez. Yes, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. I would certainly appreciate your opinion
on that.
[The information referred to follows:]
Boco Haram has committed some acts that can be associated with
terrorism. Designating Boco Haram as a terrorist organization is a
policy decision. I will study this issue and make my recommendation on
whether Boco Haram should be classified as a terrorist organization.
Senator Ayotte. Also, General Rodriguez, in thinking about
what happened in the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi, from
your assessment--and obviously, you'll be taking over that area
of responsibility, and you and I have talked about it--what are
some of the lessons learned, do you think, from that?
General Rodriguez. Ma'am, lessons learned, that both DOD
and the Department of State are taken on as the gaps that were
created--or were there, in intelligence--that didn't provide
the sufficient indication or warnings for us to be able to
respond properly. The security decisions that get made by the
Department of State have to be well informed by the Department
of Defense, so we need to do some closer cooperation there.
Then, the response forces that are available to the
combatant commanders need to be continually looked at and
appropriate for the situations that are out there throughout
the region.
Senator Ayotte. You talked about the forces that would be--
as I understand it, going to Stuttgart, that we would have in
place, that we didn't previously have in place--but, how's that
response time, though, when you think about it? Because we're
not going to be Djibouti or Aviano--and also, thinking about
the air assets; will we have any AC-130s or anything that, if
we had to go to that area again to respond--how would we handle
General Rodriguez. Yes, ma'am. I think that, again, we'll--
if confirmed, place those requirements on the Department of
Defense. Again, they'll have to make some risk decisions, based
on the situation across the combatant command's area of
responsibility, where to put those. The best we can do is to
make sure everybody understands the risk that they're
incurring, so we can make good decisions on where to keep our
people and where not to keep our people.
Senator Ayotte. I look forward to continuing to--as you're
confirmed, to work with you on that. I think that's a challenge
that we face in that area, and particularly with what we talked
about, with the arms that are still flowing in that area, that
are very dangerous, to a whole host of areas that are getting
in the wrong hands of al Qaeda and other terrorist
General Rodriguez. Yes, ma'am.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Senator Ayotte.
I return the gavel to Chairman Levin.
Chairman Levin [presiding]. Thank you so much.
I very much appreciate, Senator Kaine, your taking over the
gavel this morning.
Just a few questions, if they haven't already been asked. I
was trying to catch up to what questions were being asked.
General Austin, in your judgment, are the Afghan security
forces on track to assume the lead responsibility for security
in Afghanistan, starting this spring?
General Austin. My judgment's based upon my interaction
with the commanders in the field. I was just recently in
Afghanistan--during the Thanksgiving holiday--and, as I went
around the country, the commanders that I talked to felt that
the Afghans had developed significant capability, and were in
the lead, in many cases, throughout the country. They were
hopeful and very positive about where they were, and very
hopeful that things would continue in the right direction.
Based upon that assessment, I think the Afghans will be
capable of taking the lead in the prescribed timeline.
Chairman Levin. When Senator Jack Reed and I traveled to
Afghanistan in January, we heard, from our military commanders,
that the Afghan National Security Forces are in the lead
already in the vast majority of operations and in the very
challenging Regional Command East, that Afghan security forces
were conducting operations by themselves in 87 percent of the
operation. Have you heard that figure? If not, would that not
be a very reassuring fact?
General Austin. Sir, I've heard similar reports, and it is,
indeed, reassuring. Again, I talk to both brigade commanders in
that area and also the division commander, and they were very
positive about the performance of the Afghan security forces.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
One more question on Afghanistan, and that's a subject
which I've gotten into repeatedly, and Senator Graham and I
have worked together to make the same point, and that has to do
with the future size of Afghan security forces. The current
proposal is to reduce the size of the National Security Forces
in Afghanistan by about a third after 2014, from 352,000 down
to approximately 230,000. I believe it sends the wrong signal
to the Afghans to do that. They are looking for reassurance
that the United States and our allies are committed to an
enduring relationship with Afghanistan. We wrote the President
again last year--Senator Graham, Senator McCain, Senator
Lieberman, myself--to convey that point. At the time when we
are drawing down our troops, it is the wrong message to be
drawing down or suggesting the drawdown of Afghan forces from
their current level to a significantly lower level.
I'm wondering, General Austin, whether or not you feel that
we should keep the Afghan security forces at the 352,000 level
beyond 2014.
General Austin. Sir, I think keeping the larger-sized force
would certainly, as you pointed out, reassure the Afghans. It
would also reassure our NATO allies that we remain committed.
In addition to that, sir, I think a larger Afghan force
would help to hedge against any future Taliban mischief. You
could reasonably expect that an enemy that's been that
determined, that agile, will very soon, after we transition,
begin to try to test the Afghan security forces. Further, I
think that size of a force provides additional capability to
allow the political processes to mature a bit. I think, because
of that, it seems to me that a larger force would be of
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Just one question for you, General Rodriguez, and this has
to do with the in-extremis force that is desirable, and other
contingency response forces that would be useful, to put the
AFRICOM commander in a stronger position to respond to
contingencies such as we saw in Benghazi. If you've not been
asked that question, can you tell us whether you would look for
ways to find the greater capability to provide contingency
response forces, beyond what they currently are, and were, in
the case of the Benghazi matter?
General Rodriguez. Yes, Senator, I would. If confirmed,
that will be one of the top priorities I have, and I'll report
back to the committee on that. They've already made some
significant improvements in that, and we have to continue to do
Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Thank you both. We look forward to your confirmation.
Again, I want to thank Senator Kaine for taking over this
morning. It's very much appreciated.
General Rodriguez. Thank you, sir.
Chairman Levin. We will stand adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 12:05 p.m., the committee adjourned.]
[Prepared questions submitted to GEN Lloyd J. Austin III,
USA, by Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers
supplied follow:]
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and the Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and clearly delineated the operational chain
of command and the responsibilities and authorities of the combatant
commanders, and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They have also clarified the responsibility of the military departments
to recruit, organize, train, equip, and maintain forces for assignment
to the combatant commanders.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater-Nichols Act
Answer. The Department has made great progress in the joint arena
since the enactment of Goldwater-Nichols. The Services and Joint
competencies have proven their effectiveness and capabilities in more
than a decade of war. While there is no room for complacency, I don't
believe there is a need for any major modifications to the act.
Question. If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to
address in these modifications?
Answer. I do not believe there is a need for any major
modifications to the Goldwater-Nichols Act. Beyond the Act, however,
Congress may want to look at ways to increase integration of non-
military agencies in appropriate training and force readiness
environments in order to build a more effective whole-of-government
approach to crisis prevention and resolution.
Question. Section 162(b) of title 10, U.S.C., provides that the
chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense,
and from the Secretary of Defense to the combatant commands. Other
sections of law and traditional practice, however, establish important
relationships outside the chain of command. Please describe your
understanding of the relationship of the Commander, U.S. Central
Command (CENTCOM), to the following officials:
The Secretary of Defense.
Answer. Subject to direction from the President, the Commander,
CENTCOM performs duties under the authority, direction and control of
the Secretary of Defense. In addition, the Commander, CENTCOM is
responsible to the Secretary of Defense for the preparedness of the
command to carry out its missions.
Question. The Under Secretaries of Defense.
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM coordinates and exchanges information
with the Under Secretaries of Defense as needed to set and meet CENTCOM
priorities and requirements for support.
Question. The Assistant Secretaries of Defense.
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM coordinates and exchanges information
with the Assistant Secretaries of Defense as needed to set and meet
CENTCOM priorities and requirements for support.
Question. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Answer. The Chairman is the principal military advisor to the
President, National Security Council and the Secretary of Defense.
Section 163 of title 10, U.S. Code, allows communication between the
President or the Secretary of Defense and the combatant commanders to
flow through the Chairman. As is custom and traditional practice, and
as instructed by the Unified Command Plan, I would communicate with the
Secretary through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I
anticipate a close dialogue with the Chairman on all significant
I would communicate and coordinate with the Vice Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff as required and in the absence of the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Question. The Service Secretaries and Service Chiefs.
Answer. The Secretaries of the Military Departments are responsible
for the administration and support of forces assigned to the combatant
commands. Commander, CENTCOM coordinates closely with the Secretaries
to ensure that requirements to organize, train, and equip forces for
CENTCOM are met.
Commander, CENTCOM communicates and exchanges information directly
with the Service Chiefs to facilitate their responsibility for
organizing, training and equipping forces. Successful execution of the
CENTCOM mission responsibilities requires close coordination with the
Service Chiefs. If confirmed, I intend to work closely with the Service
Chiefs to understand the capabilities of their Services to clearly
communicate to them the CENTCOM theater's requirements and to ensure
effective employment of the Services' capabilities in the joint and
coalition execution of the CENTCOM mission.
Question. Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command.
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM maintains a unique relationship with
Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, due to the volume of
collaboration required to successfully execute missions within the area
of responsibility. Our relationship, like those with other combatant
commanders, is critical to the execution of our National Military
Strategy and characterized by mutual support, frequent contact and
productive exchanges of information on key issues.
Question. The other combatant commanders.
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM maintains a close relationship with
other geographic and functional combatant commanders. These
relationships are critical to the execution of our National Military
Strategy and are characterized by mutual support, frequent contact and
productive exchanges of information on key issues.
Question. Commander, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghanistan/Commander,
U.S. Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A).
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM maintains operational control (OPCON)
over U.S. Forces assigned to NATO-ISAF in his role as the Commander,
USFOR-A, which is CENTCOM's current main effort and top priority for
mission support. For forces further assigned from USFOR-A to NATO-ISAF,
this OPCON authority is largely transferred to Joint Forces Command
Brunssum and Supreme Allied Commander Europe as ``NATO-OPCOM''. Thus
mission direction for NATO-ISAF is a shared responsibility between
CENTCOM and SACEUR chains of command. For this reason we moderate any
interactions with Commander NATO-ISAF by close coordination with
Commander JFC Brunssum and SACEUR.
Question. The respective U.S. Chiefs of Mission within the CENTCOM
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM maintains a close working relationship
with all U.S. Ambassadors to countries in the CENTCOM region. We
coordinate carefully to ensure that operational and security
cooperation activities remain consistent with each Ambassador's
priorities and Mission Strategic Plan as needed to ensure unity of
effort between U.S. military and other U.S. Government activities in
the CENTCOM region.
Question. The respective U.S. Senior Defense Officials/Defense
Attaches (SDO/DATT).
Answer. Commander, CENTCOM is in the rating scheme for Defense
Attaches and maintains close relationships and coordination with Senior
Defense Officials. The commander relies on the SDOs to provide the
information necessary to ensure that CENTCOM's security cooperation
activities stay in-step with each Ambassador's priorities and Mission
Strategic Plan.
Question. If confirmed, you will be entering this important
position at a critical time for CENTCOM.
What background and experience do you have that you believe
qualifies you for this position?
Answer. Over the course of my 37-plus years serving in the U.S.
military, I have commanded at every level, to include at the Corps and
Theater levels. I spent much of the past decade commanding forces
throughout the CENTCOM region. At the two-star level, I commanded 10th
Mountain Division and Task Force-180 in Afghanistan. At the three-star
level, I commanded Multi-National Corps-Iraq. Most recently, as
Commander of U.S. Forces-Iraq, I commanded all forces in that country
and oversaw the successful transfer of responsibilities to the Iraqi
Security Forces and U.S. State Department representatives, as well as
the transition of military forces and equipment out of Iraq. I have
worked closely with partners from across the Interagency and have
existing relationships with civil and military leaders throughout the
CENTCOM AOR. My past experiences have afforded me an in-depth
understanding of the nuanced challenges and opportunities that exist in
that region of the world. I also served previously as Director of the
Joint Staff and as CENTCOM Chief of Staff. These experiences have
provided me with an understanding of the command as well as some of the
relationships and processes that exist at the highest levels.
major challenges and opportunities
Question. If confirmed as the Commander of CENTCOM, you will be
responsible for all military operations in the CENTCOM area of
In your view, what are the major challenges and opportunities that
would confront you if you are confirmed as the next Commander of
Answer. The Middle East represents an extremely complex and dynamic
environment. Ethnic, sectarian and ideology-based conflicts are
continuing to play out within countries and between countries across
the region. Challenges abound; as do opportunities. Among the many
challenges we are faced with is the significant threat posed by violent
extremist organizations. Our priorities in the near-term are: (1)
Afghanistan--we must continue to support the mission, with some 66,000
servicemembers still serving in country; (2) Iran--we want to see a
non-nuclear Iran that respects its neighbors; (3) Syria--we would like
to see an end to the civil war and a stable government; and (4) The
broader Middle East--we want a region where stability and security
prevails; we want the conditions set to allow for economic growth and
opportunity; and, representative government that is underpinned by rule
of law. In general, we want a region where all States play a
constructive role in managing and maintaining stability. Our key
opportunities lie in the domain of collective security and building
regional partners' security capacities. Many of our partners in the
region have shown interest and made steady progress to date in taking
on their share of regional security. We will continue to encourage this
interest and capacity building across the region.
Question. If confirmed, what plans do you have for addressing these
challenges and opportunities?
Answer. I will address these challenges and opportunities using
four principle levers: military-to-military engagements, plans and
operations, security cooperation programs, and posture and presence.
CENTCOM will employ these levers always focused on working by, with and
through our partners to the greatest extent allowable to bolster
regional security and promote stability. Military-to-military
engagements lay the foundation for and bolster our broader diplomatic
and political relationships. It is often the bedrock of the
relationship and affords us the trust necessary to dialogue quietly
about contentious issues. Plans and operations are developed and
executed in conjunction with our fellow combatant commands, interagency
organizations and international partners as necessary to address
developing contingency and crisis situations. Security Cooperation
Programs build partner capacity as the responsible way to reduce U.S.
presence in the region and effectively support their ability to carry
more of the region's security burden. Posture and presence in the
future will be leaner but supported by a base infrastructure that
enables rapid reinforcement.
Question. One challenge with which you may have to deal, if
confirmed, is the impact of the combination of sequestration and the
Continuing Resolution on the ability of the Military Services to meet
the demands of the combatant commanders as well as the execution of
your operating budget. Admiral Winnefeld, the Vice Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff was recently quoted as saying, ``We are taking a
very close look at how we `appetite suppress' some of the demand
signals that are out there,'' he said. ``We find that there are some
forces out there in the world today that have been asked for and have
been provided to (combatant commanders) that might be servicing a lower
level of interest.''
What is your understanding and assessment of the impact of pending
Defense budget cuts to CENTCOM's operational planning, requests for
forces, and operating budgets? If confirmed, how would you prioritize
the use of available funds?
Answer. All Service Chiefs have been clear and consistent in saying
that sequestration will have devastating impacts on operations. That
said, they've also been clear in stating that they will continue to
support the ongoing operations in Afghanistan, first and foremost. But,
there is shared concern about the impact of cuts on the readiness of
forces responding to emerging contingencies. If confirmed, I will
continue to work closely with the Military Service components to
address any concerns they have with meeting our high priority
operational requirements. I will also defend the authorities which
support our strategic partnerships which are vital to our ability to
promote regional security and stability throughout the region.
Question. In your opinion, what are your considerations or
alternatives if an adequate aircraft carrier presence in the Gulf
cannot be sustained by the Navy beyond March 2013?
Answer. The prudent measure is to maintain continuous aircraft
presence in the Arabian Gulf region, with two carriers in assessed
periods of heightened risk. Maintaining a credible naval force in the
region covered by sufficient aviation combat power is essential for
demonstrating an enduring commitment to regional partners, building
trust and relationships, and the rapid projection of power in a crisis.
While naval and air component commanders continue to work alternative
strategies to deliver combat power in the Arabian Gulf from a single
carrier positioned outside of the Gulf, these alternatives are
predicated upon uninterrupted access to overseas bases and facilities.
Question. If sequestration were to occur, what would be your
assessment of the level of risk to the U.S. national security
objectives in the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. Sequestration would significantly increase the risk to
ongoing missions in the CENTCOM AOR. Certainly we can expect that if
sequestration occurs those units that are required to address emerging
challenges will be less ready than in the past or have less capability.
While the effects of sequestration will negatively impact all of the
services and combatant commanders, sequestration will arguably have the
greatest operational impact on the CENTCOM AOR due to geography, the
pace of ongoing combat operations and the likelihood of numerous
defense strategic guidance
Question. The Defense Strategic Guidance, ``Sustaining U.S. Global
Leadership: Priorities for the 21st Century Defense'', announced by
President Obama on January 5, 2012, includes, among other things, the
intention of the administration and the Pentagon to ``rebalance toward
the Asia-Pacific region.'' In his associated remarks, Secretary Panetta
explained that the ``U.S. military will increase its institutional
weight and focus on enhanced presence, power projection, and deterrence
in Asia-Pacific. . . . At the same time, the United States will place a
premium in maintaining our military presence and capabilities in the
broader Middle East.''
What do you anticipate will be the impact of this guidance on the
operations and activities of CENTCOM?
Answer. The guidance does increase emphasis on the Asia-Pacific
region while enhancing U.S. technological capabilities in the PACOM
area of responsibility (AOR). However, our Defense Strategic Guidance
reflects a global strategy. The world we live in remains complex and
extremely volatile. In fact, much of the instability resides in the
CENTCOM AOR where significant challenges persist. While I understand
that in an era of constrained resources we must prioritize; the
combatant commander is responsible for ensuring that, at all times, the
command is postured to protect vital national interests in the region.
If confirmed, I will continue to assess conditions in the CENTCOM AOR
and request the resources required to sustain operations.
readiness of forces
Question. What is your assessment of the readiness of U.S. Forces
that have been deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom?
Answer. Our forces are the best-trained, best-equipped, and most
experienced in our Nation's history; and, that includes forces deployed
to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Pre-
deployment training at the various joint training centers provides
tailored counterinsurgency scenarios and incorporates up-to-the-minute
lessons learned from troops on the ground in Afghanistan. I have worked
hard in my current position as Vice Chief of Staff of the Army to
ensure that all levels of command are appropriately focused on ensuring
the continued and future readiness of U.S. Forces in theater.
Question. Have you observed any significant trends in or apparent
gaps with respect to personnel, equipment, or training readiness in
units as they deploy to or upon their arrival in Afghanistan?
Answer. No. Overall, the readiness of units arriving in the AOR has
been high and the Services have done well preparing units to deploy.
Where issues have arisen, the Services have been adaptive and they have
routinely incorporated feedback from theater thereby making necessary
adjustments in force preparations.
Question. What are your views, if any, on the growing debate over
whether U.S. Forces are putting too much emphasis on preparing for
counterinsurgency and irregular warfare operations or too little
emphasis on preparing for high intensity force-on-force conflict and
full spectrum operations?
Answer. This debate reflects how the U.S. military has adapted over
the past decade-plus of war. Army doctrine reflects this adaptation,
stating that our formations must be capable of performing unified land
operations across a broad range of operations: offense, defense,
stability, and defense support to civil authorities. There is a
recurring dialogue between commanders at all echelons to ensure that
there is a shared understanding of the essential tasks that must be
trained. The commanders' assessment of the situation, mission, time,
and resources drives how commanders execute unit training and
preparation. Ultimately, this is a dynamic process. It is at the heart
of the military's efforts to build and sustain readiness, and it
ensures that our formations are capable of accomplishing the mission
across the full range of operations.
Question. What is your opinion on adding a third maneuver battalion
to the Brigade Combat Team structure?
Answer. The addition of the third maneuver battalion will greatly
enhance the depth, versatility and combat capability of our Brigade
Combat Teams (BCT). Analysis shows that the redesigned BCT will provide
equal capacity to meet combat commander demand while providing a more
robust formation at the point of decision. The three battalion design
is more lethal, survivable and flexible. Importantly, it also increases
the commander's options as the formations execute operations across the
full range of military operations. Ultimately, the addition of the
third maneuver battalion is a key development for the Army as it
transitions from current fight and postures for the next conflict.
afghanistan counterinsurgency strategy
Question. Do you support the counterinsurgency strategy for
Answer. Yes, I support the current approach of: (1) building Afghan
National Security Forces (ANSF) capacity; (2) countering violent
extremist organizations; and (3) setting conditions for final transfer
to ANSF control and change of mission by the end of December 2014.
Question. If confirmed, are there changes you would recommend to
the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan?
Answer. The current strategy is showing progress; and, I have every
confidence in the commanders leading the effort. That said, if
confirmed, I will continually assess the situation on the ground,
consult with U.S. leaders, partners, regional leaders and NATO
commanders and provide my best military advice on this matter to my
chain of command. I will also follow up with the members of this
committee, as requested.
Question. What is your assessment of the progress of the campaign
in Afghanistan?
Answer. Efforts to counter the insurgency and prevent terrorist
safe havens have been and remain effective. Coalition operations have
continued to focus on degrading insurgent networks while building the
capacity of our ANSF partners to maintain security. We were largely
successful during the 2012 fighting season and we met our campaign
objective to force the enemy out of population centers. We continue to
transition the responsibility for security to the ANSF and we have seen
a decrease in violence in areas under ANSF responsibility. That being
said, challenges remain--particularly in areas along the border with
Pakistan and areas in southern Afghanistan where the Taliban continues
to operate. There also remain the dual challenges of narcotics and
corruption that threaten long-term stability. Afghanistan's nascent
government and upcoming elections scheduled for 2014 also pose
significant challenges with respect to maintaining the gains achieved
in recent years.
security transition in afghanistan
Question. President Obama and Afghan President Karzai recently
announced that the transition to an Afghan lead for security throughout
Afghanistan will occur this spring, a few months ahead of schedule. As
part of the ongoing transition, coalition forces are shifting
increasingly to an advise-and-assist mission but will continue to
support Afghan security forces until the International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) mission concludes by no later than the end of
Do you support the announced transition of the security lead to
Afghan security forces throughout Afghanistan by this spring?
Answer. Yes, I support plans for ANSF assuming the lead for
security across all of Afghanistan by mid-2013, as agreed to at the
Chicago NATO Summit in May 2012. The current security situation and
capability of ANSF supports continued adherence to the transition plan.
Afghans have already assumed the lead through much of the country and
have validated NATO's incremental decisions to make these transfers.
That said, we will certainly incorporate lessons learned from our
experiences in Iraq. Among them we recognize that ISAF will be called
upon to provide critical enablers and advisory support to the ANSF as
they assume the lead for security operations. ISAF will also be
required to maintain sufficient combat power to respond to
contingencies and conduct operations alongside the ANSF.
Question. Do you support the shift in the mission of coalition
forces to an increasingly advise-and-assist role in support of Afghan
security forces?
Answer. Yes. The current situation supports the shift to an advise-
and-assist mission in support of ANSF. If confirmed, I will monitor
changing conditions and dialogue with commanders, regional leaders and
partners to ensure the situation supports the employment of general
purpose forces in a Security Force Assistance (SFA) role. Balanced SFA
enables ISAF to provide tailored forces that support sustainable
development of the ANSF as they move into the lead, as well as special
and general purpose forces to support developing Afghan Army and Police
operations through 2014. The ultimate aim is to build ANSF capacity and
set conditions for them to assume lead for the security of their
country. Much like in Iraq, as the ANSF capabilities and capacity
improve, coalition forces will provide less frequent training and
advice at the lower levels and focus efforts at the higher echelons to
better integrate our enabler support.
Question. Do you agree that the success of the mission in
Afghanistan depends on having Afghan security forces, rather than
coalition forces, taking the lead for security and conducting
unilateral operations to the maximum extent?
Answer. Yes. History has shown that indigenous forces are best
suited to assume lead responsibility for the security of their country.
A great deal of the country has already transitioned to ANSF in the
lead, and we have seen low levels of violence in these transitioned
areas. ISAF will continue to provide critical enablers and advisory
support to ANSF formations as they assume lead responsibilities.
Question. What is your assessment of the capacity and performance
of the Afghan security forces in assuming the lead for security in
areas designated for transition, including in contested areas?
Answer. Over the past several years, we have helped grow the ANSF
into a force that will eventually reach 352,000. The ANSF is steadily
improving in military capability and professionalism. There is still
work to be done before they will be self-sufficient and capable of
providing sustainable security for the long term. However, the ANSF is
on track to assume full security responsibility across Afghanistan by
the end of 2014. During 2012, the Afghan National Army demonstrated
their ability to plan, conduct and sustain large-scale operations.
Their combat enabler capabilities are still developing due to late
fielding, but they are improving in their ability to conduct fire
support, rotary wing support and even limited medical evacuation.
Question. Do you believe that a responsible transition of the
mission for U.S. Forces in Afghanistan from combat to a support role
should be based on conditions on the ground in Afghanistan?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will work closely with leaders in
theater, to include General Dunford, to assess the conditions on the
ground and provide my best military advice with respect to the
transition of mission to my chain of command.
Question. Under the current conditions in Afghanistan, would you
support making such a transition by no later than the end of 2014?
Answer. I support the current plan to complete the transition by
the end of 2014, per the President's policy. If confirmed, I will
continue to assess the situation, along with the leaders on the ground,
and provide my best military advice on the timeline and related
transition requirements.
Question. What conditions, if any, would drive you to recommend to
the President to not transition from a combat to a support role?
Answer. We are transitioning from leading partnered
counterinsurgency operations to providing Security Force Assistance
through training, advising and assisting the ANSF based on the current
assessment of conditions on the ground. A number of factors were
considered when making the decision on pace and course of our
transition efforts. Indeed, it would be difficult to name a single
factor that would drive a commander to recommend a change to the
current plan. If confirmed, I will continue to assess conditions on the
ground and provide my best military advice to my chain of command.
draw down of u.s. forces in afghanistan
Question. In September 2012 the drawdown of the 33,000 U.S. surge
force in Afghanistan was completed, bringing U.S. troop levels down to
approximately 68,000. President Obama recently reaffirmed his pledge to
continue the drawdown of U.S. Forces from Afghanistan at a steady pace.
He also stated he would soon announce the next phase of the U.S.
drawdown based on the recommendations of the ISAF Commander and other
commanders on the ground in Afghanistan.
What is your understanding of the missions to be conducted by any
residual U.S. Force that may remain in Afghanistan after 2014?
Answer. My understanding of the missions to be conducted by
residual U.S. Forces remaining in Afghanistan after 2014 will be
counterterrorism; train, advise, and assist the ANSF; and provide
support to Department of State civilian missions. Most importantly,
force protection is inherent in everything we do in theater.
Question. In your current position as Vice Chief of Staff of the
Army, have you provided any recommendations on the size and missions of
any residual U.S. Force that may remain in Afghanistan after 2014?
Answer. No.
Question. Based on your experience as the Vice Chief of Staff of
the Army and your experience in the Iraq drawdown, what missions and
force size do you recommend for a residual U.S. Force in post-2014
Answer. I am not currently in a position to provide such a
recommendation. I would defer to the current CENTCOM commander and the
commander on the ground to provide their recommendations.
Question. In your view, how should the requirement to provide force
protection for our troops be taken into consideration in any decision
on the size of a residual U.S. Force in Afghanistan post-2014?
Answer. Force protection is an inherent part of everything we do
and therefore must be included in the planning effort.
Question. How does the early transition to Afghan lead for security
announced by Presidents Obama and Karzai impact our mission and
objectives for the 2013 and 2014 fighting seasons?
Answer. The transition is and has always been conditions and
capability based. The early transition announcements reflect the
improving security situation in Afghanistan and ANSF's capabilities to
assume the lead and should have no impact on our mission objectives.
Question. What force structure do you think is appropriate for the
2013 and 2014 fighting seasons?
Answer. If confirmed, I will assess the force structure
capabilities and capacities that we will maintain over the next 2 years
to ensure they continue to meet our objectives. We will transition to
full security lead by the Afghans in the spring and we will need to
ensure that we have set the proper conditions for successful elections
in 2014. We will also need to ensure that we have the proper forces to
smoothly transition to the train, advise and assist mission by December
Question. What, in your view, should be the pace of reductions in
U.S. Forces during each of 2013 and 2014?
Answer. This is an operational maneuver. As such, the pace of
reductions should be based on the commander's assessment, the enemy
situation, conditions on the ground, to include ANSF capabilities, and
mission requirements in order to maintain the campaign's momentum and
to avoid jeopardizing the gains we have made. At the same time, we must
be clear that we will not abandon Afghanistan. This is a decisive time
in the country's history and decisions we make now regarding degrees of
support, how the U.S. drawdown proceeds, to include the preservation of
enablers in terms of logistics, medical evacuation, communications, and
air support will be essential for our partners.
logistical challenges
Question. What is your assessment of the speed and reliability of
logistical convoys through the Pakistan Ground Lines of Communication
(GLOC) to support our forces in Afghanistan?
Answer. Movement in Pakistan is subject to a number of recurring
challenges including environmental conditions, political factors and
the ongoing security situation. We have cleared out nearly all cargo
previously stranded in Pakistan as a result of the closure that began
in November of 2011, and we recently commenced test shipments of new
cargo. We anticipate challenges as the Government of Pakistan (GOP)
struggles internally to implement new transit processes that were
agreed to during 2012. The GOP appears committed to resolving these
issues and facilitating successful, sustained cargo movement. It is our
intent to use the PAK GLOC consistent with route capacities, GOP
capabilities, the security situation, and environmental conditions.
Question. In your view, what improvements, if any, need to be made
in light of the logistical throughput rate of the Pakistan GLOC?
Answer. The current proven capacity of the PAK GLOC will support
the volumes that we anticipate being shipped via Pakistan.
Infrastructure improvements are not required to support anticipated
volumes, but may provide a positive impact supporting longer term
nation building, transit and trade in the region.
Question. To what extent has CENTCOM developed a common operating
picture to improve its processes for tracking equipment and supplies in
CENTCOM leverages both automated systems of record and manual
reporting processes to obtain a common picture of equipment and
supplies in Afghanistan. In addition, CENTCOM is partnering with the
Joint Staff and U.S. Transportation Command (TRANSCOM) to develop a
common operating picture to track the end-to-end retrograde process.
Question. General Austin, you served as the Commanding General of
U.S. Forces-Iraq during the withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq
consistent with the 31 December 2011 deadline in the U.S.-Iraq Security
Taking into account your experience in Iraq, what are the biggest
risks and mitigation strategies associated with drawing down U.S.
Forces from Afghanistan and retrograding military equipment to the
United States?
Answer. The geographic and topographic complexities of Afghanistan
will make the retrograde of materiel and personnel very challenging.
The largest risk to retrograde operations is the threat of disruption
to PAK GLOC and the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) operations. To
mitigate this risk, the CENTCOM Materiel Recovery Element (CMRE) was
established to increase both volume and velocity of retrograde efforts.
Transition and retrograde will also need to be conducted while
contending with an able and determined enemy. As the size of our
footprint shrinks, force protection and availability of enablers will
increase in importance.
Question. How do you intend to address any conflicts between the
objectives of mission accomplishment in the 2013 and 2014 fighting
seasons and the logistical challenge of drawing down forces and
retrograding military equipment?
Answer. The accomplishment of our mission in 2013 and 2014 fighting
seasons will be inextricably linked to the imperative of drawing down
forces and retrograding equipment. The drawdown and retrograde are in
themselves significant military operations that must be fully nested
within the ground tactical plan and plans for operational maneuver.
Fighting season considerations, force levels and retrograde actions
cannot be considered in isolation. The ground commander must plan
operations, assess risk and mitigate conflicts as a whole to ensure all
efforts within theater are nested and synchronized.
status of forces agreement for afghanistan
Question. As called for in the Enduring Strategic Partnership
Agreement signed in May, the United States and Afghanistan are holding
talks on a Bilateral Security Agreement, which will provide essential
protections for any limited U.S. military presence in Afghanistan after
Do you agree that it is essential that any status of forces
agreement for U.S. military forces in Afghanistan after 2014 provide
immunity for U.S. troops from prosecution in Afghan courts?
Answer. Yes. Exclusive jurisdiction is an essential requirement.
Question. If confirmed, would you recommend that the United States
withdraw its military forces from Afghanistan if those forces do not
have such immunity?
Answer. Yes. Without jurisdiction over our troops, our activity in
Afghanistan must be limited to traditional security assistance. Combat
and training activities cannot be conducted without this protection.
Question. Based on your experience in the Iraq drawdown, what are
the risks associated with removing all U.S. military forces from
Answer. Removing all U.S. military forces threatens the
achievements gained in Afghanistan over the last 12 years of sustained
combat. Such a withdrawal could open the door to a return of al Qaeda,
collapse of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and
lead to increased instability in the region. Also, it could delay the
maturation of Afghan forces at a critical point in their development.
afghanistan national security forces
Question. What is your assessment of the progress in developing a
professional and effective Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF)?
Answer. ANSF operational effectiveness continues a general upward
trend as they continue to improve and professionalize. The ANSF have
increasingly taken the lead in areas previously secured by U.S. surge
forces, and have been able to expand their reach, occupying patrol
bases and combat outposts that had previously been too dangerous to
hold. The ANSF have also increased their abilities to plan, carry out,
and sustain high-level kinetic actions involving multiple ANSF forces.
Question. What is your assessment of the capacity of the ANSF to
take the security lead and to conduct unilateral operations?
Answer. The ANSF have made substantial progress during the past
year, and are steadily building a force that will assume full
responsibility for security operations throughout Afghanistan by the
end of 2014. The ANSF are unilaterally conducting the vast majority of
operations in Afghanistan, although many of these are routine patrols.
Force generation and development efforts continue to yield advancements
in operational effectiveness. During the previous year, ANSF made
strides in performance, increasingly moving into the lead for security
operations. As of the end of the last reporting period, ANSF partnered
with ISAF on more than 90 percent of all operations and was in the lead
in more than 50 percent of these actions.
Question. What do you see as the main challenges to building the
capacity of the ANSF and, if confirmed, what recommendations, if any,
would you make for addressing those challenges?
Answer. There are five key challenges to building the capacity and
capability of the ANSF: leadership, logistics, counter-IED, attrition
and literacy. Counter-IED continues to pose a significant challenge.
Attrition rates have improved; however, we must continue to monitor
levels. We must also continue to help the ANSF to professionalize the
force; train and develop leaders; build their enabler capacity; and,
further expand literacy which will have a lasting impact on the
country. If confirmed, I will work closely with General Dunford to
ensure that he has the resources necessary to develop a sufficient and
sustainable ANSF that can operate independently of coalition
Question. Do you support plans for building and sustaining the ANSF
at 352,000 personnel?
Answer. Yes. The target end strength provides the capacity for
achieving security and stability in Afghanistan.
Question. Do you agree that any reductions in the ANSF from this
352,000 level should be based on security conditions in Afghanistan at
the time those reductions would be expected to occur?
Answer. Yes. A sufficient and sustainable ANSF is necessary for
Afghanistan's long-term stability and security. The current ANSF
sustainment plan will maintain Afghan forces at surge strength of
352,000 through 2018, to allow for continued progress toward a
sustainable secure environment in Afghanistan. As security conditions
on the ground continue to improve, ANSF will undergo a gradual, managed
force reduction to a final force structure that is both adequate to
meet security requirements and fiscally sustainable in the long term.
insider threat
Question. In 2012 the number of so-called ``green-on-blue''
incidents, in which ANSF personnel or ANSF impersonators attacked U.S.
or coalition soldiers, increased significantly. The rise in the number
of insider attacks has led U.S. and Afghan military leaders to take a
number of precautions against such insider threats, including expanding
Afghan counterintelligence efforts to identify possible Taliban
infiltrators, increasing cultural sensitivity training, and expanding
the ``Guardian Angel'' program to protect against the insider threat in
meetings between coalition and Afghan forces.
What in your view are the causes of the increase in insider attacks
and what has been their impact on the military campaign in Afghanistan?
Answer. Insider attacks are an insurgent tactic designed to create
a seam and sow mistrust between ISAF and ANSF forces. Most likely the
increase in insider attacks reflects a combination of factors including
the increase in the number of ANSF personnel and a greater number of
Coalition Force (CF) trainers living and working with the ANSF.
Overall, these attacks, while tragic, have not had a significant impact
on the campaign.
Question. What is your assessment of the impact of these green-on-
blue attacks on the level of trust between coalition and Afghan forces?
Answer. Clearly these types of attacks have the potential to impact
morale and to compromise bonds among coalition members. However, during
my recent visit to Afghanistan I did not see indications of either low
morale or mistrust among coalition and Afghan forces.
Question. What is your assessment of the measures that have been
taken by ISAF and Afghan leaders to address the insider threat? Are
there additional steps that you would recommend to address this threat,
if confirmed?
Answer. Since January 2012, there has been a significant increase
in the ISAF and ANSF efforts to mitigate insider attacks. In August
2012, ISAF and the ANSF forces formed the Insider Threat Action Group
and the Insider Threat Mitigation Team to jointly identify and
implement insider threat mitigation efforts. Steps are being taken by
Afghans to institute a number of insider threat countermeasures and
supplement the vetting process in order to remove undesirable members
of the ANSF. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Commander,
ISAF, to ensure appropriate measures are being taken and the necessary
resources allocated to protect coalition forces.
Question. In light of the spike in insider attacks, do you see a
need to reconsider current plans for embedding small Security Force
Assistance Teams of U.S. military advisors with Afghan military units
to assist in the transition to an Afghan security lead?
Answer. Presently, no; but, this is a critical question and if I am
confirmed, I will work with General Dunford as conditions warrant to
evaluate the potential risks to our embedded advisors as transition
Question. In your view, what should be the role of the United
States in any reconciliation negotiations with the Afghan Taliban and
other insurgent groups?
Answer. Achieving a durable peace in Afghanistan will require some
form of political settlement among Afghans. That settlement must
ultimately be brokered among the Afghans themselves. Afghanistan is
adamant that the Afghan Government must maintain control of any
reconciliation negotiations. The U.S. role should acknowledge that the
Afghanistan Government is the lead for reconciliation and focus on
acting as a mediator and encouraging other nations to play a
constructive role.
Question. What additional steps, if any, should the United States
be taking to advance the reconciliation process?
Answer. The United States could work to bring other key AOR
partners with a vested interest in securing a stable Afghanistan into
the reconciliation dialogue to offer their assistance in support of the
peace process.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of Afghanistan's
neighbors, in particular Pakistan, in the reconciliation process?
Answer. Neighbors in the region have legitimate interests in
Afghanistan and need to play a constructive role in the reconciliation
process. Specifically Pakistan must take steps to ensure that militant
and extremist groups cannot continue to find safe haven in Pakistani
territory. It should actively support the Afghan-led process.
Ultimately, Pakistan and the other regional neighbors will benefit from
improved stability in Afghanistan.
special operations in afghanistan
Question. Special Operations Forces depend on general purpose
forces for many enabling capabilities, including intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); logistics; and medical
evacuation. Admiral McRaven, Commander of U.S. Special Operations
Command, has said ``I have no doubt that special operations will be the
last to leave Afghanistan'' and has predicted that the requirement for
special operations forces may increase as general purpose forces
continue to be drawn down.
If confirmed, how would you ensure adequate enabling capabilities
for Special Operations Forces (SOF) as general purpose forces continue
to draw down in Afghanistan?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with SOCOM to assess SOF enabling
requirements and source them with existing CENTCOM assets or through
the request for forces process.
Question. The find-fix-finish operational model is greatly enhanced
by opportunities to capture and interrogate enemy personnel, but that
capability may be eroded as the U.S. military and intelligence
footprint is reduced. An inability to mount capture operations could
lead to a greater emphasis on lethal actions, potentially affecting
public opinion.
What long-term risks are imposed on counterterrorism operations in
Afghanistan as a result of fundamental changes in the operational
environment for SOF?
Answer. As coalition and U.S. SOF are reduced in size and scope
with the drawdown, the ANSF will play an ever-increasing greater role
in counterterrorism. U.S. and coalition operational risk is reduced as
these forces step back and settle into a train, advise and assist
capacity. Long-term strategic risk lies with the capability and
capacity of ANSF SOF to efficiently and effectively execute
counterterrorism. However, this risk is also reduced through adequate
ANSF SOF training and with the provision of adequate operational
enablers to ANSF SOF.
Question. Last April, the United States and Afghanistan signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the ``Afghanization'' of direct
action counterterrorism missions in Afghanistan, which reflected the
shared intention of having Afghan security forces in the lead in the
conduct of such operations with U.S. Forces in a support role.
Why is it important for Afghan Special Operations Forces to be in
the lead on night raids?
Answer. As a sovereign nation, Afghanistan certainly should be in
the lead in these types of operations. Historically, indigenous forces
defeat insurgencies. Successful transition will be characterized by our
Afghan partners taking increasing responsibility for the planning and
command of these night operations.
Question. General Allen and others have praised the Village
Stability Operations (VSO) and Afghan Local Police (ALP) programs--both
U.S. Special Operations missions--as critical elements of the
counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan. However, President Karzai
recently stated his position that U.S. Forces should withdraw from
Afghan villages.
What are your views on the value of these programs and do you
believe they should be part of the long-term strategy in Afghanistan
(i.e. post-2014)?
Answer. Denying adversaries control over populations is essential
to prevailing in a contest to establish governance. The VSO and ALP
programs have proven effective by enabling local security and re-
establishment or re-empowerment of traditional local governance
mechanisms. ``Bottom-up,'' population-focused stability efforts to
improve security and development undermine hostile influence and
control in contested, strategically important areas. These programs
will prove valuable and effective as part of the long-term strategy in
Question. What is your understanding of President Karzai's position
with regard to the VSO and ALP programs?
Answer. President Karzai desires an Afghanistan that is protected
and secured by Afghans. His support for the VSO and ALP programs hinges
on them being Afghan-led, and the traditional ``arbaki'' (local
militia) aspect of the programs. Support for these programs at the
local level has heavily influenced his support for them at the national
Question. Recently, the Special Operations Joint Task Force-
Afghanistan (SOJTF-A), was established to improve coordination among
U.S., coalition, and Afghan special forces. This new command structure
unified, for the first time, command of all capacity building,
counterinsurgency, and counterterrorism activities conducted by special
operations forces in the country.
Do you believe unified command of all special operations activities
is important and if so, why?
Answer. Yes. Synchronization and unity of effort among special
operations activities is absolutely critical and what a unified command
provides. The recent establishment of NATO Special Operations Component
Command-Afghanistan, and the Special Operations Joint Task Force-
Afghanistan (NSOCC-A/SOJTF-A) into a combined organizational structure
provides a robust, properly sized and structured headquarters that
avoids duplication and ensures the best use of available funding,
manpower and infrastructure.
Question. Do you believe general purpose forces could be assigned
to the new Special Operations Joint Task Force, as has been done
previously, to augment special operations forces carrying out the
Village Stability Operations and Afghan Local Police programs?
Answer. General purpose and Special Operations Forces are task
organized to produce superior results. It is my experience that when
different forces work together they achieve outcomes that exceed their
capabilities when operating alone.
afghan public protection force
Question. What is your opinion of the progress and future prospects
for the Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF) and its ability to
transition all ISAF fixed-site and convoy security missions by March
Answer. National Training Mission-Afghanistan (NTM-A) assesses that
APPF cannot achieve complete transition before September 2014 even
though Presidential Decree (PD) 62 requires that all ISAF sites and
convoys currently secured by Private Security Companies (PSC) be
transitioned to APPF by 20 March 2013. According to PD62, if policy
does not change it will be illegal to contract services of PSCs after
20 March 2013. ISAF does not currently have the process or manpower in
place to undertake this task and the APPF lacks the capacity to replace
all PSC-provided functions at ISAF locations. ISAF is finalizing a
contingency plan relating to APPF.
no contracting with the enemy
Question. A year ago, at the request of the Department of Defense
(DOD), we enacted the ``No Contracting with the Enemy Act,'' which
gives CENTCOM important new tools to ensure that DOD funds do not go to
support individuals and entities that actively support the insurgency
or actively oppose U.S. or coalition forces in Afghanistan. Earlier
this month, DOD officials informed us that little action has been taken
pursuant to these new authorities.
What is your understanding of the reasons for CENTCOM's failure, to
date, to make aggressive use of the No Contracting with the Enemy Act?
Answer. Based on my experience in Iraq, I understand the importance
of preventing funds from getting into the hands of the enemy. If
confirmed, I will certainly work to ensure that CENTCOM is in
compliance with the ``No Contracting with the Enemy Act'' provisions.
Question. What steps, if any, will you take if confirmed to ensure
that CENTCOM takes full advantage of the authority provided by Congress
to ensure that DOD funds do not go to support individuals and entities
that oppose our interests in Afghanistan?
Answer. If confirmed, I will rely on my commanders in Afghanistan
and intelligence sources to identify companies or persons that may be
subject to the ``No Contracting with the Enemy Act''. When presented
with evidence of support to the enemy or opposition to the United
States or coalition, I will issue findings against those companies or
persons in accordance with the authorities granted to me by Congress.
afghanistan air force
Question. How do you believe the delays and disruptions in programs
to buy airlift and light tactical aircraft for Afghanistan's air force
have affected Afghanistan's ability to accept responsibility for its
own security?
Answer. To date, there have been no known short-term impacts.
However, as the transition continues, the ANSF will experience more
equipment and personnel challenges without planned aircraft enablers.
ANSF will be required to rely more on indirect fires and mobile land
forces with reduced close air support.
u.s. strategic relationship with pakistan
Question. What is your assessment of the strategic relationship
between the United States and Pakistan? What would you consider to be
areas of shared strategic interest between the two countries?
Answer. The strategic relationship between the United States and
Pakistan remains strained, but is improving. Pakistan's willingness to
cooperate on key U.S. goals has been limited primarily to issues such
as counterterrorism and Afghanistan. As such, we have reduced the scope
of our security assistance to focus on those areas where our strategic
interests overlap, namely counterterrorism and counterinsurgency
Question. What do you consider to be the major challenges in the
U.S.-Pakistan strategic relationship?
Answer. Challenges do exist in the U.S.-Pakistan relationship.
Among them, Pakistan's at-times divergent interests in Afghanistan, its
existential fear of India and its nuclear arsenal remain roadblocks to
establishing a long-term, strategic partnership. That said, Pakistan
is, and will remain important to achieving U.S. goals in the region,
especially as we transition in Afghanistan. The reality is that most
challenges can be managed by exercising strategic patience and taking
the long view on the relationship.
Question. If confirmed, what changes, if any, would you recommend
for U.S. relations with Pakistan, particularly in terms of military-to-
military relations?
Answer. The overall military-to-military relationship continues to
improve and I believe we should seek to continue this trend. The
continued importance of the Pakistan military lends credence to the
continued provision of security assistance as an important engagement
tool for maintaining access and influence. We must continue our
``whole-of-government'' approach towards Pakistan to ensure all avenues
of engagement remain open.
u.s. security assistance to pakistan
Question. Since 2001, the United States has provided significant
security assistance to Pakistan. In addition, the United States has
provided significant funds to reimburse Pakistan for the costs
associated with military operations conducted by Pakistan along the
Afghanistan-Pakistan border and other support provided in connection
with Operation Enduring Freedom.
In your view, how effective has the assistance and other support
that the United States has provided to Pakistan been in promoting U.S.
Answer. Overall, U.S. support to Pakistan has been moderately
effective in promoting U.S. interests. At best, our assistance has
enabled the Pakistani military to increase its effectiveness against
violent extremists. It has also enabled us to sustain military-to-
military relations. However, the high level of financial support has
not fully translated to the desired effects the United States
Question. Do you support conditioning U.S. assistance and other
support to Pakistan on Pakistan's continued cooperation in areas of
mutual security interest?
Answer. Putting specific conditions on U.S. assistance helps to
ensure that our support to Pakistan furthers U.S. interests. Without
such caveats, Pakistan may be tempted to apply our support towards
efforts they deem to be in their national interest, which may or may
not overlap with ours.
combating terrorism
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda
(AQ) and its associated forces to the U.S. Homeland, U.S. interests
overseas, and Western interests more broadly?
Answer. Despite the immense pressure placed on al Qaeda leadership
in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula, the global al
Qaeda movement remains resilient. Regional instability in CENTCOM's AOR
and evolving security conditions resulting from the Arab Spring are
creating opportunities and potential safe havens for the AQ movement.
AQ, its affiliates and allies are exploiting weak governments in places
like Yemen to gain new footholds, plan attacks against U.S. Forces, our
interests, those of our Western partners and potentially the U.S.
Homeland. AQ's affiliates and allies pose an enduring and persistent
threat to the U.S. Homeland and Middle East stability and security.
Question. Within the CENTCOM AOR, what do you consider the highest
counterterrorism priorities?
Answer. I believe the counterterrorism priorities are Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, and, in the near-term, Syria. Despite our
efforts, the AQ movement remains resilient due to the rapidly changing
and emerging geopolitical environment in the Middle East and North
Africa. AQ senior leadership in Pakistan will likely retain their safe
haven and continue to provide leadership and moral authority to AQ
affiliates as U.S. and coalition forces withdraw. AQ in the Arabian
Peninsula is emerging as the most dangerous of the AQ affiliates and
persists as the Yemeni Government tries to dislodge the group from its
southern Yemen safe haven. AQ in Iraq is reconstituting, increasing
attacks meant to destabilize the Iraqi Government and incite sectarian
conflict. Finally, AQ in Iraq's Syria-based offshoot, the Al-Nusrah
Front, is increasing in capability and influence.
Question. What is your understanding of the Department's role in
the U.S. strategy to combat terrorism in the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. The Department's role in the U.S. strategy to combat
terrorism in the CENTCOM AOR is to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al
Qaeda and any Violent Extremist Organization (VEO) that poses a direct
threat to U.S. assets, allies, and interests abroad. The Department
must be part of a ``whole-of-government'' approach to combating long-
term terrorism threats. Combined with diplomatic and economic
mechanisms against state-enablers of terrorism, DOD can provide
intelligence collection, training, support, and targeting to support
counterterrorism efforts.
Question. Given your current knowledge of CENTCOM programs, do you
believe the Command's resources are aligned in a manner consistent with
these counterterrorism priorities?
Answer. Yes. CENTCOM resources are utilized to employ a whole-of-
government approach to reach many of its desired end states mentioned
above. Partnerships with U.S. Government entities such as the State
Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement
Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the like are
paramount in the efficient utilization of resources.
iraq lessons learned
Question. Did you agree with the President's decision on the
withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq? If so, why? If not, why
Answer. Yes. Given the unwillingness of the Iraqi Government to
grant protections and immunities to our servicemembers, thereby putting
them at risk from prosecution in Iraqi courts, the United States had
very few options. Our mission in Iraq today, which operates as part of
the diplomatic mission, has been very successful at sustaining the
crucial military-to-military relationship with the Iraqi Armed Forces.
Question. What do you believe are the major lessons learned from
the Iraq invasion and the follow-on efforts to stabilize the country
through 2011?
Answer. I believe the most significant lesson learned was that the
U.S. military is as capable and resilient--people, equipment, systems,
and leadership--as at any time in our history, and it reaches its full
potential when integrated and synchronized across a joint framework
that has unity of purpose and effect. The second lesson I took away
from our Nation's commitment in Iraq was the need for a thorough,
interagency, multi-national approach to planning and execution that
delivers flexible military plans and operations that can be adjusted to
account for the ever-changing conditions of warfare. The third lesson I
took away from Iraq in December 2011 was that the military instrument
of power has limitations and is best used as part of a whole-of-
government(s) approach to the complex challenges we see today across
the globe. Finally, I re-learned the value of close, personal
relationships between coalition, host nation, interagency and other
partners as teams of teams work to make progress in support of national
Question. What is your understanding and assessment, if any, of the
Department's adaptations or changes in policy, programs, force
structure, or operational concepts based upon these lessons learned?
Answer. It is my understanding that the Department has applied
several lessons learned, specifically to the approaching transition in
Afghanistan. In my current position, I can see our approach to
challenges is informed by experiences in Iraq. I am not in a position
to assess the changes at the Department level, but there is a clear
intent to use not only experiences in Iraq, but also experiences in
combating terror and military engagements/operations over the past
decade to inform policy, program, force structure, and operational
concept decisions in the current and future environment.
Question. If confirmed, what additional changes, if any, would you
propose making to policy, programs, force structure or operating
concepts based on the lessons of combat and stability operations in
Answer. Our relationship with the Iraqi security forces is
incredibly important and robust. If confirmed, I will continue our
efforts to improve the capability of Iraqi security forces while
transitioning to a normal security relationship. Our goal has been and
will continue to be a self-sufficient Iraqi military that provides for
the defense of Iraq. Maintaining an appropriate sized Office of
Security Cooperation in Iraq (OSC-I) with the required authorities is
critical to this effort. Iraq's nascent government teeters between
democracy and oligarchy. Although this problem cannot be solved solely
through military means, OSC-I's success in maintaining strong military-
to-military relations will afford other U.S. Government agencies the
time and space needed to achieve U.S. objectives.
security situation in iraq
Question. What is your assessment of the current security situation
in Iraq?
Answer. The tenuous security situation in Iraq reflects an immature
government and security institutions, ethno-sectarian divisions and
daunting external challenges. Following an unsuccessful effort by
opposition political parties to unseat Prime Minister Maliki through a
no confidence vote, Sunni opposition to perceived central government
sectarianism and authoritarianism has intensified; and Kurdistan
Regional Government and Government of Iraq security forces remain in a
tense stand-off in the disputed areas around Kirkuk. Additionally,
although well below 2006 levels, Iraq has been unable to break the
cycle of extremist violence that has plagued the country since the
withdrawal of U.S. Forces. Specifically, al Qaeda in Iraq has proven
its resilience by maintaining a consistent tempo of high profile
attacks against primarily government targets over the past year.
Question. What are the main challenges to stability and security in
Iraq over the coming months?
Answer. The main challenges to stability include heightened Arab-
Kurd tensions, unresolved sectarian tensions, extremist violence
intended to undermine the government, and the potential for spillover
from the Syrian conflict. The threat of an Arab-Kurd conflict has
increased steadily in the past year as virtually every aspect of the
Arab-Kurd relationship has worsened. Lagging political progress
resulting from a lack of political reconciliation has resulted in
increasing Sunni political opposition to the Shia-dominated government
and made a return to sectarian violence possible. Al Qaeda in Iraq has
continued its cycle of violence and appears to be well postured to
sustain current levels of violence into the future. The Syrian conflict
has the potential to exacerbate many of the existing tensions already
present in Iraq: galvanize the Sunni opposition, strengthen AQI, flood
the country with refugees, and make weapons available to extremists,
all stressing the nascent Iraqi Government.
u.s.-iraq strategic relationship
Question. The withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq at the end of
2011 has been described as the beginning of a new chapter in the
strategic relationship between the United States and Iraq. The U.S.-
Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement sets out a foundation for a
normalized U.S.-Iraqi relationship in areas of mutual economic,
diplomatic, cultural and security interests. Secretary of Defense
Panetta and the Iraqi Minister of Defense recently signed a MOU for
Defense Cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of
Iraq and the Department of Defense of the United States.
How do you see the U.S.-Iraq strategic relationship developing in
the coming years and in what areas do you see potential for developing
that relationship?
Answer. The domestic and regional political challenges facing Iraqi
leaders are not likely to subside and could complicate our overarching
strategic relationship. However, we have been quite successful over the
past year in sustaining our military-to-military relationship with the
Iraqi Security Forces. I believe this could serve as a launching point
to further expand our economic, cultural and diplomatic relationships
under the Strategic Framework Agreement.
Question. What do you see as the greatest challenges for the United
States-Iraqi security relationship over the coming years?
Answer. Domestic challenges, including ethnic and sectarian
tensions and a lack of inclusiveness in the political system, if not
effectively addressed, will complicate our security relationship.
Meanwhile, we may have differing views from our Iraqi partners on
regional conflicts, such as that in Syria, which may limit Iraq's
willingness to partner with us.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the recently
concluded MOU? In your view, how does this agreement on defense
cooperation promote U.S. security interests with respect to Iraq and
the region?
Answer. In my current position I am unable to provide an informed
assessment of the recently concluded MOU. I understand the MOU is an
official commitment between the U.S. Government and the Government of
Iraq for a long-term security relationship. If confirmed, I will work
with leaders in both nations to sustain, establish, and develop
programs that pursue our shared goals. In the strategic realm, this
agreement draws Iraq one-step closer to our Nation.
office of security cooperation in iraq
Question. In fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2013, Congress
authorized the Secretary of Defense to support the transition in Iraq
by providing funds for the activities and operations of the OSC-I. In
the report to accompany the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2013, the conferees expressed their expectation that the
administration will accelerate the transition of the OSC-I to a
normalized status comparable to Offices of Security Cooperation in
other countries in the region, and that funding for OSC-I activities
and operations will be transitioned out of DOD to other sources, as is
the case for offices of security cooperation in other countries.
Do you support the transition of the OSC-I to a normalized office
of security cooperation comparable to those in other countries in the
Answer. Yes. I fully support DOS's transition for Iraq as it was
intended at the outset of planning. The normalization and transition
activities of OSC-I are a reflection of the development of our security
relationship with the Government of Iraq and represent a significant
milestone towards an enduring strategic partnership.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that the transition of the
OSC-I to a normalized status, including funding from sources other than
the DOD, is completed in a deliberate manner?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will ensure that the OSC-I transition
is planned and executed in a deliberate manner that meets all policy
and legal requirements.
Question. Based on your experience during the drawdown of U.S.
Forces in Iraq, do you agree that setting a target date is critical for
ensuring that the transition of the OSC-I to a normalized status occurs
in a deliberate manner?
Answer. The conditions and requirements for the drawdown in Iraq
were bounded by a timeline, which is a different situation than
transition of a security cooperation mission, but I would say that
planning for strategic transitions should balance conditions, risks,
and timelines that are in line with U.S. policy. As time passes,
leaders will assess changing conditions and risk to mission to ensure
that timelines are met or extended in a manner that best achieves the
goals of the transition. In the end, the U.S. and Iraqi goal should be
a security cooperation organization of the right size and with the
right amount of resources to effectively pursue a positive, long-term
strategic relationship. If confirmed, I will work to ensure that
conditions and risks are clearly stated and options are presented that
reflect the results of deliberate planning.
Question. If confirmed, what timeframe would you recommend as an
appropriate target for transitioning OSC-I to a normalized status?
Answer. In my current position I am unable to provide an informed
recommendation for a target date, but I have every confidence in the
leadership team in Iraq and the planning for the current approach to
the transition. If confirmed, I would consult with the interagency team
to ensure that the military components of the transition were properly
aligned and prepared for transition. I would also provide best military
advice on the execution of the transition, presenting options that
ensured our goals were met and our relationship with Iraq strengthened.
If conditions change, I would also make case-by-case recommendations on
programs that could be considered for acceleration or delay.
Question. The civil war in Syria continues and President Assad's
commitment to continuing his regime's ongoing operations appear
unwavering despite broad international condemnation. To date, the
United States has limited its support to opposition forces to non-
lethal assistance to forces on the ground, as well as technical
assistance to elements of the opposition working to build a cohesive
political entity.
In your view, what is the proper role on the U.S. military in this
Answer. This is a complex problem requiring a regional solution.
Certainly at this time, based on the complexity and volatility of the
conflict, a regionally-led diplomatic and political strategy, with the
United States in support, has the best chance of succeeding and
enduring. However, we do need to remain vigilant and conduct
appropriate planning to contain two emerging threats, the loss of
control by the Syrian regime of its CW stocks and Advanced Conventional
Weapons and the growing influence of violent extremists like the Al-
Nusrah Front. Both of these emerging threats have the potential to
spillover from Syria into neighboring countries, all of whom are U.S.
allies and partners.
Question. In your view, should the United States provide other
kinds of support to opposition groups on the ground in Syria, including
the provision of lethal support?
Answer. Based on the divergent interests and fractured nature of
the armed opposition groups in Syria, there would be great risk to
providing them with lethal aid at this time. The influential role of
violent extremists like the Al-Nusrah Front within the opposition and
the close proximity of Iranian surrogates and Lebanese Hizbollah to the
conflict increase the chance of lethal aid finding its way into the
hands of malign actors opposed to U.S. interests. The United States is
best served by looking for opportunities to provide humanitarian aid
and non-lethal assistance to acceptable elements of the opposition
while working with regional partners to develop a diplomatic and
political solution to the conflict.
Question. In your view, what should be NATO's role with respect to
Syria (i.e. should NATO consider a military intervention, the creation
of a no-fly zone, or other military operations to protect civilians and
support opposition forces)?
Answer. Any viable and enduring solution to the Syria crisis must
rely heavily on leadership and participation from our regional
partners. Having said that, NATO is currently providing Turkey with
ballistic missile defense to hedge against potential Syrian military
aggression. Any further role will be determined through consultation
with Turkey and our other NATO allies.
Question. In your view, would the removal of the Assad regime be a
strategic defeat of Iran in the region?
Answer. The loss of Assad will be a significant blow to Iran's
prestige and regional influence and will at least temporarily degrade
its operational reach into the Levant by calling into question its
longtime logistics hub in Syria. However, consistent with its hedging
strategy, Iran will seek to develop other avenues for supporting its
proxies and surrogates throughout the region and possibly even focus
more attention on countries with large Shia populations like Iraq and
Question. In your view, what role, if any, has the Government of
Iraq played with regard to supporting the Assad regime or the armed
Syrian opposition?
Answer. The Government of Iraq is attempting to remain neutral
regarding the Syrian crisis and prefers a diplomatic solution to end
the conflict. Understandably, Iraq is worried about spillover and is
seeking to bolster the security of its border. Although the Iraqi
Government is not directly aiding the Assad regime, it may have tacitly
supported Assad through Iranian over-flights to Syria. Iranian
aircraft, overflying Iraqi territory, have transported humanitarian aid
to the Assad regime and it is likely these shipments have included
lethal aid. Iraqi authorities have conducted some cargo inspections,
but have not fully addressed U.S. demands to ensure over-flights do not
carry lethal aid.
Question. Iran continues to expand its nuclear program and has
failed to provide full and open access to all aspects of its current
and historic nuclear program to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
What is your assessment of the military and political threat posed
by Iran?
Answer. Iranian military capabilities are significant as compared
to its neighbors, and thus enable Iran to pursue a policy focused on
reducing U.S. regional influence and asserting Iranian dominance in the
region. The expansion of Iran's military and nuclear program over the
last decade provides, in part, Tehran the confidence to threaten and
coerce neighbors; disrupts international trade and commerce; and
targets U.S. and partner interests in the region. Iran also maintains a
significant asymmetric capability via its threat network, led primarily
by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force (IRGC-QF) and its
regional surrogates, and to a lesser degree the Ministry of
Intelligence and Security. Iran uses this threat network to covertly
execute its strategic objectives in the region, advance its
destabilizing agenda to include the provision of financial and lethal
aid, and could use this network to attack United States' interests and
our allies.
Question. What is your assessment of U.S. policy with respect to
Answer. U.S. policy, aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring a
nuclear weapon, is appropriate and critical to avoiding a regional arms
race and preserving stability in the Middle East. The U.S. Government's
dual track strategy of engagement combined with pressure in the form of
sanctions and diplomatic and political isolation is the right approach,
and most likely to provide an enduring solution to the challenge posed
by Iran's nuclear pursuits. The current strategy has rallied
international support and significantly degraded Iran's economy, and as
we sharpen the choice for the regime in Tehran, our parallel efforts of
building our regional partners' military capabilities and maintaining
credible deterrence remain critical elements of our broader multi-
vector approach.
Question. What more do you believe the United States and the
international community can and should do to dissuade Iran from
pursuing nuclear weapons?
Answer. I believe we should continue to employ the dual track
strategy of engagement and pressure to achieve our goals. Whenever
possible we should continue to strengthen the international sanctions
regime so as to increase the pressure on the Iranian Government, while
continuing to work with our international partners to underscore to
Iran the costs it will bear for its nuclear non-compliance, as well as
the deepening isolation it will face on the regional and global stage.
Meanwhile, as we draw down forces in Afghanistan and as the overall
size of the U.S. military presence within the Middle East decreases, it
will become increasingly important that the United States maintain
appropriate military capability in the region in order to be able to
respond to a range of contingencies. This capability will also reassure
our partners as we continue to build partner capacity in response to
increasing Iranian malign activity. U.S. Government actions vis-a-vis
Iran are closely knit together so as to achieve a ``whole-of-
government'' approach to this problem set. By combining our efforts
with the activities of our partners and friends worldwide, we have the
best chance of achieving the objectives we seek in dissuading Iran from
the pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability.
Question. In your view, what are the risks associated with reducing
U.S. presence in the Middle East with respect to the threat posed by
Answer. There are significant risks associated with a reduced U.S.
regional presence. U.S. Forces demonstrate our resolve and our
commitment to regional security and the free flow of commerce, as well
as a reflection of our continued efforts to build the capacity of
regional partners. U.S. Forces provide a deterrent to Iranian overreach
and their drive for regional hegemony, and ensure we are prepared to
respond to a range of regional contingencies. However, the United
States should not carry this burden alone. An appropriately sized force
contributes to increased burden sharing by training with regional
partners to enhance their capacity to better defend themselves.
Nonetheless, we must balance CENTCOM's regional risk assessment with
DOD and Service requirements to manage the overall readiness of the
Force and the costs of associated deployments. This places a premium on
building partner capacity and working by, with and through our regional
partners to achieve a better balance of shared defense requirements. If
confirmed, I will assess CENTCOM's force posture, and my staff and I
will work closely with the Joint Staff to determine the correct U.S.
presence in the Middle East.
Question. In your view, what has been the effect of sanctions
against Iran--how effective have they been and should additional
unilateral or multilateral sanctions be levied against Iran?
Answer. Iran's economy has been severely impacted by the
unprecedented international sanctions that have been imposed,
especially the sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and the
EU oil embargo. These sanctions have reduced the availability of hard
currency and resulted in a sharply depreciated currency and high
inflation rates. I expect these conditions to be exacerbated by
additional sanctions that went into effect on 6 February that prevent
foreign banks from repatriating Iran's oil revenues, effectively
locking them up overseas. These restrictions will likely cause further
deterioration of Iran's economy, such as expanding trade deficits,
reduction in the availability of hard currency, a further depreciated
Rial and higher inflation.
Question. In your view, what role should CENTCOM play in countering
Iran's support of international terrorism throughout its AOR?
Answer. CENTCOM, in very close coordination with SOCOM, plays a
pivotal role in deterring Iran's support to terrorist organizations and
countering Iran's malign influence. The Iranian Threat Network (ITN) is
a worldwide network whose elements execute direct action, intelligence
operations, influence building and terrorism against United States'
interests, as well as partner nations. From the time of its creation,
in response to the 1979 Iran crisis, CENTCOM has been crucial in
defending U.S. interests within the Middle East. We will continue to
work with our regional partners to build capacity to counter
international terrorism in and outside the AOR. CENTCOM will continue
to be the U.S. military's lead for defending U.S. interests in the
region, maintaining the free flow of international commerce and
protecting regional partners.
Question. What is your assessment of the security situation in
Answer. In the near-term, large-scale civil unrest related to the
ongoing political and economic crises presents an immediate threat to
stability and security in the country. Internal security forces have
struggled to control the types of large-scale demonstrations seen in
Egypt in the past 2 years. Additionally, Egypt's security situation is
impacted by the growth of violent extremist organizations in the Sinai
Peninsula and increased arms smuggling from Libya and Sudan. The
situation on the ground is further exacerbated by the government's
inability to stabilize the political system. The poor security climate
is hindering Egypt's economic recovery because it discourages foreign
investment and the return of Egypt's large tourist economy.
Question. What is your assessment of the U.S.-Egypt security
Answer. The Egyptian Armed Forces (EAF) has proven to be a reliable
partner for us as we navigate Egypt's internal transition and seek to
promote regional stability and security. We have relied on it during
times of crises and it has been responsive and professional in its
actions. EAF has announced its intentions and followed through in
consistent fashion. Egypt indirectly supports U.S. regional objectives
by allowing unfettered overflight permissions and Suez Canal transit
courtesies not typically afforded to other nations. Additionally,
Egypt's strategic importance and regional leadership role make it one
of the most important partners in CENTCOM's theater of operations.
Close defensive ties allow for open dialogue to discuss hard issues and
identify areas for enhanced cooperation.
Question. What is your assessment of the role Egypt plays with
respect to regional stability? In your view, should the U.S. Government
continue to provide defense articles and services, including but not
limited to the F-16s, purchased by the Egyptian military using U.S.
Foreign Military Financing funds?
Answer. By providing equipment and training the United States has
helped Egypt to maintain a strong and disciplined professional defense
force which is critical to ensuring Egypt's continued role as a
regional leader, able to act as a moderating influence and contribute
actively to the resolution of regional conflicts. For the past 30
years, the F-16 aircraft has been a key component of the relationship
between the U.S. military and the Egyptian Armed Forces (EAF).
Maintaining this relationship and assisting with the
professionalization and development of the EAF's capabilities to secure
its borders is an essential element of our efforts to stabilize Egypt
and the region.
Question. Egypt has been criticized for its perceived failure to
act along the Egypt-Gaza border to counter the smuggling threat posed
by cross-border tunnels. Egypt has also played an important role,
however, in ensuring peace on the southern border of Israel.
What is your assessment of Egypt's efforts to counter the flow of
rocket and other advanced munitions into Gaza?
Answer. While Egyptian security forces have interdicted weapons
shipments crossing Egyptian territory, their capabilities are limited
and their success sporadic. Weapons coming into Egypt primarily from
Sudan and Libya continue to transit the Sinai into Gaza. Extremists and
militants are leveraging the lack of security in the Sinai and Egypt's
inconsistent initiatives to their advantage.
al qaeda in the arabian peninsula
Question. A number of senior U.S. officials have indicated the most
significant threat to the U.S. Homeland currently emanates from Yemen.
What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda in the
Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to the United States?
Answer. Despite suffering severe territorial, personnel, and
resource losses over the last year, attacking the U.S. Homeland remains
a pillar of AQAP's overall strategy. As such, a small cadre of
operatives continues to work tirelessly to develop plots against the
West. While those operations appear to be stalled in the conceptual
stages, the group's history and continued access to innovative
bombmakers and western operatives suggests AQAP is capable of advancing
an operation with little to no warning, particularly if
counterterrorism pressure subsides.
Question. What is your assessment of the current U.S. strategy to
counter al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula?
Answer. The CENTCOM strategy to counter threats in Yemen is
outlined in a detailed plan of actions, activities and operations. I am
not currently in a position to assess this strategy. However, I do
believe that our overall approach to countering AQAP must involve our
interagency and regional partners. Only by effectively employing our
network can we defeat the AQAP network. If confirmed, I will study this
challenge further and look to pursue a whole-of-government approach.
Question. What is the appropriate role of the U.S. military in
countering the threat of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and how
should this role be coordinated with other agencies and departments in
prosecuting an interagency strategy?
Answer. CENTCOM, in coordination with U.S. Government agencies and
the Host Nation, supports and conducts enabling and security operations
to promote a secure and stable Yemen in order to neutralize threats
against U.S. interests. CENTCOM supports a whole-of-government approach
to improving the overall stability of Yemen. The goal is to set the
conditions for Yemen to become a secure, stable and responsibly
governed nation capable of providing for its own security and the needs
of its population. CENTCOM Yemen Country Plan balances actions to
disrupt and deny AQAP, security assistance activities, and support for
other U.S. Government agencies' efforts to improve government capacity
and economic development.
regional ballistic missile threats and response
Question. Iran has hundreds of short- and medium-range ballistic
missiles today that are capable of reaching forward-deployed U.S.
Forces, allies, and other friendly nations in the CENTCOM AOR. Syria
also has an inventory of ballistic missiles that pose a threat to the
region. The Ballistic Missile Defense Review Report of February 2010
stated that the United States intends to pursue a Phased Adaptive
Approach to ballistic missile defense against such missile threats in
various regions, including the Middle East.
Do you believe that such a phased adaptive approach will provide
CENTCOM with the missile defense capabilities needed to defend our
forward deployed forces and our allies and partners in the region?
Answer. Yes, I believe a phased adaptive approach will provide
CENTCOM the missile defense capabilities needed. As a framework, this
approach phased over time and adaptive in terms of tailoring
capabilities to specific threats, allows for effective mission command
through continuous analysis and innovative methodologies. Additionally,
continuing to assist our partners as they receive new Ballistic Missile
Defense systems and upgrade older systems will remain a high priority.
It is imperative we work together to increase our ability to defend
ourselves and counter the threat.
Question. What role do you see for the Aegis Ballistic Missile
Defense system with Standard Missile-3 interceptors in U.S. missile
defense capabilities in the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. The role of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD)
system with SM-3 missile in the AOR is to provide layered, upper and
lower tier protection, weighted coverage, and defense in depth of key
force projection assets supporting CENTCOM CONPLANS against SRBM/MRBMs.
These elements provide the ability to engage ballistic missiles at
multiple levels (upper and lower tier) and ranges. The Aegis BMD system
with SM-3, in coordination with Patriot, provides our only capability
to execute layered defense in the CENTCOM AOR.
Question. In addition to U.S. missile defense capabilities in the
CENTCOM AOR, what role do you see for other nations in the AOR to
contribute to regional missile defense capabilities, such as UAE
interest in purchasing the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
Answer. CENTCOM, in close coordination with the Department of State
and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, is working hard to get
countries in the Gulf to realize the importance of cooperative defense,
particularly in the area of air and missile defense. To date, partners
such as UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have either purchased or are in
the process of purchasing THAAD systems. The message to them and others
is simple, no one can stand alone on this issue; cooperation and
synchronization are critical to the successful defense of the region.
central asian states
Question. The Central Asian states along the NDN have played
important roles during the past few years in supporting U.S. and
coalition forces in Afghanistan. These countries could also play a key
role for the retrograde of U.S. and coalition equipment out of
Afghanistan over the coming months and years.
What is your assessment of current U.S. military relationships with
the Central Asian states, including Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and
Answer. The Central Asian States remain key supporting partners for
our Afghanistan Strategic Partnership. As we transition in Afghanistan,
securing access to the NDN for logistical resupply and retrograde
operations is of particular importance as we seek to promote stability
and assure our partners of our continued commitment to the region. The
development of the NDN has been a critical area of investment to that
end and cooperation with our Central Asian partners will gain
additional importance post-2014.
Our relationship with Uzbekistan continues to improve in a
deliberate, balanced way driven by regional security considerations,
expansion of the NDN and mutual benefit.
Tajikistan's ability to build and maintain counterterrorism, border
security, and counter narcotics capabilities is paramount in protecting
our mutual interests from the threat of violent extremist
organizations. We continue to use the Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and
Tajikistan (KKT) route of the NDN as well as explore options to
facilitate the transport of goods in the event of a crisis within this
The Kyrgyz Republic is a key partner for U.S. efforts in
Afghanistan. The NDN network routes and the Transit Center at Manas
remain key factors in successful operations in the region. However, the
Kyrgyz Government has consistently stated there will be no foreign
military at Manas after the current lease expires in July 2014.
Question. What role do you foresee the Central Asian states playing
in the retrograde of U.S. equipment out of Afghanistan?
Answer. The Central Asian States remain key supporting partners for
our Afghanistan Strategic Partnership. As we transition in Afghanistan,
securing access to the NDN for logistical resupply and retrograde
operations is of particular importance as we seek to promote stability
and assure our partners of our continued commitment to the region. The
supply lines through the Central Asian States provide the United States
and NATO flexible and redundant retrograde options. CENTCOM will
retrograde consistent volumes of equipment through the Central Asian
States in order to maintain these routes as a hedge against
geopolitical uncertainty that could impact other routes.
Question. What security challenges do you see in this portion of
Answer. There are several violent extremist organizations (VEOs),
to include al Qaeda and other Afghanistan- or Pakistan-based groups
such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan that have expressed interest
or intent to operate from and within Central Asia. The VEOs benefit
from narcotics, arms trafficking, and smuggling which are pervasive
threats in the region. These activities threaten legitimate commerce
and the flow of strategic resources. The proliferation of material for
weapons of mass destruction, associated delivery systems and the spread
of technical expertise from and through the Central Asian States is
another concern. Across the region there is a considerable lack of
sustainable development; in the absence of economic opportunity, poor
and disenfranchised communities can serve as hotbeds for the spread of
violent extremism.
Question. How does the fact that India is in the U.S. Pacific
Command area of responsibility (AOR) while Pakistan is in the CENTCOM
AOR affect the United States' ability to treat the region's challenges
Answer. The Unified Command Plan (UCP) ``seam'' between Pakistan
and India does not degrade our ability to address the larger region.
The CENTCOM and PACOM AOR share many of the same challenges, threats
and opportunities. CENTCOM and PACOM routinely coordinate with each
other to ensure unity of effort when dealing with the region's
Question. In your view, how does our military cooperation and
engagement with India affect our efforts in Pakistan and Afghanistan?
Answer. Pakistan, naturally, has concerns about any military
cooperation between the U.S. and India. This affects both our
relationship with Pakistan and, indirectly, our efforts in Afghanistan.
However, we make clear to Pakistan that our military cooperation and
engagement is not a threat to Pakistan and that this is not a zero-sum
game. We have important relationships and strategic partnerships with
both countries that are not at the expense of either one.
counter piracy operations off the horn of africa
Question. Over the past few years, U.S. Forces have participated in
a multi-national mission to counter piracy off the coast of Somalia.
More recently, evidence suggests that the mission has achieved some
measure of success, although the assigned task force continues its
counter-piracy efforts.
What is your assessment of the mission thus far?
Answer. Attacks continue but with limited pirate successes due to
changes implemented by the commercial shipping industry and coalition
naval presence which have placed a financial strain on Somali pirates.
While we are currently experiencing success, piracy activity remains
driven by the desire of pirates to gain multimillion-dollar ransoms
with little risk.
Question. In your opinion, how long should we continue the current
mission as constituted and at what point should we consider a change to
the strategy?
Answer. While the mission has achieved a measure of success, it
would be premature to shift our strategy as piracy will exist until it
becomes cost prohibitive. The lower numbers in pirate success rates is
also based on the introduction of newer, less experienced pirate groups
which could change with time. The presence of counter-piracy Task
Forces not only contributes to security, but facilitates global
commerce and regional prosperity. Furthermore, Maritime Security
Operations offers the best opportunity to work with partners to deny
violent extremists free use of the sea which also contributes to
overall regional security.
Question. What do you see as the most appropriate maritime strategy
in this region of the world, given the threats of weapons trafficking,
human trafficking, and piracy?
Answer. The most appropriate strategy is to continue our leadership
role as expressed in the President's Maritime Security Policy and the
NSS Counter Piracy Action Plan in conjunction with the international
community. Specifically, the U.N., NATO, and the EU; and the maritime
industry in general. The use of proven tactics and procedures within
DOD and the Coalition, combined with the practice of industry best
management procedures (such as vessel protection and disruption
techniques) have reduced the unlawful maritime activity in the Horn of
Africa. The combination of military operations and industry's response
has resulted in suppression of these activities. However, in order to
prevent the re-emergence of this activity, we must continue to work in
partnership with the international community to suppress and strive
towards the eradication of this threat to free international maritime
Question. Given that Somalia has established a new Federal
Government, how should U.S. policy toward pirate groups based in Somali
territory be modified?
Answer. CENTCOM's efforts, in conjunction with the international
community, have produced positive results in increasing the maritime
security in the Somali Basin. We must continue to work as part of a
cohesive whole-of-government effort, both within the U.S. Government
and with the appropriate international organizations (such as the U.N.,
NATO, and the EU) and in conjunction with the Somali Government, to
continue our successes in reducing the maritime security threat
expressed by the pirate groups, both ashore and at sea.
Question. While Israel is not part of the CENTCOM AOR, it does play
a role in the Command's AOR.
In your assessment, what are the most significant threats facing
Israel in the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. The greatest threat to Israeli security is the prospect of
a nuclear-armed Iran. Despite sanctions and significant pressure from
the international community, the Iranian regime continues to take steps
that could support the development of a nuclear-weapons program. The
potential of an Iranian nuclear weapon, coupled with Iran's advancement
of Theater Ballistic Missiles (both accuracy and quantity), presents
Israel with what they assess to be intolerable threats to their
security. Hezbollah also represents a significant existential threat to
Israel. Other significant threats to Israel's security include Iranian
proxy elements and Palestinian rejectionists such as Hamas and
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Finally, regional instability provides
VEOs with opportunities to gain new footholds in areas near Israel. For
instance, al Qaeda-aligned groups such as the al-Nusrah Front in Syria
continue to gain strength in key Syrian cities and may target Israel
when the Assad regime collapses. Similarly, violence and domestic
concerns plague Egypt, which provides for under-governance in the
Sinai, allowing greater freedom of action for AQ-inspired groups.
Question. If confirmed, what do you view to be your role with
respect to the defense of Israel?
Answer. EUCOM is the lead military agency charged with defending
Israel; however, CENTCOM has always worked very closely with EUCOM,
SOCOM, and the Department of State to ensure there are no seams or gaps
in our regional plans. As with our other allies in the Middle East, we
must honor our commitments to Israel to support them during crisis. As
the Middle East continues to deal with challenges in Egypt, Syria and
Lebanon it will be critical for CENTCOM, EUCOM and SOCOM to closely
coordinate our efforts to maintain a stable region and provide
appropriate support to Israel.
arab spring
Question. The Arab Spring has changed--and will likely continue to
change--the political dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa.
These changes require the United States to adjust our military-to-
military and defense civilian relations in this region. Some observers
argue that the United States should reduce significantly our military-
to-military contact in countries as a result of the ongoing changes and
others advocate more robust and stepped-up contact with our partners in
this region.
In your view, what should be the posture of the U.S. Government on
military-to-military and defense civilian relations in the region,
particularly with respect to Egypt and Bahrain?
Answer. Military-to-military engagements lay the foundation for and
bolster our broader diplomatic and political relationships in the
region, to include in Egypt and Bahrain. Much of this work is ongoing,
but as resources decrease and American forward presence in the region
declines, military-to-military engagements and working by, with, and
through our partners will become even more important. This type of
engagement is often the bedrock of our relationships and affords us the
trust necessary to dialogue quietly about contentious issues.
building partner capacity and security assistance
Question. In the past few years, Congress has provided DOD a number
of temporary authorities to provide security assistance to partner
nations, including the global train and equip authority (``section
1206''), Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), and the niche
authority for Yemen's Ministry of Interior Counterterrorism Unit.
What is your understanding of the purpose of the section 1206
global train and equip authority and Global Contingency Security Fund?
Answer. The purpose of section 1206 authority (Global Train and
Equip) is to enhance the capacity of foreign nations to conduct
counterterrorism operations with either their national military forces
or maritime security forces. Additionally, the authority allows the
Department to improve partner nations' capabilities to participate in
or support military and stability operations in which the U.S. Armed
Forces are a participant.
The GSCF is similar in some aspects to the section 1206 authority.
Both seek to improve the capability of a foreign country's national
military forces to conduct counterterrorism operations or help a
partner nation participate in or support military operations consistent
with U.S. foreign policy and national security interests. However, the
GSCF is not as narrowly defined or restricted as section 1206. GSCF can
be used for border security, internal defense, justice sector programs
(including law enforcement and prisons), and stabilization efforts
within a country where instability challenges the existing capability
of civilian providers to deliver such assistance. Additionally, more
organization, such as within a nation's Ministry of Interior, would be
a potential recipient of GSCF funds; section 1206 restricts funding to
a country's Ministry of Defense or Maritime Security forces.
Question. In your view, what should be our strategic objectives in
building the capacities of partner nations in the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. Our strategic objectives in building partner capacities in
the AOR include partners that are capable of deterring, defending, and
cooperating against attack; controlling their borders; mitigating
ungoverned spaces; enhancing stability; and maintaining cooperative,
interest-based relations with their neighbors; and Regional Partners in
the AOR that remain accessible and cooperative with the United States.
Question. The funding pool available for security assistance and
other military-to-military engagement activities devoted to the CENTCOM
AOR tends to be allocated to specific countries.
What is your understanding of the role CENTCOM plays in developing
U.S. security assistance priorities (e.g., section 1206, Foreign
Military Financing, International Military Education and Training
Assistance, Combatant Commander Initiative Fund)?
Answer. CENTCOM collaborates with the DOS and each Security
Cooperation Office (SCO) to develop security assistance programming
priorities which are aligned with the Department's Security Cooperation
Guidance and supports the Theater Campaign Plan as well as the
individual Country Plans. These priorities and recommended funding
levels are submitted to DOD for inclusion in the President's budget
request each year.
u.s. contributions to international peacekeeping missions
Question. In testimony before the House Committee on Foreign
Affairs on July 29, 2009, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
(U.N.) stated that the United States ``is willing to consider directly
contributing more military observers, military staff officers, civilian
police, and other civilian personnel--including more women I should
note--to U.N. peacekeeping operations.'' General Dempsey has said the
United States ``should consider opportunities for U.S. personnel to
contribute to U.N. peacekeeping missions'' and that ``experience shows
that even a small number of trained and experienced American
servicemembers can have a significant, positive effect on U.N.
In your view, should the United States increase the number of
personnel it contributes in the form of staff positions and military
observers to U.N. peacekeeping missions and other international peace
Answer. Overall, I agree with General Dempsey's position; however,
our first priority remains our significant troop commitments in
Question. In your view, what are the advantages and disadvantages
of contributing additional military personnel to U.N. operations in the
form of staff positions and military observer positions?
Answer. U.N. peacekeeping operations are a cost-effective
alternative to unilateral U.S. military action. Such missions support
U.S. interests around the world, promoting stability and saving
civilian lives. U.S. military personnel make significant contributions
to these efforts, particularly in specialized areas such as logistics
and intelligence. However, the competing requirements of additional
participation in U.N. peacekeeping operations must be weighed against
potential costs, to include the increase in the operational tempo of
the force.
Question. In your view, would an increase in the number of U.S.
military personnel assigned to U.N. peacekeeping missions in the
CENTCOM AOR help you advance the theater campaign plan?
Answer. While this is not an issue that I am ready to fully assess,
there are many important factors to balance in making such an
assessment, including ongoing U.S. military commitments and engagements
in the AOR and perceptions in the region that would result from an
increase in U.S. peacekeepers. I would need to study the issue further
to ensure that while addressing one issue we do not inadvertently
create additional issues.
national strategy to combat transnational organized crime
Question. Criminal networks are not only expanding their
operations, but they are also diversifying their activities, resulting
in a convergence of transnational threats that has evolved to become
more complex, volatile, and destabilizing. The Director of National
Intelligence recently described transnational organized crime as ``an
abiding threat to U.S. economic and national security interests,'' and
stated that ``rising drug violence and corruption are undermining
stability and the rule of law in some countries.'' In July 2011, the
President released his Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized
Crime: Addressing Converging Threats to National Security. One of the
priority action areas designated in the strategy is ``enhancing
Department of Defense support to U.S. law enforcement.''
What is your understanding of the President's strategy to combat
transnational criminal organizations?
Answer. The President's plan for combating transnational criminal
organizations is reflected in the National Security Strategy. As part
of a whole-of-government approach the DOD can bring to bear unique
authorities and capabilities to augment those of our law enforcement
and intelligence communities. Of note is the policy's call for
increasing intelligence and information sharing as well as building
international capacity, cooperation and partnerships.
Question. What is your assessment of the threat to the United
States posed by transnational organized crime? Would you consider it a
national security threat?
Answer. The growing interconnectivity among transnational organized
crime (TOC), terrorist groups, and insurgencies threatens U.S. national
security interests. TOC exploits porous borders caused by regional
unrest, the speed of global trade, and the growing demand for drugs and
weapons to cooperate with terrorist and insurgent groups. Similarly,
terrorist and insurgent groups mobilize TOC networks to undermine
governments/State institutions and engage in illicit activities (i.e.,
narcotics trafficking, money laundering, small arms/light weapons
sales, and counterfeit goods) to bolster their resources, which
improves operational capability and effectiveness.
mass atrocities prevention
Question. President Obama identified the prevention of mass
atrocities and genocide as a core U.S. national security interest, as
well as a core moral interest, in August 2011 under Presidential Study
Directive 10.
What are your views on the role the United States plays in the
prevention of mass atrocities and genocide?
Answer. The United States, as a world leader, has resources which
it can bring to bear to aid in the prevention of mass atrocities and
genocide. The decision to commit these resources clearly resides with
the President. As a military commander, I understand my responsibility
under the Law of Armed Conflict to protect civilians from physical
violence and to contribute to a secure, stable, and just environment
for civilians over the long-term.
Question. What are your views on the adequacy of the Department's
tools and doctrine for contributing to this role?
Answer. Although the CJCS has the Department's lead for further
developing operational principles, the geographic combatant commands
will incorporate mass atrocity prevention and response as a priority in
planning, activities, and engagements. By applying our lessons learned
methodology to previous and future activities we will continue to
expand and refine our capabilities and capacities to respond as a
decisive element of a whole-of-government effort.
counter threat finance
Question. DOD and the Intelligence Community (IC) have begun
investing more resources in identifying and tracking the flow of money
associated with terrorist networks and illicit trafficking, but the
opportunities for tracking and degrading illicit financing flows are
not yet matched by the effort and resources devoted to them.
Identifying and disrupting key individuals, entities, and facilitation
routes enabling the flow of money that supports terrorism, production
of IEDs, narco-trafficking, proliferation, and other significant
national security threats could have an outsized impact on confronting
these threats.
What are your views on the role of DOD in counter threat finance
Answer. It is appropriate for DOD to play a supporting role in
countering threat finance activities. DOD does bring unique
capabilities to the effort of the broader interagency community. DOD
can provide its intelligence analysis to identify critical network
vulnerabilities as well as its strategic and operational planning
Question. Are there opportunities to replicate or improve upon the
network-disruption efforts of groups like the Joint Improvised
Explosive Device Defeat Organization or the Afghanistan Threat Finance
Cell in impacting other facilitation networks?
Answer. Yes. The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat
Organization and the Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell multi-national and
interagency approaches to the counter-IED and threat finance problem
sets provide an effective framework that I believe may be applied to
other networked problem sets such as narcotics and weapons trafficking.
If confirmed, I will actively pursue such multi-nation and interagency
solutions to the problems that we face in the CENTCOM AOR to the
maximum extent possible.
Question. In your view, how should DOD coordinate and interface
with other key agencies, including the Department of Treasury and the
Intelligence Community, in conducting counter threat finance
Answer. In keeping with OSD/Joint Staff/SOCOM (CTF DOD lead
component) policies, DOD should coordinate counter threat finance
activities with other agencies and departments through the Geographic
Combatant Command's interagency process. This type of interface will
ensure the IA receives one set of theater threat finance priorities,
reduces redundant and conflicting DOD requests to the IA, and increases
opportunities to disrupt adversary finance networks. Counter threat
finance intelligence support (e.g., collection requirements,
production) should be brokered through theater, component, task force
J2s and directly with DOD's consolidated threat finance intelligence
initiatives within the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Question. Over the past decade, the United States has provided over
$500 million in security assistance to the Government of Lebanon.
In your view, what is the appropriate role for CENTCOM in Lebanon?
Answer. CENTCOM continues to act as a mentor and enabler of the
Lebanon Armed Forces (LAF). Our relationship enables the U.S. and
Lebanon to work toward mutually-supporting goals. A reduction of
CENTCOM involvement in Lebanon would increase the temptation and
necessity for Lebanon to consider taking aid from countries whose
interests conflict with U.S interests.
Question. In your view, what are the U.S. national security
interests in Lebanon?
Answer. The primary U.S. security interest in Lebanon is to
strengthen the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) as a counterweight to
Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) and, in doing so, reduce the malign influence
of Iran in the region. Instability in Lebanon plays into the interests
of LH, Syria, and Iran. The multi-confessional nature of the LAF makes
it a unifying force in Lebanon acting as a stabilizing force to the
detriment of our adversaries in the region.
Question. The current government in Lebanon includes Hezbollah, a
designated foreign terrorist organization under U.S. law.
Given the involvement of Hezbollah in the Lebanese Government, what
do you believe to be the appropriate level of engagement with the
Lebanese Armed Forces?
Answer. The LAF has proven itself to be independent of Hezbollah
influence despite Hezbollah's involvement in the Lebanese Government.
To date, Hezbollah's involvement has had no impact on our relationship
and current levels of engagement with the LAF. In light of the ongoing
situation in Syria, our various forms of aid to the LAF are vital to
maintaining peace internally while guarding against spillover violence
from across the Syrian border. Our persistent efforts to provide
military training and material support to the LAF have enabled them to
be a more effective counter-balance to Lebanese Hezbollah (LH).
Question. Over the past several years, much as been made of China's
military growth and modernization and of China's influence throughout
Asia, including the portions of the region that fall within the CENTCOM
commander's area of responsibility. For example, many observers point
out that China has developed and maintains a partnership with Iran
based, at least in part, on economic and defense cooperation, and that
China's policies toward Iran have hindered international efforts to
deter Iran from developing a nuclear weapons capability.
Question. What do you see as the effect of China's economic and
military growth on the CENTCOM AOR as a whole?
Answer. China relies heavily on energy resources found in the
CENTCOM AOR (Middle East and Central Asia) to meet its growing domestic
demand for energy and achieve its strategic objective of sustained
economic growth. China seeks to build political and economic
relationships with countries in the CENTCOM AOR to ensure that Beijing
maintains access to the region's energy resources, but China plays
little role in guaranteeing security and stability throughout the
region. China has historically been a source of arms sales for
countries seeking to upgrade their arsenals and/or procure cheaper
alternatives to U.S. weapons.
Question. How does China's relationship with Iran, in particular,
affect U.S. security interests in the region?
Answer. China is Iran's largest purchaser of crude oil. However,
China reduced its imports of Iranian crude oil in 2012 compared to the
previous year, in response to U.S. diplomacy. While China voted for
sanctions on Iran in U.N. Security Council Resolution 1929, it has
publicly opposed additional national sanctions that have been levied by
the United States, European Union and others. Iran seeks to use its
relationship with China to gain influence within the UNSC, seeking
support from China during resolution votes. Iran will likely continue
efforts to build on its relationship with China as it depends on
Beijing to offset the high cost of business transactions due to
dod counternarcotics activities
Question. DOD serves as the single lead agency for the detection
and monitoring of aerial and maritime foreign shipments of drugs
flowing toward the U.S. On an annual basis, DOD's counter-narcotics
(CN) program expends approximately $1.5 billion to support the
Department's CN operations, including to build the capacity of U.S.
Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, and certain foreign
governments, and provide intelligence support on CN-related matters and
a variety of other unique enabling capabilities.
In your view, what is the appropriate role of DOD--and by extension
CENTCOM--in counterdrug efforts?
Answer. In the CENTCOM AOR, counterdrug authorities provided by
Congress permit us to support our Federal law enforcement partners in
their engagement with regional counterdrug security force
organizations. These activities address many of the U.S. Government's,
and by extension CENTCOM's, most pressing regional security issues.
Counterdrug activities are often one of the few avenues for military
engagement with our regional partners.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of the United
States in countering the flow of narcotics to nations other than the
United States?
Answer. The United States should always consider partnering with
governments requesting counterdrug assistance when it supports U.S.
national interests. Drug trafficking organizations are international by
nature and the larger the coalition of the willing to address the
illicit drugs business, the greater the global impact we could achieve.
Counter-narcotics operations provide opportunities for developing
military-to-military relationships and building partner capacity.
Question. Given that the vast majority of illegal drugs transiting
in the CENTCOM AOR are not destined for the United States, should DOD
invest resources in countering the flow of illegal drugs to or through
Answer. It is shortsighted to view illicit drugs trafficking
activity through the prism of only what comes into the United States.
Narcotics play a critical role in underwriting corruption, which poses
the greatest strategic threat to the ISAF campaign plan. So, while only
a relatively minor portion of Afghan opiates make their way to the
U.S., their impact on U.S. Government engagement in the CENTCOM AOR is
significant. An effective U.S. counterdrug strategy includes attacking
the illicit drugs trafficking business at every opportunity from source
to end user. Counter-narcotics operations provide opportunities for
developing military-to-military relationships and building partner
strategic communications and information operations
Question. Over the past decade, DOD has funded an increasing number
of military information support operations (formerly known as
psychological operations) and influence programs. The Government
Accountability Office reports that DOD has ``spent hundreds of millions
of dollars each year'' to support its information operations outreach
activities. Many of these programs are in support of operations in
Afghanistan, but Military Information Support Teams (MISTs) from U.S.
Special Operations Command also deploy to U.S. embassies in countries
of particular interest around the globe to bolster the efforts of the
Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Further, the geographic combatant commands are increasingly moving into
this operational space.
What are your views on DOD's military information support
operations and influence programs?
Answer. Military information support operations (MISO) is a
critical investment in deterrence and prevention of conflict when
synchronized with interagency efforts. Integral to all phases of
military operations, MISO serves to shape information environments and
mitigate risk to mission and forces in advance of and during conflict.
Question. What unique value should such programs contribute in
distinction from strategic communications and influence activities
conducted by other government departments and agencies?
Answer. CENTCOM's Information Operations (IO) capability is unique
in that it is opponent focused (military targets), tightly integrated
with special and technical operations programs and inter-connected with
the communications community both military and interagency. It has the
flexibility to employ attributable and non-attributable means (within
scope of policy) to achieve objectives unlike other Public Affairs and
Defense Support to Public Diplomacy. CENTCOM's IO capability
specializes in languages unique to the designated area of operations;
staff and units of execution have hands-on experience understanding key
opponent influence systems; and our IO is postured to rapidly target
those opponents when authorized.
regional alignment and rotational deployments of army brigades
Question. The Army plans to align general purpose combat brigades
with regional combatant commands, including CENTCOM, to support theater
engagement and security force assistance missions and to make those
forces, and other supporting units, available on a rotational basis for
deployment to those regions for training and exercises.
What is your understanding and assessment of the Army's capability
and capacity to align combat brigades or other units with regional
combatant commands?
Answer. As Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, I have been involved in
the development of the Regional Alignment of Forces concept. I believe
it is sound and will provide geographic combatant commanders with
professionally trained and regionally attuned forces and capabilities
that are both responsive and capable of meeting theater requirements.
The Army is executing its first ``proof of principle'' of the
Regionally Aligned Forces concept in fiscal year 2013 by aligning a
brigade combat team to U.S. African Command (AFRICOM). The Army will
conduct a subsequent comprehensive assessment of this effort that will
further drive our understanding of our capability and capacity to
execute this mission set going forward.
Question. What are your views, if any, on the use of general
purpose forces for missions providing security force assistance to
other nations' militaries?
Answer. Recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have demonstrated
that general purpose forces are quite capable of executing the security
force assistance mission set. Moreover, general purpose forces can be a
key asset as we continue to build the military capacity of our allies.
As an example, our military has a rich history of cooperative small
unit training exercises across a range of combatant commands.
Ultimately, such efforts must be synchronized with the combatant
commander's Theater Security Cooperation plan.
Question. In your view, how, if at all, should a unit's regional
alignment impact the assignment of personnel, selection of unit
commanders, priority for cultural and language training compared to
core combat training, and identification and acquisition of special
Answer. The Army is currently conducting a comprehensive analysis
of requirements and impacts of the regionally aligned forces concept.
This analysis will account for factors associated with doctrine,
organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel,
and facilities. Further, the 2013 regional alignment of the brigade
combat team to AFRICOM will inform this analysis. Factors associated
with the alignment of divisions and corps will also inform this
analysis. Ultimately, the Army seeks to support combatant commands
while remaining operationally adaptable to respond to global
contingencies, as required.
Question. If confirmed, how would you propose to implement the use
of regionally aligned forces in support of your theater assistance and
engagement strategies?
Answer. Use of regionally aligned forces to support CENTCOM theater
assistance and strategy will not be fundamentally different than how
other forces are now used. The significance of using such forces is
that regional alignment will enhance relationships between planning
staffs while improving the aligned units' familiarity with areas in
which they will most likely be employed.
Question. In your view, how should funding responsibility be
consolidated or distributed between the Military Departments and the
combatant commands for training and employment of regionally aligned
Answer. I believe the current construct established under the
Goldwater-Nichols DOD Reorganization Act of 1996 adequately and
efficiently defines the roles and responsibilities of the Services and
defense agencies in supporting the combatant commands. The Services are
and should continue to be funded to man, train and equip their forces
in support of combatant command operational mission sets regardless of
whether those forces are regionally aligned. However, combatant
commanders should provide funds for training and exercises conducted in
their AOR.
Question. In your view, is it feasible and suitable to satisfy
theater engagement and assistance strategies completely with rotational
forces? If not, why?
Answer. CENTCOM has successfully conducted operations, exercises
and activities since its inception without permanently assigned forces.
Like other commands, it plans and requests forces through the Global
Force Management process. I have complete faith that all CENTCOM
theater engagement and assistance strategies can be met with rotational
forces, particularly regionally aligned forces.
nato alliance
Question. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance
continues to be central to our coalition operations in Afghanistan and
elsewhere, even as many NATO members have significantly reduced their
national defense budgets in response to economic and fiscal pressures.
Do you agree that U.S. participation in the NATO alliance
contributes to advancing U.S. security interests?
Answer. Yes, members of the NATO Alliance share the same concerns
for national security as we do. Participation in the Alliance furthers
international security and U.S. security interests.
Question. What are the greatest opportunities and challenges that
you foresee for NATO in meeting its strategic objectives over the next
5 years, particularly with regard to NATO activities in the CENTCOM
Answer. We are all operating in a challenging fiscal environment,
and are seeking ways to more efficiently meet our strategic objectives.
In this austere environment, there may be opportunities to expand
interoperability and cost sharing through combined training exercises,
utilizing our well-developed training facilities in Europe.
Question. In light of the reductions in national defense spending
by some NATO members, are you concerned that the Alliance will lack
critical military capabilities? If so, what steps, if any, would you
recommend be taken to address potential shortfalls in alliance
Answer. The impact of reduced spending will be felt throughout the
alliance. We can work to mitigate the impact by exploring avenues of
increasing interoperability, and perhaps achieving economies of scale
through international cooperative research, development and
Question. What is your assessment of the effectiveness of nations
of the Middle East in recent NATO military operations in Libya?
Answer. Middle East nations have been effective in recent NATO
operations and served as an integral part of the Coalition. A prime
example would be the efforts by UAE, Qatar, and Jordan who flew combat
sorties during Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya. Continued training and
exchanges with our partners in the Middle East forges bonds that can
last generations and give us resources that when needed fulfill
operational requirements and further strengthen our ties.
Question. What steps, if any, do you think CENTCOM should take to
improve the interoperability of military forces from the CENTCOM region
with the U.S. and other international security actors?
Answer. CENTCOM remains committed to working with coalition
partners to improve stability, peace and security for all partnered
nations in the CENTCOM AOR and neighboring AORs. Engagement is
certainly less costly than war and ensuring the interoperability of our
militaries is the requisite investment to achieve that goal. The most
dramatic effect on interoperability can be achieved through increasing
International Military Exchange and Training (IMET) funding for
military career schools and education.
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities
Question. Since September 11, CENTCOM has received the overwhelming
majority of the ISR support that DOD has been able to generate. The
demand for more ISR has continued to outstrip the supply, even though
the Secretary of Defense has taken extraordinary actions to ramp up the
acquisition of more and more capable and varied ISR systems. Other
combatant commands and other military missions and operations outside
of the CENTCOM AOR have gone wanting.
Do you foresee, and if so to what degree, CENTCOM relinquishing
existing ISR systems as forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan and as
demand continues to grow in AFRICOM, PACOM and other AORs?
Answer. CENTCOM remains actively engaged with ISAF and USFOR-A on
planning for ISR support through OEF Change of Mission and support to
the Enduring Force Headquarters post-OEF. We have learned through
experience that as our footprint shrinks the demand for ISR increases.
CENTCOM will conduct an OEF Redeployment Conference and an OPLAN
Development Conference within the next 60 days. Both events will enable
us to further refine the ISR requirements in support of the drawdown
and beyond. If confirmed, I will further assess the requirement for ISR
science and technology
Question. As with other combatant commands, a science and
technology (S&T) advisor is assigned to support CENTCOM.
If confirmed, what would be your priorities for the CENTCOM Science
and Technology advisor?
Answer. The Science Advisor acts as principle advisor to the
commander on matters of science, technology, innovation, and fielding
of material and non-material solutions for the command's most pressing
capability gaps. If confirmed, I will charge the Science Advisor with
the discovery, research, analysis and advocacy of new and emerging
technologies and techniques which have the potential to provide
solutions to our validated joint needs. I will require the Science
Advisor to continue to discover, develop, and advocate for those
technologies and techniques that will make our warfighters safer, more
efficient, and more effective in the immediate and near-term. I will
charge the Science Advisor to engage with partner countries to develop
mutually required technologies that will also keep coalition forces
safe, allow them to be more effective through better integration with
U.S. Forces, and help build stronger partnerships for the future. I
will also charge the Science Advisor with looking beyond the horizon to
ensure CENTCOM warriors maintain their battlespace technology
superiority during potential future conflicts.
operational energy
Question. Several of your predecessors have established and
published policies regarding operational energy and its important role
in supporting the mission in Afghanistan. These policies have stressed
better management of energy use in the battle space to provide a
strategic and tactical advantage while increasing combat effectiveness
and operational capability.
Do you plan to establish and publish similar policies regarding
operational energy improvements?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to support the CENTCOM
established policies and procedures regarding operational energy which
are now in the refinement phase. These policies and procedures include
a standing policy on Operational Energy which the Command has
implemented and Service Components and Joint Task Forces have similarly
adopted. I will also assess the Command's Operational Energy
initiatives to identify areas where CENTCOM can further enhance combat
power and ensure good stewardship of our finite energy resources.
Question. What is your assessment of how better operational energy
management translates, if at all, into improving combat effectiveness?
Answer. Better operational energy management translates to fewer
fuel convoys, thereby freeing convoy security forces to conduct other
operational missions. Decreased energy consumption and spending also
creates the potential to reinvest funds towards force protection and
other needed capabilities which ultimately increase combat
Question. How do you plan to track fuel consumption at forward-
deployed locations in Afghanistan?
Answer. The Afghan Sub-Area Petroleum Office (A-SAPO), an element
of USFOR-A Headquarters, receives regular fuel consumption reports from
sustainment forces providing fuel distribution services in Afghanistan.
A-SAPO reviews these reports and forwards them to the CENTCOM Joint
Petroleum Office.
centcom and dod global posture review
Question. According to the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Report,
DOD will conduct a global posture review that assesses U.S. strategic
relationships and interests to identify where and at what levels the
forward stationing of military forces supports those relationships and
interests. The new strategic guidance released by the Secretary of
Defense in January 2012 stated regarding the Middle East that ``the
United States will continue to place a premium on U.S. and allied
military presence in--and support of--partner nations in and around
this region.''
What is your assessment of the current and future strategic
requirement for basing U.S. military personnel and equipment in the
Middle East?
Answer. At present, CENTCOM has sufficient access and basing to
execute current operations and continually looks for ways to improve
the flexibility and depth in the theater basing network to support
potential surge operations if required, and mitigate risk caused by
access denial and loss of access should it occur. The Command has been
working with the Department on key elements of a posture strategy and
is incorporating this in the planning process. CENTCOM has been
revising its posture in theater for some time as we continue efforts to
reset forces for current and future operational requirements. This
process will continue as we work towards the successful completion of
Operation Enduring Freedom.
Question. Aside from contingency operations, do you believe the
number of U.S. Forces permanently stationed within CENTCOM is
sufficient to meet U.S. national security objectives in the region?
Answer. In my current position I am unable to provide an adequate
assessment of requirements and requisite forces in the CENTCOM AOR.
However, if confirmed, I will work with DOD to define the right mix of
capabilities to meet future steady state mission requirements and to
provide a rapid response capability in the event of a crisis.
centcom headquarters
Question. Based on the drawdown in Afghanistan and completed
redeployment out of Iraq, will you conduct a review of the size of the
CENTCOM headquarters?
Answer. Yes. CENTCOM headquarters is undergoing a manpower and
organization review now, assisted by the Army and Air Force Manpower
Agencies. If confirmed, I will assess the study recommendations and
shape the headquarters for future operations.
treatment of detainees
Question. Section 1403 of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2006 provides that no individual in the custody or
under the physical control of the U.S. Government, regardless of
nationality or physical location shall be subject to cruel, inhuman, or
degrading treatment or punishment.
If confirmed, will you take steps to ensure that all relevant DOD
directives, regulations, policies, practices, and procedures applicable
to U.S. Forces in Afghanistan fully comply with the requirements of
section 1403 and with Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will ensure that CENTCOM forces fully
comply with all relevant provisions of DOD directives, regulations,
policies, practices, and procedures applicable to U.S. Forces in
Afghanistan, and that they fully comply with the requirements of
section 1403 of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 and with Common
Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.
Question. Do you support the standards for detainee treatment
specified in the revised Army Field Manual on Interrogations, FM 2-
22.3, issued in September 2006, and in DOD Directive 2310.01E, the DOD
Detainee Program, dated September 5, 2006?
Answer. Yes. I understand and support the standards for the
treatment of detainees and will adhere to them, if confirmed. All
detainees shall be treated humanely, and in accordance with U.S. law,
the Law of War, and applicable U.S. policy. Humane treatment entails
the following: no violence, no cruelty, no torture, and no humiliating
or degrading treatment.
Question. Do you believe it is consistent with effective
counterinsurgency operations for U.S. Forces to comply fully with the
requirements of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions?
Answer. Yes. I believe all military operations, to include
counterinsurgency operations, must be conducted in accordance with the
requirements of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.
Question. How would you ensure a climate that not only discourages
the abuse of detainees, but that encourages the reporting of abuse?
Answer. If confirmed, I will set forth clear standards and
expectations and demonstrate my personal commitment to those standards.
I will ensure that guard forces are thoroughly trained in the humane
treatment of detainees. Personnel at all levels will be trained on the
importance of discouraging abuse and empowered to report any signs of
abuse. Where appropriate, we will conduct routine inspections.
traumatic brain injury
Question. On June 21, 2010, the Deputy Secretary of Defense issued
a DOD-wide policy on the management of mild traumatic brain injury
(TBI) in deployed settings.
What is your assessment of the effect of this policy in
safeguarding servicemembers from further traumatic brain injury?
Answer. This has proven to be a very effective policy and I am
confident it will contribute immensely in our understanding of mild TBI
and how best to prevent, detect and treat these injuries. The current
policy is based on the recently published DOD Instruction 6490.11 and
ensures that all potentially concussive events (mild TBI) are
identified, evaluated, treated and tracked by both the line leadership
as well as those in the military medical community. This policy also
limits the activity of those individuals identified with multiple
concussions and ensures they receive complete and timely follow-up and
are protected from the possibility of further brain injuries.
mental health assessments and treatment in theater
Question. The Army's Mental Health Advisory Team (MHAT) has made
seven separate assessments over the past several years detailing the
immediate effects of combat on mental health conditions of U.S.
soldiers and marines deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. The most recent
study, MHAT VI, found that ``soldiers on their third and fourth
deployment report lower morale and more mental health problems,'' and
that stigma continues to prevent some soldiers from seeking mental
health care. These types of reports lend support to the fact that
increasing numbers of troops are returning from duty in Afghanistan
with post-traumatic stress, depression, and other mental health
Do you have any views on how to best address the mental health
needs of our troops in theater, in terms of both prevention and
Answer. Ensuring that the behavioral health and counseling services
are readily available and accessible for our servicemembers remains a
high priority. Services are emphasizing resiliency training for
servicemembers with additional screening prior to deployment by
qualified mental health providers focused on behavioral health (BH)
disorders and wellness. Individuals, who have specific behavioral
health conditions that require specific treatments, and have not
demonstrated adequate resolution of their behavioral health condition
or symptoms, are not permitted to deploy. For those in theater, the
availability of Restoration Centers, telebehavioral health (TBH), and
an easy-to-use crisis line in conjunction with deployed behavioral
health providers have given servicemembers more options to take
preventive measures and seek treatment. If confirmed, I will continue
to emphasize the importance of mental health prevention and treatment
for our servicemembers.
Question. Do you believe that mental health resources in theater
are adequate to handle the needs of our deployed servicemembers?
Answer. Yes. To my knowledge the Behavioral Health (BH) resources
available to our servicemembers in theater are adequate to handle the
needs of our deployed troops. Keeping in mind that as our footprint
changes our resources will change and we will have to ensure we
maintain an adequate balance between number of servicemembers and
mental health care providers.
Question. If confirmed, would you request additional behavioral
health resources from the Services, if needed, to meet the needs of
units deployed to the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. Yes. If additional behavioral health resources were deemed
necessary, I would not hesitate to request such resources from the
Services to fill any identified gaps.
suicide prevention
Question. The number of suicides in each of the Services continues
to concern the committee. A number of these military suicides are
committed in theater.
What is your assessment of CENTCOM's suicide prevention program?
Answer. The challenge of suicide represents the most difficult one
I have faced in my 37-year career in the Army. While I'm not currently
in a position to assess CENTCOM's suicide prevention program, I know
from experience that an effective suicide prevention program requires
involved and engaged leadership at every level. If confirmed, I will
ensure suicide prevention receives the appropriate command and
leadership emphasis throughout the CENTCOM organization.
Question. In your view, are there any unique stressors in the
CENTCOM AOR that contribute to the number of suicides of servicemembers
serving in, or who have recently served in, the CENTCOM AOR?
Answer. Certainly there are stressors in the CENTCOM AOR. These
include exposure to combat environments, multiple deployments and high
operational tempo. That said, the challenge of suicide is incredibly
complex. While some of the stressors experienced in the CENTCOM AOR may
contribute to acts of suicide or suicidal ideations, generally there is
no single causal factor. In most cases, a combination of stressors lead
an individual to take his/her own life or attempt to do so. That said,
I do recognize that most CENTCOM forces are rotational. They are often
required to operate in stressful environments away from their loved
ones. If confirmed, as CENTCOM commander I will be mindful of these
stressors and associated challenges and I will make sure my subordinate
commanders are appropriately focused on them as well.
Question. If confirmed, what resources would you use to help
prevent suicides in theater and to prepare redeploying servicemembers
for transition to life back at home?
Answer. Prevention of suicide in theater and at home is a vital
priority--the safety of all deploying, deployed, and returning
servicemembers is always foremost among my priorities.
Confronting the difficult reality of suicide in the force requires
regularly exercising a broad complement of health resources within
fully supportive command culture. This process begins with recognizing
the importance of taking care of people, which will always remain the
most important asset in our military. It is imperative that we
implement programs and separate suicide prevention initiatives that
comprise a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention throughout the
life cycle of the training and deployment so that servicemembers can
receive appropriate counseling, assistance, respite, and support.
Continuing to educate Leaders at all levels regarding behavioral health
and its resources, both in theater and out, along with the installation
of resiliency training will assist with identifying servicemembers who
may need additional resources while decreasing the stigma associated
with behavioral health treatment. All resources available to
servicemembers need to be actively engaged to educate and support our
servicemembers to ensure a seamless transition during all phases of a
sexual assault
Question. Sexual assaults continue to be a significant issue in the
military. Victims of sexual assault report that they are victimized
twice: first by attackers in their own ranks and then by unresponsive
or inadequate treatment for the victim and failure of the chain of
command to hold assailants accountable. Secretary Panetta has recently
announced several new initiatives to address the sexual assault
problems in the military, including comprehensive assessments of
initial training of enlisted personnel and officers, creation of
special victim capabilities, and limiting initial disposition authority
to Special Court-Martial Convening Authorities in the grade of O-6 or
What is your assessment of the sexual assault prevention and
response program in CENTCOM?
Answer. I am not currently in a position to assess CENTCOM's sexual
assault prevention and response program. However, if confirmed, I will
make sexual assault prevention a leadership focus throughout the
command and ensure that the sexual assault prevention and response
programs in CENTCOM subordinate commands and components are effective
and vigorously maintained and supported. Training must be high quality
and engaging. Commanders and leaders must be present and involved in
training. They must also take an active role in selecting unit sexual
harassment/assault representatives and victim advocates. It is
extremely important that the right individuals be selected for these
key positions.
Question. What is your view of the adequacy of the training and
resources available in the CENTCOM AOR for providing appropriate
support to victims of sexual assault?
Answer. I am not currently in a position to assess the adequacy of
the training and resources available in the CENTCOM AOR. However, if
confirmed, I will make sure that the appropriate support is provided to
victims of sexual assault, both those in the CENTCOM AOR and in CONUS.
That said, I believe that sexual assault prevention and response
training must begin before leaving home station. Forces who have
conducted training prior to deployment are much better equipped to
prevent sexual assault in the first place and address reports of sexual
assault if/when they do arise.
Question. What is your assessment of the capability in the CENTCOM
AOR to investigate allegations of sexual assault and to hold assailants
accountable for their acts?
Answer. I believe that CID, AFOSI, and NCIS are capable of
investigating any sexual assault that occurs in the CENTCOM AOR.
Commanders have the ability to hold servicemembers accountable when
they have been accused of sexual assault. Commanders can pursue the
same options while deployed as they would in garrison, up to and
including a general court-martial, and I will make it a priority to
ensure they have the resources in theater to do so.
intelligence support for indirect activities
Question. Some observers contend that the national intelligence
agencies focus their assistance to the Defense Department in
Afghanistan and Iraq on special operators engaged in direct action
operations. As a consequence, it is alleged, general purpose forces and
Special Operations Forces engaged in indirect activities, including
foreign internal defense and population protection, receive less
intelligence support.
If confirmed, how would you ensure that general purpose forces and
Special Operations Forces engaged in indirect activities receive
adequate intelligence support?
Answer. If confirmed, I would ensure our forces, regardless of
whether they are engaged in direct action or indirect activities,
receive the intelligence support they need to effectively execute and
accomplish their mission. I will clearly state my Priority Intelligence
Requirements and allocate Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance support in accordance with prioritized, theater
requirements and capabilities.
special operations forces in support of country teams
Question. U.S. Special Operations Command deploys personnel to work
with country teams in a number of priority countries where the United
States is not engaged in direct action operations, but rather trying to
stop the spread of violent extremism. Their mission is to support the
priorities of the Ambassador and the geographic combatant commander's
theater campaign plan against terrorist networks.
Please describe the potential value of these special operations
personnel to CENTCOM and the country teams they are supporting.
Answer. Our Special Operations Forces (SOF) are the best in the
world and are a key component in maintaining the U.S. Government's
access into a host nation, and advancing interoperability with the host
nation's military. These objectives are aligned with the Ambassador's
overarching engagement strategy and the activities of the country team.
They excel when operating in the strategic environment under austere
conditions, and are particularly adept in keeping a small footprint on
the ground. These characteristics make them particularly useful and
valuable in our Theater engagement strategy, and a given when
responding to crisis in the region.
Question. If confirmed, what, if anything, do you intend to do to
make sure the goals of special operations personnel deployed to these
countries are closely aligned with those of the Ambassadors with whom
they are working?
Answer. If confirmed, it would be my responsibility to ensure that
our operations and activities are aligned and integrated into the
Ambassador's country specific objectives and our national security
objectives. I recognize that my relationships with the Chiefs of
Mission in the region will be critical to achieving necessary unity of
effort. I will charge my subordinate SOF commanders at all levels to
keep their lines of communication open with their respective Chiefs of
interagency collaboration
Question. The collaboration between U.S. Special Operations Forces,
general purpose forces, and other U.S. Government departments and
agencies has played a significant role in the success of
counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations in recent years.
However, much of this collaboration has been ad hoc in nature.
What do you believe are the most important lessons learned from the
collaborative interagency efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere?
Answer. Our experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan have taught us that
to achieve our goals and objectives we must balance all instruments of
national power. The complexity of the current operating environment
requires a whole-of-government approach that leverages the individual
strengths of the Interagency, to include our military and diplomatic
partners and others. Unity of effort, based on a `team of team'
concept, is essential. We must identify common goals and objectives
early on and work together to achieve them.
Question. How do you believe these efforts can be improved?
Answer. The nature of warfare today requires unity of effort. As
such, I believe we should look to expand our collaboration with our
interagency partners to include all stages of planning and operations.
We must not wait until we are in the midst of crises. By working
together on a routine basis, we will effectively align goals and
objectives, improve communications and enhance the understanding of one
another's methods and perspectives. This will ultimately enhance
individual and U.S. Government effectiveness.
Question. How can the lessons learned in recent years be captured
in military doctrine and adopted as ``best practices'' for future
contingency operations?
Answer. Lessons learned from combatant command, combined/joint
operations area, and unit/tactical level activities should be
communicated to the Services for incorporation into professional
military education, for civilian-military structural recommendations,
and for inclusion in the next revisions of joint and Service-level
unified command plan changes
Question. It has been reported that Admiral McRaven, Commander of
U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), is seeking changes to the
Unified Command Plan (UCP) and other authorities that he believes would
allow SOCOM to better support the requirements of the Theater Special
Operations Commands (TSOCs). Reportedly, such changes would give the
Commander of SOCOM combatant command authority over the TSOCs--
including responsibilities for resourcing--and provide for more rapid
deployment of Special Operations Forces to and between geographic
combatant commands without the requirement for approval by the
Secretary of Defense in every case. Operational control of deployed
special operations forces would reportedly remain with the respective
geographic combatant commander. Some have expressed concern that such
changes could raise problems related to civilian control of the
military, infringe upon the traditional authorities of the geographic
combatant commanders, and make it more difficult for ambassadors and
geographic combatant commanders to know what military personnel are
coming into their areas of responsibility and what they are doing while
they are there.
Please provide your assessment of whether such UCP changes are
appropriate and can be made without conflicting with civilian control
of the military, infringing upon authorities provided to the geographic
combatant commanders, or raising concerns with the State Department.
Answer. If confirmed, I will review all recommended changes to the
UCP. However, it has been my experience that Special Operations Forces
are most effectively employed when fully integrated with conventional
forces. This integration ensures better coordination, unity of effort
and the ability to share critical resources.
Question. In your view, are there any countries that should be
added or removed from the CENTCOM AOR as part of the review of the UCP?
Answer. I believe the current area of responsibility effectively
and efficiently facilitates accomplishment of the CENTCOM assigned
missions. If confirmed, I will continuously assess the CENTCOM missions
and AOR and propose realignment if future conditions warrant.
section 1208 operations
Question. Section 1208 of the Ronald Reagan National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Public Law 108-375), as amended
by subsequent bills, authorizes the provision of support (including
training, funding, and equipment) to regular forces, irregular forces,
and individuals supporting or facilitating military operations by U.S.
Special Operations Forces to combat terrorism.
What is your assessment of this authority?
Answer. Section 1208 authority provides authority and funds for
U.S. SOF to train and equip regular and irregular indigenous forces to
conduct counterterrorism operations. This authority is considered a key
tool in combating terrorism and is directly responsible for a number of
highly successful counter-terror operations. Throughout the CENTCOM AOR
1208 facilitates multiple joint operations between Theater and National
SOF partnering with host nation forces. These 1208 funded operations
create capable responsive host nation forces closely partnered with
U.S. SOF and represent the best opportunity to counterterrorist
activities that threaten U.S. interests.
military information support operations
Question. Al Qaeda and affiliated violent extremist groups work
hard to appeal to local populations. In several cases throughout the
CENTCOM AOR, most recently in Yemen, these efforts have allowed violent
extremists to establish a safe haven, conduct operations, and expand
their recruiting base. The composition and size of these groups in
comparison to the U.S. Government permits it to make policy decisions
very quickly.
Do you believe CENTCOM and other agencies within the U.S.
Government are appropriately organized to respond effectively to the
messaging and influence efforts of al Qaeda and other affiliated
terrorist groups?
Answer. Al Qaeda exploitation of the information environment
continues to mature and is a decisive part of the al Qaeda Senior
Leader's campaign. While I'm not currently in a position to assess U.S.
Government MISO capabilities, I recognize that CENTCOM must be able to
dominate the information environment and ensure we do not unwittingly
cede the information battle-space to the enemy.
Question. What steps, if any, do you believe CENTCOM should take to
counter and delegitimize violent extremist ideologies?
Answer. CENTCOM plays a significant role in countering and
delegitimizing violent extremist ideologies by eroding recruitment,
reach, fundraising and communication capabilities through military
information support and coordinated interagency operations.
congressional oversight
Question. In order to exercise its legislative and oversight
responsibilities, it is important that this committee and other
appropriate committees of Congress are able to receive testimony,
briefings, and other communications of information.
Do you agree, if confirmed for this high position, to appear before
this committee and other appropriate committees of Congress?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, when asked, to give your personal views,
even if those views differ from the administration in power?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear before this
committee, or designated members of this committee, and provide
information, subject to appropriate and necessary security protection,
with respect to your responsibilities as the Commander, CENTCOM?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to ensure that testimony, briefings, and
other communications of information are provided to this committee and
its staff and other appropriate committees?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
Answer. Yes.
[Questions for the record with answers supplied follow:]
Questions Submitted by Senator Claire McCaskill
afghanistan transition
1. Senator McCaskill. General Austin, I am concerned about what
appears to me to be a lack of civilian planning and a lack of
coordination for the transition to our post-2014 involvement in
Afghanistan. The Government Accountability Office recently released a
report that found that the Department of Defense (DOD) is effectively
managing on behalf of the Department of State (DOS) 20 assisted
interagency acquisitions with an estimated value of almost $1 billion
for basic support goods and services. In these cases, DOD has been
involved in every aspect of the acquisition cycle, including planning,
award, management, and oversight. I am concerned that DOS is not
prepared to manage the contracts it will need in the post-2014 period
in Afghanistan when the U.S. military largely leaves Afghanistan. What
do you intend to do, if confirmed, to ensure that there is adequate
coordination to ensure that DOS is not dependent on DOD to manage
contracts in Afghanistan after 2014?
General Austin. Based upon lessons learned from DOD to DOS
transition in Iraq, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and DOS created the
Afghanistan Contract Transition Working Group in 2012. This group is
specifically addressing the transition of contracts from DOD to DOS
post-2014. They are examining all contracts currently in place to
assist DOS in determining which services need to continue after 2014
and to prepare DOS acquisition management personnel to assume control
of contracting operations in Afghanistan. The group reports its
progress on contract transition matters to the Afghanistan Executive
Steering Group, a forum comprised of senior DOD and DOS leaders. If
confirmed, I will continue to facilitate the efforts of this group.
sustainability requirements
2. Senator McCaskill. General Austin, Congress has been clear that
greater analysis and assurances are needed to ensure that the
reconstruction projects the United States is undertaking in Afghanistan
are not only needed and wanted by the Afghan Government, but
sustainable by the Afghan Government. Congress made this clear in the
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013, which
stated that funding for reconstruction and development in contingencies
will not be available for use until a sustainability assessment is
conducted that accounts for the host country's ability to maintain
these projects. This applies not only to DOD, but also DOS and the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID).
Now that these sustainability requirements for infrastructure
projects are law, it is up to these departments, including DOD, to
implement the law effectively and aggressively. Should you be confirmed
as the Commander of CENTCOM, you will play a key role in implementing
the law as it pertains to projects in Afghanistan. What steps will you
take to ensure we are funding sustainable projects in Afghanistan?
General Austin. Prior to funding any infrastructure projects in
Afghanistan, U.S Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A) conducts assessments to
ensure we are implementing projects the Government of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) wants, needs and can sustain.
Sustainment estimates, which include personnel, training and funding
resources, are continually refined throughout the project selection
process in consultation with GIRoA. USFOR-A also ensures sustainment
costs have been budgeted by GIRoA or other international agencies. In
partnership with the USAID and U.S. Embassy Kabul, USFOR-A continues to
build GIRoA's capacity to operate and sustain projects which are
critical to Afghanistan's stability and economic development. If
confirmed, I will ensure CENTCOM continues to aggressively support this
oversight process.
sexual assault
3. Senator McCaskill. General Austin and General Rodriguez, it is
my understanding that the movie ``The Invisible War'' is being used to
help educate senior leaders in the U.S. Armed Forces about the issue of
sexual assault in the military. Have you seen the movie?
General Austin. Yes.
4. Senator McCaskill. General Austin and General Rodriguez, as a
leader in the U.S. Army, what have you learned about the issue of
sexual assault facing servicemembers under your command?
General Austin. All individuals deserve to be treated with dignity
and respect, and they should be guaranteed living and working
environments free of sexual harassment and sexual assault. During my
tenure as VCSA, I have conducted a number of sensing sessions with
soldiers of all ranks in order to hear their thoughts and concerns on
the topic. These sessions have proven to be very informative and
helpful to me and other senior leaders and commanders.
We take these issues very seriously and we are actively taking
steps to reduce the incidence of sexual harassment and sexual assault
in our ranks. Indeed, commanders are now, and must remain, critical
players in establishing the right environments, caring for victims and
holding offenders accountable within the military justice system. A key
component in victim reporting is a command climate that fosters a bond
of trust and confidence between Leaders and their subordinates. Culture
change is on the horizon; the Army has seen the propensity to report by
our female soldiers increase in recent years. This positive trend
indicates that our female soldiers do, in fact, trust their chain of
We acknowledge that there is more work to be done to continue this
upward trend and institutionalize our efforts, and our leaders remains
focused and committed to continuing to contribute to this most critical
Questions Submitted by Senator Joe Manchin III
5. Senator Manchin. General Austin, I am a strong supporter of
bringing our troops home from Afghanistan as quickly as possible so we
can focus on rebuilding America. The President's recent announcements
to bring home 34,000 American soldiers within the next year and to move
up the transition to Afghan combat lead by a few months are welcome,
but I still believe that we need an even more aggressive timeline for
withdrawal. Over the next 2 years, do you think there will be any
opportunities for further expediting the timeline for withdrawal of
U.S. troops from Afghanistan?
General Austin. We are at a vital juncture in this campaign and the
pace of the transition and withdrawal must remain consistent with the
status of mission and conditions on the ground. However, at this time I
cannot predict if there will be opportunities in the coming days to
further expedite the withdrawal. If confirmed, I will work closely with
General Dunford to continuously assess the situation and provide best
military advice to our civilian leadership.
6. Senator Manchin. General Austin, our combat mission in
Afghanistan is transitioning to one of training, advising, and
assisting the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). In light of this
change, what are the milestones and measures of effectiveness that DOD
is using to track the readiness of ANSF to stand on their own? I would
like to see DOD carefully track and report to Congress on progress
against these milestones because the sooner these targets have been
reached, the sooner we can withdrawal troops dedicated to the training
General Austin. If confirmed, I will focus on several principal
strategic level objectives over the next 2 years including: the
transition of lead security responsibility to the ANSF; ensuring that
we set the conditions for the 2014 Afghan Presidential elections; and,
ensuring all necessary actions are taken to successfully achieve the
full transition of security responsibility to the democratically
elected Government of Afghanistan. Success in Afghanistan will
ultimately hinge, in large measure, on the leadership within
Having said that, keeping a close eye on milestones and measures of
effectiveness to track the readiness of ANSF has been an evolutionary
effort over the past several years. We have developed several tools
used to assess and track ANSF capabilities and their ability to stand
on their own. For example, NTM-A uses the Commander's Unit Assessment
Tool to assess the condition of ANSF units in areas that include:
leadership, operations, intelligence, logistics, equipping, personnel,
maintenance, communications, training and education, and partnering.
Capability Milestones are the measures of effectiveness used to track
the ANSF readiness and performance at the ministerial level. These
assessments are conducted quarterly and allow for advisors to focus
efforts with the Afghans to continue improving their readiness and
performance. I will work closely with General Dunford to provide DOD
with progress reports against these milestones in support of
congressional reporting requirements.
7. Senator Manchin. General Austin, this question is related to
your current position as Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, and impacts
your future position as Commander of CENTCOM because, as you aptly
state in your advance policy questions, you inherently understand ``the
importance of taking care of people, which will always remain the most
important asset in our military.''
It has come to my attention that there are deployed Army battalions
in Afghanistan that do not have the appropriate family support at home
station. In September 2012, Secretary McHugh assured me that deployed
battalions would have Family Readiness Support assistants, but I know
of at least a few battalions that do not. Before voting for your
confirmation, I would like to bring this matter to your attention. Will
you commit that you have reviewed these policies in your current role,
and that in your future role, you wholly agree that deployed units must
have the appropriate family support?
General Austin. I am grateful for the continued support that you
have shown for our servicemembers and families. I absolutely agree that
caring for our families is and must remain a top priority. They
represent a critical part of our Army Team. They've made countless
sacrifices over the years, and certainly we could not have accomplished
all that we have over the past decade-plus of conflict without their
support. I am aware of the issue that has prompted your concern; the
senior Army leadership is currently addressing this matter directly.
You have my full assurance that, if confirmed, as CENTCOM Commander I
will make sure that the families of all of our deployed servicemembers
receive the full support they merit and deserve.
8. Senator Manchin. General Austin, what opportunities do you see
for encouraging other countries, particularly Afghanistan's neighbors,
to do more to build ANSF capacity?
General Austin. Presently, Afghanistan's neighbors are not in an
economic position to provide equipment or technical training to the
Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). However, all of Afghanistan's
neighbors share a common interest in a stable and secure Afghanistan
with an ANSF capable of preventing Violent Extremist Organization (VEO)
safe havens and controlling the adverse regional effects of narcotics
and criminal patronage networks. Initial ANSF capacity is established
through the efforts of the International Security Assistance Forces
(ISAF) Coalition and international donors. The future effectiveness of
ANSF will depend on bilateral military engagement with Afghanistan's
neighbors. Nowhere will ANSF bilateral engagement be more critical than
along the remote and rugged border areas with Pakistan in which
extremists and criminals seek sanctuary and who directly threaten both
9. Senator Manchin. General Austin, are there things the U.S.
military can do to encourage these partnerships to relieve the burden
on our forces?
General Austin. There are a number of things that U.S. Forces have
done and are continuing to do to facilitate our continued partnerships.
First, we are providing first-class training to coalition units
deploying into theater. Second, we are working closely with our
partners in the region to develop the tactics, techniques and
procedures that promote multinational interoperability. Third, we
assist countries in developing their own capabilities through training
events and foreign military sales. Finally, we are continuing to
develop military-to-military relationships at the highest level through
strategic engagements that not only promote trust, but also help key
leaders to understand our various military and political concerns.
Questions Submitted by Senator Jeanne Shaheen
withdrawal of troops from afghanistan
10. Senator Shaheen. General Austin, in your testimony, you stated
that you felt confident that the ANSF were on track to assume the lead
in security this spring. In your examination of the ongoing operations,
are you confident that the withdrawal of 34,000 troops this year will
allow for adequate force protection of Americans still in theater?
General Austin. The safety and security of our deployed forces
remains our foremost priority. The planned withdrawal of 34,000 troops
will be phased, as it was with the Surge drawdown, to ensure we are
able to successfully conduct the required mission while providing
sufficient force protection. Troops will be redeployed incrementally
and on pace with base closure and retrograde.
11. Senator Shaheen. General Austin, from your experience with the
Iraq withdrawal, what do you think that the United States should do
differently as we prepare to withdraw from Afghanistan?
General Austin. The Iraq withdrawal experience taught us two
things: to begin planning earlier and to consider all possibilities,
including not having a status of forces agreement (SOFA) that provides
the legal protection for our military forces and civilians to operate
in a sovereign nation. Redeployment planning and execution is underway
and leaders have incorporated the critical lessons learned from Iraq
including the possibility that the United States and Afghanistan may
fail to agree to a Bilateral Security Agreement.
12. Senator Shaheen. General Austin, what best practices do you
think are applicable to this new challenge?
General Austin. Although the challenges in Afghanistan are
different in many respects, ISAF is using the lessons learned from the
Iraq drawdown to help shape their campaign plan. There are a few best
practices that are critical to success: (1) synchronize retrograde
operations with operational maneuver to ensure adequate force
protection and enabler support as the size of our force decreases; (2)
conduct all planning with DOS and other agencies to ensure all
interagency missions are synchronized and set up for success through
the transition process; (3) prepare for the possibility that no status
of forces agreement will be in place for subsequent protection of U.S.
troops and contractors; and (4) ensure the training and advising of the
ANSF remain the focus, as the ANSF takes the lead for security across
Afghanistan and as we redeploy our forces.
Questions Submitted by Senator Richard Blumenthal
troop morale in afghanistan
13. Senator Blumenthal. General Austin, I have heard from several
Connecticut servicemembers and their family members deployed to
Afghanistan that when they are not at the base during certain hours,
they do not receive breakfast. I have also heard from servicemembers
that the free wireless Internet provided in Internet cafes is
occasionally too slow for them to communicate with family members back
home via Skype. I understand that servicemembers must pay up to $100
per month if they would like high-speed Internet service in their
living quarters. I have every confidence that you will ensure the
welfare of all military personnel under your command. If confirmed, how
would you address the welfare and morale issues of breakfast and
adequate Internet use for our servicemembers deployed in Afghanistan?
General Austin. The care of our deployed servicemembers is
critically important and I consider this to be an operational issue.
Mission requirements dictate the availability of certain resources and
as our footprint gets smaller, we may necessarily see gaps in certain
services due to operational requirements. That said, if confirmed, I
will ensure that leaders continue to provide proper care and
recreational opportunities within mission constraints.
14. Senator Blumenthal. General Austin, the civil war in Syria is
causing thousands to flee to the Jordanian Refugee Camp Zaatari where
there are press reports of Jordanian outsiders entering the area and
that it is not properly secured. If confirmed, would you consider
providing specific training and technical assistance to the Jordanian
military to improve security control at the Zaatari refugee camp, where
conditions are worsening and the Government of Jordan is bearing the
brunt of a crisis that requires a regional response?
General Austin. The U.S. military routinely provides focused and
effective training as well as technical assistance to the Jordanian
Armed Forces. The majority of the training and assistance we provide
increases their capacity and capabilities in order to ensure a secure
and stable Jordan. With regards to security at the Zaatri refugee camp,
the Jordanian Armed Forces do not provide any internal or perimeter
security for the camp. The Government of Jordan relies on their police
forces and Gendarme to provide security at Zaatri. The Jordanian Armed
Forces provide security for the refugees at the border and while
transporting them to Zaatri. Because the security providers at the camp
are Ministry of Interior personnel, CENTCOM would need special
authorities to provide any training or technical assistance should they
ask for it.
Questions Submitted by Senator Saxby Chambliss
tactical nuclear weapons
15. Senator Chambliss. General Austin, several nuclear powers
reside in the CENTCOM AOR. There is much concern about countries like
Pakistan who have unstable governments, discontent populations, and a
nuclear weapons capability. According to the Congressional Research
Service and the Federation of American Scientists, Pakistan has
approximately 90 to 110 warheads, recently passing India's inventory of
80 to 100 weapons. This appears to be a nuclear arms race in South
Asia. What are your thoughts on tactical nuclear weapons?
General Austin. The security and accountability of all tactical
nuclear weapons in that volatile and beleaguered part of the world is
of utmost importance to the United States, especially given our vital
national interests located throughout the region. While Pakistan
represents the only nuclear power in the CENTCOM AOR, we remain
concerned about the persistent risk of proliferation and certainly the
potential for an arms race in South Asia. If confirmed, I will also
work closely with the Commander of PACOM to ensure that nuclear
tensions between Pakistan and India are properly addressed. Meanwhile,
our ultimate goal is to help to discourage Pakistan from maintaining
tactical nuclear weapons given the inherent threat they pose to
security and stability in the region. Larger nuclear weapons are
contained on installations with multi-layered security and are more
difficult to conceal. In contrast, tactical nuclear weapons are far
easier to transport and conceal and thus more difficult to track.
16. Senator Chambliss. General Austin, what is your message to
leaders in Pakistan for future involvement?
General Austin. We want to convey to them our belief that the
significant risks associated with maintaining tactical nuclear weapons
far outweighs any potential benefit. We also want to emphasize the
grave need to ensure the proper security and accountability of these
weapons. Ultimately, it is in both our countries' best interest to
remain engaged at all levels in order to promote Pakistan stability and
security and accountability of all nuclear weapons.
17. Senator Chambliss. General Austin, what will be CENTCOM's role
in engaging with Pakistani military leaders for responsible
accountability and positioning of tactical nuclear weapons?
General Austin. The development of tactical nuclear weapons as a
potential counter to larger conventional forces is certainly an area of
concern that merits our attention. The United States must continue to
employ all elements of national power to aid and assist Pakistan in
improving its overall nuclear security and to prevent the proliferation
of nuclear material and technology. If confirmed, I will ensure that
CENTCOM continues to promote U.S./Pakistan military-to-military
engagements at the highest levels to promote the security and
accountability of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.
iranian nuclear weapons capability
18. Senator Chambliss. General Austin, while they state otherwise,
it appears Iran is actively pursuing a nuclear weapons capability. This
is something we cannot allow and there must be a red line drawn prior
to Iran acquiring this capability. What are the key indicators on
Iran's path to nuclear weapons capability?
General Austin. Key indicators could include: (1) Tehran ceases all
cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, which could
result in the lack of verification of Iran's nuclear-related materials
and facilities; (2) Uranium enrichment above the 20-percent level is
detected; this would exceed Iran's current civilian use requirements
and may have military implications; (3) Accumulation of large
stockpiles of 20-percent enriched uranium; (4) Confirmation of nuclear
weapons-related activities, many of which were outlined in the
International Atomic Energy Agency November 2011 report annex; (5)
Operation of a plutonium production reactor and establishment of a
plutonium reprocessing capability; (6) Continued testing and growth of
Tactical Ballistic Missile capabilities in the Iranian military.
19. Senator Chambliss. General Austin, what are the red lines and
what actions should we take?
General Austin. The President has stated the United States cannot
and will not allow Iran to develop or acquire nuclear weapons and
avoiding a regional nuclear arms race is critical to preserving
stability in the Middle East. Accordingly, CENTCOM is postured to
provide the President of the United States (POTUS) with a range of
military options, as required. That said, the best way to accomplish
this goal is through diplomacy, both unilateral and with our allies and
United Nation partners, and a tough sanctions regime. In parallel, the
United States needs to continue to maintain a strong U.S. military
presence within the Arabian Gulf region and build our regional
partners' military capabilities to defend themselves and the region in
the event of a crisis with Iran. If a crisis with Iran does occur,
CENTCOM is prepared to defend U.S. interests and our partners'
sovereignty and maintain the free flow of international commerce
throughout the region.
20. Senator Chambliss. General Austin, do you support the full
range of policy options, to include the use of force?
General Austin. Yes. Our Nation has vital national interests
throughout the CENTCOM AOR that would be jeopardized by a regionally-
hegemonic and aggressive Iran in possession of a nuclear weapon.
Therefore, and as POTUS has stated, we will not tolerate a nuclear-
armed Iran and stand ready to employ all instruments of national power
to ensure Iran does not achieve such a capability. If confirmed, as the
CENTCOM Commander, I will be prepared at all times to provide POTUS
with a range of options for effective military actions across the
spectrum of conflict.
Questions Submitted by Senator Kelly Ayotte
iran's activities
21. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, what are Iran's activities now
in Syria?
General Austin. Over the past 2 years, Iran has focused on keeping
the Assad regime in power to maintain the critical gateway to its
regional surrogates and proxies. Iran is providing the Syrian regime
money, weapons, military advisors, technical support, and is becoming
directly involved in operations against opposition forces.
Additionally, Iran is increasing support to pro-Assad Shia militants,
including establishing, training, and equipping the Jaysh al Sha'bi
22. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, what are Iran's activities in
Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and Afghanistan?
General Austin. The Iranian Threat Network (ITN) is a worldwide
network consisting of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force
(IRGC-QF), Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), and their
surrogates, business and logistics support. ITN actions, lethal or
otherwise, are a problem common to nearly every troubled country in the
region including Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iran continues to exploit regional animosity toward Israel to gain
influence in the Levant, portraying itself as the sole supporter of
Palestinian and Lebanese resistance. Iran continues providing Hezballah
with lethal military support, religious guidance, and funding for
numerous outreach programs targeting Shia communities throughout
Lebanon and specifically in southern Beirut. Iranian lethal aid
includes several advanced weapons systems, such as anti-ship missiles,
surface-to-surface missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, several variants
of manportable air defense systems, anti-tank guided missiles and tens
of thousands of tactical rockets.
In Yemen, Iran has taken advantage of unrest since early 2011 to
grow its influence. They are providing lethal and non-lethal support to
segments of the Huthi rebel movement in Yemen, in hopes of building the
group into a Lebanese Hizballah like element it can use to pressure the
Yemeni Government. Iran is also establishing an Arabian Peninsula based
weapons hub for training and exporting lethal aid to Yemen.
Iran is trying to expand its influence in Iraq by strengthening its
political, economic, and military ties with the Iraqi Government and
its senior leaders. Influence over Iraqi officials allows Iran to
extend hard and soft power influence in key areas of Iraq. Iraqi
airspace has been used to ferry lethal aid to Syria, uninhibited by
perfunctory Iraqi inspections of aircraft. Tehran is also engaging
Iraqi political leaders on all sides to ensure the current Iraqi
political crisis does not devolve into conflict. Iran continues to
support its Shia militant proxies, even though the groups have assumed
a lower profile in Iraq over the past year.
In Afghanistan, Iran through the IRGC-QF, continues equipping and
training the Taliban and other insurgents to undermine ISAF efforts to
establish security and stability in Afghanistan. Iran's other
influential efforts include overt support for the Afghan Government and
economic and cultural outreach to the Afghan populace, particularly
Shia minority populations. Politically, Iran seeks to maintain positive
relations within the highest levels of the Afghan Government while
attempting to steer Afghanistan away from a long-term Bilateral
Security Agreement with the United States.
arabian gulf
23. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, are we in a period of
heightened risk in the Arabian Gulf region?
General Austin. Yes. Iran's actions in the Arabian Gulf, of late,
have been more aggressive as Tehran attempts to assert territorial
claims that exceed internationally recognized limits. As Iran continues
to actively challenge our presence in international airspace and waters
of the Gulf, these events create the potential for miscalculation. Iran
also continues improving the lethality and accuracy of its ballistic
missiles and conducts military exercises with the stated purpose of
closing the Strait of Hormuz, threatening not only its neighbors but
also the global economy. Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy
Agency has reported that Iran continues to increase and improve its
uranium enrichment activities, causing concerns over the potential
military dimensions of its nuclear program.
24. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, what are the consequences of
not having the second aircraft carrier in the Arabian Gulf region?
General Austin. While the presence of a second aircraft carrier
significantly enhances the flexibility and number of response options
available to POTUS in the midst of a crisis, in its absence the United
States still retains a robust response capability for any number of
contingencies. That said, the lack of a second carrier would increase
response times required to execute some military options in the region.
integrated air and missile defense framework
25. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, given regional threats and a
need to balance Iran's nuclear ambitions, will CENTCOM continue to
pursue a robust integrated air and missile defense framework with our
Gulf Cooperation Council partners?
General Austin. Yes. Developing a robust integrated air and missile
defense framework with our Gulf Cooperation Council partners is central
to demonstrating the U.S. resolve in the region. Iran possesses
extensive ballistic missile capabilities that continue to grow in
quantity and technological sophistication. Their disruptive behavior
threatens the security interests of our regional partners and the vital
interests of the United States and we must emphasize interoperability
with our partners as they procure new and upgrade older missile defense
systems. Ultimately, a layered U.S. and Gulf Cooperation Council
missile defense architecture is necessary to effectively counter the
Iranian tactical ballistic missile threat and preserve operational
sequester risks
26. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, how will sequestration increase
risk to our interests in the CENTCOM AOR?
General Austin. Sequestration will significantly increase the risk
to readiness and ongoing missions in the CENTCOM AOR as Chairman
Dempsey and the Service Chiefs have stated. Sequestration will cause
the Services to delay required maintenance to ships and other major
systems, curtail pilot training hours, stall procurement decisions, and
cancel contracts. While such actions may meet short-term sequestration
goals, they introduce risk and likely result in greater expenditures
later. The effects of sequestration will negatively impact all of the
Services, thereby having a significant operational impact on the
CENTCOM AOR due to its geography, the pace of ongoing combat
operations, and the likelihood of numerous unforeseen contingencies.
surveillance in central command
27. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, the 2002 $250 million wargame
Millennium Challenge simulated a naval engagement in the Gulf and found
that speedboats pose a serious threat to our CENTCOM forces, especially
in the Strait of Hormuz. Given that, is persistent ISR that can track
these speedboats still required?
General Austin. Yes. The threat tactics employed during Millennium
Challenge still pose a significant threat to our forces. Specifically,
tactics such as swarming have been practiced and refined by the
Iranians over the years. Iranian speed boats, which we categorize as
Fast Attack Craft and Fast In-shore Attack Craft, pose a unique and
significant threat to U.S. and coalition naval forces, as well as
commercial shipping in the Arabian Gulf. These craft are integral to
Iran's mine-laying and swarm tactics and thus pose a significant threat
to the safety of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz and the
shipping lanes of the Arabian Gulf. Given the low observable signatures
and dynamic operations of these threats, persistent ISR is still
28. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, given what we know about Iran's
missile capabilities, would you consider integration of fire control
and persistent ISR valuable to the protection of our forward deployed
General Austin. Yes. CENTCOM forces and coalition partners will
have only minimal time to react to missile launches in the Arabian
Gulf. Rapid identification, verification, geolocation, and kinetic
targeting of such threats is a must (find-fix-finish).
29. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, the Army recently announced
that the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted
Sensor (JLENS) system would be demonstrated in the National Capital
Region to provide exactly that kind of ISR and defense. Would such a
system help counter threats such as those posed to U.S. Forces in the
General Austin. Persistent ISR systems such as JLENS, specifically
designed for missile detection and tracking, would help to counter
threats such as those posed to U.S. Forces in the Gulf. However, JLENS
is not currently a program of record and is still in testing. If this
system does become available for worldwide operational use, JLENS will
offer persistent and multi-sensor capabilities optimized for point area
defense. The fact that JLENS is tethered will prove a limitation
requiring substantial planning and de-confliction to overcome the
impact to air navigation, especially in nations who only grant the
United States limited use of their airspace.
international security assistance force
30. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, if General Dunford told you
that he believes the pace of the withdrawal is jeopardizing our
interests and a positive outcome in Afghanistan, would you support his
request to slow the pace of withdrawal?
General Austin. I will remain in close contact with General Dunford
to assess the conditions on the ground, consider his best judgment in
any major decisions regarding the campaign, including the pace of
redeployment of our forces, and provide my best military advice to my
chain of command.
31. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, if General Dunford says he
needs more forces than planned after 2014, would you support that
General Austin. I will work closely with General Dunford and
consider his best judgment in any major decisions regarding the
campaign, including the size of the forces required to meet the
mission, as directed by the President. I will continue to work with
General Dunford and his team, the Joint Staff and DOD, to assess
conditions on the ground and provide my best military advice to my
chain of command.
32. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, what will happen in Afghanistan
if the United States withdraws too quickly or leaves too few troops in
Afghanistan post-2014?
General Austin. Campaign success through 2014 and beyond requires
balancing many factors, including mission requirements, availability of
resources, and risk to forces. Ultimately, the Afghans are responsible
for securing their own country, and we have made a significant
investment in training their forces to achieve this goal. That said,
while it is hard to predict exactly what would happen if the United
States were to withdraw too quickly, such a withdrawal could jeopardize
the hard fought gains achieved over the last 12-plus years. Ultimately,
withdrawing too quickly could result in increased instability in
Afghanistan and throughout the region. If confirmed, I will work
closely with General Dunford to ensure a responsible transition and
withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Afghanistan.
33. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, why do you believe that the al
Nusrah Front is increasing in capability and influence in Syria?
General Austin. The ``al Qaeda in Iraq'' Syrian front organization,
al-Nusrah Front, has achieved its current level of capability and
influence because of two key variables. Al Nusrah has focused on
outreach to the Syrian populace, tempering its vision of an Islamic
state and building an outreach program that includes basic humanitarian
assistance. This has some Syrians looking to al Nusrah as a viable
alternative to the current Assad regime. This outreach is powerful when
combined with the second key to al Nusrah's success, the experience its
forces bring to the fight in Syria. This experience, gained largely in
Iraq, includes not only tactics and strategies, but also logistics,
organizational skills, and a discriminating use of violence. Al Nusrah
Front strives to minimize civilian casualties and applies savvy
propaganda when unwanted deaths occur, typically shifting the blame to
regime forces or other Syrian opposition groups.
contracting with the enemy
34. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, are you aware of section 841 of
the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012, titled ``Prohibition on Contracting with
the Enemy in the CENTCOM Theater of Operations''?
General Austin. Yes, I am aware of section 841 and the authority
granted to the CENTCOM Commander to issue findings against companies
and individuals actively supporting the insurgency.
35. Senator Ayotte. General Austin, if confirmed, do you commit to
aggressively implementing these authorities to save taxpayer money and
ensure U.S. contracting funds do not end up in the hands of our
General Austin. Yes, if confirmed, I will aggressively utilize the
authority provided under section 841 to issue findings against
companies and individuals found to be using proceeds from U.S.
contracts to actively support the insurgency.
[The nomination reference of GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, USA,
Nomination Reference and Report
As In Executive Session,
Senate of the United States,
January 23, 2013.
Ordered, That the following nomination be referred to the Committee
on Armed Services:
The following named officer for appointment in the U.S. Army to the
grade indicated while assigned to a position of importance and
responsibility under title 10, U.S.C., section 601:
To be General.
GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, USA, 0000.
[The biographical sketch of GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, USA,
which was transmitted to the committee at the time the
nomination was referred, follows:]
Biographical Sketch of GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, USA
Source of commissioned service: USMA.
Educational degrees:
U.S. Military Academy - BS - No Major
Auburn University - ME - Educational Administration
Webster University - MA - Management
Military schools attended:
Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
U.S. Army War College
Promotions Dates of appointment
2LT....................................... 4 Jun 75
1LT....................................... 4 Jun 77
CPT....................................... 18 Nov 79
MAJ....................................... 1 Jun 86
LTC....................................... 1 Jul 92
COL....................................... 1 Aug 97
BG........................................ 1 Jan 02
MG........................................ 1 Jan 05
LTG....................................... 8 Dec 06
GEN....................................... 1 Sep 10
Major duty assignments:
From To Assignment
Feb 12.......................... Present........... Vice Chief of
Staff, U.S. Army,
Washington, DC
Sep 10.......................... Dec 11............ Commander, U.S.
Operation New
Dawn, Iraq
Aug 09.......................... Aug 10............ Director, Joint
Washington, DC
Apr 09.......................... Aug 09............ Commanding
General, XVIII
Airborne Corps
and Fort Bragg,
Fort Bragg, NC
Feb 08.......................... Apr 09............ Commanding
General, XVIII
Airborne Corps/
Commander, Multi-
National Corps-
Iraq, Operation
Iraqi Freedom,
Dec 06.......................... Feb 08............ Commanding
General, XVIII
Airborne Corps
and Fort Bragg,
Fort Bragg, NC
Sep 05.......................... Dec 06............ Chief of Staff,
U.S. Central
Command, MacDill
Air Force Base,
Sep 03.......................... Aug 05............ Commanding
General, 10th
Mountain Division
(Light) and Fort
Drum, Fort Drum,
NY, to include
duty as
Combined Joint
Task Force-180,
Enduring Freedom,
Jul 01.......................... Jun 03............ Assistant Division
(Maneuver), 3d
Infantry Division
Fort Stewart, GA,
and Operation
Iraqi Freedom,
Jun 99.......................... Jul 01............ Chief, Joint
Division, J-3,
Joint Staff,
Washington, DC
Jun 97.......................... Jun 99............ Commander, 3d
Brigade, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
Aug 96.......................... Jun 97............ Student, U.S. Army
War College,
Barracks, PA
Mar 95.......................... Jun 96............ G-3 (Operations),
82d Airborne
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
May 93.......................... Mar 95............ Commander, 2d
Battalion, 505th
Regiment, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC, and
Operation Safe
Haven, Panama
Oct 92.......................... Apr 93............ Director,
Directorate of
Plans, Training,
Mobilization, and
Security, U.S.
Army Garrison,
Fort Drum, NY
Jun 91.......................... Oct 92............ Executive Officer,
1st Infantry
Brigade, 10th
Mountain Division
(Light), Fort
Drum, NY
Jun 89.......................... May 91............ S-3 (Operations),
later Executive
Officer, 2d
Battalion, 22d
Infantry, 10th
Mountain Division
(Light), Fort
Drum, NY
Jul 88.......................... Jun 89............ Student, U.S. Army
Command and
General Staff
College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS
Dec 85.......................... Jun 88............ Cadet Counselor,
later Company
Tactical Officer,
U.S. Military
Academy, West
Point, NY
Jan 85.......................... Dec 85............ Student, Auburn
Auburn, AL
Oct 82.......................... Dec 84............ Company Commander,
U.S. Army
Indianapolis, IN
Oct 81.......................... Oct 82............ Operations
Officer, U.S.
Army Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN
Apr 81.......................... Oct 81............ Assistant S-3
(Operations), 1st
Brigade, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
Oct 79.......................... Apr 81............ Commander, Combat
Support Company,
2d Battalion
(Airborne), 508th
Infantry, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
Mar 79.......................... Sep 79............ Student, Infantry
Officer Advanced
Course, U.S. Army
Infantry School,
Fort Benning, GA
Jan 78.......................... Feb 79............ Scout Platoon
Leader, Combat
Support Company,
1st Battalion,
7th Infantry, 3d
Infantry Division
U.S. Army Europe
and Seventh Army,
May 76.......................... Jan 78............ Rifle Platoon
Leader, A
Company, 1st
Battalion, 7th
Infantry, 3d
Infantry Division
U.S. Army Europe
and Seventh Army,
Summary of joint assignments:
Date Grade
Commander, U.S. Forces-Iraq, Sep. 10-Dec. 11... General
Operation New Dawn, Iraq.
Director, Joint Staff, Aug. 09-Aug. 10... Lieutenant General
Washington, DC.
Commanding General, XVIII Feb. 08-Apr. 09... Lieutenant General
Airborne Corps/Commander, Multi-
National Corps-Iraq, Operation
Iraqi Freedom, Iraq.
Chief of Staff, U.S. Central Sep. 05-Dec. 06... Major General
Command, MacDill Air Force
Base, FL.
Commanding General, 10th Sep. 03-Apr. 04... Brigadier General/
Mountain Division (Light) with Major General
duty as Commander, Combined
Joint Task Force-180, Operation
Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
(No Joint Credit).
Chief, Joint Operations June 99-July 01... Colonel
Division, J-3, Joint Staff,
Washington, DC.
Summary of operational assignments:
Date Grade
Commander, U.S. Forces-Iraq, Sep. 10-Dec. 11... General
Operation New Dawn, Iraq.
Commanding General, XVIII Feb. 08-Apr. 09... Lieutenant General
Airborne Corps/Commander, Multi-
National Corps-Iraq, Operation
Iraqi Freedom, Iraq.
Commanding General, 10th Sep. 03-Apr. 04... Brigadier General/
Mountain Division (Light) with Major General
duty as Commander, Combined
Joint Task Force-180, Operation
Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
(No Joint Credit).
Assistant Division Commander Mar. 03-Apr. 03... Brigadier General
(Maneuver), 3d Infantry
Division (Mechanized),
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq.
Commander, 2d Battalion, 505th Nov. 94-Feb. 95... Lieutenant Colonel
Parachute Infantry Regiment,
82d Airborne Division,
Operation Safe Haven, Panama.
U.S. decorations and badges:
Defense Distinguished Service Medal (with three Oak Leaf Clusters)
Distinguished Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Silver Star
Defense Superior Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Legion of Merit (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (with four Oak Leaf Clusters)
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal (with seven Oak Leaf Clusters)
Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Combat Action Badge
Expert Infantryman Badge
Master Parachutist Badge
Ranger Tab
Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge
[The Committee on Armed Services requires certain senior
military officers nominated by the President to positions
requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to complete a
form that details the biographical, financial, and other
information of the nominee. The form executed by GEN Lloyd J.
Austin III, USA, in connection with his nomination follows:]
Room SR-228
Washington, DC 20510-6050
(202) 224-3871
Instructions to the Nominee: Complete all requested information. If
more space is needed use an additional sheet and cite the part of the
form and the question number (i.e. A-9, B-4) to which the continuation
of your answer applies.
Part A--Biographical Information
Instructions to the Nominee: Biographical information furnished in
this part of the form will be made available in committee offices for
public inspection prior to the hearings and will also be published in
any hearing record as well as made available to the public.
1. Name: (Include any former names used.)
Lloyd J. Austin III.
2. Position to which nominated:
Commander, U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL.
3. Date of nomination:
January 23, 2013.
4. Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)
[Nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.]
5. Date and place of birth:
August 8, 1953; Mobile, AL.
6. Marital Status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)
Married to Charlene Denise Banner Austin; Maiden Name: Banner.
7. Names and ages of children:
Reginald Hill (Stepson); age 44.
Christopher Hill (Stepson); age 40.
8. Government experience: List any advisory, consultative, honorary
or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State, or local
governments, other than those listed above.
9. Business relationships: List all positions currently held as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative,
or consultant of any corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other
business enterprise, educational, or other institution.
10. Memberships: List all memberships and offices currently held in
professional, fraternal, scholarly, civic, business, charitable, and
other organizations.
Association of the U.S. Army.
National Infantry Association.
Rocks Incorporated.
555th Parachute Infantry Regiment Association.
11. Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary
society memberships, military medals and any other special recognitions
for outstanding service or achievements.
Patriot Award: October 2009 (Awarded for exceptional service to
country by the Patriot Foundation, Pinehurst, NC).
Lifetime Achievement Award (Awarded by Auburn University).
Pinnacle Award (Awarded by the Chamber of Commerce in Thomasville,
Honorary Doctorate (Awarded by Fayetteville State University).
Lincoln Award (Philadelphia, PA).
12. Commitment to testify before Senate committees: Do you agree,
if confirmed, to appear and testify upon request before any duly
constituted committee of the Senate?
13. Personal views: Do you agree, when asked before any duly
constituted committee of Congress, to give your personal views, even if
those views differ from the administration in power?
[The nominee responded to the questions in Parts B-E of the
committee questionnaire. The text of the questionnaire is set
forth in the Appendix to this volume. The nominee's answers to
Parts B-E are contained in the committee's executive files.]
Signature and Date
I hereby state that I have read and signed the foregoing Statement
on Biographical and Financial Information and that the information
provided therein is, to the best of my knowledge, current, accurate,
and complete.
Lloyd J. Austin III.
This 2nd day of December, 2013.
[The nomination of GEN Lloyd J. Austin III, USA, was
reported to the Senate by Chairman Levin on February 26, 2013,
with the recommendation that the nomination be confirmed. The
nomination was confirmed by the Senate on March 5, 2013.]
[Prepared questions submitted to GEN David M. Rodriguez,
USA, by Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers
supplied follow:]
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and the chain of command by clearly
delineating the combatant commanders' responsibilities and authorities
and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These
reforms have also improved cooperation between the Services and the
combatant commanders, among other things, in joint training and
education and in the execution of military operations.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater-Nichols Act
Answer. No. At this time I do not believe modifications are
necessary. If confirmed, I will continue to be alert to the need for
Question. If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to
address in these modifications?
Answer. N/A.
Question. Do you believe that the role of the combatant commanders
under the Goldwater-Nichols legislation is appropriate and the policies
and processes in existence allow that role to be fulfilled?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you see a need for any change in those roles, with
regard to the resource allocation process or otherwise?
Answer. No.
Question. What is your understanding of the duties and functions of
the Commander of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)?
Answer. The Unified Command Plan specifies the responsibilities of
AFRICOM. If confirmed as the Commander of AFRICOM, I would ensure the
accomplishment of those responsibilities. In my view, the most
important requirement is to detect, deter and prevent attacks against
the United States, its territories, possessions, and bases and to
employ appropriate force to defend the Nation should deterrence fail.
AFRICOM's responsibilities also reflect a new and evolving focus on
building partner operational and institutional capacity at the country
and regional levels and supporting the efforts of other U.S. Government
agencies in the area of responsibility. These activities are consistent
with and seek to further the U.S. Strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa, as
released by the President in June 2012.
Question. What background and experience do you possess that you
believe qualifies you to perform these duties?
Answer. In my 36 years of military service, I have served in
numerous positions that prepared me for this command. For the greater
part of my career, I have focused on the training and readiness of
soldiers to build an effective team; preparing and leading soldiers for
missions ranging from humanitarian assistance to combat operations.
Leading soldiers has prepared me well to do the same for joint,
multinational, and coalition forces. As the Commander of the
International Security Assistance Force Joint Command in Afghanistan, I
came to appreciate the values and challenges of training Afghan forces,
working with 50 coalition countries, and numerous interagency,
intergovernmental, and nongovernmental organizations. As Commander,
Multinational Command Northwest-Iraq, I worked to increase the capacity
of Iraqi security forces. At the same time ensuring our efforts were
coordinated with numerous partner nations, interagency and
intergovernmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations. If
confirmed, I will continue this effort of partnership in AFRICOM.
Question. Do you believe that there are actions you need to take to
enhance your ability to perform the duties of the Commander of AFRICOM?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will schedule a series of briefings
with the AFRICOM staff, Intelligence Community, Department of State,
National Security Staff, and other interagency partners to better
understand the challenges, expand the breadth and depth of my
knowledge, and prepare myself for this position.
Question. If confirmed, what duties and functions do you expect the
Secretary of Defense would prescribe for you?
Answer. The specific responsibilities of AFRICOM are defined in the
Unified Command Plan which is approved by the Secretary of Defense and
the President. If confirmed, I would expect to have discussions with
the Secretary of Defense to confirm priorities for the command and to
focus my efforts on those areas that require immediate attention.
Question. Section 162(b) of title 10, U.S.C., provides that the
chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense
and from the Secretary of Defense to the combatant commands. Other
sections of law and traditional practice, however, establish important
relationships outside the chain of command. Please describe your
understanding of the relationship of the Commander, U.S. Africa Command
to the following offices:
The Secretary of Defense.
Answer. Subject to direction from the President, the Commander of
AFRICOM performs duties under the authority, direction, and control of
the Secretary of Defense. In addition, the Commander of AFRICOM is
responsible to the Secretary of Defense for the readiness of the
command to carry out its mission.
Question. The Under Secretaries of Defense.
Answer. A direct command relationship between the Under Secretaries
of Defense and the AFRICOM Commander does not exist. However, I
anticipate that the AFRICOM Commander will regularly interact,
coordinate, and exchange information with the Under Secretaries of
Defense on issues relating to AFRICOM affairs. The commander should
directly coordinate with the Under Secretaries of Defense on a regular
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs.
Answer. The Commander of AFRICOM coordinates and exchanges
information with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs as needed to discuss international security strategy
and policy as it relates to African nations. The Commander of AFRICOM
also coordinates as required for issues related to security cooperation
programs and foreign military sales.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations
and Low Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities.
Answer. The Commander AFRICOM coordinates and exchanges information
with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low
Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities as needed to discuss
matters related to special operations, counterterrorism, civil affairs,
and information operations. The AFRICOM Commander also coordinates as
required for capabilities development to support the accomplishment of
AFRICOM operations.
Question. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Answer. There is not a direct command relationship between the
Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the AFRICOM
Commander. The Chairman functions under the authority, direction, and
control of the National Command Authority. The Chairman will transmit
communications between the National Command Authority and AFRICOM
Commander as well as oversee the activities of the commander as
directed by the Secretary of Defense. As the principal military advisor
to the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of
Defense, the Chairman is a key conduit between a combatant commander,
interagency organizations, and the Service Chiefs.
The Vice Chairman serves on several councils and boards whose
decisions affect AFRICOM including the Joint Requirements Oversight
Council, the Defense Acquisition Board, the Defense Advisory Working
Group, and the Senior Readiness Oversight Council. Interaction between
the Commander of AFRICOM and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
is important to ensure these boards and councils make informed choices
on matters affecting the command.
The AFRICOM Commander will keep the Chairman and Vice Chairman
informed on significant issues regarding the AFRICOM area of
responsibility. The Commander will directly communicate with the
Chairman and Vice Chairman on a regular basis.
Question. The Service Secretaries and Service Chiefs.
Answer. There is no direct command relationship between the Service
Secretaries and Service Chiefs and the AFRICOM Commander. The Service
Secretaries are responsible for all affairs of their respective
Services including functions pertaining to the administration of and
support for forces employed by AFRICOM. The Secretaries fulfill their
responsibilities by exercising administrative control through the
Service Component Commands assigned to AFRICOM. In this manner, the
Secretary of the Army is the executive agent for AFRICOM Headquarters.
The Service Chiefs are responsible for ensuring the organization
and readiness of each Service branch and for advising the President.
The Service Chiefs are also members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
serve as advisers to the President, National Security Council, the
Homeland Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense. For matters
affecting AFRICOM, I would anticipate regular communications between
the Commander of AFRICOM and the Service Chiefs. The Commander, AFRICOM
will rely on the Service Chiefs to provide properly trained and
equipped forces to accomplish missions in the AFRICOM AOR.
Question. Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command.
Answer. The AFRICOM commander maintains a close relationship and
communicates directly with the Commander, U.S. Special Operations
Command, on issues of mutual interest. As a subordinate command of
AFRICOM, Special Operations Command Africa and its units deploy
throughout Africa supporting the AFRICOM commander's theater security
cooperation program, deliberate plans, and operational contingencies.
Question. The other combatant commanders.
Answer. Formal relationships between the AFRICOM commander and the
other geographic and functional combatant commanders will derive from
command authority established by title 10, U.S.C., section 164, and
from the Secretary of Defense when such relationships are established
by him during operational missions. Combatant commanders closely
coordinate as necessary to accomplish all assigned missions. These
relationships are critical to the execution of our National Military
Strategy, and are characterized by mutual support, frequent contact,
and productive exchanges of information on key issues.
Question. The respective U.S. Chiefs of Mission within the AFRICOM
area of responsibility (AOR).
Answer. Each Ambassador serves the President directly as his
personal representative for each country. If confirmed, I will ensure
that all activities of the combatant command in each country are fully
coordinated with the Chief of Mission, consistent with U.S. policy.
Question. The respective U.S. Senior Defense Officials/Defense
Attaches (SDO/DATT)
Answer. There is a supervisory relationship between the AFRICOM
commander and the U.S. Senior Defense Officials/Defense Attaches. The
U.S. Senior Defense Officials/Defense Attaches are formally evaluated
by the AFRICOM Commander. This relationship ensures the Senior Defense
Officials/Defense Attaches maintain close coordination with AFRICOM on
all matters involving U.S. military forces in the country. As the
AFRICOM commander, I will maintain a close working relationship with
the U.S. Senior Defense Official in each country in order to coordinate
activities between the command and the respective country's military.
major challenges and opportunities
Question. If confirmed as the Commander of AFRICOM, you will be
responsible for all military operations in that region. In your view,
what are the major challenges and opportunities that would confront you
if you are confirmed as the next Commander of AFRICOM?
Answer. The security environment of the African continent is
dynamic and, if confirmed, I will seek to counter emerging threats
while strengthening African nations' capabilities to effectively
address their own security challenges. A major challenge is effectively
countering violent extremist organizations, especially the growth of
Mali as an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb safe haven, Boco Haram in
Nigeria, and al Shabaab in Somalia. In order to effectively do so,
AFRICOM relies on current African Partners and seeks the opportunity to
develop new partnerships. Currently, there is an opportunity to assist
the Nations of Libya, South Sudan and Somalia as they continue to
develop their armed forces and develop governmental structures.
Question. If confirmed, what plans do you have for addressing these
challenges and opportunities?
Answer. If confirmed, I will support the administration's whole of
government approach implementing the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan
Africa. We will continue our commitment to protect our Nation from
threats emanating from the African continent and strengthen the defense
capabilities of our African partners and seek to develop new
partnerships. If confirmed, I will review and assess AFRICOM's programs
and strategy before taking any action.
u.s. objectives in africa
Question. In his address in Ghana in July 2009, President Obama
reaffirmed Africa's strategic importance to the United States and our
national interests. He identified four priorities for the U.S.
Government's engagement efforts: (1) supporting strong and sustainable
democracies and good governance; (2) fostering sustained economic
growth and development; (3) increasing access to quality health and
education; and (4) helping to prevent, mitigate, and resolve armed
conflict. In June 2012, the administration reaffirmed these priorities
in the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa, emphasizing the
increasing capacity of African states to take the lead on security
issues on the continent, but also noting the continuing challenges.
In your view, what is AFRICOM currently doing to advance each of
these objectives?
Answer. AFRICOM's primary contribution is in the area of helping to
prevent, mitigate, and resolve armed conflict. The command works with
African partner nation's military forces to strengthen their defense
capabilities so that they are better able to address security
challenges. AFRICOM's operations, exercises and theater security
cooperation engagements focus on advancing this priority. The command's
efforts to support military professionalization and security sector
reform efforts help to inculcate respect for the rule of law, human
rights, and military subordination to civilian authority--all of which
reinforce the appropriate role of a military in a democratic society.
AFRICOM's efforts play a mostly indirect but important role in
supporting democratic consolidation and preventing a return to conflict
in fragile, post-conflict states. A stable and secure environment is a
precursor to significant advances in the other three areas: supporting
strong and sustainable democracies and good governance; fostering
sustained economic growth and development; and increasing access to
quality health and education.
counterterrorism priorities
Question. Within the AFRICOM AOR, what do you consider the highest
counterterrorism priorities?
Answer. I consider the threat from al Qaeda and its affiliates to
be the highest counterterrorism priority. The three groups in the
AFRICOM area of responsibility--al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb, al
Shabaab, and Boco Haram--each present a threat to western interests in
Africa. While each has not specifically targeted the United States,
they have successfully carried out attacks on western interests and
engaged in kidnapping. If they deepen their collaboration, they have
the potential to be an even larger threat.
Question. Given your current knowledge of AFRICOM programs, do you
believe the Command's resources are aligned in a manner consistent with
these counterterrorism priorities?
Answer. Yes, countering violent extremist groups is the command's
first priority.
al qaeda in the lands of the islamic maghreb
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Qaeda
in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)?
Answer. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has publicly stated the
willingness to attack U.S. and Western interests. The group's ability
to conduct large scale terror attacks is restricted by the paucity of
U.S. and Western targets in North Africa and successful Algerian
security service counterterrorism efforts. Al Qaeda in the Lands of the
Islamic Maghreb's greatest threat to U.S. interests is likely a
catalyst for instability in North Africa through weapons facilitation
and training jihadists in northern Mali.
Since the group publicly announced merger with al Qaeda on 13
September 2006, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has been committed to
attacks against Western targets. On 10 December 2006, it attacked a bus
carrying expatriate employees of the Algerian-American oil company
Brown Root and Condor. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has continued to
conduct bombings in Algeria, predominantly in the coastal region east
of Algiers. On 24 January 2012, Algerian security services disrupted an
al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb plot to attack U.S. or western ships
with a small boat. The attack was disrupted in the early planning
stages, highlighting host nation's successful efforts to contain and
neutralize the group. On 19 January 2013, Algerian security forces were
also successful in defeating the militants holding hostages at the
Amenas gas plant facility.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has openly operated in northern
Mali since the collapse of government control in mid 2011. Credible
reporting indicates al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is training
jihadist from across the region, to include members of other al Qaeda
affiliates such as Nigeria's Boco Haram. Coupled with arms flowing from
Qadhafi era Libyan stockpiles, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
activities in northern Mali pose a long-term threat to security and
stability in the region.
Question. In your view, does AQIM pose a threat to the United
States and/or western interests outside of its immediate operational
area? What capacity has AQIM demonstrated to plan and carry out actions
threatening U.S. interests?
Answer. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb likely does not pose a
threat to U.S. and Western interests outside its immediate operating
area of Algeria and northern Mali in the near term, but could in the
future. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb maintains intent and
aspirations and will continue to work on increasing their capability
with the help of other al Qaeda affiliates.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leadership has threatened Europe in
numerous public statements since 2006, yet continues to focus the
majority of its efforts in North Africa. Public statements frequently
mention Spain and France, playing on North Africa's colonial history
with Europe to garner support from the large North African Diaspora. Al
Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb maintains aspirations and intent to attack
U.S. and Western interests, and in 2012, al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb leader made a public call to target U.S. Embassies after the
attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. Al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb also poses a threat to Western aircraft flying in Algeria and
Mali. The primary threat to westerners in North Africa remains hostage
Question. In your view, what has been the impact of the recent
expansion of AQIM's area of operations in northern Mali on the group's
capacities and aims?
Answer. Due to the emergent safe haven in Northern Mali, al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb has increased its ability to consolidate its
resources. The French-led intervention in Mali and the return of Malian
Forces to population centers in northern Mali have impacted al Qaeda in
the Islamic Maghreb's ability to operate unimpeded. However, al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb is able to coordinate training, distribute
resources, and conduct attack planning, within its own ranks as well as
with other foreign terrorist organizations. With this capabilitiy, al
Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb will, at the very least, aggressively
pursue the expansion of its influence to neighboring countries, and
might begin planning to conduct attacks against Eurpoe or the homeland
in accordance with general al Qaeda doctrine. French-led operations in
Mali have disrupted and slowed al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, but
there is still much work to be done.
Question. Does AQIM have the capacity to carry out attacks in
Europe or on European commercial aircraft flying over Northwest Africa?
Answer. Prior to the start of the French-led intervention in Mali,
al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb's growing safe haven and freedom of
movement in northern Mali did afford greater opportunity to plan and
execute operations. I believe it is critically important to continue to
work with our allies and partners to address this threat.
Question. What is your understanding of the extent to which AQIM
has benefitted from the flow of arms from Libyan stockpiles since mid-
2011--either in terms of arming itself or profiting from regional arms
Answer. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb took advantage of the
readily available stocks of weapons and ammunition accessible in Libya
to expand and strengthen its safe-haven in northern Mali and make
itself a more formidable military threat, as well as to indirectly
benefit financially through long established smuggling networks already
under its control.
Almost immediately following the early 2011 outbreak of hostilities
in Libya, al Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb began actively
working to move weapons from Libya to its secure operating areas in
northern Mali.
There is no indication yet that al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is
making significant profits from the sale of Libyan arms to third
parties. However, the instability of increasing amounts of weapons
available in the Sahel may lead to greater opportunities to conduct
kidnaps for ransom, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb's primary source of
revenue in the Sahel.
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed by the
Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, an AQIM splinter faction
that has recently emerged in Mali and controls significant territory
Answer. The Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa self-
identifies as a terrorist organization, and has openly threatened
Western interests in the region. It maintains a working relationship
with the regional groups Ansar al-Dine and al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb. The group has also called for local and foreign fighters to
join together in opposing an international military intervention in
northern Mali.
Question. If confirmed, what efforts, if any, would you undertake
to prevent and/or counter the spread of AQIM operations, fundraising
activities, and ideology in North and West Africa?
Answer. Preventing and countering the spread of al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb takes a whole-of-government approach. Military efforts
alone are only a part of the unified action required to achieve this
whole-of-government approach and achieve lasting results. Currently,
the Department of Defense (DOD) is executing a Global Campaign Plan for
Counterterrorism that supports ``. . . . U.S. Government efforts to
disrupt, degrade, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda, its Affiliates and
Adherents and other terrorist organizations. . . . '' As part of
unified action, and in concert with this global campaign plan,
AFRICOM's theater strategy and theater campaign plan, with four
subordinate campaign plans, orients on neutralizing al Qaeda networks
in Africa. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is a significant component
of that network in North and West Africa and a major focus of AFRICOM's
North-West Africa Campaign Plan.
Special Operations Command Africa is responsible for coordinating
all activities to neutralize al Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic
Maghreb. Their operations include a counter-ideology component to deny
al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb recruitment and retention efforts and
interfere with their fundraising. These operations also include working
closely with our critical partners to expand their counterterrorism
capabilities, enabling them to carry the fight to al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb through ``train and equip'' missions which provide
needed capabilities and tactics, techniques and procedures. AFRICOM is
also working with regional organizations like the Economic Community of
West African States to increase their capabilities and capacity to
thwart al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and their affiliates and
Integral to all of this is AFRICOM's participation in the Trans-
Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership which is an interagency, Department
of State, Department of Defense, and U.S. Agency for International
Development, multi-year strategy aimed at defeating terrorist
organizations and their ability to gain recruits.
If confirmed, I will assess the current operations and adjust as
necessary in order to maintain consistent pressure on al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb and affiliated terrorist groups while ensuring
appropriate support for our critical partners.
Question. What risks, if any, do you see accompanying greater
potential AFRICOM engagement in regional efforts to expand government
control and dismantle AQIM?
Answer. With the increasing threat of al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb, I see a greater risk of regional instability if we do not
engage aggressively. Our long-term fight against al Qaeda necessitates
persistent engagement with our critical partners.
Strengthening the defense capabilities of African states and
regional organizations is an essential element of the AFRICOM strategy
and mission, and supports U.S foreign policy goals in Africa and the
core principles of the U.S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism.
Further, building partner capacity is a major component of the
strategic and operational approaches within the Africa Command Theater
Campaign Plan and subordinate campaign plans.
Recent events in North-West Africa--specifically the coup in Mali
and loss of control of territory in the north--increased the threat of
al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to our African partners in the region
and, ultimately, to the United States. The French-led intervention in
Mali and the creation of an African-led International Support Mission
(AFISMA) to help restore Mali's terroritorial integrity are positive
steps to restoring stability to Mali. Our current efforts to support
the French and AFISMA with planning support, intelligence sharing,
aerial refueling, and airlift for French and AFISMA forces which will
play a critical role in assisting international efforts to restore
I feel we face an increased threat to the United States if we do
not engage with select critical partners.
Question. To what extent does AQIM pose a threat to stability in
Morocco and Tunisia?
Answer. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb does not present an
immediate threat to Morocco or Tunisia's stability, but that does not
mean it or other extremists do not possess some capability or intention
to conduct terror attacks in these countries. Within Morocco, the
threat of an attack is degraded by the country's multi-dimensional
counterterrorism strategy that includes regional and international
security cooperation. However, these efforts do not completely negate
the threat as evidenced by the 28 April 2011 Marrakesh bombing. Tunisia
possesses a modest capacity to counterterrorism, but the concept is
limited by perceptions of the former regime's heavy-handed and overly
liberal use of previously established anti-terrorism legislation.
Question. Do you believe current legal authorities, including the
2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), are sufficient to
enable you to carry out counterterrorism operations and activities
against AQIM at the level you believe to be necessary?
Answer. The current legal authorities, including the Authorization
for Use of Military Force, to conduct counterterrorism operations and
activities against al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb appear to be
sufficient for operations in the AFRICOM area of responsibility.
However, the Authorization for Use of Military Force is now 12 years
old; and al Qaeda has dispersed and operates in areas far from the
original battlefield. Given these evolutionary changes in the global
security landscape, I intend to continuously review the current
intelligence on al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and assess whether the
existing authorities are sufficient to take all necessary actions.
somalia and al shabab
Question. What is your assessment of the threat posed by al Shabab?
Answer. Al Shabaab is currently undergoing a significant transition
in response to pressure from the African Union Mission in Somalia
(AMISOM), The Federal Government of Somalia, and allied Somali forces,
but will remain a threat for the near to mid-term in Somalia and
increasingly in East Africa. Unable to effectively combat pro-
government forces' superior armor and weaponry, al-Shabaab has
withdrawn to rural safe havens where it can evade enemy forces and
project a largely asymmetric war, including improved improvised
explosive and increased suicide bombings. No longer responsible for
administrating large population centers, al-Shabaab can refocus its
somewhat debilitated revenue streams on more weapons, fighters, and
attack planning. External attacks, such as those in Kenya, are likely
to be a continued focus as these attacks are a key component to al-
Shabaab's strategy to expel regional militaries from Somalia.
Question. In your view, does al Shabab pose a threat to the United
States and/or western interests outside of its immediate operational
Answer. Al Shabaab is an al Qaeda affiliate and is likely to remain
dedicated to the principles of al Qaeda, including executing attacks on
the west. Al Shabaab maintains the near-term capability to threaten
Western interests in Kenya as some elements in the large Somali
populations throughout Kenya support al-Shabaab financially,
ideologically, and logistically. As part of a highly mobile population
in East Africa, these supporters also maintain the ability to move in
and out of regional nations in support of attacks. Al Shabaab's foreign
fighters remain the greatest threat to Western interests regionally and
Question. In the last year, the United Nations-supported African
Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and its regional partners have made
substantial military progress against al Shabaab. How would you
evaluate the success of these efforts and the prospects for longer term
stability in Somalia?
Answer. AMISOM has made progress in reducing the territory under al
Shabaab control. The capital, Mogadishu and the port of Kismaayo,
formerly a key hub for al Shabaab, are now under the Somali Government
and African Union Mission in Somalia control. African Union Mission in
Somalia successes have provided space for the political process to
work. However, the Somali Government is in the earliest stages of
development and there is still a long way to go to ensure long-term
stability. It will take the combined efforts of the international
community to assist the Somali Government and people recover from more
than 10 years of conflict.
Question. The State Department has provided security assistance to
Somalia's nascent national security forces for several years through
the AU peacekeeping mission and through contractors. What role, if any,
do you see for AFRICOM in that effort?
Answer. AFRICOM supports Department of State efforts in preparing
Africa Union peacekeepers deploying to Somalia as part of African Union
Mission in Somalia by providing Global Peace Operations Initiative
funding to African Union Mission in Somalia staff, providing secure
communications to Africa Union Mission in Somalia contributing nations,
and providing logistics training, excess equipment, and mentor support
to Africa Contingency Operations Training and Assistance training in
the region. In addition, AFRICOM has supplied niche intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, and counterterrorism
training to deploying African Union Mission in Somalia units, and
additional communications via Department of Defense 1206 funding
mechanisms. This is a critical effort and AFRICOM will continue to work
with Department of State to support African Union Mission in Somalia
troop contributing nations. If directed, AFRICOM is prepared to expand
support to nascent Somalia security forces.
Question. Do you believe current legal authorities, including the
2001 AUMF are sufficient to enable you to carry out counterterrorism
operations and activities against al Shabaab at the level you believe
to be necessary?
Answer. The current legal authorities, including the Authorization
for Use of Military Force to conduct counterterrorism operations and
activities against al Shabaab appear to be sufficient for operations in
the AFRICOM area of responsibility. However, the African Union Mission
in Somalia is now 12 years old and al Qaeda has dispersed and operates
in areas far from the original battlefield. Given these evolutionary
changes in the global security landscape, I intend to continuously
review the current intelligence on al Shabaab and assess whether the
existing authorities are sufficient to take all necessary actions.
Question. What role, if any, do you see for AFRICOM in preventing
further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Somalia, which
according to experts remains among the worst anywhere in the world?
Answer. The primary factor undermining humanitarian support in
certain famine and food insecure regions in Somalia is a general lack
of security in ungoverned spaces and/or al Shabaab resistance to relief
operations. Department of Defense support to regional militaries serves
to facilitate and improve aid delivery, preventing a worsening of the
humanitarian crisis in Somalia. Regional partners such as Ethiopia and
Kenya have demonstrated a commitment to supporting humanitarian
assistance operations, which, as a secondary benefit, also enhances
Somalia's internal security. AFRICOM is well positioned to support the
broader U.S. Government's humanitarian assistance effort, and to assist
our regional partners in key areas such as logistics, medical,
communications, and planning.
nigeria and boco haram
Question. In the past year and a half, Boco Haram's attacks in
Nigeria have become increasingly sophisticated and deadly. There is
concern that the group is expanding ties with other violent Islamist
groups on the continent. In a hearing before the committee in March of
this year, General Carter Ham, the current Commander of AFRICOM, stated
that Boco Haram has emerged ``as a threat to Western interests.''
Do you agree with General Ham that Boco Haram represents a threat
to Western interests?
Answer. Yes. Although Boco Haram's primary target set is largely
domestic, the group demonstrated a willingness to specifically target
western interests within Nigeria when it launched a car bomb attack
against the United Nations' headquarters building in Abuja in August
2011. Additionally, Boco Haram was involved in the abduction and
subsequent murders of two western citizens in May 2011 and possibly a
German in January 2012. Boco Haram's growing ties to the al Qaeda
network, particularly al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, almost certainly
exacerbates the threat Boco Haram poses to western interests.
Question. What is your assessment of Boco Haram's intentions to
expand its scope of operations beyond domestic attacks? How do you
assess its capability to do so?
Answer. Boco Haram's ties to external al Qaeda affiliates,
particularly with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, along with its
larger regional presence and activities, will broaden its intentions to
expand its scope of operations beyond domestic attacks. Boco Haram
maintains presence beyond Nigeria in the neighboring countries Niger,
Cameroon, and Chad. Additionally, there are indications that a sizable
contingent of Boco Haram members is located in northern Mali, where
they almost certainly augment al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb effort to
secure its territorial gains and facilitate the establishment of an
Islamic state. The group's demonstrated ability to conduct complex
coordinated attacks with multiple vehicle-borne improvised explosive
devices indicates Boco Haram already possesses the capability to
conduct such an operation beyond domestic Nigerian targets.
Question. To what extent has Boco Haram benefitted from the flow of
arms from Libyan stockpiles since mid-2011--either in terms of arming
itself or profiting from regional arms sales?
Answer. Boco Haram has benefitted from the proliferation of weapons
from Libya. Additionally, the large amount of weaponry al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb acquired from Libyan stockpiles, coupled with the the
relationship between Boco Haram and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,
almost certainly resulted in additional arms provided to Boco Haram.
There has been no indication yet of Boco Haram profiting from the sale
of weapons.
Question. What is your assessment of the Nigerian Government's
efforts to eliminate Boco Haram?
Answer. Nigeria's security response to Boco Haram has had some
isolated successes, and the Nigerian Government almost certainly has
the will and means to continue security operations. The Nigerian
Government is conducting a three-pronged response to Boco Haram
including extensive security and intelligence operations, limited co-
option efforts, and a fledging public relations campaign. However, even
if Nigeria manages to destroy all current Boco Haram factions and
nodes, long-term stability in northern Nigeria is contingent on the
Nigerian Government making a concerted political effort to resolve
socio-economic issues like endemic poverty, poor economic prospects,
political marginalization, and corruption.
Nigeria deployed a joint task force to counter Boco Haram in June
2011 and has steadily increased the size and scope of operations over
the last year. Nigerian counterterrorism and counterinsurgency
capabilities are still developing and the army and police often rely on
heavy-handed static security operations. The army and police have been
widely criticized for the excessive use of force which results in local
resentment and undermines Nigeria's modest counterterrorism successes.
Last, while some in the government acknowledge that the use of
excessive force by the Nigerian army and the continued socio-economic
marginalization of northern Nigeria are alienating the population and
helping Boco Haram. There has been little progress made in addressing
alleged human rights abuses by the security services or underlying
socio-economic issues in northern Nigeria.
The Nigerian Government has also indicated a willingness to pursue
negotiations with Boco Haram. Boco Haram leadership has rejected
negotiations, but more moderate fringe factions could still be co-
Question. What is your assessment of Boco Haram's relationship with
AQIM and Al Shabaab, respectively? Is there any evidence to suggest
that Boco Haram and AQIM have developed operational links?
Answer. Boco Haram's connection to the broader al Qaeda movement is
primarily through al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. There are few
indications that Boco Haram has direct connections to al-Shabaab, and
those that exist indicate al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb acts as an
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb appears to provide support to Boco
Haram, evidenced especially in the manner of its resurgence after the
Nigerian Government crackdown on the organization in 2009. Malian
government sources show that for several years Boco Haram has sent
operatives to train with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb elements in
the Sahel. Boco Haram has confined the majority of its attacks to
northern Nigeria; however, the targeting of Western interests within
Nigeria, such as the United Nations' headquarters in Abuja, may
indicate al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb influence on Boco Haram's
target selection. In addition, specific tactics used, most notably that
of the suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive devices is almost
certainly the influence of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb on Boco
Haram operations.
Question. If confirmed, what role would you recommend for AFRICOM
in building the capacity of the Nigerian security forces to respond to
the Boco Haram threat?
Answer. Growing and deepening the relationship with the Nigerian
Defense Staff is crucial to securing greater partnering opportunities.
An approach to strengthen Nigerian security forces hinges on buy-in
from senior defense leaders who are willing to address underlying
issues to enhance leadership, anti-corruption, and equipment and supply
procurement deficiencies. Nigeria is a prime example of where a whole-
of-government approach is critical to address the complex Boco Haram
threat which is exacerbated by underlying political, economic and
social fractures.
Question. What risks, if any, do you see accompanying greater
potential AFRICOM engagement in regional efforts to expand government
control and dismantle Boco Haram?
Answer. My chief concern would be the risks associated with the
performance of U.S. trained or equipped Nigerian defense forces
continuing on a path of unprofessional activity--violence against
civilians, illegal detainment, and ultimately, ineffective operations
against Boco Haram.
Question. Do you believe current legal authorities, including the
2001 AUMF are sufficient to enable you to carry out counterterrorism
operations and activities against Boco Haram at the level you believe
to be necessary?
Answer. The current legal authorities, including the Authorization
for Use of Military Force to conduct counterterrorism operations and
activities against Boco Haram appear to be sufficient for operations in
the AFRICOM area of responsibility. However, the Authorization for Use
of Military Force has been in place for 12 years and al Qaeda has
dispersed and operates in areas far from the original battlefield.
Given the evolutionary changes in the global security landscape, I
intend to continuously review the current intelligence on Boco Haram
and assess whether the existing authorities are sufficient to take all
necessary actions.
Question. Violent incidents, reportedly including indiscriminate
killing of civilians, committed by Nigerian police and military
services during operations intended to be against Boco Haram have risen
significantly in recent months.
In your view, what measures should the United States incorporate
into current and future military-to-military engagements to help stem
these incidents?
Answer. Basic military professionalization underlies all engagement
with Nigerian Defense Forces. This includes orchestration of a training
program by AFRICOM and often delivered by U.S military judge advocates
through the Defense Institute for International Legal Studies. The
AFRICOM effort is to advance the rule of law in African militaries,
address human rights laws, respect for international law, and the law
of armed conflict. Increasing the intensity and depth of this program
using Defense Institute for International Legal Studies and similar
training resources would be an important step toward stemming
indiscriminate violence.
Professionalization of military forces is also a key reason for a
preference toward use of U.S. uniformed trainers. The objective is to
model the U.S. Army's soldier code of conduct and ethics and also to
demonstrate a disciplined Noncommissioned Officer Corps.
Question. What is AFRICOM currently doing to respond to the
situation in northern Mali, including the significant expansion of
AQIM's operational presence there?
Answer. It is my understanding that AFRICOM is accelerating its
cooperation with Mali's neighbors and continuing to explore ways to
counter the threat posed by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and its
sympathizers while at the same time supporting international
intervention efforts.
The situation in Mali's north is complicated by al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb's growing entrenchment into political and religious
institutions, unaddressed grievances, vast ungoverned expanses, porous
borders, and continuing spillover from the instability in Libya. A
successful solution will require working closely with the international
community--in particular Mali's neighbors and the Economic Community of
West African States--to fully restore credible, elected political
leadership in Mali while addressing the growing humanitarian crisis and
strengthening the Malian security forces, ultimately restoring
governance and security for the whole of Mali's territory.
Question. What is your understanding of the impact of the
suspension of U.S. security assistance programs in Mali on AFRICOM's
activities in Mali and the region?
Answer. Following the March coup, and pursuant to section 7008 of
the Department of State Foreign Operations and Related Programs
Appropriation Act, the United States suspended all security assistance
to the Government of Mali on 19 April 2012. As a result, there
currently is very little U.S. military engagement with Mali. U.S. law
dictates that U.S. security assistance to Mali remains on hold until
elections are held and a democratically-elected government takes
office. Once legal and policy requirements are met, military
engagements can resume, AFRICOM would then consider growing military
professionals through the International Military Education and Training
program, Counterterrorism Fellowship Program and the Department of
Defense Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome Prevention Program.
AFRICOM and its components currently maintain border-security,
peacekeeping, and counter-terrorism training with most of Mali's
neighbors until a direct solution in Mali becomes possible.
Question. If confirmed, what steps would you propose to reshape the
Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) and the Defense
Department's complementary Operation Juniper Shield (formerly Operation
Enduring Freedom-Trans Sahara) in light of regional security and
governance setbacks stemming from the crisis in Mali?
Answer. The Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership continues to
be the U.S. Government's regional construct for counterterrorism
partnership in the Trans-Sahel and we will continue to work closely
with our interagency and regional partners to further the Partnership's
Question. The recent attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi which
resulted in the death of four American citizens, including the American
Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, demonstrated that post-conflict Libya
is wrought with security challenges that have implications for the
future of Libya and the region as a whole. Conversely, as Libya
transitions to a representative government, the United States is
presented with a historic opportunity to redefine U.S.-Libyan
What role, if any, do you envision the United States playing in
helping Libya build capable security institutions?
Answer. Department of Defense should have a supporting role to the
broader U.S. Government and international community effort to establish
security institutions in Libya. The Department of Defense sponsored
Defense Institution Reform Initiative and Minister of Defense Advisor
programs are approved for Libya. The Defense Institution Reform
Initiative team made three visits to Libya. All support to the
government of Libya will remain difficult until the security situation
improves, and the U.S. Embassy, Tripoli can support temporary
Question. What is your assessment of the risks associated with the
paramilitary forces that continue to have control of large swaths of
Answer. The hundreds of disparate militias still operating in Libya
a year after the revolution represent a significant threat to the
future stability of Libya. Their continued presence undermines the
authority of the government and creates the potential for continued
armed conflicts over territory, ethnic ideology, and revenge killings,
as well as creating a more permissive environment for al Qaeda and
other violent extremist organizations to operate. The post-
Revolutionary Libyan Governments have attempted several programs to
disarm, demobilize, and integrate these militias into military and
security services, but the pace for progress remains slow. It is too
early to tell if current Prime Minister Ali Zeidan's Government will
continue to rely on loosely affiliated militias to provide security
throughout Libya.
Question. What is your assessment of the impact of the
proliferation of weaponry from Libyan military stockpiles into
neighboring countries?
Answer. The availability of weapons from depots in Libya has
invigorated illicit arms smuggling across Africa, particularly in the
northwest. The Sahel ranks among the world's principal smuggling routes
and is maintained by militants from local Tuareg tribes who assist in
trafficking arms. After the collapse of the Qadhafi Government in
Libya, hundreds of looted missiles, Kalashnikov rifles, rocket
propelled grenades, and small weapons were sold throughout the Sahel.
Additionally, experts estimate Libya had as many as 20,000 first-
generation manportable air defense systems before the uprising, at
least some of which are likely in the hands of terrorist organizations
and militias seeking to incite further instability in Africa and the
Middle East. Armed Tuaregs fighting for Qadhafi returned to homelands
in Mali and Niger and smuggled weapons that fueled the Mali rebellion,
further destabilizing the region and reinforcing a safe haven for al
Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
Question. In your view, what role, if any, should AFRICOM play in
assisting the Libyans with addressing the threat to stability posed by
paramilitary forces?
Answer. AFRICOM should have a complimentary role in assisting Libya
with their militia threat, supporting USAID as the lead U.S. agency for
Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration. AFRICOM should support
proposals for 1206 (counterterrorism) and 1207a (border security) to
develop a core capacity for the Libyan military with personnel that
have come under the government's control. AFRICOM should also support
Foreign Military Sales cases using Libyan national funds to strengthen
the military infrastructure.
Question. What do you view as the most significant challenges to
the Libyan Government in building capable and sustainable security
Answer. The Libyan Government's most significant challenge is its
lack of control of the militias operating in Libya. This condition is
exacerbated by the proliferation of conventional weapons and unsecured
borders. Together, this is leading to a rise of terrorist activity,
particularly in Eastern Libya.
Question. In what ways can the United States be most effective in
assisting the Libyan Government in building capable and sustainable
security institutions?
Answer. The United States can be most effective by assisting the
Libyan efforts at disarmament and working with the individual services
in Libya to assist them with their development. AFRICOM has organized
visits by the Libyan Air Force and Navy Chiefs of Staff. Increasing the
International Military Education and Training to better facilitate
Libyan participation in U.S. senior service schools, English language
training, and other training in the United States will also be
Question. With the experience of Benghazi as context, do you feel
that the mechanisms for rapidly moving forces from EUCOM to respond to
crises in AFRICOM are adequate? Are there improvements to this process
that you recommend?
Answer. The newly assigned Commander's In-extremis Force, Army
allocated Regionally Aligned Force, and the Special Purpose Marine Air
Ground Task postures AFRICOM to better plan for and respond to
contingencies. We recommend the Commander's In-extremis Force be placed
in Europe for a shorter response time to the continent. We will
continue to closely coordinate with the Department of State and country
Ambassadors to ensure an accurate understanding of U.S. Africa
Command's response times and capabilities as we support activities on
the African continent. Additionally, with tighter budgets and declining
resources, we must look at more agile ways to share resources between
forces assigned to Europe and Africa.
Question. In your view, what is the appropriate role for Algeria to
play in addressing transnational security threats in the Sahel,
including AQIM? If confirmed, what steps would you take to encourage
Algeria to play a more active and constructive role in addressing
security threats emanating from northern Mali?
Answer. Algeria's military is the most capable of any country in
north Africa. As such, I view Algeria as a regional leader, capable of
coordinating the efforts of the Sahelian countries to address
transnational security threats. Algeria shares our concerns with the
situation in northern Mali. Their knowledge of conditions on the ground
in northern Mali is invaluable to the United States. To ensure
continued Algerian cooperation on northern Mali, any military solution
must be United Nations authorized, internationally supported, and use
African forces. If confirmed, I would continue to encourage Algerian
regional leadership through regional exercise and conference
participation, senior leadership engagement and high-level bilateral
Question. What is your assessment of the operational and logistical
capacities of the Algerian-led joint operational command structure for
the Sahel, known as the CEMOC?
Answer. The Algeria-based Combined Operational General Staff
Committee plays no significant role in regional counterterrorism
activity and is unlikely to carry out counterterrorism military
operations for the foreseeable future. Contributing Combined
Operational General Staff Committee members possess varied operational
and logistical capabilities, but the Combined Operational General Staff
Committee organization lacks operational experience and has not
demonstrated any logistical capacity since its 2010 inception. The
Combined Operational General Staff Committee's one major accomplishment
has been the creation of the Unity Fusion Liaison, located in Algiers,
Algeria, which is a mechanism for sharing operational intelligence
between the four member nations (Algeria, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger)
as well as Burkina Faso, Libya, and Chad. Bilaterally, however,
participating Combined Operational General Staff Committee countries
have conducted joint training and localized operations.
congo/great lakes
Question. What is your assessment of the threat to regional
stability posed by the ongoing military mutiny, known as the M23, in
eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)?
Answer. The March 23 mutiny--the armed group known as M23--in
eastern DRC is destabilizing the entire Great Lakes region. Over the
course of this crisis, we have been concerned by reports of enhanced
external support to M23. We have strongly urged all neighboring
governments to take all necessary measures to halt and prevent any and
all support to M23 from their territory and we have underscored to
Rwanda that any support to M23 must permanently end. Furthermore, the
security forces focus on the March 23 Movement has allowed other armed
groups in the region to expand, resulting in increased ethnic violence
and attacks on civilians across eastern DRC. The humanitarian situation
in eastern DRC has deteriorated, and we remain gravely concerned about
the hundreds of thousands of people displaced by insecurity and
violence in Kivus. Additionally, numerous medical aid organizations
have removed most staff from the area due to unacceptable security
risks. While the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo have
been unable to end the M23 rebellion militarily, the Democratic
Republic of Congo has engaged with M23 in discussions in Kampala, and
we continue to urge the presidents and leadership of the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda to continue their direct dialogue
to address the root causes of instability. We support the United
Nation's efforts to establish a Peace, Security, and Cooperation
Framework among the governments in the region.
Question. In your view, in what ways (if at all) have U.S. security
sector reform efforts in DRC had a measurable impact on the operational
and logistical capacity, degree of command and control, and transparent
civilian oversight of the Congolese military?
Answer. Assisting DRC military has been a challenge. The desired
end-state is for a disciplined, professional military that respects
human rights, rule of law, and civilian authority. The United States
provides DRC officers with training and assistance in leadership
development, military justice, civil-military relations, and respect
for human rights. The challenge is translating these efforts into long-
term institutional capacity. Although progress is slow, there have been
some improvements. Logistical capacity is one example: the U.S.-led
Defense Institutional Reform Initiative complements European Union
efforts to develop logistics doctrine by helping DRC military translate
their doctrine into strategic and operational guidance.
True security sector reform in DRC will require full commitment by
the government and a unified multilateral effort among the
international community. A memorandum of understanding between the U.S.
Government and the Government of the DRC on security force assistance
is forthcoming. This document will establish ground rules for security
assistance and provide a path for improved cooperation with measurable
Question. What is your assessment of the performance of the U.S.-
trained Light Infantry Battalion (LIB, known as the 391st) in its two
deployments to date (first in Dungu, for operations to counter the
Lord's Resistance Army, and currently in Goma, for operations to
counter the ongoing M23 rebellion)? What has been the impact of the LIB
training program--which was carried out in 2010 and supported by
AFRICOM advisors--on the overall capacity, control, and oversight of
the Congolese forces? If confirmed, would you support additional U.S.
operational and logistical training for the Congolese military?
Answer. The 391st Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) has been
scrutinized because of its standing as a U.S. trained unit. There are,
however, limited metrics to measure the battalion's combat
effectiveness and performance in protecting civilians. During a 2012
assessment, AFRICOM's Counter-Lord's Resistance Army Control Element
found that morale was high and the officers and enlisted soldiers
appear motivated, organized and trained in small unit maneuver and
tactics. While the unit appears tactically proficient, they have had
limited engagements against Lord's Resistance Army and March 23
Movement targets. This prevents a full understanding of the combat
effectiveness of the 391st LIB. It can be noted, however, that during a
minor firefight with March 23 Movement, the 391st stood its ground.
The 391st LIB illustrates the larger institutional challenges
within DRCs military and broader defense sector reform. While this unit
is highly respected by senior military and government leaders within
the DRC, it has not had a significant impact on the overall capacity,
control and oversight of Congolese forces. The rebellion by the March
23 Movement underscores that the Armed Forces of the Democratic
Republic of Congo remains a fractured military with a profound need for
national-level security sector reform. Broad security sector reform
will require full commitment by the government of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo and a unified multilateral effort among the
international community--a single U.S. trained battalion will not
change the core institutional challenges within the Democratic Republic
of the Congo.
Question. If confirmed, what changes (if any) would you propose to
U.S. security assistance for Rwanda in light of the Rwandan military's
alleged role in supporting the M23 in contravention of United Nations
Answer. Ensuring peace and security in Darfur, Sudan is a key U.S.
policy priority. Rwanda supports this policy priority by providing
3,200 peacekeepers to the United Nations--African Union Mission in
Darfur, and 850 peacekeepers to the United Nations Mission in South
Sudan. While we continue to support Rwanda's participation in United
Nations peacekeeping missions in Africa, we recognize that the March 23
Movement would not be the threat it is today without external support
including evidence of support from the Rwandan Government. As the
United States has made very clear, Rwanda must permanently end all
forms of support to Congolese armed groups. For these reasons, we also
cut approximately $200,000 of fiscal year 2012 Foreign Military
Financing (FMF) to Rwanda, as required by law. The Department continues
to closely monitor reports of external support and we will continue to
respond appropriately.
Question. What is your assessment of the current operational
capacity of Burundian troops serving in the African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM)? In your view, what has been the impact of U.S.
military training for Burundian troops deploying under AMISOM on
Burundi's internal stability and on regional stability in the Great
Answer. The Burundian National Defense Forces operating as part of
AMISOM are very good tactically at the lower level (squad-company) and
have interacted well with the Uganda People's Defence Force in shared
sectors. However, they lack staff planning ability at battalion and
higher levels.
The training the United States has provided to the Burundians has
helped to integrate their forces at the lower levels and unified their
armed forces, which, as recently as 5 years ago, were still fighting
remnants of a civil war. Burundi works with neighboring countries to
improve security in border areas. They are increasingly concerned with
instability in the Kivu area of Democratic Republic of the Congo and
the resulting refugee flows. Their focus, however, remains on African
Union Mission in Somalia and internal stability.
building partner capacity and security assistance
Question. In the past few years, Congress has provided DOD a number
of temporary authorities to provide security assistance to partner
nations, including the global train and equip authority (``section
1206''), Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), and the associated
transitional authorities for East Africa within the GSCF statute.
What is your understanding of the purpose of the section 1206
global train and equip authority and GSCF?
Answer. Section 1206 since its inclusion in the 2006 National
Defense Authorization Act has allowed AFRICOM to increase capability of
our partners to conduct counterterrorism activities. AFRICOM has
concentrated its efforts in the east and northwest areas where the
greatest threat exists. The 1206 authority is more responsive than
other security cooperation methods such as Foreign Military Financing
and is a critical tool. All combatant commands must compete annually
for funds under this program. This annual competition challenges a
longer-term approach to program development for partner nations. While
AFRICOM does not have U.S. Forces employed in stability operations, the
counterterrorism aspects of 1206 have been heavily used in support of
partner nations requirements against al Shabaab and al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb or to provide security in countries that may be
threatened by them. Section 1206 is a particularly valued tool since it
allows AFRICOM to select programs that best meet partners' needs. The
dual-key nature of 1206, requiring Department of State and Department
of Defense secretary approval, effectively supports interagency efforts
to strengthen capacity building programs. However, there are inherit
limitations of 1206 in terms of 1 year funding which makes it difficult
to put together complex or sustained projects that are required for
sustained engagement.
While 1206 specifically addresses counterterrorism, the GSCF is
intended as an interagency approach to address broader issues. The GSCF
is in its early stages of development, but should bring a responsive
ability to address a broad range of security issues not limited just to
counterterrorism. Funds to implement the authority must come from both
Department of Defense (80 percent) and Department of State (20
percent). Under the current authority which expires in 2015, once funds
are placed in the Security Contingency Fund, they are available until
expended. This enables planning a bit farther into the future. To date,
however, it is authority without a corresponding appropriation. As the
Security Contingency Fund process matures, I believe we will see a more
coordinated effort between Department of Defense and Department of
State in key partner nations.
Question. In your view, what should be our strategic objectives in
building the capacities of partner nations in the AFRICOM AOR?
Answer. AFRICOM's capacity building efforts seek to provide partner
nations with the capability to solve their own problems and directly
further the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa. When African
nations work together to defeat terrorists like al Shabaab, threats to
our homeland are decreased. When the United States is perceived as a
positive influence in other regions, it assists our efforts across the
Building Partnership Capacity is the baseline to all of AFRICOM's
strategic lines of effort in Africa. The intent is to enable African
partners to develop the defense capabilities necessary for the command
to achieve its objectives. It is preferable to avoid crises that may
demand the introduction of U.S. Forces, therefore the Command strives
to enable African partners to build stability, control borders and
ungoverned terrain, defeat terrorist groups, and develop militaries
that are professional and obey the rule of law.
An example of AFRICOM's partnership building engagement is the
ongoing efforts with African partners that are deploying troops to
various peacekeeping missions throughout the continent, including to
the African Union Mission in Somalia. The Command has provided training
and equipment that have proved to be instrumental in the success these
forces have made in both maintaining stability and combating terrorist
groups. The Command has also assisted Africans in developing rotary
wing medical evacuation capabilities to be used in peacekeeping
Other areas of focus are providing training and equipment for
partners for the purpose of developing strong border controls to
prevent trafficking of weapons and narcotics which can destabilize a
In the maritime domain, the Command has assisted regional
organizations in developing agreements, operations, and training for
maritime security, as well as developing courses for peacekeepers at
select African Union regional peacekeeping training centers.
All of these efforts combine to develop capacities among African
partners that allow Africans to solve many of their own security
problems. This is cost effective, does not require U.S. Forces, and
prevents conflict.
Question. The funding pool available for security assistance and
other military-to-military engagement activities devoted to the AFRICOM
AOR is extremely small and tends to be allocated to specific countries.
What is your understanding of the role AFRICOM plays in developing
U.S. security assistance (e.g., section 1206, Foreign Military
Financing, International Military Education and Training assistance,
Combatant Commander Initiative Fund, et cetera. . . . )?
Answer. AFRICOM provides input to all of the security assistance
processes annually, based on Department of Defense guidance, AFRICOM
strategy and theater campaign plan prioritization. The command submits
proposals to take advantage of authorities such as 1206 and has
successfully utilized the Combatant Commander Initiative Fund--
specifically this year the Command was able to fund attendance of
Libyan officers to U.S. schools. AFRICOM depends on its input to these
programs to get its mission accomplished. Security Cooperation is the
primary means to affect conditions on the continent.
defense strategic guidance
Question. The Defense Strategic Guidance, ``Sustaining U.S. Global
Leadership: Priorities for the 21st Century Defense'', announced by
President Obama on January 5, 2012, includes, among other things, the
intention of the administration and the Pentagon to ``rebalance toward
the Asia-Pacific region.'' In his associated remarks, Secretary Panetta
explained that the ``U.S. military will increase its institutional
weight and focus on enhanced presence, power projection, and deterrence
in Asia-Pacific.''
What do you anticipate will be the impact on the operations and
activities of AFRICOM?
Answer. The impact on the operations and activities of AFRICOM will
be minimal. In fact, based on the interconnectivity between Africa and
the Asia-Pacific region, AFRICOM's activities may become more
important. The eastern portion of AFRICOM's area of responsibility
abuts the Indian Ocean, a centrally important component of the global
commons, reflecting historic trade ties and encompassing sea lanes of
communication that link Africa to the Middle East, Europe, and the
rising powers of India and China in the Asia-Pacific region.
Several key strategic geographic points exist around the African
continent that are essential to the flow of commerce. For example, Camp
Lemonnier in Djibouti sits on the western side of the Bab el-Mandeb
waterway from Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula. The waterway is only 20
miles across and must remain open to ensure the health of the global
economic system. Other important choke points include the Mozambique
Channel and the Cape of Good Hope.
Africa is a pivotal point to the Middle East and Asia-Pacific
providing critical access to the Indian Ocean region and an overwatch
position for Iran. It also serves as an essential platform supporting
U.S. Central Command Counter-Violent Extremist Organization operations.
AFRICOM will continue to counter piracy threats emanating from
Somalia in support of international efforts to promote a lawful
maritime environment and global trade in the Indian Ocean region. The
command will continue to strengthen the defense capabilities of African
partners to solidify security gains in Somalia that underpin the
development of effective governance, economic growth, and development.
dod counter-narcotics activities
Question. DOD serves as the single lead agency for the detection
and monitoring of aerial and maritime foreign shipments of drugs
flowing toward the United States. On an annual basis, DOD's counter-
narcotics (CN) program expends approximately $1.5 billion to support
the Department's CN operations, including to build the capacity of U.S.
Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies, and certain foreign
governments, and provide intelligence support on CN-related matters and
a variety of other unique enabling capabilities.
In your view, what is the appropriate role of DOD--and by extension
AFRICOM--in counterdrug efforts?
Answer. In my opinion, AFRICOM's role in support of broader
Department of Defense counternarcotics efforts should focus on three
primary areas. First, capacity building efforts with partner nations on
the African continent are critical to helping civilian law enforcement
agencies, Gendarmes, and military organizations combat the growing
menace of narcotics trafficking. Working hand in hand with partners in
the Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Customs
and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Bureau
of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, among others,
the command is able to bring the full weight of U.S. experience from
the decades-long domestic fight against narcotics to bear in helping to
solve this problem in Africa through training, equipping and
information sharing initiatives. Second, through Counterthreat Finance
efforts, the command works with U.S. interagency partners to track down
and ultimately seize illicit proceeds that go directly to Drug
Trafficking Organizations. Third, statutory requirement to serve as the
lead U.S. agency for Detection and Monitoring allow the command to
bring our tremendous technology assets to bear, and a robust cadre of
intelligence analysts can lend great value to the International
Community in analyzing and dismantling drug trafficking organizations.
Question. In your view, what should be the role of the United
States in countering the flow of narcotics to nations other than the
United States?
Answer. The United States has tremendous equities in helping to
stem the world-wide manufacturing and distribution of illicit drugs,
regardless of whether these drugs end up in the United States. In
places like West Africa, drug trafficking and manufacturing is having a
tremendous destabilizing effect through corruption of often senior
government officials, increased rates of drug usage (and corresponding
increases to rates of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome among Africans, and proceeds of illicit
trafficking going towards organizations operating on the continent and
internationally. Working with international partners through such
organizations as the European Union and the Economic Community of West
Africa States, AFRICOM seeks to integrate their capacity building
efforts with those who share common interests in seeing African
partners increase their ability to effectively address this problem.
These integration efforts will also allow all international parties to
better utilize funding for counternarcotic efforts.
Question. Given that the vast majority of illegal drugs arriving in
Africa are not destined for the United States, should DOD invest
resources in countering the flow of illegal drugs to or through Africa?
Answer. It is my opinion that current Department of Defense
resources being invested in counternarcotics efforts are funds well
spent in spite of the fact that many of the drugs are not intended for
the United States. The destabilizing influence of narcotics
trafficking, coupled with the financial benefits realized by terrorist
organizations operating in Africa, make a compelling case for overall
U.S. Government involvement in solving this problem. The cost funding
an effective counternarcotics program in an African partner nation is
far less than the cost of dealing with the consequences of not
addressing this problem which could result in increased regional
instability. Additionally, the capacity building and resources provided
to African partners under the counternarcotics program are also
effective in helping to improve border control and reduce the
trafficking of other illicit goods like weapons and persons.
Question. Illicit trafficking is a growing concern in Africa. West
Africa is a node for Latin American drugs transiting to their primary
destination in European markets. In addition, drugs and their
precursors originating on other continents are transshipped through
Africa. Despite the increase in illicit trafficking across the African
continent, AFRICOM has secured a limited amount of funding for its
counternarcotics efforts.
What is your assessment of the current AFRICOM counternarcotics
Answer. It is my understanding that the AFRICOM counternarcotics
program has improved the capacity of African nations to more
effectively address their challenges in this area. To date, the
program's efforts have primarily been focused in West Africa, working
with countries such as Ghana, Senegal, and Cape Verde. The command's
capacity building efforts have had a direct, positive impact on these
countries' capabilities, as evidenced by the October 2011 seizure in
Cape Verde of 1.5 tons of cocaine, which was directly supported by the
Counter Narcotics-funded Cape Verde Maritime Operations Center.
Additionally, the Counter Narcotics program has taken the lead in
coordination with the Department of State in developing the West
African Cooperative Security Initiative, a whole-of-government approach
that better integrates all U.S. Government counternarcotics efforts in
this important region.
Question. Based on your review of the current program, if
confirmed, what changes, if any, are you interested in exploring?
Answer. If confirmed, I will assess the current program before
recommending changes. The Counter Narcotics program has been effective
in establishing a presence and making a difference in West Africa,
however, this is not the only region of Africa with a narcotics
trafficking problem. East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanzania, is
experiencing an increase in heroin trafficking across the Indian Ocean
from Afghanistan and Pakistan destined for U.S. and European markets.
Additionally, in the Sahel region of North Africa, cocaine and hashish
trafficking is being facilitated by, and directly benefitting,
organizations like al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leading to increased
regional instability.
lord's resistance army
Question. Despite pressure by the Ugandan People's Defense Forces
(UPDF) and efforts by U.S. Special Operations personnel to support
them, elements of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)--including Joseph
Kony--continue to operate and commit atrocities against civilian
populations in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, and South Sudan. Some observers have identified operational
concerns with this mission, including that: (1) supported forces are
trying to find an elusive foe in an area roughly the size of
California, much of which is covered in thick jungle; (2) technical
support to U.S. Forces and their UPDF partners from the defense and
intelligence community continues to be inadequate; and (3) limitations
continue to be placed on the ability of U.S. Special Operations
personnel to accompany UPDF partners outside of main basing locations,
thereby limiting the level of direct support they can provide.
In your view, what is the objective of Operation Observant Compass?
Answer. The Governments of Uganda, the Central African Republic
(CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Republic of South
Sudan, in collaboration with the African Union, continue to dedicate
material and human resources to bring an end to the threat posed by the
LRA. They are leading this effort, and the United States is committed
to supporting this regional effort. Through our engagement, we are
strengthening partnerships and regional cooperation.
The United States is providing cross-cutting support to advance
four objectives: (1) the increased protection of civilians; (2) the
apprehension or removal from the battlefield of Joseph Kony and senior
LRA commanders; (3) the promotion of defections and support for the
disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of LRA fighters; and (4)
the continued humanitarian relief of affected communities.
Question. In your view, what is the appropriate level of priority
to be accorded to AFRICOM's efforts to counter the Lord's Resistance
Army in central Africa, compared to other AFRICOM objectives?
Answer. The command's number one priority is East Africa with
particular focus on al Shabaab and al Qaeda networks. This is followed
by violent extremist and al Qaeda in North and West Africa and the
Islamic Maghreb. AFRICOM's third priority is counter-LRA operations.
Question. If confirmed, will you promptly review and report back to
the committee on your assessment of this mission?
Answer. This deployment is not open-ended and we will continue to
regularly assess and review whether we are making sufficient progress.
I commit to reporting to the Committee on this deployment at any time
you request.
Question. Each of the countries currently affected by the LRA face
other security threats viewed by their governments as more serious to
their national well-being and, as a result, these countries place a
lower priority on addressing the LRA problem.
If confirmed, how would you seek to strengthen the impact of
Operation Observant Compass while recognizing those competing national
priorities of our partners in the counter-LRA fight?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to work to maximize the
success of Operation Observant Compass by seeking, within the
parameters of the current mission, to deepen cooperation with Ugandan
and other regional forces and increase intelligence that is appropriate
to the operating environment.
support to united nations peacekeeping missions in africa
Question. In testimony before the House Committee on Foreign
Affairs on July 29, 2009, Ambassador Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations (U.N.), stated that the United States ``is willing to
consider directly contributing more military observers, military staff
officers, civilian police, and other civilian personnel--including more
women I should note--to U.N. peacekeeping operations.'' Admiral Mullen
has said he views ``U.N. peacekeeping operations to be extremely
important and cost effective in comparison to unilateral operations''
and that ``the success of these operations is very much in our national
In your view, should the United States increase the number of
personnel it contributes in the form of staff positions and military
observers to U.N. peacekeeping missions and other international peace
Answer. I agree with Ambassador Rice and Admiral Mullen and support
an increase in contributions to U.N. peacekeeping operations. United
Nations peacekeeping operations play a vital role in advancing the goal
of improved peace, stability and security throughout Africa.
Peacekeeping operations support United Nations objectives, while they
also help to advance U.S. security interests. The U.S. role in United
Nations peacekeeping operations, whether in the form of civilian
police, staff officers, or military observers, may offer the United
States a cost-effective way to continue to advance our mission and
Question. In your view, what are the advantages and disadvantages
of contributing additional military personnel to U.N. operations in the
form of staff positions and military observers' positions?
Answer. In considering increasing U.S. personnel contributions to
U.N. peacekeeping operations, it is important to balance the advantages
and disadvantages that accompany any decision to deploy American
military personnel. As Admiral Mullen described, United Nations-led
peacekeeping operations can be cost effective, especially in comparison
to unilateral operations. For the majority of these operations, sharing
the manpower and financial burden among donor organizations and
countries allows the international community to do more with less. U.S.
personnel support to U.N. operations offers the United States the
unique opportunity to build relationships and trust that could be of
future benefit. When U.S. military personnel work in partnership with
other U.N. members' military personnel, they build long-lasting
relationships centered on trust and a sense of shared purpose, while
gaining invaluable cultural, regional, and international experience
which helps to further our national interests.
Careful thought and planning must accompany any decision to
establish or increase the U.S. participation in U.N. peacekeeping
operations. It is vital that we understand the security risks to our
troops and personnel, while we also have a complete understanding of
how U.S. personnel will operate within the U.N. mission. The posting of
U.S. personnel to U.N. missions and operations always require a clearly
defined chain of command in order to mitigate any potential problems or
concerns. Any increase in U.S. support for U.N. operations will
necessarily incur a personnel cost and commitment that must be
understood, accepted, planned for, and managed. Finally, and most
importantly, significantly increasing the U.S. presence, or in some
cases even creating a U.S. presence for small U.N. operations, carries
the risk of overshadowing other participating nations.
national strategy to combat transnational organized crime
Question. Criminal networks are not only expanding their
operations, but they are also diversifying their activities, resulting
in a convergence of transnational threats that has evolved to become
more complex, volatile, and destabilizing. The Director of National
Intelligence recently described transnational organized crime as ``an
abiding threat to U.S. economic and national security interests,'' and
stated that ``rising drug violence and corruption are undermining
stability and the rule of law in some countries'' in the Western
Hemisphere. In July 2011, the President released his Strategy to Combat
Transnational Organized Crime: Addressing Converging Threats to
National Security. One of the priority action areas designated in the
strategy is ``enhancing Department of Defense support to U.S. law
What is your understanding of the President's strategy to combat
transnational criminal organizations?
Answer. The Department of Defense plays an important supporting
role in the implementation of the President's strategy, which declares
that transnational organized crime is a threat to national and
international security. The strategy provides a valuable framework from
which AFRICOM can address this complex problem set, in partnership with
other U.S. Government agencies and foreign partners. Illicit drug
trafficking is but one facet of an interconnected transnational threat
that is directly destabilizing many countries in Africa. As part of a
whole-of-government approach to combating transnational organized
crime, the Department of Defense can bring to bear unique authorities
and capabilities to augment those of our law enforcement, intelligence,
and foreign partners so we address the threats transnational organized
crime pose in a coordinated manner.
Question. What is your assessment of the threat to the United
States posed by transnational organized crime operating in the AFRICOM
Answer. Transnational organized crime in the AFRICOM area of
operations threatens U.S. interests by taking advantage of failed
states and contested spaces, forging alliances with corrupt government
officials and some foreign intelligence services, destabilizing
political, financial, and security institutions in fragile states,
undermining competition in world strategic markets, using cyber
technologies and other methods to perpetrate sophisticated frauds,
creating the potential for the transfer of weapons of mass destruction
to terrorists, and expanding narcotics, weapons, and human trafficking
networks. Terrorists and insurgents are increasingly turning to
criminal networks to generate funding and acquire logistical support,
amplifying the threat to U.S. interests.
Question. What role does AFRICOM play in combating transnational
organized crime and in training and equipping partner security forces
that have been tasked with combating it?
Answer. AFRICOM conducts a number of programs that directly support
the President's transnational organized crime strategy and Department
of Defense guidance that addresses transnational organized crime. In
addition to the command's Counternarcotics and Law Enforcement
Assistance program, there are a variety of security cooperation
programs that fund military-to-military capacity building and
operations that enable partner nations to more effectively deal with
security threats directly relating to transnational organized crime
within their borders. The Command's newly-established Counterthreat
Finance program is another important tool that allows the command to go
after financial proceeds from these illicit activities.
counterthreat finance
Question. A number of officials in DOD and the Intelligence
Community have called for investing additional resources in identifying
and tracking the flow of money associated with terrorist networks and
illicit trafficking.
What are your views on the role of DOD in counterthreat finance
Answer. The Department of Defense is not and should not be the lead
in this effort. Department of Defense does have unique capabilities and
capacities that can be brought to bear to augment the efforts of the
broader interagency community.
Question. What do you believe is the appropriate role, if any, of
AFRICOM in supporting counterthreat finance activities?
Answer. The Department of Defense in general, and AFRICOM
specifically, routinely contribute to threat finance activities with
intelligence analysis to identify critical network vulnerabilities,
providing strategic and operational planning expertise and organizing
and executing engagement activities to help shape the environment.
Countering threat finance activities supports efforts to counter
violent extremists, drug traffickers and other illicit and
destabilizing activities. Additionally, the Kingpin Act has proven to
be an effective tool for the command to use to go after the highest-
level drug traffickers through direct financial sanctions.
africom's military service component commands
Question. AFRICOM does not have any assigned forces and--as a
result--is required to compete for forces within the global request for
forces process. Given the Department's focus on the greater Middle East
and Asia-Pacific, do you believe the AFRICOM Commander will be able to
secure the necessary personnel to accomplish its partnering and
engagement mission within its AOR? If not, how would you assess the
risk to U.S. strategic interests in the region?
Answer. If confirmed, I plan to assess the requirements AFRICOM
currently fulfills regarding partnering and engagement missions and
report those finding back to this committee in a timely manner.
However, to my understanding, the command has adequate access to
resources to accomplish its partnering and engagement missions.
AFRICOM's access to rotationally allocated resources has increased over
the past 2 years through efforts such as the allocation of a Special
Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force in fiscal year 2012 and the
allocation of a U.S. Army Regionally Aligned Force in fiscal year 2013.
These assets provide much needed flexibility to respond to
opportunities for engagement that arise on the continent. For example,
the Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force has filled a key role
in our support to the African Union Mission in Somalia by providing a
10-week training course for deploying African troops. This engineering
focused course teaches deploying troops valuable route clearing
techniques against Improvised Explosive Devices, increasing
survivability of deployed troops and reducing the threat to civilian
populations. The efforts of the Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task
Force, coupled with a wide variety of other U.S. Government programs,
are helping Africa Union Mission in Somalia forces to make a positive
The threat to U.S. strategic interests including the global
economic system and American citizens at home and abroad will continue
to increase if the partnership and engagement missions are curtailed or
reduced. There are many opportunities to partner with stable African
partners and to develop partnerships with newly emerging governments.
As opportunities arise, other entities see opportunities to capitalize
on undergoverned and ungoverned spaces on the continent. The attack on
the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi and the subsequent unrest in many areas
across the continent in the days that followed are illustrative to the
impact these threats can have if partners are not capable of
establishing and maintaining a secure environment for their citizens.
regional alignment and rotational deployments of army brigades
Question. The Army plans to align general purpose combat brigades
with regional combatant commands, including AFRICOM, to support theater
engagement and security force assistance missions and to make those
forces, and other supporting units, available on a rotational basis for
deployment to those regions for training and exercises.
What is your understanding and assessment of the Army's capability
and capacity to align combat brigades or other units with regional
combatant commands?
Answer. The Army is in the process of developing its Regionally
Aligned Force concept and is conducting a ``proof of principle'' with a
brigade combat team aligned to AFRICOM in fiscal year 2013. The Army's
objective is to enhance its support of combatant commanders. Regionally
Aligned Force brigades receive training in culture, geography,
language, and gain an understanding of the militaries they will engage
during their mission alignment.
Question. What are your views, if any, on the use of general
purpose forces for missions providing security force assistance to
other nations' militaries?
Answer. Iraq and Afghanistan have proven that general purpose
forces are fully capable of providing significant security force
assistance to partner nations. As we reduce the rotational requirement
to combat areas we can use these forces to great effect in Africa.
General Purpose Forces will have to be fully flexible to do their
primary mission and to work in the area of security cooperation and
security force assistance.
Question. In your view, how should, if at all, a unit's regional
alignment determine the assignment of personnel, selection of unit
commanders, priority for cultural and language training compared to
core combat training, and identification and acquisition of special
Answer. Regionally aligned forces units will be trained to conduct
the full range of military operations, but will also receive training
in culture, geography, language, and gain an understanding of the
militaries they will engage during their mission alignment. The current
Army Brigade Combat Team structure will contain most of the skill sets
required for training and equipping missions on the African continent.
Regionally aligned forces units will be able to ``reach-back'' into
Division and Corps assets in the United States for more specialized
Question. If confirmed, how would you propose to implement the use
of regionally aligned forces in support of your theater assistance and
engagement strategies?
Answer. The Department of the Army has significant authorities in
which they can employ regionally aligned forces in support of
geographic combatant commanders. Regionally aligned forces can be
employed for Theater Security Cooperation activities, operational
planning, inspections, coordination visits, and the conduct of
exercises. If confirmed, I would find opportunities across the
continent and within planning efforts to incorporate the expanded
capabilities and capacity of the regionally aligned forces within these
Question. In your view, how should funding responsibility be
consolidated or distributed between the Military Departments and the
combatant commands for training and employment of regionally aligned
Answer. Exercise and security cooperation activities funding is
separate from service funds. Services exist to provide trained and
ready forces. The regionally aligned forces should be no different. For
the combatant commands, it will be necessary to include costs of using
the regionally aligned force units in security cooperation proposals
utilizing authorities like 1206 (Counterterrorism) and 1207 (Security
and Stabilization).
Question. In your view, is it feasible and suitable to satisfy
theater engagement and assistance strategies completely with rotational
forces? If not, why not?
Answer. AFRICOM has successfully conducted operations, exercises
and activities since its inception without permanently assigned forces.
Like other commands, it plans and requests forces through the Global
Force Management process.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the
performance criteria and metrics that are or will be used to evaluate
the effectiveness and efficiency of combatant command theater
engagement strategies and, if confirmed, how will you integrate the use
of regionally aligned Army brigades or other units into the evaluation
Answer. Over the last 4 years, AFRICOM has developed a
comprehensive integrated assessment process linking all theater,
regional and contingency plans--including all operations, exercises and
security cooperation activities. The Command measures progress in
achieving objectives and effects using a combination of indicators from
multiple sources: the Department of Defense, other U.S. Government
agencies, and numerous open-source international agencies--such as the
United Nations, the World Bank, and the African Union. The Command also
relies on the Department of State to provide polling data from African
citizens to add depth and breadth to the results. The Command uses
correlation analysis of U.S. activities and resources with progress in
the overall environment to shape and influence the planning and
scheduling of future engagement activities. I look forward to
continuing the best assessment practices at AFRICOM, and ensuring that
future Command-wide assessments support decisionmaking both at the
Command and throughout the Department of Defense.
global peace operation initiative
Question. In 2005, the United States along with our partners in the
G-8 launched the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) to train
peacekeepers. This program is run by the Department of State's Bureau
of African Affairs. DOD has provided varying degrees of personnel
support since the program's inception. A number of national militaries
in the AFRICOM AOR have benefitted from this program and have provided
peacekeeping troops to multilateral peacekeeping operations around the
What is your understanding of the GPOI program?
Answer. Global Peace Operations Initiative is intended to address
capacity gaps in forces supporting peacekeeping operations. Since its
inception in 2004, the program's goal is primarily to train and deploy
peacekeepers. The program has shifted focus to help peacekeeping
contributing countries train and deploy themselves. The program focuses
its effort in Africa, as it is the stage for several of the largest
peacekeeping operations.
Question. Would you support or oppose AFRICOM's continued
involvement in the program?
Answer. Based on my current understanding, I would support
increased involvement in the Global Peace Operations Initiative.
AFRICOM provides resources to Global Peace Operations Initiative to
develop human capital and critical enablers to support United Nations/
African Union peacekeeping. In the future, with additional funding,
AFRICOM could increase support to build, planning capability,
intelligence support, logistics capacity, skills training, peacekeeping
staffs, and other efforts critical to the success of peacekeeping
Question. If confirmed, will you advocate for AFRICOM to play a
more direct role in providing U.S. military personnel (vice private
contractors) for the training missions conducted under GPOI?
Answer. Yes. To the extent military personnel are available.
Integrating uniformed trainers provides a significant cost savings and
improvement to the Global Peace Operations Initiative program while
supporting Department of Defense and Department of State objectives to
build the capacity of our partners. Initially I would support a hybrid
contractor-military peacekeeping training model led by the State
Department, coordinated with our country teams, and supported with
military trainers, and transition to full uniformed support of Global
Peace Operations Initiative in the future.
mass atrocities prevention
Question. President Obama identified the prevention of mass
atrocities and genocide as a core U.S. national security interest, as
well as a core moral interest, in August 2011 under Presidential Study
Directive 10.
Among interagency partners, what is AFRICOM's role in addressing
atrocity threats, and what tools does AFRICOM have for preventing or
responding to atrocities in its AOR?
Answer. AFRICOM is committed to preventing mass atrocities. General
Ham highlighted the importance of this to the command by including
building the capacity of African partners to prevent and protect their
populations from mass atrocities in his Commander's Intent. AFRICOM
participates in and is a leader within the Mass Atrocities Prevention
Response Options development construct within Department of Defense.
The staff includes Mass Atrocity Prevention and Response planning into
planning activities and includes such items as respect for the rule of
law, submission to civil authority, and adherence to human rights norms
into military-to-military engagements. This ultimately addresses the
root causes of mass atrocities.
Question. Has AFRICOM developed planning processes toward this
effort so that it will be able to respond quickly in emergency
situations? In your assessment, what country or countries are the most
at risk for mass atrocities in Africa?
Answer. AFRICOM plans for a range of contingencies in support of
U.S. national security policy and to prepare for possible crisis
response scenarios. AFRICOM also pursues ongoing efforts in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, South Sudan, and Central
African Republic to prevent Mass Atrocities. In Liberia, the command is
committed to building the Liberia Security Sector to prevent a repeat
of their disastrous recent history.
special operations authorities
Question. It has been reported that Admiral McRaven, Commander of
U.S. Special Operations Command, is seeking changes to the Unified
Command Plan (UCP) that he believes would allow SOCOM to better support
the requirements of the Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOC).
Reportedly, such changes would give the Commander of SOCOM combatant
command authority over the TSOCs--including responsibilities for
resourcing--and provide for more rapid deployment of Special Operations
Forces to and between geographic combatant commands without the
requirement for approval by the Secretary of Defense in every case.
Operational control of deployed Special Operations Forces would
reportedly remain with the respective geographic combatant commander.
Some have expressed concern that such changes could raise problems
related to civilian control of the military, infringe upon the
traditional authorities of the geographic combatant commanders, and
make it more difficult for ambassadors and geographic combatant
commanders to know what military personnel are coming into their areas
of responsibility and what they are doing while they are there.
Please provide your assessment of whether such UCP changes would be
appropriate and can be made without conflicting with civilian control
of the military, infringing upon authorities provided to the geographic
combatant commanders, or raising concerns with the Department of State.
Answer. This is a topic which will require further study. If
confirmed, I will review Admiral McRaven's recommended changes to the
Unified Command Plan and provide an assessment back to this committee
in a timely manner.
However, from my experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is
critical that Special Operations Forces are fully integrated with
conventional forces. This integration provides the commanders and
forces a common operational picture, allows for a more proactive and
responsive decisionmaking process, and access to shared resources.
special operations forces
Question. As forces have been reduced in Iraq and Afghanistan,
there is an expectation that additional Special Operations Forces may
be available for missions in other combatant commands, including
AFRICOM, which have had only a small presence of such forces in recent
What special operations capabilities are in highest demand by
Answer. Given the complex strategic environment in Africa and the
need for persistent, distributed, low visibility and small footprint
operations, additional Special Operation Forces specifically organized,
trained, and equipped to operate in sensitive environments are
required. Special Operations Forces capabilities in highest demand
include the following: (1) experienced special operations forces ground
operators to build and maintain partner force counterterrorism capacity
and enable their operations; (2) Special Operations Forces focused on
enhancing partner nation non-lethal capabilities (e.g., Civil Affairs,
Military Information Support Operation) to shape the information
environment and create good will; (3) Special Operations Forces
intelligence personnel and equipment (e.g., analysts, collectors,
associated enablers) to better illuminate the threat; and (4) Special
Operations Forces non-standard, medium and vertical airlift (i.e., low
signature, non-standard aviation, MC-130H, and MC-130P) to provide low
signature movement across the continent, transport and resupply a
crisis response force and extend the range of vertical lift platforms.
Non Special Operations Forces assets required includes Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance and Personnel Recovery/Casualty
Evacuation rotary wing with associated enablers.
Question. Which countries in the AFRICOM AOR do you believe have
the greatest need for increased engagement with U.S. Special Operations
Answer. To achieve a Global Special Operations Forces Network,
Special Operations Command AFRICA requires greater access and
engagements throughout Africa. In order to optimize effectiveness and
strengthen our African partners' counterterrorism/counter Violent
Extremist Organization capabilities necessitates greater engagements
with the following key countries: Libya, Niger, Tunisia, Algeria,
Mauritania, Nigeria, Mali, Cameroon, South Sudan, and Kenya. Greater
collaboration and engagements within the aforementioned countries
greatly furthers the U.S. Government counterterrorism/counterviolent
extremist organizations efforts against the growing and interconnected
al Qaeda threat throughout Northwest Africa and collaborative actions
against al Shabaab within East Africa.
In support of ongoing regional Counter-Lord's Resistance Army
operations, U.S. Special Operations Forces are advising and assisting
partner nation forces from Uganda, Central African Republic, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of South Sudan, in addition to
a number of United Nations missions in the region, to find and remove
Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army as a destabilizing force in
the region.
While U.S. Special Operations Forces continues to build capacity in
Counter-Lord's Resistance Army partner nation forces and has begun to
assist the nascent African Union Regional Task Force, longer-term
development of these forces may require an integrated Special
Operations and Conventional Forces approach to mature the Africa Union
Regional Task Forces as an institution and increase capacity of
individual partner nation forces.
special operations personnel in embassies
Question. U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) deploys personnel
to work with country teams in a number of high priority countries where
the United States is not engaged in direct action operations, but
rather trying to train host nation security forces. Their mission is to
support the priorities of the Ambassador and the combatant commander's
theater campaign plan. At times, Ambassadors have complained that they
have not been adequately informed of activities by special operations
forces in their country.
If confirmed, what do you intend to do to make sure the goals of
special operations personnel deployed to these countries are aligned
closely to those of the Ambassadors with whom they are working?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure the activities of special
operations personnel, as well as all personnel, are coordinated with
the embassy Chief of Mission. AFRICOM currently conducts this
coordination by requiring Chief of Mission concurrence on operations,
exercises and engagement activities.
marine security guards in embassies
Question. Due to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi,
Libya, which resulted in the death of a U.S. ambassador and three other
Americans, many are conveying concern about the safety of U.S.
diplomatic personnel around the world.
Do you share this concern?
Answer. Yes. The Marine Corps has a longstanding relationship with
the Department of State to provide internal security at diplomatic
posts. The Marine Security Guard Detachment Commander, acting under
operational supervision of the Regional Security Officer, is tasked
with providing internal security functions to prevent the compromise of
classified information and equipment vital to the national security of
the United States. A secondary mission of Marine Security Guard is to
provide protection for U.S. citizens and U.S. Government property
located within diplomatic premises. Under certain emergency situations
they will provide special protective services to the Chief of Mission
or Principal Officer. These protocols have proven successful for the
past several decades, and provide flexibility to Regional Security
Officers for the employment of Marine Security Guards upon diplomatic
Question. The Marine Security Guard Program was established in
1946, and its mission, to provide internal security at designated
embassies of classified information and equipment, remains unchanged to
this day.
In light of increasing threats to U.S. diplomatic personnel by
terrorists throughout the world, do you believe it is time to re-
examine the Program's mission and protocols?
Answer. I believe the Marine Security Guard Program, as defined
under existing protocols between the Marine Corps and Department of
State, functions well and meets the needs of our diplomatic missions
around the world. However, based on changing security dynamics we are
in the process of taking a look at what changes to the program might be
necessary. I fully appreciate the importance of this mission and
understand it is important to work closely with the Department of State
to ensure our Marine Security Guard organization, mission and security
protocols are responsive to their needs.
Question. If so, should it be broadened to provide additional
protection to U.S. diplomatic personnel?
Answer. At this time, I don't believe the program should be
broadened to provide additional protection to U.S. diplomatic
personnel. However, the Marine Corps has a long history of working with
the State Department, and should adjustments be required, will work
eagerly to ensure the internal security functions aboard diplomatic
premises meet the standards required.
Question. In your opinion, what additional steps, if any, should be
taken to reduce the risk of attacks on U.S. embassies and consulates
and diplomatic personnel by terrorist organizations within Afghanistan
and throughout the region?
Answer. We must continue to monitor threats to our diplomatic posts
in Afghanistan and around the region, and adjust our security posture
based on the threats and changing conditions on the ground. External
security at our embassies and consulates is, first, the responsibility
of the host nation and must remain so. In Afghanistan, we maintain a
heightened security posture, and will continue to do so, in order to
reduce risks commensurate with local threats and to advance the
important work of our diplomatic personnel.
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities
Question. Demand for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
(ISR) capabilities of every kind has grown exponentially in recent
years largely due to the enhanced situational awareness and targeting
capabilities they bring to our commanders. Almost all of the geographic
combatant commands have validated ISR requirements that are not being
What is your understanding of the support AFRICOM is currently
receiving to respond to its ISR requirements?
Answer. ISR assets are a scarce resource and should be allocated
based on threat. My understanding is AFRICOM does not receive
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets to meet its
requirement. However, Department of Defense has provided additional
assets to meet specific needs for operations such as in response to
recent attacks in North Africa. This year, AFRICOM will receive
additional intelligence capabilities to include multi-intelligence
Global Hawks, foliage penetration, and counter-improvised explosive
device technologies.
AFRICOM receives only about 7 percent of its total intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance requirements. However, in response to
the recent attack in North Africa, AFRICOM is currently getting about
50 percent of its stated need for intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance in North Africa. AFRICOM's intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance requirements are supported by the Air Force, the
Navy, and the National Intelligence Community. The Services provide
AFRICOM with a wide variety of intelligence capability. Predator,
Pilatus fixed wing aircraft, and Scan Eagle provide full motion video.
EP-3 Orion and other maritime assets provide signals intelligence.
Seaborne assets provide tactical intelligence capability as well as a
forward staging area for MQ-8 unmanned helicopter, and Scan Eagle.
Joint Surveillance and Target Attack aircraft provide ground moving
target indicator capability. Global Hawk provides long-dwell, long-
range imagery.
While AFRICOM is allocated a wide variety of intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance, current allocation does not provide
sufficient quantity or sensor mix to achieve the objectives which the
Joint Staff directed to AFRICOM.
Question. Do you believe the threat emanating from AFRICOM's AOR
should garner additional resources from within DOD? If so, how do you
intend to advocate for additional ISR assets?
Answer. Yes, I believe additional intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance capabilities are necessary to protect American interest
and assist our close allies and partners. The recent crises in North
Africa demonstrate the volatility of the African security environment.
As the United States makes significant progress against al Qaeda on
many fronts, huge pockets of ungoverned spaces and unstable security
situations have provided a safe haven for al Qaeda, its allies and
affiliates. Al Qaeda has taken advantage of the poor security situation
in Libya, easy access to weapons, and the rebellion in Mali to
establish deep roots throughout North and West Africa. While
significant progress has been made in Somalia, an increasingly
desperate al Shabaab has turned to improvised explosive device attacks
against our African partners. Additionally, Boco Haram carried out
hundreds of improvised explosive device attacks in Nigeria. Finally,
kidnapping for ransom continues to be a significant concern in Somalia
and Mali.
If confirmed, I will request additional assets through the global
force management process to take advantage of ISR resources as we draw
down in Afghanistan. Until Global Force Management allocation meets
requirements, I will continue to leverage contract and experimental
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance and look to the broader
Research and Development community for innovative solutions to unique
AFRICOM requirements.
combined joint task force-horn of africa
Question. What is your understanding of the mission of Combined
Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) and its command relationship
Answer. CJTF-HOA is a subordinate command of AFRICOM. Its mission
is to protect, defend, and promote the national security interests of
the United States by conducting military operations to prevail in our
current and future operations against violent extremist organizations
and other transnational threats, and strengthens the capabilities of
our East African Partner Nation militaries and regional security
organizations in order to assist East African Nations to create
security environments that promote security and stability within their
country borders and throughout the region.
Question. How do its roles and responsibilities compare with
AFRICOM's service component commands?
Answer. Unlike the service specific and functional commands, CJTF-
HOA is focused on a specific geographic area of operation--the East
Africa Combined-Joint Operations Area CJTF-HOA is directed by AFRICOM
to plan, coordinate, synchronize, direct and assess operations,
exercises, security cooperation activities and engagements with AFRICOM
components and Special Operations Command Africa along six lines of
effort: Counter Violent Extremist Organizations; Strengthen Defense
Capabilities; Prepare and Respond to Crisis; Counter-Piracy; Counter
Illicit Trafficking; and Maintain Strategic Posture.
Question. How does AFRICOM ensure that CJTF-HOA activities
complement rather than conflict with activities being conducted by
AFRICOM's service components?
Answer. AFRICOM has published an East Africa campaign plan with
CJTF-HOA designated as the supported command.
Question. What are the most effective metrics to measure the impact
of CJTF-HOA's efforts to date?
Answer. CJTF-HOA is currently developing a formal set of assessment
criteria to measure the impact of their efforts.
Currently, the metrics used to measure the impact of CJTF-HOA
effort includes the diminished effectiveness and ability of extremist
organizations to operate in East Africa, the increased capability,
willingness, and partnership of East African nations to eliminate
extremist organizations, and the ability and capability of East African
nations to respond to crisis, protecting U.S. interests in the region.
maritime security
Question. Maritime security has proven to be a significant issue on
the coasts of West and East Africa.
What is your assessment of AFRICOM's ongoing maritime security
Answer. My understanding is AFRICOM has seen some success in
maritime security initiatives. There have been several recent, positive
developments in this area as a result of AFRICOM's initiatives,
especially in the Gulf of Guinea. These initiatives are also U.S.
interagency efforts, especially in conjunction with the Department of
State. In particular, the command's effort to assist the Economic
Community of Central African States and the Economic Community of West
African States in developing a legal and operational framework for
regional cooperation was a positive development. This assistance,
requested by Economic Community of Central African States and Economic
Community of West African States, will improve the ability of these
states to meet the significant challenges of illicit maritime activity,
including piracy, drug, arms, and human trafficking, and threats to
energy and port security which potentially have a negative impact on
economic development. These transnational threats directly impact the
quality of life of the population and affect U.S. national interests.
These regional problems are best addressed with regional solutions. If
confirmed, I will continue to assess these programs and seek
opportunities to build upon these positive steps with our African
Question. Very few African countries have the capacity to project
naval forces beyond their coastal waters; as a result, the economic
exclusion zones of many coastal African countries are exploited by a
variety of international actors.
What opportunities, if any, do you see for expanded U.S. engagement
on maritime security in the AFRICOM AOR?
Answer. There are many opportunities to expand AFRICOM's maritime
engagement. AFRICOM is seeking to include more partners in these
maritime security efforts to include the European Union and North
Atlantic Treaty Organization nations; International Organizations such
as the United Nations and African Union; and Regional Organizations
such as Economic Community of Central African States and Economic
Community of West African States. There is also an opportunity to
expand beyond the shores of Africa to include developing closer
coordination and cooperation on activities and events that have
transatlantic impact from South America and the Caribbean, through
Africa and into Europe. Illicit maritime trafficking has global reach
and impact which can be addressed by closer cooperation between
hemispheres (north, south, east, and west).
This multinational approach is already happening in the Navy's
Africa Partnership Station, AFRICOM teams with our African and other
enduring partners to conduct training, exercises and operations like
African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership. For example, Naval Forces
Africa has completed five deployments by U.S. ships along with
deployments of ships from several European nations. My current
understanding is that on the whole, our African partners are very
satisfied and have requested more support.
For the past 2 years AFRICOM, in conjunction with the Department of
State and the African Center for Strategic Studies, has been working to
enable countries to develop national maritime strategies that foster
rule of law, emphasize good governance and support economic
development. In addition several countries, such as Ghana and
Mozambique have requested AFRICOM support to develop plans to respond
to threats to security of offshore oil production facilities and
transport vessels.
These challenges present opportunities to enable African countries
to guard their own waters and manage their valuable offshore resources.
The freedom of commerce along the strategically important maritime
transportation corridors is an African, United States, and global
shared interest. If confirmed, I plan to continue the process of
cooperation with U.S. Government agencies and international partners,
and seek to enhance and continue the programs and activities that build
partner maritime security capacity.
Question. In your view, do China and the United States share common
security objectives in the AFRICOM AOR?
Answer. In my opinion, China and the United States should cooperate
on issues of mutual interest, such as counterterrorism, and on other
projects that satisfy both countries' objectives.
Question. In your opinion, what effect has China's engagement with
African militaries had on those militaries and on U.S. security
Answer. My understanding is China offers military equipment to
African countries at prices that each country can afford, and training
at Chinese military schools is often completely subsidized. While in
many cases the equipment available from China may be older and less
technologically advanced than what other countries can offer, this
equipment provides African militaries with more ``bang for the buck''
than they might be able to afford from any other source, while having
the added perceived benefit of coming without ties, such as Western
concern about human rights and democracy. Chinese equipment and
training has been known to complement U.S. activities, however, for
example by providing a baseline for militaries that move on to Africa
Contingency Operations Training & Assistance peacekeeping training and
participate in U.N. peacekeeping operations.
Question. To what extent do you view China's activities on the
continent as a threat/challenge to U.S. national security interests?
Answer. In my opinion, we should seek to cooperate with China where
we have mutual interests. China acts on the basis of ``non-interference
in internal affairs,'' which means the country does not restrict its
arms sales as a result of concerns about how the purchasing country
behaves internationally or with respect to its own citizens. As a
result, China does not discriminate against countries on the edge of
instability or those with poor human rights records against their own
people. However, China is not actively targeting U.S. interests,
activities, or personnel so it is not a direct threat.
Question. Are U.S. policies in Africa sufficient to counter China's
influence when that is appropriate, or are there additional measures we
should be considering? What role should AFRICOM play in this regard?
Answer. In my opinion, current U.S. policies are sufficient to
address the influence of China in Africa. It is important to look for
and capitalize on areas of mutual national interest between our two
countries. For example, solid opportunities exist for cooperation with
counter-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Guinea.
Additionally, the Chinese conduct training and have programs that are
similar in nature to ours, but there is very limited coordination or
cooperation on these efforts. If and when our national interests align,
AFRICOM should work to coordinate these efforts if possible in order to
better develop our African partners and increase the security on the
Question. Do you foresee China's growing energy and resource
demands affecting security developments in Africa?
Answer. China gets significant energy and natural resources from
Africa and would be reluctant to allow those levels to decline. As a
result of China's interest in gaining international respect and
support, it is more inclined to use diplomacy and negotiation to
maintain this desired level of resources. In one recent example with
Sudan and South Sudan, China attempted to mediate between the two
countries when oil production was shut down over a dispute regarding
past and future dispensation of oil revenues.
section 1208 funding
Question. Section 1208 of the Ronald Reagan National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (Public Law 108-375), as
amended, gave U.S. Special Operations Command the authority to provide
support (including training, funding, and equipment) to regular forces,
irregular forces, and individuals supporting or facilitating military
operations by U.S. Special Operations Forces to combat terrorism.
What is your assessment of this authority?
Answer. Section 1208, within the context of its authority, has
proved to be one of the most responsive and flexible tools to meet
AFRICOM security challenges. This authority allows AFRICOM to enable
partner nations who share the common goal of countering the violent
extremist organizations threat in the region. AFRICOM is responsible to
identify and engage the ``right'' partner unit which is capable and
willing to conduct counterterrorism operations against violent
extremist organizations threats. To do this requires close coordination
with both the regional country teams as well as the legitimate
government officials, both civilian and military. It is essential that
all parties understand and agree to the common threat picture and have
a displayed willingness to act against those threats.
Section 1208 is not a capacity building authority. The purpose of
the funding is to better enable those units that are legitimate
representatives of our partner nation. In some cases, such as Libya,
those units may be ``deputized'' militias.
Question. Do you believe this authority has been appropriately
utilized in Africa?
Answer. Yes. It has been used appropriately in Africa. The
successes in east Africa, specifically the visible improvements made
against al Shabaab in Somalia, is a reflection of using this line of
funding. All activities were conducted with complete transparency and
in full coordination with our Interagency Partners in the region.
Additional details require a higher classification.
However, there is room to expand this authority to achieve focused
effects against the threat. As Special Operations Command continues to
resource and enable the Theater Special Operations Command and those
enhanced capabilities come available, expansion of the 1208 authority
against al Qaeda will provide opportunistic, disciplined, small
footprint, high-impact special operations forces the ability to
maximize the use of this authority.
Question. If confirmed, how would you seek to have this authority
used in Africa?
Answer. I will continue to identify those partner nations who are
actively pursuing operations to counter the violent extremist
organizations threat stream in Northwest Africa. The countries of
Libya, Niger, and Mauritania are actively countering the threat stream
emanating out of northern Mali. Ideally, AFRICOM would partner with
those units who are actively conducting counterterrorism/counterviolent
extremist organizations operations to better enable their efforts.
Within the capabilities of the Theater Special Operations Command,
I would seek to expand the use of the 1208 authority by continuing to
develop and socialize concepts of operation focused on isolating and
degrading the threat network across the continent to achieve U.S.
counterterrorism objectives.
africa health related issues
Question. Health issues are a significant concern in many African
nations and in their militaries and the U.S. Government's engagement
strategy in Africa includes an emphasis on health-related issues.
To what extent should AFRICOM be involved in broader U.S.
Government ``health diplomacy'' efforts in Africa?
Answer. First, AFRICOM should continue to synchronize Department of
Defense health engagement on the continent to achieve optimum results.
Simultaneously, AFRICOM should coordinate its health engagement with
other parts of the U.S. Government to ensure maximum impact.
AFRICOM is already doing that in a number of areas. Programs like
the Partner Military Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome Prevention Program and our Pandemic Response
Program are good examples. Partner Military Human Immunodeficiency
Virus Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Prevention Program,
implemented by the Department of Defense Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Prevention Program's
office is primarily funded by the President's Emergency Plan for
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Relief and executed in collaboration
with agencies like Department of State, U.S. Agency for International
Development, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of
Commerce, Department of Labor, and Peace Corps in 41 African countries.
AFRICOM's Pandemic Response Program, currently being implemented in
17 African countries, was funded by the U.S. Agency for International
Development from 2008 to 2012. The program is now funded by Department
of Defense but is still implemented in collaboration with Department of
State, U.S. Agency for International Development and Center for Disease
Control. Similarly, the AFRICOM's malaria initiative with partner
militaries in East Africa (and soon in West Africa) is coordinated with
the President's Malaria Initiative in target countries (same partners
as above). Additionally, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's bio
surveillance program, working with AFRICOM, is coordinating with U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Department of State, and U.S. Agency for
International Development.
Question. In your view, should AFRICOM's engagement strategy,
perhaps more than other combatant command engagement strategies,
include an emphasis on military health engagement?
Answer. Comparisons across combatant command geographical areas of
operation are difficult due to the number of cultures and economies
being engaged. But, the conditions of many partner nation militaries in
Africa are such that without improved health intervention (improved
nutrition, better disease prevention, care and treatment) these
militaries will be less able to deploy in their own countries, much
less in peacekeeping operations. As a result, AFRICOM has included
health and medical engagement in our strategies with many partners in
Question. How much success has DOD had in efforts to support
prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS in African militaries?
Answer. Africa Command's military Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome program is aimed at
mitigating the impacts of the disease on African military readiness.
The program includes activities that help prevent the escalation of
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome infection rates within African security forces, and provide
care and treatment for the servicemembers and families infected or
affected by the disease. DOD activities that support African
militaries' fight against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome now reach 41 African countries.
During fiscal year 2011, the command's programs reached 508,000
African troops and family members with prevention messages, and
provided counseling and testing services for 412,000 servicemembers and
their families. Almost 4,000 health care workers have received Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
training. Approximately 43,000 individuals are on antiretroviral
treatment as a result of these collaborative efforts. The fight against
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome in Africa is having an impact. A leader of a southern African
country remarked that, 3 years ago, he was conducting burials every day
for a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection related death; however,
today he conducts one burial every 8 to 10 days.
Other indicators of success include; 17,923 males were circumcised
as part of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection prevention efforts;
96,558 eligible adults and children were provided with a minimum of one
care service; 68,237 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection positive
adults and children received a minimum of one clinical service; 29,856
HIV-positive persons received cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Question. If confirmed, how, if at all, would you like to see such
efforts increased or programmatically altered?
Answer. If confirmed, I would assess the programs before
recommending changes. Current programs are effective and favor greater
efforts in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection prevention and
Question. In your view, what should DOD's role be in the program
relative to other elements of the U.S. Government?
Answer. Health and Humanitarian Assistance efforts require a
``whole-of-government'' approach. Department of Defense and its
organizations bring a wide range of capabilities to the table and when
properly coordinated the U.S. Government efforts are greatly enhanced
without expense to national security. It is important that the balance
be maintained. In AFRICOM's case these efforts provide it with
additional access to partner nations and enhance positive perceptions
of our military.
sexual assault prevention and response in africom
Question. The Department of Defense has developed comprehensive
policies and procedures to improve the prevention and response to
incidents of sexual assault. However, new allegations of sexual assault
continue to be reported, and many question the adequacy of the chain of
command's response to these allegations.
Answer. A frequent complaint of victims of sexual assault and their
advocates is that military commanders frequently fail to hold
assailants accountable for their criminal acts. Some in Congress have
proposed that commanders' authority to address sexual assaults be
removed and given to an independent entity.
Question. What is your view of the Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response Program in AFRICOM?
Answer. It is my understanding that the program is effective in
AFRICOM. The program addresses the needs of the combatant command staff
by providing trained, in-house Victim Advocates that work hand-in-hand
with the garrison Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention
coordinator. The Stuttgart garrison support agencies provide training,
guidance and support the Victim Advocates efforts and directly address
the needs of victims. Supporting agencies also include Family Advocacy,
the Provost Marshalls Office, Army Criminal Investigation Division,
medical personnel, and others as required to ensure program compliance
and the needs of the victim are met.
Question. What is your view of the adequacy of the training and
resources in AFRICOM to investigate and respond to allegations of
sexual assault?
Answer. Although the command's primary support is garrison based,
all indications are the training and resources are adequate to respond
appropriately to allegations of sexual assault.
Question. What is your view of the proposal to give the authority
to an independent agency, not part of the chain of command, to address
allegations of sexual assault, including the authority to hold
assailants accountable for criminal acts?
Answer. The Services recently changed the level of commander with
Uniform Code of Military Justice authority over these types of cases
and this change should be assessed before making further changes.
Giving authority to an independent agency could undermine command
authority by sending the message the commander cannot be trusted to
make a fair and impartial assessment.
Question. What is your understanding of the adequacy of the
resources and programs in place in AFRICOM to offer victims of sexual
assault the medical, psychological, and legal help that they need?
Answer. U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart is the lead agent to provide
these services to the staff and they have the core functions in place
to support AFRICOM members. They have shown a sincere spirit of teaming
with the command to take care of our personnel.
Question. Do you consider the current sexual assault policies and
procedures, particularly those on confidential reporting, to be
Answer. Yes. The policies and procedures seem effective.
Confidential reporting provides an option for those who wish to seek
assistance while maintaining confidentiality.
Question. What is your view of steps taken to prevent sexual
assaults in AFRICOM?
Answer. AFRICOM works in synchronization with the victim advocates.
Training is highlighted and conducted by senior leaders in small groups
to discuss troops' responsibility to stop activities that lead to
heightened possibility of sexual assaults. Additionally, the garrison
is examining the infrastructure and facilities to identify mitigation
measures in the barracks and other areas.
quality-of-life challenges in africom
Question. What quality-of-life challenges are unique for personnel
and their families assigned to the AFRICOM area of responsibility?
Answer. The lack of reliable infrastructure on the African
continent presents unique quality-of-life challenges for our personnel
and their families. Among these challenges are unreliable broadband
internet, sporadic postal service access, shortages of essential goods,
varying degrees of host nation medical care and schooling capabilities.
There is a relatively small AFRICOM personnel footprint in our African
embassies--of the 36 staffed, there are fewer than 200 personnel in
both accompanied and unaccompanied tours.
Additionally, there are approximately 5,000 unaccompanied personnel
on the continent at any given time, and the command conducts a variety
of outreach and educational activities such as travel clinics to impart
proper respect for, and adherence to, the unique medical and safety
requirements of our area of responsibility.
Question. If confirmed, how would you address these theater-wide
challenges to help improve the quality of life for these personnel and
their families?
Answer. The Command invests in productive partnerships with Service
components and supporting nongovernmental agencies. Army morale,
welfare, and recreation activities are proactive--providing large
mobile support kits containing exercise and recreation equipment,
games, lounge items, and electronic equipment to support our
servicemembers. As always, AFRICOM also receives superb support from
the Red Cross, the United Services Organization, and other
organizations with the mission of supporting America's uniform
personnel. I will continue to invest in, and encourage these
relationships. For school issues, we work closely with the Department
of Defense Education Activity to ensure military dependents get quality
education on the continent. U.S. Transportation Command facilitates
medical evacuation service capability for military personnel and their
families on the continent.
mental health of servicemembers and stress on the force
Question. The committee is concerned about the stress on military
personnel resulting from lengthy and repeated deployments and their
access to mental health care to deal with this increased stress. The
suicide rates in each of the Services are clear reminders that
servicemembers, particularly those who have been deployed multiple
times, are under tremendous stress and need access to mental health
In your view, are there sufficient mental health assets in AFRICOM
to address the mental health needs of the military personnel and their
Answer. Yes. I believe there are adequate Mental Health resources
in the Stuttgart Army Garrison Community to appropriately address the
needs of the headquarters staff and their family members. For example,
AFRICOM is particularly pleased with the response to Department of
Defense Military and Family Life Consultant Program. Through the
Military and Family Life Consultant Program, licensed clinical
providers assist servicemembers, civilians, and their families by
providing brief, solution-focused problem solving support. They work in
support of and in conjunction with existing military entities/services.
There are no records kept and contact with Military and Family Life
Consultant Program is anonymous with the exceptions of allegations made
of harm to self, others, allegations of domestic abuse, sexual assault
and child abuse. The role of the consultant is unique--they are not
traditional therapists. The primary Military and Family Life Consultant
Program role is to assess needs, provide support, or refer as
necessary. Among the service they provide is assistance to
servicemembers, civilians, and families with development of an action
plans. For example, in Djibouti, usage statistics indicate eight
contacts are made on an average day, and the program there will gain a
second consultant to serve that population. The command is also pleased
with the services provided by our local Army health care providers and
the medical services in the local community, as well as Military
Question. If confirmed, what actions will you take to address the
mental health needs of military personnel and their families in
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to place an emphasis in
ensuring that behavioral health services are available to our
servicemembers and their families. I recognize that we must foster a
culture that facilitates an awareness of the impact of behavioral
health issues on individual servicemembers, families, units, and our
military communities.
This awareness starts from the top leadership and extends down to
each individual assigned to the command. I will continue to engage to
ensure we maintain an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the
behavioral health needs of the force. This includes increasing the
effectiveness of health surveillance, detection, and response efforts
to identify, refer, and treat servicemembers and families at risk;
reducing cultural stigma associated with seeking behavioral healthcare
and developing resiliency and coping skills that foster help-seeking
behavior among our servicemembers and their families.
I will leverage policies and programs that assist servicemembers
suffering from physical and behavioral health conditions. The starting
point at every level is education and training. I will also empower all
soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and civilian personnel to act as
sensors for leadership by noticing small changes in behavior and taking
action early. These efforts encourage unit strength, resilience, and
readiness. I will encourage that service and family members seek mental
health assistance when needed.
Question. Do you have any views on how to reduce the stigma, real
or perceived, for seeking mental health care?
Answer. We have taken conscious steps to adjust policy to reduce
stigma by facilitating culture change within our force through
continued education and by continuing to enhance the support network
for servicemembers who may be at risk. I will continue to emphasize the
importance of assessing the need for behavioral health services at key
transition points to include redeployment, reintegration, and
servicemembers to civilian transition. I will also continue to
emphasize the need for behavioral health screening during routine
periodic health and wellness exams. I will encourage social support and
awareness of behavioral health programs which, through buddy or peer-
to-peer involvement, has been successful in increasing behavioral
health treatment-seeking among veterans. Additionally, increased social
support may also lead to stigma reduction.
congressional oversight
Question. In order to exercise its legislative and oversight
responsibilities, it is important that this committee and other
appropriate committees of Congress are able to receive testimony,
briefings, and other communications of information.
Do you agree, if confirmed for this high position, to appear before
this committee and other appropriate committees of Congress?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, when asked, to give your personal views,
even if those views differ from the administration in power?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear before this
committee, or designated members of this committee, and provide
information, subject to appropriate and necessary security protection,
with respect to your responsibilities as the Commander, AFRICOM?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to ensure that testimony, briefings, and
other communications of information are provided to this committee and
its staff and other appropriate committees?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
Answer. Yes.
[Questions for the record with answers supplied follow:]
Questions Submitted by Senator Claire McCaskill
sexual assault
1. Senator McCaskill. General Rodriguez, it is my understanding
that the movie ``The Invisible War'' is being used to help educate
senior leaders in the U.S. Armed Forces about the issue of sexual
assault in the military. Have you seen the movie?
General Rodriguez. Yes, I have seen ``The Invisible War''.
2. Senator McCaskill. General Rodriguez, as a leader in the U.S.
Army, what have you learned about the issue of sexual assault facing
servicemembers under your command?
General Rodriguez. Sexual assault is contrary to Army values,
degrades mission readiness, and will be prosecuted. With continued
leadership and chain of command involvement, the Army can reduce the
incidents of sexual assault and provide the training and guidance to
prevent these incidents from occurring, prosecute those responsible for
sexual assault, and provide the best support to the victims.
The Army Sexual Harassment and Assault Reporting Program is
effective in addressing the needs of the Army by providing trained, in-
house Victim Advocates that work hand-in-hand with the garrison Sexual
Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention coordinator. The garrison
command support agencies on Army installations provide training,
guidance and support the Victim Advocates efforts and directly address
the needs of victims. Supporting agencies also include Family Advocacy,
the Provost Marshalls Office, Army Criminal Investigation Division,
medical personnel, and others as required to ensure program compliance
and the needs of the victim are met.
building security capacity
3. Senator McCaskill. General Rodriguez, one of U.S. Africa
Command's (AFRICOM) central missions is to strengthen the defense
capabilities of African states. In January 2013, an International
Security Advisory Board report on ``Security Capacity Building'' found
that the United States annually spends more than $25 billion on what is
broadly classified as security capacity of the recipient states. The
report found that we have a multiplicity of programs spread across
different departments and agencies where there may or may not be
coordination in resourcing and execution. A lack of coordination could
easily lead to duplication of effort and waste of resources that would
be better spent elsewhere. As the combatant commander, what would you
do to coordinate efforts with our diplomatic missions and other Federal
agencies to ensure duplication is not occurring?
General Rodriguez. Cross agency communication is key and may
identify duplication of programs. Communication between agencies can be
difficult at times, but it is a challenge that is solvable by
understanding the cultures of the different U.S. agencies and by
demonstrating our willingness to share relevant information between the
African Union and other entities with equities on the continent. Being
a good steward of resources, particularly in our fiscally uncertain
environment, is essential. To accomplish this goal requires close
coordination and that will be one of my priorities as Commander,
4. Senator McCaskill. General Rodriguez, in your response to the
advance policy questions, you said: ``AFRICOM's responsibilities
reflect a new and evolving focus on building partner operational and
institutional capacity at the country and regional levels and
supporting the efforts of other U.S. Government agencies in the area of
responsibility (AOR).'' While many at the Department of State (DOS) and
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) welcome the ability
of DOD to leverage resources and to organize complex operations, there
also is concern that the military may overestimate its capabilities as
well as its diplomatic role, or pursue activities that are not a core
part of its mandate. The highly unequal allocation of resources between
DOD, DOS, and USAID could hinder their ability to act as equal partners
and could lead to the militarization of development and diplomacy. Do
you believe there is a danger in over-emphasizing the U.S. military
presence in Africa?
General Rodriguez. Since inception of AFRICOM in October 2008, all
agencies of the U.S. Government have remained sensitive to this concern
and have operated with a light footprint on the continent. Regarding
Department of Defense (DOD) operations with other U.S. Government
agencies, I believe DOD and the AFRICOM component commands must
thoroughly understand the culture of those agencies--particularly DOS
and USAID--and employ that understanding during planning sessions and
during execution of programs and theater security cooperation events.
It is very important not to militarize development activity or
5. Senator McCaskill. General Rodriguez, how will you balance our
military presence in Africa with the diplomatic and development
responsibilities of DOS and USAID?
General Rodriguez. The U.S. Ambassadors are the lead for U.S.
diplomatic, informational, military, and economic development in each
African nation. AFRICOM fully supports the Ambassadors and DOS to
ensure a balanced and synchronized effort between diplomatic,
development, and military presence in African nations. It is imperative
that we work together as a whole-of-government team as we engage
African nations. Messaging to the governments and people of the
continent will continue to emphasize our support to African nations.
Traditional U.S. military engagement strategy has been grounded in
threat-based analysis. To meet its growing responsibilities in the even
more complex African context, the Command will compliment this
traditional analytic framework with a partnership-based approach. To do
this, we should use our military capabilities in a supporting role with
the interagency team to find ways to help our partners build resilient,
democratic security institutions.
Questions Submitted by Senator Joe Manchin III
6. Senator Manchin. General Rodriguez, the AFRICOM AOR has become a
front line in the fight against al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. I
am particularly concerned the emergence of al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb (AQIM) in Mali. French and Malian forces have made great
strides over the past month in driving AQIM out of areas they held in
northern Mali, but the French have announced they are leaving soon. How
can the United States best support preserving these gains without
investing troops or considerable resources?
General Rodriguez. The most effective way to preserve the gains in
Mali is through a strong, functional Mali Government. We should
continue to support African nations, the Africa Union, African regional
organizations, the European Union, and the United Nations where we have
common objectives. Building the capacity and supporting these
organizations provide African and international solutions to Africa's
south sudan
7. Senator Manchin. General Rodriguez, South Sudan is the world's
newest country and faces a number of internal and external security
challenges. Can you describe the status of our military-to-military
relationship with South Sudan?
General Rodriguez. The U.S. Ambassador to South Sudan has called
for a limited introduction of our Security Force Assistance (SFA)
program pending improvement in certain issue areas, including: (1)
concern over the government of South Sudan's progress on advancing
democratic principles; (2) concern about the Government of South
Sudan's ability to absorb our assistance while key border security
issues remain unresolved with the north; and, (3) Embassy Juba's
limited capacity to support U.S. servicemembers in the austere Juba
Our military-to-military relationship with the Sudan People's
Liberation Army (SPLA) is in the initial stage. Through effective use
of the International Military Education and Training (IMET) Program,
dozens of SPLA students have attended DOD schools in the United States
ranging from infantry officer basic training to engineer, medical, and
judge advocate general courses. An SPLA brigadier general is scheduled
to attend the U.S. Army War College this year. These alumni will form
the basis of our engagement activities within the framework of our
comprehensive Security Force Assistance (SFA) Program. This SFA Program
emphasizes development of the defense sector at the institutional level
for enduring effects. Additionally, AFRICOM is planning to conduct
limited medical and engineering civic action projects in the next few
months with the SPLA.
8. Senator Manchin. General Rodriguez, as this relationship
evolves, how you will ensure that human rights are an important part of
any military-to-military engagement with South Sudan?
General Rodriguez. Human rights related content--including the rule
of law, civilian control of the military, and code of conduct--are key
ingredients infused into every engagement with the Sudan People's
Liberation Army. Our Security Force Assistance (SFA) Program includes a
priority package of education and mentorship aimed at assisting in the
development of defense sector institutions that will establish, foster,
and enforce laws, codes, and principles related to discipline of the
force, hierarchy of command, and rules of engagement. Our SFA package
also includes ways and means to professionalize and establish
capability and capacity of key functions within the military such as a
judge advocate general corps, military police and inspector general.
Questions Submitted by Senator Jeanne Shaheen
u.s. africa command goals
9. Senator Shaheen. General Rodriguez, Dr. Cynthia Watson, a
professor at the National War College, stated, ``Africa Command hopes
to avoid that traditional combatant command goals of warfighting in
favor of war prevention, making its orientation quite different from
other parallel organizations.'' Do you agree with this assessment?
General Rodriguez. I believe prevention of war is the foremost goal
of all combatant commands. The strategic environment will dictate the
amount of emphasis placed on war prevention versus warfighting. AFRICOM
protects and defends the national security interests of the United
States by strengthening the defense capabilities of African states and
regional organizations and, when directed, conducts military
operations, in order to deter and defeat transnational threats and to
provide a security environment conducive to good governance and
development. We need to be ready to do both.
10. Senator Shaheen. General Rodriguez, do you think that this
mission focus prohibited AFRICOM from being able to respond to the
Benghazi incident?
General Rodriguez. There are a number of lessons learned from
Benghazi that must be considered. We should continue to conduct close
coordination with DOS and our other interagency partners on the African
continent to ensure a common understanding of the risk associated with
the complex threat environment such as that in Libya. We should
continue to work as a team to refine intelligence, reduce the
intelligence gap through better collaboration, prioritizing threats,
and allocating resources to collect on those threats.
Also, we should review the interagency process between the DOD and
DOS to identify security risks and understand DOD response options to
inform DOS security planning and decisionmaking. Regional response
forces like the Commanders In-extremis Force, Army Regionally Aligned
Forces, and the Special Marines Air-Ground Task Force are also part of
the solution in some areas.
I understand AFRICOM is reviewing security assistance and military-
to-military programs to ensure they are best tailored to build host
nation capacity where required. Collaborative efforts to improve
Embassy security are ongoing.
11. Senator Shaheen. General Rodriguez, do you think that AFRICOM's
emphasis on building partnerships will shift as the emerging terrorist
threat increases?
General Rodriguez. Traditional U.S. military engagement strategy
has been grounded in threat-based analysis. To meet its growing
responsibilities in the increasingly complex African context, AFRICOM
will compliment this traditional analytic framework with a partnership-
based approach. To do this, we will use our military capabilities in a
supporting role with our interagency team to find ways to help our
partners build resilient security institutions that are committed to
democratic ideals.
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability
12. Senator Shaheen. General Rodriguez, the current AFRICOM
Commander has previously testified that intelligence and surveillance
continue to be a challenge and that more assets are needed. If
confirmed, what do you intend to do to ensure that AFRICOM has the
appropriate intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)
General Rodriguez. I will advocate for prioritization of AFRICOM
ISR requirements to support current operations and likely future
mission areas. With potential for receiving additional ISR assets, I
will engage African partner nations for over-flight, refueling and
temporary operating location options. It is also important to invest in
enhancing African nations ISR capabilities as well as information and
intelligence sharing to improve overall understanding of the
Question Submitted by Senator Richard Blumenthal
marine corps in u.s. africa command
13. Senator Blumenthal. General Rodriguez, last week we heard from
General Dempsey of the challenges posed by improving our response
capabilities in Africa, where there are limited base rights and access.
It is my understanding that the United States no longer maintains an
amphibious ready group in the Mediterranean Sea, and this is before
sequestration. If confirmed, will you look at making better use of the
Marine Corps' ability to respond to crises in North Africa, conduct
noncombatant evacuations, and maintain a rapid response capability with
forward deployed forces?
General Rodriguez. I will continue to refine the posture of our
U.S. Marine Corps Special Purpose Marine Air and Ground Task Force and
other Marine assets as required to respond to crises in North Africa,
conduct non-combatant evacuations, and maintain a rapid response
capability with forward deployed forces. I would add that it is
important for any combatant commander to consider the full range of
Department of Defense and other agency capabilities available for
operational support missions.
Questions Submitted by Senator Saxby Chambliss
surveillance in africa command
14. Senator Chambliss. General Rodriguez, AFRICOM receives only
about 7 percent of its total ISR requirements. However, in response to
the recent attack in North Africa, AFRICOM is currently getting about
50 percent of its stated need for ISR in North Africa. With the
downsizing of military forces and assets, AFRICOM is sure to not get
this percentage of ISR in the future. How will you, as a commander,
ensure that AFRICOM will accomplish its mission without a robust ISR
capability in the near future?
General Rodriguez. I will evaluate current operational
requirements, along with possible risk, and prioritize remaining ISR
capabilities to optimize support to mission execution. In addition,
with the downsizing of military forces and assets we can expect a
reprioritization of ISR assets by the U.S. Government and I will work
to ensure that AFRICOM's requirements are addressed by Department of
Defense and the U.S. Intelligence Community. It is also important to
invest in enhancing African nations ISR capabilities as well as
information and intelligence sharing to improve overall understanding
of the environment.
15. Senator Chambliss. General Rodriguez, with so much territory
uncovered with ISR, what other actions will you take to ensure a
presence throughout the region?
General Rodriguez. I will pursue additional presence and
optimization of current presence across the continent by engaging
African partner nations for key temporary stationing locations that
provide increased flexibility for ISR asset tasking, maximizing
potential support to missions. It is also important to invest in
enhancing African nations ISR capabilities as well as information and
intelligence sharing to improve overall understanding of the
Questions Submitted by Senator Kelly Ayotte
surveillance in africa command
16. Senator Ayotte. General Rodriguez, in your advance policy
questions, you mentioned that AFRICOM only received about 7 percent of
its total ISR requirements. That number has increased to 50 percent
now. Based on all of the previous attacks on U.S. and other western
targets in Benghazi in the months preceding the September 11, 2012,
attack that left four Americans dead, do you believe more than 7
percent of AFRICOM's ISR requirements should have been met?
General Rodriguez. I believe the ISR requirements for Africa are
high and increasing at a very fast rate. I will ensure AFRICOM's
requirements compete for ISR assets with the other combatant commands.
ISR assets are low density, high demand capabilities, and are allocated
based on national priorities.
17. Senator Ayotte. General Rodriguez, while the increase for 50
percent is a positive step, do you have concerns that half of our ISR
requirements are not being met?
General Rodriguez. The demand for ISR capabilities has increased
significantly over the past decade. It is rare that ISR supply meets
the demand. Thus, I will continue to address AFRICOM's requirements for
ISR capabilities through the Joint Staff's request for forces and
capabilities system and prioritize the employment of ISR assets AFRICOM
receives. It is also important to invest in enhancing African nations
ISR capabilities as well as information and intelligence sharing to
improve overall understanding of the environment.
18. Senator Ayotte. General Rodriguez, do you believe that DOD is
providing AFRICOM sufficient ISR assets to meet the objectives that the
Joint Staff has given AFRICOM?
General Rodriguez. AFRICOM must compete with other combatant
commands for America's relatively scarce ISR assets. While not unique
to AFRICOM, infrastructure for supporting ISR operations and over-
flight rights of African nations are also considerations. Upon assuming
command of AFRICOM, I will closely review AFRICOM's ISR requirements
and shortfalls in order to prioritize employment and mitigate risk as
best we can.
boco haram
19. Senator Ayotte. General Rodriguez, do you believe Boco Haram is
a terrorist organization?
General Rodriguez. Boco Haram has committed some acts that can be
associated with terrorism. Designating Boco Haram as a terrorist
organization is a policy decision. I will study this issue and make my
recommendation on whether Boco Haram should be classified as a
terrorist organization.
[The nomination reference of GEN David M. Rodriguez, USA,
Nomination Reference and Report
As In Executive Session,
Senate of the United States,
February 7, 2013.
Ordered, That the following nomination be referred to the Committee
on Armed Services:
The following named officer for appointment in the U.S. Army to the
grade indicated while assigned to a position of importance and
responsibility under title 10, U.S.C., section 601:
To be General.
GEN David M. Rodriguez, 0000.
[The biographical sketch of GEN David M. Rodriguez, USA,
which was transmitted to the committee at the time the
nomination was referred, follows:]
Biographical Sketch of GEN David M. Rodriguez, USA
Source of commissioned service: USMA.
Educational degrees:
U.S. Military Academy - BS - No Major
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College - MMAS - Military Art
and Science
U.S. Naval War College - MA - National Security and Strategic
Military schools attended:
Infantry Officer Basic Course
Armor Officer Advanced Course
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
School of Advanced Military Studies
U.S. Naval War College
Foreign language(s): None recorded.
Promotions Date of Appointment
2LT....................................... 2 Jun. 76
1LT....................................... 2 Jun. 78
CPT....................................... 1 Aug. 80
MAJ....................................... 1 Sep. 87
LTC....................................... 1 Apr. 93
COL....................................... 1 Aug. 97
BG........................................ 1 Mar. 02
MG........................................ 15 Jul. 05
LTG....................................... 29 Jul. 08
GEN....................................... 15 Aug. 11
Major duty assignments:
From To Assignment
Aug. 11......................... Present........... Commanding
General, U.S.
Army Forces
Command, Fort
Bragg, NC
Mar. 10......................... Jul. 11........... Commander,
Assistance Force
Joint Command/
Deputy Commander,
U.S. Forces-
Enduring Freedom,
Oct. 09......................... Mar. 10........... Commander,
Assistance Force
Joint Command,
Enduring Freedom,
Jun. 09......................... Oct. 09........... Deputy Commander,
U.S. Forces-
Enduring Freedom,
Jul. 08......................... Jun. 09........... Senior Military
Assistant to the
Secretary of
Defense, Office
of the Secretary
of Defense,
Washington, DC
Apr. 08......................... Jul. 08........... Commanding
General, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
Feb. 07......................... Apr. 08........... Commanding
General, 82d
Airborne Division/
General, Combined
Joint Task Force-
76, Operation
Enduring Freedom,
Apr. 06......................... Feb. 07........... Commanding
General, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
Jan. 06......................... Feb. 06........... Special Assistant
to the Commander,
Operation Iraqi
Freedom, Iraq (No
Joint Credit)
Apr. 05......................... Jan. 06........... Commander, Multi-
National Division-
Operation Iraqi
Freedom, Iraq
Jun. 03......................... Mar. 05........... Deputy Director,
Operations, J-3,
Joint Staff,
Washington, DC
Jun. 02......................... Jun. 03........... Assistant Division
(Maneuver), 4th
Infantry Division
Fort Hood, TX,
and Operation
Iraqi Freedom,
Oct. 00......................... Jun. 02........... Deputy Commanding
Commandant, U.S.
Army Infantry
Center and
School, Fort
Benning, GA
Jul. 99......................... Sep. 00........... Assistant Chief of
Staff, G-3, XVIII
Airborne Corps,
Fort Bragg, NC
Aug. 97......................... Jul. 99........... Commander, 2d
Brigade, 82d
Division, Fort
Bragg, NC
Jul. 96......................... Jun. 97........... Student, U.S.
Naval War
College, Newport,
Apr. 94......................... Apr. 96........... Commander, 2d
Battalion, 502d
Regiment, lOlst
Airborne Division
(Air Assault),
Fort Campbell, KY
Mar. 92......................... Feb. 94........... Joint Exercise
Officer, later
Officer, Exercise
Division, C-3/J-3/
G-3, United
Nations Command/
Combined Forces
Apr. 90......................... Mar. 92........... S-3 (Operations),
later Executive
Officer, 1st
Battalion, 505th
Regiment, Fort
Bragg, NC, and
Operations Desert
Saudi Arabia
Jun. 89......................... Apr. 90........... Chief, Doctrine
Development, G-3
(Plans), XVIII
Airborne Corps,
Fort Bragg, NC
Aug. 87......................... May 89............ Student, U.S. Army
Command and
General Staff
College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS
Jul. 86......................... Jun. 87........... Commander, B
Company, 3d
Battalion, 75th
Ranger Regiment,
Fort Benning, GA
Aug. 85......................... Jun. 86........... Liaison Officer,
3d Battalion,
75th Ranger
Regiment, Fort
Benning, GA
Jul. 84......................... Aug. 85........... Assistant S-3
75th Ranger
Regiment, Fort
Benning, GA
Jun. 83......................... Apr. 84........... S-3 (Operations),
1st Battalion,
52d Infantry, 1st
Armored Division,
U.S. Army Europe
and Seventh Army,
Feb. 83......................... Jun. 83........... Assistant S-3
(Air), 3d
Brigade, 1st
Armored Division,
U.S. Army Europe
and Seventh Army,
Jul. 81......................... Feb. 83........... Commander, B
Company, 1st
Battalion, 52d
Infantry, 1st
Armored Division,
U.S. Army Europe
and Seventh Army,
May 80.......................... Dec. 80........... Student, Armor
Officer Advanced
Course, U.S. Army
Armor School,
Fort Knox, KY
Jun. 79......................... May 80............ Executive Officer,
Combat Support
Company, 1st
Battalion, 61st
Infantry, 5th
Infantry Division
Fort Polk, LA
Jan. 79......................... Jun. 79........... Motor Officer, 1st
Battalion, 61st
Infantry, 5th
Infantry Division
Fort Polk, LA
Jun. 78......................... Jan. 79........... Scout Platoon
Leader, Combat
Support Company,
1st Battalion,
61st Infantry,
5th Infantry
Fort Polk, LA
Jul. 77......................... Jun. 78........... Rifle Platoon
Leader, A
Company, 1st
Battalion, 6lst
Infantry, 5th
Infantry Division
Fort Polk, LA
Summary of joint assignments:
Assignments Date Grade
Commander, International Mar. 10-Jul. 11 Lieutenant General
Security Assistance Force Joint
Command/Deputy Commander, U.S.
Forces-Afghanistan, Operation
Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan..
Commander, International Oct. 09-Mar. 10 Lieutenant General
Security Assistance Force Joint
Command, Operation Enduring
Freedom, Afghanistan...........
Deputy Commander, U.S. Forces- Jun. 09-Oct. 09 Lieutenant General
Afghanistan, Operation Enduring
Freedom, Afghanistan...........
Senior Military Assistant to the Jul. 08-Jun. 09 Lieutenant General
Secretary of Defense, Office of
the Secretary of Defense,
Washington, DC.................
Commanding General, 82d Airborne Feb. 07-Apr. 08 Major General
Division/Commanding General,
Combined Joint Task Force-76,
Operation Enduring Freedom,
Commander, Multi-National Apr. 05-Jan. 06 Major General
Division-Northwest, Operation
Iraqi Freedom, Iraq (No Joint
Deputy Director, Regional Jun. 03-Mar. 05 Brigadier General
Operations, J-3, Joint Staff,
Washington, DC.................
Joint Exercise Officer, later Mar. 92-Feb. 94 Major/Lieutenant
Executive Officer, Exercise Colonel
Division, C-3/J-3/G-3, United
Nations Command/Combined Forces
Command/U.S. Forces-Korea,
Summary of operational assignments:
Assignments Date Grade
Commander, International Mar. 10-Jul 11 Lieutenant General
Security Assistance Force Joint
Command/Deputy Commander, U.S.
Forces-Afghanistan, Operation
Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan..
Commander, International Oct. 09-Mar. 10 Lieutenant General
Security Assistance Force Joint
Command, Operation Enduring
Freedom, Afghanistan...........
Deputy Commander, U.S. Forces- Jun. 09-Oct. 09 Lieutenant General
Afghanistan, Operation Enduring
Freedom, Afghanistan...........
Commanding General, 82d Airborne Feb. 07-Apr. 08 Major General
Division/Commanding General,
Combined Joint Task Force-76,
Operation Enduring Freedom,
Special Assistant to the Jan. 06-Feb. 06 Major General
Commander, Multi-National Corps-
Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom,
Iraq (No Joint Credit).........
Commander, Multi-National Apr. 05-Jan. 06 Major General
Division-Northwest, Operation
Iraqi Freedom, Iraq............
Assistant Division Commander Jun. 02-Jun. 03 Brigadier General
(Maneuver), 4th Infantry
Division (Mechanized), Fort
Hood, TX, and Operation Iraqi
Freedom, Iraq..................
S-3 (Operations), later Apr. 90-Mar. 92 Major
Executive Officer, 1st
Battalion, 505th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, Fort Bragg,
NC, and Operations Desert
Shield/Storm, Saudi Arabia.....
U.S. decorations and badges:
Defense Distinguished Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit (with four Oak Leaf Clusters)
Bronze Star Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (with four Oak Leaf Clusters)
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal (with two Oak Leaf Clusters)
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Combat Infantryman Badge
Expert Infantryman Badge
Master Parachutist Badge
Air Assault Badge
Ranger Tab
Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge
[The Committee on Armed Services requires certain senior
military officers nominated by the President to positions
requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to complete a
form that details the biographical, financial and other
information of the nominee. The form executed by GEN David M.
Rodriguez, USA, in connection with his nomination follows:]
Room SR-228
Washington, DC 20510-6050
(202) 224-3871
Instructions to the Nominee: Complete all requested information. If
more space is needed use an additional sheet and cite the part of the
form and the question number (i.e. A-9, B-4) to which the continuation
of your answer applies.
Part A--Biographical Information
Instructions to the Nominee: Biographical information furnished in
this part of the form will be made available in committee offices for
public inspection prior to the hearings and will also be published in
any hearing record as well as made available to the public.
1. Name: (Include any former names used.)
David M. Rodriguez.
2. Position to which nominated:
Commander, U.S. Africa Command, Germany.
3. Date of nomination:
February 7, 2013.
4. Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)
[Nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.]
5. Date and place of birth:
May 23, 1954; Overbrook, PA.
6. Marital Status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)
Married to Virginia E. Rodriguez; Maiden name: Flaherty.
7. Names and ages of children:
Amy Marie Rodriguez, age 28.
Melissa Rose Royer, age 26.
David Francis Rodriguez, age 23.
Andrew Scott Rodriguez, age 21.
8. Government experience: List any advisory, consultative, honorary
or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State, or local
governments, other than those listed in the service record extract
provided to the committee by the executive branch.
9. Business relationships: List all positions currently held as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative,
or consultant of any corporation, firm, partnership, or other business
enterprise, educational or other institution.
12. Memberships: List all memberships and offices held in
professional, fraternal, scholarly, civic, business, charitable, and
other organizations.
Association of the U.S. Army (member).
Veterans of Foreign Wars (member).
82nd Airborne Association (member).
11. Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary
society memberships, and any other special recognitions for outstanding
service or achievements other than those listed on the service record
extract provided to the committee by the executive branch.
12. Commitment to testify before Senate committees: Do you agree,
if confirmed, to appear and testify upon request before any duly
constituted committee of the Senate?
13. Personal views: Do you agree, when asked before any duly
constituted committee of Congress, to give your personal views, even if
those views differ from the administration in power?
[The nominee responded to Parts B-E of the committee
questionnaire. The text of the questionnaire is set forth in
the Appendix to this volume. The nominee's answers to Parts B-E
are contained in the committee's executive files.]
Signature and Date
I hereby state that I have read and signed the foregoing Statement
on Biographical and Financial Information and that the information
provided therein is, to the best of my knowledge, current, accurate,
and complete.
David M. Rodriguez.
This 24th day of August, 2012.
[The nomination of GEN David M. Rodriguez, USA, was
reported to the Senate by Chairman Levin on February 26, 2013,
with the recommendation that the nomination be confirmed. The
nomination was confirmed by the Senate on March 5, 2013.]
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Armed Services,
Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:35 a.m. in room
SD-106, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Carl Levin
(chairman) presiding.
Committee members present: Senators Levin, Gillibrand,
Blumenthal, Donnelly, Kaine, King, Inhofe, McCain, and Ayotte.
Committee staff members present: Richard D. DeBobes, staff
director; and Leah C. Brewer, nominations and hearings clerk.
Majority staff members present: Jonathan D. Clark, counsel;
Gabriella E. Fahrer, counsel; Gerald J. Leeling, counsel; Peter
K. Levine, general counsel; Jason W. Maroney, counsel; John H.
Quirk V, professional staff member; and Robie I. Samanta Roy,
professional staff member.
Minority staff members present: John A. Bonsell, minority
staff director; Steven M. Barney, minority counsel; William S.
Castle, minority general counsel; Ambrose R. Hock, professional
staff member; and Anthony J. Lazarski, professional staff
Staff assistants present: Jennifer R. Knowles, Mariah K.
McNamara, and Lauren M. Gillis.
Committee members' assistants present: Jeff Fatora,
assistant to Senator Nelson; David LaPorte, assistant to
Senator Manchin; Elana Broitman, assistant to Senator
Gillibrand; Marta McLellan Ross, assistant to Senator Donnelly;
Karen Courington, assistant to Senator Kaine; Jim Catella and
Steve Smith, assistants to Senator King; Paul C. Hutton IV,
assistant to Senator McCain; Todd Harmer, assistant to Senator
Chambliss; Robert Foster, assistant to Senator Wicker; and Brad
Bowman, assistant to Senator Ayotte.
Chairman Levin. Good morning, everybody.
This morning the committee considers the nomination of Alan
Estevez to be Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; Frederick Vollrath to
be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force
Management; and Eric Fanning to be Under Secretary of the Air
Mr. Estevez, Mr. Vollrath, Mr. Fanning, we welcome you all.
All three of our nominees have demonstrated their commitment to
public service throughout their careers. We appreciate your
continuing willingness to serve, and we appreciate the support
that your families provide which is so essential to your
success, as you well know. As is our custom, during your
introductory remarks, your statements, please feel free to
introduce any family members or friends that you have with you
here today.
Our witnesses today are nominated for policy positions that
deal with some of the most complex challenges confronting the
Department of Defense (DOD).
The Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics will be a key
participant in major decisions affecting the hundreds of
billions of dollars that DOD spends every year to acquire
property and services. If confirmed, Mr. Estevez will share
responsibility for a broad array of functions, including
developmental testing, contract administration, logistics and
materiel readiness, installations and environment, operational
energy, the acquisition workforce, the defense industrial base,
and efforts to increase the Department's buying power and
improve the performance of the defense acquisition enterprise.
Mr. Vollrath has been nominated to be Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Readiness and Force Management, responsible for
developing policies, providing advice, and making
recommendations to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel
and Readiness in the areas of civilian and military personnel
policy, readiness of the force, and military community and
family policy. Additionally, the Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Readiness and Force Management is responsible for
allocating assigned resources and providing oversight of
subordinate activities, including the overall day-to-day
supervision of the Department of Defense Education Activity and
the Defense Commissary Agency.
Mr. Fanning has been nominated to be Under Secretary of the
Air Force, the second highest civilian position in the Air
Force. The Under Secretary of the Air Force assists the
Secretary of the Air Force in organizing, training, equipping,
and providing for the welfare of its more than 333,000 Active
Duty men and women, 178,000 Air National Guard and Air Force
Reserve members, 182,000 civilians, and their families. He also
oversees the Air Force's annual budget of more than $110
billion and serves as Acting Secretary of the Air Force in the
Secretary's absence. As Under Secretary, Mr. Fanning would also
serve as the Chief Management Officer of the Air Force.
These three nominations come before this committee at a
time of unprecedented turbulence. Just last week, we held a
hearing on the impacts of sequestration and a full-year
Continuing Resolution (CR). We found that if these events come
to pass, which looks more and more likely, the negative impact
on the Department of Defense will be huge.
The Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs, the Comptroller, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff all
testified to the severe and significant issues that
sequestration and a full-year Continuing Resolution will bring
to each Service. While we hope an 11th hour solution can be
found, we are pleased to see that individuals of the caliber of
the witnesses and nominees before us today are willing to step
into this maelstrom and serve in these important capacities.
The challenges will be great and the tasks even more difficult
than they are currently.
Over the next few weeks, the committee will hold a series
of important hearings. Next Tuesday, we will hear from the
commanders of U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations
Command. Next Thursday, a week from today, we will hear from
U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Transportation Command. The
following Tuesday, March 12, 2013, we will hear from U.S.
Strategic Command and U.S. Cyber Command.
At the same time that we are doing this at a full committee
level, our subcommittees are beginning to plan their hearing
schedules for the year. In particular, the Personnel
Subcommittee will hold a hearing on sexual assault in the
military on March 13, 2013. I am very pleased that Senators
Gillibrand and Graham are addressing this extraordinarily
important issue. Our servicemembers, men and women, deserve an
environment where they are not subjected to sexual harassment
and sexual assaults. All members of our committee--and I just
talked to Senator Gillibrand about this--whether they are
members of that subcommittee or not are welcome to attend and
participate, and I thank Senator Gillibrand for that.
All our witnesses this morning bring strong qualifications
to the positions for which they have been nominated. I look
forward to their testimony, to the answers that they provide to
our members during questioning. I hope the committee can act
promptly to confirm these nominees.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I join you in
welcoming the nominees here this morning.
Overshadowing everything that is going on right now, as the
chairman said is the sequestration thing, which we have had the
Chiefs in here and we have had everyone coming in and talking
about the disastrous things that we are facing. Today is the
day, however, that we will actually be voting on a couple of
bills that will have to do with it.
I would be remiss if I did not mention that one of the
alternatives we have had began 5 weeks ago, Mr. Chairman. I
contacted all the Chiefs, all five Chiefs of the Services, and
said, if this becomes reality and we are going to be faced with
this, how much could be mitigated? If you take the same top
line and if you had the ability to make adjustments within each
Service, what could you do? They said, it would put us light
years in better shape than if we just had to take cuts across
the board. I did not think we would get to that point, but we
are there today. That is one of the alternatives that we will
be discussing.
Mr. Estevez, for too long, the way the Department has
developed and procured weapons systems has been riddled with
waste and inefficiency. We have talked about that for as many
years as I have been up here. Recent legislative efforts such
as the Weapons Systems Reform Act have put in place much needed
reforms. Yet, given reductions in the defense budget and the
threat of sequestration, it is more important now than ever
that dollars used to equip our military are spent wisely. This
will require the Department to define program risks. Risks are
things that people do not like to talk about because risks
translates into readiness and translates into deaths. We need
to be addressing these things now, and most importantly, the
Department is going to have to develop a culture of
accountability for all programs.
Mr. Vollrath, through our military forces, although they
remain resilient, 11 years of sustained combat operations have
left them battered. We talk about the suicide problems. I spent
the better part of a day last week out at Bethesda, at Walter
Reed. I was just overwhelmed with the really good job that
people are doing out there, and it may be the only place that
is not impacted by the constraints that the rest of the
military is under. I know that you will be interested in that
and keeping the fine work going, as it has been.
Mr. Fanning, over the last 10 years, the Air Force has
retired nearly 1,900 aircraft and reduced its Active Duty end
strength to approximately 329,000 airmen, making it older and
smaller than at any time since its inception in 1947. While
service life extension programs and modifications have kept our
Air Force flying, the cost to operate and sustain these
aircraft continues to rise. It is something that we have been
dealing with for as long as I have been on both the House Armed
Services Committee and this committee.
It is a challenge and I am sure that you are, all three, up
to these challenges, and I look forward to working with you and
to hearing your testimony.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
Now, we will first call on Mr. Estevez.
Mr. Estevez. Thank you and good morning, Chairman Levin,
Ranking Member Inhofe, members of the committee.
I am grateful for the opportunity to appear before you
today. I appreciate the great support that this committee
provides to our military.
I am honored that the President has nominated me for the
position of Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. I would like to thank
President Obama for his trust and belief in my abilities to
serve the Department.
I would also like to thank Secretary Panetta, Deputy
Secretary Carter, and Under Secretary Kendall for their support
of my nomination.
I am joined here today by my wife, Susan Pearson, and my
sisters, Sue Ann and Pamela. I want to thank Susan for her
continued support and sacrifice and her willingness to let me
serve. As I noted in my confirmation hearing for my current
position, without Susan's sage advice and counsel I would not
be sitting here today. I am thrilled that my sisters were able
to come down from New York and New Jersey to join me here
Chairman Levin. We welcome them all. I am sure they are
thrilled to be here.
Mr. Estevez. I hope so.
Chairman Levin. We will get a report from them in a couple
hours. [Laughter.]
Mr. Estevez. As the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Logistics and Materiel Readiness, it has been my privilege to
support the Nation's men and women in uniform by providing
world-class logistics capabilities. In the last 2 years, our
defense logistics system has surged and sustained forces in two
wars, successfully completed the drawdown of our forces and
equipment in Iraq, and is in the process of supporting the
drawdown and transition phase in Afghanistan.
I have had the opportunity to take numerous trips to
Afghanistan over the last 4 years, and I have witnessed
firsthand the magnificent efforts of our deployed forces. They
continue to inspire me and I will be honored to continue to
support them if I am confirmed for this position.
While most citizens do not realize it, the Office of the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics makes an impact on the everyday lives of the citizens
of the United States primarily by acquiring the best technology
and capabilities to enable our warfighters to protect this
Nation but also, as was recently shown, by aiding the American
people in the aftermath of natural disasters such as Superstorm
Sandy. If confirmed, I will execute my duties to make sure that
the American people are continually supported by the Department
of Defense.
I would again like to thank this committee for asking me
here today, and I look forward to your questions.
Chairman Levin. Thank you so much, Mr. Estevez.
Mr. Vollrath.
Mr. Vollrath. Good morning, Chairman Levin, Ranking Member
Inhofe, and members of the committee.
I am honored to appear before you today.
I appreciate the confidence that President Obama has
expressed in nominating me to be the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Readiness and Force Management, and I am grateful
to Secretary Panetta for supporting that nomination.
It has been a great honor and privilege for me to have
served our Nation in the U.S. Army wearing that uniform for 35
years and currently as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Readiness and Force Management.
The position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Readiness and Force Management for which I have been nominated
is a new position created by the Department pursuant to the
authority provided in the National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2010. It has also been my privilege to
be the first individual nominated by the President to fill this
very important role. During the past 11 months, I have also had
the added responsibility of standing up the Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense while serving as the Principal
I have over 40 years of human resource management and
executive leadership experience and bring with me the unique
perspective of having both government and nongovernment human
resource experience. During my career, I have seen many changes
in our military and fully understand the importance of
maintaining a ready force, especially during these critical
fiscal uncertain times. If confirmed, I will use this
experience to aggressively take on the challenges of this
I am grateful to the members of this committee and to all
Members of Congress for the support they have given to our men
and women in uniform and their families. If confirmed, I pledge
to you that I will work diligently on behalf of our Nation's
servicemembers, their families, and our civilian workforce that
supports them. I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to
continue my service to this great Nation.
I look forward to your questions. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you so much, Mr. Vollrath.
Mr. Fanning.
Mr. Fanning. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Inhofe,
members of the committee. It is an honor to appear before you
I would like to thank President Obama for nominating me and
the Secretary of Defense for supporting this opportunity to
serve. If confirmed, I greatly look forward to working with
them and with this committee as well.
Nobody gets the opportunity to serve in positions like this
without the help of many people over a very long period of
time. I am fortunate to have many of them here with me today,
dating all the way back to college and including Larry Smith,
who hired me out of college into my first job on the House
Armed Services Committee, through my later work at the Pentagon
and at Business Executives for National Security. He has been
an important friend and mentor to me ever since. Thank you to
them and all the others here today to support me.
My mother had planned on attending, but as of late is
unable to travel. I know she is watching from Florida.
I come from a family with a long history of service in
uniform. Two uncles graduated from West Point and made careers
in the Army. Another uncle served a career in the Air Force. My
cousin flew helicopters in the Marine Corps. I learned from an
early age the importance of service and developed early on a
deep respect and admiration for those who serve in uniform.
The Air Force faces many challenges well known by this
committee but is a proud organization with a rich history. Its
greatest strength, of course, is its people, almost 700,000
Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, and civilians who make up
the Air Force, along with their families. I have been immensely
proud to serve these last 4 years with the men and women of the
Navy and Marine Corps, and if confirmed, I very much look
forward to becoming a part of the Air Force family. It would be
my honor to play a role in making sure that the best men and
women our country has to offer get all the support they need in
undertaking the mission of defending our country, a mission for
which they freely volunteered.
Thank you again for considering my nomination. Thank you
for your service, and I look forward to your questions.
Chairman Levin. Thank you so much.
Let me now ask you the standard questions that we ask of
all nominees. You can answer together. This is a matter of
exercising our legislative and our oversight responsibilities,
and that is the reason for these questions.
Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations
governing conflicts of interest?
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Mr. Vollrath. Yes.
Mr. Fanning. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Have you assumed any duties or undertaken
any actions which would appear to presume the outcome of the
confirmation process?
Mr. Estevez. No.
Mr. Vollrath. No.
Mr. Fanning. No.
Chairman Levin. Will you ensure that your staff complies
with deadlines established for requested communications,
including questions for the record in hearings?
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Mr. Vollrath. Yes.
Mr. Fanning. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Will you cooperate in providing witnesses
and briefers in response to congressional requests?
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Mr. Vollrath. Yes.
Mr. Fanning. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Will those witnesses be protected from
reprisal for their testimony or their briefings?
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Mr. Vollrath. Yes.
Mr. Fanning. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and
testify upon request before this committee?
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Mr. Vollrath. Yes.
Mr. Fanning. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree to provide documents,
including copies of electronic forms of communication, in a
timely manner when requested by a duly constituted committee or
to consult with the committee regarding the basis for any good
faith delay or denial in providing such documents?
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Mr. Vollrath. Yes.
Mr. Fanning. Yes.
Chairman Levin. Okay. We will have an 8-minute first round
of questions here, and let me start with you, Mr. Estevez.
We have millions of pieces of equipment in Afghanistan, and
we have a logistical challenge of great size as our forces draw
down. Key to the ability to remove this equipment is whether we
are going to have access to ground lines in Pakistan and along
the Northern Distribution Network through Central Asia. Can you
give us your assessment on the level of cooperation that we are
getting now from Pakistan on the retrograde of military
equipment through Pakistan?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, Senator. Right now we are getting
excellent cooperation with Pakistan. We have a number of proof
of principles, as we call them, to move equipment through
Pakistan. They are ongoing right now. Two of them have been
successfully completed. The purpose of these is to hone out the
processes with the Pakistanis, with their customs enforcement,
with their port agencies, and with their trucking companies in
order to facilitate an increased volume of those movements. But
slow, steady progress.
Chairman Levin. All right. So it is not just a contract
agreement or a written agreement to open up these lines? It is
actually now happening. Is that correct?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, sir.
Chairman Levin. Okay. Mr. Estevez, in response to the
committee's advance policy questions, you stated that you do
not believe that fixed-price development contracts are
appropriate because ``most major weapons systems deal with
maturing designs and significant integration problems, and a
fixed-price development contract imposes too much risk on
Now, we just adopted a defense authorization act which in
section 818 says the following that, ``The conferees believe
that program risks should be reduced to the degree that the use
of a fixed-price development contract for a major acquisition
system may be appropriate.'' Our Senate committee report on
this provision explains that both the cost to the Government in
using cost reimbursement contracts too far into the development
and the importance of reducing program risk prior to a
Milestone B decision by avoiding the incorporation of immature
technologies is very important. We have to do that.
I am not going to ask you a question now, but I would ask
you to reevaluate, when you are confirmed, the position that
you took in response to our advance policy questions in light
of our law which we have now passed, section 818 and the
committee report on the provision, and then get back to us.
Will you do that?
Mr. Estevez. I certainly will, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Will you also get back to us on the
question of contract services? Because we are going to need to
do a lot more to understand and control spending on contract
services. Contract services cost us about $200 billion a year,
which is about as much as we spend on all products combined,
including major weapons systems.
I would also ask you, within the first, say, 60 days that
you are in office, will you give us a report on the steps which
you are going to take to address the question of controlling
spending on contract services?
Mr. Estevez. Absolutely, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Mr. Vollrath, I would like to ask you about
the threat of sequestration on personnel. Can you describe for
us the impact of sequestration on, just to give one example,
the Services' transition assistance programs?
Mr. Vollrath. Certainly, Senator. The sequestration will
result most likely in furloughs of the civilian workforce for a
period of up to 22 days for the remainder of the year. The
approximately 20 percent reduction in time from that civilian
workforce will have an effect on the transition services that
are required by the law, and we will have to do a significant
job of scheduling to make sure that all servicemembers get the
required transition training and experience. Right now, it
appears that that may be possible.
Chairman Levin. We hope it is possible, but obviously there
is going to be huge pressure. We cannot make cuts of that
nature without an effect. Would you agree with that?
Mr. Vollrath. Yes, Senator, absolutely.
Chairman Levin. By the way, I want to invite you to visit a
college in Lansing, MI, the Lansing Community College, which
has I think the most extraordinary program that I have seen to
transition people into actual jobs which are available using
the experience that they have and smoothing the way towards a
civilian job by dealing with the regulatory agencies that exist
on the civilian side. For instance, this program takes medics
that come out of the military and has it all planned so that
the State regulatory agencies with their certification
requirements give credit for the service performed while in the
Service so that they can much more quickly become medical
technicians, for instance, and then registered nurses. I would
like you to come and visit that program which I think may be
unique in the country.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, given the opportunity, I most
certainly will do that because we have had a full court press
on trying to get the civilian sector particularly in all States
to accept the credentials that service men and women acquire
while on Active Duty.
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Now, Mr. Vollrath, Senator Gillibrand, as I mentioned
before, is going to have a hearing in her subcommittee on
sexual assaults. I just want to let you know that when she does
that at the subcommittee level, she and Senator Graham are
going to be speaking for the full committee when that happens.
This is something which is simply such an outrage for this to
continue to occur that it must be at the top of the agenda when
you take over responsibility.
For instance, the Air Force is currently addressing a
number of sexual misconduct cases arising out of basic training
at Lackland Air Force Base, and at last count, sexual
misconduct allegations have been made against 32 military
training instructors involving 62 victims. Mr. Fanning, can you
give us your thoughts as to what must be done in this area?
Mr. Fanning. Thank you, Senator.
Any instance of sexual assault is too many, and I think
that leadership across the Department of Defense has to remain
committed to preventing this from happening in the first place.
I believe that we are seeing a marked increase in what the
Department is trying to do to combat sexual assault. If
confirmed into the Air Force, it would be an absolute priority
of mine to continue those efforts and work with Secretary
Donley and General Welsh in that regard.
I think we need, first and foremost, as I said, to focus on
preventing these from ever happening, but if they do, we need
to ensure that victims of sexual assault have a safe place to
report those assaults and have all the assistance that they
need, medical, mental health, and legal. Finally, we need to
make sure that perpetrators are held to account for their
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Vollrath, you heard the comments that I made about my
experience last week at Walter Reed. Have you had an
opportunity to--I am sure you have over a period of time--to
see the development, the progress, the magnificent results that
we are getting over there? If you have seen that, what are your
ideas on continuing that, and do you see that that is going to
be threatened in any way by sequestration?
Mr. Vollrath. In the near term, Senator, I believe
sequestration will have some impact on it. In my particular
portfolio and position, we work closely with the health affairs
side to leverage all of the capabilities that they have
developed and reach out to the civilian community because the
effort is not just and the solution is not just within the
Department of Defense. We need to leverage all resources.
Senator Inhofe. Yes. When you say that it could affect it
adversely now, do you have anything specific in mind? I am just
wondering what areas it could be adversely affected.
Mr. Vollrath. To the degree that the civilian workforce is
there for their support, given that the majority of the medical
care is provided by the uniformed services, the support element
will degrade some of that service.
Senator Inhofe. Okay.
The chairman asked you the question about the civilian
employees, the furloughing. In my State alone, we are
estimating about 24,000 people. It is a huge number and we are
concerned about it and you did respond. But if sequestration
occurs, what would DOD and the Air Force do to minimize the
impact on civilian employees? Is there anything, any ideas, you
have now to try to minimize the negative impact that we are
having right now with people? In my State, just knowing it is
going to happen is something that has been pretty critical.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, we do not have any silver bullet to
spend to minimize the impact on the civilian workforce. I wish
we did. Potentially if we could move money around, that might
assist. But what we have done is to make sure that we do not
take out most of the sequestration or the reductions on the
back of the civilian workforce.
Senator Inhofe. They were pretty optimistic out there in
that they felt the good job they are doing--and I like to stand
behind them in minimizing any of the negative impact. If you
are confirmed, I would like to be kept up to date as to
anything that might affect that.
Mr. Fanning, the Government Accountability Office (GAO)--
first of all, I was wondering how you are juggling this thing,
coming from the Navy and going into the Air Force. In your
opening statement, I was very impressed. You have that close,
intimate connection with both the Army, the Navy, Marine Corps,
and the Air Force. I guess you would fit in about any place.
There was something that I was interested in when GAO
recently released a report entitled ``The Depot Maintenance
Additional Information Needed to Meet DOD's Core Capability
Reporting Requirements.'' The report cited the Air Force for
not having an explanation for a sufficient plan organic--that
is, internal--depot workload to meet these core requirements.
The report specifically cited certain Air Force shortfalls and
plans to mitigate them by assigning work to Air Force depots to
support existing and new weapons systems such as unmanned
aerial systems, munitions, and the F-35. Have you had a chance
to look at that report and that particular area that I have
just quoted?
Mr. Fanning. No, Senator. I have not yet seen that GAO
report although I do appreciate the proper balance in depots
between organic and contractor.
Senator Inhofe. Yes. This actually goes a little bit
further than that because it talks about the mix has not been
quite as accurate as it should have been or equitable as it
should have been in the past, and it makes specific
What I would like to have you do is provide to me where the
Air Force has identified depot work shortfalls and the
specifics. I would like to ask you to read that in the next
short period of time so that we could actually have a
discussion as to what your feelings are going to be on that.
Would you do that for us?
Mr. Fanning. Absolutely, Senator.
[The information referred to follows:]
The Air Force reported shortfalls in Core sustaining workloads in
the two areas: (1) Communications/Electronics Equipment; and (2)
Ordnance, Weapons and Missiles. As new weapon systems are fielded such
as MQ-1, MQ-9, KC-46, and F-35, these workloads will be established
organically to specifically address core shortfalls in these and in any
areas identified in future Core analyses. The report stated that the
Air Force would mitigate the shortfall through incrementally assigning
maintenance work to organic (military) depots for the MQ-1 and MQ-9
between the third quarters of fiscal year 2012 through fiscal year
2016. The workloads for these systems have been assigned to the Air
Logistic Complexes and standup of the workloads is being accomplished
with depot activation teams composed of members from the appropriate
program office, depot and industry original equipment manufacturer. The
depot activation teams ensure the necessary facilities, equipment and
personnel are acquired and installed at the organic depots to execute
the planned workload. The Air Force has budgeted for and received funds
to activate MQ-1, MQ-9, and F-35 workloads. The program offices for
these systems are working on plans to activate core workloads no later
than initial operating capability (IOC) plus 4 years and in many
instances earlier than required. For example, the F-35 is activating
the airframe at Ogden Air Logistics Center (ALC), the engine at Tinker
ALC and electronics/communication at Robins ALC while the program is
still in low rate production, well before IOC. The MQ-1 and MQ-9
program office is actively standing up workloads at all three Air Force
Logistics Complexes and at Navy and Army depots to satisfy Department
Core requirements. These programs and others have programmed for depot
activation and are working diligently to ensure the Air Force has the
organic capability required to sustain the warfighter.
Senator Inhofe. Okay, good.
Mr. Estevez, I have expressed concern that wide-ranging
authorities contained in the Defense Production Act are being
used by the Department of Defense to spend $170 million for the
design and construction of a commercial biofuels refinery. On
February 6, 2013, the same day the Secretary of Defense
announced that the Truman carrier group would not be deploying
to the Middle East due to budget cuts, we received a letter
from Frank Kendall, the Under Secretary for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics, announcing the Department's intent
to spend $30 million on the advance drop-in biofuels production
used by the Defense Production Act.
I am sure that you have heard a lot of this, including the
Senator that was sitting to my left and myself talking about
the concern that we have with the budget shortfalls, with the
disasters that are taking place right now, how we could be
experimenting in biofuels and even talk about the construction
of refineries in terms of prioritizing. I would like to have
your thoughts about that. Is that the best use of defense
As I remember when they started the Department of Energy,
that is one of the things that they were supposed to be doing.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
Mr. Estevez. I do, Senator. Thank you.
When you look across our energy investments, the vast
majority, 96 percent of our energy investments, go to things
like better engine technology, increasing range, increasing
fuel capability on things like jets, tanks, and the like so
that we are decreasing our demand, decreasing the need to put
fuel out onto the battlefield. A small amount of that resource
does go towards what we would call increasing the flexibility,
increasing the resources that we can draw on, increasing the
supply. The $30 million would go to that. We are assessing the
responses we have on our request for information from industry
on that. Under the sequestration and budget environment that we
are operating under, obviously every investment will have to be
looked at, but we think that the small amount that we are
putting into that is a prudent investment for the future.
Senator Inhofe. We are talking about a lot more money than
$30 million. We are talking about the acquisition in the case
of the Navy. Mr. Fanning, maybe you have some background on
this too. The 450,000 gallons that were procured for, I think
it was--I am going by memory right now--I think $29 a gallon as
opposed to $3 a gallon. You start doing the math on that and
what the Air Force is doing now, it comes up to considerably
Here is what I would like. I do not want to put you on the
spot now. But I would like to have you, for the record, to give
me an evaluation, a justification as to those expenditures and
relative to the other expenditures that directly affect our
national defense, particularly in this time of sequestration.
Would you do that?
Mr. Estevez. I would be happy to do that, Senator.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you.
[The information referred to follows:]
I believe that the Department of Defense should continue
its modest investment in alternative fuels. As one of the
world's largest consumers of petroleum, the Department has an
interest in diversification of fuel supplies as a hedge against
potential supply disruptions, especially for our legacy fleet
of ships and planes, which will be with us for decades to come.
Over the next 5 years, 96 percent of the Department's funding
to improve operational energy use is devoted to reducing the
amount of fuel required for military operations. The remaining
4 percent is a relatively small but important investment in
alternative fuels, which is a longer-term strategy for our
energy security. Most of this investment ensures that our
equipment can operate on a wide range of fuels, so we are
prepared if and when alternative fuels become commercially
available. As petroleum is a finite resource, we believe this
to be a prudent investment, and we have been performing these
types of activities since 2003.
The Department's primary alternative fuels goal is to
ensure operational military readiness and further the
flexibility of military operations through the ability to use
multiple, reliable fuel sources. To help achieve this goal, we
released the Department of Defense Alternative Fuels Policy for
Operational Platforms in July 2012. The policy confirms that
all investments are subject to rigorous, merit-based evaluation
and that the Department will not make bulk purchases unless
they are cost competitive with petroleum products. To date, the
Department has only purchased relatively small test quantities
of alternative fuels, which are used in testing, evaluation, or
demonstration activities. These purchases are mostly prototypes
and should not be equated with commercial fuels purchases. I
will ensure that the Department complies with the existing
internal policy.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
Senator Gillibrand.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thanks to
each of our witnesses for their leadership and their service to
our country. I am very grateful.
I am very concerned about the status and the well-being of
the men and women who serve in our forces. I am very worried
about the sexual assault rate estimated by the military at
19,000 a year. I am concerned about the suicide rate, almost
one a day. I am concerned about hazing incidents. I am
concerned about how we implement the repeal of Don't Ask/Don't
With regard to these issues, I would like to first ask Mr.
Vollrath what he thinks in terms of how will you provide
leadership on these issues to protect the force from hazing,
from sexual assault, to prevent suicide. How do you look
forward to addressing these policies?
Mr. Vollrath. Thank you, Senator.
First, to begin to resolve these issues in the long term,
we need to ensure that we have reasonable policies in place,
good communications over time that are effective so that all
members of the Service understand the rules and the
capabilities that they have to resolve their problems.
Let me talk about a case in point in suicide. Clearly we
have not broken the code on suicide and suicide prevention.
Period. We have not. What should we do and what are we doing?
One, establishing an office to focus and coordinate all of
the efforts that have been taking place across all of the
Two, ensure that we have a coordinated communication plan.
That is different than just sending out notices or public
service announcements periodically. It is similar to
advertising, frequency and reach. You need a consistent message
and a constant message for people to understand so that they
are willing to change their behavior and the stigma associated
with seeking help is overcome. I will ensure, upon
confirmation, that that takes place.
Third, in all areas, we need to make sure that we do a
better job of educating our leaders all the way to the lowest
level as to the responsibilities that they have to take care of
their members of their organizations all the time. It is not
just at the captain level, the lieutenant level, or the mid-
grade sergeant level. It is at the corporal level.
I believe that we can and will do a better job with the
leadership, the communication, and changing and reinforcing
that culture of care. That same statement and that same thrust
and strategic direction will be employed across all of those
areas that you mentioned, Senator.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you.
Another area that needs attention is the transition from
Active Duty to veteran status because if you look at the
indicators, suicide rates are even higher once they leave the
military. If you look at the front page of the New York Times
today when a woman has been sexually assaulted or has trauma
experience while serving, the likelihood of her being homeless
increases greatly once veteran status kicks in. I hope that you
will also focus your attention on that transition, that very
important time between transitioning from Active Duty to
veteran status, to make sure our men and women do not suffer
even after they leave the military.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, absolutely we will continue to do
Senator Gillibrand. One other personnel issue. We work very
hard in this committee to ensure that children of our military
men and women who have special needs, autism, among other
special needs children, have the access to the resources they
need for just the medical attention they need. We are seeing
that the implementation of even that pilot program is not going
smoothly. I would like your commitment that you will focus on
this issue and make sure that those children receive the health
care that they need.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, you have my commitment.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you.
An issue that has been challenging for all of us here in
Congress has been the issue of cybersecurity. I am concerned
that we do not have the capability to recruit all of the best
and brightest within the cyber world to do the work that we
need for cyber defense and other missions related to that.
For Mr. Fanning, I was very pleased to read in your pre-
prepared questions and answers that you plan to provide
direction for Air Force science and technology that will focus
on operation in space and cyberspace domains, but I am very
disappointed that there are significant budget cuts. How will
you deal with these budget cuts? In particular, we have assets
in New York at Rome Labs that will also see budget cuts. I do
not see how you will meet your mission requirements with these
kinds of cuts.
Mr. Fanning. Thank you, Senator.
Not having been confirmed, I am not fully briefed on what
the Air Force's plans are in dealing with potential budget
cuts. Difficult cuts will have to be made. Everything will have
to be on the table. But cybersecurity, if confirmed, would be a
priority of mine, both in making sure that we adequately
resource cybersecurity needs but that we think creatively and
with focus on how we build a cyber workforce. I agree with you.
I think that is going to be a very difficult workforce to
retain once we have recruited and trained it and it would be a
priority of mine, if confirmed.
Senator Gillibrand. Secretary Estevez, as conventional
warfare becomes more technology-based, how do you believe that
we should retain the talent especially in the fields of
information technology and cyber warfare that we are going to
need, particularly when the private sector pays far more than
the military can?
Mr. Estevez. Of course, personnel is not my area of focus
other than for the acquisition workforce. But in general, what
we find is that people serve the Department of Defense and our
Government out of a feel for a greater good, as I would say the
folks sitting up here, as yourselves. We have to draw on that
and then we have to ensure that we treat our workforce
Senator Gillibrand. Mr. Vollrath, one suggestion and one
thing to consider is, obviously, we have great flexibility with
our National Guard and Reserve to recruit talent who are expert
in other fields and work in other fields as their day jobs.
Will you consider how you could possibly recruit National Guard
and Reserve cyber experts or a cyber corps which could leverage
some of the training and hiring from the private sector?
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, absolutely. As we have looked at
trying to develop and grow the cyber community necessary to man
the various different units, use of the Reserve components has
been critical to the long-term strategy to make this effective.
We cannot do it without the Reserve Forces.
Senator Gillibrand. Moving to science and technical
workforce issues, back to Mr. Estevez. What challenges do you
see facing DOD and the research and development communities as
they seek to attract entry, mid, and senior technical experts
into their organizations?
Mr. Estevez. Again, with our budget issues, it is going to
become more difficult. It is an area of focus for us. There are
some tools that we can use, including the use of temporary
assignment of personnel through the Intergovernment Personnel
Act (IPA) and individual augmentees. We use that extensively at
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to attract people
who want to come and serve the Government and serve the
Department for periods of time before they go back to their
universities. Plus we draw on university talent.
Senator Gillibrand. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Gillibrand.
Senator McCain.
Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I thank the witnesses for being here and their continued
willingness to serve the country.
Mr. Fanning, a few months ago, the Air Force decided to
kill a huge logistics supply chain management business system
called the Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS) after
sinking about $1 billion into the program, finding that another
$1.1 billion would be needed to field just 25 percent of the
promised capability and extracting from the taxpayers' total of
a $1 billion investment less than $150 million in useful
hardware and software.
Some of us on this committee, including the chairman and I,
have been doing everything that we can to prevent the
sequestration which we believe is devastating to our Nation's
security. We believe our uniformed military, as well as the
former Secretary of Defense who testified before this committee
how devastating the effects would be.
How do I, Mr. Fanning, go tell the taxpayers of America in
my State that the Air Force just wasted $1 billion on a program
that obviously was a miserable failure? So far, do you know
anybody who is responsible for that failure?
Mr. Fanning. I have not yet been briefed on the Air Force's
lessons learned, but I have had an opportunity in my Navy
position to watch the developments with this program. I
approach all business information technology (IT) systems with
a great deal of skepticism in the Department of Defense, and in
the Department of the Navy, in fact, we stopped the development
of a major personnel and pay system because we thought it was
on track to not deliver what was promised and waste taxpayer
I think what I see in ECSS that I see in many other
programs is a rush to a material solution before non-material
solutions or business process----
Senator McCain. Has anybody been held responsible that you
know of, Mr. Fanning?
Mr. Fanning. Not that I know of, no.
Senator McCain. Secretary Estevez, anybody fired? Anybody
removed from their position? Anybody said this is the person in
charge that made this $1 billion--excuse me. We saved $150
million out of $1 billion.
Mr. Estevez. I believe, Senator, and I would have to
confirm this, that the prior program executive officer (PEO)
and prior program manager were removed from their positions.
They were not the people who were there when we killed the
program. They were the people who were there that led to the
program restructuring and led to the recommendation to kill.
Senator McCain. I am sure you understand our frustration,
which brings me to the F-35.
Lieutenant General Bogdan has a pretty good reputation
before this committee. He was in charge of the tanker program
which seems to be on track. Yet, a couple or a few days ago he
said, ``What I see Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney doing
today is behaving as if they are getting ready to sell me the
very last F-35 and the very last engine and are trying to
squeeze every nickel of that last F-35 and that last engine.''
The general told reporters, ``I want them both to start
behaving like they want to be around for 40 years. I want them
to take on some of the risk of this program. I want them to
invest in cost reductions. I want them to do the things that
will build a better relationship. I'm not getting all that love
yet.'' Then he said--asked if he had seen some improvement from
the companies, are they getting better at a rate that I want
them to see them getting better? He said no, not yet. Of
course, now we know that with massive failures, massive cost
overruns that Lockheed has earned a 7-percent profit since the
program began in 2001.
Do you have any justification for that?
Mr. Estevez. I cannot address the past. I can address where
we are today.
Senator McCain. You cannot address the past?
Mr. Estevez. I cannot address what happened from 2001 until
where I am today.
Senator McCain. You cannot address that at all?
Mr. Estevez. Senator, we have put new structures around
that program. We have a new contracting process for that
program. We now have a firm, fixed-price contract, incentive
fee, 12 percent share. Lockheed will also pay the concurrency
problems on that contract. So we have restructured the program.
We brought in Admiral Venlet and now General Bogdan to run that
program, two excellent PEOs, and we are working closely with
Lockheed and Pratt to work through the problems that General
Bogdan referenced in that news article.
Senator McCain. So since 2001--and we are in 2013--we are
beginning to work through the problem. Is that what I can tell
my constituents, Mr. Secretary?
Mr. Estevez. I believe you can over the last 4 or 5 years--
5 years or so, we have restructured the program and we believe
we are now on track to get a successful program.
Senator McCain. Now, you are sitting here before this
committee and you can tell us there will be no further cost
overruns borne by the Federal Government?
Mr. Estevez. I could not possibly do that, Senator.
Senator McCain. Why can you not? Why can we not penalize
companies for failure to live up to the obligations of their
Mr. Estevez. It is important to get the right structure of
contract. Senator Levin----
Senator McCain. After 12 years.
Mr. Estevez. On this particular airplane, I believe we do
have the right structure of contract now and we will continue
to get better contracts as we move into future development or
production of this airplane.
Senator McCain. Mr. Fanning or Mr. Vollrath, do you have
any comments on this situation? By the way, the plane is
grounded again, as we know, because of a crack in the engine.
It is grounded again. Do you have any comments, Mr. Vollrath?
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, I do not. I do not know enough to
comment intelligently about it.
Senator McCain. If I sound frustrated, I say to the
witnesses it is because I am. This committee has been tracking
this program for many years. We have had witness after witness.
We have had promise after promise. We have had commitment after
commitment. Yet, the only thing that has remained constant is
that Lockheed has earned a 7 percent profit since the program
began in 2012. Excuse me. Since the program began in 2001, 12
years later.
Maybe you can help me out. What am I supposed to go back
and tell my constituents about a $1 billion program that the
Air Force cancelled and, of course, the now most expensive
weapons system in history that has now reached $1 trillion and
the aircraft is now grounded? Do you have any ideas for me, Mr.
Mr. Estevez. Senator McCain, we are working very
diligently, Secretary Carter, Secretary Kendall, myself, our
leaders across the acquisition community to change the culture
and change the processes by which we buy our programs. I know
that you have been briefed on what we call Better Buying Power.
That includes accountability for our PEOs and program managers.
It includes managing affordability. It includes cost control so
that we can change the way we do this.
Senator McCain. According to one of the people who is very
highly regarded by this committee because of his previous
performance, General Bogdan says, are they getting better at a
rate that I want to see them getting better? He said, no, not
yet. I would say you have your work cut out for you.
I can just say that as strong an advocate as many of us are
for maintaining a strong national security, you cannot continue
these kinds of incredible, total loss of the taxpayers' dollars
without there being an understandable backlash on the part of
the taxpayers of America, which I believe will harm our ability
to defend this Nation.
I thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator McCain.
Before I call on Senator Donnelly, let me just tell you,
Secretary Estevez, I share very deeply Senator McCain's
frustration. We need answers. We need answers in addition to
what Senator McCain pointed out. The folks who write the
contracts, unless there is recoupment provided for from the
contractors for failures, there is accountability lacking not
just on the type of equipment itself, the production of that
equipment, the failure of a contractor to produce something
that works.
There is also perhaps failure on our part in terms of did
we write contracts which did not provide for recoupment, and if
there is failure there, where is there accountability inside
the Department or the agency which wrote the contract which let
contractors off the hook? There is a lack of accountability
kind of up and down the line. This engine issue is just the
most recent manifestation of it.
Senator McCain with his great initiative in this area is
going to be--and I will be joining him--actively involved in
this Expeditionary Combat Support System loss. Whether it is
$850 million or $1 billion, it is just incredible. Where is the
recoupment of that money? Why is that a loss to the Treasury
instead of to the contractor? We need answers on that. It is in
the middle of sequestration. It just dramatizes the problem,
but this problem has been existing too long. Senator McCain and
I and others on this committee and other committees have tried
to rewrite laws. We have rewritten laws to provide more
accountability, but we are going to be looking to you,
Secretary Estevez, for answers.
Thank you.
Senator Donnelly.
Senator Donnelly. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
To all of you, thank you for your service to our country.
Mr. Fanning, with our National Guard and our Reserve
members, they at times, obviously, are at home and are not part
of serving at that point. What mental health resources does the
Air Force have when they are at home, when they are not in the
field and they are struggling with suicide and with mental
health issues? Their alternative of going to see private care
or going to talk to friends or whatever--how do we fill that
hole so that they can still receive care, receive counseling
when they are not on Active Duty pay status?
Mr. Fanning. Senator, I think the total force structure of
the Air Force, which is something I am learning about now--it
is different than what we were accustomed to in the Navy and
Marine Corps--is a critical strategy for the Air Force. The
Guard and Reserve are important partners with the Active
component. From what I am told by the Air Force in my briefings
by the Surgeon General, there are a multitude of services
available for people who are not on Active Duty or who are
remotely located.
If confirmed, I will look into this much more closely. I
think one of the problems is making sure that those Guard
members, those Reserve members who are not activated are aware
of the services that are available to them. I think
communication is one of the critical gaps in what we have in
making sure that those individuals know what services are
Senator Donnelly. If you could get further details for us
because, obviously, just because their pay status has changed,
their problems do not go away and their need for help does not
go away. As you said, they may not know where to go for help or
how to get it. So anything you can do in that process to let us
know what the plans are, what the future plans are, we would
Mr. Fanning. Absolutely.
[The information referred to follows:]
The Department of Defense, as a whole, is absolutely committed to
the well-being of all our troops and personnel.
A number of resources exist for Air Force Reserve and Air National
Guard members not on duty when they are struggling with suicidal
thoughts and mental health issues.
The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard are dedicated to
developing a culture of resilience, by encouraging healthy lifestyles
in four main areas known as Comprehensive Airmen Fitness: physical,
mental, social, and spiritual. Airmen with strong physical, mental,
social, and spiritual fitness have the ability to withstand, recover
and even grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. By
educating airmen and families about resources and focusing on the
importance of the ``wingman culture'' and building meaningful
relationships, airmen are encouraged to seek help before a crisis
The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard provide education,
outreach, and resources for families through unit leadership. Air Force
regulations specifically direct unit commanders and first sergeants to
proactively contact and provide support for family members of deploying
Air Reserve component members. The unit commander also tasks various
support agencies, including Airman and Family Readiness, to ensure that
families are contacted and provided for.
The Yellow Ribbon Program offers resources on behavioral health
issues and suicide mitigation and is offered to Reserve and Air
National Guard airmen and their families predeployment, during
deployment, and post deployment. Funded by Yellow Ribbon, the
Psychological Health Advocacy Program (PHAP) is designed to assist
Reserve airmen and their family members with a variety of needs,
including mental health issues, financial assistance, relationship and
family counseling, and substance abuse through referrals. There are
three regional, four-person teams to support Reserve airmen and their
families as well as provide 24/7, non-crisis telephone support. The
Reserve PHAP staff attends all Yellow Ribbon events as well as provides
outreach to the bases in their regions.
The Air National Guard Psychological Health Program (PHP) was
developed to address psychological health needs of ANG airmen and their
families. The PHP places a licensed behavioral health provider at each
of the Air National Guard's 89 wings throughout the 54 States,
territories, and the District of Columbia. The program provides three
categories of service: leadership advisement and consultation;
community capacity building; and direct services--to include
assessment, referral, crisis intervention, and case management services
that are available daily. The wing directors of Psychological Health
are available 24/7 to operational leadership and provide services to
Air National Guard airmen and their family members regardless of
whether they are at home or on duty status.
The Air Force Reserve Wingman Toolkit is a broad-based Air Force
Reserve initiative designed to empower airmen and their families to
achieve and sustain wellness and balanced lifestyles using the four
domains of Comprehensive Airman Fitness. The toolkit is located at:
http://AFRC.WingmanToolkit.org. The website was first launched in 2010
and is accessible 24/7 from any computer by anyone with access to the
internet. The Wingman Toolkit provides commanders, airmen, families,
and friends (i.e., Air Force Reserve wingmen), access to a wide variety
of resources, training opportunities, a dedicated Wingman Day page,
promotion of the Ask, Care, Escort (A.C.E.) suicide intervention model,
educational outreach materials, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Etc.),
a mobile phone application, SMS texting capability (``WMTK'' to 24587),
inspirational and training videos, a YouTube page, and partnerships
with other organizations. The Wingman Toolkit, in addition to annual
wingman stand down days and the longstanding Air Force suicide
prevention program, educates and equips airmen, commanders, first
sergeants, co-workers, family members, and friends to proactively take
care of themselves and avoid crises. It's also the first line of
support in identifying airmen in need of assistance and prepares them
to get to safer, healthier places.
Since Air Reserve component wingmen (e.g. family, friends) are
often non-military personnel, the Air National Guard's Wingman Project
provides information and resources for suicide prevention on publicly-
accessible websites. The Air National Guard tailors marketing and
resource materials for each State. The primary goal of the Wingman
Project, located at http://wingmanproject.org, is to reduce warfighter,
Department of Defense civilian, and family member suicides through
human outreach, education, and media. The site provides education on
how to intervene if someone is in emotional distress and provides tools
and resources to target specific risk factors for suicide. The Wingman
Project helps airmen actively engage in increasing wellness and
preventing suicide. The Wingman Project has additionally published a
mobile application which works on all smartphone platforms, and can be
utilized to communicate in between drills, ACE training, and locating
helping resources.
The Air Force Reserve has obtained additional Reserve pay funding
to increase chaplain support to installations to help build unit
resiliency and provide suicide prevention support during seasonal
crisis times, for those bases who request additional support, and units
with previous suicide incidents.
The Airman's Guide for Assisting Personnel in Distress (commander
and airman versions) is a web-based tool available to all
servicemembers, including Guard and Reserve, to provide vital
information about the wide range of challenges, indications of
distress, recommended supportive actions by peers and leaders, and
links and contacts for additional resources. The tool facilitates
leader involvement and can help resolve potentially volatile
TRICARE Reserve Select is available for Reserve component airmen
and their family members and provides coverage for both outpatient and
inpatient treatment. Access to military medical care is available to
servicemembers with duty related conditions through TRICARE and the
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Airman & Family Readiness Program Managers (A&FRPMs) align family
support capabilities with the Joint Family Program in the States to
provide support to all servicemembers and their families, providing
direct sustainment and support to their wings. Air Force Reserve
Command and Air National Guard Family Readiness Programs are designed
to maintain and support mission readiness by assisting servicemembers
and families with adaptations to the challenges of the military
Vets4Warriors: 1-855-838-8255/1-855-VET-TALK.
www.vets4warriors.com. This Toll-Free 24 hour helpline is available to
servicemen and their families--peer counseling and support, telephone
assessments, and referrals for mental health issues, to include
suicidal thoughts.
Military OneSource is provided by the Department of Defense at no
cost to active duty, Guard and Reserve servicemembers, and their
families. It provides comprehensive information on every aspect of
military life including deployment, reunion, relationships, grief,
spouse employment and education, parenting and child care, and much
Support 24/7, free and confidential resources for Air
Reserve component members consultations on any number of issues
such as spouse education and career opportunities, issues
specific to families with a member with special needs, and
financial support and resources.
Offers personal non-medical counseling services
online, via telephone, or face-to-face.
Non-medical, short-term counseling, as well as
assistance with financial management, taxes, career services,
health and wellness, and much more.
The Department of Veterans Affairs offers multiple resources and
benefits that are available in person, online, or through the mail.
Finally, the Military (or Veterans) Crisis Line, 1-800-273-8255 (TALK),
Press #1, www.militarycrisisline.net, or text to 838255 is available
24/7 to all servicemembers and their families. It is a joint venture
between the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans
Affairs' call center, which is associated with Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration's National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline. Resources include an online ``Veteran's Chat'' capability and
the call center's trained personnel provide crisis intervention for
those struggling with suicidal thoughts or family members seeking
support for a Veteran.
Senator Donnelly. Mr. Estevez, we have a case with our
Indiana National Guard where they were working alongside a DOD
contractor in Iraq in 2003 and were exposed to sodium
dichromate. These are our neighbors. These are our friends.
These are men and women working at the local tire store who
were now over in Iraq at that time serving our country. The
contractor they were working with had an indemnification
provision. The question I have is, what are your views of these
indemnification contract provisions used by DOD and what
protection do our servicemembers have when those are in place?
Mr. Estevez. Senator, I am not familiar with the case, of
course, but I would be more than happy to look into it. With
regard to indemnification, of course, it depends on where you
were operating and what backup the Department puts in. We are
asking people to take risks when we put them out on the
battlefield regardless of whether they are operating on a
protected area of that battlefield. But I would be happy to
look into that issue, sir.
Senator Donnelly. Part of the risk should not be that when
they are working next to a contractor. It was not the risk of
insurgents. It was the risk of sodium dichromate. We want to
try to make sure that when we tell our young men and women and
take them from the community colleges and from working at the
accounting firm, that they can expect to be safe--obviously, as
much as possible in the situation that they are placed in.
[The information referred to follows:]
I understand that the indemnification of contractors against
unusually hazardous risks is limited. Only the Secretary of Defense,
the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics), and the Secretaries of the Military Departments can approve
such indemnification, and a decision to approve indemnification is made
based on the unique facts of the particular case.
I understand that contractor indemnification under Public Law 85-
804 does not apply to servicemembers. Should I be confirmed, I will
undertake to familiarize myself further in this area.
Senator Donnelly. Mr. Vollrath, we are facing
sequestration. It was noted that we lost more men and women to
suicide in the last year than were killed in Afghanistan. The
challenges that we face with sequestration are great. But one
of the things I would ask you in this position is to continue
with the financial challenges we are facing to continue to see
how can you squeeze every dollar out to try to make sure that
we continue to make progress on this front. I know General
Chirelli was extraordinarily focused on this effort. It is
going to take tremendous creativity in the years ahead. But I
would ask, along with the other areas that my colleague,
Senator Gillibrand, was talking about, to please keep a focus
like a laser on how can we end this scourge.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, you have my commitment, upon
confirmation, that we will continue to keep a full court press
to overcome what clearly is a tragic situation.
Senator Donnelly. Mr. Estevez, we are, obviously, having
troops come home now, and as we do, we are in the situation
where we have more contractors in Afghanistan now than troops.
So what are the expectations of contractor numbers as we move
forward over the next year or 2?
Mr. Estevez. Right now, we have about 110,000 contractors
in Afghanistan. A little more than a third, about 40 percent,
are actually Afghans. Of course, they will stay in Afghanistan.
We are actively drawing down that number. In instances, as we
draw down combat forces, there will actually be more
contractors because they help close down bases rather than have
our military do that. We want the combat power there. But we
have an active cell closing down contracts and bringing those
contractors back.
Senator Donnelly. What do you see as our footprint
contractor-wise a year from now?
Mr. Estevez. It will be about one and a half higher, maybe
two higher as we draw down. There is going to be a little
higher spike as we draw down.
Senator Donnelly. Than it is right now?
Mr. Estevez. No. It will be about the same ratio. Right now
it is approximately 68,000 troops to 110,000 contractors. I
expect that to remain over the next----
Senator Donnelly. The ratio of troops to contractors will
remain in the same neighborhood.
Mr. Estevez. Yes.
Senator Donnelly. Mr. Estevez, in an environment where
countries like China are using cyber attacks to engage in theft
of intellectual property across the board almost, what steps
will you take to enhance DOD's collaboration with the defense
industry to protect U.S. taxpayer-funded intellectual property?
I was with one of our shipbuilding organizations the other day
and they said they are subject to cyber attacks every single
day for the technology they have. What do we do working forward
on that?
Mr. Estevez. Senator, cyber is not exactly my area.
However, I share the concern. In fact, Secretary Kendall has
asked me to lead a task force looking at exfiltration of data,
not necessarily classified data but intellectual property,
things that we care about, working with the industry to do
exactly what you are asking about. It is a very serious problem
for us and for our industrial partners.
Senator Donnelly. Gentlemen, thank you very much for your
Mr. Chairman, thank you.
Chairman Levin. Before I call on Senator Ayotte, let me
just remind you, Secretary Estevez, we have a new law on cyber
incidents involving defense contractors. It was in our defense
authorization bill. They must report those incidents to us. We
insist that they do that, they comply with the law, but we also
want to do that in the most cooperative and joint way we
possibly can. We are on the same side of that issue, but there
is now a law in place on defense contractors, now not on
utilities and not on electric kind of utility issues and so
forth, but on defense contractors there is. We would expect
that you would remind them of that and fully implement that
Mr. Estevez. Absolutely, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much.
Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I thank our witnesses for being here and your willingness
to serve our country.
I ask, first of all, Mr. Fanning about the provisions that
require the Air Force to produce a statement of DOD's budgetary
resources by September 30, 2014, so that the Department can be
audit-ready. Are you committed to doing that?
Mr. Fanning. I am, Senator, yes.
Senator Ayotte. Okay, good. I wanted to be clear because
the questions you were asked in the written questions made it
seem like it was a goal. It is now the law as passed by the
2013 defense authorization, and so this is a very important
issue. I think that it is an important issue as we look at the
fiscal challenges facing the country and also, in particular,
the Department of Defense so that we can have the audit to have
good financial information to make good decisions. So I
appreciate your commitment to that important issue.
I wanted to ask Assistant Secretary Estevez about
contracting, in particular, a concern that I have had. I had
the privilege of visiting Afghanistan in January and meeting
with Major General Longo and talking with him about contracting
in Afghanistan. Previously I had worked with Senator Brown to
introduce the ``no contracting with the enemy'' language that
allowed us to cut off funds that were going to our enemies in
Afghanistan. In fact, I think the Wartime Contracting
Commission found that as much as $60 billion of U.S. Government
contracting funds had either been wasted or misspent, if you
combined Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the things Major General Longo said to me when I was
in Afghanistan is we need additional tools to be able to make
this legislation even more effective. It struck me also that
this is legislation and tools that would allow DOD, when they
are in contingency circumstances--should be able to cut off
funds to enemies or to those who are cooperating against us.
I plan to work with Senator Blumenthal to introduce
legislation to give you additional tools to cut off funds to
our enemies and to cut off funds to those we are worried about
going to corruption, other means that we would not want
taxpayer dollars going. I think this is an authority that
should be expanded beyond Afghanistan, and I want to get your
thoughts on that.
Mr. Estevez. I appreciate that, Senator Ayotte. First of
all, I want to commend Major General Longo. I worked very
closely with him and Task Force 2010 and what they are doing
We would love to work with you on expanding those
capabilities and tools. We do want to make sure that we have
due diligence for our contractors when we do that. Obviously,
the authorities under A-41 use some extraordinary capabilities,
using classified information, for example, to not contract with
the enemy, and we want to make sure that we do not contract
with the enemy worldwide. I would be happy to work with you on
expanding that.
Senator Ayotte. I appreciate it. Actually one of the
problems that Major General Longo described to us was the fact
that right now the way A-41 is working, we are only looking at
unclassified information, and in fact that we need to actually
come up with a smarter way because you may have classified
information that tells you someone is an enemy. But if we are
only relying on unclassified, we are actually not cutting off
the full measure of people who are contracting with the enemy.
I look forward to working with you on this. This is a way
we can make sure that taxpayer dollars do not go in the wrong
I also wanted to ask Mr. Vollrath, you had said a statement
about sequestration. I believe that Senator Inhofe had asked
you a question about it, about the civilian impact as a result
of sequestration. You said that it would help to move the money
around but it does not solve, as I understood what you were
saying, the full problem.
Can you, everyone on this panel, help me understand? Even
if we give you the authority to move the money around, does it
solve the impact of what the Department of Defense is going to
undergo in terms of sequestration? I would particularly ask
with regard to our readiness.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, the way sequestration is currently
configured, the cuts have to go basically equitably across all
of the programs. When we are faced with a $45 billion to $46
billion reduction to take in 6 or at most 7 months----
Senator Ayotte. As I understand it, the Office of
Management and Budget has estimated that equates to about 13
percent over the 2013 period.
Mr. Vollrath. I will accept that, certainly. I have not
taken the time to focus on that. I have been focused on the
impact on the personnel and the resultant impact, as you
correctly point out, on readiness because when you furlough, of
that $46 billion--$45 billion reduction, you have to take it
somewhere. As I mentioned earlier, we are trying, as best as
possible, to not take it out on the backs of the workforce. So
furloughing for up to 22 days, that is only about $5 billion of
that $45 billion. There is a lot more that needs to be done.
When you take that kind of reduction, particularly in the
civilian workforce, of what amounts to about a 9 percent or for
them a 20 percent reduction in their pay and furlough 1 day per
week--that is basically what that amounts to--there will be an
impact on readiness. You cannot get the same amount of work
done that you would normally get done in 10 days in the
equivalent of 8. It does not work that way unless you want to
ask the civilian workforce to do things that they ought not to
do. So there is going to be an impact at the depot maintenance
level. There will be an impact in the service level no matter
how you slice it.
Now, could it be less? I think that is the point. It might
be possible that it could be less. But I do not believe under
any circumstances that we could not take some of that impact in
our workforce.
Senator Ayotte. Secretary Estevez, just to put the question
to you, so if we give you--right now it is an across-the-board
cut. Right? You have to cut everything. If we give you the
flexibility--we have been hearing from the Department of
Defense. This is the fundamental question. We have been hearing
from them. Secretary Panetta, it is going to undermine our
national security for generations. I had Chairman Dempsey here
less than a week ago or roughly a week ago and he told me on a
scale of 1 to 10, it was a 10 in terms of our national
So as someone who wants to resolve this and respects that
the chairman wants to resolve this in a way that is consistent
with protecting our country, if we gave you all the flexibility
in the world--let us say we did not do it across the board--
where does that leave you there? I think that is an important
question to be answered.
Mr. Estevez. Thank you, Senator Ayotte. A couple things.
One, it is more than just sequestration. It is the
Continuing Resolution that is causing much of the problem.
Passing an appropriation bill or at least giving us the
flexibilities in a CR is critical for us going forward. Number
Sequestration, the $46 billion, I do not think at this
point in the year additional flexibilities there give us what
we need. We will get some of that within the CR, but at this
point in the year to find that $46 billion, I believe as Dr.
Carter said when he was up here 2 weeks ago, we are going to be
looking everywhere we can to get that money.
Senator Ayotte. I mean, we have legislation pending that
deals with flexibility, and so what I want to understand is if
we pass this legislation, does that stop the impact on our
national security or does that mitigate it so it is a
manageable amount of impact on our national security? That is
certainly what I would appreciate your advice on.
Mr. Estevez. It will not stop it. Taking $46 billion again
at this point in the year is not going to stop the impact on
our national security. I think giving us the flexibilities or
passing a 2013 budget for the Department of Defense and making
sequestration go away for 2013 is the only way to really stop
the impact on our national security. Obviously, past that,
flexibilities may but we will be taking money from everything.
So there is going to be a devastating impact to our security.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Ayotte.
Senator Kaine.
Senator Kaine. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Congratulations on your nominations. It is good to be with
each of you today.
Just a few questions, and I would like to start with Mr.
Vollrath, please, on some personnel issues that I am interested
in the thought process now within DOD, particularly about use
of the Guard and Reserve.
I had an interesting experience last week visiting a Guard
unit in Stanton, VA, called the Stonewall Brigade that is quite
large. I was interested when I found out that their first
operations as a brigade were 20 years before the French and
Indian wars. They go back to 1740 and they can trace the
lineage back that far.
In my discussions with these guardsmen and women and many
during the time I was Governor and was Commander of the
Virginia Guard, it really struck me that the Guard and Reserve
are quite different than they were 10 or 15 years ago, that the
level of training, the level of operational experience has
dramatically increased. That made me start to think about
forward-focused personnel planning and how much do we do with
the Active Force, and there is a training cost to that. How
much do we do in terms of putting in training monies to keep
the Guard at this new kind of elevated level of readiness? I am
just kind of interested in your discussion about that looking
at personnel and the kind of overall manpower needs of our
defense, how the Guard and Reserve are factoring in, in a new
way, and how you factor that in going forward as you evaluate
manpower needs.
Mr. Vollrath. Senator, the Guard and Reserve are critical
to our projected readiness. The Guard and Reserve, as you know
having served as Governor, are now an operational force. They
are no longer that last resort, that strategic reserve if you
will. They are fundamental to how we fight. So on a go-forward
basis, it is critical that they be maintained and sustained for
our long-term readiness.
Having said that, with their experience as an operational
force, it is also key to readiness that we retain as many
people that we can possibly in the Reserves that have that
experience because once we lose that experience, then we
significantly have to start ramping up retraining.
So right now, I would tell you that is a national treasure
and they are key to our national defense right now, far from
being that old strategic reserve. To the Reserve and Guard,
give them credit. They have stepped up to the plate.
Senator Kaine. Going forward, there is no intent from a
planning perspective that the Guard would revert back to just a
pure Reserve function, but there is a thought that going
forward we would make the investments in Guard and Reserve to
keep them at an operational level of training and readiness?
Mr. Vollrath. That appears to be a prudent way forward. We
have the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) coming up in this
next year, and in that process, we will sort out exactly how we
are going to move forward. But I do not know how we do it
Senator Kaine. Just thinking forward, if as part of that
QDR, the decision is made we want to keep Guard at sort of an
operations and not just a pure reserve asset and we want to put
the training in to do that, then that would also affect other
decisions about manpower levels in the Active branches because
to the extent that Guard is at operational level, those numbers
can provide some of the function so that it does factor into
manpower planning in the Service branches as well.
Mr. Vollrath. Absolutely, Senator. It has to be a balanced
approach to it. As we shift from contingency operations to the
more full-spectrum on a go-forward basis, then we are going to
have to sort out very finitely exactly how that force is going
to be structured to do that. That is different from the last 10
years, as you can appreciate.
Senator Kaine. In making sure that the Guard maintains that
desired state going forward, that makes things like retention
and the training of guardsmen and reservists--ongoing
training--absolutely critical.
Mr. Vollrath. Absolutely, Senator.
Senator Kaine. In my discussions with the Stonewall
Brigade--and I was asking them about sequester and some of
these budgetary challenges--the one thing that they were most
concerned about was effects on training, the backing up of
assigned training slots at various training facilities where
they would go, oh, we are going to go next year, not this year
or we are going to do it at home rather than go to the slot.
The commander said if I have to put people into an operational
capacity, I want them to be 100 percent ready and not 85
percent ready. The potential degradation in training was what
was cited as their greatest concern right now.
But anyway, it is helpful to hear your thoughts on that.
Let me ask Secretary Estevez, and forgive me if this has
been asked. But in the acquisition space, I would assume that
the combination of sequester and CR, anything short of
appropriations bills and normal budgets, imposes some
inefficiencies in the contracting process because you can find
more efficiencies, the greater their predictability, volume,
multi-unit purchases, et cetera. I would suspect that some of
the short-term savings we might be trying to obtain through
something like sequester actually may work to our long-term
disadvantage even on the savings side.
Mr. Estevez. That is true, Senator.
Senator Kaine. Could you give some examples of that?
Mr. Estevez. The acquisition system is kind of seized up
right now. In fact, the Department as a whole is seized up in
all kinds of contracts. I will speak just for what we are doing
inside the Office of the Secretary of Defense. We are not
letting any contracts. That means contracts to service--the
SAIC types of the world or RAND or whoever. So they cannot plan
their line.
Now, if we go to the industrial side--and you know what is
going on in the shipyards as we cancel availabilities--when we
start taking out of budget planned buys for things like the
Joint Strike Fighter, that is going to increase the unit cost
of those airplanes because you are not buying as many as you
planned. That is not just something like the Joint Strike
Fighter that is in early production. That is things like
Apaches and Chinooks and anything that we are buying as we
start to take those dollars out. That does not mean that that
decreases the need because we still need those airplanes. So we
are going to pay more to get the same plane that we could have
if we had moved along through our budget and dropped whatever
that capability is. It is an inefficient way of doing business.
Our industrial base cannot plan for what they are doing. They
are also making their own assessments. It is not a good way.
Senator Kaine. Let me just follow up with one question to
follow up on Senator Ayotte's question about potential
flexibility because you raised a point that I do not think
everyone completely understands. Being already pretty far into
a fiscal year, you at DOD have been planning around this kind
of ugly, non-strategic, across-the-board cuts. Everybody would
agree that is not the way we should do it, but nevertheless you
have been planning around how to do it, and we are pretty far
into the fiscal year.
If suddenly the rule were to change and you do not have to
do that, you have the flexibility now and then you would get
some time to come up with flexible cuts and now we are farther
into the fiscal year, I gather that there would be some effort
that those cuts would have to be presented from the White House
back to Congress and have Congress look at them and decide, and
now we are farther into a fiscal year. Time is of the essence
in terms of managing cuts of this size by this time in the
fiscal year. Is it not?
Mr. Estevez. Absolutely, Senator. Of course, there are
differences within the investment accounts where we are buying
things that Congress has asked us to buy or that we asked
Congress to help us authorize that you authorized in NDAA for
Fiscal Year 2013. In the operation and maintenance accounts,
where we have to pay for the war, we are going to pay for what
our forces need forward. It is just a complete freeze-up
because you have to push money through those things. So giving
us this flexibility, while we take the time to replan,
essentially means you go along with the plan that you have.
Senator Kaine. Yes.
No further questions. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Kaine.
Senator Blumenthal.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Let me begin
by thanking the chairman for having a hearing on March 13
concerning sexual assault in the military, and I expect and
trust that all of you will cooperate and aid us in this very
important hearing and the effort to further protect against
this truly predatory, criminal action that is all too common
still, even after some good faith efforts by the military to
stop it.
I want to also begin by thanking each of you and your
families for your service to our Nation and for what you have
done in the past and what you will do in the future and hope
that this committee and I personally can be of assistance to
On the issue of contracting with the enemy, I know Senator
Ayotte has raised the issue already. She and I have been
working on revisions to the current prohibitions to impose
tougher penalties and also to streamline the potential
investigation and prosecution and extend them to Departments
other than Defense. So I appreciate your cooperation in that
effort as well.
I want to begin on the Joint Strike Fighter, if I may. I
know Senator McCain has raised it with you, and all of us are
fully and passionately in favor of a better procurement
process. I hope that we can work together on improving that
process so as to cut costs and streamline the procurement and
acquisition process.
But as to the Joint Strike Fighter, the F-35, do you agree
with Lieutenant General Bogdan's remarks on that issue?
Mr. Estevez. I cannot speak for Lieutenant General Bogdan
who has the daily relationship with Lockheed and Pratt on that
contract. I can appreciate his frustration, and any PEO's
frustration is that we are trying to get the best value, best
buy for our dollar, and best capability for the taxpayer. That
puts some tension in the relationship with any contractor. We
do expect our contractors and want to hold them accountable and
will hold them accountable to produce.
Senator Blumenthal. I agree completely that they should be
held answerable and accountable for the quality of the product
and costs and so forth.
There is no question in your mind that this Nation is
committed to the F-35. Is there?
Mr. Estevez. No, there is not.
Senator Blumenthal. That the procurement and acquisition of
that plane really require us to remain, as much as possible, on
schedule in buying the airplane because that is the best way to
reduce the cost per unit?
Mr. Estevez. That is correct, Senator, though we would also
say we have flattened our buys as we work through some of the
issues that, to most extents, have been resolved, but we do
have some testing. A little less than 50 percent of the testing
is completed. There are some issues that need to be worked, and
before we ramp up production, we want to ensure that we are
getting the plane that we are paying for.
Senator Blumenthal. The effort to test and improve the
airplane really requires a close working relationship. Does it
Mr. Estevez. It does, Senator. It is not just at the
General Bogdan PEO level. We are working that up to the
Secretary level inside the Department.
Senator Blumenthal. My hope is that Lieutenant General
Bogdan's remarks do not reflect the general attitude in terms
of what that relationship has been or should be because I know
that American taxpayers would be disappointed if they believed
that somehow these contractors were in some way being
disingenuous, as I think those remarks imply. I am not sure
that the Department of Defense would agree with Lieutenant
General Bogdan in that implication.
Mr. Estevez. Again, I am not going to try to speak for
General Bogdan. He and I have not talked about the remarks as
reported in the newspaper. He is traveling in the world at the
We need and we strive to have and I believe we do have a
strong relationship with the defense industrial base to include
Lockheed and Pratt.
Senator Blumenthal. My own view, for what it is worth, is
that that relationship perhaps could be improved, and I hope
that you will endeavor to improve it, but that these remarks do
not reflect even the relationship as it stands now because I
think there are very complex and challenging issues related to
the development of this new aircraft that we have a common
interest in solving without the kind of tension that could be
exacerbated by these remarks. I have great respect for
Lieutenant General Bogdan. I am not being critical of him. As
you say, these remarks were reported in the newspaper, but I
know that Pratt & Whitney is fully committed to solving the
technical issues and to providing the best value to the
Department of Defense and the American taxpayer.
Mr. Estevez. I appreciate that, and frankly I believe that
Lieutenant General Bogdan would agree with you on that.
Senator Blumenthal. Thank you.
If I may ask Mr. Fanning. I know that the issue of suicide
in the military has been raised and I know that the Department
of Defense is endeavoring to address these issues very
My understanding is that civilian insurance companies have
the capability to look at lifestyle indicators, for lack of a
better word, facts about a person's lifestyle that provide some
indication about the possible tendency towards suicide. In
light of the very alarming statistics--and I know that
``epidemic'' is a vastly over-used term in the Nation's
capital, but certainly it is an alarming trend--I wonder
whether the Air Force has been able to make use of practices in
the civilian world by insurance companies to use those
indicators to identify people who may be more at risk.
Mr. Fanning. Thank you, Senator.
I think across the Department of Defense, there has been an
enterprise perspective or attempt to make use of those
indicators. We know, for example, that financial issues,
relationship issues, legal issues have a higher correlation to
suicide than even deployment schedules. I think the answer is
yes, and if confirmed into the Air Force, taking care of the
men and women who volunteered to serve would be the highest
priority I would think in my job and that would be one of the
things I would look at much more closely.
Senator Blumenthal. I just want to say--and I thank you for
that comment--my own view is that our people are our greatest
asset. As magnificent and amazing as the Joint Strike Fighter
is and all of our hardware, all of our weapons systems, the
people are still our greatest asset, and the more we can do to
attract and retain the very best by showing that we not only
care about them but we are willing to do something about it is,
I think, one of the great challenges ahead. It is one of the
reasons that I voted for Senator Hagel to be our next Secretary
of Defense because I think he is truly committed and passionate
about men and women in uniform and about our veterans. I would
just urge--you do not need my urging, but offer my help in any
way possible in any of those personnel issues that you may face
in your next job, assuming you will be confirmed as I expect
you will be.
Thank you, gentlemen, for your service to the Nation.
I thank you, Mr. Chairman. That concludes my questions.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Blumenthal.
Senator King.
Senator King. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
A few quick questions to each of you, some fairly specific,
and I will be submitting some questions for the record, Mr.
Chairman Levin. That will be fine.
Senator King. Mr. Fanning, we were disappointed and
somewhat surprised when Bangor, ME, was not selected as even a
potential base for the KC-46. What do you see for the future of
refueling? Is the KC-135 fleet a part of the future? My concern
is, obviously, that if the KC-46 is going to be the future of
refueling, I wonder about the future of the 101st wing in
Bangor. Can you talk to me about that?
Mr. Fanning. Not having been confirmed yet, Senator, I have
not been a part of those deliberations or the process by which
the Air Force decides its basing for the new tankers. But if
confirmed, just the timing of these announcements would make it
a first priority for me, and I would get back with you and your
staff to provide you more information on that.
Senator King. I hope you will because the 101st has done a
spectacular job over the last 10 or 15 years, given the
demands. I would hope that would be part of the future. Okay.
There will be some other questions for the record.
Mr. Estevez, on procurement, one of the real problems that
we are facing right now with the Continuing Resolution and the
sequester is the loss of multi-year procurement contracts. It
is bad for the taxpayers because you lose the benefit of multi-
year buys, and it is also terrible for the industrial base.
Will you work with us on these? In the authorization bill, we
have a multi-year procurement, for example, to take just--it
pops into my head, the 10-year DDG-51 procurement. How do you
see this as we get through this budget situation?
Mr. Estevez. I would agree with you.
Senator King. That was the right answer. [Laughter.]
Mr. Estevez. We have asked for those authorities to proceed
with those multi-years.
Now, if there is no money, that presents a problem for any
procurement, to tell you the truth, because we will have to
look at what is available in those accounts. But we have asked
for in our appropriation bill--and hopefully we will get one--
authority to do those multi-years.
Senator King. As I understand, the Appropriations Committee
bill that is ready to go has the multi-year procurement in it.
Is that your understanding? Out of the committee?
Mr. Estevez. The version that is out, yes.
Senator King. Changing the subject slightly, what is your
assessment of our logistical readiness for the drawdown in
Afghanistan? It is not going to be easy to get all that
materiel out of there. Where do we stand on that front?
Mr. Estevez. It is a fantastic challenge for the logistics
system. It is absolutely executable. It is going to be much
more difficult than the drawdown from Iraq. Afghanistan, just
from a geography standpoint, is a landlocked country. It does
not have the infrastructure that Iraq had. Nevertheless, our
logistics system is up to the task and we will be able to
execute the drawdown and remove our equipment from Afghanistan,
as well as our people, of course.
Senator King. It certainly is going to be a challenge
because there is no access by sea.
Mr. Vollrath, I had a colloquy with now Secretary Hagel.
When I meet with veterans in Maine, particularly the recent
people who have left the Service, one of the biggest problems
they find is the lack of information. It is a complicated
system with the Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense Departments
and all the different programs and what is available, what they
can access, how they do it. You folks have an extensive network
of recruiters who bring people in. I would like you to consider
and suggest a similar reciprocal program to help people when
they leave. Out-placement services is, in effect, what I am
suggesting. That was the number one problem that the veterans
brought to me when I was discussing this issue with them last
Do you have any thoughts about this?
Mr. Vollrath. Yes, I do, Senator. First, let me say thank
you to Congress for a law that was passed called the Vow to
Hire Heroes Act. That law stipulated that the Department of
Defense would set up a very robust transition assistance
program with the help of the Department of Labor and the
Department of Veterans Affairs. That transition assistance
program, as defined in law, has been put in place. Let me
describe the depth of that.
First, the Department of Defense will set up 100 percent of
every servicemember leaving Active Duty with a plan ahead.
Second, as part of that out-processing or that transition
process, that servicemember will receive up to 4 days of
transition assistance from the Department of Labor so that they
understand how to create a resume, they know how to interview,
and the Department of Labor will then give what is now termed a
warm hand-off to that servicemember to the community to which
they say they are going so that they have the name of a person
in the Department of Labor establishment in that locale that
they, in effect, can report to get the help.
The third part is the Veterans Administration. The VA has
up to 2 days with each of the persons separating to inform them
as to what their benefits are that can be provided by the
Veterans Administration in their totality, and probably most
important, sign them up before they leave for those benefits
and, like with the Department of Labor, create the warm hand-
off for that servicemember with a name in the community for the
Veterans Administration to which the servicemember intends to
In addition to that, we are instituting a three-pronged
voluntary session that each servicemember may avail themselves
of, if they wish. One is to help them apply for school fully,
if they want to go to college or to some trade school. We will
help them with the application and everything they need to get
on board.
Second, if they want to go to a trade school and get that
type of training, then the Veterans Administration, before they
leave, will also give them that capability and provide them
with a place to go and get that training that they desire.
The third has to do with the Small Business Administration
(SBA). The SBA has stepped up to the plate and they also are
providing to any servicemember that is departing a 4-day course
on how to be an entrepreneur to start a small business. That is
key, we believe and so does the SBA, because as you all know,
most of the jobs are created by small business in America.
So not only are we helping them transition, we are trying
to provide them the full measure of transition back into the
community. So your suggestion, Senator, I take fully and will
definitely run with it.
Senator King. It sounds like all the thinking is there. I
just hope that the execution matches the vision. Thank you very
I want to talk about rising personnel costs, but we will do
that on questions on the record. My time has expired.
Thank you, gentlemen, for your answers.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator King.
Just on that last question of Senator King, is there a
simple brochure which lays out each of those five points?
Mr. Vollrath. I do not have a simple brochure that does
that, but I have an information paper that does that.
Chairman Levin. Can you put together a brochure which you
could get to all the Members of Congress and then hopefully to
all the servicemembers who are leaving which describes what
efforts are being made to help them transition so that at one
place every one of our servicemembers who is leaving can see
this is what the Department of Defense is doing, this is what
you can expect? Because I think that what Senator King has
raised is something which is really very much on all of our
minds. I think he has really targeted something which we hear
an awful lot about.
Earlier today, Mr. Vollrath, I talked to you about what the
VA program is in one community college in my home State which
actually, apparently in a unique way, has a program which
veterans come to from around the country now that will help
give them credit for the work that they have done, the skills
that they picked up in the military and gaining early
certification from States for that particular skill whether
they are going to become a nurse or a medical assistant or a
truck driver with skills, whatever it is, whatever the skills
they gained in the military, that they do not have to duplicate
them and go through a 2-year program or a 1-year program when a
3-month program is all they need in order to qualify and to
smooth the way through the certification being done in advance
for them through the State agencies which have to certify those
skills before they can operate.
So that point which Senator King has gone through with you
is really a very significant part of what all of us I hope and
know are about. When you are confirmed or even before--but that
should come pretty quickly--work on that very simple one-pager
that could go on a website and can be printed out and handed to
those of us who still read.
Mr. Vollrath. Will do, Senator.
Chairman Levin. The printed word I should say.
Do any of my colleagues have any additional questions?
Senator King. My only comment, Mr. Chairman, based upon
what you just said and I alluded to it--in my experience,
execution is as important as vision. This is really how it is
executed on the street with these guys, men and women, as they
leave. That is critically important because this is what we are
hearing at home. Thank you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you all. We thank you, our nominees.
We look forward to your speedy confirmation and we thank you
and your families and friends who are here for your service and
their support of you in that endeavor. Congratulations.
We will stand adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 11:17 a.m., the committee adjourned.]
[Prepared questions submitted to Hon. Alan F. Estevez by
Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers supplied
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and the Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and clearly delineated the operational chain
of command and the responsibilities and authorities of the combatant
commanders, and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They have also clarified the responsibility of the Military Departments
to recruit, organize, train, equip, and maintain forces for assignment
to the combatant commanders.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater-Nichols Act
Answer. I do not see the need for modifications to any of the
Goldwater-Nichols Act provisions at this time. The Goldwater-Nichols
Act has cultivated jointness within the Department of Defense (DOD) and
has outlined appropriate responsibility to senior leaders within the
acquisition and logistics community.
Question. If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to
address in these modifications?
Answer. N/A.
Question. Section 133a of title 10, U.S.C., describes the role of
the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
Assuming you are confirmed, what duties do you expect that the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
(USD(AT&L) will prescribe for you?
Answer. If confirmed, I expect the USD(AT&L) will assign me duties
supporting the roles and missions assigned to him by the Secretary of
Question. What background and experience do you possess that you
believe qualifies you to perform these duties?
Answer. I have over 30 years of experience working in defense
establishments. For the last 6 years, I have operated at the most
senior levels within the Office of the USD(AT&L), the last 2 as the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
(ASD(L&MR)). Prior to that, I was the Principal Deputy to that position
for 5 years. For the last year, with the Principal Deputy AT&L position
vacant, I have assisted the USD(AT&L) in managing the full gamut of
AT&L issues and responsibilities to include not only acquisition,
technology, and logistics matters, but also industrial base issues,
installation and military construction issues, and operational energy
issues. I have a proven track record as a skilled manager who is able
to execute programs to completion and manage change. I have managed
complex programs across the defense enterprise, and have worked issues
at senior levels across the Federal Government, with Congress, and with
industry. I have led the defense logistics enterprise and directed
support to our forces in the field as we surged and subsequently drew
down in two wars. Simultaneously, I led efforts to lower the costs of
logistics. I have played a key role in driving our rapid acquisition
support in both Iraq and Afghanistan and ensured the delivery and
sustainment of critical capabilities, such as the Mine Resistant Ambush
Protected (MRAP) vehicles. I have provided direct oversight to the
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), a $50 combat support agency, as it has
supported our deployed forces, our organic industrial depots, and the
American people in disaster relief operations, to include Super Storm
Sandy. I have led the DOD efforts to ensure life cycle costs are
considered early in major acquisition programs. In short, I have proven
my skills in overcoming bureaucratic hurdles to provide needed
capabilities to our warfighters at best value for our taxpayers.
Question. Do you believe that there are any additional steps that
you need to take to enhance your expertise to perform these duties?
Answer. I believe that my expertise qualifies me to perform the
duties of the Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics (PDUSD(AT&L)), and that no further steps are
Question. Do you believe that any significant changes should be
made in the structure and decisionmaking procedures of DOD with respect
to acquisition matters?
Answer. No. I believe that the structure and decisionmaking
procedures of the DOD with respect to acquisition matters are sound and
efficient, and I do not advise making any changes.
Question. If confirmed, you will be responsible for assisting the
Under Secretary in the management of an acquisition system pursuant to
which DOD spends roughly $400 billion each year.
What background and experience do you have that you believe
qualifies you for this position?
Answer. I have over 30 years of experience operating in the defense
establishment, including 10 years as a Senior Executive. Over the last
6 years, I have worked at the most senior levels within the Office of
the Secretary of Defense. For the last 4 years, I have been responsible
for leading the defense logistics enterprise, providing superb support
to our warfighters engaged in combat operations while simultaneously
lowering the cost of logistics operations. I have assisted the past
three USD(AT&L)s in executing key programs, including enhancing our
acquisition life cycle management capabilities and oversight,
strengthening our nuclear parts management and oversight, executing
operational energy support to provide battlefield flexibility, and
driving the rapid acquisition process to provide and sustain
capabilities, such as MRAP vehicles to support our deployed forces. I
have played a key role in driving efficiencies in our budget, and in
properly managing the Department's budget execution, to include
supporting our efforts to achieve auditability. I am a proven leader
who has demonstrated the skills to manage complex programs and lead
change when necessary.
Question. What background or experience, if any, do you have in the
acquisition of major weapon systems?
Answer. I have been a senior leader in the Office of the USD(AT&L)
for the last 6 years, and I have been an advisor on the Defense
Acquisition Board during that time. I have had input to every major
defense weapon system acquisition program over that time period. I have
been the leader in our efforts to strengthen the Department's policies
to ensure sustainability and life cycle costs are considered in defense
programs, and I am responsible for the ensuring life cycle sustainment
projections are discussed as part of the acquisition process. I
initiated the requirement to make the development of a Life Cycle
Sustainment Plan part of a Program Manager's responsibilities, and I
worked with Congress to designate a Product Support Manager as key
program management leader. I have also been a key leader in the
Department's rapid acquisition efforts in support of our warfighters. I
played a key role in the acquisition, fielding, and sustainment of the
MRAP Family of Vehicle program, and led efforts to ensure that the
vehicles could be sustained in the field. I also helped to drive the
requirements for the rapid acquisition and fielding of the lighter MRAP
All-Terrain Vehicle (MATV) and the MRAP wrecker. I have a proven track
record of strong, common sense management and the ability to manage and
oversee change. These skills will be necessary to manage an acquisition
system in an era of declining resources.
Question. In carrying out your duties, what would be your
relationship with:
The Secretary of Defense.
Answer. If confirmed, I will support the Secretary of Defense's
priorities in acquisition, technology, and logistics.
Question. The Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Answer. If confirmed, I would support the Deputy Secretary's
priorities and direction in matters of acquisition, technology, and
Question. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics.
Answer. If confirmed, I will serve as the principal advisor to
USD(AT&L). In this role, I will support USD(AT&L) in his priorities and
duties and provide counsel, when needed.
Question. The other Under Secretaries of Defense.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) to coordinate
actions with the other Under Secretaries to best serve the priorities
of the Secretary of Defense.
Question. The Deputy Chief Management Officer of DOD.
Answer. If confirmed, I will assist USD(AT&L) in support of the
Deputy Chief Management Officer in the improvement of business
operations of DOD.
Question. The DOD General Counsel.
Answer. If confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) in working with the
General Counsel to ensure AT&L actions are legally and ethically within
regulations and appropriate statutes.
Question. The Director of Operational Test and Evaluation.
Answer. If confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) in his work with the
Director of Operational Test and Evaluation to ensure appropriate
oversight for major defense acquisition programs to assure that
acquisitions systems are effective and suitable for combat.
Question. The Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) and the Director
of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) to support CAPE's
efforts in providing the Department with independent cost analysis and
resource assessments for defense acquisition programs.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition.
Answer. If confirmed, I will assist the USD(AT&L) and the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition in providing oversight of Defense
acquisition systems and programs while taking into consideration life
cycle management costs.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) and the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering to ensure DOD
develops and incorporates latest technology and innovative capabilities
while aiming to reduce cost and risk.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and
Materiel Readiness.
Answer. I currently serve as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Logistics and Materiel Readiness (ASD(L&MR)). If confirmed, I will work
with the incoming ASD(L&MR) and USD(AT&L) to provide oversight to DOD
logistics programs operations.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy
Plans and Programs.
Answer. If confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) in his work with the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and
Programs to ensure support to the warfighter on the battlefield through
energy planning and innovation while mitigating risks and costs.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and
Chemical and Biological Defense Programs.
Answer. If confirmed, I will assist USD(AT&L) in his work with the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological
Defense Programs to protect the United States from nuclear, chemical,
and biological threats.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations
and Low Intensity Conflict.
Answer. If confirmed, I will assist USD(AT&L) and the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict
in their work to provide rapid capabilities to support special
operations, counter-narcotics, and stability operations.
Question. The Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations
and Environment.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L) and the Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment to provide
installation services that are cost-effective to support the
Question. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Developmental Testing.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) and the Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental Testing to ensure that
independent developmental testing assessments are used in informing
acquisition decisions.
Question. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for System
Answer. If confirmed, I will assist USD(AT&L) in his work with the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering to ensure
effective systems engineering throughout the life cycle of Major
Defense Acquisitions Programs, and to identify early and address
systems engineering gaps and deficiencies.
Question. The Director of Program Assessment and Root Cause
Answer. If confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) in directing the
Director of Program Assessment and Root Cause Analysis to ensure
comprehensive performance assessments are conducted on all Major
Defense Acquisition Programs and that cost and performance issues are
identified and resolved as early in the acquisition Milestone timeline
as possible.
Question. The Acquisition Executives in the Military Departments.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) and the Service
Acquisition Executives to ensure effective oversight and transparency
of acquisition programs. Additionally, I will support USD(AT&L) and
Service Acquisition Executives to share best practices and incorporate
these strategies throughout acquisition programs in the Department and
other Service branches.
Question. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) in his support of
the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as an advisor to the
Joint Requirements Oversight Council and a member of the Defense
Acquisition Board. USD(AT&L) and I will support the Vice Chairman by
ensuring that the requirements for acquisitions programs meet the
services' missions and are cost-effective.
major challenges and problems
Question. In your view, what are the major challenges that will
confront the USD(ATL)?
Answer. The principle challenges I may face as the PDUSD(AT&L) will
be providing needed capabilities to defend the country and maintain the
best military in the world, as outlined in our Defense Strategy, in a
time of declining resources. In the near term, the Nation is still at
war, we face the challenge of sustaining and drawing down our forces in
Afghanistan, an operation which will be significantly more difficult
than our drawdown in Iraq. We also must be able to sustain our
readiness across the globe and avoid the pitfalls of a hollow force. We
must manage our acquisition programs and our spending to ensure we get
the best capability needed at the right cost for the American taxpayer.
As military spending declines, we must ensure that our industrial base
remains strong and vibrant, and capable of producing the needed
innovations to build future military capability. While ensuring we
develop the capabilities for our future challenges, we must also
incorporate and not forget our hard learned lessons from our 12 years
at war, including our ability to rapidly meet warfighter needs and to
manage contractors on the battlefield. Finally, we must ensure we have
a workforce, both military and civilian, that is trained and motivated
to address these challenges. These challenges are exacerbated by the
current budget uncertainty and the specter of sequestration.
Question. Assuming you are confirmed, what plans do you have for
addressing these challenges?
Answer. If confirmed, I will support the USD(AT&L) to address these
We will continue to provide our warfighters the capabilities they
need today to be successful on the battlefield in Afghanistan, while
also providing the policies and supporting the processes needed to
successfully drawdown.
We will continue to strengthen our management of the acquisition
system under our Better Buying Power (BBP) initiative. We will work to
control and reduce costs and provide affordable programs to meet our
warfighters needs. We will continue to work with industry to provide
appropriate incentives--and appropriate revenue--to drive higher
productivity and stability, and we will work to identify, and protect,
as necessary, our most fragile industry skills and capabilities. We
will continue to drive changes in our doctrine and policy to
incorporate our lessons related to rapid acquisition and contingency
contract management. We will work to strengthen our workforce through
training and development, and by rewarding good performance while
holding people accountable for poor performance.
acquisition organization
Question. Do you believe that the office of the USD(AT&L) is
appropriately structured and staffed to execute its management and
oversight responsibilities?
Answer. Yes, I believe the office of the USD(AT&L) is appropriately
structured to execute its management and oversight of responsibilities
and will ensure that it remains so in the future. I believe we will
make some adjustments as we restructure the Deputy Under Secretary
positions as required by law.
Question. Do you see the need for any changes in the relationship
between the USD(AT&L) and senior acquisition officials in the Military
Answer. No.
Question. Do you see the need for any additional processes or
mechanisms to ensure coordination between the budget, acquisition, and
requirements systems of DOD and ensure that appropriate trade-offs are
made between cost, schedule, and performance requirements early in the
acquisition process?
Answer. I do not currently see the need for any additional
processes or mechanisms to ensure coordination between the budget,
acquisition, and requirements systems of the Department. The Joint
Requirements Oversight Council and the Defense Acquisition Board have
helped to ensure this coordination. If confirmed, I will continue to
support USD(AT&L)'s priority of using affordability caps to ensure
appropriate trade-offs between cost, schedule, and performance
requirements are made early in the acquisition process.
Question. What do you believe should be the appropriate role of the
Service Chiefs in the requirements, acquisition, and resource-
allocation process?
Answer. The Service Chiefs should and do play an integral part of
the requirements, acquisition, and resource-allocation process. The
Service Chiefs requirements and resource decisions inform the
professional acquisition workforce's acquisition decisions and are
essential to ensuring that these acquisitions programs are successful
from production to fielding and disposal. The Service Chiefs'
leadership in the budget and requirements process ensures that the
acquisition programs meet the needs of the Services, and are budgeted
with the life cycle of the program in mind. I believe it is essential
that our acquisition workforce work with the Service Chiefs to continue
to make well-informed decisions.
Question. What do you see as the potential advantages and
disadvantages to giving the Service Chiefs authority and responsibility
for the management and execution of acquisition programs?
Answer. It is essential that our acquisitions workforce work in
tandem with the Service Chiefs. We must recognize the fact that the
Service Chiefs are often not acquisition professionals. Their thoughts
and guidance are critical in the acquisitions process. However, the
management and execution of programs should be done by acquisition
professionals who have the necessary training, professional experience,
and qualifications.
Question. What do you believe should be the appropriate role of the
combatant commanders in the requirements, acquisition, and resource-
allocation processes?
Answer. Combatant commanders must identify requirements and
capability needs, and they must play a key role in the resource-
allocation processes. If confirmed, I will reinforce USD(AT&L)'s goal
of working with the combatant commanders in support of their
acquisition needs to support wartime operations and evolving threats.
The advice and input of the combatant commanders is needed to make sure
that acquisitions programs meet their needs in strategic operations.
Question. What improvements, if any, do you believe are needed in
the lines of authority and accountability for the procurement of major
weapon systems?
Answer. I do not believe any improvements are needed in the lines
of authority and accountability for the procurement of major weapons
systems. The current process flowing from the Defense Acquisition
Executive to the Secretaries of Military Departments to the Service
Acquisition Executives and Program Executive Officers to Program
Managers is successful so long as trained, competent leaders hold those
positions. While I see no need for a current change to this structure,
if confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L) to review the process to
see if changes are needed in the future.
Question. What steps if any will you take, if confirmed, to empower
program managers to execute major defense acquisition programs and hold
them accountable for how well their programs perform?
Answer. Empowering program managers to effectively and efficiently
execute major defense acquisition programs is a priority for USD(AT&L)
and, if confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) in this goal. Section 853
of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2007
and its subsequent modifications in section 814 of the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2009 required the Department to enhance the role of Program
Managers in developing and implementing acquisition programs. The
Department has developed a strategy to better educate and train program
managers to ensure leadership and program management accountability.
This strategy includes formal acquisition training, program reviews,
and Milestone Decision Authority forums led by program managers.
Program managers should be fully knowledgeable of their programmatic,
contractual, and financial details of their programs, and should be
able to measure performance against plans and adjust accordingly. BBP
2.0, laid out by USD(AT&L), re-emphasizes the responsibilities of
program managers. If confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) to continue to
empower program managers while holding them accountable.
major weapon system acquisition
Question. Do you believe that the current investment budget for
major systems is affordable given decreasing defense budgets, the
historic cost growth trends for major systems, and the continuing costs
of ongoing contingency operations?
Answer. There is great uncertainty about future budgets at the
present time. While I expect the costs of current contingency
operations to decrease in the coming years, the specter of
sequestration drive significant additional uncertainty. Without
sequestration, the current investment portfolio is affordable. However,
if the overall budget decreases more dramatically, it is unlikely the
Department could afford the current portfolio of major systems and
still maintain balanced risk in other parts of the budget.
Question. If confirmed, how do you plan to address this issue?
Answer. If confirmed, I would work with USD(AT&L) and others to
ensure that the Department adheres to a sustainable and affordable
investment strategy.
Question. Roughly half of DOD's major defense acquisition programs
have exceeded the so-called ``Nunn-McCurdy'' cost growth standards
established in section 2433 of title 10, United States Code, to
identify seriously troubled programs. Section 206 of the Weapon Systems
Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (WSARA) tightened the standards for
addressing such programs.
What steps if any would you take, if confirmed, to address the out-
of-control cost growth on DOD's major defense acquisition programs?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L), as part of our
BBP efforts, to make affordability and cost control a dominant part of
our acquisition culture. I will integrate affordability and cost-
consciousness into our decision processes, and enforce affordability
caps for both production and sustainment. I will work to appropriately
incentivize our industrial base partners though our contracts to
promote cost control. I will also work to ensure the Department's
requirements, acquisition, and budgeting processes ensure investment
decisions are informed by sound affordability constraints. For those
programs that do experience unacceptable cost growth, I would work
closely with USD(AT&L) and others within the Department to examine all
available options, including restructure or termination. Lastly, if
confirmed, I would focus on ensuring future programs are started with a
sound affordability and technical grounding to reduce the likelihood of
future growth in costs.
Question. What steps if any do you believe that the Department
should consider taking in the case of major defense acquisition
programs that exceed the critical cost growth thresholds established in
the Nunn-McCurdy provision?
Answer. I believe the basic requirements of the Nunn-McCurdy
provision are sensible in that they require a thorough review of the
root causes of the issues, as well as a careful examination of the
management of the program, costs and options going forward, and a
reassessment of the criticality of the particular program to meeting
validated requirements and national security needs. I also believe the
Department should continue to undertake similar kinds of reviews well
before required to do so by Nunn-McCurdy, and use available authorities
to make appropriate adjustments.
Question. Do you believe that the office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, as currently
structured, has the organization and resources necessary to effectively
oversee the management of these major defense acquisition programs? If
not, how would you address this problem?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you see the need for any changes to the Nunn-McCurdy
provision, as revised by section 206?
Answer. No. As I previously stated, I believe the basic tenets of
the Nunn-McCurdy provisions are logical. Consistent with other efforts
to streamline reviews in the Acquisition process, if confirmed, I would
work with USD(AT&L) to tailor the reviews to meet the requirements of
individual circumstances.
Question. What principles will guide your thinking on whether to
recommend terminating a program that has experienced critical cost
growth under Nunn-McCurdy?
Answer. If confirmed, I would be guided by the principles outlined
in the Nunn-McCurdy statute.
operating and support costs
Question. The Department estimates that operating and support (O&S)
costs account for up to 70 percent of the acquisition costs of major
weapon systems. Section 832 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012 requires
the Department to take a series of steps to improve its processes for
estimating, managing, and reducing such costs.
What is the current status of the Department's efforts to implement
the requirements of section 832?
Answer. The provisions of section 832 pertain to authorities vested
in both the USD(AT&L) and the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation
Office (CAPE). The two organizations have collaborated on implementing
policy that addresses the requirements outlined in section 832 through
a major revision of Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 5000.02,
Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, which includes
incorporating requirements from sections 805, 815, and 837 of the NDAA.
Additionally, the CAPE and AT&L have restructured the Defense
Acquisition Guidebook to further emphasize operations and sustainment
(O&S) cost management among the acquisition workforce.
Question. What steps remain to be taken to implement section 832,
and what is the Department's schedule for taking these steps?
Answer. AT&L will publish section 832 implementation guidance in
the DODI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, in
calendar year 2013. In addition, we will supplement the section 832
guidance with an operating and support cost management guidebook to
complement the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Office Operations
and Sustainment (O&S) cost estimating guidebook. This management
guidebook will further emphasize the importance of considering O&S cost
during system design trades early in a program's life, and assist
programs in developing Life Cycle Sustainment Plans that include
measures to control O&S cost. We are updating our guidance on
Independent Logistics Assessments to ensure results are unbiased, and
that programs use the assessments to improve reliability, availability,
maintainability and reduce cost. Further, AT&L will monitor program
efforts to manage and control O&S costs during Defense Acquisition
Executive Summary reviews. I expect the Department to issue this
amplifying guidance later this year.
Question. What steps, if any, are needed to ensure that the
requirements and acquisition communities fully and effectively
collaborate to understand and control the O&S costs prior to and early
in product development, when it is possible to have the most
significant impact on those costs?
Answer. The AT&L BBP initiative established an affordability cap
requirement for both acquisition costs and Operations and Sustainment
(O&S) costs. In so doing, we treat the O&S affordability cap in the
same manner as we do a Key Performance Parameter--it will not be traded
away against other system requirements. Accordingly, we are seeing
positive results in Service-implemented configuration steering boards
that facilitate active management of requirements between the
acquisition and warfighter communities. With the proper requirements
defined, AT&L evaluates a program's capability to meet availability and
reliability requirements through milestone reviews and developmental
and operational testing. The end result is an improved ability to
optimize readiness and costs over a programs lifecycle.
The Product Support Manager (PSM) is a critical facilitator of
collaboration between the acquisition and requirements communities.
Since the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2010, section 805 established the
requirement for PSMs, the Services have designated PSMs for Acquisition
Category (ACAT) I and II programs. We also established the PSM as a key
leadership position and revised the Life Cycle Logistics training
curriculum at Defense Acquisition University to better equip PSMs for
success. USD(AT&L) also provided detailed guidance in September 2011
for Program Managers and PSMs on development of the Life Cycle
Sustainment Plans (LCSP). The LCSP is the program's primary tool for
product support planning and is required for all acquisition
milestones. The LCSP must provide the program's plan to satisfy the
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System mandated
sustainment requirements, including the O&S cost key system attribute.
Question. What additional steps, if any, do you believe the
Department needs to take to bring O&S costs under control?
Answer. We must execute and enforce key steps in the BBP
initiative--sustainability, affordability, and cost constraints. We
must use ``should cost'' management to drive costs down, including for
sustainment contracts. We must ensure proper alignment of incentives
between the government and its contractors. We are integrating policy,
guidance, workforce training, and improved oversight of programs to
reduce and control Operations and Sustainment (O&S) costs. This
integrated approach provides better sustainment planning for those
programs in the developmental phases of the acquisition process, a
necessary first step to achieve quantifiable savings for programs in
the operating and support phases of the life cycle. Our success will be
the reduction of actual O&S costs realized in coming years.
systems engineering
Question. One of the premises for WSARA was that the best way to
improve acquisition outcomes is to place acquisition programs on a
sounder footing from the outset by addressing program shortcomings in
the early phases of the acquisition process.
Do you believe that DOD has the systems engineering and
developmental testing organizations, resources, and capabilities needed
to ensure that there is a sound basis for key requirements,
acquisition, and budget decisions on major defense acquisition
Answer. Yes. The Department has put emphasis on building the
systems engineering and developmental testing capabilities required for
acquisition. The numbers of system engineers and developmental testing
personnel has increased. There is a potential challenge with workforce
demographics as senior workforce personnel near retirement and a number
of relatively junior people gain more experience and proficiency. If
confirmed, I will strive to identify ways to address this problem.
Question. What is your assessment of the Department's
implementation to date of section 102 of WSARA, regarding systems
Answer. In response to section 102, the Department established the
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems
Engineering, and has staffed this office with highly qualified
professionals. There has also been additional guidance and oversight
provided to the systems engineering capabilities in the Military
Services. If confirmed, I will continue to support the Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering in his oversight of this
Question. What additional steps will you take, if confirmed, to
implement this provision?
Answer. I will work with the Service Acquisition Executives to
implement systems engineering policy and guidance to strengthen
implementation of section 102. We need to continue to address the
competency, capacity, and authority of the systems engineering
workforce as critical components of the acquisition system
open architecture programs
Question. Certain programs within DOD have made considerable
investments over the past several years in an effort to transition
development of combat systems to an open business model, commonly
referred to as Open Architecture (OA). OA systems are characterized by
modular design, public access to design specifications, software reuse,
common interface standards, and seamless interoperability between
system hardware and software applications. By exercising the
government's rights to the software developed with government funds,
rejecting proprietary and closed solutions, the government may be able
to bring to bear the critical elements of competition and innovation to
achieve improved system performance and affordability of major systems
both during the initial acquisition and during the sustainment phase.
To what extent do you believe that DOD implementation of an open
architecture strategy can lead to more efficient and effective
development, production and sustainment programs for major weapon
system acquisition?
Answer. I believe the Department must strongly promote competition
throughout the acquisition lifecycle to obtain the best value for the
warfighter at the lowest cost to the taxpayer. To support a competitive
environment, the Department has been aggressively pursuing open systems
architecture (OSA) as a means of opening our acquisition efforts to
greater competition, as well as more effectively managing intellectual
property to rapidly bring greater innovation, from a wider array of
sources, to the hands of our warfighter.
I support the Department focus on open systems architectures and
believe we must do a better job of creating options with approaches
like this to promote competition throughout the product lifecycle.
Promoting OSA business and technical best practices is one aspect of
BBP 2.0, and the Department is developing tools and guidance to ensure
that OSA practices are effectively applied.
Question. Are you aware of any legislative or regulatory
impediments to more broadly applying such a strategy?
Answer. I am not aware of any legislative or regulatory impediments
that inhibit implementing the DOD OSA strategy. The Department is
working on implementing the legislative authority given us in the last
NDAA for rights to data associated with segregation and reintegration
information. I believe this is a positive change that will be
especially helpful in crafting competitive open business models.
technological maturity
Question. Section 2366b of title 10, U.S.C., requires the Milestone
Decision Authority for a major defense acquisition program to certify
that critical technologies have reached an appropriate level of
maturity before Milestone B approval.
What steps if any will you take, if confirmed, to make sure that
DOD complies with the requirements of section 2366b?
Answer. If confirmed, I would support USD(AT&L) in his role as
chair of the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) and Milestone Decision
Authority (MDA) for Major Defense Acquisition Programs in fulfilling
this requirement.
Question. What steps if any will you take to ensure that the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental Test and
Evaluation are adequately staffed and resourced to support decisions
makers in complying with the requirements of section 2366b?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continuously monitor the staffing
levels for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and
Engineering and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Developmental Test and Evaluation to ensure they can comply with their
requirements, to include those tasks to certify critical technologies
for major defense acquisition programs as written in title 10, U.S.C.,
section 2366b. To date, I am not aware that these offices have been
unable to meet their statutory requirements, but I will be vigilant to
ensure they will be able to continue meeting this requirement.
Question. Some of the Department's largest and most troubled
acquisition programs appear to have suffered significantly from
excessive concurrency--the effort to produce a weapon system, even as
it is still being designed.
What impact do you believe that such excessive concurrency has on
our efforts to produce major weapon systems on schedule and on budget?
Answer. While some degree of concurrency may be appropriate, I
believe that when the proper balance is exceeded the result can
increase costs and lead to schedule delays. Any decision to
concurrently enter into production while still in the design phase must
take into account the risk in the development phase, the urgency of the
need, and the impact on cost and schedule as a result of concurrent
development. If confirmed, I will strive to ensure a careful balance is
established between the risk of concurrency and the urgency for the
need for programs that use it.
Question. What steps will you take, if confirmed, to address this
Answer. If confirmed, I intend to ensure that concurrency in any
planned major weapon system is thoroughly assessed from a risk and
benefit perspective before recommending the program for initiation, and
then re-evaluate the risks and benefits for each major program
decision. I expect cost and schedule estimates to clearly identify the
impact of any level of concurrent development and production. I will
also ensure that the risks are carefully tracked over the life of the
development effort.
joint strike fighter
Question. Secretary Kendall has been quoted as saying that it was
``acquisition malpractice'' to place the Joint Strike Fighter into
production years before the first flight test.
Do you share this view?
Answer. Yes, I share Under Secretary Kendall's view. Specifically,
the decision to begin production of the F-35 prior to flight test was a
departure from accepted and proven principles. As Under Secretary
Kendall has clarified, it is important to note that this judgment does
not extend to the F-35 program as a whole or any specific person. The
Department remains committed to the F-35 program and the program, if
appropriately managed, the program will provide the Department to
acquire a critical capability at an acceptable cost.
Question. What steps if any do you believe that we can take now to
address any problems or deficiencies that may have developed as a
result of excessive concurrency on the Joint Strike Fighter program?
Answer. I believe that the Department has already taken a number of
steps that will minimize the risks of concurrency. The decision to
maintain production at a fixed rate in fiscal years 2013 and 2014 will
allow time to validate and stabilize the design through the flight test
program. A ramp up in production is not planned until the need for
further design changes are reduced. The Low Rate Initial Production Lot
5 contract has been structured to ensure the appropriate amount of cost
risk is shared between the contractor and the Government. If confirmed,
I will ensure that future production decisions are based on adequate
understanding of the concurrency, costs, and design stability.
Question. What additional steps if any do you believe we should
take to avoid similar problems in future acquisition programs?
Answer. I believe we need to pursue acquisition strategies based on
the sound principles of program management and system engineering. If
confirmed, I will ensure that the acquisition and engineering
professional leadership in the Department reviews major programs early
and regularly to preclude planning that is overly optimistic in
assumptions. I believe that a program based on sound acquisition and
engineering strategies will have the best chance to succeed and execute
within planned cost and schedule.
fixed price-type contracts
Question. Section 811 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 requires the
use of fixed-price contracts for the production of major weapon
systems, with limited exceptions. Similarly, section 818 of the NDAA
for Fiscal Year 2007 establishes a preference for the use of fixed-
price contracts for the development of major weapon systems.
What is your understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of
using fixed-price contracts for the development and procurement of
major weapon systems?
Answer. The decision to use a fixed price or cost plus contract for
development and/or procurement of a major weapons system should be
based on an understanding of the requirement, the technical risk,
supplier experience and strength, and the market for the product. Fixed
price contracts limit the Government's exposure to financial risk, but
introduce other risks.
Development fixed-price contracts make sense where we have firm
requirements with technical trades complete, where design is
established and required technologies are mature (low risk), where
potential bidders have actual experience with the type of product
desired and where they have the capacity to absorb some level of
financial loss if problems arise. In this instance it is appropriate to
place the financial burden on industry. The disadvantage is if the
development effort experiences problems, there can be serious financial
impact for the contractor. Further, because of the fixed price nature
of the arrangement, it is much more difficult for the Government to
provide technical guidance without having to renegotiate the contract.
For procurement I'm much more comfortable with fixed price
contracts provided there has been sufficient development and testing to
have firm requirements, a proven design, established manufacturing
processes and qualified suppliers. Use of incentive contracts in early
production especially makes sense.
Question. Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe it is
appropriate for the Department to use a cost-type contract for the
development or production of a major weapon system?
Answer. Since most major weapon system development programs deal
with maturing designs and significant integration problems, the factors
I listed in the above question are not present and a fixed price
development contract imposes too much risk on industry. A cost plus
contract, on the other hand, reduces the financial risk and helps
facilitate a more open working relationship with industry to achieve
the desired outcome for the warfighter.
Question. Do you see the need for any changes in the law governing
the use of fixed-price contracts for the development and production of
major weapon systems?
Answer. No. The Federal Acquisition Regulation and the DOD Federal
Acquisition Regulation Supplement already provide adequate
technology transition
Question. The Department continues to struggle with the transition
of new technologies into existing programs of record and major weapons
systems and platforms. Further, the Department also has struggled with
moving technologies from DOD programs or other sources rapidly into the
hands of operational users.
What impediments to technology transition do you see within the
Answer. Over the past 2 years, as part of Deputy Secretary of
Defense's Warfighter Senior Integration group, I have seen improvements
in transitioning technology to the hands of the operator. However,
there are still impediments, such as the lead time and rigidity of the
budget process, the formality and inflexibility associated with
Programs of Record, the difficulties in altering military requirements,
and the hurdles small businesses and non-defense companies have in
doing business with the Government.
Question. What steps if any will you take, if confirmed, to enhance
the effectiveness of technology transition efforts?
Answer. There are already a number of activities underway in the
Department to enhance the effectiveness of technology transition. The
rapid acquisition programs that the Department has initiated to support
ongoing operations have been very successful at acquiring new
technologies and fielding them quickly.
The Department needs to institutionalize the rapid acquisition
process so that future urgent needs can also be met effectively, and
efforts are underway for expanding the rapid acquisition of Joint
Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs) from primarily off the shelf
technology to those that require some limited development time and may
not be directly associated with ongoing operations.
Under the BBP initiatives, the Department has taken steps to
improve the use of open systems and open architectures as a means of
permitting new technologies to be inserted into existing programs.
These are just examples of the types of steps the Department needs to
take to improve technology transition.
If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L) and Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering to drive additional
opportunities to enhance technology transition.
Question. What role do you believe Technology Readiness Levels and
Manufacturing Readiness Levels should play in the Department's efforts
to enhance effective technology transition and reduce cost and risk in
acquisition programs?
Answer. Technology and Manufacturing Readiness Levels (TRLs and
MRLs) are aids to understand how the maturity of technologies or the
lack of maturity can affect an acquisition programs risk. I believe
they are valuable knowledge-based benchmarks against which to assess
program risk, but I also believe that TRLs and MRLs alone are not
conclusive about whether or not a program should proceed to development
and production. Each decision requires an understanding of the actual
risk associated with a technology, and the steps that could be taken to
mitigate that risk. If confirmed, I will continue to use TRLs and MRLs,
but I will also seek to improve how we handle risk assessments early in
Question. Section 1073 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2011 established
a competitive, merit-based rapid innovation fund to accelerate the
fielding of technologies developed pursuant to SBIR projects,
technologies developed by the defense laboratories, and other
innovative technologies.
What is your view of the rapid innovation fund established by
section 1073?
Answer. This program emphasizes rapid, responsive acquisition with
preference to small, innovative businesses solving defense problems
using a fully merit-based, competitive proposal process. In September
2011, the Department issued the initial solicitations for Rapid
Innovation Fund (RIF) proposals, receiving over 3,500 responses, which
lead to awards of 177 contracts by the end of September 2012. Given
that the performance period for the majority of these contracts spans
18-24 months, my view is that it is too early to determine the RIF's
overall impact. Our implementation processes were successful in
obtaining proposals, primarily from small businesses. However, contract
awards should not be the sole criteria for success. I believe it will
take more time to objectively assess the effectiveness of RIF in
achieving its goals.
Question. In your view, has the Department been successful in
ensuring that awards under this program are made on a merit basis and
benefit the Department?
Answer. Yes, the Department successfully established a merit-based
Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) program. The Department employed Broad
Agency Announcements in 2011 and 2012 for a competitive, two-step
source selection process. This facilitated submission of white papers,
with a ``go/no go'' evaluation, followed by request for full proposals
to the highest rated ``go'' proposals. All vendors received a
notification. With regard to program benefit, it will be at least 12-24
months before the Department can effectively evaluate the outcome and
benefits of RIF. However, owing to the in-depth involvement by
acquisition program staff in evaluation of RIF proposals, I expect
substantial benefits to be demonstrated.
unrealistic cost, schedule, and performance expectations
Question. Many acquisition experts attribute the failure of DOD
acquisition programs to a cultural bias that routinely produces overly
optimistic cost and schedule estimates and unrealistic performance
expectations. Section 201 of WSARA seeks to address this problem by
promoting early consideration of trade-offs among cost, schedule, and
performance objectives in major defense acquisition programs.
Do you believe that early communication between the acquisition,
budget and requirements communities in DOD can help ensure more
realistic cost, schedule, and performance expectations?
Yes, early communication between these three communities is
essential at all levels
Question. If so, what steps if any would you take, if confirmed, to
ensure such communication?
Answer. If confirmed, I would reinforce existing efforts in the
area of early communication between the communities. I will work with
the component acquisition executives to stress the importance of their
participation in similar early discussions for all acquisitions in
their organizations. I will also stress the need to forge closer
collaboration and understanding between those articulating military
needs and those charged with fulfilling those needs. After early
consideration of cost and capability trade-offs, I will strive to
sustain stable programs through mechanisms such as Configuration
Control Boards, and other forums where requirement, acquisition, and
financial communities can interact usefully to achieve affordable and
realistic outcomes. I will also foster training that inculcates these
approaches into the culture of our workforce.
Question. DOD has increasingly turned to incremental acquisition
and spiral development approaches in an effort to make cost, schedule
and performance expectations more realistic and achievable.
Do you believe that incremental acquisition and spiral development
can help improve the performance of the Department's major acquisition
Answer. Yes, but I recognize this is not a panacea, and how these
approaches are applied to a particular situation requires careful
deliberation. The strategy can be effective when faced with technology
that is rapidly changing or we are faced with an evolving threat. It
can also allow the fielding of a capability to the force that is ``good
enough'' in the short-term, while continuing to advance a new
technology to upgrade the system to provide the warfighter with a
technical advantage long-term.
Question. What risks do you see in the Department's use of
incremental acquisition and spiral development?
Answer. Applied appropriately, in the right circumstances, these
approaches should not add additional risk. Technical risk can be
minimized with a design that allows for incremental addition of
capability, but this must be inherent in the program plans from the
outset so that upgrades to the final configuration are as seamless as
possible, or rolled into the product as changes in the production
sequence. These approaches require careful consideration of technical
rights, open or commercial standards, and interface requirements. If
requirements are not clearly defined early in the effort, schedules are
not realistic and resources are not provided in the required amount and
with the proper phasing, the acquisition will take longer, cost more,
and deliver less, regardless of the program's execution method.
Question. In your view, has the Department's approach to
incremental acquisition and spiral development been successful? Why or
why not?
Answer. I believe that the Department's approach to incremental
acquisition and spiral development has had varied results. As with any
approach, there are examples of both effective and ineffective
employment of this type of acquisition process in the Department's
history. It has been more challenging than expected in certain cases to
``pre-plan'' future spirals of capability. Employed carefully, in the
right circumstances, these approaches can be successful and if
confirmed, I would work to achieve that.
funding and requirements stability
Question. The poor performance of major defense acquisition
programs has also been attributed to instability in funding and
requirements. In the past, DOD has attempted to provide greater funding
stability through the use of multi-year contracts. Section 814 of the
NDAA for Fiscal Year 2009 requires the use of Configuration Steering
Boards to exercise control over any changes to requirements that would
increase program costs.
Do you support the use of Configuration Steering Boards to increase
requirements stability on major defense acquisition programs?
Answer. Yes. Activities such as Configuration Steering Boards
provide a leadership forum to review proposed changes to programs in
terms of requirements, technology, or system configuration with the
intent to preclude adverse program impacts on cost or schedule. If
confirmed, I will continue to emphasize the positive aspects of
Configuration Steering Boards and other similar forums.
Question. What other steps if any would you recommend taking to
increase the funding and requirements stability of major defense
acquisition programs?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with senior leaders in DOD to
strive to maintain funding and requirement stability to the maximum
extent possible. The acquisition, requirements, and resource
communities must work together to ensure programs have realistic
requirements and funding profiles at inception, and must continue to
work effectively together as programs execute throughout the lifecycle.
multi-year contracts
Question. The statement of managers accompanying section 811 of the
NDAA for Fiscal Year 2008 addresses the requirements for buying major
defense systems under multi-year contracts as follows: ``The conferees
agree that `substantial savings' under section 2306b(a)(1) of title 10,
U.S.C., means savings that exceed 10 percent of the total costs of
carrying out the program through annual contracts, except that multi-
year contracts for major systems providing savings estimated at less
than 10 percent should only be considered if the Department presents an
exceptionally strong case that the proposal meets the other
requirements of section 2306b(a), as amended. The conferees agree with
a Government Accountability Office (GAO) finding that any major system
that is at the end of its production line is unlikely to meet these
standards and therefore would be a poor candidate for a multi-year
procurement contract.''
If confirmed, under what circumstances, if any, do you anticipate
that you would support a multi-year contract with expected savings of
less than 10 percent?
Answer. Though each situation is different, I believe that multi-
year contracts can provide substantial cost savings and should be
considered as an option to best serve the warfighter and taxpayer. Key
considerations would be the total savings that could be achieved and
the firmness of the procurement plan. While 10 percent or more is the
goal, it should not be an absolute standard; a lesser percent on a
large procurement still yields significant dollar savings for the
Department. If the Department is confident that the procurement is
needed during the time period, then every opportunity for potential
savings and increasing buying power will be critical in balancing the
Department's budget as budgets decline.
Question. If confirmed, under what circumstances, if any, would you
support a multi-year contract for a major system at the end of its
production line?
Answer. I would have to review the merits of the particular
situation since these are complex circumstances without simple answers,
and there may be times it may be appropriate. In general, I would look
for the total savings potential and stability in the planned
Question. What are your views on multi-year procurements? Under
what circumstances do you believe they should be used?
Answer. I believe multi-year procurements are beneficial if they
provide significant savings to the taxpayer, and there is a firm
commitment to the planned procurement to provide stability to the
industrial base. The circumstances and risks of each case need to be
weighed carefully on the individual merits, but the magnitude of the
savings and the expected stability of the program are among primary
Question. Under what circumstances, if any, should DOD ever break a
multi-year procurement?
Answer. I would expect such a circumstance to be very unusual, but
in the rare situation when it occurs, it could be an outcome of a
decision to not to fund a program due to unanticipated budget cuts
forcing the Department to reprioritize, an inability of the contractor
to perform so another supplier must be arranged for, or an
unanticipated threat that makes the program unneeded. If confirmed, I
would continue to support the Federal laws and defense contracting
regulations concerning multi-year procurement.
continuing competition and organizational conflicts of interest
Question. Section 202 of WSARA requires DOD to take steps to
promote continuing competition (or the option of such competition)
throughout the life of major defense acquisition programs.
What is your view on the utility of continuing competition as a
tool to achieve long-term innovation and cost savings on major defense
acquisition programs?
Answer. Competition is the Department's most effective tool to
reduce prices, and DOD should use direct competitive acquisition
strategies whenever possible. Competition allows the Department to
leverage innovation, science and technology, design, and drive
efficiency through a program's lifecycle, providing a stronger return
on investment. The Department should attempt to use this paradigm as
much as possible in its programs and contracting strategies. Using the
BBP initiatives, we have stressed the need for a competitive
environment to the greatest extent possible in all our programs,
realizing the classical head to head competition situation is not
always viable. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) to continue to
stress creating a competitive environment as one of the most effective
ways the Department has of controlling cost.
Question. Do you believe that such continuing competition is a
viable option on major defense acquisition programs?
Answer. Yes, creating competition at both the prime and sub-
contract level is among one of the most powerful tools available to the
Department to drive productivity and control cost. To ensure that
competition is emphasized during each phase of the acquisition process,
the Department has issued policy requiring our Program Managers to
present a competition strategy at each program milestone. If confirmed,
I will work with USD(AT&L) and Component Acquisition Executives to
ensure this policy is effectively executed.
Question. In your view, has the consolidation of the defense
industrial base gone too far and undermined competition for defense
Answer. The consolidation of the defense industrial base has left
us with a limited number of prime contractors. Further consolidation at
the prime contractor level is probably not in the best interest of the
taxpayer or the Department. If confirmed, I will review any proposed
business deal objectively on its merits and provide my input to the
USD(AT&L). I expect to see increased activity in mergers and
acquisitions in the lower tiers of the industrial base, and even
consolidations to further streamline capabilities and respond in a
market-driven manner to the reduced budgets anticipated over the coming
decade. The USD(AT&L) and I will examine these transactions carefully
on a case-by-case basis to preserve competition and facilitate the most
efficient and effective industrial base possible.
Question. If so, what steps if any can and should DOD take to
address this issue?
Answer. The Department's policy is to allow market forces to shape
the market except in those cases that eliminate competition and are not
ultimately in the best interest of the Department and taxpayer. The
Department discourages mergers and acquisitions among defense materiel
suppliers that are anti-competitive or injurious to national security.
The Department is not, however, an antitrust regulator and the ability
for the other regulatory agencies to intervene must meet statutory
criteria. In cases of concern, I would ensure the Department provides
information and support needed to the antitrust regulators for their
merger reviews. I would also seek to encourage new entrants or
exploration of alternatives in cases where consolidation has resulted
in a loss of competition.
Question. Section 203 of WSARA requires the use of competitive
prototypes for major defense acquisition programs unless the cost of
producing such prototypes would exceed the lifecycle benefits of
improved performance and increased technological and design maturity
that prototypes would achieve.
Do you support the use of competitive prototypes for major defense
acquisition programs?
Answer. Yes. Competitive prototyping can be an effective mechanism
for maturing technology, refining performance requirements, and
improving our understanding of how those requirements can drive systems
acquisition costs. They should be used primarily as a means of reducing
future risk in the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) and
production phase. There are cases however when the cost in time and
money associated with competitive prototypes outweighs the potential
Question. Under what circumstances do you believe the use of
competitive prototypes is likely to be beneficial?
Answer. Competitive prototyping is risk reduction; however, this
comes with a tradeoff of cost and schedule. Like all other risk
reduction techniques, competitive prototyping has to be considered on a
case-by-case basis and it has to reduce the risk of entering
Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD). The level of risk
depends on the maturity of candidate technologies, and more
importantly, the risk associated with integrating those technologies
into a viable product. When planned or proposed technology has
implementation risk, particularly in an integrated product, and has not
been demonstrated adequately, competitive prototyping during the
technology development phase can be a key element of a comprehensive
technical risk management process. Overall, competitive prototyping can
provide benefits beyond risk reduction to include sustaining
competition further into the design process, reducing total program
cost, and lead to better products for our warfighters.
Question. Under what circumstances do you believe the cost of such
prototypes is likely to outweigh the potential benefits?
Answer. In cases where the material solution is based on mature
technologies and demonstrated designs with little integration risk, the
additional costs, and schedule of competitive prototyping may not
offset the potential reduction of risk and overall system lifecycle
costs. Prototypes requiring very high investments with the prospect of
very limited production runs are also not likely to be cost effective.
For example, competitive prototyping of ships and satellites is
frequently cost-prohibitive, both in a Technology Demonstration phase
and in Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase. When a low risk
approach is taken such as using a modified non-developmental item the
benefits of competitive prototyping may not justify the cost.
implementation of the weapon systems acquisition reform act of 2009
Question. Several new major weapons programs have been started
since the WSARA was enacted. Examples include the Ohio-class Submarine
Replacement Program, the KC-46 Aerial Refueling Tanker Replacement
Program, the VXX Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program, and the
Ground Combat Vehicle Program.
In your view, how effectively have such ``new start'' major defense
acquisition programs abided by the tenets, and implemented the
requirements, of the WSARA, particularly those that address ``starting
programs off right'' by requiring that early investment decisions be
informed by realistic cost estimates, sound systems engineering
knowledge, and reliable technological risk assessments?
Answer. I believe the Department has abided by the tenets and
effectively implemented the requirements of WSARA in each of its ``new
start'' programs begun since WSARA's enactment. The certifications
required by WSARA provide a means to enforce each program's
implementation. Each of the new start programs cited above received
careful attention to develop well understood and technically achievable
requirements with a sharp focus on affordability. I strongly believe
that the keys to successful program execution are sound and realistic
planning at program initiation, which are fundamental principles
embodied in WSARA.
Question. Where do you think there might be room for improvement?
Answer. I believe WSARA provides adequate guidance and authority
without the need for changes at this time. If confirmed, I will support
USD(AT&L) and ensure the ``new start'' programs implement WSARA and BBP
initiatives to maximize the program's probability of successfully
delivering affordable, technically sound capability to the warfighter
and the taxpayer. Fundamentally, the BBP initiatives that Deputy
Secretary Carter and Under Secretary Kendall started are based on the
premise that the Department can learn from experience and continuously
improve. If confirmed, I will work to identify and implement continuous
improvements to the acquisition system.
the better buying power initiative
Question. DOD's Better Buying Power initiative provides acquisition
professionals with important guidance on how to achieve greater
efficiency, enhanced productivity, and affordability in how the
Department procures goods and services.
If confirmed, what steps if any will you take to follow-through on
this guidance and ensure that it is implemented as intended?
Answer. I will work closely with USD(AT&L) on a daily basis as we
continue to pursue the efficiency, productivity, and affordability
initiatives started in 2010 under BBP. The BBP initiatives are not
static, they are under continuous review and are being modified, added
to, and matured as the Department learns more from its experience with
the initiatives. If confirmed, I will follow-through on implementation
of the initiatives and carefully consider additional steps consistent
with the principles and objectives of the initiatives.
Question. What steps do you believe the Department should take to
strengthen and improve the implementation of the BBP initiative?
Answer. The Department is fully dedicated to the successful
implementation of BBP. Under Secretary Kendall recently introduced BBP
2.0 as part of the Department's commitment to continuous process
improvement in the defense acquisition system. Many of the initiatives
encompassed in BBP 2.0 are continuations from earlier BBP initiatives
begun in 2010, because their implementation is long-term and ongoing.
If confirmed, I will work closely with USD(AT&L), the Component
Acquisition Executives, and others in the Department to monitor and
drive the implementation of these initiatives, as well as identify
additional ways to improve implementation. I will ensure we update
appropriate policies and regulations, issue additional guidance, update
training, and institute data collection mechanisms to objectively
assess outcomes.
urgent and emerging needs
Question. Section 804 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2011 required the
Department to establish procedures to ensure that rapid acquisition
processes are not misused for the acquisition of systems and
capabilities that are not urgent and would be more appropriately
acquired in accordance with normal acquisition procedures.
Do you agree that rapid acquisition procedures are not generally
suited to the acquisition of complex systems that require substantial
development effort, are based on technologies that are unproven, and
are too risky to be acquired under fixed price contracts?
Answer. I agree that rapid acquisition procedures are not generally
intended for programs of the complexity normal for a standard
developmental acquisition program. The Department reserves rapid
acquisition procedures for urgent requirements where a capability must
be delivered as soon as possible, but generally within 24 months. These
programs, by their nature, are not sustained development programs. They
generally have limited cost risk as compared to traditional major
development efforts, and if a nondevelopmental solution exists, it
makes sense to acquire that solution in order to meet warfighter needs
as soon as possible. However, for many Joint Urgent Operational Needs
(JUONs) and Joint Emergent Operational Needs (JEONs), some
modification, integration, or development of existing products is
required to satisfy the requirement. Not all of these programs are
suitable for fixed price contracts because they often utilize small,
non-traditional suppliers who are not capable of absorbing the cost
These issues are considered when the requirement is initially
validated, and the acquisition community continues to review them as
the program progresses to ensure that we meet warfighter requirements
in as timely way wherever possible. There may also be exceptional cases
where a technological leap by an adversary may call for taking unusual
risks not normally typified under rapid acquisition procedures. If
confirmed, I will review the Department's use of rapid acquisition
procedures to ensure that they are being properly applied.
Question. DOD recently established a new category of requirement,
known as Joint Emergent Operational Needs (JEON). Like JUONs, JEONs may
be acquired through rapid fielding processes. Unlike JUONs, however,
JEONs are not limited to capabilities that can be fielded within 2
years, do not require extensive development, are based on proven
technologies, and can be appropriately acquired through fixed price
contracts. The committee report on the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013
directs the Department to develop additional protections to ensure that
the JEON process is not abused.
Would you agree that it would be inappropriate to use the JEON
process to initiate significant acquisition programs without conducting
cost-schedule-performance trade-offs, developing reasonable cost,
schedule, and performance expectations, providing strong systems
engineering, and ensuring the use of appropriately mature technologies?
Answer. In general, I agree that a JEON is not intended as a
mechanism to initiate a Major Defense Acquisition Program. There may be
exceptions in which a rapid development initiated as a JEON (or even a
Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON)) could lead to significant
acquisition programs. For example, route clearance vehicles acquired in
response to a JUON provided the first V-shaped hulled vehicles to Iraq
and Afghanistan. Their success in theater led to the initiation of
additional JUONs that resulted in a significant acquisition program--
the MRAP class of vehicle.
I understand that it is important to evaluate cost, schedule and
performance trade-offs for JEON solutions because doing so is critical
to responding to these requirements in a way that is consistent with
their urgency. Systems engineering, cost and performance tradeoffs, and
addressing technical maturity for JEONs, within the time available, is
critical to ensuring we deliver sufficient capability when it is
needed. The Department tailors its acquisition processes to ensure we
address these important considerations while meeting the warfighter's
immediate need. If confirmed, I will review the Department's handling
of JEONs to ensure the appropriate procedures are in place and are
being followed.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that the Department
develops additional guidance for JEONs, in accordance with the
direction of the committee report on the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013?
Answer. Yes.
contracting for services
Question. By most estimates, the Department now spends more for the
purchase of services than it does for products (including major weapon
systems). After a decade of rapid growth, section 808 of the NDAA for
Fiscal Year 2012 placed a cap on DOD spending for contract services for
fiscal years 2012 and 2013. Section 955 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year
2013 requires a 5 percent reduction in spending for contract services
over the next 5 years.
Do you believe that DOD can do more to reduce spending on contract
Answer. Yes, that is why I strongly support USD(AT&L) and
Department leadership in continuing to make this a priority as
indicated in USD(AT&L)'s November 13, 2012, memorandum entitled,
``Better Buying Power (BBP) 2.0: Continuing the Pursuit for Greater
Efficiency and Productivity in Defense Spending''. Through the
initiatives that began under the original BBP in 2010, BBP 2.0 will
focus on initiatives to improve our stewardship over service contracts,
while ensuring the Department only acquires what it truly needs as
economically as possible.
Question. Do you believe that the current balance between
government employees (military and civilian) and contractor employees
is in the best interests of DOD?
Answer. I believe the Department must routinely assess its Total
Force mix to ensure an appropriate alignment of workload to military,
civilian, and contract support. This alignment is driven by many
variables, it takes time to rebalance, and is likely to change based on
mission, operating environment, workload, and costs. I think we must
ensure that we have a properly sized and highly capable government
workforce that guards against an erosion of critical, organic skills
and an overreliance on contracted services, particularly in such areas
as acquisition program management, information technology, and
financial management. However, the Department must also recognize the
contributions and value of the private sector as a vital source of
expertise, innovation, and support to the Department's Total Force. If
confirmed, I will continue to support the administration's and
Department's focus on ensuring our utilization of contracted support is
appropriate given the nature of the mission, risks, and work required.
Question. What steps if any would you take, if confirmed, to
control the Department's spending on contract services and ensure that
the Department complies with the requirements of section 808 and
section 955?
Answer. USD(AT&L) is continuing to make the acquisition of services
a priority as part of his broader BBP initiatives. Through the
initiatives that began under the original BBP in 2010, there will be a
focus on initiatives to improve our stewardship over service contracts.
If confirmed, I will support every effort to continue the Department's
effort to comply with the requirements of sections 808 and 955. The
Deputy Secretary of Defense has issued guidance to the Department on
how to comply with the limitation on funds for contracted services
imposed by section 808. Subsequently, a class deviation to the Defense
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) implementing that
guidance has been issued on July 31, 2012.
Question. Would you recommend the use of fixed price contracts as
the preferred contracting method for services? If not, why not?
Answer. I would recommend that for service requirements that can be
expressed in performance-based terms, with a defined output, the
Department use fixed-priced contracts as the preferred method. However,
contract type must be tailored to each particular requirement in order
to influence desired results with the contracted service provided. For
example, where contracted support is level of effort in nature, with no
defined output, a cost plus fixed fee arrangement may likely be an
appropriate approach. If confirmed I will support efforts to continue
to address the determination of appropriate contract type as a key
element of consideration in the review and approval process of
acquisition strategies for service requirements.
Question. Under what circumstances do you believe that fixed price
contracts should or should not be used for the purchases of services?
Answer. I would recommend fixed price contracts be used for work
that can be expressed in performance-based terms that has a defined
Question. Section 812 of the NDAA for 2007 required DOD to develop
a management structure for the procurement of contract services.
Sections 807 and 808 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2008 (subsequently
codified in section 2330a of title 10, U.S.C.) require DOD to develop
inventories and conduct management reviews of contracts for services.
Do you believe the Department is providing appropriate stewardship
over service contracts?
Answer. Yes I do, but recognize there is room for further
improvement in the Department's stewardship. If confirmed, I would
strongly support USD(AT&L) and Department leadership in continuing to
make this a priority in the BBP initiatives, which focus on initiatives
to improve our stewardship over service contracts.
Question. Do you believe that the Department has appropriate
management structures in place to oversee the expenditure of more than
$150 billion a year for contract services?
Answer. Yes, though they can continue to be improved and expanded
upon. The Military Departments, DLA, and the Missile Defense Agency,
which have the largest portion share of the Department's expenditures
on the acquisition of services, have identified a Senior Service
Manager who is responsible for overseeing all acquisition of services.
These Senior Service Managers are responsible for identifying and
implementing more effective methods to procure required services and
meeting on a regular basis to share lessons learned and best practices.
Each of these Senior Service Managers has developed its own
organizational structure and mechanisms to provide the appropriate
oversight, management structure and review process for the acquisition
of services. In addition, all acquisitions for services which exceed $1
billion are reviewed and approved by the Director, Defense Procurement
and Acquisition Policy and his staff to ensure that the strategy
incorporates tenets the Department has established as requirements for
the effective acquisition of services.
Question. Do you support the use of management reviews, or peer
reviews, of major service contracts to identify ``best practices'' and
develop lessons learned?
Answer. Yes, I believe that the Peer Review process that the
Department has employed on the acquisition of services implemented for
service contracts, and other major acquisitions, has been extremely
beneficial. For acquisitions of services valued at $1 billion or more,
a Peer Review team, comprised primarily of senior leaders and attorneys
from outside the military department or defense agency whose
procurement is the subject of the review, meet with acquisition teams
to critically assess whether the acquisition process for services was
well understood by both government and industry individuals. Similarly,
military departments and defense agencies have developed and are
executing plans to accomplish Peer Reviews within their respective
organizations for acquisitions valued at less than $1 billion. The Peer
Review process helps the Department to influence consistency of
approach, ensure the quality of contracting, and drive cross-sharing of
ideas such as best practices and lessons learned.
Question. If confirmed, will you fully comply with the requirement
of section 2330a, to develop an inventory of services performed by
contractors comparable to the inventories of services performed by
Federal employees that are already prepared pursuant to the Federal
Acquisition Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Section 863 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2011 requires DOD
to establish a process for identifying, assessing, reviewing, and
validating requirements for the acquisition of contract services.
What is the status of the Department's efforts to implement the
requirements of section 863?
Answer. On March 4, 2012, the Deputy Secretary of Defense sent a
memorandum to the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the
Directors of the Defense Agencies directing they submit their
respective processes and initial implementation plans to fulfill the
requirements of section 863. The components have now submitted their
plans through the Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition
Question. What steps remain to be taken, and what schedule has the
Department established for taking these steps?
Answer. The BBP initiatives recently announced by USD(AT&L)
includes as a new initiative to expand the use of requirements review
boards and tripwires. This initiative recognizes that a more robust
process is required to identify, assess, review, and validate
requirements for contracted services. Implementation details are
expected in the coming weeks. If confirmed, I will support vigorous
Question. What additional steps if any would you take, if
confirmed, to improve the Department's management of its contracts for
Answer. Consistent with statutory requirements for management
oversight and control processes and the requirements in the original
BBP memorandum of September 14, 2010, the components have put in place
a framework to manage the acquisition of services. The components have
each established a senior manager for services acquisitions. If
confirmed, I would continue to support the Director of Defense
Procurement and Acquisition Policy in developing, for the Under
Secretary's approval, a new Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) to
govern the acquisition of services to replace and expand upon existing
guidance in DODI 5000.02, Enclosure 9. Further, I would support
rigorous oversight of these policies, once put in place.
contractor performance of critical governmental functions
Question. Over the last decade, the Department has become
progressively more reliant upon contractors to perform functions that
were once performed exclusively by government employees. As a result,
contractors now play an integral role in areas as diverse as the
management and oversight of weapons programs, the development of
personnel policies, and the collection and analysis of intelligence. In
many cases, contractor employees work in the same offices, serve on the
same projects and task forces, and perform many of the same functions
as DOD employees. Section 1706 of title 10, U.S.C., as added by section
824 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, requires that key positions on
major defense acquisition programs be filled by full-time government
In your view, has DOD become too reliant on contractors to support
the basic functions of the Department?
Answer. I recognize that the private sector is, and will continue
to be, a vital source of expertise, innovation, and support. DOD, which
relies on an all-volunteer military force, cannot operate without the
support of contractors. We must also maintain a properly sized, and
highly capable, government workforce that guards against an erosion of
critical, organic skills and an overreliance on contracted services. If
confirmed, I will continue to support the administration's and
Department's focus on ensuring our utilization of contracted support is
appropriate given the nature of the mission, risks, and work required.
Question. Do you believe that the current extensive use of personal
services contracts is in the best interest of the Department of
Answer. Generally, I do believe that personal service contracts,
established in accordance with the applicable statues, are in the best
interest of the Department. I recognize that certain requirements, such
as limited use of medical care providers, may be appropriately
fulfilled using personal service contracts. However, I also recognize
that service contracts that have been categorized as nonpersonal
contracts may inappropriately evolve into personal service arrangements
in practice. If confirmed, I will work to address this risk and enforce
the limits on use of personal service contracts.
Question. What is your view of the appropriate applicability of
personal conflict of interest standards and other ethics requirements
to contractor employees who perform functions similar to those
performed by Government employees?
Answer. When it is appropriate for contractors to perform work that
is similar to work performed by government employees, my view is that
those contractor employees should be held to similar ethical and
conflict of interest standards as the government employees they
support. In particular, they should not be allowed to misuse the
information which may be available to them as a result of their
performance under a DOD contract.
wartime contracting
Question. The number of U.S. contractor employees in Afghanistan
now substantially exceeds the number of U.S. military deployed in that
Do you believe that the Department of Defense has become too
dependent on contractor support for military operations?
Answer. At this time, I do not believe the Department is too
dependent on contractors in support of military operations. The Total
Force is comprised of U.S. military forces, DOD civilians, and our DOD
contractor partners. We live in a constrained resource environment and
future operations will continue to use this Total Force. Military force
structure is fixed by law, and we concentrate military manpower on
combat capabilities and selected tasks that are inherently
governmental. In addition, deployable DOD civilians also handle
inherently governmental tasks. Military planners typically assign the
remaining tasks to other elements of the total force, many of which are
appropriate for contractor support. Contractors are force multipliers,
performing non-inherently governmental functions, and allowing limited
military resources to focus on what they are trained to do. Going
forward, our management of contractors in support of military
operations requires constant attention and review to continue to
identify management improvements.
Question. What risks do you see in the Department's reliance on
such contractor support? What steps do you believe the Department
should take to mitigate such risk?
Answer. The risks associated with a heavy reliance on contractor
support include possible loss of selected services for future
contingencies in changed operational environments, the migration of
inherently governmental functions to contractors, the erosion of the
Department's critical core knowledge and capability, and the risk of
losing contingency contract management expertise and structure that has
been established over the last several years. I will ensure we conduct
risk assessments associated with reliance on contract support in a
variety of contingency operations to ensure the risks are addressed and
mitigated. The Department must properly incorporate enduring polices,
training, and doctrine to alleviate these risks. If confirmed, I will
support the additional steps to integrate contractor support estimates
into existing planning processes and procedures, and in force planning
scenario development and joint force assessments.
Question. Do you believe the Department is appropriately organized
and staffed to effectively manage contractors on the battlefield?
Answer. Yes, though each situation will be different, and this was
not always the case. We are constantly improving our processes and
procedures based on feedback from commanders in the field,
congressional support, and suggestions from our service providers. The
Department is aggressively operational contract support constructs to
better manage contractors on the battlefield. This approach
incorporates Requirement Definitions, as prescribed by Congress; Risk
Management; and Operational Contingency Management practices that
include consideration of contingency contractors and operational
support capabilities in mission planning and execution.
Question. Section 848 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2011, section 820
of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012, and section 845 of the NDAA for
Fiscal Year 2013 establish planning requirements for contractor
logistics support.
What is the status of the Department's efforts to implement the
requirements of sections 848, 820, and 845?
Answer. As required by section 820, contractors have been
recognized as part of the Total Force, in addition to military and DOD
civilians, in the appropriate strategic documents including the
Quadrennial Defense Review and relevant policy and planning documents.
Additionally, section 820 risk assessments on the use of contractors
are being conducted, and contractors are being integrated into force
mix evaluations and operational planning, including the biennial risk
assessments by the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. Over the past 6
years the Department has made far reaching improvements in the
management and oversight of contractors to include contractor officer
representative training, instruction in our senior service colleges,
and in the General Officer/Flag Officer Capstone training.
Strategically, the Operational Contracting Support Functional
Capabilities Integration Board (FCIB) governance structure oversees
continuing efforts to meet requirements outlined in section 845, as
well as, requirements in previous legislation, the findings of the
Commission on Wartime Contracting, and the Gansler Commission.
Question. What additional steps do you believe the Department needs
to take to improve its planning processes for the use of contractors in
contingency operations?
Answer. As required by law, we continue to refine contractor
support requirements definition, the contingency program management
organization, and related processes to ensure all needs are captured to
avoid unnecessary duplication of capabilities, and to ensure we are
synchronized with our agency partners. The recent transition in Iraq
and the pending transition in Afghanistan have provided us numerous
lessons learned in these areas.
With regards to operational contracting support, the Joint Staff is
finalizing their important update to Joint Publication 4-10,
Operational Contract Support. Planners at each of the combatant
commands have developed annexes for contracted support in key OPLANS
and CONPLANS, and we are continuing to improve the plans for integrated
contracted support at the service component level. If confirmed, I will
continue to monitor their initiatives closely.
Question. Sections 841 and 842 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012
gives the Department new tools to ensure that it does not enter
contracts with any person or entity who is actively supporting hostile
forces in Afghanistan.
What is the status of the Department's efforts to implement the
requirements of sections 841 and 842?
Answer. The Department implemented sections 841 and 842 in the
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) via the Class
Deviation #2012-O0005 on January 26, 2012. The deviation adds two new
clauses to the DFARS--252.225-7993, Prohibition on Contracting with the
Enemy in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Theater of Operations; and
252.225-7994, Additional Access to Contractor and Subcontractor Records
in the U.S. Central Command Theater of Operations.
This class deviation allows the Heads of Contracting Activity (HCA)
to exercise the authorities provided in the deviation, upon receipt of
the enemy notification letter from the CENTCOM Commander, to restrict,
terminate, or void contracts with persons or entities that support an
insurgency or otherwise actively oppose U.S. or coalitions forces in
Afghanistan. This deviation also grants contracting officers an
additional access to any contractor's records, including
subcontractors, regardless of contract value, to ensure Department's
contracts are not subject to extortion or corruption. The CENTCOM
Commander has issued four section 841 notifications to date, resulting
in the termination of three subcontracts.
Question. What additional steps do you believe the Department needs
to take to avoid contracting with the enemy in Afghanistan?
Answer. I believe sections 841 and 842 provide the Department
sufficient statutory authorities to avoid contracting with the enemy in
Question. Does the Department need additional tools for this
Answer. I believe the tools provided through sections 841 and 842
are sufficient to enable us to succeed in this area.
private security contractors
Question. Do you believe the Department of Defense and other
Federal agencies should reduce their reliance on contractors to perform
security functions that may reasonably be expected to require the use
of deadly force in highly hazardous public areas in an area of combat
Answer. I believe the use of private security contractors must be
carefully considered against the risk of becoming involved in combat
operations. I also believe it may be appropriate to use private
security contractors for specific security functions in contingency
operations when they are limited by specific rules of engagement.
However, the Department of Defense must provide proper guidance and
supervision when using private security contractors and must ensure
they do not engage in combat operations.
Question. What steps if any would you take, if confirmed, to ensure
that any private security contractors who may continue to operate in an
area of combat operations act in a responsible manner, consistent with
U.S. defense and foreign policy objectives?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure the Department of Defense has
policies that effectively guide the operations of private security
contractors when they are used, and that we provide proper oversight.
We must also ensure all contractors, to include private security
contractors, are legally accountable for their actions, and that
private security contractors that operate in an area of combat and
contingency operations act responsibly.
Question. Section 846 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 requires the
Department of Defense to undertake risk assessments and risk mitigation
whenever it relies on contractors to perform critical functions in
support of overseas contingency operations.
What steps will you take, if confirmed, to ensure that the
Department fully implements the requirements of section 846?
Answer. I believe that contract support is an essential part of the
total force and will remain so in the future. In many cases contractors
are absolutely vital. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Department
of Defense policy and operational guidance addresses this requirement,
and that proper risk assessments are conducted.
u.s. special operations command acquisition authorities
Question. U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is unique within
the DOD as the only unified command with acquisition authorities and
funding. Further, the Commander of SOCOM is the only uniformed
commander with a subordinate senior acquisition executive.
Would you recommend any changes to SOCOM's current acquisition
Answer. I would not recommend any changes at this time. If
confirmed, I will support continued dialogue between SOCOM and
USD(AT&L) to improve acquisition efficiency and effectiveness.
Question. What role do you believe SOCOM's development and
acquisition activities should play in broader Service and Department of
Defense efforts?
Answer. I believe the Department should always seek the broadest
benefit and application of its development and acquisition activities.
The best way for the Department to take advantage of potential
synergies and identify best practices is through close coordination
between SOCOM's activities and the broader Department acquisition
system. This coordination would also help to eliminate duplication and
control costs.
Question. If confirmed, how would you ensure that special
operations capabilities and requirements are integrated into overall
Department of Defense research, development and acquisition programs?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to support the ``SOCOM
Acquisition Summit'' that meets in person every 6 months to coordinate,
collaborate, and integrate SOCOM's activities with the rest of the
Department. This initiative, instituted by Deputy Secretary Carter and
Under Secretary Kendall, has proven very beneficial to both SOCOM and
the Department. I see the summit as important to ensure SOCOM's
acquisition needs are understood and integrated with other Department
pass-through contracts
Question. Section 852 of the John Warner NDAA for Fiscal Year 2007
requires the Department of Defense to promulgate regulations
prohibiting excessive ``pass-through'' charges on DOD contracts.
Section 802 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 adds the requirement for
contracting officers to consider the availability of alternative
contract vehicles before entering into pass-through contracts in the
first place.
In your view, how extensive is the use of pass-through contracts in
the Department of Defense and how important is it for the Department to
reduce the use of such contracts?
Answer. To the extent that pass-through costs exist, I believe it
is important to reduce these costs because of the complexity of the
weapon systems being procured by the Department. Prime contractors
generally need to subcontract a portion of the effort in order to
provide the most effective overall response to the requirement.
However, I do not believe that there are necessarily extensive pass
through costs associated with these subcontracting efforts. In response
to the requirements of section 852 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2007,
the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) were modified to require
prime contractors to identify their intention to subcontract more than
70 percent of the total cost of work to be performed, and to provide a
description of the added value being provided by the prime as related
to the work to be performed by the proposed subcontractors.
Question. What changes, if any, would you recommend to the
requirements of section 852 and section 802 regarding pass-through
Answer. Per statute, the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State
(State), and the Administrator of U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) have 180 days from enactment to implement section
802 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 to issue guidance and implement
regulations. A Federal Acquisition Regulation case, 2013-012, was
established for this purpose. Until this guidance is developed via the
regulatory rule making process, it is difficult to comment on changes
required by either section.
Question. What additional steps, if any, do you believe the
Department should take to address the problem of excessive pass-through
Answer. At this time, I believe we should wait for the Departments
of Defense, State, and USAID to develop the guidance and regulations
required by section 802 to determine if any additional steps need to be
interagency contracting
Question. What is your assessment of the risks and benefits
associated with DOD's continued extensive use of interagency contracts?
Answer. When used properly, interagency contracts can reduce
procurement lead time, reduce administrative costs, and support
strategic sourcing objectives. I believe DOD, in collaboration with
numerous non-DOD agencies, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy,
and Congress, have implemented processes and procedures that minimize
the potential for inappropriate usage. I note on February 14, 2013, the
GAO removed the Management of Interagency Contracting from their ``2013
High Risk List''. I believe this action reflects these efforts and
acknowledges that the risk of inappropriate usage under interagency
contracts has been significantly reduced.
Question. Do you believe additional authority or measures are
needed to hold DOD or other agency personnel accountable for their use
of inter-agency contracts?
Answer. No. I have not seen any information that current policies,
statute or regulations are not adequate. DOD policy encourages the use
of an interagency solution when it's the best procurement approach and
is a good business decision for the Department. Recent changes to the
Federal Acquisition Regulations have bolstered the documentation
requirements when conducting an interagency acquisition.
Question. Do you believe contractors have any responsibility for
assuring that the work requested by DOD personnel is within the scope
of their contract?
Answer. Yes, I believe contractors should review any order they
receive to ensure the supplies or services ordered by the Government
are within the scope of the contract that the requirement is being
placed under. However, the contracting officer has primary
responsibility for ensuring the work is within the scope of the
particular contract. If a contractor has any concern that the work
ordered is not appropriate under the contract then they should contact
the agency contracting officer who placed the order and request
Question. Do you believe that DOD's continued heavy reliance on
outside agencies to award and manage contracts on its behalf is a sign
that the Department has failed to adequately staff its own acquisition
Answer. No, on the contrary, Congress has provided authority for
numerous agencies to provide acquisition support to others. These
potential solutions provide DOD requirements, organizations, and
contracting officers additional flexibility and opportunity, not
previously available, to best meet warfighter and mission needs. The
use of interagency solutions enhances the Department's efforts to run
as efficiently and effectively as possible and is consistent with our
BBP initiatives.
acquisition of information technology
Question. Most of the Department's Major Automated Information
System (MAIS) acquisitions are substantially over budget and behind
schedule. In particular, the Department has run into unanticipated
difficulties with virtually every new business system it has tried to
field in the last 10 years. Section 804 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year
2010 required the Department of Defense to establish a new acquisition
process for information technology.
Do you believe that unique problems in the acquisition of business
systems require different acquisition strategies or approaches?
Answer. Yes, some business systems require acquisition approaches
different from those normally used by the Department to acquire weapons
systems. Business systems acquisition approaches should be tailored to
the product being acquired. Information technology developed by the
software industry for the commercial sector is aligned to best
practices for personnel management, finance and accounting, contract
management, and the supply chain. In order to be adopted for use by
DOD, emphasis needs to be placed on re-engineering Department business
processes to align with best practices. The Department has already
begun to adapt to the unique challenges of business information system
acquisition through the implementation of the Business Capability
Lifecycle (BCL), which emphasizes well defined increments of capability
that are developed, tested, and often fielded in increments structured
around 1-2 year software builds. In addition, this approach will also
be incorporated in the revised DOD Instruction 5000.02. If confirmed, I
will assess this further and continue to promote practices that support
better acquisition decisions of business systems.
Question. What steps if any do you believe the Department of
Defense should take to address these problems?
Answer. The Department has issued guidance requiring the use of the
Business Capability Lifecycle (BCL) for the acquisition process for
business systems, which is an important step for improving the
acquisition process for business systems. Over the past year this
approach has been mandated for all new start business systems that are
above the statutory Major Automated Information System (MAIS)
threshold. In addition, this approach will also be incorporated in the
revised DOD Instruction 5000.02. If confirmed, I will continue to
support USD(AT&L) in his efforts to improve performance in this area
and will continue to monitor the effectiveness of this approach to
acquiring business systems to determine if further changes are needed.
Question. What steps has the Department taken to implement the
requirements of section 804? What steps remain to be taken?
Answer. The Department continues to make progress implementing
several of the key approaches outlined in section 804, specifically in
the areas of Acquisition, Requirements, Testing and Certification, and
Human Capital. We have implemented a framework for implementing a more
flexible and streamlined process for the acquisition of business
information systems to include the Business Capabilities Lifecycle. The
Department's testing community has been working in collaboration with
USD(AT&L) to incorporate an integrated testing, evaluation, and
certification approach to reduce redundancies and improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of testing on the Department's information
systems. The Joint Staff continues to work efforts to include more
streamlined requirements management and approval process for
acquisition of information systems. A comprehensive review of
Information Technology (IT) acquisition competencies is also currently
being conducted by the Department's Chief Information Officer. This
review will update the IT acquisition competencies to better define DOD
critical skill sets. If confirmed, I will continue to assess these
actions to ensure continued progress in these areas.
Question. If confirmed, how would you work with the Chief
Information Officer of the Department of Defense to take these steps?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to work closely with the DOD
CIO, and I will ensure the OUSD(AT&L) staff and the DOD CIO staff work
collaboratively to identify and take steps needed to improve the
acquisition of IT based capabilities. Program Managers responsible for
procuring IT have traditionally been charged with acquiring the
infrastructure they need to support their assigned procurement. This is
an essential area for the Department to achieve consistently better
outcomes given the continuing rapid evolution of technology.
Question. Section 806 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2011 gives the
Department of Defense new tools to address supply chain risk in the
acquisition of information technology.
What is the status of the Department's efforts to implement the
requirements of section 806?
Answer. The authorities provided by section 806 have the potential
to significantly reduce risks associated with those who may have
intentions to damage our systems and capabilities through the supply
chain. We are working to exercise these authorities effectively. The
Department has submitted a draft DFARS rule (2012-D050) in order to
make use of the section 806 authority to the Defense Acquisition
Regulation (DAR) Council. We anticipate the DFARS rule will next go to
OMB with a request for an interim rule. In the meantime, we have been
conducting table top exercises with the Services and Agencies to
understand what implementation would look like, and documenting
supporting tools and guidance.
Question. What additional steps do you believe the Department needs
to take to address supply chain risk?
Answer. We must continue to incrementally refine and extend
implementation of our Trusted Systems and Networks and Program
Protection Planning strategies. The Department has developed a
foundation for addressing supply chain risk in acquisition, and
codified this in DODI 5000.02 program protection planning practice, as
well as the DODI 5200.44 Trusted Systems and Networks policy, co-signed
in November 2012 by USD(AT&L) and CIO. The Department will continue to
implement these policies. No additional authorities are needed at this
time to address supply chain risk management.
Question. Section 818 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012 establishes
new requirements for DOD and its contractors to detect and avoid the
use of counterfeit electronic parts.
What steps has the Department taken to implement the requirements
of section 818?
Answer. In March 2012, AT&L published overarching Counterfeit
Prevention Guidance employing a risk-based approach to the detection,
prevention, reporting, and disposal of counterfeit parts in accordance
with NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012 section 818. Additionally, we have
drafted a Department-wide Counterfeit Prevention Policy based on the
legislation and the March 2012 overarching guidance memorandum.
The Department has developed training and education programs which
are available to DOD personnel and other Federal employees. The
Department is also currently conducting a study into hardware (HW) and
software (SW) assurance testing which will result in a state-of-the-art
report on HW/SW testing tools/techniques by the end of 2013.
Question. What steps remain to be taken, and what schedule has the
Department established for taking these steps?
Answer. We are nearing completion on a department-wide Counterfeit
Prevention Policy based on the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012 section 818
legislation and the AT&L March 2012 overarching guidance memorandum
with an estimated issue date in the second quarter of fiscal year 2013.
We have also drafted three proposed rules currently making their way
through the review and approval process: (1) DFARS case (2012-D055)
``Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts'', (2) a
drafted FAR case (2013-002) ``Expanded Reporting of Non-conforming
Items'', and (3) a proposed FAR case (2012-032), ``Higher level
Contract Quality Requirements.'' We expect publication of the three
proposed rules for public comment in calendar year 2013. Meanwhile, we
are modernizing the GIDEP system to improve functionality, data
throughput, customer support functions, and the ability to accommodate
international requirements.
Question. What additional steps do you believe the Department needs
to take to address the problem of counterfeit electronic parts?
Answer. We will need to continue to collaborate with industry, law
enforcement, Federal agencies, and OMB to develop strategies and
acceptable global awareness standards to minimize the introduction of
counterfeit parts in the DOD supply chain. The Department also needs to
explore expanding the use of technology in combating this threat
through detection and prevention of their items entering our supply
chain. We continue to evaluate different identification technologies
and quality control techniques, including enhancements in our test and
inspection regime to better assure parts authenticity, and provide
early identification of non-conforming materiel. We will continue to
participate in industry-sponsored working groups, such as those hosted
by the Aerospace Industry Association, the trade association for many
of our prime suppliers, and the Society of Automotive Engineers, as we
strive for ``improved'' commercially acceptable global sourcing
Question. Some have argued that the current test and evaluation
process does not appropriately address the unique circumstances
applicable to the acquisition of information technology systems.
What steps if any do you believe the Department should take to
improve the test and evaluation process for information technology
systems, including their vulnerabilities in the face of a growing
cybersecurity threat environment?
Answer. Information systems technologies exist throughout virtually
every system the Department operates and produces. While information
technology systems are currently tested as part of the acquisition
process, the Department should explore the effectiveness of more
efficient and tailored test strategies for each of these types of
systems. For example, consideration should be given to earlier
interoperability and cyber security testing to support the software
development process. The Department should also seek to improve
capabilities and approaches that promote a more continuous test
approach that integrates developmental test, operational test, as well
as certification and accreditation activities. If confirmed, I will
work to improve our ability to test information technology systems.
cyberspace-related procurement policy
Question. DOD's new strategic guidance highlights the increasing
importance of cyber operations with respect to both defensive and
offensive capabilities. As a result, this is one of the few areas in
which the Department is proposing to increase its investments.
What acquisition challenges do you foresee that are unique to the
procurement of cyber-related capabilities?
Answer. I foresee many dynamic challenges in this area. The
Department recently instituted a new process for cyber acquisition to
recognize and address these issues, and more effectively acquire
capabilities for offensive and defensive cyberspace operations.
To keep pace with the threat and changing technologies, cyber
related products must often go through the acquisition lifecycle of
development, testing, and fielding on very short timelines. The
challenge to acquiring cyber capabilities at the pace needed will be
managing the risk while streamlining the acquisition process;
accommodating the rapid pace of information technology changes; and
maintaining a rapid pace while prudently evaluating operational
performance prior to fielding. This requires timely collaboration
across a very broad spectrum of stakeholders, including industry
partners, to ensure appropriate results are achieved. If confirmed, I
will work closely with USD(AT&L) to implement and refine the approaches
to address these challenges.
Question. What steps if any will you take, if confirmed, to address
these unique challenges?
Answer. Section 933 of the Ike Skelton NDAA for Fiscal Year 2011
directed the Department to provide a strategy for the rapid acquisition
of tools, applications, and other capabilities for cyber warfare. In
response, the Department created a Cyber Investment Management Board
(CIMB) and prescribed processes to meet urgent acquisition needs for
cyber capabilities.
If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L) to help actively
oversee the Department's cyber acquisition investments in cooperation
with appropriate personnel across the Department. I will also work with
other Federal agencies and with industry to address the challenge of
acquiring cyber offense and defense capabilities, especially in the
Defense Industrial Base as highlighted in the recent Executive Order on
Critical Infrastructure and Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21--
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.
acquisition workforce
Question. Section 852 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2008 established
an Acquisition Workforce Development Fund to help the Department of
Defense address shortcomings in its acquisition workforce. The fund was
restructured and extended by section 803 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year
Do you believe that the Acquisition Workforce Development Fund is
still needed to ensure that DOD has the right number of employees with
the right skills to run its acquisition programs in the most cost
effective manner for the taxpayers?
Answer. Yes. The fund has enabled DOD to strengthen the workforce
in many critical functions and is needed for continuous improvement of
workforce skills and qualifications. The quality of the workforce and
their efforts are vital to acquisition outcomes that support the
warfighter while managing of taxpayer resources.
Question. If confirmed, what steps will you take to ensure that the
money made available through the Acquisition Workforce Fund is spent in
a manner that best meets the needs of the Department of Defense and its
acquisition workforce?
Answer. If confirmed, I will support USD(AT&L) as he works with
senior acquisition leaders and the leadership of the Military
Departments to wisely use the fund to implement strategic guidance and
priorities, which include providing the right balance across various
acquisition professional career fields, and improving the
professionalism and qualifications of the workforce.
the defense industrial base
Question. What is your view of the current state of the U.S.
defense industry?
Answer. I believe the Department relies on a broad technical and
industrial base that is far more global, commercial, and financially
complex than ever before. For the past decade the defense industrial
base has enjoyed a period of increasing budgets that is now at an end.
In addition, financial uncertainty has caused firms to delay investment
decisions and seek other markets. While I think our industrial base is
currently strong, I am concerned about the impact that further defense
budget cuts would have on the ability of the base to provide the broad
range of products and services that the Department and our Nation need.
If confirmed, the continuing health of the industrial base will be a
high priority for me.
Question. Do you support further consolidation of the U.S. defense
Answer. I believe that the expansion and consolidation of
industries and companies at all tiers is the hallmark of a robust free
market economy as it responds to the market forces. I expect, and
encourage the free market to act when faced with changing demand
signals. However, I also believe the Government must be watchful for
consolidations that eliminate competition or cause market distortions.
The Department's leadership, including Deputy Secretary Carter and
Under Secretary Kendall, have indicated that further consolidation at
the top tier would not be viewed favorably, though it is reasonable to
expect continued mergers and acquisition in the lower tiers in response
to anticipated reduced budgets. I believe that each individual case of
consolidation, acquisition, or merger dealing with our defense firms
must be examined carefully for what is best for the warfighter and the
taxpayer, particularly with regard to its impact on competition.
Question. What is your position on foreign investment in the U.S.
defense sector?
Answer. Foreign investment in our industrial base has generally
benefitted the United States, including DOD, by providing needed
capital and increasing access to leading-edge technologies. However, I
believe foreign investment, particularly in the defense sector, can
expose critical national defense-related technologies to risks,
including the possible loss of intellectual property that gives our
warfighters the technological edge they rely upon. Congress has put
provisions in place to address critical national security concerns of
this nature, including the Committee on Foreign Interests in the United
States (CFIUS) led by the Department of the Treasury. If confirmed, I
will continue DOD's commitment to its oversight function and to
ensuring that national security concerns are addressed in transactions
that involve foreign investments in the United States.
Question. What steps if any do you believe the Department of
Defense should take to ensure the continued health of the U.S. defense
Answer. If confirmed, I would ensure the sources of manufacturing
and services that DOD relies on are capable of meeting our warfighters'
requirements. I will ensure the Department proactively monitors the
industrial base to identify risks that need to be addressed on a case-
by-case basis. When necessary and as resources permit, the Department
should be prepared to act to ensure that certain key industrial
capabilities are sustained, although we must recognize this will not be
possible in every case.
I believe the Department must simultaneously be receptive to
industry's concerns and address their issues as effectively as
possible, consistent with the Department's priorities and the resources
available. I will also continue to make myself assessable to industry,
as I always have, working closely and communicating to ensure that, as
DOD makes changes necessary to adapt to a new set of strategic and
budgetary challenges, it does not inadvertently jeopardize critical
elements of the industrial base.
Question. What is your understanding of the status of the
Department's ongoing Sector-by-Sector, Tier-by-Tier (S2T2) analysis of
the defense industrial base?
Answer. In 2012 the Department tested the S2T2 analytical process
with the Army M-1 Abrams program. It was a labor-intensive
collaboration between OSD and the Army to identify the most critical
and fragile capabilities in the industrial base, and develop a cost
effective option for preserving the ability to support the current
generation and next generation of ground vehicles. I note that this is
a process, rather than a single analysis, and the Department has plans,
which I would support if confirmed, to expand this process to more
broadly support the other services and perform an assessment of
multiple sectors and programs.
Question. Has the Department taken any concrete steps to enhance
the health and status of a particular sector or tier based upon this
Answer. The test case for S2T2 analysis is the M-1 Abrams program.
The primary goal of the assessment was to preserve the tank industrial
base by developing an affordable acquisition profile that would
maintain needed industrial capabilities. Potential Foreign Military
Sales were factored in as a way to make-up for at least some lost work.
Bridge buys or other forms of investment were also factored in for
critical and fragile second to fourth tier suppliers to determine the
fiscal year 2014 funding profile required to address risks in 2015.
Where practical, targeted investments using existing authorities and
other programs are being considered to improve and preserve critical
manufacturing capabilities.
Question. Under what circumstances if any do you believe the
Department should use Defense Production Act Title III authorities to
address defense industrial base needs?
Answer. I believe that the Department should only use title III
authorities when it meets the two determinations consistent with
section 303 of that law that: taking such action is essential to the
national defense; and without such action, U.S. industry cannot
reasonably be expected to provide the capability for the needed
industrial resource, material, or critical technology item in a timely
manner. These decisions must be informed by a thorough industrial base
analysis, consultations with the Defense Production Act Committee
(DPAC), as well as the advice of other agencies in determining
industrial base priorities for DPA title III investments.
Question. What is your view of current or anticipated consolidation
efforts by major defense contractors?
Answer. As I stated in my previous response, I do not foresee a
time in the near future where further consolidation of this part of the
base would be in the best interest of the warfighter or the taxpayer. I
believe that we should preserve as much competition as possible and
avoid market distortions not in the best long-term interests of the
science and technology
Question. What, in your view, is the role and value of science and
technology programs in meeting the Department's transformation goals
and in confronting irregular, catastrophic, traditional and disruptive
Answer. Science and Technology (S&T) programs of the Department
have always been critical to meeting new and emerging threats, and I
anticipate this will continue. S&T helps the Department meet
transformation goals; and continues to address emerging threats such as
anti-access/area denial challenges. With a focused, high quality,
aggressive science and technology program that is responsive to the
full range of capabilities required by our Armed Forces, we will be
able to preserve the future and maintain technological superiority over
our adversaries.
Question. If confirmed, what direction will you provide regarding
funding targets and priorities for the Department's long-term research
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L), the ASD(R&E)
and the department's leadership to provide direction for funding
targets for long-range research, balanced against other priorities. The
Department and the administration have placed a strong emphasis on
sustaining S&T spending. Secretary Panetta and the USD(AT&L) have
repeatedly indicated that technological superiority underpins the
Department's recently released Military Strategy Guidance; I share that
view. If confirmed I will continue that emphasis and, subject to the
Secretary's approval, use available mechanisms for establishing funding
Question. What specific metrics would you use, if confirmed, to
assess whether the Department is making adequate investments in its
basic research programs?
Answer. Establishing viable metrics to assess investments in basic
research has proved to be difficult, in part because the time scale
from basic research funding to output and fielded system can be long.
If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L) and the ASD(R&E) to assess
investments made by the military services and agencies in basic
research and ensure effective management of this portfolio. Specific
metrics should include publications, patents, and technology
transitions to our acquisition programs. However, these are incomplete,
and if confirmed, we will continue to seek basic research metrics.
Question. Do you feel that there is sufficient coordination between
and among the science and technology programs of the military services
and defense agencies?
Answer. I believe that the Department is improving in this area,
with additional room for improvement. The Department has recently
reintroduced the process whereby all S&T portfolios with significant
multi-agency investment must deliver an integrated roadmap for review
by the Department's S&T Executives. As a pilot, the Department has
established seven Priority Steering Councils, consisting of scientists
and engineers from the services and agencies, whose job it is to
develop cross-cutting roadmaps for the Department's recently designated
S&T Priorities. The councils are complemented by Communities of
Interest (COIs) populated by scientist and engineers from the services
and agencies for the purpose of integrating the Department's S&T
program in specific technology areas. COIs are permanent in nature.
There are also short-term Technology Focus Teams (TFTs) that perform
in-depth analysis of specific technology issues and report their
findings to the S&T EXCOM. If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L)
and the ASD(R&E) to continue improvements in coordination among these
Question. Are you satisfied that the Department has a well
articulated and actionable science and technology strategic plan?
Answer. There is a well-coordinated technology strategic investment
strategy, but I believe there is room for improvement in strategies
that cover specific topical areas. The Department has well-articulated
and actionable strategic plans for basic research, and for Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. I believe it
would be valuable to document an overarching Departmental Science and
Technology strategic plan. If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L)
and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering to
develop such a plan.
Question. Do you see a need for changes in areas such as hiring
authority, personnel systems, financial disclosure and ethics
requirements, to ensure that the Department can recruit and retain the
highest quality scientific and technical workforce possible?
Answer. I have not seen specific evidence of problems attributable
to these areas. I believe, as does USD(AT&L), that the Department needs
to continue to strengthen its workforce in the science and engineering
fields. If confirmed, I will work with the USD(AT&L), the ASD(R&E), and
other Department leadership to assess this situation and determine
whether any corrective action is needed.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and
Engineering (ASD(R&E)) has been designated as the Chief Technology
Officer of the Department of Defense.
In your view, what is the appropriate role of the Chief Technology
Officer of the Department of Defense?
Answer. As outlined in the Department of Defense Directive 5134.3,
I believe the appropriate role of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is
to provide technical leadership, guidance, and oversight for the
Department's Research and Engineering activities, to include the early
identification of critical technology opportunities that could lead to
affordable new capabilities. Finally, the CTO should evaluate the
adequacy of the Department's overall Research & Engineering investment
and program content.
Question. What authority should the ASD(R&E) have over the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)?
Answer. DARPA is a Defense Agency under the direction, authority
and control of the USD(AT&L) through the ASD(R&E). The DARPA director
directly reports to the ASD(R&E), and consequently DARPA should operate
in accordance with high-level direction from ASD(R&E). I would not
recommend any changes in these roles or authorities.
Question. What authority should the ASD(R&E) have over other
Service and Agency science and technology efforts?
Answer. I believe the existing authorities outlined in DOD
Directive 5134.3 are appropriate. The ASD(R&E) is to recommend
approval, modification, or disapproval of programs and projects of the
Military Departments and Defense Agencies to eliminate unpromising or
unnecessarily duplicative programs, and is also designated to recommend
the initiation or support of promising projects or programs for the
science and technology program. Finally, the ASD(R&E) is responsible
for recommending budget adjustments to the USD(AT&L) and the Secretary
of Defense.
Question. Do you see the need for any changes in organizational
structure, workforce, or availability of resources to improve the
effectiveness of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Research and Engineering?
Answer. No. If confirmed, I will continuously monitor the alignment
and balance of all acquisition, technology, and logistics offices to
improve their effectiveness and ability to meet the mission
defense laboratories
Question. What is your view on the quality and relevance of the DOD
laboratories as compared to the DOE national laboratories, Federal
laboratories, academic laboratories, and other peer institutions?
Answer. My view is that the DOD laboratories are in general staffed
with dedicated competent scientists and engineers performing important
missions for the Department. A key issue going forward is how to
operate these Laboratories as an enterprise to meet the needs of the
Department even more effectively. The ASD(R&E) is working with the
Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Services, and other
Departmental stakeholders on an analysis to address Federal laboratory
capacity. If confirmed, I will support the USD(AT&L) in his assessments
of this area.
Question. What metrics will you use, if confirmed, to evaluate the
effectiveness, competitiveness, and scientific vitality of the DOD
Answer. If confirmed, I will primarily rely on an evaluation based
on success in developing and transitioning new technologies to
warfighters, the quality of their technical workforce, and the results
of external reviews of their effectiveness and innovation. I would also
be open to new approaches for objectively assessing the performance of
the laboratories.
Question. What steps if any will you take, if confirmed, to
increase the mission effectiveness and productivity of the DOD
Answer. The USD(AT&L) has initiated the process to assess the
productivity of DOD's acquisition institutions, including laboratories.
If confirmed, I will support that process with the ASD(R&E) to review
options and opportunities to increase the mission effectiveness of DOD
Question. In your view, have the DOD laboratories struck an
appropriate balance between investments in near-term technology
programs that are tied to current battlefield needs and investments in
longer term, higher risk, and revolutionary capability development?
Answer. Yes. The realities of a nation at war have forced our
laboratories to develop near-term programs. However, the labs have
maintained long-term efforts as well. As the Department draws down from
current combat operations, I would expect a modest shift back to medium
and long-term efforts. The Services currently align approximately one-
third of their basic science budgets to in-house programs. A recent
review of the labs' basic science program was conducted by the Defense
Science Board (DSB) and their report concluded that the in-house basic
research program was technically strong and healthy. In general, I
think the Department has a reasonable balance; however, if confirmed,
with the USD(AT&L), I will continue to assess this balance to determine
if adjustments are needed.
Question. Do you believe that this balance is likely to change with
the completion of our withdrawal from Iraq and our ongoing drawdown in
Answer. I expect the balance between near-term and longer-term
research will not change dramatically as a result of these events, but
will move slightly away from near-term efforts. In addition, the
portfolio of research topics will likely shift to support the
Department's recently released strategic guidance, particularly toward
any emerging threats, such as anti-access/area denial. If confirmed, I
will continue to assess the balance with the ASD(R&E).
Question. Section 219 of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2009 authorizes
the directors of a defense laboratory to use up to 3 percent of the
total funds available to the laboratory to fund innovative research,
technology transition activities, and workforce development.
What is your understanding of the extent to which the Department
has implemented section 219?
Answer. I understand each of the Services has implemented section
219 programs in a unique fashion that aligns with their unique Service
business models. Though the statute gives authority to lab directors to
utilize up to 3 percent of all available funds for this program, the
actual amount to date has been in the 1 to 2 percent range. The
Department submits a section 219 status report annually to Congress to
detail the related investment, the latest of which was delivered on
June 4, 2012.
Question. Do you believe that the funding flexibility provided by
section 219 has been appropriately utilized by the Department?
Answer. Yes. Each lab director has balanced section 219 investments
with other programs and procurements, and used the flexibility of
section 219 to support their business model. If confirmed, I will
continue to monitor the use of this flexibility by lab directors.
Question. Do you believe that it would be feasible or appropriate
for the Department to use the authority of section 219 to adjust the
balance between investments in near-term technology programs and
longer-term, higher-payoff investments?
Answer. I believe these adjustments are already being done under
section 219, so I recommend no changes at this time.
Question. In your view, has DARPA struck an appropriate balance
between investments in near-term technology programs that are tied to
current battlefield needs and investments in longer term, higher risk,
and revolutionary capability development?
Answer. Yes. DARPA's mission of creating and preventing
technological surprise does require a focus on high-impact
opportunities for the future. At the same time, DARPA has contributed
to near-term needs, and in the process learned valuable lessons that
inform its longer-term efforts.
Question. What are the major issues related to DARPA investments,
management and workforce, and research outcomes that you will seek to
Answer. DARPA continues to be a key center for DOD innovation. If
confirmed, I will continue to help it remain a preeminent source of
creative and technically superior capabilities.
Question. Do you feel that DARPA is adequately transitioning its
programs to the Services and Defense Agencies? If not, how will you
address that challenge?
Answer. This is always a challenge for high-impact efforts that
challenge the status quo. DARPA continues to build strong relationships
with the Services to ease the way for transition. If confirmed, I will
place a high priority on technology transition.
Question. Do you believe that there has been an appropriate level
of interaction between DARPA and its intelligence community analog,
IARPA, given the overlap in many research areas?
Answer. I have not looked into how DARPA interacts with IARPA, but
if confirmed, I will look into this interaction and take action if
test and evaluation
Question. The Department has, on occasion, been criticized for
failing to adequately test its major weapon systems before these
systems are put into production.
What are your views about the degree of independence needed by the
Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) in ensuring the
success of the Department's acquisition programs?
Answer. I believe the DOT&E must be an independent entity to ensure
the Department's weapon systems are realistically and adequately tested
in their intended operational environment. If confirmed, I will work
with the DOT&E on testing and evaluation issues as a partner in the
acquisition process, and continue to welcome his insights on program
performance and other issues. DOT&E's independence is of value in the
acquisition process.
Question. What are your views about the role of the Director of
Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) in ensuring the success of the
Department's acquisition programs?
Answer. I believe the role of the DASD(DT&E) is beneficial to the
Department's acquisition process, and if confirmed I will rely on the
DASD(DT&E) for advice on the demonstrated maturity of designs to enter
initial production and on the adequacy of planned test programs.
Question. Are you concerned with the level of test and evaluation
conducted by the contractors who are developing the systems to be
Answer. I have no evidence that this is a major area of concern.
The test strategy for an acquisition program is based on a variety of
factors, and each program requires a different mix of government and
contractor testing. However, to ensure the Department's systems are
adequately tested, I believe there needs to be government leadership of
Question. Do you believe that the operational and developmental
testing organizations in DOD and the military services are adequate to
ensure an appropriate level of testing, and testing oversight, on major
defense acquisition programs?
Answer. Yes. I also believe the Department can improve its
performance in this area by defining test requirements earlier in a
program and putting more emphasis on early developmental test and
evaluation activities to reduce the likelihood of late discovery of
design or production issues. If confirmed, I will continue to work with
the DASD(DT&E) and DOT&E to ensure the Department conducts effective
and efficient developmental and operational testing.
depot issues
Question. A decade of overseas contingency operations has increased
maintenance requirements and expenditures. These requirements and
expenditures are expected to remain high for several years after the
conclusion of operations in Afghanistan before they begin to decrease.
What do you believe the Department has learned from this
experience, and how will these lessons learned affect, if at all, the
future of DOD maintenance and logistics?
Answer. Since overcoming initial issues early in Afghanistan and
Iraq, the Department has provided superb logistics support to our
deployed forces. There are a number of lessons learned, some of which
have already been incorporated into our policies, processes, and
doctrine. Others are still being documented. We created and have
institutionalized Combatant Command Deployment and Distribution
Operations Centers to facilitate the deployment of forces and delivery
of sustainment supplies. The Department has increased maintenance
capability to support equipment left in theater and optimally
structured reset of equipment retrograded with unit redeployments. This
tailoring has enabled both maximum readiness of materiel in theater to
support warfighting operations, but also of that CONUS to support force
generation and training. An example of this optimization can be clearly
seen in the operations of the Army Field Support Brigades, as well as
in the tailored reset work packages that address not only the high
OPTEMPO and harsh theater environments, but also the restoration and
protection of useful life of our equipment. We have also been able to
efficiently and effectively augment unit maintenance with contractor
maintenance support. Finally, we have incorporated Operation Contract
Support to manage contractors in our policy and doctrine.
Question. For how many years after the end of combat operations do
you believe the Department will need to continue to pay for increased
maintenance to reset and reconstitute the force?
Answer. Our estimates indicate it will take 2 to 3 years to
complete reset and reconstitution post-combat operations in
Afghanistan. This time depends on the velocity of our retrograde
process, the availability of funding, and the capabilities that will be
needed in the force structure to meet the Defense Strategy within the
budget constraints.
Question. What factors do you believe should govern the
Department's strategy to manage workload as maintenance requirements
begin to decrease?
Answer. We must maintain a ready and controlled source of
government-owned and -operated depot maintenance capability by
leveraging the principals of Core and 50/50 statutes. We must also
sustain the critical capabilities of the private sector. To do this, we
must leverage the partnership between the public and private sectors,
and wisely improve our efficiency of maintenance operations in both the
public and private sectors to continually reduce cost and increase our
buying power. This holistic approach will ensure strong national
logistics and readiness
Question. If confirmed, what steps if any would you take to ensure
that life cycle maintenance requirements and sustainment support are
considered in the acquisition process for new DOD systems?
Answer. The Department has made great strides in this area over the
past 2 years. We have heightened the focus on sustainment by elevating
the importance of sustainment planning in milestone reviews to a
comparable level of oversight within acquisition and engineering plans.
Since issuing guidance on requisite content for sound sustainment
plans, we have completed and approved the Life Cycle Sustainment Plans
(LCSPs) for nine Major Defense Acquisition Programs. If confirmed, I
will support the Department's efforts, working closely with the Service
acquisition and materiel stakeholders, to develop solid maintenance
requirements and effective LCSPs that meet system readiness objective
and deliver affordable product support.
The NDAA for Fiscal Year 2009 requires the Department of Defense to
conduct life-cycle cost analysis for new capabilities including the
fully burdened cost of fuel during the analysis and evaluation of
alternatives in the acquisition program design trades.
Question. Do you believe that the fully burdened cost of fuel is an
appropriate factor for the Department to consider in the evaluation of
acquisition alternatives?
Answer. Yes. The Fully Burdened Cost of Energy is a useful
component of the total life cycle cost estimating process, which helps
the Department understand the full, long-term expenses the Department
is signing up to when it commits to a new system. Being scenario based,
the Fully Burdened Cost of Energy provides an operational cost
perspective which helps decisionmakers differentiate between the fuel
and logistics demands of competing system concepts.
afghanistan distribution challenges
Question. Last year, an agreement was reached with the Pakistani
Government to reopen the ground lines of communication (GLOC), allowing
military supply convoys to resume logistical support to U.S. forces
inside Afghanistan. However, since the GLOC were closed for several
months, the DOD incurred much higher logistical costs having to rely
entirely upon the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) and aerial
Are you satisfied with the current rate of logistical resupply flow
through the GLOC?
Answer. Since the Pakistan Ground Line of Communication (PAKGLOC)
re-opened, there have been challenges working through transit authority
procedures required to increase the flow of cargo movements. Currently,
the Department is conducting multiple proofs of principle (PoPs) to
test these new procedures. Initial results are promising. We anticipate
new cargo movements in the Spring 2013 with larger volumes of
retrograde cargo moving through Pakistan in the summer timeframe.
Question. Does the Department have appropriate plans in place to
provide for the retrograde of equipment from Afghanistan as we prepare
for the withdrawal of our forces?
Answer. The Department relies on multiple transportation routes for
its retrograde operations, including a combination of ground, air, sea,
and rail. We have a resilient transportation system that provides more
than one way to support the theater. Additionally, the Department has
plans for the disposition of U.S. equipment and supplies to enable
retrograde movements. All military equipment needed for future military
force needs, except equipment that may still be needed by U.S. Forces
in Afghanistan, will be returned to the United States, repaired, and
distributed back to the force. Equipment that will not be needed to
meet future military needs, which is mostly non-military base operating
equipment, will be donated to the Afghan Government, transferred to
other coalition or regional partners, or destroyed in Afghanistan,
depending on the nature of the equipment and legislated authorities.
Question. To what extent is the DOD anticipating throughput
challenges in Pakistan that would limit the DOD's ability to remove
equipment from Afghanistan?
Answer. The Department is currently conducting multiple PoPs to
test the new procedures for movements through Pakistan. Initial results
are good, and we expect these tests to be successful. We anticipate new
cargo movements in Spring 2013 with larger volumes of retrograde
through Pakistan in the Summer timeframe. This will enable two-way flow
to support both resupply and retrograde operations. The Department's
transportation plans for retrograde operations include the use of
multiple routes under varying assumptions, including scenarios with and
without the use of the PAKGLOC.
Question. To what extent has DOD developed alternatives to the
Pakistan GLOC to be able to remove equipment from Afghanistan?
Answer. The Department has developed multiple transportation routes
to augment the ability to retrograde from Afghanistan. One is the use
of the NDN, which is a series of routes through Europe, Russia, and
Central Asia. Another transportation option is to use a combination of
airlift and sealift (multi-modal) movement out of Afghanistan. These
alternatives can and will be used for retrograde operations. However,
sole reliance on these methods is not ideal for significant volumes of
retrograde due to cost, limited airfield capability in Afghanistan, and
the time it will take.
Question. What challenges remain in developing these alternatives?
Answer. These transportation alternatives are in place today. We
anticipate more extensive use of all transportation routes as we
complete the proofs of principle and work with host nations on customs
and transit procedures. Afghanistan poses additional challenges based
on its location, making retrograde operations inherently more difficult
than Iraq. The movement of personnel is not an issue.
Question. In a 2011 report to Congress, GAO found that although
U.S. Transportation Command has established some processes for
oversight, it does not have full oversight of the distribution of
supplies and equipment to the warfighter in Afghanistan. GAO
highlighted several issues to include: a lack of adequate radio-
frequency identification information to track all cargo movements; no
common operating picture for distribution data and integrated
transportation systems; complex customs clearance processes in
Afghanistan and Pakistan that delay shipments; limited information on
incidents of pilferage and damage of cargo; and ineffective tracking
and management of cargo containers.
To what extent, if any, has DOD improved its visibility over
equipment and supplies in Afghanistan?
Answer. Our warfighters and other managers have visibility of
equipment and materiel from a number of sources, and lack of visibility
has not been identified as a significant problem by our warfighters.
With that said, Department policy requires all DOD cargo transiting
Afghanistan to use Radio Frequency Identification tags. This technology
enables the visibility of cargo during transit and storage. Enhanced
in-transit visibility through the use of satellite-enabled technology
is also available for high priority movements. Additionally, we require
contracted carriers to provide automated updates to DOD systems at key
points throughout the movement process. Furthermore, in January 2013,
CENTCOM published a directive to DOD shippers with instructions for
improving cargo security and the tracking and reporting of shipments
transiting Pakistan.
Question. To what extent has DOD developed a common operating
picture to improve its processes for tracking equipment and supplies in
Answer. CENTCOM has developed and implemented an automated
Logistics Common Operating Picture, which includes information on the
amount of supplies on-hand and personnel and cargo movements supporting
nonstandard equipment
Question. DOD has acquired millions of dollars in tactical
nonstandard equipment (NSE) to address evolving threats in Afghanistan
(and previously in Iraq).
If confirmed, what would be your plan of action to deal with the
NSE accumulated by the Services over the last several years?
Answer. Our forces have greatly benefited from the access to rapid
acquisition of newly emerging technologies and capabilities for Iraq
and Afghanistan. If confirmed, I will work with the Services as they
consider future force structure and requirements, and for items that
are to be retained, that the Services have effective plans to sustain
this mission-essential NSE.
Question. What is your assessment of the amount of NSE that has
been transferred by the Services into programs of record to date?
Answer. I do not have data on which NSE has transferred to become
programs of record. The Services continue to carefully evaluate their
force equipment requirements. Some examples of technologies we are
keeping and putting into our formations are the Counter Rocket
Artillery Mortars system that was so effective against the indirect
fire threat in OIF and OEF, as well as selected MRAP vehicles. If
confirmed, I will monitor Service actions to transition NSE to programs
of record.
Question. To what extent, if any, has DOD identified and planned
for future maintenance and sustainment costs for any NSE that will have
to be funded in future budgets?
Answer. For enduring capabilities, it is important that we budget
for sustainment. My understanding is that the Services have begun the
process of determining their maintenance and sustainment costs for NSE
identified as necessary to meet future force enduring requirements. If
confirmed I will support and provide oversight to the Services actions
to monitor and sustain NSE selected for enduring requirements.
corrosion prevention and control
Question. GAO estimates that corrosion damage to equipment and
weapons systems costs the DOD approximately $22 billion per year. The
Office of Corrosion Prevention and Control has been in existence for
almost 2 years now, and a corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP)
is now required for all category one acquisitions.
Do you believe that a CPCP should be considered during the analysis
of alternatives process or the RFP process?
Answer. I consider corrosion an important factor in system life
cycle cost and performance which should be considered during the
analysis of alternatives (AoA). I support the existing direction to the
Military Departments to objectively evaluate corrosion as part of
program design and development activities, and to weigh the trade-offs
through an open and transparent AoA. Similarly, the RFP process should
also clearly articulate to industry specifically what our needs are for
addressing corrosion prevention and control. Without clearly
articulated requirements in the proposal process, we risk additional
costs in acquisition or sustainment.
Question. What is your assessment of existing alternatives for
hexavalent chromium?
Answer. I am not currently familiar with the use of or alternatives
to hexavalent chromium. If confirmed, I will assess the alternatives
for this material.
operational energy
Question. The NDAA for Fiscal Year 2009 created the position of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and
If confirmed, how would you work with office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs to
advance the objectives of that office?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with ASD(OEPP) to ensure defense
energy investments increase military capabilities, provide mission
success, and lower total costs. I also will assist ASD(OEPP) and
USD(AT&L) in implementing any necessary changes in the defense
acquisition system to support these objectives.
Question. What role do you expect to play, if confirmed, in
developing strategies to reduce the logistical footprint of deployed
units operating in hostile environments?
Answer. The safety and effectiveness of our forces will always be
my highest priority. If confirmed, I will work with USD(AT&L), the
ASD(L&MR), the Joint Staff, and the Military Services to ensure we
optimize our sustainment, maintenance, and materiel reliability to
reduce the logistical footprint of deployed forces. I will support
policies that promote technologies and strategies to reduce the
logistics footprint, and continue to emphasize logistics implications
as a key factor in the decision processes for new weapon systems.
Question. What role do you expect to play, if confirmed, in
developing and pursuing alternative energy sources for the Department
of Defense?
Answer. If confirmed, I expect to exercise oversight of the
Department's efforts to develop and pursue energy innovations that
advance military missions and capabilities, or innovations that lower
our base operating costs.
Question. What is your assessment of DOD's current ability to track
fuel consumption after point of sale at forward-deployed locations?
Answer. The Department's ability to track fuel consumption after
point of sale at forward-deployed locations has improved and continues
to improve. The Department is collecting quarterly estimates of
operational energy consumption with increasing granularity, and
improving its ability to better manage energy in the deployed
environment. While there are still challenges in tracking fuel
consumption by contingency base camps and ground vehicles, I am
confident the Department will continue to increase its ability to
measure--and, thus manage--consumption of operational energy at
forward-deployed locations.
Question. Many of the energy efficiency initiatives that are
currently being developed are designed for use in high heat desert
To what extent, if any, is DOD planning and developing energy
saving equipment and technologies to support the warfighter in other
environments that may have differing climates?
Answer. The Departments energy priorities are derived from current
and projected operational needs, so that our forces can operate
effectively in every region of the world, in every environment, and
against every threat. If confirmed, I will ensure that the energy-
saving equipment and technology we are fielding is flexible and
adaptable across a range of contingencies, and is designed to improve
our warfighting capability by lightening the load for our expeditionary
forces, reducing the vulnerability of logistics support lines, and
optimizing the performance of our systems and operating bases.
Question. Last July, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Operational Energy Plans and Programs published a policy that any
alternative drop-in replacement fuel procured for DOD-wide use and
distribution within the Class III (Bulk) supply chain must compete with
petroleum products and any awards will be based on the ability to meet
requirements at the best value to the government, including cost.
What is your view of this policy?
Answer. I support this policy. It is prudent for the Department to
engage in tests and demonstrations that confirm defense equipment can
operate on a range of fuels; however, as the Department allocates its
limited resources to ensure it delivers necessary warfighting
capability, it should only buy large volumes of these fuels when they
are cost-competitive with petroleum products.
Question. What is your assessment of section 526 of the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007? What impact, if any, has this
provision had on the operations and activities of the Department of
Answer. Section 526 has not restricted the Department from
purchasing whatever fuel it has needed to support military operations.
It is my understanding that section 526 applies only to contracts that
are for the express purpose of buying alternative or synthetic fuel. As
long as mission capability is not restricted, it is helpful to have
this guidance that new fuels should not be any more polluting than
fuels produced from conventional petroleum sources.
Question. If confirmed, what priorities would you establish for
Defense investments in energy technologies?
Answer. If confirmed, my priority will be to focus on energy
technologies, as well as tactics, techniques, and procedures, that
improve the capabilities and effectiveness of our military forces,
reduce our costs, or help meet the needs of our installations. This
means energy innovations and policies that improve the performance of
our systems, expeditionary outposts, and even portable equipment
carried by our personnel.
environmental security
Question. If confirmed, you will be responsible for assisting the
Under Secretary in the oversight of environmental security issues for
the Department of Defense.
What do you see as the most significant challenges facing the
Department in the area of environmental security?
Answer. The greatest challenge will be maintaining and improving
the Department's level of environmental performance given the extremely
challenging budget environment--to include the threat of sequestration
to impose across the board cuts despite legal requirements; the
execution difficulties posed by Continuing Resolutions; and the overall
tightening of the budget. If confirmed, I will continue to look for
ways to meet these challenges to protect human health and the
environment across our enterprise.
Question. Assuming you are confirmed, what plans if any do you have
for addressing these challenges?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue the aggressive oversight of
environmental programs, with the goal of minimizing management costs
and making our organizational structure and performance contracts as
efficient and effective as possible. I will also continue to emphasize
strategic R&D investments in technologies to lower the costs associated
with environmental cleanup and compliance.
Question. While the Military Departments have made considerable
progress addressing environmental contamination at military
installations, there remains a substantial amount of work to be done,
including the remediation of discarded munitions and Unexploded
Ordnance (UXO), at current and former DOD sites. The military
departments have managed to maintain reasonably level funding for these
cleanup programs over the past several years; however, many of these
clean-ups will take years to complete and, in the current budget
environment, the restoration accounts will come under pressure.
What steps, if any, do you believe are needed to ensure that the
DOD remediation programs receive adequate funding and make meaningful
progress, particularly in the detection and clearance of discarded
munitions and UXO?
Answer. I believe that continuing the Department's existing
remediation programs is important, and, if confirmed, I will work to
balance resources so as not to extend cleanup timelines and jeopardize
our ability to meet cleanup goals. I also support continued R&D
investments in programs that can reduce the cost and timelines for
cleanup. The Department is validating new technology for detection and
clearance of unexploded ordinance that may dramatically accelerate
cleanup of these sites and will lower the overall liability of the
Question. How might the Strategic Environmental Research and
Development Program (SERDP) help with the overall progress of the
Defense Environmental Restoration program, particularly in view of the
current fiscal environment?
Answer. SERDP and its companion program, the Environmental Security
Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), have and should continue to
reduce the cost and improve the efficacy of the Department's cleanups
under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program.
Question. Technologies that can significantly reduce the costs of
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) cleanup that were developed by SERDP are now
being demonstrated under ESTCP at actual UXO contaminated sites across
the country. We expect the new cleanup technologies to become the
standard approach at UXO contaminated sites within a few years,
reducing the costs significantly. SERDP and ESTCP have already saved
DOD billions of dollars by developing and transitioning technologies
for contaminated ground water and sediment sites.
Answer. SERDP and ESTCP are now turning toward more challenging and
complex sites that constitute the remaining liability under the Defense
Environmental Restoration Program. If confirmed I will continue to
support these programs and work to ensure that they are adequately
funded and effectively executed.
congressional oversight
Question. In order to exercise its legislative and oversight
responsibilities, it is important that this committee and other
appropriate committees of Congress are able to receive testimony,
briefings, and other communications of information.
Do you agree, if confirmed for this high position, to appear before
this committee and other appropriate committees of Congress?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear before this
committee, or designated members of this committee, and provide
information, subject to appropriate and necessary security protection,
with respect to your responsibilities as the Principal Deputy USD(ATL)?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to ensure that testimony, briefings and
other communications of information are provided to this committee and
its staff and other appropriate committees?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
Answer. Yes.
[Questions for the record with answers supplied follow:]
Questions Submitted by Senator Bill Nelson
wasteful spending
1. Senator Nelson. Mr. Estevez, we are often so focused on the next
budget to be passed that we consider the termination of a program as
savings. According to a report from Forbes magazine, the Army has
wasted $32 billion on weapons projects since 1995 and both the Navy and
Air Force cancelled their share of programs to save money. What lessons
have we learned from cancelling these contracts?
Mr. Estevez. We have learned over the years that cancelling
developmental programs is a mixed proposition.
When a program becomes less valuable due to changing threats or
significant technical problems, such cancellations may be exactly the
right thing to do--we avoid spending even more money on unaffordable or
nonperforming programs. In such cases, we need to make cancellation
decisions as early as possible.
The most important lessons we have learned from major program
cancellations are to ensure a program is affordable from the start and
to understand and track the key framing assumptions for each program.
Blind optimism about long-range affordability does not serve us well;
we must analyze long-range cost estimates relative to reasonable
budgetary expectations early during requirements generation to make
each program affordable. We must also understand the risks to cost and
schedule inherent in framing assumptions and act early upon any changes
to avoid incurring large sunk costs on programs. We must control
requirements creep through methods such as configuration control
Not all sunk costs are squandered when we cancel a program,
however. Technology and manufacturing knowledge from such programs can
be applied to some extent in other systems and programs.
The Department is managing our acquisition processes for improved
efficiencies through our Better Buying Power initiative.
2. Senator Nelson. Mr. Estevez, how can we improve our acquisitions
and procurement processes in the future to avoid this wasteful
Mr. Estevez. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics has initiated several processes
to improve acquisitions and procurement in our ongoing Better Buying
Power initiative efforts. Below are some key elements:
First, we need to avoid starting or continuing programs that cannot
be produced and supported within our future long-range budgets. Our
process for affordability analysis must involve the requirements and
resource communities to scope requirements early, set lifecycle cost
constraints on programs, and enforce those constraints through cost-
control measures and possible early tradeoffs of requirements.
Second, if we consider starting an effort with the intent of
developing technology or designing capabilities, we must carefully
select those efforts and weigh the costs and benefits of new
technologies as we learn more as the program progresses. Then we must
decide whether to halt an effort that initially appeared promising, or
for which we may not need production in quantity in the short-term. In
doing so, our program reviews and gates must be meaningful, deliberate,
and more effective.
Third, we need to understand and monitor the key assumptions that
frame each developmental program. Developing systems that push the
state-of-the-art involves risks, uncertainty, and informed assumptions
on technologies and operational paradigms. We must overtly consider
these framing assumptions at program initiation, then establish and
monitor indicators as assumptions prove to be true or not. Then we can
intervene early to solve the problem or cancel the program before
sinking significant resources into an unviable or immature capability.
Fourth, we must continue to increase the cost consciousness of the
acquisition workforce. It is critical that we target affordability,
control cost growth, and incentivize productivity and innovation while
ensuring the best support to the warfighter. Our efforts must span
across all acquisition and sustainment activities. In order to be
successful, we need to instill a culture of cost consciousness through
sound business acumen, establishing clear expectations, and
recognizing/rewarding the right behavior.
f-35 acquisition
3. Senator Nelson. Mr. Estevez, the National Defense Authorization
Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 called for the purchase of 29 F-35
Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. Sequestration will slow the acquisition
of these aircraft by three to four each year. How will sequestration
affect the per unit cost of the future purchase of an F-35?
Mr. Estevez. The F-35 program was established on the concept of
economies of scale for production costs. Any reduction in the
procurement quantity of F-35s in a given year, either from our
international partners or from a U.S. Service, will result in an
increase in the cost of each remaining jet. The Department is assessing
the impact that sequestration will have on the fiscal year 2013 budget;
however, if sequestration is continued over the next 10 years, the
impact on the F-35 program will be significant. In one scenario the
Department of Defense (DOD) is considering, sequestration could result
in a reduction of seven to nine U.S. aircraft from the fiscal year 2013
Low Rate Initial Production Lot 7 buy across all three Services
producing a corresponding increase in the cost per jet in Lots 7-11 of
approximately 2.3 percent.
4. Senator Nelson. Mr. Estevez, what is the effect on our allies
and their desire to purchase F-35s?
Mr. Estevez. The F-35 program was established on the concept of
economies of scale for purchases. Many of our allies and partners are
facing financial challenges similar to what we are encountering. While
there continues to be strong support from the Services in these
countries, at the political level we are seeing increased scrutiny and
pressures. Any change in the per unit cost of the F-35 in a given year
may cause our partners to reassess their purchases in that year and
potentially delay their procurement.
joint surveillance target attack radar system
5. Senator Nelson. Mr. Estevez, the Joint Surveillance Target
Attack Radar System (JSTARS) aircraft have proven themselves in all
recent conflicts, including Libya. The decision has been made to
terminate the reengining program and the Air Force has indicated a need
to upgrade the avionics sensors, as well as other systems to keep the
aircraft viable. In light of the current budget environment and the
need to recapitalize the fighter, bomber, and tanker fleet
concurrently, do you believe it makes sense to modernize the JSTARS
Mr. Estevez. Yes, it makes sense to modernize but such
modernization must be prioritized along with other critical programs.
Due to severe fiscal limitations, DOD is rationalizing how best to
allocate its continued investment in the E-8C JSTARS modernization. The
JSTARS program currently includes funds to operate and maintain the
system through the Future Years Defense Program. In this austere budget
environment, the limited JSTARS funding available was prioritized to
address diminishing manufacturing sources in order to keep the aircraft
mission capable. Any future JSTARS modernization or recapitalization
will leverage ongoing technology development from other Defense
programs and will be weighed against other DOD priorities.
Questions Submitted by Senator Claire McCaskill
contracting and acquisition
6. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Estevez, I have already reached out to
DOD to ask how officials plan to implement the major components of my
wartime contracting reform legislation, which was signed into law as
part of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013. Many of those provisions will
fall within the responsibility of the Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (AT&L) secretariat to carry out, including those that pertain
to current contingency in Afghanistan. Will you commit to identifying
whether AT&L has sufficient personnel to address the reforms required
in these provisions?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, if confirmed, I will commit to identifying
whether AT&L has sufficient personnel to address the reforms required
in these provisions.
7. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Estevez, are you committed to ensuring
that the reforms are integrated into planning and training so that they
will not be ignored in future contingencies? If so, what steps do you
commit to taking?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, I remain fully committed, in partnership with
appropriate DOD organizations, to include the Joint Staff, and the
combatant commands, to integrate planning and training reforms to
ensure improved contingency contracting performance and management
during future contingencies.
Specifically, I will, if confirmed, continue ongoing efforts and
initiate new efforts to institutionalize process tools (e.g., 3 in 1;
Contingency Acquisition Support Module, and other business and planning
tools used across the combatant commands) and doctrine that facilitate
and strengthen both Contingency Contracting and Operational Contract
Support (OCS). The Department has established the OCS Functional
Capabilities Integration Board to actively monitor all ongoing and
planned OCS related initiatives across the Department. The Board meets
quarterly, or more often, as required, to conduct independent
assessments and analyses of OCS capabilities (to include supporting
doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education,
personnel, and facilities of the armed forces). Additionally, the
Department is in the process of revising pertinent guidance to address
any weakness in our training with several new and revised OCS courses
in the development phase.
8. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Estevez, in a constrained fiscal
environment, it is more important than ever to ensure that there is a
sufficient number of trained acquisition and other management personnel
capable of overseeing, not just executing, contracts by DOD to ensure
that U.S. taxpayers' dollars are being spent wisely. How will you
ensure that the quality and current level of oversight of contracts is
maintained despite austere budgets?
Mr. Estevez. I agree contract oversight is a key element of
ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. The largest portion of DOD
contract oversight rests with the Defense Contract Management Agency
(DCMA) and the Department has taken steps, aided by the Defense
Acquisition Workforce Development Fund (DAWDF), to grow and strengthen
the DCMA workforce. Since 2008, DCMA has increased its acquisition
workforce by over 15 percent, and projects continued growth in the
foreseeable future. Additionally, DCMA has bolstered its training
programs and partnered with the Defense Acquisition University to
establish the College of Contract Management to provide critical
courseware that is both relevant and rigorous. If confirmed, I will
work with the rest of the Department leadership to sustain these gains.
Questions Submitted by Senator James M. Inhofe
9. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, for years DOD has embarked on
several efficiency campaigns. Both Secretaries Gates and Panetta have
included efficiency initiatives as part of the President's budget
submission. Do you believe DOD has adequate tools to track
Mr. Estevez. Yes, DOD has the tools to track efficiencies. As you
stated, Secretaries Gates and Panetta have included efficiency
initiatives as part of the President's annual budget submission, and
required the Department to track the status of the initiatives. The
Department continues its process of tracking the status of each
efficiency initiative to determine if the projected savings are on
track, while at the same time assessing the associated program and
milestone risks. For those efficiency initiatives under the purview of
the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics, our efficiencies remain valid and at the
projected levels.
10. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, how successful has DOD been in
realizing the efficiencies already assumed in previous budget requests?
Mr. Estevez. DOD has been very successful implementing and
realizing efficiencies assumed in recent budgets. There is a robust
process of tracking the status of each efficiency initiative to
determine if the projected savings are on track and whether there are
associated program and milestone risks. For those efficiency
initiatives under the purview of the Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, our efficiencies
remain valid and at the projected levels. These initiatives enabled the
Department either to reduce funding requirements or apply them to other
high-priority requirements.
11. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, what lessons have you learned in
the assumptions used in taking efficiencies?
Mr. Estevez. I have learned that no matter how many times you have
looked for efficiencies in the past, there is always a way to improve
the level of efficiency of your overall portfolio. However, in
identifying efficiencies, it is paramount that the affected functional
communities and oversight organizations be involved, and that any
barriers to implementing or executing efficiencies be identified and
depot impact from decreased budgets
12. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, you mentioned in your answers to
the advance policy questions that ``We must maintain a ready and
controlled source of Government-owned and -operated depot maintenance
capability by leveraging the principles of core and 50/50 statutes.''
The prospect of a $42 billion cut from the defense budget this year
from sequestration and the pressure of underfunded readiness accounts
due to the Continuing Resolution will have a devastating effect on
depot and shipyard maintenance activities for the rest of the year. In
your opinion, in this unprecedented fiscal environment, what can be
done to preserve our defense depot capabilities?
Mr. Estevez. While leveraging the principles of core and 50/50
statues will help us preserve the depot and shipyard critical
capabilities, the magnitude of the reductions and shortfalls are
forcing trade-offs between priority requirements across the Department.
Negative impacts on depot workloads are unavoidable given the need to
sustain operations in Afghanistan and meet our global commitments.
13. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, how will you maintain the critical
skills of our depot and shipyard employees?
Mr. Estevez. DOD is required by title 10, U.S.C., section 2464, to
maintain a core logistics capability. However, the reductions
associated with sequestration have the potential to erode critical
skills and capabilities over the long-term. If confirmed, I will ensure
we attempt to protect critical skills by workloading the most critical
14. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, if confirmed, what will you do to
maintain an efficient and consistent workload through military depots
if defense budget sequestration is allowed to occur?
Mr. Estevez. Unfortunately, due to operating under a Continuing
Resolution for half of the fiscal year, implementation of sequestration
and higher than anticipated Overseas Contingency Operations costs, the
Services are reducing and cancelling third and fourth quarter depot
inductions. Given the concentrated effect of this fiscal situation, the
Services do not have sufficient funding to maintain current,
consistent, nor efficient depot workload. In this environment, DOD and
the Services will smooth workload adjustments by slowing throughput of
existing funded work and pacing the remaining funded inductions while
attempting to satisfy readiness requirements.
15. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, please describe how you plan to
leverage the principles of core and 50/50 statutes during this budget
Mr. Estevez. Adherence to core and 50/50 statutes will help us
preserve the depot and shipyard critical capabilities. Within that
framework, DOD will allocate resources and execute schedules to
minimize negative impacts to our depot capability and protect critical
maintenance functions. This should enable the Department to protect
critical capabilities in both the public and private sectors.
depot workload
16. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, the Military Services and the
National Guard all operate military depots with a certain degree of
capacity and workload duplication. The Logistics Management Institute
pointed out in a February 2011 report that ``at the strategic level,
enhanced, integrated governance is required to best manage the day-to-
day workload across all organic depot-level capabilities.'' Do you
agree with this statement?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, cross-Service strategic governance is provided
through DOD regulations and instructions and executive committees and
boards, such as the Maintenance Executive Steering Committee, the Joint
Group on Depot Maintenance, and the Joint Logistics Board. The
Department continually improves its strategic governance by enhancing
the effectiveness and efficiency of these executive bodies. In
addition, the Department is in the final stages of issuing a revised
Depot Source of Repair instruction that will enhance strategic
assignment and establishment of depot capability.
17. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, in your opinion, what needs to be
done within DOD to minimize workload duplication at a time when
workload will be decreasing?
Mr. Estevez. While we have improved cross-Service collaboration and
have had some success in workload reallocation to improve efficiency,
DOD is limited in addressing capacity duplication with respect to
existing capability. To mitigate unnecessary assignment of future
workload, the Department is in the final stages of issuing a revised
Depot Source of Repair instruction to enhance strategic assignment and
establishment of depot capability by requiring single-departmental and
single-Service sources of repair.
18. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, are we at the point that the
Services should look to consolidating similar workloads, such as
aircraft engines, into one facility?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, we are. Our current fiscal situation demands that
we look at all opportunities to enhance efficiency and reduce our cost
of operations. While we have improved cross-service collaboration and
have had some success in workload reallocation to improve efficiency,
DOD is limited in addressing capacity duplication with respect to
existing capability. However, the Department is implementing a Depot
Source of Repair instruction to prevent unnecessary assignment of
future workload.
19. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, to what extent should the Military
Services be allowed to manage their depot activities taking into
consideration their unique mission requirements?
Mr. Estevez. The Services should manage their depot workload to
meet their mission requirements; however, DOD's draft Depot Source of
Repair instruction will ensure consideration of existing depot
capability prior to establishing duplicate capability. Additionally,
the Department's joint governance bodies, such as the Maintenance
Executive Steering Committee, the Joint Group on Depot Maintenance, and
the Joint Logistics Board enable collaboration and strategic
20. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, do you believe the methodology for
the determination of core depot requirements needs to be strengthened?
If so, how?
Mr. Estevez. Yes, DOD is currently reviewing DOD Instruction
4151.20, ``Depot Maintenance Core Capabilities Determination Process,''
and will assess current methodology with the objective of strengthening
the requirements determination process. Given where we are in the
assessment process, it is premature to identify specifics.
depot policy
21. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, as you may know, we experienced a
bit of turmoil over the last year on Federal statutes intended to
provide guidance for the management of defense depot requirements. The
Senate was successful in December in restoring the traditional
framework, which has resulted in a balance over the years of a
consistent workload for depots. Part of the agreement with DOD was to
inform Congress of any potential depot policy changes before they take
place. If confirmed, will you agree to share with Congress any concerns
and/or policy issues related to the management of military depot
activities before promulgating any policy changes to the Military
Mr. Estevez. Yes, if confirmed, I will share any policy changes
prior to implementation.
22. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, do you currently anticipate
proposing any changes to depot policies?
Mr. Estevez. We are reviewing current polices for potential
updates. We anticipate improvements in how we define depot maintenance
to include clarification of modifications coincident with maintenance
operations and software maintenance. We also anticipate adjustments
that would address maintenance in support of systems that were acquired
in nontraditional acquisitions. If confirmed, I look forward to working
with the committees as we develop these proposals and will ensure our
depot policies follow congressional intent.
better buying power 2.0
23. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, DOD is currently developing its
latest initiative designed to achieve continuous improvement. This
enterprise, called Better Buying Power 2.0, places particular
importance on improving not only the technical qualifications but
experience and leadership skills of DOD's acquisition workforce.
Ensuring DOD's acquisition workforce has greater experience and
improved technical competence in order to achieve the goals of
acquisition reform was a central argument in Ronald Fox's book,
``Defense Acquisition Reform, 1960 to 2009: An Elusive Goal,'' and the
Defense Science Board's 2009 study titled, ``Creating a DOD Strategic
Acquisition Platform''. However, what is less certain are the means by
which DOD intends to achieve a better trained and more experienced
acquisition workforce. What are DOD's specific plans to increase the
skills and experience of its acquisition workforce through the Better
Buying Power 2.0 initiative?
Mr. Estevez. DOD is focused on increasing the professional skills
and experience of its acquisition workforce through the Better Buying
Power 2.0 initiative, which includes establishing higher professional
qualification standards for Key Leadership Positions (KLPs) and the
``Certification to Qualification'' initiative.
The KLP initiative will define mandatory KLPs and establish core
position requirements, qualifications, and attributes. The
``Certification to Qualification'' structure framework is currently in
development and will focus on the demonstration and documentation of
the skill sets required by the acquisition workforce in order to
achieve successful acquisition results. The Defense Acquisition
Workforce Development Fund (DAWDF) has proven to be a critical asset
for the Department to increase the capacity and capability of its
acquisition workforce. The DAWDF has enabled the DOD Components
(Services, Defense Agencies, and other DOD organizations) to provide
targeted training and leadership development programs for acquisition
workforce personnel.
defense production act
24. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, as you may know, I've expressed
concern that the wide ranging authorities contained in the Defense
Production Act (DPA) are being used by DOD to spend $170 million for
the design and construction of a commercial biofuels refinery. Given
the current budget crisis facing DOD are there higher priorities for
the DPA, other than to construct a biofuels refinery, that are not
currently funded?
Mr. Estevez. As one of the world's largest consumers of petroleum,
the Department has an interest in diversification of fuel supplies as a
hedge against potential supply disruptions, especially for our legacy
fleet of ships and aircraft, which will be with us for decades to come.
This initiative is consistent with the intent of the authorities of
Title III of the Defense Production Act, which are uniquely focused on
enabling multiple departments to leverage cost sharing with the private
sector, and investing in capital expenditures, such as facility
retrofits or wholesale construction.
The authority was specifically created to promote industrial
production that would meet essential national defense requirements and
assist in creating economically viable production capabilities. In
addition to the biofuel initiative, the Title III Program is continuing
to make significant investments in almost forty efforts by creating or
expanding domestic production capabilities for essential materials and
technologies. These include advanced lithium ion batteries for space
and military applications, carbon nanotube and advanced composites for
high-performance structural components, specialty steels, lightweight
ammunition, and armor and advanced electronic components for next-
generation radars and electronic warfare applications. We believe we
are appropriately using DPA Authorities to meet our key priorities.
25. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, do you think that biofuels are a
higher priority than the urgent requirements identified by the DPA
Committee such as telecommunications security and the manufacturing of
critical materials for military weapon systems by a country other than
China? Please provide a list of the initiatives required to address
shortfalls in metal fabrication, power and energy, telecommunications,
and lightweight materials that are not currently funded.
Mr. Estevez. There are no unfunded DPAC initiatives. The biofuel
initiative is being developed and executed concurrently with other
important DPA Title III initiatives that will benefit our national
defense needs and is not diverting resources from other DPA
investments. The DPAC has recommended the following projects for which
funds are available.
1. Metal Fabrication Study Group Heavy Forging Initiative: The DPA
Title III Executive Agent is presently negotiating with the sole
remaining domestic heavy forging company to modernize and expand their
heavy forging capabilities that are critical for naval and other
defense applications.
2. Telecommunications Study Group Optical Networks Initiative: The
DPAC is working with interagency customers, including DISA and DoE that
have identified a need for trusted domestic sources of hardware to
support optical telecommunications capabilities.
3. Lightweight Materials Study Group: The DPAC is further defining
interagency requirements for an investment in lightweight materials.
Projects being developed include low cost carbon fiber and magnesium
alloy processing.
4. The Power and Energy Study Group is developing initiatives for
flexible solar cells for application such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
as well as soldier portable power and power switching devices for power
grid applications.
acquisition reform
26. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Estevez, for the past several years, the
Chiefs of the individual Services have repeatedly stated requirements
creep is one of the major factors creating increased costs and delays
in the acquisition of weapon systems. Specifically, additional
capability requirements continue to be added during the development of
weapons systems. Among other difficulties created by additional
requirements is the redesign, and even rebuilding, of weapons systems.
These concerns continue despite the fact the Joint Requirement
Oversight Council must approve of any requirements changes. Therefore,
what additional steps is DOD using to ensure requirements creep is
reduced and to reform the Joint Capabilities Integration Development
Mr. Estevez. As a key factor in mitigating cost and schedule risk,
control of requirements (including prevention of creep) is a priority
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology,
and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) objective. DOD efforts are focused on
definition of affordable, technically-executable requirements earlier
in program development, identification of cost-informed tradespace, and
robust oversight of requirements stability. Several initiatives have
been introduced to address the drivers of changing requirements.
Service Acquisition Executive-chaired Configuration Steering Boards
(CSB) are intended as an oversight and controlling mechanism for
proposed changes to requirements, stipulating annual identification of
de-scoping options to reduce program cost or technical/schedule risk,
and continuous monitoring of requirements stability. The USD(AT&L)
Better Buying Power 2.0 initiative and DOD Instruction 5000.02 revision
both advocate the CSB as a best practice to manage changes to
Recent revisions to the Joint Capabilities Integration and
Development System process and business rules for the Joint
Requirements Oversight Council have led to more flexible, rapid review,
and, if necessary, modification of validated requirements that drive
program cost or schedule growth beyond affordability caps. In addition,
the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; USD(AT&L); and
Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, as well as Service
Vice Chiefs and Acquisition Executives, recently agreed to establish a
periodic leadership forum to synchronize requirements, acquisition and
programming, and budgeting activities. This will ensure further top-
level leadership attention to emerging program difficulties caused by
changing requirements and facilitate early engagement to ensure
programs remain on track to provide timely and cost-effective
capabilities to the warfighter.
Questions Submitted by Senator Saxby Chambliss
ohio-class submarine replacement/modernization
27. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Estevez, you will be dealing with a
litany of challenges from current budget constraints. According to your
duties, you will aid in the establishing of policies for acquisition
(including procurement of goods and services, research and development,
developmental testing, and contract administration) for all elements of
DOD. There is concern that in this time of fiscal uncertainty, the
replacement of the Ohio-class submarine, a requirement for past Senate
ratification of the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), will
be overlooked or delayed. How will you balance and maintain oversight
of the modernization of crucial programs, such as the Ohio-class
replacement program, during your time as the Under Secretary?
Mr. Estevez. DOD is dedicated to recapitalizing the SSBN force to
provide the Nation's most survivable deterrence capability. The
Department remains committed to an ultimate SSBN force level of 12,
which is required to meet current U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
strategic deterrence requirements.
To balance DOD priorities and meet fiscal constraints, the
President's budget request for fiscal year 2013 shifted Ohio-class
replacement's (OR) lead ship construction from fiscal year 2019 to
fiscal year 2021 with all follow-on submarines also being shifted 2
years. The Department remains committed to accomplishing the design and
construction in the most cost-effective manner possible.
This delay results in a 10-year reduction in SSBN force level.
Delaying the start of construction adds risk to the Navy's ability to
meet current STRATCOM requirements in the 2030s; however, during this
time, neither the Ohio-class (nor the Ohio replacement) will have major
overhauls planned, helping to mitigate the risk associated with a
reduced force level during this period. The Navy will be closely
managing this risk during this transition period. By 2042, OR
construction plans will return the SSBN force level to 12, supporting
the start of extended maintenance periods for the new class and
removing on average 2 SSBNs from the operational fleet per year.
This delay will not materially affect the ability of the Department
to support the President's commitment to a safe, secure, and effective
nuclear deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist. I believe that we
must continue to aggressively scrutinize each of our programs to ensure
we maintain critical capabilities in a fiscally responsible manner,
which includes force modernization efforts such as the Ohio-class
acquisition waste
28. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Estevez, DOD, at times, has a dismal
record in regards to its acquisition programs. In a report by the
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment, they estimate that in
the last decade alone, $46 billion has been utilized on programs that
were never fielded to the force. Wasteful spending must be mitigated
and eliminated in regards to our defense acquisition programs. What
overhaul or changes will you implement to ensure that acquisition
programs are feasible and executable?
Mr. Estevez. If confirmed, I will continue to support the evolution
of the Department's Better Buying Power initiatives and related
activities. I will facilitate the implementation of affordability
analysis and cost constraints on programs; in particular, this will
involve monitoring and enforcing affordability caps while working with
the Service Acquisition Executives and the requirements community to
address cases where, despite all efforts to control costs, the caps
cannot be met. In addition, I will expand the use of identifying and
monitoring key framing assumptions as a tool for informing decisions as
early as possible.
Throughout all of these activities, I will support the development
of our acquisition workforce. Program feasibility and executability
rely on our ability to work openly and intelligently with our partners
outside the immediate acquisition community to inform their decisions
and expectations as to what capabilities our technology and industrial
base can provide and at what cost and schedule.
small business act
29. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Estevez, there is inherent value of
small businesses in our economy which support public good especially in
the economic advancement of disadvantaged demographics such as
Veterans, Native Americans, Women, and Minorities. However, the
Military Services all struggle to reach the 23 percent small business
award goal set forth in the legislation of the Small Business Act. The
Services often feel pressure to award a contract to small business to
reach that goal, sometimes at greater expense to the taxpayer and lower
quality to the warfighter. As a consequence, this adversely affects the
cost and quality of capabilities needed by our warfighters. Also,
equally worthy organizations such as non-profit institutions or
educational organizations are excluded from contract competition. Given
the current budget crisis facing DOD, how should we amend the Small
Business Act to better serve the taxpayers and the warfighters?
Mr. Estevez. I believe that the Small Business Act, as implemented
in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and DOD FAR Supplement,
properly protects the best interests of our warfighters and the
taxpayers and, at this time, I do not believe that changes to the Small
Business Act are needed to achieve that objective.
Although the Small Business Act requires that the Government-wide
goal for small business prime contracts be established at not less than
23 percent, the Small Business Administration negotiates with agencies
to establish individual agency goals that, in the aggregate, comprise
the Government-wide goal. The fiscal year 2013 DOD goal for Small
Business prime contracting is 22.5 percent. Among the Military
Services, the Department of the Army has consistently exceeded the DOD
goal, averaging 24.06 percent between fiscal year 2009 and fiscal year
Furthermore, it has not been my experience that awarding contracts
to small businesses has resulted in greater expense to the taxpayer and
lower quality to the warfighter. I note in this regard that the FAR
Part 19.501(g) provides that, ``Except as authorized by law, a contract
may not be awarded as a result of a small business set-aside if the
cost to the awarding agency exceeds the fair market price.'' FAR Part
9, pertaining to contractor qualifications, prescribes the policy at
FAR Part 9.103 that, ``Purchases shall be made from, and contracts
awarded to, responsible prospective contractors only.'' I believe DOD's
acquisition workforce strives to ensure that awarded contracts
represent the best value to the Government and taxpayers, while
ensuring that quality goods and services are provided. In my
experience, rather than adversely affecting the cost and quality of
capabilities, small businesses are an important source of cost-
effective innovation critical to supporting the needs of our
30. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Estevez, how would you direct the
Services to implement current exceptions to the FARs to protect
educational or other non-profit institutions as well as our ability to
achieve industrial mobilization?
Mr. Estevez. This is an important area and, if confirmed, I will
monitor it closely. I believe the FAR permits educational and other
non-profit institutions to participate in full and open competition for
DOD procurements. I am unaware of instances where they have been
prohibited from doing so. Additionally, protecting our ability to
achieve industrial mobilization and protecting educational or other
non-profit institutions providing critical support in this area can be
addressed using FAR Part 6.302-3. This regulation provides that ``Full
and open competition need not be provided for when it is necessary to
award the contract to a particular source or sources in order: (i) To
maintain a facility, producer, manufacturer, or other supplier
available for furnishing supplies or services. to achieve industrial
mobilization,'' or ``(ii) To establish or maintain an essential
engineering, research, or development capability to be provided by an
educational or other nonprofit institution or a federally funded
research and development center.''
Furthermore, most of DOD's work with educational and other non-
profit institutions takes place pursuant to grant regulations rather
than under the FAR. Therefore, at this time, I do not feel that it is
necessary to provide additional direction to the Services to address
these issues.
Questions Submitted by Senator Kelly Ayotte
defense industrial base
31. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Estevez, in your responses to the advance
policy questions, you say that you are: ``concerned about the impact
that further defense budget cuts would have on the ability of the
[industrial] base to provide the broad range of products and services
that the Department and our Nation need.'' What impact would defense
sequestration and a full year Continuing Resolution have on our defense
industrial base?
Mr. Estevez. Although a full year Continuing Resolution did not
materialize, Defense sequestration is expected to lead to unintended,
unsafe, and wasteful consequences for the Department, some of which
will have secondary effects that last for years. Sequestration will
degrade capital market confidence in the defense industry. Companies
have been less willing to make internal investments in their defense
portfolio, including investments in innovation and design. The impact
of sequestration will be even greater on smaller firms at the lower
levels of the supply chain, where much of the innovation takes place.
These smaller firms often lack the capital structure to withstand
prolonged uncertainty. As a result, we expect to see additional merger
activity and vertical integration at the lower tiers. Some firms,
particularly the small firms with more fragile capital structures, may
have to close their doors completely. Continued technological
innovation and the financial viability of our defense industrial base
are strongly in our national interest.
32. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Estevez, what impact would this damage to
our defense industrial base have on our warfighters?
Mr. Estevez. With reductions in funding, there is a likelihood that
market forces and dynamics will lead to a restructuring of our
industrial base. In a normal downturn cycle, these forces, and
competition in general, can be positive in that they ensure industry is
cost-effective and providing the greatest value for the taxpayer's
investment. However, in a rapid or unstructured decline, the impact can
have long-term negative consequences.
In the near-term, we could expect to see some consolidation within
the smaller and mid-size firms in the industrial base, which may siphon
away some critical skills, particularly in the areas of engineering and
design. Our technological superiority on the battlefield relies on the
skills of the engineering and design teams within industry. The loss of
these design teams could have a long-term negative impact on the
Department's ability to field the capabilities our warfighters need.
Recognizing the changing nature of the fiscal outlook, in 2011, the
Department implemented a sector-by-sector and tier-by-tier approach to
assessing the industrial base. This approach methodically assesses the
criticality and fragility of DOD vendors, across sectors and down
through the tiers, to identify critical skills and capabilities that if
lost, could negatively affect the ability of industry to satisfy DOD
requirements when called upon. In part, because of these analyses, the
Department is better able to inform decisionmakers in the Services and
at the Department level of the potential industrial capability impacts
of budget decisions.
33. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Estevez, how would this impact our national
Mr. Estevez. Defense cuts must be carefully managed to minimize the
impact on national security. With reduced investment in the private
sector, it is logical to expect some job losses as industry right-sizes
to support the Department's needs. Defense cuts may disproportionately
impact smaller firms at the lower levels of the supply chain because
these firms lack the capital structure to withstand prolonged cuts. As
a result, we will see additional merger activity and vertical
integration at the lower tiers of the defense industrial base as
companies reduce capacity to meet demand. This merger activity could
lead to the loss of innovation and design capabilities in the
industrial base. Mergers may result in reduced competition, which the
government will have to monitor or address on a transaction by
transaction basis. With reductions in design capabilities and
production capabilities, we may see longer timelines to field,
maintain, or overhaul equipment. We may also need, over the long-term,
to invest significantly to restore lost capability and capacity during
a crisis.
Questions Submitted by Senator Mike S. Lee
34. Senator Lee. Mr. Estevez, in 2012, the Navy undertook the
expensive ``Great Green Fleet'' demonstration, purchasing 450,000
gallons of biofuel at $26 a gallon for a total of $12 million spent on
fuel for just one demonstration. The Air Force similarly spent $639,000
on 11,000 gallons of biofuels for a demonstration in 2012, costing the
taxpayer $59 per gallon. With the prospect of sequestration and a much
tighter defense budget in coming years, do you believe that the
military should continue such large-scale demonstrations using
biofuels? Please provide a yes or no answer, and if answering yes,
please provide a justification as to why programs involving biofuels
should be prioritized over other research and development programs.
Mr. Estevez. Yes, I believe that DOD should continue its modest
investment in alternative fuels. As one of the world's largest
consumers of petroleum, the Department has an interest in
diversification of fuel supplies as a hedge against potential supply
disruptions, especially for our legacy fleet of ships and planes, which
will be with us for decades to come. Over the next 5 years, 96 percent
of the Department's funding to improve operational energy use is
devoted to reducing the amount of fuel required for military
operations. The remaining 4 percent is a relatively small, but
important investment in alternative fuels, which is a longer term
strategy for our energy security. Most of this investment ensures that
our equipment can operate on a wide range of fuels, so we are prepared
if and when alternative fuels become commercially available. As
petroleum is a finite resource, we believe this to be a prudent
investment, and we have been performing these types of activities since
The Department's primary alternative fuels goal is to ensure
operational military readiness and further the flexibility of military
operations through the ability to use multiple reliable fuel sources.
To help achieve this goal, we released the DOD Alternative Fuels Policy
for Operational Platforms in July 2012. The policy confirms that all
investments are subject to rigorous, merit-based evaluation and that
the Department will not make bulk purchases unless they are cost
competitive with petroleum products. To date, the Department has only
purchased relatively small test quantities of alternative fuels, which
are used in testing, evaluation, or demonstration activities. These
purchases are mostly prototypes and should not be equated with
commercial fuels purchases. I will ensure that the Department complies
with the existing internal policy.
future acquisition process
35. Senator Lee. Mr. Estevez, with the prospect of sequester cuts
to DOD this year and continuing cuts through the next 9 fiscal years,
we must change the way that acquisitions are conducted in order to be
more efficient and cost effective. Necessary acquisitions, such as our
next generation fighter jet, have been plagued by delays and budget
overruns. What lessons have been learned so far from the F-35 program
that you will implement in future acquisitions?
Mr. Estevez. There are a number of lessons from the F-35 program
that we are applying across the acquisition structure. The previously
approved level of concurrency in the F-35 program was based on the
expectation that improvements in engineering design tools and modeling
and simulation capabilities would result in a reduced level of
discovery in flight test compared to our historical experience with
similar acquisition programs. However, we learned those assumptions
were invalid and they have not replaced the need for careful and
thorough developmental testing of complex weapons systems. We need to
ensure acquisition strategies are based on sound technological
judgment, reinforced with strong program management underpinned with
proven systems engineering and appropriate developmental testing. We
have introduced Better Buying Power initiatives that will reinforce
strong acquisition discipline, manage costs and program affordability,
and strengthen the acquisition workforce. I believe it is vital that
the acquisition and engineering professional leadership in the
Department exercise early active involvement in our acquisition
programs, and regularly ensure sound program management, engineering,
and testing for every program. A program based on sound acquisition and
engineering principles will have the best chance to succeed and execute
within its planned cost and schedule.
f-35 cost overruns
36. Senator Lee. Mr. Estevez, delays and cost overruns with the F-
35 have caused some of our partner nations, most recently Canada and
Australia, to reassess their acquisition of the jets. What effects will
a reduction of purchases outside of the United States have on the
program and the cost of the jet?
Mr. Estevez. The F-35 delivers joint- and partner-nation air power
essential to our mutual security strategy and is a capability needed to
defeat 21st century threats. The F-35 program was established on the
concept of economies of scale for purchases. Any reduction in the
planned procurement quantity of F-35s, either from the International
Partners or from a U.S. Service, will result in an increase in the unit
cost of each remaining F-35 to be procured. The amount of the cost
increase will be a factor of how many jets are reduced from the
currently planned procurement quantities, and in which years.
37. Senator Lee. Mr. Estevez, how are DOD and the Air Force working
with our partner nations to address their concerns and maintain their
participation in the program?
Mr. Estevez. The F-35 Program Executive Officer (PEO) and his staff
actively engage the F-35 Partner nations on a daily basis. Members of
the Partner nations are fully integrated into the F-35 Program Office.
The PEO ensures open lines of communication to all of the Partners, so
that all countries have the latest programmatic, technical, and
financial updates to support their sovereign decisions on participation
and purchases. Additionally, the Lead Service Acquisition Executive and
the PEO host a number of forums throughout the year, such as the JSF
Executive Steering Board, where all of the Partner nations can voice
their concerns and have a discussion with senior program leaders. The
Defense Acquisition Executive informs all of the Partner National
Armament Directors on major U.S. budget developments affecting
development and procurement accounts, in addition to hosting them
annually (along with the CEOs of the larger F-35 defense contractors)
to review strategic level program progress and concerns. The F-35
program has demonstrated continued progress in a number of areas. Of
paramount interest to the partner nations is affordability and they are
encouraged with the continued cost reduction improvements realized in
the unit cost of the aircraft. However, sequestration effects may
negatively impact this improvement in affordability over the long-term.
[The nomination reference of Hon. Alan F. Estevez follows:]
Nomination Reference and Report
As In Executive Session,
Senate of the United States,
January 22, 2013.
Ordered, That the following nomination be referred to the Committee
on Armed Services:
Alan F. Estevez, of the District of Columbia, to be a Principal
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, vice Frank Kendall III.
[The biographical sketch of Hon. Alan F. Estevez, which was
transmitted to the committee at the time the nomination was
referred, follows:]
Biographical Sketch of Alan Fredric Estevez
North Arlington High School, NJ
High School Diploma awarded 1975
Rutgers University
Bachelor of Arts Degree awarded 1979
Industrial College of the Armed Forces/National Defense University
Masters of Science Degree awarded 1995
Employment record:
Department of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics & Materiel
August 2011-Present
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Logistics & Materiel Readiness)
November 2006-August 2011
Performing the Duties of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense (Logistics & Materiel Readiness),
April 2009-August 2011
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Supply
Chain Integration)
October 2002-November 2006
Deputy, Office of the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary
of Defense (Transportation Policy)
May 2000-October 2002
Acting Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense (Transportation Policy), September 2001-
December 2001
Assistant for Traffic Management, Office of the
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Transportation
December 1995-May 2000
Honors and awards:
Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award (2013)
Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award (2011)
Presidential Rank Distinguished Executive Award (2011)
Presidential Rank Meritorious Executive Award (2006)
Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian
Service (2005 & 2009)
Service to America Medal, National Security Category (2005)
Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian
Service (2001)
Office of the Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence (1997)
Defense Logistics Agency Superior Civilian Service Award (1997)
[The Committee on Armed Services requires all individuals
nominated from civilian life by the President to positions
requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to complete a
form that details the biographical, financial, and other
information of the nominee. The form executed by Hon. Alan F.
Estevez in connection with his nomination follows:]
Room SR-228
Washington, DC 20510-6050
(202) 224-3871
Instructions to the Nominee: Complete all requested information. If
more space is needed use an additional sheet and cite the part of the
form and the question number (i.e. A-9, B-4) to which the continuation
of your answer applies.
Part A--Biographical Information
Instructions to the Nominee: Biographical information furnished in
this part of the form will be made available in committee offices for
public inspection prior to the hearings and will also be published in
any hearing record as well as made available to the public.
1. Name: (Include any former names used.)
Alan Fredric Estevez.
2. Position to which nominated:
Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics).
3. Date of nomination:
January 22, 2013.
4. Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)
[Nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.]
5. Date and place of birth:
September 20, 1957; Kearny, NJ.
6. Marital Status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)
Married to Susan Hideko Pearson (Ludrick).
7. Names and ages of children:
8. Education: List secondary and higher education institutions,
dates attended, degree received, and date degree granted.
Industrial College of the Armed Forces/National Defense University,
Masters of Science in National Resource Strategy 1994-1995
Rutgers University, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 1975-1979
North Arlington High School, NJ, High School Diploma 1971-1975
9. Employment record: List all jobs held since college or in the
last 10 years, whichever is less, including the title or description of
job, name of employer, location of work, and dates of employment.
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics & Materiel Readiness),
Department of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, DC, Aug. 2011-Present
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics &
Materiel Readiness), Department of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, DC,
Nov. 2006-Aug. 2011
Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of
Defense (Logistics & Materiel Readiness) April 2009-August 2011
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Supply Chain
Integration), Department of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, DC, Oct.
2002-Nov. 2006
Deputy, Office of the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Transportation Policy), Department of Defense, Pentagon, Washington,
DC, May 2000-Oct. 2002
Acting Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Transportation Policy), Department of Defense, Pentagon,
Washington, DC, Sept. 2001-Dec. 2001
Assistant for Traffic Management, Office of the Assistant Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense (Transportation Policy), Department of
Defense, Pentagon, Washington, DC, Dec. 1995-May 2000
10. Government experience: List any advisory, consultative,
honorary or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State,
or local governments, other than those listed above.
DOD Liaison to Board of Governors, Electronic Product Code Global
(EPCGlobal), Global Standard 1 (GS1) (standard setting group) 2004-
11. Business relationships: List all positions currently held as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative,
or consultant of any corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other
business enterprise, educational, or other institution.
12. Memberships: List all memberships and offices currently held in
professional, fraternal, scholarly, civic, business, charitable, and
other organizations.
Member, National Defense Industrial Association
Member, Museum of Modern Art, NY
Member, Defenders of Wildlife
Member, Friends of the National Zoo
Member, Corcoran Gallery
Member, WETA
Member, The Potomac Conservancy
Member, Habitat For Humanity
Member, National Parks Conservation Association
Member, The Nature Conservancy
Member, Rails to Trails
Member, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Member, WAMU 88.5
Member, Philips Collection
Member, Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
Member, C&O Canal Trust
13. Political affiliations and activities:
(a) List all offices with a political party which you have held or
any public office for which you have been a candidate.
(b) List all memberships and offices held in and services rendered
to all political parties or election committees during the last 5
(c) Itemize all political contributions to any individual, campaign
organization, political party, political action committee, or similar
entity of $100 or more for the past 5 years.
14. Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary
society memberships, military medals and any other special recognitions
for outstanding service or achievements.
Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award, 2013
Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award, 2011
Presidential Rank Distinguished Executive Award, 2011
Presidential Rank Meritorious Executive Award, 2006
Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian
Service, 2005 & 2009
Service to America Medal, National Security Category, 2005
Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian
Service, 2001
Office of the Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence, 1997
Defense Logistics Agency Superior Civilian Service Award, 1997
15. Published writings: List the titles, publishers, and dates of
books, articles, reports, or other published materials which you have
Estevez, A.F. and S. Geary (2006), ``RFID: The Future is Now,''
Exceptional Release Magazine, Summer 2006, pp 26-29.
Estevez, Alan F., (2005), ``RFID Vision in the DOD Supply Chain,''
Army Logistician, May-June 2005, pp 5-9.
Estevez, A.F. and S. Geary (2004), ``Lessons from the Desert,''
Supply Chain Management Review, November/December 2004, pp. 38-43.
16. Speeches: Provide the committee with two copies of any formal
speeches you have delivered during the last 5 years which you have
copies of and are on topics relevant to the position for which you have
been nominated.
I speak in my official capacity at various events about once a
month on topics general DOD logistics topics. However, these are not
formal speeches.
17.Commitments regarding nomination, confirmation, and service:
(a) Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations governing
conflicts of interest?
(b) Have you assumed any duties or undertaken any actions which
would appear to presume the outcome of the confirmation process?
(c) If confirmed, will you ensure your staff complies with
deadlines established for requested communications, including questions
for the record in hearings?
(d) Will you cooperate in providing witnesses and briefers in
response to congressional requests?
(e) Will those witnesses be protected from reprisal for their
testimony or briefings?
(f) Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and testify upon request
before this committee?
(g) Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
[The nominee responded to the questions in Parts B-F of the
committee questionnaire. The text of the questionnaire is set
forth in the Appendix to this volume. The nominee's answers to
Parts B-F are contained in the committee's executive files.]
Signature and Date
I hereby state that I have read and signed the foregoing Statement
on Biographical and Financial Information and that the information
provided therein is, to the best of my knowledge, current, accurate,
and complete.
Alan F. Estevez.
This 25th day of February, 2013.
[The nomination of Hon. Alan F. Estevez was reported to the
Senate by Chairman Levin on March 20, 2013, with the
recommendation that the nomination be confirmed. The nomination
was confirmed by the Senate on October 30, 2013.]
[Prepared questions submitted to Mr. Frederick E. Vollrath
by Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers supplied
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and the Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and clearly delineated the operational chain
of command and the responsibilities and authorities of the combatant
commanders, and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They have also clarified the responsibility of the Military Departments
to recruit, organize, train, equip, and maintain forces for assignment
to the combatant commanders.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater-Nichols Act
If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to address in
these modifications?
Answer. Currently, I am not aware of a need for modifications to
the act but if confirmed I will review its implementation and will
recommend modifications if necessary.
Question. Section 138 of title 10, U.S.C., provides that Assistant
Secretaries of Defense shall perform such duties and exercise such
powers as the Secretary of Defense my prescribe.
This is a new position. Assuming you are confirmed, what duties do
you expect to be assigned to you?
Answer. Upon my appointment as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Readiness and Force Management (PDASD(R&FM)) in March
2012, it has been my task to establish the Office of Readiness and
Force Management and I have been performing the duties of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management. In this
position, I have been serving as the principal advisor to the Secretary
of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness (USD(P&R)) on all matters relating to the areas of civilian
and military personnel policies, readiness of the force, military
community and family policy, Total Force planning and requirements,
diversity management, equal opportunity, and transition policy.
Question. What background and experience do you have that you
believe qualifies you to perform the duties of this position?
Answer. I have over 40 years of human resource management and
executive leadership experience, including organizational development
with an emphasis on strategic level efficiencies. I retired in the rank
of lieutenant general after serving 35 years in the U.S. Army human
resource management command and staff positions. I last served as the
U.S. Army's Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1), where I directed
all aspects of human resources management and administration for the
total Army. I have also served as the corporate Vice President of Human
Resources (HR) for a large global Fortune 150 Company. I have the
unique experience of both government and nongovernment HR experience.
Question. Do you believe that there are any additional steps that
you need to take to enhance your expertise to perform these duties?
Answer. Upon starting in the position of PDASD(R&FM), I immediately
conducted face-to-face meetings with my staff (collaborative and a open
dialogue). I routinely meet with the deputy assistant secretaries,
directors, and the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness to stay informed of current issues and to adjust strategies
as needed. I will continue to reach out to the Departments of Veterans
Affairs and Labor and the Office of Personnel Management to better our
efforts to collaborate in solutions to DOD HR issues.
major challenges
Question. In your view, what are the major challenges confronting
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management
Answer. In my view, major challenges currently confronting the
ASD(R&FM) include the reduced ability to accomplish all of our missions
should sequestration and resulting furloughs of the civilian workforce
come to pass; finding meaningful ways to combat the Department's rising
level of suicides; sustaining the All-Volunteer Force during these
fiscally challenging times, as well as ensuring that we have the right
Force mix as we drawdown Service end strength while applying greater
manpower to emerging areas of growth such as cyber; expanding the
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and implementing the new Civilian
Personnel Performance Management System; ensuring the policy provisions
are complete to adopt the changes from the extension of Same-Sex
Partner Benefits; and ensuring the Military Compensation and Retirement
Modernization Commission has the appropriate DOD recommendations prior
to the required deadline.
Question. If confirmed, what plans do you have for addressing these
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with the subject matter
experts and leadership in these areas to develop proactive responses
and approaches to ensure that all courses of action are timely and
Question. In carrying out these duties, what would be your
relationship with the following officials:
The Secretary of Defense.
Answer. If confirmed, I would report through the USD(P&R) to the
Secretary of Defense as this position reports directly to the USD(P&R).
Question. The Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Answer. If confirmed, I would report through the USD(P&R) to the
Deputy Secretary of Defense as this position reports directly to the
Question. The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Answer. The ASD(R&FM) reports directly to the USD(P&R) and serves
as the primary advisor on all matters relating to the areas of civilian
and military personnel policies, readiness of the force, military
community and family policy, Total Force planning and requirements,
diversity management, equal opportunity, and transition policy. The
ASD(R&FM) also provides regular updates to USD regarding matters in ASD
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs.
Answer. Collaborates with ASD for Health Affairs on matters of
mutual interest or are cross-cutting in nature.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs.
Answer. Collaborate with the ASD for Reserve Affairs on matters of
mutual interest or are cross-cutting in nature.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and
Materiel Readiness (ASD(L&MR)).
Answer. The ASD(R&FM) collaborates with ASD(L&MR) on matters of
mutual interest or are cross-cutting in nature.
Question. The Department of Defense General Counsel.
Answer. Seek advice on all legal matters or services performed
within the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness
and Force Management.
Question. The Department of Defense Inspector General.
Answer. Forward or respond to any instances of waste, fraud and
abuse within the office of the ASD(R&FM) and cooperate with the
Inspector General on any investigative activities.
Question. The Service Secretaries.
Answer. Collaborate with Service Secretaries on matters of mutual
interest or are cross-cutting in nature. Seek Service input on major
policy initiatives.
Question. The Assistant Secretaries for Manpower and Reserve
Affairs of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Answer. Meet regularly with M&RAs to discuss key personnel issues.
Collaborate on matters of mutual interest or are cross-cutting in
nature and seek input on major policy initiatives.
Question. The Deputy Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force for
Personnel, the Chief of Naval Personnel, and the Deputy Commandant of
the Marine Corps for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Answer. Meet with Service Chiefs on key personnel issues.
Collaborate on matters of mutual interest or are cross-cutting in
Question. The combatant commanders
Answer. Formal communications to the commanders of the combatant
commands normally is transmitted through the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
Question. The Joint Staff, particularly the Director for Manpower
and Personnel (J-1)
Answer. Meet with J-1 on key personnel issues and collaborate on
matters of mutual interest or are cross-cutting in nature.
disability severance pay
Question. Section 1646 of the Wounded Warrior Act, included in the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, enhanced
severance pay and removed a requirement that severance pay be deducted
from VA disability compensation for servicemembers discharged for
disabilities rated less than 30 percent incurred in the line-of-duty in
a combat zone or incurred during the performance of duty in combat-
related operation as designated by the Secretary of Defense. In
adopting this provision, Congress relied on the existing definition of
a combat-related disability contained in title 10 U.S.C. 1413a(e)).
Rather than using the definition intended by Congress, the Department
of Defense adopted a more limited definition of combat-related
operations, requiring that the disability be incurred during
participation in armed conflict.
What is your understanding of the number of servicemembers impacted
by the DOD interpretation of ``combat-related disability,'' and how did
the DOD interpretation affect their compensation?
If confirmed, will you reconsider the Department's definition of
combat-related operations for purposes of awarding enhanced severance
pay and deduction of severance pay from VA disability compensation?
Answer. Since Enhanced Disability Severance Pay is outside the
portfolio of OASD(R&FM), I do not have specific details on this
program. I will ensure that the proper authorities, namely the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, understand the
concern expressed here and encourage a review of policy to ensure
equitable and fair treatment of our disabled servicemembers.
homosexual conduct policy
Question. The law commonly referred to as ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell''
was repealed effective September 20, 2011. As part of the
implementation of this repeal, the Secretary of Defense appointed a
benefits review group to conduct a review of all potential benefits
that could be made available to same-sex spouses. The report of this
review group is long overdue and has been repeatedly delayed.
What is your view of the repeal of ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell''
Answer. On July 22, 2011, the President, Secretary of Defense and
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certified that repeal was
consistent with the standards of military readiness, military
effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention of the Armed
Forces. Repeal occurred September 20, 2011. I fully support the repeal
of DADT.
Question. What is your assessment of the implementation of the
repeal of this law?
Answer. Since September 20, 2011, the effective date of repeal, the
Service Secretaries, the Service Chiefs and the combatant commanders
have reported no significant issues related to implementation of the
repeal of DADT. I believe this success can be attributed to the
Department's comprehensive pre-repeal training programs, combined with
the discipline of our servicemembers and continued close monitoring and
enforcement of standards by our military leaders at all levels
Question. What is the status of the report of the benefits review
group? When is this group expected to issue its report?
Answer. Following repeal, the Department focused its attention to
benefits. The Department conducted a deliberative and comprehensive
review of the possibility of extending eligibility for benefits, when
legally permitted, to same-sex domestic partners of servicemembers. The
benefits were examined from a policy, fiscal, legal and feasibility
perspective. That review has been finalized and the Secretary of
Defense approved the extension of an additional two member-designated
benefits and 22 additional benefits that are to be made available by
August, 31, 2013 but no later than October 1, 2013.
Question. What is your view on the issue of providing military and
survivor benefits to same-sex partners?
Answer. When DADT was repealed, there remained some areas where our
members and their families were not treated equally. In some of these
areas, the Department can take administrative action that better cares
for members and their families, consistent with the law. When
servicemembers don't have to worry about their families back home, they
can better focus on the mission.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that completion of the
report of the Benefits Review Group is expedited and provided to
Answer. The Joint Benefits Review Working Group was chartered to
provide recommendations to the Secretary of Defense on benefits that
could be extended from a policy, fiscal, legal and feasibility
perspective. The Secretary of Defense made his decision concerning the
recommendation and released a memo on February 11, 2013 detailing which
benefits would be extended.
religious guidelines
Question. What is your understanding of current policies and
programs of the Department of Defense regarding religious practices in
the military?
Answer. Current policies and programs of the Department of Defense
regarding religious practices in the military ensure servicemembers'
rights to observe the tenets of their respective religions, as well as
to hold no specific religious conviction or affiliation. The
Chaplaincies of the Military Departments advise and assist commanders
in the discharge of their responsibilities to provide for the free
exercise of religion in the context of military service as guaranteed
by the Constitution, assist commanders in managing Religious Affairs
and serve as the principal advisors to commanders for all issues
regarding the impact of religion on military operations.
Question. In your view, do these policies appropriately accommodate
religious practices that require adherents to wear items of religious
apparel or adhere to certain grooming practices related to their faith?
Answer. Current policies allow for consideration of accommodations
of religious apparel that do not interfere with the performance of
military duties. If confirmed, I will continue to work with the
Military Services to ensure that we maintain the right balance between
military uniform and appearance standards and servicemembers' personal
religious practices.
Question. In your view, do these policies appropriately accommodate
the free exercise of religion and other beliefs without impinging on
those who have different beliefs, including no religious belief?
Answer. Yes, in my view, current policies appropriately accommodate
the free exercise of religion for all servicemembers in the pluralistic
environment that is the U.S. military. The Department of Defense does
not endorse any one religion or religious organization, and provides
free access of religion for all members of the military services. The
Department respects (and supports by its policy) the rights of others
to their own religious beliefs, including the right to hold no beliefs.
If confirmed, I will continue to monitor and assess these policies.
Question. What is your assessment of measures taken at the Service
Academies to ensure religious tolerance and respect?
Answer. My assessment is that these measures have been successful
in fostering religious tolerance and respect. Systems are in place to
provide the means for cadets to address and resolve any perceived
unfair treatment on the basis of race, national origin, color, gender,
and/or religious affiliation, or sexual harassment. Servicemembers can
use the chain of command, Inspector General or Equal Opportunity
channels to raise concerns.
Question. In your view, do existing policies and practices
regarding public prayers offered by military chaplains in a variety of
formal and informal settings strike the proper balance between a
chaplain's ability to pray in accordance with his or her religious
beliefs and the rights of other servicemembers with different beliefs,
including no religious beliefs?
Answer. Existing policies provide military chaplains with
sufficient guidance that allows them to balance, in both formal and
informal settings, their own faith practices with the rights of others
who may hold different or no religious beliefs. I acknowledge that this
at times can be a difficult balance to achieve, and if confirmed, I
will continue to work with the civilian and military leadership of the
Department to ensure this balance is maintained.
Question. The Independent Review Related to Fort Hood observed that
``DOD policy regarding religious accommodation lacks the clarity
necessary to help commanders distinguish appropriate religious
practices from those that might indicate a potential for violence or
self-radicalization.'' Recommendation 2.7 of the Final Recommendations
urged the Department to update policy to clarify guidelines for
religious accommodation and Recommendation 2.8 urged the Department to
task the Defense Science Board to ``undertake a multi-disciplinary
study to identify behavioral indicators of violence and self-
radicalization . . . ''.
What is your view of this recommendation?
Answer. Ensuring appropriate accommodations for the free exercise
of religions and protecting servicemembers from violence and harm are
both of vital importance. Pursuant to Recommendation 2.7, the
Department updated its policy on religious accommodation to ensure
religious freedoms and practices are accommodated to the fullest extent
possible considering mission readiness, discipline and unit cohesion.
This policy is currently under revision to incorporate language from
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013,
section 533 which protects the rights of conscience of members of the
Armed Forces and chaplains. Regarding Recommendation 2.8, the
Department did task the Defense Science Board (DSB) to undertake a
study. The DSB recently completed their study and found that it could
not determine a specific list of behaviors that would indicate risk of
violent/extremist behavior. If I am confirmed, I will continue to
provide oversight regarding the implementation of the recommendations
of the Fort Hood Review.
Question. Will you work to ensure that a scientific factbased
approach to understanding radicalization will drive the Department's
relevant policies on this topic?
Answer. Yes, if confirmed I will review the Department's existing
policies and its plans to address these challenges and determine what,
if any, changes should be made. I agree that any changes to how the
Department approaches this issue should be based on a solid factual
muslims in the u.s. military
Question. In your view, did the attack at Ft. Hood encourage
harassment or even violence against Muslims in the military?
Answer. The incident at Fort Hood was a tragedy and an isolated
event. We must not allow the circumstances surrounding that incident to
compromise the military's core values regarding the free exercise of
religion and to ensure that we treat every servicemember with dignity
and respect. Each servicemember has the right to practice his or her
religious faith without fear of persecution or retribution. This is a
core value of our Country and our military.
Question. If confirmed, what strategies would you advocate to
address the potential for harassment or violence against Muslims in the
U.S. military?
Answer. This sort of behavior or any form of cruelty and
maltreatment is inconsistent with the military's core values, detracts
from combat capability, and has no place in the Armed Forces. Through
ensuring clear and consistent policy, commanders and leaders at all
levels will have the guidance necessary to maintain an environment that
promotes dignity and respect, and will hold them accountable for
preventing harassment or mistreatment.
Question. Numerous incidents of hazing have been reported during
the last year, several of which involved suicide by hazing victims.
Although several of those who committed the hazing were prosecuted,
they were acquitted of the most serious allegations.
Does the Department of Defense have a comprehensive policy
addressing hazing? If so, what is the policy and where is it
Answer. A 1997 Secretary of Defense policy memorandum prohibiting
hazing is unambiguous; however, the guidance clearly states it is
contrary to good order and discipline and is unacceptable behavior.
This guidance also defines the prohibited conduct which constitutes
hazing as well as guidance for dealing with violations.
Recent leadership statements have continued to emphasize that such
behavior will not be tolerated, to include the Secretary of Defense
message of December 2011, the Secretary of the Army's tri-signed
message of January 2012, and the All Marine Corps Activities message
and revised Marine Corps Order 1700.28A of February 2012.
Question. In your view, should the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) be amended to specifically prohibit hazing? Are other changes to
the UCMJ needed to adjudicate allegations of hazing?
Answer. It is my understanding that the Joint Service Committee on
Military Justice has completed its review of hazing as a separate
offense under the UCMJ and the associated report is currently under
departmental review.
Question. If confirmed, what actions will you take to address the
issue of hazing?
Answer. The DOD Hazing Review Team is actively examining responsive
courses of action in three focus areas--policy, training and education,
and reporting--all reinforce the Department's position that hazing is
unacceptable behavior.
women in the military
Question. Secretary Panetta, at the recommendation of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, recently rescinded the policy restricting the
assignment of women to certain units which have the primary mission of
engaging in direct ground combat operations, and has given the military
services until January 1, 2016, to open all positions currently closed
to women, or to request an exception to policy to keep a position
closed beyond that date, an exception that must be approved by the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense.
Do you support Secretary Panetta's decision?
Answer. Yes, I support the measures Secretary Panetta has taken to
expand the positions available to women.
Question. What is your view of the appropriate role for women in
the Armed Forces?
Answer. I believe success in our military is based upon ability,
qualifications and performance of a person consistent with our values
and military readiness. I don't believe there is an appropriate role
for men or for women, rather there is an appropriate position for
anyone who can meet the requirements of that position.
Question. Do you believe it is in the national security interest to
rescind the policy restricting assignment of women to certain units
which have the primary mission of engaging in direct ground combat
operations? Why or why not?
Answer. Yes, it is in the best interest of this nation to permit
the most qualified individual, who meets the requirements of a
position, to serve in that position regardless of gender.
Question. If confirmed, what action will you take to ensure that
physical standards will be realistic and will preserve military
readiness and mission capability?
Answer. The Department of Defense is aware of Public Law 103-160,
section 543, which prohibits the Department from changing an
occupational performance standard for the purpose of increasing or
decreasing the number of women in that occupational career field. To
ensure physical standards are being properly developed and accurately
correlate with the requirements of the position or occupation, we have
partnered with RAND to assess the Services' work against industry
Question. Do you believe that decisions to open positions should be
based on bona fide military requirements? If so, what steps will you
take, if confirmed, to ensure that such decisions are made on this
Answer. It is not a requirement to have women in these positions;
rather it is in the best interest of the Department to allow both men
and women who meet the standards for these positions to compete for
them. This is not a program to put women into direct ground combat
positions; it's a program to remove gender as a selection disqualifier
and, if confirmed, I will ensure that such decisions are consistent
with that approach.
Question. Some family members have expressed concerns about
assigning women to what are currently male-only combat units.
To what extent do you believe that this will be a problem in the
implementation of this policy?
Answer. It's normal for family members to have concerns about their
loved ones, however I expect our commanders to select qualified
personnel, male or female. Additionally, we have had a number of women
in newly opened units since mid-2012, and have already experienced
successful integration of women into formerly male-only units.
Question. If it is a problem, what steps would you take if
confirmed to address it?
Answer. We've required the Services to provide us quarterly
feedback on their elimination of gender-restrictive policy, which
includes feedback on the status of women in these newly opened
positions. If problems are encountered, I will, if confirmed, examine
the issue and address it considering all dimensions and all
recommendations consistent with sustaining readiness.
personnel and entitlement costs
Question. Personnel and related entitlement spending continues to
grow and is becoming an ever increasing portion of the DOD budget.
What actions do you believe can and should be taken, if any, to
control the rise in personnel costs and entitlement spending?
Answer. Congress, in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act,
established a Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization
Commission. Currently, the Department is reviewing all aspects of
military compensation and benefits in order to provided recommendations
to the Commission later this fall.
As a Department, we must continually strive to balance our
responsibilities to our servicemembers, to the Nation, and to the
American taxpayers. If confirmed, I am committed to exploring options
to find savings and more efficient alternatives to help control the
rise in personnel and entitlement costs while still fully supporting
our men and women in uniform and the All-Volunteer Force.
Question. In your view, can the Department and the Services
efficiently manage the use of bonuses and special pays to place high
quality recruits in the right jobs without paying more than the
Department needs to pay, or can afford to pay, for other elements of
the force?
Answer. Bonuses and special and incentive pays are some of the most
cost effective tools available to the Services. These tools provide
effective and easily targetable incentives without the long-term costs
associated with entitlements and are generally much more cost-effective
than across-the-board pay increases. Like any compensation program,
however, these tools must be continually monitored to ensure they are
used both efficiently and effectively and that the Department is
receiving best value for its dollars. If confirmed, I will continue to
work to ensure our bonus and special and incentive pay programs are
administered effectively and efficiently.
dependent care and flexible spending accounts
Question. The 10th QRMC recommended providing dependent care and
flexible spending benefits to Active Duty servicemembers. Providing
these benefits would seem consistent with the initiatives of First Lady
Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden on behalf of military families. It
would appear that no new legislative authority is needed for the
Department to provide these benefits to servicemembers and their
If confirmed, would you extend these benefits to the Active Duty
servicemembers and their families?
Answer. In response to the 2006 National Defense Authorization Act,
the Department examined and provided a report on the possibility of
providing a flexible spending account to military members. The report
identified a number of advantages and disadvantages to the Department
offering an Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for military members. The
central issue was a debate of whether the tax advantage to military
members would warrant the cost the Department would incur implementing
and managing such a program. Generally, military members pay very
little out of pocket for their health care and are in a low tax
bracket. Therefore, the majority of active duty military members would
see little, if any, benefit to implementation of an FSA. Finally, most
reservists, who typically receive medical care outside the military
system, already have access to an FSA.
suicide prevention
Question. The numbers of suicides in each of the Services continues
to concern the Committee. The Army released a report in July 2010 that
analyzed the causes of its growing suicide rate and examined disturbing
trends in drug use, disciplinary offenses, and high risk behaviors. In
addition, studies conducted by the Army of soldiers and marines in
theater showed declines in individual morale and increases in mental
health strain, especially among those who have experienced multiple
In your view, what role should the Department of Defense play in
shaping policies to help prevent suicides both in garrison and in
theater and to increase the resiliency of all servicemembers and their
families, including members of the Reserve components?
Answer. Suicide is a complex problem and each individual
circumstance is unique. However, I strongly believe that suicide
prevention is a leadership responsibility, and the Department
encourages everyone to responsibly seek professional behavioral health
and other services.
To address the factors that contribute to suicidal behavior, I
believe the Department must support a culture that promotes total force
fitness and resilience. This requires both military and civilian
leaders to be knowledgeable on how to enhance protective factors and a
positive working environment. It means involving families in solutions
and care planning. Peers and non-medical case managers also need to
foster resilience and build a supportive community.
If confirmed, I will partner with the Services to ensure suicide
prevention and resiliency building are emphasized at all levels along
with the promotion of help-seeking behaviors and improving access to
behavioral health care. I will focus on finding best practices and
using them to provide guidance from which the Services can most
effectively operate their suicide prevention programs across the total
readiness responsibilities
Question. Section 136 of title 10, U.S.C., gives the Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness certain
responsibilities for military readiness. Some important issues that
affect military readiness, however, such as logistics and materiel
readiness, have been placed under the jurisdiction of the Under
Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics.
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness in exercising policy
and program oversight of military readiness, including materiel
Answer. The responsibilities of the USD(P&R) are to develop
policies, plans, and programs for the total force and its allocation
among the DOD components, and between the Active and Reserve
components, to ensure efficient and effective support of wartime and
peacetime operations, contingency planning, and preparedness. As part
of these responsibilities, the USD(P&R) coordinates closely with the
USD(AT&L) by reviewing and evaluating the requirements of the Defense
Acquisition Board's major defense acquisition programs and proposed
weapons systems for personnel, training, and readiness implications.
Question. If confirmed, what would you propose as the most critical
objectives to improve policy and program oversight over military
Answer. One of the most critical objectives facing the Department
is to oversee the Service's transition, as rapidly as possible, from a
counterinsurgency focused force to a Joint force capable of operating
effectively across the full range of military operations. This is
driven by the recognition that despite today's fiscal challenges, our
forces will be expected to provide enhanced presence, deterrence, and
must also be prepared to respond rapidly to emerging crises in a
diverse and complicated global environment. Specifically, we must
create a Joint force capable of maintaining our commitment to
rebalancing our global posture and presence to the Asia-Pacific region.
These requirements call for a leaner force that is more agile, ready,
and technologically advanced. Achieving this force will take time and
other resources to fully achieve.
This transition is not about returning to pre-September 11 force
profile and readiness standards. The global dynamic, pace of activity,
and our military's global responsibilities have changed since then. We
must again be ready for a wide range of possible missions across the
spectrum of conflict.
Question. If confirmed, how would you work with the Military
Departments as well as other Office of the Secretary of Defense offices
to achieve them?
Answer. Military readiness, by its very nature, has some relevance
for nearly every one of the DOD components. For this reason, my office
must work closely with other OSD offices, the Services, the Joint
Staff, the combatant commands, and the Combat Support Agencies (CSAs)
to ensure we are all moving toward the same goals.
One of the primary mechanisms for ensuring coordination and
synchronization with the DOD components on readiness issues is our
participation in the Deputies Management Activities Group (DMAG). The
Readiness DMAG series focuses on the Department-level readiness issues
that impact current and future military readiness. In support of these
DMAGs, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness has
created a readiness forum that is co-lead by the Joint Staff J-3 and
comprised of Service readiness leads, SOCOM, nearly every OSD
component, and several representatives from across the Joint Staff.
This forum meets regularly and serves as an important venue to raise
critical readiness concerns as well as share management best practices.
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the
Department's systems for readiness reporting and monitoring of military
Answer. With the deployment of the Defense Readiness Reporting
System (DRRS) and the pending integration of the traditional Status of
Resources and Training System (SORTS), the Department's systems are
fully capable of capturing accurate and timely readiness reporting
indicators. The traditional SORTS metrics provide critical information
to the Services that assist in force management and train, organize,
and equip decisions. The DRRS provides capability assessments for what
the Service's provide that enable better COCOM assessments on their
ability to execute the Defense Strategy.
Question. In your view, does the current readiness reporting system
accurately and reliably collect and display the information necessary
to establish that our forces are not only ``ready'' but ``ready for
Answer. DRRS, has the capability for all organizations, Service,
Joint, and the CSAs, to assess their readiness for any and all
missions. The use of Mission Essential Tasks in these assessments
provides the fidelity and flexibility for organizations and tactical
units to express what capabilities they can provide and what missions
they are ready to execute.
readiness of the armed forces
Question. The Joint Chiefs recently stated that ``the readiness of
our Armed Forces is at a tipping point. We are on the brink of creating
a hollow force due to an unprecedented convergence of budget conditions
and legislation that could require the Department to retain more forces
than requested while underfunding that force's readiness.''
How do you currently assess the readiness of the Armed Forces?
Answer. In my assessment, our military forces are exceptionally
prepared for the missions they have undertaken for the last 11 years.
The investments the Nation has made in training technologies, force
protection, command and control, and intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance systems have helped maintain our military's standing as
the most formidable force in the world. Today our forces are postured
globally, conducting counterterrorism, stability, and deterrence
operations, maintaining a stabilizing presence, conducting bilateral
and multilateral training to enhance our security relationships, and
providing the crisis response capabilities required to protect U.S.
interests. In the event of an unexpected crisis, large-scale conflict,
or a threat to the Homeland, ready forces are available to provide the
surge capacity to meet wide-ranging operational challenges today.
Question. Do you agree with the Joint Chiefs that readiness is at a
tipping point?
Answer. Maintaining ready forces is a priority and I share that
concern with the Joint Chiefs. The current fiscal environment makes
maintaining readiness very difficult. Managing readiness after a decade
of war was bound to be challenging irrespective of fiscal
considerations because the Services are beginning the difficult process
of resetting and restoring our force's ability to conduct the full
range of military operations as required by the current defense
I believe there is a very real possibility that the readiness
effects of sequestration or indefinite operation under a Continuing
Resolution could be devastating. These effects are likely to reduce
readiness both directly, through reductions in operations and training,
and indirectly through effects on personnel and equipment. Some of
those indirect effects, especially those that effect personnel or
spares pipelines, could take years to realize and even longer to
Question. If confirmed, how would you assess the impact of budget
conditions on the issue expressed by the Joint Chiefs of a hollow
Answer. I think that we can all agree that sequestration is not an
effective method to both reduce the Department's budget and minimize
the impact to the readiness of the force. I agree with Secretary
Panetta's description of the current circumstances as a ``perfect
storm''. Adding the devastating effects of sequestration on top of
continuing to operate under a Continuing Resolution will likely cause
circumstances that are guaranteed to reduce readiness both directly,
through reductions in operations and training, and indirectly through
circuitous effects on personnel and equipment.
Question. How would you define a hollow force?
Answer. A hollow force is a force that has been rendered incapable
of performing the mission that we expect it to conduct. While the units
may exist, they would not have the personnel, equipment, and/or
training necessary to make them capable of executing the defense
strategy or responding to the most likely contingencies.
Question. As the United States draws down the number of forces
deployed to Afghanistan, Commanders have voiced concerns about
leadership challenges for forces in garrison after 12 years of
sustained combat operations.
If confirmed, what could be done at your level to assist commanders
with force management and readiness?
Answer. I think many of the programs the Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management provides
oversight on are essential to commanders both in garrison and while
deployed. These programs such as suicide prevention, safety, drug
demand reduction, and a multitude of family programs will continue to
be essential to commanders to help maintain the health of the force.
Additionally, our role to provide oversight of the readiness of the
Services to provide manned, trained and equipped forces puts us in a
good position to engage with commanders at all levels as they adapt
what being ready means as we transition from a counterinsurgency
operation focused environment to a more full spectrum capable force. In
the past year, our R&FM team has established a rich dialogue with the
Services over these challenges.
Question. What will be your roles and responsibilities in
monitoring Service goals for reset and reconstitution of combat forces
and equipment?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Services and
Joint Staff to monitor the Service's progress in meeting their goals
for reset, reconstitution and a return to the full range of military
operations as required by the current defense strategy with clear
emphasis on proper training.
readiness monitoring
Question. Section 117 of title 10, U.S.C., directed the DOD to
``establish a comprehensive readiness reporting system for the
Department of Defense'' which led to the creation of the Defense
Readiness Reporting System (DRRS).
What is your understanding of the responsibility you will have, if
confirmed, for the implementation and operation of DRRS?
Answer. If confirmed, I will have direct oversight of the DRRS
Implementation Office and ensure the program reaches its Full
Operational Capability (FOC) as efficiently and effectively as
possible. Additionally, moving forward from FOC, through the DRRS
Executive Committee, in conjunction with the Joint Staff, I will ensure
the Department's future reporting needs continue to be addressed.
Question. What is your understanding of the relationship between
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness and the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Material Readiness
with regard to the implementation and operation of DRRS?
Answer. Materiel readiness is a key component of the Department's
ability to accomplish its assigned missions. Under the auspices of
ASD(R&FM), DRRS provides ASD(L&MR) the forum to understand materiel
readiness effect on the Department's current operations and contingency
Question. What is your understanding and assessment of the current
implementation and operating capabilities of the DRRS?
Answer. DRRS is in use across the Department today providing up-to-
date readiness information. Presently, an updated version of the
system, which fully incorporates the Department's net-centric
architecture to consume and serve up data, is undergoing formal third-
party testing to validate its accuracy, suitability, and effectiveness.
All testing results to date have been positive and the newly tested
version of DRRS should be ready for release later this summer.
Question. How satisfied are you of the current ability of the DRRS
to inform and contribute to the development of the National Security
Answer. DRRS is a critical Global Force Management capability that
supports the National Military Strategy (NMS) which contributes to the
National Security Strategy. Specifically, DRRS provides near real-time
capability-based readiness of the combatant commands, Services, and
Joint Organizations. DRRS also provides the ability to view mission
capability and readiness metrics for all DOD organizations which drives
plans and actions to ensure mission accomplishment. Finally, DRRS uses
Joint and Service provided authoritative data sources in a web-based
architecture providing greater fidelity for refined analysis and force
management. DRRS provides the holistic picture of the DOD from the
highest levels to the tactical to inform the NMS.
Question. How satisfied are you of the current ability of the DRRS
to inform and help shape the development of the defense planning
guidance provided by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to section
113(g) of title 10?
Answer. DRRS permits the Secretary to effectively comply with items
section 113(g) of title 10, as the means by which the Secretary is able
to evaluate the Department's readiness to execute its missions and
contingency plans. Additionally, the nature of DRRS and its
incorporation of the Civil Support Task List allows the Department to
evaluate plans for providing support to civil authorities.
Question. How satisfied are you of the current ability of the DRRS
to inform and assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in
prescribing the National Military Strategy?
Answer. DRRS provides the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs with
relevant readiness data to help determine whether combatant commanders
can perform their assigned missions and associated Mission Essential
Tasks (METs) in a joint, interagency, and multinational operational
environment. Involved in this determination are Service assessments of
their ability to conduct missions as part of a Joint organization.
These assessments are analyzed quarterly in the Joint Forces Readiness
Review providing the Chairman a comprehensive view of readiness across
the force.
Question. Do you have any concerns about whether the Quarterly
Readiness Report to Congress (QRRC) is providing the best mix of
information to clearly inform Congress of the readiness of the Joint
Force, including near-term risks and areas where congressional action
may be needed?
Answer. The QRRC provides a large amount of information and data as
they relate to the overall readiness of our Armed Forces. However, we
feel this report can be improved, particularly in view of an austere
budget climate and the impact that might have on the readiness of our
Total Force. We would like to work with the congressional staffs in
these matters and, if confirmed, I stand ready to brief and discuss the
QRRC at any time.
Question. Are you aware of any readiness information in use within
DOD that is not currently shared with Congress that would be useful for
the exercise of congressional oversight?
Answer. No, I am not aware of any current readiness information
that is not shared with Congress.
foreign language proficiency
Question. In previous reporting, the GAO has identified challenges
that DOD and the Services face in identifying pre-deployment training
requirements for language proficiency and limitations with some of the
Services information management systems to record language proficiency
What are the current predeployment language training requirements
for individuals or units deploying to Afghanistan and other geographic
combatant commands areas of responsibility and what steps has DOD taken
to ensure that forces have the required levels of language proficiency?
Answer. In 2012, the Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan, specified
the predeployment language and culture training required for all U.S.
personnel deploying to Afghanistan. This policy acknowledged that
various missions would place differing demands on U.S. personnel based
on the anticipated degree of interaction with the Afghan population.
The Department supports this policy with on-line training modules for
basic cultural and communications skills for personnel expecting
minimal contact with the local population. For the personnel expected
to interact with Afghan personnel for the majority of their missions,
DOD offers Language Training Detachments and command-sponsored
classroom programs to supplement its HEADSTART 2 language and culture
training modules offered by the Defense Language Institute Foreign
Language Center (DLIFLC). Mobile Training Teams from DLIFLC are
available to commanders on request. This approach allows commanders to
tailor their training and maximize training resources.
Question. The Army and Marine Corps have provided substantial
language training to select general purpose soldiers and marines
deploying to Afghanistan, yet the Services' training and personnel
systems have not fully captured information on language training that
has been completed and any proficiency gained from the training.
What steps have DOD and the Services taken to provide
decisionmakers with greater visibility within training and personnel
systems on the language proficiency of general purpose forces that
could better inform force management processes?
Answer. The Army and Marine Corps are modifying their training data
bases to track language and culture training provided to individuals.
Additionally, the Department is successfully tracking the language
proficiency of the force using the Language Readiness Index (LRI) in
the Defense Readiness Reporting System. This tool allows decisionmakers
and planners to quickly identify DOD military and civilian personnel
with tested and self-professed language proficiency, the languages they
command, and their proficiency in those languages. This information is
provided by the Services' personnel systems and the Defense Civilian
Personnel Data System and portrays DOD language capability inventory.
Question. At a congressional hearing last year, Under Secretary of
Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers testified that the United
States could benefit by having more DOD personnel proficient in foreign
languages and that, ``it's an area, frankly, we still need to
What is your assessment of the current level of foreign language
proficiency across the Services?
Answer. Our foreign language capability is growing. Our investments
have resulted in over 265,000 DOD personnel with foreign language
skills an increase of 6,497 from previous years. Our challenge is to
generate the language skills to meet the needs of general purpose and
Special Operations Forces while at the same time training to the
professional language level for strategic capabilities like Foreign
Area Officers and Cryptologic Language Analysts. This is our strategy
to provide the Department with the assets it needs for regional
deployments at the operational and tactical levels. This is especially
important as we regionally align combat forces towards specific
Question. What incentives would you offer, if any, in the form of
either financial stipends or professional advancement opportunities?
Answer. The Department has significantly improved the availability
of Foreign Language Proficiency Bonuses for our total force over the
past 5 years. The bonus was extended to the Reserve component and
payment rates increased. We are assessing its impact and are
considering non-monetary incentives to encourage personnel to pursue
competency in a foreign language. This involves a close look at
linguist career paths, proper utilization, and promotion opportunities
Question. Are you concerned with the current level of reliance upon
contractors to provide translators to deployed combat units?
Answer. Interpreters and translators provide the Department the
ability to provide a high level of foreign language capability, on
short notice, to deploying units. The use of contractors to provide
interpretation to deployed combat units is closely monitored on a
regular basis.
It is not possible within current resources to train sufficient
numbers of military or DOD personnel to meet the ever increasing need
for personnel with high levels of foreign language and cultural skills.
Therefore contract interpreters have and will continue to provide a
much needed surge capability to our deploying forces. However, the
Department recognizes the value of having foreign language skills
organic to a unit and has in the past employed the skills of personnel
in the Army 09L Translator Aide program as well as Military Accessions
Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) program to provide high levels of
language skills to deploying units. The Department is currently
exploring other avenues to provide short-term surge capability for
translation. One of the more exciting initiatives is the National
Language Service Corps, which offers more than 4,000 American Citizens
with advanced language skills who are willing to serve as temporary
Federal employees to meet urgent and surge demands in limited
safety and risk mitigation
Question. Since the onset of combat operations over a decade ago,
the overall readiness of the force has steadily declined in terms of
personnel, training, and equipment readiness. As force readiness is
consumed as soon as it is created by the demand of a high operations
tempo, our readiness now faces additional challenges in an economically
austere environment. If the current sequestration cuts were to occur,
our understanding is that approximately $18 billion would be cut from
DOD's operation and maintenance (O&M) budget. If DOD were then forced
to operate under a 1-year Continuing Resolution, the O&M budget would
be cut by an additional $11 billion. Furthermore, to ensure that
Overseas Contingency Operations are funded, another $11 billion would
then have to be cut out of the base O&M budget.
If this scenario were to unfold, how would you provide oversight,
prioritize resources, and ensure the readiness of the force is
Answer. The magnitude of sequestration cuts make it impossible for
the Services to avoid cuts to vital training capabilities, training
infrastructure, and training deliverables. Ensuring the readiness of
the force is sustained, other than those units that are next to deploy,
will be virtually impossible. The Army has stated that cuts to training
and maintenance will put two-thirds of their active brigade combat
teams outside of Afghanistan at reduced readiness levels. Navy
operations in the western Pacific, including training, will be reduced
by as much as one-third. With less training and steaming days, the Navy
will inevitably reduce unit readiness levels. The Air Force has stated
that sequestration cuts to their flying hour program will put flying
units below acceptable readiness standards by the end of the fiscal
year. The furlough of DOD civilians will include civilians at training
centers across the country, reducing the quality and quantity of
training immediately, with long-lasting impacts on readiness.
It is clear that sequestration and a continuing budget resolution
will devastate our readiness. When we are not allowed by legislation to
manage individual pieces of the budget, readiness accounts inevitably
pay the price, thus prioritizing resources is problematic. I will work
closely with the Services and Joint Staff, through our various
readiness assessment processes, to identify those readiness shortfalls
that require the attention of the Department's most senior leadership.
Question. Are these potential sequestration cuts to the O&M budget
Answer. As I understand it, as part of the overall cut of the $46
billion cut, the Department's O&M accounts will be reduced by $13
billion from the annualized CR level. We must protect the O&M dollars
for our men and women in combat, which under sequestration rules we can
only do by cutting base-budget O&M disproportionately--this results in
an additional shortfall of $5 billion in active base-budget dollars,
for a total of an $18 billion cut.
If the Continuing Resolution is extended in its current form
throughout the year, it exacerbates problems because it does not
provide enough dollars in O&M--adding an additional shortfall of $11
Question. In your view, what are the indicators of a hollow force?
Answer. It would be a force that has been rendered incapable of
performing the mission that we expect it to conduct. While the units
may exist, they would not have the personnel, equipment, and/or
training necessary to make them capable of executing the defense
strategy or responding to the most likely contingencies. Additionally,
part of avoiding a hollow force is ensuring we have a clear
understanding of the size of the force we can afford to keep ready and
then adhering to that plan.
Question. How has the DRRS contributed to managing risk within DOD?
Answer. DRRS provides the Department with a capabilities centric
look at readiness which has allowed commanders and staffs to understand
readiness issues that directly impact their mission and equate to
operational risk. This knowledge provides situational awareness that
allows them to initiate operational problem solving, identify
capability gaps, conduct trend, threshold and predictive analysis,
create capability Force Package designs and strategies to solve or
mitigate readiness issues and mitigate risks.
Question. How would the DRRS inform your decisionmaking process in
order to reduce risk?
Answer. DRRS contains detailed information on not only what units
are capable of; it also contains data on the resources and training
status on which those capabilities are based. In this sense, it
provides an empirical understanding of why readiness is degraded and
what the associated consequences are. This understanding is essential
to identifying systematic problems and identifying potential mitigation
Question. Why are commanders allowed to subjectively upgrade their
unit's readiness, if the intent of the DRRS is to accurately portray
unit readiness up the chain of command?
Answer. DRRS, like Status of Resources and Training Systems
(SORTS), allows for commanders' upgrades because an assessment of
whether a unit can accomplish their assigned mission is far too complex
to rely on simplistic rules on interpreting data. Intangibles, nuances,
and positive and negative synergies among causal factors can be
extremely important in determining an accurate assessment and we trust
commanders with the responsibility to make those calls. One mechanism
that we use to make sure we understand the final assessments is to
monitor the empirical/non-subjective data on which they are built. This
includes not only unit-level data, but also maintaining some visibility
on the man/train/equip pipeline processes that generate unit readiness.
Question. If either sequestration or a full-year Continuing
Resolution is to be implemented, how should they be modified to reduce
the impact on readiness? Would additional reprogramming authority be
Answer. Both should be modified to allow the Department the
flexibility to allocate our resources to our highest priorities. When
we are not allowed by legislation to manage individual pieces of the
budget, readiness accounts inevitably pay the price. Everything needs
to be on the table. This should include military and civilian force
reductions, basing, and balancing Active and Reserve components.
Adequate flexibility will also require support for follow-on
reprogramming authority.
joint training system
Question. In June of last year, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff published CJCS Guide 3501: The Joint Training System, which
provides an overview of the Joint Training System (JTS) and highlights
the role of senior leadership in the planning, execution, and
assessment of joint training.
What is your assessment of the effectiveness of the current JTS?
Answer. Today's force is more joint than at any time in our
history. Through a decade of conflict our military members have evolved
from a Service-centric force to a more capable force which includes
both Service-unique attributes as well intentional Service
The Joint Training System described in CJCS Guide 3501 is focused
on the warfighting organizations--namely the combatant commands and
their Service components. As such, the JTS focuses at the strategic and
operational levels, where combatant commanders can assess their
readiness to ``integrate and synchronize assigned forces to meet
mission objectives''.
One additional aspect of joint readiness bears mentioning here.
While the JTS focuses at the strategic and operational levels of
operations, joint readiness (and by extension, joint training) extends
down to the tactical level as well. Services--including Service
components of combatant commands--must be resourced to ``train the way
they operate''. This includes joint tactical interoperability training.
While tactical training is not the primary focus of the JTS, such
training is also at risk in the current fiscal environment. As Services
retrench into title 10 focus on core competencies, adequate resources
specifically allocated for joint training must be preserved. JTS would
be a more complete system if it provided a conceptual framework for
combatant commanders and Services to plan, resource, and conduct joint
tactical training in addition to operational training for combatant
command staffs.
training ranges
Question. DOD is fielding Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in
greater numbers which has created a strong demand for access to
national airspace to conduct training and for other purposes. The
demand has quickly exceeded the current airspace available for military
What is your understanding and assessment of DOD's efforts to
develop a comprehensive training strategy for the Department's UAS, to
include identifying any shortfalls associated with current policies,
education, stationing plans, and simulator technologies?
Answer. The DOD UAS Training Strategy is currently being developed
and the Department will be providing a report to Congress in July on
its progress in this area. The training strategy will address critical
elements of UAS training--unit collective training and home station
training of pilots, sensor operators, and ground controllers. We
anticipate that the report will identify and address shortfalls
associated with current policies, training, basing, national airspace,
and training technologies.
defense strategic guidance
Question. The 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance stressed that the
Department will need to examine the mix of Active and Reserve component
elements and stated that the expected pace of operations over the next
decade will be a significant driver in determining an appropriate mix
of AC/RC forces and level of readiness.
What is your assessment of the implications of a reduction in the
pace of operations on the AC/RC mix and Reserve readiness?
Answer. The National Guard and Reserve have clearly proven the
ability to accomplish any assigned mission whether overseas or at home.
As the pace of operations declines, it is my opinion the National Guard
and Reserve will continue to play a vital role in our national defense.
Recent changes in laws permitting greater access to the Reserve
component (RC), coupled with the proven abilities and current high
state of readiness of the Reserve Forces affords the Department greater
flexibility when determining appropriate force levels and AC/RC mix. In
a constrained resource environment, the RC gives the department a
unique opportunity to preserve overall operational capability and
mitigate risk at reduced costs.
Question. In your view, how can the missions of the Reserve Forces
expect to change to meet new priorities?
Answer. Over the last decade, the Department has learned a
significant amount about using Reserve Forces in many different mission
sets. The upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review will lay the ground work
for assigning mission sets to all forces. If confirmed, I will work
closely with the Services, the Reserve Chiefs, and the Chief of the
National Guard Bureau to determine the most effective mix and makeup of
Active, Reserve, and Guard personnel to support the National Military
reserve component as a trained and ready operational reserve
Question. One outcome of 10 years of continuous operations in Iraq
and Afghanistan, that has included the mobilization of thousands of
Guard and Reserve Forces, has been the realization that our Reserve
components have evolved from a rarely used strategic reserve to a more
frequently used operational reserve.
In your view, what are the essential elements of readiness, if any,
that distinguish the Reserve component as an operational reserve as
opposed to a strategic reserve?
Answer. The decade plus of war has transformed the Reserve
component from a strategic force rarely used to an integral partner of
our national defense. In my opinion the most essential element of
readiness is people. Today our Reserve component has experienced and
skilled people. The combination of their combat experience and civilian
skills make them vitally important to our Nation's defense. I think the
continued use of the RC as a full partner in the Total Force is the
difference between the strategic reserve of the Cold War and the
required efficient use of all elements of the Total Force going
forward--Active, Guard and Reserve, civilian, and contractor.
active duty and reserve component end strength
Question. The Department last year announced its 5-year plan to
reduce Active Duty end strengths by over 100,000 servicemembers by
2017, and the Reserve components by another 21,000 over the same
period. These cuts do not include any additional personnel reductions
that could result from sequestration or any agreement to avoid
Do you agree with this plan to reduce Active Duty and Reserve
component end strengths?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to review the plan, but I
believe the end strength drawdown allows us to achieve the right size
force and keep it modern. The plan is designed to maintain capable and
ready military forces while managing reductions in a way that ``keeps
faith'' with forces that have been at war for the past 10 years. As
future national security conditions could change, our planned drawdown
could change accordingly.
Question. What is your view of how these planned end strength
reductions will affect dwell time ratios?
Answer. I understand that all of the Services, on average, are
meeting or exceeding the Department's dwell time goal of 2 years at
home for every year deployed, or 1:2, for the Active component. If
confirmed, I will continue to monitor this issue closely.
The Reserve component dwell time is improving, but has not reached
the Department's dwell time goal of 5 years at home for every 1 year of
Active Duty, or 1:5. If confirmed, I will continue to work toward the
goal of a 1:5 dwell time ratio for the Reserve component.
Question. What effect would inability to meet dwell time objectives
have on the decision to implement the planned end strength reductions?
Answer. The Services are continually monitoring dwell time, if
there are any early indicators that the end strength reductions are
affecting the ratio, I will work with the Services to address the
issues. Re-examination of end strength reductions would certainly be
one of the considerations to remedy potential dwell problems.
Question. What additional military personnel reductions do you
envision if the sequester is triggered in accordance with the Budget
Control Act?
Answer. If the Department were required to sequester funding, I
believe that it would first require a revision of the current National
Security Strategy announced by the President last January. The current
strategy could not be met with the significantly diminished resources
that sequester would impose. The revised strategy could very well
impact all components of the total force--Active Duty military, Reserve
component military, Government civilians, and contractors.
Question. In your view, what tools do the Department and Services
need to get down to authorized strengths in the future, and which of
these require congressional authorization?
Answer. The Department already has or has been granted the total
force shaping tools necessary to meet the drawdown in its current plan.
military quality of life
Question. In your view, what is the relationship between military
recruitment and retention and quality-of-life improvements and your own
top priorities for the Armed Forces?
Answer. The Military Services must attract and retain people with
the necessary talent, character, and commitment to become leaders and
warriors in the Nation's Armed Forces. The military has consistently
used a coordinated recruiting and retention strategy which maximizes
the efficient use of our greatest asset--our people. This strategy
consists of monetary and non-monetary compensation packages that
include the use of special pays, enlistment bonuses, educational
benefits and quality of life programs. It has long been said that you
recruit an individual and retain a family. As such, it is critical that
quality of life (family, education, child-care, housing), quality of
service (work environment, infrastructure capacity, and support, time
to train), and compensation (pay and benefits) are constantly evaluated
and adjusted to respond to needs of an evolving force and to varying
economic conditions. Recruiting and retention strategies must be able
to generate success in both good and bad economic times. The Services
cannot afford to wait for recruiting and retention misses to signal a
need for adjustments--adjustment tools and authorities to achieve skill
and strength requirements must be set as a priority and readily
Question. If confirmed, what further enhancements to military
qualify of life would you consider a priority, and how do you envision
working with the Services, combatant commanders, family advocacy
groups, and Congress to achieve them?
Answer. I recognize that the well-being of the force, as well as
recruiting and retention efforts, are significantly impacted by quality
of life programs. If confirmed, I look forward to coordinating the
efforts of the Services and combatant commanders in order to ensure we
have a comprehensive, accessible, and affordable suite of programs. We
will continue our work with Congress and family advocacy groups to
supplement and enhance our programs and services as needed.
family readiness and support
Question. Senior military leaders have warned of growing concerns
among military families as a result of the stress of frequent
deployments and the long separations that go with them.
What do you consider to be the most important family readiness
issues for servicemembers and their families, and, if confirmed, how
would you ensure that family readiness needs are addressed and
adequately resourced?
Answer. Quality of Life programs and services consistently rank
high among the considerations of servicemembers and their families when
deciding whether to stay in the military. Families will need assistance
to reintegrate, and communicate with each other after a decade of
deployments and long separations. Programs and services need to be
readily accessible in order to provide servicemembers and their
families established support programs using a variety of delivery
systems, including in-person, web-based, or online support. The DOD
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) provides funding and resources to the
Military Departments to strengthen families. FAP is one of the many
family readiness programs within the Department, and DOD remains
steadfast in its commitment to ensure adequate personnel and resources
are available to assist, assess, and treat servicemembers and their
families when and where needed. Moreover, we work closely with the
civilian community and our Federal partners to support military
Question. How would you address these family readiness needs in
light of global rebasing, deployments, and anticipated reductions in
end strength?
Answer. Key areas of focus will be on downsizing, and providing
support for transition planning throughout the military life cycle.
This will include the active engagement of family members in the
process. It will be important to continue to develop family readiness
so that military families can continue to face the anticipated
challenges associated with global rebasing, deployments and anticipated
reductions in end strength.
Question. If confirmed, how would you ensure support is provided to
Reserve component families related to mobilization, deployment and
family readiness, as well as to active duty families who do not reside
near a military installation?
Answer. DOD is not resourced to meet all the needs of military
families. Actively engaging military families in community-based
programs and services by encouraging participation in the design,
development, and delivery of such programs and services will ensure
that they meet the needs of military families. A variety of programs
and services are already available to assist with the networking,
coordination, and collaboration that is necessary to build community
capacity to support military families.
Question. If confirmed, what additional steps will you take to
enhance family support?
Answer. We must continue to work with civilian communities where
most military families live to promote quality of life enhancements
that address military and family readiness challenges. Beyond looking
to the local community, DOD will continue to assist in workforce
development efforts already underway to create a cadre of service
providers who can provide that support within DOD. This will occur
through our partnership with professional educational institutions and
with local, State, Federal, public, and private agencies and
organizations. If confirmed, I will continue to build upon these
relationships with community partners to provide the necessary
military child development centers
Question. Late last year, the Army announced that it was conducting
a 100 percent audit of employee background check processes at all 283
of its child care facilities at installations in the United States and
overseas because ``derogatory'' information was found in the security
background checks of employees at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
Child Development Center. As a result, the Secretary of Defense ordered
a 100 percent background check audit of all providers who have regular
contact with children in DOD Child Development Centers, School Age Care
Programs, and Youth Programs, and a 100 percent review and evaluation
of the actual background check documentation on file for each
individual, employee and volunteer, for compliance with applicable DOD
and Military Service policies. Subsequently, DOD reviewed over 44,000
records and reported validation of background checks had been initiated
across the Department as required. Additionally, at the time of the
review, approximately 1,200 background checks were pending
What is the status of the remaining background checks pending
Answer. Because of the length of time required for the adjudication
process, there will always be background checks in adjudication.
Adjudication is the process through which an employee is evaluated for
suitability of employment. Currently, the adjudication process is
specific to each Military Service. It is important to note the FBI
background checks, which include fingerprints, often require months for
completion and it is typical for all programs to have some background
checks in process/pending. For employees whose background checks are
pending, those individuals are either working within line-of-sight
supervision in accordance with Public Law 102-190, section 1094, or are
not yet working in the program.
Question. Are you convinced that the Services performed these
reviews adequately and thoroughly?
Answer. Yes. Additionally, this audit revealed some areas for
improvement and, as a result, all applicable directives and other
regulatory guidelines will be updated to ensure these improvements are
incorporated. DOD leadership and child development program staff are
committed to high quality and consistent delivery of these services and
to ensure the safety and well-being of children in our care.
Question. Are policies and programs in place now to ensure the
safety and welfare of children in Child Development Centers, School Age
Care Programs, and Youth Programs in the future?
Answer. DOD has a longstanding standardized and comprehensive
process for screening applicants for positions involving child care
services on DOD installations and in DOD activities. By law, employment
applications must include a question as to whether the applicant has
ever been arrested for or charged with a crime involving a child. The
application states that it is being signed under penalty of perjury.
Additionally, we are required by law to conduct at least two types of
background checks on every employee who works with children in child
and youth programs. DOD conducts additional background checks, and the
Military Departments and Defense Agencies have the discretion to
conduct more restrictive screenings. These background checks are part
of a system of measures currently in place to ensure children's safety
in DOD programs.
Question. Are OSD policies and programs in place to provide
continued oversight of these programs in the future?
Answer. Based on the findings of the review, we are strengthening
our policies, specifically highlighting prompt and consistent
adjudication. In addition, the Military Departments and Defense
Agencies will increase oversight during unannounced annual inspections
of these facilities and programs.
department of defense schools in conus
Question. Some have questioned the continuing need for DOD-operated
schools for military dependent children within the Continental United
States (CONUS).
In your view, should DOD reassess or update its criteria for the
continued operation of DOD schools within CONUS?
Answer. The Department intends to conduct a comprehensive study to
determine the feasibility of transferring the CONUS based DOD schools.
The Department's planned study that will examine such factors as the
quality of education, adequacy of Impact Aid funding, State laws and
prohibitions on using tax revenues for a public education on Federal
property (e.g., Delaware), capacity of LEAs to assume the educational
responsibility, adequacy of educational and support services for
military dependents, and impact on the morale of military families. The
study will also examine any viable educational alternatives to DOD
Question. If so, and if confirmed, how would you approach this
Answer. If confirmed, I will closely examine the issue and the
results of the study considering all dimensions and all
conditions of k-12 schools
Question. In 2011, The Department of Defense committed to a $4
billion plan to renovate or construct new K-12 DOD Education Activity
(DODEA) schools over 5 years in order to address inadequate and
deteriorated facility conditions throughout the DODEA facility
inventory. In response, Congress called upon the Department to develop
a minimum standard of design to ensure that DODEA would provide world-
class education facilities for the children of military members.
What is your assessment of this construction program?
Answer. It is critical that we continue with the school
construction program. Nearly 70 percent of our schools are in poor
condition. The Department recognized this growing problem, and approved
a multi-billion dollar construction program through 2018. These schools
are being designed to meet the high-technology teaching and learning
requirements of the 21st century and leverage ``green'' technologies to
improve the environmental impact and long-term operating costs.
Question. If confirmed, will you continue the investments to
achieve the goal to provide world-class schools?
Answer. A world-class education is a top quality of life and
readiness factor for our military families. Dependent education
consistently has been a top priority for the Department. I will
continue to ensure that we invest in the education of our children, and
maintain a top-quality education for our military dependents.
Question. What is your position on the use of defense funds to pay
for facility improvements for schools that are owned and operated by
local education activities?
Answer. The Department continues to work closely with local school
districts to address the capacity shortfalls and physical condition
deficiencies in many of the 160 public schools located on military
installations. It remains important for the Department to continue the
administration of the public schools on military installation grant
program, which, as of February 21, 2013, has distributed more than $208
million to projects for 10 of the 12 highest priority schools. If
confirmed, I would support the President's fiscal year 2013 budget
request to continue the program.
Question. If confirmed, how would you work with local education
activities to ensure an adequate level of investment is provided to
schools with a predominant student population of Military Dependents?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to work with the Department
of Education and support the full funding of Impact Aid. Annually, the
Department offers about $35 million in grants which have provided
school districts funding to expand learning opportunities in such areas
as foreign languages; STEM, and Advanced Placement Math, Science, and
English and will continue to leverage available resources to provide
the educational opportunities for all 1.2 million school-aged children
of our military families and remain committed to providing a quality
education for all military dependents
Question. What is your view on the adequacy of the Department of
Defense's involvement with the Impact Aid Program?
Answer. The DOD Supplement to Impact Aid program is an important
additional source of funding for local school districts that have lost
property tax revenue due to the enrollment of a large number of
military-connected children. The Department faces challenging budgetary
uncertainties at this time. Many programs are underfunded. Impact Aid
is no exception.
Question. If confirmed, would you recommend any changes to the
Impact Aid program?
Answer. The Department of Education has made significant
enhancements to this program since its inception. The Department's
study of the DOD Domestic Schools will also examine Impact Aid issues.
office of community support for military families with special needs
Question. In the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2010, Congress required the establishment of an Office of Community
Support for Military Families with Special Needs within the Office of
the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. The purpose
of this office is to enhance and improve Department of Defense support
for military families with special needs, whether educational or
medical in nature.
In your view, what should be the priorities of this Office of
Community Support for Military Families with Special Needs?
Answer. A key priority for the Office of Community Support for
Military Families with Special Needs is to strengthen personal
readiness for military families with special needs through a
comprehensive policy, oversight of programs that support military
families with special needs, identification of gaps in services to such
families, and the accessibility to appropriate resources.
Presently, over 126,000 military family members are enrolled in the
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). The EFMP supports military
families with special medical and/or educational needs in three
components areas: identification/enrollment, assignment coordination to
determine the availability of services at a projected location, and
family support to help families identify and access programs and
Question. If confirmed, how would you ensure outreach to those
military families with special needs dependents so they are able to get
the support they need?
Answer. Communication with military families with special needs and
the provision of information about the EFMP is a major focus of DOD. If
confirmed, I will ensure the Department continues to develop and
implement a comprehensive communication and marketing plan designed to
deliver consistent information about the EFMP to families, service
providers, and leadership. We will also continue to solicit input from
families with special needs through the Special Needs Advisory Panel,
as mandated by Congress.
gi bill benefits
Question. Congress passed the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational
Assistance Act in 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill) that created enhanced
educational benefits for servicemembers who have served at least 90
days on Active Duty since September 11. The maximum benefit would
roughly cover the cost of a college education at any public university
in the country.
What unresolved issues related to implementation of the Post-9/11
GI Bill (e.g., coverage of additional military personnel) do you
consider most important to be addressed?
Answer. With the recent change in Public Law 111-277 that corrected
technical issues related to National Guard (title 32) service, I
believe all Armed Service Veterans are fully covered.
Question. What is your assessment of the impact of the Post-9/11 GI
Bill on recruiting and retention, including the provision of
transferability for continued service?
Answer. Post Service education benefits have been a cornerstone of
our military recruiting efforts since 1985, and a major contributor to
the success of the All-Volunteer Force. Money for education has been,
and remains at the forefront of reasons young Americans cite for
joining the military. There is no doubt that the Post-9/11 GI Bill will
continue to have this same impact. The Department of Defense is an
``education'' employer. We hire educated young people, invest in them
while in Service, and we encourage them to invest further in themselves
when they leave. The VA-administered education benefits, and in
particular the Post-9/11 GI Bill, facilitates that investment.
military and veteran education program oversight
Question. Congress remains interested in strengthening oversight of
Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs education
programs, including the VA's Post-9/11 GI Bill, and DOD's tuition
assistance and Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA)
What is your view of proposals that would require that all schools
participating in these programs be compliant with title IV of the
Higher Education Act, so long as the administering Secretaries had the
authority to exempt such requirements on a case-by-case basis?
Answer. DOD supports the proposal and is clarifying policies to
ensure tuition assistance funding will only be paid to educational
institutions accredited by an accrediting organization, recognized by
the Department of Education, approved for Department of Veterans
Affairs funding, and participating in Federal student aid programs
through the Department of Education under title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965.
Question. What is your view of proposals to change the so-called
90/10 rule to exempt these programs from the calculation altogether, as
has been proposed by officials of the Bureau for Consumer Financial
Protection and others?
Answer. DOD has no objection with the proposal to exempt title X
tuition assistance funds from the 90/10 calculation. Technical
assistance and oversight of any statutory changes to the proposed 90/10
rule should reside with the Department of Education.
morale, welfare, and recreation
Question. What challenges do you foresee in sustaining Morale,
Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) programs, particularly in view of the
budget challenges the Department faces?
Answer. Quality of life programs for our military members and their
families are essential to the resiliency of the force, as well as to
recruiting and retention efforts. Changes in our basing, deployment
patterns and force structure have had a significant impact on our
ability to deliver quality of life programs to our military families.
With more than 75 percent of military families now living off
installation, there is an increasing need for partnerships and support
from local governments, school systems, and businesses to ensure we
continue to provide comprehensive, accessible, and affordable quality
of life programs. Additionally, we are conducting a major assessment of
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation programs to ensure they are being
operated in as efficient and cost-effective manner as possible.
Question. How would you seek to deal with these challenges?
Answer. Sustaining family programs in the current fiscally
constrained environment will be challenging but of vital importance as
we seek to reach servicemembers on and off the installations. If
confirmed, I will make every effort to protect funding for family
quality of life programs to the greatest extent possible and ensure
they are operating efficiently. Good stewardship demands that available
resources are utilized in the most effective manner.
Question. If confirmed, what improvements would you seek to
Answer. We have a responsibility to ensure access to quality
programs, information and resources regardless of where our
servicemembers and their families are located. I've mentioned the need
to develop and maintain a strong network of community-based providers.
We'll need to enhance our information and referral resources by
maximizing electronic opportunities provided through internet social
networking avenues and electronic applications. We also have
opportunities to improve the effectiveness of outreach programs, to
better meet military families where they live. If confirmed, I will
evaluate these opportunities, and how we can better coordinate efforts
among the various entities providing support to our military members
and their families.
commissary and military exchange systems
Question. What is your view of the need for modernization of
business policies and practices in the commissary and exchange systems,
and what do you view as the most promising avenues for change to
achieve modernization goals?
Answer. Both the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) and the military
exchanges are progressive organizations seeking to reduce costs within
their respective businesses. DeCA, for example, has a proven history of
reducing the costs of the commissary system without decreasing the
value of the benefit provided. Since its beginning in 1991,
efficiencies have allowed DeCA to reduce its workforce by almost 7,000
full time equivalent positions and operating costs by approximately
$700 million in constant fiscal year 1992 dollars. In fact, when
measured in constant dollars, DeCA's operating costs are only slightly
more than one-half of what they were when the Agency was created.
Exchanges are evolutionary models driven by best business practices
and the need to remain relevant to servicemembers in a highly
competitive and ever-changing retail environment. Today's exchanges
have gone beyond the traditional brick and mortar environment,
embracing e-commerce and mobile retail channels to satisfy customer
demands. They are using digital marketing and social media that are now
common in the marketplace for customer outreach. In the traditional
brick and mortar environment, robust infrastructure re-investments, new
branding strategies, enhanced customer service postures, supply chain
enhancements, and targeted merchandise assortment driven by unique
installation customer demographics are all delivering a customer
shopping experience on par or better than the most successful retailers
in the commercial market place. The exchanges continue to exceed the
DOD Social Compact on savings for servicemembers.
For the Exchanges, there are already mechanisms for modernization
through the Cooperative Efforts Board. Promising areas for change
include non-resale procurement, logistics and distribution, exchange
select/private label, legislative and policy, and seasonal and one time
Question. What is your view of the proposals by some to consolidate
or eliminate commissaries and exchanges?
Answer. Eliminating the commissary and exchanges would be a direct
hit on military compensation. In fiscal year 2012, commissaries saved
military shoppers approximately $2.76 billion, a return of more than
double the $1.31 billion annual commissary appropriation. At a personal
level, a family of four shopping at the commissary regularly can save
$4,500 a year. Exchanges, which receive very little appropriated fund
support, save our customers 22 percent, on average, over commercial
retail stores.
Commissary and exchange benefits form a major part of the military
community support structure that contributes to mission readiness. The
commissary continues to be one of the most popular non-pay compensation
benefits of our military members. Exchanges provide valuable savings at
home and essential health, comfort and convenience items to military
personnel in forward deployed and combat areas. Military families would
rightfully view the elimination of these systems as a significant
reduction of their compensation.
civilian personnel systems
Question. Section 1113 of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2010 provides DOD with extensive personnel
flexibilities for its civilian employees that are not available to
other agencies. In particular, section 9902(a) of title 5, U.S.C., as
added by section 1113, directs the Department to establish a new
performance management system for all of its employees. Section 9902(b)
directs the Department to develop a streamlined new hiring system that
is designed to better fulfill DOD's mission needs, produce high-quality
applicants, and support timely personnel decisions.
What is your understanding of the current status of the
Department's efforts to implement the authority provided by section
Answer. I understand the Department and organizations that
represent DOD employees, including unions and the Federal Manager's
Association, worked collaboratively over a span of 18 months to design
a performance management system and improved hiring processes. The
Department launched its pre-decisional collaborative process that came
to be known as ``New Beginnings'' in the spring of 2010. The effort
culminated in a comprehensive report from three joint labor-management
design teams. All recommendations have been reviewed through the
Departmental process. If confirmed, I will continue to support the work
that is underway to comply with the National Defense Authorization Act.
Question. Do you agree that DOD's civilian employee workforce plays
a vital role in the functioning of the Department?
Answer. Yes, DOD's civilian employee workforce plays an
instrumental role in the functioning of the Department as part of the
total force across a range of missions.
Question. If confirmed, will you make it a priority to implement
these flexibilities in a manner that best meets the needs of the
Department and promotes the quality of the Department's civilian
Answer. Yes, if confirmed, I would make it my priority to implement
those flexibilities that would facilitate accomplishing the
Department's missions.
Question. Section 1112 of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2010 directs the Department to develop a Defense
Civilian Leadership Program (DCLP) to recruit, train, and advance a new
generation of civilian leaders for the Department. Section 1112
provides the Department with the full range of authorities available
for demonstration programs under section 4703 of title 5, U.S.C.,
including the authority to compensate participants on the basis of
qualifications, performance, and market conditions. These flexibilities
are not otherwise available to the Department of Defense.
What is your understanding of the current status of the
Department's efforts to implement the authority provided by section
Answer. I understand that the Department has designed a new
leadership program and has graduated the first cohort. Still in the
pilot phase, a second cohort is underway. If confirmed, I will fully
engage to ensure the new program meets the intent of the NDAA
Question. Do you agree that the Department needs to recruit highly
qualified civilian personnel to meet the growing needs of its
acquisition, technical, business, and financial communities?
Answer. Yes. I completely agree that recruiting highly qualified
civilian personnel both in mission critical occupations, such as
acquisition and finance, and in leadership positions across the
Department is essential to mission success.
Question. In your view, has the existing civilian hiring process
been successful in recruiting such personnel and meeting these needs?
Answer. Although I believe the Department currently has a highly
talented workforce, I wholeheartedly support the initiatives to
streamline and reform the civilian hiring process. While I understand
the Department is making progress, there is still work to be done in
this area, and if confirmed, I would ensure the Department continues to
actively engage in civilian hiring reform initiatives and aggressively
pursues continued improvements.
Question. If confirmed, will you make it a priority to implement
the authority provided by section 1112 in a manner that best meets the
needs of the Department and promotes the quality of the Department's
civilian workforce?
Answer. Yes, if confirmed I will make it a priority to implement
the authority provided by section 1112. The Department recognizes the
need for an improved leader-development model to attract, retain, and
develop civilian leaders to support pipeline readiness and enhance
bench strength. If confirmed, I will assess the section 1112 pilot
outcomes to ensure a successful framework for developing the next
generation of innovative leaders with the technical competence to meet
the future leadership needs of the Department.
human capital planning
Question. The Department of Defense faces a critical shortfall in
key areas of its civilian workforce, including the management of
acquisition programs, information technology systems and financial
management, and senior DOD officials have expressed alarm at the extent
of the Department's reliance on contractors in these areas. Section
115b of title 10, U.S. Code, requires the Department to develop a
strategic workforce plan to shape and improve its civilian employee
Would you agree that the Department's human capital, including its
civilian workforce, is critical to the accomplishment of its national
security mission?
Answer. Yes. I believe such planning would well position the
Department to acquire, develop, and maintain the workforce it needs to
meet current and future mission challenges.
Question. Do you share the concern expressed by others about the
extent of the Department's reliance on contractors in critical areas
such as the management of acquisition programs, information technology
and financial management?
Answer. We must ensure that we have a properly sized, and highly
capable, civilian workforce that guards against an erosion of critical,
organic skills and an overreliance on contracted services, particularly
in such areas as acquisition program management, information
technology, and financial management. If confirmed, I will continue to
support the administration's and Department's focus on reducing
inappropriate or excessive reliance on contracted support, particularly
for critical, and closely associated with inherently governmental,
work. I will continue to support the ongoing efforts to further utilize
the Strategic Workforce Plan to mitigate against civilian workforce
competency gaps and skill shortfalls in these areas.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that the Department
undertakes necessary human capital planning to ensure that its civilian
workforce is prepared to meet the challenges of the coming decades?
Answer. If confirmed, I would ensure Department decisions on
workforce shaping align with the Department's long-term strategic
workforce plan, with the understanding that short-term exceptions may
be needed due to emerging dynamics in the budget environment. Forecasts
for the Department's workforce must be based on validated mission
requirements and workload, both current and projected, and any
reductions in the civilian workforce must be directly linked to
workload so as to not adversely impact overall mission capabilities.
Question. Section 955 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2013 requires a 5 percent reduction in anticipated funding
levels for the civilian personnel workforce and the service contractor
workforce of the Department of Defense, subject to certain exclusions.
What impact do you expect the implementation of section 955 to have
on the programs and operations of the Department of Defense?
Answer. Section 955 requires a reduction in available funding for
the civilian workforce and contracted support, and as such, is being
led by the Office of the Under Secretary, Comptroller. The impact of
how section 955 will be implemented is still being determined and I do
not have enough information at this time to speak to specific impacts
to programs and/or operations. If confirmed, I will work with my
counterparts in Comptroller to ensure that the Department's
implementation of section 955 is done in a manner that reduces mission
impact and mitigates risk to programs and operations, while maintaining
core capabilities and support to our warfighters and their families.
Question. What steps will you take, if confirmed, to ensure that
section 955 is implemented in a manner that is consistent with the
requirements of section 129a of title 10, U.S.C., for determining the
most appropriate and cost-efficient mix of military, civilian and
service contractor personnel to perform DOD missions?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with my counterparts in
Comptroller to ensure implementation of section 955 recognizes that the
sourcing of work among military (Active/Reserve), civilian, and
contracted services must be consistent with requirements, funding
availability, readiness and management needs, as well as applicable
laws (such as section 129a of title 10, U.S.C.) and other total force
management and workload sourcing mandates. The Department must avoid
any inappropriate transfer of work from civilians to contract support
or military personnel. We must also ensure the most cost effective
performance possible while being mindful that risk mitigation must take
precedence over cost considerations to ensure mission success and
prevent an overreliance on contractors.
Question. What processes will you put in place, if confirmed, to
ensure that the Department implements a sound planning process for
carrying out the requirements of section 955, including the
implementation of the exclusion authority in section 955(c)?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with my counterparts in
Comptroller to ensure the requirements of section 955 are implemented
in manner which complements the Department's current processes for
workforce determinations, which strive to achieve effective and
efficient total force manpower solutions consistent with law and
available resources. While I cannot speak to specific exclusions, I
will work to ensure that the workforces of the Department are sized to
perform the functions and activities necessary to achieve the missions
and enable the capabilities of the Department.
acquisition workforce
Question. Section 852 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2008 established an Acquisition Workforce Development Fund
to help the Department of Defense address shortcomings in its
acquisition workforce. This provision was amended by the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to ensure a continuing
source of funds for this purpose.
Do you believe that the DOD acquisition workforce development fund
is still needed to ensure that DOD has the right number of employees
with the right skills to run its acquisition programs in the most cost
effective manner for the taxpayers?
Answer. The acquisition workforce development fund has been
instrumental in the Department's efforts to recapitalize its
acquisition workforce and improve oversight, management, and
accountability in the procurements of goods and services. I believe
that the fund is still necessary to further enhance and sustain the
training and expertise of our dedicated acquisition workforce.
Question. If confirmed, what steps if any will you take to ensure
that the money made available through the workforce development fund is
spent in a manner that best meets the needs of the Department of
Defense and its acquisition workforce?
Answer. It is my understanding that management and execution of the
acquisition workforce development fund is a joint responsibility of the
Offices of the Under Secretaries of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics and Comptroller. If confirmed, I will work
with my counterparts in those offices to ensure that application of
resources is done in a manner that is consistent with the training,
development, and sustainment needs of the acquisition workforce.
Question. One of the central tenets of the Department's Better
Buying Power 2.0 is to improve the ``the Professionalism of the Total
Acquisition Workforce.'' The Department has subdivided this tenet into
four separate initiatives. These initiatives are:
1. Establish higher standards for key leadership positions.
2. Establish stronger professional qualification requirements for
all acquisitions specialties.
3. Increase the recognition of excellence in acquisition
4. Continue to increase the cost consciousness of the acquisition
workforce--change the culture.
If confirmed, how will you use funds from the Acquisition Workforce
Development Fund to accomplish the objectives of these initiatives?
Answer. These specific initiatives are under the purview of the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
and I cannot speak to their specifics. However, to improve overall
stewardship of the Department's resources, the continuation of the
workforce development fund to recruit, retain, train, and sustain a
professional and highly skilled acquisition workforce is critical.
Question. Section 872 of the Ike Skelton National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 codifies the authority for the
Department of Defense to conduct an acquisition workforce demonstration
project and extends the authority to 2017.
Do you believe it would be in the best interest of the Department
to extend and expand the acquisition workforce demonstration project?
Answer. The Department is authorized by law up to 120,000 employee
participants covered under acquisition demonstration projects. It is my
understanding that today the Department has 15,800 employee
participants, the majority of which returned to the demonstration
project following the repeal of the National Security Personnel System
(NSPS) as directed by the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2010. With that
complete, several acquisition organizations across all components have
expressed interest in participating in the project. Project
participation is voluntary and based on meeting acquisition related
workforce demographic eligibility criteria.
Question. What steps would you take, if confirmed, to implement
section 872?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics and the Department
components to ensure the Department is effectively positioned to
appropriately expand the Acquisition Demonstration project.
laboratory personnel demonstration program
Question. The laboratory demonstration program founded in section
342 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 as
amended by section 1114 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2001, section 1107 of the National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2008, section 1108 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, and section 1105 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, paved the way
for personnel management initiatives and new flexibilities at the
defense laboratories. These innovations have been adopted in various
forms throughout other DOD personnel systems.
If confirmed, will you fully implement the laboratory demonstration
program and the authorities under these provisions?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics to fully
implement laboratory demonstration programs under these authorities.
Question. If confirmed, will you ensure that the directors of the
defense laboratories are provided the full range of personnel
flexibilities and authorities provided by Congress?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics and the Department
components to ensure the directors of defense laboratories are provided
the full range of personnel flexibilities and authorities provided by
dod scientific and technical personnel
Question. Recently, the Department issued guidance, as part of its
efficiencies initiatives, to centralize certain hiring authorities,
including for highly-qualified experts and Inter-Governmental Personnel
Assignment (IPA) positions. Both are heavily used by the Department's
scientific and technical (S&T) enterprise, including the DOD's
laboratories and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
The benefit of these authorities is to use them to make rapid hiring
decisions for individuals in a highly competitive national S&T jobs
market. However, there is concern that the centralization of the
process will actually slow down the Services' and defense agencies'
ability to hire rapidly.
What will you do to ensure that these special hiring authorities
are not negatively impacted in terms of allowing DOD to rapidly hire
these types of highly specialized individuals?
Answer. If confirmed, I would ensure that the Department actively
engages in initiatives to streamline and reform the civilian hiring
system, to include efforts to ensure that the Department's processes
for using special hiring authorities are efficient in fulfilling DOD's
mission needs.
Question. Under the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest
(MAVNI) program, the Department is able to expedite U.S. citizenship
for foreign nationals that enlist in the military and have either
specialized medical or linguistic skills.
How could this program be extended to include, subject to
appropriate security reviews, highly skilled scientific and technical
foreign nationals--e.g., graduates of U.S. universities with doctorates
in fields the DOD has a demand for and where less than half of these
graduates are U.S. citizens?
Answer. Although new enlistees under the MAVNI program are eligible
for expedited naturalization under the provisions of section 1440,
title 8, U.S.C., the MAVNI Pilot Program was designed to meet critical
military readiness needs in the Armed Forces by using the provisions of
section 504(b)(2), title 10, U.S.C. to enlist certain legal non-
Currently, the Services have identified and scoped the program for
fully-qualified health professional in critical medical skills and
individuals with heritage-level language abilities and cultural
backgrounds in a specific set of languages critical to current and
emerging readiness needs.
Although the need for scientific and technical skills has been
identified as a shortage in civilian requirements, expanding MAVNI to
fill civilian needs would not meet the intent or the language of the
statutory provisions under which MAVNI operates.
congressional oversight
Question. In order to exercise its legislative and oversight
responsibilities, it is important that this committee and other
appropriate committees of Congress are able to receive testimony,
briefings, and other communications of information.
Do you agree, if confirmed for this high position, to appear before
this committee and other appropriate committees of Congress?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear before this
committee, or designated members of this committee, and provide
information, subject to appropriate and necessary security protection,
with respect to your responsibilities as the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to ensure that testimony, briefings, and
other communications of information are provided to this committee and
its staff and other appropriate committees?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
Answer. Yes.
[Questions for the record with answers supplied follow:]
Questions Submitted by Senator Bill Nelson
simulation training
1. Senator Nelson. Mr. Vollrath, as the defense budget shrinks,
simulation technology is a way troops can remain war ready. Simulation
training--available for a wide variety of weapons systems and crew
positions--is not only cost effective, but reduces the wear and tear on
military hardware. As fiscal constraints reduce live exercises and
training opportunities, can mobility and simulation be relied upon to a
greater extent?
Mr. Vollrath. Modeling and simulation (M&S) supported training
certainly presents an opportunity to mitigate live training costs and
is presently being used by all Services to supplement/support live
training. The Department of Defense has conducted a study of relevant
factors to determine what types of military training are best suited
for M&S supported training. In making this decision, some factors that
must be considered include: individual or collective task; learning
complexity; interaction/fidelity; maturity of technology; and task
domain (procedural, affective, psychomotor, or cognitive). Finally, the
total life cycle costs of live training as compared to M&S supported
training must also be evaluated and compared for each training task. In
general, the study concluded that given current technologies, training
tasks that are procedural, rote, and individual or of low to medium
complexity can be performed very cost effectively with M&S supported
capabilities. As always, the Department will leverage and further
explore any and all ways to cost effectively prepare our Nation's force
for military operations.
military readiness
2. Senator Nelson. Mr. Vollrath, readiness is already impacted by
sequestration. The Florida Air National Guard has reduced their flying
hours by 57 percent, impacting the ability for pilots to remain current
and qualified. The 125th Fighter Wing in Jacksonville provides air
dominance for the southeastern United States. Can you speak to the
downsides of establishing tiered readiness levels for our combat units,
such as the 125th Fighter Wing?
Mr. Vollrath. The Services must be resourced to provide enough
ready units when the Nation needs them. Each Service has force
generation functions to produce ready units/capabilities. They
recognize the realities of how long it takes to generate ready units/
capabilities (and keep them ready) as well as the particulars of the
demand signal from our combatant commanders. Many units/capabilities
aren't required in large numbers or on an immediate timeline, and in
those cases, building rotational force generation models (i.e.
``tiering'') makes perfect sense. What is harmful is when it isn't the
demand signal that shapes the ``tiering'', but a shortage of resources.
My concern is this will result in an inadequate supply of ready forces
when the need arises, and/or the inability to restore the readiness of
forces to meet required timelines.
Questions Submitted by Senator Claire McCaskill
mental health
3. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Vollrath, the Armed Forces Health
Surveillance Center recently conducted a study that found pilots of
drone aircraft experience mental health problems like depression,
anxiety, and post-traumatic stress at the same rate as pilots of manned
aircraft who are deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Air Force officials
and independent experts have suggested several potential causes, among
them witnessing combat violence on live video feeds, working in
isolation or under inflexible shift hours, juggling the simultaneous
demands of home life with combat operations, and dealing with intense
stress because of crew shortages.
The Air Force also conducted research into the health issues of
drone crew members. In a 2011 survey of nearly 840 drone operators, it
found that 46 percent of Reaper and Predator pilots, and 48 percent of
Global Hawk sensor operators, reported ``high operational stress''.
Those crews cited long hours and frequent shift changes as major
causes. That study found the stress among drone operators to be much
higher than that reported by Air Force members in logistics or support
jobs. But it did not compare the stress levels of the drone operators
with those of traditional pilots.
The new study looked at the electronic health records of 709 drone
pilots and 5,256 manned aircraft pilots between October 2003 and
December 2011. Those records included information about clinical
diagnoses by medical professionals and not just self-reported symptoms.
The study found that pilots of both manned and unmanned aircraft had
lower rates of mental health problems than other Air Force personnel.
Clearly this is a readiness issue, with the contradiction in the
findings of those two studies, do you think we have a clear picture of
the mental health needs of our pilots?
Mr. Vollrath. After consulting with the Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, it is clear that the
Department's understanding of this issue is constantly improving. It is
important to note that rates of formally diagnosed PTSD in Air Force
pilots have remained low. Despite many years at war and an increasing
reliance on remotely piloted aircraft, PTSD rates in all pilots as a
group remain lower (at about two per thousand) than many other career
groups, such as airmen in ``outside the wire'' combat missions (e.g.,
security forces or explosive ordnance disposal staff) or others with
direct exposure to the dead or dying, such as medical personnel.
Even though rates of formal diagnosis of PTSD have remained low, we
are aware that pilots experience stress. Pilots with traditional combat
exposure or those who visualize battle remotely can be at risk for
combat stress or PTSD. Since 2009, line leaders and the USAF School of
Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) have monitored closely our RPA and
intelligence career fields. Through a series of surveys and interviews
USAFSAM continues to gather information, expand research, and provide
recommendations to leaders and providers, and to inform aeromedical
policy. Future studies will seek to compare RPA teams with other high
tempo teams such as aeromedical and C-17 missions. Finally, stepping
forward to help meet the needs of the growing remotely piloted mission,
the Air Force dedicated several additional mental health providers to
RPA and intelligence units. In concert with flight medicine physicians,
chaplains, and commanders, they will assist Air Force leaders and
supervisors in comprehensive support of these valued teams.
4. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Vollrath, do you believe there is any
pressure among both manned and unmanned aircraft pilots not to report
mental health symptoms to doctors out of fears that they will be
Mr. Vollrath. I consulted with the Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs in order to properly respond to
this question. That aircrew (whether from manned or unmanned airframes)
may not fully disclose mental health problems to physicians due to
fears of being grounded is a phenomenon that is not unique to aircrew,
nor to non-rated servicemembers with mental health problems. Military
members are reluctant to report any condition that they think may
adversely impact their duty or retention status. This is particularly
true of aviators who must meet more restrictive standards, whose
special pay is attached to their operational readiness, and whose
competition for promotion may be affected by an untimely and prolonged
``Duties Not Involving Flying'' period. It is a finding that military
leadership has often encountered across the Services and myriad of
career fields.
DOD health care utilization rates are not the most reliable form of
identifying mental health issues within military populations, including
RPA operators. Relying on self-disclosure to estimate true prevalence
rates has known methodological limitations. Research has shown higher
rates of self-disclosure of symptoms in the pilot community using
anonymous surveys rather than annual web-based health assessments.
Additionally, placement of operational psychologists embedded within
flight medicine and operational units facilitates interaction and
disclosure of problems among RPA pilots. The Air Force implemented this
initiative in 2011 and continues to increase the placements of
operational psychologists across the Air Force.
Questions Submitted by Senator James M. Inhofe
child development centers
5. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, allegations of child abuse at the
Fort Myer Child Development Center (CDC) in December prompted the
Secretary of Defense to order the Services to fully investigate all CDC
activities and to provide reports to him by January 21, 2013. The audit
revealed areas for improvement. Last week, we learned that the Fort
Myer CDC has lost its accreditation. When will Congress be provided the
findings of DOD's audit of CDCs?
Mr. Vollrath. At this time, the Office of the Secretary of Defense
has not indicated that the report is available for release. It will be
made available to Congress as soon as it is approved for release by the
Secretary of Defense. The Services and OSD are addressing identified
areas of improvement at the DOD and Military Service level. The Fort
Myer Child Development Center National Association for the Education of
Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation was revoked. NAEYC procedures
require revocation if a required standard is not met.
6. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, what improvements will DOD make to
ensure that young children are protected from abuse when receiving care
in CDCs?
Mr. Vollrath. DOD and the Military Services are committed to
providing a safe environment for the 200,000 children that we provide
care for on a daily basis. We are revising the current Department of
Defense Instruction (DODI) which covers background checks for any
individuals who have contact with children on a regular basis
(including child care workers, volunteer coaches, youth recreation
employees, et cetera). While the existing DODI met the requirements of
current legislation, the audit ordered by the Secretary of Defense
identified areas that could be improved upon and we are focusing on
making these changes.
spouse education and career opportunities
7. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, how many spouses have been helped,
and how many still need help from Spouse Education and Career
Opportunities (SECO) programs?
Mr. Vollrath. In fiscal year 2012, the SECO program provided career
and education counseling for more than 132,000 spouses through the SECO
Career Center; provided more than 36,000 military spouses with
scholarships for job training, licensing and certificates through the
My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) scholarship program, and worked
with 160 private sector companies and organizations to hire more than
36,000 military spouses. However, more than 1 in 4 (26 percent)
military spouses in the labor force are unemployed, which accounts for
approximately 90,000 spouses. Furthermore, when they are employed, the
income levels of military spouses often lag behind their civilian
counterparts. A recent study showed that military wives with full-time
jobs earned 25 percent less than their civilian counterparts. In light
of these statistics, we must continue to work to ensure that our
military spouses are provided the tools, resources, and opportunities
to contribute to their family's financial stability, resilience, and
8. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, do you believe these programs, as
currently resourced and executed, are actually helping military spouses
gain employment opportunities that meet their financial and
professional stability needs?
Mr. Vollrath. Yes. The SECO program has been successful because we
address the comprehensive needs of military spouses throughout their
career lifecycle. SECO assists them in deciding on a career path,
provides them information to train and learn in order to access the
career they have chosen, gives them tools and assistance to embark on
an effective career search and makes the connection to the employer who
will value the skills that they bring to the 21st century workforce.
healthcare costs
9. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, DOD's personnel and entitlement
spending represent an ever increasing portion of the DOD budget.
Healthcare spending is a big driver of increased costs. DOD's health
care budget has increased from about $19 billion in fiscal year 2001 to
about $52 billion in fiscal year 2013. Healthcare represents about 10.2
percent of DOD's topline. In the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013, Congress
established the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization
Commission to study and make recommendations on compensation and
retirement reform. Should this Commission consider the impact of
healthcare costs as it develops its recommendations on compensation and
retirement reform?
Mr. Vollrath. Yes, the Department believes the Commission should
consider the impact of healthcare costs as it develops recommendations
on modernizing the military compensation and retirement systems. For
its part, health and dental care are among the areas currently under
review by the Department as it develops modernization recommendations
for the Secretary to transmit to the Commission.
10. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, how can DOD better control the
cost of healthcare of servicemembers as they move through the
accession-to-retirement continuum and beyond?
Mr. Vollrath. Although health care is not within the purview of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management, I
have consulted with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Health Affairs in order to properly respond to this question.
Controlling health care costs is a complex problem that will require a
complementary approach to solving. The Military Health System advocates
four simultaneous actions to reduce costs: (1) internal efficiencies to
better organize our decisionmaking and execution arm; (2) a
continuation of efforts to appropriately pay private sector providers;
(3) initiatives that promote health, reduce illness, injury and
hospitalization; and (4) proposed changes to beneficiary cost-sharing
under TRICARE.
dod review of same sex spouse benefits and impact of defense of
marriage act
11. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, recently, the Secretary of
Defense announced the intent to provide additional benefits to same-sex
domestic partners who declare a committed relationship, but not to
unmarried heterosexual domestic partners. What is the legal and policy
rationale for DOD to favor same-sex partners over heterosexual partners
in offering these benefits?
Mr. Vollrath. Heterosexual couples, if they so choose, have the
opportunity in every State to get married, and their marriage is
recognized in Federal law. Currently, same-sex couples do not have this
opportunity (per the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), we can only
recognize marriage between a man and a woman). Thus, same-sex couples
and opposite-sex couples are not similarly protected under the law. The
benefits extended are a significant effort to close the gap in equity
for benefits, consistent with current law.
12. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, has DOD considered the potential
for litigation by heterosexuals, who are not married but who are also
in a committed relationship, who believe they are being denied equal
Mr. Vollrath. Same-sex and opposite-sex couples are not similarly
situated. Opposite-sex couples can get married in any State, the
District of Columbia, or U.S. territory, and their marriage is
recognized under Federal law. Currently, same-sex couples do not have
this same opportunity (per DOMA, we can only recognize marriage between
one man and one woman). Thus, the two categories of couples are not
similarly situated under the law.
13. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, what will be the increased costs
associated with extending benefits to the same sex spouses of military
members during a time when this administration has imposed drastic
budget cuts to DOD?
Mr. Vollrath. The cost of extending benefits to same-sex domestic
partners of military members is negligible. Many of the benefits
selected for extension are self-sustaining programs designed to
accommodate fluctuations in need and population, such as commissary and
exchange privileges and MWR programs. Other benefits, such as dual
military spouse assignments and emergency leave, are provided to the
servicemember regardless of relationship status therefore there is no
additional cost anticipated.
women in combat
14. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, I am concerned about the
potential adverse impacts to readiness resulting from Secretary of
Defense Panetta's announcement to rescind the 1994 rule that prohibits
women from being assigned to smaller ground combat units, and his plan
to potentially open more than 230,000 combat positions to women. DOD is
pursuing this major policy change during a time when every branch of
the Armed Forces has consistently met recruitment goals, is attracting
and retaining high quality and skilled personnel at record rates and,
recently, requested Congress to authorize the Army and Marine Corps to
reduce end strength by 100,000 ground troops over the next 4 years.
What compelling national security interest is advanced by opening up
more positions to women at this time?
Mr. Vollrath. It is the in best interest of national security to
have the best and brightest person serving in any position based upon
their abilities, qualifications, and guiding principles developed by
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is consistent with our values and
enhances military readiness.
15. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Vollrath, what assurance can you provide
that decisions to open positions and units to women will be based on
bona fide military requirements, and will not result in needlessly
exposing any American servicemember, men or women, to more risk of
death or serious injury, than is absolutely required by military
Mr. Vollrath. The decision to open positions to all qualified
personnel enhances military readiness. The Department can ill afford to
arbitrarily reduce the pool of qualified personnel based on gender. As
a result, it is in the best interest of the Department to allow both
men and women who meet the standards for these positions to compete for
Questions Submitted by Senator Kelly Ayotte
end strength in the services
16. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, in your responses to the advance
policy questions you discuss end strength reductions that are being
implemented between now and 2017. You correctly highlight the
importance that we keep faith with our troops. In the NDAA for Fiscal
Year 2013, I was able to include a provision (section 525) that
requires the secretary of each Military Department to report to
Congress regarding troops that were involuntarily separated from the
military. I am especially concerned about the Army. The Army has
testified in the past that it may have to issue thousands of
involuntary separations to achieve its end strength reductions. I
believe it would be breaking faith with our troops if we welcome home
well-performing troops by handing them a pink slip. Do you agree?
Mr. Vollrath. It is the Department policy that voluntary separation
authorities be used to the maximum extent possible prior to using
involuntary measures to reduce the force. Indeed, that is the best way
to keep faith with our troops. However, we also realize there are
circumstances that may preclude Services from using voluntary measures.
1. Voluntary separation incentives can drive up costs; the
Secretaries of the Military Departments have to balance these costs
with the need to maintain mission readiness. Voluntary separation
incentives may not be sufficient to properly shape the force.
2. Involuntary separations may be necessary for the Services to
properly shape their forces and to allow selectivity when drawing down
the size of our forces. As we draw down it is imperative that we retain
those that the Department will need in the future.
3. The military is the most respected profession in the United
States. Strong retention numbers demonstrate that many of our members
love what they do and want to continue serving as long as possible.
17. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, do you commit to ensuring the
Services honor the reporting requirements in section 525?
Mr. Vollrath. Yes. If confirmed, I will ensure we fully comply with
the reporting requirements of section 525.
18. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, will you make every effort to
avoid the use of involuntary separations as we reduce the size of our
Mr. Vollrath. If confirmed, I will make every effort to minimize
the use of involuntary separations. However, we should all be cognizant
of the fact that involuntary separations will be necessary to ensure
the military is postured correctly for mission readiness and to meet
all national security objectives.
19. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, what assistance or additional
authorities do you need to achieve this goal?
Mr. Vollrath. The Department is requesting additional authority for
the Secretary of Defense to have the flexibility to reduce the
mandatory retirement point (for years of service) for lieutenant
colonels and Navy commanders from 28 years of Active commissioned
service to 25 years; and for colonels and Navy captains from 30 years
of Active commissioned service to 27 years.
utilizing the reserves
20. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, in your responses to the advance
policy questions, you write: ``In a constrained resource environment,
the Reserve component gives the Department a unique opportunity to
preserve overall operational capability and mitigate risk at reduced
cost.'' Do you agree that the Reserve component can provide comparable
operational capability at a reduced cost?
Mr. Vollrath. I believe the last 10 years have proven the Reserve
component can provide comparable operational capability. The current
budget environment provides an opportunity to examine ways in which the
Reserve component may offer the Services an effective way to preserve
capability and capacity, within manageable risk. Each Service should
review their roles and missions and determine the appropriate AC/RC mix
within their respective organization. This review should include
factors such as the capabilities required by the combatant commanders
and the associated timelines, pay, operating costs, time to train, and
levels of proficiency.
21. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, based on declining defense
resources, do you agree that we should be increasing, not decreasing,
our reliance on the Reserve component?
Mr. Vollrath. Over the last 10 years, we've seen that the Reserve
component can be a very capable resource. However, getting the right
balance of capabilities across the components is important and should
be a direct function of the demand signal from our combatant commanders
as well as the comparative advantage of each component to produce and
retain those capabilities. We know from past experience that if the
Reserve component is not properly funded, it will atrophy resulting in
recovery timelines that are long and expensive. Getting the right
balance between our AC/RC components is important, particularly as we
adjust to reduced resources.
22. Senator Ayotte. Mr. Vollrath, are there any roles and missions
that we should increasingly shift from the Active component to the
Reserve component?
Mr. Vollrath. Our current fiscal environment, recent legislation
passed by Congress in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA), plus our new defense strategy offers us a unique opportunity to
shape our future forces. Getting the right balance of capabilities
across the components is important and should reflect the demand signal
from our combatant commanders as well as the comparative advantage of
each component to produce and retain those capabilities. There may be
current roles and missions that reside in the active component that
could shift to the Reserve and vice versa. As we work the Quadrennial
Defense Review, the Services will take this opportunity to shape their
force mix to maintain the most capability and capacity while mitigating
Questions Submitted by Senator Mike S. Lee
23. Senator Lee. Mr. Vollrath, in 2012, the Navy undertook the
expensive ``Great Green Fleet'' demonstration, purchasing 450,000
gallons of biofuel at $26 a gallon for a total of $12 million spent on
fuel for just one demonstration. The Air Force similarly spent $639,000
on 11,000 gallons of biofuels for a demonstration in 2012, costing the
taxpayer $59 per gallon. With the prospect of sequestration and a much
tighter defense budget in coming years, do you believe that the
military should continue such large-scale demonstrations using
biofuels? Please provide a yes or no answer, and if answering yes,
please provide a justification as to why programs involving biofuels
should be prioritized over other research and development programs.
Mr. Vollrath. As this issue is outside of the purview of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management, I
defer to my colleagues Mr. Estevez and Mr. Fanning to respond to this
future acquisition process
24. Senator Lee. Mr. Vollrath, with the prospect of sequester cuts
to DOD this year and continuing cuts through the next 9 fiscal years,
we must change the way that acquisitions are conducted in order to be
more efficient and cost effective. Necessary acquisitions, such as our
next generation fighter jet, have been plagued by delays and budget
overruns. What lessons have been learned so far from the F-35 program
that you will implement in future acquisitions?
Mr. Vollrath. As this issue is outside of the purview of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management, I
defer to my colleagues Mr. Estevez and Mr. Fanning to respond to this
[The nomination reference of Mr. Frederick E. Vollrath
Nomination Reference and Report
As In Executive Session,
Senate of the United States,
January 22, 2013.
Ordered, That the following nomination be referred to the Committee
on Armed Services:
Frederick Vollrath, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of
Defense. (New Position).
[The biographical sketch of Mr. Frederick E. Vollrath,
which was transmitted to the committee at the time the
nomination was referred, follows:]
Biographical Sketch of Frederick E. Vollrath
University of Miami
1958-1962 - Bachelor of Business Administration in
Management awarded 1962
Central Michigan University
1975-1976 - Master of Arts in Personnel Management
awarded 1976
Employment record:
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and
Force Management - 2012-present
Computer Sciences Corporation - 1999-2006
Corporate Vice President of Human Resources
U.S. Army - 1963-1998
Human Resources Management Command
Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1)
Retired as Lieutenant General in 1998
Honors and awards:
Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star
Meritorious Service Medal
Army Commendation Medal
Adjutant General Corps Regimental Hall of Fame
[The Committee on Armed Services requires all individuals
nominated from civilian life by the President to positions
requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to complete a
form that details the biographical, financial, and other
information of the nominee. The form executed by Mr. Frederick
E. Vollrath in connection with his nomination follows:]
Room SR-228
Washington, DC 20510-6050
(202) 224-3871
Instructions to the Nominee: Complete all requested information. If
more space is needed use an additional sheet and cite the part of the
form and the question number (i.e. A-9, B-4) to which the continuation
of your answer applies.
Part A--Biographical Information
Instructions to the Nominee: Biographical information furnished in
this part of the form will be made available in committee offices for
public inspection prior to the hearings and will also be published in
any hearing record as well as made available to the public.
1. Name: (Include any former names used.)
Frederick Emil Vollrath.
2. Position to which nominated:
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management.
3. Date of nomination:
January 22, 2013.
4. Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)
[Nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.]
5. Date and place of birth:
July 16, 1940; Miami Beach, FL.
6. Marital Status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)
Married to Joy Pollock Vollrath.
7. Names and ages of children:
Forrest Vollrath, 48 years.
Hans Vollrath, 46 years.
Mark Vollrath, 39 years.
8. Education: List secondary and higher education institutions,
dates attended, degree received, and date degree granted.
Coral Gables High School, HS Diploma, 1954-1958.
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, Bachelor Business
Administration, 1958-1962.
Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, Master of Arts,
Personnel Management, 1976.
9. Employment record: List all jobs held since college or in the
last 10 years, whichever is less, including the title or description of
job, name of employer, location of work, and dates of employment.
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness and
Force Management)
Retired, Lorton, VA, January 2006-March 2012.
Corporate Vice President Human Resources, Computer Sciences
Corporation, El Segundo, CA, February 1999-December 2005.
10. Government experience: List any advisory, consultative,
honorary or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State,
or local governments, other than those listed above.
U.S. Army, May 1963-October 1998
11. Business relationships: List all positions currently held as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative,
or consultant of any corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other
business enterprise, educational or other institution.
12. Memberships: List all memberships and offices currently held in
professional, fraternal, scholarly, civic, business, charitable, and
other organizations.
Society of Human Resource Management, Member, Alexandria, VA.
Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Member, Charlottesville, VA.
13. Political affiliations and activities:
(a) List all offices with a political party which you have held or
any public office for which you have been a candidate.
(b) List all memberships and offices held in and services rendered
to all political parties or election committees during the last 5
(c) Itemize all political contributions to any individual, campaign
organization, political party, political action committee, or similar
entity of $100 or more for the past 5 years.
Hillary Clinton for President, $2,200.
14. Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary
society memberships, military medals and any other special recognitions
for outstanding service or achievements.
Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star
Meritorious Service Medal
Army Commendation Medal
Adjutant General Corps Regimental Hall of Fame
15. Published writings: List the titles, publishers, and dates of
books, articles, reports, or other published materials which you have
16. Speeches: Provide the committee with two copies of any formal
speeches you have delivered during the last 5 years which you have
copies of and are on topics relevant to the position for which you have
been nominated.
17.Commitments regarding nomination, confirmation, and service:
(a) Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations governing
conflicts of interest?
(b) Have you assumed any duties or undertaken any actions which
would appear to presume the outcome of the confirmation process?
(c) If confirmed, will you ensure your staff complies with
deadlines established for requested communications, including questions
for the record in hearings?
(d) Will you cooperate in providing witnesses and briefers in
response to congressional requests?
(e) Will those witnesses be protected from reprisal for their
testimony or briefings?
(f) Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and testify upon request
before this committee?
(g) Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
[The nominee responded to the questions in Parts B-F of the
committee questionnaire. The text of the questionnaire is set
forth in the Appendix to this volume. The nominee's answers to
Parts B-F are contained in the committee's executive files.]
Signature and Date
I hereby state that I have read and signed the foregoing Statement
on Biographical and Financial Information and that the information
provided therein is, to the best of my knowledge, current, accurate,
and complete.
Frederick E. Vollrath.
This 21st day of February, 2013.
[The nomination of Mr. Frederick E. Vollrath was reported
to the Senate by Chairman Levin on March 20, 2013, with the
recommendation that the nomination be confirmed. The nomination
was confirmed by the Senate on April 18, 2013.]
[Prepared questions submitted to Mr. Eric K. Fanning by
Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers supplied
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and the Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and clearly delineated the operational chain
of command and the responsibilities and authorities of the combatant
commanders, and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They have also clarified the responsibility of the Military Departments
to recruit, organize, train, equip, and maintain forces for assignment
to the combatant commanders.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater Nichols Act
Answer. Not currently. I agree with the goals of those defense
reforms; they remain essential to the effective employment of our
Nation's Armed Forces. Most importantly, they have yielded a
demonstrated improvement in the joint warfighting capabilities of the
U.S. military.
Question. If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to
address in these modifications?
Answer. I have no suggestions for modifications to the Goldwater-
Nichols legislation. Should I identify areas that merit reform, I will
propose those changes through the appropriate established process.
Question. What background and experience do you have that you
believe qualifies you for this position?
Answer. If confirmed, I will bring more than 2 decades of broad
experience in national security policy and programs as well as
management to this position. From research assistant on the House Armed
Services Committee, to Senior Vice President for Strategic Development
at Business Executives for National Security, to my current position as
the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy, I have examined national
security challenges from many perspectives. I have worked closely with
the other Military Services, the national security interagency
community, and Members of Congress to help make the right decisions for
our Nation's defense. I have also grappled with tough trade-offs among
programs in a fiscally-constrained environment and have considered the
implications of changes in defense law and policy. If confirmed, I
believe these skills and my experience can benefit the Air Force and
the broader Department of Defense (DOD).
Question. Section 8015 of title 10, U.S.C., states the Under
Secretary of the Air Force shall perform such duties and exercise such
powers as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe.
What is your understanding of the duties and functions of the Under
Secretary of the Air Force?
Answer. The position of the Under Secretary of the Air Force is
established by law within the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force.
Subject to the Secretary of the Air Force's direction and control, the
Under Secretary exercises the full authority of the Secretary to
conduct the affairs of the Department of the Air Force (except as
limited by law, regulation or limitations imposed by DOD or the
Secretary of the Air Force). The Under Secretary also serves as the
Chief Management Officer of the Air Force, the senior energy official,
and the focal point for space at the Air Force headquarters.
Question. What recommendations, if any, do you have for changes in
the duties and functions of the Under Secretary of the Air Force, as
set forth in section 8015 of title 10, U.S.C., or in DOD regulations
pertaining to functions of the Under Secretary of the Air Force?
Answer. At this time, I am unaware of any reason to change the
duties and functions of the Under Secretary as set out in title 10 and
pertinent DOD regulations. If I am confirmed and I identify areas that
I believe merit changes, I will propose those changes through the
appropriate established processes.
Question. Assuming you are confirmed, what additional duties, if
any, do you expect will be prescribed for you?
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to working with the Secretary
of the Air Force to further his vision and goals for the Air Force. I
expect the Secretary to prescribe duties for me relating to the Under
Secretary of the Air Force's responsibilities, particularly in the role
of Chief Management Officer.
Question. Section 904(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2008, directs the Secretary of a Military Department to
designate the Under Secretary of such Military Department to assume the
primary management responsibility for business operations.
What is your understanding of the business operations
responsibilities of the Under Secretary of the Air Force?
Answer. It is my understanding that the business operations
responsibilities of the Chief Management Officer, consistent with
section 904 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2008, include the following: ensuring the Air Force's capability to
carry out DOD's strategic plan in support of national security
objectives; ensuring the core business missions of the Department of
the Air Force are optimally aligned to support the Department's
warfighting mission; establishing performance goals and measures for
improving and evaluating overall economy, efficiency, and effectiveness
and monitoring and measuring this progress; and working with DOD's
Chief Management Officer to develop and maintain a strategic plan for
business reform.
Question. If confirmed, what would be your working relationship
The Secretary of Defense.
Answer. The Secretary of Defense serves as the principal assistant
to the President on all DOD matters. The Secretary of the Air Force is
subject to the authority, direction and control of the Secretary of
Defense and the Under Secretary of the Air Force works for the
Secretary of the Air Force. The Under Secretary also serves as the
Chief Management Officer of the Air Force, the senior energy official,
and the focal point for space at the Air Force headquarters. As the
focal point of space for the Air Force, the Under Secretary coordinates
all of the space functions and activities across the Air Force, and is
the primary interface to the Office of the Secretary of Defense for
space matters. If confirmed, I would look forward to working closely
with the Secretary of Defense and his office on space-related matters,
energy issues, and other matters as directed by the Secretary of the
Air Force.
Question. The Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Answer. The Deputy Secretary of Defense assists the Secretary of
Defense in carrying out his duties and responsibilities and performs
those duties assigned by the Secretary of Defense or by law. If
confirmed, I will work closely with the Deputy Secretary of Defense on
a range of matters. In particular, I would look forward to working with
and supporting the Deputy Secretary of Defense in his role as Chief
Management Officer of DOD.
Question. The Deputy Chief Management Officer of the Department of
Answer. The Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) is the principal
staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy
Secretary of Defense for matters relating to the management and
improvement of integrated DOD business operations. In this role the
DCMO is charged with leading the synchronization, integration, and
coordination of the disparate business activities of the Department to
ensure optimal alignment in support of the warfighting mission. If
confirmed, I look forward to building on my close working relationship
with the DCMO in my new capacity as the Air Force Chief Management
Question. The Director of the Business Transformation Agency.
Answer. This office no longer exists.
Question. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Answer. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal
military advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and
the Secretary of Defense. If confirmed, I will work closely with the
Chairman through the Chief of Staff of the Air Force on appropriate
matters affecting the Air Force.
Question. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Answer. The Vice Chairman has the same statutory authorities and
obligations of other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When
performing duties as the acting Chairman, the Vice Chairman's
relationship with the combatant commanders is exactly the same as that
of the Chairman. If confirmed, I will work closely with the Vice
Chairman through the Chief of Staff of the Air Force on appropriate
matters affecting the Air Force.
Question. The Secretary of the Air Force.
Answer. Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the
Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force is responsible for
and has the authority necessary to conduct all affairs of the
Department of the Air Force. The Under Secretary of the Air Force is
subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of
the Air Force. If confirmed, I expect the Secretary to assign me a wide
range of duties and responsibilities involving, but not limited to,
organizing, supplying, equipping, training, maintaining, and
administering the Air Force. I look forward to working closely with the
Secretary as his deputy and principal assistant.
Question. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force.
Answer. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force is directly responsible
to the Secretary of the Air Force and performs duties subject to his
authority, direction, and control. For the Secretary of the Air Force,
the Chief of Staff is responsible for providing properly organized,
trained, and equipped forces to support the combatant commanders in
their mission accomplishment. The Chief of Staff oversees members and
organizations across the Air Force, advising the Secretary on plans and
recommendations, and, acting as an agent of the Secretary, implementing
plans upon approval. If confirmed, I would foster a close working
relationship with the Chief of Staff to ensure that policies and
resources are appropriate to meet the needs of the Air Force and
respect his additional responsibilities as a member of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.
Question. The Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force.
Answer. The Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force carry out the
goals and priorities of the Air Force. If confirmed, I will assist the
Secretary in building a strong team through close relationships and
information sharing, and I look forward to working with the Assistant
Secretaries to further the Secretary's vision.
Question. The General Counsel of the Air Force.
Answer. The General Counsel (GC) is the senior civilian legal
advisor to Air Force senior leaders and all officers and agencies of
the Department of the Air Force. The GC serves as the chief ethics
official. If confirmed, I look forward to developing a strong working
relationship with the GC and his staff.
Question. The Inspector General of the Air Force.
Answer. The Inspector General (IG) of the Air Force is a general
officer who is detailed to the position by the Secretary of the Air
Force. When directed, the IG inquires into and reports on matters
affecting the discipline, efficiency, and economy of the Air Force. He
also proposes programs of inspections and investigations as
appropriate. If confirmed, I would look forward to developing a good
working relationship with the IG.
Question. The Surgeon General of the Air Force.
Answer. The Surgeon General (SG) of the Air Force is the functional
manager of the Air Force Medical Service and provides direction,
guidance, and technical management of Air Force medical personnel at
facilities worldwide. The SG advises the Secretary of the Air Force and
Air Force Chief of Staff, as well as the Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Health Affairs, on matters pertaining to the medical aspects of the
air expeditionary force and the health of Air Force personnel. If
confirmed, I would look forward to developing a good working
relationship with the SG.
Question. The Air Force Business Transformation Office.
Answer. The Air Force Business Transformation Office is responsible
for assisting the Under Secretary of the Air Force in performing the
duties of Air Force Chief Management Officer as they relate to
improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Air Force business
operations. The Air Force Deputy Chief Management Officer has been
designated as the Director of the Air Force Business Transformation
Office. The office advises Air Force senior leadership on establishment
of strategic performance goals, management of Air Force-wide cross
functional activities to meet those goals, and implementation of
continuous process improvement initiatives. If confirmed, I anticipate
a very active and involved role with the Air Force Business
Transformation Office on matters affecting the Air Force-wide business
Question. The Judge Advocate General of the Air Force.
Answer. The Judge Advocate General (TJAG) is the senior uniformed
legal advisor to Air Force senior leaders and all officers and agencies
of the Department of the Air Force and provides professional
supervision to TJAG's Corps in the performance of their duties. If
confirmed, I will look forward to developing a good working
relationship with TJAG and the TJAG staff.
Question. The Chief of the National Guard Bureau.
Answer. The Chief of the National Guard Bureau is the senior
uniformed National Guard officer responsible for formulating,
developing, and coordinating all policies, programs, and plans
affecting Army and Air National Guard personnel, and is also a member
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Appointed by the President, he serves as
principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense through the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff on National Guard matters. He is also the
principal adviser to the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force
on all National Guard issues and serves as the Department's official
channel of communication with the governors and adjutants general. If
confirmed, I will look forward to developing a good working
relationship with the chief of the National Guard Bureau on appropriate
matters affecting the Air Force.
Question. The Under Secretaries of the Military Services.
Answer. If I am confirmed, I will work diligently to foster a close
working relationship with the Under Secretaries of the Army and Navy. I
look forward to sharing information and expertise that will assist in
the management of the Department of the Air Force and our coordination
with the other Services on matters of mutual interest, particularly in
our capacities as Chief Management Officers for our respective
major challenges and priorities
Question. In your view, what are the major challenges, if any, that
you would confront if confirmed as Under Secretary of the Air Force?
Answer. This is a time of great challenge for the Air Force, DOD,
and the Nation. The security environment is one where the pace of
change is rapid. We live in a world where individual acts are powerful
and the effects of these acts can be global. This requires a resilient,
flexible, and responsive force ready to answer the Nation's call.
Force structure choices are difficult, especially under current
fiscal conditions. But the Air Force, like all of the Services, must
continue to maximize each taxpayer dollar to support the joint
warfighter in today's conflict while ensuring we can prevail in the
next fight, whatever and wherever it may be. The Air Force must balance
the need to modernize platforms with the requirement to invest in new
technologies and capabilities. As we all know, the men and women who
serve are truly our most valuable asset. So, the Air Force must also
ensure that it can continue to recruit, train, deploy, and retain
highly-skilled airmen, and support those airmen and their families. At
a time of great fiscal uncertainty for our Nation, these challenges
will continue to pose hard choices for the Service in the years ahead.
If confirmed, I will work to meet these challenges, especially in
my role as the Chief Management Officer of the Air Force, by continuing
to identify efficiencies, ensuring that the Air Force is getting the
most from its investment of taxpayers' resources. I will also work
toward more efficient and cost-effective acquisition processes and
program execution, particularly in the areas of energy and space. I
look forward to working closely with DOD and Air Force leadership,
along with this committee, to develop strategies for addressing these
major challenges facing the Air Force and the Nation.
Question. If confirmed, how would you prioritize and what plans
would you have, if any, for addressing these challenges?
Answer. The Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force have laid
out clear priorities--continue to strengthen the nuclear enterprise;
partner with the joint and coalition team to win today's fight; develop
and care for airmen and their families; modernize air and space
inventories, organizations, and training; and recapture acquisition
If confirmed, I look forward to working with senior DOD and Air
Force leadership, as well as this committee, to ensure that we make the
right choices for the Air Force and the Nation. All of these priorities
will require sustained leadership and effort with an eye toward
ensuring the best support for the warfighter and the wise use of
taxpayer resources.
air force global posture
Question. The Department of Defense Strategic Guidance issued in
January 2012 emphasized the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions while
still ensuring the U.S. ability to maintain mutual defense commitments
in Europe. The Strategic Guidance calls for a rebalancing of the U.S.
military investment in Europe, which will be achieved in part through
rotational presence at overseas bases in Europe.
In your view, should we consider making more substantial reductions
in Air Force force structure in Europe, particularly in view of the
shift in strategy toward the Asia/Pacific arena?
Answer. The United States' defense commitments to Europe and our
role in NATO remain paramount to regional stability and our
international security interests. Considerations to substantially
reduce force structure or employ it in new ways within Europe will
require clear planning with our partners. The Air Force brings unique
capabilities to Europe as part of a balanced forward presence that
assures our allies of our commitment and dissuades potential
adversaries from dangerous action. Additionally, I understand the Air
Force meets the capability and force-sizing requirements directed by
the new Defense Strategic Guidance, providing global and adaptable
forces in the highest priority areas and missions in the Asia-Pacific
region and the Middle East, while still ensuring our ability to
maintain our defense commitments to Europe and other allies and
partners. If confirmed, I will work to ensure we continue to invest in
collaborative defense programs, which are in the strategic best
interests of both the United States and our allies. Additionally, if we
identify redundant capabilities that our partners can provide, we
should carefully analyze the marginal costs of overseas presence and
adjust appropriately.
management of space activities
Question. As the Under Secretary of the Air Force, you would have
an important role in helping the Secretary of the Air Force discharge
his responsibilities as the Department of Defense Executive Agent for
Space, in particular, for developing, coordinating, and integrating
policy, plans and programs for major defense space acquisitions.
If confirmed, will you be designated as the DOD Executive Agent for
Answer. I do not expect to be designated as the DOD Executive Agent
for Space. While this role has been delegated in the past, the new DOD
Directive does not extend the Executive Agent for Space authority.
Question. If you are designated as the DOD Executive Agent for
Space, or are otherwise assisting the Secretary of the Air Force in his
role as Executive Agent, how would you ensure that each of the Military
Services remains fully engaged in and knowledgeable about space
programs and the advantages that such programs can bring to the
Answer. If confirmed, I do not expect to be designated as the DOD
Executive Agent for Space. While this role has been delegated in the
past, the new DOD Directive does not extend the Executive Agent for
Space authority. However, assisting the Secretary of the Air Force in
his role as EA for Space, I will foster a close working relationship
with the Under Secretaries of the Army and Navy, as well as the
appropriate Under and Assistant Secretaries of Defense and the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), to ensure space acquisition
planning, programming and budgeting are synchronized to continue to
deliver the best space capability to the warfighter.
The responsibilities of the Air Force as the DOD's Executive Agent
for Space can most successfully be accomplished through close
coordination with these organizations for the development of space
policy and the integration of space systems into broader departmental
Question. What is your view of the relationship of the Under
Secretary of the Air Force to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information
Integration with regard to space policy and systems?
Answer. If confirmed, I will be assigned a wide range of duties and
responsibilities subject to the authority, direction and control of the
Secretary of the Air Force. I anticipate being an active participant in
a number of deliberative bodies which focus on developing, coordinating
and integrating DOD policy, plans and programs for major defense
acquisitions. For example, I will co-chair the Air Force Space Board
and participate in the Defense Space Council as the Air Force
representative. The perspective gained in these roles will inform my
vision of the best ways to facilitate unity of effort across the space
enterprise with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the DOD
Chief Information Officer, as well as other stakeholders.
Question. In your view, what are the authorities of the Executive
Agent for Space regarding: (1) the budgets, programs, and plans of the
various Service and Defense Agency space programs; and (2) milestone
decisions for space acquisition programs of the various Services and
Defense agencies?
Answer. With respect to planning, budgeting, and programming, I
view the authorities of the DOD Executive Agent for Space as an
integration function across the entire Department and space
communities. If confirmed, I view the synchronization of space budgets
between the Services and the coordination of space and non-space
acquisitions as paramount to delivering fully integrated weapon systems
to the battlefield.
Currently, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics has milestone decision authority for space
acquisition programs. If confirmed, I look forward to assisting the
Under Secretary in managing and delivering space capabilities to the
Question. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has
consistently pointed to fragmented leadership as a key contributor to
disconnects in space programs and to acquisition problems. GPS-user
equipment, for example, lags a decade behind new satellites because of
disparate acquisition authority. Architectures for critical areas such
as space situation awareness were slow to develop because of a lack of
an authority that could pull together and adjudicate the needs of the
many organizations in the space arena. Large programs have been
canceled partly because agencies could not agree on requirements or
work effectively together to provide oversight.
What do you think your role would be, if confirmed, in bringing
together the space community versus protecting only the institutional
interests of the Air Force?
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to working closely with
counterparts in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the
Service Departments and other Defense agencies on space-related issues.
While the vast majority of space capabilities reside within the Air
Force, I understand these capabilities exist to support national
security objectives and the joint warfighter. The office of the Deputy
Under Secretary (Space) shares a staff with the DOD Executive Agent for
Space. This office is staffed by all four Services, which ensures a
multi-Service perspective is brought forth on issues. Additionally, I
will encourage a strong partnership with OSD and the Service
Departments utilizing the Defense Space Council and other mechanisms
for further collaboration, synchronization, and integration across DOD
space activities.
If confirmed, I would use the current governance mechanisms to
actively work with the other members of the Space community; I would
informally develop relationships with peers outside of the Air Force
(e.g. NASA, NRO, ODNI): and I would act in a highly collaborative and
reliable manner with the other members of the Space community
Question. How would you foster better cooperation and coordination
with agencies inside and outside the Defense community?
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to working with the Secretary
of the Air Force, the Executive Agent for Space, to further cooperate
on space activities across the U.S. Government. The National
Reconnaissance Office is a member of the DSC while the Office of the
Director of National Intelligence is regularly represented as well. The
Intelligence Community Space Board also includes several members from
DOD agencies, including the Defense Intelligence Agency and Office of
the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, and observers from the
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Director of
the Executive Agent for Space Staff.
If confirmed, I will also participate in routinely scheduled,
Executive-level meetings such as those between the Air Force, NASA, and
the National Reconnaissance Office. The perspective gained in these
roles will inform my vision of the best ways to facilitate unity of
effort across the DOD Space enterprise and support the Secretary of the
Air Force.
Question. Do you see a need to strengthen the authority of the
Under Secretary of the Air Force or to establish any new authority to
ensure better Government-wide coordination for space?
Answer. At this time, I am unaware of any reason to change the
authorities assigned to the Under Secretary of the Air Force. Formed
approximately 2 years ago, the Defense Space Council has had a positive
impact on Government-wide coordination of space activities. If
confirmed, I look forward to working closely with the Secretary of the
Air Force in any capacity to build upon the success of the Defense
Space Council.
space launch
Question. On May 2, 2005, Boeing and Lockheed Martin announced
plans to merge the production, engineering, test, and launch operations
associated with providing Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV)
services to the U.S. Government. The companies believed the merger
could save $100-150 million per year for the U.S. Government while
continuing to provide assured access to space. An October 2011 GAO
report indicated that these cost savings have not materialized and have
in fact increased due to lack of insight into the costs by the merged
EELV contractor.
If confirmed, how would you ensure that the costs of launch are
contained and transparent to the U.S. Government?
Answer. The new EELV acquisition strategy with quantity, rate, and
time commitments, better executive oversight, the emergence of
competition and better incentive contract types should ensure launch
costs are contained. If confirmed, I plan to become more familiar with
these efforts, to evaluate the actual cost savings and other benefits
of the Air Force strategy.
Question. Maintaining assured access to launch has been the
national security goal of the Department of the Air Force.
In your view is that goal achieved with the EELV vehicles or is
there a need for alternative launch options by attracting new entrants
to compete with the current EELV contractor?
Answer. Assured access to space has been achieved to date by the
current ULA launch systems in the EELV program. However, both public
law and policy require the U.S. Government to provide equal opportunity
for all qualified providers. Commercial space transportation providers
that have demonstrated their ability to safely and reliably launch
payloads will be provided the opportunity to compete.
Question. There has been considerable discussion in the past year
about the Air Force's plans for a block buy strategy for space launch.
The high cost of launch, our knowledge about the industrial base,
uneven agency coordination, and inadequate transparency into cost and
efficiencies have been significant elements of the debate over this
upcoming procurement.
If confirmed, how would you ensure that the Air Force works closely
with the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) to ensure that DOD has sufficient knowledge of
the heavy-lift program decisions of the administration to facilitate
the ability of DOD's ability to negotiate EELV launch contract prices
in a manner that maximizes investment?
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to working with NASA and
others across the U.S. Government to maximize the Department's
investment. DOD and NASA collaborate on studies and conduct joint
meetings to provide insight into each organization's acquisition
strategy. If confirmed, I will continue to work with NASA to ensure
full understanding of the bearing NASA program decisions may have on
sustaining the launch industrial base.
Question. Do you think that the Air Force's current approach to
coordination with NASA is sufficient or are changes needed?
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to supporting the Secretary's
efforts to build strong relationships with NASA. The Air Force works
jointly with both NASA and the NRO on several key areas including the
acquisition of space launch services and new launch service provider
entrant criteria.
I plan to continue engaging with our space launch partners on
matters regarding the stability of the industrial base, EELV launch
requirements and competition for DOD launch services. I will continue
to look for opportunities for improved cooperation and coordination
while the organizations pursue their respective programs.
Question. In light of budgetary constraints, can more be done to
leverage the expertise and resources of both agencies as well as other
agencies that rely on our national security launch capability, such as
the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)?
Answer. If confirmed, I will evaluate opportunities to leverage
expertise across agencies with space launch responsibilities while
bearing in mind that there are many existing collaboration activities
underway. As an example, the Air Force, NRO, and NASA jointly lead the
Government Expendable Launch Vehicle Executive Board as a forum for
interagency communication of acquisition, certification, and
programmatic launch issues.
Question. The discussion over the last year highlighted a need for
a longer term, national strategy for launch--one that optimizes the
industrial base, enables competition, advances technology, and can
respond to a need to change the current acquisition paradigm for space.
What role do you believe the Air Force should play in developing a
national launch strategy?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary of the Air
Force and across the Department to evaluate the need to develop a
comprehensive national launch strategy. As the DOD's Executive Agent
for Space, the Air Force has the ability to reach across the Department
to address DOD space equities and collaborate with external
stakeholders. If confirmed and requested by the Secretary, I will work
with our partners to understand the challenges and assess where key
strategic choices are required.
Question. How can this strategy leverage the government's buying
power to assure mission success while minimizing costs?
Answer. My understanding is that the objective of such a national
strategy is to establish an environment to ensure a stable, flexible,
responsive, and appropriately sized U.S. domestic propulsion industrial
base capable of fulfilling national requirements and commercial market
demands. I look forward to helping develop and decide on a common
strategy. A key element to the strategy should be better leveraging the
government's buying to gain our desired outcomes.
Question. How can we incentivize contractors to implement
efficiencies without adversely affecting mission success?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary of the Air
Force to ensure mission assurance is maintained as an important
contributing factor to launch mission success. I have learned that the
Air Force has taken steps to effectively incentivize ULA to gain
efficiencies in launch capability without impacting mission assurance
through its two-pronged approach--a mission success performance
incentive to ensure focus on mission requirements, and the cost control
incentive to find efficiencies. Careful consideration will be taken to
ensure these incentive features of the contract structure are
appropriately balanced to influence behavior without adversely
affecting mission success.
Question. In the near term, what are your plans, if any, to foster
competition in the launch vehicle industry to ensure DOD pays
competitive prices?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with the Department on the
implementation of its new acquisition strategy, approved in November
2012, which authorizes competition for up to 14 missions for New
Question. What insight do you plan to have into the progress of new
commercial launch providers in obtaining a government certification?
Answer. If confirmed, I plan on seeing the rapid application of the
Air Force's New Entrant Certification Guide (NECG), to guide the
evaluation and certification processes for prospective New Entrants.
Per the NECG, the Air Force formally reviews and approves all
certification approaches proposed by New Entrants, thereby providing me
direct insight into any government certifications.
military space acquisition policy
Question. A major issue in space acquisition is the decoupling of
acquisition schedules between ground terminals and equipment and the
actual satellite. The result is billions of dollars being spent to
launch next generation communications, early warning, and GPS systems
without the capability on the ground to utilize the full suite of
capabilities on the satellites.
If confirmed, what will you do to ensure that ground and satellite
capabilities are synchronized as contemplated in section 911 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013?
Answer. It is my understanding that the deployment of ground and
satellite capabilities is not always optimally synchronized.
If confirmed, I plan to address programs from an enterprise
perspective and improve synchronization of space, control, and user
segments. I also plan to ensure appropriate resources are allocated and
to balance the need for early development with the appropriate timeline
for fielding.
Question. For several years, the Air Force has proposed a multi-
year procurement approach for its largest satellite programs. This
would have an advantage of stabilizing cost and enabling efficiencies,
but there is also a risk of locking in a strategy that may not be
suited for the decades ahead and of disabling innovation. At the same
time, DOD is weighing the pros and cons of relying more on the
commercial sector to carry military space payloads on board commercial
satellites as well as alternate architectures that emphasize the use of
smaller, simpler satellites that rely on both space and ground networks
to carry out the same missions that large, complex, and expensive
satellites do today.
What are your views on multi-year procurement, incremental funding,
and block-buy approaches, and to what extent do you envision the Air
Force using these approaches for acquiring space systems?
Answer. The Block buys enable ``process efficiencies'' otherwise
lost as a result of production breaks. Lowering production costs by
building and testing two or more satellites in succession by using
nontraditional space procurement funding approaches uses production
facilities more efficiently and helps the Department avoid untenable
funding spikes, which inject instability into programs and hurt the
Space Industrial Base suppliers.
These approaches may not be appropriate for every space system
procurement activity. If confirmed, I will support using innovative
space system procurement approaches, including multi-year procurement,
to ensure we are able to fund and produce these vital systems while
still maintaining our ability to fund other core Air Force
Question. If confirmed, what would be your plan to maintain
superiority in space, to push the state of technology, and to sustain
innovation in light of an approach that locks the incumbent contractor
into a long-term deal with just incremental advances in capability?
Answer. Maintaining superiority in space requires continued
investment in science and technology and innovative acquisition
approaches that allow for incremental improvements to operational
satellite programs. If confirmed, innovation will continue to be an Air
Force priority, and I will continue supporting a strong government-
contractor environment that balances affordability with the opportunity
for incremental system improvement.
Question. Do you foresee opportunities to develop national security
space satellites that are smaller, operationally responsive, and cost
less to launch?
Answer. The most important factors in any architecture development
are how they accomplish the mission and how they meet requirements. Any
opportunities for national security satellites that meet mission needs,
cost less to operate, are more responsive, and potentially smaller
should be considered seriously.
Question. If so, what role would you play, if confirmed, in
changing the acquisition culture from one that coalesces around large,
complex, exquisite programs to one that coalesces around smaller,
simpler programs that emphasize resilience over reliability?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work closely with our Air Force
acquisition leadership and with stakeholders in the Defense Department
to foster an acquisition culture that supports delivering capabilities
the warfighter needs. If the needs are best met by smaller, simpler
programs, we will provide the guidance and resources to deliver space
capabilities in that manner.
Question. To what extent would you eliminate barriers and
restrictions to enable DOD to more fully use hosted payloads and ride-
share arrangements?
Answer. If confirmed, I will ensure we look at the totality of
mission needs. Hosted payloads and ride-share arrangements may provide
responsive and cost-effective space capabilities, but rigorous analysis
and cost estimating are required. If hosted payloads and/or ride share
agreements are selected as part of architecture to meet mission
requirements, I will deal with barriers and restrictions to the best of
my ability to enable these nontraditional approaches.
Question. For fiscal year 2013, Congress rejected the termination
of the Operationally Responsive Space Program and instead moved the
office and function under the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC),
as found in section 914 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2013.
If confirmed, will you support the implementation of section 914
and support the timely and successful integration of the Operationally
Responsive Space Program into SMC?
Answer. Yes, the Air Force transitioned the ORS Office to AFSPC/
SMC. A more detailed, long-term plan is pending a fiscal year 2013
Appropriations Bill.
Question. If confirmed, will you fully, and in a timely manner,
answer congressional inquiries on the status of the Operationally
Responsive Space Office?
Answer. Yes, I will make it a priority to respond to all
congressional inquiries.
long-range bombers
Question. The B-52s will begin to be retired in the 2030 timeframe
but are in urgent need of recapitalization of their data backbone for
advanced targeting and communications.
Do you support the B-52 Combat Network Communications Technology
(CONECT) program and will you work with Global Strike Command to ensure
the full suite of capabilities of the CONECT system are implemented in
the aircraft?
Answer. I support the capabilities that the CONECT program brings
in order to enable more effective B-52 employment in the complex,
network-centric battle space of the future. Although the Air Force
restructured the CONECT program in the fiscal year 2013 PB, the
capability remains a top Air Force Global Strike Command priority. If
confirmed, I will work with Global Strike Command to balance warfighter
needs and resources as we address our future budgets.
duties and responsibilities as chief management officer
Question. Section 904 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2008 designates the Under Secretary of the Air Force as the
Air Force's Chief Management Officer (CMO). Section 908 of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 requires the CMO of each
Military Department to carry out a comprehensive business
transformation initiative, with the support of a new Business
Transformation Office.
What is your understanding of the duties and responsibilities of
the Under Secretary as the CMO of the Department of the Air Force?
Answer. It is my understanding that the responsibilities of the
Chief Management Officer, consistent with section 904 of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, include the following:
ensuring the Air Force's capability to carry out DOD's strategic plan
in support of national security objectives; ensuring the core business
missions of the Department of the Air Force are optimally aligned to
support the Department's warfighting mission; establishing performance
goals and measures for improving and evaluating overall economy,
efficiency, and effectiveness and monitoring and measuring this
progress; and working with DOD's Chief Management Officer to develop
and maintain a strategic plan for business reform. Under section 908 of
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, the Chief
Management Officer is also responsible for carrying out an initiative
for business transformation for the Air Force. Under section 2222 of
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, I would be
responsible for pre-certification for Air Force business systems
programs prior to submission for Department of Defense Deputy Chief
Management Officer review and certification. If confirmed, I will
ensure the core function and missions of the Air Force are optimally
aligned to support the joint warfighting mission. I intend to fulfill
the requirements of the law by establishing performance goals and
measures for improving and evaluating the overall affordability,
efficiency, and effectiveness of Air Force programs.
Question. What background and expertise do you possess that you
believe qualify you to perform these duties and responsibilities?
Answer. I have held equivalent duties and responsibilities as the
Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy and Deputy Chief Management Officer,
Office of the Under Secretary of the Navy. While in this capacity, I
have been engaged in the implementation of the CMO duties directed by
section 904 of NDAA 2008, section 905 of NDAA 2009, and section 2222 of
NDAA 2010 and intimately familiar with the related DOD guidance issued
by the DOD Deputy Chief Management Officer. My experience in Navy
Enterprise Resource Planning implementation and assuring compliance
with financial improvement and audit readiness requirements will be of
particular benefit in my new duties.
Question. Do you believe that the CMO and the Business
Transformation Office have the resources and authority needed to carry
out the business transformation of the Department of the Air Force?
Answer. Yes I do, putting aside the uncertainty of sequestration
and further fiscal challenges imposed on the Department and Air Force.
I have favorable first impressions. If, upon further analysis, I become
convinced more resources are required to affect transformation, I would
work closely with the Secretary to ensure the Air Force is applying
sufficient effort to this important issue.
Question. What role do you believe the CMO and the Business
Transformation Office should play in the planning, development, and
implementation of specific business systems by the Military
Answer. Consistent with the laws that established them, the CMO and
the Business Transformation Office should work with the Secretary and
Chief to set transformation priorities aligned to DOD and Air Force
needs. They should work to ensure business systems solutions make
economic sense and are feasible; build on or replace existing systems;
and enforce sound execution through application of the DOD
certification process, pursuant to the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2005 and
amplified in the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012, that requires all business
systems over $1 million in cost across the future years program be
certified as meeting a mission need and supported by a business case.
Question. What changes, if any, would you recommend to the
statutory provisions establishing the position of CMO and creating the
Business Transformation Office?
Answer. I have no recommendations to make at this time. If
confirmed, I will continue to assess the requirement for additional or
modified authorities and look forward to working with this committee to
ensure that the objectives of the CMO, as intended by Congress, are
Question. Section 2222 of title 10, U.S.C., requires that the
Secretary of Defense develop a comprehensive business enterprise
architecture and transition plan to guide the development of its
business systems and processes. The Department has chosen to implement
the requirement for an enterprise architecture and transition plan
through a ``federated'' approach in which the Business Transformation
Agency has developed the top level architecture while leaving it to the
military departments to fill in most of the detail. The Air Force's
business systems, like those of the other military departments, remain
incapable of providing timely, reliable financial data to support
management decisions. In particular, the Government Accountability
Office has reported that the Air Force has not yet followed DOD's lead
in establishing new governance structures to address business
transformation; has not yet developed comprehensive enterprise
architecture and transition plan that plug into DOD's federated
architecture in a manner that meets statutory requirements; and instead
continues to rely upon old, stove-piped structures to implement
piecemeal reforms.
If confirmed, what steps, if any, would you take to ensure that the
Air Force develops the business systems and processes it needs to
appropriately manage funds in the best interest of the taxpayer and the
national defense?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work with the Air Force comptroller to
ensure that Air Force funding execution is more visible in real time to
senior leaders. While I have not yet been briefed in detail on the
status and challenges for Air Force systems, I would work to ensure
that our systems and processes achieve the outcome of enhancing our
ability to manage funds; ensure a detailed schedule is put in place and
managed to achieve that outcome; and ensure audits are conducted to
validate performance.
Question. Do you believe that a comprehensive, integrated,
enterprise-wide architecture and transition plan is essential to the
successful transformation of the Air Force's business systems?
Answer. Yes, I do.
Question. What steps would you take, if confirmed, to ensure that
the Air Force's enterprise architecture and transition plan meet the
requirements of section 2222?
Answer. If confirmed, I will engage the business transformation
staff in a detailed review of how the Air Force is developing and using
its business enterprise architecture to manage transformation and stay
aligned with the DOD Business Enterprise Architecture and related
strategic transformation priorities. I would make it a priority to meet
very early on with the Deputy CMO and Business Transformation staff to
validate the current state of the Air Force business enterprise
architecture and its alignment to the DOD architecture. I would focus
our review on how the architecture is being applied within the Air
Force governance process, and would direct and implement any needed
Question. What are your views on the importance and role of timely
and accurate financial and business information in managing operations
and holding managers accountable?
Answer. I think timely financial information is critical in
managing the operations of large organizations. I understand the
frustration of many at the difficulty in achieving audits of DOD
financial statements and appreciate congressional efforts, through
section 1003 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2012, reinforcing the Secretary of Defense's goal of accelerating audit
readiness. If confirmed, I will be active in supporting DOD and
Secretary of the Air Force's continued focus on financial issues,
achieving the end of calendar year 2014 deadline for Statement of
Budgetary Resources, and realizing full audit readiness by 2017.
Question. How would you address a situation in which you found that
reliable, useful, and timely financial and business information was not
routinely available for these purposes?
Answer. If confirmed, I would use that situation as an opportunity
to improve the process of providing such financial and business
information. I would make this area a priority, especially if it aligns
to the major strategic mission priorities of the organization, and
assign actions with accountability for corrections. Finally, I would
provide active follow-up to ensure the needed results were achieved.
Question. What role do you envision playing, if confirmed, in
managing or providing oversight over the improvement of the financial
and business information available to Air Force managers?
Answer. If confirmed, I will focus on establishing the priorities
for business performance improvements on behalf of the Secretary of the
Air Force and report on progress toward achieving these goals. As the
CMO, I would expect to be an active and key member of the Air Force
governance process, enforcing Department priorities in decisions
regarding programs, organizations and processes across the functional
staff and Air Force Major Commands.
auditable financial statements
Question. Section 1003 of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2010 requires the Chief Management Officer of the
Department of Defense to establish a plan to ensure that DOD's
financial statements are validated as ready for audit by not later than
September 30, 2017. The Secretary of Defense has established the
additional goal of ensuring that the statement of DOD's budgetary
resources is validated as ready for audit by not later than September
30, 2014.
In your opinion, is the Department of the Air Force on track to
achieve these objectives, particularly with regard to data quality,
internal controls and business process re-engineering?
Answer. The Air Force plan has been reviewed and integrated with
the OSD FIAR plan that integrates the entire DOD business environment
but, admittedly, it is still not without risk. However, they are seeing
successes to date that affirm they are on the right path. The Air Force
continues to be cautiously optimistic. It has received seven favorable
opinions with two more assertions currently under examination. The
Statement of Budgetary Resources has received clean opinions on the
Budget Authority covering $161 billion while the Existence and
Completeness of Mission Critical Assets has received favorable opinions
on a total of $97.4 billion. The Air Force is the first Service given a
clean opinion on its Fund Balance with Treasury reconciliation process.
This gives the Air Force the ability to validate its transactions
between the general accounting system and Treasury. The Air Force will
continue to assert assessable units until the entire SBR is audit
ready. If confirmed, I will make it a priority in my capacity as Chief
Management Officer to more closely review and monitor the Air Force
Question. If not, what impediments may hinder the Air Force's
ability to achieve this goal and how would you address them?
Answer. Currently, a key impediment to the Air Force's ability to
achieve this goal is the lack of contract support to collect, document,
test, and audit the existing business processes. At this time, the
fiscal year 2012 through fiscal year 2017 Financial Improvement Audit
Readiness (FIAR) support contract is under protest. The Air Force is
carefully working to resolve the issue, but without contract support,
the progress level is greatly reduced. This risk has the potential to
increase due to the current fiscal environment
A second impediment is the lack of an integrated transaction-based
accounting system. The Air Force's reliance on legacy systems requires
additional compensating process controls. The Air Force will analyze
legacy systems and implement appropriate cost-effective changes while
they continue to pursue the Defense Enterprise Accounting and
Management System and the Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay
System. Further, the Air Force continues to collaborate within the
Department to share lessons learned, establish performance measures and
consolidate efforts where applicable.
Question. In your view, are the steps that the Air Force needs to
take to meet the 2014 goal consistent with the steps that DOD needs to
take to achieve full auditability by 2017?
Answer. Yes, the Air Force approach to audit readiness is
consistent with DOD. As an active member of the FIAR Governance, the
Air Force has the opportunity to collaborate on establishing the goals,
objectives and guidance to produce auditable financial statements for
the Department. The Air Force adheres to the same guidance published by
OUSD(C) which controls the standards for sampling, threshold, and scope
to be used during audit readiness efforts. The DOD Comptroller reviews
all assertion packages prior to submission for audit by an Independent
Public Accounting Firm or the DOD Inspector General. Upon favorable
examination, the Air Force will sustain those auditable processes to
support the overall DOD assertion for the principal financial
Question. What steps will you take, if confirmed, to ensure that
the Air Force moves to achieve these objectives without an unaffordable
or unsustainable level of one-time fixes and manual work-arounds?
Answer. The Air Force has established a governance process to
oversee its audit readiness objectives, which is aligned to its
Investment Review process, to ensure Senior Leadership oversight across
the Air Force enterprise. This governance is aligned to OSD governance
to ensure Department-wide integration of efforts to achieve audit
objectives and avoid those stove-piped, unaffordable, and unsustainable
fixes. A key element of this governance will be to document and
standardize the business processes across the Air Force to ensure they
are traceable and auditable. In order to do this, the Air Force is
implementing a standard set of tools to validate, document, re-use, and
sustain the results from its audit readiness efforts, while also
ensuring auditability of its Information Technology systems.
Utilizing these standards and tools will allow Senior Leader
oversight on the corrective action plans being implemented across the
Air Force in collaboration with the Army, Navy, and Service providers
throughout the Federal Government. This holistic, enterprise-wide
approach will allow the Air Force to determine impacts of business
process changes, ensure alignment with the DOD Business Enterprise
Architecture, and inform its IT investment decisions. Finally, the Air
Force strategy will provide a mechanism to encourage culture change,
which is necessary for future continuous process improvement, the
results of which will also be documented and auditable.
If confirmed, I will continue to press forward on auditability
goals, but with an eye towards sustainability so as not to waste
valuable resources in this tight fiscal environment.
acquisition issues
Question. What are your views regarding the need to reform the
process by which the Department of the Air Force acquires major weapons
Answer. Continuing to improve the acquisition process for major
weapons systems is a critical issue for the Air Force, as well as for
DOD. My initial impression is that the Air Force has taken focused
actions to reform its acquisition processes and is continuing to work
to make further improvements in response to the Weapons System
Acquisition Reform Act of 2009. In addition, I understand that the Air
Force is working on Mr. Kendall's ``Better Buying Power 2.0''
initiatives in the pursuit of greater efficiency and productivity. If
confirmed, I would expect to learn more about the challenges facing Air
Force acquisition and to help the leadership team take further steps to
deliver better value to the taxpayer and warfighter by improving the
way the Air Force does business.
Question. What steps would you recommend to improve that process?
Answer. If confirmed, I would continue the acquisition improvements
begun by the Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff and work
with OSD on their acquisition improvement initiatives. Specifically, I
would recommend the Air Force work with OSD on program affordability,
cost control throughout the program lifecycle, and improving the
acquisition workforce across the Air Force.
Question. If confirmed, what role do you expect to play in the
major defense acquisition programs of the Department of the Air Force?
Answer. If confirmed, I will assist the Secretary of the Air Force
in his goal of recapturing acquisition excellence. I understand his
initiatives include providing full spectrum acquisition capabilities to
the Air Force and the Department of Defense, and ingraining a culture
of process improvement within acquisition. I would look forward to
helping the Secretary to achieve his acquisition goals in whatever
capacity he believes I am best suited to serve.
Question. Roughly half of the Department of Defense's largest
acquisition programs have exceeded the so-called ``Nunn-McCurdy'' cost
growth standards established in section 2433 of title 10, U.S.C. One
such program is the Air Force's Joint Strike Fighter program, for which
total life-cycle cost has now been estimated to exceed $1 trillion.
If confirmed, what steps, if any, would you take to address the
out-of-control cost growth on the Department of the Air Force's major
defense acquisition programs?
Answer. I am in support of the principles that motivated the
Weapons Acquisition Reform Act of 2009. I think that law lays out both
the drivers of program challenges and the need to take very seriously
any critical breaches of Nunn-McCurdy thresholds. As such and if
confirmed, my analysis of the Air Force's acquisition programs would
focus on the assumptions used in establishing program baselines. Such
baselines must be based on realistic schedule and technical assumptions
and accurate cost estimates. If confirmed, I will place an emphasis on
realistic budgeting based on improved program cost estimates.
Question. What principles will guide your thinking on whether to
recommend terminating a program that has experienced ``critical'' cost
growth under Nunn-McCurdy?
Answer. The direction provided by Nunn-McCurdy and by the Weapon
Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 is essential in determining
whether to terminate or continue a program that has experienced a
critical cost growth. I agree with the new law that, when such breaches
occur, we must understand what the root cause of that breach is. I
further agree with the presumption for termination that must guide
one's analysis and also the requirement that, if a program is
restructured, it should be required to receive new milestone approval
before proceeding. While there are programs that will be essential to
national security, I believe the Department must undertake hard
analysis in looking at the alternatives in such a case.
Question. Many experts have acknowledged that the Department of
Defense may have gone too far in reducing its acquisition workforce,
resulting in undermining its ability to provide needed oversight in the
acquisition process.
Do you agree with this assessment?
Answer. The answer in the past would have been yes, but my
understanding is that the Air Force has alleviated a lot of these
issues through its acquisition improvement initiatives since fiscal
year 2008.
Question. If so, what steps do you believe the Department of the
Air Force should take to address this problem?
Answer. If confirmed, I will look for ways to continue
strengthening the Air Force's acquisition workforce.
Question. The Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (WSARA)
was intended to ensure that future weapon systems move forward on a
sound footing by addressing unrealistic program cost and schedule
estimates, the absence of clearly defined and stable requirements, the
inclusion of immature technologies that unnecessarily raise program
costs and delay development and production, and the failure to solidify
design and manufacturing processes at appropriate junctures in the
development process.
Do you support the approach taken by WSARA?
Answer. I fully support the approach taken by WSARA and all efforts
to improve acquisition in the Air Force.
Question. What additional steps, if any, do you believe the
Department of the Air Force should take to address these problems?
Answer. I believe the Air Force should continue the effort to
improve and maintain the acquisition workforce expertise. Specifically,
I recommend enhanced acquisition training and increasing the
availability of highly qualified course instructors in such functional
areas as cost estimating that would strengthen the Air Force's program
management business negotiation and oversight role.
Question. By some estimates, the Department of Defense now spends
more money every year for the acquisition of services than it does for
the acquisition of products, including major weapon systems. Yet, the
Department places far less emphasis on staffing, training, and managing
the acquisition of services than it does on the acquisition of
What steps, if any, do you believe the Air Force should take to
improve the staffing, training, and management of its acquisition of
Answer. The Air Force must continue its focus on improving services
acquisition. Leaders throughout the Air Force must be aware of their
role in properly assigning personnel to the acquisition teams,
resourcing the programs, ensuring personnel receive the necessary
service acquisition training, and growing experts in acquiring
services. Specifically, the Air Force Senior Manager for Services has
partnered with Air Force Major Commands to identify senior level
Services advocates to ensure consistency with approved processes and
that DOD and Air Force policy is being followed.
Question. Do you think the Air Force should develop processes and
systems to provide managers with access to information needed to
conduct comprehensive spending analyses of services contracts on an
ongoing basis?
Answer. Yes. It is critical that decisionmakers have access to key
metrics throughout the life of contracted services. The Air Force is
currently developing a senior leader dashboard to provide near real
time visibility on program execution and ensure transparency of
contracted services.
air force policies regarding drug and alcohol abuse
Question. What is your understanding of the Air Force's policy with
respect to disciplinary action and administrative separation of Air
Force personnel who have been determined to have used illegal drugs? Do
you agree with this policy?
Answer. The Air Force does not have any policy per se on
disciplinary actions with respect to particular criminal offenses.
However, I know each drug case is investigated by law enforcement
personnel and the report of investigation is provided to the airman's
commander to review the evidence for appropriate disposition. Each case
is evaluated on its merits, including the type of illegal drug used,
the facts and circumstances of the use or uses, the military record of
the airman, and the strength of the evidence.
The Air Force has a policy on administrative separation for illegal
drug use found in its administrative separation instruction. It states
that drug abuse is incompatible with military service and airmen who
abuse drugs one or more times are subject to administrative separation
for misconduct. In fact, administrative separation processing is
mandatory for drug abuse unless a waiver is granted. This seems to be
an appropriately fair policy to me.
Question. What is your understanding of the Air Force's policy with
respect to rehabilitation and retention on Active Duty of members of
the Air Force who have been determined to have used illegal drugs or
abused alcohol or prescription drugs? Do you agree with this policy?
Answer. Only in very limited circumstances does the Air Force
retain airmen determined to have used illegal drugs, including illegal
use of prescription drugs. In order to be retained, airmen have the
burden of proving that retention is warranted by meeting a number of
criteria, to include if such drug use was a departure from the airman's
usual behavior and is not likely to recur, does not involve recurring
incidents, and does not involve distribution. The Air Force does
provide some limited protection for airmen who self-identify their drug
use for the purpose of seeking treatment in that they may avoid
criminal prosecution, but will still face administrative separation.
This seems to be an appropriately fair policy to me.
Question. Do you believe that the Air Force has devoted sufficient
resources for implementation of its rehabilitation policies and
objectives since 2001? If not, in what ways have resources been
Answer. Yes. The Air Force maintains a comprehensive and dynamic
drug detection and response program that includes rehabilitation as a
key element. There are trained alcohol and drug counselors and medical
providers at each installation to provide evaluation and outpatient
treatment services. For airmen needing more intensive inpatient
treatment, medical teams arrange for these services through TRICARE
with local community medical centers.
religious guidelines
Question. The DOD Independent Review Related to Fort Hood observed
that ``DOD policy regarding religious accommodation lacks the clarity
necessary to help commanders distinguish appropriate religious
practices from those that might indicate a potential for violence or
self-radicalization'' and recommended that the policy be updated.
What is your understanding of current policies and programs of the
Air Force regarding religious practices in the military?
Answer. The Air Force Chaplain Corps provides spiritual care and
the opportunity for airmen, their families, and other authorized
personnel to exercise their constitutional right to the free exercise
of religion. Every effort is made to ensure this right is protected.
Consistent with the Air Force Fort Hood Follow-On Review
recommendations, the Air Force is reviewing and updating policies and
guidance consolidation into a single series of instructions. This
should ensure that leaders consult chaplains and legal counsel before
making decisions, to better address prevention, identification, and
response to religious-based disrespect, harassment, and discrimination
in relevant training of airmen (e.g., equal opportunity training, free
exercise of religion training, wingman training, and commander
Question. What is your view of the need to clarify the policy
regarding religious accommodation in the Air Force?
Answer. The Air Force continues to ensure clarity to commanders by
providing clear policy on religious accommodation, which maintains
consistency with DOD policy. Air Force policy directs that requests to
commanders for religious accommodation are welcomed and dealt with
fairly and consistently throughout the Air Force. While requests vary
in need and accommodation, all requests should be approved unless
approval would have a real (not hypothetical) adverse impact on
military readiness, unit cohesion, standards or discipline and,
therefore, disapproval of the accommodation request is in furtherance
of a compelling military or government interest. Commanders are to
consult with their installation chaplain and staff judge advocate on
requests for religious accommodation. However, consistent with the Air
Force Fort Hood Follow On Review recommendations, the Air Force is
presently reviewing and updating policy and guidance to address
prevention, identification and response to religious-based disrespect,
harassment and discrimination.
Question. Do Air Force policies regarding religious practices in
the military accommodate, where appropriate, religious practices that
require adherents to wear items of religious apparel or adhere to
certain grooming practices related to their faith?
Answer. The Air Force has a clear process to ensure every request
for religious accommodation is welcomed and dealt with as fairly and
consistently. Requests for accommodation should be approved, unless
approval would have a real (not hypothetical) adverse impact on
military readiness, unit cohesion, standards or discipline, and
therefore, disapproval of the accommodation request is in furtherance
of a compelling military and/or government interest. Concerning the
wearing of religious garments or other articles, requests for
accommodation involving items such as the outdoor wear of religious
head coverings that are not concealed under military headgear and those
impacting grooming and personal appearance (e.g., hair length and
style, tattoos, and ``body art'') must be approved by the Deputy Chief
of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services.
Question. In your view, do these policies accommodate the free
exercise of religion and other beliefs without impinging on those who
have different beliefs, including no religious belief?
Answer. Yes, the policies are intended to protect both the free
exercise of religion for all airmen and avoid the appearance of an
official endorsement of any particular religion. Air Force policy
presently communicates that all airmen have the freedom to choose to
practice their particular religion or subscribe to no religious belief
at all. If confirmed, I will closely monitor the implementation of this
Question. In your view, do existing policies and practices
regarding public prayers offered by military chaplains in a variety of
formal and informal settings strike the proper balance between a
chaplain's ability to pray in accordance with his or her religious
beliefs and the rights of other servicemembers with different beliefs,
including no religious beliefs?
Answer. From what I have been told so far, I believe that Air Force
Chaplains are well trained to provide prayers offered in pluralistic
settings. This requires sensitivity to their audience which includes
individuals from various religious traditions as well as those who
profess no religious belief at all. The guidance provided by Air Force
leaders also makes clear that supervisors respect each chaplains' right
to adhere to the tenets of his or her faith and thus not require
chaplains to participate in religious activities, including public
prayer, which are inconsistent with their faith tradition. If
confirmed, I will look into this in greater detail.
Question. What is your assessment of measures taken at the Air
Force Academy to ensure religious tolerance and respect?
Answer. Air Force leadership clearly takes very seriously the idea
of religious tolerance and respect. The team effort to improve the
religious atmosphere at the Academy continues to reduce cases of
intolerance and inappropriate behavior. Since beginning their Cadet
Religious Respect Training Program, 7,782 cadets have been trained to
respect the beliefs or non-beliefs of others. In addition, the Dean of
Faculty trained 910 staff members to ensure the academic environment is
free of negative religious expressions. Further, the Athletic
Department's Religious Respect Program trained 300 coaches and staff to
ensure the athletic department adheres to the guidance. Finally, the
Cadet Interfaith Council continues to positively impact relationships
between various faith groups and cooperates in various service projects
to improve the community. If confirmed, I will monitor this closely to
ensure that the training put in place is yielding the desired outcomes.
air force science and technology
Question. If confirmed, what direction would you provide regarding
the importance of innovative defense science and technology in meeting
Air Force missions?
Answer. The innovative technology produced by the Air Force Science
and Technology (S&T) Program balances high-risk with high-return
science and knowledge. If confirmed, the direction I provide would
focus on supporting the Air Force capabilities fundamental to deterring
and defeating aggression, projecting power in anti-access and area
denial environments, operation in space and cyberspace domains, and
maintaining a safe, secure and effective strategic deterrent.
Question. Do you believe the current balance between short- and
long-term research is appropriate to meet current and future Air Force
Answer. From what I can tell at this point, yes. The success of the
Air Force will depend on continued innovation and technical excellence.
The Air Force S&T Program invests across a broad portfolio to attain a
balance between near-term, quick-reaction capability support; mid-term
technology development to modernize the force; and revolutionary
technologies that address far-term warfighting needs.
Question. If confirmed, what role would you play in ensuring
research priorities that will meet the needs of the Air Force over the
next 10 years?
Answer. As outlined in the Defense Strategic guidance, the future
strategic environment will require an agile and flexible military.
Therefore, it is important that the Air Force S&T Program continue to
invest in a broad portfolio of research to anticipate future needs. If
confirmed, in my role as the senior energy and sustainability official,
I will also take special interest in the Air Force's continued
investment in the development and demonstration of advanced
technologies that address affordability and lifecycle costs of future
Question. In the face of rising acquisition costs for programs such
as the Joint Strike Fighter, and programs to support space operations,
if confirmed, how would you plan to ensure the protection of funding
for long-term science and technology investments?
Answer. I take the issue of rising acquisition costs very
seriously. Protecting the funding for the Air Force S&T Program is very
important as it is a key element in making mature technologies
available for transition into development programs. The S&T Program
allows the Air Force to sustain its heritage of technological
air force laboratories
Question. What role should Air Force laboratories play in
supporting current operations and in developing new capabilities to
support Air Force missions?
Answer. It is my view that the Air Force S&T program--including the
labs--should continue to develop and transition innovative and relevant
technologies; build and nurture a technically skilled, highly educated
and adaptive workforce able to provide effective solutions for today's
issues; and conduct innovative research to maintain our technological
edge over potential adversaries.
Question. If confirmed, how will you ensure that Air Force
laboratories have the highest quality workforce, laboratory
infrastructure, resources, and management, so that they can continue to
support deployed warfighters and develop next generation capabilities?
Answer. If confirmed, I will spend time educating myself on the
details of the Air Force's current initiatives in this area. Ensuring
the Air Force continues to have war-winning technology requires the
proactive management of its current Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) workforce and a deliberate effort to grow the
laboratory scientists and engineers of the future. Those researchers
need state-of-the-art laboratory facilities to best support deployed
warfighters with ready-to-use technologies and develop next generation
capabilities. I will rely on and support the senior leadership of the
acquisition community to assess and invest in infrastructure, including
workforce, research facilities and funds necessary to support the
future technology needs of the Air Force.
Question. Do you support the full utilization of authorities
established by Congress under the Laboratory Personnel Demonstration
Answer. Retaining the current world-class, highly-skilled workforce
is an important part of the Air Force's Bright Horizons STEM workforce
strategic roadmap. I understand that the Lab Demo program has done much
to ensure the Air Force Research Laboratory's ability to attract and
retain personnel since its inception in 1997. This flexible system has
helped to achieve the best workforce for the mission, adjust the
workforce for change and improve overall quality. If confirmed, I will
work with the laboratory leadership to monitor the Lab Demo program to
ensure it remains effective for its primary purpose and propose changes
to the program as they become required.
Question. Do you believe that the Air Force's laboratories and
engineering centers should have a separate, dynamic personnel system,
uniquely tailored to support laboratory directors' requirements to
attract and retain the highest quality scientific and engineering
Answer. If confirmed, I look forward to carefully examining the Air
Force's experience with the Lab Demo program and working with
laboratory director's to determine future needs and authorities for the
Question. How will you assess the quality of Air Force laboratory
infrastructure and the adequacy of investments being made in new
military construction and sustainment of that infrastructure?
Answer. I am aware that the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure
(BRAC) effort successfully completed in September 2011 provided several
new, state-of-the-art facilities within the Air Force Research
Laboratory. The Laboratory's BRAC realignments successfully realized
the Secretary of the Air Force's priorities for BRAC 2005, including
the goals of realigning Air Force infrastructure with the future
defense strategy, maximizing operational capability by eliminating
excess physical capacity, and capitalizing on opportunities for joint
activity. If confirmed, I will work closely with the leadership of the
acquisition community to ensure that we remain vigilant and upgrade our
S&T infrastructure in a timely manner so that major research and
programs are not put at risk due to aging facilities.
Question. Are you concerned about the current or future supply of
experts in defense critical disciplines, particularly personnel with
appropriate security clearances, to hold positions in defense
Answer. Yes, I am always concerned about maintaining a solid
representation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
professionals in the critical defense disciplines our laboratories and
acquisition enterprise require. As I understand it, in the last 5
years, the Air Force has been able to meet its needs by accessing more
than 3,100 engineers, physical and analytical scientists.
Congressionally-authorized personnel and hiring authorities have helped
improve the Air Force's compensation and hiring abilities.
air force test and evaluation capabilities
Question. Over the past few years, the Air Force has proposed
taking measures to significantly reduce its test and evaluation
capabilities--both infrastructure and workforce. These efforts have, in
general, been overturned by the Department of Defense and Congress.
Do you believe that the Air Force has test and evaluation
capabilities that are excess to Department of Defense needs?
Answer. The Air Force strives to ensure it uses and organizes its
test and evaluation (T&E) capabilities as efficiently as possible to
meet Air Force and DOD needs within a fiscally constrained budget. If
confirmed, I will work to continue balancing Air Force T&E
capabilities, Air Force and DOD needs, the available budget, and our
National interest to propose feasible and prudent adjustments.
Question. What steps will you take to ensure that the Air Force has
the appropriate testing infrastructure and qualified test workforce?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work cooperatively with the SecAF,
DOD, and industry to help shape the future of our Nation's
infrastructure and workforce. I will look at the T&E infrastructure and
workforce requirements to identify potential efficiencies; support
workforce shaping, training, and retention programs; and focus the test
infrastructure to support the current and future needs of the DOD
acquisition community and broader national interests.
air force information technology programs
Question. What major improvements would you like to see made in the
Air Force's development and deployment of major information technology
Answer. If confirmed, I will further explore how information
technology systems are delivered to our airmen. Specifically, I will
review the Air Force's current information technology and acquisition
governance structures and processes and look for opportunities to
further strengthen oversight and instill rigor and discipline in the
planning, development, and deployment of major information technology
systems. This is particularly important when the business case supports
pursuing an enterprise solution.
Question. How will you encourage process and cultural change in
organizations so that they maximize the benefits that new enterprise
information technology systems can offer in terms of cost savings and
Answer. If confirmed, I will delve deeper into this area in order
to fully understand and appreciate previous and ongoing Air Force
efficiency efforts and how technology was used to drive down costs. I
will also ensure that there is a solid and rigorous governance
structure in place to ensure the necessary business process
reengineering takes place to realize the benefit of enterprise systems,
when the business case makes clear the value. Savings are not realized
when individual components are able to bend the technology to fit their
processes, rather than change processes to meet the enterprise
Question. What is the relationship between Air Force efforts to
implement enterprise information technology programs and supporting
computing services and infrastructure to support Air Force missions, to
the efforts being undertaken by the Defense Information Systems Agency
and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information
Answer. All of the Military Departments, led by the Joint Staff and
the DOD Chief Information Office, and in close partnership with the
Defense Information Systems Agency, are in close collaboration and
planning for the implementation of the Joint Information Environment.
This partnership allows the Air Force to synchronize ongoing
consolidation and enterprise service efforts and transition to the
Department's enterprise solutions. If confirmed, I will continue to
forge this relationship and find opportunities to leverage Air Force
investments to better posture the Department to employ the full range
of operational capability and capacity to the Joint warfighter. I will
also look for opportunities from Department investments that the Air
Force can leverage to meet its mission needs.
investment in infrastructure
Question. In recent years, various witnesses appearing before the
Committee have testified that the Military Services under-invest in
their facilities compared to private industry standards. Decades of
under-investment in our installations have led to increasing backlogs
of facility maintenance needs, created substandard living and working
conditions, and made it harder to take advantage of new technologies
that could increase productivity.
What is your assessment of Air Force infrastructure investment?
Answer. The Air Force, like all Services, is having to make
difficult investment trade-offs as budgets decrease. If confirmed, I
will review the current and future requirements for infrastructure, to
ensure that the Air Force can support its mission requirements and the
Secretary of the Air Force's priorities.
Question. If confirmed, what actions, if any, would you propose to
increase resources to reduce the backlog and to improve Air Force
Answer. If a thorough review of infrastructure investment indicates
the Air Force is taking too much risk, then, if confirmed, I will work
closely with Air Force leadership to make appropriate fiscal
adjustments to reduce the backlog and improve facilities.
sexual assault prevention and response
Question. The Air Force is investigating numerous allegations of
sexual misconduct by Military Training Instructors at Basic Military
Training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. Several instructors have
already been convicted of various offenses and others are pending trial
by court-martial. The Air Force addressed similar allegations of sexual
misconduct at the Air Force Academy nearly a decade ago. Allegations of
sexual misconduct are not unique to the Air Force and numerous cases of
sexual misconduct involving servicemembers in theater have been
reported over the last several years. Many victims and their advocates
contend that they were victimized twice: first by attackers in their
own ranks and then by unresponsive or inadequate military treatment.
Secretary Panetta has recently implemented several new initiatives
aimed at curbing sexual assaults in the military and improving victim
What is your assessment of the Air Force's implementation of the
Secretary's new policies, including his decision to withhold initial
disposition authority over certain offenses to the general court-
martial convening authority?
Answer. I support the Secretary of Defense's leadership and his
decision. Withholding the initial disposition authority at the Special
Court Martial Convening authority level reassures airmen that we are
taking the issue of sexual assault very seriously.
Question. What is your understanding of the resources and programs
the Air Force has in place to provide victims of sexual assaults the
medical, psychological, and legal help that they need?
Answer. From initial briefings, it appears to me that the Air Force
Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) have the appropriate resources to
offer support to sexual assault victims. Additionally, Air Force
forward deployed mental health assets are available to provide
necessary consultation, assessment, intervention, and referral for
mental health issues, to include support in cases of sexual assault.
The Air Force has also forward deployed judge advocates to provide
complete legal support to the Air Force and Joint missions. Legal
services available to victims at their home station are equally fully
available to victims in deployed locations, to include legal
assistance, defense services, victim witness assistance, or other legal
This is an issue I take very seriously, and if confirmed I would
make it priority to ensure that adequate resources and programs are
available to victims of sexual assault.
Question. What is your view of the steps the Air Force has taken to
prevent additional sexual assaults? In your view, are these steps
Answer. I believe Air Force leadership has made a clear priority of
the prevention of sexual assaults and are taking the necessary steps to
do so. The Secretary, Chief of Staff and the Chief Master Sergeant of
the Air Force recently issued a tri-signature memorandum addressed to
every airman that highlighted zero tolerance of sexual assault, the
importance of bystander intervention and responsibility for victim
care. The Chief of Staff also recently convened a wing commander's call
to discuss this topic and directed commanders to conduct a health and
welfare inspection of workplaces to ensure a culture of dignity, trust
and respect is fostered. If confirmed, it would be a priority of mine
to support these steps.
Question. What is your view of the adequacy of the training and
resources the Air Force has in place to investigate and respond to
allegations of sexual assault?
Answer. I believe the Air Force has taken significant and effective
steps to increase training and provide resources for investigating and
responding to allegations of sexual assault. Air Force installation
level Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Coordinators (SARCs) and
Victim Advocates (VAs) receive extensive initial training before
assuming their positions. Additionally, both SARCs and VAs receive
annual refresher training.
All Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) special
agents receive extensive training in the handling of violent crime
investigations, including specific handling of sexual assault
investigations. In 2009, the Air Force funded 24 additional civilian
special agents to focus on sexual offenses at locations with the
highest incidence of sexual assault. AFOSI also recently developed a 2-
week advanced training course, dedicated exclusively to sexual assault
The Judge Advocate General is fully committed to aggressively
addressing allegations of sexual assault and ensuring that commanders,
victims, and accused airmen are appropriately advised on the legal
issues. The Air Force is committed to training prosecutors and defense
counsel to the highest standards. Base staff judge advocates work
closely with the AFOSI special agents to ensure comprehensive
investigations. Through the Senior Trial Counsel (STC) program, 16
highly trained and experienced trial counsel assist base legal offices
in all aspects of evaluating and preparing sexual assault cases and are
detailed to represent the United States as the prosecutor in these
cases. Seven of these STCs are dedicated to specializing in prosecution
of sexual assault cases. Senior Defense Counsels provide assistance to
local defense counsel and representation of accused airmen at trial.
The Judge Advocate General believes that fully training and equipping
both the prosecution and defense in these cases offers the best hope of
optimal fact finding and professionalism in adjudicating sexual assault
Question. Do you consider the Air Force's current sexual assault
policies and procedures, particularly those on confidential reporting,
to be effective?
Answer. Current Air Force policies and procedures, particularly
those on restricted reporting, are effective, available both at home
and in deployed locations, and do more than allow victims confidential
access to medical care. When coupled with the new victim to victim
advocate privilege, the policies address many of the concerns victims
have about coming forward and help protect the victims'
confidentiality. The policies preserve the possibility of future
prosecution by allowing victims to anonymously receive Sexual Assault
Forensic Examinations (SAFEs), which are held for 5 years. Victims may
convert their confidential restricted report at any time and
participate in the military justice process. Restricted reporting
allows for the preservation of evidence that would otherwise be
unavailable and the Air Force is able to offer victims care and
treatment that victims may have not accessed without this confidential
Question. What is your view of the adequacy of resources in the Air
Force to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct and to hold
perpetrators accountable for their actions?
Answer. I believe we are well positioned to execute this
responsibility. The JAG Corps and AFOSI have developed a robust special
victims capability that focuses specifically on teaming to jointly
investigate and prosecute sexual assault offenses. For the 24 civilian
AFOSI agents and 7 senior trial counsels working these cases, this is
their primary mission. The Air Force developed training that JAGs will
be attending jointly with AFOSI in fiscal year 2013. These are the Sex
Crimes Investigation Training Program at the Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center and the Advanced Sexual Assault Litigation Course at
the Air Force JAG School. AFOSI and JAGs will attend both courses,
focusing respectively on the investigation and prosecution stages.
Question. What problems, if any, are you aware of in the manner in
which the confidential reporting procedures have been put into effect?
Answer. Sexual assault victims who seek medical care or SAFEs in
some States (i.e., California) cannot make a restricted report because
State laws mandate reporting to law enforcement by healthcare
providers. This limitation creates a ``have and have not'' reporting
situation amongst military victims. However, the Air Force provides the
same support and care for the victim whether they filed a restricted or
unrestricted report.
Question. What is your view of the appropriate role for senior
military and civilian leaders in the Secretariat and the Air staff in
overseeing the effectiveness of implementation of new policies relating
to sexual assault?
Answer. Senior military and civilian leaders at all levels,
beginning at the Secretariat and the Air Staff, must focus on promoting
an environment that prevents sexual assault. Eliminating this horrible
crime is absolutely critical. The Secretary of the Air Force directed a
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Executive Steering Group (ESG)
comprised of all the senior functional stakeholders to continually
assess the program and provide advice for improvements in policy and
procedures. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary and these
leaders to maintain a very clear focus on this issue.
Question. Do you believe that sexual assault continues to be an
underreported crime within the Department for the Air Force?
Answer. Sexual assault is the most underreported violent crime in
both the military and in American society and so I believe that it
continues to be an underreported crime within the Air Force. The Air
Force survey commissioned by Gallup on sexual assault also confirmed
this view. The Air Force is focused on ways to increase reporting, from
enhanced training throughout an airman's career, to unrestricted and
restricted reporting options, to a wide range of medical, legal, and
functional military services available to airmen who report being a
victim of sexual assault.
Question. If so, what are the barriers that discourage or prevent
victims from coming forward?
Answer. Shame, fear, stigma, and concern for potential re-
victimization continue to be the primary reasons victims do not come
forward. To remove these barriers, victims must have confidence in the
system and in their leadership to do the right thing. Air Force senior
leaders, commanders and senior enlisted are personally involved and
their leadership is instrumental to removing these barriers and
ensuring victims receive the care and support they deserve. This effort
includes the opportunity to request expedited transfers for those
filing unrestricted reports, legal assistance for victims, the support
of a victim advocate and specially trained investigators who are not a
part of the chain of command.
Question. If confirmed, what additional steps would you take to
remove barriers to reporting sexual assaults?
Answer. First, continued focus on eliminating sexual assaults.
Prevention efforts include training and establishing command climates
where sexual assaults are not tolerated. Thorough and timely
investigation of cases independent of the chain of command provides
reassurance to victims. Another important factor is holding
perpetrators accountable. Finally, victims who file unrestricted
reports are afforded the opportunity to request expedited transfers.
This program provides the victim with safety and security which helps
remove barriers to reporting.
In order to aid in lessening these barriers, we must continue
efforts to remove any perceived negative impact from coming forward
after an assault. Allowing members to seek help and open communication
with them is essential for leading the way in changing perceptions.
Members need to know they will be supported regardless, and that
service leadership is resolved to care for airmen.
Question. In response to the Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and
Violence at the Military Service Academies for Academic Program Year
2011-2012, the Secretary of Defense wrote to the Service Secretaries
and the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness stating:
``Despite our considerable and ongoing efforts, this year's Annual
Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service
Academies demonstrates that we have a persistent problem. I am
concerned that we have not achieved greater progress in preventing
sexual assault and sexual harassment among academy cadets and
midshipmen. These crimes and abhorrent behavior are incompatible with
the core values we require of our Armed Forces' future officers. A
strong and immediate response is needed.''
What has the Air Force done to respond to the Secretary of
Defense's requirement for a strong and immediate response?
Answer. The Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff have
made this a priority and have stated that the Air Force succeeds
because of the professionalism and discipline of its airmen. Sexual
assault undermines that professionalism. Each cadet now receives over
12 hours of SAPR education training over the course of four years.
Innovative training, to include scenario based programs with subject
matter experts, is now a part of the USAFA SAPR curriculum.
Additionally, the USAFA is in the process of instituting new
initiatives. In April 2013, cadets will be leading the way in
developing and running the USAFA's sexual assault awareness month
(SAAM) activities and in the fall of 2013, the USAFA plans to institute
Cadet Bystander Intervention Training (BIT).
Additionally, in January, an integrated process team, to include
members of the USAFA staff, met with subject matter experts and Air
Force SAPR program managers to review SAPR training for all new
accessions. Based on the recommendations of this group, the Air Force
is capturing best practices while instituting standardized core
competencies and learning objectives as directed by the Secretary of
Question. If confirmed, what additional steps will you take to
address the findings contained in this report?
Answer. As the Secretary of Defense states, there is no place in
the military for sexual assaults. If confirmed, I would focus on victim
care and support, to include legal assistance. Victims should be able
to trust their leadership to do the right thing. This includes focused
efforts on investigations and prosecutions. This, of course, is on top
of the training being implemented currently.
independence of the judge advocate general
Question. What are your views about the responsibility of The Judge
Advocate General (TJAG) of the Air Force to provide independent legal
advice to the Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Air Force and to the
Air Staff, particularly in the areas of military justice and
operational law?
Answer. I believe it is critical for the Under Secretary to receive
independent legal opinions from his senior uniformed judge advocate.
Senior uniformed lawyers bring a wealth of experience and perspective
shaped by years of working with commanders in the field. TJAG's ability
to provide independent legal advice is statutorily guaranteed and
vitally important to Air Force senior leader decisionmaking. Generally,
I believe senior leaders are better informed to make the best decisions
when they are aware of both The Judge Advocate General's advice and the
advice of the Air Force General Counsel.
Question. What are your views about the responsibility of staff
judge advocates throughout the Air Force to provide independent legal
advice to military commanders in the field and throughout the Air
Answer. Staff Judge Advocates (SJAs) are essential to the proper
functioning of both operational and support missions. SJAs have a major
responsibility to promote the interests of a command by providing
relevant, timely, and independent advice to commanders, and this
independence is reflected in statute (title 10, U.S.C.,
Sec. 8037(f)(2)). Convening authorities are required by statute (title
10, U.S.C., Sec. 806) to communicate with their SJAs on issues related
to military justice matters, which is critical to disciplined mission
execution. In addition, commanders and other leaders rely on their
staff judge advocates for advice on all types of legal and policy
matters. SJAs offer legal advice independent of any particular agenda.
I believe it is very important for commanders to continue to receive
uniformed legal advice.
air force end strength reductions and transition assistance
Question. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2013 established an Active Duty Air Force end strength of 329,460, a
reduction of 3,340 airmen from the fiscal year 2012 authorized level.
The Air Force has informed the committee that it will achieve this
reduction using only voluntary measures, and that transitioning airmen
will benefit from a ``considerably expanded'' Transition Assistance
Program (TAP).
Please describe the voluntary measures that will be used to manage
the Air Force's personnel reductions in fiscal year 2013, and whether
the Air Force envisions using involuntary measures in fiscal year 2014
and beyond.
Answer. The Air Force active component authorized end strength in
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 is 329,460,
requiring the Air Force to reduce 3,340 airmen from the fiscal year
2012 authorized end strength of 332,800. Should sequestration go into
effect and continue beyond 2013, the Air Force corporate process would
evaluate and prioritize resources to maintain a balance between people,
equipment and available funding. Continued budgetary shortfalls could
lead to out-year funding cuts that might drive internal Air Force
decisions to decrease force structure, which would undoubtedly lead to
further end strength reductions.
The reduction in end strength in fiscal year 2013 alone will
require the Air Force to take continued force management actions to
reduce the number of airmen serving the Nation while ensuring they
maintain a high quality force. To do so, they will continue a multi-
year force management strategy of leveraging voluntary programs first,
offering incentive programs where needed, and executing involuntary
actions only if required. They currently have the full range of
legislative authorities necessary to execute a force management program
to meet congressionally mandated end strength.
In fiscal year 2013 enlisted airmen in non-critical overage Air
Force Specialty Codes will be offered time-in-grade, Active Duty
service commitment, and enlistment contract waivers. They will also
continue the expanded Palace Chase program. The Air Force also
implemented the Temporary Early Retirement Authority for a second year,
Date of Separation Rollbacks, reduced accessions, initial skills
training separations and Career Job Reservation constraints.
For officers, the Air Force expects no involuntary separations for
fiscal year 2013 other than a limited number of initial skills training
separations for officers. Voluntary programs will include time-in-
grade, Active Duty service commitment, and 10 versus 8 years of
commissioned service waivers for certain year groups and overage career
fields. They will also continue the Palace Chase program for eligible
lieutenant colonels and below. Additionally, they will be offering the
Temporary Early Retirement Authority program and the Voluntary
Retirement Incentive program to the officer force in fiscal year 2013.
For fiscal year 2014, the Air Force expects similar force
management programs, but may include involuntary Selective Early
Retirement Boards. However, given the current set of fiscal challenges
and the uncertainty sequestration presents, I would continue to assess
the need to pursue additional voluntary and involuntary force
management authority actions to meet reassessed authorized end strength
levels in fiscal year 2014 and beyond as approved by Congress and the
Secretary of the Air Force.
Question. Please describe the new TAP program and how it will help
airmen transition back into civilian society during this period of
unstable economic conditions.
Answer. The Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs and Labor
launched a redesigned Transition Assistance Program (TAP) effective 21
November 2012 to better prepare airmen for the transition to civilian
life. The redesigned TAP is focused on reducing veteran unemployment
levels which are 2 percent higher than the rest of the population and
aims to bolster and standardize the transition support that airmen
across the Armed Forces receive prior to separating or retiring from
the Air Force in order to make them as employment ready as possible.
The Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act of 2011 and the Veterans
Employment Initiative (VEI) drove the new legislated TAP requirements
to expand training and employment services for Active and Reserve
component members who transition from the Air Force.
DOD and its agency partners work closely with approximately 85 Air
Force Installations (to include 2 Guard and 1 Reserve training hub), to
coordinate delivery of transition services included in the redesigned
TAP has been redesigned as a comprehensive, mandatory program that
includes pre-separation counseling, a military to civilian skills
review, VA benefits briefings, financial planning support, job search
skills building, and an individual transition plan (ITP) preparation
which will aid in a successful transition into a ``career ready''
civilian. The program will be renamed ``Transition GPS (Goals, Plans,
The new program features a 5-day workshop with further ``optional''
training tracks (Higher Education, Technical Training, and
Entrepreneurship taught by the Small Business Admin) in addition to
extensive one-on-one counseling.
The ``target population'' of airmen who may need a higher level of
support during their transition process has been defined as: (1) young
airmen (18-24 years old); (2) those completing their first term of
enlistment; (3) members involuntarily separated due to force reshaping;
and (4) those separating rapidly.
Eligible Reserve component airmen are also mandated to actively
participate in the redesigned Transition Assistance Program.
Eligibility includes all members of the Guard and Reserve who are
separating after serving more than 180 days of continuous Active Duty.
Spouses are encouraged to participate with the airman in all facets
of the redesigned program.
The Air Force is aggressively rolling out the redesigned TAP
program to assist transitioning airmen with becoming as competitive as
possible in civilian society during this period of unstable economic
personnel and entitlement costs
Question. Military personnel costs, including health care,
compensation, and retirement continue to soar and are becoming an ever
increasing portion of the DOD and Air Force budgets.
What actions do you believe can be taken to control the rise in
personnel costs and entitlement spending?
Answer. Military compensation is, and must remain, competitive to
sustain the recruitment and retention of high caliber men and women to
meet readiness requirements and accomplish our national security
mission. If confirmed, I will remain committed to this goal. However,
in light of the current economic crisis and overall reductions in
defense spending, we must look at balancing personnel costs to avoid
reductions to force structure and modernization efforts critical to the
support of the warfighter and the defense of our Nation. I look at
management of force structure as being a key element in controlling
personnel costs. If confirmed, I will ensure that the Air Force
continues to make difficult, but fiscally responsible decisions to
implement force management programs that allow us to remain at
authorized end strength levels. Additionally, I will pursue legislative
and policy changes needed to ensure that the Air Force is able to
operate as a total force with the most effective use of resources.
Question. What is your assessment of the Air Force's use of
military bonuses in both the Active and Reserve components?
Answer. The bonus programs are among the most flexible and
responsive force management tools to retain airmen in critical fields
with high ops demand and low manning such as special operations,
explosive ordnance, aircrew, intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance, RPA pilots and health professions. Although overall
retention remains high, bonuses are necessary to target these critical
skills for current health and as an investment in emerging missions. If
confirmed, I would work to ensure that we are using bonuses only where
necessary to maintain the proper force structure and skill sets.
Question. What is your assessment of the Air Force's use of
aviation career incentive pay or assignment incentive pay for unmanned
aerial systems operators, both those who are rated pilots and those who
are not?
Answer. Aviation career incentive pays are an important
compensation tool used to motivate and retain aviators operating manned
and remotely piloted aircraft. As the demand for remotely piloted
aircraft continues to grow, we will continue to rely on monthly
incentive pays to attract officers and enlisted personnel who not only
possess a unique skill set, but who work under challenging conditions
to provide the Nation with an unparalleled combat capability. If
confirmed, I will ensure that we continue to periodically review the
efficacy of all aviation pays and bonuses to ensure we are fiscally
Question. What would be the impact on the Air Force if
sequestration were to take effect on March 1, 2013, as currently
required by law?
Answer. The Air Force would not be able to eliminate the adverse
impacts of sequestration to readiness or modernization or even
substantially mitigate them. If triggered, the Air Force would ramp
down spending while protecting wartime and readiness accounts for as
long as possible. Additional programs would need to be restructured,
reduced and/or terminated. The effects of sequestration would cause
great harm to national security, both by the size of the reductions and
the across-the-board nature of the implementation of those reductions.
If triggered, the Air Force will also begin the deliberate programming
process of prioritizing programs ensuring we continue to strive to meet
the DOD Strategic Guidance.
Question. What would be the specific impact on Air Force civilian
and military personnel; on family programs; on morale, welfare and
recreation programs; and on the delivery of health care to airmen,
their families, and retirees?
Answer. The Military Personnel Appropriation has been exempted from
sequestration. Any civilian personnel actions taken would be based on
specific guidance from OSD.
suicide prevention
Question. The number of suicides in the total Air Force continues
to be of concern to the Committee.
If confirmed, what role would you play in shaping suicide
prevention programs and policies for the Air Force, the Air National
Guard, and the Air Force Reserve, to prevent suicides and increase the
resiliency of airmen and their families?
Answer. Engaged leaders and communities are the key to suicide
prevention. Although lower than comparable civilian rates, the Air
Force's total force suicide rate has seen a slow but very concerning
rise in the last several years. It is now at just under 16 per hundred
thousand per year, and I am greatly concerned that we still lose about
50 active duty airmen per year from suicide. Fortunately the Air Force
has an effective program in place--one that is continually improving,
targeting career fields at higher risk. The Air Force Suicide
Prevention Program is a community-based approach that fosters a Wingman
culture organized under commander-led committees of installation
helping agencies. The program is composed of 11 elements of community
and command involvement. Research shows that the Air Force suicide rate
is lower when these 11 elements are fully engaged. This year, the Air
Force is improving the annual self-assessment of those elements.
The Air National Guard and Reserve Command airmen's suicide rates
have been similar to those of active duty Air Force. Although not all
Reserve component airmen are in contact with their units as regularly
as those on Active Duty, their leaders have, and will continue to be
fully engaged in their lives--there for them and their families when
they are in crisis. Like the Active Duty units, the Air National Guard
and Reserve Command both utilize these elements of the prevention
program. In concert with supervisors, chaplains, and community
resources, wing and regional directors of psychological health work to
get these airmen the help they need in crisis.
family support
Question. Military members and their families in both the Active
and Reserve components have made, and continue to make, tremendous
sacrifices in support of operational deployments. Senior military
leaders have warned of growing concerns among military families as a
result of the stress of frequent deployments and the long separations
that go with them.
What do you consider to be the most important family readiness
issues for Air Force personnel and their families, and, if confirmed,
how would you ensure that family readiness needs are addressed and
adequately resourced?
Answer. I understand that a primary concern for airmen and their
family members is their ability to do the mission and simultaneously
support their families. Specific areas of concern include access to
quality specialized child care and education. Also, for those
transitioning to the civilian sector, military members are concerned
about being prepared for employment and/or continuing their education.
Families are concerned about the civilian spouse finding employment as
they relocate from installation to installation.
I am aware there are DOD and Air Force programs that address these
issues, such as the Transition Assistance Program (TAP), which has been
recently enhanced by the Veteran Opportunity to Work Act of 2011. If
confirmed, I will ensure a thorough review of all available resources
to support valuable family programs.
Question. How would you address these family readiness needs in
light of global rebasing, deployments, and future reductions in end
Answer. I understand the Airman and Family Readiness Centers serve
as a resource hub for Air Force families prior--to, during, and
following deployments. The deployment programs the Airman and Family
Readiness Center have in place for the airmen and family members are
crucial in supporting the mission. DOD has funded valuable resources in
Military Family Life Consultants that work in Air Force Family Support
Programs to deal with family and life issues, child behavioral issues
and school transition issues. I will ensure the Air Force programs are
adequately supported with this valuable resource.
Question. If confirmed, how would you ensure support to Reserve
component families related to mobilization, deployment and family
readiness, as well as to active duty families who do not reside near a
military installation?
The Air Force is a total force, and provides resources and support
to all components through various Airman and Family and Child and Youth
programs. These support programs are sustained through continued
collaboration with the State Joint Base Board and other services.
Geographically separated servicemembers (and their families) have
immediate access to many resources online that enable them to remain
connected to their units and support services.
Question. If confirmed, what additional steps will you take to
enhance family support?
Answer. I will review current manpower and staffing for family
programs. In keeping with current White House directives, I will
support programs that enhance mission readiness.
I would like to see sufficient staffing and training for family
readiness staff as we partner with community organizations to continue
building support for airmen and their families.
morale, welfare, and recreation
Question. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) programs are
critical to enhancement of military life for members and their
families, especially in light of frequent and lengthy deployments.
These programs must be relevant and attractive to all eligible users,
including Active Duty and Reserve personnel members and families
assigned overseas, and personnel deployed in support of military
training and operations.
What challenges do you foresee in sustaining Air Force MWR
programs, and, if confirmed, what improvements would you seek to
Answer. MWR programs exist to provide Quality of Life (QOL)
programs and services to airmen and their family members. There is a
recognized correlation between QOL, readiness, and resilience,
particularly in light of frequent and lengthy deployments.
A top priority for the Air Force is to develop and care for airmen.
I don't foresee any change to that focus. The Air Force's MWR programs
are currently undergoing an enterprise-wide transformation to right-
size and ensure their currency and relevancy for airmen and their
Without a doubt, MWR programs and services for military members and
their families are critical to Air Force readiness and mission
capability. As the Air Force advances MWR transformation, I will
advocate for the Air Force to seek partnership opportunities with local
communities to help ensure they provide the best support possible for
the Air Force while embracing efficiencies and innovative ways of doing
If confirmed, I will fully support the ongoing MWR transformation
efforts to be a model of innovation, efficiency, and resource
stewardship, geared toward meeting the needs of airmen and families now
and in the future.
balance between civilian employees and contractor employees
Question. In recent years, the Air Force and the Department of
Defense have become increasingly reliant on services provided by
contractors. In many cases, contractor employees work in the same
offices, serve on the same projects and task forces, and perform many
of the same functions as Federal employees.
Do you believe that the current balance between civilian employees
and contractor employees is in the best interests of the Air Force and
the Department of Defense?
Answer. I believe we must continue to ensure that inherently
governmental functions are not outsourced and scrutinize those areas
where the distinction is blurred, and could result in the potential for
wasteful spending. If confirmed, I will work with the Secretary of the
Air Force and leaders across the Air Force to assess this matter to
ensure compliance with the law and with the President's policy. I
believe there is a great deal to do in this area, and will bring
lessons learned from the Department of the Navy, where we have made a
substantial and successful effort to better shape the balance between
the civilian and contractor workforce.
Question. In your view, has the Air Force become too reliant on
contractors to perform its basic functions?
Answer. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and title 10,
U.S.C., section 129, restrict the use of personal services contracts. I
believe these regulations best serve the interests of the Air Force. If
confirmed, I would continue to work with the Secretary of the Air Force
and leaders across the Air Force to ensure compliance with applicable
law and policy.
I agree with the view expressed in President Obama's March 4, 2009
memorandum on government contracting, that states excessive reliance by
executive agencies on sole-source contracts create a risk where
taxpayer funds could be inefficiently spent and otherwise not service
the needs of the Federal Government. I would work with the Secretary of
the Air Force and leaders across the Air Force to assess this matter to
ensure compliance with the law and with the President's policy. I
believe there is a great deal to do in this area, and will bring
lessons learned from the Department of the Navy, where we have made a
substantial and successful effort to better shape the balance between
the civilian and contractor workforce.
Question. Do you believe that the current extensive use of personal
services contracts is in the best interest of the Air Force?
Answer. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and title 10,
U.S.C., section 129, restricts the use of personal services contracts.
I believe these regulations best serve the interests of the Air Force.
If confirmed, I would continue to work with the Secretary of the Air
Force and leaders across the Air Force to ensure compliance with
applicable law and policy. I believe there is a great deal to do in
this area, and will bring lessons learned from the Department of the
Navy, where we have made a substantial and successful effort to better
shape the balance between the civilian and contractor workforce.
Question. Do you believe that the Air Force and the Department of
Defense should undertake a comprehensive reappraisal of ``inherently
governmental functions'' and other critical government functions, and
how they are performed?
Answer. The Department's ``sourcing'' of functions and work between
military and civilians, or through contracted services, must be
consistent with workload requirements, funding availability, readiness
and management needs, as well as applicable laws and statutes.
Consistent with existing statutory requirements (such as FAIR Act and
title 10, U.S.C., section 2330a), and the total force mix of military,
civilian, and contracted support, I believe the Air Force should pursue
a mitigation of risk and the appropriate consideration of costs. Even
during this period of constrained defense budgets, the Air Force should
ensure that military or Federal civilians are performing all inherently
governmental jobs, and that sufficient levels of civilians are
available to perform critical oversight, management, and readiness
functions of the Air Force. I do not believe a comprehensive review of
``inherently governmental functions'' is necessary, but I do believe
more rigorous oversight where we apply contracted services is necessary
across the Department.
Question. If confirmed, will you work with other appropriate
officials in the Department of Defense to address these issues?
Answer. If confirmed, I will continue to collaborate with other Air
Force officials to ensure these matters are addressed in the best
interest of the Air Force and the Department of Defense.
Question. Section 955 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2013 requires a 5 percent reduction in anticipated funding
levels for the civilian personnel workforce and the service contractor
workforce of the Department of Defense, subject to certain exclusions.
What impact do you expect the implementation of section 955 to have
on the programs and operations of the Air Force?
Answer. Based on the Air Force's understanding of section 955's
requirement for DOD to reduce at least the same percentage reduction in
anticipated funding levels for the civilian personnel workforce and
service contractors as compared to reductions in military pay levels,
and contingent on receipt of DOD's efficiencies plan, the Air Force is
working the following actions:
Civilian--The Air Force, as part of a larger OSD-led effort,
conducted a comprehensive review of capabilities performed by its
civilian workforce. During the course of this review, the Air Force
identified areas where it could most prudently accept risk, while still
being able to accomplish its mission. The result of this analysis led
to a 2.8 percent reduction to Air Force civilian manpower over the next
five years, exceeding the 2.3 percent reduction to Air Force military
manpower over the same time period.
Contractor--The Air Force, as part of the OSD led Limitation on
Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Contracted Services (section 808
of the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012), has worked to ensure that contract
obligations for fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2013 remain at, or are
lower than, what was requested for contracted services in the fiscal
year 2010 President's budget. This, coupled with previously identified
service contract efficiencies (Knowledge Based Services, Advisory
Studies, Service Support Contractors, and Program Mission
Augmentation), should meet the intent of section 955.
Question. What steps will you take, if confirmed, to ensure that
section 955 is implemented in a manner that is consistent with the
requirements of section 129a of title 10, U.S.C., for determining the
most appropriate and cost-efficient mix of military, civilian, and
service contractor personnel to perform Air Force missions?
Answer. If confirmed, I would ensure the Air Force sufficiently
determines the most appropriate and cost-effective mix of military,
civilian, and contracted services by reviewing the performance of
functions identified as core or critical to the mission of the
department, consistent with the workload analysis and risk assessment
required by sections 129 and 129a of title 10.
Question. What processes will you put in place, if confirmed, to
ensure that the Air Force implements a sound planning process for
carrying out the requirements of section 955, including the
implementation of the exclusion authority in section 955(c)?
Answer. If confirmed, I will work within the Air Force to put a
process in place to determine core or critical requirements that
considers critical occupations in the Acquisition Workforce Plan,
personnel employed at facilities that provide core logistics
capabilities, medical services, and maintenance and repair of military
equipment. Civilian personnel workforce or service contractor workforce
performing other critical functions may be identified as requiring
exemptions or exclusion authority in the interest of the national
Question. Section 808 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2012 requires the Department of Defense to implement a
freeze on spending for contract services, comparable to the freeze on
civilian personnel required by the efficiencies initiatives.
What is your understanding of the impact that the freeze on
spending for contract services has had on the Air Force?
Answer. I understand the Air Force began aggressively reducing
spending on contracted services in fiscal year 2009 and continues while
ensuring continued mission capability. Decisionmakers must balance
acceptable risk and available budgets to ensure future mission
capability as the reductions are made.
Specific to fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2013, the period
covered by the NDAA, my understanding is the limitation is a broad
brush that puts an overall ceiling on not only management support
contracts, but also other mission critical contracts such as Weapon
System Sustainment, Ranges, and Critical Infrastructure. If the
limitation is so broad that it encompasses all contracts, there may be
unintended consequences.
Question. What is your understanding of Air Force plans for
spending for contract services over the next 5 years?
Answer. The Air Force will continue to make tough decisions on
spending cuts. Air Force leaders must balance impacts to mission
capability with the need for reducing spending. I believe additional
emphasis on market research is critical for us to fully understand the
industrial base and that we effectively use competition as a forcing
function to reduce the services spend, while not sacrificing mission
Question. What is your view on the feasibility and advisability of
further reductions in spending for contract services over the next 5
Answer. Budget cuts must be made carefully and with full
understanding of the accepted risks and impacts to mission capability.
I believe further reductions are necessary, but should be applied
tactically as a result of the analysis of risks to mission capability
and effectiveness.
legislative fellows program
Question. Each year, the Services assign mid-career officers to the
offices of Members of Congress under the Legislative Fellows Program.
Upon completion of their legislative fellowships, officers are supposed
to be assigned to follow-on positions in their services in which they
effectively use the experience and knowledge they gained during their
What is your assessment of the value of the Legislative Fellows
Program to the Air Force and to the career development of the officers
Answer. I strongly support the Legislative Fellows program and very
much appreciate the continued support we get from Members of Congress
for the program. It provides mid-career officers, civilians, and now
senior noncommissioned officers, a valuable learning experience. The
program exposes top-tier Air Force officers, civilians and senior
noncommissioned officers to the inner workings of the legislative
process. Additionally, the relationships they form with civilian
leaders and their staffs in Congress benefit both the fellow and the
Air Force by enhancing open dialogue and communication between the Air
Force and Congress.
Question. What is your assessment of the Air Force's utilization of
officers who have served as legislative fellows?
Answer. My understanding is that the Air Force makes every effort
to assign them to follow-on positions which use their legislative
experience. Most fellows who are not immediately assigned to a
legislative-related position are selected for command and use their
legislative experience in that capacity and later in their career. If
confirmed, I will continue to emphasize appropriate follow-on
assignments which maximize the skills developed during their time on
the Hill.
management and development of the senior executive service (ses)
Question. The transformation of the Armed Forces has brought with
it an increasing realization of the importance of efficient and forward
thinking management by senior executives.
What is your vision for the management and development of the Air
Force senior executive workforce, especially in the critically
important areas of acquisition, financial management, and the
scientific and technical fields?
Answer. I believe that the members of the Senior Executive Service
are an integral and critical component to the continued success of
these vital career fields. As I understand it, the Air Force manages
their Senior Executive Service workforce through a comprehensive and
strategic corporate approach. The Air Force's deliberate lifecycle
management of their executive cadre facilitates their recruitment,
development, compensation, succession planning and retention. From what
I have seen, the Air Force is particularly effective at making sure its
senior civilian leaders have a healthy balance of experience inside and
outside of the Air Force headquarters. If confirmed, I will continue to
support this approach.
Question. Over the last 10 years, the Air Force budget has almost
doubled, but the number of senior executives in the Department of the
Air Force has remained almost unchanged.
Do you believe that the Air Force has the number of senior
executives it needs, with the proper skills to manage the Department
into the future?
Answer. I have not yet had the opportunity to review the number of
Air Force senior executives and their associated proficiency levels in
critical competencies. If confirmed, I will look into the issue.
remotely piloted aircraft pilot promotion and education
Question. S. 3254, the Senate Armed Services Committee's version of
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, as
reported out by the committee, included a provision that would require
a report from the Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff on
the promotion rates and educational and training opportunities for
pilots of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). The report would need to
explain the causes for the persistently lower rates of promotion and
education over the last 5 years, the impact of these trends, and the
Air Force's plans to take corrective action.
Are you familiar with the adverse trends in RPA pilot promotion and
education rates?
Answer. Yes, I am familiar with these issues and understand the Air
Force has initiatives in place to improve the health of the RPA career
field as they continue to aggressively monitor progress. The Air Force
has addressed the below Air Force average promotions (11-19 percent
behind the Air Force average) and completion of Advanced Academic
Degrees and Professional Military Education (PME) by improving in-
residence opportunities and promotion board packages that address the
RPA community's unique challenges.
Question. Do you share the committee's concerns about these trends?
Answer. Yes. If confirmed, I will keep RPA a key focus area as we
continue to grow this capability that is instrumental in our current
and future success as the world's dominant air power.
Question. How would you expect to contribute to fixing this
Answer. If confirmed, I will keep my finger on the pulse of the RPA
community through functional, operational and resource management
leadership. I will ensure current plans in place, aimed at leveling
promotion and educational opportunities through targeted messaging,
improved resourcing, and focused retention strategies, have the desired
impacts and take swift action if they prove to be ineffective. With
such a critically important career field, the Air Force must get it
right at the beginning and build not just a population that is
effective now, but one that is competitive, sustainable, and razor-
sharp in the execution of their duties in the years ahead.
congressional oversight
Question. In order to exercise its legislative and oversight
responsibilities, it is important that this committee and other
appropriate committees of Congress are able to receive testimony,
briefings, and other communications of information.
Do you agree, if confirmed for this high position, to appear before
this committee and other appropriate committees of Congress?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear before this
committee, or designated members of this committee, and provide
information, subject to appropriate and necessary security protection,
with respect to your responsibilities as the Under Secretary of the Air
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to ensure that testimony, briefings, and
other communications of information are provided to this committee and
its staff and other appropriate Committees?
Answer. Yes.
Question. Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
Answer. Yes.
[Questions for the record with answers supplied follow:]
Questions Submitted by Senator Bill Nelson
eglin test mission
1. Senator Nelson. Mr. Fanning, in 2011, the Air Force announced a
reorganization of the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) and aimed to
reduce overhead costs and redundant layers of staff. The NDAA for
fiscal year 2013 included an amendment which required AFMC to submit an
assessment of the efficiencies and effectiveness associated with this
reorganization. Will you commit to keeping a close eye on the recent
efficiencies initiatives at AFMC started by General Wolfenbarger, as
well as to visit Eglin Air Force Base to see the test mission first
Mr. Fanning. Yes. If confirmed as the Under Secretary of the Air
Force, one of my primary focus areas will be to ensure the Air Force is
structured properly, with the ability to respond to the warfighters'
needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Given the current fiscal
realities the Department faces now and in the future, we must make
every effort to streamline and eliminate redundant layers of overhead,
at all levels. This is precisely the intent of the Air Force Materiel
Command (AFMC) reorganization.
The reorganization eliminated over 1,000 civilian positions, and is
expected to generate at least $100 million in annual savings, while
concurrently reshaping the Command to align each major mission area
under one center commander. Additionally, AFMC's efforts reduced the
number of direct reports from 12 to 5. Since it was implemented on 1
October 2012, it is well on its way to full operational capability
later this year.
With regard to visiting Eglin Air Force Base, I absolutely commit
to visiting the base as soon as my schedule allows. I am anxious to see
the test mission and the other aspects of the Air Force mission
resident at this location.
kc-46a tanker
2. Senator Nelson. Mr. Fanning, on January 9, 2013, the Air Force
released the initial round of basing for the new tanker, the KC-46A.
The top four bases under consideration are located in the center of the
country, as well as the west coast. U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
leads the counterdrug mission and, every year, drug interdiction on the
high seas accounts for the removal of 200 tons of cocaine from the U.S.
supply, which is 10 times that which is removed by U.S. law
enforcement. I do not believe SOUTHCOM was consulted when considering
the first round of basing for the KC-46A and deserves consideration.
Would you commit to looking at the requirements of SOUTHCOM for the
next round of basing decisions for the KC-46?
Mr. Fanning. Yes. As I understand it, the combatant commands
(COCOMs) identify their air refueling requirements to the Air Force
through various Joint strategic planning efforts. In turn, the Air
Force's strategic basing process provides a methodology whereby basing
decisions are consistent with Air Force operational requirements which
are designed to meet the combatant commanders' needs. If confirmed, I
will ensure that these requirements, including those of SOUTHCOM, are
considered as part of the basing decisions.
Question Submitted by Senator Claire McCaskill
sexual assault
3. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Fanning, DOD under former Secretary
Panetta's leadership, implemented a number of initiatives to try to
curb sexual assaults in the military--a problem he stated could be six
times greater than reported--and we have seen both military and
civilian leaders acknowledge that sexual assault is a problem that
affects the recruitment, retention, and readiness of our Armed Forces.
This committee has taken up the issue of sexual violence in the
military and has implemented some reforms in the National Defense
Authorization Act, most recently in fiscal year 2013.
In the advance policy questions you were asked: what are the
barriers that discourage or prevent victims from coming forward and
what additional steps would you take to remove barriers to reporting
sexual assaults? You responded, ``Shame, fear, stigma, and concern for
potential revictimization continue to be the primary reasons victims do
not come forward. To remove these barriers, victims must have
confidence in the system and in their leadership to do the right thing.
Air Force senior leaders, commanders, and senior enlisted are
personally involved and their leadership is instrumental to removing
these barriers and ensuring victims receive the care and support they
deserve.'' You also said, ``Another important factor is holding
perpetrators accountable.'' Yet last week, an officer convicted only 4
months ago of aggravated sexual assault by a jury of officers had all
the charges dismissed by the convening authority, Lieutenant General
Craig Franklin, and he has been reinstated.
Lieutenant General Franklin's decision to dismiss the charges sends
a message to every member of the Air Force that if they are a survivor
of sexual assault they might not find justice in the military justice
system. If confirmed, how will you, as a senior civilian leader in the
Air Force, help restore confidence to the members of the Air Force
after this incident?
Mr. Fanning. Sexual assault is a crime and a matter of serious and
continuing concern; eliminating sexual assault in the military is a
high priority for the Air Force leadership. If confirmed, I will work
closely with Air Force leaders, as well as outside experts, to ensure
our sexual assault prevention and response programs are the best
available--we have a responsibility to all airmen to make this so. This
will be a priority of mine, and something I would speak out about at
every appropriate opportunity.
I continue to believe shame, fear, stigma, and concern for
potential re-victimization are the primary reasons victims do not come
forward and that to remove these barriers, Air Force leadership must be
personally involved. Creating an environment where all Airmen
understand this crime has no place in the Air Force is a vital step in
building confidence in the military justice system. In December 2012,
the Chief of Staff met with all Air Force wing commanders and stressed
the importance of their leadership in tackling this problem. This was
followed by an Air Force-wide inspection conducted to assess and adjust
the command climate across the Air Force.
Further, victims must be encouraged to report this crime and be
fully supported when they do. The Air Force's newly established Special
Victim's Counsel Program is an example of the importance Air Force
leaders place on victim support. By providing victims of sexual assault
with their own specially trained, independent military attorney,
victims now have someone to specifically help them navigate the
investigatory and adjudicatory phases of a case. I believe this will
have a profound impact on reducing barriers victims currently face.
If confirmed, I would closely monitor Air Force effects to ensure
they were making the necessary progress and to look for additional
measures we could take to accelerate progress.
Question Submitted by Senator Angus S. King, Jr.
air force tanker program
4. Senator King. Mr. Fanning, if you are confirmed and once you
assume your duties as Under Secretary of the Air Force, I would like
for you to provide information on the Air Force's plans for sustaining
its air refueling capabilities in the future. I would like to see
included in this information an explanation for how the initial 179 KC-
46A aircraft will be fielded, and the follow-on plans for replacing the
remainder of the KC-135 fleet. I would also like the Air Force's
assessment of the role the 101st Aerial Refueling Wing (ARW) at Bangor,
ME, will play in the future, and the earliest the 101st ARW could be in
line to field new aircraft, including the KC-46A.
Mr. Fanning. If confirmed, it will be an early priority of mine to
better understand the Air Force's Strategic Basing process so as to
have more fidelity into the initial KC-46A basing actions. I commit to
providing answers to these questions at the earliest opportunity.
Questions Submitted by Senator James M. Inhofe
5. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, for years DOD has embarked on
several efficiency campaigns. Both Secretaries Gates and Panetta have
included efficiency initiatives as part of the President's budget
submission. Do you believe DOD has adequate tools to track
Mr. Fanning. Yes. Efficiency initiatives are routinely tracked by
the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Comptroller and DCMO, who
report then to the Deputy Secretary of Defense in his role as Chief
Management Officer of the Department of Defense (DOD). In my role as
DUSN/DCMO, I have had responsibility for Department of the Navy
efficiency initiatives. Working closely on these efforts with the Army
and Air Force has led me to believe that the Air Force has a strong
process in place and adequately resources their tracking mechanism. If
confirmed, I will take a closer look to make sure my initial
impressions are justified.
The work we are doing across the Services in the area of achieving
clean audit, as well as the work directed by the OSD Comptroller on
Standard Lines of Accounting, will certainly help improve the quality
of data we have to understand, control and reduce the cost of business
6. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, how successful has DOD been in
realizing the efficiencies already assumed in previous budget requests?
Mr. Fanning. From my assessment, DOD overall has been largely
successful in realizing the efficiencies already assumed in previous
budget requests. Specifically in the Air Force, a $33 billion
efficiency objective was set in the initial round of efficiency
targets. The Air Force is currently managing and tracking $43 billion
in efficiencies from fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2017. The first
year of Service-established targets was 2012 and the Air Force recorded
savings of over $6 billion against a target of $4.8 billion. Included
in the 2012 efficiency savings are reductions of 16.5 thousand
civilian positions with 19.9 thousand removed by 2016. However, some
of the more difficult efficiencies were booked in the out years and
will require continued and concerted leadership attention to achieve.
7. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, what lessons have you learned in
the assumptions used in taking efficiencies?
Mr. Fanning. There have been many lessons learned from the
efficiencies. First and foremost, many of the assumptions made in
taking efficiencies failed fully to take into account the priorities of
external stakeholders, to include local communities and congressional
Second, in reducing the size of organizations, we often assume that
the targeted organizations will identify mission to cut. We have
learned that it is very hard for organizations themselves to identify
this mission. It requires sustained leadership involvement to direct
what mission is no longer a priority, and to work with relevant
stakeholders to eliminate the requirement for that mission.
Finally, leadership must stay involved long after the efficiencies
are booked. It requires oversight to ensure that cuts do not grow back
and that the hard work of actually achieving the efficiencies is not
replaced by components offering offsets in their place.
acquisition reform
8. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, for the past several years, the
Chiefs of the individual Services have repeatedly stated requirements
creep is one of the major factors creating increased costs and delays
in the acquisition of weapon systems. Specifically, additional
capability requirements continue to be added during the development of
weapons systems. Among other difficulties created by additional
requirements is the redesign, and even rebuilding, of weapons systems.
These concerns continue despite the fact the Joint Requirement
Oversight Council must approve of any requirements changes. Therefore,
what additional steps is DOD using to ensure requirements creep is
reduced and to reform the Joint Capabilities Integration Development
Mr. Fanning. The Air Force has implemented several acquisition and
requirements initiatives focused on controlling both requirements creep
and program costs. As a result, the Air Force implemented a deliberate
effort to reduce the number of mandatory key performance parameters
(KPPs), limit requirements objectives, better translate capability
requirements into system specifications, and improve oversight of cost
and schedule drivers at key program reviews.
The data shows that the number of KPPs has trended down since 2009.
KPPs averaged 6.1 per program in 2009 and 4.6 per program in 2012. To
further control potential program cost growth and requirements creep,
the Air Force implemented Headquarters Air Force guidance that limits
use of objective values in all Air Force requirements documents.
Requirements creep oftentimes occurs during the translation of
operational capability requirements into derived system level
requirements or specifications. To ensure system requirements documents
(SRD) are accurate, the Air Force directed requirements sponsors to
work with the program offices and provide formal coordination on
generated SRD. The Air Force is also conducting an earlier and more
robust cross-functional review of operational and derived requirements
to inform the acquisition strategy prior to release of the final
Request for Proposals.
Finally, the Air Force Configuration Steering Board (CSB) process
is undergoing enhancements to ensure senior leadership reviews
requirements cost drivers and affordability impacts at CSB reviews.
Although CSB reviews are not part of the formal requirements process,
they include mandatory representation from requirements and acquisition
stakeholders to stimulate informed discussions on how requirements
impact program cost and schedule.
civilian furloughs under sequestration
9. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, under sequestration, DOD will
furlough civilian personnel for 22 days through the end of this fiscal
year. Employees will suffer an 8 percent pay cut, and many of them will
have a hard time making ends meet. We know that 86 percent of
appropriated fund employees reside outside of the Washington, DC area.
Most States will be affected by the furloughs. In Oklahoma, almost
24,000 civilian employees will be furloughed under sequestration. Many
of them are Air Force civilians. DOD estimates it will cost those
employees in my State approximately $129 million. If sequestration
occurs, what will the Air Force do to minimize the impact on civilian
Mr. Fanning. Due to the reality of sequestration, the Air Force
immediately took actions to significantly slow spending in order to
operate within mandated budget limitations. As a last resort, DOD
elected to implement furlough. By scheduling furlough days in a
discontinuous manner, the 14 days are spread throughout the remainder
of the fiscal year to mitigate the financial impact to the civilian
workforce. In spreading the furlough to roughly 1 day a week, civilians
are ensured of earning at least 80 percent of their pre-deduction pay
during the furlough period, which reduces the impact on valuable
medical coverage, life insurance, and long-term care insurance
The Air Force also ensured any sequestration actions taken were not
permanent and potentially reversible in the event the crisis suddenly
ends. Implementing furlough in a discontinuous manner allows
flexibility if the budget impasse is resolved, in which case the Air
Force could immediately cease with any remaining furloughs in fiscal
year 2013.
10. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, does the Air Force have stress
reduction programs in place to help civilian employees get through
these difficult times?
Mr. Fanning. The Air Force is fully committed to supporting
civilian employees during these difficult times, and we have several
programs at their disposal. To the maximum extent possible, Air Force
medical mental health professionals will be available to provide stress
management and reduction programs to our civilian airmen on a space-
available basis. Additionally, Air Force Airman and Family Readiness
Centers provide wellness programs for Airmen, to include civilians and
their family members. Each Air Force base has an Employee Assistance
Program with capacity to help our employees through this difficult
time. Air Force civilian employees may also request to receive
assistance from the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund.
Finally, many civilian employees are members of the Guard or Reserve or
are retired servicemembers, and may be eligible to request additional
support from the Air Force Aid Society.
If confirmed, I will remain committed to providing every possible
avenue for support to civilian Airmen affected by furlough and will
share those options with them as quickly as possible. However, I also
realize support programs may not fully compensate them for the lost
income from 22 days of without pay. Therefore, the Air Force must
encourage civilian employees to plan now for the potential reduction of
income. Official notification of any furloughs would come through their
chain of command.
aging fleet of aircraft
11. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, our Air Force has been
continuously engaged in combat operations for over 2 decades. It is
operating the oldest fleet of aircraft in its history:
Air Force bombers--35 years old on average;
Air Force fighters--28 years old on average;
Surveillance aircraft--over 30 years old on average;
Transport and tanker aircraft--over 40 years old on
average with tankers projected to be 70-80 years old before
they are retired.
Given the projected defense budgets, that fleet will continue to
age. What are your concerns about this aging fleet and decreasing
Mr. Fanning. Given the outlook for future defense budgets, the
biggest concerns associated with the Air Force's aging aircraft are
keeping them operationally viable given advanced capabilities already
demonstrated by potential adversaries and the increasing costs
associated with maintaining them. Both of these absorb available
funding that could otherwise be used to fund programs with more direct
readiness impact, such as flying hours and training ranges. These
factors, coupled with over 2 decades of ongoing operations and the
resulting reduced training opportunities, have led to a steady decline
in full spectrum mission readiness. The ability of the Air Force to
continue to modernize and recapitalize capabilities is critical to
maintaining its ability to meet Defense Strategic Guidance,
particularly in highly contested environments.
12. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, what is the impact of sustaining
aging equipment on our ability to procure new equipment?
Mr. Fanning. Every year the Air Force must carefully balance its
funding between sustaining aging equipment and investing in new
equipment. This period of fiscal constraint makes the attempt to
balance sustainment and investment even more difficult. As the Air
Force defers investments in new equipment, and as sustainment costs for
older equipment increase, the competition for equipment
recapitalization resources intensifies.
13. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, do you think we have reached the
point with any of our current equipment that the business case analysis
recommends we procure new equipment but, due to a lack of funds, we are
forced to sustain the existing equipment?
Mr. Fanning. Yes, I believe that for some of our equipment, we may
have reached the point where the business case analysis justifies
replacement, but funding constraints force us to sustain the legacy
system in lieu of modernizing. Where this is the case, we run the risk
of a ``death spiral'' where operating and support costs continue to
rise, crowding out opportunities to modernize. However,
recapitalization decisions are complex and new equipment does not
always cost less to sustain. Therefore, every recapitalization decision
should be carefully evaluated using sound business case analysis that
fully considers life cycle cost (investment, operations, and support)
and capability.
14. Senator Inhofe. Mr. Fanning, what impact will the Air Force's
inability to develop and procure new aircraft have on its readiness 10
years from now?
Mr. Fanning. The Air Force's legacy fleet will continue to become
more expensive to maintain as it approaches and exceeds programmed life
expectancy, likely causing reduced aircraft availability for both
training and operational use. Further, many of the aircraft in the Air
Force inventory today have reached the point where further
technological upgrades will provide only minimal improvement against
current threats and leave them ill-equipped for future combat
Questions Submitted by Senator Saxby Chambliss
f-35 joint strike fighter
15. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Fanning, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
(JSF) has experienced several delays in its acquisition process. The F-
16, one of the more successful air platforms, was fraught with
engineering delays as well. DOD has spent massive amounts of funding on
the program and it is an essential piece for our military dominance in
the future. As we approach the next phase of defense strategy with the
shift to the Asia-Pacific and increased tensions in historical hot
spots, it is imperative that we maintain air superiority throughout
this transition. To do so, the F-35 JSF program's success is vital. Is
the Air Force committed to seeing this project to fruition?
Mr. Fanning. The F-35 represents the future of the Air Force
fighter fleet. It will provide critical capabilities required to
accomplish Air Force missions in the threat environment of the future,
and enables true joint and coalition operations. As Secretary Donley
stated in his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, the
Air Force remains fully committed to the F-35 Program.
16. Senator Chambliss. Mr. Fanning, as Under Secretary, what will
you do to ensure the program is successful and timely in its
acquisition and production?
Mr. Fanning. The Joint Program Office (JPO) has made important
progress in identifying program efficiencies and pursuing cost
avoidance efforts, and the Air Force has stated that it will continue
to fully fund the program to the cost estimate, and is evaluating the
most effective production ramp profile to maximize learning curve
If confirmed, I will support these initiatives and more deeply
involve myself in the work necessary to support the JPO's efforts to
reduce operations and sustainment costs over the lifecycle of the
Questions Submitted by Senator Mike S. Lee
17. Senator Lee. Mr. Fanning, in 2012, the Navy undertook the
expensive ``Great Green Fleet'' demonstration, purchasing 450,000
gallons of biofuel at $26 a gallon for a total of $12 million spent on
fuel for just one demonstration. The Air Force similarly spent $639,000
on 11,000 gallons of biofuels for a demonstration in 2012, costing the
taxpayer $59 per gallon. With the prospect of sequestration and a much
tighter defense budget in coming years, do you believe that the
military should continue such large-scale demonstrations using
biofuels? Please provide a yes or no answer, and if answering yes,
please provide a justification as to why programs involving biofuels
should be prioritized over other research and development programs.
Mr. Fanning. Yes. It is my understanding that the Air Force
investments in biofuels is limited to certifying fuels that are in the
pipeline or are planned to be in the pipeline, but that there are no
plans to purchase in large quantities until it is cost effective. AF
biofuels purchases are not designed to create a market for those fuels,
but to better understand what alternatives work with existing AF
The Air Force should continue testing and certifying any
alternative aviation fuels that have the potential to be produced cost-
competitively by private industry and that meet Air Force
specifications. Alternative fuels provide options for global mobility--
rather than being tied to a specific fuel, the Air Force can use what
is available. The Air Force is in the process of converting its primary
jet fuel used in the continental United States from JP-8, the current
military specification, to the more readily available commercial Jet A
fuel. Since the cost of Jet A is less than JP-8, the Air Force
estimates potential savings of $40 million annually in fuel procurement
costs (Jet A with additives costs two cents ($0.02) a gallon less than
JP-8). As part of this conversion, however, the Air Force will need to
ensure none of the alternative fuels identified in the commercial
specification will negatively impact flying operations. The purpose of
purchasing 11,000 gallons of alcohol-to-jet fuel was to test and
certify the Air Force fleet to ensure it could operate safely and
effectively on such a fuel blend, which is anticipated to have high
commercial viability.
future acquisition process
18. Senator Lee. Mr. Fanning, with the prospect of sequester cuts
to DOD this year and continuing cuts through the next 9 fiscal years,
we must change the way that acquisitions are conducted in order to be
more efficient and cost effective. Necessary acquisitions, such as our
next generation fighter jet, have been plagued by delays and budget
overruns. What lessons have been learned so far from the F-35 program
that you will implement in future acquisitions?
Mr. Fanning. The F-35 program has provided several lessons
applicable to future programs. First, while introducing a minor amount
of concurrency to a program can streamline the transition from
development to production, reduce overall costs and increase
efficiency, starting production of the end item too early in the
process can significantly increase the risk to the government in the
form of additional costs and excessive rework. In today's highly
technical world, early focus on software development, to include
appropriate controls and oversight, must be enacted. Software efforts
should be fully resourced and appropriate controls levied against the
contractor to ensure the use of industry best practices. DOD and the
Air Force recognize the importance of detailed cost estimates which
improve the government's ability to negotiate contracts with the
appropriate levels of risk and benefit for both the government and the
contractor. The F-35 program also demonstrates the value of strong
government oversight of military contracts. The Air Force is starting
to see stabilized and/or improved performance in a number of areas, to
include improved program manager assessments, technical oversight,
cost, workforce capabilities, contracting and funding execution.
asia-pacific shift
19. Senator Lee. Mr. Fanning, please explain how the Air Force is
planning for the military's shift towards the Asia-Pacific region.
Include in your answer what this shift will mean for existing domestic
Air Force bases and what these bases and their communities can be doing
to prepare for the shift.
Mr. Fanning. The Air Force is taking a broad approach to
rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific, seeking wider distribution of forces,
expanded agreements with partners, and increased partner
Implementation of OSD's Asia-Pacific rebalance will not result in a
substantial increase of U.S. Air Force permanent presence in the
Pacific Command Area of Responsibility. However, in an era of overall
force posture reductions, the rebalance protects forces in the Asia-
Pacific, resulting in a small percentage increase of our total overseas
Domestic Air Force bases and their communities will not experience
a significant change in personnel or force structure as a result of the
shift to the Asia-Pacific. However, rotational capabilities will
continue to support the Secretary of Defense's strategy to rebalance
its resources toward the Asia-Pacific region.
finance experience
20. Senator Lee. Mr. Fanning, part of your job as Under Secretary
of the Air Force would be serving as Chief Management Officer of the
Air Force. This is an important position, as it will handle much of the
day-to-day business of the Air Force, including managing finances. What
experience do you have that qualifies you to handle this portion of the
job? Please include specific examples of increasing efficiency and
cutting costs from your time as Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy.
Mr. Fanning. I do feel I am strongly qualified to fill the role as
Chief Management Officer (CMO) in the USAF. I entered my current
position as the Deputy Under Secretary and Deputy Chief Management
Officer of the Navy (DUSN/DCMO) shortly after the Department of the
Navy's first confirmed dual-roll Under Secretary of the Navy (USN)/
Chief Management Officer (CMO). This provided me the opportunity,
working with him, congressional staff, OSD, and the other Services, to
best understand the intent of CMO legislation and implement it in the
most effective manner.
One of the first things I noticed was that the Department of the
Navy's strategy was heavily influenced by a technology-centric
philosophy--essentially implementing large business systems to drive
transformation in the Department. Since transformation is best
accomplished by improving the business and then laying in the
appropriate technology--not the other way around, we changed the
strategy. Moreover, I demand that before any dollar was spent there
must be a compelling business case for that expenditure. In the
simplest terms I always ask two questions: why and so what? Why are you
doing this; what are you hoping to achieve, and so what? Why does that
matter? Will you save money; will you increase performance in some
critical area that someone cares about; or some other goal?
This is the leadership strategy I would employ in the Department of
the Air Force if confirmed by the Senate. I bring to this position a
facts-based, cost-conscious, and business-centric transformation
philosophy. I also believe that in order to successfully transform at
the highest level, you have to build relationships and trust. I have
always found the best way to achieve outcomes is to give clear guidance
and direction but allow individuals to come up with new and innovative
ideas by empowering them. I also believe credibility is vital at this
level and the success we have achieved in the Navy will serve me well.
For example, in 2009 the Navy was handed the remnants of the Defense
Integrated Military Human Resources System and told to implement it in
the Navy. I immediately requested an independent assessment, and
quickly concluded that we should stop inserting technology until we had
first clearly defined the business problems. We then spent a year
deconstructing our business processes, baselining our cost of doing
business and prioritizing the highest impact business problems. Because
of this approach, today the DoN is able to target specific problems
holistic to the personnel and pay business--taking into account policy,
processes and execution--before throwing technology into the equation.
This approach resulted in the DoN reprograming roughly $300 million to
the Navy while modernizing its personnel and pay systems in the right
In terms of efficiencies, I spearheaded the Navy portion of the
Secretary Gates efficiency effort. Two of my staff members served as
part of Secretary Gates' core efficiency team. My office orchestrated
the Navy's response by identifying and executing $35 billion in
efficiencies. The Navy DCMO efforts were recently highlighted in the
GAO report `Opportunities Exist to Improve Information Used in
Monitoring Status of Efficiency Initiatives', GAO-13-105R, December 4,
2012, which praised the progress of Navy efficiency initiatives using
our newly emplaced internal governance structure. It further
highlighted that for all of the initiatives selected, the ``Office of
the Navy Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) coordinated with the
appropriate Navy offices ensuring implementation of efficiency
initiatives went as planned'' and at the right level.
As DCMO, I frequently met with my Air Force, Army, and OSD
counterparts on the broad issues facing the DOD. I have played a key
role in the full spectrum of management of department from streamlining
business processes and certifying business IT systems to helping lead
our Department on its path to audit readiness.
f-35 cost overruns
21. Senator Lee. Mr. Fanning, delays and cost overruns with the F-
35 have caused some of our partner nations, most recently Canada and
Australia, to reassess their acquisition of the jets. What effects will
a reduction of purchases outside of the United States have on the
program and the cost of the jet?
Mr. Fanning. The F-35 delivers joint and partner nation air power
essential to our mutual security strategy, and is a capability needed
to defeat 21st century threats. The F-35 program was established on the
concept of economies of scale for purchases. If an International
Partner or U.S. Service reduces the number of F-35 aircraft they plan
to purchase, the unit cost of each F-35 will increase. The amount of
the cost increase depends on how many jets are reduced and in which
22. Senator Lee. Mr. Fanning, how are DOD and the Air Force working
with our partner nations to address their concerns and maintain their
participation in the program?
Mr. Fanning. DOD and Air Force are in close coordination with all
eight of the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) Partner nations
in the F-35 program. In addition to the daily interaction between
liaison officers and DOD staffs working at the JSF Program Office in
Crystal City, there is regular interaction between Lt. Gen. Christopher
Bogdan, the JSF Program Executive Officer and senior leaders from each
of the eight nations. The JSF governance structure addresses
requirements and sustainment issues at different levels of leadership
and allows partner concerns to be addressed in an open forum. The most
recent engagement with senior leaders of F-35 program participants was
the 20 March 2013 Joint Executive Steering Board, where Lieutenant
General Christopher Bogdan briefed our partners that ``affordability is
the #1 concern'' in the F-35 program and provided a status of
development, production, and sustainment issues. There is a high level
of transparency in communicating F-35 program status information to the
[The nomination reference of Mr. Eric K. Fanning follows:]
Nomination Reference and Report
As In Executive Session,
Senate of the United States,
February 4, 2013.
Ordered, That the following nomination be referred to the Committee
on Armed Services:
Eric K. Fanning, of the District of Columbia, to be Under Secretary
of the Air Force, vice Erin C. Conaton, resigned.
[The biographical sketch of Mr. Eric K. Fanning, which was
transmitted to the committee at the time the nomination was
referred, follows:]
Biographical Sketch of Eric K. Fanning
Dartmouth College
Bachelor of Arts in History awarded June 1990
Employment record:
Department of the Navy
Deputy Under Secretary/Deputy Chief Management Officer
July 2009-present
Department of Defense
Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for
White House Liaison
April 2009-July 2009
Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism
Deputy Director
May 2008-January 2009
Communication Management Group (CMG)
Managing Director
May 2007-May 2008
Business Executives for National Security (BENS)
Senior Vice President for Strategic Development
December 2001-May 2007
Washington Regional Director
March 2001-December 2001
Senior Vice President, Operations and Strategy
Robinson Lerer and Montgomery Communication (RLM)
Senior Associate
CBS National News
Associate Producer, Foreign and National Desks New
York City
The White House
Associate Director of Political Affairs
Department of Defense
Special Assistant, Immediate Office of the Secretary
of Defense
U.S. House of Representatives
Research Assistant, House Armed Services Committee
[The Committee on Armed Services requires all individuals
nominated from civilian life by the President to positions
requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to complete a
form that details the biographical, financial and other
information of the nominee. The form executed by Mr. Eric K.
Fanning in connection with his nomination follows:]
Room SR-228
Washington, DC 20510-6050
(202) 224-3871
Instructions to the Nominee: Complete all requested information. If
more space is needed use an additional sheet and cite the part of the
form and the question number (i.e. A-9, B-4) to which the continuation
of your answer applies.
Part A--Biographical Information
Instructions to the Nominee: Biographical information furnished in
this part of the form will be made available in committee offices for
public inspection prior to the hearings and will also be published in
any hearing record as well as made available to the public.
1. Name: (Include any former names used.)
Eric Kenneth Fanning.
2. Position to which nominated:
Under Secretary of the Air Force.
3. Date of nomination:
February 4, 2013.
4. Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)
[Nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.]
5. Date and place of birth:
July 2, 1968; Kalamazoo, MI.
6. Marital Status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)
7. Names and ages of children:
8. Education: List secondary and higher education institutions,
dates attended, degree received, and date degree granted.
Cranbook, Bloomfield Hills, MI, 1982-1984.
Centerville High School, Centerville, OH, 1984-1986 (high school
Higher Education:
Dartmouth College, B.A., 1986-1990.
9. Employment record: List all jobs held since college or in the
last 10 years, whichever is less, including the title or description of
job, name of employer, location of work, and dates of employment.
Bio attached (attachment 1).
10. Government experience: List any advisory, consultative,
honorary or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State,
or local governments, other than those listed above.
11. Business relationships: List all positions currently held as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative,
or consultant of any corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other
business enterprise, educational, or other institution.
12. Memberships: List all memberships and offices currently held in
professional, fraternal, scholarly, civic, business, charitable, and
other organizations.
13. Political affiliations and activities:
(a) List all offices with a political party which you have held or
any public office for which you have been a candidate.
(b) List all memberships and offices held in and services rendered
to all political parties or election committees during the last 5
(c) Itemize all political contributions to any individual, campaign
organization, political party, political action committee, or similar
entity of $100 or more for the past 5 years.
The nominee responded and the information is contained in the
committee's executive files.
14. Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary
society memberships, military medals and any other special recognitions
for outstanding service or achievements.
None since college.
15. Published writings: List the titles, publishers, and dates of
books, articles, reports, or other published materials which you have
``The Infusion of Efficiencies into DON Culture and Processes''--
article published in Armed Forces Comptroller Journal, Summer 2011.
16. Speeches: Provide the committee with two copies of any formal
speeches you have delivered during the last 5 years which you have
copies of and are on topics relevant to the position for which you have
been nominated.
Multiple speeches in current position, all relating to defense
management and small business. None have transcripts. None were
formally written.
17.Commitments regarding nomination, confirmation, and service:
(a) Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations governing
conflicts of interest?
(b) Have you assumed any duties or undertaken any actions which
would appear to presume the outcome of the confirmation process?
(c) If confirmed, will you ensure your staff complies with
deadlines established for requested communications, including questions
for the record in hearings?
(d) Will you cooperate in providing witnesses and briefers in
response to congressional requests?
(e) Will those witnesses be protected from reprisal for their
testimony or briefings?
(f) Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and testify upon request
before this committee?
(g) Do you agree to provide documents, including copies of
electronic forms of communication, in a timely manner when requested by
a duly constituted committee, or to consult with the committee
regarding the basis for any good faith delay or denial in providing
such documents?
[The nominee responded to the questions in Parts B-F of the
committee questionnaire. The text of the questionnaire is set
forth in the Appendix to this volume. The nominee's answers to
Parts B-F are contained in the committee's executive files.]
Signature and Date
I hereby state that I have read and signed the foregoing Statement
on Biographical and Financial Information and that the information
provided therein is, to the best of my knowledge, current, accurate,
and complete.
Eric K. Fanning.
This 25th day of February, 2013.
[The nomination of Mr. Eric K. Fanning was reported to the
Senate by Chairman Levin on March 20, 2013, with the
recommendation that the nomination be confirmed. The nomination
was confirmed by the Senate on April 18, 2013.]
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Armed Services,
Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:35 a.m. in room
SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Carl Levin
(chairman) presiding.
Committee members present: Senators Levin, Donnelly, Kaine,
King, Inhofe, McCain, and Ayotte.
Committee staff members present: Peter K. Levine, staff
director; and Leah C. Brewer, nominations and hearings clerk.
Majority staff members present: Joseph M. Bryan,
professional staff member; Richard W. Fieldhouse, professional
staff member; Michael J. Kuiken, professional staff member;
Gerald J. Leeling, general counsel; and William G.P. Monahan,
Minority staff members present: John A. Bonsell, minority
staff director; Steven M. Barney, minority counsel; and Thomas
W. Goffus, professional staff member.
Staff assistants present: Jennifer R. Knowles, John L.
Principato, and Lauren M. Gillis.
Committee members' assistants present: Jeff Fatora,
assistant to Senator Nelson; Marta McLellan Ross, assistant to
Senator Donnelly; Karen Courington, assistant to Senator Kaine;
Jim Catella, assistant to Senator King; Paul C. Hutton IV,
assistant to Senator McCain; Lenwood Landrum, assistant to
Senator Sessions; Todd Harmer, assistant to Senator Chambliss;
Brad Bowman, assistant to Senator Ayotte; and Craig Abele,
assistant to Senator Graham.
Chairman Levin. Good morning, everybody. The committee
meets this morning to consider the nomination of General Philip
Breedlove, U.S. Air Force, to be Commander of U.S. European
Command (EUCOM) and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR).
General Breedlove is familiar with the European area of
responsibility as he currently serves as Commander, U.S. Air
Forces in Europe (USAFE). He is also familiar with the
challenges of wearing more than one hat, as he currently is
also Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Africa.
General, we thank you for your 3\1/2\ decades of military
service and for your willingness to answer the call to serve
once again. We thank your wife Cindy, who is also here with you
this morning. Your family, as you know better than anybody,
their support and their sacrifices make it possible for you to
succeed. Please feel free when we call on you for your opening
statement to introduce your wife and any of your family or
friends that are with you here today.
The next EUCOM Commander and SACEUR, will face significant
challenges within a constrained budget environment. We received
the President's budget yesterday and, like the budgets passed
by the Senate and the House, it does not address the
possibility of a $52 billion sequester next year. If we don't
take action to avoid this second sequester, cuts to defense
spending will have a real impact on our strategy and programs
in the coming years. Despite these cuts, the United States
remains committed to our longstanding trans-Atlantic
relationship with our European allies and to our mutual defense
obligations under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.
General, we'd be interested in your thoughts on the impact
of the current sequester and the possibility of a second
sequester in fiscal year 2014 on EUCOM's ability to carry out
its mission.
Last year the Defense Department announced reductions in
the U.S. force posture in Europe, including the removal over
the next couple years of two of the four Army brigade combat
teams deployed in Europe. In addition, two U.S. Air Force
squadrons under General Breedlove's command in Europe were
designated for deactivation.
As the United States continues to rebalance its military
posture globally, I hope you'd share your thoughts on the
ongoing rebalance and what additional revisions, if any, to the
U.S. footprint in Europe you would recommend if confirmed.
Nearly all of our North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
allies have undergone budget cuts of their own in recent years,
raising concerns about what the capabilities of the alliance
will be when the next crisis arises. Yet, after 10 years of
fighting together in Afghanistan, the level of NATO cohesion is
high and is unprecedented. One of the major challenges in the
coming years will be capturing the lessons learned from these
coalition operations and maintaining current levels of
interoperability within the alliance.
The NATO mission in Afghanistan is entering a critical
phase in the coming months, with the transition to Afghan
security forces taking the lead on security throughout the
country later this spring and coalition forces shifting to an
advisory mission between now and the end of the International
Security Assistance Force mission by the end of 2014.
The next NATO SACEUR will play a critical role in ensuring
the smooth implementation of NATO's ``in together, out
together'' policy for the Afghanistan mission and in shaping
the post-2014 mission in Afghanistan which was discussed at the
NATO defense ministers meeting in February.
While Syria is not in EUCOM's area, its impact is felt by
key allies in the EUCOM region, including Turkey and Israel. As
the civil war in Syria rages on, President Assad and his
increasingly small inner circle are resorting to the use of
Scud missiles, air strikes, and other indiscriminate
capabilities that terrorize innocent Syrians and increase
further the flow of refugees out of Syria.
Last year the alliance agreed to deploy Patriot missile
batteries to defend Turkey against potential action by Assad.
This action by NATO is commendable, but it's not enough. The
United States needs to build a coalition to ramp up the
military pressure on the Assad regime, and I hope our allies in
NATO will join this effort. The Arab League has already
stripped the Assad regime of its seat at the Arab League and
invited the Syrian opposition as the legitimate representative
of the Syrian people.
General, if confirmed as Supreme Allied Commander for all
NATO military operations, you will be confronted with these
issues and we look forward to hearing from you on this matter
today as well.
At the Lisbon summit in 2010, NATO agreed to develop
missile defense capability to defend NATO European territory,
population, and military forces. This is essential to protect
our forward-deployed forces, allies, and partners against the
existing and emerging regional missile threat from Iran. To
achieve that commitment, NATO agreed to develop and finance a
command and control system and the United States is
contributing Phases 1 through 3 of the European Phased Adaptive
Approach (EPAA) to missile defense, which remain on track to
protect NATO Europe by 2018, with its defense sites in Romania
and Poland.
Secretary Hagel recently stated that our commitment to NATO
missile defense, ``remains ironclad''. He also announced that
the United States no longer plans to deploy Phase 4 of the
EPAA, because Phase 4 was designed to protect the United
States, not Europe, and we can achieve enhanced protection of
the United States from a potential Iranian long-range missile
sooner by deploying 14 additional ground-based interceptors in
Alaska. General Breedlove, we're interested to know your views
on that issue.
As part of its 2010 Lisbon agreement, NATO also invited
Russia to cooperate on missile defense. Although NATO and
Russia have had different views on missile defense, there are
numerous successful areas of U.S.-Russian and NATO-Russian
military cooperation and the NATO-Russia Council continues to
have active discussions on missile defense cooperation,
including a joint theater missile defense exercise program.
The United States and NATO believe that cooperation on
missile defense can enhance the security of both NATO and
Russia and such cooperation could also send a vitally important
signal to Iran that we are united in opposition to any Iranian
efforts to acquire nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.
Other challenges facing the next EUCOM Commander and SACEUR
include continuing and strengthening bilateral and NATO
efforts: to counter transnational threats from terrorism; to
prevent illicit trafficking, including the flow of narcotics
from South Asia and elsewhere through Southeastern Europe; to
counter cyber threats, including to the NATO Cooperative Cyber
Defense Center of Excellence in Estonia; to counter piracy; and
to maintain strategic assets, the key transit facilities for
global operations, particularly in support of U.S. Central
Command (CENTCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM).
We all look forward to your testimony today, General, on
these and other issues, and again we thank you for your
continuing willingness to serve our Nation.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
We are faced with a little bit of a problem this morning in
that at 10:30 we have a Committee on Environment and Public
Works meeting and there are five members on the Republican side
alone that will be going back and forth, as I've already
explained to General Breedlove. So we'll be moving around a
little bit.
I enjoyed very much meeting your beautiful wife and two
daughters. I guess Dave is there somewhere; is that right? Yes.
I didn't mean to sell you short. I just kind of walked by you
to the beauty. [Laughter.] Anyway, it's nice to have your
family here with you.
As I look at Iran, North Korea, and al Qaeda, as you and I
talked in my office, and Mali and the conflict in the Central
African Republic, and 70,000 dead in Syria, I can't understand
how the President thinks that, ``The tide of war is receding.''
On my recent trip to Korea we visited the demilitarized zone,
which as you know from your time in Korea is anything but
demilitarized. On my visit to North Africa we discussed the
problems there, and none would indicate that the tide of war is
receding. If this is what receding looks like, I'd hate to see
what a threat looks like.
Through my extensive travel in Europe, Africa, and the
Middle East and Asia, the critical importance of U.S.
engagement and leadership abroad is readily apparent and the
security dividends of our investment in NATO include the
multinational operations in Afghanistan and Libya and counter-
piracy missions in the Horn of Africa. I do want to cover that
in my questions to you because it's probably even more
extensive than people realize. It's clear that the future
operations we conduct in Africa and the Middle East will be
from Europe and with Europe.
I don't remember a time when the world was more dangerous
than it is now. I can remember people saying that in the past,
but it's for real now. Yet due in part to the wrong perception
that the tide of the war is receding, we are poised to cut our
defense budget by, if you take what has already been done and
what we're looking at in sequestration, about a trillion
dollars. I agree with our former Secretary of Defense it's
devastating to our defense. While our military commanders have
done a phenomenal job with the hand that they are dealt, we owe
them a better hand.
Unfortunately, the President released a budget yesterday
that's symbolic of his last 4 years in office. It highlights
his failure to address the unprecedented resource challenges
facing our military. His proposal continues his unfortunate
history of saddling the men and women of our military with
disproportionate and illogical budget cuts that would undermine
their readiness and their capabilities.
As you and I talked about in my office, four of the six
U.S. fighter squadrons stationed in Europe have been grounded,
and our tanker and airlift squadrons will revert from full
mission capable to a greatly reduced status of basic mission
capable. The lack of resources will make EUCOM's support of
AFRICOM even more difficult. We'll have a chance to talk about
that and I've expressed to you my concern there.
Over the long term, I'm greatly concerned that we'll
squander our investment of our national blood and treasure in
Afghanistan by precipitously drawing down the troops'
capability similar to what we saw in Africa.
Now, when you're confirmed, General Breedlove, you'll be
charged with guiding the most successful alliance in history
through a difficult fiscal environment and be responsible for
ensuring that our efforts in Afghanistan over the last decade
will not have been in vain. I can't think of anyone who is more
up to this very difficult task than you are, and so I'm looking
forward to the successes that we'll see through your leadership
in this new position.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
[The prepared statement of Senator Inhofe follows:]
Prepared Statement by Senator James M. Inhofe
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I join you in welcoming General Breedlove,
who has amassed an impressive record of service. General, I thank you
for your continued willingness to serve the country. Please ensure the
brave men and women you lead know how grateful we are for their
sacrifice, and that of their families, on behalf of our national
General Breedlove, we no longer have the luxury of operating in a
bipolar world as we did during the Cold War--when you were cutting your
teeth as a second lieutenant and when the threats to the Homeland were
clear. Now, more than ever, the threats in the areas of responsibility
around the globe are interconnected. What happens in Europe, the Middle
East, the Asia-Pacific and Africa has the potential to directly impact
the security of the U.S. Homeland.
I have a hard time squaring the reality of an aggressive Iran, a
bellicose Kim Jong Un, a war against al Qaeda in Mali (AQIM), armed
conflict in the Central African Republic, continuing frozen conflicts
in Azerbaijan, and 70,000 dead in Syria, with the President's statement
that ``the tide of war is receding.'' On my trip to Korea in January,
we visited the DMZ, which as you know from your extensive time in
Korea, is anything but demilitarized. It was obvious when we visited
Taiwan that based on the number of missiles pointing at us from China,
the Chinese don't think that the ``tide of war is receding.'' On our
visit to Northern Africa, we discussed AQIM, Boco Haram, and al
Shabaab--none of which would tell you that the ``tide of war is
receding.'' If the ``tide of war is receding,'' I'd hate to see what it
looks like when the President decides it is coming in.
Iran is determined to develop a nuclear weapon, despite growing
international pressure and the damage sanctions are doing to its
economy. Public intelligence reports tell us that they could have a
ballistic missile capable of reaching the east coast of the United
States by 2015. Although I'm encouraged that the President reversed his
earlier misguided decision and is now seeking to bolster our homeland
missile defense system through fourteen additional ground-based-
interceptors on the west coast, I remain deeply concerned about our
ability to defend against the growing threat from Iran. Restoration of
the original planned number of missiles on the west coast helps but is
late to need and does not go far enough. We need the additional
protection that an east coast site would provide.
Throughout my extensive travels to Africa, the Middle East, and
Asia, it has been readily apparent how critically important it is for
the United States to remain engaged and a leader abroad. The return on
that investment abroad is exemplified by the troop contributions of
over 50 nations from around the globe to the International Security
Assistance Force in Afghanistan. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) has served as an invaluable partner and critical platform to
integrate the contributions of troops and military capabilities to
bolster operations in Afghanistan, while at the same time operations in
Afghanistan have transformed the expeditionary capabilities of NATO.
The security dividends of our investment in NATO include combined
operations in Afghanistan, Libya, and counter piracy missions off the
Horn of Africa. It is clear that whatever future operations we conduct
in North Africa and the Middle East will be from Europe, and with
While the threats that our witness is tasked with confronting are
growing in scope and complexity, the resources available to deal with
them are decreasing. I don't remember a time when the world has been
more dangerous and the threats more complex. Yet, due in part to the
misperception that the tide of war is receding, we are poised to cut
our defense budget by a trillion dollars over the next 10 years. The
misguided policy of the President is the relentless pursuit of
disarmament. As we diminish our defense industrial base, China and
Russia increase theirs; nurturing militant adventurism that ultimately
our military commanders must address. While our military commanders on
the ground have done a phenomenal job with the hand that they were
dealt; we owe them a better hand.
I remain concerned that we have a strategy-resource disconnect that
puts military lives and our national interests at risk. As we speak,
four of six U.S. fighter squadrons stationed in Europe have been
grounded and our tanker and airlift squadrons will revert from full
mission capable to a greatly reduced status of basic mission capable.
This lack of resources will make U.S. European Command support to U.S.
Africa Command even more difficult and further reduce our ability to
react to contingencies similar to Benghazi. Over the longer term, I am
also greatly concerned that we'll squander our investment of national
blood and treasure in Afghanistan by a precipitous draw down of troops
and capabilities similar to what we saw in Iraq.
If confirmed, General Breedlove, you will be charged with
stewardship of the most successful alliance in history and be
responsible for ensuring that our efforts in Afghanistan have not been
in vain. As we saw very clearly in Libya last year, our strategic
partnership and strategic access in Europe is the linchpin for our
engagement in some of the most volatile regions in the world today.
What I'm getting at here General is that there will be no shortage of
challenges facing you and the men and women you will lead. The threats
are growing, and the tools available to address them are declining.
I look to you to provide the committee with your assessment of how
the ongoing budget crisis will impact your ability to effectively
address national security challenges and whether the current strategies
that you are operating under are still executable given the budget
Thank you again for appearing before us today and I look forward to
your testimony.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
General Breedlove. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member
Inhofe, and distinguished members of the Senate Armed Services
I would like to introduce my family, sir. I'd like to
introduce first my wife, Cindy. She's been beside me for 34
years. She's moved our household 21 times, 9 of those times
across the oceans, and she completely raised the 3 wonderful
children who have already been acknowledged, Samantha, Rebecca,
and Daniel. I know that I would not be here today without her
and my family.
I'm honored to have my oldest daughter, Samantha, here.
She's a world-class triathlete in my mind. Her husband Kevin
serves in the Army National Guard and has accomplished two 1-
year tours in Iraq.
I'm also honored to have with me my daughter, Rebecca, and
my son-in-law, Clay, both of whom proudly serve their Nation as
lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force. Clay is a third generation
Air Force officer. His father, Master Sergeant Mike Hardy, is
also here with him today.
My son Daniel is here and is a freshman in college and he
makes me proud every day with what he does.
Chairman Levin. Is he going to the University of Michigan,
I hope?
General Breedlove. Sir, no, sir. I'm off to a bad start.
Senator Donnelly. We have some other suggestions for that
as well.
General Breedlove. My mother-in-law, Ms. Lib Thompson, is
here today with us as well. Her husband, Don Thompson, now
deceased, served in the Marine Corps and they have both
supported Cindy and I throughout our Air Force career.
Ms. Regina Hagerty is also here in support. She has been a
part of our family for over 28 years, since her husband was my
most influential commander in my early years.
Finally, I'm proud to have Chief Master Sergeant Craig
Adams here. He is the most important half of my command team at
It's a tremendous honor for me to be here today and I'm
humbled to have been nominated by our Commander in Chief for
the position of Commander of U.S. European Command and Supreme
Allied Commander, Europe. Allow me to publicly thank Secretary
Hagel and General Dempsey for their recommendation and for
their trust and confidence. I'd also like to say thank you to
Admiral Jim Stavridis for his 36 years of service to our
country. His leadership of our joint and coalition forces as
our longest serving combatant commander has truly been
The nations of Europe make up the majority of an alliance
key to our collective defense strategy. They have been our most
reliable allies for over 70 years. These partnerships are
irreplaceable. We cannot rebalance or pivot towards Asia
without Europe.
I have served in Europe for a third of my career and if
confirmed this will be my eighth assignment. I have worked hand
in hand with our partner nations to advance U.S. and alliance
objectives. While it's a tremendous honor to be nominated to
this position, I believe leadership is a responsibility that
must be earned through action, a daunting task for anyone
selected to lead the great men and women responsible for a
coalition that has ensured the trans-Atlantic security of our
Nation and its allies.
If confirmed, I fully acknowledge the significance of our
mission in Europe and your expectations of me as a commanding
general. Cindy and I pledge to give nothing less than our all
to live up to decades-long standards of excellence. Our
soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coastguardsmen who
selflessly serve deserve nothing less than everything I have to
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and the committee, for allowing me
to appear before you today and I look forward to your
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, General.
Our timing system worked very well yesterday, so we'll
continue. We thank Senator Inhofe for that suggestion to use
this highly advanced technology, which has been here for
probably 20 years without use by this committee. [Laughter.]
General, last month Senator McCain and I sent a letter to
the President urging him to work with NATO and our regional
partners to pursue additional options in Syria, including the
following options: to degrade the Assad regime's air power with
precision air strikes or the possible use of Patriot missile
batteries; to target Syrian aircraft and missiles; to create
with Turkey's initiative, a safe zone within Syria, with a
limited no-fly zone; to provide additional assistance to vetted
opposition groups.
Can you give us your personal assessment of these options?
Are they viable and are they desirable in your professional
military opinion?
General Breedlove. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the
question. We have six batteries of Patriots in Turkey at this
time and they are reacting to and under the command of my NATO
element, Headquarters Allied Air Command (AIRCOM) NATO. They
are voluntary national contributions to an Article 4 request by
Turkey to participate in the defense of a stalwart ally.
Two of those batteries are U.S. batteries and four are
NATO. In order to be able to use any of those batteries in a
safe zone protection of Syria, of course, we would have to
engage Turkey and NATO about the four additional batteries. As
you and I have discussed, sir, clearly the U.S. batteries could
be used in a role to project into Syria. They have the
capability to do it. Their range is somewhat limited, as we
have discussed, at doing that, but they have full capability to
do that. If Turkey and the United States were to look at doing
this in a bilateral fashion or if we could convince our NATO
partners to come alongside of us to also be a part of that,
then we could do that.
The fact of the matter of being able to project power into
Syria is physically possible. There is both good and bad at
creating this impression into Syria. I think that it enables
some of the things that we discussed that you are concerned
about as far as a safe zone in northern Syria. What it would do
is ask us then to reorient the defense away from what they are
defending now, and I guess that's the down side of reorienting
where those Patriots are.
Creating a no-fly zone. I think General Mattis in his last
testimony to this committee put it pretty much the way I see
it: A safe zone could create opportunity to engage with the
opposition, but creating a safe zone in northern Syria would
have to be much more than Patriots. It would probably require
fixed wing air and other capabilities that we would have to
bring to the problem.
As I know you and I have talked and your staff have talked,
creating a no-fly zone first starts with having to take down
the integrated air defense system of the enemy, which would be
something that would have to be done kinetically. I know that
CENTCOM has thought through those issues and their
recommendation at this point is they don't see a military value
in that.
Chairman Levin. Excuse me. CENTCOM has said they don't see
a military value in taking down air defenses of Syria--I'm
General Breedlove. I'm sorry, Senator. Let me say that a
different way. What they have said is they don't believe that
there are good military options or outcomes by creating a no-
fly zone.
Chairman Levin. Over a safe zone?
General Breedlove. Yes, sir.
Chairman Levin. Who have they said that to?
General Breedlove. I think, Senator, that was General
Mattis in this committee. Maybe I have that wrong.
Chairman Levin. Yes, I don't think so. But we'll review
that testimony. Senator McCain I know has been very actively
involved in this issue.
Senator McCain. Let me. Could I?
Chairman Levin. Yes.
Senator McCain. With your indulgence, sir, General Mattis
said, ``The United States and our allies could identify and
destroy quite a fair amount of Assad's operational aircraft on
the ground using precision strike and standoff weaponry,''
General. So your statement is in direct contradiction to what
General Mattis said in testimony and has told me.
General Breedlove. Senator, I sit corrected. You have it
exactly right, what General Mattis said in your testimony.
Chairman Levin. Okay, thank you for that important
clarification. The stakes here are very significant.
Yesterday an administration spokesman, senior
administration official, said that, ``The President has
directed his national security team to identify additional
measures so that we can increase assistance.'' I would hope
that would happen quickly, and I know Senator McCain and other
members of this committee have spoken on this subject as well.
I'll leave the subject of Syria, I'll leave it at this
point, in order to be able to ask some additional questions.
But we do hope, General, that when you're confirmed that you
will take back to our NATO allies the feeling of many members
of this committee, who will all speak for themselves, and
hopefully by then an administration position that we be much
more forward-leaning in terms of putting additional military
pressure on Assad, which would really require NATO support, and
it obviously would require Turkey to decide that it is willing
to create a safe zone in northern Syria, providing it has NATO
support. We would hope that you would be able and ought to make
this case to NATO as we've just outlined.
On the missile defense issue, on European missile defense,
is it your assessment that our European allies are supportive
of our new missile defense policy in Europe?
General Breedlove. Mr. Chairman, thank you again for that
question. I have talked to numerous of the major allies that
are a part of AIRCOM since AIRCOM, which is my NATO current
hat, is in charge of the missile defense, which is in its
nascent form now, our initial capability. As I understand the
feedback from all of my NATO counterparts at this point, as
long as we remain steadfast in our support to Phases 1 through
3, which was the portion of the missile defense that was about
Europe, as long as we are unfaltering in our support to proceed
apace with those first three phases, our NATO partners are
comfortable with the announcement.
Chairman Levin. That is our new policy, is that correct?
General Breedlove. Yes, sir.
Chairman Levin. In your response to prehearing questions
you said that we should continue to seek zones of cooperation
with Russia and that we should continue to believe that
cooperation with Russia on missile defense could enhance the
security of both NATO and Russia. Can you describe ways in
which you believe that missile defense cooperation and
transparency with Russia could enhance our security, including
whether such cooperation could send a powerful signal to Iran
that we oppose jointly, NATO and Russia oppose Iran acquiring
nuclear weapons and long-range missiles?
General Breedlove. Sir, I agree with the opening statement
that was made, and that is that we have to find ways to
cooperate with Russia. I think in the opening statement it made
reference to the signal to Iran. What a powerful signal to Iran
if the U.S. and Russia were cooperating on missile technology
and missile defense.
I think we do need to press hard to move forward with that.
I've started in my current job connecting to senior Russian
leaders and actually have hosted at my headquarters there their
commander of long-range aviation as a first step to get to the
senior leadership. I'm committed, if confirmed, to continue
that pursuit to bring Russia alongside of us in these important
Chairman Levin. Thank you.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, I appreciate your drawing attention to the
family. I think a lot of people don't understand the sacrifices
that are made. To me, Cindy, when I hear something like you've
been married for 34 years and moved 25 times or whatever it
was, it's inconceivable to me. My wife and I have been married
54 years and we've never moved. Same house that we were
originally in. It's hard to see that. But that's a lifestyle
that you've become accustomed to and you've made great
I'm not going to do it, but for the record, because of your
current position, not the position for which you will be
confirmed, I hope, I am concerned about where we are in our
Phase 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the fact that cancellation of the
fourth phase in terms of the capability of our SM-3s, the 1A,
the 2B, 2As, and what we don't have. I'd like to get, for the
record, from your past experience where you really think that
puts us today. You and I talked about this in the office, but
I'd like to have it down so that we can have that in writing.
General Breedlove. Sir, I have that for the record.
Senator Inhofe. All right, sir. That's good.
[The information referred to follows:]
After announcement of the change to European Phased Adaptive
Approach (EPAA) by Secretary Hagel, it is clear that the U.S.
contribution to defense of NATO Europe will be unaffected. Phases 1-3
of the EPAA will still provide defense of Europe, and Phase 3 in
particular will allow coverage of all European NATO populations and
territory to the extent technically feasible. The indefinite hold on
Phase IV does not affect deployment of Phases 1-3.
The goal of EPAA Phase 4 was defense of the United States against
an intercontinental ballistic missile attack from the Middle East. We
will now meet that goal sooner by additional ground-based interceptors
deployed in the United States, which will also enhance protection of
the United States against the growing threat from North Korea.
The U.S. European Command has already deployed a radar
to Turkey and Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense ships to the
Mediterranean Sea as part of Phase 1.
The United States stated commitment to Phases 1-3
includes the development of Aegis Ashore sites in Romania (2015
timeframe) for Phase 2 and in Poland (2018 timeframe) for Phase
As Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (Dr.) Miller
stated at a press conference, ``We will still go forward, as
planned, with Phases 1-3. Phase 3 for the European Phase-
Adaptive Approach will involve deploying about 24 SM-3 IIA
interceptors, SM-3 interceptors including the IIA in Poland.
Same timeline, same footprint of U.S. forces to support that.''
Senator Inhofe. Now, you mentioned in my office and I
mentioned in my opening statement that four of the six U.S.
fighter squadrons stationed in Europe have been grounded--and
our tanker and airlift squadrons will revert from full missile
capability to a greatly reduced status for basic mission
capability--how long does it take to make that up?
I'm thinking more because of my personal background in
what's happening to our fighter squadrons stationed in Europe,
because you have a problem. You're going to have to get them
back up ready. What do you do with them during this period of
time? You have four of them that are down there and you also
have the pilots. There's only so much you can do on simulation.
What do you do with them and how long will it take you to get
back and the kind of comparable cost should we see fit to
address this in our National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
for Fiscal Year 2014?
General Breedlove. Sir, it is a great question and we have
been thinking about this ever since we have begun to
contemplate that we would have ground forces. As I have
explained to some, the forces actually degrade over time. Our
youngest pilots after about 30 days lose their qualifications.
Our older pilots after about 45 days, they lose their
Once they lose their landing qualifications and other
combat skill qualifications, then we essentially have to put
them through a requalification process. If we were to receive
funding to be able to start flying them very shortly after
they're grounded, that would be a shorter process. If we had to
wait all the way to the end of the fiscal year to get budget
authority for flying hours in the next fiscal year and they are
grounded for say 3\1/2\ months, then it would be much longer.
We've looked at that, sir, and I think for the fighter
aviation a rough number is 2 months, a little more than 2
months to get the squadron back on track. For the lift
squadron, when they lose some of their exquisite capabilities
like paradrop, precision drop, supporting the Army in their
parachute training, etcetera, those are harder to regain simply
because we have to get the training opportunities to do it.
It's not like you can just fly sorties the next day. We have to
marry with the Army and other things. That could take
significantly longer, and that concerns me, Senator.
Senator Inhofe. I think that as we go into our development
of our NDAA and we start our discussions, we want to get from
you some more specifics, because should we do what I consider
to be the responsible thing, we need to know the costs and what
we have sacrificed in this interim period of time.
Just one real question I normally do ask. It's becoming
less relevant, but it still is relevant. That is on the
sequestration. If we were, as I suggested some 7 weeks ago,
able to take the same top line and give the commanders in the
field more flexibility, would that--I have talked to all the
Service Chiefs. I have them on record here. But would you agree
with them that it would be far less devastating if we could
have some flexibility at the discretion of the Service Chiefs?
General Breedlove. I do, Senator.
Senator Inhofe. One of the areas that I've been very much
concerned with is, of course, in AFRICOM. You'll have that
responsibility. It's an awesome responsibility because of your
shrinked resources and the problems that are happening there.
Now, we're used to problems in Africa. We've never, prior to
September 11, really addressed them to any real degree.
Everyone is aware of what happened in Somalia. They're
aware of piracy on the east coast. But, as you and I talked,
I'm reminded when I go over there that, with the new finds of
the oil and the resources in West Africa, we have a new problem
that's developing there and that's piracy in West Africa.
Now, just when you look at the fact that you are up in
Stuttgart and you have to get your resources down to that huge
continent of Africa, how are you going to handle that? It's
hard enough as it is today, but as this expands, and with the
resources you have--and I'm talking about maybe lift resources.
Maybe this is something we need to reevaluate.
How can you handle that with these new problems coming in,
that vast continent of Africa?
General Breedlove. Yes, sir. I think that my last several
assignments in USAFE where we supported Africa before AFRICOM
and now as the Africa commander, I have learned the definition
of geography and what geography means, time, distance, and
heading. I often show a picture, a map of Africa, where you can
literally put almost exactly four continental United States in
the continent of Africa. I understand now as an operational
commander just how hard access is to Africa even if it's
unopposed. Time, distance, and heading becomes a real problem.
Being able to have forces forward deployed in the southern
tier of USAFE so that they can reach into Africa is incredibly
important. Our basing in these southern states--Spain, Italy,
and others--are critical to us. I believe that we are now in
northern Africa looking to see where are there lily pads inside
of Africa that we can establish relationships with nations
whereby when we need to we can move forces forward, to cut that
time, distance, and heading problem down.
Senator Inhofe. I think that's important because that's a
moving target. Not long ago no one was really concerned about
Mali and Chad and some of that area in there. However, we are.
When we look at the five African brigades that we originally
talked about building, not that we're on schedule for doing it,
which would be another question for the record, it concerns me
that we are already to the point where you have to have these
resources, you have to have them developed.
Initially when we, as you well know and most of the people
at this table know, when we established AFRICOM, it would have
been better to have that headquarters down more centrally
located, maybe even in Africa, maybe in Ethiopia. But we know
the political problems down there that made that impossible.
With the reduction in the resources that are already there
and the escalating problems already in eastern Africa, but now
in West Africa, that's going to be one that's going to be a
huge problem for you. I'd like to have you be sure to let us
know as we go into the development for 2014 just what those
problems are so we can help you to address those problems when
that time comes.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
For everyone's information, the vote is now scheduled at
11:00 o'clock.
Senator Donnelly.
Senator Donnelly. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
General, thank you for your service, and to all of your
family. I noted that you graduated from college the same year I
did. I consider you as young as I am, and it's wonderful to see
your family here with you today.
You will help in your new position coordinating our
reduction in forces from Afghanistan. As we look at that
process moving forward, what do you consider as the most
significant challenges for the Afghan army, for the police, for
their government, as we move forward in this process?
General Breedlove. Sir, it's a great question. As we look
at what are the sizes that are being contemplated for the long-
term force structure and what are the capabilities that are
being contemplated, it is center in our discussion. I think
first and foremost we need to continue the pressure on making
sure the professionalism of the military meets the requirements
of the Nation. I think that, quite frankly, we are doing pretty
good there in the armed forces piece and we have some work to
do in the Afghan police piece.
But we need to make the military creditable, capable, and
responsive and appear creditable to the Nation of Afghanistan
and the people that they would protect. I would offer that
their recent performance in the military realm has been quite
respectable. Almost 90 percent of the nation now is back to the
Afghanis. They have led now some very large formation attacks
and complex military maneuvers, which are fairly encouraging in
this matter.
Senator Donnelly. Do you have, as we move forward on this,
almost a set of metrics as we head closer toward the end of
2014, that at this point we hope to be here, at this point we
hope to be here?
General Breedlove. Sir, the short answer is no, I do not.
But I know that Joe Dunford, who is a long-time friend, we have
served together many times, I know that he is working on that.
If confirmed, my pledge is to get there to talk to Joe and then
go down and see Lloyd Austin immediately thereafter, to do just
that: How can we develop metrics and thoughts that will inform
this Congress and inform our leadership on the way to go ahead?
Senator Donnelly. What do you see as the biggest challenge
in this process of transition?
General Breedlove. Sir, my initial response now, not having
been there, will be colored by the color of my uniform. As I
talk to the other NATO nations and as I have talked to the
commanders there in my past trips as an Air Force officer, they
are very concerned about enablers. They are very concerned
about being able to do the intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance that we do, to be able to do the personnel
recovery that we do, to do the medevac that we do, inter- and
intra-theater airlift.
These are all things that they are not capable of doing and
that NATO has been providing by and large during the time, and
I think those are things that we need to be concerned about.
Senator Donnelly. Admiral Stavridis had told us a few weeks
ago that the remaining bases in EUCOM were forward operating
bases needed for access and that we could conceivably draw down
further. I met with the Army this week and they briefed us on
their plans. Their plans, they told me, were to reduce the
infrastructure in the region by 51 percent between now and
2016. How do we match those goals and the previous testimony
that we heard?
General Breedlove. Senator, let me just talk to what I've
been doing as the air commander there and what I've watched my
fellow commanders around do the same thing. When I took command
about 9 months ago, I immediately started looking at what is
the enduring mission of USAFE as it supports Africa and Europe
and the Middle East, the Eastern Med, and Africa?
I do believe that we have more infrastructure that we can
draw down in the Air Force. I have heard my fellow component
commanders speak to the same. I know very much less about what
Bruce Clingan is looking at in the Navy, but I do know that the
Army thinks that they can bring down further.
I think it's in all of our best interests to do that,
because these bases cost money and the infrastructure that we
can draw down saves money for flying aircraft.
Senator Donnelly. One of the things I just want to try to
get your commitment for, the Indiana National Guard, we're
extraordinarily proud of them. They have ongoing relationships
with European state partners, and I just want to make sure that
we can get your commitment that the longstanding relationships
between National Guard units and the European state partnership
countries will remain with the Guard as we move forward.
General Breedlove. Senator, I can absolutely assure you in
that respect. For EUCOM, 21 state partnership programs
servicing 22 nations. As I talked to the staff in preparation
for this hearing, they tell me that literally one-quarter of
our interaction with our partners are done by the state
partnership program.
[The information referred to follows:]
During the hearing, I referred to 21 state partnership programs
servicing 22 nations in the U.S. European Command area of
responsibility. I misspoke and should have said there are 23 state
partnership programs.
General Breedlove. Specifically in the Air Command, I could
not run by air operations center either in peacetime or in
conflict without the support of two Guard units that bring
people and expertise to my area of command.
Senator Donnelly. As we look at Syria, obviously we're
concerned with all the border areas, but one of the border
areas that we're concerned about conflict threatening to boil
over is in Israel. We are wondering the coordination between
EUCOM and the Israeli Defense Forces, as well as coordination
with our other friends and allies in the area. What kind of
coordination is occurring now and what do you plan moving
forward in this extremely challenging situation?
General Breedlove. The coordination level now is higher
than I've ever seen it. I have been participating in working
with Israel since I was a colonel in Europe. I have flown in
Juniper Falcon from Nevatim Air Base twice in my life during
large exercises with Israel.
At the senior staff level, in preparation for last year's
Austere Challenge 12, which you have heard billed as the
largest missile defense exercise ever, we could not have been
more tightly lashed to Israel in how we plan to do missile
defense of that area should we need to.
I think that it is very strong. It continues to grow
stronger and it should as we bring ourselves closer and closer
together, to dealing with a neighborhood that has been altered,
I think, by the Arab Spring.
Senator Donnelly. Right. That's with our other allies, too,
I presume.
I'm almost out of time, so I want to ask you one last
question. As you look at this region, as you look at your new
potential command, what is your greatest concern as you look,
as you move ahead? What keeps you up at night, other than your
General Breedlove. Sir, I think my first focus is going to
be getting the transition in Afghanistan right. I need to get
over there, engage with the commanders, come back and engage
with the leadership here in Congress and our Nation, and make
sure that we have force sizing, drawdown schedules, and what we
leave behind in residual capability right. I have to focus on
I'm running over a little bit, but, sir, I think it's
really important that as we begin this drawdown in Afghanistan
that we don't take a peace dividend and, as was mentioned in
the opening comments, back way off of the gains that we have
made with our European allies in interoperability and their
investment in defense and in participating in Afghanistan.
Senator Donnelly. General, thank you. To your family, thank
you very much for all your service.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Donnelly.
Senator McCain.
Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, General, for you and your family's service. You
mentioned all the different duty stations and I'm sure that
your time at Luke Air Force was by far the most enjoyable of
all of those.
General, I mentioned to you in my office both Admiral
Stavridis and General Mattis have been very candid with this
committee, which is one of the questions that's asked of you on
your confirmation. I hope you will follow in their footsteps,
and I would remind you again on the issue of Syria. Admiral
Stavridis testified before this committee that Patriot missile
batteries could be deployed from their current positions closer
to the border with Syria, where they could help defend civilian
populations in Syria and serve as a powerful deterrent to
Syrian pilots. Do you agree with that?
General Breedlove. I do, Senator.
Senator McCain. Can Patriot missiles shoot down Scud
General Breedlove. Yes, sir. In fact that's their primary
duty as they're aligned right now.
Senator McCain. Can they shoot down aircraft?
General Breedlove. Yes, sir, they can.
Senator McCain. General Mattis also testified that a fair
amount of Assad's operational aircraft could be destroyed on
the ground using standoff weaponry. Do you agree with that
General Breedlove. I do, sir.
Senator McCain. So we really aren't putting pilots at risk
and there's not a requirement to take out the air defenses
around Damascus in order to assure the security of a no-fly
zone. I think we all know that if pilots think they're going to
fly into areas where their risk is incredibly high, as it would
be with the Patriot missile and other capabilities, they would
not do that.
Both former Secretary of Defense Panetta and General
Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, both testified
before this committee that they had supported supplying weapons
to the rebels. Have you reached a conclusion on that? In Syria?
General Breedlove. Senator, I think that if we could assure
that the weapons were going to the right people and that we
would not have to face them in the future, that it would be
helpful to removing the regime.
Senator McCain. I thank you for that answer. Obviously, the
best way to assure that would be if there were a safe zone,
such as Benghazi was in Libya, for the resistance to organize
and control the flow of weapons. I think we all know, and I
know you agree, that the situation has worsened over time, to
the point where the jihadists are playing a greater and greater
role in Syria, which obviously post-Assad, which will happen
some day, is going to be incredibly complicated.
Do you believe that, as opposed to 2 years ago, that
Lebanon and Jordan are more or less stable than they were
before the last 2 years?
General Breedlove. Sir, I would say they are less stable,
not because their intent is not good, but there is so much
instability with the Arab Spring and, sir, a pretty large
refugee problem at this point.
Senator McCain. Of course you are aware that the Russians
continue their flow of weapons into Bashar Assad's forces; and
even now, later reports that the Iranians are not only
providing weapons, but they're training, actually training
people in Iran and sending them back into Syria. Have you heard
those reports?
General Breedlove. Sir, I have not, but I do know that in
general we would not categorize Russia's support to us as
helpful in this area now. I am not privy to those reports yet.
Senator McCain. I think it's good to give them flack
jackets. I don't think there's any way that can really
seriously affect the equation on the ground. I--well, my
opinion is well known.
General Mattis recommended 13,600 U.S. troops and about
half as many international troops in post-2014 Afghanistan to
do counterterrorism and train and assist missions. Have you had
a chance to look at that assessment of General Mattis'?
General Breedlove. Sir, I have looked at General Mattis'
testimony and other thoughts on 13,600. I think that it relates
back to a comment I made earlier, Senator, that I think that
our eventual number in Afghanistan is yet to be determined, but
influencing that will be do we remain at 352,000 in the Afghan
National Security Forces (ANSF) or do we come down to what was
proposed at the Chicago summit of 230,000 and when that
happens. If we keep the ANSF high through 2018, it should give
us more flexibility on numbers. If we don't keep the ANSF
number high, then that would probably cause input.
Senator McCain. One of the things that is a little
frustrating to some of us is we're sort of seeing a repeat of
the Iraq scenario, in that we delay and delay and delay on
these decisions. Meanwhile it puts Karzai and our friends in
the region in an uncertain position. I hope that as soon as you
are confirmed that you would in the deliberations urge a
decision soon on the post-2014. We're into 2013. We need to
have a firm decision as to what our troop strengths are going
to be, what our presence, and what their role is going to be. I
greatly fear the same kind of unraveling that we are seeing in
Iraq today.
Finally, you made a very strong statement to me in my
office when we had the pleasure of our visit about
sequestration. You mentioned that certain squadrons are having
to stand down, that there are certainly decisions having to be
made that are basically no-win decisions.
When I asked you about the effect, especially since you
have a couple of young members of your family here, the effect
of sequestration on the decisions that these young officers,
junior officers and mid-level officers, are going to be making
about whether to remain in the Air Force and in the military,
what's your personal view of that particular situation?
General Breedlove. Senator, it's a great question and I'm
happy to have an opportunity to comment. As I took command, the
chief and I, we got out and talked to our troops. What I will
do is just report to you things that I'm hearing from the
troops. This concerns them greatly. It concerns them, will we
have the wherewithal to do what we do? Will we be able to
continue educational benefits that we thought were a part of
our business? Will we be able to train and fight at the level
that we expected to train and fight at?
I would just say that, from the number of questions that
the chief and I got as we have circulated the battlefield
forward and in Europe, that this is a concern on the mind of
our troops. I am concerned that it will impact the long-term
retention, health, and welfare of our troops.
Senator McCain. Thank you, General.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator McCain.
Senator King.
Senator King. First, General, thank you very much for your
service, and I am delighted to have you here. I, too, was
struck by the number of times you moved. I, as a young man,
worked on a moving truck for Allied Van Lines and we used to
say that four moves equals a fire. You've been through it.
As NATO reflects--and you mentioned this a bit in your
testimony--on the experience in Afghanistan, what are the major
learnings from that experience and how do you see that
reflecting itself in future activities?
General Breedlove. Sir, there are a couple of very
positives that I think we should take from this experience.
First of all, NATO in general and some of the partners has
become much more interoperable. Much more of the troops have
come up to the same level of standards. We use an acronym
``TTP'' for ``tactics, techniques, and procedures''. We have
standardized tactics, techniques, and procedures. We have
brought their special forces very close to the level of ours.
Their joint tactical air controllers (JTAC) on the ground, are
acting almost interchangeably with our U.S. JTACs.
I think the most positive gain out of a horrific situation
is that our alliance has really begun to be much more jelled in
its ability to employ interactively and mixed together because
of the skill and capability of all.
Sir, I would tell you that's also my number one concern.
You asked about my concerns. That is that if we come out of
Afghanistan we cannot allow what we have gained to fall back
because it was bought with precious time and effort of our
people. I think it's going to be important for me, if
confirmed, to keep pressure on not only defense investment, but
to keep pressure on our ability to train together and keep the
standard of excellence high so that we can remain
I believe one of the reasons that Libya went so well with
NATO in the lead is because we have become so much more like
each other in the way we do business.
Senator King. I think that clearly is an important lesson.
Just to be clear on the record, you've talked several times
about the grounding of the, I think, it's four squadrons you
said in Europe. Is that because of the sequester?
Senator King. Sir, that's because of the budget effects of
sequester, that's correct. It's not just Europe. These
squadrons are grounded in the United States. In your States we
have squadrons grounded.
The lift and tanking squadrons are equally as affected. As
was mentioned earlier, the effect of going from a fully mission
capable air crew in a lift aircraft to an air crew that can
simply do air-land, load, reload, it is a big effect on our
military capability in a time, as has been captured by the
chairman, a very volatile time.
Senator King. You listed earlier all the qualifications
that were being limited and the mission abilities that were
being limited.
I think it's important to emphasize that the sequester is
not a 1-year deal. At least it's not according to current law.
If nothing happens, it keeps going. This condition that you are
in, unless it's alleviated in some way, would continue and, in
fact, accelerate.
General Breedlove. Yes, sir. I think that in my specific
command as we service not only Africa but Europe, but our
mission in Africa is growing now, which is a strain as well on
our budget.
Senator King. I heard recently on the news a member, not of
this body, but a member of our Government, characterized the
sequester as a ``home run''. I hope this gentleman will talk to
you about the effect on our readiness, on our retention, and on
our military.
Another question, changing the subject, under your area of
responsibility comes both Turkey and Israel. What's your
assessment of the current relationship between Turkey and
Israel, and are we headed for a better relationship? What are
you hearing from your counterparts?
General Breedlove. Sir, a month ago I probably would have
had a negative report. There has been some work done by our
senior leadership and Israel has come forward and talked to
some of the problems that they've had with Turkey in the past.
I now am cautiously optimistic. I think that this relationship
is headed in the right direction. If confirmed, I will continue
to try to foster that relationship.
In my current capacity, I do today, because these are two
incredible allies--Turkey is absolutely critical to us. Their
geopolitical position, their moderate voice in this world--
there are so many things about Turkey that are absolutely dear
to us. We cannot have two of our most important allies in an
adversarial state.
Senator King. Thank you.
One final question. As we've been focused so much on the
Middle East and on Afghanistan, attention has been shifted from
the Balkans, which was a major area of concern a decade ago.
What's the situation there? Are we comfortable with the
circumstances and is there any need for concern or new
attention to that region?
General Breedlove. Sir, I would tell you that I am not
comfortable with the Balkans. Progress has been made. We have
brought the troops down to just about 5,000 now, of which about
800 are United States. We need to bring that down lower. But I
have heard the situation in northern Kosovo described as
stagnant. We were making progress and now we have slowed down
in that progress. That worries me because I think that our
Nations are a little weary of that situation and want to move
on. What I don't think we can do is totally take our eyes off
of a situation that if not watched could possibly go in a
direction we don't want it to go.
I think that there are good things happening. There are
great things happening in the training of the Kosovo Defense
Force. But we need to keep our eye on the ball.
Senator King. Thank you very much, General, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator King.
Senator Ayotte.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank you, General Breedlove and all of your
family, for being here and for your service to our country.
I wanted to ask you about our relationship with Russia, and
in particular looking at the advance questions, you described
Russia will remain the primary actor of regional concern
through 2020. Why do you believe that Russia is the primary
actor of regional concern?
General Breedlove. Thank you, Senator. I think that I would
try to put that in some context, and that is that Russia
remains a very important influence with many of the nations on
its periphery and nations that have been leaning more west than
east and have become good allies--not allies, but have been
great partners with us in places like Afghanistan and others.
But these nations are clearly still tied to Russia for such
things as energy needs, transportation, and others. There's
lots of tentacles that go back and forth. Russia's ability to
either help us or hinder us as we work with these nations I
think is still very great.
I do and I have been quoted often saying that I think we
would be better off if we quit treating Russia or thinking of
Russia as an enemy and try to bring them into a partnership as
we deal with Europe and other places around the world. Russia
has been very helpful with us in counter-piracy and other
things outside of the European theater. I think that Russia
still has deep influence in Europe. We need to try to find out
how to work with them, as opposed to at them.
Senator Ayotte. General, one of the things I wanted to get
your view on is you said we need to stop treating Russia as an
enemy. That strikes me as in line with when the administration,
the Obama administration, came into office, the whole reset of
the Russian relations. Yet if you look at the Russians' actions
both in the United Nations and also on numerous issues, we have
not gotten the reaction that we had hoped. In fact, if you
think about issues like the adoption issue that obviously all
of us have heard from our constituents on, which is just
outrageous, to use children to advance a policy objective like
that or to somehow think that they're going to punish the
United States.
I hear and I understand what you're saying, but we're not,
in my view, getting the reaction that we would hope in turn
from the behavior of the Russians. What is your view on that,
and what are the differences that remain between us and how in
your view are we going to improve our relationship with Russia
in a way that protects our interests and those of our allies?
General Breedlove. Ma'am, I could not agree with your
assessment more. In fact, I've described the reset as sort of
on pause. We had made some progress. There were some political
changes in Russia and we are now sort of very much slowed down.
I think that we have to continue to reach out. I do agree
with your concern that this not become a one-way street and
that we just give, give, give. I think that the principle of
reciprocity is how we need to think about our work with Russia.
But I don't think that we should stop. We need to keep working
with them.
As I mentioned, ma'am, before you were here, I have reached
out to several very senior levels in their air force to
establish dialogue so that we can begin to get some
normalization of conversation and then do some military-to-
military work. If confirmed, I will continue the effort as the
SACEUR and as the Commander in Europe.
Senator Ayotte. I would agree with you on the reciprocity
issue very much, because I feel like it has been a one-way
street at the moment. The Russians, for example, if you look at
conflicts like Syria, could have a major influential role, and
yet they are actually fueling that conflict with their arms
provisions. It's outrageous really. I think in many instances
they have as much the blood of some of the Syrians that are
being murdered on their hands as the Assad regime. I can't
imagine why Russia would want to stand for that.
One of the things that concerns me as well is the arms
control agreements that we have with Russia. Do you understand
whether, or if you can give us some insight, whether the Putin
Government is in full compliance with all existing arms control
agreements that we hold with them right now?
General Breedlove. Ma'am, I could not comment on that at
this time. But I will get back to you on that with a position
and an answer.
Senator Ayotte. I would appreciate that, because the
administration, of course, has made some announcements in the
press that there is some thought of further reducing our
nuclear arsenal in some types of negotiations with the
Russians. I think it's very important for us to understand what
their posture is on existing arms agreements right now.
[The information referred to follows:]
Since U.S. European Command does not participate in the
verification process for arms control treaties, I would refer you to
the President's annual report, submitted through the Department of
State, on ``Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control,
Nonproliferation, and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments'' required
by section 403 of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act, as amended
(title 22, U.S.C., section 2593a).
Senator Ayotte. I would also express the hope, to the
extent you weigh in on these issues, that they would, the
administration, would seek to go through Congress on these
types of issues, particularly with what we see happening in the
world right now. You have in your area of responsibility, of
course, Israel, with Iran marching toward a nuclear weapon,
what we have happening in North Korea. I think this is a very
important issue for Congress to weigh into, rather than just a
unilateral agreement between Russia and the administration.
Certainly in your role, if you're asked for advice, I hope
that you will recommend that Congress be given the role, its
constitutional role in this?
General Breedlove. I will, Senator.
Senator Ayotte. Okay, I appreciate that, General.
You talked about your area of responsibility with Israel
and the relationship that you have had based on your experience
with the Israeli military. Do you believe it's important that
Israel maintain its qualitative military edge over any
potential adversary in the region?
General Breedlove. I do, Senator, and that is one of the
primary duties of EUCOM, to continue to make sure that that is
Senator Ayotte. Why is that critical in light of the
position we are in right now?
General Breedlove. Senator, I think that it's pretty clear
to all that Israel is in a tough place and the neighborhood is
unsettled. I think that the Arab Spring has further unsettled
the area, and the strategic depth that we talk about Israel
having or lacking is only getting less. We need to make sure
that Israel is able to respond capably with the weapons that
enable them.
Senator Ayotte. When you're confirmed for this position,
what do you think that you could do to further deepen our
relationship with Israel?
General Breedlove. Senator, I think that, building on the
success of Austere Challenge 12, we made a huge leap forward in
our ability to interact in missile defense. We have been doing
exercises such as Juniper Falcon and others that I've
participated in, and Juniper Stallion, which I flew in, where
we bring the interoperability of our conventional forces closer
I believe we need to be very straightforward in our ability
to interact with and come to those same TTPs we talked about
before, make sure that our interoperability is high and our
ability to support Israel is ready.
Senator Ayotte. Thank you, General. I appreciate your being
here today and look forward to supporting your nomination.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Ayotte.
Senator Kaine.
Senator Kaine. Thank you.
General Breedlove, what a treat to have you here, and to
see your family and hear you talk about them with such pride is
something that makes an impact on all of us. I have three
youngsters, one a newly minted second lieutenant like one of
your own and two artists. They all grew up eating the same food
and breathing the same air, but they've all gone in very
different directions, but we're proud of all of them.
I want to start where Senator McCain finished with you,
which is as you look at these budgetary uncertainties,
sequester, we can talk about Air Command units standing down.
We can talk about the effect on logistical operations,
refueling, and airlift capacity. We can talk about a lot of
things in the here and now, but there is a concern about
tomorrow as well.
As I talk to my son and his colleagues and others--recently
I was at University of Virginia talking to a Reserve Officers'
Training Corps (ROTC) group and one of the youngsters training
to be an officer there said: I sign up voluntarily, knowing
that I'm potentially going to face hostile fire, and I'm
willing to do that. I'm willing to make a career decision that
involves doing that. But I kind of have to wrestle with whether
I want to make a career decision to do that if the support for
me from Congress, budgetary support, is so uncertain.
That was kind of a chilling thought of anything that I've
heard about sequester as I've traveled around the Commonwealth
of Virginia, and I've heard a lot about it because we're so
connected to the military. The thing that probably has struck
me the most is what it is as a young person being willing to
face hostile fire, but having to ask yourself the question of
should I do it if I'm not sure whether Congress is going to be
there with the right kind of budget support for the work that
we do.
You testified about that a good bit already, but I'm really
struck by that and it's a sobering thought for all of us. I
wonder if you have any additional comment on that from what
you've heard from your own troops?
General Breedlove. Senator, you have it exactly right. Our
troops, including my daughter and her husband, are concerned
about these things and we've had these conversations. As I took
over U.S. Air Force Europe and Air Force-Africa 9 months ago,
the chief and I set a mantra: mission, airmen, families. We
have to be able to keep the mission going. That is driving
everything we do. But the way we get the mission done is
through our airmen, and we have to set the airmen so that they
can focus on their mission. If the families are not set, the
airmen are not going to be set. These are inextricably tied.
If confirmed, going forward in Europe, one of the concerns
that I've talked about to my fellow commanders in Europe are
the three things that my wife talks about every time we move:
schools, housing, and access to medical care. If confirmed,
Senator, that will be one of the first focus items I have
across the broader EUCOM Command, because, as I said in the
``Mission, Airmen, Families,'' if we can keep the family, which
is at the base, squared away, then the airmen can focus on the
mission, and that's where we have to be. In the case of EUCOM,
then it would be our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and
coastguardsmen that we would be enabling.
Senator Kaine. Excellent, excellent.
Let me jump around a bit. What an awesome thing to be up
for nomination to be SACEUR. Some pretty amazing people have
had that title. That has to be--well, it's a good thing, but
it's a humbling thing, too.
Talk to me a little bit about that role, and in particular
NATO lessons learned from Libya? You describe them in a
positive way. We did well because we've gotten to be so much
like one another in the way we approach these challenges. I'd
like you to talk a little bit about that, what you meant by
that, but then how you see that relationship going forward. To
the extent that sequester and other budgetary uncertainty
potentially jeopardize some of what we might be able to do in
that NATO combined operation, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
General Breedlove. Thank you, Senator. Very shortly, I
would also say that, if confirmed, I would find myself sitting
behind the desk that Eisenhower sat behind. I would tell you
that my father from the State of Georgia would roll over in his
grave at that thought, and some of my grammar school and high
school teachers probably as well.
Sir, as far as Libya and NATO, as in almost every case,
there are good things that we learned and there are bad things
that we learned. I highlighted a couple of the good things
previously and those are that we have trained so much together
and now we have fought beside each other in Afghanistan and
other places for some time. What has happened is it has enabled
us to be much more seamless across being able to employ the
NATO force and being able to interchange NATO people, having a
Belgian officer be your deputy commander and having a French
officer be your chief of operations and having a German officer
being your intelligence officer, and expecting that we would be
able to execute at a very high level because of that
interoperability. I think that's very important.
Not to highlight the bad, but there are some bad things.
What we did learn is that the depth of some of our partner
nations and especially their sustainment to the fight is not
very deep. We have work to do in weapons and the amount of
weapons. We have work to do in very critical enablers that are
going to be required for any force--air-to-air refueling
capability and others.
I think probably the most glaring thing we need to work on
as an alliance is intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance. You can be very proud of your joint force.
There is no one that does it like us. What we don't want to do
is be the only supplier of that superb capability. We want to
bring others along.
If confirmed, Senator, those are going to be center in the
heart of the shot pattern for what I'll do in NATO.
Senator Kaine. One of the expectations that I would have as
a Senator from Virginia, obviously, is the Allied Command
Transformation is in Norfolk and so the working relationship
with General Palomeros is something we would care deeply about
as well.
The Aegis ballistic missile defense system also has a
Virginia tie to Dahlgren, where much of the research and work
is done. That's a critical part of EUCOM's ability to address
the ballistic missile defense issues. Could you give us just a
quick update on the Phased Adaptive Approach?
General Breedlove. Thank you, Senator. Yes, sir. Right now,
as I mentioned earlier, the announcement that Phases 1, 2, and
3 are firmly on track is a good one. The investments required
to start Phase 2 are on track for putting in that first Aegis
Ashore, as we call it. I believe that right now on Phases 1, 2,
and 3 I have positive reports on how we're proceeding.
Senator Kaine. Finally, I'll just comment that I agree with
comments you've made earlier. I think the U.S.-Turkey
relationship is one of the most strategically important right
now, both because of the region, but also because of Turkey's
important role in NATO. I was heartened to hear your comments
and heartened to hear other reports that suggest that the
Turkey-Israel relationship, which has been quite frosty--for a
long time the military-to-military connection has been quite
positive, but it's been quite frosty--seems to be getting
Your testimony about Israel is also welcome. I'm going to
be with Ambassador Oren, the Israeli Ambassador to the United
States, tonight, introducing him to a large group of people in
Richmond. He will be happy to hear of the importance you accord
that relationship in your testimony.
Thank you for your service and I look forward to supporting
General Breedlove. Thank you, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Thank you, Senator Kaine.
I just have one question. Senator Inhofe has a question or
two that he'll ask in round two, and then we'll be able, I
think, to leave here in time to get over to vote at 11 a.m.
General, you and I have spoken in my office about what are
called residual value payments. We recently completed a
committee report regarding the expenditures which we've made in
certain facilities overseas that are being returned to a host
nation and the improvement in those investments and the
payments which are made by those host nations for those
Under our law, those payments must be directed towards
offsetting operation and maintenance costs and they must be
directed according to law towards military construction
projects which are identified in the Future Years Defense Plan,
and they have to be used for Department priorities that are
Will you take a look at this issue and read this report
when it comes out, because there's been some real significant
problems in terms of the use of those payments, which are
identified in our report. So you can get back to us after you
have read that. Will you do that?
General Breedlove. I will, sir. I did some work with this
last night. I'm much smarter now about it. I understand that
our staffs have cooperated to get this report out and I do
commit to you to get to that report early if confirmed and get
back to you.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much.
Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I wasn't going to ask another question until Senator Kaine
asked a question. In fact, I'd say the only answer that you
gave during the course of this hearing that I would disagree
with is your answer to Senator Kaine. We all know and I don't
think anyone questions now that our intelligence assessment,
going way back to 2007, that Iran would have the capability
along with a delivery system by 2015--that's been consistent.
I've often said that it's probably going to be earlier than
that, judging from the miscalculation our intelligence made way
back in 1998 on North Korea's ability to fire a multi-stage
rocket, when they were off by 5 years.
Anyway, I think that we can say that 2015's a critical
time. Then, of course, I disagree with the changes that took
place 4 years ago in terms of the ground-based interceptor in
Poland. But assuming that we are where we are right now--and
you talk about Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3. I understand that
in the SM-3 Block 1A, we're already there, then 2015 for the
But then the SM-3 Block 2A, which would be necessary for
the protection of our NATO allies, is not scheduled until 2018.
We have a 3-year period that concerns me. I'd like to have you
tell me how you think you'd like to address that 3-year period,
if that concerns you, if that increases risk, and of course
risk means lives.
General Breedlove. Senator, you're absolutely right about
my answer. My answer was not about the timing in relation to
the threat, let me make that clear. What I was trying to answer
Senator Kaine, was that the program and the schedule to
accomplish the things that we are doing----
Senator Inhofe. Is on course?
General Breedlove.--is on course.
Senator Inhofe. Yes, I understand. But I'm suggesting the
course is wrong.
General Breedlove. Yes, sir. I understand that question
completely now, and there are concerns about getting the
appropriate coverage at the appropriate time. I think that one
of the things we are having to do right now is talk to our
fellow European nations about their contribution to EPAA and
their bringing some capability to the task early.
I am encouraged by the fact that we have our Dutch friends
upgrading four of their cruisers to Aegis-class capability to
help us in this battle. I am also encouraged by the fact that
several of the nations, France, Germany, and others, are
looking at voluntary national contribution of not only their
short-range capability, but some of their radars.
I don't want to take too much of your time, but I do see
positive movement in the nations leaning forward now to be a
contributing part both kinetically and as basing nations in
this effort.
Senator Inhofe. I know this is not directly in your new
position, but you're the expert in this and I appreciate your
background and knowledge. I would think that if you're looking
for that 3-year gap to be filled by more assertive progress
from our NATO allies, they're the ones that are at risk. Is
there any reason they would not do everything they can to help
fill that 3-year gap?
Now, obviously the chairman wouldn't want me to get into
the third site discussion and I'm not going to do that. But on
this one, I would think that they would be the ones that would
want to go out of their way and do what is necessary,
specifically looking at that 3-year gap.
General Breedlove. I agree with you, Senator, and I think
Admiral Stavridis has said in the past that the store is open,
we're ready for your contributions. If confirmed, I will
continue the pressure that he's already started on our allied
nations to help us bring that capability to the table.
Senator Inhofe. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Levin. Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe.
Senator Kaine, you all set?
Senator Kaine. Yes.
Chairman Levin. We have standard questions which we ask of
our military nominees, which I'll ask you now, in order to make
sure that this committee and other committees of Congress are
able to receive testimony, briefings, and other communications
of information. Here are the questions:
Have you adhered to applicable laws and regulations
governing conflicts of interest?
General Breedlove. Yes, Senator.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree, when asked, to give your
personal views, even if those views differ from the
administration in power?
General Breedlove. I do.
Chairman Levin. Have you assumed any duties or undertaken
any actions which would appear to presume the outcome of the
confirmation process?
General Breedlove. I have not.
Chairman Levin. Will you ensure your staff complies with
deadlines established for requested communications, including
questions for the record in hearings?
General Breedlove. I will.
Chairman Levin. Will you cooperate in providing witnesses
and briefers in response to congressional requests?
General Breedlove. I will.
Chairman Levin. Will those witnesses be protected from
reprisal for their testimony or briefings?
General Breedlove. They will.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree, if confirmed, to appear and
testify upon request before this committee?
General Breedlove. I do.
Chairman Levin. Do you agree to provide documents,
including copies of electronic forms of communication, in a
timely manner when requested by a duly constituted committee or
to consult with the committee regarding the basis for any good
faith delay or denial in providing such documents?
General Breedlove. I do.
Chairman Levin. Yes, Senator Inhofe?
Senator Inhofe. Just one comment. Of the questions the
chairman asked you, the most difficult one is the second one.
You have answered that correctly, but that's the most difficult
one because you still have a Commander in Chief. We understand
the line of command. Yet there are some things that we'll need
to know, particularly with the upcoming activity we'll have,
for your honest answer, and we'll be looking forward to that.
General Breedlove. Yes, sir.
Chairman Levin. Those are the answers we received today
even before you were confirmed. So we know you'll continue in
that same vein after you're confirmed, which we would hope and
expect will be very promptly.
We thank you. We thank your family and those many folks who
have come here today to support you.
We will stand adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 10:59 a.m., the committee adjourned.]
[Prepared questions submitted to Gen. Philip M. Breedlove,
USAF, by Chairman Levin prior to the hearing with answers
supplied follow:]
Questions and Responses
defense reforms
Question. The Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense
Reorganization Act of 1986 and the Special Operations reforms have
strengthened the warfighting readiness of our Armed Forces. They have
enhanced civilian control and the chain of command by clearly
delineating the combatant commanders' responsibilities and authorities
and the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They have
also clarified the responsibility of the Military Departments to
recruit, organize, train, equip, and maintain forces for assignment to
the combatant commanders.
Do you see the need for modifications of any Goldwater-Nichols Act
provisions or the Special Operations reforms?
Answer. Successful operations around the world from Iraq and
Afghanistan to Libya demonstrated the importance of Goldwater-Nichols.
I learned the importance and value of joint training early in my career
as an air liaison officer working with the Army in 1985. I am convinced
the success of all of our operations over the past years is directly
attributable to the joint training and doctrine that came out of
Goldwater-Nichols. I do not see the need for modifications at this
Question. If so, what areas do you believe might be appropriate to
address in these modifications?
Answer. I do not see the need for modifications at this time.
Question. What is your understanding of the duties and functions of
the Commander, U.S. European Command (EUCOM) and NATO's Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe (SACEUR)?
Answer. The Commander of the U.S. European Command is responsible
for giving authoritative direction to subordinate commands and forces
necessary to carry out all U.S. military operations and activities
across the 51 independent states in the European Command Area of
Responsibility (AOR) in pursuit of U.S. national military objectives.
This AOR includes all of Europe (including Turkey), the Caucasus
Region, and Israel. The commander is also responsible for the health,
welfare and security of the approximately 64,000 servicemembers forward
deployed within that AOR.
The NATO North Atlantic Council and Military Committee assigns
specific roles and duties to SACEUR. These include:
Overall command of all NATO military operations
regardless of geographic boundaries.
Strategic planning to include military planning for
the full range of Alliance missions and contributions to crisis
management and effective defense of NATO territory and forces.
Identifying and requesting forces for the full range
of Alliance missions.
Strategic Analysis: In conjunction with Supreme Allied
Commander for Transformation, supports NATO's Defense Planning
Process and conducts strategic level analysis to identify and
prioritize type and scale of NATO's critical capability
Operational Leadership: Executes military measures
within the capability of the command to preserve or restore the
security of NATO nations.
Transformation: Cooperates with the Supreme Allied
Commander for Transformation (SAC-T) on integrating
transformation efforts.
Crisis Management. Continually monitors and analyses
the international environment to anticipate crises, and where
appropriate, take active steps to prevent them from becoming
larger conflicts.
Strategic engagement and partnership building:
Develops and participates in military-to-military contacts and
other cooperation activities with NATO partners around the
In conjunction with Supreme Allied Commander for
Transformation, conducts combined and joint training and
exercises. This role will be critical to the implementation of
the NATO connected forces initiative designed to maintain
interoperable forces in the post ISAF environment.
The responsibilities of the Commander EUCOM and the SACEUR are
complementary. The fact that they have traditionally been vested in one
officer facilitates near-seamless coordination between the U.S. and
NATO military command structures.
Question. What background and experience do you possess that you
believe qualifies you to perform these duties?
Answer. As Commander, U.S. Forces in Europe, Commander, U.S. Air
Forces Africa, and Commander, NATO Allied Air Command, in addition to
my six previous assignments in Europe, I have had the privilege of
working closely with our joint forces, NATO Allies, and coalition
partners. During these assignments, I have had the opportunity to meet
with several Ministers and Chiefs of Defense in Europe, providing me a
unique opportunity to develop lasting relationships. Recent operations
in Europe and Africa have continued to reinforce my belief in the
criticality of these partnerships and inspired confidence in future of
U.S. and European relations. If confirmed, I believe my knowledge of
the region and familiarity with the Alliance, coupled with these
personal relationships, will enhance my ability to perform command
duties for both EUCOM and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
(SHAPE), and contribute to our Nations' shared security objectives.
Question. Do you believe that there are any steps that you need to
take to enhance your expertise to perform the duties of the Commander,
Answer. If confirmed, I will engage with key officials and
personnel within the executive and legislative branches of the U.S.
Government to uphold and advance the national policies and interests of
the United States in the European theater. To this end, I will also
engage with the governments and militaries of our allies to understand
the magnitude and interdependent issues within the region. I will seek
the cooperation of the Alliance leadership to work together to engage
on vital regional issues. I will also continuously improve my
understanding of the history and culture of the region.
Question. Section 162(b) of title 10, U.S.C., provides that the
chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense
and from the Secretary of Defense to the combatant commands. Other
sections of law and traditional practice, however, establish important
relationships outside the chain of command. Please describe your
understanding of the relationship of the Commander, EUCOM/NATO SACEUR,
to the following:
The Secretary of Defense.
Answer. The Secretary of Defense exercises authority over the Armed
Forces of the United States through the EUCOM Commander for those
forces assigned to the EUCOM AOR. The EUCOM Commander exercises command
authority over assigned forces and is directly responsible to the
Secretary of Defense for the performance of assigned missions and the
preparedness of the Command.
Question. The Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Answer. The Deputy Secretary of Defense is delegated full power and
authority to act for the Secretary of Defense and to exercise the
powers of the Secretary on any and all matters for which the Secretary
is authorized to act pursuant to law. The EUCOM Commander coordinates
and exchanges information with the Deputy Secretary on matters
delegated by the Secretary. The Commander directly communicates with
the Deputy Secretary on a regular basis.
Question. The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
Answer. A direct command relationship between the Under Secretary
of Defense for Policy and the EUCOM Commander does not exist. However,
the EUCOM Commander regularly interacts, coordinates and exchanges
information with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy on policy
issues relating to NATO, European, and Eurasian affairs. The Commander
directly communicates with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy on
a regular basis.
Question. The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Answer. There is not a direct command relationship between the
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and the EUCOM Commander.
However, the EUCOM Commander regularly interacts with, coordinates and
exchanges information with the Under Secretary of Defense for
Intelligence on intelligence related matters.
Question. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs.
Answer. There is not a direct command relationship between the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and
the EUCOM Commander. The EUCOM Commander and the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International Security Affairs work together on
coordinating international security policy and strategy.
Question. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Answer. The Chairman functions under the authority, direction and
control of the President and Secretary of Defense. The Chairman
transmits communications between the President and Secretary of Defense
and the EUCOM Commander, as well as oversees the activities of the
EUCOM Commander as directed by the Secretary of Defense. As the
principal military advisor to the President and the Secretary of
Defense, the Chairman is a key conduit between the combatant commander,
interagency, and Service Chiefs.
The EUCOM Commander keeps the Chairman informed on significant
issues regarding NATO and the EUCOM AOR. The Commander directly
communicates with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on a
regular basis.
Question. The Secretaries of the Military Departments.
Answer. The Secretaries of Military Departments are responsible for
administration and support of forces that are assigned or attached to
the EUCOM Commander. The Secretaries fulfill their responsibilities by
exercising administrative control (ADCON) through the Service Component
Commands assigned to EUCOM.
Question. The other combatant commanders, in particular Commander,
U.S. Central Command and Commander, U.S. Africa Command.
Answer. Formal relationships between the EUCOM Commander and the
geographic and functional combatant commanders derive from command
authority established by title 10, U.S.C., section 164. Combatant
commanders closely coordinate as necessary to accomplish all assigned
Question. The NATO Secretary General.
Answer. The NATO Secretary General is appointed by the 28 Alliance
Heads of State and Government. He chairs the North Atlantic Council,
the principal decisionmaking body of the Alliance. The SACEUR carries
out roles and missions assigned by the North Atlantic Council, and
directly communicates with the Secretary General on a regular basis.
Question. Commander, International Security Assistance Force.
Answer. The EUCOM Commander has no formal relationship with
Commander, ISAF; however, Commander, ISAF, is ``dual-hatted'': 1. As
the Commander U.S. Forces in Afghanistan he reports to Commander, U.S.
CENTCOM (national command and control); 2. The Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe exercises command authority over the Commander, ISAF,
via the Commander, Joint Forces Command Brunssum, in the Netherlands
(operational command and control).
Question. The Supreme Allied Commander for Transformation.
Answer. Both NATO's Strategic Commanders, SACEUR and Supreme Allied
Commander Transformation (SAC-T), carry out roles and missions assigned
to them by the North Atlantic Council. SACEUR and SAC-T work together
to ensure the transformation of NATO's military capabilities and
interoperability that support Allied Command Operations.
Question. The North Atlantic Council.
Answer. The North Atlantic Council is the principal policy and
decisionmaking body of NATO. SACEUR carries out roles and missions
assigned by the North Atlantic Council.
Question. The U.S. Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic
Answer. There is not a direct command relationship between the U.S.
Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council and either the
EUCOM Commander or the SACEUR. The North Atlantic Council provides
direction to NATO military authorities and the U.S. Permanent
Representative is 1 of 28 members of the North Atlantic Council. The
EUCOM Commander works with the U.S. Permanent Representative on matters
of mutual interest, such as EUCOM military operations and security
cooperation activities that support U.S. objectives and military
contributions to NATO.
major challenges
Question. In your view, what are the major challenges and problems
you would confront if confirmed as the next Commander, EUCOM, and
Answer. If confirmed, one of the biggest challenges I will face is
managing the evolution of NATO, specifically past its operational focus
in Afghanistan. The Alliance has evolved from a Cold War construct to
one with ambitious aspirations and capabilities after integrating
former Warsaw Pact and Eastern European Soviet Republics and building
an out of area expeditionary capability. As EUCOM Commander, my
challenge is to work diligently to support the broader U.S. Government
effort to ensure that the Alliance makes the right choices to maintain
its capability, capacity, and credibility.
The second challenge is the impact of the sequestration reductions
and the continuation of those reductions in the out years.
Sequestration negatively affects both theater operations and EUCOM's
ability to support the U.S. Defense Strategy by further reducing an
already declining budget. This includes an increased risk to access,
degradation of the security cooperation relationships forged over
numerous years, and reduced partner participation in operations.
The third challenge is the potential for a long-term continuation
of the Arab Spring and its impact to Israel's shrinking strategic
depth. Currently Iranian's malign influence in the politics of Syria
and Lebanon are a constant concern. Of specific concern for Israel,
aside from Iran's nuclear ambitions, are security considerations
relative to Syrian chemical weapons and high end conventional weapons,
the decline in influence of Egypt's military and the resulting
instability in the Sinai and the strength of Lebanese Hezbollah. This
instability will remain throughout the region for some time. Our
challenge is to lead the military effort to assure Israel of U.S.
resolve to guarantee its security.
The fourth challenge I see is the security impact of the European
economic crisis. The result of the financial crises upon European
militaries is magnified as national Gross Domestic Products (GDP) have
fallen, and the percentage of GDP dedicated to defense spending has
been cut as governments struggle to deal with reduced revenue and
increasing deficits.
The fifth challenge I see is the growing asymmetric terrorist
threat in Europe from al Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups with
extensive ties to Western Europe. Europe is an important venue for
recruitment, financing, and attacking U.S. and western interests. The
effects of the financial crisis and austerity measures on countries
with historical terrorism and anarchism could spark new forms of
politically and economically-driven terrorism.
The sixth challenge I see is dealing with Russia, which remains an
aspirational superpower but is hindered by endemic deficiencies. Russia
will remain the primary actor of regional concern through 2020 by
virtue of its geographic position, natural resource wealth, military
forces, and desire for regional influence. However, a number of
systemic deficiencies, such as mounting internal stressors--politico-
economic, socio-cultural, and demographic--will continue to challenge
its aspirations. The U.S. and NATO will need to continue to assure our
allies and partners, who live in the Russian self-declared ``sphere of
privileged influence,'' of our resolve.
The seventh challenge I see is the continued risk of conflict in
the Caucasus and Balkans. Chronic ethnic enmity, virulent Islamism/
Islamist influence coupled with socio-economic privations, and the
general intractability of grievances plague the Caucasus and Balkans to
varying degrees. Our challenge is to carefully encourage our European
Allies and partners to continue their commitments to regional security,
while encouraging the development of security capabilities that do not
exacerbate local tensions.
Another important issue is improving our comprehensive readiness to
face 21st century challenges, specifically the threat of malicious
cyber activity. Our primary focus here should be assisting our allies
and partners in the defense of their critical information systems, and
to develop and mature their cyber defense capabilities, programs, and
The last significant challenge I see is maintaining our force
laydown in today's austere environment. While combat forces receive the
bulk of attention during force restructuring, the capabilities garnered
from critical enablers (i.e., medical, police, intelligence, logistics)
are equally as important. The challenge we have is balancing our
strategic pivot to the East while highlighting the critical role our
European force structure plays in assuring Allies and guaranteeing
continued U.S. access to a critical region of the world. This access
will remain important to U.S.-led global operations across multiple
theaters, and cannot be guaranteed if we abdicate our European
Question. If confirmed, what plans do you have for addressing these
challenges and problems?
Answer. Despite budget reductions, EUCOM must be at the forefront
of revitalizing and supporting NATO, highlighting the critical role the
U.S. partnership plays to ensure the Alliance's credibility,
particularly with regard to our Article 5 commitments. A significant
component of this effort will be our role in a renewed commitment to
the NATO Response Force. This commitment will ensure our NATO allies
continue to meet high standards for interoperability and readiness. We
can also incorporate NATO Smart Defense initiatives into our planning
process, to guide our engagement and help ensure that NATO forces
maintain a credible mix of expeditionary forces.
Next, we must recognize the unique opportunity the economic
downturn presents to help European nations examine defense and force
structure inefficiencies. Stark fiscal realities leave political room
for serious force structure and capability changes consistent with the
vision of Smart Defense. We must also continue to coordinate our
efforts across a broad spectrum of actors, specifically with the
interagency and other geographic and functional commands. This
cooperation can be expanded, as we leverage NATO training and
standardization as a global benchmark for interoperability.
As a command, we must continue to invest in interagency cooperation
and collaboration to reinforce a whole-of-government approach to
numerous challenges. We must also look for ways to enhance security
cooperation planning by working with those allies who conduct security
cooperation consistent with our interests.
Next, we will emphasize civilian-military opportunities for nation
engagement, particularly in the areas of disaster preparedness and
foreign consequence management by leveraging private entities. This
will encourage regional approaches to collaboration within areas like
the Balkans and Caucasus in order to bolster stability.
We must also emphasize technology and innovation to provide a
backstop to decreasing resources, while diminishing our vulnerabilities
to new asymmetric threats. The growing cyber threat must be addressed,
while seeking ways to mitigate the loss of valuable border protections
within the European theater. These physical border protections in many
cases no longer exist. Technological solutions to tracking illicit
materials, such as biological, chemical and radiological agents, must
be found.
Finally, we must continue to seek zones of cooperation with Russia.
Successful avenues to date have included the Arctic Council, health and
bio-surveillance arenas, combating terrorism, and counter-piracy. We
must encourage Russia to play a more constructive role in European and
global security and foreign policy.
defense department strategic guidance
Question. The January 2012 Department of Defense (DOD) Strategic
Guidance, entitled ``Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for
21st Century Defense,'' discusses the importance of Europe as ``our
principal partner in seeking global and economic security.'' At the
same time, the DOD Strategic Guidance calls for a rebalancing of U.S.
military posture toward the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions.
Do you agree with the strategy outlined in the January 2012 DOD
Strategic Guidance?
Answer. Yes, I do.
Question. In your view what will be the major impact of that
strategy on EUCOM and what changes, if any, would EUCOM need to make to
implement that strategy?
Answer. The January 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance mentions Europe
and NATO prominently, and with good reason. As it says on page 2,
``Europe is home to some of America's most stalwart allies and
partners, many of whom have sacrificed alongside U.S. forces in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.'' Europe is primarily a security
producer, rather than a consumer, and EUCOM's strategy must endeavor to
bolster this ability and commitment to providing security. To this end,
one of EUCOM's key priorities is sustaining the U.S. relationship with
its highly capable allies, as well as the sustainment of those allies
who have recently developed capabilities and interoperability with U.S.
forces. EUCOM will also look to grow its links to NATO, bolstering the
viability of this vital Alliance, which will serve to ensure that
European nations continue to approach global security issues through
the NATO Alliance, and ensure that European and U.S. viewpoints are
weighed together in the decisionmaking process. By bringing attention
to the deep and valuable contributions of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance to
U.S. national security and global security efforts, EUCOM supports the
unique and valuable role that these contributions make, and the
strategic access and global reach they provide.
In order to implement this strategy, EUCOM must look to develop
low-cost, innovative ways to emphasize force interoperability, while
encouraging European allies to conserve resources by adopting the NATO
``Smart Defense'' program. One of these new methods will be the
reinvigorated U.S. contribution to the NATO Response Force (NRF), which
will mitigate force structure reductions in Europe by sustaining and
improving interoperability. Over the long term, the NRF will be a vital
asset for post-ISAF interoperability and NATO's Connected Forces
Initiative. The NRF will also serve as a valuable tool for evaluating
the status of European forces. As the most likely companions in any
security effort, from humanitarian assistance to full-spectrum
conflict, the United States must have confidence in the
interoperability and readiness of European forces.
The planned reduction of NATO forces supporting ISAF, combined with
U.S. reinvigoration in the NRF, provides a unique opportunity for EUCOM
to support NATO's Connected Forces Initiative and make adjustments to
both commands' exercise programs, committing to exercising high-end
capabilities and training. Conducting exercises that test these high-
end capabilities, once common, have reduced markedly in the face of
operational commitments. Exercises that bring together several NATO
nations, focused on advanced training objectives that exercise a joint
force across a broad spectrum of threats, will ensure NATO force
relevance and flexibility. After 10 years of combat deployments against
an asymmetric enemy, NATO will need to dedicate itself to flexible
training that emphasizes underutilized skill sets (for example, naval
and air warfare), while incorporating lessons learned from recent
conflicts. Additionally, a small EUCOM investment in some of these
exercises provides the opportunity for newer (i.e. Eastern European)
members of the Alliance, as well as other NATO partners, to pair with
more mature Allies, continuing to burden-share security cooperation
while raising the overall quality of NATO forces.
In response to shared environments of fiscal austerity, NATO has
embraced the idea of collective resource pooling through the Smart
Defense initiative. Alignment of EUCOM engagement with NATO capability
targets will ensure U.S. bilateral efforts complement NATO's
multilateral efforts. Through this improved cooperation, EUCOM can
reinforce NATO's efforts to maintain a credible mix of expeditionary
forces available for burden-sharing in conflicts that would otherwise
be shouldered by U.S. forces alone. Supporting an initiative such as
Smart Defense should not come at the expense of jeopardizing NATO's
Article 5 commitments and defense spending requirements. EUCOM must
ensure waste or unnecessary capabilities are trimmed and strengths are
retained. EUCOM should engage with the Smart Defense structure to
ensure a holistic approach to future NATO capability requirements.
Finally, EUCOM has an opportunity to enhance its security
cooperation planning by reaching out to Allies who are themselves
conducting some level of security cooperation in the theater. EUCOM can
work together with these nations to openly discuss mutual goals and
plans and gain efficiencies from knowing what engagements other nations
are performing in various regions, what effects are desired in these
regions, and what partnering possibilities exist for theater-wide
security cooperation. Fiscal reality drives this consideration, but so
does strategic sense. Such cooperation can help to smooth future
operational interaction and pair high-end allies with developing
nations to establish theater relationships that will bolster European
security and reduce U.S. resource commitments.
nato commitments on afghanistan transition
Question. At the NATO Summit in Chicago in May, NATO members
committed to promoting a stable and secure Afghanistan and to
``preventing Afghanistan from ever again becoming a safe haven for
terrorists that threaten Afghanistan, the region, and the world.'' NATO
members also reaffirmed their commitment to the International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan through 2014, when the
transition to Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) having the
security lead throughout Afghanistan will be completed and the NATO
combat mission will end.
Do you agree with the goals and transition plan for the ISAF
mission endorsed at the NATO Chicago Summit?
Answer. Yes, I do.
Question. What are the major challenges you foresee, if confirmed
as the next Commander, EUCOM and SACEUR, in implementing the transition
plan for Afghanistan?
Answer. Over the next 20 months, we must fully recruit, field and
ensure the sustainment of the ANSF while we shift the main effort for
security lead to the Afghans in 2013. We must prepare for the Afghan
Presidential election, while redeploying thousands of ISAF forces and
restructuring our basing posture so that we are ready for the post-2014
Question. How would you address these challenges, if confirmed?
Answer. I would continue the work in progress, and ensure that
redeployment mechanisms and routes are feasible and practical for ISAF
building and sustaining the afghan national security forces
Question. The NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan (NTM-A) is
responsible for building the ANSF to an end strength of 352,000 by this
fall, consisting of 195,000 Afghan National Army soldiers and 157,000
Afghan National Police personnel.
What is your assessment of the NATO Training Mission in
Afghanistan, and what changes, if any, would you recommend for the NTM-
A, if confirmed?
Answer. The NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan or NTM-A is truly
a success story. It has changed over time as the ANSF capability has
developed, and will continue to do so.
Question. In your assessment, are the current target end strengths
for the ANA and ANP sufficient for Afghan security forces to assume
full responsibility for security and stability in Afghanistan by 2014?
Answer. Yes, they are. The target strengths are important, but so
are the quality, capabilities, and competence of the force. Improving
these aspects will be a significant part of the Security Force
Assistance Teams work from now until the end of 2014, and beyond in the
post-2014 mission.
Question. At the NATO Chicago Summit, the ISAF participating
countries called for future reductions in the size of the ANSF after
2014 to be ``conditions-based.'' At the same time, the ISAF
participating countries discussed a ``preliminary model'' for the
future size of the ANSF of around 230,000, with an estimated annual
cost of $4.1 billion, which would be subject to regular review in light
of security developments.
Do you agree that any reductions in the ANSF after 2014 from an end
strength of 352,000 need to be conditions-based in light of the
security situation in Afghanistan at the time the reductions would
Answer. The size and balance of capabilities across the ANSF after
2014 will ultimately be a decision for the sovereign Government of
Afghanistan. The financial contributions by the current ISAF nations
and other countries need to be channeled through a transparent and
accountable mechanism that is open to audit by those contributing
Question. What should be NATO's role in assessing the security
conditions in Afghanistan for purposes of determining future force
requirements for the ANSF after 2014?
Answer. The future force requirements for the ANSF after 2014 will
be a decision for the sovereign Government of Afghanistan, with
assistance and advice from the post-2014 NATO led International
Training, Advisory, and Assistance Mission.
nato training mission in afghanistan post-2014
Question. In your view, what should be the objectives and
priorities for a possible NATO training mission in Afghanistan post-
Answer. The objectives and priorities were agreed by NATO Nations
and partners in the North Atlantic Council (NAC) Initiating Directive
at the Defense Ministerial meeting last October and reaffirmed in the
February Defense Ministerial meeting. The NATO-led post-2014 engagement
will train, advise, and assist the Afghan National Security Forces in
line with the NATO-Afghanistan Enduring Partnership declaration.
Question. If confirmed, what recommendations, if any, would you
have for modifying the NATO training mission in Afghanistan after 2014?
Answer. There is still much work to be completed on the post-2014
mission. In particular, the Concept of Operations is currently being
developed for endorsement by the Military Committee and subsequent
approval by the North Atlantic Council. Once this is approved, the
Operation Plan will be developed.
insider threat in afghanistan
Question. The recent rise in the number of attacks by individuals
in Afghan uniform on U.S. and coalition soldiers, so-called ``green-on-
blue'' attacks, has raised concerns about the safety of our soldiers
and the success of the transition plans in Afghanistan. ISAF and Afghan
military leaders have announced a number of new or expanded precautions
to address the insider threat, including increased Afghan
counterintelligence efforts to identify Taliban infiltrators,
additional cultural sensitivity training, and expanding the ``Guardian
Angel'' program to protect against the insider threat in meetings
between coalition and Afghan forces.
To what do you attribute the recent increase in the number of
green-on-blue attacks?
Answer. These attacks are an insurgent tactic, just like the threat
of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).
Question. What is your assessment of the measures that have been
taken to address the insider threat?
Answer. We have analyzed these attacks, and developed tactics,
techniques, and procedures to counter them. The measures we have taken
to mitigate these attacks in conjunction with the Afghans are working.
(20 incidents July-September 12, 10 incidents October-December 13, 3
incidents January-March 13)
Question. If confirmed, what additional steps, if any, would you
Answer. It is important to recognize that the number of insider
attacks has decreased since the summer of last year (20 incidents July-
September, 10 incidents October-December, 3 incidents January-March).
The measures taken across the force are having a positive impact, and I
want to ensure we continue to aggressively implement those measures
while maintaining the strong personal bonds that have proven effective
at the tactical level.
Question. What is your assessment of the impact of these insider
attacks on morale among U.S. and allied forces in theater?
Answer. These attacks do have the potential to damage trust between
collation and Afghan forces, however close cooperation and our strong
relationship with the ANSF have been invaluable to tackling this common
Question. In light of the insider threat, do you believe ISAF
should reconsider its plan to embed small units of U.S. and coalition
military personnel with Afghan military units to advise and assist
those units as the Afghan forces transition to the security lead?
Answer. No. The plan is correct and will ensure the ANSF continue
to advance their military capability. The security of U.S. and
coalition military personnel is improved by building close personal
relationships with the ANSF they advise and assist.
eucom's strategic missions
Question. In your view, what are the key strategic missions of U.S.
European Command?
Answer. We derive our key strategic missions from the Command's
formal mission statement: ``U.S. European Command conducts military
operations, international military engagement, and interagency
partnering to enhance transatlantic security and defend the United
States forward.'' Given this mission statement, as well as the Guidance
for Employment of the Force issued by the Office of the Secretary of
Defense, EUCOM's key strategic missions are:
Posture EUCOM forces to execute high-priority
contingency operations;
Sustain the trust, relationships and interoperability
forged over the past decade with our Allies and partners;
aligning our efforts with NATO Targets and Partnership Goals;
Contribute EUCOM forces and enable European force
generation to support an effective and responsible transition
in Afghanistan, ensuring Afghanistan's security while assuring
our NATO allies and partner nations of the U.S. commitment;
Nurture strategic relationships and maintain the
necessary force posture to enable continued access--thereby
ensuring United States freedom of action and global reach;
Prevent violent extremist organizations (VEOs) from
establishing footholds in Europe or obtaining or using weapons
of mass destruction; through close coordination with the other
global and functional combatant commands, minimize the seams
that these VEO's often operate in;
Advance NATO European Ballistic Missile Defense
through an integrated approach built on balanced contributions;
Ensure secure cyber access to enable our other
missions and improve collaborative information sharing across
all security levels;
Combat transnational organized crime to reduce the
effects of trafficking and the monies available to fund illicit
Support continued defense reform and prevent the
escalation of local crises into regional conflicts,
particularly in the Balkans and Caucasus.
Considering these missions in the context of near-term challenges,
EUCOM derives the following Command priorities:
Ensure readiness to execute EUCOM's high-priority
contingency operations;
Preserve our strategic partnerships to include;
Sustain our relationship with high-end allies
ensuring a strong NATO Alliance;
Preserve the recently developed partner
capability and interoperability;
Maintain regional stability and security;
Enable a successful ISAF transition;
Counter transnational threats, focusing on missile
defense, weapons of mass destruction, counter-terrorism,
illicit trafficking, counter-piracy and threats from
Maintain United States' strategic access across Europe
in support of global operations;
Focus on four key countries:
Israel, to maintain a strong partnership;