[House Hearing, 114 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] OVERSIGHT OF THE FALSE CLAIMS ACT ======================================================================= HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION AND CIVIL JUSTICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ APRIL 28, 2016 __________ Serial No. 114-72 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary [GRAPHIC NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Available via the World Wide Web: http://judiciary.house.gov ____________ U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 99-945 PDF WASHINGTON : 2016 ________________________________________________________________________________________ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail, gpo@custhelp.com. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY BOB GOODLATTE, Virginia, Chairman F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Jr., JOHN CONYERS, Jr., Michigan Wisconsin JERROLD NADLER, New York LAMAR S. SMITH, Texas ZOE LOFGREN, California STEVE CHABOT, Ohio SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas DARRELL E. ISSA, California STEVE COHEN, Tennessee J. RANDY FORBES, Virginia HENRY C. ``HANK'' JOHNSON, Jr., STEVE KING, Iowa Georgia TRENT FRANKS, Arizona PEDRO R. PIERLUISI, Puerto Rico LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas JUDY CHU, California JIM JORDAN, Ohio TED DEUTCH, Florida TED POE, Texas LUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois JASON CHAFFETZ, Utah KAREN BASS, California TOM MARINO, Pennsylvania CEDRIC RICHMOND, Louisiana TREY GOWDY, South Carolina SUZAN DelBENE, Washington RAUL LABRADOR, Idaho HAKEEM JEFFRIES, New York BLAKE FARENTHOLD, Texas DAVID N. CICILLINE, Rhode Island DOUG COLLINS, Georgia SCOTT PETERS, California RON DeSANTIS, Florida MIMI WALTERS, California KEN BUCK, Colorado JOHN RATCLIFFE, Texas DAVE TROTT, Michigan MIKE BISHOP, Michigan Shelley Husband, Chief of Staff & General Counsel Perry Apelbaum, Minority Staff Director & Chief Counsel ------ Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice TRENT FRANKS, Arizona, Chairman RON DeSANTIS, Florida, Vice-Chairman STEVE KING, Iowa STEVE COHEN, Tennessee LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas JERROLD NADLER, New York JIM JORDAN, Ohio TED DEUTCH, Florida Paul B. Taylor, Chief Counsel James J. Park, Minority Counsel C O N T E N T S ---------- APRIL 28, 2016 Page OPENING STATEMENTS The Honorable Trent Franks, a Representative in Congress from the State of Arizona, and Chairman, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice................................. 1 The Honorable Steve Cohen, a Representative in Congress from the State of Tennessee, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice................................. 2 WITNESSES Dennis E. Burke, President & CEO, Good Shepherd Health Care System Oral Testimony................................................. 17 Prepared Statement............................................. 20 Larry D. Thompson, Professor in Corporate and Business Law, University of Georgia School of Law Oral Testimony................................................. 26 Prepared Statement............................................. 28 Neil V. Getnick, Partner, Chairman, Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund Oral Testimony................................................. 40 Prepared Statement............................................. 42 Jonathan L. Diesenhaus, Partner, Hogan Lovells US LLP Oral Testimony................................................. 50 Prepared Statement............................................. 52 LETTERS, STATEMENTS, ETC., SUBMITTED FOR THE HEARING Prepared statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr., a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan, and Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary..................... 5 Prepared statement of the Honorable Chuck Grassley, a U.S. Senator from the State of Iowa, and Chairman, Senate Committee on the Judiciary............................................... 11 Material submitted by the Honorable Steve Cohen, a Representative in Congress from the State of Tennessee, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice............. 69 APPENDIX Material Submitted for the Hearing Record Prepared statement of the Honorable Steve Cohen, a Representative in Congress from the State of Tennessee, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice............. 76 Addendum to the testimony of Dennis E. Burke, President & CEO, Good Shepherd Health Care System............................... 83 Fraud Statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice............. 87 Office of Inspector General (OIG) Updated Criteria for Section 1128(b)(7) Exclusion Authority................................. 95 Prepared statement of Matthew Solomson, Chief Legal Officer, Federal Government Services of Anthem, Inc..................... 102 OFFICIAL HEARING RECORD Unprinted Material Submitted for the Hearing Record Material from the Urban Institute. This material is available at the Subcommittee and can also be accessed at: http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ ByEvent.aspx?EventID=104871 OVERSIGHT OF THE FALSE CLAIMS ACT ---------- THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice Committee on the Judiciary Washington, DC. The Subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 4:34 p.m., in room 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable Trent Franks (Chairman of the Subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives Franks, King, Jordan, Cohen, and Conyers. Staff Present: (Majority) John Coleman, Counsel; Tricia White, Clerk; (Minority) James J. Park, Minority Counsel; Veronica Eligan, Professional Staff Member; and Matthew Morgan, Professional Staff Member. Mr. Franks. The Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice will come to order. And, without objection, the Chair is authorized to declare recesses of the Committee at any time. I want to welcome you all for being here. The False Claims Act is the Federal Government's primary tool for combatting fraud in federally funded programs. In each of the last 6 years, the government has recovered over $3 billion under the FCA and over 3.5 billion for their fourth consecutive year. Since the significant 1986 amendments to the FCA, the Federal Government has recovered over $45 billion under the act. These numbers show that the FCA has been successful legislation. However, despite its success, the act still fails to prevent massive losses of taxpayer dollars. According to a 2015 study by the General Accountability Office, over $120 billion in taxpayer money was lost in 2014 to improper payments by the Federal Government, which indicates the government is recovering only a fraction of what it loses to false claims every year. This requires examination, considering Congress has amended the FCA three times in the past 7 years to expand its coverage, and enhance the ability of whistleblowers to bring suit. Today's hearing will, in part, address what could more be done. Some experts who have studied the act, for example, suggest that the answer is providing incentives and encouraging those best able to detect and prevent false claims--government contractors and government program beneficiaries--to self- police and self-report potential FCA violations. Indeed, FCA violations or violators who self-report generally receive the same penalties and face the same damages as those who are caught violating the act and settle out of court with government. I think this makes very little sense. The FCA has been successful because it's provided whistleblowers with a tremendous financial incentive for uncovering and disclosing false claims. It should be possible to complement the current incentives for whistleblowers in the act with financial incentives for self-disclosure to uncover even more waste, fraud, and abuse of Federal taxpayer money. We need to examine ways to give those that do business with the government meaningful incentives to detect wrongdoing and self-report it to the government and thereby return to the taxpayers more money than is currently recovered under the FCA. The Justice Department itself has acknowledged the limitations of the act as currently written. According to the head of the division at DOJ in charge of enforcing the FCA, the Justice Department is, quote, well aware of the fact that litigation can only plausibly reach a fraction of the fraud committed against U.S. Government programs, which likewise makes the prevention of fraud a more potent tool for protecting the interest of the United States in efforts to undo the damage of completed schemes. Litigation to recover the cost of fraud is far inferior as an option to prevent fraud in the first place. I hope, through this hearing, we can begin to discuss ways to prevent violations of the False Claims Act from occurring in the first place. The Federal Government has benefitted greatly from the increased accountability that has resulted from the False Claims Act and the invaluable aid it has received from current whistleblowers. My hope is that today's hearing provides additional insight into how we can detect and prevent even more false claims that deplete the vital resources that taxpayers have entrusted to this Nation. And I certainly look forward to the witnesses' testimony and yield to the Ranking Member now for 5 minutes for his opening statement. Mr. Cohen. Thank you, Mr. Chair. The False Claims Act is one of the most potent weapons in the fight against fraud and is a vital means of protecting taxpayer dollars. According to the Justice Department, from '87 through 2015, False Claims Act has been responsible for over $48 billion in recoveries from corporations that cheated the American taxpayer--$48 billion from corporations that cheated the American taxpayers who we are now thinking are going to just self-report and give themselves up and give them some incentive to do that. You know, it wasn't a great idea to tell Jesse James to tell us what you're going to do, and we'll give you some money and go back to St. Joseph, Missouri. You catch the crooks. That's what you do. Of that number, more than $33 billion resulted from litigation initiated by qui tam plaintiffs, many of whom are employees of corporate wrongdoers who are in the best position to know of fraudulent activity and to bring it to light. In 2009, Congress adopted amendments that further strengthened the act. These amendments sponsored by my former colleague, the beloved and congressionally late Representative Howard Berman of blessed memory, and championed by noted qui tam lawyer John Phillips, now residing, I think, in Italy, where he takes care of our interests there, resulted in recoveries since 2009 of almost $27 billion for taxpayers, with more than 19.5 billion resulting from qui tam complaints. The fact that almost 70 percent of recoveries since '87 and more than 70 percent since 2009 stem from qui tam suits, highlights the central role that the qui tam plaintiffs play in the False Claims Act's enforcement regime in the fight against fraud. Whistleblower-initiated action was responsible for the government's $2 billion recovery from GlaxoSmithKline for paying kickbacks, doctoring scientific research, and illegally promoting certain prescription drugs. Last month, Olympus Corporation agreed to pay $646 million, including 310.8 million in various False Claims Act claims. Olympus put profits before people, among other things, refusing to disclose to U.S. regulators potential contamination from its duodenoscopes, despite doing so to European regulators, given that the U.S. was its largest market for duodenoscopes. And just yesterday, Pfizer settled whistleblower-initiated cases for $784 million for overcharging Medicaid in a matter that the government had initially declined to intervene in. These private attorney generals, qui tam lawyers do a great deal of good for the United States in seeking out fraud and bringing in moneys to our Treasury that was ungainfully garnered. We need only look at the state of the False Claims Act prior to 1987 to get a sense of how weak qui tam-related progressions can undermine False Claim Act's purposes. Before '86, the act contained strong disincentives for whistleblowers to pursue litigation on behalf of the government and bring fraud to light. As a result, the number of false claim qui tam suits declined dramatically and fraud against the government ran rampant. The 1986 amendments to the act, spearheaded by Senator Charles Grassley and Representative Berman, dramatically strengthened incentives for the pursuit of qui tam actions and greatly enhanced the act's effectiveness. It is perhaps no surprise then that those who are the target of fraud allegations are now seeking to undermine what Grassley and Berman did with the False Claims Act and, particularly, its qui tam and penalty provisions. In 2013, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recommended changes to the act that were solutions in search of a problem, unless one defines the problem as an effective False Claims Act regime, which gets at fraud and abuse. For instance, it proposed limiting the share of damages that qui tam plaintiffs are able to recover in False Claims Act cases, weakening a major incentive for whistleblowers to come forward. Further weakening the incentives for whistleblowers are proposals to bar qui tam actions under several circumstances. One proposal would bar those actions by an employee of a corporate wrongdoer if the employee did not report the fraud internally to his or her employer within 180 days prior to filing suit. This proposal almost invites the corporate wrongdoer to intimidate or retaliate against the potential whistleblower employee, gives the company the opportunity to further hide the fraud. Great idea. You got to go tell your boss that he's a crook, and he's going to be caught and exposed, and if you do it, you're going to false retaliation, and who knows what's going to happen to you. Well, that's a great way to inhibit the people from coming forward, quieting the whistle. Another proposed change would reduce the availability of treble damages based on so-called gold standard certifications of a company's compliance program done by third parties in a process where it would be in the interests of the certifying entity, itself a profit-making business, to give the necessary certification with no way of verifying the accuracy of said certification. Finally, corporate wrongdoers have proposed making it substantially harder for any plaintiff, whether a qui tam relator or the government, to prevail in a False Claims Act case by amending the act to impose the very high clear and convincing standard of proof to demonstrate any violation of the act, rather than current preponderance of the evidence standard. We should be very wary of any attempts to undermine the effectiveness of the False Claims Act. And of--the idea that we're going to be able to successfully do it by asking the wrongdoers to self-report, that hadn't worked, and many other things--I don't know that it ever works. As the old saying goes: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Franks. And I thank the gentleman. It seems like, in Congress vernacular: If it ain't broke, break it. I want to thank the Ranking Member, and without objection, other Members' opening statements will be made part of the record. And before I--okay. Before I introduce the witnesses, I would first like to submit for the record the statement of the Honorable John Conyers, the Ranking Member of the full Committee. And I'd also like to introduce, for the record, the prepared statement of the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Grassley. Senator Grassley was the lead Senate author of the 1986 amendments to the False Claims Act and has been a tireless advocate for whistleblowers and eliminating false claims for taxpayer money. I appreciate his dedication to the False Claims Act and his input on the issues raised in today's hearing. Without objection, his statement will also be entered into the record. [The prepared statement of Mr. Conyers follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ [The prepared statement of Senator Grassley follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ Mr. Franks. So now let me introduce our witnesses. First of all, thank you all for being here. Our first witness is Dennis Burke. Mr. Burke is president and CEO of the Good Shepherd Health Care System in Hermiston, Oregon. Our second witness is Larry Thompson. Mr. Thompson is the John A. Sibley Professor in Corporate and Business Law at the University of Georgia School of Law. Our third witness is Neil Getnick. Mr. Getnick is the managing partner at Getnick & Getnick, LLP, in New York City. Our fourth and final witness is Jonathan Diesenhaus. Did I get that pretty close? Mr. Diesenhaus. Got it. Mr. Franks. Yes, sir. Mr. Diesenhaus is a partner at the D.C. office of Hogan Lovells. Each of the witnesses' written statements will be entered into the record in its entirety, and I ask that each witness summarize his or her testimony in 5 minutes or less. To help you stay within that time, there's a timing light in front of you. The light will switch from green to yellow, indicating that you have 1 minute to conclude your testimony. When the light turns red, it indicates the witness' 5 minutes have expired. And before I recognize the witnesses, it is the tradition of the Subcommittee that they be sworn. So if you'd please stand to be sworn. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God? You may be seated, and let the record reflect that the witnesses answered in the affirmative. And, again, I want to recognize all of you in the audience, and I would now recognize our first witness, Mr. Burke. And if you will turn your microphone on before beginning. Get closer. Thank you, sir. TESTIMONY OF DENNIS E. BURKE, PRESIDENT & CEO, GOOD SHEPHERD HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Mr. Burke. Thank you. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Constitution and Civil Justice Subcommittee. As introduced, my name is Dennis Burke. I am president and CEO of Good Shepherd Health Care System in Hermiston, Oregon, where I have had the pleasure of serving for the past 27 years. I appreciate this opportunity to share our experience with the False Claims Act. It is my hope that in some small way our experience will shed light on some of the consequences of the False Claims Act that I am sure were never intended by Members of Congress. First, I would like to make it clear that my board and I strongly support antifraud statutes, active government programs that seek to identify and eliminate fraudulent activity, and whistleblowers who have legitimate allegations. Fraud harms all of us, reduces limited resources for bona fide healthcare purposes. I will be brief today, but it's my hope that you'll find an opportunity to read the more detailed written account of our experience as outlined in the letter attached to my statement addressed to Senator Ron Wyden, dated August 23 of 2006. We were victims of a disgruntled former employee who returned relator. Having said that, we could just as easily have been the victims of a rogue employee who intentionally violated our policies and procedures. The process would have been the same. Sadly, the FCA makes no distinction between organizations that are victims of false allegations and those that have proper antifraud measures in place but fall victim to rogue employees, just as it makes no distinction between organizations that are doing everything they can and should do to prevent fraud and those organizations that take minimum precautions. What happened to us is what I would call an overreaction, an overreaction that cost us dearly in terms of both reputation, dollars, and cents. In the end, it was determined that we had not defrauded the government, and the Department of Justice dropped its investigation. This is what happened. In 2003, agents from the FBI and the Oregon Medicaid Fraud Unit visited our hospital asking questions about our billing practices. A few weeks later, we were raided by a team of agents who came to the hospital at night, took records. Our hospital counsel was openly able to ascertain that a qui tam case had been filed against us, but we were--but was sealed so that we were unaware of the nature of the investigation. A Federal court in Portland, Oregon, made the FBI affidavit for the raid public. Our local newspaper and The Oregonian featured all the allegations of the complaint. These stories were extremely damaging to our hospital's reputation. We even had a visiting physician clinic threaten to discontinue the relationship with the hospital. The qui tam relator's allegation included every fraud hot button at the time. This included lab unbundling, physician kickbacks, 3-day window billing violations, upcoding, billing for services not rendered, and others. Due to the nature and scope of the allegations, the investigation was heightened from a criminal--from a civil to a criminal investigation. At the time of the raid, I was told by an agent that if even part of these allegations were true, someone was going to jail. During the course of the investigation, the government began to discover significant differences between the relator's allegations and actual hospital practice. In a matter of weeks, the government scaled the investigation back to a civil investigation. Over the course of 2\1/2\ years, the majority of the allegations were dismissed outright. However, the investigation did reveal that we had some irregularities associated with our emergency room billings. We had installed a new computer system, and the department manager had inadvertently programmed the billing system such that the emergency room medical director's name appeared on all of our billing forms as the treating physician and the treating physician's name appeared as the consulting physician. Because of this error, the Department of Justice requested that we perform an extensive audit, at our expense, through an independent third-party reviewer recommended by the Department of Justice. The results of the audit showed that all services were provided by qualified physicians and that services were appropriately coded. In fact, the audit revealed that Medicare and Medicaid was actually slightly underbilled vis-a-vis the level of coding that could have been supported by the documentation. Following the results of this audit, the State Medicaid Fraud Unit and the Department of Justice dropped their investigation. In its entirety, we were subjected to a humiliating raid and an investigation by the Federal Government due to a disgruntled former employee. The relator took advantage of the law's protections to, in essence, throw everything on the wall to see if anything might stick. We experienced a 3-year investigation, which consumed hundreds of internal man hours and well over $1 million in attorney fees, consultation fees, and undeserved settlement costs, not to mention the significant harm to our reputation. Having experienced what we considered to be a frivolous complaint of false allegations and an expensive investigation, here are our observations. Relators should be required to demonstrate that they have brought their concerns to the attention of the targeted organization before they bring the matter to the government. Without being required to make specific allegations, it is not fair that targeted organizations like ours are subject to over $1 million expenses, and in the end, the accuser is able to just walk away and say: Oops, I guess we were wrong. The penalty provisions of the False Claims Act are astronomical. As such, the financial risks posed by the law, in most cases, cause a hospital like ours to avoid the uncertainty of a trial and instead choose the safer, more predictable route of settlement. The Department of Justice offered a 750,000 rough justice settlement that was very tempting to my board, but we knew the claims were unjustified and decided to take a stand. Unfortunately, not everyone is in the position to take the same leap of faith due to the risks they face for doing so. That is our experience in an abridged telling. [The prepared statement of Mr. Burke follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ Mr. Franks. Well, thank you, Mr. Thompson. And I would now recognize our second witness. I'm sorry. I got that wrong, didn't I, Mr. Burke? I now recognize our second witness, Mr. Thompson, please. TESTIMONY OF LARRY D. THOMPSON, PROFESSOR IN CORPORATE AND BUSINESS LAW, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA SCHOOL OF LAW Mr. Thompson. Chairman Franks, Ranking Member Cohen, Members of the Subcommittee, I am Larry Thompson. Mr. Franks. I forgot to ask you to pull that microphone toward you. Mr. Thompson. Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Franks. There we go. Mr. Thompson. May I just repeat? Mr. Franks. Yes, sir. Mr. Thompson. Chairman Franks, Ranking Member Cohen, and Members of the Subcommittee, I am Larry Thompson. I appreciate the opportunity to testify before you this afternoon on the False Claims Act and how we can possibly continue to prevent fraud, which is so harmful to the public, consumers, the government, and shareholders of public companies. I practiced law for 42 years, and during this time period, I have handled scores of fraud cases and investigations, both as a Federal prosecutor and as a defense counsel. I've also served as a general counsel of a large public company, where I was responsible for implementing and administering what we strive to have as a world-class high-quality ethics and compliance program. The False Claims Act is probably the most important antifraud tool the government has but, I think, perhaps, when coupled with more focused informed enhancements, can play an even more important and effective role in preventing fraud, as the Chairman mentioned. I really believe we can do an even better job of focusing on prevention, which allows the government to use its limited resources more in dealing with the very bad actors that are out there. My written testimony focuses on the work of the Ethics & Compliance Initiatives' blue ribbon panel. Mr. Chairman, when I was asked to participate in the panel, I was delighted to do so because a great deal of my career in both the public and private sectors has been spent on ethics and compliance issues. The panel brought together a group of super people and experts who set out to determine what really are the perimeters of a high-quality ethics and compliance program. I am very pleased with our work product as set forth in my written testimony. To be clear, Mr. Chairman, I recognize that the widespread development and implementation of high-quality compliance and ethics programs is not going to happen overnight. These programs need adequate resources, dedication of time and effort to training and retraining, a commitment to consistent and transparent discipline, a commitment to investigate all reports of wrongdoing. In sum, a commitment to make ethics and compliance, doing the right thing, a core business strategy. Simply put, in my experience, I found that high-integrity companies perform better in the marketplace than companies who do not put a premium on ethics and compliance. And I believe, quite frankly, that what the panel has recommended is very important today, especially when we see many shortsighted and short-term investors push for deeper and deeper unthinking cuts in corporate budgets. As I said, the widespread development and implementation of a high-quality ethics and compliance program will be a marathon and not a sprint, but I do believe that their reality can be greatly accelerated by providing concrete incentives for businesses to develop authentic bona fide high-quality ethics and compliance programs. These programs will focus on prevention and self-disclosure and provide a--and provide a measure of certainty and predictability for doing so. The public and government clearly benefit from increased self-disclosure. Of course, I'll be pleased to answer any questions you or the Members of the Committee may have, and thank you. [The prepared statement of Mr. Thompson follows:] Prepared Statement of Larry D. Thompson, Professor in Corporate and Business Law, University of Georgia School of Law* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Supplemental material submitted by this witness is not printed in this hearing record but is available at the Subcommittee and is included in the witness's statement at: http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ ByEvent.aspx?EventID=104871 [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ Mr. Franks. And thank you, Mr. Thompson. And I now recognize our third witness, Mr. Getnick. And please turn that microphone on. TESTIMONY OF NEIL V. GETNICK, PARTNER, CHAIRMAN, TAXPAYERS AGAINST FRAUD EDUCATION FUND Mr. Getnick. Thank you. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member, distinguished Members of the Subcommittee. I am Neil Getnick. I am the managing partner of the law firm of Getnick & Getnick, based in Manhattan, and I'm testifying today in my capacity as the chairman of the Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund. The TAF Education Fund is a nonprofit public interest organization dedicated to combatting fraud against the government and protecting public resources through public- private partnerships. This year is the 30th anniversary of the seminal 1986 amendments to the False Claims Act. When it comes to the FCA, my dad would say, ``Nothing succeeds like success,'' because the 1986 amendments have been and are a fantastic success. Prior to 1986, the Department of Justice recovered less than $50 million a year under the FCA. Last year alone, DOJ recovered more than $3.5 billion, and for every dollar that the government spends on Federal FCA healthcare enforcement, it recovers $20 in return. Does anyone know of any other government program that can boast those results? But these numbers are incomplete. They are an incomplete measure of the FCA's success, which has generated cases that have reformed corrupt industries, stopped unconscionable and illegal practices, and saved lives. The main change of the 1986 amendments was to loosen certain restrictions on qui tam suits. This change created a new paradigm of public-private partnerships between the Justice Department, qui tam whistleblowers, and their counsel. And under this new paradigm, a backstop was created that let both the government and the fraudsters know that cases could be pursued and won by whistleblowers even when the government declined to intervene or pursue the fraud. This is crucial because this private right of action is the action-forcing mechanism that ensures that fraud on the government will be exposed and dealt with. Pleas by industry lobbyists to weaken or eliminate the private right of action are misguided, and those are often accompanied with misleading statistics purporting to demonstrate that only a small percentage of non-intervened cases result in recovery. Yet a significant number of successful cases only come about because the relator pursued the case after an initial decision of non- intervention. Furthermore, the FCA provides more safeguards and oversight to protect against frivolous or ill-advised lawsuits than just about any other civil enforcement statute in the Federal code. Most FCA defendants are very big companies that participate in large government-funded programs or compete for big government contracts, and a handful are repeat offenders. Among other things, this hearing addresses the so-called unintended consequences of the FCA. But industry lobbyists for large government contractors have intended consequences. Their intended consequences are to use the occasional story of a defense verdict or an investigation that negatively impacted on a small business as a pretext--a pretext--to gut the FCA that has resulted time after time in them paying restitution to the government for repeated fraudulent harmful schemes, and this posturing is transparent, and it should be rejected. The main proposal advanced by these lobbyists is to require corporate whistleblowers to report frauds internally before filing qui tams. And repeatedly, they seek to eliminate or narrow FCA liability if they adopt a so-called gold standard or certified corporate compliance programs. But allowing companies to face reduced liability from FCA action because they checked the boxes on how to establish a compliance program will merely encourage them to game this new compliance regime. That doesn't reduce fraud; it enables fraud. In fact, and this is very important, the FCA already contains a provision that allows corporations to reduce their liability by one-third if they self-report a fraud within 30 days of becoming aware of it. So the FCA 1986 amendments have revealed unexpected benefits. The ever-increasing recoveries have exceeded all expectations. The provision allowing relators to pursue declined cases has resulted in billions of dollars of recoveries that would otherwise have been lost and has led to reforms in critical industries. Yes, my dad would say, ``Nothing succeeds by success,'' and to that, I now add, ``Don't tamper with success.'' [The prepared statement of Mr. Getnick follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ Mr. Franks. Thank you, Mr. Getnick. And we'll now proceed to our fourth witness and final witness, Mr. Diesenhaus. And if you turn that microphone on. Yes, sir. TESTIMONY OF JONATHAN L. DIESENHAUS, PARTNER, HOGAN LOVELLS US LLP Mr. Diesenhaus. Certainly. I made it work. Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member, distinguished Members of the Subcommittee, as you heard earlier, my name is Jonathan Diesenhaus. I'm a practitioner. I do investigations and litigation under the False Claims Act and have been doing it for 25 years. I am not the chairman in my firm, haven't had the privilege of being a general counsel or a high-ranking spot at the Justice Department, but I did have the privilege of working for Mr. Thompson as senior trial counsel in the Civil Fraud Section enforcing the False Claims Act from 1998 to 2005. I am here today, and I appreciate the invitation, but my message is one about how we handle these cases, how they are litigated, and improving on a statute that already seems to work pretty darn well. And that's where Mr. Getnick and I disagree is that I think there can be improvements to better protect some of the defendants who get caught up in the False Claims Act food mill. As I explained in my written testimony, over the course of my career, I've become more and more concerned about the impact of qui tam investigations and litigation on small businesses, small providers, all of whom we rely on for, on the one hand, employment; on the other, care. These entities operate in a complex regulatory environment, an environment often made even more complex by perhaps unintentionally vague and ambiguous terminology and regulations. It could even be that one man's heartfelt belief that his interpretation of a regulation is correct--let's say a whistleblower's belief--happens to be incorrect. And more often than not, in healthcare cases, these types of disagreements or allegations of regulatory fraud arise when everyone agrees that high-quality care and high-quality products have been delivered to sick patients. My concern isn't for the types of cases Mr. Getnick and others on the relators' side always point to, successes like Mr. Cohen pointed to in his opening statement. During my time at DOJ, I handled cases like those, big ones. I helped to advance new theories of law. I helped to uncover frauds. I'm proud of that time. My concern, though, is that qui tam litigation itself is too blunt an instrument to be wielded as freely as it is. Today, the Justice Department leaves it to defendants to fight to dismiss unfounded qui tam lawsuits. Eight out of 10 cases-- even after the 1986 amendments, even after the 2009 amendments--8 out of 10 cases are cases the victim of the fraud does not pick up. There are a handful of examples, to which Mr. Getnick and his colleagues refer, which are cases where the government has continued an investigation alongside a piece of declined qui tam litigation, and those cases often result in significant recoveries. But that's where the partnership continues. My main concern is for companies like the companies I've outlined in my written testimony, employers who get caught up in investigations and litigation and can't fund the defense because of how expensive litigation has become today; not for Pfizer, not for the big companies that can defend themselves, but for the small companies. The Justice Department has, as a matter of practical policy, decided not to take on those whistleblower cases but to leave it to the defendant to fight them to move to dismiss. Those are--those are defendants. Those are targets for whom I would ask that the Subcommittee take a second look at the statute, take a second look at enforcement practices, and take a look at disclosure policies or disclosure programs like Mr. Thompson has discussed. Before my time runs out, I want to comment on the disclosure regime. What we've heard from today and what we often hear from the relator's bar is that there's a presumption that inside cheating companies, it's always the boss who's the head cheat. The presumption isn't that the boss would like to weed it out. The presumption isn't--isn't that a disclosure program would help the boss to convince others to weed it out. That's not my experience. My experience is different. The Federal Government has a number of self-report programs, none of which dovetail well with the False Claims Act. Today, the Justice Department has recently announced, under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, that companies who are investigated or companies who have--who find problems under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, should come forward, make disclosures, and there are significant incentives to bring those companies forward--or to bring problems forward to the government and to cooperate in investigations. That's just one example. There are many more where there are clear incentives and the programs are working. The False Claims Act doesn't have such an incentive, and it should. [The prepared statement of Mr. Diesenhaus follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ Mr. Franks. And I thank you, Mr. Diesenhaus. And we will now begin questions, and I will begin by recognizing myself for 5 minutes. Mr. Burke, you had mentioned in your testimony that you had been offered a settlement from the Department of Justice, and I guess the first question is, what was the process that caused you to answer that question ``no''? I mean, why did you reject that settlement? And in the end, wouldn't it have been--you know, the question occurs, would it have been cheaper for you to accept the offer, given the man hours used in the investigation and the overall legal costs? Mr. Burke. Well, thank you for that question. Yes, we were offered a settlement, and it came probably sort of mid in the investigation where some of the--I think there was a understanding of generally what was involved, but the fine details had not really been arrived at. We were offered a $750,000--and their term--rough justice settlement. Our decision was a hard one. In fact, it was very tempting. We had board members that felt that this was the way to go and--but we had others that, as we looked at what we did, we thought, you know: This is not right, because there is a stigma that goes with a settlement. And, frankly, if we had settled, I wouldn't be here testifying today. We would be another check in the success column of the FCA and with no ability to really tell our story and what the issue was. And so we chose not to. We chose to go forward, even though it probably cost us an extra $250,000 in legal fees in order to continue the process to get to the point where both the Department of Justice and the State Medicaid Fraud Unit dismissed the claim. Mr. Franks. Thank you, Mr. Burke. Mr. Thompson, if organizations are given some type of benefit or incentive for having a high-quality ethics and compliance program in place, when an FCA violation is identified, how then would DOJ distinguish between those that simply implement a program and those who seek to make the program an ongoing priority? Mr. Thompson. I'll turn this on this time. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to compliment the Department of Justice. The Criminal Division has recognized that having an effective compliance program can play an important role in making a prosecuting decision, and they have brought in a person who is an expert in compliance programs, and to look at whether or not, from the collateral consequence standpoint, or even from the standpoint of making a decision, if a company has a bona fide terrific gold-plated compliance program, then it shouldn't be excessively punished because of the acts of one bad employee. The Criminal Division recognizes this. And I--what I want to focus on is prevention. If you have a bona fide high-quality compliance program--and that was the purpose of the blue ribbon panel--you can make a terrific difference in prevention, and prevention should be something, whatever side of the aisle you're on, everyone would benefit from prevention: the public, the government, consumers, and shareholders. And I think that's the kind of incentive, especially when you get to matters like self-disclosure. I'm concerned about the collateral consequences more than the damages. It's the collateral consequences which turn a very good compliance program that, as our panel found, is business- specific, and I think we all would recognize that a business- specific program is better than a program that the government or some agency can come in and impose upon a company after the fact. So I think this is a very good incentive for this Committee to look at, and it will do more to prevent fraud than anything else. Mr. Franks. Well, thank you, sir. Mr. Diesenhaus, I wonder if you could explain how the current penalty structure in the False Claims Act might coerce certain defendants to settle even those nonmeritorious FCA cases that are brought against them. Mr. Diesenhaus. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. False Claims Act provides for treble damages plus per-claim penalties of 5,500 to 11,000 per claim. That's likely to go up by--there's an-- there's a provision that provides for--excuse me--statute provides for an inflation increase, and I think it's due to reset within the next year. In addition, in the Medicaid case, many States have False Claims Acts as well, so that would double the amount of the penalty. So you'd be looking at, in the Medicaid case, for each $100 dentist bill, you'd be looking at a $300 damage recovery for the government and 11,000 to 22,000 per claim. For an entity the size of Mr. Burke's hospital or some of my smaller clients, that risk, especially when you've incurred cost and spent the money to deliver the healthcare services, it's too great to take, and often the Department will compromise to a much smaller number than you'd be exposed to at trial. Mr. Franks. Well, thank you all. My 5 minutes have expired, and I will now recognize the Ranking Member for his questions, 5 minutes. Mr. Cohen. Thank you, sir. Mr. Burke, I don't know about your case, and I do notice in your testimony you say, in the end, you know, you were found not to have--the Justice Department surrendered, gave up, and didn't go further. Do you know if there was a rule 11 filed for sanctions? The attorney files a rule 11 saying the other counsel had no basis for the action. Do you know if your attorneys filed a rule 11 request? Mr. Burke. I don't believe that they did. Mr. Cohen. Do you know if they filed a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim of action? Mr. Burke. I don't believe that they did. Mr. Cohen. Mr. Getnick, wouldn't that have been the appropriate thing for an attorney representing his company to have done if it was not a claim that had any basis? Mr. Getnick. I can't speak to the specific case, but I think, as a general rule, what you're pointing out is that the False Claims Act is replete with protective mechanisms, and you have mentioned two. Rule 11 is a rule that applies generally that if a matter is not well thought through, if it's not subject to proper due diligence, both the party and the lawyer are subject to sanction. Then, in addition to that, rule 9 provides an even higher standard because these cases are found in fraud and require specificity and particularity, which would give rise to, as you point out, a potential motion to dismiss. But there are even greater protections under this statute because the Department of Justice has the ability to move to dismiss a case if it believes it is not one that has appropriate validity. And, finally, the defendant, under 31 U.S.C. 2730 can seek further penalties from the relator if the matter is found to be clearly frivolous, vexatious, or primarily for the purpose of harassment. So this multifaceted regime is a tremendous bulwark against abuse. Mr. Cohen. So while you don't know the facts of this case, and as I don't either, the fact in Mr. Burke's statement, he says, ``In the end, it was determined we had not defrauded the government,'' could it then determine that there wasn't sufficient proof to rise to the level necessary, that the government felt they couldn't get to the degree of proof they needed, that it may be some proof was missing, a witness was missing, or that just the standard was not sufficient, but that there was probable cause? Mr. Getnick. There could be any number of reasons why the case did not proceed. And, you know, I have heard what Mr. Burke has to say today. And, frankly, it concerns me that he and his company had that experience, and I think it's something worth taking into consideration, and it's worth being concerned about. I'm concerned about it. Mr. Cohen. And I am, too. And Mr. Diesenhaus mentions that sometimes the powerful parties got so much money and that the other side can't afford go forward, and that happens a lot with usually corporations having to be on the power side and not necessarily the government. Is there something where Mr. Diesenhaus talks--he talks about the smaller corporations who can't afford the litigation; they might have to settle--is there a place that you all could come to a meeting of the minds to find some way to improve the statute? Mr. Getnick. What concerns me is hearing that there are only a handful of examples of declined cases that go on to be successful. And while I'm concerned about what I've heard from Mr. Burke, I also recognize that that's a case that took place 10 years ago. And so if we need to reach back 10 years to find that type of situation, that should tell us that this is not a matter of great frequency. On the other hand, we only have to reach back to yesterday to see how declined cases play a very specific and important role. One of cases you pointed out in your opening remarks was the Wyeth/Pfizer/Protonix case. That case settled yesterday for $750 million after an initial Department of Justice declination and 14 years of work. It's very important to realize that. The Department of Justice, at some point, declined, but because this action-forcing mechanism took place, the relator and the relator's counsel were able to continue investigating the case, continue to advance the case and prove it up. Then the Department of Justice said, ``Wait a moment. This is a case we have to become involved in,'' and then we see that yesterday that Wyeth/Pfizer is going to pay $413 million to the United States; the participating States, $371 million. And those companies are not denying the government's allegations of alleged illegal bundling and pricing violations. So that case was successfully defended on a motion to dismiss, and zero dollars would have come out without the whistleblowers and their lawyers pursuing that case after DOJ declined. Mr. Cohen. Thank you. Let me ask one last question. Is the Getnick in Getnick & Getnick your father, your brother, your wife, your son? Mr. Getnick. Well, that's an interesting question. It's very much my father, who I spoke about. Mr. Cohen. Okay. Mr. Getnick. But my brother, Michael Getnick, is counsel to the firm, and my wife, Margaret Finerty, is also a partner in the law firm. Mr. Cohen. Family affair. Mr. Franks. That keeps it in the family, yes, sir. I now recognize the Ranking Member of the full Committee, Mr. Conyers, for 5 minutes. Mr. Conyers. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate the witnesses here. Let me start off with Mr. Thompson. Shouldn't Congress preserve strong qui tam provisions as a core feature of the False Claims Act because it incentivizes uncovering fraud? Mr. Thompson. Good afternoon, Congressman. Mr. Conyers. Greetings. Mr. Thompson. It's good to be here, and it's been a pleasure working with you all these many years. I think that Congress should make certain that the False Claims Act remains a strong Act. As I said in my--as I said in my opening statement, the False Claims Act is a very important antifraud tool. But what we talked about with Mr. Cohen's questions about the protective mechanisms and Mr. Getnick's responses, the concern that I have when we're dealing with collateral consequences to business--businesses, present responsibility determinations, corporate integrity agreements, there is absolutely no protective measures for companies who are mistreated or run roughshod over by the government. These decisions are made ad hoc. All the leverage is with the government. There is--it's virtually impossible for a business to challenge a collateral consequence determination by a government agency, so we need these protections. I think we can--Congressman, I think we can have those protections, and I think the False Claims Act can remain a very effective and important antifraud tool. Mr. Conyers. Okay. Mr. Getnick, let me throw the same consideration to you. What do you think about preserving strong qui tam provisions? Mr. Getnick. Thank you, Congressman. I don't think that there is any mutual exclusivity, if you will, between encouraging business-driven integrity and a strong False Claims Act. In fact, if business-driven integrity is creating compliance within companies, then there won't be False Claims Act violations leading to liability and damages. I don't think the problem is with companies that have serious business-driven integrity programs of the type that Mr. Thompson is talking about today. The problem is companies that have what I would describe as law-driven compliance programs, which are meeting certain predefined benchmarks, but they're adopted to avoid punishment, and they're only grudgingly tolerated by executives and employees. And if the company doesn't develop a deeply rooted culture of integrity, then it results in corporate lawyers telling corporate executives how to design a compliance program that meets some set of objective tests so that they can enjoy the benefits of reduced liability. But what Mr. Thompson and I think what Mr. Diesenhaus is talking about, frankly, is a potentially better world where we have business-driven integrity programs that are much likely to prove more effective. And I probably should take a moment and say I identified myself as testifying in the capacity as chairman of Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund, but I'm also the managing partner of Getnick & Getnick, and our firm has a dedicated business-integrity counseling side in addition to our antifraud litigation side. So this is very near and dear to me, because if you can encourage business driven integrity, then you have something that may prove more effective because business people from the top down, not just the legal department, I'm talking the C suite, the chairman, they embrace and promote that program as essential to the long-term success of the enterprise, and then it can be viewed throughout the company as a profit center and a competitive advantage. Mr. Conyers. Mr. Getnick, let me just ask you: If the Federal legislature were to weaken qui tam provisions in the False Claims Act, what do you think--what kind of result would we have there? Mr. Getnick. Look, it would be awful. It's just that simple. Because a program that is producing violations has to be judged on its results, not that some list of checkmarks took place where somebody says: Hey, I met the standard. In the end, the standard is: Are you defrauding the government, or are you not defrauding the government? And if you're defrauding the government, you need a powerful False Claims Act that does it best. Mr. Conyers. Do you agree, Mr. Thompson? Mr. Thompson. Yes. As I said, I think we should have a powerful and effective False Claims Act, but we need to focus on predictability and certainty when it comes to these collateral consequences that businesses come into play when there's a False Claims Act issue. This is completely-- completely, in a way, different than the False Claims Act in the sense that it follows the False Claims Act and it needs to be addressed because we need to do a better job at prevention, Congressman. Mr. Getnick. May I just add one thing to that? So I teach a whistleblower law class at Cornell, and this Monday was the session on compliance. And, actually, I was hoping that Mr. Thompson would have been our guest lecturer. Due to a conflict, the students had to have the weak substitute of my speaking to them instead. And I completely concur with this approach of encouraging companies to get it right because the alternative is to have the government come in with a deferred prosecution agreement and a monitoring program that is a nightmare. And, in fact, when we teach the class, we start out and say: Look at what a monitoring agreement looks like and be lawyers who are ready to show that to your client and to convince them they don't want a monitoring agreement. What they want is a business-driven integrity program that gets it right coming from a culture of integrity and understands that, by doing good, you can do well and that good conduct is good business. And if you read the testimony of Mr. Thompson, you will see that is precisely the conclusions that he and his colleagues have come to and which I share. Mr. Conyers. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thanks to the witnesses very much. Mr. Franks. Let me also add my thanks to the witnesses and to the audience for being here. This is always one of the more enlightening venues because you have people on different sides that really know what they're talking about, so it's been very enlightening testimony, and I appreciate it. And this concludes today's hearing. Mr. Cohen. Mr. Chair, before you finish. Mr. Franks. Please. Mr. Cohen. Can I ask, without objection, that we have some hearing oversight on the False Claims Act testimony by Mr. Stephen Kohn, K-o-h-n, executive director of National Whistleblowers Center, into the record? Mr. Franks. Without objection. [The material referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] __________ Mr. Franks. So now this concludes today's hearing, and I want to again, thank you all for attending. Without objection, all Members will have 5 legislative days to submit additional written questions for the witnesses or additional materials for the record. I thank the witnesses. I thank the Members, and I thank the audience. And this hearing is adjourned. [Whereupon, at 5:28 p.m., the Subcommittee was adjourned.] A P P E N D I X ---------- Material Submitted for the Hearing Record [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] [all]