[Senate Hearing 115-6] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 115-6 BACKPAGE.COM'S KNOWING FACILITATION OF ONLINE SEX TRAFFICKING ======================================================================= HEARING before the PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS of the COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ JANUARY 10, 2017 __________ Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.fdsys.gov Printed for the use of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs [GRAPHIC NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 24-401 PDF WASHINGTON : 2017 ________________________________________________________________________________________ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail, gpo@custhelp.com. COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS RON JOHNSON, Wisconsin, Chairman JOHN McCAIN, Arizona CLAIRE McCASKILL, Missouri ROB PORTMAN, Ohio THOMAS R. CARPER, Delaware RAND PAUL, Kentucky JON TESTER, Montana JAMES LANKFORD, Oklahoma HEIDI HEITKAMP, North Dakota MICHAEL B. ENZI, Wyoming GARY C. PETERS, Michigan JOHN HOEVEN, North Dakota MAGGIE HASSAN, New Hampshire STEVE DAINES, Montana KAMALA D. HARRIS, California Christopher R. Hixon, Staff Director Gabrielle A. Batkin, Minority Staff Director John P. Kilvington, Minority Deputy Staff Director Laura W. Kilbride, Chief Clerk Bonni Dinerstein, Hearing Clerk PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS ROB PORTMAN, Ohio Chairman JOHN McCAIN, Arizona THOMAS R. CARPER, Delaware RAND PAUL, Kentucky JON TESTER, Montana JAMES LANKFORD, Oklahoma HEIDI HEITKAMP, North Dakota STEVE DAINES, Montana GARY C. PETERS, Michigan Brian Callanan, Staff Director and General Counsel Margaret E. Daum, Minority Staff Director Kelsey Stroud, Chief Clerk C O N T E N T S ------ Opening statements: Page Senator Portman.............................................. 1 Senator McCaskill............................................ 4 Senator Tester............................................... 6 Senator Lankford............................................. 7 Senator Heitkamp............................................. 7 Senator McCain............................................... 8 Senator Hassan............................................... 8 Senator Daines............................................... 9 Senator Harris............................................... 10 Prepared statements: Senator Portman.............................................. 39 Senator McCaskill............................................ 43 Senator Johnson.............................................. 47 WITNESSES Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Carl Ferrer, Chief Executive Officer, Backpage.com............... 11 Andrew Padilla, Chief Operations Officer, Backpage.com........... 14 James Larkin, Former Owner, Backpage.com......................... 15 Michael Lacey, Former Owner, Backpage.com........................ 16 Elizabeth McDougall, General Counsel, Backpage.com............... 17 Nacole S., Mother of Jane Doe 1.................................. 20 Tom. S., Father of Jane Doe 1.................................... 24 Kubiiki P., Mother of Jane Doe 2................................. 25 Alphabetical List of Witnesses Ferrer, Carl: Testimony.................................................... 11 Lacey, Michael: Testimony.................................................... 16 Larkin, James: Testimony.................................................... 15 McDougall, Elizabeth: Testimony.................................................... 17 P., Kubiiki: Testimony.................................................... 25 Prepared statement........................................... 53 Padilla, Andrew: Testimony.................................................... 14 S., Nacole: Testimony.................................................... 20 Prepared statement........................................... 48 S., Tom: Testimony.................................................... 24 Prepared statement........................................... 51 APPENDIX Staff Report..................................................... 56 Statement submitted by Sara Loe.................................. 109 Letter from Ropes and Gray....................................... 112 Statement submitted by Robert Corn-Revere........................ 114 Correspondence submitted by Senator Portman...................... 115 Statement submitted by Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP....... 135 BACKPAGE.COM'S KNOWING FACILITATION OF ONLINE SEX TRAFFICKING ---------- TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2017 U.S. Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Washington, DC. The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:03 a.m., in room SD-342, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Rob Portman, Chairman of the Subcommittee, presiding. Present: Senators Portman, McCain, Lankford, Daines, Johnson, McCaskill, Tester, Heitkamp, Hassan, and Harris. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR PORTMAN Senator Portman. The Committee will come to order. We are here this morning to address a very serious topic. It is about sex trafficking. It is about selling children online. More than 20 months ago, this Subcommittee launched a bipartisan investigation concerning how sex traffickers use the Internet to ply their trade. Experts, including many of the victims I have spoken to in my home State of Ohio, tell us that this crime has increasingly moved from the street to the smartphone. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) reported an 846-percent increase in reports of suspected child sex trafficking from 2010 to 2015--a spike the organization found to be ``directly correlated to the increased use of the Internet to sell children for sex.'' Backpage.com sits at the center of that online black market. This is a large, profitable company: Backpage operates in 97 countries and 934 cities worldwide and was last valued at well over a half-billion dollars. According to an industry analysis in 2013, eight out of every ten dollars spent on online commercial sex advertising in the United States went to one website--Backpage. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tells us that Backpage is linked to nearly three-quarters of all suspected child sex trafficking reports that it receives from the general public through its ``CyberTipline.'' And according to a leading anti-trafficking organization called ``Shared Hope International,'' ``[s]ervice providers working with child sex trafficking victims have reported that between 80 percent and 100 percent of their clients have been bought and sold on Backpage.com.'' That has certainly been my experience as I have talked to victims of sex trafficking in Ohio. Based on this record, our Subcommittee saw a compelling need to investigate the business practices of Backpage, especially the efforts it takes to prevent use of its site by sex traffickers. We thought that might be simple enough because Backpage actually promotes itself as a ``critical ally'' in the fight against human trafficking. The company says it ``leads the industry'' in its screening of advertisements for illegal activity--a process it calls ``moderation.'' In fact, Backpage's top lawyer, Elizabeth McDougall, has described their moderation process as the key tool for, and I quote, ``disrupting and eventually ending human trafficking via the World Wide Web.'' Despite these boasts, Backpage refused to cooperate with the Subcommittee's investigation. They defied our subpoena, failing to appear at a November 2015 hearing or provide the requested documents. In response, the Subcommittee brought the first civil contempt action authorized by the Senate in more than 20 years. And in August 2016, the Subcommittee prevailed and secured a Federal court order rejecting Backpage's meritless objections and compelling the company to turn over the subpoenaed documents. It is now clear why Backpage fought so hard to withhold this information. The Subcommittee published a staff report yesterday afternoon that conclusively shows that Backpage has been more deeply complicit in online sex trafficking than anyone imagined. Without objection, that report will be made part of the record.\1\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ The Subcommittee Report appears in the Appendix on page 56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our report demonstrates that Backpage has concealed evidence of crimes by systematically deleting words and images suggestive of illegal conduct from advertisements submitted to their website before publishing the ads. And some of those ads involved child sex trafficking. Backpage's editing process sanitized the content of millions of advertisements and hid important evidence from law enforcement. This story begins in 2006, apparently, when Backpage executives began instructing staff responsible for screening ads--known as ``moderators''--to edit the text of adult ads to conceal their true nature. By October 2010, Backpage executives formalized a process of both manual and automated deletion of incriminating words and phrases in ads. A feature known as the ``Strip Term From Ad filter'' did most of the work. Backpage Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Carl Ferrer personally directed his employees to create this electronic filter to ``strip''--that is, to delete--hundreds of words indicative of sex trafficking or prostitution from ads before publication. To be clear, this filter did not reject ads for illegal activity. Backpage executives were afraid to cut into profits and, in Ferrer's words, ``piss off a lot'' of customers. Instead, the Strip Term From Ad filter simply altered ads to conceal signs of illegality. They put profits ahead of vulnerable women and children. The evidence is clear that Backpage deliberately edited out words indicative of child sex trafficking and other crimes from the ads. This list of terms is chilling. Starting in 2010, Backpage automatically deleted words including ``Lolita,'' ``teenage,'' ``rape,'' ``young,'' ``little girl,'' ``teen,'' ``fresh,'' ``innocent,'' ``school girl,'' and even ``Amber Alert''--and then published the edited versions of the ads to their website. Backpage also systematically deleted scores of words that were indicative of prostitution. Backpage claims their staff reviews ads to avoid child exploitation, but these terms were stripped out before anyone at Backpage even looked at the ad. And when law enforcement officials came looking for more information about suspicious ads--as they routinely did--Backpage had already destroyed the original ad posted by the pimp or trafficker. The evidence was gone. Think about the real-world effect of this practice: A trafficker submits an ad on Backpage.com containing a word like ``Lolita'' or ``teen''--a pretty good clue that a crime may be afoot. But then Backpage's Strip Term From Ad filter would delete the problematic term and the remainder of the ad would be published. Of course, this editing changed nothing about the real age of a person being sold for sex or the real nature of the advertised transaction. But as one Backpage executive explained, thanks to the filter, Backpage ads looked ``cleaner than ever'' to the public eye. We will never know for sure how many girls and women were subject to abuse and exploitation that Backpage.com helped to conceal. By Backpage's own estimate, the company was editing ``70 to 80 percent of ads'' in the commercial-sex section either manually or automatically by late 2010. Based on our best estimate, this means that Backpage was editing well over half a million ads each year. It is unclear whether and to what extent Backpage still uses the Strip Term From Ad filter, but internal emails indicate that the company was using the filter to some extent as recently as April 2014. These are not the practices of an ``ally'' in the fight against human trafficking. These are the practices of a corporation intent on profiting from human trafficking--and human misery--and profit they have, at the expense of countless innocent victims. Backpage has not denied a word of these findings. Instead, several hours after the report was issued yesterday afternoon, the company announced the closure of its adult section-- claiming ``censorship.'' But that is not censorship. That is validation of the findings in the report. As for this new development, I will just quote from part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's statement about Backpage's closure of its ``adult'' site. They said, and I quote: ``We are gratified to know that as a result [of this closure], a child is now less likely to be sold for sex on Backpage.com.'' Our Ranking Member, Senator McCaskill, will have more to say about other key findings in our report. And I just want to conclude by thanking her and thanking her staff for their shoulder-to-shoulder work with my team at PSI on this bipartisan investigation. I am also grateful to the Members of the full Committee and the Subcommittee and the Senate as a whole for unanimously supporting us as we pursued the enforcement of the subpoena against Backpage.com. In the weeks and months ahead, I intend to explore whether potential legislative remedies are necessary and appropriate to end the facilitation of online sex trafficking that Backpage.com has pioneered. We will have more to say on that later. With that, I want to turn to Senator McCaskill for her opening statement and to tell my colleagues you are welcome to make a short, let us say two-minute opening statement before the first panel. We will also have a second panel coming up where you will be asked to participate. With that, I would like to turn to Senator McCaskill for her opening statement. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR MCCASKILL Senator McCaskill. Thank you, Chairman Portman. If this hearing stands for anything, it stands for the fact that congressional oversight matters and investigations matter. Sometimes they are more powerful than a piece of legislation. I hope this investigation serves as a very clear sign to the American people that both parties can work together the way that we have to address one of the most devastating issues in our country. Not only have we cooperated in a productive way on this Subcommittee, but the Senate as a whole affirmed the importance of our investigation by voting unanimously--which, by the way, is not a common thing these days in the U.S. Senate--in a vote of 96-0 to compel Backpage to respond to our reasonable, constitutional, congressional requests. The Senate recognized that our investigation into the market leader in selling sex online is a legitimate and important use of the Subcommittee's authority. As the Chairman said, Backpage is a $600 million company built on selling sex, and, importantly, on selling sex with children. And the company knows it. According to one former moderator, his colleagues ``went through the motions putting lipstick on a pig, but when it came down to it, it was what the business was about.'' Several former moderators even told the Subcommittee that certain Backpage employees contacted prostitutes advertised on the site and used their services and told about it. When moderators had the courage to point out illegal activity, management came down hard on the employees. After one moderator apparently concluded in the account notes that a Backpage user was a prostitute, Andrew Padilla, the Backpage Chief Operating Officer (COO), stated, and I quote, ``[l]eaving notes on our site that imply we are aware of prostitution, or in any position to define it, is enough to lose your job.'' More troubling, documents produced to the Subcommittee also show that Backpage often erred against reporting potential child exploitation. In one email, for example, a Backpage supervisor instructed moderators that ``[y]oung ads do not get deleted unless they are clearly a child.'' ``Young ads do not get deleted unless they are clearly a child.'' A Backpage supervisor also apparently hesitated before believing reports from third parties concerning underage escorts. In February 2010, for example, a detective alerted Backpage to the fact that a 17-year-old girl featured on the site had asked the company to remove her photos, but was ``told they could not do that until enough people reported her as `potentially underage'.'' As a matter of policy, according to internal documents, Backpage will only escalate the review of an ad for child exploitation when an individual claims they or an immediate family member are at risk; uncles reporting, nephews or grandmothers reporting grandchildren will not suffice. And, remember--and this is very important--they did not turn away ads selling children. We now know as a result of our legal battle, based on their own documents, they did not turn away ads selling children. They just tried to make it less obvious and, worse, coached the traffickers and the pimps on how to clean up their ads--not turning away their business. Those children were still sold. They just tried to sanitize it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of ``evil''-- simply evil. Throughout this investigation, I have spoken of a 15-year- old girl who was sold for sex on Backpage across the United States before seeking help, walking into an emergency room at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis. According to court documents, this young woman was walking down a street in Madison, Missouri, a small town in my State, in June 2015 when her future trafficker--a young man from Park Hills--approached in a pickup truck. She was contemplating suicide after a fight with her father, and in her distraught state she was coerced into joining the young man and his wife as they sold her and multiple other girls for sex over a six-week period. Earlier this year, Chief Judge Michael Reagan of the Southern District of Illinois sentenced the husband and wife perpetrators of this crime to life in prison and 20 years, respectively. In handing down those sentences, Chief Judge Reagan stated that the couple had ``[stripped] an individual of the right to feel secure [and] control and trust what she did with her own body.'' It is crucial that we keep our focus on this 15-year-old girl and the experiences of countless other young girls like her. The parents of two of these girls are here with us today to discuss how their daughters were advertised and sold on Backpage. Both girls found themselves trapped, not on a street corner, but in an online marketplace that billed children as ``weekend specials,'' under less stringent rules than those for ads selling motorcycles or pets. One mother here today--then living in St. Louis with her other children--was forced to take the unimaginable step of buying time with her daughter through a Backpage ad in a desperate attempt to save her. These experiences remind us that this investigation is not about curbing First Amendment rights--give me a break--rights which are now more important than ever. This investigation is about understanding how criminals systematically use online platforms to transform normal American teenagers into sex slaves. As part of this work, it is critical for the Subcommittee to understand the efforts companies selling sex online undertake to prevent trafficking--not to sanitize it, not to clean it up, not to make sure they are making more money, but to prevent it. And if our current laws are inadequate to spur these efforts, we need to know this, too. This is not a punitive, partisan campaign. This is congressional oversight. At our last hearing, I promised that Chairman Portman and I would not go quietly into the night and simply give up in the face of repeated roadblocks--lawyering up like no company is capable of lawyering up--Backpage has raised against this investigation. Working together, we fought Backpage all the way to the Supreme Court to vindicate our right to receive the documents we requested. We subpoenaed records from banks, accounting firms, and court proceedings, and we spoke with countless stakeholders and experts in the fight against trafficking. And last night, Chairman Portman and I received word from Backpage that, in response to our report, the company has shut down its adult section across the United States effective immediately. Only time will tell if this action is an end to Backpage's role in online sex trafficking of children or just a cheap publicity stunt. In the meantime, I have another promise: I will continue to do everything in my power to protect young women--and young men--from being exploited and assaulted, on Backpage.com or anywhere else. And I know all of my colleagues in the Senate agree with me. I look forward to getting answers from our panelists today. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator McCaskill. We will now recognize colleagues for brief opening statements. Senator Tester, you were here first. If you have a brief opening statement, you can see the clock has two minutes. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR TESTER Senator Tester. Well, thank you, Senator Portman. I want to thank you and Senator McCaskill for having this hearing. We have some statistics from Montana: a 100-percent increase in human trafficking cases between 2015 and 2016; the number of juvenile victims rescued in Montana between 2015 and 2016 increased by 400 percent. We have a problem out there. I have two daughters, I have two granddaughters, and I cannot imagine what the victims are thinking about that are either here today or watching this online. I am in the business of agriculture, and when I hear terms like ``bought'' and ``sold,'' I think about cattle and hogs, not people. Twenty months ago this Subcommittee met, and we asked for Backpage to come in and tell us their business model. They refused. Senator McCaskill talked about the process that went on since then. If you are so damn proud about your business model, why weren't you here 20 months ago? Why weren't you here to answer the questions? We have a problem in this country. We do not need people who enable pimps to buy and sell our children. Come in and answer the questions, and hopefully you will answer the questions today. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Tester. Senator Lankford. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR LANKFORD Senator Lankford. I would like to thank the Chairman and Senator McCaskill for holding this hearing and for not letting go of the issue. I worked with students for 22 years and families for 22 years before I came to Congress. There are many of us on this dais, in the crowd right now, and people that are watching that spend their time fighting for their families, understanding that families sometimes fight and struggle. It is abhorrent to me to think that there is a business model looking for families that have fallen apart and so they can then profit from families that fall apart rather than fighting to be able to keep families together. The thought that anyone would say that selling a 13-year- old is something that fits within a business model is astounding to me. And to hear someone--or to hear the allegations and to be able to read the information about any organization that would try to take words away, not to be able to contact the seller and say, ``What are you doing? This looks like an illegal act,'' but instead say, ``Hey, you cannot post it quite that way. Let me help you with a way that you can sell this 13-year-old that you can get away with''--that is a very different business model than where most of Americans are. So this conversation today is not just about Backpage. It is about fighting for families, and it is about fighting for the dignity of every single person. And it is about holding out the opportunity that no one should be able to steal the life and the future and the hope and the opportunity from any child. That is happening today. Churches, nonprofits, families, neighbors are all fighting for them, and it is a good thing that we in Congress are fighting with them and alongside them in that. I look forward to the testimony today to be able to get the rest of the details on this and to be able to discover what do we do about it in the days ahead. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Lankford. Senator Heitkamp. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR HEITKAMP Senator Heitkamp. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First, I want to thank you, and our great Ranking Member. Without the tenacity of you and your staff, we would not be here today. And, unfortunately, we are here today. We are here today because every person in this country has an obligation to protect children. But we now have knowledge and understanding of a business practice that is basically designed to do exactly the opposite--to exploit children. And the audacity of a group of American citizens wishing to hide behind the First Amendment when they exploit children is beyond me. And maybe it eases your conscience. Maybe it makes you feel like you are somehow championing some good cause. You are not. Your company exploits children--children all across this country, not just in places like New York City or at a Super Bowl; places like Watford City, places like Minot where we rescued a 12-year-old and a 14-year-old when their mothers discovered them on Backpage. How in the world can we allow that to happen in our country when a foundational piece of this democracy, as Senator Lankford has said, is families and recovering families, helping families? These are the most vulnerable children in America. And shame on you. Shame on you for hiding behind the First Amendment while you exploit children in this country and destroy families. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Heitkamp. Senator McCain. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR MCCAIN Senator McCain. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I apologize that I am chairing a hearing on the Armed Services Committee, and I thank you for your courtesy. I would like to thank you, Senator Heitkamp, Senator McCaskill, and everyone who has been involved in this issue for a long period of time. For the past two years, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has sought information pertaining to the role of Backpage.com in the online buying and selling of children for sexual exploitation. We all know that Backpage.com is the market leader in commercial sex advertising, and the website has been linked to hundreds of human trafficking cases. I was gratified to learn of Backpage's announcement last night that it will shut down its adult site. I am sure that was a pure coincidence. And, again, it is a testimony to the work of this Subcommittee. We have to, all of us, not just this Committee but all 100 of us, do everything in our power to put an end to human sex trafficking. It is so horrible that a lot of times we shy away from discussing it. And as you know, Mr. Chairman, from your work, our border States, including my home State of Arizona, the trafficking back and forth across the border is a terrible issue. But I would like to thank the parents on our second panel who are here today to discuss the real-life horrors that they experienced when their own daughters fell victim to sex trafficking because of Backpage's illegal facilitation of prostitution and child sex trafficking. Your bravery, your strength, and your love for your daughters and other victims is essential in fighting this evil. We all thank you. I would also like to thank my wife, Cindy, for her uncompromising and tireless efforts to prevent human trafficking and aid those who have fallen victim to this unimaginable crime. I thank you again, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator McCain, and we thank Cindy McCain for her advocacy globally on this issue. And I know she is in the audience with us today. Senator Hassan. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR HASSAN Senator Hassan. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, Ranking Member McCaskill, for your tenacity and determination. I am new to the Senate, but I am not new to this issue. As Governor, I worked with members of both parties in my home State of New Hampshire to strengthen our laws against human trafficking. So it is particularly difficult to come here today and really begin to understand the lengths to which a private business enterprise would go to circumvent those very efforts. There are children in my State and throughout our country, as you have heard from my colleagues, who are victims and now survivors. And so I am particularly grateful to this Subcommittee for the work it has done. I will add to the comments of my colleagues that this is not just about exploiting families who are struggling or young people who are struggling. It is also about exploiting stigma. And I am incredibly grateful to the parents who we will hear from and who we have been hearing from for their strength and bravery in coming forward, because the only way you keep people from defeating stigma is to speak up and to talk about the experiences of the young people who have been exploited and victimized here. And so I am grateful to all of the families, to the survivors who will continue to speak up and help the American people understand this for the devastating exploitation and crime that it is. My mom taught history at my high school, and she often said that what kids need to know more than anything else is that they have a grownup in their corner. I am proud today that the U.S. Senate is being that grownup in the corner for all of our children. I am astounded and horrified that a private business enterprise would be the exact opposite in the United States of America. And so I am grateful to this Committee and eager to work with all Members of this body and the American people and the citizens of my home State to eliminate human sex trafficking. Thank you. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Hassan. Senator Daines. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR DAINES Senator Daines. Thank you, Chairman Portman, Ranking Member McCaskill. I am new to this Committee. I am not as new to the Senate as my two new colleagues, and welcome to the U.S. Senate and to this Committee as well. Thank you for your tenacity for continuing to follow through on this issue. I cannot imagine as a parent--and there are a lot of parents here on the dais, and grandparents. We are on this side of the dais, but to be a parent here today with the courage to come and talk about what has happened to your family and your children, I commend you for that and thank you for your courage. Think about the tenacity of this Committee, and think about William Wilberforce this morning who fought to abolish slave trade, the British parliamentarian who fought a lifetime to abolish the slave trade in England. In fact, the great hymn ``Amazing Grace'' was written by a slave trader who became--who was a friend of Wilberforce, was influenced by Wilberforce's work to abolish slave trade. This is what this is. This is modern-day slavery we have in our country, except we are not talking about adults; we are talking about children. And as my colleague from Montana said, we use these terms when we talk about animals, not people. We talk about rescues at the pound, dogs and cats, not people. It is astounding. So I want to thank again the parents, your courage. These hurts will not go away. You get one childhood. And to have the memories that these children have, they do not go away. Those videotapes will play in their minds forever. And we are here to stand up on behalf of those children, the most vulnerable, so that children in this generation--future generations will not have to be in such a hearing and have parents come and tell their story. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Daines. Senator Harris. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR HARRIS Senator Harris. Thank you. I want to thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator McCaskill, and this Committee for the work that you have done. As a career prosecutor, I have personally handled human trafficking cases, and one of the obvious points is that these are some of the most voiceless and vulnerable members of our society, these victims. And I am heartened to see that these victims have been given the power of the voice of the U.S. Senate to expose what has been clear and pure exploitation for profit. To be clear, this is a crime. It is a crime that is rightly punishable by incarceration in prison because of the nature of the harm to the victims and the outrageousness of the conduct that is predatory in nature. I am also heartened to hear that these hearings have exposed the fact that one cannot cowardly sit behind a computer committing their crime and then suppose that the Communications Decency Act (CDA) would shield them. Quite the contrary. These individuals must be held accountable. These allegations must be given voice. And we have to do all that is right to make sure that we as a civil society protect always the most vulnerable among us and not take advantage of them, assuming nobody will care. These hearings have made clear we care. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Harris. We would now like to call our first panel of witnesses for today's hearing. Carl Ferrer is the CEO of Backpage.com. Michael Lacey is a co-founder of Backpage.com. James Larkin is a co-founder of Backpage.com. Elizabeth McDougall is the general counsel of Backpage.com. And, finally, Mr. Andrew Padilla is the chief operating officer of Backpage.com. We appreciate your attendance at today's hearing, and I would ask you to step forward. It is the custom of this Subcommittee to swear in all witnesses, so at this time I would ask you to please remain standing and raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give before this Subcommittee will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God? Mr. Ferrer. I do. Mr. Lacey. I do. Mr. Larkin. I do. Ms. McDougall. I do. Mr. Padilla. I do. Senator Portman. Let the record reflect that the witnesses answered in the affirmative. Please be seated. I understand from counsel that none of you have prepared opening statements to offer at this time, so we will move to questions from the Subcommittee. Mr. Corn-Revere. Mr. Chairman, might I be recognized to make a brief statement on behalf of the witnesses? Senator Portman. You may not. If you are interested in being part of the panel and being sworn in, we might start a third panel to hear from you. But, no, we would like to hear from the witnesses today who have just been duly sworn in. Mr. Corn-Revere. Could I then request that my statement be made part of the record?\1\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ The statement of Mr. Corn-Revere appears in the Appendix on page 114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senator Portman. Your statement will be made part of the record. Before we begin any questioning, I would like to address all the witnesses about one important topic. Your lawyers have advised that you may assert your Fifth Amendment right not to answer questions that may tend to incriminate you. The Subcommittee respects the constitutional rights of witnesses that testify before it. I would ask you to listen to the full question put before you should you choose to take the Fifth and before you answer. You should clearly understand that any statement in response to the question other than an invocation of that privilege may be treated as a waiver of those Fifth Amendment rights. The Subcommittee wants to be fair. The first question I have is for you, Mr. Ferrer. As you know, the last time you were subpoenaed to testify before us was in November 2015. You failed to show up. I have some questions for you about that, but first, just so everybody understands what happened, let me recap it. On October 1, 2015, we subpoenaed you to produce documents and to appear in person to give testimony. The hearing was set for November 19, 2015. Just three days before the hearing, on November 16, your lawyers wrote us a letter and asked that you be excused and for the first time revealed you had planned some international travel during our hearing. Senator McCaskill and I denied that request. You had been told in plenty of time to make plans to appear on that date. Nevertheless, the day before the hearing, your lawyers wrote back and for the first time announced that you refused to show up. Without objection, the correspondence I have described below will become part of the record of this hearing.\2\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \2\ The correspondence submitted by Senator Portman appears in the Appendix on page 115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So my first question, Mr. Ferrer, is really a very simple one. Could you please tell the Subcommittee precisely where you were and what you were doing during our hearing on November 19, 2015? TESTIMONY OF CARL FERRER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BACKPAGE.COM Mr. Ferrer. Is this live? Can you hear me now? Senator Portman. Yes, I can. Mr. Ferrer. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendments. Senator Portman. OK. I will move on to something else. Mr. Ferrer, your company has repeatedly avoided liability by invoking Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. That has been referenced a couple times here this morning. This act protects websites who just post content created by third parties. But our report issued today and posted yesterday afternoon demonstrates conclusively that your reliance on this Communications Decency Act section has not been accurate. It has been a fraud, frankly, on the courts, on the victims who have sued you, and on the public. Why do I say that? I say that because Backpage took an active hand in creating the ads on your site. As I talked about in my opening statement, you systematically deleted words, phrases, and images submitted by users that revealed that the posted ad is for an illegal transaction, not just prostitution but also child sex trafficking. Documents show that you called the practice ``stripping out'' content from an ad. You even maintained an extensive Strip Term From Ad list of words that we talked about earlier. Let us talk about one of the words on that list: ``Lolita.'' ``Lolita,'' of course, is the title of a book about a man who becomes sexually involved with a 12-year-old girl. With that in mind, I want to call your attention to page 156 of the appendix to the staff report. You should have that in front of you, page 156. This is an email you wrote to Mr. Padilla here on November 17, 2010, under the heading ``Items I intend to implement,'' Item 1c. reads, and I quote, ``Lolita-ban or strip out (it is code for under aged girl.)" Let me read that again. It says, and I quote: ``Lolita-ban or strip out (it is code for under aged girl.)" Now let us look at page 158 of this same appendix. This is an email you received from Mr. Padilla explaining that he was preparing a spread sheet of, and I quote, ``the most current list of coded terms set to be stripped out.'' We have a copy of that spread sheet, and it appears in the appendix on page 161. So my question to you, Mr. Ferrer, in the document in front of you, you have highlighted one of the many words on that list. Can you read that highlighted word on that list? Mr. Ferrer. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendments. Senator Portman. OK. In that case, I will read it. The word is ``Lolita.'' There are some other words on that list: ``teenage,'' ``rape,'' ``young.'' Just so everyone understands, this is a document listing code words to be stripped out of advertisements. And the ads were then posted on the Internet, on Backpage, anyway. So consistent with what we talked about in the opening statement, this was a way to edit these ads but still take the payment and profit from the ads. Next question, Mr. Ferrer: If an underage girl was being sold for sex on Backpage and her pimp puts the word ``Lolita'' in the advertisement, stripping that term out of the ad does not magically change the girl's age, does it? Mr. Ferrer. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendments. Senator Portman. OK. We respect your right not to answer, but let me answer for you. The answer is, of course, no. The fact that these terms were stripped out through this screening process does not mean that that girl's age was magically changed. In fact, what you have done, of course, is to cover up the fact that many underage girls were sold on your sites, making it harder for law enforcement, parents, and committed aid groups to find those kids who need help by stripping out those words. Let us move on to the next topic, and that is the ownership of the company. Mr. Ferrer, our report shows that you own Backpage.com through a series of Dutch shell companies. Backpage's tax adviser told our lawyers that structuring the transaction in that way has no tax advantages to you because all the money flows back to you here in the United States. So we wonder: Why did you structure the company in that way? Was it structured in that way in order to obscure the fact that you were the buyer of the company? Mr. Ferrer. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendments. Senator Portman. OK. Mr. Ferrer, is it your intention to invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege with respect to questions on any topic? Mr. Ferrer. Yes. Senator Portman. OK. The Subcommittee, as I said, respects the assertion of the Fifth Amendment rights, and on that basis we will be excusing you at the conclusion of this panel. I would like to turn the questioning over to Senator McCaskill now. Senator McCaskill. I am going to have a few questions for Mr. Padilla. Mr. Padilla, who is the chief operating officer of the company. Let me start with a question about the seriousness of the concerns raised by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children with your company about child exploitation on Backpage. This has been an ongoing effort because of the almost three out of four children reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children who were advertised through Backpage. So, obviously, this group of people dedicated to this heart-breaking issue had a great deal of conversation in an attempt to help these children with your company. The company's main priority with regard to moderation, even after consultation with NCMEC, seems to have been combating overreporting of suspicious ads rather than underreporting. The documents that we subpoenaed uncovered an email you sent in July 2011 to a manager of a moderating team stating, ``I agree that over-cautiousness is as big of a problem as moderators that miss a lot of violations.'' In fact, Mr. Padilla, an email from you to another Backpage supervisor seems to imply that Backpage even artificially limited the number of reports it made to organizations like NCMEC. You stated, and I quote, in this email: ``If we do not want to blow past 500 reports this month, we should not be doing more than 16 a day.'' Now, to be clear, what you are saying is underreport because we do not want them to know how bad it is. Can you explain to the Committee what would be the motivating factor for you telling the people on the front lines that over-cautiousness when it comes to selling children for sex could be a problem or why it would be a problem if you accurately reported the number of ads you were seeing where children were for sale? TESTIMONY OF ANDREW PADILLA, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, BACKPAGE.COM Mr. Padilla. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and First Amendments. Senator McCaskill. It also appears that when Backpage did, in fact, take action to moderate adult ads, it did so to remove evidence of child exploitation, as we have said in our opening statements. In recent productions to the Subcommittee, Backpage provided a spread sheet containing the Strip Term From Ad list, which the Chairman has just referred to; 250 specific terms were being told to be stripped, including terms such as, in addition to the ones that the Chairman referred to, ``cheerleader,'' ``teen,'' and even ``Amber Alert,'' meaning that Backpage has apparently removed certain words and phrases indicative of child trafficking and child exploitation from the ads that it then goes on to post. In fact, in a 2011 email to Mr. Padilla, to you, about the moderating practices, a Backpage moderator stated, and I quote, ``I had been operating under the assumption before that anytime we saw the word `young,' we were to edit it out.'' Similarly, in an email to Mr. Ferrer regarding the term ``Amber Alert'' in Backpage ads, you stated, ``I have actually seen that before, and we have edited it out.'' Mr. Padilla, can you confirm that Backpage and its moderators routinely edited out ``Amber Alert,'' a term referring to an emergency alert of a child abduction, from adult ads? Mr. Padilla. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and First Amendments. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Padilla, am I to understand from your responses that you will invoke your Fifth Amendment right in response to any and all questions posed to you here today? Mr. Padilla. Yes. Senator McCaskill. Let the record reflect that you have availed yourself of the privileges afforded you under the Constitution under the Fifth Amendment to not give testimony that might tend to incriminate you. The Subcommittee respects your constitutional right under the Fifth Amendment to decline to answer the questions, and you are excused from the witness table. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator McCaskill. Mr. Larkin, I have a couple questions for you. You said publicly that you sold Backpage in 2014. Who did you sell Backpage to? TESTIMONY OF JAMES LARKIN, FORMER OWNER, BACKPAGE.COM Mr. Larkin. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and the Fifth Amendment. Senator Portman. Back in 2014, it was reported that Backpage was sold to a mysterious Dutch entity, as you know. We now know that mysterious Dutch entity is actually Mr. Ferrer, who is here today. We have uncovered that and also information that you and Mr. Lacey loaned him about 600 million bucks to buy your company from you. Until he pays off that loan, we also uncovered that you and Mr. Lacey continue to enjoy significant control over the company. Mr. Larkin, do you not still exercise substantial direction and control over Backpage? Mr. Larkin. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and the Fifth Amendments. Senator Portman. OK. Let us talk about the role that you and Mr. Lacey have played in the concealment practices we have reported on this morning. As you know, we have reviewed over one million pages of Backpage's internal documents now. Many of those documents include extensive discussion of editing advertisements. Inside the company, that certainly was not a secret. But it appears that you instructed Mr. Ferrer and others to make sure it stayed a secret from outsiders. Backpage's official public statements and public interviews usually given by Ms. McDougall, whom we will hear from in a moment, said nothing about Backpage's real moderation system, deleting words that reveal illegality, posting the advertisement, and taking the money. It is not hard to guess why you did not want anybody to know about that, which brings me to an email you wrote in 2011 to Carl Ferrer. This is on page 432 of the appendix, which you have before you. You wrote this: ``I want you to think about any of the information in this being made public. We need to stay away from the very idea of `editing' the posts, as you know.'' So, Mr. Larkin, is the reason you needed to ``stay away from the very idea of `editing' the posts'' that you knew that editing posts means that you really do not have this protection under the Communications Decency Act, the immunity that you have been selling to courts all around the country, meaning that you could be sued and prosecuted for Backpage's conduct just like anyone else? Is that the reason that you needed to, as you said, ``stay away from the very idea of `editing' the posts''? Mr. Larkin. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and the Fifth Amendments. Senator Portman. Mr. Larkin, is it your intention to invoke your Fifth Amendment privilege with respect to questions on any topic? Mr. Larkin. Yes, sir. Senator Portman. Again, the Subcommittee respects that assertion of the Fifth Amendment, and on that basis you will be excused at the conclusion of this panel. I would now like to recognize Senator McCaskill to ask further questions. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Lacey, our investigation reveals that Backpage knows that there are illegal activities on its site and is well aware that illegal activity takes place on the site. Mr. Padilla, for example, threatened with termination an employee who noticed occurrences of prostitution during his moderation, threatening his job for leaving notes about prostitution on the account. Similarly, Mr. Lacey, notes from a meeting between you and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2011 State that when the issue of adult prostitution was raised, you--``lit into me with a vengeance. He said his company agreed to eliminate underage kids on their site being sold for sex, but said that adult prostitution is none of my business.'' Given these communications, Mr. Lacey, do you admit that illegal behavior forms the cornerstone of user activity on Backpage? TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL LACEY, FORMER OWNER, BACKPAGE.COM Mr. Lacey. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendment. Senator McCaskill. This one is a good one. Mr. Lacey, in response to an article in 2012 involving a child victim advertised on your site, you stated in an email that, ``This is only the second case developed by the Attorney General,'' and that ``two cases is not yet a tsunami of underage trafficking.'' You further stated that, after prosecuting these cases and treating the victims, people should stop ``pandering to yahoos.'' Yet, according to NCMEC, suspected child sex trafficking has increased by 846 percent in the last 5 years, and the vast majority of the child sex trafficking tips they receive involve Backpage. Through media reports alone, this Subcommittee has done the frankly big job of identifying all of the underage cases in public media of trafficking of children on Backpage. We have identified more than 400 cases in 47 States linked to Backpage advertising. And when this illegal activity occurs, Backpage moderators are not always up to the task. At the risk of being labeled another ``yahoo,'' Mr. Lacey, do you acknowledge today for the record that child sex trafficking is a serious problem on Backpage? Mr. Lacey. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendment. Senator McCaskill. As shown in its document productions, Backpage routinely hears from concerned parents, relatives, and friends about ads featuring underage or trafficked loved ones. But while Backpage employees responded to many of these complaints, some moderators expressed disbelief toward the individuals reporting suspected underage ads. In February 2012, for example, when a moderator asked if she could delete an ad based on a parent reporting that her missing underage daughter had been forced into prostitution, Mr. Padilla stated, and I quote, ``Yes, I think that is doing enough. We do not always want to remove ads based on user complaints, but she is not being dramatic.'' Mr. Lacey, I understand that reporting guidelines at Backpage were vague, but is it a requirement that parents not be dramatic in order to have ads featuring their underage children removed from your site? Mr. Lacey. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the First and Fifth Amendment. Senator McCaskill. Mr. Lacey, am I to understand from your responses that you will invoke your Fifth Amendment right in response to any and all questions posed to you here today? Mr. Lacey. Clearly. Senator McCaskill. Let the record reflect that you have availed yourself of the privileges afforded you under the Constitution's Fifth Amendment not to give testimony that might tend to incriminate you. The Subcommittee respects your constitutional right under the Fifth Amendment to decline to answer questions, and you are excused from the witness table. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator McCaskill. Ms. McDougall, I have a few questions for you. Backpage argued in the courts for the better part of last year that the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations was seeking, and I quote, ``constitutionally protected documents'' through a subpoena that ``strikes at the heart of Backpage's editorial decisionmaking.'' I would like to direct you to a couple documents about that so-called editorial decisionmaking. The first is the spread sheet at Appendix 000158. Andrew Padilla in this document described as the ``most current list of coded words to be stripped out of adult ads,'' including ``Lolita,'' ``teenage,'' ``rape,'' ``young.'' The second document is the spread sheet attached to the email at Appendix 000329, which outlines additional words that Backpage stripped from these ads, including ``little girl,'' ``teen,'' even ``Amber Alert.'' These are the words Backpage scrubbed from the ads on its website. Ms. McDougall, Backpage has argued to the Subcommittee and again in Federal court the documents we subpoenaed were all protected by the First Amendment to our Constitution. I went to law school, so did Senator McCaskill, and we do not remember learning that instructions to cover up a crime are protected speech. But you argue that they did. Ms. McDougall, I would like you to look at the two documents I just mentioned, the documents about stripping words like ``rape'' and ``little girl'' from ads before publication, and tell me whether it is still your opinion that they are protected by the First Amendment. TESTIMONY OF ELIZABETH MCDOUGALL, GENERAL COUNSEL, BACKPAGE.COM Ms. McDougall. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and the First Amendments, and to the extent any particular question might require the disclosure of protected attorney-client communications or attorney work product, I also decline, relying on the common law privileges. Senator Portman. Ms. McDougall, do you believe that Backpage is entitled to immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act for ads which deletes these kinds of words? Ms. McDougall. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and First Amendments, and to the extent any particular question might require the disclosure of protected attorney- client communications or attorney work product, I also decline, relying on the common law privileges. Senator Portman. OK. Ms. McDougall, in a sense we are here today because of your testimony. On June 19, 2015, when you sat down for an extended interview with our lawyers, you said under questioning that Backpage sometimes edits out offending words and images from advertisements. As far as I know, this Subcommittee is the first to report that information. You never disclosed that to law enforcement, as I understand it, and you certainly did not disclose that to the victim plaintiffs in the many lawsuits against Backpage. As general counsel since April 2012, you have been responsible for the company's litigation. Recently, the First Circuit Court of Appeals, in an opinion joined by retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter, said that ``a persuasive case'' had been ``made that Backpage has tailored its website to make sex trafficking easier.'' But then the court affirmed the dismissal of the lawsuit under the Communications Decency Act for the familiar reason that Backpage was just publishing third-party content and that Congress had made it immune for that. My question is this: When Backpage filed its briefs in the First Circuit case under your supervision, were you aware of Backpage's practice of altering the content of adult advertisements by removing evidence of criminality? Ms. McDougall. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and First Amendments, and to the extent the particular question might require the disclosure of protected attorney- client communications or attorney work product, I also decline, relying on the common law privileges. Senator Portman. Ms. McDougall, can you tell us if your outside litigation counsel in that case was aware of your editing practices when they signed and submitted the briefs in that case, convincing the court to throw out the lawsuit on the theory that Backpage just posts whatever it receives, other people's content? Ms. McDougall. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and First Amendments, and to the extent any particular question might require the disclosure of protected attorney- client communications or work product, I also decline, relying on the common law privileges. Senator Portman. OK. Well, let me ask you one more question. I would like to ask you about Backpage's cooperation with law enforcement. You all talk a lot about that. Here is what you said, and I quote: ``Accommodation for Backpage.com's responsiveness and thoroughness with law enforcement investigations and stings are replete in our records. Backpage.com responds to law enforcement requests within 24 hours or less in most cases.'' I think one thing is very clear, and it comes out in the report, and that is that what would assist law enforcement in their investigations is to have the original unedited advertisements for the sale of a trafficked child or adult prostitute as opposed to the altered version that appears on your website, so providing law enforcement the actual ad that you received. Ms. McDougall, when responding to law enforcement requests or grand jury subpoenas, did you ever tell law enforcement that ads reported to them may have been sanitized? Ms. McDougall. After consultation with counsel, I decline to answer your question based on the rights provided by the Fifth and First Amendments, and to the extent any particular question might require the disclosure of protected attorney- client communications or attorney work product, I also decline, relying on the common law privileges. Senator Portman. Ms. McDougall, is it your intention to invoke your Fifth Amendment privilege with respect to questions on any topic? Ms. McDougall. Yes, it is. Senator Portman. OK. Again, the Subcommittee respects your assertion of the Fifth Amendment rights, and on that basis we will excuse you, along with the rest of the panel. That concludes the questioning of this panel. Senator McCaskill. If I could, Mr. Chairman. Senator Portman. Yes. Senator McCaskill. I certainly would invite you to stay and listen to the testimony of the second panel. Senator Portman. This concludes the questioning of this panel. You are excused from the panel based on your assertion of your Fifth Amendment rights. And, of course, you are welcome to stay. We encourage you to stay to listen to the next panel. [Pause.] We would now like to call our second panel of witnesses. The second panel represents really the heart and soul of the Subcommittee's investigation. Before us will be three parents of survivors who were advertised on Backpage.com. I am only going to use their first names at their request. First we have Tom and Nacole S.---- Mr. Pfau. Mr. Chairman, they are in another room and are being escorted here. Senator Portman. Yes, we will certainly be patient and await their entrance. In fact, I am going to wait to describe them and their interaction with the Subcommittee until they have arrived. Mr. Pfau. Thank you. [Pause.] Senator Portman. We are now going to call our second panel of witnesses. Again, I thank the witnesses for joining us here today. This second panel, as I said earlier, really is the heart and soul of the investigation of this Subcommittee. We are going to hear from three parents of survivors. Those survivors were advertised on Backpage.com, as we have talked about earlier. I am only going to use first names today at the request of the parents and the survivors. We have Tom and Nacole S. with us. Tom and Nacole are the parents of a young girl we will call ``Natalie.'' Natalie ran away from home at age 15. Shortly after running away, Natalie was recruited for prostitution and advertised on Backpage.com. It was a horrific ordeal, but eventually the local police department was able to recover and return their daughter to them. Also on this panel is Kubiiki P. Kubiiki is the mother of a survivor of online sex trafficking who was also advertised through Backpage.com. When she was 14 years old, Kubiiki's daughter ran away from her home in Missouri. Nine months after her daughter disappeared, Kubiiki discovered ads online selling her own daughter. It was on Backpage.com. Kubiiki contacted the website numerous times requesting that they take down the ads with her daughter, pleading with them. The ads remained on Backpage for a month and a half. I really appreciate you all being with us today and being willing to share your stories. The courage that you have in speaking up will help other girls, other women, other boys to be able to avoid the plight that you and your families have gone through, and I thank you for that. Without objection, we will also make part of the record the written testimony submitted by Sara Loe, a pseudonym used for the mother of another survivor from Massachusetts.\1\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ The prepared statement of Ms. Loe appears in the Appendix on page 109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will also enter into the record a letter submitted by her attorney detailing yesterday's decision by the Supreme Court denying her petition to review the case.\2\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \2\ The letter from Ms. Loe's attorney appears in the Appendix on page 112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would ask the witnesses now to please come forward and remain standing. It is the custom of this Subcommittee to swear in every witness, and we appreciate your raising your right hand to be sworn in. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give before this Subcommittee will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God? Ms. Nacole S. I do. Mr. Tom S. I do. Ms. Kubiiki P. I do. Senator Portman. Let the record reflect that the witnesses answered in the affirmative. Please have a seat. To the witnesses, let me say that your written testimony in its entirety will be printed in the record, and we would ask you to limit your opening statement, to about five minutes. And, Nacole, if it is OK, we are going to start with you. So thank you for being here, and we look forward to hearing from you. TESTIMONY OF NACOLE S.,\3\ MOTHER OF JANE DOE 1 Ms. Nacole S. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and esteemed members of the Subcommittee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \3\ The prepared statement of Ms. Nacole S. appears in the Appendix on page 48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Nacole S., and I want to thank you for the opportunity to be here today and represent myself and my family. I also hope I can be a voice for the countless other families not present here today, but whose lives have been forever changed by Backpage.com and similar websites that make their living hiding in the shadows of the law. Before I get any further, let me first say that I am truly honored to be addressing you as Members of the U.S. Senate. Neither I nor my family felt fully equipped to be testifying here today. We are not lawyers nor politicians. And our experience with the English language is not nearly as poetic or profound as other testimony you may hear. But after a lot of thought and a lot of prayer, we realized that this testimony is not about poetry. It is about telling a story, our story, and hoping that what you hear today makes a difference. It is also about keeping a promise to our daughter to bring justice to everyone that had wronged her. So instead, for a moment, let me address you not as politicians, but as mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, and grandparents (if you have been so blessed as I have). These are the credentials that I can relate to, and you are the people that need to hear my story. In 2010, we were a close, loving family. We were realizing our American dream. We had built something for ourselves more valuable than money, more important than a big, new house or new cars in the driveway. We had built three lives, our great kids, ready to come into their own and make a difference in this world. Passionate about our children, we wanted and expected the best. I remember a conversation with a school guidance counselor who was chastising us about how we were going about filling out college applications for our son. The counselor was convinced that our son, a first-generation college student, would be best served by applying only to local schools. We, ever reaching, were convinced that he was better than that. It felt like our stubborn optimism and belief was rewarded when our son was accepted into a prestigious private engineering school in New York. We were not surprised at all. We were so proud of all three of our children, each national honor roll students, and at the top of their game. Little did we understand how dramatically our lives would change. In just a few short months, our American dream would be exchanged for a Third World nightmare and lead us to question everything. Our youngest, our baby Natalie, was something special. She was always the most energetic of our three children, so full of life and promise. She participated in varsity soccer, wrestling, and played the violin for her high school orchestra--all in her freshman year. That was Natalie. She tried to experience everything. And she was taking high school by storm in her light-hearted way. She was one of those kids. And only a family with one of those knows what that means. Natalie wanted to do everything at once--high energy, and nothing could contain her zest for life. Challenging as she was, she was exceeding every possible expectation a parent could have. It was amazing to be a part of, and none of us could have predicted that her innocent, carefree attitude was about to take her down a path that would shake our family to its very core. At the time, our family dynamic had changed, our son off to college, and her older sister was distracted by her own concerns. Natalie was struggling to find her place in her new world. Looking back, we understand that our daughter was burning the candle at both ends, struggling with all of the sudden but inevitable changes that were occurring. While they were good things to us, they were confusing and difficult for her. All we saw was an exceptional young lady doing exceptional things. But Natalie, in her own way, was sending out signals. It is easy to see now because of all the painful retrospection that comes with a tragedy, but impossible to see then. She made the implausible decision to leave the safety of our home. She wrote a letter, five pages long, telling us how wonderful her family was and that she loved us. But ``finding herself'' was the gist of the letter, and, of course, for us not to worry. Not certain of her choice, Natalie shared the letter with a friend, and like a sick game of telephone, it circulated the school. Now it was not just a letter, but a dare. It was her reputation at stake. So, backed into a corner, she left. Making her way to Seattle, she found herself in a teen homeless shelter. A woman there, 22, and posing as a teen, must have immediately noticed Natalie as an easy target. As smart as Natalie was, she had no idea of the danger she was in. And as a parent, it is hard to talk about what happened next. I cannot imagine her fear and bewilderment at what was happening to her as she was repeatedly raped, beaten, threatened, and treated like a sexual object every day, all while being posted on an ad on Backpage. I honestly try not to think about it. I can only tell you that when we finally got Natalie back for good, months later, the young girl we found was not the same Natalie that had left our home months earlier. I literally did not recognize her. Her appearance had changed so much. Her hair was cut and dyed. Of course, she was wearing different clothes. She did not even sound like herself anymore. Everything she was saying was incomprehensible to me. Our Natalie was gone. That was the beginning of our six-year odyssey to get here, to our new American dream. Our new dream is simple: to live in an America that does not stand aside while little girls like our daughter, Natalie, at 15, are sold online like a commodity, purchased with all the same convenience you would expect from an order on Amazon and always returned as damaged human beings, forever changed by their tragedy. It is time to accept that child sex trafficking has entered the digital age and has been embraced by it. The loose moral code and ``sisterhood'' of the streets is gone. There is no protection or accountability, and no escape. The same speed and anonymity that attracts so many to the Internet has made it a hotbed for the ugliest human behaviors, at the forefront of which are websites like Backpage.com. Backpage and similar sites have changed the rules of engagement for people who purchase children for sex. Any semblance of risk has been taken from the process. All the dark street corners have been replaced with the familiarity and comfort of the computer screens, and these men now make their illicit transactions from the safety of their homes, secure in the fact that no one is watching. While Backpage may wish to pretend that they are simply the virtual street corner in this metaphor, inanimate and blameless, that simply is not true. They are complicit. They are more like the corrupt authority figure, paid to look the other way--and paid well, I might add--reporting a few suspicious advertisements every year to feign compliance or concern, all while letting thousands of others slip by. We have reason to believe that their level of involvement goes further still to enable and streamline the process of illegal prostitution and child sex trafficking on their website, and yet so far they have gotten away with it. The question is: How? How could such a horrific, morally bankrupt business model find success in our America? Backpage and its facilitators continue to operate as they do because they feel the same level of immunity as the purchasers of children for sex sitting behind their computer screens, because they also believe they are protected. Hiding behind old laws and the mantra that somehow any action on the Internet is free speech, they carry on unabashedly while children like our daughter are repeatedly raped day after day. They claim to be protecting First Amendment rights, while at the same time allowing my little girl, a young bright-eyed resident of an all-American neighborhood, to be sold on their website as a ``Weekend Special.'' I ask you now: Where were her rights to be heard? What immunity was there from these unspeakable acts or from the damage that it caused her and our family? It is time to admit the truth to ourselves that this was never about protecting the Constitution. This is about abusing constitutional protection for greed and gain, no matter the consequences. In reality, Backpage CEO Carl Ferrer is no warrior for free speech. He is just another pimp, one who happens to have a lot of expensive lawyers on retainer. My family believes in a just America. We believe that, in time, our government and our people will realize that the moral cost of the current path is too high. We would like to ask this Subcommittee, the parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents present here today: How long? How long until the changes are made to prevent what happened to our daughter from happening to another child? Because it has been six years for us. And while my family has not rested, neither has the evil that took our Natalie from us. Please do not let another innocent child be sold in America in an online advertisement and let their spirit be crushed. I have heard it said many times that the Communications Decency Act does not need a rewrite to prevent another tragedy like the one that befell my family, just a few words, carefully crafted. A few words to end online child sex trafficking in our country, so that we can honestly and with pride say that we live in the land of the free. I would like to thank you for your time on behalf of my family, and I would also like to thank the dozens, if not hundreds, of people who have helped to get us this far over the years. Only with their help have we had the strength to continue this cause. Thank you. Senator Portman. Nacole, thank you, and I would say to your statement earlier that your statement was not going to be as poetic or profound as others, I do not think we have had a witness before this Subcommittee that was as profound as that. And it was poetic in your own way, and thank you for your willingness to testify to a lot of pain that your family has gone through. Tom, we would like to hear from you. TESTIMONY OF TOM S.,\1\ FATHER OF JANE DOE 1 Mr. Thomas S. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and esteemed Members of the Subcommittee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ The prepared statement of Tom S. appears in the Appendix on page 51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a husband, father, and grandfather. I am a simple man, raising his family. I now find myself in this fight, mainly in support of my wife and daughter. Until today I have been in the background, but I am here today because I do not see any future prospect of living a life where we do not have to mention this ordeal we have been living at least once a day. I can tell you that I was very intimidated and awestruck thinking about what to say here today to our American leadership. How can I tell you anything, describe anything in a way that could make a change? I am humbled at that idea. I have watched my wife with respect and pride, trucking along in this incomprehensible battle against long odds, a true David and Goliath fight. I am not as optimistic and hopeful as she is, and let me tell you why. During this six-year nightmare, two things have struck me: First, that somehow children have become a bargaining chip. They have become bystanders in the outcome of a fight that has been labeled as being about Internet freedom and they are just collateral damage in the huge industry of modern convenience that we all enjoy online. I cannot bring myself to accept that these kids are just the cost of doing business in today's world. Second, I have been disgusted and shocked by the commitment and stance that Backpage has taken, that Backpage somehow thinks it has the right to sell my child, and that the First Amendment gives them the right to do so and there is nothing anyone can do about it. And this is not just their business opinion. They are shouting this argument from every court in the country. I cannot believe the contempt and lack of humanity they have taken. Not only do they admit to selling kids and human beings, they have doubled down to protect their right to do so. They are committed to selling people on the Internet. How can it be that we are even debating this here today? Backpage hides behind the Communications Decency Act, and they collect their money, all the while pretending to support the lofty, high-minded principles of the First Amendment. Even more amazing is that they usually win. In my mind, it is simple. What happened to my daughter on Backpage.com is criminal. What happens to every child sold for sex on Backpage.com is criminal. Children are not acceptable collateral damage. They are our hope, our future, America's conscience. Now that I know you have heard our story, I know you can do something to prevent any more children from paying this horrible price. Thank you. Senator Portman. Thank you, Tom. I appreciate that, and we will have a chance to have further dialogue in a moment here with the Senators. Kubiiki, thank you for being here. We look forward to hearing from you. TESTIMONY OF KUBIIKI P.,\1\ MOTHER OF JANE DOE 2 Ms. Kubiiki P. Thank you. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and esteemed Members of the Subcommittee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ The prepared statement of Ms. Kubiiki P. appears in the Appendix on page 53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 2009 and 2010, when my daughter, M.A., was 14 years old, she was sexually trafficked on Backpage.com. The Backpage ads of my daughter had nude and sexually explicit photos of her. The ads were posted on Backpage to advertise my daughter for sex with adults. Backpage was aware that explicit and pornographic photographs were on its website. They also knew that some escort ads on their site were for children, like my daughter, who were being trafficked. I know this because after my daughter was recovered, ads with her photos continued to be re- posted on Backpage, causing her significant distress. I called Backpage numerous times and explained that I was the mother of the child pictured in these sexually explicit ads. And I explained that my child had been sexually and physically abused by being trafficked on Backpage. And I begged for them to remove the photos. Eventually, the ads were no longer posted, but Backpage did not remove them immediately after I called those numerous times. My daughter was trafficked on Backpage for months at a time, and what she went through on a daily basis is still unimaginable to me. And it would be unimaginable to most of us in this room. Still, it was not until after she was recovered and brought back home to me that I started to realize the full extent of the trauma she suffered and the impact her suffering from being trafficked on Backpage would have on my entire family. In 2010, when my daughter was recovered, I was living in St. Louis with my other children. M.A. had been missing for nine months, and then all of a sudden we had her back. But what was happiness initially turned into a world of craziness because we found ourselves in a world without adequate support and professional resources to help us. At that time, there were no resources for child sex trafficking victims in the general area where I lived. I feel so fortunate that I was able to connect with smaller organizations from other parts of the country who supported my daughter and me. They were a lifeline to me at this time, but their resources were limited. And I was able to benefit from their help only because I was lucky enough to find their services. But I think of all the families who were not so lucky. Even with the help I did receive, the pain our family suffered was immense. My other children did not know how to process what had happened to M.A. or how to help to support her. Our community did not understand the exploitation she suffered. The news reports of the arrest and trial of my daughter's trafficker further publicized her trauma. This continuing trauma that was caused by my daughter's very public trafficking on Backpage kept her from having a path forward to heal when she came home to us. She turned inward instead, to silence and self-blame. And I quickly realized that if my family was going to have a chance to heal together, we needed to move to a new city and a new State where we could find resources for my daughter and more support for me as a mother to help my daughter and my children to move forward. We are still in the process of healing, even now eight years later. But I am here today and still talking about our experience because it is so important for everyone to understand what we went through and to talk about what can be done to help children like my daughter. First, there must be stronger laws to protect children against exploitation. There is no other way to state this: The laws must be strengthened. If there are loopholes or if the laws are outdated or misinterpreted, then these gaps must be fixed. No child should ever have to endure what my daughter went through. And I say this because I know that even now, eight years, later children continue to be trafficked for sex on Backpage. But we just do not need new laws. We need more coordinated support for victims and their families at the Federal, State, and local level. This includes coordinated support from government agencies and private social services. When my daughter was recovered, I could not easily find the right services to help her heal. And I know these services would not have undone the damage that was done or the trauma she suffered, but they would have helped her start a path to recovery that even now, as an adult, she struggles with on a daily basis. We also need a more coordinated legal process among Federal, State, and local prosecutors when a child is trafficked. We need new laws and processes to make sure that every child that is a victim of trafficking and is exploited receives restitution from everyone who harms them. The limited process for court-ordered restitution that exists today does not work. My daughter's trafficker has been in and out of jail. The court ordered her to pay restitution to my daughter, but she has paid nothing, and there is no process to help me collect this restitution. As you know, when I tried to get restitution from Backpage for being involved and profiting from the escort ads of my daughter's body being sold for sex, they rejected my case. Like the trafficker who was paid from the sale of my child's body, Backpage was allowed to pocket all the money from this crime, but my daughter has never received any restitution for her victimization. Another rarely discussed issue is the need for more social, psychological, and emotional support for the exploited children and their families. My family was so isolated after this happened, and it was devastating. The family of a child who has been trafficked and exploited needs a lot of help to manage their economic needs, family dynamics, and emotional functioning. Today my daughter is back home with me. I cherish the ability to hold her and help her as she works through challenges toward a better future. But I still do not have any answers to explain why this happened to her or why everyone responsible for hurting her and causing her trauma has not been held responsible. Meanwhile, I know children continue to go missing, are lured and run away, and too easily can become another escort ad on Backpage.com. When I first started to talk about my family's experience, I was depressed and taken aback to find out how little the public knew about child exploitation. They did not understand that child sex trafficking happens here and everywhere in this country. They did not realize that every child can be vulnerable at one point or another. And it scares me that children are not taught how vulnerable they are to this crime and what they can do to protect themselves. We need real prevention and awareness programs on trafficking and exploitation. Anywhere that children and parents interact--including schools and churches, hospitals, community centers, police and social service agencies--should disseminate prevention and awareness information. We need the public and children to understand that the crime of child sex trafficking happens. It can happen to children everywhere. And it is never a child's fault when they are forced into trafficking. Prevention and awareness would increase empathy in our communities and help children like mine and families like mine feel supported in their time of greatest need. I would like to thank you for your time today and also thank you on my daughter's behalf. Having lived with this issue for the past eight years, I can tell you that we still need real changes to help our children and to make sure no child is ever sold again on Backpage. I hope you will continue your efforts. Senator Portman. Kubiiki, thank you for your willingness to share your family's story, and to each of you, Tom, Nacole, and Kubiiki, thank you for your advocacy for not just your daughters but for children everywhere. And as Kubiiki talked about, advocacy, prevention, awareness, treatment, prosecution, Tom talked about these are kids, not collateral damage; Kubiiki, you talked about how we cherish our children. That is ultimately what this is about. Your testimony also helps us as a practical matter to understand how the current laws are affecting families and our constituents, and reference was made to the Communications Decency Act a lot today in the earlier panel and in our opening statements. That is an example of that. What I am going to do is turn to my colleagues for questions. I will be around here until the end, and a lot of them have patiently listened today, and I want them to have the chance to talk a little bit and to ask questions of you all. Again, it was profound, Nacole, and we appreciate your being here. With that, I will turn to Ranking Member McCaskill. Senator McCaskill. First, I want thank the three of you from the bottom of my heart. There is no harder task than feeling helpless when your child is in the kind of pain that your children have been in. And I think you have been incredible role models to the rest of the country today, and your courage is very admirable. I also will turn over the questioning to my colleagues. I will also be here until the end. But I do think it is important that we provide some input today on the resources that are out there, because right this moment there is a family somewhere who cannot find their daughter, does not know where she is, and has the worst sinking feeling that the very worst, unimaginable things are happening to her. And if we can do nothing more today than hold the people accountable on the first panel and give more information to families with your testimony today, then I think we have put in a good day's work here. And you are huge part of that, so thank you very much. And I will also defer to the other members of the Subcommittee. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator McCaskill. The order that we have from arrival at the hearing is Senators Hassan, Tester, Heitkamp, Harris, Daines, Johnson. We will start with Senator Hassan. Senator McCaskill. She left. Senator Portman. I should have looked over there. Senator Tester. Senator Tester. Yes, thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I thank you and Senator McCaskill. But, more importantly, I thank you guys. The strength and power of your testimony is amazing to me you are able to sit here and do this, because of the pain, the hatred, the anger, the concern, all these emotions that have to be flowing through your heads at this time. But what I really want to say is that the solution to these problems, since you have been through it, unfortunately, is doing what you have done today and continuing to tell your story so that we as policymakers can do things like work to get you the resources you need when these horrible things happen, and do everything we can do to prevent them from happening initially. You never quit loving your kids. It does not matter if they are newborns or 25 years old. Just they are always your kids. And I just cannot thank you enough for what you are doing. The truth is that we all need information. This is something nobody wants to even think about. It is horrible. But you being here today and being able to talk about what is happening to you and your family and your children is going to be helpful in finding a solution to preventing this from ever happening again and making sure that you have the kind of resources you need. I just have one question for you, Kubiiki, and it dealt with your statement. You said that you approached Backpage with getting you resources, because all that stuff costs a ton of money, and it was rejected. Was it rejected by Backpage or was this a court rejection? Ms. Kubiiki P. This was a court rejection. In 2010, I filed a lawsuit against Backpage.com asking them to--first, I must tell you that the lawsuit never would have come about had they removed the pictures of my daughter when I called and asked. Senator Tester. Right. Ms. Kubiiki P. And because they did not, I sought out legal help to make them remove the photos. Only then did I realize that this is what child trafficking is. Only then did I understand that. But it was in the court of law that my case was denied. Senator Tester. OK. I just think that every one of us up on this rostrum believe strongly in the Constitution and the protections it gives, but it should never be a document that is used to protect child traffickers or prostitution. And so we hear you. This will not be resolved tomorrow, but I think if we work on it all together, we can get resolution to this problem, at least in part. Thank you all very much for your strength. Senator Portman. Senator Heitkamp. Senator Heitkamp. Thank you so much, and thank you so much for your courage and for your advocacy for not just your children but children across America. That is who you are sitting there representing today, not just your child but all the children that we as adults promise we will fight to protect, because they are all our kids. One point that I want to make, because I think sometimes people maybe do not appreciate, but there but for the grace of God goes anyone in this room who could be in your chair. You are not unique. This can happen in any family. And until we really get people to appreciate and understand that, we will not build the army that we need because Backpage is a small part of this. If Backpage goes away tomorrow, which we would all love, there will be another Backpage. There will be another run at this. And if we do not stay vigilant together, if we do not walk together, if we do not fight together, if we do not believe that we can conquer this problem together, we will not do our job as adults in America. And so we sit here with no greater power than those of you who sit at this table and those of us who are in this room. No one has greater power. But together we have the most power to prevent this from ever happening. And the invisibility--I think, Nacole, you said it so correctly. This is no longer the street corner where we can look, where law enforcement can drive by and say, ``I do not think that is a kid that is volunteering to be out here.'' This is no longer the street corner. The street corner now is digital. And until we start exposing all of the wrong that happens to children in this digital media and stop standing behind inappropriately important constitutional protections in this country, we will surely fail. And so I want to tell you that we are in this fight with you and no one here is giving up. No one from the McCain Institute is giving up; Cindy is not giving up. Kamala is not giving up. We are not giving up, because there is a way to do this. And as smart as their lawyers think they are, we are pretty smart, too. And we have a whole lot of people behind us who are thinking how we are going to get this done. But we need to figure out the second piece of this. There are two other pieces: prevention and recovery. And you all have spoken so eloquently today about recovery and about services. We have been trying to reauthorize the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program because a critical piece of this is making sure kids--Nacole, tragically, I am so upset at how your daughter was courted and got into this was in a shelter. So what do we need to educate shelter workers that this can never happen, that they have to be more vigilant about preventing this. What can we do to get more kids off the street? What additional resources do you think would be valuable in the prevention side? And I would ask anyone on the panel. Ms. Kubiiki P. Well, I would say as far as prevention, every kid has a cell phone now. Every kid has access to this evil and this evil has access to them. Prevention would probably start with educating them about the way that predators are able to contact them and to ease their way into their lives. Just the other day, some grown man comes into my daughter's Snapchat DM. It is very easy for people to pick and choose. When social media sites post the pictures, you are choosing to post your pictures, and then there is a predator on the other side behind that screen that is preying on these kids. But if you do not teach your children--because that is Ground Zero right there, teaching the children and teaching them at an early enough age--just like sex education, you are teaching that in school. Why not offer an Internet class to teach these children how to navigate through this world that we are all still trying to figure out, we are all still having a problem with it? But we can do all we want, but they are the victims. And so you have to educate them at that level. Ms. Nacole S. I would agree that earlier prevention techniques at a much younger age, because you have children as young as eight or nine that are getting cell phones. Even though there are parent protections on there, children are very smart and can find their way around that, so starting prevention at a much younger age. Also, first responders. My daughter in my case was arrested twice prior to being recovered, both times held in adult jail and both times released back to her trafficker. So first responders, people that come in contact with these young girls or young men in hospitals or on the street need to be educated on what they are looking for. Also, having in place--in my case, upon recovery, she was taken immediately to the emergency room for all the testing that you would find reasonable--AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy. And the resource I was given at that visit was a pamphlet on domestic violence and told to have a nice day and there was nothing they could do for me. ``I am sorry. She has had too many partners. We cannot do a rape kit.'' OK. This was not domestic violence. There was no resource outside of that in my community that was given to me that said you need to call this person. That is where the case was left, right there. Senator Heitkamp. Right. If I can just indulge, Senator Collins and I have a bill called SOAR, which is to do better training for emergency room and medical responders. But every suggestion that you have, every thought that you have is valuable as we navigate not just the enforcement piece of this, but as we navigate the prevention and recovery piece of this, which we all have to be in together. So thank you, Mr. Chairman, for indulging some extra time. Senator Portman. Senator Harris. Senator Harris. I just want to thank you all for the courage that you have shown. One of the points that you have made so clearly and must be made continuously is these are children. The images that are depicted on Backpage are purposely presented in a way that suggests that they may be adults. But as any of us know who have children, even if that girl is physically developed, as soon as she starts talking, you know she is a child. And the reality of it is that, as Senator Heitkamp said, these are not only your children; they are the children of our community. They are all of our children. And so we all have a responsibility to protect them as children. Your voices as their parents are so important to making that point clear. And as difficult as it is for you to have the courage to expose yourselves and your family's story by sharing with us what has happened, you are being a voice for so many others out there that cannot be in this room, do not know where this room is, do not know this room might be a safe place for them. And in that way, you all are doing the work on behalf of people who are never going to know your name, people you will never meet. So keep fighting. And no matter how big Backpage might pretend itself to be--they walk around thumping their chest--we are bigger, and there are more of us who are on this side of it. So let us keep fighting. It is an uphill battle to be sure, but we are always on the side of right when we are fighting to protect our children. And, yes, this is a new world because of technology. This stuff usually happened on the street. It now facilitates, because of technology, coward both in terms of those who traffic and those who buy other human beings who are children. And so we are going to have to adjust to this new world with our laws, with our procedures and policies and practices, but you all as the parents of these children are going to continually give us a reminder and a conscience and the courage to fight for what is right. So I just want to thank you. I really do thank you. Thank you. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator Harris. Again, to our witnesses, you are here talking about Backpage, but you also have the opportunity to speak to this broader issue of how do we help with prevention and increase awareness, which I think this hearing has done just by us talking about these issues, and how do we improve recovery services and be sure that people are held accountable. One of the things that I found most disturbing about your testimony was the fact that you saw your daughter online, that you knew it was your daughter. And yet the website, Backpage, refused to take down the ad. So as a father and an uncle, I just cannot imagine the frustration, the pain you must have felt. And I am not going to ask you to recount anything that you are uncomfortable with, but if you could just talk a little about what happened. When you called them and said, ``My daughter is on your website being sold for sex, my 14-year-old daughter,'' what did they say? What happened? Ms. Nacole S. I am going to defer to Kubiiki because in my case we were looking at the wrong website. I had never heard of Backpage.com. Senator Portman. Most people have not. Ms. Nacole S. We were looking on Craigslist because we were at the end of 2010 and Craigslist was still up. So although my husband was checking Craigslist, we were on the wrong website. So I never contacted Backpage about my daughter being exploited there, but I know she did, and I am going to let her speak to her experience. Senator Portman. Kubiiki, tell us what happened. Ms. Kubiiki P. I do not remember the date, but maybe it was about 4:00 in the morning, and I had used Backpage on a regular basis like the classified ad site that it is or that I assumed it to be, and I had sold old toys, and items that my kids never really liked, clothes. And so I was familiar with Backpage but had never even paid attention that they had that escort section. And it was only when my husband asked me if I went through the pictures on Backpage that I began to look, and it shocked me because what I had seen on Craigslist, even though they shuttered their escort section, I still knew that there was human trafficking going on on that site. But to look at the way Backpage had made it look so pretty, they give the options to put bows and buttons and smiley faces to give the appearance that it is a young person without saying so. I got to the third ad on the page that I pulled up and knew that it was my daughter even though I had not seen her face. I knew because of a tattoo that when I saw her at the grocery store while she was missing, trying to catch her, I said, ``What is that on your hand?'' And she snatched away. So I knew when I saw this tattoo that it was my daughter. But it was not until the third day when the new pictures came up with her face, her body nude with an adult woman, that I realized exactly what was going on, because I could not wrap my brain around it at first. And I called Backpage and I spoke to a lady that answered the phone who asked me what she felt were very important questions, if I had proof or identification that this was my daughter, if I knew that this was my daughter, how did I know that this was not someone else. They assumed this to be an adult--all while I am trying to keep my composure and say to them, ``Hey, please, take these pictures down. This is my baby. She is hurt.''--We can talk about the physical damage that she suffered when she came home to me, my daughter had been burned maybe about 60 percent of her back with cigarette butts. Her scalp had been burned. Her hair had been shaved. We can talk about all of that. But right now, eight years later, the pain is so intense. There has been no true healing. And the way that the programs are set up--and I would say that I was there kind of at the beginning when there were no programs. But to see how far it has come and to realize that you are still missing key elements. You are still missing that when this damaged child comes back home, the community that surrounds this child is still not educated, so they are placing blame. The children inside this home, the siblings to this victim, do not understand because they are not educated. The parents feel guilt. A lot of people place blame on the fathers because they are not educated. So if there is anything to be said of this whole situation, it is that knowledge is the key component that is keeping us in this clutch of people going back and forth, because they do not truly understand. But if you make them understand--I see how Mothers Against Drunk Driving, how that campaign just kind of went everywhere and people understood, and it is like, hey, we are all on the same team. But there are so many people that still make the statement, ``Well, a person should have the choice to sell their body,'' when we are not even talking about adults, we are talking about children. So, clearly, there is a disconnect. There is not enough conversation about what our future is going to look like if we keep destroying our children. And Backpage, they are playing a very large role in that. And not saying that it is not going to happen again, not saying that it is not going to happen on a different site. Just saying that if you make people feel the fear of the repercussions from the damage that they do, then maybe they will think about it, because Backpage is not thinking about it. They are just saying, because of my Fifth Amendment rights I am not going to say--you know what I am saying? It is like they do not care, there is no remorse. But all of you have the power to start the programs and to lead this into a different direction. Senator Portman. Kubiiki, as we talked about, based on the evidence that we were able to uncover finally, it is all about the money. It is all about the profit. So my understanding is when you first called and you talked to that woman on the phone, didn't she also say to you, ``Did you post that ad?'' Ms. Kubiiki P. Yes, she said, ``Did you pay for it? Do you have the credit card that paid for this ad?'' Senator Portman. And she basically was saying, ``Unless you paid for the ad, we cannot take it down.'' And, wow, after a mother calls and says, ``That is my baby,'' the response is, ``Did you pay for this ad?'' Is that what happened? Ms. Kubiiki P. Yes, sir. And they hung up numerous times. I called many times, going off, being very angry. I understood the reason why they stopped answering my calls. I got it. But it still did not make them take the pictures down. So they did not get it. Senator Portman. This is, again, a hearing focused on Backpage. As you say, they are a big player in this. Probably 80 percent or more of the commercial sex business is on this one site now. And the fact that they took down their adult section last night, as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children said last night, that will save some kids. That will help. But it is not the ultimate answer because even if they continue to keep this site down, other sites will crop up, including some other sites that are connected to Backpage. And so we have a broader responsibility here. There is an increased awareness here in the U.S. Senate, as Senator Heitkamp, Senator McCaskill, Senator Harris, and others have talked about, and that is good. We have a caucus now on human trafficking. We have more Senators who understand it. We have some good legislation that was passed about a year and a half ago now on prosecution of those engaged, increasing that level, more resources for recovery, treating these victims as victims, not as criminals, which is just a paradigm shift. But it is also expanding, I would say even exploding. It is the dark side of the Internet, right? And the victims I talk to almost to a person tell me, ``Rob, it has gone from the street corner to the iPhone.'' And this is where you see this huge increase. And drugs play a big role, too, in my home State, and specifically making young people dependent on drugs. And that is part of the human trafficking, modern-day slavery aspect of this, is that dependency, and not just on drugs. It goes beyond that. But this is why I think we need to do new things both on the community front in terms of the prevention, awareness, and the better recovery services and educating the first responders and those who are dealing with this issue day to day in emergency rooms and others, but also in terms of the legal environment. And so we will talk about this in the closing in just a moment, but Senator McCaskill and I are committed to continuing this effort, not just this one specific goal of uncovering information that was not previously known about Backpage that will help us to be able to pursue actions against them and keep them accountable, but this broader effort of, as Nacole said at the start, looking at the laws differently because we have a different environment now, and the laws have not kept up in my view. With that, I will turn it over to Senator McCaskill for questions. Senator McCaskill. I actually do not have any additional questions, but I would take a moment at this point in time, Mr. Chairman, to make just a few closing comments. Most importantly, I want to put on the record a couple of phone numbers. The National Human Trafficking hotline is 1-888-373- 7888, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is 1-800-THE-LOST, 1-800-843-5678. I should also mention the McCain Institute. It does a lot of work in this area and would be happy to help anyone who is in that incredibly dark place where they have lost their child and do not know where to turn. I certainly know that my office and the other Senators' offices are always available to try to help and make sure that the right resources are made available, and I really appreciate the point you all have made about resources after the fact. I mean, Humpty Dumpty is on the wall. Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall. And then no one is there to help put Humpty Dumpty back because it is hard and it takes extended time and effort, and many families are just not ready to handle that burden because they do not know the right thing to do. They do not know whether to wrap up their child in cotton batting and make sure they never go anywhere or to be more open and accepting. It is just really tough, and we have found this over the years with so many sexual assault victims that the lack of resources is really a huge problem. And I remain committed to making sure that we are doing everything we can from where I sit on that. I also want to make sure today, as we near the end of this hearing, that people read this report who are in the field, and not just the Executive Summary. There is a treasure trove of evidence in this report. As someone whose job it was for many years to make sure I had enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone had committed a crime, I want to send a very clear message to police, to local prosecutors, to U.S. Attorneys, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), to Attorneys General across this country that there is evidence in this report that can assist you in holding people accountable for what has gone on to young women and young men across this country. What we have been able to do is put in one place a lot of information that would have caused a different result in lots of lawsuits across this country and lots of decisions that were made by local prosecutors as to whether or not there was an actionable file in terms of criminal prosecution. So I hope that this is not one of these reports that goes quietly into the night. I hope this become a go-to resource for prosecutors, police, and other people that enforce our laws across this country. I am confident that there is sufficient evidence here to hold some of the people responsible for this accountable in ways that have been very frustrating to the families. And then, finally, I want to thank the staff. Sometimes it is hard when you are working in a bipartisan way because, I have ideas and I tell my staff this is what I want, and Senator Portman has ideas and tells his staff this is what he wants. And sometimes it is not identical, and you have to keep talking and you have to keep communicating and you have to work out differences. And particularly because this was challenging in terms of the roadblocks we faced, I just want to commend the staff. Keep in mind, someone looked at over a million pages of documents. They did not get consumed by some software program. There were people who put in long hours on this staff, both Republican staff and Democratic staff, to produce this report. And I stand in awe of their public service. I am sick and tired of everybody who works for the government being a bad guy. There are some amazing, dedicated public servants that work and get paid by your tax dollars, and this is a great example of a group of them that have worked hard and done the right thing, and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Senator Portman. Thank you, Senator McCaskill. And, again, I want to thank the witnesses for joining us today on this last panel. You have made a nice contribution to the inquiry and, more importantly, your testimony is going to help to inform us going forward on some of these legislative challenges that we have here. This concludes our fact finding on the Backpage matter, and it is a fitting finale for Senator McCaskill who you just heard from as the Ranking Member. As you may have heard, she is moving up in the world. She will now be the ranking Democrat on the full Committee, and so we are going to lose her as Ranking Member of the Permanent Subcommittee. But I am proud of the important work we have done together. She has been a good teammate. As she said, we may not always agree in terms of some of our objectives, but we have managed to come together and figured out ways to get things done in a number of investigations, including this one. I am looking forward to working with our new Ranking Member, who will be Senator Carper, the former Ranking Member of the full Committee. And he and I are committed to maintaining PSI's reputation for rigorous, bipartisan fact finding wherever it leads. And I think this investigation has been a great example of that. Two years ago, Senator McCaskill and I set out on this mission. We knew that online sex trafficking was a serious and growing problem. To be frank, we did not know enough about how it worked, nor did anybody, because so much of it had been hidden. And now, thanks to this investigation, we know that the largest online marketplace for trafficking, as we heard today in the summary of our report, has done a number of things. It clearly was done to conceal criminal activity. Advertisements were deliberately sanitized to conceal evidence of prostitution, to conceal evidence of child trafficking. We know Backpage has hid its systematic editing practices from the public for years while convincing the courts and Congress it was just a host for third-party content, entitled to an immunity under Federal law for that reason. We know now that Backpage's claims to be cooperative with law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children were misleading. We know now who really owns Backpage--its CEO and original founders still do--and that it is widely reported sale to a Dutch entity was really just a ruse, probably designed to simply launder the money that Backpage was making on illegal advertisements through a Dutch company. All this will help us and help our colleagues enormously as we consider these changes to Federal law, Federal spending priorities, as we talked about today, as we continue this obvious need to combat the challenge of child trafficking online. But I must tell you this. It seems likely that Backpage has been breaking the law as it exists right now, so, I do not think we have to go and reform legislation in order to find culpability here. Based on the evidence we have collected and the testimony we have received at our two hearings on this subject, Senator McCaskill and I will promptly consider whether to refer this matter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and to State Attorneys General across the country for further investigation. Before we close, I have something to say--and I think Senator McCaskill agrees with me--about the conduct of the lawyers who have appeared before the Subcommittee in this case. As you know, subjects and witnesses in an investigation have an absolute right to hire lawyers to represent them zealously, represent their interests, defend their constitutional and legal rights, as we saw today. We respect that. But I will say that Senate committees also have the right to expect something of the bar as well. We expect candor. And in this case, it has become apparent that many of the lawyers for Backpage carefully arranged matters so that none of them was ever in possession of a straight answer. Let me give you one example. It may seem like a small one, but it is illustrative. On December 30, just a week or so ago, the counsel for Backpage wrote to Senator McCaskill and me asking that Mr. Ferrer, Mr. Lacey, and Mr. Larkin be excused from appearing today on the grounds that they were required to be in California for an arraignment tomorrow morning. We thought that sounded reasonable enough until we learned that three days before, on December 27, the California Attorney General's office had confirmed in writing to the defense team that, in the event of a conflict with PSI's hearing, the defendants could get a continuance of their arraignment. The lawyers did not disclose that, obviously a material fact, in their letter to us. Then just last night, after being warned about it, counsel once again repeated the same misrepresentation in a letter to all Members of this Committee--again, without disclosing the Attorney General's agreement to excuse the defendants from appearing in the event of a conflict. I just raise that as one example of what we have been through in this investigation. Sadly, it is the sort of conduct we have come to expect in this case. We are left to conclude that counsel has not been appropriately candid with this Subcommittee. Lawyers have to take care to ensure their representations are true to the best of their knowledge after taking reasonable steps to make sure they are true. As we go forward with this Congress, Senator Carper and I will discuss how we can improve PSI's rules to reinforce that duty of candor. Again, as Senator McCaskill said, we owe a lot to the staff. I want to acknowledge their hard work, both the majority and minority staff. This investigation spanned nearly two years, a lot of hard work, a lot of late nights. They did review over one million documents. We are very grateful for their efforts and very proud of them. I would like to give particular attention, if I might at the end, to a staff member who is leaving us after this investigation. Brian Callanan, who is the Majority Staff Director and General Counsel, is leaving the Senate soon to reenter the private sector. He has ably led the staff of PSI for the last two years and previously served as a key policy adviser to me. He leaves very big shoes to fill. We are pleased that Matt Owen, our current Counsel, will be succeeding him. But I would like to thank Brian for his wise counsel to me over the years and for his remarkable service on this Subcommittee and to the Senate and the public. We wish him the best of luck in his new endeavor. With that, the record of this hearing will remain open for 15 days. We are adjourned. [Whereupon, at 12:20, the Subcommittee was adjourned.] A P P E N D I X ---------- [GRAPHIC NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] [all]