[Senate Hearing 117-126] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 117-126 [ERRATA] OFFSHORE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT IN FEDERAL WATERS AND LEASING UNDER THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF LANDS ACT ======================================================================= HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ MAY 13, 2021 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.govinfo.gov ______ U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 44-732 WASHINGTON : 2023 ERRATA In the Table of Contents, under ``Opening Statements,'' the designation of ``Chairman'' was omitted, and Senator Manchin was listed incorrectly as ``Ranking Member.'' That portion of the Table of Contents should read as follows: C O N T E N T S ---------- OPENING STATEMENTS Page Manchin III, Hon. Joe, Chairman and a U.S. Senator from West Virginia....................................................... 1 Barrasso, Hon. John, Ranking Member and a U.S. Senator from Wyoming........................................................ 3 Cassidy, Hon. Bill, a U.S. Senator from Louisiana................ 4