[Congressional Record Volume 140, Number 100 (Wednesday, July 27, 1994)] [Extensions of Remarks] [Page E] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov] [Congressional Record: July 27, 1994] From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] MORE ON ATROCITIES IN CUBA ______ speech of HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of florida in the house of representatives Tuesday, July 26, 1994 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker's announced policy of February 11, 1994, and June 10, 1994, the gentleman from Florida [Mr. Diaz-Balart] is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Madam Speaker, Members, first, it is my understanding that 12 Cuban-Americans were arrested earlier today during a protest in front of the Cuban Mission here in Washington, DC. The names of those arrested that I have at this time for apparently an accusation of civil disobedience are former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission Armando Valladares and his wife Marta; Mr. Jay Fernandez, distinguished member of this community; Mr. Luis Haza of the National Symphony Orchestra; and Mr. Jesus Permuy, a distinguished member of the community that I am honored to represent in this Congress. There are others. I do not have their names as of yet. I also do not know yet the details of what occurred today, but I certainly share the deep anger at the brutality of the Cuban dictatorship that motivated the Cuban-Americans who were today arrested here in Washington, DC. Madam Speaker, I spoke on this floor twice last week on a brutal massacre perpetrated by the Cuban dictatorship less than 2 weeks ago, and spoke about the details as I knew them then concerning that massacre. I have more details today. I also spoke last week about the fact that I really do not understand the reasons for the lack of attention given by much of the national and international media to the massacre of July 13 and really to similar incidents which occur all too often in that country only 90 miles away from the shores of the United States. We read often about horrendous, unacceptable conduct taking place elsewhere in our hemisphere. For example, just few days ago I was reading the New York Times and Washington Post and some of the wire services, also the Miami Herald, which I read, and I was told that the Today Show, one of the morning network news programs, mentioned a massacre that had taken place at a similar time frame to the massacre of July 13, and the massacre of those 12 people in Haiti was, as I said, covered by the media that I have just referred to. I say recently in the New York Times and in other newspapers coverage of some deaths that occurred by accident in Panama, unfortunately. I also saw coverage of the horrendous tragedy in much media, both written and television and radio, of the unacceptable and brutal tragedy that occurred in Argentina. I was told that again the morning news program on television, the Today Show on NBC News, had substantial coverage of that tragedy, and other media. But with regard to Cuba, I must say, and I would assume that the American people who are watching on C-SPAN would agree, that you do not hear much about what happens in Cuba. It is as though massacres can occur and unarmed citizens can be shot down, can be cut down with bullets, and yet you do not hear about it in much of our national media. For example, not just the July 13 massacre, but last summer, a year ago, our State Department issued a statement denouncing and condemning the practice of the Cuban dictatorship of throwing hand grenades and firing upon swimmers who try to reach the Guantanamo base, the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo, in the eastern part of Cuba. And the fact that there were eyewitnesses to numerous instances of hand grenades having been thrown at swimmers, and the swimmers' lifeless bodies being subsequently picked up and put on the boats, the Cuban vessels, government vessels, with fishhooks. Yet I ask the American people watching on C-SPAN, where was the national and international coverage of that event? Could you imagine if the Haitian dictatorship would throw hand grenades at citizens trying to flee Haiti and who were actually swimming, and then would pick them up with fishhooks, would we not be seeing that in the national media? Also last summer, in two towns in Cuba, there were armed attacks by the thugs of the dictatorship upon the unarmed people of Cuba that we found out about, and yet I did not see, and I ask, who saw covered on our national media, those attacks by the Cuban dictatorship? In recent months, within the last 6 weeks, two vessels full of refugees, despite having been shot at by the thugs of the Cuban dictatorship, managed to arrive on the shores of Florida. I ask what coverage did those incidents receive? And had those incidents been not from Cuba, but from, again, Haiti or other dictatorships outside of this hemisphere, would we not have heard about them? That is the question that I ask tonight. This spring, more than 100 people burst into the Belgium Embassy in Havana. As I recall, there were more than 30 children among them. And, again, the lack of coverage of that incident and of the fact that in the German Embassy and in the Chilean Consulate similar incidents occurred just weeks ago, I ask, again, why is it that those events are not given the proper coverage? If they were simply isolated events, if they were insignificant events, I would perhaps try to understand why there is no coverage. I do not think it would be acceptable, but I think I would try to understand why there is no coverage. If the events were from 10,000 miles away, it would be unacceptable not to cover them. Yet, perhaps one could say, well, they are 10,000 miles away, they are so far from our shores, there might be a rationale to not covering the tragedies such as the ones I have mentioned. it would be unacceptable not to cover them if they were 10,000 miles away. But they are not 10,000 miles away. They are 90 miles from the shores of the United States of America. If they were isolated in that they occurred just in these instances that I mentioned and never before nor after, well, perhaps it could be said that they were so isolated that that is why they did not receive coverage. It would be unacceptable not to cover those incidents, even if they were extraordinarily isolated. But that could be perhaps some sort of rationale. But those incidents are typical ones that commonly occur. I remember on this floor seeing a young boy, speaking to a young boy, who was here as a guest of my colleague, the gentlewoman from Florida [Ms. Ros-Lehtinen], and the boy was 10 years old and told me that he had come in a little boat from Cuba, and for hours in the night while the boat was seeking to reach the shores of freedom, a helicopter of the Cuban armed forces was looking out for the boat to sink it, this little boy would tell me, with large bags full of sand that this helicopter would throw at the boat in order to sink it. The little boy said that since it was nighttime, they did not see us, they did not sink us. ``They saw our wake,'' I remember he told me. But they did not see us, and we managed to make it. So it happens all the time. The genocidal conduct of this brutal dictatorship just 90 miles from our shores occurs all the time. And the lack of coverage of that genocidal conduct by our national press and media occurs all the time. And yet it seems as though the only time that Cuba is mentioned by much of our national media is to say: TV Marti is jammed. I am sure many of the folks listening, watching tonight on C-SPAN have seen those reports. I have read editorials in many newspapers and have seen many stories in the networks on the fact that Castro jams Television Marti and thus editorializing much of that media and newspapers say: We should get rid of that effort to inform with news and information, to send news and information to the Cuban people, because Castro seems to be able to jam much of the time Television Marti. That I have seen covered. Oh, yes, we hear about Television Marti in editorialized versions of the story. We hear that TV Marti should not continue because Castro seems to jam TV Marti, instead of, if we are going to hear editorializing on that story, TV Marti seems to be jammed so we have even more of a reason to make it better and to get through the jamming. TV Marti seems to be jammed often so we have an obligation to listen to the report of that independent panel that this Congress set up just 1 year ago, in a totally unbiased and detached manner, which went through in a detailed fashion, studied this issue, studied what Radio and TV Marti do and came out with a report saying that not only should they be continued but to improve the technological ability. And we can improve within the existing budget the technological ability of Television Marti to get through Castro's jamming and to reach the Cuban people, because a substantial amount of the population of Cuba is extremely desirous to receive Television Marti, like over 70 or even 80 percent of the Cuban people listen on a daily basis to Radio Marti. But that is not the editorializing that we hear about in the coverage on TV Marti. Inevitably the editorializing on Television Marti is because a foreign dictator seems to be jamming our broadcasts of Television Marti, that thus we should end those broadcasts. Imagine during the cold war, when the Russians sought to jam Radio Free Europe and sought to jam Radio Liberty, if the media, if much of the media in a systematic fashion would tell the American people, we should end our broadcasts because the Russians seem to be jamming or want to jam our broadcasts. That is not what would have been proper, as it is not proper now to try to editorialize with regard to that program which is so important for the our mission of getting news and information to the people of Cuba and for facilitating a transition to democracy in Cuba. And there are other things that we read about Cuba, because Cuba is reported. For example, efforts to try to incite and encourage illegal tourism to Cuba by the American people. There is a ban on tourist travel to Cuba as there is a ban on tourist travel to Libya, and there is a ban on tourist travel to Iraq, and there is ban on tourist travel to North Korea. Those are terrorist states. And for a very good reason, we have established a policy that we do not want to see our tourists and our tourists dollars go to help those terrorist regimes. But it is not uncommon to see, for example, look at this, I read this in the Washington Post, July 20, 1 week after the massacre, by the way, of July 13, this article on food, food in Cuba, entitled ``Cuba, a Slow Reawakening.'' When I first saw this, I thought, good, there is coverage now. I saw a story on Cuba a week after the massacre, and, I thought, it has taken them a week but finally they will have a story on the massacre, finally. I see, no, a slow reawakening of tastes. If you ever want to see a ``let them eat cake'' story, the ultimate ``let them eat cake'' story, look at this food section in the Washington local newspaper, Washington Post of the 20th of July. This writer who wrote this story on the food in Cuba states, ``the crumbling edges of pastel buildings were softened by the night. I felt like Sara Brown in `Guys and Dolls,' down for a lark with Sky Masterson.'' And then this writer goes on talking about the food that only the tourists and the Communist hierarchy can go and have, by the way, describing these wonderful restaurants in Havana. ``But in old Havana there are hopes that things will get better as tourists are attracted to the city as they were in the past. The government is betting its money on it.'' Listen to this: The amount of fat in the Cuban diet has been reduced in recent years, and there is greater emphasis on fruits and vegetables, by necessity as well as by choice. The Floridita restaurant a few blocks away was a favorite Hemingway hangout. While you sip, strolling musicians serenade with songs from the 1950s and before. The Floridita's grilled tarragon chicken with French fries was delicious. The lobster bisque was fine. This writer continues to go on describing the food in the restaurants of Havana. ``There was something about Errol Flynn and Ava Gardner in the restaurant. I mopped up every drop of the juice of my meat,'' this writer continues. Later, in the well-appointed grill room of the Hotel Sevilla, I sipped a Cuba Libre and snacked on fried plantains. The student waiter served my camarones al ajillo, soft music played. Now, in here, in this wonderful review of Havana restaurants, there is absolutely no mention of the fact that the Cuba people cannot enter these restaurants, that only tourists and Communist hierarchy, with dollars, can enter these restaurants. The ultimate example of lack of sensitivity, as I called it before, the ultimate ``let them eat cake'' example of journalism about a country that due to the destruction brought upon it by a regime that does not permit its people to enter those restaurants, that imposes a tourism apartheid, wants to attract American tourism, and articles like this, articles like this are seeking simply to evade, to encourage American citizens to break our law and to go to these restaurants that the Cuban people are not able to to go to. That we read about Cuba, but we do not hear about those things that I mentioned before, the tragedy after tragedy, after tragedy. I yield to the gentleman from California [Mr. Dornan]. Mr. DORNAN. I raced over here the other night to join you last week at the back-to-back 5 minutes and just missed joining you on the floor, because I am amazed that not through conspiracy but through like-minded thinking, journalists who would otherwise claim that their credo is fairness and openness, seeing to the self-censoring of themselves from talking about the ongoing history of atrocities in Cuba. The date that you were the first one to bring to my attention, because I could not find it anywhere in the printed media, July 13, this old tugboat that was escaping, followed by Castro's navy so to speak. They waited until it was outside the 7-mile limit, and then they circled it, creating a maelstrom and use high-powered fire hoses to blow women and children off the decks, 40 dead. And you got up and updated it all, coming from south Florida, on the death toll. And what has happened to the 30 or so survivors and is that an accurate figure? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. I have gotten updates on facts with regard to what occurred. Nothing of what you referred to last week is untrue. It is all true. There are more facts coming out. And what is really shocking, not only, of course, is the brutal conduct that you just referred to, but, for example, after, in Miami, before boarding Air Force One, after having been asked about the massacre that had occurred just a few days before, the President of the United States, and I will read, condemns the massacre as an example of Cuban brutality and he states, ``I deplore it as an example of Cuban brutality, another example of the brutal nature of the Cuban regime.'' The President of the United States says this, and it is still not covered. It is still not covered. And then the Pope issues his condolences, expresses his condolences to the survivors of the massacre, for, obviously, the loss of their family and friends, and I have not seen that in the major networks or media. Then last Friday, after, by the way, another attempt to kill TV Marti, something that is covered, that we do hear, to kill TV Marti, because of jamming, not because the program is not good, not because it is biased; no, no, independent report after independent report says that it is good programming, that it is fair programming, that it is programming that cannot be condemned. Yet, time after time, we hear it should be killed. However, based on an amendment in the Senate to do just that, there was such an uproar among the Senators with regard to this massacre and the lack of sensitivity of the timing, just 1 week after the massacre, trying to do something that in effect would help Castro, because if Castro spends tons of oil to jam Television Marti, obviously it is not in his interest. TV Marti is not in his interest. He does not like TV Marti. The Senate, pursuant to that total lack of sensitivity, especially of timing, 1 week after the massacre, passes overwhelmingly an amendment by Senators Mac, Dole, Graham, and others condemning the tragedy of July 13, requesting that the President instruct our permanent representative to the United Nations to seek a condemnation of the massacre by the Security Council of the United Nations, and also to seek an international investigation of the massacre. This is by the Senate of the United States. I also did not see a report anywhere. Mr. DORNAN. Madam Speaker, if the gentleman will continue to yield, I would ask him if he will see if he concurs with me in making a suggestion to the media. They know this lesson well, but maybe if somebody brings it up on the floor of this distinguished legislative Chamber they will see a way to get back into the story. A few days before the at-sea massacre by Castro's people there was a massacre of 12 males in Haiti. We sent people from the Embassy out to photograph the bodies. They were all dumped together. Twelve certainly constitutes a massacre. There were seven people massacred on St. Valentine's Day in 1929, and that was called, properly, a massacre. It was headlines for months, the St. Valentine's Day massacre. Twelve is a massacre. Forty, involving women and children being blown into the sea to drown, that is a massacre. Here is what the media can do, the title of a reprise story: ``The Story of Two Massacres: What Happens When the Visual Media Does Not Have Film,'' and then show that when film is available, as it was in Haiti, of the 12 bodies of the young men who were brutally killed, but there is no film of this atrocity at sea, you do a comparison of ``Is a story a story unless someone photographs it?'' We do not have photographs of the mass starvation in Sudan, where Moslems and Christians were killing one another in south Sudan, but now that the refugees flee from Rwanda into Zaire, and we have horrible film from Goma, suddenly it is a massive story. We were told over and over that until the BBC filmed the starvation in Ethiopia 9 years ago, that that was not a story. Here is my suggestion to the sight, sound, and motion television networks and CNN. They could easily do what they do when they set their mind to it: show a map of Cuba, put a little dotted line going out to a 7-mile limit, then show a picture, ``This is the type of boat that was escaping, and on this boat there were about 75 people,'' and these facts will all start to come out more and more over the next few months as some of the women get out clandestine word to people in your district and in your community in southern Florida, say ``And here is what took place.'' You do it with animation. You show a larger boat and say, ``Here is a satellite photograph of one of the Cuban-type fire boats, and here is what these fire hoses can do,'' and if they wanted to they can set up a simulation. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. They do not need to do that. Let me tell you why: We have photographs of the two dozen children. Mr. DORNAN. Oh, my gosh, their bodies? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. We have family pictures. No, not after they died. They are at the bottom of the water. They have refused to go get the bodies and they have refused to get those bodies so their family can give them a burial. No, they refused that, but the families, those ladies whose taped voices I heard, and who have willingly spoken on video to foreign journalists in Cuba, they have the family pictures of the two dozen children that died. So we can show, if we want, the family pictures. Mr. DORNAN. Let us write a letter to Rick Caplan, charter FOB, Friend of Bill's. Let us write a letter to him. He does the evening news at ABC, used to be a producer of Prime Time. Let us write a letter to Peter Jennings. Let us write a letter to Sam Donaldson. More than anything, let us write a letter to Ted Koppel. They brag they reach more people than any other news outlet in American history. Madam Speaker, the gentleman and I and our colleague, the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. Menendez], on the other side of the aisle, let us pick this as a massacre that we will not let die, because of the children and women involved. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. We will not, we will not let it die. Mr. DORNAN. How horrible it is to drown at sea, and for all we know they suffered shark attack; these are shark-infested waters, let us keep this alive. Let us each week one of us at least do a 5-minute, and one of those who have interests in Florida, and let us contact one of the networks, and I will personally call Ted Koppel, ask him, let us do an analysis of two massacres, and ask if there is a Rwanda factor here now: That unless people die in the tens of thousands, it is no longer a story. Thank you again for bringing the truth out. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman from California for his concern, and for the fact that he has already spoken, and I have seen him speak on this floor, with regard to this massacre. I reiterate, as I have in the past, that this I will not let die, because they have gone too far. They started the first of January of 1959, they started killing people that same day, to terrorize the population, but this massacre of over two dozen small children in the dead of night at 3 a.m. in the morning, and by the way, more facts, as I stated before, have come out. Mr. DORNAN. May I put in one footnote, if the gentleman will yield further? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Yes. Mr. DORNAN. The media is obsessed with following the line of those doves in this House who finally have found a conflict that they are looking forward to: Military force in Haiti. I want to reiterate what I have said on this House floor before: That there are thugs in Haiti who have serial killer first-degree murder backgrounds, from Tons-Tons Macoutes, former types who are now sergeants, all the way up to the Prime Minister; good evidence of drug running and killing, but not general Cedras. I am not making a case for him, but all of our intelligence agencies are on record as saying there is no circumstantial, let alone hard-core, evidence tying him to any murders, any torture murders, or any people who survived torture. There is nothing tying him to drug running. Now maybe he should go. He is obviously an obstinate man, and he has people like the chief of police, Francois Michel, who do have ugly backgrounds, but not Cedras. But Castro, and I think I told you this once, he is now gone to the great embassy in the sky, but the U.S. Ambassador to Cuba who was there when Castro was a senior in law school, running for the student body president, told me that he personally executed his opponent who was running ahead of him for, like some American colleges, it was not for student body president, it was for presidency of the student union, that he executed him when he was brought out a side exit of a movie theater, gunned him down between two automobiles. I went over to the State Department after I heard that, I learned that at John Fisher's American Security Council seminar, the summer of 1974. I went to the State Department and said, ``Is this true,'' once I became a Congressman 2 years later. ``Oh, everybody in the State Department believes that is probably a true story.'' Here is the story that I have gone over with you, you have confirmed it to me because I said it on the House floor before you and Ileana came here to give us your own personal experience. That Castro, in the 1960's, in the 1970's and the 1980's would say, to pick a name of someone who made it out, ``How is Armando Valladares doing?'' This is a man whose name had not passed his lips in maybe 5 years. The man is now in, say, his 20th year of imprisonment. ``Oh, not too well, we don't expect him to survive the year. He's stark naked, in a blackened-out cell, his own fecal material is still in the cell most of the time. Yeah, he's really doing poorly.'' And Castro would say, ``Good. Keep it up.'' And maybe bring up this man's name, not just men, women, 5 years later. The man is diabolical. To see Diane Sawyer, it is too harsh to say she was fawning over him, and plenty of male journalists have done this, too, just to get some exclusive interview with him. To see journalists acting like this man is anything but a first-degree murderer, a serial killer and a thug who personally gave orders to torture people and kept them in prison for a quarter of a century, revisiting their cases occasionally, so he could feel their pain, it reminds me of Adolf Hitler killing 5,000 people after the plot 50 years ago on July 20, then having film taken, still and motion picture film, of them hanging, some of them, naked from piano wire on meat hooks, then for some sadistic reason that normal people cannot understand, laughing while he watches them hung over and over again. Where is the line between Adolph Hitler, except by degree of numbers murdered, and Castro who would let people be tortured for years, live in total darkness naked like animals and revisit their cases occasionally? That is why thugs under him would feel that they have some right of power to blow women and children off the deck of a ship in the dead of night to drown in the ocean. So keep it up, Lincoln. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. It was a direct order. Mr. DORNAN. A direct order. Let me get beyond the 7-mile, kill and bring back a few survivors to make an example? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. It was a direct order, and we have the names. There was a tip to the Minister of the Interior, General Colome Ibarra, that 70-plus refugees were planning to leave that morning, within a few days, the morning of the 13th of July. Castro personally ordered to his Interior Ministry that an example be made of this group because things were getting out of hand. ``So don't use the Navy'' was the order. ``Use those three new Dutch fire-fighting vessels that we have with those very potent hoses. Blow them off the deck, then ram the boat and sink it. But after they're out of the bay,'' where there are no witnesses. Colome Ibarra, the Minister of the Interior now states that Castro personally gave the order, which is very interesting, as though Colome Ibarra is thinking of a potential trial in the future because there cannot be a statute of limitations for this. Colome Ibarra perhaps thinking about that trial in the future says that the order was personally given by the commander in chief. The three Dutch fire-fighting vessels were named Polargo, the Polargo 2, which had a Ministry of the Interior official on it giving orders, named David. The Polargo 3, whose Ministry of the Interior official was Aristides, we do not have a last name. And the Polargo 5. Mr. DORNAN. Does Polargo mean anything in English? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Just names. Vessels 2, 3, and 5. The Polargo 5 was under instructions of the man in charge of the mission. Jesus Martinez, known as Jesusito. Jesus Martinez was very frustrated, because just a few weeks before when a vessel full of refugees reached Florida, they had tied up an Interior Ministry official who was on board, and that was Jesusito. So imagine how full of vengeance this man was and how happy he was to have an opportunity to comply with the order to make an example given by his commander in chief. This man Jesus Martinez was on the Polargo 5, that Dutch vessel, the largest and most potent of the fire-fighting vessels that rammed the old tugboat until it managed to break it in half, crack its hull, and it sank to the depths. This information in a very, very well-researched article was brought to our attention by a Cuban writer and journalist who has been described time and time again by the media as a moderate. Very interesting. This is a ``moderate'' Cuban exile leader who lives in Spain, Carlos Alberto Montaner, who with his many contacts within Cuba has been able to confirm the facts as I relayed them. I want to commend at this point a county commissioner from my county, from Dade County, Mr. Pedro Reboredo, who published in yesterday's Washington Post an ad, because obviously he found out that there is no other way of getting this news. ``Let me tell you about an ongoing tragedy.'' That is in the Washington Post of yesterday, with the facts of the massacre. This was paid for by county commissioner Pedro Reboredo. Mr. DORNAN. Put that in the record, Lincoln. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. I will. Mr. DORNAN. Did you also have, because I heard you mention restaurants when I came in the Chamber. Did you put in this article on Castro's entrepreneurial blockade about closing down successful restaurants? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. I will put that in, certainly. I want to state just a few days before Commissioner Reboredo's article, advertisement that was paid for in the Washington Post, the Washington Post on page A22 ran under the headline, and this is the size that it ran it in, page A22, ``For the Record,'' reprinting, and this is the size of the headline ``Murder at Sea,'' a July 19 editorial from the Miami Herald. Interestingly enough, for the record, for some reason the Washington Post wanted to be on the record that it has published something with regard to this massacre. To my knowledge, all that has been published in the Washington Post is this ``For the Record,'' July 22, a reprinting of an editorial of the Miami Herald with regard to the barbarism of the crime of July 13. As I stated, facts are coming out continuously about the massacre. But there are many other stories that need to be talked about, many other facts that need to be reported about Castro's Cuba that we do not hear about. There is a fugitive from justice who is the de facto minister of finance in Cuba, Mr. Robert Vesco. Ever since 1972, Robert Vesco has been a fugitive from American justice under indictment. He is, as I have stated, a de facto minister of finance and crime for Castro. But we do not see that often reported, even though I think it should be. How about the fact that those restaurants which we saw critiqued in that food section, what I call the let-them-eat-cake section, we do not hear about the fact that those restaurants are dollar-only restaurants that the Cuban people do not have access to. I read, for example, a recent cable, that the President-elect of Panama has stated that it is a shame that Castro has not been invited by President Clinton to the hemispheric summit in December in the United States of democratically elected Presidents. I think it is, by the way, commendable of President Clinton that he has not asked either Cedras nor Castro to his summit that he has convened of democratically elected leaders here in the United States in December. The President-elect of Panama, who was just here a few days ago, said, however, that that was incorrect, that he should have been invited, that Castro should have been invited. But we do not hear perhaps why the President-elect of Panama is saying that. We do not hear about Gerardo Gonzalez, for example, a top official in the President-elect's party. His son is another fugitive. This Gerardo Gonzalez' son killed an American GI in Panama. And where is he today? In Cuba, as another, like Robert Vesco, fugitive from American law. Castro's Cuba is not only a haven for fugitives from American law, it is a money-laundering haven, a tax-evasion haven, a drug-trafficking haven, and perhaps that is why corrupt leaders in Mexico and Spain and Colombia and other places seem to go out of their way, bend over backwards to please Castro. Just a few days after the massacre of July 13, he was invited once again to Colombia to a meeting of Caribbean nations. The reality of the matter is that not even a massacre like July 13, perhaps because of the fact that it is such a convenient haven for the kinds of things we were talking about, not even a massacre like that prevents Castro from being reinvited to forums like that that took place in Colombia. But the gentleman from California talked about, for example, drug trafficking. It has been reported widely that the Haitian regime, members of the Haitian dictatorship have engaged in drug trafficking. A draft indictment of the U.S. Attorney for the southern district of Florida was leaked to the press some months ago implicating Raul Castro and other members of the dictatorship directly in drug trafficking. What happened to that draft indictment? Why is the press not asking about what the status is of the draft indictment? Why has this draft indictment simply evaporated into space? What is amazing to me is that despite this undeclared censorship with regard to the tragedy of Cuba and the horrors of Castro's Cuba and the anti-American dedication of Castro's dictatorship, despite that, despite the fact that we do not hear about that in the press, we only seem to hear about TV Marti being jammed, that is the only time Cuba seems to be covered by the national media, the American people in poll after poll after poll by a more than 2 to 1 margin continue to support sanctions against Castro. They perceive, they feel that he is an anti- American thug, murderer, drug trafficker. The American people know. The American people have an extraordinary sense of perception and an extraordinarily sense of justice, and they know who our enemies are, and they know that the United States, the people of the United States and freedom loving people everywhere in the world have no more dedicated enemy than the tyrant who is only 90 miles away from our shares. But that support for sanctions against Castro, as I say, is due to extraordinary perception and an innate sense of justice of the American people. How much more could be done and would be demanded by the American people if they were informed of what is going on continuously in Castro's Cuba? Just recently, for example, and there are constant examples of lack of sensitivity with regard to the tragedy of Cuba, the Canadian Government, for example, just announced recently a resumption of aid to the Castro dictatorship. I wrote a letter to the Prime Minister. It was a strong letter. I did not mean it to be insulting. I do not think it was, but I said what I thought. The Ambassador to the United States from Canada answered my letter, and he answered it very respectfully, and I will answer his letter. I thank the distinguished Ambassador for his letter. But let me give an example of why it is so important and I am going to continue speaking about what I consider the lack of responsibility of much of the national press and media with regard to what is happening just 90 miles from our shores. The Canadian Ambassador answers me on behalf of the Prime Minister and he tells me, explains to me from his vantage point about what the Canadian Government is doing with regard to Cuba, and then he states in this letter from the Canadian Ambassador to the United States, ``The Cuban government does not have a record of such practices as forced disappearances, and extrajudicial killings.'' This is a letter from the distinguished Canadian Ambassador to the United States. The extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances began on January 1, 1959. In that month of January 1959, three third cousins of mine, and their names are Torcuato, Domingo, and Miguel Olea Gros, those are their last names, were shot without trial by Raul Castro. Like the Olea Gros brothers there have been thousands and thousands and thousands of victims of this dictatorship 90 miles from our shores. Those refugees seeking freedom on July 13, I would ask the distinguished Ambassador from Canada, what trial did they receive before they were brought to their deaths at 7 miles from the coast of Havana, including two dozen or so children? How were those deaths judicial? I am certain that the Ambassador from Canada, as I have stated, is a distinguished gentleman who means well, and that is why I make so much emphasis on the need for information, because even the Ambassador to the United States from Canada, after 35 years of daily crimes by the regime, states in writing, in justifying his government's resumption of aid to the Cuban dictatorship, that there are no extrajudicial killings in Cuba. So there is a grave responsibility on the shoulders of those whose mission it is to inform the international community about what is happening, and they are failing in that responsibility. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. DIAZ-BALART. I yield to the gentleman from Indiana. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, I would just like to point out that one of my heroes, and a good friend of yours, and a good friend of mine, Armando Valladares, who spent 25 years-plus in a Cuban prison, and who was tortured, and I think Representative Dornan alluded to it a few minutes ago, was arrested today because he was protesting before the Cuban mission about the horrible atrocity that took place, to which you have been alluding. I think it is really unforgivable that this country would put a man of that caliber, who was our U.N. Ambassador to the Human Rights Commission in Geneva, put him in jail for showing his outrage at what Castro's Cuba has been doing. In addition, I would like to make one brief comment, and I do not want to interrupt your train of thought because you are doing such a fine job, but that is we hear a lot about Haiti, and there are a lot of problems with Haiti. There is even talk of invasion. Yet we have had problems, as you said, for 35 years that have been going on in Cuba, and we have let them go on and on, the atrocities go on year in and year out, and a real animal and a tyrant is down there. And many times we look the other way. So I would just like to say to my colleague, as long as he is and I am in the Congress, I think the vast majority of our constituents will be made aware of these horrible things, and we will try to do everything we can to stop this from going on. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. I thank the gentleman from Indiana, who is one of the great leaders in this Congress in favor of human rights everywhere in the world, and who has made his voice be heard often with regard to the tragedy 90 miles away from our shores. I thank the gentleman once again. I think it is important to focus in on what needs to be done with regard to the tragedy of July 13. The U.S. Senate spoke very clearly last Friday and requested formally and officially that President Clinton instruct our permanent representative to the United Nations to seek a condemnation of the massacre of July 13, of those over 40 innocent refugees and two dozen children, and to seek an international investigation exactly of the details of that massacre, and also to request of the Cuban dictatorship to cease its harassment of the survivors of the massacre, the men which are in detention or in prison in Cuba for the crime of trying to leave their country. Madam Speaker, today is one of the darkest days in the history of Cuba. It is July 26. This was the day that Castro sought to make a name for himself in 1953 by attacking the second largest military barracks in the country. There is an extraordinarily good article today in the Spanish- language version of the Miami Herald from a Cuban, perhaps, certainly one of the best known, if not the most brilliant of the Cuban poets, Gaston Baquero, who is a black man, has suffered racial discrimination and written about it, and who I admire extraordinarily, not only for his talent, but for above all else his humanity. Baquero published an article today sizing up this date, July 26. He says, ``Forty-one years gives one a perspective that is sufficient to judge a historical event.'' He says, ``It's very dangerous when a society at some point applauds an attack on a military barracks. When a society applauds an attack on a military barracks it becomes a suicidal society,'' he says, ``because that military barracks is part of the guarantee of private property, and order and all of the other things that are required for liberty.'' One of the so-called heroes he talks about, perhaps the most famous of the women who accompanied Castro in his so-called revolutionary feat, was Haydee Santamaria. He identifies, Baquero identifies Haydee Santamaria as the image, mother, sister, matriarch of the so-called revolution of Castro. Back on a similar date such as this 26 July, in 1980, after having seen what Castro was doing to those who were seeking to leave by the well-known Mariel port, that so-called acts of repudiation which he had already managed to perfect by then, get mobs to go to people's homes and spit on the people who are leaving or they have signed a document or dissented in some way, get the children, classmates of many of the children at that home, to spit on their classmates, insult the family and classmates. When Haydee Santamaria, again, the mother, sister, matriarch image of the Castro revolution saw what he was already doing in 1980, on this date, that year, she by the way had described the following: She had said, she had declared, when all other alternatives fail, Haydee Santamaria had declared the only solution, political solution, that remains is suicide, and so she, in a dignified fashion, committed suicide on a day like today, 26 July, 1980, and Baquero ends his historical analysis of 26 July, after referring to that incident of Haydee Santamaria, in the following fashion: If Fidel Castro were loyal to the memory of his first idol, Eduardo Chibas, who by the way had committed suicide. He was a very well-known political figure, and he committed suicide in Cuba in 1951; Fidel Castro would offer this 26th of July to his tortured people, would offer on this 26th of July to his tortured people the only serious, adequate, and just action that he has at his grasp, to blow his brains out. Why not imitate his idol Hitler when all is lost for him, his idol who Castro stole that phrase from ``History will absolve me,'' when Castro was arrested in 1953; he stole Hitler's phrase at the end of Mein Kampf, ``History will absolve me.'' Why not imitate his idol Hitler who he stole that joke from, ``History will absolve me''? It would be the perfect closing to the door that was opened by Castro when he attacked that military barracks on July 26, 1953; that suicide would be the final period on the bloody page, in his bloody page. Never again another 26th of July. Never again. [The articles follow:] [From the Miami Herald, July 19, 1994] Murder at Sea Has our hemisphere grown so used to the Cuban regime's savagery that it cannot summon a cry of outrage for the nearly 40 Cuban refugees sent to their watery deaths by Fidel Castro's government? The ``prudent'' silence over Cuba's murderous sinking of a tugboat loaded with escapees is without justification. Would this complicitous silence greet the murder of innocent men, women and children fleeing other places? The murdered refugees' only crime was to make a desperate attempt to flee Cuba. Soon after the group of 72 began their escape aboard a decrepit tug, Cuban fire-fighting boats attacked them. According to eyewitnesses, the refugees signaled their readiness to surrender and to return to port. The escapees even held up some of the small children for the attackers to see, screaming that more than 20 children were on board. Such pleas did not deter Castro's men, who turned potent fore hoses on the refugee vessel, sweeping passengers overboard. The pursuit craft then rammed the tugboat repeatedly, capsizing it. Tragically, all of the children hiding in the tug's hold apparently died. The adult survivors are in jail. Where on earth is a mute world's conscience. Countries with substantial investments in Cuba--Spain, Mexico and a few others--have a special obligation to denounce this crime perpetrated by Cuba's government against the unarmed refugees. Like investors in the South Africa of apartheid, Cuba's foreign business partners ought to feel particularly ashamed of the actions of the regime that their capital is helping to sustain. ____ Amendment adopted on 7/22/94 to H.R. 4603, the Commerce, State, Justice Appropriations bill--by Senators Mack, Dole, Graham, and others--sense of the Senate condemning the sinking of the 13th of March by the Government of Cuba. (A) Findings-- (1) There are credible reports that on July 15, 1994 Cuban government vessels fired high-pressure water hoses, repeatedly rammed and deliberately sunk the ``13th of March'', a tugboat carrying 72 unarmed Cuban citizens. (2) About forty of the men, women, and children passengers on the 13th of March drowned as a result of Cuban government actions, including most or all of the twenty children aboard. (3) The President of the United States ``deplored'' the sinking of the 13th of March as ``another example of the brutal nature of the Cuban regime.'' (4) All of the men who survived the sinking of the 13th of March have been imprisoned by the Cuban government. (5) The freedom to emigrate is an internationally recognized human right and freedom's fundamental guarantor of last resort. (6) The Cuban government, by jamming TV and Radio Marti, denies the Cuban people the right to free access to information, including information about this tragedy. (B) It is the Sense of the Senate to-- (1) condemn the Cuban government for deliberately sinking the 13th of March, causing the deaths of about 40 Cuban citizens, including about twenty children; (2) urge the President to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations to seek a resolution in the United Nations Security Council that (a) condemns the sinking of the 13th of March; (b) provides for a full internationally supervised investigation of the incident and; (c) urges the Cuban government to release from prison and cease intimidation measures against all survivors of the sinking of the 13th of March. ____ [From the Washington Post, July 25, 1994] Let Me Tell You About an Ongoing Tragedy (Paid political advertisement submitted by Pedro Reboredo, Commissioner, District No. 6, Dade County, FL) It is a disturbing sight to see in the network news--almost every night at dinner time--images of Haitians fleeing their country, in some cases being rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard, and in others drowning in the high seas. You feel sorry for them. I know I do, but there is another tragedy that you have not seen reported in the news or newspapers. It happened in the early hours of July 13, when boats belonging to the Cuban government attacked and sank a tug boat carrying more than 70 women, men and children who were trying to escape the island and reach the Florida coast. Only 30 survived; the remaining 41 human beings, most women and children, went down with the boat * * *. We learned of this major tragedy when the Cuban government issued a short statement saying that a group of irresponsible individuals stole a boat in the port of Havana and it accidentally sank 7 miles off the coast. Then, we heard the truth. A young mother, Maria Victoria Garcia, survived, but she does not want to live anymore. She lost her husband, two brothers and a ten year old son, who was holding on to her leg, but was washed out by the whirlpool created by the boat as it was sinking. Maria Victoria is in Havana. She speaks in detail about how they were chased by Cuban military boats that used high pressure hoses to stop the tug boat; how the water pressure made children and women fly off the boat; and how the wooden ship was rammed several times while the Cuban officials were cursing in response to the women's pleas who cried trying to save the children. You may ask why am I spending thousands to tell a story that should have been front page news. I am doing it because I believe that you should be aware of what is happening only ninety miles away from our shores; also because the United States has been good to me. The people of this country gave me shelter when I too came as a refugee. You, gave me the opportunity to work, to raise my daughters in a free land. You granted me the honor of becoming an American citizen and be elected to several positions in South Florida. Even though it is important to be aware of what is happening half a world away from this country, I also believe that the American people should learn about what is going on close to your own borders. I know that this is a country that responds to human suffering, and I want you to realize the tragedy of the Cuban people--of those remaining in the land where I was born. My people do not expect you to invade Cuba. They just want to feel that they are not alone, that the cries of those Cuban children, and many others, will not go unanswered or unheard by the world, and especially by the United States: The beacon of hope for those who seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ____ Clinton Says Cuban Refugee Boat Sinking ``Brutal'' Miami, July 18.--President Clinton on Monday condemned as ``an example of Cuban brutality'' the sinking of a tugboat off the island after it was stolen by a group of Cubans trying to leave the island. ``I deplore it as an example of Cuban brutality, another example of the brutal nature of the Cuban regime,'' Clinton told reporters during a visit to Miami. Cuban authorities said Saturday that some people were missing after the tugboat sank after a collision with a government vessel that was trying to intercept it before dawn Wednesday seven miles (12 km) north of Havana. A Cuban Interior Ministry statement said 31 people had been rescued. A survivor of the incident, Maria Victoria Garcia Suarez, told foreign reporters in Cuba she believed some 70 to 73 people were originally on board when the vessel left Havana port. This would mean about 40 people had probably drowned. Garcia said the stolen boat was pursued and surrounded by other tugboats, which used hoses to spray it with water. It began taking on water after being struck in the right side and began to sink, she said. ____________________