[Congressional Record Volume 143, Number 40 (Tuesday, April 8, 1997)] [Extensions of Remarks] [Pages E591-E593] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] ANASTASIA'S STORY: A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO ANASTASIA D. KAPTUR ______ HON. LOUIS STOKES of ohio in the house of representatives Tuesday, April 8, 1997 Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, on March 20, 1997, our colleague from Ohio, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, suffered the loss of her mother, Anastasia D. Kaptur. Many of us realize that the loss of a mother can be extremely heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Marcy and members of her family as they move through this difficult period of mourning. On March 24, 1997, Marcy and her family gathered at St. Theresa of the Little Flower Parish for a celebration of life memorial mass in honor of her mother. Friends joined the Kaptur family in reflecting upon the life of Anastasia Kaptur, who was a courageous human being and a very remarkable woman. To celebrate their mother's life, Marcy and her brother, Steve, prepared a special tribute entitled, ``Anastasia's Story.'' This moving tribute is a testament to Anastasia D. Kaptur, who is called A Woman for all Seasons. Mr. Speaker, I take pride in submitting ``Anastasia's Story'' for inclusion in the Congressional Record. I ask my colleagues to join me in expressing our deepest condolences to Marcy and members of her family. Anastasia's Story Celebration of Life Memorial Mass, Little Flower Parish, March 24, 1997 Anastasia ``Cherie'' Delores Mary Rogowska Kaptur Welcome to St. Theresa of the Little Flower Parish where our family has attended for 52 years. On behalf of my mother's son and my brother, Steve, and the Kaptur and Rogowski families, especially our loving father Stephen ``Kappy'' who was laid to rest 28 years ago, as well as mother's mother and father, Teofila and John, and her sister, Anna, her brothers Anthony and Stanley, all of whom preceded her in death; her sister-in-law Esther Kalinska Rogowski; her niece and goddaughter Rose Ann Rogowska Koperski and her nephew John Rogowski; her cousins Theresa and Joe Kaptur, and John and Rita Kaptur, and their children and grandchildren; and her treasured friends, Mrs. Blanche Zalipski, Mrs. Esther Dutkiewicz, Mrs. Sally Zawierucha, and Mrs. Connie (Corrie) Dutched--all of us wish to extend deepest gratitude to you, our friends, for your compassion and for making the effort to celebrate the life of our most beloved mother Anastasia ``Cherie'' Delores Mary Rogowska Kaptur. We wish also to express the sincerest thanks to the doctors, nurses, and support staff at every level at St. Vincent's Medical Center, especially Dr. Ward Taylor, Drs. A. Zacharias and Thomas Schwann, and Drs. Phillip Horowitz and Allen Markowicz. Our family is also indebted to Mr. H. Ross Perot and the gifted doctors at the Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Dr. Gene Frenkel who made the longest house call in the world, and Dr. A. Harold Urschell. Finally, we cannot express our appreciation adequately to the saintly nurses of Hospice of Northwest Ohio who treated our mother with the tenderest and most humane care. For us, her children, mother's loss is profound, beyond measure. We know God has blessed our family by affording us the privilege and honor to know and love this heroic woman for half a century. We admire her totally. Our love and respect for her has grown more with each passing day. We shall never know a more loving, unselfish, nor courageous human being. Somehow it is mystical that this service is being held at a time when seasons are converging, as spring dawns in this season of new life. Within the last week, we have experienced freezing rain, bright sunlight with blue skies, winter snowfalls, blustery winds, and spring rains. The geese and birds are returning, and there is a new moon. We believe this is nature's way of welcoming our mother. My brother and I also must beg our mother's forgiveness. Because, you see, she chose to be a very private person--a woman of deepest humility. She sought no fanfare nor acknowledgement. She would have been quite uncomfortable with the attention being directed her way today. But we couldn't fathom how to avoid this occasion of the celebration of her life. We would wish for each of you to have in your life the gift of Anastasia--love constantly and freely bestowed, as she has given us for five decades. She has been our life-long partner in all adventures, large and small, and our most ardent supporter--whether it was working with my brother on his latest [[Page E592]] patented invention or on his race car--literally, she sat behind the wheel revving the engine while he tinkered under the hood. She acted as my chief political confidante, inspiring me always, as well as touching citizens across this district and nation. Her love for her children could not be contained. Make no mistake about her resolve. She was a rugged individualist. In an age of materialism, she countered the tide. She coveted no bauble. She preferred ``making'' to ``buying.'' In an age of television, she remained a literary woman of the written word, known for her independent thought and resistance to commercialized brain washing. In an age of mega mergers and faceless bureaucracies, she supported the small family businesses--Bayer's Hardware, Wolfert and Sofo's Markets, Brodbeck's Greenhouse. We can still see her each spring in that greenhouse, negotiating down all the aisles, appreciating the vast display of acres of flowers under glass, and leaving with carloads of petunias and other sundry selections, along with trunkloads of potting soil. In an age of shallow commitments, her word and her life remain as true as the North Star. For us, she remains ageless, a woman for all seasons. Our mother's life symbolizes triumph over adversity, the story of a woman from the working classes who never yielded. Let us tell you Anastasia's story . . . Mother was born in Toledo to Polish peasant immigrant parents who had journeyed to America in 1912 before World War I from a tiny village in Burtyn, Ukraine, at the nexus of the Polish and Ukrainian borders. Her father was a forester and her mother a peasant girl of 17 years. They suffered the abuse of making the month long journey to America in steerage class in the bottom of a ship that left from Rotterdam and disembarked at Ellis Island in New York. They sought to improve their lot by working to earn enough money to buy farmland in their native country where they had been forced off the land as land was collectivized and they could no longer graze their cows. But the Russian Revolution intervened, then World War I, and mother's parents were cut off from their relatives, never able to return home. Our mother was the second-born of their four children-- Anna, Anastasia, Anthony, and Stanley. She was nicknamed ``Cherie'' in a childhood game they invented in which they renamed one another--Al, Cherie, Fritz, and Skip. Mother grew up during the Depression utterly poor from a financial standpoint. That searing memory of bitter poverty would remain with her throughout her life. This was a time in America before our social safety net laws were in place. In her early years, the family moved at least eight times-- always renters, never owners--from Belmont Avenue, to Avondale, to Vance, to Pulaski, to Lucas, to Montrose, to Blum, to Pinewood. And with those moves, she was forced to change elementary schools and disrupt those tender learning years--from Indiana School, to Pickett, to St. Teresa where she made her Communion and Confirmation, to Hoag School. At age 13, mom was already working to support her family. She would rise at 4:30 a.m., take two buses across town in Toledo to babysit and also clean houses for her teachers, as well as wealthier people in Toledo. She herself later would write: ``Being a child of depression, making $5 a week, my father out of work for years, my sister dying, no money at all. No hope at all. My two children know the history.'' Though highly gifted academically and an all-A student in the 7th and 8th grades, she was forced to drop out of Libbey High School to work as a waitress to bring home a few dollars a week to help the struggling family that also took in boarders to make extra cash. Her father, always the last hired and the first fired, could not keep steady work so her mother cooked, washed clothes, did ironing--anything--to earn cash, and also labored at Miller's Greenhouse picking tomatoes, then in the kitchen at the Commodore Perry, then at Kuhlmann's Potato Chips, and at Industrial Belt company on Summit--but like her husband always at the bottom of the seniority list. Her treasured and only sister, Anna, one year older than mom, died tragically at age 17 of leakage of the heart, an event that remained deeply poignant to our mother throughout her years. Mom became the oldest surviving child. At age 16, she hired on at Dean's Confectionery across from St. Anthony's school for $5.00 per week. Many times that was all her family had to live on. At 18, she worked at Liberty Lunch for $8 a week, and then at Broadway Bar-B-Que for $11.75 a week. The minimum wage law was passed at that time, but her boss made her sign her check, then he cashed it, and she was still paid only $8 a week. One day a lady came in looking for people to work at Kresge's downtown, where mom became employed, earning $14.50 a week. When she was in her early 20's, she landed a job at the Champion Spark Plug Company in Toledo where she had applied at the employment office every day for one year. She never missed a day of work between any of her jobs. Here, her weekly wage rose to $40 a week. She worked the production line at plug tamping where she was paid based on her output and she always did the maximum number each day. It was at Champion that she was elected to the Charter Committee of the Local 12 United Auto Workers Trade Union that was forming. She summarized for her children why she helped form the union--``primarily to assure seniority rights of employment so you couldn't be fired because the supervisor brought family member to replace you. A bidding system was established so any open job was put up on the board so the one with the most seniority got the job if qualified. Discrimination was outlawed so the foreman could no longer put his pets or relatives on the best job. The right to ask for a pay raise was assured through negotiation and the right to strike granted to employees. Leaves for illness were granted so people wouldn't be fired if a doctor's certification was provided. Bathroom privileges were allowed for personal contingencies. Three months leave was allowed for pregnancy. Layoffs would occur according to seniority. And a grievance procedure was established to curb harassment by mean foremen.'' Elected union Secretary, Mom gained respect by both company and union members for her knowledge of the bidding system, her ability to handle grievances, and her detailed grasp of the labor contract. On November 26, 1938, at 9:00 A.M. at St. Teresa's Church, she married our happy go-lucky, wonderful father Stephen or ``Kappy''--a produce man and truck driver. He came from an even larger family where his mother had 16 children, though many did not survive the illnesses of that period. They lived with mom's family for awhile but then, together in 1945, they bought a small home in Reynolds Corners in Adams Township, totally retrofitted it, landscaped the property, waterproofed the outside walls, handstripped the woodwork. While they were at it, they gave birth to two children, their daughter Marcia Carolyn in 1946, and their son Stephen Jacob in 1952. Mom left her job at Champion when Steve was born. In 1952, mom and dad opened their own family meat market and grocery called Supreme Market in Rossford, Ohio on Dixie Highway across from the Libbey Glass Plant. Cherie's homemade pies were sold there, along with dad's fresh and smoked Polish sausage, veal loaf, pickled herring, and lots more. But due to her husband's illness, the family was forced to sell the store at decade's end, and dad went to work at Kaiser Jeep to assure the family income and health benefits. He retired from there in 1968. Mom worked at a number of part-time jobs to supplement the family income, with their daughter in college and their son in high school--Daso Bakery, Mareks' Supermarket, cleaning physicians' offices, and even pet-sitting. She continued working after she was widowed in 1969. During the 1970's, with her children grown, and after receiving her first Social Security check, Anastasia pursued the life-long dream she had placed on hold while she helped everyone else--completing her high school education and advancing her own formal education. She received her high school certification of graduation from the State of Ohio in 1975, and passed with flying colors. She also enrolled in Russian courses at the University of Toledo, took painting courses at the Toledo Museum of Art, polished her knowledge of the Polish language from books and letter-writing, honing those skills for decades by writing relatives in Poland and the Ukraine. She became the best ``Friend of the Library,'' faithfully checking out 10-20 books each month. And the reading list was not light--Halberstam, Updike, McCollough, Grisham, Elements of Style, Raven's Wing, The Recycled Citizen, The Reckoning, Brand Fires on the Ridge. History. Travel. Adventure. Geography. Fiction. Mysteries. Mom often used the expression ``thirst for knowledge.'' And, she certainly possessed it. She was self-taught in so many facets, cultivated a stellar vocabulary on a daily basis, and was a life-long learner. She began to travel extensively with her children-- throughout the United States, and the world. Her deep interest in geography enlivened at every turn. Niagara Falls, British Columbia, New Orleans, Miami, Montreal, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Chicago, New York, California, Oregon, the Upper and Lower Peninsulas in Michigan, Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, the Ukraine, even when the Iron Curtain made travel difficult . . . Mexico, Toronto . . . Her most memorable trip involved discovering the village of her mother and father, hidden inside the western Ukraine, placing flowers on the graves of her grandmothers, and learning of their fates--one starved to death during Lenin's drive to squelch peasant rebellion in the countryside, and the other shot together with her grandchildren for refusing to divulge the whereabouts of a grandson being sought for conscription into the Russian army. While there, mom discovered a grove of full grown trees at the opening to the village, planted by her mother before she departed for America. While there, she also found her mother's brother, Casimer, the sole surviving son who had been placed in Siberian concentration camps for 20 years by Joseph Stalin. It was an unforgettable journey as the blanks of 63 years of family history were filled in. Mother is most at home in the outdoors with nature, and in her gardens. She advised ``everything in life must have a center, just like the universe, or a flower, or a family.'' She could grow anything--certainly children. But also animals--dogs, ducks, rabbits, birds, squirrels, crescendos of plants and flowers, roses by the thousands, flowers of all varieties--the usual ones like marigolds and sweet peas. But more often the unusual and rare ones-- moon flowers, balloon flowers, lupines, tulips, foxglove, columbine. Her own potatoes, planted lovingly each year, were harvested for a special meal. And her [[Page E593]] evergreens and spruces, grown from shoots or small seeds, all came to have symbolic value in our yard like the large blue spruce on our front lawn, planted the first year she had both a son and a daughter. If by a loving act of nature, that tree over the years has sprouted two tops. Always, she was beautiful, so delicate and tiny physically, with the clearest blue eyes my brother and I had ever seen, and flawless skin, rarely wearing makeup. Natural. She wore her hair like no other person we ever met. Distinctive. She wore hats and clothing she crafted herself. She loved to dance, especially polkas in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. She had a flair, whether it was the way she held a napkin, or planted a garden, or signed her name. She was always usefully occupied and her project list never ended. She built furniture, designed and sewed clothing, painted oil sketches, landscaped, wrote newsy personal letters, baked, did masonry. She enjoyed people, one at a time, and took a personal interest in each person's story. When she finished a conversation, it was likely the person had told her much more about him or herself than they ever knew about mom. The first day she was admitted to the hospital for tests, a nurse came up to her and said she was going to take extra good care of her because when the nurse's husband was a little boy, he was mom's paper boy and mom always invited him in and fed him cookies. She would refer to people she truly admired as the ``salt of the earth.'' Indeed, that epitomizes her. And she would remind us the ``strongest steel goes through the hottest fire.'' And she has. She always prayed for others' physical, mental, moral, and spiritual strength. But, she possessed them all. She walked toward physical death with full knowledge, her shoulders straight, trying to bolster us, with her eyes fixed on the horizon. She never flinched once. She never complained. She accepted. And, her spirit triumphed. I only wish we could reveal to you the depths of her courage. She taught us how to live, and she showed us how to die. We are grateful to God for granting us the time to say goodbye. Never have we known a person of such goodness. She would caution us ``Never give anything with the idea of getting something in return.'' She was completely selfless. In knowing her, we came to know the full meaning of the words--love, truth, beauty, unselfishness, humility, wisdom, generosity, grace, refinement, ingenuity, perseverance, serenity, and courage. For those of you who wonder why she didn't confide in you these last several months, please know she was protecting you, not wanting you to worry. She was always thinking of the other person. If you ever looked into her sparkling eyes, or shook her hand, you knew you met someone of substantial character and abiding virtue. In the heavens, some stars emanate a pure light, so full, constant and strong, they quietly draw the gaze of earthly creatures, large and small, to their wondrous, serene lustre. They usher in the night and the day. In their light, sojourners never lose their way, never fall, never tire, and are never alone. In her memory, our family will establish ``The Anastasia Fund'' (to be formally incorporated as the Anastasia Swiecicki Rogowska Kaptur Fund) for the adoption, education, and medical care of children from the newly democratizing nations of Eastern and Central Europe, beginning with Burtyn, Ukraine, the ancestral home of her parents. Mother would say, ``goodness never dies.'' May this fund honor her memory, that of her mother and father, and their mothers and fathers as we move to a 21st century that offers hope in the most forgotten places. There is no way to say thank you sufficiently, mother. We love you beyond life and time itself. May eternal rest be granted unto you and may perpetual light shine upon you. Your profoundly grateful son and daughter, Steve and Marcy. To be established in Memory of our Mother's Life: ``The Anastasia Fund'' (to be formally incorporated as the Anastasia Swiecicki Rogowska Kaptur Fund) dedicated for the adoption, education and medical care of children from the newly democratizing nations of Eastern and Central Europe beginning with Burtyn, Ukraine, the ancestral home of her parents. Contributions may be forwarded to: ``The Anastasia Fund'', c/o Toledo Community Foundation, 608 Madison Avenue, Suite 1540, Toledo, Ohio 43604-1151. ____________________