[Congressional Record Volume 143, Number 80 (Tuesday, June 10, 1997)] [Extensions of Remarks] [Page E1163] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] HONORING REV. MATTHEW J. PEARSON ______ HON. THOMAS M. DAVIS of virginia in the house of representatives Tuesday, June 10, 1997 Mr. DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to rise today to pay tribute to the esteemed pastor of Warner Baptist Church, the Reverend Matthew J. Pearson. The Warner Baptist Church is celebrating their 25th anniversary of guidance under Reverend Pearson. Matthew was born in Washington, DC, on June 23, 1930. He first studied Bible courses at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL, and later graduated from the Washington Bible College in Washington, DC. In 1951, he married Mildred Robinson and together they have been blessed with two children, a son, Melvin, and a daughter, Donna. Matthew has been involved in the ministry for 36 years. Previous to this time, he spent 2 years in the United States Army during the Korean war, again showing his dedication to his country and serving others. In 1955 Matthew joined the Warner Baptist Church where he began serving God as president of the senior choir, member of the deacon board, and as a Sunday school teacher. In 1961, he was called to the ministry and was licensed at the Warner Baptist Church, where he was ordained in 1963. Reverend Pearson became the pastor of Warner Baptist Church in 1972 and a number of accomplishments have been achieved under his leadership. One of his goals has been organizing the ministries of the church for all ages of parishioners. Matthew is not only heavily involved in his church, but also in his community. He is the chaplain for HOSPICE of Arlington, member of the Lott Carey Foreign Mission, member of the Annandale Christian Community for Action, and an active participant in the Meals-On-Wheels' program. He was also instrumental in organizing the Baileys Crossroads Shelter for the Homeless. Reverend Pearson was recently honored for his devotion to public service by being asked to give the opening prayer at the House of Delegates in Richmond. The Warner Baptist Church has been blessed for 25 years with Reverend Pearson's religious teachings. I know my colleagues and the congregation of Warner Baptist Church will join me in saluting Reverend Pearson on this special anniversary. It has been a great honor and pleasure to work with Matthew Pearson for nearly 20 years. He is someone who has made a difference in our community. I wish him the best for continued success in the future. ____________________