[Congressional Record Volume 146, Number 136 (Thursday, October 26, 2000)]
[Pages S11044-S11045]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  Mr. REID. Mr. President, before my friend leaves the floor, I want to 
say a couple things to him and have on the record of the Senate for the 
remainder of time of this Republic the fact that

[[Page S11045]]

the State of Nevada has had 23 Senators, and never in the history of 
the State of Nevada on any level of government have there been two 
elected officials who have worked more closely together than Senators 
Bryan and Reid.
  We took the bar together in 1963. He then began service for a short 
period of time as a private attorney. Then he became a prosecuting 
attorney and then Nevada's first public defender. We went to the State 
legislature together in 1967 where we were known as the ``gold dust 
twins.'' We were the only two freshmen in that 60-body legislature. 
That was the beginning of our love for the legislative process.
  Senator Bryan went on to serve, after the Nevada Assembly, in the 
State senate, then to serve as attorney general of the State of Nevada, 
as Governor of Nevada, elected twice, and then he came to Washington as 
a U.S. Senator. No one in the history of the State of Nevada has had 
such an electric and exciting political career as Senator Richard 
Bryan. I feel so fortunate that this partnership we have developed over 
the years is one we both feel good about.
  As strong as the partnership is of Senators Reid and Bryan, as he 
mentioned, the knowledge that we in Nevada have as to the relationship 
of Richard and Bonnie Bryan is very significant. She literally has been 
with him every step of the way. She was a wonderful first lady who is 
still talked about as to her proficiency.
  It is with a great deal of sadness that occasions such as this have 
come since he announced his retirement. The first came when he 
announced at a press conference in front of his alma mater, Las Vegas 
High School, he wasn't going to run anymore. I shed about all the tears 
I could on that occasion. I don't think I have shed any tears since 
then publicly, but I have privately. My life will never be the same 
without Senator Richard Bryan working with me. We have had a wonderful 
run. I hope that at least I can speak from his perspective that the 
people of the State of Nevada have benefited as a result of his 
service. He has done some wonderful things--helping local government in 
Nevada, State government in Nevada, and helping people throughout 
America, especially with his consumer advocacy.
  So I wish there were something I could say that would translate into 
the love and affection and admiration I have for Senator Bryan, but I 
can't do that, other than to close by acknowledging our unique 
friendship and the love we have for one another.
  Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll.
  The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll.
  Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order 
for the quorum call be rescinded.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.
  Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, as I understand it, I have 10 minutes as 
in morning business.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is correct.
