[Congressional Record Volume 149, Number 89 (Tuesday, June 17, 2003)]
[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E1274]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]



                          HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR

                                of ohio

                    in the house of representatives

                         Tuesday, June 17, 2003

  Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I rise today to 
pay special tribute to an outstanding Ohio corporation, Spangler Candy 
Company, and the 50th anniversary celebration of the Spangler Dum Dum 
Pop. Considered the largest selling penny pop in the Midwest, the Dum 
Dum Pop came to Bryan, Ohio in the spring of 1953, when Spangler 
purchased the machinery, equipment and trade name from the Akron Candy 
Company of Bellevue, Ohio. By 1956, the Dum Dum Pop was a nationally 
acclaimed candy.
  Mr. Speaker, on June 4, 1953, Bryan celebrated the acquisition of the 
Dum Dum Pop with a declared ``Dum Dum Day.'' On this special occasion, 
thousands of free lollipops were distributed to children and families 
gathered on the front lawn of the Spangler plant.
  In August 1957, Spangler announced its ``largest production day 
ever'' of 1,545,750 Dum Dum Pops. In 1959, Spangler introduced a new 
program, encouraging children to save their Dum Dum wrappers and send 
them in with money for prizes. Today, the ``save wraps'' continues to 
function in a modified version.
  By 1979, Spangler was producing 2.8 million Dum Dum Pops on a daily 
basis. By 1989, Dum Dums were the third largest selling lollipop in the 
  During the summer of 2001, a warehouse in Archbold, Ohio burned to 
the ground, costing Spangler more than 110,000 cases of Dum Dum Pops 
ready for shipment. In the months following the devastating fire, 
Spangler employees worked long hours to replace the loss, producing 
approximately 10 million Dum Dum Pops a day. After the Archbold fire, 
Spangler workers proved their dedication to the industry of Dum Dum 
Pops in their efforts to compensate for the lost products. 
Demonstrating pride and civic duty, factory workers and distributors 
proved their allegiance to Spangler and Dum Dum Pop consumers.
  Today, Spangler generates about 8 million Dum Dum Pops each day, 
distributing cases of lollipops world-wide. Available in a variety of 
packaging sizes, ranging from 7 ounces to bulk cases of more than 
2,000-count, consumers can purchase Dum Dums in food, drug, and mass 
market retail stores, as well as on the Spangler Candy Co. website.
  Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in paying special tribute 
to Spangler Candy Co. In producing Dum Dum Pops', the 
Spangler Candy Co. has provided jobs and a positive work environment 
not only for the Bryan community, but for members of communities 
nationwide. We wish Spangler Candy Co. all the best as we acknowledge 
one of our State's finest companies and all of their accomplishments.
