[Congressional Record Volume 156, Number 39 (Wednesday, March 17, 2010)]
[Pages S1643-S1644]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  Mr. McCAIN. Now I wish to take this opportunity to speak about the 
ongoing cause of human rights and democracy in Russia. These are not 
issues we hear much about from the current Russian Government, 
unfortunately, unless it is to denounce those Russian citizens who 
aspire to these universal values.
  I had an opportunity the other week to meet with one of these brave 
Russian champions of human rights, human dignity, and freedom--a man by 
the name of Boris Nemtsov. I know several other people and other 
Members of Congress had a similar opportunity to speak with him. Mr. 
Nemtsov is but one of the many Russians who believe their country 
deserves a government that enhances and enshrines the human rights of 
its people in an inviolable rule of law, that allows citizens to hold 
their leaders accountable through a real Democratic process. This 
Saturday, March 20, many Russian human rights activists are planning 
public demonstrations all across their great country--I might add at 
great risk, since there is very little doubt that the Russian 
Government may even forcibly repress some of these public 
demonstrations, which will be peaceful. I asked Mr. Nemtsov what we in 
Washington could do to support the cause of human rights in Russia, and 
he simply said: ``Speak up for it. Speak up for us.''
  It is my pleasure to do that today.
  The Russian Government will surely take whatever I say here and 
similar things said by others and try to paint Russia's champions of 
human rights and democracy as puppets and proxies of the United 
States. Of course, they would say and do the exact same thing even if 
no Americans spoke up for the human rights of Russia's citizens. So we 
should refrain from internalizing the Kremlin's talking points, 
especially when Russians themselves are requesting our moral support 
for their cause. Because the fact is, this isn't about particular 
individuals or particular demonstrations held this week or any week in 
Russia. This is about universal values--values that we in the United 
States embody but do not own, values that should shape the conduct of 
every government, be it ours or Russia's or any other country's. When 
we see citizens of conviction seeking to hold their governments to the 
higher standard of human rights, we should speak up for them.

  This is all the more necessary when we realize the obstacles those 
citizens face, especially in Russia. I wish to read a passage from the 
2009 Country Report on Human Rights Practices, which was recently 
released by our State Department. Here is how they described the human 
rights situation in Russia:

       Direct and indirect government interference in local and 
     regional elections restricted the ability of citizens to 
     change their government through free and fair elections. 
     During the year, there were a number of high-profile killings 
     of human rights activists by unknown persons, apparently for 
     reasons related to their professional activities. There were 
     numerous credible reports that law enforcement personnel 
     engaged in physical abuse of subjects. Prison conditions were 
     harsh and could be life threatening. Eight journalists, many 
     of whom reported critically on the government, were killed 
     during the year. With one exception the government failed to 
     identify, arrest, or prosecute any suspects. Beating and 
     intimidation of journalists remained a problem. The 
     government limited freedom of assembly, and

[[Page S1644]]

     police sometimes used violence to prevent groups from 
     engaging in peaceful protest.

  It will be very interesting to see how the police and the government 
treat these demonstrations that will take place across Russia on March 
20. These conditions would be intolerable in any country, and this 
conduct would be unacceptable for any government. Clearly, Russia today 
is not the Soviet Union, neither in its treatment of Russia's people 
nor in its foreign policy. But I fear that may be damning with faint 
praise, and Russians themselves are right to hold their country and 
their government up to higher standards.
  Russia is a great nation, and like all Americans of good will, I want 
Russia to be strong and successful. I want Russia's economy to be a 
vibrant source of wealth and opportunity for all Russians. I want 
Russia to play a proud and responsible role in world affairs. I will 
continue to affirm in public and in private that the best way for 
Russians to secure what they say they care about most--reduced 
corruption, a strengthened and equitable rule of law, economic 
modernization--is by nurturing a pluralistic and free civil society, by 
building independent and sustainable institutions of democracy, and by 
respecting the human rights of all.
  I was happy to see that Russian political parties not aligned with 
the Kremlin actually won more seats in regional parliamentary elections 
this week. Perhaps this signals a growing recognition among Russians 
that the authoritarian tendencies of the Kremlin need to be rolled back 
through popular opposition. Perhaps the Russian Government could allow 
future elections at all levels to be freer and fairer. Perhaps. But 
there is still a long way to go for the cause of democracy in Russia, 
and I hope these small electoral gains only embolden democracy's 
  As we speak up for the rights of Russia's dissidents, we must do the 
same for the rights of Russia's neighbors as well--neighbors such as 
the country of Georgia. I visited Georgia in January, and I had a 
chance to travel to the so-called ``administrative boundary line'' with 
the breakaway region of Abkhazia. On the other side of that boundary 
line is sovereign Georgian territory occupied by Russian troops, as it 
has been since the 2008 invasion. When I was in Munich last month for 
an annual security conference, I heard several Russian officials 
speaking from the same script, alleging acts of aggression by Georgian 
forces against Russian peacekeepers--the same kind of rhetoric we heard 
before the 2008 invasion. This should give us all pause. I know 
Washington has a lot of foreign policy challenges at the moment, but we 
cannot forget Georgia and the support it deserves amid a continuing 
threat from its neighbor to the north.
  A Russian government that better protects the human dignity of its 
people would be more inclined to deal with its neighbors in peace and 
mutual respect. That is why we should all say a silent prayer and a 
public word of support for Russia's courageous human rights activists, 
as they make their voices heard this Saturday. These brave men and 
women want the best for their country. They want a government that is 
not only strong but just, peaceful, inclusive, and democratic. I urge 
Russia's leaders to recognize that peaceful champions of universal 
values are not a threat to Russia, and that groups such as this should 
not face the kinds of violence, repression, and intimidation that 
Russian authorities have used against similar demonstrators in the 
past. The eyes of the world will be watching.
  Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll.
  The assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll.
  Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I ask unanimous consent that the order for the 
quorum call be rescinded.
  The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.
