[Congressional Record Volume 159, Number 85 (Friday, June 14, 2013)] [Extensions of Remarks] [Page E878] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] THE IMPORTANCE OF FATHERS ON FATHER'S DAY ______ HON. JOHN L. MICA of florida in the house of representatives Friday, June 14, 2013 Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, as we recognize Father's Day 2013, probably never before has fatherhood been so challenged. Some sobering facts reveal a crisis that cannot and should not be ignored. Today, 29% of Caucasian, 53% Hispanic and 73% African-American children are born out of wedlock. The traditional position of fathers in American society and in the family as an institution is in serious trouble. The U.S. Census Bureau reported there are an estimated 70.1 million fathers across the nation; 24.7 million of those fathers have children under the age of 18 whom are living in single parent homes. Not having a father has serious economic consequences. Fatherless households account for 47% of our poverty rate and 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes according to the U.S. Census Bureau Reports. With no father present, 85% of children possess behavioral problems, which is twenty times the national average, Center for Disease Control reported. Additionally, 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes, a National Principals Association Report found. Today, 63% of youth suicides come from fatherless homes, the U.S. Department of Health observed. As we reflect on the state of fatherhood in America, these troubling figures indicate the importance of fathers for children's development, well-being and stability in society. While white males face a challenging role, the fatherhood role of their African-American counterparts has been dramatically eroded. A recent examination by the National Fatherhood Initiative revealed that African-American newborns today are seriously disadvantaged. White men have a less than 6% lifetime chance of going to prison; African- American men have a 32% chance, according to 2001 figures from the U.S. Department of Justice. Today, half of all children and 80% of African- American children can expect to spend at least part of their childhood living apart from their fathers. These staggering figures portray a role model absence in our society that is detrimental to our nation's youth. We must understand the consequences that result from denying our children a proper upbringing. Although Father's Day is a time to celebrate and rejoice with our loved ones, we cannot forget about the increasing number of our children that are being raised without a father. Children growing up without a father are more likely to have behavioral problems and be incarcerated. Those children are less likely to attend college, become married and form healthy relationships. Unfortunately this trend has become prevalent in our communities. As a result, this problem has become repetitive through generations at an alarming rate. We must work to raise awareness of the effects fatherhood has on a child's life. We must also find ways to stem the decline of meaningful relationships between a father and his child in our society. In a commentary on The Importance of a Loving Father by Dr. Walter E. Barker, a Florida licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Barker stated, ``Fathers are very important to their sons'' and daughters' development. A mother gives the child unconditional love and acceptance and the father's love is more conditional on the child's finding success and accomplishment out in the larger world. He wants his children to find what makes them happy and then take that gift and talent to make a contribution to the larger society. Fathers want their children to have a strong work ethic and to be willing to assert themselves in the world. By supporting the family structure, better education and job training, we can begin to reverse the diminished role of fathers in our country. We must all work to help raise awareness on the pressing issue. The importance of fatherhood should not be overlooked by our society if we are to insure a promising future for the children in America. ____________________