[Congressional Record Volume 162, Number 145 (Monday, September 26, 2016)]
[Page S6078]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                         ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS


                        TRIBUTE TO TRISHA PRABHU

 Mr. KIRK. Mr. President, today I want to recognize a member of 
my student leadership advisory board, a very remarkable student from 
Naperville, IL, Trisha Prabhu. Miss Prabhu is the founder of ReThink, 
an award winning anticyberbullying platform that effectively prevents 
cyberbullying proactively, at the source, before the damage is done. 
The app, which acts as a keyboard on your smartphone, recognizes an 
inappropriate text and prompts the user with a message asking them to 
rethink their text. Miss Prabhu crafted the premise of the app and its 
algorithms in 2014 and has been recognized as a global finalist for the 
Google Science Fair and was awarded the Inspire 2016 Aristotle Award by 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. She made Illinois proud 
when ReThink was an exhibitor at the White House Science Fair in March 
  Yesterday, ReThink was featured on the popular entrepreneur show, 
``Shark Tank.'' Thoroughly impressed with her accomplishments and the 
comprehensive app, Miss Prabhu agreed to a $100,000 business deal with 
Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner.
  Miss Prabhu is an outstanding example of Illinois innovation and uses 
her innovative spirit to better her community and promote STEM 
education throughout the country. She has deservedly received a number 
of awards for her work to stop bullying, including the ``Global Anti-
Bullying Hero'' award from Auburn University. I share a common goal 
with Miss Prabhu: to end bullying once and for all.
  I want to congratulate Trisha Prabhu on her recent accomplishment and 
wish her and ReThink the best of luck.
