[Congressional Record Volume 165, Number 9 (Wednesday, January 16, 2019)]
[Page H616]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                             MARCH FOR LIFE

  (Mr. ARRINGTON asked and was given permission to address the House 
for 1 minute.)
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, America is great because America is 
good. But I ask the question: What is good about terminating the God-
given, sacred life of unborn Americans?
  Madam Speaker, on Friday, thousands of students, pastors, priests, 
and patriotic Americans from all across our great land will gather here 
in our Nation's Capital to take part in the 46th annual March for Life.
  Madam Speaker, written into the Declaration of Independence is our 
founding faith and principle that all are created by God, created 
equally, endowed by a creator, created as a gift, created as an 
American, to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of 
  However, since Roe v. Wade, we have fallen short of that national 
ethic by not acknowledging that life at every stage is precious, 
valuable, sacred, and ought to be protected.
  Madam Speaker, this March for Life is a call to conscience, and it is 
a challenge for all of us to work toward a future where every life, 
born and unborn, is celebrated, cherished, and protected.
  May God continue to bless those who are marching for their passion 
and their love for the unborn, and may God continue to bless these 
United States.
