[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 70 (Wednesday, April 26, 2023)]
[Pages H1979-H2039]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                     LIMIT, SAVE, GROW ACT OF 2023

  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 327, I call 
up the bill (H.R. 2811) to provide for a responsible increase to the 
debt ceiling, and for other purposes, and ask for its immediate 
  The Clerk read the title of the bill.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 327, the 
amendment printed in House Report 118-43 is adopted, and the bill, as 
amended, is considered read.
  The text of the bill, as amended, is as follows:

                               H.R. 2811

       Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
     the United States of America in Congress assembled,


       This Act may be cited as the ``Limit, Save, Grow Act of 


       The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.
Sec. 3. References.



Sec. 101. Discretionary spending limits.



Sec. 201. Rescission of unobligated coronavirus funds.
Sec. 202. Rescission of inflation reduction act funds.


Sec. 211. Nullification of certain executive actions and rules relating 
              to Federal student loans.
Sec. 212. Limitation on authority of Secretary to propose or issue 
              regulations and executive actions.


Sec. 221. Amendment of 1986 Code.
Sec. 222. Modification of credit for electricity produced from certain 
              renewable resources.
Sec. 223. Modification of energy credit.
Sec. 224. Repeal of increase in energy credit for solar and wind 
              facilities placed in service in connection with low-
              income communities.
Sec. 226. Zero-emission nuclear power production credit repealed.
Sec. 229. Repeal of sustainable aviation fuel credit.
Sec. 230. Clean hydrogen repeals.
Sec. 231. Nonbusiness energy property credit.
Sec. 232. Residential clean energy credit reverted to credit for 
              residential energy efficient property.
Sec. 233. Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction.
Sec. 234. Modifications to new energy efficient home credit.

[[Page H1980]]

Sec. 235. Clean vehicle credit.
Sec. 236. Repeal of credit for previously-owned clean vehicles.
Sec. 237. Repeal of credit for qualified commercial clean vehicles.
Sec. 238. Alternative fuel refueling property credit.
Sec. 239. Advanced energy project credit extension reversed.
Sec. 240. Repeal of advanced manufacturing production credit.
Sec. 241. Repeal of clean electricity production credit.
Sec. 242. Repeal of clean electricity investment credit.
Sec. 243. Cost recovery for qualified facilities, qualified property, 
              and energy storage technology removed.
Sec. 244. Repeal of clean fuel production credit.
Sec. 245. Repeal of sections relating to elective payment for energy 
              property and electricity produced from certain renewable 
              resources; transfer of credits.
Sec. 246. Transition rule.


Sec. 251. Rescission of certain balances made available to the Internal 
              Revenue Service.

                      DIVISION C--GROW THE ECONOMY


Sec. 301. Recalibration of the caseload reduction credit.
Sec. 302. Eliminating excess maintenance of effort spending in 
              determining caseload reduction credit.
Sec. 303. Elimination of small checks scheme.
Sec. 304. Reporting of work outcomes.
Sec. 305. Effective date.

                       TITLE II--SNAP EXEMPTIONS

Sec. 311. Age-related exemption from work requirement to receive SNAP.
Sec. 312. Rule of construction for exemption adjustment.
Sec. 313. Supplemental nutrition assistance program under the Food and 
              Nutrition Act of 2006.


Sec. 321. Community engagement requirement for applicable individuals.


Sec. 331. Short title.
Sec. 332. Purpose.
Sec. 333. Congressional review of agency rulemaking.
Sec. 334. Budgetary effects of rules subject to section 802 of title 5, 
              United States Code.
Sec. 335. Government Accountability Office study of rules.



Sec. 10001. Securing America's critical minerals supply.
Sec. 10002. Protecting American energy production.
Sec. 10003. Researching Efficient Federal Improvements for Necessary 
              Energy Refining.
Sec. 10004. Promoting cross-border energy infrastructure.
Sec. 10005. Sense of Congress expressing disapproval of the revocation 
              of the Presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.
Sec. 10006. Sense of Congress opposing restrictions on the export of 
              crude oil or other petroleum products.
Sec. 10007. Unlocking our domestic LNG potential.
Sec. 10008. Sense of Congress expressing disapproval of the denial of 
              Jordan Cove permits.
Sec. 10009. Promoting interagency coordination for review of natural 
              gas pipelines.
Sec. 10010. Interim hazardous waste permits for critical energy 
              resource facilities.
Sec. 10011. Flexible air permits for critical energy resource 
Sec. 10012. National security or energy security waivers to produce 
              critical energy resources.
Sec. 10013. Natural gas tax repeal.
Sec. 10014. Repeal of greenhouse gas reduction fund.
Sec. 10015. Ending future delays in chemical substance review for 
              critical energy resources.
Sec. 10016. Keeping America's refineries operating.
Sec. 10017. Homeowner energy freedom.
Sec. 10018. Study.
Sec. 10019. State primary enforcement responsibility.
Sec. 10020. Use of index-based pricing in acquisition of petroleum 
              products for the SPR.
Sec. 10021. Prohibition on certain exports.
Sec. 10022. Sense of Congress expressing disapproval of the proposed 
              tax hikes on the oil and natural gas industry in the 
              President's fiscal year 2024 budget request.
Sec. 10023. Domestic Energy Independence report.
Sec. 10024. GAO study.
Sec. 10025. Gas kitchen ranges and ovens.

                           AMERICAN RESOURCES

Sec. 20001. Short title.

         Subtitle A--Onshore and Offshore Leasing and Oversight

Sec. 20101. Onshore oil and gas leasing.
Sec. 20102. Lease reinstatement.
Sec. 20103. Protested lease sales.
Sec. 20104. Suspension of operations.
Sec. 20105. Administrative protest process reform.
Sec. 20106. Leasing and permitting transparency.
Sec. 20107. Offshore oil and gas leasing.
Sec. 20108. Five-year plan for offshore oil and gas leasing.
Sec. 20109. Geothermal leasing.
Sec. 20110. Leasing for certain qualified coal applications.
Sec. 20111. Future coal leasing.
Sec. 20112. Staff planning report.
Sec. 20113. Prohibition on Chinese communist party ownership interest.
Sec. 20114. Effect on other law.
Sec. 20115. Requirement for GAO report on wind energy impacts.
Sec. 20116. Sense of Congress on wind energy development supply chain.
Sec. 20117. Sense of Congress on oil and gas royalty rates.
Sec. 20118. Offshore wind environmental review process study.
Sec. 20119. GAO report on wind energy impacts.

                  Subtitle B--Permitting Streamlining

Sec. 20201. Definitions.
Sec. 20202. BUILDER Act.
Sec. 20203. Codification of National Environmental Policy Act 
Sec. 20204. Non-major Federal actions.
Sec. 20205. No net loss determination for existing rights-of-way.
Sec. 20206. Determination of National Environmental Policy Act 
Sec. 20207. Determination regarding rights-of-way.
Sec. 20208. Terms of rights-of-way.
Sec. 20209. Funding to process permits and develop information 
Sec. 20210. Offshore geological and geophysical survey licensing.
Sec. 20211. Deferral of applications for permits to drill.
Sec. 20212. Processing and terms of applications for permits to drill.
Sec. 20213. Amendments to the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Sec. 20214. Access to Federal energy resources from non-Federal surface 
Sec. 20215. Scope of environmental reviews for oil and gas leases.
Sec. 20216. Expediting approval of gathering lines.
Sec. 20217. Lease sale litigation.
Sec. 20218. Limitation on claims.
Sec. 20219. Government Accountability Office report on permits to 
Sec. 20220. E-NEPA.
Sec. 20221. Limitations on claims.
Sec. 20222. One Federal decision for pipelines.
Sec. 20223. Exemption of certain wildfire mitigation activities from 
              certain environmental requirements.
Sec. 20224. Vegetation management, facility inspection, and operation 
              and maintenance relating to electric transmission and 
              distribution facility rights of way.
Sec. 20225. Categorical exclusion for electric utility lines rights-of-
Sec. 20226. Staffing plans.

                Subtitle C--Permitting for Mining Needs

Sec. 20301. Definitions.
Sec. 20302. Minerals supply chain and reliability.
Sec. 20303. Federal register process improvement.
Sec. 20304. Designation of mining as a covered sector for Federal 
              permitting improvement purposes.
Sec. 20305. Treatment of actions under presidential determination 2022-
              11 for Federal permitting improvement purposes.
Sec. 20306. Notice for mineral exploration activities with limited 
              surface disturbance.
Sec. 20307. Use of mining claims for ancillary activities.
Sec. 20308. Ensuring consideration of uranium as a critical mineral.
Sec. 20309. Barring foreign bad actors from operating on Federal lands.
Sec. 20310. Permit process for projects relating to extraction, 
              recovery, or processing of critical materials.
Sec. 20311. National strategy to re-shore mineral supply chains.

                 Subtitle D--Federal Land Use Planning

Sec. 20401. Federal land use planning and withdrawals.
Sec. 20402. Prohibitions on delay of mineral development of certain 
              Federal land.
Sec. 20403. Definitions.

         Subtitle E--Ensuring Competitiveness on Federal Lands

Sec. 20501. Incentivizing domestic production.

                   Subtitle F--Energy Revenue Sharing

Sec. 20601. Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf revenue.

[[Page H1981]]

Sec. 20602. Parity in offshore wind revenue sharing.
Sec. 20603. Elimination of administrative fee under the Mineral Leasing 
Sec. 20604. Sunset.


Sec. 30001. Short title.
Sec. 30002. Certification.
Sec. 30003. Federal general permits.


Sec. 40001. Limited suspension of debt ceiling.


       Except as expressly provided otherwise, any reference to 
     ``this Act'' contained in any division of this Act shall be 
     treated as referring only to the provisions of that division.




       (a) In General.--Section 251(c) of the Balanced Budget and 
     Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(c)) is 
       (1) in paragraph (7)(B), by striking ``and'' at the end; 
       (2) by inserting after paragraph (8) the following:
       ``(9) for fiscal year 2024, for the discretionary category, 
     $1,470,979,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(10) for fiscal year 2025, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,485,689,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(11) for fiscal year 2026, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,500,546,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(12) for fiscal year 2027, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,515,551,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(13) for fiscal year 2028, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,530,707,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(14) for fiscal year 2029, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,546,014,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(15) for fiscal year 2030, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,561,474,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(16) for fiscal year 2031, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,577,089,000,000 in new budget authority;
       ``(17) for fiscal year 2032, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,592,859,000,000 in new budget authority; and
       ``(18) for fiscal year 2033, for the discretionary 
     category, $1,608,788,000,000 in new budget authority;''.
       (b) Conforming Amendments to Adjustments.--
       (1) Continuing disability reviews and rederminations.--
     Section 251(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended--
       (A) in subclause (IX), by striking ``and'' at the end;
       (B) in subclause (X), by striking the period and inserting 
     a semicolon; and
       (C) by inserting after subclause (X) the following:
       ``(XI) for fiscal year 2024, $1,578,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XII) for fiscal year 2025, $1,630,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIII) for fiscal year 2026, $1,682,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIV) for fiscal year 2027, $1,734,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XV) for fiscal year 2028, $1,788,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XVI) for fiscal year 2029, $1,842,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XVII) for fiscal year 2030, $1,898,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XVIII) for fiscal year 2031, $1,955,000,000 in 
     additional new budget authority;
       ``(XIX) for fiscal year 2032, $2,014,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority; and
       ``(XX) for fiscal year 2033, $2,076,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority.''.
       (2) Health care fraud and abuse control.--Section 
     251(b)(2)(C)(i) of such Act is amended--
       (A) in subclause (IX), by striking ``and'' at the end;
       (B) in subclause (X), by striking the period and inserting 
     a semicolon; and
       (C) by inserting after subclause (X) the following:
       ``(XI) for fiscal year 2024, $604,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(XII) for fiscal year 2025, $630,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIII) for fiscal year 2026, $658,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIV) for fiscal year 2027, $686,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XV) for fiscal year 2028, $714,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(XVI) for fiscal year 2029, $743,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XVII) for fiscal year 2030, $771,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XVIII) for fiscal year 2031, $798,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIX) for fiscal year 2032, $826,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority; and
       ``(XX) for fiscal year 2033, $853,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority.''.
       (3) Disaster funding.--Section 251(b)(2)(D)(i) of such Act 
     is amended by inserting after ``2021'' the following: ``and 
     fiscal years 2024 through 2033''.
       (4) Reemployment services and eligibility assessments.--
     Section 251(b)(2)(E)(i) of such Act is amended--
       (A) in subclause (III), by striking ``and'' at the end;
       (B) in subclause (IV), by striking the period and inserting 
     a semicolon; and
       (C) by inserting after subclause (IV) the following:

       ``(V) for fiscal year 2024, $265,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(VI) for fiscal year 2025, $271,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(VII) for fiscal year 2026, $276,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(VIII) for fiscal year 2027, $282,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(IX) for fiscal year 2028, $288,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(X) for fiscal year 2029, $293,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(XI) for fiscal year 2030, $299,000,000 in additional new 
     budget authority;
       ``(XII) for fiscal year 2031, $305,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIII) for fiscal year 2032, $311,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority; and
       ``(XIV) for fiscal year 2033, $317,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority.''.

       (5) Wildfire suppression.--Section 251(b)(2)(F)(i) of such 
     Act is amended--
       (A) by striking ``through 2027'' and inserting ``through 
       (B) in subclause (VII), by striking ``and'' at the end;
       (C) in subclause (VIII), by striking the period and 
     inserting a semicolon; and
       (D) by inserting after subclause (VIII) the following:

       ``(IX) for fiscal year 2028, $2,957,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(X) for fiscal year 2029, $3,036,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XI) for fiscal year 2030, $3,118,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XII) for fiscal year 2031, $3,202,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority;
       ``(XIII) for fiscal year 2032, $3,287,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority; and
       ``(XIV) for fiscal year 2033, $3,376,000,000 in additional 
     new budget authority.''.

       (c) Conforming Amendments Relating to Sequestration 
     Reports.--Section 254 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 904) is amended--
       (1) in subsection (c)(2), by striking ``2021'' and 
     inserting ``2033''; and
       (2) in subsection (f)(2)(A), by striking ``2021'' and 
     inserting ``2033''.




       The unobligated balances of amounts appropriated or 
     otherwise made available by the American Rescue Plan Act of 
     2021 (Public Law 117-2), and by each of Public Laws 116-123, 
     116-127, 116-136, and 116-139 and divisions M and N of Public 
     Law 116-260, are hereby permanently rescinded.


       The unobligated balances of amounts appropriated or 
     otherwise made available by each of the following provisions 
     of Public Law 117-169 (commonly referred to as the 
     ``Inflation Reduction Act'') are hereby permanently 
       Section 50131.
       Section 50144.
       Section 50224.
       Section 60114.
       Section 60501.



       (a) In General.--The following shall have no force or 
       (1) The waivers and modifications of statutory and 
     regulatory provisions relating to an extension of the 
     suspension of payments on certain loans and waivers of 
     interest on such loans under section 3513 of the CARES Act 
     (20 U.S.C. 1001 note)--
       (A) described by the Department of Education in the Federal 
     Register on October 12, 2022 (87 Fed. Reg. 61513 et seq.); 
       (B) issued on or after the date of enactment of this Act.
       (2) The modifications of statutory and regulatory 
     provisions relating to debt discharge described by the 
     Department of Education in the Federal Register on October 
     12, 2022 (87 Fed. Reg. 61514).
       (3) A final rule that is substantially similar to the 
     proposed rule on ``Improving Income-Driven Repayment for the 
     William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program'' published by 
     the Department of Education in the Federal Register on 
     January 11, 2023 (88 Fed. Reg. 1894 et seq.).
       (b) Prohibition.--The Secretary of Education may not 
     implement any executive action or rule specified in paragraph 
     (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a) (or a substantially 
     similar executive action or rule), except as expressly 
     authorized by an Act of Congress.


       Part G of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
     U.S.C. 1088 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 
     492 the following:


       ``(a) Draft Regulations.--Beginning after the date of 
     enactment of this section, a draft regulation implementing 
     this title (as described in section 492(b)(1)) that is 
     determined by the Secretary to be economically

[[Page H1982]]

     significant shall be subject to the following requirements 
     (regardless of whether negotiated rulemaking occurs):
       ``(1) The Secretary shall determine whether the draft 
     regulation, if implemented, would result in an increase in a 
     subsidy cost resulting from a loan modification.
       ``(2) If the Secretary determines under paragraph (1) that 
     the draft regulation would result in an increase in a subsidy 
     cost resulting from a loan modification, then the Secretary 
     may take no further action with respect to such regulation.
       ``(b) Proposed or Final Regulations and Executive 
     Actions.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
     beginning after the date of enactment of this section, the 
     Secretary may not issue a proposed rule, final regulation, or 
     executive action implementing this title if the Secretary 
     determines that the rule, regulation, or executive action--
       ``(1) is economically significant; and
       ``(2) would result in an increase in a subsidy cost 
     resulting from a loan modification.
       ``(c) Relationship to Other Requirements.--The analyses 
     required under subsections (a) and (b) shall be in addition 
     to any other cost analysis required under law for a 
     regulation implementing this title, including any cost 
     analysis that may be required pursuant to Executive Order 
     12866 (58 Fed. Reg. 51735; relating to regulatory planning 
     and review), Executive Order 13563 (76 Fed. Reg. 3821; 
     relating to improving regulation and regulatory review), or 
     any related or successor orders.
       ``(d) Definition.--In this section, the term `economically 
     significant', when used with respect to a draft, proposed, or 
     final regulation or executive action, means that the 
     regulation or executive action is likely, as determined by 
     the Secretary--
       ``(1) to have an annual effect on the economy of 
     $100,000,000 or more; or
       ``(2) adversely to affect in a material way the economy, a 
     sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the 
     environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or 
     tribal governments or communities.''.


     SEC. 221. AMENDMENT OF 1986 CODE.

       Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this 
     title an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an 
     amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the 
     reference shall be considered to be made to a section or 
     other provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.


       (a) In General.--The following provisions of section 45(d) 
     are each amended by striking ``January 1, 2025'' each place 
     it appears and inserting ``January 1, 2022'':
       (1) Paragraph (2)(A).
       (2) Paragraph (3)(A).
       (3) Paragraph (6).
       (4) Paragraph (7).
       (5) Paragraph (9).
       (6) Paragraph (11)(B).
       (b) Base Credit Amount.--Section 45 is amended--
       (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``0.3 cents'' and 
     inserting ``1.5 cents'', and
       (2) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ``0.3 cent'' each 
     place it appears and inserting ``1.5 cent''.
       (c) Application to Geothermal and Solar.--Section 45(d)(4) 
     is amended by striking ``and the construction of which begins 
     before January 1, 2025'' and all that follows and inserting 
     ``and which--
       ``(A) in the case of a facility using solar energy, is 
     placed in service before January 1, 2006, or
       ``(B) in the case of a facility using geothermal energy, 
     the construction of which begins before January 1, 2022.
     Such term shall not include any property described in section 
     48(a)(3) the basis of which is taken into account by the 
     taxpayer for purposes of determining the energy credit under 
     section 48.''.
       (d) Election To Treat Qualified Facilities as Energy 
     Property.--Section 48(a)(5)(C)(ii) is amended by striking 
     ``January 1, 2025'' and inserting ``January 1, 2022''.
       (e) Wind Facilities.--
       (1) In general.--Section 45(d)(1) is amended by striking 
     ``January 1, 2025'' and inserting ``January 1, 2022''.
       (2) Application of phaseout percentage.--
       (A) Renewable electricity production credit.--Section 
     45(b)(5) is amended by striking ``which is placed in service 
     before January 1, 2022''.
       (B) Energy credit.--Section 48(a)(5)(E) is amended by 
     striking ``placed in service before January 1, 2022, and''.
       (3) Qualified offshore wind facilities under energy 
     credit.--Section 48(a)(5)(F)(i) is amended by striking 
     ``offshore wind facility, subparagraph (E) shall not apply.'' 
     and inserting ``offshore wind facility--

       ``(I) subparagraph (C)(ii) shall be applied by substituting 
     `January 1, 2026' for `January 1, 2022',
       ``(II) subparagraph (E) shall not apply, and
       ``(III) for purposes of this paragraph, section 45(d)(1) 
     shall be applied by substituting `January 1, 2026' for 
     `January 1, 2022'.''.

       (f) Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements.--Section 45(b) is 
     amended by striking paragraphs (6), (7), and (8).
       (g) Domestic Content, Phaseout, and Energy Communities.--
     Section 45(b) is amended by striking paragraphs (9), (10), 
     (11), and (12).
       (h) Credit Reduced for Grants, Tax-Exempt Bonds, Subsidized 
     Energy Financing, and Other Credits.--Section 45(b)(3) is 
     amended to read as follows:
       ``(3) Credit reduced for grants, tax-exempt bonds, 
     subsidized energy financing, and other credits.--The amount 
     of the credit determined under subsection (a) with respect to 
     any project for any taxable year (determined after the 
     application of paragraphs (1) and (2)) shall be reduced by 
     the amount which is the product of the amount so determined 
     for such year and the lesser of \1/2\ or a fraction--
       ``(A) the numerator of which is the sum, for the taxable 
     year and all prior taxable years, of--
       ``(i) grants provided by the United States, a State, or a 
     political subdivision of a State for use in connection with 
     the project,
       ``(ii) proceeds of an issue of State or local government 
     obligations used to provide financing for the project the 
     interest on which is exempt from tax under section 103,
       ``(iii) the aggregate amount of subsidized energy financing 
     provided (directly or indirectly) under a Federal, State, or 
     local program provided in connection with the project, and
       ``(iv) the amount of any other credit allowable with 
     respect to any property which is part of the project, and
       ``(B) the denominator of which is the aggregate amount of 
     additions to the capital account for the project for the 
     taxable year and all prior taxable years.
     The amounts under the preceding sentence for any taxable year 
     shall be determined as of the close of the taxable year. This 
     paragraph shall not apply with respect to any facility 
     described in subsection (d)(2)(A)(ii).''.
       (i) Rounding Adjustment.--
       (1) In general.--Section 45(b)(2) is amended to read as 
       ``(2) Credit and phaseout adjustment based on inflation.--
     The 1.5 cent amount in subsection (a), the 8 cent amount in 
     paragraph (1), the $4.375 amount in subsection (e)(8)(A), the 
     $2 amount in subsection (e)(8)(D)(ii)(I), and in subsection 
     (e)(8)(B)(i) the reference price of fuel used as a feedstock 
     (within the meaning of subsection (c)(7)(A)) in 2002 shall 
     each be adjusted by multiplying such amount by the inflation 
     adjustment factor for the calendar year in which the sale 
     occurs. If any amount as increased under the preceding 
     sentence is not a multiple of 0.1 cent, such amount shall be 
     rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.1 cent.''.
       (2) Conforming amendment.--Section 45(b)(4)(A) is amended 
     by striking ``last two sentences'' and inserting ``last 
       (j) Hydropower.--
       (1) Credit rate reduction for qualified hydroelectric 
     production and marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy.--
     Section 45(b)(4)(A) is amended by striking ``or (7)'' and 
     inserting ``(7), (9), or (11)''.
       (2) Marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy.--Section 45 
     is amended--
       (A) in subsection (c)(10)(A)--
       (i) in clause (iii), by adding ``or'' at the end,
       (ii) in clause (iv), by striking ``, or'' and inserting a 
     period, and
       (iii) by striking clause (v), and
       (B) in subsection (d)(11)(A), by striking ``25'' and 
     inserting ``150''.
       (k) Effective Dates.--
       (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and 
     (3), the amendments made by this section shall apply to 
     facilities placed in service after December 31, 2021.
       (2) Credit reduced for grants, tax-exempt bonds, subsidized 
     energy financing, and other credits.--The amendment made by 
     subsection (h) shall apply to facilities the construction of 
     which begins after August 16, 2022.
       (3) Domestic content, phaseout, energy communities.--The 
     amendments made by subsections (g) and (j) shall apply to 
     facilities placed in service after December 31, 2022.


       (a) In General.--The following provisions of section 48 are 
     each amended by striking ``January 1, 2025' '' each place it 
     appears and inserting ``January 1, 2024'':
       (1) Subsection (a)(2)(A)(i)(II).
       (2) Subsection (a)(3)(A)(ii).
       (3) Subsection (c)(1)(E).
       (4) Subsection (c)(2)(D).
       (5) Subsection (c)(3)(A)(iv).
       (6) Subsection (c)(4)(C).
       (7) Subsection (c)(5)(D).
       (b) Certain Energy Property.--Section 48(a)(3)(A)(vii) is 
     amended by striking ``January 1, 2035'' and inserting 
     ``January 1, 2024''.
       (c) Phaseout of Credit.--Section 48(a) is amended by 
     striking paragraphs (6) and (7) and inserting the following 
     new paragraphs:
       ``(6) Phaseout for solar energy property.--
       ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), in the case 
     of any energy property described in paragraph (3)(A)(i) the 
     construction of which begins before January 1, 2024, the 
     energy percentage determined under paragraph (2) shall be 
     equal to--
       ``(i) in the case of any property the construction of which 
     begins after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2023, 
     26 percent, and
       ``(ii) in the case of any property the construction of 
     which begins after December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 
     2024, 22 percent.
       ``(B) Placed in service deadline.--In the case of any 
     energy property described in paragraph (3)(A)(i) the 
     construction of which begins before January 1, 2024, and 
     which is not placed in service before January 1, 2026,

[[Page H1983]]

     the energy percentage determined under paragraph (2) shall be 
     equal to 10 percent.
       ``(7) Phaseout for certain other energy property.--
       ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), in the case 
     of any qualified fuel cell property, qualified small wind 
     property, waste energy recovery property, or energy property 
     described in paragraph (3)(A)(ii), the energy percentage 
     determined under paragraph (2) shall be equal to--
       ``(i) in the case of any property the construction of which 
     begins after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2023, 
     26 percent, and
       ``(ii) in the case of any property the construction of 
     which begins after December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 
     2024, 22 percent.
       ``(B) Placed in service deadline.--In the case of any 
     energy property described in subparagraph (A) which is not 
     placed in service before January 1, 2026, the energy 
     percentage determined under paragraph (2) shall be equal to 0 
       (d) Base Energy Percentage Amount.--Section 48(a) is 
       (1) in paragraph (2)(A)--
       (A) in clause (i), by striking ``6 percent'' and inserting 
     ``30 percent'', and
       (B) in clause (ii), by striking ``2 percent'' and inserting 
     ``10 percent'', and
       (2) in paragraph (5)(A)(ii), by striking ``6 percent'' and 
     inserting ``30 percent''.
       (e) Credit for Geothermal.--Section 48(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) is 
     amended by striking ``clause (i) or (iii) of paragraph 
     (3)(A)'' and inserting ``paragraph (3)(A)(i)''.
       (f) Energy Storage Technologies, Qualified Biogas Property; 
     Microgrid Controllers Removed.--
       (1) In general.--Section 48(a)(3)(A) is amended by 
     inserting ``or'' at the end of clause (vii) and by striking 
     clauses (ix), (x), and (xi).
       (2) Conforming changes.--
       (A) Section 48(a)(2)(A)(i) is amended by inserting ``and'' 
     at the end of subclauses (IV) and (V) and by striking 
     subclauses (VI), (VII), (VIII), and (IX).
       (B) Section 48(c) is amended by striking paragraphs (6), 
     (7), and (8).
       (C) Section 45(e) is amended by striking paragraph (12).
       (D) Section 50(d)(2) is amended by striking ``At the 
     election of a taxpayer'' and all that follows through ``equal 
     to or less than 500 kilowatt hours.''
       (g) Fuel Cells Using Electromechanical Processes.--
       (1) In general.--Section 48(c)(1) is amended--
       (A) in subparagraph (A)(i)--
       (i) by striking ``or electromechanical'', and
       (ii) by striking ``(1 kilowatt in the case of a fuel cell 
     power plant with a linear generator assembly)'', and
       (B) in subparagraph (C)--
       (i) by striking ``, or linear generator assembly'', and
       (ii) by striking ``or electromechanical''.
       (2) Linear generator assembly limitation.--Section 48(c)(1) 
     is amended by striking subparagraph (D) and by redesignating 
     subparagraph (E) as subparagraph (D).
       (h) Dynamic Glass.--Section 48(a)(3)(A)(ii) is amended by 
     striking ``or electrochromic glass which uses electricity to 
     change its light transmittance properties in order to heat or 
     cool a structure,''.
       (i) Coordination Rule Removed.--Paragraph (3) of section 
     50(c) is amended--
       (1) by inserting ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A),
       (2) by striking ``, and'' at the end of subparagraph (B) 
     and inserting a period, and
       (3) by striking subparagraph (C).
       (j) Interconnection Property.--Section 48(a) is amended by 
     striking paragraph (8).
       (k) Energy Projects, Wage Requirements, and Apprenticeship 
     Requirements.--Section 48(a) is amended by striking 
     paragraphs (9), (10), and (11).
       (l) Domestic Content, Phaseout for Elective Payment.--
     Section 48(a) is amended by striking paragraphs (12) and 
       (m) Rule for Property Financed by Tax-Exempt Bonds Removed; 
     Text of Special Rule for Property Financed by Subsidized 
     Energy Financing or Industrial Development Bonds Restored.--
     Section 48(a)(4) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(4) Special rule for property financed by subsidized 
     energy financing or industrial development bonds.--
       ``(A) Reduction of basis.--For purposes of applying the 
     energy percentage to any property, if such property is 
     financed in whole or in part by--
       ``(i) subsidized energy financing, or
       ``(ii) the proceeds of a private activity bond (within the 
     meaning of section 141) the interest on which is exempt from 
     tax under section 103,
     the amount taken into account as the basis of such property 
     shall not exceed the amount which (but for this subparagraph) 
     would be so taken into account multiplied by the fraction 
     determined under subparagraph (B).
       ``(B) Determination of fraction.--For purposes of 
     subparagraph (A), the fraction determined under this 
     subparagraph is 1 reduced by a fraction--
       ``(i) the numerator of which is that portion of the basis 
     of the property which is allocable to such financing or 
     proceeds, and
       ``(ii) the denominator of which is the basis of the 
       ``(C) Subsidized energy financing.--For purposes of 
     subparagraph (A), the term `subsidized energy financing' 
     means financing provided under a Federal, State, or local 
     program a principal purpose of which is to provide subsidized 
     financing for projects designed to conserve or produce 
       ``(D) Termination.--This paragraph shall not apply to 
     periods after December 31, 2008, under rules similar to the 
     rules of section 48(m) (as in effect on the day before the 
     date of the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 
       (n) Treatment of Contracts Involving Energy Storage.--
     Section 7701(e) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (3)--
       (A) in subparagraph (A)(i), by inserting ``or'' at the end 
     of subclause (II), by striking ``or'' at the end of subclause 
     (III) and inserting ``and'', and by striking subclause (IV), 
       (B) by striking subparagraph (F), and
       (2) in paragraph (4), by striking ``water treatment works 
     facility, or storage facility'' and inserting ``or water 
     treatment works facility''.
       (o) Removal of Increased Credit Rate for Energy 
     Communities.--Section 48(a) is amended by striking paragraph 
       (p) Regulations.--Section 48(a) is amended by striking 
     paragraph (15).
       (q) Effective Dates.--
       (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and 
     (3), the amendments made by this section shall apply to 
     property placed in service after December 31, 2021.
       (2) Other property.--The amendments made by subsections 
     (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (l), (n), and (o) shall apply to 
     property placed in service after December 31, 2022.
       (3) Removal of rule for property financed by tax exempt 
     bonds.--The amendment made by subsection (m) shall apply to 
     property the construction of which begins after August 16, 


       (a) In General.--Section 48 is amended by striking 
     subsection (e).
       (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall take effect on January 1, 2023.


       (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 45U (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 38(b) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (32), by adding ``plus'' at the end,
       (2) in paragraph (33), by striking the comma at the end and 
     inserting a period, and
       (3) by striking paragraph (34).
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to electricity produced and sold after December 
     31, 2023, in taxable years beginning after such date.


       (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 40B (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 38(b) is amended by 
     striking paragraph (35).
       (c) Coordination With Biodiesel Removed.--
       (1) In general.--Section 40A(d)(1) is amended by striking 
     ``or 40B''.
       (2) Conforming amendment.--Section 40A(f) is amended by 
     adding at the end the following:
       ``(4) Certain aviation fuel.--
       ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in the last 3 
     sentences of paragraph (3), the term `renewable diesel' shall 
     include fuel derived from biomass which meets the 
     requirements of a Department of Defense specification for 
     military jet fuel or an American Society of Testing and 
     Materials specification for aviation turbine fuel.
       ``(B) Application of mixture credits.--In the case of fuel 
     which is treated as renewable diesel solely by reason of 
     subparagraph (A), subsection (b)(1) and section 6426(c) shall 
     be applied with respect to such fuel by treating kerosene as 
     though it were diesel fuel.''.
       (3) Sustainable aviation fuel credit provisions removed.--
     Section 6426 is amended by striking subsection (k).
       (d) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 6426 is amended--
       (A) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``(e), and (k)'' and 
     inserting ``and (e)'', and
       (B) in subsection (h), by striking ``under section 40, 40A, 
     or 40B'' and inserting ``under section 40 or 40A''.
       (2) Section 6427(e) is amended--
       (A) in the heading, by striking ``Alternative Fuel, or 
     Sustainable Aviation Fuel'' and inserting ``or Alternative 
       (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or the sustainable 
     aviation fuel mixture credit'', and
       (C) in paragraph (6)--
       (i) in subparagraph (C), by adding ``and'' at the end,
       (ii) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``, and'' and 
     inserting a period, and
       (iii) by striking subparagraph (E).
       (3) Section 4101(a)(1) is amended by striking ``every 
     person producing or importing sustainable aviation fuel (as 
     defined in section 40B),''.

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       (4) Section 87 is amended--
       (A) in paragraph (1), by adding ``and'' at the end,
       (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``, and'' and inserting a 
     period, and
       (C) by striking paragraph (3).
       (e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to fuel sold or used after December 31, 2022.


       (a) Credit for Production of Clean Hydrogen Repealed.--
       (1) In general.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 45V (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (2) Conforming amendment.--Section 38(b) is amended by 
     striking paragraph (36).
       (3) Effective date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to hydrogen produced after December 31, 2022.
       (b) Credit for Electricity Produced From Renewable 
     Resources Allowed if Electricity Is Used To Produce Clean 
       (1) In general.--Section 45(e) is amended by striking 
     paragraph (13).
       (2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection 
     shall apply to electricity produced after December 31, 2022.
       (c) Election To Treat Clean Hydrogen Production Facilities 
     as Energy Property.--
       (1) In general.--Section 48(a) is amended by striking 
     paragraph (15) and by redesignating paragraph (16) as 
     paragraph (15).
       (2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection 
     shall apply to property placed in service after December 31, 
       (d) Reinstatement of Alternative Fuel Credit for Liquefied 
       (1) In general.--Section 6426(d)(2) is amended by 
     redesignating subparagraphs (D), (E), and (F) as 
     subparagraphs (E), (F), and (G), respectively, and by 
     inserting after subparagraph (C) the following:
       ``(D) liquefied hydrogen,''.
       (2) Conforming amendment.--Section 6426(e)(2) is amended by 
     striking ``(E)'' and inserting ``(F)''.
       (3) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection 
     shall apply to fuel sold or used after December 31, 2022.


       (a) In General.--Section 25C is amended to read as follows:


       ``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of an individual, 
     there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by 
     this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to the sum 
       ``(1) 10 percent of the amount paid or incurred by the 
     taxpayer for qualified energy efficiency improvements 
     installed during such taxable year, and
       ``(2) the amount of the residential energy property 
     expenditures paid or incurred by the taxpayer during such 
     taxable year.
       ``(b) Limitations.--
       ``(1) Lifetime limitation.--The credit allowed under this 
     section with respect to any taxpayer for any taxable year 
     shall not exceed the excess (if any) of $500 over the 
     aggregate credits allowed under this section with respect to 
     such taxpayer for all prior taxable years ending after 
     December 31, 2005.
       ``(2) Windows.--In the case of amounts paid or incurred for 
     components described in subsection (c)(3)(B) by any taxpayer 
     for any taxable year, the credit allowed under this section 
     with respect to such amounts for such year shall not exceed 
     the excess (if any) of $200 over the aggregate credits 
     allowed under this section with respect to such amounts for 
     all prior taxable years ending after December 31, 2005.
       ``(3) Limitation on residential energy property 
     expenditures.--The amount of the credit allowed under this 
     section by reason of subsection (a)(2) shall not exceed--
       ``(A) $50 for any advanced main air circulating fan,
       ``(B) $150 for any qualified natural gas, propane, or oil 
     furnace or hot water boiler, and
       ``(C) $300 for any item of energy-efficient building 
       ``(c) Qualified Energy Efficiency Improvements.--For 
     purposes of this section--
       ``(1) In general.--The term `qualified energy efficiency 
     improvements' means any energy efficient building envelope 
     component, if--
       ``(A) such component is installed in or on a dwelling unit 
     located in the United States and owned and used by the 
     taxpayer as the taxpayer's principal residence (within the 
     meaning of section 121),
       ``(B) the original use of such component commences with the 
     taxpayer, and
       ``(C) such component reasonably can be expected to remain 
     in use for at least 5 years.
       ``(2) Energy efficient building envelope component.--The 
     term `energy efficient building envelope component' means a 
     building envelope component which meets--
       ``(A) applicable Energy Star program requirements, in the 
     case of a roof or roof products,
       ``(B) version 6.0 Energy Star program requirements, in the 
     case of an exterior window, a skylight, or an exterior door, 
       ``(C) the prescriptive criteria for such component 
     established by the 2009 International Energy Conservation 
     Code, as such Code (including supplements) is in effect on 
     the date of the enactment of the American Recovery and 
     Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009, in the case of any other 
       ``(3) Building envelope component.--The term `building 
     envelope component' means--
       ``(A) any insulation material or system which is 
     specifically and primarily designed to reduce the heat loss 
     or gain of a dwelling unit when installed in or on such 
     dwelling unit,
       ``(B) exterior windows (including skylights),
       ``(C) exterior doors, and
       ``(D) any metal roof or asphalt roof installed on a 
     dwelling unit, but only if such roof has appropriate 
     pigmented coatings or cooling granules which are specifically 
     and primarily designed to reduce the heat gain of such 
     dwelling unit.
       ``(4) Manufactured homes included.--The term `dwelling 
     unit' includes a manufactured home which conforms to Federal 
     Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (part 
     3280 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations).
       ``(d) Residential Energy Property Expenditures.--For 
     purposes of this section--
       ``(1) In general.--The term `residential energy property 
     expenditures' means expenditures made by the taxpayer for 
     qualified energy property which is--
       ``(A) installed on or in connection with a dwelling unit 
     located in the United States and owned and used by the 
     taxpayer as the taxpayer's principal residence (within the 
     meaning of section 121), and
       ``(B) originally placed in service by the taxpayer.
     Such term includes expenditures for labor costs properly 
     allocable to the onsite preparation, assembly, or original 
     installation of the property.
       ``(2) Qualified energy property.--
       ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified energy property' 
       ``(i) energy-efficient building property,
       ``(ii) a qualified natural gas, propane, or oil furnace or 
     hot water boiler, or
       ``(iii) an advanced main air circulating fan.
       ``(B) Performance and quality standards.--Property 
     described under subparagraph (A) shall meet the performance 
     and quality standards, and the certification requirements (if 
     any), which--
       ``(i) have been prescribed by the Secretary by regulations 
     (after consultation with the Secretary of Energy or the 
     Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, as 
     appropriate), and
       ``(ii) are in effect at the time of the acquisition of the 
     property, or at the time of the completion of the 
     construction, reconstruction, or erection of the property, as 
     the case may be.
       ``(C) Requirements and standards for air conditioners and 
     heat pumps.--The standards and requirements prescribed by the 
     Secretary under subparagraph (B) with respect to the energy 
     efficiency ratio (EER) for central air conditioners and 
     electric heat pumps--
       ``(i) shall require measurements to be based on published 
     data which is tested by manufacturers at 95 degrees 
     Fahrenheit, and
       ``(ii) may be based on the certified data of the Air 
     Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute that are prepared in 
     partnership with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency.
       ``(3) Energy-efficient building property.--The term 
     `energy-efficient building property' means--
       ``(A) an electric heat pump water heater which yields a 
     Uniform Energy Factor of at least 2.2 in the standard 
     Department of Energy test procedure,
       ``(B) an electric heat pump which achieves the highest 
     efficiency tier established by the Consortium for Energy 
     Efficiency, as in effect on January 1, 2009,
       ``(C) a central air conditioner which achieves the highest 
     efficiency tier established by the Consortium for Energy 
     Efficiency, as in effect on January 1, 2009, and
       ``(D) a natural gas, propane, or oil water heater which has 
     either a Uniform Energy Factor of at least 0.82 or a thermal 
     efficiency of at least 90 percent.
       ``(4) Qualified natural gas, propane, or oil furnace or hot 
     water boiler.--The term `qualified natural gas, propane, or 
     oil furnace or hot water boiler' means a natural gas, 
     propane, or oil furnace or hot water boiler which achieves an 
     annual fuel utilization efficiency rate of not less than 95.
       ``(5) Advanced main air circulating fan.--The term 
     `advanced main air circulating fan' means a fan used in a 
     natural gas, propane, or oil furnace and which has an annual 
     electricity use of no more than 2 percent of the total annual 
     energy use of the furnace (as determined in the standard 
     Department of Energy test procedures).
       ``(e) Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--
       ``(1) Application of rules.--Rules similar to the rules 
     under paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of section 
     25D(e) shall apply.
       ``(2) Joint ownership of energy items.--
       ``(A) In general.--Any expenditure otherwise qualifying as 
     an expenditure under this section shall not be treated as 
     failing to so qualify merely because such expenditure was 
     made with respect to two or more dwelling units.
       ``(B) Limits applied separately.--In the case of any 
     expenditure described in subparagraph (A), the amount of the 
     credit allowable under subsection (a) shall (subject to 
     paragraph (1)) be computed separately with respect to the 
     amount of the expenditure made for each dwelling unit.
       ``(3) Property financed by subsidized energy financing.--
     For purposes of determining the amount of expenditures made 

[[Page H1985]]

     any individual with respect to any property, there shall not 
     be taken into account expenditures which are made from 
     subsidized energy financing (as defined in section 
       ``(f) Basis Adjustments.--For purposes of this subtitle, if 
     a credit is allowed under this section for any expenditure 
     with respect to any property, the increase in the basis of 
     such property which would (but for this subsection) result 
     from such expenditure shall be reduced by the amount of the 
     credit so allowed.
       ``(g) Termination.--This section shall not apply with 
     respect to any property placed in service--
       ``(1) after December 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2009, 
       ``(2) after December 31, 2021.''.
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 1016(a)(33) is amended by striking ``section 
     25C(g)'' and inserting ``25C(f)''.
       (2) Section 6213(g)(2) is amended--
       (A) by adding ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (P),
       (B) by striking the comma at the end of subparagraph (Q) 
     and inserting a period, and
       (C) by striking subparagraphs (R) and (S).
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to property placed in service after December 31, 


       (a) Extension Reversed.--
       (1) In general.--Section 25D(h) is amended by striking 
     ``December 31, 2034'' and inserting ``December 31, 2023''.
       (2) Phaseout restored.--Section 25D(g) is amended--
       (A) in paragraph (1), by adding ``and'' at the end,
       (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``before January 1, 2022, 
     26 percent,'' and inserting ``before January 1, 2023, 26 
     percent, and'',
       (C) in paragraph (3), by striking ``December 31, 2021, and 
     before January 1, 2033, 30 percent,'' and inserting 
     ``December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 2024, 22 
     percent.'', and
       (D) by striking paragraphs (4) and (5).
       (b) Residential Clean Energy Credit for Battery Storage 
     Technology Removed; Biomass Expenditure Provisions 
       (1) In general.--Paragraph (6) of section 25D(a) is amended 
     to read as follows:
       ``(6) the qualified biomass fuel property expenditures,'',
       (2) Definition of qualified biomass fuel property 
     expenditures restored.--Paragraph (6) of section 25D(d) is 
     amended to read as follows:
       ``(6) Qualified biomass fuel property expenditure.--
       ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified biomass fuel 
     property expenditure' means an expenditure for property--
       ``(i) which uses the burning of biomass fuel to heat a 
     dwelling unit located in the United States and used as a 
     residence by the taxpayer, or to heat water for use in such a 
     dwelling unit, and
       ``(ii) which has a thermal efficiency rating of at least 75 
     percent (measured by the higher heating value of the fuel).
       ``(B) Biomass fuel.--For purposes of this section, the term 
     `biomass fuel' means any plant-derived fuel available on a 
     renewable or recurring basis.''.
       (c) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 25D(d)(3) is amended by striking ``, without 
     regard to subparagraph (D) thereof''.
       (2) The heading for section 25D is amended by striking 
     ``clean energy credit'' and inserting ``energy efficient 
       (3) The table of sections for subpart A of part IV of 
     subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by striking the item 
     relating to section 25D and inserting the following:

``Sec. 25D. Residential energy efficient property.''
       (d) Effective Dates.--
       (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
     amendments made by this section shall apply to expenditures 
     made after December 31, 2021.
       (2) Residential clean energy credit for battery storage 
     technology removed; biomass expenditure provisions 
     restored.--The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply 
     to expenditures made after December 31, 2022.


       (a) In General.--
       (1) Maximum amount of deduction rules restored.--Section 
     179D(b) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(b) Maximum Amount of Deduction.--The deduction under 
     subsection (a) with respect to any building for any taxable 
     year shall not exceed the excess (if any) of--
       ``(1) the product of--
       ``(A) $1.80, and
       ``(B) the square footage of the building, over
       ``(2) the aggregate amount of the deductions under 
     subsection (a) with respect to the building for all prior 
     taxable years.''.
       (2) Modification of efficiency standard.--Section 
     179D(c)(1)(D) is amended by striking ``25 percent'' and 
     inserting ``50 percent''.
       (3) Reference standard.--Section 179D(c)(2) is amended to 
     read as follows:
       ``(2) Reference standard 90.1.--The term `Reference 
     Standard 90.1' means, with respect to any property, the most 
     recent Standard 90.1 published by the American Society of 
     Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers and 
     the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America which 
     has been affirmed by the Secretary, after consultation with 
     the Secretary of Energy, for purposes of this section not 
     later than the date that is 2 years before the date that 
     construction of such property begins.''.
       (4) Partial allowance.--
       (A) In general.--Section 179D(d) is amended--
       (i) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (5) as 
     paragraphs (2) through (6), respectively, and
       (ii) by inserting before paragraph (2) the following:
       ``(1) Partial allowance.--
       ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subsection (f), 
       ``(i) the requirement of subsection (c)(1)(D) is not met, 
       ``(ii) there is a certification in accordance with 
     paragraph (6) that any system referred to in subsection 
     (c)(1)(C) satisfies the energy-savings targets established by 
     the Secretary under subparagraph (B) with respect to such 
     then the requirement of subsection (c)(1)(D) shall be treated 
     as met with respect to such system, and the deduction under 
     subsection (a) shall be allowed with respect to energy 
     efficient commercial building property installed as part of 
     such system and as part of a plan to meet such targets, 
     except that subsection (b) shall be applied to such property 
     by substituting `$.60' for `$1.80'.
       ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary, after consultation with 
     the Secretary of Energy, shall establish a target for each 
     system described in subsection (c)(1)(C) such that, if such 
     targets were met for all such systems, the building would 
     meet the requirements of subsection (c)(1)(D).''.
       (B) Conforming amendments.--
       (i) Section 179D(c)(1)(D) is amended--

       (I) by striking ``subsection (d)(5)'' and inserting 
     ``subsection (d)(6)'', and
       (II) by striking ``subsection (d)(1)'' and inserting 
     ``subsection (d)(2)''.

       (ii) Paragraph (3)(A) of section 179D(d), as redesignated 
     by subparagraph (A), is amended by striking ``paragraph (1)'' 
     and inserting ``paragraph (2)''.
       (iii) Paragraph (5) of section 179D(d), as redesignated by 
     subparagraph (A), is amended by striking ``paragraph 
     (2)(B)(iii)'' and inserting ``paragraph (3)(B)(iii)''.
       (iv) Section 179D(h)(2) is amended by inserting ``or 
     (d)(1)(A)'' after ``subsection (c)(1)(D)''.
       (5) Allocation of deduction for public property.--Paragraph 
     (4) of section 179D(d), as redesignated by paragraph (4)(A), 
     is amended to read as follows:
       ``(4) Allocation of deduction for public property.--In the 
     case of energy efficient commercial building property 
     installed on or in property owned by a Federal, State, or 
     local government or a political subdivision thereof, the 
     Secretary shall promulgate a regulation to allow the 
     allocation of the deduction to the person primarily 
     responsible for designing the property in lieu of the owner 
     of such property. Such person shall be treated as the 
     taxpayer for purposes of this section.''.
       (6) Alternative deduction for energy efficient building 
     retrofit property repealed.--
       (A) In general.--Section 179D is amended by striking 
     subsection (f).
       (B) Restoration of text relating to interim rules for 
     lighting systems.--Section 179D is amended by inserting after 
     subsection (e) the following:
       ``(f) Interim Rules for Lighting Systems.--Until such time 
     as the Secretary issues final regulations under subsection 
     (d)(1)(B) with respect to property which is part of a 
     lighting system--
       ``(1) In general.--The lighting system target under 
     subsection (d)(1)(A)(ii) shall be a reduction in lighting 
     power density of 25 percent (50 percent in the case of a 
     warehouse) of the minimum requirements in Table 9.5.1 or 
     Table 9.6.1 (not including additional interior lighting power 
     allowances) of Standard 90.1-2007.
       ``(2) Reduction in deduction if reduction less than 40 
       ``(A) In general.--If, with respect to the lighting system 
     of any building other than a warehouse, the reduction in 
     lighting power density of the lighting system is not at least 
     40 percent, only the applicable percentage of the amount of 
     deduction otherwise allowable under this section with respect 
     to such property shall be allowed.
       ``(B) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of subparagraph 
     (A), the applicable percentage is the number of percentage 
     points (not greater than 100) equal to the sum of--
       ``(i) 50, and
       ``(ii) the amount which bears the same ratio to 50 as the 
     excess of the reduction of lighting power density of the 
     lighting system over 25 percentage points bears to 15.
       ``(C) Exceptions.--This subsection shall not apply to any 
       ``(i) the controls and circuiting of which do not comply 
     fully with the mandatory and prescriptive requirements of 
     Standard 90.1-2007 and which do not include provision for 
     bilevel switching in all occupancies except hotel and motel 
     guest rooms, store rooms, restrooms, and public lobbies, or
       ``(ii) which does not meet the minimum requirements for 
     calculated lighting levels as set forth in the Illuminating 
     Engineering Society of North America Lighting Handbook, 
     Performance and Application, Ninth Edition, 2000.''.

[[Page H1986]]

       (7) Inflation adjustment.--Section 179D(g) is amended--
       (A) by inserting ``or subsection (d)(1)(A)'' after 
     ``subsection (b)'',
       (B) by striking ``2022'' and inserting ``2020'', and
       (C) by striking ``calendar year 2021'' and inserting 
     ``calendar year 2019''.
       (b) Special Rule for Real Estate Investment Trusts 
     Removed.--Section 312(k)(3)(B) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(B) Treatment of amounts deductible under section 179, 
     179b, 179c, 179d, or 179e.--For purposes of computing the 
     earnings and profits of a corporation, any amount deductible 
     under section 179, 179B, 179C, 179D, or 179E shall be allowed 
     as a deduction ratably over the period of 5 taxable years 
     (beginning with the taxable year for which such amount is 
     deductible under section 179, 179B, 179C, 179D, or 179E, as 
     the case may be).''.
       (c) Conforming Amendment.--Paragraph (2) of section 
     179D(d), as redesignated by subsection (a)(4)(A), is amended 
     by striking ``not later than the date that is 4 years before 
     the date such property is placed in service'' and inserting 
     ``not later than the date that is 2 years before the date 
     that construction of such property begins''.
       (d) Effective Dates.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 


       (a) Extension Reversed.--Section 45L(h) is amended by 
     striking ``December 31, 2032'' and inserting ``December 31, 
       (b) Decrease in Credit Amounts.--Paragraph (2) of section 
     45L(a) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(2) Applicable amount.--For purposes of paragraph (1), 
     the applicable amount is an amount equal to--
       ``(A) in the case of a dwelling unit described in paragraph 
     (1) or (2) of subsection (c), $2,000, and
       ``(B) in the case of a dwelling unit described in paragraph 
     (3) of subsection (c), $1,000.''.
       (c) Reversal of Modification of Energy Saving 
     Requirements.--Section 45L(c) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(c) Energy Saving Requirements.--A dwelling unit meets 
     the energy saving requirements of this subsection if such 
     unit is--
       ``(1) certified--
       ``(A) to have a level of annual heating and cooling energy 
     consumption which is at least 50 percent below the annual 
     level of heating and cooling energy consumption of a 
     comparable dwelling unit--
       ``(i) which is constructed in accordance with the standards 
     of chapter 4 of the 2006 International Energy Conservation 
     Code, as such Code (including supplements) is in effect on 
     January 1, 2006, and
       ``(ii) for which the heating and cooling equipment 
     efficiencies correspond to the minimum allowed under the 
     regulations established by the Department of Energy pursuant 
     to the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 and 
     in effect at the time of completion of construction, and
       ``(B) to have building envelope component improvements 
     account for at least \1/5\ of such 50 percent,
       ``(2) a manufactured home which conforms to Federal 
     Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (part 
     3280 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations) and which 
     meets the requirements of paragraph (1), or
       ``(3) a manufactured home which conforms to Federal 
     Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (part 
     3280 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations) and which--
       ``(A) meets the requirements of paragraph (1) applied by 
     substituting `30 percent' for `50 percent' both places it 
     appears therein and by substituting `\1/3\' for `\1/5\' in 
     subparagraph (B) thereof, or
       ``(B) meets the requirements established by the 
     Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under 
     the Energy Star Labeled Homes program.''.
       (d) Prevailing Wage Requirement Removed.--Section 45L is 
     amended by striking subsection (g) and redesignating 
     subsection (h) as subsection (g).
       (e) Basis Adjustment.--Section 45L(e) is amended by 
     striking ``This subsection shall not apply for purposes of 
     determining the adjusted basis of any building under section 
       (f) Effective Dates.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to dwelling units acquired after December 31, 


       (a) Per Vehicle Dollar Limitation.--Section 30D(b) is 
     amended by striking paragraphs (2) and (3) and inserting the 
       ``(2) Base amount.--The amount determined under this 
     paragraph is $2,500.
       ``(3) Battery capacity.--In the case of a vehicle which 
     draws propulsion energy from a battery with not less than 5 
     kilowatt hours of capacity, the amount determined under this 
     paragraph is $417, plus $417 for each kilowatt hour of 
     capacity in excess of 5 kilowatt hours. The amount determined 
     under this paragraph shall not exceed $5,000.''.
       (b) Final Assembly.--Section 30D(d) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (1)--
       (A) in subparagraph (E), by adding ``and'' at the end,
       (B) in subparagraph (F)(ii), by striking the comma at the 
     end and inserting a period, and
       (C) by striking subparagraph (G), and
       (2) by striking paragraph (5).
       (c) Definition.--
       (1) In general.--Section 30D(d), as amended by subsection 
     (b), is amended--
       (A) in the heading, by striking ``Clean'' and inserting 
     ``Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor'',
       (B) in paragraph (1)--
       (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking 
     ``clean'' and inserting ``qualified plug-in electric drive 
       (ii) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``qualified'' before 
       (iii) in subparagraph (F)(i), by striking ``7'' and 
     inserting ``4'', and
       (iv) by striking subparagraph (H),
       (C) in paragraph (3)--
       (i) in the heading, by striking ``qualified manufacturer'' 
     and inserting ``Manufacturer'', and
       (ii) by striking ``The term `qualified manufacturer' 
     means'' and all that follows through the period and inserting 
     ``The term `manufacturer' has the meaning given such term in 
     regulations prescribed by the Administrator of the 
     Environmental Protection Agency for purposes of the 
     administration of title II of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
     7521 et seq.).'', and
       (D) by striking paragraph (6).
       (2) Conforming amendments.--Section 30D is amended--
       (A) in subsection (a), by striking ``new clean vehicle'' 
     and inserting ``new qualified plug-in electric drive motor 
     vehicle'', and
       (B) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ``new clean vehicle'' 
     and inserting ``new qualified plug-in electric drive motor 
       (d) Critical Mineral Requirements Removed.--Section 30D is 
     amended by striking subsection (e).
       (e) Limitation on Number of Vehicles Eligible for Credit 
       (1) In general.--Section 30D is amended by inserting after 
     subsection (d) the following:
       ``(e) Limitation on Number of New Qualified Plug-In 
     Electric Drive Motor Vehicles Eligible for Credit.--
       ``(1) In general.--In the case of a new qualified plug-in 
     electric drive motor vehicle sold during the phaseout period, 
     only the applicable percentage of the credit otherwise 
     allowable under subsection (a) shall be allowed.
       ``(2) Phaseout period.--For purposes of this subsection, 
     the phaseout period is the period beginning with the second 
     calendar quarter following the calendar quarter which 
     includes the first date on which the number of new qualified 
     plug-in electric drive motor vehicles manufactured by the 
     manufacturer of the vehicle referred to in paragraph (1) sold 
     for use in the United States after December 31, 2009, is at 
     least 200,000.
       ``(3) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of paragraph 
     (1), the applicable percentage is--
       ``(A) 50 percent for the first 2 calendar quarters of the 
     phaseout period,
       ``(B) 25 percent for the 3rd and 4th calendar quarters of 
     the phaseout period, and (C)
       ``(C) 0 percent for each calendar quarter thereafter.
       ``(4) Controlled groups.--Rules similar to the rules of 
     section 30B(f)(4) shall apply for purposes of this 
       (2) Excluded entities.--Section 30D(d), as amended by 
     Public Law 117-169, is amended by striking paragraph (7).
       (f) Special Rules Repealed.--Section 30D(f) is amended by 
     striking paragraphs (8), (9), (10), and (11).
       (g) Transfer of Credit Repealed.--
       (1) In general.--Section 30D is amended by striking 
     subsection (g).
       (2) Restoration of text relating to plug-in electric 
     vehicles.--Section 30D is amended by inserting after 
     subsection (f) the following:
       ``(g) Credit Allowed for 2- and 3-wheeled Plug-In Electric 
       ``(1) In general.--In the case of a qualified 2- or 3-
     wheeled plug-in electric vehicle--
       ``(A) there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax 
     imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal 
     to the sum of the applicable amount with respect to each such 
     qualified 2- or 3-wheeled plug-in electric vehicle placed in 
     service by the taxpayer during the taxable year, and
       ``(B) the amount of the credit allowed under subparagraph 
     (A) shall be treated as a credit allowed under subsection 
       ``(2) Applicable amount.--For purposes of paragraph (1), 
     the applicable amount is an amount equal to the lesser of--
       ``(A) 10 percent of the cost of the qualified 2- or 3-
     wheeled plug-in electric vehicle, or
       ``(B) $2,500.
       ``(3) Qualified 2- or 3-wheeled plug-in electric vehicle.--
     The term `qualified 2- or 3-wheeled plug-in electric vehicle' 
     means any vehicle which--
       ``(A) has 2 or 3 wheels,
       ``(B) meets the requirements of subparagraphs (A), (B), 
     (C), (E), and (F) of subsection (d)(1) (determined by 
     substituting `2.5 kilowatt hours' for `4 kilowatt hours' in 
     subparagraph (F)(i)),
       ``(C) is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, 
     roads, and highways,
       ``(D) is capable of achieving a speed of 45 miles per hour 
     or greater, and
       ``(E) is acquired--
       ``(i) after December 31, 2011, and before January 1, 2014, 
       ``(ii) in the case of a vehicle that has 2 wheels, after 
     December 31, 2014, and before January 1, 2022.''.
       (3) Conforming amendments reversed.--Section 30D(f), as 
     amended by Public Law 117-169, is amended--
       (A) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
       ``(3) Property Used by Tax-Exempt Entity.--In the case of a 
     vehicle the use of which

[[Page H1987]]

     is described in paragraph (3) or (4) of section 50(b) and 
     which is not subject to a lease, the person who sold such 
     vehicle to the person or entity using such vehicle shall be 
     treated as the taxpayer that placed such vehicle in service, 
     but only if such person clearly discloses to such person or 
     entity in a document the amount of any credit allowable under 
     subsection (a) with respect to such vehicle (determined 
     without regard to subsection (c)). For purposes of subsection 
     (c), property to which this paragraph applies shall be 
     treated as of a character subject to an allowance for 
     depreciation.'', and
       (B) in paragraph (8), by striking ``, including any vehicle 
     with respect to which the taxpayer elects the application of 
     subsection (g)''.
       (h) Termination Repealed.--Section 30D is amended by 
     striking subsection (h).
       (i) Additional Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) The heading of section 30D is amended by striking 
     ``clean vehicle credit'' and inserting ``new qualified plug-
     in electric drive motor vehicles''.
       (2) Section 30B is amended--
       (A) in subsection (h)(8) by inserting ``, except that no 
     benefit shall be recaptured if such property ceases to be 
     eligible for such credit by reason of conversion to a 
     qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle'', before the 
     period at the end, and
       (B) by inserting after subsection (h) the following 
       ``(i) Plug-In Conversion Credit.--
       ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the 
     plug-in conversion credit determined under this subsection 
     with respect to any motor vehicle which is converted to a 
     qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle is 10 percent 
     of so much of the cost of the converting such vehicle as does 
     not exceed $40,000.
       ``(2) Qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle.--For 
     purposes of this subsection, the term `qualified plug-in 
     electric drive motor vehicle' means any new qualified plug-in 
     electric drive motor vehicle (as defined in section 30D, 
     determined without regard to whether such vehicle is made by 
     a manufacturer or whether the original use of such vehicle 
     commences with the taxpayer).
       ``(3) Credit allowed in addition to other credits.--The 
     credit allowed under this subsection shall be allowed with 
     respect to a motor vehicle notwithstanding whether a credit 
     has been allowed with respect to such motor vehicle under 
     this section (other than this subsection) in any preceding 
     taxable year.
       ``(4) Termination.--This subsection shall not apply to 
     conversions made after December 31, 2011.''.
       (3) Section 38(b)(30) is amended by striking ``clean'' and 
     inserting ``qualified plug-in electric drive motor''.
       (4) Section 6213(g)(2) is amended by striking subparagraph 
       (5) Section 6501(m) is amended by striking ``30D(f)(6)'' 
     and inserting ``30D(e)(4)''.
       (6) The table of sections for subpart B of part IV of 
     subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by striking the item 
     relating to section 30D and inserting after the item relating 
     to section 30C the following item:

``Sec. 30D. New qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicles.''.
       (j) Gross up Repealed.--Section 13401 of Public Law 117-169 
     is amended by striking subsection (j).
       (k) Transition Rule Repealed.--Section 13401 of Public Law 
     117-169 is amended by striking subsection (l).
       (l) Effective Dates.--
       (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraphs (2), (3), 
     (4), and (5), the amendments made by this section shall apply 
     to vehicles placed in service after December 31, 2022.
       (2) Final assembly.--The amendments made by subsection (b) 
     shall apply to vehicles sold after August 16, 2022.
       (3) Manufacturer limitation.--The amendment made by 
     subsections (d) and (e) shall apply to vehicles sold after 
     December 31, 2022.
       (4) Transfer of credit.--The amendments made by subsection 
     (g) shall apply to vehicles placed in service after December 
     31, 2023.
       (5) Transition rule.--The amendment made by subsection (k) 
     shall take effect as if included in Public Law 117-169.


       (a) In General.--Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 25E (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 6213(g)(2) is amended by 
     striking subparagraph (U).
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to vehicles acquired after December 31, 2022.


       (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 45W (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 38(b) is amended by striking paragraph (37).
       (2) Section 6213(g)(2) is amended by striking subparagraph 
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to vehicles acquired after December 31, 2022.


       (a) In General.--Section 30C(i) is amended by striking 
     ``December 31, 2032'' and inserting ``December 31, 2021''.
       (b) Property of a Character Subject to Depreciation.--
       (1) In general.--Section 30C(a) is amended by striking ``(6 
     percent in the case of property of a character subject to 
       (2) Modification of credit limitation.--Subsection (b) of 
     section 30C is amended--
       (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1)--
       (i) by striking ``with respect to any single item of'' and 
     inserting ``with respect to all'', and
       (ii) by inserting ``at a location'' before ``shall not 
     exceed'', and
       (B) in paragraph (1), by striking ``$100,000 in the case of 
     any such item of property'' and inserting ``$30,000 in the 
     case of a property''.
       (3) Bidirectional charging equipment not included; eligible 
     census tract requirement removed.--Section 30C(c) is amended 
     to read as follows:
       ``(c) Qualified Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling 
     Property.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified 
     alternative fuel vehicle refueling property' has the same 
     meaning as the term `qualified clean-fuel vehicle refueling 
     property' would have under section 179A if--
       ``(1) paragraph (1) of section 179A(d) did not apply to 
     property installed on property which is used as the principal 
     residence (within the meaning of section 121) of the 
     taxpayer, and
       ``(2) only the following were treated as clean-burning 
     fuels for purposes of section 179A(d):
       ``(A) Any fuel at least 85 percent of the volume of which 
     consists of one or more of the following: ethanol, natural 
     gas, compressed natural gas, liquified natural gas, liquefied 
     petroleum gas, or hydrogen.
       ``(B) Any mixture--
       ``(i) which consists of two or more of the following: 
     biodiesel (as defined in section 40A(d)(1)), diesel fuel (as 
     defined in section 4083(a)(3)), or kerosene, and
       ``(ii) at least 20 percent of the volume of which consists 
     of biodiesel (as so defined) determined without regard to any 
     kerosene in such mixture.
       ``(C) Electricity.''.
       (c) Certain Electric Charging Stations Not Included as 
     Qualified Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property; Wage 
     and Apprenticeship Requirements Removed.--Section 30C is 
     amended by striking subsections (f) and (g) and redesignating 
     subsections (h) and (i) as subsections (f) and (g), 
       (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to property placed in service after December 31, 


       (a) In General.--Section 48C is amended by striking 
     subsection (e) and redesignating subsection (f) as subsection 
       (b) Modification of Qualifying Advanced Energy Projects.--
     Section 48C(c)(1)(A) is amended--
       (1) by striking ``, any portion of the qualified investment 
     of which is certified by the Secretary under subsection (e) 
     as eligible for a credit under this section'',
       (2) in clause (i)--
       (A) by striking ``an industrial or manufacturing facility 
     for the production or recycling of'' and inserting ``a 
     manufacturing facility for the production of'',
       (B) in subclause (I), by striking ``water,'',
       (C) in subclause (II), by striking ``energy storage systems 
     and components'' and inserting ``an energy storage system for 
     use with electric or hybrid-electric motor vehicles'',
       (D) in subclause (III), by striking ``grid modernization 
     equipment or components'' and inserting ``grids to support 
     the transmission of intermittent sources of renewable energy, 
     including storage of such energy'',
       (E) in subclause (IV), by striking ``, remove, use, or 
     sequester carbon oxide emissions'' and inserting ``and 
     sequester carbon dioxide emissions'',
       (F) by striking subclause (V) and inserting the following:

       ``(V) property designed to refine or blend renewable fuels 
     or to produce energy conservation technologies (including 
     energy-conserving lighting technologies and smart grid 

       (G) by striking subclauses (VI), (VII), and (VIII),
       (H) by inserting after subclause (V) the following:

       ``(VI) new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicles 
     (as defined by section 30D) or components which are designed 
     specifically for use with such vehicles, including electric 
     motors, generators, and power control units, or'', and

       (I) by redesignating subclause (IX) as subclause (VII), and 
     inserting ``, and'' at the end of such subclause, and
       (3) by striking clauses (ii) and (iii) and inserting the 
       ``(ii) any portion of the qualified investment of which is 
     certified by the Secretary under subsection (d) as eligible 
     for a credit under this section.''.
       (c) Conforming Amendment.--Subparagraph (A) of section 
     48C(c)(2) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(A) which is necessary for the production of property 
     described in paragraph (1)(A)(i),''.
       (d) Denial of Double Benefit.--Section 48C(e), as 
     redesignated by this section, is amended by striking ``48B, 
     48E, 45Q, or 45V'' and inserting ``or 48B''.

[[Page H1988]]

       (e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall take effect on January 1, 2023.


       (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 45X (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 38(b) is amended by 
     striking paragraph (38).
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to components produced and sold after December 
     31, 2022.


       (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 45Y (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 38(b) is amended by 
     striking paragraph (39).
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to facilities placed in service after December 
     31, 2024.


       (a) In General.--Subpart E of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 48E (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 46, as amended by Public Law 117-169, is 
       (A) in paragraph (5), by adding ``and'' at the end,
       (B) in paragraph (6), by striking ``, and'' and inserting a 
     period, and
       (C) by striking paragraph (7).
       (2) Section 49(a)(1)(C), as amended by Public Law 117-169, 
     is amended--
       (A) by adding ``and'' at the end of clause (v),
       (B) by striking the comma at the end of clause (vi) and 
     inserting a period, and
       (C) by striking clauses (vii) and (viii).
       (3) Section 50(a)(2)(E), as amended by Public Law 117-169, 
     is amended by striking ``48D(b)(5), or 48E(e)'' and inserting 
     ``or 48D(b)(5)''.
       (4) Section 50(c)(3), as amended by Public Law 117-169, is 
     amended by striking ``or clean electricity investment 
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to facilities and property placed in service 
     after December 31, 2024.


       (a) In General.--Section 168(e)(3)(B), as amended by Public 
     Law 117-169, is amended--
       (1) in clause (vi)(III), by adding ``and'' at the end,
       (2) in clause (vii), by striking ``, and,'' at the end and 
     inserting a period, and
       (3) by striking clause (viii).
       (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to facilities and property placed in service 
     after December 31, 2024.


       (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of 
     chapter 1 is amended by striking section 45Z (and by striking 
     the item relating to such section in the table of sections 
     for such subpart).
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 30C(c)(1)(B), as amended by Public Law 117-169, 
     is amended by striking clause (iv).
       (2) Section 38(b), as amended by Public Law 117-169, is 
     amended by striking paragraph (40).
       (3) Section 4101(a)(1), as amended by Public Law 117-169, 
     is amended by striking ``every person producing a fuel 
     eligible for the clean fuel production credit (pursuant to 
     section 45Z),''.
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to transportation fuel produced after December 
     31, 2024.


       (a) In General.--Subchapter B of chapter 65 is amended by 
     striking sections 6417 and 6418 (and by striking the items 
     relating to such sections in the table of sections for such 
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 50(d) is amended by striking ``In the case of a 
     real estate investment trust making an election under section 
     6418, paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(B) of the section 46(e) 
     referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not 
     apply to any investment credit property of such real estate 
     investment trust to which such election applies''.
       (2) Section 39(a) is amended by striking paragraph (4).
       (3) Section 13801 of Public Law 117-169 is amended by 
     striking subsection (f).
       (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section 
     shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 


       In the case of a taxpayer who entered into a binding 
     written contract or made other concrete investment action 
     after August 26, 2022, and before April 19, 2023 to engage in 
     an activity for which a credit would otherwise be available 
     if not for the application of sections 229 and 244 of this 
     Act, such sections shall not apply.



       The unobligated balances of amounts appropriated or 
     otherwise made available for activities of the Internal 
     Revenue Service by paragraphs (1)(A)(ii), (1)(A)(iii), 
     (1)(B), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of section 10301 of Public Law 
     117-169 (commonly known as the ``Inflation Reduction Act of 
     2022'') as of the date of the enactment of this Act are 

                      DIVISION C--GROW THE ECONOMY



       Section 407(b)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
     607(b)(3)) is amended in each of subparagraphs (A)(ii) and 
     (B), by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2022''.


       Section 407(b)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
     607(b)(3)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(C) Exclusion of certain cases.--The Secretary shall 
     determine the minimum participation rate of a State for a 
     fiscal year under this subsection without regard to cases 
     that are funded by an amount expended in excess of the 
     applicable percentage of the historic expenditures (as 
     defined in section 409(a)(7)(B)(ii)) of the State for the 
     fiscal year.''.


       Section 407(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
     607(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(6) Special rule regarding calculation of the minimum 
     participation rate.--The Secretary shall determine 
     participation rates under this section without regard to any 
     individual engaged in work who is described in section 
     408(a)(2), who is not in compliance with section 408(a)(3), 
     or with respect to whom the assessment required by section 
     408(b)(1) has not been made.''.


       Section 411 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 611) is 
     amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(e) Reporting Performance Indicators.--
       ``(1) In general.--Each Sate, in consultation with the 
     Secretary, shall collect and submit to the Secretary the 
     information necessary for each indicator described in 
     paragraph (2), for fiscal year 2025 and each fiscal year 
       ``(2) Indicators of performance.--The indicators described 
     in this paragraph for a fiscal year are the following:
       ``(A) The percentage of individuals who were work-eligible 
     individuals as of the time of exit from the program, who are 
     in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after 
     the exit.
       ``(B) The percentage of individuals who were work-eligible 
     individuals who were in unsubsidized employment in the second 
     quarter after the exit, who are also in unsubsidized 
     employment during the fourth quarter after the exit.
       ``(C) The median earnings of individuals who were work-
     eligible individuals as of the time of exit from the program, 
     who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter 
     after the exit.
       ``(D) The percentage of individuals who have not attained 
     24 years of age, are attending high school or enrolled in an 
     equivalency program, and are work-eligible individuals or 
     were work-eligible individuals as of the time of exit from 
     the program, who obtain a high school degree or its 
     recognized equivalent while receiving assistance under the 
     State program funded under this part or within 1 year after 
     the exit.
       ``(3) Definition of exit.--In paragraph (2), the term 
     `exit' means, with respect to a State program funded under 
     this part, ceases to receive assistance under the program 
     funded by this part.
       ``(4) Regulations.--In order to ensure nationwide 
     comparability of data, the Secretary, after consultation with 
     the Secretary of Labor and with States, shall issue 
     regulations governing the reporting of performance indicators 
     under this subsection.''.


       The amendments made by this title shall take effect on 
     October 1, 2024.

                       TITLE II--SNAP EXEMPTIONS

                   RECEIVE SNAP.

       Section 6(o)(3)(A) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 
     U.S.C. 2015(6)(o)(3)(A)) is amended by striking ``50'' and 
     inserting ``56''.


       Section 6(o)(6) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 
     U.S.C. 2015(6)(o)(6)) is amended by adding at end the 
       ``(I) Rule of construction for exemption adjustment.--
     During fiscal year 2024 and each subsequent fiscal year, 
     nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted to allow a 
     State agency to accumulate unused exemptions to be provided 
     beyond the subsequent fiscal year.''.

[[Page H1989]]


                   FOOD AND NUTRITION ACT OF 2008.

       Section 2 of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 
     2011) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``That 
     program includes as a purpose to assist low-income adults in 
     obtaining employment and increasing their earnings. Such 
     employment and earnings, along with program benefits, will 
     permit low-income households to obtain a more nutritious diet 
     through normal channels of trade by increasing food 
     purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for 



       (a) In General.--Section 1903(i) of the Social Security Act 
     (42 U.S.C. 1396b(i)) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (26), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a 
       (2) in paragraph (27), by striking the period at the end 
     and inserting ``; or'';
       (3) by inserting after paragraph (27) the following new 
       ``(28) with respect to any amount expended for medical 
     assistance for an applicable individual for a month in a 
     calendar year if such individual did not meet the community 
     engagement requirement under section 1905(jj) for 3 or more 
     preceding months during such calendar year while such 
     individual was an applicable individual and was enrolled in a 
     State plan (or waiver of such plan) under this title.''; and
       (4) in the flush left matter at the end, by striking ``and 
     (18),'' and inserting ``(18), and (28)''.
       (b) Community Engagement Requirement.--Section 1905 of the 
     Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d) is amended by adding at 
     the end the following new subsection:
       ``(jj) Community Engagement Requirement for Applicable 
       ``(1) Community engagement requirement described.--For 
     purposes of section 1903(i)(28), the community engagement 
     requirement described in this subsection with respect to an 
     applicable individual and a month is that such individual 
     satisfies at least one of the following with respect to such 
       ``(A) The individual works 80 hours or more per month, or 
     has a monthly income that is at least equal to the Federal 
     minimum wage under section 6 of the Fair Labor Standards Act 
     of 1938, multiplied by 80 hours.
       ``(B) The individual completes 80 hours or more of 
     community service per month.
       ``(C) The individual participates in a work program for at 
     least 80 hours per month.
       ``(D) The individual participates in a combination of work, 
     including community service, and a work program for a total 
     of at least 80 hours per month.
       ``(2) Verification.--For purposes of verifying the 
     compliance of an applicable individual with the community 
     engagement requirement under paragraph (1), a State Medicaid 
     agency shall, whenever possible, prioritize the utilization 
     of existing databases or other verification measures, 
     including the National Change of Address Database Maintained 
     by the United States Postal Service, State health and human 
     services agencies, payroll databases, or other reliable 
     sources of information, prior to seeking additional 
     verification from such individual.
       ``(3) Definitions.--In this subsection:
       ``(A) Applicable individual.--The term `applicable 
     individual' means any individual who is not--
       ``(i) under 19 years of age or age 56 or older;
       ``(ii) physically or mentally unfit for employment, as 
     determined by a physician or other medical professional;
       ``(iii) pregnant;
       ``(iv) the parent or caretaker of a dependent child;
       ``(v) the parent or caretaker of an incapacitated person;
       ``(vi) complying with work requirements under a different 
     program under Federal law;
       ``(vii) participating in a drug or alcohol treatment and 
     rehabilitation program (as defined in section 3(h) of the 
     Food and Nutrition Act of 2008); or
       ``(viii) enrolled in an educational program at least half 
       ``(B) Educational program.--The term `educational program' 
       ``(i) an institution of higher education (as defined in 
     section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965);
       ``(ii) a program of career and technical education (as 
     defined in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
     Technical Education Act of 2006); or
       ``(iii) any other educational program approved by the 
       ``(C) State medicaid agency.--The term `State Medicaid 
     agency' means the State agency responsible for administering 
     the State Medicaid plan.
       ``(D) Work program.--The term `work program' has the 
     meaning given such term in section 6(o)(1) of the Food and 
     Nutrition Act of 2008.''.
       (c) State Option To Disenroll Certain Individuals.--Section 
     1902(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)) is 
     amended by adding at the end of the flush left text following 
     paragraph (87) the following: ``Notwithstanding any of the 
     preceding provisions of this subsection, at the option of a 
     State, such State may elect to disenroll an applicable 
     individual for a month if, with respect to medical assistance 
     furnished to such individual for such month, no Federal 
     financial participation would be available, pursuant to 
     section 1903(i)(28).''.


     SEC. 331. SHORT TITLE.

       This title may be cited as the ``Regulations from the 
     Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2023''.

     SEC. 332. PURPOSE.

       The purpose of this title is to increase accountability for 
     and transparency in the Federal regulatory process. Section 1 
     of article I of the United States Constitution grants all 
     legislative powers to Congress. Over time, Congress has 
     excessively delegated its constitutional charge while failing 
     to conduct appropriate oversight and retain accountability 
     for the content of the laws it passes. By requiring a vote in 
     Congress, the REINS Act will result in more carefully drafted 
     and detailed legislation, an improved regulatory process, and 
     a legislative branch that is truly accountable to the 
     American people for the laws imposed upon them.


       Chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, is amended to 
     read as follows:


``801. Congressional review.
``802. Congressional approval procedure for major rules.
``803. Congressional disapproval procedure for nonmajor rules.
``804. Definitions.
``805. Judicial review.
``806. Exemption for monetary policy.
``807. Effective date of certain rules.

     ``Sec. 801. Congressional review

       ``(a)(1)(A) Before a rule may take effect, the Federal 
     agency promulgating such rule shall publish in the Federal 
     Register a list of information on which the rule is based, 
     including data, scientific and economic studies, and cost-
     benefit analyses, and identify how the public can access such 
     information online, and shall submit to each House of the 
     Congress and to the Comptroller General a report containing--
       ``(i) a copy of the rule;
       ``(ii) a concise general statement relating to the rule;
       ``(iii) a classification of the rule as a major or nonmajor 
     rule, including an explanation of the classification 
     specifically addressing each criteria for a major rule 
     contained within subparagraphs (A) through (C) of section 
       ``(iv) a list of any other related regulatory actions 
     intended to implement the same statutory provision or 
     regulatory objective as well as the individual and aggregate 
     economic effects of those actions; and
       ``(v) the proposed effective date of the rule.
       ``(B) On the date of the submission of the report under 
     subparagraph (A), the Federal agency promulgating the rule 
     shall submit to the Comptroller General and make available to 
     each House of Congress--
       ``(i) a complete copy of the cost-benefit analysis of the 
     rule, if any, including an analysis of any jobs added or 
     lost, differentiating between public and private sector jobs;
       ``(ii) the agency's actions pursuant to sections 603, 604, 
     605, 607, and 609 of this title;
       ``(iii) the agency's actions pursuant to sections 202, 203, 
     204, and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995; and
       ``(iv) any other relevant information or requirements under 
     any other Act and any relevant Executive orders.
       ``(C) Upon receipt of a report submitted under subparagraph 
     (A), each House shall provide copies of the report to the 
     chairman and ranking member of each standing committee with 
     jurisdiction under the rules of the House of Representatives 
     or the Senate to report a bill to amend the provision of law 
     under which the rule is issued.
       ``(2)(A) The Comptroller General shall provide a report on 
     each major rule to the committees of jurisdiction by the end 
     of 15 calendar days after the submission or publication date. 
     The report of the Comptroller General shall include an 
     assessment of the agency's compliance with procedural steps 
     required by paragraph (1)(B) and an assessment of whether the 
     major rule imposes any new limits or mandates on private-
     sector activity.
       ``(B) Federal agencies shall cooperate with the Comptroller 
     General by providing information relevant to the Comptroller 
     General's report under subparagraph (A).
       ``(3) A major rule relating to a report submitted under 
     paragraph (1) shall take effect upon enactment of a joint 
     resolution of approval described in section 802 or as 
     provided for in the rule following enactment of a joint 
     resolution of approval described in section 802, whichever is 
       ``(4) A nonmajor rule shall take effect as provided by 
     section 803 after submission to Congress under paragraph (1).
       ``(5) If a joint resolution of approval relating to a major 
     rule is not enacted within the period provided in subsection 
     (b)(2), then a joint resolution of approval relating to the 
     same rule may not be considered under this chapter in the 
     same Congress by either the House of Representatives or the 
       ``(b)(1) A major rule shall not take effect unless the 
     Congress enacts a joint resolution of approval described 
     under section 802.

[[Page H1990]]

       ``(2) If a joint resolution described in subsection (a) is 
     not enacted into law by the end of 70 session days or 
     legislative days, as applicable, beginning on the date on 
     which the report referred to in subsection (a)(1)(A) is 
     received by Congress (excluding days either House of Congress 
     is adjourned for more than 3 days during a session of 
     Congress), then the rule described in that resolution shall 
     be deemed not to be approved and such rule shall not take 
       ``(c)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 
     section (except subject to paragraph (3)), a major rule may 
     take effect for one 90-calendar-day period if the President 
     makes a determination under paragraph (2) and submits written 
     notice of such determination to the Congress.
       ``(2) Paragraph (1) applies to a determination made by the 
     President by Executive order that the major rule should take 
     effect because such rule is--
       ``(A) necessary because of an imminent threat to health or 
     safety or other emergency;
       ``(B) necessary for the enforcement of criminal laws;
       ``(C) necessary for national security; or
       ``(D) issued pursuant to any statute implementing an 
     international trade agreement.
       ``(3) An exercise by the President of the authority under 
     this subsection shall have no effect on the procedures under 
     section 802.
       ``(d)(1) In addition to the opportunity for review 
     otherwise provided under this chapter, in the case of any 
     rule for which a report was submitted in accordance with 
     subsection (a)(1)(A) during the period beginning on the date 
       ``(A) in the case of the Senate, 60 session days; or
       ``(B) in the case of the House of Representatives, 60 
     legislative days,
     before the date the Congress is scheduled to adjourn a 
     session of Congress through the date on which the same or 
     succeeding Congress first convenes its next session, sections 
     802 and 803 shall apply to such rule in the succeeding 
     session of Congress.
       ``(2)(A) In applying sections 802 and 803 for purposes of 
     such additional review, a rule described under paragraph (1) 
     shall be treated as though--
       ``(i) such rule were published in the Federal Register on--
       ``(I) in the case of the Senate, the 15th session day; or
       ``(II) in the case of the House of Representatives, the 
     15th legislative day,
     after the succeeding session of Congress first convenes; and
       ``(ii) a report on such rule were submitted to Congress 
     under subsection (a)(1) on such date.
       ``(B) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to 
     affect the requirement under subsection (a)(1) that a report 
     shall be submitted to Congress before a rule can take effect.
       ``(3) A rule described under paragraph (1) shall take 
     effect as otherwise provided by law (including other 
     subsections of this section).

     ``Sec. 802. Congressional approval procedure for major rules

       ``(a)(1) For purposes of this section, the term `joint 
     resolution' means only a joint resolution addressing a report 
     classifying a rule as major pursuant to section 
     801(a)(1)(A)(iii) that--
       ``(A) bears no preamble;
       ``(B) bears the following title (with blanks filled as 
     appropriate): `Approving the rule submitted by ___ relating 
     to ___.';
       ``(C) includes after its resolving clause only the 
     following (with blanks filled as appropriate): `That Congress 
     approves the rule submitted by ___ relating to ___.'; and
       ``(D) is introduced pursuant to paragraph (2).
       ``(2) After a House of Congress receives a report 
     classifying a rule as major pursuant to section 
     801(a)(1)(A)(iii), the majority leader of that House (or his 
     or her respective designee) shall introduce (by request, if 
     appropriate) a joint resolution described in paragraph (1)--
       ``(A) in the case of the House of Representatives, within 3 
     legislative days; and
       ``(B) in the case of the Senate, within 3 session days.
       ``(3) A joint resolution described in paragraph (1) shall 
     not be subject to amendment at any stage of proceeding.
       ``(b) A joint resolution described in subsection (a) shall 
     be referred in each House of Congress to the committees 
     having jurisdiction over the provision of law under which the 
     rule is issued.
       ``(c) In the Senate, if the committee or committees to 
     which a joint resolution described in subsection (a) has been 
     referred have not reported it at the end of 15 session days 
     after its introduction, such committee or committees shall be 
     automatically discharged from further consideration of the 
     resolution and it shall be placed on the calendar. A vote on 
     final passage of the resolution shall be taken on or before 
     the close of the 15th session day after the resolution is 
     reported by the committee or committees to which it was 
     referred, or after such committee or committees have been 
     discharged from further consideration of the resolution.
       ``(d)(1) In the Senate, when the committee or committees to 
     which a joint resolution is referred have reported, or when a 
     committee or committees are discharged (under subsection (c)) 
     from further consideration of a joint resolution described in 
     subsection (a), it is at any time thereafter in order (even 
     though a previous motion to the same effect has been 
     disagreed to) for a motion to proceed to the consideration of 
     the joint resolution, and all points of order against the 
     joint resolution (and against consideration of the joint 
     resolution) are waived. The motion is not subject to 
     amendment, or to a motion to postpone, or to a motion to 
     proceed to the consideration of other business. A motion to 
     reconsider the vote by which the motion is agreed to or 
     disagreed to shall not be in order. If a motion to proceed to 
     the consideration of the joint resolution is agreed to, the 
     joint resolution shall remain the unfinished business of the 
     Senate until disposed of.
       ``(2) In the Senate, debate on the joint resolution, and on 
     all debatable motions and appeals in connection therewith, 
     shall be limited to not more than 2 hours, which shall be 
     divided equally between those favoring and those opposing the 
     joint resolution. A motion to further limit debate is in 
     order and not debatable. An amendment to, or a motion to 
     postpone, or a motion to proceed to the consideration of 
     other business, or a motion to recommit the joint resolution 
     is not in order.
       ``(3) In the Senate, immediately following the conclusion 
     of the debate on a joint resolution described in subsection 
     (a), and a single quorum call at the conclusion of the debate 
     if requested in accordance with the rules of the Senate, the 
     vote on final passage of the joint resolution shall occur.
       ``(4) Appeals from the decisions of the Chair relating to 
     the application of the rules of the Senate to the procedure 
     relating to a joint resolution described in subsection (a) 
     shall be decided without debate.
       ``(e) In the House of Representatives, if any committee to 
     which a joint resolution described in subsection (a) has been 
     referred has not reported it to the House at the end of 15 
     legislative days after its introduction, such committee shall 
     be discharged from further consideration of the joint 
     resolution, and it shall be placed on the appropriate 
     calendar. On the second and fourth Thursdays of each month it 
     shall be in order at any time for the Speaker to recognize a 
     Member who favors passage of a joint resolution that has 
     appeared on the calendar for at least 5 legislative days to 
     call up that joint resolution for immediate consideration in 
     the House without intervention of any point of order. When so 
     called up a joint resolution shall be considered as read and 
     shall be debatable for 1 hour equally divided and controlled 
     by the proponent and an opponent, and the previous question 
     shall be considered as ordered to its passage without 
     intervening motion. It shall not be in order to reconsider 
     the vote on passage. If a vote on final passage of the joint 
     resolution has not been taken by the third Thursday on which 
     the Speaker may recognize a Member under this subsection, 
     such vote shall be taken on that day.
       ``(f)(1) If, before passing a joint resolution described in 
     subsection (a), one House receives from the other a joint 
     resolution having the same text, then--
       ``(A) the joint resolution of the other House shall not be 
     referred to a committee; and
       ``(B) the procedure in the receiving House shall be the 
     same as if no joint resolution had been received from the 
     other House until the vote on passage, when the joint 
     resolution received from the other House shall supplant the 
     joint resolution of the receiving House.
       ``(2) This subsection shall not apply to the House of 
     Representatives if the joint resolution received from the 
     Senate is a revenue measure.
       ``(g) If either House has not taken a vote on final passage 
     of the joint resolution by the last day of the period 
     described in section 801(b)(2), then such vote shall be taken 
     on that day.
       ``(h) This section and section 803 are enacted by 
       ``(1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the Senate 
     and House of Representatives, respectively, and as such are 
     deemed to be part of the rules of each House, respectively, 
     but applicable only with respect to the procedure to be 
     followed in that House in the case of a joint resolution 
     described in subsection (a) and superseding other rules only 
     where explicitly so; and
       ``(2) with full recognition of the constitutional right of 
     either House to change the rules (so far as they relate to 
     the procedure of that House) at any time, in the same manner 
     and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of 
     that House.

     ``Sec. 803. Congressional disapproval procedure for nonmajor 

       ``(a) For purposes of this section, the term `joint 
     resolution' means only a joint resolution introduced in the 
     period beginning on the date on which the report referred to 
     in section 801(a)(1)(A) is received by Congress and ending 60 
     days thereafter (excluding days either House of Congress is 
     adjourned for more than 3 days during a session of Congress), 
     the matter after the resolving clause of which is as follows: 
     `That Congress disapproves the nonmajor rule submitted by the 
     ___ relating to ___, and such rule shall have no force or 
     effect.' (The blank spaces being appropriately filled in).
       ``(b) A joint resolution described in subsection (a) shall 
     be referred to the committees in each House of Congress with 
       ``(c) In the Senate, if the committee to which is referred 
     a joint resolution described in subsection (a) has not 
     reported such joint resolution (or an identical joint 

[[Page H1991]]

     at the end of 15 session days after the date of introduction 
     of the joint resolution, such committee may be discharged 
     from further consideration of such joint resolution upon a 
     petition supported in writing by 30 Members of the Senate, 
     and such joint resolution shall be placed on the calendar.
       ``(d)(1) In the Senate, when the committee to which a joint 
     resolution is referred has reported, or when a committee is 
     discharged (under subsection (c)) from further consideration 
     of a joint resolution described in subsection (a), it is at 
     any time thereafter in order (even though a previous motion 
     to the same effect has been disagreed to) for a motion to 
     proceed to the consideration of the joint resolution, and all 
     points of order against the joint resolution (and against 
     consideration of the joint resolution) are waived. The motion 
     is not subject to amendment, or to a motion to postpone, or 
     to a motion to proceed to the consideration of other 
     business. A motion to reconsider the vote by which the motion 
     is agreed to or disagreed to shall not be in order. If a 
     motion to proceed to the consideration of the joint 
     resolution is agreed to, the joint resolution shall remain 
     the unfinished business of the Senate until disposed of.
       ``(2) In the Senate, debate on the joint resolution, and on 
     all debatable motions and appeals in connection therewith, 
     shall be limited to not more than 10 hours, which shall be 
     divided equally between those favoring and those opposing the 
     joint resolution. A motion to further limit debate is in 
     order and not debatable. An amendment to, or a motion to 
     postpone, or a motion to proceed to the consideration of 
     other business, or a motion to recommit the joint resolution 
     is not in order.
       ``(3) In the Senate, immediately following the conclusion 
     of the debate on a joint resolution described in subsection 
     (a), and a single quorum call at the conclusion of the debate 
     if requested in accordance with the rules of the Senate, the 
     vote on final passage of the joint resolution shall occur.
       ``(4) Appeals from the decisions of the Chair relating to 
     the application of the rules of the Senate to the procedure 
     relating to a joint resolution described in subsection (a) 
     shall be decided without debate.
       ``(e) In the Senate, the procedure specified in subsection 
     (c) or (d) shall not apply to the consideration of a joint 
     resolution respecting a nonmajor rule--
       ``(1) after the expiration of the 60 session days beginning 
     with the applicable submission or publication date; or
       ``(2) if the report under section 801(a)(1)(A) was 
     submitted during the period referred to in section 801(d)(1), 
     after the expiration of the 60 session days beginning on the 
     15th session day after the succeeding session of Congress 
     first convenes.
       ``(f) If, before the passage by one House of a joint 
     resolution of that House described in subsection (a), that 
     House receives from the other House a joint resolution 
     described in subsection (a), then the following procedures 
     shall apply:
       ``(1) The joint resolution of the other House shall not be 
     referred to a committee.
       ``(2) With respect to a joint resolution described in 
     subsection (a) of the House receiving the joint resolution--
       ``(A) the procedure in that House shall be the same as if 
     no joint resolution had been received from the other House; 
       ``(B) the vote on final passage shall be on the joint 
     resolution of the other House.

     ``Sec. 804. Definitions

       ``For purposes of this chapter:
       ``(1) The term `Federal agency' means any agency as that 
     term is defined in section 551(1).
       ``(2) The term `major rule' means any rule, including an 
     interim final rule, that the Administrator of the Office of 
     Information and Regulatory Affairs of the Office of 
     Management and Budget finds has resulted in or is likely to 
     result in--
       ``(A) an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or 
       ``(B) a major increase in costs or prices for consumers, 
     individual industries, Federal, State, or local government 
     agencies, or geographic regions; or
       ``(C) significant adverse effects on competition, 
     employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the 
     ability of United States-based enterprises to compete with 
     foreign-based enterprises in domestic and export markets.
       ``(3) The term `nonmajor rule' means any rule that is not a 
     major rule.
       ``(4) The term `rule' has the meaning given such term in 
     section 551, except that such term does not include--
       ``(A) any rule of particular applicability, including a 
     rule that approves or prescribes for the future rates, wages, 
     prices, services, or allowances therefore, corporate or 
     financial structures, reorganizations, mergers, or 
     acquisitions thereof, or accounting practices or disclosures 
     bearing on any of the foregoing;
       ``(B) any rule relating to agency management or personnel; 
       ``(C) any rule of agency organization, procedure, or 
     practice that does not substantially affect the rights or 
     obligations of non-agency parties.
       ``(5) The term `submission or publication date', except as 
     otherwise provided in this chapter, means--
       ``(A) in the case of a major rule, the date on which the 
     Congress receives the report submitted under section 
     801(a)(1); and
       ``(B) in the case of a nonmajor rule, the later of--
       ``(i) the date on which the Congress receives the report 
     submitted under section 801(a)(1); and
       ``(ii) the date on which the nonmajor rule is published in 
     the Federal Register, if so published.

     ``Sec. 805. Judicial review

       ``(a) No determination, finding, action, or omission under 
     this chapter shall be subject to judicial review.
       ``(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a court may determine 
     whether a Federal agency has completed the necessary 
     requirements under this chapter for a rule to take effect.
       ``(c) The enactment of a joint resolution of approval under 
     section 802 shall not be interpreted to serve as a grant or 
     modification of statutory authority by Congress for the 
     promulgation of a rule, shall not extinguish or affect any 
     claim, whether substantive or procedural, against any alleged 
     defect in a rule, and shall not form part of the record 
     before the court in any judicial proceeding concerning a rule 
     except for purposes of determining whether or not the rule is 
     in effect.

     ``Sec. 806. Exemption for monetary policy

       ``Nothing in this chapter shall apply to rules that concern 
     monetary policy proposed or implemented by the Board of 
     Governors of the Federal Reserve System or the Federal Open 
     Market Committee.

     ``Sec. 807. Effective date of certain rules

       ``Notwithstanding section 801--
       ``(1) any rule that establishes, modifies, opens, closes, 
     or conducts a regulatory program for a commercial, 
     recreational, or subsistence activity related to hunting, 
     fishing, or camping; or
       ``(2) any rule other than a major rule which an agency for 
     good cause finds (and incorporates the finding and a brief 
     statement of reasons therefore in the rule issued) that 
     notice and public procedure thereon are impracticable, 
     unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest,
     shall take effect at such time as the Federal agency 
     promulgating the rule determines.''.

                   OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE.

       Section 257(b)(2) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
     Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 907(b)(2)) is amended 
     by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
       ``(E) Budgetary effects of rules subject to section 802 of 
     title 5, united states code.--Any rule subject to the 
     congressional approval procedure set forth in section 802 of 
     chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, affecting budget 
     authority, outlays, or receipts shall be assumed to be 
     effective unless it is not approved in accordance with such 


       (a) In General.--The Comptroller General of the United 
     States shall conduct a study to determine, as of the date of 
     the enactment of this section--
       (1) how many rules (as such term is defined in section 804 
     of title 5, United States Code) were in effect;
       (2) how many major rules (as such term is defined in 
     section 804 of title 5, United States Code) were in effect; 
       (3) the total estimated economic cost imposed by all such 
       (b) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the 
     enactment of this section, the Comptroller General of the 
     United States shall submit a report to Congress that contains 
     the findings of the study conducted under subsection (a).




       (a) Amendment to the Department of Energy Organization 
     Act.--The Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 
     7101 et seq.) is amended--
       (1) in section 2, by adding at the end the following:
       ``(d) As used in sections 102(20) and 203(a)(12), the term 
     `critical energy resource' means any energy resource--
       ``(1) that is essential to the energy sector and energy 
     systems of the United States; and
       ``(2) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to 
       (2) in section 102, by adding at the end the following:
       ``(20) To ensure there is an adequate and reliable supply 
     of critical energy resources that are essential to the energy 
     security of the United States.''; and
       (3) in section 203(a), by adding at the end the following:
       ``(12) Functions that relate to securing the supply of 
     critical energy resources, including identifying and 
     mitigating the effects of a disruption of such supply on--
       ``(A) the development and use of energy technologies; and
       ``(B) the operation of energy systems.''.
       (b) Securing Critical Energy Resource Supply Chains.--
       (1) In general.--In carrying out the requirements of the 
     Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7101 et 
     seq.), the Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the 
     appropriate Federal agencies, representatives of the energy 
     sector, States, and other stakeholders, shall--

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       (A) conduct ongoing assessments of--
       (i) energy resource criticality based on the importance of 
     critical energy resources to the development of energy 
     technologies and the supply of energy;
       (ii) the critical energy resource supply chain of the 
     United States;
       (iii) the vulnerability of such supply chain; and
       (iv) how the energy security of the United States is 
     affected by the reliance of the United States on importation 
     of critical energy resources;
       (B) facilitate development of strategies to strengthen 
     critical energy resource supply chains in the United States, 
     including by--
       (i) diversifying the sources of the supply of critical 
     energy resources; and
       (ii) increasing domestic production, separation, and 
     processing of critical energy resources;
       (C) develop substitutes and alternatives to critical energy 
     resources; and
       (D) improve technology that reuses and recycles critical 
     energy resources.
       (2) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
     enactment of this title, and annually thereafter, the 
     Secretary of Energy shall submit to Congress a report 
       (A) the results of the ongoing assessments conducted under 
     paragraph (1)(A);
       (B) a description of any actions taken pursuant to the 
     Department of Energy Organization Act to mitigate potential 
     effects of critical energy resource supply chain disruptions 
     on energy technologies or the operation of energy systems; 
       (C) any recommendations relating to strengthening critical 
     energy resource supply chains that are essential to the 
     energy security of the United States.
       (3) Critical energy resource defined.--In this section, the 
     term ``critical energy resource'' has the meaning given such 
     term in section 2 of the Department of Energy Organization 
     Act (42 U.S.C. 7101).


       (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that 
     States should maintain primacy for the regulation of 
     hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural gas production on 
     State and private lands.
       (b) Prohibition on Declaration of a Moratorium on Hydraulic 
     Fracturing.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 
     President may not declare a moratorium on the use of 
     hydraulic fracturing unless such moratorium is authorized by 
     an Act of Congress.


       Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this 
     section, the Secretary of Energy shall direct the National 
     Petroleum Council to--
       (1) submit to the Secretary of Energy and Congress a report 
       (A) an examination of the role of petrochemical refineries 
     located in the United States and the contributions of such 
     petrochemical refineries to the energy security of the United 
     States, including the reliability of supply in the United 
     States of liquid fuels and feedstocks, and the affordability 
     of liquid fuels for consumers in the United States;
       (B) analyses and projections with respect to--
       (i) the capacity of petrochemical refineries located in the 
     United States;
       (ii) opportunities for expanding such capacity; and
       (iii) the risks to petrochemical refineries located in the 
     United States;
       (C) an assessment of any Federal or State executive 
     actions, regulations, or policies that have caused or 
     contributed to a decline in the capacity of petrochemical 
     refineries located in the United States; and
       (D) any recommendations for Federal agencies and Congress 
     to encourage an increase in the capacity of petrochemical 
     refineries located in the United States; and
       (2) make publicly available the report submitted under 
     paragraph (1).


       (a) Authorization of Certain Energy Infrastructure Projects 
     at an International Boundary of the United States.--
       (1) Authorization.--Except as provided in paragraph (3) and 
     subsection (d), no person may construct, connect, operate, or 
     maintain a border-crossing facility for the import or export 
     of oil or natural gas, or the transmission of electricity, 
     across an international border of the United States without 
     obtaining a certificate of crossing for the border-crossing 
     facility under this subsection.
       (2) Certificate of crossing.--
       (A) Requirement.--Not later than 120 days after final 
     action is taken, by the relevant official or agency 
     identified under subparagraph (B), under the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) 
     with respect to a border-crossing facility for which a person 
     requests a certificate of crossing under this subsection, the 
     relevant official or agency, in consultation with appropriate 
     Federal agencies, shall issue a certificate of crossing for 
     the border-crossing facility unless the relevant official or 
     agency finds that the construction, connection, operation, or 
     maintenance of the border-crossing facility is not in the 
     public interest of the United States.
       (B) Relevant official or agency.--The relevant official or 
     agency referred to in subparagraph (A) is--
       (i) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with respect 
     to border-crossing facilities consisting of oil or natural 
     gas pipelines; and
       (ii) the Secretary of Energy with respect to border-
     crossing facilities consisting of electric transmission 
       (C) Additional requirement for electric transmission 
     facilities.--In the case of a request for a certificate of 
     crossing for a border-crossing facility consisting of an 
     electric transmission facility, the Secretary of Energy shall 
     require, as a condition of issuing the certificate of 
     crossing under subparagraph (A), that the border-crossing 
     facility be constructed, connected, operated, or maintained 
     consistent with all applicable policies and standards of--
       (i) the Electric Reliability Organization and the 
     applicable regional entity; and
       (ii) any Regional Transmission Organization or Independent 
     System Operator with operational or functional control over 
     the border-crossing facility.
       (3) Exclusions.--This subsection shall not apply to any 
     construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of a 
     border-crossing facility for the import or export of oil or 
     natural gas, or the transmission of electricity--
       (A) if the border-crossing facility is operating for such 
     import, export, or transmission as of the date of enactment 
     of this section;
       (B) if a Presidential permit (or similar permit) for the 
     construction, connection, operation, or maintenance has been 
     issued pursuant to any provision of law or Executive order; 
       (C) if an application for a Presidential permit (or similar 
     permit) for the construction, connection, operation, or 
     maintenance is pending on the date of enactment of this 
     section, until the earlier of--
       (i) the date on which such application is denied; or
       (ii) two years after the date of enactment of this section, 
     if such a permit has not been issued by such date of 
       (4) Effect of other laws.--
       (A) Application to projects.--Nothing in this subsection or 
     subsection (d) shall affect the application of any other 
     Federal statute to a project for which a certificate of 
     crossing for a border-crossing facility is requested under 
     this subsection.
       (B) Natural gas act.--Nothing in this subsection or 
     subsection (d) shall affect the requirement to obtain 
     approval or authorization under sections 3 and 7 of the 
     Natural Gas Act for the siting, construction, or operation of 
     any facility to import or export natural gas.
       (C) Oil pipelines.--Nothing in this subsection or 
     subsection (d) shall affect the authority of the Federal 
     Energy Regulatory Commission with respect to oil pipelines 
     under section 60502 of title 49, United States Code.
       (b) Transmission of Electric Energy to Canada and Mexico.--
       (1) Repeal of requirement to secure order.--Section 202(e) 
     of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824a(e)) is repealed.
       (2) Conforming amendments.--
       (A) State regulations.--Section 202(f) of the Federal Power 
     Act (16 U.S.C. 824a(f)) is amended by striking ``insofar as 
     such State regulation does not conflict with the exercise of 
     the Commission's powers under or relating to subsection 
       (B) Seasonal diversity electricity exchange.--Section 
     602(b) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 
     (16 U.S.C. 824a-4(b)) is amended by striking ``the Commission 
     has conducted hearings and made the findings required under 
     section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act'' and all that 
     follows through the period at the end and inserting ``the 
     Secretary has conducted hearings and finds that the proposed 
     transmission facilities would not impair the sufficiency of 
     electric supply within the United States or would not impede 
     or tend to impede the coordination in the public interest of 
     facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary.''.
       (c) No Presidential Permit Required.--No Presidential 
     permit (or similar permit) shall be required pursuant to any 
     provision of law or Executive order for the construction, 
     connection, operation, or maintenance of an oil or natural 
     gas pipeline or electric transmission facility, or any 
     border-crossing facility thereof.
       (d) Modifications to Existing Projects.--No certificate of 
     crossing under subsection (a), or Presidential permit (or 
     similar permit), shall be required for a modification to--
       (1) an oil or natural gas pipeline or electric transmission 
     facility that is operating for the import or export of oil or 
     natural gas or the transmission of electricity as of the date 
     of enactment of this section;
       (2) an oil or natural gas pipeline or electric transmission 
     facility for which a Presidential permit (or similar permit) 
     has been issued pursuant to any provision of law or Executive 
     order; or
       (3) a border-crossing facility for which a certificate of 
     crossing has previously been issued under subsection (a).
       (e) Prohibition on Revocation of Presidential Permits.--
     Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President may 
     not revoke a Presidential permit (or similar permit) issued 
     pursuant to Executive Order No. 13337 (3 U.S.C. 301 note), 
     Executive Order No. 11423 (3 U.S.C. 301 note), Executive 
     Order No. 12038 (43 Fed. Reg. 4957), Executive Order

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     No. 10485 (18 Fed. Reg. 5397), or any other Executive order 
     for the construction, connection, operation, or maintenance 
     of an oil or natural gas pipeline or electric transmission 
     facility, or any border-crossing facility thereof, unless 
     such revocation is authorized by an Act of Congress.
       (f) Effective Date; Rulemaking Deadlines.--
       (1) Effective date.--Subsections (a) through (d), and the 
     amendments made by such subsections, shall take effect on the 
     date that is 1 year after the date of enactment of this 
       (2) Rulemaking deadlines.--Each relevant official or agency 
     described in subsection (a)(2)(B) shall--
       (A) not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of 
     this section, publish in the Federal Register notice of a 
     proposed rulemaking to carry out the applicable requirements 
     of subsection (a); and
       (B) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of 
     this section, publish in the Federal Register a final rule to 
     carry out the applicable requirements of subsection (a).
       (g) Definitions.--In this section:
       (1) Border-crossing facility.--The term ``border-crossing 
     facility'' means the portion of an oil or natural gas 
     pipeline or electric transmission facility that is located at 
     an international boundary of the United States.
       (2) Modification.--The term ``modification'' includes a 
     reversal of flow direction, change in ownership, change in 
     flow volume, addition or removal of an interconnection, or an 
     adjustment to maintain flow (such as a reduction or increase 
     in the number of pump or compressor stations).
       (3) Natural gas.--The term ``natural gas'' has the meaning 
     given that term in section 2 of the Natural Gas Act (15 
     U.S.C. 717a).
       (4) Oil.--The term ``oil'' means petroleum or a petroleum 
       (5) Electric reliability organization; regional entity.--
     The terms ``Electric Reliability Organization'' and 
     ``regional entity'' have the meanings given those terms in 
     section 215 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824o).
       (6) Independent system operator; regional transmission 
     organization.--The terms ``Independent System Operator'' and 
     ``Regional Transmission Organization'' have the meanings 
     given those terms in section 3 of the Federal Power Act (16 
     U.S.C. 796).

                   KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE.

       (a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
       (1) On March 29, 2019, TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P., 
     was granted a Presidential permit to construct, connect, 
     operate, and maintain the Keystone XL pipeline.
       (2) On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued Executive 
     Order No. 13990 (86 Fed. Reg. 7037) that revoked the March 
     2019 Presidential permit for the Keystone XL.
       (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that 
     Congress disapproves of the revocation by President Biden of 
     the Presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.


       (a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
       (1) The United States has enjoyed a renaissance in energy 
     production, with the expansion of domestic crude oil and 
     other petroleum product production contributing to enhanced 
     energy security and significant economic benefits to the 
     national economy.
       (2) In 2015, Congress recognized the need to adapt to 
     changing crude oil market conditions and repealed all 
     restrictions on the export of crude oil on a bipartisan 
       (3) Section 101 of title I of division O of the 
     Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (42 U.S.C. 6212a) 
     established the national policy on oil export restriction, 
     prohibiting any official of the Federal Government from 
     imposing or enforcing any restrictions on the export of crude 
     oil with limited exceptions, including a savings clause 
     maintaining the authority to prohibit exports under any 
     provision of law that imposes sanctions on a foreign person 
     or foreign government (including any provision of law that 
     prohibits or restricts United States persons from engaging in 
     a transaction with a sanctioned person or government), 
     including a foreign government that is designated as a state 
     sponsor of terrorism.
       (4) Lifting the restrictions on crude oil exports 
     encouraged additional domestic energy production, created 
     American jobs and economic development, and allowed the 
     United States to emerge as the leading oil producer in the 
       (5) In 2019, the United States became a net exporter of 
     petroleum products for the first time since 1952, and the 
     reliance of the United States on foreign imports of petroleum 
     products has declined to historic lows.
       (6) Free trade, open markets, and competition have 
     contributed to the rise of the United States as a global 
     energy superpower.
       (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that 
     the Federal Government should not impose--
       (1) overly restrictive regulations on the exploration, 
     production, or marketing of energy resources; or
       (2) any restrictions on the export of crude oil or other 
     petroleum products under the Energy Policy and Conservation 
     Act (42 U.S.C. 6201 et seq.), except with respect to the 
     export of crude oil or other petroleum products to a foreign 
     person or foreign government subject to sanctions under any 
     provision of United States law, including to a country the 
     government of which is designated as a state sponsor of 


       Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717b) is 
       (1) by striking subsections (a) through (c);
       (2) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) as subsections 
     (a) and (b), respectively;
       (3) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (c), and 
     moving such subsection after subsection (b), as so 
       (4) in subsection (a), as so redesignated, by amending 
     paragraph (1) to read as follows: ``(1) The Federal Energy 
     Regulatory Commission (in this subsection referred to as the 
     `Commission') shall have the exclusive authority to approve 
     or deny an application for authorization for the siting, 
     construction, expansion, or operation of a facility to export 
     natural gas from the United States to a foreign country or 
     import natural gas from a foreign country, including an LNG 
     terminal. In determining whether to approve or deny an 
     application under this paragraph, the Commission shall deem 
     the exportation or importation of natural gas to be 
     consistent with the public interest. Except as specifically 
     provided in this Act, nothing in this Act is intended to 
     affect otherwise applicable law related to any Federal 
     agency's authorities or responsibilities related to 
     facilities to import or export natural gas, including LNG 
     terminals.''; and
       (5) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
       ``(d)(1) Nothing in this Act limits the authority of the 
     President under the Constitution, the International Emergency 
     Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National 
     Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), part B of title II 
     of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6271 et 
     seq.), the Trading With the Enemy Act (50 U.S.C. 4301 et 
     seq.), or any other provision of law that imposes sanctions 
     on a foreign person or foreign government (including any 
     provision of law that prohibits or restricts United States 
     persons from engaging in a transaction with a sanctioned 
     person or government), including a country that is designated 
     as a state sponsor of terrorism, to prohibit imports or 
       ``(2) In this subsection, the term `state sponsor of 
     terrorism' means a country the government of which the 
     Secretary of State determines has repeatedly provided support 
     for international terrorism pursuant to--
       ``(A) section 1754(c)(1)(A) of the Export Control Reform 
     Act of 2018 (50 U.S.C. 4318(c)(1)(A));
       ``(B) section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 
     (22 U.S.C. 2371);
       ``(C) section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 
     2780); or
       ``(D) any other provision of law.''.


       (a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
       (1) On March 19, 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory 
     Commission granted two Federal permits to Jordan Cove Energy 
     Project, L.P., to site, construct, and operate a new 
     liquefied natural gas export terminal in Coos County, Oregon.
       (2) On the same day, the Federal Energy Regulatory 
     Commission issued a certificate of public convenience and 
     necessity to Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, L.P., to 
     construct and operate the proposed Pacific Connector Pipeline 
     in the counties of Klamath, Jackson, Douglas, and Coos of 
       (3) The State of Oregon denied the permits and the 
     certificate necessary for these projects.
       (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that 
     Congress disapproves of the denial of these permits by the 
     State of Oregon.

                   NATURAL GAS PIPELINES.

       (a) Definitions.--In this section:
       (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal 
     Energy Regulatory Commission.
       (2) Federal authorization.--The term ``Federal 
     authorization'' has the meaning given that term in section 
     15(a) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717n(a)).
       (3) NEPA review.--The term ``NEPA review'' means the 
     process of reviewing a proposed Federal action under section 
     102 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 
     U.S.C. 4332).
       (4) Project-related nepa review.--The term ``project-
     related NEPA review'' means any NEPA review required to be 
     conducted with respect to the issuance of an authorization 
     under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a certificate of 
     public convenience and necessity under section 7 of such Act.
       (b) Commission NEPA Review Responsibilities.--In acting as 
     the lead agency under section 15(b)(1) of the Natural Gas Act 
     for the purposes of complying with the National Environmental 
     Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) with respect to 
     an authorization under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a 
     certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 
     7 of such Act, the Commission shall, in accordance with this 
     section and other applicable Federal law--
       (1) be the only lead agency;
       (2) coordinate as early as practicable with each agency 
     designated as a participating agency under subsection (d)(3) 
     to ensure that

[[Page H1994]]

     the Commission develops information in conducting its 
     project-related NEPA review that is usable by the 
     participating agency in considering an aspect of an 
     application for a Federal authorization for which the agency 
     is responsible; and
       (3) take such actions as are necessary and proper to 
     facilitate the expeditious resolution of its project-related 
     NEPA review.
       (c) Deference to Commission.--In making a decision with 
     respect to a Federal authorization required with respect to 
     an application for authorization under section 3 of the 
     Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience and 
     necessity under section 7 of such Act, each agency shall give 
     deference, to the maximum extent authorized by law, to the 
     scope of the project-related NEPA review that the Commission 
     determines to be appropriate.
       (d) Participating Agencies.--
       (1) Identification.--The Commission shall identify, not 
     later than 30 days after the Commission receives an 
     application for an authorization under section 3 of the 
     Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience and 
     necessity under section 7 of such Act, any Federal or State 
     agency, local government, or Indian Tribe that may issue a 
     Federal authorization or is required by Federal law to 
     consult with the Commission in conjunction with the issuance 
     of a Federal authorization required for such authorization or 
       (2) Invitation.--
       (A) In general.--Not later than 45 days after the 
     Commission receives an application for an authorization under 
     section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public 
     convenience and necessity under section 7 of such Act, the 
     Commission shall invite any agency identified under paragraph 
     (1) to participate in the review process for the applicable 
     Federal authorization.
       (B) Deadline.--An invitation issued under subparagraph (A) 
     shall establish a deadline by which a response to the 
     invitation shall be submitted to the Commission, which may be 
     extended by the Commission for good cause.
       (3) Designation as participating agencies.--Not later than 
     60 days after the Commission receives an application for an 
     authorization under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a 
     certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 
     7 of such Act, the Commission shall designate an agency 
     identified under paragraph (1) as a participating agency with 
     respect to an application for authorization under section 3 
     of the Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience 
     and necessity under section 7 of such Act unless the agency 
     informs the Commission, in writing, by the deadline 
     established pursuant to paragraph (2)(B), that the agency--
       (A) has no jurisdiction or authority with respect to the 
     applicable Federal authorization;
       (B) has no special expertise or information relevant to any 
     project-related NEPA review; or
       (C) does not intend to submit comments for the record for 
     the project-related NEPA review conducted by the Commission.
       (4) Effect of non-designation.--
       (A) Effect on agency.--Any agency that is not designated as 
     a participating agency under paragraph (3) with respect to an 
     application for an authorization under section 3 of the 
     Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience and 
     necessity under section 7 of such Act may not request or 
     conduct a NEPA review that is supplemental to the project-
     related NEPA review conducted by the Commission, unless the 
       (i) demonstrates that such review is legally necessary for 
     the agency to carry out responsibilities in considering an 
     aspect of an application for a Federal authorization; and
       (ii) requires information that could not have been obtained 
     during the project-related NEPA review conducted by the 
       (B) Comments; record.--The Commission shall not, with 
     respect to an agency that is not designated as a 
     participating agency under paragraph (3) with respect to an 
     application for an authorization under section 3 of the 
     Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience and 
     necessity under section 7 of such Act--
       (i) consider any comments or other information submitted by 
     such agency for the project-related NEPA review conducted by 
     the Commission; or
       (ii) include any such comments or other information in the 
     record for such project-related NEPA review.
       (e) Water Quality Impacts.--
       (1) In general.--Notwithstanding section 401 of the Federal 
     Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1341), an applicant 
     for a Federal authorization shall not be required to provide 
     a certification under such section with respect to the 
     Federal authorization.
       (2) Coordination.--With respect to any NEPA review for a 
     Federal authorization to conduct an activity that will 
     directly result in a discharge into the navigable waters 
     (within the meaning of the Federal Water Pollution Control 
     Act), the Commission shall identify as an agency under 
     subsection (d)(1) the State in which the discharge originates 
     or will originate, or, if appropriate, the interstate water 
     pollution control agency having jurisdiction over the 
     navigable waters at the point where the discharge originates 
     or will originate.
       (3) Proposed conditions.--A State or interstate agency 
     designated as a participating agency pursuant to paragraph 
     (2) may propose to the Commission terms or conditions for 
     inclusion in an authorization under section 3 of the Natural 
     Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience and necessity 
     under section 7 of such Act that the State or interstate 
     agency determines are necessary to ensure that any activity 
     described in paragraph (2) conducted pursuant to such 
     authorization or certification will comply with the 
     applicable provisions of sections 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307 
     of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
       (4) Commission consideration of conditions.--The Commission 
     may include a term or condition in an authorization under 
     section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public 
     convenience and necessity under section 7 of such Act 
     proposed by a State or interstate agency under paragraph (3) 
     only if the Commission finds that the term or condition is 
     necessary to ensure that any activity described in paragraph 
     (2) conducted pursuant to such authorization or certification 
     will comply with the applicable provisions of sections 301, 
     302, 303, 306, and 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control 
       (f) Schedule.--
       (1) Deadline for federal authorizations.--A deadline for a 
     Federal authorization required with respect to an application 
     for authorization under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a 
     certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 
     7 of such Act set by the Commission under section 15(c)(1) of 
     such Act shall be not later than 90 days after the Commission 
     completes its project-related NEPA review, unless an 
     applicable schedule is otherwise established by Federal law.
       (2) Concurrent reviews.--Each Federal and State agency--
       (A) that may consider an application for a Federal 
     authorization required with respect to an application for 
     authorization under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a 
     certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 
     7 of such Act shall formulate and implement a plan for 
     administrative, policy, and procedural mechanisms to enable 
     the agency to ensure completion of Federal authorizations in 
     compliance with schedules established by the Commission under 
     section 15(c)(1) of such Act; and
       (B) in considering an aspect of an application for a 
     Federal authorization required with respect to an application 
     for authorization under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a 
     certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 
     7 of such Act, shall--
       (i) formulate and implement a plan to enable the agency to 
     comply with the schedule established by the Commission under 
     section 15(c)(1) of such Act;
       (ii) carry out the obligations of that agency under 
     applicable law concurrently, and in conjunction with, the 
     project-related NEPA review conducted by the Commission, and 
     in compliance with the schedule established by the Commission 
     under section 15(c)(1) of such Act, unless the agency 
     notifies the Commission in writing that doing so would impair 
     the ability of the agency to conduct needed analysis or 
     otherwise carry out such obligations;
       (iii) transmit to the Commission a statement--

       (I) acknowledging receipt of the schedule established by 
     the Commission under section 15(c)(1) of the Natural Gas Act; 
       (II) setting forth the plan formulated under clause (i) of 
     this subparagraph;

       (iv) not later than 30 days after the agency receives such 
     application for a Federal authorization, transmit to the 
     applicant a notice--

       (I) indicating whether such application is ready for 
     processing; and
       (II) if such application is not ready for processing, that 
     includes a comprehensive description of the information 
     needed for the agency to determine that the application is 
     ready for processing;

       (v) determine that such application for a Federal 
     authorization is ready for processing for purposes of clause 
     (iv) if such application is sufficiently complete for the 
     purposes of commencing consideration, regardless of whether 
     supplemental information is necessary to enable the agency to 
     complete the consideration required by law with respect to 
     such application; and
       (vi) not less often than once every 90 days, transmit to 
     the Commission a report describing the progress made in 
     considering such application for a Federal authorization.
       (3) Failure to meet deadline.--If a Federal or State 
     agency, including the Commission, fails to meet a deadline 
     for a Federal authorization set forth in the schedule 
     established by the Commission under section 15(c)(1) of the 
     Natural Gas Act, not later than 5 days after such deadline, 
     the head of the relevant Federal agency (including, in the 
     case of a failure by a State agency, the Federal agency 
     overseeing the delegated authority) shall notify Congress and 
     the Commission of such failure and set forth a recommended 
     implementation plan to ensure completion of the action to 
     which such deadline applied.
       (g) Consideration of Applications for Federal 
       (1) Issue identification and resolution.--
       (A) Identification.--Federal and State agencies that may 
     consider an aspect of an application for a Federal 
     authorization shall identify, as early as possible, any 
     issues of concern that may delay or prevent an agency from 
     working with the Commission to resolve such issues and 
     granting such authorization.

[[Page H1995]]

       (B) Issue resolution.--The Commission may forward any issue 
     of concern identified under subparagraph (A) to the heads of 
     the relevant agencies (including, in the case of an issue of 
     concern that is a failure by a State agency, the Federal 
     agency overseeing the delegated authority, if applicable) for 
       (2) Remote surveys.--If a Federal or State agency 
     considering an aspect of an application for a Federal 
     authorization requires the person applying for such 
     authorization to submit data, the agency shall consider any 
     such data gathered by aerial or other remote means that the 
     person submits. The agency may grant a conditional approval 
     for the Federal authorization based on data gathered by 
     aerial or remote means, conditioned on the verification of 
     such data by subsequent onsite inspection.
       (3) Application processing.--The Commission, and Federal 
     and State agencies, may allow a person applying for a Federal 
     authorization to fund a third-party contractor to assist in 
     reviewing the application for such authorization.
       (h) Accountability, Transparency, Efficiency.--For an 
     application for an authorization under section 3 of the 
     Natural Gas Act or a certificate of public convenience and 
     necessity under section 7 of such Act that requires multiple 
     Federal authorizations, the Commission, with input from any 
     Federal or State agency considering an aspect of the 
     application, shall track and make available to the public on 
     the Commission's website information related to the actions 
     required to complete the Federal authorizations. Such 
     information shall include the following:
       (1) The schedule established by the Commission under 
     section 15(c)(1) of the Natural Gas Act.
       (2) A list of all the actions required by each applicable 
     agency to complete permitting, reviews, and other actions 
     necessary to obtain a final decision on the application.
       (3) The expected completion date for each such action.
       (4) A point of contact at the agency responsible for each 
     such action.
       (5) In the event that an action is still pending as of the 
     expected date of completion, a brief explanation of the 
     reasons for the delay.
       (i) Pipeline Security.--In considering an application for 
     an authorization under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act or a 
     certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 
     7 of such Act, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall 
     consult with the Administrator of the Transportation Security 
     Administration regarding the applicant's compliance with 
     security guidance and best practice recommendations of the 
     Administration regarding pipeline infrastructure security, 
     pipeline cybersecurity, pipeline personnel security, and 
     other pipeline security measures.
       (j) Withdrawal of Policy Statements.--The Federal Energy 
     Regulatory Commission shall withdraw--
       (1) the updated policy statement titled ``Certification of 
     New Interstate Natural Gas Facilities'' published in the 
     Federal Register on March 1, 2022 (87 Fed. Reg. 11548); and
       (2) the interim policy statement titled ``Consideration of 
     Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Natural Gas Infrastructure 
     Project Reviews'' published in the Federal Register on March 
     11, 2022 (87 Fed. Reg. 14104).


       Section 3005(e) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 
     6925(e)) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (1)(A)--
       (A) in clause (i), by striking ``or'' at the end;
       (B) in clause (ii), by inserting ``or'' after ``this 
     section,''; and
       (C) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(iii) is a critical energy resource facility,''; and
       (2) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(4) Definitions.--For the purposes of this subsection:
       ``(A) Critical energy resource.--The term `critical energy 
     resource' means, as determined by the Secretary of Energy, 
     any energy resource--
       ``(i) that is essential to the energy sector and energy 
     systems of the United States; and
       ``(ii) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to 
       ``(B) Critical energy resource facility.--The term 
     `critical energy resource facility' means a facility that 
     processes or refines a critical energy resource.''.


       (a) In General.--The Administrator of the Environmental 
     Protection Agency shall, as necessary, revise regulations 
     under parts 70 and 71 of title 40, Code of Federal 
     Regulations, to--
       (1) authorize the owner or operator of a critical energy 
     resource facility to utilize flexible air permitting (as 
     described in the final rule titled ``Operating Permit 
     Programs; Flexible Air Permitting Rule'' published by the 
     Environmental Protection Agency in the Federal Register on 
     October 6, 2009 (74 Fed. Reg. 51418)) with respect to such 
     critical energy resource facility; and
       (2) facilitate flexible, market-responsive operations (as 
     described in the final rule identified in paragraph (1)) with 
     respect to critical energy resource facilities.
       (b) Definitions.--In this section:
       (1) Critical energy resource.--The term ``critical energy 
     resource'' means, as determined by the Secretary of Energy, 
     any energy resource--
       (A) that is essential to the energy sector and energy 
     systems of the United States; and
       (B) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to disruption.
       (2) Critical energy resource facility.--The term ``critical 
     energy resource facility'' means a facility that processes or 
     refines a critical energy resource.


       (a) Clean Air Act Requirements.--
       (1) In general.--If the Administrator of the Environmental 
     Protection Agency, in consultation with the Secretary of 
     Energy, determines that, by reason of a sudden increase in 
     demand for, or a shortage of, a critical energy resource, or 
     another cause, the processing or refining of a critical 
     energy resource at a critical energy resource facility is 
     necessary to meet the national security or energy security 
     needs of the United States, then the Administrator may, with 
     or without notice, hearing, or other report, issue a 
     temporary waiver of any requirement under the Clean Air Act 
     (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) with respect to such critical energy 
     resource facility that, in the judgment of the Administrator, 
     will allow for such processing or refining at such critical 
     energy resource facility as necessary to best meet such needs 
     and serve the public interest.
       (2) Conflict with other environmental laws.--The 
     Administrator shall ensure that any waiver of a requirement 
     under the Clean Air Act under this subsection, to the maximum 
     extent practicable, does not result in a conflict with a 
     requirement of any other applicable Federal, State, or local 
     environmental law or regulation and minimizes any adverse 
     environmental impacts.
       (3) Violations of other environmental laws.--To the extent 
     any omission or action taken by a party under a waiver issued 
     under this subsection is in conflict with any requirement of 
     a Federal, State, or local environmental law or regulation, 
     such omission or action shall not be considered a violation 
     of such environmental law or regulation, or subject such 
     party to any requirement, civil or criminal liability, or a 
     citizen suit under such environmental law or regulation.
       (4) Expiration and renewal of waivers.--A waiver issued 
     under this subsection shall expire not later than 90 days 
     after it is issued. The Administrator may renew or reissue 
     such waiver pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) for subsequent 
     periods, not to exceed 90 days for each period, as the 
     Administrator determines necessary to meet the national 
     security or energy security needs described in paragraph (1) 
     and serve the public interest. In renewing or reissuing a 
     waiver under this paragraph, the Administrator shall include 
     in any such renewed or reissued waiver such conditions as are 
     necessary to minimize any adverse environmental impacts to 
     the extent practicable.
       (5) Subsequent action by court.--If a waiver issued under 
     this subsection is subsequently stayed, modified, or set 
     aside by a court pursuant a provision of law, any omission or 
     action previously taken by a party under the waiver while the 
     waiver was in effect shall remain subject to paragraph (3).
       (6) Critical energy resource; critical energy resource 
     facility defined.--The terms ``critical energy resource'' and 
     ``critical energy resource facility'' have the meanings given 
     such terms in section 3025(f) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act 
     (as added by this section).
       (b) Solid Waste Disposal Act Requirements.--
       (1) Hazardous waste management.--The Solid Waste Disposal 
     Act (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.) is amended by inserting after 
     section 3024 the following:


       ``(a) In General.--If the Administrator, in consultation 
     with the Secretary of Energy, determines that, by reason of a 
     sudden increase in demand for, or a shortage of, a critical 
     energy resource, or another cause, the processing or refining 
     of a critical energy resource at a critical energy resource 
     facility is necessary to meet the national security or energy 
     security needs of the United States, then the Administrator 
     may, with or without notice, hearing, or other report, issue 
     a temporary waiver of any covered requirement with respect to 
     such critical energy resource facility that, in the judgment 
     of the Administrator, will allow for such processing or 
     refining at such critical energy resource facility as 
     necessary to best meet such needs and serve the public 
       ``(b) Conflict With Other Environmental Laws.--The 
     Administrator shall ensure that any waiver of a covered 
     requirement under this section, to the maximum extent 
     practicable, does not result in a conflict with a requirement 
     of any other applicable Federal, State, or local 
     environmental law or regulation and minimizes any adverse 
     environmental impacts.
       ``(c) Violations of Other Environmental Laws.--To the 
     extent any omission or action taken by a party under a waiver 
     issued under this section is in conflict with any requirement 
     of a Federal, State, or local environmental law or 
     regulation, such omission or action shall not be considered a 
     violation of such environmental law or regulation, or subject 
     such party to any requirement, civil or criminal liability, 
     or a citizen suit under such environmental law or regulation.
       ``(d) Expiration and Renewal of Waivers.--A waiver issued 
     under this section

[[Page H1996]]

     shall expire not later than 90 days after it is issued. The 
     Administrator may renew or reissue such waiver pursuant to 
     subsections (a) and (b) for subsequent periods, not to exceed 
     90 days for each period, as the Administrator determines 
     necessary to meet the national security or energy security 
     needs described in subsection (a) and serve the public 
     interest. In renewing or reissuing a waiver under this 
     subsection, the Administrator shall include in any such 
     renewed or reissued waiver such conditions as are necessary 
     to minimize any adverse environmental impacts to the extent 
       ``(e) Subsequent Action by Court.--If a waiver issued under 
     this section is subsequently stayed, modified, or set aside 
     by a court pursuant a provision of law, any omission or 
     action previously taken by a party under the waiver while the 
     waiver was in effect shall remain subject to subsection (c).
       ``(f) Definitions.--In this section:
       ``(1) Covered requirement.--The term `covered requirement' 
       ``(A) any standard established under section 3002, 3003, or 
       ``(B) the permit requirement under section 3005; or
       ``(C) any other requirement of this Act, as the 
     Administrator determines appropriate.
       ``(2) Critical energy resource.--The term `critical energy 
     resource' means, as determined by the Secretary of Energy, 
     any energy resource--
       ``(A) that is essential to the energy sector and energy 
     systems of the United States; and
       ``(B) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to 
       ``(3) Critical energy resource facility.--The term 
     `critical energy resource facility' means a facility that 
     processes or refines a critical energy resource.''.
       (2) Table of contents.--The table of contents of the Solid 
     Waste Disposal Act is amended by inserting after the item 
     relating to section 3024 the following:

``Sec. 3025. Waivers for critical energy resource facilities.''.


       (a) Repeal.--Section 136 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
     7436)(relating to methane emissions and waste reduction 
     incentive program for petroleum and natural gas systems) is 
       (b) Rescission.--The unobligated balance of any amounts 
     made available under section 136 of the Clean Air Act (42 
     U.S.C. 7436)(as in effect on the day before the date of 
     enactment of this Act) is rescinded.


       (a) Repeal.--Section 134 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
     7434)(relating to the greenhouse gas reduction fund) is 
       (b) Rescission.--The unobligated balance of any amounts 
     made available under section 134 of the Clean Air Act (42 
     U.S.C. 7434)(as in effect on the day before the date of 
     enactment of this Act) is rescinded.
       (c) Conforming Amendment.--Section 60103 of Public Law 117-
     169 (relating to the greenhouse gas reduction fund) is 


       Section 5(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 
     2604(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(6) Critical energy resources.--
       ``(A) Standard.--For purposes of a determination under 
     paragraph (3) with respect to a chemical substance that is a 
     critical energy resource, the Administrator shall take into 
     consideration economic, societal, and environmental costs and 
     benefits, notwithstanding any requirement of this section to 
     not take such factors into consideration.
       ``(B) Failure to render determination.--
       ``(i) Actions authorized.--If, with respect to a chemical 
     substance that is a critical energy resource, the 
     Administrator fails to make a determination on a notice under 
     paragraph (3) by the end of the applicable review period and 
     the notice has not been withdrawn by the submitter, the 
     submitter may take the actions described in paragraph (1)(A) 
     with respect to the chemical substance, and the Administrator 
     shall be relieved of any requirement to make such 
       ``(ii) Non-duplication.--A refund of applicable fees under 
     paragraph (4)(A) shall not be made if a submitter takes an 
     action described in paragraph (1)(A) under this subparagraph.
       ``(C) Prerequisite for suggestion of withdrawal or 
     suspension.--The Administrator may not suggest to, or request 
     of, a submitter of a notice under this subsection for a 
     chemical substance that is a critical energy resource that 
     such submitter withdraw such notice, or request a suspension 
     of the running of the applicable review period with respect 
     to such notice, unless the Administrator has--
       ``(i) conducted a preliminary review of such notice; and
       ``(ii) provided to the submitter a draft of a determination 
     under paragraph (3), including any supporting information.
       ``(D) Definition.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term 
     `critical energy resource' means, as determined by the 
     Secretary of Energy, any energy resource--
       ``(i) that is essential to the energy sector and energy 
     systems of the United States; and
       ``(ii) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to 


       (a) In General.--The owner or operator of a stationary 
     source described in subsection (b) of this section shall not 
     be required by the regulations promulgated under section 
     112(r)(7)(B) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7412(r)(7)(B)) 
     to include in any hazard assessment under clause (ii) of such 
     section 112(r)(7)(B) an assessment of safer technology and 
     alternative risk management measures with respect to the use 
     of hydrofluoric acid in an alkylation unit.
       (b) Stationary Source Described.--A stationary source 
     described in this subsection is a stationary source (as 
     defined in section 112(r)(2)(C) of the Clean Air Act (42 
     U.S.C. 7412(r)(2)(C)) in North American Industry 
     Classification System code 324--
       (1) for which a construction permit or operating permit has 
     been issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et 
     seq.); or
       (2) for which the owner or operator demonstrates to the 
     Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency that 
     such stationary source conforms or will conform to the most 
     recent version of American Petroleum Institute Recommended 
     Practice 751.


       (a) In General.--The following are repealed:
       (1) Section 50122 of Public Law 117-169 (42 U.S.C. 18795a) 
     (relating to a high-efficiency electric home rebate program).
       (2) Section 50123 of Public Law 117-169 (42 U.S.C. 18795b) 
     (relating to State-based home energy efficiency contractor 
     training grants).
       (3) Section 50131 of Public Law 117-169 (136 Stat. 2041) 
     (relating to assistance for latest and zero building energy 
     code adoption).
       (b) Rescissions.--The unobligated balances of any amounts 
     made available under each of sections 50122, 50123, and 50131 
     of Public Law 117-169 (42 U.S.C. 18795a, 18795b; 136 Stat. 
     2041) (as in effect on the day before the date of enactment 
     of this Act) are rescinded.
       (c) Conforming Amendment.--Section 50121(c)(7) of Public 
     Law 117-169 (42 U.S.C. 18795(c)(7)) is amended by striking 
     ``, including a rebate provided under a high-efficiency 
     electric home rebate program (as defined in section 

     SEC. 10018. STUDY.

       Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this 
     Act, the Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the 
     Nuclear Regulatory Commission, shall conduct a study on how 
     to streamline regulatory timelines relating to developing new 
     power plants by examining practices relating to various power 
     generating sources, including fossil and nuclear generating 


       (a) Amendments.--Section 1422(b) of the Safe Drinking Water 
     Act (42 U.S.C. 300h-1(b)) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (2)--
       (A) by striking ``Within ninety days'' and inserting ``(A) 
     Within ninety days'';
       (B) by striking ``and after reasonable opportunity for 
     presentation of views''; and
       (C) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(B) If, after 270 calendar days of a State's application 
     being submitted under paragraph (1)(A) or notice being 
     submitted under paragraph (1)(B), the Administrator has not, 
     pursuant to subparagraph (A), by rule approved, disapproved, 
     or approved in part and disapproved in part the State's 
     underground injection control program--
       ``(i) the Administrator shall transmit, in writing, to the 
     State a detailed explanation as to the status of the 
     application or notice; and
       ``(ii) the State's underground injection control program 
     shall be deemed approved under this section if--
       ``(I) the Administrator has not after another 30 days, 
     pursuant to subparagraph (A), by rule approved, disapproved, 
     or approved in part and disapproved in part the State's 
     underground injection control program; and
       ``(II) the State has established and implemented an 
     effective program (including adequate recordkeeping and 
     reporting) to prevent underground injection which endangers 
     drinking water sources.'';
       (2) by amending paragraph (4) to read as follows:
       ``(4) Before promulgating any rule under paragraph (2) or 
     (3) of this subsection, the Administrator shall--
       ``(A) provide a reasonable opportunity for presentation of 
     views with respect to such rule, including a public hearing 
     and a public comment period; and
       ``(B) publish in the Federal Register notice of the 
     reasonable opportunity for presentation of views provided 
     under subparagraph (A).''; and
       (3) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(5) Preapplication Activities.--The Administrator shall 
     work as expeditiously as possible with States to complete any 
     necessary activities relevant to the submission of an 
     application under paragraph (1)(A) or notice under paragraph 
     (1)(B), taking into consideration the need for a complete and 
     detailed submission.
       ``(6) Application Coordination for Class VI Wells.--With 
     respect to the underground injection control program for 
     Class VI wells (as defined in section 40306(a) of the 
     Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (42 U.S.C. 300h-
     9(a))), the Administrator shall designate one individual at 
     the Agency from each regional office to be responsible for 
       ``(A) the completion of any necessary activities prior to 
     the submission of an application under paragraph (1)(A) or 
     notice under paragraph (1)(B), in accordance with paragraph 

[[Page H1997]]

       ``(B) the review of an application submitted under 
     paragraph (1)(A) or notice submitted under paragraph (1)(B);
       ``(C) any reasonable opportunity for presentation of views 
     provided under paragraph (4)(A) and any notice published 
     under paragraph (4)(B); and
       ``(D) pursuant to the recommendations included in the 
     report required under paragraph (7), the hiring of additional 
     staff to carry out subparagraphs (A) through (C).
       ``(7) Evaluation of Resources.--
       ``(A) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
     enactment of this paragraph, the individual designated under 
     paragraph (6) shall transmit to the appropriate Congressional 
     committees a report, including recommendations, regarding 
       ``(i) availability of staff and resources to promptly carry 
     out the requirements of paragraph (6); and
       ``(ii) additional funding amounts needed to do so.
       ``(B) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In 
     this paragraph, the term `appropriate Congressional 
     Committees' means--
       ``(i) in the Senate--
       ``(I) the Committee on Environment and Public Works; and
       ``(II) the Committee on Appropriations; and
       ``(ii) in the House of Representatives--
       ``(I) the Committee on Energy and Commerce; and
       ``(II) the Committee on Appropriations.''.
       (b) Funding.--In each of fiscal years 2023 through 2026, 
     amounts made available by title VI of division J of the 
     Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act under paragraph (7) of 
     the heading ``Environmental Protection Agency--State and 
     Tribal Assistance Grants'' (Public Law 117-58; 135 Stat. 
     1402) may also be made available, subject to appropriations, 
     to carry out paragraphs (5), (6), and (7) of section 1422(b) 
     of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as added by this section.
       (c) Rule of Construction.--The amendments made by this 
     section shall--
       (1) apply to all applications submitted to the 
     Environmental Protection Agency after the date of enactment 
     of this Act to establish an underground injection control 
     program under section 1422(b) of the Safe Drinking Water Act 
     (42 U.S.C. 300h-1); and
       (2) with respect to such applications submitted prior to 
     the date of enactment of this Act, the 270 and 300 day 
     deadlines under section 1422(b)(2)(B) of the Safe Drinking 
     Water Act, as added by this section, shall begin on the date 
     of enactment of this Act.


       Section 160(c) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act 
     (42 U.S.C. 6240(c)) is amended--
       (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (6) as clauses 
     (i) through (vi), respectively (and adjusting the margins 
       (2) by striking ``The Secretary shall'' and inserting the 
       ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall''; and
       (3) by striking ``Such procedures shall take into account 
     the need to--'' and inserting the following:
       ``(2) Inclusions.--Procedures developed under this 
     subsection shall--
       ``(A) require acquisition of petroleum products using 
     index-based pricing; and
       ``(B) take into account the need to--''.


       (a) In General.--The Energy Policy and Conservation Act is 
     amended by inserting after section 163 (42 U.S.C. 6243) the 


       ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall prohibit the export 
     or sale of petroleum products drawn down from the Strategic 
     Petroleum Reserve, under any provision of law, to--
       ``(1) the People's Republic of China;
       ``(2) the Democratic People's Republic of Korea;
       ``(3) the Russian Federation;
       ``(4) the Islamic Republic of Iran;
       ``(5) any other country the government of which is subject 
     to sanctions imposed by the United States; and
       ``(6) any entity owned, controlled, or influenced by--
       ``(A) a country referred to in any of paragraphs (1) 
     through (5); or
       ``(B) the Chinese Communist Party.
       ``(b) Waiver.--The Secretary may issue a waiver of the 
     prohibition described in subsection (a) if the Secretary 
     certifies that any export or sale authorized pursuant to the 
     waiver is in the national security interests of the United 
       ``(c) Rule.--Not later than 60 days after the date of 
     enactment of the Lower Energy Costs Act, the Secretary shall 
     issue a rule to carry out this section.''.
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Drawdown and sale of petroleum products.--Section 
     161(a) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 
     6241(a)) is amended by inserting ``and section 164'' before 
     the period at the end.
       (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of contents for the 
     Energy Policy and Conservation Act is amended by inserting 
     after the item relating to section 163 the following:

``Sec. 164. Prohibition on certain exports.''.

                   BUDGET REQUEST.

       (a) Finding.--Congress finds that President Biden's fiscal 
     year 2024 budget request proposes to repeal tax provisions 
     that are vital to the oil and natural gas industry of the 
     United States, resulting in a $31,000,000,000 tax hike on oil 
     and natural gas producers in the United States.
       (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that 
     Congress disapproves of the proposed tax hike on the oil and 
     natural gas industry in the President's fiscal year 2024 
     budget request.


       Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this 
     Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
     Agency, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall 
     submit to Congress a report that identifies and assesses 
     regulations promulgated by the Administrator during the 15-
     year period preceding the date of enactment of this Act that 
       (1) reduced the energy independence of the United States;
       (2) increased the regulatory burden for energy producers in 
     the United States;
       (3) decreased the energy output by such energy producers;
       (4) reduced the energy security of the United States; or
       (5) increased energy costs for consumers in the United 

     SEC. 10024. GAO STUDY.

       Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this 
     Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall 
     conduct a study on how banning natural gas appliances will 
     affect the rates and charges for electricity.


       The Secretary of Energy may not finalize, implement, 
     administer, or enforce the proposed rule titled ``Energy 
     Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for 
     Consumer Conventional Cooking Products; Supplemental notice 
     of proposed rulemaking and announcement of public meeting'' 
     (88 Fed. Reg. 6818; published February 1, 2023) with respect 
     to energy conservation standards for gas kitchen ranges and 
     ovens, or any substantially similar rule, including any rule 
     that would directly or indirectly limit consumer access to 
     gas kitchen ranges and ovens.

                           AMERICAN RESOURCES

     SEC. 20001. SHORT TITLE.

       This title may be cited as the ``Transparency, 
     Accountability, Permitting, and Production of American 
     Resources Act'' or the ``TAPP American Resources Act''.

         Subtitle A--Onshore and Offshore Leasing and Oversight


       (a) Requirement To Immediately Resume Onshore Oil and Gas 
     Lease Sales.--
       (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior shall 
     immediately resume quarterly onshore oil and gas lease sales 
     in compliance with the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et 
       (2) Requirement.--The Secretary of the Interior shall 
       (A) that any oil and gas lease sale pursuant to paragraph 
     (1) is conducted immediately on completion of all applicable 
     scoping, public comment, and environmental analysis 
     requirements under the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et 
     seq.) and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 
     U.S.C. 4321 et seq.); and
       (B) that the processes described in subparagraph (A) are 
     conducted in a timely manner to ensure compliance with 
     subsection (b)(1).
       (3) Lease of oil and gas lands.--Section 17(b)(1)(A) of the 
     Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(b)(1)(A)) is amended by 
     inserting ``Eligible lands comprise all lands subject to 
     leasing under this Act and not excluded from leasing by a 
     statutory or regulatory prohibition. Available lands are 
     those lands that have been designated as open for leasing 
     under a land use plan developed under section 202 of the 
     Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and that have 
     been nominated for leasing through the submission of an 
     expression of interest, are subject to drainage in the 
     absence of leasing, or are otherwise designated as available 
     pursuant to regulations adopted by the Secretary.'' after 
     ``sales are necessary.''.
       (b) Quarterly Lease Sales.--
       (1) In general.--In accordance with the Mineral Leasing Act 
     (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), each fiscal year, the Secretary of 
     the Interior shall conduct a minimum of four oil and gas 
     lease sales in each of the following States:
       (A) Wyoming.
       (B) New Mexico.
       (C) Colorado.
       (D) Utah.
       (E) Montana.
       (F) North Dakota.
       (G) Oklahoma.
       (H) Nevada.
       (I) Alaska.
       (J) Any other State in which there is land available for 
     oil and gas leasing under the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 
     181 et seq.) or any other mineral leasing law.
       (2) Requirement.--In conducting a lease sale under 
     paragraph (1) in a State described in that paragraph, the 
     Secretary of the Interior shall offer all parcels nominated 
     and eligible pursuant to the requirements of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) for

[[Page H1998]]

     oil and gas exploration, development, and production under 
     the resource management plan in effect for the State.
       (3) Replacement sales.--The Secretary of the Interior shall 
     conduct a replacement sale during the same fiscal year if--
       (A) a lease sale under paragraph (1) is canceled, delayed, 
     or deferred, including for a lack of eligible parcels; or
       (B) during a lease sale under paragraph (1) the percentage 
     of acreage that does not receive a bid is equal to or greater 
     than 25 percent of the acreage offered.
       (4) Notice regarding missed sales.--Not later than 30 days 
     after a sale required under this subsection is canceled, 
     delayed, deferred, or otherwise missed the Secretary of the 
     Interior shall submit to the Committee on Natural Resources 
     of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy 
     and Natural Resources of the Senate a report that states what 
     sale was missed and why it was missed.


       The reinstatement of a lease entered into under the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) or the Geothermal Steam 
     Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) by the Secretary shall 
     be not considered a major Federal action under section 
     102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 
     (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)).


       Section 17(b)(1)(A) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 
     226(b)(1)(A)) is amended by inserting ``The Secretary shall 
     resolve any protest to a lease sale not later than 60 days 
     after such payment.'' after ``annual rental for the first 
     lease year.''.


       Section 17 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is 
     amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(r) Suspension of Operations Permits.--In the event that 
     an oil and gas lease owner has submitted an expression of 
     interest for adjacent acreage that is part of the nature of 
     the geological play and has yet to be offered in a lease sale 
     by the Secretary, they may request a suspension of operations 
     from the Secretary of the Interior and upon request, the 
     Secretary shall grant the suspension of operations within 15 
     days. Any payment of acreage rental or of minimum royalty 
     prescribed by such lease likewise shall be suspended during 
     such period of suspension of operations and production; and 
     the term of such lease shall be extended by adding any such 
     suspension period thereto.''.


       Section 17 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is 
     further amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(s) Protest Filing Fee.--
       ``(1) In general.--Before processing any protest filed 
     under this section, the Secretary shall collect a filing fee 
     in the amount described in paragraph (2) from the protestor 
     to recover the cost for processing documents filed for each 
     administrative protest.
       ``(2) Amount.--The amount described in this paragraph is 
     calculated as follows:
       ``(A) For each protest filed in a submission not exceeding 
     10 pages in length, the base filing fee shall be $150.
       ``(B) For each submission exceeding 10 pages in length, in 
     addition to the base filing fee, an assessment of $5 per page 
     in excess of 10 pages shall apply.
       ``(C) For protests that include more than one oil and gas 
     lease parcel, right-of-way, or application for permit to 
     drill in a submission, an additional assessment of $10 per 
     additional lease parcel, right-of-way, or application for 
     permit to drill shall apply.
       ``(3) Adjustment.--
       ``(A) In general.--Beginning on January 1, 2024, and 
     annually thereafter, the Secretary shall adjust the filing 
     fees established in this subsection to whole dollar amounts 
     to reflect changes in the Producer Price Index, as published 
     by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the previous 12 
       ``(B) Publication of adjusted filing fees.--At least 30 
     days before the filing fees as adjusted under this paragraph 
     take effect, the Secretary shall publish notification of the 
     adjustment of such fees in the Federal Register.''.


       (a) Report.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the 
     enactment of this section, and annually thereafter, the 
     Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the Committee on 
     Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the 
     Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a 
     report that describes--
       (1) the status of nominated parcels for future onshore oil 
     and gas and geothermal lease sales, including--
       (A) the number of expressions of interest received each 
     month during the period of 365 days that ends on the date on 
     which the report is submitted with respect to which the 
     Bureau of Land Management--
       (i) has not taken any action to review;
       (ii) has not completed review; or
       (iii) has completed review and determined that the relevant 
     area meets all applicable requirements for leasing, but has 
     not offered the relevant area in a lease sale;
       (B) how long expressions of interest described in 
     subparagraph (A) have been pending; and
       (C) a plan, including timelines, for how the Secretary of 
     the Interior plans to--
       (i) work through future expressions of interest to prevent 
       (ii) put expressions of interest described in subparagraph 
     (A) into a lease sale; and
       (iii) complete review for expressions of interest described 
     in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A);
       (2) the status of each pending application for permit to 
     drill received during the period of 365 days that ends on the 
     date on which the report is submitted, including the number 
     of applications received each month, by each Bureau of Land 
     Management office, including--
       (A) a description of the cause of delay for pending 
     applications, including as a result of staffing shortages, 
     technical limitations, incomplete applications, and 
     incomplete review pursuant to the National Environmental 
     Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) or other 
     applicable laws;
       (B) the number of days an application has been pending in 
     violation of section 17(p)(2) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 
     U.S.C. 226(p)(2)); and
       (C) a plan for how the office intends to come into 
     compliance with the requirements of section 17(p)(2) of the 
     Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(p)(2));
       (3) the number of permits to drill issued each month by 
     each Bureau of Land Management office during the 5-year 
     period ending on the date on which the report is submitted;
       (4) the status of each pending application for a license 
     for offshore geological and geophysical surveys received 
     during the period of 365 days that ends on the date on which 
     the report is submitted, including the number of applications 
     received each month, by each Bureau of Ocean Energy 
     management regional office, including--
       (A) a description of any cause of delay for pending 
     applications, including as a result of staffing shortages, 
     technical limitations, incomplete applications, and 
     incomplete review pursuant to the National Environmental 
     Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) or other 
     applicable laws;
       (B) the number of days an application has been pending; and
       (C) a plan for how the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 
     intends to complete review of each application;
       (5) the number of licenses for offshore geological and 
     geophysical surveys issued each month by each Bureau of Ocean 
     Energy Management regional office during the 5-year period 
     ending on the date on which the report is submitted;
       (6) the status of each pending application for a permit to 
     drill received during the period of 365 days that ends on the 
     date on which the report is submitted, including the number 
     of applications received each month, by each Bureau of Safety 
     and Environmental Enforcement regional office, including--
       (A) a description of any cause of delay for pending 
     applications, including as a result of staffing shortages, 
     technical limitations, incomplete applications, and 
     incomplete review pursuant to the National Environmental 
     Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) or other 
     applicable laws;
       (B) the number of days an application has been pending; and
       (C) steps the Bureau of Safety and Environmental 
     Enforcement is taking to complete review of each application;
       (7) the number of permits to drill issued each month by 
     each Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement regional 
     office during the period of 365 days that ends on the date on 
     which the report is submitted;
       (8) how, as applicable, the Bureau of Land Management, the 
     Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and the Bureau of Safety 
     and Environmental Enforcement determines whether to--
       (A) issue a license for geological and geophysical surveys;
       (B) issue a permit to drill; and
       (C) issue, extend, or suspend an oil and gas lease;
       (9) when determinations described in paragraph (8) are sent 
     to the national office of the Bureau of Land Management, the 
     Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, or the Bureau of Safety 
     and Environmental Enforcement for final approval;
       (10) the degree to which Bureau of Land Management, Bureau 
     of Ocean Energy Management, and Bureau of Safety and 
     Environmental Enforcement field, State, and regional offices 
     exercise discretion on such final approval;
       (11) during the period of 365 days that ends on the date on 
     which the report is submitted, the number of auctioned leases 
     receiving accepted bids that have not been issued to winning 
     bidders and the number of days such leases have not been 
     issued; and
       (12) a description of the uses of application for permit to 
     drill fees paid by permit holders during the 5-year period 
     ending on the date on which the report is submitted.
       (b) Pending Applications for Permits To Drill.--Not later 
     than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this section, 
     the Secretary of the Interior shall--
       (1) complete all requirements under the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and 
     other applicable law that must be met before issuance of a 
     permit to drill described in paragraph (2); and
       (2) issue a permit for all completed applications to drill 
     that are pending on the date of the enactment of this Act.
       (c) Public Availability of Data.--
       (1) Mineral leasing act.--Section 17 of the Mineral Leasing 
     Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is further amended by adding at the end 
     the following:
       ``(t) Public Availability of Data.--

[[Page H1999]]

       ``(1) Expressions of interest.--Not later than 30 days 
     after the date of the enactment of this subsection, and each 
     month thereafter, the Secretary shall publish on the website 
     of the Department of the Interior the number of pending, 
     approved, and not approved expressions of interest in 
     nominated parcels for future onshore oil and gas lease sales 
     in the preceding month.
       ``(2) Applications for permits to drill.--Not later than 30 
     days after the date of the enactment of this subsection, and 
     each month thereafter, the Secretary shall publish on the 
     website of the Department of the Interior the number of 
     pending and approved applications for permits to drill in the 
     preceding month in each State office.
       ``(3) Past data.--Not later than 30 days after the date of 
     the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall publish 
     on the website of the Department of the Interior, with 
     respect to each month during the 5-year period ending on the 
     date of the enactment of this subsection--
       ``(A) the number of approved and not approved expressions 
     of interest for onshore oil and gas lease sales during such 
     5-year period; and
       ``(B) the number of approved and not approved applications 
     for permits to drill during such 5-year period.''.
       (2) Outer continental shelf lands act.--Section 8 of the 
     Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337) is amended 
     by adding at the end the following:
       ``(q) Public Availability of Data.--
       ``(1) Offshore geological and geophysical survey 
     licenses.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the 
     enactment of this subsection, and each month thereafter, the 
     Secretary shall publish on the website of the Department of 
     the Interior the number of pending and approved applications 
     for licenses for offshore geological and geophysical surveys 
     in the preceding month.
       ``(2) Applications for permits to drill.--Not later than 30 
     days after the date of the enactment of this subsection, and 
     each month thereafter, the Secretary shall publish on the 
     website of the Department of the Interior the number of 
     pending and approved applications for permits to drill on the 
     outer Continental Shelf in the preceding month in each 
     regional office.
       ``(3) Past data.--Not later than 30 days after the date of 
     the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall publish 
     on the website of the Department of the Interior, with 
     respect each month during the 5-year period ending on the 
     date of the enactment of this subsection--
       ``(A) the number of approved applications for licenses for 
     offshore geological and geophysical surveys; and
       ``(B) the number of approved applications for permits to 
     drill on the outer Continental Shelf.''.
       (d) Requirement To Submit Documents and Communications.--
       (1) In general.--Not later than 60 days after the date of 
     the enactment of this section, the Secretary of the Interior 
     shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources 
     of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the 
     House of Representatives all documents and communications 
     relating to the comprehensive review of Federal oil and gas 
     permitting and leasing practices required under section 208 
     of Executive Order No. 14008 (86 Fed. Reg. 7624; relating to 
     tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad).
       (2) Inclusions.--The submission under paragraph (1) shall 
     include all documents and communications submitted to the 
     Secretary of the Interior by members of the public in 
     response to any public meeting or forum relating to the 
     comprehensive review described in that paragraph.


       (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct all lease 
     sales described in the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil 
     and Gas Leasing Proposed Final Program (November 2016) that 
     have not been conducted as of the date of the enactment of 
     this Act by not later than September 30, 2023.
       (b) Gulf of Mexico Region Annual Lease Sales.--
     Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except within 
     areas subject to existing oil and gas leasing moratoria 
     beginning in fiscal year 2023, the Secretary of the Interior 
     shall annually conduct a minimum of 2 region-wide oil and gas 
     lease sales in the following planning areas of the Gulf of 
     Mexico region, as described in the 2017-2022 Outer 
     Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Final Program 
     (November 2016):
       (1) The Central Gulf of Mexico Planning Area.
       (2) The Western Gulf of Mexico Planning Area.
       (c) Alaska Region Annual Lease Sales.--Notwithstanding any 
     other provision of law, beginning in fiscal year 2023, the 
     Secretary of the Interior shall annually conduct a minimum of 
     2 region-wide oil and gas lease sales in the Alaska region of 
     the Outer Continental Shelf, as described in the 2017-2022 
     Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Final 
     Program (November 2016).
       (d) Requirements.--In conducting lease sales under 
     subsections (b) and (c), the Secretary of the Interior 
       (1) issue such leases in accordance with the Outer 
     Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1332 et seq.); and
       (2) include in each such lease sale all unleased areas that 
     are not subject to a moratorium as of the date of the lease 


       Section 18 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 
     U.S.C. 1344) is amended--
       (1) in subsection (a)--
       (A) by striking ``subsections (c) and (d) of this section, 
     shall prepare and periodically revise,'' and inserting ``this 
     section, shall issue every five years'';
       (B) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(5) Each five-year program shall include at least two 
     Gulf of Mexico region-wide lease sales per year.''; and
       (C) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``domestic energy 
     security,'' after ``between'';
       (2) by redesignating subsections (f) through (i) as 
     subsections (h) through (k), respectively; and
       (3) by inserting after subsection (e) the following:
       ``(f) Five-Year Program for 2023-2028.--The Secretary shall 
     issue the five-year oil and gas leasing program for 2023 
     through 2028 and issue the Record of Decision on the Final 
     Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement by not later than 
     July 1, 2023.
       ``(g) Subsequent Leasing Programs.--
       ``(1) In general.--Not later than 36 months after 
     conducting the first lease sale under an oil and gas leasing 
     program prepared pursuant to this section, the Secretary 
     shall begin preparing the subsequent oil and gas leasing 
     program under this section.
       ``(2) Requirement.--Each subsequent oil and gas leasing 
     program under this section shall be approved by not later 
     than 180 days before the expiration of the previous oil and 
     gas leasing program.''.


       (a) Annual Leasing.--Section 4(b) of the Geothermal Steam 
     Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1003(b)) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``2 years'' and inserting 
       (2) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs 
     (5) and (6), respectively; and
       (3) after paragraph (2), by inserting the following:
       ``(3) Replacement sales.--If a lease sale under paragraph 
     (1) for a year is canceled or delayed, the Secretary of the 
     Interior shall conduct a replacement sale during the same 
       ``(4) Requirement.--In conducting a lease sale under 
     paragraph (2) in a State described in that paragraph, the 
     Secretary of the Interior shall offer all nominated parcels 
     eligible for geothermal development and utilization under the 
     resource management plan in effect for the State.''.
       (b) Deadlines for Consideration of Geothermal Drilling 
     Permits.--Section 4 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 
     U.S.C. 1003) is amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(h) Deadlines for Consideration of Geothermal Drilling 
       ``(1) Notice.--Not later than 30 days after the date on 
     which the Secretary receives an application for any 
     geothermal drilling permit, the Secretary shall--
       ``(A) provide written notice to the applicant that the 
     application is complete; or
       ``(B) notify the applicant that information is missing and 
     specify any information that is required to be submitted for 
     the application to be complete.
       ``(2) Issuance of decision.--If the Secretary determines 
     that an application for a geothermal drilling permit is 
     complete under paragraph (1)(A), the Secretary shall issue a 
     final decision on the application not later than 30 days 
     after the Secretary notifies the applicant that the 
     application is complete.''.


       (a) Definitions.--In this section:
       (1) Coal lease.--The term ``coal lease'' means a lease 
     entered into by the United States as lessor, through the 
     Bureau of Land Management, and the applicant on Bureau of 
     Land Management Form 3400-012.
       (2) Qualified application.--The term ``qualified 
     application'' means any application pending under the lease 
     by application program administered by the Bureau of Land 
     Management pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 
     et seq.) and subpart 3425 of title 43, Code of Federal 
     Regulations (as in effect on the date of the enactment of 
     this Act), for which the environmental review process under 
     the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 
     et seq.) has commenced.
       (b) Mandatory Leasing and Other Required Approvals.--As 
     soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this 
     Act, the Secretary shall promptly--
       (1) with respect to each qualified application--
       (A) if not previously published for public comment, publish 
     a draft environmental assessment, as required under the 
     National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et 
     seq.) and any applicable implementing regulations;
       (B) finalize the fair market value of the coal tract for 
     which a lease by application is pending;
       (C) take all intermediate actions necessary to grant the 
     qualified application; and
       (D) grant the qualified application; and
       (2) with respect to previously awarded coal leases, grant 
     any additional approvals of the Department of the Interior or 
     any bureau, agency, or division of the Department of the 
     Interior required for mining activities to commence.


       Notwithstanding any judicial decision to the contrary or a 
     departmental review of the

[[Page H2000]]

     Federal coal leasing program, Secretarial Order 3338, issued 
     by the Secretary of the Interior on January 15, 2016, shall 
     have no force or effect.


       The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of 
     Agriculture shall each annually submit to the Committee on 
     Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the 
     Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a 
     report on the staffing capacity of each respective agency 
     with respect to issuing oil, gas, hardrock mining, coal, and 
     renewable energy leases, rights-of-way, claims, easements, 
     and permits. Each such report shall include--
       (1) the number of staff assigned to process and issue oil, 
     gas, hardrock mining, coal, and renewable energy leases, 
     rights-of-way, claims, easements, and permits;
       (2) a description of how many staff are needed to meet 
     statutory requirements for such oil, gas, hardrock mining, 
     coal, and renewable energy leases, rights-of-way, claims, 
     easements, and permits; and
       (3) how, as applicable, the Department of the Interior or 
     the Department of Agriculture plans to address technological 
     needs and staffing shortfalls and turnover to ensure adequate 
     staffing to process and issue such oil, gas, hardrock mining, 
     coal, and renewable energy leases, rights-of-way, claims, 
     easements, and permits.


       Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Communist 
     Party of China (or a person acting on behalf of the Community 
     Party of China), any entity subject to the jurisdiction of 
     the Government of the People's Republic of China, or any 
     entity that is owned by the Government of the People's 
     Republic of China, may not acquire any interest with respect 
     to lands leased for oil or gas under the Mineral Leasing Act 
     (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) or the Outer Continental Shelf Lands 
     Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) or American farmland or any 
     lands used for American renewable energy production, or 
     acquire claims subject to the General Mining Law of 1872.


       Nothing in this title, or any amendments made by this 
     title, shall affect--
       (1) the Presidential memorandum titled ``Memorandum on 
     Withdrawal of Certain Areas of the United States Outer 
     Continental Shelf From Leasing Disposition'' and dated 
     September 8, 2020;
       (2) the Presidential memorandum titled ``Memorandum on 
     Withdrawal of Certain Areas of the United States Outer 
     Continental Shelf From Leasing Disposition'' and dated 
     September 25, 2020;
       (3) the Presidential memorandum titled ``Memorandum on 
     Withdrawal of Certain Areas off the Atlantic Coast on the 
     Outer Continental Shelf From Leasing Disposition'' and dated 
     December 20, 2016; or
       (4) the ban on oil and gas development in the Great Lakes 
     described in section 386 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 
     U.S.C. 15941).


       The Secretary of the Interior shall not publish a notice 
     for a wind lease sale or hold a lease sale for wind energy 
     development in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Planning Area, the 
     South Atlantic Planning Area, or the Straits of Florida 
     Planning Area (as described in the 2017-2022 Outer 
     Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed Final Program 
     (November 2016)) until the Comptroller General of the United 
     States publishes a report on all potential adverse effects of 
     wind energy development in such areas, including associated 
     infrastructure and vessel traffic, on--
       (1) military readiness and training activities in the 
     Planning Areas described in this section, including 
     activities within or related to the Eglin Test and Training 
     Complex and the Jacksonville Range Complex;
       (2) marine environment and ecology, including species 
     listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered 
     Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) or designated as 
     depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (16 
     U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) in the Planning Areas described in this 
     section; and
       (3) tourism, including the economic impacts that a decrease 
     in tourism may have on the communities adjacent to the 
     Planning Areas described in this section.

                   SUPPLY CHAIN.

       It is the sense of Congress that--
       (1) wind energy development on Federal lands and waters is 
     a burgeoning industry in the United States;
       (2) major components of wind infrastructure, including 
     turbines, are imported in large quantities from other 
     countries including countries that are national security 
     threats, such as the Government of the People's Republic of 
       (3) it is in the best interest of the United States to 
     foster and support domestic supply chains across sectors to 
     promote American energy independence;
       (4) the economic and manufacturing opportunities presented 
     by wind turbine construction and component manufacturing 
     should be met by American workers and materials that are 
     sourced domestically to the greatest extent practicable; and
       (5) infrastructure for wind energy development in the 
     United States should be constructed with materials produced 
     and manufactured in the United States.


       It is the sense of Congress that the royalty rate for 
     onshore Federal oil and gas leases should be not more than 
     12.5 percent in amount or value of the production removed or 
     sold from the lease.


       (a) In General.--Not later than 60 days after the date of 
     the enactment of this section, the Comptroller General shall 
     conduct a study to assess the sufficiency of the 
     environmental review processes for offshore wind projects in 
     place as of the date of the enactment of this section of the 
     National Marine Fisheries Service, the Bureau of Ocean Energy 
     Management, and any other relevant Federal agency.
       (b) Contents.--The study required under subsection (a) 
     shall include consideration of the following:
       (1) The impacts of offshore wind projects on--
       (A) whales, finfish, and other marine mammals;
       (B) benthic resources;
       (C) commercial and recreational fishing;
       (D) air quality;
       (E) cultural, historical, and archaeological resources;
       (F) invertebrates;
       (G) essential fish habitat;
       (H) military use and navigation and vessel traffic;
       (I) recreation and tourism; and
       (J) the sustainability of shoreline beaches and inlets.
       (2) The impacts of hurricanes and other severe weather on 
     offshore wind projects.
       (3) How the agencies described in subsection (a) determine 
     which stakeholders are consulted and if a timely, 
     comprehensive comment period is provided for local 
     representatives and other interested parties.
       (4) The estimated cost and who pays for offshore wind 


       The Comptroller General of the United States shall publish 
     a report on all potential adverse effects of wind energy 
     development in the North Atlantic Planning Area (as described 
     in the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing 
     Proposed Final Program (November 2016)), including associated 
     infrastructure and vessel traffic, on--
       (1) maritime safety, including the operation of radar 
       (2) economic impacts related to commercial fishing 
     activities; and
       (3) marine environment and ecology, including species 
     listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered 
     Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) or designated as 
     depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (16 
     U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) in the North Atlantic Planning Area.

                  Subtitle B--Permitting Streamlining

     SEC. 20201. DEFINITIONS.

       In this subtitle:
       (1) Energy facility.--The term ``energy facility'' means a 
     facility the primary purpose of which is the exploration for, 
     or the development, production, conversion, gathering, 
     storage, transfer, processing, or transportation of, any 
     energy resource.
       (2) Energy storage device.--The term ``energy storage 
       (A) means any equipment that stores energy, including 
     electricity, compressed air, pumped water, heat, and 
     hydrogen, which may be converted into, or used to produce, 
     electricity; and
       (B) includes a battery, regenerative fuel cell, flywheel, 
     capacitor, superconducting magnet, and any other equipment 
     the Secretary concerned determines may be used to store 
     energy which may be converted into, or used to produce, 
       (3) Public lands.--The term ``public lands'' means any land 
     and interest in land owned by the United States within the 
     several States and administered by the Secretary of the 
     Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture without regard to 
     how the United States acquired ownership, except--
       (A) lands located on the Outer Continental Shelf; and
       (B) lands held in trust by the United States for the 
     benefit of Indians, Indian Tribes, Aleuts, and Eskimos.
       (4) Right-of-way.--The term ``right-of-way'' means--
       (A) a right-of-way issued, granted, or renewed under 
     section 501 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 
     1976 (43 U.S.C. 1761); or
       (B) a right-of-way granted under section 28 of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 185).
       (5) Secretary concerned.--The term ``Secretary concerned'' 
       (A) with respect to public lands, the Secretary of the 
     Interior; and
       (B) with respect to National Forest System lands, the 
     Secretary of Agriculture.
       (6) Land use plan.--The term ``land use plan'' means--
       (A) a land and resource management plan prepared by the 
     Forest Service for a unit of the National Forest System 
     pursuant to section 6 of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable 
     Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1604);
       (B) a Land Management Plan developed by the Bureau of Land 
     Management under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act 
     of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.); or

[[Page H2001]]

       (C) a comprehensive conservation plan developed by the 
     United States Fish and Wildlife Service under section 
     4(e)(1)(A) of the National Wildlife Refuge System 
     Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 668dd(e)(1)(A)).

     SEC. 20202. BUILDER ACT.

       (a) Paragraph (2) of Section 102.--Section 102(2) of the 
     National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)) 
     is amended--
       (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``insure'' and 
     inserting ``ensure'';
       (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``insure'' and 
     inserting ``ensure'';
       (3) in subparagraph (C)--
       (A) by inserting ``consistent with the provisions of this 
     Act and except as provided by other provisions of law,'' 
     before ``include in every'';
       (B) by striking clauses (i) through (v) and inserting the 
       ``(i) reasonably foreseeable environmental effects with a 
     reasonably close causal relationship to the proposed agency 
       ``(ii) any reasonably foreseeable adverse environmental 
     effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be 
       ``(iii) a reasonable number of alternatives to the proposed 
     agency action, including an analysis of any negative 
     environmental impacts of not implementing the proposed agency 
     action in the case of a no action alternative, that are 
     technically and economically feasible, are within the 
     jurisdiction of the agency, meet the purpose and need of the 
     proposal, and, where applicable, meet the goals of the 
       ``(iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of 
     man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of 
     long-term productivity; and
       ``(v) any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of 
     Federal resources which would be involved in the proposed 
     agency action should it be implemented.''; and
       (C) by striking ``the responsible Federal official'' and 
     inserting ``the head of the lead agency'';
       (4) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``Any'' and inserting 
       (5) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (I) as 
     subparagraphs (F) through (K), respectively;
       (6) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the following:
       ``(D) ensure the professional integrity, including 
     scientific integrity, of the discussion and analysis in an 
     environmental document;
       ``(E) make use of reliable existing data and resources in 
     carrying out this Act;'';
       (7) by amending subparagraph (G), as redesignated, to read 
     as follows:
       ``(G) consistent with the provisions of this Act, study, 
     develop, and describe technically and economically feasible 
     alternatives within the jurisdiction and authority of the 
     agency;''; and
       (8) in subparagraph (H), as amended, by inserting 
     ``consistent with the provisions of this Act,'' before 
       (b) New Sections.--Title I of the National Environmental 
     Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) is amended by 
     adding at the end the following:


       ``(a) Threshold Determinations.--An agency is not required 
     to prepare an environmental document with respect to a 
     proposed agency action if--
       ``(1) the proposed agency action is not a final agency 
     action within the meaning of such term in chapter 5 of title 
     5, United States Code;
       ``(2) the proposed agency action is covered by a 
     categorical exclusion established by the agency, another 
     Federal agency, or another provision of law;
       ``(3) the preparation of such document would clearly and 
     fundamentally conflict with the requirements of another 
     provision of law;
       ``(4) the proposed agency action is, in whole or in part, a 
     nondiscretionary action with respect to which such agency 
     does not have authority to take environmental factors into 
     consideration in determining whether to take the proposed 
       ``(5) the proposed agency action is a rulemaking that is 
     subject to section 553 of title 5, United States Code; or
       ``(6) the proposed agency action is an action for which 
     such agency's compliance with another statute's requirements 
     serve the same or similar function as the requirements of 
     this Act with respect to such action.
       ``(b) Levels of Review.--
       ``(1) Environmental impact statement.--An agency shall 
     issue an environmental impact statement with respect to a 
     proposed agency action that has a significant effect on the 
     quality of the human environment.
       ``(2) Environmental assessment.--An agency shall prepare an 
     environmental assessment with respect to a proposed agency 
     action that is not likely to have a significant effect on the 
     quality of the human environment, or if the significance of 
     such effect is unknown, unless the agency finds that a 
     categorical exclusion established by the agency, another 
     Federal agency, or another provision of law applies. Such 
     environmental assessment shall be a concise public document 
     prepared by a Federal agency to set forth the basis of such 
     agency's finding of no significant impact.
       ``(3) Sources of information.--In making a determination 
     under this subsection, an agency--
       ``(A) may make use of any reliable data source; and
       ``(B) is not required to undertake new scientific or 
     technical research.


       ``(a) Lead Agency.--
       ``(1) Designation.--
       ``(A) In general.--If there are two or more involved 
     Federal agencies, such agencies shall determine, by letter or 
     memorandum, which agency shall be the lead agency based on 
     consideration of the following factors:
       ``(i) Magnitude of agency's involvement.
       ``(ii) Project approval or disapproval authority.
       ``(iii) Expertise concerning the action's environmental 
       ``(iv) Duration of agency's involvement.
       ``(v) Sequence of agency's involvement.
       ``(B) Joint lead agencies.--In making a determination under 
     subparagraph (A), the involved Federal agencies may, in 
     addition to a Federal agency, appoint such Federal, State, 
     Tribal, or local agencies as joint lead agencies as the 
     involved Federal agencies shall determine appropriate. Joint 
     lead agencies shall jointly fulfill the role described in 
     paragraph (2).
       ``(C) Mineral projects.--This paragraph shall not apply 
     with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit.
       ``(2) Role.--A lead agency shall, with respect to a 
     proposed agency action--
       ``(A) supervise the preparation of an environmental 
     document if, with respect to such proposed agency action, 
     there is more than one involved Federal agency;
       ``(B) request the participation of each cooperating agency 
     at the earliest practicable time;
       ``(C) in preparing an environmental document, give 
     consideration to any analysis or proposal created by a 
     cooperating agency with jurisdiction by law or a cooperating 
     agency with special expertise;
       ``(D) develop a schedule, in consultation with each 
     involved cooperating agency, the applicant, and such other 
     entities as the lead agency determines appropriate, for 
     completion of any environmental review, permit, or 
     authorization required to carry out the proposed agency 
       ``(E) if the lead agency determines that a review, permit, 
     or authorization will not be completed in accordance with the 
     schedule developed under subparagraph (D), notify the agency 
     responsible for issuing such review, permit, or authorization 
     of the discrepancy and request that such agency take such 
     measures as such agency determines appropriate to comply with 
     such schedule; and
       ``(F) meet with a cooperating agency that requests such a 
       ``(3) Cooperating agency.--The lead agency may, with 
     respect to a proposed agency action, designate any involved 
     Federal agency or a State, Tribal, or local agency as a 
     cooperating agency. A cooperating agency may, not later than 
     a date specified by the lead agency, submit comments to the 
     lead agency. Such comments shall be limited to matters 
     relating to the proposed agency action with respect to which 
     such agency has special expertise or jurisdiction by law with 
     respect to an environmental issue.
       ``(4) Request for designation.--Any Federal, State, Tribal, 
     or local agency or person that is substantially affected by 
     the lack of a designation of a lead agency with respect to a 
     proposed agency action under paragraph (1) may submit a 
     written request for such a designation to an involved Federal 
     agency. An agency that receives a request under this 
     paragraph shall transmit such request to each involved 
     Federal agency and to the Council.
       ``(5) Council designation.--
       ``(A) Request.--Not earlier than 45 days after the date on 
     which a request is submitted under paragraph (4), if no 
     designation has been made under paragraph (1), a Federal, 
     State, Tribal, or local agency or person that is 
     substantially affected by the lack of a designation of a lead 
     agency may request that the Council designate a lead agency. 
     Such request shall consist of--
       ``(i) a precise description of the nature and extent of the 
     proposed agency action; and
       ``(ii) a detailed statement with respect to each involved 
     Federal agency and each factor listed in paragraph (1) 
     regarding which agency should serve as lead agency.
       ``(B) Transmission.--The Council shall transmit a request 
     received under subparagraph (A) to each involved Federal 
       ``(C) Response.--An involved Federal agency may, not later 
     than 20 days after the date of the submission of a request 
     under subparagraph (A), submit to the Council a response to 
     such request.
       ``(D) Designation.--Not later than 40 days after the date 
     of the submission of a request under subparagraph (A), the 
     Council shall designate the lead agency with respect to the 
     relevant proposed agency action.
       ``(b) One Document.--
       ``(1) Document.--To the extent practicable, if there are 2 
     or more involved Federal agencies with respect to a proposed 
     agency action and the lead agency has determined that an 
     environmental document is required, such requirement shall be 
     deemed satisfied with respect to all involved Federal 
     agencies if the lead agency issues such an environmental 
       ``(2) Consideration timing.--In developing an environmental 
     document for a proposed agency action, no involved Federal 
     agency shall be required to consider any information that 
     becomes available after the sooner of, as applicable--
       ``(A) receipt of a complete application with respect to 
     such proposed agency action; or

[[Page H2002]]

       ``(B) publication of a notice of intent or decision to 
     prepare an environmental impact statement for such proposed 
     agency action.
       ``(3) Scope of review.--In developing an environmental 
     document for a proposed agency action, the lead agency and 
     any other involved Federal agencies shall only consider the 
     effects of the proposed agency action that--
       ``(A) occur on Federal land; or
       ``(B) are subject to Federal control and responsibility.
       ``(c) Request for Public Comment.--Each notice of intent to 
     prepare an environmental impact statement under section 102 
     shall include a request for public comment on alternatives or 
     impacts and on relevant information, studies, or analyses 
     with respect to the proposed agency action.
       ``(d) Statement of Purpose and Need.--Each environmental 
     impact statement shall include a statement of purpose and 
     need that briefly summarizes the underlying purpose and need 
     for the proposed agency action.
       ``(e) Estimated Total Cost.--The cover sheet for each 
     environmental impact statement shall include a statement of 
     the estimated total cost of preparing such environmental 
     impact statement, including the costs of agency full-time 
     equivalent personnel hours, contractor costs, and other 
     direct costs.
       ``(f) Page Limits.--
       ``(1) Environmental impact statements.--
       ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), 
     an environmental impact statement shall not exceed 150 pages, 
     not including any citations or appendices.
       ``(B) Extraordinary complexity.--An environmental impact 
     statement for a proposed agency action of extraordinary 
     complexity shall not exceed 300 pages, not including any 
     citations or appendices.
       ``(2) Environmental assessments.--An environmental 
     assessment shall not exceed 75 pages, not including any 
     citations or appendices.
       ``(g) Sponsor Preparation.--A lead agency shall allow a 
     project sponsor to prepare an environmental assessment or an 
     environmental impact statement upon request of the project 
     sponsor. Such agency may provide such sponsor with 
     appropriate guidance and assist in the preparation. The lead 
     agency shall independently evaluate the environmental 
     document and shall take responsibility for the contents upon 
       ``(h) Deadlines.--
       ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 
     with respect to a proposed agency action, a lead agency shall 
     complete, as applicable--
       ``(A) the environmental impact statement not later than the 
     date that is 2 years after the sooner of, as applicable--
       ``(i) the date on which such agency determines that section 
     102(2)(C) requires the issuance of an environmental impact 
     statement with respect to such action;
       ``(ii) the date on which such agency notifies the applicant 
     that the application to establish a right-of-way for such 
     action is complete; and
       ``(iii) the date on which such agency issues a notice of 
     intent to prepare the environmental impact statement for such 
     action; and
       ``(B) the environmental assessment not later than the date 
     that is 1 year after the sooner of, as applicable--
       ``(i) the date on which such agency determines that section 
     106(b)(2) requires the preparation of an environmental 
     assessment with respect to such action;
       ``(ii) the date on which such agency notifies the applicant 
     that the application to establish a right-of-way for such 
     action is complete; and
       ``(iii) the date on which such agency issues a notice of 
     intent to prepare the environmental assessment for such 
       ``(2) Delay.--A lead agency that determines it is not able 
     to meet the deadline described in paragraph (1) may extend 
     such deadline with the approval of the applicant. If the 
     applicant approves such an extension, the lead agency shall 
     establish a new deadline that provides only so much 
     additional time as is necessary to complete such 
     environmental impact statement or environmental assessment.
       ``(3) Expenditures for delay.--If a lead agency is unable 
     to meet the deadline described in paragraph (1) or extended 
     under paragraph (2), the lead agency must pay $100 per day, 
     to the extent funding is provided in advance in an 
     appropriations Act, out of the office of the head of the 
     department of the lead agency to the applicant starting on 
     the first day immediately following the deadline described in 
     paragraph (1) or extended under paragraph (2) up until the 
     date that an applicant approves a new deadline. This 
     paragraph does not apply when the lead agency misses a 
     deadline solely due to delays caused by litigation.
       ``(i) Report.--
       ``(1) In general.--The head of each lead agency shall 
     annually submit to the Committee on Natural Resources of the 
     House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and 
     Public Works of the Senate a report that--
       ``(A) identifies any environmental assessment and 
     environmental impact statement that such lead agency did not 
     complete by the deadline described in subsection (h); and
       ``(B) provides an explanation for any failure to meet such 
       ``(2) Inclusions.--Each report submitted under paragraph 
     (1) shall identify, as applicable--
       ``(A) the office, bureau, division, unit, or other entity 
     within the Federal agency responsible for each such 
     environmental assessment and environmental impact statement;
       ``(B) the date on which--
       ``(i) such lead agency notified the applicant that the 
     application to establish a right-of-way for the major Federal 
     action is complete;
       ``(ii) such lead agency began the scoping for the major 
     Federal action; or
       ``(iii) such lead agency issued a notice of intent to 
     prepare the environmental assessment or environmental impact 
     statement for the major Federal action; and
       ``(C) when such environmental assessment and environmental 
     impact statement is expected to be complete.


       ``(a) Limitations on Claims.--Notwithstanding any other 
     provision of law, a claim arising under Federal law seeking 
     judicial review of compliance with this Act, of a 
     determination made under this Act, or of Federal action 
     resulting from a determination made under this Act, shall be 
     barred unless--
       ``(1) in the case of a claim pertaining to a proposed 
     agency action for which--
       ``(A) an environmental document was prepared and an 
     opportunity for comment was provided;
       ``(B) the claim is filed by a party that participated in 
     the administrative proceedings regarding such environmental 
     document; and
       ``(C) the claim--
       ``(i) is filed by a party that submitted a comment during 
     the public comment period for such administrative proceedings 
     and such comment was sufficiently detailed to put the lead 
     agency on notice of the issue upon which the party seeks 
     judicial review; and
       ``(ii) is related to such comment;
       ``(2) except as provided in subsection (b), such claim is 
     filed not later than 120 days after the date of publication 
     of a notice in the Federal Register of agency intent to carry 
     out the proposed agency action;
       ``(3) such claim is filed after the issuance of a record of 
     decision or other final agency action with respect to the 
     relevant proposed agency action;
       ``(4) such claim does not challenge the establishment or 
     use of a categorical exclusion under section 102; and
       ``(5) such claim concerns--
       ``(A) an alternative included in the environmental 
     document; or
       ``(B) an environmental effect considered in the 
     environmental document.
       ``(b) Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.--
       ``(1) Separate final agency action.--The issuance of a 
     Federal action resulting from a final supplemental 
     environmental impact statement shall be considered a final 
     agency action for the purposes of chapter 5 of title 5, 
     United States Code, separate from the issuance of any 
     previous environmental impact statement with respect to the 
     same proposed agency action.
       ``(2) Deadline for filing a claim.--A claim seeking 
     judicial review of a Federal action resulting from a final 
     supplemental environmental review issued under section 
     102(2)(C) shall be barred unless--
       ``(A) such claim is filed within 120 days of the date on 
     which a notice of the Federal agency action resulting from a 
     final supplemental environmental impact statement is issued; 
       ``(B) such claim is based on information contained in such 
     supplemental environmental impact statement that was not 
     contained in a previous environmental document pertaining to 
     the same proposed agency action.
       ``(c) Prohibition on Injunctive Relief.--Notwithstanding 
     any other provision of law, a violation of this Act shall not 
     constitute the basis for injunctive relief.
       ``(d) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall 
     be construed to create a right of judicial review or place 
     any limit on filing a claim with respect to the violation of 
     the terms of a permit, license, or approval.
       ``(e) Remand.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
     no proposed agency action for which an environmental document 
     is required shall be vacated or otherwise limited, delayed, 
     or enjoined unless a court concludes allowing such proposed 
     action will pose a risk of an imminent and substantial 
     environmental harm and there is no other equitable remedy 
     available as a matter of law.

     ``SEC. 109. DEFINITIONS.

       ``In this title:
       ``(1) Categorical exclusion.--The term `categorical 
     exclusion' means a category of actions that a Federal agency 
     has determined normally does not significantly affect the 
     quality of the human environment within the meaning of 
     section 102(2)(C).
       ``(2) Cooperating agency.--The term `cooperating agency' 
     means any Federal, State, Tribal, or local agency that has 
     been designated as a cooperating agency under section 
       ``(3) Council.--The term `Council' means the Council on 
     Environmental Quality established in title II.
       ``(4) Environmental assessment.--The term `environmental 
     assessment' means an environmental assessment prepared under 
     section 106(b)(2).
       ``(5) Environmental document.--The term `environmental 
     document' means an environmental impact statement, an 
     environmental assessment, or a finding of no significant 

[[Page H2003]]

       ``(6) Environmental impact statement.--The term 
     `environmental impact statement' means a detailed written 
     statement that is required by section 102(2)(C).
       ``(7) Finding of no significant impact.--The term `finding 
     of no significant impact' means a determination by a Federal 
     agency that a proposed agency action does not require the 
     issuance of an environmental impact statement.
       ``(8) Involved federal agency.--The term `involved Federal 
     agency' means an agency that, with respect to a proposed 
     agency action--
       ``(A) proposed such action; or
       ``(B) is involved in such action because such action is 
     directly related, through functional interdependence or 
     geographic proximity, to an action such agency has taken or 
     has proposed to take.
       ``(9) Lead agency.--
       ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), 
     the term `lead agency' means, with respect to a proposed 
     agency action--
       ``(i) the agency that proposed such action; or
       ``(ii) if there are 2 or more involved Federal agencies 
     with respect to such action, the agency designated under 
     section 107(a)(1).
       ``(B) Specification for mineral exploration or mine 
     permits.--With respect to a proposed mineral exploration or 
     mine permit, the term `lead agency' has the meaning given 
     such term in section 40206(a) of the Infrastructure 
     Investment and Jobs Act.
       ``(10) Major federal action.--
       ``(A) In general.--The term `major Federal action' means an 
     action that the agency carrying out such action determines is 
     subject to substantial Federal control and responsibility.
       ``(B) Exclusion.--The term `major Federal action' does not 
       ``(i) a non-Federal action--

       ``(I) with no or minimal Federal funding;
       ``(II) with no or minimal Federal involvement where a 
     Federal agency cannot control the outcome of the project; or
       ``(III) that does not include Federal land;

       ``(ii) funding assistance solely in the form of general 
     revenue sharing funds which do not provide Federal agency 
     compliance or enforcement responsibility over the subsequent 
     use of such funds;
       ``(iii) loans, loan guarantees, or other forms of financial 
     assistance where a Federal agency does not exercise 
     sufficient control and responsibility over the effect of the 
       ``(iv) farm ownership and operating loan guarantees by the 
     Farm Service Agency pursuant to sections 305 and 311 through 
     319 of the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 
     1961 (7 U.S.C. 1925 and 1941 through 1949);
       ``(v) business loan guarantees provided by the Small 
     Business Administration pursuant to section 7(a) or (b) and 
     of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)), or title V of 
     the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 695 et 
       ``(vi) bringing judicial or administrative civil or 
     criminal enforcement actions; or
       ``(vii) extraterritorial activities or decisions, which 
     means agency activities or decisions with effects located 
     entirely outside of the jurisdiction of the United States.
       ``(C) Additional exclusions.--An agency action may not be 
     determined to be a major Federal action on the basis of--
       ``(i) an interstate effect of the action or related 
     project; or
       ``(ii) the provision of Federal funds for the action or 
     related project.
       ``(11) Mineral exploration or mine permit.--The term 
     `mineral exploration or mine permit' has the meaning given 
     such term in section 40206(a) of the Infrastructure 
     Investment and Jobs Act.
       ``(12) Proposal.--The term `proposal' means a proposed 
     action at a stage when an agency has a goal, is actively 
     preparing to make a decision on one or more alternative means 
     of accomplishing that goal, and can meaningfully evaluate its 
       ``(13) Reasonably foreseeable.--The term `reasonably 
     foreseeable' means likely to occur--
       ``(A) not later than 10 years after the lead agency begins 
     preparing the environmental document; and
       ``(B) in an area directly affected by the proposed agency 
     action such that an individual of ordinary prudence would 
     take such occurrence into account in reaching a decision.
       ``(14) Special expertise.--The term `special expertise' 
     means statutory responsibility, agency mission, or related 
     program experience.''.


       The revisions to the Code of Federal Regulations made 
     pursuant to the final rule of the Council on Environmental 
     Quality titled ``Update to the Regulations Implementing the 
     Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy 
     Act'' and published on July 16, 2020 (85 Fed. Reg. 43304), 
     shall have the same force and effect of law as if enacted by 
     an Act of Congress.


       (a) Exemption.--An action by the Secretary concerned with 
     respect to a covered activity shall be not considered a major 
     Federal action under section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)).
       (b) Covered Activity.--In this section, the term ``covered 
     activity'' includes--
       (1) geotechnical investigations;
       (2) off-road travel in an existing right-of-way;
       (3) construction of meteorological towers where the total 
     surface disturbance at the location is less than 5 acres;
       (4) adding a battery or other energy storage device to an 
     existing or planned energy facility, if that storage resource 
     is located within the physical footprint of the existing or 
     planned energy facility;
       (5) drilling temperature gradient wells and other 
     geothermal exploratory wells, including construction or 
     making improvements for such activities, where--
       (A) the last cemented casing string is less than 12 inches 
     in diameter; and
       (B) the total unreclaimed surface disturbance at any one 
     time within the project area is less than 5 acres;
       (6) any repair, maintenance, upgrade, optimization, or 
     minor addition to existing transmission and distribution 
     infrastructure, including--
       (A) operation, maintenance, or repair of power equipment 
     and structures within existing substations, switching 
     stations, transmission, and distribution lines;
       (B) the addition, modification, retirement, or replacement 
     of breakers, transmission towers, transformers, bushings, or 
       (C) the voltage uprating, modification, reconductoring with 
     conventional or advanced conductors, and clearance resolution 
     of transmission lines;
       (D) activities to minimize fire risk, including vegetation 
     management, routine fire mitigation, inspection, and 
     maintenance activities, and removal of hazard trees and other 
     hazard vegetation within or adjacent to an existing right-of-
       (E) improvements to or construction of structure pads for 
     such infrastructure; and
       (F) access and access route maintenance and repairs 
     associated with any activity described in subparagraph (A) 
     through (E);
       (7) approval of and activities conducted in accordance with 
     operating plans or agreements for transmission and 
     distribution facilities or under a special use authorization 
     for an electric transmission and distribution facility right-
     of-way; and
       (8) construction, maintenance, realignment, or repair of an 
     existing permanent or temporary access road--
       (A) within an existing right-of-way or within a 
     transmission or utility corridor established by Congress or 
     in a land use plan;
       (B) that serves an existing transmission line, distribution 
     line, or energy facility; or
       (C) activities conducted in accordance with existing 
     onshore oil and gas leases.


       (a) In General.--Upon a determination by the Secretary 
     concerned that there will be no overall long-term net loss of 
     vegetation, soil, or habitat, as defined by acreage and 
     function, resulting from a proposed action, decision, or 
     activity within an existing right-of-way, within a right-of-
     way corridor established in a land use plan, or in an 
     otherwise designated right-of-way, that action, decision, or 
     activity shall not be considered a major Federal action under 
     section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 
     1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)).
       (b) Inclusion of Remediation.--In making a determination 
     under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned shall consider 
     the effect of any remediation work to be conducted during the 
     lifetime of the action, decision, or activity when 
     determining whether there will be any overall long-term net 
     loss of vegetation, soil, or habitat.

                   ACT ADEQUACY.

       The Secretary concerned shall use previously completed 
     environmental assessments and environmental impact statements 
     to satisfy the requirements of section 102 of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332) with 
     respect to any major Federal action, if such Secretary 
     determines that--
       (1) the new proposed action is substantially the same as a 
     previously analyzed proposed action or alternative analyzed 
     in a previous environmental assessment or environmental 
     impact statement; and
       (2) the effects of the proposed action are substantially 
     the same as the effects analyzed in such existing 
     environmental assessments or environmental impact statements.


       Not later than 60 days after the Secretary concerned 
     receives an application to grant a right-of-way, the 
     Secretary concerned shall notify the applicant as to whether 
     the application is complete or deficient. If the Secretary 
     concerned determines the application is complete, the 
     Secretary concerned may not consider any other application to 
     grant a right-of-way on the same or any overlapping parcels 
     of land while such application is pending.


       (a) Fifty-Year Terms for Rights-of-Way.--
       (1) In general.--Any right-of-way for pipelines for the 
     transportation or distribution of oil or gas granted, issued, 
     amended, or renewed under Federal law may be limited to a 
     term of not more than 50 years before such right-of-way is 
     subject to renewal or amendment.
       (2) Federal land policy and management act of 1976.--
     Section 501 of the Federal Land

[[Page H2004]]

     Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1761) is amended 
     by adding at the end the following:
       ``(e) Any right-of-way granted, issued, amended, or renewed 
     under subsection (a)(4) may be limited to a term of not more 
     than 50 years before such right-of-way is subject to renewal 
     or amendment.''.
       (b) Mineral Leasing Act.--Section 28(n) of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 185(n)) is amended by striking 
     ``thirty'' and inserting ``50''.

                   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

       (a) In General.--In fiscal years 2023 through 2025, the 
     Secretary of Agriculture (acting through the Forest Service) 
     and the Secretary of the Interior, after public notice, may 
     accept and expend funds contributed by non-Federal entities 
     for dedicated staff, information resource management, and 
     information technology system development to expedite the 
     evaluation of permits, biological opinions, concurrence 
     letters, environmental surveys and studies, processing of 
     applications, consultations, and other activities for the 
     leasing, development, or expansion of an energy facility 
     under the jurisdiction of the respective Secretaries.
       (b) Effect on Permitting.--In carrying out this section, 
     the Secretary of the Interior shall ensure that the use of 
     funds accepted under subsection (a) will not impact impartial 
     decision making with respect to permits, either substantively 
     or procedurally.
       (c) Statement for Failure To Accept or Expend Funds.--Not 
     later than 60 days after the end of the applicable fiscal 
     year, if the Secretary of Agriculture (acting through the 
     Forest Service) or the Secretary of the Interior does not 
     accept funds contributed under subsection (a) or accepts but 
     does not expend such funds, that Secretary shall submit to 
     the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of 
     Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural 
     Resources of the Senate a statement explaining why such funds 
     were not accepted, were not expended, or both, as the case 
     may be.
       (d) Prohibition.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
     law, the Secretary of Agriculture (acting through the Forest 
     Service) and the Secretary of the Interior may not accept 
     contributions, as authorized by subsection (a), from non-
     Federal entities owned by the Communist Party of China (or a 
     person or entity acting on behalf of the Communist Party of 
       (e) Report on Non-Federal Entities.--Not later than 60 days 
     after the end of the applicable fiscal year, the Secretary of 
     Agriculture (acting through the Forest Service) and the 
     Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the Committee on 
     Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the 
     Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a 
     report that includes, for each expenditure authorized by 
     subsection (a)--
       (1) the amount of funds accepted; and
       (2) the contributing non-Federal entity.


       The Secretary of the Interior shall authorize geological 
     and geophysical surveys related to oil and gas activities on 
     the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, except within 
     areas subject to existing oil and gas leasing moratoria. Such 
     authorizations shall be issued within 30 days of receipt of a 
     completed application and shall, as applicable to survey 
     type, comply with the mitigation and monitoring measures in 
     subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and (g) of section 
     217.184 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (as in 
     effect on January 1, 2022), and section 217.185 of title 50, 
     Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on January 1, 
     2022). Geological and geophysical surveys authorized pursuant 
     to this section are deemed to be in full compliance with the 
     Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) 
     and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
     seq.), and their implementing regulations.


       Section 17(p)(3) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 
     226(p)(3)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(D) Deferral based on formatting issues.--A decision on 
     an application for a permit to drill may not be deferred 
     under paragraph (2)(B) as a result of a formatting issue with 
     the permit, unless such formatting issue results in missing 

                   TO DRILL.

       (a) Effect of Pending Civil Actions.--Section 17(p) of the 
     Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(p)) is amended by adding 
     at the end the following:
       ``(4) Effect of pending civil action on processing 
     applications for permits to drill.--Pursuant to the 
     requirements of paragraph (2), notwithstanding the existence 
     of any pending civil actions affecting the application or 
     related lease, the Secretary shall process an application for 
     a permit to drill or other authorizations or approvals under 
     a valid existing lease, unless a United States Federal court 
     vacated such lease. Nothing in this paragraph shall be 
     construed as providing authority to a Federal court to vacate 
     a lease.''.
       (b) Term of Permit To Drill.--Section 17 of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is further amended by adding at 
     the end the following:
       ``(u) Term of Permit To Drill.--A permit to drill issued 
     under this section after the date of the enactment of this 
     subsection shall be valid for one four-year term from the 
     date that the permit is approved, or until the lease 
     regarding which the permit is issued expires, whichever 
     occurs first.''.


       Section 390 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 
     15942) is amended to read as follows:


       ``(a) National Environmental Policy Act Review.--Action by 
     the Secretary of the Interior, in managing the public lands, 
     or the Secretary of Agriculture, in managing National Forest 
     System lands, with respect to any of the activities described 
     in subsection (c), shall not be considered a major Federal 
     action for the purposes of section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969, if the activity is 
     conducted pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 
     et seq.) for the purpose of exploration or development of oil 
     or gas.
       ``(b) Application.--This section shall not apply to an 
     action of the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of 
     Agriculture on Indian lands or resources managed in trust for 
     the benefit of Indian Tribes.
       ``(c) Activities Described.--The activities referred to in 
     subsection (a) are as follows:
       ``(1) Reinstating a lease pursuant to section 31 of the 
     Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 188).
       ``(2) The following activities, provided that any new 
     surface disturbance is contiguous with the footprint of the 
     original authorization and does not exceed 20 acres or the 
     acreage has previously been evaluated in a document 
     previously prepared under section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) with 
     respect to such activity:
       ``(A) Drilling an oil or gas well at a well pad site at 
     which drilling has occurred previously.
       ``(B) Expansion of an existing oil or gas well pad site to 
     accommodate an additional well.
       ``(C) Expansion or modification of an existing oil or gas 
     well pad site, road, pipeline, facility, or utility submitted 
     in a sundry notice.
       ``(3) Drilling of an oil or gas well at a new well pad 
     site, provided that the new surface disturbance does not 
     exceed 20 acres and the acreage evaluated in a document 
     previously prepared under section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) with 
     respect to such activity, whichever is greater.
       ``(4) Construction or realignment of a road, pipeline, or 
     utility within an existing right-of-way or within a right-of-
     way corridor established in a land use plan.
       ``(5) The following activities when conducted from non-
     Federal surface into federally owned minerals, provided that 
     the operator submits to the Secretary concerned certification 
     of a surface use agreement with the non-Federal landowner:
       ``(A) Drilling an oil or gas well at a well pad site at 
     which drilling has occurred previously.
       ``(B) Expansion of an existing oil or gas well pad site to 
     accommodate an additional well.
       ``(C) Expansion or modification of an existing oil or gas 
     well pad site, road, pipeline, facility, or utility submitted 
     in a sundry notice.
       ``(6) Drilling of an oil or gas well from non-Federal 
     surface and non-Federal subsurface into Federal mineral 
       ``(7) Construction of up to 1 mile of new road on Federal 
     or non-Federal surface, not to exceed 2 miles in total.
       ``(8) Construction of up to 3 miles of individual pipelines 
     or utilities, regardless of surface ownership.''.

                   FEDERAL SURFACE ESTATE.

       (a) Oil and Gas Permits.--Section 17 of the Mineral Leasing 
     Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is further amended by adding at the end 
     the following:
       ``(v) No Federal Permit Required for Oil and Gas Activities 
     on Certain Land.--
       ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall not require an 
     operator to obtain a Federal drilling permit for oil and gas 
     exploration and production activities conducted on non-
     Federal surface estate, provided that--
       ``(A) the United States holds an ownership interest of less 
     than 50 percent of the subsurface mineral estate to be 
     accessed by the proposed action; and
       ``(B) the operator submits to the Secretary a State permit 
     to conduct oil and gas exploration and production activities 
     on the non-Federal surface estate.
       ``(2) No federal action.--An oil and gas exploration and 
     production activity carried out under paragraph (1)--
       ``(A) shall not be considered a major Federal action for 
     the purposes of section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969;
       ``(B) shall require no additional Federal action;
       ``(C) may commence 30 days after submission of the State 
     permit to the Secretary; and
       ``(D) shall not be subject to--
       ``(i) section 306108 of title 54, United States Code 
     (commonly known as the National Historic Preservation Act of 
     1966); and
       ``(ii) section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 
     U.S.C. 1536).

[[Page H2005]]

       ``(3) Royalties and production accountability.--(A) Nothing 
     in this subsection shall affect the amount of royalties due 
     to the United States under this Act from the production of 
     oil and gas, or alter the Secretary's authority to conduct 
     audits and collect civil penalties pursuant to the Federal 
     Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701 et 
       ``(B) The Secretary may conduct onsite reviews and 
     inspections to ensure proper accountability, measurement, and 
     reporting of production of Federal oil and gas, and payment 
     of royalties.
       ``(4) Exceptions.--This subsection shall not apply to 
     actions on Indian lands or resources managed in trust for the 
     benefit of Indian Tribes.
       ``(5) Indian land.--In this subsection, the term `Indian 
     land' means--
       ``(A) any land located within the boundaries of an Indian 
     reservation, pueblo, or rancheria; and
       ``(B) any land not located within the boundaries of an 
     Indian reservation, pueblo, or rancheria, the title to which 
     is held--
       ``(i) in trust by the United States for the benefit of an 
     Indian tribe or an individual Indian;
       ``(ii) by an Indian tribe or an individual Indian, subject 
     to restriction against alienation under laws of the United 
     States; or
       ``(iii) by a dependent Indian community.''.
       (b) Geothermal Permits.--The Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 
     (30 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the 

                   ACTIVITIES ON CERTAIN LAND.

       ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall not require an 
     operator to obtain a Federal drilling permit for geothermal 
     exploration and production activities conducted on a non-
     Federal surface estate, provided that--
       ``(1) the United States holds an ownership interest of less 
     than 50 percent of the subsurface geothermal estate to be 
     accessed by the proposed action; and
       ``(2) the operator submits to the Secretary a State permit 
     to conduct geothermal exploration and production activities 
     on the non-Federal surface estate.
       ``(b) No Federal Action.--A geothermal exploration and 
     production activity carried out under paragraph (1)--
       ``(1) shall not be considered a major Federal action for 
     the purposes of section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969;
       ``(2) shall require no additional Federal action;
       ``(3) may commence 30 days after submission of the State 
     permit to the Secretary; and
       ``(4) shall not be subject to--
       ``(A) section 306108 of title 54, United States Code 
     (commonly known as the National Historic Preservation Act of 
     1966); and
       ``(B) section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 
     U.S.C. 1536).
       ``(c) Royalties and Production Accountability.--(1) Nothing 
     in this section shall affect the amount of royalties due to 
     the United States under this Act from the production of 
     electricity using geothermal resources (other than direct use 
     of geothermal resources) or the production of any byproducts.
       ``(2) The Secretary may conduct onsite reviews and 
     inspections to ensure proper accountability, measurement, and 
     reporting of the production described in paragraph (1), and 
     payment of royalties.
       ``(d) Exceptions.--This section shall not apply to actions 
     on Indian lands or resources managed in trust for the benefit 
     of Indian Tribes.
       ``(e) Indian Land.--In this section, the term `Indian land' 
       ``(1) any land located within the boundaries of an Indian 
     reservation, pueblo, or rancheria; and
       ``(2) any land not located within the boundaries of an 
     Indian reservation, pueblo, or rancheria, the title to which 
     is held--
       ``(A) in trust by the United States for the benefit of an 
     Indian tribe or an individual Indian;
       ``(B) by an Indian tribe or an individual Indian, subject 
     to restriction against alienation under laws of the United 
     States; or
       ``(C) by a dependent Indian community.''.


       An environmental review for an oil and gas lease or permit 
     prepared pursuant to the requirements of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and 
     its implementing regulations--
       (1) shall apply only to areas that are within or 
     immediately adjacent to the lease plot or plots and that are 
     directly affected by the proposed action; and
       (2) shall not require consideration of downstream, indirect 
     effects of oil and gas consumption.


       Section 11318(b)(1) of the Infrastructure Investment and 
     Jobs Act (42 U.S.C. 15943(b)(1)) is amended by striking ``to 
     be an action that is categorically excluded (as defined in 
     section 1508.1 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (as 
     in effect on the date of enactment of this Act))'' and 
     inserting ``to not be a major Federal action''.


       Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any oil and gas 
     lease sale held under section 17 of the Mineral Leasing Act 
     (26 U.S.C. 226) or the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 
     U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) shall not be vacated and activities on 
     leases awarded in the sale shall not be otherwise limited, 
     delayed, or enjoined unless the court concludes allowing 
     development of the challenged lease will pose a risk of an 
     imminent and substantial environmental harm and there is no 
     other equitable remedy available as a matter of law. No 
     court, in response to an action brought pursuant to the 
     National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. et 
     seq.), may enjoin or issue any order preventing the award of 
     leases to a bidder in a lease sale conducted pursuant to 
     section 17 of the Mineral Leasing Act (26 U.S.C. 226) or the 
     Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) if 
     the Department of the Interior has previously opened bids for 
     such leases or disclosed the high bidder for any tract that 
     was included in such lease sale.


       (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
     law, a claim arising under Federal law seeking judicial 
     review of a permit, license, or approval issued by a Federal 
     agency for a mineral project, energy facility, or energy 
     storage device shall be barred unless--
       (1) the claim is filed within 120 days after publication of 
     a notice in the Federal Register announcing that the permit, 
     license, or approval is final pursuant to the law under which 
     the agency action is taken, unless a shorter time is 
     specified in the Federal law pursuant to which judicial 
     review is allowed; and
       (2) the claim is filed by a party that submitted a comment 
     during the public comment period for such permit, license, or 
     approval and such comment was sufficiently detailed to put 
     the agency on notice of the issue upon which the party seeks 
     judicial review.
       (b) Savings Clause.--Nothing in this section shall create a 
     right to judicial review or place any limit on filing a claim 
     that a person has violated the terms of a permit, license, or 
       (c) Transportation Projects.--Subsection (a) shall not 
     apply to or supersede a claim subject to section 139(l)(1) of 
     title 23, United States Code.
       (d) Mineral Project.--In this section, the term ``mineral 
     project'' means a project--
       (1) located on--
       (A) a mining claim, millsite claim, or tunnel site claim 
     for any mineral;
       (B) lands open to mineral entry; or
       (C) a Federal mineral lease; and
       (2) for the purposes of exploring for or producing 

                   PERMITS TO DRILL.

       (a) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
     enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United 
     States shall issue a report detailing--
       (1) the approval timelines for applications for permits to 
     drill issued by the Bureau of Land Management from 2018 
     through 2022;
       (2) the number of applications for permits to drill that 
     were not issued within 30 days of receipt of a completed 
     application; and
       (3) the causes of delays resulting in applications for 
     permits to drill pending beyond the 30 day deadline required 
     under section 17(p)(2) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 
       (b) Recommendations.--The report issued under subsection 
     (a) shall include recommendations with respect to--
       (1) actions the Bureau of Land Management can take to 
     streamline the approval process for applications for permits 
     to drill to approve applications for permits to drill within 
     30 days of receipt of a completed application;
       (2) aspects of the Federal permitting process carried out 
     by the Bureau of Land Management to issue applications for 
     permits to drill that can be turned over to States to 
     expedite approval of applications for permits to drill; and
       (3) legislative actions that Congress must take to allow 
     States to administer certain aspects of the Federal 
     permitting process described in paragraph (2).

     SEC. 20220. E-NEPA.

       (a) Permitting Portal Study.--The Council on Environmental 
     Quality shall conduct a study and submit a report to Congress 
     within 1 year of the enactment of this Act on the potential 
     to create an online permitting portal for permits that 
     require review under section 102(2)(C) of the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) that 
       (1) allow applicants to--
       (A) submit required documents or materials for their 
     application in one unified portal;
       (B) upload additional documents as required by the 
     applicable agency; and
       (C) track the progress of individual applications;
       (2) enhance interagency coordination in consultation by--
       (A) allowing for comments in one unified portal;
       (B) centralizing data necessary for reviews; and
       (C) streamlining communications between other agencies and 
     the applicant; and
       (3) boost transparency in agency decisionmaking.
       (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized 
     to be appropriated $500,000 for the Council of Environmental 
     Quality to carry out the study directed by this section.

[[Page H2006]]



       (a) In General.--Section 139(l) of title 23, United States 
     Code, is amended by striking ``150 days'' each place it 
     appears and inserting ``90 days''.
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 330(e) of title 23, United States Code, is 
       (A) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``150 days'' and 
     inserting ``90 days''; and
       (B) in paragraph (3)(B)(i), by striking ``150 days'' and 
     inserting ``90 days''.
       (2) Section 24201(a)(4) of title 49, United States Code, is 
     amended by striking ``of 150 days''.


       (a) In General.--Chapter 601 of title 49, United States 
     Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

     ``Sec. 60144. Efficient environmental reviews and one Federal 

       ``(a) Efficient Environmental Reviews.--
       ``(1) In general.--The Secretary of Transportation shall 
     apply the project development procedures, to the greatest 
     extent feasible, described in section 139 of title 23 to any 
     pipeline project that requires the approval of the Secretary 
     under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 
     U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
       ``(2) Regulations and procedures.--In carrying out 
     paragraph (1), the Secretary shall incorporate into agency 
     regulations and procedures pertaining to pipeline projects 
     described in paragraph (1) aspects of such project 
     development procedures, or portions thereof, determined 
     appropriate by the Secretary in a manner consistent with this 
     section, that increase the efficiency of the review of 
     pipeline projects.
       ``(3) Discretion.--The Secretary may choose not to 
     incorporate into agency regulations and procedures pertaining 
     to pipeline projects described in paragraph (1) such project 
     development procedures that could only feasibly apply to 
     highway projects, public transportation capital projects, and 
     multimodal projects.
       ``(4) Applicability.--Subsection (l) of section 139 of 
     title 23 shall apply to pipeline projects described in 
     paragraph (1).
       ``(b) Additional Categorical Exclusions.--The Secretary 
     shall maintain and make publicly available, including on the 
     Internet, a database that identifies project-specific 
     information on the use of a categorical exclusion on any 
     pipeline project carried out under this title.''.
       (b) Clerical Amendment.--The analysis for chapter 601 of 
     title 49, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end 
     the following:

``60144. Efficient environmental reviews and one Federal decision.''.


       (a) In General.--Wildfire mitigation activities of the 
     Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture 
     may be carried out without regard to the provisions of law 
     specified in subsection (b).
       (b) Provisions of Law Specified.--The provisions of law 
     specified in this section are all Federal, State, or other 
     laws, regulations, and legal requirements of, deriving from, 
     or related to the subject of, the following laws:
       (1) Section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy 
     Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)).
       (2) The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
       (c) Wildfire Mitigation Activity.--For purposes of this 
     section, the term ``wildfire mitigation activity''--
       (1) is an activity conducted on Federal land that is--
       (A) under the administration of the Director of the 
     National Park System, the Director of the Bureau of Land 
     Management, or the Chief of the Forest Service; and
       (B) within 300 feet of any permanent or temporary road, as 
     measured from the center of such road; and
       (2) includes forest thinning, hazardous fuel reduction, 
     prescribed burning, and vegetation management.

                   OF WAY.

       (a) Hazard Trees Within 50 Feet of Electric Power Line.--
     Section 512(a)(1)(B)(ii) of the Federal Land Policy and 
     Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1772(a)(1)(B)(ii)) is 
     amended by striking ``10'' and inserting ``50''.
       (b) Consultation With Private Landowners.--Section 
     512(c)(3)(E) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 
     1976 (43 U.S.C. 1772(c)(3)(E)) is amended--
       (1) in clause (i), by striking ``and'' at the end;
       (2) in clause (ii), by striking the period and inserting 
     ``; and''; and
       (3) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(iii) consulting with private landowners with respect to 
     any hazard trees identified for removal from land owned by 
     such private landowners.''.
       (c) Review and Approval Process.--Clause (iv) of section 
     512(c)(4)(A) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 
     1976 (43 U.S.C. 1772(c)(4)(A)) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(iv) ensures that--

       ``(I) a plan submitted without a modification under clause 
     (iii) shall be automatically approved 60 days after review; 
       ``(II) a plan submitted with a modification under clause 
     (iii) shall be automatically approved 67 days after 


       (a) Secretary Concerned Defined.--In this section, the term 
     ``Secretary concerned'' means--
       (1) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to National 
     Forest System lands; and
       (2) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to public 
       (b) Categorical Exclusion Established.--Forest management 
     activities described in subsection (c) are a category of 
     activities designated as being categorically excluded from 
     the preparation of an environmental assessment or an 
     environmental impact statement under section 102 of the 
     National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332).
       (c) Forest Management Activities Designated for Categorical 
     Exclusion.--The forest management activities designated as 
     being categorically excluded under subsection (b) are--
       (1) the development and approval of a vegetation 
     management, facility inspection, and operation and 
     maintenance plan submitted under section 512(c)(1) of the 
     Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 
     1772(c)(1)) by the Secretary concerned; and
       (2) the implementation of routine activities conducted 
     under the plan referred to in paragraph (1).
       (d) Availability of Categorical Exclusion.--On and after 
     the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
     concerned may use the categorical exclusion established under 
     subsection (b) in accordance with this section.
       (e) Extraordinary Circumstances.--Use of the categorical 
     exclusion established under subsection (b) shall not be 
     subject to the extraordinary circumstances procedures in 
     section 220.6, title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, or 
     section 1508.4, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations.
       (f) Exclusion of Certain Areas.--The categorical exclusion 
     established under subsection (b) shall not apply to any 
     forest management activity conducted--
       (1) in a component of the National Wilderness Preservation 
     System; or
       (2) on National Forest System lands on which, by Act of 
     Congress, the removal of vegetation is restricted or 
       (g) Permanent Roads.--
       (1) Prohibition on establishment.--A forest management 
     activity designated under subsection (c) shall not include 
     the establishment of a permanent road.
       (2) Existing roads.--The Secretary concerned may carry out 
     necessary maintenance and repair on an existing permanent 
     road for the purposes of conducting a forest management 
     activity designated under subsection (c).
       (3) Temporary roads.--The Secretary concerned shall 
     decommission any temporary road constructed for a forest 
     management activity designated under subsection (c) not later 
     than 3 years after the date on which the action is completed.
       (h) Applicable Laws.--A forest management activity 
     designated under subsection (c) shall not be subject to 
     section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 
     1536), section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, 
     or any other applicable law.

     SEC. 20226. STAFFING PLANS.

       (a) In General.--Not later than 365 days after the date of 
     enactment of this Act, each local unit of the National Park 
     Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Forest Service shall 
     conduct an outreach plan for disseminating and advertising 
     open civil service positions with functions relating to 
     permitting or natural resources in their offices. Each such 
     plan shall include outreach to local high schools, community 
     colleges, institutions of higher education, and any other 
     relevant institutions, as determined by the Secretary of the 
     Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture (as the case may 
       (b) Collaboration Permitted.--Such local units of the 
     National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Forest 
     Service located in reasonably close geographic areas may 
     collaborate to produce a joint outreach plan that meets the 
     requirements of subsection (a).

                Subtitle C--Permitting for Mining Needs

     SEC. 20301. DEFINITIONS.

       In this subtitle:
       (1) Byproduct.--The term ``byproduct'' has the meaning 
     given such term in section 7002(a) of the Energy Act of 2020 
     (30 U.S.C. 1606(a)).
       (2) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian Tribe'' has the 
     meaning given such term in section 4 of the Indian Self-
     Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304).
       (3) Mineral.--The term ``mineral'' means any mineral of a 
     kind that is locatable (including, but not limited to, such 
     minerals located on ``lands acquired by the United States'', 
     as such term is defined in section 2 of the Mineral Leasing 
     Act for Acquired Lands) under the Act of May 10, 1872 
     (Chapter 152; 17 Stat. 91).
       (4) Secretary.--Except as otherwise provided, the term 
     ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Interior.
       (5) State.--The term ``State'' means--
       (A) a State;
       (B) the District of Columbia;
       (C) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;
       (D) Guam;
       (E) American Samoa;

[[Page H2007]]

       (F) the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and
       (G) the United States Virgin Islands.


       Section 40206 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 
     (30 U.S.C. 1607) is amended--
       (1) in the section heading, by striking ``critical 
     minerals'' and inserting ``minerals'';
       (2) by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
       ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
       ``(1) Lead agency.--The term `lead agency' means the 
     Federal agency with primary responsibility for issuing a 
     mineral exploration or mine permit or lease for a mineral 
       ``(2) Mineral.--The term `mineral' has the meaning given 
     such term in section 20301 of the TAPP American Resources 
       ``(3) Mineral exploration or mine permit.--The term 
     `mineral exploration or mine permit' means--
       ``(A) an authorization of the Bureau of Land Management or 
     the Forest Service, as applicable, for exploration for 
     minerals that requires analysis under the National 
     Environmental Policy Act of 1969;
       ``(B) a plan of operations for a mineral project approved 
     by the Bureau of Land Management or the Forest Service; or
       ``(C) any other Federal permit or authorization for a 
     mineral project.
       ``(4) Mineral project.--The term `mineral project' means a 
       ``(A) located on--
       ``(i) a mining claim, millsite claim, or tunnel site claim 
     for any mineral;
       ``(ii) lands open to mineral entry; or
       ``(iii) a Federal mineral lease; and
       ``(B) for the purposes of exploring for or producing 
       (3) in subsection (b), by striking ``critical'' each place 
     such term appears;
       (4) in subsection (c)--
       (A) by striking ``critical mineral production on Federal 
     land'' and inserting ``mineral projects'';
       (B) by inserting ``, and in accordance with subsection 
     (h)'' after ``to the maximum extent practicable'';
       (C) by striking ``shall complete the'' and inserting 
     ``shall complete such'';
       (D) in paragraph (1), by striking ``critical mineral-
     related activities on Federal land'' and inserting ``mineral 
       (E) in paragraph (8), by striking the ``and'' at the end;
       (F) in paragraph (9), by striking ``procedures.'' and 
     inserting ``procedures; and''; and
       (G) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(10) deferring to and relying on baseline data, analyses, 
     and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction 
     over the environmental or reclamation permits for the 
     proposed mineral project.'';
       (5) in subsection (d)--
       (A) by striking ``critical'' each place such term appears; 
       (B) in paragraph (3), by striking ``mineral-related 
     activities on Federal land'' and inserting ``mineral 
       (6) in subsection (e), by striking ``critical'';
       (7) in subsection (f), by striking ``critical'' each place 
     such term appears;
       (8) in subsection (g), by striking ``critical'' each place 
     such term appears; and
       (9) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(h) Other Requirements.--
       ``(1) Memorandum of agreement.--For purposes of maximizing 
     efficiency and effectiveness of the Federal permitting and 
     review processes described under subsection (c), the lead 
     agency in the Federal permitting and review processes of a 
     mineral project shall (in consultation with any other Federal 
     agency involved in such Federal permitting and review 
     processes, and upon request of the project applicant, an 
     affected State government, local government, or an Indian 
     Tribe, or other entity such lead agency determines 
     appropriate) enter into a memorandum of agreement with a 
     project applicant where requested by the applicant to carry 
     out the activities described in subsection (c).
       ``(2) Timelines and schedules for nepa reviews.--
       ``(A) Extension.--A project applicant may enter into 1 or 
     more agreements with a lead agency to extend the deadlines 
     described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (h)(1) 
     of section 107 of title I of the National Environmental 
     Policy Act of 1969 by, with respect to each such agreement, 
     not more than 6 months.
       ``(B) Adjustment of timelines.--At the request of a project 
     applicant, the lead agency and any other entity which is a 
     signatory to a memorandum of agreement under paragraph (1) 
     may, by unanimous agreement, adjust--
       ``(i) any deadlines described in subparagraph (A); and
       ``(ii) any deadlines extended under subparagraph (B).
       ``(3) Effect on pending applications.--Upon a written 
     request by a project applicant, the requirements of this 
     subsection shall apply to any application for a mineral 
     exploration or mine permit or mineral lease that was 
     submitted before the date of the enactment of the TAPP 
     American Resources Act.''.


       Section 7002(f) of the Energy Act of 2020 (30 U.S.C. 
     1606(f)) is amended--
       (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``critical'' both places 
     such term appears; and
       (2) by striking paragraph (4).


       Section 41001(6)(A) of the FAST Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)(A)) 
     is amended by inserting ``mineral production,'' before ``or 
     any other sector''.

                   IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES.

       (a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an 
     action described in subsection (b) shall be--
       (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 
     41001(6) of the FAST Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard 
     to the requirements of that section; and
       (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained 
     pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 13 U.S.C. 4370m-
       (b) Actions Described.--An action described in this 
     subsection is an action taken by the Secretary of Defense 
     pursuant to Presidential Determination 2022-11 (87 Fed. Reg. 
     19775; relating to certain actions under section 303 of the 
     Defense Production Act of 1950) or the Presidential 
     Memorandum of February 27, 2023, titled ``Presidential Waiver 
     of Statutory Requirements Pursuant to Section 303 of the 
     Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, on Department of 
     Defense Supply Chains Resilience'' (88 Fed. Reg. 13015) to 
     create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and 
     responsible domestic production capabilities through--
       (1) supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, 
     beneficiation, and value-added processing projects;
       (2) byproduct and co-product production at existing mining, 
     mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities;
       (3) modernization of mining, beneficiation, and value-added 
     processing to increase productivity, environmental 
     sustainability, and workforce safety; or
       (4) any other activity authorized under section 303(a)(1) 
     of the Defense Production Act of 1950 15 (50 U.S.C. 
       (c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may 
     not be treated as a covered project or be included in the 
     Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project 
     sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the FAST Act (42 
     U.S.C. 21 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated 
     as a covered project.


       (a) In General.--Not later than 15 days before commencing 
     an exploration activity with a surface disturbance of not 
     more than 5 acres of public lands, the operator of such 
     exploration activity shall submit to the Secretary concerned 
     a complete notice of such exploration activity.
       (b) Inclusions.--Notice submitted under subsection (a) 
     shall include such information the Secretary concerned may 
     require, including the information described in section 
     3809.301 of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations (or any 
     successor regulation).
       (c) Review.--Not later than 15 days after the Secretary 
     concerned receives notice submitted under subsection (a), the 
     Secretary concerned shall--
       (1) review and determine completeness of the notice; and
       (2) allow exploration activities to proceed if--
       (A) the surface disturbance of such exploration activities 
     on such public lands will not exceed 5 acres;
       (B) the Secretary concerned determines that the notice is 
     complete; and
       (C) the operator provides financial assurance that the 
     Secretary concerned determines is adequate.
       (d) Definitions.--In this section:
       (1) Exploration activity.--The term ``exploration 
       (A) means creating surface disturbance greater than casual 
     use that includes sampling, drilling, or developing surface 
     or underground workings to evaluate the type, extent, 
     quantity, or quality of mineral values present;
       (B) includes constructing drill roads and drill pads, 
     drilling, trenching, excavating test pits, and conducting 
     geotechnical tests and geophysical surveys; and
       (C) does not include activities where material is extracted 
     for commercial use or sale.
       (2) Secretary concerned.--The term ``Secretary concerned'' 
       (A) with respect to lands administered by the Secretary of 
     the Interior, the Secretary of the Interior; and
       (B) with respect to National Forest System lands, the 
     Secretary of Agriculture.


       Section 10101 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
     1993 (30 U.S.C. 28f) is amended by adding at the end the 
       ``(e) Security of Tenure.--
       ``(1) In general.--
       ``(A) In general.--A claimant shall have the right to use, 
     occupy, and conduct operations on public land, with or 
     without the discovery of a valuable mineral deposit, if--
       ``(i) such claimant makes a timely payment of the location 
     fee required by section 10102 and the claim maintenance fee 
     required by subsection (a); or
       ``(ii) in the case of a claimant who qualifies for a waiver 
     under subsection (d), such claimant makes a timely payment of 
     the location fee and complies with the required assessment 
     work under the general mining laws.

[[Page H2008]]

       ``(B) Operations defined.--For the purposes of this 
     paragraph, the term `operations' means--
       ``(i) any activity or work carried out in connection with 
     prospecting, exploration, processing, discovery and 
     assessment, development, or extraction with respect to a 
     locatable mineral;
       ``(ii) the reclamation of any disturbed areas; and
       ``(iii) any other reasonably incident uses, whether on a 
     mining claim or not, including the construction and 
     maintenance of facilities, roads, transmission lines, 
     pipelines, and any other necessary infrastructure or means of 
     access on public land for support facilities.
       ``(2) Fulfillment of federal land policy and management 
     act.--A claimant that fulfills the requirements of this 
     section and section 10102 shall be deemed to satisfy the 
     requirements of any provision of the Federal Land Policy and 
     Management Act that requires the payment of fair market value 
     to the United States for use of public lands and resources 
     relating to use of such lands and resources authorized by the 
     general mining laws.
       ``(3) Savings clause.--Nothing in this subsection may be 
     construed to diminish the rights of entry, use, and 
     occupancy, or any other right, of a claimant under the 
     general mining laws.''.


       (a) In General.--Section 7002(a)(3)(B)(i) of the Energy Act 
     of 2020 (30 U.S.C. 1606(a)(3)(B)(i)) is amended to read as 
       ``(i) oil, oil shale, coal, or natural gas;''.
       (b) Update.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the 
     enactment of this section, the Secretary, acting through the 
     Director of the United States Geological Survey, shall 
     publish in the Federal Register an update to the final list 
     established in section 7002(c)(3) of the Energy Act of 2020 
     (30 U.S.C. 1606(c)(3)) in accordance with subsection (a) of 
     this section.
       (c) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the 
     enactment of this section, the Secretary, acting through the 
     Director of the United States Geological Survey, in 
     consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall submit to 
     the appropriate committees of Congress a report that includes 
     the following:
       (1) The current status of uranium deposits in the United 
     States with respect to the amount and quality of uranium 
     contained in such deposits.
       (2) A comparison of the United States to the rest of the 
     world with respect to the amount and quality of uranium 
     contained in uranium deposits.
       (3) Policy considerations, including potential challenges, 
     of utilizing the uranium from the deposits described in 
     paragraph (1).

                   FEDERAL LANDS.

       A mining claimant shall be barred from the right to use, 
     occupy, and conduct operations on Federal land if the 
     Secretary of the Interior finds the claimant has a foreign 
     parent company that has (including through a subsidiary)--
       (1) a known record of human rights violations; or
       (2) knowingly operated an illegal mine in another country.


       (a) Definition of Covered Project.--Section 41001(6)(A) of 
     the FAST Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)(A)) is amended--
       (1) in clause (iii)(III), by striking ``; or'' and 
     inserting ``;'';
       (2) in clause (iv)(II), by striking the period at the end 
     and inserting ``; or''; and
       (3) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(v) is related to the extraction, recovery, or processing 
     from coal, coal waste, coal processing waste, pre-or post-
     combustion coal byproducts, or acid mine drainage from coal 
     mines of--

       ``(I) critical minerals (as such term is defined in section 
     7002 of the Energy Act of 2020);
       ``(II) rare earth elements; or
       ``(III) microfine carbon or carbon from coal.''.

       (b) Report.--Not later than 6 months after the date of 
     enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall 
     submit to the Committees on Energy and Natural Resources and 
     Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the 
     Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Natural 
     Resources, and Energy and Commerce of the House of 
     Representatives a report evaluating the timeliness of 
     implementation of reforms of the permitting process required 
     as a result of the amendments made by this section on the 
       (1) The economic and national security of the United 
       (2) Domestic production and supply of critical minerals, 
     rare earths, and microfine carbon or carbon from coal.


       (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
     enactment of this Act, the United States Geological Survey, 
     in consultation with the Secretaries of Defense, Energy, and 
     State, shall--
       (1) identify mineral commodities that--
       (A) serve a critical purpose to the national security of 
     the United States, including with respect to military, 
     defense, and strategic mobility applications; and
       (B) are at highest risk of supply chain disruption due to 
     the domestic or global actions of any covered entity, 
     including price-fixing, systemic acquisition and control of 
     global mineral resources and processing, refining, and 
     smelting capacity, and undercutting the fair market value of 
     such resources; and
       (2) develop a national strategy for bolstering supply 
     chains in the United States for the mineral commodities 
     identified under paragraph (1), including through the 
     enactment of new national policies and the utilization of 
     current authorities, to increase capacity and efficiency of 
     domestic mining, refining, processing, and manufacturing of 
     such mineral commodities.
       (b) Covered Entity.--In this section, the term ``covered 
     entity'' means an entity that--
       (1) is subject to the jurisdiction or direction of the 
     People's Republic of China;
       (2) is directly or indirectly operating on behalf of the 
     People's Republic of China; or
       (3) is owned by, directly or indirectly controlled by, or 
     otherwise subject to the influence of the People's Republic 
     of China.

                 Subtitle D--Federal Land Use Planning


       (a) Resource Assessments Required.--Federal lands and 
     waters may not be withdrawn from entry under the mining laws 
     or operation of the mineral leasing and mineral materials 
     laws unless--
       (1) a quantitative and qualitative geophysical and 
     geological mineral resource assessment of the impacted area 
     has been completed during the 10-year period ending on the 
     date of such withdrawal;
       (2) the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
     Commerce, the Secretary of Energy, and the Secretary of 
     Defense, conducts an assessment of the economic, energy, 
     strategic, and national security value of mineral deposits 
     identified in such mineral resource assessment;
       (3) the Secretary conducts an assessment of the reduction 
     in future Federal revenues to the Treasury, States, the Land 
     and Water Conservation Fund, the Historic Preservation Fund, 
     and the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration 
     Fund resulting from the proposed mineral withdrawal;
       (4) the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
     Defense, conducts an assessment of military readiness and 
     training activities in the proposed withdrawal area; and
       (5) the Secretary submits a report to the Committees on 
     Natural Resources, Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and 
     Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the 
     Committees on Energy and Natural Resources, Agriculture, and 
     Foreign Affairs of the Senate, that includes the results of 
     the assessments completed pursuant to this subsection.
       (b) Land Use Plans.--Before a resource management plan 
     under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 
     U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) or a forest management plan under the 
     National Forest Management Act is updated or completed, the 
     Secretary or Secretary of Agriculture, as applicable, in 
     consultation with the Director of the United States 
     Geological Survey, shall--
       (1) review any quantitative and qualitative mineral 
     resource assessment that was completed or updated during the 
     10-year period ending on the date that the applicable land 
     management agency publishes a notice to prepare, revise, or 
     amend a land use plan by the Director of the United States 
     Geological Survey for the geographic area affected by the 
     applicable management plan;
       (2) the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
     Commerce, the Secretary of Energy, and the Secretary of 
     Defense, conducts an assessment of the economic, energy, 
     strategic, and national security value of mineral deposits 
     identified in such mineral resource assessment; and
       (3) submit a report to the Committees on Natural Resources, 
     Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and Foreign Affairs of the 
     House of Representatives and the Committees on Energy and 
     Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foreign Affairs of the 
     Senate, that includes the results of the assessment completed 
     pursuant to this subsection.
       (c) New Information.--The Secretary shall provide 
     recommendations to the President on appropriate measures to 
     reduce unnecessary impacts that a withdrawal of Federal lands 
     or waters from entry under the mining laws or operation of 
     the mineral leasing and mineral materials laws may have on 
     mineral exploration, development, and other mineral 
     activities (including authorizing exploration and development 
     of such mineral deposits) not later than 180 days after the 
     Secretary has notice that a resource assessment completed by 
     the Director of the United States Geological Survey, in 
     coordination with the State geological surveys, determines 
     that a previously undiscovered mineral deposit may be present 
     in an area that has been withdrawn from entry under the 
     mining laws or operation of the mineral leasing and mineral 
     materials laws pursuant to--
       (1) section 204 of the Federal Land Policy and Management 
     Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1714); or
       (2) chapter 3203 of title 54, United States Code.

                   CERTAIN FEDERAL LAND.

       (a) Prohibitions.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
     law, the President shall not carry out any action that would 
     pause, restrict, or delay the process for or issuance

[[Page H2009]]

     of any of the following on Federal land, unless such lands 
     are withdrawn from disposition under the mineral leasing 
     laws, including by administrative withdrawal:
       (1) New oil and gas lease sales, oil and gas leases, drill 
     permits, or associated approvals or authorizations of any 
     kind associated with oil and gas leases.
       (2) New coal leases (including leases by application in 
     process, renewals, modifications, or expansions of existing 
     leases), permits, approvals, or authorizations.
       (3) New leases, claims, permits, approvals, or 
     authorizations for development or exploration of minerals.
       (b) Prohibition on Rescission of Leases, Permits, or 
     Claims.--The President, the Secretary, or Secretary of 
     Agriculture as applicable, may not rescind any existing 
     lease, permit, or claim for the extraction and production of 
     any mineral under the mining laws or mineral leasing and 
     mineral materials laws on National Forest System land or land 
     under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, 
     unless specifically authorized by Federal statute, or upon 
     the lessee, permittee, or claimant's failure to comply with 
     any of the provisions of the applicable lease, permit, or 
       (c) Mineral Defined.--In subsection (a)(3), the term 
     ``mineral'' means any mineral of a kind that is locatable 
     (including such minerals located on ``lands acquired by the 
     United States'', as such term is defined in section 2 of the 
     Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands) under the Act of May 
     10, 1872 (Chapter 152; 17 Stat. 91).

     SEC. 20403. DEFINITIONS.

       In this subtitle:
       (1) Federal land.--The term ``Federal land'' means--
       (A) National Forest System land;
       (B) public lands (as defined in section 103 of the Federal 
     Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1702));
       (C) the outer Continental Shelf (as defined in section 2 of 
     the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331)); and
       (D) land managed by the Secretary of Energy.
       (2) President.--The term ``President'' means--
       (A) the President; and
       (B) any designee of the President, including--
       (i) the Secretary of Agriculture;
       (ii) the Secretary of Commerce;
       (iii) the Secretary of Energy; and
       (iv) the Secretary of the Interior.
       (3) Previously undiscovered deposit.--The term ``previously 
     undiscovered mineral deposit'' means--
       (A) a mineral deposit that has been previously evaluated by 
     the United States Geological Survey and found to be of low 
     mineral potential, but upon subsequent evaluation is 
     determined by the United States Geological Survey to have 
     significant mineral potential; or
       (B) a mineral deposit that has not previously been 
     evaluated by the United States Geological Survey.
       (4) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
     of the Interior.

         Subtitle E--Ensuring Competitiveness on Federal Lands


       (a) Offshore Oil and Gas Royalty Rate.--Section 8(a)(1) of 
     the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(1)) 
     is amended--
       (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``not less than 16\2/
     3\ percent, but not more than 18\3/4\ percent, during the 10-
     year period beginning on the date of enactment of the Act 
     titled `An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to 
     title II of S. Con. Res. 14', and not less than 16\2/3\ 
     percent thereafter,'' each place it appears and inserting 
     ``not less than 12.5 percent'';
       (2) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``not less than 16\2/
     3\ percent, but not more than 18\3/4\ percent, during the 10-
     year period beginning on the date of enactment of the Act 
     titled `An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to 
     title II of S. Con. Res. 14', and not less than 16\2/3\ 
     percent thereafter,'' each place it appears and inserting 
     ``not less than 12.5 percent'';
       (3) in subparagraph (F), by striking ``not less than 16\2/
     3\ percent, but not more than 18\3/4\ percent, during the 10-
     year period beginning on the date of enactment of the Act 
     titled `An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to 
     title II of S. Con. Res. 14', and not less than 16\2/3\ 
     percent thereafter,'' and inserting ``not less than 12.5 
     percent''; and
       (4) in subparagraph (H), by striking ``not less than 16\2/
     3\ percent, but not more than 18\3/4\ percent, during the 10-
     year period beginning on the date of enactment of the Act 
     titled `An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to 
     title II of S. Con. Res. 14', and not less than 16\2/3\ 
     percent thereafter,'' and inserting ``not less than 12.5 
       (b) Mineral Leasing Act.--
       (1) Onshore oil and gas royalty rates.--
       (A) Lease of oil and gas land.--Section 17 of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is amended--
       (i) in subsection (b)(1)(A)--

       (I) by striking ``not less than 16\2/3\'' and inserting 
     ``not less than 12.5''; and
       (II) by striking ``or, in the case of a lease issued during 
     the 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of the 
     Act titled `An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to 
     title II of S. Con. Res. 14', 16\2/3\ percent in amount or 
     value of the production removed or sold from the lease''; and

       (ii) by striking ``16\2/3\ percent'' each place it appears 
     and inserting ``12.5 percent''.
       (B) Conditions for reinstatement.--Section 31(e)(3) of the 
     Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 188(e)(3)) is amended by 
     striking ``20'' inserting ``16\2/3\''.
       (2) Oil and gas minimum bid.--Section 17(b) of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(b)) is amended--
       (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``$10 per acre during 
     the 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of the 
     Act titled `An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to 
     title II of S. Con. Res. 14'.'' and inserting ``$2 per acre 
     for a period of 2 years from the date of the enactment of the 
     Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of 1987.''; 
       (B) in paragraph (2)(C), by striking ``$10 per acre'' and 
     inserting ``$2 per acre''.
       (3) Fossil fuel rental rates.--Section 17(d) of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(d)) is amended to read as follows:
       ``(d) All leases issued under this section, as amended by 
     the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of 1987, 
     shall be conditioned upon payment by the lessee of a rental 
     of not less than $1.50 per acre per year for the first 
     through fifth years of the lease and not less than $2 per 
     acre per year for each year thereafter. A minimum royalty in 
     lieu of rental of not less than the rental which otherwise 
     would be required for that lease year shall be payable at the 
     expiration of each lease year beginning on or after a 
     discovery of oil or gas in paying quantities on the lands 
       (4) Expression of interest fee.--Section 17 of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is further amended by repealing 
     subsection (q).
       (5) Elimination of noncompetitive leasing.--Section 17 of 
     the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is further amended--
       (A) in subsection (b)--
       (i) in paragraph (1)(A)--

       (I) in the first sentence, by striking ``paragraph (2)'' 
     and inserting ``paragraphs (2) and (3)''; and
       (II) by adding at the end ``Lands for which no bids are 
     received or for which the highest bid is less than the 
     national minimum acceptable bid shall be offered promptly 
     within 30 days for leasing under subsection (c) of this 
     section and shall remain available for leasing for a period 
     of 2 years after the competitive lease sale.''; and

       (ii) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(3)(A) If the United States held a vested future interest 
     in a mineral estate that, immediately prior to becoming a 
     vested present interest, was subject to a lease under which 
     oil or gas was being produced, or had a well capable of 
     producing, in paying quantities at an annual average 
     production volume per well per day of either not more than 15 
     barrels per day of oil or condensate, or not more than 60,000 
     cubic feet of gas, the holder of the lease may elect to 
     continue the lease as a noncompetitive lease under subsection 
       ``(B) An election under this paragraph is effective--
       ``(i) in the case of an interest which vested after January 
     1, 1990, and on or before October 24, 1992, if the election 
     is made before the date that is 1 year after October 24, 
       ``(ii) in the case of an interest which vests within 1 year 
     after October 24, 1992, if the election is made before the 
     date that is 2 years after October 24, 1992; and
       ``(iii) in any case other than those described in clause 
     (i) or (ii), if the election is made prior to the interest 
     becoming a vested present interest.'';
       (B) by striking subsection (c) and inserting the following:
       ``(c) Lands Subject to Leasing Under Subsection (b); First 
     Qualified Applicant.--
       ``(1) If the lands to be leased are not leased under 
     subsection (b)(1) of this section or are not subject to 
     competitive leasing under subsection (b)(2) of this section, 
     the person first making application for the lease who is 
     qualified to hold a lease under this chapter shall be 
     entitled to a lease of such lands without competitive 
     bidding, upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of 
     at least $75. A lease under this subsection shall be 
     conditioned upon the payment of a royalty at a rate of 12.5 
     percent in amount or value of the production removed or sold 
     from the lease. Leases shall be issued within 60 days of the 
     date on which the Secretary identifies the first responsible 
     qualified applicant.
       ``(2)(A) Lands (i) which were posted for sale under 
     subsection (b)(1) of this section but for which no bids were 
     received or for which the highest bid was less than the 
     national minimum acceptable bid and (ii) for which, at the 
     end of the period referred to in subsection (b)(1) of this 
     section no lease has been issued and no lease application is 
     pending under paragraph (1) of this subsection, shall again 
     be available for leasing only in accordance with subsection 
     (b)(1) of this section.
       ``(B) The land in any lease which is issued under paragraph 
     (1) of this subsection or under subsection (b)(1) of this 
     section which lease terminates, expires, is cancelled or is 
     relinquished shall again be available for leasing only in 
     accordance with subsection (b)(1) of this section.''; and
       (C) by striking subsection (e) and inserting the following:
       ``(e) Primary Term.--Competitive and noncompetitive leases 
     issued under this section shall be for a primary term of 10 
     years: Provided, however, That competitive leases issued in 
     special tar sand areas shall also be for a primary term of 10 
     years. Each such

[[Page H2010]]

     lease shall continue so long after its primary term as oil or 
     gas is produced in paying quantities. Any lease issued under 
     this section for land on which, or for which under an 
     approved cooperative or unit plan of development or 
     operation, actual drilling operations were commenced prior to 
     the end of its primary term and are being diligently 
     prosecuted at that time shall be extended for two years and 
     so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying 
       (6) Conforming amendments.--Section 31 of the Mineral 
     Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 188) is amended--
       (A) in subsection (d)(1), by striking ``section 17(b)'' and 
     inserting ``subsection (b) or (c) of section 17 of this 
       (B) in subsection (e)--
       (i) in paragraph (2)--

       (I) insert ``either'' after ``rentals and''; and
       (II) insert ``or the inclusion in a reinstated lease issued 
     pursuant to the provisions of section 17(c) of this Act of a 
     requirement that future rentals shall be at a rate not less 
     than $5 per acre per year, all'' before ``as determined by 
     the Secretary''; and

       (ii) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows:
       ``(3)(A) payment of back royalties and the inclusion in a 
     reinstated lease issued pursuant to the provisions of section 
     17(b) of this Act of a requirement for future royalties at a 
     rate of not less than 16\2/3\ percent computed on a sliding 
     scale based upon the average production per well per day, at 
     a rate which shall be not less than 4 percentage points 
     greater than the competitive royalty schedule then in force 
     and used for royalty determination for competitive leases 
     issued pursuant to such section as determined by the 
     Secretary: Provided, That royalty on such reinstated lease 
     shall be paid on all production removed or sold from such 
     lease subsequent to the termination of the original lease;
       ``(B) payment of back royalties and inclusion in a 
     reinstated lease issued pursuant to the provisions of section 
     17(c) of this Act of a requirement for future royalties at a 
     rate not less than 16\2/3\ percent: Provided, That royalty on 
     such reinstated lease shall be paid on all production removed 
     or sold from such lease subsequent to the cancellation or 
     termination of the original lease; and'';
       (C) in subsection (f)--
       (i) in paragraph (1), strike ``in the same manner as the 
     original lease issued pursuant to section 17'' and insert 
     ``as a competitive or a noncompetitive oil and gas lease in 
     the same manner as the original lease issued pursuant to 
     subsection (b) or (c) of section 17 of this Act'';
       (ii) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraph 
     (3) and (4), respectively; and
       (iii) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:
       ``(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the 
     issuance of a lease in lieu of an abandoned patented oil 
     placer mining claim shall be treated as a noncompetitive oil 
     and gas lease issued pursuant to section 17(c) of this 
       (D) in subsection (g), by striking ``subsection (d)'' and 
     inserting ``subsections (d) and (f)'';
       (E) by amending subsection (h) to read as follows:
       ``(h) Royalty Reductions.--
       ``(1) In acting on a petition to issue a noncompetitive oil 
     and gas lease, under subsection (f) of this section or in 
     response to a request filed after issuance of such a lease, 
     or both, the Secretary is authorized to reduce the royalty on 
     such lease if in his judgment it is equitable to do so or the 
     circumstances warrant such relief due to uneconomic or other 
     circumstances which could cause undue hardship or premature 
     termination of production.
       ``(2) In acting on a petition for reinstatement pursuant to 
     subsection (d) of this section or in response to a request 
     filed after reinstatement, or both, the Secretary is 
     authorized to reduce the royalty in that reinstated lease on 
     the entire leasehold or any tract or portion thereof 
     segregated for royalty purposes if, in his judgment, there 
     are uneconomic or other circumstances which could cause undue 
     hardship or premature termination of production; or because 
     of any written action of the United States, its agents or 
     employees, which preceded, and was a major consideration in, 
     the lessee's expenditure of funds to develop the property 
     under the lease after the rent had become due and had not 
     been paid; or if in the judgment of the Secretary it is 
     equitable to do so for any reason.'';
       (F) by redesignating subsections (f) through (i) as 
     subsections (g) through (j), respectively; and
       (G) by inserting after subsection (e) the following:
       ``(f) Issuance of Noncompetitive Oil and Gas Lease; 
     Conditions.--Where an unpatented oil placer mining claim 
     validly located prior to February 24, 1920, which has been or 
     is currently producing or is capable of producing oil or gas, 
     has been or is hereafter deemed conclusively abandoned for 
     failure to file timely the required instruments or copies of 
     instruments required by section 1744 of title 43, and it is 
     shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such failure 
     was inadvertent, justifiable, or not due to lack of 
     reasonable diligence on the part of the owner, the Secretary 
     may issue, for the lands covered by the abandoned unpatented 
     oil placer mining claim, a noncompetitive oil and gas lease, 
     consistent with the provisions of section 17(e) of this Act, 
     to be effective from the statutory date the claim was deemed 
     conclusively abandoned. Issuance of such a lease shall be 
     conditioned upon:
       ``(1) a petition for issuance of a noncompetitive oil and 
     gas lease, together with the required rental and royalty, 
     including back rental and royalty accruing from the statutory 
     date of abandonment of the oil placer mining claim, being 
     filed with the Secretary- (A) with respect to any claim 
     deemed conclusively abandoned on or before January 12, 1983, 
     on or before the one hundred and twentieth day after January 
     12, 1983, or (B) with respect to any claim deemed 
     conclusively abandoned after January 12, 1983, on or before 
     the one hundred and twentieth day after final notification by 
     the Secretary or a court of competent jurisdiction of the 
     determination of the abandonment of the oil placer mining 
       ``(2) a valid lease not having been issued affecting any of 
     the lands covered by the abandoned oil placer mining claim 
     prior to the filing of such petition: Provided, however, That 
     after the filing of a petition for issuance of a lease under 
     this subsection, the Secretary shall not issue any new lease 
     affecting any of the lands covered by such abandoned oil 
     placer mining claim for a reasonable period, as determined in 
     accordance with regulations issued by him;
       ``(3) a requirement in the lease for payment of rental, 
     including back rentals accruing from the statutory date of 
     abandonment of the oil placer mining claim, of not less than 
     $5 per acre per year;
       ``(4) a requirement in the lease for payment of royalty on 
     production removed or sold from the oil placer mining claim, 
     including all royalty on production made subsequent to the 
     statutory date the claim was deemed conclusively abandoned, 
     of not less than 12\1/2\ percent; and
       ``(5) compliance with the notice and reimbursement of costs 
     provisions of paragraph (4) of subsection (e) but addressed 
     to the petition covering the conversion of an abandoned 
     unpatented oil placer mining claim to a noncompetitive oil 
     and gas lease.''.

                   Subtitle F--Energy Revenue Sharing


       (a) Distribution of Outer Continental Shelf Revenue to Gulf 
     Producing States.--Section 105 of the Gulf of Mexico Energy 
     Security Act of 2006 (43 U.S.C. 1331 note) is amended--
       (1) in subsection (a)--
       (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``50'' and inserting 
     ``37.5''; and
       (B) in paragraph (2)--
       (i) by striking ``50'' and inserting ``62.5'';
       (ii) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``75'' and inserting 
     ``80''; and
       (iii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``25'' and inserting 
     ``20''; and
       (2) by striking subsection (f) and inserting the following:
       ``(f) Treatment of Amounts.--Amounts disbursed to a Gulf 
     producing State under this section shall be treated as 
     revenue sharing and not as a Federal award or grant for the 
     purposes of part 200 of title 2, Code of Federal 
       (b) Exemption of Certain Payments From Sequestration.--
       (1) In general.--Section 255(g)(1)(A) of the Balanced 
     Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 
     905(g)(1)(A)) is amended by inserting after ``Payments to 
     Social Security Trust Funds (28-0404-0-1-651).'' the 
       ``Payments to States pursuant to section 105(a)(2)(A) of 
     the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (Public Law 
     109-432; 43 U.S.C. 1331 note) (014-5535-0-2-302).''.
       (2) Applicability.--The amendment made by this subsection 
     shall apply to any sequestration order issued under the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 
     U.S.C. 900 et seq.) on or after the date of enactment of this 


       (a) Payments and Revenues.--Section 8(p)(2) of the Outer 
     Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(p)(2)) is 
       (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``(A) The Secretary'' 
     and inserting the following:
       ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraphs (B) and (C), 
     the Secretary'';
       (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``(B) The Secretary'' 
     and inserting the following:
       ``(B) Disposition of revenues for projects located within 3 
     nautical miles seaward of state submerged land.--The 
     Secretary''; and
       (3) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(C) Disposition of revenues for offshore wind projects in 
     certain areas.--
       ``(i) Definitions.--In this subparagraph:

       ``(I) Covered offshore wind project.--The term `covered 
     offshore wind project' means a wind powered electric 
     generation project in a wind energy area on the outer 
     Continental Shelf that is not wholly or partially located 
     within an area subject to subparagraph (B).
       ``(II) Eligible state.--The term `eligible State' means a 
     State a point on the coastline of which is located within 75 
     miles of the geographic center of a covered offshore wind 
       ``(III) Qualified outer continental shelf revenues.--The 
     term `qualified outer Continental Shelf revenues' means all 
     royalties, fees, rentals, bonuses, or other payments from 
     covered offshore wind projects carried out pursuant to this 
     subsection on or after the date of enactment of this 

       ``(ii) Requirement.--

[[Page H2011]]

       ``(I) In general.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall 

       ``(aa) 12.5 percent of qualified outer Continental Shelf 
     revenues in the general fund of the Treasury;
       ``(bb) 37.5 percent of qualified outer Continental Shelf 
     revenues in the North American Wetlands Conservation Fund; 
       ``(cc) 50 percent of qualified outer Continental Shelf 
     revenues in a special account in the Treasury from which the 
     Secretary shall disburse to each eligible State an amount 
     determined pursuant to subclause (II).

       ``(II) Allocation.--

       ``(aa) In general.--Subject to item (bb), for each fiscal 
     year beginning after the date of enactment of this 
     subparagraph, the amount made available under subclause 
     (I)(cc) shall be allocated to each eligible State in amounts 
     (based on a formula established by the Secretary by 
     regulation) that are inversely proportional to the respective 
     distances between the point on the coastline of each eligible 
     State that is closest to the geographic center of the 
     applicable leased tract and the geographic center of the 
     leased tract.
       ``(bb) Minimum allocation.--The amount allocated to an 
     eligible State each fiscal year under item (aa) shall be at 
     least 10 percent of the amounts made available under 
     subclause (I)(cc).
       ``(cc) Payments to coastal political subdivisions.--
       ``(AA) In general.--The Secretary shall pay 20 percent of 
     the allocable share of each eligible State, as determined 
     pursuant to item (aa), to the coastal political subdivisions 
     of the eligible State.
       ``(BB) Allocation.--The amount paid by the Secretary to 
     coastal political subdivisions under subitem (AA) shall be 
     allocated to each coastal political subdivision in accordance 
     with subparagraphs (B) and (C) of section 31(b)(4) of this 
       ``(iii) Timing.--The amounts required to be deposited under 
     subclause (I) of clause (ii) for the applicable fiscal year 
     shall be made available in accordance with such subclause 
     during the fiscal year immediately following the applicable 
     fiscal year.
       ``(iv) Authorized uses.--

       ``(I) In general.--Subject to subclause (II), each eligible 
     State shall use all amounts received under clause (ii)(II) in 
     accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws, only 
     for 1 or more of the following purposes:

       ``(aa) Projects and activities for the purposes of coastal 
     protection and resiliency, including conservation, coastal 
     restoration, estuary management, beach nourishment, hurricane 
     and flood protection, and infrastructure directly affected by 
     coastal wetland losses.
       ``(bb) Mitigation of damage to fish, wildlife, or natural 
     resources, including through fisheries science and research.
       ``(cc) Implementation of a federally approved marine, 
     coastal, or comprehensive conservation management plan.
       ``(dd) Mitigation of the impact of outer Continental Shelf 
     activities through the funding of onshore infrastructure 
       ``(ee) Planning assistance and the administrative costs of 
     complying with this section.
       ``(ff) Infrastructure improvements at ports, including 
     modifications to Federal navigation channels, to support 
     installation of offshore wind energy projects.

       ``(II) Limitation.--Of the amounts received by an eligible 
     State under clause (ii)(II), not more than 3 percent shall be 
     used for the purposes described in subclause (I)(ee).

       ``(v) Administration.--Subject to clause (vi)(III), amounts 
     made available under items (aa) and (cc) of clause (ii)(I) 

       ``(I) be made available, without further appropriation, in 
     accordance with this subparagraph;
       ``(II) remain available until expended; and
       ``(III) be in addition to any amount appropriated under any 
     other Act.

       ``(vi) Reporting requirement.--

       ``(I) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the end of 
     each fiscal year, the Governor of each eligible State that 
     receives amounts under clause (ii)(II) for the applicable 
     fiscal year shall submit to the Secretary a report that 
     describes the use of the amounts by the eligible State during 
     the period covered by the report.
       ``(II) Public availability.--On receipt of a report 
     submitted under subclause (I), the Secretary shall make the 
     report available to the public on the website of the 
     Department of the Interior.
       ``(III) Limitation.--If the Governor of an eligible State 
     that receives amounts under clause (ii)(II) fails to submit 
     the report required under subclause (I) by the deadline 
     specified in that subclause, any amounts that would otherwise 
     be provided to the eligible State under clause (ii)(II) for 
     the succeeding fiscal year shall be deposited in the 

       ``(vii) Treatment of amounts.--Amounts disbursed to an 
     eligible State under this subsection shall be treated as 
     revenue sharing and not as a Federal award or grant for the 
     purposes of part 200 of title 2, Code of Federal 
       (b) Wind Lease Sales for Areas of the Outer Continental 
     Shelf Offshore of Territories of the United States.--Section 
     33 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1356c) 
     is amended by adding at the end the following:
       ``(b) Wind Lease Sale Procedure.--Any wind lease granted 
     pursuant to this section shall be considered a wind lease 
     granted under section 8(p), including for purposes of the 
     disposition of revenues pursuant to subparagraphs (B) and (C) 
     of section 8(p)(2).''.
       (c) Exemption of Certain Payments From Sequestration.--
       (1) In general.--Section 255(g)(1)(A) of the Balanced 
     Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 
     905(g)(1)(A)) is amended by inserting after ``Payments to 
     Social Security Trust Funds (28-0404-0-1-651).'' the 
       ``Payments to States pursuant to subparagraph 
     (C)(ii)(I)(cc) of section 8(p)(2) of the Outer Continental 
     Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(p)(2)).''.
       (2) Applicability.--The amendment made by this subsection 
     shall apply to any sequestration order issued under the 
     Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 
     U.S.C. 900 et seq.) on or after the date of enactment of this 

                   MINERAL LEASING ACT.

       (a) In General.--Section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 
     U.S.C. 191) is amended--
       (1) in subsection (a), in the first sentence, by striking 
     ``and, subject to the provisions of subsection (b),'';
       (2) by striking subsection (b);
       (3) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as subsections 
     (b) and (c), respectively;
       (4) in paragraph (3)(B)(ii) of subsection (b) (as so 
     redesignated), by striking ``subsection (d)'' and inserting 
     ``subsection (c)''; and
       (5) in paragraph (3)(A)(ii) of subsection (c) (as so 
     redesignated), by striking ``subsection (c)(2)(B)'' and 
     inserting ``subsection (b)(2)(B)''.
       (b) Conforming Amendments.--
       (1) Section 6(a) of the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired 
     Lands (30 U.S.C. 355(a)) is amended--
       (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``Subject to the 
     provisions of section 35(b) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 
     U.S.C. 191(b)), all'' and inserting ``All''; and
       (B) in the second sentence, by striking ``of the Act of 
     February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 450; 30 U.S.C. 191),'' and 
     inserting ``of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191)''.
       (2) Section 20(a) of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 
     U.S.C. 1019(a)) is amended, in the second sentence of the 
     matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``the provisions 
     of subsection (b) of section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act 
     (30 U.S.C. 191(b)) and section 5(a)(2) of this Act'' and 
     inserting ``section 5(a)(2)''.
       (3) Section 205(f) of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty 
     Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1735(f)) is amended--
       (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``this Section'' and 
     inserting ``this section''; and
       (B) by striking the fourth, fifth, and sixth sentences.

     SEC. 20604. SUNSET.

       This subtitle, and the amendments made by this subtitle, 
     shall cease to have effect on September 30, 2032, and on such 
     date the provisions of law amended by this subtitle shall be 
     restored or revived as if this subtitle had not been enacted.


     SEC. 30001. SHORT TITLE.

       This title may be cited as the ``Water Quality 
     Certification and Energy Project Improvement Act of 2023''.


       Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 
     U.S.C. 1341) is amended--
       (1) in subsection (a)--
       (A) in paragraph (1)--
       (i) in the first sentence, by striking ``may result'' and 
     inserting ``may directly result'';
       (ii) in the second sentence, by striking ``activity'' and 
     inserting ``discharge'';
       (iii) in the third sentence, by striking ``applications'' 
     each place it appears and inserting ``requests'';
       (iv) in the fifth sentence, by striking ``act on'' and 
     inserting ``grant or deny''; and
       (v) by inserting after the fourth sentence the following: 
     ``Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of the 
     Water Quality Certification and Energy Project Improvement 
     Act of 2023, each State and interstate agency that has 
     authority to give such a certification, and the 
     Administrator, shall publish requirements for certification 
     to demonstrate to such State, such interstate agency, or the 
     Administrator, as the case may be, compliance with the 
     applicable provisions of sections 301, 302, 303, 306, and 
     307. A decision to grant or deny a request for certification 
     shall be based only on the applicable provisions of sections 
     301, 302, 303, 306, and 307, and the grounds for the decision 
     shall be set forth in writing and provided to the applicant. 
     Not later than 90 days after receipt of a request for 
     certification, the State, interstate agency, or 
     Administrator, as the case may be, shall identify in writing 
     all specific additional materials or information that are 
     necessary to grant or deny the request.'';
       (B) in paragraph (2)--
       (i) in the second sentence, by striking ``notice of 
     application for such Federal license or permit'' and 
     inserting ``receipt of a notice under the preceding 
       (ii) in the third sentence, by striking ``any water quality 
     requirement'' and inserting ``any applicable provision of 
     section 301, 302, 303, 306, or 307'';
       (iii) in the fifth sentence, by striking ``insure 
     compliance with applicable water quality requirements.'' and 
     inserting ``ensure compliance with the applicable provisions 
     of sections 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307.'';

[[Page H2012]]

       (iv) in the final sentence, by striking ``insure'' and 
     inserting ``ensure''; and
       (v) by striking the first sentence and inserting ``On 
     receipt of a request for certification, the certifying State 
     or interstate agency, as applicable, shall immediately notify 
     the Administrator of the request.'';
       (C) in paragraph (3), in the second sentence, by striking 
     ``section'' and inserting ``any applicable provision of 
       (D) in paragraph (4)--
       (i) in the first sentence, by striking ``applicable 
     effluent limitations or other limitations or other applicable 
     water quality requirements will not be violated'' and 
     inserting ``no applicable provision of section 301, 302, 303, 
     306, or 307 will be violated'';
       (ii) in the second sentence, by striking ``will violate 
     applicable effluent limitations or other limitations or other 
     water quality requirements'' and inserting ``will directly 
     result in a discharge that violates an applicable provision 
     of section 301, 302, 303, 306, or 307,''; and
       (iii) in the third sentence, by striking ``such facility or 
     activity will not violate the applicable provisions'' and 
     inserting ``operation of such facility or activity will not 
     directly result in a discharge that violates any applicable 
     provision''; and
       (E) in paragraph (5), by striking ``the applicable 
     provisions'' and inserting ``any applicable provision'';
       (2) in subsection (d), by striking ``any applicable 
     effluent limitations and other limitations, under section 301 
     or 302 of this Act, standard of performance under section 306 
     of this Act, or prohibition, effluent standard, or 
     pretreatment standard under section 307 of this Act, and with 
     any other appropriate requirement of State law set forth in 
     such certification, and'' and inserting ``the applicable 
     provisions of sections 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307, and any 
     such limitations or requirements''; and
       (3) by adding at the end the following:
       ``(e) For purposes of this section, the applicable 
     provisions of sections 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307 are any 
     applicable effluent limitations and other limitations, under 
     section 301 or 302, standard of performance under section 
     306, prohibition, effluent standard, or pretreatment standard 
     under section 307, and requirement of State law implementing 
     water quality criteria under section 303 necessary to support 
     the designated use or uses of the receiving navigable 


       Section 402(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act 
     (33 U.S.C. 1342(a)) is amended by adding at the end the 
       ``(6)(A) The Administrator is authorized to issue general 
     permits under this section for discharges of similar types 
     from similar sources.
       ``(B) The Administrator may require submission of a notice 
     of intent to be covered under a general permit issued under 
     this section, including additional information that the 
     Administrator determines necessary.
       ``(C) If a general permit issued under this section will 
     expire and the Administrator decides not to issue a new 
     general permit for discharges similar to those covered by the 
     expiring general permit, the Administrator shall publish in 
     the Federal Register a notice of such decision at least two 
     years prior to the expiration of the general permit.
       ``(D) If a general permit issued under this section expires 
     and the Administrator has not published a notice in 
     accordance with subparagraph (C), until such time as the 
     Administrator issues a new general permit for discharges 
     similar to those covered by the expired general permit, the 
     Administrator shall--
       ``(i) continue to apply the terms, conditions, and 
     requirements of the expired general permit to any discharge 
     that was covered by the expired general permit; and
       ``(ii) apply such terms, conditions, and requirements to 
     any discharge that would have been covered by the expired 
     general permit (in accordance with any relevant requirements 
     for such coverage) if the discharge had occurred before such 



       (a) Suspension.--Section 3101(b) of title 31, United States 
     Code, shall not apply during the period beginning on the date 
     of the enactment of this Act and ending on the applicable 
       (b) Dollar Limitation on Suspension.--Subsection (a) shall 
     not apply to the extent that the application of such 
     subsection would result in the face amount of obligations 
     subject to limitation under section 3101(b) of title 31, 
     United States Code, to exceed the sum of--
       (1) the dollar limitation in effect under such section on 
     the date of the enactment of this Act, increased by
       (2) $1,500,000,000,000.
       (c) Applicable Date.--For purposes of this section, the 
     term ``applicable date'' means the earlier of--
       (1) March 31, 2024, or
       (2) the first date on which subsection (a) does not apply 
     by reason of subsection (b).
       (d) Special Rule Relating to Obligations Issued During 
     Suspension Period.--Effective as of the close of the 
     applicable date, the dollar limitation in section 3101(b) of 
     title 31, United States Code, is increased to the extent 
       (1) the face amount of obligations subject to limitation 
     under such section outstanding as of the close of the 
     applicable date, exceeds
       (2) the face amount of such obligations outstanding on the 
     date of the enactment of this Act.
     An obligation shall not be taken into account under paragraph 
     (1) unless the issuance of such obligation was necessary to 
     fund a commitment incurred by the Federal Government that 
     required payment on or before the applicable date.

  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill, as amended, shall be debatable for 
2 hours, equally divided among and controlled by the chair and ranking 
minority member of the Committee on the Budget or their respective 
designees, and the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee 
on Ways and Means or their respective designees.
  The gentleman from Texas (Mr. Arrington), the gentleman from 
Pennsylvania (Mr. Boyle), the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Smith), and 
the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Neal) each will control 30 
  The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Arrington).

                             General Leave

  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members 
have 5 legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks 
and insert extraneous material in the Record on the bill, H.R. 2811.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the 
gentleman from Texas?
  There was no objection.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may 
  Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 2811, the Limit, Save, 
Grow Act.
  Over the last 2 years, President Biden has financed his radical 
agenda and vast expansion of the Federal Government with an 
unprecedented $10 trillion in spending, $6 trillion of which has been 
added to our national debt, the highest level of deficit spending in 
the history of America.
  This unbridled spending spree has resulted in sustained record 
inflation, soaring interest rates, an economy in a recessionary 
tailspin, and a nation on the brink of a catastrophic debt crisis.
  Mr. Speaker, the fiscal state of the Nation is bleak; our national 
debt is unsustainable; and the outlook grows more uncertain every day.
  For 100 years, the debt ceiling has served as a check on our 
accumulating debt and its impact on the financial health of our Nation. 
No responsible leader can look at the rapid deterioration of our 
balance sheet and the unsustainability of our deficit spending and 
stand idly by defending the status quo.
  Mr. Speaker, this isn't a Republican problem, and it is not a 
Democrat problem. It is America's problem, and it is a mathematical 
reality that requires real leadership from both sides of the aisle 
before it is too late.
  House Republicans' debt ceiling proposal is an important first step 
to getting our fiscal house in order and a good faith effort to bring 
the President to the negotiating table.
  Our plan will reduce deficit spending, save taxpayers $4.8 trillion, 
and begin extinguishing the flames of our current cost-of-living 
  First, we limit Federal spending by reining in and rightsizing the 
Federal bureaucracy. Our bill will reduce FY24 discretionary spending 
levels by 9 percent, $130 billion, returning us to the same spending 
levels we were operating under just 4 months ago.
  Going forward, we will cap the growth of discretionary spending by 1 
percent annually over the next 10 years, reducing wasteful Washington 
spending by over $3 trillion.
  Mr. Speaker, put simply, this bill would require Washington to do 
what every American has been forced to do as a result of Biden's 
spending-induced inflation: tighten our belts and change our spending 
  Second, we save taxpayer dollars by reversing some of the Democrats' 
reckless spending, reclaiming tens of billions in unspent COVID funds, 
defunding the President's army of 87,000 IRS agents, repealing special 
interest tax breaks for the largest green energy corporations, and 
rescinding President Biden's unconstitutional student loan bailout.
  Third, this legislation will grow the economy by returning to pro-
work, pro-growth, and pro-energy policies that will unleash American 
prosperity once again. It stops the assault on U.S. energy production 
and restores American energy dominance. It reins in Biden's 
unprecedented barrage of regulations. It breaks the cycle of poverty

[[Page H2013]]

and government dependence for generations of Americans by restoring 
commonsense, Clinton-era work requirements for able-bodied adults.
  Mr. Speaker, it is time to get America back to work, turn this 
economy loose, and let the tide of prosperity lift all boats.
  We have put forward a plan worthy of the people we serve. Now, we 
must put aside political small-mindedness and rise to meet the enormous 
challenge facing our great Nation.
  If we fail to meet this moment, then we risk being the first 
generation in history to leave our children a weaker America with fewer 
opportunities and a lower standard of living.
  Let me be clear. We will pay our creditors, and we will protect the 
good faith and credit of the United States, but we will not give this 
President or any politician a blank check to bankrupt our country.
  Mr. Speaker, this is where the reckless spending stops. This is where 
we speak up for our children. This is where we fight together to save 
our country.
  Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues to support H.R. 2811, and I 
reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I 
may consume.
  Mr. Speaker, my friends on the other side of the aisle will claim 
they are being ``fiscally responsible.'' Let's be clear. There never 
has been and never will be anything fiscally responsible about refusing 
to pay America's bills. Killing millions of jobs is also not fiscally 
responsible. Neither is knowingly unleashing a recession.
  That is why even former President Trump said: ``I can't imagine 
anybody ever even thinking of using the debt ceiling as a negotiating 
  Now, I had hoped that when the Speaker referred to the budget process 
and debt ceiling as ``apples and oranges,'' it meant my friends on the 
other side finally understood the real-world ramifications of their 
reckless brinkmanship, yet here we are.

                              {time}  1430

  Republicans' DOA act, the default on America act, will cut 
investments, crush job creation, and crash the economy.
  Their default on America act must be DOA. There is no way Congress 
will agree to 10 years of destructive caps and the biggest single cut 
to nondefense programs in American history.
  For what? In exchange for a few months of respite before we would 
have to go through this debt ceiling roller coaster all over again.
  Mr. Speaker, when the American people hear what I just said, the 
biggest single cut to nondefense programs in the history of the 
American Government, they might be wondering what exactly that means.
  Well, here are some specifics:
  First, in total, we are talking about an immediate cut of at least 
$142 billion.
  That would mean, for example, public safety. After recent near-
misses, under this bill, 125 air traffic control towers would be shut 
down, impacting one-third of all airports. Following the disastrous 
derailments in eastern Ohio and West Virginia, rail safety jobs would 
be dramatically reduced, with 11,000 fewer safety inspection days and 
30,000 fewer miles of track inspected annually.
  Our communities would be less safe with the cut of Federal support to 
60 local law enforcement agencies, 300 to 400 fewer local law 
enforcement positions, as well as approximately 11,000 fewer FBI 
  On health, amid a mental health and overdose crisis, nearly 1 million 
people facing a suicidal or mental health crisis would be unable to 
access support services through the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline, 
and tens of thousands of individuals could be denied admission to 
opioid use disorder treatment.
  In terms of families and nutrition, with the looming rise of food 
insecurity, nutrition services such as Meals on Wheels would be cut for 
more than 1 million seniors.
  How can we allow this to happen?
  We simply cannot and must not.
  Now, many of us on this side of the aisle who will be speaking will 
detail even more of the cuts that are included in this DOA, default on 
America act, but for now, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my 
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, the last time we had a significant fiscal 
reform it came through debt ceiling negotiations that were led by no 
other than President Joe Biden in 2011.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1\1/2\ minutes to the gentleman from New York 
(Mr. Lawler), my good friend.
  Mr. LAWLER. Mr. Speaker, throughout this debate, I have had three 
basic parameters: The President and the majority leader must negotiate 
with the Speaker. We must cut spending. And we must not default.
  This bill, the Limit, Save, Grow Act, is a beginning and puts the 
President and Senate majority leader on notice: The days of one-party 
rule are over. The American people elected a House Republican majority 
to serve as a check and balance on the reckless, out-of-control 
spending that was the hallmark of the last 2 years: $5 trillion in new 
spending, $10 trillion total, a 41-year record high on inflation, 
skyrocketing energy costs, America saddled with over $31 trillion in 
debt and counting.
  It cannot continue.
  This bill would save Americans $4.8 trillion over the next decade. It 
would restore FY22 spending, which every Democrat previously voted for 
and supported.
  If it was good 4 months ago, why is it not today?
  It would cap future spending at 1 percent per year. It would claw 
back billions in unspent COVID funds, which the President has 
acknowledged COVID is now over. It would stop the hiring of 87,000 new 
IRS agents and employees. It would restore work requirements on able-
bodied Americans, requirements previously championed by President Joe 
Biden and President Bill Clinton. Finally, it would unleash American 
energy, increasing domestic production while reducing costs for 
consumers and ending our reliance on foreign oil.
  Simply put, we cannot continue to borrow and print new money at the 
levels this administration has. Republicans and Democrats must come 
together to rein in spending, protect vital programs like Social 
Security and Medicare, reduce inflation, and avoid default.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Carl). The time of the gentleman has 
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield an additional 20 seconds to the 
gentleman from New York.
  Mr. LAWLER. Mr. Speaker, this bill begins the conversation, and 
President Biden and Senator Schumer must now come to the negotiating 
table and work with Speaker McCarthy in good faith to move our country 
forward and restore fiscal sanity and solvency.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentlewoman from California (Ms. Pelosi), Speaker Emerita of the House.
  Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. Boyle and Mr. Richie Neal for 
their leadership in bringing our side of the story to this.
  And what is that?
  I thank the Republicans for the clarity with which they have put 
forth their default on America act because their default on America act 
will do just this.
  When you vote for this bill, you will vote to:
  Put veterans' healthcare at risk, eliminating up to 30 million 
healthcare visits for our veterans.
  Slash Pell grants for tens of thousands of students.
  Rip away food assistance for women, infants, and children, a million 
of them, a million seniors off of Meals on Wheels.
  Pollute the planet by overturning what we did to save the planet with 
green tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.
  Cut $8 billion in law enforcement from State, local, and Federal law 
enforcement, pulling cops off the street, and up to 700,000 fewer jobs 
to be created.
  Certainly, we negotiate over the appropriations bills. I am an 
appropriator, and for 20 years I have been in 19 engagements of the 
debt ceiling kind. Whether we lift the debt ceiling is a question of 
whether we honor the Constitution that says the full faith and credit 
of America shall not be in doubt.

  When you use that as a wedge, as President Trump admonished you not 
to, you are placing in doubt our credit rating and what that means to 
American people on their credit card bills

[[Page H2014]]

and at the kitchen table. You are playing with fire.
  We have been down this road before. When the former President was 
President, three times we lifted the debt ceiling, never placing in 
doubt the full faith and credit of the United States of America.
  Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``no'' vote.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may 
  When President Biden negotiated the fiscal reforms in the debt 
ceiling in 2011, he said he was pleased and thankful to do it. He 
called it a normal process. He said that you have got to compromise, 
didn't like the my-way-or-the-highway approach, and said it was a great 
honor. I hope he shares those sentiments today and soon.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1\1/2\ minutes to the gentleman from the 
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Mr. Meuser).
  Mr. MEUSER. Mr. Speaker, I thank my good friend from Texas, the 
chairman of the Budget Committee.
  Mr. Speaker, we are debating a bill to accomplish goals, goals of 
equal importance: Pay the Nation's debts and begin a discussion with a 
plan so that we demonstrate to the American people that we in this 
House will rein in the astronomically excessive spending of the past 3 
  Mr. Speaker, the American people deserve and demand that we do this. 
It is right and just. We must pay our Nation's debts. The American 
people don't want to see the excesses continue. That sentiment is 
  Over the past 3 years, we have increased our national debt by almost 
$12 trillion. Some was due to COVID, most due to ideology and complete 
lack of fiscal restraint.
  Mr. Speaker, our plan pays our Nation's debts, and we must, as well, 
limit Federal excesses moving forward back to 2022 levels. We are not 
talking about going into disasters here, 2022 levels with increases 
moving forward. It saves money by largely reclaiming COVID funds--COVID 
is over; those funds are available; they should be reclaimed--and by 
creating growth initiatives, which we must have, Mr. Speaker, in order 
to compete globally and assure the American Dream stays alive for our 
children. The White House and this House must cooperate and do what is 
right and just.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I remind my fellow 
Pennsylvanian, as well as all the Members of this House, that according 
to Moody's Analytics, the legislation that is in front of us ``would 
meaningfully increase the likelihood of recession.'' And lead to 
800,000 job losses by the end of 2024.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. 
Scott), the ranking member of the Education and the Workforce 
  Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to oppose the 
reckless default on our debt act.
  Unfortunately, those on the other side of the aisle have taken the 
full faith and credit of the United States hostage and have offered a 
terrible deal for the American people. Either they will inflict cruel 
cuts on vital programs for working families or they will destroy the 
  Earlier this week, as has been pointed out, this plan was evaluated 
by Moody's Analytics, and they confirmed that almost 800,000 jobs will 
be lost. When they say the cuts aren't that bad, tell that to 200,000 
children who will lose access to Head Start, 100,000 parents who will 
lose access to childcare, the 26 million students who are in title I 
schools who will get cuts in funding, or 6.6 million students who will 
lose money in Pell grants, or the tens of millions who will lose the 
funding for the student debt relief that has been promised.
  These spending cuts are necessary, frankly, to pay for the Republican 
tax cuts that weren't paid for at the time. Eighty percent of the Trump 
tax cuts were scheduled to go to the top 1 percent and corporations, 
and now we are going to pay for them with cuts to education, 
healthcare, veterans' programs, and others.
  I get tired of being lectured by the Republicans when it comes to 
fiscal responsibility because we know that every Republican 
Presidential administration since Nixon has left office with a worse 
deficit situation than they inherited, and every Democratic 
administration since Kennedy has left office with a better deficit 
situation than they inherited.
  Democrats are ready to act to prevent a devastating economic default, 
just as we did three times under the Trump administration with little 
fanfare. President Biden and Democrats have already significantly cut 
the deficit, and we are willing to do more, but we want to do it in a 
way that is responsible and helps families. This bill hurts families, 
and we need to oppose the bill.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, the Republican tax cuts gave us 
unprecedented growth and prosperity. It lifted 6 million people out of 
poverty and created the lowest poverty rate in the history of our great 
Nation. President Biden's budget recently has the highest levels of 
sustained spending, borrowing, and taxes in the history of the country.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from North Carolina 
(Ms. Foxx), my dear friend and a champion of fiscal responsibility.
  Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from Texas for yielding 
and for his wonderful work on this package.
  Mr. Speaker, America's position as the most trusted line of credit in 
the world is at stake. In other words, our reputation is at stake. 
Republicans' commonsense proposal, the Limit, Save, Grow Act, 
recognizes the twin interests of avoiding defaulting on our debt while 
reining in future inflationary spending.
  Yet, the President has signaled that he will stall, he will risk, and 
he will forbid paying our debt obligations if he doesn't get his way. 
He refuses to compromise.

                              {time}  1445

  One such compromise, which falls within the jurisdiction of the 
Committee on Education and the Workforce, includes blocking the 
President from spending half a trillion dollars to provide backdoor 
free college.
  The Limit, Save, Grow Act would nullify the President's plan to 
transfer up to $20,000 per borrower onto the backs of blue-collar 
Americans, as well as his radical income-driven repayment plan, which 
would turn student loans into untargeted grants and cost more than any 
other regulation in our Nation's history.
  If the President's student loan scheme is enacted, taxpayers could 
end up spending almost $1 trillion since the beginning of the pandemic.
  Our solution preserves the fiscal integrity of our Nation for 
Americans today and the generation tomorrow. It offers a promise to the 
American public that we will not pursue trillion-dollar policies that 
risk our financial future.
  Mr. Speaker, we ask the President to come to the negotiating table 
and quit pursuing brinkmanship over partisanship.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentlewoman from Connecticut (Ms. DeLauro), the ranking member of the 
Appropriations Committee.
  Ms. DeLAURO. Mr. Speaker, preventing default is an obligation that 
Congress has. My Republican colleagues are holding our economy hostage, 
linking it to the annual process of funding the critical programs that 
serve American families and veterans.
  The price of averting a catastrophic default is drastic cuts to these 
programs now and severe caps for the next 10 years.
  Republicans claim that veterans' healthcare would be protected. That 
is not the case. For 6 hours during the Rules Committee meeting last 
night, I told House Republicans that veterans had no protections 
whatsoever in their debt default bill.
  Given the look on their faces, I believe I was the one to inform them 
of the immediate $2 billion rescission that robs veterans of timely 
access to healthcare services. I do not think they know what it is in 
their own bill.
  You know what they did after 6 hours of debate? Nothing for veterans. 
You know what they did after hearing from dozens of veteran and 
military service organizations about the lack of protections in the 
bill? Nothing for veterans.
  In the middle of the night, they made last-minute changes to win over 
Republican holdouts. You know what they did after going back to the 
drawing board?
  Nothing for veterans. Nothing to fix the $2 billion rescission. 
Nothing to protect veterans from a 22 percent cut.

[[Page H2015]]

  Nothing to maintain our commitment to veterans who have been exposed 
to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances.
  This is shameful. This default and cuts bill should not even come to 
this floor for a vote. Our veterans sacrificed for us. We owe them the 
benefits that they have already earned.
  I urge my colleagues to vote ``no'' on this bill and vote ``yes'' for 
veterans. By voting ``no,'' you say ``yes'' to veterans.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues act like there are no 
alternatives for funding cuts and savings, like there is no waste, 
woke, and bloat in the Federal Government.
  The President himself has issued 800 executive orders totaling $1.5 
trillion. One of those items is the student loan bailout that benefits 
two out of three highest income earners in our country. It is costing 
taxpayers $700 billion.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 90 seconds to the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. 
Good), my dear friend and colleague on the Budget Committee.
  Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of reducing 
Federal spending, at long last. Democrats would never willingly agree 
to cut spending as evidenced by--what did the President just propose--a 
record $7 trillion budget with a record $2 trillion deficit, if that 
plan were ever to see the light of day.
  We are going to utilize this opportunity, this debt ceiling limit 
being reached, to negotiate or to force, finally, some fiscal 
responsibility and some cuts to our spending.
  President Biden and my friends across the aisle want to continue to 
exceed America's credit card limit without any consideration of how or 
why we got here.
  If an individual spent the way this Federal Government spends, they 
would be in jail. Think about it. Spending money that is not yours. 
Writing checks when you know the funds aren't there. What would you 
call that?
  The Limit, Save, Grow Act is the solution to shrink Washington and 
grow America. Immediate up-front cuts and spending reforms saving over 
$500 billion in 2 years and nearly $5 trillion over 10 years; 
rescinding the unspent COVID funds; eliminating the student loan 
transfer scheme; eliminating the $80 billion for the weaponized IRS; 
eliminating climate reckless environmental funding, and capping growth 
at 1 percent each year.
  I urge all of my colleagues to vote in favor of this proposal to put 
us on a path to fiscal stability.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Grijalva), the ranking member of the 
Natural Resources Committee.
  Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding time.
  Mr. Speaker, the default on America act is foolish. It is harmful. It 
is a harmful piece of legislation offered to appease the Republican 
Party's most extreme fringe.
  The Republicans' plan to handle the debt limit is not a plan at all. 
It is a ransom note that threatens aggressively to take our country 
backward, and everybody loses.
  Either Republicans force default, which results in skyrocketing 
student loans, veterans losing out on hard-earned benefits, and 
countless other incomprehensible effects that will hit the most 
vulnerable the hardest but will hit working-class folks and middle-
class folks hard, as well.

  Republicans can enact their tone-deaf economic agenda, giving a huge 
windfall to billionaires and oil barons, while cutting food assistance 
to poor families, children, and older people.
  If Republicans had their way, they would strip our communities of the 
right to fight back against polluting industries while padding Big 
Oil's pockets.
  They cut funding for climate science while reversing the progress the 
Democrats have made on clean energy. They do absolutely nothing to 
address emissions.
  In fact, they give companies free passes to pollute while cutting 
funding to fight wildfires and provide drought relief.
  They say they will help American families, but it slashes already 
underfunded Tribal education programs and Indian child welfare 
programs. Their budget would make it harder to tackle wildfires and 
drought in the West.
  This bill is not what the American people want. Our communities want 
clean air and clean water. They want to be able to put food on the 
table. They want good, stable jobs, and they want the Federal 
Government to face climate change head on.
  I urge my colleagues to stand up against the default on America act. 
Vote ``no.''
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, you are going to hear about a number of 
vulnerable people, communities that get Federal funding, but you will 
not hear, I bet, anything about the most vulnerable group of people in 
this country, and that is the next generation of Americans who will 
inherit $31 trillion in debt, the highest levels of indebtedness in our 
Nation's history.
  Where are they in this debate? That is the big question. Who is 
speaking up for them? That is a big question. I know my colleague will.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Oklahoma (Mrs. 
  Mrs. BICE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the Limit, Save, 
Grow Act of 2023.
  Like any family, Republicans are proposing living within our means, 
not continuing to rack up a balance on American taxpayers' credit card. 
In contrast, President Biden has unilaterally spent $1.5 trillion on 
over 800 executive actions.
  My colleagues want to quote the former President. Let me quote 
President Biden; a direct quote from 2012. He said securing a deal with 
Republicans was a ``great honor.'' He hasn't bothered to come to the 
negotiating table, Mr. Speaker. What has changed?
  The three main pillars of this legislation will benefit hardworking 
Americans by limiting Federal spending, saving taxpayer dollars, and 
growing the economy.
  I am especially pleased to see key energy provisions included in this 
package. The best way to lower prices is to cut spending and unleash 
American energy, allowing States like Oklahoma to power our Nation.
  Cutting bureaucratic red tape is especially important for energy 
producers who have dealt with stifling regulations at the hands of 
President Biden.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentlewoman has expired.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield an additional 30 seconds to the 
gentlewoman from Oklahoma.
  Mrs. BICE. Mr. Speaker, America is $31 trillion in debt, and the 
American people are demanding solutions. The White House says, show me 
your proposal, and we can negotiate.
  Well, Mr. President, it is time to come to the table and do so in 
good faith. We must get this done.
  I urge all of my colleagues to support this effort.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Members are reminded to direct their remarks 
to the Chair.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, just to be clear, to correct 
the Record, three times under former President Trump, the debt ceiling 
was increased.
  Many of us on this side of the aisle voted for it, even though it was 
a President not of our own party. In those three debt ceiling 
increases, zero of them, zero included cuts to any government spending.
  In fact, two of them included increases to government spending.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New York (Mr. 
Higgins), a distinguished member of the Budget Committee.
  Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to 
H.R. 2811.
  Under President Biden, we have created 12 million jobs, including 
800,000 manufacturing jobs, and unemployment is at a 54-year low.
  The previous administration lost 3 million jobs in 4 years, including 
nearly 300,000 manufacturing jobs.
  This irresponsible proposal on the floor today would tank our 
economic recovery and hurt hardworking families, and it would not be 
good for my western New York district.
  Throughout the pandemic, this Congress worked together to keep 
families strong amidst unprecedented uncertainty. It is shocking how 
anti-family this bill is.
  This bill will lead to less healthcare for parents and children. More 
kids will go to bed hungry because their parents

[[Page H2016]]

can't afford food. It would cut healthcare for veterans, hurting not 
only them but their families and caregivers, as well.
  Congress raised the debt limit nearly 80 times since 1960--the 
majority of those taking place under Republican Presidents.
  It is time for the GOP to stop playing games with the livelihood of 
American families.
  I ask my colleagues to join me in rejecting this proposal and instead 
pass a clean bill that prevents the first default in our Nation's 
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, you will hear many of the tired, old, 
false choices like hungry children, struggling families.
  I would remind you and the people of our great country who are 
experiencing sustained levels of 40-year inflation, who are struggling 
to put food on the table, that that has come as a result of reckless 
spending here in Washington.
  There are a lot of programs: Global Equity Fund, electric buses and 
ferries, $80 billion for IRS agents, $27 billion for climate slush 
fund--I could go on and on. You will not hear any of that from my 
friends on the other side of the aisle.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from North Carolina 
(Mr. Edwards), my colleague on the Budget Committee.
  Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of the 
Limit, Save, Grow Act.
  This legislation takes monumental steps in reining in Federal 
spending by not cutting but just returning to spending levels of just a 
year ago and spurring economic growth and restoring the fiscal sanity 
that our Nation desperately needs.
  As our national debt is at nearly $31.5 trillion or $95,000 per 
person, our current fiscal trajectory is simply unsustainable.
  It is immoral, and it is unfair to future generations who will be the 
ones responsible for paying off this insurmountable debt.
  This legislation will help restore the American economy, unleash 
American energy, and reverse decades of runaway spending.
  I applaud the work of Chairman Arrington, his leadership, and his 
tireless efforts to help bring us to this critical moment in our 
Nation's history. I am proud to support this legislation.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Jackson Lee), a distinguished member of the 
Budget Committee.
  Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, no American, no patriot would stand on 
this floor representing the American people and argue for the default 
on America legislation.
  To refuse to pay our bills is an insult to the men and women who 
swore to die for this country. You want to know why? Because it would 
cut 30 million visits from veterans at the veterans' hospitals and 
81,000 jobs from the Veterans Health Administration.
  It would increase the wait times for benefits like pensions and 
jeopardize the National Cemetery Administration caring for our 

                              {time}  1500

  If you are in retirement, $20,000 could be lost out of your 
retirement. Is that patriotic?
  In addition, you would cut grants for low-income students. You would 
cut and cause the expense of colleges to go up in Texas and around the 
Nation. In the 18th Congressional District you would jeopardize Social 
Security payments from $61,000, put public health benefits at risk for 
242,000 people, and increase lifetime mortgage costs. You would raise 
the debt $1.74 trillion.
  This is unpatriotic. It is not representative of what America stands 
for. Vote against a bill that strips food assistance from 4,000 Texans.
  Mr. Speaker, as a Senior Member on the House Budget Committee, I rise 
today in strong opposition to H.R. 2811, the Limit, Save, Grow Act.
  This reckless proposal would painfully impact the lives of millions 
of Americans by making disastrous cuts to programs that workers and 
families count on every day and by risking the full faith and credit of 
the United States.
  The outrageous proposal sets the FY 2024 discretionary spending 
levels at no more than the FY 2022 level, which would require a total 
cut of at least $142 billion from the FY 2023 appropriations Act.
  Cutting FY 2024 discretionary spending back to FY 2022 levels would 
endanger public safety, increase costs for families, undermine American 
workers, hurt our seniors, and weaken our national security.
  Instead of investing in America, Republicans would rather focus on 
holding our economy hostage to advance unpopular and dangerous right-
wing priorities.
  The Republican default package is playing a brinkmanship game using 
the threat of economic catastrophe to try to force cuts in green energy 
investment, a rollback in enforcement against wealthy tax cheats, a war 
on poor people, and service cuts for taxpayers and Social Security 
  Breaching the debt limit would provoke unprecedented economic damage 
and instability in the U.S. and around the world.
  Every single American would feel the effects of a first-ever default:
  An estimated 800,000 plus people would be out of work and the 
unemployment rate would double;
  Social Security checks would be halted to 67 million Americans;
  Medicaid services would be in peril, affecting 75 million people's 
health coverage;
  The average worker close to retirement could see their retirement 
savings decrease by $20,000 due to Republican brinksmanship impacting 
the stock market.
  Republicans suspended the debt ceiling three times under President 
  In fact, the massive Republican tax cuts over the last 25 years have 
cost $10 trillion to date and are responsible for 57 percent of the 
increase to the debt ratio since 2001.
  Specifically, this extreme and reckless plan would have devastating 
impacts on thousands of hardworking families across Texas.
  This plan would:
  Strip food assistance from 994,000 Texans.
  Republicans are threatening food assistance for up to 855,000 Texans 
with their proposals for harsh new eligibility restrictions in SNAP. 
This proposal would also mean 139,000 women, infants, and children 
would lose vital nutrition assistance through the Women, Infants, and 
Children (WIC), increasing child poverty and hunger.
  Make college more expensive for 587,900 Texans.
  This proposal would not only eliminate Pell Grants altogether for 
6,800 students in Texas, but it would also reduce the maximum award by 
nearly $1,000 for the remaining 581,100 students who receive Pell 
Grants--making it harder for them to attend and afford college.
  Raise housing costs for 39,700 Texans.
  Under this proposal, 39,700 families in Texas would lose access to 
rental assistance, including older adults, persons with disabilities, 
and families with children, who without rental assistance would be at 
risk of homelessness.
  Worsen Social Security and Medicare Assistance wait times for million 
Texas seniors.
  Under this proposal, people applying for disability benefits would 
have to wait at least two months longer for a decision. With fewer 
staff available, 5 million seniors and people with disabilities in 
Texas would be forced to endure longer wait times when they call for 
assistance for both Social Security and Medicare.
  Threaten medical care for Texas Veterans.
  This proposal would mean 46,100 fewer veteran outpatient visits in 
Texas, leaving veterans unable to get appointments for care like 
wellness visits, mental health services, and substance disorder 
  Eliminate 27,400 preschool and child care slots in Texas.
  The proposal would mean 17,500 children in Texas lose access to Head 
Start slots and 9,900 children lose access to childcare--undermining 
our children's education and making it more difficult for parents to 
join the workforce and contribute to our economy.
  Deny 1100 Texans admission to opioid treatment.
  The proposal would deny admission to opioid use disorder treatment 
for more than 1,100 people in Texas through the State Opioid Response 
grant program--denying them a potentially life-saving path to recovery.
  More specifically, the impacts on my home district, Texas-18, would 
be catastrophic. The passage of this proposal would:
  kill 7,300 jobs in TX-18;
  Jeopardize Social Security payments for 61,000 families in TX-18;
  Put health benefits at risk for 242,000 people in TX-18 who rely on 
Medicare, Medicaid, or Veterans Affairs health coverage;
  Increase lifetime mortgage costs for the typical homeowner in Texas 
by $50,000;
  Threaten the retirement savings of 81,400 people near retirement in 
TX-18, eliminating $20,000 from the typical retirement portfolio.
  The proposal in front of us here today is not a reasonable middle 
ground, nor is it even a starting point for discussion.
  There never has been and never will be anything fiscally responsible 
about refusing to pay America's bills, risking millions of jobs, or 
threatening economic ruin.
  Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a report from the U.S. Congress 
Joint Economic Committee titled: ``The

[[Page H2017]]

Steep Costs of a Republican Default Crisis.''

       Raising the debt limit in a timely manner is about meeting 
     existing obligations and is the only option to avoid economic 
     chaos. The effects of failing to raise the debt limit would 
     likely be felt economy wide: From drastically increased costs 
     for mortgages, credit card payments, and other borrowing, to 
     disrupted payments for Social Security recipients, veterans, 
     service members, and hospitals, to far-reaching effects in 
     the financial system. As the 2011 debt ceiling crisis showed, 
     even narrowly avoiding a default cost the country billions of 

 Republicans' default crisis will push up costs for families and small 

       Debt-limit threats increase costs for families and small 
     businesses. While breaching the debt limit would be 
     catastrophic, the threat of breaching the debt ceiling alone 
     can have serious economic consequences. As 2011 and 2013 
     Republican debt-limit brinkmanship showed, reckless talk 
     about letting the U.S. breach the debt limit has a real 
     impact on the economy, working families, and small 
     businesses. These threats create uncertainty that the U.S. 
     government will pay its bills, pushing up interest rates and 
     undermining confidence worldwide in the U.S. economy.
       The average worker close to retirement could take a $20,000 
     hit to their retirement savings. According to the non-
     partisan think tank Third Way, the debt limit crisis of 2011 
     led to a significant decline in the stock market and the 
     impact would be even more dire if the U.S. defaulted on the 
     national debt. They find that a typical worker nearing 
     retirement could lose about $20,000 from their 401(k) if 
     debt-limit brinkmanship causes the S&P 500 to drop by 22 
       Small business loans could go up $44 a month, costing about 
     $2,500 more over the course of the loan. If, as happened in 
     2011 with mortgage loans, small business loans see an 
     interest rate increase of 70 basis points due to debt-limit 
     brinkmanship, an entrepreneur taking out a new startup loan 
     with fixed interest would see a significant increase to their 
     loan. About 20,000 businesses took out new loans each quarter 
     in 2022. Similarly, an established small business owner with 
     a variable rate loan will see their monthly payments rise by 
     $53 per month. About 46,000 businesses had outstanding 
     variable interest loans in the third quarter of 2022.
  Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a report from 
Moody's Analytics titled: ``The Debt Limit Drama Heats Up.''

       Speaker McCarthy's proposed legislation would increase the 
     debt limit by $1.5 trillion or until March 31, 2024, 
     whichever comes first. In exchange, it would cut government 
     spending by $4.5 trillion over the next decade and implement 
     a number of consequential changes to fiscal policy (see Table 
     1 and Chart 3). The most significant spending cuts would come 
     by setting fiscal 2024 discretionary spending equal to fiscal 
     2022 spending levels.

  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, again, with all due respect to my 
colleague from Texas, Democrats will act as if these are the choices, 
but they are false choices because they could choose to defund the 
moneys that came from Democrat earmarks to companies that create dirt 
bike culture or maybe--with all due respect to the First Lady--the 
Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia.
  There is a list of things. You will not hear them today in this 
debate or any concern, in my opinion, for our children's future as it 
relates to the debt.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. 
Grothman), my colleague on the Budget Committee.
  Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I think it is important that everybody in 
this Chamber, as well as everybody around America understands the 
precarious situation we are in with regard to the debt of this country.
  At the end of World War II, the debt was equal to about 100 percent 
of GDP, but in World War II we knew we were going to stop making tanks, 
stop making planes, stop making ships, and we were going to lay off a 
lot of the military folks.
  Then the debt dropped from 100 percent GDP down to 20 percent, went 
up to 40 percent, and since the Great Recession, it shot up to near 100 
percent again, near the all-time record.
  The Biden administration has shown no ability to say ``no'' to 
anybody. You look at the budget they have proposed. The Department of 
the Interior, 9 percent increase; the Department of Commerce, 11 
percent increase; the Department of Education, almost a 14 percent 
increase. Wherever you look, they still have their foot on the gas.
  America has got to realize for our children and grandchildren we have 
got to now finally say ``no'' just a little bit.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentleman from New York (Mr. Espaillat), a distinguished member of the 
Budget Committee.
  Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, I stand here in opposition to the default 
on America act. House Republicans' debt default bill before us here 
today holds the economy hostage in exchange for slashing investment in 
American families to the tune of $4.5 trillion in cuts.
  The debt ceiling extension has happened 78 times, Mr. Speaker; 49 
times under Republican administrations. This is not new. This is an 
artificial crisis, which can create catastrophic economic conditions 
across the world. Not just the United States economy, but the world 
economy can be affected.
  Police officers on the street will be cut through the Department of 
Justice. Veteran benefits will be cut. Working moms will no longer have 
daycare. That is what this accomplishes, this default on America act.
  I stand in opposition, Mr. Speaker, and I ask my colleagues to do the 
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, more ``Apocalypse Now'' from my 
colleagues who give electric vehicle tax breaks to people who make 
$150,000. That is not a priority when you are $31 trillion in debt. 
Government subsidized healthcare for people making over $300,000 is not 
a priority when you have a 10-year tripling of our interest, doubling 
of our annual deficits, and a bleak outlook for our children.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Indiana (Mrs. 
Spartz), my good friend and somebody that is very concerned about this 
  Mrs. SPARTZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to urge my Democrat colleagues to 
unite with Republicans and put pressure on the Senate to have an adult 
conversation about our debt and spending.
  We collected $4 trillion last year. Our mandatory spending is $4 
trillion, automatic spending? And of the $2 trillion of discretionary 
spending, 80 percent is unauthorized. That means that 90 percent of 
spending is not even considered by this institution.
  We have programs like Medicare that are going bankrupt. We have 
bipartisan issues supported by Trump and Obama that could save billions 
of dollars for the seniors to save Medicare, like site-neutral payments 
and overbilling by Medicare. It is fraudulent overbilling, dishonest 
billing that is supported by broad groups of think tanks.
  We have to save these programs for the people that were promised 
them. We need to have the backbone in Washington, D.C., to stand up for 
we the people and challenge special interest groups.
  I urge my colleagues to be with us on this issue.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I keep hearing this doom and 
gloom from the other side of the aisle that we are on the brink of 
catastrophe. Here is the headline in the world's leading economic 
magazine, a magazine that is considered right of center. This is their 
headline 2 weeks ago: ``The lessons from America's astonishing economic 
record. The world's biggest economy is leaving its peers even further 
in the dust.'' That is the accurate record of where this country and 
its economy stand right now.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Connecticut 
(Mrs. Hayes).
  Mrs. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to the default 
on America act because I did not come to Congress to starve children.
  Thirty-four million Americans struggle with food insecurity, 9 
million of which are children. This bill would strip millions of 
hardworking Americans of benefits by expanding so-called work 
requirements in SNAP.
  SNAP already has a work requirement for individuals ages 18 to 49, 
but Republicans want to expand this to older Americans and seniors who 
face age discrimination in the workplace already.
  It is also important to note that the House subcommittee in charge of 
nutrition programs, the one who would be in charge of this, has yet to 
hold one hearing. So while proposing work requirements, the Committee 
on Nutrition has yet to begin work. It is horrifying that Republicans 
are choosing to hold the economy hostage and using vulnerable families 
as a bargaining tool.
  I urge my colleagues to have some compassion and vote against this 
devastating legislation.

[[Page H2018]]


  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, with all due respect to my friend and 
colleague, we are trapping millions of people in poverty and dependence 
on the government because we are not incentivizing people to move up 
and out of welfare so they can realize their greatest God-given 
potential. It is not compassionate to not expect the best out of our 
fellow Americans.
  President Biden, when he voted to support commonsense welfare-to-work 
reforms said this: We need to replace the culture of welfare with the 
culture of work. We need to replace the culture of dependency with the 
culture of self-sufficiency. I agree with the Joe Biden that said that 
then. I hope he will come to his senses, come to the table, and do what 
he did in 2011: include responsible fiscal reforms as we lift the debt 
ceiling and pay our bills.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. Nunn).
  Mr. NUNN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, Americans are demanding action. The 
President cannot put forth a budget that is 55 percent higher than it 
was at prepandemic levels. We must get together and work with what 
Chairman Arrington and the Speaker and House Republicans have put 
forward: A budget that holds our government accountable, a budget that 
addresses the debt ceiling now, gets Federal spending under control, 
and grows our economy by letting Americans keep more of the money they 
have earned.
  That is why I am honored as part of the Iowa delegation to hold firm 
in that America's fiscal security, energy security, and food security 
can be led with us.
  In Iowa, we will not allow government to balance its budget on the 
backs of America's farmers. That is why I am proud that this bill makes 
critical investments in biofuels. Biofuels empower American energy 
independence. Biofuel infrastructure decreases the cost of fuels 
overseas and helps our families at the pump. Biofuels grow our Main 
Street businesses. Biofuels empower our farmers for what they need to 
both feed and fuel the world.
  I salute the Iowans and the Americans who have worked to balance 
their own budgets every month, those who don't spend tirelessly and put 
it on their credit card.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentlewoman from Vermont (Ms. Balint), a distinguished member of the 
Budget Committee.
  Ms. BALINT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.R. 2811, the 
default on America act.
  A budget reflects our values, and we can plainly see where the 
Republicans' priorities lie. They are threatening default with 
catastrophic consequences, and why? Why? So they can secure 10 years of 
devastating cuts that American families depend on. Those programs will 
be devastated.
  Republicans have to abandon this dangerous path. America pays our 
bills. We must prevent default as we have done countless times under 
Democratic and Republican Presidents, including President Trump.
  A default will be a terrible blow to low-income and middle-income 
Americans. They don't care about these reckless political games. They 
care about how disastrous a default will be on them in their quest to 
buy a house or lease a car or pay for college. They don't care about 
this. They care about results.
  I sit on the Budget Committee and have a front row seat to this 
nonsense. We have to pay our bills, and we have to reject the ransom 
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may 
  Mr. Speaker, I agree with my colleague. A budget is a vision and a 
statement of values. We have received the President's budget. We are 
conducting oversight. We will be presenting our full 10-year budget 
resolution. I can tell you; it will be starkly different than the 
President's and the Democratic Party's vision for America's future.
  This budget will not ask for $100 billion more in discretionary 
spending while American families are struggling to buy groceries and 
put gas in their cars. It is just so out of touch.
  We need the kind of leadership that will lean in and say we are going 
to be an example and that we are going to look for the waste, which is 
not hard to find in this town. We are going to right the ship and 
restore fiscal responsibility.
  The President, also, as part of his value statement adds trillions of 
dollars--$65 trillion--in taxes over the 10-year horizon, which is the 
most that any President has ever proposed in the history of our 
country. He proposes spending to the tune of a quarter of our entire 
economy, which is the largest economy in the world. That is larger than 
any year of spending since we invaded Normandy. That is what our 
President is doing and putting forth as the Democratic Party's vision 
for this future in the midst of this economy that is struggling. 
Families are struggling. This debt crisis looms large on the horizon.
  Where is the leadership?
  I respect my colleagues. I appreciate their friendship, but this is 
the moment that we have to step up and put our fellow countrymen first 
and walk in their shoes and not get caught up in trying to protect with 
a death grip the blank check that we have seen and the endless money 
that is being printed and borrowed. It will end poorly.
  We have this window of mercy to act, and we have got to act together 
ultimately for this to be sustainable because this is the first step. 
It will require many more steps. We didn't get here overnight. We won't 
get out of it overnight. We have to take the first step together. I 
implore my friends and my colleagues to come with us and do what has 
been done so many times.
  That is the thing, Mr. Speaker. Eight of the last most meaningful, 
most significant fiscal reforms in this Congress came as a result and 
at the same time we were negotiating a debt ceiling. It is not wild, 
and it is not reckless. It is responsible to do that. You can raise the 
debt ceiling. You can pay your bills. You can protect the future for 
your children.
  That is leadership, and that is what this country needs in this hour.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

                              {time}  1515

  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, first, I thank my friend, Mr. 
Arrington, and truly, we have been friends for our entire time of 
service here. I respect his sincerity and how committed he is on this 
  I say to him, and I hope he will take this under consideration, that 
it is so irresponsible to use the debt ceiling in this way.
  Here is the analogy. I mentioned three times we raised the debt 
ceiling with a Republican President. Imagine if, in one of those debt 
ceiling debates, this side of the aisle said: ``Well, we care deeply 
about raising the minimum wage. Right now, we have the longest period 
in American history, for as long as the minimum wage has existed, 
without an increase, about 15 years.''
  What if this side of the aisle said: ``We are not going to vote for a 
debt limit increase. We are going to use this as leverage, and in 
return, you need to raise the minimum wage, or you need to expand 
Medicare to those 55 and older.'' That would be irresponsible, as well.
  The debt ceiling is about past spending that both sides often voted 
for, that Presidents of both parties signed into law.
  Now, if we want to have a conversation about future spending, we 
welcome that. We will negotiate on that, but we will not negotiate on 
whether or not America pays its bills, period.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Oregon (Ms. 
  Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to this 
regressive, shortsighted, and cruel default on America act that would 
devastate programs that are critical to Oregonians and Americans.
  We have a housing affordability and homelessness crisis, but this 
bill would eliminate affordable housing assistance for many families 
and seniors.
  Our constituents can't find or afford childcare, but this bill would 
take away access to Head Start.
  The cost of higher education keeps rising, but this bill would cut 
Pell grants and slash additional funding to support millions of 
disabled and low-income students.
  Instead of addressing the climate crisis, this legislation would 
entrench reliance on fossil fuels; undermine renewable, sustainable 
energy options; and raise taxes for middle-class Americans.

[[Page H2019]]

  This bill could cause millions of low-income seniors and veterans to 
lose access to nutrition assistance, and up to 10 million people could 
lose Medicaid coverage.
  There is a simple solution to prevent these harmful outcomes: Bring a 
clean debt ceiling bill to the floor so we can end this MAGA 
Republican-created manufactured crisis.
  Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a report from the Center on 
Budget and Policy Priorities on how up to 10 million people could be at 
significant risk of losing health coverage under Speaker McCarthy's 
bad, backward bill.

    [From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Apr. 21, 2023]

McCarthy Medicaid Proposal Puts Millions of People in Expansion States 
                   at Risk of Losing Health Coverage

                           (By Gideon Lukens)

       A Republican proposal led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy 
     would take Medicaid coverage away from people who do not meet 
     new work-reporting requirements. The McCarthy proposal would 
     apply to all states, but in practice it would heavily impact 
     people covered by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid 
     expansion. Of this group, more than 10 million people in 
     Medicaid expansion states would be at significant risk of 
     losing coverage under the McCarthy proposal. This group would 
     be subject to the new Medicaid requirement, and they are not 
     part of a group that states could readily identify in 
     existing data sources and exclude from burdensome reporting. 
     The McCarthy proposal could jeopardize coverage for millions 
     more, by prompting some states to drop the ACA Medicaid 
     expansion or dissuading states that have not yet taken the 
     expansion from adopting it.
       Nationwide, we estimate that over 10 million Medicaid 
     expansion enrollees--more than 1 in 5 of all Medicaid 
     enrollees in expansion states--would be at risk of losing 
     Medicaid coverage under the policy in McCarthy's debt limit 
     bill, using 2019 (pre-pandemic) data. Some 74 percent of all 
     expansion enrollees and 21 percent of all Medicaid 
     beneficiaries in the states that have adopted the expansion 
     would be subject to the new requirements and, thus, at risk 
     of losing coverage.
       People in every expansion state would be affected, with the 
     share of total Medicaid enrollees at risk ranging from 15 to 
     37 percent. (See Table 1 and Methodology.) Because we use 
     2019 data, the national estimate does not include the nine 
     states that expanded coverage after that date and therefore 
     very likely understates the number of enrollees at risk. If 
     those states were included, it would likely add upward of 1 
     million more enrollees at risk of losing coverage.
       While not all of those at risk under McCarthy's proposal 
     would lose coverage, many would, including people who are 
     working or are eligible for an exemption but would be 
     disenrolled due to administrative burdens and red tape. This 
     was the experience in Arkansas, which is the only state that 
     briefly took people's Medicaid coverage away for not meeting 
     work-reporting requirements, until a federal court halted the 
     program following massive coverage losses. In just seven 
     months of implementation, some 18,000 people--1 in 4 subject 
     to the requirements--lost coverage. Moreover, research found 
     that the new requirements had no impact on employment 
     outcomes. The McCarthy Medicaid provision draws heavily from 
     the failed Arkansas experiment but is harsher in some 
     respects, applying to somewhat older adults, for example.
       The more than 10 million estimate (looking just at the 
     states that had expanded Medicaid prior to 2019) does not 
     fully account for the sweeping impact the Medicaid work-
     reporting requirement could have. For example, while the bill 
     directs states ``whenever possible'' to use electronic data 
     sources to verify whether people meet the criteria for 
     continued Medicaid coverage, the extent to which this would 
     protect people from losing coverage or from onerous reporting 
     would depend on implementation decisions at both the federal 
     and state level.
       Proponents of the new requirements argue that they give 
     states an option to take Medicaid coverage away from people 
     who don't comply with the new work-reporting requirement. 
     This is misdirection at best.
       The bill terminates federally funded Medicaid coverage for 
     those who don't meet the work-reporting requirements. In 
     theory, states could provide fully state-funded coverage to 
     those whose federal Medicaid coverage is taken away, but with 
     the federal government currently covering 90 percent of the 
     cost of coverage for expansion enrollees, states are 
     exceedingly unlikely to continue coverage for large numbers 
     of people who don't meet the requirement. (It is worth noting 
     that states did not provide state-funded coverage for this 
     group prior to the ACA's expansion, though they were able to 
     do so.)
       Moreover, administering these new requirements would be 
     complicated for state and local governments, which would have 
     to pick up a significant portion of the costs associated with 
     implementing the complex systems to verify work, determine 
     who meets automatic exemption criteria (such as those with 
     children), and assess applications for exemptions based on 
     criteria, such as an illness, that the state doesn't know 
     through its eligibility system.
       States also would have to absorb the costs associated with 
     higher caseload churn--that is, people losing coverage and 
     then having to reapply or seek to have their coverage 
     reinstated, all processes that require caseworker staff time. 
     And uncompensated care costs would increase because people 
     have lost coverage, adding further to the costs that states 
     and safety net health care providers would have to pick up.
       Without a doubt, adding work-reporting requirements to 
     Medicaid would cause many low-income adults to lose coverage 
     due to bureaucratic hurdles and would leave people without 
     the health care they need, including life-saving medications, 
     treatment to manage chronic conditions, and care for acute 
     illnesses. People's access to health care and other basic 
     supports, such as housing, food, or child care, should not 
     hinge on whether they meet a work-reporting requirement or 
     successfully navigate a complicated system to either report 
     work hours or claim an exemption.

    McCarthy Medicaid Provision Builds on Failed Arkansas Experiment

       The Arkansas plan, implemented in 2018, required that 
     Medicaid expansion enrollees aged 19-49 document at least 80 
     hours of work or other qualifying activities (e.g. job 
     training, volunteering) per month. Exemptions were available 
     for various groups including pregnant people, certain types 
     of caregivers, and people with certain health conditions, but 
     qualifying for these exemptions required that enrollees 
     successfully navigate the reporting system or that the state 
     use available data to determine exemption status. As a 
     result, more than 18,000 people (about one-quarter of those 
     subject to the requirements) lost coverage in just seven 
     months, before a federal court blocked the policy.
       The McCarthy plan is similar to Arkansas' but applies to a 
     broader set of Medicaid enrollees. First, it applies to 
     enrollees aged 19-55, a wider age range that includes more 
     older adults. Second, it is not explicitly limited to 
     Medicaid expansion enrollees, unlike the Arkansas policy. 
     While all states would have to set up new processes to 
     validate exemptions, we assume that because existing state 
     data sources could readily be used to exempt the bulk of 
     Medicaid enrollees who are not part of the expansion group, 
     the impact would be largely on expansion enrollees. Third, 
     some groups exempt under the Arkansas plan, including 
     postpartum people, people identified as ``medically frail,'' 
     and people receiving unemployment benefits, are not exempt 
     under the McCarthy plan.
       A KFF study estimated that under a nationwide Medicaid 
     work-reporting requirements policy similar to policies 
     implemented in Arkansas and proposed by other states, most 
     people losing coverage would be complying with or exempt from 
     the requirements but would be disenrolled due to 
     administrative burdens and red tape. Using conservative 
     assumptions about disenrollment based on a survey of the 
     research literature, the study found that 62 to 91 percent of 
     those losing coverage would be people who qualify as eligible 
     under the policy. Coverage losses would be concentrated among 
     those eligible because the overwhelming majority of Medicaid 
     enrollees already meet the requirements or an exemption 
     criterion, yet they would still be at risk due to the 
     bureaucratic complexity of reporting and proving exemption 
       Overall, between 1.4 and 4 million people would have lost 
     Medicaid coverage if Medicaid work-requirements were imposed 
     in 2016, the KFF study estimated. This estimate is roughly in 
     line with the Congressional Budget Office's projection that a 
     nationwide policy similar to Arkansas' would result in a 
     reduction in Medicaid enrollment of 2.2 million adults per 
     year for the 2023-2031 period.
       Our analysis is not a projection of the number of people 
     who will lose coverage, but rather shows that more than 10 
     million people would be subject to these requirements and, 
     thus, at risk of losing coverage from a policy that would 
     erect burdensome requirements to report work or claim 
     exemptions. A large share of the 10 million people subject to 
     the requirements would have to navigate complex work-
     reporting and verification systems each month while others 
     would have to navigate the exemption process periodically to 
     retain coverage.
       Research suggests that some populations would be especially 
     harmed by these work-reporting requirements, including people 
     with disabilities, women, people who are experiencing 
     homelessness, and people with mental health conditions or 
     substance use disorders. Even though exemptions would apply 
     to some in these groups, states often lack the capacity to 
     hire sufficient staff to respond to people's questions or 
     manage work-reporting systems and the exemption process. 
     People who have fewer transportation options or live in rural 
     areas, face language or literacy barriers, are in poor health 
     or have limited mobility, or have limited internet access 
     would face particular barriers to understanding the new 
     requirements and navigating reporting systems, applying for 
     exemptions, and collecting the verification needed to prove 
     that they meet an exemption criterion.
       There is no upside to Medicaid work-reporting requirements. 
     Research has not found any impact of the requirements on 
     employment, and data from Arkansas show that few enrollees 
     engaged in new work-related activities. Instead, work-
     reporting requirements strip health coverage from people with 
     low incomes--most of whom are already meeting or exempt from 
     the requirements--

[[Page H2020]]

     leading to gaps in care that damage their health and 
     financial security and make it harder for them to find or 
     keep a job.
       In this paper, we estimate the number of Medicaid expansion 
     group enrollees at risk of losing coverage using 
     administrative data on Medicaid expansion enrollment for 
     2019, combined with American Community Survey (ACS) data and 
     state enrollment policies.
       We use 2019 Medicaid expansion group enrollment to avoid 
     including the large increase in Medicaid enrollment that 
     began in 2020 as a result of the requirement that Medicaid 
     provide continuous coverage during the public health 
     emergency. This continuous coverage requirement ended on 
     March 31, 2023, and while estimates of coverage loss during 
     the unwinding of the requirement are highly uncertain, 
     enrollment declines are potentially large. By using 2019 
     data, we avoid overstating our estimates of expansion 
     enrollees at risk in each state once unwinding is complete.


       As stated above, our estimates are based on a combination 
     of administrative data on Medicaid expansion enrollment, ACS 
     data, and state enrollment policies.
       Because our data are based on 2019 (pre-pandemic) Medicaid 
     expansion enrollment, they do not include expansion enrollees 
     at risk in states that expanded in 2019 or later, including 
     Idaho, Maine, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, and 
     Virginia. We also cannot produce expansion group estimates 
     for North Carolina and South Dakota, which have enacted but 
     not yet implemented expansion. Our national total estimate is 
     therefore likely to understate the number of enrollees at 
     risk. Finally, by shifting costs to states, the McCarthy 
     proposal could result in some states deciding to drop the ACA 
     Medicaid expansion, jeopardizing coverage for millions more. 
     Similarly, these new requirements could dissuade some states 
     that have not yet adopted the expansion from doing so.
       We consider Medicaid expansion enrollees aged 19-55 and 
     exclude from this group people who live with dependent 
     children aged 0-17. States should be able to exclude this 
     group automatically (without requiring them to apply for an 
     exemption) using existing administrative data, so they are 
     less likely to be at risk.
       We do not estimate other exemptions or work status because 
     these individuals would be more likely than parents to have 
     to report their employment or earnings monthly or to apply 
     for and submit documentation to receive an exemption. 
     Research indicates that most people who would lose coverage 
     under work-reporting requirements would be disenrolled 
     despite working or qualifying for an exemption due to the 
     complexities of proving that they are working or meet an 
     exemption criterion.
       Publicly available administrative data on Medicaid 
     expansion enrollees do not include detailed enrollee 
     characteristics. We therefore use data from the U.S. Census 
     Bureau's American Community Survey as well as state-level 
     eligibility rules to estimate the share of expansion 
     enrollees who are aged 19-55 and who do not have dependent 
     children in each state.

  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, let me say how blessed I feel to serve 
alongside my ranking member. I appreciate his thoughtful comments, and 
we are going to do a lot of great things together.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. 
Carter), my fellow Budget Committee member.
  Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for 
  Let me begin by thanking leadership and, particularly, the chair of 
the Budget Committee for all of their hard work in putting this 
  Let me also say that my colleague on the other side of the aisle 
talks about fiscal irresponsibility. Well, if you want to talk about 
fiscal irresponsibility, you only need to look at the White House and 
what this administration has done.
  Day one, they declared war on fossil fuels. You can make the 
argument, and a valid argument, that what has happened in our economy 
is a self-inflicted wound brought about by this war on fossil fuels 
that caused an increase in gas prices, that caused an increase in 
inflation, that caused an increase in interest rates and put this 
economy in the shambles that it is in right now.
  Since the first day of the administration, this Biden administration 
has recklessly spent taxpayer dollars. As a result, as I say, you see 
inflation at record highs, stealing money and opportunities from 
hardworking Americans.
  Our credit cards are maxed out. The gentleman talks about future 
spending. That is what this is about, limiting future spending. That is 
the conversation we are having.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentlewoman from Minnesota (Ms. Omar), a member of the Budget 
  Ms. OMAR. Mr. Speaker, for a long time Republicans spent so much time 
saying they were going to address the economic anxiety families were 
feeling, but overnight, they dreamed up a dangerous economic bill that 
would plunge families into economic depression.
  Republicans say they want to grow the economy, but their bill will 
destroy 8,000 jobs in my district alone and 7 million across this 
  They say they want to invest in children, but this bill eliminates 
childcare access for 4,000 kids in my State and 180,000 nationwide.
  They talk nonstop about rail safety, yet this bill would cut at least 
160 rail inspection days in Minnesota and 7,000 nationwide.
  They are not repealing the Bush-Trump tax cuts because what their 
bill is going to do is do wealth transfer from working and middle-class 
families to billionaires and millionaires.
  This is hypocrisy, and it is full of lies. Corporations should not be 
put ahead of our families.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, leadership isn't easy, and boy, does our 
Nation need it right now. I know of such a leader. His name is   Steve 
Scalise. He is our majority leader and a champion for freedom and 
fiscal responsibility.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. 
  Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend from Texas, not only a 
leader but the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Mr. Arrington, 
for bringing this bill to the floor.
  Mr. Speaker, we all know our Nation is at a crossroads. This is a 
very fragile time for the American people. They are looking at 
inflation that is going through the roof, decades high, paying more for 
everything, and they know why that happened.
  They are paying more for everything when they go to the grocery 
store, the gas pump, and anywhere else because Washington has spent 
trillions of dollars that this country doesn't have.
  Over the last 2 years, President Biden has maxed out the Nation's 
credit card. That is what the debt ceiling is. That is what this debate 
is about.
  As the President has maxed out the Nation's credit card, Americans 
know what that means. They have credit cards. They work hard not to max 
out theirs. They all know that we are going to make the minimum payment 
on those cards.
  If somebody maxed out the credit card like President Biden did, the 
first thing you do is not give them another credit card to max out, as 
President Biden has asked and demanded. He said to just give him more 
money to keep spending money that we don't have to rack up more 
inflation on hardworking families.
  Mr. Speaker, that would be irresponsible, yet that is what the 
President has asked for.
  What House Republicans have done is come together to say there is a 
better way. Sure, we need to address the debt ceiling, but we also need 
to address, at the same time, the problems that have brought us to this 
  It is not by accident that the Nation's credit card got maxed out. 
This is how bad the problem is. We can talk trillions all day long, and 
the numbers get so big that people just tune it out.
  Let's talk some basic numbers. For every $100 that the Federal 
Government takes in, the Federal Government is spending $129. Now, if a 
family did that, it wouldn't last long before they would go under, 
before they would lose their house, before they would go bankrupt. $100 
coming in and $129 going out, that is the spending problem in 
  President Biden said he wants to spend another $129 with $100 still 
coming in. Most families would look at that and say it is irresponsible 
to do that, and we agree, as House Republicans.
  You would think the President has acknowledged this finally and said: 
``Okay, why don't we sit down at the table and figure this out? We do 
not need a debt crisis in this Nation.'' Instead of sitting down to 
negotiate, which is what anybody responsible would do, Speaker McCarthy 
has said: Mr. President, let's sit down. They did it once over 2 months 
ago. The President himself, in fact, days later said: Do you know what? 
We ought to do it again.
  The problem is the President then went into hiding. The President 

[[Page H2021]]

not sit down and meet with the Speaker to negotiate how to solve this 
problem because the President wants to run the clock out and create a 
debt crisis.

  That is the height of irresponsibility, Mr. Speaker. If the President 
is going to shirk his responsibility and try to hide and wait until the 
clock strikes midnight, House Republicans are not going to sit on the 
sidelines. We are going to lead and present a solution. That is what 
this bill is.
  That is what Mr. Arrington's legislation does, Mr. Speaker. It says, 
as we deal with the debt ceiling, let's also deal with the spending 
problem that got us here.
  How do we do it? I think reading the bill would be really important. 
We will send an extra copy down to the White House so that they can 
actually see some of the basic things we are talking about.
  These are things that families get. Right now, in America, if you 
talk to any small business owner, they are all looking for workers. You 
would think we have full employment, that everybody who wants to work 
and is capable of working is working. Unfortunately, that is not the 
  President Biden put in place over the last few years different 
changes to welfare so that people who are fully able-bodied, that 
aren't even--they are not turning down work. They are not even looking 
for work, some of them making over $35,000 a year to sit at home. That 
is costing taxpayers over $100 billion.
  What we say is, frankly, a question a lot of people have asked over 
the years. I am just going to read it to you as the voters of the State 
of Wisconsin had presented to them just a few weeks ago, Mr. Speaker: 
``Shall able-bodied, childless adults be required to look for work in 
order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits?'' That is a pretty 
straightforward question.
  In fact, 79.5 percent of Wisconsin voters just a few weeks ago said, 
yes, they should look for work before they get taxpayer benefits.
  Should a single mom who is working two jobs have to pay for somebody 
who is just sitting at home and who just chooses not to work?
  This is America. If you want to sit at home and not work, that is 
your prerogative, but should you be asking a hardworking taxpayer to 
pay $35,000 or more a year for you to sit at home when everybody is 
looking for workers?
  We say let's just put those basic work requirements back in place, 
just like the voters of Wisconsin said a few weeks ago.
  Now, you would think the White House--that that is some kind of far-
reaching idea. Most people get this.
  This isn't just about saving taxpayer money. It saves a lot of 
taxpayer money to do this.
  Do you know what else it does, Mr. Speaker? Our bill strengthens 
Social Security because when President Biden is sending tens of 
billions of dollars every month to pay people not to work, not only are 
they not working, not only are they eating up all kind of money that 
our children are ultimately going to have to pay back, they are also 
taking money out of Social Security because they are not paying into 
  By putting these basic work requirements back in place, there are 
millions of people who are sitting on the sidelines that would finally 
get back into the workplace, finally have an opportunity to achieve the 
American Dream again, finally be able to lift up their standard of 
  Do you know what else they are going to be doing, Mr. Speaker? They 
are going to be paying into Social Security. They will be paying into 
Medicare. That would add tens of billions of dollars to strengthen 
Social Security and Medicare.
  Why would the President be against that?
  We claw back some of the unspent COVID money. President Biden himself 
said the COVID emergency is over. Yet, there are tens of billions of 
dollars out there being spent on things that have nothing to do with 
COVID, all under the name of the pandemic.
  Why not save that money for taxpayers?
  In addition to saving taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, we 
also put in pro-growth policies in this bill, things like the Lower 
Energy Cost Act.
  When you talk to families about the things that are angering them 
that are coming out of Washington, clearly, inflation and the cost of 
everything going up is the biggest item. The biggest item driving 
inflation is President Biden's anti-American energy policies. Families 
today are paying 50 percent more when they go fill up their cars at the 
pump, 50 percent more than the day President Biden took office. There 
is no reason for that.
  Instead of President Biden getting on Air Force One and going to beg 
Saudi princes to produce more energy, or begging Putin to produce more 
energy, we can make it here in America cleaner than anywhere else in 
the world, actually lowering carbon emissions.
  Yet, President Biden keeps saying no to American energy. He says 
``yes'' to foreign oil but no to American oil. That doesn't pass the 
smell test. In our bill, we actually fix that and allow Americans to 
produce more energy here, to produce more critical minerals.
  Why should we be relying on China for computer chips?
  Over 90 percent of solar panels in the world are made in China. Why 
not make more of those things here?
  Car batteries--they talk about electric cars all day, yet over 90 
percent of car batteries are made in China because they won't let 
America access our minerals here, so we have become dependent on 
foreign countries.

                              {time}  1530

  I am tired of being dependent on countries like China because 
President Biden has gotten the policies wrong over and over again. 
Let's fix this. We do fix these problems in this bill.
  If President Biden has got a better idea, it is long past time he 
puts those ideas on the table. This is not a problem you run and hide 
from. In fact, when you ask to be President of the United States, you 
are the Commander in Chief, you are the leader of the free world, Mr. 
Speaker. This is not a job where you run and hide from the tough 
things. These are the moments where you step up, you rise to the 
  The American people are calling for us all to do that. Some people 
want to sit and hide and hope that the clock strikes midnight, and they 
can just force some bad deal on the taxpayers of America. Well, that is 
what they are sick about Washington over. Time and time again, 
Washington doesn't answer the needs of hardworking families who are 
struggling and just waits until the midnight hour to jam a bad deal 
down the throats of people. Let's not wait until that midnight hour.
  We are standing up and leading. It is long past time that President 
Biden gets off the sidelines and does his job, too, and gets to the 
negotiating table with Speaker McCarthy so we can solve this problem 
and put America on a stronger financial footing that will benefit all 
  It is time to end this madness. Let's pass this legislation. Let's 
start this conversation that families have been having for a long time. 
It is long past time Washington gets into the middle of this 
conversation, too.
  Let's pass this bill. Let's solve this problem.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, listening to all of the doom 
and gloom from the previous speaker, you might forget for a moment that 
right now, in the world, the greatest economic recovery from COVID is 
that of the United States of America, with the greatest job growth in 
my lifetime.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from California (Mr. 
  Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to remind my colleagues of both 
parties that the legislation before us could do irreparable harm to our 
Nation's veterans.
  This bill would force a 22 percent cut to nondefense spending. That 
would slash $30 billion from veterans' services. That means 30 million 
veterans will have fewer healthcare visits, fewer staff, an increased 
claims backlog, and longer wait times for benefits. That is the 
uncertainty that awaits veterans should this bill succeed.
  Just last month, during a committee hearing, my Republican colleagues 
assured us they didn't want to reduce benefits for veterans. I heard it 
firsthand, so I was troubled to learn that this bill completely fails 
to protect veterans from its cuts.
  Yesterday, 24 veteran and military service organizations sent a 
letter urging Congress not to pass this legislation.

[[Page H2022]]

  I am dismayed that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are 
prepared to force a default and devastate our economy if we don't go 
along with it. Please don't do this. Don't hold our Nation's veterans 
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentlewoman from Minnesota (Ms. Craig), a member of the Committee on 
Energy and Commerce.
  Ms. CRAIG. Mr. Speaker, today's debate is perhaps one of the most 
dangerous games to be perpetrated in my time in Congress by the radical 
  This bill risks our economy, our Nation's credit rating, American 
jobs, retirement savings, and healthcare access.
  Mr. Speaker, there is a proposal on the table, raise the debt 
ceiling, full stop, just like we did under the former President. Then 
let's have a robust debate about spending in a budget debate and in the 
appropriations process.
  But that is not what the radical right has put on the floor today. I 
cannot support a bill that would cut funding for our Nation's veterans, 
would cut funding to Minnesota public schools, would cost jobs, and 
economists say would increase the likelihood of a recession.
  This is not a serious bill from the radical right, and there is no 
more serious issue facing our country right now than the prospect of 
defaulting on our debt.
  This is a dangerous game my colleagues are playing, and it needs to 
be cut out.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Trone), a distinguished member of the 
Budget Committee.
  Mr. TRONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge my colleagues to vote 
against the extremist Republicans' default on our debt act.
  The legislation, offered by Speaker McCarthy, really begs the 
question: Is this what we stand for?
  The default on our debt act means a 22 percent cut to our education 
system, our students, and our Nation's competitiveness. Is this what we 
stand for?
  It means a 22 percent cut to the VA, cutting law enforcement, 
including healthcare for America's brave; cuts to State grants to fund 
the prosecution against domestic violence. Is this what we stand for?
  It makes a 22 percent cut to the Special Supplemental Nutrition 
Program for Women, Infants, and Children that feeds 53 percent of the 
infants in the U.S. and ensures they have nutritious food to survive. 
Is this what we stand for?
  It is certainly not what I stand for, and I plan to vote ``no'' on 
the legislation.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentlewoman from Illinois (Ms. Schakowsky), a distinguished member of 
the Budget Committee.

  Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I brought my Constitution with me 
because the Constitution is very clear that it is the duty of the 
United States of America to pay its debts. Somehow, it doesn't say a 
darn thing about how you can negotiate to hold the whole economy 
hostage and threaten the economy of the United States of America before 
you are willing to pay the debts.
  Under President Trump, as I am sure it was said before, three times 
the debt ceiling was raised. Yet, you are saying now, at the same time 
Donald Trump gave a $2 trillion tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, 
but don't blame him for the deficit. Let's talk about these poor people 
who are trying to get healthcare or put food on the table for their 
families or the veterans who are seeing a cut in their healthcare. No 
way. Vote ``no'' on this terrible, mean proposal.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire as to the time 
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Texas has 3 minutes 
remaining. The gentleman from Pennsylvania has 3 minutes remaining.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentleman from California (Mr. Panetta), a distinguished member of the 
Budget Committee.
  Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the Limit, Save, 
and Grow Act.
  As a member of the Ways and Means Committee and Budget Committee, as 
much as I want to take serious steps to lower our debt and deficit, 
this legislation is not serious, it is not bipartisan, and it leaves us 
with a partisan hit list.
  I say that because of the way it is written. It would increase hunger 
and deprive low-income citizens of healthcare. It would make 
significant cuts to critical government services that could lead to the 
loss of 780,000 jobs. It would cut IRS funding needed to close the tax 
gap and collect taxes owed. It would do nothing to raise revenues, and 
it would do nothing to find common ground on permitting reform. It 
would target the cornerstone of the industrial policy that we created 
last term to lower our carbon output by repealing clean energy tax 
  Solutions to the debt crisis need to be serious, not partisan. This 
bill brings us closer to default by demanding partisan policies that 
will never pass the Senate.
  I will vote ``no'' on this bill, but I do look forward to raising the 
debt ceiling and then having serious conversations about how we can 
ensure that Congress gets serious about a solution to our debt and 
deficit reduction.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the 
gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Ocasio-Cortez).
  Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ. Mr. Speaker, as my distinguished colleague, 
Representative Connolly from the State of Virginia, says: well, well, 
  Several years ago, we warned during the Trump tax cuts, that this 
dramatic decrease in revenue would explode the Nation's debt. We heard 
from the Republican side: No, let us write off our yachts; let us write 
off our private jets. We said that this decrease in revenue would 
explode our national debt.
  But instead of now realizing the error of our ways and reversing 
these tax cuts for the wealthy, we are now seeing the Republican side 
promote a bill that cuts student loan cancellation, veterans' 
healthcare, cancer research, opioid treatment, Meals on Wheels, and 
  The debt limit is about meeting our obligations already voted for, 
that Republicans and Democrats have already voted for. If we want to 
cut and make changes to programming in the future, we may do that, but 
threatening to tank the economy is not how you do it.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire as to the time 
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Pennsylvania has 1 minute 
  Mr. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of 
my time for closing.
  Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman on the other side for this 
vigorous debate. Again, I would remind all of us about what is involved 
in the DOA act: the single biggest cut to nondefense programs in 
American history.
  It would, according to Moody's Analytics, lead to 800,000 job losses 
by the end of 2024 and a dramatically increased likelihood of a 
recession. It would do absolutely nothing to solve the real problems 
that we have in our society.
  Mr. Speaker, this is not good policy for the American people. This 
will jeopardize the record job growth that we are currently 

  Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members of this House to make the DOA act 
exactly that, dead on arrival. Vote ``no.''
  Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
  Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time for 
  Mr. Speaker, I thank again my ranking member, my friend, and my 
partner in public service.
  My Democrat colleagues say, let's raise the debt ceiling today, and 
we will deal with the debt tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. It never 
comes. We are prepared, I guess, to bury our children under the 
mountain of debt

[[Page H2023]]

that we have amassed because of a government we think the people want 
and need.
  How irresponsible, how reckless, how weak, how cowardly that we won't 
step up and do the right thing. I can't believe that the Democrat party 
has strayed so far left that ensuring that able-bodied people who are 
receiving public assistance work is an extreme MAGA idea and that it is 
radical for people to rein in spending to just last year's levels of 
  I have heard a lot of fear-mongering, false choices, and phantom 
funding cuts, all in an attempt to accept the status quo.
  Here's what the status quo has given us: skyrocketing prices, 
shrinking paychecks, soaring interest rates, a labor shortage, a 
culture of dependency, an overall weaker economy, and a more vulnerable 
  Mr. Speaker, all of us have contributed to this, I will admit. I have 
conceded that. But we have a moment in time. The hour has come. We have 
to work together to restore fiscal sanity in this place before it is 
too late.
  The consequences of our failure to act, Mr. Speaker, could not be 
more grave. I will say it again. We have got to pay our debts. We have 
got to protect the good faith and credit of the United States. We 
cannot give an unlimited line of credit to any party, any politician, 
and allow our country to be bankrupted and to rob our children of the 
blessings of liberty in this land of opportunity. We shouldn't accept 
that. We should work together to be responsible, be leaders, leaders 
worthy of this great Nation.
  Let's vote together in support of H.R. 2811.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

                              {time}  1545

  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Smith) and 
the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Neal) each will control 30 
  The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Smith).
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may 
  Mr. Speaker, today's fiscal crisis threatens all Americans. We are 
here today to debate legislation that accomplishes so much of what the 
American people want. Specifically, it begins to get Washington's 
spending habits under control. It starts to slow the flow of special 
interest handouts to the wealthy and well-connected, and it throws 
much-needed water on the fire of inflation burning through the wallets 
of American families.
  Unlike the Inflation Reduction Act, the Limit, Save, Grow Act under 
consideration today actually does what it says it is going to do. It 
puts real limits on future spending, so that we begin to turn the ship 
back in a more fiscally sound direction.
  It saves taxpayer dollars by clawing back unobligated pandemic 
spending, a sensible solution given the fact that the President himself 
has declared the pandemic over.
  It saves taxpayer dollars by ending welfare for the wealthy and 
loopholes for big corporations in the Inflation Reduction Act. Ninety 
percent of these special interest green tax breaks go to companies with 
over 1 billion in sales. Financial institutions alone pocket three 
times as much as any other industry, and these tax dollars are being 
funneled to China, enriching the Chinese Communist Party and allowing 
it to dominate critical mineral supply chains.
  I know my friends on the other side share in frustration in how that 
law has ended up so different than what they thought they were voting 
  In this bill, we propose proworker, pro-small business policies like 
work requirements in our welfare programs that will not only support a 
more vibrant economy, but also help more Americans realize the dignity 
of work. This plan will also take the target off the backs of low- and 
middle-income taxpayers under threat from a supercharged army of 87,000 
at the IRS.
  The Biden administration brags about the $400 billion in revenues 
they plan to bring in by unleashing the new agents. To do that, audit 
rates will have to go up on low- and middle-income Americans. In fact, 
under the so-called historical audit rate the administration says it 
will adhere to, we will see a million--a million new audits with 
650,000 of them falling on folks who make $75,000 or less.
  I find it curious to hear my Democrat colleagues and the President 
say they will not negotiate on spending when it comes to the debt 
ceiling, while at the same time complaining there is no plan over which 
to negotiate.
  Well, here you go. Republicans have a plan. It is time for the 
President to negotiate overspending reforms as part of addressing the 
debt ceiling just as we have done many times before. In fact, just as 
the President himself has done many times before as a Senator and as 
Vice President.
  Eleven of the previous debt ceiling increases going back decades have 
included fiscal reforms. President Biden voted for such agreements as a 
Senator, and he negotiated them as a Vice President. The President's 
current position of refusing to discuss commonsense spending restraints 
when it comes to the debt ceiling is a reckless abandonment of past 
precedent and in his own history.
  Under one-party Democratic rule, we got $10 trillion in new spending. 
The consequences have been very real. Since President Biden took 
office, we have seen a spike in prices by 14.9 percent. Real wages have 
declined by 3.5 percent and interest rates have increased more in the 
past year than in the prior 15 years combined.
  The American people are demanding something to be done about all of 
this. Let's pass this legislation and put the interests of workers, 
families, farmers, and small businesses first and foremost. Let's do as 
Congress has done before and address the debt ceiling with policies 
that also address the Washington spending habits that got us here.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
  Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to the default on America 
act. The chairman just mentioned something that is noteworthy. He said, 
We are seeing a Republican plan, and for the next hour, we intend to 
make sure America gets a chance to see the Republican plan.
  A reminder for those who might be paying attention to this debate 
today as to how we traveled on this road which, by the way, is 
eminently manageable through negotiation after a clean debt ceiling 
vote might take place.
  So our Republican colleagues, I think--and I might be mistaken. You 
know what? I am sure. They voted for more defense spending. $800 
billion we are now at with defense spending. They voted for pandemic 
relief. They voted for aid to Ukraine. How about the million and a half 
new veterans that we have in America in the aftermath of the war in 
Iraq and Afghanistan? They deserve our care, and our Republican 
colleagues voted for that aid.
  Republican Members, some of whom voted for the infrastructure bill, 
some of them who voted for the legislation on the Inflation Reduction 
Act, and some of them who voted for the CHIPS Act--that is what is in 
front of us at this moment.
  Here is the real ringer, Mr. Speaker. In December of 2017--and I hope 
everybody pays attention to this argument--they voted to borrow $2.3 
trillion over 10 years for the purpose of giving a tax cut to the 
wealthiest among us with, by the way, modest to limited economic 
  Why is that important?
  Because there has been $10 trillion worth of tax cuts over the last 
25 years. Do you want me to recite it?

  President Bush's tax cut in 2001, $1.3 trillion. They came back in 
2003, another trillion, and subsequently presided over the invasion of 
Iraq and Afghanistan, which we should note the cost of which are in the 
trillions of dollars today.
  They want us to believe that this problem that we have in front of 
us--which I mentioned is manageable--they want us to believe that this 
is the Democratic position on spending after they embraced the tax cuts 
that I have just described.
  This is about America's credit. What ever happened to the Republican 
Party that talked about probity as it related to financial stability?
  Whatever happened to the Republican Party that talked about the 
importance of investment?

[[Page H2024]]

  These arguments that they make now are largely vacuous because it is 
inconsistent with the Republican Party I knew when I came to Congress. 
They could borrow money for the Iraq war month after month to keep it 
off budget so nobody would see what it was really about. They could 
borrow money repeatedly, and the moment a Democrat gets to the White 
House they are blamed for inflation.
  I don't think Joe Biden should be blamed for inflation in the United 
Kingdom. How about Germany? That is how empty these arguments are that 
they are making.
  There is a chance for us to do what we used to do here--and by the 
way, Democrats responsibly voted for raising the debt ceiling three 
times under the former President because we thought it was the 
responsible thing to do. Speaker McCarthy got himself into this by the 
promises that he made along the way.
  The suggestion here is very simple, Mr. Speaker. Pass a clean debt 
ceiling and then let's get on with negotiating.
  Bill Clinton, on January 19, 2001, had balanced the budget four 
times, projected surpluses in the trillions of dollars and 22 million 
new jobs. The Republican Party gave it away through tax cuts to wealthy 
  They are asking us today the following--they get to set the fire and 
then call the fire department because that is what this argument is 
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Bost), the chairman of the Veterans' 
Affairs Committee.
  Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, there is a lot of talk on this floor and 
actually outside the Chamber today from the other side of the aisle 
about this bill cutting veterans. Well, I am going to tell you, as the 
only veteran among the four VA committee leaders responsible for 
ensuring veterans have the care and services they have earned, and as a 
father of a veteran, a grandfather of a veteran, a grandson of a 
veteran, a son of a veteran, and a nephew of a veteran, you better 
believe that I am dead serious that we are not cutting veterans, and I 
mean it.
  I don't know how much clearer we can be. Speaker McCarthy has been 
very clear; we are not cutting veterans. Chairwoman Granger has said we 
are not cutting veterans. I, as the chairman of the Veterans' Affairs 
Committee: We are not cutting veterans. The White House and Democrats 
  We can get our fiscal house in order while ensuring our 
servicemembers and veterans are taken care of. Yet, with no regard for 
the impact of their words, they continue to speak lies about how House 
Republicans are cutting veterans' benefits, and it is false. It is 
dangerous rhetoric and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
  Simply put, you are placing politics and playing politics with our 
veterans and their lives and their concerns. Veterans are not political 
pawns to advance an agenda.
  CBO says that the Limit, Save, Grow Act will grow the economy and 
save American taxpayers money, which is a good thing. At the end of the 
day, our veterans--you know what, they are taxpayers, too. They are 
grandmothers and mothers and grandfathers and fathers. You know what? 
They are concerned about their children and grandchildren.
  If you believe in building an America that is worth our veterans' 
selfless sacrifice, I urge you to stop playing politics, come to the 
table and support the bill.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Members are reminded to address their 
remarks to the Chair.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, my point was and is Republicans voted for the 
PATH Act, as we did, and the bill is due.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from New 
York (Mr. Jeffries), the minority leader in the House of 
Representatives, a champion of long-term worthwhile investments.
  Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. Neal for his extraordinary 
leadership and continuing to work to elevate values that benefit 
everyday Americans.
  Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to the extreme MAGA 
Republican default on America Act.
  This reckless Republican effort to lead us down the road of a 
dangerous default will hurt working families, hurt the middle class, 
hurt all those Americans who aspire to be part of the middle class, 
hurt young people, hurt seniors, hurt veterans, hurt the poor, the 
sick, and the afflicted.
  This will hurt people in urban America, rural America, exurban 
America, small-town America, in Appalachia, and in the heartland of 
America. It will hurt the least, the lost, and the left behind. The 
extreme MAGA Republican default on America act will hurt everyday 

                              {time}  1600

  Why? Because you want to jam your reckless, extreme ideology down the 
throats of the American people in a hostage-taking situation. Instead 
of producing a budget, which is what President Biden has done, you have 
produced a ransom note.
  The default on America act is a ransom note because effectively what 
you are saying is: Pass our extreme MAGA Republican bill or else 
America is going to default.
  Now, we have a responsibility here in the United States Congress to 
uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America to 
make sure that, as a country, we pay our bills, bills that have already 
been incurred, and not default. That is what our responsibility is, not 
as Democrats or as Republicans, but as Americans.
  That is why, in the previous administration, Democrats three times 
worked with the Trump administration to avoid a default--no 
gamesmanship, no brinkmanship, no partisanship. We worked with the 
previous administration, with which we disagreed often, to make sure 
that America paid its bills, notwithstanding the fact that in our 247-
year history, 25 percent of America's debt was accumulated during the 4 
years of the Trump administration.
  We did our patriotic responsibility to make sure that America would 
not default on our debt.
  Now, with a different President in office, you want to play games. 
You want to flirt with a default and take us down this dangerous path.
  You claim it is all about fiscal responsibility. Give me a break. 
That is rhetoric. That is not what the record shows, as Mr. Neal 
articulated. This is not about fiscal responsibility. That is rhetoric.
  What the record shows is that Democrats are the party of job creation 
and fiscal responsibility, and Republicans have been the party of tax 
cuts for the wealthy, the well-off, the well-connected, and exploding 
  Bill Clinton inherited deficits from the previous two 
administrations. Twenty million good-paying jobs were created during 
the 8 years of the Clinton Presidency, and he eliminated the deficit. 
In fact, he created a budget surplus.
  President Barack Obama inherited the Great Recession, fiscal 
irresponsibility. Fourteen million good-paying, private-sector jobs 
were created during the Presidency of Barack Obama, and he reduced the 
deficit by $1 trillion. He took it from $1.5 trillion to $500 billion.
  Democrats are the party of job creation and fiscal responsibility.
  Joe Biden inherited a mess. What did he do? In 2 years, more than 10 
million jobs were created. Now that number is over 12 million. He 
reduced the deficit by $1.7 trillion.
  What is the Republican record? Why do you lecture us and lecture 
America about fiscal responsibility?
  The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Womack). The gentleman is reminded to 
direct his remarks to the Chair.
  Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, what is the Republican record?
  President Reagan came into office, and the first thing that he did 
was massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the well-off, and the well-
connected, and explodes the deficit.
  President George W. Bush came into office, and in 2001 and 2003, 
massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the well-off, and the well-connected; 
two failed wars; a deep recession; and explodes the deficit.
  President Trump came into office. The first thing he did in 2017 was 
massive tax cuts for the wealthy, the well-off, and the well-connected; 
the GOP tax scam with 83 percent of the benefits going to the 
wealthiest 1 percent in America; and explodes the deficits.

[[Page H2025]]

  How dare you lecture America about fiscal responsibility when the 
record shows that Democrats are the party of job creation and reducing 
deficits, and Republicans are the party of tax cuts for the wealthy, 
the well-off, the well-connected, and exploding the deficits.
  We are not going to stand here and allow you to lecture us about 
fiscal responsibility. What this is is an effort to try to extract 
deep, painful cuts on everyday Americans.
  There is a process for America to pay its bills. It should be 
seamless. Then there is a budget process and an appropriations process. 
That is where we can have a conversation about future spending, future 
investments, and what the priorities should be.
  President Joe Biden produced a budget. His budget will actually 
protect and strengthen Social Security, build an economy that works for 
everyday Americans, and cut the deficit by $3 trillion.
  We have been asking for a Republican budget. Instead of giving us a 
budget, you have given us a ransom note. That is what the default on 
America act is, threatening a dangerous default. Pass it or else.

  That is not statesmanship. That is brinkmanship. It will cause grave 
harm to everyday Americans.
  The reckless extreme MAGA Republican dangerous default effort risks 
triggering a painful recession that will cost millions of good-paying 
  This reckless Republican effort, this effort to lead us down a 
dangerous default, will risk crashing the stock market and put in 
jeopardy the retirement security of millions of older Americans.
  This reckless Republican effort to lead us down a dangerous default 
risks exploding costs for everyday Americans. That is what is in front 
of us right now.
  That is why we oppose this reckless effort to default on America. 
This bill is unacceptable; it is unreasonable; it is unworkable; it is 
unconscionable; and it is un-American. That is why we oppose it. That 
is why we are urging a ``no'' vote, and that is why we are asking you 
to come together not as Republicans but as Americans to do what has 
always been done and make sure America pays bills that have already 
been incurred and avoid a dangerous default.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair would like to remind Members, in 
the interest of the proper decorum in the House, to address the Chair.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, we have heard a lot of comments 
just recently about tax provisions that helped the wealthy, the well-
off, and the well-connected. Let's point out the Democrats' tax 
policies that we are ripping out from the roots are helping the 
wealthy, the well-off, and the well-connected.
  Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record analyses from the Joint 
Committee on Taxation, showing that big corporations with more than $1 
billion in sales receive over 90 percent of all special interest 
electricity subsidies, and that financial institutions receive three 
times more benefits from these tax credits than any other industry 
where the wealthy, the well-off, and the well-connected benefit.

                                     Congress of the United States

                                  Joint Committee on Taxation,

                                   Washington, DC, March 31, 2023.
     From: Robert Harvey.
     Subject: Distribution Data.
       This memorandum is in response to your request of March 28, 
     2023, for data on the distribution of claims for certain 
     energy credits by the gross receipts of the taxpayer. Below 
     we report the tentative claims for credit under Code section 
     45, the credit for electricity produced from certain 
     renewable resources, and the tentative claims for credit 
     under section 48, the energy investment credit, by C 
     corporations for the 2019 tax year and 2020 tax year. The 
     amounts reported are the tentative claims for credit before 
     any limitation that the taxpayer might face and before any 
     audit adjustment that might occur. For each of section 45 and 
     section 48 we report the dollars of credit claimed 
     categorized by gross receipts reported on line 1c of Form 
     1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return.

                                 [Tax years 2019 and 2020, millions of dollars]
                                                                        2019                      2020
                   Gross Receipts Category                     Amount of    Percentage   Amount of    Percentage
                                                                 Credit       Share        Credit       Share
Less than $1 billion........................................          349          5.5          231          3.1
$1 billion-$25 billion......................................        2,538         40.2        2,560         34.6
More than $25 billion.......................................        3,432         54.3        4,619         62.3
    Total...................................................        6,319        100.0        7,409        100.0

                                       TENTATIVE SECTION 48 ENERGY CREDIT
                                 [Tax years 2019 and 2020, millions of dollars]
                                                                        2019                      2020
                   Gross Receipts Category                     Amount of    Percentage   Amount of    Percentage
                                                                 Credit       Share        Credit       Share
Less than $1 billion........................................          571         10.3          558          7.9
$1 billion-$25 billion......................................        2,731         49.4        2,740         38.9
More than $25 billion.......................................        2,222         40.2        3,748         53.2
    Total...................................................        5,524        100.0        7,047        100.0
Note: Details may not sum to totals due to rounding.

                                    Congress of the United States,

                                  Joint Committee on Taxation,

                                   Washington, DC, March 31, 2023.
     From: Robert Harvey.
     Subject: Tentative Energy Credits by Industry.
       This memorandum is in response to your request for data on 
     claims for certain energy credits by industry, including 
     credits claimed by management companies. Below we report the 
     tentative claims for credit under Code section 45, the credit 
     for electricity produced from certain renewable resources, 
     and the tentative claims for credit under section 48, the 
     energy investment credit, by C corporations for the 2019 and 
     2020 tax years. The amounts reported are the tentative claims 
     for credit before any limitation that the taxpayer might face 
     and before any audit adjustment that might occur. For each of 
     section 45 and section 48 we report the dollars of credit 
     claimed by industry using the North American Industrial 
     Classification System (``NAICS'') code level. Presenting 
     these data at a finer level of detail potentially would 
     create concerns of disclosure of information specific to 
     taxpayers. For example, for section 45 we removed 2020 data 
     for the wholesale and retail trade industry as the sample 
     size became too limited.

                           RENEWABLE RESOURCES
                          [Millions of dollars]
               NAICS Code                   2018       2019       2020
22 Utilities...........................      1,138        989      1,263
    221100 Electric Power Generation,          571        460        578
     Transmission and Distribution.....
    All other utilities................        567        529        684
31 Manufacturing.......................        515        266        188
41 Wholesale and Retail Trade..........        760        990         na
52 Finance and Insurance...............        943        877        871
    524 Insurance......................        461        407        420
    All other finance and insurance....        482        469        451
55 Management of Companies (Holding          1,909      2,880      3,385
    551111 Bank Holding Companies......      1,898      2,839      3,354
    551112 Other Holding Companies.....         11         41         31
All Other Industries...................        317        318      1,704
        Total..........................      5,581      6,319      7,410

[[Page H2026]]

                          [Millions of dollars]
               NAICS Code                   2018       2019       2020
11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and          13         10         na
22 Utilities...........................      1,127      1,118      1,191
    221100 Electric Power Generation,          999        906      1,063
     Transmission and Distribution.....
    All other utilities................        128        212        128
23 Construction........................         36         67         39
31 Manufacturing.......................        342        245        247
42 Wholesale Trade.....................         81        175        147
44 Retail Trade........................        271        299        547
52 Finance and Insurance...............        658        657      1,372
    522110 Commercial Banking..........        120         19        202
    522120 Savings Institutions, Credit         31         54         51
    524 Insurance......................        403        389        539
    All other finance and insurance....        104        194        581
53 Real Estate and Rental Leasing......         31         17         20
55 Management of Companies (Holding          2,231      2,749      3,169
    551111 Bank Holding Companies......      2,216      2,729      3,144
    551112 Other Holding Companies.....         15         20         25
All Other Industries...................        102        187        316
        Total..........................      4,891      5,524      7,047

       We note this analysis is based on income tax returns filed 
     by C corporations where taxpayers report the industry in 
     which they are primarily engaged, identifying the industry by 
     the code numbers established under the NAICS. This is self-
     reported, and the Internal Revenue Service does not 
     necessarily verify the accuracy of the classification stated 
     by the taxpayer.

  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Reschenthaler).
  Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speaker, I thank my good friend from Missouri 
for yielding.
  Mr. Speaker, I would like to engage the gentlewoman from Virginia 
(Mrs. Kiggans), who is my fellow Navy veteran, for the purpose of a 
  Mrs. KIGGANS of Virginia. Will the gentleman yield?
  Mr. RESCHENTHALER. I yield to the gentlewoman.
  Mrs. KIGGANS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from 
Pennsylvania for yielding.
  Mr. Speaker, I strongly agree with him on Washington's excessive 
spending. Republicans are ready to lead the way to end the era of 
reckless government spending.
  After only 2 years under the Biden administration, our Federal 
deficit has grown by over $6 trillion. This is unacceptable for our 
country but especially for our children, who will inherit this deficit.
  However, I also agree that our great Nation cannot default on our 
debts, and this bill, like all others, must be paid. I support lifting 
the debt ceiling, but only if coupled with reforms to Washington's 
wasteful spending in order to repair the inflation crisis and 
strengthen America's economy.
  While the President has offered no plan to avoid default, I am proud 
to be a part of this new Republican majority that has put forward the 
Limit, Save, Grow Act, which proposes solutions.
  That being said, I do have serious concerns with the provisions of 
this legislation that repeals clean energy investment tax credits, 
particularly for wind energy. These credits have been very beneficial 
to my constituents, attracting significant investment and new 
manufacturing jobs for businesses in southeast Virginia. The energy 
production happening in my district will incentivize clean energy 
solutions here in America and provide jobs for Virginians and energy 
options for military installations in my district.
  For all of these reasons, I do not support the repeal of these clean 
energy tax credits.
  I recognize that this bill is not the final product, but I also 
understand that it gets us to the negotiating table. I worked hard for 
a new Republican majority to have a seat at that table.
  My ask is for the gentleman's assurance that I will be able to 
address these concerns as we move forward in those negotiations and 
advocate for the interests of my district.
  Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for her 
remarks and for working with us on this bill. I would like the 
gentlewoman to know that I support repealing these tax credits, but I 
understand the gentlewoman's concerns on some individual provisions in 
this bill.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman has expired.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield an additional 30 seconds 
to the gentleman from Pennsylvania.
  Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Of course, we will continue to work with the 
gentlewoman from Virginia just like we will with all Members on making 
sure we are paying our Nation's debts and lifting our debt ceiling, but 
doing it in a responsible, reasonable, and sensible manner, and 
bringing Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to the negotiation table.
  Mrs. KIGGANS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I have full faith we can 
negotiate a final debt ceiling deal that both restores fiscal 
responsibility and empowers Americans to be good stewards of our 
Nation's vast natural resources.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman from Virginia for 
calling attention to these tax credits.
  Talk about fortuitous timing, Mr. Speaker, here is the author of 
these tax credits, all $370 billion, along with Earl Blumenauer. We 
intend to lay out where these tax credits are going to in Republican 
districts and see if those Members wish to take advantage of those tax 
credits or not.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from California (Mr. 
Thompson), who is a veteran.
  Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition 
to the default on America act.
  Mr. Speaker, we need to raise the debt ceiling not because of money 
we want to spend in the future but because of money that we have 
already spent.
  Both parties have contributed to our current debt, including over $2 
trillion of debt caused by the 2017 Republican tax bill and hundreds of 
billions in COVID relief spending voted for by both parties and signed 
into law by a Republican President.
  One-quarter of our Nation's debt was racked up during the previous 
administration, and now Republicans are trying to use our obligation to 
pay our debts as a leverage point to kick millions of people off 
of healthcare insurance, to defund the biggest investment in climate 
change in our country's history, and to make it harder for the neediest 
among us to feed themselves.

  Let's be clear. If we default on our debt, the consequences will be 
felt by every American.
  We have repeatedly passed a clean debt ceiling bill, and we need to 
do that today. It is time to stop playing games with our debt and end 
this attack on the stability of the American economy.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from Utah (Mr. Moore).
  Mr. MOORE of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the Limit, 
Save, Grow Act.
  Every time I talk about debt, deficit spending, the budget--
anything--I think about my four boys who are 10 years of age and under. 
I bring it up a lot, and it drives what I do. It gets me out of bed 
every single day to be working on this. I just can't hear one more 
time: Well, let's just raise the debt ceiling, and then let's get to 
work on this.
  It is no longer time for that. We cannot accept not using every 
single opportunity that we have back here in Congress to address this.
  I am in my second term in Congress. I have sat on the sidelines, and 
I have watched us constantly do this over and over again. I want to see 
something substantive happen here.
  That is what we are doing here today, Mr. Speaker. We are trying to 
do something substantive.
  Our debt exceeds $30 trillion. The optimism of our future depends on 
what we do over the next 10 years.
  We have learned that the outcome is not good for empires that 
overextend themselves like we have done.
  America has done this before, and we are at an inflection point. Our 
debt to GDP is where it was right after World War II, and for the bulk 
of the 21st century, we were able to get our debt to GDP down.
  We have to take action, and we have to do it now.
  Let's use this opportunity like we have done over the last 30 or 40 
years when there is a debt ceiling increase that comes up. Let's take 
advantage of this, and let's find a way to reduce our spending. That is 
the best way to address our debt-to-GDP ratio, and I know everybody in 
this Chamber understands that.

                              {time}  1615

  We have an opportunity. This spring is our moment, again, to stop 
debt-fueled spending sprees and give our children a fair shot at 
success and not a mountain of IOUs.
  This act saves $4.8 trillion, it grows our economy and our workforce, 
and I urge my colleagues to support this bill.

[[Page H2027]]


  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from 
Massachusetts (Ms. Clark), the minority whip and a great talent in the 
Democratic Party.
  Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition 
to this reckless default on America act. I have got to say, I see why 
the Republicans put this together in the dead of night. I wouldn't want 
Americans to see this plan, either. It is the same GOP playbook: Give 
more to the rich and elite, stick hardworking Americans with the bill, 
and threaten economic disaster if we don't go along.
  Why exactly is the GOP endangering American livelihoods?
  They want to help a few rich friends dodge their taxes.
  What is the cost to the American people?
  Here are just a few: 2,400 Border Patrol agents off the job, 300,000 
kids out of childcare, 400,000 families evicted from their homes, a 
million seniors kicked off of Meals on Wheels, $2 billion taken away 
from veterans' healthcare; that is 30 million doctors' appointments 
stolen from veterans. It is disgraceful.
  Mr. Speaker, there is one responsible path forward--a clean, 
unconditional vote to avoid default, something the GOP did three times 
under Donald Trump. As Trump put it himself, we cannot use the debt 
ceiling to negotiate.
  Stop the madness. Deliver a resounding ``no'' vote on this dangerous 
piece of political theater.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Kustoff).
  Mr. KUSTOFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the Republicans' 
plan to avoid a Federal default, to rein in spending, and get our 
economy back on track: The Limit, Save, Grow Act.
  Over the last 2 years, Democrats' out-of-control spending has 
drastically and dramatically increased our 10-year spending trajectory. 
That includes the $2 trillion misnamed American Rescue Plan that 
ignited the highest rise in consumer prices and inflation in 40 years. 
Americans are paying the price for this radical spending that 
completely bloated our Federal spending.
  House Republicans are committed to finding a sensible debt ceiling 
solution that will strengthen the American economy, protect American 
families, and save taxpayers over $4 trillion over the next 10 years.
  The Limit, Save, Grow Act will do the following:
  It will limit Washington's irresponsible spending.
  It will save taxpayer dollars.
  It will grow the American economy.
  House Republicans are the only ones who have actually put forward a 
plan that will keep our Federal Government from defaulting. It is time 
for President Biden to come to the table and negotiate.
  Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues to support this important 
legislation that will help families, businesses, and farmers in west 
Tennessee and across the Nation.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas 
(Mr. Doggett), a longtime observer and critic of Republican spending 
plans in the House.
  Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I oppose this Republican ``Default on 
America'' act because it will create more deficits for millions of 
Americans. It will create an educational opportunity deficit for the 
students that are relying on Pell grants, seeing them slashed, and 
their hope for debt forgiveness dashed. It would create an educational 
opportunity deficit for the children that are denied preschool.

 =========================== NOTE =========================== 

  On April 26, 2023, on page H2027, in the second column, the 
following appeared: Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I oppose this 
Republican default on America act
  The online version has been corrected to read: Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. 
Speaker, I oppose this Republican ``Default on America'' act

 ========================= END NOTE ========================= 

  Though our Central Texas Food Bank is already overwhelmed, another 
deficit would mean more hunger. Rent assistance would also be cut for 
40,000 Texans, as we have an affordability crisis.
  Perhaps the biggest deficit of all out of this bill, their failure to 
address the climate crisis. Once merely ignoring science as climate 
deniers, they have now become destroyers of even the most modest 
measures Democrats took to address the climate crisis and incentivize 
renewable energy, create new jobs, and lower energy costs. Instead, 
they promote more fossil fuels and more fossilized thinking.
  For the health of Americans, the health of our economy, and the 
health of our planet, reject this fraudulent bill.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the 
gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Smucker).
  Mr. SMUCKER. Mr. Speaker, the last time the U.S. debt held by the 
public equaled our total economic output was just after World War II. 
After that, economic policies, fiscal policies that put our country on 
the right track resulted in decades of American prosperity and American 
leadership across the world.
  Today, the trajectory is far different, as shown on this chart. Our 
debt-to-GDP ratio, the best economic measure to show the health of our 
economy, is projected to go up from 98 percent today to 118 percent in 
the next 10 years and double our economy in just the next 30 years.
  All I hear from Democrats today is pass a clean debt ceiling.
  Does anyone on their side care about this trajectory which will end 
in disaster?
  The President certainly has no plan to reduce our debt. He refuses to 
even negotiate or to acknowledge our debt challenges.
  The Republican plan today, which I am proud to support, is the Limit, 
Save, Grow Act. This bill will rescind unspent COVID-19 funds, reverse 
Democrats' inflationary Green New Deal corporate welfare policies while 
allowing for responsible 1 percent annual increases in discretionary 
spending so America can continue to invest in core functions of 

  All in all, the bill will reduce, as seen on this line, future debt 
growth by $5 trillion over the next 10 years and begin to decrease our 
projected debt-to-GDP ratio by 12 points over the next 10 years.
  Growing our GDP is the second part of the equation, to boost economic 
growth. The bill includes reforms to unleash domestic energy production 
and implements pro-growth work requirements that will strengthen our 
recovering labor force.
  This bill alone, as seen in this chart, is not enough to solve our 
Nation's fiscal issues, but it is a very important first step toward 
getting our debt-to-GDP ratio on a descending trajectory. It will begin 
to bend the curve.
  I call on the President to negotiate in good faith with Republicans 
to raise the debt ceiling and put forward policies to limit, save, and 
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Oregon 
(Mr. Blumenauer) who had a profound impact on writing the tax credits 
that the gentlewoman from Virginia acknowledged a moment ago.
  Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I listened carefully to the chairman of 
the Ways and Means Committee, and there are some shared goals here: 
Ending welfare for the wealthy and helping people realize the dignity 
of work. There are ways we can come together to do that, but let's not 
do it by making it harder for poor people to get food.
  You want to end welfare for fairway farmers. There is no recognition 
that people who get these lavish subsidies are actually on the farm and 
working. There were almost 20,000 farmers who got payments averaging $1 
million a year for 37 consecutive years. Let's cap and limit those 
lavish subsidies. Let's require people who get them to work on the 
farm. Let's have some limits, not poor people seeking food, but fairway 
farmers and those who are benefiting from these lavish expenditures. We 
can do better.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record this JCT 
analysis from 2022, suggesting that the total costs of the special 
interest tax credits for the rich in the Inflation Reduction Act would 
be $271 billion.
  Mr. Speaker, I also include in the Record yesterday's CBO score, 
which shows that the cost has more than doubled to $570 billion, and it 
is growing every day. The wealthy and politically connected 
corporations will receive hundreds of billions of dollars more than 

[[Page H2028]]

                                                                          Fiscal years 2022-2031 [millions of dollars]
             Provision                     Effective           2022       2023       2024       2025       2026       2027       2028       2029       2030       2031     2022-26     2022-31
    Part 1--Corporate Tax Reform--   tyba 12/31/22........      - - -     34,679     34,258     22,039     17,702     18,699     20,798     22,756     24,658     26,659    108,678      222,248
     Corporate Alternative Minimum
    Part 2--Excise Tax on            rosa 12/31/22........      - - -      5,697      7,875      8,070      8,581      8,882      8,838      8,603      8,500      8,641     30,223       73,686
     Repurchase of Corporate Stock.
    Part 3--Funding the Internal     DOE..................                                       Estimate to be Provided by the Congressional Budget Office
     Revenue Service and Improving
     Taxpayer Compliance--
     Enhancement of Internal
     Revenue Service Resources.
SUBTITLE A--DEFICIT REDUCTION......                             - - -     40,376     42,133     30,109     26,283     27,581     29,636     31,359     33,158     35,300    138,901      295,934
SUBTITLE B--PRESCRIPTION DRUG        - - -................                                       Estimate to be Provided by the Congressional Budget Office
SUBTITLE C--AFFORDABLE CARE ACT      tyba 12/31/22........                                       Estimate to be Provided by the Congressional Budget Office
Part 1--Clean Electricity and
 Reducing Carbon Emissions
    1. Extension and modification    fpisa 12/31/21 &           - - -     -1,562     -2,183     -3,317     -4,822     -6,428     -7,677     -8,232     -8,329     -8,511    -11,885      -51,062
     of credit for electricity        ftcowba DOE & fpisa
     produced from certain            12/31/22.
     renewable resources (sunset 12/
     31/24) [1].
    2. Extension and modification    generally ppisa 12/31/     - - -     -2,140     -1,559     -2,458     -5,367     -2,359        -48        -38         -9         15    -11,523      -13,962
     of energy credit (sunset 12/31/  21.
     24) [1].
    3. Increase in energy credit     1/1/23...............                                               Estimate Included in Items 1. and 2. Above
     for solar facilities placed in
     service in connection with low-
     income communities.
    4. Extension and modification    foepisa 12/31/22 &         - - -        -42       -303       -469       -495       -463       -429       -388       -343       -296     -1,309       -3,229
     of credit for carbon oxide       cocadoa 12/31/21.
     sequestration (sunset 12/31/
     32) [1].
    5. Zero-emission nuclear power   epasa 12/31/23             - - -      - - -     -2,188     -3,524     -3,710     -3,838     -3,960     -4,050     -4,279     -4,452     -9,421      -30,001
     production credit (sunset 12/    itybasd.
     31/32) [1].
        Total of Part 1--Clean                                  - - -     -3,744     -6,233     -9,768    -14,394    -13,088    -12,115    -12,709    -12,961    -13,243    -34,138      -98,254
         Electricity and Reducing
         Carbon Emissions.
Part 2--Clean Fuels
    1. Extensions of incentives for  [2]..................      - - -     -2,776     -1,780     -1,015      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -     -5,571       -5,571
     biodiesel, renewable diesel
     and alternative fuels (sunset
    2. Extensions of second          qsgbpa 12/31/21......      - - -        -24        -20        -10      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -        -54          -54
     generation biofuel incentives
     (sunset 12/31/24).
    3. Sustainable aviation fuel     FSOUA 12/31/22.......      - - -        -10        -25        -14         --         --         --         --         --         --        -49          -49
     credit (sunset 12/31/24).
    4. Credit for production of      [3]..................      - - -       -131       -362       -610       -918     -1,251     -1,627     -2,082     -2,667     -3,518     -2,021      -13,166
     clean hydrogen (sunset 12/31/
     32) [1].
        Total of Part 2--Clean                                  - - -     -2,941     -2,187     -1,649       -918     -1,251     -1,627     -2,082     -2,667     -3,518     -7,695      -18,840
Part 3--Clean Energy and Efficiency
 Incentives for Individuals
    1. Extension, increase, and      [4]..................  .........     -1,887     -1,348     -1,324     -1,345     -1,327     -1,277     -1,301     -1,314     -1,327     -5,904      -12,451
     modifications of nonbusiness
     energy property credit (sunset
    2. Extension and modification    ema 12/31/21 & ema 12/ .........       -459     -1,021     -2,692     -2,770     -2,850     -2,935     -3,019     -3,092     -3,185     -6,942      -22,022
     of the residential energy        31/22.
     efficient property credit
     (sunset 12/31/34).
    3. Energy efficient commercial   tyba 12/31/22 & ppisa      - - -        -62        -50        -46        -42        -38        -35        -32        -30        -28       -200         -362
     buildings deduction.             12/31/22 ityeasd.
    4. Extension, increase, and      duaa 12/31/21........      - - -       -273       -193       -203       -216       -230       -241       -240       -229       -217       -887       -2,043
     modifications of new energy
     efficient home credit (sunset
        Total of Part 3--Clean                                  - - -     -2,681     -2,612     -4,265     -4,373     -4,445     -4,488     -4,592     -4,665     -4,757    -13,932      -36,879
         Energy and Efficiency
         Incentives for Individuals.
Part 4--Clean Vehicles
    1. Clean vehicle credit (sunset  generally vpisa 12/31/     - - -        -85       -451       -557       -681       -854     -1,024     -1,155     -1,303     -1,429     -1,775       -7,541
     12/31/32) [1].                   22.
    2. Credit for previoiusly-owned  vaa 12/31/22.........      - - -        -99        -96       -120       -132       -146       -162       -179       -197       -215       -447       -1,347
     clean vehicles (sunset 12/31/
     32) [1].
    3. Credit for qualified          vaa 12/31/22.........      - - -       -189       -177       -228       -298       -388       -469       -539       -607       -687       -892        3,583
     commercial clean vehicles
     (sunset 12/31/32.
    4. Alternative fuel refueling    ppisa 12/31/21.......      - - -       -138       -128       -145       -164       -184       -207       -231       -257       -284       -575       -1,738
     property credit (sunset 12/31/
        Total of Part 4--Clean                                  - - -       -511       -852     -1,050     -1,275     -1,572     -1,862     -2,105     -2,365     -2,615     -3,689      -14,209
Part 5--Investment in Clean Energy
 Manufacturing and Energy Security
    1. Extension of the advanced     1/1/23...............      - - -     -1,463     -1,377       -915       -926       -614       -442       -280       -196        -42     -4,681       -6,255
     energy project credit [1].
    2. Advanced manufacturing        cpasa 12/31/22.......      - - -     -1,755     -2,503     -2,691     -3,165     -3,563     -3,938     -4,534     -4,562     -3,921    -10,115      -30,632
     production credit (sunset 12/
     31/32) [1].
        Total of Part 5--Investment                             - - -     -3,218     -3,880     -3,606     -4,091     -4,177     -4,380     -4,814     -4,758     -3,963    -14,796      -36,887
         in Clean Energy
         Manufacturing and Energy
Part 6--Reinstatement of Superfund.  1/1/23...............      - - -        902      1,230      1,271      1,304      1,336      1,368      1,402      1,436      1,470      4,707       11,719
Part 7--Incentives for Clean
 Electricity and Clean
    1. Clean electricity production  fpisa 12/31/24.......      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -        -12        -45       -571     -1,864     -3,497     -5,215        -12      -11,204
     credit [1].
    2. Clean electricity investment  ppisa 12/31/24.......      - - -      - - -      - - -        -39        -57     -6,575    -10,315    -10,742    -11,264    -11,865        -97      -50,858
     credit [1].
    3. Cost recovery for qualified   fappisa 12/31/24.....      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -        -26        -83       -134       -171       -211      - - -         -624
     facilitites, qualified
     property, and energy storage
    4. Clean fuel production credit  tfpa 12/31/24........      - - -      - - -      - - -       -641       -791     -1,177       -337        ---        ---        ---     -1,432       -2,946
     (sunset 12/31/27) [1].
        Total of Part 7--Incentives  - - -................      - - -      - - -      - - -       -680       -860     -7,823    -11,306    -12,740    -14,932    -17,291     -1,541      -65,632
         for Clean Electricity and
         Clean Transportation.
Part 8--Credit Monetization and      tyba 12/31/22........                                               Estimates Contained in Relevant Items Above
 Appropriations--Elective Payment
 for Energy Property and
 Electricity Produced from Certain
 Renewable Resources, etc., and
 Transfer of Credits [1].
Part 9--Other Provisions
    1. Permanent extension of tax    [6]..................      - - -        103        135        131        130        130        131        132        133        134        498        1,159
     rate to fund Black Lung
     Disability Trust Fund.
    2. Increase in research credit   tyba 12/31/22........      - - -        -16        -13        -15        -16        -18        -21        -22        -23        -24        -60         -168
     against payroll tax for small
    3. Limitation on excess          tyba 12/31/26........      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -      - - -     17,666     26,198      9,453       -274       -284      - - -       52,759
     business losses of
     noncorporate taxpayers
     extended for two years.
        Total of Part 9--Other       - - -................      - - -         87        122        116        114     17,778     26,308      9,563       -164       -174        438       53,750
SUBTITLE D--ENERGY SECURITY........  - - -................      - - -    -12,107    -14,412    -19,631    -24,493    -13,243     -8,101    -28,076    -41,076    -44,091    -70,646     -205,231
        NET TOTAL..................  - - -................      - - -     28,269     27,721     10,478      1,790     14,338     21,535      3,283     -7,918     -8,791     68,255       90,703
Joint Committee on Taxation
NOTE: Details may not add to totals due to rounding. The date of enactment is assumed to be September 1, 2022. Revenue provisions as stated in statutory language 117SAHR5376.
Legend for ``Effective'' column.
cocadoa = carbon oxide captured and disposed of after
cpasa = components produced and sold after
DOE = date of enactment
duaa = dwelling units acquired after
ema = expenditures made after
epasa = electricity produced and sold after
fappisa = facilities and property placed in sevice after
foepisa = facilities or equipment placed inservice after

[[Page H2029]]

fpisa = facilities placed in service after
fsoua = fuel sold or used after
ftcowba = facilities the construction of which begins after
itybasd = in taxable years beginning after such date
ityeasd = in taxable years ending after such date
ppisa = property placed in service after
rosa = repurchases of stock after
qsgbpa = qualified second generation biofuel production after
tfpa = transportation fuel produced after
tyba = taxable years beginning after
vaa = vehicles acquired after
vpisa = vehicles placed in service after
[1] Estimate contains the following outlay effects:

                                          2022         2023         2024         2025         2026         2027         2028         2029         2030         2031       2022-26      2022-31
  Extension and modification of
   credit for electricity produced
   from certain renewable resources
   (sunset 12/31/24)................                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
  Extension and modification of
   energy credit (sunset 12/31/24)..                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
  Extension and modification of             - - -           20          145          225          238          222          206          186          165          142          628        1,550
   credit for carbon oxide
   sequestration (sunset 12/31/32)..
  Zero-emission nuclear power               - - -        - - -        1,050        1,692        1,781        1,842        1,901        1,944        2,054        2,137        4,522       14,401
   production credit (sunset 12/31/
  Credit for production of clean            - - -           59          149          244          364          498          657          851        1,086        1,410          815        5,317
   hydrogen (sunset 12/31/32).......
  Extension of the advanced energy
   project credit...................                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
  Clean vehicle credit (sunset 12/31/
   32)..............................                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
  Credit for previously-owned clean
   vehicles (sunset 12/31/32).......                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
  Advanced manufacturing production         - - -          842        1,201        1,291        1,519        1,710        1,890        2,176        2,189        1,882        4,853       14,699
   credit (sunset 12/31/32).........
  Clean electricity production              - - -            1            1            2            2            3            3            4            5            6            6           26
  Clean electricity investment
   credit...........................                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
  Clean fuel production credit......                                                                   Negligible Outlay Effect
[2] Effective for fuel sold or used after December 31, 2022, for biodiesel and renewable diesel, and December 31, 2021 for alternative fuels.
[3] Effective for hydrogen produced after December 31, 2022, for property placed in service after December 31, 2022, and, for any property the construction of which begins prior to January 1,
  2023, only to the extent of the basis thereof attributable to the construction, reconstruction, or erection after December 31, 2022, and for fuel sold or used after December 31, 2022.
[4] Applies to property placed in service after December 31, 2022. Extension of credit shall apply to property placed in servie after December 31, 2021 and identification number requirement
  shall apply to property placed in service after December 31, 2024.
[5]The temporary increase in the amount of tax on coal terminates for sales after December 31, 2025.
[6] Applies to sales in calendar quarters beginning after the date of the enactment.

                                                                                                          By fiscal year, billions of dollars--
                                                            2023       2024       2025       2026       2027       2028       2029       2030       2031       2032       2033       2023-2033
                                                                       Increases or Decreases (-) in the Projected Deficit
Caps on Discretionary Funding a........................          0     -129.0     -201.8     -243.7     -279.7     -314.0     -342.8     -373.1     -404.3     -436.2     -469.9        -3,194.5
Student Loan Programs..................................     -387.0       -6.2       -6.7       -7.2       -7.7       -7.7       -7.6       -7.6       -7.5       -7.4       -7.4          -460.0
Energy Tax Provisions (JCT estimate) b                       -13.1      -35.5      -49.9      -63.2      -68.1      -66.1      -62.9      -55.6      -53.3      -54.0      -47.9          -569.5
Funding for the Internal Revenue Service and Related          -0.7        3.4        8.4       11.8       14.3       16.2       17.6       17.4       17.3        8.8        5.3           119.7
Work Requirements......................................          0       -0.6       -5.6       -8.5      -11.8      -12.8      -13.9      -15.1      -16.1      -17.2      -18.5          -120.1
Rescissions of Funds Provided in Six Laws Enacted From       -13.8       -9.7       -3.8       -1.4       -0.6       -0.1       -0.1          0          0          0          0           -29.5
 2020 to 2022..........................................
Energy Leasing and Permitting Provisions...............       -0.4       -2.0       -4.3       -5.7       -4.3        0.3        2.6        3.1        3.2        3.3        0.8            -3.4
Debt Service c.........................................       -0.5       -4.2      -11.9      -20.7      -30.9      -43.1      -55.6      -70.4      -85.8     -102.5     -121.4          -547.0
    Total Change in the Projected Deficit..............     -415.4     -183.7     -275.6     -338.6     -388.8     -427.3     -462.7     -501.4     -546.5     -605.2     -659.0        -4,804.3
Sources: Congressional Budget Office, staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT).
Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
Budgetary effects are relative to CBO's February 2023 baseline projections and include updates to incorporate new information about certain programs.
a This estimate incorporates the assumption that future appropriations will match the proposed caps, where applicable, and that funding that would not be constrained by the caps (such as
  funding designated as an emergency requirement) will match amounts in CBO's baseline projections. Deficits could be larger or smaller, depending on whether the amounts appropriated are
  larger or smaller than the amounts that CBO projects in this analysis.
b Estimates provided by JCT are preliminary and subject to change.
c Changes in CBO's estimates of public debt for the 2023-2033 period under the bill are driven primarily by changes to estimated annual budget deficits. However, changes to the government's
  cash flows associated with the federal student loan program (not shown in this table) also affect CBO's estimates of public debt and of the interest required to service that debt.

                                                                                     RULES ON APRIL 19, 2023
                                                                                                          By fiscal year, billions of dollars--
                                                            2023       2024       2025       2026       2027       2028       2029       2030       2031       2032       2033       2023-2033
                                                                              Projections of Discretionary Spending
CBO's February 2023 Baseline:
    Budget Authority...................................    1,823.7    1,906.6    1,952.0    1,995.3    2,045.7    2,093.6    2,143.5    2,195.1    2,247.4    2,300.3    2,356.1        23,059.5
    Outlays............................................    1,741.2    1,864.4    1,955.4    2,004.9    2,063.1    2,119.0    2,159.1    2,215.0    2,266.4    2,319.2    2,380.2        23,087.8
With Proposed Caps on Discretionary Budget Authority: a
    Budget Authority...................................    1,823.7    1,677.9    1,696.4    1,712.8    1,732.4    1,752.1    1,769.8    1,789.9    1,807.7    1,827.6    1,847.3        19,437.9
    Outlays............................................    1,741.2    1,735.4    1,753.6    1,761.2    1,783.4    1,805.0    1,816.3    1,841.9    1,862.1    1,883.0    1,910.3        19,893.3
Effect of Proposed Discretionary Caps Relative to the
 February 2023 Baseline:
    Budget Authority...................................          0     -228.7     -255.6     -282.5     -313.3     -341.5     -373.7     -405.2     -439.7     -472.7     -508.8        -3,621.6
    Outlays............................................          0     -129.0     -201.8     -243.7     -279.7     -314.0     -342.8     -373.1     -404.3     -436.2     -469.9        -3,194.5
Source: Congressional Budget Office.
Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
a The bill specifies caps on most discretionary budget authority for fiscal years 2024 through 2023. Appropriations designated for certain categories of spending would result in adjustments,
  and limits would apply to some of those adjustments. The caps would not apply to funding for certain programs under the 21st Century Cures Act or to certain funding from the Harbor
  Maintenance Trust Fund.

[[Page H2030]]

                                                                                                  By fiscal year, billions of dollars--
                                            2023       2024       2025       2026       2027       2028       2029       2030       2031       2032       2033       2023-2028       2023-2033
                                                                          Increases or Decreases (-) in Direct Spending
Federal Student Loans:
Student Loan Cancellation:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........     -319.6        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4          -317.6          -315.6
    Estimated Outlays..................     -319.6        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4          -317.6          -315.6
Income-Driven Repayment Plan:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........      -43.3       -6.0       -6.5       -7.2       -8.0       -8.1       -8.1       -8.1       -8.1       -8.3       -8.4           -79.1          -120.1
    Estimated Outlays..................      -42.8       -5.2       -5.8       -6.4       -7.0       -7.1       -7.1       -7.2       -7.2       -7.3       -7.4           -74.3          -110.5
Interactive and Other Effects:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........      -24.6       -1.4       -1.3       -1.2       -1.1       -1.0       -0.9       -0.8       -0.7       -0.5       -0.4           -30.6           -33.9
    Estimated Outlays..................      -24.6       -1.4       -1.3       -1.2       -1.1       -1.0       -0.9       -0.8       -0.7       -0.5       -0.4           -30.6           -33.9
Subtotal, Federal Student Loans:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........     -387.5       -7.0       -7.4       -8.0       -8.7       -8.7       -8.6       -8.5       -8.4       -8.4       -8.4          -427.3          -469.6
    Estimated Outlays..................     -387.0       -6.2       -6.7       -7.2       -7.7       -7.7       -7.6       -7.6       -7.5       -7.4       -7.4          -422.5          -460.0
Energy Tax Provisions (JCT estimate) a:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........       -0.1       -0.2       -0.4       -0.7       -1.0       -1.3       -1.3       -1.9       -2.6       -3.3       -4.1            -3.5           -16.7
    Estimated Outlays..................       -0.1       -0.2       -0.4       -0.7       -1.0       -1.3       -1.3       -1.9       -2.6       -3.3       -4.1            -3.5           -16.7
Funding for the Internal Revenue
 Service and Related Agencies:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........      -71.5          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0           -71.5           -71.5
    Estimated Outlays..................       -2.4       -2.8       -4.1       -5.6       -7.3       -9.2      -11.4      -14.0      -14.6          0          0           -31.4           -71.5
Work Requirements:
Community Engagement Requirement for
    Estimated Budget Authority.........          0          0       -4.4       -7.3      -10.6      -11.6      -12.7      -13.9      -14.9      -16.0      -17.3           -33.9          -108.7
    Estimated Outlays..................          0          0       -4.4       -7.3      -10.6      -11.6      -12.7      -13.9      -14.9      -16.0      -17.3           -33.9          -108.7
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
    Estimated Budget Authority.........          0       -0.6       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2            -5.4           -11.4
    Estimated Outlays..................          0       -0.6       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2       -1.2            -5.4           -11.4
Temporary Assistance for Needy
    Estimated Budget Authority.........          0          0          0          0          0          0          *          *          *          *          *               0               *
    Estimated Outlays..................          0          0          0          0          0          0          *          *          *          *          *               0               *
    Subtotal, Work Requirements:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........          0       -0.6       -5.6       -8.5      -11.8      -12.8      -13.9      -15.1      -16.1      -17.2      -18.5           -39.3          -120.1
    Estimated Outlays..................          0       -0.6       -5.6       -8.5      -11.8      -12.8      -13.9      -15.1      -16.1      -17.2      -18.5           -39.3          -120.1
Rescissions of Funds Provided in Six
 Laws Enacted From 2020 to 2022:
    Estimated Budget Authority.........      -55.5          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0           -55.5           -55.5
    Estimated Outlays..................      -13.8       -9.7       -3.8       -1.4       -0.6       -0.1       -0.1          0          0          0          0           -29.4           -29.5
Energy Leasing and Permitting
    Estimated Budget Authority.........      -32.2        1.5        1.7        1.7        1.4        1.5        1.7        1.9        2.0        2.3       -0.1           -24.4           -16.6
    Estimated Outlays..................       -0.4       -2.0       -4.3       -5.7       -4.3       -0.6        1.3        1.7        2.0        2.2        0.3           -17.3            -9.8
    Total Change in Direct Spending:
        Estimated Budget Authority.....     -546.8       -6.3      -11.7      -15.5      -20.1      -21.3      -22.1      -23.6      -25.1      -26.6      -31.1          -621.5          -750.0
        Estimated Outlays..............     -403.7      -21.5      -24.9      -29.1      -32.7      -31.7      -33.0      -36.9      -38.8      -25.7      -29.7          -543.4          -707.6
                                                                             Increases or Decreases (-) in Revenues
Energy Tax Provisions (JCT estimate) *.       13.0       35.3       49.6       62.5       67.1       64.8       61.6       53.8       50.7       50.7       43.8           292.3           552.9
Funding for the Internal Revenue              -1.6       -6.2      -12.5      -17.4      -21.6      -25.4      -29.0      -31.4      -31.9       -8.8       -5.3           -84.7          -191.2
 Service and Related Agencies..........
Energy Leasing and Permitting                    0          0          0          0          0       -0.9       -1.3       -1.4       -1.2       -1.1       -0.5            -0.9            -6.4
    Total Change in Revenues...........       11.4       29.1       37.1       45.1       45.5       38.5       31.3       21.0       17.6       40.8       38.0           206.7           355.3
                                                          Net Decrease (-) in the Deficit From Changes in Direct Spending and Revenues
    Total Change in the Deficit........     -415.1      -50.6      -61.9      -74.2      -78.2      -70.2      -64.3      -57.8      -56.4      -66.5      -67.7          -750.1        -1,062.8
Sources: Congressional Budget Office, staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT).
Components may not sum to totals because of rounding, * = between -$50 million and zero.
Budgetary effects are relative to CBO's February 2023 baseline projections and include updates to incorporate new information about certain programs.
a Estimates provided by JCT are preliminary and subject to change.

  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Tenney).
  Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Limit, Save, Grow 
Act, which addresses the current debt limit crisis while prioritizing 
responsible spending practices.
  Critically, this bill will lead to over $4.5 trillion, with a T, in 
taxpayer savings over the next decade and reverse a dangerous trend of 
reckless fiscal mismanagement on the part of the Democrats.
  Americans and New Yorkers, where I hail from, are facing a fiscal 
crisis due to persistently high inflation, rising interest rates, and 
debt at unsustainable levels. This is a direct result of the trillions 
upon trillions of dollars that the Democrats have spent since President 
Biden took office in January 2021.
  Mr. Speaker, my former colleague from the New York State Assembly, 
now minority leader here, should know that 40 percent of our Nation's 
debt was incurred under the leadership of the former Speaker, who the 
minority leader described as the best Speaker of all time.
  He should know. The State of New York has the highest taxes, the 
highest spend rate, the highest corporate welfare, and the highest out-
migration of people and jobs in the entire Nation.
  Americans and New Yorkers are facing a fiscal crisis. Instead of 
politicizing the impending debt limit predicament, Democrats should 
prioritize responsible spending and work with House Republicans on a 
solution to reduce reckless spending, save taxpayer money, and grow our 
  It is time for President Biden to come to the negotiating table and 
work with House Republicans on a path forward to economic stability and 
growth. Please don't mimic the model that New York has set, where we 
once had 45 Representatives in the 1960s and are now down to 26.
  Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues to support this bill.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New 
Jersey (Mr. Pascrell), a champion of Medicare, Social Security, and 
renewable energy.
  Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, for months the other side has held our 
economy hostage. Today, we have their ransom demands. This rip-off 
kills millions of jobs, guts working family benefits, and sabotages tax 
  Now, I have listened today, and many times both sides are saying the 
same thing, reading off the same page. They all can't be right.
  Look at the facts. This is not about deficits. This shakedown lets 
wealthy tax cheats off scot-free and balloons the deficit by $120 
billion. Please respond to that: $120 billion deeper in debt. Do not 
fall for this total sham. Today's smorgasbord of policy goals is a 
cynical distraction from the horrifying impacts of this extortion.

[[Page H2031]]

  Mr. Speaker, Social Security, Medicare, veterans' care, and 
homeownership are at stake. I am sorry to say we have come to this.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record an 
article detailing how Ford is using a loophole in the IRA to partner 
with CATL, a major Chinese battery company, on a project intended to 
harvest EV battery tax credits. Chinese companies are lining up to cash 
in on Democrats' green corporate welfare that we are rescinding in this 

                      [From Forbes, Feb. 13, 2023]

  Ford To Build $3.5 Billion Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Plant in 
                     Michigan Using CATL Technology

                (By Sam Abuelsamid, Senior Contributor)

       Ford plans to build a $3.5 billion factory in Marshall, 
     Michigan, which will produce 35 gigawatt-hours of lithium 
     iron phosphate (LFP) cells annually for electric vehicles 
     starting in 2026. The move comes after the automaker said it 
     would use LFP batteries in the Mustang Mach-E from mid-2023 
     and F-150 Lightning from early 2024. However, those batteries 
     will be sourced from CATL in China, the leading cell 
     manufacturer in the world and one of the leaders in LFP 
     production. Ford will license CATL technology but it will own 
     the new factory and operate it, rather than creating a joint 
       While Ford will start using CATL LFP batteries later this 
     year, shipping them from China won't help the company reach 
     its sustainability goals. Batteries are heavy and bulky and 
     the emissions associated with shipping them halfway around 
     the world will significantly cut into the gains from 
     eliminating the tailpipe from these vehicles. Those vehicles 
     also will not qualify for any clean vehicle tax credits.
       This is why Ford and other OEMs are moving so aggressively 
     to localize battery production to wherever vehicles are built 
     and sold. Ford previously announced a joint venture with 
     Korea's SK ON for three cell plants in Kentucky and Tennessee 
     that are already well under construction. Those plants will 
     produce nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) cells.
       Nickel-rich cell chemistries such as NMC (also referred to 
     as NCM), nickel-manganese-cobalt aluminum (NMCA, which GM 
     uses for its Ultium cells), nickel-cobalt-aluminum (NCA, 
     which Tesla uses) have a higher energy density than LFP. 
     However, Nickel and cobalt are much more expensive than iron 
     and phosphorus and also more volatile. When there is an 
     internal short circuit in a nickel-rich cell, it is much more 
     likely to experience thermal runaway. LFP cells are 
     inherently more stable and are nearly impossible to 
     experience thermal runaway or fires.
       Despite LFP having a lower energy density than nickel-rich 
     cells, much of that can be offset by adopting cell-to-pack or 
     structural battery pack designs rather than the modular 
     designs that are typical today. In addition to lower cost, 
     LFP cells have much longer charge cycle lifetimes. A typical 
     nickel cell can do between 500 and 1,000 charge cycles before 
     it loses enough capacity to be no longer useful in a vehicle. 
     LFP cells can withstand thousands of cycles and some 
     manufacturers, including CATL, have claimed EVs with LFP can 
     go 1 million miles.
       The added stability of LFP cells means they can better 
     withstand charging to l00% without degrading. Nickel-rich 
     cells typically have to leave unused buffers to prevent 
     overcharging. Thus some of the energy density disadvantages 
     can be safely recovered.
       The decision to structure the new operation as a wholly 
     owned subsidiary of Ford rather than a joint venture is 
     likely driven in part by the content requirements in the 
     Inflation Reduction Act. Since China is a foreign entity of 
     concern, batteries and materials from that country do not 
     qualify for clean vehicle credits. Thus the Mach-E and 
     Lightning with Chinese-sourced batteries won't be eligible. 
     Limiting the equity stake of CATL in this deal and only 
     licensing some technology along with local sourcing of most 
     materials will probably enable Ford to claim its cells meet 
     the domestic content requirements.
       ``This is how we look at the recipe to create one of the 
     lowest cost, U.S.-produced batteries when this plant comes 
     online in 2026 and this helps us contribute to Ford's goal of 
     an 8% Model E EBIT in 2026,'' said Lisa Drake, Ford VP of EV 
     industrialization. ``It strengthens our domestic supply chain 
     and helps us ramp production, getting more EVs to more 
     customers sooner.''
       As with the Mach-E and Lightning, the new LFP batteries 
     will likely be used mainly in standard range and lower cost 
     EVs and many of the commercial vehicles Ford sells. Most of 
     those commercial vehicles, such as Transit vans used for 
     everything from last-mile deliveries to plumbers and 
     electricians, rarely go outside of a limited geographical 
     area and don't need more than 100 miles of range. With more 
     availability of domestic LFP batteries, future electric 
     versions of vehicles like the compact Maverick pickup and 
     Escape crossover are likely at prices that more consumers can 

  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from 
Illinois (Mr. Davis), who has been a leader in terms of adoption 
opportunities for those outside the mainstream.
  Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, brinkmanship is no way to run a 
government. The default on America act is one of the worst bills I have 
had the opportunity to vote on. It is antichildren, antiseniors, 
antiveterans, antimiddle America, antismall business, antihealthcare, 
  As a matter of fact, it is anti-American because all that it does is 
cut, cut, cut. When all that you do is cut, cut, and cut, all that you 
get is blood, blood, blood. The blood of the American people will be on 
the hands of those who held the knife. I urge a ``no'' vote.

                              {time}  1630

  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from 
Washington (Ms. DelBene), one of the most talented Members of this 
  Ms. DelBENE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today against this Republican ruse, 
the default on America act.
  This legislation is not a serious proposal. It is a MAGA wish list 
that demands a 22 percent cut of essential Federal programs that 
support working families, seniors, veterans, public safety, schools, 
and housing assistance.
  If passed, this bill would cost an estimated 780,000 jobs, many in 
the clean energy sector, all across this country.
  What we need is simple: A clean bill to avoid a default, to ensure we 
protect the full faith and credit of the United States.
  If my Republican colleagues want to show Americans they can govern, 
then pass a clean bill and show us your budget, a real budget, like the 
President has released.
  Every day Republicans wait brings us closer to brinksmanship and 
hurts the American people and the global economy. I urge my colleagues 
to reject this bill.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from Michigan (Mr. James).
  Mr. JAMES. Mr. Speaker, America's fiscal trajectory is unsustainable. 
The threat of a potential U.S. Government debt default plays into 
China's longstanding grand strategy for expanding its global role and 
diminishing our influence. It is a matter of national security to get 
this under control.
  When small businesses and families in my district and all across the 
country experience financial problems, they tighten their belts. They 
change their spending habits, and they expect Washington to do the 
  Instead, President Joe Biden stood in this very Chamber, gaslighted, 
fearmongered, and claimed Republicans want to sunset Social Security 
and Medicare while there are attacks on Republicans all over the 
country on this very same lie.
  Why? To frighten seniors and hope the stampede would block 
Republicans from reining in his destructive, runaway spending. That is 
why I introduced the Protecting Social Security and Medicare Act the 
very next day.
  I spoke with leadership in the following weeks about taking these 
very important critical programs off the negotiation table, and that is 
exactly what leadership did.
  As we debate today, seniors can rest assured that the promises 
Republicans made to them will not be broken in this debate.
  I am also voting for this bill because it does not include cuts to 
the Pentagon's budget, particularly to Selfridge Air National Guard 
Base, a pillar of my district, a crown jewel of the State of Michigan, 
and critical to our national defense against northern aggressors like 
China, Russia, and North Korea who may threaten us from abroad.
  It is reasonable to disagree with any specific debt ceiling approach, 
and I am looking forward to continuing with the debate.
  If President Biden continues to refuse to come to the table and 
negotiate in good faith, we will achieve historic default, putting our 
country's national security and families like mine and yours at 
economic risk in the future.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a letter from Mr. 

[[Page H2032]]

                                    Congress of the United States,

                                     House of Representatives,

                                    Washington, DC, March 8, 2023.
     Hon. Kevin McCarthy.
     Speaker of the House,
     Washington, DC.
       Dear Speaker McCarthy: Our most basic duty as Members of 
     Congress is to protect the well-being and security of our 
     constituents. If Republicans block America from paying our 
     bills, it would be a gross betrayal of our governing 
     responsibility and invite cataclysmic damage to our economy. 
     Therefore, I call on the House to advance legislation to 
     raise our debt limit and prevent a second Great Depression.
       It has been 48 days since the United States reached its 
     current statutory limit and the Treasury Department began 
     taking extraordinary measures to prevent a default. On 
     February 15, the Congressional Budget Office raised the 
     specter of a default as soon as July without urgent 
     congressional action. Congress has acted to raise or suspend 
     the debt ceiling 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 
     times under Democratic presidents. This is a bipartisan 
       According to the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), if the 
     debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks will come 
     to a halt and seniors will be without means to eat or turn on 
     the heat. Medicare reimbursements will freeze, leaving tens 
     of millions of Americans unable to pay for essential medical 
     care. Our veterans will see their health care cut off.
       It gets worse. The collapse of available credit would send 
     shockwaves through the economy, leading to a bank run and a 
     decimation of small businesses. The cost of borrowing would 
     soar, leaving new homebuyers locked out of the housing market 
     and causing regular people to lose everything. The jobless 
     rate would skyrocket, with millions of Americans losing their 
     jobs and elevated unemployment lingering indefinitely. 
     Markets would be thrown into a postulated that the impact of 
     default would be ten times worse than the 2008 recession.
       Republican-precipitated default would be just as 
     devastating for the global economy. America's treasury debt 
     is considered the world's safest asset and the dollar acts as 
     the globe's reserve currency. World confidence in our entire 
     economy would be irreparably wounded by default.
       When Republicans put our Nation's credit on the line, the 
     result has been widespread turmoil and suffering. After 
     Republicans threatened to breach the debt ceiling in 2011, 
     Standard and Poor's downgraded the U.S. long-term credit 
     rating for the first time in history. Private sector hiring 
     froze, job growth withered, and consumer sentiment dropped to 
     its lowest level in 30 years. The Government Accountability 
     Office (GAO) estimated that federal borrowing costs increased 
     by about $1.3 billion, while the Bipartisan Policy Center 
     estimated that the 10-year cost to taxpayers was a staggering 
     $18.9 billion.
       In 2013, when Republicans tried this play again, our Nation 
     experienced an annualized 0.25 percentage point reduction in 
     annualized fourth quarter's gross domestic product growth, 
     resulting in an estimated 120,000 lost jobs. Investors 
     stopped accepting Treasury bonds as collateral for short-term 
     transactions, and the government was forced to pay higher 
     interest rates at auction. Treasury's borrowing costs on 
     securities increased by an estimated $38-to-$70 million, and 
     rates for commercial paper also rose, disrupting private 
     markets. After Republicans yet again menaced our Nation's 
     credit in 2015, the Treasury Department postponed the release 
     of a new 2-year bond due to lack of demand, and was forced to 
     reduce bill issuance, leading to a drop of $210 billion in 
     bill supply.
       The full faith and credit of America is not a bargaining 
     chip to be gambled whenever Republicans want to reverse 
     policy they don't like. Refusal to let our Nation pay its 
     bills would lead to a domino effect of catastrophic 
     proportion. The effects of failing to raise the debt ceiling 
     are real, tangible, and would be felt by every American 
     family and business.
       Given these risks, I ask: where is the Republican plan to 
     raise the debt ceiling and when can we expect its 
     consideration before Congress?
                                                Bill Pascrell, Jr.
                                               Member of Congress.

  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from 
Virginia (Mr. Beyer), whose knowledge of economics is second to none in 
this institution.
  Mr. BEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose the default on America act. 
America always pays its bills. It is important that we have serious 
negotiations and that we take responsible action to address our 
continuing deficits.
  Mr. Speaker, $31 trillion in public debt is a frightening number, but 
it is a debt we accumulated over Republican and Democratic Presidents, 
Republican and Democratic Congresses, two unpaid for wars, major tax 
cuts, and costly increases in healthcare.
  It is reckless and irresponsible to use the alleged leverage of a 
national default to address our debt--first, because the leverage is 
imaginary. This bill is dead on arrival in the Senate.
  Second, the leverage already exists. Kevin McCarthy is Speaker. The 
Republicans have a 222-213 majority in the House.
  The last thing we want to do is plunge our Nation into the threat of 
a default or an actual default. The responsible thing to do is to pass 
this clean debt ceiling relief and move on to the appropriations 
process where the debt can be properly addressed.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from 
Pennsylvania (Mr. Evans), whose city is home to some of the most 
important retirement plan management opportunities in all of America.
  Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I rise and strongly oppose this bill. It 
would hurt families. It would hurt seniors. It would hurt workers. We 
must uphold rather than undermine our country's strong economic 
recovery and standing.
  We are here to govern. That means paying for what Congress has 
already approved. We cannot default on the national debt. The only way 
forward is to cleanly raise the debt ceiling.
  I am saying to you, Mr. Speaker, we are ready. We need to raise the 
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from 
Illinois (Mr. Schneider), an individual who is well known for his 
proficiency in accounting procedures.
  Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to this 
unserious bill that cuts lifesaving and life-sustaining programs, hurts 
our economy, guts historic action on climate change, and needlessly 
adds to our deficit by carving out loopholes for the wealthy.
  The Republicans' cut, slash, and shrink default on America bill will 
devastate America. First, it guts the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, 
which is not only addressing inflation but is the largest ever effort 
in our Nation's history to combat climate change and lower the cost of 
prescription drugs.
  Second, it grows the already large tax gap and irresponsibly adds to 
the deficit. The bill, seemingly with bad intention, guts tools at the 
IRS to be both more responsive to responsible taxpayers and stronger in 
the face of wealthy tax cheats.
  Finally, this bill would make extreme cuts to discretionary spending, 
cuts that could amount to as much as 59 percent by the year 2025.
  Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record this report from the Center on 
Budget and Policy Priorities titled: ``Roundup: Analyzing Speaker 
McCarthy's Harmful Debt-Ceiling-and-Cuts Bill.''

    [From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Apr. 26, 2023]

  Roundup: Analyzing Speaker McCarthy's Harmful Debt-Ceiling-and-Cuts 

                               (By CBPP)

       Last week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy released a debt-
     ceiling-and-cuts bill that would use the need to raise the 
     debt ceiling as a bargaining chip to force a set of 
     unpopular, harmful policies. We've collected our analyses of 
     the bill here:
       McCarthy Bill Uses Debt Ceiling to Force Harmful Policies, 
     Deep Cuts. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's debt-ceiling-and-
     cuts bill puts the U.S. economy at grave risk by using the 
     need to raise the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip to force 
     a set of unpopular, harmful policies--policies that would 
     make deep cuts in a host of national priorities; leave more 
     people hungry, homeless, and without health coverage; and 
     make it easier for wealthy people to cheat on their taxes. 
     The bill would also repeal the Inflation Reduction Act's 
     funding to address climate change and would undertake harmful 
     changes that would undermine how regulations are crafted . . 
       CBPP President Sharon Parrott tweeted about the ten years 
     of deep cuts that the bill would exact in exchange for 
     raising the debt ceiling. Parrott also detailed our cross-
     cutting analysis of the bill.
       Vital Government Services Would Take a $3.6 Trillion Hit in 
     McCarthy Bill. The bill containing House Republicans' demands 
     for raising the debt ceiling would impose severe cuts 
     amounting to $3.6 trillion over the next ten years, along 
     with the many other harmful changes it would make. The 
     funding cuts would hit a wide swath of vital programs and 
     would grow from bad to beyond extreme--reaching between 24 
     and 59 percent in 2033, depending on whether programs such as 
     defense and veterans' medical care are protected from cuts, 
     as many House Republicans propose . . .
       David Reich tweeted about the cuts to annual appropriations 
     in the bill. Michael Leachman explained the bill would make 
     deep cuts to discretionary federal aid to

[[Page H2033]]

     states, local governments, tribal nations, and U.S. 
     Territories, and his analysis included a state-by-state 
     table. And Zoe Neuberger pointed out that the bill includes 
     billions in cuts that would harm families with low incomes, 
     including WIC participants.
       McCarthy Medicaid Proposal Puts Millions of People in 
     Expansion States at Risk of Losing Health Coverage. A 
     Republican proposal led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy would take 
     Medicaid coverage away from people who do not meet new work-
     reporting requirements. The proposal would apply to all 
     states, but in practice it would heavily impact people 
     covered by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid expansion. 
     Of this group, more than 10 million people in Medicaid 
     expansion states would be at significant risk of losing 
     coverage under the McCarthy proposal. This group would be 
     subject to the new Medicaid requirement, and they are not 
     part of a group that states could readily identify in 
     existing data sources and exclude from burdensome reporting. 
     The McCarthy proposal could jeopardize coverage for millions 
     more, by prompting some states to drop the ACA Medicaid 
     expansion or dissuading states that have not yet taken the 
     expansion from adopting it . . .
       Gideon Lukens tweeted state-by-state numbers of Medicaid 
     expansion enrollees whose coverage would be at risk under the 
     McCarthy proposal. Lukens also tweeted the Department of 
     Health and Human Services' estimates of Medicaid enrollees at 
     risk of losing coverage under the bill. Sarah Lueck tweeted 
     about the Congressional Budget Office's estimate of Medicaid 
     coverage loss.
       Taking Medicaid Away for Not Meeting a Work-Reporting 
     Requirement Would Keep People From Health Care. Led by 
     Speaker Kevin McCarthy, congressional Republicans have 
     revived harmful proposals to cut federal spending on the 
     Medicaid program--the Nation's single largest source of 
     health coverage--by taking Medicaid away from people not 
     meeting new work-reporting requirements. Adding such 
     requirements to Medicaid would cause many low-income adults 
     to lose coverage due to bureaucratic hurdles that don't 
     reflect the complexity of people's circumstances, as failed 
     experiments in several states show. These requirements would 
     leave people without the health care they need, including 
     life-saving medications, treatment to manage chronic 
     conditions, and care for acute illnesses.
       Laura Harker tweeted about how the bill would resurrect 
     this failed policy.
       Speaker McCarthy's SNAP Proposal Would Take Food Away From 
     Older Adults for Not Meeting Work Requirements. Speaker 
     McCarthy's bill would expand SNAP's already harsh policy that 
     takes food assistance away from many people aged 18 through 
     49 who don't have children at home and can't secure an 
     exemption. Such individuals can receive SNAP for only three 
     months (in a 36-month period) if they don't document that 
     they meet a 20-hour-per-week work requirement. The bill would 
     expand that policy to include people aged 50 through 55. 
     About 1 million such individuals participate in SNAP and meet 
     those criteria in a typical month. (The figure was 900,000 in 
     2019, the most recent year for which a full year of data are 
     available. A larger number participate in SNAP over the 
     course of a year.)
       Ty Jones Cox tweeted about how the bill would worsen SNAP's 
     work requirements.
       TANF Provisions in McCarthy Bill Give States Incentives to 
     Take Cash Benefits Away From Families With the Most 
     Significant Needs. The Temporary Assistance for Needy 
     Families (TANF) provisions in Speaker McCarthy's bill double 
     down on TANF's already expansive, rigid, and ineffective work 
     requirements. The bill would so severely limit states' 
     flexibility in how they provide assistance and employment 
     services to families with children that some states could 
     decide to stop providing cash aid to large numbers of 
     families, with devastating results.
       Aditi Shrivastava tweeted about how the bill would further 
     restrict TANF's reach.
       Samantha Jacoby explained that the bill's proposal to 
     rescind the Inflation Reduction Act's IRS funding would add 
     to the deficit because it would let wealthy tax cheats off 
     the hook. Jacoby also noted that while giving billions to 
     high-income tax cheats, the bill would take health care, 
     food, and cash assistance away from people who need it.

  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Nevada 
(Mr. Horsford), a very capable gentleman.
  Mr. HORSFORD. Mr. Speaker, I thank the distinguished ranking member 
of the Ways and Means Committee, Mr. Neal, for the time.
  Mr. Speaker, I rise today for my constituents in Nevada, my 
Democratic colleagues here in the House, and as chairman of the 
Congressional Black Caucus to address the latest attempt by extremist 
MAGA Republicans to put politics over the American people and to put 
billionaires and corporations over working families and children.
  Just last week, Speaker McCarthy introduced the default on America 
act that would tank our economic recovery and sabotage job growth, 
underscoring Republicans' lack of interest in governing for anyone 
besides the wealthy and the powerful.
  Speaker McCarthy and his MAGA extremists are demanding that Congress 
cut programs like SNAP, nutrition programs for seniors and children, at 
the expense of the wealthy.
  Everyday costs on families like car payments, student loans, credit 
card bills, and mortgage payments would increase.
  In fact, their plan, default on America, would affect veterans, 
seniors, families, people, and jobs, including 7,000 in my State alone.
  I urge my colleagues to vote against this default on America and to 
put people over politics.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from 
Maryland (Mr. Hoyer), one of the most capable people that I have had a 
chance to serve with in Congress.
  Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding 1 minute. 
Maybe I can get another. I miss the magic minute, as all of you know, 
because this is not enough time to debate this issue.
  Something that is as bad as fiscal responsibility is fiscal 
demagoguery. The Speaker of this House has said default is not an 
  Mr. Speaker, 84 of the Republicans in this House have never voted to 
extend the debt limit so that default would have been inevitable.
  That is what this is about; trying to make some sort of deal. I urge 
my Republican colleagues to follow what they know to be the only 
rational alternative; that is, vote for a debt extension.
  Pay our bills. America does not welch on its debts. You believe that; 
we believe that. Mr. Speaker, 84 of their Members have not believed 
that, but we have a majority of this House that believes it.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman has expired.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield an additional 30 seconds to the 
gentleman from Maryland.
  Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I urge Republicans to stop creating this lack 
of confidence in this body to be fiscally responsible. Let me repeat 
that: Stop allowing no confidence in this body's ability and 
willingness to be fiscally responsible. Vote ``no.''
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from New 
Jersey (Mr. Pallone), who comes from the same class as the last two 
Members, the class of 1988, a very talented lot.
  Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from the same class, 
the ranking member, for yielding time.
  Mr. Speaker, House Republicans are manufacturing a crisis to justify 
cruel cuts that will raise costs for American families, kick millions 
of people off their health insurance, and reverse the historic progress 
we have made in combating the worsening climate crisis.
  The Republicans' default on America act cuts $100 billion from 
Medicaid, which will have devastating consequences on every 
beneficiary, provider, and plan.
  The Republicans' Medicaid work requirements are about one thing; 
stripping healthcare away from vulnerable people.
  The majority of adults on Medicaid are already working, oftentimes in 
part-time jobs that do not offer healthcare coverage.
  Those who are not are often dealing with caregiving responsibilities, 
physical or mental health issues, or experiencing other barriers to 
  These Republican cuts are not about jobs. They are a Trojan horse 
intended to use red tape and onerous paperwork to kick millions of 
people off their health insurance simply because Republicans have 
always opposed Medicaid.
  Republicans also oppose our efforts to outcompete the world in the 
transition to a clean energy economy. The default on America act 
continues the Republicans' polluters over people agenda.
  The bill repeals key climate provisions that Democrats delivered with 
the Inflation Reduction Act last year that are already making a huge 
difference in the clean energy transition.
  Since its passage, we have seen about $28 billion in new domestic 
manufacturing investments. Companies have

[[Page H2034]]

announced $242 billion in new clean power capital investments, and more 
than 142,000 clean energy jobs have been created across this Nation.
  These are impressive results in less than a year, and yet, House 
Republicans now want to reverse this progress with a grab bag of Big 
Oil giveaways and loopholes.
  Mr. Speaker, this is a dangerous bill that is going to strip 
healthcare away from millions of Americans and undermine our efforts to 
combat the worst in climate crisis. I strongly urge my colleagues to 
vote ``no.''
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a March 
8, 2021, Politico article titled: ``Biden's welfare flip-flop,'' which 
points out that President Biden was once an ardent supporter of 
commonsense welfare reforms, including work requirements.

                     [From POLITICO, March 8, 2021]

             West Wing Playbook--Biden's Welfare Flip-Flop

    (By Alex Thompson and Theodoric Meyer with help from Allie Bice)

       Joe Biden, the young senator, would be surprised at Joe 
     Biden, the elderly president.
       When he first ran for president in 1988, 44-year-old Biden 
     was one of the Democrats challenging what he called ``liberal 
     orthodoxy'' on issues like welfare.
       ``Our handouts are not enough,'' Biden said at Princeton 
     University in a May 1987 speech meant to beef up his policy 
     profile ahead of a June campaign launch. ``Government subsidy 
     is not the ultimate answer to the problems of the poor.''
       In November 1988, he penned a column in his local Newark 
     Post: ``We are all too familiar with the stories of welfare 
     mothers driving luxury cars and leading lifestyles that 
     mirror the rich and famous,'' he wrote, parroting Republican 
     critiques of the program. ``Whether they are exaggerated or 
     not, these stories underlie a broad social concern that the 
     welfare system has broken down--that it only parcels out 
     welfare checks and does nothing to help the poor find 
     productive jobs.''
       In 1996, Biden was one of 24 Democratic senators who voted 
     for the welfare reform bill that President Bill Clinton 
     signed, but which progressives and much of Clinton's Cabinet 
     opposed. ``The culture of welfare must be replaced with the 
     culture of work,'' Biden said on the Senate floor. Bruce 
     Reed, who's now Biden's deputy chief of staff, was an 
     architect of the legislation. He helped coin Clinton's pledge 
     to ``end welfare as we know it.''
       And yet, the first piece of major legislation Biden is 
     poised to sign as president represents the largest expansion 
     of the welfare state in decades. It even undoes some of the 
     reforms Biden, the senator, helped enact.
       The 1996 bill, for instance, imposed time limits and work 
     requirements on money sent to parents to support their 
     children. Biden's American Rescue Plan would at least 
     temporarily resume sending money directly to impoverished 
     parents without any strings attached--and some Democrats are 
     already pushing to make the aid permanent.
       The bill would also send poor and middle-class parents 
     checks of up to $300 per child each month--a provision that 
     the Biden team believes could dramatically cut child poverty.
       The legislation won't recreate the welfare system that 
     Biden voted to reform in 1996. Instead, it will expand the 
     existing child tax credit for poor and middle-class families 
     alike. The credit starts phasing out at $75,000 a year for 
     single parents and $150,000 a year for married couples.
       Part of Biden's evolution on welfare spending is tied to 
     the pandemic and the massive economic hole that it has 
     caused. But another part of it reflects the evolution the 
     Democratic Party has undergone in recent years.
       Once fearful of race-baiting rhetoric on supposedly lazy 
     ``welfare queens,'' the party now is largely unapologetic 
     about spending money to strengthen the social safety net.
       ``One of the side effects of the pandemic has been to 
     change the profile of poverty in America,'' said Robert 
     Reich, Clinton's Labor secretary who clashed with people like 
     Reed over the welfare reform measure. ``It's no longer just 
     `them,' people of color, people who conservatives accuse of 
     taking handouts. It marks a huge shift in public policy from 
     quite punitive welfare to giving needy families money.''
       White House spokesperson Michael Gwin emailed a statement 
     saying, ``As a Senator, Joe Biden worked to make welfare 
     reform more progressive by supporting childcare and 
     maintaining funding for children's health and safety, and as 
     President, Joe Biden is meeting the unique crises we face by 
     giving children and families a financial lifeline, reopening 
     schools safely, and securing the resources we need to defeat 
     the virus.''
       Reed declined to comment.
       Donald Trump, during his presidency, seemed to usher in a 
     Republicanism that was more comfortable with spending more 
     money on things past Republicans would have bashed as 
     handouts. But so far Republicans in the Biden era are making 
     a different calculation. They unanimously voted against the 
     plan and are betting that the pandemic hasn't changed 
     perceptions around welfare programs so completely.
       On the Senate floor last Friday, Sen. Mitch McConnell 
     blasted the welfare provisions in the package for paying 
     ``people a bonus not to go back to work when we'll be trying 
     to rebuild our economy.''
       He added that: ``There's an effort to create a brand-new, 
     sprawling cash welfare program--not the one-time checks, but 
     constant payments--that ignore the pro-work lessons of 
     bipartisan welfare reform and which the White House has 
     already stated they want to make permanent.''
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Biden was one of 24 Democrat Senators who 
voted for the 1996 welfare reform bill that President Bill Clinton 
  That bill imposed time limits and work requirements for welfare 
recipients. In fact, Biden's Deputy Chief of Staff was a key architect 
of the 1996 welfare reform bill and helped coin Clinton's pledge to end 
welfare as we know it.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire as to how much time is 
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Massachusetts has 9\1/2\ 
minutes remaining. The gentleman from Missouri has 8\1/2\ minutes 
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Georgia 
(Mr.   David Scott), a very distinguished and capable gentleman.

                              {time}  1645

  Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for 
  Mr. Speaker, I stand here to make a passionate plea to my Republican 
friends. Yes, we have to pay our debt, but we do not need to deal with 
this, putting it on the backs of the poor, our children, our veterans. 
We must stand down. It is a national security issue.
  We must incorporate getting food to our veterans when 11.7 percent of 
our veterans live in food-scarce communities and households. Let me 
just sum it up and say that if Caesar were here, he would say the words 
that he said to Brutus: Brutus, yours is the meanest cut of all.
  We cannot put this on the backs of our children, our grandchildren, 
our seniors, and our veterans. I plead with you in the words of Caesar 
and God almighty because if we do not, it is ungodly.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Record a New 
York Times article titled: ``Poverty, Plunging,'' from September 14, 

               [From the New York Times, Sept. 14, 2022]

 Poverty, Plunging: Child Poverty in the U.S. Has Fallen by More Than 
                       Half Since the Early 1990s

                          (By David Leonhardt)

       When President Bill Clinton signed a bipartisan bill 
     tightening the rules around welfare eligibility in 1996--and 
     making many benefits conditional on work--critics on the 
     political left predicted terrible effects.
       A few members of the Clinton administration quit in 
     protest. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned of 
     devastating increases in child poverty. The New Republic 
     proclaimed, ``Wages will go down, families will fracture and 
     millions of children will be made more miserable than ever.''
       A quarter-century later, these predictions look very wrong. 
     As my colleague Jason DeParle wrote this week:
       ``A comprehensive new analysis shows that child poverty has 
     fallen 59 percent since 1993, with need receding on nearly 
     every front. Child poverty has fallen in every state, and it 
     has fallen by about the same degree among children who are 
     white, Black, Hispanic and Asian, living with one parent or 
     two, and in native or immigrant households''
       How did this happen? The 1996 welfare law turned out to be 
     a case study of different political ideologies combining to 
     produce a result that was better than either side would 
     likely have produced on its own.
       Some conservative critiques of the old welfare contained an 
     important insight, Jason told me. Poor single mothers (the 
     main beneficiaries of welfare) were better able to find and 
     hold jobs than many liberals expected. Over the past few 
     decades, increased employment among single mothers has been 
     one reason for the decline in child poverty, according to the 
     study, which was done by Child Trends, a research group.
       But the biggest cause was an expansion of government aid. 
     And progressives were the main force behind this expansion. 
     With welfare less generous, Democrats (sometimes in alliance 
     with Republicans) pushed for policies to help low-income 
     workers, such as expansions of the earned-income tax credit 
     and food stamps. Increases in state-level minimum wages also 
     played a role.
       ``I don't know where I'd be right now if I didn't have that 
     help,'' said Stacy Tallman, a mother of three and a waitress 
     in Marlinton, W. Va., referring to Medicaid, tax credits and 
     food stamps.
       After welfare reform, the focus of the government's anti-
     poverty efforts shifted from

[[Page H2035]]

     people who weren't working to people who were--and, thanks 
     partly to the generosity of the new programs, child poverty 
     plummeted. The size of the decline, Dana Thomson, a co-author 
     of the study, said, ``is unequaled in the history of poverty 
       Dolores Acevedo-Garcia of Brandeis University pointed out 
     that 12 million additional children would be poor today if 
     the poverty rate were still as high as it was in the 1990s. 
     The reasons to cheer this development are both immediate and 
     longer term: Children who spend even modest amounts of time 
     in poverty earn less money and are less healthy as adults on 
     average, research has shown.

                         Hiding in plain sight

       I am guessing that many readers are surprised to hear about 
     the big drop in child poverty since the 1990s. I'll confess 
     that I was and I have been covering economics for much of the 
     past two decades. As Jason told me, ``It is odd that such a 
     big decline in child poverty has gone almost completely 
       In part, the lack of attention stems from a theme I've 
     mentioned before in this newsletter: bad-news bias. 
     Journalists and academic experts are often more comfortable 
     reporting negative developments than positive ones. We worry 
     that we come off as blase or Pollyannaish when we report good 
       The poverty statistics add to the confusion because there 
     are so many different versions. The measure that the Census 
     Bureau calls ``official'' does not include government aid, 
     which is bizarre, as Dylan Matthews of Vox has noted. And 
     every measure has limitations. The one that Jason used in his 
     story overestimates the impact of the earned-income tax 
     credit and underestimates the impact of the food stamps, for 
     technical reasons. (Neither alters the basic conclusion, as 
     Robert Greenstein, a longtime progressive policy adviser, 
       Still, I understand why many people are reluctant to focus 
     on the poverty decline. The U.S. has not solved poverty. More 
     than 20 million Americans are poor today, and many others 
     above the poverty line also struggle to afford a decent life. 
     As successful as President Biden has been in passing many 
     parts of his agenda, Congress failed to pass several of his 
     anti-poverty proposals. Those measures would have expanded 
     access to child care and increased the child tax credit, 
     among other things.
       Despite these caveats, the decline in poverty deserves to 
     be a major news story. For one thing, it's legitimately 
     surprising: Even Jason--who has spent more time writing about 
     American poverty than almost any other journalist--
     acknowledges that welfare reform did less damage than he 
     expected, in part because of the subsequent expansions of 
       At a time of deep cynicism about government, the drop in 
     poverty is an example of Washington succeeding at something 
     big. ``The decline in child poverty is very, very 
     impressive,'' Greenstein said, ``and it is overwhelmingly due 
     to the increased effectiveness of government programs,''

  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, this article found that child 
poverty in the U.S. has fallen by more than half, 59 percent, since the 
early 1990s. When President Clinton signed the 1996 welfare reform bill 
implementing time limits and work requirements, the far left predicted 
terrible effects. Twenty-five years later, these predictions have been 
proven wrong.
  The simple fact is work requirements worked. Caseloads dropped, and 
families moved into the workforce and left the cycle of dependency.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman for acknowledging the 
role that the child tax credit played in that statistical analysis.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New York (Mr. 
Goldman), a new and very capable Member of this House.
  Mr. GOLDMAN of New York. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ranking member for 
  Last week, Speaker McCarthy came to my district to speak at the New 
York Stock Exchange to give a speech about this proposed default on 
America act.
  He threatened the Nation with economic catastrophe if we do not bend 
to the draconian cuts to spending for services that are essential to 
lifting up working and middle-class Americans.
  The DOA doesn't touch the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy. It doesn't 
touch defense spending. Instead, it solely targets domestic spending 
that hundreds of millions of Americans depend on, with an average cut 
of about 22 percent on those programs.
  In my district alone, which is in New York City, there are more than 
200,000 people who rely on Medicaid who will be at risk of losing their 
  In my district, there are 31 public housing NYCHA complexes that are 
crumbling that rely on funds from HUD just to maintain their poor 
condition, and those funds would be slashed.
  This is not a theoretical discussion. This will do real and 
devastating harm to people in my district and around the country. We 
must not pass this bill.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the 
gentlewoman from New York.
  Ms. MALLIOTAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of this 
  I hear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle talking about our 
children, our grandchildren, our future. If they truly cared about the 
next generation, they would support this measure as well because the 
reality is we cannot continue down the path that we are on.
  Right now, we are seeing Republicans take over this House from a body 
that, with Democrats' complete control with the President, chose to add 
$10 trillion in new spending in just 2 years.
  Today, we are facing a debt-to-GDP ratio of 121 percent. That is 
completely unsustainable.
  When I was born in 1980, it was 35 percent. The debt at that time was 
$900 billion. Today, it is $31.4 trillion.
  Yet, all we hear from the other side is that they want to spend more, 
tax more, and create more programs to make people dependent instead of 
giving people the opportunity to determine their own future and live 
the American Dream.
  We are talking about legislation on our side that will save the 
American taxpayer $4.5 trillion, hardworking people who each and every 
day get up, go to work, and sacrifice tremendously. Some individuals 
are working two or three jobs, and they pay taxes so the government can 
be responsible with it, not throwing it around on all sorts of stuff 
that we don't need, such as COVID funds that have gone unspent.
  We just came out of a hearing in the COVID subcommittee where we 
talked about, in just education, $190 billion that was earmarked to 
reopen our schools, which they didn't use to reopen our schools, and 
then only 15 percent of it was spent as of November. We are talking 
about saving the taxpayers $50 billion to $60 billion right there, just 
by reclaiming those funds.
  Biden's IRS army--this is what the other side proposes--wants to tax 
people more. They want to take more of the taxpayers' hard-earned 
money. That is how they plan on paying down our debt, not by having 
pro-growth policies that stimulate our economy and that help us grow 
and help companies expand so they can create more jobs. No, they don't 
want pro-growth policies that are good for prosperity and for our 
country. They want to continue to hammer people and continue to tax 
them, nickel-and-dime them at each and every turn.
  By just repealing the IRS army, it is $71 billion right there.
  What about the Green New Deal tax credits? This is a good one.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentlewoman has expired.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield an additional 1 minute to 
the gentlewoman from New York.
  Ms. MALLIOTAKIS. Hundreds of billions of dollars in Green New Deal 
tax credits in some cases can go to--and will go to--Chinese companies, 
companies that are affiliated with the Communist Chinese Government, 
all while destroying American energy at home. American energy is 
reliable and affordable.
  By the way, the destruction of that industry by the left is the 
reason why we are seeing costs of energy skyrocket for American 
families, as well as food costs skyrocket for American families.
  The spending and the anti-energy policies that Democrats have put 
forward in the 2 years they had complete control are the reason why we 
see so much hardship for American families today.
  The last thing is, well, work requirements are a good thing. People 
should want to participate and contribute to our economy. It will help 
the labor shortage issues that we are seeing, while giving people the 
ability to self-determine their future, not be dependent on government. 
We need those programs. It is critically important for us to encourage 
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I remind everyone that, in Georgia-3, there 
was $2.6 billion worth of tax credits; Ohio-15, $4.5 billion of tax 
credits; West Virginia-1, $22 million worth of tax credits. Those tax 
credits did not go to the

[[Page H2036]]

Chinese. They went to American families.

  Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. 
Lois Frankel).
  Ms. LOIS FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, make no mistake about it, 
extremists in this Congress are trying to hold us hostage. Republicans 
have given us a ransom note: choose between wrecking our economy or 
wrecking our families; lose jobs and retirement funds or inflict cruel 
pain on American families.
  More children will go to bed hungry. More women will die during 
childbirth. More parents will be without childcare. More neighborhoods 
will be without police. There will be more evictions, more drug 
overdoses, more veteran suicides, and more carbon in the air. There 
will be more misery.
  Make no mistake, Republicans are willing to sacrifice Americans in 
order to protect tax cuts for the very wealthy and for big 
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from 
California (Ms. Chu), a member of the Ways and Means Committee.
  Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this 
irresponsible bill that would hurt millions of seniors, workers, 
families, and veterans.
  If this bill becomes law, the Social Security Administration will 
close field offices that seniors and people with disabilities rely on 
for services; nearly 500,000 low-income families could be evicted from 
voucher-supported housing; 200,000 young children will lose spots in 
Head Start; and cruel barriers to TANF will mean grandparents who rely 
on the program to keep their grandchildren out of foster care will lose 
crucial resources.
  Meanwhile, Republicans want to cut law enforcement funding and give 
wealthy tax cheats a license to avoid paying the taxes they owe.
  What do we get in exchange for over a decade of crippled government? 
We get less than 1 year of reprieve from default and economic 
  Republicans should do what they did three times under President Trump 
and pass a clean bill free of brutal cuts.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1\1/2\ minutes to the gentleman from 
New York (Mr. Ryan).
  Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. I rise in 
strong opposition to the default on America act.
  I risked my life in combat because I believe in this country, our 
strength, and our compassion. This bill falls far short of those 
American values.
  In New York alone, my home State, it threatens food assistance to 
54,000 people and cuts preschool and childcare for 17,000 kids. It puts 
at risk Meals on Wheels for over 1 million seniors nationwide. It would 
cut $30 billion in support to our veterans.
  I don't know about my colleagues, but I believe in a country where we 
don't let our kids and our seniors go hungry, and we never break faith 
with our veterans.
  The cuts in this bill are just cruel, and they would have 
catastrophic consequences for American families.
  In combat, it was my sacred duty to make sure we left no one behind. 
This bill leaves far too many Americans behind.
  I implore my colleagues from both parties to instead pass a clean 
debt ceiling increase.
  Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to insert the text of this 
amendment into the Record immediately prior to the vote on the motion 
to recommit.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the 
gentleman from New York?
  There was no objection.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, how much time do I have remaining?
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Massachusetts has 3\3/4\ 
minutes remaining.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.
  Mr. Speaker, I thank you for your impeccable fairness once again as 
you have presided over this Chamber as usual. I call attention to the 
argument I made at the outset as to how we got to where we are today. 
This is a manageable issue that men and women of good sense and good 
instincts could come together on to find a solution.
  The debt-to-GDP ratio, I understand the argument, but does that take 
into consideration a pandemic and aid to Ukraine, stopping the 
hostility of Putin's aggression?
  Does it take into account our obligations--and for those who voted 
for the PACT Act here--to come to the aid of our veterans?
  Does it take into account the infrastructure bill that some 
Republicans voted for?
  Does it take into account the CHIPS and Science Act that some 
Republicans voted for?
  Does it take into account the extraordinary increases in defense 
spending as China threatens America in the Straits of Taiwan and the 
South China Sea?
  These are all parts of votes that both parties have cast. These are 
parts of the obligations that we have to members of the American 
  Republicans suggest, well, if we just chop Medicaid--and earlier 
today, Mr. Speaker, it should be noted this exclamation point that they 
have added to the argument that we have no intention of cutting Social 
Security or Medicare. Great. That is nice to hear. There are members of 
the Republican leadership in the Senate who have said precisely the 
opposite. They would put Medicaid and Social Security on the chopping 
block, and our side should not be restrained in calling attention to 
that, despite the debate that takes place in this Chamber.
  The spending challenges that we have as they relate to defense, where 
every Republican voted, I believe, for that defense budget and the 
substantial increases that have taken place, that has been an act of 
responsibility based upon what happens with Putin and President Xi and 
others who would threaten freedom across the globe.

                              {time}  1700

  When we look at this argument that has been presented to the American 
people today, I want to ask you about their 401(k) plans. As they allow 
this argument to be pursued, the markets are going to begin to reflect 
this in coming days.
  People are going to pull back from investment. People are going to 
pull back from what ordinarily would be an act of good fiscal prudence. 
People are going to begin to pay a great deal of attention to this.
  The argument that Democrats have offered today is really simple: You 
and us, we were responsible for those increases in spending. Let us 
have a vote on a clean debt resolution here and then proceed to 
negotiation and discussion.
  I have heard this argument when former President Bush never vetoed 
one spending bill during 8 years as President. I have seen this 
argument when we cut taxes, without the help of us, by $1.3 trillion in 
2001 and, by the way, another trillion in 2003.
  With the subsequent invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and a million 
and a half new veterans, these are our obligations.
  Even though we disagreed, by and large, with those positions that 
were adopted by the then-majority, you recognize the reality, that the 
tally of the credit card is in front of us.
  When you get the credit card, you don't get to say, ``Well, I don't 
like the part of the bill that I have run up here, so I am not going to 
pay it,'' or you don't say, ``I will only pay this.''
  The bill is in front of us. The full faith and credit of the United 
States is in front of us.
  I made reference earlier today to the fiscal probity of the 
Republican Party when I first came here. Whatever happened to the 
Republican Party when it relates to fiscal prudence and probity?
  We pay our bills, and we don't threaten the currency of the United 
States where that dollar is recognized everywhere across the globe.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
  Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my 
  Mr. Speaker, we have heard the other side numerous times today say 
that we need to just pick up and pass a blank-check debt limit 
  The United States Senate, which is controlled by the Democrats, 
couldn't even pass what President Biden and the

[[Page H2037]]

House Democrats have been suggesting on this floor. If they could, they 
would have already passed it. Even Democrat Senators on the other side 
of the building said they will not support an absolute blank-check debt 
limit because they are concerned about the fiscal state of America.
  Today, the contrast could not be clearer.
  On the one hand, we have President Biden and Washington Democrats who 
have proposed zero solutions for getting America's fiscal house in 
order or addressing the inflation crisis. For months, they have delayed 
and denied real discussions while they fought to preserve special 
interest tax breaks for big banks, corporations, and the Chinese 
Communist Party.
  On the other hand, Republicans stand with working families. We have 
an actual plan that will rein in runaway spending to fight inflation. 
It will save taxpayer dollars by canceling handouts to the wealthy and 
big corporations, and it will grow the economy.
  The American people are sick and tired of business as usual in 
Washington. With today's vote, we are sending a message to the 
President: It is time to stop your reckless behavior and negotiate and 
stand up and talk with Congress and deliver for the American people. 
The American people are demanding it.
  Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
  Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I rise to condemn H.R. 2811, 
the GOP's Default on America Act, which puts politics over people by 
making deep cuts that kill jobs, harm the economy and immediately 
impact families, seniors and small businesses in Northwest Washington. 
According to House Budget Committee and White House estimates, in my 
home state of Washington, the Default on America Act would:
  Put 371,000 people at risk of losing Medicaid coverage;
  Cut approximately $67 million in Title I funding for schools serving 
low-income children, impacting an estimated 420,000 students and 
reducing program funding to its lowest level in almost a decade;
  Make college more expensive for at least 308,000 students who receive 
Pell Grants;
  Threaten access to food assistance for 19,000 people;
  Eliminate preschool and child care for at least 4,800 children;
  Increase housing costs for at least 17,400 people;
  Eliminate at least 6 air traffic control towers;
  Cut at least 240 rail safety inspection days;
  Repeal investments in cleaner, cheaper energy--threatening at least 
800 clean energy and manufacturing jobs announced in Washington since 
the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
  The Default on America Act would also undermine transportation 
safety, harm the environment and prevent communities from investing in 
critical infrastructure projects for the next decade.
  By making the U.S. default on certain debt obligations, the extreme 
GOP plan would also downgrade the U.S.' credit rating and international 
  According to House Budget Committee estimates, in Washington's Second 
Congressional District, defaulting on the debt would:
  Kill about 7,300 jobs in Northwest Washington;
  Jeopardize Social Security payments for 103,000 families in my 
  Put health benefits at risk for 295,000 individuals in my district 
who rely on Medicare, Medicaid or Veterans Affairs health coverage;
  Increase lifetime mortgage costs for the typical homeowner in 
Washington by approximately $81,000;
  Raise the costs of a new car loan for the typical American by 
approximately $800;
  Threaten the retirement savings of more than 102,000 people near 
retirement in my district, eliminating $20,000 from a typical 
retirement portfolio.
  Congress must put people over politics by ensuring the U.S. 
government meets its obligations while ensuring historic investments 
like the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act 
are fully implemented to create more jobs, lower costs and build 
cleaner, greener, safer and more accessible communities in the Pacific 
Northwest and across the country.
  I call on my House colleagues to join me in voting ``No'' on the 
extreme GOP Default on America Act.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time for debate has expired.
  Pursuant to House Resolution 327, the previous question is ordered on 
the bill, as amended.
  The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill.
  The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, and was 
read the third time.

                           Motion to Recommit

  Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, I have a motion to recommit at the desk.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will report the motion to 
  The Clerk read as follows:
       Mr. Ryan of New York moves to recommit the bill H.R. 2811 
     to the Committee on Ways and Means.
  The material previously referred to by Mr. Ryan is as follows:

 =========================== NOTE =========================== 

  On April 26, 2023, on page H2037, in the first and second 
columns, the following appeared: Mr. Speaker, I yield back the 
balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time for debate 
has expired . . . . Mr. Ryan of New York moves to recommit the 
bill H.R. 2811 to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. LARSEN of 
Washington. Mr. Speaker, I rise to condemn H.R. 2811, the GOP's 
Default . . . voting ``No'' on the extreme GOP Default on America 
Act. The material previously referred to by Mr. Ryan is as 
  The online version has been corrected to read: Mr. Speaker, I 
yield back the balance of my time. Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. 
Speaker, I rise to condemn H.R. 2811, the GOP's Default . . . 
voting ``No'' on the extreme GOP Default on America Act. The 
SPEAKER pro tempore. All time for debate has expired . . . . Mr. 
Ryan of New York moves to recommit the bill H.R. 2811 to the 
Committee on Ways and Means. The material previously referred to 
by Mr. Ryan is as follows:

 ========================= END NOTE ========================= 

       Mr. Ryan of New York moves to recommit the bill H.R. 2811 
     to the Committee on Ways and Means with instructions to 
     report the same back to the House forthwith with the 
     following amendment:
       Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


       (a) In General.--Section 3101(b) of title 31, United States 
     Code, shall not apply for the period beginning on the date of 
     the enactment of this Act and ending on April 30, 2025.
       (b) Special Rule Relating to Obligations Issued During 
     Extension Period.--Effective on May 1, 2025, the limitation 
     in effect under section 3101(b) of title 31, United States 
     Code, shall be increased to the extent that--
       (1) the face amount of obligations issued under chapter 31 
     of such title and the face amount of obligations whose 
     principal and interest are guaranteed by the United States 
     Government (except guaranteed obligations held by the 
     Secretary of the Treasury) outstanding on May 1, 2025, 
       (2) the face amount of such obligations outstanding on the 
     date of the enactment of this Act.
       (c) Extension Limited to Necessary Obligations.--An 
     obligation shall not be taken into account under subsection 
     (b)(1) unless the issuance of such obligation was necessary 
     to fund a commitment incurred pursuant to law by the Federal 
     Government that required payment before May 1, 2025.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 2(b) of rule XIX, the 
previous question is ordered on the motion to recommit.
  The question is on the motion to recommit.
  The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that 
the noes appeared to have it.
  Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.
  The yeas and nays were ordered.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule XX, this 15-
minute vote on the motion to recommit will be followed by 5-minute 
votes on:
  Passage of the bill, if ordered; and
  The motion to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 1339.
  The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 211, 
nays 221, not voting 3, as follows:

                             [Roll No. 198]


     Bishop (GA)
     Blunt Rochester
     Boyle (PA)
     Carter (LA)
     Castor (FL)
     Castro (TX)
     Clark (MA)
     Clarke (NY)
     Davids (KS)
     Davis (IL)
     Davis (NC)
     Dean (PA)
     Frankel, Lois
     Garcia (IL)
     Garcia (TX)
     Garcia, Robert
     Golden (ME)
     Goldman (NY)
     Gonzalez, Vicente
     Green, Al (TX)
     Harder (CA)
     Higgins (NY)
     Hoyle (OR)
     Jackson (IL)
     Jackson (NC)
     Jackson Lee
     Johnson (GA)
     Kelly (IL)
     Kim (NJ)
     Larsen (WA)
     Larson (CT)
     Lee (CA)
     Lee (NV)
     Lee (PA)
     Leger Fernandez
     Moore (WI)

[[Page H2038]]

Scott (VA)

Scott, David





Smith (WA)












Thompson (CA)

Thompson (MS)





Torres (CA)

Torres (NY)









     Williams (GA)
     Wilson (FL)


     Bean (FL)
     Bishop (NC)
     Carter (GA)
     Carter (TX)
     De La Cruz
     Dunn (FL)
     Franklin, C. Scott






Garcia, Mike


Gonzales, Tony

Good (VA)

Gooden (TX)



Graves (LA)

Graves (MO)

Green (TN)

Greene (GA)









Higgins (LA)








Jackson (TX)


Johnson (LA)

Johnson (OH)

Johnson (SD)


Joyce (OH)

Joyce (PA)

Kean (NJ)

Kelly (MS)

Kiggans (VA)


Kim (CA)










Lee (FL)




















Miller (IL)

Miller (OH)

Miller (WV)






Moore (AL)

Moore (UT)






Nunn (IA)










Rodgers (WA)

Rogers (AL)

Rogers (KY)










Scott, Austin




Smith (MO)

Smith (NE)

Smith (NJ)











Thompson (PA)





Van Drew

Van Duyne

Van Orden




Weber (TX)

Webster (FL)



Williams (NY)

Williams (TX)

Wilson (SC)





                             NOT VOTING--3

     Kelly (PA)
     Watson Coleman

                              {time}  1733

  Messrs. WENSTRUP, BAIRD, and WILLIAMS of New York changed their vote 
from ``yea'' to ``nay.''
  Messrs. VICENTE GONZALEZ of Texas, LYNCH, DAVIS of North Carolina, 
JACKSON LEE, OMAR, and Mr. TONKO changed their vote from ``nay'' to 
  So the motion to recommit was rejected.
  The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Rogers of Alabama). The question is on 
the passage of the bill.
  The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that 
the ayes appeared to have it.
  Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.
  The yeas and nays were ordered.
  This will be a 5-minute vote.
  The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 217, 
nays 215, not voting 3, as follows:

                             [Roll No. 199]


     Bean (FL)
     Bishop (NC)
     Carter (GA)
     Carter (TX)
     De La Cruz
     Dunn (FL)
     Franklin, C. Scott
     Garcia, Mike
     Gonzales, Tony
     Good (VA)
     Gooden (TX)
     Graves (LA)
     Graves (MO)
     Green (TN)
     Greene (GA)
     Higgins (LA)
     Jackson (TX)
     Johnson (LA)
     Johnson (OH)
     Johnson (SD)
     Joyce (OH)
     Joyce (PA)
     Kean (NJ)
     Kelly (MS)
     Kiggans (VA)
     Kim (CA)
     Lee (FL)
     Miller (IL)
     Miller (OH)
     Miller (WV)
     Moore (AL)
     Moore (UT)
     Nunn (IA)
     Rodgers (WA)
     Rogers (AL)
     Rogers (KY)
     Scott, Austin
     Smith (MO)
     Smith (NE)
     Smith (NJ)
     Thompson (PA)
     Van Drew
     Van Duyne
     Van Orden
     Weber (TX)
     Webster (FL)
     Williams (NY)
     Williams (TX)
     Wilson (SC)


     Bishop (GA)
     Blunt Rochester
     Boyle (PA)
     Carter (LA)
     Castor (FL)
     Castro (TX)
     Clark (MA)
     Clarke (NY)
     Davids (KS)
     Davis (IL)
     Davis (NC)
     Dean (PA)
     Frankel, Lois
     Garcia (IL)
     Garcia (TX)
     Garcia, Robert
     Golden (ME)
     Goldman (NY)
     Gonzalez, Vicente
     Green, Al (TX)
     Harder (CA)
     Higgins (NY)
     Hoyle (OR)
     Jackson (IL)
     Jackson (NC)
     Jackson Lee
     Johnson (GA)
     Kelly (IL)
     Kim (NJ)
     Larsen (WA)
     Larson (CT)
     Lee (CA)
     Lee (NV)
     Lee (PA)
     Leger Fernandez
     Moore (WI)
     Scott (VA)
     Scott, David
     Smith (WA)
     Thompson (CA)
     Thompson (MS)
     Torres (CA)
     Torres (NY)
     Wasserman Schultz
     Williams (GA)
     Wilson (FL)

                             NOT VOTING--3

     Kelly (PA)
     Watson Coleman

                              {time}  1744

  So the bill was passed.
  The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.
  A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

[[Page H2039]]

