[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 125 (Thursday, July 20, 2023)]
[Page H3875]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                       NATIONAL PENNSYLVANIA DAY

  (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania asked and was given permission to 
address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, I rise today to 
recognize July 20 as National Pennsylvania Day.
  Pennsylvania gained the nickname the ``Keystone State'' because 
Thomas Jefferson referred to the Commonwealth as a keystone of the 
Federal union for our role in the establishment and the success of the 
United States.
  Our Commonwealth is where the Declaration of Independence was signed, 
our Constitution was written, and our flag was born. It also served as 
the first capital back in the early days of our union.
  Pennsylvania is the site of famous battles, such as the battle of 
Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War and the battle of Gettysburg 
during the Civil War. In Pennsylvania, we are proud to be home to the 
first hospital, superhighway, and commercial oil well, the Drake Well 
in my district. We are also proud to have invented the slinky, little 
league baseball, the steam engine, and bubble gum.
  All throughout history from our steel and coal mines to our farms and 
forests, Pennsylvania has led the way with an inspiring work ethic.
  As a lifelong Pennsylvanian, I am proud of all we have done and look 
forward to our future. I am proud to represent nearly one-third of the 
land mass of our great Commonwealth.
  Madam Speaker, to all Pennsylvanians, happy Pennsylvania day.
