[Congressional Record Volume 171, Number 8 (Wednesday, January 15, 2025)] [House] [Page H172] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] PROMPT RELIEF TO VICTIMS IN LOS ANGELES (Mr. KILEY of California asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. KILEY of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise to stress the importance of providing prompt relief to the victims of the ongoing disaster and nightmare in Los Angeles. The relief measure should include direct support for rebuilding and recovery along with safeguards to assure that that support gets to victims as quickly and as efficaciously as possible. Mr. Speaker, there will also need to be a thoroughgoing Federal inquiry into the causes of this catastrophe and into political failures that enabled this catastrophe. We will need to use every tool that we have to inject some common sense into how California manages its forests and water supply, but that should not stand in the way of getting immediate relief to the victims. These folks have already paid an extraordinarily high price for the failures of their government, and they should not be punished again. ____________________