[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 145 (1999), Part 8] [Extensions of Remarks] [Page 11812] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov][[Page 11812]] IN RECOGNITION OF MICHIO KUSHI ______ HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH of ohio in the house of representatives Monday, June 7, 1999 Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Michio Kushi, the 20th century developer of macrobiotics. This diet is the catalyst for many of the mainstream dietary and lifestyle changes currently taking place. The Standard Macrobiotic diet has been practiced widely throughout history by all major civilizations and cultures. The Diet centers on whole cereal grains and their products and other plant quality. Twenty- five to thirty percent of daily food consists of vegetables and the remaining intake is comprised of soups, beans and sea vegetables. Consumption of products such as meat and dairy products are typically avoided. Michio Kushi, the founder of macrobiotics, was born in Japan and graduated from Tokyo University, the Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science. Influenced by the devastation of World War II, he decided to dedicate his life to the achievement of world peace and the development of humanity. Kushi and his wife Aveline introduced macrobiotics to North America in the 1950s by establishing the first macrobiotic restaurant in New York. In the 1960s, the Kushis moved to Boston and founded Erewhon, the nation's pioneer natural foods distributor and manufacturer. Over the last thirty years Michio Kushi has taught throughout the United States and abroad, giving lectures and seminars on diet, health, consciousness and the peaceful meeting of East and West. In 1978, the Kushis founded the Kushi Institute, an educational organization for the training of future leaders of society, including macrobiotic teachers, counselors, cooks and lifestyle advisers. In 1986, Michio Kushi founded One Peaceful World, an international information network and friendship society of macrobiotic friends, families, business, educational center, and other associations to help guide society and contribute to world health and world peace. In the 1980s, Kushi began meeting with government and social leaders at the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the White House. The health benefits of a macrobiotic diet have attracted the attention of leading medical professionals. The American Cancer Society reports that a macrobiotic diet may lower the risk of cancer. The Smithsonian Institution will announce the acquisition of the Michio Kushi Family Collection on Macrobiotics and Alternative and Complementary Health Care during a special day-long event at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, June 9. The events include a symposium featuring Michio Kushi and his wife Aveline Kushi, an exhibit of macrobiotic food and books, and an awards presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Kushi for their significant role in the development of alternative and complementary health care and to the formation of the natural and whole foods movement. I ask my fellow colleagues to join me in applauding the dedication and hard work of the Kushis in helping to educate the world's population on the benefits of the macrobiotic diet. ____________________