[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 147 (2001), Part 7]
[Pages 10313-10314]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

                       THE 65TH INFANTRY DIVISION

  Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I have sought recognition today to 
commend the dedication and courage of the members of the 65th Infantry 
Division of the United States Army who fought in World War II.
  The 65th Infantry Division was activated on August 16, 1943 at Camp 
Shelby, Mississippi under Major General Stanley E. Reinhart. Like many 
newly formed divisions in 1943, the men of the 65th Division traveled 
to different bases training in preparation for their participation in 
the battles across Europe during World War II.
  On January 10, 1945, the 65th Infantry Division departed New York, 
and they arrived in Le Havre, France on January 21, 1945. On March 9, 
1945, the division assembled near Ennery to relieve the 26th Infantry 
Division, defending Saarlautern Bridgehead from Orscholz to Wadgassen.
  On March 13, 1945, the 261st Infantry Regiment crossed the Saar River 
near Menningen to clear the German defenders near the town of Merzig. 
On March 17, 1945, the 261st Infantry Regiment cleared the heights 
south of Merzig, and took the town of Killingen the following day. The 
rest of the division fought its way out of the bridgehead as the 259th 
Infantry Regiment captured the town of Fraulautern and the 260th 
Infantry Regiment seized Saarlauten on March 19, 1945. Then, the 
division fought its way through the West Wall and captured the town of 
Neunkirchen on March 21, 1945. It then assembled near Ottweiler for 
rest and rehabilitation.
  After 10 days of rest, the 65th Infantry Division connected with the 
6th Armored Division. Closing into the Schwabenheim area, the division 
crossed the Rhine River with both the 260th and 261st Infantry 
Regiments during the night of March 29, 1945. It attacked across the 
Fulda River on April 2 and reached the Reichensachen-Langenhain line on 
April 3, 1945. There the two divisions split. The same day the 259th 
Infantry Regiment crossed the Werra River, and continued to the 
Greuzberg area on April 4, 1945. The division assaulted the town of 
Langensalza, which fell on April 6, 1945, but a German counterattack 
overran a battalion of the 261st Infantry Regiment at Struth on April 
7, 1945. The division restored the situation with air support and went 
into reserve on April 8, 1945, moving to the town of Berka on April 10, 
  The division moved to the town of Waltershausen on April 11, 1945 and 
then onto Arnstadt. On April 17, 1945 it assembled in the town of 
Bamberg and attacked toward Altdorf with the 259th and 260th Infantry 
Regiments the next day. The town of Neumarket was taken on April 23, 
1945 and the division drove to the Rhine River against crumbling German 
resistance. The division established a bridgehead across the Danube 
River southwest of Regensburg despite strong opposition, especially 
against the 261st Infantry Regiment on April 26, 1945. The bridgehead 
was expanded allowing the 13th Armored Division to pass through. The 
260th Infantry Regiment took Regensburg on April 27, 1945. The division 
followed the Armored Division and crossed the Isar River at Platting on 
May 1, 1945.
  The 261st Infantry Regiment reached the Inn River at Passau on May 2, 
1945 and assaulted across it at the town of Neuhaus. The town of Passau 
fell the next day and the 261st Infantry Regiment reached the Enns 
River and overran the town of Enns. The division crossed the Enns River 
on May 6, 1945, and made contact with the advancing Soviet Army in the 
vicinity of Strengberg.
  The 65th Infantry Division reached Austria on May 4, 1945 and 
remained in Austria, under Brigadier General John E. Copeland until 
disbanded on August 31, 1945. Two hundred and thirty three men of the 
65th Infantry Division were killed in action. Nine hundred and twenty-
seven men were wounded in action.
  In August of this year, the members of the 65th Infantry Division 
will gather for their 48th annual reunion in Pennsylvania. During their 
reunion, the men will be honored for their service with the dedication 
of a monument stone by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. The 
members of the 65th Infantry Division deserve this special

[[Page 10314]]

recognition for their service, and I am pleased to be able to commend 
them on the floor of the United States Senate.
  I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Record the list of the 
names of the members of the 65th Infantry Division.
  There being no objection, the names were ordered to be printed in the 
Record, as follows:

       Robert D. Ackerman; Cecil C. Adams; Leo Adams; William R. 
     Agnew; Raymond A. Aja; Harold M. Almasi; William D. Almond; 
     John F. Amm; Edward W. Anderson; W.C. ``Hap'' Arnold; Howard 
     B. Aronow; Ernie Bacco; James R. Bailey; Robert Baretz; 
     Vincent T. Bartell; Bernard H. Beckstedt; Roland A. 
     Bencivenni; James C. Benson; Ernest K. Berg, Jr.; Robert M. 
     Bergeron; Philip Bianco; Norbert J. Bischoff; Thomas P. 
     Black; Camille G. Blair; Major General John Blatsos; Carl A. 
     Blim, Jr.; Sidney Bloombert; William L. Bock; Sylvester J. 
     Bower; Patrick J. Bradley; Jake Brewer; Joe Briggs, Jr.; John 
     Brooks; Robert L. Brown; Carlton Brownell; Sydney Bruskin; 
     Richard Burdick; Joseph Cadenelli; Michael Calabrese; Ray 
     Callanan; J.D. ``Jerry'' Camp; Herbert ``Dave'' Campbell.
       Thomas Campell; Dominick J. Cardenal; Richard A. Carson; 
     John T. Cary; Bernie Cencimino; Frank S. Cerchia; Stanley B. 
     Chisholm; Robert H. Chism; Demo Christopoulos; Milton Ciment; 
     Tom Clark; William O. Clark; Troyce J. Cofer; Bernard L. 
     Cohen; Sidney Cohen; Roy C. Collins; Bill Corwin; Arthur D. 
     Cree; Frank Cudney; Warren F. Cummins; James B. Curry; 
     Francis M. Curtis; Bernard Cutler; Richard Czaia; Harry Daab; 
     Gordon Dailey; Robert W. Day; Joseph Demarco; James H. 
     Dickerson; Fred Diese; Charles F. Dischert; James E. Dorris; 
     David A. Dosser; William J. Douglas; Robert B. Drake; Noel F. 
     Duncan; Harold Dykes; John R. Edwards; E. William Ellis; Lyle 
     G. Eyer; Patrick Fallar; Leslie J. Fant; George R. Farneth; 
     William ``Bill'' Farrell.
       Seymour Feinstein; Sidney Felix; Francis J. Finnegan; 
     Charles W. Flock; Allen D. Flood; Howard Ford; Raymond F. 
     Freer; Walter H. Fremd; Wilbur French; Anthony J. Frioni; 
     James E. Furlan; Anthony J. Gagliardo; Joseph P. Gavaghan; 
     Harold German; William E. Gibson; Tom Giggy; Jimmie Giles; 
     Guido Girolami; Weldon C. Gold; Joe Gonzalez; Bernard 
     Goodman; S.R. (Sanford) Gorin; Melvin E. Gorssman; Major G. 
     W. Grant; Malcolm K. Grant; Harry J. Grimaldi; Charles Grof; 
     Harry H. Gross; Allard L. Gustafson; Kenneth N. Hall; Mark W. 
     Hannon; Maynard B. Hanson; Alvin E. Harris; Albert E. Harrop; 
     Dan O. Harvill; William F. Hase; Robert W. Hellriegel; Robert 
     Henager; Lynn Henneman; William F. Hennings; Richard 
     Hennrick; Ray Henry; Clyde E. Hergert; John S. Hickey; 
     Everette Hilfiker; Tommie Hill.
       Theda Hollenbaugh; Luverne V. Hornbeck; Cliff Huffnagle; 
     Douglas O. Hukkanen; Richard D. Hurley; Harold Hyde; Elbert 
     Jackson; Robert Jacobson; Royce Jarrell; Mort Jenkins; Robert 
     Jensen; C.A. Johannes; Finnis E. Jolly; Curtis B. Jones; 
     Tommie Justice; Robert L. Kaiser; Milton Kaplan; Norman 
     Kaplan; Richard Karon; Donald E. Keebler; Keith Kingsley; 
     John K. Kirn; Burton Knowlton; Fred B. Kohl; Joseph Koosman; 
     Hank Kulwicki; Jack R. Kurschner; Lynn M. LaBarre; Tommy A. 
     Larned; Dante A. Laudi; John B. Law; Richard R. Lee; David 
     Leshner; Ed Lewis; ``Dick'' Laurie O. Lieberg; William 
     Linley; Lou Liss; Ronald E. Locke; Sanford Lockspeiser; Ray 
     Long; Harold Low; Jay W. Lowry; Buford Lunsford; Thomas 
     Mahovlich; Daniel O. Mallory; Chuck Manausa; Albert 
     Mancinelli; Lionel C. Marcus.
       Joseph F. Marino; Jack C. Martin; William R. Martindale; 
     William D. Mason; John R. Massey; Jack W. Maxedon; Michael J. 
     McCarthy; William E. McCloskey; John McClung; Norvin D. 
     McClure; Jack C. McDermott; Harry McLinden; Charles Meany; 
     William J. Mearls; Henry E. Medler; William H. Melton; 
     William B. Meyer; Leroy O. Miller; William ``Ben'' Miller; 
     Richard C. Minick; Edwin F. Mitesser; Thomas B. Montgomery; 
     A.J. Morando; Fernando Moreno; S.L. (Ben) Morfino; Robert 
     Morgenweck; Pellon Morris; Thomas D. Morrissey; Thomas E. 
     Morton; Earl O. Moser; Charles Mote; John A. Moulder.
       David Myers; Charles E. Myles; Ernest E. Nagy; Thomas D. 
     Nash; Henry W. Nilges; Jim Nolan; Louis A. Nordone; Raymond 
     B. Northfield; Duane E. Noyes; Chester A. Ogle; Gale K. 
     O'Hair; Ronald V. Ordway; Joseph Oriente; Leonard F. 
     Owczarzak; Wayne L. Palmer; Charles Pappas; John L. Parker, 
     Sr.; Robert Parman; Lyle J. Parnie; Robert F. Patton; Keith 
     Perkins; Ed Petsuch; Frank A. Petterchak; Jay Piccinati; Max 
     W. Pierce; Wallace Pink; Woodrow Plant; Walter E. Plants; 
     Merritt A. Plantz; Harry Polche; George Polizio; Kenneth O. 
     Polzin, Sr.; Arthur T. Priester; E.F. ``Gene'' Proffitt, Jr.; 
     Newburn ``Buck'' Pryor; Clifford Ratliffe; Doyle Ream.
       George W. Reed; George Regelski; Russell Rego; Alvin C. 
     Rehkop; Max G. Rein; Joseph Resende; Donald C. Rhodes; 
     Charles R. Rigby; Fred W. Rindhage; James E. Roberts; Joseph 
     Rodino; Edmund H. Rogers, Jr.; Paul W. Roman; Victor Roper; 
     William G. Roth; Lawrence H. Rouse; Edward W. Ruflin; Dean A. 
     Ruggeberg; Edward A. Runyan; Joseph Russell; Thomas P. Ryan; 
     William B. Sabey; Marvin Sadur; Ted L. Saks; Stan Sandage; 
     W.B. ``Sandy'' Sanders; Anthony H. Santulli; Frank J. 
     Sarnacki; Sgt. Kenneth F. Sass; Rollin C. Schaffer; Ralph 
     Schenkel; Thomas C. Searle; Leo Serian; Peter J. Sferrazza; 
     David Shaeffer; Dean Shepherd; James M. Shook; Thomas J. 
     Shorte; Owen Shutt, Jr.; Edward E. Slettom; Joseph Smiroldo; 
     Ira J. Smith, Jr.; Lawrence Smith, Jr.; Richard J. Smith; 
     Thomas J. Smith; William Davis Smith; William L. Smith; 
     Philip J. Somerville.
       Paul A. St. Jean; Harry C. Starkey; Robert C. Steger, Jr.; 
     Benjamin B. Stout; John T. Strashinsky; Meyer Strumwasser; 
     Jesse C. Stultz; Thomas E. Stumpff; Charles H. Sullivan; 
     Robert C. Sullivan; Don D. Tague; Joseph M. Taillefer, Jr.; 
     Thomas E. Tappan; Bruce L. Tegeler; Fred Tegeler; James E. 
     Thomas; Henry L. Thompson; Jack L. Thurman; Sal H. Torre; 
     Jack W. Townes; John V. Tuider; Robert H. Tyrie; Robert D. 
     Upp; Donald Van Hooser; Joseph Vance; Bobby J. Vandergriff; 
     Robert J. Venner.
       Elton R. Vice; Robert Vohwinkle; Robert Vonachen; Lester 
     Wagner; Ralph G. Walczak; Walter R. Waldron; Leonard E. 
     Warner; Edwin H. Wessell; Richard C. Wheat; Albert F. 
     Wheeler; Lawrence W. White; Alfred H. Wickstrom; Ralph R. 
     Wiederhold; Grady Wigley; Charles H. Williams; Robert 
     Willner; Robert Wilson; Norman Winiker; Robert Winkle; Walter 
     J. Wojnar; Calvin L. Wood; Robert L. Worley; Roy (Bradley) 
     Wright; Calvin ``Ray'' Yordy; Leo Zelkowski; Jack Zinnaman; 
     and William Zupan.
