HEALTH related term(s) Diseases
Building a Stronger Global Partnership for International Development Through Support for Basic Education and Childhood Nutrition: President Clinton, E1390 [27JY]
Ronald McDonald House Charities ``Light the Night'' Walk Fundraiser: Ken Barun, E1674 [4OC]
27 Years of Roe v. Wade: Representative Schaffer, H1793-H1795 [5AP]
Abortion: prohibit partial-birth abortions (S. 1692), S2833 [25AP]
Antitrust policy: application of antitrust laws to labor negotiations by groups of health care professionals with HMO's (H.R. 1304), H5169 [26JN], H5636, H5637, H5639, H5641, H5643, H5644, H5647, H5657 [29JN]
Beaches: improve quality of coastal recreation waters (H.R. 999), S8988 [21SE], H8132 [26SE]
———improve quality of coastal recreation waters (S. 522), S8990, S8998 [21SE]
Business and industry: establish a statute of repose for durable goods (H.R. 2005), H166 [1FE], H181, H183 [2FE]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act: revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (S. 2311), S4583, S4589 [6JN], H8801 [4OC]
Diseases: establish an international trust fund to combat the AIDS epidemic (H.R. 3519), S7694 [26JY], H7177 [27JY]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research (S. 2386), S7945 [27JY]
———provide additional assistance for international malaria control programs and coordinate assistance relative to malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis (S. 2943), S11791 [14DE]
Drugs: treatment of gamma y-hydroxybutyrate and ketamine hydrochloride relative to the Controlled Substances Act (H.R. 2130), H55 [31JA]
Federal employees: establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (H.R. 4040), S7802 [27JY], H7181 [27JY]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (S. 2420), S7575 [25JY]
Health Care Financing Administration: reform the regulatory processes used to administer the Medicare program (S. 2999), S9293 [26SE]
Immigration: waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (S. 2812), S10843 [19OC]
Insurance: make the same health insurance options afforded to executive and judicial branch employees available to Federal annuitants, legislative branch employees, and Armed Forces members and retirees (H.R. 4277), S9530 [28SE]
Medicaid: coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), Senate amendment (H. Res. 628), H9847 [12OC]
Minorities: health programs (S. 1880), S11151 [26OC]
National Fragile X Awareness Week: designate (S. Res. 268), S6582, S6583 [12JY]
Native Americans: authorize the integration and consolidation of alcohol and substance abuse programs and services provided by tribal governments (S. 1507), S5054 [13JN]
———enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (H.R. 1167), S7715 [26JY]
———enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (S. 979), S2123 [4AP]
Organ procurement and transplantation programs: revise and extend (H.R. 2418), H1697, H1700, H1701, H1702, H1712, H1716 [4AP]
Public buildings: placement of automatic external defibrillators to assist individuals who experience cardiac arrest and protections from civil liability relative to emergency use of the devices (H.R. 2498), S11138 [26OC]
Public Health Service Act: provide certain children's health services (H.R. 4365), S9048 [22SE], H8209 [27SE]
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act: improve application process and compensation criteria for certain individuals exposed to radiation in uranium mines and mills and through fallout from nuclear weapons testing (S. 1515), S6036 [28JN]
Research: embryonic stem cell research funding (S. 2015), S8771 [19SE], S8865 [20SE], S9525 [28SE]
Taxation: repeal tax increase on Social Security benefits (H.R. 4865), H7166 [27JY]
Child Protection/Alcohol and Drug Partnership Act (S. 2435), S2750 [13AP]
Federal Employees and Uniformed Services Group Long-Term Care Insurance Act (S. 2218), S1321 [8MR]
Financial Information Privacy Protection Act (S. 2513), S3535 [4MY]
Health Care Provider Bill of Rights (S. 2999), S8097-S8099 [6SE]
Offender Reentry and Community Safety Act (H.R. 5563), E1959-E1961 [27OC]
Pain Relief Promotion Act (H.R. 5544), S11116 [26OC]
Protection of Enrollees in Managed Health Care Plans and HMO's: Sara Rosenbaum, David M. Frankford, and Rand E. Rosenblatt, S7516 [25JY]
Conferees: S. 1692, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, H3830 [25MY]
Articles and editorials
Abuse Program Believes in Ability Without State Aid—Faith-Based Effort Serves as Example, H6832 [25JY]
Ad Blitz Erodes Democrats' Edge on Prescription Drugs, S11290 [27OC]
Addicts Get Tough Love at Victory, H6832 [25JY]
AIDS Is Declared Threat to Security—White House Fears Epidemic Could Destabilize World, E664 [8MY]
Animals and Research Part 1—Unlocking the Secrets of Genetic Disease Through Animal Research, E744 [17MY]
Animals and Research Part 2—Animals Benefit From Research, E745 [17MY]
Approve Pain Relief Promotion Bill—Senate Should Put a Quick End to Wyden's Filibuster and Pass Bill That Favors Pain-Killing Over Patient-Killing, S11214 [27OC]
Biosafety Assessment of Aquatic GMOs—The Case of Transgenic Fish, H4449 [14JN]
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, H8160 [26SE]
Bush Hits Gore on Drugs, Taxes, S8631 [15SE]
Canada's Medicine Won't Cure U.S. System, E1104 [23JN]
Cancer Survivors Celebrate Another Year of Life, E915 [8JN]
Castagnoli's Discovery May Protect Against Parkinson's Disease, H5558 [29JN]
Commercial Scale Cultivation of Pharmaceutical-Producing Tobacco Possible, Virginia Tech Scientists Find, H5559 [29JN]
Contract Not Now Mentioned—Tax Reduction for Social Security Benefits Would Aid Elderly Payers, E1414 [6SE]
Cops, Crime and Clergy—Boston's Commish on How the New Alliance Between Police and Preachers Works, H6834 [25JY]
David Mahoney, a Business Executive and Neuroscience Advocate, Dies at 76, S7446 [21JY]
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs—An Ethical Perspective, S11532 [14NO]
Discrimination Goes High-Tech, S6077 [29JN]
DNA Dilemma—Gene Tests Can Cost You, S6076 [29JN]
Doctor, 91, a Pioneer—Fritz Worked With Deaf, Blind in Alaska's Bush, S8575 [14SE]
Dr. Truth, S62 [26JA]
Driving Up Drug Prices, S7908 [27JY]
Dual Edged Sword of Medicare Reimbursement—The Medicare Provider and Health Maintenance Organization Perspective, E2041-E2043 [31OC]
Easter Special to Ex-Addicts, H6831 [25JY]
Emmett O. Templeton, M.D., S9849 [4OC]
Ergo-Nonsense—New OSHA Workplace Regulation Isn't Based on a Completed Study, E2189 [15DE]
Every Parent Should Take a Drug Test—Learn About Inhalants, What You Don't Know May Surprise You, H3751 [24MY]
Execution for a Kidney—China Supplies Convicts' Organs to Malaysians, S8447 [13SE], H6418 [18JY]
First, Do No Harm, H7592-H7596 [14SE]
Florida's Drug War—Looking Back—And Ahead, S7862 [27JY]
Foster-Child Advocates Gain Allies in Injury Lawyers—States Face the Dual Threat of Class Actions and Huge Individual Damage Awards, S11301 [28OC]
Full Hospitals Make Canadians Wait and Look South, H94 [1FE]
Gene Privacy, S6076 [29JN]
Gene Secrets—Clinton Right To Oppose Genetic Discrimination, S6077 [29JN]
Genetic Research—Foes of Biotechnology Ignore Global Hunger, S61 [26JA]
GOP Team, Praises Drug Rehabilitation Program, H6831 [25JY]
Gospel of St. John, H6835 [25JY]
Ground Rules for DNA Sampling, S6077 [29JN]
Health, Not Suicide, S11214 [27OC]
High Infant Mortality Rates in Brooklyn Mystify Experts, H627 [1MR]
High-Risk Surgery—Follow the Crowd, E361 [21MR]
How Safe Is Safe?, H5814 [11JY]
In This Case, Tobacco Could Be a Lifesaver, H5560 [29JN]
Issue No. 1—Health-Care System Wanted, E1910 [25OC]
Joint Venture—When Pot's Prescribed, the High Way Leads to the Compassion Flower Inn, E1177 [30JN]
Judy Jarvis—Profile in Courage, S1310 [8MR]
Kill the Pain, Not the Patients, S11213 [27OC]
Life Support—Cancer-Stricken, Talk Radio's Judy Jarvis Sees the Show She Loves Kept Alive as Son Jason Steps to the Mike, S1311 [8MR]
Live a Little, E1226 [13JY]
Marketing a Nuclear Wasteland, S3204 [2MY]
Milo H. Fritz, M.D., S8575 [14SE]
Moynihan Applauds as Medicare ``Backs Off'' Payment Reductions, E1588 [25SE]
Need for Care as Well as Profit, E1462 [13SE]
New Dept. of Agriculture Inspection System, S3045 [1MY]
New Holy War, H6834 [25JY]
New Round on Transplants, H1686 [4AP]
New Ventures Aim To Put Farms in Vanguard of Drug Production—Altering Gene Structure To ``Grow'' Medicines in Common Crops, H5561 [29JN]
No One There To Pay, E197 [29FE]
Ohio Baby Survives Abortion Procedure, H8161 [26SE]
One Thing I Would Change About Congress . . . Entitlement Reform the Way To Go, H516 [29FE]
One Tough Customer—Outspoken Niner Assistant Bobb McKittrick Is Battling Cancer and Liver Disease With the Same Fierce Determination That Made Him One of the Best Coaches in the Game, E381 [22MR]
Panel Told of Mental Health Ills—Suicide Attempts by Children Cited, H4203 [12JN], E907 [7JN]
Passing Parade, S8575 [14SE]
Patients' Voices—The Powerful Sound in the Stem Cell Debate, E201 [29FE]
Payment Change May Spell End of Outpatient Chemotherapy, E1588 [25SE]
Physician and the Pharmaceutical Detail Man—An Ethical Analysis, S11532 [14NO]
Physicians and the Pharmaceutical Industry—Is a Gift Ever Just a Gift?, E418 [27MR]
Possible Ecological Risks of Transgenic Organism Release When Transgenes Affect Mating Success—Sexual Selection and the Trojan Gene Hypothesis, H4449-H4451 [14JN]
Prescription Drug Costs—Has Canada Found the Answer?, E1673 [4OC]
Reckonings—Prescription for Failure, E1346 [27JY]
Remembering David, S7446 [21JY]
Remote Sensing Center Establishment, H5560 [29JN]
Savior of the Streets, H6833 [25JY]
Say Goodbye to the Surplus, S11327 [29OC]
State of the Union Recognition Casts San Antonio in Limelight, H6831 [25JY]
State's Rights, a State's Wrongs—Not Even Oregon Has a Right To Intrude on Federal Government's Traditional Regulatory Arena, S11214 [27OC]
Stroke Therapy's New Push—Aggressive Doctors Go Deep Into the Brain, E1900 [25OC]
Three-Part Attack on Gore, S8750 [19SE]
To Colombians, He Is the War on Drugs, E657 [4MY]
Tragedy Hits Family Doubly Hard—Lack of Insurance Adds to Family's Pain in Loss of Only Child, E200 [29FE]
USAID Report Projects Dramatic Increase in AIDS Orphans, H5936 [12JY]
Virginia Tech Begins Field Trials of Genetically Engineered Tobacco Plants Producing Pharmaceuticals, H5559 [29JN]
Wang Chengyong—Brokering Chinese Organs for American Patients, S8448 [13SE]
Welfare From the Streets, H6830 [25JY]
What's So Great About Canada's Medical System?, E1460 [13SE]
Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?, S60 [26JA]
Who's Teaching the Doctors? Drug Firms Sponsor Required Courses—And See Their Sales Rise, E419 [27MR]
Why the High Cost of Prescription Drugs Is a Problem We Can't Afford To Ignore, H5309 [28JN]
Without Biotechnology, We'll Starve—Agricultural Genetic Engineering Is Subject to More Safeguards Than Many Unaltered Foods We Eat, S61 [26JA]
Women Can't Count on the FDA, H5815 [11JY]
World-Class Cancer Center Planned at UCSD, E772 [19MY]
Wrong Fix, H6832 [25JY]
Bills and resolutions
Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund: allocate accruing interest to cover health care costs for certain miners (see S. 2584), S4103 [17MY] (see H.R. 4144), H1628 [30MR]
Abortion: prohibit certain late-term abortions (see H.R. 4153), H1674 [3AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (see H.R. 3660), H454 [15FE]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (H.R. 3660), consideration (see H. Res. 457), H1762 [4AP]
———provide that the inferior courts do not have jurisdiction to hear partial-birth abortion-related cases (see H.R. 3691), H510 [16FE]
Alaska: increase the Federal medical assistance percentage (see S. 2693), S4820 [8JN]
Allergies: promote awareness, research, and treatment of latex allergies (see H. Con. Res. 387), H7210 [27JY]
Amchitka Island, AK: compensate workers who were employed in the construction and maintenance of deep shafts for underground nuclear testing and various other military purposes (see H.R. 4588), H3924 [6JN]
American Red Cross: encourage support and participation by citizens (see H. Con. Res. 248), H341 [10FE]
Antitrust policy: application of antitrust laws to labor negotiations by groups of health care professionals with HMO's (H.R. 1304), consideration (see H. Res. 542), H5435 [28JN]
Armed Forces: allow members to sue the U.S. for damages for certain injuries caused by improper medical care (see H.R. 3799), H631 [1MR]
———authorize the use of military recreational facilities by any veteran with a compensable service-connected disability (see H.R. 5351), H8617 [2OC]
———enhance benefits for active and retired military personnel (see H.R. 4030), H1119 [16MR]
———improve access to treatment facilities, provide Medicare reimbursement, and permit enrollment in Federal Employees Health Benefits Program for veterans and their dependents (see H.R. 4124), H1588 [29MR]
———improve TRICARE program (see H.R. 4418), H2905 [10MY]
———improve TRICARE program and extend and improve certain demonstration programs under the Defense Health Program (see S. 2087), S741 [23FE] (see S. 2486), S3192 [1MY] (see H.R. 4369), H2511 [3MY]
———provide improved benefits training to members to enhance retention (see H.R. 4388), H2606 [4MY]
———provide that covered beneficiaries shall not be required to pay a copayment for health care services received under TRICARE Prime (see H.R. 3565), H164 [1FE]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services (see S. 2003), S37 [24JA] (see S. 2013), S113 [27JA] (see S. 2669), S4564 [6JN] (see H.R. 3573), H209 [2FE]
Autism: establish a national program of registries (see S. 2855), S6574 [12JY]
Bipartisan Commission on Social Security Reform: establish (see H.R. 5593), H11445 [27OC]
Bronx, NY: authorize Dept. of Veterans Affairs medical center renovation project (see S. 2631), S4459 [25MY] (see H.R. 4302), H2338 [13AP]
Bureau of Justice Statistics: establish a task force to gather information about, study, and report on incidents of abandonment of infant children (see H.R. 4222), H2012 [10AP]
Burgess, Ernest M.: tribute (see S. Res. 278), S1815 [28MR] (see S. Res. 363), S9466 [28SE]
Business and industry: establish a statute of repose for durable goods (H.R. 2005), consideration (see H. Res. 412), H164 [1FE]
———require large employers to notify their employees of the amount paid by the employer for employee health coverage (see H.R. 5440), H9767 [11OC]
Capital punishment: prohibit the execution of pregnant women (see H.R. 4888), H6599 [19JY]
Children and youth: address special needs relative to organ transplantation (see H.R. 4008), H1118 [16MR]
———establish national policy on youth development (see S. 3085), S8823 [20SE] (see H.R. 5250), H7990 [21SE]
———expand access to health care (see H.R. 4932), H6777 [24JY]
———improve health and safety of children receiving child care outside the home (see S. 2236), S1392 [9MR] (see H.R. 4750), H5168 [26JN]
———increase State immunization programs funding (see S. 2443), S2728 [13AP] (see H. Con. Res. 315), H2511 [3MY]
———preschool oral health program funding (see S. 3080), S8823 [20SE]
———protect infants who are born alive (see S. 3127), S9381 [27SE] (see H.R. 4292), H2337 [13AP]
———protect the health and welfare of children involved in research (see S. 2809), S6015 [28JN] (see H.R. 5198), H7722 [18SE]
———provide benefits for children of women Vietnam veterans who suffer from certain types of birth defects (see H.R. 4488), H3412 [18MY]
———provide for a national media campaign to reduce and prevent underage drinking (see H.R. 5137), H7365 [7SE]
———provide for the health, education, and welfare of children under 6 years of age (see H.R. 4630), H4174 [9JN]
———relationship between eating disorders and certain advertising practices (see H. Con. Res. 380), H7002 [25JY]
———suicide prevention activities funding (see S. 3079), S8823 [20SE]
China, Republic of: participation in the World Health Organization (see H.R. 4004), H1118 [16MR]
Clean Air Act: methyl bromide phaseout schedule (see S. 2504), S3513 [4MY] (see H.R. 4215), H1957 [6AP]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act: revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (see S. 2311), S1883 [29MR] (see H.R. 4807), H5655 [29JN]
———revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (S. 2311), consideration (see H. Res. 611), H8799 [4OC]
Constitutional amendments: right to high quality health care (see H.J. Res. 96), H2012 [10AP]
Consumers: reduce paperwork and improve payment policies for services, and prevent fraud and abuse through health care provider education (see H.R. 5094), H7209 [27JY]
Corporations: support and adhere to the Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (see S. Res. 290), S2617 [12AP]
Correctional institutions: authorize funding for successful reentry of criminal offenders into local communities (see S. 2908), S7477 [24JY] (see H.R. 5563, 5567), H11206 [26OC]
———substance abuse prevention and treatment programs in prisons funding (see S. 2619), S4378 [24MY]
Courts: legal definition of human life relative to presence of brain wave activity and spontaneous cardiac activity (see H. Con. Res. 305), H2239 [12AP]
———limit medical malpractice claims (see H.R. 5344), H8468 [28SE]
———provide for health care liability reform (see H.R. 5092), H7209 [27JY] (see H.R. 5119), H7280 [6SE]
———restore the Federal civil rights remedy for victims of gender-motivated violence (see H.R. 5021), H7207 [27JY]
CPSC: increase civil and criminal penalties imposed against companies that fail to report information on defective or dangerous products (see S. 2820), S6121 [29JN] (see H.R. 4586), H3924 [6JN]
Crime: treatment of the interception of electronic communications (see H.R. 5018), H7206 [27JY]
DEA: funding to assist State and local efforts to clean up methamphetamine laboratories (see S. Res. 291), S2728 [13AP]
Death and dying: promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia (see S. 2607), S4297 [23MY] (see H.R. 5544), H11193 [25OC]
Decade of Pain Control and Research: designate (see S. 3163), S9944 [5OC]
Dept. of Agriculture: clarify authority to establish performance standards for the reduction of microbiological pathogens in meat and poultry (see S. 2760), S5555 [21JN]
———consolidate and revise authority on animal health protection (see H.R. 4801), H5655 [29JN]
———reauthorize authority to pay costs associated with removal of commodities that pose a health or safety risk and adjust certain child nutrition programs (see S. 3230), S10926 [24OC]
Dept. of Defense: eligibility for special compensation benefits for certain severely disabled military retirees (see H.R. 4832), H5955 [12JY]
———make certain improvements to the military health care system (see H.R. 3655), H454 [15FE]
———participation of certain Medicare-eligible individuals in pharmacy programs (see H.R. 3697), H510 [16FE]
Dept. of Energy: establish compensation for employees at the Los Alamos, NM, facility sustaining beryllium, radiation-related, asbestos, and hazardous substances injury, illness, or death (see H.R. 4263), H2238 [12AP]
———establish compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death (see S. 2519), S3691 [9MY] (see H.R. 4398), H2769 [9MY] (see H.R. 5189), H7651 [14SE]
———external regulation of nuclear safety and occupational safety and health at facilities (see H.R. 3907), H996 [14MR]
Dept. of HHS: allow officers and employees to issue detention orders on certain foods (see H.R. 5591), H11445 [27OC]
———establish an Office on Men's Health (see S. 2925), S7656 [26JY] (see H.R. 4653), H4484 [14JN]
———establish an Office on Women's Health (see S. 2675), S4564 [6JN] (see H.R. 4483), H3308 [17MY]
———establish Office of Correctional Health (see H.R. 4443), H2966 [11MY]
———make cash awards to private entities that discover drugs that cure or prevent diseases that are a national priority (see H.R. 4525), H3649 [23MY]
———make grants to hospitals, with National Housing Act insured mortgages, for conversion and re-utilization of excess capacity (see H.R. 5255), H7991 [21SE]
———provide State grants for dental health programs for children (see H.R. 4821), H5842 [11JY]
Dept. of HUD: conduct a study of developing residential mortgage programs that provide low-cost health insurance in connection with low-cost mortgages (see H.R. 4348), H2410 [2MY]
———evaluate and reduce lead-based paint hazards at public elementary schools and licensed child day-care facilities (see H.R. 5261), H7991 [21SE]
Dept. of Justice: pilot program to establish methamphetamine incident response and training teams for drug emergency areas (see H.R. 3675), H509 [16FE]
Dept. of Labor: application of occupational safety and health regulations to home offices relative to promotion of telework opportunities (see H.R. 4080), H1405 [23MR] (see H.R. 4098), H1476 [28MR]
Dept. of the Treasury: establish HMO Guaranty Fund to provide payments to States to pay outstanding health care provider claims of insolvent HMO's (see S. 3261), S11374 [30OC]
Dept. of Veterans Affairs: dispense medications to veterans for prescriptions written by private practitioners (see S. 2640), S4460 [25MY]
———ensure compensation rates for the service-connected loss of a breast due to a mastectomy are comparable to rates for the loss of use of a creative organ (see H.R. 3998), H1118 [16MR]
———establish presumption of service connection for a stroke or heart attack incurred or aggravated while performing inactive duty training (see H.R. 3816), H631 [1MR]
———establish presumption of service connection for certain diseases and disabilities of veterans who were exposed to carbon tetrachloride (see H.R. 3651), H373 [14FE] (see H.R. 4522), H3649 [23MY]
———establish presumption of service connection for cold weather injuries received during military operations (see H.R. 4760), H5169 [26JN]
———establish the position of Advisor on Physician Assistants within the Veterans Health Administration (see S. 2264), S1512 [21MR]
———improve inpatient medical care services to veterans in areas remote from VA medical facilities (see H.R. 4575), H3868 [25MY]
———improve outreach programs to more fully inform veterans of available benefits (see S. 2953), S7839 [27JY]
———improve procedures for scheduling of certain non-emergency medical services (see S. 2007), S86 [26JA]
———motor vehicle reimbursement rates for veterans traveling to VA health care facilities (see H.R. 4716), H4817 [21JN]
———protect ratings of service-connection for certain presumptive disabilities of Persian Gulf Conflict veterans participating in health studies (see H.R. 5167), H7577 [13SE]
———use portion of any national tobacco settlement for veterans health care (see H. Con. Res. 255), H510 [16FE]
Developing countries: increase assistance to nations with high levels of infectious disease and premature death (see S. 2387), S2526 [11AP] (see H.R. 3826), H641 [2MR]
Disabled: improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (see H.R. 4920), H6776 [24JY]
———improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (S. 1809), corrections in enrollment (see S. Con. Res. 133), S7841 [27JY]
Discrimination: prohibit health insurance and employment discrimination on the basis of genetic information (H.R. 2457), consideration (see H. Res. 520), H4174 [9JN]
Diseases: address problems associated with polycystic kidney disease (see H. Res. 537), H5240 [27JN]
———address the issue of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (see S. 2032), S328 [3FE] (see H.R. 4038), H1162 [21MR]
———assist mother-to-child HIV/AIDS transmission prevention efforts (see H.R. 4665), H4484 [14JN]
———authorize additional assistance to countries with large populations having HIV/AIDS and authorize assistance for tuberculosis prevention, treatment, control, and elimination (see S. 2845), S6474 [11JY]
———authorize microfinance and food assistance for communities affected by AIDS (see S. 2030), S328 [3FE] (see H.R. 4039), H1162 [21MR]
———authorizing appropriations for international HIV/AIDS control efforts (see S. 2026), S285 [2FE] (see H.R. 4140), H1628 [30MR]
———collect data on benign brain-related tumors through the national program of cancer registries (see H.R. 5204), H7870 [19SE]
———create incentives for private sector research to develop vaccines against widespread diseases and ensure that such vaccines are affordable and widely distributed (see S. 2132), S1024 [1MR] (see H.R. 3812), H631 [1MR]
———establish an international trust fund to combat the AIDS epidemic (see S. 2033), S328 [3FE] (see H.R. 3519), H47 [27JA]
———establish national system of screening newborn infants for hereditary disorders (see H.R. 5260), H7991 [21SE]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research (see S. 2386), S2526 [11AP] (see H.R. 4069), H1404 [23MR] (see H.R. 4796), H5654 [29JN]
———increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis (see S. Con. Res. 93), S1392 [9MR] (see S. Con. Res. 97), S1512 [21MR] (see H. Con. Res. 271), H756 [8MR]
———increase public awareness of tuberous sclerosis (see H. Con. Res. 337), H3868 [25MY]
———increase testing of pregnant women and newborn infants for HIV infection (see H.R. 4426), H2966 [11MY]
———increased support and funding to combat juvenile diabetes (see H. Con. Res. 321), H2905 [10MY]
———international tuberculosis control (see S. 2643), S4460 [25MY] (see H.R. 4057), H1284 [22MR]
———prohibit Federal funding of HIV testing unless individuals are informed of the results (see H.R. 5615), H11781 [1NO]
———provide additional assistance for international malaria control programs and coordinate assistance relative to malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis (see S. 2940), S7656 [26JY] (see S. 2943), S7839 [27JY]
———recognize fragile X as the most common inherited cause of mental retardation, and as a powerful research model for other disorders, and urge increased research funding (see H. Con. Res. 299), H1851 [5AP]
———reduce burden of diabetes among children and youth (see S. 2879), S7072 [17JY] (see H.R. 4594), H4035 [7JN]
———study and demonstration projects regarding cases of hepatitis C among firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians who are employees or volunteers of units of local government (see H.R. 3659), H454 [15FE]
———support efforts to increase childhood cancer awareness, treatment, and research (see H. Res. 576), H7502 [12SE]
Drug abuse: combat ``Ecstasy'' production, abuse, and imports, and increase education and awareness on dangers (see S. 2612), S4297 [23MY]
Drug-Free Communities Act: reauthorize (see H.R. 5427), H9634 [10OC]
Drugs: allow importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale and by U.S. citizens for personal use (see S. 2520), S3691 [9MY]
———clarify application of Federal controlled substances laws in States that authorize medical use of marijuana and other drugs (see H.R. 4802), H5655 [29JN]
———discrepancy in prescription drug prices between U.S. and foreign countries (see H. Res. 477), H2340 [13AP]
———enhance competition for prescription drugs by increasing enforcement of existing antitrust laws relative to brand name and generic drugs (see S. 2993), S7840 [27JY] (see H.R. 5235), H7932 [20SE] (see H.R. 5313), H8405 [27SE]
———enhance consumer protection in the purchase of prescription drugs from Internet pharmacies (see S. 3208), S10619 [17OC] (see H.R. 5476), H10036 [17OC]
———extend interstate price discrimination prohibitions to foreign commerce relative to the discrepancy in prescription drug prices between U.S. and foreign countries (see S. 2464), S2940 [26AP] (see H.R. 4869), H6469 [18JY]
———prevent abuse of inhalants (see H.R. 4565), H3868 [25MY]
———treatment of controlled substances (see H.R. 5326), H8406 [27SE]
Ecology and environment: provide funding for methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) contamination (see H.R. 5206), H7870 [19SE]
———study health effects of ingesting methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), research methods for removal from water supplies, and require public water systems to monitor for its presence (see H.R. 3536), H49 [27JA]
Economy: provide certain benefits and assistance to workers displaced by trade or technology and assist communities experiencing economic distress in restructuring their economies (see H.R. 5473), H9907 [16OC]
Education: provide grants to local educational agencies to initiate and improve physical education programs (see H.R. 4536), H3813 [24MY]
———raise awareness, and create educational programs, concerning eating disorders (see H.R. 3928), H1075 [15MR]
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act: GAO report on impact on hospital emergency departments (see H.R. 5304), H8200 [26SE]
Employment: amend Federal program for compensation of work injuries (see H.R. 3829), H641 [2MR]
———clarify overtime exemption for emergency medical services personnel (see H.R. 4405), H2770 [9MY]
———limit the number of overtime hours of licensed health care employees (see H.R. 5179), H7651 [14SE]
ERISA: provide emergency protection for retiree health benefits (see H.R. 5405), H9011 [5OC]
FAA: require automatic external defibrillators in terminals at certain airports (see H.R. 5323), H8406 [27SE]
Families and domestic relations: require written parental consent to provide abortion services to minors (see S. 3102), S9195 [25SE]
Family and Medical Leave Act: improve implementation and clarify definition of ``serious medical condition'' (see H.R. 4499), H3473 [19MY]
FDA: compel compliance with court decision relative to disclosure of certain information on the labeling of dietary supplements (see H.R. 4604), H4120 [8JN]
———establish a tolerance for the presence of methyl mercury in seafood (see H.R. 5514), H10472 [19OC]
———establish restrictions relative to the qualifications of physicians prescribing the abortion drug known as RU-486 (see S. 3157), S9861 [4OC] (see H.R. 5385), H8799 [4OC]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (see S. 2333), S1986 [30MR] (see S. 2379), S2347 [6AP] (see S. 2566, 2568), S4014 [16MY] (see H.R. 4042), H1163 [21MR] (see H.R. 4207), H1956 [6AP]
———restrict authority to issue clinical holds on investigational drugs or to deny patients expanded access to such drugs (see H.R. 3677), H509 [16FE]
———study health effects of radiofrequency emissions from wireless telephones (see H.R. 4610), H4120 [8JN]
Federal employees: availability of health coverage for dependent parents (see H.R. 4813), H5736 [10JY]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (see S. 2218), S1315 [8MR] (see S. 2420), S2727 [13AP] (see H.R. 4040), H1162 [21MR]
———make permanent the authority under which comparability allowances may be paid to Government physicians (see H.R. 3841), H756 [8MR]
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: clinically superior modifications to previously approved or licensed drugs (see H.R. 4242), H2122 [11AP]
———provide greater access to affordable pharmaceuticals (see S. 3051), S8585 [14SE] (see H.R. 5247), H7990 [21SE]
Federal-State relations: require States to provide a minimum level of access to health care to all citizens as a condition for participation in Federal health care funding programs (see H.R. 4075), H1405 [23MR]
FEMA: develop a plan for stockpiling potassium iodide tablets in areas near nuclear powerplants (see H.R. 4969), H7127 [26JY]
Financial institutions: encourage acceptance of environmentally sound processes for dry and wet cleaning as safe investments (see H. Con. Res. 383), H7210 [27JY]
———prohibit use or sharing of medical health records or information (see S. 2863), S6677 [13JY]
———strengthen consumer control over use and disclosure of personal financial and health information (see S. 2513), S3514 [4MY] (see H.R. 4380), H2605 [4MY] (see H.R. 4585), H3924 [6JN]
Food: educate the public on the use of biotechnology in producing food and support additional scientific research into potential economic and environmental risks and benefits (see S. 2838), S6257 [30JN]
———educate the public on the use of biotechnology in producing food and support additional scientific research into the potential economic and environmental risks and benefits of using biotechnology (see H.R. 4627), H4173 [9JN]
———extend mandatory nutrition information labeling requirements to single-ingredient, raw meat, and poultry products (see H.R. 4175), H1763 [4AP]
———improve safety of imported foods (see S. 2480), S3023 [27AP] (see S. 2692), S4669 [7JN]
———improve safety of shell eggs (see H.R. 3526), H48 [27JA]
———repeal labeling requirements on foods containing saccharin (see H.R. 5668), H12531 [15DE]
———require foods containing known allergens to bear labeling that states that fact and the names of the allergens (see H.R. 5532), H10808 [24OC]
———require labels on food that contains, or is produced with, a genetically engineered material (see S. 2080), S680 [22FE]
Food industry: require Dept. of Agriculture report on safety and monitoring of genetically engineered foods (see H.R. 5095), H7209 [27JY]
———require FDA premarket review and oversight of all genetically engineered foods (see S. 3184), S10252 [11OC]
———safety of genetically engineered foods (see S. 2315), S1884 [29MR] (see H.R. 3883), H920 [9MR]
Foreign trade: require that imported agricultural products be subject to the same sanitary or phytosanitary measures as domestic products (see H.R. 3552), H89 [31JA]
Fred W. Matz Dept. of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic, Menominee, MI: designate (see H.R. 5519), H10472 [19OC]
Hazardous substances: detect, prevent, and minimize the consequences of accidental releases due to criminal activity and ensure public disclosure of information regarding hazardous chemicals and the potential for accidental releases (see H.R. 5623), H11812 [2NO]
Health: establish Alzheimer's clinical research and training awards (see H.R. 4015), H1118 [16MR]
———sustain access to vital emergency medical services in rural areas (see S. 3125), S9381 [27SE]
Health care facilities: authorize grants to carry out organ recovery rate improvement programs in eligible hospitals (see H.R. 5464), H9900 [12OC]
———establish a grant program for unreimbursed costs of border hospitals in providing emergency medical services to undocumented aliens (see H.R. 4973), H7128 [26JY]
———modify qualifications for community mental health centers and postpone application of Medicare prospective payment system to partial hospitalization services (see H.R. 5055), H7208 [27JY]
———provide relief for essential hospitals in certain regions and assist in the long-range economic recovery of such hospitals (see H.R. 4622), H4173 [9JN] (see H.R. 5228), H7932 [20SE]
———require Federal authorities to provide information in medical records, seized from a medical practice to that practice, in order to continue patient care (see H.R. 4689), H4591 [15JN]
Health Care Financing Administration: consider current systems that provide better, more cost-effective emergency transport before promulgating any final rule on emergency medical services (see H. Con. Res. 320), H2770 [9MY]
———consider the impact of implementing new reimbursement rules on existing emergency medical services systems (see S. Res. 302), S3328 [3MY]
———reform the regulatory processes used to administer the Medicare program (see S. 2999), S7840 [27JY]
———revise performance standards and certification process for organ procurement organizations (see S. 2235), S1392 [9MR] (see S. 2625), S4379 [24MY] (see H.R. 4152), H1674 [3AP] (see H.R. 4592), H4035 [7JN]
Health Care Infrastructure Advisory Commission: establish (see H.R. 5622), H11812 [2NO]
Health care professionals: commend the Army Nurse Corps for extending equal opportunities to men and women and recognize certain historical service (see H. Res. 476), H2239 [12AP]
———create a national voluntary reporting system to continually reduce medical errors and improve patient safety (see S. 2743), S5240 [15JN]
———establish a demonstration program to address physician shortage, recruitment, and retention problems in rural areas (see S. 3176), S10083 [6OC]
———protect rights of emergency medical technicians employed by acute care hospitals (see H.R. 4854), H6051 [13JY]
———provide for the availability to the public of information reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank (see H.R. 5122), H7364 [7SE]
———provide reimbursement and a tax deduction for patient bad debt (see H.R. 5093), H7209 [27JY]
———reduce accidental injury and death resulting from medical mistakes and reduce medication-related errors (see S. 2038), S489 [8FE] (see S. 2738), S5240 [15JN]
———voluntary reporting of medication error information to assist in developing and disseminating recommendations and information on preventing medication errors (see H.R. 3672), H509 [16FE]
Hispanic Americans: health programs (see H.R. 5595), H11445 [27OC]
———prevent suicide among Latina adolescents (see H.R. 4439; H. Con. Res. 325), H2966 [11MY]
Housing: establish demonstration program to modernize and increase access to health services in public housing for elderly and disabled persons (see H.R. 4664), H4484 [14JN]
———preserve assisted housing for low-income elderly persons, disabled persons, and certain families (see S. 2733), S5240 [15JN]
Immigration: cancellation of removal and adjustment of status for certain nonpermanent resident aliens whose removal would result in extreme medical hardship (see H.R. 5232), H7932 [20SE]
———Federal reimbursement for indirect costs of incarcerating illegal aliens and for emergency health services furnished to undocumented aliens (see H.R. 4282), H2337 [13AP]
———State Criminal Alien Assistance Program funding (see H.R. 4679), H4591 [15JN]
———waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (see S. 2812), S6120 [29JN] (see H.R. 4838), H5955 [12JY]
Indian Health Care Improvement Act: revise and extend (see S. 2526), S3692 [9MY]
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: authorizing appropriations (see S. 2341), S2106 (see S. 2355), S2107 [4AP] (see H.R. 3545), H49 [27JA] (see H.R. 4055), H1284 [22MR] (see H.R. 4090), H1405 [23MR] (see H.R. 4240), H2122 [11AP] (see H.R. 5180), H7651 [14SE]
Influenza: encourage private-sector distributors of the influenza vaccine to give priority to distributing the available vaccine to individuals at a high risk of developing complications (see H. Res. 672), H12066 [8DE]
Insurance: allow certain retirees who lose employer-based coverage to acquire coverage under Medicare or COBRA and require employers to notify retirees of any changes in their health benefits (see H.R. 3631), H340 [10FE]
———coverage of infertility treatment (see S. 2160), S1117 [2MR]
———coverage of long-term care services (see H. Con. Res. 412), H8406 [27SE]
———encourage employer selection of freedom-of-choice health coverage (see H.R. 5568), H11206 [26OC]
———establish Alzheimer's clinical research and training awards, expand Medicare definition of homebound relative to home health services, and revise tax treatment of long-term care insurance (see H.R. 4029), H1119 [16MR]
———establish grants for States to establish health insurance consumer assistance programs (see S. 2819), S6121 [29JN]
———expand health care access and choice of coverage through Individual Membership Associations (see H.R. 4119), H1587 [29MR]
———guarantee comprehensive health care coverage for all children (see S. 2515), S3514 [4MY] (see H.R. 4390), H2606 [4MY]
———improve access to health care services for uninsured and low-income individuals in medically under served areas (see S. Res. 260), S799 [24FE]
———improve access to health insurance and Medicare benefits for individuals aged 55 to 65 and allow tax credits for payment of such premiums and COBRA coverage premiums (see S. 2918), S7542 [25JY]
———increase access to long-term health care (see S. 2935), S7656 [26JY]
———limit increase in health insurance company premiums to certain buyers of coverage in individual markets (see H.R. 3527), H48 [27JA]
———limit the administrative expenses and profits of managed care entities to a certain percentage of premium revenues (see S. 2975), S7840 [27JY]
———make Federal Employees Health Benefits Program available to general public (see H.R. 5115), H7280 [6SE]
———make the same health insurance options afforded to executive and judicial branch employees available to Federal annuitants, legislative branch employees, and Armed Forces members and retirees (see H.R. 4277), H2337 [13AP]
———prevent group and individual health insurance coverage, and group health plans, from seeking to recover more than costs in cases of third party recoveries (see H.R. 3765), H573 [29FE]
———protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's (see S. 3057, 3058), S8635 [15SE] (see H.R. 5628), H11842 [3NO]
———provide grants to strengthen the effectiveness, efficiency, and coordination of services for the uninsured and underinsured (see H.R. 4970), H7128 [26JY]
———require comprehensive coverage for childhood immunizations (see S. 2444), S2728 [13AP] (see H.R. 4563), H3868 [25MY]
———require that group and individual health insurance plans and Medicare+Choice organizations provide prompt payment of claims (see H.R. 3993), H1077 [15MR]
———treatment of fertility and impotence in health care coverage under group health plans, health insurance coverage, and health plans under the Federal employees' health benefits program (see H.R. 4532), H3812 [24MY]
Iraq: provide citizens access to U.S. food and medicines (see H.R. 3825), H641 [2MR]
Kingston, NV: sale and conveyance of certain lands for use as an emergency medical air evacuation site (see S. 2618), S4378 [24MY]
Labeling: require fragrances containing known toxic substances or allergens to be labeled accordingly (see H.R. 5238), H7990 [21SE]
Law enforcement: combat club drug trafficking, distribution, and abuse (see H.R. 4553), H3867 [25MY]
Medicaid: apply aggregate upper payment limits to non-State publicly owned or operated facilities (see S. 3187), S10252 [11OC]
———apply the disproportionate share hospital payment transition rule to public hospitals (see S. 3255), S11252 [27OC] (see H.R. 5621), H11781 [1NO]
———assure preservation of safety net hospitals through maintenance of Disproportionate Share Hospital Program (see S. 2308), S1815 [28MR] (see H.R. 3710), H572 [29FE]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (see H.R. 4386), H2606 [4MY]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), Senate amendment (see H. Res. 628), H9766 [11OC]
———coverage of community-based attendant services (see H.R. 4416), H2905 [10MY]
———implement regulations clarifying allowable costs for school-based health services provided to children with disabilities (see S. 3088), S8941 [21SE] (see H.R. 5248), H7990 [21SE]
———increase the personal needs allowance for institutionalized individuals under Medicare (see H.R. 5087), H7209 [27JY]
———make drug pricing information available to the public (see S. 2963), S7839 [27JY]
———permit additional States to enter into long-term care partnerships in order to promote the use of long-term care insurance (see H.R. 5002), H7206 [27JY]
———provide families and disabled children with the opportunity to purchase coverage (see S. 2274), S1596 [22MR] (see H.R. 4825), H5954 [12JY]
———provide public access to quality medical imaging procedures and radiation therapy procedures (see H.R. 5274), H8061 [25SE]
———provide States with the option of covering intensive community mental health treatment (see H.R. 5572), H11206 [26OC]
———remove the cap on payments for Puerto Rico and certain other territories and adjust the statutory matching rate (see H.R. 5126), H7364 [7SE]
———State funding for disproportionate share hospitals (see S. 2299), S1747 [27MR] (see H.R. 3698), H510 [16FE]
———State requirements for financial recovery from an individuals estate relative to any medical assistance under a State health plan (see H.R. 3912), H996 [14MR]
———waive disproportionate share hospital designation for certain rural hospitals relative to obstetrician requirements (see H.R. 4793), H5654 [29JN]
Medical items: cooperation between the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and the Dept. of Defense in the procurement of medical items (see H. Con. Res. 413), H8468 [28SE]
Medicare: allow tax deduction for Medigap and Medicare+Choice plans including outpatient prescription drug and long-term care benefits, and establish new Medigap policies including such benefits (see S. 2237), S1392 [9MR]
———assure quality of care to beneficiaries and reduce the incidence of medical errors (see H.R. 5404), H9011 [5OC]
———clarify definition of homebound relative to home health services (see S. 2298), S1747 [27MR] (see S. 3106), S9195 [25SE] (see H.R. 5067), H7208 [27JY] (see H.R. 5303), H8200 [26SE]
———combat fraud and abuse relative to partial hospitalization services (see H.R. 5449), H9767 [11OC]
———conduct study on physician reimbursement rates for diagnosis, treatment, and management of Alzheimer's disease (see H.R. 4016), H1118 [16MR]
———correct reductions to service providers payment rates previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act (see H.R. 4937), H6777 [24JY]
———coverage for surgical first assisting services of certified registered nurse first assistants (see H.R. 3911), H996 [14MR]
———coverage of adult day care services (see S. 2826), S6121 [29JN]
———coverage of ambulance services to certain rural outpatient facilities (see H.R. 4549), H3867 [25MY]
———coverage of augmentative communication devices (see H.R. 4479), H3308 [17MY]
———coverage of bone mass measurements (see S. 2524), S3692 [9MY] (see H.R. 3840), H756 [8MR]
———coverage of coordinated lifestyle changes program relative to heart attack prevention (see H.R. 4107), H1476 [28MR]
———coverage of drugs and biologicals (see H.R. 5501), H10472 [19OC]
———coverage of glaucoma detection services (see S. 3024), S8342 [11SE]
———coverage of home health services (see H.R. 4874), H6469 [18JY]
———coverage of inpatient hospital services in Puerto Rico (see S. 3037), S8413 [12SE]
———coverage of Lyme disease vaccinations (see H.R. 5050), H7208 [27JY]
———coverage of medically appropriate actinic keratoses treatment and removal (see H. Con. Res. 341), H3868 [25MY]
———coverage of medically necessary pancreas transplantation procedures (see H.R. 4495), H3412 [18MY]
———coverage of oral drugs to treat low blood calcium levels or elevated parathyroid hormone levels for patients with end stage renal disease (see H.R. 4628), H4174 [9JN]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (see S. 2758), S5460 [20JN] (see S. 2836), S6257 [30JN] (see S. 3016, 3017), S8197 [7SE] (see S. 3107), S9267 [26SE] (see H.R. 4149), H1674 [3AP] (see H.R. 4607), H4120 [8JN] (see H.R. 4743), H5168 [26JN] (see H.R. 4770), H5240 [27JN] (see H.R. 5151), H7501 [12SE] (see H. Res. 435), H756 [8MR]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs and enhanced preventative benefits (see S. 2541), S3832 [10MY] (see S. 2753), S5360 [19JN]
———coverage of paramedic intercept ambulance support services (see H.R. 4952), H7002 [25JY]
———coverage of pharmaceutical care services (see H.R. 5140), H7365 [7SE]
———coverage of screening mammography, pap smears, and pelvic exams (see H.R. 4330), H2339 [13AP]
———coverage of screening pap smears and pelvic exams (see S. 3141), S9605 [2OC] (see H.R. 4571), H3868 [25MY]
———coverage of self-administered drugs that, when used as a replacement for covered drugs, result in overall cost savings to the program (see H.R. 4375), H2511 [3MY]
———create official website that allows beneficiaries to purchase safe and competitively priced domestic and international prescription drugs (see H.R. 5142), H7365 [7SE]
———eliminate discriminatory copayment rates, add intensive residential services, and expand the number of eligible professionals relative to mental health care services (see S. 3233), S10999 [25OC]
———eliminate reduction in payment rates to home health agencies for home health services (see S. 2365), S2233 [5AP] (see H.R. 4219), H1957 [6AP]
———eliminate reduction in the market basket percentage under the prospective payment system for payments to small rural hospitals (see H.R. 4996), H7206 [27JY]
———eliminate time limitation on benefits for immunosuppressive drugs (see S. 2399), S2527 [11AP]
———enhance the critical access hospital program (see S. 2600), S4237 [22MY]
———ensure adequacy of digital mammography payments (see S. 3112), S9267 [26SE] (see H.R. 5088), H7209 [27JY] (see H.R. 5172), H7577 [13SE]
———ensure reimbursement for certain ambulance services, apply reasonable standard to determination of medical necessity for ambulance services, and recognize additional costs of ambulance services in rural areas (see S. 2858), S6677 [13JY] (see H.R. 5153), H7501 [12SE]
———establish a demonstration project to stabilize coverage and benefits under the Medicare+Choice Program (see H.R. 4555), H3867 [25MY]
———establish a hospice demonstration and grant program for beneficiaries (see S. 3026), S8412 [12SE]
———establish a physician recruitment and retention project (see S. 3167), S9944 [5OC]
———establish a special payment rate for psychiatric hospital services (see H.R. 4702), H4783 [20JN]
———establish a voluntary plan under which eligible beneficiaries may elect to receive coverage for outpatient prescription drugs (see S. 2319), S1884 [29MR]
———establish a voluntary program for low-income beneficiaries to obtain assistance in paying for outpatient prescription drugs (see H.R. 4235), H2121 [11AP]
———establish standards for payment of certain orthotic, prosthetic, and pedorthic devices (see H.R. 5156), H7502 [12SE]
———expand coverage of certain self-injected biologicals (see S. 2644), S4460 [25MY] (see S. 2957), S7839 [27JY]
———expand coverage of durable medical equipment to include physician prescribed equipment necessary for unpaid caregivers (see H.R. 5017), H7206 [27JY]
———expand medical residency training programs in geriatric medicine (see S. 2910), S7656 [26JY] (see H.R. 4930), H6776 [24JY]
———extend community nursing organization demonstration projects (see H.R. 5080), H7209 [27JY]
———extend the option to use rebased target amounts to all sole community hospitals (see S. 2037), S381 [7FE] (see H.R. 5011), H7206 [27JY]
———geographic reclassification of a county to provide for more equitable payments to hospitals located in that county (see H.R. 5108), H7280 [6SE]
———graduate medical education payments (see S. 2394), S2526 [11AP] (see H.R. 4239), H2122 [11AP]
———improve access to benefits for certain individuals and provide financial assistance to individuals who are too poor to afford premiums (see H.R. 3529), H48 [27JA]
———improve access to health insurance by offering certain individuals a Medicare buy-in option and allow tax credit for payment of premiums (see H.R. 4938), H6777 [24JY]
———improve access to Medicare+Choice plans through an increase in annual capitation rates (see S. 2937), S7656 [26JY]
———improve fee-for-services reimbursement rates in rural States (see S. 2610), S4297 [23MY]
———improve geographic fairness in Medicare+Choice payments and hospital payments (see H.R. 5070), H7208 [27JY]
———improve health of senior citizens and disabled individuals (see S. 2727), S5106 [14JN]
———improve Medicare-dependent, small rural hospital program (see S. 2768), S5662 [22JN] (see H.R. 4997), H7206 [27JY]
———improve methodology for the calculation of Medicare+Choice program payment rates (see S. 3029), S8412 [12SE] (see H.R. 4951), H7002 [25JY]
———improve payments under the Medicare+Choice program (see H.R. 4236), H2122 [11AP]
———improve payments under the outpatient prospective payment system (see H.R. 5003), H7206 [27JY]
———improve the manner in which new medical technologies are made available to beneficiaries (see S. 3082), S8823 [20SE] (see H.R. 4395), H2654 [8MY]
———increase access to health care for beneficiaries through telehealth services (see H.R. 4841), H5955 [12JY]
———increase access to health care for beneficiaries through telemedicine (see S. 2505), S3513 [4MY] (see H.R. 4771), H5240 [27JN]
———increase awareness of the availability of cost-sharing assistance to eligible low-income beneficiaries (see S. 2814), S6121 [29JN] (see H.R. 4797), H5654 [29JN]
———increase payment amount and establish an annual payment review process for renal dialysis services (see H.R. 5152), H7501 [12SE]
———increase payment amount for renal dialysis services (see S. 3038), S8413 [12SE]
———increase payment rates to Medicare+Choice organizations to correct inequities in rural and urban areas (see H.R. 5288), H8061 [25SE]
———increase the percentage of bad hospital debt that is reimbursable (see H.R. 4878), H6469 [18JY]
———limit number of residents in allopathic and osteopathic medicine eligible for graduate medical education payments (see H.R. 5348), H8551 [29SE]
———limit reductions in Federal payments under the prospective payment system for hospital outpatient department services (see S. 3028), S8412 [12SE]
———make improvements to the Medicare+Choice program (see S. 2905), S7448 [21JY] (see H.R. 5039), H7207 (see H.R. 5099), H7209 [27JY] (see H.R. 5320), H8405 [27SE] (see H.R. 5614), H11781 [1NO]
———make improvements to the prospective payment system for skilled nursing facility services (see S. 3050), S8585 [14SE]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (see S. 2342), S2106 [4AP] (see S. 2807), S6015 [28JN] (see H.R. 4680), H4591 [15JN]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), consideration (see H. Res. 539), H5239 [27JN]
———modify billing requirements for certain Indian health care providers (see S. 3270), S11537 [14NO]
———payment levels for certain medically unsupervised certified registered nurse anesthetists (see H.R. 5251), H7990 [21SE]
———payment of claims by health care providers against insolvent Medicare+Choice organizations (see S. 2110), S867 [28FE] (see H.R. 4087), H1405 [23MR]
———payments made under the prospective payment system for home health services (see H.R. 4727), H5036 [22JN]
———preserve access to outpatient cancer treatment by ensuring any changes in reimbursement rates are based on appropriate guidelines and analysis by GAO (see S. 3003), S8019 [5SE]
———preserve essential rural hospitals (see H.R. 5220), H7932 [20SE]
———prohibit the use of risk-based managed care payments for certain administrative costs (see H.R. 3682), H509 [16FE]
———promote access to health care services in rural areas (see S. 2987), S7840 [27JY]
———promote research for health promotion and disease prevention and add preventive benefits (see S. 2232), S1392 [9MR] (see H.R. 3887), H920 [9MR]
———protect beneficiaries under the Medicare+Choice program (see H.R. 4356), H2410 [2MY]
———protect right of beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare+Choice plans to receive services at any skilled nursing facility (see H.R. 5042), H7207 [27JY]
———provide appropriate transition from interim payment system to prospective payment system for home health services (see S. 2835), S6257 [30JN]
———provide attending physicians greater authority in determining whether a beneficiary is eligible for hospice care (see H.R. 5222), H7932 [20SE]
———provide bad hospital debt relief to certain facilities and provide beneficiaries with cost-sharing under Medicaid (see S. 2981), S7840 [27JY]
———provide beneficiaries with accurate and understandable managed care information and negotiate with Medicare+Choice organizations to improve and expand benefit plans (see H.R. 4753), H5168 [26JN]
———provide comprehensive and coordinated care for individuals with serious and disabling chronic illnesses (see H.R. 4981), H7128 [26JY]
———provide for equitable reimbursement rates to Medicare+Choice organizations (see S. 2974), S7840 [27JY] (see H.R. 4968), H7127 [26JY]
———provide for equity in the amount of disproportionate share payment adjustments between urban and rural hospitals (see H.R. 4995), H7206 [27JY]
———provide for moratorium on mandatory delay of payment of claims and establish advanced informational infrastructure for administration of Federal health benefit programs (see S. 2312), S1883 [29MR] (see H.R. 4401), H2769 [9MY]
———provide for the classification of certain hospitals as cancer hospitals for payment of services (see H.R. 4967), H7127 [26JY]
———provide guidance to health care providers attempting to properly submit claims and target truly fraudulent activity for enforcement of billing regulations rather than inadvertent errors (see S. 3131), S9466 [28SE] (see H.R. 5200), H7722 [18SE]
———provide more equitable payments for direct graduate medical education (see H.R. 5005), H7206 (see H.R. 5089), H7209 [27JY]
———provide off-budget treatment for the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund (see H.R. 3640), H341 [10FE]
———provide relief for small business from consolidated billing requirements and exclude services of certain providers from the skilled nursing facility prospective payment system (see H.R. 5392), H9010 [5OC]
———redesignate ``Medicare+Choice'' as ``Medicare-No-Choice'' (see H.R. 5558), H11194 [25OC]
———reduce waiting period for benefits for disabled individuals (see H.R. 5556), H11194 [25OC]
———reductions in prescription drug prices for beneficiaries and women with breast cancer (see H.R. 5467), H9900 [12OC]
———reimburse essential access home health providers for costs for services in rural areas (see S. 2992), S7840 [27JY]
———reimbursement for certain midwife services (see S. 2523), S3692 [9MY]
———reimbursement for services provided to eligible veterans by certain Dept. of Veterans Affairs facilities (see H.R. 4684), H4591 [15JN]
———require home health agencies to conduct criminal background checks for all applicants for employment as patient care providers (see H.R. 5246), H7990 [21SE]
———revise and improve (see H.R. 5296), H8199 [26SE]
———revise coverage of immunosuppressive drugs (see H.R. 5276), H8061 [25SE]
———revise inflation update factor used in making payments to prospective payment system hospitals (see S. 2018), S213 [1FE] (see H.R. 3576), H212 [3FE] (see H.R. 3580), H219 [7FE]
———revise payments for certain physician pathology services (see S. 3055), S8585 [14SE] (see H.R. 5209), H7870 [19SE]
———revise the calculation of base payment rates for the prospective payment system for home health services (see S. 2766), S5662 [22JN] (see S. 3034), S8413 [12SE] (see H.R. 4623), H4173 [9JN] (see H.R. 5163), H7577 [13SE]
———State accreditation of diabetes self-management training programs (see S. 3084), S8823 [20SE] (see H.R. 5074), H7209 [27JY]
———study anesthesia services and expand service arrangements for certified registered nurse anesthetists (see H.R. 5286), H8061 [25SE]
———use of additional projected surplus funds to supplement funding previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act (see H. Res. 535), H5240 [27JN]
———waive late enrollment penalty for certain beneficiaries living abroad and provide a special Medigap open enrollment period which prohibits underwriting (see H.R. 5197), H7722 [18SE]
———waive waiting period for coverage of individuals disabled with AIDS and provide coverage of drugs used for treatment (see H.R. 4557), H3867 [25MY]
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act: implementation of a prospective payment system for psychiatric hospitals (see S. 2556), S3946 [15MY]
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission: conduct a study on certain hospital costs (see S. 3161), S9944 [5OC]
Medicare/Medicaid: assure financial solvency of Medicare+Choice organizations and Medicaid managed care organizations (see H.R. 3690), H510 [16FE]
———improve patient safety by reducing medical errors (see S. 2378), S2347 [6AP]
———require certain staffing in nursing facilities (see H.R. 5166), H7577 [13SE]
———require criminal background checks for nursing facility workers (see S. 3066), S8759 [19SE]
———require nursing facilities to be air conditioned to receive funding (see H.R. 4898), H6717 [20JY]
———waive certain nurse aide training requirements (see H.R. 4547), H3867 [25MY] (see H.R. 5282), H8061 [25SE]
Mental health: issue commemorative postage stamp to raise autism awareness (see H. Res. 458), H1763 [4AP]
———protect individuals who need mental health services (see S. 3238), S10999 [25OC]
———provide programs for the treatment of mental illness (see S. 2639), S4460 [25MY] (see H.R. 5091), H7209 [27JY]
———recognize the importance of mental health awareness, mental disorders, and early detection of mental illnesses (see H. Con. Res. 243), H49 [27JA]
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month: designate (see S. Res. 351), S8342 [11SE]
———support goals and ideas (see H. Con. Res. 371), H6052 [13JY]
National Amputee Awareness Week: designate (see S. Res. 330), S6121 [29JN]
National Cancer Institute: establish demonstration project to provide research for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for cancer (see H.R. 5419), H9504 [6OC]
National Center for Military Deployment Health Research: establish (see H.R. 4734), H5083 [23JN]
National Day of Remembrance: designate to honor veterans exposed to radiation or radioactive materials during service (see S. Res. 336), S6841 [14JY]
National Donor Day: emphasize the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation (see H. Con. Res. 247), H254 [8FE]
National Fragile X Awareness Week: designate (see S. Res. 268), S1392 [9MR]
National Health Center Week: designate (see H. Con. Res. 381), H7128 [26JY]
National Health Service Corps: authorizing appropriations (see H.R. 5116), H7280 [6SE]
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: expand, intensify, and coordinate pulmonary hypertension research activities (see H.R. 4253), H2238 [12AP]
National Heart Failure Awareness Week: designate (see S. Res. 256), S613 [10FE]
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: authorize development of research centers focusing on environmental factors related to the etiology of breast cancer (see S. 2287), S1671 [23MR]
———authorize development of research centers focusing on environmental factors related to women's health and disease prevention (see H.R. 4634), H4174 [9JN]
National Living Organ Donor Registry: establish (see H.R. 5465), H9900 [12OC]
National Mammography Day: designate (see S. Res. 353), S8413 [12SE]
National Nuclear Security Administration: application of environmental protection, safety, and health regulations (see S. 2597), S4190 [18MY] (see H.R. 4288), H2337 [13AP]
National objectives: policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (see S. 2888), S7229 [19JY] (see S. 3172), S9945 [5OC] (see H.R. 4992), H7205 [27JY] (see H.R. 5551), H11194 [25OC]
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week: designate (see S. Res. 347), S8019 [5SE]
National Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Awareness Month: designate (see H. Res. 420), H278 [9FE]
National School Lunch Act: carry out pilot projects to increase milk consumption and reduce the cost of milk served to children (see S. 3279), S11789 [14DE]
———improve management of the child and adult care food program (see S. 2356), S2107 [4AP] (see H.R. 4520), H3649 [23MY]
———provide alternative reimbursement rates under the child and adult care food program for rural family or group day care homes (see H.R. 5383), H8799 [4OC]
———use of pilot projects to increase number of children participating in summer food service programs (see S. 3054), S8585 [14SE]
National Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness Week: designate (see S. Res. 300), S3023 [27AP]
National Survivors of Suicide Day: designate (see S. Res. 339), S7448 [21JY]
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: amend (see H.R. 5327), H8406 [27SE] (see H.R. 5330), H8468 [28SE]
———revise certain standards for petitions for compensation (see H.R. 5579), H11206 [26OC]
———revise compensation rules for vaccines administered before effective date of such program (see H.R. 5168), H7577 [13SE]
Native Americans: enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (H.R. 1167), concur with Senate amendment (see H. Res. 562), H6777 [24JY]
———technical corrections to certain laws (see S. 3031), S8413 [12SE]
NIH: biomedical research funding (see S. Res. 253), S381 [7FE] (see H. Res. 437), H921 [9MR]
———experimental program to stimulate competitive research (see S. 2358), S2233 [5AP] (see H.R. 4280), H2337 [13AP]
———reauthorize women's health research award programs (see S. 3215), S10716 [18OC]
———support modernization and construction of biomedical and behavioral research facilities and laboratory instrumentation (see H.R. 4431), H2966 [11MY]
NIST: establish a program to support research and training in methods of detecting the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes (see S. 2267), S1596 [22MR] (see S. 2340), S2040 [3AP]
Nobel Prize: recognition of Eric R. Kandel and Paul Greengard for physiology or medicine (see H. Res. 642), H10257 [18OC]
Occupational Safety and Health Act: amend (see H.R. 5037, 5038), H7207 [27JY]
———require changes in the bloodborne pathogens standard (see S. 3067), S8759 [19SE] (see H.R. 5178), H7651 [14SE]
———waive applicability to employment performed in an employee's residence (see H.R. 3518), H47 (see H.R. 3530), H48 (see H.R. 3539), H49 [27JA] (see H.R. 3643), H341 [10FE]
———waive applicability to employment performed in an employee's residence unless the job involves hazardous materials or the workplace was created so that the Act would not apply (see H.R. 3588), H253 [8FE]
Office for Protection of Human Research Subjects: establish (see H.R. 3569), H208 [2FE]
OPM: administer a national health program to offer Federal employee health benefits plans to individuals who are not Federal employees (see S. 3284), S11917 [15DE]
Organ procurement and transplantation programs: revise and extend (see S. 2366), S2233 [5AP] (see S. 2398), S2527 [11AP] (see H.R. 3885), H920 [9MR]
———revise and extend (H.R. 2418), consideration (see H. Res. 454), H1674 [3AP]
Oscar G. Johnson Dept. of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility, Iron Mountain, MI: designate (see H.R. 5520), H10472 [19OC]
OSHA: require public comment, and a sound scientific basis, for proposed ergonomics regulations (see H. Con. Res. 260), H631 [1MR]
Patients Before Paperwork Medicare Red Tape Reduction Commission: establish (see S. 2708), S4820 [8JN] (see H.R. 5334), H8468 [28SE]
Pesticides: implement integrated pest management systems to minimize use in schools and provide parents and employees with notices of pesticide use (see S. 2109), S867 [28FE]
Petroleum: prohibit the use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) in reformulated gasoline, accelerate cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks, and assist communities with drinking water contamination (see H.R. 3798), H631 [1MR]
———prohibit the use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) in reformulated gasoline and provide research on remediation of contaminated groundwater (see S. 2233), S1392 [9MR]
———prohibit use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), provide flexibility within the EPA's oxygenate requirements, and promote the use of renewable ethanol (see S. 2546), S3916 [11MY] (see H.R. 4011), H1118 [16MR]
Pharmaceuticals: abbreviate applications for the approval of new drugs (see H.R. 5231), H7932 [20SE]
———availability of HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and medical technologies in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries (see H.R. 5101), H7210 [27JY]
———provide access and choice for use of generic drugs under Federal health care programs (see S. 2501), S3328 [3MY]
———provide for prices that are fair to the producer and the consumer (see H.R. 4772), H5240 [27JN]
———provide tax credit to retirement age individuals, remove barriers to importation, and prohibit certain regulation of Internet sites relative to prescription drugs (see H.R. 3636), H340 [10FE]
Philippines: address the environmental contamination and health effects emanating from former U.S. military facilities (see H. Con. Res. 355), H4591 [15JN]
Postal Service: issue special postage stamps to fund organ and tissue donation awareness (see S. 2062), S613 [10FE] (see H.R. 3809), H631 [1MR]
President's Commission on Veterans and Smoking: establish (see H.R. 3696), H510 [16FE]
Product safety: penalize the knowing and reckless introduction of a defective product into interstate commerce (see S. 3014), S8197 [7SE]
———promote new and revised toxicological tests that protect human, animal, and environmental health while reducing need for animal testing (see H.R. 4281), H2337 [13AP]
Public Health Service: enhance the Nation's capacity to address public health threats and emergencies (see S. 2731), S5106 [14JN] (see H.R. 4964), H7127 [26JY]
———extend breast cancer research programs (see H.R. 4699), H4783 [20JN]
Public Health Service Act: establish scholarship and loan repayment programs in veterinarian shortage areas (see H.R. 5186), H7651 [14SE]
———prohibit discrimination relative to exposure to hazardous substances (see H.R. 4939), H6777 [24JY]
———provide certain children's health services (see S. 2868), S6678 [13JY] (see H.R. 4365), H2511 [3MY]
———provide certain children's health services (H.R. 4365), consideration of Senate amendment (see H. Res. 594), H8199 [26SE]
R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, Inc.: tribute (see H. Res. 517), H4035 [7JN]
Radioactive substances: set contamination content standards in metals industry, prohibit release of contaminated scrap metal by Dept. of Energy facilities, and document contamination of imported scrap metals (see H.R. 4566), H3868 [25MY]
Research: development of microbicides to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (see H.R. 3891), H921 [9MR]
———embryonic stem cell research funding (see S. 2015), S149 [31JA] (see H. Res. 414), H209 [2FE]
———establish Alzheimer's clinical research and training awards (see H.R. 4015), H1118 [16MR]
———protect human subjects in research (see H.R. 4605), H4120 [8JN]
———requirements for disclosures relative to transfers of human fetal tissue (see H.R. 3980), H1076 [15MR]
Rural areas: promote and improve access to health care services (see S. 2735), S5240 [15JN] (see H.R. 4677), H4591 [15JN]
———provide funds for automatic external defibrillators and the training of individuals in advanced cardiac life support (see S. 2528), S3831 [10MY] (see H.R. 4953), H7002 [25JY]
———sustain access to vital emergency medical services in rural areas (see S. 3125), S9381 [27SE]
Safety Net Organizations and Patient Advisory Commission: establish (see S. 3035), S8413 [12SE] (see H.R. 5162), H7502 [12SE]
Schools: ensure implementation of adequate safeguards before distributing certain prescribed medications to students (see H.R. 4083), H1405 [23MR]
———provide grants for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in public schools (see H.R. 4506), H3474 [19MY]
———provide technical assistance to school-based health centers to develop and operate computer systems that maintain patient data (see H.R. 5508), H10472 [19OC]
Senior citizens: establish a consumer price index for elderly consumers to compute cost-of-living increases for Social Security benefits (see H.R. 4551), H3867 [25MY]
———recognize need for a White House Conference to discuss and develop national recommendations concerning quality of care in assisted living facilities (see H.J. Res. 107), H7502 [12SE]
———waive certain mortgage insurance premiums and use such proceeds to purchase long-term care insurance (see H.R. 3607), H278 [9FE]
Social Security: create a grant program to promote joint activities between Federal, State, and local child welfare and alcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment agencies (see S. 2435), S2728 [13AP] (see H.R. 5081), H7209 [27JY]
———eliminate the waiting period in the disability insurance program (see H.R. 5412), H9504 [6OC]
———expand Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program to include parents of low-income families (see S. 2923), S7656 [26JY] (see H.R. 4927), H6776 [24JY]
———expand State Children's Health Insurance Program to include parents of low-income families (see S. 2976), S7840 [27JY]
———extend availability of State Children's Health Insurance Program allotments (see S. 2434), S2728 [13AP] (see H.R. 4393), H2654 [8MY]
———improve coverage of low-income children under State Children's Health Insurance Program and Medicaid (see H.R. 5192), H7651 [14SE]
———level of benefit payment in the month of the beneficiary's death (see S. 2926), S7656 [26JY] (see H.R. 3890), H921 [9MR] (see H.R. 4310), H2338 [13AP]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act (see S. 3077), S8823 [20SE] (see S. 3165), S9944 [5OC] (see H.R. 5291), H8199 [26SE] (see H.R. 5324), H8406 [27SE] (see H.R. 5543), H11193 [25OC] (see H.R. 5601), H11620 [30OC] (see H.R. 5612), H11781 [1NO] (see H.R. 5661), H12094 [14DE]
———phase out taxation of benefits (see S. 2304), S1815 [28MR]
———prevent conflicts of interest in the use of administrative vendors in the administration of State children's health insurance plans (see H.R. 3600), H254 [8FE]
———promote smoking cessation under Medicare, Medicaid, and the Maternal and Child Health Program (see S. 3073), S8759 [19SE] (see H.R. 5208), H7870 [19SE]
———protect Social Security and Medicare surpluses through strengthened budgetary enforcement mechanisms (see H.R. 3859), H756 [8MR]
———protect surplus by requiring a sequester to eliminate any deficit (see S. 2001), S37 [24JA]
———provide an exception to certain marriage requirements for widows and widowers relative to State restrictions on divorce from a prior spouse institutionalized due to mental incompetence (see H.R. 5007), H7206 [27JY]
———provide equitable payments to providers of services under the Medicare Program and provide coverage of additional children under the Medicaid Program (see H.R. 5001), H7206 [27JY]
———provide for more equitable distribution of block grant funds under the State Children's Health Insurance Program (see H.R. 5281), H8061 [25SE]
———provide targeted payment relief for hospitals that serve primarily Medicare and Medicaid patients that have been disproportionately impacted by certain payment reductions (see H.R. 4624), H4173 [9JN]
———repeal eligibility restrictions on widow's and widower's insurance benefits based on disability (see H.R. 5578), H11206 [26OC]
———repeal tax increase on benefits, eliminate earnings test for retirement age individuals, and raise age for minimum distributions from pension plans (see S. 2180), S1118 [2MR]
———require report to Congress on solvency (see S. 2249), S1461 [20MR]
———use earnings level currently applicable solely to blind individuals as uniform level in determining disabilities (see H.R. 5553), H11194 [25OC]
Social Security Protection, Preservation, and Reform Commission: establish (see S. 2510), S3514 [4MY]
SSA: prepare for the needs of the 21st century (see H.R. 5447), H9767 [11OC]
States: establish demonstration projects to provide universal, comprehensive, and cost-effective health care coverage with simplified administration (see H.R. 4412), H2770 [9MY]
———permit the option of coverage of legal immigrants under the Medicaid Program and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (see H.R. 4707), H4816 [21JN]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: revise and extend programs (see H.R. 4867), H6354 [17JY]
Tariff: HIV/AIDS drugs (see S. 2129, 2130), S1024 [1MR]
———R115777 (see S. 2628), S4379 [24MY]
———rhinovirus drugs (see S. 2131), S1024 [1MR]
Taxation: allow a credit against gross income for organ donation (see H.R. 5436), H9634 [10OC]
———allow a credit to individuals attaining age 65 for certain drug and health insurance expenses (see H.R. 4234), H2121 [11AP]
———allow a deduction for amounts paid for health insurance and prescription drug costs of individuals (see H.R. 4472), H3172 [16MY]
———allow a refundable credit for health insurance costs (see S. 2337), S1986 [30MR] (see H.R. 4113), H1587 [29MR]
———allow a refundable credit for long-term care and offset the revenue cost of the credit by revising the rules on expatriation (see H.R. 4159), H1674 [3AP]
———allow a refundable credit to individuals who donate their organs at death (see H.R. 4048), H1163 [21MR]
———allow credit against income tax for research to develop vaccines against widespread diseases and ensure that such vaccines are affordable and widely distributed (see H.R. 5219), H7932 [20SE]
———allow credit for medical expenses for dependents (see H.R. 4799), H5655 [29JN]
———allow employees and self-employed individuals to deduct taxes paid for Social Security and Medicare (see H.R. 5064), H7208 [27JY]
———allow exclusion of tax-exempt bonds issued for health care or educational purposes in determination of interest expenses of financial institutions (see H.R. 4666), H4484 [14JN]
———allow small employers a tax credit for costs paid or incurred for employee health insurance expenses (see S. 2964), S7839 (see S. 2994), S7840 [27JY]
———clarify status of professional employer organizations in order to assist small businesses in providing employee benefits and collecting employment taxes (see S. 2979), S7840 [27JY]
———credit for health insurance costs (see S. 2320), S1884 [29MR]
———deny tax benefits for research conducted by pharmaceutical companies where U.S. consumers pay more for products of that research than foreign consumers (see S. 2465), S2940 [26AP] (see H.R. 3665), H454 [15FE]
———exclude U.S. savings bond income from gross income if used to pay long-term care expenses (see S. 2066), S613 [10FE] (see H.R. 4316), H2338 [13AP]
———impose a discriminatory profits tax on pharmaceutical companies that charge higher prices to domestic wholesale distributors than to foreign wholesale distributors (see S. 3103), S9195 [25SE]
———improve access to tax-exempt debt for small non-profit health care and educational institutions (see S. 2626), S4379 [24MY]
———maintain retiree health benefits under the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act (see S. 2538), S3831 [10MY]
———maintain retiree health benefits under the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act and adjust inequities of United Mine Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund (see S. 3267), S11494 [1NO]
———provide for community revitalization and extension of medical savings accounts (see H.R. 5662), H12094 [14DE]
———provide incentives to encourage small business health plans (see H.R. 5184), H7651 [14SE]
———provide income tax credit to long-term caregivers (see S. 2096), S799 [24FE] (see S. 2984), S7840 [27JY]
———provide relief for payment of asbestos-related claims (see S. 2955), S7839 [27JY] (see H.R. 4543), H3867 [25MY]
———provide tax incentives to enhance long-term care and convene a National Summit on Long-Term Care (see H.R. 4498), H3412 [18MY]
———provide tax relief for health insurance and medical care expenses and establish more options for obtaining quality health care (see H.R. 4925), H6776 [24JY]
———repeal tax increase on Social Security benefits (see H.R. 4865), H6354 [17JY]
———repeal tax increase on Social Security benefits (H.R. 4865), consideration (see H. Res. 564), H7092 [26JY]
———treatment of adoption expenses relative to special needs children (see S. 2456), S2865 [25AP]
———treatment of certain gifts and benefits provided to physicians by prescription drug manufacturers (see H.R. 4088, 4089), H1405 [23MR]
———treatment of charitable contributions to public charities for use in medical research (see S. 2776), S5663 [22JN] (see H.R. 4719), H5036 [22JN]
———treatment of diplomas, medals, and amounts received as part of international awards for physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and peace (see H.R. 5505), H10472 [19OC]
———treatment of flexible spending arrangements relative to long-term care insurance (see S. 2225), S1391 [9MR] (see H.R. 3872), H920 [9MR]
———treatment of medical expenses (see H.R. 5022), H7207 [27JY]
Tobacco products: enlarge and strengthen warning labels (see S. 2889), S7229 [19JY] (see H.R. 4886), H6598 [19JY]
———increase legal age for smoking (see H.R. 4432), H2966 [11MY]
———prohibit the importation of bidi cigarettes (see H.R. 3628), H340 [10FE]
———provide for the disclosure of certain products and prescribe labels for packages and advertising (see S. 2125), S930 [29FE]
———reduce youth smoking, increase tobacco-related research, and develop safer tobacco products (see H.R. 4041), H1163 [21MR]
Traumatic brain surgery programs: funding (see S. 3081), S8823 [20SE]
U.S. Park Police: permit direct payment of medical expenses by National Park Service and allow for waiver and indemnification in certain mutual law enforcement agreements (see H.R. 4404), H2770 [9MY]
United Mine Workers of America: restore stability and equity to the financing of the Combined Benefit Fund (see S. 2729), S5106 [14JN] (see H.R. 4713), H4817 [21JN]
Veterans: add diabetes mellitus to the list of service-connected diseases (see H.R. 5438), H9767 [11OC]
———establish a comprehensive program for the testing and treatment of the Hepatitis C virus (see H.R. 5132), H7364 [7SE]
———expand list of diseases presumed to be service connected with respect to radiation-exposed veterans (see H.R. 4921), H6776 [24JY]
———improve procedures for the determination of the inability of veterans to defray expenses of necessary medical care (see S. 3010), S8105 [6SE]
———increase size of the estate an incompetent veteran may have without being subject to suspension of benefits while under institutional care by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (see H.R. 4935), H6777 [24JY]
———permit concurrent receipt of military retired pay with service-connected disability benefits (see S. 2357), S2233 [5AP]
———presumption of service connection for hepatitis C in certain veterans (see H.R. 4791), H5654 [29JN]
Veterans Health Administration: ensure pay parity between dentists and physicians (see S. 2636), S4460 [25MY]
———improve personnel system (see H.R. 4759), H5169 [26JN] (see H.R. 5109), H7280 [6SE]
———improve personnel system (H.R. 5109), consideration (see H. Res. 585), H7931 [20SE]
Vietnamese Conflict: provide compensation and benefits to children of female Vietnam veterans who were born with certain birth defects (see S. 2494), S3258 [2MY] (see S. 2544), S3916 [11MY]
———revise definition of ``Vietnam era'' to provide eligibility for certain veterans benefits without regard to whether service was performed in Vietnam (see H.R. 4833), H5955 [12JY]
Water: prohibit use and provide for remediation of water contaminated by methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) (see H.R. 4303), H2338 [13AP]
Waterways: prevent and reduce contamination of navigable waters by methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), tetrachloroethylene, and trichloroethylene (see H.R. 5049), H7208 [27JY]
Women: improve health and reduce health care costs for low-income and uninsured women by expanding existing screening and preventive health programs (see S. 2635), S4460 [25MY]
———protect breastfeeding by new mothers (see S. 3023), S8342 [11SE] (see H.R. 3861), H756 [8MR]
———reduce health care costs and promote improved health by providing supplemental grants for preventive health services (see H.R. 4606), H4120 [8JN]
World War II: require disclosure of classified information on chemical and biological experiments carried out by Japan (see H.R. 3561), H164 [1FE]
Medicare+Choice reimbursement system: Minnesota congressional delegation, E1173-E1176 [30JN]
Why Is Ethanol Good for Your Car? Mobil Corp., H1281 [22MR]
Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) potential for water contamination: Dick Newpher, American Farm Bureau Federation, H1277 [22MR]
Administration regulation would harm local access to transplant services: several organ donation and transplantation organization officials, H1720 [4AP]
Administration regulation would hurt organ supplies: several organ donation and transplantation organization officials, H1720 [4AP]
Conference reports
Minimum Wage Increase, Taxpayer Relief, Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program Corrections, Pain Management Promotion, and Small Business Programs Improvement (H.R. 2614), H10909-H11087 [25OC]
Cost Estimates
Lupus research activities expansion (H.R. 762): CBO, H10883 [25OC]
Promote new and revised toxicological tests that protect human, animal, and environmental health while reducing need for animal testing (S. 1495): CBO, S10893 [23OC]
Bill of Nights—Improving Sleep Habits: National Sleep Foundation, E565 [13AP]
Chronic Illness Care Improvement Act (H.R. 4981), E1335 [27JY]
Drug Dealer Liability Act (H.R. 1042), H9536 [10OC]
Innocent Child Protection Act (H.R. 4888), H6796 [25JY]
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act (H.R. 5178): Ballenger and Owens Substitute Amendment, H8675 [3OC]
Musings on Memory: Morris Martin, S11782-S11784 [14DE]
``Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention—Bone Cancer'': Robert W. Miller, John D. Boice, Jr., and Rochelle E. Curtis, S10375 [12OC]
Childhood cancer experiences, E1995 [28OC]
Court depositions in Chetan Desai, et al. v. Jayaprakash K. Kamath, et al. relative to profits from the sale of chemotherapy drugs, E1578 [25SE]
District of Columbia Prohibition on Possession of Alcohol by Individuals Under 21 Years of Age: District of Columbia Code, H7585 [14SE]
Long-Term Care for the Disabled Elderly—Current Policy, Emerging Trends and Implications for the Twenty-First Century, E1461 [13SE]
Medicare Preservation and Improvement Act studies: Congressional Research Service, E384, E387 [22MR]
Executive orders
Access to HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and medical technologies in sub-Saharan African countries: President Clinton, S3802 [10MY]
Clarify Status of Professional Employer Organizations in Order To Assist Small Businesses in Providing Employee Benefits and Collecting Employment Taxes (S. 2979), S7893-S7895 [27JY]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act Programs To Provide Access to Health Care and Support Services to Individuals and Families With HIV and AIDS (S. 2311), S10030-S10034 [5OC], H8840-H8843 [5OC]
Determining ``Causation'' for Radiation and Cancer, S10377 [12OC]
AIDS in Africa, H5938 [12JY]
Child Protection/Alcohol and Drug Partnership Act (S. 2435), S2751 [13AP]
Children of Female Vietnam Veterans' Benefits Act (S. 2494), S3262 [2MY]
Do Condoms Protect Against HPV Infection? National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and NIH, H8640 [3OC]
Medicare Health Improvement Act (S. 2727), S5112 [14JN]
OSHA's Use of Contractors During the Rulemaking Process—Expert Witnesses and Consultant Services, S5641 [22JN]
Postcoital Emergency Contraception Distribution in Schools Funding: National Assembly on School-Based Health Care, H7823 [19SE]
Voluntary Error Reduction and Improvement in Patient Safety Act (S. 2743), S5269 [15JN]
Determining ``causation'' for radiation and cancer: Dept. of HHS, S4757 [8JN]
Accessible Healthcare for All Citizens: Joseph W. Skrha, E490 [4AP]
Organ donation programs: Reg Green by Doug Hill, H1713-H1715 [4AP]
Treatment of diabetic patients: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Inc., E11 [27JA]
Access to HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and medical technologies in sub-Saharan African countries: President Clinton, S3795 [10MY]
Agricultural products, medicines, and medical products exemption from U.S. economic sanctions: Charles E. Kruse, Missouri Farm Bureau, S10691 [18OC]
———several agricultural organizations, S10691 [18OC]
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Treatment and Assistance Act: Senator Torricelli, S9890 [5OC]
Biotechnology research: several scientists, S63 [26JA]
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act: Gordon B. Avery, H8159 [26SE]
Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act: Fran Visco, National Breast Cancer Coalition, H2690 [9MY]
Buprenorphine use in treating drug addiction: Donna E. Shalala, Sec. of HHS, S9112 [22SE]
Children's Day Care Health and Safety Improvement Act: Adele Robinson, National Association for the Education of Young Children, S1410 [9MR]
———Donald E. Cook, American Academy of Pediatrics, S1410 [9MR]
———Marian Wright Edelman, Children's Defense Fund (organization), S1410 [9MR]
Children's Research Protection Act: David M. Krol, S6023 [28JN]
———Donald E. Cook, American Academy of Pediatrics, S6023 [28JN]
———Lawrence A. McAndrews, National Association of Children's Hospitals, S6024 [28JN]
———Raymond L. Woosley, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, S6024 [28JN]
———Sheila S. Mulvey, S6023 [28JN]
———Stephen P. Spielberg and Alan Goldhammer, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (organization), S6024 [28JN]
Clarify overtime exemption for emergency medical services personnel: Robert S. Wing and William P. Young, International Association of Firefighters Local 64, E680 [9MY]
Compensation programs for Dept. of Energy employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death: Representative Goodling, H3376 [18MY]
———Representative Lamar Smith, Committee on the Judiciary (House), H3376 [18MY]
Date-Rape Drug Prohibition Act: Ward Dean, H61 [31JA]
Dept. of Veterans Affairs Health Care Personnel Act: Bobby L. Harnage, Sr., American Federation of Government Employees, H7957 [21SE]
District of Columbia inclusion of conscience clause in legislation mandating coverage of contraceptives by health insurance plans: Dennis M. Schnurr, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, H7056 [26JY]
District of Columbia prohibition on possession of tobacco products by minors: Anthony A. Williams, Mayor of the District of Columbia, H7586 [14SE]
———John R. Garrison, American Lung Association, H7586, H7587 [14SE]
———Matthew L. Myers, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (organization), H7587 [14SE]
———Representative Bilbray, H7585 [14SE]
Drug Addiction Treatment Act: Representative Bliley, Committee on Commerce (House), H6376 [18JY]
———Representative Hyde, Committee on the Judiciary (House), H6376 [18JY]
Dry Cleaning Environmental Tax Credit Act: Joseph C. Bonner, Bank of America Corp., E1370 [27JY]
End of session legislative package: President Clinton, S11195 [27OC]
Enhance the Nation's capacity to address public health threats and emergencies: Dyann F. Wirth, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, S11311 [28OC]
———Gail H. Cassell, American Society for Microbiology, S11311 [28OC]
———Jean-Pierre Garnier, SmithKline Beecham (business), S11312 [28OC]
———Jordan J. Cohen, Association of American Medical Colleges, S11310 [28OC]
———Ronald L. Cada, Association of Public Laboratories, S11311 [28OC]
———several medical and health organizations, S11310 [28OC]
———Stephanie B.C. Bailey, National Association of County and City Health Officials, S11311 [28OC]
———William J. Martone, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, S11311 [28OC]
Ensure debts incurred as a result of abortion clinic violence are nondischargeable relative to bankruptcy: Senator Hatch, Committee on the Judiciary (Senate), S7384 [20JY]
Ensure physician's rights to choose whether to join a labor organization: Peggy Taylor, AFL-CIO, H5642 [29JN]
Extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research: Brendon Fisher, S7387 [20JY], H6070 [17JY]
———Paige Fisher, S7387 [20JY], H6070 [17JY]
Family Care Act: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt and Jennifer L. Howse, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, S7661 [26JY]
———Deborah F. Dietrich, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, S7661 [26JY]
———Gregg Haifley, Children's Defense Fund (organization), S7661 [26JY]
———Kathy Thornton and Catherine Pinkerton, NETWORK (organization), S7662 [26JY]
———Kerb Kuhn, Premier, Inc., S7662 [26JY]
———Lawrence A. McAndrews, National Association of Children's Hospitals, S7661 [26JY]
———Rick Pollack, American Hospital Association, S7662 [26JY]
———Ronald F. Pollack, Families USA (organization), S7662 [26JY]
———Stanley B. Peck, American Dental Hygienists' Association, S7661 [26JY]
FDA investigation of drug manufacturer pricing practices: Representative Stark, E1656 [3OC], E1764 [12OC], E1792 [13OC]
FDA investigation of drug manufacturer pricing practices relative to Medicare and Medicaid: Fred Hassan, Pharmacia Corp., E1883 [23OC]
———Representative Stark, E2033, E2037-E2039 [31OC]
Federal technology research and development funding: Council on Competitiveness, S3503 [4MY]
Global AIDS Prevention Act: Peter R. Lamptey, Family Health International (organization), S289 [2FE]
Graduate medical education payments: several Members of Congress, S6208 [30JN]
Grant FDA authority to regulate tobacco, and reduce youth smoking, increase tobacco-related research, and develop safer tobacco products: John R. Garrison, American Lung Association, E371 [21MR]
Health care coverage for retired members of the uniformed services: Military Coalition, H1399 [23MR]
Health Care Provider Bill of Rights: Ann B. Howard, American Federation of HomeCare Providers, Inc., S8096 [6SE]
———Brian Peters, Michigan Health & Hospital Association, S8095 [6SE]
———Charles H. Roadman II, American Health Care Association, S8097 [6SE]
———Mary R. Grealy, Healthcare Leadership Council, S8096 [6SE]
———Thomas A. Scully, Federation of American Hospitals, S8096 [6SE]
———Val J. Halamandaris, National Association for Home Care, S8096 [6SE]
Honoring Health Care Commitments to Servicemembers Past and Present Act: George (Bud) Day, S119 [27JA]
———Military Coalition, S118 [27JA]
———National Military and Veterans Alliance, S118 [27JA]
———Richard D. Murray, National Association for Uniformed Services, S118 [27JA]
———Thomas J. McKee, Air Force Association, S118 [27JA]
Importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale and by U.S. citizens for personal use: David A. Kessler, S9258 [26SE]
———Michael E. Baroody, National Association of Manufacturers, H9702 [11OC]
———Michael M. Faenza, National Mental Health Association, H9702 [11OC]
———Mike Dugan, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, H9702 [11OC]
———Nancy Sander, Allergy and Asthma Network-Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc., H9703 [11OC]
———Representative Archer, S10685 [18OC]
———Representative Dingell, Committee on Commerce (House), S10684 [18OC]
———Representative Hyde, Committee on the Judiciary (House), S10688 [18OC]
———Senator Hatch, Committee on the Judiciary (Senate), S10688 [18OC]
———Thomas J. Donohue, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, H9702 [11OC]
———several Representatives, H9703 [11OC]
———several patient and survivor organizations, H9703 [11OC]
Improve health and reduce health care costs for low-income and uninsured women by expanding existing screening and preventive health programs: Diane L. Balma, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, S4464 [25MY]
———Phyllis Greenberger and Roberta Biegel, Society for Women's Health Research, S4464 [25MY]
———Sandra C. Raymond, National Osteoporosis Foundation, S4464 [25MY]
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act funding: National Governors' Association, S905 [29FE]
———Senator Voinovich, S1372 [9MR]
Internet Prescription Drug Consumer Protection Act: Carla J. Stovall, National Association of Attorneys General, S10621 [17OC]
———Henri R. Manasse, Jr., American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists, S10622 [17OC]
———John A. Gans, American Pharmaceutical Association, S10621 [17OC]
———Linda F. Golodner, National Consumers League, S10622 [17OC]
———Peter M. Neupert,, Inc., S10622 [17OC]
Involvement of private companies in the trafficking of fetal tissue and body parts: Representative Schaffer, E316 [15MR]
Japanese Imperial Army Disclosure Act: Senators Shelby and Bryan, Committee on Intelligence (Senate, Select), S4662 [7JN]
Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion to include parents of low-income families: several organizations, S2414 [7AP]
Medicaid coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment services for certain women screened under federally funded programs: Barbara Morrow, S2325 [6AP]
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act: Deborah F. Dietrich, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, S8853 [20SE]
———Howard Bedlin, National Council on the Aging, S8853 [20SE]
———Kenneth E. Raske, Greater New York Hospital Association, S8854 [20SE]
———Larry S. Gage, National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, S8852 [20SE]
———National Immigration Law Center, S8852 [20SE]
———Robert Greenstein, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, S8853 [20SE]
———Ronald F. Pollack, Families USA (organization), S8853 [20SE]
———Thomas J. Van Coverden, National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., S8853 [20SE]
Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program corrections relative to the Balanced Budget Act: Alliance To Save Cancer Care Access, H11224 [26OC]
———American Association of Blood Banks, American Red Cross, and America's Blood Centers (organization), H11226 [26OC]
———American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, H11221 [26OC]
———American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, H11227 [26OC]
———Ann B. Howard, American Federation of HomeCare Providers, Inc., H11221 [26OC]
———Armin D. Weinberg, Intercultural Cancer Council, H11224 [26OC]
———Bill Finerfrock, Rural Health Clinics (organization), H11218 [26OC]
———Carolyn S. Markey, Visiting Nurse Associations of America, H11221 [26OC]
———Charles B. Mullins, University of Texas, H11220 [26OC]
———Charles L. DeBrunner, National Association of Urban Critical Access Hospitals, H11218 [26OC]
———Clark R. Law, Association for Ohio Philanthropic Homes, Housing and Service for the Aging, H11222 [26OC]
———Craig A. Becker, FACHE (organization), H11219 [26OC]
———Daniel E. Smith, American Cancer Society, H11223 [26OC]
———David LaBlanc, Lifecare Management Services (organization), H11223 [26OC]
———Donald W. Fisher, American Medical Group Association, H11219 [26OC]
———Edward A. Eckenhoff, American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association, H11217 [26OC]
———Gary Goldstein, Kennedy Krieger Institute, H11218 [26OC]
———George N. Miller, Jr., Christus Jasper Memorial Hospital, H11550 [30OC]
———Geraldine Brueckner, National Association of Long Term Hospitals, H11218 [26OC]
———Howard G. Capek and Matthew J. Ripperger, U.S. Healthcare (business), H11228 [26OC]
———Howard J. Braverman, American Optometric Association, H11226 [26OC]
———Jane V. White, American Dietetic Association, H11226 [26OC]
———Jeff Immelt, General Electric Co., H11227 [26OC]
———John Davis, National Kidney Foundation, H11225 [26OC]
———John W. Corwin, Glaucoma Foundation, H11225 [26OC]
———Judith Baskins, National PACE Association, H11222 [26OC]
———Karen A. Davie, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, H11222 [26OC]
———Leah Mullin, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International, H11225 [26OC]
———Mark Covall, National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems, H11220 [26OC]
———Mary R. Grealy, Health Care Leadership Council, H11220 [26OC]
———Michael Walker, Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care, H11221 [26OC]
———Mike Dugan, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, H11225 [26OC]
———Nancy Brinker, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, H11225 [26OC]
———National Orthotic Manufacturers Association, H11227 [26OC]
———Pam Bailey, Advanced Medical Technology Association, H11227 [26OC]
———Patient Access to Transplantation Coalition, H11222 [26OC]
———Peters D. Willson, National Association of Children's Hospitals, H11218 [26OC]
———Phyllis Landrieu, Tenet Healthcare Corp., H11227 [26OC]
———Richard M. Scrushy, Health South (business), H11217 [26OC]
———Rick Pollack, American Hospital Association, S11110 [26OC], S11203 [27OC]
———Rowen K. Zetterman, American College of Gastroenterology, H11226 [26OC]
———S. Bradley Traverse, Acute Long Term Hospital Association, H11218 [26OC]
———Sam W. Cameron, Mississippi Hospital Association, H11219 [26OC]
———Thomas A. Connaughton, American Association for Homecare, H11220 [26OC]
———Thomas A. Scully, Federation of American Hospitals, H11217 [26OC]
———Thomas J. Van Coverden, National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., H11217 [26OC]
———Val J. Halamandaris, National Association for Home Care, H11220 [26OC]
———William L. Rich III, American Academy of Ophthalmology, H11226 [26OC]
———William Teutsch, Association of Surgical Technologists, H11227 [26OC]
———several Representatives, E2031 [30OC]
———several hospital and healthcare associations, H11500 [29OC]
———several religious organizations, H11222 [26OC]
Medicare coverage of augmentative communication devices: Kirsten A. Nyrop, United Cerebral Palsy Association, E753 [17MY]
———Steven A. Jaye, Sunrise Medical (business), E753 [17MY]
Medicare coverage of outpatient prescription drugs, E1882 [23OC]
———Adam Zaveski, E1179 [30JN]
———Gail Rattigan, S837 [28FE]
———Harriett Simmons, H8894 [5OC]
———Horace B. Deets, Leadership Council of Aging Organizations, E124 [10FE]
———Julia Kanopsky, H4169 [9JN]
———Louise Jarnac, H3401 [18MY]
———Mary Hudson, H9806 [11OC]
———Paul and Lois Van Valkenburgh, H8281 [27SE]
———Representative Stark, Committee on Ways and Means (House), E279 [9MR]
———Virginia Langell, H7900 [20SE]
Medicare coverage of outpatient prescription drugs and allow importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale and by U.S. citizens for personal use: President Clinton, S10524 [13OC]
Medicare reimbursement of prescription drug costs at the average wholesale price: Representative Stark, Committee on Ways and Means (House), E1620, E1622-E1624 [28SE]
Medicare Rx 2000 Act: Laurie M. Flynn, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, H5359 [28JN]
Medicare+Choice program improvements: several senior citizen organizations, S10669 [18OC]
Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) potential for water contamination: Ed Wiederstein, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, H1278 [22MR]
———Eric Vaughn, Renewable Fuels Association, H1277 [22MR]
———Leon Corzine, Illinois Corn Growers Association, H1278 [22MR]
———Lynn Jensen, National Corn Growers Association, H1277 [22MR]
National Commission for the New National Goal—The Advancement of Global Health Act: Representative Gekas, H7078 [26JY]
National Family Caregiver Support Program: Barbara Boyd, S11055 [26OC]
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Engineering Establishment Act: Donna E. Shalala, Sec. of HHS, H8268 [27SE]
National Survivors of Suicide Day: Robert Gebbia, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, S7454 [21JY]
Native Americans' self-governance enhancement relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities: Representative Bliley, Committee on Commerce (House), H6754 [24JY]
———Representative Don Young, Committee on Resources (House), H6754 [24JY]
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act: Charles M. Loveless, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, H8679 [3OC]
———Charles N. Jeffress, Dept. of Labor, S11043 [26OC]
———Representatives Ballenger and Owens, Committee on Education and the Workforce (House), S11043 [26OC]
NIH biomedical research funding: Anna D. Barker and Margaret Foti, American Association for Cancer Research, Inc., H7074 [26JY]
———Corrina P. Smith, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, Inc., H7084 [26JY]
———Cynthia Clay, H7084 [26JY]
———Darwin J. Prockop, MCP Hahnemann University, H7074 [26JY]
———David B. Moore, Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research Funding, H7074 [26JY]
———David G. Kaufman, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, H7073 [26JY]
———Eric S. Lander, Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy, H7073 [26JY]
———Gerald Litwack, Jefferson Medical College, H7074 [26JY]
———Lawrence S.B. Goldstein, University of California, San Diego, H7084 [26JY]
———Lynn Smaha, American Heart Association, H7073 [26JY]
———Rajen Dalal, Chiron Corp., H7084 [26JY]
———several Representatives, H7073 [26JY]
NIH computational techniques and software tools research funding relative to biomedical and behavioral research: Marc Smolonsky, NIH, E166 [16FE]
Nursing Home Initiative funding: Sarah Greene Burger, National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform, E956 [9JN]
Organ procurement and transplantation programs revision and extension: several Senators, S2228 [5AP]
———William D. Payne, United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), H1688 [4AP]
OSHA implementation of ergonomic regulations: Connie J. Varcasia, New York State Dept. of Labor, S5644 [22JN]
———Johnny J. Butler, Pennsylvania Dept. of Labor and Industry, S5645 [22JN]
———Peggy Taylor, AFL-CIO, H4101 [8JN]
Performance of abortions at overseas military medical facilities, S5411 [20JN]
———Edwin F. O'Brien, Archdiocese for the Military Services, U.S.A., S5408 [20JN]
Postcoital emergency contraception distribution in schools funding: John Schlitt, National Assembly on School-Based Health Care, H7823 [19SE]
Prescription drug importation into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale: John M. Rector, National Community Pharmacists Association, S7377 [20JY]
———Representative Dingell, S7206 [19JY]
———Ronald J. Streck, National Wholesale Druggists' Association, S7206 [19JY]
Prevention of prenatal HIV transmission: Guthrie S. Birkhead, New York Dept. of Health, H6975 [25JY]
Prohibit health insurance and employment discrimination on the basis of genetic information: Fran Visco, National Breast Cancer Coalition, S6071 [29JN]
———several health care organizations, S6070 [29JN]
Protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's: Representatives Dingell and Norwood, Committee on Commerce (House), S4788 [8JN]
———several individuals, H97 [1FE]
Protection of enrollees in managed health care plans and HMO's: Representative Ganske, S7516 [25JY]
``Quilts of Tears'' Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Jennie R. LeFevre, E530 [11AP]
Research and development tax credit extension: several Massachusetts businesses, S6613 [13JY]
Research on medical, biotechnological, food, and industrial uses of tobacco funding: Charles W. Steger, Virginia Tech, H5557 [29JN]
———Kenneth L. Dretchen, Georgetown University Medical Center, H5557 [29JN]
———Larry B. Wooten, North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, H5558 [29JN]
———Mary Anne Fox, North Carolina State University, H5557 [29JN]
Rural Access to Emergency Devices Act: Gayle Russell, American Heart Association, S3832 [10MY]
———Lynn A. Smaha, American Heart Association, S3833 [10MY]
San Francisco, CA, funding under Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS: Janet Heinrich, GAO, H8833 [5OC]
Senior citizen meal programs funding: Jan Bonine, National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, H9708 [11OC]
———Margot L. Clark, Meals on Wheels Association of America, H9707 [11OC]
———Michael F. Ouellette, Senior Citizens League, H9708 [11OC]
Social Security reform: Roger Zion, H3633 [23MY]
State Children's Health Insurance Program funding: Frank O'Bannon, Governor of Indiana, S5827 [27JN]
———Michael O. Leavitt and Parris N. Glendening, National Governors' Association, S5827 [27JN]
———Mike Huckabee and James B. Hunt, Jr., National Governors' Association, S5826 [27JN]
———several health care and community service organizations, S5825 [27JN]
———several Senators, S5826, S5827 [27JN]
Tax treatment of Social Security benefits: Robert Shreve, AARP, H7154 [27JY]
Transfer of appropriations from other Federal departments and agencies to fund Dept. of Justice litigation against tobacco industry: several veterans organizations, H4496 [15JN]
Tribute to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command personnel: Robert and Patricia Arnold, E269 [9MR]
Tribute to suicide hotlines and crisis centers, S5975 [28JN]
———Art Rudat, Fairfax County, VA, Police Dept., S5975 [28JN]
———Fran Fisher, Revenue Recovery Consultants, Inc., S5975 [28JN]
———Jim Barnett, Catholic Newman Association, University of Houston, S5975 [28JN]
Underage alcohol consumption: John McCamman, Committee on the Judiciary (Senate), E272 [9MR]
———Linda A. Fletcher, University of Minnesota, E272 [9MR]
Use of counter-drug military assistance for Colombia to fund domestic substance abuse and mental health services: several religious leaders, S5491 [21JN]
———several substance abuse organizations, S5489 [21JN]
Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation System funding: Thomas L. Garthwaite, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, H4872 [21JN]
Voluntary Error Reduction and Improvement in Patient Safety Act: Andrew Dreyfus, Massachusetts Hospital Association, S5270 [15JN]
———David Johnson, Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, S5270 [15JN]
Voluntary Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Act: Mark E. Litow, Milliman & Robertson, Inc., S2652 [13AP]
———Roland E. (Guy) King, King Associates (business), S2651 [13AP]
Voluntary plan under which eligible Medicare beneficiaries may elect to receive coverage for outpatient prescription drugs: Roland E. (Guy) King, King Associates (business), S1901 [29MR]
American Ambulance Association Stars of Life Award recipients, S3686 [9MY]
Americans With Disabilities Act success stories, S7638-S7640 [26JY]
Biomedical Research Caucus events, H7078 [26JY]
Cosponsors of H. Res. 437, NIH biomedical research funding, H7073 [26JY]
Cosponsors of H.R. 3573, Keep Our Promise to America's Military Retirees Act, H3324 [18MY]
Cosponsors of S. 2365, Home Health Payment Fairness Act, S8807 [20SE]
Dept. of Energy and atomic weapons employer facilities eligible for compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death, S10377 [12OC]
Dept. of Energy and atomic weapons facilities included under compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death, S4757 [8JN]
Good Shepherd (rehabilitation facility) Raker Memorial Award recipients, E388 [22MR]
Groups supporting Wellstone amendment on suicide hotline and crisis center certification programs funding to H.R. 4577, Depts. of Labor, HHS, and Education, and related agencies appropriations, S5972 [28JN]
Legislation cleared by Congress, signed into law, or en route to the President for his signature since Labor Day, S10887 [23OC]
Lehigh Valley Hospice volunteers, E473 [3AP]
Organizations supporting Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program corrections relative to the Balanced Budget Act, S11110 [26OC], S11203 [27OC]
Organizatons supporting legislation on pain management and palliative care promotion without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia, S11213 [27OC]
Patient Access to Transplantation Coalition members, H11223 [26OC]
Possible State losses of State-Children's Health Insurance Program funds, S7892 [27JY]
Supporters of exempting agricultural products, medicines, and medical products from U.S. economic sanctions, S7604 [26JY]
Supporters of H. Res. 437, NIH biomedical research funding, H7074 [26JY]
Supporters of H.R. 3826, Global Health Act, E225 [2MR]
Voluntary Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Act savings for monthly expenses, S2653 [13AP]
Bankruptcy and Debts Incurred as a Result of Abortion Clinic Violence: Robin Jeweler, Congressional Research Service, S11695 [7DE]
Bankruptcy Reform Legislation Relative to Abortion Clinic Violence: Robin Jeweler, Congressional Research Service, S11414 [31OC], S11464 [1NO]
Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Program: Dept. of Education, H4289-H4291 [13JN]
Congressional Legislation on Chronic Beryllium Disease: Representative Kaptur, H4014-H4016 [7JN]
Is Quality of Care Affected by Hospital and Physician Volumes? Lisa Shulman, E9 [27JA]
Little Scholars Child Development Center Employee Benefits: Teresa Smith, Library of Congress, S4358 [24MY]
Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Potential for Water Contamination: EPA, H1274 [22MR]
Physician Prescribing Practices in Japan, E1620 [28SE]
Postcoital Emergency Contraception Distribution in Schools: Congressional Research Service, S6095 [29JN]
———Kenneth R. Thomas, Congressional Research Service, S6095 [29JN]
Quality Health-Care Coalition Act: Morton Rosenberg, Congressional Research Service, H5633-H5635 [29JN]
Abortion: prohibit partial-birth abortions (H.R. 3660), H1799 [5AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (S. 1692), H3829 [25MY]
Correctional institutions: combat the overutilization of prison health care services and control prisoner health care costs (S. 704), H7811 [19SE]
Immigration: waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (S. 2812), H9548 [10OC]
Medicaid: coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), H9847 [12OC]
Medicare: make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), H5383, H5397, H5398 [28JN]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), consideration (H. Res. 539), H5303, H5316, H5317 [28JN]
National objectives: policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (H.R. 2990), H67 [31JA], H129 [1FE]
Public Health Service Act: provide certain children's health services (H.R. 4365), H8209 [27SE]
Opinion polls
Prescription drug plan for stronger Medicare: Glen Bolger, Public Opinion Strategies (business), S4975 [13JN]
Democratic proposal on Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program corrections relative to the Balanced Budget Act: Representatives Rangel and Dingell, H11553 [30OC]
Graduate Physician Training Positions: Dept. of Veterans Affairs, S7785 [27JY]
Needs of Mentally Ill Children in the Juvenile Justice System: Joy Cunningham, H6580 [19JY]
On the Commodification of Medicine: Senator Moynihan, S7207-S7210 [19JY]
``Chant for Surplus Justice,'' Representative Owens, E1218 [13JY]
Press releases
Agricultural Products, Medicines, and Medical Products Exemption From U.S. Economic Sanctions: Missouri Pork Producers Association, S10691 [18OC]
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act: National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, H8158 [26SE]
FTC Charges Drug Manufacturers With Stifling Competition in Two Prescription Drug Markets: FTC, H5309 [28JN]
House To Decide Whether Americans Should Be Told the Truth About the Most Common STD, Human Papilloma Virus: Medical Institute on Human Papilloma Virus, H2692 [9MY]
Protection of Enrollees in Managed Care Plans and HMO's: AMA, S4788 [8JN]
Kids Day America/International: Senator Santorum, S4186 [18MY]
National Biotechnology Month: President Clinton, S60 [26JA]
Medicare use of additional projected surplus funds to supplement funding previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act: Senate Democratic Caucus, S7784 [27JY]
Questions and answers
Medicare coverage of outpatient prescription drugs: Senators Domenici and Graham, S5646 [22JN]
Hospital Outpatient Department prospective payment system for prescription drugs: Health Care Financing Administration, E1276 [19JY]
Remarks in House
Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund: allocate accruing interest to cover health care costs for certain miners, H8647 [3OC]
———allocate accruing interest to cover health care costs for certain miners (H.R. 4144), E467 [30MR]
Abortion: pro choice versus right to life, H185 [2FE], H379, H414 [15FE], E140, E145 [15FE]
———prohibit certain late-term abortions, H1787, H1788, H1791, H1797 [5AP], E515 [6AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions except to avert serious long-term physical health consequences for the mother, H1799 [5AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (H.R. 3660), H1681 [4AP], H1768, H1779-H1801 [5AP], E509, E515 [6AP], E548 [12AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (H.R. 3660), consideration (H. Res. 457), H1771-H1779 [5AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (H.R. 3660), motion to recommit, H1799 [5AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (S. 1692), H3829 [25MY]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (S. 1692), insert H.R. 3660 language in lieu, H3829 [25MY]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (S. 1692), motion to instruct conferees, H3829 [25MY]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions (S. 1692), motion to recommit, H3830 [25MY]
———provide that the inferior courts do not have jurisdiction to hear partial-birth abortion-related cases (H.R. 3691), E151 [16FE]
Adams, Celi: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader award recipient, E976 [12JN]
Africa: HIV/AIDS prevention programs funding for sub-Saharan Africa, H5895, H5896, H5899, H5900, H5907, H5915, H5918-H5921, H5923, H5933-H5939 [12JY], H5992 [13JY], E734 [16MY], E1235, E1243, E1249 [14JY], E1275 [19JY]
African Americans: access to health care professions, H502, H503 [16FE]
———contributions to health and science fields, E229 [6MR]
African Development Fund: funding, H6024 [13JY]
Agriculture: eliminate use of antibiotic drugs in livestock unless there is a reasonable certainty of no harm to human health, H6359 [18JY]
AID: Directly Observed Treatment (DOTS) Tuberculosis Control Program funding, H937 [14MR]
———international tuberculosis control funding through reductions in the Asian Development Fund, H5939-H5941 [12JY]
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.: tribute to Project Alpha, H8899-H8902 [5OC]
Amarillo, TX: Amarillo VA Health Care System recipient of Dept. of Veterans Affairs Robert W. Carey Quality Award, E1663 [4OC]
American Association of Dental Schools: tribute, E419 [27MR]
American Association of People With Disabilities: tribute, H6757 [24JY]
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin: tribute, E696 [10MY]
American Red Cross: anniversary of Blood Services in Connecticut, E1096 [23JN]
———tribute to Northeastern Pennsylvania Blood Program, E230 [6MR]
Americans With Disabilities Act: anniversary, H6756 [24JY], H6995-H6999 [25JY], H7065, H7066 [26JY], E998 [14JN], E1218 [13JY], E1331, E1344, E1371 [27JY], E1434 [7SE]
Angola, LA: Louisiana State Penitentiary hospice program recipient of the American Hospital Association Circle of Life Award, E691 [10MY]
Antitrust policy: application of antitrust laws to labor negotiations by groups of health care professionals with HMO's (H.R. 1304), H3416 [19MY], H3756-H3763 [24MY], H3860-H3863 [25MY], H5440, H5627-H5652 [29JN], E1185, E1189, E1191 [10JY]
———application of antitrust laws to labor negotiations by groups of health care professionals with HMO's (H.R. 1304), consideration (H. Res. 542), H5617-H5626 [29JN]
Argue, Mandy: American Ambulance Association Star of Life award recipient, E674 [9MY]
Armed Forces: improve TRICARE program, H3190, H3191, H3195, H3198, H3200, H3201 [17MY]
———performance of abortions at overseas military medical facilities, H3347-H3350 [18MY]
———provide improved benefits training to members to enhance retention, E1789 [13OC]
———provide that covered beneficiaries shall not be required to pay a copayment for health care services received under TRICARE Prime (H.R. 3565), H333 [10FE], E159 [16FE]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services, H3189, H3198 [17MY], H3323 [18MY], H8050 [25SE], H9643, H9647, H9650, H9653, H9655-H9666 [11OC]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services (H.R. 3573), H240 [8FE], H380, H417 [15FE], H613 [1MR], H928 [13MR], H1140 [21MR], H11588 [30OC]
———suspend anthrax vaccination immunization program until it is determined to be safe and effective, H3151 [16MY]
Asheville, NC: VA Medical Center Alzheimer's disease funding, H10382 [19OC]
Back to Health Week: observance, E529 [11AP]
Baier, Robert E.: Cleveland State University Alumni Association Outstanding Engineer Award recipient, E1110 [26JN]
Ballantine, Morley C.: Colorado Governor's Commission on National Community Service and the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy Outstanding Philanthropist award recipient, E1642 [2OC]
Baltimore, MD: needle exchange program, H3643 [23MY]
Bankruptcy: ensure debts incurred as a result of abortion clinic violence are nondischargeable, H9835, H9836 [12OC]
Bayne, Martin K.: tribute to establishment of ``A Weekend of Giving Care, A Lifetime of Commitment'', E1852 [19OC]
Beaches: improve quality of coastal recreation waters (H.R. 999), H8132-H8136 [26SE]
Beascochea, Valerie: U.S. National Collegiate Award in Nursing recipient, E986 [13JN]
Beaumont, TX: anniversary of Southerland Head Start Program, E536 [11AP]
Berger Health System (business): Circle of Caring Program recipient of American Hospital Association Hospital Award for Volunteer Excellence, E688 [10MY]
Berkeley, CA: tribute to opening of Over 60 Health Center, Center for Elders Independence, and the Mable Howard Apartments, E780 [19MY]
Bethesda, MD: anniversary of NIH Children's Inn, E1374 [27JY]
Beyond Cancer—Journeys of the Human Spirit: tribute to photographic exhibit, H8629 [3OC]
BIA: insure equitable distribution of Indian Health Service medical assistance payments to underfunded tribes, H4475 [14JN]
Brain Tumor Awareness Week: observance, H2415 [3MY]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: observance, H8595 [2OC], H9850 [12OC], E1907 [25OC]
Brooklyn, NY: tribute to Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, E88 [8FE]
Broward County, FL: Broward County Fire Rescue recipient of the Florida Dept. of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services EMS Injury Prevention Agency of the Year, E1831 [19OC]
Budget: allocation of funds, H258, H268-H275 [9FE]
———ensure Medicare coverage of prescription drugs prior to consideration of any tax cuts, H1976-H1984 [10AP]
———ensure solvency of Social Security and Medicare, H258, H260 [9FE], H516 [29FE]
———treatment of any budget surpluses, H259 [9FE], H1251-H1264 [22MR]
Bureau of Justice Statistics: establish a task force to gather information about, study, and report on incidents of abandonment of infant children (H.R. 4222), H2022, H2024 [11AP]
Business and industry: clarify statute of repose for durable goods relative to existing State statutes of limitation and assertion of claims for remediation of environmental hazards, H182 [2FE]
———clarify statute of repose for durable goods relative to industry standards at the time of production, H183 [2FE]
———establish a statute of repose for durable goods (H.R. 2005), H173-H184 [2FE], E95 [8FE]
———establish a statute of repose for durable goods (H.R. 2005), amendment process, H7 [27JA]
———establish a statute of repose for durable goods (H.R. 2005), consideration (H. Res. 412), H171-H173 [2FE]
———establish a statute of repose for durable goods (H.R. 2005), corrections in engrossment, H184 [2FE]
———involvement of private companies in the trafficking of fetal tissue and body parts, H759, H761, H762 [9MR], H1081 [16MR], E315 [15MR]
———require large employers to notify their employees of the amount paid by the employer for employee health coverage (H.R. 5440), E1766 [12OC]
Canada: national health care system, H93 [1FE]
Capital punishment: prohibit the execution of pregnant women (H.R. 4888), H6792-H6797 [25JY]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: childhood immunization programs funding, H4194, H4195 [12JN]
———children's health programs funding, H4307 [13JN]
———chronic and environmental disease programs funding, H4286 [13JN]
Child Heart Awareness Day: observance, E125 [14FE]
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: observance, H7505, H7506, H7507 [13SE], H7582, H7583 [14SE], H7742 [19SE], E1555 [21SE]
Children and youth: authorize grants for education programs to combat inhalant abuse, H3751 [24MY]
———establish national policy on youth development (H.R. 5250), E1556 [21SE]
———improve health and safety of children receiving child care outside the home, H8249, H8255 [27SE]
———increase State immunization programs funding (H. Con. Res. 315), H2486 [3MY]
———increase the availability, affordability, and quality of child care, H7974 [21SE]
———mental health services funding, H4201-H4203 [12JN], H6576-H6582 [19JY]
———mental health services (H.R. 3455), H8249 [27SE]
———protect infants who are born alive (H.R. 4292), H7006 [26JY], H7901 [20SE], H7967 [21SE], H8154-H8162 [26SE], E1647 [2OC], E1706 [6OC]
———provide health insurance for uninsured children, H19 [27JA], H367 [14FE]
———use of State Children's Health Insurance Program funds, H8038-H8040 [25SE]
Civil liberties: protect the privacy of personally identifiable health information (H.R. 1941), E1652 [3OC], E2037 [31OC]
Clark County, NV: closing of abandoned mines, H8000 [25SE]
Cleveland, OH: tribute to St. Michael's Hospital, E1217 [13JY]
Coalition on Domestic Violence: tribute, E1762 [12OC]
Colleges and universities: discourage alcohol abuse on campus, E1629 [28SE]
———tribute to Century Council and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for development of the Alcohol 101 interactive CD-ROM program, E569 [13AP], E661 [4MY]
Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind (nonprofit organization): anniversary, E2131 [6DE]
Committee on Government Reform (House): release of Minority Staff report on condition of nursing homes in Texas, E2104 [14NO]
———review of health care activities, E2230 [15DE]
Committee on Science (House): release of report on plant genome science, H2016 [11AP]
Community Healthcare Network (organization): American Hospital Association NOVA Award recipient, E716 [11MY]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act: revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (H.R. 4807), H6962-H6980 [25JY], E1349 [27JY]
———revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (S. 2311), H8818-H8847, H8895, H8899 [5OC], E1714 [6OC], E1752 [12OC]
———revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (S. 2311), consideration (H. Res. 611), H8817, H8818 [5OC]
Computers: make computer security and telemedicine priorities in research and development funding, H405 [15FE]
Concord, NC: tribute to Five Oaks Nursing Home, E721 [15MY]
Congress: accomplishments of the 106th Congress, H1 [24JA], H5848, H5850 [12JY], H6783 [25JY], H8300 [27SE], H11784, H11786, H11787, H11788, H11792, H11793, H11796-H11803 [2NO], E2029 [30OC]
Congressional Rural Caucus: reestablishment to address issues impacting rural areas, H954, H955, H956, H957, H959 [14MR], E306, E307, E309 [14MR]
Controlled Substances Act: civil liability for illegal manufacturers and distributors of controlled substances (H.R. 1042), H9535-H9537 [10OC]
Correctional institutions: authorize funding for successful reentry of criminal offenders into local communities (H.R. 5563), E1959 [27OC]
———combat the overutilization of prison health care services and control prisoner health care costs (H.R. 1349), H7806-H7811 [19SE]
———combat the overutilization of prison health care services and control prisoner health care costs (S. 704), H7810 [19SE]
———combat the overutilization of prison health care services and control prisoner health care costs (S. 704), insert H.R. 1349 language in lieu, H7811 [19SE]
Courts: establish legal standards and procedures for the fair, prompt, inexpensive, and efficient resolution of asbestos exposure personal injury claims (H.R. 1283), E752 [17MY]
———restore the Federal civil rights remedy for victims of gender-motivated violence (H.R. 5021), H8094, H8095 [26SE], E1359 [27JY]
CPSC: increase civil and criminal penalties imposed against companies that fail to report information on defective or dangerous products (H.R. 4586), E900 [6JN]
Crime: ensure that older or disabled persons are protected from institutional, community, and domestic violence, and sexual assault, H9035 [6OC]
Cuba: exception to trade embargo for food, medicines and medical supplies, instruments, or equipment, H3530 [23MY], H6699-H6703 [20JY], H7145, H7146 [27JY]
———export of U.S. medical supplies, H14 [27JA]
Customs Service: monitoring for radioactivity in imported scrap metals funding through reductions in the Dept. of the Treasury Inspector General's office, H6645-H6647 [20JY]
Davis, Sampson: Congressional Community Service Award recipient, E1031 [15JN]
DEA: funding to assist State and local efforts to clean up methamphetamine laboratories, H5046, H5071 [23JN], H11291 [26OC], E474 [3AP]
Deafness Research Foundation: tribute to efforts to raise awareness through the National Campaign for Hearing Health, E2178 [13DE]
Death and dying: comparision between medical-related deaths and accidental firearm deaths, H1682 [4AP]
———promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia, H11211, H11212, H11252, H11261 [26OC]
———use of alternative medicine and hospice care to improve end of life care, E2230 [15DE]
DeCambra, Ho'oipo: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader award recipient, E1455 [13SE]
Democratic Party: national agenda, H10 [27JA], H168 [2FE], H10814 [25OC], E2004 [28OC]
Denver, CO: tribute to National Jewish Medical and Research Center for inclusion in U.S. News & World Report's (publication) ``America's Best Hospitals'' list, E1273 [19JY]
Dept. of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service emergency funding, H5552-H5555 [29JN]
———research on medical, biotechnological, food, and industrial uses of tobacco funding, H5556, H5557 [29JN]
———senior citizen meal programs funding through reductions in Food for Peace Program, H5588-H5591 [29JN]
———Shipping Fever Research Project funding, H5772 [11JY]
Dept. of Defense: allow Medicare-eligible military health care system beneficiaries to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, H3191 [17MY]
———authorize comparison study of coverage of physical, speech, and occupational therapies under TRICARE, CHAMPUS, Medicare, and the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, H3278 [17MY]
———Biology, Education, Screening, Chemoprevention, and Treatment Lung Cancer Program funding, H3981 [7JN]
———Disaster Relief and Emergency Medical Services Program funding, H3981 [7JN]
———funding, H1486, H1490, H1492, H1493, H1504, H1509, H1511, H1547-H1552 [29MR]
———impact of spending reductions on social and domestic programs, H3965 [7JN], E391 [22MR]
———make certain improvements to the military health care system, H1310, H1323, H1333, H1335, H1350, H1381, H1393, H1398 [23MR], H3978, H3979 [7JN]
———military health care programs funding through reductions in the national missile defense system, H3999-H4002 [7JN]
———Peer-Reviewed Breast Cancer Research Program funding, H6539 [19JY], E942 [9JN]
———require research into presence of squalene antibodies in the blood of Persian Gulf Conflict veterans, H143 [1FE], H909 [9MR], H4016 [7JN]
———TRICARE senior pharmacy program funding through reductions in the national missile defense system, H3992-H3999 [7JN]
———use available funds to implement special supplemental food benefit program for personnel stationed overseas, H9663 [11OC]
———use available funds to implement special supplemental food benefit program for personnel stationed overseas (H.R. 1779), H1551 [29MR]
Dept. of Energy: establish compensation for employees at the Los Alamos, NM, facility sustaining beryllium, radiation-related, asbestos, and hazardous substances injury, illness, or death (H.R. 4263), H2184 [12AP], E585 [13AP]
———establish compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death, H3326, H3374-H3377 [18MY], H4014 [7JN], H8286 [27SE], H9644-H9648, H9658, H9662 [11OC], E791 [19MY]
———establish compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death (H.R. 5189), E1489 [14SE]
Dept. of HHS: Consolidated Health Centers Program funding, H4104 [8JN]
———establish an Office on Men's Health (H.R. 4653), E1003 [14JN]
———establish an Office on Women's Health (H.R. 4483), E749 [17MY]
———establish Office of Correctional Health (H.R. 4443), E715 [11MY]
———Inner City Cardiac Satellite Demonstration Project funding, H4236 [13JN]
———make cash awards to private entities that discover drugs that cure or prevent diseases that are a national priority (H.R. 4525), E818 [24MY]
———Medicare+Choice organizations funding, H5423 [28JN]
———nullify rule relative to the centralization of organ allocation policies, H1716-H1722 [4AP]
———prohibit funding to Medicare+Choice organizations that fail to comply with certain requirements of the Social Security Act, H4287, H4288 [13JN]
———review of Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network rules and policies, H1702-H1711 [4AP]
———senior citizens programs funding, H4297-H4300 [13JN]
Dept. of HUD: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Program funding through reductions in NSF funding, H4751, H4753 [20JN], E1078 [22JN], E1149 [29JN]
———improve the quality of housing for the elderly and disabled, E1225 [13JY]
Dept. of Justice: abortion services for women in Federal prison funding, H5021-H5027 [22JN]
———transfer of appropriations from other Federal departments and agencies to fund litigation against tobacco industry, H3966 [7JN], H4491-H4498 [15JN], H4619, H4632-H4651 [19JN], H4735, H4736 [20JN], H5039-H5046 [23JN], H11290 [26OC], E1062 [20JN], E1167, E1169 [30JN]
Dept. of Transportation: conduct study to determine ways to reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage caused by backing vehicles, E1366 [27JY]
———require study of air quality on airplanes, H1023 [15MR]
Dept. of Veterans Affairs: ensure compensation rates for the service-connected loss of a breast due to a mastectomy are comparable to rates for the loss of use of a creative organ, H6785 [25JY]
———establish an outpatient clinic in Georgia's 7th Congressional District, H4775 [20JN]
———establish presumption of service connection for a stroke or heart attack incurred or aggravated while performing inactive duty training, H6785 [25JY]
———establish presumption of service connection for a stroke or heart attack incurred or aggravated while performing inactive duty training (H.R. 3816), H9944 [17OC]
———health care and research funding, H4868-H4870 [21JN]
———improve health care programs and provide extended care services for veterans (H.R. 2116), conference report, H705 [8MR]
———improve inpatient medical care services to veterans in areas remote from VA medical facilities, H7962, H7963 [21SE]
———improve outreach program to more fully inform veterans of available benefits, H4887 [21JN]
———improve outreach program to more fully inform veterans of available benefits (H.R. 3256), H7007 [26JY]
———Joslin Vision Center funding, H10387, H10389 [19OC]
———medical research funding through reductions in EPA programs and management, H4724, H4731, H4733 [20JN]
———medical research funding through reductions in NASA programs, H4724, H4730, H4732, H4733, H4734 [20JN]
———motor vehicle reimbursement rates for veterans traveling to VA health care facilities (H.R. 4716), E1072 [21JN]
———provide home test kits to veterans exposed to the hepatitis C virus, H2096 [11AP]
———require report on mental illness research, education, and clinical centers, H4867, H4868 [21JN]
———State Extended Care Facilities Construction Grant Program funding through reductions in NASA programs, H4729-H4734 [20JN]
———Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation System funding, H4870-H4877 [21JN], E1095 [23JN]
Detroit, MI: anniversary of the Gray Panthers of Metro Detroit, E1538 [20SE]
Developing countries: increase assistance to nations with high levels of infectious disease and premature death (H.R. 3826), H751, H752 [8MR], H1855 [6AP], E223 [2MR]
Disabled: improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (H.R. 4920), H6973, H6980-H6999 [25JY], E1386 [27JY], E1423 [7SE]
———improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (H.R. 4920), corrections in engrossment, H7177 [27JY]
———improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (S. 1809), H330 [10FE], H9769-H9787 [11OC], E110 [10FE]
———improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (S. 1809), corrections in enrollment (S. Con. Res. 133), H9787 [11OC]
Discrimination: prohibit health insurance and employment discrimination on the basis of genetic information (H.R. 2457), H6605, H6606 [20JY]
Diseases: AIDS epidemic, H7283 [7SE]
———assist mother-to-child HIV/AIDS transmission prevention efforts (H.R. 4665), E1541 [20SE]
———cervical cancer research funding, E875 [25MY]
———collect data on benign brain-related tumors through the national program of cancer registries (H.R. 5204), E1526 [19SE]
———Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy research funding, H8249, H8255, H8257, H8262, H8263 [27SE]
———establish Alzheimer's disease clinical research and training awards, E930 [9JN]
———establish an international trust fund to combat the AIDS epidemic (H.R. 3519), H2380-H2387 [2MY], H3016-H3025, H3032, H3033 [15MY], H7177-H7181 [27JY], E734 [16MY], E1541 [20SE]
———establish autism diagnostic research centers, H8252 [27SE]
———establish national system of screening newborn infants for hereditary disorders (H.R. 5260), E1555 [21SE], E1572 [22SE]
———establishment and operation of asthma treatment services for children, H2691, H2714 [9MY], H8251, H8261 [27SE]
———expand research activities relative to lupus, H11313 [26OC]
———expand research activities relative to lupus (H.R. 762), H9532-H9535 [10OC], E1750 [12OC], E1784 [13OC]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research, H6068-H6071 [17JY]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research (H.R. 4069), H1289 [23MR]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research (H.R. 4796), H11199 [26OC], E1167 [30JN]
———frequency of antibiotic use relative to increase in drug resistant infectious disease, H6359 [18JY]
———HIV/AIDS research and prevention programs funding, H7065 [26JY]
———human genome research, H3854 [25MY], E1118 [26JN]
———impact of cancer, H6039-H6041 [13JY]
———importance of addressing HIV/AIDS crisis in Latin American countries and among Hispanic Americans, E408 [23MR]
———importance of education, early detection, and treatment in the prevention of breast cancer (H. Res. 278), H8634-H8638, H8657 [3OC]
———increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis (H. Con. Res. 271), H10454-H10457 [19OC]
———increase public awareness of tuberous sclerosis (H. Con. Res. 337), E861 [25MY]
———increased support and funding to combat diabetes, E493 [5AP], E510 [6AP]
———increased support and funding to combat juvenile diabetes (H. Con. Res. 321), E687 [10MY]
———international tuberculosis control funding, H8064 [26SE]
———international tuberculosis control (H.R. 4057), H1769 [5AP], H4224 [13JN], E407 [23MR]
———lung cancer research funding, E755 [17MY]
———Parkinson's disease research programs funding, H1250 [22MR], H6539 [19JY]
———pediatric cancer research funding, H4126 [9JN]
———prohibit Federal funding of HIV testing unless individuals are informed of the results (H.R. 5615), E2053 [1NO]
———provide additional assistance for international malaria control programs and coordinate assistance relative to malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis (S. 2943), H11297-H11302 [26OC], H11399 [27OC], H12504-H12508 [15DE]
———recognize fragile X as the most common inherited cause of mental retardation, and as a powerful research model for other disorders, and urge increased research funding, H2714, H2715 [9MY]
———recognize the severity of colon cancer and the need for education in prevention and early detection (H. Con. Res. 133), H8686-H8688 [3OC]
———reduce burden of diabetes among children and youth, H8250 [27SE]
———revise and extend Medicaid programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS, H11527 [30OC]
———support Angleman's Syndrome research, E1805 [17OC]
———support efforts to increase childhood cancer awareness, treatment, and research, E1486 [14SE]
———support efforts to increase childhood cancer awareness, treatment, and research (H. Res. 576), H8270-H8272 [27SE]
District of Columbia: inclusion of conscience clause in legislation mandating coverage of contraceptives by health insurance plans, H7055-H7058 [26JY], H7176 [27JY], H7583, H7584 [14SE]
———prohibit location of needle exchange programs within 1,000 feet of areas where children may be present, H7588-H7590 [14SE], H8752, H8753 [4OC]
———prohibit needle exchange programs funding, H7031, H7032, H7034, H7035, H7050-H7053 [26JY], H7283 [7SE]
———prohibit possession of tobacco products by minors, H7584-H7588 [14SE]
District of Columbia Health and Hospitals Public Benefit Corp.: funding, H7041 [26JY]
Dove Creek, CO: tribute to Dove Creek Community Health Clinic, E1946 [26OC]
Drug abuse: combat ``Ecstasy'' production, abuse, and imports, and increase education and awareness on dangers, H8251 [27SE]
———combat methamphetamine production and abuse, H1482, H1540, H1541 [29MR], E461, E464, E468 [30MR], E2221 [15DE]
———national drug control policy, H158-H163 [1FE], H437-H442 [15FE], H610, H614 [1MR], H979-H983 [14MR], H1062 [15MR], H1080 [16MR], H1468-H1473 [28MR], H1746-H1751 [4AP], H2115-H2120 [11AP], H2763-H2768 [9MY], H3165-H3169 [16MY], H3642-H3646 [23MY], H3913-H3918 [6JN], H4333 [13JN], H4776-H4779 [20JN], H5741, H5836-H5841 [11JY], H6042-H6047 [13JY], H6461-H6466 [18JY], H7248-H7253 [6SE], H7864-H7868 [19SE], H8192-H8195 [26SE], H8909-H8914 [5OC], H9897 [12OC], H9910 [17OC], H11777-H11779 [1NO]
Drugs: allow importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale and by U.S. citizens for personal use, H7875 [20SE], H7937, H7938 [21SE], H8206 [27SE], H9638, H9639, H9670, H9672-H9680, H9693-H9708 [11OC], H10394 [19OC], E1866 [19OC], E1891 [24OC], E1903 [25OC]
———clarify application of Federal controlled substances laws in States that authorize medical use of marijuana and other drugs (H.R. 4802), E1176 [30JN]
———discrepancy in prescription drug prices between U.S. and foreign countries, H5427-H5433 [28JN], H5849 [12JY], H7875, H7907-H7914 [20SE], H8052, H8053 [25SE], H11753 [1NO], E1460 [13SE]
———enhance competition for prescription drugs by increasing enforcement of existing antitrust laws relative to brand name and generic drugs (H.R. 5235), E1538 [20SE]
———enhance consumer protection in the purchase of prescription drugs from Internet pharmacies (H.R. 5476), E1808 [17OC]
———pharmaceutical industry research and development costs, E10 [27JA], E531 [11AP]
———pharmaceutical industry research and development costs disclosure, H5774 [11JY]
———reductions in prescription drug prices, H2096 [11AP]
———registration requirements for practitioners who dispense narcotic drugs for maintenance or detoxification treatment (H.R. 2634), H6374-H6377 [18JY]
———require pharmaceutical industry to disclose average prices charged for drugs in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, H5775, H5776 [11JY]
———review of immunization and vaccine programs, E2230 [15DE]
———substance abuse prevention and treatment programs funding, H1524-H1540 [29MR]
———treatment of gamma y-hydroxybutyrate and ketamine hydrochloride relative to the Controlled Substances Act (H.R. 2130), H55-H62 [31JA]
Eckerd Corp.: sponsorship of ``Drug Quiz Show'' drug abuse education program, E598 [2MY]
Economy: roles of Congress and the Clinton administration in the current economic situation, H7563-H7569 [13SE]
Eden Institute: anniversary, E935 [9JN]
Education: raise awareness, and create educational programs, concerning eating disorders (H.R. 3928), H1053 [15MR]
Edwards Life Sciences (business): tribute, E493 [5AP]
EII, Inc.: tribute to employee safety and health programs, E1397, E1399 [6SE]
El Paso, TX: recognition of Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe by National Concilio de la Raza as ``Nation's Best Clinic'', H6783 [25JY]
———tribute to Dept. of Veterans Affairs Vet Center, H7007 [26JY]
Elliott, Micheal: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader award recipient, E1004 [14JN]
Emergency services: firefighting and emergency medical services funding, H1473 [28MR], H1492, H1578-H1582 [29MR], H1592-H1594 [30MR], H1757-H1761 [4AP], H12486 [15DE], E475 [3AP]
Employment: clarify overtime exemption for emergency medical services personnel (H.R. 4405), E680 [9MY]
———limit the number of overtime hours of licensed health care employees (H.R. 5179), E1480 [14SE]
EPA: radon in drinking water regulations, H4867 [21JN]
Executive Office of the President: tribute to Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults With Disabilities, H6757 [24JY]
Fairfax, VA: tribute to Distributive Education Clubs of America Robinson Secondary School Chapter for Automatic External Defibrillators education initiatives, E572 [13AP]
Families and domestic relations: demonstration projects to support State and local efforts to provide partial or full wage replacement for childbirth, adoption, or other caregiving needs (H.R. 2500), H7974 [21SE]
———expand tax credits and grant programs to increase affordability, quality, and safety of child care, H3932 [7JN]
Family and Medical Leave Act: improve implementation and clarify definition of ``serious medical condition'' (H.R. 4499), E788 [19MY]
FDA: assessment of allergenicity of genetically engineered foods, H5594-H5596 [29JN]
———Center for Veterinary Research funding for antibiotic drugs for livestock, H5684, H5685 [10JY], H5817 [11JY], E1209 [11JY], E1760 [12OC]
———establish a tolerance for the presence of methyl mercury in seafood (H.R. 5514), E1860 [19OC]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco, H7087-H7090 [26JY], E1169 [30JN]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (H.R. 4042), H1127 [21MR], E371 [21MR]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (H.R. 4207), H1847-H1849 [5AP], H2114 [11AP], H2503 [3MY]
———investigate drug manufacturer pricing practices relative to Medicare, E1655 [3OC], E1764 [12OC], E1792 [13OC]
———investigation of drug manufacturer pricing practices relative to Medicare and Medicaid, E1882 [23OC], E2033, E2037 [31OC]
———prohibit funding to prevent importation into the U.S. of certain approved drugs, H5696-H5700, H5705-H5709 [10JY], E1198 [11JY]
———prohibit funding to vaccine-related advisory committees that grant conflicts of interest waivers, H5777-H5779 [11JY]
———restrict authority to issue clinical holds on investigational drugs or to deny patients expanded access to such drugs (H.R. 3677), E2230 [15DE]
———review of Tulane University Medical School research on the presence of squalene antibodies in the blood of Persian Gulf Conflict veterans, H5534 [29JN]
———study health effects of radiofrequency emissions from wireless telephones (H.R. 4610), E934 [9JN]
———Supreme Court decision relative to jurisdiction over tobacco, H1288 [23MR]
———testing and recall of genetically engineered livestock feed sold for human consumption, H7741 [19SE]
Federal employees: enable the Government to enroll an employee's child in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program when the employee fails to provide coverage for the child under a State court order (H.R. 2842), H7760-H7762 [19SE]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (H.R. 4040), H2667-H2675 [9MY], H7181-H7188 [27JY]
———increase leave time relative to services as an organ donor (H.R. 457), H354 [14FE]
———treatment of Government physicians' comparability allowances as basic pay for retirement purposes (H.R. 207), H11697-H11699 [31OC], E2057 [1NO]
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: coverage of abortion procedures, H6658-H6663 [20JY]
Federal-State relations: reduce State and local costs due to unfunded Federal mandates relative to Medicare Rx 2000 Act, H5301, H5302 [28JN]
Financial institutions: encourage acceptance of environmentally sound processes for dry and wet cleaning as safe investments (H. Con. Res. 383), E1369 [27JY]
———strengthen consumer control over use and disclosure of personal financial and health information (H.R. 4380), E652, E653 [4MY]
———strengthen consumer control over use and disclosure of personal financial and health information (H.R. 4585), H6606 [20JY]
Fishbone, Gerald and Marilyn: Greater New Haven, CT, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Living and Giving Award recipients, E521 [10AP]
Florence, WI: tribute to Food, Fun, and Fitness Summer Program, E454 [30MR]
Food: improve safety of shell eggs, H5771, H5772 [11JY]
———repeal labeling requirements on foods containing saccharin (H.R. 5668), E2237 [15DE]
———require labels on food that contains, or is produced with, a genetically engineered material, H5782, H5783 [11JY]
Food Allergy Awareness Week: observance, E668 [8MY]
Food industry: safety of genetically engineered foods (H.R. 3883), E2054 [1NO], E2072 [2NO]
Foreign aid: HIV/AIDS programs funding through reductions in the International Development Association, H5941, H5942 [12JY]
———infant and child health programs funding, H5897 [12JY]
Foreign countries: exempt agricultural products, medicines, and medical products from U.S. economic sanctions, H5415-H5421 [28JN], H5456, H5457 [29JN], H9670-H9672, H9678, H9679, H9690, H9692, H9694-H9708 [11OC]
———require congressional approval of U.S. economic sanctions on agricultural products, medicines, and medical products, H5691, H5723 [10JY]
Foreign policy: global childhood nutrition programs funding, E1389 [27JY]
———prohibit any agent of the U.S. from pressuring African countries to change or revoke laws aimed at increasing access to HIV/AIDS drugs, H2587 [4MY], E734 [16MY]
Gagne, Len: tribute to efforts relative to delivery of prescription drugs to military retirees in Oregon, H928 [13MR]
Genetics: limitations on disclosure and use of genetic information, H3912 [6JN], E1272 [19JY]
Goode, Richard: University of California, Santa Barbara Alumni Association Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, E1092 [23JN]
Gore, Vice President: remarks on the execution of pregnant inmates, H6473 [19JY]
Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc.: anniversary, E1558 [21SE]
Guam: public health dangers associated with PCBs and mustard gas vials, H8598 [2OC]
Hamlett, Brenda Butler: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader award recipient, E944 [9JN]
Harvey, Michael: American Ambulance Association Star of Life award recipient, E924 [9JN]
Hassan, Fred: Seton Hall University School of Diplomacy and International Relations Global Citizen Award recipient, E2130 [5DE]
Hazardous substances: designate Yucca Mountain, NV, as nuclear waste disposal site, H704 [8MR], H1188-H1197 [22MR]
———increase funding for poison control centers and establish toll-free telephone number to improve access (S. 632), H230-H233, H237 [8FE]
Health care facilities: authorize grants to carry out organ recovery rate improvement programs in eligible hospitals (H.R. 5464), E1787 [13OC]
———guidelines for the use of therapeutic restraints, H8250, H8255, H8260 [27SE]
———payments to children's hospitals that operate graduate medical education programs, H8254 [27SE]
———provide relief for essential hospitals in certain regions and assist in the long-range economic recovery of such hospitals (H.R. 4622), H4171 [9JN]
———provide relief for essential hospitals in certain regions and assist in the long-range economic recovery of such hospitals (H.R. 5228), E1546 [20SE]
Health Care Financing Administration: oversight of Medicare contractors, H717 [8MR]
———reform the regulatory processes used to administer the Medicare program, H7904, H7907 [20SE]
———revise performance standards and certification process for organ procurement organizations (H.R. 4152), E476 [3AP]
Health Care Infrastructure Advisory Commission: establish (H.R. 5622), H11794 [2NO]
Health care professionals: allow a patient's medical care and treatment to be decided between the health care professional and the patient, H5647, H5648 [29JN]
———commend the Army Nurse Corps for extending equal opportunities to men and women and recognize certain historical service (H. Res. 476), H12520 [15DE]
———ensure rights to choose whether to join a labor organization, H5641-H5643 [29JN]
———exempt discussions on requiring abortion coverage from collective bargaining negotiations between health care professionals and HMO's, H5618-H5625, H5631, H5644-H5646 [29JN]
———exempt labor negotiations with health plans from antitrust laws if the FTC or Dept. of Justice certify the negotiations, H5639-H5641 [29JN]
———negotiation over fees, payments, or reimbursements with health plans, H5637-H5639, H5643, H5644 [29JN]
———protect rights of emergency medical technicians employed by acute care hospitals (H.R. 4854), E1242 [14JY]
———reduce accidental injury and death resulting from medical mistakes and reduce medication-related errors, H7006 [26JY]
Hispanic Americans: health programs (H.R. 5595), E1986 [28OC]
House of Representatives: legislative priorities, H10450-H10452 [19OC], H10803-H10805 [24OC], H11594 [30OC]
Housing: establish demonstration program to modernize and increase access to health services in public housing for elderly and disabled persons (H.R. 4664), E1005 [14JN]
Houston, TX: address condition of air quality, H67 [31JA]
———anniversary of Children's Assessment Center, E2067 [2NO]
———Children's Nutrition Research Center funding, H5789 [11JY], H9703 [11OC]
Hsi, Andrew: American Association of Medical Colleges Humanism in Medicine Award recipient, E998 [14JN]
Hunger Project (organization): tribute, E1553 [21SE]
Hunt, Ramek: Congressional Community Service Award recipient, E1031 [15JN]
Illinois: anniversary of PTA, E205 [1MR]
———anniversary of Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation, E533 [11AP]
Immigration: cancellation of removal and adjustment of status for certain nonpermanent resident aliens whose removal would result in extreme medical hardship (H.R. 5232), E1549 [20SE]
———pilot program to extend voluntary departure period for certain nonimmigrant aliens admitted under the Visa Waiver Pilot Program for medical treatment in the U.S. (H.R. 2961), H6377-H6380 [18JY]
———State Criminal Alien Assistance Program funding (H.R. 4679), E1029 [15JN]
———waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (H.R. 4838), H9545-H9548 [10OC], E1833 [19OC]
———waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (S. 2812), H9548 [10OC]
———waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (S. 2812), insert H.R. 4838 language in lieu, H9548 [10OC]
Indian Health Service: extend program for direct billing of Medicare, Medicaid, and other third party payors and expand program eligibility to other tribes and tribal organizations (S. 406), H9957-H9959 [17OC]
———funding, H4557-H4569, H4583 [15JN]
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: authorizing appropriations (H.R. 3545), E22 [27JA]
———authorizing appropriations (H.R. 4055), H2349 [2MY], H2414, H2449-H2457 [3MY], H2555 [4MY], H7702 [18SE], H8002-H8004 [25SE], E386 [22MR], E609 [2MY], E624 [3MY], E634, E638, E639 [4MY], E678 [9MY], E1595 [26SE]
———funding, H1066 [15MR], H3903-H3906 [6JN], H4062, H4088-H4090 [8JN], H4254-H4258 [13JN], H9810-H9816 [11OC], H11750 [1NO], H11800, H11801 [2NO]
———funding through reductions in Comprehensive School Reform Program, H4288-H4291 [13JN]
———funding through reductions in Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), H4258-H4260 [13JN]
———funding through reductions in Job Corps, H4275, H4276 [13JN]
———funding through reductions in various education programs, H4244-H4246 [13JN]
———reauthorize, H6757 [24JY]
Influenza: encourage private-sector distributors of the influenza vaccine to give priority to distributing the available vaccine to individuals at a high risk of developing complications (H. Res. 672), E2160 [8DE]
———shortage of vaccinations, E2015 [28OC]
Insurance: allow certain retirees who lose employer-based coverage to acquire coverage under Medicare or COBRA and require employers to notify retirees of any changes in their health benefits (H.R. 3631), E116 [10FE]
———guarantee comprehensive health care coverage for all children (H.R. 4390), E660 [4MY], E2144 [7DE]
———improve access to health care services for uninsured and low-income individuals in medically under served areas, H4305 [13JN]
———make the same health insurance options afforded to executive and judicial branch employees available to Federal annuitants, legislative branch employees, and Armed Forces members and retirees (H.R. 4277), E581 [13AP]
———prohibit use of genetic information in determining coverage or premiums (H.R. 306), H3828 [25MY]
———protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's, H16-H19 [27JA], H77-H81 [31JA], H96, H97, H98, H129-H137, H139-H143, H157 [1FE], H170 [2FE], H248-H252 [8FE], H275-H277 [9FE], H367-H370 [14FE], H376, H426 [15FE], H1465-H1468 [28MR], H2488, H2504 [3MY], H2745-H2748, H2750 [9MY], H5831-H5836 [11JY], H7086-H7090 [26JY], H7572-H7575 [13SE], H7985-H7988 [21SE], H10224, H10240 [18OC], H10399 [19OC], H10892-H10905 [25OC], H11245, H11247, H11248, H11250, H11253, H11254 [26OC], H11435-H11442 [27OC], H11452, H11476-H11483 [28OC], H11512-H11520 [29OC], H11595-H11608, H11609 [30OC], H11754-H11761 [1NO], H11807, H11808 [2NO], H12012-H12016 [5DE], H12036-H12040 [7DE], E7 [27JA]
———protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's (H.R. 2723), H739-H747 [8MR], H970-H974 [14MR], H6448-H6450 [18JY], H7986 [21SE]
———provide grants to strengthen the effectiveness, efficiency, and coordination of services for the uninsured and underinsured (H.R. 4970), E1340 [27JY]
———provide nondiscriminatory coverage of substance abuse treatment services under private group and individual health coverage (H.R. 1977), H1062 [15MR]
———require comprehensive coverage for childhood immunizations, H2486 [3MY]
International Ataxia Awareness Day: observance, E1705 [6OC]
International Conference on Ethnomedicine and Drug Discovery: tribute, E161 [16FE]
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant: health screening and treatment of workers funding, H5249 [27JN]
Jaiswal, Indu: New York's Fourth Congressional District Citizen of the Month honoree, E1423 [7SE]
Jenkins, George: Congressional Community Service Award recipient, E1031 [15JN]
Jersey City, NJ: anniversary of the Puertorriquenos Asociados for Community Organization, E1500 [18SE]
Johns Hopkins University: anniversary of Wilmer Eye Institute, E2054 [1NO]
Johnston, Helen Ellis: Huntsville, AL, Arthritis Foundation Humanitarian Award recipient, E1403 [6SE]
Jones, Lovell A.: Howard University Hospital Legacy of Leadership Award for Distinguished Health Care Advocate recipient, E765 [18MY]
Jones, Melva: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leader award recipient, E960 [9JN]
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International: recognition of Woolf family at Promise Ball 2000, E439 [29MR]
Kentucky Nurses Week: observance, E691 [10MY]
Kids Day America/International: observance, E708 [11MY]
Kunz, Josey: Illinois State Organ/Tissue Donor Poster Contest award recipient, E911 [7JN]
Lakewood, OH: tribute to North Coast Health Ministry, E2194 [15DE]
Law enforcement: combat club drug trafficking, distribution, and abuse (H.R. 4553), H3857 [25MY]
Los Angeles County, CA: tribute to University of Southern California Medical Center, E118 [10FE]
Louisville, KY: anniversary of first successful hand transplant at Jewish Hospital, E213 [1MR]
Lubbock, TX: tribute to ``Team Hope'' for participation in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Race for the Cure 5K walk/run, E1111 [26JN]
Manhattan, NY: tribute to Chinatown Health Clinic, E1096 [23JN]
Mansue, Amy: Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey Fred Forrest Community Service Award recipient, E783 [19MY]
Mayerson, Manuel D.: Circle of Life Award recipient, E1679 [4OC]
McCollum, Charles H.: Houston Surgical Society Distinguished Houston Surgeon award recipient, E44 [1FE]
———Houston Surgical Society Distinguished Surgeon award recipient, E694 [10MY]
Medicaid: apply the disproportionate share hospital payment transition rule to public hospitals (H.R. 5621), E2123 [5DE]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), H2661, H2687-H2698, H2737 [9MY], H8595 [2OC], H9820, H9847-H9852 [12OC], H11454 [28OC]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), Senate amendment (H. Res. 628), H9843-H9847 [12OC]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment services for certain women screened under federally funded programs (H.R. 1070), H1624 [30MR], H1681 [4AP], H1769 [5AP], H1962 [10AP], H2020 [11AP], H2126, H2127 [12AP], H2553 [4MY], E533 [11AP], E579 [13AP]
———coverage of community-based attendant services (H.R. 4416), H6756 [24JY]
———establish a new prospective payment system for federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics (H.R. 2341), H7900 [20SE]
———increase the cap on payments for U.S. territories, H7967 [21SE]
———permit public schools and other entities to determine presumptive eligibility for low-income children, H12490 [15DE]
———permit State waiver authority to provide medical assistance in cases of congenital heart defects (H.R. 3325), E125 [14FE]
———provide families and disabled children with the opportunity to purchase coverage (H.R. 4825), H11787 [2NO]
———provide public access to quality medical imaging procedures and radiation therapy procedures (H.R. 5274), E1587 [25SE]
———provide State options to allow eligibility for legal immigrant pregnant women, children, and certain disabled individuals, H12489 [15DE]
———provide States with the option of covering intensive community mental health treatment (H.R. 5572), E1949 [26OC]
———reform, E2031 [30OC]
———remove the cap on payments for Puerto Rico and certain other territories and adjust the statutory matching rate (H.R. 5126), E1421 [7SE]
———require States to establish reasonable reimbursement rates, H11682 [31OC], E2083 [3NO]
Medical items: cooperation between the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and the Dept. of Defense in the procurement of medical items (H. Con. Res. 413), H9946 [17OC]
Medicare: allow beneficiaries the option of having elective surgery performed at certain high volume hospitals, E361 [21MR]
———approve all cost-sharing amounts of Medicare+Choice plans and prohibit such plans from manipulating cost-sharing amounts to avoid sicker patients, E1833 [19OC]
———assure quality of care to beneficiaries and reduce the incidence of medical errors (H.R. 5404), E1703 [6OC]
———calculation of Medicare+Choice payments for medical services at Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Dept. of Defense facilities (H.R. 2447), E1652 [3OC]
———clarify definition of homebound relative to home health services (H.R. 5067), E1412 [6SE]
———clarify definition of homebound relative to home health services (H.R. 5303), E1631 [28SE]
———combat fraud and abuse relative to partial hospitalization services (H.R. 5449), E1757-E1759 [12OC]
———combat waste, fraud, and abuse, H2619 [8MY], E956 [9JN]
———contracting with certain hospitals to provide certain surgical procedures and related services at a single rate (H.R. 1392), E8 [27JA]
———contractor management funding, H4214 [12JN]
———correct reductions to service provider payment rates previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act, H7638-H7640 [14SE], H7900 [20SE], H7985 [21SE]
———coverage for surgical first assisting services of certified registered nurse first assistants (H.R. 3911), E310 [14MR]
———coverage of augmentative communication devices (H.R. 4479), E752, E755 [17MY]
———coverage of chronic disease prescription drugs (H.R. 1796), E1866 [19OC]
———coverage of home health services (H.R. 4874), E1549 [20SE]
———coverage of medically necessary pancreas transplantation procedures (H.R. 4495), E766 [18MY]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs, H16-H18 [27JA], H79 [31JA], H367 [14FE], H496-H501 [16FE], H579, H580 [1MR], H1000 [15MR], H1127 [21MR], H1303, H1304, H1305, H1333 [23MR], H1945, H1946 [6AP], H2186, H2190-H2200 [12AP], H2257, H2320 [13AP], H2485, H2488-H2501 [3MY], H2619 [8MY], H2974 [15MY], H3057 [16MY], H3183, H3184, H3185 [17MY], H3312, H3313, H3401 [18MY], H3620-H3625 [23MY], H3934, H3963 [7JN], H4168 [9JN], H4226 [13JN], H4343, H4345, H4480 [14JN], H4596, H4659-H4670 [19JN], H4679, H4680 [20JN], H4910, H4911, H4916-H4928 [21JN], H5077 [23JN], H5175 [27JN], H5821-H5827 [11JY], H5878-H5880 [12JY], H6031 [13JY], H6097-H6102 [17JY], H6526-H6528, H6566, H6569, H6570, H6573-H6576 [19JY], H7067 [26JY], H7221, H7253-H7259 [6SE], H7284, H7348 [7SE], H7546, H7563 [13SE], H7707-H7715 [18SE], H7875, H7899, H7902-H7916 [20SE], H7936, H7937, H7938, H7939, H7968-H7970, H7983-H7985 [21SE], H8036, H8041-H8047, H8052 [25SE], H8066 [26SE], H8205, H8206, H8281, H8298, H8299 [27SE], H8410, H8411 [28SE], H8629, H8732-H8734 [3OC], H8744, H8796 [4OC], H8894 [5OC], H9454, H9455 [6OC], H9706, H9806 [11OC], H10240 [18OC], H10399 [19OC], H10816, H10882, H10892-H10905 [25OC], H11435-H11442 [27OC], H11476-H11483 [28OC], H11535, H11595-H11601, H11609 [30OC], H11750, H11754-H11761 [1NO], H11786, H11792, H11803-H11807 [2NO], H12036-H12040 [7DE], E123 [10FE], E279 [9MR], E531 [11AP], E697 [10MY], E722 [15MY], E1179 [30JN], E1302 [21JY], E1346 [27JY], E1485 [14SE], E1613 [27SE], E1673 [4OC], E1779 [13OC], E1866 [19OC], E1882 [23OC], E1910 [25OC]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs for military retirees, H7507 [13SE], H9642 [11OC]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (H.R. 1495), H458, H459, H460, H461 [16FE], H1461-H1463 [28MR], E411 [23MR]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (H.R. 3482), H3753 [24MY]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (H.R. 4607), E951 [9JN]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (H.R. 4770), H5426 [28JN], E1188 [10JY], E1276 [19JY]
———coverage of vision rehabilitation services (H.R. 2870), E1144 [29JN]
———create official website that allows beneficiaries to purchase safe and competitively priced domestic and international prescription drugs (H.R. 5142), E1423 [7SE]
———equal access to health care by minorities, E1635 [29SE]
———establish a demonstration project to stabilize coverage and benefits under the Medicare+Choice Program (H.R. 4555), H3859 [25MY]
———establish a voluntary plan under which eligible beneficiaries may elect to receive coverage for prescription drugs, H4293-H4296 [13JN]
———expand and make permanent the subvention demonstration project for military retirees and dependents, H3327, H3328, H3378-H3392 [18MY], H7058-H7061 [26JY], E792 [19MY]
———expand medical residency training programs in geriatric medicine (H.R. 4930), E1306 [24JY]
———graduate medical education payments (H.R. 4239), E531 [11AP]
———impact of State spending levels on the quality of health care services, E1840 [19OC]
———improve access to health insurance by offering certain individuals a Medicare buy-in option and allow tax credit for payment of premiums (H.R. 4938), E1304 [24JY]
———improve fee-for-services reimbursement rates in rural States, H7875 [20SE]
———improve payments under the Medicare+Choice program, H6606 [20JY]
———improve payments under the Medicare+Choice program (H.R. 4236), E527 [11AP]
———improve the manner in which new medical technologies are made available to beneficiaries (H.R. 4395), H7900 [20SE], H8817 [5OC], E1573 [22SE]
———increase access to health care for beneficiaries through telehealth services (H.R. 4841), H7543 [13SE]
———increase awareness of the availability of cost-sharing assistance to eligible low-income beneficiaries (H.R. 4797), E1165 [30JN]
———increase payment amount and establish an annual payment review process for renal dialysis services (H.R. 5152), E1469 [13SE]
———make improvements to the Medicare+Choice program, H10816 [25OC], H11806 [2NO]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), H4916 [21JN], H5073, H5077, H5078, H5079 [23JN], H5088 [26JN], H5173 [27JN], H5319-H5415 [28JN], H5439, H5440, H5441, H5442 [29JN], H6781 [25JY], H7852-H7858 [19SE], H7977-H7983 [21SE], H8110 [26SE], H8745 [4OC], H9701 [11OC], H11532 [30OC], E1104 [23JN], E1159, E1162, E1172, E1179 [30JN], E1188 [10JY], E1203 [11JY]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), consideration (H. Res. 539), H5300-H5318 [28JN]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), motion to recommit, H5396 [28JN]
———payment of claims by health care providers against insolvent Medicare+Choice organizations (H.R. 4087), E398 [23MR]
———payments made under the prospective payment system for home health services (H.R. 4727), E1093 [23JN]
———preserve and improve (S. 1895), E358 [21MR], E384, E387 [22MR]
———preserve essential rural hospitals (H.R. 5220), E1536 [20SE]
———promote research for health promotion and disease prevention and add preventive benefits (H.R. 3887), E270 [9MR]
———protect right of beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare+Choice plans to receive services at any skilled nursing facility (H.R. 3004), H9514 [10OC]
———provide attending physicians greater authority in determining whether a beneficiary is eligible for hospice care (H.R. 5222), E1540 [20SE]
———provide beneficiaries with accurate and understandable managed care information and negotiate with Medicare+Choice organizations to improve and expand benefit plans (H.R. 4753), H5365 [28JN]
———provide comprehensive and coordinated care for individuals with serious and disabling chronic illnesses (H.R. 4981), E1335 [27JY]
———provide for equitable reimbursement rates to Medicare+Choice organizations, E2041 [31OC]
———provide for moratorium on mandatory delay of payment of claims and establish advanced informational infrastructure for administration of Federal health benefit programs (H.R. 4401), H2748 [9MY]
———redesignate ``Medicare+Choice'' as ``Medicare-No-Choice'' (H.R. 5558), E1909 [25OC]
———reductions in prescription drug prices, H579, H580 [1MR], H4916, H4920-H4928 [21JN]
———reductions in prescription drug prices (H.R. 664), H336 [10FE], H418-H425 [15FE], H458, H459, H460, H461 [16FE], H1461-H1463 [28MR], H3297-H3300 [17MY], H4659-H4664 [19JN], H7910, H7911 [20SE]
———reform, H3753 [24MY], H8204 [27SE], H9514 [10OC], H10892-H10899 [25OC], H11435-H11442 [27OC], H11508, H11512-H11520 [29OC], H12483, H12490, H12495, H12496 [15DE]
———reform purchasing, payment, and administrative requirements (H.R. 2115), E959 [9JN]
———reimbursement of prescription drug costs at the average wholesale price, E1524 [19SE], E1620, E1622 [28SE]
———reimbursement of routine patient care costs for individuals participating in approved clinical trials (H.R. 61), H3931 [7JN]
———reimbursement rates for drugs, E2194 [15DE]
———require HMO's participating in the Medicare+Choice program to commit to 3-year contracts, H11495-H11503, H11505 [29OC], E2040 [31OC]
———revise coverage of immunosuppressive drugs (H.R. 5276), E1581 [25SE]
———revise inflation update factor used in making payments to prospective payment system hospitals (H.R. 3580), H7639 [14SE], H11258 [26OC]
———revise the calculation of base payment rates for the prospective payment system for home health services (H.R. 5163), H7900 [20SE]
———use of additional projected surplus funds to supplement funding previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act (H. Res. 535), H5423-H5426 [28JN], E1182 [30JN]
———waive waiting period for coverage and provide coverage of drugs for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, H12445, H12485 [15DE]
Medicare/Medicaid: reimbursement levels for chemotherapy drugs, E1578 [25SE]
———require nursing facilities to be air conditioned to receive funding (H.R. 4898), E1326 [26JY]
Mental health: establish demonstration courts (S. 1865), H10636-H10640, H10708 [24OC]
———issue commemorative postage stamp to raise autism awareness (H. Res. 458), E514 [6AP]
———postpartum depression policies (H. Res. 163), H9524-H9532 [10OC]
———recognize the importance of mental health awareness, mental disorders, and early detection of mental illnesses, H6587 [19JY]
Mexico: safety and well-being of U.S. citizens injured while traveling (H. Con. Res. 232), H4681 [20JN], H6722-H6724 [24JY]
Miami/Fort Lauderdale, FL: tribute to Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Race for the Cure 5K walk/run, E1848 [19OC]
MICROMEDEX (business): tribute to POISINDEX electronic database, E403 [23MR]
Minorities: elimination of racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage, E2186 [14DE]
———health programs (H.R. 3250), E70 [7FE]
———health programs (S. 1880), H11686-H11697 [31OC], E2053 [1NO], E2063 [2NO], E2077 [3NO], E2186 [14DE]
Montclair, CA: tribute to Por La Vida Program, E619 [3MY]
Morality and ethics: ethical standards of health care facilities and medical corporations, E1269 [19JY]
Munzer, Alfred: American Lung Association Will Ross Medal recipient, H2343 [13AP]
National AIDS Testing Day: observance, E1815 [17OC]
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month: support goals and ideas (H. Con. Res. 371), H6734 [24JY], E2126 [5DE]
National Alliance for Autism Research: tribute to ``Walk FAR'' research fundraiser, H8411 [28SE]
National Arthritis Awareness Month: observance, E781 [19MY]
National Assisted Living Week: observance, E1449 [13SE]
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians: anniversary, E1930 [25OC]
National Biotechnology Month: observance, E20 [27JA], E30, E31, E36 [31JA], E49 [1FE]
National Cancer Institute: establish demonstration project to provide research for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for cancer (H.R. 5419), E1713 [6OC]
National D.O. Day: observance, E560 [13AP]
National Donor Day: emphasize the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation (H. Con. Res. 247), H333 [10FE], H352-H356 [14FE], H377 [15FE], E113, E115 [10FE], E213 [1MR]
National Eye Institute: funding, H1768 [5AP], H7283 [7SE]
National Health Center Week: designate (H. Con. Res. 381), H7188, H7189 [27JY]
National Health Service Corps: authorizing appropriations (H.R. 5116), H7938 [21SE]
———Loan Repayment Program funding, H7938 [21SE]
National Hospital Week: observance, H2660 [9MY]
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Engineering: establish (H.R. 1795), H8266-H8269 [27SE]
National Institute of Nursing Research: funding, E514 [6AP]
National Living Organ Donor Registry: establish (H.R. 5465), E1787 [13OC]
National Lupus Awareness Month: observance, E2030 [30OC]
National Men's Health Week: observance, E1003 [14JN]
National Nurses Week: observance, E612 [2MY], E668 [8MY], E692 [10MY]
National Nursing Home Week: observance, E721 [15MY]
National objectives: consequences of escalating health care costs, E1226 [13JY]
———establish a national program to conduct and support activities to reduce cases of overweight individuals and obesity (H.R. 3177), H4087 [8JN]
———managed care system reform proposal, E200 [29FE]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures, H79 [31JA], H93 [1FE], H7563 [13SE], H7713-H7715 [18SE], H7875 [20SE], H7939 [21SE], H10238-H10242 [18OC], H11201 [26OC], H11516-H11520 [29OC], H11595-H11601 [30OC], E490 [4AP], E1910 [25OC]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (H.R. 2990), H67 [31JA], H139-H143 [1FE], H367-H370 [14FE], H1465-H1468 [28MR], H2110-H2114 [11AP]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (H.R. 2990), motion to instruct conferees, H129-H137 [1FE]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (H.R. 5551), E1908 [25OC]
National Organ Transplant Network: prohibit State and local interference with organ allocation policies, H1701, H1702 [4AP]
National Poison Prevention Week: observance, E403 [23MR]
National Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Awareness Month: designate (H. Res. 420), E103 [9FE]
National Research Council: require study on accessibility to information technologies by the elderly and disabled, H404 [15FE]
National School Lunch Act: improve management of the child and adult care food program (H.R. 4520), E813 [23MY]
National Sleep Awareness Week: observance, H1827 [5AP], E564 [13AP]
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: amend (H.R. 5327), E1606 [27SE]
———revise certain standards for petitions for compensation (H.R. 5579), E1946 [26OC]
Native Americans: enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (H.R. 1167), concur with Senate amendment (H. Res. 562), H6753, H6754 [24JY]
Naughton, Gail: Intellectual Property Owners Association Inventor of the Year award recipient, E1146 [29JN]
Navy Hospital Corps: anniversary, E1033 [15JN]
Nevada: tribute to prescription drug plan for senior citizens, H7219 [6SE]
New Orleans, LA: opening of addition to Ochsner Foundation Hospital, E1547 [20SE]
New York, NY: tribute to Healthy Start Consortium, E2160 [8DE]
New York University: tribute to New York University Medical Center Vascular Anomalies Program, E1968 [28OC]
Newton, NJ: anniversary of Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, E70 [7FE]
———tribute to Newton Memorial Hospital expansion project, E72 [7FE]
NIH: biomedical research funding (H. Res. 437), H7072-H7085 [26JY]
———computational techniques and software tools research funding relative to biomedical and behavioral research, H402, H403 [15FE], E166 [16FE]
———conduct a study on the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine relative to autism, H4308 [13JN]
———establish Office of Autoimmune Diseases, H2692, H2714 [9MY], H8261 [27SE]
———expansion, intensification, and coordination of autism research activities, H2713 [9MY], H3056, H3146 [16MY], E1129 [28JN]
———funding, H4053, H4064 [8JN], H4231-H4236 [13JN], H4915 [21JN], H6561-H6564 [19JY], H12073 [11DE]
———report on efforts to enhance competitiveness of biomedical and behavioral research grants, H4237, H4238 [13JN]
———support modernization and construction of biomedical and behavioral research facilities and laboratory instrumentation, H11313 [26OC]
Nobel Prize: recognition of Eric R. Kandel and Paul Greengard for physiology or medicine (H. Res. 642), E1832 [19OC]
———recognition of Paul Greengard for physiology or medicine, E1881 [23OC], E1966 [28OC]
Nutrition: establish a national folic acid education program to prevent birth defects, H2716 [9MY], H8263 [27SE]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: process excess uranium into radioactive isotopes suitable for Alpha Particle Immunotherapy cancer treatment, H10387 [19OC]
Occupational Safety and Health Act: require changes in the bloodborne pathogens standard (H.R. 5178), H8673-H8680 [3OC], E1511, E1512 [18SE], E1686 [5OC]
———waive applicability to employment performed in an employee's residence, H1176 [22MR]
———waive applicability to employment performed in an employee's residence (H.R. 3539), H11 [27JA]
Office of National Drug Control Policy: proposed program to encourage placement of anti-drug messages in television programing, H5741 [11JY]
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative: prohibit interference with certain foreign intellectual property laws or policies designed to make pharmaceuticals or medical technologies more affordable, H5151-H5153 [26JN]
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation: tribute to Alzheimer's disease research, H2127 [12AP]
Organ donors: establish congressional commemorative medal (H.R. 941), H354 [14FE]
Organ procurement and transplantation: importance, H11199 [26OC]
Organ procurement and transplantation programs: provide grants to States or private sector institutions to foster organ donor programs, H1712-H1716 [4AP]
———recognize differences in organ transplantation between adults and children and study immunosupressive drugs provided to children, H1700, H1701 [4AP]
———revise and extend (H.R. 2418), H352, H355 [14FE], H1485 [29MR], H1686-H1722 [4AP], E504 [6AP]
———revise and extend (H.R. 2418), amendment process, H1291 [23MR]
———revise and extend (H.R. 2418), consideration (H. Res. 454), H1683-H1686 [4AP]
———revise and extend (H.R. 2418), corrections in engrossment, H1722 [4AP]
———revise and extend (H.R. 3885), E264 [9MR]
———use of ``seriousness of condition'' as the determining factor for organ donor recipients, E504 [6AP]
OSHA: implementation of ergonomic regulations, H4051, H4064, H4094-H4104 [8JN], H4307 [13JN], H9640 [11OC], H11669-H11673, H11678 [31OC], H11718-H11725 [1NO], H11787, H11792, H11793, H11797, H11801 [2NO]
———issue regulations to eliminate or minimize the significant risk of needlestick injury to health care workers (H.R. 1899), H8680 [3OC]
Pennsylvania: tribute to Good Shepherd (rehabilitation facility) Raker Memorial Award recipients, E387 [22MR]
———tribute to Lehigh Valley Hospice volunteers, E473 [3AP]
Petroleum: prohibit use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), provide flexibility within the EPA's oxygenate requirements, and promote the use of renewable ethanol (H.R. 4011), H1272-H1282 [22MR]
Pharmaceuticals: eliminate barriers to improve access to generic drugs, H7742 [19SE], E1527, E1528, E1529 [19SE]
———provide tax credit to retirement age individuals, remove barriers to importation, and prohibit certain regulation of Internet sites relative to prescription drugs (H.R. 3636), E114 [10FE]
———reductions in prescription drug prices, H5441 [29JN], H7908-H7915 [20SE], H8053 [25SE]
Pharmacia Corp.: tribute for support of the Friends of the Congressional Glaucoma Caucus Foundation, E1190 [10JY]
Philadelphia, PA: anniversary of Southern Homes Services, E733 [16MY]
Political campaigns: assessment of Presidential candidates, H11202 [26OC]
Postal Service: issue special postage stamps to fund organ and tissue donation awareness (H.R. 3809), E214 [1MR]
Pritchard, Murray: Outstanding VA Health Care Provider of the Year Award recipient, E1776 [13OC]
Privacy: prohibit implementation of a uniform medical identifier, H4285, H4286 [13JN], H4434 [14JN]
Product safety: promote new and revised toxicological tests that protect human, animal, and environmental health while reducing need for animal testing (H.R. 4281), H10007-H10011 [17OC], E1967 [28OC]
Public buildings: placement of automatic external defibrillators to assist individuals who experience cardiac arrest and protections from civil liability relative to emergency use of the devices (H.R. 2498), H3584-H3588 [23MY], H11303-H11317 [26OC], H11399 [27OC], E572 [13AP], E2040 [31OC]
Public Health Service: enhance the Nation's capacity to address public health threats and emergencies, H11313 [26OC]
Public Health Service Act: establish scholarship and loan repayment programs in veterinarian shortage areas (H.R. 5186), E1492 [14SE]
———provide certain children's health services (H.R. 4365), H2691, H2698-H2720 [9MY], H3056 [16MY], H8209-H8265 [27SE], E1129 [28JN], E1707 [6OC]
———provide certain children's health services (H.R. 4365), consideration of Senate amendment (H. Res. 594), H8206-H8209 [27SE], E1609 [27SE]
Quincy, MA: tribute to Jimmy Kennedy Memorial Run for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis organizers and participants, E695 [10MY]
R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, Inc.: tribute (H. Res. 517), E914 [8JN]
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act: improve application process and compensation criteria for certain individuals exposed to radiation in uranium mines and mills and through fallout from nuclear weapons testing, H12492 [15DE]
———improve application process and compensation criteria for certain individuals exposed to radiation in uranium mines and mills and through fallout from nuclear weapons testing (S. 1515), H5185-H5190 [27JN]
Radioactive substances: remediation of Atlas uranium milling site near Moab, UT, H9644, H9649, H9705 [11OC]
———remediation of Atlas uranium milling site near Moab, UT (H.R. 1559), H191 [2FE]
Red Bud, IL: anniversary of St. Clement Health Services, E1278 [19JY]
Republican Party: national agenda, H3535 [23MY], H8455-H8459 [28SE], H10393 [19OC], H10536 [24OC], H11201 [26OC], H11774-H11779 [1NO]
Research: continuation of Federal research and development programs funding in a fiscally sustainable way (H.R. 3161), E1246 [14JY]
———development of microbicides to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (H.R. 3891), H908 [9MR]
———embryonic stem cell research funding (H. Res. 414), H224 [8FE], H1250 [22MR], E60 [2FE]
———establish Alzheimer's disease clinical research and training awards, H11316 [26OC]
———protect human subjects in research, H8262 [27SE]
Ridgewood, NJ: anniversary of Kurth Cottage of Valley Hospital, E459 [30MR]
Rome, GA: tribute to Crisis Pregnancy Center, E382 [22MR]
Rummel, Debbie: National Association for Sport and Physical Education Midwest District High School Physical Educator of the Year Award recipient, E1309 [24JY]
Rural areas: tribute to students testifying on living conditions in Colonias, H1082 [16MR]
Samuel Merritt College: California Governor's Quality Award recipient, E560 [13AP]
San Gabriel, CA: funding and implementation of a long-term solution to groundwater contamination and water supply problems (H.R. 910), H1422-H1426 [28MR], H8414 [28SE], E457 [30MR]
Santa Clara County, CA: tribute for efforts to provide health coverage to uninsured children, E2144 [7DE]
Schools: improve implementation of breakfast and lunch programs, H4343 [14JN]
———postcoital emergency contraception distribution funding, H7817-H7825 [19SE], E1571 [22SE]
———provide technical assistance to school-based health centers to develop and operate computer systems that maintain patient data (H.R. 5508), E1873 [19OC]
Science: increase Federal technology research and development funding, H9454 [6OC]
Senior citizens: limit hardship endured when meeting prescription drug needs (H. Con. Res. 152), H8796 [4OC]
———prevent nursing home abuse and fraud, E956 [9JN]
———recognize need for a White House Conference to discuss and develop national recommendations concerning quality of care in assisted living facilities (H.J. Res. 107), E1461 [13SE], E2185 [14DE]
Shelbyville, IL: tribute to Shelbyville Memorial Hospital, E1056 [20JN]
Shrewsbury, MA: tribute to Shrewsbury Senior Center, E144 [15FE]
Silverdale, WA: observance of Kids Day America, E1553 [21SE]
Social Security: create a grant program to promote joint activities between Federal, State, and local child welfare and alcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment agencies (H.R. 5081), E1366 [27JY]
———effects of reform proposals on women, H3402-H3404 [18MY]
———level of benefit payment in the month of the beneficiary's death (H.R. 3890), E265 [9MR]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act, H8435 [28SE], H11200, H11201, H11210-H11217, H11228, H11245, H11247-H11261 [26OC], H11451, H11453, H11455 [28OC], H11497, H11499, H11500, H11504, H11505, H11506 [29OC], H11547-H11554, H11595-H11601 [30OC], H11793, H11802 [2NO], H12490, H12491, H12494, H12495, H12498, H12500, H12501 [15DE], E1997, E2004 [28OC], E2031 [30OC], E2039, E2041 [31OC], E2052 [1NO], E2194 [15DE]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act (H.R. 5291), E1601 [27SE]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act (H.R. 5324), E1615 [27SE]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act (H.R. 5612), E2051 [1NO]
———prevent conflicts of interest in the use of administrative vendors in the administration of State children's health insurance plans (H.R. 3600), E88 [8FE]
———protect Social Security and Medicare surpluses through strengthened budgetary enforcement mechanisms (H.R. 3859), H4708-H4714 [20JN], H5100 [26JN]
———provide targeted payment relief for hospitals that serve primarily Medicare and Medicaid patients that have been disproportionately impacted by certain payment reductions (H.R. 4624), E1099 [23JN]
———reform, H2738 [9MY], H3402-H3410 [18MY], H3632-H3637 [23MY], H3754-H3756 [24MY], H3912 [6JN], E1861 [19OC]
Social Security Act: anniversary, E1378 [27JY]
Society of Gynecologic Oncologists: tribute, E44 [1FE]
South Bronx Mental Health Council, Inc.: observance of Patient Recognition and Empowerment Day, E29 [31JA]
Springfield Remanufacturing Corp.: OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Star Site designee, E1320 [26JY]
SSA: prepare for the needs of the 21st century (H.R. 5447), E1754 [12OC]
SSI: combat waste, fraud, and abuse, H3312 [18MY]
St. Clair County, MI: anniversary of Blue Water Mental Health Clinic, E1068 [21JN]
St. Mary's Hospital Caritas Connection (organization): American Hospital Association NOVA Award recipient, H2660 [9MY]
Standard Register Co.: tribute to Monroe, NC, facility for operation with no work-related injuries, E1457 [13SE]
States: permit the option of coverage of legal immigrants under the Medicaid Program and the State Children's Health Insurance Program, H11257 [26OC]
Sterling Life Insurance Co.: enrollment policies for Medicare+Choice fee-for-service plan, E1833 [19OC]
Strokes: prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation efforts, E1900 [25OC]
Substance abuse: allow faith-based treatment centers to receive Federal funding and permit individuals receiving Federal assistance to choose private and religious oriented treatment, H6820-H6823, H6826-H6837 [25JY], H8250, H8252, H8262 [27SE]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: revise and extend programs (H.R. 4867), H6376, H6377 [18JY], H6474 [19JY], E1258 [18JY]
Supreme Court: decision on partial-birth abortions, H5439 [29JN]
Taxation: allow a credit to individuals attaining age 65 for certain drug and health insurance expenses (H.R. 4234), H2019 [11AP]
———allow a deduction for amounts paid for health insurance and prescription drug costs of individuals (H.R. 4472), H3058 [16MY]
———allow a refundable credit for health insurance costs (H.R. 4113), E451 [30MR]
———allow credit for dry cleaning equipment that uses reduced amounts of hazardous substances (H.R. 1303), E1369 [27JY]
———allow credit for medical expenses for dependents (H.R. 4799), E1170 [30JN], E1555 [21SE]
———allow individuals a refundable credit for the purchase of private health insurance through a pooling arrangement (H.R. 2185), E247 [8MR], E269 [9MR]
———condition repeal of tax increase on Social Security benefits on solvency of Social Security and Medicare, H7166-H7175 [27JY]
———deny tax benefits for research conducted by pharmaceutical companies where U.S. consumers pay more for products of that research than foreign consumers (H.R. 3665), H2281 [13AP], E148 [15FE]
———make marriage tax penalty relief contingent on Social Security and Medicare solvency certification and public debt elimination, H314, H315, H318-H327 [10FE], H5866, H5869-H5871, H5874-H5877 [12JY]
———provide incentives to encourage small business health plans (H.R. 5184), E1495 [14SE]
———provide tax credits for research and development costs for vaccines for malaria, tuberculosis, or HIV, H2587 [4MY]
———provide tax credits to individuals aged 55 to 64 to buy into Medicare or purchase COBRA health coverage, H1418 [28MR]
———provide tax incentives to enhance long-term care and convene a National Summit on Long-Term Care (H.R. 4498), H3400 [18MY]
———reduce individual income tax rates, provide marriage penalty and estate and gift tax relief, reduce taxes on savings and investments, and establish incentives for education and health care (H.R. 2488), veto, H2501 [3MY], H7220 [6SE], H7379 [12SE]
———repeal tax increase on Social Security benefits (H.R. 4865), H7007 [26JY], H7153-H7176 [27JY], E1412, E1413 [6SE], E1493 [14SE]
———repeal tax increase on Social Security benefits (H.R. 4865), consideration (H. Res. 564), H7136-H7143, H7150 [27JY]
———tax credits for health insurance relative to the uninsured, E2190 [15DE]
———treatment of certain gifts and benefits provided to physicians by prescription drug manufacturers (H.R. 4088), E411 [23MR], E417 [27MR]
———treatment of certain gifts and benefits provided to physicians by prescription drug manufacturers (H.R. 4089), H2280 [13AP], E411 [23MR], E417 [27MR], E886 [6JN]
———treatment of charitable contributions to public charities for use in medical research (H.R. 4719), E1091 [23JN]
———treatment of medical savings accounts, H12485 [15DE]
Texas: implementation of legislation to protect enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's, H17-H19 [27JA], H426 [15FE], H970-H974 [14MR], H11202 [26OC]
———participation in State Children's Health Insurance Program, H3895-H3901 [6JN], E923 [9JN]
———tribute to Bay Area American Cancer Society, E865 [25MY]
———tribute to Children's Health Insurance Program, E821 [24MY]
Tobacco products: reduce youth smoking, increase tobacco-related research, and develop safer tobacco products (H.R. 4041), E371 [21MR]
———regulation of tobacco industry to alleviate health risks to children, H1847-H1849 [5AP]
Torrance, CA: anniversary of Torrance Medical Center, E262 [9MR]
Traumatic brain injuries: research on cognitive disorders, H8264 [27SE]
U.N.: distibution of condoms to peacekeeping troops, H6368 [18JY]
———Security Council resolution on HIV/AIDS health crisis, H6089, H6090 [17JY]
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: require a report on genetically engineered fish, H4448-H4451 [14JN]
U.S. Park Police: permit direct payment of medical expenses by National Park Service and allow for waiver and indemnification in certain mutual law enforcement agreements (H.R. 4404), H9959 [17OC], E673 [9MY]
Ukraine: closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant, E2214, E2237 [15DE]
University of California, San Diego: tribute to Cancer Center, E772 [19MY]
University of Massachusetts: tribute to Massachusetts Biologic Laboratory, E2239 [2JA]
Veterans: establish a comprehensive program for the testing and treatment of the Hepatitis C virus (H.R. 5132), E1429 [7SE]
———expand list of diseases presumed to be service connected with respect to radiation-exposed veterans (H.R. 4921), H6758 [24JY]
———health care, housing, and education programs funding, E536 [11AP]
———health care funding, H19 [27JA], H4491-H4498 [15JN], H4750 [20JN], H4906 [21JN], H10383, H10385 [19OC], E1326 [26JY]
———hepatitis C testing and treatment funding, H4618 [19JN]
———improve benefits for World War II Filipino veterans, H4725-H4728 [20JN], H10368, H10391 [19OC], E1077 [22JN]
———increase size of the estate an incompetent veteran may have without being subject to suspension of benefits while under institutional care by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (H.R. 4935), H9943 [17OC]
———permit concurrent receipt of military retired pay with service-connected disability benefits, H6789 [25JY], H9655, H9659 [11OC]
———presumption of service connection for hepatitis C in certain veterans (H.R. 4791), E1160 [30JN]
———treatment of cold weather injuries received during military operations, H732 [8MR]
Veterans Health Administration: ensure pay parity between dentists and physicians (H.R. 2660), H9944 [17OC]
———improve personnel system (H.R. 5109), H7376 [12SE], H7951-H7965 [21SE], H9945 [17OC], E1574 [22SE]
———improve personnel system (H.R. 5109), consideration (H. Res. 585), H7949-H7951 [21SE]
Vietnamese Conflict: tribute to veterans exposed to Agent Orange, E530 [11AP]
Volunteer workers: firefighters and emergency medical personnel funding, H364-H367 [14FE]
Wall, Monroe E.: General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Charles F. Kettering Prize recipient, E920 [9JN]
Wani, Mansukh C.: General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Charles F. Kettering Prize recipient, E920 [9JN]
Washington: tribute to biotechnology industry, E43 [1FE]
Washington Association for Biomedical Research: Research! America (organization) Award for Exceptional Contributions as Volunteer Advocates for Medical Research recipient, E744 [17MY]
Washington County, PA: tribute to Watchful Shepherd Program, E534 [11AP]
Westlake, OH: opening of St. John West Shore Hospital Cardiac & Critical Care Pavilion and the Rainbow RapidCare Program, E1285 [21JY]
Wilkes-Barre, PA: anniversary of Little Flower Manor, E1664 [4OC]
Wilson, Susan N.: Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey Vivian Aaron Leadership Award recipient, E785 [19MY]
Women: promote research and disseminate information on the health effects of silicone breast implants (H.R. 1323), H5814 [11JY], H7562 [13SE]
———recognize the severity of the issue of cervical health (H. Con. Res. 64), H8638-H8640 [3OC], E1669 [4OC]
———reduce health care costs and promote improved health by providing supplemental grants for preventive health services (H.R. 4606), E947 [9JN]
———support research on chronic health conditions, E487 [4AP]
Wood, Patty: Research! America (organization) Award for Exceptional Contributions as Volunteer Advocates for Medical Research recipient, E744 [17MY]
World Asthma Day: observance, E617 [3MY]
World Health Day: observance, H1855 [6AP]
World TB Day: observance, E407 [23MR]
Remarks in Senate
Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund: allocate accruing interest to cover health care costs for certain miners (S. 2584), S4114 [17MY]
Abortion: pro choice versus right to life, S2832-S2835 [25AP]
———prohibit partial-birth abortions, S2714 [13AP], S2832-S2835 [25AP]
Addison County, VT: tribute to Porter Hospital and Helen Porter Nursing Home, S4456 [25MY]
Africa: HIV/AIDS prevention programs funding for sub-Saharan Africa, S318-S325, S341 [3FE], S7421 [21JY], S7619-S7624 [26JY]
AID: Child Survival and Disease Programs Fund micronutrient programs funding, S10980, S10981 [25OC]
———polio eradication funding, S10980 [25OC]
Alaska: increase the Federal medical assistance percentage (S. 2693), S4820 [8JN]
American Ambulance Association: Stars of Life Award recipients, S3686 [9MY]
American Heart Month: observance, S750 [23FE]
American Red Cross: anniversary, S4230 [22MY]
———encourage participation in national blood drives, S8933 [21SE]
———tribute to Southeastern Michigan Chapter Rhapsody in Red Masquerade Ball, S1880 [29MR]
Americans With Disabilities Act: anniversary, S6492 [12JY], S7085 [18JY], S7637-S7641, S7645, S7646 [26JY]
Armed Forces: coverage of chiropractic health services, S7471 [24JY]
———improve TRICARE program and extend and improve certain demonstration programs under the Defense Health Program (S. 2087), S711-S713, S737, S741-S745 [23FE], S828 [24FE], S1659 [23MR]
———improve TRICARE program and extend and improve certain demonstration programs under the Defense Health Program (S. 2486), S3043, S3192, S3193 [1MY]
———increase TRICARE allowable charges and report on the nonparticipation of physicians in rural States, S5076 [14JN]
———performance of abortions at overseas military medical facilities, S5406-S5421, S5425, S5443 [20JN], S5547 [21JN]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services, S4533-S4535 [6JN], S4620-S4633 [7JN], S4812, S4813 [8JN], S10335, S10342, S10363, S10380, S10381, S10383, S10387, S10393 [12OC]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services (S. 2003), S39 [24JA], S925 [29FE], S1659, S1665 [23MR], S2228 [5AP]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services (S. 2013), S113-S115 [27JA], S828 [24FE]
———restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services (S. 2669), S4565 [6JN]
Bankruptcy: ensure debts incurred as a result of abortion clinic violence are nondischargeable, S103 [26JA], S200 [1FE], S226-S232, S247 [2FE], S7383 [20JY], S11413, S11414 [31OC], S11464, S11466 [1NO], S11552, S11553 [5DE], S11685, S11693, S11694, S11725, S11726, S11728 [7DE]
Beaches: improve quality of coastal recreation waters (H.R. 999), S8998 [21SE]
———improve quality of coastal recreation waters (S. 522), S8998-S9003 [21SE]
BIA: health care, education, economic development, and infrastructure funding, S6503-S6505 [12JY]
Bikini Atoll: assist in resettlement and relocation of people (H.R. 2368), S2796 [13AP]
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: offer of drug for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV to developing countries, S7421 [21JY]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: observance, S10147 [10OC]
Bronx, NY: authorize Dept. of Veterans Affairs medical center renovation project (S. 2631), S4461 [25MY]
Brouse, John S.: Anti-Defamation League American Heritage Award recipient, S220 [1FE]
Budget: allocation of funds, S458-S462, S478 [8FE], S512-S514 [9FE]
———ensure Medicare coverage of prescription drugs prior to consideration of any tax cuts, S2087-S2094 [4AP], S2145-S2155 [5AP], S2667, S2678 [13AP]
———ensure solvency of Social Security and Medicare, S2149-S2151 [5AP], S6784 [14JY], S7044 [17JY]
———treatment of any budget surpluses, S461 [8FE]
———treatment of Dept. of Veterans Affairs Medical Care Cost Recovery Fund receipts, S2337 [6AP]
Bunker, Richard: National Jewish Medical and Research Center Humanitarian Award recipient, S3912 [11MY], S4456 [25MY]
Burgess, Ernest M.: tribute (S. Res. 278), S1828 [28MR]
———tribute (S. Res. 363), S9555 [28SE]
Capital punishment: prohibit the execution of pregnant women (H.R. 4888), S7952 [27JY]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: antimicrobial resistance monitoring and prevention programs funding, S5781, S5817 [26JN], S5829, S5872 [27JN], S6208 [30JN]
———childhood asthma prevention programs funding, S6191 [30JN]
———hantavirus prevention programs funding, S6101 [29JN]
———increase State immunization programs funding, S6192-S6195 [30JN]
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: observance, S8937 [21SE]
Children and youth: address problem of childhood obesity, S9106 [22SE]
———establish national policy on youth development (S. 3085), S8862-S8864 [20SE]
———fetal alcohol syndrome treatment and prevention programs funding, S5942-S5944 [28JN]
———improve health and safety of children receiving child care outside the home (S. 2236), S1408-S1411 [9MR]
———increase State immunization programs funding (S. 2443), S2763 [13AP]
———increase State immunization programs funding (S. 2443), star print, S3268 [2MY]
———lead poisoning screening and treatment funding, S9105 [22SE]
———protect infants who are born alive (H.R. 4292), S10027 [5OC]
———protect infants who are born alive (H.R. 4292), unanimous-consent request, S10526 [13OC]
———protect infants who are born alive (S. 3127), S9393, S9394 [27SE]
———protect the health and welfare of children involved in research (S. 2809), S6021-S6025 [28JN]
———use of State Children's Health Insurance Program funds, S11052 [26OC]
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Day: observance, S3942 [15MY]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association of the Lehigh Valley: tribute, S3942 [15MY]
Coal: National Academy of Sciences study on coal waste impoundments funding, S11879 [15DE]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act: revise and extend programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS (S. 2311), S1885-S1893 [29MR], S1972 [30MR], S4589-S4599 [6JN], S4663-S4665 [7JN], S10029-S10035 [5OC]
Computers: require operators of Internet web sites to obtain a user's consent before sending health information to another entity, S5320 [19JN]
Congress: accomplishments of the 106th Congress, S77 [26JA], S4402-S4405 [25MY], S7496, S7503-S7509 [25JY], S8642 [18SE], S10886 [23OC], S10899-S10901 [24OC], S10962 [25OC], S11350 [30OC], S11460 [1NO]
Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China: monitoring of POW/MIA cooperation, commercial activities between U.S. companies and Chinese Army, space capabilities, the environment, orphans, and organ harvesting, S8161, S8162 [7SE], S8445-S8449, S8493 [13SE], S8544-S8547 [14SE]
———technical changes relative to report recommendations, S8484-S8487, S8491, S8492 [13SE]
Convention Concerning Safety and Health in Mines: ratification, S9184 [25SE]
Correctional institutions: authorize funding for successful reentry of criminal offenders into local communities (S. 2908), S7477 [24JY]
———combat the overutilization of prison health care services and control prisoner health care costs (S. 704), S9553 [28SE], S10706 [18OC], S11529 [14NO]
———substance abuse prevention and treatment programs in prisons funding (S. 2619), S4380 [24MY]
Courts: establish legal standards and procedures for the fair, prompt, inexpensive, and efficient resolution of asbestos exposure personal injury claims (S. 758), S2097 [4AP]
CPSC: increase civil and criminal penalties imposed against companies that fail to report information on defective or dangerous products (S. 2820), S6134 [29JN]
Cuba: exception to trade embargo for food, medicines and medical supplies, instruments, or equipment, S4524 [6JN], S4931 [9JN], S10521 [13OC]
DEA: funding to assist State and local efforts to clean up methamphetamine laboratories, S5542 [21JN], S6465 [11JY], S7439 [21JY], S7459 [24JY]
———funding to assist State and local efforts to clean up methamphetamine laboratories (S. Res. 291), S2713, S2775, S2776 [13AP]
Death and dying: promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia, S11106, S11109, S11110 [26OC], S11207-S11216 [27OC], S11469 [1NO]
———promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia (H.R. 2260), S14 [24JA]
———promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia (H.R. 5544), S11116 [26OC]
———promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia (S. 1272), S9842 [4OC], S10244 [11OC]
———promote pain management and palliative care without permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia (S. 2607), S4311 [23MY]
Democratic Party: national agenda, S122-S124 [31JA], S7494-S7498, S7503-S7507 [25JY], S8045-S8048 [6SE]
Democratic Privacy Task Force (Senate): status of legislative proposals on consumer privacy issues, S11777-S11779 [14DE]
Dept. of Agriculture: clarify authority to establish performance standards for the reduction of microbiological pathogens in meat and poultry, S7218 [19JY], S7303-S7308, S7331-S7334 [20JY]
———clarify authority to establish performance standards for the reduction of microbiological pathogens in meat and poultry (S. 2760), S5556 [21JN]
———Economic Research Service study on the decline in food stamp program participation, S7334-S7337 [20JY]
———reauthorize authority to pay costs associated with removal of commodities that pose a health or safety risk and adjust certain child nutrition programs (S. 3230), S10946, S10947 [24OC]
———use of Food Stamp Program funds to purchase bison meat for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, S7439 [21JY]
Dept. of Defense: Defense Health Program funding, S5012, S5013 [13JN]
———Defense Health Program projects funding, S7741 [27JY]
———ensure confidentiality of medical records and health care-related information, S4983, S4984 [13JN]
———Health Care Management Demonstration Program funding, S4949, S4950 [12JN]
———Peer-Reviewed Alcoholism Research Program funding, S7741 [27JY]
———require study on alternative methods for disposal of munitions at Army depots, S5014 [13JN]
———review of secrecy oaths and policies at nuclear weapons facilities where workers may have had their health compromised by radioactive or other hazardous substances, S6552 [12JY]
———vaccine acquisition policies, S11367 [30OC]
Dept. of Energy: establish compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death, S4754-S4760 [8JN], S10354, S10355, S10375-S10377, S10379, S10386 [12OC]
———establish compensation programs for employees sustaining beryllium and radiation-related injury, illness, or death (S. 2519), S3692 [9MY]
———tribute to workers sustaining illnesses from exposure to beryllium and other hazardous substances and examine health effects of exposure to hazardous substances, S10709 [18OC]
Dept. of HHS: Centers for Independent Living funding, S6210 [30JN]
———Consolidated Health Centers Program funding, S5715-S5719 [23JN]
———establish an Office on Men's Health (S. 2925), S7664 [26JY]
———establish an Office on Women's Health (S. 2675), S4570-S4572 [6JN]
———Huntington's Disease research funding, S6205 [30JN]
———Medicare Integrity Program funding, S6204, S6205 [30JN]
———mental health research programs funding, S6217 [30JN]
———ocular albinism research funding, S6206 [30JN]
———senior citizen outreach and professional services funding, S6205 [30JN]
———State Children's Health Insurance Program funding, S5823-S5829, S5871 [27JN], S6101 [29JN]
———suicide hotline and crisis center certification programs funding, S5971-S5977 [28JN]
———University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Child Health Institute funding, S6208 [30JN]
Dept. of HUD: Lead Abatement Program funding, S10761 [19OC]
———prohibit the use of Federal funds for the construction or operation of discount tobacco stores, S2333, S2334 [6AP], S2427 [7AP]
Dept. of Labor: develop plan to improve compensation, working conditions, and other benefits for agricultural workers in the U.S., S6189 [30JN]
Dept. of the Treasury: establish HMO Guaranty Fund to provide payments to States to pay outstanding health care provider claims of insolvent HMO's (S. 3261), S11374 [30OC]
Dept. of Veterans Affairs: dispense medications to veterans for prescriptions written by private practitioners (S. 2640), S4474 [25MY]
———establish the position of Advisor on Physician Assistants within the Veterans Health Administration (S. 2264), S1521, S1522 [21MR]
———improve outreach programs to more fully inform veterans of available benefits (S. 2953), S7845 [27JY]
———improve procedures for scheduling of certain non-emergency medical services (S. 2007), S90 [26JA]
———Rehabilitation Research Office programs and demonstration projects funding, S10310, S10311 [12OC]
———tribute to VA nurses, S3255 [2MY]
Developing countries: increase assistance to nations with high levels of infectious disease and premature death, S7646 [26JY]
———increase assistance to nations with high levels of infectious disease and premature death (S. 2387), S2530 [11AP]
Disabled: improve service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities (S. 1809), corrections in enrollment (S. Con. Res. 133), S7803 [27JY]
Discrimination: prohibit health insurance and employment discrimination on the basis of genetic information, S6048-S6053, S6067-S6078, S6091 [29JN], S6219 [30JN]
Diseases: address problems associated with polycystic kidney disease, S6205 [30JN]
———address the issue of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (S. 2032), S330 [3FE], S8283 [8SE]
———authorize additional assistance to countries with large populations having HIV/AIDS and authorize assistance for tuberculosis prevention, treatment, control, and elimination, S7619-S7624 [26JY]
———authorizing appropriations for international HIV/AIDS control efforts (S. 2026), S288-S290 [2FE]
———create incentives for private sector research to develop vaccines against widespread diseases and ensure that such vaccines are affordable and widely distributed (S. 2132), S1026-S1028 [1MR]
———Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy research funding, S8937 [21SE]
———establish an international trust fund to combat the AIDS epidemic (H.R. 3519), S7619-S7624 [26JY], S8283 [8SE]
———expand research activities relative to lupus, S11308 [28OC]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research, S7387 [20JY], S7604 [26JY]
———extend issuance of special postage stamps to fund breast cancer research (S. 2386), S2529 [11AP], S7802 [27JY]
———HIV/AIDS research and prevention programs funding, S5604, S5613 [22JN]
———human genome research, S5776, S5784-S5786 [26JN]
———impact of HIV/AIDS on children in developing countries, S4650 [7JN]
———increase public awareness, encourage regular testing and examinations, and extend research programs for prostate cancer, S11308 [28OC]
———increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis (H. Con. Res. 271), S11936 [15DE]
———increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis (S. Con. Res. 93), S1422 [9MR]
———increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis (S. Con. Res. 97), S1528, S1529 [21MR]
———increased support and funding to combat diabetes, S1976 [30MR], S2935 [26AP]
———increased support and funding to combat juvenile diabetes, S11871 [15DE]
———international tuberculosis control (S. 2643), S4477 [25MY]
———neurofibromatosis research funding, S3827 [10MY]
———provide additional assistance for international malaria control programs and coordinate assistance relative to malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis (S. 2940), S7720 [26JY], S7723 [27JY]
———provide additional assistance for international malaria control programs and coordinate assistance relative to malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis (S. 2943), S10840 [19OC], S11802-S11805 [14DE]
———reduce burden of diabetes among children and youth, S9104 [22SE]
———reduce burden of diabetes among children and youth (S. 2879), S7074, S7075 [17JY]
———support efforts to increase childhood cancer awareness, treatment, and research, S8937 [21SE]
———tuberculosis and malaria prevention, treatment, and control programs funding, S5551 [21JN]
Drug abuse: combat ``Ecstasy'' production, abuse, and imports, and increase education and awareness on dangers, S2893 [26AP]
———combat ``Ecstasy'' production, abuse, and imports, and increase education and awareness on dangers (S. 2612), S4317 [23MY], S9846 [4OC]
———combat methamphetamine abuse, S74-S76 [26JA]
———combat methamphetamine production and abuse, S11530 [14NO]
———national drug control policy, S789 [24FE], S2648 [13AP], S2893 [26AP], S5313-S5315 [19JN], S9562-S9564 [2OC], S11236 [27OC]
Drugs: allow importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale, S7142 [18JY], S7194-S7216 [19JY], S7377 [20JY]
———allow importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale and by U.S. citizens for personal use, S9029 [22SE], S9255, S9258 [26SE], S10523 [13OC], S10669, S10675-S10678, S10681-S10688, S10691-S10698, S10732 [18OC]
———allow importation of prescription drugs into the U.S. by pharmacists and wholesalers for resale and by U.S. citizens for personal use (S. 2520), S3693-S3695 [9MY]
———discrepancy in prescription drug prices between U.S. and foreign countries, S1862 [29MR], S2320 [6AP], S8781-S8785 [20SE]
———enhance competition for prescription drugs by increasing enforcement of existing antitrust laws relative to brand name and generic drugs (S. 2993), S7908 [27JY]
———enhance consumer protection in the purchase of prescription drugs from Internet pharmacies (S. 3208), S10620-S10623 [17OC]
———extend interstate price discrimination prohibitions to foreign commerce relative to the discrepancy in prescription drug prices between U.S. and foreign countries (S. 2464), S2942 [26AP], S4171 [18MY]
———pharmaceutical industry research and development costs, S1862 [29MR]
———registration requirements for practitioners who dispense narcotic drugs for maintenance or detoxification treatment, S9111-S9115 [22SE], S11892, S11893 [15DE]
———use of counter-drug military assistance for Colombia to fund domestic substance abuse and mental health services, S5487-S5508 [21JN]
Easter Seals (organization): anniversary of Southeastern Michigan chapter, S7999 [5SE]
Education: provide grants to local educational agencies to initiate and improve physical education programs, S4027 [16MY]
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation: tribute, S95 [26JA]
EPA: Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program implementation, S10312, S10313 [12OC]
Families and domestic relations: require written parental consent to provide abortion services to minors (S. 3102), S9198 [25SE]
FDA: adverse event monitoring system for dietary supplements funding, S7371 [20JY]
———food safety initiative activities funding, S7368, S7375 [20JY]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco, S2411 [7AP]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (S. 2333), S1990-S1993 [30MR]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (S. 2379), S2350, S2351 [6AP]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (S. 2566), S4016-S4018 [16MY]
———grant authority to regulate tobacco (S. 2568), S4018 [16MY]
———Office of Generic Drugs funding, S7329, S7330, S7376 [20JY]
Federal employees: enable the Government to enroll an employee's child in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program when the employee fails to provide coverage for the child under a State court order (H.R. 2842), S10551, S10552 [13OC]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (H.R. 4040), S7802 [27JY]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (H.R. 4040), insert S. 2420 language in lieu, S7582 [25JY]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (S. 2218), S1321-S1324 [8MR]
———establish program under which current and former employees may obtain long-term care insurance (S. 2420), S7575-S7582 [25JY], S10587 [13OC]
———treatment of Government physicians' comparability allowances as basic pay for retirement purposes (H.R. 207), S11940 [15DE]
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: coverage of contraceptives under any plan providing prescription drug coverage, S8799 [20SE]
Financial institutions: strengthen consumer control over use and disclosure of personal financial and health information (S. 2513), S3532-S3537 [4MY], S11779 [14DE]
Food: improve safety of imported foods (S. 2692), S4685, S4689 [7JN]
———inspection of meat and poultry products by meat processing company employees instead of Dept. of Agriculture inspectors, S3045 [1MY]
———require labels on food that contains, or is produced with, a genetically engineered material (S. 2080), S683-S685 [22FE]
Food industry: require FDA premarket review and oversight of all genetically engineered foods (S. 3184), S10253 [11OC]
———safety of genetically engineered foods (S. 2315), S1894 [29MR]
Foreign countries: exempt agricultural products, medicines, and medical products from U.S. economic sanctions, S4524 [6JN], S4931 [9JN], S4970 [12JN], S5063-S5067 [14JN], S6051-S6053 [29JN], S6344 [10JY], S7591, S7603, S7604, S7629 [26JY], S9019, S9029, S9030 [22SE], S10063-S10065 [6OC], S10147 [10OC], S10669, S10670, S10675, S10681, S10688 [18OC], S10792 [19OC]
Foreign policy: prohibit any agent of the U.S. from pressuring African countries to change or revoke laws aimed at increasing access to HIV/AIDS drugs, S3037-S3039 [27AP], S3471 [4MY], S3792-S3807, S3818, S3823 [10MY], S3860, S3868, S3871, S3876 [11MY]
Foreign trade: promote safety of genetically engineered foods, S3178-S3180 [1MY]
Hawaii: anniversary of Kuakini Medical Health System, S1230 [7MR]
———anniversary of Kuakini Medical Health System Auxiliary, S1231 [7MR]
Hazardous substances: designate Yucca Mountain, NV, as nuclear waste disposal site, S1652 [23MR], S3202-S3205, S3213 [2MY]
———increase funding for poison control centers and establish toll-free telephone number to improve access, S6197 [30JN]
———transporting of nuclear waste through certain California counties to Nevada disposal site, S3213-S3216 [2MY]
Health: sustain access to vital emergency medical services in rural areas (S. 3125), S9390 [27SE]
Health Care Financing Administration: consider the impact of implementing new reimbursement rules on existing emergency medical services systems (S. Res. 302), S3333 [3MY]
———imposition of fines for improper Medicaid coverage changes, S6204 [30JN]
———reform the regulatory processes used to administer the Medicare program, S8808 [20SE], S8875, S8876 [21SE]
———reform the regulatory processes used to administer the Medicare program (S. 2999), S8093-S8097 [6SE]
———revise performance standards and certification process for organ procurement organizations (S. 2235), S1407 [9MR]
———revise performance standards and certification process for organ procurement organizations (S. 2625), S4389 [24MY], S4718 [7JN]
Health care professionals: create a national voluntary reporting system to continually reduce medical errors and improve patient safety, S6212 [30JN]
———create a national voluntary reporting system to continually reduce medical errors and improve patient safety (S. 2743), S5268-S5271 [15JN]
———establish a demonstration program to address physician shortage, recruitment, and retention problems in rural areas (S. 3176), S10083 [6OC]
———reduce accidental injury and death resulting from medical mistakes and reduce medication-related errors (S. 2038), S489-S491 [8FE]
———reduce accidental injury and death resulting from medical mistakes and reduce medication-related errors (S. 2738), S5263 [15JN]
Homeless: substance abuse prevention and treatment services funding, S6188 [30JN]
Housing: preserve assisted housing for low-income elderly persons, disabled persons, and certain families (S. 2733), S5241-S5251 [15JN]
Houston, TX: tribute to Ronald McDonald House Mobile Healthcare Unit, S11902 [15DE]
Idaho State University: food irradiation effects on shelf life research funding, S7371 [20JY]
Immigration: pilot program to extend voluntary departure period for certain nonimmigrant aliens admitted under the Visa Waiver Pilot Program for medical treatment in the U.S. (H.R. 2961), S10843 [19OC]
———waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants (S. 2812), S6121, S6122 [29JN], S7456 [21JY], S10843 [19OC]
Indian Health Care Improvement Act: revise and extend (S. 2526), S3697-S3735 [9MY]
Indian Health Service: diabetes treatment, prevention, and research funding through reductions in the National Endowment for the Arts, S6528-S6530, S6537 [12JY], S6671 [13JY]
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: authorizing appropriations (S. 2341), S9259 [26SE]
———authorizing appropriations (S. 2355), S2116 [4AP]
———funding, S714, S720 [23FE], S899-S919 [29FE], S1371 [9MR], S2329, S2331 [6AP], S2396-S2400 [7AP], S5984-S5986, S5990-S5994, S6002 [28JN], S6099-S6101 [29JN], S6187 [30JN], S7084, S7085 [18JY]
Insurance: coverage of infertility treatment (S. 2160), S1122 [2MR]
———establish grants for States to establish health insurance consumer assistance programs (S. 2819), S6132-S6134 [29JN]
———guarantee comprehensive health care coverage for all children (S. 2515), S3538 [4MY]
———improve access to health care services for uninsured and low-income individuals in medically under served areas (S. Res. 260), S824 [24FE], S840 [28FE]
———improve access to health care services for uninsured and low-income individuals in medically underserved areas, S2415, S2416 [7AP], S2462 [10AP]
———improve access to health insurance and Medicare benefits for individuals aged 55 to 65 and allow tax credits for payment of such premiums and COBRA coverage premiums (S. 2918), S7552 [25JY]
———increase access to long-term health care (S. 2935), S7674-S7676 [26JY]
———legal accountability for actions by health insurance companies and HMO's, S4799, S4801, S4806 [8JN]
———limit the administrative expenses and profits of managed care entities to a certain percentage of premium revenues (S. 2975), S7890 [27JY]
———make the same health insurance options afforded to executive and judicial branch employees available to Federal annuitants, legislative branch employees, and Armed Forces members and retirees (H.R. 4277), S10587 [13OC]
———protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's, S1111-S1113 [2MR], S2339 [6AP], S2450 [10AP], S2891 [26AP], S4787-S4808 [8JN], S5729 [23JN], S6079-S6093 [29JN], S7516-S7519 [25JY], S7980 [5SE], S8630 [15SE], S9401 [27SE], S9427, S9428 [28SE], S9926, S9927 [5OC], S10127-S10129 [10OC], S10746, S10748 [19OC], S10886 [23OC], S10963, S10967-S10972 [25OC], S11064, S11082, S11111 [26OC], S11334, S11335, S11337 [29OC]
———protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's (S. 3057), S8641 [18SE]
———protection of enrollees in managed care plans and HMO's (S. 3058), S8641 [18SE]
———require comprehensive coverage for childhood immunizations (S. 2444), S2763 [13AP]
Iowa: anniversary of Allen Memorial Hospital and the Allen Health System nursing education program, S8655 [18SE]
Kids Day America/International: observance, S4186 [18MY]
Kingston, NV: sale and conveyance of certain lands for use as an emergency medical air evacuation site (S. 2618), S4379 [24MY]
Lakes Region General Hospital: Business New Hampshire Magazine Businesses of the Decade designee, S4234 [22MY]
Levine, Peter: American Lung Association of the Michigan-Genesee Valley Region Individual Health Advocate of the Year award recipient, S2342 [6AP], S2522 [11AP]
Library of Congress: extend Federal health and retirement benefits to day care center employees, S4358 [24MY]
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation: tribute to Campaign for Healthier Babies Month, S10151 [10OC]
Medicaid: apply aggregate upper payment limits to non-State publicly owned or operated facilities (S. 3187), S10270 [11OC]
———assure preservation of safety net hospitals through maintenance of Disproportionate Share Hospital Program (S. 2308), S1822 [28MR]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), S3852 [10MY], S3858 [11MY], S9821-S9823 [4OC], S10215 [11OC]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment for certain women and research on relationship between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (H.R. 4386), insert S. 662 language in lieu, S9821 [4OC]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment services for certain women screened under federally funded programs, S2226 [5AP], S2324, S2325 [6AP]
———coverage of breast and cervical cancer treatment services for certain women screened under federally funded programs (S. 662), S4950 [12JN], S5784 [26JN], S7472 [24JY], S7824 [27JY], S9821 [4OC]
———coverage of community-based attendant services (S. 1935), S7640 [26JY]
———coverage of lead poisoning screening and treatment for children, S6797, S6808 [14JY]
———implement regulations clarifying allowable costs for school-based health services provided to children with disabilities (S. 3088), S8952 [21SE]
———make drug pricing information available to the public (S. 2963), S7855-S7858 [27JY]
———provide families and disabled children with the opportunity to purchase coverage (S. 2274), S1607, S1608 [22MR], S5305 [16JN], S6819 [14JY], S10748 [19OC]
———reform, S5879 [27JN]
———State funding for disproportionate share hospitals, S11876 [15DE]
———State funding for disproportionate share hospitals (S. 2299), S1748 [27MR]
———State funding for disproportionate share hospitals (S. 2299), star print, S4327 [23MY]
Medicare: allow tax deduction for Medigap and Medicare+Choice plans including outpatient prescription drug and long-term care benefits, and establish new Medigap policies including such benefits (S. 2237), S1411 [9MR]
———anniversary, S5879 [27JN]
———clarify definition of homebound relative to home health services (S. 2298), S1748 [27MR]
———clarify definition of homebound relative to home health services (S. 3106), S9200 [25SE]
———coverage of adult day care services (S. 2826), S6138 [29JN]
———coverage of bone mass measurements (S. 2524), S3695 [9MY]
———coverage of glaucoma detection services (S. 3024), S8343 [11SE]
———coverage of medical nutrition therapy services (S. 660), S8337 [11SE]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs, S132-S134 [31JA], S657 [22FE], S705-S709 [23FE], S837 [28FE], S1188-S1191 [6MR], S1659 [23MR], S1698 [27MR], S1851-S1853 [29MR], S1947 [30MR], S2030 [3AP], S2059, S2063, S2084 [4AP], S2324 [6AP], S2390, S2427 [7AP], S2571 [12AP], S2675, S2676, S2681, S2683, S2688, S2689 [13AP], S2891, S2893 [26AP], S2958 [27AP], S4171 [18MY], S4513 [6JN], S4974-S4978 [13JN], S5609, S5636-S5641, S5643, S5645, S5646 [22JN], S5721, S5726, S5731 [23JN], S5779, S5786 [26JN], S6442, S6446 [11JY], S6632-S6636, S6643 [13JY], S6796 [14JY], S7006, S7050 [17JY], S7085 [18JY], S7627 [26JY], S7962, S7980 [5SE], S8045-S8048 [6SE], S8160 [7SE], S8245-S8250, S8272-S8274 [8SE], S8536-S8538, S8569, S8600-S8604 [14SE], S8629, S8630 [15SE], S8748-S8750 [19SE], S8773-S8776, S8780-S8789 [20SE], S9127 [25SE], S9334, S9335 [27SE], S9415-S9418, S9422 [28SE], S9565 [2OC], S9835-S9838 [4OC], S9923, S9927 [5OC], S10127-S10129 [10OC], S10667-S10669 [18OC], S10960-S10962, S10968 [25OC], S11065 [26OC], S11531 [14NO], S11564 [5DE]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs and enhanced preventative benefits (S. 2541), S3839-S3850 [10MY]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs for military retirees, S10383 [12OC]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 1480), S7, S8 [24JA], S124, S125 [31JA], S315 [3FE], S656 [22FE], S751-S753 [23FE], S787 [24FE], S1042 [1MR], S1162-S1164 [6MR], S1203 [7MR], S1267 [8MR], S1482 [21MR], S2032-S2034 [3AP], S3694 [9MY]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 1535), S104 [26JA], S5879 [27JN], S6253 [30JN]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 2758), S5465-S5467 [20JN], S5719 [23JN]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 2836), S8091-S8093 [6SE]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 3016), S8198-S8204 [7SE]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 3017), S8204 [7SE]
———coverage of outpatient prescription drugs (S. 3107), S9254 [26SE], S9357 [27SE]
———Disproportionate Share Hospital Program funding, S6216 [30JN]
———eliminate discriminatory copayment rates, add intensive residential services, and expand the number of eligible professionals relative to mental health care services (S. 3233), S11000 [25OC], S11528 [14NO]
———eliminate reduction in payment rates to home health agencies for home health services (S. 2365), S2242-S2244 [5AP], S8094 [6SE], S8807-S8809 [20SE], S8874-S8877 [21SE]
———eliminate time limitation on benefits for immunosuppressive drugs (S. 2399), S2541 [11AP], S2713 [13AP]
———enhance the critical access hospital program (S. 2600), S4237 [22MY]
———ensure reimbursement for certain ambulance services and improve the efficiency of the emergency medical system (S. 911), S3686 [9MY]
———establish a hospice demonstration and grant program for beneficiaries (S. 3026), S8413 [12SE]
———establish a physician recruitment and retention project (S. 3167), S9949 [5OC]
———establish a voluntary plan under which eligible beneficiaries may elect to receive coverage for outpatient prescription drugs (S. 2319), S1899-S1901 [29MR], S2650-S2653 [13AP]
———expand and make permanent the subvention demonstration project for military retirees and dependents (S. 915), S2228 [5AP]
———expand coverage of certain self-injected biologicals, S11898 [15DE]
———expand coverage of certain self-injected biologicals (S. 2644), S4557 [6JN], S4921 [9JN]
———expand coverage of certain self-injected biologicals (S. 2957), S7849 [27JY]
———extend the option to use rebased target amounts to all sole community hospitals (S. 2037), S381 [7FE]
———graduate medical education payments, S6208 [30JN], S7785 [27JY], S11817 [15DE]
———graduate medical education payments (S. 2394), S2534, S2535 [11AP]
———improve access to Medicare+Choice plans through an increase in annual capitation rates (S. 2937), S7679-S7687 [26JY]
———improve coverage determination process relative to new advances in medical technology (S. 1626), S78 [26JA]
———improve fee-for-services reimbursement rates in rural States (S. 2610), S4315, S4316 [23MY]
———improve health of senior citizens and disabled individuals (S. 2727), S5109 [14JN]
———improve Medicare-dependent, small rural hospital program (S. 2768), S5666 [22JN]
———improve methodology for the calculation of Medicare+Choice program payment rates (S. 3029), S8407 [12SE]
———improve the manner in which new medical technologies are made available to beneficiaries, S11861-S11863 [15DE]
———improve the manner in which new medical technologies are made available to beneficiaries (S. 3082), S8858 [20SE]
———increase access to health care for beneficiaries through telemedicine (S. 2505), S3519, S3520 [4MY]
———increase awareness of the availability of cost-sharing assistance to eligible low-income beneficiaries (S. 2814), S6124 [29JN]
———increase payment amount and establish an annual payment review process for renal dialysis services (S. 3038), S8420 [12SE]
———make improvements to the Medicare+Choice program, S10669 [18OC]
———make improvements to the Medicare+Choice program (S. 2905), S7449 [21JY]
———make improvements to the prospective payment system for skilled nursing facility services (S. 3050), S8588, S8589 [14SE]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit, S8775, S8869 [20SE]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), S6182 [29JN], S6185 [30JN]
———make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (S. 2807), S6020 [28JN]
———payment of claims by health care providers against insolvent Medicare+Choice organizations (S. 2110), S867 [28FE]
———preserve access to outpatient cancer treatment by ensuring any changes in reimbursement rates are based on appropriate guidelines and analysis by GAO (S. 3003), S8022 [5SE], S8093 [6SE]
———promote access to health care services in rural areas (S. 2987), S7895, S7900 [27JY]
———promote research for health promotion and disease prevention and add preventive benefits, S8536, S8537 [14SE], S8748-S8750 [19SE]
———promote research for health promotion and disease prevention and add preventive benefits (S. 2232), S1400-S1402 [9MR]
———provide appropriate transition from interim payment system to prospective payment system for home health services (S. 2835), S6257-S6259 [30JN]
———provide for additional payment of services for certain high-cost individuals under the prospective payment system for skilled nursing facility service (S. 1500), S77 [26JA]
———provide for equitable reimbursement rates to Medicare+Choice organizations, S11234 [27OC], S11621 [6DE], S11682 [7DE]
———provide for moratorium on mandatory delay of payment of claims and establish advanced informational infrastructure for administration of Federal health benefit programs (S. 2312), S1893 [29MR]
———provide guidance to health care providers attempting to properly submit claims and target truly fraudulent activity for enforcement of billing regulations rather than inadvertent errors (S. 3131), S9469 [28SE]
———reductions in prescription drug prices, S2032-S2034 [3AP], S4974-S4978 [13JN], S9839 [4OC]
———reductions in prescription drug prices (S. 731), S838-S840 [28FE], S11564 [5DE]
———reform, S348 [7FE], S6204 [30JN], S8091-S8097 [6SE], S8272-S8274 [8SE], S8629 [15SE], S10667-S10669 [18OC], S11455 [1NO]
———reimbursement levels for free-standing cancer hospitals for outpatient services, S11481 [1NO]
———revise inflation update factor used in making payments to prospective payment system hospitals (S. 1609), S3688 [9MY]
———revise inflation update factor used in making payments to prospective payment system hospitals (S. 2018), S213 [1FE], S8776-S8778 [20SE], S9883 [5OC]
———revise payments for certain physician pathology services (S. 3055), S8592 [14SE]
———revise the calculation of base payment rates for the prospective payment system for home health services (S. 2766), S5663 [22JN]
———revise the calculation of base payment rates for the prospective payment system for home health services (S. 3034), S8418 [12SE]
———State accreditation of diabetes self-management training programs (S. 3084), S8862 [20SE]
———use of additional projected surplus funds to supplement funding previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act, S6984 [14JY], S7784-S7786 [27JY]
———waive waiting period for coverage and provide coverage of drugs for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, S11225 [27OC], S11821 [15DE]
———waive waiting period for coverage and provide coverage of drugs for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (S. 1074), S9889, S9890 [5OC]
———waive waiting period for coverage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, S6797 [14JY]
Medicare/Medicaid: improve patient safety by reducing medical errors (S. 2378), S2349 [6AP]
———require criminal background checks for nursing facility workers (S. 3066), S8759 [19SE]
———restrict use and require recording and reporting of information on use of physical and chemical restraints and seclusion in mental health facilities, S6204 [30JN]
Memory: process, disorders, and loss research funding, S11782 [14DE]
Mental health: establish demonstration courts (S. 1865), S9329 [26SE]
———expansion of the Southern Florida Medical Corrections Options Program to include a demonstration project in Hawaii, S11231 [27OC]
———protect individuals who need mental health services (S. 3238), S11004 [25OC]
———provide programs for the treatment of mental illness, S9107 [22SE]
———provide programs for the treatment of mental illness (S. 2639), S4466, S4474 [25MY]
Mental Retardation Awareness Month: observance, S1976 [30MR]
Mexico: safety and well-being of U.S. citizens injured while traveling (H. Con. Res. 232), S10839 [19OC]
Minorities: health programs (S. 1880), S11188-S11190 [26OC]
Monroe County, MI: anniversary of American Red Cross, S2436 [7AP]
Mott Community College: American Lung Association of the Michigan-Genesee Valley Region Corporate Health Advocate of the Year award recipient, S2342 [6AP], S2523 [11AP]
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month: designate (S. Res. 351), S8344 [11SE]
———support goals and ideas (H. Con. Res. 371), S8639 [15SE]
National Amputee Awareness Week: designate (S. Res. 330), S6145 [29JN]
National Assisted Living Week: observance, S8340 [11SE], S8411 [12SE]
National Biotechnology Month: observance, S58-S63, S95 [26JA], S144-S146 [31JA]
National D.O. Day: observance, S2723 [13AP]
National Day of Remembrance: designate to honor veterans exposed to radiation or radioactive materials during service (S. Res. 336), S6982, S6983 [14JY]
National EMS Week: observance, S3686 [9MY]
National Eye Donor Month: observance, S1230 [7MR]
National Fragile X Awareness Week: designate (S. Res. 268), S1424 [9MR], S6583 [12JY]
National Heart Failure Awareness Week: designate (S. Res. 256), S646 [10FE], S695 [22FE]
National Hospital Week: observance, S3688 [9MY]
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Engineering: establish (H.R. 1795), S11850, S11852 [15DE]
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: authorize development of research centers focusing on environmental factors related to the etiology of breast cancer (S. 2287), S1679 [23MR]
National Mammography Day: designate (S. Res. 353), S8422 [12SE], S9683 [3OC]
National Neurofibromatosis Month: observance, S3251 [2MY], S3827 [10MY]
National Nuclear Security Administration: application of environmental protection, safety, and health regulations (S. 2597), S4202 [18MY]
National Nurses Week: observance, S3255 [2MY]
National objectives: policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures, S4513, S4514 [6JN], S4977 [13JN], S5821 [26JN], S7504, S7508 [25JY], S8045-S8048 [6SE], S9565 [2OC], S10967-S10972 [25OC], S11064-S11067, S11074-S11076, S11111 [26OC], S11340-S11342 [29OC]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (H.R. 2990), S1698 [27MR], S6412 [11JY]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (S. 2888), S7229-S7232 [19JY]
———policy to provide health care and reform insurance procedures (S. 3172), S9957 [5OC]
———role of Federal Government, S10135-S10137 [10OC]
National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week: observance, S2713 [13AP]
National Organization for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: anniversary, S4928 [9JN]
National Osteoporosis Prevention Month: observance, S4294 [23MY]
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week: designate (S. Res. 347), S8026 [5SE]
National Pharmacy Week: observance, S11491 [1NO]
National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week: observance, S696 [22FE]
National School Lunch Act: improve management of the child and adult care food program (S. 2356), S2117 [4AP]
———use of pilot projects to increase number of children participating in summer food service programs (S. 3054), S8591 [14SE]
National Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness Week: designate (S. Res. 300), S3039-S3041 [27AP]
National Survivors of Suicide Day: designate (S. Res. 339), S7454 [21JY], S10939 [24OC]
Native Americans: allow purchase of prescription drugs from the Federal Supply Schedule, S7715 [26JY]
———authorize the integration and consolidation of alcohol and substance abuse programs and services provided by tribal governments (S. 1507), S5054, S5055 [13JN]
———enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (H.R. 1167), S7715 [26JY]
———enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (H.R. 1167), insert S. 979 language in lieu, S2138 [4AP]
———enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities (S. 979), S2131-S2138 [4AP]
———technical corrections to certain laws (S. 3031), S8416 [12SE]
Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act: revise and extend (S. 1929), S9318 [26SE]
NIH: biomedical research funding (S. Res. 253), S383 [7FE], S488 [8FE]
———experimental program to stimulate competitive research (S. 2358), S2234 [5AP]
———funding, S2401, S2402 [7AP], S2689, S2694 [13AP], S5719-S5721 [23JN], S6002 [28JN], S11817 [15DE]
———reauthorize women's health research award programs (S. 3215), S10719 [18OC]
———support modernization and construction of biomedical and behavioral research facilities and laboratory instrumentation, S11307 [28OC]
NIST: establish a program to support research and training in methods of detecting the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes (S. 2267), S1616 [22MR]
———establish a program to support research and training in methods of detecting the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes (S. 2267), placed on the calendar, S1619 [23MR]
———establish a program to support research and training in methods of detecting the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes (S. 2340), S7509-S7511, S7520, S7526-S7528 [25JY]
———establish a program to support research and training in methods of detecting the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes (S. 2340), unanimous-consent request, S6056, S6057 [29JN]
Northampton, MA: tribute to Northampton VA Hospital Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Program, S6345 [10JY]
Nutrition: establish a national folic acid education program to prevent birth defects, S9110 [22SE]
Occupational Safety and Health Act: anniversary, S3181 [1MY]
———require changes in the bloodborne pathogens standard (H.R. 5178), S11041-S11043 [26OC]
———require changes in the bloodborne pathogens standard (S. 3067), S8761, S8762 [19SE]
Older Americans Act: extend authorization, establish National Family Caregiver Support Program, modernize aging programs and services, and address need to engage in life course planning (S. 1536), S9689 [3OC]
———National Family Caregiver Support Program funding, S6002 [28JN], S11028-S11041, S11055, S11056, S11089-S11095 [26OC]
OPM: administer a national health program to offer Federal employee health benefits plans to individuals who are not Federal employees (S. 3284), S11927 [15DE]
Oregon: repeal of assisted suicide and euthanasia laws, S9842 [4OC]
Organ procurement and transplantation programs: revise and extend (H.R. 2418), S2228 [5AP]
———revise and extend (S. 2366), S2786 [13AP]
———revise and extend (S. 2398), S2535-S2537 [11AP]
OSHA: implementation of ergonomic regulations, S3181 [1MY], S5591-S5603, S5606-S5609, S5629-S5636, S5640-S5646 [22JN], S6212 [30JN], S11436 [31OC], S11486 [1NO], S11515 [14NO], S11549 [5DE], S11869 [15DE]
———issue regulations to eliminate or minimize the significant risk of needlestick injury to health care workers, S5782 [26JN], S5831, S5832 [27JN]
Patients Before Paperwork Medicare Red Tape Reduction Commission: establish (S. 2708), S4851 [8JN]
Pesticides: implement integrated pest management systems to minimize use in schools and provide parents and employees with notices of pesticide use (S. 1716), S1170 [6MR]
Petroleum: phase-out use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) in reformulated gasoline, S846 [28FE]
———prohibit the use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) in reformulated gasoline and provide research on remediation of contaminated groundwater (S. 2233), S1402-S1406 [9MR]
———prohibit use of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), provide flexibility within the EPA's oxygenate requirements, and promote the use of renewable ethanol (S. 2546), S3919-S3921 [11MY]
Pharmaceuticals: provide access and choice for use of generic drugs under Federal health care programs (S. 2501), S3328 [3MY], S11564 [5DE]
Pittsburgh, PA: tribute to ``Hot Pink Pittsburgh'' dance recital fundraiser for breast cancer research, S8819 [20SE]
Postal Service: issue special postage stamps to fund organ and tissue donation awareness (S. 2062), S621 [10FE]
Privacy: ensure confidentiality of medical records and health care-related information, S10963 [25OC]
———ensure confidentiality of medical records and health care-related information (S. 573), S11779 [14DE]
Product safety: penalize the knowing and reckless introduction of a defective product into interstate commerce (S. 3014), S8188 [7SE]
———promote new and revised toxicological tests that protect human, animal, and environmental health while reducing need for animal testing (H.R. 4281), S11648, S11649 [6DE]
———promote new and revised toxicological tests that protect human, animal, and environmental health while reducing need for animal testing (S. 1495), S10893 [23OC]
Professional Boxing Safety Act: standardize physical examinations for boxers and require periodic brain CAT scans to obtain a boxing license (S. 143), S2342 [6AP]
Public buildings: placement of automatic external defibrillators to assist individuals who experience cardiac arrest and protections from civil liability relative to emergency use of the devices (H.R. 2498), S11041 [26OC], S11307-S11314 [28OC]
Public Health Service: enhance the Nation's capacity to address public health threats and emergencies, S11307-S11314 [28OC]
———enhance the Nation's capacity to address public health threats and emergencies (S. 2731), S5115-S5117 [14JN]
Public Health Service Act: provide certain children's health services (H.R. 4365), S9094-S9116 [22SE], S9187 [25SE], S9242, S9260-S9262 [26SE], S9839-S9842 [4OC], S10051 [6OC], S11892, S11893 [15DE]
———provide certain children's health services (S. 2868), S6682-S6687 [13JY], S6836 [14JY]
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act: improve application process and compensation criteria for certain individuals exposed to radiation in uranium mines and mills and through fallout from nuclear weapons testing (S. 1515), S77 [26JA], S6036-S6040 [28JN]
Republican Party: national agenda, S125-S130 [31JA]
Research: embryonic stem cell research funding (S. 2015), S150-S152 [31JA], S9447, S9448 [28SE]
———embryonic stem cell research funding (S. 2015), unanimous-consent request, S9446 [28SE]
———human fetal tissue transplantation research practices, S5869 [27JN]
———positron emission topography technology funding, S8186 [7SE]
———prohibit funding to reimburse costs of fetal tissue procurement contractors which obtain fetal tissue from induced abortions, S5830 [27JN]
Rogers, Thomasina V. (Tommy): selection as Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, S297 [2FE]
Rural areas: promote and improve access to health care services, S6211, S6212 [30JN], S9366 [27SE]
———promote and improve access to health care services (S. 2735), S5254, S5255 [15JN]
———provide funds for automatic external defibrillators and the training of individuals in advanced cardiac life support, S6188, S6189 [30JN]
———provide funds for automatic external defibrillators and the training of individuals in advanced cardiac life support (S. 2528), S3832-S3834 [10MY], S10160 [10OC]
———sustain access to vital emergency medical services in rural areas (S. 3125), S9390 [27SE]
Safety Net Organizations and Patient Advisory Commission: establish (S. 3035), S8407, S8419 [12SE]
Schools: notify parents in advance of the use of certain pesticides and provide school districts with current EPA pesticides manual and list, S1089, S1090, S1095, S1096 [2MR], S1170 [6MR]
———postcoital emergency contraception distribution funding, S6094 [29JN], S6186, S6187 [30JN]
Science: increase Federal technology research and development funding, S3502-S3506 [4MY]
Senate: legislative priorities, S5323-S5325 [19JN], S7595 [26JY], S7983-S7985 [5SE], S8265 [8SE], S8627-S8629 [15SE], S8642-S8644 [18SE], S9400, S9401 [27SE], S9565 [2OC], S10611 [17OC], S10884, S10885, S10886 [23OC]
Senior citizens: prevent and increase penalties for crimes such as health care, pension, and telemarketing fraud, and nursing home abuse and fraud (S. 751), S8190 [7SE], S9945 [5OC]
Social Security: create a grant program to promote joint activities between Federal, State, and local child welfare and alcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment agencies (S. 2435), S2745 [13AP]
———effects of reform proposals on women, S4247 [23MY]
———ensure solvency of trust funds, S6656-S6659 [13JY]
———expand Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program to include parents of low-income families, S2412-S2414 [7AP], S6790-S6792 [14JY], S7048 [17JY]
———expand Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program to include parents of low-income families (S. 2923), S7660-S7663 [26JY]
———expand State Children's Health Insurance Program to include parents of low-income families (S. 2976), S7891 [27JY]
———extend availability of State Children's Health Insurance Program allotments, S11876 [15DE]
———extend availability of State Children's Health Insurance Program allotments (S. 2434), S2744, S2745 [13AP]
———increase spousal survivors' benefit and allow women taking leave to care for a child or relative to exempt those years from benefit calculations, S6656-S6659 [13JY]
———level of benefit payment in the month of the beneficiary's death (S. 2926), S7665 [26JY]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to Balanced Budget Act, S6984 [14JY]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act, S77 [26JA], S10653 [18OC], S11104, S11109-S11111 [26OC], S11195, S11197-S11204, S11217-S11224, S11283-S11290 [27OC], S11455-S11457, S11472, S11486 [1NO], S11818, S11861-S11863, S11870, S11871, S11882 [15DE]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act (S. 3077), S8825-S8857 [20SE], S8879 [21SE]
———make corrections in Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program relative to the Balanced Budget Act (S. 3165), S9946, S9947, S10027 [5OC]
———phase out taxation of benefits (S. 2304), S1817 [28MR]
———promote smoking cessation under Medicare, Medicaid, and the Maternal and Child Health Program (S. 3073), S8765 [19SE]
———protect Social Security and Medicare surpluses through strengthened budgetary enforcement mechanisms, S2385, S2394, S2395 [7AP]
———protect Social Security and Medicare surpluses through strengthened budgetary enforcement mechanisms (H.R. 3859), S5580 [21JN], S5654, S5710 [22JN]
———protect surplus by requiring a sequester to eliminate any deficit (S. 2001), S10 [24JA], S104 [26JA]
———reform, S3938-S3940 [15MY], S4243-S4253 [23MY], S4339 [24MY], S5317 [19JN]
———repeal tax increase on benefits, eliminate earnings test for retirement age individuals, and raise age for minimum distributions from pension plans (S. 2180), S1126 [2MR]
———require report to Congress on solvency, S1483, S1484, S1493 [21MR], S1535 [22MR]
———require report to Congress on solvency (S. 2249), S1462 [20MR]
Social Security Act: anniversary, S7821 [27JY]
Social Security Protection, Preservation, and Reform Commission: establish (S. 2510), S3524-S3529 [4MY]
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine: anniversary, S2339 [6AP]
South Dakota State Medical Association Alliance: anniversary, S3603 [8MY]
SSI: funding, S5980-S5984 [28JN]
Supreme Court: consideration of case on partial-birth abortions, S2714 [13AP]
Tariff: R115777 (S. 2628), S4391 [24MY]
Taxation: allow a refundable credit for health insurance costs (S. 2337), S1995 [30MR]
———allow a refundable credit for long-term care, S6660-S6662 [13JY]
———allow small employers a tax credit for costs paid or incurred for employee health insurance expenses, S7049 [17JY]
———allow small employers a tax credit for costs paid or incurred for employee health insurance expenses (S. 2964), S7858 [27JY]
———allow small employers a tax credit for costs paid or incurred for employee health insurance expenses (S. 2994), S7909 [27JY]
———clarify status of professional employer organizations in order to assist small businesses in providing employee benefits and collecting employment taxes (S. 2979), S7893 [27JY]
———credit for health insurance costs (S. 2320), S1901-S1904 [29MR]
———deny tax benefits for research conducted by pharmaceutical companies where U.S. consumers pay more for products of that research than foreign consumers (S. 2465), S2943 [26AP]
———exclude U.S. savings bond income from gross income if used to pay long-term care expenses, S6799 [14JY], S7050 [17JY]
———exclude U.S. savings bond income from gross income if used to pay long-term care expenses (S. 2066), S624 [10FE]
———extend research and development tax credit, S6610-S6613 [13JY]
———full deduction of health insurance costs for self-employed individuals, S6815 [14JY], S7049 [17JY]
———impose a discriminatory profits tax on pharmaceutical companies that charge higher prices to domestic wholesale distributors than to foreign wholesale distributors (S. 3103), S9199 [25SE]
———improve access to tax-exempt debt for small non-profit health care and educational institutions (S. 2626), S4390 [24MY]
———maintain retiree health benefits under the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act (S. 2538), S3834 [10MY]
———provide income tax credit to long-term caregivers (S. 2096), S809 [24FE]
———provide income tax credit to long-term caregivers (S. 2984), S7898 [27JY]
———provide relief for payment of asbestos-related claims, S11880, S11881 [15DE]
———provide relief for payment of asbestos-related claims (S. 2955), S7846, S7912 [27JY]
———provide tax credits to individuals aged 55 to 64 to purchase COBRA health coverage through elimination of the percentage depletion allowance for hardrock mining on Federal lands, S6788 [14JY], S7046 [17JY]
———treatment of adoption expenses relative to special needs children, S10977 [25OC], S11070 [26OC], S11204 [27OC], S11300-S11303 [28OC]
———treatment of charitable contributions to public charities for use in medical research (S. 2776), S5679 [22JN]
———treatment of flexible spending arrangements relative to long-term care insurance (S. 2225), S1392 [9MR], S7650 [26JY]
———treatment of Social Security benefits, S6640-S6642, S6644 [13JY]
Technology: benefits of biotechnology research relative to agriculture, medicine, and environmental protection, S58-S63 [26JA]
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Awareness Month: observance, S3509 [4MY]
Templeton, Emmett O.: American College of Radiology Gold Medal award recipient, S9849 [4OC]
Thanksgiving Day: designate as a day to ``Give Thanks, Give Life'' and to discuss organ and tissue donation with other family members, S11308 [28OC]
———designate as a day to ``Give Thanks, Give Life'' and to discuss organ and tissue donation with other family members (S. Res. 225), S2713 [13AP], S9922 [5OC]
Tobacco products: enlarge and strengthen warning labels (S. 2889), S7238 [19JY]
———provide for the disclosure of certain products and prescribe labels for packages and advertising (S. 2125), S946-S950 [29FE]
U.S. Park Police: permit direct payment of medical expenses by National Park Service and allow for waiver and indemnification in certain mutual law enforcement agreements (H.R. 4404), S11181 [26OC]
United Mine Workers of America: restore stability and equity to the financing of the Combined Benefit Fund (S. 2729), S5113 [14JN]
University of Minnesota: tribute to medical/biotechnology web portal alliance between MBBNet and Zurich MedNet, S10152 [10OC]
Veterans: health care funding, S2317, S2318, S2338 [6AP], S2384, S2386, S2387 [7AP], S2692 [13AP], S10315 [12OC]
———health care funding through rescissions in non-defense related items, S2387 [7AP]
———improve procedures for the determination of the inability of veterans to defray expenses of necessary medical care (S. 3010), S8111 [6SE]
———increase health and disability benefits, S1807, S1809 [28MR]
———permit concurrent receipt of military retired pay with service-connected disability benefits, S4634, S4635 [7JN], S8814 [20SE], S10313, S10381 [12OC]
———permit concurrent receipt of military retired pay with service-connected disability benefits (S. 2357), S2234 [5AP]
Veterans Health Administration: ensure pay parity between dentists and physicians (S. 2636), S4465 [25MY]
Vietnamese Conflict: provide compensation and benefits to children of female Vietnam veterans who were born with certain birth defects (S. 2494), S3260 [2MY]
———provide compensation and benefits to children of female Vietnam veterans who were born with certain birth defects (S. 2544), S3917 [11MY]
West Virginia Health Right, Inc.: tribute, S10617 [17OC]
Women: improve health and reduce health care costs for low-income and uninsured women by expanding existing screening and preventive health programs (S. 2635), S4463-S4465 [25MY]
———protect breastfeeding by new mothers (S. 3023), S8342 [11SE]
World Asthma Day: observance, S3325 [3MY]
World War II: require disclosure of classified information on chemical and biological experiments carried out by Japan, S11650 [6DE]
Yasargil, M. Gazi: Neurosurgery (publication) Man of the Century award recipient, S163 [31JA]
YMCA: observance of Healthy Kids Day, S2436 [7AP]
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices—Colombia: Dept. of State, S5490 [21JN]
Economic Effects of Replacing Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) With Ethanol: Dept. of Agriculture, H1275-H1277 [22MR]
Ethanol Use in Gasoline: Sarah R. Armstrong, Cambridge Environmental, Inc., H1278-H1280 [22MR]
Global Infectious Disease Threat: National Intelligence Council, S3823-S3825 [10MY]
Health Insurance Deduction of Little Help to the Uninsured: Joel Friedman and Iris J. Lav, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, S11328 [29OC]
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic: Executive Office of the President, H6970 [25JY]
Leadership's Tax Plan Reinforces Inequities in Health and Pension Coverage: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, S11327 [29OC]
NIH Biomedical Research Funding: Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research Funding, H7075-H7077 [26JY]
Occupational Safety and Health—Government Responses to Beryllium Uses and Risks: GAO, E795-E799 [19MY]
Prescription Drugs with Foreign Labels, H9674 [11OC]
Social Security Board as Case Study: Congressional Research Service, E358 [21MR]
Vulnerable Populations and Medicare Services: Marian E. Gornick, Century Foundation, E1635 [29SE]
Reports filed
Alaska Native and American Indian Direct Reimbursement Act: Committee on Resources (House) (S. 406) (H. Rept. 106-818), H7279 [6SE]
Amateur Sports Integrity Act: Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation (Senate) (S. 2340) (S. Rept. 106-278), S3328 [3MY]
Application Process and Compensation Improvement for Individuals Exposed to Radiation in Uranium Mines and Mills and Through Fallout From Nuclear Weapons Testing: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (S. 1515) (H. Rept. 106-697), H5168 [26JN]
Beaches Environmental Assessment, Cleanup, and Health Act: Committee on Environment and Public Works (Senate) (H.R. 999), S8019 [5SE]
Beaches Environmental Assessment, Closure, and Health Act: Committee on Environment and Public Works (Senate) (S. 522) (S. Rept. 106-366), S8018 [5SE]
Beneficiary Improvement and Protection Act: Committee of Conference (H.R. 5291) (H. Rept. 106-1019), H11620 [30OC]
Bikini Resettlement and Relocation Act: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (Senate) (H.R. 2368) (S. Rept. 106-240), S1391 [9MR]
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 4292) (H. Rept. 106-835), H7373 [11SE]
Cardiac Arrest Survival Act: Committee on Commerce (House) (H.R. 2498) (H. Rept. 106-634), H3648 [23MY]
Coal Accountability and Retired Employee Act for the 21st Century: Committee on Resources (House) (H.R. 4144) (H. Rept. 106-1014), H11445 [27OC]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Senate) (S. 2311) (S. Rept. 106-294), S3946 [15MY]
Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act Programs To Provide Access to Health Care and Support Services to Individuals and Families With HIV and AIDS: Committee on Commerce (House) (H.R. 4807) (H. Rept. 106-788), H7001 [25JY]
Consideration of H.R. 1304, Quality Health-Care Coalition Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 542) (H. Rept. 106-709), H5435 [28JN]
Consideration of H.R. 2005, Workplace Goods Job Growth and Competitiveness Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 412) (H. Rept. 106-491), H164 [1FE]
Consideration of H.R. 2418, Organ Procurement and Transplantation Programs Revision and Extension: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 454) (H. Rept. 106-557), H1674 [3AP]
Consideration of H.R. 3660, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 457) (H. Rept. 106-559), H1762 [4AP]
Consideration of H.R. 4680, Medicare Rx 2000 Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 539) (H. Rept. 106-705), H5239 [27JN]
Consideration of H.R. 4865, Social Security Benefits Tax Relief Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 564) (H. Rept. 106-795), H7092 [26JY]
Consideration of H.R. 5109, Dept. of Veterans Affairs Health Care Personnel Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 585) (H. Rept. 106-875), H7931 [20SE]
Consideration of S. 2311, Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act Programs To Provide Access to Health Care and Support Services to Individuals and Families With HIV and AIDS: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 611) (H. Rept. 106-936), H8799 [4OC]
Consideration of Senate Amendment to H.R. 4365, Children's Health Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 594) (H. Rept. 106-901), H8199 [26SE]
Convention Concerning Safety and Health in Mines: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) (Exec. Rept. 106-16), S8103 [6SE]
Demonstration Mental Health Courts Establishment: Committee on the Judiciary (Senate) (S. 1865), S7838 [27JY]
Dept. of Defense Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program—Unproven Force Protection: Committee on Government Reform (House) (H. Rept. 106-556), H1674 [3AP]
Dept. of Veterans Affairs Health Care Personnel Act: Committee on Veterans' Affairs (House) (H.R. 5109) (H. Rept. 106-863), H7722 [18SE]
``Developments in Aging—1997 and 1998'': Committee on Aging (Senate, Special) (S. Rept. 106-229), S381 [7FE]
Electronic Communications Privacy Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 5018) (H. Rept. 106-932), H8799 [4OC]
Fairness in Asbestos Compensation Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 1283) (H. Rept. 106-782), H6776 [24JY]
Federal Employees Health Benefits Children's Equity Act: Committee on Government Reform (House) (H.R. 2842) (H. Rept. 106-779), H6776 [24JY]
———Committee on Governmental Affairs (Senate) (S. 1688) (S. Rept. 106-492), S10082 [6OC]
Federal Prisoner Health Care Copayment Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 1349) (H. Rept. 106-851), H7650 [14SE]
Food Aid Convention: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) (Exec. Rept. 106-17), S8104 [6SE]
Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief Act: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) (S. 2845) (S. Rept. 106-336), S6473 [11JY]
Health Care Access Improvement Act: Committee on the Judiciary (Senate) (S. 1864), S4459 [25MY]
Health Care Fairness Act: Committee on Commerce (House) (H.R. 3250) (H. Rept. 106-986), H10256 [18OC]
Inter-American Convention on Sea Turtles: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) (Exec. Rept. 106-18), S8104 [6SE]
International Malaria Control Act: Committee on Foreign Relations (Senate) (S. 2943), S7838 [27JY]
International Patient Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 2961) (H. Rept. 106-721), H5842 [11JY]
Japanese Imperial Army Disclosure Act: Committee on Intelligence (Senate, Select) (S. 1902), S7392 [20JY]
———Committee on the Judiciary (Senate) (S. 1902), S4190 [18MY]
Long-Term Care Security Act: Committee on Government Reform (House) (H.R. 4040) (H. Rept. 106-610), H2654 [8MY]
———Committee on Governmental Affairs (Senate) (S. 2420) (S. Rept. 106-344), S6841 [14JY]
Lupus Research Activities Expansion: Committee on Commerce (House) (H.R. 762) (H. Rept. 106-950), H9634 [10OC]
Medicaid Coverage of Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Services for Certain Women Screened Under Federally Funded Programs: Committee on Finance (Senate) (S. 662) (S. Rept. 106-323), S5883 [27JN]
Medical Financial Privacy Protection Act: Committee on Banking and Financial Services (House) (H.R. 4585) (H. Rept. 106-773), H6717 [20JY]
Medicare Rx 2000 Act: Committee on Ways and Means (House) (H.R. 4680) (H. Rept. 106-703), H5239 [27JN]
National Health Museum Site Selection Act: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (House) (H.R. 3171) (H. Rept. 106-590), H2336 [13AP]
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Engineering Establishment Act: Committee on Commerce (House) (H.R. 1795) (H. Rept. 106-889), H8199 [26SE]
National Uniformity for Food Act: Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (Senate) (S. 1155) (S. Rept. 106-504), S10619 [17OC]
Native American Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program Consolidation Act: Committee on Indian Affairs (Senate) (S. 1507) (S. Rept. 106-306), S4564 [6JN]
Native American Laws Technical Corrections: Committee on Indian Affairs (Senate) (S. 3031) (S. Rept. 106-501), S10411 [12OC]
Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act Revisions and Extension: Committee on Indian Affairs (Senate) (S. 1929) (S. Rept. 106-389), S8019 [5SE]
Nomination of Thomas L. Garthwaite To Be Under Sec. of Veterans Affairs for Health: Committee on Veterans' Affairs (Senate), S7839 [27JY]
Older Americans Act, National Family Caregiver Support Program, Aging Programs and Services, and Need To Engage in Life Course Planning: Committee on Health, Education, and Pensions (Senate) (S. 1536) (S. Rept. 106-399), S8290 [8SE]
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Programs Revision and Extension: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Senate) (S. 2366), S2726 [13AP]
Pain Relief Promotion Act: Committee on the Judiciary (Senate) (H.R. 2260) (S. Rept. 106-299), S4296 [23MY]
Permit Direct Payment of Medical Expenses by the National Park Service and Allow for Waiver and Indemnification in Certain Mutual Law Enforcement Agreements: Committee on Resources (House) (H.R. 4404) (H. Rept. 106-854), H7650 [14SE]
Promote New and Revised Toxicological Tests That Protect Human, Animal, and Environmental Health While Reducing Need for Animal Testing: Committee on Commerce (House) (H.R. 4281) (H. Rept. 106-908), H9907 [16OC]
———Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Senate) (S. 1495) (S. Rept. 106-496), S10252 [11OC]
Public Health Service Nominations: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Senate), S1391 [9MR]
Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Senate) (S. 2731) (S. Rept. 106-505), S10715 [18OC]
Quality Health-Care Coalition Act: Committee on the Judiciary (House) (H.R. 1304) (H. Rept. 106-625), H3412 [18MY]
Retired Coal Miners Health Benefit Security Act: Committee on Finance (Senate) (S. 3267) (S. Rept. 106-512), S11494 [1NO]
San Gabriel, CA, Long-Term Solution to Groundwater Contamination and Water Supply Problems: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (House) (H.R. 910) (H. Rept. 106-545), H1404 [23MR]
Senate Amendment to H.R. 4386, Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act: Committee on Rules (House) (H. Res. 628) (H. Rept. 106-975), H9766 [11OC]
Social Security Benefits Tax Relief Act: Committee on Ways and Means (House) (H.R. 4865) (H. Rept. 106-780), H6776 [24JY]
Stamp Out Breast Cancer Act Extension: Committee on Governmental Affairs (Senate) (S. 2386) (S. Rept. 106-338), S6574 [12JY]
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program—Addressing Needs and Improving Practices: Committee on Government Reform (House) (H. Rept. 106-977), H9899 [12OC]
Waive Naturalization Requirement To Take Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance for Certain Disabled or Impaired Applicants: Committee on the Judiciary (Senate) (S. 2812), S7392 [20JY]
World Bank AIDS Marshall Plan Trust Fund Act: Committee on Banking and Financial Services (Senate) (H.R. 3519) (S. Rept. 106-548), H1475 [28MR]
Resolutions by organizations
HIV/AIDS Health Crisis: U.N. Security Council, H6091 [17JY]
Resolutions of ratification
Convention Concerning Safety and Health in Mines, S8103 [6SE], S8867 [20SE]
Food Aid Convention, S8104 [6SE], S8867 [20SE]
Rulings of the Chair
Medicare: make more competitive and efficient and provide for a prescription drug benefit (H.R. 4680), H5397 [28JN]
Taxation: repeal tax increase on Social Security benefits (H.R. 4865), H7158 [27JY]
Augmentative Communication Devices: Stephen Hawking, E753 [17MY]
Biotechnology Research: National Research Council, S63 [26JA]
———President Clinton, S63 [26JA]
Budget 2001-2005: Congressional Black Caucus, H1270 [22MR], H1347 [23MR]
Buprenorphine Use in Treating Drug Addiction: Charles O'Brien, S9113 [22SE]
Colombia Answers Plan Colombia—A Plan for Peace or a Plan for War? Several Human Rights Organizations, S5491 [21JN]
District of Columbia Inclusion of Conscience Clause in Legislation Mandating Coverage of Contraceptives by Health Insurance Plans: Several District of Columbia City Council Members, H7057 [26JY]
Encourage Participation in National Blood Drives: Bernadine Healy, American Red Cross, S8933 [21SE]
Family Care Act: Patricia Quezada, S7661 [26JY]
HIV Reporting and Partner Notification Programs: Congressional Record (1990), H6976 [25JY]
Marijuana Legislation: Bryce James, Will W. Gusakov, and Jeremiah H. Spofford, E1484 [14SE]
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act: Senators Jeffords, Kennedy, Enzi, and Reid, S11042 [26OC]
NIH Biomedical Research Funding: Biomedical Research Caucus, H7077 [26JY]
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Programs Revision and Extension: Executive Office of the President, H1688 [4AP]
Pain Management and Palliative Care Promotion Without Permitting Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: AMA, S11215 [27OC]
———C. Everett Koop, S11214 [27OC]
Pain Relief Promotion Act: American Cancer Society, S10244 [11OC]
Prescription Drug Costs: Kayla Gildersleeve, Angela Deblasio, and Tess Grossi, E1579 [25SE]
Protection of Enrollees in Managed Care Plans and HMO's: National Conference of State Legislatures, S4797 [8JN]
Registration Requirements for Practitioners Who Dispense Narcotic Drugs for Maintenance or Detoxification Treatments: Representatives Bliley and McCollum, H8259 [27SE]
Research on Medical, Biotechnological, Food, and Industrial Uses of Tobacco Funding: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (organization), H5558 [29JN]
Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act, S10689-S10691 [18OC]
Voluntary Error Reduction and Improvement in Patient Safety Act: American Health Quality Association, S5270 [15JN]
World Bank AIDS Marshall Plan Trust Fund Act: Executive Office of the President, H3020 [15MY]
Impact on Patients of Delays in Passing a Patients' Bill of Rights: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Senate) Minority Staff, S2340 [6AP]
Internet Sampling of Health Insurance Policy Rates: Representative Stark, E247 [8MR]
Prolonged Grieving After Abortion—A Descriptive Study: Douglas Brown, Thomas E. Elkins, and David B. Larson, H9529-H9531 [10OC]
Psychiatric Sequelae of Abortion—The Many Faces of Post-Abortion Grief: E. Joanne Angelo, H9526-H9529 [10OC]
Rural Case Studies on Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, S8 [24JA]
Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies Programs Appropriations Conference Report (H.R. 4461): Provisions Exempting Agricultural Products, Medicines, and Medical Products From U.S. Economic Sanctions, H9705 [11OC]
Basic Access to Secure Health Insurance Coverage Health Plan (BASIC Health Plan) Act (H.R. 5551), E1908 [25OC]
Basic Access To Secure Health Insurance Coverage Health Plan (BASIC Health Plan) Act (S. 3172), S9958 [5OC]
Budget 2001-2005: Congressional Black Caucus, H1344-H1347 [23MR]
Children's Health Act (H.R. 4365), S9098-S9104 [22SE]
Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act (H.R. 5189), E1490 [14SE]
Guarantee Comprehensive Health Care Coverage for All Children (H.R. 4390), E660 [4MY]
Imported Products Safety Improvement and Disease Prevention Act (S. 2692), S4689 [7JN]
Internet Prescription Drug Consumer Protection Act (S. 3208), S10621 [17OC]
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act (H.R. 5324), E1615 [27SE]
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act (S. 3077), S8851 [20SE]
Medicare Early Access and Tax Credit Act (H.R. 4938), E1305 [24JY]
Medicare Health Improvement Act (S. 2727), S5112 [14JN]
MediKids Health Insurance Act (S. 2515), S3543 [4MY]
Mental Health Early Intervention, Treatment, and Prevention Act (S. 2639), S4473 [25MY]
Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act (S. 1880), H11694 [31OC]
Offering People True Insurance Options Nationwide Act (S. 3284), S11927 [15DE]
Public Health Improvement Act (H.R. 2498), S11308-S11310 [28OC]
Public Health Service Act Children's Health Services (S. 2868), S6683-S6685 [13JY]
State Children's Health Insurance Program, S11052 [26OC]
Stop All Frequent Errors (SAFE) in Medicare and Medicaid Act (S. 2378), S2349 [6AP]
Voluntary Error Reduction and Improvement in Patient Safety Act (S. 2743), S5269 [15JN]
Younger Americans Act (S. 3085), S8863 [20SE]
Average Medicare+Choice payment rates in metropolitan and primary metropolitan statistical areas, S7680-S7685 [26JY]
Clinton Administration Medicare funding, S2063 [4AP]
Comparision between the Voluntary Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Act and the Clinton administration proposal on Medicare coverage of outpatient prescription drugs, S2652, S2653 [13AP]
Comparision of prescription drug prices in Washington (State) and Canada, S2091 [4AP]
Comparison between George W. Bush's and Vice President Gore's Medicare reform plans, S10962 [25OC]
Comparison of Medicare payment rates across settings for selected high volume ambulatory care services, E959 [9JN]
Defense Health Program projects funding in H.R. 4576, Dept. of Defense appropriations, S7741 [27JY]
Dept. of Defense emergency supplemental appropriations, H1548 [29MR]
Economic costs of major illnesses, H7075 [26JY]
Growth in the number of uninsured Americans (1988-98), S7238 [19JY]
Health insurance price quotes after medical underwriting, E269 [9MR]
Most important reasons for not having health insurance (2000), S7238 [19JY]
Prescription drug import provisions in agriculture appropriations legislation, S10525 [13OC]
Republican tax proposals effects on prescription drug prices, H2281 [13AP]
Socio-demographic characteristics of long-term care insurance purchasers, E8 [27JA]
Special education expenditures as reported by selected States, S906 [29FE]
Special education grants to States, S909 [29FE]
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act: F. Sessions Cole, H8159 [26SE]
Global Childhood Nutrition Programs: George S. McGovern, E1391 [27JY]
———Representative McGovern, E1391 [27JY]
Protection of Enrollees in Managed Care Plans and HMO's: Mary Munnings Lewandowski, S10128 [10OC]
St. Michael's Hospital Bankruptcy Proceedings: Representative Kucinich, E1217 [13JY]
Texts of
H. Con. Res. 64, recognize the severity of the issue of cervical health, H8638 [3OC]
H. Con. Res. 133, recognize the severity of colon cancer and the need for education in prevention and early detection, H8686 [3OC]
H. Con. Res. 232, safety and well-being of U.S. citizens injured while traveling in Mexico, H6722 [24JY]
H. Con. Res. 247, emphasize the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation, and support National Donor Day, H352 [14FE]
H. Con. Res. 271, increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis, H10454 [19OC]
H. Con. Res. 321, increased support and funding to combat juvenile diabetes, E687 [10MY]
H. Con. Res. 371, support goals and ideas of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, H6734 [24JY]
H. Con. Res. 381, National Health Center Week, H7189 [27JY]
H. Res. 163, postpartum depression policies, H9524 [10OC]
H. Res. 278, importance of education, early detection, and treatment in the prevention of breast cancer, H8634 [3OC]
H. Res. 412, consideration of H.R. 2005, Workplace Goods Job Growth and Competitiveness Act, H171 [2FE]
H. Res. 437, NIH biomedical research funding, H7072 [26JY]
H. Res. 454, consideration of H.R. 2418, organ procurement and transplantation programs revision and extension, H1683 [4AP]
H. Res. 457, consideration of H.R. 3660, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, H1771 [5AP]
H. Res. 476, commend the Army Nurse Corps for extending equal opportunities to men and women and recognize certain historical service, H12520 [15DE]
H. Res. 535, use of additional projected surplus funds to supplement Medicare funding previously reduced under the Balanced Budget Act, H5423 [28JN]
H. Res. 539, consideration of H.R. 4680, Medicare Rx 2000 Act, H5300 [28JN]
H. Res. 542, consideration of H.R. 1304, Quality Health-Care Coalition Act, H5617 [29JN]
H. Res. 562, concur with Senate amendment to H.R. 1167, enhance self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities, H6753 [24JY]
H. Res. 576, support efforts to increase childhood cancer awareness, treatment, and research, H8270 [27SE]
H. Res. 585, consideration of H.R. 5109, Dept. of Veterans Affairs Health Care Personnel Act, H7949 [21SE]
H. Res. 594, consideration of Senate amendment to H.R. 4365, Children's Health Act, H8206 [27SE]
H. Res. 611, consideration of S. 2311, Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS, H8817 [5OC]
H. Res. 628, Senate amendment to H.R. 4386, Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act, H9843 [12OC]
H. Res. 672, encourage private-sector distributors of the influenza vaccine to give priority to distributing the available vaccine to individuals at a high risk of developing complications from influenza, E2160 [8DE]
H.R. 207, treatment of Government physicians' comparability allowances as basic pay for retirement purposes, H11697 [31OC]
H.R. 762, lupus research activities expansion, H9532 [10OC]
H.R. 910, funding and implementation of a long-term solution to groundwater contamination and water supply problems in San Gabriel, CA, H1422 [28MR]
H.R. 999, Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act, H8132-H8134 [26SE]
H.R. 1042, Drug Dealer Liability Act, H9535 [10OC]
H.R. 1349, Federal Prisoner Health Care Copayment Act, H7806 [19SE]
H.R. 1795, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Engineering Establishment Act, H8266 [27SE]
H.R. 2005, Workplace Goods Job Growth and Competitiveness Act, H181 [2FE]
H.R. 2130, Date-Rape Drug Prohibition Act, H55-H57 [31JA]
H.R. 2368, Bikini Resettlement and Relocation Act, S2796 [13AP]
H.R. 2399, National Commission for the New National Goal—The Advancement of Global Health Act, H7078 [26JY]
H.R. 2498, Cardiac Arrest Survival Act, H3584 [23MY]
H.R. 2498, Public Health Improvement Act, H11303-H11313 [26OC]
H.R. 2634, Drug Addiction Treatment Act, H6374 [18JY], H7200 [27JY]
H.R. 2842, Federal Employees Health Benefits Children's Equity Act, H7760 [19SE]
H.R. 2961, International Patient Act, H6377 [18JY]
H.R. 3519, Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief Act, H7177-H7180 [27JY]
H.R. 3519, World Bank AIDS Marshall Plan Trust Fund Act, H3016-H3018 [15MY]
H.R. 3660, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, H1779 [5AP]
H.R. 3826, Global Health Act, E224 [2MR]
H.R. 3859, Social Security and Medicare Lock-Box Act, H4708 [20JN]
H.R. 4040, Long-Term Care Security Act, H2668-H2670 [9MY], H7181-H7187 [27JY]
H.R. 4055, IDEA Full Funding Act, H2449 [3MY]
H.R. 4281, promote new and revised toxicological tests that protect human, animal, and environmental health while reducing need for animal testing, H10007 [17OC]
H.R. 4292, Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, H8154 [26SE]
H.R. 4365, Children's Health Act, H2698-H2711 [9MY], H8209-H8247 [27SE]
H.R. 4386, Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act, H2687-H2689 [9MY], H9847 [12OC]
H.R. 4401, Health Care Infrastructure Investment Act, H2749 [9MY]
H.R. 4404, permit direct payment of U.S. Park Police medical expenses by National Park Service and allow for waiver and indemnification in certain mutual law enforcement agreements, H9959 [17OC]
H.R. 4680, Medicare Rx 2000 Act, H5319, H5334-H5349 [28JN]
H.R. 4807, Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS, H6962-H6970 [25JY]
H.R. 4838, waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants, H9545 [10OC]
H.R. 4865, Social Security Benefits Tax Relief Act, H7153 [27JY]
H.R. 4888, Innocent Child Protection Act, H6792 [25JY]
H.R. 4920, Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, H6980-H6995 [25JY]
H.R. 5109, Dept. of Veterans Affairs Health Care Personnel Act, H7951-H7957 [21SE]
H.R. 5178, Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, H8673 [3OC]
H.R. 5622, Medicare Program Infrastructure Investment Act, H11794-H11796 [2NO]
S. 406, Alaska Native and American Indian Direct Reimbursement Act, H9957 [17OC]
S. 522, Beaches Environmental Assessment, Closure, and Health Act, S8998-S9002 [21SE]
S. 632, Poison Control Center Enhancement and Awareness Act, H230 [8FE]
S. 662, Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act, S9821 [4OC]
S. 704, Federal Prisoner Health Care Copayment Act, S9553 [28SE], H7810 [19SE]
S. 979, enhance Native American self-governance relative to direct operation, control, and redesign of Indian Health Service activities, S2131-S2137 [4AP]
S. 1507, Native American Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program Consolidation Act, S5054 [13JN]
S. 1515, improve application process and compensation criteria for certain individuals exposed to radiation in uranium mines and mills and through fallout from nuclear weapons testing, H5185-H5188 [27JN]
S. 1692, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, H3829 [25MY]
S. 1809, Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, H9769-H9786 [11OC]
S. 1865, America's Law Enforcement and Mental Health Project, H10636 [24OC]
S. 1865, mental health demonstration courts establishment, S9329 [26SE]
S. 1880, Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act, H11686-H11691 [31OC]
S. 1929, revise and extend the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act, S9318-S9326 [26SE]
S. 2003, Keep Our Promise to America's Military Retirees Act, S39 [24JA]
S. 2007, improve procedures for scheduling of certain Dept. of Veterans Affairs non-emergency medical services, S91 [26JA]
S. 2013, Honoring Health Care Commitments to Servicemembers Past and Present Act, S115-S118 [27JA]
S. 2015, Stem Cell Research Act, S151 [31JA]
S. 2026, Global AIDS Prevention Act, S289 [2FE]
S. 2062, issue special postage stamps to fund organ and tissue donation awareness, S621 [10FE]
S. 2066, exclude U.S. savings bond income from gross income taxation if used to pay long-term care expenses, S625 [10FE]
S. 2080, Genetically Engineered Food Right-To-Know Act, S685 [22FE]
S. 2125, Smoker's Right To Know and Truth in Tobacco Labeling Act, S946-S949 [29FE]
S. 2160, Fair Access to Infertility Treatment and Hope Act, S1122 [2MR]
S. 2233, MTBE Elimination Act, S1404 [9MR]
S. 2235, Organ Procurement Organization Certification Act, S1408 [9MR]
S. 2236, Children's Day Care Health and Safety Improvement Act, S1409 [9MR]
S. 2237, Seniors' Security Act, S1411-S1413 [9MR]
S. 2264, Recognition of Physician Assistants in the Dept. of Veterans Affairs Act, S1522 [21MR]
S. 2287, Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act, S1680 [23MR]
S. 2299, Medicaid DSH Preservation Act, S1749 [27MR]
S. 2308, Medicaid Safety Net Hospital Act, S1822 [28MR]
S. 2311, Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act programs revision and extension to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS, S4589-S4593, S4595-S4599 [6JN]
S. 2311, Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS, H8818, H8822-H8832 [5OC]
S. 2311, revise and extend Comprehensive AIDS Resources Act programs to provide access to health care and support services to individuals and families with HIV and AIDS, S1886-S1890 [29MR]
S. 2315, Genetically Engineered Food Safety Act, S1894-S1897 [29MR]
S. 2320, Health Coverage, Access, Relief, and Equity (C.A.R.E.) Act, S1902-S1904 [29MR]
S. 2333, Tobacco Regulatory Fairness Act, S1991 [30MR]
S. 2357, Armed Forces Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payment Act, S2234 [5AP]
S. 2366, organ procurement and transplantation programs revision and extension, S2245-S2248 [5AP]
S. 2386, Semipostal Act, S8028-S8030 [5SE]
S. 2394, Teaching Hospital Preservation Act, S2534 [11AP]
S. 2398, Organ Transplantation Fairness Act, S2537-S2541 [11AP]
S. 2399, Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Transplantation Patients Act, S2541 [11AP]
S. 2420, Long-Term Care Security Act, S2734-S2736 [13AP], S7575-S7581 [25JY]
S. 2434, State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Preservation Act, S2744 [13AP]
S. 2435, Child Protection/Alcohol and Drug Partnership Act, S2746-S2749 [13AP]
S. 2494, Children of Female Vietnam Veterans' Benefits Act, S3261 [2MY]
S. 2501, Generic Pharmaceutical Access and Choice for Consumers Act, S3329-S3331 [3MY]
S. 2510, Social Security Protection, Preservation, and Reform Commission Act, S3526-S3528 [4MY]
S. 2513, Financial Information Privacy Protection Act, S3532-S3535 [4MY]
S. 2515, MediKids Health Insurance Act, S3539-S3543 [4MY]
S. 2526, Indian Health Care Improvement Act revision and extension, S3697-S3735 [9MY]
S. 2528, Rural Access to Emergency Devices Act, S10160 [10OC]
S. 2538, Coal Miner and Widows Health Protection Act, S3835 [10MY]
S. 2541, Medicare Expansion for Needed Drugs (MEND) Act, S3840-S3848 [10MY]
S. 2544, Children of Women Vietnam Veterans' Benefits Act, S3917 [11MY]
S. 2556, implementation of a prospective payment system for psychiatric hospitals under the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act, S3947 [15MY]
S. 2607, Pain Relief Promotion Act, S4312 [23MY]
S. 2610, Medicare Fairness in Reimbursement Act, S4316 [23MY]
S. 2612, Ecstasy Anti-Proliferation Act, S9847 [4OC]
S. 2618, sale and conveyance of certain Kingston, NV, lands for use as an emergency medical air evacuation site, S4380 [24MY]
S. 2625, revise performance standards and certification process for organ procurement organizations, S4718 [7JN]
S. 2628, tariff on R115777, S4391 [24MY]
S. 2631, Dept. of Veterans Affairs medical center renovation project in the Bronx, NY, authorization, S4462 [25MY]
S. 2636, Dept. of Veterans Affairs Dentists Appreciation Act, S4466 [25MY]
S. 2639, Mental Health Early Intervention, Treatment, and Prevention Act, S4467-S4473 [25MY]
S. 2669, restore health care coverage to retired members of the uniformed services, S4566 [6JN]
S. 2692, Imported Products Safety Improvement and Disease Prevention Act, S4686-S4689 [7JN]
S. 2693, Alaska Medicaid Equity Act, S4821 [8JN]
S. 2708, Patients Before Paperwork Medicare Red Tape Reduction Act, S4851 [8JN]
S. 2727, Medicare Health Improvement Act, S5109-S5112 [14JN]
S. 2729, Combined Fund Stability and Fairness Act, S5114 [14JN]
S. 2733, Affordable Housing for Seniors and Families Act, S5242-S5250 [15JN]
S. 2776, Medical Research Investment Act, S5680 [22JN]
S. 2809, Children's Research Protection Act, S6022 [28JN]
S. 2812, waive immigration naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants, S6122 [29JN]
S. 2812, waive naturalization requirement to take oath of renunciation and allegiance for certain disabled or impaired applicants, S7456 [21JY], S10843 [19OC], H9548 [10OC]
S. 2819, Health Care Consumer Assistance Act, S6132-S6134 [29JN]
S. 2826, Medicare Adult Day Services Alternative Act, S6138 [29JN]
S. 2888, Health Security for All Americans Act, S7232-S7238 [19JY]
S. 2889, Stronger Tobacco Warning Labels To Save Lives Act, S7238-S7240 [19JY]
S. 2905, Medicare+Choice Program Improvement Act, S7450 [21JY]
S. 2908, Offender Reentry and Community Safety Act, S7478-S7482 [24JY]
S. 2918, Medicare Early Access and Tax Credit Act, S7546-S7552 [25JY]
S. 2925, Men's Health Act, S7664 [26JY]
S. 2926, Social Security Family Relief Act, S7666 [26JY]
S. 2937, Medicare Geographic Fair Payment Act, S7679 [26JY]
S. 2943, Assistance for International Malaria Control Act, S11802-S11805 [14DE], H12504-H12508 [15DE]
S. 2943, International Malaria Control Act, S10840 [19OC], H11297-H11300 [26OC]
S. 2955, provide tax relief for payment of asbestos-related claims, S7846 [27JY]
S. 2957, Medicare Self-Administered Medications Act, S7849 [27JY]
S. 2987, Rural Health Care in the 21st Century Act, S7901-S7905 [27JY]
S. 2993, Drug Competition Act, S7908 [27JY]
S. 2994, Health Insurance Equity Act, S7909-S7911 [27JY]
S. 3003, Cancer Care Preservation Act, S8023 [5SE]
S. 3010, improve procedures for the determination of the inability of veterans to defray expenses of necessary medical care, S8111 [6SE]
S. 3016, Medicare Temporary Drug Assistance Act, S8199-S8204 [7SE]
S. 3017, Medicare Temporary Drug Assistance Act, S8204-S8209 [7SE]
S. 3026, Hospice Improvement Program Act, S8414 [12SE]
S. 3031, technical corrections to certain laws concerning Native Americans, S8416 [12SE]
S. 3051, Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals Act, S8590 [14SE]
S. 3055, Physician Pathology Services Fair Payment Act, S8592 [14SE]
S. 3066, Senior Care Safety Act, S8760 [19SE]
S. 3067, Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, S8761 [19SE]
S. 3077, Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act, S8826-S8851 [20SE]
S. 3127, Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, S9394 [27SE]
S. 3131, Medicare Billing and Education Act, S9470-S9472 [28SE]
S. 3167, Physician Recruitment and Retention Act, S9949 [5OC]
S. 3176, Rural States Physician Recruitment and Retention Demonstration Act, S10084 [6OC]
S. 3184, Genetically Engineered Foods Act, S10254-S10256 [11OC]
S. 3215, Women's Health Research Career Enhancement Act, S10720 [18OC]
S. 3230, Dept. of Agriculture reauthorization of authority to pay costs associated with removal of commodities that pose a health or safety risk and adjust certain child nutrition programs, S10947 [24OC]
S. 3261, HMO Guaranty Act, S11375 [30OC]
S. 3284, Offering People True Insurance Options Nationwide Act, S11927 [15DE]
S. Con. Res. 93, increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis, S1422 [9MR]
S. Con. Res. 97, increase public awareness of multiple sclerosis, S1526, S1529 [21MR]
S. Con. Res. 133, corrections in enrollment of S. 1809, Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, S7803, S7923 [27JY], H9788 [11OC]
S. Res. 253, Biomedical Revitalization Resolution, S383 [7FE]
S. Res. 256, National Heart Failure Awareness Week, S637, S646 [10FE]
S. Res. 260, improve access to health care services for uninsured and low-income individuals in medically under served areas, S824 [24FE]
S. Res. 268, National Fragile X Awareness Week, S1424 [9MR], S6761 [13JY]
S. Res. 278, tribute to Ernest M. Burgess, S1828 [28MR]
S. Res. 290, support and adhere to the Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, S2640 [12AP]
S. Res. 291, DEA funding to assist State and local efforts to clean up methamphetamine laboratories, S2775 [13AP]
S. Res. 300, National Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness Week, S3032, S3041 [27AP]
S. Res. 302, Health Care Financing Administration consideration of the impact of implementing new reimbursement rules on existing emergency medical services systems, S3333 [3MY]
S. Res. 330, National Amputee Awareness Week, S6145 [29JN]
S. Res. 336, National Day of Remembrance to honor veterans exposed to radiation or radioactive materials during service, S6847, S6983 [14JY]
S. Res. 339, National Survivors of Suicide Day, S7453 [21JY], S10939 [24OC]
S. Res. 347, National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week, S8026 [5SE], S8638 [15SE]
S. Res. 351, National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, S8344 [11SE]
S. Res. 353, National Mammography Day, S8422 [12SE], S8638 [15SE]
S. Res. 363, tribute to Ernest M. Burgess, S9480, S9555 [28SE]