[House Report 106-685]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

106th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     106-685


                        APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2001


   June 21 (legislative day, June 20), 2000.--Referred to the House 
                   Calendar and ordered to be printed


    Ms. Pryce, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                       [To accompany H. Res. 530]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 530, by a nonrecord vote, report the same to 
the House with the recommendation that the resolution be 

                  summary of provisions of resolution

    The resolution provides for the consideration of H.R. 4516, 
the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2001, under a 
structured rule. The rule provides one hour of general debate 
divided equally between the chairman and ranking minority 
member of the Committee on Appropriations.
    The rule waives points of order against consideration of 
the bill for failure to comply with section 401(a) of 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (prohibiting consideration of 
budget related legislation, as reported, providing new contract 
authority that is not limited to amounts provided in 
appropriations acts). The rule also waives all points of order 
against provisions of the bill for failure to comply with 
clause 2 of rule XXI (prohibiting unauthorized or legislative 
provisions in a general appropriations bill and prohibiting 
reappropriations in a general appropriations bill).
    The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in 
this report, which may be offered only in the order printed in 
this report, may be offered only by a Member designated in this 
report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the 
time specified in this report equally divided and controlled by 
the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to 
amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for a division 
of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole.
    The rule allows the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole 
to postpone votes during consideration of the bill, and to 
reduce voting time to five minutes on a postponed question if 
the vote follows a fifteen minute vote. Finally, the rule 
provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.
    The waiver of section 401(a) of the Congressional Budget 
Act is necessary because section 102 of the bill provides the 
Chief Administrative Officer with new contract authority. The 
waiver of clause 2 of House Rule XXI against provisions in the 
bill is necessary because the bill contains at least 30 
provisions which would change existing law and which are listed 
in the Appropriations Committee report (H. Rept. 106-635).

                            committee votes

    Pursuant to clause 3(b) of House rule XIII the results of 
each record vote on an amendment or motion to report, together 
with the names of those voting for and against, are printed 

Rules Committee record vote No. 111

    Date: June 20, 2000.
    Measure: H.R. 4516, Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 
    Motion By: Mr. Frost.
    Summary of Motion: To make in order the Wynn amendment to 
strike section 208 of the bill which converts 84 Library of 
Congress temporary employees to permanent positions.
    Results: Defeated 2 to 7.
    Vote by Member: Goss--Nay; Linder--Nay; Pryce--Nay; 
Hastings--Nay; Sessions--Nay; Reynolds--Nay; Moakley--Yea; 
Frost--Yea; Dreier--Nay.

 summary of amendments made in order under the rule to accompany H.R. 
           4516--legislative branch appropriations act, 2001

    Taylor (NC)/Pastor: Manager's amendment. Changes funding 
levels for the following accounts: (1) HOUSE OF 
REPRESENTATIVES--restores $7.12 million for the FY 2001 COLA 
and $2.54 million for this year's projected spending level for 
official expenses from the Member Representation Allowances; 
restores government contributions for FY 2001 COLA throughout 
the House accounts ($3.3 million); restores the COLA for other 
House offices (+$2.1M) and Committees (+$2.3M); funds the new 
Member orientation (+$275k) and transition costs for 107th 
Congress (+$1.2M); increases Members' equipment purchase plan 
(+$500K) and other items (+$1M); (2) POLICE--restores COLAs, 
comparability, and longevity (+$20.4M) for the current level of 
staff on board (1361 board--no RIF's.); adds 48 officers (the 
June recruit class) to the current level (1361) (+$2.2M); 
substitutes fence report language for attrition provision; (3) 
CBO--restores funding for a 215 FTE level (+$2.3M) (attrition 
will cover this, at CBO's discretion); (4) ARCHITECT--restores 
COLA funding to avoid RIF's (+$5.6M); covers costs for election 
year moves (+$750K); funds day-time cleaning services (+$525K); 
CRS--restores CRS staff (+$5M); annualizes FY 2000 pay raise 
(+$283K); funds FY 2001 pay raise (+$1.7M); provides in-grade 
increases (+$600k); (6) GPO CP&B--adds $1.598M for January 2001 
COLA (no attrition or no layoffs); provides funds for Inaugural 
printing, telephone directories, and other miscellaneous 
printing (+$1.7M); provides funds for treaties and 
international agreements (+$130K) and Congressional Directory 
(+$728K); (7) GPO FDLP--restores funds (+$13.6M) to maintain 
documents in the Depository Program that are only available in 
paper form and adds $491K for January 2001 COLA for Sup Docs. 
(no attrition, layoffs, or RIFs); and (8) GAO--restores funding 
to avoid RIF's but has a FY 2001 hiring freeze (+$17.4M). (10 
    Camp/Roemer: Mandates that any money not spent for Members' 
representational allowances for FY 2001 be deposited in the 
U.S. Treasury for deficit or debt reduction. (20 minutes)
    Ryan: Establishes a mechanism where all of the savings from 
successful appropriations amendments which reduce or cut 
funding are captured and devoted to debt reduction, unless 
otherwise directed to other discretionary spending. (20 
    Text of amendments made in order:

    1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Taylor of North 
Carolina, or Representative Pastor of Arizona, or a Designee, Debatable 
                             for 10 Minutes

  Page 2, line 5, strike ``$749,210,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 8, strike ``$13,998,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 9, strike ``$1,711,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 10, strike ``$1,677,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 12, strike ``$2,039,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 15, strike ``$1,427,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 18, strike ``$1,065,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 20, strike ``$399,000'' and insert ``$410,000''.
  Page 2, line 21, strike ``$744,000'' and insert ``$765,000''.
  Page 2, line 21, strike ``$1,220,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 22, strike ``$1,315,000'' and insert 
  Page 2, line 23, strike ``$649,000'' and insert ``$668,000''.
  Page 2, line 24, strike ``$1,196,000'' and insert 
  Page 3, line 8, strike ``$400,527,000'' and insert 
  Page 3, line 13, strike ``$89,896,000'' and insert 
  Page 3, line 18, strike ``$20,231,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 3, strike ``$86,369,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 7, strike ``$14,286,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 11, strike ``$3,596,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 12, strike ``$54,997,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 14, strike ``$24,912,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 16, strike ``$24,327,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 18, strike ``$5,760,000'' and insert 
  Page 4, line 25, strike ``$3,197,000'' and insert 
  Page 5, line 5, strike ``$1,172,000'' and insert 
  Page 5, line 13, strike ``$138,189,000'' and insert 
  Page 5, line 15, strike ``$1,960,000'' and insert 
  Page 5, line 19, strike ``$135,426,000'' and insert 
  Page 8, line 22, strike ``$70,120,000'' and insert 
  Page 8, line 22, strike ``$33,586,000'' and insert 
  Page 8, line 25, strike ``$36,534,000'' and insert 
  Page 21, line 8, strike ``$25,100,000'' and insert 
  Page 22, line 6, strike ``$41,953,000'' and insert 
  Page 22, line 11, strike ``$4,557,000'' and insert 
  Page 22, line 15, strike ``$29,685,000'' and insert 
  Page 23, line 9, strike ``$38,555,000'' and insert 
  Page 23, line 21, strike ``$66,200,000'' and insert 
  Page 24, line 11, strike ``$65,457,000'' and insert 
  Page 36, line 14, strike ``$15,133,000'' and insert 
  Page 36, line 25, strike ``$11,606,000'' and insert 
  Page 39, line 21, strike ``$351,529,000'' and insert 
  Strike section 308 (and redesignate the succeeding provisions 

 2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Camp of Michigan, or 
   Representative Roemer of Indiana, or a Designee, Debatable for 20 

  Page 7, insert after line 8 the following (and redesignate 
the succeeding sections accordingly):
  Sec. 103. (a) Requiring Amounts Remaining in Members' 
Representational Allowances To Be Used For Deficit Reduction or 
To Reduce the Federal Debt.--Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, any amounts appropriated under this Act for 
``HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES--Salaries and Expenses--Members' 
Representational Allowances'' shall be available only for 
fiscal year 2001. Any amount remaining after all payments are 
made under such allowances for fiscal year 2001 shall be 
deposited in the Treasury and used for deficit reduction (or, 
if there is no Federal budget deficit after all such payments 
have been made, for reducing the Federal debt, in such manner 
as the Secretary of the Treasury considers appropriate).
  (b) Regulations.--The Committee on House Administration of 
the House of Representatives shall have authority to prescribe 
regulations to carry out this section.
  (c) Definition.--As used in this section, the term ``Member 
of the House of Representatives'' means a Representative in, or 
a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress.

3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Ryan of Wisconsin, or a 
                   Designee, Debatable for 20 Minutes

  At the end (before the short title), insert the following new 


  (a) Establishment of Ledger.--(1) Title III of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is amended by adding at the 
end the following new section:

               ``spending accountability lock-box ledger

  ``Sec. 316. (a) Establishment of Ledger.--The chairman of the 
Committee on the Budget of the House of Representatives and the 
chairman on the Committee on the Budget of the Senate shall 
each maintain a ledger to be known as the `Spending 
Accountability Lock-box Ledger'. The Ledger shall be divided 
into entries corresponding to the subcommittees of the 
Committees on Appropriations. Each entry shall consist of three 
components: the `House Lock-box Balance'; the `Senate Lock-box 
Balance'; and the `Joint House-Senate Lock-box Balance'.
  ``(b) Components of Ledger.--Each component in an entry shall 
consist only of amounts credited to it under subsection (c). No 
entry of a negative amount shall be made.
  ``(c) Credit of Amounts to Ledger.--(1) In the House of 
Representatives or the Senate, whenever a Member offers an 
amendment to an appropriation bill to reduce new budget 
authority in any account, that Member may state the portion of 
such reduction that shall be--
          ``(A) credited to the House or Senate Lock-box 
        Balance, as applicable; or
          ``(B) used to offset an increase in new budget 
        authority in any other account;
          ``(C) allowed to remain within the applicable section 
        302(b) suballocation.
If no such statement is made, the amount of reduction in new 
budget authority resulting from the amendment shall be credited 
to the House or Senate Lock-box Balance, as applicable, if the 
amendment is agreed to.
  ``(2)(A) Except as provided by subparagraph (B), the chairmen 
of the Committees on the Budget shall, upon the engrossment of 
any appropriation bill by the House of Representatives and upon 
the engrossment of Senate amendments to that bill, credit to 
the applicable entry balance of that House amounts of new 
budget authority and outlays equal to the net amounts of 
reductions in new budget authority and in outlays resulting 
from amendments agreed to by that House to that bill.
  ``(B) When computing the net amounts of reductions in new 
budget authority and in outlays resulting from amendments 
agreed to by the House of Representatives or the Senate to an 
appropriation bill, the chairmen of the Committees on the 
Budget shall only count those portions of such amendments 
agreed to that were so designated by the Members offering such 
amendments as amounts to be credited to the House or Senate 
Lock-box Balance, as applicable, or that fall within the last 
sentence of paragraph (1).
  ``(3) The chairmen of the Committees on the Budget shall, 
upon the engrossment of Senate amendments to any appropriation 
bill, credit to the applicable Joint House-Senate Lock-box 
Balance the amounts of new budget authority and outlays equal 
          ``(A) an amount equal to one-half of the sum of (i) 
        the amount of new budget authority in the House Lock-
        box Balance plus (ii) the amount of new budget 
        authority in the Senate Lock-box Balance for that 
        subcommittee; and
          ``(B) an amount equal to one-half of the sum of (i) 
        the amount of outlays in the House Lock-box Balance 
        plus (ii) the amount of outlays in the Senate Lock-box 
        Balance for that subcommittee.
  ``(4) Calculation of Lock-Box Savings in Senate.--For 
purposes of calculating under this section the net amounts of 
reductions in new budget authority and in outlays resulting 
from amendments agreed to by the Senate on an appropriation 
bill, the amendments reported to the Senate by its Committee on 
Appropriations shall be considered to be part of the original 
text of the bill.
  ``(d) Definition.--As used in this section, the term 
`appropriation bill' means any general or special appropriation 
bill, and any bill or joint resolution making supplemental, 
deficiency, or continuing appropriations through the end of a 
fiscal year.
  ``(e) Tally During House Consideration.--The chairman of the 
Committee on the Budget of the House of Representatives shall 
maintain a running tally of the amendments adopted reflecting 
increases and decreases of budget authority in the bill as 
reported. This tally shall be available to Members in the House 
of Representatives during consideration of any appropriation 
bill by the House.''.
  (2) The table of contents set forth in section 1(b) of the 
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 is 
amended by inserting after the item relating to section 315 the 
following new item:
``Sec. 316. Spending accountability lock-box ledger.''.
  (b) Downward Adjustment of Sections 302(a) and (b) 
Allocations.--(1) Section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget 
Act of 1974 is amended by adding at the end the following new 
          ``(6) Adjustment of allocations.--Upon the 
        engrossment of Senate amendments to any appropriation 
        bill (as defined in section 316(d)), the amounts 
        allocated under paragraph (1) to the Committee on 
        Appropriations of each House upon the adoption of the 
        most recent concurrent resolution on the budget for 
        that fiscal year shall be adjusted downward by the 
        amounts credited to the applicable Joint House-Senate 
        Lock-box Balance under section 316(c)(2). The revised 
        levels of new budget authority and outlays shall be 
        submitted to each House by the chairman of the 
        Committee on the Budget of that House and shall be 
        printed in the Congressional Record.''.
  (2) Section 302(b) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is 
amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: 
``Whenever an adjustment is made under subsection (a)(6) to an 
allocation under that subsection, the Committee on 
Appropriations of each House shall make downward adjustments in 
the most recent suballocations of new budget authority and 
outlays under this subparagraph to the appropriate 
subcommittees of that committee in the total amounts of those 
adjustments under section 316(c)(2). The revised suballocations 
shall be submitted to each House by the chairman of the 
Committee on Appropriations of that House and shall be printed 
in the Congressional Record.''.
  (c) Periodic Reporting of Ledger Statements.--Section 
308(b)(1) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is amended by 
adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Such reports 
shall also include an up-to-date tabulation of the amounts 
contained in the ledger and each entry established by section 
  (d) Downward Adjustment of Discretionary Spending Limits.--
The discretionary spending limits for new budget authority and 
outlays set forth in section 251(c) of the Balanced Budget and 
Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, shall be reduced by the 
amounts set forth in the final regular appropriation bill for 
that fiscal year or joint resolution making continuing 
appropriations through the end of that fiscal year. Those 
amounts shall be the sums of the Joint House-Senate Lock-box 
Balances for that fiscal year, as calculated under section 
302(a)(6) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. That bill or 
joint resolution shall contain the following statement of law: 
``As required by section 311(d) of the Legislative Branch 
Appropriations Act, 2001, for fiscal year [insert appropriate 
fiscal year], the adjusted discretionary spending limit for new 
budget authority is reduced by $ [insert appropriate amount of 
reduction] and the adjusted discretionary limit for outlays is 
reduced by $ [insert appropriate amount of reduction] for the 
fiscal year.''. Section 306 shall not apply to any bill or 
joint resolution because of such statement. This adjustment 
shall be reflected in reports under sections 254(f) and 254(g) 
of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 
  (e) Effective Date.--
          (1) In general.--This section and the amendments made 
        by it shall apply to all appropriation bills making 
        appropriations for fiscal year 2001 or any subsequent 
        fiscal year.
          (2) Retroactive application.--In the case of any 
        appropriation bill engrossed by the House of 
        Representatives before the date of enactment of this 
        section, the Director of the Congressional Budget 
        Office, the Director of the Office of Management and 
        Budget, and the Committees on Appropriations and the 
        Committees on the Budget of the House of 
        Representatives and of the Senate shall, within 10 
        calendar days after that date of enactment, carry out 
        the duties required by the amendments made by this 
        section that occur before that date of enactment.
          (3) FY2001 allocations.--The duties of the Director 
        of the Congressional Budget Office and of the Committee 
        on Appropriations of the House of Representatives 
        pursuant to this Act and the amendments made by it 
        regarding appropriation bills for fiscal year 2001 
        shall be based upon the revised section 302(a) 
        allocations in effect upon the date of engrossment of 
        this Act by the House of Representatives.
          (4) Definition.--As used in this section, the term 
        ``appropriation bill'' means any general or special 
        appropriation bill, and any bill or joint resolution 
        making supplemental, deficiency, or continuing 