[House Report 112-751] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] 112th Congress Report HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2d Session 112-751 _______________________________________________________________________ Union Calendar No. 553 SURVEY OF ACTIVITIES OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON RULES FOR THE 112TH CONGRESS __________ R E P O R T of the COMMITTEE ON RULES U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES together with MINORITY VIEWSJanuary 3, 2013.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed COMMITTEE ON RULES David Dreier, California, Chairman Pete Sessions, Texas Louise McIntosh Slaughter, New York Virginia Foxx, North Carolina James P. McGovern, Massachusetts Rob Bishop, Utah Alcee L. Hastings, Florida Rob Woodall, Georgia Jared Polis, Colorado Richard B. Nugent, Florida Tim Scott, South Carolina Daniel Webster, Florida* Hugh Nathanial Halpern, Staff Director Miles M. Lackey, Minority Staff Director ______ subcommittee on legislative and budget process Pete Sessions, Texas, Chairman Virginia Foxx, North Carolina Alcee L. Hastings, Florida Rob Woodall, Georgia Jarred Polis, Colorado Daniel Webster, Florida David Dreier, California Towner French, Subcommittee Staff Director Lale M. Mamaux, Minority Subcommittee Staff Director ______ subcommittee on rules and organization of the house Richard B. Nugent, Florida, Chairman Rob Bishop, Utah James P. McGovern, Massachusetts Tim Scott, South Carolina Louise McIntosh Slaughter, New York David Dreier, California Katharine Troller, Subcommittee Staff Director Keith Stern, Minority Subcommittee Staff Director ______ * Tom Reed of New York was elected to the Committee on April 5, 2011 and served until he resigned on June 14, 2011 to serve on the Committee on Ways and Means. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ---------- House of Representatives, Committee on Rules, Washington, DC, January 3, 2013. Hon. Karen Haas, Clerk, United States House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Madam Clerk: Pursuant to clause 1(d) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives for the 112th Congress and the order of the House of December 24, 2012, I transmit herewith a report entitled ``Survey of Activities of the House Committee on Rules for the 112th Congress.'' Sincerely, David Dreier, Chairman. CONTENTS __________ Page I. History, Function, and Organization of the Committee on Rules. 1 A. Introduction................................................ 1 B. History and Function........................................ 2 C. Committee Organization during the 112th Congress............ 4 D. Information Transparency for the Rules Committee............ 6 E. Rules of the Committee on Rules for the 112th Congress...... 7 II. House Rules Changes Adopted at the Beginning of the 112th Congress....................................................... 13 A. Introduction................................................ 13 B. Summary of Substantive Changes Contained in H. Res. 5, Adopting House Rules for the 112th Congress.................. 14 III. Committee Oversight Plan.................................... 19 IV. Committee Jurisdiction and Activities........................ 20 A. Introduction................................................ 20 B. Special Orders or Rules..................................... 21 1. Rule Requests............................................. 21 2. Hearings.................................................. 21 3. Special Orders or Rules................................... 23 a. Background.............................................. 23 b. Categories of Rules Granted with Amendment Structures... 23 c. Categories of Rules Granted with Certain Floor Management Tools......................................... 24 d. Categories of Rules Granted to Resolve Differences Among and Responding to the Legislative Activities of Committees............................................... 25 e. Categories of Rules Granted Dealing with House-Senate Relations................................................ 26 4. Floor Consideration of a Special Rule..................... 27 5. Rules Rejected, Tabled or Pending......................... 28 6. Explanation of Waivers of All Points of Order............. 28 7. Waivers of House Rules.................................... 29 8. Waivers of Budget Enforcement............................. 35 C. Original Jurisdiction Matter................................ 37 1. Committee Consideration of Original Jurisdiction Measures. 37 2. Original Jursidiction Full Committee Hearings............. 37 a. H. Res. 9, Instructing Certain Committees to Report Legislation Replacing the Job-Killing Health Care Law.... 37 b. H. Res. 38, Reducing Non-Security Spending to Fiscal Year 2008 Levels or Less................................. 39 c. H. Res. 72, Directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth................................. 39 3. Original Jurisdiction Measures Reported................... 39 a. H. Res. 9, Instructing Certain Committees to Report Legislation Replacing the Job-Killing Health Care Law.... 39 b. H. Res. 38, Reducing Non-Security Spending to Fiscal Year 2008 Levels or Less................................. 40 c. H. Res. 72, Directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth................................. 41 d. H.R. 10, Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011..................................... 43 e. H.R. 3575, Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011........... 45 f. H.R. 3521, Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Recissions Act of 2011................................... 47 g. H.R. 2309, Postal Reform Act of 2011.................... 49 h. H.R. 6169, Pathway to Job Creation Through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012.............................. 51 V. Activities of the Subcomittees................................ 55 A. Activities of the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process...................................................... 55 1. Jurisdiction and Purpose.................................. 55 2. Summary of Activities in the 112th Congress............... 55 a. H.R. 114, Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011..................................................... 55 3. Legislation Referred to the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process......................................... 55 B. Activities of the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House.................................................... 56 1. Jurisdiction and Purpose.................................. 56 2. Summary of Activities in the 112th Congress............... 56 3. Legislation Referred to the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House.................................. 57 VI. Statistical Profile of the Committee on Rules in the 112th Congress....................................................... 58 A. Statistics on Special Orders or Rules....................... 58 B. Statistics on Original Jurisdiction Measures................ 59 VII. Publications................................................ 61 A. Printed Publications........................................ 61 1. Committee Prints.......................................... 61 VII. Appendices.................................................. 63 A. Table 1--Types of Rules Granted............................. 63 B. Table 2--Resolutions Reported............................... 77 C. Table 3--Resolutions Discharged............................. 95 D. Table 4--Resolutions Laid on the Table...................... 95 E. Table 5--Resolutions Amended................................ 95 F. Table 6--List of Original Jurisdiction Referrals............ 95 VIII. Minority Views............................................. 109 Union Calendar No. 553 112th Congress Report HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2d Session 112-751 ====================================================================== SURVEY OF ACTIVITIES OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON RULES FOR THE 112TH CONGRESS _______ January 3, 2013.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed _______ Mr. Dreier, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following R E P O R T together with MINORITY VIEWS Pursuant to clause 1(d) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Rules transmits herewith its Survey of Activities for the 4th quarter of the 112th Congress. I. HISTORY, FUNCTION, AND ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON RULES A. Introduction In the 112th Congress, the Committee on Rules has retained its traditional structure and purpose in the House of Representatives. Its size and super majority party ratio remain the same as it has in previous Congresses under both Republican and Democratic control. Its central function continues to be setting the conditions under which major legislation is considered on the House floor, including the terms of debate and the consideration of amendments. The Committee has been described by various scholars and Members as a ``legislative traffic cop,'' ``gatekeeper,'' ``field commander,'' as well as ``the Speaker's Committee.'' All of these terms underscore the critical role the Committee plays in the conduct of legislative business in the House. While the primary responsibility of the Committee is to be the scheduling arm of the majority leadership, it also exercises ``original jurisdiction'' over the rules of the House, joint rules of the House and Senate, the order of business in the House, and the budget process. Although the principal purpose of this report is to summarize the activities of the Rules Committee during the 112th Congress, its secondary purpose is to view these activities in the context of the evolution of the Committee and the House of Representatives since the First Congress in 1789. B. History and Function The history of the Committee on Rules roughly parallels the evolution of the House over the past 223 years. The first Rules Committee was established as a select committee of the House on the second day of the First Congress, April 2, 1789, pursuant to the Constitutional mandate in Article I, section 5, clause 2 that, ``Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings...''. The House order creating the Committee stated that ``a committee be appointed to prepare and report such standing rules and order of proceeding as may be proper to be observed in this House...''. The Members serving on the Rules Committee have included some of the most prominent Members of the House. Of the first 11 Members on the Committee, several were Founding Fathers of the nation. These included: (1) Representative James Madison of Virginia, the ``Father of the Constitution'' and future President of the United States; (2) Representative Roger Sherman of Connecticut, the only one of the Founding Fathers to help prepare and sign all four of the most important documents of the early nation: the Articles of Association, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution; (3) Representative Elias Boudinot of New Jersey, President of the Continental Congress from November 1782 to November 1783; and (4) Representative Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, a future Vice President of the United States and a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation. Five days after its appointment, the first Select Committee on Rules reported back a set of four rules promulgating (1) the duties of the Speaker, (2) decorum and debate, (3) the disposition of bills, and (4) the operations of the Committee of the Whole. Six days later, on April 13th, the Select Committee reported an additional eight rules dealing with such matters as the service of Members on committees, Members' attendance during floor proceedings, the creation of a standing Committee on Elections, the duties of the Clerk, and the duties of the Sergeant at Arms. Following the adoption of these rules by the House, the Select Committee was dissolved. During the first 90 years of the House, this pattern continued. At the beginning of a Congress the House would establish a Select Committee on Rules, which would report any recommended revisions in the standing rules of the House from those of the previous, and then dissolve. In some Congresses, the House did not appoint a Select Committee on Rules, and operated under the rules recommended by the Committee and adopted in the preceding Congress. Although in its early years the House relied primarily on select committees to draft legislation, by the mid-nineteenth century this system evolved to include 34 standing committees, which assumed such responsibilities. The House briefly converted the Rules Committee into a standing committee between 1849 and 1853. In 1880, the House permanently converted the Rules Committee into a standing committee chaired by the Speaker of the House. It was this Speaker-Chairman position, combined with the newly-emerging role of the Committee to report rules managing consideration of legislation on the floor, that cement the Committee's place in legislative history. In 1883, the modern Rules Committee began to emerge when the House upheld the right of the Committee to issue ``special orders of business'' or ``special rules'' providing for the consideration of legislation from other committees. By 1890, this new role was accepted as the exclusive prerogative of the Rules Committee. Special rules, which were and are House resolutions, also known as simple resolutions reported from the Rules Committee, were important because they only required a majority vote of the House to provide for the consideration of bills out of the order in which they appeared on the floor Calendar. This is notable because, until the use of special rules, a two-thirds vote was required to suspend the rules and consider a bill out of order. A simple majority could now accomplish what previously required a super-majority. Special rules gained importance because they gave the House flexibility in its legislative agenda, which in turn, allowed for House leadership to respond to changing judgments about the nation's needs at any given time. The individual most responsible for recognizing and utilizing the full potential of the combined powers of the Speaker and Rules Committee chairman was Representative Thomas Brackett Reed of Maine, who served in those two roles between 1889-91, and l895-99. Not only did he use his authority as Speaker to make rulings from the Chair that outlawed certain dilatory and obstructionist tactics on the House floor, but also proceeded to codify these rulings, known as ``Reed's Rules,'' in the standing rules of the House through his capacity as Rules Committee chairman. Speaker Reed also made regular use of the Rules Committee to report special rules, enabling him to schedule bills to be considered on the floor when he wished and under his terms of debate and amendment. It was not until 1910 that this powerful Speaker-Chairman combination was broken up by a revolt against Speaker Joseph Cannon of Illinois, who had served as Speaker and Rules Committee Chairman since 1903. A group of progressive Republican insurgents joined with the Democratic minority to bypass the Rules Committee and directly amend the House Rules from the floor. When Speaker Cannon upheld a point of order that only the Rules Committee could recommend changes in House Rules, the group voted to overturn the ruling. They were then able to amend the rules of the House, stripping the Speaker of his chairmanship and membership on the Rules Committee, as well as his power to appoint Members to the Committee. They also voted to enlarge the Committee from five to 10 Members, elected by the House. The following year, the new Democratic majority in the House completed the revolution by taking away the Speaker's power to appoint Members to all the other committees of the House. Since then, the House has elected all Members of standing committees. This revolt had far-reaching and long-lasting consequences. The standing committees became independent power centers, no longer directly accountable to the Speaker. While the Rules Committee continued to serve as the scheduling arm of the Leadership, it illustrated its independence when reaction set in against the New Deal in 1937. From that time until 1961, the Committee was dominated by a conservative coalition of Southern Democrats and Republicans who would sometimes refuse to report rules on bills the majority leadership wanted on the floor, or would only report such rules under their terms and timing. A successful effort by Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas and President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to enlarge the Committee from 12 to 15 Members, including two more liberal Democrats, did not resolve this problem. It was not until the mid-1970s, with a large influx of new Democrats, that the Rules Committee was fully restored as an arm of the majority leadership. This reform movement, with the emergence of more independent Members and the proliferation of semi-autonomous subcommittees furthered the decentralization of power in the House. This decentralization soon led to pressures to give the majority leadership, particularly the Speaker acting through the Rules Committee, more authority to direct the business of the House. In 1975, the Democratic Speaker was given authority under Caucus rules to appoint all Rules Committee Democrats, subject to Caucus ratification. In 1989, the Republican Conference gave the minority leader the same authority to appoint all Rules Committee Republicans. The slates of appointees recommended by both Leaders are still subject to approval by the whole House in the form of a simple resolution. This practice continues today. In the 112th Congress, all of the Republican Members were appointed to the Rules Committee through the adoption of H. Res. 6, H. Res. 33 and H. Res. 202. The Democratic Members of the Committee were appointed through the adoption of H. Res. 7. Overall, the Rules Committee continues its role of facilitating the deliberation and amendment of major legislation in the House. While the most high-profile role of the Rules Committee is to direct legislative traffic to the House floor, the Committee is also responsible for other important business. For instance, as part of its gate-keeping work, the Committee must help resolve jurisdictional disputes between other standing committees. As is often the case, committees will report legislation with amendments that impact the jurisdiction of other committees. When legislation with such cross- jurisdictional language comes to the Rules Committee, the Committee must resolve these disputes to ensure that legislation reaches the floor without controversy between House committees. Finally, with the aid of the Office of the Parliamentarian, the Committee plays a role in ensuring compliance with the House Rules. Authorizing and appropriating committees often seek guidance in how to conduct their oversight and legislative responsibilities in accordance with the Rules, and when questions arise regarding the propriety of certain courses of action, they turn to the Rules Committee or the Parliamentarian for the answer. Overall, and notwithstanding changes in majority control, the Rules Committee continues its role of facilitating the deliberation and amending of legislation in the House. C. Committee Organization During the 112th Congress At the beginning of the 94th Congress, the Committee membership was increased from 15 Members (10 Democrats and five Republicans) to 16 Members (11 Democrats and five Republicans). This ratio remained until the 98th Congress, when the membership was reduced to 13 Members (nine Democrats and four Republicans). The membership has remained at 13 through the 112th Congress. The ratio of majority party Members to minority party Members also has remained the same. As in the 104th through the 109th Congresses, Republicans are currently serving in the majority, with Democrats in the minority. During the 110th and 111th Congresses, Democrats were in the majority. Seven of the 13 Members of the Rules Committee served on the Committee during the 111th Congress. The returning Republican Representatives are David Dreier of California, Pete Sessions of Texas, and Virginia Foxx of North Carolina. In addition, one of the Republican Members of the Rules Committee, Mr. Bishop of Utah, previously served on the Committee in the 109th Congress. The new Republican Representatives appointed to serve on the Rules Committee for the 112th Congress are Rob Woodall of Georgia, Richard B. Nugent of Florida, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Daniel Webster of Florida, and Tom Reed of New York. Mr. Reed resigned from the Committee on June 14, 2011 upon his appointment to the Committee on Ways and Means. The returning Democratic Representatives are Louise McIntosh Slaughter of New York, James McGovern of Massachusetts, Alcee L. Hastings of Florida, and Jared Polis of Colorado. The Committee held its organizational meeting on January 5, 2011. Chairman David Dreier of California opened the meeting, welcomed members, and introduced new members. Chairman Dreier announced that the proposed Committee rules would be considered as read and open for amendment at any point. He explained that the proposal called for the adoption of the Committee's rules for the 112th Congress with one change, which was necessary to comply with new House rules, requiring the Committee to make all votes available electronically within 48 hours of a hearing. Ms. Foxx offered a motion that the Rules Committee adopt the proposed Committee rules for the 112th Congress. Ms. Foxx's motion to adopt the Committee rules was agreed to by voice vote after two amendments were adopted by voice vote and two amendments failed by a vote of 4 to 7. Specifically: Amendment #1, offered by Mr. Hastings, to require all proceedings be streamed live and archived on the Committee's website, was adopted by voice vote; Amendment #2, offered by Mr. Polis, to require that the chair include in the report on any rule an explanation of any waivers granted to the legislation, was adopted by voice vote; Amendment #3, offered by Mr. Hastings, to require that any bill or substitute amendment that is reported out of the Rules Committee be accompanied by a cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, was defeated by a record vote of 4 to 7; and Amendment #4, offered by Mr. McGovern, to ensure that any bill, substitute amendment, or self-executing amendment that is before the Rules Committee would be available for members to read for at least 24 hours before the Committee would vote on a rule related to the legislation, was defeated by a record vote of 4 to 7. Pursuant to Clause 2(d) of rule XI of the Rules of the House, Chairman Dreier designated Pete Sessions as the Vice Chairman of the Rules Committee to act on the Chairman's behalf during a temporary absence of the Chairman. Mr. Sessions offered a motion that pursuant to Rule 5(c) of the Committee on Rules, the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House and the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process would each be composed of five majority and two minority Members, identical to the ratio used in recent Congresses. Mr. Session's motion was adopted by voice vote. Chairman Dreier asked unanimous consent that any appointments to the subcommittees be postponed until the chair and ranking member had time to consult with members and each other. On June 22, 2011 Chairman Dreier appointed Mr. Nugent as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House, and Mr. Sessions as chairman of the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process. Chairman Dreier also appointed the majority and minority Members to the two subcommittees as follows: Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House: Mr. Nugent (Chairman), Mr. Bishop (Vice Chairman), Mr. Scott, Mr. Dreier, Mr. McGovern, and Ms. Slaughter. Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process: Mr. Sessions (Chairman), Ms. Foxx (Vice Chairwoman), Mr. Woodall, Mr. Webster, Mr. Dreier, Mr. Hastings of Florida, and Mr. Polis. D. Information Transparency for the Rules Committee Due to its unique role in the legislative process, the Committee on Rules has traditionally assumed the role of providing the portal for Members and the public to access major legislation in the House. Whether it is early access to legislation or conference reports, or the text of amendments submitted to the Committee or made in order for the floor, the Rules Committee has always served as the central repository for those documents. That role became official in the 112th Congress, even if only on a temporary basis. The rules changes for the 112th Congress conferred the same status on documents in electronic form as traditionally printed documents for purposes of layover and availability--a first for the House of Representatives. While H. Res. 5 also directed the establishment of a central location for the posting of electronic legislative documents, that resolution also designated the Rules Committee website as the temporary central location for those documents until that site was ready. This electronic repository was launched at docs.house.gov at the beginning of the Second Session of the 112th Congress on January, 13, 2012. With the transition to a new majority this Congress, the Rules Committee website was redesigned to emphasize transparency in the Rules Committee process and for legislation destined for floor consideration. This represents the most fundamental update of the site since it first went live in 1999. Among the new features for the site in the 112th Congress--
Dedicated pages for each bill, with a tabbed interface showing the disposition of all submitted amendments and a new ``at-a-glance'' view to provide links to important information; Pages for each hearing where the Committee posts statements submitted for the record and other hearing materials; Links to webcasts for each hearing and meeting held by the Committee, both live and archived; Links to the text of all bills to be considered in the coming week, usually in both PDF and XML formats; and An ``important policies'' section, which provides links to the text of the policies and protocols that govern the Rules Committee and majority leadership's scheduling of measures for the floor. Additionally, the website also maintains links to much of the historical and educational material that Members, staff, citizens, and academics find useful in understanding the legislative process in the House. Accordingly, throughout the entirety of the 112th Congress, the Committee's website has had more than 59 million hits, an average of over 81,000 per day. The Committee is continuing its efforts to update and modernize those materials and plans on adding more in the months to come. In addition to the Committee's public web site, the Committee operates the Committee on Rules Electronic Database (CORED), an internal tracking and workflow system. Originally developed in the 109th Congress as a statistical repository, majorities of both parties have made significant investments to turn it into the backbone of the Committee's operation it is today. This system allows the Committee to quickly process submitted amendments and proposed rules to meet its own needs and ultimately produce the resolutions, reports, and other materials needed for filing with the House. CORED also automates the posting of amendments and other information on the Committee's public website. CORED allows the Committee to simultaneously increase its efficiency and improve its transparency by closely linking the production of committee work product to its public disclosure responsibilities. E. Rules of the Committee on Rules for the 112th Congress Rule 1.--General Provisions (a) The Rules of the House are the rules of the Committee and its subcommittees so far as applicable, except that a motion to recess from day to day, and a motion to dispense with the first reading (in full) of a bill or resolution, if printed copies are available, are non- debatable privileged motions in the Committee. A proposed investigative or oversight report shall be considered as read if it has been available to the members of the Committee for at least 24 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays except when the House is in session on such day). (b) Each subcommittee is a part of the Committee, and is subject to the authority and direction of the Committee and to its rules so far as applicable. (c) The provisions of clause 2 of rule XI of the Rules of the House are incorporated by reference as the rules of the Committee to the Extent applicable. (d) The Committee's rules shall be published in the Congressional Record not later than 30 days after the Committee is elected in each odd-numbered year. Rule 2.--Regular, Additional, and Special Meetings REGULAR MEETINGS (a)(1) The Committee shall regularly meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday of each week when the House is in session. (2) A regular meeting of the Committee may be dispensed with if, in the judgment of the Chairman of the Committee (hereafter in these rules referred to as the ``Chair''), there is no need for the meeting. (3) Additional regular meetings and hearings of the Committee may be called by the Chair. NOTICE FOR REGULAR MEETINGS (b) The Chair shall notify in electronic or written form each member of the Committee of the agenda of each regular meeting of the Committee at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting and shall provide to each member of the Committee, at least 24 hours before the time of each regular meeting. (1) for each bill or resolution scheduled on the agenda for consideration of a rule, a copy of-- (A) the bill or resolution; (B) any committee reports thereon; and (C) any letter requesting a rule for the bill or resolution; and (2) for each other bill, resolution, report, or other matter on the agenda a copy of-- (A) the bill, resolution, report, or materials relating to the other matter in question; and (B) any report on the bill, resolution, report, or any other matter made by any subcommittee of the Committee. EMERGENCY MEETINGS (c)(1) The Chair may call an emergency meeting of the Committee at any time on any measure or matter which the Chair determines to be of an emergency nature; provided, however, that the Chair has made an effort to consult the ranking minority member, or, in such member's absence, the next ranking minority party member of the Committee. (2) As soon as possible after calling an emergency meeting of the Committee, the Chair shall notify each member of the Committee of the time and location of the meeting. (3) To the extent feasible, the notice provided under paragraph (2) shall include the agenda for the emergency meeting and copies of available materials which would otherwise have been provided under subsection (b) if the emergency meeting was a regular meeting. SPECIAL MEETINGS (d) Special meetings shall be called and convened as provided in clause 2(c)(2) of rule XI of the Rules of the House. Rule 3.--Meeting and Hearing Procedures IN GENERAL (a)(1) Meetings and hearings of the Committee shall be called to order and presided over by the Chair or, in the Chair's absence, by the member designated by the Chair as the Vice Chair of the Committee, or by the ranking majority member of the Committee present as Acting Chair. (2) Meetings and hearings of the Committee shall be open to the public unless closed in accordance with clause 2(g) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives. (3) Any meeting or hearing of the Committee that is open to the public shall be open to coverage by television, radio, and still photography in accordance with the provisions of clause 4 of rule XI of the Rules of the House (which are incorporated by reference as part of these rules). (4) When a recommendation is made as to the kind of rule which should be granted for consideration of a bill or resolution, a copy of the language recommended shall be furnished to each member of the Committee at the beginning of the Committee meeting at which the rule is to be considered or as soon thereafter as the proposed language becomes available. QUORUM (b)(1) For the purpose of hearing testimony on requests for rules, five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. (2) For the purpose of taking testimony and receiving evidence on measures or matters of original jurisdiction before the Committee, three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. (3) A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of reporting any measure or matter, of authorizing a subpoena, of closing a meeting or hearing pursuant to clause 2(g) of rule XI of the Rules of the House (except as provided in clause 2(g)(2)(A) and (B)), or of taking any other action. VOTING (c)(1) No vote may be conducted on any measure or motion pending before the Committee unless a majority of the members of the Committee is actually present for such purpose. (2) A record vote of the Committee shall be provided on any question before the Committee upon the request of any member. (3) No vote by any member of the Committee on any measure or matter may be cast by proxy. (4) A record of the vote of each member of the Committee on each record vote on any measure or matter before the Committee shall be made publicly available in electronic form within 48 hours, and with respect to any record vote on any motion to amend or report, shall be included in the report of the Committee showing the total number of votes cast for and against and the names of those members voting for and against. HEARING PROCEDURES (d)(1) With regard to hearings on matters of original jurisdiction, to the greatest extent practicable: (A) each witness who is to appear before the Committee shall file with the Committee at least 24 hours in advance of the appearance a statement of proposed testimony in written and electronic form and shall limit the oral presentation to the Committee to a brief summary thereof; and (B) each witness appearing in a non-governmental capacity shall include with the statement of proposed testimony provided in written and electronic form a curriculum vitae and a disclosure of the amount and source (by agency and program) of any Federal grant (or subgrant thereof) or contract (or subcontract thereof) received during the current fiscal year or either of the two preceding fiscal years. (2) The five-minute rule shall be observed in the interrogation of each witness before the Committee until each member of the Committee has had an opportunity to question the witness. (3) The provisions of clause 2(k) of rule XI of the Rules of the House shall apply to any hearing conducted by the Committee. SUBPOENAS AND OATHS (e)(1) Pursuant to clause 2(m) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, a subpoena may be authorized and issued by the Committee or a subcommittee in the conduct of any investigation or series of investigations or activities, only when authorized by a majority of the members voting, a majority being present. (2) The Chair may authorize and issue subpoenas under such clause during any period in which the House has adjourned for a period of longer than three days. (3) Authorized subpoenas shall be signed by the Chair or by any member designated by the Committee, and may be served by any person designated by the Chair or such member. (4) The Chair, or any member of the Committee designated by the Chair, may administer oaths to witnesses before the Committee. Rule 4.--General Oversight Responsibilities (a) The Committee shall review and study, on a continuing basis, the application, administration, execution, and effectiveness of those laws, or parts of laws, the subject matter of which is within its jurisdiction. (b) Not later than February 15 of the first session of a Congress, the committee shall meet in open session, with a quorum present, to adopt its oversight plans for that Congress for submission to the Committee on House Administration and the Committee on Government Reform, in accordance with the provisions of clause 2(d) of House rule X. Rule 5.--Subcommittees ESTABLISHMENT AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUBCOMMITTEES (a)(1) There shall be two subcommittees of the Committee as follows: (A) Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, which shall have general responsibility for measures or matters related to relations between the Congress and the Executive Branch. (B) Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House, which shall have general responsibility for measures or matters related to process and procedures of the House, relations between the two Houses of Congress, relations between the Congress and the Judiciary, and internal operations of the House. (2) In addition, each such subcommittee shall have specific responsibility for such other measures or matters as the Chair refers to it. (3) Each subcommittee of the Committee shall review and study, on a continuing basis, the application, administration, execution, and effectiveness of those laws, or parts of laws, the subject matter of which is within its general responsibility. REFERRAL OF MEASURES AND MATTERS TO SUBCOMMITTEES (b)(1) In view of the unique procedural responsibilities of the Committee, no special order providing for the consideration of any bill or resolution shall be referred to a subcommittee of the Committee. (2) The Chair shall refer to a subcommittee such measures or matters of original jurisdiction as the Chair deems appropriate given its jurisdiction and responsibilities. (3) All other measures or matters of original jurisdiction shall be subject to consideration by the full Committee. (4) In referring any measure or matter of original jurisdiction to a subcommittee, the Chair may specify a date by which the subcommittee shall report thereon to the Committee. (5) The Committee by motion may discharge a subcommittee from consideration of any measure or matter referred to a subcommittee of the Committee. COMPOSITION OF SUBCOMMITTEES (c) The size and ratio of each subcommittee shall be determined by the Committee and members shall be elected to each subcommittee, and to the positions of chairman and ranking minority member thereof, in accordance with the rules of the respective party caucuses. The Chair of the full committee shall designate a member of the majority party on each subcommittee as its vice chairman. SUBCOMMITTEE MEETINGS AND HEARINGS (d)(1) Each subcommittee of the Committee is authorized to meet, hold hearings, receive testimony, mark up legislation, and report to the full Committee on any measure or matter referred to it. (2) No subcommittee of the Committee may meet or hold a hearing at the same time as a meeting or hearing of the full Committee is being held. (3) The chairman of each subcommittee shall schedule meetings and hearings of the subcommittee only after consultation with the Chair. QUORUM (e)(1) For the purpose of taking testimony, two members of the subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. (2) For all other purposes, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of a subcommittee. EFFECT OF A VACANCY (f) Any vacancy in the membership of a subcommittee shall not affect the power of the remaining members to execute the functions of the subcommittee. RECORDS (g) Each subcommittee of the Committee shall provide the full Committee with copies of such records of votes taken in the subcommittee and such other records with respect to the subcommittee necessary for the Committee to comply with all rules and regulations of the House. Rule 6.--Staff IN GENERAL (a)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), the professional and other staff of the Committee shall be appointed, by the Chair, and shall work under the general supervision and direction of the Chair.-- (2) All professional, and other staff provided to the minority party members of the Committee shall be appointed, by the ranking minority member of the Committee, and shall work under the general supervision and direction of such member. (3) The appointment of all professional staff shall be subject to the approval of the Committee as provided by, and subject to the provisions of, clause 9 of rule X of the Rules of the House. ASSOCIATE STAFF (b) Associate staff for members of the Committee may be appointed only at the discretion of the Chair (in consultation with the ranking minority member regarding any minority party associate staff), after taking into account any staff ceilings and budgetary constraints in effect at the time, and any terms, limits, or conditions established by the Committee on House Administration under clause 9 of rule X of the Rules of the House. SUBCOMMITTEE STAFF (c) From funds made available for the appointment of staff, the Chair of the Committee shall, pursuant to clause 6(d) of rule X of the Rules of the House, ensure that sufficient staff is made available to each subcommittee to carry out its responsibilities under the rules of the Committee, and, after consultation with the ranking minority member of the Committee, that the minority party of the Committee is treated fairly in the appointment of such staff. COMPENSATION OF STAFF (d) The Chair shall fix the compensation of all professional and other staff of the Committee, after consultation with the ranking minority member regarding any minority party staff. CERTIFICATION OF STAFF (e)(1) To the extent any staff member of the Committee or any of its subcommittees does not work under the direct supervision and direction of the Chair, the Member of the Committee who supervises and directs the staff member's work shall file with the Chief of Staff of the Committee (not later than the tenth day of each month) a certification regarding the staff member's work for that member for the preceding calendar month. (2) The certification required by paragraph (1) shall be in such form as the Chair may prescribe, shall identify each staff member by name, and shall state that the work engaged in by the staff member and the duties assigned to the staff member for the member of the Committee with respect to the month in question met the requirements of clause 9 of rule X of the rules of the House. (3) Any certification of staff of the Committee, or any of its subcommittees, made by the Chair in compliance with any provision of law or regulation shall be made-- (A) on the basis of the certifications filed under paragraph (1) to the extent the staff is not under the Chair's supervision and direction, and (B) on his own responsibility to the extent the staff is under the Chair's direct supervision and direction. Rule 7.--Budget, Travel, Pay of Witnesses BUDGET (a) The Chair, in consultation with other members of the Committee, shall prepare for each Congress a budget providing amounts for staff, necessary travel, investigation, and other expenses of the Committee and its subcommittees. TRAVEL (b)(1) The Chair may authorize travel for any member and any staff member of the Committee in connection with activities or subject matters under the general jurisdiction of the Committee. Before such authorization is granted, there shall be submitted to the Chair in writing the following: (A) The purpose of the travel. (B) The dates during which the travel is to occur. (C) The names of the States or countries to be visited and the length of time to be spent in each. (D) The names of members and staff of the Committee for whom the authorization is sought. (2) Members and staff of the Committee shall make a written report to the Chair on any travel they have conducted under this subsection, including a description of their itinerary, expenses, and activities, and of pertinent information gained as a result of such travel. (3) Members and staff of the Committee performing authorized travel on official business shall be governed by applicable laws, resolutions, and regulations of the House and of the Committee on House Administration. PAY OF WITNESSES (c) Witnesses may be paid from funds made available to the Committee in its expense resolution subject to the provisions of clause 5 of rule XI of the Rules of the House. Rule 8.--Committee Administration Reporting (a) Whenever the Committee authorizes the favorable reporting of a bill or resolution from the Committee: (1) The Chair or acting Chair shall report it to the House or designate a member of the Committee to do so. (2) In the case of a bill or resolution in which the Committee has original jurisdiction, the Chair shall allow, to the extent that the anticipated floor schedule permits, any member of the Committee a reasonable amount of time to submit views for inclusion in the Committee report on the bill or resolution. Any such report shall contain all matters required by the Rules of the House of Representatives (or by any provision of law enacted as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the House) and such other information as the Chair deems appropriate. (3) In the case of a resolution providing for consideration of a measure, the Committee report accompanying such resolution shall include an accurate explanation of any waivers of points of order, including a detailed explanation of waivers of all points of order. RECORDS (b)(1) There shall be a transcript made of each regular meeting and hearing of the Committee, and the transcript may be printed if the Chair decides it is appropriate or if a majority of the members of the Committee requests such printing. Any such transcripts shall be a substantially verbatim account of remarks actually made during the proceedings, subject only to technical, grammatical, and typographical corrections authorized by the person making the remarks. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require that all such transcripts be subject to correction and publication. (2) The Committee shall keep a record of all actions of the Committee and of its subcommittees. The record shall contain all information required by clause 2(e)(1) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives and shall be available for public inspection at reasonable times in the offices of the Committee. (3) All Committee hearings, records, data, charts, and files shall be kept separate and distinct from the Congressional office records of the Chair, shall be the property of the House, and all Members of the House shall have access thereto as provided in clause 2(e)(2) of rule XI of the Rules of the House. (4) The records of the Committee at the National Archives and Records Administration shall be made available for public use in accordance with rule VII of the Rules of the House. The Chair shall notify the ranking minority member of any decision, pursuant to clause 3(b)(3) or clause 4(b) of the rule, to withhold a record otherwise available, and the matter shall be presented to the Committee for a determination on written request of any member of the Committee. AUDIO AND VIDEO COVERAGE (c) The Chair shall provide, to the maximum extent practicable, (1) complete and unedited audio and video broadcasts of all committee hearings and meetings; and (2) for distribution of such broadcasts and unedited recordings thereof to the public and for the storage of audio and video recordings of the proceedings. Proceedings shall be broadcast live on the Majority Committee website and recordings shall be made available on such website within one calendar day of the proceeding. COMMITTEE PUBLICATIONS ON THE INTERNET (d) To the maximum extent feasible, the Committee shall make its publications available in electronic form. CALENDARS (e)(1) The Committee shall maintain a Committee Calendar, which shall include all bills, resolutions, and other matters referred to or reported by the Committee and all bills, resolutions, and other matters reported by any other committee on which a rule has been granted or formally requested, and such other matters as the Chair shall direct. The Calendar shall be published periodically, but in no case less often than once in each session of Congress. (2) The staff of the Committee shall furnish each member of the Committee with a list of all bills or resolutions reported from the Committee but not yet considered by the House, and on which a rule has been formally requested but not yet granted. The list shall be updated each week when the House is in session. (3) For purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), a rule is considered as formally requested when the Chairman of a committee which has reported a bill or resolution (or a member of such committee authorized to act on the Chairfman's behalf): (A) has requested, in writing to the Chair, that a hearing be scheduled on a rule for the consideration of the bill or resolution; and (B) has supplied the Committee with an adequate number of copies of the bill or resolution, as reported, together with the final printed committee report thereon. OTHER PROCEDURES (f) The Chair may establish such other Committee procedures and take such actions as may be necessary to carry out these rules or to facilitate the effective operation of the Committee and its subcommittees in a manner consistent with these rules. RULE 9.--AMENDMENTS TO COMMITTEE RULES The rules of the Committee may be modified, amended or repealed, in the same manner and method as prescribed for the adoption of committee rules in clause 2 of rule XI of the Rules of the House, but only if written notice of the proposed change has been provided to each such member at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting at which the vote on the change occurs. Any such change in the rules of the Committee shall be published in the Congressional Record within 30 calendar days after their approval. II. HOUSE RULES CHANGES ADOPTED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 112TH CONGRESS A. Introduction The resolution proposing the rules of a new Congress is usually called up by the chairman of the Rules Committee from the prior congress or the Majority Leader, debated for one hour, and given an up-or-down vote after the minority attempts to bring up an alternative, which is traditionally defeated by a party line vote. On January 5, 2011, Majority Leader Eric Cantor called up the opening day rules package (H. Res. 5). The Delegate from the District of Columbia, Ms. Holmes Norton, moved to refer the resolution to a select committee of five Members, appointed by the Speaker and of which not more than three could be from the same political party, to consider the constitutionality of not retaining provisions in the rules permitting the delegates and the Resident Commissioner to cast votes in the Committee of the Whole. That motion was defeated by a record vote of 223 yeas and 188 nays. The rules package for the 112th Congress was the result of an unprecedented collaborative process. Almost immediately after the election, then-Republican Leader Boehner appointed a transition committee of 22 Members under the chairmanship of Mr. Walden to make recommendations to the Republican Conference on matters related to the organization of the new congress. The transition committee was divided into three subcommittees, which addressed rules and procedures, the legislative schedule, and House officers and operations. At the invitation of Chairman Walden, then-Speaker Pelosi appointed Mr. Andrews and Mr. Brady to function as liaisons between the transition committee and the Democratic caucus. After numerous meetings and listening sessions with both returning and new Members, the transition committee made a number of recommendations that formed the basis of H. Res. 5. Among the major changes contained in the package are: A requirement that a statement describing the Constitutional authority for enactment accompany each introduced bill; Applying the 3-day layover requirement to unreported bills, in addition to the pre-existing requirement for bills reported by a committee; Replacing the House ``PAYGO'' rule with ``CUTGO,'' placing an emphasis on cuts in spending rather than increases in revenue; and Placing documents made publicly available in electronic form on equal footing with those made available after printing by the Government Printing Office. The proposed rules changes for the 112th Congress were adopted by the House by a vote of 238 yeas and 191 nays, after defeating the motion to commit by a vote of 236 yeas and 188 nays. B. Summary of Substantive Changes Contained in H. Res. 5, Adopting House Rules for the 112th Congress Citing Authority Under the Constitution H. Res. 5 established a new clause 7 in rule XII providing that a Member may not introduce a bill or joint resolution unless the sponsor also submits a statement citing as specifically as practicable the power or powers under the Constitution authorizing the enactment of that bill or joint resolution. The statement will appear in a separate section in the Congressional Record and be made available to the public in electronic form. Three-Day Availability for Unreported Bills This provision of H. Res. 5 added a new clause to rule XXIX establishing a point of order against consideration of a bill or joint resolution that has not been available for three calendar days. This provision mirrors existing layover rules prohibiting consideration of bills reported by a committee or conference reports. Transparency for House and Committee Operations These provisions of H. Res. 5 are intended to make the text of legislation more easily available to Members and the public. H. Res. 5 directed the Committee on House Administration to establish and maintain standards for documents made available in electronic form by the House and its committees. It also provided that a measure or matter will have been considered as having been ``available'' within the meaning of the rules if it was publicly available in electronic form at a location designated by the Committee on House Administration. The rules package provided for a minimum notice period of three days for a committee meeting. This joined the pre- existing requirement for seven-day notice for a committee hearing. It also required that the chair of the committee make the text of the measure or matter being marked up publicly available in electronic form at least 24 hours prior to commencement of the meeting. This provision is intended to ensure that members have the text of the measure or matter in sufficient time to review the measure and draft any amendments. Committee chairs are now required to make the results of any record vote publicly available in electronic form within 48 hours of the vote, and the text of any adopted amendment within 24 hours of commencement of the markup or adoption of the amendment. Additionally, H. Res. 5 required the electronic posting of non-governmental witness ``truth-in-testimony'' information (with appropriate redactions, such as a home address or phone number, to protect the privacy of the witness) and that committees' rules be publicly available in electronic form. The resolution also directed each Committee, to the maximum extent practicable, to provide audio and video coverage of each committee hearing or meeting and maintain recordings that are easily accessible to the public. It also struck an exception, adopted in the 110th Congress, for the Committee on Rules to accurately report its votes in committee reports to accompany a rule, joint rule, or a special order of business. Finally, the package required committees, during development of their oversight plan, to include proposals to cut or eliminate mandatory and discretionary programs that are inefficient, duplicative, outdated, or more appropriately administered by State or local governments. Initiatives to Reduce Spending and Improve Accountability The package replaced the ``pay-as-you-go'' requirements of prior congresses with a ``cut-as-you-go'' requirement. The provision prohibits consideration of a bill, joint resolution, conference report, or amendment that has the net effect of increasing mandatory spending within a five-year or ten-year budget window. This provision continues the current practice of counting multiple measures considered pursuant to a special order of business that directs the Clerk to engross the measures together after passage for purposes of compliance with the rule and provides a mechanism for addressing ``emergency'' designations. H. Res. 5 also struck the ``Gephardt rule'' that provides for the automatic engrossment and transmittal to the Senate of a joint resolution changing the public debt limit, upon the adoption by Congress of the budget resolution, thereby avoiding a separate vote in the House on the public debt-limit legislation. It also added a new clause to rule XXIX, which clarifies that the chair of the Committee on the Budget, rather than the entire committee, is authorized to provide guidance to the presiding officer on the budgetary impact of legislative proposals. This change reflects the long-standing practice under majorities of both parties. It also modifies clause 3 of rule XXI, pertaining to transportation obligation limitations, to protect the balances of the Highway Trust Fund by establishing a point of order against consideration of any general appropriation bill or joint resolution, or accompanying conference report, that provides spending authority from balances in the trust fund (other than those from transfers from the General Fund of the Treasury) or reduces or limits the accruing balances of that trust fund for anything other than activities authorized for the highway or mass transit programs. H. Res. 5 also specified that it would not be in order to consider a budget resolution or amendments thereto, or a conference thereon that would have the effect of increasing net direct spending. Other Changes to House Operations The 112th Congress rules package authorized the Chair of the Committee of the Whole to employ two-minute voting during a series of votes and changed the current rule regarding electronic devices, which prohibits the use of mobile phones and personal computers on the floor, to prohibit the use of any mobile electronic device that is disruptive of the decorum. This change will give the Speaker greater latitude in deciding which mobile electronic devices may or may not be used by Members on the floor. H. Res. 5 also restored prohibition on the ability of delegates and the Resident Commissioner to vote in, and preside over, the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, which was in place from the 104th through 109th Congresses. It also eliminated clause 11 of rule XVIII, which allows a motion to strike a provision from a bill that is asserted to be an unfunded mandate, even if the amendment would not otherwise be in order during consideration of the bill. H. Res. 5 made only a single change to rule X (related to the jurisdiction of committees) to clarify the Armed Services Committee's jurisdiction over Department of Defense administered cemeteries. The jurisdiction of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs with respect to cemeteries for veterans remains unchanged. The package also made several changes to the names of committees, and altered the size of the Select Committee on Intelligence. In an effort to improve oversight, the rules for the 112th Congress increased the frequency of committee activity reports from once per congress to four times per congress, providing the House with more frequent updates regarding the oversight and legislative activities of the committees. The rules package also modified existing staff deposition authority for the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform by requiring the committee to adopt a rule requiring that a member of the committee be present at any deposition conducted by a staff member. The deponent is permitted to waive this requirement. As is traditional, the rules package also carried a number of separate orders addressing a host of matters. While these are not amendments to the standing Rules of the House, they function with the same force and effect as a rule during the 112th Congress. Budget Matters The package clarified that section 306 of the Budget Act (prohibiting consideration of legislation with the Budget Committee's jurisdiction, unless reported by the Budget Committee) only applies to bills and joint resolutions and not to simple or concurrent resolutions. It also made a section 303 point of order (requiring adoption of budget resolution before consideration of budget-related legislation) applicable to text made in order as an original bill by a special rule. It also provided that specified or minimum levels of compensation for Federal office would not be considered as providing new entitlement authority. It also prevented the Committee of the Whole from rising to report a bill to the House that exceeds an applicable allocation of new budget authority under section 302 (b) (Appropriations subcommittee allocations) as estimated by the Budget Committee and creates a point of order. Budget Enforcement H. Res. 5 also gave the Chair of the Committee on the Budget authority to set aggregates and allocations to complete the unfinished fiscal year 2011 budget resolution cycle, taking into account the latest CBO baseline, including its 5-year projections. Emergencies and Contingencies H. Res. 5 provided for exemptions for designated emergencies and the continuation of contingency operations related to the Global War on Terror. Deficit-Neutral Revenue Reserve and Exemptions The package also contained an order authorizing the Budget Committee to make appropriate budget adjustments prior to the adoption of a budget resolution to account for the repeal or modification of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010. H. Res. 5 also authorized the Budget Committee Chair, prior to the adoption of a budget resolution, to exempt from estimates the budgetary effects of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. It also exempted the budgetary effects of the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010. The budgetary effects of AMT relief, estate tax, trade agreements and small business tax relief were also exempted. The exemption is limited to measures that do not increase the deficit or revenues over the ten-year budget window, except for increases in revenue that meet certain specific criteria. It also allowed the Chairman of the Budget Committee to take into account the exemptions provided under paragraph (h) for the purpose of complying with Statutory PAYGO. Limitation on Long-term Spending H. Res. 5 also established a new point of order for the 112th Congress to prohibit the consideration of measures that increase mandatory spending above $5,000,000,000 for any 10- year window within a 40-year period. Spending Reduction Amendments in Appropriations Bills H. Res. 5 also required that in each general appropriations bill there be a ``spending reduction'' account that articulates the amount by which, through the amendment process, the House has reduced spending in other portions of the bill and indicated that such savings should be counted towards spending reduction. It provides that other amendments that propose to increase spending in accounts in a general appropriations bill must include an offset of equal or greater value. Prior Provisions H. Res. 5 also carried provisions carried in prior rules packages waiving clause 5(d) of rule X to allow the Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Affairs up to seven subcommittees each, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure up to six subcommittees, and the prohibition on access to any exercise facility that is made available exclusively to Members, former Members, officers and former officers of the House and their spouses to any former member, former officer, or spouse who is a lobbyist registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995. Numbering of Bills As is usual, the package reserves the first ten numbers for bills (H.R. 1 through H.R. 10) for assignment by the Speaker and, new for this Congress, the second ten numbers (H.R. 11 through H.R. 20) for assignment by the Minority Leader. Continuation of Committees, Commissions, and House Offices The resolution reauthorized the House Democracy Partnership, the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, and the Office of Congressional Ethics for the 112th Congress. Finally, it directed the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (now Ethics) to empanel investigative subcommittees within 30 days after the date a Member is indicted or criminal charges are filed. Additional Orders of Business The rules package also carried two orders of business, the first allowing the Speaker to recognize Members for the reading of the Constitution on the legislative day of January 6, 2011, and the second providing that on January 6, 2011, the Speaker may entertain motions to suspend the rules related to reducing the costs of operation of the House and allow two hours of debate equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent. III. COMMITTEE OVERSIGHT PLAN Pursuant to clause 2(d)(1) of rule X, the Committee met in public session on February 14, 2011 and adopted by voice vote the Committee's Oversight Plan for the 112th Congress. Pursuant to clause 1(d) of rule XI, the Committee is required to include within this activity report a separate section summarizing that plan and the actions taken throughout the Congress to implement that plan, as well as any additional oversight activities that were conducted. The Nation, and by extension the taxpayers, are facing record deficits and record levels of public debt. Congress must ensure that its processes are best structured to allow for comprehensive over-sight and informed decision-making. In its oversight plan for the 112th Congress, the Committee highlighted a need to conduct more effective oversight of the Congressional budget process, dynamic scoring, and committee jurisdiction in order to ensure that Congress has effective processes in place, has the best available information when making decisions, and is organized in the most effective and efficient manner. In recent years, the House has adapted and upgraded its technological capabilities to improve efficiency, accessibility, and transparency. Members are communicating more effectively with their constituents through the use of website, blogs, and tele-townhalls. Technology is also affecting the way Congress considers legislation. For example, more data and analysis is readily available to Members in the execution of their duties. Bills and committee reports are available and often searchable electronically, and the public can follow Congressional proceedings in real-time through ``cybercasts.'' The 112th Congress also took the landmark step of recognizing electronic availability as an alternative to physical printing by the Government Printing Office. Like any major change, this one will require oversight and adjustment as the House gains experience with the new rule and its implementation. In light of the tragedy in Tucson, there has been additional focus on the need for increased civility in debate and national dialogue more generally. The Committee is committed to ensuring that the House rules are utilized to make certain that Members adhere to the rules of decorum. The Committee also highlighted the need to review specific Congressional procedures, including the expedited procedures contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed in the 111th Congress (P.L. 111-148 & P.L. 111-152), the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, and the Congressional Review Act of 1996. The Committee strongly believes that focusing its attention on the procedures associated with these laws will ensure that the Congress has the best possible tools at its disposal. IV. COMMITTEE JURISDICTION AND ACTIVITIES A. Introduction The jurisdictional mandate of the Committee on Rules is set forth in clause 1(o) of rule X as follows: (o) Committee on Rules. (1) The rules and joint rules (other than those relating to the Code of Official Conduct) and order of business of the House. (2) Recesses and final adjournments of Congress. The special oversight function of the Committee is outlined in clause 3(j) of rule X as follows: (j) The Committee on Rules shall review and study on a continuing basis the congressional budget process, and the committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the House from time to time. The jurisdictional mandate of the Committee for the purposes of this survey of activities is broken down into two subcategories: original jurisdiction matters and special rules (order of business resolutions). In practice, these subgroups are intertwined in a manner that greatly affects the way in which the House conducts its business. Original jurisdiction matters include all measures pertaining to the rules of the House, the budget process and joint rules. These measures are either referred directly to the Committee by the Speaker or originate in the Committee itself. They not only pertain to changes in House procedure, but also cover the Committee's power to establish select committees, authorize certain investigations, provide enforcement procedures for the budget process, and to establish congressional procedures for considering certain executive branch proposals. During the 112th Congress, the Committee held three original jurisdiction hearings and eight original jurisdiction mark-ups. Of the eight measures reported to the House for consideration, six were subsequently adopted or passed by the House, while the additional two measures remain on the Union Calendar. The other subgroup of the Committee's jurisdictional mandate, referred to as order of business resolutions or ``special rules,'' is used by the Committee to direct the manner in which a bill or resolution will be considered by the House. ``Special rules,'' in the form of House resolutions, tailor the time allotted for debate and the process by which a bill can be amended. This is done to allow the House to consider the subject matter in a way that best suits the bill's individual issues and/or controversies. These ``rules'' may also contain waivers of specific House rules or provisions of the Congressional Budget Act. It is sometimes necessary to waive the rules of the House in order to allow the chamber to consider all the facets of the particular issue or to facilitate resolving its differences with the Senate. Special rules also allow the House to consider measures according to the majority leadership's legislative scheduling priorities rather than in the numerical order in which they were reported. During the 112th Congress, the Committee held 122 days of hearings pursuant to the 132 written requests received from committee chairs seeking rules. These formal requests do not reflect additional requests of an emergency nature made in person by the chairs of the various legislative committees. The Committee reported 129 special orders providing for the consideration of 159 bills and resolutions, seven conference reports, and nine Senate amendments. The Committee granted 14 open rules, 11 modified open rules, 66 structured rules, and 53 closed rules for the consideration of bills and resolutions. In summary, of the 129 special orders reported by the Committee on Rules, the House adopted 126, amended four, tabled two, and rejected none. At the close of the 112th Congress, only H. Res. 843 remained on the House Calendar. In addition, the Committee on Rules reported eight original jurisdiction measures, which were ultimately placed on the Union Calendar or passed by the House. The 112th Congress saw the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process hold one hearing, while the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House did not conduct hearings concerning other matters in the Committee's jurisdiction. B. Special Orders or Rules 1. rule requests The process of considering requests for special orders or ``rules'' usually begins when the Committee on Rules receives a letter from a legislative committee chairman requesting that it hold a hearing and consider a rule for a particular measure. The letter is signed by the full committee chairman and most often makes a specific re-quest for the type of rule desired by the legislative committee. In some cases, the emergency nature of the legislation does not allow adequate time for a formal request to be registered. In these cases, the requests are made in person by the chairman of the committee with jurisdiction. Once a hearing has been scheduled, the Commit-tee on Rules allows any House Member who has an interest in testifying to do so. Under normal circumstances, and pursuant to Committee rules, printed copies of the legislation and accompanying committee report or conference report are provided to the Committee members at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the underlying legislation. The Committee gives written notice to its members and notifies the pertinent committee of the scheduled hearing date at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the hearing, unless an emergency situation exists. If Budget Act violations are present, the Budget Committee chairman often advises the Committee on Rules whether the Budget Committee objects to or supports the granting of specific waivers. The position of the Budget Committee on these matters is merely advisory in nature; the Committee on Rules has sole jurisdiction over waivers of the Budget Act, subject to House approval of the special rule containing such waivers. 2. hearings The Rules Committee chairman controls the order in which wit-nesses appear and also initiates the questioning. Typically, the chairman of the committee of jurisdiction or a designee requesting the rule makes a short statement. The chairman is followed by the ranking minority member. Sometimes the subcommittee chair and ranking minority member appear on behalf of their full committee counterparts on the rule request. It is often the case that Members wishing to testify in favor of or in opposition to a bill, an amendment, or type of procedure may do so as part of a panel of witnesses. In many cases, the components of the proposed special order form the basis for the dialogue between substantive committee leaders asking for the rule and the Rules Committee members. More often than not, the questioning escalates into discussions about the merits of the bill itself. If the legislation is particularly wide-ranging or controversial, Representatives who do not sit on the relevant legislative committee seek to testify. (Except in the most unusual circumstances, only House Members are allowed to testify during a rule request hearing). Questioning of each witness takes place under the five-minute rule until each Committee member has had an opportunity to question the witness. Questioning is rather informal. The Chairman rarely enforces the five-minute rule, and Committee members yield to one another to allow their colleagues to make a specific point or follow up on a line of questioning. A quorum, which exists when at least seven Rules Committee members of the 13 are in attendance, must be present before a recommendation on a rule can be ordered reported, postponed, or tabled. After the Committee votes to approve a rule, the chairman and ranking minority member each assign one of their members to manage the rule on the floor. The majority manager's name appears on the rule and report, and that Member usually files the rule from the House floor, at which time the resolution and report are assigned a number. Any member may ask for a record or a division vote. In the past, most decisions of the Committee were made by voice vote, but in the last several Congresses the number of record votes demanded has increased. For the entire 100th Congress there were 18 roll call votes demanded; in the 101st Congress there were 26; in the 102nd there were 193; in the 103rd there were 533; in the 104th there were 327; in the 105th there were 104; in the 106th there were 119; in the 107th there were 176; in the 108th there were 326; and in the 109th there were 254; in the 110th there were 620; and in the 111th there were 517. During the 112th Congress, the Committee had taken 366 recorded votes. Once a special rule has been reported, the Majority Leader- working closely with the Speaker, the Rules Committee chairman, and the substantive committee chairman, decides upon an appropriate date and time for the consideration of the rule on the floor. Rules can be considered on the same day they are reported, if the House agrees to consideration of the rule by a two-thirds vote. After a one-day layover, rules may be considered at any time without being subject to a question of consideration. The Committee may occasionally report a rule waiving this requirement with respect to another rule. 3. special orders or rules a. Background Table 1 in the Appendix categorizes all special rules granted by the Committee. These special rules are broken down into 17 different categories dealing with all stages of the legislative process in the House. The Rules Committee has granted special rules that provided for specified amendment and debate structures, which assist floor managers in managing the schedule. The Committee has also granted special rules for the consideration of legislation that resolved differences among, and responded to, the legislative actions of committees. Some of these rules also addressed House-Senate relations. The explanations of these types of special rules and their methods of categorization are outlined below. b. Categories of Rules Granted With Amendment Structures In categorizing special rules that specified an amendment structure, this report focuses only on those rules that both provided for the initial consideration of bills, joint resolutions, or budget resolutions, and which provided for an amending process. Therefore, rules providing for general debate only, stopping short of consideration of the measure for amendment, or providing for consideration of a conference report (which are otherwise privileged and, under regular order are non amendable) are not included in these categories. The amendment structure categories are as follows: (1) open rules, (2) modified open rules, (3) structured rules, and (4) closed rules. (1) Open Rules Under an open rule, any Member may offer an amendment that complies with the standing rules of the House and the Budget Act. The rule itself places no restrictions or prohibitions on amendments and provides an equal opportunity for all Members to offer amendments. (2) Modified Open Rules (Time Cap on Consideration of Amendments/Required Amendment Preprinting in the Congressional Record) This type of rule permits the offering of only those amendments preprinted in the Congressional Record and/or places an overall time cap for the consideration of amendments. A modified open rule with a preprinting requirement could require that amendments be printed in the Congressional Record by a specific date (in some cases the amendment must be printed before its consideration); in other cases, printing must occur before the consideration of the bill. In most cases these rules do not prohibit second degree amendments. Requiring that amendments be printed in advance of their consideration affords Members a better idea of the range of issues to be debated and voted on during consideration of the bill. This can particularly be true of bills or joint resolutions involving complex matters. (3) Structured Rules Under a structured rule, the Rules Committee limits the amendments that may be offered to only those amendments designated in the special rule or in the Rules Committee report to accompany the rule, or which precludes amendments to a particular portion of a bill, even though the rest of the bill may be completely open to amendment. In the case of a structured rule, the Chairman will announce through an one- minute speech on the floor of the House and/or through a ``Dear Colleague'' letter the intention of the Committee to hold a hearing on a measure and to review all amendments. The Chairman requests that Members provide the Rules Committee with copies of their proposed amendments in advance of the Committee meeting. In some instances, the amendments made in order represent all of the amendments submitted to the Committee. (4) Closed Rules This type of rule is one under which no amendments may be offered other than amendments recommended by the committee reporting the bill. Accordant with the rules of the House, however, the Rules Committee is prohibited from reporting a special rule providing for consideration of a bill or joint resolution that denies the minority the right to offer amendatory instructions in a motion to recommit if offered by the minority leader or a designee. c. Categories of Rules Granted With Certain Floor Management Tools Special rules are often utilized to assist the Majority Leader in setting the Floor schedule of the House, as well as to equip committee chairmen and ranking minority members with the special procedural tools necessary to efficiently manage the floor consideration of a bill. These categories include (1) expedited procedure rules, (2) suspension day rules, and (3) chairman's en bloc authority rules. (1) Expedited Procedure Rules This type of rule waives clause 6(a) of rule XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a special rule on the same day it is reported from the Rules Committee) against certain resolutions reported from the Rules Committee. These rules generally specify the measures or object to which the waiver applies, as well as a defined time period for its application. These rules are commonly referred to as ``same- day'' rules. In some cases the rule will not specify the object of the waiver. These rules are referred to as ``blanket same- day'' rules. (2) Suspension Day Rules Under House rule XV, it is in order on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each week, and during the last six days of a session, for the Speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules and pass legislation. This category of rule authorizes the Speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules on days other than Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Generally, these rules specify the object that is to be considered under suspension of the rules. In some cases the object may not be identified, but the rule may provide that the Majority leader or their designee shall consult with the Minority Leader or their designee on the object of any suspension considered under the rule. (3) Chairman's En Bloc Authority Rules This category of rule authorizes the chairman of a committee (usually the majority floor manager of the bill under consideration) or his designee to offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments made in order by the special rule that have not earlier been disposed of. In some cases, the rule also allows germane modifications to any such amendments included in the en bloc amendment. With the exception of rules on appropriations bills (which permit en bloc amendments that do not increase budget authority or outlays in the bill), a Member seeking to offer amendments en bloc must obtain unanimous consent if they amend portions of the bill not yet open to amendment, unless a special rule authorizes several amendments to be offered and considered as a group. There is usually a specified time for divided debate on the en bloc amendment and a prohibition on amendments to and demands for a division of the question on the en bloc amendment. Generally, the original sponsor of the amendment must agree to having the amendment considered en bloc, and these rules generally provide that the original proponent of an amendment included in such an en bloc amendment may insert a statement in the Congressional Record immediately before the disposition of the en bloc amendment. Such a rule enables the floor manager to maximize efficiency and consensus while minimizing duplicative floor time and consideration. d. Categories of Rules Granted to Resolve Differences Among and Responding to the Legislative Actions of Committees As the nexus of the legislative process in the House, the Rules Committee is often the institutional mechanism used to reconcile differences in legislative recommendations among multiple committees. Two often used, and often misunderstood, special rule features utilized to achieve these goals are (1) self-executing rules and (2) original text rules. (1) Self-Executing Rules This type of rule provides that, upon the adoption of the special rule, the text of a measure is modified or amended in some specified manner. Therefore, the House's adoption of the rule itself has the effect of amending the underlying measure. Occasionally, a self-executing rule may also provide for the adoption of other unrelated measures or actions, such as adopting another simple resolution, bill, joint resolution or conference report. Self-executing rules may be utilized by the Rules Committee for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: the correction of rule or Budget Act violations; providing for the adoption of the committee-recommended amendment; the reconciling of multiple committee legislative recommendations; the elimination of procedural votes; the separation of policy issues; or, the complete redrafting of the legislation. (2) Original Text Rules When a committee reports a measure, it will often favorably report the measure with a recommendation that an amendment or amendments be adopted by the full House. These amendments reflect the collegial action of the committee on that measure. This type of rule generally provides that the committee- recommended amendment be considered by the House and become the base text for the purpose of further amendment to the bill. This is often done to acknowledge the actions of the committee at the beginning of the consideration of a bill, and also to simplify the amendment process. e. Categories of Rules Granted Dealing With House-Senate Relations While resolving differences with the Senate often involves privileged motions in the House, the Rules Committee is often called upon to expedite such procedural situations or to address unique procedural circumstances. The categories of such special rules are (1) Senate hook-up rules, (2) motion to go to conference rules, (3) disposition of Senate amendments rules, (4) conference report rules, and (5) engrossment of multiple measures rules. (1) Senate Hook-up Rules The Rules of the House provide for three methods of getting to conference with the Senate: (1) agreeing to a motion to go to conference by unanimous consent; (2) obtaining a special rule from the Rules Committee; or (3) receiving specific authorization from each committee that received an initial referral of and reported the bill (clause 1 of rule XX). Most often chairmen obtain conference authority from their committee at the time a bill is ordered reported. Most special rules allowing for a Senate hook-up provide that after passage of a House bill, it shall be in order to take a specific Senate bill from the Speaker's table, consider it in the House, and to move to strike all after the enacting clause and insert the text of the House bill as passed by the House. These special rules further provide that if the motion is adopted and the Senate bill, as amended, is passed, then it shall be in order to move that the House insist on its amendment and request a conference with the Senate. These hook-up provisions can either be included in the original rule providing for consideration of the House bill or in a separate special rule. (2) Motion to Go to Conference Rules These special rules are those separate rules that provide for the motion to go to conference with the Senate, by either disagreeing with the Senate position and requesting a conference or insisting on the House position and agreeing to a conference. (3) Disposition of Senate Amendment Rules This type of rule generally provides for the consideration of a Senate amendment or amendments in the House and for a motion to concur in the Senate amendment with or without an amendment. These rules also usually specify a period of time for debate on the motion equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the committee of jurisdiction, as well as any necessary waivers against consideration of either the Senate amendment or against the motion to concur. (4) Conference Report Rules Under the standing rules of the House, conference reports are privileged matters. Unless the requirement is waived, House rules require that a conference report be available for at least three calendar days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) before it can be called up for consideration. After that time, because it is privileged, it can be called up at any time without a rule from the Rules Committee. If, however, a conference report is in violation of a rule of the House or some extraordinary procedure for consideration of the report is desired, a special rule may be necessary for the conference report to be considered. Consequently, conference report rules generally provide waivers of all points of order against consideration of the conference report and provide that the conference report be considered as read, which effectively waives the three-day availability requirement. It should be noted that points of order against a conference report lie against its consideration, not against individual provisions contained within the report. A conference report represents the collective agreement of the House and the Senate. Changing individual components of the agreement violates the sanctity of the agreement itself. Consequently, agreeing to a conference report is an all-or-nothing question. This is also the reason why, even as privileged matters, conference reports are not amendable on the Floor of the House. (5) Engrossment of Multiple Measures Rules These types of special rules generally provide for separate consideration and final passage votes on multiple bills, generally relating to a similar issue. The rule then instructs the House enrolling clerk to enroll the individually passed bills into one bill before transmitting them to the Senate for consideration. (6) Instructing the Clerk Regarding the Transmittal of Papers These types of special rules instruct the Clerk to withhold the transmittal of papers until the Clerk is notified of certain actions taken by the other body. This is done to address timing issues related to the passage or consideration of measures by the Senate. 4. floor consideration of a special rule When the time comes to call up a special rule, the majority member who filed the rule (a privileged House resolution), or another majority member of the Rules Committee designated by the chairman, is recognized by the Speaker. That member stands at the majority committee table on the House Floor. Once recognized, the member States: ``Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Committee on Rules, I call up House Resolution ______, and ask for its immediate consideration.'' (Any member of the Committee on Rules may be recognized to call up a rule that has been on the House Calendar for at least seven legislative days, and the Speaker is required to recognize the Rules Committee member as rules are privileged items, so long as the member has given one day's notice of an intent to seek recognition for that purpose.) Once the Clerk has read the resolution, the Speaker recognizes the majority Rules Committee member handling the rule for one hour. The majority floor manager then customarily yields 30 minutes to a minority counterpart for the purposes of debate only. The length of debate on the rule varies according to the complexity of the rule and the degree of controversy over the bill, but debate on most noncontroversial rules is over within 15 or 20 minutes and the rule may be adopted by voice vote. Since a rule is considered in the House under the hour rule, no amendments are in order unless the majority floor manager offers an amendment or yields to another Member for that purpose. At the conclusion of debate on the rule, the floor manager moves the previous question. If no objection is heard, the House proceeds to vote on the rule. If objection is heard, a vote occurs on the previous question. If the previous question is rejected, however, a Member who opposed the previous question (usually the Rules Committee minority floor manager) is recognized. That Member then controls one hour of debate time on the amendment. The Member controlling the time may offer an amendment to the rule and then move the previous question on the amendment and on the rule when debate has concluded. Once the rule is adopted (with or without amendments), the legislation it concerns is eligible for consideration under the terms of the rule. 5. rules rejected, tabled, or pending During the 112th Congress, the Committee on Rules reported 129 rules. The House adopted 126 of these rules, and tabled two. At the close of the Congress, one rule, H. Res. 843, remains pending on the House Calendar. Throughout the Congress, no rules were rejected. A. Rules Rejected by the House During the 112th Congress No rules were rejected by the House during the 112th Congress. b. Rules Tabled by the House During the 112th Congress Two rules reported by the Committee on Rules were tabled: H. Res. 399, providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 79) making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes; and H. Res. 418, providing for consideration of the Senate Amendment to the bill (H.R. 2832) to extend the Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes. c. Rules Pending at the Close of the 112th Congress H. Res. 843, waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules, which was placed on the House Calendar after being reported from the Committee on December 30, 2012, remains on the House Calendar at the close of the 112th Congress. 6. explanation of waivers of all points of order The Committee on Rules customarily provides waivers of all points of order when constructing special rules for the consideration of measures. This is commonly referred to as a ``blanket waiver'' or ``prophylactic waiver'' because in most cases there are no applicable points of order against the measure. Just because a special rule includes a blanket waiver does not mean that points of order lie against any of the measures made in order or provisions contained in those measures; rather, blanket waivers ensure the immediate consideration of the underlying measure by providing the Chair with the ability to easily dispense with dilatory or specious points of order by asserting that, ``pursuant to the previous order of the House, all points of order are waived.'' Also, as part of the Committee's role as scheduler for the House, it is the Committee's responsibility to ensure that when a majority of the House votes in favor of considering a measure notwithstanding any technical or substantive violations of the rules, a point of order would not prevent that measures' consideration. It is important to note that any specific waivers contained in a waiver of all points of order are required under clause 7(g) of rule XIII to be specified in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution and are also compiled in this report. 7. waivers of house rules The following compilation identifies the Rules of the House that were waived in specific resolutions and the legislation that required the waiver. There is also an indication whether the rule was waived against the bill (B), original text (OT), an amendment (A), a motion (M), a conference report (CR), or provisions (P). Rule XI, Clause 2(h)--Prohibiting a measure or recommendation from being reported by a committee unless a majority of the committee is actually present -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 453.............................. H.R. 2930................... Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XIII, Clause 3(c)(1)--Requiring the inclusion of oversight findings in a committee report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 591.............................. H.R. 5...................... Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) B Act of 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XIII, Clause 3(c)(4)--Requiring the inclusion of general performance goals and objectives in a committee report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 245........................ H.R. 1229............. Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work B Act. H. Res. 257........................ H.R. 1231............. Reversing President Obama's Offshore B Moratorium Act. H. Res. 392........................ H.R. 1892............. Intelligence Authorization Act for B Fiscal Year 2012. H. Res. 444........................ H.R. 1904............. Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and B Conservation Act of 2011. H. Res. 522........................ H.R. 1173............. Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement B Security Act of 2011. H. Res. 547........................ H.R. 3813............. Securing Annuities for Federal B Employees Act of 2012. H. Res. 631 H.R. 3523............. Cyber Intelligence Sharing and B Protection Act. H. Res. 738 H.R. 4078............. Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012. B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XIII, Clause 3(e)--Requiring the inclusion of a comparative print for a bill or joint resolution proposing to repeal or amend a statute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 269.............................. H.R. 1540................... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 B H. Res. 656.............................. H.R. 4310................... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XIII, Clause 4(a)--Requiring the three-day layover of the committee report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 269........................ H.R. 1540............. National Defense Authorization Act for B Fiscal Year 2012. H. Res. 572........................ H.R. 3606............. Reopening American Capital Markets to B Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2011. H. Res. 648........................ H.R. 5652............. Sequester Replacement Reconciliation B Act of 2012. H. Res. 656........................ H.R. 4310............. National Defense Authorization Act for B Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 656........................ H.R. 4970............. Violence Against Women Reauthorization B Act of 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XIII, Clause 4(c)--Requiring the three-day availability of printed hearings on a general appropriations bill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 287........................ H.R. 2017............. Department of Homeland Security B Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 288........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans B Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 300........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food B and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 320........................ H.R. 2219............. Department of Defense Appropriations B Act, 2012. H. Res. 337........................ H.R. 2354............. Energy and Water Development B Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 643........................ H.R. 5326............. Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related B Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5325............. Energy and Water Development and B Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5854............. Department of Homeland Security B Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5855............. Military Construction and Veterans B Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 697........................ H.R. 5972............. Transportation, Housing and Urban B Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 697........................ H.R. 5973............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food B and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 5856............. Department of Defense Appropriations B Act, 2013. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 6020............. Financial Services and General B Government Appropriations Act, 2013. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XIII, Clause 6(a)--Requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Committee on Rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..................... .......................................................... see VII., A., Table 1b. ..................... .......................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XVI, Clause 7--Requiring that no motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 170........................ H.R. 839.............. HAMP Termination Act of 2011........... OT H. Res. 170........................ H.R. 861.............. NSP Termination Act.................... OT H. Res. 189........................ H.R. 658.............. FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of OT 2011. H. Res. 203........................ H.R. 910.............. Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011...... OT H. Res. 264........................ H.R. 754.............. Intelligence Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2011. H. Res. 358........................ H.R. 1315............. Consumer Financial Protection Safety OT and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011. H. Res. 392........................ H.R. 1892............. Intelligence Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2012. H. Res. 405........................ H.R. 2608............. Small Business Program Extension and M Reform Act of 2011. H. Res. 412........................ H.R. 2608............. Small Business Program Extension and M Reform Act of 2011. H. Res. 455........................ H.R. 2838............. Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation OT Act of 2011. H. Res. 463........................ H.R. 822.............. National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act OT of 2011. H. Res. 534........................ H.R. 3582............. Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011....... OT H. Res. 661........................ H.R. 4310............. National Defense Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5743............. Intelligence Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 688........................ H.R. 2578............. To amend the Wild and Scenic Rives Act OT related to a segment of the Lower Merced River in California, and for other purposes. H. Res. 691........................ H.R. 4480............. Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012 OT H. Res. 788........................ H.R. 3409............. Coal Miner Employment and Domestic OT Energy Infrastructure Protection Act. H. Res. 841........................ H.J. Res. 66.......... Senate Amendment to approving the M, A renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XVIII, Clause 10--Requiring amendments to the concurrent resolution on the budget to be mathematically consistent and prohibiting amendments from proposing to change the appropriate level of public debt set forth in the concurrent resolution, as reported ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 223........................ H. Con. Res. 34....... Establishing the budget for the United A States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021. H. Res. 597........................ H. Con. Res. 112...... Establishing the budget for the United A States Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 2--Prohibiting unauthorized appropriations, reappropriations, or legislative provisions in a general appropriations bill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 287........................ H.R. 2017............. Department of Homeland Security P Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 288........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans P Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 300........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food P and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 320........................ H.R. 2219............. Department of Defense Appropriations P Act, 2012. H. Res. 337........................ H.R. 2354............. Energy and Water Development P Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 359........................ H.R. 2551............. Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, P 2012. H. Res. 363........................ H.R. 2584............. Department of the Interior, P Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 643........................ H.R. 5326............. Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related P Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5325............. Energy and Water Development and P Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5854............. Military Construction and Veterans P Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5855............. Intelligence Authorization Act for P Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 679........................ H.R. 5882............. Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, P 2013. H. Res. 697........................ H.R. 5972............. Transportation, Housing and Urban P Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 697........................ H.R. 5973............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food P and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 5856............. Department of Defense Appropriations P Act, 2013. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 6020............. Financial Services and General P Government Appropriations Act, 2013. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 4--A bill or joint resolution carrying an appropriation may not be reported by a committee not having jurisdiction to report appropriations, and an amendment proposing an appropriation shall not be in order during the consideration of a bill or joint resolution reported by a committee not having that jurisdiction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 264........................ H.R. 754.............. Intelligence Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2011. H. Res. 276........................ H.R. 1540............. National Defense Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2012. H. Res. 316........................ H.R. 1249............. America Invents Act.................... OT H. Res. 392........................ H.R. 1892............. Intelligence Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2012. H. Res. 661........................ H.R. 4310............. National Defense Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5743............. Intelligence Authorization Act for OT Fiscal Year 2013. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 5(a)--A bill or joint resolution carrying a tax or tariff measure may not be reported by a committee not having jurisdiction to report tax or tariff measures, and an amendment in the House or proposed by the Senate carrying a tax or tariff measure shall not be in order during the consideration of a bill or joint resolution reported by a committee not having that jurisdiction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 186........................ H.R. 471.............. Scholarships for Opportunity and P Results Act. H. Res. 189........................ H.R. 658.............. FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of OT 2011. H. Res. 237........................ H.R. 3................ No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act... P H. Res. 316........................ H.R. 1249............. America Invents Act.................... OT H. Res. 430........................ H.R. 358.............. Protect Life Act....................... P H. Res. 648........................ H.R. 5652............. Sequester Replacement Reconciliation P Act of 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 9(a)(1)--Prohibiting the consideration of a bill or joint resolution reported by a committee unless the report includes a list of congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, and limited tariff benefits in the bill or a statement that the porposition contains no congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 430........................ H.R. 358.............. Protect Life Act....................... B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 9(a)(2)--Prohibiting consideration of a bill or joint resolution not reported by a committee, unless the chair of each committee of initial referral has caused a list of congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, and limited tariff benefits in the bill or a statement that the proposition contains no congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits to be printed in the Congressional Record prior to its consideration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 841........................ H.R. 6684............. Spending Reduction Act of 2012......... B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 10--Prohibiting the consideration of a bill if it has the net effect of increasing mandatory spending over the five- or ten-year period ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 316........................ H.R. 1249............. America Invents Act.................... A H. Res. 375........................ S. 627................ Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control B Act of 2011). H. Res. 384........................ S. 365................ To make a technical amendment to the B Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002. H. Res. 425........................ H.R. 3079............. United States-Panama Trade Promotion B Agreement Implementation Act. H. Res. 491........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job B Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 547........................ H.R. 7................ American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs B Act of 2012. H. Res. 554........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job CR Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 631........................ H.R. 4628............. Interest Rate Reduction Act............ B H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 4348............. Surface Transportation Extension Act of CR 2012, Part II. H. Res. 747........................ H.R. 8................ Job Protection and Recession Prevention A Act of 2012. H. Res. 821........................ H.R. 6429............. STEM Jobs Act of 2012.................. B H. Res. 844........................ H.R. 8................ Senate Amendments to the Job Protection M, A and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXI, Clause 11--Prohibiting the consideration of a bill or joint resolution which has not been reported by a committee until the third calendar day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays except when the House is in session on such a day) on which such measure has been available to members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 115........................ H.J. Res. 44.......... Further Continuing Appropriations B Amendments, 2011. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 3672............. Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, B 2012. H. Res. 600........................ H.R. 4281............. Surface Transportation Extension Act of B 2012. H. Res. 724........................ H.R. 6079............. Repeal of Obamacare Act................ B H. Res. 841........................ H.R. 6684............. Spending Reduction Act of 2012......... B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXII, Clause 5--Prohibiting House conferees from agreeing to certain Senate amendments in violation of certain provisions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 467........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food CR and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans CR Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXII, Clause 8(a)(1)(A)--Prohibiting the consideration of a conference report until the third calendar day on which the conference report has been available in the Congressional Record and requiring printed copies of a conference report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 467........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food CR and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans CR Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 554........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job CR Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 4348............. Surface Transportation Extension Act of CR 2012, Part II. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXII, Clause 9--Prohibiting the inclusion of matter in a conference report not committed to the conference by either House ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 467........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food CR and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 493........................ H.R. 1540............. National Defense Authorization Act for CR Fiscal Year 2012. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans CR Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 533........................ H.R. 658.............. FAA Modernization and Reform Act of CR 2012. H. Res. 554........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job CR Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 4348............. Surface Transportation Extension Act of CR 2012, Part II. H. Res. 840........................ H.R. 4310............. National Defense Authorization Act for CR Fiscal Year 2013. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule XXII, Clause 10--Prohibiting non-germane Senate matter in conference reports and amendments in disagreement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 467........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food CR and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans CR Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3(j)(5) of H. Res. 5 of the 112th Congress--Prohibiting the consideration of a general appropriation bill, unless it includes a spending reduction account as the last section of the bill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 359........................ H.R. 2551............. Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, B 2012. H. Res. 679........................ H.R. 5882............. Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, B 2013. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. waivers of budget enforcement The following compilation identifies the sections of the Budget Act that were waived in specific resolutions and the legislation that required the waiver. There is also an indication whether the rule was waived against the bill (B), the original text (OT), an amendment (A), a motion (M), a conference report (CR), or provisions (P). Section 302(f) of the Congressional Budget Act--Prohibiting consideration of legislation providing new budget authority in excess of a 302(a) or 302(b) allocation of such authority ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 115........................ H.J. Res. 44.......... Further Continuing Appropriations B Amendments, 2011. H. Res. 167........................ H.J. Res. 48.......... Additional Continuing Appropriations B Amendments, 2011. H. Res. 206........................ H.R. 1363............. Department of Defense and Further B Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. H. Res. 218........................ H.R. 1473............. Department of Defense and Full-Year B Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. H. Res. 245........................ H.R. 1229............. Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work B Act. H. Res. 358........................ H.R. 1315............. Consumer Financial Protection Safety OT and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011. H. Res. 375........................ S. 627................ Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control B Act of 2011). H. Res. 384........................ S. 365................ To make a technical amendment to the B Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002. H. Res. 399........................ H.J. Res. 79.......... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, B 2012. H. Res. 405........................ H.R. 2608............. Small Business Program Extension and M Reform Act of 2011. H. Res. 412........................ H.R. 2608............. Small Business Program Extension and M Reform Act of 2011. H. Res. 467........................ H.R. 2112............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food CR and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2011. H. Res. 491........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job B Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 2055............. Military Construction and Veterans CR Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 500........................ H.R. 3672............. Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, B 2012. H. Res. 554........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job CR Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 631........................ H.R. 4628............. Interest Rate Reduction Act............ B H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 4348............. Surface Transportation Extension Act of CR 2012, Part II. H. Res. 752........................ H.R. 6233............. Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of B 2012. H. Res. 778........................ H.J. Res. 117......... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, B 2013. H. Res. 844........................ H.R. 8................ Senate Amendments to the Job Protection M, A and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 303(a) of the Budget Enforcement Act--Prohibiting consideration of legislation, as reported, providing new budget authority, change in revenues, change in public debt, new entitlement authority or new credit authority for a fiscal year until the budget resolution for that year has been agreed to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 26 H.R. 2...................... Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act B H. Res. 129.............................. H.R. 4...................... Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011 B H. Res. 245.............................. H.R. 1229................... Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act B H. Res. 269.............................. H.R. 1540................... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 B H. Res. 276.............................. H.R. 1540................... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 OT H. Res. 448.............................. H.R. 674.................... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition B of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities H. Res. 547.............................. H.R. 3813................... Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012 B H. Res. 547.............................. H.R. 7...................... American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 B H. Res. 591.............................. H.R. 5...................... Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) B Act of 2011 H. Res. 821.............................. H.R. 6429................... STEM Jobs Act of 2012 B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 306 of the Congressional Budget Act--Prohibiting consideration of legislation within the jurisdiction of the Committee on the Budget unless referred to or reported by the Budget Committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 287........................ H.R. 2017............. Department of Homeland Security B Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 320........................ H.R. 2219............. Department of Defense Appropriations B Act, 2012. H. Res. 337........................ H.R. 2354............. Energy and Water Development B Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 384........................ S. 365................ To make a technical amendment to the B Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002. H. Res. 405........................ H.R. 2608............. Small Business Program Extension and M Reform Act of 2011. H. Res. 412........................ H.R. 2608............. Small Business Program Extension and M Reform Act of 2011. H. Res. 479........................ H.R. 10............... Regulations From the Executive in Need B of Scrutiny Act of 2011. H. Res. 537........................ H.R. 1734............. Civilian Property Realignment Act...... P H. Res. 554........................ H.R. 3630............. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job CR Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 661........................ H.R. 4310............. National Defense Authorization Act for OT, A Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5854............. Intelligence Authorization Act for B Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 667........................ H.R. 5855............. Intelligence Authorization Act for B Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 697........................ H.R. 5973............. Agriculture, Rural Development, Food B and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 5856............. Department of Defense Appropriations B Act, 2013. H. Res. 717........................ H.R. 6020............. Financial Services and General B Government Appropriations Act, 2013. H. Res. 738........................ H.R. 4078............. Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012. B H. Res. 840........................ H.R. 4310............. National Defense Authorization Act for CR Fiscal Year 2013. H. Res. 841........................ H.J. Res. 66.......... Senate Amendment to approving the M, A renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 309 of the Congressional Budget Act--Prohibiting the House of Representatives from adjourning for more than three days in July unless the House has completed all action on appropriations bills. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 697.............................. ............................ Special rule reported on the legislative day of June 21, 2012 .......... providing for the consideration of concurrent resolutions providing for adjournment during the month of July to be in order without intervention of any point of order -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 311(a) of the Congressional Budget Act--Prohibiting consideration of legislation that would cause the level of total new budget authority for the first fiscal year to be exceeded, or would cause revenues to be less than the level of total revenues for the first fiscal year or for the total of that first fiscal year and the ensuing fiscal years for which allocations are provided, except when a declaration of war by the Congress is in effect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 405 H.R. 2608.................. Small Business Program Extension and Reform M Act of 2011. H. Res. 412 H.R. 2608.................. Small Business Program Extension and Reform M Act of 2011. H. Res. 448 H.R. 674................... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to B repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities. H. Res. 491 H.R. 3630.................. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act B of 2011. H. Res. 500 H.R. 2055.................. Military Construction and Veterans Affairs CR and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. H. Res. 500 H.R. 3672.................. Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2012..... B H. Res. 554 H.R. 3630.................. Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act CR of 2011. H. Res. 566 H.R. 1837.................. Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water B Reliability Act. H. Res. 648 H.R. 5652.................. Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of B 2012. H. Res. 747 H.R. 8..................... Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act A of 2012. H. Res. 841 H.J. Res. 66............... Senate Amendment to approving the renewal of M, A import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. H. Res. 844 H.R. 8..................... Senate Amendments to the Job Protection and M, A Recession Prevention Act of 2012 (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 13302(a) of the Budget Enforcement Act--Prohibiting consideration of legislation that would provide for a net increase in Social Security benefits unless offset -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title Object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 554.............................. H.R. 3630................... Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 CR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Original Jurisdiction Matter 1. committee consideration of original jurisdiction measures The following is a list of original jurisdiction measures that were considered by the Committee during the 12th Congress. The list identifies the measures by number and title or subject and includes the action and date the action was taken by the Committee and by the House. Committee Consideration of Original Jurisdiction Measures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Bill Title Reported Status ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 9 Instructing certain committees to report 1/6/2011 Passed House 1/20/2011 legislation replacing the job-killing health care law. H. Res. 38 Reducing no-security spending to fiscal year 1/19/2011 Passed House 1/25/2011 2008 levels or less. H. Res. 72 Directing certain standing committees to 2/8/2011 Passed House 2/11/2011 inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. H.R. 10 Regulations From the Executive in Need of 11/16/2011 Passed House 12/07/2011 Scrutiny Act of 2011. H.R. 3575 Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011.......... 1/23/2012 Placed on Union Calendar 1/ 31/2012 H.R. 3521 Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and 1/31/2012 Passed House 2/8/2012 Rescissions Act of 2011. H.R. 2309 Postal Reform Act of 2011................... 3/26/2012 Placed on Union Calendar 3/ 29/2012 H.R. 6169 Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, 7/24/2012 Passed House 8/2/2012 Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. original jurisdiction full committee hearings a. H. Res. 9, Instructing Certain Committees to Report Legislation Replacing the Job-killing Health Care Law. On January 5, 2011, Chairman Dreier introduced H. Res. 9, instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. On January 6, 2011 the full Committee held a hearing on H. Res. 9 and H.R. 2, Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, and received testimony from members of the committees of jurisdiction, as well as rank-and- file members who were offering amendments. Specifically, the Committee received statements from the following Members of Congress: Chairman of the Education and Workforce Committee, John Kline (R-MN); Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Fred Upton (R-MI); Rep. Steve King (R-IA); Rep. John D. Dingell (D-MI); Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA); Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA); Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky (D-IL); Rep. Jay Inslee (D- WA); Rep. Anthony D. Weiner (D-NY); Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT); Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL); Rep. Christopher S. Murphy (D-CT); Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT); Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ); Rep. Bruce L. Braley (D-IA); Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA); Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey (D-CA); Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-NJ); Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ); Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX); Rep. John Tierney (D-MA); Rep. D. Rush Holt (D-NJ); Rep. Susan A. Davis (D-CA); Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ); Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT); Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY); Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA); Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY); Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); Rep. Henry C. ``Hank'' Johnson, Jr. (D-GA); Rep. Theodore E. Deutch (D-FL); Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL); Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD); Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D- WI); Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL); Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA); Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA); Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D- NJ); Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH); Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI); Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA); Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-MA); Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA); Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD); and Rep. Martin T. Heinrich (D-NM). b. H. Res. 38, Reducing Non-security Spending to Fiscal Year 2008 Levels or Less. On January 18, 2011, Chairman David Dreier introduced H. Res. 38, to reduce spending through a transition to non- security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. On January 19, 2011, the full Committee held a legislative hearing on H. Res. 38 and received testimony from Rep. Van Hollen (D-MD), the ranking member of the Committee on the Budget, who testified in opposition of the resolution. c. H. Res. 72, Directing Certain Standing Committees to Inventory and Review Existing, Pending, and Proposed Regulations and Orders From Agencies of the Federal Government, Particularly With Respect to Their Effect on Jobs and Economic Growth. On February 8, 2011, Representative Pete Sessions introduced H. Res. 72, directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. While no original jurisdiction hearing was held on H. Res. 72, the Rules Committee held a regular meeting on February 8, 2011, to report a rule for H. Res. 72. No witnesses testified at the meeting, but Vice Chairman Pete Sessions submitted a statement in support of the resolution. 3. original jurisdiction measures reported a. H. Res. 9, Instructing Certain Committees to Report Legislation Replacing the Job-killing Health Care Law. On January 5, 2011, Chairman Dreier introduced H. Res. 9, instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. On January 6, 2011, the full Committee held a hearing on H. Res. 9 and H.R. 2, Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, and received testimony from members of the committees of jurisdiction, as well as rank-and- file members who were offering amendments. The 111th Congress passed health care reform proposing it would create jobs, lower costs, and allow Americans to keep their health care. President Obama signed health care reform into law in March 2010. Immediately following enactment of the law, several lawsuits were filed in various courts challenging the constitutionality of the law's individual mandate and expansion of Medicaid. On December 13, 2010, a District Court Judge ruled in Virginia v. Sebelius that section 1501 of P.L. 111-148 requiring individuals to purchase health insurance is unconstitutional because it exceeds Congress's authority under the Commerce Clause. At the end of 2010, seven States: Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Utah, and Virginia had enacted statutes exempting state residents from compliance with certain health care law provisions. During the last ten months public opposition to the law has grown, as has support for its repeal. On January 2, 2011, Rasmussen Reports conducted a national survey of 1,000 likely voters and 60 percent favored repealing the health care law. It is important that ``the People's House'' respond to the concerns of the American people and work to develop common-sense health care solutions that will help create jobs, lower costs, and allow Americans to keep their health care. This resolution was intended to jump start the committee process of replacing the current health care law and it complements legislation to repeal the health care law, H.R. 2. On January 6, 2011, the Committee held a legislative markup of H. Res. 9 and ordered the resolution favorably reported to the House by a record vote of 6 to 4. No amendments were offered at the markup. A section-by-section analysis of H. Res. 9 is as follows: Section 1 of the resolution instructs the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Ways and Means to each report legislation to the House proposing changes to existing law within the committee's jurisdiction with provisions that: Foster economic growth and private sector job creation; Lower health care premiums; Preserve a patient's ability to keep his or her health insurance; Provide people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health coverage; Reform medical liability system; Increase the number of insured Americans; Protect the doctor-patient relationship; Provide States greater flexibility to administer Medicaid programs; Expand incentives to encourage personal responsibility for health care coverage and costs; Prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions and provide conscience protections for health care providers; Eliminate duplicative government programs and wasteful spending; or Do not accelerate the insolvency of entitlement programs or increase the tax burden on Americans. b. H. Res. 38, Reducing Non-security Spending to Fiscal Year 2008 Levels or Less. On January 18, 2011, Chairman David Dreier introduced H. Res. 38, to reduce spending through a transition to non- security spending at Fiscal Year 2008 levels and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. On January 19, 2011, the full Committee held a legislative hearing on H. Res. 38. Over the preceding three years, non-security discretionary spending has increased 88 percent. As a result, the U.S. government borrows 41 cents of every dollar spent. In addition, for the first time in 36 years the 111th Congress failed to produce a budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2011. This means that at that time the Committee considered the resolution there were no budget guidelines in place for the Committee on Appropriations to follow. The Committee felt it critical at the start of the 112th Congress, as Congress moved to address the country's massive deficit and significant over-spending, that committees have budgetary guidance in place. The legislation was intended to put Congress on a path to making more responsible spending proposals for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011. On January 19, 2011, the Committee held a legislative markup of H. Res. 38 and ordered the resolution favorably reported to the House as amended by a voice vote. At the markup, the following amendments were considered: (1) Mr. Scott of South Carolina #1, to amend the resolution to clarify the spending reduction by striking the language relating to a transition and providing that the levels can be 2008 levels or less. Agreed to: 8 yeas and 4 nays. (2) Mr. McGovern #2, to add a new section to the resolution that would require a vote by the full House before any 302(a) allocation inserted in the Congressional Record by the Chair of the Committee on the Budget becomes effective. Not agreed to: 4 yeas and 8 nays. A section-by-section analysis of H. Res. 38 is as follows: Section 1 of the resolution provides that, pursuant to section 3(b)(1) of House Resolution 5, the Chair of the Committee on the Budget shall include in the Congressional Record an allocation contemplated by section 302(a) for the Committee on Appropriations for the remainder of fiscal year 2011 that assumes non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels or less. c. H. Res. 72, Directing Certain Standing Committees to Inventory and Review Existing, Pending, and Proposed Regulations and Orders From Agencies of the Federal Government, Particularly With Respect to Their Effect on Jobs and Economic Growth. On February 8, 2011, Representative Pete Sessions introduced H. Res. 72, directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. While no original jurisdiction hearing was held on H. Res. 72, the Rules Committee held a regular meeting on February 8, 2011, to report a rule for H. Res. 72. No witnesses testified at the meeting, but Vice Chairman Pete Sessions submitted a statement in support of the resolution. The Federal Government produces an average of 4,000 final regulations each year with about 500-700 reviewed by the White House. Of those reviewed, between 45 and 75 have significant economic impacts. The Small Business Administration estimates that government regulations cost the economy $1.75 trillion per year, nearly double the amount of individual income taxes collected last year. The Heritage Foundation approximates that 43 rules released in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 will cost $28 billion annually--a record increase. In FY 2010 only five significant regulations reduced burdens and of those, only two reduced costs for a total savings of $1.5 billion. That is a $26.5 billion net increase in the cost of regulatory burdens in FY 2010. Without action, the cost and burden of regulations will continue to grow in 2011 as agencies further promulgate new rules related to energy, health care and financial services. On January 18, 2011, President Obama issued Executive Order 13563, which instructs Federal agencies to facilitate the periodic review of existing regulations to determine whether any such regulations should be modified, streamlined, expanded, or repealed so as to make the agency's regulatory program more effective or less burdensome. Congress must also use its authority to repeal costly and unnecessary existing regulations that impede private-sector job creation, discourage innovation and entrepreneurial activity, and hurt economic growth and investment. This resolution is intended to launch the committee process and take the steps necessary to stem the growth of and reduce unnecessary and costly regulations, and to create a more cost-effective and transparent regulatory system that supports long-term private- sector job creation and economic growth. On February 8, 2011, the Committee held a legislative markup of H. Res. 72 and ordered the resolution favorably reported to the House as amended by a voice vote. At the markup, the following amendment was considered: (1) Mr. Bishop of Utah #1, to amend the resolution to add another matter for committees to consider related to dependence of the United States on foreign energy sources. Agreed to by voice vote. A section-by-section analysis of H. Res. 72 is as follows: Section 1 of the resolution directs standing committees listed in section 3 to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations, orders, and other administrative actions or procedures by agencies of the Federal Government within their jurisdiction. Each committee must conduct hearings and other oversight activities it deems necessary and identify any oversight or legislative activity conducted in support of, or as a result of, the inventory and review, in its semiannual activities reports submitted to the House in the first session of the 112th Congress. Section 2 provides that in completing the review and inventory, each committee must identify regulations, executive and agency orders, and other administrative actions or procedures that: Impede private-sector job creation; Discourage innovation and entrepreneurial activity; Hurt economic growth and investment; Harm the Nation's global competitiveness; Limit access to credit and capital; Fail to utilize or apply accurate cost-benefit analyses; Create additional economic uncertainty; Are promulgated in such a way as to limit transparency and the opportunity for public comment, particularly by affected parties; Lack specific statutory authorization; Undermine labor management relations; Result in large-scale unfunded mandates on employers without due cause; Impose undue paperwork and cost burdens on small businesses; or Prevent the United States from becoming less dependent on foreign energy sources. Section 3 specifies the committees required to complete the activities under the resolution, including the Committee on Agriculture, Committee on Education and the Workforce, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Committee on Financial Services, Committee on the Judiciary, Committee on Natural Resources, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Committee on Small Business, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Committee on Ways and Means. d. H.R. 10, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011. Excessive federal regulation is a de facto tax on employers and consumers that stifles job creation, hampers innovation and postpones investment in the economy. When the rules are always changing, small businesses cannot properly plan for the future. The Republican Majority in Congress is dedicated to creating an environment where job creators can flourish. Currently, Congress has two options to deal with excessive or overreaching federal regulations--pass a new law or pass a joint resolution of disapproval as set out in the Congressional Review Act (CRA). Since the enactment of the CRA in 1996, the Executive branch has promulgated more than 50,000 rules, including more than 1,000 major rules. However, only one rule has been overturned through the CRA disapproval process. In 2001, the Republican controlled Congress and President Bush used the CRA to overturn Occupational Safety and Health Administration's ergonomics standard, which was promulgated during the final days of the Clinton Administration. While this serves as an example of how CRA procedures can be used to prevent a rule from coming into effect, it also highlights a major deficiency in the CRA. Specifically, if Congress attempts to use the CRA to disapprove of a rule promulgated under a sitting President, the threshold for enactment is actually much higher than the simple majority required for passage of a resolution of disapproval. Because the President retains the power to veto a resolution of disapproval, Congress would need to have the support of a two-thirds majority in each House to ensure that a rule will not come into effect. To provide job creators with the stability they need in order to invest in their companies and create jobs, the REINS Act will require Congressional approval of any ``major rule,'' which has an annual cost to our economy of $100 million or more. By limiting the size of rule-making permission and constraining the delegation of Congressional authority, the REINS Act would restrict unelected federal officials from imposing huge costs on the economy and American people through burdensome regulations. On November 16, 2011, the Rules Committee met in open session to markup H.R. 10. Chairman Dreier offered an amendment in the nature of a substitute to the bill as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary. The Committee ordered the bill favorably reported, as amended, by a vote of 7 to 3 and filed its report with the House on November 18, 2011. The following amendments were offered during the Committee's markup: (1) Rep. Dreier (R-CA) amendment in the nature of a substitute makes changes to the expedited procedures for consideration of joint resolutions of approval. Agreed to by voice vote. (2) Rep. Slaughter (D-NY) amendment to the Dreier amendment would exempt any rule relating to public health and safety. Failed 4-6. (3) Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment to the Dreier amendment would exempt any rule decreasing the poverty rate in the United States. Failed 4-7. (4) Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment to the Dreier amendment would exempt rules relating to decreasing food insecurity. Failed 4-7. (5) Rep. Hastings (D-FL) amendment to the Dreier amendment would exempt rules resulting in net job growth as determined by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Failed 4-7. (6) Rep. Hastings (D-FL) amendment to the Dreier amendment would exempt rules promulgated in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act. Failed by voice vote. (7) Rep. Polis (D-CO) amendment to the Dreier amendment would exempt rules that would result in greater benefits than costs to society as determined by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Failed by voice vote. A section-by-section analysis of H.R. 10 as reported by the Committee is as follows: Section 1 provides the short title of the bill, the `Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011.' Section 2 establishes the purpose of the REINS Act, which is to increase accountability and transparency in the Federal regulatory process by requiring Congress to approve all new major regulations. Section 3 articulates how the bill amends chapter 8 of title 5, U.S. Code, to create the following method for congressional review of new major federal rules: 801. Congressional review--This section requires enhanced reporting of all federal rules to Congress and the Comptroller General and provides that a major rule shall not take effect without a joint resolution of approval under section 802. Section 801 also caps the time to enact a joint resolution of approval at 70 legislative days, and empowers the President to grant 90-day waivers for certain emergency situations. Finally, Section 801 outlines carry-over provisions from one session of Congress to the next. 802. Congressional approval procedure for major rules--Subsection (a) describes the content and method of introduction for a joint resolution of approval within 3 legislative or session days (as applicable), and prohibits any amendments to that joint resolution during its consideration. Subsection (b) provides for the appropriate referral of the measure to committees in both the Senate and House of Representatives. Subsections (c) and (d) provide for expedited consideration of the joint resolution in the Senate. In the Senate, a vote on passage must occur within 15 session days after a committee is discharged or reports the measure. A motion to proceed to the joint resolution is in order anytime after the committees are discharged or have reported. All points of order against the joint resolution are waived. The motion to proceed is not subject to amendment, a motion to postpone, or a motion to proceed to other business. A motion to reconsider the vote on the motion to proceed is not in order. If a motion to proceed to a joint resolution is agreed to, debate on the joint resolution (and all related motions and appeals) is limited to 2 hours. The joint resolution is not amendable, and motions to postpone, motions to proceed to other business, and a motion to recommit are not in order. All appeals are decided without debate, and a vote on final passage must occur after the conclusion of debate on the joint resolution. Subsection (e) provides for consideration of the joint resolution in the House. Committees in the House must report the joint resolution without amendment within 15 days after referral, or they are automatically discharged from further consideration. After the joint resolution is on the calendar for at least 5 legislative days, the Speaker may recognize a Member favoring passage of the joint resolution on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month to call up the joint resolution for immediate consideration. All points of order against the resolution and its consideration are waived, and the resolution is debatable for 1 hour. The bill prohibits amendments, motions to recommit, and motions to reconsider. If a vote on final passage of the joint resolution has not been taken by the third Thursday on which the Speaker may recognize a member for consideration of the joint resolution, the vote on final passage will occur on that day without debate. Subsection (f) provides for the disposition of a joint resolution by the other House. Notably, paragraph (2) provides that the House does not have to vote on passage of a joint resolution passed by the Senate if that joint resolution is a revenue measure. Subsection (g) provides that sections 802 and 803 are enacted as a rulemaking exercise and are deemed to be part of the rules of each body with respect to the joint resolution of approval, and supersedes other rules only where it explicitly does so and that Congress reserves the right to change these rules in the same manner as any other rule. 803. Congressional disapproval procedure for non- major rules--Section 803 preserves the existing disapproval process under the Congressional Review Act for all non-major rules. This section permits Congress to disapprove a rule if both houses of Congress pass a joint resolution of disapproval that the President signs (or if Congress overrides the veto). Section 803 also provides expedited procedural mechanisms in the Senate. 804. Definitions- This section defines certain terms, including `major rule' and `nonmajor rule'. It also provides that rules of particular applicability, rules relating to agency management, or rules relating to agency organization are exempt from the REINS Act. 805. Judicial Review--This section provides that no determination, finding, action, or omission under this chapter will be subject to judicial review. 806. Exemption for monetary policy--Like the Congressional Review Act, section 806 exempts any rules concerning monetary policy promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or the Federal Open Market Committee. 807. Effective date of certain rules--Section 807 permits certain rules relating to hunting, fishing, or camping and certain non-major rules to take effect notwithstanding section 801. e. H.R. 3575, the Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011. Currently, under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the budget resolution takes the form of a concurrent resolution, meaning the measure must be agreed to by both the House and the Senate, but is never presented to the President for his signature. Negotiations on the appropriate levels of budgetary resources for the upcoming fiscal year have historically begun late in the budget process, making it more difficult for the two branches to eventually reconcile their differences. In fact, since the creation of the budget resolution in 1974, only four times--1976, 1988, 1994, and 1996--have all regular appropriations bills been enacted by the beginning of the fiscal year (October 1). H.R. 3575, the Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011, reforms the budget process by establishing a mechanism at the beginning of the budget process to foster early cooperation between the House, Senate, and the President in reaching an agreement. This mechanism is a joint resolution on the budget, which would have the force of law and like all laws require the signature of the President (or a two-thirds majority of both Houses overriding a veto) to be enacted. Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) introduced H.R. 3575 on December 7, 2011. The Rules Committee received a primary referral of the bill and the Budget Committee received a sequential referral. On January 23, 2012, the Rules Committee met in open session to markup H.R. 3575 as introduced. The Committee ordered the bill favorably reported, as amended, by a vote of 5 to 2 and filed its report with the House on January 31, 2012. The following amendments were offered during the Committee's markup: (1) Rep. Dreier (R-CA) amendments en bloc strike provisions relating to the schedule for consideration of the budget and inclusion of matter related to the debt limit, and clarifying the expedited procedures in the bill. Agreed to 5-2. (2) Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment to the Dreier amendment strikes section 7 from the bill. Failed 2-5. A section-by-section analysis of H.R. 3575 as reported by the Committee is as follows: Section 1. Short Title--This section provides the short title for the bill, the ``Legally Binding Budget Act of 2011.'' Sec. 2. Definitions--This section strikes the definition of the term ``concurrent resolution on the budget'' from section 3 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (CBA) and inserts a new definition of the term ``joint resolution on the budget''. Sec. 3. Conforming Amendments to Section 300--This section makes conforming changes to the schedule for consideration of the budget to reflect the change from using a concurrent resolution to a joint resolution. Sec. 4. Amendments to Section 303 and Conforming Amendments--This section makes conforming changes to the section 303 of the CBA to reflect the change from using a concurrent resolution to a joint resolution. Sec. 5. Permissible Revisions of Budget Resolutions--This section revises section 304 of the CBA to provide that a joint resolution on the budget enacted into law may be amended by another joint resolution. Sec. 6. Limitations on the Content of Budget Resolutions-- This section clarifies that it will not be in order in the House of Representatives or in the Senate to consider any joint resolution on the budget or any amendment thereto or conference report thereon that include extraneous matters not listed in sections 301(a) or (b) of the CBA. The Committee intends that the joint resolution contain only those matters that have traditionally been included in past budget resolutions, and not be used as a vehicle for substantive changes in law. Sec. 7. Automatic Congressional Enforcement of Joint Resolution--This section adds a new section to title III of the CBA, which provides that if the President vetoes a joint resolution on the budget, or fails to sign it into law within 15 days, the aggregates, allocations, and any other matters that pertain solely to the Congress set forth in that joint resolution will, for purposes of titles III and IV, and be enforceable in the House of Representatives and the Senate as if the joint resolution had been enacted. Sec. 8. Additional Amendments to the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to Effectuate Joint Resolutions on the Budget--This section makes conforming amendments to sections 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 308, 310, 311, 312, 314, 405, and 904 of the CBA to reflect the change from using a concurrent resolution to a joint resolution. Sec. 9. Amendments to the Rules of the House of Representatives to Effectuate Joint Budget Resolutions--This section makes conforming amendments to clauses 1(d)(1), 4(a)(4), 4(b)(2), 4(f)(1)(A), and 4(f)(2) of rule X, clause 10 of rule XVIII, clause 10 of rule XX, and clauses 7 and 10 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives to reflect the change from using a concurrent resolution to a joint resolution. Sec. 10. Conforming Amendments to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985--This section makes conforming changes to section 258 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to reflect the change from using a concurrent resolution to a joint resolution. f. H.R. 3521, the Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011. The 111th Congress increased non-defense discretionary spending by nearly 25 percent - an 84 percent increase when the stimulus bill is included. The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 would have increased spending by $6.2 trillion over the House-passed budget resolution. The 112th Congress has reduced discretionary spending by $95 billion below Fiscal Year 2010 levels. These reductions in spending mark the first time in modern history that Congress has cut discretionary spending two years in a row. H.R. 3521 provides an opportunity for the Executive branch to reexamine laws within 45 days after enactment for potentially wasteful or ill-advised spending. The legislation provides for consideration of presidential proposals for spending cuts under expedited procedures in the House and the Senate. The legislation allows the President to submit rescission proposals, but a new act of Congress, signed by the President, is required before rescissions can take effect. The bill ensures that the President and Congress have additional tools to evaluate and cut Federal spending, which will help the government make better-informed decisions about national priorities. On January 31, 2012, the Rules Committee met in open session to markup H.R. 3521. Chairman Dreier offered an amendment to the bill as reported by the Committee on the Budget. The Committee ordered the bill favorably reported, as amended, by a voice vote and filed its report with the House on February 2, 2012. The following amendments were offered during the Committee's markup: (1) Rep. Dreier (R-CA) amendment makes changes to the expedited procedures for consideration of an approval bill. Agreed to by voice vote. A section-by-section analysis of H.R. 3521 as reported by the Committee is as follows: Section 1. Short Title--This section provides the short title for the bill, the ``Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2012''. Sec. 2. Congressional Consideration of Proposed Rescissions and Deferrals of Budget Authority and Obligation Limitations-- Section 2 amends title X of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 by: (1) striking Part B (except for sections 1013, 1015, and 1016, which are redesignated as sections 1017, 1018, and 1019); (2) striking Part C; and (3) inserting the following new sections: Sec. 1011. Congressional Consideration of Proposed Rescissions and Deferrals of Budget Authority and Obligation Limitations--This section establishes the time in which the President may propose rescissions of funding following the enactment of legislation. It also establishes the manner in which the proposals must be packaged, the method for transmitting the package to the Congress, and the contents of the special message. Sec. 1012. Grants of and Limitations on Presidential Authority--This section provides the President with the authority to withhold funding from obligation, subject to time limits, to ensure that funds are available for cancellation upon enactment of an approval bill. It also mandates that any savings achieved through these procedures be used for reducing the deficit or increasing the surplus. This section also provides for necessary adjustments to levels in the concurrent resolution on the budget and statutory limits. Sec. 1013. Expedited Consideration--This section provides for the introduction, referral, and consideration of an approval bill relating to a special message in the House and the Senate. This section prohibits amendments to an approval bill in the House or the Senate. It also provides for coordination with action by the other House and establishes that the expedited procedures prescribed in this section only apply to an approval bill introduced pursuant to this section. This section also establishes the procedures for the preparation and submission of CBO estimates relating to a special message. Sec. 1014. Treatment of Rescissions--This section provides that a rescission proposed by the President will take effect only upon enactment of an approval bill relating to the proposal. Sec. 1015. Definitions--This section defines the following terms: ``appropriation measure''; ``approval bill''; ``day''; ``rescind or rescission''; ``Congressional Budget Office''; ``Comptroller General''; ``deferral of budget authority''; ``funding''; and ``withhold''. Sec. 1016. Expiration--This section provides that authority provided by the bill expires on December 31, 2015. Sec. 3. Technical and Conforming Amendments--Section 3 makes technical and conforming changes relating to the title, table of contents, and designation of sections. This section also establishes that amendments made by this legislation are effective after the date of enactment. Sec. 4. Approval Measures Considered--Section 4 provides authority to make adjustments to the applicable allocations under section 302(a) for rescissions adopted by the House pending action by the Senate. g. H.R. 2309, the Postal Reform Act of 2011. The Postal Service is at a critical juncture. Since fiscal year 2007, annual mail volume is down 21 percent and annual revenue is down more than $9 billion. The Postal Service lost a record $10.6 billion in fiscal year 2011. This $10.6 billion deficit comes on the heels of the $8.5 billion deficit incurred in fiscal year 2010. On June 24, 2011, the Postal Service began defaulting on payments due to the Federal Government for the employer portion of workers' pension contribution. The Postal Service is also unable to make a statutorily required $5.5 billion payment to prefund retiree health expenses for current employees originally due on September 30, 2011. The Postal Service expects the electronic diversion of mail to continue indefinitely. Despite shedding more than 100,000 workers through attrition over the last five years, the Postal Service has failed to cut costs quickly enough to offset the drop-off in mail and revenue. Consequently, this venerable American institution rests on the brink of insolvency. Without significant structural reforms, the 8 million American jobs tied to the mailing industry could be at risk. H.R. 2309, the Postal Reform Act of 2011, is intended to help correct the Postal Service's dire financial situation by addressing infrastructure and deregulation reforms, short-term solvency and restructuring, workforce flexibility, revenue enhancement and regulatory streamlining, and contracting reform. Two major pieces of the bill, as ordered reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, contained provisions within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Rules. Title I contains infrastructure reforms modeled after the Department of Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC), and as such, contain expedited procedures falling within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Rules. The bill establishes a Commission on Postal Reform and requires the Commission to submit three plans for closures and consolidations: one for postal retail facilities; one for mail processing facilities; and, one for area and district offices. Each plan would be subject to Congressional disapproval similar to BRAC. The bill, as ordered reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, provides for expedited procedures for the consideration of a joint resolution of disapproval of the Commission's recommendations similar to the expedited procedures contained in BRAC. These procedures, however, were outdated as they contained unified procedures for both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Due to the differences in process between the two chambers, the amendment adopted by the Rules Committee bifurcates the expedited procedures to reflect modern practice. It also extended the timeline for consideration of the joint resolution of disapproval from 30 to 45 calendar days. Customarily, the House of Representatives does not attempt to dictate Senate procedure. The language concerning Senate procedure is intended as a placeholder for future Senate action on the bill. Title II contains short-term solvency and restructuring reforms modeled after the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority (D.C. Control Board) used in the 1990s in order to restore D.C.'s solvency after a period of financial mismanagement. The bill provides the Postal Service with a temporary $10 billion increase in its line of credit to finance restructuring. If, after two years, the Postal Service fails to reduce its annual losses to less than $2 billion, including any defaults or missed payments, a new Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority (the Authority) will take full control over the Postal Service. The Authority would replace the Postal Service's existing Board of Governors as the management unit of the Postal Service. The Authority is given a series of aggressive cost-cutting targets and provided with tools to ensure adequate restructuring and financial improvement. Once the Authority certifies, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, that the Postal Service has been returned to profitability, the Authority will become dormant, and the previous authority of the Board of Governors will be restored. Under the bill, as reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the termination of the control period of the Authority would have been subject to Congressional approval using expedited procedures also modeled after BRAC. Congress would have had 30 calendar days to approve of the termination of the control period after which the control period would automatically terminate. The amendment adopted by the Rules Committee removed the superfluous requirement for Congressional approval of the termination of the control period. On March 26, 2012, the Rules Committee met in open session and Mr. Sessions moved that the Committee report the bill (H.R. 2309) with an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the bill as reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The Committee ordered H.R. 2309 favorably reported to the House with an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the bill as reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, as amended, by a voice vote, a quorum being present. The following amendments were offered to the motion during consideration of H.R. 2309 by the full Committee on March 26, 2012: (1) Rep. Dreier (R-CA) amendment modifying the time period in Sec. 105 for Congressional consideration of joint resolutions of disapproval relating to reports from the Commission on Postal Reform, replacing the expedited procedures contained in section 106, and striking the Congressional approval of the termination of the control period in subtitle D of title II. Agreed to by voice vote. (2) Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment striking subtitle A of title I and replace it with a requirement that the USPS provide greater transparency in their mail processing facility closure procedures. The amendment would require the USPS to follow the same guidelines and stipulations for closing mail processing facilities as they do for the closure of post offices. Failed 4-6. The Committee adopts as its own the section-by-section analysis of the legislation of H.R. 2309 contained in H. Rept. 112-363, part 1 with the modifications as follow, reflecting the amendment adopted by the Committee: Sec. 105. Implementation of closures and consolidations--This section provides that closures and consolidations recommended by the Commission on Postal Reform must be completed within two years of the submission of the relevant plan to Congress. Congress may prevent the implementation of all recommendations in a final report from the Commission on Postal Reform if a joint resolution of disapproval is enacted within forty-five days of the submission of a plan to Congress. Sec. 106. Congressional consideration of final CPR reports--This section provides for the construction of a joint resolution of disapproval and requires the introduction of the joint resolution of disapproval by the majority leader of each House within 3 legislative or session days. It further provides 10 legislative days in the House of Representatives for committee consideration, after which the joint resolution of disapproval is subject to a motion to discharge. It also makes in order a motion to proceed to consideration of the joint resolution of disapproval after the joint resolution has been reported to the House or discharged from committee and provides 5 hours of debate on the joint resolution of disapproval and that the joint resolution of disapproval shall not be subject to amendment at any point. The Committee intends that the provisions relating to Senate consideration are intended as a place-holder for further Senate action. Sec. 231. Termination of control period, etc.-- This provision was stricken. Sec. 232. Congressional consideration of recommendation--This provision was stricken. h. H.R. 6169, the Pathway to Job Creation Through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012. The U.S. tax code is no longer working for the American people. First, it is far too complex and bloated. Since 2001, there have been nearly 4,500 changes made to the tax code, averaging more than one each day over the past decade. The tax code's complexity leads nearly nine out of ten families either to hire tax preparers (60 percent) or purchase software (29 percent) to file their taxes, while 71 percent of unincorporated businesses are forced to pay someone else to prepare their taxes. Complying with the tax code under these circumstances forces individuals, families and employers to spend over six billion hours and over $160 billion per year in an effort to faithfully comply with the burdensome and complicated federal tax system. These wasted resources are a drain on economic growth and job creation. Second, the U.S. tax code is unfair. It contains hundreds of provisions that only benefit certain special interests, resulting in a system of winners and losers. Due to this imbalance, the tax code violates the fundamental principle of equal justice by subjecting families in similar circumstances to significantly different tax bills. Furthermore, many tax preferences, sometimes referred to as ``tax expenditures,'' have the same impact as government spending--rather than allowing markets to direct economic resources to their most efficient uses, the Government redirects resources inefficiently and inequitably. The exclusions, deductions, credits, and special rules that make up such tax expenditures amount to over $1 trillion per year, nearly matching the total amount of annual revenue that is generated from the income tax itself. In some cases, tax subsidies can literally take the form of spending through the tax code, redistributing taxes paid by some Americans to individuals and businesses that do not pay any income tax at all. Third, the current system and the failure of Congress to adopt a permanent tax code with stable statutory tax policy have created greater economic uncertainty. Tax rates have been scheduled to increase sharply in three of the last five years, requiring the enactment of repeated temporary extensions. Additionally, approximately 70 other, more targeted tax provisions expired in 2011 or are currently scheduled to expire by the end of 2012. Working families and small business owners are not able to plan for the future or make rational business decisions, including hiring decisions, in this environment of uncertainty. All of these challenges argue forcefully for comprehensive reform. However, obstructionism, dilatory tactics and the complexities of the legislative process have thus far prevented the reform process from moving forward. Steps must be taken to streamline the process and ensure that Congress can deliver on comprehensive tax reform. On July 26, 2012, the Rules Committee met in open session to markup H.R. 6169. The Committee ordered the bill favorably reported, without amendment, by a vote of 6 to 2 and filed its report with the House on July 30, 2012. The following amendments were offered during the Committee's markup: Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment requires that expedited procedures only apply to tax reform. Failed 2-6. Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment prohibits the sponsor of the tax reform bill and the individual making the notification under subsection (b) from being the same person. Failed 2-6. Rep. McGovern (D-MA) amendment strikes section 3. Failed. Failed 2-6. Rep. Slaughter (D-NY) amendment strikes all after section 1 and insert a Sense of Congress Regarding Comprehensive Tax Reform. Failed 2-6. A section-by-section analysis of H.R. 6169 as reported by the Committee is as follows: Section 1. Short Title. This section provides the short title of the bill, the ``Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012''. Sec. 2. Findings and Purposes. Section 2 describes certain findings related to the current state of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and establishes the purposes of the legislation. Sec. 3. Expedited Consideration of a Measure Providing for Comprehensive Tax Reform. Section 3 establishes expedited procedures for consideration of a measure providing for comprehensive tax reform. This section defines a ``tax reform bill'' as a bill introduced by the chair of the Committee on Ways and Means before April 30, 2013 and entitled ``A bill to provide for comprehensive tax reform.'' Further, in order to qualify as a tax reform bill, the measure must be the subject of a certification to the House and Senate from the chair of the Joint Committee on Taxation that the bill as introduced contains the following proposals: (1) consolidation of the current individual income tax brackets into no more than two brackets of 10 and not greater than 25 percent; (2) reduction in the corporate tax rate to not greater than 25 percent; (3) repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT); (4) broadening of the tax base to maintain revenue between 18 and 19 percent of the economy; and (5) change from a ``worldwide'' to a ``territorial'' system of taxation. The certification by the chair of the Joint Committee on Taxation is only applicable to the bill as introduced. The Committee intends that the certification is not required at any other stage in the legislative process for a bill to be eligible for the expedited procedures contained in the bill. Subsection (c) establishes procedures for the expedited consideration of the tax reform bill in the House of Representatives, which include the following: Any committee that receives a referral on the tax reform bill must report the legislation to the House within 20 calendar days. Failure to report the legislation within that time period will result in an automatic discharge. If the Rules Committee has not provided a special order for consideration of the tax reform bill within 15 legislative days after the bill has been reported or discharged, the majority leader (or after two additional legislative days any Member), may offer a motion to proceed to the tax reform bill. If the motion to proceed is agreed to, debate on the bill is limited to four hours equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means. The bill is subject to amendment under the five-minute rule and one motion to recommit the bill is in order. Subsection (d) establishes procedures for the expedited consideration of the tax reform bill in the Senate, which include the following: The bill must be referred to the Committee on Finance, which must report the bill within 15 calendar days after receipt of the bill in the Senate. Failure to report the legislation within that time period will result in an automatic discharge. After the Finance Committee reports the tax reform bill or the bill is discharged, the majority leader (or after two additional session days any Member) may offer a motion to proceed to the bill. The motion is not debatable--cloture is not required before a vote on the motion to proceed. Debate on amendments is limited to two hours on each amendment--cloture is not required before votes on individual amendments. Amendments must be relevant to the tax reform bill. There is no limit on the total time available for debate on the tax reform bill--cloture on the underlying bill may still be required prior to a vote on passage. This section also contains procedures to facilitate and expedite going to conference on the tax reform bill and appointment of conferees. In the House, the chair of the Committee on Ways and Means may offer any motion specified in clause 1 of rule XXII. In the Senate, the chair must lay the message from the House before the Senate, the motion to go to conference and the motion to authorize the chair to appoint conferees are to be agreed to, and the chair is authorized to appoint conferees with a ratio agreed to with the concurrence of both leaders. Finally, the bill also reaffirms that these provisions are enacted by the Congress as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the House of Representatives and Senate. V. ACTIVITIES OF THE SUBCOMMITTEES A. Activities of the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process During the 112th Congress, the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget has convened once on January 24, 2012 to consider H.R. 114, the Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011. 1. jurisdiction and purpose The Committee on Rules first established the Subcommittee on Legislative Process in 1979 at the beginning of the 96th Congress; it has been reestablished at the start of each Congress since. In early 1995, the Committee changed the name of this body to the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process to better reflect its jurisdiction. In the 112th Congress, the Subcommittee retained its traditional makeup of seven Members, with the majority holding five of the spots, and the minority holding the remaining two. Chaired by Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, the Subcommittee also claims Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina (Vice Chairman), Rep. Rob Woodall of Georgia, Rep. Dan Webster of Florida, Rep. David Dreier of California, Rep. Alcee L. Hastings of Florida (Ranking Member), and Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado. Committee Rule 5(a)(1)(A) assigns to the Subcommittee the general responsibility for measures or matters related to relations between the Congress and the Executive Branch. The legislation falling within the panel's jurisdiction includes resolutions and bills, with the primary statute within the Subcommittee's jurisdiction being the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-344 as amended). The Subcommittee also continues to exercise jurisdiction over budget process-related provisions found in Part C of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-177 as amended by Public Laws 100-119, 101-508 and 103-44) and the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (Title XIII of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (Public Law 103- 44)). Legislation is referred to the Subcommittee at the discretion of the Chairman of the Committee on Rules. In this Congress, one bill has been referred to the subcommittee. 2. summary of activities in the 112th congress a. H.R. 114, the Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011 On January 24, 2012, the Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process held an original jurisdiction hearing on H.R. 114, the Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011. The bill was introduced by full Committee Chairman David Dreier on January 5, 2011. The hearing, which focused on the need for reform of the Congressional budgeting process, specifically the budgeting timetable, included testimony from five members (Representatives C.W. Bill Young of Florida, David E. Price of North Carolina, Ed Whitfield of Kentucky, Reid J. Ribble of Wisconsin, and Steve Stivers of Ohio). Outside witnesses included Maya C. MacGuineas, President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and Director of the Fiscal Policy Program for the New America Foundation, and Scott Lilly, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. 3. legislation referred to the subcommittee on legislative and budget process Measures Referred to Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H.R. 114........................................ Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Activities of the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House During the 112th Congress, the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House did not convene. 1. jurisdiction and purpose The Subcommittee was first established at the beginning of the 96th Congress as the Subcommittee on Rules of the House. At the beginning of the 104th Congress, its name was changed to the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House to more accurately reflect the Subcommittee's mission and jurisdiction. In the 107th Congress, the Subcommittee's name was modified to the Subcommittee on Technology and the House, and at the beginning of the 109th Congress, the name reverted back to the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House. The Subcommittee's jurisdiction remains unchanged and it maintains its previous membership of seven Representatives, with five serving from the majority and two from the minority. Chaired by Rep. Richard B. Nugent of Florida, the Subcommittee roster also includes Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah (Vice Chairman), Rep. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Rep. David Dreier of California, Rep. James P. McGovern of Massachusetts, and Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter of New York. There is currently a vacancy on the Subcommittee. Committee Rule 5(a)(1)(B) assigns to the Subcommittee the general responsibility for measures or matters related to process and procedures of the House, relations between the two Houses of Congress, relations between Congress and the Judiciary, and internal operations of the House. The Subcommittee is primarily responsible for the continuing examination of the committee structure and jurisdictional issues of all House committees. It remains committed to a continuing study of the organization and operations of the House. Legislation is referred to the Subcommittee at the discretion of the Chairman of the Committee on Rules. Legislation has yet to be referred to the Subcommittee during the 112th Congress. 2. summary of activities in the 112th congress The Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House did not convene during the 112th Congress. 3. legislation referred to the subcommittee on rules and organization of the house Legislation was not referred to the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House during the 112th Congress. VI. STATISTICAL PROFILE OF THE COMMITTEE ON RULES IN THE 112TH CONGRESS A. Statistics on Special Orders or Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Number of formal requests for Rules Committee hearings.. 132 (a). Number of rules requested for original consideration 128 of measures, rules for further consideration, rules for disposition of Senate amendments........................ (b). Number of rules requested on conference reports..... 4 (c). Number of rules requested on procedural matters..... 0 (d). Number of formal rules requested otherwise disposed 0 of by procedures other than the Rules Committee......... 2. Number of formal requests pending....................... 0 3. Number of hearing days -- (a) 1st Session:......................................... 73 (1) Regular meetings................................... 43 (2) Emergency meetings................................. 25 (3) Regular/Emergency meetings......................... 5* (b) 2nd Session:......................................... 48 (1) Regular meetings................................... 29 (2) Emergency meetings................................. 12 (3) Regular/Emergency meetings......................... 7* 4. Number of special orders or ``rules'' reported from the 129 Rules Committee........................................... (a) Number of bills and resolutions provided 159 consideration pursuant to a rule........................ (1) Bills.............................................. 131 (2) Joint Resolutions.................................. 8 (3) Concurrent Resolutions............................. 6 (4) Simple Resolutions................................. 14 (b) Types of amendment structures for consideration of bills and resolutions-- (1) Open............................................... 14 (2) Modified Open...................................... 11 (3) Structured......................................... 66 (4) Closed............................................. 53 (c) Categories of Rules Granted with Certain Floor Management Tools-- (1) General Debate only................................ 3 (2) Providing for the Consideration of Multiple 33 Measures.............................................. (3) Expedited Procedures Rules (waiving 2/3 11 requirement).......................................... (4) Suspension Day Rules............................... 15 (5) Chairman's en bloc authority....................... 5 (d) Categories of Rules Granted to Resolve Differences Among and Responding to the Legislative Actions of Committees-- (1) Self-Executing Rules............................... 37 (2) Original Text Rules................................ 47 (e) Categories of Rules Granted Dealing with House-Senate Relations-- (1) Senate Hook-up Rules............................... 0 (2) Disposition of Senate Amendments................... 9 (3) Conference Report Rules............................ 7 (4) Engrossment of Multiple Measures Rules............. 4 (5) Motions to go to conference........................ 2 (6) Instructing the Clerk regarding the transmittal of 2 papers................................................ (f) Disposition of the 129 special orders or ``rules'' reported from the Rules Committee-- (1) Adopted by the House............................... 127 (2) Rejected by the House.............................. 0 (3) Resolutions Amended................................ 4 (4) Laid on the Table.................................. 2 (5) Pending on the House Calendar at the close of the 1 112th Congress........................................ 5. Waivers of House rules, standing orders, and the Congressional Budget Act granted (waivers may apply to underlying measures, matter made in order as original text, motions, or amendments)--........................... (a) Waivers of rules of the House: (1) Rule XI, clause 2(h)............................... 1 (2) Rule XIII, clause 3(c)(1).......................... 1 (3) Rule XIII, clause 3(c)(4).......................... 8 (4) Rule XIII, clause 3(e)............................. 2 (5) Rule XIII, clause 4(a)............................. 5 (6) Rule XIII, clause 4(c)............................. 13 (7) Rule XIII, clause 6(a)............................. 12 (8) Rule XVI, clause 7................................. 18 (9) Rule XVIII, clause 10.............................. 2 (10) Rule XXI, clause 2................................ 16 (11) Rule XXI, clause 4................................ 6 (12) Rule XXI, clause 5(a)............................. 6 (13) Rule XXI, clause 9................................ 1 (14) Rule XXI, clause 9(a)(2).......................... 1 (15) Rule XXI, clause 10............................... 12 (16) Rule XXI, clause 11............................... 5 (17) Rule XXII, clause 5............................... 2 (18) Rule XXII, clause 8(a)(1)(A)...................... 4 (19) Rule XXII, clause 9............................... 7 (20) Rule XXII, clause 10.............................. 2 (21) Section 3(j)(5) of H. Res. 5 of the 112th Congress 2 (b) Waivers of the Budget Enforcement: (1) Section 302(f)..................................... 21 (2) Section 303(a)..................................... 10 (3) Section 306........................................ 18 (4) Section 309........................................ 1 (5) Section 311(a)..................................... 12 (6) Section 13302(a)................................... 1 * Denotes a regularly scheduled meeting to which an emergency item was added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. Statistics on Original Jurisdiction Measures ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Full Committee-- (a) Number of bills and resolutions referred............. 158 (b) Number of measures referred to the subcommittees:.... 1 (1) Exclusive Referrals to the Subcommittee on the 1 Legislative and Budget Process........................ (2) Exclusive Referrals to the Subcommittee on Rules 0 and Organization of the House......................... (3) Joint Referrals.................................... 0 (c) Number of hearings and markups held by the full 8 committee............................................... (d) Number of measures reported by the full committee:... 8 (1) Disposition of measures reported-- (a) Measures adopted by the House.................... 6 (b) Measures reported and pending floor action at the 2 close of the 112th Congress......................... (c) Measures rejected by the House................... 0 (d) Measures tabled by the House..................... 0 2. Subcommittee on the Legislative and Budget Process:..... (a) Measures referred.................................... 1 (b) Days of hearings and markups......................... 1 (c) Measures reported.................................... 0 3. Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House:.... 0 (a) Measures referred.................................... 0 (b) Days of hearings and markups......................... 0 (c) Measures reported.................................... 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. PUBLICATIONS a. printed publications 1. committee prints 1. H.R. 658--FAA Air Transport Modernization and Improvement Act. Rules Committee Print 112-1. 2. H.R. 1315--Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-2. 3. H.R. 1892--Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-3. 4. H.R. 2838--Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-4. 5. H.R. 527--Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-5. 6. Rules Adopted by the Committees of the House of Representatives. One Hundred Twelfth Congress (2011-2012). Rules Committee Print 112-6. 7. Rules of the Committee on Rules. Rules Committee Print 112-7. 8. H.R. 1173--Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-8. 9. H.R. 3578--Baseline Reform Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-9. 10. H.R. 3582--Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-10. 11. H.R. 1734--Civilian Property Realignment Act. Rules Committee Print 112-11. 12. H.R. 3521--Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-12. 13. H.R. 3581--Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-13. 14. H.R. 7--American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-14. 15. H.R. 1837--San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act. Rules Committee Print 112-15. 16. H.R. 114--Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2011. Rules Committee Hearing 112-A. Rules Committee Print 112- 16. 17. H.R. 3606--Reopening American Capital Markets to Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-17. 18. H.R. 5--Protecting Access to Healthcare Act. Rules Committee Print 112-18. 19. H.R. 4089--Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-19. 20. H.R. 3523--Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. Rules Committee Print 112-20. 21. H.R. ____--Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-21. [*This legislation was subsequently filed as H.R. 5662] 22. H.R. 4310--National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013. Rules Committee Print 112-22. 23. H.R. 436--Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2011. Rules Committee Print 112-23. 24. H.R. 4480--Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-24. 25. H.R. 2578--To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act related to a segment of the Lower Merced River in California, and for other purposes. Rules Committee Print 112-25. 26. H.R. 4402--National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-26. 27. H.R. 3210--RELIEF Act. Rules Committee Print 112-27. 28. H.R. 4078--Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-28. 29. H.R. 4402--National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-29. 30. H.R. 5544--Minnesota Education investment and Employment Act. Rules Committee Print 112-30. 31. H.R. 6213--No More Solyndras Act. Rules Committe Print 112-31. 32. H.R. 3409--Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act. Rules Committee Print 112-32. 33. H.R. 6156--Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-33. 34. H.R. 6429--STEM Jobs Act of 2012. Rules Committee Print 112-34. VIII. APPENDICES A. Table 1a.--Types of Rules Granted (Consideration) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Debate: ......................................................... H. Res. 269 H.R. 1540......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 547 H.R. 7............ American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 H. Res. 656 H.R. 4310......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 ................ ......................................................... Open: ................ ......................................................... H. Res. 287 H.R. 2017......... Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 288 H.R. 2055......... Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 300 H.R. 2112......... Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 320 H.R. 2219......... Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 337 H.R. 2354......... Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 363 H.R. 2584......... Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 643 H.R. 5326......... Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 667 H.R. 5325......... Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 667 H.R. 5854......... Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 667 H.R. 5855......... Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 697 H.R. 5972......... Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 697 H.R. 5973......... Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 717 H.R. 5856......... Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 717 H.R. 6020......... Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2013 ................ ......................................................... Modified Open: ......................................................... H. Res. 54 H.R. 359.......... To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential campaign and party conventions. H. Res. 92 H.R. 1............ Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 H. Res. 150 H.R. 830.......... FHA Refinance Program Termination Act H. Res. 151 H.R. 836.......... Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termination Act H. Res. 236 H.R. 1214......... To repeal mandatory funding for school-based health center construction. H. Res. 269 H.R. 1216......... To amend the Public Health Service Act to convert funding for graduate medical education in qualified teaching health centers from direct appropriations to an authorization of appropriations. H. Res. 419 H.R. 2681......... Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 H. Res. 419 H.R. 2250......... EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 H. Res. 522 H.R. 1173......... Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security Act of 2011 H. Res. 570 H.R. 2842......... Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act of 2011 H. Res. 587 H.R. 2087......... To remove restrictions from a parcel of land situated in the Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia. ................ ......................................................... Structured: ......................................................... H. Res. 26 H. Res. 9......... Instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law. H. Res. 128 H.R. 662.......... Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 H. Res. 170 H.R. 839.......... HAMP Termination Act of 2011 H. Res. 170 H.R. 861.......... NSP Termination Act of 2011 H. Res. 186 H.R. 471.......... Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act H. Res. 189 H.R. 658.......... FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 203 H.R. 910.......... Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 H. Res. 219 H.R. 1217......... To repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund. H. Res. 223 H. Con. Res. 34... Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021. H. Res. 236 H.R. 1213......... To repeal mandatory funding provided to States in the Patient and Affordable Care Act to establish American Health Benefit Exchanges. H. Res. 245 H.R. 1229......... Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act H. Res. 245 H.R. 1230......... Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act H. Res. 257 H.R. 1231......... Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act H. Res. 264 H.R. 754.......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 H. Res. 276 H.R. 1540......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 316 H.R. 2021......... Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 H. Res. 316 H.R. 1249......... America Invents Act H. Res. 340 H.R. 1309......... Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 347 H.R. 2018......... Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 H. Res. 358 H.R. 1315......... Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011 H. Res. 359 H.R. 2551......... Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 370 H.R. 1938......... North American-Made Energy Security Act H. Res. 392 H.R. 2218......... Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act H. Res. 392 H.R. 1892......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 406 H.R. 2401......... Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act of 2011 H. Res. 431 H.R. 2273......... Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act H. Res. 444 H.R. 1904......... Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011 H. Res. 453 H.R. 2930......... Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act H. Res. 453 H.R. 2940......... Access to Capital for Job Creators Act H. Res. 455 H.R. 2838......... Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2011 H. Res. 463 H.R. 822.......... National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 H. Res. 470 H.R. 3094......... Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act H. Res. 477 H.R. 527.......... Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011 H. Res. 477 H.R. 3010......... Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011 H. Res. 479 H.R. 10........... Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011 H. Res. 487 H.R. 1633......... Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011 H. Res. 534 H.R. 3578......... Baseline Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 534 H.R. 3582......... Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011 H. Res. 537 H.R. 1734......... Civilian Property Realignment Act H. Res. 539 H.R. 3581......... Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2011 H. Res. 540 H.R. 3521......... Expedited Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011 H. Res. 547 H.R. 3408......... Protecting Investment in Oil Shale the Next Generation of Environmental, Energy, and Resource Security Act H. Res. 547 H.R. 3813......... Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012 H. Res. 563 H.R. 2117......... Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education Act H. Res. 566 H.R. 1837......... San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act H. Res. 572 H.R. 3606......... Reopening American Capital Markets to Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2011 H. Res. 591 H.R. 5............ Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011 H. Res. 595 H.R. 3309......... Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 597 H. Con. Res. 112.. Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022 H. Res. 614 H.R. 4089......... Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 H. Res. 619 H.R. 4348......... Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012, Part II H. Res. 620 H.R. 9............ Small Business Tax Cut Act H. Res. 631 H.R. 3523......... Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 H. Res. 661 H.R. 4310......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 H. Res. 667 H.R. 5743......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 H. Res. 679 H.R. 5882......... Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 688 H.R. 2578......... To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act related to a segment of the Lower Merced River in California, and for other purposes. H. Res. 691 H.R. 4480......... Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012 H. Res. 726 H.R. 4402......... National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012 H. Res. 738 H.R. 4078......... Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012 H. Res. 738 H.R. 6082......... Congressional Replacement of President Obama's Energy- Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan H. Res. 747 H.R. 6169......... Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012 H. Res. 747 H.R. 8............ Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 H. Res. 773 H.R. 5544......... Minnesota Education Investment and Employment Act H. Res. 779 H.R. 6213......... No More Solyndras Act H. Res. 788 H.R. 3409......... Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act ................ ......................................................... Closed: ................ ......................................................... H. Res. 26 H. Res. 27........ Relating to the status of certain actions taken by Members-elect. H. Res. 26 H.R. 2............ Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law H. Res. 43 H. Res. 38........ To reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels or less. H. Res. 73 H. Res. 72........ Directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. H. Res. 79 H.R. 514.......... To extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relating to access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011. H. Res. 115 H.J. Res. 44...... Further Continuing Appropriations Amendments, 2011 H. Res. 129 H.R. 4............ Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011 H. Res. 167 H.J. Res. 48...... Additional Continuing Appropriations Amendments, 2011 H. Res. 174 H.R. 1076......... To prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio and the use of Federal funds to acquire radio content. H. Res. 194 H.R. 1255......... Government Shutdown Prevention Act of 2011 H. Res. 200 H.J. Res. 37...... Disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry practices. H. Res. 206 H.R. 1363......... Department of Defense and Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 H. Res. 218 H.R. 1473......... Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 H. Res. 218 H. Con. Res. 35... Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. H. Res. 218 H. Con. Res. 36... Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. H. Res. 237 H.R. 3............ No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act H. Res. 294 H Res. 292........ Declaring that the President shall not deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of units and members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya, and for other purposes. H. Res. 294 H. Con. Res. 51... Directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya. H. Res. 328 H.J. Res. 68...... Authorizing the limited use of the United States Armed Forces in support of the NATO mission in Libya. H. Res. 328 H.R. 2278......... To limit the use of funds appropriated to the Department of Defense for United States Armed Forces in support of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operation Unified Protector with respect to Libya, unless otherwise specifically authorized by law. H. Res. 355 H.R. 2560......... Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011 H. Res. 357 H.R. 2553......... Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011, Part IV H. Res. 372 H.R. 2587......... Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act H. Res. 375 S. 627............ Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control Act of 2011) H. Res. 384 S. 365............ To make a technical amendment to the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002. H. Res. 399 H.J. Res. 79...... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2012 H. Res. 425 H.R. 3078......... United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act H. Res. 425 H.R. 3079......... United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act H. Res. 425 H.R. 3080......... United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act H. Res. 430 H.R. 358.......... Protect Life Act H. Res. 448 H.R. 2576......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross income for purposes of determining eligibility for certain healthcare-related programs. H. Res. 448 H.R. 674.......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities. H. Res. 477 H.R. 3463......... To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions and by terminating the Election Assistance Commission. H. Res. 491 H.R. 3630......... Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 H. Res. 500 H.R. 3672......... Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 500 H. Con. Res. 94... Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. 3672. H. Res. 502 H. Res. 501....... Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding any final measure to extend the payroll tax holiday, extend Federally funded unemployment insurance benefits, or prevent decreases in reimbursement for physicians who provide care to Medicare beneficiaries. H. Res. 600 H.R. 4281......... Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012 H. Res. 631 H.R. 4628......... Interest Rate Reduction Act H. Res. 648 H.R. 5652......... Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012 H. Res. 656 H.R. 4970......... Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2012 H. Res. 679 H.R. 436.......... Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2011 H. Res. 708 H. Res. 711....... Relating to the consideration of House Report 112-546 and an accompanying resolution, and providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 706) authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas H. Res. 708 H. Res. 706....... Authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas H. Res. 724 H.R. 6079......... Repeal of Obamacare Act H. Res. 752 H.R. 6233......... Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2012 H. Res. 773 H.R. 5949......... FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012 H. Res. 778 H.J. Res. 117..... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013 H. Res. 778 H.R. 6365......... National Security and Job Protection Act H. Res. 788 H.J. Res. 118..... Congressional Disapproval of Waiver of Work Requirements H. Res. 808 H.R. 6156......... Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012 H. Res. 821 H.R. 6429......... STEM Jobs Act of 2012 H. Res. 841 H.R. 6684......... Spending Reduction Act of 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Table 1b.--Types of Rules Granted (Special Procedures) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waiving Rule XIII, clause 6(a), requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Committee on Rules: H. Res. 92 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of February 15, 2011 through February 17, 2011, providing for the consideration or disposition of the bill (H.R. 1) making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other departments and agencies of the government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, and for other purposes. H. Res. 206 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of April 7, 2011 through April 11, 2011, providing for the consideration or disposition of a measure making or continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011. H. Res. 269 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of May 24, 2011 through May 27, 2011, providing for the consideration or disposition of a measure addressing expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005. H. Res. 382 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of July 28, 2011 through August 2, 2011, providing for the consideration or disposition of any resolution reported from the Rules Committee through the legislative day of August 2, 2011. H. Res. 409 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of September 21, 2011 through September 30, 2011, providing for the consideration or disposition of a measure making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. H. Res. 500 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of December 15, 2011 through the legislative day of December 31, 2011, providing for consideration or disposition of any of the following measures: (1) a measure relating to expiring provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; (2) a measure relating to the Medicare payment system for physicians; and (3) a measure relating to appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. H. Res. 502 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of December 19, 2011 through the legislative day of January 17, 2012 providing for consideration or disposition of any measure. H. Res. 600 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of March 28, 2012 through the legislative day of March 29, 2012 providing for consideration or disposition of a measure extending expiring surface transportation authority. H. Res. 643 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of May 7, 2012 through the legislative day of May 10, 2012 providing for consideration or disposition of any measure reported by the Committee on the Budget relating to section 201 of House Concurrent Resolution 112. H. Res. 717 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of June 28, 2012 through the legislative day of June 29, 2012 providing for consideration or disposition of measures addressing expiring provisions of law and a concurrent resolution correcting the enrollment of H.R. 4348. H. Res. 747 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of July 31, 2012 through the legislative day of August 2, 2012 providing for consideration or disposition of any resolution reported through the legislative day of August 2, 2012. H. Res. 843 .................. Special rule reported on the legislative day of December 30, 2012 providing for the consideration or disposition of any resolution reported from the Rules Committee on the legislative day of December 31, 2012. ................ ......................................................... Makes in order suspensions on special days: H. Res. 375 .................. Suspensions in order through Sunday, July 31, 2011 if the measure was made available on the previous legislative day, except measures proposing an amendment to the Constitution, which must be available for three legislative days. Debate on a suspension relating to a measure proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution shall be extended to two hours. H. Res. 455 .................. Suspensions in order on Friday, November 4, 2011 relating to a measure addressing the applicability of the coastwise trade laws. H. Res. 466 .................. Suspensions in order through Friday, November 18, 2011, relating to H. Res. 2, with debate extended to five hours. H. Res. 477 .................. Suspensions in order through the legislative day of Friday, December 2, 2011, relating to a measure addressing railway labor. H. Res. 493 .................. Suspensions in order through the remainder of the first session of the 112th Congress, if the text of the measure proposed in a motion is made available on the calendar day before consideration. H. Res. 500 .................. Suspensions in order on the legislative day of December 16, 2011 relating to a measure continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. H. Res. 502 .................. Suspensions in order through the calendar day of January 15, 2012. H. Res. 540 .................. Suspensions in order on the legislative day February 9, 2012 relating to a measure addressing securities trading based on nonpublic information. H. Res. 597 .................. Suspensions in on the legislative day of March 29, 2012 relating to a measure extending expiring surface transportation authority. H. Res. 631 .................. Suspensions in order through the legislative day of April 27, 2012 relating to H.R. 2096, H.R. 3834, and H.R. 4257. H. Res. 717 .................. Suspensions in order on Friday, June 29, 2012 relating to measures addressing expiring provisions of law and a concurrent resolution correcting the enrollment of H.R. 4348. H. Res. 747 .................. Suspensions in order on the legislative day of August 1, 2012. H. Res. 779 .................. Suspensions in order on the legislative days of September 20, 2012 and September 21, 2012. H. Res. 821 .................. Suspensions in order on the legislative day of December 6, 2012. H. Res. 827 .................. Suspensions in order through the legislative day of December 28, 2012. ................ ......................................................... Chairman's en bloc authority: ......................................................... H. Res. 276 H.R. 1540......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 340 H.R. 1309......... Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 392 H.R. 1892......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 455 H.R. 2838......... Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2011 H. Res. 661 H.R. 4310......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 ................ ......................................................... Self-Executing Amendments: ......................................................... H. Res. 26 H.R. 2............ Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act H. Res. 43* H. Res. 38........ Reducing non-security spending to fiscal year 2008 levels or less. H. Res. 73* H. Res. 72........ Directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. H. Res. 129 H.R. 4............ Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011 H. Res. 186* H.R. 471.......... Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act H. Res. 237 H.R. 3............ No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act H. Res. 245* H.R. 1229......... Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act H. Res. 257* H.R. 1231......... Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act H. Res. 363 H.R. 2584......... Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 372* H.R. 2587......... Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act H. Res. 375 S. 627............ Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control Act of 2011) H. Res. 383 S. 627............ Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control Act of 2011) H. Res. 384 S. 365............ To make a technical amendment to the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002. H. Res. 399 H.J. Res. 79...... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2012 H. Res. 430* H.R. 358.......... Protect Life Act H. Res. 448 H.R. 674.......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities. H. Res. 453* H.R. 2940......... Access to Capital for Job Creators Act H. Res. 479 H.R. 10........... Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011 H. Res. 491 H.R. 3630......... Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 H. Res. 534 H.R. 3578......... Baseline Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 537 H.R. 1734......... Civilian Property Realignment Act H. Res. 547 H.R. 7............ American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 H. Res. 547 H.R. 3408......... Protecting Investment in Oil Shale the Next Generation of Environmental, Energy, and Resource Security Act H. Res. 547 H.R. 3813......... Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012 H. Res. 572 H.R. 3606......... Reopening American Capital Markets to Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2011 H. Res. 591 H.R. 5............ Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011 H. Res. 620 H.R. 9............ Small Business Tax Cut Act H. Res. 648 H.R. 5652......... Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012 H. Res. 656 H.R. 4970......... Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2012 H. Res. 679 H.R. 436.......... Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2011 H. Res. 697 H.R. 5972......... Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 738 H.R. 4078......... Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012 H. Res. 741 H.R. 4078......... Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012 [Further Consideration] H. Res. 773 H.R. 5544......... Minnesota Education Investment and Employment Act H. Res. 773 H.R. 5949......... FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012 H. Res. 808 H.R. 6156......... Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012 H. Res. 821 H.R. 6429......... STEM Jobs Act of 2012 ................ ......................................................... Makes in order original text: ......................................................... H. Res. 150 H.R. 830.......... FHA Refinance Program Termination Act H. Res. 151 H.R. 836.......... Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termination Act H. Res. 170 H.R. 839.......... HAMP Termination Act of 2011 H. Res. 170 H.R. 861.......... NSP Termination Act H. Res. 189 H.R. 658.......... FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 203 H.R. 910.......... Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 H. Res. 223 H. Con. Res. 34... Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021. H. Res. 264 H.R. 754.......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 H. Res. 276 H.R. 1540......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 316 H.R. 1249......... America Invents Act H. Res. 340 H.R. 1309......... Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 347 H.R. 2018......... Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 H. Res. 358 H.R. 1315......... Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011 H. Res. 370 H.R. 1938......... North American-Made Energy Security Act H. Res. 392 H.R. 2218......... Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act H. Res. 392 H.R. 1892......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 406 H.R. 2401......... Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act of 2011 H. Res. 419 H.R. 2681......... Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 H. Res. 419 H.R. 2250......... EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 H. Res. 431 H.R. 2273......... Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act H. Res. 444 H.R. 1904......... Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011 H. Res. 453 H.R. 2930......... Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act H. Res. 455 H.R. 2838......... Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2011 H. Res. 463 H.R. 822.......... National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 H. Res. 470 H.R. 3094......... Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act H. Res. 477 H.R. 527.......... Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011 H. Res. 477 H.R. 3010......... Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011 H. Res. 487 H.R. 1633......... Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011 H. Res. 522 H.R. 1173......... Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security Act of 2011 H. Res. 534 H.R. 3582......... Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011 H. Res. 539 H.R. 3581......... Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2011 H. Res. 540 H.R. 3521......... Expedited Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011 H. Res. 563 H.R. 2117......... Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education Act H. Res. 566 H.R. 1837......... San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act H. Res. 570 H.R. 2842......... Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act of 2011 H. Res. 587 H.R. 2087......... To remove restrictions from a parcel of land situated in the Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia. H. Res. 595 H.R. 3309......... Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 614 H.R. 4089......... Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 H. Res. 631 H.R. 3523......... Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 H. Res. 661 H.R. 4310......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 H. Res. 667 H.R. 5743......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 H. Res. 688 H.R. 2578......... To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act related to a segment of the Lower Merced River in California. H. Res. 691 H.R. 4480......... Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012 H. Res. 726 H.R. 4402......... National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012 H. Res. 738 H.R. 6082......... Congressional Replacement of President Obama's Energy- Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan H. Res. 779 H.R. 6213......... No More Solyndras Act H. Res. 788 H.R. 3409......... Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act ................ ......................................................... Senate Hook-up: ......................................................... No rules providing for Senate hook-ups were reported during the 112th Congress. Motions to go to conference: ......................................................... H. Res. 316 H.R. 1249......... America Invents Act H. Res. 502 H.R. 3630......... Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 ................ ......................................................... Disposition of Senate Amendments: ......................................................... H. Res. 93 H.R. 514.......... To extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relating to access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011. H. Res. 281 S. 990............ Small Business Additional Temporary Extension Act of 2011 H. Res. 405 H.R. 2608......... Small Business Program Extension and Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 412 H.R. 2608......... Small Business Program Extension and Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 418 H.R. 2832......... To extend the Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes. H. Res. 425 H.R. 2832......... To extend the Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes. H. Res. 502 H.R. 3630......... Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 H. Res. 841 H.J. Res. 66...... Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. H. Res. 844 H.R. 8............ Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012) ................ ......................................................... Conference Report: ......................................................... H. Res. 467 H.R. 2112......... Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 493 H.R. 1540......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 500 H.R. 2055......... Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 H. Res. 533 H.R. 658.......... FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011 H. Res. 554 H.R. 3630......... Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 H. Res. 717 H.R. 4348......... Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012, Part II H. Res. 840 H.R. 4310......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 ................ ......................................................... Providing for the Engrossment of Multiple Measures: H. Res. 245 H.R. 1229......... Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act ................ H.R. 1230......... Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act H. Res. 358 H.R. 1315......... Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 830.......... FHA Refinance Program Termination Act H. Res. 448 H.R. 2576......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross income for purposes of determining eligibility for certain healthcare-related programs. ................ H.R. 674.......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities. H. Res. 547 H.R. 7............ American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 ................ H.R. 3408......... Protecting Investment in Oil Shale the Next Generation of Environmental, Energy, and Resource Security Act ................ H.R. 3813......... Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012 ................ ......................................................... Instructing the Clerk Regarding the Transmittal of Papers: H. Res. 218 H.R 1473.......... Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 H. Res. 500 H.R. 3672......... Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2012. ................ ......................................................... Providing for the Consideration of Multiple Measures: H. Res. 26 H.R. 2............ Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act ................ H. Res. 9......... Instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law. ................ H. Res. 27........ Relating to the status of certain actions taken by Members-elect. H. Res. 170 H.R. 839.......... HAMP Termination Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 861.......... NSP Termination Act H. Res. 218 H.R. 1473......... Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 ................ H. Con. Res. 35... Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. ................ H. Con. Res. 36... Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. H. Res. 236 H.R. 1213......... To repeal the mandatory funding provided to States in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to establish American Health Benefits Exchanges. ................ H.R. 1214......... To repeal mandatory funding for school-based health center construction. H. Res. 245 H.R. 1229......... Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act ................ H.R. 1230......... Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act H. Res. 269 H.R. 1216......... To amend the Public Health Service Act to convert funding for graduate medical education in qualified teaching health centers from direct appropriations to an authorization of appropriations. ................ H.R. 1540......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 294 H. Res. 292....... Declaring that the President shall not deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of units and members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya, and for other purposes. ................ H. Con. Res. 51... Directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya. H. Res. 316 H.R. 2021......... Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 1249......... America Invents Act H. Res. 328 H.J. Res. 68...... Authorizing the limited use of the United States Armed Forces in support of the NATO mission in Libya. ................ H.R. 2278......... To limit the use of funds appropriated to the Department of Defense for United States Armed Forces in support of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operation Unified Protector with respect to Libya, unless otherwise specifically authorized by law. H. Res. 392 H.R. 2218......... Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act ................ H.R. 1892......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 H. Res. 419 H.R. 2681......... Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 2250......... EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 H. Res. 425 H.R. 2832......... Senate amendment to H.R. 2832, to extend the Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes, and the Senate amendment thereto. ................ H.R. 3078......... United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act ................ H.R. 3079......... United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act ................ H.R. 3080......... United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act H. Res. 448 H.R. 2576......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross income for purposes of determining eligibility for certain healthcare-related programs. ................ H.R. 674.......... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities. H. Res. 453 H.R. 2930......... Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act ................ H.R. 2940......... Access to Capital for Job Creators Act H. Res. 477 H.R. 3463......... To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions and by terminating the Election Assistance Commission. ................ H.R. 527.......... Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 3010......... Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011 H. Res. 500 H.R. 2055......... Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 ................ H.R. 3672......... Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2012 ................ H. Con. Res. 94... Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. 3672. H. Res. 502 H.R. 3630......... Senate amendments to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 ................ H. Res. 501....... Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding any final measure to extend the payroll tax holiday, extend federally funded unemployment insurance benefits, or prevent decreases in reimbursement for physicians who provide care to Medicare beneficiaries. H. Res. 547 H.R. 7............ American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 ................ H.R. 3408......... Protecting Investment in Oil Shale the Next Generation of Environmental, Energy, and Resource Security Act ................ H.R. 3813......... Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012 H. Res. 534 H.R. 3578......... Baseline Reform Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 3582......... Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011 H. Res. 614 H.R. 4089......... Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 ................ H. Con. Res. 112.. Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022. H. Res. 631 H.R. 3523......... Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 4628......... Interest Rate Reduction Act H. Res. 656 H.R. 4970......... Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2012 ................ H.R. 4310......... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 H. Res. 667 H.R. 5325......... Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 ................ H.R. 5743......... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 ................ H.R. 5854......... Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 ................ H.R. 5855......... Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 679 H.R. 436.......... Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2011 ................ H.R. 5882......... Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 697 H.R. 5972......... Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 ................ H.R. 5973......... Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 708 H. Rept. 112-546.. Relating to the consideration of House Report 112-546 and an accompanying resolution, and providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 706) authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas ................ H. Res. 706....... Authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas H. Res. 717 H.R. 4348......... Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012, Part II [Conference Report] ................ H.R. 5856......... Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2013 ................ H.R. 6020......... Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2013 H. Res. 738 H.R. 4078......... Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012 ................ H.R. 6082......... Congressional Replacement of President Obama's Energy- Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan H. Res. 747 H.R. 6169......... Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012 ................ H.R. 8............ Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 H. Res. 773 H.R. 5544......... Minnesota Education Investment and Employment Act ................ H.R. 5949......... FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012 H. Res. 778 H.J. Res. 117..... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013 ................ H.R. 6365......... National Security and Job Protection Act H. Res. 788 H.J. Res. 118..... Congressional Disapproval of Waiver of Work Requirements ................ H.R. 3409......... Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act H. Res. 841 H.J. Res. 66...... Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. ................ H.R. 6684......... Spending Reduction Act of 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Table 2.--Resolutions Reported -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule Bill Title and Floor Action Date Managers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 26, H. Rept. 112-2........ H.R. 2............... Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act ................. ........................... H. Res. 9............ Instructing certain committees to report ................. ........................... legislation replacing the job-killing health care law.. H. Res. 27........... Relating to the status of ceratin actions ................. ........................... taken by members-elect.. Reported from Rules....................... 1/6/2011 Dreier/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 236-182....... 1/7/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-181, 2 1/7/2011 ........................... present. H. Res. 43, H. Rept. 112-4........ H. Res. 38........... To reduce spending through a transition to ................. ........................... non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels or less. Reported from Rules....................... 1/19/2011 Dreier/McGovern Previous question agreed to 238-174....... 1/24/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 240-168.......... 1/24/2011 ........................... H. Res. 54, H. Rept. 112-5........ H.R. 359............. To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by ................. ........................... terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions. Reported from Rules....................... 1/25/2011 Foxx/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 234-178....... 1/26/2011 ........................... Rule adopted voice vote................... 1/26/2011 ........................... H. Res. 73, H. Rept. 112-7........ H. Res. 72........... Directing certain standing committees to ................. ........................... inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. Reported from Rules....................... 2/8/2011 Sessions/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 240-180....... 2/10/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 255-169.......... 2/10/2011 ........................... H. Res. 79, H. Rept. 112-8........ H.R. 514............. To extend expiring provisions of the USA ................. ........................... PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relating to access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 2/9/2011 Dreier/Polis Rule adopted record vote 248-176.......... 2/10/2011 ........................... H. Res. 92, H. Rept. 112-13....... H.R. 1............... Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 2/14/2011 Woodall/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 240-179....... 2/15/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 242-174, 2 2/15/2011 ........................... present. H. Res. 93, H. Rept. 112-14....... H.R. 514............. Senate Amendment to H.R. 514, to extend ................. ........................... expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Authorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relating to access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 2/15/2011 Dreier/Polis Rule adopted record vote 254-176.......... 2/16/2011 ........................... H. Res. 115, H. Rept. 112-19...... H.J. Res. 44......... Further Continuing Appropriations Amendments, ................. ........................... 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 2/28/2011 Woodall/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-179....... 3/1/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 251-170.......... 3/1/2011 ........................... H. Res. 128, H. Rept. 112-20...... H.R. 662............. Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/1/2011 Sessions/Hastings (FL) Rule adopted record vote 256-169.......... 3/2/2011 ........................... H. Res. 129, H. Rept 112-21....... H.R. 4............... Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination ................. ........................... Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 3/1/2011 Scott (SC)/Polis Previous question agreed to 243-185....... 3/2/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 252-175.......... 3/2/2011 ........................... H. Res. 150, H. Rept. 112-27...... H.R. 830............. FHA Refinance Program Termination Act........ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/8/2011 Bishop (UT)/Polis Previous question agreed to 235-186....... 3/9/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 240-180.......... 3/9/2011 ........................... H. Res. 151, H. Rept. 112-28...... H.R. 836............. Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termination ................. ........................... Act. Reported from Rules....................... 3/8/2011 Sessions/Slaughter Rule adopted voice vote................... 3/9/2011 ........................... H. Res. 167, H. Rept. 112-33...... H.J. Res. 48......... Additional Continuing Appropriations ................. ........................... Amendments, 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 3/14/2011 Woodall/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 241-181.......... 3/15/2011 ........................... H. Res. 170, H. Rept. 112-34...... H.R. 839............. HAMP Termination Act of 2011................. ................. ........................... H.R. 861............. NSP Termination Act......................... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/15/2011 Sessions/Polis Rule adopted record vote 241-180.......... 3/16/2011 ........................... H. Res. 174, H. Rept. 112-35...... H.R. 1076............ To prohibit Federal funding of National ................. ........................... Public Radio and the use of Federal funds to acquire radio content. Reported from Rules....................... 3/16/2011 Nugent/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 233-179....... 3/17/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-181.......... 3/17/2011 ........................... H. Res. 186, H. Rept. 112-45...... H.R. 471............. Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/29/2011 Bishop (UT)/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 237-182....... 3/30/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 235-178.......... 3/30/2011 ........................... H. Res. 189, H. Rept. 112-46...... H.R. 658............. FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/30/2011 Webster/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 249-171.......... 3/31/2011 ........................... H. Res. 194, H. Rept. 112-49...... H.R. 1255............ Government Shutdown Prevention Act of 2011... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/31/2011 Woodall/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 230-187....... 4/1/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 229-187.......... 4/1/2011 ........................... H. Res. 200, H. Rept. 112-53...... H.J. Res. 37......... Disapproving the rule submitted by the ................. ........................... Federal Communications Commission with respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry practices. Reported from Rules....................... 4/4/2011 Woodall/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-175....... 4/5/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 241-178.......... 4/5/2011 ........................... H. Res. 203, H. Rept. 112-54...... H.R. 910............. Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011............ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 4/5/2011 Sessions/Polis Previous question agreed to 266-158....... 4/6/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 250-172.......... 4/6/2011 ........................... H. Res. 206, H. Rept 112-56....... H.R. 1363............ Department of Defense and Further Additional ................. ........................... Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 4/6/2011 Foxx/McGovern Previous question agreed to 238-185....... 4/7/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 228-189.......... 4/7/2011 ........................... H. Res. 218, H. Rept. 112-60, and H.R. 1473............ Department of Defense and Full-Year ................. ........................... H. Rept. 112-60 Part 2 Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. H. Con. Res. 35...... Directing the Clerk of the House of ................. ........................... Representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. H. Con. Res. 36...... Directing the Clerk of the House of ................. ........................... Representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 1473. Reported from Rules....................... 4/12/2011 Dreier/Polis Previous question agreed to 242-183....... 4/13/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 241-179.......... 4/13/2011 ........................... H. Res. 219, H. Rept. 112-61...... H.R. 1217............ To repeal the Prevention and Public Health ................. ........................... Fund. Reported from Rules....................... 4/12/2011 Foxx/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 238-182....... 4/13/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 237-180.......... 4/13/2011 ........................... H. Res. 223, H. Rept. 112-62...... H. Con. Res. 34...... Establishing the budget for the United States ................. ........................... Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021. Reported from Rules....................... 4/13/2011 Scott (SC)/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 238-183....... 4/14/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 243-181.......... 4/14/2011 ........................... H. Res. 236, H. Rept. 112-70...... H.R. 1213............ To repeal mandatory funding provided to ................. ........................... States in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to establish American Health Benefit Exchanges. H.R. 1214............ To repeal mandatory funding for school-based ................. ........................... health center construction. Reported from Rules....................... 5/2/2011 Reed/Polis Previous question agreed to 234-185....... 5/3/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 237-185.......... 5/3/2011 ........................... H. Res. 237, H. Rept. 112-71...... H.R. 3............... No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act......... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 5/2/2011 Nugent/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 243-177.......... 5/4/2011 ........................... H. Res. 245, H. Rept. 112-73...... H.R. 1229............ Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act.. ................. ........................... H.R. 1230............ Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 5/4/2011 Bishop (UT)/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-171....... 5/5/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-167.......... 5/5/2011 ........................... H. Res. 257, H. Rept. 112-74...... H.R. 1231............ Reversing President Obama's Offshore ................. ........................... Moratorium Act. Reported from Rules....................... 5/10/2011 Reed/McGovern Previous question agreed to 241-179....... 5/11/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 241-179.......... 5/11/2011 ........................... H. Res. 264, H. Rept. 112-75...... H.R. 754............. Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 5/11/2011 Sessions/Hastings (FL) Rule adopted record vote 251-133.......... 5/13/2011 ........................... H. Res. 269, H. Rept. 112-86...... H.R. 1216............ To amend the Public Health Services Act to ................. ........................... convert funding for graduate medical education in qualified teaching health centers from direct appropriations to an authorization of appropriations. H.R. 1540............ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 5/23/2011 Foxx/McGovern Previous question agreed to 233-179....... 5/24/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 238-181.......... 5/24/2011 ........................... H. Res. 276, H. Rept. 112-88...... H.R. 1540............ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 5/24/2011 Bishop (UT)/McGovern Previous question agreed to 239-181....... 5/25/2011 ........................... Amendment adopted by voice vote........... 5/25/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 243-170.......... 5/25/2011 ........................... H. Res. 281, H. Rept. 112-92...... S. 990............... Senate Amendment to the House Amendment to S. ................. ........................... 990, the Small Business Additional Temporary Extension Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 5/26/2011 Dreier/Polis Rule adopted voice vote................... 5/26/2011 ........................... H. Res. 287, H. Rept. 112-95...... H.R. 2017............ Department of Homeland Security ................. ........................... Appropriations Act, 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 5/31/2011 Reed/Polis Previous question agreed to 235-186....... 6/1/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 231-187.......... 6/1/2011 ........................... H. Res. 288, H. Rept. 112-97...... H.R. 2055............ Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ................. Webster/Hastings (FL) and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 6/1/2011 ........................... Rule adopted voice vote................... 6/2/2011 ........................... H. Res. 294, H. Rept. 112-99...... H. Res. 292.......... Declaring that the President shall not ................. ........................... deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of units and members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya, and for other purposes. H. Con. Res. 51...... Directing the President, pursuant to section ................. ........................... 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya.. Reported from Rules....................... 6/2/2011 Scott (SC)/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 257-156.......... 6/3/2011 ........................... H. Res. 300, H. Rept. 112-103..... H.R. 2112............ Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug ................. ........................... Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 6/13/2011 Foxx/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 235-180.......... 6/14/2011 ........................... H. Res. 316, H. Rept. 112-111..... H.R. 2021............ Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011....... ................. ........................... H.R. 1249............ America Invents Act.......................... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 6/21/2011 Nugent/Polis Previous question agreed to 230-184....... 6/22/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 239-186.......... 6/22/2011 ........................... H. Res. 320, H. Rept. 112-113..... H.R. 2219............ Department of Defense Appropriations Act, ................. ........................... 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 6/22/2011 Nugent/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 247-168....... 6/23/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 251-173.......... 6/23/2011 ........................... H. Res. 328, H. Rept. 112-114..... H.J. Res. 68......... Authorizing the limited use of the United ................. ........................... States Armed Forces in support of the NATO mission in Libya. H.R. 2278............ To limit the use of funds appropriated to the ................. ........................... Department of Defense for United States Armed Forces in support of North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operation Unified Protector with respect to Libya, unless otherwise specifically authorized by law. Reported from Rules....................... 6/23/2011 Woodall/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 240-167.......... 6/24/2011 ........................... H. Res. 337, H. Rept. 112-135..... H.R. 2354............ Energy and Water Development Appropriations ................. ........................... Act, 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 7/6/2011 Webster/Polis Rule adopted voice vote................... 7/8/2011 ........................... H. Res. 340, H. Rept. 112-138..... H.R. 1309............ Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011........... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 7/7/2011 Sessions/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 269-146.......... 7/8/2011 ........................... H. Res. 347, H. Rept. 112-144..... H.R. 2018............ Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of ................. ........................... 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 7/12/2011 Bishop (UT)/Polis Rule adopted record vote 250-171.......... 7/13/2011 ........................... H. Res. 355, H. Rept. 112-150..... H.R. 2560............ Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011............ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 7/18/2011 Woodall/McGovern Previous question agreed to 235-175....... 7/19/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-177.......... 7/19/2011 ........................... H. Res. 357, H. Rept. 112-155..... H.R. 2553............ Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011, ................. ........................... Part IV. Reported from Rules....................... 7/19/2011 Webster/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 239-183....... 7/20/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 242-178.......... 7/20/2011 ........................... H. Res. 358, H. Rept. 112-172..... H.R. 1315............ Consumer Financial Protection Safety and ................. ........................... Soundness Improvement Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 7/20/2011 Sessions/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 238-177.......... 7/21/2011 ........................... H. Res. 359, H. Rept. 112-173..... H.R. 2551............ Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2012.. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 7/20/2011 Foxx/Polis Rule adopted record vote 239-172.......... 7/21/2011 ........................... H. Res. 363, H. Rept. 112-176..... H.R. 2584............ Department of the Interior, Environment, and ................. ........................... Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 7/21/2011 Bishop (UT)/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 205-131.......... 7/25/2011 ........................... H. Res. 370, H. Rept. 112-181..... H.R. 1938............ North American-Made Energy Security Act...... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 7/25/2011 Webster/Hastings (FL) Rule adopted record vote 246-171.......... 7/26/2011 ........................... H. Res. 372, H. Rept. 112-183..... H.R. 2587............ Protecting Jobs From Government Interference ................. ........................... Act. Reported from Rules....................... 7/26/2011 Scott (SC)/McGovern Previous question agreed to 234-177....... 9/15/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 239-176.......... 9/15/2011 ........................... H. Res. 375, H. Rept. 112-184..... S. 627............... Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control Act ................. ........................... of 2011). Reported from Rules....................... 7/27/2011 Dreier/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 238-186.......... 7/28/2011 ........................... H. Res. 382, H. Rept. 112-185..... H. Res. 382.......... Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule ................. ........................... XII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. Reported from Rules....................... 7/28/2011 Sessions/Polis Previous question agreed to 237-185....... 7/29/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-186.......... 7/29/2011 ........................... H. Res. 383, H. Rept. 112-187..... S. 627............... Faster FOIA Act of 2011 (Budget Control Act ................. ........................... of 2011). Reported from Rules....................... 7/29/2011 Dreier/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 239-187.......... 7/29/2011 ........................... H. Res. 384, H. Rept. 112-190..... S. 365............... To make a technical amendment to the ................. ........................... Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (Budget Control Act of 2011). Reported from Rules....................... 8/1/2011 Dreier/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 242-184....... 8/1/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 249-178.......... 8/1/2011 ........................... H. Res. 392, H. Rept. 112-200..... H.R. 2218............ Empowering Parents through Quality Charter ................. ........................... Schools. H.R. 1892............ Intelligence Authorization Act of Fiscal Year ................. ........................... 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 9/7/2011 Foxx/Polis Previous question agreed to 226-176....... 9/8/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 237-163.......... 9/8/2011 ........................... H. Res. 399, H. Rept. 112-207..... H.J. Res. 79......... Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2012... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 9/15/2011 Woodall/Slaughter Laid on the table......................... 9/21/2011 ........................... H. Res. 405, H. Rept. 112-212..... H.R. 2608............ Senate Amendment to H.R. 2608, the Small ................. ........................... Business Program Extension and Reform Act of 2011 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012). Reported from Rules....................... 9/20/2011 Woodall/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 237-188....... 9/21/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 238-185.......... 9/21/2011 ........................... H. Res. 406, H. Rept. 112-213..... H.R. 2401............ Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of ................. ........................... Impacts on the Nation Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 9/20/2011 Bishop (UT)/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 237-184....... 9/22/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-175.......... 9/22/2011 ........................... H. Res. 409, H. Rept. 112-214 and H. Res. 409.......... Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule ................. ........................... H. Rept. 112-214 Part 2. XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. Reported from Rules....................... 9/21/2011 Dreier/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 240-180....... 9/22/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 238-182.......... 9/22/2011 ........................... H. Res. 412, H. Rept. 112-215..... H.R. 2608............ Senate amendment to H.R. 2608, the Small ................. ........................... Business Program Extension and Reform Act of 2011 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012). Reported from Rules....................... 9/22/2011 Dreier/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 235-177....... 9/22/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 238-176.......... 9/22/2011 ........................... H. Res. 418, H. Rept. 112-230..... H.R. 2832............ Senate amendment to H.R. 2832, to extend the ................. ........................... Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules....................... 10/3/2011 Dreier/McGovern Laid on the table......................... 10/11/2011 ........................... H. Res. 419, H. Rept. 112-231..... H.R. 2681............ Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011.. ................. ........................... H.R. 2250............ EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011............ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 10/3/2011 Nugent/Hastings (FL) Rule adopted record vote 257-165.......... 10/4/2011 ........................... H. Res. 425, H. Rept. 112-240, and H.R 2832............. Senate amendment to H.R. 2832, to extend the ................. ........................... H. Rept. 112-240 Part 2. Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes. H.R. 3078............ United States-Colombia Trade Promotion ................. ........................... Agreement Implementation Act. H.R. 3079............ United States-Panama Trade Promotion ................. ........................... Agreement Implementation Act. H.R. 3080............ United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement ................. ........................... Implementation Act. Reported from Rules....................... 10/6/2011 Dreier/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 281-128.......... 10/11/2011 ........................... H. Res. 430, H. Rept. 112-243..... H.R. 358............. Protect Life Act............................. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 10/12/2011 Foxx/Hastings (FL) Motion to consider agreed to by voice vote 10/13/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 248-173.......... 10/13/2011 ........................... H. Res. 431, H. Rept. 112-244..... H.R. 2273............ Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act...... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 10/12/2011 Scott (SC)/McGovern Previous question agreed to 237-166....... 10/14/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 244-163.......... 10/14/2011 ........................... H. Res. 444, H. Rept. 112-258..... H.R. 1904............ Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and ................. ........................... Conservation Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 10/24/2011 Bishop (UT)/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 245-178.......... 10/25/2011 ........................... H. Res. 448, H. Rept. 112-261..... H.R. 2576............ To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ................. ........................... modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross income for purposes of determining eligibility for certain healthcare-related programs. H.R. 674............. To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ................. ........................... repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities. Reported from Rules....................... 10/25/2011 Scott (SC)/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 243-178....... 10/26/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 253-172.......... 10/26/2011 ........................... H. Res. 453, H. Rept. 112-265..... H.R. 2930............ Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act........... ................. ........................... H.R. 2940............ Access to Capital for Job Creators Act....... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 11/2/2011 Sessions/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-184....... 11/3/2011 ........................... Rule adopted voice vote................... 11/3/2011 ........................... H. Res. 455, H. Rept. 112-267..... H.R. 2838............ Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act ................. ........................... of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 11/3/2011 Webster/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 234-177....... 11/4/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-166.......... 11/4/2011 ........................... H. Res. 463, H. Rept. 112-283..... H.R. 822............. National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of ................. ........................... 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 11/14/2011 Nugent/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 271-153.......... 11/15/2011 ........................... H. Res. 466, H. Rept. 112-285..... H. Res. 466.......... Providing for consideration of motions to ................. ........................... suspend the rules. Reported from Rules....................... 11/15/2011 Nugent/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 243-173....... 11/17/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 248-169.......... 11/17/2011 ........................... H. Res. 467, H. Rept. 112-290..... H.R. 2112............ Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug ................. ........................... Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 [CONFERENCE REPORT]. Reported from Rules....................... 11/16/2011 Foxx/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 262-156.......... 11/17/2011 ........................... H. Res. 470, H. Rept. 112-291..... H.R. 3094............ Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act......... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 11/17/2011 Foxx/Polis Rule adopted record vote 239-167.......... 11/18/2011 ........................... H. Res. 477, H. Rept. 112-296..... H.R. 527............. Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of ................. ........................... 2011. H.R. 3010............ Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011........ ................. ........................... H.R. 3463............ To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by ................. ........................... terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions and by terminating the Election Assistance Commission. Reported from Rules....................... 11/29/2011 Woodall/McGovern Previous question agreed to 239-184....... 11/30/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 239-178.......... 11/30/2011 ........................... H. Res. 479, H. Rept. 112-311..... H.R. 10.............. Regulations From the Executive in Need of ................. ........................... Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 12/1/2011 Nugent/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 236-184....... 12/6/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 235-180.......... 12/6/2011 ........................... H. Res. 487, H. Rept. 112-317..... H.R. 1633............ Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011.. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 12/7/2011 Webster/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-173....... 12/8/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 249-161.......... 12/8/2011 ........................... H. Res. 491, H. Rept. 112-328..... H.R. 3630............ Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act ................. ........................... of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 12/12/2011 Dreier/McGovern Previous question agreed to 236-182....... 12/13/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-180.......... 12/13/2011 ........................... H. Res. 493, H. Rept. 112-330..... H.R. 1540............ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2012 [CONFERENCE REPORT]. Reported from Rules....................... 12/13/2011 Bishop (UT)/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 235-173....... 12/14/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-169.......... 12/14/2011 ........................... H. Res. 500, H. Rept. 112-332..... H.R. 2055............ Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and ................. ........................... Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 [CONFERENCE REPORT]. H.R. 3672............ Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2012..... ................. ........................... H. Con. Res. 94...... Directing the Clerk of the House of ................. ........................... Representatives to make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. 3672. Reported from Rules....................... 12/15/2011 Dreier/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 239-179....... 12/16/2011 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 252-164.......... 12/16/2011 ........................... H. Res. 502, H. Rept. 112-335..... H.R. 3630............ Senate Amendments to H.R. 3630, the Middle ................. ........................... Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011. H. Res. 501.......... Expressing the sense of the House of ................. ........................... Representatives regarding any final measure to extend the payroll tax holiday, extend Federally funded unemployment insurance benefits, or prevent decreases in reimbursement for physicians who provide care to Medicare beneficiaries. Reported from Rules....................... 12/19/2011 Scott (SC)/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 233-187, 1 12/20/2011 ........................... Present. Rule adopted record vote 231-187, 1 12/20/2011 ........................... Present. H. Res. 515, H. Rept. 112-365 H. Res. 515.......... Addressing a motion to proceed under section ................. ........................... 3101A of title 31, United States Code. Reported from Rules....................... 1/17/2012 Scott (SC)/Polis Previous question agreed to 238-176, 1 1/18/2012 ........................... Present. Rule adopted voice vote................... 1/18/2012 ........................... H. Res. 522, H. Rept. 112-375 H.R. 1173............ Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security ................. ........................... Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 1/24/2012 Sessions/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 251-157.......... 1/31/2012 ........................... H. Res. 533, H. Rept. 112-382 H.R. 658............. FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 ................. ........................... [CONFERENCE REPORT]. Reported from Rules....................... 2/1/2012 Webster/Slaughter Rule adopted voice vote................... 2/3/2012 ........................... H. Res. 534, H. Rept. 112-383 H.R. 3578............ Baseline Reform Act of 2012.................. ................. ........................... H.R. 3582............ Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011............. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 2/1/2012 Woodall/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 238-177....... 2/2/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 238-179.......... 2/2/2012 ........................... H. Res. 537, H. Rept. 112-385 H.R. 1734............ Civilian Property Realignment Act............ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 2/3/2012 Webster/Polis Rule adopted record vote 233-155.......... 2/6/2012 ........................... H. Res. 539, H. Rept. 112-388 H.R. 3581............ Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of ................. ........................... 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 2/6/2012 Woodall/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 239-181.......... 2/7/2012 ........................... H. Res. 540, H. Rept. 112-389 H.R. 3521............ Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and ................. ........................... Rescissions Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 2/7/2012 Woodall/Polis Previous question agreed to 240-184....... 2/8/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 238-175.......... 2/8/2012 ........................... H. Res. 547, H. Rept. 112-398 H.R. 7............... American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act ................. ........................... of 2012. H.R. 3408............ Protecting Investment in Oil Shale the Next ................. ........................... Generation of Environmental, Energy, and Resource Security Act. H.R. 3813............ Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act ................. ........................... of 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 2/14/2012 Webster/McGovern Previous question agreed to 229-181....... 2/15/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 235-186.......... 2/15/2012 ........................... H. Res. 554, H. Rept. 112-400 H.R. 3630............ Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act ................. ........................... of 2012 [CONFERENCE REPORT]. Reported from Rules....................... 2/16/2012 Scott (SC)/Hastings (FL) Rule adopted voice vote................... 2/17/2012 ........................... H. Res. 563, H. Rept. 112-404 H.R. 2117............ Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher ................. ........................... Education Act. Reported from Rules....................... 02/27/12 Foxx/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 244-171.......... 02/28/12 ........................... H. Res. 566, H. Rept. 112-405 H.R. 1837............ Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water ................. ........................... Reliability Act. Reported from Rules....................... 2/28/2012 Bishop (UT)/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-178....... 2/29/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-173.......... 2/29/2012 ........................... H. Res. 570, H. Rept. 112-408 H.R. 2842............ Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit ................. ........................... Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act of 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 3/05/2012 Bishop (UT)/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 232-177....... 3/06/2012 ........................... Rule adopted voice vote................... 3/06/2012 ........................... H. Res. 572, H. Rept. 112-409 H.R. 3606............ Reopening American Capital Markets to ................. ........................... Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 3/06/2012 Sessions/Polis Previous question agreed to 244-177....... 3/07/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 252-166.......... 3/07/2012 ........................... H. Res. 587, H. Rept. 112-415 H.R. 2087............ To remove restrictions from a parcel of land ................. Bishop (UT)/Slaughter situated in the Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia. Reported from Rules....................... 3/19/2012 ........................... Agreed to consider the resolution by 3/20/2012 ........................... record vote 227-172. Rule adopted record vote 232-170.......... 3/20/2012 ........................... H. Res. 591, H. Rept. 112-416 H.R. 5............... Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely ................. Nugent/Hastings (FL) Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011. Reported from Rules....................... 3/20/2012 ........................... Previous question agreed to 231-179....... 3/21/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 233-182.......... 3/21/2012 ........................... H. Res. 595, H. Rept. 112-422 H.R. 3309............ Federal Communications Commission Process ................. Webster/ Hastings (FL) Reform Act of 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 3/26/2012 ........................... Previous question agreed to 236-182....... 3/27/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 242-177.......... 3/27/2012 ........................... H. Res. 597, H. Rept. 112-423 H. Con. Res. 112..... Establishing the budget for the United States ................. Woodall/Slaughter Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022.. Reported from Rules....................... 3/27/2012 ........................... Previous question agreed to 235-183....... 3/28/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 241-184.......... 3/28/2012 ........................... H. Res. 600, H. Rept. 112-424 H.R. 4281............ Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 3/28/2012 Webster/McGovern Previous question agreed to 237-178....... 3/29/2012 ........................... Rule adopted voice vote................... 3/29/2012 ........................... H. Res. 614, H. Rept. 112-444 H.R. 4089............ Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012............ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules.......................... 4/16/2012 Bishop (UT)/McGovern Question of consideration agreed to 234- 4/17/2012 ........................... 175. Previous question agreed to 235-179....... 4/17/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 228-184.......... 4/17/2012 ........................... H. Res. 619, H. Rept. 112-446 H.R. 4348............ Surface Transportation Extension Act of ................. ........................... 2012, Part II. Reported from Rules....................... 4/17/2012 Foxx/Polis Previous question agreed to 243-180....... 4/18/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 246-177.......... 4/18/2012 ........................... H. Res. 620, H. Rept. 112-447 H.R. 9............... Small Business Tax Cut Act................... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 4/17/2012 Sessions/Hastings (FL) Amendment agreed to by voice vote......... 4/19/2012 ........................... Previous question agreed to 234-179....... 4/19/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 234-178.......... 4/19/2012 ........................... H. Res. 631, H. Rept. 112-454 H.R. 3523............ Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 4/25/2012 Nugent/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-179....... 4/26/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-185.......... 4/26/2012 ........................... H.R. 4628............ Interest Rate Reduction Act.................. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 4/25/2012 Nugent/Polis Previous question agreed to 241-179....... 4/26/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 236-185.......... 4/26/2012 ........................... H. Res. 643, H. Rept. 112-464 H.R. 5326............ Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related ................. ........................... Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. Reported from Rules....................... 5/7/2012 Woodall/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 235-174....... 5/8/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 228-181.......... 5/8/2012 ........................... H. Res 648, H. Rept. 112-472 H.R. 5652............ Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of ................. ........................... 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 5/9/2012 Woodall/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 233-183.......... 5/10/2012 ........................... H. Res. 656, H. Rept. 112-481 H.R. 4970............ Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of ................. ........................... 2012. H.R. 4310............ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2013. Reported from Rules....................... 5/15/2012 Foxx/Polis Rule adopted record vote 235-186, 1 5/16/2012 ........................... Present. H. Res. 661, H. Rept. 112-485 H.R. 4310............ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2013. Reported from Rules....................... 5/17/2012 Bishop (UT)/McGovern Previous question agreed to 236-182....... 5/17/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 244-178.......... 5/17/2012 ........................... H. Res. 667, H. Rept. 112-504 H.R. 5743............ Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2013. H.R. 5854............ Military Construction and Veterans Affairs ................. ........................... and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H.R. 5855............ Department of Homeland Security ................. ........................... Appropriations Act, 2013. H.R. 5325............ Energy and Water Development and Related ................. ........................... Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. Reported from Rules....................... 5/30/2012 Nugent/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 233-180....... 5/31/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 246-166.......... 5/31/2012 ........................... H. Res. 679, H. Rept. 112-518 H.R. 436............. Health Care Cost Reduction Act of 2012....... ................. ........................... H.R. 5882............ Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2013.. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 6/6/2012 Scott (SC)/Polis Previous question agreed to 240-179....... 6/7/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 241-173.......... 6/7/2012 ........................... H. Res. 688, H. Rept. 112-539 H.R. 2578............ Conservation and Economic Growth Act......... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 6/18/2012 Bishop (UT)/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 238-178....... 6/19/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 240-175.......... 6/19/2012 ........................... H. Res. 691, H. Rept. 112-540 H.R. 4480............ Strategic Energy Production Act of 2012...... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 6/19/2012 Bishop (UT)/Polis Previous question agreed to 242-183....... 6/20/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-178.......... 6/20/2012 ........................... H. Res. 697, H. Rept. 112-545 H.R. 5972............ Transportation, Housing and Urban ................. ........................... Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. H.R. 5973............ Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug ................. ........................... Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013. Reported from Rules....................... 6/21/2012 Foxx/McGovern Previous question agreed to 226-168....... 6/26/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 229-166.......... 6/26/2012 ........................... H. Res. 708, H. Rept. 112-553 H. Res. 706.......... Authorizing the Committee on Oversight and ................. ........................... Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas. H. Res. 711.......... Resolution recommending that the House of ................. ........................... Representatives find Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, in contempt of Congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Reported from Rules....................... 6/27/2012 Nugent/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 254-173.......... 6/28/2012 ........................... H. Res. 717, H. Rept. 112-558 H.R. 5856............ Department of Defense Appropriations Act, ................. ........................... 2013. H.R. 6020............ Financial Services and General Government ................. ........................... Appropriations Act, 2013. H.R. 4348............ Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012, ................. ........................... Part II. Reported from Rules....................... 6/28/2012 Webster/Hastings (FL) Rule adopted record vote 244-176.......... 6/29/2012 ........................... H. Res. 724, H. Rept. 112-587 H.R. 6079............ Repeal of Obamacare Act...................... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 7/9/2012 Sessions/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 238-184....... 7/10/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 240-182.......... 7/10/2012 ........................... H. Res. 726, H. Rept. 112-590 H.R. 4402............ National Strategic and Critical Minerals ................. Bishop (UT)/Polis Production Act of 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 7/10/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 245-180.......... 7/11/2012 ........................... H. Res. 738, H. Rept. 112-616 H.R. 4078............ Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012....... ................. ........................... H.R. 6082............ Congressional Replacement of President ................. ........................... Obama's Energy-Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan. Reported from Rules....................... 7/23/2012 Foxx/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 238-177....... 7/24/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 244-170.......... 7/24/2012 ........................... H. Res. 741, H. Rept. 112-623 H.R. 4078............ Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012....... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 7/25/2012 Foxx/Polis Previous question agreed to 235-183....... 7/26/2012 ........................... Amendment agreed to by voice vote......... 7/26/2012 ........................... Rule adopted voice vote................... 7/26/2012 ........................... H. Res. 747, H. Rept. 112-641 H.R. 6169............ Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, ................. ........................... Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012. H.R. 8............... Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act ................. ........................... of 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 7/31/2012 Scott (SC)/Slaughter Amendment agreed to record vote 238-186... 8/1/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 240-184.......... 8/1/2012 ........................... H. Res. 752, H. Rept. 112-644 H.R. 6233............ Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2012. ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 8/1/2012 Foxx/Polis Previous question agreed to 236-182....... 8/2/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 235-181.......... 8/2/2012 ........................... H. Res. 773, H. Rept. 112-660 H.R. 5544............ Minnesota Education Investment and Employment ................. ........................... Act. H.R. 5949............ FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of ................. ........................... 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 9/10/2012 Nugent/Polis Previous question agreed to 232-177....... 9/11/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 233-179.......... 9/11/2012 ........................... H. Res. 778, H. Rept. 112-667 H.J. Res. 117........ Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013... ................. ........................... H.R. 6365............ National Security and Job Protection Act..... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 9/12/2012 Woodall/Hastings (FL) Previous question agreed to 235-178....... 9/13/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 232-182.......... 9/13/2012 ........................... H. Res. 779, H. Rept. 112-668 H.R. 6213............ No More Solyndras Act........................ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 9/12/2012 Sessions/McGovern Rule adopted record vote 232-182.......... 9/13/2012 ........................... H. Res. 788, H. Rept. 112-680 H.J. Res. 118........ Providing for congressional disapproval under ................. ........................... chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Office of Family Assistance of the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services relating to waiver and expenditure authority under section 1115 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1315) with respect to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. H.R. 3409............ Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy ................. ........................... Infrastructure Protection Act. Reported from Rules....................... 9/19/2012 Bishop (UT)/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 238-179....... 9/20/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 233-182.......... 9/20/2012 ........................... H. Res. 808, H. Rept. 112-693 H.R. 6156............ Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act ................. ........................... of 2012. Reported from Rules....................... 11/13/2012 Dreier/McGovern Previous question agreed to 243-164....... 11/15/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 253-150.......... 11/15/2012 ........................... H. Res. 821, H. Rept. 112-697 H.R. 6429............ STEM Jobs Act of 2012........................ ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 11/28/2012 Nugent/Polis Rule adopted record vote 243-170.......... 11/29/2012 ........................... H. Res. 827, H. Rept. 112-700 H. Res. 827 Providing for consideration of motions to ................. ........................... suspend the rules. Reported from Rules....................... 12/11/2012 Sessions/Slaughter Previous question agreed to 224-183....... 12/12/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 226-178.......... 12/12/2012 ........................... H. Res. 840, H. Rept. 112-707 H.R. 4310............ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal ................. ........................... Year 2013. Reported from Rules....................... 12/19/2012 Bishop (UT)/McGovern Previous question agreed to 233-186....... 12/20/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 243-177.......... 12/20/2012 ........................... H. Res. 841, H. Rept. 112-708 H.J. Res. 66......... Senate Amendment to approving the renewal of ................. ........................... import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. H.R. 6684............ Spending Reduction Act of 2012............... ................. ........................... Reported from Rules....................... 12/19/2012 Dreier/Slaughter Previous Question agreed to 233-184....... 12/20/2012 ........................... Rule adopted record vote 219-197.......... 12/20/2012 ........................... H. Res. 843, H. Rept. 112-734 H. Res. 843.......... Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule ................. ........................... XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. Reported from Rules....................... 12/30/2012 Sessions/Slaughter H. Res. 844, H. Rept. 112-741 H.R. 8............... Senate Amendments to the Job Protection and ................. ........................... Recession Prevention Act of 2012 (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012). Reported from Rules....................... 1/1/2013 Dreier/Slaughter Rule adopted record vote 408-10........... 1/1/2013 ........................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Table 3.--Resolutions Discharged The Committee was not discharged from the consideration of any resolution. D. Table 4.--Resolutions Laid on the Table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 399.................. H.J. Res. 79... Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 79) making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. H. Res. 418.................. H.R. 2832...... Providing for consideration of the Senate Amendment to the bill (H.R. 2832) to extend the Generalized System of Preferences, and for other purposes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Table 5.--Resolutions Amended ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution Bill Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 276.................. H.R. 1540...... Providing for further consideration of the bill (H.R. 1540) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for military activities for the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. H. Res. 620.................. H.R. 9......... Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 9) to amend the internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a deduction for domestic business income of qualified small businesses. H. Res. 741.................. H.R. 4078...... Providing for further consideration of the bill (H.R. 4078) to provide that no agency may take any significant regulatory action until the unemployment rate is equal to or less than 6.0 percent. H. Res. 747.................. H.R. 6169, H.R. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6169) to provide 8. for expedited consideration of a bill providing for comprehensive tax reform; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8) to extend certain tax relief provisions enacted in 2001 and 2003, and for other purposes; providing for proceedings during the period from August 3, 2012, through September 7, 2012; providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules; and waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) or rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Table 6a.--List of Original Jurisdiction Referrals--House Resolutions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Res. 9....................................... Representative Dreier of California, January 5, 2011. A resolution instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law. H. Res. 14...................................... Representative Gingrey of Georgia, January 5, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that standing committees make available the record of recorded votes within 48 hours after that vote. H. Res. 15...................................... Representative Gingrey of Georgia, January 5, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that general appropriations for military construction and veterans' affairs be considered as stand-alone measures. H. Res. 22...................................... Representative Walden of Oregon, January 6, 2011. A resolution reducing the amount authorized for salaries and expenses of Member, committee, and leadership offices in 2011 and 2012. H. Res. 24...................................... Representative Hoyer of Maryland, January 6, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to permit Delegates and the Resident Commissioner to the Congress to cast votes in the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. H. Res. 30...................................... Representative Deutch of Florida, January 7, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that plain English section by section analyses be posted on the Internet for bill and joint resolutions reported by committees. H. Res. 38...................................... Representative Dreier of California, January 18, 2011. A resolution to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels. H. Res. 45...................................... Representative Gerlach of Pennsylvania, January 19, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to encourage bipartisan amendments. H. Res. 46...................................... Representative Yarmuth of Kentucky, January 20, 2011. A resolution restoring the democratic process by providing that section 3(b) of H. Res. 5 shall have no force or effect during the remainder of the 112th Congress. H. Res. 48...................................... Representative Lee of California, January 20, 2011. A resolution establishing a select committee to review national security laws, policies, and practices. H. Res. 67...................................... Representative Lamborn of Colorado, January 26, 2011. A resolution to amend the Rules of the House of Representatives to prohibit bills and joint resolutions from containing more than one subject. H. Res. 70...................................... Representative Schweikert of Arizona, January 26, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to prohibit the consideration of any bill or joint resolution carrying more than one subject. H. Res. 72...................................... Representative Sessions of Texas, February 8, 2011. A resolution directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth. H. Res. 82...................................... Representative Duncan of South Carolina, February 10, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to establish the Committee on the Elimination of Nonessential Federal Programs. H. Res. 111..................................... Representative King of New York, February 28, 2011. A resolution establishing a Select Committee on POW and MIA Affairs. H. Res. 142..................................... Representative Gardner of Colorado, March 3, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require authorizing committees to hold annual hearings on GAO investigative reports on the identification, consolidation, and elimination of duplicative Government programs. H. Res. 143..................................... Representative Gohmert of Texas, March 3, 2011. A resolution directing the Speaker, or his designee, to take any and all actions necessary to assert the standing of the House to defend the Defense of Marriage Act and the amendments made by that Act in any litigation in any Federal court of the United States. H. Res. 169..................................... Representative Crowley of New York, March 15, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that a Member, Delegate or Resident Commissioner notify the Clerk of whether that Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner elects to participate in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program. H. Res. 173..................................... Representative Poe of Texas, March 16, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to prohibit the consideration of any bill or joint resolution that appropriates foreign assistance for more than one country. H. Res. 178..................................... Representative Heck of Nevada, March 17, 2011. A resolution amending the rules of the House of Representatives to require a committee report on a bill or joint resolution to include a statement of whether the legislation creates any duplicative programs. H. Res. 230..................................... Representative Peters of Michigan, April 15, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to provide that the House may not consider any reported bill until at least 72 hours after it is reported. H. Res. 307..................................... Representative Bass of New Hampshire, June 15, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to establish a Committee on the reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. H. Res. 310..................................... Representative Critz of Pennsylvania, June 16, 2011. A resolution providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 639) to amend title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 to clarify that countervailing duties may be imposed to address subsidies relating to a fundamentally undervalued currency of any foreign country. H. Res. 330..................................... Representative Peters of Michigan, June 23, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that legislation and conference reports be available on the Internet for 72 hours before consideration by the House, and for other purposes. H. Res. 349..................................... Representatives Myrick of North Carolina, July 13, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to prevent duplicative and overlapping government programs. H. Res. 437..................................... Representative Pearce of New Mexico, October 13, 2011. A resolution recognizing the security challenges of convening government officials in one specific place and directing the House of Representatives to take appropriate steps so that the House of Representatives can meet in a virtual setting. H. Res. 469..................................... Representative Roe of Tennessee, November 16, 2011. A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. H. Res. 471..................................... Representative King of Iowa, November 17, 2011. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that rescission bills always be considered under open rules every year, and for other purposes. H. Res. 475..................................... Representative Roe of Tennessee, November 29, 2011. A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. H. Res. 541..................................... Representative Polis of Colorado, February 8, 2012. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to provide that the House may not consider major legislation unless it addresses one issue at a time. H. Res. 575..................................... Representative Jones of North Carolina, March 7, 2012. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to observe a moment of silence in the House on the first legislative day of each month for those killed or wounded in the United States engagement in Afghanistan. H. Res. 623..................................... Representative Myrick of North Carolina, April 19, 2012. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to prevent duplicative and overlapping government programs. H. Res. 706..................................... Representative Issa of California, June 26, 2012. A resolution authorizing the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings to enforce certain subpoenas. H. Res. 712..................................... Representative Jackson Lee of Texas, June 28, 2012. A resolution recommending that the Speaker of the House of Representatives not move to proceed to the consideration of the House Resolution finding Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, in contempt of Congress pursuant to the report of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. H. Res. 739..................................... Representative Braley of Iowa, July 24, 2012. A resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6083) to provide for the reform and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2017, and for other purposes. H. Res. 746..................................... Representative Slaughter of New York, July 31, 2012. A resolution prohibiting the consideration of a concurrent resolution providing for adjournment or adjournment sine die unless a law is enacted to provide for the extension of certain expired or expiring tax provisions that apply to middle-income taxpayers. H. Res. 768..................................... Representative McCollum of Minnesota, August 2, 2012. A resolution amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to expand the jurisdiction of the Committee on Small Business to include nonprofit organizations. H. Res. 824..................................... Representative Wolf of Virginia, December 4, 2012. A bill to establish a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 6b.--List of Original Jurisdiction Referrals--House Bills -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H.R. 2.......................................... Representative Cantor of Virginia, January 5, 2011. A bill to repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. H.R. 10......................................... Representative Davis of Kentucky, January 20, 2011. A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. H.R. 12......................................... Representative Larson of Connecticut, September 21, 2011. A bill to provide tax relief for American workers and businesses, to put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America, and to provide pathways back to work for Americans looking for jobs. H.R. 84......................................... Representative Jackson Lee of Texas, January 5, 2011. A bill to amend title 28, United States Code, to grant to the House of Representatives the authority to bring a civil action to enforce, secure a declaratory judgment concerning the validity of, or prevent a threatened refusal or failure to comply with any subpoena or order issued by the House or any committee or subcommittee of the House to secure the production of documents, the answering of any deposition or interrogatory, or the securing of testimony, and for other purposes. H.R. 104........................................ Representative Boustany of Louisiana, January 5, 2011. A bill to ensure that amounts credited to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund are used for harbor maintenance. H.R. 105........................................ Representative Burton of Indiana, January 5, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and related health-care provisions and to enact in its place incentives to encourage health insurance coverage, and for other purposes. H.R. 114........................................ Representative Dreier of California, January 5, 2011. A bill to provide a biennial budget for the United States Government. H.R. 125........................................ Representative Gingrey of Georgia, January 5, 2011. A bill to require Congress to specify the source of authority under the United States Constitution for the enactment of laws, and for other purposes. H.R. 141........................................ Representative King of Iowa, January 5, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. H.R. 145........................................ Representative Mack of Florida, January 5, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148) and related health-care provisions. H.R. 187........................................ Representative Wilson of South Carolina, January 5, 2011. A bill to provide that rates of pay for Members of Congress shall not be subject to automatic adjustment; and to provide that any bill or resolution, and any amendment to any bill or resolution, which would increase Members' pay may be adopted only by a recorded vote. H.R. 215........................................ Representative Young of Alaska, January 7, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and title I of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 while preserving the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. H.R. 265........................................ Delegate Norton of District of Columbia, January 12, 2011. A bill to provide for the admission of the State of New Columbia into the Union. H.R. 299........................................ Representative Broun of Georgia, January 18, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, repeal the 7.5 percent threshold on the deduction for medical expenses, provide for increased funding for high-risk pools, allow acquiring health insurance across State lines, and allow for the creation of association health plans. H.R. 339........................................ Representative Jenkins of Kansas, January 19, 2011. A bill to deem any adjournment of the House of Representatives which is in effect on the date of the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held during a Congress to be adjournment sine die, and to amend title 31, United States Code, to provide for automatic continuing appropriations if a regular appropriation bill for a fiscal year does not become law before the date of the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held during such fiscal year. H.R. 364........................................ Representative Latham of Iowa, January 20, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and to take meaningful steps to lower health care costs and increase access to health insurance coverage without raising taxes, cutting Medicare benefits for seniors, adding to the national deficit, intervening in the doctor-patient relationship, or instituting a government takeover of health care. H.R. 373........................................ Representative Foxx of North Carolina, January 20, 2011. A bill to amend the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 to ensure that actions taken by regulatory agencies are subject to that Act, and for other purposes. H.R. 385........................................ Representative Lee of California, January 20, 2011. A bill to require poverty impact statements for certain legislation. H.R. 397........................................ Representative Herger of California, January 24, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to take meaningful steps to lower health care costs and increase access to health insurance coverage without raising taxes, cutting Medicare benefits for seniors, adding to the national deficit, intervening in the doctor-patient relationship, or instituting a government takeover of health care. H.R. 408........................................ Representative Jordan of Ohio, January 24, 2011. A bill to reduce Federal spending by $2.5 trillion through fiscal year 2021. H.R. 429........................................ Representative Issa of California, January 25, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to amend title 5, United States Code, to establish a national health program administered by the Office of Personnel Management to offer Federal employee health benefits plans to individuals who are not Federal employees, and for other purposes. H.R. 452........................................ Representative Roe of Tennessee, January 26, 2011. A bill to repeal the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act providing for the Independent Payment Advisory Board. H.R. 462........................................ Representative Goodlatte of Virginia, January 26, 2011. A bill to terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. H.R. 506........................................ Delegate Norton of District of Columbia, January 26, 2011. A bill to amend the District of Columbia Home Rule Act to eliminate Congressional review of newly passed District laws. H.R. 539........................................ Representative Deutch of Florida, February 8, 2011. A bill to amend title II of the Social Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make improvements in the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program, to provide for cash relief for years for which annual COLAs do not take effect under certain cash benefit programs, and to provide for Social Security benefit protection. H.R. 636........................................ Representative Granger of Texas, February 10, 2011. A bill to repeal PPACA and the health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow individuals a refundable credit against income tax for the purchase of private health insurance, and for other purposes. H.R. 663........................................ Representative Brady of Texas, February 11, 2011. A bill to delay the implementation of the health reform law until the Supreme Court determines the constitutionality of the individual mandate. H.R. 779........................................ Representative Kinzinger of Illinois, February 17, 2011. A bill to establish the Grace Commission II to review and make recommendations regarding cost control in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. H.R. 882........................................ Representative Johnson of Illinois, March 2, 2011. A bill to require that any local currencies used to provide per diems to Members and employees of Congress for official foreign travel for a fiscal year be obtained by Congress and paid for using funds appropriated for salaries and expenses of Congress for the fiscal year, to enhance the disclosure of information on official foreign travel of Members, officers, and employees of the House of Representatives, and for other purposes. H.R. 903........................................ Representative Calvert of California, March 3, 2011. A bill to greatly enhance the Nation's environmental, energy, economic, and national security by terminating long-standing Federal prohibitions on the domestic production of abundant offshore supplies of oil and natural gas, and for other purposes. H.R. 965........................................ Representative Slaughter of New York, March 9, 2011. A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to preserve the effectiveness of medically important antibiotics used in the treatment of human and animal diseases. H.R. 1040....................................... Representative Burgess of Texas, March 11, 2011. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide taxpayers a flat tax alternative to the current income tax system. H.R. 1043....................................... Representative Van Hollen of Maryland, March 11, 2011. A bill to provide an optional fast-track procedure the President may use when submitting rescission requests, and for other purposes. H.R. 1118....................................... Representative Weiner of New York, March 16, 2011. A bill to establish a point of order against any efforts to reduce benefits paid to Social Security recipients, raise the retirement age, or create private retirement accounts under title II of the Social Security Act. H.R. 1122....................................... Representative Richardson of California, March 16, 2011. A bill to provide for merit-based investment in the freight transportation system of the United States to ensure economic growth, increase vitality and competitiveness in national and global markets, address goods mobility and accessibility issues, reduce air pollution and other environmental impacts of freight transportation, better public health conditions, enhance energy security, and improve the condition and connectivity of the freight transportation system, and for other purposes. H.R. 1125....................................... Representative Fattah of Pennsylvania, March 16, 2011. A bill to establish a fee on transactions which would eliminate the national debt and replace the income tax on individuals. H.R. 1135....................................... Representative Jordan of Ohio, March 16, 2011. A bill to provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs. H.R. 1148....................................... Representative Walz of Minnesota, March 17, 2011. A bill to prohibit commodities and securities trading based on nonpublic information relating to Congress, to require additional reporting by Members and employees of Congress of securities transactions, and for other purposes. H.R. 1155....................................... Representative Peters of Michigan, March 17, 2011. A bill to establish procedures for the expedited consideration by Congress of the recommendations set forth in the Terminations, Reductions, and Savings report prepared by the Office of Management and Budget. H.R. 1167....................................... Representative Jordan of Ohio, March 17, 2011. A bill to provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs. H.R. 1185....................................... Representative Issa of California, March 17, 2011. A bill to delay the implementation of the health reform law in the United States until there is final resolution in pending lawsuits. H.R. 1280....................................... Representative Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, March 31, 2011. A bill to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to require congressional approval of agreements for peaceful nuclear cooperation with foreign countries, and for other purposes. H.R. 1302....................................... Representative Quigley of Illinois, March 31, 2011. A bill to make the Federal budget process more transparent and to make future budgets more sustainable. H.R. 1320....................................... Representative Berman of California, April 1, 2011. A bill to strengthen United States nonproliferation activities and to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to strengthen nuclear energy cooperation and nonproliferation, and for other purposes. H.R. 1605....................................... Representative Duncan of Tennessee, April 15, 2011. A bill to reduce Federal spending in a responsible manner. H.R. 1609....................................... Representative Gibson of New York, April 15, 2011. A bill to amend the War Powers Resolution to limit the use of funds for introduction of the Armed Forces into hostilities, and for other purposes. H.R. 1630....................................... Representative Murphy of Pennsylvania, April 15, 2011. A bill to establish a procedure to safeguard the surpluses of the Social Security and Medicare hospital insurance trust funds. H.R. 1637....................................... Representative Poe of Texas, April 15, 2011. A bill to safeguard the Crime Victims Fund. H.R. 1734....................................... Representative Denham of California, May 4, 2011. A bill to decrease the deficit by realigning, consolidating, selling, disposing, and improving the efficiency of Federal buildings and other civilian real property, and for other purposes. H.R. 1848....................................... Representative Mack of Florida, May 11, 2011. A bill to prevent a fiscal crisis by enacting legislation to balance the Federal budget through reductions of discretionary and mandatory spending. H.R. 1861....................................... Representative Murphy of Pennsylvania, May 12, 2011. A bill to greatly enhance America's path toward energy independence and economic and national security, to conserve energy use, to promote innovation, to achieve lower emissions, cleaner air, cleaner water, and cleaner land, to rebuild our Nation's aging roads, bridges, locks, and dams, and for other purposes. H.R. 1866....................................... Representative Chaffetz of Utah, May 12, 2011. A bill to require Members of Congress to disclose delinquent tax liability and to require an ethics inquiry into, and the garnishment of the wages of, a Member with Federal tax liability. H.R. 2013....................................... Representative Nunes of California, May 26, 2011. A bill to empower States with programmatic flexibility and financial predictability to improve their Medicaid programs and State Children's Health Insurance Programs by ensuring better health care for low-income pregnant women, children, and families, and for elderly individuals and disabled individuals in need of long-term care services and supports, whose income and resources are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical services. H.R. 2041....................................... Representative Kingston of Georgia, May 26, 2011. A bill to reduce Federal spending in a responsible manner. H.R. 2309....................................... Representative Issa of California, June 23, 2011. A bill restoring the financial solvency of the United States Postal Service and to ensure the efficient and affordable nationwide delivery of mail. H.R. 2319....................................... Representative Brady of Texas, June 23, 2011. A bill to cap noninterest Federal spending as a percentage of full employment GDP, to require that budgets and budget resolutions adhere to these caps, to enforce these caps, to increase financial transparency for mandatory programs, to provide for a line-item adjustment, to require the parings of significant spending increases and adjustments to the debt ceiling, and to provide for a Federal Sunset commission to assist Congress in eliminating Federal agencies and programs that no longer serve a public need or reforming those that are inefficient or ineffective in serving a public need, and for other purposes. H.R. 2340....................................... Representative Quigley of Illinois, June 23, 2011. A bill to amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, the Rules of the House of Representatives, the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 to improve access to information in the legislative and executive branches of the Government, and for other purposes. H.R. 2455....................................... Representative Richmond of Louisiana, July 7, 2011. A bill to prohibit any requirement of a budgetary offset for emergency disaster assistance during 2011 and 2012. H.R. 2560....................................... Representative Chaffetz of Utah, July 15, 2011. A bill to cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget. H.R. 2680....................................... Representative Fleming of Louisiana, July 28, 2011. A bill to establish a commission to conduct a comprehensive review of Federal agencies and programs and to recommend the elimination or realignment of duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions, and for other purposes. H.R. 2693....................................... Representative Dreier of California, July 28, 2011. A bill to cut spending, maintain existing commitments, and for other purposes. H.R. 2694....................................... Representative Culberson of Texas, July 29, 2011. A bill to firewall the Medicare Trusts Funds by restoring to those Trust Funds funds transferred by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. H.R. 2723....................................... Representative Wilson of Florida, August 1, 2011. A bill to amend title IV of the Budget Control Act of 2011 to protect the Social Security and SSI programs from budget cuts under such Act. H.R. 2724....................................... Representative Wilson of Florida, August 1, 2011. A bill to amend title IV of the Budget Control Act of 2011 to protect the Medicaid program from budget cuts under such Act. H.R. 2725....................................... Representative Wilson of Florida, August 1, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to protect the Medicare program from budget cuts under such Act. H.R. 2726....................................... Representative Wilson of Florida, August 1, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to protect education programs from budget cuts under such Act. H.R. 2727....................................... Representative Wilson of Florida, August 1, 2011. A bill to amend title IV of the Budget Control Act of 2011 to protect the Social Security, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, and education programs from budget cuts under such Act. H.R. 2796....................................... Representative Buchanan of Florida, August 5, 2011. A bill to require the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to conduct the business of the committee in a manner that is open to the public. H.R. 2835....................................... Representative Larson of Connecticut, September 6, 2011. A bill to establish a joint select committee of Congress to report findings and propose legislation to restore the Nation's workforce to full employment over the period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013, and to provide for expedited consideration of such legislation by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. H.R. 2836....................................... Representative Larson of Connecticut, September 6, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to require the joint select committee of Congress to report findings and propose legislation to restore the Nation's workforce to full employment over the period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013. H.R. 2837....................................... Representative Larson of Connecticut, September 6, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to require the joint select committee of Congress to report findings and propose legislation to restore the Nation's workforce to full employment over the period of fiscal years 2012 and 2013. H.R. 2855....................................... Representative Ellison of Minnesota, September 7, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to reduce the deficit and restore the middle class by creating jobs. H.R. 2860....................................... Representative Loebsack of Iowa, September 7, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to require members and staff of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to disclose lobbying activities and campaign or member0designated political action committee contributions, and for other purposes. H.R. 2909....................................... Representative Sherman of California, September 13, 2011. A bill to withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People's Republic of China, to provide for a balanced trade relationship between that country and the United States, and for other purposes. H.R. 2964....................................... Representative Yoder of Kansas, September 15, 2011. A bill to amend the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 to provide for regulatory impact analyses for certain rules, consideration of the least burdensome regulatory alternative, and for other purposes. H.R. 3000....................................... Representative Price of Georgia, September 21, 2011. A bill to provide for incentives to encourage health insurance coverage, and for other purposes. H.R. 3082....................................... Representative Johnson of Illinois, October 3, 2011. A bill to provide a biennial budget for the United States Government, and for other purposes. H.R. 3095....................................... Representative Johnson of Texas, October 6, 2011. A bill to freeze the implementation of the health reform law, to establish a commission to evaluate its impact on the delivery of health care to current Medicare recipients, job creation, current health insurance coverage, participation in State exchanges, and the Federal deficit, and for other purposes. H.R. 3121....................................... Representative Barrow of Georgia, October 6, 2011. A bill to require congressional approval for certain obligations exceeding $100,000,000. H.R. 3201....................................... Representative Waters of California, October 13, 2011. A bill to amend the Budget Control Act of 2011 to eliminate the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. H.R. 3302....................................... Representative Rooney of Florida, November 1, 2011. A bill to create private sector jobs by simplifying the tax code, increasing domestic energy production, reforming government regulations, and strengthening workforce training programs. H.R. 3400....................................... Representative Garrett of New Jersey, November 10, 2011. A bill to spur economic growth and create jobs. H.R. 3414....................................... Representative Huizenga of Michigan, November 14, 2011. A bill to provide for greater transparency and honesty in the Federal budget process. H.R. 3521....................................... Representative Ryan of Wisconsin, November 30, 2011. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to provide for a legislative line-item veto to expedite consideration of rescissions, and for other purposes. H.R. 3565....................................... Representative Flores of Texas, December 6, 2011. A bill to reduce the salaries of Members of Congress if a Federal budget deficit exists, prohibit commodities and securities trading based on non-public information relating to Congress, and for other purposes. H.R. 3575....................................... Representative Black of Tennessee, December 7, 2011. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish joint resolutions on the budget, and for other purposes. H.R. 3576....................................... Representative Campbell of California, December 7, 2011. A bill to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to establish spending limits and deficit control. H.R. 3577....................................... Representative Ribble of Wisconsin, December 7, 2011. A bill to establish biennial budgets for the United States Government. H.R. 3579....................................... Representative Chaffetz of Utah, December 7, 2011. A bill to require greater accountability in spending in direct spending programs, and for other purposes. H.R. 3580....................................... Representative Mulvaney of South Carolina, December 7, 2011. A bill to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to provide for long-term budgeting, and for other purposes. H.R. 3582....................................... Representative Price of Georgia, December 7, 2011. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for macroeconomic analysis of the impact of legislation. H.R. 3630....................................... Representative Camp of Michigan, December 9, 2011. A bill to provide incentives for the creation of jobs, and for other purposes. H.R. 3669....................................... Representative Renacci of Ohio, December 14, 2011. A bill to improve the accuracy and transparency of the Federal budget process. H.R. 3673....................................... Representative Coffman of Colorado, December 15, 2011. A bill to prohibit an increase in the compensation of Member of Congress from taking effect unless Congress consents to the increase by concurrent resolution. H.R. 3682....................................... Representative Duffy of Wisconsin, December 15, 2011. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and provide for comprehensive health reform, and for other purposes. H.R. 3707....................................... Representative Flake of Arizona, December 16, 2011. A bill to prohibit the consideration in the House of Representatives of any legislation containing an earmark. H.R. 3709....................................... Representative Gibson of New York, December 16, 2011. A bill to amend the War Powers Resolution to limit the use of funds for introduction of the Armed Forces into hostilities, and for other purposes. H.R. 3711....................................... Representative Hastings of Florida, December 16, 2011. A bill to require the President to call a White House Conference on Haiti. H.R. 3774....................................... Representative Johnson of Illinois, January 17, 2012. A bill to reduce the salaries of Members of Congress and the amounts available for the salaries and expenses of offices of Members, committees, and the leadership of Congress by 50 percent, to provide for further reductions in the salaries of Members of Congress to the extent that Congress is in session for more than 60 days during any session of a Congress, and for other purposes. H.R. 3778....................................... Representative Lamborn of Colorado, January 18, 2012. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish a point of order to prohibit the extension of the public debt limit unless a concurrent resolution on the budget has been agreed to and is in effect. H.R. 3787....................................... Representative Cicilline of Rhode Island, January 18, 2012. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to require a jobs score for each spending bill considered in Congress. H.R. 3844....................................... Representative Roby of Alabama, January 31, 2012. A bill to provide for greater transparency and honesty in the Federal budget process. H.R. 3846....................................... Representative Blumenauer of Oregon, January 31, 2012. A bill to establish a National Commission for Independent Redistricting to prepare Congressional redistricting plans for all States and to require Congressional redistricting in a State to be conducted in accordance with the Commission plan for the State. H.R. 3883....................................... Representative Broun of Georgia, February 2, 2012. A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to eliminate the requirement that the President submit a budget to the Congress each year, and for other purposes. H.R. 3898....................................... Representative King of Iowa, February 3, 2012. A bill to amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and the Rules of the House of Representatives to strengthen financial disclosures by Members, officers, and employees of Congress, and for other purposes. H.R. 4084....................................... Representative Tierney of Massachusetts, February 17, 2012. A bill to amend the Truth in Lending Act to establish a national usury rate for consumer credit card accounts under open end consumer credit plans, and for other purposes. H.R. 4116....................................... Representative Latham of Iowa, March 1, 2012. A bill to provide for regulatory accountability and for the revision of economically burdensome regulations, and for other purposes. H.R. 4160....................................... Representative Rokita of Indiana, March 7, 2012. A bill to amend the Social Security Act to replace the Medicaid program and the Children's Health Insurance program with a block grant to the States, and for other purposes. H.R. 4224....................................... Representative Broun of Georgia, March 20, 2012. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the percentage floor on medical expense deductions, expand the use of tax-preferred health care accounts, and establish a charity care credit, to amend the Social Security Act to create a Medicare Premium Assistance Program and reform EMTALA requirements, and to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for cooperative governing of individual and group health insurance coverage offered in interstate commerce. H.R. 4242....................................... Representative Heck of Nevada, March 22, 2012. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide individual and group market reforms to protect health insurance consumers, and for other purposes. H.R. 4295....................................... Representative Blackburn of Tennessee, March 29, 2012. A bill to establish the Department of Energy and the Environment, and for other purposes. H.R. 4301....................................... Representative Duncan of South Carolina, March 29, 2012. A bill to contribute to the growth of the American economy and the strength of American national security by streamlining regulatory permitting procedures and increasing domestic production from all energy sources. H.R. 4320....................................... Representative Fattah of Pennsylvania, March 29, 2012. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to require long-term cost benefit analyses of introduced bills. H.R. 4621....................................... Representative Rangel of New York, April 25, 2012. A bill to authorize negotiations with Brazil to eliminate tariffs and trade barriers to United States ethanol exports. H.R. 4825....................................... Representative Sullivan of Oklahoma, April 26, 2012. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish a point of order to prohibit the extension of the statutory debt limit unless a concurrent resolution on the budget has been agreed to and is in effect, Federal spending is cut and capped, and a balanced budget amendment to the constitution has been sent to the States for ratification, and for other purposes. H.R. 4966....................................... Representative Ryan of Wisconsin, April 27, 2012. A bill to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to replace the sequester established by the Budget Control Act of 2011. H.R. 5720....................................... Representative Carney of Delaware, May 10, 2012. A bill to establish procedures for the presentation and expedited consideration by Congress of the recommendations in the Federal Regulatory Reform Report prepared by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and for other purposes. H.R. 5727....................................... Representative DeLauro of Connecticut, May 10, 2012. A bill to rebuild the American middle class by creating jobs, investing in our future, building opportunity for working families, and restoring balance to the tax code. H.R. 6053....................................... Representative Mack of Florida, June 28, 2012. A bill to repeal the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health-related provisions of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 not declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. H.R. 6079....................................... Representative Cantor of Virginia, July 9, 2012. A bill to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. H.R. 6169....................................... Representative Dreier of California, July 24, 2012. A bill to provide for expedited consideration of a bill providing for comprehensive tax reform. H.R. 6315....................................... Representative Fleming of Louisiana, August 2, 2012. A bill to establish a commission to conduct a comprehensive review of Federal agencies and programs and to recommend the elimination or realignment of duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions, and for other purposes. H.R. 6333....................................... Representative King of Iowa, August 2, 2012. A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for Congressional oversight of agency rulemaking, and for other purposes. H.R. 6347....................................... Representative Rehberg of Montana, August 2, 2012. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to require 20-year Congressional Budget Office cost estimates for bills or joint resolutions. H.R. 6389....................................... Representative Lamborn of Colorado, September 13, 2012. A bill to replace automatic spending cuts with targeted reforms, and for other purposes. H.R. 6405....................................... Representative Slaughter of New York, September 13, 2012. A bill to amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 to provide grants for the revitalization of waterfront brownfields, and for other purposes. H.R. 6452....................................... Representative Landry of Louisiana, September 20, 2012. A bill to provide limitations on United States assistance, and for other purposes. H.R. 6474....................................... Representative Ross of Florida, September 20, 2012. A bill to adopt the seven immediate reforms recommended by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform to reduce spending and make the Federal government more efficient. H.R. 6525....................................... Representative Kinzinger of Illinois, September 21, 2012. A bill to increase the long-term fiscal accountability of direct spending legislation. H.R. 6557....................................... Representative Welch of Vermont, September 21, 2012. A bill to establish the Higher Education Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish procedures for the presentation and expedited consideration by Congress of the recommendations of the Higher Education Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish requirements for college cost reduction, and for other purposes. H.R. 6452....................................... Representative Landry of Louisiana, September 20, 2012. A bill to provide limitations on United States assistance, and for other purposes. H.R. 6474....................................... Representative Ross of Florida, September 20, 2012. A bill to adopt the seven immediate reforms recommended by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform to reduce spending and make the Federal government more efficient. H.R. 6525....................................... Representative Kinzinger of Illinois, September 21, 2012. A bill to increase the long-term fiscal accountability of direct spending legislation. H.R. 6557....................................... Representative Welch of Vermont, September 21, 2012. A bill to establish the Higher Education Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish procedures for the presentation and expedited consideration by Congress of the recommendations of the Higher Education Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish requirements for college cost reduction, and for other purposes. H.R. 6644....................................... Representative Berman of California, December 11, 2012. A bill to establish a framework for effective, transparent, and accountable United States foreign assistance, and for other purposes. H.R. 6645....................................... Representative Herger of California, December 11, 2012. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to save and strengthen the Medicare program. H.R. 6684....................................... Representative Cantor of Virginia, December 19, 2012. A bill to provide for spending reduction. H.R. 6688....................................... Representative Jordan of Ohio, December 19, 2012. A bill to extend tax relief for all Americans, to replace the defense sequester scheduled to take effect on January 2, 2013, with responsible reductions in direct and other spending, and for other purposes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 6c.--Original Jurisdiction Measures Referred--House Concurrent Resolutions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Con. Res. 2.................................. Representative Issa of California, January 5, 2011. A concurrent resolution establishing the Congressional Commission on the European Union, and for other purposes. H. Con. Res. 82................................. Representative Schilling of Illinois, September 23, 2011. A concurrent resolution prohibiting the House or Senate from adjourning for a period of more than 3 days during a fiscal year unless the House involved has adopted a concurrent resolution on the budget for such fiscal year and has approved legislation to provide funding for the operations of the Government for the entire fiscal year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 6d.--Original Jurisdiction Measures Referred--House Joint Resolutions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H.J. Res. 55.................................... Representative DeFazio of Oregon, April 7, 2011. A joint resolution to amend the War Powers Resolution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. MINORITY VIEWS The Rules Committee began the 112th Congress on an encouraging and bi-partisan note. Not only did the Republican Majority assure the House that the Committee would operate with transparency, openness and accountability, but they even supported two Democratic rule changes to help advance these goals. We were pleased that the Majority made these commitments, and we acknowledge that they made a number of improvements in the Committee's practices over the last two years. Unfortunately, notwithstanding this hopeful beginning, the overall record of the Committee in the 112th Congress is one of broken promises and missed opportunities. The Rules Committee's failure to live up to its promises has helped to make this one of the most unproductive and unpopular Congresses in the nation's history. What follows is a catalogue of some of the most notable occasions when the Committee has failed to uphold the basic values of transparency, openness and accountability. Brinkmanship and Hostage-Taking The most significant failure of the House under Republican leadership has been the repeated practice of forcing the Congress - and the country - to the brink of economic crisis because of their refusal to compromise and work in a bipartisan manner. This dangerous and irresponsible approach rattled investors around the world and led to the first-ever downgrade of our nation's credit. This toxic combination of extremism and hyper-partisanship has resulted in a failure to meet the basic responsibilities of the House. In each of the cases outlined below, the Rules Committee has played an important part. In some cases, the Committee produced last-minute text that no Member had an opportunity to review; in other cases, the Committee operated under a so- called `martial law' process and utilized other parliamentary slight-of-hand to ensure that the Minority had no opportunity to offer serious alternatives. In most of these cases, the Committee simply shut down the pro-cess entirely so that no amendments of any kind could be considered. This combination of parliamentary heavy-handedness - coupled with rigid partisan intransigence - has produced nothing but gridlock and embarrassment to the House. a. Debt Ceiling Crisis and Credit Downgrade Republican intransigence during the debt ceiling debate led the nation to the precipice of defaulting on our debt. This basic refusal to compromise and work in a bi-partisan manner led to Standard & Poor's stripping the U.S. government of its top AAA credit rating. This was the first time in our history that our credit rating had been downgraded. b. Super-Committee The deal that prevented default on our debt, the Budget Con-trol Act, created a ``Super-Committee'' charged with negotiating a larger deficit-reduction deal. When Republicans on the Super-Committee refused to compromise, they triggered a countdown to automatic spending cuts known as the ``sequester,'' which leaders on both sides of the aisle agreed would be harmful to our economy. c.``Plan B'' Instead of negotiating with Congressional Democrats and the White House about how to avoid the sequester and massive tax hikes, House Republicans veered off into a partisan charade that they knew had no Democratic support. Speaker Boehner's ``Plan B'' would have raised taxes only on people making more than $1 mil-lion a year. In the end, not even the $1 million threshold was enough for House Republicans, who killed ``Plan B'' before it could even be brought up for a vote. d. Fiscal Cliff Only at the 11th hour - technically a day after the country had gone over the fiscal cliff - did House Republicans relent and agree to hold an up-or-down vote on a bipartisan tax relief package that delayed the sequester and provided certainty for middle class fami-lies. e. Shutting Down the Federal Aviation Administration In 2011, Republicans let the Federal Aviation Administration shut down for 13 days, because the Majority insisted on numerous controversial provisions, including cutting subsidies to rural air-ports. The shutdown resulted in the furlough of 4,000 FAA employees and 70,000 airport construction workers, and cost the gov-ernment more than $350 million in uncollected airline ticket taxes alone. Rigid Partisanship--33 Votes to Repeal Health Care Reform Nothing exemplifies Republicans' lack of bipartisanship better than the astonishing 33 separate votes to repeal all or part of the Affordable Care Act. Repeal of health care reform served solely as a Republican messaging tool. All it accomplished was allowing Re-publicans to pretend that they were governing. In addition to squandering valuable time that could have been spent debating other legislation, CBS News reports that the Majority's 33 votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act cost American taxpayers almost $50 million. A Closed Process Speaker Boehner opened the 112th Congress on the House Floor stating: ``Openness, once a tradition of this institution but increasingly scarce in recent decades, will be the new standard.'' But actions speak louder than words. During the 112th Congress, under the Republican Majority, over 1/3 of all proposals considered were brought up under a completely closed process allowing no Member - on either side of the aisle - an opportunity to offer a single amendment. As the following chart shows, the Republican Majority has overwhelmingly utilized a closed process over the past two years. It should come as no surprise that when so much of the legislation the House considers is written in back rooms by the leadership of one party, and most House Members never even get an opportunity to have their suggestions considered, then the end product would be extreme and politically polarizing. Disregarding Their Own Rules a. Waiving Fiscal Discipline Rules, Disregard for the Deficit The Majority has demonstrated a disregard for the fiscal discipline they emphasize so much in their rhetoric. They repealed the anti-deficit ``paygo'' rule on their first day in control of the House. They replaced it with their ``cutgo'' rule, which says increasing the deficit is fine, as long as it's done with tax cuts. They went on to waive their own cutgo rule 11 times, brushing aside even their own restrictions on increasing spending whenever it conflicted with their right- wing agenda. They have also approved 60 waivers of the Congressional Budget Act. b. Transparency On numerous occasions - including major legislation such as the Budget Control Act, the transportation conference report, a measure imposing across-the-board spending cuts on all appropria-tions, and ``Plan B'' - Republicans unveiled bill text in the middle of the night, then brought the measure to the Rules Committee that next day. Even worse are the instances when legislation was voted on the very same day final text became available. No hearings, no committee markup, no expert witness testimony, and not even adequate time for Members to read the bill. In the case of ``Plan B,'' three hours after the Rules Committee meeting began, Republicans unveiled a new 69-page bill that had not been seen by any Member or considered by any committee. c. Irregular Order--Highway ``Frankenbill'' Republicans broke their own promise not to force last- minute votes on multi-part, thousand-page omnibus bills. In February of 2012, the House considered a major transportation bill that was over 1,000 pages long and included sections on issues ranging from highways, to oil drilling, to the tax code, to Federal pensions, each of which started out as a separate bill before being combined into one ``Frankenbill.'' Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a former Republican Congressman, called it ``the most partisan transportation bill that I have ever seen'' and ``the worst transportation bill I've ever seen during 35 years of public service.'' In their unsuccessful efforts to get it passed, they broke the bill into three parts, to be voted on separately, and then would have recombined it into one bill. They only scuttled their plan once they realized they did not have the votes to pass this partisan package. While we are troubled by the events of the past two years, we are hopeful that the 113th Congress can be a fresh start for the Rules Committee. We remain willing to work with our Republican colleagues - and the Committee's new Chairman - to use the Committee's influence over the conduct of legislative business in the House to promote openness, transparency, and regular order. That is the sort of procedural environment we need to bring about a return to responsible governance. Louise M. Slaughter James P. McGovern Alcee L. Hastings Jared Polis.